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In the form at present in use, the Sorby-Browning direct vision micro-spectroscope, the divergent rays of light received from the object-glass are collected at the eye end of the microscope by a lens, placed about an inch in front of the slit, and after passing through it, are rendered parallel in the usual way by an achromatic collimating lens, before entering the compound direct-vision prism, through which the spectrum is viewed directly without a telescope. In the new form, the divergent rays issuing from the object- glass of the microscope are at once passed through the slit, placed about an inch from the objective, without passing through any collecting lens; the prisms are not compound, and the spectrum is looked at through a telescope. The advantages of the new form are, that there is more light, more dispersive power, and that it is quite possible even with high powers to use a telescope for magni- fying the spectrum, and collecting the whole of the light passing through the prisms ; also no special form of micrometer is necessary because as there is a telescope any ordinary micrometer can be brought to focus and rendered visible. A reference to the annexed Plate will render the instrument more intelligible. A is the objective; B, the arm of the stand of the microscope carrying the body C; D is the slit of the spectroscope ; H, the collimating lens; F, F, two dense flint-glass prisms of 60°; G, the object-glass of the telescope; I, one of the eye-pieces belonging to the microscope ; H, rack-work motion. to the eye-piece of the tele- scope; K, the usual apparatus for the second spectrum; N, the micrometer. There are screw adjustments in the brass plate and tube in which the prisms are placed. To use this micro-spectroscope, the tube of the microscope should be unscrewed at L, and replaced by the spectroscope, which should be made to fit the same screw. The angle, which the telescope VOL. IX. B 2 Transactions of the makes with the body of the instrument, will be found a very con- venient one, as the stage of the microscope will be horizontal, while the telescope will be inclined at a comfortable angle for the eye. It is obvious that more light passes through the slit of this spectroscope, because it is so much nearer the object-glass, and also that more light passes through the prisms, because they are fewer, and the collecting lens being done away with, the light has only one instead of two lenses to traverse. All this gives a greatly increased brilliancy to the spectrum, and enables objectives of high power to be used, as also a telescope. When it is required to examine the spectra of very minute objects, it is important to ascertain that the whole of the light which is used to form the spectrum passes through the substance which is bemmg examined. In order to make certain that this is the case, the tube M (carrying the collimating lens and the spectroscopic apparatus and sliding in the outer tube C) should be removed, leaving the outer tube C carrying the slit and all its adjustments fixed to the micro- scope. The draw-tube of the microscope having the erector screwed into its place at the lower end of it, should now be inserted into the outer tube C, and an eye-piece should be placed in the usual position in the draw-tube ; the open slit can now be easily and clearly focussed by sliding the draw-tube in and out until the slit is seen distinctly. ‘The object on the stage of the microscope bemg now placed in focus in the usual way, both it and the slit will be in the same field of view, and it will therefore be easy to make certain that the material under examination occupies the proper position between the jaws of the slit. Diagram No. 2 shows this arrangement. M’ is the draw-tube of the microscope; O, the erector ; and P one of the negative eye- pieces of the microscope. The draw-tube being removed, the inner tube M carrying the spectroscope can now be replaced, and the observer will be certain that the slit corresponds to the proper . radiant point. Il.—On an Aérial Stage Micrometer: an improved form of engraved “ Lens-Micrometer” for Huyghenian EHye-preces, and on finding Micrometrically the Focal Length of Eye-pieces and Objectives. By G. W. Royston-Picorr, M.A., M.D., &e. (Read before the Royau MicroscoricaL Society, Dec. 4, 1872.) Tue writer wished to draw attention to a mode of using micro- meters, which he thought was somewhat novel. He has found very sreat convenience from using an aérial image of micrometer spider- lines. The micrometer which he employed was one of Browning's a Royal Microscopical Society. 3 best. The miniature image formed in the focus of the microscope on the stage was reduced six times exactly by means of an objective placed below it in a certain position within a sliding tube, adjusted precisely by a stud. He has thus brought the arrangement to this point, that, with an old 43-inch object-glass, the miniature aérial image of the micrometer spider-lines appeared precisely one-sixth of their natural size. In other words, the instrument is rendered six times more sensitive than it was before. There was not the shghtest difficulty in moving the aérial image or spider-lines some- thing like 80000th of an inch at a time in the plane of focal vision on the stage. When an observer had a very delicate object which he wished to measure, it was extremely inconvenient to disarrange the microscope. By this simple method, the micrometer was always in use; it formed part of the condensing apparatus, and by turning a screw the micrometer lines rose into view, which can then be traversed with the greatest nicety. In measuring very minute quantities, it had been always a matter of difficulty to work beyond a certain point, in consequence of the vibration which was attendant on any movement of the instrument; but if you moved this micrometer placed below the stage, vibration would be avoided. On examining microscopically the image under a power of 200 by means of a stage micrometer, you are able at once to see, with the greatest precision and accuracy, that you really have got a certain proportion between the micro- meter lines and the aérial image. He had chosen six times because it happened to suit the size of his instrument. If such as the } be used the image is reduced twelve or fourteen times. As a general rule it is found the 4 inch of low angle gives suflicient light. It gave a sharply-defined miniature of the spider-lines ; and the 100th of an inch interval between the aérial lines under a 4 inch was a very considerable quantity to look at. It could then be divided easily into 600 parts. There was some interest displayed at the present moment in ascertaining magnifying power, and it wasrather important to know what one was about. Very great difficulty is experienced in using the old-fashioned glass micrometer, usually placed at the stop within the eye-piece; there were disturbances arising from four surfaces of refraction, and from various changes in the Canada balsam, which underwent decomposition. _The writer wishes now to communicate a plan which perhaps will be generally adopted, and it is this; instead of using a micrometer glass of that nature, after some little study he had had lines engraved upon a very long focus plano-convex lens.* The lens was then inserted into the stop. Its magnifying power was of course so slight at that position that it did not appre- ciably alter the effect of the eye-piece. By this means he got per- * The weakest that is made for spectacles: nearly plano-convex. B 2 4 Transactions of the fectly bright linear images without the errors of refraction from four surfaces and the changing film of Canada-balsam cement. We got a nearly perfect surface to engrave upon, the plano-convex lens being far easier of true workmanship than the formation of exactly parallel surfaces. The consequence was that he got a brilliant field, brilliantly marked, with an unchangeable micrometer. That was the first point. The writer had just tried rather a curious experiment. If you place the micrometer in your different eye-pieces, say four ; then view the stage micrometer, the Fellows would be surprised to hear that the reading of the micrometer as to the size of a 100th of an inch on the stage, was the same for all the four eye-pieces, very nearly indeed. It seemed very odd, for instance, that, under a 4-inch ~ objective, he read 37 hundredths: placed another eye-piece B he © read 38 hundredths; in the D eye-piece he read 39 hundredths. The conclusion was this, that if you put the same micrometer into the four eye-pieces, A B C D, they all showed the same reading in the size of a 100th of an inch upon the stage, provided the principle of their construction and arrangement was precisely the same.* The new micrometer, engraved on a very long focussed plano- convex instead of the old-fashioned cemented micrometer, contained one hundred divisions to the inch, the same as the stage micrometer. When the eye-lens of the eye-piece is exactly 10—11ths of an inch, then, and then only, did the reading of the new micrometer, as compared with a 100th on the stage, give the magnifying power of the whole instrument in use.t If anyone looked through the micro- scope by the use of this micrometer, he could read instanter the magnifying power, no matter what objective was employed. It seemed very strange at first sight that all the eye-pieces should read nearly the same. But only one of them precisely gave the correct magnifying power. If the divisions of the new lens en- graved micrometer now exhibited were 200 to the inch, then only — an eye-piece having a 3-inch focal eye-lens would tell the power at sight, and so on.} He must compliment Mr. Acland upon the very beautiful manner in which the “lens-micrometer” now used in the eye-pieces had been engraved. He had often tried some experi- ments in reference to cutting fine lines upon glass, and had found that, by turning round the writing diamond upon its axis, there was generally some particular angle of rotation at which the diamond ploughed most beautiful grooves, scattermg minute little glass curls or shavings, and then the grooves were as clear as if they had been planed a thousand times larger. * This principle is in general that the field-lens shall have three times the focal length of the eye-glass, and that the interval between the glasses shall, to preserve the achromatism, be exactly one-half the sum of their focal lengths. + Provided the distance of distinct vision is 10 inches. t Accurately ~ for 10 inches vision. Royal Microscopical Society. 5 The micrometer eye-piece for displaying at once the magnifying power at a glance is thus constructed: focal length of field-glass, 3 inches; focal length of eye-glass, +} inch ; distance between the lenses, 2 inches; number of divisions of lens-micrometer, 100 per inch. OxssERVATION.—The aérial image of the spider-lines of Browning’s micrometer placed under the stage was then shown in the focus of the microscope at about 200 diameters. Six full turns of the divided milled head of the Browning micrometer moved a spider- line image exactly 100th of an inch upon the stage micrometer, and as the milled head was divided into 100 parts, one of its divisions exactly corresponded to a movement of the aérial image y35 + gboth, or godooth of an inch, and half a division to the ys¢oooth. Referring to the new “lens-micrometer” placed at the stop of the Huyghenian eye-piece, all objectives can at once be examined and their focal lengths assigned by simply remembering that all the makers construct their objectives on the following principle; if we divide 100 by the assigned focal length, we have the magnifying power of the microscope with “C eye-piece.” 100 Thus 1 inch power = === 1. }-with¢C.7 100 Sos) ” =itan oa 400 ” ” 4 100 $ ”? ” a hae = 800 ” ” 8 100 aa) ”» aye as 1600 ? ” 16 100 ale ” ” a 2500 ” ” Now in general the B eye-piece is half the power of the “C” and D double. Moreover the 4 of Andrew Ross is really a +, for it magnifies 500 with C eye-piece instead of 400. In each case the stop of the eye-piece is supposed to be exactly 10 inches from the object on the stage. The “ Lens-Micrometer” is an improvement upon the Kratometer already described, p. 79, XX VI. of this Journal for 1870. (To be continued.) 6 Transactions of the I1I.—On the Development of the Skull in the Tit and’ Sparrow- Hawk. By W. K. Parxer, FBS. ; (Read before the Roya Microscorican Society, Dec: 4, 1872.) Part I. Puate II. Tx an embryo of one of our native Titmice (either Parus ceruleus, P. fringillago, or P. ater—one of the three), I found much to interest me: it had undergone about three-fourths of the incubating process. The head (Plate II., Fig. 1), the size of which makes it most probable that it belonged to P. fringillago—the Ox-eye Tit— had fine filamentous feather-tips streaming from it here and there : it had, already, the characteristically small neb, so that I should have guessed, if I had not known for a certainty, that it was a Tit- mouse embryo. It is difficult to say whether the Histology or the Morphology of this little cranium is most interesting. Already the cartilaginous skull was well formed (Fig. 2), but, like that of the Lepidosiren, and some of the Tadled Amphibia, it had very little bony matter belonging to the “endoskeleton”: the “ investing” or borrowed bony tracts were fairly on their way towards typical completion. One true internal bone was present, namely, the “basi-occipital” (Figs. 2 and 3, b. 0.), a spear-head-shaped bony tract, formed round the notochord (x. ¢.) in its sheath, and already leavening the “investing mass,” or basilar plate of cartilage (7. v.) on each side: this mass is the wndivided counterpart of the blocks that unite at the mid-line to form the bodies of the vertebre. The foramen for the hypoglossal nerve (9) and its near neighbour the “posterior condyloid foramen,” are clearly seen, and also the larger holes farther forwards and outwards for the “vagus” (8). The “ notochord” (Figs. 2 and 3, n. ¢.) is well seen; it scarcely reaches the fore-end of the “ basi-occipital ossicle” (b. 0.), and is seen running through the axis of the berry-shaped occipital condyle (0. ¢.). On each side, the occipital cartilage is of great size, and is flanked above by the investing “ squamosals ”—“ squame temporis”; below, the DESCRIPTION OF PLATE II. Fic. 1.—Head of Tit (Parus fringillago?), natural size. » 2.—Lower view of skull of ditto, x 7. » 3.—Part of same, x 30. » 4.—Palate of same, x 7. 5, 0.—Mandible of ditto (inner view), x 7. » 6.— s » (outer view), x 7. », 7.—Part of orbital septum, x 30. » 8.—Fore-part of same object, x 150. 5 9.—Hind-part of ditto, x 150. & i ‘ The Monthly Micy 08 copical Journal, Jan*1. 1873. an " ot W.ECP del.ad nat. G.West on Stone. = ~ Development of Tit’s Skull. W.West &C° amp —— -. _ a “45 a we t » 5 . > : a é ‘ “4 ¥ , f ; P 2 5 f ay ho \ « ‘ : 2 eee fom fay | eer oe Guyer i>? - _* ae ~s ' Te, ~ an - CA ct a r pt be e a € ie . — ao aig 27 UDA ae ap <7a8 jae T a on > = Pit. Royal Microscopical Society. c cartilage walls, in the tympanic cavity (¢y.). On the side of the notochord, and in front of the vagus nerve passages the rudimen- tary cochlea are seen (cl.) lying imbedded, as in a burrow, in the substance of the basilar plate. In front of these cavities the cartilage is still of great width, its outer edges bounding the drum-cavity, anteriorly. Much of the cartilage in this “ basi-temporal ” region is undergirt with a pair of bony rafters, that have become slightly fused together at their fore- end ; these are the “basi-temporals” (b.¢.). When these are removed (Fig. 3), we find the cartilage deficient at the mid-line ; this space, which becomes very large, and is a great chink in the nestling, is the “posterior basi-cranial fontanelle ” (p. b. f.) of Rathke ; the “ invest- ing mass-’ meets in front of it, and in front of that commissure we have the space lying between the out-bowed apices of the trabeculee —the “ pituitary space” (py.). This space is floored with carti- lage in Sharks, Frogs, and Mammals, and that floor is the seat of ’ the “ turkish saddle” (sella turcica) of the human skull. In the Bird, as in the Osseous Fish, this saddle has no cartilaginous seat, that is formed below, by secondary bony matter, the “ parasphenoid.” On each side of the “anterior basi-cranial fontanelle,” or “ pitui- tary space,” we see projections of the much-narrowed cartilaginous mass; these are the tops of the “first prae-oral facial arch,” or “‘trabeculee cranii”; they have coalesced by their inner margin with the terminal part of the “investing mass”’; the face is there grafted upon the skull, and from this pomt, the middle of the “ basi-sphenoidal ” region, the cranial cavity is up-tilted, its fore- part resting on the wall-plate of the great interorbital partition. Rapidly the trabecular bars run inwards, meeting each other at the mid-line, and becoming welded together in a long commvisswre to their very end. Hence, at this part, below the partition-wall of the eye- sockets, the bas?-factal bar—it is no longer basi-cranial—is a rounded mass of cartilage with an ascending keel; it is a plank of cartilage strongly beaded below and set edgewise with the “bead” down- wards. But this interorbital wall is underbuilt by another kind of material, as though a beam of soft wood should be strengthened by clamping along it a narrow, grooved plate of metal. In so small a creature as this germ of a Titmouse I found a good object for the examination of the tissues that compose this part of the face. So much of the “interorbital” wall as belongs to the trabecule is shown in Fig. 7; it was prepared by caustic soda and glycerine, and examined by an inch-focus lens with the lowest eye-piece. The middle of the upper part (7. o. f.) was found, like the “ perichondrium ” which had been removed, wholly of connective-tissue fibres,—long, delicate spindles. Down to near the base was all hyaline cartilage ; then a tract of soft, much younger cells,—indifferent tissue ; and then a form of tissue intermediate between hyaline cartilage and 8 Transactions of the connective tissue. This was more fully formed, largely-granular, in- different tissue. This part was underlaid by the palatal skin, or so- called mucous membrane, with its sub-mucous stroma. But very much of this solid tract had become bony; and this bone, the para- sphenoid, it is which is seen as bony style, bifurcate behind, in the basal view (Fig. 2, pa. s). Various parts of this bar being brought under the quarter-inch lens, with the low eye-piece, I obtained such views as are given in Figs. 8 and 9. At the fore-part of the bony style (Fig. 8) the trabeculee (#.) and their common crest were already composed of solid, clear, true cartilage ; here the intercellular spaces were of nearly the same width as the cells themselves, which were proliferating rapidly. Below the convex edge of this truly cartila- ginous plate the tissue was gelatinous—“ bioplasm,” with inter- spersed granules (g. ¢.). Below this gelatinous stratum there is a very thick cushion of a very solid granular substance (gr. 7.) running under the whole of the ethmoidal and sphenoidal regions. This is peculiarly the case in “Ganoid” and “ 'Teleostean” Fishes, in the Dipnoi (Lepidosiren), and in all the Amphibia and the Serpents, but not in the Cartilaginous Fishes—Sharks, Rays,and Lampreys, nor in Lizards, Turtles, Crocodiles, and Mammalia. In front (Fig. 8) the granules form a thicker stratum, where the bony layer is thinning- out, than behind (Fig. 9); farther back it forms a large, outspread, thick mat, in shape like the double leaf of a Banhinia (see Fowl’s Skull, Plate 82, Fig. 2,b.¢.). In the hinder region (Fig. 9) the gelatinous layer (g. 7.) is much thinned-out, and dies away in the solid pree-basi-sphenoidal region (Fig. 7). The granules of the granular layer are only half the size of those in the cartilage, and are closely packed, the appearance of inter- cellular substance being due to the bioplasmic jelly in the inter- spaces of rather closely-packed ovoids. I have studied this part of Vertebrate Histology with painstaking care for many years, as it is at first undistinguishable from tracts that soon afterwards become hyaline cartilage. I have examined, with my friend Mr. Chas. Stewart, this substance in the early embryo of the Pig, and when it forms the nidus for the vomer of that animal. In very fine sections, stained with carmine, it has about half the transparency of the true, but very young cartilage of the “‘prae-sphenoid” and “ ethmoid ” above it. This is in embryos less than an inch and a half in length. But in piglets double that length it has been metamorphosed into solid bone, and no part of it, then unossified, shows any proper car- tilaginous character. Yet in those earlier embryos it had a very much greater transparency than the surrounding mother-tissue, which was ready to become connective fibre. This tissue has been called “simple cartilage,’ and still better, by Professor Huxley, “ indifferent tissue,” as it seems ready to be by metamorphosis for any duty that may be imposed upon it, These Royal Microscopical Society. § granules soon become osteoblasts in the basi-facial and basi-cranial regions of the bird, and the “parasphenoid” (pa. s.) and “ basi- temporals” (0. ¢.) are the result of this histological change. In the Lizard, which is extremely unlike the Bird in many respects, there is a rudimentary azygous “ parasphenoid,” but in place of the “basi-temporals ” we have a delicate ectosteal lamina of bone immediately investing that part of the “basilar plate” from which the notochord has retired. The space between these two true “basi-sphenoids ” in the Lizard is the “ posterior basi-cranial fontanelle.”’ In the less magnified figure of the Tit’s face (Fig. 7) below and behind the end of the gelatinous layer (g./.) the “ para- sphenoid ” (pa. s.) 1s spreading, bifurcating, and grafting itself upon the basi-sphenoidal cartilage (b. s.). This extraneous bone under- takes the bone-leavening process for the anterior part of the ‘ basi- sphenoid,” and then runs outwards and backwards from the apices of the “ trabeculz,” and grows into large temporal wings that wall- in each trumpet-shaped “anterior tympanic recess.” The “ basi- temporals” (Fig. 2, b. ¢.) undergird the skull where its floor is open—the “ posterior fontanelle,” and send their beautiful diploé- fibres round the internal carotid arteries and the tongue-shaped rudiment of the “cochlea.” They thus form a lower floor beneath the true “ occipito-sphenoidal synchondrosis.” It may bea very simple matter to take an adult bird’s skull and with a fine saw cut it into sections that shall resemble ordinary ver- tebree, but such easy parlowr-work throws no light upon all that series of changes which laborious morphological work reveals. Some happily-constituted minds, anatomical lotos eaters, enjoy a soft and soothing sense of things in this delicious way. Having mentioned other vertebrate types, Fishes, Reptiles, Mammals, &c.,and their likeness and unlikeness to the Bird in the modes of their develop- ment, | may remark that a sense of the real Unity of the whole sub- kingdom grows upon me. It makes me giddy to look farther down, and I turn my “ deficient sight,” for rest, to the exquisite fitness in the results of all those darkly-wise processes, all which “ are placed in number, weight, and measure,” and which, working together to one common end, in the upshot, produce the most charming of all living creatures. Another addition to the first pree-oral arch is the vomer (Fig. 4,v.); this is composed of two delicate bony styles, formed by ossification of a small cartilaginous nucleus on each side, and afterwards grafted upon the vestibular part of the nasal sac; the two ossicles have already united at the mid-line in front. But the main secondary element of the first arch is the “ pree-maxilla ”— longest of the bird’s facial bones; here, in the Tit’s (Fig. 4, pa.), it is less than m any other bird, with the exception of the Swift 10 Transactions of the (Cypselus apus). The moieties are already joined together at the mid-line, and are grooved below by the pree-nasal cartilage (pn. g.) ; each half is three-lined, and these divisions are the upper or nasal, outer or dentary, and lower or palatine pieces (n. pa., d. pa., p. pa.). The second pre-oral arch, or pterygo-palatine (Fig. 4, pg. pa.), has, in the young, stout rounded pterygoids (pg.), but little unci- nate, and articulating with the palatines ( pa.) by overlapping them ; most of the overlapping portion is segmented-off, and ankyloses with the palatine. This latter bone (pa.) half embraces the pos- terior nasal canal behind by an upper and lower lamina; it then elbows out, and at the bend has an ear-shaped cartilage, the trans- palatine (¢. pa.). Towards the mid-line the two lamine “ ethmo- and interpalatine ” are pointed forwards, the former, or upper of these spurs ankyloses with the corresponding leg of the vomer (v.). The “pree-palatine” bar is long and sinuous, ending in front close to the maxillary. This latter bone (mw.) is a slender stalk of bone, with an ear-shaped leaf growing out of it at its middle on the inner side. The bony leaf is the “ maxillo-palatine” (ma. p.); it looks back- wards, helps to join the imperfect nasal floor, and is separated from its fellow by the vomer. The narrow cheek-bone is the jugal (7.) ; it ties the fore-face to the “ quadration ” (g.)—the large anvil-shaped sus- pensorium of the mandibular arch—the mimetic serzal homologue of the Mammalian incus. This bone articulates with the back of the apex of the pterygo-palatine arch, just as the “ incus” of Man does with the back of the apex of the primary mandible—the head of the “malleus.” The rest of Titmouse’s mandible (Figs. 5 and 6) show long splints of bone ensheathing a large-headed rod of cartilage, articulo-Meckelian. On the outer side (Fig. 6), the dentary (d), the surangular (s. ag.), and the angular (ag.) are seen, and on the under side (Fig. 5) there is also seen the splenal (sp.). I did not in this case get a sight at this stage of the coronoid, which is, however, constant in the Passerines. I hope soon to lay before the Zoological Society figures of the facial structure of the “Paridz,” or Tits. Amongst other related forms, one of these (Cyclorhis), from Bahia, Brazils, is as large as the Nuthatch (Sitta Europa), and another sent me by the Consul ~ of Formosa, Mr. Swinhoe, is smaller even than our Blue and Coal Tits (Parus cerulzus and ater). The Formosan species is evi- dently a creature of great energy; like our own native kinds, it has courage enough to “peck an Hstridge.” This form (Suthora bulomachus) carries in its specific name its own peculiar excellency of character, for the word, if I mistake not, is translatable into our English term bully. If any of our Fellows have the courage to innoculate themselves with a strong affection for bird-anatomy, the simplest and easiest plan is to prepare the skull of a Titmouse care- fully by maceration, using afterwards the smallest modicum of chlo- Royal Meroscopical Society. 1A ride of lime for bleaching ; this once accomplished, there would be an impetus given that would not soon die out. I verily believe that such a preparation, well made, is one of the most exquisite natural objects. ‘The face is short, and sheathed in the living bird with strong horn, for this fierce little creature’s carpentry : he is a great bark-chipper, doing this for the sake of entomological prey. The cranium of a Tit is as large (relatively) and as well made as ours, and he is simply one of the most active persons in Europe, such as Falstaff would have been but for his redundancy of adipose tissue. Tn the further development of the Tit’s face the dentary and palatal ends of the pre-maxillaries become stunted, and so also does the fore-end of the maxillary ; thus a hinge is formed between these bones on each side, as in Finches, Parrots, and other strong- cheeked birds. foie") IV.—On a Simple Form of Mount for Microscope Objectives. By R. L. Mappox, M.D., Hon. F.R.MS. Puiate IL. (Upper portion). To others who, lke myself, occasionally do a little glass grinding, the following form of mount may prove useful. It was made about two years ago. It consists of the usual outer tube (Fig. 3), but near the shoulder, on the outside, are turned a few threads of a coarse or fine screw, as desired, on which works the fine adjust- ment collar; a slot, below or in front of the threads, permits a steel pin, which screws into the inner core or tube, to slide up and down according as the collar is rotated, the inner tube being carried up by a couple of turns of steel wire (indicated by a dotted spiral line in the figure), forming a spring, which works in a small space near the neck of the mount, bearing against a shoulder in front and above, against a stop attached to the top of the inner or core tube, which carries, as usual, the back and middle cells. It works quickly, easily ; has a considerable range, and no sensible slip; moreover, its construction is not difficult. 7 V.—On Bog Mosses. By R. Brarrawarrs, M.D., F.L.S. 5, Sphagnum subsecundum Nees von Esenbeck. Sturm’s Deutschl. Fl. Crypt. Fase. 17 (1820). Puiates III. anp IV. Syn.—Funk, Moos—Taschenherb. p. 4, T. 2 (1821). Nees and Hornsch. Bryol. Germ. I, p. 17, T. 3, fig. 7 (1823). Bridel, Bry. Univ. I, p. 8 (1826). Hiibener, Muse. Germ. p. 26 (1833). C. Miiller, Syn. I, p. 100 (1849). Schimp. Torf. p, 74, Tab. 22 (1858). Synop. p. 682 (1860). Lindb. Torf. No. 11 (1862). Hartm. Skand. Fl. 9th ed. II, p. 82 (1864). Russow, Torf. p. 71 (1865). Milde, Bry. Siles. p. 392 (1869). Sph. contortum B subsecundum Wilson Bry. Brit. p. 22, T. LX (1855). Dioicous. Tall, slender, crowded in soft tufts of various colours, glaucous-green, yellowish-green, brownish or ochraceous. Stem solid, brown or blackish, somewhat glossy, with a single thin layer of cortical cells. Branches flagelliform, 2-3 arcuato-patulous, 1-2 pendent, less elongated, not appressed to stem ; the retort cells per- forated at the slightly recurved apex. Cauline leaves small, from a broad insertion, broadly ovate, minutely or distinctly auricled, cucullate at apex, finally flattened and very minutely fringed, narrowly bordered, upper hyaline cells fibrose and porose, the lower almost free from fibres. Ramuline leaves laxly incumbent or patent, more or less subsecund, broadly acwminato-elliptic, very concave, with the margin involute in the upper half, narrowly bordered, the point 3-5 toothed ; hyaline cells flexuose, elongated, very small, with annular and spiral fibres generally forming a net, pores very numerous at the back, minute, in two rows along the | Oe PL 5 his ly Mer adconie al. J ournal Jan11873 a Be The Mon Ei Brathwaite del admat. as ] 1H COUN Gi C¢ CC On Bog Mosses. 15 walls of the cells, Chlorophyll cells central, enclosed by the hyaline, strongly compressed. Male plants more slender, in distinct tufts, the amentula short, olive green, bracts broadly ovate, acute, with incurved, bordered margins. Fruit usually seated in the capitulum, peduncular leaves laxly imbricated, elongate oblong, acuminate, fibrose and with a few pores ' in the upper part. Spores ferruginous. Var. 8 contortum. Sph. contortum Schultz, Sup. Fl. Stargard. p. 64 (1819). Nees and Hornsch. Bryol. Germ. I, p. 15, T. II, fig. 6 (1823). Bridel, Bry. Univ. I, p. 7 (1826). Wilson, Bry. Brit. p. 22, Pl. LX. (1855). Berkl. Handb. p. 308 (1863). SpA. subsecundum B isophyllum, Russow, Torfm. p. 73 (1865). Robust, more or less immersed, ferruginous, blackish-green or olive. Ramuli crowded, terete, usually twisted or circinate, more densely leaved. Ramuline leaves much larger, broadly ovate, more or less densely imbricated and secund, somewhat glossy, the chloro- phyll cells less compressed. Var. y turgidum. O. Miil. Synop. I, p. 101 (1849). Sph. contortum Var. y obesum Wilson, Bry. Brit. p. 22 (1855). Stem paler, branches swollen, cuspidate or obtuse. Branch leaves large, very broad, truncate at apex, 5-toothed, with wide cells, stem leaves very large, ovate, fibrose at upper part or some- times throughout. Var. 6 auriculatum. Lindberg, Torfmos. in Obs. sub. No. 11 (1862). Sph. auriculatum Schimper, Torf. p. 77, T. XXIV (1858). Synop. p. 687 (1860). Glaucous green, whitish below; the stem pale brown, cauline leaves large, lingulate acuminate, subhastate at base, with very large auricles composed of large fibrose utricular cells, perforated at the free apex ; the point truncate and erose. Var. € gracile. C, Miiller, Syn. I, p. 101 (1849). More slender in all its parts, the lateral branches remote, some- what curved; those of the coma very dense. Hab.—Turf-bogs and about springs in the moorlands. £, in deep bogs. y, in ditches and at the edges of deep pools. 8, Hay- ward’s Heath, Sussex (Mr. Mitten). e, near Berlin, Mecklenburg and the Black Forest. Fr. July. This most_ polymorphous of all the Sphagnums varies remark- ably in size of leaf, habit and colour. S. subseewndum of Nees must be taken as the type of the species, and this is always more slender and attains a height of 12 inches or more; of all the forms it occurs in those localities where there is the least accumulation of moisture, and also where they assume a more subalpine character. The 14 On Bog Mosses. branch leaves are usually somewhat secund and a little curved in the direction to which they are inclined. Great diversity also exists in the quantity of threads present in the cells of the cauline leaves, some being almost free from them, while others have them more or less filled to the base. ; Var. 6 is the commonest form in this country, and differs much in appearance from the typical state. The colour is often a fine ochraceous yellow (S. contortum 8 rufescens, Nees and Hsch. Bry. Germ., Tab. Il, Fig. 6*), and not unfrequently the upper part is tinged with vinous-red. The woody layer is well developed, and thus the stem is conspicuous by its brownish-black colour; the stem leaves are not much larger than those of the typical form, but those of the branches are much broader and more or less glossy. This variety occurs on Hampstead Heath, but it also attains a considerable elevation on the mountains, and is attached to deep bogs, where there is a constant supply of water. Var. y has generally more or less of a purple-brown tinge, and in its extreme form is remarkable for its short, thick clavate branches ; it is, however, completely connected with the Var. contor- twm by intermediate states. I am indebted to Mr. Curnow for an extensive series of specimens collected near Penzance ; some of these are 12 inches long, with the lower part of the stem naked and filiform, and others quite resemble Sphagnum cymbifoliwm ; he never finds the fruit in the coma, but low down on the older stem, this is due apparently to the rapid growth of the innovations, and from one of these specimens the figure is taken. The woody layer of the stem is less devoloped, and thus imparts a paler hue, and the leaves both of the stem and branches are very large, with wide cells. Var. 6 is remarkable chiefly for the large auricles to the stem leaves, composed of loose inflated fibrose and porose cells; but this character alone is not sufficient to give it specific rank; and the colour, and presence or absence of fibres in the hyaline cells, are equally valueless for the purpose. It is to be feared that this interesting variety no longer exists at Hayward’s Heath, but the figure is taken from an original specimen, for which I am indebted to my friend Mr. Smith of Brighton. Sphagnum spolyporum Mitten in Herb. Mus. Brit., also from Hayward’s Heath, is a form with more obtuse leaves, those of the stem having the cells fibrose and porose even to the base. The Lapland specimens collected by Angstrom and distributed as Sp). awriculatum under No. 713 and 714 in Rabenhorst’s Bryotheca, are very different from the English specimens, and belong, 713 to Var. twrgidum, 714 to Var. con- tortum. Var. e I have not seen, but it is probably represented by the specimen 208) in the Bryotheca, collected at Kremsminster by Dr. Potsch. Schliephacke also finds it at Jeziorki in Galicia, and states F " = 2 5 = fe | tae A | ; 3 5 é E < q a oO 4 4 & A : 3 . a i iil On Bog Mosses. 15 that it resembles S. tenellum. Milde in Bryol. Siles. p. 893 describes another variety simplicissimum, “resembling Hypnum turgescens, the stem swollen, vermicular, quite simple and without branches,” apparently some peculiar or imperfect local form. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Puate III. Sphagnum subsecundum. a.—Female plant. a d.—Male plant. 1.—Part of stem with a single branch fascicle. 2.—Catkin of male flowers. 2 6.—Bract from same. 3.—Fruit with its peduncle. 4.—Peduncular leaf. 5o.—Stem leaf. 5aa.—Areolation of apex of same. 5 a b.—Ditto of base. 6.—Leaf from middle of a divergent branch. 6 x.—Transverse section. 6 p.—Point of same. .6aa.—Areolation of apex. 6a6.—Ditto of base. 6¢—Cell from middle x 200. 7.—Intermediate leaves from base of a divergent branch. 9 x.—Part of section of stem. Puate IV. Sphagnum subsecundum. 8.—Var. contortum. 5.—Stem leaf. 6.—Leaf from a divergent branch. y-—Var. turgidum. 6.—Leaf from a divergent branch. 5.—Var. auriculatum. 5.—Stem leaf. 5ab.—Basal wing of same x 200. 6.—Leaf from a divergent branch. Note to Sphagnum neglectum. I have just received a letter from Professor Lindberg, in which that great bryologist informs me that he has identified Sphagnum neglectwm Angst. with an original specimen of Sph. laricinum Spruce. This celebrated observer detected the plant in 1846, in Terrington Carr, Yorkshire, and since that time its place in the genus or its title to specific rank have never been settled; Sph. neglectum therefore drops into a synonym, and the species must stand as Sph. laricinum Spruce. The Figure 6 # in my Plate, representing a section of the leaf, ig erroneous, for the chlorophyllose cells are elliptic and central, just as in Sph. subsecundum, to which indeed Sph. larictnum appears to stand in the relation of a subspecies. Angstrom described both Sph. larictnwm and Sph. neglectum as species in the Ofver. Vet. Ak. Férhandl. for 1865, but Professor Lindberg points out that the Lapland specimens collected by him and published under No. 712 in Rabenhorst’s Bryotheca as Sph. laricinum, and also those of Austin’s Musci Appalach. do not belong to the species but to Sph. cuspidatum. Fine specimens of Sph. laricinwm in fruit from the island of Aland and Stockholm accompanied the note. VOL. IX. CG 16 The Histology and Physiology of the VI.—The Histology and Physiology of the Corpus Spongiosum and the Corpus Cavernosum, &c., &c.,* in Man. By Auzx. W. Srey, M.D., Attending Physician to Charity Hospital, Professor of Visceral Anatomy and Physiology in New York College of Dentistry and of Comparative Physiology, New York College of Veterinary Surgeons. Histology.—The erectile tissue of the organ to which those parts belong may be said to consist of venous cavities or cells which freely communicate with each other, are continuous with the general yenous system, and are lined with squamous epithelium. The direct connection of these cavities with the veins is clearly demonstrable in such preparations, in which the cavities are somewhat filled with blood (Fig. 8). In the corpus spongiosum these cells are quite large near the surface or immediately beneath the external fibrous investment, while toward the axis of the urethra they are short and narrow. In the bulb they are larger than at any part anterior to the same. The interspaces between these cavities are occupied principally by non-striped muscles, which form, as it were, an external muscu- lar tunic for these cavities. In these interspaces may also be re- cognized connective tissue forming the connecting medium of the muscles, blood-vessels, nerves, and lymphatics of the part. The sheath of connective tissue, known as the albuginea of the corpus spongiosum, which lies beneath the subcutaneous areolar tissue, and which surrounds the corpus spongiosum in its entire length, is interspersed with innumerable fasciculi of organic muscles which are attached to or originate from the albuginea at innumera- ble and various points. From this origin they pass in a devious manner in the interspaces between the venous cells, inward toward the deeper portions of the spongy substance, verging suddenly from one direction into another, and by their manifold directions and connections with each other form the intricate trabecular structure or trellis-work of the corpus spongiosum. Many of these fasciculi run horizontally’ internal to the albu- ginia, so that upon transverse section the periphery of the corpus spongiosum appears, at first glance, to be surrounded by a circular layer of organic muscles. Upon more precise examination, how- ever, we find that this muscular layer does not form an absolute ring, but only an approximation to one. On the contrary, not a single fasciculus runs continuously around the spongy substance, but em- braces only a small portion of its periphery in a horizontal direction, * Illustrated by microscopical specimens prepared by my friend, John Busteed, M.D., and myself. Corpus Spongiosum and the Corpus Cavernosum. 17 and that at those points where one fasciculus turns from one hori- zontal plane into another, others arise and continue in an analogous manner the horizontal course left by the first, and thus contributing to the formation of a more or less interrupted muscular ring upon the periphery of the corpus spongiosum.* In the section of the corpus spongiosum before you can be seen the arterie profunde corporis spongiosi, equidistant from the ex- ternal fibrous covering and urethral canal in each lateral half of the corpus spongiosum. In this instance they are almost on a level with the urethra, though sometimes we find one artery a little below, the other a little above, the level of the urethra. At the bulbous portion we always find the arteries below the level of the urethra, because of the greater thickness of the parts below the canal at this part. Fic. 1 (pp. 22 and 23). Trin TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE Corpus SponciosuM URETHRA, 'TAKEN FROM THE PENIS OF A MAN AGED TWENTY-SEVEN, MIDWAY BETWEEN THE GLANS AND Buizous Portion. PREPARED IN ALCOHOL, AND TREATED WITH CARMINE, MAGNIFIED 20 DIAMETERS, The albuginea, or external connective-tissue sheath of the corpus spongiosum, is shown at A A’ A” A’”, The upper half, which is connected with the corpus cavernosum, is seen at A A' A”; the lower half at A, A’’, A". It is abundantly interspersed with (dark) fasciculi of organic muscles, a, a, a, a, Which do not run completely around the periphery of the corpus spongiosum, but form only frag- ments of a muscular ring. These fasciculi are continuous with those seen in the substance of the corpus spongiosum at B, B, B, B. At A*, At (between A and A’), may be seen such fasciculi, extending from the albuginea directly into the sub- stance of the corpus spongiosum. At b, b, b, can be seen the cut surfaces ofa large number of muscular bundles appearing as round, oval, or irregularly-shaped dark spots. At ¢,¢,c,¢c,may be seen other muscular fibres running in continuity. The latter run in a parallel direction with the section, while the former run in a ver- tical direction, and are consequently cut by the section, Between these bundles of muscles can be seen, d, d, d,d, innumerable empty spaces or meshes of irregular shape. The walls of these spaces have become separated in preparing the speci- men, while during life they are generally in immediate contact. These spaces are lined with pavement (Pflaster) epithelium, which can be distinctly seen, in suit- able preparations, with a magnifying power of 60 to 200 diameters. Some of these meshes are quite near the mucous membrane, separated from it only by a thin layer of connective tissue, 7. e. in the upper wall of the urethra in this figure. Transverse section of the corpus spongiosum will show asa rule two large arteries, ee’, the arteris profunde corporis spongiosi. Each of these is surrounded by a number of organic longitudinal muscular bundles, e*, e*, which appear as round masses, in whose centre the artery passes. In the middle of the section is seen an empty space, C, the canal of the urethra. The epithelial covering of the mucous membrane is indicated at /, /, f, and is seen extending into its lacunw#. The exist- ence of a real space in the accompanying figure is the result of the preparation. It does not exist during life. At g, g’,g”, gt, g*, is seen the cut surface of a lacuna which extends deeply into the substance of the corpus spongiosum at g*, and sends off several branches from its sides g’, g”, gf. The largest meshes are at the ex- ternal portions of the corpus spongiosum ; the smaller ones near the urethra. The substance of the corpus spongiosum near the urethra is more transparent than the rest, because it consists of finer fibres than the parts more external. * B. Stilling, ‘ Harnrohren-stricturen,’ Fig. 1. Cc 2 18 : The Histology and Physiology of the LONGITUDINAL SECTION FROM THE SUPERFICIAL PARTS OF THE Corpus CAVERNOSUM (Man). ALCOHOL PREPARATION, TREATED WITH CARMINE, ACETIC ACID, AND GLyYcERINE, MaGnirrep 15 DIAMETERS. This figure represents the trellis-work of the corpus spongiosum formed by the manifold directions and interlacing of its muscular fibres. According to Miller, there are two sets of arteries, differing from one another in their size. The first are the rami nutritil, which are distributed upon the walls of the veins and throughout the spongy substance, differing m no respect from the nutritive arteries of other parts; they anastomose freely with each other, and terminate in capillaries. The second set he calls arteric heli- cine, from their supposed resemblance to the tendrils of the vine. They are given off from the larger branches as well as the smaller twigs of the arteries. They are especially to be seen in good lon- gitudinal sections, sending out short branches somewhat like a ram’s horn, several going off from one point in a stellate form, or as the arms of a chandelier, and terminating in an expanded or knob-like extremity, which project freely into the venous cavities (Fig. 5). They are not entirely naked, but are covered with pavement epithe- lium. ‘These arteries are more easy of detection in the corpus Corpus Spongiosum and the Corpus Cavernosum. 19 THIN TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE Corpus Sponciosum (MAN), PREPARED IN AtcoHot. TREATED FIRST WITH CARMINE, AND AFTERWARD WITH ACETIC ACID, AND PRESERVED IN GLYCERINE. MAGNIFIED 160 DIAMETERS. In the centre of the picture at a, is seen a transverse section of the arterice profund corporis spongiosi. At b, the inner coat of the artery. At c, c, its very darkly-stained middle coat, with the nuclei of its individual muscular fibres. At d, d, its transparent external connective-tissue coat. The artery is surrounded by quite a number of organic muscular bundles, like a tube surrounded by a bundle of staves, €, e,e,e,e. At many points may be seen a portion of these fasciculi con- necting and mixing with the muscular coat of the artery, as, for example, at e*. The muscular bundles surrounding the arteries are so distinct from the other longi- tudinal muscular bundles that they must be recognized as a set belonging exclu- sively to the arteries. The meshes of the spongy substance, g, g, g, g, are seen to be - lined by pavement epithelium, h. cavernosum than in the corpus spongiosum. In the latter body they are most numerous in the bulbous and posterior portions. In most of these terminal knobs can be seen a triple fissure, the form of a Y—like the three-horned figure in the crystalline lens of the human eye (Fig. 7). The smaller branches often present but a simple transverse fissure. tilling is inclined to regard these fis- sures as the openings or mouths of the arteries, which are closed in the ordinary condition, but in the state of erection are opened and empty the arterial blood into the venous cavities or cells, 20 The Histology and Physiology of the Tun LoncITUDINAL SEcTION OF THE Corpus Sponciosum (MAN). PREPARED IN ALCOHOL, AND TREATED WITH CARMINE. MAGNIFIED 160 DIAMETERS. In the eentre of the figure is seen a branch of the arterize profunde corporis spongiosi, a,a. Itis accompanied upon both sides by organic longitudinal bundles of muscles, b, b, b, b, which are seen running for some distance in continuity near the artery. Some of these fasciculi pass directly into the walls of the artery, as at *, *, *, and are inserted in the same. ‘Transyersely-running muscular fasci- culi, c, c, c, as well as those which bend from the longitudinal to the transverse direction, d, d, d, d, are very distinct, Also the meshes between these fasciculi, 9; J- These arteries are accompanied by a special system of longitu- dinal bundles of muscles, whose fibres become inserted at various points into the middle coat of these vessels. Stilling, I believe, was first to call attention to this anatomical fact. These bundles may be seen in both transverse and longitudinal section (Figs. 3 and 4). The number and size of these bundles vary in different sections, in consequence of the changes which they undergo by the insertion of their fibres into the walls of the arteries on the one hand, and again by the addition of new fibres to these bundles from other lanes. : The bundles accompanying the large arteries are comparatively numerous, while those accompanying the smaller ones are few, and not so distinct. Corpus Spongiosum and the Corpus Cavernoswin. 21 Fic. 5. Turin LoncitupINAL SECTION FROM THE PosTERIOR PORTION OF THE CORPUS Cavernosum (Man). Magniriep 15 Diameters. THe ORGAN WAS INJECTED THROUGH THE ARTERIA DORSALIS WITH BEALE’S BLUE FLUID. AND THEN HARD- ENED IN ALCOHOL. THE THIN SECTION WAS AFTERWARD TREATED WITH CAR- MINE, AcETIC AcID, AND GLYCERINE. In the centre of the figure is seen the artery, a, a, running from below upward. The dark injection in its cavity is well shown. From the right and left of this artery are given off the arteriz helicinz, b, b, b, b. They assume different forms. Their terminal knobs lie free in the meshes, b* b*, and are coyered with pavement epithelium, which by higher magnifying powers are very distinctly brought into view. The knobby terminations of these arteries possess muscular fibres closely packed in concentric circles, which probably act as sphincters to the mouths of these vessels. There is one other anatomical faci mentioned by Stilling, to which I will briefly refer, on account of its pathological bearing.* It is the intimate relationship of the epithelial elements of the urethra with sub-mucous tissues of the corpus spongiosum. That certain epithelial cells possess prolongations by which they are in intimate connection with the underlying tissues, Stilling * This I will reserve for another occasion when I shall have completed some observations now engaged in. THIN TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE CoR (Giosum Uretura. (Sce page 17.) 24 The Histology and Physiology of the Bie: 7 THE KNOB-LIKE END OF AN ARTERIA HELICINE FROM A Frye Lonerrupti- NAL SECTION OF THE Corpus CAVER- nosum (Man). Pre- PARED IN ALCOHOL, AND TREATED WITH CARMINE. The terminal end a appears to lie free in one of the meshes. The mouth of the vessel is seen at *, which appears as a Part oF A Fine LonGrrupINAL SECTION FROM THE Y-shaped fissure. PosTERIOR PoRTION OF THE CorPUS CAVERNOSUM (Man). PREPARED IN ALCOHOL, AND TREATED WITH CARMINE. MAGNIFIED 160 DIAMETERS. In this section the artery a, a, is seen running along the entire length of the section, sending off a number of branches which terminate in thickened ends, c,¢, ce. The red knob-like ends of this artery are quite conspicuous in consequence of the imbibition of carmine. To the left of the artery is seen the course of a longitudinal muscular bundle, d, which is inserted in the upper third of the artery. Transverse and oblique muscular bundles are seen at ¢, e. claims to have indicated as early as 1857, since which time his statements have become confirmed by the researches of others, who have represented the passage of nerve fibres to the epithelial layers of certain tissues, as for example in the cornea.* He affirms that the epithelial cells of the urethra are in manifold connections with the muscular fibres, nerves, and other tissues of the corpus spon- giosum. “The most superficial cells,” he says, “terminate in a pedicle or filiform prolongation, which often remain connected with the mucous membrane after the body of the cell has separated from its connections. A good longitudinal section will often show three or four of such cells, one above the other, hanging like pears by their stalks, the cells directed toward the bladder, the stalk toward the external meatus. To state the precise manner in which these connections occur is reserved for future research. Especially will it an Frey, ‘Handbuch der Histology und Histochemie,’ 3. Aufl., Leipzig, 1870, p. 608. Corpus Spongiosum and the Corpus Cavernosum. 25 have to be ascertained whether certain epithelial cells of the urethral mucous membrane are real terminations of nerves, and others real terminations of muscular fibres. If we consider the extreme sensi- tiveness of the epithelial layer of the healthy cornea to the contact of -ever so fine a foreign body; if we consider that the most superficial contact of the point of a needle with the cornea produces the most severe pain and reflex movements; while, after destruction of the most superficial layer at one point, the needle produces at that point only an inconsiderable amount of pain—facts which every physician has opportunity to observe in removing foreign bodies (dust, iron filings, particles of coal, &c.) from the cornea—the conclusion is almost irresistible that the epithelial covering of the cornea consists of cells which are to be regarded as nerve terminations. Physiology.—The cause and mechanism of erection may be said to depend upon two phenomena occurring simultaneously :— 1. Upon an increased influx of blood through the arteries which empty by the arterial helicinee into the venous cavities. 2. Upon mechanical pressure affecting the veins which convey the blood from the penis, whereby a retardation of the venous cir- culation is induced. In the passive condition of the penis the same quantity of blood flows to and from the organ, but during erection the entire arterial system becomes distended, especially those known as the arterie helicinse become actively dilated, and empty themselves into the venous cavities. The dilatation of these vessels is supposed to be effected through the agency of the special system of longitudinal bundles of muscles which accompany, and whose fibres are inserted into the walls of these arteries. The muscles chiefly concerned in arresting the efflux of blood, or at least preventing it from being as great as the influx, are the acceleratores urine and erectores penis. The contraction of the acceleratores urine muscles impedes the return of blood through the vena corporis spongiosi, by pressure upon the bulbous portion of the corpus spongiosum. The erectores penis act as erectors, by compressing the crura and vena dorsalis. ‘They embrace the root of the penis and com- press it. The pressure upon the vena dorsalis impedes the return of blood by this vessel, and the pressure upon the crura produces the same effect upon the veins of the corpus cavernosum. The transversus perinei probably assists the posterior fasciculi of the acceleratores urine in producing turgescence of the corpus spongiosum, by virtue of its insertion into the fibrous tunic of the bulb These muscles are supplied with nerves by the pudic branch of the sacral plexus, and it is an interesting fact, capable of demonstra- tion upon the lower animals, that after division of this nerve the penis is incapable of erection. 26 The Histology and Physiology of the TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE Corpus CAVERNOSUM (MAN). PREPARED IN ALCOHOL, TREATED AT FIRST WITH CARMINE, AND AFTERWARD WITH ACETIC ACID AND GLYCERINE, AND PRESERVED IN Farrant’s Liquor. Maaniriep 160 D1a- METERS. The object of this figure is to represent the communication of the veins with the meshes of the corpus cavernosum (and spongiosum). The dark portion of the picture indicates the corpus cavernosum, a, a, the lighter portion the albuginea of the corpus cavernosum, b, b, b. The meshes are all filled with blood, in conse- quence of which the structure of this part appears considerably more distinct than when these cavities are empty. Internal to the albuginea of the corpus cavernosum are seen a large number of veins, ¢, c, c, forming a plexus. The direct connection of some of these veins with the meshes of the corpus cavernosum can be seen ati. In the passive condition the natural tonicity of the muscular trellis-work of the penis is sufficient to maintain the walls of the venous cells in apposition ; and they, together with the sphinctoric action of the circular fibres around the mouths of the arterial heli- cine, prevent the flow of blood into these cells. But, when the parts are stimulated to erection, the muscular bands are obliged to yield to the distending force of the blood (according to Miiller, it appears that the blood accumulating in the penis during erection is subjected to a pressure equal to that of a column of water six feet in height). The meshes become filled, and remain so until the stimulus to erec- Corpus Spongiosum and the Corpus Cavernosum. 27 g Fig. 8. h ke Fig. 8—g, h, 7, j, k, represents the various shapes of the arterie# helicina, which are frequently found in injected preparations of the corpus cayernosum. Magnified 15 diameters. The description of the plates is taken from ‘ Die Rationelle Behandlung der Harnrohren-stricturen,’ by Dr. B. Stilling. tion subsides, when the acceleratores urine and erectores penis muscles relax, and remove the pressure from the veins. The tra- beculz (non-striped muscles) of the penis now contract and expel the blood from the dilated venous cells. The contractile force of the corpus spongiosum is well displayed in persons who, for the first time, submit to the introduction of a catheter or sound into the urethra; the entrance of the instrument -is often sensibly opposed, and during withdrawal it is forcibly expelled. This phenomenon cannot be attributed entirely to the action of the acceleratores urine and compressor urethre muscles, for it is manifest even within an inch of the external meatus. The action of the muscular trellis-work of the corpus spon- giosum, as it affects micturition and the ejaculation of the spermatic 28 The Physiology of the Corpus Spongiosum, &e. fluid, is of interest. During micturition the entire corpus spon-. giosum, as well as the urethra, becomes somewhat stretched. At the end of micturition the tonicity of the trellis-work is sufficient to coaptate the walls of the urethra, and to expel the last drops of urine which may remain in the anterior portion of the canal. This pressure is strongest at those parts where the urethra and its sur- rounding meshes are narrow; and weakest where these cayities are wide, and consequently more dilatable, as at the bulb. As the external fibrous investment of the corpus cavernosum consists of broad, thick bands of connective tissue, it becomes firmer, harder, and more unyielding during erection, than the corpus spon- giosum. ‘The latter being smaller in circumference, with its external fibrous investment interspersed with non-striped muscular bands, it remains even during the most complete erection, and during the ejaculation of the sperm, sufficiently dilatable or distensible to permit the seminal fluid to flow through the canal. Should the corpus spongiosum attain that degree of hardness which the corpus caver- nosum acquires, the canal would not yield to the pressure of the sperm, and ejaculation would be obstructed. The pressure which the corpus spongiosum is capable of exerting upon the urethra becomes quite considerable, when to the natural tonicity of its muscular trellis-work above mentioned there is added a special stimulus to contraction, which obtains when the penis is brought to a state of erection. Each new pulsation increases the quantity of blood in the meshes or venous cavities, and this—as it were—supplementary body within these cavities stimulates the mus- cular bands to increased activity. The pressure now brought to bear by these bands very materially assists the acceleratores urine and compressor urethre muscles in communicating an expulsive impetus to the outflowing stream of urine or seminal fluid. The greater the special force exerted by the contraction of the acceleratores urinz during ejaculation, the more is the erection of the penis augmented, and the concentrical pressure of the muscular trellis-work upon the spermatic fiuid increased. For this reason micturition is so difficult during complete erec- tion, and immediately after ejaculation. Thus I have endeavoured to lay before you, in a somewhat con- densed form, a synopsis of some views at present entertained upon the histology and physiology of the penis. This subject is but imperfectly understood ; its literature is meagre, and much of that which has been written is vague and unsatisfactory, while many points have remained entirely unexplored. Yet there are few sub- jects which present a more fruitful field for histological investigation than the one to which I have now had the honour of calling your attention.— Read before the New York Dermatological Society. mia« 9) VIL—Apertures of Object-glasses. By F. H. Wennam. On the 14th day of November, 1872, the dry and immersed aper- tures of Mr. Tolles’ yoth were tested in presence of the undersigned. The angle in air (taken at the best adjustment for a Podura scale) measured 145°, With the front in water, the angle became reduced to 91°. And lastly in balsam the result was 79°. Cuas. Brooxst, F.R.S., V.P.R.MS. H. Lawson, M.D., F.R.M.S. W. J. Gray, M.D., F.R.MS. S. J. M‘Intirs, Esq., F.R.MLS. For measuring the immersed apertures the sector was fixed vertically. The object-glass was set with its surface level to the centre of the are. A small circular tank was firmly clamped below, into which the end of the object-glass passed. A wax candle was placed exactly in a line on the floor three feet beneath. After the air aperture had been taken, the tank was filled with water so as to cover the end of the object-glass. At each extreme of the aperture a pencil line was drawn along the straight edge of the bar that carried the microscope body, leaving a permanent record of the trial. The water was then turned out and replaced by fluid balsam, and the diminished aperture again marked with pencil, the object-glass having been radiated in the fluid as before. A trial in the presence of such competent judges might well end the question, and establish the infallible law by which such a result could be foretold. From the result of the water trial I asserted that there would be a further reduction of 15° in balsam or an aperture of 76°, but 79° was indicated. These extra three degrees beyond my theoretical limit may be accounted for in this way. I had assumed the index of refraction for hard balsam. That used was very fluid, and there- fore contained turpentine, which of course diminished the refractive ower. Dr. Josiah Curtis has witnessed an experiment conducted by Mr. Tolles, and speaking in a somewhat jubilant tone of his assumed triumph, remarks, “ Equally gratified probably will Mr. Wenham be when he shall see for himself that an angle of more than 82° can be attained through balsam.” * I may say that I certainly was surprised at seeing a result so strictly in accordance with my argument; for after all this * See ‘M. M.J.,’ Nov. 1872, p. 243. 30 Apertures of Object-glasses. ceremony of sending a glass across the Atlantic for trial, I expected, in this particular instance, to find some light beyond the theoreti- cal angle, and hoped to investigate and explain the cause in order to furnish some incidental proof of fallacy in the measurement of extreme apertures; but the limits of the immersed angles in this case were more decided than in the air, and there was nothing beyond the mere record left for me to do. Dr. Curtis has given his faith to the trial without proof that he has paid any attention to the principles of refraction involved in the experiment, and as Mr. Tolles has shown that he will not be led by any theory, and there- fore is quite unprejudiced thereby, I can only infer that he has conducted the experiment in some way without regard to the laws that should guide the rays through the media, and that a false indication has resulted. It needs but a very limited knowledge of optical theory to demonstrate that the utmost angle of possible transmission or conversely of emergence from the first surface of ordimary crown glass with a refractive index of 1:531 does not exceed 40° 43’, and therefore with still lighter crown, the angle behind the first surface cannot get beyond 82°; and supposing the other lenses to be of such a form as to bring to a posterior conjugate focus the rays of even such an improbable angle, this cannot be increased either with water or balsam immersion, without destroying that focus and giving a negative result with no image in the eye-piece ; therefore this 82° must continue straight in the balsam medium if of a similar refrac- tion to the glass. I demonstrated this seventeen years ago, and till now no one has disputed the position and at the same time tried the plans for obtaining full aperture both of object-glass and illuminator, that are now revived as new facts. I make the following extract from the ‘Quart. Journal of Mic. Science,’ No. XII., July 1855, by which it will be seen that having succeeded with the hemispherical lenses, I felt somewhat diffident about encysting objects in Mr. Tolles’ “ Pilluloe.” “The sharpness and beauty with which some test-objects are displayed under the diminished aperture consequent upon balsam mounting, is, on first consideration, rather surprising, and tends to show analogically the very great increase of distinctness that would be obtained if the object could be seen in the same medium, with the full aperture of the object-glass. Having been rather curious to know if objects in balsam could be observed under such an ad- vantage, I have tried a few experiments which were successful in their results. : “T first took asmall hemispherical lens of about 55th of an inch radius, and cemented it over a selected specimen of one of the Diatomacee (N. Sigma) with Canada balsam, in the manner Apertures of Object-glasses. 31 represented by the annexed diagram ..... It will be seen from the position of the object, that each ray of light passing from that point through the surface of the hemisphere will be transmitted in straight lines in a radial direction without undergoing any . refraction, the consequence of which is that the full and un- diminished aperture of the object-glass is made to bear upon the object. “Tf an object is already covered with thin glass it may be sur- mounted with a lens, so far short of a hemisphere as the thickness of the cover, which of course amounts to the same in effect as if the lens were hemispherical. I have a specimen of P. formosum mounted in this manner, by which the markings are remarkably well displayed. A more simple method of obtaining a similar result, is by the following course of proceeding :—Spread some of the desired forms of Diatomacex upon a slip of glass while in a moist state, and when dry, scatter a number of small fragments of hard Canada balsam upon the same surface. Apply heat very gradually and these will run into the form of a spherule; they will next slowly sink into a shape approaching to that of a hemisphere. Before the figure is quite completed, place the slide under the microscope, and ascertain if any one of the nodules of balsam exactly covers a fair specimen; if not, the trial must be repeated with a fresh slide. Having found an object properly situated under the particle of balsam, the next step is to bring the latter down to the form of a hemisphere, by the further aid of heat very cautiously applied. ‘The nodule of balsam having been too spherical in the first instance, will now gradually sink, and must be repeatedly tested under the microscope, till the perfect hemisphere is obtained without any refraction being produced on the rays from the object in the centre. The criteria for knowing this are :—first, the object under the balsam must be in the same plane of focus as similar dry objects outside ; secondly, the balsam object must not appear more magnified than its uncovered fellows; and thirdly, the balsam- covered object should not require a different adjustment from the dry ones on the same slide. The existence of these combined condi- tions indicates a perfect hemisphere. “ When an object is seen under these circumstances it at once shows the great increase of distinctness that is to be obtained in the structure of the more difficult diatomaceous tests; when they are thus viewed in Canada balsam with the full aperture of the object- glass, markings which in the neighbouring dry objects of the same character are scarcely discernible, are sharply and distinctly visible under the balsam hemisphere with the same illumination. “The luminosity of the field of view around the balsam object is many shades darker than in the uncovered portion of the slide, which appearance is caused by the diminished angle or cone of rays VOL. IX. D 32 Apertures of Ohject-glasses. of the illuminating pencil. From this fact it is evident that the _ theoretical perfection of mounting objects in this manner would be to enclose them exactly in the centre of a minute sphere of balsam. In this case the pencil of rays, both from the achromatic condenser and object-glass, would pass directly to the object without refraction or diminution ; but I must confess that I have not been successful in effecting this; it is very easy to form a sphere of balsam at the end of a needle point of any degree of minuteness, but very difficult to coax an object into the centre of such a spherule.” I have been engaged in countless comparisons of object-glasses of different makers brought together by their respective owners, and each held his private opinion of the result. I have avoided any public mention of comparative merit as an assumed dictatorship both odious and uncalled for; and in this object-glass so confidingly forwarded by Mr. Tolles, I would not sanction a trial against glasses of any English manufacturer, as it was sent for a different purpose. But as Mr. Tolles has stated in allusion to my 1th described in my paper “On the Construction of Object-glasses” (published in the commencing numbers of this Journal) as being composed of curves that he would not use on any account, and that it would not give a large angle in balsam (beyond that assigned by theory) because it had “no collecting power” !! I did therefore venture to make the comparison with this, of curves now obsolete, made twenty-two years ago. It proved far superior to Mr. Tolles’ (made three years ago) on every object on which it was tested. I have sent my glass to Dr. Lawson in order that he may also make the comparison. I value it as a matter of history, as the first successful glass with a triple back and single front, and showing Podura markings of a hight ruby tint on a green ground, then a novel appearance, but now recognized as a criterion of perfect correction. I do not wish this to be taken invidiously, as Mr. Tolles may have made a great advance since then, and may profit by the hint. His glass appeared to have a compound front. The single front may be used with advantage in all the powers from the 4 upwards. I am now weary of urging these reiterated demonstrations both theoretical and practical of the angles of immersed objectives, and must drop the question, believing that my views are accepted by a discri- minating majority, therefore no reply must be expected from me; Mr. Tolles’ sect may set me down as an infidel having faith in what, to them, is an unknown creed, or as a serpent deaf to the voice of the charmer, but even this shall not provoke an answer. As I before stated, I had no wish to discuss the question further with Mr. Tolles, and the necessity of testing the aperture of his glass sent for the purpose is an apology for my reappearance. F. H. WENHAM. . (33's) PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Microscopic Life at the Bed of the Mediterranean.—We would merely allude to this subject for the purpose of referring our readers to the splendid paper of researches on ocean currents generally, and vitality at different depths in the Mediterranean and other scas, by Dr. B. W. Carpenter, F.R.S., which occupies a whole number of the Proceedings of the Royal Society, extending to about 110 pages. It is of special importance, from the justification it affords to the hypo- theses of the late Edward Forbes, F.R.S., who made most of his researches in the Mediterranean. Dr. Carpenter states, in reference to this subject,—“ I am disposed to believe, therefore, that in the Medi- terranean basin, the existence of animal life in any abundance at a depth greater than 200 fathoms will be found quite exceptional; and that, without pronouncing its depths to be absolutely azoic, we may safely assert them to present a most striking contrast, in respect of animal life, to those marine Paradises* which we continually met with in the Eastern and Northern Atlantic at depths between 500 and 1200 fathoms. And I have the satisfaction of finding that my con- clusion on this point is entirely borne. out by the results of the dredgings carried on in the Adriatic by Dr. Oscar Schmidt; who found the like barrenness at depths below 150 fathoms, except as regards Foraminifera, Bathybius, and Cuccoliths. Atter a most care- ful microscopic examination of the mud obtained from the depths of the Mediterranean, I feel justified im saying that even of these lowest organisms scarcely any traces are to be found.—Thus it appears that Edward Forbes was quite justified in the conclusion he drew as regards the particular locality he had investigated; and that his only mistake lay in supposing that the same conditions would prevail in the open ocean ” A Mite in the Ear of an Ox.—At a meeting of the ‘Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, whose report we have only now received, Professor Leidy said he had received a letter from Dr. Charles 8. Turnbull, in which he stated that while studying the anatomy of the ear he had discovered in several heads of steers, at the bottom of the external auditory meatus, a number of small living parasites. They were found attached to the surface of the membrana tympani. Specimens of the parasite preserved in glycerine, and a petrosal bone with the membrana tympani, to which several of the parasites were clinging, were also sent for examination. These prove to be a mite or acarus, apparently of the genus Gamasus. The body is ovoid, translucent white, about 3 of a line long, and 2 of a line wide. The limbs, jaws, and their appendages, are brown and bristled. The body is smooth or devoid of bristles. 'The limbs are from 2 to } a line long. The feet are terminated by a five-lobed disk and a pair of claws. The palpi are six-jointed. The mandibles end in pincers or chele, resembling lobster claws. The movable joint of the chele has two teeth at the end. The opposed extremity of the fixed joint of the * This word is used in the sense familiar to the Greek scholar. Dp 2 34 PROGRESS OF MICKOSCOPICAL SCIENCE. chele is narrow, and ends in a hook. Whether this mite is a true parasite of the ear of the living ox, or whether it obtained access to the position in which it was found after the death of the ox in the slaughter-house, has not yet been determined. Dr. Turnbull ob- served it only in the position indicated, Tea and Cotton Blights.—‘ Grevillea’ for December contains an inter- esting paper on the above, by the editor, Mr. M. C. Cooke, M.A. He says that the tea-planters of Cachat have been complaining of late that the leaves of the tea-plants have become blighted, so as to interfere seriously with the production of tea. Two or three of the diseased leaves have been sent us for examination. They were not in good condition for the purpose, but on one we detected some punctures of an insect, and on two of the others a parasitic fungus. The leaves are blistered, deformed, and stunted; the fungus appearing on both surfaces like minute black points. The following is a description drawn up from the dry specimens :—Hendersonia theecola. sp. nov.— Perithecia globose, black, prominent, pierced at the apex, scattered over both surfaces, or sub-gregarious ; spores cylindrical, rounded at the ends, triseptate, pale brown, on long hyaline pedicels (-0004— -0005 in.), 01-:0125 mm. long, without the pedicels. On leaves of Thea. -Cachar, India. The ultimate cells have sometimes a more hyaline appearance, but we could detect no terminal cilia, otherwise it reminds us of such species of Pestalozzia as P. Guepini, which occurs on Camellia leaves. The only remedy we can suggest is to pick off the diseased leaves and burn them. What portion of the destruction is also due to the insect we have no material for determination, but both are probably culpable. From Dharwar we have also received samples of “ Black-blight” on naturalized American cotton. The cotton presents but little external indication of disease so long as the seeds remain entire, but, on crushing the seed, the cotton becomes covered with a sooty powder, which at first we were disposed to regard as the spores of a species of Ustilago, which entirely fills the seed. After a closer examination, however, we became satisfied that the spores are concatenate, being produced in chains, or jointed threads, in the interior of the secd, and afterwards break up into subglobose spores. This is rather an anomalous habitat for a Torula, but such, nevertheless, we are disposed to regard it, and append its description. Torula incarcerata. sp. nov. — Produced within the seeds of Gos- sypium. Threads simple, or slightly branched, breaking up into minute, subglobose, fuliginous spores. Within cottonseed. Dharwar, India. It is rather to be presumed that the Torula makes its appear- ance after the commencement of decay in the seed, stimulated by moisture, than that it should be the cause of disease in the plant. The species of Torula with which we are acquainted are produced upon decaying substances, and we have no experience of any one causing disease in living plants. Had this proved to have been a species of Ustilago, the case would have been different, but we believe that, notwithstanding its habitat, we are justified in placing it with Torula. ( 35 ) NOTES AND MEMORANDA. A Microscopical Life-slide has been described in an American Journal,* which will not appear novel to some of our readers, though it is describedas new. Itis constructed to retain the greatest quantity of material under the smallest cover glass, and is designed to be used with the highest powers of the microscope for studying the bacteria, vibriones, and other very low forms of life. The slide consists of a central polished cavity, about which is a similar polished bevel; and from the bevel outward extends a small cut, the object of which is to afford an abundance of fresh air to the living things within, as well as to relieve the pressure which shortly would become so great, from the evaporation of the liquid within, as to cause the destruction of the cover glass. No special dimensions are stated for the central cavity. The bevel is usually } inch in diameter; the small canal is cut through the inner edge of the bevel or annular space, outward, for the purpose named above. It is found upon enclosing the animalcule, &c., that they will invariably seek the edge of the pool in which they are con- fined, and the bevelled edge permits the observer to take advantage of this disposition ; for when beneath it, the objects are within range of the high-power glasses. Another very important feature in the device is the fact that a preparation may be kept within it for days or weeks together, without losing vitality, owing to the simple arrange- ment for supplying fresh air. “ We,” says the writer, “have repeatedly had the opportunity of witnessing the use of this slide, and are con- vinced that nothing of the kind has yet been devised which can equal it in excellence either for observing or generating the lower forms of life.” A Review of the ‘‘ New Conspectus of the Families and Genera of Diatomaceze,”’ by Professor H. L. Smith, has been published in ‘ Grevillea, by Mr. F. Kitton, in which he says that the Professor “ has applied the pruning knife most unsparingly, doubtless to the great disgust of the ‘ species mongers.’ Some of the genera might, he thinks, have been retained with advantage; for example, the Campylodisci, which have been relegated to the Surirelle. This genus has two unyarying characteristics, viz. the circular form of the valves, and the median space of the two valves of the frustule are always at right angles to each other; consequently the valve must be truly circular. Professor W. Smith, the author of the ‘Synopsis,’ has erred in placing Campylodiscus spiralis in that genus. Kiitzing was right in making it a species of Surirella (S. spiralis). The union of the genera Triceratium and Amphitetras with Biddulphia we think will not be generally accepted; to do so necessitates the enlargement of the generic characters of the last to too great an ex- tent. The number of species will also be inconveniently large. The genus Triceratium might, we think, be united to Amphitetras without * ¢ Journal of the Franklin Institute,’ 36 CORRESPONDENCE. much alteration of the generic character. The author is, no doubt, right in abolishing the conditions of stipitate, tubular, &c., as being of no value. He remarks, ‘The conditions frondose, stipitate, filamentous, tubular, &c., I have not considered sufficient to warrant the formation of new genera. A long study of living forms has convinced me that these characters are fleeting—not to be relied on.’” A Latin Work on the Desmidie, which contains 100 pages and five plates, has been issued by the Royal Society of Sciences, at Upsala. Tt is under the authorship of M. P. M. Lundel, and is said to be a very good book. CORRESPONDENCE. Tae Mistake about OBJECTIVES USED BrnocuLaRLy. To the Editor of the ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ Cuirton, Briston, Dec. 11, 1872. Sir, — Immediately I observed Mr. Wenham’s letter in your December number, in reply to mine of the 19th Oct., I wrote to the gentleman who furnished me with the information, and he replied to this effect — that he decidedly objected to his name being men- tioned, and added, “ you misunderstood what J said, and Mr. Wenham has misunderstood what you wrote.” Now I must repeat that what I stated in my letter to the ‘ Monthly Microscopical Journal’ was precisely what he did say in our con- versation on the subject, and also that the statement relative to the matter was made during a casual conversation at the meeting of the Society, several members standing near, any one of whom might have heard what was said, and, that it was made without the slightest reservation as to its publicity, so that at the time I neither doubted its correctness, nor imagined anything to the contrary of its being commonly known. Although I do not enjoy the pleasure of Mr. Wenham’s acquaint- ance personally, I very much regret that he should have been annoyed by the publication of what appears to him to be an absolute untruth. I am, Sir, yours truly, SamMvEL SMITH, Surgeon. A Microscopicat Purr. To the Editor of the ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal.’ Kine’s Cottece, Dec, 21, 1872. Srr,—On the 18th instant a paragraph, headed “ Royal Micro- scopical Society,’ and purporting to give an account of the “ Annual Soirée,” held on the 11th, appeared in ‘ The Times, and I believe in some other papers. No “Annual Soirée” was held on that occasion, but a private Scientific Evening, as reported in this number of the Journal. > eee PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. ay) The writer of the paragraph in question evidently intended to convey an idea that an objective by Hartnack was of such unusual merit as to deserve to be singled out for honourable mention beyond all others. Tn case anyone should suppose that this paragraph is sanctioned by the Council of the Society, I beg you will allow me to state that they entirely repudiate it, and have the strongest objection to the abuse of the Society’s name for any purpose of trade pufting. There is no member of the Council who would refuse to recognize the merit of Mr. Hartnack’s work; but justice to other eminent makers would entirely preclude the sort of notice the objectionable paragraph contains. Dr. Carpenter’s object can be shown distinctly with a good th or 1th, and specimens of Rhomboides have frequently been displayed with 3} inch. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, Henry J. Suacg, ec. RM. BS. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Royat Mricroscopican Society. Kine’s Couiece, Dec. 4, 1872. W. Kitchen Parker, F.R.S., President, in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. A list of donations was read, and a vote of thanks passed to the respective donors. The Secretary, Mr. Hogg, announced that some beautiful photo- graphs of the 19th band of Nobert’s lines had been received from Dr. Woodward, of the U. 8. Army. Dr. W. had also forwarded a photograph of a diatom, which he called Frustulia Saxonica. He (Mr. Hogg) thought it very much like Navicula rhomboides. He wished some of the Fellows would carefully examine these objects and name them more definitely and correctly. He might mention, with reference to Rhomboides, he was able to resolve it very satisfactorily with an old } and Wenham’s new illuminator. The 1 objective was one made by Andrew Ross twenty-five years ago. Mr. Slack called attention to the fact that in the diatom photographs there were spurious lines shown outside the picture of the object itself. Mr. Slack then said, the Fellows would perhaps remember the observations made by Mr. Stewart at the last meeting of the Society, which tended to show that the apparent hexagons in certain diatoms were real, Apart from the special optical considerations advanced by Mr. Stewart, the question very much turned upon the appearance displayed along lines of fracture. He had sought out a good many fractured diatoms, and in such forms as Coscinodiscus oculus Iridis, and Triceratium favus, the lines of fracture showed the lines bounding 38 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. the hexagons to be the strongest parts, and led to the belief the hexagonal markings on such diatoms were real; but in the pleuro- sigmas, and in many others, including several circular ones, the lines of fracture passed between the bead rows, as long since shown by Mr. Wenham. The structure of the hexagonal diatoms did not, how- ever, vary in prineiple from the others, as there was evidence that the whole floor of the hexagons was made up of minute spherules. He hoped to publish some specimens of fracture where the hexagonal markings were real, so that the Fellows might institute a comparison between them and those which corresponded with simple beaded structures. Mr. Gayer then read a paper “ On a New Form of Micro-spectro- scope.” ‘Mtr, Wenham thought the arrangement described by Mr. Gayer remedied one very great objection to the use of the ordinary form of micro-spectroscope. In the usual form the slit is placed in the eye- piece, and the view is often drowned by diffraction lines. His impres- sion was that putting the slit in the position indicated by Mr. Gayer would obviate the objection alluded to altogether. Mr. Hogg said, there could be no doubt that the slit was placed by Mr. Gayer in the proper position. But he thought Mr. Gayer had laid too much stress on the dispersive power of his instrument. It had been the object of Mr. Browning to get rid of dispersion: his object was not to get dispersion, but a perfect image, with as little dispersion as possible. It was not, as in the telescope, an object to divide the sodium band, but it was a thing of great importanee to get a sharp, definite band under the microscope, and to be quite sure that the substance under examination always gave bands in the same part of the spectrum. Mr. Gayer said, that by using a deeper eye- piece it was possible to remedy a defect in the instrument he was using. He (Mr. Hogg) asked Mr. Gayer if he had examined a difficult test, the chloride of calcium and cobalt, which was a very good one ? Mr. Ingpen said, the form of Browning’s spectroscope is that in which the intermediate lenses are dispensed with, and the only thing between the objective and the eye was the collimating lens. That gave the sharpest spectra of anything he had ever seen. There was the collimating lens just in front of a series of prisms which were viewed through a small aperture in the other end of the instrument. No eye-piece or intermediate lens of any kind was used. The whole in- strument was put in instead of the eye-piece, after having focussed the object with the ordinary eye-piece, and a sharp, beautiful short spec- trum was obtained. Mr. Browning got rid of stray rays by slipping a cap on the end of the objective, and then bringing that cap down so as to touch the object. Mr. Slack would mention that the form desirable for a spectro- scope depended necessarily on the purpose for which it was to be used. The micro-spectroscope had been usually employed to examine objects which give cloudy bands. It is a peculiarity of these bands to be like astronomical nebule in the telescope. Consequently, if ——— Ss ee PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 39 there was too much dispersion, the bands were thinned out so much that it could not be seen where they ended. So if absorption bands were over magnified, failure would again be the result. For absorption bands enough dispersion was wanted to render them easily separable. There should not be more dispersion, as it rendered the band difficult . to be measured. With respect to the size of objects, he had shown about 1rd or 1th of the human blood globule with a 20th objective, and fhe Sorby-Browning spectroscope, and had brought out the cha- racteristic bands. The blood globule as to size was about the 4000th of an inch, and a } of that was an excessively small object. Dr. Lawson inquired whether the ordinary system of measurement could be adopted in Mr. Gayer’s instrument. Mr. Gayer replied he believed it could. With regard to the dis- persive power of the instrument he had described, there were two prisms in the tube, and it would be optional for anyone to have either of them. Mr. Wenham said he thought the micro-spectroscope should be made more universally to bring out Fraunhdéfer’s lines fully. The arrangement Mr. Gayer had introduced would effect that object far more perfectly than the form of spectroscope generally used. Mr. Ingpen said he could bring out Fraunhéfer’s lines beautifully with Browning’s small spectroscope. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Gayer. Dr. Royston-Pigott read a paper “ On a New Method of Using a Micrometer.” Mr. Wenham said he thought it was very desirable to get an aérial image with a distant micrometer in the same plane with the object ; because in that case you can dispense with extra surfaces in the eye-piece. If he understood Dr. Pigott correctly, he has attained that end. Dr. Pigott assented; a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to him. The President then read a paper “ On the Histology and Growth of the Skull of Tit and Sparrow-Hawk.” A vote of thanks was passed to the President for his interesting paper. Donations to the Library, from Noy. 6th to Dec. 4th, 1872 :— From Land and Water. ey yon ei | wet gsi, alse | beat than wed weNeiattorm Nature. Weekly oH eee a me Chat Sey Pech gon tc Ditto. Atheneum, Weekly FON ockm Tone” Rad tetiot Aut 8c Ditto. Society of Arts J fe Weekly i Te hoo) aie OCIELIP Quarterly Journal of the Eooloeeall Society, No. Td 04) ee The Microscopical Theatre of Seeds. By James Parsons. Vol. . 1745 y : Dr, Millar. Royal Society’s Catalocue of Scientific Papers. Vok Gu. Royal Society. On the Natural System of Botany. By Benjamin Clarke, F.L. S., Ufa Author, On New British Graptolites, By John Hopkinson, EGS crass Bate: Water W. Reeves, Assist.-Secretary. 40 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES, “‘ Screntifie Evening of the Royal Microscopical Society, Dee. 11, 1872. On the above evening a numerous company of Fellows assembled in the great hall of King’s College, kindly lent for the purpose, for inspection of, and for conversation upon, the numerous objects of special interest which were exhibited. Many of the physiological preparations —such as Mr. Stewart’s, Mr. Loy’s, Mr. Needham’s, &c.—were ex- tremely fine. The Appendicularia, exhibited by Mr. Alfred Sanders, and a preparation, showing striped muscular fibre in the larva of a tape-worm, attracted great attention. Mr. Renny, of Hereford, sent, and Mr. Reeves exhibited, a microscopic fungus, Helicomyces roseus, new to this country. An opportunity, as will be seen from the subjoined list, was afforded of comparing new objectives by eminent English and Con- tinental makers. Messrs. Powell and Lealand exhibited an 2,th and th; Mr. Ross showed glasses of Mr. Wenham’s recent con- struction ; ‘while Mr. Hogg and Mr. Mayall showed the works of Hartnack and Schieck. Dr. Pigott and Mr. Ingpen exhibited their methods of ascertaining magnifying power; and Mr. Stephenson showed with his binocular arrangement fine specimens of fractured valves of coscinodisci, &c., mounted in bisulphide of carbon, and viewed with an 3th. The effect of this highly refractive fluid was remarkable for the distinctness with which it displayed details not seen when balsam is employed. Mr. Browning showed a set of diffraction bands, ruled by Nobert, to exhibit a series of prismatic colours; and a section of opals in the matrix, from South America. Mr. Curteis exhibited a chigoe in situ; and Mr. Baker an elegant slide of butterfly scales and diatoms, arranged to form a floral device. Mr. Ackland exhibited a slide of diatoms, grown on a glacier of the Rhone. Mr. Swift exhibited a new and very small pocket microscope, described by Professor Brown; and Mr. How sent specimens of Dr. Guy’s hand microscope. The Council have to thank Mr. Baker, Mr. How, Messrs. Horne and Thornthwaite, and Mr. Norman, for their kindness in lending lamps. The subjoined list is not as complete as could be wished, as several exhibitors omitted to supply names and descriptions of their objects. The Council observed, with great satisfaction, that many Fellows came from long distances to be present on this occasion, and much gratification was expressed by all who attended this second Scientific Meeting of the present session. Objects and Apparatus Exhibited. Mr. John Mayall, jun.: A new immersion No. 8 objective, made by M. Prazmowski, of the firm of Hartnack and Co. Of this, Mr. Hogg observes,—‘ This objective has a focal length of about one-sixth of an inch, and has been specially made for physiological investigations. Its defining power and clearness of image were admirably displayed ———— PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Al on the ‘Rhomboides’ with an eye-piece that gave a magnification of upwards of 1200 x. One of Dr. Carpenter’s spiral thread-cells (Ammodiscus Lindahl) was shown with most satisfactory results.” Mr. Jabez Hogg: An old 1 of Andrew Ross, and the new “ Reflex Illuminator” of Wenham. P.angulatum and Rhomboides were brought out in lines and dots, in a perfectly clear and crisp manner, and without difficulty. He also showed several objectives by F. W. Schieck, of Berlin. As these only came into his possession an hour before the time of meeting, it is almost impossible to speak of their performance. He found that a +,th immersion tested on “ Rhom- boides” and on Dr. Carpenter’s test “thread-cells.” gave fine defi- nition, with good penetration. Mr. Browning: A set of Nobert’s lines. A section of opal in matrix, from South America. Mr. Loy: Preparation, showing anatomy of leech, and illustra- tions of his method of dissecting. Mr. F. H. Ward: Rectangular crystals of uric acid. Mr. 8. J. M‘Intire: Podura, Templetonia nitida alive, hatched and bred in captivity. Messrs. Ross: Their new patent 4 inch and ,|, object-glasses. Dr. Royston-Pigott: A new aérial micrometer for the stage, measuring to the 100,000th of an inch; and a new lens micrometer for estimating power to supersede the Canada-balsam micrometer. ; Mr. Thomas Curteis: A chigoe in situ. Mr. Charles Baker: A slide, with 400 butterfly scales and diatoms, arranged as a vase of flowers. Dr. W. J. Gray: Parasitic growths in Closterium. } Mr. Charles Stewart: Vertical section of the compound eye of blow-fly, &e. Dr. Millar: Stephenson’s new binocular as a dissecting microscope. Mr. J. W. Stephenson: Diatoms mounted in bisulphide of carbon, with a Ross’ th, on his new binocular microscope ; and the Test Podura scale. Mr. H. J. Slack: Sepal of gum cistus, with polarized light. A fractured valve of Coscinodiscus oculus Iridis, showing the reality o the hexagonal markings. Mr. Thomas C. White: Hippuric acid crystals recrystallized over fuming sulphur. Mr. John Ingpen: Photograph of Fraiinhofer’s metzotint of the solar spectrum. Mr. James How: Dr. Guy’s “ Illuminator hand microscope.” Mr. J. C. Sigsworth: Transverse section of Acrocladia mammillata, dry, with combined reflected and transmitted oblique (white cloud) illumination, by means of one light. Messrs. Powell and Lealand: Scale of Podura, with 3th object- glass, 2500 diameters; and Pleurosigma angulatum, with 2th object- glass, 4000 diameters. Dr. Rutherford: An injecting apparatus. The pressure obtained from a column of water. This appears to be the cheapest and best form of injecting apparatus. Mr. H. F. Hailes: Some new forms of Foraminifera. 42, PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Mr. Alfred Sanders: The larva of an ascidian; and striated mus-- cular fibre from the larva of a tape-worm. Mr. Moginie: Some selections of Diatomacee from Montery earth, &e. Mr. James Swift: Professor Brown’s pocket microscope, &e. Mr. Amos Topping: Injected bone of kitten, and section of carti- lage injected. Mr. William Ackland: Diatoms from the glacier of the Rhone. Messrs. Beck : Some injected preparations. Mr. Walter W. Reeves: Helicomyces roseus (Link), a fungus, new to this country, and some acari, supposed to be undescribed. Mepicat MicroscoricaAL Soctery. At the second General Meeting of this Society, held at St. Bartho- lomew’s Hospital on Friday, Dec. 6, W. Morrant Baker, Esq., in the chair, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Jabez Hogg gave some account of the proceedings of the Pro- visional Committee, of which he was Chairman, and then the Secretary (Mr. Groves) read a code of rules, which it was proposed to adopt, and which was passed, with but few amendments. The following gentlemen were elected as officers :— President os o« Mir. Jabez Hage: Vice-Presidents ne re ue Treasurer .; . “« 3. Win, 3. Co White: oe C. H. Golding Bird. Hon. Secretaries Mi J. Wc Commitiee :— St. Bartholomew’s .. Mr. H. E. Symons. Charing Cross .. .. P.M. Bruce. St. George’s.. .. «. Mr. EGC. Baber Guy's 7.990.. ° Me A ee King’s College .. .. Dr.U.. Pritchard. London -. 0 . o Mr..J. Necdigm: St.Mary's .. ... :. Mir; Giles Middlesex .. .. .. Mr. B. T. Lowne. St. Thomas’s aera ee University College .. Mr. E. A. Schafer. Westminster .. . Mr. Geo. Cowell, Mr. E. C. Baber. Cabinet and Eachange Com- )Mr. J. Needham. mittee :-— Dr. Urban Pritchard. Mr. F. H. Ward. The place of meeting was not decided upon, but the meetings will take place on the third Friday in each month, from October to July inclusive, and the subscription will be 10s. per annum, without any entrance fee. Intending members are requested to forward their names, qualifica- PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 43 tions or medical school, and addresses, to Mr. T. C. White, 32, Belgrave Road, Pimlico, 8.W., or to Mr. J. W. Groves, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Smithfield, H.C. The next meeting, of which due notice will be given, will take place on the third Friday in January. BRIGHTON AND Sussex Narurat History Society. October 24th.—Microscopical Meeting. Mr. G. Scott, President, in the chair. Dr. Hallifax on “The Invertebrate Eye.” When asked to introduce the subject of the invertebrate eye, between which and the vertebrate were great points of dissimilarity, he felt, from having made sections for the microscope of the eyes of © insects and crustaceans, he might be able to direct the minds of some of his hearers to, not simply an admiration of a beautiful object, but the establishing a principle, which should guide all inquiry, viz. the tracing out a unity of plan where there appeared to be diversity of structure. Whatever organ we investigated in any class of the animal creation should be compared with the same organ in other classes, in order to show their connection by some general plan of unity. As an example of what might be deduced by comparison, he might mention what Mr. Wonfor had proved. He found certain scales, called battledores and plumules, only on the males of certain butterfliés, and pursuing the plan of comparison, he had arrived at a general law that any butterfly on which such scales were found was | invariably a male. Newton, who brought the seemingly chaotic mass of stellar and planetary matter not only into order, but simplified their movements under mathematical laws, believed that the seeming chaos of the animal and vegetable kingdom would in time be reduced to harmony. This was before Cuvier, Linneus, and others had brought about our present classification. It was always a great incentive to inquiry, when we saw any organ devoted to the same evident purpose but differing in structure, to endeavour to bring it in harmony with some general law of unity of plan. In the invertebrates, taking the eye of the dragon-fly as a type, was an apparent divergence, as wide as possible from the highest type of the vertebrates, the human eye. Comparing them, we found in the first a great mass of optic ganglia, proceeding from the cephalic ganglia (the equivalent of brain in the vertebrates), subdivided and covered with pigment, giving off nervous matter, covered also with dark pigment, changing into a transparent substance terminating in a curved surface, which abutted on a cornea composed of numerous facets, 4, 5, and 6 sided, but each consisting of a lens, convex ex- ternally and internally. Each of these facets, or convex lenses, was capable of bringing the rays of light to a focus upon the transparent pigment-covered substance, consisting of transformed nerve matter. In the vertebrate eye we had a globe filled with vitreous matter, a crystalline lens and aqueous matter, refracting the rays of light and causing them to fall on the nervous matter, called the retina, lining the interior of the globe. The nervous expansion of the retina was 44 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. the only part of the eye cognizant of external impressions, the rest. of the eye being merely a physical apparatus. The sensitive retina, only one hundredth of an inch thick in its thickest part, consisted of at least seven layers, all consisting of nervous matter: the first composed of rods and cones; then four layers of granular matter; next nerve cells; and then the optic nerve. It was believed that the rods and cones were the percipient part of the retina, and for a long time it was held that no similar structure could be traced in the invertebrate eye. Miiller, who investigated the eyes of both, came to the conclusion that they were constructed on a totally different plan, and that there were two types of eye in nature. Recently, Leydig and others had come to the conclusion that there was a unity of type after all. It was a common thing in nature, while preserving the unity of plan, to modify the structure, sometimes transforming or suppressing unimportant parts, but retaining all the essential ones, in accordance with the wants and habits of the creatures. Thus in the invertebrate eye the dioptric apparatus was not necessary, but the nervous mass, with its essential part, the bac- cillary layer, was retained. It would be seen that each convex facet, hemispherical in the Crustacea, abutted on the layer of transparent pigment-covered rods and cones, which were allowed to be the essential parts of the vertebrate eye. Thus it was seen the essential parts were retained, viz. the baccillary layer, which was a modification of nerve structure, abutting on the corneal facets, as the rods and cones in the human eye abutted on the optic apparatus, thus tracing out a unity of plan with diversity of structure. He had made these observations for the purpose of introducing to their notice certain slides, more especially one lent him by Mz. T. Curties, of Holborn, which cut through the eye of the death’s head moth, showed the several parts in situ, especially the cones~in con- nection with the corneal facets. Seeing the eyes and antenne of insects were then instruments of sensation, it was not wonderful these apparatus were highly elaborated. In proposing a vote of thanks, the President remarked that Dr. Tallifax had promised them a few introductory words, but had, without notes of any kind, given them an elaborate lecture. Mr. Wonfor said Dr. Hallifax modestly attributed the views of the connection of the vertebrate and invertebrate eye to others, whereas, whatever others had done, to his knowledge he had at least six years ago worked out the views he had enunciated to them, and, moreover, pioneered the way to making sections of eyes prior to that time. Some years since he explained his method of making sections of insects and their parts to the “Quekett Microscopical Club,” and a section of insect’s eye on the stage of his own microscope, showing the parts in situ, was made by Dr. Hallifax at least five years ago. The meeting then became a conversazione, when the slide above mentioned, together with sections of the eyes of prawn, shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, moths, flies, &c., made by Dr. Hallifax, were lee eee eee ee a eo TheMonthly Microscopical Journal Feb’ 1] 187s. ce Cn . L.0.f. | f ered F q- ae / "Pm acs ks / / Y bi sp.o. } _. eS ee ee ee Slee W.K P delad nat. G West on Stone W.West aCPimp. Development of Sparrow-Hawks Skull] ae THE MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 1, 1873. I.—On the Development of the Skull in the Tit and Sparrow- Hawk. By W. K. Parxsr, F.R.S. (Read before the Rovau Microscorican Soctrry, Dec. 4, 1872.) Part II. PuLatTEs V. anp VI. My next instance of cranio-facial growth is the representative of quite another “ Family,” or rather “Order” of Birds; this is the Sparrow-Hawk (Nisus vulgaris), a good type of a huge group which begins, in extant forms, with the Cariama (Dicholophus), and culmi- nates in the Falcon and Eagle. My illustrations are of a half-fledged nestling of this robber, “a speckled bird among the birds of the forest,” the dreaded enemy of the Warbler tribe. This kind of bird, in this its immature state, is excellent for comparison with the Reptile’s skull, especially that.of the Turtles and Tortoises (““Chelonia”). It would seem at first sight that the frowning brow and the arched and knife-edged beak were special modifications of this form of bird, in thorough harmony with its character and its habits, and having no other or wider meaning. But the permanent down-bend of the beak and the bony roof to the brow are both retentions of the Chelonian type of structure, not derived from the Turtle, and yet pointing to a probably common origin for both. Yet with all these evident reptilian marks upon them, in many respects these birds are to their own class what Tigers and Lions are to the Mammalia, namely, amongst the most EXPLANATION OF PLATES V. AND VI. Piate V., Fic. 1.—Skull of Nestling Sparrow-Hawk (Nisus vulgaris) (side view), X 2. is 5, 2.—Ditto, ditto (lower view), x 2. = », 3.—Ditto, ditto (upper view), x 2. i » 4.—Part of Fig. 2, x 3. Puate VI., ,, 1.—Skull of same (end view), x 2. * » 2.—Fore-view of skull, with face cut away, x 3. s » 3.—Part of palate of ditto, x 3. “ » 4.—Os hyoides of same, x 2. VOL. IX. B 46 Transactions of the highly specialized ; being indeed, as to skeletal mechanism, the most wonderfully endowed of all the Birds. Not only their whole body, fitly jomed and compacted together, but every several limb and every hinge and joint is in itself a paragon of form, strength, and elegant lightness. Still, my proper business is not with these final results, but with those stzl-life vegetative processes by which these special ends are brought to consummation. Looking at the side view of the skull (Plate V., Fig. 1), it is at once seen how the fierce face of an aquiline bird “is modelled on a skull,” which differs from that of other birds only by the gentlest modifications. Indeed, it were not an impossible task to make a dia- gramatic figure of a Carinate bird’s skull that should serve as a general illustration for the whole of the feathered nations. Amongst these Plunderers there is one bird, the South American Cariama, which combines the characters, otherwise seen separately, of Owl and Vulture, Eagle, Faleon, Hawk, and Secretary Bird, whilst it is also unmistakably related to the Cranes and Fowls. Looking at the skull from beneath (Plate V., Fig. 2), we see that already the process of ankylosis has greatly effaced the occi- pital sutures, and the basi-sphenoidal and basi-temporal tracts have melted into each other. The occipital condyle (0. ¢.) is transversely largest, having more of the Lacertian form than in the Singing-birds. The “ex-occipital tympanic wings ” (¢. eo.) are still edged with car- tilage. The parasphenoid has formed large trumpet-shaped recesses to the tympanic cavity (a.¢.7.), and on the lips of these tubes, behind, I have seen, in older specimens, as many as three “ tym- panics” on one side. In still older specimens these have coalesced together, and with the trumpet lip. Good, stout basi-pterygoids appear on the base of the “rostrum” (b. pg.), and these, although pointed, and scarcely functional, are permanent. The “parasphenoidal rostrum” (Figs. 1 and 2, pa. s.) is thick behind, and comes upwards to a fine point in front, behind the great “cranio-facial notch,” which is slowly pushed upwards in the adult, the cartilage becoming absorbed between the ethmoidal and septal ossifications. The former of these (Plate V., Fig. 1, p.e.) is now a huge plate of bone, running forwards to the “notch” (hidden in the figure by p. p.) and backwards towards the “ pra-sphenoid” above and the basi- sphenoid below (p.s., 0. s.); its posterior crescentic margin em- braces the front of the pear-shaped “ interorbital fenestra” (7. 0. f.). The basi-sphenoid (0. s.) is ossified, and is continuous behind with the huge grafting wings of the “ parasphenoid,” and has coalesced by its lower surface with the basi-temporals (b.¢.). Within the skull it is being fixed into the margins of the “periotic” masses and basi-occipital (0. 0.). Seen from behind (Plate VI., Fig. 4), the large, once double, supra-occipital (s. 0.) is still partly traceable as distinct from the ex-occipitals (e. 0.), and in this view the “ epiotics ” Ee SE Royal Microscopical Society. 47 and squamosals (ep., sg.) are seen all surmounted by the squared parietals (p.). The peculiarly ornithic condition of the great sphenoidal wings is best seen in a skull which has had the whole face cut away through the orbits (Plate VI., Fig. 2, al. s.). They are placed far more from without inwards than longitudinally, and are attached to the orbital plate of the frontal (0. f.). A subvertical view of the post-orbital plane (Plate VI., Fig. 2) helps much to the — understanding of this very complex and most instructive skull. The narrow, superorbital plates of the frontals (f.) are cut through, and these large orbital plates (0. f.) are seen from their scooped front aspect. ‘They are sending bony spicule into the up-tilted cranial floor towards the “anterior sphenoid,” which lies in the middle. The upper plate of each frontal is grooved for the “ olfactory nerve” (1). Propping up these plates, another bony bar is seen ; this is an azygous “ ectosteal” orbito-sphenoid ; it has three points below, and rests upon the pre-sphenoid and the narrowest foremost part of the “orbito-sphenoidal” cartilaginous ale, which are here unusually large for a bird; these together are pyriform, and on each side there is a largish “endosteal” orbito-sphenoid ; they are unequal. Between them there is a large vertical plate of endosteal bone (Plate V., Fig. 1, and Plate VI., Fig. 2, p.s.); this is the “ pree-sphenoid ”; it lies above and in front of the opotic foramen (2). An irregular “ fenestra,” or rather “ fontanelle,” of the unhardened membranous cranium extends upwards on each side between the orbito-sphenoids mesially and the orbital plates of the frontals and “ali-sphenoids” laterally. The large squamosals are scarcely seen in this view (Plate V., Fig. 1, sq.); but in the lateral view they show nearly all their relationships. The large cartilaginous wings of the posterior sphenoid (“ad. s.”) had a fenestra in their centre ; here the bone is still very thin, and I suppose, as in most birds, the upper and lower regions were separately ossified. A very small additional centre is seen on the near margin of each bone. Between the lower edge of the “ali-sphenoid” and the upper edge of the huge complex “ basi-sphenoid” there is a suture, and in this suture two holes; the outer, or posterior, is the “foramen ovale” and the inner the “ foramen rotundum.” The sectional view of the median part below is the “ pre- pituitary” part of the basi-sphenoid cut through close to the “ basi- pterygoid processes.” Seen in a shadowy manner, at a distance, we have, below, the occipital condyle at the mid-line (0.¢.) on each side, and in front of that the swellings caused by the cochlez where the underlapping “ basi-temporal” ankyloses with the basi-occipital (b.t.). The outermost swellings are the “ basi-temporal floors” of the tympanic cavity. The two “anvils” that look towards each other are the “ quadrate bones.” ‘They must be considered soon. The huge “internal ears” only come fairly into view at two E 2 48 Transactions of the points in the figure; the antero-superior angle of the “ periotic ” mass breaks out between the “squamosal” and “ali-sphenoid” (sq., al. s.), and a lateral element of this organ is seen below the head of the quadrate; this latter bone (pto.) is the “ pterotic,” and the former the “sphenotic” (P.), the symmorph of the “ post- frontal” of the Osseous Fish. Laterally (Plate V., Fig. 1) and behind (Plate VI., Fig. 1) the “epiotic” (ep.) is well seen as an oblong obliquely-placed tract of bone overlying the “ posterior sémi- circular canal.” The main part of the mass is only to be seen from within, but a little of the chief bone, the “ prootic” (Plate VI., Fig. 2, pro.) is seen below and outside the “foramen ovale.” The opisthotic or fifth osseous element of the ear-mass has already coalesced with the “ex-occipital,” and is becoming ankylosed to the prootic. In a paper which I hope will soon appear in the ‘ Philoso- phical Transactions,’ I have gone into this matter thoroughly, and have shown why I have had the audacity to add two new elements to the “ periotic mass,” namely, the “ pterotic” and the “ sphenotic.” Professor Huxley is responsible for the terms “ prootic,’ “ opis- thotic,” and “epiotic.” My terms are in imitation of his. With regard to the bone which I have called “ pterotic” (See Fowl’s Skull, Plate 85, Figs. 1 and 4, pfo.), it is a bony centre with which I have long been familiar, but its unusually fine development in the Sparrow-Hawk has at last thrown an unexpected light upon certain bones in the Lizard’s skull. By the light of a most patient and long-continued study of the tissues microscopically—haying never been satisfied with rough observations, although I have not used extravagantly high powers—I now (Dec. 3, 1872) can master and masticate things that have been as gravel to my teeth for years past. When Professor Huxley was working out his “ Malleus and Incus” paper, for which all posterity shall bless him, he wrote to me (Jan. 29, 1869) a letter with a sketch of the condition of the facial arches in “ Hatheria alias Sphenodon.” In his graphic pen-sketch the hyoid arch is seen to be attached to the side of the “auditory mass,” and a piece of cartilage at the end of the “ par-occipital bones ” is pointed to, with this description, namely, “a bit of cartilage with endostosis, which some call pte- rotic.” This granular epiphysis anyone can see in a Lizard’s skull, and outside it a strongly binding falcate bone (an “ ectostosis”) which is wedged-in between the similarly falcate squamosal and the out-turned parietal horn. The two falcate bones thus overtop the “quadrate,” binding the cartilage to which that bone hinges, like metallic clamps. The some body who had called that endosteal patch “ pterotic” has often foregathered with his friend as to the nature of the post-squamosal “sickle”; it stood out, an enigma. This is one of those points in the histological study of the meta- morphosis of a bird, in its ascent above a Lizard, which is so very instructive. In the bird the “pterotic” (see Plate VL, Royal Microscopical Society. 49 Fig. 4, ptc.) is one bone made up of an endosteal metamorphosis of the cartilage, and the ectosteal transformation of its perichondrium. In the Lizard these parts, like the clavicle and prz-coronoid, are permanently distinct ; other instances in the Lizard’s skeleton could be shown. Hence we may see that any hasty interpretation of homologous parts is worse than useless, and. that the most delicate microscopic research must go hand in hand with morphology. Going forwards to the nasal capsule, we find each “ pars plana ” (Plate V., Fig. 1, p. p.) a large sub-quadrate flap of cartilage, under- going endostosis at its inner edge. The bridge by which this flap passes into the “ali-ethmoid” above is separately ossified, at least it is in Buteo, and the nasal branch of the fifth nerve runs outside it, not through the same passage as the first. The swollen ali-ethmoid (rudimentary upper turbinal) has its own bony tract in old birds. The septum-nasi (Plate V., Fig. 2, s, n.) is well ossified, and is very large; it ankyloses with the prae-maxillaries and the maxillo-palatine plates in the adult; in the young the latter union has not taken place: this bird is typically “ desmognathous.” The two-horned “nasals” (Plate V., Figs. 1 and 2) and the lachrymals (.) are very characteristic; the lachrymals, besides their long superorbital process, have in the adult a square superorbital bone at its extremity ; this was fibrous in my young specimen. In the Monitor Lizards the whole upper part is swper-orbital, and the descending crus or prx-orbital is the true lachrymal. The “vomer” (Plate V., Fig. 2, v., and Plate VI., Fig. 3, v.) is a long knife-like bar of bone, narrowest in front; it 1s wedged-in between the ethmo-palatines (e. pa.). In the adult the vomer is very long and downturned, and enlarged in front, as in Falco and Dicho- lophus, but to a less degree. In Ulula uluco (the Hooting Owl), and in two forms nearly related to this Hawk, namely, Haliastur Indus and Circus cyaneus, there is a “ median septo-maxillary ” above the yvomer. ‘The vomer is a membrane-bone, and enters into no union with the nasal walls or turbinals. In all Rapacious birds I have found the vomer azygous. Only in Dicholophus is there an “os uncinatum”; it is a rod-like ossicle underlapping the lach- rymal, and standing on the zygoma. The palatines (Plate V., Figs. 1 and 2, and Plate VI, Fig. 3, pa.) have a somewhat outspread form. I have not seen a separate “‘transpalatine” or any cartilage in that region, yet in the European Vulture (Gyps fulvus) the bone is partly separated by a suture from the body of the palatine. The pre-palatine bar is long and lathy; the “interpalatine” spurs aborted; the “ ethmo- palatines” are rounded lobes, and the groove between the two inferior ridges behind is of moderate depth. Not in this species, but in several, there is a junction, or “commissure” of the “ ethmo- palatines,” namely, in Dicholophus; the Owls; Helotarsus ecaudatus ; Sarcoramphus papa; Neophron perenopterus; Falco tinnunculus ; » 50 Transactions of the and in this part there is a separate bone, the “medio-palatine.”’ - The short pterygoids (pg.) are flat in front and rounded behind ; they grow towards the basi-pterygoids, but by a poznt, not by a facet. The meso-pterygoids (Plate V., Figs. 1 and 2, m. pg.) are large and spongy, and divide the palatines above the posterior nasal canal (Plate VI., Fig. 3). The maxillaries (mz.) are in themselves small, but their ‘‘ maxillo-palatine processes” are large, spongy, and hugely developed, fore-and-aft. As in Dicholophus, they unite by harmony in the young; but in the old bird they are thoroughly ankylosed, both with each other and with the nasal septum. The jugal process of the maxillary, the jugal and quadrato-jugal bones (j.q.j.), are all long and slender styles. The large quadrate (q.), with its small, blunt-pointed orbital process, is best seen from the front (Plate VI., Fig. 2, ¢.), and from the side (Plate V., Fig. 2, ¢.); it has two articular heads above; the outer articulates with the “squamosal” and “ pterotic,” and the inner with the “ prootic” and “‘ opisthotic.” Below (Plate VI., Fig. 2) it articulates in the usual manner with the mandible. This latter part (Plate V., Fig. 1, ar. d., 8. ag., ag.) 18 composed of an endosteal “articulare,” and of the ordinary splints, namely, dentary, sphenial, coronoid, suran- gular, and angular. The posterior angular process is blunt; the internal long and pneumatic ; the dentaries (d.) are well ankylosed by a short, strong symphysis; they are deflected in front. The “os hyoides” (second and third post-oral arches, Plate VI., Fig. 4) is composed of two rod-like “cerato-hyals” (¢.h.) which partly ossify and afterwards unite at the mid-line; a broad “basi-hyal” continuous with a slender “uro-hyal ”; and the elements of the third arch (br. 1) are of the usual form, but are very straight in the Raptores; the “stapes” has a bony rod with three cartilaginous forks, the “supra- extra-” and ‘‘infra-stapedials.” In conclusion, I may remark that this last-described type, the Raptorial, is full of interest, as full as the forms that have already come under consideration, namely, the “ Passerines.” The working- out of these types has been microscopic from first to last; but the power to see the image of one type reflected in another—to trace the same touch—the same habit or fashion, and to be able to deduce arguments for the absolute unity of morphological law— these seem to me to be precious results of painstaking labour, in which “the hand of the diligent maketh rich.” Only he who, counting the cost, is willing to become foot-sore and weary, not once nor twice, can have the serene satisfaction of beholding Nature in her broader features of beauty and never-cloying variety. Intellectually, out’ of even these foul eaters of flesh there comes forth meat; and out of these strong robbers there comes forth the sweetness of new light, shed on the old paths of Creation. The Monthly Macroscopical Journal-Feb’1. 1873. PL VE 7 —— a WE P del ad not.G West on Stone ‘ i Sine Dee A if ¥ Nee oe fh Royal Microscopical Society. 51 Il.—On an Aérial Stage Micrometer: an improved form of engraved “ Lens-Micrometer” for Huyghenian Eye-pieces, and on finding Micrometrically the Focal Length of Eye-pieces and Objectives. By G. W. Roysron-Picort, M.A., M.D., &e. (Read before the Royau Microscopicau Society, Dec. 4, 1872.) (Continued from p. 5.) In the present article it is intended to give an easy method of de- termining the focal lengths of either eye-pieces or objectives; and also their magnifying power micrometrically. It is indeed generally known that the focal length of an eye- piece may be found by multiplying the focal lengths of each com- ponent lens, and dividing the product by their sum when diminished by the interval separating the lenses, or F=fxf+(f+f —4). But then the observer is landed in the double difficulty of finding these focal lengths and the interval. The method I now propose obviates these measurements altogether, and it entirely resolves itself into micrometric measurements. In the paper given at page 266 (No. XLYIITI.) the writer gave methods for establishing the focal lengths of a single lens by means of ascertaining the magnifying power when a certain distance inter- venes between the object and image. For deeper glasses, as $ inch, 4, &c., a well be found sufficient to divide the distance by the magnifying power when increased by the number two. It has been for a very long time a custom with opticians to place a rule, divided into inches and tenths, on the stage besides a glass micrometer divided into hundredths; when, by observing with the left eye how many inches and parts are subdivided by a magnified hundredth in the field of view observed with the right, a tolerable estimate can be roughly formed. Besides, however, the fact that both eyes frequently have different distances of distinct vision, and that several experiments give different results, it can lay no claim to the accuracy of a scientific determination. The new method may thus be described :—To find focus of an eye-piece, measure by a stage micrometer, divided into 100ths and 1000ths, the image of a ten-inch circular white disk placed on a black board 100 inches from the stage of the microscope, as minia- tured by the given eye-piece used as a condenser.* Let N be the size of the image in number of thousandths—go that m is the proportionate size of object to image, or 10 + N— Then there is a beautiful relation between the focal length and the * The eye-piece is arranged with its field-glass towards the disk. 52 Transactions of the proportion of the miniature to its object at a given distance, expressed by the formula given by the writer (‘ Phil. Tr., vol. i1., 1870), vez.— Focal length of equivalent single lens " distance between object and image * ~ diminution of image + 24-1 diminution OP = a age i which in our case is m+2+— 100 * 1 m+2+ mA Remark.—When the miniature is extremely small compared , , i! with object, — may be neglected. Exz.—A Huyghenian eye-piece is placed like a condenser, and forms an image of a ten-inch disk, 100 inches distant from the stage micrometer ; and witha low power the miniature is found to measure 147 thousandths (0-147 inch) by stage micrometer, required the focal length. Here the miniature is reduced in the proportion of 10 inches to 0: 147 or 68 times nearly ; so m = 68. 100 inches és 100 68+2+ 4; 70°015 = 1,4 very nearly. Then) hy The next question arises, if such be the sidereal} focal length of the eye-piece, what is the magnifying power ? The writer has for this purpose worked out the following simple roblem :— If D be the distance at which an observer can see an object dis- tinctly and the distance at which he sees really the field of view in the microscope, F the focal length of a single lens, then the mag- nifying power, or the proportion of the size of the image to the object is one less than the distance of distinct vision divided by focal length, D or M0 og If the observer's eye adopts 10 inches, Then m= = —i1. Ex. 2.—Find the magnifying power of the eye-piece of last example at 10 inches’ distance for distinct vision. 1 pul — 1 = 6} times. Ls * This formula will be found extremely useful to photographers. + “Sidereal and solar focal lengths” are terms indifferently used for expressing the principal focus or focal point formed by parallel rays. ier: MOGa se +p LPS Dew wht pe Neer wre ou Royal Microscopical Society. 53 Ex. 3—Magnifying power of E eye-piece, whose focal length is 3, is for 10 inches, 1 oe eee ea ee ce Ex. 4.—Focal length of an eye-piece E when the object at 100 inches is diminished 798 times by measurement on the stage of the miniature of disk 10 inches diameter can be similarly i as follows :— Noplecting = ; be 100 100 OS te We GOR _ 100 ~ 800 Magnifying power at 10 inches, 10 10 sar eho ear ae e: nearly. = 1 nearly. Focal lengths of objectives and their magnifying powers can be similarly found. 54 Transactions of the III.—Note on the Scalp of a Negro. By Cuartes Srewart, M.R.CS., F.LS. (Read before the Royau Microscoricau Society, Jan. 1, 1873.) Puate VII. Besrpes the dark colour which is seen in the skin of the Negro, and which is due to extra pigmentation of the deep layer of the epi- dermis, there are some peculiarities which I believe have not been noticed, or at all events are not generally known. ‘These features may be seen in vertical sections of the scalp; but before describing them perhaps I may be excused for saying a word on the principal structures displayed in a similar section of the scalp of a Kuropean. The free surface of the epidermis will be seen to be nearly level, whilst the deeper layers, or rete mucosum, will be raised by the papillee, or conical elevations of the subjacent dermis. Bundles consisting of five or six hairs surrounded by their follicles will pursue a straight but oblique course through the greater part of the thickness of the dermis, each follicle having at its base the papilla upon which the hair is seated, and attached about a third of the way up on its under surface the bundle of involuntary muscular fibres which moves the hair. In the angle between this and the hair itself will be situated the sebaceous gland. Besides these, a few scattered sudoriparous glands may be noticed. In the Negro the scalp is altogether thinner, and of course will show the pigmentation of the rete mucosum already alluded to. In addition to this familiar peculiarity the hairs and follicles present the following remarkable differences, viz. the portion of the hair and follicle imbedded in the skin is much longer, and is also remarkably curved, so that it commonly describes a half circle. The papilla at the base of the follicle consequently either lies horizontally or even becomes directed obliquely inwards towards the subjacent bone. In other respects there is no great difference, but perhaps the sebaceous gland is somewhat smaller. It may be suggested that some of these conditions were pro- duced by the mode of preparation, but this can hardly be the case, as the Negro and European scalps were prepared at the same time in the same way. TheMonthly Microscopical Jowmal, FebY1. taro: * Pl. VI. | | | | ey ee ms ‘ a He Proximal surface of Rosette (Podophora) | = Opaque - — | | Att "a0 \5 \ 500 A 2 oes Say 2 fing (Bodophora) ; | a As ae i = Ft — transparent. — ; Vertical Section, of Negro's scalp. W West &C°? «+ <4’ & ay » o — ry hy oe a eee ' ee ed Royal Microscopical Society. 55 IV.—WNote on the Caleareous Parts of the Sucking Feet of an Echinus (Podophora atrata). By Cuanues Stewart, M.R.C.S., F.LS. (Read before the Royat MicroscopicaL Society, Jan. 1, 1873.) Puate VII. In addition to the spines and pedicellaria which cover the outer surface of an Echinus, or Sea-urchin, five rows of tubular muscular cylinders may readily be seen; these are called the ambulacral tubes, and are the sucking feet which assist the animal in loco- motion. ‘The feet are most developed on the under surface of the Echinus, those on the upper surface being commonly modified, and used either as organs of touch or for respiration. In all known Echini, these feet are strengthened by a calcareous framework, which consists always of two, and usually of three, distinct parts, each composed of many separate pieces. ‘Two of these, called the rosette and ring, are apparently constructed for keeping the sucking extremity expanded; the third exists in the form of numerous spicula, which vary greatly in shape in the dif- ferent genera, and afford valuable aids for their distinction. The rosette is usually figured and described as a flat circular disk composed of separate pieces, varying in number from three to six or seven, five, however, being the most usual; its margins are ornamented by spine-like projections, and its centre is perforated by a large hole. The ring is described as a single polygonal plate, haying a large hole in the centre, whose sides are equal in number to the plates of the rosette. : This description, however, is not quite true, either for the rosette or ring. Although the general outline of the rosette is correct, the mar- ginal spines do not stand out horizontally, but project forwards from the flat anterior surface; this arrangement seems to enable them to grasp the body to which the sucker is applied when its centre is pulled towards the animal. The part of the rosette nearest the animal is very complex, each plate showing a depression of great depth, so that the inner as well as the outer margin of the rosette is thin, the greatest thickness being found a little to the inner side of the centre of each plate. Just inside the outer margin of the depressed area may be seen a small extremely transparent tubercle ; 1t is upon this tubercle that the angles of the polygonal ring rest, and to the constant motion of the ring upon the rosette must be attributed the solidity and consequent transparency of the tubercle. The posterior contiguous edges of the plates of the rosette are bevelled off, so that their anterior diameter is greater than their posterior ; the result of this is, that when the posterior 56 Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society. margins of all the plates are brought together the anterior surface of the entire sucker is rendered convex, and so becomes detached from the body to which it was fixed, whereas, when the posterior margins are separated, the front surface of the sucker becomes concave, and the marginal spines grasp like claws any inequalities of the body to which they are applied. The ring, which is described as a single plate, I have always found to consist of separate plates, equal in number to the seg- ments of the rosette; they are, however, most frequently arranged in many corresponding sets, one beneath the other. In all cases the extremities of the plates overlap one another. (809) V.— Oblique Illumination for the Binocular. By W. K. Briwemay, L.D.S. THE management of oblique light with the Monocular instrument is comparatively an easy matter, but when it comes to the Bino- cular, it is altogether a very different affair; in fact, with the ordinary mirror turned out of the axial line as commonly practised, it is scarcely possible to obtain an equal degree of illumination in both tubes simultaneously, and why it should be so will be very apparent on consideration of the conditions produced. When the reflector is turned to either side of the stage, the light falling obliquely upon the surface of glass necessarily becomes graduated in intensity from one side to the other, and as the prism bisects the field in the same line of gradation, it divides the illumination from Aor DB, Wie: 1.u- equally, by giving the Fig. 1. lighter half to one tube and the darker half to the other. It will, hence, be obvious that if the prism could be turned one quarter round and made to cross the aper- ture in the direction from C to D, Fig. 2, it would divide the light fairly, so that each half would be a complete counterpart to the other, and both tubes could thus become similarly lighted up at the same time ; but as this is an impracticability, the only alternative will be to alter the direction of the hght itself instead. Oblique illumination can of course be obtained by the prism, the parabola, the spot lens, or the “kettledrum,” in any direction ; but these appliances are more adapted for special purposes than available for general use. The want is for some plan of illumination that will serve for all kinds of work and be as little trouble as an ordinary condenser. It is quite a mistake to suppose that oblique light is only of service for bringing out the markings upon diatoms and other tests; it is in reality the most suitable mode of treatment for every kind of object that can be seen by transmitted light from beneath the stage. With direct light thrown up from below and a transparent or translucent substance, it is little better than mere shadow-work ; as the thicker or darker portions then only become visible by stopping out more or less of the direct rays, while the illumined surface, or that part which ought to be seen, is the under-portion presented to the mirror and away from the object-glass. In obtaining a good defining 58 Oblique Illumination for the Binocular. illumination the practised observer is well aware that it is desirable to exclude as many as possible of the direct rays which suffer little or no refraction in their course upwards, but tend to produce an uncomfortable and confusing glare, and to accomplish this, the mirror is generally thrown a little out of axis, so as to give a slight degree of obliquity to these portions of the light, as well as to cast the shadow more or less to one side of the object. Thus, although we speak of direct illumination, it is not so in reality; a slight degree of obliquity is found to be a practical necessity, and I have been endeavouring ever since the introduction of the binocular to find some means of obtaining a more satisfactory arrangement for accomplishing this, and have at length been rewarded with sufficient success to warrant its being offered to the attention of others. It has always appeared that as the outside edge of the picture of a flame is found to be the most effective, there is something more than the mere obliquity of the rays that is the desideratum, and I have been inclined to attribute it to inflection, or diffraction, and this idea has been kept in view throughout. The first point has been to stop out all the useless central rays. The next to throw up a good body of light in a suitable direction to produce the necessary shade and shadows, and then to let in a sufficient amount of light from another point in order to render the shadows transparent and thus enable us to distinguish the detail within them. As a foundation to commence upon, a hemispherical lens of about one inch in diameter was found to be most advantageous, but it was also found that placing the diaphragm in contact with the upper flat surface of the lens, as recommended by the late Rey. J. B. Reade, did not produce the same effect (which I attribute to dif- fraction) as placing it beneath the convex surface and at a very slight distance below it. After innumerable trials it was found that the Fic. 3. form (accurately ob- eae presented in Fig. 3 gave the best results. This is fixed by the tongue A being bent up, and then inserted into the doubled end of the flat ring at B, Fig. 4. This ring is left as a fixture within the set- ting of the lens, and so admits of the stop being removed at pleasure or changed for any other form. The stop is cut out with a pair of scissors from sheet tin about the thickness of thin writing paper, and is then curved at the transyerse edge to something less than the curvature of the lens, tained by tracing) re- ~ | | ; ; | | | ; The Red Admiral Butterfly, and the Lepisma Sacecharina. 59 and placed at a slight inclination downwards as well. It will thus appear that the central portion of the lens is stopped out for the direct rays, while a greater portion of light is admitted from one side than the other, and being placed transversely to the edge of the prism, or from C to D of Fig. 2, and with the larger space B, Fig. 3, on the left-hand side, the bulk of the light is sent across towards the prism and helps to compensate for the loss by reflexions within it. By running the condenser up and down it will be seen that the quality of the light varies very much in its different parts, and by slightly turning the mirror to one or the other side the most varied effects will be produced; but at the edge where the effects of diffraction would be found, the greatest distinctness will be seen to occur. Then, again, the stop being of polished tin and slightly inclined downwards, a portion of the refracted rays will probably be reflected downwards by the plane side of the lens, and being met by the reflecting surface of the tin, will be thrown upwards again, helping to break the gloom of the otherwise darkened part of the circle. In addition to this, there would seem to be a considerable amount of light reflected downwards by the surface of the covering glass or the under surface of the object lens, for objects thus illumined have the appearance of being lighted up with both trans- mitted and reflected light, so that the most delicate surface mark- ings and the most transparent tissues become remarkably and most beautifully distinct, and indeed I have never before seen the more delicate membranes of Infusoria, Zoophytes, &c., brought out with such exquisite delicacy and clearness. It should be observed that a piece of finely-ground glass should be placed beneath the slide, and with artificial light this glass should be of a pale neutral tint and the ground side upwards, and only just sufficiently distant to be quite out of the focus. VI.—On the Spherules which compose the Ribs of the Scales of the Red Admiral Butterfly (Vanessa Atalanta), and the Lepisma Saccharina. By G. W. Royston-Picorr, M.A., &. Tue scales of this splendid insect exhibit by reflected light fine shades of red, brown, and yellow. Some of them are intensely black, resembling the dead black of the finest velvet. It is upon these apparently black scales I now propose to make a few observa- tions with a succession of object-glasses. 1. By transmitted light with a low-angled “ inch,” the particular scale now under notice is of a fine Indian-ink colour, approaching burnt sienna; daylight without sunshine. Under a fine half-inch VOL. IX. FE 60 On the Spherules which compose the Ribs of the Scales and a “C eye-piece” magnifying about 200 diameters, the dark colour is seen to be owing to very dark ribs, with bright intercostal spaces—brighter as they approach the quill; and these spaces appear filled with some kind of structure upon drawing out the tube 4 inches, so as to give about 300 diameters. Some of the scales adhere to the under side of the cover, and these are better defined. Inch and a half condenser (direct light), without stops (a very fine Ross objective). 2. Fine Ross Quarter “1851.” The ribs assume a pale bluish colour, and the pale intercostal spaces a pale rosy hue. This appearance 1s best seen towards the quill end, and is easily brought out with a delicate fine adjustment.* Aperture of $ 70°. An antique 3th (4th) of Powell’s make (Aperture 60°), with A eye-piece shows the ribs much darker, but clearly beaded. No appearance of rose colour, but a faint bluishness. ‘The scale has been crushed in places, and in the wide gaps of the openings appear very dark clusters of minute bodies, resembling granules, in strong relievo. It is noon, and a cloudy grey day. 3. Powell and Lealand’s fine 1862 dry 1th, A eye-piece. The ribs are indistinctly beaded, and very dark; the intercostal spaces light and translucent; the granules indistinct in the broken u spaces. The edges of the quill are somewhat thick and blurred. A few isolated spherules lie in the open spaces, surrounded by a white halo. With the “ C eye-piece” and a power of 800, above the bead appears a bright focal point (which demonstrates its con- vexity) ; in concave objects the bright focal point lies below the surface in “dry mounted ”’ objects. It appears probable the bead can be measured by finer definition with a good light and Powell and Lealand’s new immersion lth, I now substitute a very fine half-inch objective for the 14-inch condenser in order to get more light. The ribs appear narrower, and the intercostal spaces full of some kind of structure, apparently granular, which is still more distinct with condenser formed by the “ Ross 1851” Quarter. 4. Beye-piece ; Powell and Lealand’s new immersion 1th, + con- denser, dull daylight as before. The ribs appear darker, Indian- ink colour, thinner, sharper, cleaner; between the ribs (and cross- ways like the rounds of a ladder, only thickly set together) small dark beads are arranged in rows of three spherules in contact. In the broken spaces I perceive a set of trios isolated, still arranged nearly in straight transverse lines, and these spherules appear nearly half the diameter of a rib. At the quill end of the scale the spherules appear fainter. * T cannot too highly praise the extreme steadiness and delicacy of the new stand Messrs. Powell and Lealand have specially constructed for me, with a silver-rimmed stage divided to minutes of arc of rotation. of the Red Admiral Butterfly, and the Lepisma Saccharina. 61 A remarkable deterioration in definition occurs with scales attached to the slide and laying below those adherent to the cover. In order to measure the diameter of these cross trios of spherules, an eye-plece micrometer was now used to examine the thousandths of an inch on a stage micrometer. The divisions in the eye-piece* were 200 to the inch. One stage thousandth exactly measured 13°5 divisions; the power employed was 675 = 1350 +2. The spherules appeared to be just four to the width of one division of eye-piece. ‘The diameter of one spherule therefore = }th of these divisions. 1 1 1 divisi ee Es Spe : Dope i000 > 1°? = 73500 1 1 1 ith division = ri x Exit ST The spherules are therefore about 1-44000th of an inch, set close together in contact. Now it is singular that although Nobert’s Banp VII. on the new plate contains about 45,000 divisions to the inch, they are very much easier to be seen than these spherules separated from centre to centre by almost the very same interval. Indeed, in the case of the spherules in contact there are only minute notches 0coo, whilst in Nobert’s bands there is a clear space between the lines; and this notch is much less than the spaces of Nobert’s lines of Bann VII.t I think that those of our Fellows who will take the trouble to examine the spherules of the Red Admiral scales, will quickly discover that (with an inch and a half object-glass condenser) on a cloudy day it is only by their very best glasses they can detect the cross rows of beads in the intercostal spaces. Perhaps the rationale of the easier visibility of Nobert’s lines 50,000 to the inch, as compared with equivalent spherules in close contact, will be more apparent by means of a diagram.t Let A B, A B be a pair of Nobert’s lines of Band VIII., about 50,000 per inch; C CO, the centres of two spherules, whose diameter is the same, viz, 1-50000th. Now the visibility of these spherules * This eye-piece is described at page 5 of the last number of Journal. When the “lens-micrometer”’ is divided 100 per inch, the power 675 is indicated at sight _ by the stage micrometer, but at 200 per inch, it would read, of course, 1375 instead of 675. + Tolles’ immersion ;1,th with a power of 800 showed the 8th band with central light, which rates at about 50,000 per inch. Wales’ ith with a power of 475 showed them with oblique sunlight : a fine performance. { The letters A A, B Bin the diagram should have been engraved at points close to the lines touching the circles; moreover, the fine lines drawn by the en- graver are merely intended as a shading, A C B in each case representing two con- secutive single lines of a band, rie ~ 62 On the Spherules which compose the ibs of the Seales depends chiefly on the curved areas, B D B, A D A, formed by completing the square, A B, B A, and in the difference between the areas of the two inscribed semicircles and the square, 7. e. between the area of a square and its inscribed circle, 7. e. between 1:0000 and 0°7854 for a square of diameter 1, or 0°2146, ae. one-fifth nearly; so that the combined areas of these curved notches are only about 1th of the corresponding square, or, allowing for the breadth of a Nobert’s line, we may at least say one-fourth. The double notches therefore which really enable the eye in such minute objects to discriminate the beaded form, are four times smaller in area than the space corresponding to Nobert’s lines ruled at a similar rate. On precisely the same principle, when first diatoms began to be studied, the lines formed by shadows disposed in lines were much more easily made out than the beading projecting the shadows. It would be interesting if some of our Fellows would work at this question of the comparative easiness of distinguishing lines drawn at the same rate of closeness, or of defining rows of spherules in close contact. The retina repeats, as it were, the sensation all along the line which is seen; and a much fainter line can be distinguished than dots in close proximity, which if dotted on paper and removed to a distance quickly run into a line, whilst finer dark lines drawn at the same intervals as the dots still remain visible. Of course the case is quite altered if brilliant dots be used, as these, of the Red Admiral Butterfly, and the Lepisma Saccharina. 63 if widely separated and very brilliant, can be seen almost as easily as lines, especially if the eye glances near them rather than at them directly, as well known to astronomers. Nobert’s New Bands are indicated to be from y555 to yohooth of a Paris Line. Now, according to Babbage, the French foot ig equal to 1°0657654 English foot, and the line is the 1-12th of a pouce, which is the 1-12th of a French foot. By these data I find the French line is 0°088813783 English inch, and not 0088815, as generally given. This makes some difference in the assigned English divisions per inch, and for those who may feel interested in comparing the visibility of Nobert’s Bands with rows of spherules in contact of the same category, viz. so many to the inch, I now add the result of some calculations accurately verified. (The decimals are given merely to show the care taken.) Banp. No. of Spaces per inch. BAND. No. of Spaces per inch. To anes os) EV259-51358 XE...) '67,557-08148 BU, ced} ea | 22519-02716 LE ey eei) eseloogg06 TAYE | ae gb) eBHe (te ear AOI XV. .. .. 90,076°10864 Vi. ... .. 45,038°05432 | XVIE- ... .. 101,335°62222 Dm Sah Bo OIE aoe PAG DSS) SABO GH alles yore yaye(0) A very careful examination of the ribs of the Atalanta Vanessa (Red Admiral) hag enabled me to distinguish the molecules of which they are composed, viz. minute beads of the same size as the transverse trios, crowded thickly together. Two rows of beads to a rib would not exactly represent the appearance, as they are arranged on a grooved surface, which, from, the action of oil-drops running along, seems to resemble a corrugated galvanized roof. In many cases, when a little pressure has been applied to the dry slide, the natural oil of the scale exudes. Under a Siateenth, touching the glass, the play of this oil is remarkable, and in my glasses greatly improves the definition when it spreads between the scales and the cover. I have seen these component beads, or molecules, with a quarter condenser and an uncovered moderator lamp. On the Resolution of the Lepisma Saccharina Scale. The Lepisma Saccharina scale is far more difficult. 1. The same arrangement with Powell and Lealand’s new ith immersion reduces the size of the ribs, making them finer than inferior glasses, but with direct light they appear structureless ; between them, in the intercostal spaces, a faint irregular structure is visible. Power 1200. With slight obliquity of illumination, these clear spaces began to appear lumpy, broken up here and there with irregular bodies. Removing the “quarter” condenser, I replaced it by Powell’s achr. condenser, one half of which was covered with green paper. After 64 On the Spherules which compose the Ribs of the Scales searching among the scales, and rotating them with the axis towards the hight, I was rewarded with the appearance between the second, third, and fourth spaces at the round end of a large scale, of two rows of beads of a red colour taking directions exactly radiating from the quill. At first the ribs are bluish, the obliquely radiating rows of beads are reddish, and much more numerous than the upper parallel ribs, which show also a beaded structure. More fortunate resolu- tion shows the reddish beads of the radiating class intervened with whitish, which are best seen at the sides of the scale when the radiating ribs cross the parallel at about an angle of 35°. In this position about jive beads can be counted crossing between the upper parallel ribs. As before, those scales are the easiest to resolve which lie adherent to the cover. Those with a film of air between require a different correction for spherical observation. In some cases a good definition shows black ribs and bright radiating ribs of the same size, with red interspaces. At this degree of fine definition the edging of the scale at the round end is a clean black line, and the ribs project slightly, like black points. 2. A eye-piece ; Powell and Lealand’s },th dry; same illumina- tion. Upper ribs show very small and clear, shaded with two black lines very sharp. At the places where the lower radiations cross them, the black lines are obliterated, so as to give a peculiar shaded twisted appearance, alternating with blue and red shading. On rotating the scale so that its axis forms an angle of 15° with the light, the lower radiating ribs, where they cross the upper at an augle of 40°, also show black lies precisely similar to the others ; both sets of shadows, of a sharp, clear, decisive character, being seen at once, forming an elegant black lattice-work, the red beaded rib below colouring the upper ribs at the parts where they intersect. A very fine phenomenon is exhibited of the effect of the ribs crossing obliquely, which appears to me a perfectly satisfactory proof of the nature of the structure, vzz. obliteration of the black line double shadows of both sets of ribbing at the places of intersec- tion; also the colours of the lower ribs glistening there through the upper at graduated intervals, just as are seen when a fine colourless rod of glass is obliquely crossed upon a pink one; still more so when a series of such rods are crossed in radiating positions. I have the more pleasure in describing this interesting scale, because this resolution demonstrates the very great advance in microscopic definition since the time when the ribs of the scale were described as translucent and merely an appearance of a dot at the intersection of the lines, whereas there are scores of beads between the ribs in avery small space. At the same time, I may be excused for making a few animadversions on the subject of spurious beads and ghost beads of which so much has lately been said. of the Red Admiral Butterfly, and the Lepisma Saccharina. 65 It has been roundly stated that, when striz intersect, spurious beads are produced or seen at their intersections. And that this is especially the case with the crossing striz of the Lepisma. To this I reply, a finer glass dissipates these ghost beads entirely, and replaces them by others very much smaller and at least ten times more numerous. These ghost beads demonstrate (not the existence of the smaller reality but) the absurd correction and errors of the microscope itself. The lovers of these ghosts may stick to their spurious showings and prefer them, whilst a wealth of fascinating beauty lies hid from their gaze. Residuary aberration still hovers about our best glasses. Perfect achromatism and perfect correction of spherical aberration are at present almost incongruous. Correct the one, then the other appears. Get rid of the colour totally and you will see woolly and blurred outlines, thick edges, and spurious beads or ghosts. What is the pleasure or advantage of seeing for mstance say forty spurious beads in the Lepisma, when these forty should vanish and make room for four hundred realities—rows upon rows of tiny, shiny gems instead of a few non-existent spurious images ? The intercostal spaces of the Lepisma, like the Podura curvi- collis, teem with closely-packed rows of beading: admirers of Podura nails can see nothing in the blank spaces: and champions of the Lepisma ghosts can see nothing there between the ribs, but ghostly shams of intersecting strie. In each, these blank spaces are full; but not till the aberrating obnoxious rays are controlled can these tiny strings of pearls start into view. A greenish-blue sky above a setting sun, for instance, gives comparatively few aberrating rays in my 1-50th immersion. The more colours the light contains, the more difficult becomes the destruction of the aberration. The finest effects in Colonel Woodward’s photography could only be produced when the number of the colours was reduced to the blue ray which now alone exactly suits his photography. But we use all mixed together in our daily researches, and involve our- selves in the mists of residuary aberration. It is when the ribs appear sharper, thinner, and the intercostal spaces become broader; when sharp, keen black lines take the place of blurred thick outlines; when the quill is keenly portrayed and the serrations finely pronounced,—it is then only that the aberration approaches a minimum, and then that we may expect to see with a little obliquity of light the gratifying sight of that mner structure which has hitherto eluded the eyes of the most diligent micro- scopists of modern times. (4 166%: ) VII.—The History of the Micro-spectroscope. By Jonn Browning, F.R.AS. Dr. Gaver has kindly afforded me an opportunity of trying the micro-spectroscope he has contrived and described in the last num- ber of the ‘Monthly Microscopical Journal,’ the performance of which is very satisfactory. It appears to me only just that I should recall to the members of the Society the fact, that in consequence of a suggestion I received from Dr. Huggins, I have made a miero- spectroscope exactly similar in optical construction several years since. The principal difference in the mechanical details of the in- strument I used was that my spectroscope could be inserted in the body of a microscope, and removed as in the case of an ordinary eye-piece, thus avoiding the necessity of another body for the micro- scope, and reducing considerably the cost of the apparatus. There is an engraving of a contrivance such as I allude to, on page 120, figure 70, in the 6th edition of Mr. Hogg’s work on the Microscope. My method of finding the object in this micro-spectroscope was as follows: I had a small slot in the body of the microscope and a projecting pin on the adapting tube of the micro-spectroscope. I had an eye-piece with a point or indicator in the field of view. This eye-piece had a steady pin on the side of the tube, correspond- ing to that on the spectroscope. On finding and focussing any small object, bringing it to coincide with this point, removing the eye-piece and substituting the spectroscope, the spectrum of the object was visible at once. _ NEW BOOKS, WITH SHORT NOTICES. A Manual of Microscopic Mounting, with Notes on the Collection and Examination of Objects. By John H. Martin. London: J. and A. Churchill, 1872.—There can be very little doubt that the general microscopical student requires a new work or a new edition of some of the older books on the subject of the preparation and mounting of microscopic objects. The old books, though admirable each in its own special department, are, nevertheless, devoid of all that has been done in the way of work and apparatus for the past few years. It is not therefore surprising that persons like the author of the book under notice should—thinking themselves the ones who are chosen for the task —give us the results of their experience. But we are sorry to say that Mr. J. H. Martin is about the very last who should be selected for so important a duty, and that his book, though it may possess some three or four points of interest, is the very worst possible companion that can be placed in the hands of a student. For ourselves, we had hopes that a new edition of a recent work would have been all that could be desired, but, unfortunately, that is not the case. So we are left to the desire that Dr. Carpenter may, either by himself or some one perfectly skilled in the subject, bring out a new edition of his excellent treatise on the microscope ; for assuredly, as regards the wants of the general student, it is the very best and most abundantly illustrated work on the subject, that any language possesses. In the meantime we cannot accept books like the present one as offering at all what we require, for, in addition to the fact that the present treatise is most limited in outline and heterogeneous in plan, it is certainly almost the worst illustrated book we have ever beheld. It contains in the commence- ment some useful remarks on some of the apparatus to be employed by the worker, and a few good cuts accompanying the text, but beyond this it is really unworthy of any serious criticism. The plates are simply horrible, and the alphabetical arrangement of the subject is an absurd one. We are sorry to have to speak so distinctly, but we fear we should be but pretending to discharge our task were we to commend the essay to our readers’ notice. The Micrographic Dictionary. A Guide to the Examination and Investigation of the Structure and Nature of Microscopic Objects. Third Edition. By J. W. Griffith, M.D.; the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A., F.L.8.; and T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S. London, Van Voorst, 1872.—Parts VIII., [X., and X. of this work have lately appeared, and they bring the work down to Equisetum, thus showing how much _ more remains to be done. It is to be regretted that the publisher cannot produce the book more rapidly, for behindhand as the earlier numbers unquestionably are, they will become doubly so if it is not to be completed till four years after they have been issued. We trust, therefore, that he will use his best endeavours in this direction, and further, that he will insist on another editor being added to the list - 68 NEW BOOKS, WITH SHORT NOTICES. which is already published. We speak in this matter from the most perfectly disinterested motives, but we cannot see a really capital work spoiled through the proprietor’s neglect of modern work and modern writers. On the whole, it strikes us that the numbers now upon our table are better than their predecessors. There has beea more effort to bring new light upon the subject than was shown in the commence- ment, and we can only rejoice that it is so. We notice, for example, that the subject of Diatomaci has been more fully dealt with than we had expected. A good deal of space has been given to this subject, but, in our opinion, not enough, so important is it if only regarded in the light of the test of microscopic power. It appears to us, too, as if the subject were dealt with by one who was deeply in love with the old notions, and could only give the more modern views as other ideas, but by no means the correct ones. Still, this section - is evidently written by one who is a master, and we are glad that he has even stated the views of more recent authorities. A good “diatom” plate accompanies the tenth portion of the Dictionary, in which, however, it must be observed that the writer’s views of structure are distinctly adhered to. The allied subject of Desmids is not so fairly dealt with. A good deal of foreign work has been done upon this branch of late years, yet we find nothing whatever of it in the Dictionary. Elastic tissue is. by no means satisfactory. The illustrations are all old, and the idea of treating of the branches of the subject as though distinct, is manifestly antique. Endosmosis, too, is a subject which requires to be much more fully dealt with than it has been under the present heading. Entomostraca is wonderfully well treated, the remarks being terse, to the point, and modern; whilst the refer- ences to work done at the subject by others is both full and modern. Entozoa, too, is not bad; but, in our opinion, it will be regretted if it is not dealt with in the succeeding parts of the Dictionary more fully. Eozoon Canadense is, of course, a new paragraph. It is, however, extremely short, and gives no very full description of this interesting fossil. We should have wished to have seen a plate with some of Dr. Carpenter’s admirable drawings of this remarkable Rhizopod, but as yet none has appeared. The cuts throughout the pages are too manifestly those only of two or three groups; why, we cannot say, but clearly it is a somewhat prejudicial and unfair distribution. The plates, too, are immensely too crowded; in most instances they contain some of Tuffen West's best drawing, and these, of course, are in most cases excellent, but in other instances they are not so well executed ; and further, they in some degree but very poorly repre- sent the progress which has been made. With these several defects— and of course we have dwelt upon them—the book is, nevertheless, an improvement on the old edition, and we doubt not that the succeeding parts will be even better far than those which have already been published. Various foreign menvirs :—‘ Nuove Ricerche sull’ interna tessitura dei Tendini del Prof. G. V. Ciaccio.’ Bologna, 1872.—In this paper, which the author has been kind enough to send us, there is given a PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. 69 very full account of all the modern work that has been done upon the histology of tendon and other varieties of the more distinct connective tissues; that is, upon those forms of the tissue which essentially consist of the white or inelastic structure. Besides giving the views of _tmany other workers on this subject, he enters upon the distinctions between the views held by Herr Boll, who published a paper in the * Archiv fiir Mikroscopische Anatomie’ (one of the numbers for 1871), and M. Ranville, who published his opinion in the ‘Archives de Physiologie’ (Part II., 1869), After discussing these views he then sums up his own, and gives an admirable plate in illus- tration of his opinions. When the two following reached us last year, we gave them to a friend to notice. He, however, has been since out of the country, and hence they have been forgotten. We now can only give the titles, and express our regret that they were not noticed earlier :— ‘Su Ja illuminazione monochromatica del microscopio e la fotomi- crografia e loro utilita Nota del Sig. Conte Abate Francesco Castracane.’ Roma, 1871. And also ‘Esame microscopico e note critiche su un campione di fango atlantico ottennto nella spedizione del “ Porcupine ” nell’ anno 1869; Memoria dell’ Ab. F. C. Castracane.’ The first memoir is accompanied by an admirable photographic plate, the best we think we have ever seen, even Colonel Woodward’s being, if any- thing, inferior. It represents three species of Diatoms, Arachnodiscus ornatus, Cocconeis punctatissima, and a species of Hupodiscus. They are reproduced by the well-known Albert-type, and exhibit the elevations on Cocconeis admirably. The second memoir relates particularly to the various diatoms collected by the expedition. | We regret that owing to the late date at which we received Dr. Bastian’s book from Messrs. Macmillan, we are compelled to postpone our notice to the next number. | PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. Structure of the White Blood Corpuscle.—Dr. Richardson, of Ame- rica, has recently published a very able paper on this subject, from which the following may be taken as a summary :—The white blood corpuscle is a cell composed of, in the first place, a nucleus (or nuclei) which possesses the power of independent amceboid movement, and is insoluble in water, but capable of slowly imbibing that fluid until swollen to nearly double its normal size. The cell wall of the cor- puscle is a membranous envelope, insoluble in water even when boil- ing, too thin to exhibit a double contour with a magnifying power of 1200 diameters, but firm enough to restrict the movement of its con- tained granules within its limits. Its exterior is adhesive, so that 70 PROGRESS OF MIOROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. surfaces or particles coming in contact are liable to become attached . thereto. Some phenomena observed lend countenance to a theory that this membrane is dotted with minute pores which permit delicate threads of the soft protoplasm it encloses to be extruded, and that the edges of these foramina, if the projection still continues, are carried outwards during the amceboid movement, forming a sheath to all except the extreme point of the tongue-like process. The material occupying the space between the capsule and the nucleus, denominated the pro- toplasm of the cell (the fibrino-plastin of Prof. Heynsius), is a soft jelly-like matter in which chiefly resides the capacity of amceboid motion. This protoplasm appears to be soluble in water and saline solutions in all proportions, and when freely diluted loses its amceboid power, which, however, is regained in a majority of cases, when the excess of fluid is removed. The laws by which leucocytes take up and part with fluid seem to be simply those of the dialysis of liquids through animal membranes by endosmosis and exosmosis, as investi- gated on a larger scale by Graham in 1855; the rapid inward current from the rare solution of high diffusive power, through the cell wall, distending that membrane and diluting the contained fluid, until an equilibrium of the endosmotic and exosmotic flow is attained, or the capsule is burst by the centrifugal pressure of accumulated liquid. “The structure of the particles which exist in the protoplasm and exhibit dancing motions when the latter undergoes dilution is yet undetermined, although sundry facts indicate that their movement is not dependent on ‘ vital’ causes, but is merely a molecular one; also that some of them, at least, are minute granules of fatty matter which after a time may coalesce into visible oil globules, as in the older pus corpuscles. In regard to any difference of their motion in the sali- vary bodies, my experiments as above detailed so fully and uniformly corroborate each other, that, reluctant as I feel to dispute the as- sertions of such celebrated histologists as Stricker and Pfliger, I cannot but call in question the general correctness of their statement upon this point; for it is manifestly inaccurate to affirm that a half to one per cent. salt solution still permits the ‘ dancing’ movements of fresh pus or lymph corpuscles to continue, when the fact is that the motion ceases in nineteen out of every twenty globules under its action, just as it would be erroneous to maintain that quinine does not stop the course of ague, because in one case out of twenty it fails to prevent a recurrence of the chill. I therefore am induced to think, from the above investigations, which I trust any critic will do me the justice to repeat before disputing, that, contrary to the views of these histologists, no essential difference exists in the effects of salt solu- tions of various strengths upon the salivary, pus, and white blood corpuscles; and from this circumstance, in conjunction with the in- teresting fact discovered during one of my experiments, that the sali- vary globules, when acted upon by the denser saline liquid, contract to the size of the blood leucocytes, and manifest amceboid movements, I conclude my theory, that the corpuscles of the saliva are ‘migrating’ white blood globules, which, ‘ wandering out’ into the oral cavity, have become distended by the endosmosis of the rarer fluid in which Oe a PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. 71 they float, may now be considered established upon a firm experi- mental basis.” — Transactions of the American Medical Association. Diatoms in Hot Water.—It is not a novel discovery to find diatoms in hot water. Still Dr. Blake’s recent paper, read before the ‘ Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences,’ is not without interest. He says that ’ the forms were very abundant in water of a temperature of 163° Fahr.,* a small portion of the mud not larger than a pin’s head containing many hundred individuals, amongst which could be recognized more than fifty different species. The most interesting point connected with the discovery of these diatoms was their almost perfect identity with the species found in beds of infusorial earth in Utah territory. Most of them were identical with the fossil species described by Ehrenberg, from near Salt Lake, but many were new. He found about fifty-two species, of which thirty are the same as Ehrenberg’s, who mentioned about sixty-eight. So close was their identity, that there can be but little doubt that the Utah beds must have been formed in an inland sea, whose temperature was probably about the same as that of the water of the Pueblo spring. The fact that these diatoms can grow in such abundance in water of so high a tempera- ture, affords an explanation of the total absence of every other form of organized beings in the infusorial beds, as such an elevated tem- perature would be totally incompatible with the existence of every other form of living beings. The time at which these infusorial beds were deposited was probably, in the author’s opinion, during the Miocene period,as we have evidence that at that period Spitzbergen - and other Arctic regions had a temperature of some fifty or sixty degrees above that of their present climate. Columnar Dolerite under the Microscope.—At the same meeting of the, California Academy as that above referred to, Dr. Blake showed the advantage of the microscope to the mineralogist. Not being satisfied with the opinion of Mr. Durand regarding a mineral which he found near Black Rock, Nevada, he says:—“ I prepared a thin section of one of the crystals, or crystalline prisms, and looked at it through the microscope. This section I now present to the Academy, and even an examination of it with the naked eye suffices to prove that itis a compound rock, made up of heterogeneous substances, imbedded in a dark greenish matrix. With the microscope we detect crystals of augite, nephiline or labradorite, and titanite. I believe the transparent crystals are nephiline; so perfect is their trans- parency, that at first I concluded that they were holes where the rock had been ground out; but on using polarized light, I discovered they were doubly refracting crystals. I am not aware that any of these compound rocks have been found in such small prisms. Some of the smaller prisms measure not more than 0°10 inch across, and in the specimens I have some three to four inches long. There can be no doubt but that originally they were aggregated into masses, and that their separation is the result of weathering; in fact, amongst my speci- mens are some in which many prisms are still attached to each other.” * A hot spring in Pueblo Valley. 72 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE, The Microscopic Examination of Cotton.—We have received a copy: of a paper which was read before the Cotton Brokers’ Association of Liverpool, by the Rev. H. H. Higgins, M.A., on this subject, which is admirably illustrated with a series of twelve photographic microscopic views of the fibre. Although there is not very much novelty in the paper, still it is interesting, and to many instructive. The following quotation which he gives from Barnes’ work on ‘The History of the Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain’ is not without interest :— * Rouelle, in the ‘Memoirs of the French Academy of Sciences’ in 1750, and Dr. Hadley, in the ‘ Philosophical Transactions ’ in 1764, had contended that the mummy cloth of Egypt was cotton; and so it was esteemed to be till, in 1836, James Thomson, F.R.S., having obtained from Belzoni various specimens of mummy cloth, determined to renew the investigation. All other methods failing to afford a satisfactory solution of the difficulty, he bethought himself of the microscope. ‘He was not, however, possessed of such an instrument, nor was he accustomed to its use. Mr. Thomson therefore applied to his friend Mr. Childern, who undertook to secure the good offices of Sir Everard Home in prevailing on Mr. Bauer, a microscopist, tv make the requi- site examination. Thus a Fellow of the Royal Society, less than forty years ago, found himself three removes from an authority competent to resolve a question capable of being decided in a few moments by the aid of a very ordinary microscope.” ‘The author sums up the advantages of the microscope in the examination of cotton thus :— “(1.) It may probably be found useful chiefly in deciding questions of some difficulty: for example, in comparing various kinds of Surat, or North American cottons. Where two samples are apparently equal — in value and suitability, the microscope may give a decided preference to one of them ; and a decision thus formed would probably be justified by the manufacturer. It is not altogether improbable that the micro- scope may lead to a more correct appreciation of some kinds of cotton which may hitherto have been under-rated or over-rated. (2.) The microscope may greatly facilitate and generalize the power of judging cotton.” Larve in the Human Ear.—The ‘ Lancet’ of Dec. 14, 1872, con- tains an article on this subject which is of interest in connection with the subject mentioned in the last ‘H. M.J. It appears that in a recent number of the ‘ Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology ’“— a publication brought out simultaneously in English and German— Dr. Blake, of Boston, describes four cases of the occurrence of dip- terous larve in the human ear. In one of these cases the larva was that of Muscida sarcophaga, and in another case that of M. lucilia, which was probably also present in the fourth case. The presence of these larve is always associated with an otitis media purulenta, which can hardly be wondered at if we bear in mind the nasty predilections of the ordinary blow-fly. M. lucilia is oviparous ; from which may be explained the fact that in the cases in which it was present only a single larva was found, most of the eggs having been presumably washed away by the fetid secretions from the ear. M. sarcophaga, on the other hand, whose larvee were more numerous, five and four : PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. te being respectively present in the cases recorded, and being visible as “a white undulating mass,” is viviparous, the larva being seen at birth to protrude from the abdomen of the fly, and move its head as if in search of some point of attachment; and, should a piece of meat be presented to it, “the mandibles are driven into it, and the larva with- draws itself from the body of the mother, and is immediately followed by another and another, until several have been delivered.” The intense deep-seated pain and the streaks of blood which accompanied the purulent discharge were easily accounted for when a larva was ex- amined under the microscope, after being included between the bottom of a glass beaker and a piece of meat; the animal being seen to be armed with a pair of strong mandibular hooks, articulated with a kind of chitinous endo-skeleton lying within the anterior rings of the body. When the larva strikes its prey, the integument of the rings is made tense, the mandibles being thereby extended and fixed firmly in that posi- tion on the framework ; the anterior rings are then retracted as a whole, “and thrust quickly forwards with a force often sufficient to bury the claws up to their roots.” This manceuvre is rapidly repeated, while the body is simultaneously dilated, the sharp backwardly-directed papille which clothe it giving it an additional hold. “ We can hardly, then,” says the ‘ Lancet, “be surprised that these pests cannot be dislodged merely by the process of syringing, but that they must be picked out singly with a forceps, and that after their removal the intense pain ceases and the blood-streaks in the discharge disappear.” The Anatomy of the Cerebellum.—One of the best articles that have ever appeared on this subject is one which is given * in the ‘ British Medical Journal’ for November 30, 1872. We congratulate the ‘Journal’ on its appearance, as we hope that this article is but one of a series which the editor proposes to give. It states that, accord- ing to M. Luys, the apparatus of cerebellar innervation constitutes a subsystem clearly isolated, in spite of its close connection, on the one hand, with the cerebral system properly so-called, and, on the other, with the spinal system. It is a true central apparatus, engen- dering and distributing the cerebellar influence by a special conductive system to an apparatus of peripheral reception. He compares this disposition to that of the circulating system. The cerebellum repre- sents the heart as the central apparatus; the peduncles which emerge from it are the analogues of the arteries; and, finally, the capillary network of arteries can alone give an idea of the diffusion of the plexuses of grey peripheral matter, in which the terminations of the peduncular fibres are lost. The disposition of the cerebellar hemi- spheres recalls and reproduces that of the cerebral hemispheres. - From the periphery of the cerebellum (cerebellar convolutions) start converging fibres, which terminate in a grey central nucleus (rhom- boidal body of the cerebellum). From this nucleus spring three bundles of efferent fibres, constituting the superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles. These peduncles all pass forwards and mingle with the elements of the nervous system, which appear to have * Tt is No. II. in order. 74 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPIOAL SCIENCE, exclusive relations with the motor functions. All three intercross at the median line with their congeners, and pass then into masses of nerve cells, constituting nuclei spread out over the whole of the height of the encephalic isthmus. Finally, from these nuclei start grey fibres, which throw themselves into a special nervous substance, described for the first time by M. Luys under the name of peripheral cerebellar substance. In this way the inferior cerebellar peduncles terminate, after decussation, in the grey masses of the olivary body (anterior and inferior olive of M. Luys). This anatomist has found in the thickness of the posterior pyramid an analogous nucleus of grey matter, which enters similarly into connection with the inferior cerebellar peduncles. This is the inferior and posterior olive. The median peduncular fibres cross each other also in the median line, and pass into the grey matter of the protuberance. Finally, the superior cerebellar pedun- cles, after a similar intercrossing, terminate in a grey mass, already described by Stilling as the red nucleus, and which M. Luys proposes to call superior olive, seeing its striking analogy with the grey nucleus of the bulbar olive. From these different nuclei start grey fibrils, the ultimate termination of the peduncular fibres, which put themselves in connection with the fibres of the anterior spinal system, by the medium of the peripheral cerebellar substance. The latter extends on the neck of the bulb as far as the corpus striatum in a continuous layer, presenting here and there swellings, the most apparent of which is the locus niger of Soemmering. Histologically, this grey substance is constituted by a network of polygonal cells, provided with numerous prolongations. It is probably by the medium of these branching and anastomosing cells that the connections between the fibres of the cerebellar apparatus and those of the spinal apparatus are established. So far as concerns the latter, M. Luys is almost entirely in accomllance with accepted opinions. It should be mentioned, however, that the posterior sensitive fibres of that apparatus are shown in his drawings as all terminating in one ganglion. From this ganglion start two orders of fibres. Those of one order connect themselves with the grey centre of the spinal marrow, ganglio-spinal fibres. These are properly the reflex motor fibres. The others take an ascending direc- tion, cross each other at the level of the bulb, and, according to all appearances, terminate in the optic thalamus (ganglio-cerebral fibres). Asto the anterior or motor fibres, they emerge from the large asteroid cells of the grey matter of the anterior horns. ‘Towards the bulb and the protuberance, these cells are agglomerated, and unite in masses to form the grey nuclei whence spring the fibres of origin of the cranial motor nerves, hypoglossal, facial, external oculo-motor, masticatory, &e. Finally, the cells of the anterior horns unite together, and with the nuclei of the corpus striatum, by fibres of which the ensemble constitutes the antero-lateral column, and, after decussation at the level of the bulb, the cerebral peduncles. Combining the whole of these details, the following general conception is arrived at by this author. In respect to the sensitive fibres, a part of them, after having traversed the spinal ganglion, take their course directly into the large cells of the marrow. The impression in this case is not felt; the — ee PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. 75 activity of the spinal cord only is called into play, and only a simple reflexion results. The other sensitive fibres, on the contrary, pass directly into the optic thalamus; there the impressions undergo a first relay ; then they are radiated by the converging cerebral fibres towards the cells of the convolutions, when they become the materials of the ulterior operations of the intelligence. The will, thus awakened, enters into activity, and transmits, in its turn, its determinations along the path of the converging fibres, especially the cortico-striate fibres. The voluntary impulse thus arrives at the striated body ; it is there reinforced ; thence sets out again along the cerebral peduncles and the grey axis of the cord, and finally proceeds to excite the roots of the motor nerves, and to determine movement. As to the cerebellar apparatus placed at the confluence of the cerebral and spinal systems, it constitutes a sort of reservoir of nervous influence—an influence which appears to spread itself incessantly along the anterior spinal system, and to expend itself in answer to each appeal that reaches it from the superior voluntary centres. In the normal state, the distri- bution of the cerebellar influx in each half of the body maintains the physiological equilibrium. If this uniform distribution be disturbed, there appear immediately incoordinated movements, blind and irre- sistible influence, vertigo, and a veritable titubation. Is the Source of Ague discovered ?—Dr. Salisbury, of the United States, thought it was proved by him some years ago,* by his remark- able discovery of the malarial essence in the cells of certain Palmelloid plants. Desiring to investigate the subject, Dr. John Bartlet says that he sought for the plants described by Dr. Salisbury, in the ague bot- tom of the Mississippi River, opposite Keokuk, Iowa, lat. 10° 25’. Not being provided with a suitable microscope, he was unable to discover the microscopic alge described by the Doctor. He was pleased, how- ever, to find the fungi, samples of which he has sent to Mr. Cooke, the editor of the Journal to which he addresses his letter. Generally it answers Salisbury’s description. It does not correspond in these im- portant particulars : Salisbury’s plants are so minute that it requires a powerful lens to render them visible. A single specimen of plant may be discovered as you stand. Salisbury’s plants were not less (?). These have roots + or 3, of an inch in length. They grow on the flat moist alluvium of the slough and river margins and their drying beds; in the vicinity of such localities they may be found on ordinary soil in damp places, even at some elevation. “The specimens sent you are green ; I have observed them slate-coloured, pink, and black. They vary in size from a mere point to ., of an inch in diameter. When in natural state they are globular in shape and of a fresh colour; when covered with water they swell and present a gelatinous appearance. They discharge their spores when ripe by slitting open at the top, and a falling in, collapsing of the upper circumference: so that a discharged plant appears cup-shaped, and to the naked eye it seems to have lost the upper half of its circumference. So far as I have been able to determine with the imperfect means of observation at my command, * ‘American Journal of Medical Science,’ 1866. MOL. exe G 76 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. the cells are composed of two walls, the outer green (or otherwise coloured), composed of laminated cells, the inner white and structure- less. Upon puncturing the plants a liquid i is forcibly ejected. I have never been able to discover the contained cells for want of a good — microscope. By placing the cake of earth sent you in a plate, and adding water enough to make it of about the consistence of potter’s clay, and keeping it ata a temperature about 60°, you will find a fresh crop of the plant to develop, and you will thus have an oppornnnily of studying them.”—Grevillea, Dec. 1872. The Structure of the Nerve Fibres——In the ‘ Centralblatt, * Dr. Tamamschef gives the results of his researches on this point, which have been recently translated in the ‘Lancet,’ + which we may mention usually contains, of late, something of interest to the micro- scopist. Dr. Tamamschef ’s specimens have chiefly been taken from the lumbar, sciatic, and brachial plexuses of man and of the mouse. Those from the latter, immediately after their removal from the living body, were plunged either into distilled water or into serum or the aqueous humour, and examined with high powers. Many nerve tubules, he finds, are united together and enclosed by a common sheath composed of flat shells, which may be brought into view by a solution of nitrate of silver. This sheath probably belongs to the lym- phatic system. The nerve tubules are composed of an external sheath or neurilemma, the white substance of Schwann, and the axis cylinder. On the careful addition of ammonia and then of acetic acid to the nerves on the stage of the microscope, it may be shown that the cylin- der axis is composed of a completely homogeneous matrix, which dis- solves readily in ammonia, and in which spheroidal bodies gradually in about three-quarters of an hour make their appearance, which he pro- poses to term nerve corpuscles—corpuscula nervea. The corpuscles are in contact with one another throughout the whole length of the tube, and are capable of spontaneous movement ; their size is nearly equal to that of the red corpuscles of the blood, and they may with cautious manipu- lation be obtained altogether detached from the nerve tubules under the influence of various reagents; they break up into minute granules, which exhibit Brunonian movements in oil of turpentine. In order to determine whether the cylinder axis belongs—as is usually thought —to the albuminous compounds, M. Tamamschef undertook a compa-_ rative series of micro-chemical investigations between fresh albumen and these cylinder axes. He finds that pure albumen, in the course of two or three days, exhibits the same kind of resolution into spheroidal elements, more or less nearly approximating in size those of the cylinder axis. After the addition of alkalies and acids, however, the similarity is no longer perceptible. Alkalies, and especially ammonia, cause the corpuscles to swell up, and several granules make their appearance, which are capable of moving in a concentric manner; sometimes a triple zone appears, of which the internal appears red- dish, the middle greenish blue, and the external dark-violet. Acids cause the muscles to shrivel, and finally to break up into numerous * No, 38, 1872. + December 14, 1872. —— PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. 77 granules. The following tables give M. Tamamschef's results in a condensed form :— | Axis-cylinder Matrix. Albumen Matrix. 1. Ammonia yap eDissolvesi (3a. sas 4. (\:vs0 |v Dissolves. 2. Weak alkalies | Dissolves .. .. «.. «. | Dissolves. (potash). | | 3. Carmine .. .. | Uncoloured aaa au ye Unecoloured: Corpuscles. Corpuscles. 1. Ammonia.. .. | Action slow, distensive .. Action slow, distensive; pris- | matic colours. 2. Concentrated al- Rapid distension; gradual Rapid distension; sudden kalies (potash). disappearance. disappearance. 3. Acids: chromic, | Gradual shrivelling; ap- Rapid shrivelling, the cor- acetic. | pearance of granules, and puscles becoming irregu- their disintegration. larly angular; disintegra- tion of granules. Persistent oscillation of Persistent oscillation of granules. granules. k 5. Carmine ... .. | Feeble coloration .. .. Very slow and feeble colora- \ tion. 4. Turpentine The Surface of Botrydium granulatum.—Mr. E. Pigott has an important paper on this plant in ‘Grevillea’ for January, 1873, giving it the specific name of granulatum. He says that, “as Dr. Greville and others have said, its surface seems minutely granular. Now this I have ascertained by careful microscopic examination to be not ex- ternal, although the effect is seen on the surface of the vesicles, but it results from the pressure of the protoplasm and grains of chlorophyll on the inside. The membranes composing the walls of the vesicles, for there are two, an outer and an inner membrane, although this can- not be ascertained with certainty, except at the base of the vesicles and where the inner membrane begins to dry up when it shows in folds, by carrying, and the breaking up of the endochrome, into folds with it, and in the underground stems, where they are distinctly visible, they appear to me to be perfectly structureless, that is, they are thin transparent membranes only, without any cellular structure, and when the plant is alive they remain distended to their very utmost from the pressure of the fluid within. The young vesicle which, as will be observed, only the swollen apex of a branch of the creeping or under- ground stem, when it emerges from the ground it is frequently only a clear transparent sac filled almost to bursting with a watery fluid; after a time minute green spherical grains will be seen, mostly adher- ing in little groups to each other, and at length they take up their position on the wall of the inner membrane, until the whole vesicle appears to be filled with them ; but the vesicle being filled with them is only in appearance, as it is only the walls that are covered, with a few exceptions of granules floating inthe fluid. When a full-grown plant is pressed between slips of glass and examined, the membranes G 2 78 PROGRESS OF MICROSCOPICAL. SCIENCE. composing the vesicle will be seen to shrink up into folds, on which are seen the adhering granules. When the plants are full grown the epidermis is furfuraceous, or having a number of minute scale-like processes attached to it, as if it were a very thin outer membrane broken up.”