THE CARBONIFEROUS INSECTS. I'.VIJT I. PAGES 1—80; PLATES I— IV. Ipalaeontogvapbical Society • A MONOGRAPH FOSSIL INSECTS BRITISH COAL MEASURES. MY HERBERT P.OLTOX, M.So., F.R.S.E.. K.d.S. c.K I'lIK IIKIS'J'OI, M1I8EUM. PA1IT I. PAUKS 1— so; PLATKS 1— IV L() X DO X : n • FEINTED FOE THE P A L.EONTOO E A P HIC A L SOCIETY JULY, 10 '21. BT AliLAKH \ N [ i M..V AX]> WEST NKWMAX. LTD., l.ciM.HN \ Ml UdKKIN'.. THE FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. INTRODUCTION. THE first recorded Palaeozoic insect of any country appears to have been a "British specimen, LitJioxlulis brongniarti (Mantell), which was discovered in the Coal Measures of Coalbrookdale in the early part of last century. It was sent by Mantell to Brongniart as a leaf impression. Brongniart in turn submitted the fossil to Mons. Audouin, who (1S33, Andonin, 'Ann. Soc. Ent. France,' ii, Bull., p. 7) described it as " d'nn inserte inconnn," and allied to the Hemerobiidas, Semblis, and especially to (%•//v tin1 remarkable discoveries of insect-remains made ]>y Brodie in the 1'iirlieck and Liassic rocks, and by similar discoveries on the continent. .Mr. E. W. Binney (1807, ' Proc. Lit. and I'hil. Soc. Manchester,' vol. vi, p. 50) exhibited a specimen which "bore some resemblance to the pupa state of a coleopterous insect," and had been found in the (.'inderl'ord I>vke 1'it at Bradlev, near Hnddersfield. A second specimen exhibited by Binney at the same lime \vas referred to Xylolrius sigillarice, Dawson. Binney added: " \\ e must expect great additions to be made to the Carboniferous fauna, as doubtless the rich and luxurious vegetation of that remote period would afford food and shelter for numerous, insects." Binney's notes on the Huddersfield specimens caused the Uev. 1". 1>. Itrodie to record (1807, ' Geol. Mag1.,' vol. iv, pp. i2.So — 2Mi) that lie had in his collection ''a wing of a gigantic Neuropterous insect in inmstone from the Derbyshire Coal Measures." The same year Kirkby (1807. 'Geol. -Mag.,' vol. iv, pp. 3S8— 300) reported the finding of clearly defined insect-remains in the Durham Coal Measures. One example consisted of " portions of the fore wing or teginina of an orthopterous insect nearlv allied to JUiilt/i or Cockroach," and the other "of an orthopterous insect, apparently the abortive wing of a specimen related to the Phasinid:e." Kirkby's first specimen is the small but verv line wing described here under the name of Phyloniylacris mantidiuides (Sternberg). The second specimen ;s not determinable as an insect-fragment, ami may prove to be a fossil fruit, referable to one of the higher plants of the Coal Measures. From 1807 onwards the finding of fossil insects in the British Coal Measures occurred at long intervals until in 1'Jd1?, the date of publication of Handlirsch's ' I'ossilen Insekten,' the following had been recorded: PhylomylacriB mantidioides (Goldenberg). Olilll, " ulliril til 111,1/1:1," ICil'UllV. olim, " Blattina uiiuiftili'iitli'*." Goldeuberg. Lithosialis brongniarti (Maiili'll i. olim, " GTyllaeris brongniarti," M;mli II LitJioinantis carbonarius, Woodward. Ai-i-li;ru/ililtl!t iiliji-ux. Si'llildiT. lii'iiJni I'fifi'ni'i in-ill , Scudder. .l''lii-'ijiliii>--iiiii inii/IIi'ii, Scudder. Aphthoroblattina johnsoni ( Woodward). ''Inn, " I''/"l>/ii / 1 1 tut fohnsoniy Woodwtird. ( ISIiittuiilt'K ) ji/'urliii ( Woodward). ciliiii. " Etoblattina peachii, ' Woodward. Leptoblattina c.i ///,-•, Woodward. Lithomylacris kirklit/t. Woodward. Siiiinii/liirriit deanensis (Woodward). iiliin. " Etoblattina continent generally, and from the United States, overshadowed the limited British series, which seemed almost trivial by comparison. The present monograph shows, however, that the fossil insect-remains of the British Coal Measures are far more abundant than was supposed, and that they are by no means unimportant. About seventy specimens are known, of about sixty species, and they represent five of the great groups of fossil insects. PalsBodictyoptera are the dominant forms, and are closely followed by Blattoids, several of which are referable to genera occurring in the French and Belgian coalfields. The British examples of Soomylacris are represented near Lens and Lievin by Soomylacris lievinensis, IV., while Pliylotnylacris mantidioides has its counterparts in Phylomylacris i/txloui, Fr., and Plnjlomylacris lujlttci, IV., from Lens. The great Protodonata of Comment ry are represented in the Bristol coalfield by Boltoiiif'.'x radstoekensis. The generic identity of French and British Coal Measure insects implies that they formed part of a general and wide-spread fauna, a view which is strengthened by the fact that while Soomylacris <1<'], vol. ii), is so similar in character to the typical insect-fauna elsewhere, that it is likely that insects lived in the Lower Coal Measure period in Lancashire. This faunal association at Carre Heys is as follows, and may lie compared with the faunal association in which insects have been found to occur in other coalfields : AETHROPODA. Pygocephalus cooperi, Huxley. Anihrajpaleemon ferralnf, "\Vood\v. ,. iriinjir,ii;li, Et lll'Vlil U'O Preshvichia ry the author from shales at a depth of li:!7 feet below the I Vdniiiisf er (ireat Vein in the liristol Coaltield, and therefore al a considerable depth below the Pennant Grit. Pseiidofouquea cambrensis (A.\len} was obtained from the top of the Four-foot Seam in the Lower Coal .Mea.-nres at the Llanbradach ( 'olliery near Cardiff ; while the shales over the Xo. LI Khondda Seam have yielded a wing-fragmenl of Boltoniella tenuitegminata (Bolton); and Ihe shales over the Graigola Seam have \K'lded the wings of two Hlattoids, Hemimijlacris convexa and Or/l lanceolata. HABITS AND MODE OF OCCURRENCE. 5 The No. 2 Rhondda Seam and the Graigola or Six-font Vein of Swansea both occur in the Pennant Grits, the former near the base of the series and the latter at 200 yards below the Swansea Four-foot Seam, which forms the base of the Middle Coal Measures in South Wales. In Monmouthshire, insect-remains occur in shales over the Mynddislwyn Vein, a seam at the base of the Upper Coal Measures. The Durham and South Lancashire Coalfields have yielded insect-remains in measures near the top of the Middle Series, while those recorded from the Derby- shire Coalfield are on a still lower hori/on in the Middle Series. Few fossil insects are known from the Upper Coal Measures. HABITS AND MODE OF OCCURRENCE OF FOSSIL INSECTS. The bodies, and more particularly the wing's, of insects, have been entombed in various deposits under conditions difficult to determine. Whatever the condi- tions, they must have been closely related to the habits of life. The older writers claimed that wind-dispersal and water-carriage were the chief agents. Buckland, for example (' Anniv. Address to the Geol. Soc.,' 1842), supposed " that multitudes of insects have been occasionally drifted by tempests to the sea." Mantell ('Wonders of Geology,' 7th ed., ls:>7) pointed out that Westwood had drawn attention to the fact that "the streams brought down innumerable insects at certain periods, perhaps those of heavy rain." Alfred Russel Wallace (' The Geographical Distribution of Animals,' 1876) and Heilprin ('The Distribution of Animals,' 1887) alike drew attention to the Avide- spread occurrence of living insects far out at sea, in some instances still flying strongly. Members of the British Association on their voyage to Australia in 1914 verified these statements by the capture of locusts as their vessel proceeded down the Red Sea and into the Indian Ocean. More than a score of locusts were captured on the vessel by which the writer travelled, and many more must have been driven down into the water by the fringe of a simoon into which the vessel entered beyond Aden. Many insects are destroyed yearly by falling into streams and rivers after the deposition of their eggs in the water, and by becoming entangled in the surface film. The occurrence of whole, or almost whole, insects is more likely to furnish surer proof of the conditions under which life was passed than is the occurrence of wings only, because the bodies, being more compact and much heavier than the wings, are less likely to have drifted to great distances. Sometimes, as we shall see later when we consider special cases, such as the Coal Measures of Commentry, France, or the remarkable faunal associations of certain of the British fossil insects, <) FOSS1I, 1XSKCTS OF TITF BRITISH COAI- MEASURES. valuable information is supplied liy the deposits, or by the nature of the associated forms of life. The great group of the Palseodictyoptera and certain of the Protorthoptera and I'rotodonata had large wind's, and were powerful fliers. \Ve slionld therefore expect to find their remains widely dispersed in deposits of varied nature. This seems to lie the case. Compact heavy-bodied insects like the Hlattoids would have a more limited range, and their bodies after death could not be carried to threat distances. Larval forms would in most cases be included in the deposits in the immediate neighbourhood of the area in which thev lived. ]\I. Henri Fayol, in his description of the Coal Measures of Commeiitry, France, shows that these deposits were laid down in narrow land-locked lakes of a trough-like form lying in depressions of older schistose and crystalline rocks. The trampiil waters received only the finest mud in suspension, and the resultant mudstones have yielded a large insect-fauna, in which Blattoids are most numerous. The bodies of the insects are preserved in many cases. Certain of the insects were strong fliers, and their occurrence with the bodies intact indicates that they, in all probability, haunted the vicinilv of the lakes and flew over them. When strongly-flying insects like BoUotiites radstockensis or Lithosialis bronrjniarti died upon the land, the wings, because of their membranous and cliitinous nature, would persist after the destruction of the softer body, and be swept off into streams after heavy rains or Hooding of the land-surface, their great superficial area combined with their lightness making flotation easy. The transference of insect- wings from the land into water would be accom- panied bv the drifting of plant-material, and the two would be buried together in the deposit then formini;'. The wmt;' of Boltonites from Radstock was found with plant-remains in deposits of this sort, and may be taken as a prool. supported as it is by other examples of IVotodonate wings, that these insects lived over the land and died upon it. The Palseodictyoptera, with their wings capable only of an up-and-down move- ment in one plane at right-angles to the bodv, and, when in a position ol rest, disposed straight outwards, are not likelv to have Frequented the ground, except in the open. These insects, like ino>( of the I'aheo/.oie forms, were all ot large si/.e, as contrasted with living tvpes. Pruvos! assumes that the characters of the wing unfitted these insects fora fore>t life, and that they muM have been restricted to flight in the open neighbourhood of swamp pools. I do not wholly ai^ree \\iih this assumption, for the branches and leaves of the Coal Measure plants do not seem to have had so great a densit v and interlacing of Foliage as seriously to impede the flight of powerful \\mgeil insects. There seems no reason why these insects should not Irive lived among the brakes of 1 .epidodend roid and ('alanntean tree-, and after death fallen or been blown into adjacent waters. The lad that isolated wings are often found in perfed condition and without any signs of wear CONDITIONS OF LARVAL INSECT LIFE. 7 and tear sucli as the wings of aged insects show to-day, raises tlie question whether in some cases the wings were not shed, as in certain species of recent ants, the shorn insect continuing its life as a ground-feeder. The Protorfchoptera were, judging from the structure of their month-parts, somewhat general feeders or carnivorous, and the presence of strong walking legs suggests that thev spent much of their life on the ground, possibly along the margins of swamps, where food would be especially abundant. They had, never- theless, powerful wings, and some members, such as the (Edischiidse, had legs adapted for leaping. Orthoptera, represented chiefly by Blattoid forms, were all fitted for ilight by means of their hirge membranous hind-wings, and equally well fitted by powerful walking legs for life on the ground. In repose tin1 hind- wings were hidden under the modified fore-wings. I have elsewhere given my reason for a belief that the Blattoids were not wholly phytophagous, but in all probability carnivorous also ('Quart. .lourn. Geol. Sec...' vol. Ixvii, p. l->5, HU1). Blattoids may also have entered the water in search of food, for the hind r!vin»' wiii»'S would be securely protected by the tegmina, whose broad muscular i O «' 1 * bases of attachment were sufficiently powerful to compress them down on the back and prevent water entering beneath, just as in the case of the living water-beetle, Ifi/tlrojiliiliis pieeiis. The chitinous surface of the body and of tin1 tegmina would not hinder progress in water, for their sin-faces are no rougher than those of the modern Ih/tt'wiix, nor would the insect on emerging bring with it so heavy a film of water as to clog its movements. An objection may be found in the presence of stout bristle-like hairs on the legs seen on such forms as Neeymylacris lerichei (Bolton) (I'.'IT, 'Mem. and 1'roc. Lit. and I'hil. Soc. Manchester,' vol. Lxi, p. 15), which might conceivably cause air-bubbles to cling in such profusion as to prevent the insect being able to submerge. The presence of fine hairs on the swimming legs of ]li/<1rlnlitx and .Ih/tim-ns does not hinder the immersion of these insects in water, so that this is not a valid objection. If no hindrance to immersion was caused by the bristle-like hairs, they may have been useful in assisting the act of swimming. 1 think the probabilities are in favour of the Blattoids being at least semi- uquatic as well as land insects. CONDITIONS OF LARVAL INSECT LIFE. The conditions under which larval life was passed are even more conjectural. The Protodonata may be regarded as insects whose larva1 must have been aquatic, like the aquatic larva- of the Odoiiata now living, but Tillyard (1 '.M 7, ' The Biology of Dragonflies,' Camb. 1'niv. I'rrss, p. •'!<>(;) conjectures that since adult, Prot- odonata are found at Commentry without the occurrence of larval forms, the latter FOSSIL TXSKCTS OF TIIK BRITISH COAL MEASURES. may have dwelt in (.lamp earth rather than in water, ami that ''the formation of the larval traeheal system undoubtedly proves that this at one time was the case. It mav well have been so in Carboniferous tunes." Tillyard's views are well worth ((noting in full, espeeially as they support in some measure those of t'ruvost : " \Ve mav pietnre to ourselves the giant insects of Cominentry as inhabiting the shores of a large, shallow, nearly stagnant lake. In the muddy oo/e around its borders grew forests of the Giant Mare's Tail, while further buck on the sandv slopes the graceful C'ycads and other extra- ordinary plants formed a more diversified medlev. There, amidst rotting vegetation, these insects lived and bred. In such almost amphibious conditions it may well be that the larva1 of Protepliemeroidea and Protodonata first began that series of adaptive changes which finally led them to adopt a purely aquatic mode of life." The lar\;e of Ilr/iilin and of other forms whose wings I describe under the name of "Pteronepionites" must have lived under conditions fitted for their gradual metamorphosis. The body was long, well segmented, and bore rudimentary wings, which were carried well up over the thorax in an erect or semi-erect posit ion. Though rudimentary, the wings possess features which may have determined to a large extent the mode of life. They are attached by broad, strong bases to the thorax, and are very muscular, as shown by the stout ridges proceeding from the point of attachment into the wings, and the anterior margins are also thickened. The bodies with their lateral expansions of the terga are very suggestive of those of the Diplopoda, and like them would offer no serious obstacle to progression through rank and rotting vegetation. That these larval insects would also penetrate soft muds, if necessary, in search of food is possible, since the soft-bodied caterpillars of the Hawk-moths of to-dav are able to enter hard soil before pupal ion takes place. The stout wing-bases and the strengthened margins of the WHILES would prevent damage to these structures as the larva? crawled about, or sought to bury themselves in the soil or muds. They were essentially adapted for a ground habit. Whether they were capable of an aquatic or semi-aquat ic habit can only be settled by a knowledge of the mode of respiration. Lubbock, Gegenbaur and others have adduced strong reasons in favour of an aquatic origin of the insects, ami in the Carboniferous types we should naturally expect that t he original habits had not had time to undergo any great modification. Larval wings ol the " Pteronepionites' Ivpe must have been living structures in \\hich metabolism was active, and very unlike tin: dried membranous sac-like expansions of the adult insect. The growth of the larval wind's was continued throughout metamorphosis, ami during this period then- delicate nature, broad expanse, and the thinness ol the inlegiiiiienl may have enabled them to assist in the respiratory fund ion. The researches of Comstock and Xeedham show thai larval \\ IIILI'S of recent CONDITIONS OF LARVAL INSECT LIFE. 9 insects receive a plentiful supply of trachea! brandies at an early stage, and it is evident that these are much in excess of any aeration the wings are likely to require. The trachea! development seems to be a persistence from an earlier more active condition, when the larval wing's may have played a part in assisting the respiration. These considerations, and the presence of spiracle-like structures in the interstitial neuration of the adult wings of many Pala?odictyoptera, lend support to the inference that the wings functioned as organs of respiration. These spiracle-like structures are usually oval or rounded in outline, and thickened. In some instances they show a series of raised lines radiating from the thickened edge into the surrounding areas, as if they had been muscular strands and capable of expansion and contraction. Are these structures the atrophied remains of spiracles once functional, and fitting the larva for a more or less aquatic existence? During a recent visit to this country Dr. Tillyard has suggested to me that they are rudiments of sensory organs which may have been scent-glands. Scent- glands are known to occur on the wings of many insects, as, for example, the Green-veined White (Pieris net pa?), the Small White (Pteris rapa?) and others, and their appearance is certainly a strong argument in favour of the view. Scent- glands are, however, in all probability but specialised developments of previously existing structures, and it is possible that the glandular-like organs to which I give the name of "pseudo-spiracles," and Handlirsch the name of "pterostigmata," are an earlier development connected with the " tracheoles " of Comstock, or that primary tracheolation to which Tillyard has given the name of " archyodictyon." Tillyard does not accept the view that they had ever any connection with respiration. The almost total absence of structures which can be accepted as functional gills in these fossil insect-larva? may be accounted for by the perishable nature of such organs. Before dismissing the question of the respiratory function in its relation to the conditions under which larval life was passed, it is desirable to draw attention to the larval Blattoid, Lppt<>l>l, ? l'J'20, " La Fanne Continent ale du Terrain Honiller du Nord de la France," 'Mem. Carte Gcol. France,' pp. LMili — 207), considers that many members of the Coal Measure flora possessed in their spores, or in the case of the higher plants, in their cones, a plentiful food supply for insects, and he finds in the association of a l'1iijllol>lnir. '.'//., p. 268). Scudder has observed in the case of the Blattidse that the venation of the tegmina very closely resembles the surface-features of the Neuropteris pinnule— so strongly in fact as to suggest mimetism. Pruvosfc rightly urges that a mimetism is of little value unless the mimetic O «/ o insect frequents the plant mimicked. At the same time, it can be urged that the stout compact bodies of the fossil Blattoids and their powerful walking legs were equally admirably fitted for progression among rank and decaying vegetation, and that in these conditions the Blattoids were quite as likely to have been omnivorous, while finding some degree of protection among the Neuropteris pinnules lying on the ground. The writer has previously commented on the association of the wings of Blattoids with the leaves of <'), and has made the following comment: "While Carboniferous Blattoids may have been wholly phytophagous, it is interesting to note that the leaves of Corchdtcs (in the present case) are impressed with shallow pits, which shcnv faint traces of a spiral. I have in many previous instances found that such pits owed their origin to attached shells of /ty/ror/W.s' /I«N////(.S. Whether these leaves were partially submerged in \vater during life is an open question ; but in all cases the plant-tissues of the pittings are depressed, and are accurate impressions of N///ni/V;/.s\ If the Carboniferous Blattoids were not wholly vegetable feeders, the occurrence of Spirorbis pusillus upon the i.'m'tlnites may supply a reason for their frequent association." CLASSIFICATION. The classification of fossil insects has presented great difficulties, both to the palaeontologist, and to the systematist of living forms. Palreozoic insects show to the systematist a series of forms not strictly referable to any modern grouping, but presenting certain generalised details of structure which link two or more now widely separated groups, besides other features not met with in living forms. The palaeontologist finds that he has not to deal with early and primitive types, followed by a regular series showing a developmental progression, but with an apparent sudden incursion of large series of highly modified and well-developed insects, co-existent with others of more primitive type. 12 FOSSIL 1XSKCTS OF THE B1UTISH COAL MEASl'l.'KS. Further discoveries will doubtless do niueli to eliminate these difficulties, but present knowledge is such that recent entomology helps very little, and the classification of Paheo/.oie inserts must lie largely bused on the known fossils, realism^ that many of the intermediate forms are yet unlcnown. The classifications of various authors vary widely, and even the broad general facts of relationship are still uncertain. The earliest attempt at a classification of fossil insects appears to have been that of (Soldenberg ( 1 S73- -1877, 'Fauna Saraepontana Fossilis : Die Fossilen Thiere aus der Steinkohlenformation von Saarbriicken.') lie recognised a new Order, Palseodictyoptera, for the inclusion of fossil insects differing in structure and the shape of the wings from living representatives of the Orders Xeuroptera and Orthoptera, while also possessing characters which seem to link the two orders together. He did not define the order, but arranged it with the other orders as follows: Order. — PAL^EODICTTOPTEEA, Gulden! >. Genera. — Dicti/mii'in-n, Goldrnb. ; Engsri-nii. Ildhrn; Mhin/iti, Puna ; Ili.'iiirriflin, Puna; Hdplophlebium, Seudder. Order. — ORTHOPTERA. Sub-order. — Orthoptera Pseud". Neiiroptera. Genera. — Tenm.-, Gulden!'. ; Tenititiiliiiiii, Guldenlp. Sub-order. — Orthoptera vera. Genus. — Blattiiiti, Gerinar. Order. — EHYNCHOTA. Sub-order. — Homoptera. Genus. — Fii!/j<>riiiu, Goldeub. Seudder (1887, article '; lusecta," ' Trait c de Palseontologie,' by Karl von Zittel, translated by Dr. Charles Barrois, vol. ii, ' Palaeozoologie,' pp. 7H> — 833), in his latest classification, considerably extended that of (loldenlierg, while retaining the primitive group of the 1'aheodictyoptera. His complete arrangement is as follows : A.— PAL/EODICTYOPTERA, OBTHOPTEROIUKA. Snulder. Family. — Palseoblattariae, Si-udder. Sul-faniily.— Mylarridic, Seudder. Genera. — Mylacris, Scd. ; PremyJacris, Srd. ; Paramylacris, Bed. ; Lithomylacris, Si'd. ; JKecymylacris, Seil. Sill -iainilv. — Blatt inari.i', Srudder. 'li'iiera. — Etiililiil/iini, Sed . S/ii/,ililiilliiin, Sed. ; .•li'i-liinitj/Hi-i-is. Scd. ; Anflirtn-n- blattina, Bed . Gerablattina, Scd. ; Hermatoblattina,Scd.; liim. Scd.; Oi-i/r/iilil.illiiht. S -d.; ri'lrnlil.ittimi. Sed. ; rni-nl Family. — Protophasmidae, I'lnm^. Genera. — TitanopJiasma, Mron^. ; liil/nn-iirii. Sed.: /'/r7//n//r»iM. < ioldenli. ; riilinjili'iiiia, Scd ; ArcJucojjtilua, SIM!.; ri-iilnjilnmiiiii, ]!nin^. ; lin'ijrriii. dc liiurc; Meganeura, l!i'.>n^.; .l''.ii\i'nns, Scd.; GfnrdiT. — PAI,.I:<>DICTTOPTERA, Goldeuberg. Families. — Dictyoneuridse, Megaptilidse, Hypermegethidae, Lithomantida>, Heolidse, FouqueidfE, Spilapteridse, Lamproptilidee, Polycreagridse, Paolidu--. Order. — MIXOTERMITOIDEA, Haudlirseh. Order. — RECULOIDEA. Handlirsch. Order. — PROTORTHOPTERA, Handlirsch. Families. — Spanioderidse, Ischnoneuridse, Caloneuridee, Sthenaropodidse, (.Edisclmdse, Geraridse, Cacurgidse. Order. — ORTHOPTERA, Olivier. Sub-order. — Locustoidea, Leach. Sub-order. — Acridioidea, Haudl. Order. — PHASMOIDEA, Leach. Order. — DERMAPTERA, De Geer. Order. — DIPLOGLOXSATA, De Saussure. Order. — THYSANOPTEKA, II a lid a v. Order. — PROTOBLATTOIDEA, Haudlirseli. Families. — Stenoneuridee, Protophasmidse, Eoblattidse, Oryctoblattinidie, ^-Etopblebidse, Cheliphlebidse, Eucseuidse. On.ler. — BLATTOIDEA, Hamllirsdi. Families. — Spiloblattinidse, Mvlacridse, Poroblattiuidse, Neorthroblattinidse, Mesobla.t- tiniihi'. Pseudomylacridee, Dictyomylacridse, Neomylacridse, Pteridoiuv- lacridae, Idiomvlacridte, Diechoblattinidse, Proteremidse. Order.-— MANTOIDEA, Handlirscli. Genus. — PaJiconwiilif. Bui ton. Order. — SYPHAROPTEROIUEA, Handlirsch. Order. — HAPALOPTEROIDEA. Handlirsch. Order. — PROTOEPHEMEROIDEA, Handlirsch. Order. — PROTODONATA, Broiitjiiiarl . Order. — MEGASECOPTERA, Brongniart. Order.— PROTOHEMIPTERA, Handlirsch. The publication of Handlirsch' s great work, 'Die Fossilen Insekten/ lOOil— T.HI8, marked an important in the history of the stmlv uf fossil inserts. Hamllirseli surveyed the whole field of fossil entomology, and brou«>'lit the "-real •/ O •/ ' O O bulk of the known forms under abruad classification. The Order Palaeodictyoptera was much extended, defined, and made to include a lar^e series of families, several of which, however, are clearly widely divergent in type. This was soon recognised hy oilier workers, ;is doubtless by Handlirsch himself, who may have considered it wiser to extend Goldenberg's order, even to tin1 inclusion of forms not definitely related, rather than to formulate a new classification the components of which could not be rigidly defined. Knowing t.hal the field ol research was rapidly widening, Ilandlirsch exercised a \\IM- iv-tramt in not adding a new classification, which could only be of a temporary character. Subsequent events have proved the wisdom of Ins action. Since 1'JOS, (lie study of fossil insects has attracted more students, new localities and CLASSIFICATION. 15 insect-horizons have been found, and many new types recorded. Some of these linking forms already known, and others indicate relationships not fully under- stood. The retention of the Order Palasodictyoptera has therefore resulted in the formation of a somewhat heterogeneous assemblage, all members of which have one point of agreement. They are primitive co-types, more nearly related to each other in various ways than the}r are to recent insects, although that relationship is not always as demonstrable as one could wish. The most ambitions classification yet attempted is that of Prof. Lameere (1917, ' Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris,' no. 1), who has published only a summary of his conclusions. We are not able to determine how valid are his arguments, or if he is justified by evidence in setting forth his new scheme. He sweeps the Order Palreodictyoptera wholl}' away, pointing out that it consists of a hetero- geneous assemblage, and substitutes a more detailed classification as follows: SUBULICORNIA. EPHEMEEOPTEEA. Family. — Spilapteridse. Genera. — LainprojitHia, Brong. ; E^itftJte, Handl. ; Becquerelia, Brong. ; PaJn'iiptiliis, Brong.; Compsoneura, Brong.; Sjiiluptilus, Handl.; Homaloneuru, Brong.; Graphiptihis, Brong.; Spila^iterii, Brong. Family. — Megasecopterklae. Genera. — Aspidothorax, Brong. ; Gorydaloides, Brong. ; DiapJianoptera, Brong. ; Cycloscelis, Brong. ; Sphecoptera, Brong. ; Psilothorax, Brong. ; Mis- clioptrra, Brong. ; Ischnoptilus, Brong. Family. — Protephemeridae. Genera. — Apopappus, Haudl. ; Trijilusoba, Haudl. ODONATOPTEEA. Family. — Fouqueidae. Genera. — Fuuquea, Broug. ; Rhubtltilus, Brong. Family. — Dictyoiieuridae. Genera — Microdictya, Brong. ; StenoJivtya, Brong. Family. — Dictyoptilidae (Protcidonata). Genera. — Archsemegaplilus, Brong. ; Dictyoptilus, Brong. ; Poromaptera, Brong. : Protayrion, Brong. ; Qilaonia, Broug. ; Meganeura, Brong. EHTNCHOTA. PEOTOHEMIPTERA. Familv. — Homoiopteridss. Genera. — Lycocercus, Haudl. ; Huntoioj-itera, Brong. ; Lithojptilus, Brong. Family. — Megapt ilida?. Genus. — A/V;/.^c/v//, and the resemblance of the head and leg of Homoioptera gigantea to the same structures in 'ini, are considered sufficient proof of the Protohemipteroid characters of !!*, Homoioptera, and the allied genera Lithoptilus, Megaptilus, Mecynostoma, ArcJissoptilus and Pctvciinegcqjtilns. ()i(Tiioi''i'i-:i;.\.-- l-ameere regards I landlirsch's group of I'rotorthoptera as an assenil)lage of two I'elated but distinct types, \\hich he classifies under Xomo7ieura and I letcmneura. The genus Stenoneurites is regarded as the connecting link between the Abmtoidea and the ancestors of the Hlattoidea, the genus StenoneilTQ, being also in some measure transitional between StenOHeurites and the l-chno- aeuridse. CLASSIFICATION. 17 Nomoneunt. — This sub-division includes the Blattseformia of Handlirsch, and is distinguished by tlie wings having no precostal area, as contrasted with a second division, Heteroneui'a, in which a precostal area is present, and in which the legs are adapted for running and jumping. The Xomoneura include forms classified bv Handlirsch under the Protorthoptera and Protoblattoidea. Lameere separates his Nomoneura into (a) Blattoidea, and (b) Mantoidea, the former characterised by a sub-costal which joins the outer or costal margin, a more or less lengthened radius, and a small cubitus. The Mantoidea have the sub-costa joining the radius, and a large preponderating cubitus. Heteronritra. — This sub-division includes the Phasnmidea and the Locustoidea, the former containing the faniilv (n) Sthenaropodidse, in which the legs are long and stout, the head prognathous, the prothorax long and narrow in front and very wide behind, and presenting two dorsal expansions. The wing- venation of the Sthenaropodida? is such that they may have been the ancestors of the Phasmida?. Lameere, however, does not regard the Sthenaropodidaa as ancestors of the Phasmida?, but as arising with them from a common ancestor. The members of the families (Kdischiida? and Caloueuridre possess legs fitted for jumping, but differ considerably in their wing- venation. The (Edischiidse are possibly linked with the Locustidsv, and the Caloneuridse with the Acridida?. Circumstantial and detailed as Prof. Lameere's classification is, the arguments and deductions are not easily Followed, the paper being only in abstract. A study of the fossil insect-material from Coinmentry alone is not in itself likely to yield all the facts and premisses upon which a classification can be built applicable to the Palaeozoic insect-fauna of all coalfields and countries. .Much more evidence is wanted, and until the full paper is published, it is necessary to hold the classification in suspense. The most recent publication on the Palaeozoic insects is an extensive and valuable memoir by Dr. P. Pruvost (HH'O, "La Faune Continental.' du Terrain Houiller du Xoril de la France," 'Memoires pour servir a 1'Explication de la Carte Geologique detaillee de la France,' Paris, H)20) on the fossil insects recently found by him, and others, in the neighbourhood of Lens and Lievin in the north of France. Dr. Pruvost adopts the classification of Handlirsch with few emendations as follows, and by his new material he has added considerably to our knowledge of the Protoblattoidea and Blattoidea : Order. — PAL^ODICTYOPTERA. Family. — Stenodictyopteridse, Brong. (Dictvoneuridse, Handlirsch ). Family. — Spilaiiteridiv, Brong., emend. Haudlirseli. Order.— PROTORTHOPTERA, Handlirsch. Families. — lilntt- lijilii', BarToiaiblatta, Grypoblatta, MesitoMattct. Familv. — Mylai-riilir. Sol. Geneva. — HemimylcLcris, Phyloniylacris, Trilophoniylacris, Soomylacria, OrthomylcLCi'is, Slt'iiuiii i/htcrix, ami JjitJiomylacris. Family. — Purnlilatt iniiliv, Ha mil. s Preninoiblatta, Pniv. 1 have compared notes with M. Pruvost, and we have arrived independently at the conclusion that for the present the classification of Handlirsch is, with few emendations, the best to adopt, and most in keeping with the known tacts. FAUNAL ASSOCIATION. Various collectors in British Coalfields have discovered not only insect-remains, but a definite faunal association, of which the significance seems to have been overlooked, and it has therefore not received the attention it deserves. Most of the insect-remains are found in ironstone nodules, and the beds in which these nodules occur are usually light- coloured rocks more similar to hardened clav than to normal shales. The nodules are in vast numbers, rangingin size from half-an-inch to ten and twelve inches in diameter. The beds seem more com- parable to the fireclays or seat-earths than to the ordinary fissile shales, and both in lithological character and fossil contents stand in some measure apart from the ordinary Coal Measure rocks. They are not restricted to one coalfield, but have a wide distribution. \Vherea systematic search of beds of this character has been made, the insect-remains have been found accompanied l>v a launa in which arthropods of a more primitive type than insects are conspicuous. The character of this fauna will be best understood by reference to the following lists of fossils which have been recorded from certain localities: DlKHAM CoAU'lKl .11.— " /one of .1 //l/ii'ilrini/l/il />// ill i />xii ( Will.) " ill Upper part of the Middle Coal Measures; Claxheugh escarpment, 1 wo miles west of Sunder- land, Durham. .Ki'yi'Dii \. MKI.'US'I u " Ancylus ri/ili, Kirkliv " (<•/'. "Spat'' of Belinurus ti'echmamii (\Vooil\v.). Anthracomya phillipsii, Will.). DIPLOPODA. Anthracoinya minium (Ludvig). .1. /.-r/'/x, Euphoberia, sp, var. scotlcct. FAUNA I; ASSOCIATION. lit OSTRACODA. Beyricliin, McCoy. i'rt' or Ciji>ris. INSECTA. Lithomylacris kirkbyi, Woodward. Phylomylacris iiniiiliilinides (Goldenberg) . PISCES. Rhizodopsis sauroides (Will.). NOTTINGHAM AMI DKUCYSHiitE CoALFi tan. — Below the Top Hard Coal, Middle Coal Measures (1911, Moysey, ' Geol. Mag-.' [oj, vol. viii, p. oUli); Shipley Manor clay-pit, one and a half miles north of Ilkeston, Derbyshire. ANNELIDA. Spiriii'liifi, sp. PELECYPODA. Antl/i'iicniii i/n iituilinlnrin (Sow.). <_'i'liylliiin ; Cn/ttiiiiten ; ferns. LANTASHIUK COALFIELD.— Greyish-blue shales, 13o— ISO ft-t-t above the Royley or Arley mine, the latter at the base of the .Middle Coal Measures; Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire. I am indebted lor the following list to Mr. Walter Baldwin, F.G.S., who, with Messrs. Sutcliffe, Parker, 1'latt and others, has devoted years to the examination of these beds. VERMES. SpiTorbin (Spiroglyphus) . BRACHIOPOIJA. Linrjiiln, sp. PELECYPODA. ( ',irboiiii-"ll wich). iiiii* ( Mii.-.niiin ) wardingleyi, Woodw. AKACHNIHA (continui •/ . Anthracoscorpio buthiformis, Pocock. ., sparthensis, Porock. <1< nil in n rp. -2 in Platt Coll. Anthracosiro ii-multi-nnli, Pocork. Phalaiigioiarbvs tiilim-n/lit { Woodw.). „ (ArchitaTbiif) niti/ml Woodw. DlPLOPODA. Xylobius jilnffi, Woodw. En^hi ill friii ffrnr. Sailer. ,, (irmiijrra (Baldwin) r.'liimtit (Baldwin). ii'fiinl ini nl! (Baldwin). Arcliinliif. sp. Acantherpestes major. Meek & Worthen. V'V" "'''"•-'. Baldwin. INSECTA. S/ii/iijiti'i-ii niti-lifii'i. l>olton. Mecynoptera tnln'i-i'iiltitii, Bolion. PISCES. Plaiysomus tenuistriatus, Traqnair. Itlii-iuliipfi* zauriiiJes (Will.). INCERT.H SEDIS. Pain "i i/rix /n, ml'-li, Lesq. SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE COALFIKI.D. — Hinds between the " Hi'ooch " and "Thick " coals; Tiptun, Dudley, and C'oseley. EUCRUSTACEA. EupJioberia fi'rn.r. Salter. ARACHNIDA. .1 nthracoscorpio buthiformis, Pococls Geralinura britannica, Pocock. t/* anaticii. Buckland. Anthrapalssmon (Apim) tlnliing (Prestw.). Eophrynus prestvici (Bucldand). ARACHNIDA. DIPLOPODA. Prestwichia anthrax (Prestw.). Acantherpestes lirmliei, Sod. rotitndata (Prestw.) INSECTA. ,, Iriloliitniiles, Woodw. Lithogialit bromjinarti (Mautell). SOUTH WALKS COALFIELD. — Shales in the neighbourhood of the Mynddislwyn Vein, base of the Upper Coal Measures. AUACHNIDA. INSECTA. Aphantomartne areulofuf, Pocock. Aphthoroblattina mtlcntu (Bulton). G-rieophonus onglienf. Pucuck. Orthomylacris lanceolata (Bolton). Muiocercus celiicus, Pocock. Archimylacris hastata (Bolton). K ri'iscJier/a r-errucvsa, Pocock. ,; tibovata (Bolton). The arthropod association in the lists given is significant, for no other animals enumerated are so readily water-borne as are insects. It may be assumed that neither the more primitive arthropods, nor the insects, have been transported to any great distance from their former habitat. Their preservation under similar conditions supports the belief that their habits and habitats were the same, or closely approximated to the same conditions of entombment. The freedom of the deposits from comminuted carbonaceous matter, such as is usually a chief constituent of the Coal Shales, may be accounted for by the beds having been laid do\vn in quiet lagoons or swamp lakes, into which only the finer mud particles and floating pinnules and (//'///•/.•* of coal-plants could pass and accumulate. Such waters were probably fresh or brackish, shallow, and limited in area. As we have indicated elsewhere (p. 10), it has been considered that the larva1 of many of the Coal Measure insects Avere semi- or wholly aquatic, and if such was the case, they would be more likely to be found in the deposits accumu- lating in quiet waters than in others exposed to movement. The presence of Mollusca and the lower orders of Artliropoda, with such forms as Palseoxyris, and even fish-remains, can be accounted for by the existence of occasional or permanent passages leading to open waters, such as river channels and the open sea. 22 FOSSIL IXSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. A succession of sucli lagunal lakes or swamp pools might be seasonal features along a depression which, in a wet season, formed a water-course. The paucity of Mollusca is noteworthy, only one species (" (rnio") having been recorded by Moysey, notwithstanding his careful search of material from the Shipley clay-pit at Ilkeston, Derbyshire; while Kirkbv, and more recently Trechmann and Woolacott have recorded Anthracomya jilii/Hi^ii, in addition to " Ancijlnx riitti" (now known to be the larval form of A. phillipsii), from the insect-bearing beds at Claxheugh, near Sunderland. The deposits at Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire, are remarkable in that they have yielded three species of Oarbonicola, four species of Naiadites, and one species of Anthracomya. In regard to the presence of Crustacea, Thomson (1804, 'Trans. Linn. Soc. London,' Zoology [-], vol. vi, p. o), has shown that the recent Anaspides //i>jiteron) liiijyinsii, Hundlirsch, Foss. lusekt., p. 125, pi. xiii, fig. 6. 1917. (Dii-tyoiieiirnii ) l/iijijlimli. Holt 011, Quart. Journ. G-eol. Soc., vol. Ixxii. p. 46, pi. iii, fig. 2. 1919. Sherbornicllii liii/ijinsii, Handlirsch, Revis. Palnozoischeii Insekten. p. 25. TI//IP. — Basal portion of a left wing in counterpart; Liverpool Museum. Horizon tnnl Locality. — Middle Coal Measures; Ravenhead railway cutting, near St. Helens, Lancashire. lii'xi-i'ipfioit. — The wing-fragment lies on the surface of a greyish-purple ironstone nodule, and has a length of 32 mm., with a greatest width of 22 mm. The total length and width cannot be exactly estimated. Handlirsch, who named the species, did not describe it, and it is doubtful if he ever saw it. It was first described by the late Rev. H. H. Higgins thus: "A second and smaller specimen of insect wing was obtained by myself .and referred to the genus Gdnjdalis. Mr. J. P. G. Smith compared it with 7'Wr/ora. A slight sketch of it was seen by Mr. F. Smith, of the British Museum, whom it reminded of G'ri/Uiitii//in. Mr. Benj. Cooke, of Manchester, after a careful examination, says, ' I believe the fossil represents the basal portion, about one-third only, of the forewing of a Chnjsopa, Goldeneye, or Lace-wing fly, or rather Nothochri/sa, separated from Chrysopn by Mr. McLachlan on account of the manner in which the third cubital cell is divided.' This cell is remarkably well shown in the fossil, and though I conld only judge from memory, I believe it is sufficient to settle its relationship." The "cubital cell" mentioned by Mr. Benj. Cooke is an elongated area enclosed by a union of two of the main veins in the base of the wing. The identity of the veins enclosing the " cell " will be considered later. The costal border is preserved for a length of 29 mm., is strongly curved proximally and less so distally. It would seem to have been directed somewhat 4 26 FOSSIL INSECTS OF TTTR BRITISH COAL MEASURES. backwards in its course to the.1 wing-apex. The intercostal area is verv \viili1 at the base, and diminishes in diameter towards the wing-apex, lint it is doubtful it' it reached the latter. The subcosta is straight, but not vrell defined. The radius is fairlv, parallel to the sulicosta and gives off the radial sector h>\v down in the base of the win--; the radial sector comes off from the radius at an acute angle, and keeps parallel with it as far as preserved. Its direction is such that it must have reached the wing-apex. The median and cubital veins merit special consideration. In the specimen three' veins occupy the position of the normal median and cubitus. Of these, two either arise from a common root, or so clo>e together as to lie indistinguishable, the third having a separate origin. The innermost of the three sends off from near its base a forwardly directed twig, which joins the second of the two outer veins. It is necessai'y to resolve these veins into median and cubitus. To do this we must consider recent research on living insects. Comstock and Xeedham concluded that the primitive median vein was a four-branched structure; more recently Tillyard. from further studies of the wing-venation of recent nymphs, concludes that the primitive median had an initial dichotomy, of which the outer branch divided up into four (" M " of Tillyard, ' Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales.' vol. xliv, I'.U'.i, p. -V>1>), and the second branch remained simple. Comstock and Xeedham concluded that the primitive cubitus was two-branched; Tillvard considers it (Inf. fit., ]i. ;j.ri!)) as three-branched, the outer or lirst branch having a distal forking into two feeble twigs, and an inner feeble branch which remains simple. The primary cubital fork is situated near the base of the wing. Tillyard's views are not very different from those of Comstock and Xeedham, as he admits a basal fork of the cubitus, but adds a secondary forking of the end of the outer branch. Tillyard has studied the relation of the two veins in the various Orders, and finds that the " posterior arculus " of Comstock, which is supposed to be a cross- vein from the median to the cubitus, is, as shown in the fossil Order Paramecop- tera, not a cross-vein, but a true branch of the median. The various stages b\- which the connection becomes established and afterwards developed into a combined vein from the point of union, are fully stated (Inf. <•//.. p.:!.")?), and the compound vein is named the " cubito-median Y~V(-'in." An examination of the conditions observable in I h'rh/uiK'iirn lii!fli/<>iteurirh/i>iit>iiri-i<: Characters. — Radial sector diverging from radius, and with few divisions. Median with two branches united by a commissure. Cubitus stout, forked near base, the outer branch forking twice, and the inner once. Anal area elliptical. Interstitial neuration forming an open polygonal meshwork. Orthocosta splendens, liolton. Plate I, fig. 2; Text-figure 1. 1912. n>ilir><;>siri splendens, liolton. Quavt, Joiirn. (icol. Soc., vol. kviii, p. 310. pi. xxxi. faVs. 1—3. Ti/pe. — Incomplete wing, and impression; Moysey Collection, Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street (nos. :',(», -J-J-J and ;.50,223). 28 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. Ifnri-nn mid Locality. — Middle Coal Measures (below the Top Hard Coal I ; Shipley Manor Claypit, llkeston, Derbyshire. Specific Characters. — Radial sector reaching the inner half of the wing-tip. Outer branch of median four or five times divided, inner branch simpler and forked. Cubitns dividing low down, the outer branch the stronger, and each doubly forked. Anal veins one or two in number, alternately branched. Ih'xi-ri/itinii. — The species is founded on a wing-fragment, the apex, a portion of the inner margin, and the base being incomplete. The total length is 84 mm.. the width oo mm. The complete wing must have had a length of at least 10(.) mm., and a width of oo — 40 mm. The whole insect had in all probability a span of wing measuring 'J-Vo cm. ( 1 0 in. or more). The outer third of the wing is differentiated from the rest by its uniform and gentle convexity, and by the character of the costa, snbcosta, radius, and median veins, which pass outwards towards the wing-apex in straight lines, and show no trace of divisions until well beyond the middle of the wing, contrasting strongly VIG. l.~ Orthocosta S/'/OM^OIS. liolu.n ; ivsturatiuii .i| winy, showing portiuii invsi-rvril and tin- rliara.-!iT i>f tliu intrrstitial iii-uration. natural si/,c — MHilli- C.ial Pleasures (In-low the '\'"\* Hani Cciiil) ; Shipley Manor ( 'laypit , Ilkr.stoii. 1 Irrl.yslmv. Moysi-y t 'olhvtion, Mus. Pi-art . < ici.l. (noa :io.L'i'L' an.l :id,L'j:i). with the areas occupied by the marginal divisions of the median, cubital and anal veins. The inner two-thirds of the wing is marked by deep furrows, in which lie the marginal branches of the median vein, and the whole of the cubital and anal veins. The areas between any two veins in this region are markedly convex. The differences in character of the outer and inner portions of the wing are empha- sised by a line of fracture which fairly accurately separates the two. Its occur- rence Miggest> that it has followed a nat ural line of weakness, the more delicate inner part of the wing breaking a\\a\ from the outer stronger portion. The costa, subcosta, radius and median are all well-developed veins, stout in structure and standing out in relief. The first three retain this evidence of -treiigth over two-thirds of their length, the median vein showing signs of attenuation beyond the proximal third. The general structure of the wing indicates considerable powers of Might. The outer margin, of which only a portion is preserved, appears as a stout, slight l\ elevated and well-rounded ridge. The subcosta agrees in general character with the costal remnant, and is PTERONIDIID/K. 2'.i straight to the wing-tip, parallel \vitli the outer margin, and not far removed from it. Basally it appears to be united to the radius. The radius gives off the radial sector at about Id nun. from its base, and then passes out to the wing-tip, at no point being more than Id mm. from the subcosta. The radial sector diverges widely from the radius, the t\vo enclosing along, narrow triangular area. At 50 mm. beyond its origin it divides into two equal branches, which diverge to a distance of -\ nan. and then become parallel. The direction of the branches of the radial sector is such that they must have ended on (he inner half of the wing-apex, the outer branch probably forking again before the wing- apex was reached. The median vein consists of two brandies, the common origin of which is not shown, owing to the absence of the base of the wing. To the middle of the wing the two branches are parallel, and both pass beyond this point before branching. The outer branch attains a length of 66 mm. before branching, and then gives off four branches on its outer side, the last arising close to the margin. The second of the four branches bifurcates. The inner branch of the median gives off one forward branch only, which forks into a feeble twig dying out in the polygonal mesh work, and into a stronger division which reaches the margin. The two branches of the median are united at the base of the wing by an oblique commissural vein which comes off at an acute angle from the outer branch, and passes obliquely to the inner branch. The basal portion of the cubitns has been lost, so that its branching is not readily determinate. The main vein seems to have divided near the base into two equal branches, which curve down to the inner wing-margin, bifurcating twice in each case before the margin is reached. The eight marginal twigs of the cubitus thus produced enclose the middle third of the inner margin. The anal area is wholly destroyed on the wing, and only a trace of one vein can be distin- guished on the counterpart. This is a narrow deeply-sunk vein which gives off feeble off-shoots on both sides. It diminishes in strength, so that the last portion of its course can only be determined with difficulty. The anal area is comparatively narrow and small, and exhibits few veins. Family PTERONIDIIIU-:, Bolton (emend. Cockerell). 1912. Bolton, Quart. Jouru. (reel. Soc., vol. Ixviii, p. 314. Wings long and narrow. Outer margin arcuate. Median and cubitns with divergent branches. The attempt to classify these wings is difficult. That they possess affinities with the genus Polycreagra is certain, but they are more simple and more Dictyoneurid in type. As Dr. Handlirsch observes, it is not possible to refer them to the family Polycreagridas, and they must be taken as the type of a new family. *0 FOSSIL IXSKCTS OK TIIK BRITISH COAL MKASTRKS. Prof. T. U. A. Cockerel] lias pointed out to me that the familv name was originally wrongly written " Pteronidia-," and that the generic name was ante- dated by I'li'i-nnii'li.'n, Rolnver, I'.Ml. lie thinks that the ditTerenee is sufficient to justify retention, although it is only a single letter ('Proc. U.S. Xat. Mus.,' vol. xlix. p. -i<><), 1915). Ilandlirsch (' Revision Palao/.oischen Insekten,' I'.'l'.l, |i. \:>) has made the same correction, hut seems unaware that Cockerel! forestalled him. Genus PTERONIDIA, liolton. I'.ML', Pfi:niiiiil!n, Bnllmi. (juurt. Joiirn. Gi.'ol. Soc.. vol. Ixviii. p. :!!:;. Generic Characters. — Wings three times as long as wide. Radial sector with five simple, backwardlv directed twigs. Median dividing low down into two principal branches, and ending on the inner margin in five twigs. Cubitus stout, divided into two principal branches, the foremost with two twigs, and the hinder ending in four. Interstitial neuration of thin oblique nervures. Pteronidia plicatula, Bolton. Plate I, fig. :! ; Text-figure ;2. IlU'2. Pteronidia ylicatula, Button, nart. .loimi. (icol. Soc , vol. Ixviii. p. 31:!, pi. xxxii, HL;'S. I- -It. TI//II'. — Incomplete wing ami impression; Moysey C'ollection, .Museum of Practical Geology, .lermyn Stivet (nos. 30,-JiU and .'iO/J-J-j). FlQ. 2.— Pteronidia plicatula, 'Bolton; ivst<.rati.ui «f l''ft winy, natural sixt-. — II i'Mh' ( 'c'.il Measures below Top Hani Coal); Shipley Manor Claypit, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Moysey Collection, Mvis i'racl. (icol i in is. ;J(),L'L']. ami ;!i).^.">). l/iiri:: — "•"> mm. long, with a basal width of L!<» nun., reduced to S mm. near the tip. The outer margin must have been flatly convex, while the inner margin is BYPBRMEGETHIDJE. :li nearlv straight. The tip of the wing is acute. The costal and subcostal veins are not seen. The radius is represented l>y a single forked vein, not shown in the figures. The radial sector isunbranched until well beyond the middle of the wing, lievond which it gives off four (possibly five) backward branches, which occupy the greater part of the tip of the wing and a portion of the distal inner margin. The median is represented by two branches, the outer dividing into two twigs and the inner into three. The marginal area occupied by the median is a little longer than that of the radial sector, and the two extend over the distal half of the inner wing'-margin. O O The cubitus is a relatively short and stout vein, dividing into two main branches, the foremost having two twigs, and the hinder dividing into four by a double bifurcation. Owing to the wide divergence of its branches the cubital area is larger than that of the median. The anal area was large, but the whole surface has been pitted by attempts to clear the matrix, and as a result the presence and character of the veins cannot be distinguished with certaintv. It is possible that certain surface-indications are evidence of two simple widely separated veins. The wing-surface exhibits a strong plication. Viewed obliquely, the wing shows a series of ridges formed by the vein with V-shaped intervening sulci, which only flatten out close to the wing-margin. Springing from the principal veins is a close series of fine cross-nervures, obliquely disposed in the direction of the wing-margin. The portion of the wing preserved is sufficient to indicate that as a whole it was triangular in outline. Family HYPERMKGETHIDJE, Handlirsch. 1906. Hancllirsch, Proc. U.S. National Museum, vol. xxix, p. 672. Costa marginal, costal area broad ; radius simple, radial sector present ; the median probablv dividing at the base into two or more main brandies, the first of which may become united to the radius. Cubitus forked near the base, with its branches widely spaced. Anal veins few, and anal area not exceeding one-third of the inner margin. Hancllirsch established this family for the inclusion of a gigantic wing of which only the basal half is known. The total length of the whole wing was estimated to be 120 mm., the basal half having a length of GO mm. The discovery in the Coal Measures of Durham of a nearly similar wing adds to our knowledge of the group, and enables the family to be defined with more accuracy than was at first- possible. The general assemblage of characters found in the Hypermegethida? is, I believe, highly suggestive of the Protodonata, but no definite conclusions can be formulated until the whole wing is known. :V2 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BTUTTSTT COAL MEASURES. Genus HYPERMEGETHES, Handlirscli. I!""', Hi/i^riiifiirtlii'it, llMinllirsrli, I'ror. U.S. National Must-inn, vol. \\i\. |». r.7'J. Generic Characters. — Costal border feebly convex, snbcosta mid radius close together along tin- greater part of tlieir length. Cubitns composed of two. possibly more, parallel ami simply forked brandies, divided near the point of origin. Anal veins few ; interstitial nenration of tine, irregularly anastomosing nervures. northumbriae, Bolton. 1'late I. tig. I ; Text-figure :'>. U'l". Hypermegethes n mm. long, with a depth ol ol mm. at its widest purl, the whole \\ing must have had a length of about I'-'ii mm., or HYPERMEGETHES NORTHUMBRLE. 5 in., and the whole insect a span of wing of nearly 11 in. The wing-fragment shows the basal portions of the costa, snbcosta, ratlins, radial sector, median, and cubitus, and possibly a trace of an anal vein. Much of the finer detail of the wing is not seen until the fossil is immersed in water — a mode of treatment suggested to me by Dr. F. A. Bather, F.R.S., who had previously photographed the wing in this manner, and brought out details of which, by ordinary methods, I could not find a trace. The costa is moderately convex from its base to a distance of about 30 mm., beyond which it becomes straight. Separated from the outer or costal border by a wide area basally is the subcosta, an extremely feeble and hardly distinguishable vein. It passes straight to the outer margin some distance beyond the middle of the wing. The radius arises close to the subcosta, and is parallel with it. It gives off two branches posteriorly, the proximal branch passing obliquely towards the inner side of the wing-apex, while the second or distal branch arises from the radius a little further out, and keeps parallel with it. I had formerly considered the proximal branch of the radius to be the radial sector, and the distal a branch of the radius ; but as the interstitial neuration now shows the specimen to be closely related to Hypermegethes schucherti, the proximal branching vein must be regarded as the main stem of the median which has entered into union with the radius, and the distal branch as the radial sector. Regarding the proximal offshoot of the radius as the median vein, it diverges widely from the radius, giving off a forward twig parallel with the radial sector, and then continues inwards and unites with the next vein, separating again a little further out on the inner side. A comparison of this assumed median vein with that of H. scltuclterti, Handl., is instructive. In the latter species the branching of the main stem of the median arises nearer the base of the wing than does the branching off of the radial sector. It is therefore somewhat in the position of the starting-point of the median vein as a free structure in the present wing. The median vein of //. xi-hnchn-ti, Handl., has, however, no union with the radius, the main stem running out towards the wing-apex parallel with the inner branch of the radius, giving off a backward branch of the cubitus, which passes obliquely inwards and unites with the anterior branch. In the middle of its length it gives origin to a twig running parallel with the main stem, and midway between that vein and the cubitus. The course of the median vein in the specimen here described is exactly similar to that of the branch of the median vein in //. sclntcherti, Handl., except that the inner branch not only unites with the cubitus, but crosses it. The condition may be summarised by saying that, in H. schucherti, Handl., the median vein is entirely free and gives off an inner branch dividing into two twigs, of which the inner unites with the cubitus. In the specimen here described the median is united with the radius for some little distance, becoming free before the 34 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE' BRITISH COAL MEASURES. radial sector is reached, and then forking, the inner twig uniting with and crossing the cubitns. The cubitns has a short, stout basal stem, forking into two equal and somewhat widely separated branches, the outer uniting with the inner branch of the median. The inner branch is forked just before the broken edge of the wing is reached. Nearer the inner margin of the wing are traces of two other veins. The first has its basal portion missing, and follows a course parallel with the inner branch of the cubitus. It is strongly forked. The remaining vein is represented by three detached fragments. If Handlirsch's interpretation of the wing of 11. scliucln rll is followed, we should regard both these veins as anal. I am, however, of opinion that, while the innermost fragmentary vein may be anal, the forked vein by its position, its forked character and stoutness, must be regarded as a portion of the cubitus. I am likewise of opinion that the first, and possibly the second, of the veins marked as anal in Handlirsch's figure of II. schucherti, ought also to be classed as cubital. Both in II. schucherti, and in this specimen, the anal area would have an enormous development and occupy most of the wing-margin, if the veins alluded to were wholly anal in character. I feel sure that, if the vein nearest the cubital had been better preserved, it would be found branching off from the cubitus. The interstitial neuration is typically that of Hypermegethes. The intercostal area is filled with an irregular mesh work of fine nervures, with a tendency on the outer and inner sides to a transverse arrangement. Between the median and the cubital veins the interstitial neuration consists of short, straight and transverse nervures, and feeble traces of similar nervures can be seen in the median area. The cubital area is filled with a meshed neuration, larger and more regular than that of the intercostal area, and this seems to continue into the anal area. Family CKYPTUVENIIILI;, Bolton. 191:2. Bolton, Quart. Journ. G-eul. Sor., vol. Ixviii, p. 31.x short and broad. Apex rounded, costal vein marginal ; subcosta feeble, and extending to near apex. Radius simple; radial sector and median with few divisions; cubitus with two main branches. Among the insect-remains discovered by the late Dr. L. Moysey at the Shipley Manor Clavpit is a small wing, 1 (.1 mm. long, unlike anv previously known. It is Ivpieallv I'aliBodictyopterons, and agrees remarkably well with Dr. Handlirsch's I vpe-lignre ('Mittli. Geol. Gresell. \Vien,' vol. iii. 1'JlO, p. ;"><>5, fig. 1). ll differs from that form in I lie greal er division of the cubitns, which ends in five- twigs instead of t hree. Tin' greatest dept h of the wing was also, in all probability, nearer the base than in his figure. With the r. — Incomplete wing, in counterpart; Moysey Collection, Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street (nos. 30,226 and 30,227). Horhon mm., and its maximum diameter, in the cublto-anal region, is 8 mm. 36 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. The costal vein is stout and raised above the general level of the wing in the outer third of its length, where it curves backwards into the wing-tip. The subcostal is a, weaker vein, parallel with and very close to the costa, dying out or joining the outer margin at the apex. The radius is a powerful undivided vein, parallel with the subcosta and reaching the middle of the wing-apex. The radial sector is given off about the middle of the length of the wing and forks into two equal branches, which again fork before reaching the margin ; the outermost branch of the second forks again and divides just before the wing-apex is reached. The FIG. -4. — Cryptoreiiia moyseyi, Bolton ; restoration of li-ft wing reconstructed from the \\ inn'-ti'iiyinout and counter-impression^ enlarged two-and-a-half times. — Mi«Mli' <_'oal Measure^ tin-low tin: Top Hard Coal) ; Shipley Manor Claypit, Ilkiv-tcni. IvHiyriljiiv. .Mi>\^rv t'ollivtiuii. Jliii- 1'ract. (.leol. (nos. 30,1'L'li and :{O,^27.) inner half of the wing-apex is occupied by the five branches of the radial sector. The median vein is a comparatively simple structure, forking low down below the middle of the wing into two nearly equal branches. The outer branch remains undivided, and gently curves to the inner margin. The inner branch divides twice, first at a point near the middle of the wing, and again before the margin is reached. The median vein therefore ends on the margin in four twigs, three members of which arise from the inner of the two main branches. The cubital vein is strongly arcuate, dividing near the base into two branches, the outer forking twice and the inner once. The cubital vein therefore ends in five twigs. Family MECYNOPTERID^E, Handlirsch. 1906. Handlirsch, Die Possilen Insekten, p. Sii. Handlirsch established this family to receive a large win»- (nun the Middle Upper Carboniferous of Belgium, and placed it between the families llypenne- gethidae and Lithomantidae. The characters of the familv are based mi those <>f the type-species, Mecynoptera xfi/nnliiln, Ilandl. Genus MECYNOPTERA, Handlirsch. I '.ml.. Mecynoptera, ILnnllirscli, Mrin. Mus. \i«\-. Hist. Nut. Uel^., vol. iii, ]>. 7. I '.MM;. Mecynoptera, llanillirsrli, liir Ko.xsilrn luselcten, |>. SL! MEGYNOPTERA TUBERCULATA. 37 ii: Characters. — Wing three to four times as long as broad, veins of costal region specially compact, and thickened basally. Costa, subcosta and radius closely approximated and tuberculated. Radial sector and median well developed, and occupying a considerable portion of the wing-surface. Cubit us small. Inter- stitial neuration of transverse nervures in junction areas of principal veins, and with a meshwork further out. Mecynoptera tuberculata, sp. nov. Plate II, fig. 2 ; Text-figures 5 and <>. 1!M1. Stenndictija Inbatu, Baldwin (error e), Cleol. Mag. [5], vol. viii, p. 75. Type. — Portions of two fore-wings, and the cubito-anal portion of a hind-wing contained in a nodule of ironstone, 3 in. long, and 1^ in. wide; British Museum (no. In. 18,576). Horizon and Locality. — Middle Coal Measures (grey-blue shales at 135 — 180 feet above the Royley or Arley Mine) ; Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire. Specific Characters. — Principal veins thickened at base and finely tuberculated. Costal margin almost straight, much thickened at base, and covered with a fine FIG. 5. Fio. 0. FIG. 5. — Mecijnoptci'c tiiberrirfutn. sp. nov. : diagram of remains of the two fore wings, and cubito-anal portion of a hind-wing (the suli-costa appearing as a fine line close to the radius, and sending off three branches to the costal margin), enlarged one-and-a-half times. — Middle Coal Measures (above the Eoyley or Arley Mine) ; Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire. Brit. Mus. (no In. 18,570). Fin. (i. — Mecynoptera. tubei-ciihita, sp. nov. ; diagram of fragmentary impression of the two fore- wings, enlarged one-and-a-half times. — Middle Coal Measures (above the Eoyley or Arley Mine) ; Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire. Brit. Mus. (no. In. 18,570). tuberculation. Subcosta sunken, close to costa, and extending to the wing-apex. Radius close to costa, tuberculated, and elevated. Radial sector arising low down, much branched. Median Avith two main branches, the first simple, the second with three twigs. Cubital vein small. Description. — The type-specimen comprises remnants of the two fore-wings. 60 mm. long and 18 mm. wide, and a portion of the cubital-anal area of a single hind-wing in one ironstone nodule. A similar ironstone nodule from the same horizon and locality shows the radius and radial sector areas of the two wings of a second insect. 38 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. AVhen complete, the wings must have had a length of <>.j — 70 mm. They were originally identified with those of ///( forking in the middle of its length. Cubital veins are rcpre- MECYNOPTERA TUBERCTJLATA. -°.9 sented by two undivided elements which are directed obliquely to the margin. The inner margin of the wing- is more curved than the outer, and merges into the apex. The interstitial neuration is remarkable. BetAveen the costa, subcosta and radius it consists of short stout nervures crossing the areas somewhat obliquely, and in some cases arranged in V-shape. The area between the radius and radial sector is crossed by a numerous S-shaped scries of nervures, which are joined up into a meshwork in the outer or radial half of the area. The area itself is very wide, and only equalled by that separating the two branches of the median. The radial sector and the median occupy the greater part of the wing- surface. The remaining areas are crossed by transverse nervures near the junction of branches with the principal veins, and further out by nervures which are joined up by zig-zag longitudinal branches which occasionally enclose polygonal cells. The interstitial neuration is very well developed, and must have added materially to the strength of the wings. Afinitiefi. — The close approximation of the costa, subcosta and radius, and the coriaceous thickening and tuberculations of the principal veins, are characters which may rank as of generic importance. Less distinctive, but also characteristic, is the interstitial neural ion of the transverse nervures and mesh work, with its minute monilation. The characters of the genus !\lt>ci/>i«i>ter\\- down into two branches, the outer of which has a feeble forking near the inner margin, while the inner branch forks three times. The cubitus is a much weaker vein than its fellows, and divides near its point of origin into two branches. The first branch forks once and the second twice. Seven anal veins are present, all undivided except the third, which forks twice. The interstitial 6 42 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAT, .MEASURES. neuration is in the form of a meshwork, except in the intercostal area, where are the transverse eross-nervures already noted. Much less of the rii/lil irim/ remains than of its fellow, lint sufficient is present to show that the nenration was not quite the same. The median ends in five divisions in place- of six. and the eubitns has seven final branches instead of six. The greatest width of the wing is along a line drawn from the outer margin to the middle of the culiital area on the inner margin, the width being 40 mm. The absence of the apex in each wing is unfortunate, as il renders the outline of the whole wing a little uncertain. The shape of the nodule indicates that very little of the wings is missing, if thev were wholly included in the nodule, as seems probable. The somewhat semicircular inner wing-margin and the short wide wings indicate a. broadly rounded wing-apex. . I /////// ii'ft.-— The interstitial neuration is much like that of. Hypermegetlte?t. The great width of the wings is a character usually associated with the hind-wings of members of the taimlv l.ithomantuhe, although in this case the wings lack the distal attenuation noticed in the hind-wings of that fa mil v. With Titanodictya i/ii'i/inJn, Scudder, there is a close relationship, both in the general character of the main veins, tlie interstitial meshwork in all areas other than intercostal and subcosta-radial, and in the presence of the same oblique cross-nervnres in the intercostal area in these wings. The true systematic position of the genus seems to lie between the Lithoman- tid;e and the genus Titanodictya, and closest to the latter. Because of the greater development of a meshwork neuration between the mam veins, and the limitation of cross-nervures to the intercostal area. I regard this genus as more primitive than any of the Lithomantidie, but closely related thereto. Family LITUO.MAXTID.I:, Handlirsch. I'.'IM;. Hiuullirsc'li, Prw. U.S. National Mus., vol. xxi.\, ]>. 073; ulso Die Fossilen Insekteu, [>. s-j. This family is closely allied, by wing-structure, to the Dictyoneuridse. The branching of the mam veins has proceeded further than in the DictyoneuridsB, and the body, where it has been preserved, shows striking differences. The family is represented iu the Coal Measures of Great Britain and North America and in the Upper Carboniferous of continental Europe. Cem is LITHOMANTIS, Woodward. I'^fii. Lithomantis, II. Wood wai'd, Quart, .loiini. . t, Haiullirsch, Die Fossileii Iiisekten, p. 88. — Portions of the fore- and hind-wings, with prothorax, and a left anterior leg in nodule; British Museum (no. I. 8118). //''<-'(fi<- Characters, — Hind pair of wiu^s double the width of the fore pair. Outer wing-margin straight, costa and subco.sta close together; radius a weak vein, giving off the radial sector far out. Median small. Cubitus a powerful vein with numerous widely spaced branches. Anal veins six or more. FIG. 9. — Lilhomantis carbonarius, "Woo&waxA; diagram of neuratum of tlic li't't fmv- :uid Mini-wings, natural size. — CD;I! Mx-usures : Scotland. Brit. Mus (no I. SUM. . — The type-specimen lies on the surface of one half of an ironstone nodule, the counterpart being lost. It was obtained bv Mr. Edward Charlesworth from the Coal Measures of Scotland, but the locality and hori/on are not known. The remains consist of portions of two pairs of wing's, those of the left side being most nearly complete. In no case is the apex of the wing or the inner margin preserved. -Lying in front of the wings are a pair of very large convex lobes which Dr. Woodward regards as part of the prothorax, and in front of these is a roughly quadrangular structure prolonged forward in the middle line into a styliform process or rostrum. Woodward describes the latter as " the small head 44 KOSSI], IXSKCTS OK TIIK UIMTIS1I COAL M KASf I! KS with its eyes," hut 110 definite truer of the latter are observable. rriie " head " is small, not more than 7 mm. wide, and hetweeii 5—6 mm. lony1 at the .sides ; medially it is prolonged into the rostral process, which is ahont 8—9 mm. long and ending in a sharp point. I am unable to distinguish any dividing line between the "head" ami the prothorax; on the oilier hand, the margin of the latter is continuous with and inseparable from it. The marking which "Woodward ha< regarded as representing eyes is, I believe, the thickened margin. lam of opinion that the whole structure is wholly prothorax, and that the head lies concealed beneath. The main mass of the prothorax is :>() mm. wide, with a flattened margin, best seen on the left side. Within the fiat margins rise two low dome-shaped lobes separated by a wide hollow in front, their margins meeting in an obtuse angle posteriorly. The median edge of each lobe dips sharply into a wide median hollow, and from each of these edges arises a series of veins, which spread out to the lateral margins of the lobes. The areas between the veins are occupied by a fine mesh work of smaller veins. A trace of the mesothorax is shown between the bases of the fore-wings as a slight transverse liar, a small rounded tubercle lying in front and a little to the left of the middle line. The left fore- and hind-wings are the most nearlv perfect . t he hind-wing being •">'• mm. long, with a greatest width of :>0 mm. The fore-wing is a little shorter and narrower. The outer margin appears to have been straight, and the costa and subcosta closely approximated. Traces of both veins are present. The radius is a straight thin vein not far removed from the subcosta along its whole length, and giving off the radial sector beyond the middle of the wing. The radial sector comes off at an acute angle, going out to the wing-apex and keeping elo>rl\ parallel with the radius. The median is somewhat inconspicuous owing to the great length of the main stem, and the narrow areas which bound it between the radius and the prominent cnbitus. It gives off t\vo outer branches before reaching the broken edge of the wing. The median vein of the hind-wing has three outer branches, the first arising nearer the base than the point of origin of the radial sector, whereas in the fore-wing the first branch arises distallv to the origin ol the radial sector. The median of the hind-wing is a more important vein than its fellow in the fore-wing and occupies a greater area owing to its greater inward curvature. The cubitus is a powerful vein with widely spaced divisions, the tir>t branch, both in fore- and hind-wings, coming off from the main stem on the outer >ide, and low down near the base of the wing, and then passing in a bold convex sweep down to the distal portion of the inner margin. On its inner side the cubitus give> off five branches, the fourth forking in the middle of its length. The branches arise ai irregular distances, and the main stem reaches the margin far oiil towards the Wing-apex. The cubitus of the hind-wing gives off a large Outer liranch which is almost equal in strength to the main stem. This arises UTHOSTALIS. 45 even nearer the base than its counterpart in the fore-wing, but its great length is masked bv the development of the median. Beyond the origin of the outer branch the cnbitus gives off three inward branches, the first forking. Owing to the strong inward curvature of the cnbitus and its branches, the succeeding anal veins are directed almost straight inwards. The anal veins are six in number, the first forking twice, and ending on the margin in three branches. The remaining veins are undivided. The cubital and anal veins of the fore-wing are more obliquely disposed than those of the hind-wing, and the latter has an anal area much larger than that of the fore-wing. The interstitial neuration consists of short stout cross-nervures, which occasionally fork, and in the wider areas unite to form a meshwork. A triangular area is marked off from the base of each wing by a deep furrow. This Woodward correlates with a similar area in the wing of Gryllacris (Corydalis) lirniii/itiiiiii, which Swinton (' Geol. Mag., [2], vol. i, 1874, p. :J07, pi. xiv, tig. '•>) has described as a stridulating organ. As stated elsewhere, I am of opinion that Swinton's conclusions in the case of (.-1. In-fnnjiiitnii were founded on a misinterpretation of the wing, and that no stridulating organ, or similar structure, is present. In the case of L. carbonariiis such a structure would apparently be useless, as none of the wings could come into such close apposition as would allow the structure to be used. I am unable to determine its purpose or significance, unless it be a portion of the musculature attachment of the wing. Traces of a fore-leg are present, projecting from beneath the left lobe of the prothorax. Its structure is too indefinite for description. The wings were probably one-fourth or one-third longer than the portion preserved — an estimate which would make each complete wing about 70 mm. long, with a spread of about 140 mm., or (> inches. Genus LITHOSIALIS, Scudder. 1881. Lit/iiiKinUf. Scudder, Geol. Mag. [2], vol. viii, p. 299. Generic Characters. — Wings three to four times as long as wide. Outer and inner margins almost parallel; intercostal area wide basally, and diminishing to extinction at apex of wing. Radius simple; median with two main branches, and cubitus large; anal veins few and oblique. The wing on which this genus is founded is interesting as being the first discovered in British Pahvoxoic rocks, except the problematic examph s "mentioned by Lhuyd and not otherwise known. Supposed to be a plant, the wing' i was first sent by Mantell to Jirongniart, who in turn referred it to Audouin. The latter recognised its insect character, and brought it before the Entomological Society of France, the Academy of Sciences, and the Assembly of German 46 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. Naturalists at Bonn. Aiulmiiii described tin- wing- as that of an unknown Neuropterous insect allied to Hemerobins, Xo///;//.v and especially to GoTij^aLis. .Mantell (r Audouin) described it as closely resembling a species of living Goryilalis of Carolina. Swinton states that Mantel! purchased the fossil at a sale ot Parkinson's collection, although Mantel! C. Medals of ( 'real ion.' p. .*i .">-!•) says that lie '"discovered" it in a nodule From Coalbrookdale. Possibly the nodule had previously formed part of the Parkinson Collection. Hoth the figures liy Mantel! and Murchison are badlv drawn, and it was not until 1 S~4 that a reliable drawing was published by Swinton. The latter author devoted considerable attention to a "serrated vein" at the base of the wing, which he regarded as a stridnlating organ. lie therefore referred the wing to the Orthoptera, and to the genus Gi'i/ilctcris. Scudder threw considerable doubt on ton's conclusions, and showed that such an organ so placed could not have been of any service. As we shall see later, the supposed stridulatmg organ is merely a torn edge of the base of the wing. A studv of the wing-structure convinced Scudder thai the wiiiL!' was most clnselv related to the Lithomantis c.arljunariiis, Woodward. Being genericallv distinct from Lithomantis, and from living types, he gave the insect the generic name of l/itJiOsialis. Lithosialis brongniarti (Mantell). Plate 111, tig. 1 ; Text-figure lit. 1833. Corydulix ,', Audouin, Ann. 8oc. Enl. France, vol. ii, Hull., p. 7. ]s:_!il. ( ',ii-i/ilii/in .', Audouin. J'.uckland, Brid^ewatt-r Treatise, vol. ii. p. 77. 1844. Ciiri/iliilin liriniijiiiiiiii. Mantel], Mi-da Is of ('ivatioii, ed. 1. vol. ii, p. 57S. lie,u. 1:24, tii,r. '2. 1854. "Sialid;i'." Pictet. Traitc dt- Paleontologie, ed. ~2, p. :)77. pi. \1. Ii-. 1. lst;7. t'liri/diilia, "allied to." Murchison. Siluria, i-d. 4, ]>. :!uu, woodcut SO. 1871. Cori/clii/ix liruHijiiiur/i, Woodvvafd. Gcol. Mai;'., vol. viii, ]i. :W7 ( naiur onlvl. 1874. Oorydalis hrmiiji/iiii-ti, Swiutun, Ge(>l. Mat;'. [-2], vol. i. p. 'i-!'.', pi. xiv. fi^. :!. lx7-">. 2i2. 1870. (.'iiri/ihilis lirmiiiiiiiirli, \Vooihvard, Quarl. Journ. Cleol. Soc.. vol. x.\\ii, p. (<-2. Issil. Curi/dulix lirinii/iiiiiiii, Nowa.k. Jalirb. k.k. ({col. K'ciclisanst .. \Vit-n, vol. xxx, p. 7^1. pi. ii, (!•_;• I. 1881. Lifli,,*;,!/;* In-nmjnnnii. Sclld-lc]', (i,M,I. Mill,'. - • Vol. viii. p. '1W . 188o. LillinssiiiHii In-iiiK/iiiiiiii, ScMiddtT, Mem. Bost. Soe. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. -J-jn, pi. \\ii. ii^>. 1. •_!. S, ;i. 1885. Prutogryllacrig linnii/iiiiirli, Brougniart, lJull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Iii n :! . aim. \\i. p. .'*'.' Lilliiiiiiiiiilix liriniijiiiii rll, IJroii^iimrt. Faunc Entimi. Terr. I'rini., p. )!71. fi^s. 17, IS. Litlittti'ilit lii-iiiii/iiini'/i. llaiidlirsch, Die Fossilen Iusrkli-u, ]>. S4, pi. x. tii,'. |:'.. '/'///"'. — A left fore-wing; British Museum (Mantell ('oil.."///// Parkinson Coll., no. I I/,]*.)). ll,-xi-i'ifiti!ill>r<»>kcla.]e. Shropshire . Mantell Collection, ulhii Parkinson < 'olhvtion, Hrit. Mus. (no. ll,lil!») The cubitus divides into three branches, the first arising low down, and passing in a bold sweep beyond the middle of the inner margin. The anal veins are five in number, all but the first being undivided. The first anal forks near the base, the outer branch forking again. The whole wing is covered by a numerous series of strong transverse nervures, rarely branching, and usually crossing at right-angles to the main veins. A few are oblique or curved. The "file" or "serrated vein," described at length by Swinton, and by him correlated with that present in recent forms of Gryllacris, appears to be nothing more than an irregular torn edge of the basal part of the wing, which is also lifted up a little above the general level. The torn edge extends along the line of the median vein for a short distance, and wholly lacks the symmetry and detail given to it by Swiii to n. Aljiiiifii'S. — Although closely allied to Litltointnttix rn i-li/ninr/iix, \Voodw., this wing differs in the great Avidth basally of the intercostal area, and in the straighter course of the cubitus and anal veins, due to the greater length of the wing. The interstitial neuration is much the same. 48 FOSSIL IXSKCTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MKAST IIKS. Genus PRUVOSTIA, novum. Generic < 'linrn/'t/'rx. — Fore-wings two ;iml ;i li:ilt' times as long as wide; outer and iniii'i1 wing-margins almost parallel; \ving-apex well rounded. Sidicosta widelv removed from the costal margin liasally. and apparently noi connected with thecosta or radius. Radius straight with divergent radial sector. Radial sector, median and cubitus all distally branched Anal veins few. Interstitial neuration of straight cross-nervure>. Certain features of this wing- are suggestive of the Protorthoptera. These are the wide basal, intercostal area, the basal origin of the radial sector, and the remote branching of the radial sector, median and cubital veins. It is, however, more nearly allied to LitJiosialis than to Metri/in minlis, Ilandh, for example, among the Protorthopteroids. The great length before division of the main stems of the radial sector, median and cubitus, their strong divergence, and the many branches of the median, form an assemblage of characters not elsewhere known, and certainly deserving of generic recognition. It is with pleasure that I attach to this genus the name of l>r. 1'. I'ruvost, of Lille University, in recognition of his valuable work on the fossil insects of the north of France. Pruvostia spectabilis, sp. uov Plate 111. tig. 2; Text-figure 11. 7'///»'. — A left fore-wing; British j\luseum (.lolmson Collection, no. I. K>,8(.>!). Jl/n'i::"ii nnil /,<«•<:•«•,'/ i>li<:/i. — A left fore-wing -V_! mm. long and - I -111111. wide, almost covering the surface of one half of the median plane of a reddish -brown ironstone nodule. A little of the base of the wing is missing, while a |iarl of the wing-apex is concealed PRUVOSTIA SPEOTABILIS. 49 liy ;i film of ironstone \vliicli cannot lie removed. Fortunately the slight film of ironstone does not hide the outline of the wing, and it is evident that the outer and inner wing-margins are almost parallel, while the apex is well rounded. The outer margin merges l>y a well-rounded contour into the wing-apex. The subcosta is well-marked, widely removed from the outer border proximnlly, and lies in a shallow groove formed of the intercostal and radial subcostal areas. These two areas are reduced distally to less than half their proximal diameter owing to the backward inclination of the outer margin. The subcosta seems to die out near the radius, about 7 mm. from the wing-apex, and gives off a numerous series of irregularly spaced and forwardly directed nervures, which are at first straight and then curved towards the wing-apex At their point of origin the cross-nervnres are very distinct, but they thin, and occasionally die out, before reaching the outer margin. The radius is a strong vein, passing perfectly straight out from the wing-base to the outer part of the wing-apex. The radial sector arises near the base of the radius, gradually diverging from it up to the junction of the middle and outer thirds, where a single branch is given off, the latter taking a position parallel with the main stem of the radial sector, and entering the middle of the wing-apex. Kleven mm. further out and within 7 mm. of the apex a second branch is given off, which lies evenly between the main stem and the first branch. The median vein arises so close to the radius as to appear united with it. Like the radial sector, it does not divide until it reaches the junction of the middle and outer thirds of the wing. Here the first inward branch arises, and at equal distances further out are given off two more; the first two each fork in the middle of their length, the third remaining undivided ; the median ends therefore on the inner wing-margin in six divisions. The cubitus consists of two, and possibly three, main stems. Owing to the base of the wing being broken away these stems are not seen to be in actual union. Little doubt can exist as to the union of the first two, but if the third vein is a branch of the cubitus, it can only join the other two by a strong outward curvature. This third vein may be the first anal, although its manner of division is similar to that of the cubitus, in this respect agreeing with what is seen in the first anal of Lithosialis brongniarti. The next vein is parallel with the one succeeding, which is undoubtedly anal, while it shows an increasing- basal divergence from the second cubital. For this reason I have regarded the third vein as the first anal. The first branch of the cubitus diverges widely from the median, passing obliquely to the inner margin of the wing, which is reached just beyond the middle third. Owing to the great divergence of the first cubital branch from the median, the area between the two, at the point where they first branch, is very wide — almost twice the width of any other area. The first cubital vein gives off three outward twigs. The second is parallel to the first as far as its division into two equal twigs. The next vein is that to which I have already alluded as a possible third branch. It is widely separated 7 50 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BEITISH COAL MEASURES. from tlit1 undoubted cubitns, and l>v reason of its t\vo forward branches resembles the cubital elements in front of it. Its wide separation from the second branch of the cnbitns supports the view that it is the first anal vein. The undoubted anal veins are two in number, undivided, and passing backwards very obliquely to the wing-margin. More anal veins may have been present, but it is verv doubtful. The wing-surface is much wrinkled across both the length and breadth, and traversed by numerous cross-nervures, which are most evident in the median area. Affinities. — The wing is typically Pahtodict yopteroid, and in the development of the radius, radial sector, and cubitus, shows an affinity to Lithosialis l>r<>n//iiiitrti. It differs markedly from that species, however, in the great length of the main stems before divisions arise. Dr. Tillyard, to whom I have shown my enlarged drawings, is of opinion that Pruvostia is allied to Pseudofouqiiea rather than to the Lithomantidse. Family KI.'KYKKIIKK, llandlirsch. 190IJ. Handlirseh, Die Fossilen Insekten. p. 95. Wings markedly triangular, with broadened bases. Costa, subcosta and radius brought closely together in the outer part of the wing, the median with few divisions. Cubitus and anal veins directed almost straight inwards, at right angles to the length of the wing. Cenus BREYERIA, Borre. 1875. Bi'i'i/fi'in. I5orre, Arm. Soc. Eiitom. Belg., vol. xviii, p. 40. 1908. St'Mifin. Handlirsch, Die Fossilen Insekten, ]>. 1348. Generic Characters. — Wings two and a half times as long as wide. Outer wing- margin straight; apex curved inwards. Inner wing-margin strongly convex. Costa marginal, subcosta parallel and joining the radius near the wing-apex. Radius giving off the radial sector near the base of the wing, and reaching the apex undivided. Radial sector subparallel to radius. Median boldly curved inwards almost at a right angle. Cubitus less curved than the median. Anal veins few. Interstitial neuration of two kinds, that of the intercostal and radial sector areas of short straight nervures, and that of the remaining areas of irregular thin nervures which tend to anastomose into a loose meslnvork or reticulate arrangement. Breyeria woodwardiana ( llandlirscli ). Text-figures li!. l:>. 190:!. "Allied hi Lithomantig cartonarius," Slobl.s, (in.l. M.i^ I . \,.| \, |> 5~24. PalaeodictyopterOll, SI)., llandlirscli. l»n- l-'ussilni InscLlen, |>. I'jli. BREYERIA WOODWARDIANA. 51 1906. LitJiomantis carbonarius (/), Woodward, G-eol. Mag. [5], vol. iii, p. 26, fig. 1. 1908. Stobbsia woodwardianct, Handlirsoh, Die Possileu lusekteu, p. 1348, text-fly. C. — Greater part of a left hind-win"- ; Mr. J. T. Stobbs' Collection. Horizon vd*hire. Mr. J. T. Stobbs' Collection. Fin. 13. — Breyeria vjonilii-iirtliinin ( Handlirsch ) : same- left hind-wing as restored and figured by Dr. A. Handlirsch under the name of Stalilixin ii'iimlti-in-tUmui. nearly natural size. A = IX, anal; Cu — VII, cuhitus ; M = V, median : R = III, radius ; Rs = IV, radial sector ; Sc = II, subcosta : /, costa. vein, and the position and mode of division of the radial sector being doubtful. Notwithstanding this difficulty, I have by means of an old plaster cast been able to satisfy myself upon the more essential details. The fragment is 50 mm. long and '20 nun. wide, and consists of the greater part of a left wing, of which the base and a portion of the basal third are stated to be obscured by a pinnule of Neuropteris. The maximum width is across the anal area, beyond which the wing rapidly narrows owing to the forward direction of its inner margin. The costal vein is marginal and strong, passing in an almost straight line distally until joined by the subcosta, after which it curves gradually backwards into the wing-apex. The subcosta is parallel with the costal margin over more than two-thirds of the wing, and then joins the costa. The base of the radius is not shown in the figures, except a very small portion in front of the point of origin of the radial sector, the latter arising in the basal third of the wing; beyond the radial sector the radius passes out to the wing-apex, keeping parallel with the costal maroin. 52 FOSSIL TXSKC'TS OF TIT K Bh'ITIRH C'OAF MKASFRKS. The radial sector presents several difficulties. In neither of the two published figures is this vein depicted as we might expect. In all other respects the wing agrees remarkably closely with those of ///v//, •/•/'' and Megaptiloides, where the radial sector sends off inwards a series of simple branches, and runs out fairly parallel with the radius to the wing-apex. In [dace, however, of the radius passing straight outwards, it is represented as dividing into two branches in the distal fourth of the wing, the outer branch forking once and the inner forking twice. The inner branch of the radial sector diverges widelv from the outer, and its three divisions go to the inner side of the wing-apex. A small branch is shown by Woodward as joining the radial sector to the first branch of the median, while the same branch is shown bv Ilandbrsch as coming off from the radius immediately in front of its division into two, and passing down towards the inner margin between the inner branch of the radial sector and the first branch of the median. but not uniting to the latter. The median vein arises near the radius and sweeps out in a bold curve to the middle of the inner margin, giving off three outer undivided branches. Dr. "Woodward, in his restoration of the base of the wing, has inadvertently indicated the main stem of the cubitus as joining the median. This is corrected in Handlirsch's drawing. The cubitus consists of a strongly curved stem giving off two branches, but only the inner marginal portions of the veins are present. The anal veins are three or four in number, and directed backwards at right angles to the length of the wing. o O o o The interstitial neuration consists of feeble transverse nerviires. which either pass irregularly across between the main veins or occasionally fork. Affinities. — Dr. Woodward doubtfully refers the wing to Lithomantis carbo- nari-its, Woodw. Ilandhrsch, in the earlier part of his \\ork. ' Die Fossileii Insekten ' (p. 1 -(.'>), classed it as a " Palaeodictyopteron " only, and afterwards, owing to its supposed relationship to ],. carbonariits, and its evident likeness to Litlnixni/ix and llii<-/i r in the Lithomantidse. There are, however, certain features of the wing which militate against his view. The close apposition of the cost a, subcosta and radius are in marked contrast to the condition in that familv. where these veins are widely spaced, and where there is also a verv wide intercostal area. The radial sector is also more complex. In those details in which the wing departs from the Lithomantid;e, it approaches the characters of the genera //'/, IJrong.. and Breyeria borinensis, Horre, are very close, so far as can be determined bv the distal fragment of the lormer wing and the more than three-fourths of the latter wing. The mam difference between (his wing and ihose of In-ri/i'i-in l/ariiifiixix and /•'. lachlani is in the character of the siilicosta, which in the latter two species joins the radius. Whether the publislied figures of the Staffordshire wing are correctly drawn in tins particular \\e do not know, and as we have alreadv seen that these ligures are SPILAITKRA. 58 wrong in other details, Ave are compelled to assign the specimen to the family Breyeriidae, and doubtfully to the genus ///T///- rin, Avith which it, seems in agreement. Family Snr.AiTKUiD.i-: (nro^j^m't), Handlirsch. liioti. Hanillirscb, Die Fossilpn Inseklen, i>. 1(11. < I Radial sector more or less branched; median divided into two main branches, the outer much divided ; cubitus with an outer branch sending numerous twigs to the inner margin. Intercostal area occupied bv a, series of straight cross-nervares. The family Spilapteridae, founded bv Hronguiart in 1885, has been re-defined by Handlirsch and Lameere. The latter extended the group to include species which Hrongniart had placed partly in the family Platypterida? and partly in Protephemeriihe. All the forms thus brought together by Handlirsch agree in the possession of a typical palaeodictyopteroid neuration and the general characters enumerated above. Lameere ('Hull. Mas. Hist. Nat. Paris,' 1017, no. 1), Avho rejects Handlirsch's vieAvs and classifications (see above, p. I-")), has remodelled the family and given it a new significance. He is of opinion that the genera Lamproptilia, Epitethe, Becquerelia, Palseoptilus, Compsoneura, Spiloptilus, Homaloneura, Graphiptilus and Kliiliiptri-a form a natural family, the Spilapteridae, in which a progressive evolution in the longitudinal venation can be observed. The family is regarded as linked to that of Megasecopteridae through the genus Becquerelia, and to the Protephemeridae through the genus Ajinjxiji/iii*. The three families are then grouped in his new order, Ephemeroptera. Such a classification is based on the belief that a perfect evolutionary sequence can be made out. Unfortunately, in presenting this classification, Lameere gives only a summary of his reasons and evidence, and it is not possible to criticise his •argument. It is. to say the least, very doubtful if, in the present state of knowledge, Ave can judge relationships always correctly, Avhile the sequence of evolution is still more difficult. Handlirsch has acknowledged that he is unable to undertake an\' division of the family Spilapteridse, as he understands it, and is content to aAvait the discovery of the bodies of these insects for a fuller knowledge of the family. As the more rational vieAv, Handlirsch's definition of the family is adopted. Genus SPILAPTERA, Brougniart. 1885. Spilaijtera, Broujjiiiart, Bull. S.>r. Amis Sci. Nat. Roneii [3], ;mu. xxi, p. 63. < ti'iii'ftf Characters. — Insects closely resembling Pdl&uptilim ; fore-wings narrower basally than the hind- wings ; body slender. 54 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE HliTTISH COAL MKASI'IJKS. Spilaptera sutcliflfei, Boltoii. 1'latc 1 1 1, tig. :\ ; Text-figure 14. 1917. Si>ilai>teru sutcliffei, Bolt oil, Quart. Jouru. (jeol. !Soc., vol. Ixxii, p. 53, pi. iv, fi<,'. 1, anJ text-fig. Ti/]>t'. — Basal third of a wing; Manchester Museum (no. L. Sh)~). [fori::/m mnl Loi-nlif ij. — Middle Coal Measures (grey-blue shales 13o — 1 SO feet above the Royley or Arley Mine) ; Sparth Hottoms. Rochdale, Lancashire. X/>i-fijif < 'Im ructt'i-x. -Subcosta ]»arallel \vilh the costal margin; median vein dividing near the base into two branches, of which the outer forks just beyond the point of origin of the radial sector. Cubitus a large and much-divided vein. Anal veins few in number. Description. — This specimen was formerlv labelled " Stenodicti/a lobata," and is one of three recorded by Sntcliffe, Baldwin, and others, in their papers on the fossils found at Sparth Hottoms. The remaining two are described (p. 37) under Km II. — ,S'jn7ri;>/,T.i s»/r/,/j'ci, Holton : restoration of left wing, natural size — MicMle (A>al Measure.-, (shales al>ove (In- Kovley or Arley Mine) : Sparlh ]intt»ius. K'm-licbilr. Ijaiu-asliire. Manclirstci- Museum (no. L. SUIT)! Mecynoptera ln/><'r<-/i/ mm. in length along the outer margin, and -7 mm. in greatest width, but as the inner margin is broken away and lost, the total width of the wing exceeded this, and mav have been over •'!<> mm. It belongs to a left wing, and when complete must have been at least '.«> mm. in total length. The perfect insect must therefore have had a spread of wing of nearly 2<'llnh>i<1es, Brong., of which the distal half of the wing only is known, has a much feebler cubitus, which divides by forking further out than in S. sutdiffei. N. reintstn, Brong., was established on a fragment much similar to that of N. liMlnloides, in which the subcosta is a short vein, and the radial sector arises nearer the middle of the wing. 56 FOSSIL TXSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. Familv LAMPROPTILID/E (Brongniart), Handlirsch. 1885. Brougniart, Bull. Soe. Amis Sri. N;it. K'oiicn [3 . ami. .\\i. |>. >'<•'>. 190C. Handlirsrli. Hie Kossilcu Insi-kti-n, p. lu'.i. Fore- and hind- wing stronglv marked. Veins of the anal and cubital groups numerous and directed obliquely backwards. Hind-wings short and broad. (ienus BOLTONIELLA, Handlirsch. 1885. Lamproptilia, Brongniart. Bull. Sue. Amis Sci. Nat. Rourn :! , aim. x\i. p. tl:;. 1919. Boltoniella, Handlirscli, Revision /iti/iij>! ('Etudes sur le Terrain Houiller de Commentry,' vol. iii [1*93], pp. 467—70, pi. xxxv [19], figs. 7—9). It appears to lie more closely related to L. stirrttpi than to L. r/r((iiur//i, but is more quadrangular, and its costal area is broader. The anal portion of the wing- is of greater tenuity, and occupies fully half of the inner margin. Family BRODIID^, Handlirsch. 190G. Handlirsch. Die Fossilen lusekten, p. 113. 1919. Handlirsch, Revision der Paliiozoischeu Insekten, p. 73. Wings in which the anal area is much reduced and specialised, the radius undivided, and the median, cubitus, and anal veins arched and directed back towards the inner margin. From a re-examination of the originals in the British Museum, Handlirsch has concluded that the family does not belong to the Palasodictyoptera, but to the Order Megasecoptera. This view seems at variance with his own definition of the 8 58 FOSSIL IXSKCTS OF THK BRITISH COAL MEASURES. latter Order ('Die Fossilen Insekten,' p. 312), where lie states that the special distinctive characters of the Megasecopteridse are the tendency to a reduction of the anal area of the wing, and the partial fusion of the median and cubitns with the base of the radius. Hr'i>i!, vol. viii, p. -J!»::. rir Characters,- — Wings spatulate in shape, tliree I lines as long as wide. Outer margin feebly convex. Costa and radius spinulose, radius undivided, radial sector and median vein with lew divisions. Cubit us a single vein. Anal veins few and widely spaced. BRODU PRISCOTINCTA. 59 Brodia priscotincta, Sendder. Plate III, figs. 5, 6; Plate IV, figs. 1 — 3; Text- figures 15, 16. 1881. Urtnliii jiriffotinrtn. Scudder, G-eol. Mag. [2], vol. viii, p. 293, text-tig. 1883. Brodia {>riat'i>!!>irtn, .Scudder, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 213, pi. xvii, figs. 3 — 7. 1885. Brodia prim-otiiii-tii, Bronguiart, Bull. Soe. Amis Sci. Nat. Eoueii [3J, aun. xxi, p. 63. 1893. Ji roil in jii-im-otini-lii, IJroiigniurt, Fauue Eutoiii. Terr. Prim., p. 528, pi. xl (24), fig. 4. 1906. Brodia priscotincta, Handlirsch, Die Fossileu Insekten, p. 113, pi. xii. tig. 13. 1917. Brodia priscotincta, Boltou, Proc. Birmingham Nat. Hist, and Phil. Soc., vol. xiv, pt. 2, p. loo, pi. vii, figs. 3—4, text-tigs. 2 — 3. 1919. Braclifi priscotincta, Handlirsch, Revision der Paliio/oischon Insekten, p. 73, tig. 83. 1919. Broil la 8<-n/>. cit., p. 74, tig. 84, Brit. Mus., no. I. 3879. 1919. Broilitt petiohita, Handlirsch. nfi. cit., p. 74, tig. <> mm.. or over 5 inches. The outer or costal margin is straight, or feebly convex at most, over the greater part of its length, curving distally into the wing-apex. Close to the base it swells out into a slight hump-like elevation which is seen in all cases where the wing has been broken off close to the body. The whole of the outer margin bears a dense series of minute, conical, sharply pointed spinules of a black colour. These are arranged in two rows on the proximal half, with the points of the spinules directed towards the wing-apex. The bases of the spinules are expanded, and give a doubly corded or monilated appearance to the wing-margin. Tillyard regards these spinules as modifications of large hairs which lie has termed " macrotrichia," and I see no reason to dissent from his view. The subcosta at its origin is widely spaced from the outer margin, and passes out beyond the middle of the wing, gradually approaching, but failing to reach it. The subcosta is a strong, straight vein, the greater part elevated above the level of the wing-membrane, and distally flattening into it and disappearing. The radius is a strong vein, more convex than the outer or costal margin, and therefore more widely separated from it at either end than in the middle. The basal portion is parallel with the subcosta for the whole length of the latter; it then becomes parallel with the outer margin for a short- distance, and afterwards curves into the wing-apex. A single row of spinules can be distinguished along the whole vein in some specimens, and gives a slight monilation to the vein-surface. The radial sector is well marked, and comes off from the radius about the point of origin of the first forward branch of the median. The two veins are close together for some distance, but in the distal half of the wing they become parallel, the interspace being equal in width to that between the radius and the outer margin. The radial sector gives off four inward branches, which end on the inner side of the wing-apex. The first branch arises just beyond the middle of the wing, at an acute angle, and is separated from the second by an interval which is double the length of that separating the second and third. The fourth branch is verv short, and so close to the margin as to be absent in some specimens. The median vein for the first quarter of its course lies in the middle line of the wing, and then bends inwards in a wide curve to the distal third of the inner margin. It gives off two outward brunches, both of which are larger and stronger than those of the radial sector. Itotli brunches have the' same sweeping curve possessed by the branches of the radial sector, and are parallel \\itli the latter, while the main stem becomes almost straight. The ciibitus is a single vein, not united at the base to the median, and passing obliquelv to the margin. Some wings have broken oil so lur out from llie base that the ciibifus appears lo join the wing-margin at the junction of the middle and distal thirds. A striking feature of (he cubitus is iis isolated position upon the BRODIA PRISCOTINCTA. <>1 margin, for while the interval between it and the stem of the median is much wider than any other in the fore-part of the wing, the interval between the cubitus and the next vein is nearly twice as wide. There is, in fact, a progressive widening between the veins as they are traced from the apex to the base of the wing, the areas between the median and its branches being wider than those enclosed by the branches of the radial sector. Two somewhat dissimilar anal veins are present. The first has a wide curve to a point far out, on the margin, sometimes giving off a short branch, while the second vein is much shorter and joins the margin at an acute angle. In some specimens this vein is seen to give off two, or even three, short oblique branches. The shape of the wings is very similar to that of the wings of mosquitoes (Anopheles}, and they bear evidence of having been folded in a plicate or fan-like fashion along their length. The first two folds are united at the wing-base, and pass out along the radius and the first outward branch of the median. The third fold lies along the line of the cubitus vein. The degree of plication which a wing retained when silted up modifies considerably the apparent distance between the several veins and their branches, and at times hides important junctions. In one example (Brit. Mus., no. In. 18431) the wing was well flattened out before being buried, and the origin of the veins and their true position can now easily be determined. This specimen shows that the radial sector arises much nearer the wing-base than the first outward branch of the median — a feature not usually shown in the remaining specimens. The general build of the wing is such that the bases of the costal and subcostal veins on the outer margin, and those of the anal veins on the inner, must have served as the main support to the distal two-thirds of the wing, the latter consisting mainly of the radial sector and its branches, the median, and the distal half of the cubitus. Flight must have been mainly maintained by the action of this more distal expanded area, while the strain of movement would fall across the narrow neck-like base of the wing, and may ultimately have led to fracture and the loss of the wings. It is quite possible, also, that these insects were capable of finding food among the decaying vegetation of the coal forests, and thus prolonging life for a considerable period after the wings were lost. Such a presumptive sequence of events would account for the total absence of any trace of the bodies or legs, although the wings of this species are more numerous than any others in the Coal Measures and preserved in good condition. I'ulour Hmnlx. — Scudder mentions this species as the most striking instance among Palaeozoic insects of the preservation of "colour bands," and as he states, some wings show three broad irregular belts of dull umber-brown colour across the wings. Close examination of these " colour bands " in the type-specimen, and in other examples, leads us to doubt the correctness of his view. In all cases where the " colour bands " do not show on the wings, the areas appear to be 62 FOSS1I, 1XSKCTS OF THE BRITISH COAL .MEASURES. totally destitute of any traces of the wing-membrane, and the course of the vein,- only is slio\vn across the matrix. It is much more likely that the "colour-band " effect has been produced by conditions of preservation owing to the wing- membrane being destroyed in those areas which do not show colour. Aijiiiitii'x. — Although Scudder founded both genus and species, he did not attempt anv diagnostic description of either, confining his efforts mainly to a discussion of relationships. His figure is unusually pour, and adds nothing to the text. Scudder's general conclusion was thai the wing was neuropteroid in character, but "refusing Lo affiliate closely with the restricted families of the present day." A manuscript note in Brodie's handwriting placed with the type- specimen would seem to show that Scudder's views acquired greater definition later. Hrodie writes under date. February, 1880: "I sent this wing to Mr. Scudder, and he supposes it to belong to the white ants (Termitida>). or close to the group of which (ioldenberg's Ihi-l ijnin'ii rn is the best type." The first detailed descriptive note of the species was published iu IS'Jo by Brongniart, with an FIG. 16. — Brodia iinscotinftn. Scudder; immature wing, twice natural size. — Middle Coal Measures (clay ironstone nodule from binds between the " ISroncli " and "Thick" coals); I'oselev, Staffordshire. Madeley Collection, Brit. Mus. (no. I. i'J6li). -4, anal; 0, costa ; (.'», cubitu.-; M, median; U, radius ; Rs, radial sector ; Sc, subcosta. excellent enlarged drawing. Brongniart very doubtfully assigned the wing to the Protodonata, and " alongside the Campyloptera." Immature ]riu is usually the case with these grey nodules, the details of the wing are much obscured by the matrix, and the precise method of division of the veins is lar Iroin being clear. The outer margin is regularly convex and formed by the costa. Il gradually merges into I lie expanded and well-rounded wing-apex. The >ubcosta extends BRODTA PEISGOTINCTA. 63 the whole length of the wing, ending in the apex, and being parallel to the costal margin. A wide area separates it from the next vein. The course of the radius is similar to that of the sul>costa. The point at which the radial sector arises cannot be determined, but it lies in the base of the wing. The radial sector is parallel with the radius over the greater part of its length, and gives off three inward branches in the distal third of the wing, all of which end on the inner side of the wing-apex. The course of the inner third of the median is indistinguishable. The main stein reaches the middle of the wing before it gives off the first outer branch, which bends round and becomes parallel with the inner branch of the radial sector. The second branch arises a little further out, and at a more acute angle than the first, passing down to the inner margin of the wing midway between the first branch and the main stem. The cubitns is a long undivided vein which passes, first in a curve, and then in a straight line to the inner margin. Lying inward to the cubitus are traces of another undivided vein, which may represent the anal. It bends inwards more rapidly than the cubitus, and the interval between the two veins is very wide. The inner margin of the wing is sigmoidal in outline. The general characters of this immature wing are nnmistakeably those of the genus Pn-odi. priscotlncta. The general characters of the wing are much like those of UrnJin /_>rixcotiiieta (/iu'enis), and the specimen may be a slightly older larva of that form. The outline of the wing is much the same, but the branching of the principal veins is better shown and their apical curvature less pronounced. The wing also lends considerable support to the belief that these insects did not possess a resting or pupal stage, but that the metamorphosis was regularly progressive. Brodia priscotincta, Scudder, fm-inn jitreiii*, Bolton. Plate IV, figs. 1,2; Text- figures 17, IS. 1919. Timlin nijiiijiJta, Hamllirsch, Revision tier Palaozoischen lusekten, p. 76, fig. 90. Te. — A pair of wings, one almost complete, the other showing the apical half only; British Museum (Johnson Collection, no. T. 1 •"><>:!). (H FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE B1UTTSIT COAL MEASURES. lllton ; diagram of wing-neuration, t\vo-nml-a- half times natural si/.c. — Middle Coal Measures (liimls lie) \\een the " llvoorh " ami "Thirl;" roals): CVseley. Stall'i ii'dshi re. Johnson Collection, I'.rit. Mus. (no. I. 15(>:i) 1 lettering as in Text-figure Hi', p. 62. appear to arise from the radial sector, in which case the two of which traces onlv are seen would do so also. The radial sector therefore seems to give origin to four inwardly directed parallel brandies. The whole course of the next vein is not clearly determin able. It passes to just beyond the middle of the inner margin, in an almost straight oblique course, and gives off a single forked outer branch parallel with the fourth branch of the radial sector. This vein can only be the median. The next vein is the cubitus. Ft is undivided, and goes to the middle of the inner margin. Anal veins are only indicated by feeble traces of a single < . O undivided vein, which apparently reached the margin midway between the cubitus and the base of the wing. Another similar wing from the same hori/.on and locality in the British Museum (no. I. 1564) is 17 mm. long and "> mm. wide, and lies on the surface of a split nodule of dark-brown ironstone. The wing-membrane is very thin, and forms a slight gla/e on the otherwise granulated surface — a feature which has made the details of structure difficult to determine. The costa is marginal, the outer margin convex, and gradually curving into the rounded apex of the wing. The inner margin is slightly convex distally, and straight proximally. The Mibcosta is a feeble vein whose course cannot be traced with certainty BROD1A PRISCOTINCTA. <>:• beyond the middle of the wing. It is close to the margin and parallel \vith it For its whole lengtli. The radius is well marked, sunken, and also parallel with the margin except distally, where it is more inwardly curved. It ends on the apex in a short fork. The radial sector arises near the base, and is parallel with the radius. It appears to give off three to four branches, the first arising very near the base of the wing. The whole course of this branch can be traced, but of the middle two only faint traces are left in the region of the wing-apex. The fourth branch is very short, and corresponds in position with the last branch of the radial sector in BroiUci priscotincta. The median vein forks low down into two equal branches, which reach the middle of the inner margin. The cnbitus is a long undivided vein passing out almost to the middle of the inner margin, and separated from the next vein, which seems to be the first anal. The course of the latter is more oblique to the inner margin than that of the cubitus. In its general character this wing is distinctly similar to that of 13. priscotincta, although it lacks a second branch to the median, and the first anal does not seem to be forked. FIG. 18. — Krodin priscotinctn, Seudder./nnmi /'nwnis, Bolton ; diagram of wing-neuration, twice natural size. — Middle Coal Measures (binds} between the "Brooch" and "Thick" fals I ; Coseley, Staffordshire. Madeley <'»ll.'eti.>n, Brit. JIus. (no. I. 1504). Lettering as in Text-fit^-. Hi. }< H-' . I /////// (V.s-. — Handlirsch regards these as nymphal wing-sheaths, bat their extreme tenuity militates against this view. He is probably wrong in referring Ili-inliii to the Megasecopterida?, but right in regarding these wings as those of heterometabolous insects, and not holometabolous as Lameere supposed. Immature though the wings undoubtedly are, the more nearly perfect example possesses an assemblage of characters which I believe points to its relationship. The shape of the wing, the character and course of the subcosta, the number and position of the branches of the radius, the simple forking of the median and the anal veins, are all characters pertaining to the genus Ili-mlin. The differences in detail between this wing and that of />'. priscotincta are such as may be looked for between the nymph-stage and the adult. Among previously described larval wings, the onlv type which seems comparable is J.nnu'ri-i'ifi'x r// /•/•/'/»•// ///x, Handlirsch, based on four nymph-wings or wing-cases, as Handlirsch has them, found in the dial Measures (Pennsylvanian) at Mazon Creek, Illinois, U.S.A. (I'.'ll, Handlirsch, ' Amer. Journ. Sci.' [•!•], vol. xxxi, p. :375). In these wings, the outer or costal margin is more strongly curved, and the costa and radius extend over the bluntly curved apex down to its junction with the inner margin. The succeeding veins arise nearer the base of the radius, only one 9 C.r, FOSSIL TXSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASFRKS. apparently being a branch of that vein, while the median and the cubital areas are occupied by numerous veins whose origins are nut indicated. The differences between Lameereites dtrvipennis and this specimen are consider- able. The balance of evidence is greatly in favour of an affinity with llroiJin /irix- i-ntinclii, and the specimen may represent a nymph or larval stage of that species. It is undesirable to attach a specific name to immature wings agreeing so closely with a known species. 1 propose to regard it as I!, prisnotincto,, j'nrinn juvenis. Brodia furcata, Haudlirscli. Plate III, figs. 7, S; Text-figure !'.». 1919. li rail iii J'urciita, Hanillirscli, Revision r. — A left wing and impression showing the under-surface ; British Museum (no. I. ;29G'2). Horizon aiiJ Lix'nUtij. — Middle Coal Measures (above the '; Brooch " Coal) ; Dudley and Coseley, Staffs. FIG. 19. — Bfnilin J'ui'rutu, flandlirsch ; showing forking of the second branch of the median into two equ;>l twi^s, natural size. — Coal Measures (clay ironstone nodule from binds between the " Brunch " and "Thick" coals) ; Coseley, Staffordshire. Brit. Jlns. (no. I. :.'!>( iiM. tijii'r/jir (.'Inifiifti'rx. — Radial sector reduced in area, and possibly with three branches. Median having the second branch dividing into two equal twigs, both of which reach the margin. Median area, enlarged. Description. — This wing differs so much from the type-form as to be worthy of specific distinction. Its total length is 44 mm. and the greatest width 1 Ll'5 mm. The base of the wing is much more nearlv complete than usual, and very narrow (•> mm.) for a short distance, bevond which it widens by the development of the strong convex inner margin. The wing shows the usual plication, which fortu- nately is not continued into its base, so that the course of the veins in the latter is not obscured, as is so often the case in I!, firixfutiiirlti. The outer or COM a I margin forms an almost straight line, and bears a double row of spmnles, those ai the base of the wing pointing inwards. No basal hum]), as in //. /irixrotiiirlit, is shown. The subcosta is widely spaced from the outer margin proximally. The radius and radial sector present no special features, and but one inward branch is present. Whether four branches arose from the mam stem, as in the t vpe-species, cannot be determined owing to the loss of the apical portion of the \\IIIL;'. It is doubtful if such was the case, as the portion missing is not great. The outer three branches of the radial sector are usually 10 — 1 12 mm. apart, so that if the wing " PTERONEPIONITES." 67 possessed the same number of branches of the radial sector as in B. priscotincta, its total length would have been 70 mm. — an unusual length. The median vein is the most powerful of the whole series, and occupies a middle diagonal area equal in extent to the combined costal and radial areas. The first branch arises in line with the radial sector, and much nearer the base of the wing than in B . priscotincta, and also lies so much nearer the cubitus that the area separating the two is but half the diameter of the area in the former species. This shortening of the main stem and its movement inwards has been brought about by the division of the second branch into two equal twigs, which pass out to the margin between the first branch and the main stem. The median vein therefore takes a larger share in the wing-structure than in B. j>r!sc.ottiH-tii, and the radial and cubital areas are correspondingly reduced. The cubitus presents no special features. Notwith- standing the shortening up of the area separating it from the median, the area between the cubitus and the anal veins is very large. The cubitus has suffered no displacement by the increased division of the median. The first anal vein is very long, passing well beyond the first third of the wing and dividing just before reaching the wing-margin. The second anal vein is two-thirds the length of the first, and bends inwards more gradually to the margin, giving off two short oblique branches in its basal half. " PTERONEPIONITES." Many larva.' of fossil blattoids have been recorded, but very few of other groups. These larva? may eventually reveal the changes undergone up to the adult stage, and the development of the neuration of the wings. In addition, the occurrence of larva? in deposits is more likely to be indicative of habitat than the presence of adult wings, as the inability of larva? to fly and their lesser power of flotation would ensure inclusion in adjacent deposits. It is therefore necessary that their occurrence, and as much as possible of their structural appearance, be fully recorded. Any attempt to classify them under genera and species would rather retard than accelerate progress, and it seems advisable to record them under some term which will leave no doubt of their larval character. Handlirsch (' Amer. Journ. Sci.' [4], vol. xxxi, p. 375, I'.Ul) has already described larval "wing-cases" of a somewhat similar character under the generic name of " Lameereites," and placed them under the order Megasecoptera. Had not Handlirsch given a generic value to the name " Lameereites," it would have been possible to extend the use of his term to all larval wings. Failing this I would suggest the use of the word " Pteronepionites " for all larval wings which cannot be referred to a known genus, adding a specific designation when any larval wing presents features of a definitely recognisable character. Handlirsch restricts the name " Lameereites " to the wings of larval Megasecopteridie, but recognises the 68 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. close similarity between them and Pteronepionites (' Revision der Palaozoischen Insekten,' p. 76). "Pteronepionites" johnsoni, sp. nov. Plate IV, fig. 4; Text-figure 20. T//JII'. — Immature wing, 12 mm. long and 4 mm. wide; British Museum (.Madrley Collection, no. I. 2907). Horizon mill Locality. — Middle Coal Measures (binds between the "Brooch" and "Thick" coals); Coseley, Staffs. I ti'.-ifi'ijilliiii. — The wing, like all these immature structures, is of extreme temutv, and the finer details are masked by the coarse granular nature of the matrix composing the nodule. The outer margin is straight, curving backwards until it meets the inner margin in a bluntly-pointed apex. The inner margin is strongly convex, a distal infolding indicating that the wing was apparently never fullv extended. Very feeble traces occur of a short straight snbcosta, which Kn, 20. — " I'ti'niiifjiiiinitft. " ./H/IHSMIII. sp. nov. ; iliu^i-iiin of win^-nrunitioi), t \v.,-;iinl-a-h:ilf times natural si/.e . — JliiMIc Coal Mi MM ires (l.imls Iir1 wn-n tlic " Hn.ocli " and " Thick " ro;tls) : Coseley, StaftYirtlsliiiv. .Ma.lclcy GVllivtinii, Brit. Mus. (no. I. ^'.H;TI reached the margin near the apex of the wing. The radius is stout and straight and reaches the wing-apex, giving off a well-marked radial sec-tor, which, diverging from the radius, passes in a wide curve into the wing-apex. The median remains undivided for nearly a third of its length, and then bifurcates into two eipial branches which assume a parallel position, and reach the outer third of the inner margin. The cubitus is represented by two veins, the first having a sigmoidal sweep and the second a simple curve. Until reach the middle third of the inner margin. No trace of anal veins can lie observed. "Pteronepionites" ambigua, sp. nov. I'late IV, fig. 5. /'///"'• — A pair of larval wings still attached to the crushed and a most obliterated body; Uritish .Museum (Madeley Collection, no. I. 2'.Mi,S). Horizon ape.x is obscured by the matrix. The whole wing has a length nl li'.i mm. and a width of 2 mm. Ivich is much thickened over the basal hall. " PTERONEPIONITES " LKITS. li'.i and strongly ridged or furrowed along the line of a powerful vein or tracheal trunk (the wing is so immature as to render the latter possible), occupying the position of the radius and median veins. Traces of a third vein occupying the position of the cubitns are present on the inner half of the wing. The body- segments are numerous, o — t mm. in depth, and seem to have had pleura-like expansions. The region in front of the thorax is bent backwards and below the abdominal segments. The thoracic segments are larger and more robust than those of the abdomen. The thinness of the body, and the difficulty of determining boundaries Avith satisfactory accuracy, render all attempts at a more precise determination impos- sible. We can, however, say with confidence that the remains are those of an insect possessing a long segmented body, an elongated head-region, and wings carried upright over the back. " Pteronepionites " lepus, sp. nov. I'late IV. tig. <>. e. — Remains of a larval insect, having a segmented body and two immature wings, in a flattened nodule of light-grey ironstone ; British Museum (Madeley Collection, no. I. 2%'.M. Horizon and Lonilitt/. — Middle Coal Measures (binds between the "Brooch" and " Thick " coals) ; Coseley, Staffs. Description. — The impression of two wings is clearly discernible, the segments of the abdomen are less so. With oblique lighting, six segments can be made out behind the thorax. The wings are slightly unequal in si/.e, and the anterior is longer and thicker than the posterior wing; it is also somewhat infolded at the base. The differences between the two wino-s, and their relative o 7 positions, would seem to indicate that they are the fore- and hind-wings of the one side. The fore-wing has a length of '.» mm. and a width of -^> mm., while the hind- wing is 8 mm. long and 2 mm. \vide. The fore-wing has a strap-shaped appearance, and the line of attachment to the body is its broadest part. A stout ridge, swollen at its junction with the body, traverses the greater part of the length of the wing, dying out before the apex is reached. The wing is too small for definite determination of this swelling, but it appeal's due to incomplete extension of the wing-membrane, rather than to the presence- <>f a vein. The distal fourth is flat and thin, and the apex well rounded. The outer and inner margins are parallel and undulated. A few faint and irregular lines may be indications of veins. The hind-wing has undergone greater expansion than the fore-wing, and lies almost flat on the nodule. Both outer and inner margins are gently convex. th.e convexity of the inner margin being the greater. Feeble traces of a subcosta. and 70 FOSSIL INSISTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. of a stout vein which forks before the middle of the wing is reached, are dis- tinguishable. The latter vein occupies the position 1 should assign to the radius. No further traces of veins are visible. The two wings are separated by an interval of :>> nun. at their bases. Xo definite details can be made out in the thoracic region. Behind the hind-wing are faint impressions of a series of abdominal segments. These are about three times as deep as wide, and appear to have borne lateral spiny processes. There are also traces of tubercles. The head-region is only indicated by faint discolorations. As in the case of other examples of " Pteronepionites " we have met with, the remains are so filmy in character, and merge so much into the matrix, that it is impossible to define the outer limits of the various segments with absolute clearness, and no attempt can be made at a systematic determination of characters. The specimen is a larval form with wings not yet fitted for Might, but with a degree of differentiation in the fore-wings which indicates that they were thicker and less flexible than the hind-wings. The abdomen is long, wide, and well segmented, the lateral expansions being not unlike those of Kuphuleria J'ern.r. So closely does the abdomen resemble the segmented body of a Diplopod, that in the absence of the wings we believe it would be readily classed as belonging to that group, and as possessing nothing in common with insects. It is difficult to resist the belief that these larval insects were capable of crawling about in decaying vegetation, and that their larval life was thus spent, until by successive ecdysis the wings had acquired sufficient strength to lift the body from the ground, -and enable the insect to fly. Family .KxniMATonin.K, Handlirseh. 190IJ. Handlirseh. Prou. U.S. National Mils., vol. xxix, p. 680. 11)0(3. Haudlii'scli, J>i<' Kossilcii [nsekten, p. 116. Wing stronglv arched, and broadly rounded at the apex. Anal area small, and not marked off from the rest of the wing Subcosta reaching almost to the wing- apex; radius simple, and radial sector with three divisions. .Median with lour brandies. Costa represented bv an oblique vein with a terminal lork, followed by three simple, stronglv curved anal veins. Interstitial neuration partly of regular ei'oss-nervures, and partlv ol a polygonal network. Handlirseh founded this family on an incomplete wing in which the greater part of the outer border, sulieosta and radius is missing. From the upper Middle Coal .Measures of .Ma/.oii Creek, 111.. I .S.A. .ENIGMATODES (?) REGULAR IS. 71 Genus ^NIGMATODES, Ihmdlirsch. 1900. -^iiii/ii/iifiitlfft, Handlirsoli, Die Fossilcn Insekten. ]j. 111!. Generic characters as above. ^Enigmatodes (?) regularis, sp. nov. Plate IV, fig. 7 ; Text-figure 21. Ti/pi'. — Fragmentary wing; British Museum (no. Tu. IS, 604). Hori::un 2. of the complete wing was probably 50 — 00 mm., and the width 18 — 20 mm. The outer margin is missing, and of the subcosta and radius only portions of the basal third are present. These are separated by a narrow area crossed by short trans- verse nervures. In the distal third of the wing is the innermost branch of the radial sector, which ends on the margin in a small fork. The line of fracture of the wing has closely followed the line of the radial sector, and a portion of another branch of the radial sector may have been present along the line of the extreme broken edge of the wing. The median vein sweeps in a convex curve to far out on the inner margin, giving off two well-spaced branches. The next two veins, one of which forks, are more oblique in their course, and may also belong to the median, but the basal curve rather indicates that these veins are cubital, as is the succeeding vein, of which only a small portion is left. A trace of an anal vein is present near the wing-margin. The interstitial neuration consists of well-marked transvei-c nervures, regularly spaced in the outer parts of the wing, and uniting in a loose FOSSIL IXSFCTS OF THE BRITISH COAT, MEASURES. mesh work in the wide area between the inner branch of the median and the cubitus. .(////////(.•.-•. — The nearest approach to a wing of this character is that of jffinigmatodes ilmiiclxi, Ilandlirsch, in which the greater part of the outer margin is also missing. The Yorkshire specimen, which may be a hind-wing, is three times as long as .!•'. tliti/i<'lxi, and the veins have a stronger inward curvature. In the absence of more definite details, it seems best provisionally to refer the specimen to the genus /Enigmatodes. Genus PSEUDOFOUQUEA, Handlirsch. UM.iti. Pseudofouquea, Hancllirsch, l>ic Fossil™ Tnsoktcn. p. 125. « Wings three times as long as wide. Cubitus with inner and outer branches. Anal veins, so far as known, not united. Interstitial neuration of feeble cross- nerviires except between cubitus and tirst anal, where it is irregularly reticulate. Pseudofouquea cambrensis (Allen). Plate IV, tig. S ; Text-figure 22. liMll. l<'i,in/in':i cambrensis, Allen, (icol. Alag. [4], vol. viii, p. (!5. text-fig, on p. I'll. I'.MUI, P.-ifti/liit'in/i/iifi.! i^niiliffnaif. Iliunllii'Sc-li, l>ic Fossileu Insekten, p. 125, pi. xiii, fig. 5. 1!>1<;. ra,-iiiliifnnii;ivi. Joiirn. Geol. Soc., vol. K\ii. p. 5!*, pi. iv, figs. 4 — 5, text-fiff. Ti/jx-. — A broken left fore-wing, of which the two parts are preserved on fragments of blark shale: one fragment, bearing the basal part of the wing, in the Museum of I'raclical Geology, .lermyn Street (no. 7-72). the other, containing the impression of the distal 2S mm. of the wing, in the \Yelsh .National Museum. Cardiff (no. 13,120). //"/•/.v«// mill Lix-itlit//.- Lower Coal Measures (top of the Four Foot Seam); Llanbradacli Colliery, near Cardiff. i^pei-ipr ''l//i r2 mm.. '.' mm. having been PSEUDOFOUQUEA CAMBRENSTS. 73 lost from its tip since it was measured by Allen, who gives the total length as -II mm. The greatest width is 1 •"> mm. The subcosta is widely separated from the outer or costal margin in the base of the wing, and gradually approaches and unites with it beyond the middle. The radius is parallel with the subcosta throughout its length, and gives origin to the radial sector basally. The radial sector diverges from the radius over the whole of its course. It now shows but one inwardly directed branch, which forks at the broken edge of the wing. Allen's figure indicates that two more branches were given off, both being undivided. The radius and radial sector occupied almost the whole of the apex of the wing. The median vein forks in the basal fourth, the outer branch again forking before the middle of the wing is reached. The inner branch of the median diverges almost in a straight line from the outer branch, and also forks, and bears an accessory twig upon the fourth branch. A feeble accessory twig appears to be given off near the middle of the Aving, but dies out in the integument. The cubitus Fia. ~2. — Pseudofovquen nniifuYiisis (Allen) ; restoration of whole win^, natural size. Lower Coal Measures (top of the Four Foot Seam) ; Llanbradach Colliery, near Cardiff. Basal portion of wing in Mus. Pract. Oreol. (no. 727-) Impression of apical portion of winy in the Welsh National Museum (no. 13,120). is a remarkable vein, unlike that of any other fossil wing (Comstock, ' Wings of Insects,' 1918, p. 106). For nearly half its length it passes in a broad curve to the inner margin, giving off a series of alternate twigs upon its outer and inner sides, those of the inner beintr weaker than those of the outer side. The two o outer twigs are strongly developed, while those on the inner side of the cubitus, four in number, are weaker and shorter. The feeble continuation of the main stem reaches the* margin between the two sets of branches. Four anal veins are distinguishable. The inner two arise from a common base, the outer two not uniting. This is unlike the condition in Fnui/iimi. where the anal veins branch off regularly from a single stem. The area lying between the first anal vein and the main stem of the cubitus is verv wide — much wider, indeed, than any other area. The interstitial neuration consists of weak cross-nervures, except between the base of the first anal vein and the main stem of the cubitus, where it is irregularly reticulate. Aljhiittffi. — The characters of the cubital and anal veins definitely remove the species from the genus Finn/in-n, and the cubitus, with its strong, anteriorly directed twigs, and its feebler inner series, is wholly unlike that of any other insect, and would alone suffice to justify the generic rank given by Handlirsch. 10 74 FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BEITISH COAL MEASUKES. So far I am in agreement with Handlirsch, but 1 regard the enlarged areas between the inner divisions of the radial sector and the cubitus, and between the cnbitus and the anal veins, as more suggestive of the Protorthoptera, notably Tln>i-uiii/xis iiif/l>t>rft'iix!x, Aminon. More than this cannot be said, and /V/i//,i- /'iiiii/iK'it cambrensis must be regarded provisionally as Palreodictyopterid, with a possibility of Protorthopterid or even Orthopterid affinities. INCERT^E SEDTS. Genus ARCHJEOPTILUS, Scndder. 1881. Arcli:n>]>til>is, Scudder, (leol. Mai,'. J2 ', vol. viii, p. 2'.'.V A wing of unusually robust type. Only one is known, consisting of not more than the basal fifth of a whole wing whose total length may have been 25~4 cm. to o5'5 cm. The fragment is too small for a correct determination of its systematic position, and has been referred to widely separated families by various workers. Archaeoptilus ingens, Scudder. Plate IV, fig. (.»; Text -figure '2:>. 1881. Archn'optihis iiiijcim, Scudder, Geol. Mag. [2], vol. viii, pp. 295, 300. 1883. Ar<'Ji;>'l. xxxvii, fig. 6. .l/-i7/,-n»////7//x Ingens, Handlirsrh, Die Fossilen Insekten, ]>. 117. pi. xii, fig. 18. '/'///"'. — Basal fifth of wing, in counterpart ; British Museum (no. T. 3!»97). llnrr.i'ii inn/ l,iicnli/i/. — Middle I'pper Coal Measures; between Shelton and Clay Lane, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. N/)ir///Y Characters. — Wings very large; cosia. subcosta, and radius broad and robust. The costal border spiny. Interstitial iienration of stout li-ansverse nervnres. I >i'xi-ri]ilimi. — Onlv the basal part of the wing and its counterpart are preserved, having a total length of !-'> mm., and a greatest breadth ol ']•} mm. Scudder's estimate of the length of the whole wing as o-V'i cm. is probably excessive. Scudder (/i/c. o'/., 1SS1) thus deserilies the specimen: "All the principal veins are a millimetre or more thick, and the cross-veins of the upper interspaces are tolerablv distant, stout, prominent, and generally simple. The marginal (costa) vein, lormiiiL;' the I'ronl (outer) border of the wing is studded with short oblique spines (r macro! richia). The other veins lie al very different levels on the stone, AECHLEOPTILUS INGENS. 75 and below the interspaces mentioned, seem rather closely crowded, and much more curved, sweeping downward, while the upper veins show little tendency to turn from a longitudinal course." The great apparent width of the costa is caused by the formation of an expanded chitinous bur along its outer margin, the free edge bearing the spines described by Scudder. The costn, with its chitinous bar, the subcosta and the radius are so broad as to appear strap-like, are widely separated, and the intervening areas are crossed by equally strong nervures. The costa can In1 distinguished on the cast from the frontal bar and appears as a narrow rounded vein. The subcosta is a very broad vein, crossed by oblique stria? which are directed outward from the upper edge of the vein. A broad interval ('.> mm.) separates it from the costa, the area being crossed by stout, slightly oblique, transverse nervures. The general direction of the subcosta is such that it must have reached the margin of -the wing near the apex. At the base it is much enlarged, the FIG. 23. — Archaeoptilus imjens, Scudder ; diaynim of whole winy; from Sfiuldrr's on^-iiml restoration, one-quarter f" natural size. — Upper Coal Measures ; near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Brit .Mus. (no. I. 3997). enlargement probably indicating the attachment to the body of the insect. The expanded inner portion of the base is fused with the equally expanded base of the radius. The radius diverges from the subcosta in its outward course, and is even more enlarged than the subcosta. It is connected with the latter by a series of thirteen transverse nervures in the wing-fragment. Most of these are slightly convex, and two are united by lateral branching. The median vein was apparently closely apposed to, or united with the base of the radius, and is much less robust than the latter, the intervening urea being narrow, and crossed by short, thin, straight, transverse nervures which do not appear to continue into the base of 'the wing. The cnbitus is not so readily distinguishable, and diverges sharply inwards towards the inner margin. The anal veins are 4 — 5 in number, and are strongly curved inwards, occupying not more than one-fifth of the inner margin of the wing. The first three may have been united at their base. The wing is marked by a series of folds along the lines of the principal veins. Afo'.iitiiex. — This remarkable wing-fragment has caused considerable conjecture as to its true character and relationship. Scudder in his second note (Inf. fit., 7C, FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. 188-3) somewhat vaguely placed it, " with a strong degree of probability, in the same general group as some other I'ahwo/oic wings." This reference can only be to the Palseodictyoptera. Later he published a restoration of the wing, and classed it with the Protophasmidge. Brongniart atone time regarded it as a Dictyoneuron, and later as a " Neurorthopteron " of the group Slhenaropterida. Still later he placed it as a Nenropteron in the group Platypteridse. Handlirsch considers that the costa is marginal, and that this character, with the sharp inward curve of the anal veins, justifies its inclusion in the Palseodictyoptera, although lie does not attempt to indicate its allies. A second species was described by Brongniart as A. ln<-nxi (' Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Xat. Rouen' [o], ami. xxi, p. <><), 1885), but this throws no light on the genus, nor does it appear to be generically referable to Archseoptilus. The only details preserved which can be used in the determination of relation- ship are the spiny outer margin, the great width of the principal veins, the well-developed cross-nervures, and the strongly curved and numerous anal veins. Even these are too fragmentary for safe conclusions to be drawn in the absence of other material. The general structure of the wing-fragment is to me more suggestive of the Protodonata than of the Palseodictyoptera, but the presence of well-marked anal veins discounts this view, unless we are prepared to accept the specimen as an early and archaic prototype of the Protodonata. Order M I XOTKRMITOIDKA, Handlirsch. I'.MM;. Handlirsch, Proc. U.S. National Musc'Uiu. vol. xxix. p. <;!>.">. ami Die Fossil™ Inseklt'ii. \>. l^i',. 1919. Handlirsch, Ut-vision . -i>. Subcosta much shortened; radial sector arising close to the base, \\itli - — :> branches, of which only one forks. Median long, four-branched and suggestive of the Palseodictyoptera. Cubitus with "2 — :.! inward branches. Anal vein :>, simple. Cross-nervures strong, wide-spread and regular. This is a provisional order established by Handlirsch to include two forms only — Mixoter tries luganensis, Ster/el, from the Coal Measures of Saxony, and Geroneura «•//>-•<>///, Matthew, from the Carboniferous of St. John, New Bruns\\ ick. North America. l>oth wings show clearlv their Palseodictyopteroid ancesli-y, but I landlirsch is uncertain whether thev should be brought near to the Protorthoptera or to the I'ri'liihe. (ienus GERONEURA, Matthew. ls!-i;». lirfiiiii-iifii, Miiiihcw. '1'rans. li'ov. Sm- Canada, vul. \i. scrt. i\', \>. .".7. fJeneric Characters. — \Vingtlirec times aslongas wide; apex obluselv rounded; GERONEURA (?) OVATA. 77 subcosta short and joining outer margin before middle of wing. Radius and radial sector occupying almost the whole of the wing-apex. Median, cubitus, and anal divisions few. Inters! it i;il nenration of stout cross-nervures at wide intervals. Geroneura (?) ovata, sp. nov. Plate V, fig. 1. T//I>IJ. — Portion of left wing; British Museum (Madeley Collection, no. I. 29(>-">). Hon'::nn !'.-:, •njitinii. — The specimen consists of the impression of the upper surface of the distal portion of a left wing, having a length of o2 nun., and a breadth of '2(1 mm. The impression lies on the surface of a thin flattened half-nodule of fine sandy grit, and is but faintly indicated. The total length of the wing Avas probably from twice to three times the length of the portion preserved, and its breadth may have been a little more than 2(i mm. The outer margin is gently convex, and curves into the broadly rounded apex. Very little is left of the inner margin, Avhich also seems to have been convex. The distal portion of the costal margin is present for a length of 'JO mm. There is no trace of the subcosta, so that this vein did not extend much, if at all, beyond the middle of the wing. The radius gives off the radial sector about the distal third of the wing, the two veins remaining almost parallel with the wing-apex. The radial sector gives off a single inward forked vein. The next three veins seem to be divisions of the median. The first two each give off an outer branch in line with the division of the radius and radial sector, and the outer of the two also forks before reaching the edge of the wing. The third vein is single for its whole length, but evidently united with the second a short distance outside the line of*fracture of the nodule. The remaining four veins appear to belong to the cubitus. \o anal veins are distinguishable. All the veins, with the exception of the small forks of the radial sector and first median, are parallel and Avidely spaced. They are united by a series of strong, straight cross-nervnres placed widely apart. Xot withstanding the strength of the veins and of the cross-nervures, the smooth impression of the wing-fragment seems to indicate that the veins were not sunk below the general surface of the Aving, as is usually the case. Aljiiii/ii'x. — The determination of the relationship of so small a wing-fragment would be difficult were it not for the unusual direction of the main veins, their mode of branching, and the character of the cross-nervures. These characters are _a special feature of the order Mixotermitoidea, Handl. FOSSIL INSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MKASrUKS The wing-fragment must lie referred to this provisional order in the absence of knowledge of the whole wing-structure. The much-divided median vein is more comparable with that of Gennn:in-(i iri/xnuL Matthew, than with that of Mixotermes liigaitensis, Sterzel, and is also correlated with a shorter subcostal vein, although in IT. irllxiuil that vein extends beyond the point at which the radial sector arises from the radius. An open series of cross-nervures is present in both genera, as in this specimen, and both have the same well-rounded apex. The wing-fragment is suggestive of llfiiii'i-ixfitt orrii/fi/tnlix, Dana, but has a less branched radial sector. I provisionally refer it to Geroiieura with the specific name of urnln. Order PROTORTHOPTERA, Handlirsch. I'.'IM;. Handlirsrh. 1'roc. U.S. National Museum, veil. xxix. p. >'<'.>'<. and l)ic tVissilt-n Iiisekteii, p. 1-3. 1919. Haudlirsch, Kevisiou der Palaozoischen lust'kteu, p. 28. Head large, with strong mouth-parts, and bearing long slender antenna1; prothorax large and elongated, and the body strongly built. Legs either uniform in character and fitted for running, or the hind-legs modified for leaping. Wings more specialised than those of the Palaeodictyoptera, and capable of folding on the abdomen when at rest, with the enlarged anal areas of the hind-wings doubled under, owing to the formation of a fold between the anal area and the rest of the wing. The principal veins and their subdivisions not so strongly curved inwardly as in the Palseodictyoptera. I landlirsch established this order to include a series of insects intermediate in character between true Orthoptera and I'aheodictyoptera, to which Scudder had previously given the name of Palaeodictyoptera Neuropteroidea. Genus JEDCEOPHASMA, Sendder. 1880. .Kilii'iiii/iiisiiin. Scudder, Greol. Mag. :> . vol. ii, p. -('>'>. (! i' in1 i-'n- Clnii-iirfi'i-K. — Large wings two-and-a-half times as long as wide; inner margin more convex than miter margin, and curving distallv into the latter. Principal veins broad and Hat in the basal third, and diminishing in si/,e distallv. Sulicosta and radius reaching the wing-apex. Median vein with two mam branches, (lie outer with most subdivisions. Cultit us with two main branches, each much subdivided. Anal veins numerous. Interstitial neuratioii of irregular nervures, and a loose meshwork in the wider areas. ^Edoeophasma anglica, Scudder. Hale V, tig. L! ; Text-figure '_!!. [885. .K
  • . and in /illcl's I landl'iirli ili-r o^ic. vol. ii, p. 7-V\ tig. '.Ml ^BDCEOPHASMA ANGLIC A. 7'.) linn;. . 7',Vii'i,y//(,is/mi tuii/lii-u, Haiidlirsrli, Die Fossilcn lusckU'ii, p. l-!-r>, ]>1. xiii, fi^. 4. IJ'M. ./•;./.,',,/,//, />•///,; luiiilint. r>i.l1(in, Quart. Jniivn. Gcol. 8oc.. vol. Ixxii. p. 4:!, pis. ill, iv, ami text-figure, V//7"'. — Greater part of a left wing in an ironstone nodule ; Liverpool Museum (presented by Major Chamber* in 1858). \\tn-\-.ini inul I'jfii-filiti/. — j\liddle Coal .Measures; South Lancashire (locality unknown, but the nodule so similar to those derived from the Ravenhead Railway Cutting- that it may be from that section). $jit',-ijii- ('liitrartrrx. — As generic characters. ])esci'ii>li<>n. — The specimen was partlv described and named by Scndcler in 1885, and re-examined and figured by the present writer in ]'.»1G. The wing lies in counterpart in a fine-grained ironstone nodule, and its total length as now exposed is S7 mm., its greatest breadth (across the middle) •!•<> mm. When whole, the wing was probably 100 mm. long. Fir,. lil. — .Etlienjihitsma nnijllcii, Seudder ; restoration of whole wing, showing the general character of the venation, natural size. — Middle Coal Measures; South Lancashire. Liverpool Museum. The outer or costal margin is gently convex. The subcosta is a broad flat vein, gradually diminishing in width towards the wing-apex, which it just fails to reach. The radius is an even broader vein than the subcosta, is also flattened in its basal third, and reaches the outer angle of the wing-tip, keeping parallel with the subcosta. The median vein divides low down into two equal branches, the outer giving off four inwardly directed twigs. The first of these remains undivided ; the second forks twice, and the outer and inner divisions of the second bifurcation again divide, so that the vein ends on the apical margin in six divisions. The remaining two branches are undivided. The divisions of the outer branch of the median occupy the greater part of the wing-apex. The inner branch of the median does not divide until it has reached the apical fourth of the wing, where it gives off four twigs which pass inwards to the junction of the inner margin with the apex. Only the first of these twigs forks. The cubitus has the same broad flattened basal portion which is so character- istic of the veins we have already dealt with. The main stem lies somewhat near so FOSSIL TXSECTS OF THE BRITISH COAL MEASURES. the lirst branch of the iiit.'(li;iii, and remains parallel with it over almost the whole of its length. Inwardly it is separated somewhat widely from a slighter vein which, I believe, joined it near the base, and formed the first inward branch. The main stem sends off at the middle of the wing a strongly curved lirancli which bends first inwards and then outwards towards the apex, breaking up into five twigs before reaching the inner margin. The second of these twigs forks, A second undivided branch comes off a little further out, and a third verv small one almost on the margin. The next two veins were probably united a little war out from the base, and their direction is such that the single stem from which thev arose may have arisen. a> suggested above, as the first inward branch of the cubitus. The outer of the two veins is undivided, and reaches the inner margin beyond the middle of the wing. The innermost vein runs fairlv parallel with the first along its whole length, giving off, as it does so, four inwardly directed t \\ igs, of winch the first and fourth fork. The whole vein ends on the margin in six twigs. Four anal veins are shown, one only forking. The interstitial neuration of the radial and median areas consists of straight or slightly curved nervures, placed at nearly equal distances. The very wide cubital and cubito-anal areas are filled by a loose meshwork, and a few irregular wavy nervures. The anal area is crossed by simple straight nervures. Affinities. — Scudder was originally of opinion that this wing was related to Meganeura (Dicti/oneura) ntu/ti/i, Brong., representing a member of the group Protophasmidse. Handlirsch removed the genus to the group of Palaeodictyoptera incertaa sedis. Scudder was undoubtedly mistaken in referring I he wing to the Protophasmidse, as a glance at the figure of Protophasma iltinnixii, Brong., will at once show (' Die h'ossilen Insekten,' pi. xvi, figs. 1 — 2). Handlirsch did not see the specimen, and had to base his determination on a sketch of the wing which he considered "con- fusedly drawn.'' The latter probably accounts for the interpretation which lie placed on the various principal veins. More recently I have been able to expose more of the structure, and diagnosed the wing accordingly. If Handlirsch's view were correct, the radial sector would be of enormou> proportions, and occupy all the wing-apex. The base of the radius, so f;ir as shown, is widelv divergent troin the base of the median — more so, in fact, than at anv other part of the whole course of the radius and supposed radial sector. These veins, therefore, have come into union onlv at (lie actual point of origin of the wing. This may have been the case, but in my opinion, the radius is whollv simple and undivided, and no radial sector is present. The median and cubitus are large, much divided, and take up the greater part of the wing-area, while the anal veins are lew. If this view be correct, the wing is a verv primitive example ol the Protor- thoptera, still retaining evidence in the cosla. Mibcosla and radius, ol its I ';ihe' ii lid vi ipi eroid origin. PLATE I. Fiu. PAGE. I**. Dictyoneura h'njij'nixii (Handlirsch) ; basal portion of left wing, x 1^. Middle foal Measures (horizon not known) ; Ravenhead Railway Cutting, nr. St. Helens, Lancashire. Liverpool Museum. 25. \li. Ditto; impression of the wing. X H. 25. 'In. Orthocosta xjih'ixli'ii*, Bolton ; left whig. Natural size. .Middle Coal Measures (below the Top Hard Coal) ; Shipley Manor Claypit, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Mns. Pract, Ceol. (Moysey Coll.), no. 30222. '27. 2/». Ditto; impression of the wing. Natural size. Mus. Pract. Geol. (Moysey Coll.), no. 30223. 27. 3a. I'lrrn/iiiJi/i plicatula, Bolton; inner half of left wing, x H-. The straight inner margin and the plication are well shown. Middle Coal Measures (below the Top Hard Coal) ; Shipley Manor Claypit, Ilkeston, Derbyshire. Mus. Pract, Geol. (Moysey Coll.), no. 30224. :!<». 3//. Ditto; impression of portion of the wing, showing the oblique cross- nervures. X H. M"us. Pract. Geol. (Moysey Coll.), no. :)0225. 30. 4rick\vorks, Crawcrook, Durham. British Museum, no. In. 18524. 32. 4^. Ditto; counterpart of portion of basal half of the wing, the interstitial neuration having been rendered visible by immersion of the nodule in water during photography. X 1|. ;>2. PAL/EONTOGRAPH ICALSOCIETYI9I9 Bolt on , Insects of Coal Measures. PLATE I. l.DICTYONEURA. 2 .ORTHOCOSTA . 3. PTERONIDIA. 4.HYPERMEGETHES. W Tutcher, pKoto London Stereoscopic Co. imp. PLATE II. FIG. PAGE. !\. 35. 2fl. Mecyiioptera tn/ifrnil/'rt. Ditto; impression of same, x H. 48. 3. fipilii/iti-rii xitfclffi'i, Bolton ; Itasal part of left wing. X 1^. Middle Coal Measures (shales above the Royley or Arley Mine); Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire. Manchester Museum, no. L. 8197. 54. 4. lloltoiiii'llii tenuitegminata (Bolton) ; right hind-wing. x 2. Coal Measures (No. '2 Rhondda Seam, base of Pennant Series) ; Ij miles north-east of Resolven Station, Glamorganshire. Mus. 1'ract. Geok, no. 24509. 56. 5. 1.1 rod in in'isi-otiiicfii, Scudder; almost complete left wing, showing the attenuated base. X 1^. Middle Coal Measures (clay ironstone nodule from binds between the "Brooch" and "Thick" Coals); Dudley, Staffordshire. British Museum, no. I. 20(51. 59. 6. Ditto; portion of right hind-wing, under surface uppermost. (The original furrows of the wing have been flattened out, the veins more widely separated.) X If. Middle Coal Measures (clay ironstone nodule from binds between " Brooch" and "Thick" Coals) ; Coseley, Staffordshire. British Museum, no. In. ]<;<;. 59. 4(i. "Pteronepionites" joiiitKuiti, sp. nov. ; very immature wing. X 12. Middle Coal Measures (binds between "Brooch" and "Thick" Coals) ; Coseley. Staffordshire. British Museum (Madeley Coll.), no. I. 2'.H;7. 68. 4li. Ditto; impression of same showing undeveloped apex of wing. X 2. 08. 5. "Pteronepionites" ambigua, sp. nov.; crushed larval insect with partially developed wings. X 4. Middle Coal Measures (binds between " Brooch " and " Thick " Coals) ; Coseley, Staffordshire. British Museum (Madeley Coll.), no. I. 29G8. 68. G. " Pteronepionites " />y*//x, sp. nov. ; remains of larval insect with immature wings and long segmented abdomen, the photograph accidentally placed upside down. X 2. (Obscure traces of what may have been pleiiral spines can be distinguished.) Middle Coal Measures (hinds between "Brooch" and "Thick" Coals); Coseley, Staffordshire. British Museum (Madeley Coll.), no. 1. 29G9. 6i». 7. jSHnigmatodes (.') >-<-/V//.V/'.S (Allen) ; greater part of left wing. X -. Lower Coal Measures (top of the Four Knot Seam); Uaubradach Colliery. Mus. I'ract. Geol., no. 7272. 72. Xl>. Ditto; impression of missing apex of same wing. X 2. 72. 9a. Arcks&optilus ing ens, Scudder ; basal fifth of (? right) wing. Xatural six.e. Middle Upper Coal Measures ; between Shelton and Clay Lane,near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Uritish .Museum, no. I. 3'.)(.>7. 74. '.)//. Ditto; impression of same. X 1^. Uritish Museum, no. I. 39(.>7. 74-. Bolton . Insects of Coal Measures. PLATE IV. 1-3.BRODIA. 4-6 PTERONEPIONITES. 7. ^ENIGMATODES. 8.PSEUDOFOUQUEA. 9 ARCH^EOPTILUS. .9088 QQ765 6960