nag fee r er; ae eb . % +’ os ee . «eee wee ooo : yy ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE | 870 OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Published by order of the Legislature of Massachusetts. No. III. MONOGRAPH OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ASTACIDA. BY DR. HERMANN A. HAGEN. INVERT Cn aD \ 00 He ike lE Re Letional Muse’ CAMBRIDGE: FOR SALE BY SEVER AND FRANCIS. 1870. { 7 % y ve ; ‘Saw di eto a ee - - ye ' af “ . Be ~ ‘« Fs ' ae ry ' 1 © ae = - ne ' fe é 4 ee ‘ ¥ Fe eee 4 n y ot . , ’ & a ‘ | University Press: Wetcu, BicELow, & Co., __ CAMBRIDGE. : 53 » h *t Ae : ’ \ ; Bi / Fc . } i NOOO E Ir is but justice to Dr. Hacen to state that this monograph was completed by him and handed to me for publication as early as October, 1868. Circumstances over which I had no control have delayed its passage through the press till now. LOUIS AGASSIZ. CAMBRIDGE, February 21, 1870. %, S Yay ee << a e Sz & “a ‘ Ree CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, 1. History, 5. On THE CONSTANCY OF THE SPECIFIC CHARACTERS, 12. abnormal gigantic specimens, 13; accidental variations, 14; differences of age, 14; differ- ent shape of the head, 14; differences in sculpture, 15 ; hairiness, 15 ; older specimens, 15; retrograde development, 15; postabdomen, 15; hands, 16; colors, 16; on the sexual dif ference, 17; the abdominal legs of the male, 17; the purpose of their structure, 18; the females, 18; annulus ventralis, 19; eggs, their attachment and bursting, 20; development of the first pair of abdominal legs in the male, 20; second form of the male, 21; first form of the male, 21; dimorphism or perhaps a sterile form, 22; inner sexual parts of the Cam- barus male: of C. acutus, 22; of C. virilis, 23; of C. Bartonii, 23 ; inner sexual parts of the Cambarus female: of C. acutus, 24; of C. Bartoni, 24; no dimorphism in the true Astaci, 24; dimorphism in other Crustacea, 24; dimorphism in insects, 25; the rarity of varicties an important character of Cambarus, 26. CAMBARUS, 27. is Cambarus a distinct genus or not? 27; embryological confirmation as yet wanting, 29 ; further division of the genus Cambarus, 29; hooked legs of the male, 30; rostrum, 31 ; first pair of abdominal legs, 32. CaMBARUS; DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS AND SPECIES, 32. Group I., 32. Group II., 57. Group III., 74. Astacus; DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS AND SPECIES, 89. On THE GEOGRAPHICAL DIsTRIBUTION, 97. distribution of the species, 97. distribution in every State or Territory, 99. number of species in the States and Territories as yet known, 103. our knowledge is at present very imperfect, 103. strict limitation of the habitat of Astacus and Cambarus, 104. limitation of Cambarus to North America and Cuba, 104. distribution of the three groups of Cambarus, 105. species associated, 106. geographical distribution according to the river systems, 107. distribution of the species, 109. number of the Astacide known in the whole world, 109. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES, Vil. INDEX TO THE SPECIES, 111. vw EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate F. First abdominal legs of the male. C. acutus, Form I, fig. 1 in front; fig. 2 outside. Form II. fig. 4 in front; fig. 3 the same en- larged; fig. 5 outside. C. Clarkii, Form L, fig. 7 in front; fig. 8 outside. Form IL., fig. 9 in front; fig. 10 outside. C. troglodytes, Form I., fig. 11 in front; fig. 12 outside. Form IL, fig..13 in front; fig. 14 outside. C. Lecontei, Form L., fig. 15 in front; fig. 16 outside. Form IL, fig. 17 in front; fig. 18 outside. C. affinis, Form L., fig. 19 in front; fig. 20 outside. Form II., fig. 21 in front; fig. 22 outside. C. virilis, Form 1, fig. 23 in front; fig. 24 outside ; figs. 25, 26 varieties outside. Form II, fig 27 in front; fig. 28 outside. C. juvenilis, Form I., fig. 29 in front; fig. 30 outside; fig. 31 viewed more outwardly. Form IL, fig. 32 in front; fig. 33 outside. C. propinquus, Form L., fig. 34 in front; fig. 35 variety ; fig. 36 outside. Form IL, fig. 37 in front; fig. 38 outside. C. obesus, Form I., fig. 39 in front; fig. 40 outside. Form IL, fig. 41 in front; fig. 42 outside. C. latimanus, Form I., fig. 43 in front; fig. 44 outside. Form IL., fig. 45 in front; fig. 46 outside. C. Bartonii, Form L., fig. 47 in front; fig. 48 outside. Form IL, fig. 49 in front; fig. 50 outside. C. Carolinus, Form I., fig. 51 in front; fig. 52 outside. Form ILI. fig. 53 in front; fig. 54 outside. C. versutus, Form I., fig. 55 in front; fig. 56 outside. Form IL., fig. 57 in front; fig. 58 outside. C. spiculifer, Form I., fig. 59 in front; fig. 60 outside. Form II, fig. 61 in front; fig. 62 outside. C. Blandingii (Type), Form I., fig. 63 in front; fig. 64 outside. C. angustatus (Type), Form L., fig. 65 in front; fig. 66 outside ; fig. 67 inside. C. pellucidus, Form I., fiz. 68 in front; fig. 69 outside. Form II., fig. 70 in front; fig. 71 outside. C. obscurus, Form I., fig. 72 in front; fig. 73 outside. Form II., fig. 74 in front; fig. 75 outside. C. placidus, Form I., fig. 76 in front; fig. 77 outside. Form II., fig. 78 in front; fig. 79 outside. C. rusticus, Form I., fig. 80 in front; fig. 81 outside. Form IL, fig. 82 in front; fig. 83 outside. C. affinis, very old (C. Pealei), Form I., fig. 84 in front; fig. 85 outside. C. lancifer, Form I., fig. 86 in front; fig. 87 outside. C. extraneus, Form II, fig. 88 in front; fig. 89 outside. C. advena, Form L., fig. 90 in front; fig. 91 enlarged in front; fig. 92 outside. C. penicillatus, Form I., fig. 93 in front ; fig. 94 outside. Form IL, fig. 95 in front ; fig. 96 outside. A. Gambelii, fig. 97 in front ; fig. 98 outside. C. Clarkii (Type), young, Form IL, fig. 99 in front; fig. 100 outside. C. immunis, Form I., fig. 101 in front; fig. 102 outside. C. fullaz, Form I., fig. 103 in front; fig. 104 outside; fig. 105 inside. Plate ITI. C. acutus, Form I., fig. 106 in front; fig. 108 outside. Var. A, Form. I., fig. 107 in front; fig. 109 outside, Form II. (young 1.7 inch long), fig. 110 outside; (2.7 inch long) fig. 111 outside. Form IL (2.7 inch long) fig. 112 outside, imperfectly articulated. Form II. (4.4 inch long), fig. 113 outside, not articulated. Ventre between the fourth legs of the female, fig. 114; the same in var. A, fig. 115. Rostrum from above, fig. 116; var. A, fig. 117. Epistoma, fig. 118; var. A, fig. 119. Vill EXPLANATION OF TIIE PLATES. C. acutus, Transverse line of the thorax, fig. 124; var. A, fig, 125. Inner sexual parts of the Male Form L, fig. 120; testicules viewed from above, fig. 121. Form ILI., fig. 122. Inner sexual parts of the female, fig. 123. Annulus ventralis of the female, fig. 126 ; the same, inner side, fig. 127. C. Clarkii, development of the first abdominal leg in the male, 0.3 inch long, fig. 183; the knob enlarged, fig. 134. C. virilis, inner sexual parts of the Male Form I., @ 128; side, fig. 129; testicules viewed from above, fig. 132. The same, in Form II, fig. 130; side, fig. 131. C. Bartonii, inner sexual parts of the Male Form I, fig. 135; side, fig. 136. The same in Form IL., fig. 137; side, fig. 138. Inner sexual parts of the female, fig. 139. Plate WIE. a, lamina antennalis ; 6, epistoma ; c, the exterior spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna. (The letters are only indicated in fig. 140.) CamBarus. Group I. C. Blandingti (Type), fig. 140. C. troglodytes, fig. 141. C. Clarkii, fig. 142. C. acutus, fig. 143. C. acutus, var. B, fig. 144. C. Lecontei, fig. 145. C. angustatus (Type), fig. 146. C. spicu- lifer, fig. 147. C. pellucidus, fig. 148. C. penicillatus, fig. 149, C. versutus, fig. 150. C. Wiegmanm, fig. 151. CampBarus. Group II. C. affinis, fig. 152. C. propinquus, fig. 153. C-. obscurus, fig. 154. C. virilis, fig. 155. C. extra- neus, fig. 156. C. juvenilis, fig. 157. C. placidus, fig. 158. C-. lancifer, fig. 159. C. mmmunis, fig. 160; fig. d, var. of the epistoma. C-. rusticus, fig. 161. CampBarus. Group III. C. latimanus, fig. 162. C. obesus, fig. 163. C. advena, fig. 164. C. Carolinus, fig. 165. C. Bar- toni, fig. 166. C. robustus, fig. 167. ASTACUS. A, nigrescens, fig. 168. A. Klamathensis, fig. 169. A. Gambelii, fig. 170. A. Trowbridgii, fig. 171. Plate IV. Cambarus Clarkii, Male Form I. (nat. size). Plate V. Cambarus affinis, Fem, (nat. size). Plate VI. Cambarus pellucidus, Male Form I. (nat. size). Plate VII. Cambarus advena, Male Form I. (twice enlarged). Plate VIII. Cambarus virilis, Male Form I. (nat. size); a hand of var. A. Cambarus immunis, hand. Plate IX. Cambarus obesus, Male Form I. (nat. size), , Plate X. Astacus Trowbridgii, Fem. Type (nat. size). Plate XI. Astacus Gambelit, Male. Type (nat. size). INTRODUCTION. HE followmg monograph of the Fresh-water Crawfishes of North America is intended to form the first step in a scientific examina- tion of the rich crustacean materials contained in the Museum of Com- parative Zodlogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge. The excellent monograph of the genus Callinectes, published by Mr. A. Ordway in 1863, is the only work about Crustacea, based principally upon the Cambridge collection. Arriving in Cambridge in October, 1867, in order to take care of the articulated animals belongmg to the Museum, I was charged first to arrange and put in order the Crustacea. Because of the almost total lack of room and of working hands (the rich collections from Brazil procured by the Thayer Expedition having occupied all working time for the last two years), but a small part had been as yet determined and arranged in the rooms opened for public exhibition. The greater portion of them had been stored for several years in the cellar, and therefore was so situated as not to be readily accessible for a scientific examination. The part exhibited comprised a series of three hundred and twenty- seven determined species in a systematical collection, also three hun- dred and thirty-seven determined species in several faunal collections, and a few types of the United States Exploring Expedition. Nearly all the latter species being represented also in the systematical series, the number of named species (determined mostly by Mr. Dana and Mr. W. Stimpson) did not perhaps exceed five hundred. With the exception of several boxes already separated, with duplicates for exchange, they ~ answered to a catalogue of nearly sixteen hundred numbers, contain- ing the names of the respective localities and collectors, the dates of capture, and, in some cases, the scientific determinations by Mr. W. Stimpson. 1 , INTRODUCTION. The whole collection is now in a safe condition, mostly unpacked and arranged in new alcohol. The division of the entire assemblage has been carried as far as the families, that of the greater part as far as the genera, while several families have been critically identified. There are over four thousand two hundred jars. The number of specimens, per- haps, exceeds sixty thousand; the additions during the years 1863 — 1866 were fourteen thousand specimens. According to Professor L. Agassiz’s estimate, the collection comprises more than two thousand species, the entire number of species as yet known being about five thousand. kem: Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1834, Little Hickman, Kentucky River, Mr. A. Hyatt. Male Form II., first pair of abdominal legs articulated or not articulated. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 271, Osage River, G. Stolley. Male. Spec. 1. 19. CAMBARUS PROPINQUUS Girard. Cambarus propinquus Girard, Proceed. Acad. Philad., T. VI. p. 88. Figures on Pl. I. and III. Antennal lamina, fig. 158, a; epistoma, 0; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. First abdominal legs of the male: first form, fig. 34 in front; fig. 35 variety; fig. 36 outside. second form, fig. 37 in front; fig. 38 outside. Mas. Rostro angustiori, elongato, subexcavato, marginibus paral- lelis, punctato-lineatis, apice utrimque sinuatis, spinis lateralibus per- parvis fusco-corneis; acumine triangulari, acuto, latitudine rostri longi- ori, supra leviter carinato ; cretis basalibus brevibus, margine distantibus, parallelis, vix elevatis, sulcatis, antice truncatis. Antennis corpore bre- vioribus, dentibus articulorum basalium brevibus acutis; antennis inter- nis dente anteapicali infero interno acuto; lamina rostri longitudine, 68 ASTACIDZ. apicem versus latiori, margine externo sinuato, modice inflato, apice spina longiori. Epistomate antice angustiori, truncato, dimidio latiori, lateribus excisis. Pedibus maxillaribus externis intus parum villosis, sub- tus nudis. Thorace subovoideo, parum-punctato, lateribus subtilissime granulosis; linea profunda, subsinuata, lateribus divisa, spina laterali acuta; areola plana, paulo latiori, antice posticeque aequo dilatata. Postabdomine thorace subangustiori, fere levi, segmentis penultimis angulo externo mutico; lamina media parte apicali breviori, subangus- tiorl, rotundata; parte basali quadrangulari, antice utrinque bispinosa. Pedibus anticis brevibus, chela modice lata, subdepressa, punctata, sub- tus levi, margine interno brevi, recto, paululum serrato; digitis fere duplo longioribus, rectis, margime mterno costato-lineatis, basi intus subdentatis. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, sublevi, spma media in- terna, subtus spma solum externa antica valida. Brachio brevi, levi, spinis duabus anteapicalibus oblique positis, spinis inferis biseriatis, dua- bus anticis exceptis subnullis. Pedibus tertiis articulo tertio unguicu- lato. Pedibus quintis capitulo basali cylindrico. Pedibus abdominali- bus brevioribus, subcontortis, apice modo bifidis, partibus cylindricis, crassioribus, sequalibus, parte interna, apice subacuta paulo introrsus curvata, parte externa fusco-cornea, tenuiori, acuta. Forma I. differt chela angustiori, crassiori, leeviorl; pedibus abdomi- nalibus, basi articulatis (interdum non articulatis) partibus apicalibus aequalibus, parte externa non fusco cornea. Femina differt chelis minoribus; ventre inter pedes quartos levi, annulo obovato, subdepresso, fissura longitudinali dentata, apertura transversali nulla. Long. corp. 2.6; long. ped. ant. 2.3. Ordinarily, long. corp. 1.5 at 2. Patria: Lake Oneida; Lake Superior; Niagara; Ogle County, Illi- nois; Delphi, Indiana; Rochester, N. Y. I have seen many examples. In one abnormal male the third pair of legs are not hooked; some males have the third joint of the second pair of legs hooked. A male type (Forma I.) found by Professor Baird on Grass River, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., and communicated by Professor Stimpson, is identical with the specimens from Lake Superior. Mr. Girard has seen specimens of this species from Lake Ontario, Garrison Creek, Sackett’s Harbor, Four-Mile Creek, Oswego. In one abnormal male the first pair of the abdominal legs are not developed, but they have the same shape as those of the females. One male, Delphi, Indiana, is larger, long. corp. 3.2; ped. ant. 3.1, but very similar. The hands are more developed, as is commonly the case in old males ; the abdominal legs are similar in form, but the pos- terior margin is a little hooked in the middle, and more emarginated ASTACID. 69 before the base. The rostrum is carinated as in the type. The iden- tity is rendered much more probable, since I have seen from the same locality male and female types, both full grown and young, and the two forms of the male. In one male, nearly full grown, the rostrum is scarcely carinated at all. Two males, Forma I., from Rochester, N. Y., were mixed with C. obscurus. The very young and small specimens much resemble those of C. a/- finis. The rostrum is more acute, the thorns at the base of the acumen long and acute, the exterior margin of the antennal lamina sinuated, but the acumen is always a little carinated, and the hands are broader and shorter. C. propinquus Gir. differs from C. viritis in having its rostrum carinated and narrower, with the acumen longer than broad; the cephalothoracic carinx more distant from the margin; the lamina of the antenne nar- rower, more acute; the maxillary legs without hairs externally; the carpus below with only one anterior spine, the brachium externally smooth; the inner margin of the chela straight; the areola broader, but not so much enlarged behind; the lamina media of the postabdo- men more rounded. The angle of the cephalothoracic margin behind the eyes is almost obliterated. Cat. No. 202, Lake Superior, L.-Agassiz. Male Form II. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1835, Lake Superior, L. Agassiz. Male Form I. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 206, Lake Superior, L. Agassiz. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1836, Ugle County, Il. Male. Fem. Spec. 6. Cat. No. 1837, locality unknown. Male Form IL, first pair of ab- dominal legs not articulated. Spee. 3. Cat. No. 268, Delphi, Indiana, Mr. F. C. Hill. Male. Fem. Spec. 2 Cat. No. 205, Niagara, L. Agassiz. Male. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 247, Niagara, L. Agassiz. Fem. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 185, Niagara, L. Agassiz. Male. Fem. Spee. 12.* Cat. No. 1838, Rochester, N. Y., Professor C. Dewey. Male. Spec. 2. Cat. No. 1839, Lake Oneida. Male. Spec. 3. Dry Spec., Niagara, L. Agassiz. Male. Fem. Spec. 2. 20. CamBaruS oBscuRUS Hagen. Figures on Pl. I. and Il. First abdominal legs of the male. first form, fig. 72 in front; fig. 73 outside. second form, fig. 74 in front; fig. 75 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 154, a; epistoma, }; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Mate. This species is very similar to C. propinquus, and I have seen the males from the same locality mixed in the same bottle. But hav- 70 ASTACIDA. ing compared many full-grown individuals, I find the following dif- ferences : — . Rostro non carinato, antice plano, vix angustiori; cretis basalibus brevioribus ; lamina apice acutiori, margine externo non sinuato; episto- mate antice magis truncato; chela latiori, planiori, marge imterno in- curvo, distincte biseriatim tuberculato, linea tuberculosa alia paululum distante versus basin mediam digiti mobilis; digitis brevioribus, latio- ribus, externo incurvo, basi magis distantibus; carpo subtus spinis anticis distinctis ; pedibus abdominalibus margine postico medio dentato ; parte interna lata recta, fere carinata, apice obtusa; postabdomine laminze mediz parte apicali breviori. Forma IL, pedibus abdominalibus basi articulatis, margine postico non dentato; partibus magis inflatis, externa cylindrica obtusa. Femina differt annulo apertura transversali antice bituberculata ; tuberculo ventrali inter pedes secundos. Long. corp. 3.5; antenn. 2.5; ped. antic. 2.5. Patria: Genesee River, Rochester, N. Y. Vidi 30 specimina. This species is perhaps A. fossor Rafinesque, Amer. Monthl. Magaz., T. Il. p. 42. The description is very short, and contains nothing con- tradictory, while the granular “gaping” toothed hand seems to desig- nate this species rather than C. propinquus. “ A. fossor. Antenne as long as the body, rostrum short, one-toothed on each side, a thorn behind the eyes; three pairs of spiniferous feet, hands of the first pair very large, granular-gaping-toothed, with a fur- rowed and bispinous wrist. Obs. Vulgar name, burrowing lobster, — communicated to me by Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell, — native of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York; size from four to six inches; it burrows in meadows and milldams, which it perforates and damages.” The dimensions are greater than in the specimens before me. Among the seven species known from New York, this species and C. propinquus are the only ones answering to Mr. Rafinesque’s description. From Pennsylvania I know only C. affims and Bartonii, from Virginia only C. Barton and C. obesus. I do not know whether C. obscwrus burrows in dams; should this pecu- liarity be made out, the name proposed by Mr. Rafinesque must be restored. Cat. No. 181, Genesee River, Rochester, N. Y.. Mr. H. A. Ward. Male. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1840, Genesee River, Rochester, N. Y., Mr. H. A. Ward. Male Form I. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1841, Genesee River, Rochester, N. Y., Mr. H. A. Ward. Male Form II. Spec. 3. ASTACID A. val 21. CAMBARUS RUSTICUS Girard. Cambarus rusticus Girard, Proc. Acad. Philad., T. 6, p. 88. Figures on Pl. I. and HI. First abdominal legs of the male : first form, fig. 80 in front ; fig. 81 outside. second form, fig. 82 in front; fig. 83 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 161, a; epistoma, d ; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. I nAVE heretofore considered the males and females from Cincinnati, Ohio, which belong to C. rusticus Gir., as a variety of C. propinguus ; the rostrum, however, is never carinated. The specimens are very closely allied to C. placidus ; still, the apex of the abdominal legs is nearly straight, while in C. placidus it is shghtly incurved. They are very similar to C. propinguus, though the rostrum is nar- rower and concave on the sides, the acumen shorter, the inner margin of the hand is incurved, the interior spine of the carpus less developed, while there are two apical spines beneath, the mner one being the smaller; the brachium is more biseriated spinose beneath; the fingers are more separated at the base; the rostrum has the acumen exca- vated, not carimated; the external part of the abdominal legs is a little longer; the posterior margin hooked as in C. odscurus ; in the female there is a triangular lumen in the annulus; the external parts of the two antepenultimate segments of the postabdomen are nearly rec- tangular. Long. corp. 3; long. antenn. 2.6; long. ped. antic. 2.5. Patria: Cincinnati, Ohio. I have compared a male type, Forma IL, communicated by Professor W. Stimpson. I have seen nine examples, male, Forme I. and IL, and female. The abdominal legs in the Forma IL. are not articulated at the base. One male from Lake Superior seems not to differ. While this species is very near to C. placidus, the apical parts of the abdominal legs are shorter and more nearly straight. Nevertheless, the identity is not impossible. C. obseurus is very similar, but instantly sep- arated by the truncated epistoma. Cat. No. 285, Cincinnati, Ohio. Male. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 187, Lake Superior, L. Agassiz. Male Form I. Spec. 1. 22. CAMBARUS IMMUNIS Hagen. Figures on Pl. I., III, and VIII. First abdominal legs of the male. first form, fig. 105 in front; fig. 106 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 160,a; epistoma, }; variety, d; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenne, c. Pl. VIII. Hand. Mas. Rostro lato, dimidio longiori, supra excavato, levi, basi foveola, 72 ASTACIDZ. antice vallata, dense punctata, marginibus ad acuminis apicem elevatis, vix punctato-lineatis, antice convergentibus, apice leviter sinuatis, acu- mine brevi, triangulari, acuto, dentibus lateralibus nullis; cretis basali- bus subdivergentibus, vix elevatis, extus sulcatis, antice muticis. An- tennis gracilibus, thorace paulo longioribus, articulo basali dente externo parvo acuto, articulo secundo dente perparvo; antennis internis dente medio articuli basalis infero; lamina rostro vix longiori, lata, apice sub- truncata, margine externo inflato, brevi-spmoso. Hpistomate lato, apice exciso (vel truncato, spina media perparva), lateribus obliquis, angulis rotundatis. Pedibus maxillaribus externis intus et subtus villosis. Tho- race subcylindrico, compresso, supra fortiter punctato, lateribus leeviori- bus; linea profunda, sinuata, lateribus divisa, spina utrinque parva, aliaque antica ad antennas infera minori; areola plana, punctata, angusta, postice valde dilatata. Postabdomine thoracis latitudine, levi, seemen- tis antepenultimis angulo externo rotundato; lamina intermedia parte apicali vix breviori, rotundata, medio subexcisa; parte basali utrmque bispina. Pedibus anticis modicis, brevioribus; chela modice lata, de- pressa, leviter punctata, subtus levi, extus marginata; margine interno brevi, subrecto, tuberculato-serrato; digitis longioribus, rectis, apice corneis, incurvis, supra costatis et punctato-lmeatis; digiti mobilis mar- gine externo serrato, interno basi exciso, tuberculato; digito externo tuberculo medio et basali minoribus, basi subtus valde barbata. Carpo lato, extus valde oblique-truncato, spina interna media majori, alusque brevioribus; subtus antice et intus multispinoso, duabus anticis majori- bus. Brachio brevi, levi, margine supero parce tuberculoso, spinis dua- bus parvis anteapicalibus minoribus; subtus spinis obtusis biseriatis, anticis nonnullis majoribus. Pedibus secundis intus ante apicem valde barbatis. Pedibus tertiis articulo tertio unguiculato; pedibus quintis capitulo basali annulari. Pedibus abdominalibus modicis, contortis, longe bifidis, margine postico medio subito latiori, parte interna cylin- drica, apice acuta, depressa, incurva, subdilatata; parte externa paulo longiori, acuta, incurva. Femina differt chelis minoribus, pedibus secundis minus barbatis; ventre inter pedes quartos levi, annulo obovali, fissura denticulata, apertura magna transversa; ventre inter pedes tertios tuberculo apicali planiori. Long. corp. 2.6; long. antenn. 1.5; ; ped. antic. 2. Wadi marem (ex Alabama) paulo AOD, chelis medio magis dila- tatis, digito externo intus curvo. Baia Lawn Ridge and Belleville, Mlinois; Huntsville, Alabama. I have not seen the second form of the male. A female from Beaufort, N. C., is a little smaller, the antennal lamina not so broad at the tip, the areola a little narrower, the hands are very small, the moving finger has its inner margin straight, without basal ASTACID. "3 excision; the example is otherwise similar to C. immmnis ; nevertheless, it possibly belongs to a different species. C. mums is a very interesting species; by its conical, short, and -toothless rostrum it is allied to the group of C. Barton, by the ab- dominal legs of the male to the group of C. affinis. I have not seen young specimens; they, perhaps, possess lateral spines. Cat. No. 188, Lawn Ridge, Ill, Mr. C. Ordway. Male. Fem. Spec. 5. Cat. No. 1841, Belleville, Tl. Male. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 301, Huntsville, Ala. Male. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 1842, Beaufort, N. C., Mr. Bickmore. Fem. Spee. 1. 23. CAMBARUS EXTRANEUS Hagen. Figures on Pl. I. and III. First abdominal legs of the male : second form, fig. 88 in front; fig. 89 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 156, a; epistoma, 5; spine of the second joint of the exterior an- tenna, c. Mas. Rostro lato, duplo vel triplo-longiori, levi, excavato, margini- bus punctato-lineatis, subparallelis vel subconvergentibus, utrinque ad apicem fortiter sinuatis; acumine longo, acuto, utrinque ,dente brevi, acuto; cretis parum elevatis, parallelis, sulcatis, spma acuta antica. Antennis validis (basis modo exstat), articulis duobus basalibus dente externo acuto, antennis internis articulo basali dente infero acuto; la- mina rostri longitudine, modice lata, margine externo late inflato, apice spina acuta longiori. Epistomate brevi, lato, antice obtuso, rotundato, angulis lateralibus acutioribus; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace leviter ovato, densius punctato-ciliato, lateribus granulosis, scabris; linea profunda, subfissa, utrinque spina valida acuta; spina antica infera ad antennarum basin; areola lata, plana, punctata, antice posticeque paulo dilatata, cephalothorace margine antico ad basin antennarum loco anguli dente parvo acuto. Postabdomine thoracis lati- tudine, paulo longiori, parce punctato, segmentis antepenultimis angulo laterali subrecto; lamina intermedia utrinque bispinosa, parte apicali breviori, rotundata. Pedibus anticis modicis ; chela magna, lata, depres- sa, densius punctato-ciliata; margine interno longo, subrecto, biseriatim tuberculato-dentato; digitis validis, planis longioribus, costato-lineatis, intus dentatis, basi subtus barbatis. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, parum- punctato, spina interna media majori, aliaque basali brevi; subtus spinis duabus anticis validis. Brachio longiori, levi, spinis duabus anteapicali- bus validis, oblique positis, subtus spinis acutis biseriatis, spima ad arti- culationem utrinque valida. Pedibus tertiis articulo tertio unguiculato ; pedibus quartis capitulo basali ovato, parvo. (Forma I. mihi invisa.) Forma II. Pedibus abdominalibus basi articulatis, validis, brevibus, contortis; parte interna cylindrica, brevi, apice acutiori recurva; parte 10 A ASTACID&. externa valida, antice impressa, apice compressa, dente valido recurvo, obtuso, intus duplici. Vidi marem majorem pedibus abdominalibus non articulatis. Femina differt abdomine latiori; ventre mter pedes quartos levi, annulo transverso, lumine posteriori plano, sulco antico longitudinal, utrinque tuberculo rotundato. Long. corp. 3.3; ped. antic. 2. Habitat: Tennessee River, Georgia. The label is no doubt in part erroneous, as no portion of the Tennessee River flows through Georgia. I have seen six specimens (three males, three females), of which the largest was a female. The males belong to Forma II., though the largest have the abdominal legs unarticulated. Apparently the males, Forma I, have larger hands and a more finished sculpture. In all the specimens the whole animal is punctuous-ciliated. The thorax is a little shorter than the abdomen. A. affinis Say differs in having a double spine on each side of the tho- rax, in the very unlike forms of the abdominal legs, in the absence of the thoracic marginal spine behind the eyes, and in its larger areola. I cannot discover this species in Mr. LeConte’s monograph. It is possible that the larger female belongs to a different species ; the five others are identical, the rostrum being visibly attenuated be- fore, the acumen shorter, and the area broader. This female seems very near C. affiis Say. The species itself is very remarkable in hay- ing the abdominal legs formed exactly as in the group of C. Bartow. Cat. No. 175, Tennessee River, (near the borders of?) Georgia, Colonel Jones and Dr. Daniell. Male Form I. and Il. Fem. Spee. 6. Ili. GROUP. (Type C. Barront.) The third legs of the males hooked ; rostrum short, toothless ; first paw of abdominal legs with the tip of the exterior part recurved, the tip of the mterior part short. . This group, perhaps, unites two groups of co-ordinate value. It is, of course, possible that an examination of a greater number of specimens of C. Carolinus and other allied species would allow us to place them in another different group. 1. C. Bartomi and the allied species (except C. Carolinus and C. advena) form a very natural group. Hooks only occur in the males on the third pair of legs. The rostrum is short, broad, obtuse at the tip and tooth- less, even in the young animals. The antennez are shorter than the body ; their lamina is short and dilated near the tip; the spine beneath the first jomt of the mner antennz is more apical; the flagellum is © short, the inner branch a little more slender, shorter, and the joints are sometimes more calcareous and fragile, similar to those of the true ASTACID/. 15 Astacus. 'The-foreborder of the cephalothorax is strongly angulated. The body, especially the postabdomen and the hands, is broader. The first pair of abdominal legs of the male has a peculiar and striking de- velopment. The tip of the exterior part forms a larger and more strongly recurved tooth; the tip of the interior part is broken, short, and conical. The second pair of legs and the third are ciliated with hairs. Burrowing habits are observed in C. Diogenes (united by me with C. Barton). ; 2. The other group, C. Carolinus and C. advena, differs in having the front border of the cephalothorax not angulated, the very narrow post- abdomen, and principally in the form of the first abdominal legs, sim- ilar to those described in C. acutus. SYNOPSIS OF THE SPECIES. 1st SECTION. Front border of the cephalothorax angulated; first abdominal legs strongly hooked. A. Areola linear: C. obesus, C. Nebrascensis. B. Areola broad: C. Bartonti (with C. pusillus, C. montanus, C. longulus, C. Diogenes), C. robustus, C. latimanus. Incertze sedis: C. Mexicanus, C. Cubensis. 2d SECTION. Front border of the cephalothorax straight; first abdominal legs not hooked: C. advena, C. Carolinus. The determination of the species in this group is not so certain as in the foregoing groups. In some species the entire lack of typical specimens, or the insufficiency of materials, has perhaps misled me and occasioned errors. . This is especially the case in the species united by me with C. Buar- toni, viz. in C. pusillus, C. montanus, C. longulus, and C. Diogenes. More ample material will either confirm my views or correct my errors. 24. CamBarus Barton Fabricius. Astacus Bartonii Fabr., Supplem. Ent., p. 407, n. 3. — Bosc., Hist. Nat. Crust., T. II. p. 40. — Latr., Hist. Nat. Crust., T. VI. p. 240.— Say, Journ. Acad. N. Sc. Philad., T. I. p. 167, 2. — Har- lan, Med. and Phys. Research., p. 230, fig. 3.— Erichson, Archiv. T. XII. p. 97, n. 17. — De- Kay, N. Y. Zoology, VI. 22, Pl. 8, fig. 25. Figures on Pl. I., I, and III. First abdominal legs of the male : first form, fig. 47 in front; fig. 48 outside. second form, fig. 49 in front; fig. 50 outside. Inner sexual parts of the male: first form, fig. 135; side, fig. 136. second form, fig. 137; side, fig. 138. Inner sexual parts of the female, fig. 139. Antennal lamina, fig. 166, a; epistoma, 6; spine of the second joint-of the exterior antenna, c. Mas. Rostro brevi, lato, fere quadrangulari, ante apicem utrinque 76 ASTACID&. subito sinuato, acumine latitudine rostri breviori, acuto; supra fere plano, marginibus antice ad acuminis apicem elevatis; basi foveola la- tiori, punctata; cretis basalibus parvis, vix rostro separatis, parallelis, extus linea punctata impressis, antice subacutis. Antennis corpore bre- vioribus; articulo basali dente parvo, acuto; antennis internis articulo basali spina infera antica acuta. Lamina brevi, angusta, rostro sub- longiori, apice angustiorl, margine externo latius inflato, apice spina longiori, acuta. Kpistomate semicirculari, spma media antica; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace subcylindrico, paulo de- presso, postice subangustato, punctato, lateribus granulato; cephalotho- race medio lzvi; lmea profunda, sinuata, spina parva infera antica ad antennarum basin; areola modica, plana, punctata, postice latiori. Post- abdomine vix angustiorl, punctato, segmentis antepenultimis angulis rotundatis ; lamina media bispina; parte apicali aequali elliptica. Pedi- bus anticis brevibus, modicis; chela lata, subinflata, punctata; margine brevi dentato, interdum biseriatim tuberculato, recto, subtus sulcato ; digitis validis basi non claudentibus, costatis, fortiter punctato-lineatis, dimidio longioribus, rectis, paululum subtus curvatis, mtus dentatis. Brachio previ, levi, ante apicem supra obsolete-tuberculoso, subtus spinis biseriatis acutis. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, rarius punctato, spina media interna majori, aliaque basali minori; subtus spimis duabus anticis obtusis. Pedibus secundis densius ciliatis; pedibus tertiis arti- culo tertio unguiculato; pedibus quartis capitulo basali ovali. Pedibus abdominalibus brevibus, validis, contortis, subtus medio depressis, parte interna cylindrica, apice acuta, incurva; parte externa longiori, latiori, intus plana, apice dente separato, compresso, longo, incurvo, margine externo fusco-corneo, striato. Forma II. differt chela angustiori, digitis longioribus, seepe basi clau- dentibus. Pedibus abdominalibus brevibus, validis, contortis, basi arti- culatis, parte interna brevi, cylindrica, apice extus curvata ac subito acuminata; parte externa latiori, intus plana, apice dente magno, ob- tuso, recurvo, compresso, intus duplici. Variat pedibus basi non articu- latis, chela perparva, digitis fere cylindricis; carpo interdum spina in- terna media singula. Femina differt chelis minoribus; ventre inter pedes quartos levi ; annulo cordiformi, lumine transverso postico, suleoque angusto antico longitudinali; abdomine latiori, summa basi angustato. Long. corp. 2.8 — 3.6; antenn. 1.5—3.8; ped. antic. 2—2.5 Patria: Lake Superior; Lake Champlain, Burlington, Vermont (Salem Museum); Elizabethtown, Essex County, and Berkshire, Tioga County, Fishkill and Newburg (Rafinesque), N. Y.; Schooley’s Mount, New Jer- sey; Schuylkill River, Philadelphia, and Berwick, Pennsylvania; Cin- cinnati, Scioto River, Columbia, Ohio; Hickman’s Landing, Kentucky River; Georgetown, D. C.; Osage River, Missouri; Georgia ; Greenbrier River, Virginia. ASTACIDEA. - a I have seen more than four hundred specimens, both very young and very old. The shape of the rostrum is variable, sometimes broader and quadrangular; the sculpture is different, the oldest individuals are most strongly tuberculated; the antenne are shorter than the abdomen, though im one male (the largest seen by me) they are a little longer than the abdomen. The hands are variable in form, often very broad, and the fingers much separated at the base; the abdominal legs in the second form are often not articulated. It is possible that A. Bartoni Fabr. belongs to this species; the de- scription contains no contradictory characters. The description by Bose is too short, and his figure too imperfect to afford any help. The species of Say, Harlan, Krichson, are apparently identical. DeKay’s (N. Y. Fauna, T. 6, p. 20, T. 8, fig. 25) description is very brief and the fig- ure poor, still I think the species the same. A. affinis M. Edwards seems to be the same (Crust. II. p. 332, n. 3). A. Bartonii M. Edwards is C.- afins. I do not know whether M. Edwards has seen the type of Bosc. Girard gives (Proc. Acad. Philad., No. 8, T. 6, p. 88) no description of his Barton, but he quotes the works above-mentioned. Girard cites as identical A. charis Rafinesque (Amer. Month. Mag. II. No. 3, p. 42), and this is possibly true of very large specimens. Girard describes (I. c. p. 90, n. 13) A. pustllus Rafin. The description by Rafinesque (Lc. No. 4, p. 42) is too short, “the rostrum oval acute,” and “wrist smooth,’ being the only important characters given. The comparative description by Girard is not sufficient, though the Cam- bridge Museum possesses one female from Lake Champlain by Professor Baird, possibly the A. pusdllus Rafinesque. I suppose that C. pusillus does not differ from A. Barton, because the examples from the North, Lake Superior, and other localities are always very small. The external lamina of the postabdomen has the inner third of the apical margin of the basal part not denticulated ; in C’. obesus it is entirely denticulated. Cilia evidently occur on the second pair of legs, and justify the name given by Rafinesque. The basal in- ner angle of the hand is nearly rectangular. I have seen a female from the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, with the eyes well developed, and a female from Georgia. In the largest male from Ohio the antennez are longer than the body, —a character given for C. montanus Girard,— but the areola is not broader. I have compared a female type from Berwick, Pennsylvania, labelled C. Bartont Er., and communicated by Professor Stimpson. The speci- men is from the locality mentioned by Mr. Girard and identical with the specimens described by me from Schuylkill River. T have also compared Cambarus montanus Girard, 1. c. p. 88, male type from Greenbrier River, Virginia, communicated by Professor Stimp- 78 ASTACIDZ. son. Itis a young male of the second form, with the abdominal legs articulated. The animal is identical with C. Barton, and the shape of the epistoma forbids us to regard it as a young C. latimanus. The external lamina of the postabdomen has the inner third of its margin not denticulated. A dry male specimen from Virginia, C. montanus, Acad. Philad., is identical with the foregoing, the abdominal legs ex- actly resemble those of C. Bartow. In the Cambridge Museum there is a Jar with alcoholic specimens labelled, Isle of Pico, Azores, presented by Mrs. Dabney. It contains one Alpheus and three C. Bartoni. It seems very doubtful at present that these Cambari are from the Azores. The types in the Cambridge Museum of A. Bartow Gibbes, mentioned in his Fauna of South Carolina, belong to C. datimanus. The types of C. Barton in the Mus. Acad. Philadelphia, from Pennsylvania and Pitts- burg, also determined by Mr. L. R. Gibbes, are C. affiius Say. A female type of C. dongulus Gir., Proc. Acad. Philad., T. 6, p. 90, com- municated by Professor Stimpson, is from the Middle States; it differs from C. Barton in having its hands smooth, very large, and apparently deformed. The fingers are small and unusually far separated at the base. In the space between them is a large bunch of hairs. I have not found such a bunch of hairs in any specimen of C. Bartoni ; per- haps there was more room for the growth of these hairs in this de- formed specimen. But I should remark that specimens of C. Bartoni, with the fingers about as widely separated, are destitute of any such tufts. I have sometimes found hairs in this place, but never so many in C. latimanus. Nevertheless, the other characters show that it must be C. Barton or a new species. I think it is C. Bartoni. C. Bartonw is the most variable species; as yet I cannot find stable and constant characters for dividing them into three or four species, as Mr. Girard has done. The rostrum is often nearly quadrangular, with a little tooth in the middle of its front border, and varies in being more elongated, more attenuated before, with the angles more or less rounded and the apical tooth longer or shorter, broader or narrower. The lamina of the antennz varies in breadth, principally in front, and m the length of the apical spine. The epistoma is often triangular, acute, often more rounded laterally, sometimes more obtuse at the tip and nearly trun- cated in front. The dorsal areola varies in specimens from the same locality (Cincinnati from 2, to 8; inches). The form of the hand is exceedingly variable, the fingers being often broadly separated at their base, frequently nearly contiguous. The type of C. montanus does not differ from the typical form. The length of the antennze quoted by Girard is variable. One male from Cincimnati, with the most quadrangular rostrum, has the antenne even longer than the body. I have seen more than one hundred specimens from Lake Superior, ASTACID. 79 Lake Champlain, and from the Aquarial Gardens in Boston (locality uncertain, but perhaps from the Northern Lakes), which belong un- doubtedly to C. pusiilus ; still the differences given by Mr. Girard are not sufficient for separating C. pusillus from C. Barton. The type of C. dongulus is, as I think, merely an accidental variety of C. Barton. The fingers are cylindrical, very widely separated at the base, and bearded in this place and inside of the external finger, along the basal half. The shape of the finger is unusual and, I think, acci- dental. Broadly separated fingers are sometimes seen; the Museum possesses a specimen having the fingers on the right hand separated and those on the left hand contiguous; but I have never seen the space between the fingers bearded with hairs. The other differences quoted by Mr. Girard, and taken from the shape of the rostrum and the breadth of the areola, are not important enough to warrant a specific separation. Mr. Say, Journ. Acad. Philad., T. 1. p. 445, says: “A. Barton has the hands differently proportioned with respect to the thumb, and more or less muricated. They are extremely common in the pine barren marshes of the Southern States, and particularly in those of Georgia and Florida.” I have not seen specimens from there, but they perhaps belong to A. datimanus. Cat. No. 1847, Aquarial Garden, Boston, L. Agassiz. Male Form I. andulin Nem: “Spec: 12.* Cat. No. 284, Berkshire, Tioga County, N. Y., L. Agassiz. Male Form I. and II. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 278, Schooley’s Mount, N. Y., Mr. A. Mayor. Male. Fem., young. Spec. 8. Cat. No. 290, Elizabethtown, N. Y., Professor Baird. Male Form II. Fem. Spec. 3. Cat. No. 251, Lake Champlain, Professor Baird. Fem. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 227, New Jersey, L. Agassiz. Male Form I. and II. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 235, Schuylkill River, Penn., L. Agassiz. Male. Fem. Spec. IDs Cat. No. 238, Philadelphia, Penn., Dr. Leidy. Male Form I. and IL Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 244, Lake Superior, L. Agassiz. Male Form II. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 243, Cincinnati, Ohio. Male Form II. Fem. Spec. 3. Cat. No. 267, Cincinnati, Ohio. Male Form II. Fem. Spec. 3. Cat. No. 288, Cincinnati, Ohio, L. Agassiz. Male. Fem., young. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 295, Scioto River, Columbia, Ohio, Mr. J. Sullivan. Male Form II. Fem. Spec. 6. Cat. No. 286, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Fem. Spec. 1. 80 ASTACID. Cat. No. 240, Hickman’s Landing, Kentucky River, Mr. A. Hyatt. Fem. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 185, Osage River, Mr. Stolley. Male Form II. Fem. Spec. 8. Cat. No. 237, Georgetown, D. C., Lanman. Male Form IL., the first pair of abdominal legs not articulated. Spec. 1. ?Cat. No. 1101, Pico, Azores, Mrs. Dabney. Male. Fem. Spec. 4. (The last locality is apparently erroneous. ) Dry spec., Niagara, L. Agassiz. Male. Spec. 1. 25. CAMBARUS ROBUSTUS Girard. Cambarus robustus Girard, Proc. Acad. Philad., T. 6, p. 90. Antennal lamina, fig. 156,a; epistoma, b; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. C. Bartonii similis, sed differt: rostro excavato, longiori, antice angus- tiorl, acumine triangulari, rostri latitude longiori; lamina antennarum longiori, antice latiori; articulo antennarum secundo dente externo acuto; epistomate triangulari, lateribus paulo rotundatis; thorace sub- ovato; linea thoracica spina utrinque laterali; chela margine mterno serie duplice tuberculorum serrata, digito externo supra ac subtus im- presso, excavato; carpo tuberculo parvo inter spina antica et illa ante- riorl marginis interni. Long. 3.2; antenn. 2.5; ped. ant. 2. Habitat: Toronto, Humber River; Genesee River, Rochester, and Lake Regis, N. Y. Two females from Fredericksburg, Virginia (Salem Mus.). I have seen one typical male, second form, from Toronto, in the Philadelphia Academy, and some specimens from New York, both forms of the male and female, all full grown. The abdominal legs of the male have somewhat more resemblance to those of C. latimanus. ‘The rostrum and the hands, the external finger of which shows a very Visi- ble impression, separate this species from C. Bartoni. : C. obesus differs constantly in the linear areola. C. datimanus has no lateral thoracic spme, a more rounded thorax, the carpus beneath strongly tuberculated on the inner side; besides the different and more elongated rostrum, and the rounded not impressed under side of the external finger. Cat. No. 176, Genesee River, Rochester, N. Y., Mr. H. A. Ward. Male Form. Il. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1176, Western New York, L. Agassiz. Male. © Spec. 4. ASTACIDZ. 8] 26. CAMBARUS OBESUS Hagen. Figures on Pl. I., III., and IX. First abdominal legs of the male: first form, fig. 39 in front; fig. 40 outside. second form, not articulated, fig. 41 in front; fig. 42 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 163, a@; epistoma, 0; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Pl. XI. Male, first form. Mas. Rostro lato, brevi, latitudine paululum longiori, antice angus- tiori, acumine brevi, late triangulari, acuto ; rostro supra excavato, levi, marginibus subito elevatis, ad acuminis apicem non interruptis; foveola basali latiori; cretis subdivergentibus, obsoletis, extus punctato-sulcatis, antice muticis postice calloso-inflatis. Antennis validis, thorace vix longioribus, articulis basalibus dente externo subnullo; antennis inter- nis articulo basali dente medio infero parvo; lamina brevi, angusta, intus non dilatata, margine externo latius inflato, spina apicali longiori. Epistomate longitudine vix latiori, elliptico, angulis externis obtusis; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. horace valido, cephalo- thorace supra punctis profundis rarioribus, lateribus sparsim granulosis; mesothorace compresso, supra depresso, subtilissime punctato, punctis profundis rarioribus sparsis, lateribus vix granulato; lmea profunda, sinuata, antice spma ad antennarum basin infera nulla; areola nulla, linea intermedia profunda; spatio triangulari postico latiori. Postab- domine lato, segmentis anteapicalibus angulis externis rotundatis; la- mina media bi-(vel tri-) spinosa, parte apicali sequali elliptica. Pedibus anticis longis, validis; chela magna, latissima, subdepressa, leevi, punctis rarioribus ; margine interno brevi, incurvo, forte biseriatim tuberculato ; margine externo incurvo, punctato-lineato; digitis plus duplo longiori- bus, latis, costatis, profunde bilineato-punctatis ; interno basi tus ex- ciso, dimidio basali extus et intus tuberculato; externo triangulari, basi forte depresso, acutiori, tuberculis majoribus basalibus internis; supra ad marginem externum dense exsculpto. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, levi, punctis nonnullis profundis, tuberculis internis rarioribus, subantico majori; subtus levi, spinis duabus anticis obtusis. Brachio valido ; levi, tuberculis nonnullis anteapicalibus, duabus oblique positis majoribus ; subtus spinis obtusis biseriatis. Pedibus tertiis articulo tertio ungui- culato; pedibus quartis capitulo basali compresso ovali, quintis sub- nullo. Pedibus abdominalibus brevibus, validis, contortis; intus latis, planis; parte interna breviori, apice conica, extus curvata; parte ex- terna longiori, apice intus curvata compressa, dente lato, fusco corneo, striato, intus duplici, valde incurvo. Forma II. Differt chelis minoribus, unguiculis parvis; pedibus ab- dominalibus non articulatis, parte interna conica, longiori; parte ex- terna apice nec fusco cornea, nec striata, obtusa incurva. Femina differt antennis brevioribus, chelis minoribus, ventre inter 11 82 ASTACID &. pedes quartos levi, annulo transverso inflato, apertura media profunda *~ transversali; postabdomine latiori, basi summa angustiori. (Maxim.) Long. corp. 4.5; antenn. 2.6; ped. antic. 4. Habitat: Evanston, Lawn Ridge, and Belleville, Illinois, and the prairies near Chicago (Philad. Acad.) ; ‘Petersburg, Va.; Monticello, Miss.; Arkansas; New Orleans; Kelley’s Island, Ohio; Lake Erie ; Lake Michigan; Garrison Creek; Sackett’s Harbor; Lake Ontario. Vidi 16 specimina. The Salem Museum contains a full-crown male and a very young male of the second form, the abdominal legs not being articulated. C. obesus is very similar to C. datimanus, but the “areola nulla” always separates them instantly. The thorax is more ovoid than in @ /atimanus. The epistoma is not pointed anteriorly, the second joint of the external antenne has no spine; the carinse are posteriorly calloso-inflatee. One female (Garrison Creek, Philad. Acad.) was labelled C. propin- quus ? but the type of C. propinquus, communicated by Professor Stimp- son, is a different species. I have not seen the C. diogenes Girard. Although he treated of it at some length, he left it without an accurate description. The dorsal lines of the carapace are almost contiguous, so that the areola is almost wanting. Iam in doubt whether it can be referred to @. obesus. The only specimen, from Georgetown, D. C., in the Museum is C. Bartoni. Perhaps (. Diogenes is also C. Barton. A specimen from the District. of Columbia, labelled @ Diogenes, in the Museum of the Philad. Acad., does not agree at all with the descrip- tion of Mr. Girard, and is C. preen eare: A single female from New Orleans differs in having a narrower ros- trum, with the margins parallel and the tip more acute. The first pair of abdominal legs, ordinarily bearded at the margins and flattened, are sincularly transformed. They are thicker, cylindrical, with the tip narrower and twisted, as is the case with the abdominal legs of Astacus fluriatils. The postabdomen is narrower at the base. Possibly this specimen is a sterile female. Another female, in shape and size similar to the foregoing (3.2 inch. long) has the rostrum broader, the margins not so aah fhiclened as in the type, the acumen more acute. The hand is more flattened and not so strongly dotted, the inner margin more rounded, with six strong and separated teeth, giving to the specimen a very peculiar aspect. The two anterior spines of the inner margin of the carpus are long and more developed. The annulus between the fourth pair of legs has its anterior margin irregularly tuberculated. The right hand is wanting ; I regard the specimen as abnormal and deformed. Cat. No. 165, Belleville, Ill, Dr. Engelmann. Fem. Spee. 2. Cat. No. 1461, Evanston, Ill. Male. Spec. 1. Fig ASTACID&. 83 Cat. No. 195, Lawn Ridge, Ill, Mr. A. Ordway. Fem. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 197, Lawn Ridge, Ill, Mr. A. Ordway. Male. Fem. Spec. 6. Cat. No. 1848, Petersburg, Va. Fem. Spec. l. Cat. No. 229, Arkansas, Mr. G. Stolley. Male. Spec. 1. Cat. No. 242, New Orleans, Mr. Lawrence. Fem. Spec. 1. Dry Spec. Lake Michigan, Professor C. Marey. Fem. Spec. 1. 27. CamBarus NEBRASCENSIS Girard. Cambarus Nebrascensis Girard, Proc. Philad. Acad. N. Sc., No. 10, T. 6, p. 91. “Rostrum intermediate in form between that of C robustus and C. Diogenes.” “Dorsal lines of suture of the carapace in close contiguity. Large claw nearly conical, giving to the species a very peculiar aspect.” “Fort Pierre, Nebraska; collected in 1850 by Thaddeus Culvertson.” — Girard. I have never seen any Cambarus agreeing with the description given by Mr. Girard, and I have not seen a typical specimen of C. Diogenes, the species compared with C. Nebrascensis. I have spoken of all the species of Cambarus with a linear areola under C. maniculatus. None of these several species agrees with the description given of @ Ne- brascensis. 28. CAMBARUS LATIMANUS Le Conte. Astacus latimanus LeConte, Proc. Acad. Philad. N. Se., T. 7, p. 402. Figures on Pl. I. and III. First abdominal leg of the male : first form, fig. 43 in front; fig. 44 outside. second form, fig. 45 in front; fig. 46 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 162,a@; epistoma,; spine of the second joint of the exterior an- tenna, c. Mas. Rostro brevi, basi lato, tum sensim angustiori, fere triangulari, ante apicem leviter sinuato, acumine brevi, acuto; rostro supra ex- cavato, basi foveolato; marginibus lineato punctatis ; acumine vix mar- ginato; cretis parvis, postice subdivergentibus, extus linea impressa, antice obtusis. Antennis gracilibus, thorace longioribus, articulis duo- bus basalibus dentibus externis parvis acutis; antennis internis articulo basali dente infero anteapicali parvo; lamina brevi, angusta, apice lati- orl, margine externo inflato, spina acuta apicali. Epistomate latiori, antice truncato, spina parva media; lateribus obliquis, angulis obtusis ; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace leviter ovato, parce punctato, lateribus granulosis vel tuberculosis; linea profunda, sinuata, spina utrinque laterali modica vel obsoleta; spina antica infera subnulla; areola modica, plana, antice paululum carinata, postice latiori. Postabdomine vix angustiori, levi, segmentis anteapicalibus angulis ex- 84 ASTACID&. terns obtusis; lamma media parte utrinque bispina, parte apicali, sub- longiori, elliptica. Pedibus anticis brevibus, latis; chela lata plana, ciliato-punctata; subtus levi, ad marginem internum sulcata; margine interno brevi, incurvo, tuberculoso-serrato; digitis duplo longioribus, latis, rectis, bicostatis, lineato-punctatis, ciliatis; digito mobili extus et basi intus tuberculato; digito externo basi intus tuberculato, extus mar- ginato, punctato. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, parce punctato, intus subtuberculoso, spina interna media valida, interdum alia basali parva; subtus spinis duabus obtusis anticis, tertia mimori interna. Brachio brevi, levi, spinis duabus anteapicalibus oblique positis, subtus spimis biseriatis acutis. Pedibus tertius articulo tertio unguiculato; quartis capitulo basali, ovoideo, quintis subnullo. Pedibus abdominalibus bre- vibus, validis, contortis; intus latis, planis; extus medio crassioribus ; parte interna breviori, cylindrica, apice inflexa, conica, acumine parvo, compresso; parte externa dente longo apicali subito incurvo, extus fusco-corneo, striato. : Forma II. differt chela plerumque leviori; pedibus abdominalibus basi articulatis; parte imterna apice obtusiori; parte externa dente apicali latiori, vix separato, breviori, obtuso, extus nec fusco-corneo nec striato. Marem vidi magnum pedibus abdominalibus similibus sed basi non articulatis ; chelis magnis, leevioribus, digitis angustioribus. Femina differt abdomine latiori, basi angustato ; ventre inter pedes quartos nudo; annulo transverso, modice crasso, lumine denticulato pos- teriori, sulco anteriori longitudinal. (Maxim.) Long. corp. 2.9; antenn. 2.5; ped. antic. 2.3. Habitat: Athens, Georgia; South Carolina. Vidi specimina multa et juniora. Juniores leeviores, acumine variabili, rostro interdum longiori. I have examined a female type m the Mus. Acad. Philad. of C. /ati- manus LeConte. It is the largest seen by me, and has the dimensions given by Mr. LeConte, long. corp. 3.3. Cat. No. 236, Athens, Ga., Dr. J. LeConte. Male. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 1849, Milledgeville, Ga. Male. Spec. 1. Dry Spec., South Carolina, Mr. L. R. Gibbes. Male. Spec. 1; la- belled A. Barton Gibbes. 29. CamBarus Mextcanus Ejyichson. Cambarus Mexicanus Erichson, Wiegmann’s Archiv, No. 20, T. 12 p 99. “CHELIS granulatis, gracilibus, subcylindricis, carpis muticis, rostro lato, apice obtusiusculo.” “Thorax somewhat compressed, always densely punctulated ; crete prominent, divergent behind; rostrum nearly flat, broad, obtuse at the ASTACID&. 85 apex, with sharply recurved margins; lamina of the antenna broad, with a little apical external spine. Hands narrow, nearly cylindrical, densely scabrous; the fingers a little shorter than the hands, thin; carpus longer than broad, scabrous, without spines on the inner side and beneath. Postabdomen nearly as broad as the thorax. The third pair of legs in the male hooked. Long. corp. nearly 2 inch.. Mexico.” — Erichson. I have not seen this species. The hands resemble in shape those of C. Nebrascensis. C. Montezume Saussure, Revue et Magas. Zool., T. 9, p. 102, and Mém. Soc. Phys. Genéve, T. 14, Pl. IL. fig. 22, p. 459, from the marshes of the valley of Mexico, Chapultepec, seems to be the young of C. Mexicans. It is always difficult to identify or to separate species by the descrip- tions, but I cannot find any difference in the description given by Mr. DeSaussure. It is said that the males of C. Montezume have hooks on the second and the third pair of legs, and I have seen the same aberra- tion in some species of this group. 30. CamBaruS CuBENSIS Lichson. Cambarus Cubensis Erichson, Wiegmann, Archiv, T. 12, p. 100, n. 21. “CHELIS granulatis, gracilibus, subcylindricis, carpis muticis, rostro lato, apice acuminato. “Very similar to C. Mexicanus. Thorax punctulated; cretze visible, a little divergent behind; rostrum nearly flat, broad, sharply notched on each side in front. Lamina of the antennz very broad, nearly truncated before in front, with a little apical external spine. Hands shorter, nar- row, nearly cylindrical, delicately scabrous; fingers slender; carpus scabrous, with sharp spies on the imner side; postabdomen nearly as broad as the thorax. The third pair of legs in the male hooked. Long. corp. 2.3 inch. Cuba.” — Erichson. I have not seen any species or specimen from Cuba. Perhaps this species belongs to the first group. The words in Hrichson’s description, literally “rostrum on each side notched in a sharp spine,” translated by me “sharply notched,” are doubtful. C. consobrinus Saussure, from the same locality, has the rostrum with anteapical spines. I know nothing more about these two species. C. consobrmus Saussure, Revue et Magas. Zool., T. 9, p. 101, and Mém. Soc. Phys. Genéve, T. 14, Pl. II. fig. 21, p. 458, from the marshes in the interior parts of Cuba, cannot be separated from C. Cubensis by the description. Apparently Mr. DeSaussure has seen the two forms of the male ; this supposition would explain his remarks concerning the differ- ences in the hands. But not having seen any specimens from Cuba, I am unable to give a definite judgment. 86 ASTACIDZ&. 31. CAMBARUS ADVENA Le Conte. Astacus advena LeConte, Proc. Acad. Philad., T. 7, p. 402. Figures on Pl. I., U1., and VII. First abdominal legs of the male: first form, fig. 90 in front; fig. 91 augmented; fig. 92 outside. Antennal lmeine. fic. 164,a; epistoma, bs spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Pl. VII. Male, a form. Mas. Rostro lato, paululum longiori, fere triangulari, apice subito acuminato breviorl; supra excavato, sparsim punctato, basi foveola la- tiori; marginibus obliquis, ad acuminis apicem non interruptis; cretis vix separatis, parum elevatis, extus obsolete sulcatis, antice obtusis, pos- tice subdivergentibus. Antennis thorace paulo brevioribus, articulis duobus basalibus dente nullo; antennis internis articulo basali dente infero acuto medio; lamina brevi, rostri longitudine, angusta, margine externo inflato, spa apicali acuta; margime cephalothoracis angulo oculari nullo. Epistomate latiorl, margine antico recto, spma media parva lateribus obliquis; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus longe bar- batis. Thorace angusto, compresso-cylindrico, levi, parce sed profunde punctato, lateribus granulis rarioribus; linea profunda, sinuata, lateribus fissa, spa antica infera ad antennarum basin; areola profunda, media fere nulla, lmeari, antice posticeque profunda, triangulari, dilatata. Postabdomine angusto, levi, lateribus parallelis, sezmentis antepenulti- mis angulis externis subrotundatis; lamina media antice utrinque bi- spina, parte apicali breviori, rotundata, lamina laterali costa media usque ad marginem integra, spina marginali. Pedibus anticis modice longis validis; chela lata, inflata, parce punctata, margine externo obsolete dentato; margine interno longo, incurvo, subtus paulo sulcato, for- titer et acute serrato-dentato; margine externo obsolete dentato digitis vix longioribus, validis rectis, costatis, intus dentatis, digito mobili basi extus tuberculato. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, intus tu- berculato, spina interna, subantica majori; alia minori basali (in adultis spinis nonnullis minoribus internis); subtus spinis duabus anticis obtu- sis ; brachio modice longo, oculos superanti, levi, margine supero tuber- culato, spmis duabus anteapicalibus oblique positis acutis; subtus bi- seriatim spinoso; pedibus tertiis articulo tertio unguiculato; pedibus quartis capitulo basali nullo. Pedibus abdominalibus longis, gracilibus, contortis, parte interna cylindrica recta, apice acuta, longiori, extus curva; parte externa sublongiori, apice dentibus duobus fusco corneis incurvis coadunatis, lamina compressa ovali, externa recurva. Femina differt, chelis antennisque brevioribus, abdomine lato, basi thorace fere latiori; ventre inter pedes quartos levi; annulo transver- sali lumine profundo, obcordiformi. Long. corp. 2.2 ad 2.9; antenn. 1.4; ped. antic. 1.7 “el 2. ASTACID&. 87 Habitat: Charleston, S. C.; Georgia; Mobile, Ala. I have seen male and female. This species is remarkable for the lateral lamina of the postabdomen. In the allied species the middle rib terminates in a spine before the mar- gin; in this species the rib ends exactly on the margin, and the spine is acute and marginal. I have compared a female type in the Philadelphia Museum. This is the largest specimen I have seen. It differs from the @. Carolinus in the short and anteriorly dilated lamina of the antennx, with a short external spine; in the teeth of the first joint of the interior antennee, in the anterior spine at the end of the thoracic line. In the larger specimens the hand is more sulcated beneath at the inner margin, and the carpus more spinulose. I have seen many young specimens, but only one very young male of the second form. The abdominal legs are in their first stage of de- velopment. The tip is cylindrical, simple, and a little incurved. Cat. No. 282, Georgia, Dr. Jones. Male. Fem. Spec. 6. 32. CAmMBARUS CAROLINUS E/ichson. Cambarus Carolinus Erichson, Wiegm. Arch., T. 12, p. 96, n. 16. Figures on Pl. I. and III. First abdominal legs of the male: first form, fig. 51 in front; fig. 52 outside. second form, fig. 53 in front; fig. 54 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 165, a; epistoma, b; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Mas. Rostro longiori, lato, triangulari, antice deflexo, excavato, parce punctato, serie punctorum marginali, marginibus elevatis ad acuminis acuti apicem non interruptis; cretis parvis, sulcatis, antice muticis, subdivergentibus, postice callosis, convergentibus. Antennis gracilibus, thorace paulo longioribus, dentibus articulorum basalium nullis; lamina parva, angusta, margine externo inflato, spina apicali longiori. Epistomate lato, antice obtuso triangulari, lateribus obliquis, subsinuatis ; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace com- presso, supra subdepresso, sparsim sed profunde punctato, lateribus granulosis; lmea profunda, sinuata, lateribus fissa, spina antica infera nulla; areola angusta, plana, media subnulla, lineari, postice triangulari majori punctata. Postabdomine aneusto, thorace sublongiori, parce punctato; segmentis antepenultimis angulis lateralibus rotundatis; la- mina media utrinque bispina, parte apicali breviori, rotundata. Pedibus anticis brevibus, latis, chela brevi, lata, subinflata, paulo lanuginosa, punc- tata; margine interno curvato, serrato dentato, subtus sulcato; margine externo obsolete dentato; digitis fere sequalibus, validis, nec longiori- bus, rectis, costatis, lmeato-punctatis, intus tuberculato-dentatis ; digito mobili basi extus tuberculato. Carpo lato, oblique truncato, parce punc- 88 ASTACIDA. tato; latere interno tuberculato-spinoso, spina media majori; subtus spinis duabus anticis modicis. Brachio brevi, margine supero spinoso, spinis duabus anticis oblique positis majoribus; subtus biseriatim spi- noso. Pedibus tertiis articulo tertio unguiculato; pedibus quartis capi- tulo basali orbiculari. Pedibus abdominalibus gracilibus, rectis, parte interna angustiori cylindrica, apice acuta elongata; parte externa apice subinflata, dente fusco-corneo, extus striato, triangulari, compresso, acu- minato. Forma II. Pedibus abdominalibus basi non articulatis, parte interna apice crassiori, breviori; parte externa apice magis inflata, brevi, conica, subacuta, nec fusco-cornea. Femina abdomine vix latiori, ventre inter pedes quartos nudo; an- nulo fere orbiculari, antice subbituberculato, lumine centrali. Long. corp. 2.1; antenn. 1.3; ped. antic. 1.4. Habitat: Georgia ; Carolina (Hrichson). I have seen twenty specimens; the males are younger, the male Forma II. is very young; its abdominal legs are not articulated, never- theless it has the shape commonly observed in the second form. This species is similar to C. advena, but differs as follows: the rostrum is more triangular, the thorax strongly punctulated, the areola not im-. pressed ; the apical part of the median lamina is longer, the rib in the lateral lamina ends before the margin; there are no spines at the basal joints of the smaller antenne; the carpus beneath and on the inside has numerous spines; the lateral margins of the postabdomen are not straight, but every segment is more rounded on the outside; the sexual parts differ visibly. I think this species is the C. Carolnus Erich. The description seems to agree very well; the obviously small postabdomen, the more pointed lamina of the antenne, and the linear areola are the chief characters mentioned by Erichson. The subsequent addition, that the males have only the third pair of legs hooked, places the C. Carolinus without doubt in this group. All the other species of the group, except C. obesus, are immediately seen to differ in having a larger areola, but the enlarged postabdomen separates them from the species described by Hrichson. Cat. No. 232, Charleston, S. C., Professor L. Gibbes. Male. Fem. Spec. 2. Cat. No. 1850, Georgia. Male. Spee. 1. Cat. No. 230, Mobile, Ala., Mr. Forbes. Male. Fem. Spec. 12.* Cat. No. 275, Mobile, Ala., L. Agassiz. Male. Spee. 1. Dry Spec., Georgia, L. Agassiz. Male. Spee. 1. ASTACIDE. 89 ASTACUS. Corpore robusto ; pedibus quintis branchis gerentibus ; antenus internis Jlagello breviort, incequali ; aure conico postice aperto ; pedibus maris tertis et quartis inermibus ; pedibus abdominalibus maris simplicibus ; feniina annulo ventral solido. Having already given the differences of the genera Astacus and Cum- barus, I need not here repeat them. In its general form the species of Asfacus are clumsy and oval. The fifth pair of legs has a gill, but without the broad, deeply folded mem- brane peculiar to the gills of all the other legs, which possess also a basal external bundle of shorter and irregularly placed gill-tubes. The inner antenne are short, their bases thick, the jomts more spherical and. cal- careous. The exterior antenne are shorter than the body; their lamina is prismatic, being more thickened on the external border. The epistoma is solid, conical, a little contracted in front of the tip. The ear forms an elevated cone, rounded at the top, with a narrower circular tympanum behind. The areola is broad and slightly marked. The postabdomen is always broad, the exterior angles of the segments are often elongated and acuminated. The third and the fourth pair of legs in the males never differ from the other legs, and are never hooked. The first ab- dominal legs in the male form a corneous, not articulated limb, with the apical half dilated and rolled from the outside inward, forming also a channel. The shape of these legs seems not to vary in the different species, at least no difference is as yet known. In the second pair of abdominal legs the inner flagellum with the dilated basal half is rolled from the inside outward, or it has exactly the form of that of the first abdominal legs, as in the European species, or it is of a more triangu- lar shape, similar to the Cambarus, as in the American species. The separated and perforated annulus ventralis behind the fourth pair of legs of the females, described in Cambarus, is not to be found in Astacus. In fact, the same part exists here, though in the European species it is never separated, but forms only a slender transverse ridge, which in the American species is curved behind like a horseshoe. In the American species it is far more dilated behind in a triangular man- ner, excavated beneath, and apparently more similar to Cambarus, but neither separated nor perforated. As yet no dimorphism of the males is known, and nothing of burrowing habits in the species. It seems striking, as already mentioned, that the species of Astacus, especially those from Europe, offer so many varieties, which are rarely found, con- sidering the great number of species in the American Cambarus. At the same time I expressly remark, that none of the characters set forth as variable in the European species is used by me to characterize and to separate the American species. 12 90 ASTACIDZ. Concerning the further division of the genus Astacus into groups, I am not able to give a final judgment, being entirely ignorant of the Australian species, and having before me of the Amur species but one female, and of the European species only Astacus fluviatihs. The European species, or more precisely Astacus fluviatilis, differ from all the others in having the apical part of the intermediate lamina of the postabdomen separated from the basal half, although not so strongly as in Cambarus ; in the American and Asiatic species this part is only more or less separated at each side, it is most so in A. Trowbridgit. A. fluviatilis has a basal tooth on the exterior margin of the antennal lamina, which is never to be found in any other species. This appar- ently very striking character is never mentioned for A. fawiatilis. The -Asiatic species, A. Dauricus, differs in having a rostrum similar to that of C. Bartonu, the front border of the cephalothorax strongly angulated, a narrower and more elongated thorax, with a nearly straight, transverse suture and the above-mentioned form of the annulus ventralis. The American species are divided according to the following char- acters : — ; I. Margins of the rostrum denticulated ; front border of the cephalo- thorax slightly angulated. 1. Rostrum not notched in front of the tip; crete visible; hands barbated: A. Gambehi. 2. Rostrum strongly notched before the tip; no crete, but two spines on each side; hands without beard: A. mgrescens. Il. Margins of the rostrum not denticulated; front border of the cephalothorax straight. 1. Rostrum long, margins parallel, strongly notched in front of the tip: A. Trowbridgi. 2. Rostrum short, tapering, slightly notched before the tip: A. A/a mathensis. I have not seen A. /emusculus, which differs from both the preceding species in the acute angles of the segments of the postabdomen. My knowledge is too limited and fragmentary to authorize my say- ing more respecting the geographical distribution of the species. 1. Astacus GAMBELIL Girard. Cambarus Gambelit Gir., Proc. Acad. N. S. Philad., T. 6, p. 90; p. 375; p. 380. — Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., T. 6, p. 87 (separat. p. 52). Figures on Pl: I., III., and XI. First abdominal leg of the male: first form, fig. 97 in front; fig. 98 outside. Antennal lamina, fig. 170, a; epistoma, ); spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Pl. XI. Male type from California. Mas. Pallidus obesus, rostro modico triangulari, subplano, medio ASTACID&. 91 calloso-carimato, marginibus subcallosis 10-dentatis, acumine parvo, acuto, recurvo; cretis brevibus, impressis, antice subacutis. Antennis modicis (apex deest); articulis duobus basalibus dente externo brevi acuto; an- tennis internis articulo basali dente infero anteapicali acuto; lamina valida trigona, rostri sublongiori, angusta, margine externo sinuato, crasso, apice spina acuta breviori. EHpistomate parvo, acute triangulari ; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace ovato, depresso, parce punctato, leviori; linea sinuata, modice profunda; areola lata. Postabdomine thorace non latiori, levi, seementorum angulis externis subacutis; lamima media parte basali quadrangulari apice utrinque bi- spina; parte apicali breviori, rotundata, margine apicali rotundato in- tegro (mas alter parte basali apice angustiori, utrinque unispinoso ; parte apicali brevi rotundata, margine medio exciso); lamina laterali costata. Pedibus anticis validis, longis, spinulosis; chela magna, elon- gata, subplana, marginibus subacutis, rectis; supra ad marginem inter- num et externum sulcata ac densius barbata; digitis validis, rectis, conicis, chela non-longioribus. Carpo lato, truncato, intus scabro ; sub- tus spina media antica parva. Brachio supra ante apicem spinuloso, subtus biseriatim spinuloso, spinis ad articulationem obsoletis. Pedibus abdominalibus brevibus, rectis, dimidio apicali circumvolutis, apice truncatis. Long. corp. 3.2”; ped. antic. 3”. Habitat: California. I have seen two males taken by the late Dr. Gambel in California, and communicated by the Academy of Philadelphia; these same males were examined at an earlier day by Professor L. Agassiz (Proc. Acad. Pinlad; PT. 6, p. 375): This species is very remarkable in having tufts of fine erect hair on each side of the hands, giving to the species a very peculiar aspect. The triangular rostrum with dentated margins and the acumen only represented by a similar, but little stronger tooth, instantly separate A. Gambelii from the other Western species. In the second pair of abdom- inal legs the palpus of the penultimate joint is not longer than the leg, though this palpus in A. wgrescens is much longer. Mr. Girard, 1. e. p. 91, says: “Anterior pair of abdominal legs elon- gated resembling somewhat in shape those of C. robustus, to which it bears a close relationship.” But the type of @ robustus in the Phila- delphia Academy is very near C. Barton, while its abdominal legs are very different. Also ©. robusfus possesses no gills on the fifth pair of legs, and is quite unlike A. Gambeli. Of the two males seen by me, one has the intermediate lamina of the postabdomen rounded at the tip, the other strongly and regularly notched. I regard the last as an accidental variety. 92 ASTACID 2. 2. ASTACUS NIGRESCENS Stimpson. Astacus nigrescens Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., T. 6, p. 87 (Separat p. 52). Figures on PI. II. Antennal lamina, fig. 168, a; epistoma, 0; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Mas. Obesus, obscure olivaceus; rostro longo, valido, basi latiori, antice fere parallelo, acumine triangulari, longiori acuto, subrecurvo ; supra medio canaliculato basi callo obsoleto in fovea antice angulata; marginibus calloso-inflatis, sex vel octo-dentatis; loco cretarum denti- bus utrinque tribus acutis. Antennis validis, corpore brevioribus, ar- ticulis duobus basalibus dente externo acuto; antennis internis articulo basali dente infero anteapicali acuto; lamina valida trigona, rostri longitudine, modice lata, margine externo crasso, inflato, apice spina longa acuta. Epistomate lato, subtus carinato, antice triangulari; pedi- bus maxillaribus externis subtus spinulosis, intus barbatis. Thorace ovato, depresso, densius et fortiter punctato, lateribus granulosis; linea lata profunda, utrinque subsinuata; areola lata, plana, antice latius dilatata. Postabdomine lato, fere levi, segmentorum angulis externis elongatis acutis; lamima media parte basali quadrangulari; apice utrin- que spinis duabus validis, subrejectis; parte apicali mimori, angustiori, elliptica, margine antico exciso; lamina laterali vix costata, spina media antemarginali, externaque marginali. Pedibus anticis validis, longis, corpore paulo brevioribus; chela magna, elongata, subplana, margini- bus subacutis, densius punctata, margine interno fere recto, subtus paulo depresso; digitis validis, rectis, chelze longitudine, conicis, apice spimulosis. Carpo lato, granuloso, antice truncato, subtus spina media valida. Brachio levi, margine antico et superiori spinoso, spina apicali majori, subtus biseriatim spinuloso, spina antica aliaque utrmque ad articulationem majoribus. Pedibus abdominalibus, brevibus, rectis, dimidio apicali cylindrico circumvolutis, apice truncatis. Femina differt ventre inter pedes quartos levi, canaliculato; annulo bifido laminato. (Maxim.) Long. corp. 4.6; antenn. 3; ped. antic. 4.2. Habitat: San Francisco, California. I have seen eight males and one female; the fifth pair of legs has branchie. Male and female type communicated by Professor Stimpson. This species and A. Gambelii are separated from the others by the denticulated rostrum. Cat. No. 228, San Francisco, Cal., Mr. T. G. Cary. Male. Spec. 4. Cat. No. 1851, California, Mr. T. G. Cary. Male. Spee. 1. ASTACIDA, 93 3. AstTacus Trowsripeir Stimpson. Astacus Trowbridgii Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., T. 6, p. 87 (Separat. p. 53). Figures on Pl III. and X. | Antennal lamina, fig. 171, a; epistoma, 0; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Pl. X. Female type. Fem. Obesa, olivacea, chelis obscurioribus; rostro lato longo, excavato, parce punctato, medio obsolete canaliculato, lateribus parallelis, mar- ginatis, crassioribus; acumine triangulari, longo, angusto, acuto, fusco- corneo, spinis lateralibus validis; cretis brevioribus, antice spina rejecta; aliaque ad basin crete spina. Antennis corpore brevioribus modicis, ar- ticulis duobus basalibus dente externo valido; antennis internis articulo basali dente infero apicali, lamina valida, trigona rostro breviori, modice lata, margine externo crasso, apice spina longa, acuta. Epistomate tri- angulari; pedibus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace ovato, antice angustiori, densius punctato, lateribus subleevibus ; linea profunda, sinuata; areola lata. Postabdomine thorace latiori, apicem versus de- crescente, levi, angulis segmentorum externis rotundatis; lamina inter- media quadrangulari, apice, angustiori, utrinque spinis duabus validis, rejectis; parte apicali breviori, fere orbiculari; lamina laterali_vix cos- tata, spina media antemarginali, externaque marginali. Pedibus anticis validis, longis, corpore brevioribus; chela magna, lata, punctata sub- plana, marginibus subacutis, margine interdum recto subtus excavato ; digitis validis, subsinuatis, chela paulo longioribus, apice spinulosis ; digi- to mobili intus basi exciso ; externo digito basi intus producto; utroque intus dentato. Carpo lato, truncato, punctato, spina antica interna acuta; subtus spina media antica. Brachio, sublevi, margine antico et superiori spinoso, spina anteapicali majori; subtus biseriatim forte spinoso, utrinque ad articulationem spina valida. Ventre inter pedes quartos levi; annulo transverso, cylindrico. Long. corp. 4; antenn. 3; ped. antic. 3. Habitat: Astoria, Oregon; “near Astoria it occurs sometimes abun- dantly in brackish water.” I have seen two female types of Mr. Stimpson’s, communicated by the Museum of the Soc. Nat. Hist. in Boston. This species differs from A. mgrescens in the broad, rounded lateral an- gles of the abdominal segments. 4. Astacus Kuiamatuensis Sfimpson. Astacus Klamathensis Stimpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., T. 6, p. 87 (Separat. p. 52). — Bate Spence. Naturalist in Vancouver’s Island and Brit. America, 1866, T. 2, p. 278. Figures on PI. II. Antennal lamina, fig. 169,a; epistoma, b; spine of the second joint of the exterior antenna, c. Frm. Rostro longo, densius punctato, subplano, medio obsolete 94 ASTACID A. canaliculato, antice angustiorl, utrinque marginato, acumine modico, acuto, spinis lateralibus parvis; cretis brevioribus, spina antica perparva, postica nulla. Antennis corpore brevioribus (apex deest) articulo primo dente valido, secundo subnullo; antennis internis articulo basali dente infero subapicali, lamina valida, trigona, rostro breviori, lata, margine externo crasso, apice spina brevi, acuta. Epistomate triangulari; pedi- bus maxillaribus externis intus barbatis. Thorace ovato, antice angus- tiori, densius punctato, lateribus granulosis; linea profunda, simuata ; areola lata. Postabdomine thorace latiori, apicem versus decrescente, levi, angulis segmentorum externis rotundatis, lamima mtermedia qua- drangulari, apice subangustiori, utrinque spmis duabus validis rejectis ; parte apicali breviori, rotundato; lamina laterali vix costata. Pedibus anticis modicis, brevibus; chela modica, punctata, subplana, marginibus subacutis, margine interno recto, subtus excavato; digitis validis, sub- rectis, chele non longioribus, apice spinulosis, non dentatis. Carpo lato, truncato, punctato, intus mutico; subtus spma media antica parva. Brachio subleyvi, spa anteapicali majori, subtus biseriatim spinoso, utrinque ad articulationem spina interna valida. Ventre inter pedes quartos levi, annulo transverso, cylindrico, bipartito. Long. corp. 3”; ped. antic. 2.1”. Habitat: Klamath Lake, California; in all streams east of the Cas- cades. Sp. Bates. I have seen only one female type, in bad condition, communicated by Dr. W. Stimpson. It may be distinguished from A. Trowbridgu by its stronger and more punctulated thorax, its tapering rostrum, with less developed spines, the shortly spined antennal lamina, the smaller hands, the carpus with- out internal apical spe; the annulus between the fourth pair of legs divided in the middle. The accurate determination of this species requires the examination of more specimens; the antennal lamina on the right side is accidentally abnormal, perhaps the other is also a little changed in shape. 5. ASTACUS LENIUSCULUS Dana. Astacus leniusculus Dana, Proc. Acad. N. H. Philad, T. 6, p. 20.—U. S. Exploring Exped. Crustac., T. 1, p. 524, t. 33, fig. 1.— Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soe. N. H., T. 6, p. 87. “Rostrum tridentatum, dentibus acutis, medio tenuiter elongato. Carapax levis, punctulatus, lateraliter pone rostrum utrinque bi-spi- nosus ; areola inter suturas longitudinales postdorsales lata. Pedes an- ticl compressi, Inermes, non tuberculati, manu levi, punctulata, carpo paulo oblongo, tus recto, inermi, apice interno acuto excepto ; brachio antice denticulato, apice interno elongate acuto, dorso unispinoso. Pedes sequentes nudiusculi. Segmentum caudale parce oblongum, lateribus ASTACID&. 95 fere parallelis. Pedes 5" branchias parvas gerentes. Hab. flumine Co- lumbie,” Oregoniz. Long. 4”.— Dana. In the description Mr. Dana says, “arm with anterior margin den- ticulate, and a longer tooth at apex, on ower margin, short distance from apex, wnispinous.” “May be recognized by its well-developed thoracic spines, and light color. Has a general resemblance to A. Trowbridgi ; differs from that species in having more prominent thoracic spines ; the rostrum is some- what shorter and broader, the dorsal area broader.” — Stimpson. Habitat: Columbia River; Puget Sound. I have not seen this species, which seems to be very similar to A. nigrescens, except in the non-denticulated margin of the rostrum. The description and the figure given by Mr. Dana are not sufficient. 6. Astacus OrEecANuS Randall. Astacus Oreganus Randall, Journ. Acad. N. 8S. Philad., T. 8, Pl. I, p. 138, t. 7. — Erichson, Wiegm. Arch., T. 12, p. 375. — Girard, Proc. Acad. N, S. Philad., T. 6, p. 87. — Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., T. 6, p. 87 (Separat. p. 55). “ Body fuscous, granulated, carpus with a sharp spine at the interior angle; arm produced into a spine on each side anteriorly ; thorax be- hind the front with five spines, placed three before and one on each side behind the lateral ones; a large reddish spot on each side posteri- orly ; front little reflected on the sides, terminating in a very long, slen- der spine, and having a short, marginal spine on each side. Long. 4”. Columbia River. “Testa granulata, bimaculata, fronte valde producta.” — Randall. Erichson, in his translation of this description, makes a mistake, “das Magenfeld an jeder Seite mit fuenf Dornen, naemlich drei vor und zwei hinter den Seitendornen”; Randall by no means says that there are five spines on each side. “Dr. Randall's single specimen of this species was unfortunately lost by the artist employed in delineating it. No other example has been since found, although its locality has been since repeatedly searched. If the figure in the eighth volume, etc., is correct, this is a very remark- able species, differmg from all others known, in possessing a median thoracic spine as well as in the length of the terminal rostral tooth, and above all in the singular lateral appendages of the abdominal seg- ments.” — Stimpson. The figure published by Randall is without doubt very incorrect, giv- ing one segment too much in the postabdomen, and a little claw at the tips of the fourth pair of legs. The curious lateral appendages to the seoments of the postabdomen are probably its lateral angles, acute as in A. iigrescens, or the artificially protruded abdominal legs. Mr. Ran- 96 ASTACIDZ. dall would have mentioned these very curious organs in his description if they had really existed. The tail is apparently very poorly figured, but the strong spines at the apex of the intermediate lamina are di- rected outward as well as in the lateral lamina and the base in the same manner as in A. wgrescens and Trowbridgu. Ithimk the spime in the middle of the base of the beak is not at all a spine, but merely a car- inated elevation very badly figured. A. mgrescens has a similar but not so well produced elevation; the spines could not have been very prominent, as the painter did not figure them at all. It is possible that the form of the carpus and brachium is as badly exaggerated. The exterior an- tennz are apparently too short, and the length of the rostrum, so much longer than the peduncle of the antenne, is probably erroneous; the lamina of the antenne is figured as trvarticulate! I think the characters quoted make it evident that the figure is without scientific value. It is impossible to recognize this species, from an incomplete deserip- tion and a very inadequate figure. The general appearance (although the mesothorax is very short) seems to point to a species near A. /eu- usculus and Trowbridgu, both being from the same locality, while the out- wardly directed spines on the tail are truly characteristic of this group. The rostrum has the shape of A. /eniusculus. The position of the five spines behind the front is very doubtful, and probably Erichson intended to give by the figure, which shows the little marks on each side, a more correct view of their position. The apparent mcorrectness induces me to think that A. Oreganus can be no other than A. emusculus, or else is to be struck out entirely. ASTACID&. 97 ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The several different species mentioned have the following distribu- tion : — Genus CAMBARUS. GROUP I. 11. C. penicillatus. U1. acutus. South Carolina: Charleston. Louisiana : New Orleans, Milliken’s Bend. Georgia. Alabama: Mobile. South Carolina: Charleston, Summerville. 12. C. Wiegmanni. Missouri: St. Louis. Mexico. Mississippi: Kemper County. 13. C. pellucidus. es es Fiver, Kentucky : Mammoth Cave. Var. A. Illinois: Lawn Ridge, Basson Pudge, Evy- anston, Peoria, Athens. GROUP II. inden: 14. C. lancifer. Var. B. Mississippi: Root Pond. North Carolina: Beaufort. New Jersey: Essex. at: ios G, aufinis: Now Work: Pennsylvania: Delaware, near Phila- delphia, Pittsburg, Carlisle, Reading, 2. C. Clarkii. Schuylkill River, Erie. Louisiana: New Orleans. Maryland: Havre de Grace. Texas: between San Antonio and El Paso District of Columbia: Potomac at Wash- del Norto. ington. New Jersey. 3. C. troglodytes. New York: Niagara. South Carolina: Charleston. Illinois: Lawn Ridge. L 16. C. virilis. Georgia. } British America: Lake Winnipeg, Sas- katschavan, Red River, Lake Superior, 4, C. Blandingii. Toronto. South Carolina: Camden. Illinois: Quincy. Towa: Davenport. 5. C. fallax. Wisconsin : Sugar River. Florida. Var. A. Iowa: Davenport, Burlington. Missouri: Osage River. Ohio: Dayton, Miami River. 6. C. Lecontei. Alabama: Mobile. Florida: Pensacola. North Carolina: Beaufort. Texas. Georgia: Milledgeville. east Mississippi: Root Pond. 17. C. placidus. 7. C. spiculifer. Illinois: Quincy. Tennessee: Lebanon. Georgia: Athens, Roswell. ee 8. C. angustatus. * = oe . C. juvenilis. Georgia: Georgia inferior. ue juve Kentucky: Little Hickman, Kentucky 9. C. versutus. River. Alabama: Mobile, Spring Hill. Missouri: Osage River. 10. C. maniculatus. 19. C. propinquus. Georgia: Georgia inferior. - Canada: Lake Superior. 13 98 x C. propinquus — Continued. -f _ New York: Lake Oneida, Rochester, Ni- agara, Grass River, Lake Ontario, Four- Mile Creek, Oswego, Garrison Creek, Sackett’s Harbor. Illinois : Ogle County. Indiana: Delphi. - 20. C. obscurus. New York: Genessee River, Rochester. ? Virginia: (A. fossor Rat.) ? Pennsylvania: (A. fossor Raf:) ‘< 91. C. rusticus. Ohio: Cincinnati. Canada: Lake Superior. 22. C. immunis. Illinois: Belleville, Lawn Ridge. Alabama: Huntsville. North Carolina: Beaufort. 23. C. extraneus. Georgia: Tennessee River. GROUP III. a 24. C. Bartonii. Canada: Lake Superior. Vermont: in most of the small streams in the western part of the State. New York: Lake Champlain, Elizabeth- town, Berkshire, Fishkill, Newburg, Western New: York. New Jersey: Schooley’s Mountain. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Schuylkill River, Berwick, Hammetstown. Ohio: Cincinnati, Sciota River, Columbia. Kentucky: Hickmann’s Landing, Ken- tucky River, Mammoth Cave. District of Columbia: Georgetown. ASTACIDA. C. Bartonii — Continued. Missouri: Osage River. Virginia: Greenbrier River. 25. C. robustus. Canada: Toronto, Humber River. New York: Genessee River, Rochester, Lake Regis, Adirondack Region. _ Virginia: Fredericksburg. 26. C. obesus. Illinois: Prairie near Chicago, Evanston, Lawn Ridge. Missouri: Belleville. Ohio: Kelley Island, Lake Erie. : New York: Garrison Creek, Sackett’s Harbor, Lake Ontario. Arkansas. Virginia : Petersburg. Mississippi: Monticello. Louisiana: New Orleans. 27. C. Nebrascensis. Nebraska. 28. C. latimanus. Georgia: Athens. South Carolina. 29. C. Mexicanus. Mexico. 30. C. Cubensis. Cuba. 31. C. advena. Georgia. South Carolina: Charleston. Alabama: Mobile. 32. C. Carolinus. Georgia. Carolina (or South Carolina ?). Genus ASTACUS. 33 (1). A. Gambelii. California. 34 (2). A. nigrescens. California: San Francisco. 35 (3). A. Trowbridgii. Oregon: Astoria. 36 (4). A. Klamathensis. Oregon: Lake Klameth, Cascades. A. Klamathensis — Continued. British Columbia: all streams east of the Cascades. 37 (5). A. leniusculus. Oregon : Columbia River. Washington Territory: Puget Sound. 38 (6). A. Oreganus. Oregon: Columbia River. ASTACIDA. 99 DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES OF CAMBARUS IN EVERY STATE OR TERRITORY ACCORDING TO LOCALITIES YET ASCERTAINED. 1. Maine. — None. 2. New Hampsurre. — None. 3. VerMoNT. — C. Bartow, Burlington, Shelburne, Colchester, Chit- tenden County, in affluents of Lake Champlain. 4. Massacuusetts.— None. I am told by Mr. S. H. Scudder that fresh-water crabs (C. Bartomi) have been collected in the western parts, at Williamstown. Lewis R. Gibbes cites, on the authority of Dr. Gould, C. Barton from Massachusetts. 5. Connecticut. — None. 6. Ruopvr Istanp. — None. 7. New Yorx.—Seven species: C. acutus var. B., C. affinis, C. ee pingquus, C. obscurus, C. Barton, C. robustus, C. obesus. C. Bartoni lives in the western part of the State, on the Hudson River and its affluents; im the southern, at Newburg and Fishkill; in the northeastern, along Lake Champlain, and particularly at Elizabeth-— town, Essex County; also in the Tioga affluent of the Susquehanna at Berkshire, Tioga County. Rafinesque also mentions Lake George, Sar- atoga, Utica, and Oswego, but perhaps the latter locality belongs to C. proprinquus. C. propinquus lives in the northern part of the State, in Lake Ontario, in its affluents, the Genesee River at Rochester, Garrison Creek near Oswego, Lake Oneida, Four-Mile Creek near Sackett’s Harbor, and in Grass River, a branch of the St. Lawrence River. C. obscurus and C. robustus also live in the Genesee River at Roches- ter, C. obesus lives in Garrison Creek. C. affius lives in the western part, at Niagara. For C. acutus the locality is not given. Our knowledge of the great State of New York is mostly confined to the northern and the western border. The remainder, with the excep- tion of a small portion of the southern limits, is unknown. 8. New Jersey.— Three species: C acutus var. B., C. affinis, C. Bartoni. The first species is from Essex; of the second the locality is not given; the third is from Schooley’s Mountain, Morris. Of the State of New Jersey our knowledge is limited to two points in two counties very near New York, and to the rivers which empty into the outlet of the Hudson River. 9. DELAWARE. — None. 100 ASTACIDZ. 10. PENNSYLVANIA.— Three species: C. affims, C. obscurus (?), C. Bartonu. The first and the third species are known from the Delaware River (Philadelphia) and from the Schuylkill River (Carlisle, Reading), from the Susquehanna and its affluents (Hummelstown, Berwick), and from the Ohio (Pittsburg). C. obscurus (if it be the A. fossor Raf.) is from Philadelphia. In the great State of Pennsylvania, which consists of sixty-five coun- ties, we are acquainted with only a few single localities in six counties. Cf these, one is on the eastern border, another on the western, while the four others lie near together in the middle of the State. 11. Maryianp.— One species: C. affinis. Only one locality, Havre de Grace, at the mouth of the Susquehanna, is known. 12. Vireinra.— Five species: C. acutus, C. Barton, C. robustus, C. obesus, and C’. obscurus (if it is the A. fossor Raf.). Out of one hundred and sixty-five counties our knowledge extends to only four, —the James River and its affluents, at Petersburg, the Rappahannock (Fredericksburg), and Greenbrier River in the western part. / 13. District or CoLtumpiA.— One species: C. Bartomi, at George- town. 14. Norrn Caroxrina.— Three species: C. acutus var. B., C. Lecontet, C. immunis.; all from Beaufort, on the southeastern border. 15. SourH CaroLtina.— Seven species: C. acutus, C. troglodytes, C. Blanding, C. pencillatus, C. latimanus, C. advena, C. Carolinus. C. Blanding’ is from the northern border, Wateree River; all the others are from Charleston and Summerville, on the southern border. 16. Grorera.— Ten species: C. troglodytes, C. Lecoutei, C. spiculifer, C. angustatus, C. manculatus, C. pemeillatus, C. extraneus, C. latimanus, C. advena, C. Carolinus. Georgia, thanks to the monograph of Mr. John LeConte, is as yet still the best explored State. He describes nine species; one, C. fossarum, is perhaps identical with C. troglodytes. A. Blanding 1 have not been able to determine with certainty. Two other species have been seen by him, making in all ten species, exactly the number I have marked. It is a pity that he never gives the exact localities. C. spiculifer, C. lati- manus are noticed as living “in Georgia superiore”; C. troglodytes, C. Sossarum, C. maniculatus, C. angustatus, C. advena, “in Georgia inferiore ” ; C. Blandingi, “in regionibus intermediis.” Our knowledge of localities enables us to credit C. spiculifer and C. lutimanus to Athens, C. Leconte: to Milledgeville, and C. spiculifer to Ros- well; also to two points in the northern parts and to one in the middle of the State. C. extrancus is cited from the Tennessee River, Georgia, but this river does not touch the limits of Georgia. ASTACID A. 101 17. Fiorma.— Two species: C. fallax and C. Leconte. The only locality given is Pensacola, on the northwestern border, near Alabama. Our knowledge of Florida also is very scanty. Lewis R. Gibbes quotes C. afinis from Florida, but his determinations are not at all trustworthy. . 18. AtABAmMa.— Five species: @. acutus, C. Leconte’, C. versutus, C. muumis, C. advena. C. mmmuns lives in Huntsville, on the northern border; all the other species occur at Mobile, in the southwestern limits of the State. Nearly the whole State remains unexplored. 19. Mississrppr.— Four species: C. acutus, C. obesus, C. Lecontei, C. lancifer. The first from the Mobile River, Kemper County, the mid- dle of the eastern border of the State; C. odesus from Monticello; the two others from Root Pond, a locality unknown to me. 20. Lovuis14na. — Three species: C. acutus, C. Clarkii, C. obesus. The species are from the southeastern border from New Orleans, one also from the northeastern border, from Milliken’s Bend; all from the Mississippi. Nearly the whole State remains to be explored. 21. TENNESSEE. — One species: C. placidus, from Lebanon, nearly in the middle of the State. 22. Kentucky. — Three species: C. pellucidus, C: juvenilis, C. Bartonit. Besides the celebrated species from the Mammoth Cave, C. pellucidus, the others are from Little Hickman and Hickman’s Landing, near the Kentucky River, in the middle of the State. 23. Ixprana.— Two species: C. acutus, C. propinquus. Only one of the ninety-two counties gives a species; this is from Delphi, on the Wabash River, in the middle of the State. 24. Onto.— Four species: C. virilis, C. rusticus, C. Bartonii, C. obesus. Only in the southwestern part of the State, from Cincinnati and Co- lumbia, and a little farther, from Dayton, Miami River, Montgomery County, are species noticed. C. obesus is from Kelley Island, Lake Erie. We know of species from only two of the eighty-eight counties. 25. Micutean.— None. I am told that fresh-water crabs occur in Lake St. Clair; species are also noticed from Lake Superior. 26. Wisconsin. — C. virilis, from the Sugar River. Iam told that fresh-water crabs are found near Milwaukee. 27. Minnesota.—None. Professor Agassiz has found a species of Cambarus at Minnehaha Falls, above St. Paul. JI have not seen the specimen. 28. Iowa.—One species: C. virilis is found in the Mississippi at Davenport and Burlington, along the southeastern border. The State is unexplored. . 29. Innivois.—Seven species: C. acutus var. A., C. troglodytes, C. erilis, C. placidus, C. propinguus, C. immums, C. obesus. 102 ASTACIDZ. This State is one of the best explored, for I have seen in the Museum of the Chicago Academy sixty glasses with Cambarus, mostly from the different localities of Ilinois, but I was not able to ascertain the species. There are known from the northern border, as at Chicago and Evans- ton, C. acutus var. A., and C. obesus ; from the middle northern parts (Illinois River and affluents), Ogle County, Lawn Ridge, Basson Pudge, Peoria, Athens, C. acutus var. A., C. troglodytes, C. propinquus, C. imnumis, C. obesus, and from the western border from the Mississippi, from Quincy and Belleville, C. virilis, C. placidus, and OC. immunis. 30. Missourt.— Five species: @C. acutus, C. virilis, C. juvenilis, C. Bartow, C. obesus. All are from St. Louis and from the Osage River, near the centre of the State. 31. ArKkansas.— One species: C. obesus, locality unknown. 32. Trxas.—Three species: C. Clarku, C. virilis, C. placidus ; the first occurs near the middle of the State, between San Antonio and El Paso del Norte; of the others the localities are unknown. 33. Inpian Territory. — None. 34. Kansas.— None. I have seen only one species in the Chicago Museum. 35. NEBRASKA. — One species: C. Nebrascensis, without locality. 36. Daxota.—None. I have seen only one specimen in the Chi- cago Museum. 37. Wyomine. — None. 38. Montana. — None. 39. IpAHo.— None. 40. CoLtorapo. — None. 41. Uran. — None. 42. Arizona. — None. 43. New Mexico. — None. 44. Nevapa.— None. 45. Wasuineton Territory. — One species: A. demusculus, at Puget 46. Orecon.— Three species: A. Trowbridgii, A. leniusculus, A. Kla- mathensis. From Astoria, from the Columbia River and Lake Klamath. The locality of A. Oreganus is doubtful. 47. CALIFORNIA. — Two species: A. Gambelii and A. nigrescens. From San Francisco. British AMERICA. — Five species: 0. virilis, C. propinquus, C. Bartonit, C. robustus, C. Klamathensis. In Canada from the Humber River near Toronto is noticed 0. robus- dus. In Lake Superior C. Bartomi, C. propinguus, C. virilis occur, the latter also in Lake Winnipeg, Saskatschavan, and the Red River. A. Klamathensis is found in British Columbia. Mexico. — Two species: C. Wiegmanni, C. Mexicanus. One from the marshes of the valley of Mexico, the other without known locality. ASTACIDZ. 103 Cuba.— One species: C. Cubensis, from the marshes in the central part of Cuba. According to the list given above, we know nothing upon the geo- graphical distribution or even the existence of species in the following nineteen States and Territories : — 1. Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Michigan, Minnesota, Indian Territory, Kansas, Dakota, Wy- oming, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada. 2. From nine States and Territories we know one species, the local- ity being definitely known in only one half of them, viz., Vermont, Maryland, District of Columbia, Tennessee, lowa, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Washington Territory. 3. From three States we know two species, viz., Florida, Indiana, California. 4. From eight States we know three species, viz., New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, North Carolina, Louisiana, Kentucky, Texas, Oregon. 5. From Ohio and Mississippi, four species. 6. From three States we know five species, viz., Virginia, Alabama, Missouri. 7. From three States we know seven species, viz., New York, Tli- nois, South Carolina. : 8. From one State we know ten species, viz., Georgia. The first step to take, and the best way if we would make progress in knowledge, is always to ascertain how limited it is; and for this pur- pose it is evidently profitable to show that the undoubtedly unrivalled - materials before me represent a very limited part of the gigantic terri- tory comprised in the United States. Besides more than the western half, noticed before as not represented in our catalogue, it is surprising that the much-explored New England States are nearly wanting. Per- haps the multitude of manufactories and the consequent spoiling of the water, especially of the running streams, has some influence on the rar- ity of the fresh-water crabs; but a more careful exploration is doubt- less necessary to prove the existence or the absence of Astacide. At the same time some of the other States, seemingly better repre- sented in our catalogue, are far from being well explored; even some, furnishing the largest number of species, are in reality to a great ex- tent unexplored. Of the great State of New York we are only acquainted with the eastern border, and in New Jersey with a single locality in the vicinity of New York City. In Maryland and the two Carolinas we know only a small area, along the eastern limits. In Florida, Alabama, and Louisi- ana, only the localities very near to each other are noticed, while all the rest of these States are unexplored, The number of species in 104 ASTACID 2. Georgia, the best explored portion of the country, suggests how much may be found in the adjacent States. The Middle States are in parts better explored, but without doubt they will furnish many new species or show a wider distribution of the known species, as is stated in our catalogue. It would be very interesting to ascertain whether the extensive table- lands between the Sierra Nevada of California and the Rocky Moun- tains, as well as the great American desert, possess species of the genus Astacus or of the genus Cambarus or not. As yet nothing is known about these regions. Perhaps under these circumstances a detailed exposition of the geo- graphical distribution of the North American Astacide would be prema- ture and incorrect, but some facts are too striking and too apparent to be overlooked, even at this stage of our knowledge. The first and chief point ascertained as yet is the strict limitation of the genera Asfacus and Cambarus, which completely exclude each other. In the parts west of the Sierra Nevada, and perhaps of the Rocky Mountains, lives the genus As¢acus, in all the eastern parts the genus Cambarus. At present no exception is known. This fact is all the more interesting, as the only species known from the eastern parts of Asia, Astacus Dauricus Pallas, which is probably identical with Astacus leptorinus Fisher, from the Amur River, seems to be a group interme- diate between the EKuropean and North American species of Astacus, and more nearly related to the species of the latter country. Our knowledge of the geographical distribution of the North Amer- ican species of Astacus is as yet too limited for us to say anything more respecting them. The second fact, which seems to be ascertained, is that the genus Cambarus is confined to the other parts of North America and perhaps to the Antilles. I have not seen the species described by Erichson and de Saussure from Cuba, but it doubtless belongs to the genus Cambarus. The asserted presence of the genus Caumbarus in South America is to be discredited, unless further and more trustworthy evidence be produced in its favor. (@. Chilensis, mentioned by EHrichson as a species of Cam- barus, was never seen by him, and seems from the description to be more nearly related to Cheraps, or perhaps to represent some distinct genus. I have seen one and only one specimen of Astacide from Brazil, —if there be no error as to the habit, which was apparently the case with some Asfacus fluviatilis communicated to me as Brazilian species, — a male in a very bad state of preservation, and evidently nearly re-. lated to C. Chilensis. As the specimen is dry and very old, it is impos- sible to ascertain whether it have gills or not on the fifth pair of legs. The C. Bartoni, figured and described as perhaps from Brazil by Mr. Dana in his excellent work, is certainly not identical with the C. Bar- ASTACIDZA. 105 tonw from North America. The habitat is uncertain, and so not of de- cisive value.* Concerning the geographical distribution of the genus Cambarus, we find the interesting fact that the most distinct group, containing the species related to C. acutus, seems to be confined to a limited territory. Its boundaries answer for the most part to the Southern fauna, traced by Professor L. Agassiz for the Chelomans, but is somewhat more exten- sive, as some species are observed to live also in the upper parts of the rivers and their affluents. Beginning on the Atlantic coast in Virginia (also farther north, as with the Chelomans), it extends through the Caro- linas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. Some species follow up the Mississippi and its tributaries for a great distance, while a peculiar variety, described by me as C. acutus var. A, has its habitat far to the north, and is not to be found in the southern parts. It is very interesting to remark that the same species is to be found farther north on the Atlantic coast, forming also a peculiar va- riety, described by me as @ acutus var. B, from New Jersey and New York. It was impossible for me to give an adequate account of it, as I have not seen the male. Our knowledge of the Mexican fauna is very meagre, but it seems probable that a few species at least belong to the same group. Still more interesting is the fact that some species of the other Cambarus groups, living within the limits noticed for the species for the first group, have an analogous appearance and shape of body, viz., C. lancifer, C. immunis, C. extraneus, C. advena, and C. Carolinus. I have heretofore stated that these species, even when viewed under other relations, constitute aberrant forms. But it should be remem- bered that several species, viz., C. placidus, C. obesus, C. latimanus, which also live in the same southern country, belong in all their characters to very different groups. The groups of Cumbarus, as defined by me, do not apparently coincide with certain faunal regions. The species of the second group, except the aberrant forms before mentioned, especially the species related to ©. wirilis, belong to the northern and middle parts of North America. These species occur es- pecially in the Northern Lakes and their affluents, also in the Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, and their tributaries, and in Texas. C. affinis, a somewhat peculiar species, alone lives in the rivers run- ning eastward to the Atlantic coast, in the Hudson, Delaware, Potomac, Susquehanna, and their affluents. * Von Martens, in Troschel Archiv, 1869, T. 35, p. 15 sqq., describes two species of fresh- water crabs from Brazil, Astacus pilimanus, p. 15, Tab. 2, fig. 1, from Porto Allegre and Santa Cruz, in the affluents of the Rio Pardo River, which is an affluent of the Jacuhy River, with burrowing habits, Astacus Brasiliensis, p. 16, Tab. 2, fig. 2, from Porto Alegre and from Roedersberg, in ponds and smallrivers. The latter is perhaps the species from Brazil mentioned by me, p. 11. Professor H. Burmeister writes to me that he has seen a species of Astacus from the Banda oriental. 14 106 ASTACIDZ. Evidently the faunal area of the second group of species coincides with that of the first group in the vast regions watered by the Missis- sippi and its branches, without touching, except in some aberrant forms, the southeastern regions. The third group occurs in the whole country inhabited by the two others, in the Northern Lakes and their affluents, in the rivers running both to the Atlantic coast and to the Mississippi; in short, equally in the northern and southern, in the eastern and western parts of the United States. © Bartoni and the next allied species are to be found in Lake Superior and in the St. Lawrence River, in Nebraska, Arkansas, Louisi- ana, and along the Atlantic coast from Vermont to South Carolina, and perhaps to Florida. An interesting fact in the geographical distribution of the animals is the association or exclusion of certain species, also the representation of given species in different localities by others that are closely allied. Concerning the association of particular species, I would remark that the materials before me give for two localities four species. I have seen from Charleston, C. acutus, C. troglodytes, C. penicillatus, and C. ad- vena ; from Mobile, C. acutus, C. Leconte’, C. versutus, and C. advena. From six localities three species are cited: from New Orleans, C. acutus, C. Clarku, C. obesus ; Lawn Ridge, C. acutus, C. immunis, C. obesus ; Beaufort, C. acutus, C. Leconte, C. immunis ; Lake Superior, C. virilis, C. propinquus, C. Bartoni ; Rochester, C. propinguus, C. obscurus, C. robus- tus ; Osage River, C. virilis, C. guvenilis, C. Bartonit. Two species are quoted from more localities: from St. Louis, C. acutus, C’. obesus ; Root Pond, C. Lecontei, C. lancifer ; Athens, Ga., C. spiculifer, C. latimanus ; Quincy, Ul, C. virilis, C. placidus ; Niagara, C. affius, C. propinquus ; Philadelphia, C. afiius, C. Bartonii ; the Mammoth Cave, C. pelulcidus, C. Bartowi; Cincinnati, C. rusticus, C. Barton ; Evanston, Ill., C. acutus, C. obesus. The list given shows no regularity, at least I am not able to find any; still, this is perhaps because of the incompleteness of the material. Looking over the species that occur together, we find the most nearly related living with those that are evidently different; those of the first group with others of the second, some of the second with others of the third, and even all three groups in the same locality. No more regularity is to be found in association of the different spe- cies. C. acutus lives in seven different localities together with eight different species, the half belonging to the other groups. C. advena is found in the same localities with five other species, none belonging to its own group. C. Leconte’, C. obesus, C. virilis, C. Bartonii live together with four, C. propinguis with five different species, partly belonging to different groups. The uncertainty already referred to prevents my dwelling upon the ASTACIDZ. 107 exclusion or representation of particular species. New explorations would no doubt very soon and perhaps entirely alter any views we might form from incomplete materials. C. acutus, C. virilis, C. Bartonii, and C. obesus are the most widely spread species. The geographical distribution according to the river systems is as fol- lows : — The rivers west of the Mississippi, running to the Gulf of Mexico, are little explored. From Texas, perhaps from the branches of the Colo- rado, C. Clarku, C. virilis, and C. placidus are cited; the two latter were collected by Mr. Stolley, the locality not being given. The Mississippi and its numerous well-known affluents contain a great number of species. In the lower part of this river, and in its inferior affluents, especially near its mouth, as at New Orleans, occur C. acutus, C. Clarku, C. obesus ; a little higher up in the branches on either side are found C. Clarku, C. Leconte, C. lancifer, C. obesus. The Ohio River and its affluents furnish C. viilis, C. placidus, C. juve- mlis, C. rusticus, C. Bartoni ; while in the Wabash River, one of its lower branches, occur C. acutus and C. propinquus. The fauna of the Ohio River is also quite different from that of the Lower Mississippi, if we ex- clude from consideration C. acutus and the two species C. virilis and C. placidus, which are found in the Colorado River. The middle part of the Mississippi, the Missouri, with the Osage River and their several branches, contain C. acutus, C. obesus, C. Nebrascensis, C. plaadus, C. virilis, C. guwenilis, C. Bartoni; the three latter species being from the Osage River; also nearly the same species as are cited in the Ohio fauna. In the Upper Mississippi and its affluents, especially in the Illinois River, are found C. acutus var. A., C. troglodytes, C. virilis, C. placidus, C. propinguus, C’. immuus, C’. obesus. It is worthy of remark that a channel unites the Ilinois and the Chicago Rivers, and that perhaps in this way may be explained the occurrence of the southern species C. acutus and C. obesus at Evanston, on Lake Michigan. Among the several rivers and their branches lying to the east of the Mississippi, it may be added that the Mobile River contains C. Clarku, C. Leconte’, C. versutus, C. mmmumus; while in the Florida rivers occur C. Lecontei and C. fallaz. Two of them, C. versutus and C. fallax, are not as yet known farther to the west. The rivers east of the Alleghany Mountains furnish in Georgia, C. troglodytes, C. Leconte, C. spiculifer, C. angustatus, C. maniculatus, C. penieil- latus, C. extraneus, C. latimanus, C. advena, C. Carolinus ; also besides the first two a quite different and new fauna. Farther north, in South Carolina, live C. acutus, C. troglodytes, C. Blanding, and C. pemcillatus ; in North Carolina, @ acutus, C. Leconte, and C. immunis,— species which 108 ASTACIDZ&. are nearly all, except C. Blandingi and the Georgian C. penicillatus, rep- resented at the mouth of the Mississippi. In Virginia, in the James River and its affluents, we find C. Bartoni and (. robustus, with the southern form C. acutus. The first-named species descends no farther than to the middle of the Mississippi; the second is of a decidedly northeastern type, more properly belonging to the fauna characteristic of the waters that empty into the St. Lawrence. In the more northern rivers, especially in the Potomac, Susquehanna, Delaware, and their tributaries, we find C. Bartont and C. affinis, and perhaps C. obscurus. In the Hudson River, also in the other streams as far north as Ver- mont, and in Lake Champlain, occurs C. Barton. But the mouth of the Hudson River in New Jersey and New York is the extreme limit of a peculiar variety of the southern species @. acutus, which is well represented in North Carolina. The fauna east of the Alleghany Mountains is also very peculiar. Perhaps the most peculiar part is the well-explored and striking fauna of Georgia. But we find farther to the north — besides C. acutus, widely extended in the South, and C. Barton, a species to be found in the whole middle part of the United States, — the exclusively north- eastern species C. affinis and C. obscurus. The northern fauna, comprised in the immense water-basin of the St. Lawrence and its tributaries, furnishes in Lake Superior, C. virilis, C. propinguus, C. rusticus, C. Bartona; m the Niagara, C. affins and C. propiquus ; in Lake Ontario and its affluents, especially Genesee River and Lake Oneida, C. propinquus, C. obscurus, C. Barton, C. robustus, C. obesus. Some of these species, and in fact all those found in Lake Su- perior, as C. wrilis, C. propinquus, C. rusticus, C. Barton, C. obesus, are also represented in the regions watered by the Upper Mississippi and its branches; C. obscurus, C. affinis, and C. robustus are the only species peculiar to the northern fauna. The remarkable habitat of C. acutus and C. obesus in Lake Michigan has been before mentioned. (. vivilis occurs in the more northern waters, which empty into Hud- son’s Bay, especially in Lake Winnipeg, Saskatschavan, and Red River. I am told that these waters are connected in the summer time through marshes with the affluents of the Upper Mississippi. We also find true, especially for the genus Cambarus, that the United States are divided into three great faunal regions, — the region traversed by the Mississippi; the eastern region, lying between the Alleghany Mountains and the Atlantic coast; and the northern region, which is watered by the Northern Lakes and the St. Lawrence. I have not spoken of the Mexican and Cuban species, my acquaintance with them being as yet very imperfect. The three great regions just mentioned, particularly the first and the ASTACIDZ. 109 second, doubtless comprise several subordinate faunal districts. The region watered by the Mississippi apparently divides itself into two parts, a southern and a northern, the latter beginning near the mouth of the Ohio River. The eastern region has a decided and peculiar southern fauna, which is perhaps to be united with that of Cuba, and a northern fauna beginning in Pennsylvania. In the northern region ‘there seems hardly any difference between the eastern and western parts. Nevertheless, it is certain that some species belong to more than one region, and that these regions do not coincide with the three principal groups of the genus Cambarus. The first group, as has been already stated, prevails in the southern parts of the western and eastern faunal region; the second group prevails partly in the northern part of the eastern faunal region. The examination of the distribution of single species, or rather the exact determination of the circle in which every species lives and the central point which is to be taken as its most proper habitat, would be very interesting, if the materials at command were sufficiently abun- dant. The greatest impediment to such an examination is the scanti- ness of our knowledge, I may say our almost entire ignorance, of the ereat country comprising the Alleghany Mountains and circumjacent regions. A detailed examination of the questions suggested being as yet im- possible, I may be permitted to offer a few words upon some of the most widely spread species. The central pomt of C. acutus seems to be the southern shore around the mouth of the Mississippi; of C. affius, the Lower Potomac; of C. virilis, Lake Superior; of C. propinquus, Lake Ontario; of C. obesus, the middle part of the Mississippi; of C. Barton, perhaps the middle of the eastern part of the United States. Some of these so-called central points are in fact not at all central, they being either near the shore of the sea or not far from the limits, so far as we yet know, of the distri- bution of the species. I accordingly attach no great value to them, as they are liable very soon to be greatly modified by new explorations. The number of species now known to belong to the old genus Astacus is 56. Of these there are in America, 40 (two in South America) ; New Holland, 11; Asia, 2; Europe, 2; Africa, 1. As now distributed, there belong to the genus Cambarus, 32; Astacus, 13; (Astacoipgs) Astacoides, 4; Cheraps,1; Engeus,2. The systematic position of the other species is not yet ascertained. Astacus, 89. Gambelii, 90. Klamaihensis, 93. leniusculus, 94. nigrescens, 92. Oreganus, 95. Trowbridgii, 93. Cambarus, 27. acutissimus, 37. acutus, 35. advena, 86. affinis, 66. affinis M. Edw., 77. angustatus, 50. Aztecus, 55. Bartonii, 75. Bartonii M. Edw., 62. Bartonii Gibb., 62. Blandingii, 43. Blandingii Gibb , 43. Blandingii Gir., 45. Blandingit LeConte, 45, 48. Carolinus, 87. ciliaris, 77. Clarkii, 39. consobrinus, 85. Cubensis, 85. Diogenes, 82. extraneus, 73. INDEX. Cambarus — Continued. fallax, 45. fossarum, 43. Jfossor, 70. immunis, 71. juvenilis, 66. lancifer, 59. latimanus, 83. Lecontei, 47. limosus, 62. longulus, 78. maniculatus, 52. Mexicanus, 84. montanus, 77. Montezume, 85. Nebrascensis, 83. obesus, 81. obscurus, 69. Pealei, 61. pellucidus, 55. penicillatus, 53. placidus, 65. propinquus, 67. pusillus, 77. robustus, 80. rusticus, 71. spiculifer, 48. troglodytes, 41. versutus, 51. virilis, 63. Wiegmanni, 54. ot. e” yy ‘ atc Pe, Le t A ofa a Aue face. ce : Z ee «6 a eetccted pelees LOD i SPE ae oe A it pinguus. Fs Hagen del ~ C Roetter on store i. —————— el ew Eng. Lith.Co.Boston. i n 4 m 5 C.acutus. f. 106-127. ¢.€larkii. f. 133-134 C.Virilis. £.128-132 C Bartonn f 135-139. 137 136 : —#1 Dr Hagen, del- P.Roetter, on stone New Ene. Lith.Co.Boston. iq aay Pl, LT Cambarus Grl Blandinen. troglodyles. Clarkit, acutus. acutusvar.B. Leconte, angustatus Cambarus Gr.) spiculifer. pellucidus. penicillatus. versutus. Wiegmanni| affinis. propinquus. obseurus. virilis. extraneus. juvenilis. placidus. lancifer. Immunis. rusticus. Cambarus Gr. lil 167 Ae jalimanus. obesus. advena. Carolinus Bartonii. yobustus. Astacus. a. lamina antenn. b. epistoma. e, spina externa artic 2 antenn & yd nigrescens