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For a considerable time the plants known as bog mosses have attracted attention, not only by the masses in which they are found growing, but by their peculiarity of structure, and the difficulty of finding characters by which to establish the species, for the varieties are endless, and such a common facies is impressed on the whole group that Linneus regarded them all as one species, which he named Sphagnum palustre. In our own time, however, the careful use of the microscope has revealed to us their wonderful organiza- tion, and enabled us to establish many species. Up to the publication of Professor Schimper’s magnificent trea- tise,* the bog mosses had been universally associated with the other mosses in one class, but in that work they are placed apart, and EXPLANATION OF PLATE XC. Fic, 1.—Prothallium with young plant. 2.—Sphagnum cymbifolium. Vertical section of stem passing also through two leaves, and the base of a branch fascicle. » 3.—Ditto. Transverse section. These show the pith, the woody cylinder, and the four layers of bark cells. » 4—Cells of pith. 5, 0—Ditto of wood. », 6.—Ditto of bark. » 7—Cells of a branch leaf of S. cymbifolium. », 72.—Transverse section of a leaf of S. squarrosum. » 8—Cells of a branch leaf of S. acutifolium, seen from the back. », 8x.—Transverse section of same. », 9.—Male flower catkin of S. cymbifolium. », 10.—Ripe antheridium with paraphyses. ,, 11.—Vertical section of a capsule still enclosed in the calyptra. c, calyptra ; s, cavity of sporangium; p, pedicel of capsule enveloped by the vaginula, (Fig. 1 from a specimen lent by Mr. Howse, the rest from Schimper’s work.) * ¢Rntwickelungs-geschichte der Torfmoose,’ 1858. VOL. VI. B 2 _ Transactions of the hold equal rank with Mosses and Hepatic; the three classes, Bryinz, or frondose mosses, Sphagnine, or bog mosses, and Hepa- ticine, or liverworts (the Laubmoose, Torfmoose, and Lebermoose of the Germans), thus forming one great muscal alliance. As it may be of interest to know something of the histology of the Sphagnums, and except the late Mr. Wilson’s admirable sketch of the family in ‘ Bryologia Brit.’ we have little in our own language bearing on the subject, I purpose on this occasion to point out the chief characters which distinguish them from mosses, and at a future time, with your permission, give an account of all the British species, with illustrative figures of their structure. Commencing with the spore, we find that on germination it does not produce the much-branched confervoid prothallium of mosses, but if growing on the wet peat, a lobed foliaceous production results, exactly like one of the frondose Hepatice, as Anthoceros, and from this the young plants grow. This was first observed by Hofmeister in 1854. If germination occur in water, the prothallium is a fine filament, the lower end of which forms roots and the upper enlarges into a nodule from which is developed the young plant. As-soon as branches form on the plants, in both cases the prothallium and roots wither away. Next, the stem, which in mosses consists of uni- form texture throughout, is in Sphagnums much more differentiated, for we observe—Ist, a medulla, or central pith, of long cylindric cells by which a current of sap is constantly passing to the growing apex ; 2nd, a woody cylinder of firmer prosenchymatous cells; and 3rd, an outer, or bark-layer of one to four strata of thin walled cells, always larger than the rest, and which in S. eymbifoliwm alone contain spiral threads and foramina. The branches also are quite pee and differ altogether in arrangement from those of mosses. n the young state they are crowded into a capitulum at the top of the stem, and as the internodes elongate they become separated, and are then seen to be in lateral fascicles of three to ten, the bundle originating at one side of a leaf base, every fourth leaf in the spiral giving rise to a branch fascicle. Of these branches, one part spread out horizontally and then arch down, the rest being attenuated, pendulous, and pressed back to the stem, and by these water is conducted to the very apex; in- deed, Professor Schimper compares their action to a hydraulic pump, fora tuft of plants placed dry in a flask of water immediately carry on the fluid by the lower bark cells, and empty the flask by a discharge of drops from the down-bent capitulum, but if some of the branches and bark be removed, no passage of fluid takes place beyond the injured part. Of the sponge-like retention of moisture by Sphagnums, we have often unpleasant experience when stepping on the green turf-like surface of its beds, only to plunge deep into their interior, and Royal Microscopical Society, 3 emerge soaked with the water concealed therein. They can also absorb atmospheric moisture and transmit it downward, thus taking up again at night what they had lost during the day ; and by this perpetual interchange the stagnant pools in which they flourish never become putrid. ‘The bark of the branches consists only of a single layer of cells in communication with the innermost layer of the stem bark ; but these are of two forms, for besides the ordinary kind, there are others of a flask shape, larger, and with a circular orifice, one of which always falls at a leaf-insertion. The leaves of bog mosses are very peculiar, and are well known as an elegant microscopic object ; those of the stem are more remote from each other than in mosses, and in all the species two complete spirals contain five leaves (phyllotaxy 2); their form is ovate or tongue-shaped, with the base frequently more or less auricled. Those of the branches are much narrower, and not only vary on the two forms of branch, but on different parts of each. If we look at a Sphagnum leaf in fluid with a sufficient power, the first thing that strikes us is the beautiful sigmoid form of the areolation, or cellular network; and next, the presence of a delicate fibril forming spirals or rings on the inner wall of each cell, and by which the thin membrane is kept expanded, while perforating the mem- brane are distinct apertures or pores through which it is common enough to find infusoria have passed, which may be seen sporting about in the cell cavity ; and thirdly, that these large prosenchyma- tous cells are always void of chlorophyl, and hence want the lively green colour so noticeable in true mosses. _ This, however, is not all. A more careful examination will show that between the walls of these hyaline cells are placed extremely narrow parenchymatous cells, which do contain chloro- phyl. Moldenhawer first detected these in 1812; yet Carl Miiller, in his ‘Synopsis Muscorum, terms them intercellular ducts; in no case is there any approach to the formation of a nerve or midrib. According to the colour of the chlorophyl in these parenchym cells, is the colour of the Sphagnum tuft, only seen, indeed, in the living or moist state, but presenting endless shades of rosy red, purple, vinous red, bluish green, olivaceous, apple-green, and straw colour. When dry or dead, the hyaline cells lose their transparency, and all the species become more or less a dirty white. The spiral threads are nothing but thickenings on the inner wall of the cell membrane, such as occur frequently in the tissues of phzenogamous plants; in one species only are they altogether absent, viz. the American S. macrophyllum, which Professor Lindberg separates as the genus Tsocladus. The male flowers of Sphagnums differ also from those of mosses, and in their arrangement, and the form of their antheridia, resemble those of Hepatice; they are grouped in catkins at the tips ¢ lateral B + Transactions of the branches each of the imbricated perigonial leaves enclosing a single slobose antheridium on a slender pedicel, which is inserted at the side of the leaf base. Paraphyses surround them, but instead of being simple, as in mosses, they are very long, much branched, and of cobweb-like tenuity. The perigynium of the female flower-sheath terminates one of the short lateral branchlets at the side of the capitulum, and is of a deep-green colour, with large sheathing leaves; the archegonia do not differ from those of mosses. After impregnation the fruit receptacle enlarges and extends itself into a pseudopodium, on which the capsule is sessile; the vaginula was thought to be absent from these plants, and hence Bridel formed for them a section “ Musci evaginulati.” It is, how- ever, very distinct, being the disk-shaped enlargement at the apex of the receptacle in which the expanded bulbous rudiment of the pedicel of the capsule is completely buried. The calyptra, or outer cell-layer of the archegonium, has not the definite form common to mosses, but is a very thin colourless membrane closely investing the capsule, by the enlargement of which it is torn irregularly into shreds, the lower portion being left attached to the vaginula. The capsule up to maturity remains in the perichetium, but after that the receptacle elongates and carries it upward on this pseudopodium, which does not correspond to the pedicel of a moss, that being always found above the vaginula; still, a pedicel does exist in Sphagnum, but it is bulb-shaped, and enveloped by the vaginula. ‘The capsule itself is very uniform in all the species, being almost spherical, the lid only slightly convex, without any beak or point, and we never find any trace of a peristome. The sporangium, or spore sac, does not attain the development found in mosses, for it appears like a hollow hemisphere in the interior of the fruit, its outer wall bemg coherent with the inner cell-layer of the capsule, its inner wall with the columella lying beneath it. The spores somewhat resemble those of Lycopods in being of two kinds—macrospores produced by fours in a mother cell and tetrahedral in form, and microspores which are more spherical, and not half the size. . With respect to the function of these plants in the formation of peat, I cannot do better than quote Professor Schimper’s words. He says :—“ Unless there were bog mosses, many a bare mountain ridge, many a high valley of the temperate zone, and large tracts of the northern plains, would present an uniform watery flat, instead of a covering of flowering plants or shady woods. For just as the Sphagna suck up the atmospheric moisture, and convey it to the earth, do they also contribute to it by pumping up to the surface of the tufts formed by them the standing water which was their cradle, Royal Microscopical Society. 5 diminish it by promoting evaporation, and finally, also by their own detritus, and by that of the numerous other bog plants to which they serve as a support, remove it entirely, and thus bring about their own destruction. Then, as soon as the plant detritus formed in this manner has elevated itself above the surface water, it is fami- har to us by the name of turf, becomes material for fuel, and all Sphagnum vegetation ceases.” Little noticed, then, as these plants may be, they perform func- tions in the economy of nature which cannot be overlooked ; and it is for the purpose of inviting more general observation of their structure that I bring forward these remarks. Some seventeen British species are known, all of which I hope to illustrate; and in carrying out this object, I shall feel thankful for good specimens of any of our species, but especially those occurring in the north of Scotland, for the wild moorlands of Northern Europe have so far proved to be the most prolific in new species. ey Il.—Structure of Podura Scales. By F. H. Wenuaw, Vice-President R.M.S. Mr. Molnrire has kindly presented me with a number of slides ; two of them are superb specimens of the test Podura, L. ewrvicollis, with markings remarkably dark and distinct. In one of the best scales there is a singular case of fracture, evidently caused by the slipping of the cover, which has dragged the specimen asunder near one-third from the upper end, which is separated to a short dis- tance. Projecting from the largest portion is a fragment, partly torn away, as shown by the accompanying cut, \ \ which i ae outline ; NSS sketch taken by the ( SS camera lucida, 4000 N — diameters. On the SSS right-hand extremity the longitudinal tear has taken place close to a rib, or marking, which is nearly iso- 4,090 lated. The transverse tear at the bottom leaves most of the ends of the ribs exposed and projecting, as the membrane has torn away from behind them. The extremities of ribs 4 and 5 (counted from the right) are particularly plain and prominent. I am willing to submit this specimen to the inspection of anyone doubting the fidelity of the tracing. How it can be maintained or admitted that these waved or con- stricted ribs which give rise to the “ note'of exclamation” markings are “illusory,” I am at a loss to imagine.’ The question can only be determined by fragmentary pieces; but in the Podwre, from the toughness and absence of brittleness in the scales, these are very difficult to obtain, and it is seldom that a fortunate accident occurs in the way shown. It was by fragments that the structure of the diatoms became known, wherein the silicious nodules could be traced down to a single atom, and their form is not now a question of dispute. Mr. Hennah, and others, have demonstrated how a number of different patterns, not the least indicative of real structure, may be produced by transparent bodies of regular form, such as glass rods and bosses, &c. Much more incomprehensible would these appear- ances be if the transparent ribbings were twisted, lobated, or in the peculiar form of a Podura marking. The patterns would be innu- merable with oblique light, and the whole area might be made to Structure of Podura Scales. t consist apparently of ‘‘ illusory beads,” and the belief now appears to be, with the most unbiassed observers, that they are such. The Degeeria domestica, or speckled Podura, when shown opaquely * under a 7'sth or upwards, is a specially beautiful object. The scales are apparently much thicker than in other species, and the ribbings or !!! markings are of a reddish-brown colour—not beaded, but slightly constricted at regular intervals, like the short antennee of some insects, and in the deep intercostal spaces there are numerous thin septe, or transverse bars, very fine and distinct, of a greyish tint. Both these and the slightly “ varicose” spaces on the ribs may be displayed in the form of beads, by dodging the illumination. Where practicable, some form of opaque illumination should always be employed for verifymg the structure of these objects, for we are im this case quite free from the errors of diffraction, which more or less accompany objects seen by trans- mitted light, and cause an indistinctness of outline. * The only plan at present known to me of illuminating these and other dry test-objects is the one that I recently described, and consists in mounting them, not on the cover, but on the slide itself. When the light is totally reflected from - the upper surface of this at the part where the object is in contact, total re- flexion will not occur, but the light will pass into the object, and in many cases— as with some diatoms and the Podura—illuminate it with sufficient brilliancy on a black field to be plainly seen with the highest powers and eye-pieces. There are several methods of securing this total reflexion, some of which are described in my paper “On a Method of Dluminating Opaque Objects under the Highest Powers of the Microscope,” read before the Microscopical Society on March 26th, 1856, and published in the ‘ Transactions.’ One of them consists of a solid glass parabola with a flat top, upon which the slides were placed, with an intervening film of highly refractive medium ; this was made at the time, and ever since has been in use, mostly for viewing aquatic animalcules and living diatoms, &e., for which it is especially convenient. The parabola is first lowered so as to bring its top below the level of the brass table, and the object in a drop of water is covered with thin glass. The parabola is then screwed up till the object is secured. The rotifers are beautifully shown this way; but I have found that for objects on slides its use is not so convenient as the small truncated or nearly hemispherical lens and the ordinary parabola, as this arrangement affords greater facility for traversing the object, as there is sufficient play for the lens for this purpose in the hollow top. As some have complained of a difficulty in using this, I repeat the directions. The little lens is first patched on under the slide with a minute drop of oil of cloves or turpentine where the Podura scales or other objects lay thickest. The slide is then put on the stage with the lens in the top of the parabola. The next thing is particularly to obtain parallel light. A large bull’s-eye condenser should be employed with its flat side towards the lamp: hold a sheet of paper over the plane mirror, and see that the light falls in the centre, and is of the same area as the bull’s-eye or about fills the mirror; then go through the ordinary adjustments, and if the field is not quite black raise the stop of the parabola: look at the objects with a low power, those only that are brilliantly luminous are on the slide. Select a proper one, and if it does not appear nearly in the centre of under lens, shift this beneath it. One cause of failure may be the absence of objects detached from the cover on the slide; but in English mounted objects, either of diatoms or scales, I have in most cases found a few straggling specimens that have left the cover. Possibly the figure of some of the paraboloids may have degenerated since I sup- plied the original steel template near twenty years ago, which must have been worn out before now; but this I will see to. ( 8 ) III.—On some New Parasites. By T. Granam Ponton, F.ZS., Honorary Secretary Bristol Microscopical Society. PuatE XCI. Some time ago I described a new parasite from the tiger, in the pages of this Journal. I now propose to present to its readers four parasites, which I believe to be hitherto undescribed, or new. Menopon ptilorhynchi (mihi) (Plate XCL, Fig. 1).—Colour bright fulvous. Head obtusely subtriangular; clypeus rotundate, vertex rounded, base concave. Two broad irregular chestnut mark- ings extend from the insertion of the antennz to the eyes, which are connected at that point by a semilunar chestnut line, a chestnut spot in the centre of the clypeus; prothorax elliptical ; metathorax transverse ; abdomen ovate, hairy ; all the segments, except the last, have a chestnut spot; legs long, tarsi clavate. Length 2°115 mil. Habitat, Pélorhynchus holosericeus. Nirmus Nitzschit (mihi) (Plate XCI., Fig. 2).—This species is probably the same as that mentioned in Giebel’s list of the Halle Collection, without either name or description. Supposing this to be so, and that it is undescribed and unnamed, I have ventured to call it Nitzschit, after the indefatigable student of these peculiar insects, C. L. Nitzsch, and beg to give the following description of it :—Colour pale yellowish-white. Head panduriform, clypeus rounded, antennz rather long, second joint longest. Prothorax not so wide as the head ; metathorax oblong, trapeziform. Abdomen lanceolate, a long fascicule of hair between each of the four last segments. Legs somewhat clavate. Length 2'538 mil. Habitat, Péclorhynchus holosericeus. Docophorus Dennyti (mih) (Plate XCI., Fig. 3).—This species I have dedicated to the late Mr. Denny, of Leeds, to whom I am indebted for much kind advice and assistance in the study of the Anopleura. Colour tawny. Head triangular, clypeus produced entire; trabecule large, broadly truncated; antennz rather long. Clypeus bordered by a chestnut line, with a transverse semilunar marking of the same colour, a similar one on the occiput; a broad irregular chestnut mark extends from the eyes to the prothorax. Prothorax transverse, angles rounded, metathorax transverse. Abdo- men ovate, hairy; pale fulvous, with a chestnut border. Length, 3:173 mil. Habitat, Prismites Mexicanus. Trichodectes leporis (mihi) (Plate XCI., Fig. 4).—Colour bright fulyous yellow, a dark chestnut spot at the eyes connected by a diagonal line with a line of the same colour on the occiput. Head suborbicular ; clypeus rounded, vertex convex, lateral margin deeply sinuated ; eyes prominent ; antenn small, last joint broadly clavate ; prothorax transverse ; metathorax not so wide as the head. Abdo- men ovate, fulvous, hairy. Tibize clavate. Length, 2-538 mil. Habitat, Lepus cannabinus, Curton, May, 1871. Sy Wi) J ‘ e ade") IV.—On some Improvements in the Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood. By H.C. Sorsy, F.R.S., &e. In the following paper I shall give a condensed account of what I have been able to learn in connection with this subject, and omit everything that does not bear directly on determining whether any stain is, or is not, due to blood. There does not appear to be any probability of our being able to decide by this means whether it is, or is not, human. The spectrum-microscope used in these inquiries should have a compound prism, with enough, but not too great, dispersive power, or else the bands would be as it were diluted, and made less dis- tinct. A combination of two rectangular prisms of crown glass, with a rectangular of very dense flint, and another of less dense, of such an angle as to give direct vision, turned towards the slit, as lately made for me by Mr. Browning, appears to be the proper medium, and has other important advantages. The cells used for the experiments should be made from barometer tubing, and be about one-eighth of an inch in internal diameter, and half an inch long, one end being fastened to a piece of plate glass with purified gutta-percha, like an ordinary cell for mounting objects in liquids. It is, however, a very great advantage to insert between the plate and the cell a diaphragm of platinum foil, having a circular hole about two-thirds of the internal diameter of the tube, fixed so that its centre corresponds with that of the cell. This prevents any light passing upwards that has not penetrated through the whole length of the solution, which is very important when using direct concentrated sunlight to penetrate through turbid or very opaque liquids. A small spatula made of stout platinum wire, flattened at the end, is very convenient for adding small quantities of the re- agents ; and they should be stirred up in the cells with a platinum wire, flattened and turned up square at the end, like a small hoe. The reagents commonly employed are a somewhat diluted solution of ammonia, citric acid, the double tartrate of potash and soda, used to prevent the precipitation of oxide of iron, and the double sul- phate of the protoxide of iron and ammonia, employed to deoxidize ; but in some special cases diluted hydrochloric acid, carefully-purified boric acid, and sulphite of soda are required. The character of a stain varies much with its age, and with the nature of the substance on which it occurs. If quite recent, and if the substance has no immediate influence on blood, the stain would contain little or no colouring matter but hemoglobin. This is easily dissolved by water, and when properly diluted—neither too strong, nor too weak—it gives the well-known spectrum, with two dark absorption-bands in the green. The addition of a very little 10 On some Improvements in the ammonia and a small quantity of the double tartrate produces no change, but on adding a small piece of the ferrous salt, about oth of an inch in diameter, and carefully stirring, so as to mix without much exposure to the air, these bands gradually fade, and are replaced by the single broad and fainter band of deoxidized haemoglobin. When stirred up so as to expose well to the air, the two original bands of oxidized hemoglobin can be seen again. On gradually adding a little citric acid, until the colour begins to change, these bands slowly fade away; and, if the amount of blood was consi- derable, a faint band would make its appearance in the red. When previously deoxidized, this solution may be turbid, but not so as to interfere with the result. The addition of excess of ammonia makes all clear again, but does not restore the original bands, or only to a slight degree, thus showing that a permanent change is produced by citric acid—the hemoglobin is changed into hematin. This alone serves to distinguish blood from by far the greater number of coloured substances, which after being changed by acid, are restored by alkalis to the original state. On deoxidizing with the ferrous salt, we obtain the well-marked spectrum of deoxidized hematin, with one very dark and another much fainter band in the green, almost or quite invisible when the quantity is small. If too much citric acid or double tartrate had been added, this solution might be turbid; but, if all had been properly managed, it would be quite clear. Since the deoxidization takes place rather slowly, especially in cold weather, it is well to slightly stir up the ferrous salt at the bottom, completely fill up the cell, cover it with a piece of thin glass, remove the excess of liquid with blotting paper, and mix the solution by turning the tube upside down, over and over again. On reoxidizing the solution by stirring, the bands of deoxidized heematin disappear, and the two bands of hemoglobin will probably be recog- nized, owing to citric acid not changing the original merely into hematin, but also giving rise to some methemoglobin. The whole of these facts may be seen with a single cell, containing about 7)oth of a grain of blood, and any experimenter should become quite familiar with them before applying this method to suspected stains in cases of importance. Very faint bands are best seen by lamplight. On exposure to the air in a damp place, a blood-stain may be completely decomposed by the growth of mould, but when not thus destroyed it is partly altered into hematin. If, however, kept dry, the hemoglobin gradually changes into a variable mixture of methe- moglobin, hematin, and a brown substance not yet much studied. This change takes place far more rapidly in the acid atmosphere of towns and houses, especially when gas 1s burned, than in the open country ; but it does occur even in the purest air, and in glass tubes hermetically sealed. The presence of a weak acid in perspiration may also cause a stain on a worn garment to be completely changed Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood. 11 in a very short time, and the presence of a stronger acid on dirty clothes may at once alter the hemoglobin into hematin. On digesting in water a stain that has been kept until all the hemoglobin has disappeared, the methemoglobin dissolves. When the solution is sufficiently strong, this shows a band in the red, and two fainter in the green. The addition of ammonia removes that in the red, makes those in the green much darker, and develops a spe- cial very narrow band in the orange. When deoxidized this solution gives deoxidized hemoglobin. Since methemoglobin is formed at once from hemoglobin by the action of a great number of different oxidizing reagents, and since it can be reconverted into oxidized hemoglobin by slight deoxidization, I am inclined to look upon it as a peculiar oxidized modification. On adding a little of the double tartrate and of the ferrous salt to even a dilute solution from an old stain, the methemoglobin is deoxidized, and the well-marked spec- trum of fresh blood can be seen. If left too long, the spectrum of deoxidized hemoglobin is developed, but on well stirring, that of the oxidized reappears, and the various other spectra may afterwards be obtained, as described above. That part of the stain, insoluble in water, which is chiefly hematin, may be dissolved in dilute citric acid or ammonia, and when deoxidized the spectrum seen to even greater advantage than when fresh blood is employed, because there is no general shading in the green, due to there having been methemoglobin mixed with the hematin. We may thus obtain an excellent spectrum from a blood-stain nearly fifty years old. In very old stains all the methemoglobin has disappeared, and some- times even a considerable part of the hematin has been altered into another brown colourmg matter, which does not give any well- marked spectrum. When a blood-stain has been made sufficiently hot to coagulate the albumen, neither water, citric acid, nor cold ammonia will dis- solve it, but by heating in dilute ammonia the hematin is easily dissolved, and may be detected either before or after concentrating the solution by evaporation. I may here say that the spectrum of deoxidized hematin can in no way be better seen than by deoxidizing a solution of fresh blood that has been boiled with dilute ammonia, which gives rise to a very pure hematin. In applying these principles to the detection of suspected stains, it is desirable in the first place to examine a portion of the unstained fabric, to ascertain whether any colour is dissolved from it by water, and whether the solution has an acid, or alkaline, reaction. It-is also important to ascertain whether colour is dissolved from the fabric by dilute citric acid or dilute ammonia, and if so, to deter- mine whether this would in any way interfere with the recognition of blood by the processes described above. In the case of scarlet cloth and of some other red fabrics, much colour is dissolved out by 12 On some Improvements in the ammonia, but not by citric acid, which ought therefore to be used, whereas in other cases ammonia is the best solvent. Unless the stain is faint, a portion should be soaked in a few drops of water in a watch-glass, the liquid squeezed out, allowed to stand a short time in the glass, so as to deposit any small portions of the fabric, and poured into one of the experiment cells. If the stain had been recently made, and had not been changed by any special action, a solution of hemoglobin would be obtained, and the various spectra could be seen one after the other, as already described. If, however, the stain were a few days or a few weeks old, we should obtain a mixture of hemoglobin and methemoglobin, or the latter alone. The various spectra could then be developed, and compared side by side with those from fresh blood, to be sure that there is complete correspondence in the position and relative intensity of the bands. The residue insoluble in water should then be dissolved in dilute citric acid or ammonia, according to the nature of the fabric, and the spectrum of deoxidized hematin developed. If insoluble in cold citric acid or ammonia, hot ammonia should be tried, since the stain might have been so heated as to coagulate the albumen. If it be desirable to keep the specimen of deoxidized hzematin for subsequent reference, the cell may be covered with a piece of thin glass, and, after removing the excess of liquid, the edge of the cover painted round with gold-size. When properly managed, such an object will show a perfectly good spectrum, even after many weeks. If therefore we have a sufficient amount of a moderately old stain, we may easily see in succession the seven very different spectra of the following solutions:—1. Neutral methemoglobin. 2. Alkaline methemoglobin. 3. Deoxidized hemoglobin. 4. Oxi- - dized hemoglobin. 5. Acid hematin. 6. Alkaline hematin. 7. Deoxidized hematin. If the amount was very small, only Nos. 4 and 7 would show distinct bands, and the rest would be characterized rather by their comparative absence; and it must always be borne in mind that Nos. 1 and 2 may be modified by the presence of unaltered hemoglobin, No. 3 by that of dissolved hematin, and Nos. 5, 6, and 7 by that of undecomposed heemo- globin or methemoglobin. It would be easy to obtain other preparations, and to see several other spectra derived from blood, but it appears to me unneces- sary, since the above are so remarkable and unique in the manner in which they are produced, one after the other, especially by deoxidization and reoxidization on stirring, which seldom occurs in other colouring matters, that they afford as satisfactory a test for blood as could be desired, and still more so when we consider not only the general character of the spectra, but also the exact position of the absorption-bands, and that some are so most unusually dis- tinct. Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood. 13 The above directions apply to simple cases, where the amount of material at command is amply sufficient, and the fabric on which the stain is found does not contain anything that makes the blood insoluble, or interferes with the various tests. I shall, however, now describe what should be done in cases which are made specially difficult by various causes. If the stain were very faint, from the presence of very little blood, or if the greater part had been re- moved by washing with water, it might be desirable not to divide the material, but to examine the whole at once. The stained por- tion should therefore be digested in a few drops of dilute citric acid or ammonia, and the presence of hematin determined, as already described. If faint and spread over a considerable surface, it might be well to digest in citric acid or ammonia diluted with much more water than would fill the experiment cell, and afterwards concen- trate the solution by gentle evaporation. By this means blood could be detected, even when considerable effort had been made to remove it, and only a faint brown tinge left, just visible on white linen. ‘There would generally be no difficulty in the case of a stain on cloth which had been sponged, for enough blood solution would be left in the fabric. The presence of mordants in cloth or prints may require us to somewhat modify our proceedings, especially if the stain had been made wet, and to a great extent removed, so that we have only the dried-up solution of blood, thoroughly incorporated with the mor- dant. Certain kinds of brown cloth are of such a character, and about seven years ago portions of a wetted stain were sent by me to a number of the highest authorities in the detection of blood, and they said that neither they nor anyone else could recognize it. However, by proper care, I found that after a lapse of six years it could be detected by the spectrum method. The best plan was to digest a portion of the cloth in dilute ammonia, and to squeeze it well over and over again, with a pair of forceps, and finally with the finger and thumb, so as to obtain as much of the solution as possible. This was very turbid, but when deoxidized in the usual manner, and illuminated by concentrated light direct from the sun itself, the band of deoxidized hematin was quite distinct. When the cell was kept for a while, so that the insoluble part settled to the side, no band was visible, and therefore the hematin was eyi- dently combined with the mordant. It will thus be seen that it may be most important not to filter or allow the insoluble matter to subside, but to overcome the opacity by means of a sufliciently intense light. If the sun could not be made use of, the lime or electric light would no doubt be the best substitute. When fresh blood solution is agitated in a test tube with vege- table soil, and left until quite clear, the colouring matter is com- pletely carried down with the earth. Dilute ammonia, however, 14 On some Improvements in the dissolves out hematin, and therefore, in testing portions of soil, they should be digested in considerably more of that solvent than will fill an experiment cell, and after the solution has become quite clear it should be concentrated by evaporation. The spectrum of deoxidized hematin may then be seen by following the ordinary method. The same process should be adopted in examining stains on clothes impregnated with earth or earthy dust, and marks on iron contaminated with much rust, if water will not dissolve out unaltered blood or methzemoglobin. The importance of being able to detect blood-stains on leather was prominently brought before me by a case in which the trial of a suspected person depended on the nature of certain dark marks on his gaiters. The presence of tannic acid so completely mordants the blood, that neither water nor citric acid will dissolve it, and am- monia gives rise to a most inconveniently dark solution. If the stain is on the surface, and has never been wetted, a thin shaving should be cut off, so as to have as much blood and as little leather as possible, and the blood should be dissolved off without exposing the solution to the action of the leather itself. This may be accom- plished by taking one of the experiment cells, nearly filled with water, bending the shaving, and inserting it into the upper part of the tube, so as to touch the water, being careful to arrange it so that the stain may be on the convex side of the leather, and in contact with the water. When a drop of blood falls on leather, many red globules are filtered out from the serum and left on the surface, and, when thus treated, they dissolve, and the coloured solution sinks at once to the bottom of the cell, without coming in contact with the leather. The various spectra may then be observed in the usual manner. This method would be of little or no use if the stain had been wetted, and for a long time I concluded that after such treatment it would be impossible to recognize blood. How- ever, after many experiments, and after having again and again almost given up the inquiry in despair, I found that the difficulty could be overcome in a very simple manner. The best solvent for the insoluble compound of the colouring matter of the blood with tannic acid, is hydrochloric acid diluted with about fifty times its bulk of water. If stronger or weaker, the result is not so good. When a portion of unstained common brown leather is digested in this dilute acid, the solution is scarcely tinged yellow. On adding excess of ammonia, the colour becomes pale purple, or neutral tint, made deeper when the double tartrate and the ferrous salt are added, but remaining nearly clear. This gives a spectrum very dull all over, but without any trace of definite bands in any part. The depth of colour varies much with different specimens of leather. A portion of similar material soaked with wetted blood, gives a yellow solution, made brown-purple and turbid by the Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood. 15 double tartrate and ammonia, and remains so when deoxidized. The band of deoxidized hzematin can however be distinctly seen with a light sufficiently strong to penetrate the turbid and dark solution. Before examining the suspected stain, 1t would be well to make out how much of the unstained leather could be used without giving too dark a solution, and to use no more of the stained. If the deoxi- dized solution be too turbid, the cell may be kept for a while hori- zontal, until the deposit has subsided sufficiently to allow the principal absorption-band to be seen ; but it is not so distinct, when all has subsided, as though the greater part of the hematin still existed as a compound insoluble in dilute ammonia. The presence of tannic acid in wood and other substances might make it necessary to employ a similar process, if the relative amount of blood were so small, that none couid be dissolved out by water, or dilute citric acid. Cases might occur when it would be necessary to decide whether blood were present, along with some other coloured substance, soluble in water. The method to be employed would depend much on the nature of this impurity. If it were a colouring matter, belonging to what I have described in former papers as group A, in which the absorption is removed by sulphite of soda, in an alkaline solution, there would be no difficulty in seeing all the spectra. Thus, for example, it is easy to add so much magenta to the solution of a little blood, that its absorption-bands are entirely hid; but a small quantity of sulphite of soda so completely removes the colour of the magenta, that the various spectra of the blood may be seen almost as well as if it had been pure. The colouring matters of my group B that are most likely to occur, are those of fruits, and in them the presence of the free acid would be almost certain to have changed the hemoglobin into hematin. The best plan would then be to add excess of ammonia, and, if the solution were made too dark, to dilute it with so much water that the strongest light at our command would show the green part of the spectrum sufficiently bright to prove that no absorption-band occurred there. On deoxidizing in the usual manner, the solution may be made somewhat darker by the presence of tannic acid, but the darker band of deoxidized hematin could be recognized without material difficulty. By far the greater number of the colouring matters belonging to my group C are yellow and orange-coloured ; and, since these chiefly absorb the blue rays, they do not interfere with our seeing the bands of the blood spectra, which occur in the green. Cochineal is one that requires special attention. The addition of ammonia to its solution in water gives rise to two bands in the green, which, though differmg materially from those of blood, are yet so nearly in the same situation, that they completely disguise the presence of VOL. VI. Cc 16 Spectrum Method of Detecting Blood. a small amount of blood. However, on adding a small excess of boric acid, the bands of the cochineal are made more faint, and very considerably raised towards the blue end, so as to leave the red end of the green clear, whilst those of oxidized hemoglobin are not changed, and that nearer the red end, if not both, can be seen perfectly well. By proceeding in the usual manner, there is no great difficulty im recognizing the darker band of deoxidized hematin. Other special difficulties might occur in particular instances, but I trust that these examples will suffice to show how they may be overcome. Ido not now know of any that require special remarks ; and, as far as I am able to judge, we need never despair of detecting blood, so long as any hematin remains undecomposed. Fortunately it resists decomposition so well, that this would rarely happen in ordinary circumstances; but yet there are cases in which it does occur, as, for example, when acted upon by strong ozone, or other powerful oxidizing reagents. It is quite possible that stained garments might have been washed, and some of the water employed might be obtained. If no soap had been used, this water could be examined in a long tube of thick glass, ten inches or more in length, and a quarter of an inch in internal diameter, permanently closed at one end with a circular piece of plate glass, and, when filled, covered over at the other with another glass. For examining solutions in such tubes a small pocket spectroscope, such as recently made for me by Mr. Browning, is extremely convenient, and suitable in every respect. If only two or three days old, the bands of oxidized hemoglobin might be seen; but if the solution had been kept longer, and they could not be detected, it should be concentrated by evaporation at a gentle heat, and tested for hematin. If during evaporation any deposit be formed, insoluble in cold dilute ammonia, it should be dissolved by the aid of heat. When soap is used in washing off stains, the alkali soon changes the hemoglobin into hematin, and the soap makes the solution inconveniently turbid and opaque. It is best in such a case to agitate the suspected soap and water with ether, remove it with a pipette, after the two liquids have com- pletely separated, and repeat the process over and over again, with fresh ether, until the aqueous solution at the bottom has become quite clear and free from soap. It should then be concentrated by evaporation, and examined for hematin, as usual. Of course in all such cases it would be desirable to test the solution as soon as pos- sible, lest decomposition should occur, but by these means a very small quantity of blood, that would show no colour, might be recog- nized within a week or two, but probably not after. For the detection of blood in urine, a tube about ten inches long is very suitable. If turbid it should be filtered ; but, since a Cellular Structure of the Red Blood Corpuscle. 17 considerable number of red globules might be separated, the deposit on the filter should be dashed with a little water, and this solution either examined by itself, or added to the filtered urine. If the depth of colour in the ten-inch tube be so great, that the yellow end of the green part of the spectrum is absorbed, the urine must be somewhat diluted, or examined in a shorter tube. When the depth of colour is about an average, I find that by this means as little as tosooth part of blood can easily be detected in fresh urine, wuich is equivalent to about one drop in a pint. | V.—On the Cellular Structure of the Red Blood Corpuscle. By Josupu G. Ricnarpson, M.D., Microscopist to the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For many years after the magnificent cell theory was first accepted by physiologists, the doctrine of Schwann, who regarded the red blood disks as minute membranous sacs containing a coloured fluid, passed almost unquestioned ; but of late, especially since more care- ful microscopic observations have become customary, it has been found that the supposed bursting of these little bladders, long looked upon as one of the strongest proofs of their cellular nature, does not take place, and at the present time some of our leading authorities, both in America and in Great Britain, assert positively that the coloured blood disks are non-vesicular, and deny any dif- ferentiation of their substance into cell wall and cell contents. Thus, for example, Professor Austin Flint, jun., in the second volume of his great work on the ‘Physiology of Man,’ p. 116, remarks :—“'The structure of the blood corpuscles is very simple. They are perfectly homogeneous, presenting in their normal condi- tion no nuclei or granules, and are not provided with an investing membrane. A great deal has been said by anatomists concerning the latter point, and many are of the opinion that they are cellular in their structure, being composed of a membrane with viscid semi- fluid contents. Without going fully into a discussion of this point, it may be stated that few have assumed actually to demonstrate this membrane, but they have for the most part inferred its exist- ence from the fact of the swelling, and, as they term it, bursting on the addition of water ; and particularly, as it seems to me, to make the blood corpuscles obey the theoretical laws of cell development and nutrition laid down by Schwann. Their great elasticity, the persistence with which they preserve their bi-concave form, and their general appearance, would rather favour the idea that they are homogeneous bodies of a definite shape, than that they have c 2 18 On the Cellular Structure a cell wall with semi-fluid contents; especially as the existence of a membrane has been inferred rather than demonstrated.” Professor Lionel Beale observes, on p. 169 of his work entitled ‘The Microscope in Practical Medicine :—* The red blood corpuscle of man, and mammalia generally, consists of a mass of soft viscid matter, perhaps of the consistence of treacle, composed of heemato- crystalline. It is, at least in certain states, soluble in water, but is only dissolved by serum and the fluid part of the blood very slowly. The outer part of this matter is of firmer consistence than the interior, especially in the older corpuscles. When the latter are placed in water the more soluble matter is dissolved, leaving the harder external portion.” Dr. Beale further recounts sundry con- siderations which, he says, prove conclusively “that the red blood corpuscle is not a cell.” The distinguished French physiologist, Professor Ch. Robin, supports similar views, asserting, on p. 697 of ‘ Dictionnaire de Médecine, de Chirurgie, &c.,’*—“ The red blood corpuscles are con- stituted of a homogeneous mass of globulin which is imbibed by or united molecule by molecule to the colouring matter, or heematosine, and a certain quantity of fat and saline materials. In mammals, the whole mass is homogeneous, and without any nucleus after the period when the human embryo, for example, attains a length of about an inch; but previous to that the globules, having a magni- tude of from '010 to +011 of a millimetre, possess a little round granular nucleus. In all the oviparous vertebrates the globule, whatever its form, encloses a colourless,’spherical or oval nucleus, insoluble in water and acetic acid, while the red mass is soluble in these menstrua.” In the course of some researches of my own, however, “ On the Detection of Red and White Corpuscles in Blood Stains,” + I have shown, first, that if a few drops of fresh blood be stirred up in many times its bulk of pure water, the coloured hemato-erystallin will be dissolved, while a whitish insoluble residue, found under the microscope to be composed of transparent hyaline spheres about zsooth of an inch in diameter, subsides to the bottom of the vessel ; secondly, that if a fragment of dried blood-clot is exposed to the action of a current of fresh water, the hemato-erystallin will, after a few minutes, be washed away, leaving an aggregation of what appear to be similar delicate cells, altered in shape by mutual pres- sure, but still preserving much of their rounded contour; and thirdly, by a calculation of the superficial area of the human red blood disk, based upon accurate measurements of its dimensions when magnified nearly 1800 times, that supposing a cell wall to exist, there would be almost precisely enough membrane contained * KE. Littré et Ch. Robin, Paris, 1865. + ‘Am. Jour. of Med, Sciences,’ July, 1869. a, of the Red Blood Corpuscle. 19 in it to cover the surface of a sphere having the exact diameter of the red corpuscles when rendered globular by the action of water. In one of my experiments on the action of water upon blood, as detailed in that paper, the development of Bacteria so obscured these supposed membranous cell walls that they became unrecog- nizable after standing seventy-two hours, so that, in order to deter- mine whether their apparent insolubility could be overcome by prolonged maceration, | made the following additional investiga- tions :— On the 24th of March, 1870, I thoroughly stirred two fiuid- drachms of blood into two fluid-ounces of fresh water, and allowed the mixture to stand undisturbed for forty-eight hours, when a light and flocculent deposit of a pale pink colour, occupying about half a fluid-ounce of the liquid, had fallen to the bottom of the vessel. On examination under the 34-inch objective, this was found to be ‘chiefly composed of very transparent spherical bodies, about zz'soth of an inch in diameter, which became beautifully dis- tinct and quite visible with an ordinary }-inch when tinted by a minute portion of aniline solution introduced at the margin of the cover. In order to prevent the development of Bacteria, about two fluid-drachms of carbolic acid solution were added, and the mixture kept covered in a room of ordinary temperature for four weeks, at the end of which time the delicate colourless spheres were still dis- tinctly visible, although they had a little further diminished in size, only measuring about 5 9'soth of an inch across. From these various observations, it appears that human red blood corpuscles are composed of two different ingredients, the one hemato-crystallin, of a crimson colour, and dissolving freely in water, the other of a whitish hue, and insoluble in water, even on prolonged maceration ; but so minute are the blood disks in mam- malia generally, that it is extremely difficult to determine the exact relation of these constituents to each other. It occurred to me, however, that investigations upon the large blood globules of rep- tiles might be more successful, and after numerous disappointments I procured, in November last, from a former patient near my late residence on Cayuga Lake, in Western New York, two specimens of the Menobranchus or Proteus, whose red blood disks, as far as known, with a single exception, exceed those of all other animals in magnitude, measuring about 35th of an inch in length by gtoth of an inch in breadth, and actually visible, in a strong light, to the naked eye of a myopic person like myself. The gigantic corpuscles being about six times the diameter, and consequently 216 times the magnitude of those of man, evidently afford much better opportunities for the detection of their membranous parietes, if such exist; and in addition to this great advantage, I discovered, quite unexpectedly, in the course of my experiments upon them, 20 On the Cellular Structure that their coloured portion possessed the remarkable property of crystallizing with great readiness within its envelope, and so enabling us to analyze, as it were, the corpuscle, by furnishing a singularly positive demonstration of the existence of a cell wall, totally distinct from the cell contents which undergo crystallization. These crystals, as often happens with those produced in the pre- sence of organic matter, are frequently irregular, but their typical form appears to be that of a quadrangular prism, with dihedral summits, the angles sometimes being truncated. They may be easily prepared, as I have now done at least fifty times, by deposit- ing a drop of blood from the Menobranchus upon a slide, allowing it to remain uncovered about ten minutes, or until a mere line of desiccation appears at the margin, and then covering it with a thin glass ; on examination with a power of 200 diameters, numerous corpuscles along the edge of the drop where the liquor sanguinis has become most concentrated, will be frequently discovered to con- tain one, two, or more crystals; and under the most favourable cir- cumstances of temperature and hygroscopic condition of the sur- rounding air, I have seen this process of crystallization go on until the contents of almost every corpuscle assumes the crystalline form, either wholly or in part, the cell wall being left in the former case perfectly colourless and transparent. The effect of these crystals as they gradually elongate is very remarkable and interesting, being precisely that which would be produced by sticks of similar shape contained within an ordinary bladder partly filled with fluid; thus, for example, I have several times seen a single crystal, as if increased in length, thrust out the ends of the oval corpuscle, until the conjugate diameter of the cell became one-third greater, while its transverse dimension diminished to less than half its original magnitude, the nucleus bemg com- pressed closely against the side of the prism. Or in cases where one or more crystals happened to le across the long axis, that decreased until the whole corpuscle assumed a lozenge-shaped or rectangular form, as in a very perfect specimen which I have mounted dry, the folded edge of whose capsular membrane may be seen supported by the crystals, like a washerwoman’s clothes-line upon its prop. It may in the first place be objected to this demonstration, that the appearance which it affords of a plicated membrane around the extremities of the crystals is caused by partial desiccation of the surface of the corpuscle while the specimen was being pre- pared; that such cannot, however, be the case, is proved by the fact that if, to blood freshly drawn from the reptile upon a slide, water is added, beneath the microscope we can produce an exos- mosis of the coloured material into the diluted liquor sanguinis, leaving the same transparent cell wall, which becomes visible when of the Red Blood Corpuscle. 21 the cell contents are crystallized within it; and it is obvious that a membranous envelope, which is equally distinct under the opposite states of dryness and moisture, cannot be considered the result of either condition. Again, perhaps it will be asserted, secondly, that the appearances here presented might be simply the result of par- tial crystallization in such a drop of viscid material as Professors Flint and Beale consider the red blood disks, which drop, if the process were complete, would haye entirely assumed the crystalline form; but I think I can quite destroy the force of that or any similar argument by the aid of other mounted preparations, some of them showing that well-developed crystals, which happen to lie in favourable positions, may include almost all the coloured portion of the corpuscle, without in the least affecting the contour of its cell wall. I regret exceedingly that the difficulty of obtaining and preserv- ing the Menobranchus alive, has prevented me from attempting to exhibit specimens of its fresh blood; but in the hope that other microscopists will repeat and correct or confirm my researches upon it, [ am desirous of recording them and the conclusion which they seem to involve. After a great many attempts, on which I spent altogether about eight hours’ steady work, I have twice succeeded in cutting a cor- puscle in two with sharpened needles upon a stage of the micro- scope, and beneath a half-inch objective, combined with a No. 2 eye-piece. On penetrating the vesicle with the edge of the needle, its coloured contents were instantly evacuated, and disappeared at once in the surrounding fluid, while the cell wall immediately shrunk together, and became twisted upon itself, and around the nucleus into a perfectly hyaline particle, which showed some ten- dency to adhere to the point of the instrument. It would there- fore seem that the hemato-crystallin was neither viscid nor semi- solid, and that the cell wall was structureless, and possessed only moderate tenacity, but of course the observations were too few in number to be accepted as conclusive. When the corpuscles remained for two or three hours under observation, those which did not crystallize, often showed the wrinkled appearance figured by Hassal in his Illustrations, and described by Rollett, in Stricker’s ‘Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben,’ Zweite Liefrung §. 286, and which seemed to me due to the tendency of their colourless envelope, as the contained heemato- crystallin condensed around the nucleus, to accommodate itself to the diminished contents of the cell by falling into folds frequently ramifying from the nuclear centre. When pressure was made by means of a mounted needle upon the covering glass, almost directly over a red disk, whose contents had undergone this contraction, the first effect was to round out the contour of the corpuscle, and 29 On the Cellular Structure unfold the creases in its walls, the globule behaving as you might expect a bladder half full of water to do if you stepped firmly upon its centre ; on continuing the process, however, no rupture of the walls could be detected, the contained fluid appearing to rapidly transude through its former envelope, which, on the needle being removed, collapsed to perhaps half its former size, and presented the aspect of a loose bag, almost without coloured contents, sur- rounding the nucleus. These changes were also examined under the yy-inch objective, giving a power of almost 1200 diameters, by adjusting its component lenses, for a covering glass slightly thinner than that actually employed, and then cautiously screwing down the objective, so as to compress a blood disk beneath it; under this finely graduated pressure and high magnifying power, the apparent expanding of fold after fold, in the plicated wall of a per- viously wrinkled corpuscle, became strikingly evident. After tinting the external portion of the red disk with aniline solution, and then applying considerable force to the covering glass, either by means of a mounted needle under a low power, or, with the ex- tremity of a high objective itself, so as to empty out all the heemato- crystallin, the shrivelled envelope could be traced after the removal of the pressure closely applied to the surface of the nucleus, and under such circumstances occasionally presented an obscurely granular appearance. Sometimes a few of the corpuscles situated near the edge of the thin glass, and therefore most exposed to the action of the air, appeared, after three or four hours, to become cracked in various places from the circumference to their centre; those fissures seem to involve not only the cell contents, but also the supposed cell wall; although at first sight this phenomenon may be deemed inconsistent with the older theory, in regard to the structure of the red disk, yet I think that it can be explained by supposing that the hemato-crystallin had in these cases undergone a sort of troubled crystallization, causing it to form a mass of tolerable firmness, which split into fragments as it became dry, and at the same time cracked its membranous envelope, just as a piece of muslin frozen fast to a lump of ice is sometimes broken with the fracture of the surface to which it is attached. In some instances, the delicate and transparent cell wall could be detected in the flaw of the hemato-crystallin, its outer edge showing a concave line across the peripheral extremity of the fissure. The addition of water to the fresh blood gave very interesting results, and occasionally afforded an admirable proof of the exist- ence of a membranous envelope. ‘The first effect of diluting the liquor sanguinis was to increase the thickness of the corpuscle, and under its further action the disk gradually became less elongated, until it assumed a spheroidal form, the coloured portion bemg of the Red Blood Corpuscle. 23 rapidly dissolved out, and leaving the nucleus and cell wall more distinctly visible. In one instance, a corpuscle which had become quite decolorized attached itself to some little mass of granular matter, so that it could be retained under observation while I set up currents beneath the cover by tapping the latter with a mounted needle. On changing the direction of these currents so as to strike the disk upon various parts of its surface in succession, I was enabled to satisfy myself conclusively that it possessed a bladder-like cell wall, perfectly flexible (now that it was no longer distended with hemato-crystallin), and capable of being dimpled in, as it were, by the force of the current impinging upon any side until it applied itself accurately to the subjacent surface of the nucleus, thus furnishing strong evidence against the doctrine of a sponge-like stroma (or oikoid), as taught by Bricke and Stricker, being a constituent of the red blood corpuscle. If water was allowed to flow in upon a specimen, whose disks had undergone the curious crystallization above described, diluted liquor sanguinis seemed to rapidly enter the corpuscles by endos- mosis, and dissolved the contained crystals which generally assumed a foliaceous appearance, such as we often see crystals of triple phos- phate put on, when macerated in alkaline urine. As the hemato- crystallin dissolved, the natural colour of the corpuscle was restored ; its walls, if they had been previously propped out upon the points of the crystals, reassumed their normal shape, and in some instances these shortened cr broken crystals were observed to move freely in the cavity between the nucleus and the cell wall. Before attempting to make any deduction from the above experi- ments upon the blood of the Menobranchus, it may not be amiss to refer briefly to the views entertained by most German writers in regard to the red blood corpuscle. According to Rollett, in Stricker’s ‘Handbuch’ above referred to, p. 296, Hensen was led, from the apparent retraction of the cell contents from the membrane as seen in the blood corpuscles of reptiles, to ascribe to the red disks a protoplasm which, accumulated especially around the nucleus and over the inner surface of the envelope, was bound together by delicate radiating crossed threads, and in its interstices contained the coloured liquid cell contents (gefiirbte zellflissigkeit) ; but in the opinion of Rollett, this thing is untenable in view of the knowledge we have lately obtained in regard to the properties of protoplasm, from the researches of Max Schultze and Kihne. Briicke, who has observed these appearances after the action of a 2 per cent. boric acid solution, pictures to himself in explanation thereof, in the first place, “a porous form element, consisting of a motionless, very soft, colourless, and perfectly transparent sub- stance ; further, he represents to himself the body of the corpuscle as composed of a living organism, whose central portion forms the 24 On the Cellular Structure nucleus of all nucleated red blood globules, and is free from hemato-globulin, while the remaining portion contains the entire mass of the latter. The last-mentioned part Briicke considers as lying in the interspaces of the porous mass, filling them completely, but at the same time forming a continuous whole with the non- pigmented portion. The colourless porous substance he calls Otkoid, all the remainder he names Zootd; and considers that, by the partial or complete withdrawal of the Zooid from the Oikoid, the occurrence of the above-mentioned appearances is explained. Stricker himself believes in the Oikoid of Briicke, but calls the remainder of the corpuscle its body (der Lieb).” Recapitulating now the facts which I have detailed, militating against the views of Flint, Beale, and Ch. Robin, who hold that the red blood corpuscles of mammals are homogeneous drops of a jelly- like substance, we find first, that when human blood is diluted with pure water, the bi-concave disks in general gradually assume a bi-convex and finally a globular form, their coloured portion being entirely dissolved, sometimes in the course of a few minutes, while the transparent colourless constituent which retains the spherical shape is completely insoluble in water, even during the prolonged maceration of over thirty days; and second, that when a mass of desiccated corpuscles, such as occurs in a dried blood-clot, is washed with pure water, so as to remove all the hemato-crystallin, the outlines of the compressed red blood disks may be readily de- tected on examination with a sufficiently high power; further, that in the red globules of the Menobranchus, which may be supposed to bear a more or less close analogy in their constitution to those of mammals, it is possible to analyze the corpuscle by separating the coloured cell contents from the colourless cell wall, either by punc- ture of the membrane, by crystallization of its enclosed fluid, or by pressure upon the corpuscle, forcing out its contents apparently through the pores of the membranous capsule in the same manner that quicksilver is strained by pressure through the sides of a buckskin bag. : In opposition to the theories of Hensen, Stricker, and Briicke, who consider the red blood corpuscles are made up of a colourless porous substance called Oikoid, and a coloured more fluid ingredient denominated Zooid, may be enumerated the following circumstances : —First, if, on the one hand, we consider that a porous substance of the definite bi-concave form, analogous to a disk of compressed sponge, exists, it seems impossible to account for this stroma assuming a globular shape when acted upon by water, since the full diameter of the sphere, when formed, is occupied by the least amount of distended matter, while the dimension, in which lay the greatest bulk of stroma previous to the addition of water, is actually diminished ; on the other hand, any hypothesis that the porous of the Red Blood Corpuscle. 25 substance coalesces, on the removal of its hemato-crystallin, into a jelly-like drop, is negatived by the fact that occasionally, as is also described by Professor J.C. Dalton, one side of a corpuscle, ren- dered colourless by water, fails to assume a convex form, being apparently sucked in by the other side, which becomes exaggeratedly convex, until the whole corpuscle resembles a bell, or more accu- rately a liberty cap, in shape, without any tendency to present the outline of a sphere. Second, the appearance of the specimens I have examined strongly indicates the existence of a dense mem- brane, thrown into folds around the extremities of projecting crys- tals, just as a loosened tent cloth would be around the point of a cane thrust against it from the inside; and further, the movement of the crystals, when partly dissolved, around the nucleus but con- fined within the corpuscle as described in the early part of this paper, both tend to show that the cavity of the corpuscle between the nucleus and the membranous envelope is quite unoccupied by solid matter. Third, the perfect freedom with which one side of the cell wall of a red blood globule from the Menobranchus when acted upon by water may float in until it touches the nucleus, and out again to its own place, will, I think, furnish conclusive evidence to anyone who sees it as I have done, against the existence of a porous substance which maintains the shape of the blood disk. From these‘ researches I therefore conclude that the older theory, which asserts that the red blood corpuscles of the vertebrata generally are vesicles, each composed of a delicate, colourless, in- elastic, porous, and perfectly flexible cell wall, enclosing a coloured fluid, sometimes crystallizable, cell contents, which are freely soluble in water in all proportions, explains the physical phenomena pre- sented by red blood globules far more satisfactorily than any other hypothesis which has hitherto been advanced; and, moreover, that the usual bi-concave discoid form of the corpuscles in most mammals, as well as the changes of shape which they undergo in fluids of greater or less specific gravity than the liquor sanguinis, becoming crenated in denser, and globular in rarer liquids, are such as to be perfectly explicable by the light of our present knowledge in regard to the laws of the exosmosis and endosmosis of fluids through mem- branes; the equilibrium of these forces being maintained in normal serum, and one or the other being rendered preponderant if the specific gravity of that fluid is disturbed.—Tvransactions of the American Medical Association. cen» VI.—On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. By Assistant-Surgeon J. J. Woopwanp, U. 8. Army. I vo not think the question of priority as to the resolution of the nineteenth band of the Nobert’s plate, about which Mr. Charles Stodder makes such warm reclamations in the March number of this Journal,* possesses in itself enough general interest to make it worth while for me to add anything to what I have heretofore written on this head. If, however, as seems very probable, the Nobert’s plate is to be much employed in ascertaining the comparative defining power of fine objectives, it is important that those who use it should have some reliable means of knowing whether they have actually resolved any given band; and such loose ideas appear to be enter- tained with regard to the matter in many quarters that it seems not undesirable to offer a few remarks on the difficulties involved, and the best means of overcoming them. The satisfactory resolution of the Nobert’s plate is, as is well known, complicated by the readiness with which spurious lines make their appearance parallel to the real ones, and simulating them more or less closely according to the character of the illumination employed. This difficulty is greater with the higher bands than with the lower ones, and with oblique light is more deceptive than with central ulumination. Three criteria for distinguishing the spurious lines from the true ones have been offered. The first is the unaided judgment of the individual microgcopist, who is supposed to be able instinctively to distinguish the false from the true lines without any special help. The second is the enumeration of the lines in a measured por- tion of the band, and the comparison of the results attained with the statements made by Nobert as to their real distance. : The third is a count of all the lines in the band supposed to be resolved. With regard to the first of these plans I must continue to think that it is utterly untrustworthy, and that should it unfortunately be generally accepted the plate would cease to possess any value as a measure of resolution, for individual enthusiasm would lead many to suppose they had succeeded, when in fact they were provided with utterly inadequate means. It may be granted that an observer who has many times effected the true resolution of any given band will at length have its appearance so firmly impressed upon his mind that he will recognize it when- ever he sees it as he would the face of a familiar friend, but this cel ere (Sy On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. 27 familiarity which all acquire with any appearance which they have many times reproduced, will only serve to mislead, if at the begin- ning spurious lines have been confounded with the true, for then the deceptive spurious appearance will be sought for as eagerly as though it were the true one. A realization of this circumstance has led several eminent ob- servers to propose a criterion of resolution which appears at first sight to meet the case, but which I must really think is more diffi- cult and less accurate than the third method. This plan is very well described in the letter of President Barnard quoted in the article to which I have referred.* ‘‘ When, for instance, I found that the value by micrometer of twenty spaces on the nineteenth band as counted, was exactly equal to the value by the same micro- meter of ten spaces on the ninth band, I could not doubt that the nineteenth band was resolved.” This method presupposes of course that the lines are ruled at exactly the distances Nobert intended, viz. those of the ninth band 5,;);,th of a Paris line from centre to centre, and those of the nineteenth ;,3 pth from centre to centre. It also presupposes absolute accuracy in comparing the portion of the two bands selected. Now, the supposition that Nobert’s estimate of the distances between the rulings is mathematically correct, appears to me highly improbable from many considerations; but when the attempt is made to demonstrate the precise degree of success attained, many difficulties are encountered. For example, as the ninth band con- tains twenty-seven lines and the nineteenth fifty-seven, if the dis- tance of the lines of the nineteenth band from centre to centre is exactly half that given to those of the ninth, it follows of course that the nineteenth band ought to be broader than the ninth by the space of four of its lines. I have, however, been quite unable to satisfy myself that this is the case; repeated measurements of the nineteenth band of my plate inclining me to think rather that it is somewhat narrower than the ninth. It is indeed extremely difficult to make such comparison with the requisite precision, so difficult that I do not believe anyone could tell merely by the count and measurement of twenty lines whether he was examining the seven- teenth, the eighteenth, or the nineteenth band. In the most careful and experienced hands, therefore, this plan offers at the best greater difficulties than a simple count across the band, and except in such hands it is only liable to mislead. On the other hand, the third method is more positive, for the number of lines in each band being now known, a complete count gives results which cannot reasonably be questioned. But two objections have been made to this plan. First, that an. objective of Pe 23s 28 On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. high angle may have exquisite definition combined with such cur- vature of field that a part only of any given band may be resolved at a time; and secondly, that in the case of the higher bands at least, a count of the whole band from edge to edge is so difficult as to be almost impracticable unless special costly and troublesome apparatus is employed. The first of these objections falls to the ground if the actual width of the bands is considered in connection with the aperture of the ob- jectives employed. It is asked, “If Nobert had covered a whole inch with the 112,000 and some odd lines, would anyone claim that all must be seen at once?” Now, the fact is that each of the bands on the plate is really only about the sj4,th of an inch in width; and the question is not whether an imaginary band of greater width could all be resolved at once, but simply whether the modern objec- tives as actually made have a field sufficiently flat to resolve from edge to edge a series of lines occupying a space the two thousandth part of an inch wide in breadth. I have already expressed my opinion on this matter, but desire here to offer a few considerations in its support. My Powell and Lealand’s immersion sixteenth, with the short eye-piece I generally employ on the plate, gives a field -004 of an inch in diameter, or eight times the width of one of the bands. The Tolles’ ~j>th, belonging to the Museum, with the same tube and same eye-plece, gives a field -008 of an inch in diameter, or sixteen times the width of a band. The Tolles’ 1th, belonging to the Museum, under the same circumstances, gives a field -017 of an inch in diameter, or thirty-four times the width of a band. With such an eye-piece only the central portion of the actual aperture of the objective is utilized ; and I find that with the fifteenth band sharply in focus at one side of the field I get at the same time complete resolution of the fourteenth and thirteenth bands with both Powell and Lealand’s immersion };th and Tolles’ ;>th. I cannot, therefore, admit that the actual curvature of field is such as to prevent any given band from being resolved from edge to edge by an objective capable of resolving any part of it, and pass on to consider next the question of the difficulty of a count. I have published elsewhere* what appeared to me to be a very easy and simple method of counting the lines. The circumstance ~ that no one appears to have adopted it, on account probably of its requiring some special apparatus, induces me to mention some still simpler methods, which I have frequently employed with success. If after resolution is attained, a cobweb micrometer be substituted for the ordinary eye-piece, the well-known difficulties resulting from tremor will be encountered if any attempt be made to turn the screw and move the cobweb from line to line, as is ordinarily * ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ October, 1868. On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. 29 done. But if instead, the blackened brass teeth which serve to record the movements of the cobweb be used simply as reference points to enable the eye to keep its place in counting across the band, a little practice will soon enable the observer to count the whole band with certainty and precision. ‘The micrometer not being touched, there will be no tremor. It will of course be under- stood that a little strip of brass furnished with fine teeth, gummed to the diaphragm of an ordinary eye-piece, will answer the same purpose. A glass eye-piece micrometer will be found to impair definition too much. After a little experience, however, even the specks on the ordinary eye-piece and on the plate itself can be em- ployed as reference points, and will render a successful count fea- sible, though not so easy as with the help of the economical con- trivance I have described. Of course it is best in any case to begin with practice on the lower bands. Having acquired the degree of skill necessary to enable him with such help to count a number of fine lines without losing his place, the conscientious student of the Nobert’s plate has not, how- ever, disposed of all the difficulties in his path. With such oblique light as is necessary for the resolution of all the higher bands with our present objectives, he will find a certain number of spurious lines on both sides of the band, and he will have to learn some method of determining where to begin and where to end his count. Nothing gave me greater difficulty in my earlier investigations of the plate, and I hope, therefore, that a short account of the prac- tical results at which I arrived may prove of service to other microscopists. If one of the higher bands of the plate be examined by an objective capable of resolving it, while it is illuminated by a pencil of insufficient obliquity, a mere tint or shade of the width of the band will be observed; with more oblique illumination a wavy irregular appearance comes into view; increasing the obliquity of the pencil still further, a series of lines make their appearance, -occupying about the width of the band, but fewer in number than the real lines; finally, when the degree of obliquity necessary for actual resolution is attained, the true lines start into view, accom- panied, however, by certain spurious lines on the margins of the bands. Four appearances of the bands are thus indicated, viz. a mere tint or shade, a wavy irregular appearance, spurious lines occupying the place of the band, and true lines with spurious lines on the margins. The last two of these appearances require consideration. A. Spurious Lines occupying the Place of the Band.—These are generally clean smooth lines, quite sharp, and much narrower than the apparent interspaces. They are well calculated to deceive the unwary, as they have often done. On a count, however, they will 30 On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. be found too few; for instance, twenty to forty in the nineteenth band, instead of fifty-seven. The laws governing the production of these false lines and the relation of their number to the aperture of the objective and the obliquity of the illuminating pencil, have perplexed the most eminent students of optics, and are well worthy of future investigation. It is enough for my present purpose to state that while false lines of this character may be seen in the place of the true lines of the higher bands with objectives perfectly capable of resolving them with more oblique illuminating pencils, a similar appearance is often the best that can be produced with the most oblique pencils, if the resolving power of the objective is in- adequate. These thin spurious lines differ in several particulars from the real ones of the higher bands. The latter are not smooth, they are irregular, they are thicker than the interspaces, they are wavy. The cutting tool has moved with a certain tremor ; some of the lines are ploughed deeper than others, the distances from centre to centre are not always equal. Such inequalities might be ex- pected in ruling such fine lines, and with adequate defining power they will readily be recognized. B. Spurious Lines seen on the Margins of the Resolved Bands. —These require careful consideration by those who attempt to count the higher bands ; but by selecting for study at first a moderately fine band, say the eleventh or twelfth, their characters can be learned, and the method of distinguishing them from the true ones mastered. Suppose, for example, the twelfth band is under observation ; when the pencil is sufficiently oblique to show the true lines, a series of fine spurious lines, closely resembling true ones, are seen adjoin- ing the band, which, when the objective is in the lowest focal posi- tion compatible with definition, appear on the side from which the oblique light comes (as the microscope reverses, they are of course really on the opposite side). Of these spurious lines those next adjoining the real ones measure from centre to centre the same as the real ones, but the more distant ones grow gradually fainter and more separated till they disappear from view. On the opposite side of the band are a few coarser spurious lines, easily distinguished from the real ones. Such is the condition of things shown in my photograph of the nineteenth band. I do not think anyone could tell by mere inspection either of the photograph or of the image in the microscope, if the focal adjustment remains unaltered, which was the last true line, and which the first spurious one, on the side of the fine spurious lines; on the other side it is easy enough. But if now the direction of the light is reversed, the fine and coarse spurious lines change places, and what is still more important, a similar change can be effected by a mere change of focus. In fact, when the band is seen as above, if the fine spurious lines are on the On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. 31 right and the coarse ones on the left, it will be found that on very slightly withdrawing the objective from the plate the fine and coarse false lines change place almost exactly as though the direction of the light was changed. This change is not a sudden one; fine spurious lines begin to be seen on the second side before they have all dis- appeared from the first, and there is no intermediate position such as may be attained with the lower bands, in which there are abso- lutely no spurious lines to be seen on the edges. These results of a change of focus enable the observer to dis- tinguish in the microscope the position of the last real line on either side, and thus to attain accuracy in his count; and if a successful photograph be compared with the object as seen in the microscope, there will be no great difficulty in determining, first on one side and then on the other, the portions of the picture which correspond to the true limits of the band. It was in this way that I deter- mined the limits to be given to the enlargement of my photograph of the nineteenth band, which was distributed in every case pasted on the same card with a print from the unmodified original negative. The object of the limitation given to the enlargement was to make it serve as a representation of conclusions, readily obtained in the microscope by change of focus, but which the possessors of the pho- tograph could not arrive at without repeating my observations, since the photograph represented of course but a single focal posi- tion. If the first and last real lines are fixed in such a photograph by comparing it with the appearances in the microscope, the photo- graph will answer a useful purpose in verifying the count. Even if the observer is not sure as to this, if he can find, as he generally can, any reference points in the microscope and in the photograph by which fixed points in the band can be identified, a count of the intermediate lines will serve as a useful check. I have made use of all such aids in my study of the Nobert’s plate, but I desire to say expressly that my statement of the number of lines in each band rests essentially on my counts in the microscope, and that I have repeatedly counted in the microscope the lines of each of the bands, from edge to edge. I may also make a single remark in this place with regard to our knowledge of the number of lines in the bands. I believe I was the first to state the actual number for the higher bands of the new nineteen-band plate. Nobert gave the distance of the lines apart in fractions of a Paris line, the actual width of the bands and the number of lines in each was not stated. From his figures the number of lines per millimetre and per inch has been computed. But the practical difficulty of measuring the width of a band with sufficient precision to deduce the number of lines from these figures has caused all the writers on the subject, whose papers I have seen, to observe a judicious reticence as to the actual number VOL. VI. D 32 On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. of lines. If this has been anywhere stated, I should be glad to learn it, but my counts were all made in perfect ignorance of any enumeration but my own. Nobert, to whom I sent the photographs with my count, acknowledged the resolution in handsome terms. If there are any persons who still remain unsatisfied, I much hope that a better acquaintance with the subject will lead them to modify their opinion. I pass by here the question of intermediate spurious lines between the real ones, since this concerns chiefly the lower bands of the plate. It has, however, been suggested that if the criterion I have pro- posed be accepted, it ought to be applied also to the diatoms, and that it would invalidate all claims as to the resolution of these which are unaccompanied by a count and actual measurement. As to this, I would say that the optical conditions in the case of the diatoms are so different from what we have to deal with on the plate, that I cannot see that the one conclusion follows from the other. The lines of the plate are minute grooves on the under-surface of the thin glass cover, and the point is to distinguish them from the spurious Images to which they give rise. The striz of the diatoms are the optical expression of sculpturings on frustules of silica. The appearance of lines is now generally conceded to be an illusion. What seem to be such are generally the optical expression of minute elevations, most probably hemispherical in shape, though the ques- tion of their form cannot be regarded as settled. These elevations are arranged in rows, to which the apparent stric correspond. False lines of greater or less number are occasionally produced, and have in some instances been described as real ones, but this does not occur with facility on the frustules of most species, and on many does not occur at all. The question of the resolution of the diatoms, however, is too complex for further discussion in this place. In closing this paper, I trust I may be pardoned a few remarks which appear to me to be warranted by the tone of Mr. Stodder’s reclamations. He is quite right in his allegation that I have done “ something more” than ignore his claims. I controvert them. I do so, first, because 1 have carefully tried a number of objectives made by olles, and have been unable to see with them any but spurious lines in the nineteenth band. Among those which I have tried is the much-talked-of ;'5th and the new 73th belonging to Dr. Josiah Curtis. Secondly, because Mr. Stodder has never yet offered any sufficient evidence that the lines he saw were not spurious also. He rests on a simple supposition, and in his recent paper supports this supposition by the mere opinion of several gentlemen to whom he has shown lines in the nineteenth band, but who, like himself, have taken no precautions to determine whether the lines seen were spurious or real. On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate. 393 I have never, however, expressed a doubt of Mr. Stodder’s good aith in his claims, and will not do so now. Still I must call atten- tion to some inadvertencies into which he has fallen. Thus on page 120 of his article he passionately denies having made any error as to the matter of counting fine lines, and quotes in proof the passage in his original paper, leaving out the part which contains the error. The whole passage reads, “ either the micrometer or the stage must be moved, and it is neat to impossible to construct apparatus that can be moved at once the yooloooth part of an inch and no more.” His error, of course, consisted in supposing that if the micrometer is moved, its motions must correspond with the real distance of the lines, instead of the dimensions of the magnified image. The re- marks on tremor which he introduces in this place have nothing to do with the question. On the same page he insinuates that I have misrepresented the meaning of Professor Hagen’s paper, but here his confessed igno- rance of the language misleads him. I quote a single passage in reply. “ Big jetzt keines der objective von Tolles die 16 bis 19 Bande in Nobert’s Platten vollig auflést, was mit 4th von Powell und Lealand gelungen.”* I might quote several other examples of what I must hope is unintentional unfairness, especially his criticism of my photographs, of which I will only say that it contains con- clusive internal evidence that he is unacquainted with the appear- ance of the true lines of the nineteenth band. But I am quite willing to leave this matter in the hands of conscientious students of the plate, and have neither time nor inclination to discuss hig errors seriatim. I will close by a brief reply to his demand for my opinion as to Tolles’ lenses. T have always felt great admiration for the excellent workman- ship of Mr. Tolles. I think his }ths and {'5ths will compare favour- ably with the like powers of the best makers, but I have not found that they excel them, and regard the claim that the }th of Tolles will do the work of the 75th, or his ;yths that of the j;ths of other makers as utterly unfounded. I have long thought that if Mr. Tolles would apply himself to the construction of an immersion lens of shorter focal length than those he has hitherto made, the result would be gratifying to his warmest friends. Some time prior to the appearance of Mr. Stodder’s paper, therefore, I sent through him an order for such an objective. When it reaches me I will endeavour to do it full justice; in the meantime I reply directly to Mr. Stodder’s question, that I have two ths by Powell and Lealand now in the Museum, each capable of resolving the six- teenth band of the plate, which is all I have ever been able to do with Tolles’ y5th or z';th. With this I take leave of the subject. * Max Schultze’s ‘ Archiv,’ Bd. vi., p. 217. ( 384 ) VII.— On the Employment of Dammar in Microscopy. By Prof. AnrHur Mrap Epwarps, New York. In the London ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science’ for January, 1871, appeared an extremely interesting and valuable paper by Mr. Henry N. Moseley, “On the Use of Nitrate of Silver and Chloride of Gold in Microscopy,” in which he calls attention to the use of “ Dammar-firniss” by Stricker in place of Canada balsam as a medium with which to mount objects, the more especially histological preparations. And it is remarked that in this, Stricker’s, laboratory, as well as in those of Briicke and Rokitansky, this medium has entirely supplanted Canada balsam. Mr. Moseley points out that well-made Dammar varnish possesses several advantages over the microscopist’s old friend Canada balsam ; and proceeds to point out that it is “ clearer, more free from colour, and when used cold, as it always is, it dries quicker, though it is much thinner and more limpid.” He also remarks upon the difficulty of obtaming good Dammar varnish in London, although the gum from which it is prepared is common enough. As I have had some experience in the use of this material in microscopy, I will take the liberty of transcribing a paper read by me on this subject before the American Microscopical Society, April, 29, 1865, and which has never been in print as yet. Hereafter I will give some of my later acquired knowledge in this connection. The paper is entitled— On a New Material for Mounting Microscopic Objects. “ Although I have called the material for mounting microscopic objects, which I am about to describe, new, it may not be so to some of the many students of the microscope ; but, so far as I have been able to ascertain by inquiry among our own immediate members, it has not been as yet brought into use in this country ; and as I am of opinion that it possesses in some respects superior characters, fitting it for the special purpose to which I have applied it, to Canada balsam, I venture to bring it to the notice of this Society, hoping that such of our members’as will give it a trial will be as well pleased with it and obtain as satisfactory results as I have. “T was more particularly drawn to ascertain if it might not be used in mounting microscopic specimens on account of a lengthened series of investigations undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the improvements accomplished in the manufacture of modern objectives, and the consequent use of such glasses to determine, if possible, the character of the markings to be found upon the silicious cell walls of certain of the Diatomacez. On the Employment of Dammar in Microscopy. 39 “ Having then examined, with the various objectives which passed in review under my scrutiny, the specimens I possessed mounted in the two ways most commonly in use—that is to say, dry in air and in Canada balsam—it struck me that it would be well to try the effect of various media in assisting the performance of the instrument used ; and, to that end, I mounted several specimens in different ways and in various varnishes and liquids, amongst which one may be particularized as very difficult to manage—that is to _ say, benzole. Amongst all the varnishes which I tried, I obtained the best results with a specimen of very old Dammar, which I was lucky enough to meet with in a small quantity, and which I was assured, by the person from whom I procured it, was of superior quality as a varnish, on account of its having been made some time, and at a period when spirits of turpentine and not- petroleum naphtha was used in its manufacture; the latter material being used at the present time for dissolving gums and resins in varnish making, the war haying rendered turpentine extremely scarce, as is well known. “ Old Dammar varnish, then, is the medium which I wish to re- commend to the notice of the members of the microscopic fraternity ; and as to the points in which it is superior to Canada balsam, I would state that its refractive power is such that markings which are with difficulty seen in balsam with a }th objective are with ease brought out sharply and distinctly when mounted in the Dammar with a ysths. It also dries almost immediately and without the use of much heat; in fact, much heat is rather detrimental, and I find the best method of procedure to be to dry the specimens of diatoms upon either the slide or thin cover as is desired, although the latter plan is the best, and slightly warming, drop upon them a very small quantity of pure spirits of turpentine, and, before it has all evaporated but has permeated throughout the mass of diatoms, to add the Dammar and bring the cover and slide, both slightly warmed, together. When mounting a number of specimens (say a dozen or so), as soon as we have put the cover upon the last the first is ready for cleaning, which can then be done with a small bradawl so as to remove the superfluous varnish, and the slide finished with turpentine. For cleaning slides the so-called “camphene” is the best material, as it is pure spirits of turpentine. Another great recommendation, as I consider it, to the use of Dammar for mounting microscopic objects is its great toughness, never becoming brittle by age, as is well known to be the case with Canada balsam. Besides, Dammar is commonly much lighter in colour than such Canada balsam as is generally to be found in the shops. When mounting specimens containing cavities —such as the Isthintze—perhaps even a little more care is necessary when using Dammar than Canada balsam; but when the effect 36 Experiments on Angular Aperture. produced is taken into consideration, I am sure that microscopists will be willing to spare a little more time and labour over their manipulations so as to procure a superior quality of specimens.” Since this paper was written I have had much more experience in the use of Dammar varnish in microscopy, and mostly in pre- paring specimens of diatoms; but, all things considered, I think Canada balsam is the best material to use for that purpose. But as a cement, Dammar ranks very high, and I have put up a pre- paration of it for our principal dealer in microscopic objects and | requisites, Mr. Miller, and he has found it extremely serviceable in the fastening together of glass as in constructing zoophyte troughs and growing slides. So my fellow-member, Dr. Arnold, favours very strongly its use as a cement in anatomical preparations. After haying used it for some time and experimented considerably with this medium I consider that the reason why the first specimen I had was so clear was that it was thick. Dammar of good quality dissolved in coal-tar benzole and concentrated is very clear, otherwise it is milky until it thickens on the slide. Canada balsam, and, in fact, almost all solutions of resins in essential oils—7.e. varnishes—can be readily bleached by a few days’ exposure to the sun in a closely | stopped bottle. ‘They are then much improved for use in micro- SCOpy. VIII.— Experiments on Angular Aperture. By R. B. Toutzs. Tue following is given to illustrate the comparative available angle of dry and immersion objectives. In the figure, “A” represents a plano-convex lens, nearly hemi- spherical, applied centrically to an objective at its front face. The objective used had an angle of over 170°. When the hemispherical lens is thus applied to the objective an air space of course exists between the plane surfaces. On testing the angle only 80° (or at most less than 82°) was obtainable. Were the plano-convex removed, the angle indicated would be 170° upwards. This was verified at the time carefully. Haperiments on Angular Aperture. ov When the air in this interspace is replaced by water, the angle becomes 100°, or a little more. In this experiment the slide and cover are thrown out as of no importance to the solution of the question, viz. of the actual angular dimension of the pencil traversing the object, and trans- missible by the objective. It seems incontestable at all events that more than 82° of angular pencil can traverse the balsam-mounted object, and be transmitted by the immersion objective to the eye of the observer. Incidentally to this proposition, the following is given when the object is actually 7 si¢w and well defined. Thus, instead of the water in the above experiment, human blood was introduced between the plano-convex lens A, and the front surface of the objective. As this necessitated, in order to bring the blood disks into view, separating the systems of the objective (by means of the cover adjustment) considerably, the apparent angle of this 170° objective, ¢. é. the angle taken in the ordinary way, proved to be only 128°. But the extreme ray transmitted when the blood was compressed by the plano-convex lens upon the front surface of the objective, proved to be less (a little) than 100°. This form, just detailed, of the immersion objective is a “clinical” method, a year or two in use here, and wherein the front surface of the objective becomes the stage of the microscope, a glass “cover,” or a lens as above, being applied to thin out the substance viewed, be it blood, urine, or other material fit to be thus put under view. A natural sequence of all this is the application of such a plano- convex lens at the lower surface of the object slide, the primary object of it being to avoid the excessive reflexion that takes place at the immergent surface of an object-slide in all cases as now used. Of course, in such an objective as used in these experiments, 170° upwards, the pencil incident upon the immergent surface of the slide must be to reach the full angle of the objective, very nearly parallel with the face of the slide. Immense reflexion is inevitable. The application of the plano-convex lens to the under immergent surface of the object-slide allows the extreme incident pencil to enter at a perpendicular incidence very nearly. To be sure the convexity of the plano-convex lens has influence to modify this. But by placing upon the plano-convex lens a plano-concave facet lens (Fig. B), the incident rays meet a plane surface and pass on to the object without suffraction. The increase of light in this latter case is necessarily large, and the influence of that increase upon the result, z. e. the appearance and demonstration of the object, is remarkable. 38 Experiments on Angular Aperture. The convenience of using an incidence of only about 50° to 60° on each side of the axis, instead of nearly 90°, is evident enough. That this plano-convex lens fixed in the centre of the stage, perhaps preferably made achromatic, will be utilized as a condenser, there seems no doubt. In my own hands it seems to doubly de- monstrate difficult tests. Certainly the use of immersion condensers is abundantly in- dicated in the above simple experiments. Boston, Mass., U.S.A., May 24th, 1871. Dr. Henry Lawson, Editor. Boston, May 25th, 1871. Dear Sir,—I yesterday mailed to your address a paper by Mr. Tolles on immersion objectives. I now wish to make one correction in that paper. The angle of the rays entering the objective with this arrangement is 110° instead of 100° as written. This makes the angle nearer to Dr. Pigott’s statement, and farther from Mr. Wen- ham’s. Please make the change when printing the paper, which I hope is in season for the July issue. Respectfully, Cuas. STODDER. ( 39 ) PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. A Giant Gregarine.—We have just received from M. Van Beneden a copy of his memoir on the development of gregarines, in which the structure of Gregarina gigantea is fully described and figured. The pamphlet has reached us too late for any fuller notice at the present; but we shall dwell upon it more extensively in our next issue. It seems a most valuable addition to the literature of the subject, and it treats very fully upon the development of this very curious group. The author dwells upon Professor Beale’s views on development of tissues. The work is published in the ‘ Bulletins de l Académie royale de Belgique,’ 2me série, tome XXXI., No. 5, 1871. The Embryos of Calopteryx, Agrion, and Diplax.—One of the finest and most advanced memoirs that we have seen on these subjects is that just published in the ‘ Memoirs of the Peabody Academy,’ by Mr. A. S. Packard, jun. It is extremely elaborate. After dealing at length with the subjects, the author thus sums up the characters :—Since the observations on Diplax were made, and abstracts read at the meeting at Burlington (August, 1867) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and published in the ‘ American Naturalist’ for February, 1868, and in the ‘ Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History’ (vol. xi.) for January 22nd, 1868, he has received, through the kindness of Dr. Alexander Brandt, of St. Petersburg, his admirable paper “On the Embryology of Agrion, Calopteryx, and certain Hemiptera.” Brandt’s studies were directed chiefly to the development of the embryonal membranes. His conclusions are: “1st. Calopteryx and Agrion are developed according to the type of the development as shown by Metschnikow to exist in the Hemiptera, namely, the germ or primitive band is internal to the yolk. 2nd. In those insects with an internal germ we need to distinguish an embryonal membrane, which is divided into a visceral and a parietal layer. 3rd. The visceral layer (veiled or plaited layer of Metschnikow) does not become united with the extremities, but enters, together with the parietal layer (amnion of Metschnikow), into the formation of the yolk sac. 4th. The formation of the yolk sac, together with the revolution or turning of the embryo on its transverse axis, consists in an independent contraction of the parietal layer of the embryonal membrane.” As Mr. Packard’s atten- tion was directed to morphological points, he can only infer from the few data given above that Diplax and Perithemis have the same arrangement of the embryonal membranes, and that these membranes later in the life of the embryo form the yolk sac, through the contrac- tion of the parietal layer of the embryonal membrane, as in Agrion, Calopteryx, and certain Hemiptera. As regards the changes of the embryo after the rudiments of the appendages have appeared, they seem in Diplax and Perithemis to be the same as in Calopteryx and Agrion. The embryo of Diplax is much thicker and shorter, corre- sponding to the shorter, more ovate egg. The attitude of the germ during its turning in the egg is identical with that of Agrion and 40 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Calopteryx. Finally, Brandt’s figure 19 may be compared with his figures 8, 8a, and 9, the yolk now being confined to a small area on the back of the embryo, which is now segmented and nearly ready to hatch, the claws being indicated, the eyes formed, the appendages partly jointed, and otherwise much as in the larva, A New Method of producing Stereoscopic Effect.—In a recent number of ‘Zehender’s Monatsblat’ there is an account of this new experiment of Listing, who has already done so much in physiological optics. It brings out stereoscopic effect with only one picture, which consists of figures arranged in a peculiar way, and seen with vertical double images. ‘The simplest experiment is to view two lines crossing each other at an angle of about 30°, with a prism of 4° or A B 5°, its base vertical before one eye. No effort must be \ made to correct the vertical diplopia. If the prism be \ ii put before the left eye, its base upward, the line B B’ seems nearer to the eye than A A’. If the prism be turned Hf with its base downward, and before the same eye, the line \ A A’ seems nearer, and B B’ more remote. It is found \ that with the base downward the prism must be weaker / than when turned with the base upward. In gaining the effect by prisms so weak as these, no double vision is produced except for horizontal lines—the oblique lines appear to be only two. The same phenomenon may be produced in a common stereoscope by having two similar figures, and pushing one alternately up and down. Two rows of the same letters are arranged on a page like the limbs of the letter X, and viewed as above stated with a vertically deflecting prism; a sudden removal of one now takes place to a considerable depth, while this appearance is at once reversed on turning the prism around 180°. These curious effects can be best produced and understood by means of the diagrams accompanying the article. The Red Blood-globule-—Dr. Richardson, of America, who has lately been inquiring into this subject, publishes some observations in the American ‘Medical Times.’ He desires to allude briefly to one of the minor points among his observations, which doubtless has been overlooked,—viz. that recorded to the effect that blood crystals of the Menobranchus, when partly dissolved, could be seen to move rapidly, and as if with perfect freedom, in various directions, between the nuclei and external borders of certain corpuscles. This fact appears to his mind much more consistent with the hypothesis of a cell wall enclosing fluid contents than with the doctrine of a homogeneous jelly-like constitution (Beale), or the theory of a crystalloid element “contained in an albuminous framework of paraglobulin” jirm enough to preserve the shape of the red disk (Briicke, Stricker); and it seems to him the indication furnished by this circumstance resembles in kind the evidence which sudden dartings of a gold-fish across his vase would be that he was not imbedded in jelly or entangled within a net. Fully recognizing, however, the wisdom of caution against considering any one series of experiments (or, he may add, indeed, any one man’s PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. 41 unaided observations, however numerous) as “conclusive proof,” and trusting, therefore, that these researches will lead others to investi- gate the subject and correct or confirm his results, he concludes his observations. A Specimen of Diplograpsus pristis with Reproductive Capsules.—Mr. John Hopkinson, F.R.MLS., has recently described a curious grapto- lite. The chief peculiarity seems to be the presence of reproductive organs. ‘These, which Mr. Hopkinson considers to be representations of the gonothece of the recent Sertularian zoophyte, are developed almost immediately opposite each other, from each side of the peri- derm and throughout its whole length. Though at equal intervals from each other, they are in no even numerical relation to the hydro- thecee, there being ten to the inch. They appear to have budded from the periderm at right angles to the hydrothecx, and thus have caused the polypary to be unevenly compressed. The most perfect are pear- shaped in form, 3th of an inch long; and at their narrow end, by which they are attached, about ;,th of an inch wide. They have apparently been bounded by a single marginal fibre, which is slightly thickened at its edges, and, where the pyrites are removed, has im- pressed a fine double groove on the surface of the shale. If the fibres were slender tubes, this appearance would naturally be presented ; for their outer margins would offer the greatest resistance to compression. The so-called solid axis of the graptolite frequently presents a similar appearance. At the proximal end of the polypary these fibres only are preserved, the oldest or first-formed gonothece having fulfilled their function and perished. The distal extremity of even the most perfect is not clearly defined, the impression of the capsule in most cases becoming gradually less perceptible from the proximal to the distal end. Sometimes the capsules are irregularly ruptured, their torn jagged edges being distinctly seen, while one has split along its marginal limit, along the line of the marginal fibre, which appears to have parted abruptly near the distal end of the capsule at one side, and split acutely for some distance along the other side. This would appear to indicate that the capsule may be composed of two mem- branes joined together at their edges, through which the fibre, if it be not merely a tube formed by a kind of double marginal seam, has run. In no case can a distinct unruptured distal orifice be traced. The gonothecz present other peculiar appearances. Towards their prox- imal end they are sometimes longitudinally corrugated or crumpled, or traversed by fibres which extend for some distance into the body of the polypary. Some are much twisted and bent about, occasionally overlapping each other. Between two which thus overlap, or perhaps only come into contact with each other, just at the point of contact and apparently within one of the capsules, are two minute young graptolites, one lying across the other. Each consists of a thin mem- brane, probably forming the first partially developed pair of hydro- thecz, a minute radicle, and a slender solid axis which is prolonged beyond the membrane. They are similar in form and proportions; but one is a little larger than the other. Its length, from the extreme point of the radicle to the distal end of the axis, is jjth of an inch. 42 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. The membrane itself is about this length, and ,1,th of an inch wide, tapering towards the proximal end. The smaller specimen is 35th of an inch in entire length, and ,,th wide. If these young forms had not been in connection with a mature graptolite, they would have been considered to belong to the genus Diplograpsus, but it would have been impossible to refer them to any species. In their present position he thinks we may without hesitation infer that they are the young of the graptolite with which they are associated. That they have not yet entered upon independent existence we cannot conclude ; for they are in different stages of growth, and young graptolites are frequently met with in a less advanced state than either; indeed, on the same piece of shale there are several young graptolites referable to the same species, and no more developed, some even less so.— Annals and Magazine of Nat. History, May. When is a Blood Corpuscle in Focus ?—Dr. Tyson has* a very in- teresting note, accompanied by a diagram, which we regret we cannot reproduce, on this optical and physiological subject. After explaining the diagram, he says it can easily be carried in the mind’s eye, and at once the facts can be thought out without burdening with their recol- lection the memory, which is here peculiarly apt to be treacherous. Indeed, he said he could never himself promptly recall the cireum- stances under which the centre had been bright and the periphery dark, and vice versd, until he had called to his aid this diagram. And that the exact truth is liable at least to escape attention, is seen in the circumstance that “in a volume no less highly valued than the seventh edition of Carpenter’s ‘Human Physiology,’ 1869, is con- tained a misstatement of the facts. We find here, on page 200, the statement that the corpuscle is rather beyond the focus of the microscope when the periphery is dark and the centre bright, and within the focus in the opposite appearance—that is, when the centre is dark and the periphery bright. 'The reverse is correct. In the last edition of Carpenter (1868) ‘On the Microscope, however (pages 166, 167), we find the principle applied, and the fact correctly stated, though a few lines farther we find it asserted that the hexagonal areole in dia- toms appear dark when the surface is slightly beyond the focus, though they are described as hexagonal elevations. If this latter be the case, then they should appear dark when within the focus, as is the case with the periphery of the corpuscle. So, too, on page 710 of this latter volume there is reproduced the same drawing referred to in the text- book on physiology, but with the description reversed, and therefore correct. The corpuscle is, however, described as in focus when the periphery is in focus, whereas we have presumed that the entire cor- puscle is in focus when there is least shadow. Of the other text-books now within our reach, Dalton has it correctly on page 214 of his third edition ; Flint, Kirke, Ranke in his ‘ Grundziige der Physiologie, and Rollett in Stricker’s ‘Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben, refer to the reversal of light and shadow, but do not state the circumstances under which it takes place ; Marshall makes no allusion to it.” * Philadelphia ‘ Medical Times.’ PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SOIENCE. 43 Extraordinary Microscopy.—In a journal published in Philadelphia called the ‘ Medical Times,’ which is remarkable for several able and interesting medical papers, we find an extraordinary communication (March No.) by Dr. Neulenz. The following quotation will give our readers some idea of this gentleman’s opinions. We are a little sur- prised at their making their way to so great an extent as a column and a half in such a paper as the ‘ Medical Times’ :—“ Having constructed a one-seventieth immersion objective, on a new prin- ciple, having 191° aperture,—the immersion liquid being fluoric acid,—and, for illumination, having invented a new eccentric parallelopiped, to be used with fluorescent rays exclusively, some remarkable results have been obtained. I take great pleasure in stating that, with regard to test-objects, all previous observers have been totally wrong in every particular, and that Pleurosigma angulatum is, in the first place, constructed on the plan of the Nicholson pave- ment, and, in the second place, that it is not a Pleurosigma at all. The most certain test-object is the Newlenzia difficilissima, a very rare and remarkable diatom, in which my one-seventieth with the parallel- opiped shows four kinds of beads and six sets of cross-lines, one of which sets contains 147,229,073 lines to the inch: hence, by the L. SSS : well-known formula of Brewster, = =/0.x.p.y, it is impossible that the undulations of light should pass without being previously deflagrated, and therefore no other lens can possibly show these lines, nor is it probable that this lens would with any other observer. The immense superiority of this test to Nobert’s plate is apparent.” Note on Amphipleura pellucida.—Assist.-Surgeon Woodward, who may be said fairly to take first rank among American microscopists, has contributed a paper on this subject to ‘Silliman’s American Journal’ for May. He says the attention of microscopists has fre- quently been directed, of late years, to the Amphipleura pellucida or Navicula acus, as a test-object well suited to try the defining powers of the very best object-glasses. The length of this diatom is stated by Pritchard as ranging from j1,th to z1,th of an inch. The average length is given by the ‘ Micrographic Dictionary’ at -0044 of an inch. The striz, which are exceedingly difficult, were first described by Messrs. Sollitt and Harrison, who estimated them at from 120,000 to 130,000 to the inch. Their estimate has been adopted by the ‘Micrographic Dictionary’ and by the majority of modern writers who have referred to this test; but so many difficul- ties beset the resolution that few microscopists appear to have attempted to verify the original estimates. Indeed, most observers would seem to have been unsuccessful in their efforts to resolve the Amphipleura even with the best objectives, and some have gone so far as to deny the existence of any strie upon the frustules of this species. Among the microscopists who claim to have seen the striae, several would seem to differ from the original estimates of Sollitt and Harrison as to their fineness. Dr. Royston-Pigott, whose papers on “high-power definition” in the ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal’ have tt PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. recently attracted much attention, sets down their number at 150,000 to the inch. Dr. Carpenter, on the other hand, in the fourth edition of ‘The Microscope and its Revelations, expresses the opinion that even the estimates of Messrs. Sollitt and Harrison are too high: and we are told by Mr. Lobb (‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal,’ vol. iii., p- 104) that Mr. Lealand has recently “succeeded in counting the Amphipleura lines and finds them 100 in ;75,th of an inch. A few months ago two slides of Amphiplewra pellucida were received at the Army Medical Museum from Messrs. Powell and Lealand, and he succeeded in obtaining excellent resolution by the immersion 7th of these makers. The frustules on the two slides were found to measure from ;1,th to ;}oth of an inch in length. Resolution could be satis- factorily effected and the strie counted on any of them. He took eight successful negatives from medium size and small frustules, and veri- fied the counts made in the microscope by counting the striz on the glass negatives. He found the strize on medium-sized frustules, say sith of an inch in length, counted usually from 90 to 93 striz to the +,5,th of an inch; in that selected for the two photographs which were sent to the editors, the number was 91 to the ,,5,th of an inch. Larger frustules exhibited rather coarser, smaller ones rather finer strie. On the smallest frustules at his disposal, several of them only ;1,th of an inch in length, he found no example in which the number of strize exceeded 100 to the ;,);5th of an inch. The strie of these smallest and most difficult frustules do not then rival in fineness the nineteenth band of the Nobert’s plate, as has been asserted by some; they compare rather with the sixteenth and seven- teenth bands. After making the photographs, he extended his obser- vations to a number of other slides of Amphipleura pellucida, including two of the original specimens from Hull, kindly sent to the Museum some time since by Mr. W. 8. Sullivant, of Columbus, Ohio, and the example in the First Century of Eulenstein. He found that different slides varied considerably in the ease with which he could resolve them, chiefly as he thinks on account of the thickness of the glass covers, which in several instances did not permit the best work of the immersion ;/,th. Perhaps, however, the markings on some frustules may be shallower than on others whose striz count the same number to the ;,)5,th of an inch. In any event he has found, as yet, no slides the covers of which permit the ,,th to be approximately adjusted, on which it was impossible to resolve the frustules, and no frustules the strie of which exceeded 100 to the z)5,th of an inch. The best resolution he was able to obtain by ordinary lamplight was not very satisfactory. He used therefore, during the investigation, direct sunlight, rendered monochromatic by passage through the solu- tion of ammonio-sulphate of copper. A parallel pencil of such light was concentrated by the achromatic condenser, which was suitably decentred to attain obliquity. The same illumination was employed in making the photographs. He has since had the pleasure of exhibit- ing the resolution in quite as satisfactory a manner to several micro- scopists by monochromatic light obtained from the electric lamp. oo) NOTES AND MEMORANDA. No Meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society this Month.— We beg to notice that, contrary to what has already appeared, there will be no meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society this month. It was intended to have held one, but the College being occupied on both the first and second Wednesdays in the month, the Council has been compelled to give way. Consequently, Fellows will observe that there will be no meeting of the Society held this month. Contributions to the Journal. We may state that various papers remain on hand. Among others, a long French communication, which cannot appear this month. We mention this fact to allay any anxiety which may be felt by persons who send contributions which do not immediately appear. We do our utmost in all cases to insert the articles which are sent to us, as well as the Reports of the local Societies; but of course cases occur wherein even for two or more numbers papers do not appear. We mention this fact merely to re- assure our correspondents as to their communications. CORRESPONDENCE. Totes’ Stereoscopic Bryocutar EyeE-PIEce. To the Editor.of the © Monthly Microscopical Journal. Hopart Couiece, Grenrva, N.Y., U.S. Sir,—I wish to correct as widely as possible a statement in regard to the stereoscopic binocular eye-piece, which attributes the invention to me instead of Mr. Tolles, to whom really the whole credit belongs. Dr. Carpenter* has made, unintentionally, such a statement, and it has been copied by others.t I doubt not it will be rectified in future editions. This misstatement was unknown to me until within a few weeks. If it had been known I should have made the correction promptly. It is not difficult, perhaps, to account for the mistake, inasmuch as I first exhibited this eye-piece in England at the soirées of the Microscopical Society and the Royal Society, and to numerous individuals, among them Dr. Carpenter himself, who expressed his satisfaction at its performance. Mr. Ladd, the well-known philo- sophical instrument maker, 11 and 12, Beak Street, Regent Street, had it for some time in his possession, and indeed made one, which however was much inferior to Mr. Tolles’, as Mr. Ladd had not time to determine the proper curves, if indeed the lenses were achromatics * ‘Microscope,’ 4th ed, p.85. + ‘The Microscope, by J. Hogg, 7th ed., p. 119. 46 CORRESPONDENCE. at all. He understood, however, that it was Mr. Tolles’ eye-piece ; and I have by me the original “ exhibitor’s card ” at one of the soirées named, reading distinctly, “'Tolles’ binocular eye-piece, exhibited by Prof. Smith.” I feel very anxious to have the mistakes corrected. The first eye-piece of this form which Mr. Tolles ever made was purchased by me, and I gave some account of its performance and peculiarities in the ‘ American Journal of Science,’ July 1864, p. 111. And, in the same journal shortly after, Mr. Tolles himself described its construction. Now, although we cannot expect everyone to read an American journal, or to be posted in all that is done this side of the Atlantic, even in the microscopical line (except to notice the trash, e.g. the mean little sheet issued by manufacturers and sellers of the Craig !!! microscope, recently attempted to be palmed off as the organ of the Illinois Microscopical Society), it is a little surprising, considering the length of time these two articles have been published in a most prominent journal, that such a blunder should occur. Of course it is inadvertence. Dr. Carpenter, I am quite sure, is ready and willing to do full justice, and in so doing it will be proper to state-the real principle of the eye-piece in question. It is not, as he has stated, U. c., merely an arrangement of prisms similar to MM. Nachet’s, for in reality the prime part of the eye-piece may be this, or Riddell’s, or Wenham’s; and, in fact, in the first eye-piece made for me was different from either of these. Mr. Tolles finally—partly at my sug- gestion, though I believe he had already decided upon it—adopted the Nachet form, and he claims nothing for this. What he does claim, and is justly entitled to claim, is the construction of a first- class achromatic erecting eye-piece, and a division of the pencil, for stereoscopic vision, at, or very near, the point of crossing of the rays in such a combination. Now, it is well known that the difficulty in using the Wenham, or Nachet arrangement with high powers, arises from the necessity of dividing the pencil so far behind the objective, a difficulty which it seems cannot be got over, except upon Mr. Tolles’ plan, viz. making a secondary image, and dividing the pencil here, or near the point of crossing of the rays. The binocular eye- pieces invented by President Barnard, and by myself, are simply bino- cular, like Powell and Lealand’s arrangement for high powers, though superior as to equality in illumination of the two fields, they are not stereoscopic. Perhaps the fact of my having made such an eye-piece, and published an account of it, as also Dr. Barnard’s notice of it, in his report upon the Paris Exposition, may have assisted to mislead in attributing the really stereoscopic binocular of Mr. Tolles tome. If I had been the originator of this eye-piece, which is yet destined to replace most binoculars, I should feel I had contributed a much greater boon to microscopy than anything I have yet done. The instrument, as made now by Mr. Tolles, is very perfect; the loss of light is trifling, easily remedied by a little more illumination. The loss in definition is not so much as in the Wenham and Nachet forms ; not merely from the care with which Mr. Tolles works the prisms, but owing to the much shorter distance which the reflected ray has to travel. This part of Dr. Carpenter’s objection is practically without Ee eS ee ae CORRESPONDENCE. 47 force. The eye-piece is expensive. Not only is it, at least so far as regards all below the prisms, perfectly achromatic, but of very peculiar and perfect construction, and as to lability of derangement, I can safely say it is as firm as any binocular arrangement now known, and easily adjusted if it should become deranged. I am told that M. Hartnack has made a similar eye-piece. During the Exposition I placed Mr. Tolles’ eye-piece in his hands for inspection, and it remained with him for several days. I cannot say whether he copied it, or whether his arrangement is different in principle, or the same, as I have not seen it. M. Hartnack appeared to me to be far too honourable a man, as MM. Nachet, to whom also I showed it, most certainly were, to take any credit for an invention truly belonging to another. H. L. Surru, Formerly of Kenyon College. Tae French Erectrna Prism A Camera Luoma. To the Editor of the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ Reavine, June 5th, 1871. Sir,—Needing greater amplification for minute dissections and diatom selection than I could obtain from the simple lens of the dissecting microscope, and unable to overcome life-long habit and to reverse every movement which the inverted position of the object under the compound instrument necessitates, I applied to Mr. Curties for an erector, who furnished me with a French eye-piece erecting prism, which effects my object very completely. I find, however, that it subserves another purpose, for which cer- tainly it was never originally designed, and, so far as I know, has hitherto remained unsuspected—that of an effective camera lucida, with which very satisfactory outlines can be made, either in the ver- tical position of the microscope, on a screen placed behind it, or in the ordinary horizontal one (by far the most convenient in practice), on a paper extended below it on the table, the usual focal distance of ten inches being in both cases maintained. Probatum est! But how is the image produced and the sketch obtained? Backed by metal plates, with the image of the object on the stage refracted by the prism through the small circular opening of the front plate, on to the retina of the observing eye alone, it is obvious that the image seen on the screen or on the table cannot be due to any reflexion. It must, therefore, as suggested by my friend and neighbour, Dr. Shettle, be illusion only —a spectre, a brain phantom —though definite and capable of delinea- tion. Have we not here a clear demonstration of the physiological fact, “ that though the image of an object be impressed on the retina of one eye exclusively, through the decussating nerve fibres of the optic commisure, it makes an equal visual impression on that of the other”? It may be objected, I know, that the one eye sees the image, the other the point of the pencil only; that the one records what the other VOL. VI. z 48 CORRESPONDENCE. sees, and that it is merely another application of the well-known method of taking rough micrometric measurements from a scale placed on the stage by the side of the object. But does not this also imply the transference or interchange of the retinal impression made on the one eye to that of the other, with an equal visual result? Or, would not the inference necessarily follow that it must be the purely cerebral perception which we subject to mechanical measurement and delineation ? Can such a solution be accepted ? The proof, however, that I here offer, the more plausible explana- tion of the observed fact is, I believe, readily afforded by a simple experiment. Hold before the non-observing eye a lucifer-match, or something similar, in the same plane as the prism, an inch or so on one side of it, the spectral image of the match will then be seen inter- posed between the observing eye and the image of the object on the stage refracted into it by the prism. To you, sir, as a most competent authority, I submit the matter. Yours, &e., J. G. Tatem. Liyear Prosection AND Rortirers. To the Editor of the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ Dear Sir,—Permit me to express all due thanks to Mr. Charles Cubitt for his proffered lessons in linear projection, as applied to the delineation of rotifers. And respectfully to decline. That he should select me as his “frightful example,” and take so much trouble with the “sole object” of assisting me, is a flattering mark of attention to excite some gratitude, as it certainly does considerable surprise. While giving full credit for excellent intentions, I am constrained to notice some misapprehensions and mistakes into which he has unwittingly fallen. He assumes that some, or all, of the figures illustrating my description of Ccistes intermedius are incorrectly drawn, because he fails to reconcile one with another, in accordance with his reading of the laws of linear projection. Well, so much the worse for Mr. Cubitt, for I can assure you that the portraits in question are most excellent—thanks to artistic skill not my own— and, without exhibiting affectation of extreme correctness, are yet perfectly amenable to the rules of linear projection when properly applied. It is almost impossible, without a diagram, to show the source of Mr. Cubitt’s error and its correction, but a hint or two may suffice. The disk in the ventro-latera] view is inclined at a sharp angle, while those of the other two are foreshortened, and not so much turned dorsally. Thus, any one set of projection lines applicable to the former should, and do, break down with the latter. The side view was not “created” from the back and front views, but drawn under the microscope from another and a finer specimen, without reference to compasses or T squares, and yet with a result almost photographie in its truth. CORRESPONDENCE. 49 When we have to represent an active, elastic, ever-changing creature from different points of view, I cannot think it well to treat it as a petrifaction, and draw it in precisely the same attitude in each view. It generally happens that a variation in the position brings into sight some organ or characteristic feature of the animal, and these surely should not be sacrificed in order that rigid rules may find easy application by beginners. As Mr. Cubitt has put on a high power, his finest illumination and aplanatic searcher to view the supposed mote in my eye, allow me gratefully to note—without any magnifying—the rather obvious beams in his own. His Fig. 9, Plate LXXXIIL,, is called by him the “dorsal view” of Melicerta; it is really the ventral aspect.* Nor is this blunder a mere slip of the pen, for it is repeated, and with an imagi- nary “dorsal lobe” applied to every rotifer he speaks of, causing a confusion impossible to be worse confounded. He may—probably does—mean the ciliated prominence in the ventral aspect as his “dorsal lobe”; but fancy a describer of the elephant giving the trunk as an appendage of the back! Again, in an attempted partial classi- fication, Mr. Cubitt calls Lacinularia a “free” form; it is no more or less free than is Melicerta (called “ fixed”), it has its little fling in very early life, then takes a weed, and settles down quietly while yet a youth, like all its builder kindred (except Conochilus). Nor, by any stretch of imagination, can Cephalosiphon be recognized as a Philodine. Had Mr. Cubitt ever seen the former it would have been impossible for him to group them together. Fain would I follow this gentleman in his more ambitious writings concerning rotiferous nerves, brains, osmosis, and sundry laws of physiology, but he occupies most boldly the ground on which, with angelic timidity, I “fear to tread.” I remain, dear Sir, yours faithfully, H. Davis. Coat Puants. To the Editor of the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ Goats SHaw, OLDHAM. Dear Str,—It will be remembered by some of the readers of this Journal that Professor Williamson read a memoir some time ago, before the Manchester Philosophical Society, on a new fossil fruit found by me in one of the lower coal-seams of the Lancashire Coal- field: this fruit he described as belonging to his new plant called Calamopetus. Since then he has read another memoir before the above Society on another but very different fossil fruit found by me in the same coal-seam. I believe this memoir is now in the press. I have been very fortunate in finding another coal fruit, very dif- * See Gosse in ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ Pritchard, and elsewhere. E 2 50 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. ferent from either of the above. The sporangia in the two first fruits are protected by bracts, which pass between the sporangia from the axes. When they reach the outside, they ascend and overlap each other, as is seen in Lepidostrobus. This fruit I have just found seems to be void of these bracts altogether, and appears to be a naked cone. The spores are those of a Calamite, and the sporangia are very nume- rous and densely packed together. If the above features are borne out by the cutting up of this specimen, it will be made public in a future memoir. I am yours respectfully, Joun BurrekwortuH. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES.* Royat Microscortcan Society. Kine’s Coniran, June 7, 1871, W. K. Parker, Esq., F.R.S., President, in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. It was announced in reference to the proposed meeting in July that as the College authorities were unable to grant the use of the rooms in consequence of their being occupied for examinations, &c., the meeting could not conveniently be held as proposed. A list of donations to the Society was read, and a vote of thanks passed to the respective donors. A letter was read from M. Ernst, of Caraccas, describing a speci- men of diatomaceous earth found in that locality. The Secretary stated that Mr. Slack had added some notes to this letter. He found the earth rich in specimens; but up to the present nothing decidedly new had been detected. The Secretary announced that it had been proposed in council to confer the honorary Fellowship upon a distinguished microscopist, Dr. Maddox, who had contributed largely to the ‘ Transactions’ of the Society. As Dr. Maddox resided in the country, the Council thought that they would not be doing wrong to confer this mark of respect upon him. Mr. J. Hogg read a paper “On Mycetoma, or the Fungus-foot Disease of India.” Mr. Stewart said he had had an opportunity of examining a speci- * Secretaries of Societies will greatly oblige us by writing their reports legibly —especially by printing the technical terms thus; H y dra—and by “ underlining ” words, such as specific names, which must be printed in italics. They will thus secure accuracy and enhance the value of their proceedings—Eb, ‘M. M, J.’ ~ PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 51 men of this foot. The appearance which it presented was precisely that of caries of the tarsal bones. On the surface of the foot were a number of openings and sinuses leading down to the broken-down remains of the bones. A longitudinal section of the foot revealed the condition of the bones, which were simply indicated by some soft masses, which readily broke down with the slightest touch. The bones were much blackened; and on cutting through them for ex- amination under the microscope, he found a large quantity of mycelia. He did not observe any fungi in the skin. The bones were literally one mass of fungus, occupying all the cavities.* In reply to a question from the President, Mr. Stewart said there could be no doubt about the thing found being a true fungus. No tissue in the body ever presented any resemblance to the dark strips so characteristic of fungus. It was a true vegetable that he had seen ; there was nothing in the human body like it. The President thought the fungus was not the cause of the disease ; but that the disease previously existed, the form which it ultimately assumed being a rapid downhill degeneration. The changes which the skeleton underwent in the course of nature would lead to softening of the bones, and degeneration would naturally follow where there was any tendency to disease. Mr. Stewart said he should mention one fact in which the disease described differed from caries of the bone, viz. that in the cavities amongst the tissues which contained the fungi, instead of there being larger granulations the cavities were perfectly free from them. The President remarked that it would seem as if there was no power of reparation in the bone, or capability of producing any new tissue, but it was simply the existing tissue going from bad to worse. Mr. C. Brooke said he could not conceive that any spores of a fungus should make their way through the surface of the foot into the interior of the bone, so as to be developed at the depth named, and so as to cause the disease. They might run along the sinuses made for them ; undoubtedly the existence of sinuses involved the supposi- tion that there was pre-existent disease. The President remarked that no number of spores would affect any healthy foot. A vote of thanks was then given to Mr. Hogg. Dr. Braithwaite read a paper “On the Structure of Bog Mosses.” A vote of thanks was then passed to Dr. Braithwaite, who took occasion in his acknowledgment to remark that the new school of bryologists now studied mosses entirely by the leaves, which are so definite and unchangeable in their characters, that every moss can be distinguised by its own peculiar leaf. The meeting was then adjourned till the 4th October. Notice was given that the library and reading-room would be closed during the month of August. * 'These masses have since been examined by several independent observers, none of whom have been enabled to discover fungus in their composition —J. H. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Denshions to the Library and Cabinet from May 4th to June 7th, 1871 From Land and Water. Weekly wo, 2 be 40, ae) toy veel Cheers Society of Arts Journal. aired cos be jee | else aes moe Nature. Weekly... ... ne as se) aly Ue Smee ees Athenzum. Weekly x Peer ty i ih Journal of the Royal Institution, No.6 ... Institution. On a Specimen of Diplograpsus pristis with Reprodue- tive Capsules. By J. Hopkinson, F.G.S. ye Author. The Medical Directory for 1870 as ae oe) oe oe a ds We Sep Ren Serpe era Te The Peerage and Baronetage for 1870 .. .. ,. .. Ditto, Journal of the Linnean Society, No.56 .. .. .«. .» Soctety, The Canadian Journal, No. 73. Five Slides from Tasmania.. .. .. .. .. « « 4. D. Harrop, Esq. John Stuart, Esq., and R. G. McLeod, Esq., were elected Fellows of the Society. Water W. REeEvEs, Assist,-Secretary. _ Croypon MicroscoprcaL CLs. At the meeting on Wednesday, February 15th, the President, Henry Lee, Esq., in the chair, Dr. Strong read a paper “On Bone Structure,” which the President afterwards described as clear, concise, instructive, and one on which he could desire the contributions of other members to be modelled. Dr. Strong took as the heads of his subject :—I1st, the appearance seen in ordinary transverse and longitu- dinal sections of bone; 2ndly, the varieties of bone, and in what they differ; 3rdly, the development of bone, how it is formed, how nou- rished, and finally, its chemical composition. A section of the human thigh or arm bone (taken from the centre of the shaft, because the ends present a different appearance) shows that it is covered by a membrane, the periosteum, and that there is a hard layer or ring of bone surrounding a central cavity containing the medulla, fat or marrow—this hard layer or compact tissue, as it is called, being lined on the interior by a membrane, termed the medullary membrane, which serves to support the fat and the nutrient vessels. A thin slice of the “compact tissue” placed under the microscope, exhibits, 1st, some ovoid or circular holes, called ‘‘ Haversian canals,” after their discoverer, Clopton Havers, surrounded by concentric rings. Among these rings, or lamelle, are dark specks, called lacune, which are in reality minute spaces. From these radiate still more minute pores or tubes, called canaliculi, which communicate with those from neigh- bouring lacune. 'The Haversian canals are the means by which the blood-vessels are carried into the interior of the bone. Of lacune and canaliculi there is little to be said beyond the fact that they are arranged concentrically round their own Haversian canals, and that the lacune occupying the outer margin of the ring have their canaliculi only on that side nearest the Haversian canal. Dr. Strong alluded to the views of Dr. Lionel Beale, on the nutrition of bone by particles of PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 53 protoplasm, occupying the lacune, and conveyed in minute streams through its structure by the canaliculi, and then described the cancel- late structure of those portions of a bone where considerable strength is required, combined with lightness. Describing the development of bone, he said that it is formed in two ways—from membrane and from cartilage. The bones of the skull are an example of the first method, being first deposited in the centre, and then radiating in all directions. Where bone is developed from cartilage, it commences from several centres, which, by the constant addition of earthy particles, gradually approach each other till they meet. After some additional observa- tions of the nutrition of bone by the periosteum on the exterior and by the medullary membrane on the interior, the lecturer proceeded to consider the chemical constituents of bone; and in the course of his remarks mentioned that in adult life human bones are composed of one-fourth of animal and three-fourths of earthy matter; that in infancy these constituents are about equal, whence their liability in children to bend rather than break; whilst in old age, the earthy matter being greatly in excess (seven to one), bones are much more liable to fracture. Dr. Strong concluded by recommending his hearers to adopt Mr. Squeers’s method of investigation, by eating the flesh of their next leg of mutton, and converting the bone into a micro- scopic object. The thanks of the meeting having been given to Dr. Strong for his interesting communication, the President remarked that microscopical comparison of the size, form, and proportionate number of bone cells, and the canaliculi radiating from them, had been productive of very important results in contributing to our knowledge of some of the remarkable animals which existed on the earth in former ages. Asan example of this, he would mention that about the year 1845 Professor Owen read a paper before the Geological Society, on some Ornitholites (fossil remains of birds) from the chalk, the bone especially described being a portion of the humerus of a (supposed) longi-pennate bird. Subsequent discoveries of similar bones led Dr. Bowerbank to believe that these so-called bird bones were those of the great flying reptile, the Pterodactyl. By one of those strange coincidences of thought which not unfrequently happen in scientific investigation, Professor Quekett was also impressed with their similarity, and he and Dr. Bowerbank—neither of them aware of the experiments which the other was pursuing—determined upon a close microscopical examina- tion of the structural peculiarities of the bones, in the hope of eliciting some characters which would, in conjunction with their external forms, point out with some degree of certainty the class of animals to which these remains in reality belonged. They arrived independently at the same conclusion—that the bones of birds, reptiles, fishes, and mammals, each possess marked peculiarities which furnish a means of deciding disputed relations of obscure and difficult tribes of existing animals, as well as of ascertaining the true relations of such paleon- tological remains as it might be otherwise difficult or impossible, from their dilapidated condition, to refer to their real position amongst animals. In illustration of Dr. Strong’s paper, Mr. Lee also exhibited 54 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. the head of a boy’s thigh bone, which had come away from the patient after three years’ suffering from scrofulous disease of the hip-joint ; and a large portion of the shaft of the tibia of another boy, whose leg was injured by a kick whilst playing at football. In both cases a most successful cure had been effected under the surgical care of his friend, Dr. Wm. Price, of Margate. Mr. Cushing exhibited a series of three selenite plates superposed on each other, and revolving at different speeds, capable of giving remarkably beautiful combinations of colour in conjunction with the polariscope, arranged by Mr. Becker; and read a carefully-composed paper “On the Polarization of Light, and the Methods of employing it in connection with the Microscope.” The concluding paragraphs of it elicited some observations from the President on the value of having the polar axis of the selenite marked on the plate, as a means of determining the direction of tension of muscular fibre and other objects examined with it. Mr. Cushing kindly presented to the library of the club a treatise “On Polarized Light,” and “On the Use of the Oxy-hydrogen Micro- scope and Polariscope,” by Mr. Chas. Woodward, F.R.S. The thanks of the meeting haying been given to Mr. Cushing, The President next directed attention to Dr. Matthew’s recently- invented turn-table, for making and varnishing cells, which, by an arrangement on the principle of the parallel rule, keeps the slide, whatever may be its diameter, perfectly concentric, and also admits of two cells being formed on the same slide if required. He also exhi- bited a pretty and portable microscope lamp, by Moginie, of 35, Queen Square, Holborn. It was packed in a tubular case, like that of a pocket folding telescope, and had the great advantage over a some- what similarly fitted but much more expensive lamp, that, whereas the latter could only be carried in a vertical position without the oil escaping, Mr. Moginie had, by a simple contrivance, secured his lamp from leakage, even if turned bottom upwards. Mr. F. Baldiston sent to the meeting some scorpions and an enor- mous spider from the West Indies, which had been received from Mr. John Gibson, of Canning Road, Addiscombe. The President made some interesting remarks on the stinging powers of the scorpion, and the nature and influence of its poison; and described some observa- tions made by Mr. Frank Buckland and himself on the effect produced on a Gallago, by scorpion poison, and read a laughable account by Mr. Buckland of a fight between a scorpion and a mouse. The following members exhibited sections of bone in illustration of Dr. Strong’s paper, and other objects, with their microscopes :— Messrs. H. Lee, P. Crowley, T. Cushing, H. Long, C. Bonus, EK. T. Jones, F'. West, jun., C. W. Hovenden, J. D. Wood, H. McKean, and Dr. Strong. Mr. Harry Townend, of Cheam, was elected a member of the club. At the monthly meeting of this club, March 15th, Mr. J. §. John- son, M.R.C.8., read a paper on “ A Microscopical Examination of the Oyster.” He went over the ground to be met with in most treatises on the subject of mollusca, and finally described various interesting PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. ae organisms which he had found on the shells of oysters, and exhibited several of them, such as sertularia, foraminifera, and Serpula triquetra, mounted for the microscope. The President, Mr. H. Lee, having invited discussion amongst the members, Mr. J. W. Flower said there was one singular feature about the oyster, namely, that in former days the species were much more abundant than at the present time, and that this was so had been abundantly proved by the enormous variety of fossil oysters found in the chalk and in the London clay. Mr. Long said he had examined the liquor of oysters, and, by spon- taneous evaporation, he had obtained some beautiful crystals. Dr. Strong asked whether the body of the oyster, when the mantle was removed, was homogeneous. The President said he did not believe that when once the young had escaped from between the valves of the parent they ever re-entered them ; nor was it correct, as had been stated in a recently-issued official report, that they adhered-immediately. This was the critical period of their existence. Oysters still bred and spawned just as freely as ever they did, but the young ones did not adhere. This was the cause of the scarcity of oysters. Why this took place no one could definitively say; but warmth and tranquillity were undoubtedly the great conditions of the prosperity of the young fry, and cold nights at the spatting season were fatal to them. At Herne Bay, in June, 1861, he found the whole water of the sea full of young oysters in their swimming condition; but during that month the nights were very cold, and there was no fall of spat that year. That a low tem- perature was unfavourable to the development of the young oysters had been proved by an experiment made by Mr. Buckland and him- self. Some of them were placed in sea water in a glass jar, and whilst they were swimming vigorously about, a piece of ice was dropped into the vessel. The immediate effect was that they all sank to the bottom, apparently exhausted ; but on the withdrawal of the ice, and restoration of the former temperature, they revived. He agreed with Mr. Flower that all the British oysters were varieties of one species, and had satisfied himself that the formation of their shell depended on the conditions and necessities of their habitat, and en the chemical constituents of the water, mud, &c., in which they existed. He placed some Swansea oysters in the experimental ponds, owned by Mr. Buck- land and himself, at Reculvers. The shells of the oysters, from the former locality, were particularly heavy and clumpy; but the new growth put on all the characteristics of the true “native.” They had also had American oysters in their beds, but the growth of the shells had not been sufficiently marked to be conclusive, and, in fact, these American oysters were totally different in character and form from the British oyster. A cordial vote of thanks was given to Mr. Johnson for his lecture ; which had given rise to an interesting discussion. The President announced that since the last meeting three new Microscopical clubs had been formed; namely, “ The Sydenham and 56 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Forest-hill Microscopical Club ;” “The Margate Microscopical Club,” at the inauguration of which he had assisted on the previous Monday evening; and “ The South London Microscopical and Natural History Club,” a preliminary meeting of which he had also attended on the 11th inst. This latter society would especially direct its attention to the Natural History of the county of Surrey. He was sure that the members of the Croydon Club would be glad to fraternize with all these newly-formed societies; and he had no doubt arrangements might be made for their co-operation with each other in systematic work, and for the members of all of them joining in excursions under the leadership of the most experienced men belonging to each. The following presents had been received ;—The ‘ Transactions of the Quekett Microscopical Club, from that club. Davies’s work ‘ On the Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects,’ from the Pre- sident. Johann’ Nave ‘On the Collection and Mounting of Alge, &e.,’ from the President. Messrs. W. H. Beeby, J. 8. Crowley, and W. T. Loy, were elected members of the club. The following members exhibited objects with their microscopes :— Messrs. H. Long, J. W. Flower, F. W. Gill, J. T. Johnson, K. McKean, F. West, jun., G. Manners, J. D. Wood, H. Long, and C. W. Hovenden. BRIGHTON AND Sussex Natrurat History Soctery. April 13th. Ordinary Meeting. Mr. T. H. Hennah, Vice-Pre- sident, in the chair.—Messrs. W. Jackson, W. H. Ross, and H. Saun- ders were elected ordinary members. Mr. Wonfor announced the receipt of the 7th Annual Report of the Lewes Natural History Society, and the April number of the ‘ Quekett Club Journal, from the secretaries, and ‘“ Mitten’s South American Mosses” (‘ Linnean Society’s Journal’) from Dr. Addison. Votes of thanks to be given to the donors. An interesting communication from Dr. Stevens, of St. Mary Bourne, “On certain Types of Flint Implements’ found in Hampshire,” was read, and a vote of thanks passed to Dr. Stevens. Mr. Wonfor then read a paper “On What is Coal?” in which, among other interesting matter, he pointed out that the true vege- table origin of coal was not only determined by observing the con- ditions under which it occurred, but by the fossil remains associated with it, and by the results of microscopic examination. These showed that coal was simply vegetable matter, altered and compressed. The vegetation which helped to form coal was characterized by an almost absence of that kind of wood now found in our forest trees, and by a preponderance of ferns, calamites, and club-mosses, very few of which retained their form sufficiently to admit of a satisfactory demonstration of what they were really like, though fern fronds, more or less mutilated, detached roots and stems, occasional cones, fruits, fragments of flowers and fructification helped to determine some of the orders of plants. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 57 The researches of Professors Morris and Huxley, Mr. Carruthers, and Dr. Dawson of Canada, pointed to the fact that the great bulk of the bituminous coal consisted of sporangia and spores of plants allied to our existing club-mosses, while thin sections of coal which he would show at the Microscopical Meeting revealed the fact that the chief elements in their a were these said spores and spore- cases, the latter about j,rd of an inch in diameter, somewhat resem- bling bags or sacs, more or less flattened, and containing the former, irregularly-rounded bodies about ~},th of an inch in diameter. The processes by which coal was supposed to have been found from vegetable matter, and many other interesting points, were dis- cussed, and the paper illustrated by specimens and fossils from different coal- fields. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Wonfor. April 27th.—Microscopical Meeting. Mr. T. H. Hennah in the chair. Mr. R. Glaisyer announced the receipt of two slides, one a section of the morel, for the cabinet, from Mr. Wonfor. Mr. Hennah read a very interesting communication from Dr. Addison “On the Water Flea” (Daphnia pulex), containing original observations on the moulting of the carapace of the female and the birth of young Daphnia from agamic eggs, from which it would appear that the two acts are simultaneous. Mr. Marshall Hall exhibited a new pocket-lamp by Moginie, of London, which appeared to be a very compact and portable apparatus. Mr. Wonfor exhibited a fresh specimen of the morel (Morchelia esculenta) obtained near Brighton. The meeting then became a conversazione, when Mr. Marshall Hall exhibited spicules of the new sponge (Phero- nema Grayii), dredged up by him off the coast of Spain. Mr. Sewell exhibited scalariform tissue of fern, sections of cocoa- nut wood, whalebone, &c. Mr. Hennah, under one of Beck’s new 5th immersion lenses, exhibited living diatoms. The performance of this lens was pro- nounced perfect, the definition being very precise, while the distance at which it worked was an ordinary live-box cover. The same objects were also shown with a Gundlach’s ;,th, which gave very good defi- nition. Mr. Wonfor exhibited sections of the morel, showing the spores in their receptacles; sections of coal fossils, by Norman, of City Road, London, in which leaves, roots, and stems of Lepidodendra, &ec., were well seen ; sections of coal made by Mr. Slade, and described in the January part of the ‘Quekett Club Journal,’ and kindly lent for the occasion ; and a series of sections of coal and lignite made by himself, including Torbane hill, white coal of Tasmania, brown coal of Bohemia, the Bradford Belter Bed, &c., in which not only woody fibre, but also spores and sporangia, were distinctly made out; these were in illustration of his paper “On Coal,” read at the last Ordinary Meeting. In the course of the evening Mr. Wonfor illustrated the method 58 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. by which he had made and mounted thin sections of coal, which was a modification of the different published methods. It was announced that the next Microscopical Meeting, being the Anniversary Meeting, would be a General Evening and conversazione. It was also announced that the first Field Excursion would take place on Saturday, May 6th, to Balcombe for Tilgate Forest. May 11th.—Ordinary Meeting. Mr. 'T. H. Hennah im the chair. Mr. T. M. Fowler was elected an ordinary member. It was resolved that a letter of condolence be written to Mrs. Peek on the death of her husband, formerly a member of the Society. Mr. Wonfor reported on the success of the Field Excursion of May 6th to Balcombe, and gave an account of some of the objects seen and obtained. The Rey. J. H. Cross exhibited and presented for the Society’s - album, sketches he had made on the occasion. Mr. J. Dennant exhibited a series of marbles from the Pyrenees, and large acorn cups of the Smyrna oak, Quercus egiolops, the Valonia - of commerce. Mr. J. Howell exhibited fossil Silurian corals, vertebra of Plesio- saurus, from the bone bed of Aust; and shells from the lias at Bristol, and the Upper Eocene, Isle of Wight. Mr. Saunders exhibited red organ coral and other recent corals ; pottery from the tombs at Bengazi and Pompeii; and sand from the Bays of Valentia, Malta, and Taranaki. Mr. Elphick exhibited a couple of piebald mice, taken from a rick, and believed to be a cross between the common and white mice. Mr. Wonfor exhibited a specimen of the silicious sponge Huplectella mirabilis ; specimens of yellow wagtail ; grey-headed ditto ; and a state either intermediate between the two or in the immature plumage of the second. While the first is common, the second is uncommon, and the last very rare. These birds were kindly lent by Messrs. Pratt and Sons, and had been obtained in the neighbourhood of Brighton ; also a very dark variety of the northern oak eggar moth, Bombyx callune. It was resolved that the next Field Excursion be on Satur- day, June 8rd, to Barcombe for Plashett Wood. May 25th.—Microscopical Meeting. Mr. M. Penley, Vice-Pre- sident, in the chair. Being the Anniversary Microscopical Meeting, Mr. R. Glaisyer reported that 122 slides and a Moller’s diatom type slide had been added to the cabinet during the year. Mr. Wonfor, Hon. Sec., gave a brief abstract of the ‘ Proceedings,’ with an account of the papers read and the work done, which, he said, had exceeded their anticipations, when it was determined twelve months since to hold monthly microscopical meetings. Judging from what they had done in advancing microscopical inquiry among the members during the past year, augured well for increased exertions in the forthcoming year. Mr. Wonfor then gave an account of a method for obtaining thin sections of soft rocks, and illustrated it by making and mounting PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 59 sections. He first cut with a saw (the one used was the common fret saw) slices of oolite, &c., ground down one surface on glass-paper of different degrees of fineness, and fastened them by the ground surface with moderately stiff heated Canada balsam to glass slides. As soon as cold the other surface was ground down to as thin a degree as required, always finishing on very fine glass-paper. The super- fluous balsam was then cleared away and the powdery matter cleaned off with spirits of wine, when the slide was ready for the cabinet, or could be covered with thin cold balsam and a glass cover and left to harden. The specimens of oolite, which were used to illustrate, were part of the stone employed in making the Brighton aquarium. He had at present only worked on different oolites, Portland stone, dolo- mite, and nummulites from Egypt. By the same process he had made very thin sections of coal—in fact, the examples of coal shown at the last meeting were made by this process. It was at the suggestion of Mr. Marshall Hall, who asked him to try how it would act on oolitic limestone and dolomite, that he was led to attempt the process. In the case of Portland stone, he had found it advisable to rub it down roughly first on a piece of paving stone, and to finish it off on glass- paper. Some sections he had cut, ground, and finished for the cabinet in twenty minutes. The meeting then became a conversazione, when Mr. J. Dennant exhibited deep-sea Atlantic soundings, fossil and recent diatoms, antenne of drinker moth, «&e. Mr. T. Cooper exhibited crystals of hematoxylin, tartrate of soda, and other salts. Mr. R. Glaisyer exhibited sections of Hozoon Canadense, Purbeck and encrinital limestones. Mr. Turner exhibited sections of Indian rice-paper, root of Osmunda regalis, and spores of morel. Mr. Wonfor exhibited sections of different oolites, dolomites, Port- land stone, nummulites from Ben Hassan, and crystals of salicine in silicate of soda, and crystals of silicate of soda, mounted in the same. These latter formed very beautiful polariscope objects, and, with one of Ackland’s selenite stages, gave a wonderful variety of colour. It was announced that the subject for the next Microscopical Meeting on June 22nd would be “ Vegetable Hairs and Scales.” State Microscorican Society or ILutnois. On the evening of March 17th the State Microscopical Society of Illinois celebrated its third annual réunion by a magnificent exhibi- tion in Farwell Hall. The main floor was crowded with a large and delightful audience, who moved in steadily-recurring streams from table to table. There were about 100 instruments on exhibition, and at least 1000 slides, though there was neither time nor opportunity to make all of them available for use. Such has been the accomplished labour of the Microscopical So- ciety, a labour whose greatness can be more readily appreciated when it is recollected that the Society was only organized about three years ee a So oe 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY. since. At its first conversazione, held at the house of Mr. Joseph T. Ryerson, about thirty instruments were exhibited, estimated to have cost, in connection with their appurtenances, about $7000. On the date of its third conversazione, more than 100 instruments were exhi- bited, representing a value of $30,000. Such has been the growth of our Microscopical Society, of which it may be said that it stands the first of its kind in the United States. While the slides were being changed on the instruments, Prof. H. Peabody performed interesting electrical experiments, and Prof. Delafontaine and Mr. Boerlin showed several beautiful Geissler tubes lit by the electrical current. Tue Tounpripce Weis Microscorican Socrrety.* The monthly meetings of this Society have been held regularly under the able presidency of Dr. Deakin. The subjects for discussion have been Sections, Vegetable and Animal, the careful consideration of which has occupied the members for several meetings, and elicited much useful information. The next meeting will take place on October 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Die Praxis der Naturgeschichte. Von P. L. Martin. Weimar. Voigt. Martini und Chemnitz Systematisches Conchylien-cabinet. In Verbindg. m. Dr. Phillippi, Dr. Pfeiffer, Dr. Dunker, und Dr. E. Romer, neu. hrsg. und vervollstindigt von Dr. H. Kiister. Niirnberg. Bauer & Raspe. Archiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomie herausgegeben von Max Schultze. 6 Band, 4 Heft, mit 8 Taf. Bonn. Cohen & Sohn. Untersuchungen uéber Bau und Entwicklung der Arthropoden. Von Dr. Ant. Dohrn. 2 Heft. Leipzig. Engelmann. Uéber d. Wirkung v. Borsiiure auf frische Ganglienzellen [Aus dem physiolog. Institute der Wiener Universitat]. Von Ernst Fleischl. Wien. Gerolds Sohn. Physiologish-anatomische Untersuchungen uéber den Uterus. Von Dr. Carl Friedlinder. Leipzig. Simmel & Co. Die Achnlichkeit im Baue der aiisseren weiblichen Geschlechtsor- gane bie den Locustiden und Akridiern dargestellt auf Grund ihrer Entwickelungsgeschichte. Dr. L. Graben. Wien. Gerolds Sohn. * From the Rey. Mr. Whitelock. TheMonthly Microscopical Journal Ang§.118771. te mm The Madure., Fungus foot of India. THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. AUGUST 1, 1871. I—Mycetoma: the Madura or Fungus-foot of India. By JaBez Hoac, Hon. Sec. R.M.S., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, &., &e. (Read before the Royau Microscopican Society, June 7, 1871.) Puate XCII. A Few years ago Dr. Vandyke Carter, of the Bombay army, made us acquainted with a certain specific form of microscopic fungus, which he alleges produces, among the native inhabitants of Madura, and certain other districts in India, a peculiar disease, and since re- cognized as the Fungus-foot of India (Mycetoma). A number of specimens of the foot have been examined in this country, and it is thought by some histologists and pathologists that most of them exhibit the ravages of a fungus. It appears, however, that now and then specimens have failed to satisfy those into whose hands they have fallen of the fungoid character of the disease; Dr. Carter speaks of such specimens as a variety, and in place of a living fungus he says ‘‘numerous rounded bodies of a structureless or finely granular appearance are seen, in which the fungus particles were free from crystalline fringe, but still showing a cellular structure, the true nature of which is degenerate fungi.”* A DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XCILI. No. 1.—Altered fibrous tissue, mulberry-shaped fat-cells, &c., x 150. 2.—Fat-vesicle and molecular matter, chiefly fat; a few mother-cells filled with fat-granules, and granular contents of others distributed over field. x 150. 3.—Crystalline matter (stearine ? &c.), fat-globules; vegetable hairs, &. x 150. 4.—Algoid filaments in matrix or stroma with fatty molecules and pigment granules, x 150. This specimen was taken from the second or more frequently recurring form of diseaséd foot. 5.—Portion of a foot bone, the compact tissue and lamelle of which have been removed, and the cancellous structure occupied by blacked masses of inorganic matter, x 50. 6.—Papille hypertrophied, and filled with granular matter; remains of a capillary seen running over the field; connective tissue and fat-cor- puscles filled with crystalline particles. x 150. ” * “Trans. Bombay Medical Soc.,’ 1860, ’61, and ’62; ‘Medico-Chir. Review,’ vol. i, 1868. VOL. VI. F 62 Transactions of the specimen of this “variety” appears to have perplexed Dr. Ballingall, as well as the late eminent microscopist, Professor Quekett, both of whom were in consequence unable to pronounce the disease to be fungoid; due to the growth and ravages of a fungus. At the end of the year 1869, a foot of the doubtful kind was placed for examination in my hands, and those of a well- known excellent pathologist and histologist: I was requested to report on the specimen. You may imagine, therefore, 1 was most anxious that everything should be conducted with the care and caution which so responsible a position would naturally inspire. I will tell you at once I was not a little surprised and disappointed to be obliged to come to the conclusion that no trace of a fungus could be found in any part of the foot ; I say disappointed, because from what I had read about the fungus-foot disease of India, I ex- pected no difficulty whatever in the matter, and I will add more by way of caution, that the first few sections which were made and washed in distilled water, for the purpose of freeing them from some apparently crystalline and fatty matters, showed both the spores and mycelium of a fungus. Here then I thought there could be no mistake, and put the specimens away to further examine at a more convenient opportunity. The next day I resumed my work, and made other sections from the foot, which I at once transferred to a weak solution of spirit and glycerine. On examining them I was not a little puzzled to find abundance of fatty matters, but not a particle of anything like a fungus. Subsequent examinations convinced me an error had occurred somewhere in my first observa- tions, and I then examined the distilled water. A single dip from the bottle gave me a plentiful crop of fungus, exactly resembling that found in my first specimens. On taking up a well-corked bottle of arsenical solution standing near the distilled water, I saw it con- tained numerous tufts of a fungus, which, as you know, abound everywhere, and spread with amazing tapidity upon almost every- thing, ripening and depositing their spores, with powers of self- increase so rapid as to be almost incredible. The naked-eye appearances of this fungus-foot may thus be briefly stated. The foot was greatly enlarged and swollen; all fair outline being lost. There were numerous excrescences or raised bodies over the upper surface; none on the lower; which at first sight might be sup- posed to communicate with the internal parts; but on attempting to pass a small silver probe through the centre of any one of them, it could not be made to penetrate more than a very short distance, and I doubt very much whether there could have been any actual sinus leading to the bone at any time. There might, however, have been an ulcerating sore during life, which the hardening nature of the methylated spirit, in which the specimen was pre- served, had entirely obliterated. On making a vertical section of Royal Microscopical Society. 63 the foot, so much confusion of parts existed, that the muscular, fibrous, and other tissues seemed to be blended in a gelatinous mass ; on removing portions of the bony mass, the cancellated interspaces, which were much larger than usual, were occupied by numerous whitish granular bodies, somewhat resembling millet seeds. These bodies, which are described by Dr. Carter as pink in the fresh foot, were apparently mixed up with a crystalline material. But fatty matter so predominated that it was almost impossible to free any section from it, without resorting to boiling in ether, or liquor potassee. When boiling in the latter was continued for a few minutes, nearly the whole was held in solution, the residue being a very small quantity of fibrous tissue. Even fragments of bone almost disappeared when treated in the same way ; whereas, if the spores and mycelium of a fungus are subjected to the same process, the fragments that remain enable us to recognize them without difficulty. Fungi resist the action of boiling fluids as they do prolonged and intense cold, so that we need be under no apprehension of losing all trace of them, if they ever had an existence, while subjecting animal matters to the crucial test of boiling in destructive reagents. A prolonged and exceedingly careful microscopical examination yielded only negative results, so far as fungi were concerned. The cells and fibres which Dr. Carter says “are imbedded in black masses of matter,” could nowhere be traced; neither could I see “the fish-roe-like substances made up of defaced fungus structure.” The little rounded bodies in this specimen were not uniform in structure, and were mostly imbedded in a gelatinous fatty matter in the interspaces of the bones. The pigment of the skin, generally so abundant in the black races, was entirely removed; while the papillae were so much hypertrophied, swollen up, that all trace of ordinary structure seemed lost, not even a perfect epithelial cell remaining. The extraordinary way in which the pigment had disappeared induced me to think that even “black fungus masses” might owe much of their colour to disintegrated pigment granules, and even take up new forms in the interspaces of the metamorphosed muscular and fibrous tissues. Portions of the subfilamentous material presented, at first sight, an appearance somewhat resembling ciliated epithelium ; these masses easily separated and floated about, and there was no nucleus seen, and only a slight fibrillation. Fat abounded and was often arranged and massed in cells, in which were groups of smaller corpuscles, in some instances presenting a false appearance of nucleated cells. The subcutaneous infiltration of fatty matter, and the disintegra- tion of nervous matter, muscular and other tissues occasioned thereby, gave to all the specimens examined a confused resemblance ; and although some few bodies of “a spindle shape” were seen, 1t would require a considerable stretch of imagination to pe that r 64 Transactions of the they were either “ciliated epithelium,” “ degenerate fungi,” or the altered forms of “a true oidium,” the material contents of “the branching tubular canals” of which had become altered through some kind of natural quiescence or encystment. If it be possible for such encystment to take place, it must, in my opinion, be a complete disguise of all known fungus characteristics, and under such a disguise it was not at all surprising the late Professor Quekett should fail to come to “any definite opinion of its character.” I would not have you suppose that a doubt exists in my mind about the finding of fungi by Dr. Carter, in connection with the remarkable form of disease with which he has made us acquainted. I have placed a section under a microscope, taken from a recent specimen sent over to this country, and now in the possession of Dr. Tilbury Fox. It belongs to the more fre- quently occurring form of disease, and in which are seen many black, or deep-brown coloured masses, either closely aggregated, or having a radiating aspect, branching out in every direction ;* and what to me seems very curious, several spore-like bodies closely resembling “ Puccinia” have been found; which being a vegetable feeder, should not, according to the Rey. Mr. Berkeley, occur among animal matter. On the same authority we are assured “there is not the slightest ground for supposing that the disease depends on inoculation with the spores of the true parasitic fungi belonging to the rusts and mildews.” + Nevertheless I believe such spores, as well as the conidial form of oidium, have been found in a few of the specimens; these may, however, have been accidentally intro- duced from without. Dr. Carter does not tell us whether the less frequently observed variety of diseased foot, that is, the foot in which “degenerate fungi” and numerous rounded bodies are seen to be the chief elements of destruction, is a more advanced, has existed longer, or is a worse stage of disease. It ought to be so if the fungi are in a more advanced condition; but it certainly is not, that is, if ordinary appearances can be accepted as any guide to a conclusion on such a point. I can hardly believe, however, that what he describes as “ degenerate fungi” are fungi at all. I am ready to admit, however, so much of Mr. Berkeley's argument, that at times “they so nearly simulate fungus growths, that it is difficult to get rid of the notion that they are really vegetable growths.” But if they were, I see no proof anywhere adduced to show that the diseased condition, described as due to a fungoid growth, is really so; and this is the important point, one which * Since my paper was read, my friend Mr. Bell has made a chemical analysis of these “ black masses,” and finds them to consist “ of fatty matter, phosphates of iron and lime, a little carbonate of lime, and a minute quantity of an organic substance, albumen or fibrine.” + Rev. M. J. Berkeley “On the Fungus-foot of India,” ‘ Intellectual Observer,’ vol. ii., 1863, p. 248, Royal Microscopical Society. 65 should, if possible, be cleared up. Are not the algoid filaments another instance of a vegetable growth rapidly developed after death in a putrescible substance? It is a matter of some moment in a scientific point of view, that this question should be carefully investigated and answered, for I find the eminent Mycologist already referred to accepting Dr. Carter’s hypothesis as a demon- strated fact, describing the fungus as a new species, and assign- ing to it a name; remarking, at the same time, that “although the fungus resembles closely the genus Mucor, there is no columella in the sporangium, a character which accords with Chionyphe rather than Mucor ;” nevertheless he places it with the latter, while he admits that Chionyphe is one of those species only found under snow. He concludes with what I should regard as a bit of special pleading for a pet hypothesis, because you must remember while we are discussing the action of a fungus in a living animal, Berkeley refers solely to its action on dead matter; and whatever that action may be, there can be no similarity in the two processes. “Tt is,” he observes, “highly probable that many of our common moulds commence with a similar condition. The first indication of a change in tainted meat, is seen to commence with little gelatinous spots of vegetation of various colours, the early stage of some curious species of Aspergillus, or Penicillium.”’* Hospital gangrene may, he thinks, also depend upon a similar cause. I think, neither Mr. Berkeley nor anyone else can bring forward a particle of proof in support of such a probability, and which is after all no nearer the truth than the many guesses that have been made at a germ-theory of disease generally. To establish Dr. Carter’s fungoid origin of disease, it is absolutely necessary to show that the spores of a vegetable fungus can get into the dense structures of the animal body during life, there germinate, and destroy the hard bony tissues, and ultimately kill the patient. At a glance, the character of the tissues might seem to make this impossible; and Mr. Berkeley evidently has his misgivings on the point, for he writes, “the little granular bodies are so closely involved in stearine, that their germination is scarcely probable.” If we next take the symptoms and appearances which usher in the disease as described by Dr. Carter, we shall see how far it may become possible for fungi to pass in through the sinus openings. “The foot swells up, is of a dark colour, numerous sinuses appear, with pink stains or streaks, which penetrate the subjacent tissues, and end in spherical groups of bright orange-coloured particles. The sinuses are more or less lengthy and tortuous, and will not * In the ‘ Intellectual Observer’ we are favoured with a somewhat remarkable series of illustrations, of some very curious matters. A whole page is given, resembling nothing in the shape of fungi, but rather what I should regard as extraneous vegetable particles in a specimen, 66 Transactions of the usually yield to presswre of the probe,’ &c. Nevertheless we are expected to see that the soft, yielding spores of a fungus will find their way through these tortuous smuses, passing along in an opposite direction to a strong outward flow of a sanious discharge, which usually accompanies such a condition of disease. Again, the existence of a sinus presupposes a grave state of disease. Dr. Carter does not for a moment believe that the sporules, although minute enough, could possibly enter through the circulation. A more generally expressed opinion, and an equally probable mode of conveying the contagium to the internal parts of the body, the endemic character of the disease, would, in this way, be more easily accounted for in districts where the growing crops of rice were at one time seen to be devastated by “smut,” and thought to be the cause of the cholera visitation. But it could not be believed to enter through the blood, because in such a case it would be impos- sible to understand why the spores of a fungus should select a hand or a foot, and find in them a more congenial soil than in other parts of the human frame; why one foot should be destroyed and the other escape; or why the poison should stop at the part where the bones of the leg join the foot, and so forth. The constant occurrence in the internal organs of algoid growths has long been noticed—Sarcina, for instance, m the stomach and bladder ; but after the disease has existed for years, it has not been observed to destroy life; indeed it often produces so little dis- turbance, that it is only detected after death. The other so-called fungoid diseases, such as those which some believe to be the cause of gangrene, cholera, &c., I need not dwell upon, because they rest their claims to consideration upon the most inconclusive of experi- ments and observations. The incubation of the disease demands a passing notice; as, according to Dr. Carter, it more frequently affects the agricultural classes, men in the vigour of life; is not associated with any con- stitutional causes, and is not known to be transmitted. But as agricultural labourers go about barefooted, and seldom wash their feet thoroughly, it therefore happens that the spores of a fungus penetrate the hardened skin, and produce “ worse ravages than the dreaded guinea-worm.” I must confess I do not understand this peculiar line of argument; for although I can easily see how the guinea-worm makes its way through the skin, particularly if softened by standing in water, I cannot see how the spores of a fungus should be capable of exerting the same force as an animal parasite provided with a mouth and jaws, and a strong desire to provide a comfortable lodging in the leg or foot of the first animal that comes in its way. It must be admitted, if the disease originates in a fungoid growth there should be no instance of a foot which does not Royal Microscopical Society. 67 bear evidences of the characteristic poison. Such a specimen as I have been discussing, without a particle of fungus, is enough to in- -validate and destroy the superstructure upon which Dr. Carter builds his hypothesis of the “ fungoid foot”; and my objection is in no wise met by saying that this form of disease is exceptional, and the appearances observed are those of “degenerate fungi,’ &c. To this I reply, it is apparently a form often met with. Mr. Henry J. Carter, F.R.S., in his early investigations of the disease, found only a large quantity of albuminoid and fatty matters, and attributed the changes observed to fatty degeneration. He, however, subse- quently examined other specimens in which he discovered fungi, and changed his opinion, but he adds, “I could scarcely overcome the difficulty in believing it possible for a fungus to destroy the bones as well as the other tissues of the foot.” Another excellent observer, Dr. Bristowe, a gentleman who has examined several specimens of the disease, writes :—“ Although the soft parts are in- filtrated with a lump of trufjle-like bodies, I am not prepared to say that the fungus causes the disease ; it rather seems to me pro- bable that the primary disease was caries of the bones, and that the fungus became developed subsequently and accidentally. The latter view is supported by the nature of the foot which you examined.” I feel bound to believe with Dr. Bristowe that the disease is due to caries of the bones; occurring, perhaps, in a strumous, scrofulous, or syphilitic constitution. In caries, we find a similar train of pathological appearances; the bony structures are filled with a sanious, or glary fluid, soft granulations springing up, and a deposit of tuberculous material, with an increase of fat, causes complete destruction of the bones. The slow disintegration of the various structures in the Madura foot disease is exaggerated by the ordinary effects of a tropical climate, often an important factor in disease, and one well exemplified in those remarkable forms elephantiasis and leprosy, both of which seem to originate in a metamorphosis of cell contents, a condition not unfrequently noticed in pathological anatomy. The deposition of fat in cells and structures of all kinds is perhaps of all changes the most curious and universal. A beautiful series of transformations is often traced in fat-cells, which, according to the deficiency or excess of nutritive fluid, lose, in the former case their contents, and eventually con- tain only serum, in the latter become distended with fat-globules ; further, in the cells of glands secreting fat, which, at first poor in fat, are ultimately quite distended with it. Also in the ova of all animals which deposit fat and proteine within themselves. In the case before us of the Madura foot, the fatty degeneration, or disintegration, commences in the bones of the foot, and physio- logical phenomena are gradually merged into pathological. A similar instance is presented in the amyloid “ Lardaceous” disease, 68 Transactions of the which invades various parts of the body. Large quantities of a fatty material accumulate from a supposed deficiency in the quantity of alkali in the blood. Complexity of structure in the known cha- racters of organic compounds seems to be never better exemplified than it is when large quantities of fatty matters enter into nitro- genous compounds. As an example, the decompositions effected by butyric acid seem to be endless, and more especially so when con- nective and fibrous tissues enter into these decompositions, and give new shapes and characters to the organic molecules. These again are immensely changed, and other transformations effected by the putrefactive process. Animal matter in a state of putrefac- tion acts as a ferment, rapidly changing albuminoid and fatty particles into a fungus, and is capable of causing their metamor- phosis into sugar, alcohol, and carbonic acid. It may be possible that an allied process is going on in connection with the Madura foot disease, a putrefactive ferment, a process of chemical disintegra- tion while the limb is still m connection with a living body, although itself dead. I have before ventured to affirm that parasitic fungi are characterized throughout nature by feeding on effete or decayed matters, and I see no reason for changing my | opinion. This view of them seems to have been floating in the mind of the Rey. Mr. Berkeley, for he concluded the paper I have already referred to, by observing :—“ In some cases it would seem as if the foot was already in a diseased state when the fungus was introduced: at least the history of one case which apparently commenced with a boil in the imstep, and opened by a thorn, indi- cates such a lesion as might well encourage the growth of a fatal parasite.” I readily admit that Dr. Carter’s great experience of Mycetoma, and the many opportunities he has had of making examinations soon after amputation of the foot, entitles his opmion to great weight. I should indeed have been much inclined to accept his views from this circumstance, provided he could have furnished indisputable or reasonable evidence that “ Mycetoma stands for a form of swelling which is caused by the growth of a fungus.” I have endeavoured to place the matter before you in an impartial spirit, hoping thereby to assist in the elucidation of an important question, at the same time trusting I may have made the subject sufficiently interesting to induce the Fellows of this Society to in- vestigate it for themselves: if they do I can promise this much, that they will find it of far more importance, if not more interesting, than the markings on Diatoms and Podura scales. Royal Microscopical Society. 69 II.—Diatomaceous Earth from the Lake of Valencia, Caracas. By A. Ernst, Esq., and H. J. Suacx, F.G.S. (Read before the Royat. Microscopicau Society, June 7, 1871.) Tue following letter accompanied a present to the Society of dia- tomaceous earth from the Lake of Valencia, Caracas :— To the Secretary of the Royal Microscopical Society, London. CARACAS (VENEZUELA), Dec. 4th, 1870. Sir,—Allow me to present to the Royal Microscopical Society the included specimen of diatomaceous earth from the neighbourhood of the Lake of Valencia in this country. This lake is known for the progressive diminution of its waters, and was formerly very much larger than it is at present. An interesting account of it is given by Humboldt, ‘Personal Narrative, ii., 1-20 (Bohn’s edition), All round the lake, to a very considerable distance, extends a deposit called by the inhabitants tierra de caracolillo, i.e. earth (formed) of small shells, undoubtedly the old bottom of the lake. It forms a layer of several feet of thickness, in which there are imbedded numberless specimens of small shells. I have hitherto found six different species, of which I add samples. Nos. 1-4 are very abundant; 5 and 6 are very rare. I hope one of your conchologists will have the kind- ness to determine the species. The remainder of the layer has the appearance of a greyish blue marl, and contains so great a number of fossil diatomacez that it may be said to be entirely formed out of them. Being myself not sufficiently acquainted with diatomacee, I must leave the closer inspection of this earth to others, and I feel sure that one of the members of the Royal Microscopical Society will kindly give us a list of the species it contains. I shall be very happy to send a sample of the tierra de caracolillo ' to any microscopist or geologist who would like to have some. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. Ernst. Humboldt visited the Lake of Valencia about the beginning of the present century. He describes the lake as then resembling that of Geneva in appearance, and that of Neufchatel in size, and makes many remarks on its progressive diminution, which he ascribed to local changes, increasing evaporation, and diminishing the water supplies. He remarked, “The land that surrounds the Lake of Valencia being entirely flat and even, what I daily observed in the lakes of Mexico takes place here; a diminution of a few inches in the level of the water exposes a vast extent of ground covered with fertile mud and organic remains.”* He advised the * ‘Personal Narrative,’ Helen Maria Williams’ trans., vol. iv., p. lol. 70 Transactions of the rich landholders to place columns of granite in the basin of the lake, and note the mean height of the waters from year to year. At the time of his visit the mean depth of the lake was from twelve to fifteen fathoms, and in the deepest parts thirty-five or forty feet. He said, “ It is impossible to anticipate the limits, more or less narrow, to which this basin of water will one day be confined, when an equilibrium between the streams flowing in and the produce of evaporation and filtration shall be completely established. The idea, very generally spread, that the lake will soon entirely disappear, seems to me chimerical. If in consequence of great earthquakes, or some other causes equally mysterious, ten very humid years should succeed to long drought; if the mountains should clothe themselves anew with forests, and great trees overshadow the shore and plains of Aragua, we should probably see the volume of the waters augment and menace the beautiful cultivation which now branches on the basin of the lake.” The diatomaceous deposit of which Mr. Ernst has sent a speci- men is remarkably rich in quantity of specimens ; and it will interest microscopists to note some of the conditions, described in the pre- ceding quotations, under which it has taken place. A shallow lake, fed by numerous small rivers, having no sea outlet, and a warm temperature such as that of Valencia, seems very favourable to diatom life, and the preservation of the shells. Humboldt thought much of the water in the interior of Australia was in a similar condition; and friends of science who may have opportunities of visiting such localities will do well to follow Mr. Ernst’s example, and forward specimens to the Society. The fresh-water shells sent by Mr. Ernst have been named by Mr. Henry Woodward, and consist of the following species, the numbers being those on the little bottles containing them :— 1. Planorbis; 2. Paludina (pygmea?); 3. Bithynia; 4. Melania ; 5. Physa; 6. Ancylus. The diatoms, so far as they have been examined, do not seem to present any unusual forms. They will be still further investigated By Score of the Society who devote attention to this particular subject. Royal Microscopical Society. 71 IiIl.—The Silicious Deposit in Pinnulariz. By Henry J. Suacr, F.GS., Sec. R.M.S. (Received during the Recess, and taken as read.) In making Max Schultze’s artificial diatoms, all sorts of patterns and gradations of size of the spherules are obtained, as the writer has called attention to in a former paper. This, with other facts, suggests the probability that in natural diatoms the silica may always be deposited in spherules, and that what have appeared plane surfaces, have the same structure as dotted ones, but on too minute a scale to be discerned with the means employed. The uniformity of plan in the silicious deposits of diatoms is to a great extent shown, and to a still further extent suggested by examining one of Moller’s admirable “ type slides,” with a good immersion 4th or higher power. The gradations from large beads distinctly separated, to smaller beads closely approximating, are readily and instructively exhibited, so that it is easy to trace a series, beginning with large forms that present no difficulty of resolution, and concluding with the most delicate that tax the utmost power of the optical apparatus. When beading appears minute under high magnification, and each bead seems in contact with its neighbour: the outline of a section made by a plane passing through the bead rows perpendicular to the uppermost point of their circumference, would exhibit a delicate wavy line, the depressions of which would be extremely small, as they would correspond with the radii of the little spheres, while the width of the curves would correspond with their diameters. All that can be done under these circumstances, by the best adjustments, and the most careful unilateral illumination, is to exhibit minute, and often very faint, alternations of light and shade, indicating rather than demonstra- tively showing the character of the structure. When the best has been done with any objective, it becomes evident that a slight increase of the difficulty, from greater minuteness of the structure, would render it invisible, and make the surface look plane. From these considerations it would be evident that if we can trace the spherule structure on similar parts of a series of diatom valves, and view the spherules in various gradations, from com- paratively large sizes to the smallest our glasses will show, we are justified in supposing, if not in assuming, that similar parts of diatoms in which no structure at all can be made out, really possess the same structure as the preceding, though it eludes our view. An examination of a number of species belonging to the genus Pinnularia has confirmed this view. At one time it was supposed that the Pinnulariz were distinguished from allied forms by solid costz replacing beaded bands. More recently this distinction has 72 Transactions of the not been deemed valid, but the writer is not sure that it has been overthrown as respects many species. An examination of the Pinnulariz on Moller’s “ type slide,” led to the belief that the coste of such diatoms as P. viridis, nobilis, &c., had been misunderstood. That instead of broad irresolvable ribs, a truer view exhibited fine lines of beads springing from the median band, with a furrow between them, and in that furrow another line of beads at a lower level. The curvature of these valves not only renders the exhibition of this structure very difficult, but presents it under perspective aspects by no means easy to understand. Occasionally a valve is met with that proves com- paratively easy, and then no one would doubt the complexity of the so-called coste, though much speculation would arise as to the most correct interpretation of the various perspective views that can be obtained. The general aspect of valves whose cost can be resolved is that of a number of lines or rows of beads springing from the median band in a series of narrow arches with long sides, in shape some- thing like ladies’ hair-pins, with hollows between them, in which one or more rows of beads may be discerned. To investigate these appearances and the various gradations in different species was found impracticable with solids obtainable in London, and accordingly Herr Moller was applied to through Mr. Baker, and a considerable series, mounted dry, was lately received, and forms the subject of the following remarks :— PINNULARIA INTERRUPTA.—The curves of this diatom prevent its coming well into focus with high powers. The beading of the so-called costz is not difficult to show; but the relation of the “cost” to the median band is not clear. P. yrriis shows fine ribs composed of rows of dots ; depressions between each pair of beaded ribs, with beaded rows in depressions. The beaded ribs spring from the median band in various planes, and give its edges a serrated aspect. When a pair of the hair-pin shaped ribs are reddish, the intermediate bead rows are bluish. The median band composed of beads in various planes. P. nopriis.—Very difficult, except in lucky parts, and valves. Much like viridis. The beadings curve down to a furrow in the median band. Median band beaded in complicated pattern. The beads only visible when the light comes exactly at the right angle. The rows then seem to go down in a curve, and up again towards the central keel ridge. It is to be expected that the perplexing perspective presented by this object will occasion considerable difference of opinion as to its real shape, but those who have sufficiently good glasses, and take the requisite pains with the illumination, will see that the so-called costz are very different from any published drawings, and that there are beads in the sup- Royal Microscopical Society. 73 posed clear spaces of the median band. Different valves vary considerably in minute detail. P. masor.—The curves present less difficulties than those of nobilis. The beaded ribs very delicate; they commence in curves along margin of median band, something like hooked sticks. Rows of beads in median band. P. mesotepta.—The best view of this elegant diatom resolves the whole surface into rows of beads, median band included. In form this diatom approximately resembles two skittles from a child’s toy box, jomed at their bases. The rows of beads run obliquely from median band. Crossing the median band in the centre is another broad band, like two isosceles triangles with truncated apices joined at their narrow ends. The spaces in these bands look clear spaces with insufficient power or imperfect illumination. The lines in the triangular cross-spaces run parallel to the long diameter of the valve. P. PEREGRINA.—Median band and costz resolvable into rows of beads. P. rapiosa.—Side rows of beads fall in oblique curves from median band that rises like a keel. Median band exhibits rows of fine beads. P. arppa.—Curves different, but structure like nobilis, &e. P. rata.—This plump little diatom makes the relation of the so- called costs to the median band very clear. What appear broad costze under low powers, are found to be loop-like bands of beads, with several rows of beads in the furrows or depressions. Median band consists of rows of fine beads at right angles to coste. Very troublesome to show the median dots well. P. rapERATA.—AlI the surface beaded ; beads in central nodule arranged in curves. Central nodule difficult. P. pIveRGENS.—Median band peculiar. As seen with moderate power it looks like a broad, clear space, with two narrow longitudinal furrows, extending one from each end, and not meeting in the middle. Each furrow expands a little at the ends nearest centre. Crossing the centre are two narrow bands. With D eye-piece the th resolves the median band into rows of beads which curve round the expanded ends of the two furrows. The so-called cost re- semble those of nobilis, but are less out of the horizontal plane. P. optoneA shows relation of so-called coste to median band very clearly. Symptoms of resolution in median band. In the preceding cases the structures described are seen with various degrees of distinctness, and some under conditions more or less favourable to optical illusion. It is only by comparing the most distinct and clear exhibitions of the beaded structure with others that are less definite that any prudent microscopist would place much reliance upon the latter. 74 Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society. No tolerably good observer with recent appliances of immersion lenses and condensers can fail to see the composite character of the so-called costs, though there will be considerable variety of opinion as to the most probable interpretation of the various aspects. Tracing the beading on the median bands is, on the whole, much more troublesome than exhibiting the composite character of the costs, and it is probably on this point that most doubt will arise. If, however, anyone with good tools and a suitable stock of patience will go through a series of species, it will be readily admitted that in some this medial beading cannot be denied, and others may succeed in seeing it better than the writer has done in the most difficult cases. The preceding observations have been made with a remarkably fine immersion 3th by Powell and Lealand on their new system. The condenser employed is a ;4,ths one of Ross, and the usual stop, one radial slot, aperture 109°. The most serviceable eye-pieces were C and D of Ross’ scale. Should these observations meet the eye of Colonel Dr. Woodward, it may induce him to examine some of these diatoms, and give microscopists the benefit of his very remarkable photo- graphic skill. It would be impossible to make drawings that would be accepted as satisfactory, until several good observers of this troublesome class of object have compared notes and decided which, out of many appearances, that look as if they corresponded with fact, may be most prudently trusted. (7.75%) IV.—Observations and Experiments with the Microscope, on the Chemical Effects of Chloral Hydrate, Chloroform, Prussie Acid, and other Agents, on the Blood. By Tuomas SHearman Raueu, M.B.C.S., Eng. On a former occasion, now five years ago, I had the honour of reading before the Medical Society of Victoria a paper entitled “ Observations and Experiments with the Microscope, on the effects of Prussic Acid on the Animal Economy,” in which I pointed out the specific or chemical action of that agent on the blood, vez. that the iron was laid hold of by the cyanogen, and the result was the formation of prussian blue, or some cyanic compound of iron. Accompanying this remarkable change was another, which I also pointed out, that certain oval bodies, closely resembling starch grains, were formed. These bodies turning blue under the action of iodine, and polarizing, were seen to form in the field of the microscope. After my communication on the effects of prussic acid, I inves- tigated the action of another chemical agent, which exhibits decided effects on the corpuscles of the blood when applied to them out of the body; namely, ammonio-sulphate of copper. When blood is allowed to flow into a solution of this compound, it is found that the contained matter of the red corpuscles cannot pass out; for when blood is drawn and placed in a thin film on glass, and exa- mined under the microscope, it is found that the major part of the corpuscles gives up the contained matter, and the empty cell walls or coverings remain behind. This is well seen on applying a solu- tion of magenta to blood under the microscope ; the field becomes occupied by a vast amount of granular matter, coloured red by the dye; while the cell walls or envelopes lie in abundance uncoloured, or at the most presenting to the eye of the observer the red molecule first pointed out by Dr. William Roberts, of Manchester, in 1863, and also brought further into notice by Professor Halford, in 1864, before the Australian Society.* My experiments with this agent, ammonio-sulphate of copper, go to show that while the corpuscles are so acted on that they cannot pass out their contents, yet when magenta is applied, this dye can pass in and colour them ; and this coloration shows by its tint the degree of emptiness or fulness of each corpuscle, proving that at the moment when the cupreous solution was added to the fresh-flowing blood, the corpuscles were in different conditions, some perfectly full, while others were partially empty. By means of water the cupreous compound can be washed away, and then these same corpuscles are able to part with their contents, as they do under ordinary circumstances.t * © Australian Medical Journal,’ vol. ix., 1864. + Ib., vol. xi., 1866. VOL. VI. G 76 On the Chemical Effects of Chloral Hydrate, Subsequently I offered some observations on the action of snake poison on the blood, ¢.¢. that it could be compared to that brought about by prussic acid ; that this agent, while it attacks the iron in the blood, yet sets up a further action—that of causing the newly- formed red corpuscles to retrograde, as it were, to the condition of the white.* Here are three important chemical agents, which have been ~ applied to the blood in order to elicit information regarding either its structure or its chemical character, namely :— Magenta ; which was first taken in hand, and which attacks the nuclei of the white corpuscles and colours them; also the granular matter exuded from the red. Ammonio-Sulphate of Copper ; which prevents the egress of the solid portion of the red corpuscles ; while at the same time magenta can pass in and colour them effectually. Prussic Acid; which lays hold of the iron in the blood, with- drawing it from some organic state of combination, giving rise also to the formation of corpora amylacea, or starchy bodies, by some further change effected on the blood constituents. I feel it is necessary thus to enter upon a réswmé of what has been done, in order that what follows may be rendered more clear, and that the minds of those to whom I address myself may be satisfied that all the following observations and experiments have proceeded gradatim, and owe their origin, and are connected, with my former labours in this field of observation. In bringing forward the present communication, I feel more and more satisfied of the importance of that mode of investigation which I have employed, that it is one which opens another avenue to the study of physiology, as well as leading us to the ultimate or chemical action of agents on the animal economy. Experience and observation, based on the separate and combined action of the above-mentioned agents, have satisfied me that some reliable chemical effects may be traced out regarding other agents, whose action on this portion of the animal economy is as yet unknown. The difficulty hitherto has been to find an agent the effects of which either exceed or distinctly differ from those of any substances hitherto recognized; while, at the same time, the nature and pro- bable action of the new agent should be such as we can trace out without encountering serious difficulty as to its interpretation. I now proceed to the demonstration of some chemical changes in the blood produced by means of different agents, the effects of which have been hitherto entirely unknown, and which will prove suggestive to the mind of the medical practitioner as soon as he shall have presented to him a further series of experiments carried * ¢ Australian Medical Journal,’ vol. xii., 1867. Chloroform, Prussie Acid, de., on the Blood. 77 out after the mode of investigation which I have endeavoured to follow, namely, the general action of a chemical substance on the blood withdrawn from the body, and traced out by the microscope ; and also the investigation of the action of the same agent on the blood after it has circulated through the animal economy, having been thereby subjected to the continuous action of air during its passage through the lungs. In the former instance we obtain a general kind of action on the blood ; in the latter, more positive or distinct effects are presented to our notice, as I shall endeavour to point out by-and-by. The examination of the blood drawn from the circulation and subjected to the action of a chemical agent does not suffice to show us all that may be produced on it by that agent, and we need, if it is possible, to ascertain and compare its effects after it has circulated in the system. ‘This is true, however, only to a certain extent, for we know that magenta has a remarkable effect on the blood when added to it; but we find no trace of its effects on that fluid when we inject it under the skin, or pass it into the stomach with a view to its absorption and subsequent action on the blood, as the experi- ments of Professor Halford go to show. I now pass on to the examination I have made of the action of one important chemical agent, which has only lately been brought before the notice of the medical profession, both here and at home, or rather in Europe. I mean chloral, or as its more chemical name is supposed to be, “ Trichloric Aldehyde.” This substance is now in use as a hydrate, and its action has been stated to be somewhat like chloroform. When an alkaline solution is added to it, chlo- roform is set free ; hence its proposer, Liebreich, suggested its use : that meeting with alkaline elements in the blood, it might become decomposed into chloroform. This theory, which is a very taking one, was no doubt the cause of the experimental use of this sub- stance. The general experience, however, of the profession is against the idea that it acts as an anesthetic, but only as a true hypnotic. I feel inclined to the opinion that though it appears almost certain that chloroform is eliminated in the blood by its decomposi- tion, yet that the action of that agent is considerably modified by the attendant chemical change which necessarily accompanies the decomposition of this agent in the blood. If it is correct that the hydrate of chloral is decomposed by the alkaline state of the blood, then it follows as certainly that the resulting compounds must be chloroform and a formate of some alkali. And if we regard the presence of alkalinity to be normal in the blood, then we obtain not only the chemical or physiological action of chloroform, but we have also to consider what may be the physiological effect of the formate of an alkali, whether of ammonia or potassa, and on such a 2 78 On the Chemical Effects of Chloral Hydrate, grounds we may fairly deduce that the physiological effects of chloral on the animal economy must be somewhat different to that of chloroform by itself; hence, perhaps, hypnotism, in place of anzesthesia.* At the risk of being tedious, I now approach the demonstration I have proposed to make, by reference to the lie of my own expe- rience in this matter; and I extract the followmg from my micro- scopical note-book :—“ August 22nd, 1870.—Hydrate of chloral is a remarkable chemical substance, producing a singular effect on the blood when applied directly to it. A small portion placed on a glass slide and slightly moistened, and then fluid blood added; about one-third of the corpuscles appear to corrugate their solid contents, which then take colour from magenta.” This was the first fact which attracted my notice: the red cor- puscles of the blood, when acted upon by magenta, under ordinary circumstances pass out or give up their contents, which then become coloured by the dye. In this instance the dye penetrated the cor- puscles, and coloured the material within them. This effect was sufficient to indicate to my mind the remarkable chemical action of hydrate of chloral; and having made a note of it, I waited until this agent was within my reach for further expe- riment ; for when I made'this observation I could only obtaim a few grains of it for experimental purposes. In the following October I had occasion to administer it in small doses, with the view of relieving pain. This enabled me to examine the condition of the blood. The blood, drawn two or three hours after its exhibition, presented a remarkable appearance. In several parts of the field of the microscope, besides garnet-colowred amor- phous particles, a number of red-colowred globules (double the diameter of white corpuscles, and many smaller) were seen; some of these were dark red. This was experiment the first. Experiment 2.—Hydrate of chloral was exhibited by the stomach to a rabbit ; within an hour red masses were seen in the blood, also the presence of starchy bodies was noticed. : Lzxperiment 3.—A frog was subcutaneously injected with hydrate of chloral, with the same results. * The decomposition of chloral hydrate by ammonia is curious to witness when carried out in the following manner :—A solution of the hydrate should be placed in a narrow tube, about seven or eight inches long, and ammonia added, and the mixture shaken and slightly warmed, when a white cloudiness will make its appearance, and bubbles of gas rise to the surface. If now a little superstratum of water is added, and not allowed to mix with the contents of the tube, the bubbles of gas will be seen passing through this stratum of water, and with a pocket lens the decomposition will be well seen. So soon as a bubble reaches the surface and disappears, from that point there descends an oily-looking fluid (chloroform); but before this reaches the cloudy portion, an amorphous or semi- crystalline material is formed—formate of ammonia; what the gaseous portion is I have not ascertained. Chloroform, Prussie Acid, &c., on the Blood. 79 Experiment 4.—Frog immersed in a four-grain solution of the hydrate for some hours, when it was found hypnotic. Blood, nuclei of corpuscles appeared greenish, red particles also seen. Experiment 5.—Frog killed by hydrate of chloral, after some hours of sleep. Blood from heart decidedly tinged redder than usual; some corpuscles presented reddish dots on their surface ; red- coloured masses were noticed all through the blood, as seen before. Experiment 6.—On self. Three grains of hydrate of chloral were taken about two hours after a meal; the blood was examined every quarter of an hour; at the end of an hour it exhibited decided reaction ; blue as well as red particles were seen. When the blood had dried on the glass slide and under the covering glass (which was about two hours after), some spaces, where coagulation had taken place, were filled with fluid presenting either a bluish or reddish tint. The urine also exhibited some dark-coloured and reddish particles. Experiments 7 and 8.—Two rats were killed, one by chloroform, the other by hydrate of chloral, injected subcutaneously. This last took a grain and a half before. deep sleep was induced. Blood exhibited ruby-red particles; a few bluish ; also starchy bodies in abundance. The urine also showed the same. . The chloroformed rat.—Urine with abundance of starchy bodies, and some blue-coloured particles ; blood from lungs—plasma reddish ; few starchy bodies; some blue particles; scarcely any reddish. Experiment 9.—Rat injected with hydrate of chloral. Deep hypnotism ; blood gave the same results; starchy bodies and red- coloured masses. Ammonia inhaled appeared to increase the pro- duction of the red matter. A solution of ammonia injected under the skin appeared to give rise to bright red smears, or fluidity, between the corpuscles. The blood, under the action of ammonia, in both forms of exhibition, seemed to have assumed a redder tint than usual. Experiment 10.—A newly-born rat was placed in a solution of hydrate of chloral. After some hours the blood exhibited redness in the liquor sanguinis; also some fine red particles and red patches. Experiment 11.—Hydrate of chloral was evaporated from a slide on to fresh blood held over it; bright red-coloured particles were formed in it. Experiment 12.—Blood exposed to the vapour of chloroform gave some evidence of red-coloured matter. It appeared to me, at this point of my experiments, that the chemical action of hydrate of chloral on the blood was mainly due to formyl, or formic acid, produced by its decomposition. When more ammonia was intro- duced into the experiment, a larger production. of the red material resulted. 80 On the Chenical Effects of Chloral Hydrate, Experiment 13.—Formic acid (obtained from ants) added to blood gave rise to the formation of dark red globules and particles. Experiment 14.—Lactic acid added to blood yielded red par- ticles; these appeared to increase on the addition of prussic acid ; the fiuid or plasma appeared redder. Experiment 15.—Blood, with prussic acid added and then oxalic acid, yielded red-coloured particles. Experiment 16.— Blood exposed to vapour of hydrate of chloral gave red particles as before; these lost their colour on addition of oxalic acid. Experiment 17.—Prussic acid and ammonia were mixed to- gether on a slide, and fresh blood added; red particles made their appearance ; no starchy bodies; blood corpuscles and plasma redder than usual. Experiment 18.—Blood, exposed to ammonia vapour, became slightly reddened ; prussic acid added in fluid form ; blood became decidedly redder ; red particles and red plasma resulted. As far as these experiments had gone, I considered it reason- able to conclude that the decomposition of hydrate of chloral in the blood gave rise to the liberation of formyl, or else formate of ammonia. But what becomes of it? Is it likely to remain in a free and uncombined state? or rather does it not combine with that important element in the blood—iron, producing a formate of iron; or perhaps ammonio-formate of iron ? These decompositions in a highly complex material, as blood, are most difficult of explanation ; and it is here I feel we must advance with caution. The next point to which I directed my attention was to ascer- tain the action of hydrate of chloral upon a salt of iron; and the following experiments appear to me to support the view I haye just expressed. Ezaperiment.—Chloral dissolved in a little water with ammonia added, was followed by the decomposition of the former ; a crystal of sulphate of iron was added, and the effect watched under the microscope ; red-coloured particles and amorphous masses of diffe- rent depths of tint, closely resembling those seen in the blood in the forementioned experiments, made their appearance. A solution of ammonio-citrate of iron also gives similar results, and somewhat similar also is the action of prussic acid and ammonia conjointly acting on a salt of iron. Again, being aware from experiments performed in times past, that the presence of iron in vegetable tissues was demonstrable by means of prussic acid and prussic salts, I proceeded to make the following experiment, which, if it does not convince by its single testimony, yet is to my mind highly satisfactory ; it is also one of the most remarkable of the kind which I can adduce, in relation to Chloroform, Prussie Acid, &c., on the Blood. 81 chemical action on vegetable tissues as revealed by the microscope ; when once witnessed it can never be forgotten. Ezxperiment.—A section of a tender vine was made and placed on a glass slide with water, and chloral hydrate added ; a reddish tint pervaded some of the cells; but when ammonia and chloral were added together, the tissue became tinged with a dirty red. Again: prussic acid and ammonia combined were added to another vine section, and produced a most beautiful and striking reaction. The woody ducts were seen filling up with bright red fluid. In both these instances I have no doubt formyl, or formic acid, attacks the iron combined with the fluids or tissue of the plant. I can adduce a number of similar experiments, carried out with the same chemical agents, which more or less yield evidence of a similar kind of reaction ; but this would prove tedious and superfluous. I now proceed to sum up my experiments. Hydrate of chloral administered by the stomach or subcutaneously injected, gives rise to the production of bright red or dark red particles, masses, or globules in the blood. Starchy bodies are also met with accom- panying these charges. The urine also exhibits these bodies. The same results follow when vapour of hydrate of chloral is applied to fresh-drawn blood. Ammonia, administered by the lungs, or subcutaneously injected during the action of hydrate of chloral on the animal economy, appears to heighten these effects. Formic acid added to fresh blood also causes the production of dark red globules and particles. Lactic acid conjoined with prussic acid does the same. Prussic acid and ammonia conjoined yields the same results. The action of hydrate of chloral, while decomposing under ammonia on a salt of iron, presents changes which to my mind are identical. The chemical effects of hydrate of chloral and ammonia, of prussic acid and ammonia, on some vegetable tissues, appear to be much the same in character as those produced in the blood, minus, of course, the solid albuminous matter. All these results I refer to the action of formyl or ammonio-formate on the iron in the blood, or in the vegetable tissues. The decomposition of lactic acid with prussic acid can supply chemically the elements necessary for the production of formyl or formate of ammonia ; as also prussic acid and ammonia. There are one or two more experiments to which I must refer, z.e. the chloroformed rat, in which the blood was noticed to be reddish, but scarcely any red matter was seen. It would appear the chemical condition of the blood is not capable of readily decom- posing chloroform ; such also is the case, I believe, with hydrate of 82 Chemical Effects of Chloral Hydrate, &c., on the Blood. chloral applied to the blood out of the body ; but when the vapour of chloroform, or the hydrate of chloral is applied, then the red particles make their appearance. Here is another remarkable occurrence which receives its solution from the forementioned experiments. Some blood was accidentally examined after wine (Reisling) had been taken ; this was with the view of exhibiting the action of prussic acid on iron in the blood ; but it was noticed little or no reaction could be found after its application ; but a good many red-coloured globules and particles were seen, just as if chloral had been taken. In consequence of this, a small drop of the wine was added to a little blood fresh drawn ; the changes seen under the microscope were most remark- able. Abundance of globules of a dark-red or brown colour made their appearance, as also red amorphous masses or particles. Gas also was given off in the neighbourhood of the globules. Some of these bubbles contained a bluish fluid; the nuclei of the white corpuscles were bluish. The experience I have already gained in carrying out these experiments leads me to see that the condition of the blood recog- nizably varies from day to day, from the effects of food, &.; for the varying degrees of success which have attended a number of experiments performed with the same chemical agent, on the same individual, point to the great probability of the variable condition of the blood, when that individual has been the subject of variety in diet, or degrees of fatigue of mind or body. Another consideration which presents itself to my mind is, that just as we now test the condition of the urine in order to ascertain what is being eliminated from the body of a patient, so will the physician find it useful occasionally to test, by means of reagents, the condition of the blood of his patient, in order to verify the character of some obscure symptoms.’ Even at this period of my experience, I have reason to believe it is possible by means of agents previously administered, to prolong the hypnotic action of chloral, or to prevent or modify it in a great degree. Thus, I believe, I have at least been able to give demonstration to the theory of Liebreich, who, by his chemical knowledge, has enabled the medical practitioner to employ a remarkable agent, one which promises to be a sister companion to chloroform in alleviating the ills to which flesh is heir. I hope I may be fortunate enough to arouse the attention of my professional brethren to the investiga- tion of the chemical action of remedies on the blood, and thereby, perhaps, lead on to a more rational and satisfactory mode of treating some diseases, which in time to come, I believe, will be attacked directly through the blood itself—Read before the Medical Society of Victoria. v" m f = © e.\ - - i . > mike Monthly Micros-opical Ioarrial Ane. F167] or 5 . i a Fi OTH Vuew of CISC ot F fr e Lops aA Sy 4. =) 3 e / A f Qrrtactay 7 1 = ) } . x ; an | C. Cubitt del S fer 83>') V.—Floseularia Cyclops: a New Species. By Cuartes Cusirr, F.R.MS. (Taken as read before the Royau MicroscopicaL Sociery.) Puate XCIII. I wave lately found associated with F’. coronetta another and a larger floscule than that elegant species, and it is impossible to apply the specific title of any known floscule to this particular form, for while the disk resembles somewhat that of F’. ornata, this new species differs essentially from that in many important details, which will be clearly seen and appreciated on comparing it with F. ornata, by referring to Plate XCIII., Figs. 1 and 2, which figures have been drawn to the same scale and placed in juxtaposition for the purpose of conveying a clear perception of their respective forms and proportions ; and in preparing these I have assumed the altitude of F’. ornata to be 35th, a length they frequently though not constantly attain, due no doubt to different localities and habits, for in some places they never exceed ;\5th, or just half the size shown by Fig. 2. y The first point which must strike the observer is the extraordinary height of the animal, and while the size of the whole form greatly exceeds that of F’. ornata, there is a striking resemblance between the disks of these two species; but while the disk of F’. Cyclops is proportionately larger, the so-called dorsal lobe is considerably smaller than that of F’. ornata, and the investing case is increased in a still greater degree than the occupant itself. The case is very distinct, and is seen to be palpably invaginated by every retraction of the occupant, especially after acts of evacuation, when portions of the voided matter remain clinging to the sides of the case within the invaginated portion, and are not dispersed throughout the hyaline medium which fills the integument. I do not consider it necessary to enter into a more detailed account of this particular form, which is essentially of the same organization as the other members, but I desire to claim the pri- vilege of identifying it in this record by a specific title, and, in con- sequence of its great bulk, have selected that of Cyclops; and how- ever this may be objected. to, on a first consideration, in the generally accepted notion of the possession of a single eye by the Gods in question (for there were three of them), this traditionary assumption of a single eye is erroneous ; these three brothers adopted the custom of wearing small bucklers of steel wherewith to cover their faces, and these bucklers had one small opening in the centre, and only so far corresponded with a single eye ; and like the brothers Arges, Brontes, and Steropes, our valiant Cyclops has two eyes. ( 84 ) VI.—WMr. Tolles’ “ Experiments on Angular Aperture.” By F. H. Wenuam, Vice-President R.M.S. Tue above essay would not have required any special notice from me, had not reference been made to my name. I consider that I have already said enough to settle the question in minds familiar with optical science, but there are others who might suppose, from the evidence of these experiments, that I have assumed things incorrectly, for there appears to be a lack of discrimination in this subject that quite justifies the remark made by the Rey. 8. L. Brakey “as showing the incredibly low level at which the scdentifie knowledge of optics exists amongst microscopists.” Mr. Tolles’ communication is set forth in an unassuming way, that does not provoke any hard strictures, but it enters within the lines of a controversy that has been long and hotly contested in reference to a subject which it would seem remains yet to be understood. As shown by the figure, Mr. Tolles fixes before the front lens of an objective, a plano-convex lens nearly hemispherical, and then measures the aperture. “On testing the angle, only 80° (or at most, less than 82°) was obtainable. Were the plano-convex removed, the angle indicated would be 170° upwards. This was verified carefully.” There is a simple honesty and truth im this experiment that is very pleasing. Half of 82°, or 41°, would be about the angle of total reflexion from the flat surface of the plano-lens, at which a veil of utter darkness would be thrown between the object-glass and the light, and none could pass beyond, so that after this the plano-convex had nothing whatever to do with apertures exceeding 82°. We next come to the immersion question. I must compliment Mr. Tolles on the accuracy of his little diagram. The hemi- spherical lens is, I have no doubt, correct, and so is the front of the objective, both for diameter and thickness, as it should be, coming from a professional maker. Mr. Tolles says, “ When the air in this interspace (7. e. between the lenses) is replaced by water, the angle becomes 100°, or a little more (an after-note states it as 110). . . . It seems incontestable, at all events, that more than 82° of angular pencil can traverse the balsam-mounted object, and be transmitted by the immersion objective to the eye of the observer.” Though I saw at a glance why this assertion must be incorrect, and could explain the reason in a few words, yet as Mr. Tolles has given me facilities for doing so, I elucidate the point by the aid of a diagram, exactly copied, four times the size of his own figure. a, Fig. 1, is the front lens of the object-glass; 6, b, rays; these, after being refracted by the convex and flat surfaces, would con- Mr. Tolles’ “ Experiments on Angular Aperture.” 85 verge in the dry lens at an angle of 170°, as shown by the dotted lines. Now let us introduce water between the lenses. Instantly a change takes place ; no one, I think, will FIG have the hardihood to maintain that the rays will hold their former position: on the contrary, they will converge at an angle of near 80°, and meet at a point in the body of the under lens. ‘They cross and reach the lower hemi- spherical surface ;* here they are re- fracted more out- wards, and form an angle with each other of 108°, only two degrees short of the 110° given by the experiment. This angle is obtained by careful projection of the rays, and is the one mistaken by Mr. Tolles for the representative of the extreme rays of the immersion objective. The microscope body is presumed to have been rotated on a sector as usual, but in order to make the thing more plain to those who do not perceive such matters very clearly, we will suppose the light itself to be traversed instead (which is very frequently done); it must be evident that this will have to be moved a greater distance, on account of the bending outwards of the rays by the lower surface of the hemispherical lens, and so give a false indication of increased aperture. The loss of aperture on balsam-mounted objects was demon- strated by me on correct optical laws known ages ago, and I am astonished that in the nineteenth century anyone can dare to dis- pute it as a fact; but as it seems necessary to give an experiment to convince the sceptical that when the refraction of the front surface of an object-glass is partly neutralized by water contact, or destroyed by balsam, and the angle of aperture most woefully reduced on objects immersed therein, I have done this as follows :— * A slight displacement of the ray, too small to be shown in the diagram, will be caused by the water-film; but this does not alter the angular direction in the hemispherical lens, though it may slightly increase the angle on finally leaving it. 86 Mr. Tolles’ “ Kaperiments on Angular Aperture.” a, Fig. 2, is a tank with a plate-glass bottom filled with water,* b is the light some distance below on the floor; the sector for measuring the apertures is set ver- FIC.2 tically, so that the nose of the object-glass ¢, may remain immersed _* in the water during the rotation. s The following are some results :— A 5th of 170° (¢mmersion front) showed an apparent aperture of 100°; a ith of 180°=87°, and a voth of 90°= 67°. If a.higher refractive medium than water had been employed, the angles would have been still less, and with Canada balsam, or something of the same refractive power of the glass, the aperture from 170° could not exceed 80°. This experiment would have been more inconyenient to try, and I did not think it worth while to run the risk of imjuring my object- glasses for demonstrating a simple 'B fact in known optical laws quite wy incontrovertible. About 80° is the WA 2 = (= utmost aperture that we can expect ne to obtain for an object mounted in balsam ; and the principle does not differ, whether we employ an immersed front or not. The latter, of course, has the advantage in transmitting more light, and allows greater control over the aberrations. A tank might be used with a glass side, and the sector kept horizontal as usual, but this requiring an elastic water-tight connection from the object-glass, would be troublesome. Messrs. Tolles and Stodder have girded on a convex front, and then ventured forth to make a stand against my unwelcome state- ments—that the aperture of object-glasses 7s reduced on balsam- mounted objects, and that there is no subsequent increase of this aperture by using an immersion lens. I had not the pleasure of shaking hands with them before the collision, but in the absence of this ceremony, I hope they may take the reception that they have met with in good part. * The glass-bottomed metal pot, used by fastidious beer-drinkers, will answer the purpose, but I do not know whether our Transatlantic friends are familiar with this. ‘ . roe) VII.—On the Microscopical Structure and Composition of a Phonolite from the “Wolf Rock.” By 8. Atuport, F.G:S. With a Chemical Analysis by Mr. J. A. Pumurs. Tue rock described in the following paper is, I believe, new to British petrology ; and as the value of microscopical analysis is not yet fully recognized, a detailed description may be acceptable to many readers. The specimens examined were kindly sent to me by Mr. J. A. Phillips, together with a chemical analysis, which, with his permission, 1s also added. The “ Wolf” is a rugged rock lying about nine miles south-east of the Land’s End, and covered by the sea at high water. At low water of spring tides its length is about 175 feet, and its breadth 150 feet. Its highest point at low water is 17 feet above the level of the sea, whilst at high water it is covered by it to a depth of 2 feet. Examined by the eye or simple lens, the rock is seen to consist of a yellowish-grey compact base, in which crystals of clear glassy felspar are imbedded ; they exhibit no striz ; their fracture is sharp and splintery. A thin section examined in polarized light with crossed prisms exhibits a beautiful group of crystals of felspar and nepheline por- phyritically imbedded in a fine-grained matrix composed of minute crystals of nepheline, felspar, and hornblende ; when cut very thin, the hornblende alone exhibits colours, the hexagonal sections of nepheline being black, the rectangular white; the felspar is also either dark or light, and the general appearance ig that of a mosaic of dark and light stones interspersed with small brilliant-coloured erystals of hornblende ; the whole forming a matrix in which the larger crystals are set. In thicker sections the felspar and nephe- line display fine colours, but the minute structure is not so well seen. The microscopic constituents are for the most part evenly dis- tributed throughout the base, but not unfrequently they are crowded together along the sides of the larger crystals and irregular grains of nepheline. Thisisan important fact, as it clearly indicates that both the nepheline and the smaller crystals hid been formed while the surrounding mass was still in a plastic state; it would also appear that the felspar was the last to crystallize, as it frequently encloses crystals of nepheline and hornblende, which must have been caught up in it at the time of consolidation. The nepheline occurs in the sections in hexagonal and rectangular forms, or as imperfect crystals and irregular grains; some are per- fectly clear and transparent, but the greater number appear to be filled with a fine grey dust; it is sometimes equally distribute, but 88 On the Microscopical Structure and Composition is also frequently collected together so as to form a dark, or even black mass in the centre, the edges of which are sharply defined, and correspond exactly with those of the crystal. Hexagonal crystals, for example, exhibit a border filled with fine grey dust, and a central portion occupied by a well-defined black hexagon ; or there is some- times a black band running parallel with and at some distance from the sides, the central and outer portions of the crystal being occu- pied by the grey dust. With a magnifying power of 800, a portion of the dust is resolved into minute granules, having a translucent centre surrounded by a dark ring; they are therefore probably glass cavities. It is especially worthy of remark that this grey dust occurs in precisely the same way in the nepheline of the basalts and phono- lites of Tertiary age, and from widely separated localities. The clear crystals frequently exhibit faint lines parallel with the sides, and they often enclose slender acicular prisms; compound and twin crystals are not uncommon. The felspar is perfectly clear and transparent, and evidently be- longs to the orthoclase group; no striz are observable, and one or two crystals give an angle of 90° by measurement with the gonio- meter. The prisms are frequently much fractured transversely to the long axis, and in this respect, and in their optical character, they closely resemble the sanidine of some trachytes and phonolites. Twin crystals showing different colours on opposite sides of the plane of junction are not uncommon. The felspar contains numerous glass cavities and extremely minute crystals, which are sometimes irregularly distributed, but are also frequently arranged in rows parallel with the edges of the larger crystals; the latter have also caught up crystals of nepheline, and a few long slender prisms, probably apatite. The hornblende occurs in minute green prisms, varying in length from ;h,5 to s}oth of an inch, and in width from z)g55 to yop m. They are regularly interspersed with the other constituents of the base, but occasionally great numbers of them are crowded together in closely compacted groups, having a nucleus of black grains of magnetite ; a few prisms may also be seen imbedded in the nephe- line and felspar. There may perhaps be some little uncertainty whether this pyroxenic mineral be hornblende or augite. I have not met with any reliable angles, as most of these minute prisms appear to be broken or imperfectly formed at the ends; a few of larger size are, however, distinctly dichroic, and would therefore appear to be horn- blende. The greater part of the mass of the rock is seen to consist of nepheline ; the crystals forming the base vary in size from the 745 to zoo in. across, but there are perfect hexagons which do not measure more than the sg5yth of an inch; most of them are of a Phonolite from the “ Wolf Rock.” 89 indistinct in outline when seen by ordinary light, but become well defined when examined with a half-inch objective between crossed prisms. Two analyses of this rock afforded Mr. J. A. Phillips the following results :— Sp. Gr. = 2°54. 1E 1. aber Ee eM es oie es OONDEPICCH bya qaten 05 Sita: oo os. ee hOae ee 56-40 Alumina oa Bay H2ZZE29 F te ey 22020 Peroxide of iron... .. 2°70 a ay Eee eo Ol Protoxide of iron as SOT eins con MBE “97 Manganese .. .. .. ‘Trace eo eer brace MON» Haast Adee TOW he Sq oe ee Magnesia <:. .. .. ‘Trace FCT ACE, Phosphoric acid .. .. Trace aC LACE IRGIABBA ee to tee eS 3 Fol eee he Sodar eesinhs sees! lisds 3 Salta, MSS 99°88 99°42 Anyone who has made a careful examination of the Tertiary phonolites, or is acquainted with Professor Zirkel’s researches on them, will at once recognize the identity of their mineralogical com- position with the rock here described, and will be struck with the thoroughly characteristic appearance of the nepheline, which is ab- solutely the same in both. In fact, no one would hesitate to call it a phonolite, if it were known to be of Tertiary age. The age, however, is unknown, and likely to remain so, for the rock stands alone in the sea, and its actual relations with others cannot be ob- served. Situated between the Land’s End and Scilly Islands, it is in a Paleozoic district, disturbed and penetrated in all directions by granites, porphyrites, and diorites ; few, therefore, will hesitate to place it among the older series of igneous rocks. It is at present the practice among many petrologists to name rocks according to their supposed geological age; a dark-coloured augitic rock, for ex- ample, would be a basalt if of Tertiary age, but must be a melaphyr or aphanite, if of some indefinite early age. In accordance with this absurd system, the rock in question would probably be called a Foyaite, if it were known to be old, as it agrees well with descrip- tions of that rock, except that the eleolite is here represented by nepheline crystals which cannot be distinguished from those of true phonolites. After some hesitation, I have adopted the name of porphyritic phonolite for this rock, and will take the present opportunity of sug- gesting that one name only should be assigned to all igneous rocks composed of the same constituent minerals, irrespectively of their age ; or, in other words, that we should assimilate the nomenclature * Of which *94 was lost in water-bath. 90 On Spore-cases in Coals. to that employed in the sedimentary rocks. We speak of Carbon- iferous or Tertiary sandstones, &c., why not Carboniferous or Tertiary dolerites or melaphyres? When the age cannot be precisely ascer- tained, an approximation may generally be made, and such terms as post-Carboniferous, ante-Triassic, &c., might be used. If some such system were adopted, all the basic, augitic rocks containing much iron oxide, would form one group, and we should get rid of a number of useless names which have been applied to rocks in utter ignorance of their mineralogical composition or structure. Until quite recently such a suggestion could not have been adopted, as there were no means of ascertaining with certainty the constituents of the fine-grained rocks; but now that improved methods of microscopical research are available, it is quite time that the unscientific nomenclature still in use should be supplanted by one more in accordance with the present state of knowledge.— Geological Magazine, June. VIII.—On Spore-cases in Coals. By J. W. Dawson, LL.D., F.RS. Wuen in London, last year, Prof. Huxley was kind enough to show me some remarkably beautiful slices of coal mounted by his assistant, Mr. Newton, and showing with great distinctness multi- tudes of spore-cases and spores, some of them very well preserved. He further stated to me his belief that such material had been largely or mainly instrumental in the production of Coal. At the time I declined to accept this conclusion, on the ground that the specimens probably represented layers of coal exceptionally rich in spore-cases ; and that even in these specimens a large quantity of matter was present which long experience in the examination of coals enabled me to recognize as cortical or epidermal matter, which I had previously shown by my examination of the coals of Nova Scotia to be the principal ingredient in ordinary coal. I promised, however, on my return to Canada, to look over my series of prepa- rations of coal, with a view to the occurrence of spore-cases, and also to make trial of the somewhat improved method of preparation em- ployed by Mr. Newton. On my return I gave the results of my examination to Prof. Huxley, in a letter which he has quoted in the brilliant exposition of his observations and conclusions in the ‘ Con- temporary Review’ for November,* and which will probably give a tone to the representations of popular writers on this subject for * In the quotation the word “cubical” has been substituted for “ cortical.” On Spore-cases in Coals. 91 some time. While, however, admitting the great interest and im- portance of Prof. Huxley’s observations, and prepared to contribute some additional illustrations of the occurrence of spore-cases in coal, I think it well to direct attention anew to the actual composition of the substance, as proved by its mode of occurrence, and illustrated by my own extensive series of observations on the coals of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, including the series of eighty-one seams exposed at the South Joggins, the whole of which I have examined am situ and under the microscope. The occurrence of bodies supposed to be spore-cases in coal, is, as Prof. Huxley states, no new discovery ; but in reality these may be said to be the first organisms recognized by any microscopic observer of coal—that is, if all the clear spots and annular bodies seen in slices of coal are really spore-cases. They were noticed by Morris as early as 1836, and they had been observed and described long before by Fleming in Scotland. Goeppert mentioned and figured them in his ‘ Treatise on Coal’ in 1848. Balfour described them in 1859 as occurring in Scottish coals, and Quekett figured them in his account of the Torbane Hill mineral in the same year. In 1855 the latter microscopist showed me in London slices exhi- biting round bodies of this kind, very similar to those now described by Huxley; but at that time I regarded them as concretionary, though Prof. Quekett was disposed to consider them organic. Mr. Carruthers has summed up most of these facts in his account of his genus F'lemingites in the ‘ Geological Magazine’ for October, 1865. The subject has also attracted the attention of microscopists in con- nection with the Tasmanite, or “ white coal” of Tasmania, which is composed in great part of the spore-cases of ferns. I suppose that the oldest spore-cases known are those described by Hooker, from the Ludlow formation of the Upper Silurian ; but these, if really spore-cases, are different in structure from those or- dinarily found in the coal formation, more especially in the great thickness of their walls, and I am not aware that they have any- where been found in considerable quantities. The oldest bed of spore-cases known to me, is that at Kettle Point, Lake Huron. It is a bed of brown bituminous shale, burn- ing with much flame, and under a lens is seen to be studded with flattened disk-like bodies scarcely more than a hundredth of an inch in diameter, which under the microscope are found to be spore-cases, slightly papillate externally, and with a point of attachment on one side and a slit more or less elongated and gaping on the other. I have proposed for these bodies the name Sporangites Huronensis. When slices of the rock are made, its substance is seen to be filled with these bodies, which, viewed as transparent objects, appear yel- low like amber, and show little structure, except that the walls can, in some cases, be distinguished from the internal cavity, and the VOL. VI. H 92 On Spore-cases in Coals. latter may be seen to enclose patches of floceulent or granular matter. In the shale containing them there are also vast numbers of rounded translucent granules which may be the escaped spores. The bed at Kettle Point is stated in the report of the Geological Survey to be 12 to 14 feet in thickness; but to what degree either in its thickness or horizontal extent it retains the characters above described, I do not know. It belongs to the Upper Devonian, being supposed to be a representative of the Genesee slates of New York. It contains stems of Calamites inornatus and of a Lepidodendron, obscurely preserved, but apparently of the type of L. Veltheomianum, and possibly the same with L. primxvwm of Rogers. The spore- cases are not improbably those of this plant, or of the species L. Gaspianum, which belongs to the same horizon, though not found at this locality. The occurrence of this bed is a remarkable evidence of the abundance of Lycopodiaceous trees, whose spores must have drifted in immense quantities in the winds, to form such a bed. It is to be observed, however, that this is not a bed of coal, but a bitu- minous shale of brown colour, and with pale streak, no doubt ac- cumulated in water, and even marine, since it contains Spirophyton* and shells of Lingula. In this it agrees with the Australian Tas- manite, which, though composed in great part of spore-cases of ferns, is, as I am informed by Mr. Selwyn, an aqueous deposit, containing marine shells. There is, however, one bed of true coal known in the Devonian of Eastern America, that of Tar Point, Gaspé, and it is curious to observe that this is not composed of spore-cases, but of successive thin layers of rhizomata and stems of Psilophyton, with occasional fragments of Lepidodendron and Cyclostigma. Rounded disks, which may be spore-cases, occur in it, but very rarely. In the bituminous shales associated with this coal the microscope shows amber-coloured flakes of irregular form, but these are easily ascer- tained to be portions of the epidermis of Psilophyton, or of the chitinous crusts of crustaceans which abound in these beds. Ascending to the Lower Carboniferous (sub-carboniferous), there are great quantities of rounded spore-cases of the size of mustard seeds (Sporangites glabra of my papers) in the rocks of Horton Bluff and Lower Horton, Nova Scotia. They are sometimes glo- bular, and filled with pyrite of a granular texture which perhaps represents the original cellular structure or the microspores. In other cases they are flattened and constitute thin carbonaceous layers. They are almost without doubt the spore-cases of Lepidodendron corrugatum, which abounds in the same beds, and constitutes in one place a forest of erect stumps. I described them in a paper “On the Lower Carboniferous of Nova Scotia,” in the ‘ Proceedings of the Geological Society of London’ for 1858, though not then aware of * The well-known Cauda-qalli fucoid, On Spore-cases tir Coals. 93 their true nature, which was, however, recognized by Dr. Hooker in some specimens which I had sent to London. In my paper “On the Conditions of Accumulation of Coal,” * I proposed the name Sporangites for these bodies, in consequence of the difficulty of referrmg them certainly to any generic forms. Car- ruthers had, in Oct. 1865, described a cone containing rounded spore- cases of not dissimilar type, under the name Mlemingites. In the paper above referred to, I stated that out of eighty-one coals of the South Joggins Section examined by me, I recognized these bodies and other fruits or sporangia in only sixteen ; and of these only four had the rounded Lycopodiaceous spore-cases similar to those of Flemingites. These are the following :— (1.) Coal group 12, of Division IV., has a bed of coal one foot thick, of which some layers are almost wholly composed of Syo- rangites papillata. (2.) Coal group 13, Div. IV., has in some layers great quantities of Sporangites glabra, especially in the shaly part of the coal. (3.) In Coal group 14, Div. IV., a shaly parting contains great numbers of similar sporangites. (4.) In Coal group 15a, Div. IV., the shaly roof abounds in sporangites, but I did not observe them in the coal itself. In addition to these cases, all of which curiously enough occur in one part of the section, and among the smaller coals, I have noted the occurrence of clear amber spots in several of the compact coals, but I did not regard these as certainly organic, suspecting them to be rather concretionary or segregative structures. The great coal beds of Pictou are, in so far as my observation has extended, remarkably free from indications of spore-cases, and consist principally of cortical and ligneous tissues with layers of finely comminuted vegetable matter. A layer of cannel, however, from a bed near New Glasgow has numerous flattened amber-coloured disks, which may be of this character. In those of Cape Breton, the yellow spore-case-like spots are: much more abundant ; but these coals 1 have less extensively examined than those of the mainland of Nova Scotia. Of American coals, the richest in spore-cases, that I have seen, is a specimen from Ohio, which contains many large Spore-cases, and vast numbers of more minute globular bodies apparently macrospores. It quite equals in this respect some of the English coals referred to by Huxley. I have also a specimen of anthracite from Pennsylvania, full of spore-cases, some of them retaining their round form and filled with granular matter which may represent the spores. It is not improbable that sporangites or bodies resembling them, may be found in most coals; but the facts above stated indicate that their occurrence is accidental, rather than essential to coal accu- * * Proceedings of Geological Society of London,’ May, 1866. H 2 94 On Spore-cases in Coals. mulation, and that they are more likely to have been abundant in shales and cannel coals, deposited in ponds or in shallow waters in the vicinity of Lycopodiaceous forests, than in the swampy or peaty deposits which constitute the ordinary coals. It is to be observed, however, that the conspicuous appearance which these bodies, and also the strips and fragments of epidermal tissue, which resemble them in texture, present in slices of coal, may incline an observer, not having large experience in the examination of coals, to overrate their importance, and this I think has been done by most micro- scopists, especially those who have confined their attention to slices prepared by the lapidary. One must also bear in mind the danger arising from mistaking concretionary accumulations of bituminous matter for sporangia. In sections of the bituminous shales accom- panying the Devonian coal above mentioned, there are many rounded yellow spots, which on examination prove to be the spaces in the epidermis of Psilophyton through which the vessels passing to the leaves were emitted. ‘To these considerations I would add the following, condensed from my paper above referred to, in which the whole question of the origin of coal is fully discussed.* (1.) The mineral charcoal or “ mother coal” is obviously woody tissue and fibres of bark ; the structure of the varieties of which and the plants to which it probably belongs, I have discussed in the paper above mentioned. (2.) The coarser layers of coal show under the microscope a confused mass of fragments of vegetable matter belonging to various descriptions of plants, and including, but not usually largely, spo- rangites. (3.) The more brilliant layers of the coal are seen, when sepa- rated by thin lamine of clay, to have on their surfaces the markings of Sigillariz and other trees, of which they evidently represent flattened specimens, or rather the bark of such specimens. Under the microscope, when their structures are preserved, these layers show cortical tissues more abundantly than any others. (4.) Some thin layers of coal consist mainly of flattened layers of leaves of Cordaites or Pychnophyllum. (5.) The Stigmaria underclays and the stumps of Sigillaria in the coal roofs equally testify to the accumulation of coal by the growth of successive forests, more especially of Sigillariz. There is on the other hand no necessary connection of sporangite beds with Stigmarian soils. Such beds are more likely to be accumulated in water, and consequently to constitute bituminous shales and cannels. (6.) Lepidodendron and its allies, to which the spore-cases in question appear to belong, are evidently much less important to coal accumulation than Sigillaria, which cannot be affirmed to have pro- * See also ‘ Acadian Geology,’ 2nd edit., pp. 138, 461, 493. On Spore-cases in Coals. 95 duced spore-cases similar to those in question, even though the observation of Goldenberg as to their fruit can be relied on; the accuracy of which, however, I am inclined to doubt. On the whole, then, while giving due credit to Prof. Harley and those who have preceded him in this matter, for directing attention to this curious and no doubt important constituent of mineral fuel, and admitting that I may possibly have given too little attention to it, I must maintain that sporangite beds are exceptional among coals, and that cortical and woody matters are the most abundant ingredients in all the ordinary kinds; and to this I cannot think that the coals of England constitute an exception. It is to be observed, in conclusion, that the spore-cases of plants, in their indestructibility and richly carbonaceous character, only partake of qualities common to most suberous and epidermal matters, as I have explained in the publications already referred to. Such epidermal and cortical substances are extremely rich in carbon and hydrogen, in this resembling bituminous coal. They are also very little hable to decay, and they resist more than other vegetable mat- ters aqueous infiltration ; properties which have caused them to remain unchanged and to resist the penetration of mineral substances more than other vegetable tissues. These qualities are well seen in the bark of our American white birch. It is no wonder that materials of this kind should constitute considerable portions of such vegetable accumulations as the beds of coal, and that when present in large proportion they should afford richly bituminous beds. All this agrees with the fact, apparent on examination of the common coal, that the greater number of its purest layers consist of the flattened bark of Sigillariz and similar trees, just as any single flattened trunk im- bedded in shale becomes a layer of pure coal. It also agrees with the fact that other layers of coal, and also the cannels and earthy bitumens appear, under the microscope, to consist of finely com- minuted particles, principally of epidermal tissues, not only from the fruits and spore-cases of plants, but also from their leaves and stems. The same considerations impress us, just as much as the abundance of spore-cases, with the immense amount of the vegetable matter which has perished during the accumulation of coal, in comparison with that which has been preserved. I am indebted to Dr. T. Sterry Hunt for the following very valuable information, which at once places in a clear and precise light the chemical relations of epidermal tissue and spores with coal. Dr. Hunt says :—“ 'The outer bark of the Cork-tree and the cuticle of many if not all other plants consists of a highly carbonaceous matter, to which the name of suberin has been given. The spores of Lyco- podium also approach to this substance in composition, as will be seen by the following, one of two analyses by Duconi,* along with * Liebig and Kopp, Jahresbuch, 1847-48. 96 On Spore-cases in Coals. which I give the theoretical composition of pure cellulose or woody fibre, according to Payen and Mitscherlich, and an analysis of the suberin of Cork, from Quercus suber, from which the ash and 2°5 per cent. of cellulose have been deducted.* Cellulose. Cork. Lycopodium. Carbon ..° uo!) (44°44 ae 16D See Hydrogen 5 amea), OOLT os ese) SGSSN aes nets INGIPORCD css s\ occ = PRE 1°30" eee 6°18 Oxygen )" .. °.. 49°39 1. 0. 2a ee 100°00 100-00 100-00 “This difference is not less striking when we reduce the above centesimal analyses to correspond with the formula of cellulose, C,,H.,O.), and represent Cork and Lycopodium as containing 24 equivalents of carbon. For comparison | give the composition of specimens of peat, brown coal, lignite, and bituminous coal.f Cellulose PTET Ree Cork oP ee we) Re, lee ea Lycopodium .. .. .. «.. «. « « Co Hise NOss, Peat (Vaux) -. .- -. os ae , ss 59 | AOoeIEsmeena Brown coal (Schrother) .. .. .. .. C24 His}, 01055 Lignite (Vaux) .. , C24 Hi13, O63 Bituminous coal (Regnault) eyes olan « LOREEN 0335 “Tt will be seen from this comparison that, in ultimate composi- tion, Cork and Lycopodium are nearer to lignite than to woody fibre; and may be converted into coal with far less loss of carbon and hydrogen than the latter. They in fact approach closer in composition to resins and fats than to wood, and moreover like those substances repel water, with which they are not easily moistened, and thus are able to resist those atmospheric influences which effect the decay of woody tissue.” I would add to this only one further'consideration. The nitrogen present in the Lycopodium spores no doubt belongs to the protoplasm contained in them, a substance which would soon perish by decay ; and subtracting this, the cell-walls of the spores and the walls of the spore-cases would be most suitable material for the production of bituminous coal. But this suitableness they share with the epidermal tissue of the scales of strobiles, and of the stems and leaves of Ferns and Lycopods ; and above all, with the thick corky envelope of the stems of Sigillarie and similar trees, which, as I have elsewhere shown,{ from its condition in the prostrate and erect trunks con- tained in the beds associated with coal, must have been highly car- bonaceous and extremely enduring and impermeable to water. In short, if instead of “spore-cases” we read “epidermal tissues in * Gmelin, ‘ Handbook,’ xv., 145. + ‘Canadian Naturalist,’ vi., 253. { “Vegetable Structures in Coal,” ‘Journ. Geol. Soc., xv., 626; “ Conditions of Accumulation of Coal,” ib., xxii., 95; ‘ Acadian Geology,’ 197, 464. On Spore-cases in Coals. 97 general, including spore-cases,” all that Huxley has affirmed will be strictly and literally true, and in accordance with the chemical com- position, microscopical characters, and mode of occurrence of coal. It will also be in accordance with the following statement, which I may be pardoned for quoting from my paper “On the Structures in Coal,” published in 1859 :— “A single trunk of Sigillaria, in an erect forest, presents an epitome of a coal-seam. Its roots represent the Stigmaria under- clay ; its bark the compact coal; its woody axis, the mineral char- coal; its fallen leaves (and fruits), with remains of herbaceous plants growing in its shade, mixed with a little earthy matter, the layers of coarse coal. The condition of the durable outer bark of erect trees concurs with the chemical theory of coal, in showing the especial suitableness of this kind of tissue for the production of the purer compact coals. It is also probable that the comparative impermeability of the bark to mineral infiltration, is of importance in this respect, enabling this material to remain unaffected by causes which have filled those layers, consisting of herbaceous materials and decayed wood, with pyrites and other mineral substances.”—-American Journal of Science, No. 4, Vol. I. (08: .) PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. The Retrograde Development of Marine Bryozoa.—In the first number of vol. xxi. of Siebold u. Kélliker’s ‘ Zeitschrift, Claparéde, who with the exception of Nitzsche is the only writer who has studied the Bry- ozoa since the publication of the capital papers of Smitt, gives us most interesting contributions to their history. While on the main points he completely agrees with the views taken by Smitt of the polymor- phism of the species, their mode of budding and general embryonic development, yet in some points not satisfactorily determined by Smitt, such as the relations of the various cells (zocecia) to one another, the nature of Smitt’s “mérka kroppar,” dark bodies, and “ fett kroppar,” he has new observations differing somewhat from those of Smitt. The most interesting facts (which are recorded in ‘ Silliman’s American Journal, by a writer who signs himself L. L. G., and who is perhaps Agassiz) are those concerning a sort of retrograde development, a re- sorption of the digestive cavity in the older cells, the gradual disap- pearance of the lophophore, resulting in cells usually considered as dead but in reality having latent life, and where alone the fatty bodies of Smitt, which play such an important part in the embryology of Bryozoa, are developed. These cells apparently pass through stages identical with those produced by budding at the youngest extremity of the colony, with the difference that in one case the cell is immature, while in the other it is fully developed. The resorption is frequently accompanied by peculiar changes in these cells, and is confined to the older portions of the Bryozoan colony in which the lateral connection between the cells for exchange of fluids between the cells provided with digestive cavities and those cells containing latent life, is very strikingly shown, thus forming a complete circulation between the most distant parts of the colony. He also confirms the nature of the colonial nervous system, first traced by Fritz Miller, and shows its existence among the Chilostomata, where it had only been traced by Smitt before. Claparéde closes this interesting paper by giving us the complete development of Bugula, with larger, more accurate, and at the same time more intelligible figures than we have had of the early development of any one species of marine Bryozoa thus far. He has, however, not been able to decide positively the nature of the ova, said in one case to owe their origin to a sexual process, and in the other cases to point to the existence of parthenogenesis among Bryozoa, under certain circumstances. Claparéde has not confirmed the observations of Schneider on the development of Membranipora, but from what Nitzsche has observed of the early stages of Bugula, he appears to have seen the same retrograde development in the youngest stages of its larva which Schneider observed in Cyphonantes during its develop- ment into Membranipora. The Coccoliths are Plants according to the recent inquiry of Mr. H. J. Carter, F.R.S. They are what Professor, Huxley first thought them to be, not what he subsequently supposed in connection with his PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. 99 Bathybius. Mr. Carter says, considering that the coccolith is so abun- dant in the Laminarian zone, and so voraciously fed on by the Echino- dermata and Ascidiz, also that it is so nearly allied to Melobesia calcarea, that it forms the bed of the Atlantic and is found fossilized in the chalk, he cannot help inferring that it is a vegetable organism which contributes chiefly to form the calcareous deposits of the present day as it has done in the past, at all events in the chalk. A Mineral Silicate injecting Palceozoic Crinoids.—Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, F.R.S., states that a Silurian limestone from near Woodstock, New Brunswick, lately examined microscopically by Dr. Dawson, was found by him to consist almost wholly of comminuted organic remains, in- cluding fragments of trilobites, gasteropods, brachiopods, and joints of small encrinal stems and plates; the whole cemented by calcareous spar in a manner similar to many organic limestones. He observed, however, that the pores of the crinoidal remains were injected by a peculiar mineral, readily distinguishable in thin transparent sections, or on surfaces which had been exposed to the action of an acid, which dissolves the carbonate of lime and places in relief the injecting mine- ral. The minute structure thus revealed is precisely similar to that of recent crinoids studied by Carpenter, and will soon be described and figured by Dawson. Decalcified specimens exhibit a congeries of curved, branching and anastomosing cylindrical rods of the replacing mineral, sometimes forming a complex network, which under the mi- croscope resemble the coralloidal forms of aragonite known as flos ferri, and present a frosted crystalline surface. The same mineral, as observed by Dr. Dawson, occasionally occupies larger interstices among the fragments, and was evidently deposited before the calcareous spar which cements the whole mass. When this limestone is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, the residue, washed by decantation, equals from five to six per cent. of the weight of the mass, and is seen under a microscope to consist entirely of the casts composed of the mineral just noticed, mixed with about one-fourth of coarse silicious sand. This matter is pale greyish green in colour, but when calcined becomes of a bright reddish brown, without change of form. Heated in a close tube it gives off water, and becomes much darker in colour. It is partially attacked by strong hydrochloric acid, which takes up much protoxide of iron; but is readily and completely decomposed by hot concentrated sulphuric acid, leaving a skeleton of silica which, by a dilute solution of soda, is readily separated from the intermingled grains, more or less rounded, of colourless vitreous quartz. The Mineralogy of Eozoon.—lt is stated in ‘Silliman’s American Journal,’ in a note, we think, by Professor Sterry Hunt, that Dr. Robert Hoffmann, of Prague, has submitted to chemical and mineralogical investigation the Hozoon Canadense, found at Raspenau in Bohemia.* He describes the Eozoon mass as having a superficial resemblance to that of Canada, appearing in waved or concentric bands, oval in form, or else in irregular acervuline aggregates. In the oval banded portion the shell of the Eozoon, a nearly pure, finely granular calcite, *« Jour. fiir prakt. Chemie,’ May, 1869. 100 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. can be separated from the mineral representing the sarcode, which is described by Hoffmann as a cast of the soft parts of the Eozoon, formed through infiltration of watery solution either durimg the growth or immediately after the death of the animal. It is a pecu- liar silicate, fine-grained, greyish white, and somewhat translucent. Associated with this is a finely granular dolomite, destitute of any traces of organic structure, which sometimes appears to have served as a centre or point of attachment to the growing Eozoon. In other cases, however, broken fragments of older Hozoon had served as nuclei, and become surrounded with a fresh growth. These materials, which constitute what Hoffmann has described as the Eozoon reef, are asso- ciated with two other silicated minerals. One of these, allied to fah- lunite, has a specific gravity of 2°687, is greyish brown or greenish black in colour, dull, or with a somewhat fatty lustre, and nearly opaque. This substance forms nearly parallel streaks in the central parts of the Hozoon reef, and moreover surrounds it, intersecting and wrapping around the Eozoon mass in multiplied layers, a line or more in thickness, which are interlaminated with a light green mineral, transparent, with a somewhat vitreous lustre, and a density of 2°56. It is a hydrous silicate allied to picrosmine, and is more or less pene- trated by magnesite. Observations on Surirella gemma.—Col. Woodward has published some recent observations on this species. The Surirella gemma has been recommended by Hartnack as a test for immersion objectives of high powers. Col. Woodward has not gained access to his original description, but finds accounts of his views, with figures, in the works of Drs. Carpenter and Frey.* Hartnack observed fine longitudinal .striz im addition to the fine transverse ones previously known to exist between the large transverse ribs; he supposed the true mark- ings to have the form of elongated hexagons. Two handsome slides of this diatom were received at the Army Medical Museum a few months since, from Bourgogne, of Paris. A careful study of these by monochromatic sunlight inclines Col. Woodward to the opinion that Hartnack’s interpretation is erroneous, and that the fine striz are in reality rows of minute hemispherical bosses; from which, as in the case of other diatoms, the appearance of hexagons would readily result if the frustule was observed by an objective of inferior defining power to that he used, or if the illumination was unsuitable. This memorandum was accompanied by two photographs exhibiting what he saw; one was magnified 1034, the other 3100 diameters. The principal frustule shown in these photographs was 545th of an inch in length. (The mean length of S. gemma is stated by the ‘Microscopic Dictionary’ at ;1,th of an inch.) The fine transverse strie counted longitudinally at the rate of 72 to the ; oth of an inch. 'Transversely these were resolved into beaded appearances which counted laterally 84 tothe ,,5 5th of an inch. If the structure consists, as he supposes it does, of fine hemispherical bosses, project- ing from the surface of the frustules, the fact that these bosses are set * - ‘ a re oe eh , a > 2 , : ¢ ‘ ‘ ¢ " : “yA . 5 4 < . ‘ he ; , Nate; } { wi Neer bP > , ery ee . j bent Noa ; t te.9 {) } yn ay" H * - ‘ . ‘ ' ” . - » *. - « , ‘ pa. ¥ - VET e ets, eS Hah Riart : oie! ; vs » mph) ’ ’ : r , * ay: Ry ¥ ~ ‘ ne ee ¥ H Remarks on some Parasites found on the Head of a Bat. 145 figure of Satan. The head sent belonged, I believe, to Vespertzllio prpistrellus, of the European species of Vespertillionide, a series of creatures that even still, in the minds of the vulgar, continue to inspire a singular dread, from superstitious feelings about the blood- sucking propensities of the vampire. Though fruit and insect feeders, the latter do not object in confinement to the dainties of raw meat. Hxamining this head carefully, which had travelled from Scotland, numerous small insects were found attached to the basal portion of the ears internally, and to one of the earlets. Two or three of these little parasites showed signs of life when touched ; they were of a light fuscous colour, with dark irregular patches, and one darker than the rest, that passed down the body in a some- what wavy manner; they were grouped at the feast in batches, almost mouth to mouth, one batch containing upwards of twenty (vide Fig. 1), others numbering fewer, and one only five. Unfortunately, being at the time pre-occupied, it became a serious question how best to preserve the head for future observation. The ears and earlets were cut off at the base, and divided near those parts showing the presence of the parasites; the head and other parts of the ears were placed in Verril’s solution, A, and the portions with the insects in two small bottles, one with glycerine and sweet spirit of nitre, equal parts; the other, in rectified spirit and acetic acid, equal parts, and set aside. They were not looked at until the end of July when the specimens were found in each in good condition. For closer examination several of the parasites were detached from the skin by means of force, and the deposit in the liquid employed, carefully observed for any that might have detached themselves ; but only two were thus found. The insects, seeing they were all hexapods, were at first taken for some of the Ixodide, the “ degraded diptera,” as Dr. Duncan calls them, in his ‘ Transformations of Insects,’ that form the “connecting link between the true insect, the spider, and the mite.” A nearer study of them has led to the following remarks, which I feel some hesitation in offering to the readers of the Journal of the Society, seeing I cannot find a satisfactory clue to the different stages of life, nor indeed, in any of the books at my command, the correct name of the insect or rather insects, for there are two figured in the Plate. ‘The average size of those in the group may be fixed at the 58th of an inch. The body is thick, somewhat oblong in shape, truncated at the anterior part, divided by three fine transverse lines or divisions, and presents a few rows of stiff plumose hairs, set on the back, sides, and poste- riorly: it has the appearance of being filled with dense irregularly granular and fatty matter, besides the dark band of recent nutriment before alluded to. When pressed, the body is found to be rugose, and covered with wavy lines as in the palm of the hand, and beauti- fully seen in many of the Acaride. No eyes were seen that could 146 Remarks on some Parasites be satisfactorily claimed as such. ‘The head is very much depressed —if head it can be called—is somewhat of a pentagonal figure, the two stout chelicerze forming four of the sides (the apex projects as a double point), the base or remaining side being made by the attach- ment to the body (vide Figs. 1, 2). The ‘instrumenta cibaria ” (Fig. 7) are placed within a sort of neck, like the top of a tied sack; the labrum appears to consist of a thin chitinous plate united posteriorly to the cervico-thoracic ring, and in the middle on the under surface, to two long stylous processes, a1, connected with the maxille a, situated either side of the median line, and laterally to the basal jomt of the chelicere. It overlies a complicated framework that forms or supports the maxille, and that branches backwards by two curved processes, to be apparently hinged to two incurved processes arising from the thoracic attachment. The middle portion of this framework looks to be enfolded inter- nally, and to be connected to two stout inwardly-curved parts, a, strongly tipped with chitine at the ends, and supporting on the: anterior and outer portions a feathery bristle—which pieces taken together may probably be said to form the labrum, superior maxille, and maxillary palpi, a1, a,b. Beneath are two portions, e, form- ing the basal joints that support each a stout curved tooth, slightly indented (Figs. 10, 11). In the natural position they are placed side to side; but when in action cut or tear horizontally, and repre- sent the inferior maxille: applied together and with the inner portions of the upper maxill, they form a more or less perfect suc- torial tubular cavity; situated laterally and strongly attached to the cephalic framework at their bases are two stout conical che- liceree, four jomted, and supporting a long"bifid tooth or claw, ec, having at its base on the inner side a compound feathery brush, d. The inferior lip seems to consist of a thinnish chitinous membrane that unites these parts inferiorily and laterally, to which is attached what appears to be a saccular eversion of the ligua or pharynx under compression, as in the example from which the figure was taken, almost the whole of the granular contents of the abdominal cavity were ejected through the mouth from the pressure. This ligua (?) has two conical processes (? glandular) and a circular opening, f. At the cervico-thoracic junction on the upper surface, behind, is a thin chitinous plate with a waved or curved outline, supporting three fine hairs on the front and four near the back edge, the two lower central ones beg much larger than the others, (?) ocellar at the base; though more laterally on the same line are seen two some- what opaquish oval projections, which may be visual organs, and beyond these on the same sweep of curvature, two equal if not a trifle larger areas than the central ones are visible, which are sus- _ pected to be tracheal orifices. The laxity of the tissues after the use of liquor potassz, and the great displacement that occurs in found on the Head of a Bat. 147 neighbouring parts from slight compression, almost prevent the possibility of assigning to each the proper position; while in the natural state, being often covered with exudation from the wound and filled with dense grumous matter, exactitude in the description is by no means easy. At Fig. 3 is given the ventral aspect of another insect and the mode of attachment of the legs: one, the hind leg, is shown at Fig. 6; it is furnished with numerous stiff and branched hairs; the tarsus, which is longer than in the other legs, terminates, as each one does, in three claws, the outer two uncine being expanded, stronger, and more curved than the middle or long one. The ventral aperture is shown in Fig. 4. In Fig. 5 is depicted a portion of the dermic tissue of the saccular body, dupli- cated at one part, and also showing the inner surface, to which can be seen attached five (?) muscular bands,* stretching between the surfaces. No transverse striaze were seen on these bands, but they are supposed to be muscular in action. This description differs in several particulars from the small hexapod mite, 1mm. in length, the Argas pipistrelle, found attached to the body of the bat, and described by Lucas in his ‘Cours Complet d’Histoire Naturelle, tome xii., p. 483, but bor- rowed from M. Audouin’s observations, the tarsi terminating in two small hooks, &c. Not finding any satisfactory description of this insect I felt much puzzled whether these mites shovld be considered as belonging to the “ degraded diptera,” or whether they were merely the larval form of some psoreptes, or itch mite. Accordingly, considerable time was spent in looking for more advanced specimens, as the whole of those grouped together appeared to belong to only one sex, and were possibly the early stage of some well-known form. After much patience I was rewarded by finding among the hairs, one, and only one specimen, very much smaller, differing greatly in appearance from the rest, and approaching more nearly the character of the male itch insect. Yet on higher magnifying, it was seen to differ considerably (vide Fig. 9). Its size is about 165th of an imch. The dermic tissue is plain, or shows no transverse lines. Six of the legs are provided with a small disk ; the other two of the hind legs (for in all they are eight in number) consist apparently of two long joints, one being setigerous; their position, distant from the anterior pairs, 1s similar to the itch mite—possibly an immature male—though in the male itch insects I have examined, if I remember correctly, the outer hind legs are provided with bristles, the inner with disks, which is the reverse in the insect under consideration. Looking at these points, and not knowing whether the single insect had any relation to the rest, under present circumstances it will, it is thought, be better to leave the matter open, as to their position in the family of Arachnide. 148 Remarks on some Parasites It must not be lost sight of, that amongst some fifty insects found on the two ears, we can scarcely suppose some of them should not be mature, if they belonged to the family of Acarea. This view led me to seek carefully for some ova beneath the skin, or the shells attached to the hairs; yet nothing was found beyond portions of the inflammatory exudation carried up by the young hairs, or adherent where the hairs had touched the irritated sur- faces; nor was any trace of an ovum found in the bodies of those cut open or crushed under the dissecting microscope ; though in the mass of granular matter, four small nuclear-looking and granular masses, larger and more firm than the rest of the large granules, were found, two on opposite sides of the lower half of the abdomen, but what they were it was impossible to say correctly. If the foregoing view be correct, amongst some of the ova we may expect the male to be reproduced. Again, we have no evidence they were not, in the full sense of the word, adventitious—just passing one part of their lives in a luxurious feast; yet, if they belong to the Ixodex, may we not suppose either that one or more females at- tached themselves to the bat, and then gave birth to the colonies, for they are described as depositing or producing by a continuous pont of many days, upwards of a thousand glutinous eggs(?). Yet the gestative state of the Ixodes is said to be continued by the insect detaching itself and falling to the ground for completion; so this hardly admits of its performance on the bat. The singularly peculiar, if not almost unique character of the generative act of the Ixodide, described by Professor Gené, of Milan, and translated in abstract by Mr. A. Tulk, in the ‘ Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ vol. xvii., to which I beg reference for those interested in the history of these minute creatures, and which will amply repay a perusal, I can only in part quote here. In brief it may be stated, the male inserts its rostrum into the orifice, situated upon the middle of the sternum, between the coxee of the last pair of legs. Mr. Tulk points out the “very striking relation, if only approximative in kind, between the organ employed by the male Ixodes to copulate with the female, and the palpi as ministering to similar uses in the Araneides, or true spiders.” That the female afterwards depresses upon the sternum all the palpi that compose the rostrum, when there is seen to be “ protruded from the duo-cephalic plate, a turgid vesicle,” terminated by two lobes, “-vesica biloba,” having at the apex a most minute aperture. ‘ When this organ has been well dilated, so as to pass beyond the rostral palpi, the animal erects the pectoral canal, and gives exit to the oviduct,” and “proceeds at once to disemburden itself, between the lobes of the vesica. ‘This clasps, compresses, and appears as if sucking the oviduct for a few seconds ; but often the oviduct is retracted, and re-enters the sternum, leaving an egg found on the Head of a Bat. 149 between the lobes of the vesicle, which clasps it firmly, turning it to and fro in all directions, and vibrating now and then in a spasmodic manner. Four or five minutes having elapsed, during which time the ovum remains between its lobes, the vesicle dis- appears by re-entering its internal situation. The ovum is left upon the inferior labrum, and this being elevated, along with all the palpi that compose the rostrum, thrusts the ovum upon the duo-cephalic plate, or in front of the body—these acts being renewed for as many ova as the female may have to discharge.” A series of very interesting experiments made by Professor Gené are then related, bearing upon the correctness of the foregoing. Before drawing this lengthy article to a conclusion, it is neces- sary not to omit noticing that the parasites of the bat’s ear prefer the inner surface, where the hairs are fewest and the glands most numerous. They collect in companies (vide Fig. 1, where twenty are seen, and seven apertures made through the dermis left by the detached insects). This figure represents a very hungry lot, and they generally, so far as could be judged, seek those parts of the inner surface of the ear that are well provided with nerves; a nerve bundle is shown at **. Moreover, they appear to prefer to use the aperture through which the hair protrudes, than to be at the trouble of tearmg one open. ‘They seem to fix themselves much in the same way as the tick to one spot, and by their pre- sence cause a considerable amount of mischief, inducing much con- gestion and thickening of the tissues beneath. Two such apertures are represented more highly magnified at Fig. 8, one having a minute hole at *; the other, ***, showed no such opening. ‘The hair follicle and sebaceous glands appear totally destroyed in most of the openings; the cartilaginous tissue seemed to suffer only shghtly; the vessels looked enlarged; a large nerve bundle is seen at **,**, Jn these examinations the skin was dissected off both sides of the cartilage, to obtain the necessary transparency ; portions were subjected to various reagents, and showed that the ear of the bat seems almost in its amount of nerves, &c., to rival its wing, described in abstract in the June number of the Society’s Journal, p. 272, from Dr. Joseph Schobl’s most interesting obser- vations. However, it would be only in recent and injected speci- mens any attempt could be satisfactorily made in the examination of these organs. The incompleteness of this paper is regretted, but it is hoped sufficient has been stated to induce other observers, when opportunity offers, to give us the benefits of a more extended examination. (oeio0°\") V.—Note on the Resolution of Amphiplewra pellucida by a Tolles’s Invmersion 1th. By Assistant-Surgeon J. J. Woopwarp, U. 8. Army. In my paper on the use of the Nobert’s plate, written in April last, and published in the July number of this Journal, I found myself compelled to make a few remarks on the objectives of Mr. Tolles, of Boston. While complimenting this maker on his excel- lent workmanship, I felt constrained to say that I had not found that his objectives excelled those of like powers by other first-class makers. Late in June of the present year, however, I received from Mr. Tolles a 3th, the performance of which is so remarkable that I take pleasure in drawing attention to it. This objective is so made as to work either dry or immersion, and it is of its performance when used wet that I desire to speak. Its magnifying power at 48 inches distance between micrometer and screen (without an eye-piece) is 250 diameters when corrected for immersion uncovered, 275 diameters when corrected for the thickest cover through which it will work. It is therefore of rather higher power than a 3th, but less than a 1th. Now, with this objective I find no difficulty in resolving Am- phiplewra pellucida, the objective successfully displaying the trans- verse striz on all but the most minute and difficult frustules. To illustrate the character of the performance, I send you here- with two positives on glass from negatives taken by this }th.* The first shows two frustules magnified 256 diameters. It is of course necessary to use a lens, or a low power of the compound microscope, to see the striz, which will be found to be quite sharp. The second shows the same two frustules magnified 920 dia- meters. ‘The strize can be seen with the naked eye, still better with a lens. I send no paper prints of these negatives, because, on account of the fineness of the striz, as seen with the above powers, they would not be satisfactory. I add, however, a third positive, representing the same frustules magnified 1140 diameters by the immersion 74th of Powell and Lealand. This picture certainly shows that the new 3th cannot be claimed to supersede the highest powers at present in use, yet nevertheless is not, in my opinion, injurious to the 4th, for it must be mentioned that the immersion sth of Powell and Lealand, with which this picture was taken, magnifies at 48 inches distance, without an eye- * The photographs are admirable, They are at the Society’s rooms, where they may be seen.—Ep, ‘M. M. J,’ ty ah, ee ot AN az, a i " Pincrm . fi. QT) on urnal. Sept.) ny ~ wh Cal J Sate) W West & Co. imp. ] cot ptee lass & 1 fy o& on& Apoearances of Stars rule 4 iCal QO pil Miero-ruling on Glass and Steel. 151 piece, 900 diameters when used wncovered, and 1100 when used covered ; and it is certainly highly creditable to an objective of so much lower power to be capable of resolving so difficult a test as the Amphipleura. From this performance I expected that the new 3th would at least resolve the sixteenth band of the Nobert’s plate; but in this I have hitherto been unsuccessful, getting indeed handsomely through the fifteenth band with it, but no further. Now, as the objective resolved Amphipleura frustules with striz as fine as 96 to the yovoth of an inch, I can only account for this circumstance by supposing a greater difficulty in the case of strize of equal fineness on the plate, as compared with Amphipleura. This circumstance, which had previously escaped my notice, I have since confirmed by comparison with a number of different objectives. In conclusion, I beg you to show the photograph accompanying this note to any of your readers who may take an interest in the performance of objectives of moderate power. I should be very happy to hear from them how this result compares with the work of the best modern English 3ths, particularly as I have access at present to no English glass of this power constructed within the last two years. V1.—Mero-ruling on Glass and Steel. By Joun F’. SranisTREET, F.R.A.S. With Illustrative Remarks by Henry J. Stack, F.G.S., Sec. R.MS. Puate XCVILI. By the kindness of John F. Stanistreet, Esq., F.R.A.S., of Liver- pool, I have lately been able to examine some very beautiful speci- mens of ruling on glass, and also on steel, executed by him with a machine of his own contrivance and making, of which some par- ticulars are subjoined. The first specimen which I received was a star exquisitely ruled on a small circle of covering glass (74," diameter), and it cannot be better described than in Mr. Stanistreet’s own words :—“ The mounted disk, which I herewith enclose, has a star of 50 rays, or bands of lines, placed radially, each band consisting of 26 lines ruled parallel and equidistant, the s;'5oth of an inch apart. The star therefore contains 1300 of such lines. ‘The lines are pur- posely scored very strongly to increase the intensity of the diffrac- tion spectra, as I find that lines very much finer and closer (which are just as easy to rule up to about 10,000 to an inch) are not so effective for this purpose.” Some beautiful diffraction spectra can be obtained with this star, VOL. VI. M 152 Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel. but to the microscopist it is instructive from the various perspective appearances it presents. From the principle on which it is ruled the lines composing each ray proceed for some distance before coming in contact with the lines belonging to adjacent rays, as shown in Fig. 1, Pl. XCVII. Each ray, at its peripheral end, com- mences with what looks like a sharply-cut dot, the first impact of the diamond point with the glass, and the lines composing each ray gradually diminish in length, giving the wedge-shape shown in the figure. When the star is viewed with a low power (say 3”), with dark-ground illumination, the optical effect of the rows of bright dots, with which the lines commence, is to suggest that each ray stands up from the general plane of the glass, that all look like a number of spokes of a fan placed, more or less, vertically on the table. A higher power (3rds) makes this more striking, as in Fig. 2. The position of each ray, with reference to the angle at which a light strikes it, determines how much it slopes either right or left of the vertical plane, and one or two rays will appear nearly in that plane. Keeping the illuminating apparatus stationary, and revolving the stage, causes the apparent slope of each ray to vary, and if any pair of rays be selected for particular observation, they will be seen to undergo curious apparent changes of position. At one point of the stage rotation it will appear as if the eye beheld the outsede of one ray and the znside of its neigh- bour, while at another point the appearance will be reversed, and it will look as if the outside of the first and the inside of the second had come into view. If the object is then moved so that the wedge- shaped ends of the rays are thrown out of field, the eye is somewhat tempted to consider adjacent rays as not quite in the same plane, but the striking illusion just described has disappeared. After proceeding separately for some distance, the rays com- mence their contact, and the intersections of the several lines com- posing them produce a secondary star, with finely-pointed rays, gradually broadening towards their bases. It is easy to illuminate these secondary rays so as to make this star appear in a plane higher than that of the primary star, and to give an appearance of solidity to each ray. Near the centre of the star, where the rays meet, the aspect is beautifully watered and the lustre is silvery, or delicately iridescent, according to the illumination. In the centre is a clear space, and this has the aspect of a deep hole, an appearance much assisted by the curvature of the lines as they come to the point. The appearance of concentric scorings seen on the secondary star arises from intersections. It is striking with powers under 4 inch, but with 4 inch and upwards they grow fainter, and dis- appear in a conflict of cuts. Not to enlarge further on this particular star, it will be seen Miero-ruling on Glass and Steel. 153 that in addition to being an object of great beauty it throws light upon causes of deceptive appearances, which may usefully warn us against errors of interpretation. A simpler glass ruling shows the tendency of the eye to be best satisfied with such a mode of focussing and illuminating intersect- ing lines as gives the aspect of one set being above or below the other. When the lines are smoothly cut, there is also a tendency to prefer that mode of viewing them which gives the aspect of solid threads raised above the surface. The smoothest cuts preserve this character, more or less, with high powers; and as I have shown in _a former paper, the very smooth cracks of silica films are exceed- ingly deceptive. In a glass star of another description, I find bands of converging lines in alternate sets with parallel lines. There are 12 bands of 20 parallel lines each, in each of 10 rays, besides 25 radial lines. “Thus,” as Mr. Stanistreet says, “the intersections are extremely numerous.” The twelve bands of parallel lines prevent the appear- ance, described in the first star, of a number of spokes of a fan composed of numerous silver wires, and arranged more or less vertically. These fan-spokes are crossed by the radial lines, and with dark-ground illumination it is easy to show the latter as dis- tinctly overlying the fan-spoke lines. It is also easy to get an opposite appearance in some parts of the same field, and to see the fan-spokes raised above the radial lines. It should be mentioned that the radial lines are far apart as compared with the close bands that form the fan-spokes. If this object were a great deal smaller, and nothing known of its real structure, the difficulty of interpret- ing the optical appearances would be great. In a star composed entirely of closely radial lines, those which catch the most brilliant light appear to stand above the rest. Having suggested to Mr. Stanistreet that beautiful and curious effects might be expected from applying his ruling apparatus and remarkable skill to steel, I soon received from him an exquisite star, much like the one first mentioned, on glass. This star is composed of ‘50 radial bands of 40 parallel lines in each band ;” the general pattern being like Fig. 1. Held in a bright light this star exhibits a very elegant appearance of watered silk, with delicate prismatic tints. Under the microscope, with 3 or 4 inch power and illumination with a silver reflector, the star appears as if suspended in a dark atmosphere, or in a bright one, according to the angle at which the light strikes the bright por- tions of the steel. When these portions throw the light they receive, out of the field, the former is the case, and the latter when they send it to the eye. When nicely illuminated each ray gleams with delicate iridescent tints, and the secondary star produced by the intersecting lines can be made to look distinct from the primary star, or as if it M 2 154 Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel. were formed by the fan-spokes of the primary having the shape Shown in Fig. 3, where each secondary spoke shows a knife edge near its outer margin, which thickens when the intersections begin, and broadens towards the centre of the disk. The transverse or nearly concentric markings arising from intersections are more striking than in the glass star, and exhibit an iridescence differing from that of adjacent parts. The primary and secondary stars are easily made to look semi- transparent, as if those parts where the lines are thickest were com- posed of extremely fine silver gauze. The most remarkable work which I have seen of Mr. Stanistreet’s, is a star on steel, about half an inch in diameter, displaying 10 rays, each consisting of 12* bands of 40 lines each, making 4800 lines. Each ray has what Mr. Stanistreet calls a “serried edge” (as shown in Fig. 4), caused by the diamond point commencing each stroke a very little nearer to the centre, and so on in each band of 40 parallel lines. Then the next band of 40 lines is commenced at an angle of 1° 26’ 24” from the preceding band, and ruled in like manner towards the centre of the star, and so in each of the twelve bands which constitute one ray of the star. These bands of parallel lines, by their mutual intersection at the above angle, give the wavy, or watered-silk pattern crossing each stellar ray, of which there are 10. In addition to the lines of the highly complex rays, there are groups of radial lines between each pair of rays, 250 im all. These radial lines, added to the 4800 parallel lines, make a total of 5050 lines in the whole pattern. The highly complex character of this star, the closeness of the lines composing the bands, and the very numerous intersections, give rise to very remarkable optical effects. Lit up with a silver reflector, the bands all stand up more or less vertically ; the upper surface of these bands, or what seems such, is exquisitely watered when seen with a 35-inch objective, and the transverse bands produced at recurring distances by multitudinous intersections, look irregularly raised above the general surface, and the whole seems a fine tissue of glass threads, more or less iridescent. ‘The secondary star produced by intersection is very striking in this specimen, and where two secondary rays intersect, a tertiary one will be seen. If a group of the radial lines is observed near the circumference of the star, they all look in one horizontal plane ; but where they inter- sect the lines of the bands they look above or below, according to position and angle of illumination. With a power of 3rds and the useful vertical illuminator devised by the late Joseph Beck, the view which best satisfies the eye repre- sents the lines as solid threads one under the other when simple, intersection takes place, and a tendency is created to view the spots of complicated intersection as higher than the rest. With a power of 3th * By accident the engraver has made 18 bands instead of 12. Miecro-ruling on Glass and Steel. 155 and Powell and Lealand’s modification of Professor Smith’s vertical illuminator for high powers, the complex portions of the pattern are resolved, but with decided suggestion that the cuts are elevations, or threads laid upon a semi-transparent surface like white porcelain. There is an advantage in studying the appearances that can be obtained with objects of this description, because the illusions can be corrected by higher powers and various modes of managing the light. They suggest causes of misinterpretation, and may thus prevent mistake, and the objects which are of great beauty illus- trate a variety of diffraction effects. On showing Mr. Stanistreet’s exquisite work to several friends well acquainted with delicate mechanical operations, the remark has uniformly been, He must have costly and complicated apparatus to produce such results; but in reply to my inquiries, he writes, “ My little ruling machine is a very homely and inexpensive affair, having been planned by myself, and constructed entirely by my own hands of such materials as came within my reach—crinoline wire, broken watch-springs, copper coins, and the heads of carpet pins, with some pieces of brass and steel, forming the entire structure.’ He adds that “ the machine consists essentially of two separate parts: the first for giving equable motion to a minute fragment of diamond ‘ bort’ set in the cleft of a piece of softened brass wire. This point is moved by a very fine steel screw of 100 threads per inch, which I made as perfect as my means admitted, and it moves the diamond through the agency of a simple lever z,455th of an inch for each entire rotation of the screw.” “The disk of glass to be engraved is suspended over the diamond | by a spring (crinoline wire), and is made to move across it by a revolving coin—a penny-piece, having an inclined plane of thin brass soldered to one-half its cireumference—and this, when rotated, raises and develops the glass disk very gently, drawing it across the diamond through a space limited by adjusting screws, letting down the glass very gently and lifting it off suddenly at the end of each half revolution of the coin.” Mr. Stanistreet works very quickly with this machine. He is able to rule 100 parallel lines from 1—1000” to 1—10000" apart in one minute of time, but, as may be supposed, does not attempt very delicate work at sucha pace. The complicated star last described—an exquisite specimen of delicacy and skill—occupied three hours and twenty minutes, which seems a short period for such a number of lines and so complicated a pattern. T should add that the preceding description applies to the machine as first made. Before the specimens described were ruled, an addition was made to the apparatus with a more delicate means of motion than the screw. I am informed it would require accurate drawings to make the structure intelligible. Mr. Stanistreet informs me that 156 The Fungoid Origin of Disease, his last addition “enables him to rule lines at any required angle with the line of movement given to the diamond point; so that, assuming the latter to move—as in my machine—1 in 1000" for each rotation of the leading screw, I can rule lines closer to each other in the relation of the cosine of the angle from a perpendicular to the path of the diamond.” The glass or steel disk is rotated through any azimuth angle by — means of a “ worm-wheel” and endless screw. In a note received after the preceding remarks were written, Mr. Stanistreet says, “I think I ought to mention a fact connected with the last specimen that I sent you. After completing the ten rays of the star I went on ruling another ray, supposing that I had still one to do, and I had ruled ¢hvee supernumerary lines before my eye caught the index which told me that I had completed the cir- cumference. I expect that the work would be marred by this excess, but on removing it from the machine I was unable to per- ceive any trace of irregularity, and it was only under the microscope that I found the three supernumerary lines occupying almost exactiy the site of the three first lines.” The error is of no prac- tical value; it would escape all ordinary notice, and serves to show the accuracy of the apparatus. Mr. Stanistreet speaks most modestly of his machine, and of his work, as if it were easy. We may congratulate him on such a happy imperviousness to difficulty, and wish his further labours all SUCCESS. ' VII.—The Fungoid Origin of Disease, and Spontaneous Generation. By Jasez Hoae, Hon. Sec. R.M.LS. In the report of the medical officer of the Privy Council just issued, the origin and pathology of contagion is ably discussed, and the crude hypothesis of Haller bearing upon this point, who, it will be remembered, sought to prove that the microzymes and sporules of fungi which he found in the fluids of persons affected with cholera caused the disease and explained its contagious nature, is finally disposed of. This vexed question, one of no small importance to the ublic, and of great interest for the medical profession, receives at the hands of Dr. Sanderson, the writer of this part of the report, all the care and attention it really deserves. His experiments and investigations fully bear out all I have stated on this subject, and conclusively show that neither bacteria nor microzymes are con- cerned in the production of any specific form of disease in the living animal body, and therefore when found must be looked upon as an indication of a putrefactive process occurring after death. A and Spontaneous Generation. 157 drop of water, a glass slide, or even a finger coming into contact with a fiuid or tissue under examination, is quite sufficient to cause the development of either bacteria or microzymes, in an incredibly short space of time. In this way a disturbing element is introduced which mars and mystifies the most carefully made investigations of the histologist. Admitting that the spores of fungi are always present in the atmosphere, although at some periods not in very great multitudes, it by no means follows, nor can it be shown that they are the cause of any specific form of disease. And, if it be true that so slight a contamination as that spoken of by Dr. Sanderson when brought into contact with a fluid is sufficient to change its character and start organic germs into life, then experiments said to prove that living matter can begin de novo in solutions subjected to long boil- ing must be accepted with extreme caution. For who can under- take to say with any degree of certainty that the breaking of a becker, in which a vacuum has been produced, can be conducted with sufficient care to prevent the possibility of a rush of air, carrying with it some organic particles, which shall contaminate or impregnate the whole? This, a point of the utmost importance, has not received much attention, although it is sufficient to embar- rass and confound the results arrived at in the investigations of Dr. Bastian. The ingenious way in which it is sought to explain experiments made by submitting a solution to a temperature of 160° F., alleged to be sufficient to destroy all evidence of life, while in another sub- jected to a much greater heat, ranging from 260° to 302° F., living creatures have reappeared, is by no means satisfactory. This admits of a different explanation, which will at once suggest itself to those who have thought over the phenomenon. Neither does it prove that because the elements of non-living matter are known to group themselves anew, so as to produce living matter under the influence of those physical forces which are concerned in bringing about the growth of a plant; that the same forces can be made to combine by long boiling to reproduce life or reconstruct the disinte- grated particles of dead matter, and convert them into higher organisms than had previously existed. It seems to me impossible to attempt in this manner the settlement of a point of so much importance as that of the origin of life. And since we cannot undertake to say with anything like certainty that we have succeeded in destroying every living germ in any experiment we may institute, then, I fear, the spontaneous generation hypothesis is hardly worthy of further serious consideration. But with regard to Dr. Sanderson’s investi- gations of certain contagious forms of disease, he produces positive evidence that nothing like bacteria or microzymes can be discovered in the blood of persons affected with scarlatina. This is an important 158 The Fungoid Origin of Disease, and interesting fact, one very suggestive as to the cause of particular forms of disease, and seeming to lead to the conclusion that contagious affections are produced by a putrefactive change, a contamination introduced from without into the circulation. From whatever stand-point we view the important question of contagion, or the origin of life, I am quite sure it will ultimately end in a gain to our scientific knowledge; and as every additional contribution will I am sure be acceptable, I shall offer no apology for introducing a very interesting letter, written by Henry J. Carter, F.R.S., some four or five years ago, as a criticism on a paper of mine which appeared in the ‘ Intellectual Observer,’ “ On Phases in the Developmental History of Infusorial Life,’ a great portion of which is quite pertinent to the question under review at this moment, BUDLEIGH SALTERTON, DEvonsHIRE, March 14th, 1867. My pear Si,—I do not yet believe in spontaneous generation, nor will the theory, if ever substantiated, be so until a knowledge of the ultimate forms of the phenomena called “life” is obtained; while it seems to me that we are as far from this as from the ultimate atoms of matter. When we see, under the microscope, insect forms almost as small as the smallest animalcules, and know, from inference, how complicated their structure must be; when we find their limbs as transparent as glass, and thus, apparently, as structureless, yet know that there is structure even in glass. When we find that there is no extent to the slowness of change of form and movement in organized matter, that with the highest magni- fying power possessed we can limit; that even unmelted iron is said to flow : when, on the other hand, the power of determining the velocity of bodies diminishes with the magnifying power, so that distance and magnitude itself are required to make us sensible of the rate at which comets travel, even if not of the presence of the atoms of matter en masse which form their nebulosities, so that neither one nor the other could be seen if close to us, any more than electricity or uncondensed steam. When, I repeat, our perceptions in these respects remain so finite, how can anyone come forward with the assertion that there is such a thing as “spontaneous generation,” based upon the presence of ani- malcules which, produced under any circumstances, may be, and pro- bably are, far more complicated in their structure, and therefore higher in the scale of organic development, than a host of living beings with whose forms even we have as yet no means of becoming cognizant? Progressive knowledge may lead the human mind to the beginning of vitality, to the quickening power of matter and its processes, but until this is reached, it seems to me premature to assume as a fact that there is such a power as spontaneous generation. With reference to the next point in your paper, the transformation of the protoplasm of the vegetable cell into ameeboid forms, who shall and Spontaneous Generation. 159 limit the extent to which such forms may not penetrate into and live passively in the protoplasm of both animal and vegetable cells, until a favourable opportunity arrives for their further development ? I, of course, include in the amceboid forms, the Myxogostres, now called by Du Bary “ Myxozoa.” Just before leaving Bombay, I found the brown stains in some cotton which was submitted to me for microscopical examination, to arise from the development of a mycelium originating in cells or germs of a mycetozoon, which were probably introduced into the cell of the cotton fibre when fresh, and which, on the moisture of the cotton during exposure to the rainy monsoon finding the vitality of its host extinct, naturally appropriated its protoplasm, and produced, while growing, the stains mentioned and consequent injury to the staple. I am glad that we are at one accord as to the origin of protozoa in the cells of organized beings. It appears to me that Dr. Hicks is in the same zone (so to write) of investigation in this respect as I was before I renounced my opinion of the “fancied” transformation of the vegetable protoplasm into amoeboid animalcules. It was only after studying the mycelizoa fungi that I began to see the unlimitable extent to which such beings com- mencing their existence and even feeding themselves up to maturity, might enter into, and develop themselves upon the remains of their dead or dying host. The contents of the root-like extremities, filamentous mycelium, and pin-head-like capsules of the Mucoridee may issue, when their cellulose covering is ruptured, in the form of amceboid cells (that is, of course, as regards the sporidia before they are capsuled), and so creep away. Then the Mucoride are closely allied to the Myxogostres or Mycetozoa ; and here no doubt the protoplasm of the Mucor-cell or fila- ment, &c., issues in amoeboid forms from its cellulose investment, which seems to be, as in many other instances, secreted by, and common to, a congeries of amceboid bodies, thus assuming the specific form of Mucor. But there is no “ transformation” here of the protoplasm, no perish- ing. The ameeboid cells come forth at once and do not bore holes through the cell-wall as the Mycetozoa family when developed in the vegetable cell. Hence, unless the protoplasm issues at once in an amceboid form, or forms, as a whole, as from the cell of Gidogonium, &c., or in plu- rality, as from the filaments and pin-head-like capsule of unmatured sporidia in Mucor, &c., I should still be inclined to view the product as not of the same, but of a different organism. No doubt you saw the statement I last made of the probable repro- ductive process by impregnation in the Rhizopoda in the xyth vol. of the ‘ Annals,’ p. 172. I found in a pair of Diflugia urceolata (Carter) in zygosis, when crushed under the microscope, a number of monad-like monociliated, polymorphic bodies in active movement; the usual nucleated celis much larger; and apparently some of the latter which had become polymorphic or amcebiform. 160 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. The origin of the nucleated cells I had not been able to ascertam— that is, from what part of the Difflugia they come. That of the monad- like bodies I knew to have come from the nucleus, which frequently (under reproductive circumstances ?) breaks up into these bodies, and therefore, in this case, was not present—had thus disappeared; while the amceboid bodies without cilium seemed to be but a more advanced state of the passive nucleated or ovi-like cells. Thus I inferred that the small monociliated bodies coming from the nucleus were the male elements, and the larger nucleated cells the female elements, which, meeting together in the body of the parent, were, in their plastic state, thus brought together at the most favourable moment for impregnation, i.e. for the blending of the two elements. While the active amceboid bodies without cilium might have been the product after impregnation, thus prepared for independent existence when the parent might choose to throw them off, or might become effete and thus by dissolution allow them to escape into the water. I have much more that I could state to you on the subject, but neither my leisure nor your patience, I fear, admits of the extension. Sufficient however has been written to show you the amount of interest I still take in these matters, and thus to prove to you how acceptable was the copy of your paper. I am, my dear Sir, Yours very truly, Henry Carter. PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. The Spectroscope in Microscopy.—T hose who are interested in this peculiar department of the microscope will be interested in reading a very useful paper on the subject in Max Schultze’s ‘ Archiv,* pub- lished in May last. Messrs. Sorby and Browning have their earlier labours very fully recognized by the author, Herr 8. Valentin. The Anatomy of the Retina.—This is a subject which is taken up by Herr Max Schultze, who has a new paper on the subject in the May number of his ‘Archiv.’ It is illustrated by a very admirable plate, and is of considerable length. This work also contains a paper on micro-photography. It is illustrated by a couple of photographs, one of blood, the other of bone, which however do not reflect very much credit on the photographer, being in no way to be compared with Col. Woodward's efforts. The Embryology of Scorpions—One of the finest memoirs that have for years been published on this subject is the splendid essay * 7 Band, 3 Heft. NOTES AND MEMORANDA. 161 of Dr. Elias Metschnikoff on this subject. It fills nearly 40 pages of Siebold and Koélliker’s ‘ Zeitschrift,* and is illustrated by four ad- mirably choice plates. The development of the scorpion has been pursued from the very earliest stage of the ovum through all the series of changes by which it reaches the adult condition. ‘These are very many in number, and deserve to be carefully studied by those interested in these animals. Mitraria and Actinotrocha—The above author has contributed also to the same journal as the above, a very valuable paper on these two species. He goes into the question of their development, and affords a very excellent plate in illustration. It is quite out of our power to produce such plates as these in this country. Development of the Radiolaria.—Dr. W. Donitz gives an excellent paper on this subject in the ‘Archiv fiir Anatomie.t The plate illustrating the author’s remarks has been very carefully drawn. Structure of the Chorda dorsalis—A very long and important paper on this subject will be found in the ‘ Zeitschrift fiir Medicin, &c.,t by Wilhelm Miller. Indeed the whole number, which is a special one, is by him, and it contains several very valuable contributions. The Structure and Nature of Diatomacee.—This is an interesting paper contributed to the Vienna Academy by Dr. Adolf Weiss, and published with two plates in the ‘Sitzungsbericht.’§ It deserves perusal by some of our microscopists devoted to minute structure. Mediterranean Bryozoa, by Dr. Manzoni, is another good paper also in the same number of the Vienna Transactions. On the Development of Plant-organs.—This is likewise a paper in the same number of the Vienna Journal. It is by H. Leitgeb, and is of considerable importance. It goes minutely into the question of what particular cells go to form special parts. In fact it relates to the development of the whole plant. There are four plates of engravings accompanying the paper. NOTES AND MEMORANDA. Royal Microscopical Society. Addresses Wanted.—It is believed that the following gentlemen no longer reside at the addresses given in the last edition of the ‘ Royal Microscopical Society’s List of Fel- lows, and as a new edition is in preparation, they are requested to forward to the Assistant-Secretary, Mr. Walter W. Reeves, King’s College, London, their present address as early as possible. Should they be abroad and this request be not likely to come under their notice, perhaps some friend will be kind enough to give the required * Band 21, Heft 2. t Reichert and Du Bois-Reymond, 1871, Heft 1. t Band 6, Heft 3. § LXIII. Band 1 and 2 Heft. 162 CORRESPONDENCE. information:—William Timbrell Elliott; James Robey; William Henry Spencer, M.A. Cantab.; John Shepherd.—Kine’s Coxtzce, August 4, 1871. ‘The Lens;’ a Quarterly Journal of Microscopy and the Allied Natural Sciences: with the Transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois, is the title of a new journal which it is proposed to publish in Chicago, America. The State Microscopical Society of Illinois proposes to issue on the 1st of October next, the first number of a Scientific Journal, to be called ‘The Lens.’ While ‘The Lens’ will be devoted chiefly to the interests of Microscopical Science, no communication of value, relating to any department of Natural History, will be excluded. Without trespassing on the fields so ably occupied by ‘Silliman’s Journal’ and the ‘ American Naturalist,’ the only publi- cations of like character in the United States, the pages of ‘The Lens’ will contain :—1. Original contributions consisting of papers read before some Scientific Society, or communicated directly to the Journal ; 2. Original papers, elaborate or otherwise, illustrative of the Natural History of the Mississippi Valley, and the Far West; 3. A comprehen- sive résumé of the latest foreign inquiries, and critical reviews, with brief notices of the latest microscopical publications in this country and Europe; 4. Descriptions of all new forms of Microscopes and Micro- scopic Apparatus; and 5. Correspondence on matters of Histological controversy. Contributions requiring illustration will be accompanied by carefully-drawn plates, and the text will be printed on good paper in clear and legible type. ‘The Lens’ will be thoroughly scientific, advanced and comprehensive, and will be issued under the auspices, and in the interests of this Society. The size of page, 8vo; and each number will contain at least 48 pages of reading matter. Terms, 8s. per annum, in advance. In view of the fact that there are so few journals published in America, in these interests, the committee hope for the strong support, both contributional and financial, of all lovers of Science. Correspondence relating to the business manage- ment of the Journal should be addressed.to Charles Adams, Secretary of the Publishing Committee, 1000, Michigan Avenue, Chicago. All other communications to the editor, 8. A. Briggs, 177, Calumet Avenue, Chicago. Officers of the Society: H. A. Johnson, M.D., Pres.; 8. A. Briggs, Ist Vice-Pres.; H. H. Babbock, 2nd Vice-Pres.; Geo. M. Hig- ginson, Treasurer ; O. 8. Westcott, Sec.; Charles Adams, Cor. Sec. ; E. H. Sargent, Charles Biggs, Charles Adams, Publishing Committee. — CORRESPONDENCE. OBSERVATIONS ON SURIRELLA GEMMA. Dear Srr,—The fact should not be lost sight of with regard to the interpretation of the markings on Surirella gemma, that Mr. John Mayall, in his paper “ On Immersion Lenses and Test-Objects,” pub- PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 163 lished in the Royal Microscopical Society’s ‘ Transactions,’ February, 1870, vol. i. p. 92, points out Hartnack’s error, and observes, in place of elongated hexagons represented by this optician, and copied without comment by Dr. Carpenter, the frustule “is analogous to that of the Grammatophora subtilissima, and with Hartnack’s immersion ,},th this latter frustule” appears to be similar to G. marina, or P. angulatum. Mr. J. Mayall subsequently convinced Hartnack of the error into which he had fallen, and concludes his paper with these words, “Surirella gemma may truly be called a touchstone for a high- power objective.” I should add that Dr. Woodward’s admirable micro- photographs of this and other frustules, are more nearly perfection than anything I have ever seen. Yours, &e., J. Hoag, Hon, Sec. Royal Microscopical Society. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES.* BrotocicaL AND Microscopican SEcTION oF THE ACADEMY OF Natura Scrences, PamapELpHiA. At a stated meeting held April 3rd, 1871, the Director, 8. Wier Mitchell, M.D., in the chair,— A donation was received from the Surgeon-General’s office at Washington of Colonel J. J. Woodward’s interesting report, entitled “ A Memorandum of the Test Podura,” with five photo-micrographs. Dr. James Tyson exhibited slides of the deposit from two speci- mens of urine from a case of so-called intermittent hematuria, which were interesting, if not important, from the fact, that the first speci- men, though containing granular casts, did not contain blood cor- puscles, and that the second, between the discharge of which and the first the urine had become quite clear, contained, in addition to granular casts, blood corpuscles and blood casts. The importance of this observation lies in the circumstance that in the cases of intermittent hematuria reported by Harley{ blood corpuscles were exceedingly rare, being found in a single case, and not more than one or two in the field of the microscope. So rarely, indeed, have corpuscles been present, that Dr. Beale, in the first volume of ‘The Practitioner,’ August, 1868, says: “It is, therefore, improbable that in these cases there is any hemorrhage, as in acute inflammation of the kidney, and they ought not to be spoken of as cases of hematuria.” * Secretaries of Societies will greatly oblige us by writing their reports legibly —especially by printing the technical terms thus: H y dra—and by “ underlining” words, such as specific names, which must be printed in italics. They will thus secure accuracy and enhance the value of their. proceedings.—Eb. ‘ M. M. J.’ + ‘Medico-Chirurgical Transactions,’ vol. xlviii., 1865, 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY. In the present case all the other phenomena of intermittent hematuria attend; and in the second specimen of urine there were many free blood corpuscles and blood casts; while in the first the most careful searching detected none. The treatment found most useful in intermittent hematuria—that by anti-periodic doses of quinine, preceded by a purgative dose of calomel—has here also been the most satisfactory, there being no recurrence since its adoption, although four weeks have now elapsed, while other modes of treatment adopted since October, 1870, when the affection first appeared, have signally failed. Dr. J. G. Richardson exhibited a slide charged with pulmonary elastic tissue from the boiled sputa (according to Dr. Fenwick’s method) of a phthisical patient in the Episcopal Hospital, and called the attention of the Section to two characteristics of its elastic fibres : first, the delta (A), rather than simple Y-shape frequent among the fragments, which he attributed to the greater resistance, at the meeting point of the walls of three air-vesicles, to any disintegrating process ; and second, the transverse fracture of its component elastic filaments, resembling that of an india-rubber thread, instead of a frayed-out appearance, similar to that presented at the extremity of a broken cotton or linen string. By these peculiarities pulmonary elastic tissue can generally be distinguished from objects which occasionally counterfeit its aspect, as, for example, folds in the walls of boiled starch corpuscles, mycelial threads of fungi (which, when dichotomous, often have stem and branches of nearly the same diameter), and vegetable fibres, which seldom break transversely, and which, when split, generally assume the Y and not the delta shape. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Beitrige zur Anatomie d. Hylobates leuciscus u. zu e. vergleich. Anatomie der Muskeln der Affen u. d. Menschen. Prof. Th. L. W. Bischoff. Miinchen. Franz in Comm. Handbuch der Anatomie der Hausthiere. Prof. Lud Franck, Stuttgart. Ebner & Seubert. Botanische Abhandlungen, aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Johs, Hanstein. Bonn. Marcus. Grundriss der Physiologie d. Menschen. Prof. Dr. Karl Vierordt. Tibingen. Laupp. Beitrige zur Anatomie und Physiologie. C. Eckhard. Giessen. Roth. are. Se sae asst vA han 4. 7 5 ; ay, i ee, hs Ney Lot “A he ae wie d'une , Bee sbcehle Lip HEN saad hina ye aia i By AAG ets re nel “pally ir oo 6 is a ai rae . =e ik aH gir H Kh 20k. ne hee rr. Ena E wes: ; ame _ The Monthly Microscopical J eurnal Oet™ 1871. cad ee Uy oe ee ‘ a AE AnD a ee ee ee ee | ere eee eles wie <). lo ap ; a + Redaced Outline shewing folds wm tootslalic. Scale inwe inch’ 20 i xf} pei zEs I Sih hea a Sb ae he. THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL, OCTOBER 1, 1871. IL—A Rare Melicertian; with Remarks on the homological posi- tion of this Form, and also on the previously-recorded new species Floscularia coronetta.* By Cuartus Cusrrt, F.R.M.S. Puate XCVIIL. Introductory. OccurreD in the prosecution of certain investigations on the homological position of the members constituting the so-called Families of Ehrenberg’s Class Rotatoria, with the view to the establishment of a correct natural Classification as the basis of a work on which I am at present engaged, I find myself fortuitously placed in com- mand of a field of operations in the instance of a small streamlet, a tributary of Northbourne Brook, in Kent, overgrown with the bladder-wort (Reticularia), which streamlet is literally swarming with every member of the following genera of Ehrenberg’s system, viz. Stephanoceros, Floscularia, Melicerta, Tubicolaria, Limnias, and Ciczstes, together with several of the fresh-water polyzoa; and amongst the former I find a rare Form, or at all events one which has hitherto escaped the notice of observers generally ; and with the object of establishing the correct position of this elegant Form as well as that of Floscularia coronetta, it is incumbent on me herein to review briefly the homologies of the particular Families in which they will respectively be placed. TERMINOLOGY AND ASPECTS. The Terminology and Aspects which have hitherto been em- ployed, do not apply appositely to the several Forms embraced ; the term lorica, for instance, signifying in its literal interpretation a coat of mail or an armour, is illogical and absurd when indiscriminately used to represent the simple hyaline investments of the solitary Floscularians, the clustered forms of the Lacinularians, or even the compound sheaths of the Melicertians. I have therefore adopted certain modifications which will be employed throughout these remarks ; and for lorica we shall substitute the term Vagina. The word disk, as signifying alike the region of the tentacular crown of * “M, M. Journal,’ September, 1869. VOL. VI. N 166 A Rare Melicertian. the Floscules and the ciliated lobes of the Melicertians is equally absonant, and for this we shall substitute and henceforth apply the term Corona. And following a good example* in the matter of aspects, we shall employ Newral to indicate the ganglion side and Hzmal the opposite, and further, shall characterize the active vibratile appendages of the corona as Cilia in contradistinction to the Setx, which perform an intermittent action when investing the corona; and for want of a more appropriate term we must apply this also to the delicate hairs which furnish the pistons of the antennée. Stephanoceros Horatit. The obvious diversity of the form and position of the corona of the Floscularians clearly and indisputably separate them from a Family association with the Melicertians m which the corona sub- tends the mouth ; and moreover, while the members of the former manifest a true bilaterality by the preponderance of the neural margin of the corona, no such bilaterality obtains either with Stephanoceros or with the miscalled F’. coronetta. The corona of the Floscularia is, as generically characterized in reference to the lobes, short, broad, knobbed, expanded ; while the tentacles of both Stephanoceros and this species are long, slender, and erect ; we see further that the corona of the Floscules is, with one exception, beset with setee upon the lobes only, while the whole margin of the corona of Stephanoceros and of this species is invested in one con- tinuous series. We see also that these two Forms are identical in other points of their economy, and are of a higher type of organiza- tion than that of the Floscules, first as regards their nervous, mus- cular, alimentary systems, and further in the fact that the stage which supports the tentacles of Stephanoceros and F’. coronetta acts in the double capacity of the caliv and lophophore of the Fresh- Water Polyzoa, and like these Forms they possess an epistome, which is situated just above the ganglion, they both manifest an organic attachment of the tunicle, and perform palpable invaginations . of what may, for the sake of argument, be termed the endocyst with every retraction of the corona—points which establish a homological identity with the so-called F’. coronetta, and Stephanoceros Hichornit, and as such it will in future be denominated Stephanoceros Horatit. Tre Fammy Meicertap™. We now come to a consideration of the Melicertians, and with these we find that the corona subtends the mouth, that, whether simple or serrated, its periphery is continuous and unbroken, and is furnished with an uninterrupted range of active yvibratile cilia, * Allman’s ‘ Fresh-water Polyzoa,’ A Rare Melicertian. 167 whose procession, or the appearance of such is seen to be in one and the same direction from left to right when viewed in a neural aspect, and that it is supplemented by a secondary range of more minute cilia, whose procession is divided into two channels, ema- nating from the under-side of the corona in its expanded condition, and progresses, so to speak, in opposite directions, conveying the captured particles to the mouth, where they are subjected to the scrutiny of a bilobed ciliated organ, situated immediately above it, though, unlike the epistome of Stephanoceros, it is placed in a hemal position, but it exercises a similar function in selecting the nutritive particles from the general mass, and in rejecting others, as the scrutiny may determine. This secondary range of cilia obtains, in a more or less developed condition, in every individual member of the Melicertians, whether it be Limnias, Gicistes, or Lacinularia, and it terminates in a process projecting from the ganglion side, and in most, but not all of the members, it is supplemented by a fabricating organ, which is employed in the construction of their compound tunicles, an exceptional instance occurring in a little Melicertian, which employs her voided excremental pellets to cover the otherwise hyaline investment. This fabricating organ, in its normal position, is also wanting in the instance of the elegant Form which has induced these remarks, Plate XCVIIL., Fig. 1, and in bringing them to a close it will be only necessary to add that the genus Melicerta must include all those members in which the foregoing points are permanent, and that Limnias, Cicistes, and Tubicolaria are essentially Melicertians, and will be referred to as such ; retaining, however, their hitherto specific appellations as for the sake of facility of recognition. Melicerta annulatus. My attention was first drawn to a vagina of this species, which at a glance exhibited proportions differing from any hitherto known Form, containing within it an ovum of a magnitude equally sur- prising. I at once applied the micrometer, and for the moment failed to notice the corrugations which, singularly enough, coincide exactly with the 2000th divisions of the micrometer; they occur as little ridges formed around the circumference of the vagina, which in all young, and young adults is perfectly hyaline, manifesting a decided and brilliant orange tint, but seen at the two sides when in proper focus they are rendered very distinct, the orange tint becomes condensed into a deep carmine. How these ridges become formed with such marvellous precision is a matter that must strike all with wonder and admiration; and although I do not feel myself prepared at once to state anything definite as to their formation, I can only suggest it as worthy of attention that the anterior regions manifest a considerable and somewhat coupe N 168 A Rare Melicertian. departure from those of the other Melicertians, to which we shall give some consideration in a subsequent paragraph. The footstalk is most frequently wrinkled, and it manifests very distinct muscular bands, see Plate XCVIIL, Fig. 1; but not- withstanding the presence of these, they do not produce sufficient contraction of the stalk to enable the animal to withdraw itself within the vagina without producing folds in the footstalk, as shown by the rough sketch, Plate XCVIIL, Fig. 5. The integument, which is corrugated all along the footstalk, ascends to the corona, where it forms an orifice into which the corona becomes retracted by an invagination, the line of demarcation being very distinct even during the eversion of the corona, leaving, however, the two re- spiratory tubes the most prominent objects in view, as is the case with every one of the Melicertians, whether these tubes are rudi- mentary, or otherwise highly developed. In its retracted condition, Plate XCVIII., Fig. 2, the corona manifests two distinct projecting processes beyond the setiferous tubes which, though they present the same general appearance, are not provided with set, but manifest at their extremities a bright red spot under the illumination of the Wenham parabola; we do not expect to find eyes in a hemal aspect as these spots are situated ; beneath them there are three other processes which are less highly developed, and the distance between these two upper processes and the three lower ones corresponds precisely with the “ pitch,” or distance apart of the annulets of the vagina, and we see that although the corona is frequently protruded far above the margin of the vagina, it never remains in that position for periods of long duration, except in the instances of old animals, whose vagine are coated with extraneous matter, but with younger animals, the corona on the act of eversion is seen to emerge somewhat above the margin, and then to subside to such a position that these two processes become identical with its margin, suggesting the not unreasonable notion that these peculiar organs are employed in the act of constructing this delicate investment, but further investigation is necessary to confirm this supposition ; it certainly seems somewhat inconsistent to find that while in every other member of the Family the fabricating organ is situated on the neural side, it should in this particular in- stance be placed on the opposite; but if their capacity as such be truly surmised, they certainly produce an effect differmg essen- tially in the nature of the vagina so produced, which in this instance is more brittle than viscid. While hastening for the press, I must conclude these obser- vations with a cursory notice of the action of the marginal cilia, which, from the tardiness of their action in this particular Form, offer every opportunity for correctly appreciating their action, and of representing them on a drawing, though it is of course impossible Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. 169 to convey the appearance of objects in motion; however impressive may be their appearance, the onward procession is but an optical illusion ; I assume therefore that for the instant they are fixed when by the employment of linear projection the individual positions of the cilia are found to be as indicated on the drawing, which I sub- mit is correctly represented, and shows more clearly and truly the actual appearance assumed in life. II.—On an Improved Method of Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight.* By J. J. Woopwarp, Assistant-Surgeon, U. 8. Army. GENERAL: In January, 1870, I had the honour to submit to you a report in which I detailed the results of a series of experiments, which showed the superiority of the Electric and Magnesium lights over sunlight, as heretofore employed, for the production of photo- micrographs of the soft tissues. In June of the same year I made a report in which I showed that similar results could be obtained with the Oxy-Calcium light. With these various artificial sources of light I obtained pictures which appeared to me to be “clearer and better defined than any photographs of similar objects I had hitherto seen produced by sunlight.” So many cloudless days are offered to the photographer in Washington that I could not but regret these results; yet they appeared to be final at the time of writing. During the last few months, however, I have found improved methods of using the light of the sun for photographing the soft tissues, and have arrived at results which must materially modify the conclusions of my former reports. Not that I have anything to withdraw from the opinions I have expressed, as to the certainty and success attending the use of arti- ficial lights for the purpose named, but I have much to add with regard to the most advantageous methods of using the light of the sun for obtaining satisfactory pictures of tissue preparations, and such other objects as approximate them in optical characteristics. If a well-made preparation, of some normal tissue, or of some pathological growth, stained with carmine, silver, or gold, and mounted temporarily in glycerine, or permanently in Canada balsam, be illuminated by white cloud illumination, or by lamplight, and found to be all that could be desired, it will nevertheless appear very unsatisfactory if illuminated by the direct rays of the sun. The eye glancing through the tube of the instrument, dazzled by the powerful light, discerns amidst the blaze innumerable coloured * The report is made to Brigadier-General J, K, Barnes, Surgeon-General U.S. Army. 170 On an Improved Method of rings, produced by diffraction and interference, which disturb the normal appearances of the preparation and render its interpretation impossible. If the image be received upon a white screen similar phenomena obtrude themselves, destroying the clearness of the picture, though no longer injuriously affecting the eye; and if monochromatic light is employed, although the disorderly play of colour disappears, black rings and lines of the most manifold character and direction take their place. Pictures produced under these circumstances are of course quite useless, and the difficulty occurs not merely in the case of tissue preparations, but in a very large number of other objects. To escape these disagreeable results it has heretofore been the practice to pass the solar pencil through a piece of ground glass. This plan is recommended in all the treatises on photo-micrography, and has hitherto been employed in the solar work done at the Army Medical Museum. The method is effectual in getting rid of the diffraction and interference phenomena complained of; an image is obtained which is clear and satisfactory to the eye looking down the tube, but it appears very weak on the screen and is sadly deficient in contrast. These faults are reproduced in photographs of objects thus illuminated, and, moreover, the time of exposure is enormously increased. Such pictures are decidedly inferior to those which can be obtained by the Magnesium, or even by the Calcium light, with which no ground glass is used. I desire now to call your attention to the fact that in the course of some recent experiments I have ascertained that the diffraction and interference phenomena above complained of, may be prevented by the use of a suitable condensing lens, even better than by the ground glass; that by this plan the exposure may be greatly diminished, say from three minutes for five hundred diameters, to a fraction of a second, and that the resulting pictures are not merely quite as free from diffraction and interference phenomena as the best that can be obtained when the ground glass is used, but are characterized by greater contrast and superior sharpness of defi- nition. The details of my new method are as follows :—The microscope being placed on a shelf at the window of the dark room, and its body made horizontal, the achromatic condenser is illuminated by a solar pencil reflected from a heliostat upon a movable mirror outside the shutter and thence into the dark room, precisely as described in my original paper on photo-micrography.* No ground glass is used, but imstead a lens mounted in a suitable tube is fixed in the opening of the shutter through which the solar pencil enters. This lens is an achromatic combination about two inches in transverse * * American Journal of Science and Arts,’ September, 1866. Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. 171 diameter and of about ten inches focal length. It is placed at such a distance from the achromatic condenser that the solar rays are brought to a focus and begin again to diverge before they reach the lowest glass of the achromatic condenser. For anatomical preparations requiring for their display from two to five hundred diameters I use a 1th of an inch objective, without an eye-piece, obtaining the precise power desired by variations in the distance of the sensitive plate from the stage of the instrument. I have lately given the preference to immersion objectives, the cor- rections of which I find are generally well suited to photographic requirements. Now, with a 1th objective and the arrangement above described, the field is so briliantly illuminated that the eye cannot safely be permitted to look down the tube. The image is therefore received on a piece of white cardboard, and sitting by the microscope to make the adjustment I view the card with both eyes precisely as in the case of the ordinary solar microscope. With these arrangements, the cardboard placed from two to four feet from the stage of the microscope is sufficiently well illuminated to permit distinct vision, even when objectives of the shortest focus are used and powers of five to ten thousand diameters obtained. While the object is thus seen on the white screen in its natural colours, the cover corrections, focussing, management of the achromatic condenser, and selection of the portion of the preparation to be photographed, are readily managed. When all is satisfactory I insert an ammonio-sulphate cell between the large lens and the achromatic condenser, and draw down the velvet hood which prevents leakage of light from about the microscope into the dark room ; then going to the plate-holder I make the final focussing in the usual way on the ground glass, or on plate glass with the help of a focussing glass, according to the nature of the object. With powers of five hundred diameters or less I at first ex- perienced some difficulty in giving the right exposure; for as the time required was but a fraction of a second it was a matter of some difficulty to regulate it with precision. At length I succeeded by arranging a sliding shutter, with a transverse slit of variable width, so adjusted as to fall with its own weight before the tube of the microscope, the exposure being made during the passage, and the time of exposure regulated by the width given to the slit. Of course it occurred to me that for such short exposures the heliostat might be dispensed with, and I found on trial without it that a large right-angled prism used in the position of total re- flexion, or even an ordinary mirror, gave excellent results; the exposures being even shorter than when the heliostat was used, since there was but a single reflexion. I could not satisfy myself, however, that the quality of the pictures differed from those 172 On an Improved Method of obtained with the help of the heliostat, except perhaps that in certain cases the prism seemed to offer advantages which will be referred to hereafter. Under these circumstances the heliostat appears desirable for ordinary use, since the solar pencil being thrown in a constant direction, the trouble of adjusting the illumi- nation of a series of objects is considerably diminished, but 1 have convinced myself by trial that equally good pictures can be pro- duced without it, even with very high powers, a circumstance of considerable interest where motives of economy preclude the microscopist from procuring this convenient instrument. A few remarks with regard to certain points in the procedure above sketched seem called for. First, with regard to the selection of objectives suitable for pho- tographic work of this kind. The power of the objective to be used will depend of course upon the details it is desired to display. I find it best to use the naked objective without eye-piece or amplifier, and not as a rule to fix the sensitive plate more than three or four feet from the stage of the microscope. A 1th objective may be conveniently employed to obtain powers of from two to five or six hundred diameters, a 74th for higher powers up to twelve or fifteen hundred diameters. Suitable amplifiers or even eye-pieces may be used in either case, with great increase of the magnifying power, and often with admirable scenic effect, but there is always a certain loss of definition. Still such amplifications may sometimes be advantageously resorted to, especially in the case of objects which present very minute details ; for in these cases the paper prints will often lose many of the fine details of the negative, and the loss of definition incurred by the amplifier or eye-piece is not unfrequently less than that encountered in attempting to transfer to paper a negative prepared with insufficient magnifying power. Thus far my experience is decidedly in favour of using sufficient power in the first instance, rather than attempting to enlarge negatives taken with less power. The objective selected should of course be unexceptional in defining power, and should always be specially corrected for photo- graphy. It has been erroneously stated by Moitessier* that if an ammonio-sulphate or other blue cell be interposed in the solar pencil, all special corrections of the objective may be dispensed with. ‘This proposition, which has been adopted by many other writers, appears plausible, but a little consideration will show it to be quite erroneous. Everyone knows that a good objective must be free from spherical as well as from chromatic aberration. Of course the use of monochromatic light disposes of the chromatic trouble. Not so with the spherical aberration. Now this aberration, like the * ‘Ta Photographie Appliquée aux Recherches Micrographiques.’ Par A. Moitessier, Paris, 1866, p. 180 ct seq. Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. 173 chromatic, is corrected mainly by the just combination of flint with crown glass in the several pairs which constitute the objective. If these are so adjusted as to correct spherical aberration as nearly as possible for white light, they will no longer do so for light which has passed through the ammonio-sulphate of copper. Until objec- tive makers take this fairly into consideration the microscopist who desires to photograph what he sees is left to a happy chance in the selection of his objectives. For even those makers who profess to prepare objectives “specially corrected for photography” do not deal any too well with the problem. If they would test their objectives, while making them, with violet light, we should have better results ; for with such illumination the eye can see all that photography can execute and no more. But this circumstance fortunately enables the microscopist to select from the objectives in the market those which are suitable for photography. It is only necessary to test their performance when illuminated by sunlight which has passed through an ammonio- sulphate cell. Now it fortunately happens that the high-power immersion objectives of certain makers, especially those of Powell and Lealand, possess very nearly the corrections which theory would indicate as best adapted for photographic use. Nevertheless it can hardly be doubted that even these objectives could be greatly improved if the makers would take into consideration the principles involved in the foregoing remarks. A second point, which deserves attention, is the use of the large condensing lens above described. This lens, it will be understood, corresponds with the large condensing lens of the ordinary solar microscope, while the achromatic condenser takes the place of the so-called field-glass of the same instrument. It has already been mentioned that this lens should be placed at such a distance from the achromatic condenser that the solar rays may be brought to a focus, and begin again to diverge before they reach its lowest glass. A different arrangement is usually employed in the solar microscope, the field-glass being placed at such a distance from the first condenser that the solar rays impinge upon it before they come to a focus. As a consequence, the convergent pencils proceeding from the first lens are still further converged by the field-glass, and a burning focus of heat, as well as of light, is produced, which is damaging to the preparation as well as to the balsam cement of the objectives used. If, however, the rays from the first lens are per- mitted to come to a focus and to begin to diverge before striking the second, this latter can readily be adjusted so as to bring the illuminating rays to a handsome focus, while the heat rays, after passing the second lens, become parallel or even divergent according to the position of the achromatic condenser, and all trouble from the solar heat is thus completely avoided. So successfully may this 174 On an Improved Method of separation be effected, indeed, that I have frequently obtained light enough to give distinct vision and admirable definition on the card- board screen with five thousand linear diameters or even higher powers (obtained by the immersion ',th, an amplifier, and four feet or greater distance), while the heat was so slight that the drop of water used with the immersion lens did not require renewal oftener than about once in two hours. I had employed this device for several months, and supposed it ~ to be quite novel, when I read the paper of the late distinguished President of the Royal Microscopical Society of London, the Rey. J. B. Reade, “On the Separation of the Rays of Heat from the Rays of Light in Solar and Oxy-hydrogen-gas Microscopes.”* I learned from that article that Mr. Reade had devised this very plan as an improvement to the solar microscope as long ago as 1836. The advantages attained may be stated in his own lucid words :— “Tt is evident by this arrangement of lenses we convert the parallel solar beam first of all into a cone of light-giving rays within a cone of heat-giving rays, and the principal focus of heat 1s farther from the condensing lens than the principal focus of ight. But after these rays cross the axis we have, conversely, an equal and opposite cone of heat-giving rays within a cone of light-giving rays, and a plano-convex lens or hemisphere, if placed m this second cone at the distance of its own focal length from the principal focus of heat, will be at a distance greater than its focal length from the principal focus of light; and consequently the rays of heat, after passing through this lens, will become parallel, while the rays of light converge to a second focus. I have approximately measured the heating power of the thermal rays of the second cone when rendered parallel by the plano-convex lens, and I found in the month of December that the mercury in a sensitive thermometer, when placed in the second focus, did not reach 90° Fahr., while at the same time the heat at the focus of the first cone was sufficient to discharge gunpowder.” Mr. Reade appears to have experimented with low-power objec- . tives only, for he speaks merely of such preparations as the head of a flea. He therefore succeeded very well by using a single lens in his field-glass. With such powers as the immersion 3th and th I find it better to use an ordinary achromatic condenser instead. The principles involved are of course identical. For the first con- denser also, I have been using an achromatic combination of the dimensions and focal length above mentioned, taken from the back of an ordinary photographic portrait tube, but I am not sure that a simple plano-convex lens of the requisite diameter and focal length would not answer every purpose. * ‘The British Journal of Photography,’ December 16, 1870, p. 590. Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. 175 The introduction of the ammonio-sulphate cell would of itself prevent the passage of most of the heat rays falling upon it, but if this were the only means of excluding them it would not be possible to focus primarily with white light on the cardboard screen in the manner which I have found so convenient. I have already stated that the time of exposure required for the production of pictures magnified five hundred diameters or less, was a fraction of a second. With higher powers it increases, vary- ing with the management of the achromatic condenser. For four thousand diameters I have sometimes needed as much as twenty- five seconds. So long as the exposure is greater than a second, the requisite time may readily be given with a piece of velvet, or a cardboard screen held in the hand. For shorter exposures some mechanical contrivance is indispensable. That alluded to above seems to answer every purpose, and is arranged as follows:—A wooden screen is fixed between the microscope and the sensitive plate, as close as convenient to the microscope. To prevent side lights reach- ing the plate, the screen is connected with the window-shutter by velvet curtains, which can be turned aside to manipulate the instru- ment, and be let down at the proper time. A circular hole, three inches in diameter, is made in the screen opposite the tube of the microscope for the transmission of the image. In front of this a light shutter slides loosely up and down, held in place by a cleat of wood on each side, the design being to permit the shutter to fall edge foremost with as little friction as possible. The shutter may be made of thin metal, of wood, or even of cardboard. I am using one of pine wood the ;';th of an inch thick ; I have used one of card- board with equal success. In the shutter is an opening, three inches wide by ten long, covered with a cardboard slide, by means of which any width of slit, from a fraction of an inch to ten inches, can be given. The part of the shutter below the slit closes the aperture through which the image passes when the shutter is fixed in place before the exposure is made. On drawing a wooden trigger the shutter is started on its fall, which is arrested by a piece of string of suitable length. The exposure has now been made, but the aperture through which the image passes is again closed, this time by the part of the shutter above the slit. The shutter is so light that the jar caused by the sudden arrest of its motion by the string is too trifling to do any damage to the microscopic apparatus, and as it occurs after the exposure is over it cannot affect the image. I find that if when the shutter is started the lower edge of the slit is an inch above the aperture through which the image passes, a convenient velocity is attained for a magnifying power of two to five hundred diameters, arranged as I have described. For still shorter exposures, necessitated by lower powers or other circum- 176 On an Improved Method of stances, it would be best to start the shutter from a greater height, which would give greater velocity to the passage of the slit, and any available fraction of time desired might thus conveniently be obtained. The whole arrangement is inexpensive, and may be manufactured in a few hours by anyone, out of a deal board, a few pieces of cardboard, and a yard or two of cotton velvet. Of course the fractional measures of time obtained in this way are not absolute, since the friction must be variable, unless the apparatus were made in a more costly manner of metal. But I have found that the variations thus introduced are so small that they may be disregarded, and that while the starting-point remains the same, the width of the slit in the falling shutter indicates frac- tions of time which may confidently be counted upon to give pro- portional photographic results. The next subject for remark is the arrangement employed when the heliostat is dispensed with. For this purpose the contrivance usually employed for the solar microscope answers very well. A circular disk of brass, with toothed edges, is let into a square plate of the same metal, and is turned by a small toothed wheel, to which a suitable button or milled head is attached. Through the centre of the disk passes a tube six or eight inches long and two inches in diameter, the outer extremity of which is fitted to receive the large condensing lens. Just below this tube an arm is firmly attached to the outer surface of the disk for the purpose of carrying the mirror or right-angled prism, to which any desired inclination can be given by a rod passing through the disk by the side of the tube. The whole arrangement is quite lke the similar parts of the ordinary solar microscope, and hence needs no minute description; it is fitted into a window- shutter, which must of course face to the south, and the room being darkened the motions of the mirror, or prism can readily be con- trolled from within. If the condensing lens is used I do not think any material advantage can be obtained from the prism, and its expense is a decided objection. In the winter season in this latitude a prism of over five inches hypothenuse is required, and its cost is a serious item, An ordinary glass mirror answers, I think, quite as well for the tissues and most other purposes. There are, how- ever, certain objects, such as the Pleurosigmata and some other diatoms, the Nobert’s Test-plate, and the scales of certain insects, for which the condensing lens is unnecessary. The achromatic condenser, illuminated by a parallel solar pencil, answers better in these cases, and if it is properly managed no diffraction or inter- ference phenomena are produced. I am satisfied that in such cases the pure parallel pencil obtained from the prism gives better defini- tion to the image than can be obtained by the double pencil reflected from an ordinary glass mirror. A mirror silvered on the reflecting Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. 177 surface would, I suppose, answer the same purpose; but such mirrors are not permanent, and are troublesome to keep in order while they last. Moreover, if the prism is used only for this pur- pose, a very small and cheap one will answer, since a pencil half an inch in diameter is all that is required. Such a small right-angled prism is furnished with most large microscopes, and can readily be mounted outside the brass disk so as to answer the special purpose indicated. For all those objects which require the large condensing lens to avoid diffraction and interference, a common glass mirror will answer well enough. For lower powers than two. hundred diameters, however, the ordinary mirror will often be found to reflect too much light, and the image on the cardboard screen will be found too brillant to be conveniently observed for any length of time. In such cases a piece of plain unsilvered plate glass may be substituted for the mirror. The greater portion of the solar light passes through it and is lost, but enough is reflected to make pic- tures of four hundred diameters in from two to three seconds expo- sure, and these pictures have all the qualities of those made with ordinary mirrors. I have tried instead to diminish the light by absorbing a part, using for this purpose an ammonio-sulphate cell of considerable thickness, but find that this plan diminishes the contrast and definition of the image, which is not the case when a mirror of simple plate glass is used as above described. With regard to the management of the plate-holder, the appa- ratus for focussing, and other accessory arrangements, I need only say that I employ for the solar light the same simple plan which I have described in full in my reports on the use of artificial lights in photo-micrography. Since making the experiments which have led to the foregoing results I have modified my method of dealing with the electric light in photographing the tissues. I first render the divergent pencil proceeding from the carbon points as nearly parallel as possible by means of the condenser, usually supplied with electric lamps for this purpose, and then introduce into the parallel pencil, instead of a ground glass, the very same condensing lens described above for the process with solar light. The image is received primarily on a cardboard screen, and the remaining details do not differ from what has been related above. The time of exposure does not exceed a single second for four hundred diameters, and the sharpness of the pictures exceeds any of my former results. Indeed, with this new arrangement I must say that the electric light appears to me to retain the apparent superiority over sunlight, remarked in my paper on the use of this method of illumination in photo-micrography, at least in the case of all those objects which in themselves possess but little contrast. For well-made tissue preparations, however, I find the best work I can do with the electric light, so similar to the best 178 On an Improved Method of attainable by sunlight, used as above described, that I should rarely take the trouble to set up the battery and work the electric lamp, unless it was desirable to work at night or in unfavourable weather. It only remains to append some examples of the results attained by sunlight employed in this manner. In selecting a few negatives for this purpose I have preferred to confine myself to those which represent normal tissues, magnified to the moderate extent of four or five hundred diameters. I have done so because I believe that the greatest practical results are to be anticipated from the repro- duction of similar objects with like powers. I would refer those who are curious as to the possibilities with higher powers, to the photographs accompanying my “ Memoranda” on the Test Podura, and on Plewrosigma angulatum and P. formoswm, the majority of which were produced by the methods above laid down. Among the views will be found one of P. angulatum and one of P. formo- sum, each magnified 4500 diameters. The following is a brief description of the subjects represented in the photographs which accompany the present paper. [The following photographs have been received by us, but of course are not reproduced, being representations of objects familiar to most anatomists. They are, some of them, very correctly done ; but we fear they do not yet represent all that is seen with the eye. Some of them, as for example Nos. 3, 4, 5, are, we fancy, rather imperfect representations of the objects they are intended to represent.—Ep. ‘M. M. J.”] No. 1. Photograph representing a bundle of the striated mus- cular fibres of the mouse. Magnified 500 diameters by Powell and Lealand’s immersion }th. Negative No. 368, New Series. From preparation No. 2338, Microscopical Section. The preparation was made by Dr. J.C. W. Kennon. The capillaries were injected with carmine, and the fragment selected is mounted in Canada balsam. For photographic purposes the focal adjustment was arranged to display the transverse striz, and hence the capillaries appear some- what out of focus. No. 2. Portion of the peripheral wall of one of the alveoli of the lung of a frog. Magnified 500 diameters by Powell and Lealand’s immersion ith. Negative No. 8365, New Series. From preparation No. 38639, Microscopical Section. The preparation was made by Dr. EK. M. Schaeffer, one of the assistants in the Microscopical Sec- tion. The vessels were injected with a dilute silver solution, and the preparation, after staining with carmine, was mounted in Canada balsam. The photograph represents a small artery breaking up into a network of capillaries. The cells of the endothelium are mapped out by the silver, and the carmine-stained nuclei appear in many places. This picture is introduced for comparison with the best of those obtained with artificial light appended to my report on the Histology of Minute Blood-vessels. Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. 179 No. 3. A section of the eyelid of a calf, showing sebaceous glands surrounding a hair. Magnified 500 diameters by Powell and Lea- land’s immersion 3th. Negative No. 367, New Series. From pre- paration No. 3640, Microscopical Section. The preparation was made by Dr. EH. M. Schaeffer. The section was stained with car- mine, and mounted in Canada balsam. The lobules of the sebaceous glands have been focussed upon for the display of the glandular epithelium ; the hair and adjacent portion of the hair follicle appear of course somewhat out of focus. No. 4. Section of the kidney of a frog. Magnified 400 diameters by Powell and Lealand’s immersion Ith. Negative No. 373, New Series. From preparation No. 8018, Microscopical Section. The preparation was made by Dr. J. C. W. Kennon. The section was stamed in carmine, and mounted in Canada balsam. The photo- graph shows some of the ¢ubuli wriniferc cut transversely ; others more or less obliquely. No. 5. Section of the liver of a pseudo-triton. Magnified 500 diameters by Powell and Lealand’s immersion 1th. Negative No. 371, New Series. From preparation No. 3573, Microscopical Section. The preparation was made by Dr. J. C.W. Kennon. The section was stained in carmine, and mounted in Canada balsam. The photograph shows the polygonal cells and their nuclei. The double contours between some of the cells indicate the position of the ultimate gall ducts. No. 6. Section of the ovary of a cat. Magnified 400 diameters by Powell and Lealand’s immersion 1th. Negative No. 292, New Series. From preparation No. 3051, Microscopical Section. The preparation was made by Dr. J. C. W. Kennon. ‘The section was stained with carmine, and mounted in Canada balsam. The photo- graph shows the connective tissue of the ovary, with a number of immature ovules imbedded. The nuclei of the connective tissue are well defined, and in several of the ovules the germinal vesicle is distinctly seen. No. 7. Another portion of the section shown in No. 6. Same power. Negative No. 293, New Series. The photograph shows in the centre an ovule, with germinal vesicle and germinal spot well defined. The ovule is surrounded by several layers of cells, the nuclei of which are best seen on the right side. These belong to the immature zona granulosa. Externally is the connective tissue of the ovary. No. 8. Another portion of the same section. Same power. Negative No. 294, New Series. This photograph represents a nearly ripe Graafian follicle, lmed by a layer of cells (the zona granulosa) four to six deep—the nuclei of this layer are well defined. On one side an ovule is imbedded, in which the germinal vesicle and germinal spot are distinctly shown. The portion of the zona VoL. VI. 0) 180 Photographing Histological Preparations by Sunlight. granulosa reflected over the ovule is composed of two layers of cells, as shown by the nuclei. On the exterior of the Graafian follicle the connective tissue of the ovary and its nuclei can be seen. In the cavity of the Graafian follicle is a quantity of ill-defined granu- lar matter. . No. 9. An epithelial cell and several salivary corpuscles from fresh human saliva. Magnified 960 diameters by Powell and Lea- land’s immersion jth. Negative No. 408, New Series. One of the salivary corpuscles is very satisfactorily displayed. In conclusion, I cannot but express the hope that my work in this direction may induce other microscopists, and especially those who are conducting original researches, to resort to photography as a means of bringing their results in a tangible form before their fellow microscopists. It will be seen from the statements now made, that, with the exception of the mounting of an ordinary solar mirror, no special apparatus is absolutely needed for this purpose which may not be made by the microscopist himself, or at least produced at a very trifling cost. Nothing more than a knowledge of the principles of photography is required. In every case the services of a good dark-room man should be procured, and if the prepara- tions are carefully selected beforehand and the highest wages paid to the best operator attainable, the average cost of the negatives will be far less than that of the cheapest and most indifferent draw- ings. Accuracy of representation in these objects can only be satisfied by photography, and photography is not only the most accurate, but the cheapest and least troublesome method of repro-- ducing microscopic objects. Of course much of the beauty of the result will depend on the character of the preparation selected. But in a general way the preparations best fitted for study are those best fitted for photography. If photographic representation was universally demanded, a higher class of preparations than those which now satisfy too many microscopists would become indis- pensable, and the vague description, based on clumsy or imperfect preparations, which too often disfigures microscopic literature, would be replaced by a more accurate representation of the actual facts. Army Mepicat Museum, Microscopical Section. | TheMonthlyMicroscopical Journal Oct 11871. BRBOX, a a ee ae Sm alee aS = | i r Co. ‘ 7a | | |- ‘ 2 | ; as } | : . | | a ae ‘ 4 par ; } * a » i W West &Coimp. . , hen oar * 1 =, 7 ; ee. on St ee Heematozoa from the blood of the Muntjac. WEST i) Ill.—Hematozoa in Blood of Ceylon Deer. By Boyp Moss, M.D. PuatTe XCIX. Apout two years since, while examining the blood of various animals, I had one day a specimen of that of a Ceylon red deer (the Muntjac of India) under the microscope. To my great astonishment I saw vigorously swimming across the field several oval ciliated bodies, such as I have represented in Fig. 1 in the accompanying Plate. The front pointed half of the body was covered with cilia in active motion, and as it swam forward through the mass of red blood corpuscles, it was impossible to avoid com- paring it to a steam vessel forcing its way through a crowd of small boats. The specimen of blood had been taken about three-quarters of an hour after the death of the animal, while it was still warm— from a wound made by a bullet which had passed through the liver, and I thought it possible that the entozoa came from that organ, but on a careful examination of its substance none of them were found. I had no further opportunity of looking for their bodies for ten or eleven months, when I procured another red deer. About half an hour after death I placed a drop of the warm blood with which the cavity of the abdomen was filled (in opening the animal), under the microscope, and there again was the same curious sight of these entozoa swimming actively across the field. There were generally two or three to be seen at once when using Smith and Beck’s 1th objective. They lived under the thin glass cover for about an hour. I now carefully removed the heart of the deer, closing the aorta, as I cut it, with my fingers, and then squeezed out a drop of blood from the ventricle on to a slide; this again presented the same appearance, proving that the entozoa did not come from the cavity of the abdomen. A month or two later I examined the blood of another Muntjac, with similar results. Now, these bodies are of course far too large to pass through the capillaries, and must evidently inhabit the heart and larger vessels, and I had hoped before this to have been able more thoroughly to investigate the matter, and therefore delayed sending this communi- cation to the ‘ Microscopical Journal,’ but I have as yet had no further chances, and the above must be taken quantum valeat for the present. The appearance Fig. 2 in the Plate is that presented in all cases by the Heematozoa about twenty-four hours after death. When the drop of blood still remained partly fluid beneath the glass cover, they showed three curious bands, which much resemble muscular fibre, but which are not visible during life. They (the bodies themselves) have no colour, being perfectly translucent; a distinct double membrane is to be seen round them. They all 0 2 182 Microscopical Fissures in the have two or three large spherical bodies like ova towards the posterior half, the remaining portion being filled up with small cells and granules. ‘The cilia are raised on a substructure of a cave- like appearance. The red blood corpuscles of the Muntjac agree in size with those of the musk deer, being only about goo inch in diameter, many of them on being placed on the glass slide assume the curious semilunar form represented in the Plate (Fig. 3). I have once or twice examined the blood of the Sambur deer for these bodies, but have seen none. Cryion, May, 1871. With reference to my communication in your Journal for Decem- ber last, I have shown specimens to Mr. Thwaites, of the Botanical Gardens in Kandy, and it is his opinion that the organisms can be nothing but spores of some description of fungi. I am quite certain that they existed imbedded in the muscular fibre, and were not accidentally derived from without, and in the Plate facing page 48 of your Journal for February, in the present year, there are some drawings of spores (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 9,10, 14, 22, and 24), the very counterparts of which I can show in specimens of mus- cular tissue. IV.—Microscopical Fisswres in the Masticating Surface of Molars and Bicuspids. By J. H. M‘Quitten, M.D., D.DS., Professor of Physiology in Philadelphia Dental College. In a recent communication to an American periodical attention was directed to the fact that the minute openings or fissures found in the grinding approximal, buccal, palatine, and lingual surfaces of molars and bicuspids frequently lead to cavities of some size. Through the kindness of my friend, Dr. R. W. Varney, of New York, who placed in my hands some time since a number of micro- scopical preparations, 1 have an opportunity of demonstrating in the most conclusive manner the necessity of immediate attention to such cases. In the accompanying illustration (which I had made of a longitudinal section of an inferior molar, as seen under an 7%, ob- jective and No. 1 eye-piece, magnifying sixty diameters), it will be observed that a minute fissure, invisible to the naked eye in the section, extends from the bottom of the sulcus on the grinding surface of the tooth, through the enamel, almost to the dentine, and enlarging at the lower part into an oval cavity. This is entirely the result of defective formation, the enamel prisms having failed to coalesce at that point, and thus a condition is presented favourable Masticating Surface of Molars and Bicuspids. 183 to the retention of fluids and semi-solids, which undergoing decom- position would speedily destroy the thin septum of enamel covering the dentine. In the latter tissue, closely contiguous to the enamel, a number of black spaces (the interglobular spaces) will be seen. Here again is located defective structure and a prolific predisposing cause of decay. The large space re- presents a carious cavity com- mencing on the approximal side of the tooth. In a paper read before the American Dental Association at the meeting held in Boston, August, 1866,* giving the results of a personal examina- tion of the Eo 2 g . g's 3 he ‘ > 5 4 4 \ ond P as ey vs 7 oy . 3) * a a , fo * . , ‘, , ~ > anh ’ » . b ; : N A * & ji On Gnats’ Scales. 193 the proboscis of the Gnat; and indeed no one would expect to find so curious a departure from the ordinary characteristic of the - order Diptera as that presented by the Culicide. Francis Walker, F.L.S., mentions in his ‘ Insecta Britannica,’ 1856, that the veins of the wings of Culex, Anopheles, Corethra, Mochlongx, and Aédes, “are fringed with scales,” but he omits to notice their occurrence on other parts of the insects. As both German authors and American translator have repeated my error of the “ wavy appearance” of the scale, and made sundry other slight mistakes, it may be as well to enter a little more fully than I have hitherto done into the structure and variety of “ Gnats’ scales.” Scales are a generic characteristic of the Culicide, and although presenting pretty much the same appearance differ essentially in form. ‘There are four distinct kinds: the proboscis, palpi, and legs are entirely covered over with the battledore scales, represented at Fig. 1. The nervures or venations of the wings, and portions of the body of the insect, have regularly arranged rows of scales, shown at Fig. 2; while from the marginal edges of the wings project slender scales, which terminate in a point, Fig.3. The intermediate portions of the wings and body are covered with fine hairs, the thorax with tufts of feathery scales somewhat peculiar in form, Fig. 4, the pedicles of which are considerably longer than the rest, while the upper part gradually widens out and terminates abruptly in a crenated edge. These may be briefly described as trwmpet- shaped scales. In each case the scale is inserted by a narrow pedicle into the chitinous membrane, gradually assumes a scutiform appearance, and terminates in a crenate or pointed edge. The base- ment membrane is homogeneous, and the upper layer is corrugated or traversed by longitudinal ribs, and these again are regularly and finely striated throughout in the horizontal plane. It is the stria- tions on the ribs which, when seen slightly out of focus, give to the scales a wavy appearance. It is curious to find portions of C. pipiens completely clothed, and other parts free from scales. The legs are covered throughout, as shown in Fig. 5, and the feathers seem to take the place of hairs in other families of the Diptera. The proboscis, which is half the length of the male insect, is used as a prehensile organ and as a sheath or scabbard to the exquisitely-formed set of penetrating instruments. A slender needle-like piece, seen in the drawing, Fig. 6, just projecting out of the sheath, is serrated towards the tip, and thickened at the back like a scythe. It is said to be employed as a suctorial apparatus, or, when the insect is irritated, for conveying a fluid which is thought to be poisonous, from the minute receptacle situated at the base of the proboscis. The feathered sheath can, by a little careful dissection, be drawn off the slender set of instru- ments. To secure perfectly good scales, and preserve them in an 194 The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band. undisturbed state, the Gnat must be secured as it is seen issuing from the larva case. The scales should also be mounted dry, as when immersed in balsam or fluid they become too transparent. They are an excellent test for a $-inch objective. It is not improbable that the scales of even the various species of Culex will, after a more careful examination than I have been able to make, be found to differ, as upon going over the collection of Gnats in the British Museum, I discovered the scale represented at Fig. 8. This form closely resembles the scales of Lepidoptera. The body of C. annulatus is entirely covered with alternate rings of dark brown and white-coloured battledore scales; and the hairs projecting from its sides are longer and more numerous than in C. pipiens or C. musquito. The “feathered antlers” pectinate antenn of the male insects, although destitute of scales, are exceed- ingly handsome objects: they surmount the most brilliant set of compound ocelli it is possible to find. In short, he wears finer clothes and is better dressed throughout than his female companion. When the piercing apparatus is sent into the flesh of a victim, the proboscis appears to divide, it is then thrown up and turned back upon the head like the trunk of an elephant. The Gnat-like midges, so common in this country, and which belong to the Tipulidse, very closely resemble Culicide. Chironomus plumosus, often mistaken for a Gnat, has plumed antenn ; but on no part of wings or body can scales be found; the same remark applies to the rest of the species. The resemblance between many of the perfect insects belonging to the genus is striking, while their larve differ very considerably from each other. The club- shaped balancers, halteres, are more developed in Tipula than in Culex. The genus Psychoda have been thought to be clothed with scales, however they are not ; their wings and bodies, on the contrary, are thickly covered with long, peculiar hairs. Some of these little creatures present under the microscope a gorgeous appearance. The various parasites infesting Diptera deserve the attention of microscopists. VII.—The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band. By F. A. P. Barnarp, of Columbia College, New York. A PARAGRAPH in the article “On the Use of the Nobert’s Plate,” by my friend Colonel J. J. Woodward, of Washington, published in the July number of the Journal, which has just reached me, deserves some notice. The paragraph is upon page 27 of the Journal, and relates to a plan employed for settling the question whether the lines seen by me in the nineteenth band of Nobert’s plate, in a series of observations made some years ago, were true or The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band. 195 spurious. The personal question involved is of no consequence whatever; but the trustworthiness of the method employed is another matter; and this, I think, is not at all invalidated by the argument of Colonel Woodward. This method may be briefly explaimed thus:—In ruling his nineteen-band plate, Mr. Nobert has designed to make the spaces between the lines of the ninth band, measured from centre to centre, just sooth part of a Paris line each; and those of the nineteenth band ystpoth each. When I found, by micrometer, that twenty spaces on the nineteenth band, or any other carefully counted number, had the same aggregate value as half as many spaces on the ninth (where the counting is easy), I considered myself justified in concluding that the nineteenth band was truly resolved; and did nof think it necessary, in order to prove this, that I should actually count the band clear across. Colonel Woodward, however, says that this method will not do, because the spaces have not probably the values nor the relations intended by Nobert, and stated by him to exist. That the absolute values of the divisions are not exactly what was designed is pre- sumable enough; because it is not possible to construct a scale or anything else in so strict accordance with the intention as to be without error altogether; but in respect to the relations between the spaces of two scales ruled by the same machine, there is hardly room for the same degree of uncertainty. The parts of a ruling machine by means of which the distances between the lmes ruled are regulated, are not microscopic. They are so large that any minute irregularity in them would bear no appreciable ratio to their total magnitude. Moreover, when we consider that the same part of the machine—a ratchet, for instance—bears the divisions by which both the larger and the smaller spaces are regulated, so that—to take the case before us—the very same instrumental measure determines the aggregate value of ten spaces of the ninth band, and of twenty spaces of the nineteenth, we shall see that _there can be no sensible error in assuming that the ratio between the mean breadths of these spaces is as two to one. There can be none, at least, except on the supposition of wilful mis-statement by Mr. Nobert—a supposition which his known integrity makes inadmissible, and which is, moreover, abundantly disproved by Colonel Woodward’s own photographs and measurements. Colonel Woodward, however, thinks that the ninth band is broader than the nineteenth; whereas, since the former has but twenty-six spaces, while the latter has fifty-six, the nineteenth should have the greater breadth if the spaces are truly to each other in the ratio of two to one. Supposing the total breadths of the bands equal, the numbers just given enable us to state the real ratio to be as two and two-thirteenths to one; or, as Colonel VOL. VI. P 196 The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band. Woodward thinks the ninth band really the narrowest, we may be justified in saying that his hypothesis makes this ratio as great as 21:1. Is it for a moment conceivable that a ruling engine of any sort—to say nothing of one of such exquisite workmanship as that must be which has turned out these miraculous achievements of Mr. Nobert for so many years—should be capable of making errors in its divisions to the extent of one part in thirteen ? If we suppose, however, the relation of the spaces in these two bands to be such as Mr. Nobert intended, then the ninth band is not the broader of the two, but the nineteenth. The difference would be yoésoths of a line, or topoooths—say sotooth of an inch. This small space is undoubtedly measurable; but in the present instance it is rather difficult to measure, because, first, the ruled lines themselves are heavier and broader in proportion as the spaces are wider; and because, secondly, when the lines are truly in focus, the false lines on the margin make it often rather doubtful where the band begins. But now, without making any question about the absolute or the relative values of these spaces, any further than to assume that, in the latter particular, the deviation from the intention is not greater than Colonel Woodward supposes, though I am willing to allow it, if necessary, to be as great as 24:1, I think I may reasonably claim that my list was a perfectly trustworthy one for the purpose for which alone it was applied, ¢.e. to settle the ques- tion whether the nineteenth band was or was not truly resolved. Anyone who has studied close rulings under the microscope, with varying obliquity of illumination and parallel rays, will have observed two species of illusion so perfect as to deceive the most practised eye, and even his own if he happens not to know the object at which he is looking. One of these presents the number of lines exactly doubled, and the other shows exactly half the true number. ‘The physical cause of these appearances I believe I am able to explain; but the explanation would be here out of place. Whenever either of these illusive appearances presents itself, the lines are perfectly smooth and clear, and continuous from one end of the band to the other. They will imevitably be taken by the unpractised observer for the real lines. But the ordinary appear- ance of the unresolved bands is not this. The spurious lines which appear before resolution are in general rough, irregular, and, to use a word which best expresses the appearance, blotchy. The number of these rough lines which may be seen in a given band is not very easy to count; but when I have succeeded to a certain extent in counting, I have found that it is never with me in a simple ratio of 2: 1, or of 1 : 2 to the number of real] lines known to be present. On the other hand the ratio is as inconstant as possible. The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band. 197 Now for the bearing of this fact of observation upon my test. In looking at the nineteenth band, I saw it as a series of per- fectly regular, well-defined, uniformly distant lines, covering its whole surface, and extending unbroken across the entire field of view of my microscope. The question with me was, Do I see the true lines, or is this appearance the illusion in which only half the true number are present? In the latter case, I shall find in a given space the same number of lines which I find in the ninth band in the same space; in the former, I shall find twice as many. Now, if I had not found exactly twice as many (which I did), I should have still believed the band to be resolved; for it was impossible to suppose that I saw only half the number of the true lines; and equally impossible to suppose I saw twice the number of the true lines; therefore, if I had observed (as I did not) any seeming deviation from the ratio of 2:1, I should have been compelled to account for it on a hypothesis such as Col. Woodward has suggested, vzz. that the relations between the spaces in these two bands are not exactly in accordance with the intention of the constructor. There is a peculiarity of this plate brought to view by this discussion which has never been noticed, though apparently intro- duced with a purpose. The first band has seven lines, and purports to measure from centre to centre of the bounding lines just +,%oths of a Paris line. The next has ten lines, and similarly measures zr2soths of a Paris line. The third has thirteen, and measures syooths. All these fractions, reduced, give the same value s%,ths of a Paris line, as the common total breadth of the bands. But the fourth band has fifteen lines only, or fourteen spaces. The spaces Mr. Nobert states to be 2500th parts of a Paris line; so that if there had been sixteen instead of fifteen rulings in the band, the total breadth would have been 3}%,ths = =3,ths as before. On the other hand, if fourteen spaces occupy s%oths of a Paris line, each space must be greater than s;5,th. Considering that, with a dividing machine, it would be much easier to follow up the series 000» 1500» s0002 Zs00, than to substitute, in place of this last term, za, 28 the second supposition would require; and con- sidering that this substitution would be a contradiction of Mr. Nobert’s express statement of values marked on every one of the plates, we may fairly conclude that the dropping of a space argues no interruption of the law regulating the values of the divisions, but does argue a reduction of the total breadth of the fourth band. The sixth band contains seventeen lines, or sixteen spaces. If the rulings had been nineteen, and the spaces eighteen, the total breadth of the band would have been 333,;ths = s%sths as before. In short, if the aim had been to keep the total breadth of the band always the same, there would have been added always three lines in p 2 198 The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band. proceeding from each band to the next. The nineteenth band would in that case have had sixty-one lines and sixty spaces, and its breadth would have been +;8%oths or 52,ths of a line like all the rest. In point of fact, the number of lines added in passing from band to band is three in only twelve instances, two in five instances, and four in one instance. An apparent law regulates this matter — till we approach the more difficult bands. Thus, there are first two threes, then two twos, then two threes again, and then two twos once more; but then follow three, four, three, and we are now at the twelfth band where the difficulties become serious. My opinion is that Mr. Nobert introduced this irregularity to make it impossible for anyone to state with certainty the number of lines in any of the higher bands without having actually counted them. Had the law of threes been followed throughout, it would of course have been easy to ascertain the number of lines in any band by a simple calculation. He did not believe that any band beyond the fourteenth would ever be optically resolved. He stuck at that band for a long time himself, and in its divisions he had reached the limit of visible magnitude assigned by Fraunhofer. Knowing then himself, and he only knowing, the numbers of lines on these higher bands, and having made it impossible with certainty to calculate them, he had an infallible criterion for determining whether an imagined resolution had been real. Colonel Woodward having met this difficult test, and having counted for him his lines in every band, he has been satisfied, and has frankly admitted that the thing he deemed impossible has been accomplished. July 19th, 1871. ( 199 ) PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Experiments on Spontaneous Generation.—Mr. F. Crace-Calvert, F.RS., has been recently making some experiments in this direction which have led him to conclude that spontaneous generation is an impossibility. They are published in the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ No. 128. The more interesting were those made relative to the heat which the lower organisms can tolerate. The first series of experiments was made witha sugar solution. Sugar was employed, being a well-defined organic compound free from nitrogen, which can easily be obtained in a state of purity. To carry out the experi- ments he prepared a series of small tubes made of very thick and well-annealed glass, each tube about four centimétres in length, and having a bore of five millimétres. The fluid to be operated upon was introduced into them, and left exposed to the atmosphere for sufficient length of time for germ-life to be largely developed. Each tube was then hermetically sealed and wrapped in wire gauze, to prevent any accident to the operator in case of the bursting of any of the tubes. They were then placed in an oil bath, and gradually heated to the re- quired temperature, at which they were maintained for half an hour. A solution of sugar was prepared by dissolving 1 part of sugar in 10 parts of water. This solution was made with common water, and ex- posed all night to the atmosphere, so that life might impregnate it. The fluid was prepared on the 1st of November, 1870, introduced into tubes on the 2nd, and allowed to remain five days. On the 7th of November twelve tubes were kept without being heated, twelve were heated to 200° Fahr., twelve to 300°, and twelve to 480° Fahr. The contents of the tubes were microscopically examined on the Ist of December, twenty-four days after heating, with the following re- sults :— . Heated for : Shem Solutiou half an hour " at 212° Fahr. Therewereabout| A great portion thirty animalcules' of the life had under each field, disappeared; no of the microscope, | animalcules were principally small swimming; _ still black vibrios, two this temperature or three micro- had not completely zymes swimming) slowly about, three , or four ordinary swimming vibrios, and a few Bac- teria. or five small black vibrios were ob- served moving energetically to and fro; two or three ordinary vi- brios were also observed moving energetically in the same position of the field; that is, without swim- | ming about. destroyed life. Four | Heated for half an hour at 300° Fahr. The sugar was slightly charred, but the life was not entirely de- stroyed, as one or two ordinary vi- brios and one or two small black vibrios were ob- served in motion under the field of the microscope. Heated for half an hour at 400° Fahr. The sugar was almost entirely decomposed; no trace of life was observed. Heated for half an hour at 500° Fahr. No life observed, 200 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Recent Foreign Papers.—Professor Stricker’s ‘New Year-Book of Medicine,’ of which two parts have been published, contains a series of valuable papers on microscopy. Among them may be mentioned the following :—There is one by Dr. Hausen on the results of inflam- mation in the corneal tissue; another by Dr. Giiterbock on the effects of inflammation of tendons; by Dr. Yeo on the pathology of inflamed lymphatic glands; by Stricker himself on the nature of the poison of pus, and another paper in conjunction with Dr. Albert—an account of traumatic fever; Dr. Lang gives the pathology of inflammation of the bones, and Dr. Kimdrat a paper on the inflammatory changes in the endothelia of serous membranes. Researches on Inflammation and Suppuration.—At a meeting of the Royal Irish Academy, held on May 8th, Dr. J. M. Purser read the second part of his report on the above subject. It is reported by the ‘British Medical Journal,’ which gives a very full account of the paper. Herr Cohnheim believes that the two following propositions are established. as the result of his investigations :—1. In an inflamed part, the white corpuscles of the blood pass through the walls of the vessels in great numbers, and, having become free in the tissue, con- stitute the cells of pus. 2. The cells of the inflamed part itself have no share in the formation of pus; they persist for a time unchanged among the emigrated blood-corpuscles, and, if the inflammation last long enough, or attain a great intensity, they undergo a series of changes of a purely regressive or degenerative nature, ending in their death or destruction. Dr. Purser, in the first part of his report, read twelve months since, stated that his own observations fully bore out Professor Cohnheim’s views as enunciated in the first of the above- quoted propositions. So far back as the year 1846, Dr. Augustus Waller had described the passage of the leucocytes of the blood through the walls of the vessels. With regard to the second proposition of the German physiologist, however, Dr. Purser found that the experiments conducted by himself gave negative results, and in them he was borne out by the opinions of Virchow and of’ Goodsir. Having described Professor Cohnheim’s mode of procedure in experimenting on the corner and tongues of frogs, Dr. Purser proceeded to give in detail the results which he had himself obtained. His observations were also made on the cornex and tongues of frogs. Inflammation was excited either by cauterization with nitrate of silver, or by the insertion of a seton. In some instances, the occurrence of a spontaneous ulcerative keratitis obviated the necessity of causing irritation. Phenomena, essentially the same in kind, but varying much in degree and as to the time of their development, showed themselves in every case. On no occasion did the connective-tissue cells remain unaltered among the pus-corpuscles. The first well-marked change observed in the former consisted in a tendency to become elongated, and, in doing so, to lose their equally stellate shape. Their nuclei underwent a similar modi- fication of form, and the protoplasm assumed a more decidedly granular appearance than in health. In the next stage of the inflammatory process, the cells have completely lost their primitive form, and have become perfect spindle-shaped bodies, while the number of nuclei CORRESPONDENCE. 201 increased, and amounted sometimes to four or more in a single cell. The third change consisted in the division of the spindle-shaped corpuscles. These first assumed an hour-glass appearance, and finally divided across in one or more than one place. Sometimes the spindles did not divide, but formed movable, multi-nucleated masses, like those described by Stricker. Dr. Purser believed, too, that the researches of this physiologist on inflammation confirm his own observations. NOTES AND MEMORANDA. Mr. Wenham and Mr. Tolles.—In reference to Mr. Wenham’s last communication, we have received a letter from Mr. Charles Stodder, of Boston, relative to his supposed share in the controversy. He thinks that Mr. Wenham does him “too much honour when he associates” his name with that of Mr. Tolles, in the matter of the angle of light admitted to an objective. He does not presume to have or express any opinion either on one side or the other. It seems that his note, which we published, was intended to be a private note, containing a correction. As, however, it was not marked private, we could not imagine it was intended as such, and hence, for full correction sake, we published it. Mr. Tolles does not wish to have his name mixed up in the discussion. Hn passant, we beg to point out that there was an error in Mr. Tolles’ paper, the word suffraction being printed by a stupid mistake for refraction. CORRESPONDENCE. Nozert’s NineteentH Banp.—Coxu. Woopwarp.—Mr. Stopper. To the Editor of the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal,’ Boston, July 20, 1871. Mr. Eprror,—I have no longer any controversy with Col. Dr. Woodward on the question whether he or Mr. Greenleaf and myself were the first to resolve the nineteenth band of Nobert’s plate. I have said on that, all that I need to say. But his last paper, in the July number of the ‘ Monthly Microsco- pical Journal, has some propositions that are subjects of fair criticism —some that I dissent from, and must point out, or my silence would be claimed as assenting. Therefore I ask the privilege of submitting my views to the “ goodly company” of microscopists, who must decide. Dr. Woodward opens his case, by saying that he does not think that the question of priority as to the resolution of the nineteenth band possesses sufficient general interest to make it worth while for him to 202 CORRESPONDENCE. add anything to what he has already written. What he has written is evidence that he then thought it was a matter of great interest. It is true the question does not, outside of the circle of microscopists, possess the interest that the invasion of France by Prussia did in the political world ; but within that circle it does possess as much interest as does the cession of Alsace to Prussia in the political. The first construction of an instrument capable of that feat marks an event, an era in optics, as important and remarkable as the re- nowned improvements of Lister and Andrew Ross.* Dr. W. says, three criteria for distinguishing the spurious from the true lines have been offered. He specifies, “ The first is the un- aided judgment of the individual microscopist, who is supposed to be able instinctively to distinguish the false from the true lines, without any special help.” By whom was such a criterion ever offered? Cer- tainly not by me. On the same page—in the same breath, so to speak—Dr. W. con- tinues: “It may be granted that an observer who has many times effected the true resolution of any given band, will at length have its appear- ance so firmly impressed upon his mind that he will recognize it whenever he sees it, as he would the face of a familiar friend; but this familiarity, which all acquire with any appearance which they have many times reproduced, will only serve to mislead, if at the beginning spurious lines have been confounded with the true, for then the decep- tive spurious appearance will be sought for as eagerly as though it were the true one.” Good! Dr. W. having granted that, has granted all I ask for. That has been my principle of observation, caution and all. I could recognize the true lines as the face of a familiar friend. A few other passages in Dr. W.’s paper require notice. He says the question is “simply whether the modern objectives as actually made have a field sufficiently flat to resolve from edge to edge a series of lines occupying a space of the 2000th part of an inch wide.” No question like that has ever been offered or, suggested by anyone before to my knowledge, not even by Dr. Woodward himself. Flatness of field is a desideratum in an objective, but not the sine qué non, The real question is, can an instrument be made of such defining power as to separate or to show the lines or the spaces between two lines ruled to the fineness that the nineteenth band is ? Mr. Huxley said, “ Histo- logists, he feared, had come to the end of their work unless. . they could obtain microscopes which would enable them to separate two points the 100,000th part of an inch apart.”t Mr. Huxley can scarcely be posted as to what modern microscopes can do. If the lines of the nineteenth band are as wide as the spaces between them, they are only 1—224,000th of an inch apart. The problem is strictly analogous to that of separating double stars—a matter of definition. If the microscopist can see the spaces * See Carpenter, ‘The Microscope and its Revelations,’ 1st ed., 1856, p. 197, Philadelphia, and every edition since to 1868; also Dr, H. H. Hagen’s Remarks, ‘Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.,’ 1869, vol. xii., p. 359. ~ ‘M. M. Journal, Nov., 1870, p. 291. ; CORRESPONDENCE. 203 between two, three, five, or ten lines of a certain band of the plate he has resolved it. If he doubts the ruling, or wishes to verify he may count and measure until he is satisfied. It was entirely optional with the artist to rule ten lines or ten hundred—the problem of rego- lution is the same. There is no special virtue in fifty-seven lines. Dr. Woodward’s criterion of the resolution is as much a test of the “ flat- ness” of the glass on which the lines are ruled, as of the “ flatness” of the field of the objective. It will readily be perceived by anyone who has tried the resolution, that so minute and delicate are the lines, that any curvature of the glass, or variation even in the thickness, will throw some of the lines out of focus. I readily acknowledge the justness of one of Dr. W.’s criticisms on my original paper. It was an oversight to suggest that the micro- meter must be moved the 100,000th of an inch only. That, however, does not remove the difficulty of counting “such fine lines.” I never said it was impossible. I regret exceedingly that Dr. W. should think that I have shown unfairness to him in representing his remarks: it was my endeavour to represent them fairly, and I believe I have represented them as they were understood by all my friends. I was acquainted with Dr. Hagen’s assertion which Dr. W. quotes, though I do not read the ori- ginal I know that Dr. Hagen wrote that none of Tolles’ objectives had resolved the nineteenth band, and wrote it after he had been positively told by several accomplished microscopists that they had seen it re- solved; equivalent to saying that they did not know what they had seen so well as Dr. H. did himself; and since that time Dr. Hagen has said that he had seen the true lines of the nineteenth band with a Tolles’ ;,th. It of course is a question what constitutes a resolution, but he did not suggest that. I have defined my problem, and submit it to the microscopical world for their approval or rejection. It is a misfortune that so much time elapses between the making observations, and writing and the publication. My inquiry of Dr. W. was written in September, 1870, though it was from causes beyond my control in my hands until November, and it was not published until March, My question referred of course to the time (May, 1869) when Dr. W. tried the Tolles’ objectives. He replies (April ?) 1871, stating what the objectives will do that he has then. If he had delayed until July, a change had occurred. He has now ascertained that the Powell and Lealand so-called jth objectives are really jth; the so-called ygth is a th ;* that his description of the appearance of the true lines of the nineteenth band on his plate is not a correct description of the appearance of lines of the same band on the plate I used. All these facts, I presume, Dr. W. will in due time communicate to the ublie. ; In conclusion, Dr. Woodward is entitled to the thanks of all microscopists, who may undertake the excessively difficult task of re- solving these lines, for the admirable manner in which he has described * Objectives are named when adjusted for uncovered objects, a fact not generally known by purchasers. The power increases, ¢.e. the focus is shorter as the collar is turned to work through the covering glass. 204 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. the difficulty of the undertaking, and the obstacles they must en- counter. His paper should be read in connection with Dr. Pigott’s paper in the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal’ for June, 1870. The two papers afford the most complete account of these wonderful lines that I have yet seen. CHARLES STODDER. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES.* Royat MioroscopicaAL Socrery. The first Evening Meeting will take place on Wednesday, the 4th inst., when the President will read a Paper. BRIGHTON AND Sussex Naturau History Society. July 13th.—Ordinary Meeting. Mr. J. J. Sewell, Vice-President, in the chair. Messrs. Ireland, D. B. Friend, and Dr. Tuthill Massy were elected ordinary members; and the names of seven gentlemen were proposed for election in August. Mr. Gwatkin reported the receipt, for the Society’s album, of seven very beautiful photographs of microscopic objects, made and presented by Dr. Hallifax, including sections of proboscis of blow-fly showing the rasping teeth, poison bag of spider, teeth of medicinal leech, &c., and a water-colour drawing, by Mr. Penley, of Swanbourne Lake, Arundel, from a sketch taken by him on the occasion of the annual excursion. Votes of thanks were passed to these gentlemen. Mr. H. C. Malden gave an account of the great difficulties he had encountered in killing a female puss moth, until she had laid her eggs. Apparently killed on a Friday, after laying 175 eggs, she recovered, and though repeatedly, to all appearance, killed on that and the three following days, she did not die until she had laid in all 298 eggs. Many examples were given by the gentlemen present of the extrusion of eggs by moths, not only before death, but even in articulo mortis or when the thorax was stiff, and to all intents dead; so great is the effort of nature to propagate the species. Mr. Wonfor then read a paper ‘‘ On the Annual Excursion to Arun- del, on June 30th,” in which the chief incidents of the day, and the various objects seen and obtained, were very graphically and happily described, and especial reference made to the courtesy and hospitality of the Mayor of Arundel (W. W. Mitchell, Esq.), who invited them to luncheon, and of his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, who granted permis- sion to see the gardens and private grounds attached to the castle. Votes of thanks were passed to the Mayor of Arundel and to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk. * Secretaries of Societies will greatly oblige us by writing their report legibly —especially by printing the technical terms thus: H ydra—and by “underlining” words, such as specific names, which must be printed in italics. They will thus secure accuracy and enhance the value of their proceedings—Ep.‘M.M. J’ PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 205 July 27th.—Microscopical Meeting. Mr. J. J. Sewell, Vice-Pre- sident, in the chair. Subject, “ Pond Life.” Mr. R. Glaisyer reported the receipt, for the Society’s cabinet, of twelve slides from Mr. C. Neate, four from Mr. Gwatkin, and four from Mr. Wonfor. Votes of thanks were passed to the donors. Mr. Robertson announced that a dip made in the moat at Plumpton Place revealed the presence on the American weed Anacharis alsinas- trum of Cristatella mucedo, besides several mollusks, larvee of ephemera and caddis, four species of Planaria, two species of water beetles, Daphnia, &c. Mr. Wonfor remarked that though there was not time to go to the marshes when at Arundel, he had made a dip in the lake at Swan- bourne, and obtained various desmids, including Euastrum, Micrasteria, and Closterium, several of the commoner diatoms, Rotatorie, Floscula- rie, &e., and globules of Chara vulgaris, containing spermatozoids, some of which he had mounted for the cabinet. From a pond near the Has- sock’s Gate Station, in addition to various forms of Daphnia, Cyclops, &e., he had obtained young tritons, which exhibited the circulation of the blood very beautifully; plenty of Hydra viridis, some of which showed developed young hydra attached to the parent, and Planaria. On Monday, Mr. Sewell and he, upon the occasion of going to Lewes to assist at a conversazione of the Lewes Natural History Society, had obtained in the marshes, at Southover, plenty of Volvow globator ; on the frog-bit egg masses of different mollusks, some of which were so advanced that the young mollusks might be seen through the jelly-like substance enclosing them ; a few specimens of Hydra fusca and vulgaris, red and other water spiders, &c.; and that afternoon, from a pond on Furze Hill, he had obtained plenty of Volvox globator in all stages, several varieties of Daphnia, Pleuroxus, Alona, Rotatoria, &c., as well as a Melicerta, Spirogyra, and many other minute organisms which he had not time to identify. He had never seen a pond so rich in Volvox as the one he had visited that afternoon. After a discussion on the nature and generation of Hydra and Volvox, in which Messrs. Sewell, Wonfor, Robertson, and Dr. Hallifax took part, the meeting became a conversazione, when Mr. R. Glaisyer exhibited various entomostraca, including Daphnia pulex and D. vetula, Planaria, and Anguillula. Mr. Sewell exhibited Volvow globator, Cyclops quadricornis, &e. Mr. Wonfor exhibited Hydra viridis in different conditions of development, Volvow globator in different stages, Spirogyra, Hy- drachna, &e. It was announced that the subject for the next Microscopical Meet- ing, August 24th, would be “ Polyzoa”; and that at the next Ordinary Meeting, August 10th, Mr. Wonfor would read a paper on “Is Bombyx callune a variety or a species ?” 206 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Soutn Lonpon MicroscoprcaAL AND Naturat History Cxivus.* An Ordinary Meeting of this Club was held on Tuesday evening, July 18th, at Glo’ster Hall, Glo’ster Place, Brixton Road. Henry Deane, Esq., F.L.S., in the chair. Mr. Britten, F.L.S., of the Herbarium, Kew, read a paper “On the Work of Local Societies, especially in connection with Botanical Science.” The following is an abstract of this paper :— The primary duties of local societies are briefly these :—to bring together those persons, residing in a given district, who have paid at- tention to any group of natural objects, that they may, with mutual advantage, compare specimens and notes; to encourage others in the formation of similar tastes, and to put them in the way of following them out in the manner most likely to be of practical use to them- selves; and to investigate, as far as possible, the natural productions of the district, either with a view to the publication of a local fauna and flora, or merely for the purpose of self-instruction. The mere fact of joining such a body indicates a taste for the study of nature, which is in itself a good sign, but it must be remembered that no mere accumulation of money can make a local: society successful: you may be rich in cash, but bankrupt in matters of greater value; while if your storehouses of knowledge be full, empty coffers will matter little. A book upon the flora of Surrey was published eight years ago by the Holmsdale Natural History Club. It may be considered a fairly complete work, but one point in which it is deficient is its want of his- torical interest. It is exceedingly interesting for a botanist to note the influence of civilization upon the flora of a region. To the anti- quarian, what memories of old times are conjured up by the records of the fathers of English botany, of the London plants such as they were in those days; when we might find on our evening rambles in the fields near “a theatre by London” (that is, the first public theatre in London, built in Shoreditch about 1570) wonderful double butter- cups ; when Penny-Cress grew in the “streete of Peckham”; when the small autumn hyacinth grew “upon a banke by the Thames side between Chelsey and London.” One can picture to oneself Gerarde poring over the plants growing in his large garden in Holborn “ within the suburbs of London,” or John Parkinson, the king’s herbarist, whose garden was in Long Acre, going down to Westminster to inspect the famous collection of carnations of his friend Ralph Tuggy, and one is tempted to wander off into speculations as to what these worthy men of bygone days would say were they suddenly to return to life and see all the changes that have taken place since that time, or what we'should do or say if put back in an equally sudden manner for 300 years or so! This question of “antiquarian botany,” as it is sarcastically called, shows us the immense influence exercised by man upon the flora of a country, simply in a destructive manner. There is no need to go back to Gerarde and Parkinson for this: fifty years ago interesting plants grew at Battersea, and some of * Report by T. Hovenden, Esq. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 207 them even yet hold their ground. The White Meadow Saxifrage, for instance, appears on the grassy banks surrounding the ditch which runs through part of Battersea Park, just as it did in days before the park was thought of. A list of Forest Hill plants, only forty years ago, contains many even rare species, but they have all doubtless long since perished. But it must not be supposed that it is only by its destructive agency that the advance of civilization affects the flora of a county or country. Surrey is especially notorious as a county in which, through drainage or other circumstances, fresh plants have been introduced. A long list of plants which appeared on some waste grounds at Wandsworth, where the sweepings of Watney’s Distillery had been deposited, was published some years since; and a similar list of foreigners at Mitcham has appeared more recently. Most of these plants merely appear for a year and fail to perpetuate themselves ; others last for three or four years, and then disappear, while a few find their new locality suited to their permanent existence, and eventually claim admittance to our flora. Here we have a branch of observation well fitted to occupy the attention of a local society, and especially of a society in the neighbourhood of London. So, if we have to lament the disappearance of our plants, we have received others in exchange, equally worthy of notice ; and although we cannot botanize in the “pasture and meadow grounds about Pancridge Church,” or expect much to reward our search in “ the village neere London called Kentish Towne,” or the “‘ bankes about Pickadilla,” we have full compensation in the facilities afforded us by our numerous railways, which enable us to visit places where bricks and mortar have not as yet extinguished plants, with as little trouble as our old writers found in arriving at their chosen localities for “ herboriza- tions.” That we have full compensation as to number of species may be gathered from the ‘Flora of Middlesex, where it is stated that, although no less than 58 species are probably extinct in that county, 91 are catalogued as more or less perfectly naturalized, to say nothing of 120 which have been observed in a subspontaneous condition, although as yet they have not succeeded in establishing themselves. Another important object of the club would be systematic work. This is absolutely necessary for the results to be of any practical value, and I should advise that the observations of the members should be recorded, for comparison with the notes of other observers. All malformations, and deviations from typical forms, should also be carefully noted ; and the times of the flowering and pliation of plants should be entered in a calendar, and may be useful for comparison with past records. Lists of mosses and fungi (which do not appear in the published ‘ Flora of Surrey’) might be compiled by the members. Should the club publish transactions or reports of proceedings, it is most important that they should be confined strictly to local matters. In connection with local lists of plants, it would be most desirable to ascertain the local names, as well as any superstitions or traditions locally connected with them, more especially as these latter are fast dying out. I sincerely hope that the club will flourish, and that it 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY. will not be an excuse for spending an evening in pleasant and intel- lectual chat, but will lead to actual work being done by the members, individually and collectively. It is just in proportion to the amount of work done that the Society ought to and will flourish, and while feeling sincerely sorry that I have been able to say so little which has been worth your attention, I shall also feel that my time and yours have not been quite wasted if anyone should be urged by my remarks to assist with greater energy in promoting the work and welfare of the Society. Mi. Deane remarked that the paper they had just heard was, in his opinion, a most valuable one. With regard to the extinction of plants, and the introduction of fresh ones, he might mention that when he first came to Clapham, there were at least six varieties of ferns to be found on the Common. There was now, he believed, only one kind, all the rest having become extinct. He believed also that the weed Anacharis, which now grew to profusion in the ponds on Clapham Common, had been introduced within the last few years. In a book which he had lately seen, it was remarked that many years ago a gentleman at Wimbledon grew a number of beautiful tulips, of which he was very proud. He believed that the wild tulip was now to be found on parts of Wimbledon Common; this would probably owe its introduction to the number of tulips kept by this gentleman, some of which had doubtless gone wild and spread over the Common. Mr. Deane concluded by moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Britten for his valuable and interesting paper, which was unanimously accorded. Six members were balloted for, and duly elected, and the certifi- cates of four new members were read by the Secretary. Excursions were announced, on July 29, to Barnet (for Totteridge), and on August 12, to Thames Ditton. The meeting then resolved itself into a conversazione; a paper having been announced for the next meeting (on August 15, at half- past 7 o’clock in the evening), by Dr. Hector Helsham, ‘On the Employment of the Microscope in Analysis.” BIBLIOGRAPHY. Die Aufzucht d. Eichenspinners [Antherea yama Mai]. Prof. Fred. Haberlandt. Wien. Gerolds Sohn. Untersuchungen uéber die Gehérschnecke der Saugethiere. A. von Winiwarter. Wien. Gerolds Sohn. Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Medicin und Naturwissenschaft hrsg. v. der medicinisch-naturwissenschaftl. Gesellschaft zu Jena. Leipzig. Engelmann. Berichte des Nutuewiseenschaftlich -mediaasaiieee Vereines in Innsbruch. Innsbruch. Wagner. Beitrige zur Biologie der Pflanzen. Dr. Ferd Cohn. Breslau. Kern’s Verl. The Monthly Microscopical Journal, Nov.1 1871. Pl, CIL hrf A ‘ a —< Fo eee Se ee Chelrifer LatrevLein UL Preqnrane stare. | { ka 2 § Ib / < } Z | / | — , / auw-- f En oe leg i Bbacval Arcnes or Embryo § almon — THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 1, 1871. I.—An Incident in the Life of a Chelifer. By 8. J. McIntinz, F.R.M.S. (Read before the Royau Microscoricau Society, Oct. 4, 1871.) Puate CII—B. For some time past, as some readers may be aware, I have been watching the habits, whenever I got opportunity, of the British - Pseudoscorpions, and the results are recorded in the Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club and the pages of ‘Science Gossip’; but lately a circumstance happened in relation to the subject which may be worthy of more special mention. About April last I procured from Theale two chelifers, one of them full-sized, and the other a young one. I secured them, as is my wont, in one of the cork cells already brought before the notice of microscopists, and which I find indispensable to prolonged obser- vation of such creatures. The large one perambulated the cell with considerable activity, but the small one, with commendable pru- dence, selected a crevice in it, rather out of the track taken by the adult specimen, and here it abode quietly. Now and then its peace was disturbed by the too near approach of the large chelifer’s claws, but it cunningly evaded their grasp, and settled down again when the danger was past. As I dieted them upon their proper food, Podure (of the genus Lepidocyrtus, the common sort of which I was able to obtain a supply of at the time), they throve well, and about the middle of May the growth was noticed upon the under- side of the larger one’s abdomen of the egg-case, leading me to expect a repetition of former experiences, namely, that I should soon have an addition to my stock, if all went well, of seventeen or eighteen young chelifers, which, on extricating themselves from the egg-case, would climb their mother’s back, and there seat them- selves, secure from most enemies, after the manner of true scorpions, as Natural History books tell us. But accidents will happen; and so when the egg-burden was of full size, and the shape of the young chelifers therein could be roughly traced out, the mother cast her load off. Whether the young chelifer, whose claws were daily gaining strength, had at- tacked her in her weak condition, or whether I had disturbed her VOL. VI. Q 210 Transactions of the in roughly agitating the cell,—for either of these causes is sufficient to produce such a result,—I cannot say. I found her load appro- priated by five or six mites (apparently allied to Gamasus), under whose active attacks it soon disappeared entirely, while she, in a very emaciated and excited state, was hurrying to and fro in the cell. To calm and soothe her agitated feelings, I introduced some - five or six lepidocyrti, which quickly fell victims to her appetite, and afterwards she appeared decidedly better. The months of June and July passed, and she lived on, and quite recovered meanwhile. At the beginning of August, however, to my great surprise, a second egg-burden began to show itself on the same chelifer. It went on rapidly increasing in size till about the 8th August, when it ceased to grow larger, though the progres- sive development of the contents inside it might be observed daily. Lest any mischance like to the other should happen, I carefully removed the suspected young chelifer to a solitary cell, and was very careful in handling that containing the pregnant one. A rough sketch of her appearance at this period is given* (Plate CIL., Fig. B). But all in vain, for during the night of the 17th August, just when I was expecting, from the advanced development of the con- tained young, that the experiment would be successful, the irritable mother again detached her burden from her body. While I write, some twelve hours afterwards, the contents of the egg-case seem still alive, for slight movements within can be detected; but yet I doubt if the attacks of predaceous mites alone will not prove too much for the further development of the young, even if the separation of the egg from the body of the chelifer is not fatal to its development.t The fact of two broods of young, for such I consider it to be, from a chelifer in one summer is, I think, curious and worthy of attention ; moreover, the fecundation of the female is an obscure subject. I must conclude it took place previous to April, since I quite exculpate the little chelifer, which was her companion for a long period, for the obvious reason of its youth. Beyond noticing these points, I will not hazard any speculations on them. Sir John Lubbock says, if I may be permitted to quote from his letter, “The case seems like one of Parthenogenesis, or perhaps the spermatozoa are retained awhile, as in the bees, &.” The same authority has written a paper in ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ “On the Develop- ment of the Egg in the Annulosa,” containing a vast amount of matter bearing upon the subject, which those who feel interested should read. * T believe the species is C. Latreillii. + This proved to be the case afterwards, Royal Microscopical Society. 211 I1.—On the Form and Use of the Facial Arches. By W. K. Parker, F.R.S., President R.M.S. (Read before the Roya Microscoricau Society, Oct. 4, 1871.) PuatTe CII.—C. Havine had an unusual amount of leisure this summer, I have been able to work with the microscope once more, and thus be the recipient of no little pleasure and profit; but, as my time is very swift-winged, it is not proper that I should run from one pretty thing to another. I have had, this time, one subject—the Salmon’s Skull. Those who consider the salmon from merely a dietetic point of view will be shocked to hear that my friends, Messrs. Water- house Hawkins, F. Buckland, and Henry Lee, have, together, supplied me with some two hundred specimens. These, however, were not full-grown individuals, but fry and embryos, as yet unhatched. These last have lost their chance of living as salmon, but I hope that they, many of them, will live for ever in the Transactions of the Royal Society ; their portraits and descriptions of their personal appearance will be offered to that great good mother of all our Scientific Societies. It occurred to me, however, that a sketch of the face of one of these water-babies might be acceptable to this pleasant daughter- society. And here let me say that, when once we know all about the face of infantile salmon, we shall be well prepared to discuss the form of the first foundation of our own face and features. I have not made many alterations in my mode of working this time, but one or two “ wrinkles” have been developed. Firstly, it is better to preserve the eggs and fry in strong spirit, and then to place them in a solution of chromic acid for a week or two before they are dissected ; except in some instances, when I want to use high power on thin slices as transparencies, I eschew glycerine. It is better to keep the little preparations in a watch-glass, still preserved in a solution of the acid. This saves them from losing their good yellow colour; in glycerine they become bluish-white, and are bad for examining as opaque objects. Another thing is the comfort of using only clean water; great irritation of the nerves, to say nothing of the temper, is apt to be produced by the discomfort of feeling one’s fingers sticky when working with the glycerine. This is no little matter to a worker with the microscope, for the eyes and brain become intensely weary in such sharp-sighted researches, and the least interruption is apt to injure the calmness of the observer when he is highly strung. One most excellent effect of the chromic acid is, that it preserves, and even increases the lilac tint of hyaline cartilage ; that it makes Q 2 212 Transactions of the the soft brain substance as solid as cheese without shrinking it ; and that it gives a rich umbre tint to thin lamine of bone, so that in opaque sections the finest layer—the merest trace of a membrane- bone—can be seen. I have tried a solution of chromate of potassee with a little sulphate of soda added, as recommended in ‘Stricker’s Histology, but I have not found any particular advantage in its use above that possessed by the acid. Now for the facial arches. The young salmon has one more arch in front of the mouth, and one more behind, than the frog, that is to say, the larval frog: it has, under the head, nine arches in all, two in front of the great mouth-slit, and seven behind it. The first arch, or pair of rods, is the trabecular arch formed by the “rafters of the cranium”; the second is the pterygopalatine ; the third, the mandibular; the fourth, the hyoid ; and the remain- ing five are the branchial. The last arch is imperfect and function- less as to respiration. Speaking of the science of “form,” or morphology, let me say, in passing, that it would be a very simple matter if the primary form were fixed; but this is seldom the case, and the original parts undergo a large series, in many cases, of changes, both in form and tissue. This is the case most remarkably in the facial arches of the osseous fish, especially in the two in front and the two behind the mouth. Yet the primary form of these nine arches is the same, as my simple diagram will show (Plate CII., Fig. C). My earliest observations on these have been made upon very young, thin, unsymmetrical embryos, with a rudimentary solid heart, and with the head flat at the top, and just projecting free from the yolk-membrane. The arches were distinguishable by being granular, but hollow, lying in the midst of, and enclosing, nearly — liquid protoplasm. The foremost point most forwards, below, and the hindermost are placed almost transversely across the rudi- mentary throat; but they all have one shape, wz. that of the letter 8, the upper part beng most hooked inwards. The first pair, the “rafters,” together, have a lyre-shaped appearance as they diverge a little in front, and are strongly bowed behind. The next, or palatine pair, are at first merely semicircular, but they become S-shaped afterwards. All those behind the mouth have a remarkable similarity of form, although the two first of these are larger than those that follow; they all gradually decrease in size, from before, backwards. In the verte- brate anmnals, generally, these arches have the same form, that is, as far as our researches go; the amount of modification possible is therefore something marvellous. I was not at all surprised to find this S-shaped hooked form of arch in the gill-apparatus of the fish, because there it is persistent, and the inturned tops of the bars are bare of gills and carry teeth, which are antagonized by the teeth of Royal Microscopical Society. 213 the fifth or gill-less arrested arch. Here the primordial form serves throughout life, and is very gently specialized for life-function. But it was the first pair which most struck me with the beautiful prospective harmony between morphology and final purpose, for the same curve inwards at the top, which is so apt for the formation of the crushing apparatus of the fish’s throat, here serves to wall-in the punitary body, and thus form the primordial “Sella turcica” or Turkish Saddle. Again, the next arch, which crescent-like, forms an elegant ledge for the huge eye-ball to rest upon—this arch must needs, as soon as it is freed from the pressure of the precocious visual organ, curve itself inwards at the top. By doing this, it exactly applies itself to the front edge of the succeeding arch, to which it is soldered in a week or two after hatching. The arch of the lower jaw and the arch of the tongue have the same advan-- tage in the upper hook, and all the secondary attachments and delicately beautiful adaptations, as they become specialized, all these, I say, give voice to the morphological importance of the primary curve. It would be endless to go into the use of the facial arches in the various tribes, for, when there are no gills developed, as in reptiles, birds, and mammals, the two pairs of horns attached to the bone of the tongue (hyoid), the arch of the lower jaw, the arch of the palate, and all the base of the nasal septum, and of the skull itself, as far backwards as to the exit of the optic nerves —all these parts are derived from the simple S-shaped facial rods. But there is an exquisite instance of special use which I cannot pass over; it is in the class of birds. In these, as in all vertebrates above the amphibia (newts and frogs), the only gill- arch developed is the first, and this ig gill-less, but is made to subserve other functions. In most birds, this arch reaches as far as the occipital plane, but in humming-birds and woodpeckers these horns are of extreme length and slenderness, and reach as far as to the fore-end of the cranial roof. These elongated rods form the skeleton of the long worm-like protrusible tongue, and enable it to be shot out without a moment's notice, so that the nimblest of insects are caught “or ever they are aware.” A function so new in a gill-arch would seem to ask for a large amount of metamorphic change of form. It is not so; this arch in those birds retains exactly its primordial curve. We must still study form free from all final purpose, bias, and preconception ; but a new and delightful phase of teleology will set in when the laws of form have been mastered. A man may run whilst he is reading the large plain characters in which final purpose is written, but he must be as good a sitter as the best hen in a farmyard if he would add any- thing of value to the science of form. ( 214 ) ITIl.—On the Angular Aperture of Immersion Objectives. By Roszert B. Torzzs, of Boston, U.S. PuatTe CII.—A. Fig. 1 represents a section of two hemispherical lenses balsam- cemented, with a diatom or other small object at the centre, together constituting a nearly homogeneous transparent globe. Fig. 2. The same, represented as (in section) the front lens of an immersion objective, 7.¢e. as to the part a, while the portion a’ corresponds to the last (front) lens of an immersion condenser, both much exaggerated. In Fig. 2, rays are traced as immergent and emergent at a per- pendicular incidence, and therefore without any bending at either surface. The case is thus completely simplified, and the fact is evident enough that the rays traversing the balsam-mounted object and emerging at the upper surface of the front lens a, have materially more than 82° maximum angle. In Fig. 2, the courses of extreme rays for 90°, 120°, and 170° respectively are traced. In each case the real angle of the zmmersion objective would be the same as the angle of the appropriately applied systems above taken separate from the front lens measured as and constituting a dry objective, and (for the sake of simplicity of the case) adjusted for a dry object. An objective, such as is above indicated, inclusive of the front hemisphere a, of course could not, as adjusted, work dry, or only so far as actual contact of the object with the plane surface should happen. On the contrary, the objective used in the experiments described in my communication to this Journal, July, 1871, did work as a dry objective, and of 170° incident pencil, but by construction was limited to about 220° transmitted pencil when the first plane surface was eliminated, or nearly so, by water in the interspace. . The above diagrams and comments are given, not from actual trial-proof, but as an illustration too clear, perhaps, to need the demonstration of experiment. Let this be added, however,—“ No one will have the hardihood to” deny that an object homogeneously cemented centrally between the hemispherical lenses a a can be seen (looking through the sphere diametrically with a simple magnifier) from every point of view, thus giving “ image-forming rays.” The case is totally and most obviously applicable to that of the ordinary balsam-mounted microscope object for an aperture far above 82° of angular pencil actually traversing the object and made available in the view to the eye of the observer. For obtainment Note on Pedalion mira. DANS, of extremest angle, however, let one precaution be taken, viz. that balsam be used above the slide and balsam below! ‘The case will then correspond to that given in the diagram. Of course in practice the upper convex surface of the front lens, or system, has a curvature and distance to positively and consider- ably refract the transmitted rays, but the case I have given ig the easiest elucidated. Boston, August 22nd, 1871. IV.—Note on Pedalion mira. By C. T. Hupson, LL.D. In my paper on Pedalion mira, in the September number of the ‘ Microscopical Journal,’ I purposely omitted to give any sketch or detailed account of the internal structure of this new and singular rotifer, for I had not had time enough to investigate it thoroughly ; but as some doubt has been expressed as to whether Pedalion is a rotifer at all, I wish to state that it has a trilobed mastax, with a manducatory apparatus similar to that of Triarthra, and the usual convoluted tubes carrying at least two vibratile tags on each side, though most probably there are more. I have not seen any con- tracticle vesicle; but then I have equally failed to see it in Triarthra, 1n which rotifer, as well as in Pedalion, either the dense corrugated walls of the posterior extremity of the stomach overlie the vesicle, or the vesicle itself (as in Pterodina) is evanescent. Pedalion’s rouscles are, for its size, enormous; at least two broad and coarsely striated muscles run transversely round the body below the neck, and the longitudinal muscles for retracting the trochal disk are unusually powerful. I had intended in the course of September to complete my investigation of Pedalion’s structure; but the creatures diminished in number rapidly throughout August, and have now, I believe, entirely disappeared—to return, I hope, next summer. V.—Another Hint on Selecting and Mounting Diatoms. Communicated by Capt. Frep. H. Lane, President of the Reading Microscopical Society. My paper “On Selecting and Mounting Diatoms,” read to the members of the Reading Microscopical Society in October, 1870, and published in the December number of the ‘Monthly Micro- scopical Journal,’ has been, I have every reason to believe, of con- 216 Another Hint on Selecting and Mounting Diatoms. siderable use to amateur microscopists. In last April’s number of the same Journal appeared a friendly notice of it in a letter from Capt. Knight, in which, acknowledging the advantage of making classified collections of diatoms, he speaks of the difficulty of pro- curing the material for so doing, and observes that professional mounters and opticians will only sell you their mixed gatherings, set, as a general rule, in balsam; though occasionally, but seldom, a dry mount may be obtained, when it is an easy matter to remove the cover and select the required forms. He does not, however, appear to think it possible to utilize for the purpose the balsam- mounted material, and I suspect others as well as myself have till now been of the same opinion. My friend Mr. Tatem has, however, turned his attention to the subject, and has discovered a very easy plan for picking out any desired forms from such slides for the purpose of remounting them. THe has kindly communicated his method to me, and permitted me to publish it as an addendum to my former paper. Having both of us given it a fair trial we can confidently recommend the plan, which is as follows :— Place the balsam-mounted slide on the hot plate, and when it is sufficiently warmed tip over the cover by means of a needle; the diatoms will be either on it or the slide, it matters not which. Apply over them at once, whilst still on the hot plate, a drop of turpentine, remove the slide to the stage of the dissecting micro- scope, and add more turpentine. Have ready a clean slip of glass on which has been placed a drop of turpentine. In the case of large discoid and other forms, having applied plenty of turpentine, they can be easily transferred by means of a fine sable-hair brush from the original slide to the pool of turpentine on the clean one. In the case of finer forms it is better to place less turpentine on the original slide, collect the diatoms into a heap, allow the turpentine to dry a little, and then by a twist of the brush to transfer them en masse to the new slide. In either case, having got them there push them together and mop up the superfluous turpentine, and then, still under the dissecting microscope, slant the slide by placing a piece of folded paper under one end, and apply a little benzole either by means of a clean brush or glass rod immediately above them, that is, on the end of the slide that is raised, and allow it to float gradually over them, care being taken that it does not flow with too great a rush and carry away the diatoms with it. Repeat this process some half-dozen times, till the whole of the turpentine and balsam has been washed away, and till the valves are left dry and black after the benzole is evaporated. They can then be trans- ferred in the usual way to any other slide, and even with greater ease than from an ordinary dry gathering. I may as well add that if gum has been used to fix the diatoms, it may be found that some of the valves, especially the discoid ones, remain obstinately adherent ¢ *C ° “Site 2) CUS KD) <4 a Cn me pm ® mW 6200 0 000 i ankle V. ae a 22 @@ @ @ @®@ = WrWest & Cody Monads. The Monad’s Place in Nature. 217 to the glass after the turpentine has been placed over them. In such a case, the process, as above detailed, must be carried out on the original slide, and then, after the benzole is thoroughly evapo- rated, water must be applied two or three times in the same way as the benzole for the purpose of washing away the gum and freeing the diatoms, which can then, when dried, be lifted one by one and transferred in the usual manner. By this simple and easy method we can not only select from balsam-mounted gatherings any particular valves we may require, but we can reset any spoilt or unsatisfactory mounts of our own. VI—The Monad’s Place in Nature. By Mercatre Jounson, M.R.C.S.E., Lancaster. Puate CIII. Amone the objects in the department of Protozoa one sees at the same time groups of organisms having attained a certain degree of perfection, and other living forms in a more elementary condition. The object of the present remarks is to show a connection between the earlier forms, which we call Monads, and those higher and more complicated organisms at present recognized under the name of Infusoria, Mucedinz, Confervee, Oscillatoria, &e. The following record of experience, taken together with the previous papers in ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal,’ will be found to contain some evidence bearing on the tendency of certain or- DESCRIPTION OF PLATE CIII. Fig. 1—A tubule of Vaucheria, containing :—a, mass of chlorophyll; }, bursting of tubule and discharge of Monads, &c.; c, a green oval Gonidium ; d, two Monads moving within the tubule; e, an immature Pseudo- gonidium; f, an Euglena; g, a mass of chlorophyll giving off, h, a globular extension of the primordial utricle; 7, the terminal vacuole of the tubule containing Monads in active motion; & #, two Pseudo- gonidia being discharged from the tubule; /, a transparent primor- dial utricle, or empty cell-wall; m, the same, containing: chlorophyll ; n, one of these in the act of bursting, and liberating, p, the Monads, which at once take an independent cyclical movement. » U.—A piece of Conferva rivularis: a, the hole through which the Euglene, b, are escaping. This observation was made April 11th, 1869. m1.—A pin-point Monad in its transformation to Confervoidza. 1v.—A pin-point Monad in its transformation to Penicillium. v.—A pin-point Monad in its transformation to Chlorococcus : «, Gonidium ; b, Gleocapsa; c, commencement of Soridium; d, e, bifissation; /, division into 4; g, division into 16; /, formation of Thallus or Apothecium. vi.—A pin-point Monad in its transformation to Euglena: «, Gonidium ; b, oval cell with vacuole; c, Euglena; d, with filament; ¢, intersus- cepted form. (Fic. vu. 218 The Monad’s Place in Nature. ganisms to develop progressive change from a lower to a higher form of structure, and will in this instance tend to establish the probability that the Monads which we meet with in various states are the sources whence spring some of the more developed forms of life to which I have referred. In the air caught by trickling water over a sheet of glass,* I find a large number of Monad forms about s¢ooth of an inch in diameter. In November, 1867, I found bodies having the same appearance and the same cyclical movement, moving within the tubules of Vau- cheria (Pl. CIIL., Fig. 1.d). In April, 1868, I confirmed the ex- periences (Fig. 1.2). In July, 1870, I saw similar bodies moving freely in the vacuole of a desmid (Closteriwm lunula). In 1867 I watched the primordial utricle in the tubule of Vaucheria protrude from the general mass of chlorophyll, and form a round globular vesicle into which the Monad forms escaped from the mass (Fig.1. 9, /). I also saw the Pseudo-gonidia attached to the side of the tubules of Vaucheria containing chlorophyll particles and a vacuole (see the diagram, Fig.1.kk). Also I witnessed the primordial utricle of a Pseudo-gonidium burst, and the Monads liberated from the interior, each being transparent, about the size of those found in air, and having their own independent cyclical movement (Fig. 1. n, p). Now it seems to me that these organisms are in all likelihood similar to those referred to by numerous observers, such as Samuelson, Dancer, Angus Smith, and others of recent date, who have confirmed the experience of Pasteur, which in all likelihood relates to a form of life similar to that to which I have here referred. Now in the bursting of a tubule of Vaucheria, which I witnessed in November, 1869, the size of the particles varied from visible 2 Fic. vi.—A pin-point Monad in its transformation to Infusoria: a, granular cell ; b, showing vacuole formed by contraction of sarcode; c, first change to Amceba; d, perfect Amceba; e, change to Vorticella; f, Vorticella ; g, Kerona. See also Fig. 1x., which represents an observation made August 12th, 1871, in which I saw the globular body throw out cilia, and then swim away as a perfectly formed Kerona. » vVul.—A_ pin-point Monad in its transformation to moss: a, Oscillatoria Nigro Viride ; b, Lyngbya; c, moss cell as given off from the surface in drops of rain. », 1X.—Change from a spherical cell to a distinct Kerona: a, the spherical shape; 6, throwing out cilia, c; d, fully formed Kerona. » X—A few Parameecia (Kolpoda cucullus) swimming in a fluid composed of Vibrions and Monads: a, Vibrions; 5, Monads. », Xi—An Infusorium (probably Paramecium Aurelia), showing cilia placed diagonally: a, ventral ; 6, dorsal view. » XuU.—A mass of pin-point Monads: 1, becoming, 2, Vibrions; 3, Bacteria ; 4, Monads and Uvelle; 5, Amcebxe; 6, Parameecia; 7, more highly developed Infusoria, as Ko/poda cucullus, &c.; 8, Vorticelle. * See ‘M. M. J.,’ Aug., 1870. The Monad’s Place in Nature. 219 masses having a green colour, to minute specks which were only visible by scintillating in reflected light (see Fig. 1.b); and in all examinations of matter containing organisms, certain particles are seen to revolve upon their own axes, and to present what appear to be signs of life. These solutions, if watched from day to day, present objects having the same movements, which gradually deve- lop until they present the same appearance as the Monads before referred to, as being caught from the air and being discharged from the Pseudo-gonidia and the tubules of Vaucheria. An examination of the experiments recorded in my earlier papers in this Journal shows these same Monad forms as always the first to make their appearance. In the experiment, March 5, 1868,* bottle b, with only a limited quantity of air, develops first Monads and Mucedo on cork; and after more air had been admitted, successive observations showed Monads, Vibrions, and ultimately Paramcecium. In Experiment e, the ultimate development from the same source, but under different circumstances of light and air, was green Gonidia, Euglena, and green filaments. But in g the result was an immense number of full-sized Kuglene. The sources of all these developments seem to me (who watched the liquids daily for two months) to be the same minute pin-point Monad which Dr. Bastian refers to in his papers in ‘ Nature.’ An examination of my note-book during the watching of these liquids shows numerous forms which the Monads presented (Fig. x11. 6), evidently transitional from the round pin-head Monad to oval young Parameecia, until we come to sufficient size to give it a name such as Kolpoda cucullus, &e. (Fig. x11. 7). In the vacuole of Vaucheria I observed that organisms in se- veral stages of development existed in active motion at the same time (Fig.1.¢,d,e, f), and [have since been able to verify this opinion by observing full-grown Euglenz in the tubule actively moving ; but on April 11th, 1869, I saw the birth of Euglene from a tubule of Conferva rivularis, and on escaping they took on all their poly- morphic changes, and although small in size were full of life (see Fig. I1.). The important deduction from this fact is that there are various stages at which the organism enters upon its independent existence, and it may fairly be presumed that as the stage is early or deve- loped, so will the amount of heredity vary, and the tendency to resist the choses eatériewres, or accidents of life, become greater. The “pin-pomt” Monad being in an earlier stage, and pos- sessing less heredity, may, and most likely does vary more under the influence of these accidents of life, such as light, air, &e. * line in diameter. They are all evidently emmature forms, subject toa vast cycle of progressive and retrograde developments, and infinitely mul- tiplying the molecular germs at every individual dissolution.t Journal of the Quekett Club... . The Club. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, No. 107 .. Society. Report on Photographing the Soft Tissues Bee Sunlight, Hi Surgeon-General’s Office, &e. . : U.S. Intellectual Observer, 47 numbers ey M, C. Hardy, Esq. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 28 numbers Ditto. Monthly Microscopical Journal, 24 numbers .. .. .. Ditto. Sioleines) (COs, G7 mine Ge ye oo An “oe oc Ditto. Recreative Science, 10 numbers soi lo6 Ditto. Set of Ten Original Drawings of Insect Scales. “es Dr. Maddox... .. Author. Three Photographs on Glass showing the strix on Am- phipleura pellucida taken with a + y objective of Tolles. By Col. J. J. Woodward, U.S 7. eed ee tUt0 Fourteen Photographs of the Podura Scale. By Dr. Maddox . Be no) oie The Cruise of the ‘Norna.’ “By Marshall ‘Hall a8 Logo Journal of the London Institution, No. 7 .. Institution. Mud from Narakol, near Cochin, West Coast of India .. Major-Gen. Worster. On the Structure and Development of the Skull of the Common Frog. By Wm. Kitchen Parker, F.R.S. Author. { James N. Logan, Esq., ; U.S.A. The Agricultural Society of New South Wales. Logan’s Simple Microscope, with three Powers Twenty-four Slides of Intestinal Worms, &c. .. Four Slides of Fossil Sponge spicules... W. Vicary, Esq. Four Slides of Diatoms from the Valencia a Deposit. Mounted for the Society by .. .. C. J. Fox, Esq. R. L. Maddox, Esq., M.D., was elected an Hon. Fellow of the Society. Watter W. Reeves, Assist.-Secretary. BRIGHTON AND Sussex Naturaut History Socrety. August 10th.—Ordinary Meeting. Mr. Hennah, Vice-President, in the chair. Messrs. Boxall, A. H. Cox, W. H. Hallett, Hamblin, Walsh, and Dr. Knightley were elected ordinary members. Mr. Wonfor read a paper entitled “Is Bombyx callune a distinct species, or only a variety of Bombyx quercus ?” After describing the differences between moths and butterflies, pointing out the peculiarities of the Bombycide, and minutely de- scribing the life history of the two insects, B. callune and B. quercus, Mr. Wonfor classified the distinctions drawn by entomologists between the two: as of size, the first named being considered larger ; of time in coming to maturity, the one taking two years, the other only one; of the difference in the plants; of the difference in the markings of the young larve, the one having orange triangles, the other orange and white lozenges; and of the different coloration and markings of the perfect insects. On the point of size, he had found an average of a2 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. either showed great diversity in size, colour, and markings. Differ- ence of time was of little account, for undoubted southern insects had taken two years to complete their life history, and all entomolo- gists knew that insects of the same brood, in this and other families, would stay one, two, three, and even five years in chrysalis. Even as regarded the difference in markings among the young larve, the greatest variety was noticed in larve taken from the same hedge-row ; in fact all the points of difference pointed to a climatic variety; even in the case of colour, the tendency with insects, like other animals, was to acquire darker and duller hues as they advanced north, and lighter and brighter as they went south. A stronger point than all was the fact that he had succeeded in drawing up southern males with a northern female. Taking advantage of the wonderful power possessed by the females of some groups of attracting the males from long distances and in great numbers, he had, by retarding, in a cold room, the time of emergence, got a female out on the 20th of July. This, taken to Hassock’s Gate the same afternoon, about 4 o’clock, when there was but little sun and wind, had attracted males of the southern insect. On the principle that, among the insect tribe, the males of the same species only were attracted by the female, he considered this went far to prove the point that B. callunw was only a climatic variety of B. quercus, and not a distinct species. Though occasionally hybrids were found in nature, the rule was for members of the same species only to pair. Had he been able to keep a female back a fortnight later, he doubted not he might have brought up nearly a hundred males of B. quercus, drawn by a sense either of smell of a very acute character, the organ of which had not yet been satisfactorily pointed out, or by some other sense, not yet localized or named by the natu- ralist. The point had not been cleared up earlier simply because, relying on some of the points of difference before mentioned, no one, as far as he knew, had kept back northern females, and tried the experiment of seeing whether they would attract southern males. August 24th.—Microscopical Meeting. Mr. M. Penley, Vice- President, in the chair; subject “ Polyzoa.” Mr. R. Glaisyer announced the receipt for the Society’s cabinet of 12 slides from Dr. Hallifax, 12 from Mr. T. Curties, of Holborn, 6 from Mr. Sewell, 6 from Mr. C. P. Smith, and 9 from Mr. Wonfor. Votes of thanks were passed to the donors. Dr. Hallifax, introducing the subject for the evening, said the Polyzoa were a proof of what might be done by patient investigation, for though at one time supposed to occupy an obscure position in the animal series, being classed among the polyps, by the comparatively recent researches of the last forty years they had been raised into a higher class of the animal kingdom. The greater number of them being contained in a horny polypidom, this, and not the animals con- tained therein, was chiefly studied, and the animal, or more important part, overlooked. By close observation and attentive study during the last forty years, Thompson, Farre, Milne Edwards, Grant, and as PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 253 others, had removed them from the radiata in which they were placed by Cuvier, and elevated them to the mollusca, simply from the fact of their being proved to possess a higher organization. For some time they were known to possess a mouth and retractile tentacles, but no second or anal aperture could be detected, hence it was thought the one opening served both purposes. It had clearly been made out that the alimentary canal, or stomach, folded on itself, and was terminated by a second orifice close by, but distinct from the mouth, thus proving they were of a higher organization than the lower zoophytes, which had but one orifice. In the Bowerbankia, which possessed a very transparent envelope, a muscular structure, nervous ganglia, a repre- sentative of the liver, and a circulation of the nutritive fluid through the whole body had been made out, thus bringing them in connection with the mollusca; the more interesting, because, in external character and mode of growth, they were considered identical with the zoo- phytes; but microscopical examination had proved that the sea-mats of our shore were closely allied to the oyster and mussel. The ten- tacles, too, in which circulation could be detected, were ciliated—a state of things not found among the polyps. The mode of reproduction was threefold: by germination, i.e. by buds; by ova; and by fissure or division; the last the most rare, the first the most common method. To the microscopist they were exceedingly interesting, for while the skeleton exhibited great variety of form and beauty, scientifically they possessed a higher value, as showing what patient and enduring observation and skill might accomplish. The Black Rock was a good hunting ground, but the masses of sea-weed washed up from deep water after stormy weather would supply many forms. Mr. Wonfor mentioned that two methods were adopted for pro- curing and preserving specimens with their tentacles expanded; one was by plunging the specimen in cold fresh water, which killed and often caused them to exsert their tentacles, the other was to watch for the protruding of the tentacles in salt water, and to add spirits of wine drop by drop; this had the effect of killing the creatures with their tentacles expanded. The meeting afterwards became a conversazione, at which some very beautiful preparations of Polyzoa and Anthozoa. were exhibited by Dr. Hallifax, Messrs. Sewell, R. Glaisyer, and Wonfor. Mr. Wonfor also exhibited specimens of Polyzoa and Anthozoa mounted on paper to show the form of the Polypidom. September 14th.—Annual Meeting. Mr. F. Merrifield, President, in the chair. The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year :—President, Mr. W. M. Hollis, J.P., M.R.C.S.; Committee, Dr. Badcock, Messrs. Haselwood, Sawyer, C. P. Smith, G. Scott, and R. Glaisyer; Treasurer, Mr. T. H. Horne; Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. T. W. Wonfor and J.C. Onions; Hon. Librarian, Mr. Gwatkin. The name of Mr. Merrifield was added to the list of Vice-Presidents. From the Eighteenth Report of the Committee it appeared the 954 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. affairs of the Society were in a prosperous condition, there being a balance in the hands of the treasurer of 121. 0s. 1d., after spending 191. 5s. 11d. in the purchase of new books and periodicals, the com- mittee retaining a balance to defray the expenses of printing a new catalogue. Considerable additions had been made to the library, which now numbered over 700 volumes, by purchase, and by donations from Drs. Addison, Stevens, Wallich, Messrs. T. Davidson, Hennah, Roper, and the Secretaries of the Belfast, Eastbourne, Lewes, Maid- stone and Mid Kent, and Quekett Societies. Additions had been made to the microscopical cabinet of 129 slides from Messrs. Curties, Eden, Gwatkin, Marshall Hall, Hennah, Neate, C. P. Smith, Wonfor, and Dr. Hallifax. The Monthly Microscopical Meetings had added greatly to the value of the Society. The committee recommended the holding a conversazione during the year. The thanks of the Society were due to the Brighton and Hove Dispensary and to the Medico- Chirurgical Society for the use of their room, and to those gentlemen who had exhibited microscopes and specimens, read papers, and con- tributed to the library, album, and cabinet. There had been seven field excursions, one by special invitation from Mr. Grantham. The annual excursion was to Arundel, where the Mayor, W. W. Mitchell, Esq., hospitably entertained the Society at luncheon, and His Grace the Duke of Norfolk granted permission to see the private gardens and grounds attached to Arundel Castle. An abstract of the Scientific Proceedings showed that papers had been read by Dr. Badcock on the “ Gulf Stream,” by Dr. Addison on “ Daphnia pulex,” Dr. Dawson on “‘Sphores,” Dr. Hallifax on “ Bone” and “ Polyzoa,” Mr. Ackland on “ A Neutral Tint Selenite Stage,’ Mr. Hennah on “ Ilumination” and “ Gundlach’s Objectives,” Mr. Howell on “ Excavations through the Post Pliocene at Brighton” and the “ Brighton Cliff Formation,” Mr. Merrifield on “ Tree Planting in Brighton—suggested improvements,” Mr. G. Scott on “ Rude Flint Implements,’ Mr. Sewell on the “ Use of the Polariscope in the Determination of Structure,” Mr. C. P. Smith on “ Lichens,” and Mr. Wonfor on “ Shell Structure,” “ What is Coal ?” “The Annual Excursion,” and “Is Bombyx callune a Species or a Variety ?” There had been three evenings for exhibition of speci- mens, when many interesting objects had been exhibited, and at the Microscopical Meetings practical instruction had been given to the members in “ Mounting,” “ Section Cutting and Making,” “ Illumina- tion,” &c., by Dr. Hallifax, and Messrs. Hennah and Wonfor. Votes of thanks were passed to the Secretaries, Librarian, President, and outgoing officers. : The meeting then became ordinary, when the new President, Mr. W. M. Hollis, took the chair, and Messrs. D. Friend, Dick, and W. 8. Smith were elected members. A number of very interesting specimens were then exhibited by Messrs. Penley, Saunders, Hennah, Howell, Ardley, Sewell, Nourse, Goss, and Wonfor; among the most striking were a specimen of the new burnet moth Zygena exulans, exhibited by Mr. Goss, and of the rare moth Deiopeia pulchella, crimson speckled, taken by Mr. Wonfor in a stubble field at Hove, on September 4th. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 2p September 28th.—Microscopical Meeting. The President, Mr. W. M. Hollis, in the chair. Subject “ Diatoms.” Mr. Wonfor, who introduced the subject for the evening, said he approached it with some diffidence in the presence of some, especially of Mr. Hennah, who had devoted much time to the study of diatoms, and who knew much more about them than he did. Diatoms were unicellular alge of a peculiar character, distinguished from other unicellular plants, and especially the desmid, to which they bore a great resemblance, by the possession of a silicious covering which, while it rendered them exceedingly brittle—hence their name brittle worts—also made them all but indestructible under ordinary circumstances. One great peculiarity with them was the fact that if the internal cell membrane became exposed to water, it secreted a sili- cious covering, and if the plates forming the frustule became separated a plate of silex began to form, and became what was termed the con- necting membrane. The frustules were either free, 7. e. moved freely in the element in which they were found, from which circumstance they had been called animals; adherent or attached to the substances on which they grew, or aggregated ; in this last case they cohered either by their angles, were provided with a gelatinous pedicel, which united the frustules together ; or they were enclosed in great numbers in a general thallus. The separate frustules as seen from a front or side view presented very different appearances; in fact, some like the coscinodisci were circular in a front and nearly rectangular in a side view, with a line down the centre, which showed the junction of the two frustules. The cell contents of the frustule were a viscid protoplasm called the en- dochrome, generally of a brown or yellowish colour, containing globular and granular bodies, of which the latter had been: seen in some cases to rotate within the cell, so forming a species of cell-circulation. The mode of increase was by self-division and by conjugation; in the former, the valves separated, the cell contents aggregated on op- posite sides of the frustules, the primordial utricle folded in, became contracted, and eventually separated, at the same time a new silicious valve was secreted by each half, and the result was two diatoms in the place of one. This mode of growth was very rapid. In multiplica- tion by conjugation, two frustules lying near each other opened at their sutures and exuded their cell contents, which coalesced, while the whole was involved in a gelatinous substance, from which sprung a frustyle of larger size than the parents, to which the name sporan- gial frustule was given. The silicious valves had, from their markings, always been favourites with microscopists, and though some complained of too much time being devoted to diatoms, yet the question of the nature of their markings had been the means of improving objectives, and had also led to the designing various forms of illuminating apparatus more or less simple or complicated. A discussion ensued, in which the President, Messrs. Horne, Robertson, Wonfor, Glaisyer, and Hennah took part, the last-named gentleman drawing especial attention to the researches of Dr. Maddox, VOL. VI. dt 256 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. which, when published, would throw great light on the life history of diatoms. The evening then became a conversazione, when living diatoms and a great variety of silicious valves from different localities were ex- hibited by Dr. Hallifax, Messrs. Hennah, R. Glaisyer, and Wonfor. Mr. Hennah also exhibited some exquisite micro-photographs of diatoms taken by Dr. Maddox, some of them magnified 3000 dia- meters. Sourtn Lonpon MicroscopicAL AND Naturant History Cuus. An Ordinary Meeting of this Club was held at Glo’ster Hall, Glo’ster Place, Brixton Road, on Tuesday, August 15th, at half-past seven o'clock in the evening. Dr. Braithwaite, F.L.S., presided. Four new members were balloted for,’and duly elected. Dr. Hector Helsham, F.R.C.S., read a paper “On the Employ- ment of the Microscope in Analysis,” of which the following is an abstract :— The subject of analysis embraces a vast field, for the microscope is pre-eminently the instrument of analysis, and every application of it an act of analysis, whether working out the minutie of structure, developing the growth of the smallest organism, or defining the con- stitution of some inorganic particle. It will be advantageous therefore to limit the application of the term to the investigation into the quali- ties of things, leading up to the establishment of facts, in contradis- tinction to the tracing down to the originals of form and structure in physiological and biological sciences. It is my purpose, then, to consider the application of the micro- scope to the detection of the minutest organisms in nature, its applica- tion to the detection of the results of diseased action, to adulteration, and the detection of crime. To our unaided vision, animals and plants present differences of form and structure by which we are able to distinguish one from the other, and by closer examination we find deeper evidences of variety in their organization, and when we extend our survey still deeper, the more extraordinary is the amount of minute organization in every animal or vegetable production. These differences rightly observed and rightly interpreted by the microscopist furnish an unfailing iden- tity to every portion, however minute, of vegetable and animal tissues, and enable us to refer them to their origin. Observe how much has grown out of the study of the starch-granule, how every structure that contains it may be distinguished; contrast, for the sake of dis- tinction, the starch-granule of the potato with that of rice, and note the ready point of difference here established—applicable easily to the examination of the purity of wheaten flour; contrast also the granules of Maranta, or West Indian arrowroot, and the granules of the turmeric-root, favourite articles employed in adulterating spices. We have thus by their study a reliable typical character on which to verify our judgments. The starch-granule will also illustrate the extent of study which may concentrate around one special object as to PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 257 its constitution and structure, and the many opinions that may originate from the observations upon it; whether the hilum, or central point seen on its surface is due to the adhesion of the starch-granule to the cell-wall which contains it; whether it is a cavity, or a nucleus, or simply resulting from a phenomenon of the refraction of light; whether the concentric markings are due to layers superimposed on the first-formed material, or deposited within each other as newly formed, or are merely due to the plaitings or foldings-in of a vesicular membrane; whether the granule is contained in an envelope of denser material, or whether it is of a homogeneous structure throughout. It illustrates also the effects of various modes of illumination as seen by transmitted, reflected, or polarized light. The origin of life is now a very prominent study, and embraces very many hypotheses which depend very much on microscopic obser- vation for their tenure ; the question of the mode of origin of living matter being inextricably mixed up with another problem as to the cause of fermentation and putrefaction. Baron Liebig holds that fer- mentation is purely a chemical process, but the doctrine of M. Pasteur maintains that fermentation can only be initiated by the agency of living things—omne vivum ea vivo—the theory of spontaneous genera- tion. Again, there is the theory of heterogenesis, which imagines that when the vital activity of any organism is on the wane, its consti- tuent particles, being still portions of living matter, are capable of individualizing themselves, and growing into the low organisms in question ; and, again, a new theory by Professor Bastian, that new life may burst forth, de novo, in certain fluids containing organic matter. These hypotheses, however, really range themselves under the vital and the material doctrines, and it is for the microscope to solve the question. Of all subjects of immediate and vital interest to the community at large, in which the microscope must necessarily again be the principal and chief arbitrator, there is none so important as the consideration of contagious diseases. With the Asiatic cholera at our gates, it is indeed well that we should know what we have to contend with, for the know- ledge of a disease is its cure. At present the germ theory of disease is the prevailing one, and disinfectant treatment, and disinfecting pre- cautions, are the chief reliances of the day; but we fail to find from late experiences that the totality of zymotic diseases is diminishing, and there are many who have yet held back from the acceptance of this theory, denying the proofs as not yet demonstrated ; and here we have again the never-failing aid of the microscope in its analytical power to judge of what we can apply to its investigation. If we can only prove the existence of these germs as a modus propagandi, we have not only a ready means of explaining the spread of these diseases, but should also be armed with the means of destroying them, and the prevention of the scourging epidemics with which the world has ever been afflicted. The vital importance of these inquiries may be realized by the known results, for we learn from statistics that the deaths from zymotic diseases in England and Wales amount to upwards of 111,000 per annum, out of a population of 22,000,000, the total deaths being 258 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. under 500,000; and the want of knowledge, even among very intel- ligent persons, concerning the practical requirements for limiting the spread of contagious diseases is deplorable, so that in epidemics the scourge is sometimes fostered and spread by the very persons in charge of the sick, sometimes by the patients themselves being allowed to mix with the healthy and distribute far and wide the germs of disease. Heads of families are not always aware that a child who has completely recovered from scarlet fever, and is in fact well, may communicate it to half the children he comes in contact with, unless he be placed in quarantine for three months at least, by which time there is reason to believe that all active contagious particles will have become obli- terated. This germ theory of disease has lately been brought into consider- able notice in consequence of Professor Tyndall’s lectures at the Royal Institution on dust and haze, in which he sought to prove that the particles floating therein are germs of animal and vegetable, probably the seeds of infectious disease. Professor Beale, however, has, by the aid of a =, inch objective, discarded the vegetable germ theory, and propounded a bioplasm or minute morsel of germinal matter, possess- ing a separate vitality, distinct from the organism into which it may become absorbed, and developing within the fluids of the containing organism. Passing on now from these subjects to one of more domestic interest, the detection of adulteration in our foods, drinks, and drugs, opens up to us all a ready and useful application of the microscope. Until some legislative act shall provide public analysts and inspectors, so long will adulteration greatly prevail. It is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to procure wholesome, unadulterated food: and although an Act of Parliament has existed since 1860, not a single conviction has been obtained under it in the metropolis. The adulteration of tea gives us a very good example of the extent to which what is called sophistication is carried on. Tea is doubly dealt with in the way of fraud, for it receives a first instalment at the hands of the producers, and a second at the hands of the dispensers at home; although the latter may receive the credit of doing nothing very venomous, but chiefly by way of diluting a good with an inferior article, and colouring up a common caper into fine gunpowder by refac- ing the tea with chalk and prussian blue. The adulterations practised by the exporters in China are in the glazing, the use of many delete- rious mineral substances, such as plumbago (carburet of iron), chrome yellow (chromate of lead), Scheele’s green (arsenite of copper), in drying up the leaves of other plants with the tea, such as those of the willow, the beech, the elm, the plane, the sloe, &c., and in redrying the leaves of tea that have already passed through the pot. But the most startling, because the newest, is what is called the Maloo mixture, from its resemblance to the tan with which the Maloo race-course is strewed. It is extensively employed for mixing with tea, or even sold as tea itself; and it is said that 30,0001. worth of this wretched com- pound was recently on its way to this country. The Chinese collect all the used-up tea-leaves they can get, and keep them in heaps PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 259 near their residence ; these heaps are at the right time spread out to dry and shrivel; and, after facing, are leaded, packed, and sold for. dispatch to this country, often mixed with iron-filings, sand, &c., to increase the weight of the chest. As with tea, so with coffee; chicory is made up in the form of the coffee-berry, so as to deceive even the diligent housewife who grinds her own; and in ground coffee you get bad flour, roasted beans and peas, acorns, and even mahogany saw-dust ; and the chicory itself is diluted (the mild term) with black-jack or roasted old sea biscuits, and croats, the spent tan of the tan-yard. Our bread is such dry innutritious stuff as inferior starches and alum can make it; our milk a sky-blue fiction, with cream that falls to the bottom, a thief in the nursery, and a robber of the invalid. Our microscopes may be our own inspectors, and surely something of a wholesome check to tradesmen would arise from the constant practice of analyza- tion of food, as the notice of any particular specimen of adulteration would act as a caution to check the tide of imposition from which we all so severely suffer, both in health and pocket. Turning now to the detection of crime by the aid of the microscope. In cases of poisoning, the crystals may be obtained from the victim, and shown to the jury; in poisoning by arsenic, by strychnine, by opium, by corrosive sublimate, oxalic acid, and other mineral poisons, this may be, by care, easily effected. And in many other cases’ of judicial inquiry the microscope brought to the analysis may positively decide the verdict. In a notorious case that has lately been before the public, the presence of blood-stains was proved on the dress of the accused, and here the utility of the spectroscope was manifestly shown— a scientific adjunct to the microscope, which is yet only in the infancy of its application, but yields such well-marked and characteristic spectra, that there are few subjects to which the spectrum microscope can be more advantageously applied than the detection of blood-stains. A millionth of a grain will show the characteristic absorption-bands. Thus we have passed in review the generalities of the subject of microscopic analysis, and it is my hope that sufficient has been shown to impress on the minds of my hearers how deeply important it is, to those who are engaged in any such pursuit, or to those who have not yet commenced some systematic investigation, to at once determine not to follow in paths already well trodden, but to open up new ones; not to seek to use our microscopes here by repeating experiments, but rather let us all vie in seeking to show the results of new and original work. A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Dr. Helsham for his interesting paper. Excursions were announced on August 26th to Rainham, and on September 9th to the Victoria Docks. The meeting then resolved itself into a conversazione, a paper being announced for the next meeting, on Tuesday, September 19th, at half- past seven o’clock in the evening, by Charles Stewart, Esq., M.R.CS., “ On some of the Lower Forms of Animal Life.” 260 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Huui Screntiric Association.” The inaugural address was delivered before the above association on the 13th instant by the President—subject: The Work of the Microscope. The speaker pointed out that the proper work of a local society was local, that the flora and fauna of the locality should be its first care, and hoped that the members of the new association would carefully examine and, as far as possible, tabulate the microscopic organisms of the neighbourhood. A list of the microscopic fauna and flora of each district occupied by a Field Club or Natural History Society would, he thought, be of great service to professional botanists or zoologists engaged in the study of the distribution of animals or plants in time and space; but he hoped that members would carefully remember that cataloguing was not very intellectual work, and that no member would be content unless he learned something of the life history of the organisms whose names and external morphology he studied. Passing from this branch of his subject, the speaker glanced briefly at the departments of work in which certain members of the asso- ciation were engaged, and pointed out how interdependent all branches of science were now seen to be. The member who studied crystallography with the aid of the polariscope would soon discover that the botanist and zoologist made demands upon his knowledge, because they found when they used the polariscope in the investigation of organic struc- tures, the same phenomena of interference and refraction with which the crystallographer was so familiar. The greater part of the address was occupied by a dissertation on the use of the microscope in unravelling the mystery of plant life, or rather of the life history of plants. The speaker began with a Torula cerevisse, and having described its mode of multiplication, passed on to the development of some of the lower alg, such as Palmogloea, and thence to the de- velopment of cells in the young leaves of Anacharis, and concluded by pointing out some direction in which microscopic botany might do great service. At the conclusion of the address, the meeting resolved itself into a conversazione. * This is a new association, and is formed for the purpose of affording mutual aid and instruction in science. The constitution of the Society is open, but at present nearly all the members are devoted to microscopy. The report is furnished by Mr. C. P. Gibson, M.P.S., Hon. Sec. al t~ = tr 8 : 5 ‘2 "a Q 6! oO (2 o Pst is i ry g Thel WWest®.C o amp. * t . een = EG: TSA abat Nev THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL. DECEMBER 1, 1871. I.—Notes on Prof. James Clark’s Flagellate Infusoria, with description of New Species. By W. Savitix Kent, F.ZS., F.R.M.S., British Museum. (Read before the Royau MicroscoricaL Society, Nov. 1, 1871.) Tue following is a brief synopsis of certain genera and species of Flagellate Infusoria described by Professor James Clark, of Penn- sylvania, U.S., in the ‘ Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History,’ vol. i, 1866,* with the diagnostic characters of new species interpolated and those of other previously-described ones EXPLANATION OF PLATE CV. Fic. 1.—A colony of Codosiga echinata, magnified 500 diameters. » 2.—A single zooid, detached, magnified 1500 diameters. 3.—A colony of Codosiga wmbellata, magnified 400 diameters. » 4—A detached zooid, magnified 800 diameters. »» 9.—Another colony of the same species, exhibiting a bi-tripartite ramifica- tion of the supporting pedicle, magnified 75 diameters. 5 6.—A colony of Codosiga pulcherrima, magnified 500 diameters. » 7.—Another colony of the same species consisting of only two individuals. » 8.—Salpingeca marina (after Jas. Clk.). » 9.—Salpingeca gracilis (after Jas. Clk.). 10, 11.—Two solitary and shorter individuals of the same species as observed by the author, magnified 1200 diameters. 12.—A colony of still shorter individuals, in which the elongate, hollow peduncle is entirely suppressed. Magnified 1200 diameters. 13.—A variety of Salpingeca amphoridium, attached by a short pedicle, and in this character approaching the stalked species S. marina. Magnified 1200 diameters. », 14.—An ordinary sessile individual of the same species, magnified 1200 _liameters. =a Gay o zooids of Bicoseca lacustris in the condition of full extension, mag- nified 1200 diameters. » 16.—A single individual of the same species, further enlarged, with the zooid retracted within its lorica, and exhibiting the spiral manner in which the flagellum is then disposed. 5, 17.—Two zcoids of Bicoseeca socialis, magnified 800 diameters. », 18.—Bicoseca inclinata, magnified 600 diameters. », 19.—Two compound colonies of Anthophysa solitaria, magnified 400 diameters. 5, 20.—Two zooids of the same species, derived from the longitudinal fission of a single individual, and still connected with one another at their base. Magnified 1500 diameters. », 21.—A compound colony of Anthophysa laxa, magnified 900 diameters. * Reprinted in the ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ 4th ser., vol. i., 1868. VOL, VI. U 262 Transactions of the amended in accordance with the author’s personal experience. Without exception the material furnishing these descriptions was obtained from a pond of moderate dimensions on the estate of Thomas Randle Bennett, Esq., of Wentworth House, Stoke Newington. CODOSIGA, Jas. Clark (revised). Bodies of animalcules ovate, one or a number seated at the ter- mination of a fixed, slender, unretractile, simple or branching pedicle ; the anterior and distal portion bearing a membranous, infundibular, retractile collar; the single attenuate, flexible flagellum originating from the centre of the area which it cireumseribes. Contractile vesicles conspicuous, one or more in number. Increasing by longi- tudinal fission. Codosiga pulcherrima, Jas. Clk. (revised), Pl. CV., Figs. 6, Ke Animalcules from one to as many as eight or nine in number, attached to the primary pedicle through the medium of very short secondary ones; surface of the body smooth, length of the same, exclusive of the collar, 73> mm. (ss'o9 Eng. inch), breadth >> mm. ; length of the primary pedicle, four or more times that of the body, of the secondary ones about half its diameter. Contractile vesicles conspicuous, two or more in number. Hab. Fresh water, attached to Myriophyllum and Conferva. oie cae US., Jas. Clark. Stoke Newington, London, Codosiga echinata, n. sp., Pl. CV., Figs. 1, 2. Similar to C. pulcherrima, but the individual animalcules haying the surface of their body beneath the collar beset with verticels of evenly-disposed stylate processes. Length of the body y}> mm., breadth s35 mm. Hab. Fresh water, on Myriophyllum and Conferva. Stoke Newington, London, W. 8. K. Codosiga wmbellata, n. sp., Pl. CV., Figs. 3, 4, 5. Bodies of animalcules similar in structure to those of C. pul- cherrimus, but of double the length (45 mm.) and more elongate outline, seated in groups at the terminations of a rigid tripartite, bi-tripartite, or occasionally quadri-partite, branching pedicle. Hab. Fresh water, on Myriophyllum and Conferva. Stoke Newington, London, W. S. K. SALPING/ECA, Jas. Clk. (revised). Animalcules inhabiting a transparent lorica or sheath, the ante- rior portion of the body provided with a membranous retractile Royal Microscopical Society. 263 collar and bearing a single attenuate flexible flagellum. Lorica attached, sessile or pedunculate. Contractile vesicles conspicuous, one or more in number. Salpingeca gracilis, Jas. Clk. (revised), Pl. CY., Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12. Lorica cylindrical, solitary or in groups; expanding anteriorly, attenuate, in the form of an elongate hollow peduncle, or abruptly truncate posteriorly. Bodies of animalcules cylindrical, rounded at the two extremities. Average length of lorica z'5 to z'5 mm., breadth +30 mm., animalcules occupying one-third to one-half the length of its internal cavity. Hab. Fresh water. Pennsylvania, U.S., Jas. Clk. Stoke New- ington, London, on Conferva, W. 8. K. Salpingzca amphoridium, Jas. Clk. (revised), Pl. CV., Figs. 13, 14 Lorica flask-shaped, having an inflated posterior portion and an attenuate narrow neck, sessile, or attached by a short pedicle. Body of irregular form, adapting itself to the outline of the lorica. Length of the lorica git. min., breadth of the expanded base 5}5 mm. Hab. Fresh water, attached to Conferva. Pennsylvania, US., Jas. Clk. Stoke Newington, London, W. 8. K. BICOSAICA, Jas. Clk. (revised). Body enclosed within an ovate membranous lorica or sheath, to the bottom of which it is attached through the medium of a con- tractile ligament; no collar; one or two flagelliform appendages originating from the anterior extremity. lLorica usually peduncu- late. Contractile vesicles one or more in number. Bicosxea lacustris, Jas. Clk. (revised), Pl. CY., Figs. 15, 16. Lorica elongate oval, narrowing at the anterior extremity, at- tached by a short pedicle. Body rounded posteriorly, rostrate anteriorly and bearing a single flagellum originating excentrically, curved and rigid in extension and a shorter stylate appendage. Length of lorica 30 mm., breadth =}> mm.; body occupying one- third to two-thirds of its internal cavity. Contractile vesicles two in number. Hab. Fresh water, on Conferva. Pennsylvania, U.S., Jas. Clk. Stoke Newington, London, W. 8. K. Bicosxca socialis, n. sp., Pl. CV., Fig. 17. Lorica elongate oval, half as long again as that of B. lacustris ; pedicle not exceeding one-third or half its length. Body rounded u 2 264 Transactions of the posteriorly, pointed anteriorly, not rostrate, and bearing two flexible attenuate vibratile flagella. Length of lorica 75 mm., diameter 10 mm.; body occupying about one-half of its internal cavity. Hab. Fresh water, attached to Conferva. Stoke Newington, London, W. S. K. Bicoszca inclinata, n. sp., Pl. CV., Fig. 18. Lorica ovate, set obliquely on a slender pedicle of twice its length. Body occupying two-thirds of the cavity of the lorica, flagellum single. Length of lorica ¢> mm., greatest diameter 10 mm. Hab. Fresh water, attached to Conferva. Stoke Newington, London, W. 8. K. ANTHOPHYSA, Duj. (revised). - Animalcules pyriform, obliquely truncate anteriorly and fur- nished with two flagelliform appendages, attached singly or in clusters to a simple or branching uncontractile stem. Increasing by longitudinal fission. Anthophysa solitaria, Bory, Pl. CV., Figs. 19, 20. Animalcules grouped in a cluster of forty or fifty at the ex- tremity of a simple flexible thread-like stalk. Length of bodies soo mm. Hab. Fresh water, on Conferva, &c. European Continent, Bory and Tresenius. Stoke Newington, London, W. 6. K. Anthophysa laxa, n. sp., Pl. CV., Fig. 21. Animalcules disposed singly, excepting during fission, at the extremities of a loosely and irregularly branching flexible stalk. Length of bodies +35 mm. ae Fresh water, on Conferva. Stoke Newington, London, Anthophysa Bennettit, n. sp. Animalcules stationed singly or in pairs (during fission) at the extremities of a slender, rigid, and repeatedly dichotomously dividing stalk, Length of bodies 25> mm., of the branching stalk 1 mm. and upwards. Hab. Fresh water, attached to Conferva. Stoke Newington, London, W. 8. K. Monas termo, Ebr. Having encountered the attached form referred to this species by Prof. James Clark, I differ from him in his assumption that Royal Microscopical Society. 265 the animalcule possesses a distinct mouth, having on many occasions observed it to take in food on the lateral as well as the anterior surface of its body, it investing and engulphing its prey with an expansion of its protoplasm after the manner of Amoeba. On numerous occasions I have also certified the presence of two instead of only a single flagelliform appendage. ADDENDA. In Anthophysa the interception of food is similar to that of Monas. In Codosiga and Salpingxea it takes place anywhere within the area circumscribed by the membranous collar, the dis- charge of foecal matter being effected within the same limits. 266 Transactions of the II.—Note accompanying Three Photographs of Degeeria domes- tica, as seen with Mr. Wenham’s Black-ground Illumination and a Power of 1000 diameters. By Dr. J. J. Woopwanrp, U.S. Army. (Read before the Royau Microscorican Society, Nov. 1, 1871.) Mr. Wennam haying very kindly sent me one of the small trun- cated lenses designed by him to obtain, under certain conditions, black-ground illumination with high powers, I carefully tried it on the Degeeria domestica in the manner described in his paper in the July number of the ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal,* using the immersion yth of Powell and Lealand as the objective. I had no difficulty whatever in obtaining the appearances of the scale described by Mr. Wenham and also several other aspects, and must regard the contrivance as a valuable addition to our means of studying semi-transparent objects with high powers. The illumination of the scale by this method, when a coal-oil lamp was the source of light, was so brilliant that I thought pro- bably it would be possible to photograph some of the more striking appearances. I obtained on the first trial three negatives, of which I send prints. The same scale is shown in each magnified 1000 diameters. The objective (the immersion ;',th) remained at the same cover correction, the position of the truncated lens and parabola was unaltered, and the different appearances exhibited resulted from trifling alterations in the position of the plane mirror by which the parallel solar pencil was thrown upon the parabola, and slight modifications of the fine adjustment. Of the prints sent, No. 2 agrees pretty well with Mr. Wenham’s description. The same can hardly be said of No. 3, however, and Nos. 1 and 3 are only examples of some of the manifold results attainable by this method with which, indeed, almost as many appearances can be seen as with transmitted light. The time of exposure required for these negatives was but three minutes. I infer from this and many other circumstances, that the semi-transparent scales are simply made luminous by the light passing into them from below, whence it results that the surface appearances are necessarily complicated by the optical properties of the structures beneath. I understand this to be substantially Mr. Wenham’s view also, and am therefore at some loss to comprehend the sense in which he speaks of the scales as being shown “ opaquely” by this method.f PES fe + P. 7, and note loc. cit. Royal Microscopical Society. 267 Note on the above. By F. H. Wenuam. In inadvertently making use of the term “shown opaquely,” I did not wish it to be inferred that I considered this method as strictly an opaque illumination, which is understood when the light is thrown only on the upper surface of the object. The truncated lens, or flat-topped parabola, first used by me in the way referred to above, gives such a brilliant luminosity to the object, on a jet-black field, that it has all the appearance of an opaque illumination, and perhaps on many objects the difference in apparent structure would not be material, and may be illustrated in this way: Suppose some semi-transparent body, such as a green grape, be let into a piece of black card; on holding this against a strong light, so that it enters sideways, the seeds and internal structure will be shown satisfactorily. If a side light is condensed down upon the object, the same internal structure will be seen, though not so perfectly on account of surface glare. When a side light is thrown into the body of an object either way, each dense particle that intercepts it serves to illuminate its neighbour, and so the rays are diffused in every possible direction, and if the structure contains particles actually impervious to light, they will not be seen like dark shadows as by direct light, but luminous, and in their natural colours. I consider this is the main principle—to send the light into the object in any or all directions beyond the angle at which rays from the source can enter the eye. Dr. Woodward has kindly sent me the photographs referred to in the above note. No. 2, which quite agrees with my description, is in places very sharp and distinct, showing the intercostal strize or bars plainly. Nos. 1 and 3 are somewhat blurred, and to my mind do not show structure satisfactorily. Knowing the difficulty of obtaining a photograph of an object of this character, merely from its own diffused light, I was much surprised at Dr. Woodward’s remarkable skill in producing a perfect picture—a feat that I should have thought scarcely possible. 268 Transactions of the IIIl.—On Bog Mosses. By R. Brarruwarre, M.D., F.LS. (Read before the Roya Microscoricau Society, Nov. 1, 1871.) Part I. BEForE commencing the descriptive portion of our subject, it may be well to enter a little more into detail with respect to the his- tology of the interesting plants constituting the Sphagnacee. The published materials of which I have availed myself in the study, are the following, and to Prof. Lindberg, of Helsingfors, I am also deeply indebted for beautiful specimens of some of the rarer species. 1. Dozy—Bijdrage tot de Anatomie en Phytographie der Sphagna. 1854. 2. Schimper—Entwickelungs-geschichte der Torfmoose. 1858. 8. Lindberg—Torfmossornas byggnad udbredning och syste- matiska uppstallnng. 1862. 4, Russow—Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Torfmoose. 1865. The roots, which form only on the young plants, are chiefly of use in fixing them to floating objects, for as soon as branches shoot forth, a part of these forming each fascicle drop perpendicularly downward, and becoming appressed to the stem, are from their hygroscopic quality far more effective than true roots, in trans- mitting fluid to the other parts of the plants ; while the dense masses formed by the aggregation of stems equally supersede the use of roots as fixing organs. As the stem increases in size, the simple flageller branches arise laterally from the uppermost leaves, and are crowded together into a head or capitulum, which supplies fascicles of branches to the stem below, by elongation of the internodes, and keeps up its stock of young branches by constant renewals from the growing point at the apex. The dichotomous ramification of a Sphagnum depends on the annual production of an innovation, which is a perfect repetition of the stem of the previous year, and derives its origin from one of the lateral branches of the capitulum, which rises upward and becomes elongated into a main axis. The number of branches in a fascicle seems tolerably constant in each species, a part of these we may call the divergent branches, which proceed at a right angle from the stem, then bend about the middle and arch gracefully downward ; the rest we will term the pendent branches, and these are longer, more attenuated, and fall down from their point of origin in the fascicle, and lie close to the stem. A part of the divergent branches become condensed and club-shaped to form the catkins of male flowers, and a few others become fruit branches. The leaves of Bog mosses vary considerably on different parts of the plant: the stem leaves are distant from each other, and usually Royal Microscopical Society. 269 reflexed against the stem, probably pushed back by the descent of the pendent branches; at their basal angles we also frequently observe appendages or auricles formed of larger perforated cells. The areolation of the stem leaves is wider than that of the branch leaves, and the prosenchym cells of the lower part are often alto- gether threadless, while one or more rows at the extreme base are small, hexagonal, vesicular, and coloured red or yellow. The branch leaves are small, more densely reticulated, closely imbricated over each other, and very variable in form and size; this variability, however, is greatest in the pendent branches, where both they and their component cells become extremely elongated. Russow, however, points out that the leaves on the centre of the divergent branches are very constant in form in the individual species, and that they all become narrower and more distant as they approach the apex of the branch. Moreover, the 3—5 lowest leaves at the base of the divergent branches are remarkably different in form from those which succeed them, and stand midway between them and the stem leaves; the typical form of these intermediate leaves is an irregular-sided, obtuse-angled triangle, and they are always much smaller than the succeeding branch leaves; the margin of narrow cells which borders these leaves is widest at the base of the longest side. The peduncular leaves, or those found at the base of the naked branch which bears the fruit, differ from the others both in form and structure, sufficiently to render their de- scription necessary. As an aid to our examination of leaf structure, certain colouring agents are of advantage in enabling us to obtain a better definition of the delicate textures of which the leaves are composed. Iodine and sulphuric acid or a solution of biniodide of zinc, have been used for this purpose, the latter of these being most convenient, an im- mersion of the leaf for two to twenty-four hours being required. Transverse sections of the leaves are also necessary in order to deter- mine the relative positions of the chlorophyllose and hyaline cells ; these are best prepared by immersing a branch in thick mucilage of gum arabic, and when sufficiently dry, enclosing between two pieces of elder-pith, and slices of the whole cut and placed in water. Anatomy of the Leaf—Hedwig, in his ‘Fundam. Hist. Nat. Muse.,’ i., p. 25 (1782), evidently noticed the composite character of the Sphagnum leaf, for he mentions the large areole, void of chlorophyll, traversed by very fine vessels, running double, which he thinks may possibly correspond to the ducts of flowering plants, and these anastomosing vessels containing parenchyma. Molden- hawer first pointed out the true nature of the two kinds of cells, and the presence of threads and pores in the vesicular cells, and Von Mohl afterwards confirmed his views and elaborated the whole or- ganization of the Sphagna. A Sphagnum leaf consists of a single 270 Transactions of the stratum of cells, the framework of which is constituted by network of extremely slender coloured or chlorophyll cells, into each of the meshes of which we might fancy one of the vesicular cells had been dropped. By section we see that the relative position of these two kinds of cells to each other may vary, for the chlorophyll cells may lie midway between the anterior and posterior surface of the leaf, and their section shows us that they are lenticularly compressed, or they may take part in forming the anterior or posterior surface of the leaf, their transverse section being triangular, so that they re- semble a wedge pushed in between each pair of hyaline cells : minute as this structure is, we must admit its importance, since it originates in the fundamental formation of the leaf. The hyaline cells are more or less united by their adjacent walls, and nearly always contain threads attached to their internal walls ; these threads may form complete spirals, composed of one or several fibrils, or they may be broken up into rings and spiral fragments, and sometimes run across diagonally so as to unite two spirals. Threads, however, are not always present in all the leaves, for in S. fimbriatum they are wanting in both the stem and peduncular leaves, and others have them in one part of the leaf while they are absent from the rest; in S. (Isocladus) macrophyllum no threads are seen except those forming a ring round the orifices of the pores. The threads are firm and intimately united to the inner wall of the cells, so that in S. subsecundum, the walls of the hyaline cells are strongly contracted by them. The apertures or pores are most abundant on the back of the leaf, and stand near the adjoining cell-walls ; they vary in size and number according to the species, and no doubt originate by the resorption of the delicate cell-wall, within the boundary of a small thread-ring. Besides these, Russow calls attention to larger open- ings which become visible after treatment with iodine, and indicating more extensive resorption of the cell-membrane. Thus in the lower part of a branch leaf of 8. fimbriatwm so treated, these large apertures reach across the whole width of the cell, and stand be- tween each pair of thread spirals; in the corresponding leaves of the nearly allied S. Girgensohnii this resorption appearance does not occur. In leaves from the pendent branches of S. intermediwm, a hole is always seen at the apical end of each cell. In S. Lind- bergit, fimbriatum, and Girgensohnit, whose stem leaves are fringed at the apex, this appearance is due to complete resorption of the membrane of the hyaline cells, and consequent projection of the intermediate parenchym cells. The chlorophyll cells of peduncular leaves usually have de- ficiencies in the thickening layers of their walls, and these standing opposite to each other, resemble imperforate dots, not unlike the dotted pleurenchyma of coniferous wood; a similar condition is Royal Microscopical Society. 271 observable in the walls of young axile cells of the Sphagnum stem.* In most peduncular leaves the hyaline cells are less evident than in those from other parts of the plant, and are often confined to the upper third of the leaf. Development of the Plant—To the investigations of Nigeli and Hofmeister are we principally indebted for an account of this interesting process. It not unfrequently happens that in floating Sphagnum plants, whose capsules are submerged, that the spores germinate in the capsule, where their delicate pro-embryos are so closely packed, that the whole contents are caked together into a solid mass, which first becomes free by the breaking up of the capsular wall, and in this condition swims about until the individual plantlets have separated from one another to establish themselves on some floating object and undergo further evolution. The spores of capsules maturing out of the water, germinate on damp earth in two to three months. Prof. Schimper rarely noticed the pro-embryonal cell break through the exospore in less than five weeks. In water the pro-embryonal cell elongates and ramifies as confervoid filaments formed of nearly globose cells, and the terminal or some other cell becomes the mother cell of the young plant, while the rest ramify and put forth brood-gemme, which develope into young plants, the radicles bemg always distinguishable by the oblique commissural walls of the cells. The spores germinating on damp earth behave in quite a different manner, the pro-embryonal cell goes on subdividing in a horizontal plane, so that an expansion results resembling the prothallium of LEquisetum, or the perfect plant of Blasia or Anthoceros. This hepaticine frond throws out radicles from the under surface and margins, and from these again brood-gemmz ie out, from which arise prothallia precisely resembling the rst. The first commencement of the young plant originates in a tuberculoid aggregation of cells, some of which develope downward into hair-like radicles, while the upper cell elongates and sub- divides to form the young stemlet, some of the cells, laterally becoming free, form the first rudiment of leaves. The young stem, at first transparent, soon acquires minute chlorophyll granules, and a differentiation into medullary, ligneous, and cortical layers is early set up. When it has reached a height of about 5 mm., it begins to throw off at the sides single flagellar branches, which arise laterally from the uppermost leaves, and are crowded together at the top of the stem. The branches come off at every fourth leaf, as an obtuse bud of few cells, on * Hofmeister, ‘ Higher Cryptogamia,’ pl. xvii., fig. 95. 272 Transactions of the which, when three cells high, leaves also form, and division into branches takes place. The growing point of the stem is conical, its terminal cell apparently subdividing in five directions, and thus continually elongating the stem; by longitudinal division and transverse extension of newly-formed cells the terminal cone thickens itself from above downward, and the base, constantly forming anew, attains the diameter of the already completed stem. The rudimentary leaves are arranged in five rows on the young stemlet ; the mother cell of the leaf acquires its first segmentation by a septum springing laterally from the longitudinal axis and perpendicular to the surface, the apical cell again dividing by a septum in the opposite direction, meeting the first at an angle of 90°, and by repeated division of the apical cell the leaf extends, and we have a simple areolation of large quadrate cells, those at the margin being more elongated, and all filled with a slimy fluid, in which float small pale-green chlorophyll granules, chiefly grouped around the large nucleus. With the formation of the fifth leaflet, however, begins that regular differentiation into two constant cell forms, which gives to the Sphagnum leaf its peculiar character ; each of the square cells divides unequally by a septum parallel to one of its walls, the larger portion is then divided, by a septum parallel to the narrow sides, into two unequal cells, the larger square, the others elongated; and the leaf now consists of a system of square cells, each of which is surrounded by four oblong cells. In the latter, chlorophyll granules rapidly increase in number and size, while the pale-green mucilage filling the larger square cells disappears, and their contents become clear as water. The prosenchym cells extend themselves more and more at the expense of their protoplasm, and receive fibres on the interior of their walls, which at first are only fragments of rings, but afterwards run together into complete rings or spirals ; finally, also, small scattered rings appear on the internal surface, which become thickened by resorption of the included disk, and form the margins of circular foramina. In the young leaves the central cells multiply and extend themselves after those at the margin have ceased to do so, hence the young leaf acquires a cucullate or hooded form; the process still continuing, the hood becomes split and the leaf flattens out, but the apex bears evidence of this splitting in the lacerated or strongly-toothed margin. The male flowers in Sphagnums are arranged in amentula, which occupy the termination of a certain number of the divergent branches, and under their covering leaves, which are somewhat broader and more coloured, are concealed the antheridia. Fre- quently these branches do not terminate with the flower catkin, but continue their growth with the ordinary leaves, and in S. rigidum and Lindbergii the flowering branch elongates and Royal Microscopical Society. 273 hangs downward like the pendent branches. Each male flower of the catkin consists of one archegonium, which stands laterally to the supporting bract, to which it bears precisely the same relation as a branch fascicle does to its stem leaf. The covering leaves are usually more closely imbricated than the branch leaves, and in S. acuti- folium are of a fine carmine colour; in S. cuspidatwmn, ochreous ; in 8. fimbriatum, lively green ; in S. subsecundum, olive green, &c. The perigynium or sheath of the female flower is readily recog- nized by its long conical form and deep-green colour, and stands on one of the short lateral branches of the capitulum ; the inner leaves are much elongated, and enclose one to four archegonia, only one of which, however, developes into fruit. As the pseudopodium, or peduncle of the fruit receptacle elongates, it usually happens that the leaves it supports are also drawn farther apart. In the young capsule the sporangium only reaches a little way below its middle, the rest of the cavity being filled with a soft pale- green cell-mass; in the ripe capsule, on the contrary, we find nearly the whole internal space empty, the columella has broken away from the vault of the sporangium, and along with the cellular mass has shrivelled back to the base of it, but the sporangium, firmly cohering with the lining stripped from the inner wall of the capsule, is left hanging in its upper orifice, where it stays, until by contraction of the capsule the lid is forced off with a little explosion, by which the contents are expelled. The outer wall we find consists of cells forming longish hexagonal meshes, presenting a nodule at each angle, brittle, thickened, and yellow-brown in colour, scattered among which are numerous small stomata. Frequently the lid remains fixed at one point to the rim of the capsule, which it closes again when moistened, moving as if on a hinge; and when.the fruit remains under water, the lid often does not open, but the capsule, with its contents, falls away from the vaginula, and as the columella decays, the spores escape through the aperture, or if they have already begun to germinate, their expansion forces off the lid also, leaving the old capsule wall with a large round opening at each pole, one corresponding to the lid, the other to the insertion of the pedicel, and such frequently come into the field of our microscope when operating on tufts of Sphagnum. (274) IV.—An Instrument for Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel. By J. F. Sranistreer. Puate CVI. [Although an illustration in the form of a woodcut of this ingenious little machine has appeared elsewhere, we have thought it worth while for the benefit of our readers to reproduce a plate of the apparatus on a larger scale and in clearer type. The adjacent Plate is copied from a photograph of the machine.—En. ‘ M. M. J.’] To the ‘English Mechanic’ Mr. Stanistreet sent the following description, as it was in its pages that he first saw a reprint of Mr. Slack’s paper, which appeared in this Journal some months ago, “On Optical Appearances of Cut Lines in Glass.” Mr. Stanistreet says :— ‘ It may encourage your more able readers to know that my lathe and tools, as well as my experience in using them, have been all self-acquired within the last two or three years, during my confinement to the house as a permanent invalid, and that I never EXPLANATION OF PLATE CVI. Fie. 1.—Diamond, set at an angle of 60°. 2.—Mandril, to which the disk to be ruled is cemented. 3.—Worm-wheel of 250 teeth worked by endless serew—the wheel is gradu- ated with index, and has spring stops for one-half or one-fourth of a revolution, thus dividing the periphery of the circle into 1000 parts, or to 0° 21’ 36”. 4.—Leading screw of 100 threads per inch. 5.—Winch turning the leading screw, with spring stops for subdividing to the ~,25o5th of an inch, if a diamond fine enough for such a scale should ever be obtained. 6.—Spring made from pianoforte wire. 7.—Pressure spring working on glass roller. 8, 9, 10.—Springs for delicate adjustment of pressure—one above, one below, and one lateral. 11.—Graduated are of circle from 0° to 90°, giving divisions from the —3,;th to the ;}5cth of an inch apart, in the ratio of the cosine of the angle at which the ruling bar is set. When placed at 0° it rules lines the tdsoth of an inch apart. The machine when photographed was set at an angle of 60° for ruling 2000 lines per inch (the cosine of 60° being 0:5, or one-half of the radius). To rule 10,000 lines per inch it is placed at an angle of 84° 15’ 39” (the cosine of which is 0°10, or one- tenth of the radius). 12.—Double-handled winch for winding up the self-acting machinery. This consists of a train of wheels and pinions driven by the spring of a mu- sical box, and ending in a fly, which regulates and controls the rota- tion of the cam plate. The fly makes 3840 revolutions for each turn of the spring wheel; and the machine will rule more than 1000 lines without being re-wound. Since the photograph was done an addition has been made of a wheel and index for recording the number of lines actually ruled. » 13.—F ly, regulating the rotation of the cam plate. » 14.—Trigger and springs for starting the machine. ([Notr.—The spirit lamp, match box, and oil bottle, &c., ought to have been removed ; but being let into the stand of the machine they have been copied by the photographer. } ” ‘The Monthly Microscopical Journal. .Dee 1.1871. ab imp. W.Weat &Co lass and steel. i J Cm) MP. Stamistrest’s machine for micro- ruling on & On the Conjugation of Ameeba. 275 had a lesson in mechanics. Every part of my machine (even to the screws and smallest details) has been made by me without assistance. I hope, therefore, some of your readers more favourably circumstanced, may improve upon wy first trials, and far excel me in this beautiful and interesting art. My machine was originally planned for ruling micrometer scales for use with microscopes and telescopes, -and its application to ruling diffraction patterns (however beautiful) was quite a secondary object with me, but Mr. Slack has, by his valuable researches and papers, invested these ruled patterns with a practical value and interest which I had not originally attached to them, and as a microscopist I appreciate very highly the teachings conveyed by his papers, showing the necessity of educating the eye and judgment to enable the observer to interpret and correct the illusory appearances so constantly met with in working under the higher powers of the microscope. The Plate shows the machine with the self-acting machinery added since Mr. Slack’s paper. “This self-acting machinery consists of a spring (from a musical box) driving a train of wheels and pinions, ending in a fly, which regulates and controls the rotation of the cam described by Mr. Slack, all the wheels and pinions being (like the machine) made by my own hands, except one little steel pinion which I purchased from a watchmaker.” The machine is constructed for ruling lines from y;/;5th to the robsoth of an inch apart, and I have added to it the means of further subdivision to the ,5j55,th of an inch; but I have not yet been able to procure any diamond fine enough for ruling distinctly more than about 5000 lines per inch. V.—On the Conjugation of Ameba. By J. G. Tarem, Esq. I wisx to recall to the recollection of the members a paper brought before them in a previous year,* “ On Free-swimming Amcebe,” of which two species were described, but to which, under the impres- sion that they presented phases only of Amceba life no specific names were assigned. I then stated “that we had no further knowledge of Amceba propagation and reproduction than that by fission. An oyer-extended pseudopodum, perhaps larger than common, remains attached to the spot to which it has been pro- jected, separates from the parent mass and creeps off as an inde- pendent living creature,” and that this summary and somewhat rude process, actively as it might be carried on, could only account for the presence of a vast number of individuals within a limited * Vide ‘M. M. J., June, 1869. VOL. VI. x 276 On the Conjugation of Ameeba. space, and not for their dispersion over an extended area; and ventured the assertion, though no evidence was then forthcoming in support, “that those large Amcebe so frequently met with in the autumn months are actually the incorporation of two individuals in a copulative act,” from which free-swimming ciliated germs might eventually issue. Since that communication was made to the Society, I have had an opportunity of obtaining strong cor- roborative, if not entirely convincing, proof that that which was then conjecturally advanced, is absolutely true as to the fact of con- jugation, and I submit to your inspection a diagram of a large Ameba villosa. a, a, pseudopoda. Ameeba villosa which presents the appearance of the semi-union of two individuals, both externally and internally, in the circulation of their granules and food contents, at the moment preceding com- plete mutual interpenetration. Moving rapidly by broad, rounded pseudopoda thrown out from either side of the broader rounded anterior portion—though never crossing a median line, clearly defined by the circulating particles flowing in parallel lines within, as indicated by the direction of the arrows in the diagram, no other impression could be received than that a semi-conjugated condition here presented itself. Unhappily its disappearance under a mass of dirt, from which it never again emerged, precluded the possibility of determining whether or not the amalgamation would in time have become more perfect, and whether the sarcode masses of the two would have so completely intermingled that it would have ultimately borne the aspect of one large but ordinary Ameeba. Assuming this to be an instance of true Amceba conjugation, can ci be) Al i et Oaiee > i ; hey MAP ae Rare te3 te. i wa ee a cot ee Dischorger red (} \ | \ ) | Spring Clap. Battery. We West ECP iis 3 n meg rae Ace pee r M? Breham's Electro- microscope . Prile Prahom deb. Crystallization of Metals by Electricity. 277 we doubt that such a reproductive process must eventuate in the evolution of some kind of germ? but what such may be it would be idle to speculate. I desire only to put the observed fact upon record, and to engage the efforts of our members in the elucidation of that most recondite, though most interesting subject—the repro- duction and distribution of our fresh-water Rhzzopoda. VI.— Crystallization of Metals by Electricity under the Microscope. By Pamir Branaw, Esq. Puate CVI. Durina some years of scientific investigation I have been in the habit of submitting every eligible experiment to microscopic examination, and during an investigation concerning a metal tried the effects of electricity on it in connection with an acid solution. I was delighted to find a brilliant crystallization start into life, but shortly becoming dull. Following up that experiment by using neutral salts, and terminals of the base, have succeeded in crystal- lizing gold, silver, copper, tin, zinc, and lead, and have every reason to believe I shall be able ere long to crystallize every other metal. The instrument used I give a sketch of, and the electrical stage (a diminutive double discharger, which does excellently for spectrum analysis in connection with an induction coil) and gal- vanic battery, with fittings for varying the quantity and intensity of the electric current. The sketch of the discharger shows the manner in which it is fitted. The two short pillars A A are of ivory, turned to a cup-shape on the top to fit the balls; the springs BB keep the balls in their place, and are fastened to the side of the ivory pillars by the binding screws C C, to which the wires from the poles of the battery are connected; the ends of the dis- charger rods are split to receive the short wires of the metal under electrolysis. The battery issimilar in its construction to Smee’s, but with carbon plates instead of platinized silver, and excited with bichro- mate of potash and sulphuric acid, it has the advantage of not evolving fumes or acid spray. The wheel at the end D is provided with a break E, to keep the plates at any required depth in the solution. The spring clip G connects any number in the series of six cells. The solutions of the salts should be as strong as possible, without a tendency to crystallize. A drop of the liquid is placed on a microscopic slip, and the ends of the wires fitted into the discharge rods {dipped into it, and kept apart not more than a tenth of an inch, lowering the battery into the solution, and carefully watching the terminal in connection with the zine pole: the instant action is observed clamp the wheel, Kies 278 Infusorial Cirewt of Generations. and watch the result. Practice will show the best power of quan- tity and intensity to use. The use of a drop of liquid necessitates the microscope being in a vertical position: to obviate this inconvenience I have adapted a rectangular prism, and turned the eye-piece part of the tube hori- zontally, as in Amici’s, and also made the prism to revolve con- centric with the optic axis of the instrument, which enables several persons sitting round the table to see the experiments at any particular time by turning the eye-piece towards them. The light must be entirely reflected. By placing coloured glasses ~ in the diaphragm frame, and sending light through them from the mirror, a clear outline is given to the crystals, and an illuminated background, which produces an exceedingly beautiful effect. I am still pursuing the investigation, and hope to publish further interesting results. VII.—Infusorial Circuit of Generations. By Tuxop. C. Hincarp. (Continued from p. 233, No. XXXV.) TuxsE “currant ”-yolks enlarge in size, and soon at the (darken- ing) circlet or rim of the introversion reveal a rapid rotation and “ ciliary motions,” and still later, a contortion and volubility of contents really perplexing to the attentive beholder, who in vain attempts to determine its form, or at least to detect it in the moment of hatching, “anxiously wasting whole nights and half days” thereon, as Ehrenberg has expressed himself on a similar subject. At last the membrane bursts and extrudes a globe or halo of gelatine, containing a crucible-shaped body, gently moving, which, when finally set free by the rupture of that gelatinous halo, at once elastically extruding the inverted part, takes a shape resembling a rice-palea or the fore-wing of a thunder-fly (Thrips), travelling broad-end foremost with great velocity and steady as an arrow. After a while a somewhat ludicrous scene ensues, when the little animal, by shedding its fissured skin or scabbard, is seen violently struggling to disentangle its large jerking bristles hidden in the veins of the sheath, and its small body. It thus appears like a little dwarf, frantically floundering about in a Spanish cloak, spurs, and sword too large for their owner. It now represents. a very small Oxytricha with comparatively very long, stout, but as yet softish, bristles. This formed the more direct evolution from the Oxytricha pellet, vz. out of its circular “ currant-vesicles.” Its enveloping Infusorial Circuit of Generations. 279 grumose mass of “trabeculated albumen,” however, keeps still in- creasing to the appearance of a loose snow-ball as it were, and each single trabecular joint assuming a sort of warped §-form and a jerking spasmodic commotion, they at last tear loose singly, and escape each as a lanceolate, warped and finely-tailed “ Vibrio Termo Dujard.”* In consequence of its twisted shape, it makes its way with a vacillating archimedian motion, being constantly turned round as it is rushing onward. When about sj, line long, it already clearly reveals the (still warped, but finally flat) wafer- shaped body ; and the longitudinal stri#, fringed with an undu- lating fleece, as well as the oblique, ciliate mouth, which also characterize its later stages. From an oblong orbicular pouch- shape, when about 5 of a line, it becomes round like “navy ”- beans (up to =), of a line) only a little tapering at the upper end ; the small oblique mouth being a little above the middle. The delicate longitudinal strize all over the body—melon-fashion—give them an iridescent appearance, both under the microscope, singly, and when swarming in masses on the surface, e.g. of aquaria, or of the draining-pans of flower-stands. The striz are apparently set with very soft widulating threads, resembling wool, nearly half a diameter long, in likeness of “ ginned” cotton-seed. This feature is absolutely overlooked in most of the figures from Ehrenberg up to the present day; otherwise the former's “ Paramecium kolpoda”t would seem to represent a few of its onward developments. The body now commences to bisect, at first crosswise ; becoming waisted, across the mouth, so that each half has a part of the old one. After assuming the form of an 8, they, after long struggling -and toiling, bisect, often spinning out a long gelatinous thread (as of a limpid gum) and jerking each other most lustily; but after disruption they presently round off. In this condition, and the following, the bodies contain one larger and a great many smaller granular pellets—“ yolks” or “ ger- minal specks,” which I have not distinctly seen discharged. But now the surface of the water becomes clouded with such granular balls, of uniform molecules (about +5155 line in thickness) that like- wise germinate into the fragiform clouds, alluded to in connection with Vorticella, &c., and is covered with an apparently amorphous, most delicate but cohesive pellicle (as of collodion) at the superficial contact with air. All these forms, as above stated, when caught on * The name of “termo” (repuwy, a boundary-pole or stake) probably referred, originally, rather to the cylindric “‘ battering-rams,” extruded from diffluent “ cur- rant”-vesicles (or ameba) of the paramecium cloud-dissolution, as below detailed. The albuminous Oxytricha-pellet is pretty well represented in A. Pritchard’s ‘ A History of Infusoria,’ tab. xviii., fig. 69. The indistinct §-shaped (constituent or) developing particles, however, are there technically represented by shading with cross-strise, conveying a false impression of their shape and structure. + ‘Abhandl. Berlin Acad. Wiss.,’ 1834, tab. iii., fig. 3. 280 Infusorial Cireuit of Generations. a dry surface (e.g. by their undulating floss), instead of forming into a dry scab, suddenly become liquid (like fusing lead), with an immense internal commotion of parts, and bodily dissolve into such cloud-molecules. The “wool” itself becomes quasi-“ dropsical,” and each single fibril diffluent into a series of such uniform globular molecules, which at first are endowed with an independent motion, vibrio-like. Besides this, most of the encystments, moultings and yolk-extrusions take place under the isolating cover of that uniform protoplasm-membrane, which seems to exale a sort of bituminous odour (like the fumes of burning flesh, sun-baked carrion, or the rank smell of miry river banks). Membranes, as thin but chemically homogeneous organic substances, being impermeable to certain gases, while permeable to others, a good deal of physiological interest is involved in the study of this protoplasm-membrane, and its relation to the swamp-gases. The particles of the nubecula are uniformly lobular. ; After repeated cross-segmentations, these undulate fimbriate bodies, always revolving about the long axis (while evidently travel- ling onward by the action of the ciliate mouth) divide lengthwise, from below upward; thereby becoming somewhat purse or tear- shaped ; the mouth being split in two, so that both stand “ plying” mouth to mouth, while yet connected at their foreheads, as it were. These finally tear asunder by indentures, after which each has the shape of a crooked glass-tear. When more adult, and about ,’> of a line long, the internal yolks and designs have disappeared ; the sarcode assumes a uniform yellowish tinge; its mouth forms deep cavities, while its front is toppling over like the hood of an Indian turnip (Arum triphyllum) or of a Sarracenia leaf. It now con- tracts to a globe and encysts. When asmooth, transparent crust is formed, gradually an inward gyration of cilia (as of an enclosed centipede), which ultimately becomes very violent, is observable ; and at last the excessive fatigue of watching this tantalizing gyra- tion may be rewarded by seeing the inmate emerge, either as quite a large but excessively limber, fluttering and transparent, full-size single Oxytricha ; or else several smaller, mostly narrow, triangular slips* escape, with the same exceedingly restless volubility ; the marginal bristles not yet being stiffly extended in a plane, but ruffled up and down like the bristles on the undulating borders of a thistle-leaf. As they feed and the tissues become scatent, the en- tire form of an Oxytricha is presently acquired. I have observed still another development of Oxytricha ; its first source, however, being as yet unknown to me. There appear on the field of action numbers of quaint-looking, big-eyed balls, about roo line thick, snouted, as it were, with a sort of “hair-lip” re-— sembling a duck’s bill; the stiff bristles within the bill-shaped * The figures L and M, p. 447, in Carp. ‘ Micr.,’ seem to belong here. Infusorial Cirewt of Generations. 281 mouth quivering with a sort of expressive smirk, and looking altogether odd. They come full-sized and booming upon the stage, and in this respect argue a direct derivation from certain haw-shaped, five- costate vorticellan buds, with a contracted pappus of stiffened cilia around the orifice, spinning and rebounding like humming-tops. The “goggle” now soon becomes stationary, and shortly after, rapidly expanding, and its germinal speck or nucleus (the “ eye”) particularly enlarging, within half an hour it dropsically flattens out into a pretty well-sized Oxytricha,* by a similar sort of internal fluxile commotion of particles as when the animals dissolve into molecular “ sauce.” But Oxytricha is not a perfect animal. It has no membranes, and evidently no fibrous tissues at all. The entire texture appa- rently remains in an embryonic, vitelline condition, as yet. I have in a single instance witnessed what appeared to be the moulting of a perfect Oxytricha. The front border was somewhat removed from the body, which it crowned like the crest of an ancient helmet, and within each rigid bristle (“style”), as within the fingers of a glove, was contained the far more delicate corre- sponding one of a clear (and now entirely yolkless-bodied) animal, the lower quarter being in a like manner hidden in a part of the old coat. I thought it was plainly identical with the following animal, whose development brings us up to “ Paramecium Aurelia.” As I have not been able to chance upon such a moulting process again, I reserve the decision. A clear (internal) animal is apparently developed by this moulting of the Oxytricha. Of the latter, the very bristles, when detached, seem to possess individual vitality, singly beating about for quite a while, and even empty coats (apparently shed) some- times behave as if they had a life of their own. At all events, at a certain epoch there appears at once the next form in question,{ in full size upon the field; the transparently clear bodies sometimes showing a scalloped border, and alveoli, as of former yolks, extruded —that soon smooth over. In outline, the animal appears somewhat like the soft parts of an oyster, being flat, somewhat lop-sided, in the shape of a human ear—tip foremost. It is “doubled up” at the straight border, the broader lower rim being overlapped, as by a lid, with a smaller, but thicker, upper flap (“lorica”) containing one clear germinal speck. This animal opens like a book, un- doubling its flaps; and it is thus that it devours its prey (such as * This somewhat resembles fig. F, turning, by fluid expansion, into fig. E (Carp. ‘ Micr.,’ ibid.) ; fig. F, however, requiring to be duck-billed, as it were, and fig. E to be lop-sided and the nucleus more central. + Perhaps the “ Huplotes” of authors. Their descriptions and figures, however, offer nothing that sufficiently resembles this very common form, so as to be readily identifiable, 282 Infusorial Cirewit of Generations. conferval spawns, &c.), by bodily enveloping them like a ray-fish (Raya), enfolding the nourishment as if fused around it, and the whole surface exhibiting an incredibly rapid cilary commotion during the whole process of digestion. This done, the cloak again unfolds, often appearing like two stipules, e.g. of a Liriodendron, and then closes up again. On drying up, or in search for air and moisture, the animals are often seen to mutually enfold each other’s flaps. This cannot, however, be interpreted as a sexual copulation, seeing that in the first place they neither develop any eggs, nor in the second place do they even extrude yolks; but their onward development is by encystment. Within a few minutes such a full-grown “ oyster-grub” is seen contracting its big flap, so as to present the shape of a hat with a warped rim and hemispherical crown, the latter formed by the blunter lobe, which contains the “speck” or “eye,” and, contracting, gets hemispherically rounded. Very soon (with a constant ad- justive quivering of the cilia-like bristles) the whole is rounded into a globe, wherein the doubled inside forms a ciliate hiatus. The latter, soon contracting, closes over. Nothing is now seen but a ball with a clear “ germinal speck.” In a few hours a double con- tour (the outer one granular) is exuded. The speck or “eye” itself now becomes dusky and granular. It increases. It bisects “Gregarina’-fashion. Hach pear-shaped segment again acquires a clear speck or “eye.” They elongate, being connected by the blunt ends,—each one tapering to a very soft apex; and these very large germs or pseudo-Gregarinas at last become liberated, probably as “ Paramecium Aurelia,” which now appears full-grown on the scene.* It is about the length of the Oxytricha, about three times the length of the revolving wool-fringed grubs of the Oxytricha, and by all means more complexly organized than either. It has the shape of the (shoemaker’s) /ast for a very elegant lady’s shoe. From one side it therefore gives the figure as of a foot-print (with- out the toes); but viewed on edge has a pointed rear end, and in this profile it “takes the name” of Paramecium caudatum! The ankle of that “last,” however, is bevelled away, leaving the instep a ridge. Its oral aperture, not clearly distinguishable, is in the middle, slanting almost longitudinally for about one quarter of the length of the body. It seems to work its way, dashing by vacuole- contraction, while at the same time revolving by a roundabout coat or film of short pubescence, almost too delicate to be made distinct. In what appears to be the abdomen it has the well-known circular pulsatory vesicle, wherewith it propels itself, and around which point it is often seen spinning like a wheel. A system of fusiform * The developmental experiments were made in small parcels, forming a drop (between glass slips, somewhat held apart) and preserved from exsiccation. Infusorial Cirewt of Generations. 283 or bulbous vessels radiating around the pulsatory vesicle, contract as the vesicle expands, and vice versd, as 1s well known; and some seem to have several such pulsatory “vacuoles.” The body is turgid with rather small germinal yolks. These animals I have never seen bisecting either lengthwise* or across, nor copulating sexually. The latter, however, seems to take place with the Pla- nariz, which also show the staghorn-shaped entrails analogous to those of the marine (true) Planariz and joints of the tape-worm, whose detached individuals are also known to hover freely in a liquid, like these Ciliata. It is supposable that the large Para- mecium, with pulsatory organs, is the young Planaria; but it is certainly not itself an adult body. The further and most remarkable of all these progressive and retrograde developments is the following. The well-fed and full- grown but entrazlless Paramecium Aurelia becomes slow and lazy, greyish with the teeming germinal contents, and in a few hours may be seen motionless as the fabulous “ Kraken” of ancient Norway. Its entire substance now commences swelling forth into compact, fragiform “ germinal clouds,” while a great many of the germinal specks, now become less obscured, are plainly discernible as of the clear “cwrrant-shaped yolks” kind. These in a short time, however, commence moving, and while some of the smaller ones are being propelled by adherent motile granules (probably the “ Acineta” Auct.), the larger ones move by contraction, viz. their “ circles” becoming everted, they now crawl forth, like a very limpid grub—resembling a sort of tumbling sac! This “tumbling” is produced by the most marvellous facility it possesses of protruding long, blunt branches (like little stove-pipes) on any part of its surface by eversion, so that in a few moments its form is entirely changed. Its contents are a visibly and rapidly circulating so-called “ rotating protoplasm,” composed of mostly very transparent endc- vidual vibrionic particles, partly bulky, but mostly very small. Some dark (red or brownish) vibrionic dots are also discernible. It now takes the form which has been called “ Amceba.” This form, however, likewise occurs when similar yolks or “ acinetze ” are expelled from vorticellan bodies. In either case the “ tumbling sac” lastly attains a versatile-campanulate star-shape with “ pseudo- podia,” from which break forth volumes of minimal vibrios, and quite large, cylindric bits of rods, or (pseudo)-“ bacteria.” The latter here are thicker than fungine bacteria, and are neither coated nor ellipsoidally shuttle-shaped, but bluntly cylindric, like car- tridges or butting rams. They possess a very forcible automatous motion, and like to congregate, and with great violence keep butting all together, one against the other, in a heap; and within a few * Ehrenberg’s figures, however, show it in that process (if not a mistake), + Pritchard, &c., figure the planaria-like form as “ adult Paramecium.” 284 Infusorial Cirewit of Generations. minutes the whole appearance has dissolved and passed into a “ germinal cloud” of molecular “ vibrionic ” cell-life. Besides the above circuits of generations, which probably com- prise both the pulsatory Paramecians proper (Aurelia) and the Vorticello Oxytrichans (through the mediation of the “oyster” or ‘* porte-monnaie-grub”), there occur frequently some analogous forms, such as “ Kerona” and “ Trachelium.” The last form of all to appear in infusions, &., seems to be the well-known Rotzfer, the developments whereof are perhaps related to some of those above detailed. It is, however, most probable, according to the observations of Prof. L. Agassiz,* who saw forms resembling the undulate-fleeced (“Paramecium kolpoda”) grubs bred from the eggs of Planariz,{ that such are the adult forms (if adult). I have only occasionally met these swelled and pear-shaped dusky bodies, travelling both back and forward with equal facility, and remarkable for the staghorn-like designs of their entrails, thereby evincing something like a membrane in their organization, but the organ being itself of a sort of glandular structure. They are also said to bisect, like the Oxytricha. Some young ostensibly planarian forms, larger than Paramecium Aurelia, blackish, and shaped like a short broad lancet blade, which I have seen “ bisect- ing,” did so only while encysted, rotating in the manner of mill- stones, and the escaping animals had as yet no trace of the visceral organization, as found in the adult Planariz (and also observably developed in Rotifer). Weare therefore stillin doubt as to the true ultimate genus and species, and therefore have to suspend classification ; the points of interest here submitted being the important physiological pro- cesses and transformations on the one hand, and the fallacy of foregone diagnostic terminology on the other. ‘The description of the genetic phenomena of the so-called Fresh-water Algze in their unbroken continuity of developments, as experimentally ascertained, I reserve for a future paper.—Silliman’s American Journal, August, 1871. * ‘ Ann. Nat. Hist.,’ vol. ii., 1850, p. 157. t This is no doubt what authors figure and describe as the “ adult Paramecium Aurelia,” with its staghorn-shaped intestines and swelled bodies. I am also under the impression that it was this form which I had formerly frequently observed in what appeared to be spontaneous coitus. chor BL, fy Ob ate» y * rem 2 “ih ea® ry ty) au 7 Mi Lely Ane id W West & Coa voumy ( 285 ) VIII.—On the Connection of Nerves and Chromoblasts. By M. Grorces Poucuer. Puate CVIII. Srvox we have shown by direct experiments the influence of the nerves upon the pigment cells of the skin of fishes, and especially of the skin of flat-fish (Plewronectes maximus, Linn.), the relations between these elements and the nerves naturally attract our attention. Herr Kiihne [untersuchungen tiber protoplasma] in 1864 figured the larger connections between the nervous tubules covered with myeline, and the connective cells of the cornea. But beyond that the iden- tity of these cells and the pigment cells is not established further than the doubtful effect of a reagent used by Herr Kiihne, nitrate of silver, it does not appear that the conclusions of his memoir have been definitely adopted by anatomists. The pigmentary cells or chromoblasts are situated below the skin, which is represented in many fishes, as in the Batrachia, by a delicate hyaline membrane, about 19 to 20 Paris lines in thickness. It is beneath the membrane properly so-called that the chromoblasts are found mixed with other elements, which seem of a connective tissue-like character. The chromoblasts themselves are essentially composed of a mass of sarcodic substance (or protoplasm), usually surrounding a nucleus, but being able probably to subsist without it. In the midst of this sarcodic substance is deposited the colouring matter, which is consequently a true pigment. This colouring matter is of various tints, but generally it is, in the least refrangible half of the spectrum, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black. Some- times this colouring matter is liquid, and forms—as one sees it in the embryos of crustacea—a coloured drop in a portion of the sarcodic substance near the nucleus. When it extends in its amoeboid movements, it draws over it the coloured drops. At other times, and indeed most frequently, the colourmg matter is spread out in granulations throughout the mass of protoplasm, EXPLANATION OF PLATE CVIII. Enlargement x 1000. Fic. 1—lLaminous elements of the membrane of the pectoral fin of a turbot, 4 centimetres long. Jn situ. » 1 bis—Three laminous elements isolated. 5, 2.—Elements of the same membrane at another point. Jn situ. 5» 3.—Nervous fibre. », 3a,—Chromoblast without nucleus in contact with a nucleus of nervous fibre, 5, 30.—Chromoblast in continuity with a nervous fibre. » 2 ¢.—Idem. » 3d,—Nervous fibre in continuity with a nucleus of a chromoblast. », 3 ¢.—Chromoblast in continuity with a nervous fibre. 5, of.—Idem. » 4—Nervous thread accompanying a capillary. 286 On the Connection of Nerves and Chromoblasts. which draws them with it in its different movements. But it sometimes happens that the finest expansions in turning upon them- selves leave these granulations in the midst of the surrounding tissues. Our observations, made to investigate the relation between the nerves and the chromoblasts, have been carried out upon the pectoral fin of young flat-fish, about 4 centimetres long. The organ taken from the living fish is treated with dilute acetic acid, about 1 to 14 per cent.; then very slightly tinted with carmine. The preparation thus made has been examined with an object-glass of 10 mm., of Nachet, which admits of one seeing through the whole thickness of the fin. In all cases it is treated with chloride of gold, feebly acidulated with acetic acid ; it was placed under this reagent after having been in acetic acid a sufficient length of time to admit of the detachment of the epidermis. The only elements of a connective nature that I have seen are nuclei, surrounded by a greater or lesser quantity of a hyaline sub- stance, which appears resistant, and affects a bi-polar disposition of the two extremities of the great axis of the nucleus. These cells without a trace of apparent membrane nevertheless differ much ; in fact, as much in relation of form as in that of size of the nucleus as well as the polar substance. Fig. 2, Plate CVIII., represents exactly one region of the inter- posed membrane with two rays. The nuclei affect a distinctly parallel relation; they are narrow with regard to their length. The polar substance 1s there, and recalls the appearance of the fusiform bodies of the superior vertebree. In other imstances the same elements show themselves disposed in a quite different man- ner. They are at the same time more voluminous, more closely related, and they affect a parallel disposition. Their position is then ordinarily perpendicular to that of the rays. In some parts it is not rare to see a certain number of these elements affect a definite (determinée) direction, whilst others have a perpendicular direction. The nuclei of those contiguous conjunctive cells, as shown in Fig. 1, vary considerably in volume, like the elements themselves, almost from the single to the triple. They assume in preparations treated as we have directed, an ovoid form, and seem to exhibit in their interior the trace of a voluminous spherical nucleolus. The diameter of the nucleus may be estimated on an average at 6—7” ; its volume is always proportional to the quantity of polar substance. Two nuclei are sometimes seen in these fusiform bodies, which seem to prove that they multiply by fission. We have represented an example, and also some aberrant forms in Fig. 1. Capillaries are rare, and are sometimes ,accompanied by a thin nervous thread, Fig. 4. The latter is recognizable by narrow On the Connection of Nerves and Chromoblasts. 287 nuclei, four or five times longer than wide. They are filled with very small black granulations. The outlines are ill-defined. Their substance fixes carmine with great energy. The nervous bundles of the fins present only a very small number of those fibres, but they may be followed when isolated, during a very long course, as shown in the Figure. They may be recognized in this case by their continuity, for the fineness of those elements is extreme, and at the same time, by the presence on their course of nuclei sometimes near and sometimes remote from one another. Some- times the fibre seems to grow wider in order to contain the nucleus, and at other times the latter seems to be thrown off laterally, in a kind of floating membrane. It must not be forgotten that we speak here only of the specimen prepared according to our directions. Without asserting here the existence of a direct relation be- tween the nervous fibres and the chromoblasts, we will limit our- selves to a statement of the result of our researches. The ques- tion is a very difficult one to solve, owing to the nature of the sarcodic element, which is usually recognizable by its granulations, but is for that very reason impenetrable to the eye, so that all observation must be summed up in investigating the continuity of a nervous fibre, characterized either by its length, and the physical peculiarities of its substance, or better, by the presence of its nuclei, with the sarcodic substance, without any hope of tracing the ner- yous fibre into the midst of the contractile element. An auxiliary, however, presented itself, which might help to determine this continuity. The granulations of pigment given up by the expansions of the chromoblast, may in their contraction become an excellent point de repere. Let us suppose that every appearance indicates the continuity of the sarcodic substance and of the nervous fibre; this appearance will become almost a certainty, if, on the course of the nervous fibre, in the neighbourhood of the chromoblast, we discover granulations of pigment which have evidently been given up by the sarcodic extensions returned on themselves. We have endeavoured to represent all the cases of this kind that we have been able to meet. As the inquiry regards parts which had not been dried, but were observed 77 situ in the thin lamina which extends from one ray of the fin to the other, the relations observed between the parts can only be natural. If the instances are so rare, it is first because the continuity which we try to observe exists in a plane perpendicular to the visual one, and secondly because only a small number of chromoblasts show themselves in a state of isolation favourable for observation, even in the case which we bring for- ward ; we have not thought it right to dissemble the considera- tions which might plead against an appearance evidently conform- able to the theory, but the demonstration of which we shall not, 288 On the Connection of Nerves and Chromoblasts. however, regard as rigorous, so long as it will not have been drawn from embryogenic study. In Fig. 3 ¢, we have evidently to deal with a nervous thread, characterized by the presence of a nucleus. We must remember that there is not a trace of laminous fibres in all this tissue. This nervous fibre appeared to us to continue directly with a pale chro- moblast having numerous ramifications. The union seems to be proved by some granulations scattered over the nervous thread near the chromoblast. Fig. 3 f shows a similar arrangement, although less clearly. The same arrangement is seen also in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 6. There, however, the filaments which appear really to continue with the chromoblast, were not, so far as they were visible, provided with nuclei. The same may be said of Fig.3e, which is certainly the most characteristic of all those that we have observed. The chromoblast was large, and very much retracted on itself like a sphere. From the edge of the chromoblast was seen to extend a thin filament, which could be traced pretty far, and which it was hard to avoid considering as a nervous thread, although it pre- sented no characteristic nuclei. But it offered, on the other hand, certain interesting peculiarities near the outside of the chromoblast, inside which the latter's opacity of course prevented the pursuit. This thread offered in this place strongly-marked sinuosities, which are not usual on the course of the nervous fibres. But, besides, we discovered easily on those sinuosities pigmentary granulations analogous to those contained in the sarcodic substance. Error was impossible. Beyond the first sinuosity especially were seen two of those granulations, isolated and perfectly recognizable. Those sinuosities, those granulations, appeared really to indicate that the fibre there approaches its termination, enveloped in the sarcodic substance when the latter displays itself. ‘There exists there, then, intimate contact, if not continuity of substance between the nervous fibre and the chromoblast. One difficulty indeed appears. The influence of the nervous element on the contractile element is unquestionable, but it in no way indicates what may be the relations or the connections between the two elements. Does the nervous fibre become lost in the midst of the contractile substance on coming into contact with the nucleus of the chromoblast? ‘This is a first hypothesis, which we confess appears to us highly probable, but which has not been demonstrated. Influence exerted at a distance from the chromoblast by adjacent nervous elements appears improbable, and besides, in opposition to what we know to exist in the other parts of the organism. There remains a third hypothesis: that the chromoblasts are merely arranged on the course of a nervous element, and in contact with it, and that only through the effect of this contact they enter into On the Connection of Nerves and Chromoblasts. 289 contraction whenever the nerve is acted on. In this case there would remain to be found the termination of the nervous elements, on the course of which the chromoblasts would be thus arranged. Fig. 3a appears on this subject to deserve attention. It exhibits a nervous thread which, it is true, is not characterized by the presence of a nucleus. This filament came in contact with a chromoblast, having quite a peculiar aspect. The contractile sub- stance seemed loaded with pigmentary granulations on one side of a long and narrow nucleus, which presented all the characters of a nucleus of nervous fibre, and not at all those of the large irregular nuclei which usually accompany sarcodic bodies, and which are represented in Fig. 36, Fig. 2, Fig. 3d. Are we to suppose that the nuclei of the nervous fibres may in certain circumstances themselves become nuclei of chromoblasts, by changing their characters and undergoing a true metamorphosis. Or must we see, in the representation which we had under our eyes, only a chromoblast deprived of nucleus, and lying close to a ner- vous fibre at the level of one of the nuclei of the latter, giving us an instance of the simple union by contact of which we spoke. We repeat, that these observations may require to be extended in certain directions ; and although we are of opinion that we may now infer from them the reality of the connection between the nervous and the sarcodic elements, a connection conformable to theory, we cannot assert that the nature of this connection is yet completely known. PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Rodent Cancer of the Upper Eyelid.In describing a case of this kind to the Clinical Society (October 27), Mr. Hulke described the minute features of the stroma as follows :—It was composed chiefly of small round spherical cells like those of rete mucosum without inter- cellular substance, and, although differing from epithelioma, resembled it so far that he could not draw a sharp line of distinction between the two. The Microscope in the Detection of Adulteration in Food.—A good paper on this subject appeared recently in the ‘Chemical News.’ It is by Mr. Walter Morris, and it deals with the subjects of coffee, cocoa, sugar, mustard, pepper, and bread. It points out the principal adulterations, and shows how they may be readily detected by the microscope. The paper is too long for an abstract. ( 290 ) NOTES AND MEMORANDA. Tolles’ Immersion }th.—In a letter to Mr. Slack, Dr. Woodward says:—“The Tolles’ immersion }th, by which the Amphipleura pictures were made, works either dry or wet, the compensation being effected simply by altering the distance of the front lens from the other two, by means of the screw collar. There is also a low-angle extra front for ordinary work. “J find with the high-angle fronts the following measurements :— Magnifies at 4 ft. focus ; Micrometer screen and Angle. without eye-piece. Dry: uncovered, 110° | 25. 2s.) ss) sa! on gene 5; for thickest:cover, 140° .. 3. <2 2. meezoOmmmre Immersion : uncovered, 140° .. .. .. . «. 200 4, . for thickest cover, 170° upwards .. 275 ,, “ With central light, and on Podura, or anatomical objects, I find this objective admirable. “ T wish I could speak as favourably of Mr. Tolles’ higher powers. They are very good indeed, but I have yet to see one of them which will rival the so-called 1,th immersion of Powell and Lealand.” American Microscopical Apparatus.—The following brief account of the apparatus at the last American Association is given in the September No. of the ‘American Naturalist’ :—Among the novelties may be noticed the observation of the electric induction spark by the micro-spectroscope, by Prof. Vander Weyde; the oblique illumi- nation of transparent objects under high powers by means of light reflected from a plane mirror lying upon the stage and directly beneath the mounted object—a little expedient of great practical convenience, also by Prof. Vander Weyde; the adoption of the Wenham Binocular arrangement by Zentmayer; and the somewhat general introduction into use of the eye-piece condensers with a wide horizontal illumination (for binoculars) upon the plan proposed by Prof. Ward at the Troy meeting last summer. Mr. Bicknell places the stop-plate between the lenses of the condenser, instead of below them ; and Prof. Ward, while retaining the eye-piece arrangement for use with low powers, for high powers combines the centring adjust- ment, Iris diaphragm, and stop-plate, with an achromatic combination of larger angle and more perfect corrections. The committee on uniform standards in the powers of objectives and eye-pieces being unprepared to report, Messrs. Ward and Bicknell reported verbally, and the committee was continued until the next meeting. While an exact uniformity in the amplifying power of lenses in the same denomination is not to be looked for, it is believed that much of the existing confusion may be remedied. Many microscopists, the speakers among the number, have long been accustomed to alter the denomination of their lenses so as to represent, as nearly as prac- ticable, their amplifying power when in actual use; and probably the principal makers in this country will freely co-operate with micro- CORRESPONDENCE. 291 scopists attaining this very desirable result. The introduction already partially accomplished, of a grading of the eye-pieces by comparison with equivalent single lenses, 2 in., 1in., } in., &c., may render this part of the subject, which seemed almost unattainable, the easiest and first to be accomplished. CORRESPONDENCE. Grinpinc Diamond Pornts. To the Editor of the ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ Sir,—Mr. Wenham having been asked the best method of grinding diamond points for fine ruling, or writing on glass, kindly gave the following valuable information, with permission to publish it. Yours faithfully, Henry J. SLAck. “Many years ago I tried some very fine-line ruling by a very beautiful little machine, made by the celebrated Tully. At first I used fragments and splinters of diamond, but found that I could not do any good with them, after working till my patience was exhausted. No two pieces acted alike : some with the lightest pressure that it was possible to give tore and shattered up the surface of the glass, breaking all the lines into a mass. Other pieces that required more pressure gave irregular lines. A piece might be found that would suit for ruling lines of one degree of fineness, but would not do for others. I therefore had to give up broken splinters as impracticable, and use turned points. “ A fragment of diamond was imbedded in a short piece of copper wire, +}; in diameter, in the way described in my paper ‘ On the Con- struction of Object-glasses. This was chucked in the bow lathe or ‘jigger, and another splinter of diamond, similarly mounted, was held against it as a turning tool. Both were, I suppose, about equally ground away, and you could see the dust flying off; in fact, diamonds rubbed together abrade each other just like two pieces of slate pencil will do. It is very easy with a delicate touch at last to bring the rotating diamond to a point as fine as a needle. This is the right thing for glass ruling, and I have no doubt that Nobert uses the same. ‘Jn Peter’s writing machine turned points are employed, as these only will mark in every direction. At first he used to buy his turned points from the diamond workers at one guinea each, and few of them good even at that. I explained my way of turning the points, at which he succeeded at the first attempt, and ever after that made them with his own hands. He told me afterwards that what before cost him 21s. did not now cost him 1s. He did not, however, mount them quite in my way, but thus: he split the end of the wire with a fine saw, then closed the split end on the fragment of diamond with pliers, so as to nip it fast; then wound the end round with a few coils of VOL. VI. rs 292 CORRESPONDENCE. very fine platinum wire, and finally with the blow-pipe run the whole together with silver solder and borax. The solder insinuated itself between the coils, filled the saw kerf and ran round the diamond, uniting the whole as a solid mass. This made a very firm and sub- stantial job of it. Of course a very clumsy piece of diamond will serve as the turning tool or rather rubber. I assure you that this is a very easy operation. “T hope that this contains a hint that may be of service to you. You can make any use of it that you think proper. Publish it if you like, for these little dodges arg too often kept as trade secrets, to the detriment of their utility. “ Yours sincerely, “H. J. Stack, Esq.” “F, H. Wrennam. Mr. Tottes anp Mr. BicKNeEtt. To the Editor of the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ November 6, 1871. Dear S1r,—Enough has been said to convince minds conversant with optical science of the loss of aperture on objects in balsam or fluid. Mr. Tolles, however, still disbelieving, puts a case. If he is clever enough to mount a diatom in balsam, between two hemispherical lenses, or enclose it in the centre of a tiny spherule of hard balsam, or gum, then of course it can be illuminated from all angles, and seen by the full aperture of an object-glass (the refraction of the material will not influence the result, as the rays proceed in straight lines through the surface). But if I understand Mr. Tolles’ not very per- spicuous summary correctly, he brings this profound illustration for- ward to show that the angle of aperture is in no way diminished, when the object and front lens are both immersed in fluid. Does he really expect us to believe that he can obtain all his aperture by the back combinations alone, and that these are capable of receiving or trans- mitting 170°, or even anything near the least angle of 90° that he has shown? or that any of his objectives, duly adjusted for an immersed object, and thus showing a large aperture when measured in air, will retain the same angle when the front is immersed in a body of water ? If so, further comment is useless, as it would no longer be a scientific discussion of any general interest, but merely an individual one—a rather hopeless attempt to convince him, by explaining primary laws of refraction, or the very a, b, c, of optics. His position is an impos- sible one. In a corrected high-power object-glass, when immersed, the focus does not fall in the centre of the hemisphere of the front lens, but is considerably beyond it. In the last Journal there are some remarks by Mr. E. Bicknell. At page 226, paragraph 4, he applies the terms “ deception” and “‘ mis- leading people” to Messrs. Powell and Lealand, and the same to Dr. Woodward, for “ knowingly ” putting forth work done by a higher objective as that from a th. I consider that this is hardly fair, and is uncourteous to the gentlemen named. A scientific microscopist gives the diameters with his illustrations, states the aperture, and the PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 293 nominal power of the object-glass ; this quite meets the case. In such a difficult and complex arrangement as a high-power object-glass, it is almost impossible for all the makers to work to the same magnifying standard. From an early date, iths were }ths or +/,ths, and some now approach to ;';ths in power. There is almost the same discrepancy as in the nominal and real horse-power of steam-engines, by makers who vie with each other to give the best measure, and anyone that now obtains a +,th for what was formerly an 4th, may congratulate himself in getting more for his money. Yours sincerely, F. H. WrEnuAM. A Mryzratoaicat Microscopr. To the Editor of the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ New University Cius, Nov. 8, 1871. Srr,—Dr. Lawrence Smith contrived a form of microscope for examining minerals, one of the features of which is that objects are viewed from the lower side. My own pursuits are such as to require this, but I can obtain no definite answer as to form and price of instrument from those London microscope makers whom I have con- sulted. I should be very glad if your readers, both here and in America, would forward my chemico-mineralogical work by giving me any information. Of course it is an object to use such apparatus as I have, which can be adapted to the new instrument. I would also ask whether this form of microscope might not be made to take the place of the laboratory spectroscope. I am, Sir, your faithful servant, MarsHaAtL Hatt. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES.* Royaut Microscorican Soctery. Kin@’s CoLLeGE, Nov. 1, 1871. W. Kitchen Parker, Esq., F.R.S., F.Z.S., in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. A list of donations was read, and a vote of thanks given to the respective donors. The Secretary announced that he had received from Mr. Stanistreet, for the Society, two beautiful specimens of his engraving, or Micro- ruling, on glass. Also a photograph of his machine. There was an engraving from the photograph which was rather more intelligible * Secretaries of Societies will greatly oblige us by writing their report legibly —especially by printing the technical terms thus: H ydra—and by “underlining” words, such as specific names, which must be printed in italics. They will thus secure accuracy and enhance the value of their proceedings.—Ep., ‘M. M. J? Y 2 294 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. than the photograph in the ‘English Mechanic.’ Both the specimens of ruling were very beautiful, but the one on the slide was much more elaborate than that in the ornamental circular frame. The Secretary also stated that the Council proposed, if they could obtain the use of the room in which the Society’s meetings were held, to have another Scientific meeting on the Wednesday of the third week in January next, the meeting to consist of the Fellows and a few visitors. The Council hoped that every Fellow would endeavour to bring all that was new or fine in reference to recent discoveries. The precise date of the meeting would be fixed as early as possible, and then communicated to the Fellows by circular without delay. He believed it most probable that the room could be used on the day already men- tioned. Dr. Braithwaite then read a paper “On the Structure of Bog Mosses.” In answer to a question from the President, Dr. Braithwaite said that the leaves whose characters he had been describing were not all constant throughout the species, but that they do vary on the plant. The Secretary announced that three very fine photographs of Degeeria domestica had been received from Dr. Woodward of the U. 8. Army Medical Department, accompanied by a short descriptive paper. Mr. Slack said he had hoped Mr. Wenham would have been pre- sent that evening, in order that he might have given an explanation of his method of illumination to which Dr. Woodward had alluded. He (Mr. Slack) believed that the action of that mode of illumination depended upon the fact that the object must rest upon the bottom of the glass slide, and that the covering glass was made to act as a mirror throwing light down upon it; consequently there would be opaque illumination just as the object was opaque. But if the object was partially transparent a portion of light would go through it. Some of the light might enter the object and reach the eye by internal re- flexions, or refractions. He thought Mr. Brooke would be able to confirm this explanation. , Mr. Brooke said he believed Mr. Slack had correctly described the effects that would be produced by Mr. Wenham’s mode of illumina- tion. The explanation of it was, that the objects were partially seen by reflected light thrown down upon them from the covering glass, and they were therefore so far seen opaquely: they might also transmit certain rays that came less obliquely, and they would thus be rendered visible both by the transmitted and the reflected rays. Mr. Slack said the photographs showed characters very near to those described by Dr. Pigott, and similar to the sketches he had published in the ‘ Student.’ Mr. W. Saville Kent then read a paper “On Professor James Clark’s Flagellate Infusoria, with description of New Species.” Mr. Kent, replying to the inquiries of the President, said that he considered the presence of the flagellum seen in Monas, would place it in a higher class of Protozoa than the Rhizopoda ; that some of the forms he had described had a kind of chitinous sheath, as in Cothurnia; that the bell-shaped “ collar” shown in his (Mr. Kent’s) diagrams was PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 295 an expansive membrane of extreme tenuity modified from the sarcode ; and that with regard to certain individual portions of sponges bearing flagellate appendages, those organisms ought to be classed among the higher Protozoa, combining the characters of the Flagellate Infusoria and ordinary Rhizopoda, with a skeletal superstructure, and complex canal system essentially their own. Mr. Slack said he would venture to remind the President of a spe- cialized organ in the Ameeba, first discovered by Dr. Wallich, who came ultimately tothe conclusion that it was developed in a stage of the creature’s existence. He (Mr. Slack) had seen this organ, and it was certainly much more specialized than a simple flagellum. Mr. Stewart said a short time since he was examining a specimen cf a calcareous sponge in the early spring months, and he observed that on withdrawing it from the water, a milky fluid escaped from it. On submitting this to the microscope he found the milkiness was really due to little masses of the amceboid particles of the sponge moving actively in the water by the aid of from one to three, or (he fancied in some cases) even four flagella attached to each particle of the com- pound masses. He did not notice the funnel-like membrane. He kept these particles alive some time, and noticed that the flagella were gradually absorbed, and that motion was then effected by pseudopodia the same as in Amcebe. He thought it possible that these bodies might rather represent a form of gemma, than a mere detached group of the ordinary particles of the sponge. With regard to the connection between sponges and ccelenterates, the setting aside of certain of these particles to perform a special function for the good of the entire or- ganism, seemed by this first indication of tissue formation to point to an affinity with some more complex animal. Mr. Slack then reminded the Fellows that some time since their attention had been called to a creature called a Stentor, and named after the gentleman who had sent an account of it to the Society, Stentor Barrettiti. He (Mr. 8.) had then pointed out that if Mr. Bar- rett’s statements were confirmed the creature could not possibly be a stentor. Mr. Kent had been kind enough to bring down a drawing of what he thought was the animal not quite correctly described as a stentor. It certainly seemed to be the same creature. The appearance of spines was not at all uncommon. According to Stein they belonged to the ordinary stentors, were protruded on certain occasions, and on being withdrawn left no mark behind. He thought it probable that Mr. Barrett had from some cause or another overlooked the body cilia characteristic of stentor, and had misinterpreted appearances which led him to assume that his creature possessed organs not found in any stentor. Mr. Kent submitted to the meeting a drawing of Stentor polymorphus, Claparéde (published 1861), and in reply to Mr. Slack stated that he had recently met with the same form himself, and con- sidered it to be identical with the species introduced to the Society last year, and figured in the Society’s ‘Transactions’ by Mr. Barrett under the name of S. Barrettii, The author quoted considered it dif- fered from previously described species in inhabiting a tube, in the possession of stiff sete, and in having no vibratile cilia distributed over the surface of the body. The two positive characters given, Mr. Kent 296 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. affirmed, were common to the species of which he submitted a drawing, while the non-detection of vibratile cilia by Mr. Barrett he attributed to the insufficiency of magnifying power, or inadequacy of the means of illumination he had employed. Mr. T. Charters White, in answer to a question from Mr. Slack, said he had once seen a stentor as large as that described by Mr. Barrett, but he could not say that it was identically the same; in length it occupied the whole width of the field of the microscope, when examined with a 2rd of Smith and Beck’s, and was abundantly supplied with cilia ; it had a mucous agglomeration about its foot something like Tubicularia, into which it retreated if the stage of the microscope was struck. The President announced that at the next meeting Dr. Carruthers would continue his description of the “ Fossils of the Coal Measures,” and that a communication would be read from Mr. J. Bell, “On Fer- mentation and its results.” The meeting was then adjourned to the 6th day of December next. Mr. Joseph Beck stated that a note referring to him in the last number of the Journal was founded on misapprehension of what he had said. Donations to the Library and Cabinet, from Oct. 4th to Nov. Ist, 1871 :— From Land and Water. Weekly do: casi ao veiee, wie's adorn eee en aiagtes Society of Arts Journal. Weekly ie ces 00" enaien pe DEREEnE Watnure. (Weekly... <. . ie sas eds aa ge eee noes Atheneum. Weekly .. oe WE Weree Physical Optics. By Thomas Exley, iN M.,, 1834... .. Dr. Millar. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1868. 4 Vols. Washington, 1869... .. .. U. States’ Patent Office. Journal of the Linnean Society, No.53 .. .. .. .. Society, Popular Science Review, No. 41 Peo meD ris ean L255 2. Catalogue of Scientific Papers. Vol. V. BP Royal Society. Three “Photographs of Degeeria domestica, as seen with Wenham’s Black-ground Illumination. By Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S. “Army ; ot ee, ne A Ore Two Specimens of Micro-ruling on Glass. By John 8. Stanistrect, Wsq.) 06 25 55> a eee The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society :— Thomas Armstrong, Esq. John Sumsion Townsend, Esq. John Cretney Sigsworth, Esq. Joseph Needham, Esq. Frederick John Marriott, Esq. Water W. REsEvEs, Assist,-Secretary. CORRECTIONS TO VOL. V. Page 152, bottom line, for prevent, read present. », 154, line 4 from bottom, for Joseph Beck read Richard Beck. » 155, ,, 12, for coin, read cam. » 9 3 14, for develops, read depresses. » 9» 9» 17, for coin, read cam. ( 297 ) INDEX TO VOLUME VI. ——_+#- A. ADDRESSES wanted for the Royal Micro- scopical Society, 16]. Agassiz’s, Professor, Future Dredging Operations, 103. Auport, S., F.G.S., on the Micro- scopical Structure and Composition of a Phonolite from the Wolf Rock, 87. Ameeba, on the Conjugation of. By J. G. Tatem, Esq., 275. Amphipleura pellucida, Note on. By Dr. J. J. Woopwarp, 43. , Note on the Resolution of, by a Tolles’ Immersion !th. By Dr. J. J. Woopwarp, 150. , ‘Note on the Resolution of, by a Tolles’ Immersion 1th. By Dr. J. J. Woodward.” Some Remarks on. By Epwin BIcKNELL, 225. Angular Aperture, Experiments on. By R. B. Toues, 36. Anthophysa solitaria, laxa, and Ben- nettii, 264. Apparatus, American Microscopical, 290. B. Barnarp, F. A. P., The Examination of Nobert’s Nineteenth Band, 194. BrenevEN M. Epovarp on a Giant Gregarina, 39. on the Gregarinida and their Development, 104. Bibliography, 60, 120, 164, 208. BickNELL, Epwry, Some Remarks on a “ Note on the Resolution of Amphi- pleura pellucida by a Tolles’ Im- mersion 2th. By Dr. J. J. Woodward,” 225. Bicoseca lacustris and socialis, 263. inclinata, 264. Blood, on Some Improvements in the Spectrum Method of Detecting. By H. C. Sorsy, F.R.S., 9. — of Ceylon Deer, Mematozoa in. By Boyp Moss, M.D., 181. —— Globule, the Red. RicHarpson, 40. — Corpuscle, on the Cellular Struc- ture of the. By J. G. Ricnarpson, ni Ci Dele Corpuscle. When isit in Focus? By Dr. Tyson, 42. By Dr. Blood-vessels, Passage of Corpuscles through the. By Dr. R. Norris, 238. Bog Mosses. By Rost. BratrHwalte, M.D., 1, 268. Brachiopoda, the Position of the, 102. BrauaM, Puixtp, on the Crystallization of Metals by Electricity under the Microscope, 277. BralTHwaite, Rosr., M.D., on Bog Mosses, 1, 268. Briper, H. G., Mapping with the Micro-spectroscope, with the Bright- line Micrometer, 224. Bryozoa Marine, the Retrograde De- velopment of. By CiapareEDg, 98. Mediterranean, 161. Butterflies and Gnats, the Scales of, 102. C. Calopteryx, Agrion, and Diplax, the Embryos of. By A. S. Packarp, jun., 39. CaLvert, Crace-, F.R.S., Difficulty of Experiments on Spontaneous Gene- ration, 234. ——, Experiments Generation, 199. Carter, H. J., F.R.S., on Coccoliths, 98 on Spontaneous Chelifer, an Incident in the Life of a. By S. J. McIntire, F.R.M.S., 209. Chloral Hydrate, Chloroform, Prussic Acid, and other agents, Observations and Experiments with the Micero- scope on. By Tuomas S. Ra.pu, M.R.C.S., 75. Chorda dorsalis, Structure of the, 161. CLAPAREDE on the Retrograde Develop- ment of Marine Bryozoa, 98. Coal Plants. By Jonny Burrerwortn, 49. Coals, on the Spore-cases in. By J. W. Dawson, LL.D., 90. Coccoliths are Plants. Carter, F.R.S., 98. Codosiga pulcherrima, echinata, and umbellata, 262. Corrections to Vol. V., 296. CORRESPONDENCE :— B., 241. BLANKLEY, FREDERICK, 107. BuTTERWORTH, JOHN, 49. Davis, Henry, 48. Hai, MARsHALL, 293. Mrs Be: 298 CorRESPONDENCE—continued, Hoee, JaBez, 162, 242. Movcuet, M., 108. Ricuter, H. C., 107. Sxack, Henry J., 291. Smirn, H. L., 45. SroppER, CHARLES, 201. Tatem, J. G., 47. Wennay, F. H., 291, 292. Cotton-seeds, the Microscopic Structure of, 239. Crinoids, a Mineral Silicate injecting Paleozoic. By Dr. Srerry Hunr, E.R.S., 99. Crystals, Double-refracting, on Spectra formed by the Passage of Polarized Light through, seen with the Micro- scope. By Francis Deas, M.A., 135. Cusirr, Cuar.es, F.R.M.S., on Floscu- laria Cyclops, a New Species, 83. on a Rare Melicertian, with Remarks on the Homological Posi- tion of this Species, and also on the previously - recorded New Species Floscularia coronetta, 165, Dz. Darwinian Question, the, a Prize Essay, 240. —— Theory, the, applied to Plants, 101. Darwin’s Theory applied to Flowers, 240. Dawson, J. W., LL.D., on Spore-cases in Coals, 90. Deas, Francis, M.A., on Spectra formed by the Passage of Polarized Light through Double-refracting Crystals seen with the Microscope, 135. Diamond Points, on Grinding. By F. H. WenuHAM, 291. Diatoms, Another Hint on Selecting and Mounting. By Captain F. Lane, 215. Diatomacez, the Structure and Nature of, 161. Diatomaceous Earth from the Lake of Valencia, Caracas. By A. Ernst, Esq., and H. J. Suck, 69. Diplograpsus pristis with Reproductive Capsules. By Mr. J. Hopxinson, 41. Docophorus Dennyii, 8. EK. Epwarps, Prof. A. Mean, on the Em- ployment of Dammar in Microscopy, 34. Embryology, How to Study, 241. Eozoon, the Mineralogy of. By Prof. Srerry Hunt, 99. Epithelium, Regeneration of the Corneal. By Dr. H. Hersere, 234. INDEX. F, Facial Arches, on the Form and Use es ne By W. K. Parker, F.E.S., Fiercuer, Dr., on Stephanurus den- tatus, 103. Floscularia Cyclops, a New Species. By Cuarues Cusirt, 83. coronetta, Remarks on, by CHas. Cusitrt, F.R.M.LS., 165, G. Generations, Infusorial, the Circuit of. By Tueop. C. HinGarD, 227, 278. Glass Chimney, the New Metallic Covert By FrepErick BLANELEY, 07. Glycerine, How to close Cells filled with, 105. Graafian Follicles in Man, the Anatomy of the, 236. aed a Giant, M. van Brnepen, 9. Gregarinida, the, and their Develop- ment, By M. E. Van Benepen, 104. Gum Dammar in Microscopy, on the Employment of. By Prof. A. Mrap Epwarpbs, 34. Jel Heteerc, Dr. H., on the Regeneration of the Corneal Epithelium, 234. Hintearp, THeop. C., Infusorial Circuit of Generations, 227, 278. Histological Preparations, an Improved Method of Photographing by Sun- light. By Dr. J. J. Woopwarp, 169. Hoge, Jasez, on the Mycetoma or Fungus-foot of India, 61. — on the Fungoid Origin of Dis- ease and Spontaneous Generation, 156. ie ci on Surirella gemma, 162. ——, Hon. Sec. R.M.S., on Gnats’ Scales, 192. Horxin:on, Mr. Jonny, on a Specimen of Diplograpsus pristis with Re- productive Capsules, 41. Hupson, C. T., LL.D., on a New Roti- __ fer, Pedalion mira, 121. —., Note on Pedalion mira, 215. Hu.ke, Mr., on Rodent Cancer of the Upper Eyelid, 289. Hont, Dr. Srerry, on a Mineral Sili- ae Injecting Paleozoic Crinoids, a: on the Mineralogy of Eozoon, 99. Hyarr, Professor, on the Position of the Brachiopoda, 102, INDEX. I. Immersion Objectives, on the Angular Aperture of. By Roserr B. Toues, 214. Inflammation and Suppuration, Re- searches on. By Dr. J. M. Purssr, 200. Infusoria, Notes on Prof. James Clark’s Flagellate Infusoria, with Descrip- tion of NewSpecies. By W. SaviLLe Kent, F.Z.8., 261. Infusorial Generations, the Circuit of. By Turon, C. Hincarp, 227, 278. J. Jounson, Mercatrs, M.R.C.S.E., Trans- mutation of Form in Certain Proto- zoa, 184. the Monad’s Place in Nature, 217. ? 1 Kent, W. Savitue, F.Z.S., Notes on Prof. James Clark’s Flagellate In- fusoria, with Description of New Species, 261. L. Lane, Capt. F., Another Hint on Se- lecting and Mounting Diatoms, 215. Lens, the, a Quarterly Journal of Microscopy, &c., 162. Lepidodendron, the Structure of. By Prof. WILLIAMSON, 239. Linear Projection and Rotifers. By H. Dayis, 48. List1nG, on a New Method of Producing Stereoscopic Effects, 40. Lowne, Mr., on Pangenesis, 101. M. Manppox, Dr., Remarks on some Para- sites found on the Head of a Bat, 144, Man, the Anatomy of the Graafian Follicles in, 236. Mapping with the Micro-spectroscope, with the Bright-line Micrometer. By H. G. Brings, 224. Matters, Mixed Colouring, on the Ex- amination of, with the Spectrum Microscope. By H.C. Sorsy, F.R.S., 124. McIntire, §. J., F.R.M.S., an Incident in the Life of a Chelifer, 209. McQuitten, J. H., M.D., on Microsco- pical Fissures in the Masticating Surface of Molars and Bicuspids, 182. 299 Melicertian, a Rare; with Remarks on the Homologieal Position of this Form. By Cuarzes Cusirt, F.R.MLS., 165. Menopon ptilorhynchi, 8. Metals, Crystallization of, by Electricity under the Microscope. By Purp Branam, 277. Microscope, Dr. DupGEon’s, 240. , the, in the Detection of Adultera- tion of Food. By Mr. Waurer Morris, 289. ——,a Mineralogical. Hatt, 293. Microscopy Extraordinary, 43. Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel. By Joun F.. Sranistreer. With Illus- trative Remarks. By H. J. Stack, Sec. R.M.S., 151. , an Instrument for. By J. F. STANISTREET, 274, Micro-spectroscope, Mapping with the. By H. G. Brines, 224. Mitraria and Actinotrocha, 161. Molars and Bicuspids, Microscopical Fissures in the Masticating Surface of. By J. H. McQumen, M.D., 182. Monad, its Place in Nature. By Mercatre Jounson, M.R.C.S.E., 217. Monas termo, 264. Moss Boyp, M.D., on Hzematozoa in Blood of Ceylon Deer, 181. Movcuet, M., on How to Select Spec- tacles for Near-sight and Far-sight, 108. Mycetoma: the Madura or Fungus-foot of India. By Jasrz Hoaa, 61. By MarsHau —— N. Nerves and Chromoblasts, on the Con- nection of. By M. G. Poucuer, 285. Nirmus Nitzschii, 8. Nobert’s Plate, on the Use of the. By Dr. J. J. Woopwarp, U. 8. Army, 26. Nineteenth Band, the Examina- tion of. By F. A. P. Barnarp, 194. aa By Mr. Cuarzes Stopper, Norris, Dr. R., on the Passage of Cor- busles through the Blood-vessels, 8. 1e PackarD, A.S§., jun., on the Embryos of Calopteryx, Agrion, and Diplax, 39. Pangenesis, Mr. Lown on, 101. Papers, Recent Foreign, 200. Parasites, on some New. By T. Gra- HAM PontTon, F.Z.S., 8. found on the Head of a Bat, Remarks on, By R,. L. Mappox, M.D., 144. 300 Parker, W. K., F.R.S., on the Form and Use of the Facial Arches, 211. Pathology of Contagion, Dr. Sander- son’s Paper on the. By Jasrez Hoae, 242. Pedalion mira. LL.D., 121. , Note on. By C. T. Hupson, LL.D., 215. Pures, Mr. J. A.,a Chemical Analysis of a Phonolite from the Wolf Rock, 89. Phonolite from the Wolf Rock, on the Microscopical Structure and Compo- sition of a. By 8. ALLporT; with a Chemical Analysis, by Mr. J. A. PHILLIPS, 87. Pinnulariz, the Silicious Deposit in. By H. J. Suacs, 71. Plant-organs, on the Development of, By C. T. Hupson, 161. Plants, the Darwinian Theory applied to, 101. Podura Scales, the Structure of. By F. H. WenuaM, 6. Ponton, T. GraHam, F.Z.S., on some New Parasites, 8. Poucuet, M. Grorces, on the Con- nection of Nerves and Chromoblasts, 285. Prism, the French Erecting, a Camera Lucida. By J. G. Tarem, 47. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES :— Brighton and Sussex Natural His- tory Society, 56, 111, 204, 251. Bristol Microscopical Society, 112. Croydon Microscopical Club, 52. Hull Scientific Association, 260. Illinois State Microscopical Society, 59. Liverpool Microscopical Society, 114. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science, 163. Reading Microscopical Society, 112. Royal Microscopical Society, 50, 204, 248, 293. South London Microscopical and Natural History Club, 115, [206, 256. Tunbridge Wells Microscopical So- ciety, 60. Protozoa, Transmutation of Form in. By Mercaure Jonnson, M.R.C.S.E., 184. Purser, Dr. J. M., Researches on In- flammation and Suppuration, 200. R. Radiolaria, Development of the, 161. Rauru, Tuomas S., M.R.C.S., Observa- tions and Experiments with the Mi- INDEX. croscope on the Chemical Effects of Chloral Hydrate, Chloroform, Prus- sic Acid, and other Agents on the Blood, 75. Retina, the Anatomy of the, 160. Ricuarpson, J. G., M.D., on the Cel- lular Structure of the Red Blood Corpuscle, 17. ——., Dr., on the Red Blood Globule, 40 : Ricuter, H. C., on some New Parasites, 107. Rodent Cancer of the Upper Eyelid. By Mr. HvLKE, 289. Rotifer, a New. By C. T. Hunson, LL.D., 121. s. ’ Salpingseca gracilis and amphoridium, 263, Scales of Butterflies and Gnats, 102. of Gnats. By Jasez Hoae, 192. Scorpions, the Embryology of, 160. Stack, H. J., on some Diatomaceous Earth from the Lake of Valencia, Caracas, 69. — on the Silicious Deposit in Pin- nularie, 71. ——, Illustrative Remarks on Mr. Stanistreet’s Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel, 151. Sorspy, H. C., on some Improvements in the Spectrum Method of Detect- ing Blood, 9. on the Examination of Mixed Colouring Matters with the Spectrum Microscope, 124. Spectacles, How to Select for Near- sight and Far-sight. By M. Mov- CHET, 108. Spectroscope in Microscopy, 160. Spongiade, the Discovery of the Animal of the, confirmed, 235. Spontaneous Generation, the Fungoid Origin of Disease and. By Jasrz Hoae, Sec. R.M.S., 156. , Experiments on. By Crace- Catvert, F.R.S., 199. —— ——,, Difficulty of Experiments on. By Cracre-Catvert, F.R.S., 234. STANISTREET, JOHN F., Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel, 151. ——, an Instrument for Micro-ruling on Glass and Steel, 274. Stephanurus dentatus, or Sclerostoma pinguicola, the Structure of. By Dr. FLEtTcuHER, 103. Stereoscopic Effect, a New Method of Producing. By Lisrine, 40. Stigmaria, the Structure of. By Prof. Wiiu1aMeon, F.RB.S., 237. INDEX. Stopper, Mr. CHarzes, on Nobert’s Nineteenth Band, 201. Sub-stage, a New, for a 4-inch Objective, 106. Surirella gemma, Observations on. By Col. Woopwarp, 100. ————. By Jasez Hoae, 162. AN Tarem, J. G., Esq., on the Conjugation of Amooba, "O75. To.Es, R. B. , Experiments on Angular Aperture, 36. , on the Angular Aperture of Immersion Objectives, 214. Tolles’ Stereoscopic Binocular Eye- piece. By H. L. Smirn, 45. —, Mr., “ Experiments on Angular Aperture.” By F. H. Wrenuaw, 84. —— ae What is the Aperture of it ? By B., 241. Immersion 1th, Note on the Angle of. By Dr: J. cor ‘Woopwarp, 290. Trichodectes leporis, 8. Tyson, Dr., When is a Blood Corpuscle in focus? 42. W. Wenuay, F. H., on the Structure of Podura Scales, 6 301 Wenuay, F. H., on Mr. Tolles’ Experi- ments on Angular Aperture, 84. —,, Mr., and Mr. Tolles, 201, 292. , F. H., Note on Dr. J. J. Wood- ward’s “ Note accompanying Three Photographs of Degeeria domestica,”’ 267. — on Grinding Diamond Points, 291. Witiramson, Prof., F.R.S., on the Structure of the Stigmaria, 237. on the Structure of Lepidoden- dron selaginoides, 239. Woopwarp, Dr. J. J., on the Use of the Nobert’s Plate, 26. , Note on Amphipleura pellucida, 43, ——, Colonel, Observations on Surirella gemma, 100. —., Dr. J. J., on the Resolution of Amphipleura pellucida by a Tolles’ ith, 150. on an Improved Method of Photo- graphing Histological Preparations by Sunlight, 169. , Note accompanying Three Photo- graphs of Degeeria domestica, as seen with Mr. Wenham’s Black-ground Illumination and a Power of 1000 diameters, 266. —, Note on the Angle of Aperture of Tolles’ Immersion 1th, 290. END OF YOLUME VI. LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. Libra | !