Ba. mti. low. m«. ✓ I i I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from IMLS LG-70-15-0138-15 A MONOGRAPH OF THE LAND AND FRESHWATER MOLLUSCA OF THE BRITISH ISLES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THIS VOLUME. Part I., pp. 1-64, and pi. L, facing title, published October 26th, 1894. Part 11. , pp. 65-128, and pi. 11. , facing p. 94, published August 24th, 1895. Part III., pp. 129-192, published June 30th, 1896. Part IV., pp. 193-256, published February 20th, 1897. Part V., pp. 257-320, published November 13th, 1899. Part VI. , pp. 321-384, published June 16th, 1900. Part VII., pp. 385-454, and pi. III., facing p. 392, pi. IV., facing p. 396, pi. V., facing p. 400, and pi. VL, facing p. 402, published December 31st, 1900. A second title-page is supplied with Part VII., which may either be substituted for the preliminary title given with Part L, or placed in front of it. ’’ ''' ■ ' ^ . • . . y, '‘ Flo. 5. Fig I Hi'lix af’fji^isa vnr zonata Moq. Folkestone, collected bv Mrs Fitzgerald Fio. 2. Helix aspersa viu: alho fasciala , Jeffreys, Garden, Tl-xford, Notts, collected BY Mr.W a gain . Fio 3 Helix aspersn var fUimmea. Picard, Garden, Tlxford, Notts. COLLECTED BY Mr.W A.Gain Fi g .+. /jccey/w voz: THOMPSON . Lou OH Crincaum, Killahney, COLLECTED BY .M R. W F DE Vis M Es Kane Y\o.^ . Limox moxinius vnr feruf^aarL, .Moq. (after Ferdssac.> Fio.O. Limnaa stagniHis var. appressa. Say, Lake Michigan, U S A collected by Rev. E G.Bollks . Fio. 7. Helix pisana var. mxigna Rossm. (AFTER Ross.MAS s LE R ) . V\G.B. HcHx iiemornlis var roneo- labiMa , Ix'iGOK. Blagdon. .Somerset, collected by Miss F.M Helb. Fig. 3. Helix hprlensis var lilacirin. Taylor, Chisi.ehurst, Kent, collected by Mr S.G Cockerell. ITg 8. MONOGEAPH OF THE LAND & FRESHWATER MOLLUSC A OF THE BRITISH BY JOHN W. TAYLOR, F.L.S. MEMBRE HONORAIRE DE LA SOCIETE MALACOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE, EX-PRESIDENT OF THE CONCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, LATE EDITOR OF THE “JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY ; ” ETC. ; WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF W. DENISON ROEBUCK, F.L.S., THE LATE CHARLES ASHFORD, AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN CONCHOLOGISTS. STRUCTURAL AND GENERAL VOLUME. LEEDS : TAYLOR BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS. ■ PREFACE. The present work was undertaken with the object of placing in the hands of those interested in the conchology of this country a treatise dealing comprehensively and in detail with the many points of interest presented by our native species of land and freshwater mollusca. Hitherto, with few exceptions, the published works have viewed this subject from very restricted standpoints, and have not attempted to convey any detailed information of the intricate and marvellous organization of the mollusca, nor to give any really comprehensive survey of the subject or discuss the bearings their study could have upon the larger problems that are yet far from solution by the scien- tific world. Very many years have been devoted to the study of the subject in its various aspects and to the accumulation of information, in which labours I had for some years the co-operation of my late dear friend, Mr. Charles Ashford, to whom much of the anatomical detail given in the work is due. Mr. W. Denison Roebuck, F.L.S., was also for a lengthened period closely associated with me in its preparation and still practically evinces in many helpful ways his deep interest in its success, and it is in grateful recognition of the generous assistance I have received that I associate their names with my own upon the title-page. The Council of the Conchological Society have practically demon- strated their lively interest in my work by kindly permitting me to retain in my own possession a considerable part of the society’s library, a favour which has been of the greatest assistance to me ; while Mr. W. E. Hoyle, M.A., of the Manchester Museum, has laid me under heavy obligation by procuring me the opportunity of examining many scarce books, which otherwise I should have had a difficulty in obtain- ing. Prof. Paul Pelseneer, of Gand, has also given me valuable aid VI. PREFACE. aud advice upon many critical points, and has at all times placed his great knowledge and experience freely at my disposal, a favour I cannot too cordially acknowledge. Many other friends have likewise contributed valuable and valued information and assistance, and most of these obligations liave been acknowledged in their appropriate places in the text, but the willing co-operation of many other well-wishers has been invaluable, and I may especially mention Mr. R. D. Darbishire and Mr. Robert Welch, to whom I am under so many and such varied obligations for their unwavering interest in, and practical sympathy with, my labours, that thanks are inadequate to express my appreciation of their help. Although more than six years have been occupied in the production of the present volume, the time cannot be considered excessive when it is remembered that my time cannot be devoted exclusively to the work and that the whole of the labour has devolved solely upon myself, not only as regards the preparation of the text, but also in producing the drawings and photograms from which the whole of the 737 figures or maps have been engraved or lithographed. Financially, the work is not and cannot be a success, as no expense has been spared to attain the very best results, so that even if the whole of the small edition that has been prepared becomes exhausted, the proceeds will not be nearly sufficient to repay even the pecuniary outlay involved in its production. The portion of the work devoted to genera and species will be com- menced without unnecessary delay and, it is hoped, will be quickly completed, but to attain this desirable result I must bespeak the active aid of all those interested in the subject. JOHN W. TAYLOR. North Grange, Horsforth, Leeds, Dec. 29th, 1900. CONCHOLOGY STRUCTURAL AND GENERAL. A MONOGRAPH OF THE LAND AND FRESHWATER MOLLUSCA OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Definition of Conchology. Concliology, tlie term by which the study of the mollusca is most generally known, is a combination of the Greek words, Koyxi] (a shell- fish), and Ar;yos(a discourse or treatise); and is usually understood to embrace the study of the complete subject — not merely the shell, hut also the animal which forms it. By some authors the term has been restricted to the study of the shell only, and the word Malacology used to designate the investigation of the animal or soft parts ; although Tryon and some other scientists have proposed that Malaco- logy shall be understood to embrace the complete subject, and super- sede the older name. The molluscan sub-kingdom embraces those organisms with soft and fleshy bodies, enclosed or covered by a muscular sac which is called the mantle, and which usually secretes a more or less regular and .symmetrical shell, mainly composed of carbonate of lime, the chief function of which would appear to be the protection of the vital organs of the body. In some genera the shell is internal or concealed beneath the mantle, it is then usually of a simple flattened plate-like form or even reduced to a few granules. The Mollusca are distinguished from the Articulata, by their bodies not being segmented, and also by their nervous system consisting of 4 HISTORY AND CLASSIFICATION. several pairs of irregularly di.sposed ganglia, which arrangement led Professor Owen to apply the term Heterogangliata to them, in contra- distinction to Homogangliata, by which term he designated the iVrticulata on account of their ganglia being arranged in a paired longitudinal series. Prom the Vertebrata, they are distinguished by the absence of an internal bony skeleton. History. The extensive and important sub-kingdom Mollusca {mnllh, soft), as now understood, embraces four Classes only. Cephalopoda, (ta.stropoda, Scaphopoda, and Pelecypoda. The PohjZDH, Bntchiopudd, and other groups, which were formerly included, have been successively removed from the molliLscan sub- kingdom and placed in other divisions. I.innti originally separated the sub-kingdom Mollusca as now under- stood, into two great divisions, placing the shell-bearing species associated with other organisms in a groti]) he designated as Vermes Tesfdced, and the nakeil, or internally-shelled s})ecie,s, he grouped with many other very dilferent forms of life, and designated them lVr;«p.s‘ Zoo'phiitd, a term which lie afterwards changed to Vermes Mo! I used. Paron Cuvier was the tirst to unite the Mollusca into one great sub-kingdom, and though he e.xcluded many groujis of organisms which were united with them by Linnb, he still retained several wliich have been since excluded by more modern authors. Our land and fre.shwater mollusca belong exclusively to tbe two classes. Gastropoda and Pelecypoda, the remaining groups being exclusively marine in babit. Classification. (Tissitication has for its object, not only the systematic arrange- ment of the objects of study, but the combination in suitable groups of those sjiecies having most affinity with each other, and jios.sessing in common some recognizable determinate characters. When a number of species possess this suitable similarity of organization they are united in a group termed a genus; such of these groups or genera as are distinguished by some common character are united in larger grou])S, called families ; larger groups or families are gathered into still more numerous as.semblages, termed orders ; and finally CLASSIFICATION. O combined into classes. All these divisions should possess in com- mon, some peculiarity of greater or lesser importance, and all these groups are or may be sub-divided into section.s, which with the prefix of Sub-, indicate the pos.session of characters of lesser importance than those distinguishing the chief groups. The Animal Kingdom is divideil into several Sub-kingdoms, the Vertebrata standing at the head, and by general concurrence among scientists, the Mollusca occupy the second place, preceding the Arti- cnlata and every other sub-kingdom. The ^lollusca may be primarily divided into four Classes, based upon the modifications of the foot or locomotive organ, and named Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, Sca^hopoda, and Pelecypoda. The Pteropoda, which formerly constituted a fifth class, are now con- sidered to be Opisthobranchiate Gastropods. Two of these classes are exclusively marine, leaving only the Gastropoda and Pelecypoda, to which groups our British land and freshwater shells exclusively belong. The names Gastropoda and Pelecypoda, refer to the morphological peculiarities of the animals, the alternative terms Univalve and Bivrdve, which are also in general use, respectively expressing the character of the shells. The Gastropoda are characterized by the development on the ventral side of the body of a sole-like locomotive disc or foot, and by Fig. 1. — An Anisopleurous Pulmonate Gastropod. Helix aspersa v. zonata Moq., Folkestone, collected by Mrs. Fitzgerald. its uudulatory or wave-like expansions and contractions the creature moves. This class may be primarily divided into two groTips or Sub-classes, Isopleura and Anisopleura, according as the chief viscera have or have not been subjected to a toi’sion and a semi- rotation, bringing the termination of the alimentary canal from its presumed ancestrally posterior and medial position, towards an anterior or lateral one, involving in this movement other organs and their ducts ; this change of position is assumed to have been caused 6 CLASSIFICATION. by and owing to the development of the shell as a protection and covering to the vital organs of the body, and this shelly covering not having retained its equilibrium has fallen over to one side and Fig. 2. — Diagrams illustrating the progress and method of the assumed rotation of the internal organs in the Anisopleura (after Lankester). The arrows indicate the direction of the rotatory movement. A. nnrotated ancestral condition ; K. semi-rotation of the organs partly accomplished; C. complete semi-rotation.— <2. anus; r.n. the primarily left and primarily right nephridia or kidneys ; primarily left visceral ganglion, which after the torsion is accomplished forms the sub-intestinal ganglion ; r.^-. primarily right visceral ganglion, which subsequently becomes the supra intestinal ganglion. to the i-eav, compressing and gradually displacing the termination of the intestine and causing it to assume the position it now occupies. The Isopleura, of which the C/tltoiis are examples, are practically organized in a bilaterally symmetrical manner externally and internally, the viscera not having been subjected to the torsion alluded to. The Anisopleura to which all our land and freshwater species belong, though presenting externally a bilaterally symmetrical ai)pearauce of the head and foot, have been subjected to changes in the position of the chief viscera by this semi-rotation of the visceral sac ; they may be sub-divided into two Orders called Eutiiyneura and Streptoneura, this separation being based upon the modi- fication caused in the arrangement of the visceral nerve-loop, by its being involved in, or escai)ing from, the twisting of the viscera. In the Eutiiyneura, of which Limnau stagnalh is an exanqile, the visceral nerve-loop is often comparatively short, and on account of lying beneath the intestinal canal has escaped the twisting to which the iqiper portion of the viscera has been sub- jected. The Streptoneura differ from the Euthyneures owing to the visceral nerve-loop lying above the intestines and being thus involved in the twisting and rotation the organs have undergone. CLASSIFICATION. and consequently made to assume the form of the fig. 8 as in the Viviparidw. Fig. 3. — Nervous system of Limneea siagnalis^ as typical of the short looped Euthyneurous condition (modified after Lankester). r.b. and Lb. right and left buccal ganglia ; r.c. and Lc. right and left cerebral ganglia ; r.p. and l.p. right and left pedal ganglia, with the otoc^’sts on their inferior face ; r.pL and l.pL right and left pleural ganglia ; r.v. and l.v, right and left visceral ganglia, the long nerve to the osphradium or olfactory organ Oy is given off from the right visceral ganglion ; ab. unpaired abdominal ganglion. Fig. 4. — Nervous system of Vivipara as a type of the Streptoneurous condition(after Ihering). r.b. and Lb. right and left buccal ganglia ; r.c. and Lc. right and left cerebral ganglia ; r.p. and l.p. right and left pedal ganglia with the otocysts on short pedicels ; and Lpl. right and left pleural ganglia ; s.b. and s.p. the sub and supra-intestinal ganglia ; ab. unpaired abdo- minal ganglion. In our British species of land and freshwater shells, the orders Streptoneura and Euthyneura are exactly equivalent to the groups Operculata and Inoperculata respectively, with perhaps the doubtful exception of Nerithia. The Streptoneures are divided into two Sub- orders, Zygobranchia and Azygobranchia, the first-named embracing those Streptoneui’ous species in which although the semi-rotation of the organs has taken place and the gills and other organs become transposed in position, have yet re- tained their bilateral symmetry, the common Ormer or Ear-shell, Haliotis tubercidata is an illustration. The Azygobranchiata, of which Vivipara and other Prosobranchs are more or less typical, differ from the preceding group, owing to the compression and twisting of the vis- cera having led to the loss of one of Fig. 5. — A Streptoneurous Azygo- branchiate Gastropod. Valvata piscinalis Miill. X 3, Sway, Hants., coll, by Mr. C. Ashford. ct. ctenidium or exsertile branchial plume ; r.ct. filiform appendage, prob- ably^ the vestigial rudiment of the primitively left branchial plume. 8 CLASSIFICATION. 6. — Gill or Ctenidlum of Viviparay a Peclinil.jranchiate Gastropod (after Lankester). /. intestine running parallel to axis of gill and end- ing in the anus a, ; br. rows of elongate branchial filaments. the coinpuiieiit parts of several of tlie i)aire(l organs, tlius tlie original left gill and other organs have become atrophieil, but the right gill, etc., retained, though owing to the rotatory move- ment the viscera have been subjected to, these originally de.xtrally placed organs are now i)laced to the left of the rectum. The Azygo- branchia may be separated into two sections : Pulmonata and PuCTiNiiuiANCiiiATA, containing the animals breathing air and water respectively, the former composed of those species which have become modified and adapted to a terrestrial life and aerial respiration termed Pneumonochlamyda by Lan- kester, and Xenrobranchiata by Macalister, of which Ci/clo- xtomd ('/('(/((IIS is ail e.xample ; while the Pectiiiibranchiata embrace all the operculate aquatic species. The Euthyueurous Gastropods comprise two Sub-orders, based up- on the position and function of the respiratory organs, viz. : Pulmonata and Opistiiobranchiata ; of the latter group the marine genus Build is an e.xample, and the Eiitliyneiir- ous Piilmonates comprise the bulk of our native lanil and freshwater molliisks. Though I have classed together the Euthyueurous air- breathers as simply Pulmonata, it should be mentioned that some Biologists do not regard the pul- monary sac of the Helicidcc as homologous with that of the Lim- nd/kliv ; the respiratory cavity in the former being said to be a modifi- cation of the cloaca of the kidney, hence the term Xepiiropneusta applied to them ; while that of the - vx. . ' Fig. 7. — Diagram of the Lung of a Pulmonate Gastropod, Ilelix aspcrsa L. nephridium, with ureter crossing its sur- face ; r. rectum ; a. auricle; z/. ventricle ; b.b. canal bringing blood from hinder part of Ijody ; c.r. canal communicating with body cavitj-and also bringing blood to lung. The darker veins carry the blood from these canals to surface of lung ; the light veins re- collect and convey to auricle after aeration. CLASSIFICATION. 9 Fig. 8. — A Stylommato- phorous Pul monate. Succinca piitris f'L.), Asliley Marsh nr. Bristol, Collected by Miss Hele. Limnieidw is considered to be identical with the branchial chamber of the Pectinibranchs, the term Branchiopneusta being used to express this difference. Finally the Pnhnonates are separated into two Sections based npon the position of the eyes : the Stylommatopiioha, whicli are all terrestrial species and have the eyes placed at or near the tips of the u])per tentacles as in Helix, Succinea, etc. ; and the Basommato- PHORA, which includes those species or genei’a in which the eyes ai*e placed at or near the base of the tentacles, as in Limnwa. Fig. 9. — A Basomma- tophorous Pulmonate. Limtiaa peregi'a var. ovata Drap., R. Tome, Doncaster. Tlie class Pelecypoda an axe and 7roS-a foot, or axe- footed), are exclusively aquatic and pre-eminently marine species. Fig. 10. — An Equivalve Inequilateral Pelecypod. Unio pictortim (L.), showing left valve, Clumber Labe, Notts., collected ))y Mr. C. T. Mu.sson, F.L.S. a.s. anal or e.xcurrent siphon ; br.s. branchial or incurrent siphon ; /. foot. characterized by the possession of a somewhat linguifoim extensile foot, usually more or less adapted for ploughing through or burrowing in sand and mud, and are further distinguished by the development of an external shell composed of two pieces, or valves, joined to- gether by an elastic ligament at the dorsal or upper margin, and often furnished in addition with interlocking teeth or denticles at the hinge. The term Bivalve, by wbich they are widely and popularly known, has reference to this universal presence of two valves to the shell, while Lamellibranchiata which is also very generally used refers to the lamellar or leaf-like character of their branchiae or 10 CLASSIFICATION. gilLs. The class may be first divided into three Orders, according to the nnmher and development of the Adductor muscles. This mode of classification, though perliaps not perfectly satisfactory, seems preferable to the various other methods of division that have U.T Fig. 11. — An Isoniyate, Integripalli.'ite Pelecypod. Anodonta cygmea (L.), left valve, Clumber Lake, Notts., collected by Mr. C. T. Musson, F.L.S. a. ad. anterior adductor scar; posterior adductor scar ; a.r. anterior pedal retractor scar ; p.r. posterior pedal retractor scar ; u.r. umbonal or lesser retractor orretentor scars ; a.p. anterior pedal protractor scar, the abdominal retentor scar of Clessin ; /./. palbal line. at different times bee a ad Fig. 12. — A Heteromyate Pelecypod. D. polyniorpha (Pallas), Gloucester Canal, Stroud, Coll, by Mr. E. J. Elliott. a. ad. ant. adductor scar ; post, adductor scar ; post, pedal and byssal retractor scar ; /./. pallial line ; 1. ligamental pit. n proposed : the Monomya, or one-muscled as the Oyster ; Isomya, in which those muscles are two in number, and appro.ximately e(iual in size, as e.xemplified in the Unioitidw] and IIeteromya, in which, although two muscles are still developed, the anterior one is much smaller than the postei’ior one, as in Dreis- sensiu. Sub-orders are formed in the Isomya, by the presence or absence of a conspicuous sinus or indentation in the pallial line, in- dicating when present the possession of extremely long retractile siphons, and thence called SiNUPALLiA, as expressing the indi- cation the pallial line affords. The Inte- GRiPALLiA, to which all our species belong, have a non-sinuated pallial attachment. The classification adopted is given also in tabular form, so that the inter-relationship of the different groups can be understood at a glance. CLASSIFICATION. 11 Tabular View of the Sub-Divisions of the Mollusca, vrranged TO shew their assumed Genetic Relationship. The groups printed in italics arc those not represented amongst the British Land and Freshicater Mollusca. MOLLUSCA. ^ I I I I Cephalopoda Gastropoda Scaphopoda Pelecypoda Anisopleura Isopleura Heteromya Isomya Monoinya ^ I 1 I , I. . . I . Euthyneura Streptoneura Integnpallia Sinupallia I I ! I Pulmonata Opistkobranckiata Zygobranchia Azygobranchia Stylommatophora Basommatophora Pulmonata Pectinibranchiata or Pneumonobranchiata In all attempts at classification, it is necessary to carefully dis- criminate between species showing similarity of form and habit but not structurally conformable, and those in which the whole organism is in harmony with the external aspect and mode of life. The first show analogical relation only, but the latter are related homologically and should therefore be classified together. If the resemblances exist from a very early age, they are considered to be of the greatest importance and to imply community of descent. Almost every organ of the body has been proposed, at one time or another, as a basis for the better arrangement of the Gastropoda, the circulatory, nervous, reproductive, alimentary, and respiratory organs, as well as the presence or absence of the operculum, the arrangement and position of the eyes, etc., have all been or are now used separately or together for the purposes of classification. In the Pelecypoda, the muscular and respiratory systems have been strongly relied upon for chief divisions ; the characters of the hinge, with its interlocking teeth, and the development or absence of the siphonal tubes, have also, always been considered to be important features, but too much reliance should not be placed on any one character for taxonomic purposes, and confirmation should always be sought by other organs, as it will be readily conceded by everyone that all organic characters are of varying importance according to circum- stances, and this must of necessity be so in a natural classification based upon the general organization and affinities of the animal and 12 CLASSIFICATION. its shell, aiul not fouiuled upon any particular organ, or set of organs, arbitrarily selected as in an artificial arrangement. In former times, before the structure of the Mollusca was system- atically e.Kamined, or its signibcance understood, they were arranged according to the different shapes of the shells. Ijinmi was one of the first to lay stress upon the structural details of the shell, noting the character of the umhonal teeth, ligament, folds, sculpture, etc., and using them to separate various groups. He also attached great importance to the form of the animal, and ranged all mollusks under five heads, as Dorh, Limax, Tethys, Sepid, and Ascidid, which division coincides in some measure with the classes accepted at the present day. Adanson introduced the system of classifying the bivalves in accordance with the muscular impressions, and took note of the operculum in Gastropods as an important character. The use of Physiological characters was first suggested by Cuvier, who established an arrangement based upon the pectdiarities of the respiratory organs, and brought together all the })ulmonate species ; he also proposed the still accepted terms, designating some of the higher groups. Lovfm and others have proposed the use of the lingual armature, as suitable organs for establishing an improved arrangement of the Gastropoda, and the figures that have been jniblished have often confirmed the truth and value of the older genera, established solely upon the morphology and character of the shell. II. von Ihering advocates the use of the nervous system in preference to the radula, respiratory organs, or other single character; and I have followed Prof. Ray Lankester and adopted this system for dividing two very important groups in the Gastropoda. All classification, however, upon whatever basis it e.xists, which places the objects in rotation, must be to a certain e.xtent arbitrary and artificial, and of necessity violate the affinities of some of the groups or species, because it may well be that those selected to pre- cede or follow any particular species or group may be no closer allied in general organization, than one or more others necessarily removed further away. If this be so, then no hard and first line can truthfully be drawn as to the proper secpience of many of the different groups or species, and we can only place the species or groups, as the case CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE. 13 may be, in such order as appears to us to do the least violence to their natural relationships, and cannot reasonably stigmatize as in- correct or unscientific, as is so often done, a different arrangement, in which other characters are allowed to have more weight than we personally are disposed to give them. LITERATURE. Adams, H. & A. — The Genera of Recent Mollnsca, arranged according to their Organization, 1853 — 8. Chenn, J. C. — Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchylio- logicpie, Paris, 1859 — 62. Clessin, S.— Nomenclator Heliceorum Viventium, 1881. Dali, W. H. — On the Hinge of Pelecypods, and its development, with an attempt at a better subdivision of the group. — Amer. Journ. of Science, Vol. xxxviii, pp. 445 — 462. ■ Fischer, P. — Manuel de Conchyliologie et de Paleontologie Conchylio- logique, Paris, 1883 — 7. Gegenbaur, C. — Comparative Anatomy, 1878, pp. 316 — 317. Gill, Theodore. — Arrangement of the Families of Mollusca. — Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 1873. Gioli, G. — I Lamellibranchi e la Sistematica in Paleontologia. — Bull. Soc. Mai. Ital. xiv, pp. 101 — 143. Grobben, C. — Das System d. Lamellibranchiaten. — Zoologischer Anzeiger, vol. XV, pp. 171 — 375, 1892. Ihering, H. von. — Versuch eines naturlichen Systemes der Mollusken. — Jahrbucher d. Deutschen IMalakozoologischen Gesellschaft, Apl. 1876, pp. 97 — 148. Lankester, E. Ray. — Art. Mollusca. — Encyclopu'dia Britannica, ix. edit. , part 64, pp. 632 — 695, 1884. Morch, 0. A. L. — On the Systematic Value of the Organs which have been Employed as Fundamental Characters in the Classification of the Mollusca. — ^Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xvi, pp. 385 — 396, 1865. Morse, E. S. — Classification of the Mollusca based on the Principle of Cephalization. — Boston, 1865. Neumayr, M. — Z. Morphol. d. Bivalven-Schlosses. — Sitzgsber. d. Kais. Acad. d. Wissenseh. in M'ien, 1883. Pelseneer, P. — Introduction a I’Etude des Mollusques. — Mem. Soc. Royal Malac. de Belgique, 1892. Simrotli, Dr. H. — Dr. Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reich.s, Weichthiere, 1894 (still in Troschel. F. H. — Das Gebiss der Sclinecken zur Begrundung einer natur- liehen Classification, 1856 — 1879. Tryon, G. Mk, jr. — Structural and Systematic Conehology, 1882. M'ood-Mason, J. — Proe. Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1882, pp. 61 — 64. ' M'oodward, S. P. — Manual of tlie Mollusca, 1880. N OMENCLATURE. Tlie universal acceptance of the binomial system of nomenclature, by the scientists of all countries, by which practice two names, a generic and a specific one are applied to every distinct species — exactly equivalent to the use among mankind of the Christian name and sur- name— tlie generic name indicating the group to which the species 14 NOMENCLATURE. belongs or is most closely related to, while the specific name deci- sively separates it from all others in the genns, one name thus showing the affinity of the organism and the other its divergence Formerly the nse of a series of descriptive epithets was in vogue to indicate species and must have proved in practice very cumbrous and unwieldly, as the synonyms I shall presently give under the specific heads will sufficiently show. Linnd, though not the originator of the binomial system, was the first to apply it to the whole of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and it has therefore been decided that recognized nomenclature shall be considered to take its origin from him and date from 1758, the year of publication of the 10th edition of the “ Systema Natune,” in which work he first applied the binary system of nomenclature to all organisms, which he had only partially done in the previous editions. All names or epithets given to species prior to 1758 are therefore not recognized in the nomenclature, except as synonyms, but the earliest name published after that date if accompanied by a recognizable description or figure is adopted and should not be altered, except when mis-spelt by author or printer. The name of the person who proposed the name, should in all cases follow that of the species he has discriminated, but if the species is afterwards removed from the genus in which it was placed by him, this is indicated by placing the author’s name in parentheses, thus A vion ((ter (L.) was originally described by Linne as Linm.v (iter, and the use of the parentheses indicates the generic change; while Jleli.r nemordHs Linne retains its original generic position, as is shown by their absence. Some naturalists still consider that the author establishing the genus should append his name to all the species embraced in it, and this opinion has led to the alteration and division of many of the genera. Scientists generally do not however agree with or accept this doctrine, and little can be said in its fixvour. The classical languages — Greek and Latin— are, by general consent, chiefly used for the names of natural history objects ; tbe names of Families and Sub-fiimilies being formed by the addition of idae and inae respectively, to the genitive form of the name of the principal or typical genus, this addition being made after the elision of the last syllable, thus Helicidiv and Iletichuv respectively indicate the Family and Sub-family of which the genus Helix is typical. NOMENCLATURE. 15 Generic names, which are essentially substantives, are taken pre- ferably from the Greek language, though they may also be taken from the Latin or other tongue, but if the word be not Latin, it should be treated as such and Latinized in the regular and orthodox way, and should in wi’iting or printing always commence with a capital letter. A generic name should consist of a single word, which may be either simple or compound. In the compound or composite words the attribute should always precede the chief term, as in Cyclostoma. If the generic term is used in the adjective form, which is not desirable, it should always take the feminine termination. Generic names may be Greek substantives, for which the rules of Latin transcription must be followed, as in Ancylus, Physa, etc. These rules require that at be rendered as ce ; a as i ; ov as u ; oi as 03; V as y; 0 as th; 4> &sph; x as ck; k as c; yx as 7ich ; yy as ng ; ‘ as h ; os and ov if terminal are rendered as us and um respectively. Compound Greek words, the attribute being always placed first, as in Stenogyirc, Cyclostoma, etc. Latin substantives, as Auricula, etc. Compound Latin words, as Semifusus, etc. Derivatives from Greek or Latin words, expressing diminution, comparison, re.semblance, etc., as HeUcella, Ilelicina, etc. Mythological and Ancient words or names, as Venus, Cleopatra, etc., the words or names taking the Latin termination if not already possessing it. Modern names ; these preserve their orthography and retain any accents with which they may be surcharged, and if terminated by a consonant add ius, ia, ium to the full and complete name of the person to whom the dedication is made, as Dreissensia, Mulleria, etc. Names ending in e, i, o, y take the termination us, a, um, as Wiyvillea, etc., but if terminated by a or u add ia, but, in the latter case, the letter t is interpolated for the sake of euphony, as Payraudeautia, etc. Names of Vessels ; according to their character these are treated as mythological names, as Vega; or as modern names, as Challengeria, etc. IG NOMENCLATURE. Compound generic terms may be formed by a combination of the names of two other genera, and when this practice serves to express the position and affinities of the group it may be adopted with advantage, as in ArloU incur, etc. Names formed anagrammatically, as Mihuv. The employment of generic names already in use in other depart- ments of Zoology is not desirable, and wherever possible should he avoided. The Specific names should he formed of a single word, preferably a Latin adjective or substantive, of a short and euphonious character, though Latinized Greek words and undeclinable words of other lan- guages may be admitted, and should be written or printed with a small initial ; though upon this point there is some difference of opinion amongst authors, some using an initial capital letter for personal and geographical names and a small initial for all others. In certain cases where the name of the object after which the organism is named is formed of two words, the si)ecitic name may be double also, as //. sancta’-heli'iuc ; or where a comparison is sought with another object, as in ^1. cornu-arirfis, the two words may be legitimately used, but should always be connected by a hyphen. Specific names may be Substantives or adjectives recalling some character or pecu- liarity of the species, as J'ontiiudis, auricnldria, etc. Names of persons to whom the species may be dedicated ; these if in the genitive case are formed in masculine names by tlie addition of a simple i to the full and exact name of the person to whom the species is dedicated, as soirerbi/l, or the name may be used in the adjective form taking the termination anus, ana, or anum, in accordance with the generic term, as In feminine names the dil)th()ng ae is added to or combined with the name to be Latinized as furtonw, rmnnc, etc. In those cases where the name has been employed and declined in the Latin tongue, it will follow the regular declension, as snn]ironii. Geographical names if known to the Homans or Latinized by the medimval writers, should also be in the genitive or in the adjective form, as (intilhiriim, hurdi11. IX »iaxi»ins L. X 2, C'hrislcluirch, Hants., Collected hy Mr. C. Ashford. Fig. 13. — An External Shell. Helix noiioralis L., llltton, near Hath. Collected hy Miss F. M. Helc. the internal skeleton of tlie Vertebrates, giving similar evidence of their natural affinities and relationship, the contour and structure of the shell lieing always in harmony witli the organization of the aaiimal and with their differences in form and composition, establish how ex- ceedingly important is the study of the shell itself, and to geologists esjiecially this importance is vastly increased, as their fossilized re- mains are the only relics of the vast numbers of now totally extinct sjiecies, and from these remains alone, we are able by induction and comjiarison with onr recent forms, to infer with great jirobability the organization, habits, and habitats of these long extinct organisms and gain some clue to the physical conditions of these remote times. Though differing considerably in appearance, structure and texture, shells principally consist of an organic chitinous substance and car- bonate of lime, with a chemical formnla of CaCO.-j. M. Delacroix has stated that the shell of lleli.v jwmatln is composed of (idTb per cent, of carbonate of lime, KJ'dO i)er cent, ot other mineral substances, and 1S ()4 per cent, of organic matter, bnt a specimen of the same species from Cheltenham, examined by Mr. Crowther, yielded strikingly a inuscoruiu var. clonc^ata Clessin x 3, rcjectamcmla of River Stour, Sandwicli, Kent, collected by .\ir. S. C. Cockerell. Fusiform, or Si’'ED, when the shell is swollen in the middle and tapering at each end, as in Auxa trident (Fult.), C/ausi/ia lamiuata (iMont.), etc. Fig. 23— Example: Azcca tridcns yixx. noulctiana Dupuy X 3, Lewes, Sussex, collected by Mr. T. S. Hillman. Tufhun ATi'R), when the shell is of a conical shape, with a. rounded base, as in Liiuihca sfa^f/udis (Einiie), llpf/ini/a teutacuUda (L.), Viripara rii'ijiara (L.), etc. Fk;. L'L— E.xainpli; : Hytkinia ti iilaculata (I,.) X 2, River Lc-.v, C'lnniiroril, Essex, colleclvtl b}' l)r. R. F. Scharfl', 15. Sc. CoNTABULATE, ivlieii the shell is short, with shouldered or angulated whorls, as in Lnnna’a rfaguahr var. hodaiiiiea IMdler, Plntra fiDitinal!^ v. iuttata Moij., etc. Fiii. 2.3.— Example : Linuuca stai^nalis \:xx. bodainica Miller, Roden See, Swit/crland, collected by Herr Schenk. FORMS OF SHELL IN UNIVALVES. 2o Patelliform, wlieu the shell is limpet-shaped or conical, as in Ancylui^ Jiuvidtilis Mull. Fig. 2o. — Example: Ancylus JIu7fiatilis Miill. X 2, Sv.'arraton, Hants., collected by Rev. W. L. W. Eyre, M.A. Globose, when the shell approaches a sphere in .shape, as in Helix granulata Alder. P'lG. 27. — Example : Helix granulata Alder X 2, Ashley Downs, near Bristol, collected by Miss F. M. Hele. Trochiform, or Conoid, when the shell is conical, with a flattened base, as in Helix terrestris Pennant, Hyalinid fulm (Miill.), etc. Fig. 28. — Example ; Helix terrestris Pennant, Dover, collected by Rev. J. W. Horsley, M. A. Lenticular, or Lens-shaped, when the shell is of a depressed form, with a more or less acute peripheral margin, as in Helix Idyicidd L. Fig. 29. — E.vample: Helix lapicida L., St. Vincent Rocks, Clifton, near Bristol, collected by Mr. J. \V. Cundall. Depressed, when the spire is only slightly raised above the body- whorl, as in Helix itdhi L., Hydlinid nitidiihi (Drap.), etc. Fig, 30. — Example : Helix itala L., Tenby, S. Wales, collected by Air. W. H. Boland. Dlscoidal, or (^uoit-shaped, when the shell has the spire flattened or even sunk in the centre, as in the Flduorbes, Vdlcdtd cristdtd Miiller, etc. Fig. 31. — Example : Planorbis corneus var. albina Moq., Mill pond, Lifi'ord, near King’s Norton, Warwickshire, collected by Mr. J. Madison. Gibbous, when the whorls are transversely swollen, usually near the aperture, as occasionally occurs in Limnad duriculdrid (L.), Limnwd stdyndlis (L.), etc. Fig. 32. — Example: Liiiintea auricularia var. ^ibbosa Taylor, pond, Moorlown, near Leeds. ScALARiFORM, wheu the whorls are almost separated from each other, as occasionally observed in Helix porndtia L., Helix 2G FORMS OF SHELL IN UNIVALVES. aapcmi MiilL, Succiiteti putris (L.), Limmva peregra (Miill.), and many other species. Fk;. 33.— .\ Sc.M.iriform Helix-. Fig. 3L— -V Scalariforni Limn.xa. I/c/i.v ncmoralis monst. scalnrc Fir., Limiura stagnalis m. scalari/ormc Ckll., Truro, Cornwall, Pond, Chislehurst, Kent, Collected by Mr. J. H. James, A.R. l.C. Collected by Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, F.Z.S. Cer.vtoii), or SoALAUiT), wlieii the wliorls are ([uite detached and separate from eacli other, often resembling a corkscrew, a. ram’s horn or a cornncopia, as occasionally fonnd in Ikilv mpcrsa Mhller, lldlv pomatia. L., Phdiorhis n/nh/'/icdtUK Miiller, /^((iiorhis xj)in/rhit< Miiller, etc. Kig. 35. — Example: as/crsa m, ( imeliu, garden of IMavvnan Sanctuary, near Falmouth, collected by the late Rev. W. Rogers, M.A. A Whorl is one complete spiral coil or volntion of the shell, and the one completing the shell and ending at the aperture is termed the Body-Whorl ; this is nsnally, hut not invariably, the most capacious as well as the last formed, and in the diaicious species, as Cychstonni, eleganx, is more tumid and volnminons in female than in male individuals. The whorls also vary in number in the diiferent .siiecies, some, as Vitr 'uKO, 'l\'xfnccll((; etc., having few and raiiidly-enlarging whorls, while others. P'r'.. 3(5. — P'emale. Fra 37. — Male. Cyclostoma eU'gans (Midi.), Yarmouth, I. of Wight, .showing the sexual difference in the tumidity of the whorls. Animals dissected and the sexes verified by Mr. Clias. Ashford. P'lG. 38. — A Paucispiral Univalve. Viti'ina pelhicida v. dcprcssiuscida Jeffr. X 2, Haldon, Exeter, Collected by Mr. E. I). Manjuand. as the various species of Ikaimrliix, Fig. 39. — .V Mullispiral Univalve. riauorbh coiitortus X 2, River Colne, Watford, Collected by Mr. J. Uojtkinson, F.I^.S. etc., have nnmerons and more closely-coiled volutions. The whorls also e.xhihit peculiar characters SCULPTURE OF WHORLS IN UNIVALVES. 27 according to the specie.s, showing great diversity in sculpture, colour- ing, and in the spinous, bristly or other appendages thereof. The various characters of the whorls may be designated as Striate, when the parallel scidpture is fine and close; termed Spirally Striate when the stronger lines revolve with the whorls, as \n Planoi'his albus (L.); and Transversely Striate when they cross the wlioids and are more or less coincident with the incremental lines of growth, as in the generality of the testaceous mollusca. Tryon and other authors term the spiral striation transverse or revolving, and regard the transverse strise as longitudinal in character. Fig. 40. — A Transversely and Strongly-Striate Univalve. Ifeli-v caf>crata Mont., Perth, Collected by Mr. Henry Coates. Fig. 41. — A Spirally Striate Univalve. Planorbis allms (L.) X 3, Scout Dam, Penistone, Collected by Mr. L. E. Adams, R.A. Hispid, or Pilose, when the whorls are more or less densely covered with hairs, as in Helix (jranulataKXAQx, H.kiitpiddl^lyxW., etc.; orthe hirsute appendages may be of a more downy character, as in the young of P. corneas (L.), etc., which are then termed Pubescent. Fig. 42. — Example: Helix gratmlaia Alder x 2, Ashley Downs, near Bristol, collected by Miss F. M. Hele. Coronate, when the spinous processes spirally encircle the whorls in a coronate form, as in Helix aculeata L. Fjg. 43. — E.xample : Helix aculeata L. X 8, Bassenthwaite, Cumberland, collected by Capt. W. J. Farrer. Muricate, Echin.vte, or Spinose,' when the granulations or ribs upon the whorls are produced to a sharp point, as in Planorbis nautileus var. crista (L.). Fig, 44. — Example: Planorbis nautileus var. crista (L.)x8, pond, Roundhay, near Leeds. Plicate, or Costate, when the whorls are strongly ribbed or ridged transversely, as in Helix palchella var. costata IMiill. Fig. 45. — F^xample : Helix pulchclla var. costata Muller x 8, Pleshey Mount, near Chelmsford, collected by Mr. R. Miller Christy, F.L.S. ■28 SCULPTURE OF WHORLS IN UNIVALVES. SuLCATE, when the whorls are furrowed with comparatively wide li'roovino's or channels, as in Phtnorhis alhu^ var. sitlatfa Taylor, and //e/i.v rottiiid((f<( AliUl. Fig. 4(3. — Example: Helix rotundata Miilier X 2, Hessle, Vorksliire, collected by Mr. J. D. Butterell. Carinate, when the whorls are strongly and acutely keeled, the carination is most usually at the periphery, as in Helix lapicidd L., and Helix terre!^fris Pennant. Fig. 47. — Example: Helix lapicida L., St. Vincent Rocks, Clifton, near Bristol, collected by Mr. J. W. Cundall. Clnuulate, or Lirate, when the whorls are furnished with spiral ribs or ridgings, as in Vijcloxtanid eleijdii.'! (Mull. ). Fig. 48. — Example: Cj'closlof/ia cle^’-iins (Midler), Preston Candover, Hants., collected by Mr. H. P. Fit/gerald. Decussate, Lacunose, Malleate, or Cancellate, when the spiral and transverse stri;o or plicm of the whorls form hy their intersection a series of somewhat ([uad.rangular and slightly hollowed areas; the intersecting lines form the style of sculpture termed Ueticulate when they cimss each other more or less ohlicpiely. Fig. 49. — Example: Li)nna'a pulustris var. lacunosa I’aylor, stream, 1 .cvciithorpe Pastures, near Leeds. Varicose, when the thickening and som ‘times con- sei|uent differeni colouring of the apmlnral margin, occurring in some shells, during rest periods in the process of growth, are not ah- sorhed hy the animal when growth is resumed, but remain crossing the whorls at regular or irregular intervals, as in Limnaja stiujiddis (L.), Helix lie mum /is L., etc. Fig. 50. — Example: Linuuva stagjialis var. variesata Ha/ay, PefTer Burn, I.ufl'ness Links, Haddingtonshire, collected by Rev. l)r, McMurtrie, F. R.S.E. The Umbilicus is the central cavity at the base of the shell and distinctly exists only when the columella is hollow, and is wide or contracted in correlation with the loose or constricted manner of THE UMBILICUS AND COLUMELLA IN UNIVALVES. 29 coiling ; when fairly developed so that one or more of the previous whorls are visible, as in Ilellv the shell is said to be Umbili- CATEi) ; if the orifice is small, as in Helix gninnldta, it is said to lie Fig. 51. — A Widely Umliilicatcd Univalve. llcU.v itala Linne, Royston, Canibs., Collected by Mr. H. (b Fordham. Fig. o2. — \ Perforate Univalve. Helix _e^rnnulata .Alder X 2, Moslyn, Flint, Collected by Mr. W. 1). Roebuck, F.L.S. Pervious or Perforate ; when very compressed, or a mere fissure, it is termed Rimate, as in Viripara viripara (L.) ; but when the Fig. 53. — A Rim.ate Univalve. I’k'ipara Tivipara I.., Canal, Marple, Collected by Mr. William Moss. Fig. 54. — An Imperforate Univalve. Helix hortensis Midler, Fordinj?bridge, Hants., Collected by Air. H. Richardson, M.A. colnmella is solid the shell is then called Imuerforate ; some species such as Helix hnytennix, Helix dxperxa, etc., are umbilicate or perforate when young, but at maturity become imperforate by the e.xtension of the lip over the umbilical cavity (fig. 56). The Columella, or Pillar is the central portion or axis, real or imaginary, around which the whorls of the shell are coiled, but in very openly coiled or scalarid specimeii.s the columella is only theoretically exist- ent (p. 26, fig. 35). In the elongately spiral shells the columella, though always sinuous, may be nearly straight as in CUmsilid, but in other cases, as in many Helicex, it may be very tortuous and strongly twisted. Some species, as Neritina fuvidtilix and Cdryeliium niininuDu, absorb either wholly or in part not only Fig. 55. — Section through the shell of Clansilia Inininata (Mont). X 2, showing the nearly straight columella (from a sec- tion cut by Mr. F. Rhodes). Fig. 56. — Section through shell of Helix nenioialis L., showing the somewhat twisted and hollow columella and the method of closure of the umbilicus at the maturity of the shell (from a section cut by Mr. F. Rhodes). % 30 SPIRE, BASE, ETC., IN UNIVALVES. the columella but also the shelly partitions separating the coils of the body, so that in extreme cases the interior of the .shell forms one simple cavity only, owing to this absorption of its internal divisions. Other species, as Cdrillolde.'^ acicnJa, I'extdci'lhi sciitii/iim, etc., have the columella truncate at its base ; this peculiarity has been held to Fio.oT—Univaivewiti. indicate carnivorous propensities in the species 1 ‘i-'i* *1- liishopswood, Ross, Here- 6XlllOltlU;^ it. fordshire, collected by Rev. R. W. J. Smart, M.A. P'lG. 58. — Univalve F'lO. 59. — Univalve with with Klongate Spire. Depre.ssed Spire. L. f^lab a (Miiller), P. corncus albina Mo(j., Twenty Pits, Mill Pond, KifT«)rd, near Manchester, near Ring’s Norton, Coll, by Mr. J. R. Hardy. Warwickshire, Coll, by Mr. J. Madison. The Spire includes the whole shell, with the excep- tion of the last or body whorl, and is very varied in the character and disposi- tion of its coiling. It may be di.scoidal or Hat, as in Phtnorhis, or greatly elon- gated as in Limmrd (jidhrd. The Apex or nucleus of the shell originates in the ovum, and is the first and smallest whorl, and in some genera has great signifi- cance, being differently formed from the rest of the shell. In the JMk elongately coiled .species % Kit,. 00. pi . , . , Univalve with Ape.x J’erfect. llKG ij. the Li/una'a palustris Mull., . Maidenhead, Herks., tip IS lltlble to erosion ColI. by Mr. C. G. Harrelt. and loss, the shell thus becoming decollate; the discoidal freslnvater shells are not exempt from this injury, the Plduorhes being found Kig. G1. A Decollate Univalve. Limnwa pahistris Miiller u\. (iecollatum JefTr., j. /* Quarry, Christleton Rd.Che.ster, liot Ullire(|lieiltl V pGl lOnitcd tlirOU^(ll tllC CClltl’e Coll, by Rev. H. Glanville . ® liarnade, M.A. Oil aCCOUllt of tlllS 61*0- sion and of the earlier and smaller whorls. The Base of the shell is the o])j)osite extremity to the apex ; it is the anterior end and is the last formed jiart of the .shell. The Periphery is that portion of each whorl which is the most outwardly produced Pic;. G2. Hasal aspect of an Univalve (slightly enlarged). Helix hortensis Muller, Fordingbridge, Hants., Coll.byMr.H. Richardson M.A. SUTURE, APERTURE, ETC., IN UNIVALVES. 31 and is usually medially placed between the suture and the base, following the spiral course of the volutions. In the carinate species, as TTelix lapldda, the keel decisively indicates its posi- Fic. 63. — Univalve with Carinate Periphery. Ifelix lapicida L., St. Vincent Rocks, Clifton near l>ristol, . . , , , , Coii.byMr.j.w.cunciaii. tioii, aiKi less sti'ongly SO Fig. 64. —Univalve with Sub-carinate Periphery. Helix caper at a Mont., Perth, Coll, by Mr. Hy. Coates. Fig. 65. — Univalve with Rounded Periphery. Helix neJfiofalis L., Isle of Lisniore, Coll, by Mr. A. Somerville, B.Sc., F.L.S. when the keel is only faintly developed, as in Jlelir cdperaUi, when the .shells are termed sub-carinate or angulated; but in those species with regnlarly convex whorls, as Helix nemoralis, its precise position is more difficidt to define. The Suture is the line of junction of one whorl with another, and varies in character and distinctness in accordance with the convex or planate outlines of the whorls. It may even be canaliculate or channelled, crenulated, or puckered, or simply more or less deeply impressed. The Aperture of the shell is the part last formed and is the opening through which the animal protrudes its body ; it may be almost exactly round, semi lunar, or other .shape, and is sometimes so greatly contracted with teeth or folds as to form almost a matter of surprise how the animal can insinuate its body through the constricted space. The Peristome or Peritreme is the margin of the apei'ture and may be distinctly continuous and detached during the whole life of the animal, as in Cydustoma eIe(jli,r pulr/i('n■//,«■/■/«/« rAwoAr(Lcacii), ^ O J X 1.',. almost e(inilatora.l shells. m -* Lull, by Mr. W. D.CnckjI'.O.S. I' u;. iK3. — An .\iUeriorly pro- tluced Inequilateral lb\'alve. I ''isid'nun a mnicimi ( M ill 1 . ), right valve, X 2. Canal, Ambergate, Collected by Rev. H. Milne,'^. cally formed shell, so area of the anterior Reniform shells are often caused by some injury to the mantle margin, causing a deticieut secretion at the injured part, and if this be along the ventral surface a more or less reniform or kidney-shaped shell results, the amount of siituation depending upon the nature and amount of the injury sustained hy the animal. The Phid'min sbvtatam Bourg. is founded on a specimen of Phid'mm cinemun Fk;. 97- — A Reniforni liivalve. Unio inargariti/cr \ZiX. sinuata Lain., right valve, Loch .\\ve, Argyleshire, collected by Mr. A. Somerville, II. Sc., F.L.S. affected in this way. Lhdio nHirgaritif'r var. Pnmdta is an apparent e.xample of this peculiarity of shape occurring normally, though Dr. dray ascribes the form even in this case to the e.xcoriatiou of the umbones. Mr. Madison has specimens of Anodontd c.yg)ie(i which, owing to some injury, show this peculiarity in a very extreme form, the valves being (piite cleft nearly to the umbones. FORMS OF SHELL IN 15IVALVES. 41 Sympiiynote or Connate shells are those in which the valves are united together along the dorsal margin, not oidy by the ligament hut by continuous shell growth, thus forming a shell practically composed of a single piece. This is a character found more especially in Anodonta, bnt is confined to the juvenile stages of growth, at least in British specimens, the testaceous connection of the valves sooner or later becoming ruptured and broken by the opening and closing of the shell, and the connate peculiarity thus lost. Mr. Lsaac Lea who so long and thoroughly studied the Naiads at one time attached great importance to this peculiarity and even proposed to divide them into two chief groups, according as they were or were not possessed of this character. Fig. ^S. — A Symphynote or Connate Ijivalve. Anodonta cygnca (L.), young, pos- terior end, Grand Junction Canal, Brentford, Collected by Mrs. Skilton, Showing the testaceous junction of the two valves on the posterior dorsal margin. Alate or “winged” .shells are sometimes .seen in some of the varieties of Anodonta ; the aim or “wings ” being formed by a com- pressed upwai'd extension of the posterior dorsal borders, sometimes exhibited in a very marked manner. This peculiarity is like the symphy- notic, a characteristic, more e.specially affecting the juvenile life of species, at least in British specimens, gradually becoming less pronounced and striking as the animal advances in age and growth. The Symphynote and Alate characters are often comhined together in the same individual, but this is not ueces.sarily always the case. When the two valves fit accurately together at the margins, and appear to hermetically close the shell, as in Sphwrium corneum and other species, the shells are called Close. If, however, owing to the margins of the .shell not exactly co- inciding with each other in shape or outline, the valves do not fit accurately together, and more or less visibly open .spaces are left between the margins of the two valves for the protrusion of the Fig. 99. — An Alate Bivalve. Anodonta anatina (L.), young, right valve, Canal, Apperley Bridge, Yorks., Collected by Mr. J. A. Hargreaves. Fig. 100. —A “Close” Bivalve. Sphepriiim palliduju Gray, posterior end, X 2, River Foss, Blue Bridge, York, Coll, by Rev. W. C. Hey, M. A. 42 THE UMBO IN BIVALVES. siphons, etc., as is the case to a limited extent in the Naiads, the shells are then called Gaping. Fig. 101. — “Gaping" Bivalve. Afiodonta anatina (L.), Sandy bed of River Vare, Bramerton Wood-end, near Norwich, Collected by Rev. S. Spencer Pearce, IM.A. g. gape of shell on the posterior dorsal margin, for the protrusion of the siphons ; umbo or nucleus of the shell ; L ligament. The Umbo (see tig. 101) is the prominent part or apex of each valve near the hinge, it is formed around the embryonic shell, which is the nucleus or apex of the nmbo in each valve. They become wider apart with age and the growth of the shell, and are sometimes very different in character to the after- growth, as in Pisidl/nii //('iis/oiroiiuin and U/iio t/iui/diis, etc. In the different species of Piilo the peculiar and remarkable in- dnlation or sculpture of the iimbones is becoming recognized and acknowledged as an important and reliable character, not only for the purpose of accurate specific discrimination, but also, for the arrangement of the species into natural groups, as this peculiar feature of the genus is said to be remarkably constant and less subject to modification than testaceous characters usually Fig. 102. — Umboucs of I 'nio iuvtidus Phil, x 2, Evesham, Collected by Mr. J. Madison, Showing the nodules and nodular ridges, charactcri/ing the immature stage of giowlh. I' IG. hcnslcnvnnum (Shepp.), Fig. lOl. — Pisidiuin hc>islo7vanutn (Shepp.), young, magnified (after Jenyns). adult, posterior end, X 12, Showing the position and character of Pond, Cockerion, Darlington, the peculiar eave-like projection.s in the Collected by Mr. Charles Oldham, young shell. Showing the greatly altered relative position of the umbonal appendages at the maturity of the shell. are. The umbones are always turned towards the anterior end, and in those foreign species with somewhat coiled umbones, the left valves f CALICULATION, CRESTS, ETC., IN BIVALVES. 43 i I bear great resemblance to the dextral shells of some gastropods, the V right valve showing similar resemblance to sinistral forms. Caliculation or Capping of the Um- bones is apt to take place to a noticeable extent only in those .species in which the embryonal shell is of a comparatively large size and .somewhat globular shape and the succeeding shell-growth does not continue on the same plane, as is occasionally .seen in some species of Pisidhun and S2)ha’rium. The Posterior and Anterior Cre.sts are most remarkably developed and most noticeable in immature .shells, and mark olf the posterior and anterior liuuts respectively, of the upper or dorsal margin ; the posterior crest is sometimes distinctly and strikingly Fig. 106. — A “Crested” Bivalve. Anodonta anatina var. radiata Jeffr., right valve, River Foss, Blue Bridge, near York, collected by Rev. W. C. Hey, M.A. Showing the anterior and posterior crests of the dorsal margin. ax, anterior crest ; px. posterior crest. angulated in the adult shell of Anodonta, but in Unio the anterior crest is often the most strongly marked. The Rostrum or Beak is the produced posterior end of bivalve sliells, and its extent is sometimes clearly defined on the posterior margin by two bluntly angular ridges— the most ventral one being the gonial ridge — which run towards the umbones. The term beaks has often been applied to the umbones, but .should be discontinued to avoid the po.ssibility of confusion. Dr. Brot who has esiiecially Spiuerium /acustre (Miill.), right valve, X 3, Pond, Sandal, Yorks., Collected by Mr. J. Hebden. 44 IIOSTIU'M, Ll'NULK, KTC., IN BIVALVES. stiuHed the Naiads, thinks the development of tlie rostniin is induced by agitated or running waters, but tliis is evidently not Ful. 107. — A Rosirate or Ileaked llnalve. Anoiionta cygnva \‘:\.Xy^diniinuta Clessin, left valve, Canal, Louth, Lincolnshire, collected hy Mr. H. Wallis Kew, F.L.S. r. the produced posterior end or rostrum. the only predisposing cause, as the shell now figured was taken from the sluggish waters of the Louth canal, Lincolnshire. The Lunule is the oval or heart-shaped depressed space in front of, or anterior to, the nmbones, and opposite to.the ligament, and is sometimes defined by a more or less noticeable line. In the separated valves this space has been termed the Anterior Sinus, and necessarily exists on both valves. The Escutcheon or Corselet is the corresponding depressed space sometimes e.xistingon the posterior dorsal or liga- mental margin. In the separated valves it appears as an elongate space on each side of the ligament, and has been called the Posterior Sinus. iMocpiin Tandon, the accomplished and accurate French con- chologist, and many French and German authors, erroneously regard the lunule as the space posterior to the umbones, and the corselet or escutcheon as that anterior to them, a view diametrically opposed to that adopted by English and American authors. Draparnaud, who instituted the terms, clearly defines the position of the two areas, and establishes the accuracy of the English opinion upon this point. Fkl 108. — Anodonta nnatinn v. coniftlanaia Rossm., ( Jumfrieston, near Tenby, Collected by Mr. Fred. Walker. Showing tlie position and aspect of the Lunule and Ibscutcheon. In. lunule ; c. escutcheon. ANGULAR RIDGES, HINGE, ETC., IN BIVALVES. 45 The Gonhim is the lower posterior angle and the junction of the posterior and ventral margins; the Gonial Ridge is the elevated por- tion resembling an indistinct and blunt keel, extending from the Fig. 109. — Bivalve showing Gonial Ridge extending from the Umbo to the Gonium, where the posterior and ventral margin.s join. Unio pictorum (L.), right valve, Hether.sett Lake, near Norwich, collected by Mr. A. G. Stubbs. Gonium to the umbo, and marking off the gonial area ; it is some- times very noticeable in Anndontd and Unio, and partly corresponds to the Area of many authors. The Podium is the lower anterior angle, and indicates the point where the anterior and ventral margins merge ; the Podial Ridge is the obsoletely angular line running from the umbo to the podium, and cut- ting off the podial area from the sliell generally. It is strongly developed in Dreissensia. The Hinge uniting the two valves of the .shell is situate on the dorsal margin and is formed by the chitinons liagment and a more or less complicated series of denticles or teeth, which closely inter- lock with each other and would appear to function as a fulcrum in the opening and closing of the valves ; the locomotive bivalves generally have the strongest and most powerful hinges, the .sedentary and fixed forms usually having comparatively weak liinges and being .sometimes (piite edentulous. The Hinge Teeth or Denticle.s are more or le.s.s complex, shelly, denticular processes or teeth, which with the ligament articulate the Fig. 110. — Bivalve showing Podial Ridge extending from Umbo to Podium at junction of anterior and ventral margin. Dreissensia poly7norpha (Pallas), Baker's Dock, Stourporr, Collected by Mr. J. W. Williams. 4G THE HINGE TEETH IN BIVALVES. sliells. Ill young sliells tliese processes or teetli are sharp and well defined, but in aged ones they often become thickened and their pecnliar characters even obliterated by the continned deposition of shelly matter. These denticles are termed Cardinal, or IIinc.e-tketii when placed immediately beneath or between the Umbones, and Antero-lateral or PosTERO-LATERAL according as they are situate on the anterior or posterior side of the Umbones ; these lateral teeth are generally distinctly lamellar in character, and sometimes very distinctly and strongly developed ; these projecting shelly processes are generally arranged .so as to fit between, and interlock with, corresponding cavities in the opposite valve. Occasionally the lateral teeth or denticles are developed and not cardinal ones, as in Unio, and shells with this type of hinge-teeth have been called Priono- desmacea by Dali, and Heterodonta by Aeumayr; more freipiently, however, in Pelecypods generally, the cardinal teeth alone are pre.sent. A formula has been devised for regis- tering the different peculiarities of the hinge-denticles, the formula for the right valve being jdaced above, and that indicating the dentition Left Valine. I Eio. 112 — Hinge-Teetli of i’nio iuntidus Phil. (lrol»y J^ool, Leice-ilersliire, collected l>y Mr. H. K. Quilter. nj. antero-lateral lamcli.x; /./, posteru-lateral lamellai. of the left valve beneath it, the cardinal denticles being first given, followed by the laterals, thus Unit) ttmidns could he recorded as Cardinal teeth ; Antero-lateral h ; Postero-lateral ^ ; which formula I Fio. Ill, — Diagram ofa transverse section of the sheil of a Bivalve (after Lankester), showing how the hinge teeth act as a fulcrum in the opetting and closing of the valves. a. adductor muscles; /. ligament; r.7f. and right and left valves of the shell ; A. hinge or fulcrum ; f.f. the short arms of the lever ; ef.d. the long arms of the lever. THE HINGE TEETH IN BIVALVES. 47 indicates that the cardinal denticles are deficient in both valves, and that the right valve contains one antero-lateral and one postero- lateral lamella, the left valve containing two on each side, ai-ranged so as to interlock with the lamellar ridges in the other valve ; the anterior laminm are always more or less cremate at their free margins and the more prominent and central denticle of the left valve is often distinctly bifurcate, as shown in the illustrative figure. Dr. Jeffreys was in error in his account of the denticulation of the hinge of the Uiiiones, ascribing the bidentate teeth to the right valve, which in normal shells has only unidentate lamellse. SijJiwrium rivicola may be considered to typify the shells possessing cardinal and lateral hinge teeth, both of are somewhat variable, in character. In well developed specimens the cardinal teeth are often distinctly double in both valves, the posterior cardinal tooth in the right valve, and the anterior cardinal tooth in the left valve, being larger than the other, often with a somewhat angular excavation and ap- pearing as though formed by two converging denticles, their ai)ices pointing to the umbo. In the un- usually developed specimen from Leicestershire (f. 113), the cardinal denticles are more distinctly developed than is usual, and have a great resemblance to three more or less sejiarate and converging shelly processes ; the anterior lamellae of the right valve are two in number, as in the normal shell, but in the left valve, a slightly developed additional lamella is perceptible nearer to the umbo and the outer .shell-margin. The posterior lamelhe of the right valve have also developed an additional ridge also close to the outer margin and near to the umbo, affording a groove for the interlocking of the extra lamella appearing in the left valve ; this .specimen would appropriately be indicated by the formula. Cardinal | ; Antero- lateral f ; Postero-lateral |. In ordinary specimens the teeth may he formulated as Cardinal#; Antero-lateral f; Postero-lateral indicating that there are two cardinal teeth in each valve, and that the right valve contains two antero-lateral and two postero-lateral teeth, the left valve containing only one at each side interlocking Fig.113 — Hinge-Teeth of Sphccrium rivicola (Leach) X 4. Canal, Blaby, Leicestershire, Collected by Mr. H. E. Quilter. c. cardinal denticles; aJ. antero-lateral lamellcc; p.l. postero-lateral laniellje. 48 THE LIGAMENT IN BIVALVES. with the bihd laterals of the right valve, and thus offering a marked contrast to the denticles of the Unmtes, in which this arrangement is reversed. Dr. Jeffreys, Reeve, and many other authors, have fallen into error on this point. It should perhaps be mentioned that many continental and American conchologists regard the antero-lateral lamella) of the Unioiies as cardinal denticles, considering the antero-lateral lamella) to be absent. The Ligament is an nncalcified chitinons part of the .shell usually Ku;. 114. — Hivalvt* with Kxtenial Ligament. Anodontu amitina (L.), Sandy Ited of River Vare, IJramerton Wood-end, near Norwich, Collected by Rev. S. Spencer Pearce, M.A. /. e.vternal ligament ; u. umbo ; g. gape. attached to riilges along the dorsal margin, posterior to the nmhones, and uniting the valves along the ni)i)er or dor.sal margin. It is narrow, feeble and membranous, when existent anterior to the umbones, and is only functionally elHcient and powerful posteriorly. It is large and strong in A iKidoiifd, etc., but small in .some marine genera which have a largo internal cartilage between the v.ilves. It is strong, bi-ownish, convex, aaid very flexible during the life of the animal, but on its death becomes dry and brittle, thongb regaining .some of its elasticity on immersion in water. The ligament is usually external, as in Anodanta, but is sometimes internal and lodged in a ligamental pit in each valve, as in Ihud !/ia ( Pallas), ( iloiicesler'Canal, Stroud, Collected by Mr. K. J. ICIliott. /. ligamental pit ; a. ad. ant. adductor .scar; /.ad. post, ad- ductor scar; p.r. post, pedal and byssal retractor scar ; /./. pallial line. THE SURFACE IN BIVALVES. 49 inner portion, which combines two modes of striation, at right angles to each other, and giving the laminate appearance of nacre with the columnar appearance characteristic of the prismatic layer, and thus apparently showing the morphological and developmental similarity of the ligament and shell. The External Surface of bivalve shells is generally more or less smooth, but all are marked by the successive growth-lines, which indicate the stages of increase in the size of the shell, as each of these lines was at one time the actual margin of the valve. The growth of a bivalve shell is not uniformly rapid in all directions, the rate of increase being most rapid towards the ventral and posterior margins, hence the umbo is always close to the dorsal margin and usually nearer to the anterior than to the posterior end; the incremental lines being more or less prominent according to the species. In some forms as Pisidium amnicum the shell is deeply and widely sulcate concen- trically, while in others, as the various species of Pisidium and Sjdiwrium the periostraca may be clothed with short, stiff, and more or less nnmerous microscopic hairs. Those on Sp/iwrium corneum are .short, thick, and somewhat bent at the points, somewhat .sparingly distributed, but most numerous and thickly set near the umbones, and do not appear to be arranged in any set or geometrical order. The Internal Surface of the valves is ordinarily whitisli, bril- liant and often iridescent, but is sometimes delicately or richly tinted with salmon, rose, azure or other colour, and occasionally in some species is found of a deep livid blue or M. Picard has detected and recorded the presence of a broad ridge or thickened part of the shell in the interior of the Uniones, arising from the umbonal region and somewhat obliquely traversing the shell towards the ventral margin, this elevated area he has named the Ventral Crest, and the two divisions or chambers thus formed in each valve he has termed the Anterior and Posterior Chambers respectively, according as they occupy the antewor or posterior end of the shell. Colour is usually invested in the epidermis or periostracum, and is generally somewhat uniform, though of a stronger and richer tint towards the posterior end, the tinting being .said to be greatly in- fluenced by the nature and composition of the inhabited water, and to be more brilliant and elegant in still waters where there is a thick I) 50 MARKINGS IN BIVALVES. layer of soft mud ; in disturbed waters and on a different bottom the shells are usually duller in colour and often eroded at the umbones. Diversity of Markings is not a striking character of British bivalves, the most remarkable ex- ample being furnished by the angular or zig-zag markings on the more exposed surface of the shell of Dreist^eiK^id puli/morj)/i((, the acutely angulated podial ridge forming a sharply defined boundary line, sepa- rating the distinctly ornamented posterior and general surface of the shell, from the plain and uniformly coloured anterior or podial area, from which the angular markings are (pute absent. The Radiate markings, so noticeable at times on the Naiads, are variable in colour, but are usually of some shade of yellow, brown, or green. 'I’hey arise in the umbonal region, and are directed towards the free margin, but generally those rays which occupy the posterior Fk;. 1 17.--l*ivalve with Radiate Markings. Anoilonta anaihia var. rad'iata JcfTr., riglil vaUc, River Foss, Rliie J’ridgc, near York, collected hy Rev. W. C'. Hey, M.y\. part of the shell, are more strongly coloured and more distinctly defined than those on the anterior part, which in the genera Unln and Anodoutd is often more or less deeiily imbedded in the sandy or muddy bottom of the lake or stream. These radiate and zig-zag markings are generally most vivid and distinct in immature shells, usually becoming more or less indistinct and obliterated by age. Fig. 116. — lUvalve with Zig-zag Markings. Dfi'issciisia po'yjnorpha (Pallas), Baker’s Dock, Stourport, Collected by Mr. J. W. Williams. FORMS OF SHELL IN BIVALVES. 51 The Concentric Zones, occasionally occurring in some species, sometimes offer a striking contrast of colours, especially amongst the species of the genus Sphierium. These compara- tively broad and usually bright yellow zonal markings mostly occur only at the free margins of the valves, but at times they alternate at regular intervals with the normal greenish-brown groundcolour of the shell, and have a pretty effect. In Unio and Anodonta these concentric zonal markings are generally darker in colour than the ground tint of the shell, in some cases being quite black ; they represent according to Clessin the winter growth of the shell, and therefore indicate the age of the animal. In Form, Bivalves are Oblong, when their length, or distance between the anterior and posterior margins, is gi-eater than the width, or distance from the dorsal to the ventral margin, as in Unlo pktorum, Splucrium pallidum, Plsidium milium, Qtc,.] and termed Transverse, when the greatest length of the shell is in the opposite direction as in Dreksensia. The ordinary differences of form amongst onr bivalves are not numerous and may be broadly classed as Oval when the shell is of an oval form, as in Spka’rium rivicola (Leach), Pisidium pusillum (Gmelin), etc. Fig. 119. — Example: Sphcerium rhkola (Leach), left \’alve, X 1?, canal, Far Cotton, Northampton, collected by Mr. W. D. Crick, F.G.S. Rounded when the shell has a somewhat circular outline, as in Pisidium nitidum Jenyns. Fig. 120. — Example: Pisidium nitidum Jenyns, right valve, X 8, Hackfall, near Ripon, Yorkshire, collected by Miss Emily K. Harrison. Oblong when the shell has its greatest length from the anterior to the posterior margins, as in Unio pictorum (h.), Pisidium milium Held., l^pluvrium jmllidum Gray, etc. Fig. 121. — Example: Spharrium pallidum (»ray, right valve, X 2, canal, Accrington, 1862, collected by Mr. R. Wigglesworth, Fig. 118. — Bivalve with Concen- tric Markings. Sphcerium corneu7n var. zniiata Garn., right valve, X 2, River Trent, Marnham, Notts., Collected by Mr. W. A. Gain. FORMS OF SHELL IN BIVALVES. Fig. 124. — Example: A>iodonta anatina var. co»t/>lnnata Rossm., Gumfrieston, near Tenby, collected by Mr. F. Walker. Reniform when the shell is oblong, hut constricted near the centre of the ventral margin, forming a kidney-shaped outline. Triangul.vr when the shell has a somewhat triangular outline, as in Dreht^ensid jmhpnorphd (Palla.s). Fig. 122. — Example: Dreissensia />o/ymLy7-J>/ia Baker’s Dock, Stourport, collected by Mr. J. W. Williams. Trapezoidal or Surriiomboidal when the shell is somewhat (piadrilateral in outline and the opposite sides though somewhat straight, are not parallel, as in ^plucrinm Idcustre (Mull.). Fig. 123. — E.vample: Spheerium (Mull, j, right valve, X 3, pond, Sandal, Yorks., collected by Mr. Joseph Hcbden. Co.MPRESSED when the valves are ilattened or compressed, the ventral margin forming a very acute angle, as in Anodontd dndthid (L.), Spluvriuin lacnstre var. hrochouiaiid Bonrg., etc. Fig. 12.5. — Example : Unio inari^ariti/er var. sinuata, right valve. Loch Awe, .\rgyleshire, collected by Mr. Alex. Somerville, B.Sc., F.L.S. FORMS OF SHELL IN BIVALVES. Tumid or Cordate when tlie valves are very con- vex and swollen, often being somewhat heart- shaped in section, as in SpJiivrium cnrneuin var. nucleus (Stnder), Anodonta cjjgneci var. corduta Rossm., etc. Fig. 126. — E.vample: Sphceriuni corncuin var. (Stnder), anterior end, X 2, ditch, laversham, Kent, collected by the late Miss Fairbrass. F.vlcate when the shell though somewhat reniform in shape, has the produced posterior end greatly liattened, and somewhat curved. Fig. 127. — Example: Um'o pkioi'^iiu \ax. platyrhitichoidca Dupiiy, right valve, River Yare, Bramerton Wood-end, Norwich, collected by Rev. S. Spencer Pearce, M.A. Truncate when the anterior or posterior margin of the shell, as the case may be, is not produced to a pointed end, but more or less abruptly terminated as in Pisldlum fontuudc (Drap.), Unio i)kt(trum (L.), etc. Fig. 128. — Exampleof a Pos- teriorly Truncate Bivalve. Pisidimn amnicum (Mull.), * right valve, X 2, Canal, Ambergate, Collected by Rev. H. ^Iilncs, M.A. Fig. 129. — E.vample of an Anteriorly Truncate Bivalve. Unio picto'uvi (L.), right valve, Helhersett Lake, near Norwich, collected by Mr. A. G. Stubbs. 54 mkasurkmk:st ov isivalves. The Length of Bivalve shells, if the funnatioii and disposition of the ar.imal and its organs be accepted as guides, is the distance from the anterior to the posterior margins, not from the nmbo to the front margin as proposed by Dr. Jeffreys, the oral extremity of the animal being placed at the anterior end of the shell, and the alimentary canal terminating near the i)Osterior margin ; the Breadth, is the diameter transversely to this, that is from the dorsal to the ventral margin — the length as proposed by Dr. Jelfreys ; and the Thickness is considered to be at the greatest external convexity of the valves. IMuscular Impressions or Scars. The more or less irregnlarly shaiied and depressed mnscular scars, or impressions, especially noticeable on the internal snrhice of bivalve shells, indicate the places where the muscles of the body are affixed to the substance of the shell and the points where the animal and shell are orgaidcally connected together. In (tastropods, the columellar or retractor muscle, corresponding to the posterior retractor of the bivalves, leaves a double, or in some spirally coiled species, a single but not very conspicuous muscular scar upon the columella, about the dis- tance of a whorl from the aperture. In Ilell.r j)nm((tla it is a fan-shaped or triangular impression, extending spirally round the columella for half a volution, its further margin being indicated by a slig ridge, the acute angle of the cicatrix being directed basally, and its upper margin extending slightly upon the base of the preceding whorl. In the Pelecypods, the principal muscular scars are the anterior and posterior adductor impressions. In A iiodunta cj/rjiii'd the anterior adductor scar is placed at the anterior end of the shell, the posterior adductor scar at about the same distance from the posterior margin, between the posterior end of ligament and the posterior margin of htly perceptible Fig. 130. — Helix pomatia L., Nieder K.nufungen, near Cnssel, Collected liy .Mr. P. W. Munn. Showing tlie character and position of the scar (s), indicating the point of attachment of the columella muscle (from a section cut by -Mr. F. Rhodes). MUSCULAR SCARS. 00 the shell. The cicatrix of the anterior pedal retractor is contiguous to and joined with tire anterior adductor impression, at its upper mai’gin. The impression of the anterior pedal protractor is much smaller than that of the anterior adductor scar, and is placed pos- teriorly and veutrally to it. The posterior adductor impression is joined at its upper angle to that of the posterior pedal retractor. In addition to these, the more distinct marks of muscular attachment, there are a limited but variable number, of much smaller muscular pits in the umbonal region, about eeregrii v. lahlosa JefTr. X 2, ( ireenhc.'ul P.irk, Huddersfield, Collectetl hy Mr. J. Whitwham. 'I’be Armature of the aperture or mouth of Fig. 113. — Pupa scccilc Drap. X 1, Fig. 141. — Pupa sccaie Mailing Hill, near Lewes, var. edentula Taylor X 4, Collected hy Rev'. S. S. Pearce, M. A., Ingleton, Yorks., Showing the typical form and a perfectly edentulous variety of a normally strongly dentate or plicate species. other countries develop a varying number of the shell is a feature which is usually the attribute of the per- fectly ad\dt state. Some species, as Vertigo mlniitis- simii, may exist in our own country in a perfectly edentu- lous form, which in denticles contracting VARIATION IN ARMATURE OF APERTURE. 07 the aperture of the shell. Others, as densely deuticulate as Pupa secale, vary in the number of teeth possessed by the mature shell, and may even have a variety in which the whole of the denticles con- tracting the aperture have become obsolete. An interesting variety of Hijalln'm fulva, if the identification be correct, is recorded from Cincinnati, U.S.A., in which the immature shells develop within the interior of the last or body whorl, a number of little denticles, radiating from the umbilicus like the spokes of a wheel, appro.ximating in this respect to the character of Gastrodonta, of which genus several species are found in that region. This peculiarity, which dis- aiipears in the adnlt, is said to be a probably defensive provision against a small tender grub, which lives in beds of leaves and preys upon small mollusks. These structures are quite analogous with the denticles and folds found in the post-embryonal Piqvi cijlindracea and Pupa anglica, which also in a great measure disappear at maturity, and are thus a character especially distinguishing the juvenile stage of growth. In Claiisilia the mouth is furnished with a nnmber of very characteristic plaits or folds, which vary little in their relative position, and are therefore of specific and ta.xonomic importance, and e.xtensively relied upon by systematists as a basis upon winch to form subgeneric divisions. A full, complete and precise nomen- clature, and an accurate determination of tbe relative positions of the various plaits and folds was thus very desirable, and Messrs. E. A. Smith and B. B. Woodward, with the help of Dr. 0. Boettger, have proposed a terminology which is probably the most thorough and satisfactory yet published. These authors recommend the restriction of the term PLiciE'to the plaits situated upon the palatal or outer wall of the shell, and la.mell^e to those upon the columella and the columellar-wall above. One of the chief plaits is the plica lunata or lunella, a conspicuous and somewhat arcuate calcareous thickening upon the palatal wall, which is often visible through the shell, hut is however somewhat inconstant in form, being sometimes replaced by, or separated into, a series of very short plicm, ranging one above another in such a way as to suggest the strong probability Figs. 14o & liG.—Pu/n anglica CFer.) X 12, Roundstone, Galway, Collected by Mr. I’. Sturges Dodd. Side and liasal views of shell showing the internal folds or plaits, especially characterizing the j'outhful post-embryonal stage of growth. VARIATION IN ARMATURE OF APERTURE. fiS that tliis plait has arisen hy their coalescence; in the same way the lainella-fnlcrans, which is placed npon the base of the pennltiinate whorl, would seem to be a result of the thickening of part of the lamella-spiralis, which blends with the similarly thickened lamella- inserta, till they spread across to neighbonring folds, for when the lamella-fulcrans is present, the lamella-spiralis and lamella-inserta are quite absent or so greatly reduced as to be scarcely perceptible. The superior lamella is sometimes joined to the lamella-spiralis, which latter, with the subcolumellar lamella, arises from near the point of attachment of the clansium to the columella. Fig. 117. Fig. IIS. Fig. 11!). Fig. 150. Meal iliayraiiunatie section.'^ of the shell of Cldusilia to show the position and arran^feinent of the prineipal lainelhe and idieations (diaracteristie of the G'einis (inodilied, after Smith and Woodward). Fig. 1 17. — Dorsal view, with outer shell-wall removed to show the lamelhe. Fig. 1 — Front view with portion of the shell-wall removed to show the position occupied by the clansium and the sub-columellar lamella, and also showing the folds visible exteriorly. Fig. 14!). — Front view with portion of shell-wall and columella removed to show the plica;. Fig. 150. — I3asal view with shell-wall removed to show the lamella;. a. Lamella superior. c. Lamella parallela. /. Plica; suturales. />. Lamella; interlamellares. Lamella fulcrans. k. Plica principalis. c. Lamella inferior. Lamella spiralis. 1. Plicje palatales. (i 1. amelia subcolumellaris. h. Lamella inserta. m. Plica lunala or Lunella. b.s. Pasal or anterior sinus, cl. Clausium. c.f>. Callus palatalis. />.m. Plica; marginales. Tlie formation of tliese apertnral lamelhic or plications wliicli wind into tlie .shell are considered by Mr. W. II. Dali to be owing to the gradual contraction or narrowing of the later whorls, which necessarily throws into folds or wrinkles the conqjaratively volnminons mantle margin by compressing it between the muscular foot and the shell- wall. These ]»lications and lamelhe are formed by the semi-Hiiid seci’etion from the general surface of the mantle, and are moulded between tbe folds or wrinkles into which the mantle is thrown, the elevated wrinklings of the mantle pressing against the shell-wall VARIATION IN ARMATURE OF APERTURE. 69 FiTt. 151. — Lbnna'a stag7iaUs var. Fig. 152. — Helix 7te7no7‘aUs L., variegata Ha/ay, Bitton, near Bath, Peffer Burn, Haddingtonshire, Collected by Miss F. M.'Hele, Coll, by Rev. Dr. McMurtrie, F. R.S.E. , Showing in a fluviatile and in a terrestrial species the transverse thickenings, marking rest periods and indicating the growth checks sustained by the animal. and allowing only the merest film of shell matter to be deposited there, as they fit into and form the interstices between the apertural ridges moulded by the spaces of the mantle folds. Those species with the retractor muscle affixed high up the spire and which tlierefore withdraw far within the shell, form the strongest apertural plaits with the greatest prolongations into the interior of the shell. The normal thickening of the shell towards the aperture, which in some species culminates in the form of a raised internal ridge or rib parallel to and within the outer or palatal mar- gin of tlie shell, is doubtless a response to the necessity for in- creased strength atthat partinthe mature animal. In the immature stages of a mollusk, analogous transverse thickenings may occasionally occur at regular or irregular intervals during growth, and some species, as Limncca glahra and Limnwa stagnalis amongst aquatic and Helix arhustoruin and Helix nemoralis amongst terrestrial species, are especially addicted to this habit, which is assumed to be an outward indication of growth checks sustained by the animal, owing to some temporarily unfavourable conditions of the environment. In some of the aquatic species, like Planorbis spirorhis, the inhibi- tion of growth owing to exposure to drought is also stated to determine the formation of this abnonnal rib or thickening near the apertural margin, this peculiarity being- shared by some of the Limnwcv ; a plenitude of calcareous matter will naturally fircilitate the formation of this sub-marginal internal rib, which is usually whitish or yellowish in tint, but in Ltmtuva pdlustris and Limnwa, stagnalis frequently assumes a deep purple or violet colour. Fig. 153. — Lii/mcea peregi-a var. jnajgiiiata Michaud X Iw, A pond, Lewes, Sussex, Collected by JMr. C. H. Morris, Showing the internal sub-marginal rib, indicative of exposure to drought or of a plethora of calcic matter. 70 VARIATION IN SCULPTURE. Ill some of the Ileltces, as Ilelir hurtcm^'is and many other species, the regularly formed internal rib, which forms so conspicuous a feature of the oral aperture in the adult, is developed, according to Longe and i\ler, only at the maturity of the shell, owing to the atrophy of certain glands of the margin of the collar, which occupy a furrow or groove parallel with the margin and within which the projecting rib is moulded. The Sculpture in Univalves and Bivalves is most usually trans- verse or parallel with the lines of growth and the margin of the aperture. It is at times very strongly developed and has perhaps its most remarkable e.vample in Ih'lir (tcnli'dfd, where the lamelho are produced into a beautiful coronet of spines, a form of ornamentation which is unhpie among British species, but is more numerous amongst tropical genera. The incremental transverse striie are sometiniesconsiiicuously developed in forms that arc generally smooth or have scarcely dis- cernible growth lines, and occasionally specimens are met with in which there is an apparent rhythm in the alternate series of tine and coarse incremental lines, suggestive of positive transverse sculpture, which may be sujiposed to be due to the more vigorous growth at s variation in the prominence of the growth lines is sometimes very regu- lar in its recurrence and produces the ribbed aiipearance seen in Ildix pnlchcUd var. codata, Ilelix arhiis- toriuti var. rudd, etc. Reeve has stated that those mollusks developing superficial sculpture are invariably smaller than individuals of the same species in which any kind of decora- tive sculpture is avoided. This ob.served fact will account for the di.sparity in size of Planorlih ]amt'dcm and its variety crista, a characteristic so constant as to have led to the variety being con- one time than another. T1 I k;. \ I cli.x arbitsicrrum var. rudis Mulilf. (^lij'hlly enlarged), Craig Farm,, Collected by Mr. Win. Duncan, Showing the regular development t)f rihlets on an ordinarily .somewhat smooth .shell. Fig. 155. — //. aculcata Mull. X8, I’as.senthwaite, Ciunljerland, Collected by Capt. W. J. Farrer, Showing the corona of .spines. Fig. 151. — Helix horiensis Muller (slightly enlarged), Fordingbridge, Hants,, Collected by I^Ir. H. Richardson, M.A., Showing the internal sub-marginal rib indicative of maturity. VARIATION IN SCULPTURE. 71 sideied a young stage of the typical form ; it is probably, however, like Helix fuldielhi, one of our few dimorphic species. In Hyalinia radlatula the sculpture is transversely incised, appearing to radiate from the apex to the periphery, like the spokes of a wheel. When this incremental sculpture is distinctly developed at some- what regular intervals into more or less distant costulate ridges, and the spiral sculpture is also elevated and widely separated, the in- tersection of the elevated spiral and transverse lines causes a sunken or flattened area to be perceptible, forming the sculpture known as decussate or malleate (so called on account of presenting the appearance of being caused by light blows of a hammer or other instrument). These malleations or facets are very often (piite regular in their arrangement and necessarily dependent on the direction of the elevated striation to which they are owing. The variety lacumsd of Lunmm palmtrh is a characteristic example. Macgillivray ascribes the rough and corrugately malleate sculpture to e.xposure to drought, stating that under such circumstances the shell becomes wrinkled and “ marked with long ridges or irregular sinkings like the skull of a New Hollander.” The shells of the Llnma uuv in- habiting tropical and sub-tropical countries are said to be usually much more constant and uniform in sculpture, as well as in size and shape, than their congeners from more northern districts, and their texture is also finer and smoother on the whole than that of species living in the colder regions. Spiral or revolving sculpture is rare in British shells, Cydustonm elecjam being almost the only species which clearly and strongly exhibits it, FiC. 159. —External surface of body whorl of Cyclostoiua elcgans Mull., showing the strong spiral ribs and less prominent transverse striation (highly magnified). Fic. 158. — LiDDUPa pcrcgra Midi, x Iw, Maidenhead, Berks., Collected by Mr. C. G. Barrett, Showing the corrugately malleated surface. P’lG. 157. — Lrnnuea palusiris var. lacunosa Taylor, Stream, Leventhorpe Pastures, Leeds, Showing a regularly decussate or mal- leate surface. 72 VARIATION IN SCULPTURE. though ill many other species the spiral sculpture or striation is existent, but not often distinctly perceptible to the naked eye. The spiral, like the transverse, striation is soinetiines incised and not elevated, a character which is naturally not so noticeable and promi- nent as the elevated sculpture, but is clearly and distinctly visible with a lens upon the siirfiice of many species, oflering in Ifel/\v pisana one of the many characters distinguishing it from Jleliv virgata. In the Pelecypods the greater or lesser intensity and development of the concentric strim, which are the representatives of the trans- verse lines of accretion in the Univalves, are, broadly speaking, the only moditication the sculpture undergoes. The youthful stages of shell growth have also their special characteristics, both in Gastropods and Bivalves; the nuclear or apical whorls in Gastropods always increasing more rapidly in size and being often sculptured or adorned in a different manner to the later growth, have been mistaken for and even described as different species from the parent. Jleliv (tcniedta has spirally sculptured embryonal whorls, Pupti cplindracea an irregularly reticulate pattern thereon, and other species possess more or less distinctive and special characters. The umbones of some Bivalves also exhibit analogous peculiarities, those of Vmo having a complex arrangement of nodules and nodular ridges (see p. 42, tig. 102), those of rulo pieturum two rows of radiately divergent tubercles on each valve (see page Gd, tig. IdG), and A]U)dii)it((, a concentric series of ])romi- nent angulated ridges and obscure nodulations ; these peculiarities being owing to the permanent shell de- veloping within the primitive or glochidian shell of the embryo, the teeth of which prevent the symmetrical and regular growth which characterizes the species Fig. IGIK— /V/rr cylindracea Da Costa X ‘MK Isle of I.isniore, Main Argyll, Collected by iVIr. K. Staiulen, Showing the tlellcaie reticulate sculpture distinguishing the embryonal shell. Fit.. Anodonia anaiina var. coiuplanata Uossm. X 8, (lunifrieslon, near Tenby, Collected by Mr. F. Walker, Showing the umbonal sculpture characteristic of the species. VARIATION IN SCULPTURE. 7.3 when the interference of the larval shell is removed. Other species also possess peculiarities of a more or less striking and distinctive character ; but all these youthful characteristics cease to be produced after the youthful stage of growth is passed. There are likewise developed in the youthful stage of Pisidiam kensloivanum peculiar eave-like or wing-like projections, which are naturally formed at the margins of the valves in the young shell, but as growth proceeds the position they occupy is relatively and gradually altered thereby until at maturity they are found at the umbones (see page 42, figs. 103, 104). As previously remarked, spiral peculiarities in the Univalves, and radiate ones in the Bivalves, arise from the effect of the continued action during growth of those parts of the mantle forming the sculp- ture, which is in fact moulded upon its surface; the transverse or isolated sculpture being the outcome or result of seasonal or periodic action of the secretory glands. Abrasion has been held to sufficiently account for the smoothness of shells usually distinctly sculptured, and although friction may account for the smooth and polished state in marine shells, it is not always the true explanation. Speci- mens or colonies of Clausilia bidentata are sometimes met with ciuite smooth, and this smoothness is evidently not in- variably caused by attrition as suggested by Dr. .Jeffreys, but is owing to arrested development, the sculpture in them having never existed, or at any rate not proceeded to completion, and indicating non-possession and not loss. This partial exercise of qualities is seen in many other ways amongst mollusks. Fig. 162. — Clausilia bidentata \2lX . la Turton X 2, Birmingham, Collected by Mr. J. Hopkins, Showing the smooth surface of the whorls arising from the arrested development of the regular sculpture. IK;. 163. — C, bidentata var. septentrionalis A. Schmidt x 2, Gairloch, Ross-shire, Collected by Mr. A. Somerville, B.Sc., F.L.S., Showing the usual sculpturing of the whorls characteristic of the species. Hairy processes of the periostraca, which may be differentiated from spinous processes by being destitute of any interior calcareous support or base and therefore entirely composed of chitinous matter, are a characteristic of many species living in moist shady places and hiding during the day beneath stones, under decaying 74 VARIATION IN PERIOSTRACAL APPENDAGES. 1 1 . J * 4 M ./44^‘ Fig. IGF — Periostracum of Helix rex^clata Midi, showing the arrange- ment of the hairs upon its surface (highly magnified). leaves or logs, etc. ; the luollusks fre(iuentiiig such situations usually possess shells of a dull and horny tint, uithont the brightly-coloured markings distinguishing species living a more e.\- posed and prominent life. The epidermis is also more than ordinarily thick and perceptible, and is in some species pro- duced or continued into delicate hairs or bristles, the depressed or flat spired species often possessing hairs of com- paratively greater length than those species whose whorls are more conically coiled. The hairs are usually distributed over the surface of the shell in a more or less regular and symmetrical manner, and being developed by processes of the mantle margin and not produced at random, they often have a perceptibly definite arrange- ment in the different .species. Accoi’diug to iMr. W. .Jeffery, these hairy processes are formed as thick mucus on the surface of the mantle parallel with the plane of the whorls and are afterwards elevated to their perpendicular position by the succeeding calcareous layers. Tye has observed that these hairy appendages in the terrestrial snails are hygrostatic in character, and - fr'A > Fig. 1G). — A portion of one of the spiral ridge.s of the ])eri- oj'tracumof I'lanorlis alius var. (lra/>arnau(li (Shepp.) showing the hairs and their arrangement upon the. ridge (after a highly magnified original drawing by Mr. G. SherrilT Tye). become erect and cons})icuous during dami) fe-.,;] • , 'll,!); or moist weather, such as these mollusks are most active in, the hairs then forming a chei'ein'-de-frhe, probably very repellant to most creatures disposed to prey upon these mollusks, and thus may well be pro- tective. The protective character of these periostracal or epidermal ai)pendages is sui)ported b}" the fact that many of our larger freshwater as well as terrestrial si)ecies, like the Vivijxirw, Plduorh 'ts conieus, llelir aintiaxa, etc., are in their young and more helpless stage quite hispid, and thus reap such iwotection as this defence may afford. The hispid surface of the young Fldiiurhis Cornells is composed of twenty-five to thirty spiral rows of short Fig. IGG. — Pla/toilis conieiis (Iv.) 1") days old, X 12, Showing ihc si)iral rows of periostracal hairs characteristic of the youthful stage, (After an original drawing by Mr. (T Sherrifi' Tye). VARIATION IN PEIIIOSTRACAL APPENDAGES. 75 delicate hairs encircliug the whorls. In this state the shell is con- sidered to be the Planorhis of Muller. Tlie Vlcipara coiitcct(t in its embryonal and youthful stage of growth has three principal rows of spirally disposed and comparatively long hairs, of which the two upper rows are the most strongly developed. In addition to these there are from twenty to forty intermediate spiral ridges bearing much more minute and delicate hairs, which rows are always most numerous between the base and the lowermost row of the stronger hairs, and least numerous between the second and the third rows. The number also appears to increase wdth age, as the penultimate whorl on one specimen whicli was carefully examined had only five of these finely hispid ridges between the suture and the first row of stronger liairs, wliile upon the body whorl near the apertuie they had increased to twelve. Tlie development of hairs is very variable amongst individuals of the same species ; thus the v. Itispidosa of II. /t/.y)ida is a very good example of liypertrichosis, being densely covered with stiff recurved white hairs, while Alder’s v. depilata of the same species is almost bald ; possibly these differences are a more or less direct re- sult of the environ- ment of the two forms. These hairs are generally caducous, cylindrically subulate and often borne upon a little tubercle or swollen base, and are more especially a characteristic of thin and dull coloured species, varying in their character according to the species ; those of Helix revehita being somewhat short and thick, and those of Helix granidata much longer and more slender, with knotty prominences at irregular intervals, Fig. 1G8. — Periostracal hairs of Helix 7‘cvelata Michaud (highly magnified), Plymouth, Devon. (After an original drawing by Mr. G. Sherriff Tye). Fig. 1G9. — Periostracal hair.s Helix gramtlata Alder, lighly magnified), Halifa.v, Yorks. (After an original drawing ^ Mr. G. Sherriff Tye). Fig. 1G7. — Periostracal hairs or processes upon embryonal Vhnpara contecta Millet (highly magnified), Manchester, (.\fter an original drawing by Mr. G. Sherriff Tye). 7G VARIATION IN THICKNESS. while those of Helix hhpida are usually more or less aiigulated or heiit, with the tips directed forwards or towards the aperture of the shell. These periostracal hairs are not coiihued to the Gastropods, hut are equally possessed by the different species of Phldiiim, Spliarium, etc. ; those upon the .shell of Sp/urriitm corneum are of microscopic size, somewhat short, comparatively thick, bent at the tips and most numerous in the umbonal region. Substance, or thickness, is frequently the outcome of an ample ora limited supply of calcareous matter, though the variation in this character may also arise from an apparent physiological inability to utilize the material presented, which action may be intensified or diminished by chemical, meteorological, or other conditions. This weight or thickness varies not only according to the species, some having thin and almost purely chitinous shells while others are heavy and dense ami almost entirely composed of calcareous matter, but also according to age, young specimens being always more delicate than adults living under the same conditions and containing propor- tionately less calcic carbonate than the more aged shells, in which the nacreous or inner layer may become abnormally thickened if the life of the individual be from any cause greatly prolonged. It has also been satisfactorily and conclusively shown that a tem- perature above or below the optimum, which optimum varies for the different specie.s, results in the minimising or even the ce.s.sation of the shell-secreting function, and the growth, if any, is characterized by greater delicacy as the temperature recedes from the optimum. Thus the varieties ghichdh mxA thermcdis oi L'lminm jieregra which inhabits glacial and thermal springs respectively, are ecpially distinguished for the extreme delicacy and dwarf size of their shells. Specimens of Llmnau perefjra found living in the warm water of engine cisterns at Cheadle, Burn- ley, and other places, are characterized by the same extreme tenuity and diminished size. This form is almost ei|ually well-known by the two distinct names, dlaphami and thenmdh, the first descriptive of the character of the shell and the second referring to its habitat. The Burnley shells are, as I am informed by Mr, h'. G. Long, sub- jected to a temperature of 84° Fahr., and are especially transparent Fig. 170. — Linnuea peregra var. ilu'7‘///aiis Foub^e X lA, Mill cistern, (iannow, llurnley, Collected by Mr. R. Wiggle.sworth, Sliowing the effect upon tlte .shell of too great a degree of warmth in the iiihal>iled water. VARIATION IN THICKNESS. 77 and also of diminished size ; the Cheadle specimens of the same species, though smaller and thinner, are less transparent than the Burnley shells, and are, according to the careful and connected observations obligingly undertaken at my request by Mr. Masefield, subjected to a temperature varying between 60° and 98° Fahr. ; when the water rises towards the latter temperature these mollusks crawl out from it and remain attached to the sides of the condensing reservoir at some point above the water level until evening, when the temperature owing to the stoppage of the engines, begins to fall again, and on its decreasing to about 98° the mollusks have been observed to re-enter the water, that temperature appearing to be the maximum heat they are able or willing to endure. Fluviatile species inhabiting great depths, much beyond those in which they are normally found, also show marked attenuation of shell substance, probably on account of the lower temperature to which they are exposed hindering the free exercise of the shell-secreting function. The Limnan stagiicclis dredged by Mr. Bryant Walker in High Island Harbour, Lake Michigan, at a depth of 34 feet, is remarkable for the delicacy of its shell, and this is also a very striking character of the various abyssal forms of Limncva from the depths of the Lake of Geneva. In Helix aspersa v. tenuior found in Guernsey, where calcareous strata are absent and the shell more largely composed of animal matter, we have a very good example of the effect of a deficiency of shell-forming material, the weight of a fairly characteristic specimen of this variety, kindly given me by Rev. Dr. McMurtrie, being only four grains, whereas the average weight of typical shells is about 32 grains. Helix nemondis shows similar, though less striking, results, as specimens found by Mr. J. Ray Hardy upon the Volcanic Slate, near the summit of the Macgillicuddy Reeks, co. Kerry, were so excessively thin that many of the most fragile collapsed under the necessary compression used in gathering or cleaning them, the most delicate shell preserved intact weighing 3‘3 grains, or a little more than one-quarter of the weight of ordinary individuals. This deficiency of calcareous matter has also, according to Clessin, often a marked effect upon the form of certain species, the .shells of Clausilia being said to diminish in length and Helix lapicidu to become rounded at the periphery. 78 VARIATION IN THICKNESS. The opposite oi’ incrassate condition may be well illustrated by TIf'U.v a.'^persa var. solidissitna Paulucci, a specimen of which, found by the late j\Ir. C. Ashford on the rurbeck limestone at Swanage, though of oidy normal size, weighed eighty - three grains; and Mr. C. Jefferys has taken several specimens on the cliffs at Tenby weighing over one hundred grains each, or more than three times the weight of average individuals. fh'li.r uemoralis normally weighs about 1 1 grains, yet a thick shelled race, the variety crctkola of Miirch, which formerlj^ e.xisted in the West of Ireland, and in a somewhat less pronounced form has been .shown by i\fr. Collier to still e.xist there, attained a much greater weight. A number of sub-fossil specimens of this variety, kindly sent me by Prof. D’Arcy Thompson, had an average weight of 44 grains, the heaviest weighing 78 grains and the lightest, a somewhat diminutive shell, weighing la grains. This abnormal incrassation of the shell substance is principally caused by the .secretion of additional and thicker layers to the inner surface of the shell, and probably arises from the mollusk living upon suitable geological strata, furnishing abundant supplies of calcic matter, and also from the probable prolongation of the life of the animal beyond the usual life-limit of the species, perhaps owing to a succession of mild and equable seasons, the periodical de- position of the shell matter by the visceral mantle occnrring regularly at its proper season during the whole life of the animal. Post-mortem deposits of calcic carbonate, by carbonate of lime entering the pores in a fluid state, have been suggested as the of the unusual thickness of shells, but a care- fill e.xami nation of sections throngh the shell disprove this suggestion, as they clearly demonstrate that this extreme incrassation of the .shell has taken place ill a strictly normal manner, the inner laj^er upon the base of the preceding whorls retaining its characteristic comparative teiinity, being only modified by the delicate films of calcic matter, deposited at the same time as the stronger layers which thicken the interior Fir,. 171. — Section through the shell of a normal 11. ni'i/io- ralis r.., showintj the usual thick- ness and other characters of the species. Weight of section, 8 grains. From a section cut liy Mr. F. Rhodes. Fk;. 172. — Section ihroiigli the shell of a //. ucino- ratis F.jfrom Dog’s Hay, Conne- mara, e.\hibiting the remarkable thickening of the shell-wall. Weight of section, 43 grains. From a section cut by Mr. J. Ray Hardy. VARIATION^ IN THICKNESS. 79 surface of what is or were the external shell-walls, and therefore preserving the same relative thicknesses of the external and internal shell-walls that distinguishes normal specimens. Fluviatile species, though affected by the comparative abundance or scarcity of calcic matter in relation to the thickness attained by the shell, are also influenced greatly by other circumstances of their environment, those individuals inhabiting rough or disturbed waters, rapid and turbulent streams, etc., develop a thicker and stronger shell than usual to better enable them to withstand the force of tlie waves and currents to which they are exposed, and often show a shorter spire and a more expanded and larger mouth, which necessarily allows for greater clinging or adhesive power, and renders the mollusk less liable to be detached and probably injured by wave violence. In Anodons the light inflated form with thinly calcified valves may, as in the Univalves, exhibit according to circumstances an actual scarcity of shell-forming material or a idiysiological inability to utilize it. Shallow waters with their greater variations of tempera- ture and consequent checks to shell secretion, tend to produce thin and lightly calcified shells, as do also the immense depths known to exist in some lakes, perhaps in this case due to the constant low temperature, much below the optimum for the species. The effect of a plethora of calcareous matter or of functional activity of the secretory organs is strongly exhibited in Anodonta cygnea v. incrassata, and is shown not only by the greatly thickened nacreous layer, but the plenitude of calcareous substance is often strongly indicated by a heavy deposit of the limy matter in the form of tufa, on the exposed posterior end of the shell. A characteristic specimen of this variety from a brook at Tisbury, Wiltshire, kindly given me by the late Mr. J. Pickering, w'eighs 2,227 grains or 5T2 ounces, while an example of the typical form of equivalent size from Nagden, near Faversham, collected by the late Miss E. B. Fairbrass, weighed only 322 grains, or about one-seventb the weight of the variety incrassata. Rough and deep waters, although not profound depths, are both said to tend to produce thicker and stronger shells than those developed in shallow and more tranquil waters. Some species, as Unio margaritifer and Neritina fluviatiUs, appear able to extract the necessary lime carbonate to form thick and heavy shells even from the waters of gi’anitic districts, whilst 80 VARIATION IN SIZE. other species, as Anculm fnriatUis, under similar conditions seem unable to do so, their shells being unusually delicate and thin. This dift’erence in the selective working of the tissues in different species is true also in a lesser degree amongst the individuals com- posing a species, which vary int(n- se in their power to utilize the shell-forming material presented, although the thickness of the shell would generally seem to be in inverse ratio to the hardiness of the animal, the most hardy species or genera, or those which withstand the most rigorous climates having only a thin external or internal shell, as though the shell-forming energy of the creature was diverted to strengthen more vital processes. Size is not only influenced by the obvious causes of the abundance or scarcity of suitable and nutritious food, the result of which would be the proiluction of a larger or a more diminutive animal and shell than would be developed under ordinary conditions, but is also in a large degree dependent upon temperature and other circumstances. The researches of Semper on the phenomena of growth, upon which size is dependent, have shown that in Limuau stagnalis the size attained by the shell is capable of correlation with the temperature and amount of the inhabited water, as assimilation and growth ecpuilly ceased if the degree of warmth exceeded 00° P. or fell below 53° P., the fullest vigour being enjoyed and the largest size attained when the temperature ranged between 08° P. and 77° P. The results of these researches are of great interest, and are more or applicable to other specie.s, as demonstrating some of the con- ditions governing growth — and therefore size — in mollusca generally, and clearly establish that the volume or amount of water allowed to eachinollusk is so decisive in its effect upon growth that in the space of six days the difference in the size of the shells of those in a large and those in a small body of water becomes apparent ; the smaller the amount of water per individual the smaller the shell and vice irrsft If the volume of water be less than 5,000 cubic centimetres per individual, a dwarfing influence is perceptible, the greatest differential effect being P'lG. 173. — Volume-curve of Liuitura stagnalis^ showing the effects of various volumes of water upon the size attained in a defmite period of G.3 days (after Semper). VARIATION IN SIZE. 81 shown between those sliells inhabiting 100 and 500 cubic centi- metres respectively ; for, whereas specimens reared in 100 cubic centi- metres of water only acquired a length of 6 mill, in 65 days, those in 250 centimetres reached 9 mill., those in 500 centimetres 12 mill., while the individuals in 2000 cubic centimetres grew to 18 mill, in the same space of time. Ample food and healthy con- ditions had been assured to each mollnsk, and the experiment therefore exhibits the dwarfing effect of too great an abundance of life in any circumscribed area apart from scarcity of food. The rate of growth Figs. 174, 175, 176, 177. Four shells of Liinncea stagnalis^ each 65 days old and hatched from the same mass of ova, but reared in different volumes of water to demonstrate the effect of the amount of water per individual upon the size attained in a definite period of time, and illustrating the Volume-curve Fig. 173. Fig. 174. reared in 100 cubic centimetres of water ; Fig. 175, in 250 ; Fig. 176, in 500 ; and Fig. 177, in 2,000 (after Semper). 20 I o 15 ^ 10 5' 5 § rp a 0 Age of mollusks in days. Fig. 178. — Curve of time, showing the average rate of growth of Limncea stagnalis reared in from 1,000 to 2,000 cubic centimetres of water (after Semper, modified). is also far from uniform, as at first the young Lhnnwa grows at a moderate rate, after which follows a period of quickened growth, until Figs. 170, Four figures of the shell of Limmea stagnalis to show the amount and rate of increase in size and \ to more strikingly demonstrate the period of most rapid growth, averaged from specimens reared in / /\ from 1,000 to 2,000 cubic centimetres of water, / \ and illustrating the Growth and Time- Curve, / Fig. 178. ( J Fig. 179, 21 days old ; Fig. 180, 42 days old ; ^ ^ ^ Fig. 181, 60 days old ; and Fig. 182, 85 days old. 182. at length, the older the animal the slower the growth. Maximum size can only be attained by favourable conditions at these early and critical periods, especially that of greatest increase, as that period once passed cannot afterwards be fully compensated for by any subsequently favourable conditions, the shell being then constructed on a more F VARIATION IN SIZE. S2 diniinntive scale. A specimen that does not exceed 20 mill, in length during the first season is necessarily undersized when adult. Temperature exercises a very powerful influence upon the size attained, as the young L'lnuKca only begins to assimilate food and therefore grow, when the waiter attains a temperature of about 0,-5° Fahr., and although a much lower tem- perature does not seem to be vitally injurious to the mollusk, its effects are e.x- hibited in the decreased power of assimilation and consequent checks to, or inhibition of growth. Semper has experimentally demonstrated the effect of cohl in retarding the growth of specimens in every other respect (juite as favourably circumstanced as those attaining a much larger size. The mean temperature of a dis- trict may be apparently favourable to a species, but this average may be tbe result of two extremes, and these extremes of temperature, if occurring during the growth periotl have a baneful influence and unfavourably affect the size attained by the animal. During tbe winter mouths, however, most of our land and fresh- water mollusks are more or less complete hibernants, but on the termination of this winter dormancy there quickly follow's in the young a^ period of rapid assimilation and growth, and unfavourable inlluences at tins season necessarily retard the growth and induce dwarfed shells, as no after favourable circumstances can fully com- pensate for retardation of growth in early life. 'I'hus we are enabled to understand and .appreciate the periodic variations in size and the cbaracters in correlation with it, so often noticeisan(i,iox instance, showing the two forms in the varieties alba and albtda re.spectively. The occasionally different colouring of the nucleus of the .shells not truly albine is sometimes relied upon as a means to readily distinguish the true albinos, but this test is not an infivllible guide. An albine shell, when borne by a i)igmented mollusk, is e.s.sentially similar to any white-furred or white-feathered animal or bird, as tbe shell, like furor feathers, is an e.ssentially cuticular structure (piite outside the animal, and, though organically connected, it has been satisfactorily demon- VARIATION IN COLOUR. 91 strated that a Helix can exist even when its organic connection with tlie shell is completely severed. It is quite certain that local circumstances do at times conduce to the development of albine shells. One instance will suffice to sup- port this view ; under stones in a dell on the cliffs near Hele Bay, Ilfracombe, Mr. Brockton Tomlin, in March, 1887, found hundreds of the white variety of Helix rotundata, and it is suggestive that this state was practically universal and not confined to this particular species, but was shared in by the associated species, Hyalinia celUiria and Avion hovtensis. This variation, so plentiful within these narrowly circumscribed limits, was not met with elsewhere in the neighbourhood, clearly showing that the influence, whatever its nature, did not ex- tend beyond the limits of this little valley. Amongst Lepidoptera Mr. Poulton has satisfactorily shown that the character of the larval food affects its colouring. He especially instances Triphwna, pronuba fed in darkness upon the midribs of cabbage leaves, which were ({uite unable to form the green and brown colouration, although others fed under similar conditions upon more normal food were typically coloured. Moquin-Tandon considered one of the principal causes of albinism in mollusks to be the nature of the soil and consequently the food, and as some corroboration of this opinion it may be stated that M. Jules Colbeau long ago observed and recoi'ded that about Dinant the translucently-banded Helix hovtensis exhibited a noticeable partiality for gooseberry bushes, and Mr. A. E. Boycott has recently remarked upon the predilection of this and other albine forms for plants of the horse-radish, but although these observers did not pursue the investigation further, yet it has been actually demonstrated by Capt. W. J. Farrer that this albine modifica- tion may sometimes be of a phytopliagic character as a change of diet in connection with the different environment of captivity proved to be sufficient to cause albine growth upon shells previously almost melanic in colouring. A number of half-grown shells of Helix hovtensis var. oUmcea and Helix avbiistovuni var. fasccc were gathered at York and conveyed to Bassenthwaite, in Cumberland, and there fed to maturity in captivity upon the leaves of turnip and cabbage, the new growth in both species was of quite an albine character and the junction of the contrasting colours sharply defined ; but Mr. T. Scott has recorded an almost exactly opposite experience, a young Helix m'bustovum ysx. Jlavescens fed upon cabbages, turnips. VARIATION IN COLOUR. ‘J2 etc., Ibvnied tlie new growtli of a much darker colour than before, although it is possible that in this case the different result may be due to the additional articles of diet not enumerated. According to iM. INlalard and other observers concealment by isochromatic adaption to environment is very common amongst crustaceans and other organisms, and we apparently see a striking e.xample of this interesting phenomenon in the albine .specimens of Papa cijlind raced found by Capt. Farrer upon a whitewashed wall at Bassenthwaite, the white variety being contined exclusively to the whitewashed portion, the type form existing only upon that part of the wall left in its natural condition ; as collateral evidence of the probable accuracy of the supposition that we have here a case of this i.sochromatic adaptation to environment, without, however, defining the [)rocess by which this adaptation has been brought about, wdiether by the elimination of the normal form or other method, I may recall the record given by Semper, on the authority of Dr. Braun, that white rabbits are most certainly and easily reared in a white reflected light. It is now well-known and acknowdedged that albinism is hereditary and may be transmitted to offspring. This is not only practically established by experience of the shells under natural conditions, but has been fre(piently demonstrated with mollusks kept in captivity. The increase in numbers of the .specimens of a white variety, to the di.sadvantage of the ty[)ical form dwelling w'ith it, points only to the persistence of some features of the environment favourable to the variation or, according to (Jredler, indicates that the species has reached the extreme limit of its horizontal or vertical distribution. There appears to be a somewhat general consensus of opinion, especially amongst Continental conchologists, that albinism in the shell occurs most freely amongst mollusks inhabiting cold, misty and localities, and the unusual numbers chronicled by them during dull and sunless seasons and from subalpine districts, which have something of this character, supports the theory, as also does the assertion of Herr Dietz that e.xamples of IJelu' hertemh of an albino character are most commonly found in wet years, and that those with banded shells in normal seasons, have the growth of a wet season deficient of the usual pigment. Diametrically opposed to the preceding theory is the suggestion that dry, warm and sunny seasons are favourable to shells assuming the albine state, and there is some reason from analogy in believing VARIATION IN COLOUR. 93 that such conditions will assist in the elimination of colouring matter, and tend towards the dull white and bandless forms especially characteristic of arid and desert districts. Leucochroism (XevKoi white and colour) has been defined as that state wherein the darker shades of the ground colouring or the markings thereon are diminished in intensity, in extent, or both combined, owing to the diffusion of a paler shade of colour, or to the darker markings assuming a paler tint than is usual in typical in- dividuals. This state may he considered as more or less intermediate between the ordinary typical condition and the albine form, and the illustrations of this variation are very numerous amongst mollusks, the bandless varieties or the pale or thin banded forms of Ileli.r nemoralh and the dull white bandless varieties of Helix virgatd may be quoted as familiar instances (see pi. ii., fig. 4). One of the causes of this state has been assumed to be exposure to dryness and warmth, circumstances which M. Strobel has shown to induce this state in Helix virgatd, and the accuracy of this opinion is confinned by the knowledge that such forms are the prevalent ones in desert regions, their colouring reflecting the heat to which they arc exposed, and therefore preventing the drying-up of the natural moisture of the animal. Mr. Dali thinks this leucochroic condition may be due to a less fluent secretion of the animal products, which are the chief components of the glistening epidermis of shells native to moister regions. This and other variations may however also arise as a con- sei^uence of the protection afforded by resemlilance to their sur- roundings, as may to a certain extent be the case with the variety dlbescens of Cyclostomd elegdns found by Mr. Brockton Tondin, upon the white chalk cliffs at Lulworth. Melanochroism (geX-ii-v black and colour) is the opposite tendency to leucochroism, as it expresses the increase of darker shades, either of the ground tint or markings, at the expense of the lighter shades of colour, and is a tendency towards true melanism, being the intermediate stage between the typical individual and the specimen with black ground colour or markings. The term Phteism (f/)atos dusky), which applies to dusky specimens, is not so precise in its application and may refer to a case of leucochroism or melanochroism according as the affected individual is more darkly or lightly pig- mented than the typical form, without distingtiishing the mode by 94 VARIATION IN COLOUR. which the colouring has been arrived at. A modified form of Ilelir virgatd var. rufiila, with tlio bands present as in the t)"pical form, is an interesting illustration of this phase of colouring (see pi. ii., fig. 3). IMelanism (/xo\ur, black) is the opposite condition to albinism, and is a consequence of the excessive action or hypertrophy of the colour glands diffusing the colouring matter of the bands or other markings over the snrfiice of the shell, and when this diffused pigment is black, or approximately black in colour, the phenomenon is termed melanism. 'SI iss F. i\I. Ilele has observed that certain foods have an inflnence upon the colouring of growing Ile/I.r (ispersa, as those specimens fed upon lettuce leaves always ac(piired a darker colour, or the colouring matter became more overspread than was usually the case, and Mr. Standen has also recorded that the sinistra! Helix afipersa which he fed to maturity upon “dainty food” lost its mottleil markings and became almost uniformly black. The coalition of the black bands in Helix nemnr(iH!f, etc., is a well known and common example of this phenomenon ; a still more striking illustration being furnished by the Helix circjdfd var. nigvet^cens (see jil. ii., fig. 2), which has been observed by i\Ir. Ashford to be a very local form in tbe Isle of Wight and to live chiefly upon Cdrclniis tenuifulius, but Mr. II. B. Ilewetson, of Leeds, has foumi some very characteristic specimens of this variet}" upon the Ragwort (Sedecio j((enlurd), on the sand-hills at Kilnsea, near Spnrn, Yorkshire. Eryturism (epvHpiH, red) and Erythrochroism are the terms ex- pressing the development of the red pigment (see pi. ii., figs. G, 7, 9), and would seem to be a biological exi)ression of a warm climate or season, as we meet with this red form in Helix iiemornlis and Helix l/(irteiisis much more i)lentifully and more richly coloured in the southern counties of England than in the northern parts of the country. This erythrous condition or colouring as existing in the shell of Helix hortensi^ has been considered by Herr Weiidand, under certain circumstances, to be protective in character, as for instance, when the animal resides amongst fallen beech leaves, and he has therefore distinguished and named this form the variety owing to finding the shells in snch situations. Xanthous variation (j)l. ii., fig. 1 l)when not pure would seem to be very closely associated or connected with erythrism, and is often developed during gvowth as a modification of the red colouring existing in early life or rice re?'sd. Plate H- Fig. 1. Fig. 2. fig.. 5. Fig 'P. fig 5- Fi/g. 7. FUj. 73. Principal Phases of Colouring in. MoUiisca.Ftgs 1-7 ami 11. Typical, hg. 1 . Heltx virgota. Da Costa x 2, Lewes, collected, hy MIT.S. Hillman . Melanism. Fig. 2. H.virgatav.nigrescen.s Crat.x 2,AftonDowrisJ.ofWight.collected by.Mrc.Ashfurd.. Melanoc hroism. H.virgatay. raMo-^ortaia Taylor x 2. laugharne. collected bv Mr G.W. Mellons. Leucochroism Fig F. H.virgatay. albicans Gratx 2, Newquay, collected by M.rX/i. James. Albinism. Fig 5. Hvlrgatn.v. nlba Taylor x 2.Lewes. collected by MT C.H.Morris. Erythrism. Fig. 6. Arion alyr v. izifat Lj. Minden.Germany, collected by HMichardson . Erythrochroism Fig. 7. Helix nenwmlis v. rubella Pirard. KnoUingley. coTlecbed by .J.Cordnkes. Xanthism. Fig. 11. Hnemamlis v. libellula (Hissoj.WinsUr collected by Rev.H.Milnes. Type s of Colourinc! in. Thermal Zbrurs. Figs 8-IZ. Polychromatism i Fig 8. Lirpms virgineiis (LjWcstIndie.s\ (orTropical coloxirtjiQ^ ftg.9. ITelix pictd. Born,. Cuba ^FirE.Cotliers collection. OligoCHROmatism I Fig. 10. Helix pisana MillLMendme. collected by MVR.D.DarbUhire. lorTmpemie .■cionrinrjF Fin. 11. Hnemamlis y. libellula (Risso)WinsUr' collected by Rev.H.Milnes. Monochromatism l Fig.12. Vitnnapellaciitnv.depressiusciila .JefTcx S.colLhy MrKD.Marquand ror Boreal cotounnqj J Fig. 15. Ytritgo dlpestris Aider x 8. Cottingley. YorLs Fig. 6. Fig 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. J W. Taylor^ del. Taylor Bros, Lut. Leeds, >lr> VARIATION IN BANDING. 95 The yellow or xanthous variety, Uhellula, of Helix nemoralls is often noticed to pi’esent a strong rosy tint upon the earlier or apical whorls, and this peculiarity is occasionally found so distinctly marked that a special varietal name has been used to indicate it. The Helix picta figured (pi. ii., fig. 9) also shows the intimate relationship existing between erythrous and xanthous colouring, as both colours are blended together upon the penultimate and preceding- whorls. Indeed the shell, like other organs of the body, undergoes in some species great mutations, in colour, as well as in markings and other characters in the progress of its growth to maturity. The real colour of the shell is sometimes greatly modified to the eye by the colour of the chitinous periostracum, which may vaiy from the pure white of the albine form, through the delicate i)rimrose tint of the xanthochroic varieties, as seen in Helix arhustorum and Helix aspersa (see pi. i., fig. 1), to the deep dark brown, as found in Helix aculeata and other species, and according to its depth of tint and thickness obscures and modifies the colour of the calcareous surfirce beneath ; thus some of the yellowish brown and other varieties of Helix iiemoraUs, etc., when denuded of their epidermis are found to be of a more or less intense and livid violet colour, but other Univalve species may chiefly or entirely owe their colouring to the chitinous covering of the shell. The Banding, or coloured markings, in our British Univalves have usually a spiral character, the corresponding markings in the Bivalves being those radiating from the umbones to the free margins of the shell, thus differing diametrically from the general direction of the sculpture, which is usually transverse or coincident with the lines of accretion. These varied markings are formed by the glands of the mantle margin, and their continuous exercise during growth produces a connected and necessarily spiral band in the Gastropoda, and the radiate markings in the Pelecypoda, their intermittent action giving rise to transverse markings, spots, or blotches according to the ex- tent of the development of the colour glands and the greater or lesser intervals taking place between the periods of their secretory activity. Mr. W. II. Dali has remarked that the tendency to striped markings wonld probably aid in the concealment of the shells amongst the lights and shadows of the grass and herbage, leading one to attribute these markings to similar causes to those that may have also led to the development of the striped markings of the Tiger. 96 VARIATION IN BANDING. Fig. 193 — //. ca/>cf'ata Mont.. Perth, Collected by Mr. H. Coates, Probably largely destroyed )iy sheep o\ving to its indefinite and protective colouring. Fig. 101. — Ili'Ux cnpcratn var. ornata Picard, Afton Downs, Isle of Wight, Collected by Mr. Chas, Ashford, Probably avoided by the sheep, the distinct markings enabling the shells to be easily perceived. Rev. S. Spencer Pearce, on tlie contrary, attributes tlie development of distinct banding, in species sncb as Ilellx' caperata, to the greater visibility of the shells so marked to those with mottled or indistinct markings, as he found that the strongly banded variety ornata pre- ponderated in the places fed over by sheep, which he therefore assumed perceived and avoided the striped form, whose markings would thns appear to be of a warning or aposematic character, while probably destroying many of the less con- spicuous, indistinctly banded specimens. In the hedge-rows and other places not l)rowsed over by the .sheep, the ordinary mottled form prevailed and the distinctly striped variety was com- paratively rare. Some species have normally a definite nnmber of bands, the gronp Pimtataiua, to which Ih'Vt.r ni'moraViif, /nirtrnsls, poinxxfta, and axxprrsxx belong is characterized by possessing five bands in the typical form, which are very constant in position, tliree being always above the periphery and two below it, but they are snl)ject to great modification, owing to the absence of one or more of the bands and to their coalescence in many and varied combinations. Simroth from his study of .slug colouration was led to regard the second and fourth bands of the Pexitataoxia as the primitive and original pair— corre.sponding to the ancestral mantle-bands of theslngs, which are closely connected with the lateral blood .sinuses— wbich, by the concentration of their lugment, have ac(piired a lighter border on each side, throwing np the third band between them, and each develop- ing an additional one outwardl}", the first and the fifth. This view is scarcely borne out by tlie acknowledged fact, that the third band in Heli.v nemoralh, when present at all, is the band wdiich first appears upon the infant shell, and therefore implies for it an eaidier origin than for the remainder. A convenient method or formula was devised many years ago by Herr Georg von Martens to facilitate the tabulation and record of the band variations in the Pentatanua, for which the character of the banding .sbonld always be taken from the last whorl of the shell, as the markings .so often vary in character during VARIATION IN BANDING. 97 the progress of gi’owth, the banding being usually isolated and distinctly separate in youth anrl tending to become transversely combined at the margin of the aperture on approaching maturity. By this method a distinctive or special number is applied to each of the five bands found in the typical form of Tleli.r vemnrali>t, or other species of the Pentatmniate grouj), according to the position it occupies ou the shell, the uppermost or one nearest the suture being the first, and the lowermost or one nearest the umbilicus the fifth, the type form, which has always five distinct bands, being expres.sed by the formula 12345 (see f 1 95). If a band is suppressed or absent, this is shown by the use of a cypher 0 instead of its number; thus the formula 12045 would signify that the first, second, fourth, and fifth bands were present, and the cypher in its appropriate position would indicate the absence of the third band (see f 19G) ; if, however, the whole of the five bands are absent and the shell be therefore practically unicolourous from showing only the ground tint, then this phase of variation is expressed by the use of five cyphers 00000 iu lieu of the appro- priate numbers (see fig. 197). The coalescence or fusion of the band- ing is indicated by enclosing in paren- theses, or by some other method which will clearly show the peculiarity, the numbers representing those bauds which are united together, thus the formula (12)3(45) would signify that the first and second bands were united, and also the fourth and fifth, the third only being free or isolated (see f. 1!)S). When, however, the whole five bands are [iresent and united together, presenting the appearance of one excessively broad baud occupying nearly the entire surface of the whorl, and therefore only Fk;. 19S. — IIcUx iicuioralis L., formula (12) 3 (lo), Piperstown, co. Louth, Collected by Kliss S. Smith. Fig. 197- — IfcUxncmoralis L., formula 0001)9, Isle of Lismore, Argyll, Collected by Mr. A. Somerville, P.Sc., F.L.S. Fig 19f>. — Helix 7ti'i)iorali^ L. formula 12015, lUtton, near Path, Collected by Miss F. M. Helc. Fig. 195. — Helix ^leitwralis L. type formula 12345, Litton, near Path, Collected by Miss F. .I\I. Hele. OS VARIATION IN BANDING. Fig. 100. — IIcU.x newornlh L., formula Truro, Cornwall, Collected by Mr. J. 11. James, A.R.I.C Fig. 200. — Helix nemoralis F., formula 12'U‘jIo. allowing- the groninl tint to he visible along the sntnre and in the ninhilical region (see fig. 100), this is shown by enclosing the whole of the five figures within the parentheses, the formula being (12345). Supernumerary or e.xtra hands may also apparently he developed, so that a specimen may seem to have si.\, seven, or more hands, hnt these additions to the normal five, are invariably owing not to a real increase in their number, but to the separation or splitting np of one or more of those normally existent, and con- sequently these extra or sujiernumerary hands are always finer and thinner than the normal undivided hand would have been. 'I'liis splitting up or sub-division of the hands can be indicated in the formula by the use of a smaller figure placed in such a position as to represent the situation actually oc- cupied relatively to the regular banding by the slender split-off handlet : thus, if the third hand he .split about equally, it .should be indicated by r2'3.'545 (see iiG. /AA.r 200), or if the split-off handlet is much n.arrower than the remaining portion of the hand from which it has been separated and is placed beneath it, the formida .should be I2.‘5"45 (see fig. 201), but if the handlet he ])lacod above the haml it is derived from, the smaller figure, by the position it occupies, ecpially servos to indicate its ])o.sition and character, the formula being 12 15 (see fig. 202). In those cases where, from their equi-distant position, it is difficult or impossible to decide with certainty from which of the normal bands the extra 'A liandlets have been dei'ived or .split off, so that the appropriate numerals cannot he used to indicate their ])osition and Fig. 20.T — //i*//> iiciiroraiis L., • • n • i • j i formula i2;{xi.), OFigiii, theii a small x is used instead of a nnmher in the pro])er position to indicate their presence, thus Fig. 202. — Helix ncuioyalis L., formula 12-!315, VARIATION IN BANDING. 99 Fig. 20F — I/dix nenioraiis L. formula Spurn Point, Yorkshire, a specimen as the one fi^urerl (fig. 20.S), wliicli possesses a slender bandlet eipiidistant between tlie tliinl and fourth hands, would be clearly indicated by the formula 12.9x b'5. Indistinct, irregularly developed or spotted bands are indicated by a colon in place of the numeral — an in- distinct third band, provided the remain- ing four bands are normally developed, would be shown by the formula 12:4.5; whereas if all the bands are indefinite or irregular, the peculiarity would be 11,1 P.1 p 1 Collected bv Mr. W. E. Clarke. expressed by the use oi tlie lormula f.l.s. as in fig. 204. Some authors, however, consider that any of the normal bands when indistinct or rudimentary are more suitably indicated by the use of the small numeral, which I recommend .should be restricted to represent the split-ofi’ bandlets. A .specimen of HeU.r hortensis from Folkestone, kindly given me by Mrs. Fitzgerald, appears to have eight .slender but distinct bands, on account of their colouring matter being mainly concentrated at the edges of each band, leaving the centre of each band very little, and in some portions not at all darker than the general ground colour, this separation of the margin of the bands gradually becoming more dis- tinctly marked as growth proceeds, and furnishing a very instructive illustration as to how the multiplication of bands may come about, this specimen would be indicated by the formula ] 2 m (fig. 20,5). This division of, or breaking up of the banding is a modification which has been ascribed to the effects of aridity or dryness, either of season or locality, and that this cause probably induces band disin- tegration, is shown by the fact that Mr. W. E. Clarke collected for me, at Whitsuntide, 1ersa vzcc. Jla7inuca Pic. X K-, Scarborough, Yorks., Collected by IMr. J. Ray Hardy, Showing disintegrated or flammular banding. unmistakable traces of banding, both in shells and slugs, and transvei'se markings may have often arisen from the re- aggregation of these spots in the direction more or less perpendi- cnlar to that in which they were primitively present, but it is not unlikely that irregularly spotted band-like markings indicate ir- regularity of action, such as may be looked for at the origin of such glands, and thus occasionally represent nascent banding and not invariably originate from primitively distinct and continuous markings. Helix caiiti(um, Helix cartusinna, Helix rufescens, and a few other specie.s, although normally uniformly coloured, occasionally exhibit banding, which some assert are na.scent, but are more probably the vestigial re- mains of bands formerly existent; and we are thus led to speculate upon the probability of these species being at one time distinctly banded forms, and descended from primitively banded an- cestors, without, however, implying that the molluscan shell, as originally developed, was not unicolorous. The evidences of this banding are rendered easily recognizable by the pale peripheral zone, which is, according to my interpretation, the intervening area between the upper and lower groups of bands. The whitish transverse linear markings, which form the characteristic feature of Limnwa jHilustris var. zebra, are, I am inclined to believe, the result of a certain amount of disintegration of the shell substance, which apparently takes place at somewhat regular inter- vals, owing probably to some periodically recurring deficiency in the secretion of the protective epidermis. Analogous markings from similar causes are some- times noticed upon Bythinia tentaculata and other species, but this feature is apparently more particularly a characteristic of the Limnophysa inhabiting North America. Fig. 211. — Helix cantiana var. albocincta Ckll., Lund, near Osgodby, Yorks., Collected by Mr. Wm. Nelson, Showing supposed atavistic evi- dence of spiral banding. Fig. 212. — Litiincea palust) is var. zebra Tryon X 2, “Swale,” Oakland Co., Mich., U.S.A., Collected by hlr. Bryant Walker, Showing regular linear markings, perhaps due to disintegra- tion of shell substance or defective periostraca. 102 VARIATION IN BANDING. Fig. 213. — Limna-a pcrcgra (Mull.) X U> Scout Dam, Pcnlstone, Yorks., Collected by Mr. L. K. Adams, 1>. A., Showing the spiral linear mark- ings, probably due to injury to mantle-margin. The Spiral White Lines so often noticed, especially in our fresh- water shells, are not usnally what may be termed true colour bands, as those of typical Lunnaa 2wre(jra var. are said to be, but are probably the result of some injury to the glandular mantle-margin, which inter- feres with the secretion and deposition of the usual epidermic covering to the outer surface of the whorls, thus render- ing the calcareous strata of the shell more vividly perceptible. Mr. L. E. Adams has freipiently noticed this pecu- liarity amongst the Lhuntva jwrerjra inhabiting Scout Lam, near Penistone, Yorkshire, where trout are very numerous, and I consider these markings are })robably caused indirectly by the fish, which have injured or lacerated the mantle with their teeth when attempting to seize and feed upon the animal. More severe injuries of this cha- racter, from the same or other causes, would probably result in the entire thickness of the shell substance being more or less aflected, and in e.xtreme the outer margin of the shell, where the new growth takes place, might even become cleft. In the Pelecypoda the same peculiarities are occasionally observable, the radiating dull white linear markings, when present, corresponding to the linear spiral markings of the Lunna klw, etc., and arc very proliably attributal)le in origin to analogous causes. .More severe injuries to the mantle, would, as in the Univalves, result in the com]ilete severance of the substance of the valve, but this severance is seldom so strikingly shown as in the specimen of A iKiiloidft cinjiti 'i ligured, which has the left valve cleft almost to the umbo, owing to the severe injury the corresponding mantle has sus- tained in early life, but the right valve shows only a very marked constriction to indicate the e.xtent of the injury done. 'I'hese malformed shells should more pro2)erly have been treated upon in the succeeding cliaiher, but the desire to indicate the jn’o- Ijable connection of such forms with those distinguished by the Fig>. 211 21.5. — Lint/Ufa atirUtilaria L.), J>avos I.akc, Swit/criaml, CoIlccl^:tl by C'apt. W'. II. 'ruiTon, K.lh., Showing cleft ''licll >ubslancc probably tluc to severe laceration of niaiule-maigin. MONSTROSITIES. 103 development of spiral or radiate dull white lines, make it desirable that these peculiarities should be treated of under this head. Fig. 216. — Anodonta cygnca (L. ), Sandwill Park, Staffordshire, collected by Mr. J. Madison, Showing the effects of some severe laceration of the mantle, the result of which is seen in the strongly separated parts of the left valve and in the deeply-furrowed right valve. Monstrosities. Monstrosities are generally considered to he those individuals whose differences arise from pathological causes ; the name is like- wise very aiipropriately applied to those malformations which may be congenital and transmissible from one generation to another, as is sometimes the case with the reversed monstrosities, although M. Sanier, who endeavoured to perpetuate the reversed form of Ileliv aspersa by accumulating several adult specimens and breeding from them, found the few resultant progeny all dextral, and this experience has been confirmed by others. The term monstrosity also indicates specimens which have become deformed during growth, owing to some intrinsic or extrinsic irritation or disturbance, perhaps causing lot MONSTROSITIES. irregularity in tlie secretive power of the animal, and the correlation which douhtless inseparaldy exists lietween the form and character of the shell and the organs of the Ixjdy renders it very probable that abnormality generally, indicates or is associated with, such functional disturbances or ilifferences as are detrimental to the creature and tend to its more easy destruction by its enemies, or by any unfavour- able couditious to which it may be exposed. The researches of Mr. K. ]'l. Call upon the relative abundance or rarity of the sinistral monstrosity of Mi-Idiitho in the embryonal and the adult stages are very signiticant, and show that the mortality amongst the sinistral specimens is strikingly greater than amongst those normally coiled, and would appear to corroborate the i)resuuied general physiological of abnormal specimens. It is, however, sometimes difficult to di.scrimiuate between a true variation and a monstrosity, but malformations or monstrous growths seldom occur in the embryonal stages, and an exaniination of the nucleus of the shell, whether ruivalve or Ihvalve, generally offers a clue to distinguish these accidentally malformed shells, as they frequently only develop the abnormality after the commencement of a free life — in fact, monstrosi- ties generally may be considered to l)e the more extreme examples of accidental variation, and their study is n.sefnl as tending to elucidate the range of specitic variability. rnhealthy or unnatural conditions of life would appear to dis- orgaiii/.e the animal functions, with the elfect that the resultant growth is often irregular or abnormal in appearance and character. A stream of water pumped I'rom a colliery at Leventhorpe Pastures, I- H,. :;i7. Kk,. 2t,S. 21!), iMG. 220. P/(inoH>is tayinalus Mull, (enlarged), I’il stream. Leveiultorpe I’asUircs, Leeds, culleetcd by Mr. Jas. Heevers, 1 Jor.sal atid bide views Iey Lock, River, ^'ork, collected by Rev. \V. C. Hey, I\L.\., .Showing the ordinary form as found a Hiorl di.slance from the dam, in gently Ilowing waters. the strength and devehipment of the hinge-teeth or denticles, which are liable to become feeble and degenerate in ([uiet and unruflled waters. MONSTROSITIES 107 Figs. 229. 230, 231.— 2^. pengra (Mull.)xll, A pool, near Geneva, Collected by Dr. A. Brot, Showing the deformation of the columella and the base of shell, assumed to be caused by Hydra viridis. Dr. A. Brot has shown how some of the lowliest organisms may influence even the form of the shell in the mollusca, as he records that during one season nine-tenths of the specimens of Limncva peregra living in a pool near Geneva, were curiously malformed at the base of the columella and anterior part of the shell generally; this malforma- tion, which was correlated with a certain dwarfing of the shell, was concurrent with an extraordinary abun- ^ dance of Hydra viridis in the same pond. The following year the Hydra had dis- appeared, and this disappearance of the Hydra was coincident with the disappear- ance of the peculiarity in the shell, of which the Hydra was apparently the ^ rTeiela,''^ ^ . 1 -j. Collecied by Dr. A. Brot, plllUcliy CtlUSC, fliS tilG SnCCGGulll^ ^GllGlcl- Showing the normal form as found , • !• r • *x 1 the pool with the malformed in- tions of tlie Lunnoja were ij^uite normal, dividuais. Herr Julius Hazay has also observed and recorded that the “invasion” of the shell by the leech may greatly influence the character of the growth in Liiimau stagnalis, by causing the animal to gibbously inflate the outer margin of the aperture of its shell on attaining maturity. Dreissensia pulymorpha, like other attached shells, is liable to malforma- tion, owing to interferences during growth, conseiiuent upon their situa- tion in crevices and from contact with hard substances. This species also often causes distorted and irregular growth in Anodonta and other Fig. 'I'Si. — Liinna'a stagnalis (L.), Buda-Pesth, (after Herr J, Ha^ay), Showing the inflected lip, said to be owing to the “invasion” of a leech. their valves together with its freshwater bivalves, by fastening byssus. It has been stated by Prof. Alplueus Hyatt that distortions of Univalve freshwater shells have usually occurred in still, enclosed waters with no outlet, and, although this is generally, it is far from being universally true. 108 MONSTROlSITIEy— i^INISTRORSITY, ETC. Tlie SiNiSTRORSiTY and Dextrorsity of the inolluscaii shell is a very intricate and perplexing subject, which in some genera has given rise to considerable discussion. The great majority of Gastropoda have undoubtedly dextral shells, that is with the whorls turning spirally from left to right, with the heart on the left side of the animal, and the external apertures of the various oi’gans on the right. The sinistra! or left-handed coiling is thus the exception or monstro- sity, althongh some species and even genera are normally sinistral, and possess an opposite arrangement of their internal organs to dextral species, and the dextrally coiled shell becomes the exception or monstrosity. Reversed monstrosities likewise conform to this disposition of the vi.scera, a dextral monstrosity of a normally sinistral ■shell having its organs and orilices disposed as in those mollusks which are normally dextral. This reversal of the direction of the coiling, though liable to occur in all spiral shells, is of much greater rarity in some species than in others — for, of Iltdiv nttniiJuta, our commonest species of lldlv, only one recent sinistral specimen is known, which was found by Rev. II. W. Lett, at Loughbrickland, in the north of Ireland, and through his kindness is now in my collection. All mollu.sks w’ith spiral shells are liable to this reversal in the direction of their convolution, and bivalves and even slugs are affected in an analogous way. In bivalves tlie right or left valves, as the case may be, ac(piire the characters which normally the other, but this reversal when it does occur is not very noticeable except perhai)s in .some of the ineipiivalve .species. In the naked genera, the occurrence of this state is outwardly shown by the transference of the respiratory and other orifices to the side opposite to that on which they are normally placed. Locality would ajipear to have .some inllnence in inducing the reversed coiling of shells, some hjcalities being well-known h^r the regnlar recurrence of these monstrosities, while in other districts they are scarcely known to occur. Cailliaud records the neighbourhocal of Rochelle as noted for the fre(iuent occurrence of sinistral //c//.c«.sy^e/vs'((, and l)r. Gwyn .leffreys states that he himself saw a colony of that monstrosity in the garden of M. d’Orbigny in that city. A sinistral race of llell.r /(cwo/'n/hs, almost analogous to that formerly existent of Fiisns aiitiqiiiis, would appear to have at one time lived in county Donegal, as the very numerous subfossil .shells picked out of the immense sand-hills about Rundoran abundantly testify. MONSTROSITIES — SINISTRORSITY, ETC. 109 The causes of this reversal of the normal arrangement are however not at all known or understood. M. Bourguignat has hazarded the suggestion that it may be caused by electrical conditions, the electric current flowing in the opposite direction to the embryonal rotation, the essential conditions being a metalliferous soil, moist weather to influence the latent electricity of the metallic substances, and the conjunction of the atmospheric and terrestrial electricity, as by thunder at the period of the first manifestation of vitality l)y the embryo. Prof Cams also considers that the direction of the coiling of the shell and animal may possibly be determined by the direction of the embryonal rotation. Mr. 11. Ellsworth Call attributes sinistrorsity in Mehintho to the crowding of the embryos in the oviduct in the early stages of their existence ; his observations on that genus lead to the inference that sinistral specimens are more delicately constituted than their normally coiled brethren, as he found that sinistral exami)les con- stituted li- per cent, of the total number of the embryos in the oviduct of Mehmtho integra ; and 2h per cent, in Mehintho decha, while judging from the numbers gathered in the adult stage, he found only one-tenth per cent, survived. In Limnwa Mr. II. E. Crampton, jun., has recorded that the ilirec- tion of the cleavage during segmentation of the ovum, is of the typically spii’al type, but in Physri the direction of this cleavage is totally reversed. Dextrorsity and sinistrorsity are however (pialitios inherent to the organization of the animal, and the particular arrange- ment is usually correctly indicated by the position of the heart and the external orifices of the reproductive and other organs of the bod^o All embryonal Castropods are primitively what are termed Exogastric, and oidy become Endogastric owing to the tor- sion of 180° which is under- gone by the visceral ,sac, which twisting transfers the anus and other organic orifices from the rear to the anterif)r j)art of the animal ; the incii)lent spire at first enrolled towards the front or dorsally with reference to the later whorls, becoming coiled towards the rear. According to Prof. Fig. 234. Fig. 13,5. Exogastric coiling. Endogastric coiling. Diagrams showing the process hy which an Exogastric mollusk becomes Endogastric by the torsion of the visceral sac through an arc of 180 , a process determining the sinistrorsity or dextror- sity of the shell (after Pelseneer). a. anus. (The figures, for the sake of clearness and in- telligibility, are drawn to represent a much later stage of embryonal development than that at which the torsion actually occurs.) 110 MONSTROSITIES — SINISTRORSITY, ETC. Polseneor tliero arc no ;nlnlt (nistropod.^ winch are coiled oxoo-astri- cally, hnt ainonii.^t the Cejdialopods the i\d. — I^isitiium hoislaivanuiii (Shepp.), F tr,. 21^7. — Pisidiupi henslo^vnnum (Shepp.), adult, posterior end, X 12, yoiins, magnified (after Jenyns), Poiul, Cockerton, Darlington, Showing, lliougli erroneously, an exogastric Collected hy Mr. Charles Oldham, or o|)islh<\gyrate direction of the nmhones. Showing the endogaslric or prosogyrate direction of the um)>ones. Iiy reference to, and comparison of my figure of Phidl urn hrnnhunmum (tig. 2.‘h)), with tig. 2;)7, whicb is faithfully rc'produced from a. figure in Mr. .Tenyns’ Monogra])b. IIveERSTiiopiiv above; (rTp'x/jiy, turn). — Althongh sinistrally or dextrally coiled shells arc usually iuhabited by animals sinistrally or dextrally organized, as the case may he, yet exceptions are known in which a sinistrally organized animal is the tenant of an a])parently dextrally coiled .shell, and c/Vr ecr.s-d ; this curious feature which is exhibited by the genus Phinorhlf:, has always been a fruitful .source of di.scn.ssiou amongst conchologists, .some contending that MONSTROSITIES — HYPERSTROPHY. Ill Planorhis is a dextral shell, others affirming it to be sinistral, whilst a few, including the celebrated Lamarck and Deshayes, were disposed to view the genus as amphidromic, some species in their opinion being dextral and others sinistral in character. The apparent anomaly is, however, ingeniously and satisfactorily ex^jlained by the hypothesis of hyperstrophy, which makes clear the origin and derivation of these puzzling shells, which are in ajipai’ent dis- agreement with their in- mates and architects, d'he hyperstrophic theory may be explained by imagining a homocostrophic or orthos- tro2)hic shell as Phi/iid, which is .sinistrally coiled and is inhabited by a siuis- trally organized animal, to have its s[)ire gradually shortened until the shell becomes discoid, owing to the spire siidving to the level of the body whorl, as in Plannrhis, and if the process be farther continued the sjiire pro- trudes at the opposite side, as in the genera Pompholy.r, Cdrlnifi'.r, etc., all of which are sinistrally organized animals, but by the change described now inhabit apparently dextral shells. The terms Inversion or Hyperstrophy serve to indicate this change by which the part originally forming the base of the shell in its normal or primitive position becomes the nipper or spire fiice and vice rersd, this process also apparently reversing the direction of the coiling of the shell, although this reversal is arrived at in a totally different way and does not affect the disposition of the organs of the animal, as does a simple reversal of the coihng, which always involves the trans- position of the various organs of the body, those organs normally ])laced on the right side of the animal being transferred to the left side, and vice versa. Sinistrorsity or dextrorsity by inversion or hyi)erstrophy is therefore essentially different from sinistrorsity or dextrorsity arising from a .sim])le reversal in the direction of the convolution of the shell. In the former case, although the mode of coiling has been modified, the animal retains the usual arrangement Fig. 238. An orthostrophic sinistral shell, as P/iysn, showing the heart at base of whorl. Fig. 239. Intermediate, subdiscoidal, sinistral form. Fig. 240. Discoid form, as Planoj'his. Fig. 241. Intermediate, subdiscoidal, pseiido-dextral form. Fig. 242. A hyperstrophic pseudo- dextral shell, as Povipholyx. The heart is now seen to be at spire side of body whorl. Diagrammatic figures showing in a conventional and simple way the change from an orthostrophic sinistral shell to a hyperstrophic pseudo-dextral oiie. 112 MONSTROSITIES — nyPERSTROPHY. (if its viscera, lint tlie basal part of flic sliell liecomes li}" transposition of liy})erstroplnc orowtli the upper or spire face ; in tlie latter case, it is tlie or^-ans of the animal that lieconie actually transposed in jiosition, those niion the ri,nht side become idaced on the left, and I'la- wrsd, but tlie shell is simply reversed in its direction of convolu- tion, the basal and upper iiices of the shell retaining their positions as in the normal individuals, and are not transposed as in hyjier- strojihic specimens. 'I'lieoretically, there may thus be tour dittereut jdiases in the coiling of Planorboid shells. Viewing the shell of Phiunrltis as being now dextral, they may be simply sinistra! or simply de.xtral, or siinstral or dextral by atavism, altbougli only three of these phases are actually known, the simply dextral and simjily siinstral forms, and the atavistically siuistral. I )iaccrnmmaiic li)iurc'; showing the probably’ actual motlc by’ wliich the change from a sinislral orihostrophic slicll to a hyperstrophic and psemlo-tlextral one lias taken place. The lieart is seen to apjiarcnily move from the base to the upper part of the whorl. In the series of figures preceding, 1 have endeavoured to dejiict diugrammatically the gradual and actual mode by which the jiseudo- de.xlral tor ultra-sinistral, as they are sometimes though less happily t('rmed) shells of Pomphnlyx, PhinorhiK, etc., have jirobably arisen. 'I'be tig. 248 is assumed to represent an elongated Plnjtfa carrying its shell with the apex directed to the rear as is normal ; the actual and jiarticular mode of carrying the shell by the different sjiecies, is doubtless always determined by the mechanical laws governing its easiest portability in the medium in which they live. Fig. 244 is an intermediate or trausitioiial form, which buds its original among some of the foreign genera. Figs. 24;) — 247 may all be regarded as more or less faithfully re}ireseutiug conit'/is, as the sjiire is still slightly exserted on the. left side, and the shell carried nearly upright as is usual. Figs. 24S and 24!), which show hyperstrophic develop- ment a little further ailvanced, also demonstrate how uiion any relaxation of muscular effort by the animal the shell falls naturally into a more or less horizontal and truly dextral position. Figs. 2;)() and 2;jl show the process advanced a stage further as in Plauorhis MONSTROSITIES — HYPERSTROPHY. 113 contortii!^, the spire now showing on tlie riglit side, and leading to Pomphnly.r (fig. 2n2), wliich represents one of the extreme psendo- dextral or nltra-sinistral forms. In the series of figures illustrating these marvellous changes, the heart can be seen in the orthostro- phically sinistral Plnfsa to he towards the base of the whorl, and it is instructive to note the change in its position in refei’ence to the shells l)eing placed towards the upper or spire face of the whorl in the hyperstrophic individual, ami this without any change in its position amongst the viscera of the animal. The orifices of the reproductive and other organs in all these forms continue upon the left side. The shell of Pldiwrbis having become ])ractically dextral, or as it may perhaps be more con-ectly termed pseudo-dextral, as indicating its hjqjerstrophic origin from a shell primitivel)' sinistral, has naturally assumed some of the modifications especi- ally di.stinguishing the truly ph5dogenetically dextral shells, the right or primitively basal side of the aperture having by the inver- sion of the shell become the upper side, has ac([uired the characters suitable to its new position and become more advanced in growth, as the upper side usually is (see page 2"), fig. 31). Fischer and Bou\'ier, who assert that the anterior or basal part of the aperture in Limiura and P/ii/m is the most advanced in growth are incorrect in this and in the deductions they derive therefrom. The interesting specimen of Planorhis s^pirorhis figured, is sinistrally coiled and the elevated or snbdorsal position of the keel testifies that if the normal shell be considered as dextral or pseudo-dextral in accordance with its position upon the animal, we have here an actual instance of atavic reversion to the original direction of con- volution ; in fact, a reversal of the process by which the pseudo-dextral shell of Planm'bis has beeu arrived at. The rarity of what I venture to term the atavistically sinistral form and the comparative frequency of the dextrally spiral monstrosity F IG. 254. — Planorhis spirorlns monst. priscuiu Taylor X 8, Clay pond, Gorton, Manchester, Collected by Mr. J. Ray Hardy, Showing atavistic reversion to the primitive sinistral direction of coiling, the keel indicating the sinistral organization of the animal. F IG. 253. — Planorhis war- ginatus m. cochlea Krown X 3, Risegate Eau, Gosherton, Collected by Mr. H. Wallis Kew, F.Z.S., Showing the pseudo-dextral shell, with the keel sub-basal, indicating a sinistral organiza- tion of the animal. 114 MONSTROSITIES — ORGANIZATION OF. would appear prima facie to clearly establish this latter direction as having now become the normal one for the coiling of the shell. The specimen of Plancrrhis carinafiis from Leventhorpe Pastures, Leeds, is an e.xample of sinistrorsity arising from a simple reversal of the now normal method of convolution, and nob from an atavistic reversion to the primitive type, as in the Planorhis ftpirorhis (f. 254); this is clearly attested by the position of the keel, which is distinctly suh-basal as in the pseudo-de.xtral typical form, and shows that the animal forming it, was dextrall}’ organized, as the keel always corrosi)onds with and indicates the side of the anus and other organic orifices. 'I'lie nervous S3'stem oft’ei’s confirmatory evidence of the sinistra! character of the organization of the animal of Planorh/!^, l)j' the com- ]>arativel3' enormous development of the left visceral ganglion, which disparit3’ in size, in comi)arisnn to the corresi)onding ganglion of the right .side, is mainly owing to its innervating the special .sense organ — Fkl 255. — Planoi'his carinatus monst. sintstrorsuDi Taylor x li, Leventhorpe Pastures, Leeds, Showing a simple sinistral reversal of the now normal pseiido-tlextral coiling, tlie position of the keel in- dicating the inmate to be de.xtrally organized. Kk;. — Nerve ring of a half-grown Pltinorhis comeus (L.), with cerebral com- missure cut and the cerebral ganglia thrown back, showing the sinistral organi/ation of l)>e animal by the comparatively verj* much greater development of the left \ isccral gang- lion (see also p. 7, lig. *5). Fig. 257. — Nerve ring of Limncrn percf^rn (Midi.), sltowing the dextral character of the animal by the relatively greater development of the right visceral ganglion (see also p. 7, f. ii). tbo nsphradiiim — which is situate near the re.sjtiratory erifice on the left side, but this organ is jilaced dextrally in the Liiniurlnw iu (•(iiTolation with the arrangement of the organs of the animal. 'I'lie character of tlie organization is further indicated by the position of the heart, and the situation of the reproductive and other orifices, the latter being always upon tbc right side of the body iu a dextral animal ami upon the left side of a sinistral one. The heart, wbicb is i)laced towards the periphery of the whorl in both dextral ami sinistral shells, is on the contrary normally situate on the left side of a dextral animal, ami on the right side of a sinistral one, but MONSTROSITIES — HETEROSTROPHY. 115 does not invariably correctly indicate the organization, as it is always in proximity to and in close association with the respiratory organs, changing its position in correlation with the modifications which the breathing organs are so liable to undergo. In Ancylus, which is a hyperstrophic species, the respiratory cavity has been lost, and the function of respiration assumed by the left margin of the mantle and by a secondary pseudo-branchial appendage, which has been developed on the same side, the heart having moved in correlation with this development from its normally dextral position towards the left side, so as to retain its proximity to the functional aerating organs, 'fhe embryo of Planorhis corneiis has a spirally sinistral shell, with the heart on the right side of the body, thus indicating a sinistral organiza- tion of the animal, hut as growth proceeds the heart gradually moves dorsally and nearer the left side, probably in correlation with the development of an auxiliary hranchia upon the left side, and the shell gradually becoming a discoidal and practically dextral species, and therefore heterostrophic in character. / Figs. 258, 259. — Portion of spire of Tiirhonilla y'ufa Phil., showing how the change from hyperstrophically sinistral to orthostrophicaily dextral coiling takes place (after Fischer). IlETEROSTROPnic (eVcpos, other [than usual way] ; a-rpocfn'i^ a turn) shells are those which do not continue their growth in the same direc- tion as they begun, Init at a certain period of their existence gradually, hut (piickly, change that direction, so that a sinistrally organized species may commence life as an orthostrophicaily sinistral shell, and end as a hyper- strophically dextral one ; or, on the contrary, maybe at first hyperstrophic, that is, a sinistrally organized animal may have a dextrally coiled shell, which afterwards becomes sinistrally convoluted or orthostrophic and in accord with the organization of the mollusk, and vice versa ; yet the enrolment of all these forms always belongs to the same spiral, which may, as pointed out, he at first nega- tive and afterwards become positive, or the reverse, the differently coiled embiyonic portion being often left as though affixed to the side of the apex of the spire. In addition to the Planorbes, we have an example of these heterogyi-ate forms, as such shells are also called, in A ncylus Fig. 2()0. — Apex of shell of Ancylus yjuviatilis (Miill.), showing the onho- sirophically sinistral coiling of early life, which later becomes hyperstrophically dextral in character (after Bourguignat). Ilf) MONSTROSITIES — SCALARIFORMITY. wliich, according to M. Bonrgnignat, is in its early stages sinistrally coiled, and only later tends to become a dextral shell, being apparently somewhat analogons in this respect with Anastoma, thongh coiled in the opi)osite direction. A sinistral shell can he readily recognized by holding the shell with the aperture towards the observer and its apex iiointed upwards, when, it dextral, the ai)ertnre will he on the observer’s right, and, if sinistral, on his left: hnt this simple and easy test does not enable ns to detect or recognize those shells which have been subjected to hyper- stro])hic develojnnent. ScAE.AUiFORMiTY (.sYY^ a tlight of stah's ; and/w;;?^^, form) of the shell is the separation or dislocation of the whorls and is a phenomenon to which all s])irally coiled shells are liable, possibly owing to some internal pecnliarity of, or injury to, the organization of the animal, or, at least in some cases, to the adherence of extraneous matter to the immature shell or other cause interfering with the close apposition of one whorl with another, and in correlation with the amonnt of ohstrnction the obstacle offers to the normal growth, the degree of scalarity in the shell is dependent, as it nsnally follows for the rest of its growth the direction tlins accidentally given to it. If the interference he comparatively slight and near the sntnre, a canalicnlate sntnre may he formed, which may continne ([iiite to the aperture, or may only exist for a limited distance, the growth becoming normal after passing beyond the ohstrnction. Ilemarkahle examples of extreme scalarity are furnished by the ceratoid specimens of //c//,r and other species. The flatly-coiled or discoid shells of P/(niorl>lft are e([nally or even more liable to become spirally elevated with more or less regnlarity, as in Phtnorbls mdrffiuatm monst. cochlea, which may in that state he easily mistaken, at a casual glance, for Valcaia 'phcinaUs, to wOiich species it hears a great resemblance. Fig. 2()2. — Plnnorhis viar- ginatus in. cochlea I’rown X 3, Fisegale ICau, fiosiierlon, Cijllecled I)y Mr. H. Wallis Kew, F.Z.S., Showing a scalariform shell. Fig. 2lil. — Heli.v asf>ei-sa monsl. cornu- co/>ia (intclin, iMnwnan Sanctuary, near Falmouth, Collected by the late Rev. W. Rogers, An c.vample of e.vtreme scalarity. MONSTROSITIES — SCALARIFORMITY. 117 It was originally described in 1818 as a new species by Capt. Brown under the name of Helix cochlea, and Dr. Tnrton the following year described it as Helix terehra, but it was afterwards reduced from specific rank and the shell allocated to its appropriate species when its affinities were recognized. This dislocated spiral coiling seems to be more especially the result of the peculiar and abnormal conditions arising from living in waters modified by the warm water, and perhaps other substances, emanating from steam engines. A reservoir at Swansea, the water of which was kept at a high temperature by the influx of condensed steam, etc., from steam engines, was inhabited by Planorhis marginatus, and all the specimens tended to assume the raised spiral form. The mill-pond at Roch- dale, which has been so often recorded for its plentifnl production of this monstrosity, was subject to the same conditions as the reservoir at Swansea. The whorls may also become (piite detached and separate like a Verrnetus or a corkscrew, although the extreme openness of the spiral coiling is seldom so pronounced and regular as in the paheogeuic specimen of Planorhis spirorbis I have figured. Sometimes, but more rarely, the whorls coil closely in a cylindrical fashion, like those of Pupa ; I have only seen this deviation in Planorhis mar- ginatus and Planorhis vortex. Planorhis marginatus seems especially liable to produce these scalarid monstrosities, but Planorhis spirorbis shows the most pro- nounced and decided tendency to revert to the original sinistral direction of coiling. One of the causes inducing this scalarity in the Planorhes has been conclusively demonstrated by Van den Broeck and others to be the thick and occasionally matted growth of Lemna minor covering the ponds inhabited by the Planoi'hes, and preventing the easy access of the discoidal shells to the surface for respiration, the young and the scalariform specimens being proved by experiment to penetrate the dense vegetation with far greater ease and celerity. In the Lake of Magnbe, in Belgium, where this deviation in Planorhis marginatus was found in great abundance, and the normal Fig. 264. — Planorhis vortex monst. colu77iclla Taylor X 3, Ditch, East Moors, Cardiff, Collected by Mr. F. W. Wotton. Fig. 'l^.-Pla7iorbis spirorbis monst. priscu77i Taylor X 3, Pond, Hayling Island, Hants., Collected by Mr. H. H. Haines. ns M(>NSTRO!?ITIES — SCALAIUFORMITY. discoid form bvit rarely, tlie surface of tlie pond was tliickly covered by a very dense growth of the Lcmna, but on the plant afterwards dying away, the scalarid specimens ceased to be produced, and the ordinary discoid shells only were to be found. Herr Clessin records that the same deformities are produced in various species by ponds filled with other water plants, or on the shores of lakes among and between stones. A further cause suggested is that, during the growth season, the water in the ditches or ponds iidiabited by these species is often nearly drietl up, and that the efforts of the creatures in forcing their way through the thick mud in which they are sometimes left par- tially imbedded, to again reach the Avater, may easily cause an alteration in the direction of the new growth, if at the time in of formation. H. Roliiaen endeavoured to produce scalariform specimens of Helivcx, at will, by attaching plaster-of-Paris upon the penultimate whorl, near the suture or line of attachment of one whorl with another, but he was in a degree unsuccessful in the attempt, as the mollusk.s, after surmounting the obstacle jdaced on their line of growth, reverted to their normal manner of coiling, or produced only irregularly grown and deformed shells, ([uite dilferent from the sym- metrically and gracefully coiled scalariform shells naturally produced. 'I'he result of the e.xperiment led M. Roliiaen to believe that scalari- formity in shells is owing to .some accidental modification in the animal, such as the permanent contraction or relaxation of certain muscles coidd produce. !• !(.. '2V>'h — J/tii.f ncifiora/is inon^l. utihi/ i- tornit: Taylor, Uallyshaniion, l)onc*j;al, (Mr. W. Swanslon’s collection), showing a naturally grown scalariform shell. Kkr 2GG. — Helix aspersa Miill., Reared by Mr. J. Madison, Showing an artificially produced scalari- fonn shell. IMr. J. Madison has also endeavoured to [)roduce these scalariform shells by similar means to those adopted by M. Rofliaen, and has been to a similar extent successful in inducing the desired scalarity, but hopes to have much more symmetrical, and finer results as he gains more experience in their treatment. MONSTROSITIES — POLYSTOMATISM. 119 Fig. 2G7. — Claitsilia bidcntata (Strom) X 2, Luton, Ijedfordshire, Collected by Mr. J. Saunders, Showing the two distinct mouths of the shell. PoLYSTOMATiSM (ttoAl's many, (TTOfia mouth) is a term denoting the presence of more than one aperture to a shell, Rud is most liable to occur amongst the individuals of those species with greatly contracted apertures, especially those forming the genus Clausilia, which are, under certain circumstances, liable to form an additional or second aperture. These dual-mouthed shells might possibly be regarded by novices as the joint production of two individuals united together, but with the head and neighbouring parts distinct and separate — a kind of Siamese twins — but this second aperture is probably formed on account of some obstacle or hard particle becoming fixed, temporarily or permanently, in the normal one, thereby deranging or obstructing the action of the clausium, and preventing the egress of the animal, which is therefore compelled to form a new outlet or perish confined within its shell. This new outlet is made by piercing the shell- wall, usually about half-a-whorl distant from the original one, and thus facing in the opposite direction, and is formed e.xactly in the normal way. Mr. P. B. Ma.son mentions specimens of Cldasilid with as many as four distinct mouths to the shell. Although the wide-mouthed shells do not appear to be so liable to this peculiarity as the ClaudVm, which have a very contracted and dentate aperture, yet I have a very interesting distomate speci- men of Limnwd auricularia, kindly given me by Mr. H. Wallis Kew, and found by him at High Bead), Epping Forest, in 1894. This shell, from some inexplicable cause, has dis- continued the use of the normal aperture, and pierced the outer shell-wall or perhaps availed itself of an accidental fracture of the body-whorl, about a quarter of a volution from the outer lip, and there constructed a new and more contracted opening which, despite its comparatively restricted size, appears to have been used as the means of exit. This new growth, forming the protruded new out- let, would appear to have been formed after the atrophy of the glands of the collar, as it is deficient of epidermis, and is apparently formed by the general surface of the mantle. Fig. 268. — Lbunwa auricu- laria (L.), High Beach, Epping, Collected by Mr. H. Wallis Kew, F.Z.S., Showing two distinct and separate apertures to the shell. 120 MONSTKOSITIES — POLYl’EHISTOMATISM. PuLYPEHij'TOMATE (ttoAi's, iiiuiiy ; irtpi, aruuiul ; and o-ro/xa, mouth) would perhaps be a more correct designation for certain shells, which though differing somewhat from the tridy distoinate shells, are yet eipially interesting, and of which the Limnau peregm discovered by l\Ir. William Nelson in the spring of 1883 in a small shallow cattle pond at Allerton - Bywater, near Leeds, are a remarkable illustration. These shells, and all in the pond were more or less affected, are somewhat irregularly and often fantastically grown, and in addition to thismalformed growth, sometimes developed two or more complete peristomes or lips to tlieir shells ; these lips, though more or less coiiHuent and grown together at the imsterior margin of tlie shell, become (juite distinct and separate at the anterior or basal portion, and the complete shells have in some cases all the appearance of one or more distinct shells enclosed within a larger e.xternal one. Tlie I’elecypods also occasionally e.xhibit this duplication of the apertural margin, and characteristic specimens i)resent, as in the Fig. 2G0. — L. pcrc^ra (Miill.) X 2, PoikI, Allerton-Pywaler, Vorks., Collected by Mr. W. Nelson, Showing three diblincland separate peristomes. Fig. 270. — i'nio iionitius Phil., (irohy Pool, Leicestershire, collected by Mr. H. K. (Juilter, Showing the formation of three distinct and successive peristomes. I A mini <1 jn rrgra above mentioned, all the ai)pearance of several shells enclosed within an outer larger one, and in an even more deceptive manner. These additional lips are usually of less anii)litude at their origin than the one previously made, and have been noted to be often hjrnied in spring, when the emaciation or reduction in bulk of the body which may be assumed to take i)lace during hibernation has not heen fully compensated for before the growth season has recommenced and this diminisheil size of the body would necessitate a contraction in the MONSTROSITIES — ABNORMAL GROWTHS. 121 size of the shell. Irregularity in food supply, due to the recurrence of alternating periods of enforced abstinence, owing to food scarcity, followed by terms during which ample supplies of nourishing and palatable food are easily obtainable, may be supposed to conduce to similar growths. An Abnormal Continuation or prolongation of the regular growth is occasionally made after the normal completion of the shell and the formation of the lip, but in nearly all these cases, owing to the glands of the collar becoming' atrophied at the maturity of the .shell, these extraordinary and abnor- mal growths are exclusively secreted by the visceral mantle, and are therefore quite destitute of epidermis and of the middle calcareous layer with which the coloring matter is usually associated, having exactly the same character and appearance as the repairs made to damaged parts of the shell, remote from the aperture and beyond the reach of the collar ; snch repairs are made solely by the visceral mantle. These abnormal growths are probably only another mode in which ■ 1 1. f , 1 1 1 T f r* 1 1 Showing abnormal continuation tlie resiiit oi tlie prolonged lile oi tlie of growth, animal may be manifested, and in all likelihood this assumed pro- tracted life’s cycle of the mollusk is owing to unusual mildness of the seasons. The locality where the specimens figured and others also have been obtained is very suggestive, the neighbourhood being noted for its genial and mild climate. In some rare instances it may happen that the aperture is formed prematurely, and normal growth be afterwards continued for a short distance, and a new apertural margin formed, or it may be that in some cases the atrophy of the glands of the collar may be delayed longer than is usually the case. Anomalous Combination Shells are those formed by the union of two or more diverse shells, either owing to the circumstances producing them occurring naturally, or through artificially bringing the desired shells into the necessary close conjunction with each other, so that Fig. 'I'lX.-Clausilia bidcntata (Strom) X 2, Cheltenham, Collected by Mr. W. Nelson, Showing abnormal continua- tion of growth. 1-22 MONSTROSITIES — COMBINATION SHELLS. the animal its "rowtli. may pennanently attach them together on continuing M. Barthehny, director of tlie hlarseilles Miiseung once found a Helix asperm which had evidently become lodged by some means within the empty shell of a Linuava st(((jn2 percent of inorganic matter and 2 (;7 jau' cent, of (organic .substances ; the .shell of the same Species h(jwever contains more organic matter than its oj)erculum having 4'4() per cent, of organic substances and only Pd'ot) i)er cent. Ilf inorganic matter in its comj)osition. 'I’he organic skeleton of the operculum of this .species is not destroyed even by mixed acids, the chitiiunis framework preserving its form and elasticity uninii)aired and making a jnetty object under a lens. Ci/clartonia e/epaits, on the contrary, has chitinous matter in the shell than in its operculum, the analy.sis showing the operculum to contain ‘J2'7G iter cent, of inorganic matters and 7 "23 per cent, of Fig. 270. — Section througli the sliell o( //7c:uat///s, showing the operculum /« ivV/J and the mode in which the “rih" hinges upon the columella, X 3 (section cut by Mr. 1'. Rhodes). AUXILIARY ORGANS — OPERCULUM. 125 organic or chitinous substances, the shell having 98'94 per cent, of inorganic and 1 '05 per cent, of organic matters. These analyses of .shells and opercula made for me by IMr. Crowther, still further demonstrate that the composition of the calcareous parts of the shell and operculnm are not strictly identical in character, as the calcareous matter of the shells rapidly dissolved and disappeared upon immersion in h3'drochloric acid, while the calcic constituents of the opercula were very difficult to dissolve, even in warm acid. It has been suggested by Adanson, Gray, and others, that the shell and its operculnm were together homologous with and represented the two valves of the Bivalve, hut Huxley considered the operculum to be the analogue, if not the homologue, of the byssus of the Bivalve, and that it cannot represent the valve of the shell, which is a palllal structure ; there is, however, a somewhat striking analogy between them, as the operculum is attached to the shell itself tlirough the body of the animal by a powerful muscle corresponding to the posterior adductor of the Lamellibranchs, which it may be also con- sidered to represent in function. Another remarkable peculiarity possessed in common, is that when the month of the shell is closed by a spii’ally coiled operculum the spiral always revolves in the oppo- site direction to the spire of the shell, a dextral .shell having a sinistral operculum and vice versa, exactly as is the case with the two shells of a Bivalve, the right valve of which may be twisted or coiled at the umbo to the right, in which case the left valve would he coiled or turned to the left. In those species like Neritina fiivlatUis, the similarity is still further marked by the development of complex calcareous processes on the inner side of the operculum close tQ the columella, which have been designated as the “rib” and “peg,” the rib functioning similarly to the interlocking teeth in bivalves, and even in species with a lamellate or concentric operculum, the nucleus or representative of the umbo is always nearest to the columella, or what would be the hinge line. The different forms of opercula are characterized as Spiral when .spirally formed; the coiling is sinistral in dextral shells and dextral in those sinistrally coiled, and the increase is derived from a portion only of the operculigerous lobe, exactly as the increase in size of shells is due to the mantle margin. Tlie spirally coiled opercula actually revolve or turn upon the columellar muscle during the of growth, as is slunvii 126 AUXILIARY ORGANS — OPERCULUM. Fig. 27S. Ciiliim X 3. C}'ciosionin clc^aus (MiilL), l»ox Hill, Surrey, Collected Uy Mr. W.Whilwcll, F.L.S. liy tlie fact that the termination of the .siiiral ivliere the enlaroe- inent is exclusively made always ahnts against a certain definite part of the aperture of the shell, and thus clearly establishes that the oi)erculum must of necessity, in the course of growth, actually revolve upon the end of the columellar muscle as many times as there are whorls or coils indicated thei’eon. Tliese s])iral opercula may he distinguished as r.^ucLspiRAL, or few whorled, the nucleus being placed towards the basal or an- terior end, as in Ci/chatooxi c/cr/G/LS, Arinild I'mcdta ,Qt(\ 'I'he o])orculum of Ci/rhi- is chiefly and very distinctly formed of two thin lamina', as its chan- nelled edge clearly indicates ; or Multispir.\l, or many whorled, the nucleus being situate towards the centre of the organ, as in ]’'((/raf(t iitills, hut the number of whorls iu tlie operculum has no nocessary relation to the number in the shell, tlnnigh at times iu accord with it. Dr. Jeffreys de- scribes and figures the o])erculuni of Vdh'atd jusrliiiih'a as formed of f(t to f 2 s]ural whorls, and Mo( pi in-Tan don figures the same as containiug only t.l- volutions, though descrihing it correctly in the text. Concentric when the increase in size tabes place from the whole surface of the lobe, ami more or less eipially aronnd the suh-central nucleus ; such opercula do not alter their ])o.sition u])on the retractor muscle to which they are atli.xed, hut ac- commoilate themselves by simi>le gTowth to tit the iucreaseil size ipara conh'cta Millet, Southport, Collected by Mr. CJ. \V. Chaster. AUXILIARY ORGANS — CLAUSIUM. 127 Fig. 280. Fig. 281. An Articulated and Sub-spiral Operculum X 4. Ncritina /lu7naiitis (L.), Canal, Northampton, Collected by Mr. W. I). Crick, F.G.S., Fig. 280 showing the external face and the subspiral formation of the operculum, with the projecting “rib,” and Fig. 281 showing the interior face with sub-marginal muscular scar, the “rib” and “peg," and anterior scar, at base of the apophyses. r. rib or fulcrum ; /. rudimentary peg. Articulated when furnished with more or less complex projections or apophyses, which appear to act like a hinge, as in Nerit'ma fluviatilis. The oper- cnlnm of this species has a broad flexible margin, and is duplex in character, being dis- tinctly and marginally snbspiral on the ex- ternal face, but this feature is practically obscured on the internal face by a later calcic deposit. The different parts of the operculum may he distinguished accord- ing to its position when applied to the month of the sliell, the Exterior face lieing that facing outw'ardly and the Internal face that to which the columellar muscle is attached; the part adjoining the base of the aperture of the shell may likewise be termed the base or Anterior end of the operculum, the opposite end being the upper or Posterior one, the Palatal margin of the operculum is the one adjacent to tlie palatal or outer lip of the shell, and the Columellar side the one adjoining the columellar margin. The Clausilium, or Clausium (claimim, an enclosure), as I prefer to call it, is another ingenious contri- vance, formed within the last whorls of the shell in the genus Clam/l/a, also for the purpose of closing the aperture against outside enemies and preventing desiccation. It is an elongate, some- what oval, externally convex, and more or less arcuate, nacreons-white plate or lamella, attaclied by a somewhat cartilaginous, elastic and - spirally twisted pedicle or footstalk to the columella near the commencement of the penultimate whorl, and has been aptly compared to a door furnished with an elastic spring. It also varies greatly in its form and character in the dift’erent species and in coiTelation with "W Fig. 282. —Clausium of Clausilia Oidentata Strom X 8, Stroud, Gloucestershire, Collected by Mr. E. J. Elliott, Showing the convex external face of the clausium and its elastic pedicle of attachment. Fig. 28.3. — Clausium of Clansilia cravcnensis Taylor x 8, Starbolton, Yorks., Collected by Mr. W. I.). Roebuck, Showing the convex external face of the clausium anrl its elastic pedicle, for comparison with that of Clausilia bhicntata (hg. 282). 128 AUXILIARY ORGANS — CLAUSIUM. / Fig. 2St. — Clausium of C/ausiita Inwiuata (Mont.) X S, Cooper's Hill, Cheltenham, Showini; the concave internal face and the sinuate lower marj^in. tlie jialatal plications tliat may be present in the sliell, exliibits a coiTOspondinp; and apin’ojn'iate sinnation of its external outline, and is an organ certainly deserving of mnch more careful study than it has hitherto received from British conchologists. Uidike the opercnlum, which is at- tached to the animal and present from the earliest age, the clansium is attached to the shell only, ami is not present in the young, being only produced at the a])proach of maturity, the pedicle being first formed and the lamella gradually ailded to until completed. When the animal emerges from the shell, the clansium is pushed by the pressure of the body against the columella, into the groove between the inferior and suhcolumellar lamelhu, thus leaving the meansof exit free. On the withdrawal oftheanimal intothe shell the pressure of the body against the lamella is removed and the elastic pedicle causes the filament to spring into its normal ])osition, with its lower margin against the exterior of the whorl, but when the shell is thus closed there still exists a small opening near the suture which is conjectured to serve for res]iiration and defecation. In the emi)ty shell from which the animal inhahitant has been removed and the lamella become rigid and dry, the elasticity can be to some extent restored by immersion in water. 'riiough especially indicative of tbe fill liquid’, there is found in Azera tridmiK an imperfect, laidimentary and inflexible lamella, which is attached along its whole length to the columella, and has been assumed to rejn-esent the more elastic clansium. This rigid calcareous fold is continued (piite to the aperture of the shell, within which its rounded termina- tion may ho seen ])arallel with the columellar margin. Fig. 285. — Section through shell of Clausilia hideutatn Strom, showing tile dausium in sitr'i, X \ (section cut liy Mr. F. Rhotle.n). Fig. 280. — Azcca triiii-ns (Pult.) xfi. Ronndh.'iy, near Feeds, Sliowing the uifle.xihle calcareous lamella, assumed to represent the Clansium. AUXILIARY ORGANS — EPIPHRAGM. 129 Daubenton was the first to notice tliis remarkable appendage, but jMiiller gave the first full and accurate account of its function and structure under the names of Ossicula and Scala. Draparnaud in LSOl and Miller in 1822 independently discovered and described it, ap- parently in ignorance of the work of their predecessors. The Epiphragm (eVt, upon; c^pdy/xa, protection) or Ilybernaculum, as it is sometimes called, is another means of protection to the animal when enclosed in the shell, though differing essentially from both the operculum and the clausium, as the former is permanently attached to the animal and the latter permanently fixed to the shell, while the epiphragm has no organic connection with either the shell or animal. The epiphragm presents neither appendages nor incre- mental marks, as in the clausium and operculum, and is only temporarily adherent to the shell, from which it is cast off and renewed as often as the animal’s necessities require. According to Biuney, when the mollusk desires to form an epiphragm, it withdraws within its shell, and brings the collar of the mantle to near the level of the aperture, exuding therefrom a quantity of mucus, more or less intermingled with calcareous particles, sufficient to cover the exposed surface ; the mucous pellicle is then detached from its adherence to the animal by a small quantity of air emitted from the respiratory orifice, which projects the film into a convex bubble-like form, the animal at the same moment shrinking further within the shell, and the external air forcing the delicate epiphragm to a fiat or even concave shape ; it then hardens and becomes fixed to the inner margin of the aperture of the shell. All these actions are almost instantaneously effected by the animal. The epiphragm is composed of the mucoid secretions of the animal, mingled with calcareous granules, some of which exhibit a concentric structure ; it is permeable to air and not softened by or soluble in water and varies very greatly in character not only according to the species, but even in the same individual, according as to whether it is secreted for protection during the winter dormancy or merely to prevent the drying of the tissues during diurnal repose or enforced abstinence. The diurnal or summer epiphragm is. Fig. 287. — Helix ne7noral{s L. Castle Hill, Scarborough, Showing in sitfi the thin, iritlescent diurnal or summer epiphragm, with the white calcareous thickening in front of the respiratory orifice. I 130 AlIXILIAR Y ORGANS — EPIPIIR AG JI. ill tliis coiiiitiy, iiuicli more delicate and less iiiteniiiiigled with cal- careous particles than that formed for winter protection, being often of exceeding tenuity and transparency and heantifiilly iridescent. There is an opaipie and usually very ajipareiit white calcareous spot opposite the orifice of the respirator}- chamber, through which there often passes an opening or slit in the film, which though not invariable in its direction, is usually jiarallel with the outer margin of the shell. The point where the animal was last in contact is often somewhat puckered and irregular, and, like the circumscribed area ojiposite the respiratory orifice, has a whiter ami more opaipie character, owing to a greater density of the calcareous matter at that place. Additional layers may be afterwards added which strengthen and thicken the film. 'I’lie winter or hihernal epiphragm is always thicker and more solid than the ordinary one. In llelir pomatla it is very thick', strong, and calcareous, with an outward con- vexity, which seems to distinguish those species with bulky bodies. Animals with more meagre propor- tions relatively to their .shell often have the epiphragm deeply sunk in the aperture. Species with a Showing ,ho suongly calcareous winter j calcareOUS sliell aud tllOSe epiphragm m situ. destitute of a snhmarginal rib to the aiierture have very thin, delicate, and often more or less imiierfect ones, and all intermediate stages e.xist. If the weather becomes very severe the animal shrinks further and further into the recesses of the shell, forming additional epi[)hragms at short intervals from each other, these becoming more and more delicate ami transparent and less and less mixed with calcareous matter. I have myself counted as many as si.x of these septa in a Yorkshire specimen of aspersa. Some authors state that the eiiiphragm is only iiartially formed if the aperture of the shell is already partly closed by adherence to the shell of another mollusk or any other object, the epiphragm in that case being said to be secreted merely to close uj) the space not occupied by the oliject to which the mollusk is attached. I have, however, frequently verified in //c/or ((.y)ersa that the ei)iphragm is complete and extends over the whole aperture, and is not invariably the partial production it has been asserted to be. Fig. 288.— /rv//rz//(Z L., Faversham, Kent, Collected by ibe late Mis.s K. lb 1‘airbrass, AUXILIARY ORGANS — EPIPHRAGM. 131 According to ]\'I. Delacroix the epiiiliragm of Helix pomntla con- tains nearly three times more animal or organic matter than the shell, his analysis furnishing 57 '20 per cent, of organic matter, 28’()3 per cent, of carbonate of lime, and 14'77 per cent, of other and undeter- mined mineral substances. Mr. Growther, who has analysed an epiphragm of the same species from Faversham, found it to contain 6‘83 per cent, of organic matter and 93'16 per cent, of inorganic substances. This analy.sis though differing so markedly (quantitatively from that of M. Delacroix agrees in showing the epiphragm of this species to contain consideralily more organic matter than the shell. Though the formation of an epiphragm is more especially a characteristic of the inoperculate land shells, yet many freshwater species in times of drought, when the streams and j)ools they inhabit become dried up, not only bury themselves more or less deej)ly in the mud, but some species of Flanorhis close the aqierture of the shell by a strongiy-adherent, firm, whitish ei)iq)hragm. Fl'nwrbis spirorbim is most addicted to the exercise of this power, and one of its synonyms, Planorbis leuco^toma, probably indicates its habitual indulgence in this habit, though other species have also been observed in the same condition. Those terrestrial species destitute of a sufficiently caqiacious externa l shell, within which they can retire for protection during unusually cold or dry weather, excavate for themselves a subten-anean chamber, the walls of which are rendered smooth, coherent and firm by an internal coating or lining of the mucous exudations of the animal. This mucus-lined earth chamber, within which the creature lies snugly ensconced in a contracted and tor})id state, may be considered as a qieculiar and interesting modification of the apertural epiphragm of the te.staceous sqiecies. LITERATURE. Adams, H. & A. — Tlie Genera of Recent ^lollusca, arranged according to their Organization, 1853 — 8. Andre, E. — Anat. et Pliys. Ancylns laeustris et Ancylus fluviatilis. — Rev. Suisse Zool., i., qip. 427— 461, 1893. Ashford, C. — Suggestions fora serial arrangement of the Variations of our Bauded Land Shells. — Journ. of Conch., iii., qiq). 89 — 95, 1880. Binney, W. 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The or animals, forming the sliells described in the fore- going iiages, liave soft, nnsegmented, and more or less bilaterally symmetrical bodies, whose e.xternal morphological features have been greatly changed by the e.xcessive development in size and moditica- tion in form of particnlar organs, or by their diminution or even total sipijiressimi and loss in mature life, 'i'he foot, the mantle, and the ctenidia or hranchia' have perhaps undergone the most remarkable changes, although the foot or podium has been comsidered to he the most permanent and di.stinctive nmlluscan organ, and its moditications very aiijiropriately used as the basis for forming the great divisions or classes into which the mollusca have been primarily separated. This enlargement or atrophy, as the may he, of the different organs of the body has caused a remarkably diverse and varied asiiect in the ditferent forms, hut these moditications are always correlated with and dependent upon the changes in and elaboration of their various and respective functions. A'otwith.stauding the great divergence in external shape brought about Ijy these moditications, the internal organization in the ditferent genera }>resents a rather striking nniformity in many iioints, and agree in po.s.sessing in common a number of .structural characteristics not found in other groups of animals. Being without an external or internal locomotory skeleton, the mollusca would seem to he more especially adapted for an aipiatic life, the locomotion of the terrestrial forms being limited and slow, although the different genera may he adajited to live under almost every variety of terrestrial and aipiatic conditions, and are capable of swimming, floating, burrowing, crawling and even spinning mucous filaments to facilitate locomotion when occasion reipiires their use. iSome species or groups ANIMAL — EXTERNAL FEATURES. 135 Fig. 289. — Section through skin of Helix pomatia showing epithelial and subepithelial structure, highly magnified (after Vogt aud Yung), ep. epithelium; 1. small blood lacunze; m. muscle-fibres ; 7n. gl. mucus glands. are highly predacious, others purely phytophagous, hut the majority of our forms are quite omnivorous and devour almost any substances that come in their way. E.xternally the whole surface of the animal is formed by a layer of somewhat firm and elastic muscular tissue, overspread by cylindrical epithelial cells, which are often ciliated, more especially in the a(|uatic species, and in those parts not habitually concealed by the pro- tecting shell ; the ciliated areas in the terrestrial forms being more restricted in extent. Scattered over the whole external surface, but more densely aggiegated in certain definite parts are a number of neuro- epithelial cells forming the terminations of the organs of general and special sensibility in the mollusk. Intermingled with them are the outlets of numerous unicellular glands which secrete the more or less viscous mucosity which renders the teguments supple and moist. The body of the animal may be conveniently divided for study into four chief areas or regions, viz. : — The Cephalic, the Pedal, the Pallial, and the Visceral. The Cephalic or Oral region is the anterior portion of the body, and bears the mouth or oral aperture and most of the organs of special sensibility, with appendages of various kinds. The Pedal or Ventral region is typically a well developed abdominal protuberance of variable shape, formed by a differentiation and thickening of the cutaneous and muscular tissue of that region, and constitutes the locomotor organ or foot. It varies in structure, size and importance in correlation with the active or sedentary habits of the animal. The Pallial or Dorsal region is formed by a vascular expansion or duplication of the integument, called the mantle or shield, which partially or completely covers the more delicate parts or organs and hangs down around the body, the intervening space or cavity between the mantle and the body being kmown as the pallial chamber. Fig. 290. — Neuro-epithelial cell of Avion ater, highly magnified (after Boll). 136 ANIMAL — INTERNAL ORGANIZATION. and primitively ami usually contains the respiratory organs, and the various organic apertures, its thickened glandular margin secreting the calcareous and chitinous deposits forming the shell, although the shell-secreting function is not confined to this part, as the M'hole surface of the mantle is directly concerned in the formation of the internal calcareous layers of the shell, the animal being attached thereto hy powerful muscular hands, which are symmetrically paired or unicpie according to the group : and finally The Body or Visceral region, which is generally developed in a more or less protuberant form and placed above the foot and partially or comiiletely covered or enclosed hy the i)allium. It contains the organs of reproduction, the heart or motive centre of the vascular sys- tem, the alimentary canal, and various secretory and excretory organs. Internally the general unity and agreement of the jdan of organization, though it may have become more or less obscured hy later develupments and modihcations, is much more evident. Beneath the eiiithelium, the name given to tissue covering a free .space, connective tissue of mesodermic origin is found, comjmsed chiefly of vesicular and 2)lasm cells, so closely interwoven with the subcutaneous musculature as to form a kind of dermo- muscular tube, to which greater firmness and rigidify is somefinies imparted by numerous calcareous concretions, produced hy, aud lodged within, its ve.sicular cellules. This inter- laced subcutaneous stratum, some- times called the corium, at times attains a great development, and gives rise to outgrowths of various kinds, which are liable to undergo concrescence or fusion amongst themselves, or with other organs of the body. The coelomic cavity contains the various organs of the body ami a great develoi)ment of connective tissue, which is i)er- meated in all directions hy numerous lueniatocades or hlood-siiaces, the distension of which hy the circulatory fluid is the cause of the turgescence or enlargement of the different organs. This tissue originates in the form of polyhedral nucleated cells of homogeneous Fig. 21H. -Typical Connective Tissue, rich in plasm cells and shouin.;? interlacing fihrillar bundles and small blood lacunai, from IJclix nciuoralis^ highly magnified (after Brock). ANIMAL — NERVOUS SYSTEM. 137 protoplasm, which with age acquire a fusiform, stellate or rounded form, but vary in aspect in the different regions of the body, and may become firmer, more compact and rigid, and constitute skeletal tissue, which suiTounds or is dis- tributed amongst the muscular and epithelial tissues, imparting con- sistency and strength, and con- stituting the supporting fi’amework of the various organs. The organs of the body may he broadly classified according to their function and structure under six chief heads or systems, viz. : — The Xervous or Sensitive, the Alimentary or X'utritive, the Circulatory or Vascular, the Secretory or Glandular, the IMuscular or ]\lotor, and the Sexual or Reproductive systems. The Xervous system, upon which all perceptive sensation depends, is concentrated in paired ganglionic masses in correlation with the bilateral aiTangement of many of the organs of the body, and may be considered to be composed typically of four gvoups of more or less distinctly paired neiwous masses or ganglia, viz. The Cerebral, the Pedal, the Visceral or Parieto-splanchnic, and the Buccal or Stomato- gastric. The Cerebral ganglia, which are placed above the oesophagus and innervate the head and its organs, are chiefly sensory in function ; the Pedal, which are suboesophageal in position and innervate the foot, are more especially motor ; while the Parieto-splanchnic and the Stomato-gastric centres, which are also situate or connected beneath the alimentary canal, and innervate the viscera, are to a certain extent analogous in function with the sympathetic system in mammals. These various ganglia or nerve centres are constituted by a sui)er- hcial or external layer of ganglion cells, which, according to Solbrig, have no proper membrane and are chiefly unipolar, with long, branching fibrillar extensions or processes, whose aggregation forms the central part or nucleus of each ganglion, and also pass into the nervous cords by which the various ganglia are connected together. Great varia- tion exists in the degvee of approximation of the different ganglionic masses ; sometimes by specialization they become fused together and form a nerve-ring around the oesophagus, while in other groups the constituent ganglia may he variously combined together or widely Fig. 292.— Chitinous and 'connective tissue framework of the outer ctenidium Anodonta anatina, as e.vample of skeletal tissue, w. transverse muscular fibres (after Vogt and Vung). ANIMAL — ALIMENTARY SYSTEM. las separated and distant. Tlie ner\'es arising from these various centres innervate all parts of the body and take on detinite duties or functions ; those proceeding to the muscles are chietly efferent or motor, while those terminating in sensory organs, whether merely tactile or of a more s])ecialized character, are termed afferent or sensory. The various organs of special sense are nervous differentiations ada})ted to the various forms of percei)tion suitable to the environ- ment and habits of the organism, hut the whole surface of the body is more or less acutely sensible to tactile and other imi)ressions, although perception is more especially concentrated in the exposed and prominent i)ortions of the body. The Auditory or Equilibrating organs are present in the active forms and are alwaj's buried in the tissues of the foot, though innervated by the cephalic ganglia, and consist of a pair of closed sacs, termed otocysts, lined with ciliated sensorial ei)ithelium and enclo.sing cal- careous concretions. The Cephalic E3'es are jiigmented invaginations of the integument, usually closed by a layer of epithelium and con- taining a ciystalline lens, and receiving their innervation from the cephalic ganglia. The skin generally is howevei' dermatoptic and in a measure sensible to the iiiHuence of light and shade. The Olfactory organs are api)arently intlueneed in their i)Osition by the character of the respiratory organs, as they may be located in the cephalic or in the pallial region, or he recognizably present in both areas ; they are formed by the development and local concentration of neuro-epithelial cells, and according to their i»allial or cei)halic i)Osition may he in- nervated by the visceral or h}" the sui)ra-oesophageal ganglia. The Alimentary system by which nutrition is effected is a more or less complicated and diversitied tube, composed chiefly of epithelial tissue, and embraces an anterior apertiire or month, guarded by external lobes or palps, which leads by the a’SOi)hagus into a stomach or crop, into or near to which the usually voluminous liver or digestive gland discharges its secretion Ijy suitalde ducts. Occasionally the stomach has a c;ecal diverticulum, within which, or in the intestine itself, there is a rod of gelatinous consistency, the Crystalline Style, Fig. 293. Fig. 291. Fig. 295. Ganglion cells of I'nio pktoruw^ highly magnified (after Rawitz). Fig. 203 from cerebral ganglion ; Fig. 204 from visceral ganglion ; Fig. 205 from pedal ganglion. ANIMAL — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 189 which is considered to be a secretion of the epithelinin of the intes- tinal tract. The intestines are always considerably longer than the body cavity containing them, and are therefore necessarily thrown into a number of coils or convolutions, chietly amongst the lobules ot the liver, the absorjitive surface being often greatly increased by a longitudinal infolding of its surface, called the typhlosole. The Circulatory system occupies the closed space or cavity between the alimentary canal and the external integument, and is formed by definite vessels in conjunction with a complex Fig. 296. — A fragment of subfilamentar lacunar or primitive mesohlastic tissue in Anodotita^ showing the trabeculcc and their nuclei (after Holman Peck), cor. amceboid blood corpuscle, ep. epithelium, nc. nucleus surrounded bygranular protoplasm, tr. trabecula showing peripheral e.\- pansion. system of irregular spaces or lacuna, which permeate the various organs and within the interspaces excavated among the viscera, the muscular and connective tissue. A dorsally placed heart or central motor of circulation is always ju esent enclosed within a special chamber or pericardium, and is always arterial or systemic, the auricles receiving oxygenated blood from the respiratory organs and propelling it by means of a muscular ventricle through the body system. The blood or Inemolymph, which forms a large proportion of the total weight of the body, is usually a colourless or slightly opalescent albuminous fluid, containing numerous nucleated amoeboid corpuscles, which are shed from the walls of the coelomic space. By far the gTeater number of mollusca in general respire by means of branchial or gills, and a few like Planorhis combine branchial and pulmonary respiration, but species with solely aerial respiration are confined to the Gastropoda. Respiration, however, is not confined to special organs, but is participated in by the general integument and more especially by the surface of the mantle, which is of a very vascular character. Fig. 297. — Ama;boid blood corpuscles of Helix poinatia^ highly magnified (after Vogt and Yung). 140 ANIMAL — GLANDULAII AND MUSCULAR SYSTEMS. Fig. ‘298. — IClcmenis of liver or iligeslive gl;uid of Ifrii.v poviatia^ showing its coniple.v structure, highly niagnificil (after Vogt and ^'ung). ch. c. lime cells ; c. ft. cell nuclei ; fat globules ; ,/<•/-. c. ferment cells ; granular substance; iiz'.c. liver cells ; 7\ vacuolated ferment cells. Tlie Glandular or Secretory system is a yeiy important one, not only for preserving tlie external integnment in a moist and snpple condition by a plentifnl secretion of nincns from tlie innnmerable nnicellnlar goblet-sliaped glands scattered beneath and amongst the epithelium, but for the elaboration of tbe various ferments and secretions necessary for digestion and for the separation and elimina- tion of noxious substances from tbe body. 'J'he Liver or Digestive Gland is one of the largest and most important organs of the body, and has jirobably a com})lex function, serving not only as a store- house for combustible fatty carbohydrates and a centre for secreting digestive ferments, but also contains numerous lime-secreting cells, whose jiroducts are said to be utilized iu the formation of the shell and epijihragm. The Renal organs or Nejihridia, which are in close association and connection with the iiericardium, are very glandular in structure, and secrete or eliminate from the blood the waste jiro- ducts of the body iu the form of urea or uric acid. The Pericardial Gland is also an e.xcretory organ eliminating a still more acrid secretion, and, like tbe renal organs, is richly irrigated by the blood system, which circulates within tbe organ before entering the auricle. Calcareous, Cbitinous, and Pigmentary subepithelial cells of con- nective tissue are also })laced in different i)arts of the body, but are more especially congregated at the tliickened edge of the mantle, where they contribute to the formation and colouring of the shell. The iMuscuLAR system is iuHnenced greatly in its character and degree of develoiiment liy the presence or absence of an e.xternal shell ; its tissue is generally formed by smooth, cellular and unstriated band-like iiljres, but those muscles callable of raiud contraction afford indications of their greater differentiation by displaying a deceptive appearance of striation sometimes arising from transverse rows of granules iierpendicnlar to the axis of the hbre. The muscular Fig. 200. — Unstriated muscle-ribre from foot of AU’ritina Jlni'iatiUsy liighly magnified (after Boll). ANIMAL — REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. 141 system is develoiied in two chief layers : the Somatic and the Splanclinic, which are separated hy the coelomic or hlood space, and are therefore practically independent muscnlar tubes, the somatic layer forming the external tube or body wall, and the splanchnic the internal tube or alimentary layer. The somatic, which is subjacent to, or beneath the Fig. 300. — Pseudo-striate muscle fibre from buccal bulb of Neritina Jlu7'iatilis, highly magnified (after Boll). external epithelium and more or less interlaced noth the connective tissue, is usualty the most developed, and, in addition to the transverse or annular fibres, has more deeply seated longitudinal ones, while radiate and oblitiue fibres are also present. The splanchnic layer which chiefly surrounds the alimentary canal is more delicate, hut exhibits the same arrangement of annular and longitudinal muscular bundles as the somatic layer. This muscular tissue may become of a firmer and denser texture and show fibrous, membranous, or carfilaginous structure, and form the powerful muscular bauds by which the animals are attached to and withdrawn within their protecting shell. Reproduction in mollusca is not accomplished by any of the asexual methods which sometimes obtain in other lowly organized animals, but is always the result of the complete activity of both the male and female organs. The gonads or genital glands are usually more or less imbedded within the liver or digestive gland, the sexual elements, the spermatozoon and the ovum, being developed from the epithelial walls of the constituent ca?ca. The generative organs are developed in two chief tyjies — the Dioecious or bisexual and the Monoecious or hermaphrodite type — the dioecious type having the two sexes in different individuals and often exhibiting a noticeable sexual dimorphism in shell and animal, while in the monoecious or hermaphrodite type both sexes are combined in the same animal by a superposition of the male upon the female system. The prevalence of Proterandry or matiu’ation of the male element before that of the female tends to prevent the possibility of self-fertilization, which, however, has occasionally been known to occur. The reproductive system in mollusca is typically and primitively dioecious, which is a simpler arrangement than the monoecious or hermaphrodite condition, which usually exhibits several specialized ANIJIAL — HYPOTHETICAL PRIMITIVE TYPE. U2 accessoiT organs, and is a later and more complex development, apparently intlnenced by the adoption of terrestrial or flnviatile life, parasitism, tixed habits, etc. The Hypothetical Primitive mollusk, from which all the varied forms now existing have been derived, has been assumed, with great probability, to have been a bilaterally symmetrical animal, which possessed in addition to other general characters a well marked locomotor foot or muscnlar creeping disc and a more or less well-defined head, bearing a ventral month and ])aired tactile processes or tentacles, at the base of which were probably pigmented eye spots. Dorsally the animal was overspread by a fold of the integument, called the mantle, which hnng loose at the margins around the body, forming a space or cavity between its free pendnlons margin and the body-wall- the pallial cavity, within which were the paired feather-like gills and the excretory outlets. This integnment had the physiological jiower of secreting a more or less calcareous shell, with a chitinons frameivork to which the retractor muscles of the body were tirmly attacheil. The nervons system exhibited the archaic character of long paired nerve cords, with ganglionic enlargements on each side of the median line, arising from the paired snpra-msoijhageal ganglia and connected together beneath the alimentary canal or digestive tract, upon the course of which various ferment glands are developed. The auditory capsules or otocysts are i)laced in the anterior part of the foot, but innervated by the cephalic ganglia. d'he olfactory organs are sensi- ferous areas near the base of each branchia, which receive their nerve su])ply from the ])allial ganglia. The gonads or genital glands are ])resent as dependencies of the iiericardial chamber, their i)roducts reaching the exterior by the reno-pericardial orifices. The circulatory organs were confined within the secondary cadomic cavity or i)ericardium, the heart however being probably i)riniitively doulde, as suggested by Dali for the Protopelecyjiod, with a ventricle and an auricle on each side, the ventricles eventually fusing in the meilian line and, in some groups, enclosing the rectum, Fig. 301. — Hypothetical Primitive Mollusk, showing e.xtenialiy the dorsal shell, paired tentacles and over-hanging mantle margin and internally the alimentary canal, heart, branchia and genital glands, with longitudinal untwisted nerve cords and ganglionic en- largements (after Pel.seneer). GASTROPODA — STREPTONEURA AND EUTHYNEDRA. 143 From this archetypal form our various species have been evolved in the two well-marked divergent lines, Gastropoda and Pelecypoda, characterized by and receiving their names from the modifications the foot has undergone. The Gastropoda, pursuing an active and more or less aggressive mode of existence, have developed the most varied and numerous forms and are the only group of mollusks containing species organized for the respiration of free air ; they have also retained and variously developed the sole-shaped locomotor foot and the distinct head of Fig. 302. Fig. 303. Fig. 302. — Schematic figure showing the arrangement of the internal organs in Helix aspersa ns typifying the Euthyneura. ^ Fig. 303. — Schematic figure showing the arrangement of the internal organs in the Azygobranchiate Streptoneiira (after Lang). a.g. abdominal ganglion ; b.g-. buccal ganglia ; c.£^. cerebral ganglia ; p.g-. pedal ganglia : pLg. pleural ganglia ; p.v.g. pallio-visceral ganglia, representing the long twisted nerve cords and ganglia of the Streptoncures ; sb.^. subintestinal ganglion ; sp.g. supraintestinal ganglion ; e. eye ; os. osphradium ; a. anus ; oe, oesophagus ; k. kidney or nephridium ; r. rectum \g.o. genital orifice ; p. male organ ; s.f. seminal furrow ; br. branchia ; pc. pericardium, enclosing the heart ; s. siphon ; r.c. lung chamber, showing blood plexus \f. foot ; hypobranchial gland ; op. operculum. their assumed ancestor, and acquired or elaborated a very remark- able prehensile and aggressive oral mechanism adapted for the seizure and comminution of food, but owing to the une({ual pressure or strain upon the body, caused by the development of an univalve shell, they have lost the bilateral arrangement of many of their internal organs. The various species have not however developed pari pasim, and in accordance with the differences now exhibited are distinguished as Streptoneiira and Euthyneura, the former characterized by the per- 144 HELIX — EXTERNAL FEATURES. sistence of tlie tor.-iioii of the visceral commissures, and secondarily by the less coniiilete degeneration in the group generall)" of the primitively left organs of the pallia! complex ; and the Euthyneures, which have untwisted nerve cords and a greater concentration of the visceral nerve centres, with a more complete atrophy of the organs of the originally left side, perhaps due to the partial detorsion which the visceral sac has probably undergone. Helix aspersa or //. pomut'Kt, which may he accepted as repre- sentative of the Gastropoda, has a bilaterally symmetrical external aspect, with a compact hut elongate body, covered with an external cuticle composed of distinctly nucleated epithelial cells, distinctly ciliated on certain portions of the body, and usually more or less darkly pigmented and tuherculate, hut most strongly so in the anterior and dorsal regions, the pigmentation and rugin becoming less ])ronounced and striking as the foot or the mantle are api)roached. Fig. 301. — Helix nsf>ersa Mull., Kettering, Northamptonshire, collected by Mr. C. E. Wright, Showing the arr.ingenient of the tentacles and labial lobes, the genital furrow, the foot margin, the right and left lobes of the mantle separated by the partially expanded respiratory orifice, and the approximate position of the termination of the alimentary canal. Jldlr ((•\c. respira- tory cavity (after Binney). K HELIX — INTERNAL ORGANIZATION. UG hinder pallia! maro'in develops the cohuuellar lobule, a special jirocess which forms the retlection coverini’' the umbilicus of the shell. The Visceral or body region is developed dorsally to the foot and abruptly protruded from its upper surface as a spirally twisted and tapering sac, enclosed bj" the mantle and covered by a shell of similar shape : it contains the hulk of the viscera of the animal and the repro- ductive glands : the length or number of whorls of the sac in the different species, corresponding to the obesity or slenderness of the visceral mass. Internally, although the primitively .symmetrical organization has been more or less destroyed by the twisting or torsion the body has undergone, j'et the organs may still be grouped under the six heads proi)nsed for the classitication of the organs in mollusca generally, viz. : Tlie Ner\'ons, the Alimentary, the Vascular, the (Tlaudular, the [Muscular, aud the Reproductive systems. The Fig. 30G. — Helix asf>ersa dissected from right side with liody wall and a portion of the genitalia removed to show the relative po.sitions of some of the chief organs of the body. The kidney, the ureter, and the pulmonary chamber opened and turned back (after Howes). rt. auricle and v. ventricle of the heart; n.n. anterior aorta; alh.^l. albumen gland; a.7>. afferent pulmonary veins; r..^. cerebral ganglia; cr. crop; c.r. columcllar retractor; f. foot; h.ii. hermaphrodite duct; hermaphrodite gland; /•. kidney; cn'. ovispermatoduct ; posterior aorta ; p.h. pharyngeal or buccal bulb ; pharyngeal retractor ; r. rectum ; s.g. salivary glands ; sp. spermatheca ; u. ureter. general and relative arrangement of the chief organs in our type does not materially differ from that of onr other momecions monotremate gastropods. The res])iratory organs are anteriorly ])laced, with the external oritice at the right side of the body, the heart, within its ])ericaT’dial chamlier, being always in close connection with them and normally situate towards the left side, the renal organ being in close HELIX — NERVOUS SYSTEM. 147 proximity and actual connection with the pericardium by the ciliated reno-pericardial funnel. The alimentary canal, with its enlarged food receptacles, is convoluted chiefly amongst the lobes of the voluminous liver, which occupies most of the upper whorls of the shell, and in aa pg. Fig. 307. — Slightly oblique transverse section in front of the columella of Helix aspct-sn, to how the arrangement of the internal organs X 2 (after Howes). a. a. anterior aorta ; alb.g. albumen gland ; cr. crop ; c.r. columellar retractor ; h.d. hermaphrodite duct; h.g. hermaphrodite gland ; i. intestine; l.l. anterior lobe of liver; is, lateral pedal blood sinus: ovispermatoducL ; pedal gland ; /.r. penis retractor ; p.v. pulmonary vessels; r. rectum ; r,c. respiratory cavity; r.L posterior lobe of liver ; s.g. salivary glands ; sp.d. sperma- theca duct ; st. stomach ; u. ureter ; v.s. visceral hlood sinus. which are also imbedded the gonads or germinal glands ; the other or accessory organs of the reproductive system are usually of a very noticeable size and have the external aperture for their functional exercise at the right side of the neck. The Nervous system of Helix asperm is of a highly specialized character, consisting of several more or less distinctly paired supra- and sub-cesophageal ganglionic masses, which are concentrated around the anterior end of the oesophagus and more or less completely fused together to form the nerve collar, the component ganglia of which are better studied in immature animals, as in adults they become more welded together and less clearly distinguishable. The supra-oeso- phageal mass is formed solely by the cerebral ganglia and the sul)- msophageal by the buccal, the pedal, and the aggregated visceral ganglia ; from these conjoined centres, which are all enclosed or buried amidst a layer or sheath of connective tissue, nerves are distributed to all pai'ts of the body. The supra-fTeso])hageal or cerebral ganglia, the chief seat of the sensory functions, are dorsally placed, a broad transverse commissural HELIX — NERVOUS SYSTEM. I ts band connecting its coinponcnt parts above tbe a\sop]iagus anteriorly. They give nerves to tlie liead and the neiglibonring organs, large nerves arising from their perij)hery which proceed to the onnnatophores and the lips, the lower tentacles being innervated chiefly by a branch from the labial nerve ; the reproductive organs are also innervated by a ner\'e emanating frnm the right side. From them also originate the three pairs of connectives which are the bonds of con- nection between the various groups of ganglia and form the three more or less closely approximate nerve collars surrounding the msophagus, the most anterior being formed by the nnion of the cerebral and buccal ganglia, the pos- terior one by the cerebral and the aggregated visc'eral ganglia, ami the peilal and cerebral centres uniting to form the central collar. 'Phe lesophagus, salivary ducts, and i)haryngeal retractors l)ass between the cerebral and the visceral ganglia and the anterior aorta between the visceral and the i)edal centres. The pedal ganglia are formed by a itair of closely ai)posed medullary masses united to- gether by a broad commissure and connected with the cerebral and aggregated visceral ganglia by two i)airs of connectives. The i)edal ganglia are placed beneath the (esophagus and above the foot, and constitute in part the sub- (esophageal ganglionic mass, distriluiting nerve fibres ventrally to the locomotor foot and pedal gland and laterally to the neighbouring body wall. The visceral or i)arieto-splanchnic ganglia are formed by five more or less distinctly defined constituents, partially fused when young, but Fig. 30S. — Helix aspersa dissected from above to show the j^eneral arrangement of the nervous system and cephalic retractors. 'I’he liody lias been opened to right of the renal organ, the tenl.acles laid open, and the crop, buccal retractor and genitalia mainly removed, but cut ends shown (after Howes). a. auricle and v. ventricle of the heart ; a. a. anterior aorta ; buccal ganglia ; />.r. buccal retractor ; c.g. cerebral ganglia ; c>\ crop ; c.r. columellar retractor ; eye: k. kidney or nephridium ; )ii. mantle; o. om- aiatophor ; pg, pedal ganglia ; p,o. pulmonary orifice ; p.s. penis sheath ; r. rectum ; s.d. salivary duct ; /. anterior tentacle; t.r. tentacular retractors; u. ureter ; 7'. vagina; 7'.^’’. visceral ganglia. HELIX — NERVOUS SYSTEM. 149 more completely so in adults ; the anterior pair, known as the pleural ganglia, are joined by connectives with the cerebral ganglia, but are in actual contact with the pedal centres and with each other ; the pallial, known also as the visceral or intestinal ganglia, are placed more posteriorly and intimately fused with each other and to the more anterior pleural ganglia of their respective sides ; the termina- tion of the visceral loop is formed by an abdominal ganglion, which is closely adherent to and between the right and left pallial ganglia. This gTOup of ganglia innervates the body wall, three sets of nerves being given off fi-om the right and two from the left side for this puiiiose, which enter the tissues at the base of the visceral sac ; the re- productive glands are innervated by a strong nerve from the abdominal ganglion which accompanies the posterior aorta and sends a branch to the heart; many fibres also enter and anastomose within the glandular mantle margin and in- nervate the mantle and its organs, and the viscera generally receive their nerve supply troni this centre, which fulbls the role of a sympathetic system, regulating the involuntary motions of the alimentaiy and other organs. The buccal or stomato-gastric ganglia are small but distinct reniform nervous masses which do not fuse together as do the various other ganglia ; they are placed at the sides of the buccal cavity, near the outlets of the salivaiy ducts ; con- nected by a delicate commissure passing beneath the oesophagus and joined by pigmented connectives to the under surface of the cerebral ganglia, they give off nerves to the mouth, the oesophagus and stomach. The buccal mass has play backwards and forwards through the cerebro-visceral nerve-ring, involving the buccal ganglia in its move- ments, so that they may be in front or behind the cerebral ganglia, according to the state of retraction or jirotrusion of the buccal bulb. F'ig. 309. — Nerve centres from a half-grown Helix asj>€rsa, to illus- trate the relative positions of the various ganglia and the origin and distribution of the chief nerves, highly magnified. a. abdominal ganglion ; y.b. and Lb. right and left buccal ganglia ; r.c. and l.c. right and left cerebral ganglia ; r,p. and l.p. right and left pedal ganglia ; 7\pl. and LpL right and left pleural ganglia ; r.v. and l.v. right and left visceral or pallial ganglia; c-b.c. cerebro • buccal connective; c-p.c. cerebro - pedal connective ; c-pl. c. cerebro-pleural connective ; c.c. cerebral commissure ; a.p. an- terior pedal nerve ; g. nerve to ovotestis, with h. branch to heart ; /. nerves to lips ; m. to anterior and jn to posterior portion of mantle ; o. to ommatophore ; cc. to cesophagus and stomach ; /. to penis or male organ ; ph. to pharynx ; p.p. to posterior part of foot ; s.d. to salivary ducts ; t. to lower tentacle and Ups. HELIX — OLl-ACTORV AXl) Vli^l’AL ORGANS. The general sensil)ility has its seat in the whole external integn- nient, over which tine setitbrin nenru-ei)ithelial cells are profusely distributed, whose irritability renders the surface excessively sensitive to tactile inii)ressi(nis and i)robal)ly also to other intluences ; its special develojunents are however more particularly localized in the anterior region of the body and on its exsertile appendages. The Olfactory sense is perhaps the most important faculty possessed by the mollusca and is functionally operative and efficient at com- paratively great distances ; it is exercised by the olfactory organs or rhinophores, situate at the distal extremity of the dorsal or posterior tentacles, and innervated from the cerebral ganglia, the nerve from which ex])ands on its course within each tentacle to foi’iu a large olfactory ganglion from which arise the numerous nerve ramitica- tions terminating in the layer of epithelial olfactive cellules congregated together on the somewhat more elevated epithelium spread over the apical surface of the dorsal tentacles. It is probable, however, that the lower or anterior tentacles, which are well and similarly innervated, aid in the exercise of the olfactory sense in addition to their tactile function. The Eves are two in number and ohli(|uely placed at the tijts of the ilorsal tentacles, hence called ommatoi>hores or eye-hearers ; they are coiistituteil by a retina which arises i’roin an invagination of the tegumentary ei)ithelium and which contains .sensorial and pigmented rods, arranged j)er])endicnlaily to the optic axis of the eye ; the oval crystalline lens is a cuticular formation derived from the retinal epithelium and does not entirely till the optic cavity, hut is enclosed by a less dense cuticular sub- stance, termed the vitreous body or humour. The optic nerve springs from the cerebral ganglion and reaches the oi)tic bulb in the rear, forming an enlarge- opn. Fk;. 311. — Eye nf Ucli.x poniatiay highly magnified (after Simroih). r. inner cornea ; cii. cutis : cJ. crystalline lens; <’/. epilhelium, becoming thin and transparent and forming the outer cornea ; o.ju. outer membrane or sclera; op.n. optic nerve ; ret. retina ; t.n. tentacular nerve. Fit;. 310. — Rhinophore of fleli.v pomatia^ highly magni- fied (after Flemming). e. eye ; g.c. ganglion cells ; g^.s. ganglionic layer ; ol.ep. olfac- tory epithelial cellules ; ol.^. olfactory ganglion; op.n. optic nerve; pigment cells; r. eye retractor ; i.r. tentacular retractor. HELIX — AUHITOliY AND GUSTATURY ORGANS. I o I nieiit or ganglion before piercing the enclosing outer coat or sclera and spreading out beneath the retina, not penetrating through and overlaying the I’etinal rods, as in the vertebrates and in the pallial eyes (jf the opisthobranchs. The Auditory or E({uilibrating organs, known as the otocysts, consist of a pair of convex and prominent vesicles, ivith a thin, colour- less and transparent investment, lined internally with sensorial and ciliated epithelium, and containing, suspended in the fluid contents, numerous calcareous concretions or otoconia of variable sizes, of which 1 20 have been counted in the upper layers, within a single capsule, though many were overlaid and concealed and therefore uncounted. The otoconia are oval and trans- parent, with elongate nuclei, and vary in number according to age, being proportionately fewer in im- mature animals ; they are always in a state of inces.sant oscillation, owing to the activity of the ciliated investment of the interior of the sac, although they remain persistently aggregated towards its centre, leaving a distinct space between the mass of otoconia and the walls of the capsule. The otocysts are placed upon the nnder-side of the pedal ganglia, at or near the posterior outer corners, though receiving their innervation from the cerebral centre, the auditory nerve running from the cerebral ganglia between the cerebro- pedal and cerebro-visceral connectives to the otocyst of their respective sides. The otocysts, in addition to the auditory func- tion they are assumed to possess, are probably important aids in determining the orientation of the body during locomotion. The sense of Taste is considered by Simroth to be diffused over the surface of the body, but to be specially localized in the terrestrial Fig. 313. — Underside of sub- oesophageal ganglia of Helix aspersa, showing otocysts zfi highly magnified. a, abdominal ganglion : c-p.c. cerebrO-pedal connective; c-pl.c. cerebro-pleural connective ; crsa, cullectctl hy Dr. h'cliarff near Dublin, showing the modifications in form from the symmetrical centre tooth to the (juadricuspate marginals, from a higlily magnified photogruijh by Mr. 'J'. W. '1 liornton. Showing the symmetrical median or central tooth, c. ; the first laterals to right and left of the median tooth ; the 20ih and 23rd transverse rows iirustrating the transition teeth ; and the 31st, 3(>lh, list, and 13rd teeth of the marginal series. at each side. 'I'he laterals are decidedly a, symmetrical, the inner angle (jf basal attachment and the inner cutting 2»oint or endocone gradually becoming deficient, but the outer cutting j)oint or ectocone is gradually more largely develo2)ed, and eventually, as the marginals HELIX — ALIMENTARY SYSTEM. 153 are approached, becomes veiy symmetrically bifid ; the mesocone also gTadually becomes bifid, so that the denticles near the margins present four strongly developed sub-equal denticulatious, ivitb a narrow basal attachment; additional transverse rows are being constantly added within the radular sac at the posterior end, to compensate for the wearing away or loss of the functional portion anteriorly. The movements of this important organ are controlled by numerous extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. The buccal cavity opens dorsally by a tbin-walled cesopbagus into a large, fusiform and distensible crop, usually conspicuous by the yellow colour of its contents and situate partly within the ultimate whorl of the shell ; like the cesopbagus and other parts of the alimentary canal. F IG. 316. — Alimentar>^ canal of Helix cispcrsa^ with appended glands, dissected out and seen from right side. The generative, circulator^*, excretory*, and nervous systems removed and the buccal cavity, stomach, bile ducts, intestinal canal, and pedal gland opened up (after Howes). b.c. buccal cavity, showing radula, radular sac and jaw ; cr. crop ; f. foot ; h.g. hermaphrodite gland or ovotestis ; l.l. anterior lobe of liver ; oesophagus ; p.g. pedal gland ; p.r, phar^'ngeal or buccal retractor ; r. rectum ; r.i. posterior lobe of liver ; $.d. salivary duct ; s.g. salivary glands ; st. stomach ; ty, typhlosole. its lining membrane is tlu’own into a series of longitudinal folds visible externally as longitudinal striatiou. ^Vdberent to its sides, by fibres of connective tissue, are a pair of whitish lobulated organs, the Salivaiy Glands, wbicb discharge their secretion, a soluble ferment which converts starch into sugar, into each side of the buccal cavity by means of two long and slender ducts. Beyond the crop the canal again becomes nari’ow, but at the loop-like extremity of the first tract (piickly expands to form the simple sacculated stomach, wbicb is slightly constricted by a longitudinal fold, and its mucous membrane also thrown into many longitudinal folds or ridges ; the cesopbagus enters posteriorly near the external surface and between the right and l.U HELIX — ALLMEXTAKV SYSTEM. left lobes of the liver. The pyloric orifice lies beneath ami to the right of the cardiac opening, the dncts of the liver or digestive gland entering at different points. The liver or digestive gland is the active organ of digestion and is a. very large nnecj^nally bilobed gland of a reildish-brown colour, composing a large part of the visceral hump and formed by a dense aggregation of blind, branched tubules, lined by glandular epithelia. The large anterior lobe is situate immediately behind' the mantle cavity ami partially sub-divided into three subsidiary lobes whose ducts unite before entering the stomach a little above the pylorus. The small posterior lobe occupies the summit of the spire, opening by a large duct near the top of the stomach almost ojiposite to the entrance of the combined duct from the anterior lobe. The organ is of very complicated function and structure (%ee p. 140, f. 208), being formed of calcareous, ferment, and hepatic or liver cells, with a (luantity of fat globules interspersed; the secretions of the ferment cells ai’e a l)Owerful aid to the assimilation of the ingested food, as they are not only capable of digesting proteids but also assist the salivary glands in the conver- sion of starch to sugar. The calcareous glands contain colourless granules of carbonate or phosphate of lime, which are assumed to be eventually utilized in the formation of the shell or its ejiiphragm ; the hepatic cells contain globules of a spherical form, which excrete small vesicles with yellowish contents. After leaving the stomach, the intes tinal canal keeps to the left side of the body, and follows an S-shaped course, imbedded within the tissues of the liver, first in an upward and forward direction, the second Hexure being held in position anteriorly by the cephalic or anterior branch of tTie aorta; the third flexure gradually approaches the right side of the body and occupies a more dorsal position, skirting in its course the posterior margin of Kig. 317. — Plan of the intestinal convolutions in Helix aspersa^ also showing how they are held in position anteriorly by the anterior aorta, and illustrating the relations of the heart and nephridium. a. auricle of the heart ; b. buccal bulb ; k. kidney or nephridium ; p.v. pulmonary vein ; r. rectum; sali- vary glands and ducts overlying crop ; st. stomach ; v. ventricle from which arises the aorta. HELIX — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. loo the renal organ ; the hnal tract or rectum runs along the right margin of the pulmonary cavity, beneath the ureter, and terminates at the anus upon the posterior side of the respiratory orifice. The Circulatory or Vascular system has for its centre and motor the heart, which in Helix aspersa is, as in the Gastropoda generally, divided into two chambers of approximately equal size, the auricle and the ventricle ; the auricle has delicate walls and receives the aerated blood by the pulmonary vein from the respiratory plexus and passes it forward to the pyriform muscular ventricle, regurgitation being prevented by a valvular arrangement at the junction of the vessels. The heart is confined within a thin-w'alled oval cavity or pericardium, placed on the left posterior side of the roof of the matitle chamber and in close and actual connection with the renal organ by the reno-pericardial funnel. The heart being exclusively occupied in propelling the blood through the system, is termed a systemic heart. The ventricle transmits the oxy- genated blood received from the auricle by a single trunk or aorta, which bifurcates on entering the body cavity, dividing into an anterior and a posterior trunk ; the anterior runs parallel with the sacculated oviduct and along the right side of the crop, passing beneath the intestinal tract and the spermatheca to the right side of the body, giving branches to the salivary glands and the anterior part of the foot ; it then passes through the nerve collar between the pedal and aggregated visceral ganglia and is distributed to the buccal mass and neighbouring parts. The posterior aorta is at first associated with the intestinal tract and maiidy supiilies the alimentary system and its dependent organs, running (j^uite to the summit of the spire, contributing the blood supply to both lobes of the liver, the gonads, etc., on its course. These distinctly defined arterial vessels break up into more minute vessels or empty themselves by funnel-shaped openings into irregular blood spaces or lacunte amongst the connective tissue, which has hence been termed lacunar tissue (see figs. 291 and 296). These smaller blood spaces eventually unite with the large visceral sinus, which runs from the top of the spire within the thickened upper edge of the spirally-coiled visceral sac, or with one of the two large lateral sinuses F(g. 318. — Heart of Helix aspersay showing the connection of auricle and venti4cle and in- dication of walls of pericardium (highly magnified). a. auricle ; v, ventricle. 15G HELIX — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. situate at the sides of the jieclal gland within the foot. The lateral pedal sinuses are only indirectly, but the visceral sinus is directly continnons with the great circular pulmonary sinus, which surrounds the base of the pulmonary chamber, and adjoins the rectum, Irom which it receives many small veins. From the circular i)uhuonary sinus the blood is distributed upon the sides and roof of the respiratory cavity, which is formed by a thin fold of the mantle and bears within or on its surface, especially anteriorly and along the right side, a very rich plexus of thin-walled blood vessels, within which the blood becomes o.xygenated by exposure to the air within the respiratory chamber. Fig. 310. — Helix aspeesa from a dissection, after injection, to show the chief venous sinuses and the respiratory and renal capillary systems. The pulmonary* sac is cut close along the rectum and turned hack to show the whole pulmonary plexus at one view and the heart opened to show the interior of the auricle and ventricle. The venous vessels are all darkly shaded (after Howes). a.7'. aftereiu pulmonary' veins carrying the Mood for oxygenation to the pulmonary plexus from the circular pallial sinus, c./.a*., which receives its supply chiefly from the visceral sinus, v.s.^ and from the paired pedal sinuses, of which one is shown, ; ui. mantle margin; /.7a pulmonary vein, whicli receives the arterialized blood from the re.spiratory plexus; r.p, renal capillary plexus. Tlie alfcrent or iucuiiiing and the efferent or dei)artiug veins alter- nate with great regularity and are in intimate connection by means of a very comi)lex and intricate series of delicate vessels, the efferent pulmonary vessels gradually uniting to form the great pulmonary vein, a large venous trunk on the roof of the respiratory cavity, conveying the arterialized blood direct to the auricle. A considerable volume of the blood, however, has a portal circulation within the tissues of the renal organ, during which the uric acid and other waste substances are eliminated from it, the blood thus purified entering the pulmonary vein by means of a large ami some small veins, without fully circulating within the iiulmonary plexus. HELIX — GLANDULAR SYSTEM. 157 Helix aspei'sa, like other mollusca, has little proper heat, and is practically Poikilothermic or approximately of the same temperature as the surrounding atmosphere, hecomiug colder or warmer internally in accordance with, and in response to the variations of temperature to which it is exposed. The contractions of the heart are more numerous in the young than in the adult mollusk under similar con- ditions, hut the number of pulsations has a wide diurnal range and in our ordinary summer temperatures probably varies between twenty- five and sixty-five per minute, even in the same animal, as the action is intimately related to the external temperature, being accelerated by increased warmth or active movement and diminished by cold, under which latter circumstances the contractions become more feeble, with however an occasional beat of full amplitude. The Glandular or Secretory system, with which are included the e.xcretory organs, are constituted of those organs or glands l)y which substances differing in composition from the blood and necessary for the proper exercise of the functions of the body are elaborated there- from and utilized, or if hurtful expelled from the system. It is composed not only of the salivary and digestive glands, which assist in the processes of digestion, and the digitate, albumen, prostatic and other glands, which are adjuncts to the reproductive organs and are alluded to under the systems with which they are functionally connected, but the whole surface of the body, foot and mantle is more or less glandular and furnished with unicellular glands, of which those con- taining pigment give the surface of the body or its various organs their charac- Fig. 320. — Portion of Corium and Cuticle of back of llelisc poinatia^ highly magnified (after Flemming), to show its structure and glandular nature. C't.c. connective tissue cells, with interspersed nuclei, n. ; ep.c. cylin- drical epithelial cells ; h.c. hair cells ; in. longitudinal and cross cut muscle fibres ; /. pigment ; s.g^. slime or mucous glands. teristic colour. There are also numerous mucus cells scattered over the whole surface, which maintain the exterior in a moist and pliant condition. A very dense aggregation of such cells exists within the Pedal gland, a medial supra-pedal invagination, which extends back- ward within the foot and opens anteriorly by a cleft between the mouth and foot; the contained glands secrete mucus abundantly, which is expelled by the aperture in advance of the foot and serves to lubricate the path to be taken by the mollusk. HELIX — GLANDULAK AND MrSCULAR SYSTEMS. 1.5S The Lymphatic glands are not strictly localized in onr type ; the phagocytic or lyni])h cells being diffused amongst the connective tissue in various parts of the body, although the function is most actively carried on within the respiratory plexus in which the lym- phatic cells thickly surround the larger pulmonary vessels. The Xephridium kidney) or renal organ (see p. 146, f. 306), an important secretoiy and the chief excretory organ, is of an ochreons- yellow colour, and placed in the rear of the pallial cavity, between the rectum and the pericardium. It communicates with the latter by a ciliated canal, the reno-pericardial funnel, and with the exterior by a thin-walled duct or ureter, which arises at the proximal end of the kidney and runs along its right side to the distal end, returning along the right side of the mantle cavity above the rectum to the pulmonary orifice, the last tract forming the so-called secondary ureter. 'I’he organ is of a parenchymatous and vascular character, with its internal walls thrown into a number of lamellar folds, projecting within the lumen or cavity, and is permeated by an intricate j)lexus of vessels through which venous lilood, somewhat intermingled with arterial, circulates before reaching the auricle : its glandular secretory ei)ithelium, which contains rounded granules or concretions, eliminates from the blood the uric acid and other substances, which are expelled from the system by the ureter. The IMrscuLAR .system is very complicated, and its constituent parts too numerous to be individually particularized. The principal, how- FiCi. 321. — Disfiection showing the general muscular system of Helix aspersa and the arrange- ment of the extrinsic muscles of the huccal bulb (after Howes). i>J'. buccal bulb ; h.c. constrictor muscles of bficcal bulb ; c.i/i. columellar muscle ; eij/i. depressor muscles of buccal bulb ; /. foot ; levator muscles of buccal bulb ; o. ommatophore ; o’, oeso- phagus ; buccal protractor muscles; pharyngeal or buccal retractor ; r.s. radular sac ; s.d. salivary ducts ; t. anterior tentacle. ever, are the retractors of the foot, those of the huccal mass and neighbouring organs, the penial retractor, the constrictor muscles of the mantle margin and of the pulmonary aperture. Of a subsidiary HELIX — MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 159 but interesting character, may be mentioned the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the buccal bulb. The muscles or cartilages here especially alluded to, are of a pearly glistening white and very strong and ribbon-like in character. The columellar muscle, by which the animal is organically attached to the shell, is the largest and most important muscle of the body, and is affixed at its distal end to the columella near the commence- ment of the penultimate whorl (see p. 54, f 130) and passes beneath the lung chamber, along the inner or right side of the spiral, dividing to the right and left into numerous fibres which interlace with the tissues of the foot. Near its origin the columellar muscle gives rise to the paired tentacular retractors, each of which, prior to entering the tentacles and before re-bifurcation, gives off a broad tripartite muscle to the anterior part of the foot ; the retractor of the dorsal tentacle expands noticeably before reaching the apex, while that to the lower tentacle again divides, sending a strong branch to the lip. The pharyngeal or buccal retractor originates adjoining to and im- mediately in advance of the paired tentacidar muscles and is formed by a powerful ribbon-like muscle, which divides before reaching the buccal bulb, to which it is attached ventrally and laterally by the ex- panded ends. The Penial retractor is a powerful unpaired muscle attached to the distal end of the penis sheath and to the floor of the pulmonary chamber. The extrinsic muscles of the buccal bulb are formed by the pharyngeal retractor and by a number of slender muscular bands, which pass from its exterior to the walls of the anterior region of the body, and in accordance with their function are distinguished as depressor, levator or protractor muscles. The intrinsic muscles are formed chiefly by the protractor and retractor fibres, attached to the radular cartilage anteriorly and ])osteriorly respectively, and communicating the motion to the radular membrane. F IG. 322. — Cephalic retractors of Helix aspersa X 4. c.m. columellar muscle; j. anterior foot retractors ; pharyngeal or buccal retractor ; /. tentacular retractors. IGO HELIX — REPRODtJCTIYE ORGAXi?. The Reproductive organs of Helix aspersa, like those of the Piihnonata generally, are of a hermaphrodite or monmcions character, hut this hermaphroclitisin does not normally affect the necessity for reciprocal union to ensure the fertilization of the ova. The Ovotestis or Hermapihrodite Gland, the essential constituent of the system, is lodged in the posterior lobe of the liver near the Fig. 323. — Reproductive organs of Helix nspcrsn dissected out and isolated. Tlic penis sheath, stylophore, uterus, atrium and vagina opened up— the penis sheath to show the inlromittent organ ; the stylopliore, tlie contained dart ; and the uterus, its sacculate structure. all\ gL allnimen gland ; d. dart in situ \ d.s. . palps ; posterior adductor ; pc. pericardium ; pericardial gland or Keber's organ ; r.o. renal organ or kidney ; 7’. ventricle of the heart. The Internal ( Irganization of our ty[)e has retained the primitively jtaired character that distinguished its hypothetical ancestor, such organs as are not symmetrically paired being placed along the medial ANODONTA — INTERNAL ORGANIZATION, ETC. 1G7 line. The nervous system is also of a paired character, but with tlie different centres widely separated and developed correspondingly to the morphological changes in the animal. The alimentary system is convoluted more or less medially, the mouth being placed in the middle line anteriorly beneath the anterior adductor, the termination of the digestive system being at the posterior end of the body. The circulatory organs are dorsally jdaced, the ventricle in the median line, and enclosing the rectum, with a symmeti'ically placed auricle at each side, which receives the blood from the branchiie adherent to the same side of the body. The glandular system, when localized in definite organs, is also distinctly paired, the liver being formed of two lobes and the excretory neph- ridial and pericardial glands have their component parts placed to the right and left of the mec.g. pericardial gland or Keber’s organ : r. rectum, with typhlosole ; r.o. renal organ or organ of Bojanus, and showing the paired cerebro- pleuro-visceral commissures ; sb.c. supra- branchial chamber ; u. ureter ; z/. ventricle of the heart ; v.c. vena-cava or great central blood vessel. ANODONTA — NERVOUS SYSTEM. lOS very efficient inter-coiiuiuuiication lietween the different ganglia, as tlie least peripheral irritation leads to instant comhined action of mantle edge, foot and shell. The Cephalic or Cerebral gangiia, or more correctly Cerehro-pleural, as the pleural ganglia are intimately fused with the cerebral in this grou}), represent the supra-a.‘Sophageal ganglia of Ilel'hv, and are of comparatively feeble development in correlation with the atrophy of the head and the absence of the accompanying sensory organs. They are placed just beneath the skin at the sides of the oral aperture and Fi(.. — .Inodonta .slu»\vin.i; the disposition of llie ganglia and the general arrange- ment and distrihnlion of the dependent nerves, as seen from the right side after retnoval of the right matule loho. and the right cleniilia; the pericartlinm, the ventricle, and the right nephridiinn opened up (motlilied after I)u\ernoy, Howes and others). a. ad. anterior adductor; <1:.,?. anal siphon ; br. hranchia; br.n. branchial nerve ; b.a. branchial >iphoti ; cerehro-pleural ganglia ; c-f*Lp.c. cerel)ro-pleuro-pedal connective ; cerebro- pleuro-visccral commissure : d.o. dorsal orifice ; /; foot, with ramifying pedal nerves gastric nerve ; t;.n. genital nerve ; /. liver or digestive gland ; ot. otocysl ; /. palps; />.ad posterior adductor ; pe.n. pallial nervous ple.vns, showing numerous small ganglionic enlargements anil the general anastomosis of the anterior anil posterior pallial nerves ; 7 . rectum ; ?*.?/. nerve to rectum ; visceral or paricto-splanchnic ganglia ; v.n. visceral nerves from pedal centre. immediately below and iu front of the pedal-protractor muscle, just above the attachment of the mantle lobes, ami comiected together by the cerebral commissure j)assiiig above the mouth ; they iiiiiervate the palps, the anterior adductor, the region around the mouth and the anterior jiart of the mantle. The Pedal ganglia are also paired, although the constituents are fused together; they are imbedded at the root of the foot, near the junction of the muscular with the visceral part, hut rather distant i'rom the cerehro-pleural centre, to which they are joined by straight connectives, which are easily dissected out. The size of these ganglia is always in direct comdation with the development and functional importance of the foot. ANODONTA — NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1G9 The Pleuro-pedal connectives, wliicli have been hitherto considered to be a characteristic peculiar to the Gastropoda, are present in onr type, but fused with the cerebro-pedal connective, forming the composite or compound neiwous -cord, dis- tinguished as the cerebro-pleuro- pedal connective. The Visceral, Osphradial, or Parieto-splanchnic ganglia are the largest in the whole system, and are really composite ganglia formed by the fusion of several ganglionic masses, the more or less com])lete conjunction of the constituent ganglia being coi’related with the greater or less degree of fusion which the bilateral gills have under- gone ; these ganglia are supeidicially placed, and merely covered by the tegumentary epithelium ; they innervate the branchire, the siphons and the siphonal chamber, the posterior adductor, the posterior part of the mantle, and the heart, which is supplied by a nerve passing around the adductor. The nerve trunks from the visceral ganglia innervating the posterior portion of the mantle and those from the cerebro-pleural ganglia, which innervate the anterior part, fuse or anastomose together and form a marginal pallial nerve with an intricate plexus of ramifying nerve fibrils and small ganglionic enlargements. The Cerebro-pleural connective is lost owing to the intimate fusion of the cerebral and pleural ganglia, and I therefore regard the long nervous cords joining the cerebro-pleural and the visceral ganglia, as commissures, and as really joining the pleural constituents of the cere- bro-pleural ganglia with the visceral centre ; they run close together between the anterior protractor and retractor muscles and the anterior end of the pericardium, and traverse the inner surface of the renal organs ; they then diverge, passing outside the posterior retractors, and proceed to join the visceral ganglia. At the point of divarication of each commissure there is a ganglionic enlargement, wdiich Moquin-Tandon considered to be a genital and Huxley a subsidiary visceral ganglion. Fig. 33.5. — Transverse section through anterior region of A^iodonta cygnca to show the relation of the mouth and labial palps and the position and arrangement of the cerebro- pleural and pedal ganglia (after Howes). a. ad. anterior adductor ; c.c. cerebral com- missure ; C’PLg. cerebro-pleural ganglia ; C'Pl’p.c. cerebro-pleuro-pedal connective ; f. foot ; l.p. labial palps ; in. mouth or oral aper- ture ; p.g. pedal ganglia. 17(1 ANODONTA — SENSOR V ORGANS. t i \ f \ Fk;. — *• I’rusli *' Sensory CelN, highly magnified (after Sochaezewer). 'i'he Stoiiiato-gasti'ic or buccal ganglia, which are so aj)i)areiit in the (xastropoda, are not differentiated in Anodonta, hut in correlation with the atrophy of the in-otrusihle head region have probably become degenerate and intimately fused with the neighbouring cerebro-pleural ganglia ; the visceral commissures now giving origin to some slender nervous tibrils, which reach the alimentary canal, although splanchnic nerves also arise from the chief centres. 'I'he iSENsoKY organs in our type are not of a highly specialized character. 'I'he general surface is, however, richly supplied with a mun])er of epithelial sensory cells of the .same character as those found in the generally, and, in addition, there are some larger cells bearing tnfts of sensory hairs and known as “brush” cells, which are j)articularly noticeable in the Pelecypoda. 'Die perception of tactile impressions is most keenly exercised by the papilla' or tentacular })rocesses surrounding the branchial siphon, but the percei)tion of touch is functionally active and etheient in other exposed i)artsof the body. 'I’he labial palps, although enclosed within the .shell, have probably a subsidiary tactile function, gnarding the oral (iritice the entrance of manifestly unlikely sub.stances. 'The Auditorv or Mipulibrating organs of Aimloiitd are formed, as in lltdl.v, by a pair of small closed ve.sicles or otocy.sts, which in Anoddufa are [jlaced near to but not in contact with the pedal ganglia, and connected by an audi- tory nerve to the cerela'o-plenral ganglia of their respective sides. 'I'he otocysts are imbedded in con- nective tissue and e:ich surrounded by an investing membrane. 'I’he walls interiorly of the cysts are formed of intermingled .sensory and ciliated epithelial cells, which also secrete the limpid thud which hlls the sacs and within each of which one large calcareous concretion or otolith is suspended and ke})! in inces.sant motion by the action of the vibratile ciliated investment. 'I’he otocysts are, however, not Fig. 337. — Otocyst of Anodonta cj'^nca, highly magnified (after Simroth). and. n. auditory nerve ; c.t.c. connective tissue cells ; cu. cuticle or enclosing mem- brane ; t'p. ciliated and sensory epithelial cells, supported upon cellular tissue ; ot. otolith. ANODONTA — ALIMENTARY SYSTEM. 171 always symmetrically developed, but when one otocyst only exists, as occasionally happens, it is found to uniformly contain two otoliths. The Olfactory sense is located more especially on the roof of the branchial siphon at the base of the gills near the external orifice, but is not exercised by distinctly differentiated or externally visible organs, but by elongated epithelial sensory cells overlaying a portion of the visceral ganglia, although innervated by a nerve from each of the cerebro-pleuro-visceral commissures, which are said, however, to really originate from the cerebral ganglia. The special function of this organ has been considered to be to examine the inflowing current of water which bathes the gills and brings nutriment to the mouth. The Gustatory sense is probably not at all or very little exercised, as no discrimination appears to be made in the selection of food particles fi-om the general substances brought by the current, except such supervision as is exercised by the labial palps. Cephalic Visual organs are not present in the adult Anodonta, but traces of such eyes are probably present during the early stages of development, but these, if present, afterwards disappear, as when covered by the shell they are useless and unnecessary ; the animals are, however, acutely sensible to light and shade, the exposed surface being able to discriminate and discern the distinction and respond to it. The Alimentary system has its anterior ojjening in the transversely oval mouth or oral aperture, which is placed beneath the anterior adductor muscle, and dor.sally to the origin of the foot and surrounded by an anterior or dorsal and a posterior or ventral lip, which are continuous with the lining mem- brane of the month and gradually expand on each side to form the somewhat triangular palps, which are transversely ribbed on their inner faces and beset with vibratile cilia, producing a current and con- veying food particles along the ciliated groove at their base, which leads towards and into the mouth, the animal being totally dependent for sustenance upon the minute organisms and food particles brought thereby. The mouth is Kig. 33S.— Transverse section througli the anterior region of Ajiodofiia cygnca^ to show the relations of the stomach, the liver and its ducts and the origin of the lyphlosole of the first tract of the alimentary canal (after Howes). y". foot, with the first tract of alimentary canal ; 1. liver, surrounding stomach and showing the bile ducts on the left side ; p. labial palps ; st. stomach, showing entrance of oesophagus, etc. ; t. t^'phlosole. 172 ANODONTA — ALIME^JTARY SYSTEM. (leticient of prehensile or masticatory organs and leads directly upwards hy a short and distensible msophagns to the irregnlarly oval stomach, which lies in front of the pericardinm and with the msophagus is im- bedded within the digestive gland ; the stomach has thin walls with a cadncons, cuticular lining, the Jhrhe trkuspide, which overlays and protects the secretory cellnles : there is also a i)yloric cmcal diverticnlnm opening on the right side which can be closed up, and contains a gelatinous and transparent rod-like body, the Crystalline Style, a freely projecting extension or prolongation of this cuticular stomachal investment which is most distinctly developed in spring. 'I'he Digestive tract is convoluted within the visceral sac, especially amongst the lobes of the enormous genital glands and in the tissues above the foot; it originates from the ventral wall of the stomach, passing slightly to the left side during its downward and somewhat backward course, it then curves upwards somewhat parallel to the l)osteri(n' margin, and cm ai)proaching the pericardium bends abruptly I’ lO. 339. — Anodonta Q'ifWt’ri dissected to show the arrangement and convolutions of the alimen- tary system; the right pallial lobe, branchitT; and palps have been removed and the alimentary canal, ventricle of the heart and nephridium opened up to show their internal structure (after Howes). rtr. auricle of the heart ; a. ad. anterior adductor ; a.s. anal siphon ; hr. branchiae ; hr.s. branchial siphon ; d.o. dorsal orifice ; /. foot ; genital gland ; g.o. genital orifice ; ib.c. infra-branchial chamber; /. fiver or digestive gland, with bile ducts opened up; ni. mouth; cc. oesophagus ; posterior adductor ; pc. pericardial chamber, showing the left reno-pericardial orifice near the anterior end ; r. rectum ; r.o. renal organ or organ of liojanus st. stomach ; ty. typhlosole of rectum ; w. ureter ; v. ventricle of heart, backward upon itself, returning to the base of the foot on a course parallel to Imt outside the first upw'ard tract, it again becomes ahrui)tly bent u})wards, traversing the body in a backward direction and on the right side of the body, gradually bending forward as the final tract or rectum towards the antero-ventral region of the pericardium, which it penetrates, passing through the ventricle and emerging from the jjostero-dorsal surface of the pericardium, afterwards run- ANODONTA — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 173 ning parallel to the postero-dorsal margin of the .shell above the posterior adductor and terminating in the shallow cloacal cavity of the snpra-branchial chamber. The whole intestinal tract is lined by ciliated and glandular columnar epithelium, the absorptive surface being greatly increased, especially in the first and the terminal tracts, by the presence of the typhlosole, an internal, thick, yellow, longitudinal ridge, formed by a strong infolding of the ventral walls. The digestive gland or liver is a somewhat symmetrical multilobed and greenish-brown organ, composed of numerous brown branched Fig. 340. — Tubule of Liver or digestive gland of Anodonta anatina, highly magnified (after Vogt and Yung). cu. cuticle ; en. endothelium ; i.c. lime cells? containing numerous refractive corpuscles? some enclosing pigment granules. Fig. 341. — Some elements of the liver of Anodonta anatina, isolated and highly magnified (after Vogt and Yung). tubules, with hepatic, ferment and lime cells, as in Helix, and lined with glandular cuboidal epithelial cells, with brown granular contents. It opens into the stomach by two large and several smaller ducts. As in Helix, the secretions probably change starch to sugar, i)roteids to peptones, and emulsifies the fatty foods. The Circulatory system is, as in Helix, composed of definite arterial and venous vessels and of an inter-communicating system of lacunar spaces. The heart, the pulsatile centre of the circulation, is a sac placed near the hinge of the shell, within the spacious and elongate pericardium, and is formed of a median ventricle and two symmetrical and laterally disposed auricles. The auricles are paired, triangular, thin and somewhat transparent sacs, with their apices attached to the opposite sides of the ventricle, the broad basal ends receiving the blood aerated within the branchife and pallial lobes of their respective sides, which they transmit to the 174 ANODONTA — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. ventricle by sinichrouous contractions, regurgitation being prevented by the large pocket-shaped daps at the i)oint of junction, distinguished as the anri-ventricnlar valves. The ventricle, which receives the blood from the anricles, is a medially placed vessel, of an elongate and pyriform shape, with the thick and somewhat bilolied end directed posteriorly ; it has thick, spongy and muscular walls formed of interlaced muscle dbres, and gives origin to a large arterial trunk at each end, distingui.shed in accordance with their re.spective positions as the anterior or the posterior aorta, which transmit to the body the arterial blood expelled from the ventricle by the strong and successive waves of contraction which ]iass rhythmically from one end of the ve.ssel to the other. Fig. 342. — Anodonta cygnca^ injecteil from the ventricle to show the arterial system. The right pallial lobe, gills and mcsosoma partially removed and pericardium opened (after Howes). a. auricle of heart : a. a. anterior aortic huUi ; a.s. anal siphon ; anterior adductor ; a. pi. a anterior pallial artery ; hr. ))ranchi;u or gills ; hr.s. branchial siphon ; d.o. dorsal orifice ; /. foot ; /. liver or digestive gland; La. labial artery; l.p.a. left posterior artery; /. pedal artery: p.a. origin of posterior aorta ; p.nd. posterior adductor ; p.p/.a. posterior pallial artery ; r.p.a. right posterior artery ; v. ventricle of heart ; "'.a. visceral artery, 'I’he untcuiur aorta runs forward above the intestine, which it ])artially encloses, Iweaking up into various arteries, the two princij)al being tbe visceral artery, which sup})lies the intestines, the digestive and genital glands, and the pedal artery, which passes through the cerebro-jdeunj-pedal nerve loop and sup})lies the foot, which is rendered turgid and protrusible by blood pressure, the revulsion or reflux of the contained Wood towards the ventricle, which takes place upon any sudden contracti(jn or withdrawal of the foot being arrested by a valvular arrangement in connection with the anterior aortic bulb ; while the anterior pallial artery su})plies the oral lobes and spreads out over the anterior part of the mantle and unites within the mantle margin with the ])osterior pallial arteries. ANODONTA — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 175 The posterior aorta is also furnished udth a valvular arrangement preventing the reflux of the blood to the ventricle, and has a backward course beneath the rectum, soon dividing into two large lateral trunks, the right and left posterior pallia! arteries, whose principal Fig. 3t3. — Transverse and somewhat dia- grammatic section through the middle peri- cardial region of Anodonta cy^nea, after injection, to illustrate the circulation within the branchiae, renal organ, pericardial gland, and pallial lobes, and also showing the open communication between the infra-branchial chamber and the supra-branchial cavities of the inner gills (after Howes). The vessels containing venous blood are black, except the efferent pedal veins, and the arrows indicate the direction of the blood currents. a, auricle of the heart ; a.v. afferent branchial trunk ; c.7'. efferent branchial and pallial trunk ; /. foot, showing the efiferent pedal v'ein and its junction with the vena-cava; ii'.c. lower or infra-branchial chamber ; i.c. inner ctenidium or branchia ; ;//. mantle lobes, showing pallial blood vessels, pb.v. ; o.c. outer ctenidium or branchia ; pc. pericardium ; pc.g» pericardial gland, showing capillary plexus ; r. rectum, showing typhlosole ; r.pi. renal capillary plexus ; sb.c. supra-branchial chamber ; v. ventricle of the heart v.c, vena-cava, or central venous blood sinus. branches run along the free edge of the mantle, anastomosing therein with the anterior pallial vessels, hut which early give off smaller vessels, supplying the rectum, the pericardium, the posterior adductor, the siidional retractors, and neighbouring tissues. Fig. 344. — Anodonta cygnea, injected to show the larger vessels in connection with the venous system, especially in relation to the plexus within the renal organs. The right mantle lobe removed and the external gill lamina, pericardium and ventricle opened up (after Howes). a. auricle of the heart ; a. ad. anterior adductor ; a.p. anterior protractor muscle ; afferent branchial veins distributing blood within the gills ; ef.p.v. efferent pedal veins, continuous above the nephridia with the vena-cava, the dotted line approximately indicating the position of Kebers valvule ; /. foot ; posterior adductor ; pc. pericardial chamber ; r. rectum, passing through ventricle ; renal capillary plexus ; v. ventricle of heart opened up to show the junction of the auricle and the relations of the rectum. After permeating the body, the blood eventually reaches the venous sinuses, of which the principal are the pallial, the pedal and the great longitudinal central blood vessel or Vena-cava, which represents the circular jnilmonary sinus of JleU.v, and lies between the pericardium 17G ANODONTA — CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. and tlie foot, and to wliich many other vessels converge. It is continnous witli, hnt separalile from, the pedal sinus by the powerful sphincter muscle, known as Keber’s valvule, the action of which renders possible the rapid turgescence of the foot. From the vena- ca^'a the greater part of the Idood flow's through and irrigates the renal organ and is then gathered up into the afferent branchial trunk at the common base of the gills and from thence distributed by smaller vessels to become arterialized by respiration wdthin the branchial Fig. 31.). — Anodonia cygncn^ with the foot and the right mantle lobe removed, injected from auricle, to further illustrate the circulatory system, and more especially the efferent pallial, branchial and related vessels, and the capillary circulation within the pericardial gland. No note is taken of the extensive series of pallial sinuses connected with the efferent branchial trunk (after Howes). n. auricle of the heart ; anterior adductor ; a.f>. anterior protractor muscle ; e/.hr.v. efferent liranchial veins returning blood to auricle ; e/.hrj, efferent branchial trunk ; ef p,v. efferent pallial veins; pc. pericardial chamber; //./. plexus within pericardial gland ; r. rectum traversing vent- ricle ; V. ventricle of the heart opened to show the rectum and tlie auricular orifice. I.imclliv, flowing as arterial l)lood into the efferent hrancliial arteries, placed along the junction of the secondary limb of the inner gills with the body wall, and also at the junction of the secondary limb of the outer gills with the pallial lobes, where the blood combines with that brought by the efferent pallial vessels from the mantle and pro- ceeds thence to the auricle, either directly or by way of the pericardial gland. Some venous blood, however, passes direct to the branchial arteries or to the auricles without undergoing the })ortal circulation through the kidneys, and a much larger (quantity, which has been ]iurifleil within the mantle lobes, does not enter either the renal organs or the hranchia', hut, mixed with some from the outer gills, undergoes a portal circulation within the i)ericardial gland before entering the auricles. Although the vascular mantle lobes largely assist in the oxygenation of the blood, the respiratory organs are normally constituted by the branchial lamellm or gills, which arise from a longitndinal vascular ANODONTA — OIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 177 ridge on each side of the body, separated by the foot and known as tlie right and left ctenidia or hrancliia", according to tlieir position. They are each formed by a imir of trellised and vascnlar lanielhn, united at the base and each composed of a descending adaxial or jmmary lamella, which becomes Fig. 346. — Transverse section through the posterior region of A7iodonta cygnea^ im- mediately behind the foot, to show the arrange- ment of the organs and the coalition of the supra-branchial chambers of the inner gills, owing to the fusion of the secondary limbs of the right and left inner gills (after Howes). i.h. inner gill orbranchia; in. mantle lobes with marginal pallial muscles; outer gill or branchia ; posterior adductor muscle; r, rectum, showing typhlosole; sh. shell; sp.c. combined supra-branchial chamber of the inner gills ; v.g. visceral or parieto- splanchnic ganglia. tilameiitar spaces and bridge over of the cavity by interlamellar f cutely reflected to form an ascending- secondary limb, the distal margin of each external gill being fused to and vascularly continuous with the mantle lol)e of its side ; while the ascending or secondary limbs of the inner gills are similarly fused anteriorly with the visceral body wall, hut posteriorly, the secondary limbs of the right and left inner gills fuse together and form the partition or septum separating the branchial and cloacal cavities. The spaces or cavities between the primary and the secondary lamelhe of each gill are occupied by exuberant suh-filamentar out- gTowths, which obliterate the inter- and bind together the opposite sides ihrous or vascular junctions, which arise at regular intervals, coincident in position with or forming the larger vertical blood vessels. The vertical filaments, which were primitively the respiratory organs, have in Anodonta lost their original blood-carrying function and become comparatively firm and solid rods supporting the spong-y, lacunar and turges- cihle blood permeated tissue, within which definite blood channels are excavated and Fig. 347. — Fragment of the outer or primary limb of the inner gill .ad. posterior adductor ; posterior retractor ; r.f. right reno-pericardial funnel, connecting the pericardium with the glandular part of the kidney ; ti. ureter, showing the three complex chaml.c. peri- cardium ; A'-i'’/. pericardial gland ; r. rectum ; 7\/. reno-pericardial funnel. Fig, 3.)1. — The left valve of an Anodonta cygnca from Clumber Lake, Notts., collected by .Mr. C. T. Musson, F.L.S., showing the muscular scars, which indicate the places of attachment of the extrinsic muscles. a. ad. anterior adductor scar ; a./>. anterior pedal protractor scar, the abdominal retentor scar of Clessin ; a.r. anterior pedal retractor scar ; /.ad. posterior adductor scar ; /./. pallial line ; /.r. posterior pedal retractor scar ; n.r. umhonal retentor or pedal levator scars. liowever, innumeralxle smaller, though intrinsic muscles beneath and intimately connected with the general integument, while the walls of ANODONTA — MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 181 the alimeiitaiy canal, the heart, the arteries and other organs are all more or less closely invested with or composed of muscnlar fibres. The i)laces of attachment of the extrinsic muscles to the internal surface of the valves is indicated by distinct and permanent scars, owing to the fibres composing the muscles being connected to the epithelial cellules, whose calcified cuticle forms the nacreous lining of the shell. The Pallial muscles are chiefly developed towards the mantle margin and are composed of variously directed and interlaced muscular fibres, which, however, mainly run in three directions, viz. : parallel to the mantle margin, at right angles to it, or perpendicnlarly to the two first-named and joining the inner and outer pallial surfaces ; those fibres running at right angles to the margin are the most strongly and numerously developed, they are proximally attached to the Fig. 352. — Muscular system of Anodonta JluviatiliSy illustrating the distribution and functional area of the extrinsic muscles. The right mantle lobe and right branchiaj removed (after Simpson). a. ad. anterior adductor; a./>. anterior protractor, showing the radiation of its muscular fibres and their comparatively superficial position ; a.r. anterior retractor, showing its deeply seated ramifications ; br. left branchiaj ; orbicular muscles, showing their sub-marginal insertion in the shell to form the pallial line, their posterior modification form the siphonal retractors ; posterior adductor ; pc. pericardium ; p.r. posterior retractor, the fibres of which are not so super- ficially distributed generally, as those of the protractor, but less deeply imbedded than those of the anterior retractor ; u.r. umbonal retentors or pedal levators, distributing their fibres over the region of the stomach, pericardium, etc. inner lining of the shell and form the retractor, s of the mantle margin, being di.stinguished as the Orbicular muscles, their line of attachment to the shell constituting the linear sub-marginal muscular scar, known as the pallial line, which runs parallel with the ventral margin of the shell and is also continuous with the external margin of the adductors. At the posterior margin of the mantle, these complex and variously divergent muscles become specialized to form the siphonal retractors, the constituent muscular fibres taking a circular, longitudinal or radial direction. 18l> ANODONTA — MUSCULAR SYSTEM. The Adductor iiiuscles are also considered to be a great local develoi)meiit of the pallial muscles, with which they are continuous ; in Amxlunta the adductors are formed by two large, powerful and snh- e([ual muscular masses, composed of numerous closely arranged muscle tihres and jjlaced at opposite ends of the body, at about an ecpial distance from the ligament ; they pass perpendicularly through the body of the mollusk between the inner faces of the valves which they unite together and close by their contractions, the anterior adductor being anterior and dorsal to the mouth, while the posterior lies beneath and anterior to the rectum, Imt they, in common with the extrinsic muscles generally, gradually move with the growth of the shell, diverging and becoming more distant from the hinge and from each other, leaving traces of their former i)ositions by the gradual narrowing and convergence towards the umhones of the scars, which mark their })laces of ])rior attachment. The Pedal mnscles are paired .symmetrically, and formed by the retractor, })rotractor, and levator or I’etentor muscles, which are all proximally attached to corres- ponding jmsitions on the inner surfaces of each valve, on which they leave di.stinct impressions or scars; distally they mainly ter- minate amidst the intrinsic mus- culature and tissues of the foot. 'I’he Anterior protractors are 111 u sc u lar masses formed by radiately divergent muscle tihres, which assist in the protrusion of the foot and are spread over and suiierticially attached to the surface of the foot and lU'oximally in.serted on each valve, a short distance from and posterior to the anterior adductor. 'I'he Anterior letractors, at their origin, are often continuous postero-dorsally with the neighbouring adductor, they iienetrate deejily within the tissues of the foot, and for the most part are more deejily imbedded than the fibres from the ])osterior retractors ; they Kk;. — IVansvcrse section tlirougli niuerior region Anoiionta anatina showing tfie arrangement of the foot muscles anti ilie tluplicature of mantle (after Vogt and Vung). a. a. anterior aorta ; Iks. hlood sinus at base of palps; c.nt. cross muscles seen ns cut transversely ; c.t. connective tissue about digestive gland ; l.ti. ducts of liver or diges- tive gland ; longitudinal pedal muscles ; /./. lalnal palps ; nr. muscles between foot and body ; p.a. pedal artery ; p.g. pedal ganglia ; r. rectum ; st. stomach ; trans- verse pedal muscles. ANODONTA — REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. 183 are more especially distributed along the anterior margin, some of the fibres being also dorsally spread over the region of the liver. The Po.sterior retractors are situate dorsally to, but contiguous with the posterior adductor, and originate as firm muscular trunks ; the fibres into which they are divided become more especially distributed about the lower part of the body and along the free ventral edge of the foot, and, though generally more deeply placed, are often closely intermingled i\ith the more superficially placed protractor fibres. The Umboiial reteiitor or Levator muscles are, in Anodonta, formed by one or more gToups of more or less isolated fibres fixed near to or within the umbonal area, their fibres spreading over the region of the stomach and of the pericardium. Many of the fibres do not, how- ever, reach the shell, their proximal extremities calcifying beneath the mantle. The Intrinsic Pedal muscles are very numerous and intricate and formed by a complex arrangement of variously directed and inter- lacing muscle fibres, the longitudinal ones being continuous with or connected to the great retractors of the foot, while the transverse muscle bundles and the more superficially placed layer of circular fibres assist in its contraction and protrusion. The Reproductive organs of Anodonta are normally of a dioecious character, the two sexes being developed in different individuals, although hermaplu’odite specimens are sometimes found. Fig. 354. — Transverse section through the anterior part of the pericardium of Anodonta cygnca to show the position of the genital and nephridial ducts and their relation to the supra-branchial chambers of the inner gills (after Howes).'P.c. cerebro - pleuro - visceral commis- sure, with the Vena cava beneath ; f. foot, with contained genital glands and showing cross sections of the intestinal tract and more longitudinal ones of the subsidiary genital ducts ; g.d. genital duct of left side opened up to show outlet ; i.c. inner ctenidium, the left showing the outlet of the genital and renal ducts ; ibx. infra-branchial chamber ; 1. liga- ment of shell ; mantle lobes lining shell and showing marginal pallial muscles ; o.c. outer ctenidium ; pc. pericardium ; pc.g. peri- cardial gland or organ of Keber ; r. rectum with typhlosole ; r.o. renal organ, glandular portion, showing beneath the more dorsal efferent renal chamber or ureter ; sb.c. supra- branchial chamber ; u. the left ureter showing the opening into the supra-branchial chamber of the inner gill. The geuital glands are very voluminous, symmetrically paired, and placed at either side of the body, occupying the upper part of the cpl.p 1S4 ANOltONTA — REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. visceral mass, above tbe muscular part of the foot and investing the convolutions of the intestinal tract : they are however of the simplest ami most primitive character ami very similar in both sexes, although the male gonad can often be recognised by its whitish colour, without microscopic examination. flach gland or gonad is formed by an immense aggregation of richly brancbed and minute nicemose lobules, scarcely half-a-millimetre in diameter, the ducts from which unite to form a short common duct fi'om each gland, which oi)ens by a minute aperture close by the ureter into the cavity of the inner gill within the sin)ra-branchial chamber of its side. 'riiere are no accessory organs develoj)ed in connection with the reproductive system, and sexual congress is therefore im])ossible, and necessitates the social aggregation of these mollusks within limited areas to ensure the fertilization of tbe ova, as tbe spermatozoa are simiily and freely discharged into the surrounding water with tbe exbalent current by the male, and drawn with tbe inlialeut water by the branchial siphon into the pallial cavity of the female, probably fertilizing the ova while within the gill lamella'. I' k;. 3.’)’). — A Loltulc of the ticniial gland of Anodonta ana- tina^ with its eflerent duct, and ^ho^ving the developing ova, liii;hly magnified (after \’ugt and Yung). Altliougb, in tlie foregoing pages, 1 have briefly examined examples of a typical (fastroi)od and Pelecypod, chiefly from a morphological standj)oint, yet tbe various .species (jf our fauna, owing to the specialization of habits or function they have undergone, exhibit such modifications of their various organs that this phase of our study would be incomplete without a fuller account of the organs individually, detailing the differentiations in structure and function they each undergo, and referihig to the i)bylogenetic and other points of in connection therewith. For this pur2)0se I jR’opose to adhere to the nietbod 1 have hitherto followed of first treating upon the external featui-es and afterwards studying the internal oiganization. THE PROSOMA OR CEPHALIC REGION. 185 The Morphology of the External Organs. Fig. 35G. — Head and Tentacles of a Ga.stropod, Helix aspersa X 2. THE HEAD AND ITS ORGANS. Tlie Cephalic region, which in both Gastropods and Pelecypods may be distinguished as the Prosoina, is bilaterally symmetrical, and arises in the emliryo from the upper surface of the Velar area, the size of which, according to Gegenbaur, is correlated with the differentiation of the head. In the adult this region is indicated by the position of the oral orifice, and in the Gastropoda is formed by the distinct and usually well-developed, somewhat cylindrical head and its appen- dages, placed at the anterior end of the body, and borne by a more or less evident and intervening constriction or neck, on the right side of which is placed the common genital orifice, or, as in the Streptoneures, may bear the muscular and non-invaginable male organ. The whole ceiihalic region is usually capable of being protruded beyond and comiiletely withdrawn beneath the mantle for i)rotection. In the Pelecypoda the distinct head of the assumed ancestor has become atrophied and lost, and there is therefore no specialized or per- ceptible head, its position being now only indicated outwardly by the transversely oval mouth, with its encompassing lips and 2)alps. The IMouth, or oral aperture with its labial aiipendages, is situated on the ventral surface of the head, or may, as in Strei)toneures, be placed at the extremity of a long and contractile rostrum. It originates, during the development of the embryo, as a simple invagina- tion of the ectoderm, termed the Stomodieum, which meets and joins with the mesenteron or mid-gut. In those cases where the blastopore or orifice of primitive invagination remains permanently open to form the mouth, a prominence or wall becomes developed which surrounds or encompasses it. In the mollusca, as in other Invertebrates, the mouth is only fitted for the inception of food, the respiratory orifice, which in some of the higher animals is in a measure confounded with the oral opening, being quite removed from its proximity. Fig. 357.^ — Mouth of Arion atcr X 10 (after Moquin-Tandon), showing also the jaw, the upper and lower lips, and the lobulate organs of Semper on the upper lip. 18G MrZZLE AND FACIAL GROOVES. Fig. 3oS. — Ventral aspect of Limmca sta^nalis \?ix. Jragilis showing the mouth and the at- tenuate anterior margin of the head, known as the Chaperon or Hood. The ]\IuzzLE or Prostoiiiium is the region anterior to the base of the tentacles anti projecting in front of tlie month ; it is the essential })art of the head, and intimately connected with the power of forward locomotion in a detinite direction and with the general orientation or carriage of the body, and, in the Gastropoda, is generally short, some- what convex and angnlated at each side, while its attenuate anterior margin was dis- tinguished by Draparnand as the Chaperon or Hood. This feature is very perceptible in the species of the family Linuntidw. The muzzle may, however, as in Cjcloxtoma , he produced into an elongated and somewhat annulate pre-oral structure or Itostrnm, of a more or less cylindrical shai)e, sometimes dilated or slightly cleft at its distal extremity, which jiossesses lips and other oral organs, and is snscei)tihle of a considerable amount of elongation and con- traction, Imt not being a retractile organ it cannot he withdrawn within the l)ody cavity, although its parts are so strongly contractile, that when contraction takes i)lace, the mouth is so drawn in as to lie at the bottom of a distinct depression. None of our native si)ecios jtossess the introvertihle or truly retrac- tile Prol)o.scis, which seems more particularly to characterize the carnivorous Strei)tonenres. In the Pelecyi>(Hla, the portion of the body anterior to the month, which embraces the region of the anteri(jr adductor, may be regarded as rei)re.senting the Prostoiniiim. 'I’lie I’ac'I al Grooves are an extension of the symmetrically arranged yet intricate plexus of channels distributing the mncns over the body, j and show upon the face or muzzle, in some si)ecie8, as two little central and parallel longitudinal channels, which are prolongations of the dorsal grooves and N'arionsly ramify over the anterior snr- Auialia stnverhyi X 2. faCe of the lllllZzle. In Amal'ui >3. Fig. 3(U. Rctraciile tentaclc.'% of a Styloiniuatophore, showin;? llie retractor muscle and illustrating the various stages of the mode of retraction and eversion, termed Acrembolism and Pleurecbolism. 'The figures viewed from left to right show the tentacle in process of retraction and from right to left .as undergoing extension or protrusion. Fig. 3(>1 .shows the tentacle completely extended ; Fig. 301 completely invaginated ; Figs. 302 and 303 illustrating tlie intermediate stages. tradistinction to the terms Acrecholic and Pleurenibolic, which distinguish the i)rocesses by which the introvertiltle or retractile pro- bosces of some ^Streptoneures are ])rotruded and retracted. The Streptoneura of our fauna have only two rvell-developed tentacles, wliicli may be comparatively thick and rounded at the e.x- tremity, as in Cijclodoma elegdns;, or extremely long and delicately tajiering to a tine point, as in Buthhihi tentafiddt((, which receives its specific name fnmi the length and delicacy of its tentacles, but l)oth forms are contractile only, and cannot be retracted or drawn within the body cavity for protec- tion, as can the hollow retractile tentacles of the Stylommatophora. Although, in the terrestrial species of Strei)toneura, an organ of olfac- tiem may be located near the apex of each tentacle, as in the Stylom- matophora, yet the eyes are placed on sluu't i)edicels behind, which are more (jr less intimately fused or combined with the more develoi)ed tactile tentacles. The right tentacle of the male in some gnmps, as in the Vhlpdrw, is noticeably stouter than the left, this sexual dimorphism being due Fig. 3lV). — Dor.'tal a.'^pect of the cephalic region of Cyclostonia elcgans^ showing the con- tractile tentacles x 1 (after Motiuin-Tandon). CEPHALIC TENTACLES AND LABIAL PALPS. 189 to its containing the male organ of reproduction, tlie tentacle being- perforate at the apex for its protrusion, but when not located within the tentacle, this organ may be placed as a non-invaginable projecting Fig. 366. — Head of Vhnpara vivipara d to show the malformed right tentacle, due to containing the male organ of reproduction (after Simroth). Fig. 367.— Valvata piscinalis showing the large non-invaginahle male organ on the right side of the neck (after Moquin-Tandon). process of the body wall, behind it, upon the right side of the neck and there simulate a third tentacle, as in the Yalmtidw. The two tentacles of the Basommatophora are also contractile only and are elongately subulate or flatly triangular processes, according to the genus, the right tentacle being often distinctly broader basally than the left ; the whole surface is covered with fine, transparent and very sensitive vibratile cilia, which have a very vigorous rhythmical movement, producing perceptiljle currents in the surrounding water, as is evidenced by the attraction or repulsion of small floating particles, according as they have become involved in the apiiroaching or departing current. This action is always most striking when the animal is in motion with its tentacles extended, becoming- weak and languid if the tentacles are con- tracted or the animal he injured or sickly. In Ancyliis fluviat'dis cilia of the ten- tacle continue in motion for nearly a hour after the excision of the tentacle from the head, the g-yrations it performs recalling the rotation of the emhry which is also caused by cilial action. The Labial Palps or lobes in (Gastropods are, when distinctly developed, exceedingly mobile processes around the mouth, capable of a considerable amount of extension and contraction, and delicately sensitive to tactile impressions, receiving- their innervation from the cerebral ganglia, and ])reserved in a moist and sensitive condition by Fig. 368. — Head of Planorhis juarghiatiis^ showing the contractile and slender subulate tentacles, X 10. Fig. 360. — Head of Liimura stagnalis^ showing the character- istic thin, triangular and contrac- tile tentacles. 0, 190 LABIAL PALPS. M i Fui. 370. — Mouth of as/>t'rsa X {. shoNving the lateral lobes or Ups and upper jaw (after Howes). tlie special mucous secretions from the unicellular glands of the organ of Semper; they represent the largely developed bilobed velum of larval life and are retaineil in the Limmvida’ in full proportions by the adult, hut have lost the marginal fringe of relatively very long cilia and also the locomotor function. Some authors distinguish three circum-oral lobes in the Gastropods, an upper lip which is somewhat rounded and often hears a number of pai)ill;e, and two lateral ones, which however are usually regarded as representing a cleft lower lip. 'I'liese processes are not retractile like the ommatophores and are chiefly found in the predacious si)ecies,l)nt are also largely developed in the Llmna’ida\ furniing a considerahle circum-oral e.xpansion or enlargement, but in a less pronounceil form these labial lobes are jn’esent in other ])ulmonates. In Liiixt.r, virion, etc., the upper li]) bears a number of distinct and rounded tubercles or ])a])illa‘, into winch the glands of Semper’s organ debouch (see j). liSo, f .'i.'iT), and which are innervated bv a liranch from each of the anterior tentacular nerves, which gives off to each ]iapilla of its side a nervous branch upon whii'b a small ganglion is developed. The laliial palj)s are, however, a more es])ecial feature of the I’elecypods. 'I'hey consist of two ])airs of triangnlarly-oval, thin and biglily vascular processes, inner- vated by tlie cerebro-])leural ganglia and covered with richly ciliated o])itheliuni. 'fhey are formed by the excessive prolongation and out-growth of the anterior and ])Osterior margins of the oral ai)erture and hang down within the mantle cavity, enclosing between them a ciliateil groove conducting directly to the mouth the particles of food brought within the influence of the currents which the action of the cilia perpetually excite, and are therefore more especially alimentary and respiratoiy in function rather than of a tactile oi’ sensory character, Kui. 371. — .\nterior region of Anodonia cygnca, showing the position of the mouth and the relative disposition of the labial lobes and foot (after Moiiuin-Tandon). a.p. right anterior palp ; f. foot ; /./. right posterior jtalp ; ni. mouth. Fig. 372. — Anterior and posterior labial palps from the right side of Anodonia cygnca, isolated, X 3 (after Moquin-Tandon). LABIAL PALPS. 191 Though a very constant characteristic of the Pelecypoda, they are apparently quite absent in some few marine genera, but in others are so greatly developed as to be even larger than the branchipe; they have been termed the lesser and the accessory branchife by Swammerdam and other authors, as their gveat vascularity and posi- tion, each in connection with a large pallial sinus, suggests some connec- tion with the respiratory function, their ctenidiform appearance being materially increased by the jiresence of numerous transverse folds or ridges, which are most pronounced to- wards the distal margin, becoming less distinct or even deficient as the base of attachment is approached. These trans- verse ridges also vary considerably in number and relative size, according to the species, those of Unio being propor- tionately larger than those of Anodonta, and much more so than Dreissensia, in which there are thirty-five of these ridges on each palp, six times finer than the branchial filaments In Anodonta there are sixty-five ridges on each palp, while in Spluvrium corneum var. nucleus there are only twelve. The bases of the palps are practically almost joined to and continuous with the lines of attachment of the gill-lamelhe, the anterior palps being apparently continuous or coterminous with the outer gill- Fig. 375. — Anodo7ita cygnca, with, the palps and gill-lamellae removed to show the apparent continuity of the labial palps and the gills (after Lankester). a. anus ; a. ad. anterior adductor ; a.p. line of attachment of anterior palp, practically continuous with line of attachment of outer gill ; f. foot ; g.o. left ureter ; l.c. axis of the left ctenidium or gill, showing lines of attachment of inner and outer gills; m. mouth ; n.o. orifice of left reproductive gland ; posterior adductor ; p.p. line of attachment of posterior palp, practically con- tinuous with line of attachment of inner gill. laminm and the posterior palps being similarly continuous with the line of attachment of the inner branchim, leading Prof. Lankester to suggest that the branchim and labial palps may be modifications of a double horse-shoe shaped area of ciliated filamentous processes which existed in the more primitive mollusk. Fig. 374. — Four ridges of the labial palps of Afiodonta cygnca highly magnified (after Moquin- Tandon). Fig. 373. — Three ridges of the labial palps of Afiodonta cygnea, to show the arterial vessels, highly magnified (after Keferstein). 192 FOOT AND PERIPODIAL GROOVE. THE PEDAL OR VENTRAL REGION. 'I'he Podium or foot, vliich arises daring development as a promi- nence between tlie month ami the anus, is the most per.sistent and characteristic mollnscan organ, and is formed by an excessive develop- ment and specialization of the cellular and nnstriated somatic muscula- ture of the ventral surface of tlie body, in adaptation to a creeping- mode of life, receiving its innervation from special nervous enlargements called the jiedal ganglia. The -whole surface contains iunumerahle unicellular mucous glands, and, in addition, there are important and extensive aggregations of similar cells situate in certain definite parts, M'hich render i)rohable a mori)holog-ical connection between the glands of the Pelecypoda and those of the (histroi)oda. In (lastroi)ods the foot, though- varying greatly in size and shape, usually ])resents a long and broad ])lantar surface or sole, which occupies the whole ventral surface of the body, but species with narro-w plantar area are ai)parently endowed with more rai)id loco- motive j)owers than those -with a more exi)anded surface. In the aquatic species the surface of the foot is richly covered -^vith vibra- tile cilia, but in those of terrestrial hal)it the ciliated area is compara- tively restricted. 'I'he Peripodial (Jroove or pedal fuiTow is a more or less distinctly marked groove, separating the body region from the sole and is more especially found in the nude species ; it runs parallel with the edge of the sole of the foot along its whole length round the body, and is occupied by a more or less con.spicuons row of narrow, oblong, horizontal tubercles, upon which the tuhercles of the .sides of the body rest un- comforniably. 'I'he groove in some genera rises slightly towards the tail, where there is often a Caudal mucous gland containing a greater development and concentratifui of Fig. 376. — Ventral aspect of the fool of Helix asf>cysa^ showing its character and general form, as seen crawling up a slip of glass (from an instantaneous photograph). Fig. 377. — Peripodial Groove and Foot Fringe of Arion ater x 2. fr. foot fringe ; p.f. peripodial groove or pedal furrow. FOOT FRINGE AND PODIAL LOBES. 193 mucous cells. The super-families, Aulacopoda and Holopoda, are based upon the presence or absence respectively of the pedal grooves, which, when present, are ventrally circumscribed by the Foot Fringe, a feature distinctly present in some forms and constituting the lateral border of the foot. In Avion it is often very brightly and vividly coloured, and variegated at regular intervals by numerous dusky and black, alternately placed, vertical lineoles, which in strongly coloured individuals may be continued across the side areas of the sole. As the tail is approached these lineoles become placed nearer together and more obliquely directed. The foot, in some groups, gives off various lobes or processes, which when arising from the Epipodium, a thickened ridge along Mthe upper margin of the sole, ai'e known as Epipodia; the Operculigerons lobe of the Streptoneures, which secretes the operculum, is a dependence of the hinder portion of this e])ipodial ridge, while the Fig. 378.— Prosoma of vivipara. Ceplialic lobes of Vivipdva are a develop- vivipara $ (after Moquin-Tandon), to show the epipodial Cephalic lobes, meiit of the anterior part, such processes being distinguished from cephalic tentacles by receiving their innerva- tion from the pedal or pleural and not from the cerebral ganglia. Analogous processes, termed Parapodia, may, however, originate along the basal edge of the sole ; such outgrowths, though highly developed in many Opisthobranchs, are not noticeably present in our Fig. 379. Fig. 380. Diagrammatic sections through the body of a Streptoneurous and of a Tectibranchiate Gastropod, showing the relative positions of the Epipodial and Parapodial lobes (after Lang). Fig. 379. — A Streptoneure ; f. foot, with epipodial lobes ; sh. shell; v.s. visceral or body cavity. Fig. 380. — ATectibranch ; f. foot, with parapodial lobes ; sh. shell ; v.s. visceral sac with ctenidium. land and freshwater species, although the spreading sides of the foot of Helix pomatia may be regarded as incipient parapodia. In certain extra-British species, the primitively sole-shaiied foot has, by adaptation to special modes of life, lost its original form and by transverse constrictions, become formed into three regions, termed the Propodium, the Mesopodium, and the Metapodinm, which respec- N r DIVISIONS OF THE I'OOT. 1 ;» I lively indicate its anterior, middle, and posterior regions, yet in onr native species, with the exception of Acicuhi, which, according to Dr. (fray, has a transversely divided sole like TruncateUa, these parts are so intimately blended together that we are only able to dis- tinguish the metapodinm owing to its being indicated by the oper- cnlum on its ni)per surface. 'rhongh not divided transversely, the sole may have well marked longitudinal divisions, and this feature is carried to the greatest ex- tent in Ci/clostoiixc elegants, in which species the foot is medially cleft and separated along its whole length, each part being advanced alternately during locomotion. In V(tlv(tf(( pisciiialiti and D. criatxtd this cleavage is confined to the prolonged anterior part of the foot, where the divided parts become widely separated and divergent, simnlating a pair of jiodial tentacles. In onr native species of Vlviparx, although the anterior portion of the foot is similarly prolonged beyond the muzzle, it is not medially cleft, so that the crea- ture is said to be prevented from feeding except when at rest. In Lima,)’, A)-io)), etc., the sole is more or less distinctly longitudinally tripartite, the side areas being nsnally more darkly and distinctly pigmented than the locomotory mid area, owing to the thickening of the epithelial and snb-epithelial mnscnlature which Fir,. 3Sl. — Cyclostoma elegans, showing the longiiutlinally cleft foot, with the right segment in use, the left being contracted and raised, X 2 (after Simroth). Fig. 382. — I’alvaia J>lscifiallsy showing the cleft and divergent anterior ends of the foot, X 2. Fig. 383. — Sole of Lhna.v cine>ro-uiy:e>% showing the trifasciate foot and the muscular waves of the mid area, vi.sible during movement (after Simroth). prevents its free pigmentation, d'he side and mid areas in Llma.r, though not in Ai'hin, are also separated by more or less distinct longi- tudinal furrows, which, though often imperceptible during life, become visible after the immersion of the animal in boiling water or alcohol ; but in the testaceous Enthyneures the entire sole is more or less REPTARY AND SUBREPTATORY FOOT. 195 locomotory and muscular, being apparently homogeneous in structure altliough the mode of pigmentation is not uniform, even in closely allied species. In Helix aspersa trifasciation is perceptible owing to the greater pigmentation of the side areas, but in Helix pomatia the mid area is the most darkly coloured, the sides being usually (piite unpigmented and very distinctly defined thereby. In the Pelecypods the foot arises ventrally from the body, and in Nucula and otlier archaic s})ecies forms a fiat sole or creeping disc, by the expansion of the deep longitudinal cleft therein; such forms are distinguished as Reptary, and present a curious similarity to Helix pomatia and certain other species, in which the foot is longitudinally folded up in the same manner when the animal is retiring wdthin its shell. j\Iost of our species are, however, Subreptatory, possessing a laterally compressed, very extensile and fiexible linguiform or axe-shaped organ, with annular muscular bands to assist in its extension and longitudinal muscles for its retraction, being, however, still expansible as a fiattened crawling disc, although the longitudinal groove charac- terizing the primitive Reptary foot has become lost. The degTee of Fig. 386. — Drcissetisia polyiuorpha (Pall), Fig. 385. — Sphcerium rhncola (Leach), Canal, Northampton, showing the Subreptatory burrowing or Collected by Mr. L. E. Adams, B.A., crawling foot. Showing the digiiiform and vestigial foot. development is in correlation with the habits and locomotory powers of the mollusk, as it may be modified to form an efficient burrowing organ and tend to assume a more anterior position or become somewhat digitiform and vestigial, as in Dreissensia. The tip is often more deeply coloured and of a reddish tint, owung to the presence of Tetronerythrine, a substance which corresponds with the hfemoglobin of Planm-his and the higher animals and serves for cutaneous respira- tion by its great affinity for oxygen. The tissue of the protruded foot becomes rapidly firm and rigid by blood pressure or, as some believe, by inception of the surrounding Fig. nuc/cus (h.) (after H. A. Adams), showing the longitudinally grooved or primitiv’e Reptary foot. 106 PEDAL GLANDS. water within a system of vessels wliieh may or may not communicate with the circulatory hlood system ; the orihces supposed to he aquiferous are, however, merely the outlets of aggregatetl mucous glands or the vestigial opening of the hyssogenous gland which are all placed on the posterior side of the foot. In Xaticd josephimi, a marine Gastropod, it has, however, been fully establi.shed that, ([uite independently of the l ilood system, the foot does contain a very comple.x and extensive water vascular system, hy means of which the foot can he very rapidly expanded and extended for locomotion. 'fhe surface of the foot is richly ciliated and furnished with a great number of unicellular mucous glands, but there are also distinct invaginations of the ectoderm or integument, known as Pedal glands, where mucous cells are aggregated together and distinctly localized. An Anterior Pedal Gland is i)ossossed by the active a(|mdic Strep- tonenres, which opens at the anterior end of the foot by a transverse groove and secretes mucus for the lulirication of the foot and to aid in the process of crawling. This gland is represented in the Puhnonates and in terrestrial Streptoneures by the Snpra- I’edal gland, known also as the sinus of Kleehurg, a long e])ithelial tube with ciliated ventral snrfiice, jilaced between the muzzle and the foot, which was formerly thought to he an oltactory organ, Imt which serves as a reservoir and duct for the mucus which its inve.sting cells abundantly secrete. In C^clostfinid this gland becomes bihd posteriorly in harmony with the longitu- dinally divided foot. 'I’he Ventral Pedal tSinus is found in Cydmfnmd and many Streptoneures, being comparable with the byssal cavity of the Pelecypods. It opens on the anterior portion of the foot-sole, torming the apertiu'e of the sole gland, whose glandular epithelial Fua 387. — Prosoma of Helix x 2, r'howing ihe position of the Supra-Peclal Gland, Fig. 388. — Supra-Pedal Gland of Cyclosto7)ia elegans{2i{\.^x Siniroth), highly magnified, showing the bifid posterior prolongations. PEDAL GLANDS. 197 walls project into the lumen of the body, as a multitude of rauiifyiug tubules and follicles. The Caudal gdaiids are often found in terrestrial Gastropods at the upper surface of the posterior end of the body, and form a sinus or cavity, such as is present in Hyalinhi and very conspicuous in Arion. In the foreign genera the gland is sometimes distinguished by the development of a more or less striking pr-otnberance. Its secre- tions, which are very abundant and much denser than those from the skin, accumulate in the more or less triangular caudal cavity. The Pelecypods sometimes possess on the posterior median line an orifice which is homologous with the Ventral pedal sinus of the Gastropods, and communicates with a byssal cavity in which are gathered the secretions of the foot glands, which have permeated the epithelial cellules lining the byssal cavity, and harden on ex2)osure in elastic adhesive filaments, whose aggregation forms the byssus and serves to attach the animal, as in Dreissensla. The byssal gland varies greatly in development in different genera and is often present in the young stage when absent in the adult. The calcareous plug of Anomia is a modified byssus. In addition, there are in some species two other glandular orifices, one anterior and the other posterior to the position occupied by the vestigial byssal aperture, which it is possible may represent the anterior and posterior mucous glands of the Gastropoda. Although mucus is emitted from all parts of the body, that secreted by the Supra-Pedal gland is of the greatest consistency, and in the nude species especially, is exuded so plentifully as to leave an iridescent silvery or tinted mucous trail which marks the course the animal has travelled. This mucus hardens very quickly on exposure to air or water, becoming very tenacious and firm, and is utilized by some species as a means of locomotion and for descent from or ascent to an elevated position. Fig. 389. — The posterior dorsal aspect of Hyalinia. cellaria.^ contracted after scalding, to show the Caudal INIucus cavity, and in- cidentally the rugosities of the body, the fringe and the peripodial groove, X 16. fr. fringe ; caudal mucous gland ; p.f. peripodial furrow. 19S 1>ALLIAL FUSION. The Pallial Region. 'File ]\Iantle, or Palliiiiii, is a tliiii and vascular fold of the iiitegu- iiieiit, which is fused to and covers the dorsum of the body and arises during development around the primitive shell gland, its thickened and glandular margins, which are the active formative organs of the shell, enclosing, in conjunction with the body wall, a pallial cavity communicating more or less freely with the external medium and pro- tecting the resiiiratory organs, which may exist as gills or ctenidia for the respiration of water or, in the terrestrial species, may take the form of a lung constituted by an intricate network of blood vessels distributed upon the roof of the pallial cavity. In the Streptoneures and the more i)riniitive Pelecypods large I I}qiobranchial mucous glands are developed within the pallial cavity between the rectum and the branchiic. The Fusion of the pallial margins to each other and to the body wall to form an enclosed resi)iratory cavity, has not been carried to a great extent amongst the Streptoneures of our fauna, the cavity being more or less freely open anteriorly to the inhabited medium. In the Euthynenres this process has, however, become further advanced, and the jiallial margins have fused with the body wall, leaving only a .small contractile lateral oribce for respiratory and excretory purposes, which ilivides the mantle more or less distinctly into an anterior and a posterior lobe (.see p. 144, f. 304). In the Pelecyiioda the mantle is e(|ually developed laterally, en- closing a symmetrical iiallial cavity. In the more archaic forms, as Di.-iSr.nms illu.'itratmg the position anti mode of fusion of the mantle lohes of the Pelecypoda (after Lang). The arrow.s indicate the direction of the currents. right mantle iobe \f. foot. Fig. Illustrating the primitively open mantle with unseparated respiratory currents. Fig. HOI.— liiforate Pelecypod, showing a single point of fusion of the right and left mantle lobes, and separating the inhalent and exhalent currents. Fig 392.— A Triforate Pelecypod, showing two points of fusion, which form the e.'ihalent and inhalent orifices and a large pedal aperture. Nucula or Trujonia, the pallial margins are quite free ventrally, no provi,sion being made, except sucb as is provided by cilial action, tor the separation ot the pure incoming and the impure out-flowing currents. Specialization is evidenced by a vascular fusion of the mantle margins, primarily to ensure the separation of the in-Howing PALLIAL FUSION AND PROLONGATIONS. 199 and out-flowing streams, as this fusion almost invariably takes place near the middle of the posterior margin and cuts off fi’om the great ventral cleft a small exhalent postero-dorsal orifice, directly opposite to the anus ; the species with this single point of fusion, which thus divides the gTeat mantle opening into two apertures, a large antero- veutral pedo-hranchial cleft and a smaller dorso-posterior anal opening, are termed Biforate. The Naiads illustrate this stage of specialization, although the anal cleft is divided by a central subsidiary fusion into two distinct though coiiiiected orifices. The succeeding stage is characterized by a second point of fusion of the mantle margin, which invariably takes place at a point more ventral than the first and near the junction of the ventral and posterior margins, separating the great pedo-hranchial cleft into a branchial and a pedal opening, the anterior one serving for the protrusion of the foot, and the posterior one, which adjoins the anal pallial opening, forming the branchial or inhalent aperture ; there are thus three openings, which subserve three distinct functions ; such forms are kuowm as Triforate. This process of fusion is carried to a still further extent in species not within the scope of our studies, both by more points of con- crescence and by their gTeater extent. The Prolongation of the respiratory apertures to form retractile siphons is a further and extreme specialization of the fusion of the mantle margins, and appears to be a characteristic of an aquatic existence, being strikingly developed among the carnivorous marine Streptoneures. Amongst our species this feature is not noticealily developed, although in Vivipara the i-ight cephalic lobe, which is an outgrowth of the foot, becomes folded and forms a siphon which con- ducts the respiratory water to the branchial cavity. Fig. 393. — Limtuea stagnalis V7\.x. fragilis (L.), Chislehurst, Kent, collected by Mr. S. C. Cockerell, showing the respiratory aperture contracted. Fig. 394. — Li))i>upa pcregc>'(^ (Miill.), Christ- church, Hants., showing the prolongation of the pulmonary aperture as a respiratory tube. Amongst the Basommatophora the Limnwcc especially are capable PALLIAL prolongations. •200 of foniiiiiK the pallial margin of the respiratory orifice into a long, conical and extensile tube, the delicately sensitive apical orifice of which is kept closed until it reaches the surface of the water, when it is opened to the air for respiratory purposes. In the Pelecypoda the develoiinient of the branchial and anal orifices to form elongate siphons is ai)parently one of the modifica- tions more esi)ecially fitting the mollusk for flnviatile or estuarine life hut is more palpably correlated with the habit of burrowing deejily in the muddy or sandy bed of the water they inhabit, and where this lieculiar habit of concealment is carried out to the greatest extent the longest siidions are developed, and the constant and regular stream of water necessary for respiratory and alimentary purposes is only able to enter and leave the pallial cavity by means of the elongate si])hons, whose protractile orifices i)roject into the water above tlie place of concealment of the animal ; while in those species which Fig. 395. — Pisuiiunt amnicttin (Miill.) Fig. 396. — Spha'rium corneum (L.) X 2, X 2, illustraling the development of a single illustrating the development of two distinct siphon. siphonal tubes. Kettering, collected by Mr. C. E. Wright. Kettering, collected by Mr. C. E. Wright. live or move freely in the water, the mantle is usually completely open with res})iratory apertures very slightly or not at all prolonged and the papillcC, tentacles and other protuberances more or less sensory in character are distributed indiscriminately along all the free mantle margin. In tlie burrowing forms these accessory sensoiy organs are more or less concentrated at the posterior margin, around the siphonal ai)ertures, but more especially at the branchial or inhalent opening. These prolonged muscular tubes or siphons, which are mostly protruded by blood pressure and withdrawn by the contraction of the modified orbicular muscles, are often separated and form two out- wardly distinct channels, as in Sphwnum, but are very variable in their relative length; in Dreissensia and S}}hwrium the branchial siphon is longer than the anal one ; but in Pisidimi the reverse is very strikingly shown, as although the anal siphon is greatly prolonged, the branchial aperture remains unseparated and undifferentiated from the great mantle cleft. PALLIAL OUTGROWTHS. 201 Fig. 397. — Planorbis corneus {L,.), showing the exsertile Auriform Lobe (after Pelseneer). rJ. respiratory or auriform lobe. Tlie Extension or outgrowth of the mantle margins may, as in the Euthynenra, form the Auriform Lobe, known as the respiratory and also as the fecal lobe, a tegumentary appendage near the respira- toiy orifice, which may bear the anus or termination of the rectum. In Planorhis this lobe is largely develoi)ed and exsertile with a rich vascularization, and a similar but much smaller and slightly twisted prominence has been observed to exist in certain species of the Helicida'. The “balancier” of Vitr'ma is a somewhat spatulate outgrowth above the respiratory orifice, kept in almost incessant motion by the animal. The Columellar Lobule, a somewhat triangular pallial process of the hinder margin, is also developed in some species and is especially noticeable in those forms in which the umbilicus is closed by a shelly deposit. In the Streptoneura of our fauna the instances of pallial outgTOwths are few and insignificant. In Yimpara, the right mantle margin bears a number of slender but hollow processes of various sizes, which give rise to the spiral rows of minute hairs which encircle the young .shell, and Valvata possesses a well developed pallial tentacle on the right side which has been thought to be the vestigial representative of the vanished, but primitively left ctenidium. In the Pelecypoda similar processes evidently exi,st on the mantle of Sphcurium corneum, whose shell when young bears numerous small and projecting hair-like processes. The Enclosure of the shell within the mantle, owing to the exten- sion and fusion of the pallial margins, is known to exist in exotic species belonging to each of the groups of mollusca represented in our fauna, yet it is only in the Euthyneures that we have species which enable us, though disconnectedly, to show some of the stages in this particular line of pallial specialization, which leads us from the typical Helix, with the mantle margins extending to or slightly overlapping the aperture of the shell, to Avion, with the shell covered in and practically lost by the overfolding of the mantle. That Avion and other naked species are derived from forms with distinctly developed shells is shown not only by their retention of the vestiges of a shell, but by passing through a stage of development in which a distinct spiral shell, containing the intestinal sac, is present. 2(»2 PALLIAL OUTGROWTHS. and the asynniietry of their internal organs and external orifices can only he satisfactorily explained as having been inherited from ancestors with spirally twisted intestinal sacs and shells. In Vitrina we have the first distinct stage in this process of the degeneration of the shell hy its enclosure within the pallial folds, which project anteriorly in the form of an incipient limacoid shield and laterally as a si)atnliform lobe, both partially overspreading the external surface of the shell, which is evidently reduced in size as well as in substance, as the body of the animal is now only capable of being wholly contained within the shell during dry weather. P//>/s(> fontinaliK, though not a Stylommatophore, will serve to show a further advance in the develo})ment of the mantle lobes, as although they still have a very digitate character, especially ou the left side, they have almost oversjiread the shell. The comparatively large size of the foot is due to the diminution in size of the shell. Pig. 398. Fig. 399. Fig. 4(10. Illustrating the stages of the leading to the degeneration and loss of the shell owing to its enclosure within the pallial lobes. Fig. 398. — I'itrina fcUucida (Midi.) X 1.4, Horsforth, near Leeds, showing the first stages of pallial e.\pansion. Fig. 'i'Xi.—Physn fimthialis {J..) X 2, River Tome, Doncaster, illustrating a further advance of the process. _ Fig. 400. — Atuphipff'lca glutinosa (Midi.), Skidby Drain, Hull, collected by Mr. F. W. Fierke, in which the shell is almost entirely enveloped by the m.antle. Amphqn'pkd glutinosa, another Basommatophore, idthough able to entirely cover the shell by its extended p;dlial lobes, does not usually do so, a small rhomboidal dorsal space being generally left uncovered, enabling the maculate body of the .uiimal to be seen through the transparent shell. The foot does not exhibit any disiiro- portionate size in comparison with the size of the shell, owing to the degeneration the shell is undergoing having more especially affected its substance and not its magnitude. In :dl these cases it is instruc- tive to observe the noticeable paucity in the number of whorls of the shell and the exceeding delicacy and tenuity of its substance, both characters induced by the overwrapping of the mantle lobes. The genus Avion illustrates the disappearance of a definite shell, the anterior mantle or shield, as it is called, having assumed a very tough and leathery consistency, its margins comi)letely overlapping and fusing together to f(.)rm a sac enclosing the calcareous granula- tions which rejiresent the vestigial shell. pallial outgrowths and degeneration. ‘20;^. When thiLS developed, the interior surface of the mantle having- become permanently external, assumes special sculpture and markings in harmony with those of the body. In the Limaces it becomes more or less regularly concentrically fniTowed, hut in Avion these concentric wrinkles are not perceptible, the whole surfiice being some- what uniformly granular, although during strong Fig. 101. — Arion horteiisis F^r., Horsforth, near COlltractlOn ail appcaraiice Leeds, illustrating the complete infolding of the shell n . • .j. • j • by the mantle and its consequent atrophy and loss. Oi COllCGlltriC StriRtlOll IS apparent at the anterior end. In Amalia the mantle, though simply rugose, displays a smooth, somewhat rhomboidal furrow, which is deepest on the right side ; it is sub-angulate in fi-oiit, rounded on the left side and distinctly angulate on the right, the point joining the anal furrow anterior to the respiratory orihce ; its use may possibly be to drain some secretion into the mantle cleft. In the Pelecypoda of our fauna we have no examples of such high pallial specialization as we find in the Arionidw and Limacidw, although such a form is actually known ; the genus Chlamydoconcha having the mantle lobes so greatly developed that they have com- pletely enclosed the shell, the valves of which have lost their con- necting ligament and adductors and are now separately imbedded within the pallial lobes. The Reduction in Size of the mantle and shell may be in correlation with the detorsion of the visceral sac or from adaptation to special or Fig. 402. — Tcstacella haliotidea Drap., Oxford, collected by Prof. E. B. Poulton, Illustrating the reduction of the mantle and shell resulting from the detorsion of the body and adaptation to a special mode of life, and incidentally showing the strongly marked lateral grooves. peculiar habits of life, and we have a striking exemplification of this feature in the genus Testacella, a group of mollusks especially adapted to a subterranean existence, in which the visceral sac has become untwisted and the respiratory organs returned to the rear of the animal, the mantle being reduced to the smallest dimensions and placed at the extreme hinder end of the body, its shell forming a shield or protection at the rear while the creature is traversing the worm- burrows in search of the worms upon which it feeds. 204 BODY SCULPTURE. With the atrophy or redaction of the shell and its predominant intlnence as a modifying factor lost, the foot, the body, and the mantle are free to develop sncli protective moditications in form, colour, textnre or function as may he best adapted to compensate for its loss, snch compensation may be by the development of a thicker and tougher integument, of a more abundant mncosity, or of colonring or markings harmonizing more closely with the nsnal snrronndings of the animal ; in marine species, stinging cells, antotomy or voluntary amputations of portions of the body, and a great capacity for regenera- tion of injured parts may be instanced as some of the compensatory attributes that have been accpured. The Visceral or Body Region. 'I'he Body is usually more or less covered by the mantle, and consists in the testaceous species of the dorsally projecting, visceral sac and the connected cavity above the muscular foot. It varies in shape according to the genus and in the xirionidw and Lbnacidw the spirally coiled dor.sal region, which characterizes the testaceous Gastropods, Diagrammatic sections showing the arrangement of the visceral sac, etc., in the coiled HcUcidte and the secondarily symmetrical Lintacidf nervous stimuli is always accompanied by enlargement of the nerve cells and their nuclei, and exhaustion is shown by their shrivelling and the presence of diffuse chromatin therein. Ganglia may be of a primary, secondarj% or accessory character. The primary ganglia are the large compact and paired nerve masses, which have their moities placed at opposite sides of the body, but connected together by commissures, which always cross the median longitudinal line : they comprise the cerebral or supra-oesophageal ganglia and the ganglia directly connected therewith by paired connectives ; the secondary or commissural ganglia are the lesser nerve masses which are more or less closely associated together to form the compound visceral ganglia ; and the accessory nerve masses are the small additional ganglia developed on the courses of the various nerves to subserve some special function. The Connectives are important nerve trunks richly furnished with ganglion cells along their whole course ; they are always longitudinally directed and do not cross the median line, but connect together the ganglia at the same side of the body. The three connectives which primitively originate from the right cerebral ganglion are the cerebro-pedal, which connects the right cerebral and the right pedal ganglia ; the cerebro - pleural, which joins the right cerebral and the right Fig. 418. — Section through cerebro- pleuro - pedal connective of Unio pictortivt showing the ganglion celjs interspersed amongst the nerve substance, X 175 (after Rawitz). pleural ganglia ; and the cerebro-buccal, which unites the right cerebral with the right buccal or stomato-gastric ganglion, when the latter are recognizably present ; the left cerebral ganglion is similarly joined to the left moities of the other ganglia, and in addition the right and left pedal ganglia are also united with the right and left pleural ganglia by the pleuro-pedal connectives. The Commissures are transverse nerve cords, usually with few ganglion cells, which cross the median line of the body more or less directly and connect together the moities of the same ganglionic centre placed at opposite sides of the median line ; thus the cerebral commissure joins the right and left moities of the cerebral ganglia above the oesophagus, while the remaining ganglia, the pedal, the visceral, and the buccal or stomato-gastric, are similarly connected beneath it. 212 NERVOUS SYSTEM — NERVE FIBRILS. The Nerve Fibrils are the delicate whitish nerve threads, composed nearly exclusively of parallel longitudinal filaments arising directly from the ganglia or from the various nerve cords, and whose minute ramifications extend to every part of the body; they act as con- ductors or conveyors of nerve force or stimuli, to and from the various ganglia and the different organs without affecting the inter- vening tissues through which they necessarily pass ; they may be divided, according to their function, into Afferent or Sensoiy and Efferent or Motor nerves. The Afferent nerves terminate on the surface of the body or within the sensory organs, in the form of suitably modified neuro-epithelial cells, and convey tactile or more distinctly specialized acts of per- ception to the cerebral or other ganglia, and also connect together the Fig. 419. — Afferent nerve fibre, connecting the integumental neuro-epithelial cell with the sensory ganglion cell, within which is the nuclear network and the nucleolus, X 600 (after Hernard). sensory cells therein. At the surface of the body they form slender and fusiform, or externally expanded cells, sometimes bearing tufts of sensory hairs, but the ends may also become divided and di.stributed within the integument. The Efferent nerves unite together the motor cells of the ganglia, and convey neivous impulses or impressions from the ganglia to the various organs of the body. The efferent nerves may be of a Motor, Sympathetic or luhihitory character. The Motor nerves are those which terminate within and excite contractions of the muscles of the body, or if distributed amongst the glands, excite a more abundant aJ w Fig. 420. — Efferent nerve fibre, with the motor ganglion cell, from which it arises, and showing its connection to a muscle cell, X 6UU (modified after Boa.s). flow of their secretions ; the Sympathetic nerves regulate the involun- tary and more or less rhythmical motions of the internal organs, while the Inhibitory nerves, which chiefly or solely arise from the cerebral ganglia, affect the action of all other nerve centres, moderating or annulling their influence. The afferent and efferent nerves traverse the organs together, but are quite distinct and equally cease to act when their connection with the centre is interrupted or destroyed. NERVOUS SYSTEM — GASTROPODA. 213 In the Mollusca there are generally four chief nerve masses or ganglia, which may be broadly classified as Supra-oesophageal and Sub-oesophageal, according to their position above or beneath the alimentary canal. The supra-oesophageal neiwe mass is composed solely of the Cerebral or Sensory ganglia, while the compound sub- oesophageal group is formed by the Pedal or Motor ganglia, and the Visceral and the Buccal or Stomato-gastric centres, which to a certain extent are comparable to a sympathetic system. The cerebral and pedal ganglia are essentially nerve centres for the ectodermic organs, the buccal ganglia for those of the endoderm and the combined visceral centre for those of mesodermic origin. All these centres are each more or less distinctly paired in correlation with the bilateral arrangement of many of the organs of the body, but they are all Fig. 421. — Diagrammatic obliquely dorsal view of the nervous system of a Gastropod, showing the four nerve centres and their commissures enclosed separately within dotted lines. b.g. paired buccal ganglia (the curved line and arrow indicate the change in position they undergo in some species by the retraction of the buccal bulb) ; c.g. paired cerebral ganglia ; p.g, paired pedal ganglia ; the compound visceral centre is also enclosed by a dotted line and is formed by the pleural ganglia, pa.^. pallial ganglia, and ab.g, abdominal ganglion. liable to vary in size and importance and in the amount or mode of fusion with each other or with neighbouring ganglia in accordance with the specialization the animal or its organs have undergone. The Gastropoda, in their nervous system, exhibit throughout our British species the four normal paired nerve centres, which form three more or less confluent nerve loops encircling the alimentary canal, all of which arise from the supra-oesophageal ganglia, and, according as they do or do not exhibit a twist or crossing of the posterior nerve cords, have been distinguished as Streptoneura and Euthyneura respectively. The Streptoneura or Chiastoneura constitute a group practically co-exteusive with the older gvoups Prosobranchiata and Operculata, and is composed of the most primitive and archaic of our species, the nervous system being still characterized by the innervation of the male organ of reproduction from the pedal ganglia, by the widely separated visceral centres, and more especially by the remarkable crossing of the pleuro-abdominal commissures arising from the semi-rotation of the visceral sac. •214 NERVOUS SYSTEM — STllEPTONEURA AND EUTHYNEURA. In the Euthyneura the male organ is innervated froiiit he cerebral and not from the pedal ganglia, and the pleuro-abdominal commis- sures do not exhibit the crossing that so markedly characterizes the Streptonenres, bnt Prof. Pelseneer lias demonstrated the probability of the former existence of a similar torsion which is shown not only by the retention of a partial streptoneury by some of the more arcliaic })nlmonate genera, bnt by the right pallia! ganglion still occupying a more elevated iiositiou than the left, perhaps due to its previous su})ra-intestinal position. Fig. 423. — Diagram of the nervous system of an Euthyneure, Lijnntea pcrcgra (Milll.), showing the concentration of the visceral ganglia and the dextral position of the morphologically right osphradium (modified after Spengel). abdominal ganglion ; buccal commissure; h.g. buccal ganglia; cJkc* cerebro-buccal connectives ; c,g, cerebral ganglia ; c.p.c, cerebro-pedal connectives ; l.d. left dialyneurous nerve ; t?/. otocyst ; osphradium ; p.g. pedal ganglia ; pci^g- pallial ganglia ; pleural ganglia ; pl.p.c. pleuro-pedal connectives; p/.pa.c. pleuro-pallial commissures \p.a.c. pleuro-abdominal com- missures ; r.d. right dialyneurous nerve ; sb.g» subintestinal ganglion ; sp.g. supra-intestinal ganglion. Ill the Stylommatophora the greatest aniount of specialization is exhibited, the various ganglia having become more or less closely aggregated around the jdiarynx, behind the buccal bulb, by the shortening of the conneetives and commissures, the buccal bulb being capable of withdrawal or protrusion through the cerebro- visceral nerve loop, as in Ilelix asj^ersa and other species, but in some genera, as Sacciuea, the cerebro-iileiiral connectives have by specializa- tion become so short and the cerebro-visceral opening so contracted thereliy that the buccal bulb cannot be withdrawn through the nerve- ring, and is therefore practically immoveable. NERVOUS SYSTEM — PELECYPODA. 215 The Basommatophora do not exhibit so marked a concentration of the ganglia as is shown by the Stylommatophora, bnt Flanorhh displays the same constriction of the cerebro-visceral nerve ring Fig. 4*24. — Semi-schematic view of the prosoma of LbnaXy showing the arrangement of the ganglia, nerves and other organs and their relation to the protrusible and retractile buccal bulb, X 3 (after Pelseneer). a. abdominal ganglion ; c. cerebral ganglia, with the in- fero-posterior buccal ganglia and also showing nerve pro- longations to the eyes, rhinophores, labial lobes, Semper’s lobes, etc. ; (e. oesophagus ; pedal ganglia ; pedal gland ; pL pleural ganglia ; S.l. Semper’s lobes ; u. anterior aorta : v. visceral or pallial ganglia. around the oesophagus as exists in Succinea, Fig. 425. — The buccal bulb of Succinea pittr.'s(X“)i showing the close constriction of the cerebro- ^'isceral nerve ring around the oesophagus, cephalic retractors and saliv'ary ducts, owing to the shortening of the cerebro-pleural connectives, which totally prevents the retraction of the buccal bulb through the nerve ring, X 8. which eciually prevents the withdrawal of the buccal bulb. In the Pelecypoda the nervous system is c^uite symmetrical and apparently simpler in character than in the Gastropods, but this chiefly arises from the fusion and combination of ganglia which are Diagrammatic dorsally oblique views of the nervous system, to show the mode by which the apparently simpler nervous organization of the Pelecypoda has arisen from the more complicated arrangement of their assumed ancestor. Fig. 426. — Nervous system of a primitive mollusk, showing the posteriorly directed buccal ganglia, the distinct pleural and pallial centres, and the paired abdominal ganglia. Fig. 427. — An intermediate stage, showing the approximation of the pallial and abdominal and of the cerebral and pleural ganglia, which eventually fuse and form the visceral or parieto-splanchnic and the cerebro-pleural ganglia respectively of the Pelecypoda, the cerebro-pedal and the pleuro- pedal connectives also combining in a part of their course owing to the increasing approximation of the pleural to the cerebral ganglia ; the buccal ganglia also tend to combine with the cerebro- abdominal nerve cords. Fig. 428. — Nervous system of a Pelecj’pod, showing the completion of the fusion of the cere- bral and pleural ganglia, and of the pallial and abdominal ganglia to form the cerebro-pleural and visceral ganglia respectively. The buccal ganglia and connectives are completely fused with the commissures from the cerebro-pleural ganglia, and the cerebro-pedal and cerebro-pleural connectives have also become intimately joined together. ai.g^. abdominal ganglia ; b.g". buccal ganglia ; c.c. cerebral commissure ; c.g. cerebral ganglia ; c.p.c. cerebro-pedal connective ; c.pLp.c. cerebro-pleuro-pedal connective ; cerebro-pleuro- visceral commissures ; cerebro-pleural connective ; c,pl.g. cerebro-pleural ganglia ; pa.a.c. pallio-abdominal commissures ; Pa.g. pallial ganglia ; p.g, pedal ganglia ; pLg. pleural ganglia ; pLpa.c. pleuro-pallial commissures ; pl.p.c. pleuro-pedal connective ; v.g. visceral ganglia. often distinctly separated in Gastropods. Usually there are only three distinct but widely separated nervous masses, known as the •JIG NERVOUS SYSTEM — PELECYPODA. cerobro-pleural, the pedal and the visceral or parieto-splaiichuic centres, which are joined together by connectives and connnissnres forming two nerve loops encircling the alimentary canal, the long and important cerebro- plenro-visceral commissures, which ex- tend almost the whole length of the body, containing many ganglion cells. The efi'erent nerves, which give rise to the contraction of the adductor muscles, always arise from the ganglia in their immediate proximity, but the inhibitory nerve tibres, which produce their relaxation and alloAV the shell to gape owing to the elasticity of the liga- ment, are stated to arise exclusively from the cerebral ganglia. The buccal or stomato-gastric and the j)leural ganglia and the pleuro- pedal connective, wddch were formerly considered as peculiarly characteri.stic of the (xastropoda, are also really ju'esent in Pelecypods, but are usually so intimately fused with the neigh- bouring parts of the nervous system that their combination can only be satisfactorily demonstrated by the microscoi)ical examinations of suitable sections. The Cerebral or Sensory ganglia, sometimes also termed the liuccal, sui)ra-cesophageal or post-oesophageal ganglia, originate as a paired epihlastic thickening within the velar area and are sometimes fused together, but when separate the constituent parts are joined by commissures above the oesophagus, by the siile of which these ganglia are placed. In adolition to innervating the head and its sensory organs, they give off branches to the anterior body wall ami to the otocysts, and are the chief point of convergence of the afferent nerves, lint vary in development in correlation with the functional importance of the organs innervated, and are joined by connectives with the sub-oesophageal centres forming nerve loops which surround the alimentary canal. of a Pelecypod, Anodonta cygnea (L.). a. ad. anterior adductor nerves; a.itt. anterior mantle nerves; h.n. branchial nerves ; c.c. cerel)ral commissure ; cerebro-pleural ganglia ; cere- bro-pleuro-pednl connectives ; c.p/.7>.c. cercbro-pleuro-visceral commissure ; /.«. rectal and cardiac nerves ; m.n. median mantle nerves ; of. otocyst ; p, posterior mantle nerves ; p.n. pedal nerves ; r.ti. renal nerves ; s.n. nerves to siphonal tentacles ; x>.g. visceral ganglion ; v.p.n. nerves along kidney to hinder part of foot. NERVOUS SYSTEM — CEREBRAL GANGLIA. 217 In the most primitive Streptoueures the cerebral ganglia are joined in front of the buccal mass, but behind it in the more specialized forms; in Vivipam and J^eritina there is an additional but sub-cesophageal cerebral commissure, distinguished as the labial commissure, which passes beneath the cesophagns, and forms a fourth nerve collar around the alimentary canal. In the Stylommatophora the cerebral ganglia are closely approxi- mated dorsally, and distinct regions, from which special groups of nerves originate, are distinguishable therein, which have therefore been differentiated as the Protocerebrou, Mesocerebron, and Metacerebron. In the anterior protocerebral region, as well as in the terminal ganglia of the upper and lower tentacles and labial lobes, small .spherical sensory ganglion cells of uniform size are congregated, and in Helix pomatia especially the ganglion cells of the cerebral ganglia are more differentiated in size and polarity than those of the Basommatophora. Electrical or mechanical stimulation of the cerebral ganglia of Helix produces little or no perceptible effect, and the animal can survive their removal for four or five weeks, although remaining perfectly motionless. In the Pelecypoda the snpra-oesophageal or cerebro-pleural ganglia are generally small in correlation with the diminished importance of the cephalic region. They are placed near the pedal protractor and innervate the anterior adductor, the labial lobes, and the oral region generally, besides giving off the anterior pallial nerves, which ramify within the pallial margin and unite with the posterior pallial nerves arising from the visceral ganglia. They also furnish the nerves to the otocysts and, according to Pelseneer, to the osphradia also, and are composed of the cerebral ganglia united with the pleural ganglia of the visceral centre. This combination of the ganglia is clearly shown in the archaic genus Niicuki, in which the pleural ganglia, though in close proximity, have not yet fused with the cere- Fic. 430. — Cerebral ganglion cells, with their nerve prolongations, from Anodonta anatina (L.), X 500 (after Rawitz). '218 NERVOUS SYSTEM — PEDAL GANGLIA. bral centre, and conse(iuently the pleuro-pedal connectives are still distinct from the cerebro-pedal connectives, with which, in most si)ecies, they are intimately fused to form the compound cerebro- pleuro-pedal connective. The Pedal ganglia, also called the antero-inferior or suboesophageal ganglia, are placed beneath the msophagus and within or near the foot and are more especially motor ; they are earlier in development and more constant in their character than the viscei'al centres, and innervate the foot and its dependencies, being correlated in size with its development ; they are joined with the cerebral and visceral Fig. 431. — Pedal ganglion cells, with their nerve prolonga- ^ .1* 1 * 1 tions, from L/nio pictoru/n X oOO (after Rawitz). Uy pclllPtl COU- nectives and are usually in intimate association with the otocysts. In many Streptoneures the pedal ganglia still I'etain the archaic character of long ganglionic nerve cords, traversing the foot longi- tudinally and united at intervals by numerous slender commissural fibrils, in addition to the chief pedal commissure at the anterior end of the foot, near the junction of the cerebral and visceral connectives. Tbe regular repetition of these slender commissures recalls the ladder-like ai’rangement of the pedal nerves in the Isopleura. The male organ of repr(jduction is of l)edal nature and usually innervated by the pedal ganglia. In the Euthyneura the pedal ganglia have generally become intimately fused and approximated to the ventral side of the oesophagus, and usually bear the otocysts adherent to or actually imbedded in their umler surface. F'ig. 432.~Sole of yivipara vivipara (L.) to show the pedal nerve cords, which represent the pedal ganglia and also showing the central pedal blood sinus, X 3 (after Siniroth). NERVOUS SYSTEM — BUCCAL AND VISCERAL GANGLIA. 219 Electrical or mechanical stimulation of the suboesophageal ganglia of Helix causes vigorous muscular agitation, but the animal only suiTives their removal about twenty-four hours. Some Opisthobranchs possess in addition to the usual commissural connection between the pedal ganglia, a second, or as it is termed, a parapedal commissure. In the Pelecypoda the pedal ganglia are usually placed at the root of the foot near the junction of the visceral and muscular parts, and usually partially or closely fused together, with the otocysts in close proximity, although the otocystic nerves arise from the cerebral centre. The Buccal or Stomato-gastric ganglia are usually placed near the outlet of the salivary ducts, and vary greatly in their position in relation to the cerebral ganglia, according to the amount of protrusion of the buccal bulb ; they are connected together beneath the origin of the oesophagus, and, unlike other centres, are connected solely with the cerebral ganglia, and have only indirect communication with the pedal or visceral ganglia ; they innervate the stomach, oesophagus, salivary glands, anterior aorta, the pharyngeal muscles, etc., and are to some extent sympathetic in function. In the Streptoneura they were primitively permanently posterior to the cerebral ganglia, which were fixed in advance of the buccal bulb, but in many of the Euthyneures and more highly developed Strep- toneures, the buccal bulb is capable of protrusion beyond or retraction behind the cerebro-visceral nerve ring ; and as the buccal ganglia are fixed beneath the origin of the oesophagus, they participate in its movements and may therefore be in front of or behind the cerebral ganglia according to the state of protrusion or retraction of the buccal mass. In the Pelecypoda the buccal or stomato-gastric ganglia, which in the primitive mollusk innervated the anterior portion of the alimen- tary canal, are not apparent, but in correlation with the diminished importance of the head region, have degenerated and probably fused with the cerebro-pleuro-visceral commissures, which now supply the nerves to the early course of the alimentary tract. The Visceral ganglia, variously named the parieto- splanchnic, viscero-pleural, postero-superior, median or inferior, may be regarded as the characteristic nerve centre of the mollusca, and chiefly innervate the mesodermic organs; they are usually unsymmetrical 220 NERVOUS SYSTEM — VISCERAL GANGLIA. and composed of several distinct, secondary gangdionic enlargements, known as the pleural, the pallial or visceral, and the abdominal ganglia, which are developed upon the conrse of the commissure, which connects together the moities of the pleural ganglia and would a})pear to correspond with the pleuro-visceral cords of the Isopleura, they innervate the circulatory, the reproductive and the excretory organs. The Pleural constituents of the visceral centre are the most anteriorly placed, and it is naturally with them that the cerebral and pedal connectives are joined. They are exceedingly unstable in position, not only in reference to their degree of approximation with the associated ganglia Fig. 433.— Visceral ganglion cells • with their nerve prolongations, from ot tlieir SpeCUll gTOUp, but tO Otliei’ CeiltreS, Unio piciortim (L.), X 500 (after i n • Rawitz). as they may fuse into one mass with their own centre, or become intimately fused with the cerebral or with the pedal ganglia, and widely separated from their true position and associations; they chieHy innervate the mantle, the coluniellar muscle, and the body wall behind the head. The Pallial, parietal, intestinal or visceral ganglia, as they are variously termed, have been supposed to represent, in a concentrated form, the many nerves supplying the gill leaflets in the Isopleura ; they innervate the respiratory organs, the osphradia and the mantle generally, and are developed upon the pleuro-abdominal commissures, and when distinct from the abdominal centre divide them each into an anterior Pleuro-pallial commissure, uniting the pleural and pallial ganglia, and a posterior Pallio-ahdominal commissure connecting the pallial with the Abdominal ganglion, the latter ganglion terminates the nerve loop and more especially innervates the genital gland and viscera, and although now usually apparently single, has probably arisen by fusion from a primitively paired condition. In the Streptoneura the visceral ganglia are often much scattered and a considerable distance apart, and owing to the rotation of the visceral dome, described at page 206 et seq., tlie organs originally occupying the right side of the mantle cavity at the rear of the animal have become transferred to the left siile above the neck, and the NERVOUS SYSTEM — VISCERAL GANGLIA AND STREPTONEURY. 221 originally left posterior organs become placed on the right side of the now anterior mantle cavity, and as the pallial ganglia have been in- volved in this movement, the originally right pallial ganglion has passed to the left side of the body above the intestine, and has therefore been distinguished as the Supra-intestinal ganglion, and innervates the primitively right ctenidium and osphradium, which the torsion of the body has also transferred to the left side of the anterior pallial cavity, while the primitively left pallial ganglion has passed beneath the Fig. 134. Fig. 435. Fig. 436. Fig. 437. Diagrams illustrating the process by which the crossing of the visceral nerves or Streptoneury is accomplished (after Lang). Fig. 434 shows the primitive untwisted condition of the nerves. Fig. 435 and Fig. 436 show the process partially accomplished, and Fig. 437 shows the crossing of the commissures completed, the semi-rotation of the visceral sac being accomplished. The arrows indicate the direction of the movement. a. anus ; /. foot; //. heart ; Lc. left ctenidium, with osphradium at base; l.v, left visceral or pallial ganglion ; i?. oesophagus ; p.Lc. primitively left ctenidium and osphradium, now however placed on the actual right of the body owing to the rotation of the visceral sac; p.l.v. primitively left, but now the actually right visceral or pallial ganglion ; p.rx. primitively right, but now the actually left ctenidium and osphradium ; p.r.v. primitively right, but now actually left visceral or pallial ganglion ; r.c. right ctenidium and osphradium ; r.v. right visceral or pallial ganglion. intestine to the right side of the body and is now known as the Sub-intestinal ganglion; the commissures connecting these ganglia to the pleural and abdominal ganglia, which were straight and un- twisted in the hypothetical primitive mollusk, are by this movement crossed and form a figure of 8, this feature constituting Streptoneury. In the Euthyneura the aggregation of the various constituents of the visceral ganglia is earned out to the greatest extent, the whole of the ganglia having usually become more or less concentrated and fused together around the pharynx, owing to which and to the partial detorsion the visceral sac has undergone, the pleuro-abdominal commissures are not crossed and the osphradium, when retained, is placed at the side of the body to which it morphologically belongs, while the increased importance of the cephalic region, and the reduc- tion and displacement of the mantle posteriorly has resulted in the innervation of the mantle devolving upon the pallial ganglia. In the Pelecypoda the visceral or parieto-splanchnic ganglia are widely distant from the cerebro-pleural centre, and as the pleural NERVOUS SYSTEM — DIALYNEURY. 0-)-> constituents of tliis centre have by specialization become quite separateil and fused with the cerebral ganglia, are probably formed by the fusion of the pallial and abdominal centres of the primitive mollnsk, the moities of this centre being however still separate in the ])rimitive genus Xaculii. The visceral ganglia are usually in contact with and ventral to the posterior adductor muscle and innervate the gills, the posterior adductor, and the viscera generally. They also give origin to the posterior pallial plexus, which innervates the respiratoiy oribces and the mantle margins and fuses midway therein with the pallial nerve from the cerebro-pleural ganglia. 'fbe term (Irtboneuroid was formerly applied to the nervous system of Xeritiud and Ilvlkhui, the supra - inte.stinal commissure and ganglion being stated to be debcient in those groups, and the crossing of the pleuro-abdominal commissures, characteristic of the Strei>tonenra, being consecpiently denied to exist. This belief is, however, erroneous, as no truly ortboneuroid mollnsks are known. Dialyneury exists only in the Streptoneura and consists in the establishment of a direct nerve connection between the constituent ganglia of the visceral centre, morphologically belonging to 0})posite sides of the body ; this connection arising on the left side by the Fig. 438. — Nervous system of Cyclostoma elcgans (Mull.), illustrating Dialyneury (after Lacaze-Duthiers). Ld. nerve from the left pleural ganglion fused with the pallial branchial nerve, arising from the supra-intestinal ganglion and forming left Dialy- neury ; r.d. nerve from the right pleuro-pedal connective anastomosing with the pallial nerve from the subintestinal ganglion and constituting right Dialyneury. ah.g. abdominal ganglion ; b.c. buccal commis- sure ; h.g. buccal ganglia ; c.b.c. cerebro-buccal connective; cerebral ganglia; c.p.c. cerebro- pedal connective ; ot. otocyst ; osp, osphradium ; p.g. pedal ganglia;//.^, pleural ganglia ; //./.r. pleuro-pedal connective ; p/.pa.c. pleuro-pallial commissure ; />.a.c. pallio-abdominal commissures ; sb.g. subintestinal ganglion ; sp.g. supra-intestinal ganglion. mantle nerve from tlie left pleural ganglion fusing with the branchial nerve emanating from the supra-intestinal or primitively right pallial ganglion, thus forming a nerve loop above the alimentary canal ; and by a similar junction having been effected beneath it on the right side of the body between the pallial nerve arising from the right pleuro-i)edal connective, but whose bbres probably originate in the right NERVOUS SYSTEM — ZYGONEURY AND SENSORY ORGANS. 223 pleural ganglion and the pallial nerve from the primitively left pallial or sub-intestinal ganglion, the crossing of the pleuro-abdominal com- missures having brought these ganglia into close proximity, although prior to it occupying opposite sides of the body. Zygoneury is an exaggerated development of Dialyneury, in which a much closer api)roximation or even a fusion takes place on one side of the body only, of the pleural and pallial ganglia, morphologically belonging to opposite sides of the median line, owing to the shortening of the pleuro-pallial commissure aud of the anastomosed nerves, whose connection constituted Dialyneury ; usually it is the primitively Fig. •139. — The nervous system of Bucchium undatujn (L.), illustrating Zygoneury to the right, and incidentally Dialyneury to the left (after Pelseneer). sb,g. subintestinal ganglion fused to the right pleural ganglion and constituting Zygoneury to the right ; supra- intestinal ganglion ; l.d. nerve joining the pallial nerve from the left pleural ganglion to the branchial nerve emanating from the supra-intestinal ganglion and constituting Dialyneury to the left. ab.s^. abdominal ganglion branchial nerves ; c.g. cerebral ganglia ; p.g. pedal ganglia ; p.n. pallial nerve; pLg. pleural ganglia; pLp.c. pleuro-pedal connective ; pa.a.c, pallio - abdominal commissures. left pallial or sub-intestinal ganglion which becomes closely associated with or actually fused to the right pleural ganglion, and constitutes Zygoneury to the right ; more rarely the primitively right pallial or supra-intestinal ganglion is similarly connected to the left pleural ganglion, and is distinguished as Zygoneury to the left. THE sensory organs. Interspersed among the glandular, ciliated, and simple epithelial cells, which cover the external surface of the mollusk, are a number of elongate or superficially expanded neuro-epithelial cells, known also as Flemming’s cells, which often bear one or more sensory hairs at the free end, and vary in number in the various areas, but may be congTegated together in certain definite parts of the body, each cell being continued at the base into a nerve fibre, which is connected with the central nervous system. These cells have not 224 OLFACTORY ORGANS — OSPHRADIUM. primitively a definite and precise function, and may respond to difi’erent stimuli, but when densely aggregated together in restricted areas of the body they form the sensory organs which, by the development of specialized parts adapted to collect and transmit particular forms of stimulation, convey to the mollusk more or less definite impressions of the character of external objects ; thus, the optic nerves are only sensitive to rays of light, and the olfactory nerve to the i>resence of odours, whereas the less specialized sensi- bility to tactile impressions is distri- buted over the entire surface of the body, which is extremely sensitive to the slightest contact. Fig. i40. — Sensory and epithelial cells, showing their arrangement, highly magnified (after Garnault). ep,c. epithelial cells ; s.c, neuro- epithelial or sensory cells. The Olfactive faculty is undoubtedly possessed by the mollusca, and almost every part of the animal has been suggested, at one time or another, as the seat of this function, l)ut modern investigation favours the view that although the tentacles and the sensory area near the resi)iratory orifice are the chief seats of this sense, yet the oral cavity in llellr, L'nnncca, and some other genera has also some olfac- tory power, while the whole soft skin of the animal, which somewhat resembles a pituitary memlwane, is probably also more or less sensible to the perception of odours. In the different genera this sense is more especially concentrated in, and exercised by morphologically distinct regions of the body, which according to their position are termed Osphradia or Rhinophores, the former being more esi)ecially adapted to a(piatic and the latter to aerial respiration : where both are present, their different degree of functional development is probably in inverse proportion to each other, one being probably in process of develo})ment and the other undergoing degeneration. The OsPHRADiUM (ocrc^paSior, from ocrc^pafro/rat, to smell) Or pallial olfactory organ, known as the organ of Lacaze and also as Spengel’s organ, is a primitively paired sensory structure, formed by tracts of suitably modified ciliated epithelium, usually innervated from the visceral or pallial ganglia and placed at the outer base of each ctenidium, functioning as an examiner and co-ordinator of the sensations received from the stream of inhalent w'ater which bathes the gills. OLFACTORY ORGANS — OSPHRADIUM. 225 The originally paired cdiaracter of the ospliradiuiu is still retained by the Pelecypods and the more archaic Streptonenra, bnt in the Gastropoda of onr fauna the torsion undergone by the body has, in dextral species and individuals, resulted in the atrophy and loss of the osphradinin and other organs of the primitively left side and of those of the primitively right side in such forms as are sinistrally coiled. The osphradium seems to be more particularly correlated with an acpiatic habit of life and the i)re- sence of a luanchial cavity, as it is j)ractically absent in terrestrial genera, and in those aquatic forms deficientof a pallia! chamber, though still persisting in some species that have comparatively recently relimprished an aquatic life and branchial respiration, but when thus present it always corresi)onds more or less closely in position with that of the vanished ctenidium, with which it was primitively associated. In its simplest form the Fig. 441. — Osphradium or palHal olfactory organ of Planorbis cornens (L.), highly magnified (after Felix Bernard). bi.s. blood sinus ; c. olfactory pit ; c.t. con- nectiv'e tissue : ^.c. olfactory' ganglion cells; s.cp. olfactive epithelium. Figs. 442. 443. 414. 445. 446. 147. Various forms of cells from the osphradium or olfactory pit of Liuincra stag'nai/s {h.). highly magnified (after Simroth). Fig. 442. — Goblet cell. Fig. 443. — Ciliated cell. Fig. 444. — Group of cells, one united to a nerve cell by a nerve thread. Fig. 445.~Group of cells with yellow pigmented nuclei and ner\e pro- longations. Fig. 446. — Olfactory bipolar and Fig. 447. multipolar ganglion cells. osphradium is merely a., localization of suitable epithelial sensory cells, connected with the integument and placed within or near the entrance to the respiratoiy cavity, upon the course of the branchial nerve, or upon a .special o.sphradial nerve or ganglionic enlargement 2/1,97. p OLFACTOKY ORGANS — RlIINOPHORES. •22() derived from it. In some marine Strei)tonenra the osphradial ridge 1)}^ specialization acqnires bilateral pectinations and, from its resem- blance to the gills, was formerly known as the Parabrancbia, being- supposed to represent the atrophied primitively left ctenidium, bnt in other groups it may be a simple or bifurcate vibratile pit or invagination, with its special ganglion placed at the bifurcation or at the blind end. The Riitnophores (fn^, fnyos, nose; (f>e:po),to bear) are the olfactory organs of the head, and in the Stylommatojdiora are i)laced in the more elevated ei)ithelium at the apex of the tentacles, a situation which seems to be more es])ecially a characteristic of the terreskial snails. An olfactory ganglion is jdaced near the distal end of each Fig. 448. — Rhinophore or cephalic olfactory orjjan of Cyclostoina clcgans (Miill.) x 30 (after Garnault). cii. cuticle ; olf, c/>. olfactory epithelium ; olfactory nerve with terminal hranchlets; ;//. t. muscular and connective tissue with blood sinuses. Fig. 440. — Isolated olfactory sensory cells from the rhinophore or cephalic olfactory organ of Cyclostoma clcgans (Miill.), highly magnified (after Garnault). tentacle and gives origin to numerous fine nervous ramifications, which reach the delicate external epithelium and terminate in numerous sui)erficial olfactory cellules. The olfactory ganglia are connected to special lobes of the cerebral ganglia, and associated with the optic and acoustic nerves which arise from the same lobes. The Supra-pedal gland has been, and by some authorities is still, regarded as the chief seat of the olfactory sense, owing to its rich innervation and the presence of a number of sensory cells in the lumen of the gland. The Streptoneura, which are essentially a(piatic mollusks, possess the osphradium, usually in the form of a filiform, and often pectinate, ridge, placed within or near the entrance to the resinratory cavity, upon a nervous cord or a small ganglionic enlargement, arising from OLFACTORY ORGANS — GASTROPODA. 227 the supra-iiitestinal ganglion, which is the hoinologue of the right pallia] or visceral ganglion of the Euthynenres. In CijcJostoma and other species, which have comparatively recently become adapted to a terrestrial life and aerial respiration, the rhino- phores have become developed and acquired functional efficiency and an organization quite similar to those of the Stylommatophora or typical land snails, although the osphradium associated with their primitively aquatic mode of life is also recognizably present, but probably undergoing degeneration. In some of the more primitive Streptoneura, other sensiferous areas, formed by congregations of sensory cells and bearing sensory setin are found near the bases of the epipodial tentacles, receiving their innervation from the pedal ganglia. In the Stylommatoi^hora, although the anterior tentacles possess some degree of olfactory power, this sense is more especially concen- trated in the dorsal pair, the bulb-like terminations of which are especially rich in fine club-shaped sense cells, with rods placed amongst specially modified epithelial cells, the somewhat clavate olfactoiy ganglion in each rhinophore being placed close to the bulbous distal end, and giving rise to several short, thick and divergent nervous branches, wdiose numerous ramifications form a beautiful and delicate tuft of nervous fibrils, distributed upon a delicate gTanular membrane beneath the moist integument at the apex of the tentacle. The ganglion vardes in volume in correspondence with the keenness or feebleness of the olfactory sense and in some Hijalhi'm is scarcely noticeable, while in Helix piscina it has four times the thickness of the olfactory nerve. The osphradium, being an organ more especially adapted to aquatic life, is generally absent in the Stylommatophora ; it is, however, still retained in a feebly-developed state at the lower posterior corner of the lung cavity in Testacella and by some Helices. It has also been detected to be present during development in Limax. In the Basommatophora, the tentacles were considered to be the seat of this faculty by Lespes and Moquin-Tandon, the nerves are however not so decidedly concentrated as in the Stylommatophora, but more equally distributed over their whole extent, the superficial surface of the tentacles being increased by elongation in Planorbis and by attenuation and dilatation in Limnwu, although there is stated to be an olfactory ganglion near the tip, quite removed from the eye. •2-28 OLFACTORY ORGANS — BASOMMATOPHORA AND PELECYPODA. with which the oltactory sense is so closely associated in the Helices, etc. Lacaze-Duthiers considers the external Imsal enlargement of the tentacles to also i)Ossess olfactory power. In the L'nnna'idu’ the osphradinm has persisted after the loss of the gill with which it was primitively associated, and now exists in the form of a ronnded ei)ithelial ridge, placed npon or as a vihratile ])it, invaginated within a small olfactory ganglion, this olfactory sinus lieing simple in the sinistra! genera P/anorbis, etc., hnt hifnrcate in the dextral genns LImita’ii, and, as might he expected, P/iinorhIs has retained the osphradinm of the originally left side, and the innervation hythe left visceral ganglion, while L/iniufti has re- tained that of the original right si. pigment layer ; r. retina. eye, the resemblance tn which ami the divergence from the molluscan cephalic eye being, in both forms, further emidiasized by the visual rods being turned towards the body away from the light, and the retina generally being reversed in its arrangement to that obtaining in the cephalic eye. Pallial eyes, with few exceptions, a2)pear to be especially develo})ed amongst littoral species, and the more recent relimpiishment by I ) reh^nnsla , in comparison with the Naiads and other more ancient tluviatile forms, of a littoral for a Huviatile life has been held to account for the more perceptible presence of the pigmented visual cells with highly refractive cuticle, which are concentrated on the siphonal margin of that species. In addition to and independent of the more or less definite iconoptic vision by the more specialized eyes of the mollusk, the integument of many species also possesses a certain degree of Permatoptic UERMATOPTIC VISION. 235 power, the various species, according to their habits, exhibiting a more or less striking response to sudden illumination or shading, the reaction being more or less apparent in accordance with the intensity of the light or depth of the shadow, this perceptive power being due to the sensibility of the peripheral neuro-epithelial cells; the Rev. J. E. Tenison-Woods, how'ever, affirms the presence in the mollusca generally of a multiplicity of minute eyes, corresponding to the Aesthetes of the Isopleura, these organs being said to exist, not only on the mantle-lobes of the animal, but even upon the opercula and the outer surface of the shell itself, while in addition there are large isolated eyes within the shell substance. Such species as markedly react to light are distinguished as Phot-optic, those which are strikingly afi'ected by shade as Skioptic, while the species which perceptibly respond to both light and shade are known as Photoskioptic. According to Nagel, Helix pomatia and Helix hortensis, if left for a time undisturbed, are acutely skioptic, but Helix arhustorum is less markedly affected, especially if the animal be a darkly pigmented one, while the slugs generally are said to be only slightly responsive, although Mr. E. J. Lowe, who had charge of the “Himalaya Eclipse Expedition” of 1860, stationed near Santander in Spain, has recorded his observation there of the intense skioptic sensibility of Avion uter and also of Helix pisana, as shown by their almost immediate response to the advent of the gloom at 3 p.m., due to the obscuration of the sun’s disc, both .species being observed to be actively moving about as at dusk, even before the eclipse became total. Unio pictorum, Unio margaritifer , and other species are photo- skioptic, for, in addition to a perception of a sudden accession of light, they are also keenly responsive to sudden .shading, as is evidenced by the rapid withdrawal of the mantle and closure of the shell, the latter species immediately closing its shell if the sun becomes over- cast, the water muddied or even if a boat passes above at a scarcely perceptible speed. In the Streptoneures the eyes are elevated upon slightly contractile special eye stalks or ommatophores, external to and more or less closely fused with the tentacle, and not invaginahle. In some of the more archaic marine Rhipidoglossa the eye is not always closed by the cornea, but is merely a simple tegumentary invagination, lined with sensory and pigmented epithelium. 23G VISUAL ORGANS — EXERCISE AND POWER. Ill the Styloiiiiiiatophora the eyes tlioiigh in tlie adult bume obliciuely at the extremity of tlie iipjier or dorsal tentacles, are lateral during developnient, only act|iiiring the apical position at a later perioil, a situation wliich enables them to he readily protruded or invaginated within the tentacle for iirotection, hut they are only functional when the tentacle is fully protruded. In this invagina- tion or retraction the relative position of the crystalline lens and the ocular bulb are reversed, the retractor muscle causing the lens to descend the tentacular tube in advance of the body of the eye. The genus VertKjo, in which, though bitentaciilate, the eyes are borne at the tip of the tentacles, is also Stylommatophorous. In the Basonmiatoi)hora the eyes are sessile and placed at the internal base of the tentacles, and often contain a blood s])ace between the outer cornea and inner cornea or pellucida. They have generally veiy feeble ocular powers, for although Stiebel considers Lhnnwn, .'(fiKjiiiili.'! to be better endowed in this respect than the Helices, Lespes has shown that the allied genus Pl'()i(>rl>is only perceive objects when in very close proximity to their visual organs. In the Pelecypoda, although the cei)halic eyes are absent in the adult stage, they are retained by throughout the free- swimming larval stage, and are transitorily present in other species at an early stage of their development. In comi)ensation for the suh- sei|uent loss of these cephalic visual organs, })rimarily due to their enclosure within the valves of the .shell, numerous pallial eyes are in l)rocess of development along the mantle mai'gius, which are more or less acutely sensible to light and shade. All our land and freshwater mollusca are umpiestionahly myoitic : they do not perceive the ultra violet rays, but are especially adapted fur vision in dim creimscular light, as exposure to bright sunlight ai)pears to have a dazzling or l)linding effect upon them. Must (tastrojiods .shun the full noon-day glare, and seldom voluntarily leave their retreats except during twilight or total darkness. The a(puitic Pulmonates have very feeble ocular powers and cannot dis- criminate the form of objects even in immediate ];)roximity to their eyes, but the terrestrial species have a much keener perception, experi- ment demonstrating that in a dim light Helices perceive large and bulky objects at a distance of six centimetres, but in a bright light their power of vision is much impaired, and this distance is so greatly reduced that it may not even exceed four millimetres. Vk'ipdra AUDITORY OR EQUILIBRATING ORGANS. ‘237 contecta is comparatively long sighted, perceiving objects at a distance of thirty centimetres from the eye, or if the mollusk be crawling in the gloom the sudden advent of a bright light at a greater distance will cause it to at once retire within its shell. Cyclo^toma elegans can also distinguish the hand of the observer when within eight inches or twenty centimetres, and abruptly contracts within and closes the shell on its nearer approach. The Auditory or Equilibrating organs were quite unknown in the mollusca prior to their discovery in the Cephalopoda by the celebrated anatomist, John Hunter. In 1838 Siebold detected the same organ in Anndonta, Unio, and other Pelecypods, and afterwards in many (lastropods, and its resemblance, in some species, to the auditory organs of certain tish-emhiyos strengthens the generalization that the fully developed organs of the lower animals may often represent those of the higher forms of life in an early stage of their development. The sense of hearing in mollusks cannot, however, be very acute, as the so-called auditory organs, when jiresent, are reduced to their simplest expression, two small closed sacs, termed otocysts, filled Fig. 464. — Section of the otocyst of Neritina Jfuviaiilis (L.), highly magnified (after Boll). otocystic or auditory nerve ; ep. epithelium ; ot. otoconia ; vi. muscular layer with connective tisr.ue. '"fFiG. 465. — Otocyst of Anodonta cygnea (L.), showing the cellular walls, the en- closed otolith, and more especially the exterior distribution of ihe otocystic nerve, highly magnified (after Simroth). with a limpid fluid, and each holding in suspension one or many crystalline and sometimes coloured calcareous concretions, which vary in size, form and chemical constitution in the different species. The epithelial walls which secrete the endolymph or humour filling the sac, consist of ciliated and sensory cells, the latter with fine rod-like processes connected directly with the auditory nerves, whose fibres are distributed over the walls of the vesicle ; while the ciliated cells by their action create the incessant quivering and oscillation of the otoliths or otoconia, their concussion or contact with the longer ■238 AUDITORY OR EQUILIBRATING ORGANS — EUNCTION. seiisoiT hairs u])on the walls of the sac indiiciHg or leading to the suitable reflex actions of the animal. Although termed auditory organs, they are prohabl)'’ only sensitive in a very limited degree to sound audible to human ears, but have a Fig. — Porlion of ilie otocyst of Sphariufu comeimt (I,.), highly magnified (after Siniroth), showing the otolith, o/., in contact with the sensory hairs. Fig. 4G7. — Terminal nerve cells from the walls of the otocyst of Cyciostofiia i'h'gnns (Mull.), highly magnified (after Garnault). much keener perception of any disturbance of the inhabited medium or of the surface to which the foot may be applied, d'heir chief function is undoubtedly to regulate the orientation and preserve the equilibrium of the body by aiding in the percei)tion of the horizontal position during locomotion, probably by reflex muscular action, induced by the varying movements of the otoliths upon the sensory nerve-endings. 'I'his function is the more likely to be the predominant one, as this organ becomes atrophied in the adult stage of the flxed forms, such as Di ■eissensid, though present in the free swimming early stages of growth. The otocysts are most highly developed in the active forms, and in the reptant .siieciesare usually found near to or actually in contact with Fig. 408. — Diagram of the nervous system of IVjtcu/a^ showing the open canal of invagination from the otocysts to the exterior, and incidentally the still separate cerebral and pleural ganglia and their con- nectives (after Pelseneer). ot. otocyst; ot.d. otocystic duct ; ab.g^. combined pallial and abdominal ganglia ; c.g. cerebral ganglia ; c./ c. cerebro- pedal connectives ; cerebro - pleuro • pedal connec- tive ; osp. osphradium ; pedal ganglia ; pleural ganglia; pl.p.c. pleuro- pedal connective ; pl.v.c. pleuro- visceral commissures. the pedal or locomotory ganglia, Imt in the natant forms they tend to approach the cerebral ganglia, fiom which centre they receive their innervation. In our Oastropods they vary in the position they occupy, being com])aratively remote from the pedal ganglia in Cydo- stomd ; actually placed upon or imbedded within their posterior outer surface, as in the Stylommatophora ; or, as in Nerltina, may be close to, yet quite distinct from, the ganglionic mass. Al’DITORY ORGANS — OTOLITHS AND OTOCONIA. ‘239 The otocysts originate in the embryo as simple paired invagina- tions of the outer epithelium of the foot, the canal of invagination or Kblliker’s canal, as it is termed in the Cephalopods, persisting only in the adult Nucain and other primitive Pelecypods, and opening externally at the anterior end of the foot, the otoconia being- composed of grains of sand or other extraneous particles. The calcareous concretions or “hearing stones” contained within the sacs are, like the calcareous basis of the external shell, usually composed of that form of carbonate of lime termed Aragonite, and dii’ectly originate from the cells of the sac. They may be classified for the purposes of study as (Otoliths and Otoconia, according to the number and character of the concretions contained in the cysts. The Otoliths (o?s, ear; Xi0os, stone) are comparatively large, often solid, and more or less spherical con- cretions, usually distinguishalde from the calcareous spherical granules found in other parts of the body or mantle by their concentric structure and radial striation ; they always exist singly within the cysts, and do not increase in number with the age of the animal. Fig. 469.— Otolith from the otocyst of SphcFriuin cornezan (L.), higlily magnified (after Simrotb). The Otoconia (ocs, ear ; /coi-ta, dust) are smaller, more numerous, and more variable in shape than the otoliths, and may be of a simple or compound form; the simple form embraces all otoconia with a regular and simple outline, as those characterizing llijalbua and other genera ; the compound forms are distinguished by distinct and usually symmetrical divi.sions or segments, each .showing a minute central area, the demarcation into two or four divisions predominating. Figs. 170. 171. 172. 173. 171. 175. 176. 177. 178. 17!). 180. 181. Simple and compound otoconia from the otocysts of various species of British Euthyneurous mollusca to show some of the differences in form, highly magnified (after Schmidt). Figs. 170—172 represent the prevailing forms in the Stylommatophora generallj-. Fig. 173 more’ particularly belongs to the Basommatophora. Fig. 171 is more especially found in Hyalinia.‘ Figs. 175, 176 are from Helix pomatia, but these peculiar forms are only occasionally found and are also not confined to that species. Figs. 177- 180 are similarly from Helix hortensis, Fig. 180 being an end view of Fig. 179, and Fig. 181 is from Limax cinereo-niger. while the partition into three, five or six segments is less frequent. The number in each cyst also increases with the age of the animal, in an embryo of Limnwa atagnalk Siebold counted only fifteen of 240 AUDITORY ORGANS — STREPTONEURA AND EUTHYNEURA. these concretions, in one still younger Wagner observed only nine or ten, and Ponchet found in another example but seven, though the adult animal nsnally possesses more than a hnndred. The cysts also do not always contain an e(iual number of otoconia, nor are they exactly uniform in size and shape, even in the same sac. The otolith, which is the primitive form in which these concretions first arise during the embryonal develo})ment of all onr mollusks, is still retained by and more particularly characterizes those genera and species of Streptoneura and Pelecypoda, which in many other resi)ects are amongst onr most highly sjtecialized forms, whereas the more archaic genera of these groui)s and the Euthyneura lose the otolith jiresent during their embryonal life and ac([nire otoconia. 'The otocysts are always more easilv examined in the immature than in the adult animal, even in the smaller species, as the whole body can be pressed between the glass slii)s and the action and movements of the otoconia studieil for tifteen minutes or more l)efore they tinally cease. In the Naiads this organ is much more diflieult of e.xamination and study. In the kStreptoneuro.s, the otocysts are not usually so intimately connected with the i)edal ganglia as in the Euthyneiires, and, as in the highly specialize I Cjjdo^tonut ekr/iiuft, may retain the primitive arrangement of a single large spherical otolith in each cyst, which blls the whole, vesicle, and in which the concentric lines of accretion or junction ])redominate, although radial striation is also present, as when crushed it invariably breaks into live i)ieces. t'onie si)ecies which are, however, otherwise less highly specialized have an exceedingly large number of oto- conia, as Xf'rlfind iiri<(fiJi.-i ; those of Kig. 4S2. — Otolith from the otocyst of Cyclostoma elegans (Mull.), highly magnified (after Garnault), showing its spherical form, distinct concentric struc- ture and radiate striation. Vdh'dtd are quite like tho'C of the Helices, being oval and some- times angulated at the end, with a yellow central area and a darker nucleus, while certain forms halhtually ])ossess an otolith and otoconia in each cyst. In the Euthyneiires the otocysts are usually placed upon or actually imbedded in the pedal ganglia, the free side being usually more convex than the one attached to the ganglia. They contain numerous otoconia, which though generally more or less oval in shape, with minute central area, yet often show considerable variety of out- AUDITORY ORGAN'S — EUTHYNEURA AND PELECYPODA. 241 line, the otoconia of the Styloinmatophora being usually of a broadly oval form, while those of the Basonnnatophora are more lenticular Figs. 484. 485. Fig. 483. — Underside of the pedal ganglia of Hyaluiia alliaria (Miller), highly magnified, from Redcar, collected by Mr. Baker Hudson, showing the position of the otocysts upon them. ot. otocj^st ; c.c. cerebrO'pedal connective. Fig. 484 side view and Fig. 485 front view of otoconia from otocyst of Helix pomatia L., showing the central nucleus and radiate striation, highly magnified (after Leydig). in character. The otocystic nerve to each sac is a delicate fibril Ijdng between the cerebro-pedal and the cerebro-pleural connectives of their respective sides and arising from the cerebral ganglia. In Pelecypods, although the more archaic genera still retain the canal of invagination communicating with the exterior, yet in the adults of our forms the otocysts have become closed and contain only a single otolith in each sac, that of Sphwriim being a flattened sphere, with radial stria- tion, much smaller in size than the cyst contaiinng it, though other species not members of our fauna may possess a number of otoconia in each sac, or an otolith may be found with otoconia. In the fixed forms, as Dre/sseiisia, the otocysts are wanting in the adult stage, though present during development. The auditory nerves are closely joined with the cerebro-pleuro-pedal connectives, although their fibres arise from the cerebral centre. Fig. 486. — Otolith from the otocyst of Spha‘rium corncuvi (L.), highly magnified (after Simroth), showing its oval form, strong radial striation and peculiar nuclear space. Fig. 487. — Otocyst of left side of Anodonia^ showing its close connection with the pedal ganglia and the innervation from the cerebro-pleural ganglion, enlarged (after Simroth). aud.H. otocystic or auditor>* nerve ; c.p.g. cerebro-pleural ganglion ; cerebro-pleuro-pedal connective ; ot. left otocyst, with otolith ; p.g. pedal ganglia. Uenerally speaking the auditory organs of the Unionida?- and the Ilelicida' form the ends of a series which the other groups unite by inter- mediate gradations. Some Streptoneures show by their otoliths more atfinity to the Pelecypods, while others approach the Styloinmatophora. 1/2/97. 242 SONANT AND GUSTATORY ORGANS. Sound is said to be produced or eiuitted by certain foreign niollnsks, and Ileli.r apertd, a reputed Briti.s]i species, is stated to emit a distinctly audible cry wbeii disturbed, but our native species are not known to emit any sound whatever, except perhaps the audible snap or click which may be beard when an aipiatic i)ulmonate, as Limnaa, opens its pnlmonary aperture fjr respiration upon reaching the surface of the water ; pnlmonate mollusks generally when suddenly alarmed may however b)" the spasmodic contraction of their bodies and the conseipient forcible expulsion of the air from the mantle cavity, ju-oduce a perceptible noise, varying somewhat in character according to the force of the contraction and the (piantity of mncus accumulated arouud the respiratory oritice. What has been called the “IMusicof Snails” is created by the crawling of the animal on a pane of glass or other suitable substance, bnt the sound thus produced is a purely mechanical effect and in no sense the voice of the animal — it may be easily imitated by drawing a moist huger along the edge of a wine glass, 'rids sound, which resemliles that of an .3i](dian hai'i), is usually only lieard at or during the night; and the source of the mysterious sound being fre([uently it has often caused a feeling of su})erstitions dread and forms the basis of an interesting story l)y ^Irs. Bowdich. 'I'be (tUSTATOry sense is doubtless i)osse.ssed l)y the (hustropoda, as is evidenced by the predilection of different species for special foods, 'rids faculty i)robably has its locaticm within or al)out the Imccal cavity, as the tongue being closely beset with bard chitinous denticles, neces.sary for the rasping and comminution of fooil does not ap])ear to be a suitable organ for the development of this special sense. 'I'lie multilobular dor.sal and lateral li})S, wbich constitute the organ of >Senii)er, are probably the seat of the gustatory sense, each lobe l)eing furnished with a small ganglion ])laced beneath a deep ej)itbelium with a thick cuticle and connected with a branch from the anterior tentacular nerve. In the Streptonenra the organs of Semper are not developed, but Garnault has detected within the buccal cavity of Cyddutomd elepans a number of nerve cells beneath a thick cuticle, some terminated by a delicate blament. Fig. 488. — Gustatory cellule from the wall of the buccal cavity of Cyclostoma clegans ('Miill.), highly magnified (after Garnault). which, although somewhat similar in general character to tactile cells, he considers may have a gustatory function. GtrSTATORY ORGANS — ORGANS OF SEMPER. 243 In the Euthyneura the organs of Semper, although especially developed in the Arionidcv and Limacldw, are also present in the Stylonnnatophora generally, the lateral lobes receiving their innerva- tion from the cerebral ganglia, and the dorsal lobes, according to Hanitsch, receiving two small nerves from the bnccal ganglia ; each lobe possesses a small ganglion composed of small spherical ganglion cells, such as are found in the more specialized sensory regions of the Fig. 489. — Side view of buccal mass of Limax cinereo-ft2\^e7' Wolf, X 2, showing Semper’s organ (after Sochaczewer). Ij.b. buccal bulb ; c.g. cerebral ganglia ; y. jaw; i,n, labial nerve; i.t. lower tentacles ; O', oesophagus ; p.n. nerve piercing beneath side muscles of pharynx; s,d. salivary ducts Semper’s organ ; t. tentacle. Fig. 490. — Longitudinal section through head of AgrioUynax agrestis (L.), X 20, showing Semper’s glands, gland cells and muscles (after Hanitsch). ep. epithelium ; g.c. gland cells; j. jaw ; m. muscle bundles ; s.^. glands of the organ of Semper, showing their unicellular character and independent ducts. cerebral ganglia. The epithelium of these special regions is excep- tionally thick, as in other sensory areas, and each lobe is moistened by a very fluid secretion from the cluster of somewhat pyriform cells they contain, each cell being furnished with a delicate duct with outlet upon special papilla) placed above the lateral lips at each side of the month. The Basommatophora, although possessing labial ganglia of homo- logous nature to those of the Stylonnnatophora, have not the distinctly lobulated lips characteristic of Semper’s organ. The presence of the unicellular glands, whose secretions impart the moistness to the gustatory tissues, has induced some observers to regard Semper’s organ as a buccal salivary gland, homologous with the anterior salivary glands found in certain other grou})S of mollusks. Simroth is of opinion that the sense of taste is concentrated in the front of the buccal cavity in land shells, but he has not detected this specialized region in aquatic forms, and concludes the sense is in them more diffused over the whole outer surface of the body. In the Pelecypoda the faculty is hardly developed, but may be exercised by the internal surface of the labial tentacles, which are richly innervated and act as guards to the month, though little dis- crimination ai)pears to he exercised in selecting food, almost anything small enough to enter the mouth being swallowed, 244 TACTILE ORGANS. Tlie Tactile .sense is well developed in the inollnsca, being resident in all parts of the external skin, which is very soft and moist and acutely sensitive to the slightest contact. This faculty is e.specially exercised by externally expanded nenro-epithelial cells bearing tufts of sensoiy hairs and by long and fusiform nucleated cells, which may he pro- longed externally into one or more hue setiform sensitive processes, and internally are directly continuous with the nerve tihrils, these cells being most strongly and numerously developed on the most prominent or exposed jiarts of the body naturally functioning as tactile organs. In the (histro])oda this sense, though diffused generally over the surface of the body, is most actively exercised by the anterior tentacles and labial lobes, which are jiossessed of the most delicate susceptibility to contact with external objects. F'ig. 401. — Section through the anterior tentacle of flelix pontaiia L., to show the peripheral tactile cells and general structure, highly inagnilied (after Flem- ming). s.c. sensory cells ; cp. epithelium ; /.r. pigment ; n.c. large nucleated cells ; c. transverse section through muscles. Fig. 402. Fig. 103. Fig. 402. — AtTerent nerve and connected afferent ganglion cell, showing its tactile terminations within the external epithelium, X GOO (modified after I’uas). Fig. 403. — Terminal nerve cells and Fig. 401 Epithelial ciliated cells from the tentacle of / 'h'ipiira 7'ivipaya (L.), highly magnified (after Simroth). In the l’elecy])oda tlie tactile sense cells are distributed over the surface of tlie body and niiintle. The tip of the foot seems e.specially f Fig. 495. — Tentacles of the branchial siphon of ,-i uoiionfa cx^nt'a {\j.\ X 10 (after Moquin-Tandon). sensitive and is probably the most effective organ of touch. 'I'lie papillary processes of the sijihons and the mantle margins generally are exquisitely sensitive to tactile impressions, as are the labial tentacles, but the latter are perhaps scarcely organs of touch in the sense intended here, ALIMENTARY AND NUTRITIVE SYSTEM. ti45 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM. The Alimentary or digestive system is well developed in the mollusca, and may be described as a long tube of variable width, convoluted within, but attached by strands of connective tissue to the walls of the primary body cavity or coelom, and which, in the last or rectal tract of its course, may, in certain groups, traverse the pericardium or secondary body cavity, and sometimes even pass through the ventricle of the heart also, performing different functions in the various portions of its tract or course, all of which have for their objects the extraction of nourishment from the ingested food and its assimilation by the animal for the growth or reparation of its various organs or tissues and the subsei|uent excretion from the body of w'aste or hurtful substances.. The whole enteric tract may be conveniently divided into three regions, an anterior, a median and a terminal portion, according to the position and chief function of its various parts. Fig. 496.— Alimentary canal of Helix (Miill.), showing the proposed regional division of its tracts (modified after Howes). f.g. fore-gut or anterior region of the alimentary tract ; m.g. mid-gut or stomachal region and hind-gut or intestinal region. b.c. buccal cavity, showing radula, radula sac and jaw ; cr. crop ; f. foot ; h.g. hermaphrodite gland or ovoteslis ; LI. anterior lobe of liver ; cc. oesophagus ; p.g. pedal gland ; p.r. pharyngeal or buccal retractor ; r. rectum ; r.L posterior lobe of liver ; ^.^/.salivary duct; s.g. salivary glands ; st. stomach ; ty. typhlosole. The Anterior region of the alimentary canal or fore-gut is of ectodermic origin and has an ingestive and comminatory function. It comprises the buccal bulb, with its specialized developments, and the oesophagus or gullet. The Median or digestive portion of the tract is of endodermic origin and constituted chiefly by the stomach, a dilatation or enlarge- ment of the mid-gut, which in some species contains a chitinous or cartilaginous rod and, with a considerable part of the hind-gut, is 24G ALlMKM’i’AUY SYSTEM- -HIND-GUT OK INTESTINE. closely siiiTOunded by or imbedded M itbiii the large and miiltilobed liver or digestive gland, which yields a digestive ferment. Sometimes there are several noticeable dilatations in this region, the most anterior of which may function as a crop and others as grinding- gizzards for the more etfective trituration of the food before arriving at the true stomach or digestive sac. The Terminal and post-median part or hind-gnt comprises the intestinal tract beyond the stomach, which, though much longer than the body containing it, is not, as might be rashly supposed by the uninitiated, indiscriminately coiled within the cavity without any particular or definite arrangement of its often long and numerous tracts, for each species, and more especially those of ])hyto})hagou,s or omnivorous habit, e.xhibits the most intricate, yet marvellously regular convolutions, the peculiarities of which are so markedly special to each species that many forms can be identified by this Fi(j. li)7- Fig. 498. Fig. 197. - Alimentary tract of Arion hortensis F(fr., X 1, Horsforth, near Leeds, showing the conjj)le.\ intestinal convolutions of an omnivorous species. Fig. 198. — .\liinenlary tract of Tvstacclla lialiotidea Drap,, X 2, Horsham, Susse.x, collected by Mr. T. 8. Hillman, and showing the simple intestinal coiling of'a predacious species. feature alone. The intestinal canal of the strictly predaceous species has always a much simpler and shorter course, Imt is ecpially adapted to file nature of the food upon which the creature naturally subsists. This portion of the alimentary tract lias pi’incipally an absorjitive and excretory function, although intestinal digestion is also carried on along the greater part of its course. It terminates at tlie anus, which is of ectodennic origin and primitively placed at flic posterior end of the body, but in the Anisopleurous Gastropods the torsion of tlie visceral sac, due to the development of a heavy univalve shell, has, generally speaking, transferred the orifice towards the front, with the re.siiii-atory and other apertures with which it is usually associated. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — BUCCAL BULB. 247 The Stomodeum (o-rojaa, month ; oSatos, belonging to a way) or anterior region of the alimentary tract, which comprises the month with its related parts and also the oesophagus, is always placed at the anterior end of the body, and in some forms originates as a simple epiblastic invagination of the body-wall of the embryo, which meets with and opens into the mesenteron or median part of the alimentary canal ; sometimes, however, it is formed by the persistence of the blastopore, or orifice of embryonal invagination formed during the gastrula stage of development. In the Gastropoda the oral aperture is surrounded by variously shaped lips which open into the buccal cavity or pharynx, whose walls, especially ventrally and laterally, are formed by thick longitudinal and annular muscular layers constituting the buccal bulb, which in the more primitive inollusk was placed behind the cerebro-pedal nerve collar, but in the more specialized forms is now in front of it. The buccal bulb is protruded or retracted by means of special muscles, which, according to their function, are distinguished as Protractors or Retractors respectively. In the Streptoueura, Garnault has studied their an’angement in Cyclostoma elegans, and has described the protrusion of the buccal mass as mainly due to the contraction of the powerful lateral protractors, which arise from the smaller segments of the mandibles and are attached to the external integument near the oral aperture : these are supplemented by longitudinal muscles within the walls of the buccal bulb. The retraction is chiefly effected by two long paired muscles affixed to the larger jaws, which pass somewhat divergently backwards through the oesophageal ring, and mingle with and become lost amongst the pedal strands of the columellar muscle. In the Euthyneura the protractors of the buccal mass are several small muscular bands attached to the buccal bulb and to the anterior walls of the head region. The retraction is chiefly performed by a branch or branches usually arising from the columellar muscle, which are attached to the ventral and lateral surfaces of the bulb and exhibit much interesting variation in the different species. Fig. i99. — Buccal bulb of Cyclostoma elegans fMull.), X 10, showing its chief retractor and protractor muscles (after Garnault). a.p. anterior protractors; b.b. buccal bulb ; l.p. lateral protractor muscles ; £P. oesophagus ; p.r, pharyngeal or buccal retractors ; 7’.s. radula sac. 248 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — BUCCAL CAVITY. I'lie entrance to the buccal cavity is furnislied with certain hard cuticular formations, known as the jaws and odonto[)hore, wliich are distinctly connected together hy a ])artially chitinous membrane, the presence of wliicli can be clearly demonstrated when the caustic solution used in the preparatory })rocess is not too strong. 'Fhe mandibles or jaws consist of one or more variously arranged hard chitinous structures, more or less encompassing the oral aperture, while the radiila, or odontophore, is a linguiform cartilaginous cushion, which occupies the floor of the mouth cavity, and is beset with numerous hard recurved denticles, serving conjointly with the mandibles for the pre- hension and comminution of food, thus facilitating the effective action of the digestive fluids of the stomach and also of the secretions from the sali- vaiy glands, whose ducts open into the buccal cavity. The interior of the buccal cavity generally is lined hy cylindrical ei>ithelial cells, overlaid hy a thick cuticle, but the roof is covered with a thin Imt strong and partially chitinous membrane or palatal plate, connected anteriorly with the cutting edge of the monognathous jaw, and overlaying a thick stratum of comjilexly arranged muscle fibres, having a longitudinal, transverse and dorso-ventral direction, which would appear t(j confer ui)on the upper jaw great freedom of motion in various directions. In the Pelecypoda generally there is practically no iiharyngeal siiecialization, on account of their mode of life not necessitating the active search for food, which consists of minute particles or organisms, not needing mastication, brought in hy the ijihalent current which their ciliary apparatus i)crpetually e.xcites ; they do not, therefore, possess the accessory and i)rehensile organs which characterize the (Jastropoda, as the oral aperture o])ens directly into the msophagus, although some (jf the more archaic Pelecy])ods still retain a buccal cavity with two small and laterally symmetrical glandular sacs, which jjerhaps represent the salivary glands of the Gastro])ods. Fig. oOO. — Longitudinal section through the imecal hull) of a Streptoncure (after Lankester) .showing the disposition of the teeth and jaws and the organs of the head generally. /».r. buccal cavity; h.c. head cavity; j. lateral mandible or jaw ; Lc. lingual cartilage ; w. mouth ; a\ esophagus; p.iu. lingual protractors, posteriorly to them are the retractors ; r, radula or odontophore ; 7\s. radula sac ; sinus behind the radular sheath ; ventral retractor muscles of the buccal mass. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — MANDIBLES. 249 Tlie jMandibles or Jaws are solid cuticular chitinoiis tliickeuiiigs, with acute or deiitated edges, placed at the anterior part of the buccal cavity ; they are almost universally present in the Gastropoda, serving chiefly as prehensile organs for the purpose of seizing or biting off particles of food, and the modiflcations to which they are subject are most readily appreciated if, as suggested by Lang, they are considered as originating from a circlet of jaws surrounding the entrance to the oral cavity; such as are still possessed by Umbrella, Tylodina and other Opisthobranchs, and of which special parts have been retained by the various genera, specialization being evidenced by an increasing siini)licity and by the reduction in number of the primitively numerous separate parts, owing to the atrophy and loss of certain of the segments and the more or less complete and differing modes of fusion of the parts retained. The muscular arrangements for the efficient action of the mandibles in the pleurognathoiis species have been studied, in Cydortoma, by Garnault, who flnds that, although the mandibular muscles are to some extent complicated with those actuating the radula and buccal bulb generally, yet there are several distinct muscles directly concerned in their movements, the principal being a powerful transverse muscular baud, attached by each end to the external sides of, and connecting together the larger jaws, which by its contraction are brought into close apposition above the radula, the succeeding and alternating separation or re-opening of the jaivs being due to tlie relaxa- tion of the transverse convergent or approximating muscle and the simultaneous contraction of the lateral divaricators. Though not an invariable rule, it is usual amongst our species for a ilefinite type of jaw to be associated with an odontophore of a certain character, thus the oxygnath jaw of HyaUnki is usually correlated with aculeate marginal teeth, which imply a carnivorous tendency ; while the strongly ribbed odontognathoiis jaw is generally found vflth (quadrate and minutely cusped marginals, which are usually held to indicate a preference for vegetable foods. Fig. 501. — Mandibles of Cyclostojjict clegans (Miill.), x 10, showing their principal actuating muscles (modified after Garnault). c.m. approximating or convergent muscle; d.Jit. lateral divaricator muscles; l.p. lateral protractor muscles. ALIMEN T All Y S Y STEM — POLY PL ACOGN AT HA. 2j0 Out Gastropoda maybe eonveuieutly grouped for study as Agiiatlui and Giiathopliora, according as they do or do not possess this buccal armature. The Agnatiia (<«, Mithout; yi’ddo'j, jaw) embrace those species entirely destitute of definite or distinct jaws, and are limited in this country to the species of the genus TedacelUi, although, even in that group, the upper or dorsal mandible is represented by an indistinct chitinous thickening. The Gnathophor.i (ycddo?, jaw; to bear), or jaw bearei's, exhibit great diversity in the character and disposition of their mandibular ai)paratus and, in accordance with the number of their constituent parts, may be conveniently divided into five principal groups or sections, distinguished as Polyi)lacognatha, Tetragnatha, Dignatha, Trignatha, and iMonognatha, although the peculiarities characterizing these divisions, like those separating all other groui)s, are not .Aiarply marked, but are more or less insensibly blended together by intermediate forms and thus really indicate successive and divergent or, iirobably in some cases, convergent stages in their jirogTess of specialization. The ruLYPL.YCOGNATiiA (ttoXis, many ; a j)late or piece : yi'udo5, jaw) embrace the groups Sphi/ntdium and Panctaui, the former instituted for the reception of W'liujo cdentala and the latter for Ileliv minuthsi Did of Jjca, a form apparently synonymous with our Hidir pygmifd, all of which agree in possessing the remarkable peculiarity of segmented or comj)Osite and nearly circunioral mandibles, composed of a number nf somewhat ([uadrate plates, each formed by long chitinous fibres extending as a fringe lieyond tlieir sharp free edges. The plates, though overlapping each other laterally, are distinctly separated medially, all however being slightly con- nected together by a delicate membrane. At the present time Jlelir pipjDut'it and Vertigo edentula are the only species in this country actually known to posssess this remark- able type of jaw, llell.r nipestris, which, on strictly testaceological gnjunds, is apparently so closely allied to Ilellr piigmird, being a decidedly monognathous sjjecies. Fig. o02. — Segmented or primitive Polyplacognathoiis mandibles from Helix pygniwa I)rap., Jiighly magnified (after Schacko). ALIMENTARY SYSTEM TETRAGNATIIA. 251 The polyplacognathoiis or composite jaw is an excessively ancient and primitive type, jirobably especially characteristic of a once almost nniversally dispersed and more uniform molluscan fauna than any existing at the i)recent day. This type of jaw is, however, still retained by a limited number of holarctic species and by Laomu, a helicoid genus inhabiting the Southern Hemisphere, these few species at the present time probably solely constituting the now widely scattered and isolated remnants of this ancient fauna, in whose surviving members the specialization of the buccal armature has become arrested and has therefore lagged more or less behind that of the other organs of the body. The Pleurognatiious species embrace the (iuadrimaxillate and biniaxillate forms and practically includes all our Streptoneures ; the paired lateral chitinous jaws, though usually distinctly separated, are in Ldinellarki and other marine species manifestly fused together dorsally, forming a single piece. They are thickest at the free inner edge, more gradually blending with the muscles at the outer margin, with smooth or characteristically sculptured surfaces, the peculiarities of which may differ greatly in the vai’ious species. They are placed somewhat horizontally at each side of the buccal cavity, but working against each other; they are probably, however, functionally feeble and serve more especially as points of attachment to the various muscles actuating the radula and buccal bulb generall3L Tbe Tetr.ygnatiia (rerpa-, four ; yvaSo^, the jaw) or (^[uadrimaxillate species are exem})liffed by Cydostoina elegans, in which the paired lateral jaw's are placed on each side of the radula, each lateral pair being com- l)Osed of a small and somewhat cunei- form posterior segment more or less intimately adherent by its contiguous margin to the anterior and larger one, which is of an irregularly oval form, with sinuate inner margin and a somewhat hexagonally papillate surface, the papillre being arranged in soniewbat regular series, maiidy tending to converge towards the sinus on the inner margin, to which side this peculiar sculpture is more particularly restricted. Fig. 503. — Pleurognathous Qiiadri- maxillate mandibles of Cyclostoma elegans (Miill.), from Box Hill, Surrey, collected by l\Ir. W. Whitwell, X 12, showing the peculiar sinuation of the inner margins and the irregularly hexa- gonal sculpture of the larger segments (photographed by Mr. T. W. Thornton from a careful preparation by Mr. J. W. Neville). ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — DIGNATIIA AND TRIGNATIIA. Fig. 50L — Pleurognatlious Inmaxillate maiulil)les of Bythinia tcntaculata X from canal, near Noltingham, collected by Mr. A. CL Stubbs, showing the peculiar inytiliform shape and smooth unsculplured surface (photographed by Mr. T. \V. 'J'hornton from a careful pre- paration by Mr. J. W. Neville). Tlie Dignatii.v two : ■ynWo^, jaw) are by far tlie most numerous iStreptoneurous group, embracing- all the bimaxillate species, of which IhitJiin'm tcntdcnldtn may be taken as typical. Jjike Cijclostonut , the Ihithinlw are often stateil to be entirely destitute of jaws, but they really })ossess two, one at each side of the buccal cavity, both of which are of a somewhat inytiliform sliaiie, almost jierfectly transparent and totally without noticealde surface sculpture. The smaller segments of the (piadrinia-xillate jaws liave in the Dignatba become lost or perliajis fused with the larger anterior segments, which are now alone jiresent. Certain extra-British tmlmonate siiecies are, according to Lang, dignathous, althongh not pleurognatlious, the jaws being })laced on the roof and Hoorof the entrance to the buccal cavity. In Vdlntfd, however, which in many features is of very luhnitive organization, there is a vestigial indication of an upper jaw, and it thus links together the tri-niaxillate hermaphrodite forms with the hi-maxillate dimeious ones, forming another curious feature in its .'^omewliat anomalous organization. The TuKiN.vrii.v [rpl-, three; yr«dos', jaw) or trimaxillate species are, in this country, practically confined to the Limna hhc, and are characterizeil h}^ the iiossession of a well-develoiied transverse upper jaw, with sometimes a ju-omiiience upon the free edge and a pair of lateral jaws which are generally much smaller and slighter, and sometimes vestigial, hut in some of the species of P/anorhis and A/ici/his the dorsal and lateral limbs have ajiparently become more or less fused together and thus form a single horse-shoe sha]»ed buccal plate. Ill Linuum pryet/nt, which may he regarded as a typical representa- tive of this groiif), the well-developed, convex and somewhat lenticular upper or dorsal jaw is of a reddish horn-colour, hut blackish along the free cutting edge, which, although exhibiting an 4 i Fig. 505. — 'I'rignalhous clorso- j)leural mandibles from Linnnea peregra (Mvill.), X 20, Cliristchurcb, Hants. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — MONOGNATHA. 253 irregular contour in immature animals, in the adults presents a distinct median notch, with usually a broad flat projection at each side and a more prominent angle towards the outer margins, the projecting angles indicating the marginal terminations of four slight and indefinite rib-like thickenings which can in some lights be occasionally detected. The acute ends of the dorsal jaw are firmly attached to the pointed extremities of the almost linearly crescentic lateral jaws, which are placed at right angles to the upper jaw and have their concavity outwardly directed. In action the dorsal and lateral jaws do not move simultaneous!}', but the upper jaw is first brought down and the side jaws close up laterally. The i\IoNOGNATHA (/xduos, single ; yrctdos, jaw), or mollusks with a single mandible, usually possess a more or less semilunar or crescentic jaw of a hard and chitinous nature, placed dorsally at the entrance to the oral cavity and varying in consistency from a very thick to quite a delicate substance, and from a deep opaque brown to a translucent amber, the colour being always deepest along the free cutting edge ; but in some groups, as Pupa, the entire jaw has the appearance and colour of cartilage. Fig. 506. — Oxygnathous jaw of L'nnax inaximiis L., in process of development, showing its bilateral origin, magnified (after Wiegmann). Fig. 507. -Mandible of Helix ptdchclla Miill., X 40, Seamer, near Scarborough, collected by Mr. J. A. Hargreaves, showing the posterior palatal extension. (Photographed by Mr. T. \V. Thornton from a preparation by Mr. J. W. Neville.) The Monognathous jaw really originates, according to Wiegmann, as two separate lateral parts, which afterwards unite in the median line, thus furnishing further corroborative evidence of the derivation of the monognathous jaw from a more ancient ty])e, composed of a greater number of parts. From the posterior lower margin of the jaw there arises a partially chitinous plate or membrane, which extends taperingly backwards upon the roof of the buccal cavity, gradually blending with it, and doubtless strengthening the jaw and its cutting edge ; this feature attains its maximum development in the distinctly defined palatal plate of the Elasmognatha. Mr. W. G, Binney however, as I think 254 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — MONOGNATHA. erroneously, evidently regards the palatal plate of the Elasniognatha as not honiologons with the mandibular palatal extension found in other monognathous groups. In the monognathou.s species the mandihle is opposed by the divided lower lip, which acts the part of a lower mandible in grasping the substance to be devoured and enabling the odontoiihore to rasp off particles of food, which are carried to the oesophagus by its action. d'he Monognatha may be ranged under five chief groups, viz. : — Pycnognatha, Odontognatha, Leioguatha, Oxygnatha, and Blasnio- gnatha, which are re.spectively characterized by the absence or presence of several more or less vertical thickenings or ribs, more especially upon the anterior surface of the jaw, by the development of a median projecting beak or by the possession of a large (piadrangular accessory palatal plate. 'I’he Pycnognatha (tti'ki'os', crowded ; yi'd^^o?, jaw) often possess a somewhat convexly arcuate jaw, rvithout the median beak or projec- tion. It is e.specially characterized by the numerous tine and delicate vertical rilis, sometimes covering the whole anterior surface of the jaw, though occasionally only i)erceptil)le towards the cutting edge, which thus , /• 1 14 Ku'.. ’>08. -A Striated or Pycno.^natlious necoines niiely crenulato. Anion^'st mandible, x j/c/lv /u/c/u'/Za urn., ‘ from vSeamer, near Scarloroii?li, collected our inono^natlious fetyloinniatojmora, UyNIr. J.A. Hargreaves. (Photographed ‘ , by Mr. 'I'. W. Thornton from a prepara- this type of mandihle is probably the 'w Mr- J- w. Neville.) tirst .stage in the .siiocialization of the julmitive jaivs ivhich still characterizes our and other siiecies, this moditica- tion arising from the fusion of the originally sepiirated plates, the over-la])iiing lines of junction giving rise to the characteristic vertical stria', although, as suggested by Pilshry, this condition may also he reached through the odontoguathous stage by the degeneration of the ribs. 'I’he Ihdim'nti and some Helices are e.xamples of this group. 'I'he Odontognatha (oSoih-, tooth ; yrd^o?, jaw) is rvell illus- trated by the Arionhlir and many IJ('Hcl(hv and embrace those species whose jaws hear, esj)ecially ujion their anterior surface, more or less numerous and prominent ])arallel or slightly convergent ribs, which ])roject beyond and denticulate the free margin, and sometimes the upi)er margin also. 'I’hese ribs and their denticula- tions are usually more distinctly develo])ed where their number is limited and less .strongly marked when more numerously pre.sent, ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — MONOGNATHA. 255 but young shells have fewer and less prominent ribs and denticles than older specimens, the median ribs first appearing and development following on towards the extremities of the jaw, thus being analogous to the growth of the teeth in man, whose incisors or cutting teeth first appear, these being followed by the molars, etc., and lastly by the wisdom teeth. In addition to these well- marked ribs, there are numerous fine vertical strim and also incremental strim or lines of growth, which are parallel with the cutting edge. Mr. Crowther has shown that the strength of the jaw and the number of the ribs may be modified by the environment, a soft, succulent herbage developing few ribs on a comparatively delicate jaw, while the same species living on coarser fare by dusty road-sides have a harder jaw with stronger and more numerous denticles, but the immature animals always possess a more delicate jaw, with fewer and slighter ribs, than their mature companions in the same locality. The Leiognatha (Acto?, smooth; yvido^, jaw) typically possess a smooth mandible or jaw, from which all the striation has become obliterated and Avhich show no trace of the median rostrum or beak, which is so striking a feature in the oxygnath jaw and may be viewed as the antithesis of the odontognatha ; in Leiognatha the jaw has lost all trace of ribs or stria} and is ai)parently of homogeneous composition, while in the odonto- gnatha the ribs and denticulations have assumed great prominence. The Oxygnatha (o^ih, sharp ; yvaOos, jaw) are exemplified by the Lhnacidw and Vitriuidce, which possess a jaw strongly arcuate from front to back, but smooth on the surface, owing probably to the disappearance of the delicate rihlets, characteristic of the pycnognatha ; they are, however, more especially fig. 511.- a Rostrate or o.\ygnathous . . -Ill 1 • • 11 mandible, Limax flavus L., X 10, distinguished by being vertically Christchurch, Hants. carinate in the centre, the keel terminating in a median beak or projection on the cutting margin. Fig. 510. — An Unstriated or Leio- gnathous mandible, Pupa cylindracea (Da Costa), x 40, Bev’erley, collected and prepared by Mr. J. D. Butterell. Fig. 509.-A Ribbed or Odontognathous mandible, Helix poinatm L., x 10, from Preston Candover, Hants., collected by the Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — ODONTOPIIORE. 256 'I’he Elasmognatiia (eXan-fm, a metal ])late; yi'a^o?, jaw) or Ai)pentlicnlate jaw is a tyiie whose great peculiarity consists in the development of a very large, somewhat sipiare accessoiy palatal plate, which extends j)osteriorly backwards upon the roof of the mouth ; it is of similar material and consistency and about two-thirds the width of the jaw itself, with which it exhihitscontinuity of struc- ture. 'I'he upper portion of the jaw is imbedded in the tissues, ami the free portion is characteristically horse- shoe shaped with a strong and jHiinted median projection. 'I'he Elasmognath jaw is restricted in this country to the genus Sikt'uk'j, although our s])ecies vary somewhat in the character of the jaw itself, S/icriii&d r/('(/iiiis possessing a practically oxygiiath jaw uj)on which the ])osteriorly projecting palatal a])i)endage is developed, while Hiicc.'nmi pntritt, in addition to the well marked median beak or rostrum, which is the characteristic of the oxygiiatha, also displays strong and distinct transverse radiate ridges, simulating those of the true odontognathous sjiecies. 'I'he OnoNToi’iioRE ((VSoik', tooth ; e/>eiug applied to the groups possessing it. 'I'he Radula Sac, from which the radula is developed as a some- what tubular outgrowth, is an eiiithelial invagination of variable length in the median line of the iloor of the mouth or huccai cavity, Fig. 512 front view and Fig. 513 side view of tlie Appendiculate or F'dasmognatlioiis maiulible of SiH'ci/iea />Ntris (F.)> X --5, from Chrisicliurch, FlaiUs., showing tlie convexity of the jaw generally and llie strongly tlevelojied accessory palatal plate. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — DEYELOPMENT OF ODONTOPIIORE. 257 often posteriorly extended beyond the buccal bulb. It is filled with connective tissue and its distal ventral walls bear the Odontoblasts (oSois, tooth ; /SXacTTo^, a bud) or tooth-forming cells, a few cells with large nuclei and clear protoplasm, as in the Pulmonates, or a greater number of smaller cells, only distinguishable from ordinary epithelial cells by their greater length, but whose arrangement always coin- cides with that of the teeth they secrete ; these, however, after their formation by the odontoblasts, become hardened for use by a superficial deposit of “enamel” from epithelial cells above the radula, and are then of an amber colour, an appearance which is soon lost and the teeth blunted, broken and worn away when they come into active use ; this wearing away and loss of the anterior functional part of the radula is compensated for by the progressive growth fi’om the radula sac of newly-formed teeth and their supporting membrane, exactly like a finger nail on its bed, in which the wearing away of the anterior free margin is compensated for by its own forward growth. According to Dr. Sterki, Liiwix campestris, which is closely allied to, if not actually identical with, our AgrioUmax Icevis, forms in this way not less than 800 transverse rows of teeth during its ordinary life-term, and this implies at least eight entire changes of denticles ; some Helices he affirms produce 2,000 or more transverse rows, indicating 16 — 18 total changes of teeth by the animal. The Development of the radular teeth in the embryo begins in the form of mere chitinous nodules, which, in the succeeding trans- verse rows, acquire many long and sharply pointed cusps or processes before eventually attaining the adult or permanent form ; this transitory phase in their development has been termed the Echinate (eyftos, a hedgehog) stage. At first there are also fewer longitudinal rows of teeth than are afterwards present, the additional rows being added at the outer margins and not intei’polated between the rows R Fig. 515, — Diagrammaiic longitudinal section through the posterior end of the radula sac of a Pulmonate, showing the teeth and basal membrane in process of formation (after Rossler). d.m. basal membrane of the radula; c. formative cells of the basal membrane ; od. odontoblasts or formative cells of the radular teeth ; /. radular teeth. Fig. 514. — Epithelial cells from pharynx of Helix pomatia L., highly magnified (after Vogt and Vung). ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — ODONTOPIIORAL MUSCLES. •2 .38 already present ; these also originate in the nodular form, pass through the echinate stage and in the succeeding transverse rows gradually acciuire the characters of true marginals ; the laterals also, in the same way, increase somewhat correspondingly in number hy the gradual change of what were the marginals of the embryonal mollnsks into the laterals of more mature animals, the character of the teeth in the longitudinal series and their relative position on the mem- hrane hecoming modified thereby. These changes are j)eculiar to the embryonal >tage and due to modifications of the odontoblasts, as the same grou]) of cells forms all the teeth in the same longitudinal row, this fact elucidating the of the unvarying recurrence of deficient, deformed or abnormal teeth the whole length of the radula, which has l)een so often observed. The IMuscular DEVELurMENT of the buccal mass is exceedingly comjilieated and varies in arrangement in the different groups, as many as twenty distinct extrinsic and intrinsic muscles having been distinguished as concerned in the efficient use of the radula alone. Fig. 517. -Dissection showing the Extrinsic buccal muscles of Helix asfiersa Mull, (after Howes). h.b. buccal bulb ; b.c. constrictor muscles of buccal bulb ; columellar muscle ; ^/.w. depressor muscles \ /. foot ; l.)u. levator muscles ; o. ommatophore ; ic. uesophagus ; buccal protractors ; p.r. pharyngeal retractor ; r.s. radular sac ; s.d. salivary ducts ; t. anterior tentacle. their alternating contractions and relaxations causing the radula to travel backwards and forwards and thus rasp against any object to which it may he apjdied, the ju'esence in their substance of ‘.rs /'A Fig. 510. — Radula of an embryo of Limax cam- /•estris shewing the nodular character of the teeth on first development and thechangesundergone in passing through the Echinate intermediate stage before attain- ing the adult form, highly magnified (after .Slerki). The lowermost series is that of an adult. The perpendicular row of numerals indicates the number of transverse rows that have existed on the radula, reckoning from their first development. The horizontal numerals give the position of the individual teeth in the transverse rows reckoning from the central tooth. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — ODONTOPHORAL MUSCLES. 259 liaimogiobiii testifying to the increased respiratory activity neces- sitated by their vigorous movements. The Extrinsic muscles pass from the odontophore, chiefly to the outer walls of the prosoma, and actuate the entire organ ; they are known as Retractor.s, Protractors, Levators, or Depressors, according to the function they perform. The Protractors pass forwards and downwards from the buccal bulb to the cephalic integument and protrude the radula; the Levators are above the Protractors and affixed to the cephalic wall near the anterior tentacles ; the Depressors underlie the Protractors and pass obliquely backwards, and, with the Levators, assist to determine the special licking motion of the protruded radula, which is then bent over the supporting- cartilage in front of the oral aperture ; the Retractor is a powei-ful muscle or series of muscles with a bifid or multifid attachment to the buccal bulb, and distally affixed to the columella of the shell or to the integument itself in the nude species. The Intrinsic muscles also consist chiefly of Retractors and Pro- tractors which arise from the walls of the huccal bulb and are affixed to the posterior and anterior parts re- spectively of the radula, chiefly con- trolling its lesser movements and also spreading out the radula during its protrusion, thereby divaricating and erecting the individual teeth for effective use ; the sides again converging during retraction and forming a somewhat prehensile apparatus. All species, however, do not use their odontophores in precisely the same way, as, ac- cording to Dr. Sterki, Planoj-hes move the radula from behind, forward ; PJiys(t the sides towards the centre, while in Llmna a the radular motion is a combination of the two methods ; the vai’ious Fig. 519. — Median longitudinal section through the prosoma of an Euthyneure (modified after Howes), X 3, showing the disposition of the Intrinsic radular muscles, and incidentally the arrangement of the jaw and the organs of the prosoma generally. b.c. buccal cavity; f. foot ; /./. inner lip; j. jaw or mandible; Lc. lingual cartilage; l.L lower lip; l.p. lingual protractors; l.y\ lingual retractors ; o. ommatophore ; ce. cesophagus ; o.s. orifice of left salivary gland ; p.g, pedal gland ; p.r. pharyngeal retractors ; r. radula ; r.s. radula sac ; s.d. right salivary duct ; t. anterior tentacle. Fig. 518. — Muzzle retractor of Cyclostoina elt’gaiis iPsVxxW.')^ X 3 (after Siniroth). r.n?. retractor muscles ; muscles, whose action gives the licking motion to the odonto- phore. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — ODONTOPIIORAL TEETH. •280 Fig. 520. — Track of Helix aspersa formed by feeding on the paste and lime shading upon a greenhouse roof, Christchurch, Hants, June, 1883. modes of using the odoiitopliore when feeding are also grai)hically sliown wlieu snails have fed upon the paste and whiting mixture so frequently ap])lied as a summer shading to greenhouse roofs ; tlie serpentine or meandering series of more or less pyri- form tignres impressed upon the com- pound by the licking action of the tongue are seen to differ in their arrangement according to the species, showing that each kind of snail when feeding moves its head from side to side in a more or less characteristic manner as the animal advances, hut generally speaking, the method of using the odontopl\ore resembles that of the tongue of a cat when licking, this action rasping particles from the food to which the radnla is applied. The Radular or Basal Membrane, to which the teeth are attached and which together with the teeth form the radnla, is also formed within the radular sac, by the transverse range of secretory cells anterior to the odontoblasts siilitting at the ends into fibres, which are placed side by side, the whole being supported upon the paired lingual cartilages, wherein are numerous hranched cartilage cells imbedded within a clear matrix, and to Avhich some of the muscles actuating the radnla may be attached. At the base of the cartilages and anterior to the free end of the radnla, there is usually a sac-like deitression in the door of the buccal cavity, the signidcance of which is not as yet understood. The Surface of the Radular Membrane may be divided longi- tudinally into dve areas, grouped as the Central, the Admedian and the Marginal, one or more of which may be dedcient in special groups or genera. The Central or Rachidian area is the narrow longitudinal mid- region or Rachis, and bears the median teeth ; the Admedian areas or Pleune are paired and placed at each side of, and adjoining the median one ; they bear the asymmetrical lateral teeth, while the two Marginal areas are occupied by the marginal teeth or uncini, the particular features of each type of tooth being correlated with its position upon the I’adular membrane. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — ODONTOPHORAL TEETH. 261 The Radular Teeth or denticles, according to their position and character, may also he classified as Central, Admedian or Lateral, and iMarginal, and are all reflected posteriorly, the reflected points or cusps being known as Mesocones, Ectocones or Endocones, according to the relative position they occupy on the individual teeth. The Central teeth, which occu^iy the rachis or longitudinal mid-line of the radula, are symmetrically formed, but do not originate by the coalescence of two adjoining laterals, except perhaps among the Limnanda', in which the central teeth may, as in Planorbis, show no central cu.sp, but two eijually developed lateral cusps. The convex anterior margin of each tooth often overlaps the base of the pre- ceding tooth, and is usually trifidly reflected posteriorly, the median reflection or cusp being known as the Mesocone and the smaller side cusps as the Ectocones. Fig. 521.— Central or Median Tooth of Helix aspcrsa JMiill., highly magnified. b. basal plate ; r. reflected portion ; in. mesocone or middle cusp, with c. cusp or cutting point ; cc. ectocone or outer cusp with cutting point. Figs. 522, 523. — Admedian or lateral teeth of Helix aspcrsa Miill., from right and left sides of and adjacent to the median row. b. basal plate ; r. reflected portion ; in. mesocone or middle cusp, with c. its cusp or cutting point; cn, endocone or inner cusp ; cc. ectocone or outer cusp. Fig. 524. — Intermediate or Transition tooth of Helix asj>crsa Miill. in. mesocone, showing endoconic bifurcation ; cc. ectocone or outer cusp. Fig. 525. — Marginal tooth or Uncinus of Helix aspersa !Mull. bifid mesocone ; ec. bifid ectocone. The Admedian or Lateral teeth occupy the Pleura; or longitudinal areas, adjoining the central one, and are usually asymmetrical modi- fications of the median teeth, becoming more and more primitive, or unlike the symmetrical central teeth the further they recede from them. Tlie anterior margin is strongly reflected posteriorly, the term Mesocone being retained for the reflection, representing the middle projection of the rachidian series ; the term Ectocone designating the cusp nearest the outer margin, while the cirsp on the inner side of the tooth, nearest the centre of the radula, is called the Endocone. The Marginal teeth or LLicini occupy the longitudinal outer areas of the radular membrane, and in many species show a wider base and more numerous denticulations ; they also tend to approach ALI31ENTA11Y .SYSTEM — OlniXTuriloKAL NOTATION. tlie median line at a more acute angle than the lateral teeth usually do, aud viewed l»y the light of their development, are the most primi- tive form of tooth e.xistent on the odontophore. The change in character from the symmetrical median tooth to the asymmetrical laterals and marginals is usually decisive and may be marked, amongst other things liy the partial or entire loss of the endocone or inner ensj) and a corresponding enlargement of the mesocone or midille cus]), which with the ectoeone or outer cusp may become deejily cleft, this divergence of character becoming more and more marked as the outer fringe of the radula is approached, aud lieing also more or less closely correlated with the direction or curvature of the transverse rows, which is greatly varied in the Fic. Kici. .c'G. I'll,. 326. Fiti. rV2'J. I )iagrammalic figure:* Nliow'mg ihc varied dire'ctions of llie transverse rows of teeth in dilTereiit species. Fk;. r>2(». — Tcstacclla haliotidca Urap. I Fig. ,>28. — ! f elix lapicuia 1,. Fit;. ,)27. — I 'cllctia lacustris \ Fig. 521). — Physa/ontinalis different si)ecies, an abrupt change in their direction being always accompanied by an e(pially marked change in the character of the teeth, while if the rows are straight or the change of direction very gradual, this change is correspondingly slow, and between the well marked laterals and typical marginals several transitional teeth may he interposed. A Aot.vtion or Formula has been devi.seil to e.xpress, hy means of signs ami nundjcrs, the general arrangement and some of the more salient characters of the radula of many of our species. 'J'he possiliility of doing this is .simplitied by the trail, svorse rows of teeth being bilaterally alike, while the longitudinal rows are each .straight and contain similar teeth along their whole length. The writing of the formula is accomjili.shed by iilaciug a numeral to reiire.seiit the central tooth, the particular numeral u.sed according with the number of central teeth iire.seiit in a row; the .same is pursued with the laterals and marginals when these are homogeneous in shape and character, the numerals representing which, separated hy the sign + , are jilaced at each side of the central figure in .similar positions to those actually occuiiied hy the teeth ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — ODONTOPHORAL NUTATION. •268 themselves ; thus the formula 20 4- 4 + 1 + 4 + 20, would indicate that ill each transverse roiv there was one central tooth Hanked by four lateral and twenty marginal teeth, each series of a practically homogeneous character. Sometimes the marginals are so minute and comiiact or so numerically variable that it is difticnlt or impossible to state their exact number ; in such cases the sign of infinity ( oo) may appropriately be used to indicate them. When, however, the teeth composing a series are markedly heterogeneous in form and general character, the numerals representing them may he used individually or in suitable combinations, so that their dissimilarity may be emphasized, thus cc + + 1 + 1. 1,1.1. + x would signify that there was one central tooth, with four dis.similar laterals, and an indefinite number of homogeneous marginals at each side. The number of trainsverse rows should also be added to the formula, preceded by the sign x , which will often enable the total number of teeth on the radula to be readily ascertained if desired, as although their number is approximately constant in full-grown individuals of the same species, it varies very considerably in different groups and even in different species, and is not at all dependent on the size of the animal, for Ihjallnia luctda has only about 945 denticles, whereas Helii' ohvoluta, a species of about the same dimensions, has 15,300. Increased precision in notation may be attained by the use of larger or smaller figures to indicate the relative sizes of the teeth and also by placing beneath the numeral rei)resenting the number of teeth in each group, a second series to denote the number of reflections or cusps upon the individual teeth ; if these consist of a variable number of minute and numerous pectinations, they may he indicated by the sign of infinity oo , as already suggested for the representation of marginal teeth when numerously present; where, however, the number of teeth or pectinations do not exceed 20, and the amount of variation is not accurately known, it will be more satisfactory to give the ascer- tained number as near as may be with the marks of increase or decrease as most appropriate, thus 14 < would convey the information that 14 or more teeth or pectinations were present ; 1 4 that the variation was towards a lesser number, while cfd^ would indicate that the (piantity present ranged above and behjw the number indicated, thus : + § + -«■ + §+ l-i- X 38 = 950, the full dental formula for Hyfdlnia alUarki, shows that species, in the particular preparation examined, to possess 950 teeth, contained RIIIPIDOGLOSSATE TEETH. 2CA ill 38 transverse rows, each with a trifidly reflected median tooth, flanked on either side by two lateral teeth with three cusps, and by ten or more aculeate marginal teeth, the innermost having two cutting points and being transitional in character. The Cl.\ssification of the odontophores of our native species is a task of considerable difficulty, but their study at once suggests the desirability of separately considering and grouping the Streptoneurous and Euthyneurous forms. The Streptoneura have long been known to possess such very persistent and characteristically varied types of teeth that their peculiarities have, by almost universal consent, been utilized as a basis for forming natural groupings of this section of the mollusca. Our Streptoneurous species may all be placed under the two well- known groups, Ilhipidoglossa and Tsenioglossa. The Rhipidoglossa {piirk, fan ; yA.wcrcra, tongue) are especially characterized by the extraordinary number and marlved uniformity of the uncini or marginal teeth, which are usually very compactly arranged in a somewhat curvilinear or fan-like manner, diminishing gradually in size as they approach the outer margins of the radula. Fig. 531 Transverse row of teeth from the odontophore of Ncritina Jhiviatilis (L.), highly magnified. River Nene, Northampton, collected by Mr. L. E, Adams, B.A., and prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. In Neritina fluv'mfiUs, our only representative of this group, the central teeth are obscurely trifid, the laterals of very dissimilar size and shape, with the flrst and the outermost of the scries exceptionally T.ENIOGLOSSATE TEETH. ■2H.} large and broad ; the former may be known as tlie IMajor lateral, to mark its superior size, while the latter is distingnished as the Caijitnli- form tooth, on account of its fancied resemblanae to the capital of a column ; the marginals are very numerous and compact with two or more cusps. The formula may be expressed as ^ + 3 + ^ The affinity of the terrestrial air-breathing genera, Helkina and Proserpina, to our branchiate Neritina fluviatilis is demonstrated by the similarity in character of their dentition. The T.ENIOGLOSSA (rati'ia, ribboii ; yAwcro-a, tougue) to which prac- tically all our Streptoneurous species belong, are chiefly remarkable for the extraordinary length and narrowness of the radula. They are usually characterized by bearing seven longitudinal rows of teeth, composed of a central tooth, with one or sometimes two somewhat Fig. 532. — Transverse row of teeth from the odontophore of r/v/^ara vivipara (L.), highly niagnifiedj Northampton, collected by Mr. L. E. Adams, 13. A., and prepared by Mr. J. \V. Neville. ample admedian or lateral ones, and one or more, but usually two, more slender marginals at each side, all closely serrate or dentate at the upper or cutting edge and the outer series often outwardly directed. This type of dentition is shown by Vivipara vivipara, whose chief peculiarities may be expressed by the formula To^ + yiro + T + + 10^12 >"90 = 630, signifying that there are 630 teeth upon the membrane aiTanged in 90 transverse rows, each containing a central tooth, flanked on either side by two lateral teeth and a single marginal, all strongly pectinated upon their cutting edges, the chief feature of which is the large (juadrangular central cusp, present upon all the teeth except the marginals or uncini. A similar general arrangement is found amongst the Nucleo- branchs, in which, however, the lateral teeth are more strictly aculeate, corresponding to their more carnivorous habits of life. •JGli STEN0I)0>JT01’110H.VTK TEETH. Tlie Euthyneur.v or pulinonate species, the most highly si)ecialize(l of the Gastroi)oda, were all formerly relegated to the Cteiioglossa, a grou]) to which Clio, Actaum, Ihlichut, Limmco, Hdi.v and other terrestrial, Hnviatile and marine genera were also referred. ^Vfter carefnl stndy and examination of many types, I have tenta- tively placed our Euthynenrons sjjecies in two chief divisions, Stenodontophora and Eurydontophora, based upon the more or less broad and (piadrate t>r narrow and sole-shaped form of the basal i)lates l)y which the teeth are attached to the lingual membrane. The Stexodontopiior.v ((rreros', narrow ; oSoih', tooth ; w, to bear) are those species or genera with teeth (jf an aculeate character affixed to the radnlar membrane by a narrow and somewhat sole- shai)ed base of attachment, from the whole surtace of which there arises a strongly recurved spine-like tooth. 'I'he surface of the radnla usually pre- sents a median and two marginal areas, and typically the teeth are uniform in character in each series, the nieersa Mull., hii^lily niagnil'ied, collected by Dr. ScharlT near Dublin. The numerals appended to the figures of ihe teeth indicate their position in the tran.sverse row. lateral and marginal series, ilellv aspersa is a typical example of this group, and its i)eculiarities can he exinessed l)y the formula : 4- 1 + x Uo=12,(; 1 5, showing that species to possess 12,01.7 teeth, contained in 1-1.7 trans- verse rows, each containing a central tooth, bearing 3 cusps, 20 laterals at each siile with 2 cusps, and 33 marginals and transitional teeth, with 3 — 4 cusps each. The Zel’Goglossa paired; y/Vdio-cra, tongue), of which J^hinorbh corneus may be taken as an example, are distinguished by the paired or hitid cusps to the teeth composing the median longi- Fii;. .m. — Representative teetli from a transverse row of the oilontophore of Planorhh roivn-Ki (1..), hii^hly magniriei.1, collected at Northampton by .Mr. L. E. .\dams, 11. A., prepared by .Mr. J. W. Neville. The mimerals aiipended to the figures of the teeth indicate their position in the transverse row. tudinal row ; the laterals being also hicuspidate and the marginals e.xhihiting the comh-like teeth of the Acanthoglo.s.sate tyjie. The formula of Pldnorbh corneus may be written as : _|. s + i + s + X 200=1 3,400. MYRIAGLOSSATE AND DICflOGLOSSATE TEETH. 271 This peculiar dentition is in this country restricted to the PUmorhes, but has been shorvn to be also possessed by their possible progenitors, the so-called Pki/sa’ of Australia, the representatives of which, although now restricted to the Southern Hemisphere, had 1) robably in former times a much more extended range. The IMyriaglo.ssa (/Lirptov, numberless ; yAwo-o-a, tongue) have more simply shaped and uniform teeth than many of the other Eurydonto- 2) horous groups, and are characterized by the possession of a well- defined, though slender, mid-tooth, with a trifid reflection flanked by ' ■ ' Fig. 542. — Transv'erse row of teeth from the odontophore of Helix pyginepa Drap. (highly magnified), Cambridge, prepared by Prof. Gwatkin. numerous closely set bicuspidate and obscurel}" tricu.spidate teeth of a practically uniform and usually simple hooked character ; the formula for JMlr pygmoca, a representative of this group, may be expressed .is : The Dichoglossa double ; yAwo-o-a, tongue) are represented by the genera IlyaUnla, Llnmx, etc., and are distingui.shed by possessing tricuspid median teeth, with variously cu.sped quadrate teeth on the central and pleural areas of the radula, the marginal series l)eing formed by teeth of the Acanthoglossate or Echinoglossate type. :->5 Fig. 543. — Transverse row of teeth from the odontophore of Hyalinia nitidula (Drap.), highly magnified, prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. The numerals appended to the figures of the teeth indicate their position in the transverse row. HydUma nitidula may be taken as typical for this section, and the peculiarities exhibited by its odontophore may be formulated as + 4 + ^ + V + 35—2,485. This group may be looked upon as a link between the Aculeate and Quadrate teeth, as it combines Ijoth forms on the same membrane, and would thus seem to markedly indicate the omnivorous character of the species or groups possessing it. In this group certain genera will fall which further investigation may probably demonstrate to lie more suitably classified under other heads. 272 PREPARING THE OBONTOPHORES AND MANDIBLES FOR STUDY. 'riie Preparation of the buccal armature is of such importance, not merely on account of the intrinsic interest of tlie organs them- selves, hut because their study sheds so much light upon other aspects of the science, that a brief account of the methods adopted for this purpose by Pi’of. (irwatkin, Mr. W. AIoss, Mr. J. W. Neville and other prominent microscopists will he useful. The mollnsk is killed by immersion in boiling water and, if a species of moderate size, extracted from its shell, and the head cai’efully opened from above, when the buccal bulb containing the jaw and odontophore will he disclosed ; if, however, the species be too small for convenient dissection in this way, the shell with the contained animal may he crushed between two glass slips. The buccal bulb of the larger species or the crushed mass of the more minute ones are i)laced in a watch-glass or test tube containing a solution of Caustic Potash, and allowed to remain therein for a day or two to dissolve the muscular investment. When greater expedition is desirable, the buccal bulb of the larger animals may he boiled in the i) solution in a test tube or watch- glass and the minute species upon the slide upon which they have been crushed, taking care in each case that the solution is not too strong. When the desired organs are freed from extraneous matter, wash well in clean water and if necessary place in a weaker potash solution fur a few hours; then give a final thorough washing, u.sing, if thought advisable, a very tine camel’s-hair brush to assist the cleansing process, more especially at the hinder end of the radula, but to secure the perfect removal of the potash, the radula may again be placed in imre water for some hours. When thoroughly clean, the jaw and odontophore are transferred to and immersed in a small drop of glycerine with which the prepara- tion will be thoroughly permeated in about half-an-hour, when they may he hnally transferred to a clean slip, upon which a droplet of glycerine has lieen placed, and the jaw and odontophore arranged in the desired positions under the microscope. If the odontophore does not spread out flat this may he due to a constricting upper membrane, which, with a lower non-constricting one, needs careful removal. If the radula is unavoidably somewhat torn in the process, it will be no disadvantage, as it will enable the teeth to be examined in various aspects, and in fact it is desirable to purposely make a tear ([uite across the odontophore to achieve this result. PREPARATION AND STAINING OF ODONTOPHORES. 273 AVheii satisfactorily arranged, breathe upon a clean cover-glass and place it upon the object -without enclosing air-bubbles, and then, while carefully avoiding moving the glass cover, wipe off the superfluous glycerine with a soft rag, and with a tine brush dipped in quick- drying gold size run a connecting line round the glass cover and slide and lay aside for a day or two to dry, before finishing off with cement. If Glycerine Jelly be preferred as the mounting medium, the bottle containing the jelly should be placed iu a cup of hot water until li(iuefied, and when the radula and jaw are satisfactorily arranged on the slide, place a cover-glass over them, and secure it by a clip, before running the now fluid jelly beneath the cover, under which it will (juickly penetrate by capillary attraction ; when thoroughly permeated, boil for a moment to get rid of vacuoles or vapour bubbles, and i)lace the slide aside in a cool place for two or three weeks; the superfluous jelly can then be removed and the mount completed with a ring of brown cement and a finishing coat of gold size. The objection to the use of glycerine is its h3^gi-oscopic nature, and in some districts the injurious effects resulting from this (quality can scarcely be securely guarded against by the most careful ringing. Canada Balsam is also used as a mounting medium when it is intended to stain the radula or where it is desired to use the polari- scope in the examination of the prepai’ations, and though the Balsam, in course of time, renders the teeth very transparent, that is no real obstacle to the successful use of the polai'izing apparatus. Staining, in the opinion of many microscopists, greatly facilitates the study of the more minute odontophores, a well-stained preparation showing the teeth as though formed of coloured glass or crystal. Although many stains are used bj' microscopists, the Eosin-Haima- to.xylin })rocess, as practised by Mr. E. W. W. Bowell, being practically permanent and so excellent in many ways, may be selected as a representative one. In this process, the ladula, after the final washing previously described, is wanned in water slightly acidulated with acetic acid to neutralize any trace of alkali left in the preparation ; it is then dehyd- rated with absolute alcohol, placed upon a clean excavated slide, and Ehrlich’s undiluted Hpematoxylin applied for two or three minutes ; should the blue stain, after its development by washing in tap water, prove to be too strong, the fault is (quickly corrected by a momentary sojourn in alcohol or water faintly acidulated by Hydrochloric Acid. s 274 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — THE (ESOPHAGUS. SfSJ/ Fig. oil. — ^’ariolls cells from the lesophaijus of I/cli.v ^ofnatia L.. highly magnilied (after Vogt and Vung). I’lie IIaHnatox34iii stain acts by outlining the basal plates and staining the edges of the structures generally, and is strengthened and assisted in emphasizing important details and more especially the cones, by the use of a saturated aqueous solution of Eosin, which should l)e used for five or ton minutes, after which deliydrate with absolute alcohol through cigarette paper and clear with oil of cedar, then arrange the object on the slide, diy off the clearing agent with cigarette paper, and put a drop of Canada balsam, preferably in Xylol, on the object, and then place the cover glass in its i)ositiou and com- plete by cementing. The (Esophagus 1 shall cany ; (/)ayai', to eat) or tlullet, is a ciliated tube of variable length, thickness, colour, and markings in the different s})ecies, and which, though sometimes tle.xuous and in Neritina even sinuous in character, usually has au almost direct course extending in the Castropoda from the i)harynx to the stomach, but iu the Pelecypoda originating at the oral orifice owing to the absence of jiharyngeal si)ecialization. Its limits are ill detined, due to the im- perceiitible change in its structure and cai)acity, the walls being very di.sten.sible owing to the longitudinal folds into which they are thrown. Interiorly it is lined with cylimlrical and j)artially glandular epithelium, and exteriorly by muscular layers, whose successive contractions im- pel the food onwards towards the stomach, before reaching which the tube may ex- pand to form one or more distinct enlarge- ments, separated by imjre or less definite constrictions, corre.sponding to and in- dicating division of function. The Crop, the most anterior of the (esophageal enlargements, acts as a kind of reservoir or i)reliminary receptacle for the ingested food, and is a large and fusiform thin-walled sac, often conspicuous by tbe colour of its contents, occupying the front of the visceral hump in the testaceous .species and tilling a considerable part of the bodj" cavity. The lining membrane resembles the msophagus Fig. 545. — Alimentary canal of Limmca ^^crcgi’a Mull., X 4, showing the relative positions of the crop, paired giz/ards, stomach, etc. b.h. buccal hulh ; c. crop ; g. paired gizzards ; st. stomach ; /. plecton ; rectum ; ic. oesophagus ; s.g. sali- vary glands. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — SALIVARY GLANDS. 275 iu being thrown into a series of distensible longitndinal folds, visible through the thin walls and giving the organ a striated appearance. In Testacella and probably other species, the crop may acquire stronger and more muscular walls and assume the functions of the true stomach by canying on the processes of active digestion therein. The Gizzards or organs for the mechanical gi’inding of food are present in some species and placed on the foregnt between and partially beneath the crop and the stomach. In Limncva they con- sist of two globular and laterally paired piirple-brown muscnlar pouches formed by an excessive local development of the nmsciilar investment of the oesophageal tube, and ai’e usually partially filled with sand or gravel to assist in the crushing and trituration of the food before undergoing the process of digestion within the true stomach, as it is only posterior to such muscular enlargements that the true digestive ferments are encountered. The four cavities, the crop, the paired gizzards and the stomach, thus concerned in the storage, tritui’ation and digestion of food really form only a single chamber with four recesses, and bears a general external resemblance to the Quatrefoil of Gothic architecture or may be likened to the nave and transept of a cathedral, the lateral gizzards representing the transepts and the crop and stomach the nave of the building. The Salivary Glands (saliva, spittle), whose presence in the mol- Insca is apparently correlated with the development of a pharynx, and which do not therefore exist in the Pelecypoda, except perhaps in such archaic genera as Nuciila, etc., in which there are paired glandular pouches opening into a vestigial buccal cavity, which may represent the early form of these organs, that of a pair of simple tubules, with the secretory part located at the distal end, as in Acta’on and other archaic Gastropods. The organs of Semper, which I have regarded as more especially gustatory in function, are considered by many to be homologous with and to repre- sent the Buccal or Anterior Salivary Glands present in the Cephalo- poda, Amphineura and other gxoups. Fig. 546.— Salivary glands of Ileli.x hortciisis Mull., x 3, showing the character and mode of apposition to oesophagus. b.b. buccal bulb ; ce, oeso- phagus ; s.g. salivary glands with their ducts, s.d. 276 ALIiMENTAUV SYSTEM — SALIVARY GLANDS. In tlie Gastropoda, tlie salivary glands arise as simple outgrowths of the alimentary canal, and are i)aired foliaceons lohnlate organs, often fused together dorsally, composed of hranched hlind tubules lined with glandular epithelium and attached by connective tissue to the sides of the msophagus or to the walls of the foregut or crop, and though there is a general resemblance in this organ among the different species, yet there are some divergent forms, the most striking example being Ci/closfonia elegaua, whose glands in their natural position are curiously coiled up, hut when un- folded resemble the handles of church-hell ropes. 'I'he secretory cells are large and somewhat oval, with large oval nuclei, which can he rendered visible by reagents ; they are invested by connective tissue, containing free nuclei. The secretions escape from the individual cells by the rupture of their investing ti.ssue, and are gathered eventually into the usually darkly i>ig- mented common ducts of each gland, which are placed at each side of, and acconqianying the (esoi)hagus through the nerve ring, and convey the fluid into the in)i)er part of the Imccal cavity, where it is discharged by enlarged outlets. The constituents of the salivary secre- tions differ in the different groups, some marine genera even .secreting sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, hut the Gastroiioda of our country usually secrete a ferment which, in addition to mixing with and moistening the food and thus assisting its passage along the digestive canal, also converts the starch of the food into glucose or sugar. In our branchiate .species these .secretions have been a.scertalned to con- tain Calcium, Mucin, Sulphocyanate and Calcium-pho.sphate, and l)ossihly a trace of Chlorine, while in the Pulmonates, Calcium and Chlorine are the chief constituents, l^uliihocyanate and Calcium- pho.sjdiate being doubtfully pre.sent. Fit,. — Transverse section through Salivary gland to show the arrangement of the cells, highly magnified (after Vogt and Viing). sl.c. nucleated salivary cells ; c.c. scattered connective tissue cells; . epithelium. (I Fig. 547. Fig. 548. Fig. 547. — Anterior part of cesophagus of Cychstoina t7ci.’n!//A OInll X X 3, show- ing the disposition of the Salivary glands. r.^. cerebral ganglia; s.i^. sali\ary glands ; a\ cesophagus. Fig. 5IS.-Salivary gland of Cyclosioma cU'gans (.Midi.) opened out. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — STOMACH. 277 Tlie Stomach or miil-iutestinal sac is a specialized enlargement of the digestive tube, in or near to which the chief digestive processes are performed and whose walls are often thickened and strengthened by constrictor muscles, and although, in many species, the stomach seems blended morphologically and functionally with the crop, the two organs are often perceptibly distinct. It is usually of an elongate or ovoid form, but, being placed at and forming the termination of the first alimentary tract, it is often so bent and curved as to seem a lateral outgTOwth of the alimentary tube, the cardiac or oesophageal and the pyloric or intestinal apertures becoming more closely approximated in proportion to the abruptness of the angle formed by the returning tract. Fig. 550. — Epithelial cells from stomach of Helix pom atia L., highly magnified (after V ogt and Yung). Fig. 551. — Interior of stomach of CyclosioDia ele^^ans (Mull.), x 4, showing its complicated and sacculate walls (after Garnault). ce. oesophagus ; i. intestine ; d.g. diges- tive glands and ducts. Fig. 552. — Section through the walls of the stomach of Helix pomatia L., highly magnified (after Vogt and Yung). cti, cuticle ; e.c. cylindrical nucleated epithelial cells with interposed lacunas ; 7ti. muscular layer with nucleated connective tissue. Interiorly the walls of the stomach are beset with glands secreting a digestive fluid and thrown into longitudinal folds continuous with those of the oesophagus and often crossed by more indistinctly trans- verse ones, giving the stomach a somewhat sacculate aspect. There is often a coecum or accessory sac on the right side in the pyloric region, the Stylotheca (cttuXos, a rod ; 9i]K7], a receptacle), which may extend between the convolutions of the intestines, and contains the Fig. 553. — Alimentary tract of Dreissensia polymorpha (Pall.), more especially to illus- trate the position and character of the Stylo- theca (after Moquin-Tandon). in. mouth ; st. stomach : p. plecton ; r. rectum piercing the heart, h. ; s.c. pyloric coecum or stylotheca. 278 ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — CRYSTALLINE STYLE. crystalline style. In some species, this sac can be shut off from the stomach by a valve, or, as in Utiionidw and other groups, may become fused with the initial part of the intestine, communicating therewith by a narrow slit. The Fl^che-tricuspide or three-pointed body is a firm and gelatinous cuticular investment of tlie internal walls of the stomach, especially developed towards its pyloric end and even continued with- in the intestine itself. This stomachal coating, which is continuous with the crystal- line style, especially charac- terizes the Pelecypoda, but is present in many Gastropods, and is secreted by the epithe- lium of the stomach, chiefly for the protection of its deli- cate walls and the secretory cellules therein, but in certain marine genera this structure may become differentiated to form variously shaped masticatory plates. Tlie Grystalline Style, formerly supposed to be correlated with the absence of mandililes, is a semi-transparent variously shaped rodlet of concentric structure, continuous with and of similar consistency to the Fleche-tricuspide, of which it is a specialized outgrowth, usually projecting freely into the cavity of the stomach from the pyloric coecal sac, secreting and containing it. It bears some general resemblance to a })estle and mortar, and probably assists to more intimately intermi.x the food in the stomach with the gastric ferments, which are usually poured directly into the f,,.. 555.-Crys..-iiiine style of stomach from the digestive gland in those eIuaigTd%ft^^fMoquiii-Ta®n^^^^^^^ species possessing the crystalline style, but where the pyloric sac is not developed the digestive fluid may be emptied into the plectou, whose restricted diameter allows a thorough iiitermi.xture to readily take jtlace. The stylet and its extensions being exposed to the action of the digestive fluids become softened and partially dissolved, furnishing the material for surrounding with a soft glutinous film any sharp, angular parficles accidentally swallowed with the food, thus f'ui. 5ot. — Median section through Stomach and Stylotheca of Donax, showing the Crystalline Style in situ and the arrangement of the Fleche-lricuspide on the stomach walls, greatly magnified (after Harrois). st. stom.ach, with the Fleche-tricuspide f.t. ; a\ cesophagus ; i. intestine ; sc. Stylotheca, with the con- tained and projecting Crystalline Style c.s. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — DIGESTIVE GLAND. 279 preventing the laceration of the walls of the stomach and intestines, and facilitating the ])assage from the body of the irritant objects. These protective developments are, however, not persistent organs, but disappear and are renewed periodically, probably forming during times of plentiful food supply, and disappearing when a prolonged scarcity of food has led to their ab.sorption by the animal, in a similar way to that in which other animals absorb superabnndant tissues during periods of famine. The Digestive Gland, perhaps better known as the liver, is the active organ of digestion and is a large brownish or greenish organ, partially or entirely enveloping the stomach and adjacent organs, more especially in the Peleeypoda, in which it is more developed than in the Gastropoda, an increased size of the digestive glands being often correlated with a reduction in the extent of the gut. The organ is usually formed by two chief, but unequal, lobes, the left lobe being larger than the right, this asymmetry being apparent from the first development or rapidly becoming so, except in Neritlna and Valmta, in which they are e(|ual and symmetrical during development. It consists of innumerable acini, cleft into digitiform processes or cceca, which are aggregated into lobules of varied size and complexity, bound to- gether and surrounded by connective tissue and usually encompassed by a plexus of delicate blood vessels, which in Avion ater and other species are opaque milk-white showing strikingly against the dark background, while externally the whole gland is sur- rounded by a blond sinus. There is an outer structureless membrane, and internally the organ is chietly com- posed of three kinds of cells, viz., fer- ment cells, liver cells and lime cells. The ferment and liver cells enclose grannies of fat, albumen and pigment and differ chiefly physiologically. The lime cells, which contain phosphate or carbonate of lime, are Fig. .550. — Digestive tract of Lwimca stagnatisiX'^^’, X 2, showing the digestive gland and its ducts. b.b. buccal bulb ; s.g, salivary glands ; O’, oe.sophagus ; c, crop ; g. gizzards ; st. stomach :, digestive gland and its ducts ; anus. ALIiMENTAKV SYSTEM— -DIGESTIVE GLAND. ■2 SO plentiful in many groups, Imt greatly reduced in number in the Limua'ida' and scarcely })resent in Snccined ; they probably represent a store of calcareous matter to be utilized in the growth of the shell or the formation of the epiphragm. The ferment is a rather thin dark yellowish fluid, decolorized and dissolved by Nitric Acid, and is probably a derivative of ha?matoidin. It is conveyed by the tiny lobular ducts which gradually unite together and linally enter the stomach anterior to the pyloric ciiecum, when present, but otherwise, usually behind the stomach and into the initial l)art of the intestine, by one or more, but usually by two chief ducts ; ill some cases, as in Ci/c/ostoiiKi, the ducts may bear isolated acini, wliich have been considered as pancreatic cocca, although such developments in the Cephaloiioda have been shown to correspond in function with the salivary glands of the higher Vertebrates. 'I'he digestive gland functions chiefly as a pancreas, but there are reasons for regarding it as also possessing hepatic functions. The peptic ferment is stated to be identical with Krukenberg’s llelico- pepsin, while the diastatic ferment, which disappears during hibernation, is stated to be capable of dissolving raw starch, but has no action on cellulose. The fat emulsifying power also disapiiears in winter. In the Pelecypoda generally the dige.stive gland has been ascer- tained to contain Diastatic ferments, I’ancreatin, Peptones and doulitfully (ilycogen, while in (lastropoda tlie contents are similar with the addition of Sodium. Put the constitution of the (iastrojiod liver, as e.xemplifieil in /It'li.v ponmtht, is, according to Dr. Levy, by alcoholic extract, Enterochlorophyll, Lecithin, Oleic and fatty Acids, and as ash. Chlorine, Pho.siihoric and Suljdiuric acid. The a(pieous extract yielded Sugar, Glycogen, Sinistrin, Globulin coagulating at Gbc, Ilypoxanthin and other bases precipitable by iihototungstic acid, and as Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, ^langanese, Cblorine, Phosphoric and Sulphuric acids, with traces of iron. In winter .silica was also found as an ash constituent. The ethereal extract yielded onl)^ a trace of fat. Glycogen (C,iIIioOs) or, as it is sometimes called, Liver-sugar, is a white amorphous amyloid substance, insoluble in alcohol or ether, and when dissolved in water exhibits a strong dextro-rotatory in- tluenee on polarized light, and is distinguished by its power to change to sugar or glucose in the presence of animal ferments. It is found ALIMENTAKY SYSTEM — INTESTINE. 281 ill most of the tissues of many mollusks, but is more especially fouml ill the digestive gland, making its aiiiiearance therein about 17 hours after feeding and disappearing entirely after one to three days’ festing. It forms I'To per cent of the digestive gland in Heliv pninati((, decreasing during liibernation to 0'429 per cent. It would appear to be formed more especially from starchy food and is probably a respiratory fuel substance, as it disappears from the blood after its oxygenation in the respiratory organs, and is present in the muscles ill a ratio inverse to their activity. The Intestine, or gut, which arises at the stomach and terminates at the anus, has its inner epithelial layer overlaid by a him of closely adherent connective tissue, with numerous glandules together con- stituting the mucous membrane. Exterior to this comhined layer is the muscular stratum, whose con- tractions serve to impel the food on its course through the digestive canal. The intestine is greatly varied in its length and mode of convolution in the different groups and even in the different species, but there is no distinct division into large and small intestinal tracts as in the vertebrates, although the relative size of the parts may be reversed in many species, the pyloric end being often the largest. Fig. 557. — Ciliated and other cells from the lining membrane of the intestinal canal of Helix aspe7-sa Midi., highly magnified (after Howes). The two largest were actively secretory. Fig. 558. Fig. 559. Fig. 560. Fig. 561. Figs. 558-561. — Diagrammatic figures showing the mode in which the chief intestinal flexure has originated (after Butschli). st. stomach ; a. anus; r.g. right gill ; l.g. left gill ; //. heart. The spiral twisting undergone by the visceral sac of most Gastro- pods during the progress of body torsion, has necessarily involved in its movement the intestinal canal and other organs contained therein, and it is remarkable that in some of our nude forms, as the genera Amalia and Avion, the whole of the intenial organs ALIMKNTAR Y SYSTEM — PLECTON. 2 8 "2 Ijeliiiul the shield still retain a YCiy considerable twist, equal to about one and a half s[)iral turns and recalling the similar twisting exhibited by the internal organs of /iitlimiiiHS, and yet, excei)t the lateral position of the organic orifices, there are no external evidences of their spirally coiled viscera, and it forms removed, showing the spirally twisted . ^ i ,• r ,i digestive gland and intestinal tract, X 2. Un6*Xp0Ct0l.l COlTObOrtltlOU 01 tllO former i)Ossession of a spiral shell by these groups. The Intestinal canal may he conveniently divided into two sections, an anterior section, the Plecton, which is usually more or less com- plexly convoluted, and a straighter terminal one, the Rectum. The Plecton (-AeKToc, twisted or twined) originates upon the ventral side of the stomach, fnmi which it is sometimes separated by a sort of valve, and in the herbivorous and omnivorous species is often very long and complexly convoluted, a feature which has arisen chietly by the elonga- tion of the ])rimitively straight and simple canal; the coiling exhibited is, however, never continuous in one direc- tion, like a watch-spring, hut is reversed from time to time, so that the tracts cimsidered as convex are ])ractically e([ualled by others bent in an oi)posite direction and forming what is known as a “reversed spiral,” an arrangement which always takes })lace when a lengthening hod)' with fixed ends is confineil within a limited .sj)ace. 'I'he Plecton, though continuing the digestive processes set up by the stomach and also receiving the secretions of the digestive gland in those species not i)ossessing the crystalline style, is chiefly absorptive in function, this jn'oeess being facilitated by the development on the ventral side of the intestinal tube, es])ecially in the earlier i)art of its course, of a strong inhdding (jf its walls, which greatly increases the al)sorptive surface and forms what is known as the T)q)hlosole. This absorption of the nutritive products of digestion from the alimentary tract is not accomplished P'lG. 503. — Alimentary tract of Sue- cinco. dedans Kisso, x 5, Exminster Marshes, Devon, collected by Mrs. Smith, showing the character of the plectonic and rectal tracts. h.b. buccal bulb; cp. oesophagus; c. crop, blending with stomach st. ; p. plecton or coiled intestine ; r. rectum. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — RECTUM. 28.3 Fig. 564. — Portion of intestinal canal of T esiacella halioiitiea Drap., showing the plexus of blood vessels upon its surface, highly magnified after Lacaze-Duthiers). by special organs, as in Vertebrates, but is effected by endosmosis through the intestinal walls into the blood contained within a plexus of blood vessels distributed over the whole surface of the alimentary canal and is thence carried by the blood to every part of tlie body, the functions of digestion, absorption and circulation being thus closely united. The Rectum {rectum, straight) is the straight terminal section of the intestine, and often differs in colour and character from the preceding convolute portion, being sometimes more muscular and palpably thicker and sacculate, as in Plunoi’bis corneas, or may be more slender, as in the Limaces. In our Pelecy- pods, in Neritina and other of the more primitive Streptoneura, the rectal tube in its course towards the exterior is embraced by the ventricle of the heart, but in Vivipara the pericardium only is pierced and in other groups every gradation is found leading to the final freedom of the rectum from all contact with the heart. The rectum bears upon its outer side a band of longitudinal muscular fibres which retract the collar, thus shortening the rectal tube and expelling the contents in various forms, according to the species and to some extent according in colour with the nature of the food. Ordinarily the excrementitious matters are e.xpelled in a vermicular or twisted shape or they may, as in Cyclostoma, assume a spherical form. The anus or excretory orifice is closed by a kind of sphincter muscle, and being always in association with the respiratory cavity, if one be present varies its position with the breathing organ, but its termination always lies in the path of the excurrent stream, if a special one is present. In the Pelecypods it is placed at the hinder end of the body above the posterior adductor, Imt in most Gastropods it opens more or less anteriorl)", in dextral specimens upon the right side of the body and in sinistral individuals on the left, and is sometimes placed upon the fmcal lobe, a small and slightly twisted outgrowth, which in Planorbis has a rich vasculariza- tion. In Testacelbt, whose visceral coil has become untwisted by the detorsion of the body, tbe anus has reverted to its primitive posterior position. Fig. 565. — Respiratory orifice of Agriolimax agrestis (L.), showing the anterior anal cleft, x 3. ALIMENTAR Y SYSTEM— TRIODROMA. 'J84 'I’he Re^tatheca (rccfd, straiglit ; t/iecu, a sheath), a reiiiarkal)le hliud (Hvertieuluiu, arises about inidway in tlie course of the rectum and extends backwards above tlie stomach in certain of our nude species, but its signiticance or function is unknown, altliough in Birds analogous structures have been correlated with the function of digesting chitin and cellulose, and it is probable that this is also its function in slugs, as fungi, which are mainly composed of cellulose, are a favourite food with the species pos- sessing the cmcuni. A7'io)i ate/' is also stated by Simroth to possess a cylindrical ca'cum, situate behind the hepatic ducts, which he regards as probably possessing special digestive power, and thus may be analogous in function to the Rectatheca. Our British species may be pro- visionally sei)arated into three groups, viz. : — Dichodroma, Triodroma and Rentadroma, which are based upon the number of tracts the intestinal canal exhibits, although the tracts in all the groups vary greatly, not only in their length, but in the number and direction of their subsidiary flexures. The 'I'riodrom.v (rpt-, three; ^/)o/ro«, a tract), which is the prevailing type of intestinal convolution in our British .species, po.s.sesses only three chief intestinal tracts beyond the stomach, the first loop being 4* Fio. 507. — Alimentary tract of Kclix lapicida L., X 4, as exemplifying the section Triodroma. always ventral to the stomach and having a forward course, which is considerably varied in detail in the different s^iecies, but usually ascending above the oesophageal tract where the first anterior loop is formed, which in the Euthyneura is held in position by the ceiihalic branch of the aorta, afterwards passing more or less diagonally back- wards and there bending forward to the rectum. Fir.. 500. — Alimentary tract of Lintax /Ia7'us L., showing the large intestinal cceciim or Rectatheca, x 2. buccal bulb ; c.^. cerebral ganglia ; cr. crop, blendifig with the stomach st. ; a. anus; c.ui. intestinal c«x:cum or Rectatheca. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM — FOOD. 285 Tlie Dichodroma double ; Spo/xos, a tract or course) com- prise those species in which the intestinal tracts have become reduced to one forward and one backwardly directed section ; the detorsion the viscera has been subjected to having merged together the rectum and 9 Fig. 568. — Alimentary tract of Testacella haliotidca Drap., enlarged, exemplifying the section Dichodroma. the posteriorly directed plectonic tract, this process also uncoiling the cephalic artery from its sustaining position around the anterior intestinal loop. Tlie Pentadroma (Trh'xe, five ; Spopos, a tract) show five tracts or courses beyond the stomach and, as in the Triodromous species, have the first anterior intestinal loop encircled by the cephalic artery ; Fig. 569. — Alimentary tract of Limax iiiaximus L., exemplifying the .section Pentadroma. the two additional tracts in Limax maximus and its immediate congeners have the additional anterior loop passed around the ])haryngeal retractor, which being affi.xed to tbe dorsal integument holds this loop in its proper position, tlie final backwardly directed tract bending in the rear to join the final tract or rectum. Fig. 571. Fig. 570. — Anterior folds of the intestinal tract of Limax maxltnus L., showing how the coils are held in their anterior position. /. plecton; r. rectum; a. aorta dividing into v.a. visceral artery and c.a. cephalic artery, the latter encircling the first anterior coil ; p.r. pharyngeal retractor, holding the second coil in place. Fig. 571. — Side view showing the pharyngeal retractor encircled by the second anterior intestinal coil and its attachment to the dorsal integument. /. the second anterior coil of the plecton ; p,r, pharyngeal retractor fixed to dorsal integument b. The Food of the Pelecy})oda consists chiefly of Infusoria and the various floating microscopic organisms brought to them by the cur- rents produced by the ciliary investment of the branchim and other DEFENCES UF PLANTS AGAINST SNAILS. 280 organs, although this method only allows a purely passive selection of the nutrient particles to be made. The more active Gastropoda, however, often exercise great discrimination in the selection of their food, althongh their tastes are not identical wiih onr own, except perhaps in their fondness fur saccharines, most .species being partial tu the sweet parts of j)la.nts. In other respects our tastes are different; C7ntroj>/ii//lnm temidum, though relished by many snails, produces unpleasant sen.sations on the human tongue, while many papilionaceous or pea-like i)lants, pleasant or merely insipid to ourselves, are carefully avoided by snails or only nibbled under stress of hunger. Although many Gastropods are more or less omnivorous, yet some species retain or have ac([uired a special power of feeding upon certain plants, which are adeiiuately defended against others not similarly modified. Plants, being the staple food of mollusks, would be much more ■severely ravaged by them if their constant attacks during countless ages had not contributed to develop a variety of i>rotective devices, liruhahly most formidable in those plants which formerly suffered must severely from their depredations. These acipiired defences are now su universally })resent that Stahl has not found a single phanero- gam unfurnished with some means of pnffection, rendering such plants more or less unpalatable or difiicnlt of access, so that only dire necessity compels the omnivorants to feed sparingly upon the least protected parts of the less perfectly defended species, and although Arum atrr and AgrioUma.v agrestis are so pre-eminently omnivorous and greedy that few i)lants are altogether safe from their attacks, yet even their ravages are infinitely reduced in extent by the varicil ohstacles to he overcome before the desired food is obtainable. 'I'liese harriers are indeed often so insuperable that certain sensi- tively organized species feed by preference upon dead or decaying leaves, jirohahly thus exhibiting their keen sn.sceptibility to the chemical pro- teciion so many j)lants enjoy, a jn'otection which, being dissipated on the fall of the leaf, enables them to he then partaken of without injury. Cultivated i)lants alone are not adeipiately armed, having pro- bably lost l>y .selective culture the re])ellant substances or structures to whicb they owed their i)reservation in a wild state, so that they are now greedily devoured l)y snails and slugs, and owe their continued existence in their present form solely to man’s protection. The Defensive Devices of i)lants operative against .snails may be mechanical or chemical, and although it is difficult to recognize a close STRUCTURAL DEFENCES OF PLANTS AGAINST SNAILS. 287 comiectioii between a definite group of animals and tlie protective arrangements of certain plants, yet such reflex contrivances un- doubtedly exist, although the same protective devices may be operative against very diverse animals. Certain groups of plants are, however, distinguished liy the predominance of a certain mode of protection, although few liave the same protection in all their parts, dowers having usually different defensive devices to the vegetative portions, and the internal protection when present differs in character from that of the exterior. The Structural Defences embrace a prickly or hairy investment, and the hardening of the stems and foliage by the silicidcation or calcidcation of the more exposed tissues, and such plants are probably still acceptable to molluscan palates when their external defences can be overcome. The Silicidcation of tlie exterior of many of our gxasses. Horsetails (E(|uisetacem) and Cyperacem not only gives rigidity and dimness to the plants, but is a real protection against snails, heliciue teeth being practically helj)less against the defence it od’ers; its efdciency is shown in some tropical grasses, in which this silicidcation is so pro- nounced as to render them totally undt even for feeding cattle. Mosses are also protected by their highly silicided tissues, shown in the stid' pointed hairs, serrate margins and rough capsule stems, features particulai'ly noticeable in Fiinaria hygrometrica. Calcidcation of the tissues is the defence of many plants, and this protection may be internal and due to the deposition of carbonate of lime within the cells. Erysimum cheiranthoides being rendered so hard from this cause that it is avoided by even Agriolimax agrestis, whereas Chara and other aquatic groups are calcided externally, assuming an e(|ually protective incrustation of the same substance. Oxalate of lime is abundant in the outer tissues of Orchids, Amarjdlids, Narcissi, Tyylm latifoUa, Arum maculatum and other plants, and generally exists in the form of Raphides a needle), minute, needle-like crystals, 2Uo 'jf “icli in length, which are always most plentiful near the surface and confer comparative immunity against attacks by snails and many other animals, as they wound the palate and a .strong burning sen.sation within the mouth of any creature attempting to feed upon the plants containing them ; they have also been known to give rise by contact to a form of eczema, even in human subjects. 288 ClIEMirAL DEFENCES OF PLANTS AGAINST SNAILS. Tlie Chemical Defences are constituted by more or less nauseous secretions, most abundant in the parts most liable to attack and due to bitter principles, tannin, acrid juices or exudations, essential and volatile oils, alkaloid, mucoid, or gelatinous secretions and by other obnoxious substances as yet undetermined. Tannin or 'rannic .Vcid exists in the epidermal cells and hairs of ferns,, geraniums, ericas, pajnlionaceous and leguminous plants, and is a very powerful protective ; many compositie are also excep- tionally rich in this substance, to which they owe their disagreeable smell, while to V((Hsneri((, H jidrocharh, PotdmiHjcton and other a([uatic plants it gives j)artial protection, supplemented in many cases by the dei)Osit of nnmerons rai)bide.s ; while in the freshwater alg:e belonging to the genera Vaucherhi, >Sj>iro(ji/r((, and in Conferva), etc., it exists in such ([uantities that a good ink can be jwepared from the alcoholic solution of their chloroi)byll. .Vcrid juices are repugnant to snails and therefore the sap of Iiunu'.r, O.i’dl/.'i, etc., ethciently })rotects these plants from many snails. Essential oils also safeguard the plants containing them, the gallic oil of the Allium tribe, the essential oils of Jtufd and the Lahiata- con- ferring an immunity from attack by most .sj)ecies. The Willow-herbs receive a certain amount of protection from the acrid volatile oil .secreted by the glandular hairs, while the Alkaloids pre.sent in the Solanataao and the bitter principle characterizing the Centians perform the same duties to the plants secreting them. jMucoid and gelatinous secretions or excretions, when well developed, are also an elticient barrier against snails. Xitelld si/iicdrpd secretes a gelatinous investment which acts as a strong deterrent to Limniva sfd(jii((/ts and jirobably other sj)ecies, while (dlh'md (jranuxiim, a gelatinous lichen, is left untouched by both land and iluviatile snails. These various defences remb'r it jirobable that the mollusca though, api)arently, living in the midst of ])lenty are often in reality only able with diftlculty to eke out a lU'ccarious existence. This is confirmed by the exhaustive exi)eriments upon various snails carried out by JMr. (Jain, which demonstrateil, for e.xample, that out of 192 varieties of food — cbielly the commoner plants of the vicinity of Newark, Notts. — offered to a. colony of Helix hortenai^, no less than 139 were ai>parently so elliciently protected that they were i[uite untouched and 17 others only slightly nibbled, even after iletinite periods of starva- tion. Of the .3(1 remaining foods more or less freely partaken of, 21 CIRf'ULATORY SYSTEM — PERICARDIUM AND HEART. 280 M'ere cultivated plants and 4 were fungi, and only the residuary 1 1 M'ere M’ild phanerogamic plants, but 6 of these were not very freely eaten and not one was devoured with that avidity which characterizes snails when really pleasant food is offered, for at such times they con- sume enormous quantities, eating the night through without inter- mission, AgrioUmax agrestis having been known to devour one-third its own weight within twenty-four hours, and when we see the destruc- tion \vi-ought amongst plants defended in such various ways, we must conclude that many would soon be entirely extirpated if the barriers to their fi’ee consumption were removed. The Circulatory or Vascular system, known also as the Ilreinocad (af/xa, blood ; KotA-os, liollow), is greatly developed in the mollusca, and consists of blood vessels and .sinuses, shut off from the general digestive cavity, of v’lich it may, however, be regarded as an adjunct, as it is the medium by which nutriment is absorbed from the alimentary canal and carried to all parts of the body. A portal circulation is constituted by that portion of the .systemic circulation of the blood which flows to and circulates within the kidney or renal organ prior to entering the auricle. The Pericardium (vre/u', around ; KapSia, heart) is a thin-walled .sac, often thick and glandular in front, which contains or encloses the heart, and is partially embraced by the renal organ. It is con- stituted by an isolated jiart of the secondary body cavity or coelom, epithelial lining also extends over and covers the exterior of the heart. The pericardial cavity receives the acrid secretion of the pericardial gland which is passed from the system by way of the reno-pericardial funnels. The Heart is the central and chief blood vessel, and is a dorsally placed contractile organ, symmetrical and median only in Pelecypods and in the most archaic Gastropods. In those Gastropods whose viscera have been most modified in position by the torsion and subsequent partial detorsion the body has Fig. 572. — Heart of Helix 7>irgata i ,11 , • i . n Da Costa within the opened pericardium and linClGrg'OllG, tllG llGtirt, lU tlGXtralJy also showing the close apposition of the renal •! i • t • i organ or kidney. C011G(1 llUllVldlUXls pOSSGSSlllg' a FG- a. auricle; 7C ventricle; k. kidney or • , ♦, ♦.tip renal organ. spiratory cavity, OCCUplG.S tllG iGit anterior side of the body, but is placed at the right side in sinistral specimens, and it is only when detorsiou is complete that the heart 25,10,99. T riUCl'LATOKY SYSTEM — VENTllIl'LE. ‘21K) again occupies it^ more pviuiitivc i)ositiou at the rear of the aniiiial ; aJways, iioweYev, inaintainiug a close proxiiiiity to tlie respiratoiy organs, tliough not placed, as in iishes, between the veins of the l)ody and the branchia!, but Ijetween the arteries and the respiratory organs, receiv- ing therefrom the vitalized blood, which it propels through the system, and hence is called an arterial or systemic heart. Interiorly the heart is variously chambered, Imt its walls are destitute of any endothelial covering, so that the mn.scle fibres are in direct contact with the blood. 'I’lie heart is constituted by two or more connected cham- hors, known according to the function they discharge, as Ventricles and Auricles. The Ventkicle {ventricuhi^, diminutive of venter, the stomach; the old anat(nnists were in the habit of terming any small cavity or dilatation furnisheil with an inlet and outlet a “Ventricle,” i.e., a little stomach) is tyjiically a median longitudinal ves.sel, usually innervated by the abdominal ganglia, which by its powertid wave-like contrac- tions forces through the body the blood received from the auricles. It is often ohconic in shape, with the cavity enclo.sed by thick, opa(pie and mu.scnlar walls, formed of granulated unstriped muscle-tihre thickly felted together and supported internally by a number of muscular i)illars or coJamnw cnrnic, and is imjhahly derived from a much more ancient arrange- ment, in which there was a pair of longitudinal blood vessels, one at each side of the centro-dorsally placed rectum, which gradually Fig. 573. Fu.. 574. Fk;. 575. Diagrams illiistratins stages in the development of the pericardium and heart in S/'ha-rium conicuni ( i (after Ziegler). Fig. 573.— E.arly stage of development, showing the paired pericardial vesicles and nascent auricles. r. rectum, entirely free from the pericardial vesicles ; /./. paired pericardial vesicles at each side of, hut distinct from the rectum ; a. a. inv.aginations of lateral walls of itericardial vesicles forming the rudi- ments of the auricles. Fig. 574.— Intermediate '‘tage, showing the forma- tio.i of the ventricle as two separated chamhers. r. rectum, now enclosed by the ventricles ; a,a. auricles : 7’. 7’. paired rudimentary ventricles, separated by a median septum, and not yet forming a single vessel ; p.p. pericardial cas’ilies. Fig. 575.— Heart showing the fusion of the paired pericardial anti ventricular cavities, owing to the absorption or loss of their dividing septa. r. rectum, now surrounded by ventricle ; n.a. auricles ; 7'.7'. ventricle, now constituted liy a single ca\ ily ; /./. pericardium. Fu;. 571). — Ycnlr'icltt: oC . I fwtfonfa X 2 (after Rankin), laid open, showing the internal valvular arrangements and the enclosing pericardium. an. auricle ; a.7'. anterior ventricular valve ; /.7'. posterior ventricular valve ; r. rectum. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM — AURICLE. 291 united in tlie median line to form a common propulsive vessel, en- closing the rectum between their walls. The Auricles {nuricul't, diminutive of aiiris, the ear ; the auricles in man being said to resemble the external ears of some (quad- rupeds) are generally pyriform, thin and transparent, with few muscle-fibres, usually innervated by the pallial ganglia, and often smaller than the Ventricle, especially in the Pulmonata ; they receive the blood direct from the respiratory organs and discharge it into the vent- ricle by a slender neck, its reflux being prevented by the auri-ventricular valves at the junction. Valvular contrivances may also be qiresent in various other qiarts of the system, more esjiecially in coimection with the dittereiit turgescible organs, as the foot, tentacles, siqilioiis, etc. The number of auricles varies in correlation with the number of respiratory organs, the Pelecypoda always qiossessing two symmetrical auri- cles, corresqionding to their qiaired brauchiie, but in our Gastropoda they are reduced to one only, owing to the loss of the primitively left branchia. The contractions and dilations of the auricles, when paii’ed, ai’e always simultaneous, and in every case alternate with those of the ventricle. The number of auricular chambers to the heart has formed a basis for the grouping of the mollusca in two sections, Diotocardia and Monotocardia, which, like other structural details, are also of value as showing phylogenetic relationship. The Diotocaruiate (Siw, two ; (oTa, auricles ; KapSia, heart) heart is characteristic of the Pelecypoda and Zygobranchiate Streptoneura, and is composed of a pair of symmetrically disposed lateral auricles and a single ventricle, which is often pierced by the rectum, and though the most complex is the more qu’imitive form. Fig. 578. — Transverse section through the heart of Anodonta cygnea (L ), X 2 (after Rankin), showing the structure of the walls of the ventricle, the arrangement of the auri- cular valves and the position of the rectum. an, auricles ; r. rectum ; ty. typhlosole. Fig. 577. — Heart of Patella with the ventricle laid open, to show the muscular pillars or colummp cariKF and the valvular opening.'^ to the auricle and to the arterial system, greatly en- larged (after Wegmann). V, interior of ventricle with the vertical cohtmme carno’ and showing the valve of the auricle to the left and the aortic valve towards the base ; b.iK branchial vein, also showing the openings through which the blood from roof of pallial cav’ity enters the auricle ; auricle ; a. a. anterior aorta ; p,a. posterior aorta ; a.h. aortic bulb. •202 cniCUr-ATiiRY SYSTEM -AORTA. The jMonotocardi.vte (/ioro9, single ; wrn, auricles ; KupSiu, heart) heart more esi)ecially characterizes the Piilmoiiata, iii M'hich the organ is larger than in the Azygobranchiate Streptuneura, M’hich also possess it; although the most simple form, it is a simplicity derived from the more complicated Diotucardiate organ, and consists of a single Fig. 579. Fig. 580. Fig. 581. Fig. 582. Diagrams showing ihe character of the heart in various groups of moliusca and its structural relationship to the more primitive organization of the Anneliils (after Gegenbaur). Fig. 579.— Fart of the dorsal propulsory vessel of ventricle of a worm with some of the lateral contributory vessels or auricles. Fig. OvSO. — Heart and paired auricles of jY/p«o, to keep ; the ancients believing these vessels naturally contained air) originate by the furcation of the aortic and are of smaller calibre. In the Gastropoda one branch, dividing and redividing, traverses the body and supplies the intestinal tract, the digestive gland, the genital gland, etc., and is known as the Visceral artery, while the other, known as the Cephalic artery, bends round and supplies the head and its organs, encircling the hrst Fig. .583. — Tcstacella halhtidca Drap. laid open dorsally and the viscera partially removed to show the arterial blood vessels, x 2 (after Lacaze-Duthiers). st. stomach ; r.s. radular sac ; a. auricle of the heart ; ventricle, from which originate the anterior and posterior aortae and the subsidiary arterial vessels. anterior intestinal coil and sending a strung branch to the foot. In some species, and especially in ^-1 riun (iter, the walls of the arteries and arterioles are greatly thickened by a siUTOuuding sheath of con- nective tissue, containing numerous calcareous and fatty particles, which gives the vessels an opm^ue, milk-white appearance, beautifully contrasting with the dark tissues upon which their complex ramihca- tions are traced. The arterial vessels may terminate and be joined to the venous system by finer and more delicate vessels or may 0})en by wide funnel-shaped and sometimes contractile orifices into laciime. The L.\cun.e (Jiicuna, a pool), Ihema- tocades or arterial blood sinuses, are the intervening spaces which permeate between the various organs of the body ; they vary greatly in size and capacity, and are destitute of proper endothelial covering. The Capill.vries (ccipUki, a hair) are the minute, thin-walled blood vessels which, in some forms, constitute the terminations of the Fig. 58i.— Connective ti>.sue cel s of virion ntcr (L ), showing the origin of lacunre, highly magnified (after Brock). 294 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM — VEINS, ETC. sinaller arteries and tlie hegiimiiig of the smaller veins ; these inter- mediary vessels which cunneet together the arterial and the venous sy.stems are distinctly developed in TestaceUd and other species. The Veins {vena, blood vessel) are the blood channels which convey the blood back to the heart, whether by way of the respiratory organs or direct ; they are continuous with and receive the blood from the capillaries, hut gradually unite to form larger vessels, which eventually empty into the large venous sinuses iireparatory to diffusion in the respiratory organs. Tlie Venous Sinuses, or blood reservoirs, are large cavities within which the blood, exhausted of its oxygen and loaded with the waste I'Ki. oSx— I )iagrain of the circuialory .'^ysicin of especially illustrating the venous sinuses (after GritVilijs). 7'..^. venous sinus ; r.7'..Y. circular jmlmonary sinus ; a. aurie'e, receiving the liloocl after aeration in the pulmonary ple.xus ; 7-. \ eniricle, giving olT the anterior and posterior aorlat. matters from the oxidation of the tissues, is accumulated after its circuit of the body, prior to entering the renal and resi)iratory organs for purification. In the (lastropoda the chief venous sinuses are in the pedal and ]iallio-visceral regions, while in the I’elecypoda the chief venous sinus is known as the Vena-cava, and is a spacious cavity lying longitudinally beneath the iiericardium. 'I'he Blook or Iheniolymph blood ; Jifinpha, water) is the circulatory fluid, and is a slightly viscous semi-transparent albuminoid tlnid, remarkable for the (piantity of calcic carbonate it contains, as shown by its effcrve.scence wlien treated with acids. It supplies the vaihnis glands with the material from which they elaborate their various secretions and also receives the iirodiicts of the oxidisation of the various tissues, conveying them to the excretory organs for CIRCULATORY SYSTEM — BLOOD AND ITS CONSTITUENTS. 295 elimination from the body. Analysis shows Carbonate and Phosphate of Lime, Carbonate and Chlorhydrate of Soda, O.xide of Iron, and a trace of O.xide of Manganese to be some of the constitnents of mollnscau blood. The blood may form fnlly half the total weight of the body in the Pelecypoda and about one-sixth in the Pnhnonates, this relatively large volume enabling a portion to be utilized to protrude or stiffen different parts or organs of the body, as strikingly seen in the pro- trusion and e.xtension of the tentacles in the Gastropoda and in the tnrgescence of the foot in the Pelecypoda, this being ac- complished by permitting the inrush of blood to the j)articnlar organs to continue and retaining it therein by the action of suit- ably dis})Osed sphincter muscles, the most important being known as “ Keber’s Valvule,” whose action permits the free ingress of blood to the foot, but by the closure of the gveat afferent renal vein prevents its esca})e therefrom, thus retaining all the blood within the foot and enabling it to (piickly become firm and rigid for locomotory purposes. H.emocyanin (atp.a, hlood ; Kvaveos, dark bine), a proteid in combination with copper, with a chemical composition of Cgr, 7, Hi 30 3 ^22:5 CnS.i 0.5 8, is also usually present in mollnscan blood and functions in a similar, but feebler, way to luemoglobin, by absorbing oxygen from the air or water and carrying it to the more remote tissues of the body, the bluish or violet colour, characterizing it when rich in oxygen, being gradually lost as that substance becomes abstracted by the tissues with which it comes in contact. H.EMOGLOBIN (af/xtt, blood ; ghhus, a sphere), is an albuminoid in association with iron, which during respiration enters freely into an un- stable combination with oxygen, from which it is again separated by the tissues as the blood circulates through the body. It is present in the buccal muscles of many species, whose energetic action calls for more active o.xygeuation than hremocyanin can accomplish. The Fig. 5S6. — Keber’s valvule in Anodonta cy^nca var. celU'usis C. Pfr., greatly enlarged (after Fleischniann). k.v, sphincter of Keber’s valvule ; r.c. renal cavities ; pc. pericardium ; r.p.f, reno-pericardial funnel. 21)6 CIRCrLATORY SYSTEM — AMCEBOCYTES. Ki(,. .Vn7- — lUooil orpiiscics or anuubocytcs i)f Helix foniitia L., fixed wiili osniic acid, liigldy iiuignifictl (after N’ogi and Wing). same active respiratory substance is found abundantly in the blood of adult rianorbes, but not confined within special corpuscles, as in man or in the molluscan genera Sokii, etc., hut diffused through the circulatory iluid, to whicli it gives a bright pink appearance; this s])ecial abundance of haunoglobin in PI((iiorbis may be considered to be in direct correlation with the transitional character of their respira- tory .system and the feebly oxygenated state of the stagnant pools in which they so often live. The Amcebocytes ((tpeZ/^io, to change ; kvtos, a cell) or white blood corpuscles, known also as Phagocytes, are minute, indistinctly nucleated, unicellular organisms of variable size, resembling those of man in structure and exhibiting the same ama'boid movements. They possess vari- ous assimilating and nutrient functions and contain more oi- less abundant refractive albumonogenousgTanule.s,'\ ])rotoplasm is believed to serve as a sturehduse for the accumulation of fat and albuminoids and to form tbe means ready for the re])air of wounded tissue. The Ammbocytes seem from their origin to he connective tissue cells e.s])ecially adapted to live in an albnminous medium and are numerously pre.sent in the blood ; they originate on the walls of the lymphatic glands and arc reproduced hy direct divi.sion, ami possess a smooth diaiihauous outer membrane and a nodally thickened reticu- lated framework, with a more unstahle material iu the meshes. Tbe Pulsations {pulxo, I beat) or rhythmical contractions of the Ventricle of the heart furnish by their number a reliable index to the activity of the circulation, and in certain species of Gastropods are visible througb tbe base of tbe last whorl of the shell, and in some delicately shelled Pelecypods perceptible near the umhones. 'I’he alternate contractions and relaxations of the heart are so persistent that they have been observed to continue for some time after its removal from the l)ody of the animal and when completely drained of blood ; according to Lister, the pulsations will recommence even twelve hours after excision if the (jrgan be moistened with blood. The activity of the circulation is, however, intluenced by many CIRCULATORY SYSTEM — PULSATIONS OF THE HEART. 297 conditions ; age, exercise and temperature, each contributing to con- trol its actions, while other less direct intlnences exert a subsidiary modifying effect. Injuries to the shell or to the animal have also a disturbing effect upon the activity of the heart, whose pulsations are greatly accelerated even by the careful removal of a piece of the shell, so that any attempt to ascertain the pulse rate in the thick-shelled species, by removing, however carefully, the shell covering the cardiac region, would only yield misleading results. Age, as in other animals, has a great influence on the rapidity of the heart’s pulsations. In man, according to Carpenter, the pulse decreases in rapidity from about 135 at birth to y a neighbouring thermometer. Every species ami every individual, however, naturally seeks those conditions most agreeable to its own welfare, and it is probable that in correlation with this habit there is for every species a special o[)timiim external temj)eraturc and also an oj)timmn pulse-rate, especially suited to the action of its organs and to the re(piiremeiits of its economy. Some species, like Hcliv pisuna and Helix eartmlana, habitually exi) themselves to the full glare of a burning sun and have prohalily a high optimum pulse-rate; others, which secrete them- selves during the heat of the day in moderately dry and sheltered spots, attacheil to stems or undersides of leaves in hedgerows, have a l)ulse-rate varying between 3') and GO; while species which habitually hide themselves in wet moss or at the roots of damp herbage range between 2') and 43 per minute. The .\(^uiEERors or water-vascular system in the mollusca is most develojted in the marine Pelecypods, some species possessing a coni- plete network of ramifying canals within the foot, which, by the ince])tion of water from ivithout, render the foot turgid and linn, supplementary to the tiirgescence due to the retention of the blood therein. Absorbent or minute i)ore canals opening to the e.xterior have also been allirmed to exist in our Eritish Unionidmand S]i)luerii(he and are stateil to have been observed even in Helix jKiniatid and other terrestrial sj)ecies, the Limaces being specially noticeable for the rapid absorption of moisture by their integument. Respiration is a jimcess vital to aiiinial existence, and in the lower forms of life may he accomplished simply by an interchange between the surface of the body and the surrounding medium, hut in the more highly organized animals this interchange between the gases of the blood and tissues is chielly iierformed by specialized and suitably lilaced organs, whose res[)irations or breathings, like the pulsations of the heart, vary in nundier in different sjiecies and also differ accord! ng to temperature, and the age, amount of exertion, etc., of the individual, but are always much more slowly and irregularly per- formed, the energy and activity of the organism being in proportion to the amount of oxygen absorbed. RESPIRATOR V ORGANS — CTENIDIA. 801 Tlie fiuictioii of respiration is to sujiply oxygen to the blood and tissues and to eliminate the gaseous products of decay, and essentially consists in the exposure of the impure venous blood to the vivifying influence of air, or water containing air, so that oxygen is absorbed and carbonic acid eliminated. This result in the mollusca is accomplished chiefly by brauchitie in the ai^uatic species and by a lung cavity in the terrestrial forms. Auxiliaiy to the respiration carried on in these specialized organs, there is cutaneous respiration and tissue or internal respiration. Branchle (^pdi'yia, the gills of a fish) or Gills, the specialized organs for the respiration of water, are differentiations of the integu- ment, and are in strict correlation with an a(jnatic life, and therefore of gi’eater extent and complexity than the lung of the Pulmonates, to compensate for respiring a medium containing so little oxygen. The Ctenidia (Krei-tStoi', a little comb) or primitive molluscan gills are typically symmetrical and paired free plume-like structures, although it is only in some of the Pelecypods and Zygobranchiate Gastropods that their original character and arraugemeut are preserved. They are assumed to have arisen as simple ridges at each side of the body, along a line extending from the mouth to the anus, known as the Lophophoral (Xd(/)os, a plume ; c^dpcoj, to carry) line on account of its relation to the oral disk or lophojihore of the Polyzoa, etc. These ridges, by elongation, each give rise to a row of hollow, ^ciliated respiratory processes, usually stiffened by chitinous rods, along one edge, each filament con- taining afferent and efferent axial vessels, and bearing at each side numerous delicate and perpendicular vascular, lined in- teriorly with connective tissue and supported ly muscular trabeculai, which under nervous influence, relax and contract, as.sisting to alternately receive and expel the blood. In the ancestors of most of the active Gastropoda the lateral gill-processes and the area occupied by them, from various causes, become more restricted and tend also to be relegated towards the rear of the animal. Fig. 590. — Anodonta cygnea (L.) with mantle, gills and labial palps removed to show the Lophophoral line (after Lankester). a. a. line of attachment of the anterior palp and /./. of the posterior palp, con- tinuous with l.c. the line of attachment of the left ctenidium or gill, jointly forming the Lophophoral line ; a. ad. anterior adductor; posterior adductor; iii. mouth foot; n.o. nephridial opening ; g.o, reproductive orifice. 302 RESPIRATION IN PEEECYPODA. In oiir Pelecypotla the liraiioliial iilanieuts have coiitiiiuecl to elongate, and to secure t'reedoin of growtli have bent back upon themselves, sn that the paired tilanients on each side suspended from their i)oint of support, which i)reviously formed an inverted V, are, by the retlected growth, converted into a tigure resembling the letter W. 'file separate tilanients may, however, combine together and form a j)late-like, although iierforate, gill, this fusion and vascular continuity of the constituent tilanients being preceded by the close interlocking of the cilia clothing their surface and followed by a more or less in- timate interlainellar concrescence. The primitive tilamentous condition may, however, arise secondarily bj" the splitting nji of previousl}^ e.xistent lamellate gills, as is stated by Korschelt to be the case with Sph(trium. The posterior mantle margin, in the burrowing sjiecies, is often produced into one or a pair of tubular processes or siphons for the purpose of conveying the water to and from the gills ; the lower- most, known as the branchial or afferent sijihon, is encircled by a number of long sensitive tilanients or tentaciila; the other, known as the anal or efferent aperture or siphon, carries away the respired water after it has passed over the branchim, and is usually shorter and more dorsally placed, with occasionally a tilamentous termination. In the marine Imrrowing species, the respiratory siphons are very long and very extensile, Imt usually corresiiond to the de])th of the burrow occupied by the mollusk, although species like Anod(»ita rjiguea, which possess comparatively rudimentary siphons, sometimes live buried beneath ten inches or more of soft mud and yet preserve free communication with the water above by means of vertical perfora- tions through the soil, formed and kept open by tbe siphonal currents. 'I'be Pelecypoda have been classihed by Pelseneer into five groups, based ui»on tbe amount of siiecialization the gills have undergone, the simplest being known as Protobranchiata and the most .sjiecialized as Septibranchiata, these being connected by tbe groups Filibranchiata, Eulamellibranchiata and P.seudolamellibranchiata ; all our British RESPIRATION IN PELEOYPODA AND GASTROPODA. species, however, are Eulainelliliranchs, in wliich the filanieiitary processes have become fused together and form more or less complexly perforated and folded gill plates, lying in a branchial chamber ; the interlamellar cavities, in some species, serving as marsupial or in- cubatory pouches for the protection of the eggs or young. The delicate branchial tissue is easily detached in minute Hakes by compression or friction, the detached fragments moving about like living Infusoria liy the action of the cilia clothing their surface. Miiller actually described these motile particles as species of his Infusorian genera, Trichodd and lAUicophra. In Gastropods the gills, though simpler in character, are constructed on the same iilan as those of the Pelecypods and occupy a similar, though more restricted, position, hut, owing to body torsion, the primitively left gill has become atrophied in all our species, al- though still present in a more or less primitive form in the Fig. 592.— Ctenidium or gill of a Monoto- r/ ^ i • , rm cardiate Gastropod showing its pinnate character /iyC'ObrailCllUlUl. lllG 2'llls cU'C (niter mng). ° cl. ctenidium or gill with efferent Mood ves.sel USUally HOW Ot a Seinipilinate le.nding to the auricle, rr.; f'. ventricle terminating t , -.I j.1, • c i in rt <1. anterior aorta and /.«. posterior aorta. CliaraCter Wltll the aXlS tUSCd tO the roof of the mantle chamber, the respiratory processes being arranged parallel to each other, lilce the teeth of a comb, and freely projecting into the respired -water. In the branchiate species resjiiration is [irobalily more or less continuous when in process, more especially in the Pelecypoda, in which the alimentary function is so intimately combined with that Fig. 593. — Vnio pictoy-nni (L.) with right valve and mantle removed to show the courses of the water currents during respiration (after 6lt). The arrows indicate the courses traversed by the inspired water. of respiration. The currents produced by the dense ciliary invest- ment enter by the inhalent aperture, and are aftirmed to How in a steady and continuous stream along more or less definite and precise HKSPIRATION — PULMONARY f'lIAMBKR. ;!(it trucks or courses, ])ussiiig through or over tlie gills and leaving the body by the exhaleiit aperture. Secondary Branch i.e are developed amongst our native species only in the Liminvahv, a group which have relinij[uished terrestrial life to resume an atpiatic one, and which are even now undergoing the process of re-adaptation to the respiration of water, this being shown by the diminution or loss of the pulmonary cavity and the increasing vascularity of the ex- sertile, tegumentary appendage bearing the anus and known as the Auriform lobe ; this new organ (jf resj)i ration is now aetively functional in Phtuorbh Cornells and other species. In the marine genera Patelld, etc., this re-adaptation has taken the form of vascular outgrowths within the respiratory cavity, but the same result may he attained in other groups by different methods. Fto Auriform lolteor secondary bram liia of I'/anorl>is corncus (li-)i X 12, showing its liiglily vascular cliaracter (after Pclscncer). alimentary canal, but that of the I’ulmonates is really only a modi- fication of the branchial cavity of the a([uatic species, in which the 'I’lie Pulmonary Chamber of the Pulmonata is not morihologically a true luug, as in the Vertebrates, although i)hysiologically performing similar functions. The vertebrate lung is a diverticulum of the Fifb oOo. — Roof of pulmonary cavity of Liniax (L.)» seen from l>elow X 3 (after Leidy), showing the relationship of the lieart and the blood vessels of the lungs. a. auricle of the heart receiving the oxy- genated blood from the lung plexus; 7'. ventricle of the heart ; /r. kidney or renal organ ; u. ureter ; r. rectum ; c.o. excretory orifice ; r.o. respiratory orifice. Fig. oOG. — Longitudinal section through mantle of Cyclostoma elcgans (Midi.), highly magnified, showing the folds of the vestigial branchia (after Oarnaidt). RESPIRATION IN PULMONATA. cteiiidium or primitive gill has become atrophied and lost, and the anterior margin of the cavity has become fused with the dorsal integument, except at one point which constitutes the pulmonaiy aperture, where air is admitted and expelled for respiratory purposes, or, as in the aijuatic Pulmonata, for hydrostatic purposes also. Upon the walls and more especially upon the roof of the respiratory cavity, a complex network of delicate blood vessels has been developed, a change necessitated by the adop- tion of terrestrial life and aerial respiration by the ancestors of the Pulmonata ; although the Pul- monates are not a homogeneous group, but of polyphyletic origin, several distinct families having branched off in this direction. The pulmonary chamber has been aptl}' compared to a single air cell of the mammalian lung, as in both there is a cavity lined by a delicate vascular membrane supplied with impure venous blood, with air in contact with the free surface. In terrestrial and Huviatile Pulmonates, although the breathing or opening and closing of the single pulmonary orifice is more actively rhythmical than in the branchiferous species, yet there is not the same methodical and regular isochronous succession of respiratory move- ments as previously described in the movements of the heart. Si^/are of water ^^Sec ^^Sec ScAi-E : — 30 mill. = one hour. Fig. 503. — Diagram illustrating the respiratory action at 66 F. of a specimen of Planorbis corneiis from Wansford, near Bev’erley. The time.s mentioned on the diagram repre.sent the number of seconds the respiratory orifice remained open to the air at each inspiration, their duration being too brief to allow of indication according to scale. The horizontal line below the level of the surface of the water is to scale and represents the time the animal remained beneath the surface between the respiratory acts. The renewal of the air within the pulmonary cavity takes place when fhe respiratory aperture is opened, and is chiefly accomplished by diffusion ; exactly as when a door is opened to ventilate a room, the incoming purer air being stated to follow a certain well-defined course within the lung-cavity, and to gradually replace that which has become effete by respiration ; the process being, however, assisted by the con- tractions and relaxations of the muscular walls of the cavity. 21 10/9D. Fig. 597. — Blood sinus of lung wall of Helix pojiiatia L., highly magnified (after Vogt and Vung). b.s. blood sinus; ep. epithelium ; m. mus- cular layer beneath a stratum of connective tissue bearing pigment cells ; c.t. connective tissue cells. U ClTTANE(nTS RESriRATION^. ;!()('> Thermal comlitions also variously affect or intluonce tlie activity ot tlie res}»iratory function in ilifforent species, some species being more susceptible ami responsive to the tluctuations of temperature tlnin Fir,. .5nn. — Liin.'i.v ninximus L., with shield removed, to show the course traversed hy the respiratory air current (after Dr. T. Williams). The arrows show the general direction alTirmed to he followed hy the pure air at each inspiration. others. 'I’lie tluvi:itile Pulmonates do not, however, exclusively respire air, l)ut may at times he observed to regularly open and close their resi)iratory orifice when beneath the surface, more especially when the inhabited water de])arts from a medium temperature. Kumher of seconds per hour occupied in respiration. 0 111 20 30 10 jO GO 70 80 00 100 110 Fiii. (5)0. — Thermal-respiratory curves of Liinnaui L'nnnu’a auricularia and Pinn- ot his corncus, illustrating tlie varying degree in which changes of temperature ail'ect the rapidity of respiration in dilTereiit species. Nr)Ti’:. — 'File results indicated in tlie above diagram of the action of the respiratory organs show the average results of a large numher of ohservaiions upon individuals kejJt in conllnement, and it is jjossihle a more extended study under less arlificinl conditions will modify to some extent the results attained, as it may eliminate any elTects due to abnormality in the mollusks themselves or their surroundings. CrTANEOi's Resiuration i.s actively carried on through the general integument, e.specially hy the .slugs and other genera, and though usually subsidiary to that of the gills or lungs, yet, in some forms, as Auodoitfu, etc., the surface of the mantle may i)erform the func- tion of re.spiration even more effectually than the gills. Cutaneous re.siiiratinii in the Pulmonatc .species may, under certain c()nditions, he the chief mode of respiration, and i)ractically constitute TISSUE RESPIRATION. 307 the wliole respiratory function, as in tlie cold abyssal depths of the Lake of (leneva, where several minute species of Liinncm permanently dwell, their ^lulmonary sacs filled with water, and aipiatic respiration taking place by the lung cavity and by the integument, a prolonga- tion of the acpieous respiration of the embryo and newly-hatched young of the aij[uatic Pulmonates. During winter, when the pools are frozen and access to the air cut off, various species of Liminvtdw may often be observed beneath the ice crawling actively about and probably mainly respiring by their skin. Respiration by the skin is assisted by the presence therein of superficially placed coloring matters with an affinity for oxygen, as e.xem])lified in the orange-coloured foot of many Pelecypods, this colouring being usuallj' due to Tetronerythrin, a substance comliining readily with oxygen. The integument of Limax etc., has also yielded pigments which, in addition to other duties, are also functionally respiratory. Tissue Respiration is greatly developed in mollusca and is chiefl}" performed by means of the varied pigments so plentiful in the molluscan organism, and although their chief function is doubtless respiratory, as they combine with and retain oxygen within the system, yet they have also other functions, as in perfecting protective resemblances or acting as screens to underlying cells. These pigments, known as Enterochloro})hylls and Enterohaunatins, were first discovered by Dr. Sorby, and apparently contribute to replace hmmoglobiu in the Invertebrate system. The Enterociilorophylls (evrepov, gut ; green ; a leaf) found in the digestive gland are identical with the hepato- chroniates, and occur dissolved in oil globules and in the pi'otoplasm of the secreting cells, though also found in a granular form. The}’ are probably formed by the action of the digestive fluids upon the chlorophyll of the food, and eventually become lodged within the digestive gland and other organs. The Enteroh.ematins (Lwepor, gut ; atfia, blood) also occur chiefly in the digestive gland, though present in various other parts of the body. Myoh.ematin (pis, muscle ; afpu, Idood) is the true intrinsic coloring matter of invertebrate muscle, while IIistoirematin (urTos, tissue ; aipa, blood) is characteristic of organs and tissues, but both may be reinforced or replaced by hannoglobin where extra activity of internal respiration is reipiired. TEMl’KRATrUK AND .ESTrVATIl )N. :!os rn)b;il)ly all those substances are fornieil on the same basis, as b!eniato]:)ori)b_yrin is yielded on decomposition by all of them. The 'rE.Mi’EiiATDRE of wavm-blooded animals is maintained at a nearly uniform standard under all changes of external temperature by combustive within the body, but in the mollusca and other cold-blooded animals, owing to their sluggish respiration, the oxygenation is so feeble that very little heat is generated and the bodil}' temperature fluctuates with that of the inhabited medium. Repeated observations have establi.shcil that the temperature of land snails practically accords with that of the atmosphere if it be moist, but in dry weather the heat of the animals may be reduced below of the air, prob.ibly by the increased evaporation from the body of its natural moisture. Although a single Hi'H.v or Lhna.v confined within a limited space causes no perceptible thermometric change, yet if .several be enclo.sed together the temperature has been noted by different observers to from D'21° to 'I'he Relecy])oda likewise maintain a temperature similarly in accord with that of tbe water they inhabit, varying in the Anodontw, according to different observers, from 1 '0° colder to warmer than the respired water. d'lsTiVATioN {(isfirfi, to }) the summer) is the period of torpidity undergoue during the prevalence of dry, hot, summery weather, and though, in this country, this state is essentially transient and short, yet in warmer regions this tor])or persists for lengthened periods, embracing the entire dry .season, the land mollu.sks con.structiug a more or less tilmy and delicate epiphragm (see p. 12!)) and burying tbem.s(‘lves more or less deejily in the ground or attaching them.selves by a viscous .secretion in some -suitable position. Many freshwater .'jiecies also bury themselves deeply in tbe .soft mud when the waters they inhabit are becoming dried up. Hot dry weather is especially fatal to slugs, which therefore burrow into tbe earth and tbem.selves within a coating of mucus, which on drying ]>revents further evaiioration. 'flic tigurative and beautifully e.xpressive simile of the fate of the ungodly given in our I’rayer Books, “ Consume away like a snail,” aptly illustrates their inability to withstand heat or dryness. The forms most subject to seasonal torpidity are naturally most remarkable for their tenacity of life, some species being known HIBERJSTATIOlSr. 809 to survive after more tliau five years’ abstinence from food ; even our Hdiv neniundis has been recorded as having endured more than tliree years’ starvation, and many other striking examples of this faculty are known. Hibernation (Jdherno, to spend the winter), or winter torpor, is induced in the mollusca and other organisms by the advent of cold, and is obviously related to sleep, of which it seems but an intensifica- tion, enabling the mollusk to successfully resist the extreme reduction of temperature and the absence of accustomed food. At the approach of winter and in the more sensitive species often as early as October, the mollusks, being then plumper and better nourished than at other times, gTadually become less voracious and more sluggish and lethai'gic, the terrestrial species retiring to their accustomed or temporary places of shelter, frecpiently clustering together in the crevices of walls, rocks, and trees, or ensconcing themselves deeply amongst dead leaves or in the earth, in which latter case the mouth of the shell is invariably directed upwards and often level with the surface of the soil, the epiphragm or cover to the mouth of the shell (see p. 1.80) being then secreted, to protect the animal from the weather and other dangers and to prevent the evaporation of its natural moisture, the activity of their respiration also diminishing as the temperature becomes lower and lower, until the animals fall into a hibernal sleep or die. This comatose state may be partial or complete according to the age of the animal, the hardihood of the species and the character of the winter, whether it lie continuously severe or present comparatively mild intervals ; as during such intervals, if sufficiently mild, the winter sleep, especially of the more immature individuals, may be broken and the mollusk wander about in search of food. In a hard winter the animal contracts more and more closely within the spire of the shell, forming any additional epiphragms necessitated by the smaller compass into which the mollusk has com- pressed itself ; the young individuals are, however, less susceptible to cold than mature animals, retiring later into winter (quarters and re-appearing earlier and perhaps only becoming reall)' torpid during the continuance of actual frost, this superior hardihood of the younger animals being possibly due to their more active circulation. Many of the fluviatile species during severe weather bury them- selves in the mud of the })0uds or rivers they inhabit, and even IIIBEKNACULA. ?)10 /)n;/sseu!ii<( easts oil’ its l)yssus aiiil also retires beueatli the bottom mud, as its temperature is always higher than that of the super- imi)osed water. 'J'he amount of cold mollusks can endure is, however, not unlimited, as iMopuiu-Tandou records that Helices, though capable of enduring 1()° Fahr., freeze at 14° Fahr., and the endurance of this great cold implies the ])ossession of internal heat sufficient to counteract the reduction of temperature, perhai)s i)artially due to the excess of respiratory ])igments present in the tissues in winter. IIiiimiNACULA {lill>eni((culnm, a winter abode) or winter shelters may lie more or less adventitious or may be places of more regular resort utilized liy the mollusks, not only during their seasons of protracted torpidity, w hether arising from cold or dryness, hut as places of safety during their diurnal siesta. In certain districts the carhoniferous limestone rocks are almost honeycomhed hy tubular e.xcavations, which, though iirohably made and (diietly tenanted by //c//,r ((.'tjH'/ya, are occasionally occupied by other species, not only to through the periods of hihernation and a'stivation, but as regidar resorts for rest and shelter. d’hese galleries, which almost invariably take an upward direction, perpendicular to the bedding of the strata, rarely occur on rocks apjiroacbing grit or on rock-taces exposed to the prevailing winds, hut are usually clu.stered heneath iirojecting rock-ledges or pierced in the face clilfs facing or north-east, heing thus protected from the wet west and south-west winds. When placed uiion the i'ace of a vertical cliff the buiTows may originate as a slight channel and sink gradually into the rock ; frepuently, however, tliey originate beneath a slight prominence, as though the snails had fjrmerly sheltered there and gradually worked their way into the stone. These rock tunnels are generally about (jiie inch in diameter and sometimes three inches or more in deiith, smooth and regularly slnqied inside, but often containing subsidiary depressions upon their walls, due to a persistent of those iiarticular sjiots as resting jilaces by many .snails ; they must not, however, he confused with the oval or circular cavities due to weathering nor with the Ihtter.spar con- cavities so common in the magnesian limestone, whose w'alls are often encrusted with crystals of lime, as such natural cavities freipiently are. These tunnels were formerly surmised to be the work of the Pholades or other marine boring mollusks, during the period the rocks were HIBEIiNACULA. ?,11 submerged iu the ocean, and that upon their upheaval the ({astropods now occu})ying these burrows merely appropriated them as convenient places of shelter, hut that the snails have themselves formed these rock-tunnels may, however, he almost couhdently assumed, not only because Helices, especially Helix ai^persa, are generally ahundant near the burrows and that living specimens are always found iu the Fig. 601. — Hibernncula or Rock-burrows formed by llelLx: aspcrsa Mull., discovered in the Great Ormes Head, North Wales, by Mr. R. D. Darbishire, H.A. (modified after Prof. Bonneyj. The vertical cliff had a north aspert ; the small detached fragment at base, though from a south aspect formed the roof of a horizontal fissure. freshest and least weathered tunnels, hut also from their characteristic (im'nding direction with the opening below, which clearly distinguishes these Ilelicidiau cavities from those of the marine boring mollusks, which usually follow a descending direction with the mouth of the tunnel opening ah(jve. HOMING. The ability of tlie Helices, in course of ages, to excavate these tunnels can scarcely be (inestioned, as, in addition to their demons- trated power to abrade limestone and chalk with their odontoidiores, ]\I. Bonchard-Chantereux has aftirnied from actual experiment that their mucoitl secretions exhibited a distinctly atdd reaction, testified by the reddening of litmus paper, and would, therefore, tend to dis- solve the rock and thus facilitate the process of the excavation. I’robably, however, the movements of the snails within the cavities have been a chief cause of their excavation, the wearing power of the friction of the foot being clearly demonstrated by the worn margins of the cavities, and by the sunken tracks leading thereto, worn away in the rocks by the })assage to and fro of the countless generations of snails which have for untold ages sought their shelter. These rock galleries or other permanent shelters, regularly resorted to hy snails as resting places after their crepuscular or nocturnal rambles, imply the })osses,sion of a sense of direction, or what may be termed orientation, in those si)ecies possessing regular abodes; this perce|ition or recognition of hjcality may be due to the delicacy of their olfactory .sense, and has been distingui.shed as the faculty of homing. This Homing jiower has been e.specially observed in Helix axpersd, though several other of our terrestrial species have been undeniably demonstrated to also ikjs.scss settled places of abode or homes to which they regularly return, yet there are doubtless many others which have no settled habitation, but conceal tbcmselves alone or in com- pany beneath any suitable .shelter which may liappen to ho convenient to their fooil. The inter-tidal peregrinations of the marine limpet ami its unfailing return to the precise spot ni)on which it is in the habit of resting, tirst altracted attention to this subject, and it has been demonstrated that their track when carefully Ibllowed almost invariably describes a double looi) winch may he likeneil to a variably proportioned figure of 8, and though this peculiarity is not shared by every .s^jecies, yet the jiath, followed by .some of our terrestrial homing .snails, during their foraging ox])cditinn.s, have been ob.served to exhibit or de.scrihe the same remarkaltle lignre. Helix ((njirrsd is particularly noticeable tor its love of home and for the exertions it will make to regain its shelter, having been oljserved to traverse with great lahonr broad dusty roads or climb GLANDULAR SYSTEM. 813 rough walls to reach some favourite food, and when satiated not retiring at daybreak to the shelter of any convenient crevice, as might be supposed, Imt almost invariably retracing its often toilsome and arduous way to reach its favourite shelter, a peculiarity that has been verified by many observers on numerous occasions. I’he complex tracks formed by the nocturnal foraging expeditions of Lhnax maximns, L.^ffavus, and jorobably other species, which are sometimes so readily traced by the mucous trails they leave behind, also very frecpiently describe tlie double-loo}) or figure of 8 already mentioned, as distinguishing the track of Patella vulgata. Fig. 602. — Mucous track of Limax Jlai’us L., 19 feet in length, as observed by Mr. H. Wallis Kew, F.Z.S., on a flagged garden path at Louth, Lincolnshire. Mr. Lionel E. Adams at my re(piest kindly made many careful diagrams of limacidian tracks at Ashbourne, Derbyshire, and these almost invariably formed the same peculiar figure. The animals on setting out are probably guided by the olfactory sense as to the course pursued, but make a wide sweep upon the return home, and usually, though not invariably, cross the outward track at some point before again reaching the desired haven. The Glandular .system is a well-developed and specially charac- teristic feature of the molluscan organism. A gland is constituted by a collection or aggregation of simple secretory cellules which separate or elaborate frtjm tlie blood certain products, which may be utilized in physiological processes or, if noxious, can be speedily expelled from the body. 314 GLANDULAR SYSTEM— -DERMAL CELLS AND SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND. Tlie glands discliargiiig e.\teriially are cliietly imicons, byssal, pig- nient and calcic glands, while the internal glands yield various products essential in the processes of digestion, reproduction and other })hases of animal economy. The chief mncons glands are the Ventral and Snpra-pedal glands, the Candal gland and the nyi)o-hrancliial gland, hnt, in addition to these more important organs, there are The Dermal Cells which are scattered plentifully over all the external surface of the body not covered by the shell, and ahundantly secrete a tluid mncus, which is clear and transparent in many si)ecies, hut tinged in others with pigment or may he obscured and rendered Kj(;. G()3. — Section ilirough a rugose glandular area of llie back of Helix poniatia L., showing tile scattered mucous and other cells, highly magnified (after Vogt and Vung). ch.c. lime cells filled with granular substance ; cp. epithelium ; in.^L mucous cells, some showing nuclei ; /. lacuna; ; nt. muscular fibres to skin. somewhat oj)a([ue by lime, which jireserves the integument in a cool, moist and supjjle condition, a state vitally essential to their very existence, desiccation of the skin being (piickly fatal. This dermal mucous secretion, especially of slugs, is also in some degree lu’o- tective, evidenced by the manifest distaste of its adhesive character shown by some of their enemies. The Anterior or .Supra-Pedal ({land, known also as the Sinus of Kleehurg and formerly considered as having an olfactory function, is a very important organ in the (lastntiiods, as it su])i)lies the luhri- Fig. G04. — 'I'estacella haliotidea Drap., X 2, laid open, the lingual diealh, with its powerful retractor muscles, turned outwards and the remaining viscera removed lo .show the position and general character of the Supra-Pedal Gland. l.s. lingual sheath : t.r. tentacular retractor of right side ; sp.g. supra-pedal gland. cant mucus for smoothing the path to he traversed by the animal and also assists t(j ensure the necessary adhesion to the objects upon or over which it may crawl. GLANDULAR SYSTEM — VENTRAL GLAND. 315 The gland is composed of large and oval nucleated secretory cells, with pale finely grannlar contents, which lie in the snrroniiding tissue and open on its walls, and is usually a vertically compressed and conspicuously folded canal strongly ciliated on its ventral surface and often (piite as long as the foot itself, occupying the median line of the b(jdy above the sole, and partially embedded amongst the i)edal muscles, but sometimes lying ([iiite free within the body cavity, it serves as a reservoir and duct for the mucus issuing from the innumerable intercellular passages leading to it. The e.xternal aperture of the gland is between the mouth and the anterior end of the foot, the mucus being driven out by the action of the cilia, by muscular comiu’essiou of the cavity, by the undulatory action of the foot during loc(jm(j- tion, and by the general movements of the whole body, and forming the glistening iridescent tracks which so distinctly mark the path tra- velled by the mollusk (see p. 313, f. G()‘2, and which are not (jnly percei)tible on land, l)ut in the stiller pools these slime-tracks are left on the surface of the water by the larger Lhnna'cv, and may at times be observed of considerable length. The numerous mucous tracks of Llmnajn dagnalis observed by Mr. Henry Crowther upon the surface of Tag Lijck, near Elland, Yorkshire, on a warm still day in August, 1393, were several yards in length, crossing and recrossing each other many times. Slime-tracks do not, however, actually possess the smoothness of surface they apparently present to a cursory observer, but are really composed of a multitude of transverse wavy ridges, about a millimetre apart with intervening depressions, this appearance being evidently a retlecti(ni and effect of the undulatory movements of the foot-sole. The Ventral Gland present in Cgclostoma and other Streptoneura, as well as in the Limnwkhv, is a ramified cavity within the foot, Fig. GDC. — Portion of pedal gland of Testae t'lla hnliotidca Drap. , highly magnified (after Lacaze-Duthiers), showing its convo- luted character and the investing tissue. s c Fig. 605. — Transverse section through the pedal gland of Liniax maxiiuus L., highly magnified. hi. lumen or cavity of gland ; s.c, nerve cells ; g.c. ganglion cells ; /. lacunae. 316 GLANDULAR yY.STEiM — MUCOUS FILAMENTS. witliiii which is accuiuiikted tlie viscid mucus secreted tlie folli- cular tissue l)y which it is densely invested. The gland opens upon the lower snrhice of the foot towards its anterior end and corresi)onds to or is probably homologous with the byssal gland of the Pelecypoda, secreting a viscid and very tena- cious mucus by means of which tirm adhesion can be secured to their resting jilace, or a strong tdament can be formed for siuspen- sion or descent from an elevated position. I’he l\Iucous Filaments formed by the attenuation of the viscid and tenacious .slime emitted from the foot glands, which, by its property of hardening when in contact with air or water, supplies the mollusca with a ready means of locomotion or (>07. — Mucous ir.'ick on smTacc of suspeusion fioiu Suitable clevatcd added greatl}' to our knowledge of this subject. The Ib'itish Isles, owing to their cool and dami) climate, are es[)ecially favourable countries for the oliservation of this curious and interesting habit amongst our land, the .slugs this ]'(jwer in tlie most marked degree, L'nmi.r inarfjinatm IMull. olim JJnui.r (trlxinnii Bouch.-(’h. jierforming these actions with e.special ease and celerity, though other .sjiecies under similar circumstances form the.'erfection of the disguise, which is only penetrated by the opening of the valves and the protrusion of the siidions. Often this incrustation becomes the seat of growth for Ahjic or other water plants, and the difficulty of detection is corres- pondingly increased. 'I'he A'epiikidia kidney), Kenal organs or Kidneys, known in Oastroi)ods also as the Precordial gland, are typically paired and dor.sally placed excretory organs, always .symmetrical in .symmetrically organized animals with paired gills, and metameric in Ndiitilus, in which the respiratory organs have a serial character, but single in most Gastropods in correlation with the loss of the moities of many other of their primitively paired organs. These organs in the mollusca assume a variety of forms in exotic genera or the constituent parts may jiermeate amongst the various organs of the body; usually, however, they of a pair of tubules, each of which is closely folded upon itself, forming a looj), connected proximally by the ciliated reno-pericardial funnel with the base of the pericardial cavity or secajndary ccjclom, with which they are always in intimate relation. The proximal tract or limb is enlarged and sacculate with rich vascularization and constituted by or RENAL ORGANS. 883 Fig. 618.— Kidney cells of Helix arbustofum L. , highly magnified, showing the contained Uric acid concretions (after Boll). yellowish tissue, containing nninerons ca'ca and projecting glandnlar lamellre or trabecnloe, overspread by a densely ciliate la3"er of secretor}' cells, wbicb fill np the lumen of the organ and contain a yellowish or greenish Hnid with concentrically formed concretions, similar to those in the renal organs of other animals, the rupture of the cell-walls allowing their escape. The deoxidized and impure blood re- turning from its circuit of the body, laden with the waste products of the oxidation of the tissues, joins with some arterial blood from the lung and circulates within the kidnej'S before reaching the respiratory organs, thus constituting a portal circulation which partially purifies the blood by eliminating therefrom the nitrogenous waste matters, in the form of Urea, Uric Acid, Galcium-phosphate and other substances, amongst which Ammonia, Creatinin, Tyrosin, Leucosin, (fuauin, etc., have been recorded. The excretory substances vary somewhat in character in the different groups, the Pelecypoda chiefly expelling Urea, which is formed by the more or less complete oxidation of the anatomical elements of muscular tissue and is produced most plentifully during periods of abstinence or food scarcity ; while manj' Streptoneures excrete Uric acid, which results from an incomplete oxidation, due to the blood being surcharged with pe[)tones which the tissues are unable to assimi- late, a state consequent upon a plethora of food. In the Pelecypoda the kidneys are known as the Organ of Bojanus, the simplest form being found in Nucula and other Proto- branchiates, in which they consist simply of a pair of folded and separate cylindrical sacs, placed beneath the pericardium and in front of the posterior adductor, each sac possessing a .spacious lumen and similar secretoiy walls throughout its extent, the pericardial Fig. 619. — Diagram formed from several combined transverse sections through Anodonfa, showing the relative positions of the kidneys or renal organs and their ducts (after Griesbach). n. nephridia, with r./. reno-pericardial funnels and 7i. ureters ; pc. pericardium ; n. auricle ; v. ventricle ; s. vena-cava or blood-sinus ; r. rectum ; g. genital ducts. 34 RENAL ORGANS. and excretory oritices of each gland being placed anteriorly, the excretory opening being confluent with or near the genital aperture and the excreta, especially in the more archaic genera, being expelled in a Huid form. In the more advanced genera, as in the Unionidiv, etc., the secretory walls become more complicated and the glandular surface augmented in the proximal or ventral limb, to which it becomes chiefly restricted, Fig. 620. Fig. 621. Figs. 620 and 621. — Transverse sections through two regions of the renal organs of Anodonta cys^nea (L.), highly magnified (after Rankin). k. secretory section of kidneys ; u. ureter ; h.s. blood sinus ; /, foot ; section of cerebro- pleuro-visceral commissure. the distal or superior limb forming the duct to convey the secretions to the exterior and opening into the mantle cavity, always above the cerebro-pleuro-visceral commissure ; but sometimes, as in Sphevrium, etc., within a common urogenital cloaca; in most groups, however, the renal and genital apertures are distinct, although the kidneys them- selves, as well as their ureters, communicate freely with each other, especially in the more specialized forms. In the Streptoneura the primitively paired character of the kidneys still persists in a more or less distinct form in the Diotocardia, yet the right kidney, though still connected with the pericardium and mantle-chamber, has entirely lost its renal function and has become utilized as a channel for the conveyance to the exterior of tlie genital products ; the left kidney, however, .still retaining its exclusively renal and secretory character. In other Streptoneures the left kidney is alone present in adults iu correlation with the retention of the moieties of other paired organs, and is situate to the left of the rectum, though actually traversed b)' that organ in some genera. The right kidney has, how- ever, also been detected to be transitorily present in Vivipara, etc., during embryonal development, its ureter, however, persisting in the adult, but acting solely as a genital duct. Fig. 622. — Sttcctnea putris (L.). X 3, showing position of kidney or renal organ. r. renal organ or kidney ; h. pul- monary plexus ; i. intestine; 4. heart. RENAL ORGANS AND THE URETER. 335 In the Euthyiieures there is also but a single kidney, the representa- tive of the right kidney of the hypothetical primitive mollusca and of the Pelecypod ; it is placed upon the roof and in the rear of the pulmonary chamber, between the pericardium and the rectum and is of the parenchymatous type, the complex folds and lamellse of the walls projecting into the cavitj" and often quite filling up the lumen of the organ. The Ureter is the ciliated thin- walled excretory dnct of the kidneys; it is paired in the Pelecypoda in correspondence with the paired glandular sections whose products they discharge, their apertures being usually placed above the base of the foot and opening into the supra-branchial or cloacal chambers, in close vicinity to or in con- junction with the reproductorj" orifice. The duct of each kidney is folded back upon the secretory section and are separated by the Vena-cava, but they usually communicate by means of the oval inter-renal space near their outlets ; they represent the Primary Ureter of the Gastropoda. In those species which retain their primitive organization the genital glands having no special ducts discharge their products into the nephridia, which are transmitted to the exterior by the ureter. In our Streptoneura the kidney is placed at the rear of the mantle cavity, the slit-like excretory aperture, which characterizes many of the groups, opening directly into the pallial cavity, although in Vivipara and Valvata the orifice becomes a tubular and elongated duct, which is distinguished as the Primary Ureter, a name applied to the first direct excretory tract originating at the kidney, and dis- charging the waste matters towards the exterior. In the Euthyneures the urinary duct has a more complex develop- ment and the various stages are to be observed leading from a simple aperture, opening directly into the pallial chamber, to a long and almost sinuous duct, conveying the renal secretions quite to the exterior of the body. The Primary Ureter or renal efferent duct is represented by a simple orifice in certain species of Planorhis, but is well developed and prolonged towards the pulmonary orifice in most other Basom- matophora, in Cionella, Pupa, BuUminus and some of the more primitive Helices, or, instead of extending directly towards the Fig. 623. — Longitudinal section through the kidney of A^'iolimax a^^restis L., X 50, showing its com- plicated structure (after Hanitsch). 33(5 SErCtNDARY UreTER AND PRONEPHROS. aporturo, it may assume a liackwavd directioii, fusing witli tlie wall of the secretory sac ami opening at the extreme rear of the mantle- chamher, as in TcstdccUit, etc., while an intermediate stage leading to the highest development ot the ureter is seen in the formation in some Helices ot a more or less open channel, leading from the aperture of the backwardly directed primary ureter in the rear of the mantle- chamher to the pulmonaiy orifice ; this channel eventually becomes Kig. G’2t. Fig. 02.). Fig. 020. Fig. 027. Fig. 028. Diagrams illustrating the development of the Ureter in the Gastropoda (after Lang). r. kidney or renal organ ; /.«. primary ureter ; s.u. secondary ureter ; r. rectum ; f>.o, respira- tory orifice ; /i. heart, within its pericardium. Fig. 02 L — Portion of respiratory chamber with the e.vcretory renal orifice existing as a simple papillar opening, as in certain Planorbes, etc. Fig. 62.5. — Shows the elongation of the simple exxretory orifice into a long and definite duct, the Primary Ureter as in the Hasommatophora and certain Sireploneures, etc. Fig. 626. — The Primary Ureter is directed backwards and adherent to the kidney, opening at the back of the respiratory cavity, as in Tcstacciia, etc. Fig. 027. — Shows the formation of an open channel leading to the exterior from the renal opening in the rear of the chamber, as in certain Helices. Fig. 02S. — Shows the formation of the open channel into a definite duct, the .Secondary Ureter and its junction with the rectum, as in our most highly organized Helices, etc. clo.sed and forms a detiiiite duct, di.stingui.shod as the Secondary Ureter, the name applied to the differently directed tract in con- tinuation of the hackwardly directed primary ureter of the Testacelhv, hut following a different direction, parallel with and opening into or near the rectum, a-^ in Ariou, AmaUd, Umax, Yitr'ina, ITyalinia and the more highly developed Helices. The Pronephros (-/.o, hefore ; Fig. 620. — Embryo of Plnnorbis cornctis (L.), seen from the left side, X IHO (after Fob), showing the Pronephros or primitive kidney. /;/. pronephros or primitive kidney ; c.o. its external orifice ; in. mouth ; r. rectum ; n. nephridium or permanent kidney, also showing external orifice ; digestive gland ; in. in. mantle margin ; cerebral ganglion ; />.gi. pedal gland. i'€in cU’gans (Mull.), highly magnified (after (xarnault), showing the concentric lamellar structure. LYMPHATIC GLAND. 339 The concretions are translucent in Cydostoma costulatum, but only occasionally so in Cydostoma elegans, they may, however, be rendered transparent and their complex structure demonstrated by immersion in weak alkaline solutions. Ammonia, Potass or Soda water. They dissolve instantly without effervescence in Sulphuric acid, and the various reactions show the concretions to be almost entirely composed of Uric acid. The interspaces between the concretions are filled with a grey mass of immobile Bacilli, three to four g long, which however exhibit Brownian movements. They are variable in size and shape and often united together in pairs, and their constant presence in this closed cavity contain- ing so much alternately deposited and re-absorbed Uric acid, would seem to indicate symbiotic action, the bacilli having probably some impor- tant function either in connection with the deposition or the re-absorption of the Uric acid concretions. The Lymphatic Gland {lympha, water) or spleen, the formative organ of the ammbocytes or white blood corpuscles, thougli present in our land and fluviatile species, is not so distinctly localized as in the Opisthobranchs, the lymphatic cells being more generally difi’used throughout the connective tissue, though usually most numerous and active in or near the respiratory organs, especially along the course of the afferent cardiac vessels and upon or near the auricle, and hence it has been termed the “ Gland of Auricle” by some observers. Although the grouping of the lymphatic cells is so variable in character, their aggregations are always constituted by a layer or stratum of connective tissue, crowded with nuclei, which become invested by protoplasm containing refractive ferment granules, the amoebocytes eventually passing through the meshes or interstices of the connective tissue and falling into the blood stream. In Dreissensia this sanguineous or blood-making gland, as it has been termed, is in the gill itself, close to the afferent vessels, but in the Gastropoda it varies greatly in position. In Limax and Helix the gland occurs as a thick stroma surrounding all the efferent pulmonary vessels ; but in the Lhnncddw the gland is not distinctly separable from the pulmonary vessels. In our Streptoneures the lymphatic organ may have a dual develojiment, being not only represented along the > Fig. 632. — Bacilli of Gland of Concretion of Cydostoma elegans (Mull.), highly magnified (after Garnault). 340 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. basal portion of the gill and opening into the branchial vein, but a specialized area of connective cytogenons tissue, the Nephridial gland, invests the renal vascular plexus, and encloses lacunar spaces, which communicate with the auricle, the ammbocytes passing into the blood within its cavity. The amoebocytes and the large vesicular wandering cells, known as the “cells of Leydig,” take up and absorb sickly and degenerating tissue and foreign bodies wdiich have gained entrance into the system, indigestible or insoluble particles becoming encapsuled and removed from the circulation, a process of excretion which occurs in many animals; many of the mucus, pigment and other cells so numerously present in the external tissues are wandering cells, probably con- veying their contents towards the surface of the body, they also act as storehouses for the accumulation of a reserve store of nutriment in the form of glycogen. i\Iany of onr .species, owing to the energetic phagocytary action of their ammbocytes, can withstand, without apparent injury, the introduction into the body of many poisonous substances or large (quantities of bacterial disease germs. Our IleUx pomnt'ia\\&^ been demonstrated to successfully resist the deleterious presence of such organisms or substances within the body, the bacteria soon becoming collected together in the most delicate qmrts of the lung, which are essentially qdiagocytic in function. The Muscular System embraces the organs by which the move- ments of the body are accomplished, under the stimulus of the efferent nerves from the various ganglionic centres. This power of motion or movement is possessed by every animate creature, but in the lowliest organisms where there is little differentia- tion of i)arts, the whole body is mobile and contractile, constantly changing in shape by the inces,sant retraction or protrusion of different jiarts of the body substance in the form of Pseudopodia (\pevSys, false ; ~o8- foot) a qnimary form of movement exhibited by the ama'bocytes or white blood corpuscles, present in the blood of the mollusca and other animals. Cilia (ciliiim, an eye-lash) and Flagella (Jfro<;, first ; yvyT), female), the female organs first accpiring func- tional perfection. In many of the Stylommatophora, however. Prof. Babor has verified that the genital organs almost invariably undergo a series of successive metamorphoses, in which the animals are first functionally unisexual and only subsequently become hermaphrodite ; this condition, however, is not always the termination of their sexual development, as the same animal may again become unisexual, by the atrophy of the sexual organs first developed and the retention of those acquired later. In accordance with their sexual characteristics, the mollusca fall naturally into two great groups, Dioecia and Monmcia. The Dkecia (Si'w, two ; otKo?, house) or rnisexual species comprise the great majority of the mollusca, and include all the Chitons and Cephalopods, and nearly all Pelecypods and Streptoneura. This group is especially composed of the simply organized or primitive species and of certain of the more active and highly specialized groups, the sexual organs being often so simple and undifferentiated, and so similar in the two sexes as to be undis- tinguishable except by microscopic examination, often consisting merely of a genital gland or glands, composed of ramified aggregations of cceca of simple structure, and a duct or ducts leading therefrom and opening within the exhalent chamber in the Pelecypoda or directly to the exterior immediately behind and near to the anus in the Aphalliate Gastropoda. DICECIA — APHALLIA AND EXOPHALLIA. So2 Tliese genital ducts may be special, or the nepliridial ducts may be utilized, the genital products falling into the kidneys direct or by way of the pericardium and thence conveyed to the exterior. The Dicecia for convenience of study may be classified as Ajdiallia, Exophallia, and Cryptophallia. The Apiiallia (a, not ; (/xiXAos, penis) are characterized by the absence of any organ by which copulation can be accomplished, the reproductive organs simply consisting of a paired ovary or testis, and the ducts leading therefrom to the exterior, no accessory organs are developed, the Si)ermatozoa being simply shed by the male into the circumambient water and some making their way to the ova or to the oviducal tract of the female ; this organization is possessed by all the Dioecious Pelecypoda, the Ghitonidar, and many of the more archaic Diotocardiate Gastropods. There is little sexual dimorphism displayed, but the female of Unio tumidus is said to develop a broader .shell than that of the male. The Exophallia (e^o, external; (fiuXXo'i, penis) embrace those dioecious species in which the males have acquired an ex- ternal copulatory organ, pro- jecting freely from the right side of the neck and arising as a muscular outgrowth from the body-wall ; it may be as a dependence of the head as in I'ir/jHtnt, etc., of the mantle as in .1 mpullarhi, or of the foot as in the generality of species. It is strongly erectile and extensile by concentrated blood l)ressure, and though not eversible and retractile as in the Gryptoi)hallia, it can often be bent in a sigmoid form and hidden beneath the mantle folds, the spermatozoa being conveyed thereto, in the more primi- tive forms, in which the male organ is a solid and thick appendage, liy an open ciliated duct ; in more highly organize