i > toil a • i » 1 • 7 23 2 L eg i S l a t U r •« . 7-!incsuc Office o( the Montana State Uni versi t > » Mori tana A±\l) Accounts receivable '• Due from other fund groups 82,000 Investments (Note 3) 283,156 Total renewals and replacements _ 40?_j_892 Retirement of indebtedness: n u 27,888 97-1 Accounts receivable 475,273 Investments (Note 3) 6,159,058 Total retirement of indebtedness 6,662,219 Investment in plant: Land and land improvements 2,4bH,J/J Buildings (including construction in progress) 86,273,767 r «. 43,621,257 Equipment ' Livestock /:>,*' J Total investment in plant 132,442,672 Total plant funds $160,767,392 AGENCY FUNDS: Cash S a . ,,„ 138,478 Accounts receivable ...„., Due from other fund groups Investments (Note 3) 60,207 38,478 745.915 Total agency funds §.. 1^.402, 1_6_1 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES ENDOWMENT FUNDS: Fund balance 597,867 Total endowment funds $ 597.867 PLANT FUNDS: Unexpended : Accounts payable and accrued expenditures Due to other fund groups Bonds payable (Note 4) Fund balance 67,668 52,103 18,830,825 2,302,013 Total unexpended Renewals and replacements: Accounts payable and accrued expenditures Due to other fund groups Fund balance 21.252.609 2,163 32,257 375,472 Total renewals and replacements Retirement of indebtedness: Accounts payable and accrued expenditures Due to other fund groups Fund balance Total retirement of indebtedness Investment in plant: Bonds payable (Note 4) Other payables Net investment in plant 409.892 423,633 4,104 6,234,482 ~6~, 662. 219 21,320,543 42,814 111,079,315 Total investment in plant Total plant funds 132,442.672 $160,767.392 AGENCY FUNDS: Accrued payroll Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Compensated absences payable (Note 7) Due to other fund groups Deposits held in custody for others Total agency funds 11,459 763,840 3,059 99,178 524.625 $_ 1,402.161 39 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended June 30, 1986 Current Funds Unrestricted General Auxiliary Operating Designated Enterprises Restricted Revenue and other additions: Current funds revenue $44,713,070 $ 7,566,544 $11,691,571 $13,264,785 Federal capital contribution - - - University capital contribution - - -I Private capital contribution - - -I Interest on loans receivable - - - - Bond indenture proceeds (Note 5) - - - -I Student fees - - Investment income - - - Endowment income & grants (Note 2) Discount on bonds purchased - - - Debt retirement (Note 5) -I Transfer of bond liability - - - Expended for plant facilities (including $2,843,621 charged to current funds) - - - - Insurance proceeds - - - - State appropriations - - - Other - - : : Total revenue and other additions 44.713.070 7.566.544 11.691.571 13.264.785 Expenditures and other deductions: Current funds expenditures 45,108,944 7,752,625 10,337,442 12,835,108 Loan cancellations - - - - Refunded to grantors - - - - Administrative expenditures - - Provision for bad debts - - - - Expended for plant facilities (Including $369,743 non-capital expenditures) - - - - Debt retirement (Note 5) Interest on debt - - - Transfer of bond liability - - Bond indenture debt (Note 5) Loss on bond refunding (Note 5) Other (Note 5) - z - -_ Total expenditures and other deductions 45.108.944 7.752,625 _10J_337J442 12.835.108 See notes to financial statements 40 Loan Funds Endowment and Similar Funds Unexpended Plant Funds Renewals and Replacements Retirement of Indebtedness Investment In Plant 370,342 25,296 485 125,622 19,558 18,295 368,454 688 1,635,723 2,606,871 29,017 29,110,000 1,109,002 509,000 731,000 28,036,170 8,492,088 541,303 18.983 3,514,593 1,873 8.127,514 6.253 35.270 261,075 31.720.077 36.528.258 23,446 729 57,854 18,702 100,731 5,473,440 5.473.440 544,772 544,772 28,036,170 2,468,911 1,149,089 1,699,035 2,606,871 29,110,000 33.353,205 31.716.871 41 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Continued) Year Ended June 30, 1986 Current Funds Unrestricted Transfer among funds - additions (deductions) : Mandatory: All fund groups Voluntary: General operating Designated Auxiliary enterprises-net Repair and replacement -net Retirement of debt -net Total transfers Net increase (decrease) in fund balance Fund balances at beginning of year as previously reported Adjustments: (Note 1 & 7) Prior year revenues Prior year expenditures Compensated absences payable Other Total adjustments Fund balances at beginning of year as adjusted Fund balances at end of year $ General Operating Designated (13,354) $ (9,320) (22,674) (418.548) (3.206.965) 162,395 38,098 (3,805) 196.688 27,985 27.985 (158.096) (134.369) 16,062 (83,686) (23,287) (90.911) (3.010.277) (225.280) $ (3.428.825) $ (383.376) Auxiliary Enterprises $ (1,193,918) (22,095) (135,436) 143.706 (1.207.743) 146.386 1.267.260 (43,116) (62,698) (8,496) (114.310) 1.152.950 $_ 1.299.336 Restricted 429.677 405.529 (9,013) (154,443) (49,020) (212.476) 193.053 $ 622.730 See notes to financial statements 42 Loan Funds Plant Funds Endowment and Renewals and Retirement of Investment Similar Funds Unexpended Replacements Indebtedness In Plant $ 13,354 $ 13,354 $(2,228,016) $ (5,890) 119,897 (4,557) 84,349 (2]L034J217) 30,000 $ 3,391,934 $ 9,320 15,539 4,557 320,000 J70_,096 __(548,055) 2,853.199 453,926 18,983 61SL852 (139,406) 1,220,071 4,811,387 7,977, 449 573j 884 1, 692JL985 520^473 4,927,061 106,, 489^097 (34,024) (22,654) (56,678) (7,285) (3,544) JLQOO J _, 000 15 (5,610) (10,829) (5,595) 87,350 (221,169) 87,350 (221,169) 7.920.771 578,884 1,682,156 > ±L V V J 514,878 5,014,411 106,267,928 $8.374.697 $ 597,867 $ 2,302,013 $ 375,472 $__6J234,482 $111,079,315 43 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND OTHER CHANGES Year Ended June 30, 1986 Revenues : Tuition and fees Federal appropriations State appropriations Federal grants and contracts State grants and contracts Private gifts, grants and contracts Endowment income Other sources Sales and services Total revenue Expenditures and mandatory transfers: Education and general Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Scholarships and fellowships Other Education and general expenditures Designated and auxiliary enterprises: Expenditures Mandatory transfers Total designated and auxiliary Total expenditures and mandatory transfers Other transfers and additions (deductions): Excess of restricted receipts over transfers to revenue Transfers Net increase (decrease) in fund balance General Opera t ing Unrpstr icted_ Dos ignated $ 9,431,382 50,000 33,984,278 783,789 51 ,238 232,254 180, 129 44, 713, ~0 70 25, 199,895 578, 123 10,056 5,913, 180 4,215,244 3,450,639 4,844,928 896,879 45, 108,944 13,354 13*354 45,122,298 19,320) lA 566J344 7,566,544 7,752,625 7.752 , 625 7.752.623 27,985 $ (418,548) $ (158,096) See notes to financial statements 44 Auxi 1 iary Ente rprises Restricted Total 11 .691 ,571 6,704 9,682,142 820,827 2,290,311 31,208 3,916 12,8357lQ8 9,438,086 50,000 33,984,278 10,465,931 872,065 2,522,565 31,208 184,045 19.258.115 76,806,293 704,029 4,278,671 1 347,911 187,991 208,822 327,031 10,447 560,917 209,289 12.835.108 25,903,924 4,856,794 1,357,967 6,101,171 4,424,066 3,777,670 4,855,375 6,457,796 209,289 57.944.052 10,337, 1^93, ,442 ,918 11, ,531 ,360 11 ,531 ,360 12,835,108 18,090,067 1,207,272 19,297,339 77,241.391 429,677 $ 429,677 429,677 4,840 (581) 45 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 1 . Summary of significant accounting policies Related parties: Montana State University, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana Cooperative Extension Service are related through common management and control; however, they are separate and distinct agencies and they receive separate federal and state appropriations. These agencies have certain related-party transactions, including sharing office facilities, management, accounting and office ser- vices. The accounts of Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana Cooperative Extension Service have not been included in the accompanying financial statements. Financial Statements: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the ac- crual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting princi- ples for colleges and universities except as noted hereafter. The statement of current funds revenues, expenditures and other changes is a statement of financial activities of current funds related to the current reporting period and does not purport to present the re- sults of operations or the net income or loss for the period. Fund balance for unrestricted general operating funds includes $43,273 allocated for encumbrances netted to the $189,883 revenue shortage and the unfunded liability of $3,282,215 for compensated absences payable. Fund balance for unrestricted designated funds includes negative fund balances of $114,715 combined with the unfunded liability of $268,661 for compensated absences payable. The Department of State Lands has determined that the University should be administering the Walsh Memorial Endowment, accordingly, $5000 is included in adjustments to endowment funds. Fund accounting: The accounts of the University are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting wherein resources are classified for accounting purposes into funds that are identified by the limita- tions and restrictions placed upon their use. Separate accounts are maintained for each fund; however, accounts with common characteris- tics are combined into fund groups and reflected as such in the accompanying financial statements. The common characteristics of the funds contained in the various fund groups are as follows: Current funds: The current funds group includes economic resources expendable in performing the primary objectives of the University, i.e., 46 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Fund accounting (continued): Current funds (continued): Instruction, Research and Public Service. The current funds group has two basic distinct sub-groups; unrestricted funds which have no expenditure restrictions, and restricted funds which have expenditure restrictions. Unrestricted current funds are comprised of the following: General Operating - utilized for general operations in performing the primary objectives of the University. Designated - utilized for educational related service activities; these funds are separately classified in order to accumulate and distinguish the costs of these special- ized service or function areas. Auxiliary Enterprises - utilized in providing essential on- campus services primarily to students, faculty, and staff. Student loan funds: The resources from this group of funds are available to stu- dents to aid in financing their education. Funds for the loans are provided by private and University sources with the major- ity of the funds being provided by the Federal Government. Endowment funds: Endowment funds are funds with specific restrictions negating the expenditure of the principal. Generally, the principal is to be maintained in perpetuity and invested for the purpose of producing income. Plant funds: Plant funds are separated into four distinct self-balancing sub-group accounts: Unexpended plant - utilized for acquisition of long-term institutional assets. Renewal and replacement - utilized for long-term institu- tional asset maintenance. Retirement of indebtedness - utilized for interest and debt retirement. Investment in plant - denotes the cost of long-term in- stitutional assets and related liabilities. 47 MONTANA S'l'ATK UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 1 . Summary _oX^igni.ti^ai^^c_count ing po 1 ic ies ( cont i nued ) Inventories: Inventories, which consist mainly of food and operating supplies, are valued at cost (first-in, first-out method). Investments : Investments are carried at cost, which approximate market value at June 30, 1986. Plant and equipment: At June 30, 1986, investment in plant was adjusted $221,169 to reflect the totals in the property control subsidiaries. Livestock is carried at current market value with any difference from the prior year values recorded in the plant fund. Depreciation: No provision has been made for depreciation of plant facilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for col- leges and universities. Allowance for Bad Debts: Except for Loan Funds, an allowance for bad debts has not been recorded. Losses from bad debts in other funds are recorded as adjustments to revenue in the year in which they are deemed uncol- lectable. Allocated for encumbrances: The University records encumbrances of general operating funds as expenditures in conformance with the Statewide Budgeting and Account' ing System. At June 30, 1986, the University had encumbered $43,273 of general operating funds that are not included in expenditures in the accom- panying financial statements. The accrual basis of accounting provides that expenditures include only amounts associated with goods and services received and that liabilities include only the unpaid amounts associated with such transactions. Unearned tuition and fees: Summer school tuition and fee revenues are deferred at June 30 and recorded as revenue in the succeeding fiscal year. 48 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Juno 30, 1986 Endowment funds - land grants Montana State University benefits from two separate land grants. The first granted 90,000 acres for the University under provisions of the Morrill Act of 1862 and the second, under the Enabling Act of 1889, granted an additional 50,000 acres for the. University. Under provisions of both grants, income from the sale of land and land assets must be reinvested and constitutes, along with the bal- ance of the unsold land, a perpetual endowment fund. The State of Montana, State Land Board administers both grants and holds all assets . Investment income from the first and second grant is currently pledged to the retirement of indenture revenue bonds and is reported as revenue in the retirement of indebtedness fund. Investments Investments at June 30, 1986 consist of the following: Cost State of Montana short-term investment pool $ 4,582,637 U.S. Treasury securities, held by trustees 24,848,465 Federal securities 446j648 $ 29,877,750 The investments at June 30, 1986 are owned by the following funds : Current funds : Designated $ 225,254 Auxiliary enterprises 1,650,308 Restricted 645,071 Loan funds 35,689 Endowment funds 592,293 Plant funds: Unexpended plant 19,829,360 Renewals and replacements 283,156 Retirement of indebtedness 6,159,058 Agency 457,561 $29,877,750 49 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 ^ • Bonds payab le Bonds payable at June 30, 1986 include the following: Indenture - October 1, 1985 - Series A 1985 $29,110,000 Indenture - November 1, 1985 - Series B 1985 6,530,000 Indenture - September 1, 1985 - Sub series A 1985 4,511,367 §40,151,367 Principal payments due for the next five years and thereafter aggregate the following: 1986 - $856,707; 1987 - $909,003; 1988 - $971,263; 1989 - $1,038,485; 1990 - $1,120,671; 1991 through 2009 - $35,255,238. The University's revenue bonds are audited annually by a certified public accounting firm; copies of the report are available upon request. Bonds refunded, issued, and escrowed : Refunding of December 1, 1984 and December 15, 1984 Indentures: All bonds outstanding under the December 1, 1984 and December 15, 1984 Indentures totaling $28,030,000 were refunded when funds from the sale of bonds issued under the October 1, 1985, Series A Indenture, along with funds on hand were deposited in an irrevocable escrow account. This resulted in a loss. Obligations of the United States Government, calculated to be sufficient to provide for the payment of principal and interest on the refunded bonds as they become due, were purchased and are held by the Escrow Agent. Other retirement of indebtedness deductions include $1,699,035 to refund the December 1, 1984 and December 15, 1984 Indentures and issue the November 1, 1985, Series B and September 1, 1985, Series A Indentures. Issuance of October 1, 1985, Series A Indenture: An original issue of $29,110,000 dated October 1, 1985 (restated in the November 1, 1985 Indenture), consisting of fully registered bonds without coupons, 9.00% to 9.75%, principal maturing serially on November 15, 1996 through 2009, to refund all bonds outstanding under the December 1, 1984 and December 15, 1984 Indentures. Issuance of November 1, 1985, Series B Indenture: An original issue of $6,530,000 dated November 1, 1985 consisting of fully registered bonds without coupons, 5.50% to 8.65%, principal maturing serially on November 15, 1986 through 1996, for the addition of 63,600 square feet to the Museum of the Rockies, including facilities for a planetarium, art collections, exhibits, auditoriums, classrooms, offices, storage, and preparation areas. Issuance of September 1, 1985, Series A Indenture: Montana State University's portion ($4,511,367 Sub series A) of an original issue of $9,090,000 (Series 1985) dated September 1, 1985, consisting of fully registered bonds without coupons, 5.50% to 8.00%, principal maturing serially on December 15, 1986 through 1992, for the acquisition and installation of certain equipment. 50 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 Ret i rement plans All of the University's full-time employees are members of the Montana Public Employees Retirement System or Montana Teacher's Retirement System. The University's contributions to these plans, which were determined to be actuarially sound by the most recent biennial valuations, totaled $2,908,819 for the year ended June 30, 1986. Commitments and contingencies Compensated absences payable: As of December 31 of each year, employees can accumulate vacation leave up to twice the number of leave days earned annually and sick leave can be accumulated without limitation. Upon termination, the employee is paid the accumulated vacation leave and 25% of the accumulated sick leave. Vacation and sick leave payments are recorded as an expenditure at the time they are paid to the employee. Due to system limitations, the change in the compensated absences payable amount is stated as an adjustment and not identified with the fiscal period earned or utilized by the employee. Capital projects: As of June 30, 1986, the University has initiated construction on the following major capital projects: Amount Amount Exp. Project Authorized as of 6/30/86 Student union bldg. addition/renovation $ 5,364,358 $ 5,364,358 Physical education facilities addition 2,500,000 2,497,320 University apartments '84 4,200,000 3,533,172 Animal lab facility 2,260,000 2,198,270 Visual communications building 4,598,000 4,596,378 Museum indenture project 6,000,000 219,883 Controlled environmental facility 5,302,000 4,094,451 Langford parking lot 72,525 5,610 1984B On campus living construction 4,592,000 138,663 1984 P.E. indenture construction 1,400,000 201,956 $36,288,883 $22,850,061 Leases : The University reserves the right to limit the amount of expenditures associated with lease contracts without penalty when in the sole judgment of the University annual funding or program changes necessitate. Capital lease agreements for various purposes and time periods totaling $183,634 at June 30, 1986 are not added to net investment in plant and not deemed to be material to the overall consolidated financial position of the University. 51 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) STUDENTS FOR THE TWO YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1987 Quarter Summer Autumn Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring Year 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 Undergraduate Graduate Total FTEs Reported1 FTEs Reported2 FTEs-' L.194 458 1,652 9,571 487 10,158 9,348 514 9,862 8,225 513 8,738 1,042 491 1,533 9,079 492 9,571 8,950 479 9,429 7,982 499 8,481 Undergraduate quarterly credit hours divided by 15. o Graduate quarterly credit hours divided by 12. Includes both Unrestricted and Restricted funded FTEs. 52 LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR: SCOTT A SEACAT LEGAL COUNSEL: JOHN W NORTHEY STATE OF MONTANA f&iiitt xtf fits ^Ltqislntiixt Auititur STATE CAPITOL HELENA, MONTANA 59620 406/444-3122 DEPUTY LEGISLATIVE AUDITORS: MARYBRYSON Operations and EDP Audit JAMES GILLETT Financial-Compliance Audit JIM PELLEGRINI Perlormance Audit The Legislative Audit Committee of the Montana State Legislature: We have examined the accompanying Balance Sheets of the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) at June 30, 1986 and 1987, and the related State- ments of Changes in Fund Balances and Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Other Changes for the two fiscal years ended June 30, 1987. Our exam- ination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The university accounts for moneys charged to grants and designated to pay for future employee terminations in the Restricted Subfund. The use of these moneys are at the discretion of the university and, as such, should be accounted for in the Unrestricted Designated Subfund. As a result, the Restricted Subfund is overstated and the Unrestricted Designated Subfund is understated by the following amounts: Expenditures Prior Year Expenditures Beginning Fund Balance Compensated Absence Liability Fiscal Year 1985-86 $69,271 18,798 88,069 Fiscal Year 1986-87 $(9,913) 88,069 78,156 The university improperly classified Restricted Subfund revenues in fiscal year 1985-86. As a result, state appropriations revenue is overstated by SI, 219, 631; federal grant and contract revenue is understated by $841,272; and state grant and contract revenue is understated by $378,359. 53 In our opinion, except for the effects of the matters discussed in paragraphs two and three, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the Agricultural Experiment Station at June 30, 1986 and June 30, 1987, the changes in fund balances, and the current funds revenue, expenditures, and other changes for each of the two fiscal years ended June 30, 1987, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles which have been applied on a consistent basis. Respectfully submitted, James Gillett, CPA Deputy Legislative Auditor March 18, 1988 54 AGRICULTURAL, EXPERIMENT STATION BALANCE SHEETS Year Ended June 30, 1987 ASSETS jRRENT FUNDS: Unrestricted: General operating: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups Investments (Note 2) Total general operating Designated: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups 766,405 118,351 161 57,000 941,917 135,463 15,463 26,901 Total designated Total unrestricted 177,827 1,119,744 Restricted: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups Investments (Note 2) Total restricted Total current funds 112,749 290,671 79,191 21,245 503,8"56 $ 1,623,600 PLANT FUNDS: Unexpended : Cash Accounts receivable Investments (Note 2) Due from other fund groups Total unexpended Renewals and replacements: Cash Accounts receivable Investments (Note 2) Total renewals and replacements Investment in plant: Land and land improvements Buildings Equipment Livestock Total investment in plant 8,752 20,761 3,800 3,000 36,313 25,656 656 109,400 135,712 1,402,887 4,088,220 5,476,492 1,643,834 12,611,433 Total plant funds $ 12,783,458 See notes to financial statements 55 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CURRENT FUNDS: Unrestricted: General operating: Accrued payroll $ 452,821 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 248,026 Due to other fund groups 30,031 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 975,071 Fund balance (Note 1) (764,032) Total general operating 941,917 Designated: Accrued payroll 4,102 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 28,072 Due to other fund groups 161 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 7,177 Fund balance 138,315 Total designated 177,827 Total unrestricted 1,119,744 Restricted: Accrued payroll 3,106 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 217,777 Due to other fund groups 205,357 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 86,500 Fund balance (8,884) Total restricted 503,856 Total current funds $ 1,623,600 PLANT FUNDS: Unexpended: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 347 Fund balances 35,966 Total unexpended 36,313 Renewals and replacements: Fund balance 135,712 Total renewals and replacements 135,712" Investment in plant: Net investment in plant 12,611,433 Total investment in plant 12,611,433 Total plant funds $12,783,458 56 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended June 30, 1987 Current Funds Revenue and other additions: Current funds revenue Miscellaneous income State appropriation Expended for plant facilities (including $317,118 charged to current funds) Total revenue and other additions Expenditures and other deductions: Current funds expenditures Expended for plant facilities (including $1,895 non-capital expenditures) Total expenditures and other deductions Transfers among funds-additions (deductions) : Voluntary: Total transfers Net increase (decrease) in fund balance Fund balance at beg inning of year as previously reported Adjustments: (Note 1 & 4) Prior year revenues Prior year expenditures Compensated absences payable Other Total adjustments Fund balances at beginning of year as adjusted Fund balances at end of year Unrestricted General Operating Designated Restricted $8,151,585 $ 457,712 $ 2,497, 192 8,151,585 8,183,337 8,183,337 [3,000) (729, 280) 118,055 457,712 2,497,192 437,452 2,491,332 437,452 2,491,332 (3,000) - - (34,752) 20,260 5,860 (790,118) 119,110 8,5«0 106 75 (14,185) (18) (9,650) 74,917 (1,037) (13,749) 60,838 (1,055) (23,324) (14,744) $ (764,032) $ 138,315 $ (8,884) See notes to financial statements 57 Plant Funds Unexpended Renewals and Replacements $ 22,034 Investment in Plant S 39,355 11,542 $ 318,722 50,897 22,034 318,722 35,533 17,663 35,533 17,663 3,000 3,000 675 18>364 4,371 318,722 16/^27 131,341 12,464,201 [171,490) ^21 - (171,490) 17>602 131,341 12,292,711 35>966 $ 135,712 $ 12,611.433 58 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND OTHER CHANGES Year Ended June 30, 1987 Unrestricted General Operating Designated Restricted Totals Revenues : Federal appropriations State appropriations Fed. grants and contracts State grants and contracts Private grants and con- tracts Sales and service of $1,675,718 5,637,523 educational activities 830,376 Other sources 7,968 Total revenues 8,151,585 Expenditures: Research 7,268,866 Institutional support 758,072 Operation and maintenance of plant 156,399 Other - Total expenditures 8,183,337 Transfers and other additions (deductions) : Transfers (3,000) Excess of restricted receipts over transfers to revenue - Net increase (decrease) in fund balance $ (34,752) 457,712 457,712 437,452 437,452 2,491,332 61,927 884,401 675,075 869,637 292 2,491,332 2,482,248 9,084 5,860 S 1,675,718 5,699,450 884,401 675,075 869,637 830,376 465,972 11,100,629 9,751,114 758,072 156,399 446,536 11,112,121 (3,000) 5,860 20,260 $ 5,860 $ (8,632) See notes to financial statements 59 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1987 1. Sunmary of significant accounting policies Related parties: Montana State University, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana Cooperative Extension Service are related through common management and control; however, they are separate and distinct agencies and they receive separate federal and state appropriations. These agencies have certain related party transactions, including sharing office facilities, management and accounting and office services. The accounts of Montana State University and Montana Cooperative Extension Service have not been included in the accompanying financial statements. Financial statements: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities except as noted hereafter. The statement of current funds revenues, expenditures and other changes is a statement of financial activities of current funds related to the current reporting period and does not purport to present the results of operations or the net income or loss for the period. Fund balance for unrestricted general operating funds includes $50,253 allocated for encumbrances netted to the $160,786 prior period revenue overage and to the unfunded liability of $975,071 for compensated absences payable. Fund balance for restricted current funds includes unfunded liability of $8,884 for compensated absences payable. Fund accounting: The accounts of the Station are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting wherein resources are classified for accounting purposes into funds that are identified by the limitations and restrictions placed upon their use. Separate accounts are maintained for each fund, however, accounts with common characteristics are combined into groups and reflected as such in the accompanying financial statements. Plant and equipment: At June 30, 1987 investment in plant was adjusted $171,490 to reflect the totals in the property control subsidiaries. Livestock is carried at current market value and any differences from the prior years values are reflected in this adjustment. Livestock is purchased and raised for experimental purposes; the revenues from livestock sales are recorded in the general operating fund, except when a breeding animal is sold and is expected to be replaced; then sales proceeds are recorded in designated funds and used for replacements as needed. 60 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1987 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Depreciation: No provision has been made for depreciation of plant facilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities. Allowance of Bad Debts: An allowance for bad debts has not been recorded. Losses from bad deots are recorded as adjustments to revenue in the year in which they are deemed uncollectable. Allocated for encumbrances: The Station may record encumbrances as expenditures in conformance with the Statewide Budgeting and Accounting System. At June 30, 1987 the University had encumbered $50,253 of general operating funds that are not included in expenditures in the accompanying finaicial statements. The accrual basis of accounting provides that expenditures include only amounts associated with goods and services received and that liabilities include only the unpaid amounts associated with such transactions. Investments: Investments are carried at cost, which approximate market value at June 30, 1987. Investments Investments at June 30, 1987 consist of the following: Cost Montana short-term investment pool $ 191,445 $ 191,445 Investments at June 30, 1987 are owned by the following funds: Current funds: General operating S 57,000 Restricted 21,245 Plant funds: Unexpended 3,800 Renewals and replacements 109, 4DJ $ 191,445 61 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1987 j. Retirement plans All of the Station's full-time employees are members of the Montana Puolic Employees Retirement System or the Montana Teachers Retirement System. Employer contributions to these systems, which were determined to be actuarially sound by the most recent biennial valuations, totaled $417,128 for the year ended June 30, 1987. Commitments and contingencies Compensated absences payable: As of December 31 of each year, employees can accumulate vacation leave up to twice the number of leave days earned annually and sick leave can be accumulated without limitation. Upon termination, the employee is paid the accumulated vacation leave and 25% of the accumulated sick leave. Vacation and sick leave payments are recorded as an expenditure at the time they are paid to the employee. Due to system limitations, the change in the compensated absences payable amount is stated as an adjustment and not identified with the fiscal period earned or utilized by the employee. Leases : The Station reserves the right to limit the amount of expenditures associated with lease contracts without penalty when, in the sole judgment of the Station, annual funding or program changes necessitate. Capital lease agreements for various purposes and time periods totaling $500 at June 30, 1987 are not added to net investment in plant and not deemed to be material to the overall consolidated financial position of the Station. Capital projects: As of June 30, 1987, the Station has initiated construction on the following major capital projects: Amount Amount Exp. Project Authorized as of 6/30/87 Farm Shop $ 120,000 $_ 118,850 62 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BALANCE SHEETS Year Ended June 30, 1986 ASSETS CURRENT FUNDS: Unrestricted: General operating: Cash $ 586,456 Accounts receivable 65,720 Due from other fund groups 10,224 Investments (Note 2) 203,007 Total general operating 865,407 Designated: Cash 143,917 Accounts receivable 2,173 Total designated 146,090 Total unrestricted 1.011.497 Restricted: Cash 218,227 Accounts receivable 457,481 Due from other fund groups 134 Investments (Note 2) 39,911 Total restricted 715.753 Total current funds $. 1,727.250 PLANT FUNDS: Unexpended: Cash $ 20,525 Accounts receivable 2,408 Investments (Note 2) 9,688 Total unexpended 32 j 621 Renewals and replacements: Cash 13,381 Accounts receivable 749 Investments (Note 2) 133,611 Total renewals and replacements 147,741 Investment in plant: Land and land improvements 1,400,724 Buildings 4,014,427 Equipment 5,360,122 Livestock 1,688,928 Total investment in plant 12,464,201 Total plant funds $12,644,563 See notes to financial statements 63 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CURRENT FUNDS: l.'nrpstr icted : General operating: Accrued payroll $ 441,872 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 163,531 Due to other fund groups 134 Compensated absences payable (Note 41 1,049,988 Fund balance (Note 1) (790,118) Total general operating 865 ,407 Des ignated : Accrued payroll 7,088 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 13,697 Due to other fund groups 55 Compensated absences payable (Note 41 6,140 Fund balance 119,110 Total designated 146,090 Total unrestricted 1,011,497 Restricted: Accrued payroll 4,441 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 607,232 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 95,500 Fund balance 8,580 Total restricted 715,753 Total current funds $ 1,727,250 PLANT FUNDS: Unexpended : Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 15,694 Fund balances 16,927 Total unexpended 32 , 621 Renewals and replacements: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 6,231 Due to other fund groups 10,169 Fund balance 131 , 341 Total renewals and replacements 147 , 741 Investment in plant: Net investment in plant 12,464,201 Total investment in plant 12^ 464^201 Total plant funds $12,644,563 64 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended June 30, 1986 Revenue and other additions: Current funds revenue Miscellaneous income Expended for plant facilities (including $362,973 charged to current funds) Total revenue and other additions Expenditures and other deductions: Current funds expenditures Expended for plant facilities (including $7,570 non-capital expenditures) Total expenditures and other deductions Transfers among funds-additions (deductions) : Voluntary: Total transfers Net increase (decrease) in fund balance Fund balance at beginning of year as previously reported Adjustments: (Note 1 & 4) Prior year revenues Prior year expenditures Compensated absences payable Other Current Funds Unrestricted General Operating Designated Restricted $8,462,075 $ 339,372 $2,870,129 8,462,075 8,567,175 339,372 2,870,12? 392,937 2.729,536 ^647^662) 171,459 7,935 (32,408) (12,883) 8,567,175 392,937 2,729^536 (105,100) (53.565) 140,593 5,692 2,133 3,546 (148) (121,468) (769) (19,783) Total adjustments Fund balances at beginning of year as adjusted Fund balances at end of year 37,356 1,216 (.137,705) (685,018: 172,675 (.132,0131 $ (790, 118) $ 119,110 $ 8,580 See notes to financial statements 65 Une xp end e d Plant Funds Renewals and Replacem e 1 1 ts Investment in Plant 161,053 55, 119 161,053 55.119 582_,?42 582,942 198,108 198^108 29.431 29.431 - - - (37,055) 25^688 105^653 582.942 53^382 11.823.937 (50) 650 57,322 600 57,322 53_,982 105,653 11.881,259 $ 16.927 $ 131,341 $ 12,464.201 66 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND OTHER CHANGES Year Ended June 30, 1986 Unrestricted General Operating Designated Restricted Total Revenues : Federal appropriations State appropriations Fed. grants and contracts State grants and contracts Private grants and con- tracts Sales and service of educational activities Other sources Total revenues $1,766,806 5,954,537 706,759 33.973 8,462.075 $ 1,254,686 463,956 1 ,008,932 339,372 1,2*2 339,372 2,729,536 $ 1,766,806 7,209,223 463,956 1,008,932 706,759 375.307 11,530,983 Expenditures : Research 7,621,645 Institutional support 809,063 Operation and maintenance of plant 136,467 Other - Total expenditures 8,567 , 175 392,937 392,937 2,729, 536 2,716,615 12^921 10,338,260 809,063 136,467 405,858 11,689,648 Transfers and other additions (deductions) : Transfers Excess of restricted receipts over transfers to revenue 1^0^593 140.593 Net increase (decrease) in fund balance $ (105,100) $ (53.565) $ 140,593 $__L1«L.Q_72) See notes to financial statements 67 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 Summary of significant accounting policies Related part i os : Montana State. University, Montana Agr icul tural Experiment Station and Montana Cooperative Extension Service are related through common management and control; however, they are separate and distinct agencies and they receive separate federal and state appropriations. These agencies have certain related party transactions, including sharing office facilities, management and accounting and office services. The accounts of Montana State University and Montana Cooperative Extension Service have not been included in the accom- panying financial statements. Financial statements: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities except as noted hereafter. The statement of current funds revenues, expenditures and other changes is a statement of financial activities of current funds re- lated to the current reporting period and does not purport to present the results of operations or the net income or loss for the period. Fund balance for unrestricted general operating funds includes $259,870 prior period revenue overage netted to the unfunded liability of $1,049,988 for compensated absences payable. Fund accounting: The accounts of the Station are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting wherein resources are classified for accounting purposes into funds that are identified by the limitations and restrictions placed upon their use. Separate accounts are main- tained for each fund, however, accounts with common characteristics are combined into groups and reflected as such in the accompanying financial statements. Plant and equipment: At June 30, 1986 investment in plant was adjusted $57,322 to reflect the totals in the property control subsidiaries. Livestock is carried at current market value and any differences from the prior years values are reflected in this adjustment. Livestock is purchased and raised for experimental purposes; the revenues from livestock sales are recorded in the general operating fund, except when a breeding animal is sold and is expected to be replaced; then sales proceeds are recorded in designated funds and used for replacements as needed. 68 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Depreciation: No provision has been made for depreciation of plant facilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for col- leges and universities. Allowance of Bad Debts: An allowance for bad debts has not been recorded. Losses from bad debts are recorded as adjustments to revenue in the year in which they are deemed uncollectable. Allocated for encumbrances: The Station may record encumbrances as expenditures in conformance with the Statewide Budgeting and Accounting System, however, at June 30, 1986, the Station had not encumbered any funds. Investments: Investments are carried at cost, which approximate market value at June 30, 1986. Investments Investments at June 30, 1986 consist of the following: Cost Montana short-term investment pool $ 386,217 $ 386,217 Investments at June 30, 1986 are owned by the following funds: Current funds: General operating $ 203,007 Restricted 39,911 Plant funds: Unexpended 9,688 Renewals and replacements 133,611 $ 386,217 69 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 Retirement pjans All of the Station's full-time employees are members of the Montana Public Employees Retirement System or the Montana Teachers Retirement System. Employer contributions to these systems, which were determined to be actuarially sound by the most recent biennial valuations, totaled $372,283 for the year ended June 30, 1986. Commitments and contingencies Compensated absences payable: As of December 31 of each year, employees can accumulate vacation leave up to twice the number of leave days earned annually and sick leave can be accumulated without limitation. Upon termination, the employee is paid the accumulated vacation leave and 25% of the accumulated sick leave. Vacation and sick leave payments are recorded as an expenditure at the time they are paid to the employee. Due to system limitations, the change in the compensated absences payable amount is stated as an adjustment and not identified with the fiscal period earned or utilized by the employee. Leases : The Station reserves the right to limit the amount of expenditures associated with lease contracts without penalty when in the sole judgment of the Station annual funding or program changes necessitate. Capital lease agreements for various purposes and time periods totaling $25,043 at June 30, 1986 are not added to net investment in plant and not deemed to be material to the overall consolidated financial position of the Station. 70 LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR: SCOTT A SEACAT LEGAL COUNSEL: JOHN W NORTHEY STATE OF MONTANA STATE CAPITOL HELENA, MONTANA 59620 406/444-3122 DEPUTY LEGISLATIVE AUDITORS: MARY BRYSON Operations and EDP Audit JAMES GILLETT Financial Compliance Audit JIM PELLEGRINI Performance Audit The Legislative Audit Committee of the Montana State Legislature: We have examined the accompanying Balance Sheets of the Cooperative Extension Service (CES) at June 30, 1 986 and 1 987, and the related Statements of Changes in Fund Balances and Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Other Changes for the two fiscal years ended June 30, 1987. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The university did not eliminate interdepartmental transactions. As a result, revenues and expenditures in the Designated Subfund are overstated by $88,890 in fiscal \ear 1985-86. The university did not accrue expenditures. As a result, accounts payable and expenditures in the Designated Subfund are understated by $26,641 in fiscal year 1985-86. In our opinion, except for the effects of the matters discussed in paragraphs two and three, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the Cooperative Extension Service at June 30, 1986 and June 30, 1987, the changes in fund balances, and the current funds revenue, expenditures, and other changes for each of the two fiscal years ended June 30, 1987, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles which have been applied on a consistent basis. Respectfully submitted. James Gillett, CPA Deputy Legislative Auditor March 18, 1988 71 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE BALANCE SHEETS Year Ended June 30, 1987 ASSETS CURRENT FUNDS: Unrestricted: General operating: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups Total general operating Designated: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups Inventories Total designated Total unrestricted $132, 68, 474 .441 200, ,992 87, 44, 32, 87, ,484 ,245 ,532 ,809 252 ,070 453 ,062 Restricted: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups Investments (Note 2) 17,346 21,455 8,376 1,44. Total restricted Total current funds 48,61' $501,681 PLANT FUNDS Investment in plant: Buildings Equipment $ 44,993 846,380 Total plant funds $891,37! See notes to financial statements 72 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CURRENT FUNDS: Unrestricted: General operating: Accrued payroll $269,012 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 151,087 Due to other fund groups 32,541 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 745,176 Fund balance (Note 1) (996,824) Total general operating 200,992 Designated: Accrued payroll 27,090 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 50,393 Due to other fund groups 48,097 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 56,971 Fund balance 69,519 Total designated 252,070 Total restricted 453,062 Restricted: Accrued payroll 38,786 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 34,869 Due to other fund groups 37,284 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 62,739 Fund balance (Note 1) (125,059) Total restricted 48,619 Total current funds $501,681 PLANT FUNDS: Investment in plant: Net investment in plant $891,373 Total plant funds $891,373 73 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended June 30, 1987 Unrestricted Revenues and other additions: Current funds revenue Expended for plant facilities (including $51,759 charged to current funds expenditure) Total revenues and other additions Expenditures and other deductions: Current funds expenditures Total expenditures and other deductions Net increase (decrease) for the year Fund balances at beginning of year as previously reported Adjustments: (Note 1 & 4) Prior year revenues Prior year expenditures Compensated absences payable Other Total adjustments Fund balance at beginning of year as adjusted Fund balance at end of year General Operating $3,922,056 3,922,056 4,058,220 4,058,220 (136,164) Designated $ 566,887 566,887 688,360 688,360 (121,473) Plant Funds Investment Restricted In Plant $ 868,972 $ 868,972 928,652 928,652 (59,680) (842,111) 229,005 (68,934) (13,331) (5,218) (1,424) (31,167) (5,422) 3,346 (6,359) 6,568 (18,549) (38,013) 3,555 (860,660) 190,992 (65,379) $ (996,824) $ 69,519 $(125,059) 51,759 51,759 51,759 871,654 (32,040) (32,040) 839,614 See notes to financial statements 74 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE STATEMENT OF CURRENT FUNDS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND OTHER CHANGES Year Ended June 30, 1987 Unrestricted Revenues : Federal appropriations State appropriations Federal grants and contracts State grants and contracts Local grants and contracts Private gifts, grants and contracts Other sources Total revenues Expenditures: Public service Institutional support Operation and maintenance of plant Other Total expenditures Transfers and other additions (deductions) : Excess of transfers to revenue over restricted receipts General Operating $1,826,245 2,095,811 3,922,056 3,086,686 909,508 62,026 4,058,220 Net increase (decrease) fund balances in Designated $ 566,887 566,887 688,360 688,360 Restricted Total $ $1,826,245 66,334 2,162,145 640,741 640,741 41,055 41,055 5,205 5,205 146,381 146,381 28,936 595,823 928,652 5,417,595 926,950 4,013,636 - 909,508 _ 62,026 1,702 690,062 928,652 5,675,232 (59,680) (59,680) $ (136,164) $ (121,473) $ (59,680) $ (317,317) See notes to financial statements 75 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1987 1. Summary of significant accounting policies Related parties: Montana State University, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana Cooperative Extension Service are related through common management and control; however, they are separate and distinct agencies and they receive separate federal and state appropriations. These agencies have certain related-party transactions, including sharing office facilities, management, and accounting and office services. The accounts of Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana State University have not been included in the accompanying financial statements. Financial statements: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities except as noted hereafter. The statement of current funds revenues and expenditures is a statement of financial activities of current funds related to the current reporting period and does not purport to present the results of operations or the net income or loss for the period. Fund balance for unrestricted general operating funds includes $1,485 allocated for encumbrances netted to $253,133 current and prior period revenue shortages and the unfunded liability of $745,176 for compensated absences payable. Fund balance for restricted current funds includes $62,320 net unbilled charges combined with the unfunded liability of $62,739 for compensated absences payable. Fund accounting: The accounts of the Service are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting wherein resources are classified for accounting purposes into funds that are identified by the limitations and restrictions placed upon their use. Separate accounts are main- tained for each fund, however, accounts with common characteristics are combined into groups and reflected as such in the accompanying financial statements. Inventory: Inventory of paper and supplies are valued at cost (first-in, first-out method) . Plant and equipment: At June 30, 1987 investment in plant was adjusted $32,040 to reflect the totals in the property control subsidiaries. 70 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1987 Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Depreciation: No provision has been made for depreciation of plant facilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities. Allowance for Bad Debts: An allowance for bad debts has not been recorded. Losses from bad debts are recorded as adjustments to revenue in the year in which they are deemed uncollectable. Allocated for encumbrances: The University records encumbrances of general operating funds as expenditures in conformance with the Statewide Budgeting and Accounting System. At June 30, 1987, the University had encumbered $1,485 of general operating funds that are not included in expenditures in the accompanying financial statements. The accrual basis of accounting provides that expenditures include only amounts associated with goods and services received and that liabilities include only the unpaid amounts associated with such transactions. Investments Investments are carried at cost, which approximates market value; at June 30, 1987, investments consist of the following: Cost Montana short-term investment pool $1,442 $1,442 Investments at June 30, 1987, are owned by the following fund: Current funds: Restricted $1,442 $1,442 Retirement plans All of the Service's full-time employees are members of the Montana Public Employees Retirement System, Montana Teachers Retirement System or the U.S. Civil Service Retirement System. Employer contributions to these plans totaled $286,788 for the year ended June 30, 1987. The State of Montana retirement plans were determined to be actuarially sound by the most recent biennial valuations. 77 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1987 4. Commitments and contingencies Compensated absences payable: As of December 31 of each year, employees can accumulate vacation leave up to twice the number of leave days earned annually and sick leave can be accumulated without limitation. Upon termination, the employee is paid the accumulated vacation leave and 25% of the accumulated sick leave. Vacation and sick leave payments are recorded as an expenditure at the time they are paid to the employee. Due to system limitations, the change in the compensated absences payable amount is stated as an adjustment and not identified with the fiscal period earned or utilized by the employee. Leases : The Service reserves the right to limit the amount of expenditures associated with lease contracts without penalty when, in the sole judgment of the Service, annual funding or program changes necessitate. No capital lease agreements for various purposes or time periods exist at June 30, 1987. 78 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE BALANCE SHEETS Year Ended June 30, 1986 ASSETS CURRENT FUNDS: Unrestricted: General operating Cash $198,190 Accounts receivable 4,868 Due from other fund groups 1,336 Total genera] operating 204,394 Designated: Cash 159,670 Accounts receivable 54,982 Due from other fund groups 3,338 Inventories 100,250 Total designated 318,240 Total unrestricted 522,634 Restricted: Cash Accounts receivable Due from other fund groups Investments (Note 2) 68, 600 18, ,594 170 1, , 184 88, ,548 561 1 , , 182 Total restricted Total current funds PLANT FUNDS Investment in plant: Buildings $ 44, 508 Equipment 82 7,146 Total plant funds $87 1,654 See notes to financial statements 79 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CL'RRENT FUNDs: Unrestricted: Genera] operating: Accrued payroll $247,382 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 56,404 Duo to other fund groups 2,762 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 739,957 Fund balance (Note 1) (842, 111) Total general operating 204, 394 Dos ignated: Accrued payroll 23,785 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 13,649 Due to other fund groups 253 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 51,548 Fund balance 229,005 Total designated 318,240 Total unrestricted 522,634 Restr icted: Accrued payroll 45,582 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 41,632 Due to other fund groups 1,828 Compensated absences payable (Note 4) 68,440 Fund balance (Note 1) (68,934) Total restricted 88x548 Total current funds $611 , 182 'LAST FUNDS: Investment in plant: Net investment in plant $871,654 Total plant funds $871,654 80 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended June 30, 1986 Unrestricted Revenues and other additions: Current funds revenue Expended for plant facilities (including $96,544 charged to current funds expenditure) Total revenues and other additions Expenditures and other deductions: Current funds expenditures Total expenditures and other deductions Net increase (decrease) for the year Fund balances at beginning of year as previously reported Adjustments: (Note 1 & 4) Prior year revenues Prior year expenditures Compensated absences payable Other Total adjustments Fund balance at beginning of year as adjusted Fund balance at end of year Plant Funds General Investment Operating Designated Restricted In Plant $4,072,105 $ 746,334 $ 904,942 $ 4,072,105 4.050,956 4,050,956 21,149 32,287 746,334 (32,829) (895.547) 277.516 (14,940) (1,826) 578 34,113 (1,320) (15,682) (863.260) 261.834 904, 942 779,163 900.751 779,163 900.751 4,191 16,458) 5,113 (35,827) (35,953) 166,667} 96, 544 96, 544 96, 544 751, 686 23,424 23,424 (73.125) ^17^110 $ (842,111) $ 229,005 $ (68,934) $ 871,654 See notes to financial statements 81 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE STATEMENT OF CURRENT KINDS REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND OTHER CHANGES Year Ended June 30. 1986 Unrestricted Genera] Operating Designated Restricted Total Revenues : Federal appropriations $1,829,268 $ $ 570,060 $2 ,399,328 Stntf appropriations 2,242,837 - 99,223 2 ,342,060 Federal grants and contracts - - 114,569 114,569 State grants and contracts - - 11,854 11,854 Local grants and contracts - - Private gifts, grants and contracts - - 81,901 81,901 Other sources - 746,334 746.334 — 23,144 900,751 5 769,478 Total revenues 4,072.105 ,719,190 Expend i lures : Puhl ic serv ice 3. 103,600 - 898,937 4 ,002,537 Institutional support 916,398 - 1 ,602 918,000 Operation and maintenance of plant 30,958 - - 30,958 Other - 779,163 779.163 212 779j375 Total expenditures 4,050.956 900^751 5 ,73jp_,870 Transfers and other additions (deduct ions) : Excess of restricted receipts over transfers to revenue 4,191 4.191 Net increase (decrease) in fund balances $ 21,149 $ (32.829) | 4.191 |_ XL 489) See notes to financial statements 32 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 1 . Summary of significant accounting policies Related parties: Montana State University, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana Cooperative Extension Service are related through common management and control; however, they are separate and distinct agencies and they receive separate federal and state appropriations. These agencies have certain related-party transactions, including sharing office facilities, management, and accounting and office services. The accounts of Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Montana State University have not been included in the accompany- ing financial statements. Financial statements: The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and universities except as noted hereafter. The statement of current funds revenues and expenditures is a state- ment of financial activities of current funds related to the current reporting period and does not purport to present the results of operations or the net income or loss for the period. Fund balance for unrestricted general operating funds includes $102,154 prior period revenue shortage combined with the unfunded liability of $739,957 for compensated absences payable. Fund balance for restricted current funds includes $494 of unbilled charges combined with the unfunded liability of $68,440 for compensated absences payable. Fund accounting: The accounts of the Service are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting wherein resources are classified for accounting purposes into funds that are identified by the limitations and restrictions placed upon their use. Separate accounts are main- tained for each fund, however, accounts with common characteristics are combined into groups and reflected as such in the accompanying financial statements. Inventory: Inventory of paper and supplies are valued at cost (first-in, first- out method). Plant and equipment: At June 30, 1986, investment in plant was adjusted $23,424 to reflect the totals in the property control subsidiaries. 83 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 1. Summary of significant accounting policies (continued) Deproc i at ion : No provision has been made for depreciation of plant facilities in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for colleges and uni vers i t ies . Allowance for Bad Debts: An allowance for bad debts has not been recorded. Losses from bad debts are recorded as adjustments to revenue in the year in which they are deemed uncol lectable. 2. Investments Investments are carried at cost, which approximates market value; at June 30, 1986, investments consist of the following: Cost Montana short-term investment pool $1 , 184 $1.184 Investments at June 30, 1986, are owned by the following fund: Current funds: Restricted $1,1 84 $1,184 3. Retirement plans All of the Service s full-time employees are members of the Montana Public Employees Retirement System, Montana Teachers Retirement System or the U.S. Civil Service Retirement System. Employer con- tributions to these plans totaled $318,037 for the year ended June 30, 1986. The State of Montana retirement plans were determined to be actually sound by the most recent biennial valuations. 4. Commitments and contingencies Compensated absences payable: As of December 31 of each year, employees can accumulate vacation leave up to twice the number of leave days earned annually and sick leave can be accumulated without limitation. Upon termination, the employee is paid the accumulated vacation leave and 25% of the accumulated sick leave. Vacation and sick leave payments are recorded as an expenditure at the time they are paid to the employee. Due to system limitations, the change in the compensated absences payable amount is stated as an adjustment and not identified with the fiscal period earned or utilized by the employee. 84 MONTANA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 U. Commitments and contingencies (continued) Leases : The Service reserves the right to limit the amount of expenditures associated with lease contracts without penalty when in the sole judgment of the Service annual funding or program changes necessitate. No capital lease agreements for various purposes or time periods exist at June 30, 1986. 85 UNIVERSITY RESPONSE Montana State University Bozeman, Montana 59717 Office of the President Telephone (406) 994-2341 June 3, 1988 ;ea; Legislative Auditor Capitol Building, Roor Helena, MT 5 96 20 135 REIVED jUN 0 t 198J montana legislative auditor Dea] S e a c a t recom State Agr i years by t con"; a opera maint regul u_ te ai at e responses of Montana State University to the audit ndations made relative to the audit report on Montana University, the Cooperative Extension Service, and the tural Experiment Station financial activity for fiscal 985-86 and 1986-87 are submitted herewith. As reflected number and magnitude cf the audit recommendations ed in your report, we are continuing in our efforts tc as efficiently and effectively as possible, while still ning compliance with the multitude of State and Federal ions which govern our activities. bu cc *~ f - de as th si r.t oc si 6 is Th nes in;; e e s m e w > ccc rec sti Boa re ■_r s ent ng rd ?or 1 ty vidence of our sound and responsible financial and anagement is contained in the audit report. As we ith our daily business affairs, we believe that s continually being made in improving our services, e many carriers which have been placed in front of us years. We are proud to play an active part in and cooperating with the Commissioner's Office and of Regents in resolving the audit issues raised in t, and in improving the relationships between the System and the State Legislature. We look forward to meeting with the Audit Committee to discuss the audit report and our responses, as well as any ether issues which may be of interest to them. 6 William J. Tietz President 86 RECOMMENDATION NO. 1 WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY: A. ENTER INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH THE FOUNDATION SETTING FORTH RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF EACH PARTY. B. MONITOR THE CONTRACT TO ENSURE STATE FUNDS WERE SPENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH DONOR, STATE, AND UNIVERSITY LAWS AND POLICIES. C. ACCOUNT FOR DONATIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY IN THE APPROPRIATE STATE FUNDS. RESPONSE NO. 1 A. WE CONCUR. PRIOR TO THIS ISSUE BEING RAISED BY THE LEGISLATIVE AUDIT STAFF, WE HAD RECOGNIZED THE ADVANTAGES OF HAVING SUCH A WRITTEN AGREEMENT, AND WE HAD BEGUN TO WORK WITH THE FOUNDATION TO DEVELOP AND ESTABLISH A FORMAL WRITTEN AGREEMENT. B. WE CONCUR. A PRIMARY OBLIGATION OF THE FOUNDATION IS TO ASSURE THAT DONOR FUNDS ARE SPENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH DONOR STIPULATIONS. HOWEVER, THE FOUNDATION DOES NOT, AND SHOULD NOT BE EXPECTED TO MONITOR THE USE OF STATE FUNDS TO ASSURE THAT THEY ARE SPENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND UNIVERSITY POLICIES. AS A PRIVATE NON-PROFIT CORPORATION WITH AN INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DESIGNATED "FOUNDATION" TAX STATUS, THE FOUNDATION RECORDS ARE AUDITED YEARLY BY A QUALIFIED INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM. THE FOUNDATION WILL DEVELOP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WHICH ALLOW THEM TO MAINTAIN THE SEPARATE IDENTITY OF STATE ASSETS FOR REPORTING AND AUDITING PURPOSES. THE UNIVERSITY CAN THEN REGULARLY MONITOR USE OF THE FUNDS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND UNIVERSITY LAWS AND POLICIES. C. WE CONCUR. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1983, THE UNIVERSITY WILL RECORD THE RECEIPT OF DONATIONS DETERMINED TO BE STATE ASSETS, WITH APPROPRIATE ENTRIES IN THE SBAS RECORDS, SHOWING THE RECEIPTS OF ASSETS AND THE AMOUNT OF ASSETS TRANSFERRED TO THE FOUNDATION FOR MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. RECOMMENDATION NO. 2 WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY ESTABLISH PROCEDURES TO ENSURE THE FINANCIAL ACTIVITY RECORDED ON SBAS IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH GAAP. RESPONSE NO. 2 WE PARTIALLY CONCUR. PROCEDURES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED TO ACCOMMODATE AS MUCH FISCAL YEAR END ACTIVITY AS POSSIBLE IN THE SBAS REPORTS. WE ARE NOW RESEARCHING FEDERAL REGULATIONS TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE LOAN FUNDS WILL ALLOW AN EXPENDITURE FOR BAD DEBTS. THE QUESTION ARISES BECAUSE THE NEW FEDERAL 87 REGULATIONS DO NOT ALLOW CERTAIN FEDERAL LOANS TO BE WRITTEN OFF AS UNCOLLECTIBLE. ANY UNEXPENDED FUNDS REMAINING IN A FIXED PRICE CONTRACT AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT MUST BE IDENTIFIED SO THAT THEY CAN BE REMOVED FROM THE RESTRICTED ACCOUNTS AND PLACED IN DESIGNATED FUNDS. IF THOSE FUNDS LOSE THEIR IDENTITY IN A DESIGNATED FUND, SUCH A MOVE MAY REDUCE THE INCENTIVE FOR THE PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED IN A TIMELY AND EFFICIENT MANNER. RECOMMENDATION NO. 3 WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY: A. RECORD THE BUDGETS APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF REGENTS. B. OBTAIN AUTHORIZED BUDGET AMENDMENTS BEFORE CHANGING THE APPROVED AMOUNTS RECORDED ON THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. RESPONSE NO. 3 WE CONCUR. INTERNAL PROCEDURES WERE CHANGED TO ASSURE THAT THE AMOUNTS RECORDED ON THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHER EDUCATION FORMS ARE THE SAME AS THE AMOUNTS REPORTED ON THE SUBSEQUENT TURNAROUND DOCUMENTS. WE CONCUR. THIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 19S7. RECOMMENDATION NO. 4 WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY COMPLY WITH THE APPROPRIATION BILL LANGUAGE CONCERNING ALLOCATION OF AUDIT COSTS. RESPONSE NO. 4 WE CONCUR. THE LEGISLATIVE AUDIT COSTS BILLED TO MSU WILL BE SPLIT AND PAID, 50% BY STATE APPROPRIATED FUNDS AND 50% BY NON- APPROPRIATED FUNDS EACH YEAR OF THE BIENNIUM, BEGINNING WITH THE 1389 FISCAL YEAR. RECOMMENDATION NO , WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY USE THE CONTINGENT REVOLVING ACCOUNT IN COMPLIANCE WITH STATE POLICY. 88 RESPONSE NO. 5 WE CONCUR. IN NOVEMBER 1987, A MEMO WAS CIRCULATED TO ALL DEPARTMENTS ADVISING THEM THAT THE USE OF THE CONTINGENT REVOLVING FUND MUST BE REDUCED TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAWS AND POLICIES. SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE IN REDUCING THE NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING THE CONTINGENT REVOLVING ACCOUNT DURING THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS. RECOMMENDATION NO. WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY REQUEST GRANT MONEYS IN A MANNER WHICH WILL MINIMIZE THE NECESSITY FOR THE STATE TO ADVANCE CASH TO GRANT PROGRAMS. RESPONSE NO. 6 WE CONCUR. WHEN THIS ISSUE WAS BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION IN THE PREVIOUS AUDIT REPORT, WE CHANGED OUR PROCEDURES SO THAT THE LETTER OF CREDIT DRAWDOWNS OCCURRED MID-MONTH, AFTER THE MAIN PAYROLL EACH MONTH. THIS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED THE NEED FOR STATE CASH ADVANCES TO THE GRANT PROGRAMS. IN ADDITION, WE HAVE ATTEMPTED TO ORDER FEDERAL FUNDS BASED ON PLANNED NEEDS, SUCH AS FOR THE QUARTERLY DISBURSEMENT OF FINANCIAL AID FUNDS OR WHEN A MAJOR EXPENDITURE IS ANTICIPATED. IN THE PAST, WE HAVE BEEN CRITICIZED BY THE FEDERAL AUDITORS FOR HAVING EXCESS FEDERAL CASH ON HAND. WE ARE MAKING EVERY ATTEMPT TO BALANCE THE CONCERNS OF THE FEDERAL AGENCIES WITH THE CONCERNS VOICED BY THE STATE AUDITORS, AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO PLAN AND ANTICIPATE NEEDS TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY. RECOMMENDATION NO. 7 WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY DEPOSIT RECEIPTS ON A TIMELY 3ASIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW. RESPONSE NO. 7 WE CONCUR. PERSONNEL CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE RECENTLY IN AN ATTEMPT TO IMPLEMENT THIS RECOMMENDATION. THE EXTENSION SERVICE PRINT SHOP (MULTILITH) WILL DEPOSIT RECEIPTS ON A TIMELY BASIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW. 89 RECOMMENDATION NO. 8 WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY: A. SUBMIT ITS STUDENT CONFIRMATION REPORT TO THE CENTRAL PROCESSING CENTER ON A TIMELY BASIS. B. USE ITS COMPUTER REPORTS TO IDENTIFY STUDENTS AND NOTIFY LENDERS DIRECTLY OF ENROLLMENT CHANGES WHEN TIMELY NOTIFICATION CANNOT BE MET BY THE STUDENT CONFIRMATION REPORT PROCESS. RESPONSE NO. 8 WE CONCUR. PRIOR TO APRIL 9, 1985, THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER FEDERAL REGULATIONS BETWEEN THE INSTITUTIONS, LENDERS, AND LOAN GUARANTEE AGENCIES WAS A LABOR INTENSIVE MANUAL PROCESS. RECOGNIZING OUR INABILITY TO ADEQUATELY COMPLY WITH THE FEDERAL REGULATIONS DUE TO OUR STAFFING LEVELS, WE AUTOMATED OUR REPORTING SYSTEM TO PERMIT A TAPE EXCHANGE BETWEEN AGENCIES AND TO VERIFY ENROLLMENT STATUS. OUR RECORDS INDICATE THAT ALL STUDENT CONFIRMATION REPORTS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RECEIPT SINCE OCTOBER 1986, AND THAT LENDERS ARE NOW BEING PROPERLY INFORMED OF ENROLLMENT CHANGES AS SPECIFIED IN THE FEDERAL REGULATIONS. RECOMMENDATION NO. WE RECOMMEND THE UNIVERSITY FOLLOW ITS POLICY AND REQUIRE THE SIGNATURE OF THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE ON ALL STUDENT WITHDRAWALS . RESPONSE NO. 9 WE CONCUR. ALL STUDENT WITHDRAWALS NOW REQUIRE THE SIGNATURE OF THE FINANCIAL AID ADMINISTRATOR AND/OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE IF THE STUDENT WAS A FINANCIAL AID RECIPIENT. 90