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Mosquitoes, Gnats, Craneflies,







Copyright, 18117,



The mosquitos. gnats, flies, ticks, and fleas constitute the order Diptcra of the class Insecta. They have only two wings (a few wingless excepted) ; in place of hind wings, tiiey have a minute hair with a knob on the end of each called the balancers ; mostly covered by a scale when at rest. Their mouth parts are formed for sucking or lapping, never for I'iting, though often enclosed in sharp horny needles for piercing; some have their tongues enclosed in a soft trunk. Their food is always liquid. They lay their eggs inthe water, on fruit or on various growing or decaying vegetable or animal matter, on which their larva-, footless maggots live. The maggots when full grown transform to pupa, mostly enclosed in their own dried skin, though some times naked.

In 1S33, Dr. T. W. Harris'counted 247 kinds in Massachusetts. Now over 2500 are named, and as in Europe, 10,000 are known to exist, a similar number may be expected in the United States.

Many kinds appear in countless swarms and as a veritable plague, but some are useful.

The order Diptcra has been divided into sub-orders by the way the fly opens the pupa when leaving it ; but as the pupa is rarelv met with, the old way of dividing the order by the various number of joints in their feeleis (aiifci/iiic) is more convenient. The sub-orders are divided into families by the variations of the veins in their wings.


I. Sub-Order NEMATOCERA. Feeler, except the frst t\co Joints, com posed of many similar joints.

This comprises the mosquitoes, gnats ;md midgets, all more or less mosciuitci-like. witii slciult-r bodies, long legs and small heads and eyes. Generally of" delicate huild. thnu<;h tjradually apjiKiaching the next division.

II. Sub-Order BRACHYCERA. Feeler sliort. of few and nneqnal joints ; sometimes a bristle at tlieend.

This comprises the various flies, all more or less like the house fly, though some resemble wasps, bees or bumblebees : generally of robust build, strong bodies, stout legs : head and eyes large.

III. Sub-Order PUPIPARA. Parasites on animals, -cl/ic/i they seldom leave.

Instead of" ileveloping t"rom the egg to the maggot, pupa and My, like all the t"oregoing, tlie female gives birth ti) the pupa, f"rom whicli the insect is transformed.

OBSERVE THE WING. The veins running t"rom the shoulder to the edge are called length-veins ; those from one vein to another, cross-veins ; a space encloseil bv veins is called a cell . On some wings a vein splits into two or more branches; then It is called forked. Do not CDUnt the cells which border one side on the edge of the wing, nor those t'rom the first cross-vein to the shoulder : onlv those in the mitkile of wing.



Wing with three or more cells ; a V-shaped seam on chest point :

wing long and narrow - - .

no V-shaped seam ; wing broad Wing with two cells ; some of the veins from cell to edge forked :

veins covered with scales

veins not covered with scales



Rhvphid^k. 6. culicid.e. s.

DiXID.E. lO.

veins not forked - - . . . . Bibionid.e. zS.

Wing with one cell ; with irregular net-like veins on the edge Blepharocerid.e. 20.

with forked veins from cell to edge


few veins only ; wing narrow, with no distinct cell Chironomid-B. to. Wing with only few veins : the hintiniost forked - - . - Cecido.mvid.k 21.

^Ving with hardly any veins, except on front edge -

Si.MUi.iiD.E. 23.

W^ing with many veins ; several forked




Wing witli more than six closed cells :

veins at point running parallel with the hind edge, ^^^^

and curved to the front edge - Mydaid.k. ^o.

veins running into edge Wing with six closed cells :

five veins end in hind edge

Nemistrinid^k. 7,6. g


\Ving with five closed cells

four veins end in hind edge

two veins end in iiind edge one vein ends in hind edge first vein running parallel with front edge

tW'O cells end in hind edge

one cell ends in front edee

Wing with four closed cells :

one nearly closed cell at point



Wiuif with four cells :

le vein from cells to edge forked ; one fork branch

curves to t'ront eilge - - - -

both branches end in hind edge

both branches end in front edge i)Oth branches end at point

not forked veins from cell end before reaching edge

oni\ lew veins in liind legs

Tabanid.k. 2_(.

LePTID.K. 27.

- ScENOPINID.i:. 47.

Dasvpogon in Asii.in.i: 31. =^S

Wing with three closed cells : - Wing with one or two closed cells : -

Wing with one closed cell :

Wing with few veios and no tlefmite cell

Empidii).!;. 35.

SrRATIOM-Slin.E. 3S.

Antik)mvid,«. 54.

Oestrid.-e. 60.


Loxciiop rERin,«. 47.


PnORID.E. 60.




Family 1. PSYCHODID/E. Moth-like Flics. The Psychoch.s :ire small moth-like flies, sometimes found nimiiiig on wiiulovvs. Their bodies and wings are covered \\ ith hairs. Little is known of their habits. Tlie\- are interesting as the connecting litd< between moths and flies.

I. Psyc/zoda a/tcrnata. j\ in. ; yellowish white, body brownish, wing lianiled. dotted with Mack.

Family 2. CULICID/E. MoSCJuiiOfS. StingilKJ GlldiS. The males neither sing nor sting, but dance ; and their food is unknown. They are easil>- recognized by their feather-like feelers. The feelers of the females are hairy though less feather-like. Their eggs are laid in a boat-shaped mass on the surface of stagnant water on which it floats. In a few days these hatch and the larv;e wiggle out on the water side of the boat, grow rapidh , and have a breatliing tube on the joint before the last of the tail. When full grown the\- change to pupa, and at the same time they develop two breathing tubes on the chest part, and lose that of the tail. After a few da\s (he

pupa hursts on the back, and the mosquito crawls out and ritles on the cast ofl' skin till its wings are hardened enough to fly away. A mosquito's mouth is compo.sed of six pieces and a sheath: three fine needle-pointed hairs form the underlip, two stronger ones with barbed points, the upperlip ; these five form a tube enclosing the tongue. The mosq'iito diflers from the following families not only in the veins of the wing, but also by having a long fringe on the hind edge, and scales on tlie veins.



brown ; feet with vvliite bands In.; biDwn

wings transparent, brown veins, a white band across middle of trunk ; joints of

CULEX. Mosquito.

C. { Megar/iiiia) ferox. Sg in.; head brown, with green gold sliine ; ciiest chestnut;

bodv, legs and trunk steel blue, golden below. C. ciliatiis. ^(j in. ; brown; chest yello^v, black striped : legs yellow, with black and

white bands. C. fasciatus. yjr in. C. tainiorJivnchus.

feet white. C. pungeus. -If: in. ; C. tainiatus. i/g in. , .. . , -- i ,

of female witli two white bands; body brown, edges of ring yellowish, and a white spot ; legs dark brown : two white bands on fore feet, and five on hind feet. C. triseriatiis. j'',. in. ; brown ; chest blackish above, sides white, hairy, body with

three r-iws of triangular white spots on each ring ; front edge of wing brown. C. i^Psorop/iora) boscii. % in. ; pale yellow, brownish legs

and hairv veins, two scales on the fore part of chest.

reddish brown , body brown, with yellow edges on the rings, blown ; chest with three dark stripes ; feeler of male with four.

2. A.

3- A.

I. C.

ANOPHELES. Fork gnat.

A. crucians. j\ in ; brownish ; chest with three dark lines, body gray, hairy ; veins of wing brown ; wing spotted. -^^ in. ; rustv brown ; bod\- blackish brown, with vellowish hair; no marks on chest or wings except veins. adyimaculatus. vV in- : giav, a brown stiipe on each side of chest, two ^

larger and two small brown spots on each wing.

CORETHRA. Bushy gnat.

pnnctipeiDiis. \[ in. ; whitish, with brown dotted wings antl legs ; chest with three vellowish brown stripes.


Family 3. CHIRONOMID/E. Midges. Like the mosquito, with smooth wings. The feelers in the males are extremely feathery. They appear early in the Spring, before the snow melts. Some kinds bite like mosquitoes.

CHIRONOMUS. Feather midge.

yellowish. ^"5^^ -.■*^

I. C/i. cr/staiiis. .;b in. ; yellowish, with three ash gra\' stripes ; body with brown bands ; leg

yellowish. z. Cli. glaiiCHi-us. 3a ill- ; whitish, chest part with thrte reildish stripes; bod\' reddish wit,,

whitish bands and end ring with black dot. I i

3. Ch . lobifcr. 1/% in. ; whitish, witli three brown stripes on chest part ; body black with grayish

baiuls ; wing with faint brown dot.

4. Cli festiviis. % in.; greenish, with rust-yellow stripes; body \yith black bands.

5. Ch. lineola. i^ in. ; greenish, chest part with one black, and two yellow lines in the niidtlle.

6. Ch. occdnicN.s. }z ill- ; found on eelgrass and seaweeds.

7. Ch. taiitiotiis. V^ in. ; bright green.

8. CJi. modcsius. i'y; in. ; green, with yellow stripes ; wing white with front yeins and point brown ; joints of

feet brown.

Family 4. DIXID/C. Wood Midges. Mosquito-likc, but differs in venation ol wings. Is found in slnuly swamps on skunk cabbage.

DIXA. Wood midge.


Family 5. TIPULID/C. Craiiefiies. Gnats. Easily recognized by the V-sliaped seam on the upper chest, between the wiiitjs and tlie very long fragile legs. Their larvLL' are grub-like, gray, brown or white, and live in rotten wood, mould, earth or fungi, on leaves or in the water, feeding on water-plants.


Observe : If ihe lirst length-vein from the edge of the wing turns at its end into the next vein, and does not connect with the

edge; and if this second vein, at the point of the wing, turns into the next vein (y!f^. a. ) : - CtetiofJiora an<\ Tifula If the first length-vein runs into the edge of the wing and there connects by a cross-vein with the next vein; and if this second vein at the point runs into the edge of the wing ( fiff. b) :

And if tlie third vein, branching from the middle of the second vein runs with two ends into the edge {jii:'- h) :

With no spurs at the end of shank ----- - Limnobina.

With spurs at the end of sh.ank - - - Cyllmliotomiiia.

Or, if the thinl vein branches again .and runs with three ends into the edge y fig. c) :

With no spurs at the end of shank Eiioplerina.

With spurs at the end of shank, and a long snout -------- Ptychopterimt.

If the cross-vein connecting the second vein with the first is before, nearer the point of the wing, where the third

vein branches from the second (/o-. i): - - . I. imnofhilinii 3.nt\ Aiiisometimz.

Oi , if the cross-vein connecting the second vein with the lirst is behind, nearer the shoulder of the w-ing, where the third vein branches from the second {Jig. c): - - - Amiilopiim



CTENOPhORA. Comb Cranefly.

Peeler comb-like, feathered o?i one side oiilv.

Ct. abdoiiiinalis. i '4 in ; pale brown, with lnowii stripes on cliest ; body

rust yellow, a biown line 011 each side and

end rings brown ; wings clear, \\ itli brown

marks. Ct. nubicule. Sg in.; orange and brown, fore

|)art of chest and head whitish ; wing clear,

\\ Ith yellowish brown veins.

5. T.

6. T.

TIPULA- Daddy 'long' legs Cranefly-

r. tephrocc pliala. i '^ in. ; yellowish brown, with a dark spot-stripe on botlv, like a laige T. angiistipennis.

T. trii'ittata. i in. ; chest ash graj', with brown

stripes ; body yellowish, wltli three brown stripes ; wing with four brown bands.

7^. strepeiis. "g in. ; yellowish brown ; no stripes on chest, Init a spot- stripe on each side t)f boilv.

T. tricolor, "a hi. ; Ijrown ; sides ash gray ; liody striped ; wing with a white spot in the middle. brexHVCiitris. J/g in. ; ochre brown with three stripes ; the yery long legs white at the joints. ciiHctans. i| in. ; brownish, body yellow with brown stripes; wing light lirown.


7- T- aiij^/isttpcnm's. S. T'. maciilipeniiis.

. ; yellowisli brown ; nowhere chuk except middle stripe on body. ; gray, brown striped : wings light smokv color.

9. T. flavicans. 5^ in. ; gray, sides of body yellow brown ; wing yellowish, with brown spots. 10. 7. costalis. Y-2 in. ; yellowish brown ; feeler black banded ; legs brown.


11. T. inacrocera. |\-j In. ; yellow, with long feelers; body, sides and belly bhick dotted.

12. T. colaris. j-"}-- in. ; yellow, with lilack stripes : body \\ itii black banils.

13. T. fcmiginea. j^,, in. ; yellow, brown striped ; body with triangular brown spots.

14. T. aii'inlcita . jg in. : brow nish ; bodv \ellowish, \\ ith brown bands.

II. LIMNOBINA. Meadow Craneflies.

DICRANOMYIA. Fed shnd.y.

1. D. piiblpennis. 3.8 in.: dark brown ; wing plain.

2. D. dcfuncta. -;tj in. : gray brown, chest with three brown stripes: upper shanks with a wiiite ring: wing

brown-spotted in rows.



7- S.


Z?. Hberta. ^V "'• g'^'V ; chest blown-striped ; feeler black ; wing clear.

D. hacrctica. y\y in. : drab-coloreil ; chest striped; feeler black; snout yellow; wing

transparent, with a grayish tint. D. hadia. .^ in. ; brown; body with light bands ; wing clouded-brown.



in. ; black ; brownish body and wine

L>. Io}igipennis. % in. ; bufl"; chest reddish, with three dark stripes : wing clear.

D. itiimodesta. % in. ; buti"; cliest with one brown stripe; wing clear.

D. rostrifera. ]^ in. ; brown ; with one dark stripe on chest ; snout long; wing clear.

QERANOMYIA. .Snoul longer than head and chest. lo. G. rostrata. i/g, in.; gray; feeler black : wing with five brown spots and clouds ; snout long, ir. G. diversa. '/( in. ; gray: chest with three dark-brown stripes; snout short; wings lightlv brownish tinted.

RHIPIDIA. Feeler comb-like.

12. A', macidata. S/g in. ; grayish brown ; chest with one brown stripe ; wing with brown spots, largest on front.

13. R. fidelis. i/i in. ; grayish brown; chest with a brown stripe ; wing clouded with brown.

14. R. doDiestica. 3,^ in. ; head gray ; chest yellowish, silky-brown ; wing with five spots on middle vein and


LMNOBIA. Feet stout.

15. L. cinctipes. y^ in.; yellow; cliest with four brown stripes ; upper shanks with two brown bands : wing

yellowish, with brown clouds and spots, four on front edge

16. L. tmiiia/itra. y-z in. ; like last, with three bands on upper shanks.

17. L. solitnria. }4 in.: yellow; chest with a light-dark bordered stripe ; wing clouded and dotted with brown.

18. L. iiidigcna. ^^ in. ; yellowish ; head black ; chest brown striped ; wing brown-clouded.

19. L. parietina. i.^ in.; brown; chest with dark stripes; wing long and broad with pale-brown clouds,

streaks and spots.

20. L. triocellata. 3/q in. ; reddish yellow ; chest with black lines and dots ; wing yellowish, three brown spots.



21. 7". aroiis. % in.; yellowisli brown ; chest with three brown stripes ; wings yellovvisli or

whitish with brown e_ve-spots, mostly on the edge of wing.

RHAMPHIDIA. Suo,// ,is lotiff as head.

22. /?. flavipes. K '"■ ' brown; shanks ;ind feet thtrker : wing transparent, clouded with brown ; snout shorter

than chest.


2-5. E. ivesiu'oodi. 3^ in. ; yellow buff: shanks brown ; feet yellow : snout as long as body.


24. 7". muliebris. 3^ in.; dark grav ; feet pale-reddish ; snout long ; wing clear.

. DICRANOPTYCHA. Snoi,/ -</w,/n than head.

2t;- D. oermana. ,V;in-: brownish yellow : feet reddish ; wing blneish.


26. A. opalizans. % in.: yellowish gray ; chest with reddish stripes ; wing with a whitish ^^^^^Pz$ tinge.


RHVPHOLOPHUS. ll'vio /uilry: no .ifiiis on shanks. I. A'. >iubiliis. ;/( in. ; gray ; chest with a brown stripe ; wing clouded-gray.



3- 4-

5- 6.

ERIOPTERA. Only vein!. /i„iry. E. seplcntrionis. % in. ; vellovvish brown ; more or less bright yellow on chest and body ; wuisj not spotted. E. cldorophvlla. ]^ in. ; pale green ; eyes black.

E. vespertitta. % in. ; vellow ; chest reddish ; wing not spotted. ^feQfcS^: /

E. veiiiista. % in.; brown; chest reddish ; wing vellow, with two brown bands.

E. caloptera. ^ in. ; brownish \ellovv ; chest whitish above ; wings brownish, witji trans- ^^^gs^ ^ parent spots.

9- 10.

1 1 .



T. anomala. ^\ in. ; brownish gray ; chest with three brown lines ; wings not spotted, but tinted slightly brownish.

SYMPLECTA. S. punctipotuis. V^m.: grav ; chest with three brown stripes ; wing whitish, cross veins clouded brown.


G. trist/ssivta. ^'^ in. ; black ; knob ot" lialanccrs vellow ; wing semi-transparent.

aONIOMVIA. UyuiT „ot haiiy. G. sulphitreUa. ]/l in.; sulphur yellow ; wing slightly grayish, variegated with brown. G. blanda. ^{ in. ; grav, with yellow edges; chest with two brown stripes: wing clouded.


CI. indivisa. y\ in.: vellow: sides spotted; bodv with brown bands; wings yellow with reddish tinge.


C/i. va/i^a. Reddish ; wingless ; founil on the snow.



EPIPHRAQMA. Vei„s of -.vlug not hairy.

3 4 5 6

7 S



1 1


13 14


R. yascipennis. j^ in. ; hrowii, with yeliowisli and reddisli vuriations ; wing with dark outlined pale- brown spots.


L. riifibasis. ^-g- in. ; yellowish gray ; wing pale-brownish ; legs reddish.

L. adusia. ^ to J^ in. ; yellow ; chest reddish ; point of wing brown.

L. inacrocera. Sg in. ; glossy black ; wings brown-spotted.

L. poetica. y% in. ; reddish yellow ; wings not spotted.

L. tenuipes. S/g in. ; brown ; body yellowish : wing not spotteil, hut hrown-tinted.

L. recondita. ys i'i- ; yellowish red : glossy.

L. ntontana. j/g in. ; gray ; chest with four brown stripes ; wings biown-spotted.

L. luteipennis. y% in. ; brownish, with a brown stripe in middle ; wings clouded-brown.

L. inornata. -f-^ in. ; brown ; breast gray ; wing clonded.

/,. ultiv/a. -{\ in. ; gray ; chest with four brown stripes ; wing transparent and unspotted.

L. apriliiia. }( ''i- ; grayish ; body brown ; wing with six or seven spots near the front edge.

L. fuscovaria. }( in. ; grayish ; body brown ; wing thickly dotted with brown ; spots largest near front.

L. tenuicornis. )^ in. ; black, with gray bloom ; wing not spotted.

L. munda. Y^ in.; black; wing brownish ; feet yellow.

TRICHOCERA. Winter Gnat.

16. 7". bimactila. ]^ in. ; yellowish gray ; chest with brown stripes; wings with two brown


17. T. scutelata. ^j,m.; blackish brown ; end of chest white.



18. £■ spinosa. Y^ \a 1/% in.; brownish; chest with brown stripes; wings redtlish ; feeler of male twice the

length of body, beset with spines.

19. E. longicornis. Yi In.; dark-gray; chest with black stripes ; feeler twice the length of body.



1. A. inconsiaiis. Y '"• i yellowish or brownish ; chest and wing reddish.

2. A. auripentiis. Yz in. ; brownish ; wings yellow.

3. A. calcar. 'X in. ; yellow ; chest reddish, to transparent yellow.

4. A. vernalis. y% in. ; brownish ; wings with brown spots.


albivitta. i J^ to i34 in.; brown, silvery; chest with a double-brown stripe, wing transparent with a brown band on front edge and one in middle of wing ; a row of brown spots on five segments of the body.


6. C. americana. y^ in. ; yellow ; chest black striped ; wing transparent.

7. C. )iodicornis. -j^ in. ; dark yellow ; chest black striped ; head black.


8. P. tipiiUna . Y in- brownish ; chest dark gray with indistinct dark-brown stripes ; wings with gray-brown




q. P. ru/icijicia. ^% in. ; black : body with reddish bands ; feet reddish ; wing witii a l)rown spot near shouitler, and tliree i)rown bands.


lo. />. clavipes. -^-^ In. ; blacl< ; front of head white ; chest \\ itii wiiite stripe in middle, and sides white; wing transparent.

Family 6. RHYPHID/C. Strap Midges. Like Tipulida, without the V-shaped seam on chest-part.

DILOPHUS, Ray Midge.

1. Z>. thoracicus. '^ in. ; horny yellow; body and legs black ; wing smoky.

2. D. orbatus. y^ in. ; shiny black with green smoky wings.

RHYPHUS. Strap Midge.

1,. /?. alternatus. J2 in. ; brown : tliree stripes, with three brown and three white spots.

4. R. marginatus. ^\r in. ; gray, with three redtlish stripes; body brown with whitish edges.

T. R. scalaris. ^4^ in. ; honev vellow ; bands and tail-end black.

Family 7. BLEPHAROCERID/E. .\et-iciiiged .Midges. Like mosquitoes, their larva? live in swift- Howing streams and are there easily seen, as they are a conspicuous black.

Family 8. nVCETOPHILID/E. Fungus Gnats Tiieir larva' feed on fungi, decaying vegetable matter, and some upon ripe fruit. They live often in great numbers together. In the venation of tlie wing there is often much variation. They appear like short-legged, strongly-built mosquitoes.



I. H. fasciata. j% in. ; greenish; wing witii brown bands.

SaOPHILA. Shade Gnat.

1. 5". bifasciata. i/% in. ; brownish yellow with black lines, with two blackish bands.

2. S. fasciata. ^ in. ; yellowish ; with three stripes ; body with brown bands.


1. ,1/. sericea. -^^ in. : brown, with whitish-silky bloom ; bod\' yellow-edged.

2. J/, tnaculipennii. ^V in. ; yellow, with three striped wings with three brown spots.

SQIAUA. Mourning Gnat.

I. S. fulviventris. i/%\\\.\ black; waist yellow, hairy.

Family 9. CECIDOMYID/E. Qall Gnats. Small, often very small flies, which cause the curious out- growth on manv plants, as on the willow, blueberry, etc. Some kinds are very injuiious to the crops.


1 . D. inaccus. }s in. ; yellowish ; chest reddish-striped ; legs and feelers black-banded ; wing with violet spots.

2. D. carrya. Pale, with gray and black stripes. On hickory trees.


7- S.



1 1 .

I 2.


14. ■5-


reddish; body with black l:)ands ; wing blackish, hairy.


C. soUdaginis. -^^ in

stein of goldenrod. C. Itirtipes. Bright red, with black hair. C. sei-rulata. Brown. On alder.

C. chrysopsidis. i^ in. ; red ; wing gray, hairy. On golden aster. C. destructor. The Hessian fly. ^ in. ; black; body tawny, with black rings; wings

black. Ill the stems of wheat, which causes it to stunt in growth. C. tritici. The wheat midge. -jV in. ; like the last, but wnigs transparent. Attacks

the ear of wheat. C. rohiniiV. li'j in. ; forms swellings in the locust stems. C. ffrossii/ariiC. Causes the gooseberries to turn prematuie 1 eii and rot. C. salicis-rigidcv. \ in. On willows. C. strohlloides. Causes the pine cone-like end-huts on willows.

in them. C. piui-itiopis. Attacks the needles of the pine trees. C. ornata. y'^ in. ; body red ; wings with five brown spots. C trifolii and C. leguininicola . In clover-leaves.

C. albovittata lives

LASIOPTERA. Edged Midge.

Z-. veiitralis. L. vitis. ^\


1 s

in. ; blackish-brown, with yellow legs ; front edge of wing black, red ; black head. On grape vines.


Family 10. SIHULIID/E. Dliick Flies Unlike the foregoing families, they like hot sunshine, and they are one ot the greatest jjests where they abound. Their larva; live in swift-flowing streams. Their feelers are short, but composed of many joints ; their boily more robust, and legs stout, but heads small. This family and the next connect the mosquito tribe with the flies.

SmULIUM. Black Fly.

S. molestum. -^^ in. ; the Adirondack black fly, which is very bloodthirsty.

5". innoxiujn. yg^ in. ; does not bite.

S. pecuaruDi. The soutiiern Buflalo-gnat.

6" meridionale. The Turkey-gnat.

Family n. BIBIONID/C. March Flies. Hair Midge. Like last family, but differs

in veins of wing. Does not liite, and its larvas live on roots and decaying vegetable matter.

£. thoracica. j^ in. ; black ; chest and shanks reddish.

^. riifithorax. y% in. ; black ; chest onlv yellowish-red.

B. femorata. 3,'s in. ; black, with yellow hair and chestnut-colored shanks.

jB. xanthopus. ^ in. ; black, with yellow bloom ; black legs and yellow wings.

B. hctcroptera. -^-^ in. ; black, with smoky wings.

B. albipennis. -f-^ in. ; shiny black, whitish, hairv ; wing white with brown veins.

B. articulata. ^ in. ; chest and legs yellow ; head and bodv black.

B. pallipes. black ; white, hairy, with yellow legs and wings.




Family 12. TABANID/C. I/orsc Flies. Breeze Flics a/ul Golden-eyed Forest Flics. All the fem.iles are greedy bioods^iickeis ; a plague to man aiul beast. The males frequent flowers. The larva.' feed under ground on roots of grasses, and trauiforui there in .Spring. These flies resemble each other in shape.

PANQONIA. Beaked Horse Fly. Trunk Horse Fly.

1. F". ///f/.sa (/ncis!/rii//s.) Syin.: back gray with yellow hair; body brown and smooth ;

wing brownish.

2. P. c//rvsocoii/a. J4 to ^'B '"• > brown or pale yellow, with yellow hair.

3. P. traiiipi/7/a . ]A in.; brownish black; sides of bod\' reddish, coveietl with golden- /

\ell.)w hair.

4. P. rasa, fg to '2 in. ; feeler black, chest part black with short gray hair ; boily brovyn, with hair on last



CHRYSOPS. Qolden=eyed Forest Fly. li'ini:': -.villi Hack o) brozvii mai i:i>ii;s.



J .


















1 1.





C. C. C.



ccler. ig ill. ; black ; a tuft of redilisli hair on each side of chest. excitanx. ^g in.; bhick ; point of wing transparent.

sordidiis. 3^ in. ; blackish ; sides with a few yellow dots ; rings of body with gray edges.

fl.ividus. ^'8 in. ; brownish yellow.

vittalus. 3/8 i'l- ; chest bro\yn and \ellow ; boih' yellow, \\ ith four black lines. Jiilarix. 3^ in. ; yellow.

obsoletifi. 3-8 in. ; Ijrown. with three short yellow stripes on body. niffcr. y^jy in. ; black, with red face. piidiciis. j% in. ; lesembling last. frigidiis. y\ in. ; black ; sides of body yellow.

(jiiadrivittaius. -{'^ in. ; gray, with four black stripes on chest and four broken stripes on boilv ; wings brown dotted.

f.t//a\. '411.; chest gr.iv. with black sti'ipjs ; body orange, with a few black marks on e.\\d ; wing black and clear.

plangeits. y^ in. ; blackish, with gray stripes. drlicalnhts. in. ; black, with red head.

fidiginosiis. ^ ia. ; black, with brown hair; wing brown, with a clear band and half- moon-shaped spots.

lugeits. 1-4 in.: black, with \ellow stripes; wing black, with a clear half-moon and small spots. iinivittatits. '4 in. ; brownish yellow, with one stripe.


TA BA A' US. Horse Fly.

1. T. catenatus. i in.; face pale yellow; feeler red; chest red brown, with distinct

vellovv lines ; body brown.

2. T. or/'oH. I in. ; like last, but with a small triangular spot on each ring.

3. T. atratus. [ in. ; entirely black, with grayish bloom.

4. T. rtijicornis. i in.; dark 'red, with a white spot on each side of body ; wing clear.

e.xcept on front edge.

5. T. riiftis. J8 in- ; yellowish red, last rings brown in the middle; wing rusty.

6. T. nigresccns. % in.; face brown ; wing anil body black.

7. T. abdominalis. "/% in. ; lilac brown, with five white stripes on ciiest, white spots on

body, and brown spots on wing.

8. T. validus. y^ in.; dark red ; body witii bluisii shine ; wing biown.

y. T. lineatus. "g in. ; brown, witli rusty yellow lines ; body black ; wing brown.

10. T. paUidtis. J'8 in.; brick red ; liairy underneath ; oblong spots on body ; wing dull.

11. T. tcctus. irj^ in. ; chest red brown, with yellow lines ; body brown.

12. T. actacon. ^ in.; red-brown and black.

l-^. T. ductus. 3/| in. ; chest black ; first rings of body orange, with a triangular bhick

spot on each ring. 14. T. {sfygtus) ajfin/'s. ^4 in. ; chest gray brown, with lighter lines ; body black; sides of first four rings reddish yellow ; wing smoky, with brown spots. Z". fiiniipe7inis. 'i/^ in. ; black, with yellow hair ; sides of body and legs yellow. T. varicgatus. Y^ in. ; lilac reddish ; body chestnut ; wing brown spotted and edged. T. melaiiocerus. 3^ in.; brown; chest with five whitish stripes; body witii triangu- lar SlJOtS.

15- 16.



T. tiirlndus. wings dull.

34 in. ; reddish, with whitish stripes ; body with a yellow spot-stripe






21 .




























molestiis. Yi^ ill.; lil.ic-biown ; white liloom on chest; body with a stripe of white triiingular spots.

crassicoi-nis. J^ in. ; reddish brown, with yel'ovv stripes; body with triple wliite spots.

rheinwardii. 3^ in. ; slate bhick, with reddish stripes; bod\' reddish, with white spotted stripes; wing spotted. trispilus. 5 8 in. ; black, with gray wings.

iiiicrocephahis. Sg in.; head small ; chest gray ; liody blackisii grav, with three rows of gray spots.

ti-imaculatiis. Y% in.; brown, with white stripes; body black, with three white triangnlar spots ; shanks white.

guttatus. 5'8 in.; lilac-red, with white stripes; body brown, with triple white spots ; shanks white.

nigripcs. S/g in. ; blackish ; body with white spots on sides ; legs black ; wing clear.

coff'catiis. ],2. in. ; face white ; chest grav, w'ith white lines ; legs ami body black, with lighter edges of rings.

lineola. Y-z in. ; f;ice white ; chest black, with white lines ; body brownish black, with two yellow and one white stripe. lastophtlialmus. Y in.; brown; sides of bodv reddish yellow. ater. Y '"• \ black ; wing brownish black.

fulvulus. Y- '"• i »''''}' with yellow hair; boily reddish, with triple yellow spots; vying clear. gracilis. j-\ in. ; lilac brown, with white stripes; body with a white stripe and side spots. margliialls. yj^ in. ; brown-black, with white stripes ; body triple-spotted.

costalls. y\ in. ; gray brown, with yellow hair ; body rusty brown, with a yellow stripe and side spots ; wing clear.


35. T. nigrovittatus. Sg in. ; f';ice white ; cliest black and gray ; body with narrow black and white stripes.

36. T. astiitiis. J8 in- ; cliest gray ; body I)lacklsb, with three rows of gray spots.

37. T. aimulatus. .vy in. ; light leddish. vvitli wiiite bloom ; white side spots ; wing clear.

38. T. ferrugatits. S/g in.; gray, with rusty edge ; body rusty yellow, end with brown spots; wing clear, a

lirown spot on point.

39. T. bicolor. % in. ; gray green ; legs and body rusty yellow, last rings with an olive green stripe.

Family 13. XYl,OPHAQI. WoodFiirs. Their larv;t live in rotten wood.

BERIS. Ray Fly.

1. Zi'. dorsalis. ^'fT in. ; black; waist and legs yellow.

2. B. viridis. -f% in. ; green bronze; body black, with yellow edge and yellow legs.


1. A'. ai)icrica>ius. ^y, '"• thest sulphur vcllovv, with a black streak and spot on each side ; body reddish and yellow.


I. C. pallida, i/l in. ; lust yellow ; body paler; wing with yellow veins.


Family H. LEPTID/C. Snipe Flies. So named from some kinds which have long bills. They are skio-crish flies, met in tall grass or bnshes, preying on other insects. Tlieir larva' live in the gronnd in decaying

wood, moss or water.

LEPTIS. Snipe Fly.

1. Z. ornala. Jj in. ; black; edges of chest, of rings of body, and the legs, yellow.

2. L {c/irvsopila) tlioracica. -f\ in. ; black; cliest with golden hair; body with silver spots on each side.

3. L. albicornis. j\ in. ; vellow, with three brown stripes on chest ; body with triangular spot on each ring.

4. L. {chrysopila) velutina. -f^ in.; deep velvet black ; wing smoky.


z z

vertebrala. .;,8 in. ; slate gray, with white stripes; body yellow and black.

myslacea. fg in.; chest brown ; body oi'ange ; wing with brown bands.

fasciata. ^ in. ; black ; edges of chest, rings antl legs vellow. Like a small Z. ortiata.

vellow, with three brown stripes on chest and bands on body ; wing with a square

9. Z.

10 L.

11. Z,

12. Z.

qnadrata . ]/^

brown spot.

fiimipennis. ^ in. ; brown, with vellow bands on bodv and legs ; w ing brown.

punctipennis. f'jr in. ; blackish brown ; wing with brown spots and point.

plitmbea. -^^ in. ; lead gray ; wing with brown stripes.

basilaris. li in. ; brownish black.


Family 15. THEREVID/E. Stiletto FlieS. Live near the grouiul ancl prey on other insects. Their hirviv live in fnngi or mould.

THEREVA. Stiletto Fly.

1. T. frontalis. '4 in. ; black; chest with two yellow stripes; bodv with vellow bands.

2. T. nigra. j\ In. ; black ; body with white edges.

Family 16. MIDAID/E. .Midas Flies. They prey on other insects, and are easily known among flies by the unusually long feeler, with a knob on the end. Their larva' live in rotten stumps.


1. .1/ tibia/is. i 's in.; black, with vellow shanks and feet; wing


2. M. clavatus {Jilalus). ^ to i "^ in. ; black; second ring of body

yellow ; wing smoky black.

3. .1/. iopterzts. Js in. ; Idack ; sides and two spots on body yellowish ;

wing steel blue.

4. .1/ fiilvifro>is. J^ in. ; black ; middle of body orange.

Family 17. A5IL1D/E. Flics of Prey. Robber Flies. They live on various insects and caterpillars, and even a bumblebee or dragon-fly has to succumb to their strength. Grabbing their prey with their strong legs, they suck out its juice, and leave but the shrivelled skin. Their larva; live underground in roots or rotten wood, where they feed on other grubs.


I. /y. octofunclata. '{ in. ; black ; chest with yellow stripes ; body with four white spots on each side ; legs vellow.



:>• 6.

7- S.


ID. I I .

DASYPOaON. Wolf Fly.

Feeler blunt at point.

D. subulatus. % in. ; chest brown, with gray shine ; body

reddish, with black tail-end ; legs reddish ; wings brownish. D. cruciattis. Js in.: blackish brown; chest with \ellow

edges and spots; body with yellow hands; wings yellow. D. brunneus. ^ in.; cliest yellow, with black stripes; body rusty yellow;

sides brown, with yellow edges. %

D. riifiventris. 5,^ in. ; chest blackish, with black stripes; body and legs yellow. Z). Aeacus. S/g in.; black; middle of body yellow ; wings black.

B. politus. -^ in. ; breast yellow, with brown stripes ; body slate blue ; point-half of wing brown. D. t>-ifasciat24S. -^^ in. ; blackish ; sides of chest whitish ; body with three vyhite bands. Z>. sexfasciatns. y% in. ; chest white, hairy ; body with six white and black bands. D. argentetis. y% in.; white; hairy, with yellow wings. D. guttiila. i^ in. ; shiny black, w'ith white spot on shoulder ; clear wings. D. ahdominalis. }^ in. ; chest gray, with brown stripes ; body and legs yellow ; wing blackish-brown.

C. aurulentus. \ spots on body.


in. ; golden yellow, with black stripes on chest ; bands and triangular

OMMA TIUS. Weasel Fly.

Differs from Dasypogon in having a feathery hair at the point of feelers. O. tibialis, y^ in. ; blackish-brown ; chest striped ; bands on body and shanks white.


ASIL US. Robber Fly.

1. A { Proctacanthtts) longus. iji "i- ; lirown, with tliife stripes on chest ; body grav ; legs chestnut.

2. -J. {Proctacaiithus) heros. i ^^ in.; rediiish brown, with tour stripes on chest; siiles of botlv vellow ;

iiaiiv ; shank anil feet insty.

3. A. {ProctaciDitlius) philadclphicus. 1'^ in.; \ellowish biown, with tlaik marks on chest anil light

triangular marks on boilv. q. A. ( Trupa>!ca) qitadratus. I ',-( in. ; brown ; boilv black ; sides brown, white, hairv on edges of rings.

5. A. {Dioffinites) uwhriniis. i ]/i in.; light yellow and brown on cliest ; body rusty orange, with black

spots on sides ; legs stout.

6. A. {^Diogmites) ternattis. i in. ; gold yellow ; light around l)lack marks on chest and on edges of rings.

7. A. ( Proctacant/ms) hrcvipcnnis. i in. ; reddish gray; chest with a broad black and indistinct side stripes ;

legs ciiestnut ; shanks black.




1 1 .


13- 14.

A. { /Vo//iac///(S) /mstari/ii. 1/^ in. : gray, with brow 11 maiUs on chett and lirowii bands on liodv. A. nigcr \ yi in.; black; chest with gra_v stripes.

A. {Triipanca) vertcbratiis. l'^ in. ; gray ; ciicst with liroun stripes ; body witii bhick spots ; shanks redibNh. A. rufipes. Jh in. ; brown ; bod\- vellowisli, w itli short black bands ; shanks reddish.

^1. luacrolabis. Js '"• \ blackish, with gray stripes and four triangular while spots on body ; legs cliestnut. A. ( Erax) poffonias. '/% in.; brown, with indistinct chestnut stripes ; legs black ; shanks chestnut. A. sericciis. J^ in.; golden; chest with a broad black stripe and indistinct narrow side stripes; wing brownish vellow.

15. A.

16. A.

18. A.

19. A.

20. A.

(MallopJiora) orcinits. J^ in. ; black, hairy; waist vellow.

(Erax) acsluans. ^ in.; redilish brown; chest with faint black lines; body black maiked; a white ring around end of body on the male.

{Era\) apicalis. S^in. ; chest brassy yellow\ with black stripes; body black, with triangular gray- haired side-spots ; legs reddish.

gracilis, ys in. ; gray ; body, point and hind edge of wing brownish ; feeler and legs yellow. n talus. Yi in.; black; chest grayish ; body with white bands. atrupanca laphroides. ;< in. ; gray, hairy with black shanks.


LAPHRIA . Murder Fly.

{Dasyllis) tergissa. i in. ; black, with yellow hair; both ends of body mid legs black,

lasipes. Jg in. ; black, head, chest and legs yellow- ish ; end half of body gold-yellow, hairy. saff'raiia. Zg in. ; chest black, edges and two stripet yellow : bodv orange ; wings brown. dersata. ^ in. ; slate black ; head and legs gra\'. hairv : veins of wing l)rovvn.

gcorgina. 3^ in. ; black ; chest yellow, hairy, with a short black band ; bod)', except first lings, chestnut. melaiiogastcr. 3/j^ in. ; slate black ; head, chest and fore-legs yellow, hairy.

scricca. i/^ in. ; black, with yellow hair; hind shanks black.

t/ioracica. if, in.; rough; black; chest sulphur j-el- low ; wing brownish.

pvrrkacra. ^n in. ; black ; chest striped ; body witii a white spot on each side and end rings yellowish red. posticata. )2 in-; black; chest and end of body vellow-hairv.

flavicollis. y^ in. ; black ; chest yellow, hairy. 7)ielanopogon. Yi in. ; black ; head, legs and chest gray, hairy; body black. 13. Z. {Ateinosia) macrocera. 14 in. ; black, with white





















1 1 .




bloom ; edge of body and legs red. (34)


I. L. liistrio. y% in.; chest reddish l)iou'n, with three lihick stripes; body brown, with -white bands and yellow legs ; hind legs with brown bands.

HYBOS. Hunchback Fly.

I. H. thoracicus. % in. ; brown, with yellow shanks; wing smoky, with brown edge spot.

Family 18. EMPID/E. Dance Flies. They dance and hunt in swarms on sha<ly brooks, and feed on insects. Their grubs live on decaying vegetable matter.


1. R. cilipcs. }{ in. ; gray, with four stripes on chest and white hairy hind shanks.

2. Ji. amcricana. ^ in. ; slate gray, with yellow legs.

3. R. scolopacea. ^-^ in. ; blackish gray ; chest faintly striped ; body silvery ; legs brown.


I. //. superstitiosa. ys in. ; whitish, with liroad black stripe on chest and body.


I. T. fenestrata. ]•?, in. ; black, with yellow legs and black stripe on shanks.


Family 19. ACROCERID^. Sill all -headed HuinpbacJ: Flies. Their hirv:t are parasites in spitiers or their cocoons, and live in tiielr belhes.

ACROCERA. Tophorncd Fiv.

I. A. fasciata. ig in,- black; body yellow, with three lilack bands; feeler on the top of the head.

/'fA Xemestrinid:e are very rare bee-like flies with Ion',; trunks.

Family 20. BOnBYLIAD/E. Bee Flies. Hover Flies. They feed on the honev of flowers, are very swift rtyer>. and stop sudtlenly in the air. Their larv;B lives as parasites on other insects.

ANTHRAX. Mourning Hover Fly.

1. A. si/nson. 58 in. ; black ; chest grayish red ; body silver spottcil ; wing

clear, with brown spots.

2. A. plitto. y2 in.; black; Ijody with internnpted white Inuul ; wing

witli black lilotciies at base and point.

3. A. //a/cyoii. 'j in. ; black, with \ellow hair; wing brown, with a spot

111 the iiiitkile. the point anil edge cells clear, q. .1. tcgmhiipeiniis. y^ in.; black, with yellow hair ; wing dark brown ;

legs reiliiish. 5. A. ocdipHS. -^^ in.; black; hotly with white spots; wing clear, with

black blotches and spots.


6. A. fiilviana. y% in. ; black, with golden hair: wing blackish blown on fiont edge.

7. A. altcriiata. -^ in. ; black ; gray hairy : body white banded ; wing smoky, a light spot on front edge near

shoulder. S. A. noctida. y^ in. ; black ; sides of chest and bands on body yellow ; wing blackish brown, a spot near

shoulder, hind edge and some spots in the middle clear. 9. A. sinuosa. }z in. ; black ; gray hairy ; wings more than half black ; legs yellow.

10. A. fulvo-hirta. --» in.; black; yellow hairy; sides of body rubt yellow; wing half black ; legs yellow


11. A. cetcr. -(\ in. ; black ; yellow hairy on sides of chest, body and tail-end : wing more than half black.

12. A. aiialis. y\ in. : black, tail-end silvery; wing half black.

13. A costata. j^ in. ; black, with gray hair; body with white bands; wing with black edge and veins.

14. A elotigata. y^ in. ; black, with yellow bands on body and yellow legs.

15. A. lateralis. ]{ in. ; black ; yellow hairy; yellow bands on body and brown front edge of wing.

16. A. fascipoinis. '4 in.; lilack ; body with gray band; wing clear, with brown stripes; point clear.


)lack and oran>;e.


5- B. atriceps

BOMBYLIUS. Hover Fly. Eccfly.

1. B. varius. J-r in. ; yellow hairy ; lioilv white markeil ami two black spots on tlie sides of each ring; wing brownish.

2. B. fratellus. og in.; yellow hairs- ; tiarker on back ; wing half leddish black.

3. />. acijual/s. j'l; in. ; \ellovv, liairv ; fiont half of the wing brownish.

4- B. fnIvHS. >4 In.; black, with golden hail- ; wing clear, with gold \ellow veins. J/4 in. ; like B. fratellus \\\ color, but darker.

Family 21. STRATIOinVIID/E. Soldier Flics. Conl-(if-nrms-Flies. So named from the resemblance of the body to a coat-of-arms. They feetl on flowers in swamps near water. Their larv.-e live in moist mould or water. They carry their wings, one covering the other, when at rest.

I. 2. 3- 4-

SARGUS. Flat Fly.

S. Jccorus. 3/8 in. ; green bronze, with yellow legs.

6'. viridis. ]/^ in. ; bronze green or blue, with green legs.

S. xaut/ioptts. y^ in. ; green gokl. with sellow legs.

S. pallipes. % in. : brownish black ; back of body, belly and legs yellow.



5- 6.

NEMOTELUS. S wa mp Fly.

N. pallipes. j^V in. ; black ; body steel blue : legs yellow.

STRATIOMYS. Coat- of -Arms Fly.

S. Meigenii. ^ in. ; black ; body on each side a triangular spot.

and tail-end yellow. 6'. norma. Y-z in. ; black, with chestiuit stripe on chest part: body

with yellow spot and streaks ; legs yellow. 5". intermedia, ^s in- : black; yellow hairy: body with a yellow

spot on each side and yellow edges, l.ilack ; body green, with black stripe ; legs yellow. 6'. picipes. 3yi in. ; black ; body with four white spots. 5. vcrtehrata. J^ in. ; black ; body whitish, with a black stripe ; legs yellow.

Family 22. SYRPHID/E. HummiiK.I Flies. Drone Flies They feed on the honey of Oowers. Hyrp/iiis are the most valuable plant lice destroyers, laying their eggs among the plant lice nests. Volucella is parasitic on bumblebees. Others live in ants' nests or rotten wood. Eristalis lives in the water. Many of the flies closelv resemble bees, bumblebees or wasps.

PSARUS. Humming Fly.

ith eight yellow

P. ornatus. yi in. ; black; chest with two yellow stripes; body wil

bands. P. qiiadrifasciatus. % in.; black, chest with four yellow spots; body with

four yellow bands.



I. A/. rr/o6os//s. 54 in. : Ijiown ; liairy. Has a curious beetle-sh;ipc(l pupa.


I J/. DicllinKm. -;8 ill, ; black and urauijf ; chest iiaiiy.

XYLOTA. Saw Fly.

1. A'. Jnematoiies. 'S 'H. ; black; bodv re<l ; wings blackish.

2. A", cjinicida. y^j in. ; dark green ; l)odv witli four \ello\v spots.

3. A', quadrata. 3,8 i'l. ; black. bod\ with loiu' square vellow spots.

4. A', metallica. Sg in. ; chest screen bron/e ; bod\ black, with four lar<j;-e

square spots.

5. A. proxima. j-'j in. : black; boil\ witli unc(|ual \ellow sjiots ami a reil

spot on hiiui shanks.

MILFSIA. Mould Fly.

.1/. v/rn-t,t/e?is/s. r in. : ifolil yellow, with black bands ; \\ ing sniok\- black. .1/. oriiata. }^ in. ; black ; chest and bod\ with tliree broken \ellow bands

each. The last ban<l entire. .1/. )iotata . '2 in. ; lilack ; bod\' with \.\\o spots : knees rust \ellow. .1/. acuta . Dark blue : cliest and spots on bodv gold hairv.


RHINO I A. Nose Fly.

R. iiasica. 3'8 in. ; chest gi'ay, with white stripes: body yellow, with black stripe.


Cli. uitidtis. '4 in.; green bronze ; chest with four coppery stripes ; body with black stripes ;nid Imnds; wint; brown, streakv.




^. ribcsii. S. Icsucri.

black. S. corviis.

m. in.

SYRPHUS. Hover Fly.

The raspbeny fly. Black and yellow, like last, but no mark on second ring of bodv : tail-end

1 1. 12.

ji in. ; like last, but a dark orange shade on middle of body ; lighter at sides, antl one blacl'; ring more. .S. abreviatus. 'j in. ; like last, bnt bodv verv short, and no light mark

between chest and bodv. ^V. lappoi/icus. Y-i in. ; black and yellow : wing brown on front edge. 6'. americauiis. i-i '■''•• chest bronze green ; body black, with broad yellow bands ; legs rusty : wing yellowish, y. 6". co)icavus. fs in. : like last, but chest less bright and wing not yellow. S. S. obsciirus. i/% in. ; dark green bronze : body with triarigular coppery spots. 9. 6'. politus. %'i, in. ; chest olive, with yellow edge and whitish middle stripe ; bodv black, with bands and square spots. 10. S. divcrsipes. .;8 in. ; chest bhick, with yellow hairs; body black, witli yellow .S. {/'/atvc/iirus) /ivpcrboreus. /^j in. ; like the ne.xt. but brown woolly. 6'. (^PlatYcliirtis) (juadratiis. -f^ in. ; shiny bronze green ; bodv with vellow spots.



13- -V. (.Sphacrophoria) cylindriciis. ^\ in.; chest metallic oli\e green; l)od\' lust 3'ellow ; first

ring black. /f'PA

14. .i'. ebliquus. % in. ; chest metallic green ; body black, witii two yellow bands ami eight stripes.

15. S. geminatus. }( in. ; chest black, with yellow sides; body black, with yellow bands, double-

spots and stripes ; legs yellow.

16. 5'. marginatus. fV '"• J chest black, with yellow sides; body black, with yellow bands, spots, ^/^..—.yi^


streaks and edges ; legs yellow.


1. T. ciii-vipes. y^ in.; black, with yellow hair; body reddish, with a black triangle above ; _<<^l

hind shanks thickened. ' '■.'J\

2. T. (Mcrodon) bardus. i/^ in.; shaped like curvipes \ chest, first ring and sides of body t \[V;

covered with yellow hairs.


1. S. chi-ysotoxoidcs. % in.; black, with yellowish hair on chest, and whitish marks

on body.

2. S. militaris. J^ in. ; white antl black.



E. tenax. Ss '"• ; bronze brown, witli yellow hair around

chest ; two spots and one band on body ; wing clear. E. flavipes. Y% in. ; black, and strongly yellow-haired ; no

spots on body, but the first ring yellow hairy. E. bastardi. y% in. ; black ; gray hairy ; four orange spots

on body. E. saxorut?i. Jo in- : shiny black ; body with steel blue

bands and yellow rings ; wing blackish brown. E. diviidiatus. J-2 in. ; metallic black, with gray hair ; body

with yellow spots ; leg joints white.

tra?isversits. j\ in. ; black ; chest yellow hairy ; body

with yellow spots.

c^netts. yj^ in. : bronze brown ; gray haired : marks

indistinct. E. {Mallota) posticatus. j\ in. ; chest yellow hairy ; body

black ; yellow at first ring and thickened hind shanks. E. cuprovittatiis. fs in ; bronze green ; chest with coppery

stripes ; joints of shanks yellow. E. chrysostoinus. 3/s in. ; chest black, with four yellow

stripes ; body rusty yellow, with white double spots ; first

ring black. E. droits/. 3^ in. ; chest brown hairy ; body orange and



E. E


1. / '. evccia. iii in.; l)lack, with yellow hair.


s in. ; chest gray yellow, hairy, with three black stripe.s ; hotly l)lack

I . //. latifrons.

and orange. 2. If. similis. V^ in. ; like the la.st, but smaller.


I. .S'. pi'piens. y% in.; shiny black, with white spots,


I. C. verbosa. ^ in. ; yellowish gray ;unl black hair\ ; end of chest whitish.

MESOGRAPTA. I. .)/. marginata. i^ in. ; orange and black, like a small .S. ilivcrsipcs.



I. 6". decora. 5,8 ill. ; chest shiny black ; boilv bh)ck and yellow ; legs yellow ; toes Ijjack.


S. fitsca. y^ in. ; dark brown ; whitish marks on chest ; tail-end gray hairy ; legs black and yellow.

S. quadrifasciata. ^s in- ! chest black and yellow ; body gray, black and yellow; legs yellow ami dark Inown ; wing half brown.

■S'. longicornis. Yz in. ; brown and vellow ; legs yel- low ; fore feet black ; w-ing light brown and clear.


I. 7'. honibvldm. '-2 in.; black, yellow and grav.


Family 23. CONOPID^. Big-headed Flies. Much resembling wasps in shape. Theii laivii; live and transform in the bodies of humble-bees.

CONORS- Bighead.

1. C. cxcisa. Sg in. ; black, two gold spots on chest and on joints of body; wing half

black, half cleai".

2. C. nigricornis. J4 in. ; black ; sides of body vellow marked ; shank yellowish, with

a black band ; wing broadly brown.

3. C Sagittarius, yi in. ; black and white.

4. C. Diargiiiata .

black ; a broken band on chest, and sides of bodv yellow.

LODION. Sucking Fly.

1. L. fulvif rolls, j^ in. ; gray, with two black stri|5es on chest, and black double spots

on bodv.

2. L. abdominalc. ]^ in. ; chest dark gray; body, front and legs brick red.


MYOPA. Bladderhead.

1. .1/. striata ; 3/^ in. ; chest blackish ; body with black and vellow bands ; hind shanks yellow, with two black


2. Af. vesiculosa. 3/^ in. ; reddish brown ; wing blown, whitish near shoulder.

3. J\/. longicoruis. ^ij in. ; blackish, body white spotted on each side : legs yellow.


Family 24. SCENOPINID/E. Window. Flies. Small black flies, without bristles. They are named from being often found on the windows. Their body is flat, and their wings overlap each other when at rest.


I. S. pallipes. %, in. ; metallic brown, with vellow legs and brown wings.

Family 25. LONCHOPTERID/C. Spear-winged Flies. Small brownish or yellowish flies; live on grasses in moist places. Wings cover each other when at rest.

LONCHOPTERA. Spear- winged Fly.

Family 26. PIPUNCULID/E. Big-eyed Flies. .Small flies, sometimes found on flowers; their heads are all eyes.

PIPUNCULUS. Big' Eyed Fly.

Family 27. PLATYPEZID/C. Flat-fooled Flies. Like small house flies, but the upper joints of their feet are widened and flat. They are found hovering in the air or running swiftly over leaves.

PLATYPEZA. Flat-footed Fly.


Family 28. DOLICHOPODID.C Liuig-liujijril Flies. Mostly bright metallic green; I'ouiui in swamps on water plants. They prey on other insects ; their larv:e li\e in decaying vegetable matter.

DOLICHOPUS. Long-legged Fly.

D. cii pr/mis. 'j^ in. ; chest bronze green, with coppery stripes ; legs yellow ;

feet black. D. brcvipe)i)ih. ].^ in. ; metallic green ; legs yellow : feeler, half of hind

shanks and feet black. D. ffratiis. y^ in. ; blue green ; feet black ; shins and face yellow. D. laticori/is. ^-^^ in. ; green ; feet black ; shins yellow ; face white. D. sctifcr. yV ''!• ! dark green ; feet black : shins yellow ; face \yhite ; hind

(eet thoin\'. D. pachyciicDnis. '^ in.; green; feet yellow : hind feet black. D. splciiiiuhis. \l in. : green with red reflex ; tore legs yellow ; hind feet

black. D. cndactyliis. '4 in.; green; tore legs yellow ; hind feet black and yelhnv. D. varialulis. -,% in. ; green ; face white ; feeler red ; f(?et yellow.

D. loiigipc

.'4 ill. ; green ; middle and side stri|ies of chest brassy

yellovy, feeler red ; feet yellow ; face \ellowish white. II. n Ji//i'/prs. 'I in. ; green ; face golden ; feeler, fore legs, and hind feet dark

yellow. 13. />. scopar/'/is. '4 in.; green; t'ace \yliite ; feeler lilack ; feet yellow. 1-5. /). i/isc/fi-r. ll in.; like last ; but tip of fore feet black. i.\. />. sctosiis. 14 ill.; like last; feet black and studded \yith long bristles. 15. Gyniiioptcriiiis barbatithti:. . Js in.; dark green; feet black; face bearded.



i6. G. spcctahi/is. J^ in. ; chest violet; feeler black ; feet yellow. 17. G. a/h/'ccps. ]-\ in. ; like last ; hut feeler red. iS. G. uii^ribarbiis. 's in.; hronze hlack ; face bearded. ig. G. dcbllls. '8 ill-; gieen ; face gray ; feeler red; legs yellow.

10. Pc/asto)ic/triis lom^-icaitda. ,''it '"• ^ bronze black ; five white spots on chest part, above. 21. P. coffiiati/s. 8 dark bronze ; feeler red.

Z2. Tac/ivfrcch/ix iiiocc/ius. ^ in. ; bronze green ; feeler yellow. ZT^. Di'oslrciciis prm^hius. Y^ in.; pale green ; body black ; feet yellow. 24. Argyra calcit ra lis. 'sin.; black; face white; legs pale yellow. 2^. Sviiartliriis harbati/s. js in.; green; feet yellow ; hind shanks green. 26. Porp/ivrops iiic/aiiipits. j^'^. in. ; metallic green ; feet black ; hairy. /'. (hiigipes) iiigricoxa. )^ in.; like last ; feet yellow. S. Diaphorus opacits. ys in. ; entirely black. 29. D. sodalis. ^''g^ in, ; bronze green ; thighs black ; feet yellow. •^o. Liaiiciilus gcHualis. ,5^ in. ; greenish; foin- black lines on chest, and bands on body : a white-eyed black

S|)ot on tip of wing. :;i. SccIIks cMigtiis. y^\\\.\ l)lai:k ; body copper color : sides green : wing black.

32. llvdroplioriis pirata. }{ in. ; bronze brown ; body and legs green ; wing gray.

33. /'siVopits patibiilatns. ){ in.; dark green or steel-blue; wings with two black bands: face liairy ; feet

black. /'. filipcs. ]/{ in. ; slender and long-legged ; head and chest steel-I)lue ; Ijody green ; feeler and legs yellow. /'. caiidatiilus. fV '"• ^ green gold ; liody edge with black spots ; siianks yellow.

36. P. i^iit/ii/a. ]l in.; bronze green ; wing black at point ; drops and hind edge clear.

37. /'. sip/io. J4^ in. ; liriglit green ; wings with two siiort bands ; legs yellow. 3S. P. pal/ens. % in. ; light green ; body with coppery black spots.



Family 29. flUSCID/G. Tl/plcal Flies. This family is very numeious, and embraces about Iwo-tliinls ol tlie wliole ortlei. It needs, therefore, a separate kev.


Si'B-Family I. Upper cell of wing ending near point, closed or nearly so.

II ^^ IJristle at end of feeler, smooth and bare -.-_-_.-_. TachiuidiP.

^^^^^^^~~FP^ une side bare, the other cumb-like - - - . . Muscidir (Slomoxys.)

\^-^^^^_^^|^^^ feathery at foot, bare at point -..--._- Saciophaga.

feather-like to the end body bristly - - Dexia.

body bristiv cmlv at last rings -.-...._. Miiscn.

Famiia' II. Upper cell Hide open.

.\ scale covering the balancers in place of hind-wing and a seam across the breast-part Antkoinxia ami Hylrmia

The scale very small or entirely wanting: the seam across breast-part incomplete or wanting.

Here belong many families of small flies. The veinings of their wings lie between Ant/iomyia 3.\u\ Plwra. The

scientific divisions are made on small characters, and are often very difficult to recognize in such delicate objects.

A is called the aii\iliary vein ; i is called the first length-vein from which the forked second length-vein branches.

Wing similar to .4;//-^(?;/n'/«. c ^ 1.1 c> 'r- .< .. -r. .

" - !icatoj'/i<ii;a, iycioiiiysti, J rvfcia, J etaiiocera,

Vein A and I .^^eparnle - - - - - - - c j. j r, r> i i/oy;-

J=v "^ ctepedon, Dryomyza, Pyrgota, and Ortaiis.

Vein .\ and i. but separating ne.'^.r the front edge - - P^^ila, I^oxoccra, Citlobata and Mioopeza.

Vein A close to I, cells large ------.-_. /fclomvza and Sepsis.

cells small --------- I.oiic/urn and Saproinyza.

Wing less complete than Aiitkomyia.

Vein A close to 1 , only one cell Sflne>oceph(da.

Vein A and i grown together ---------- Pioph'da and Agroinvza.

separate near shoulder -------- Rphvdyiiiidir.

Vein A only a stump ...---_---.-. Drosophila.

Vein A entirely w anting ----------- Oscinis and Chloi ops.

Wing with a few stout veins near front-edge, and a few weak, unconnected ones in hind-edge - - Plioui.


A <

TACHINID/C. Swift Flics. These flies are parasitic on other insects, particiihirly on caterpillars, on wliich thev lav their e^^s. Their larva- live and transform within tlie bodies of tiic caterpillars and thereby

destrov the latter.

TRICHOPODA. Hycbrovi' Fly.

T. formosa. js i" : ^'lest black with white stripes : body red : wing black with white stripes.

T. laiiipcs iV i'l- ; l'l"'-"k with white lines on chest ; wing black, hind edge clear.

T. pciiiiipcs. ':t in. : chest gold with l)lack stripes ; body rust yellow : hind legs feathered.

'/'. cilipcs. \i ill-: blackish brown : body reddish : wings lined ; hind legs feathered.

/". hirtipcs. 'fin.: black; first rings of body reddish ; wing clear edged.

T. plumipcs. Yi, in. : black : hind edge of wing white : hind legs feathered.

bod\' lii'lit red with

TACHINA. Snift Fly.

1. 7'. {y/iri>/ia) //r.v/r/v. 'j in.; blue black: body dark chestnut; head with yellow-

hair ; wing light brown : scales brownish.

2. 7'. (Jiirii/ia) a/o-ens. % in. : chest greenish l)lue black ; l>otly deep black : eyes red

brown : liead and shoulder brassy yellow ; scales white.

3. 'f. (//ys/r/c/a) viv/ifa. '2 i"- ; chest gray with black stripes;

black spots and hair ; legs light red.

4. 7". abriipta. jj,; in. ; chest gray with dark stripes ; body orange,

with a blackish dotted stripe ; legs black. V T. dis'iiiHcta. --sin.: chest gray with black lines : body lilaek and white banticd.

6. T. (.Se>io»!ctop/a) iiiilitaris or .\cmoi\ca htca?it\c. Tlieir

larv;e feed on the army worm ami destroy it.

7. /'. (Lvdclla) ilorvplior.c. Their larva' feed on the potato



TACMINA. Swift FIv.—Cuntimted.

Cassidoiny/ci. Pie\s on tlie helmet beetle. Jlvalomvia . Prevs on leaf beetles. Ocvptrra. Feeds on liugs. (Iiartopliila florah's. Prevs on wasps' nests.

IDIA. Mouth Fly.

. I. /. z'/r/\//s. '4 in. : liron/e green, with Ijlack legs.

MUSCID/C. CouilHiiii Flies. Theii- larva- live in decaying meat, sores, decaving vegetalile or animal matter, manuic. etc.

STOMOXYS. Stinging or Stable Fly.

I. S. />arasi/a. j\ in. ; grav, blackish brown above: led spots on tlrst rings of body ; feeler

stronglv comb-like. 2. .y. calcitrans. ^^ in. : gray, with black stripes on chest, and a band and fonr black spots

on body ; feeler hair feathery on one side. Both have long snouts.


The eggs of this Hv batch within tlie female, and it deposits the living voung maggots on dead animals, meat, etc.

1. .S'. ncori;'/Ha . '4 hi. ; blue grav, with black stripes on chest; bodv white, grav and lilack

chequered ; legs black ; tail-end reddish.

2. .S". cariiaria . (4 hi. ; like last, but tail-end lilack. The males of both are much smaller : //',

about 3a in.


DEXIA. Cone Fly.

1. /J. vertebrata. ]2 in.; cliest gray and black ; bodv orange and lilack ; wing smokv.

2. D. dives. y"|J in. ; black; cliest with three _\'ellow stripes ; body with yellow bands ; wing

yellow near shoulder ; end of veins blackish brown.

MUSCA. House Fly.

1. J/, g'ulo. 5 J in. ; black ; chest with fonr gray stripes; tail-end gray.

2. M. {Calliphora) vomitoria . Blue Bottle or Blow Flv ; '_• in. ; chest grayish black; body

steel blue ; legs black ; eyes coppery.

3. .1/. stvgid- fV '"• chest iktrk slate gray ; lioily oliye bron/.e and \ullow, cheiiiiered ; legs

rust yellow.

4. .1/. {Lucilia) cirr/ileivirii/is. y^ in. ; ilark blnisli green ; legs black.

5. .1/. (Ca///p/io)-a) cadaverinuDi. j^^. in. ; dark steel bine ; eyes and legs black.

6. M. (Li<ci/ia) cicsar. Green Bottle Fly. |-a in. ; brilliant metallic green ; legs black.

7. J/, dnmcstica. /',. in. ; chest grayish black ; body horn color, with a broken black middle

stripe. S. ,1/. Iiarpyia. y'jr in. ; chest gray, with ilark stripes; boily black, with horny sjiots on the

edge. 9. .1/. ^L'ampsomyia\ iiiaccllaria . .Screw-worm Fly. -i^ in. ; bright metallic green, with tour

black stripes on clicst. 10. ,1/. { Hivniatobia) scrrata. Horn Fl\-. ]'|r in. ; grayisli black.


ANTHOnVID/C. Flower Flies. Tliey are mostly found on Hovvers. Tlieir larviu live on roots or decii\- iwyr vcji^etiihle matter.

A N THOM YIA . Flo wvr Fly.

I. A. rapliani. The Radish Fly. 14^ in.; ash gray: a brown spot on forehead and faint brown lines on chest: a black stripe on botlw and narrow black lines on edge of rings.

3. A. ( Pliorhia) ccpariini. The Onion Flv. % in. ; ;ish gra\-, with black hair; a rnstv forked spot on foreliead and thiee rustv lines on chest; wings yellowish near shoulder.

3. A. ctmiciilaris. '4 in. ; dark gray, with copper-colored eyes, edged by a white line, and a

large, yellowish, semi-transparent spot on both sides of each of the first tiirce rings of the body.

4. A. (^Honialoiiivla) scalaris. '4 in. : gra\ish black : copper-colored eyes, eilged by a white line.

5. A. (PhorluLx) hrasiiciV. The Cabbage Flv. '4' in. Feeds on the roots of cabbage, turnip,

radish and caidiflower.

6. .-1. zc>.c. Corn Flv. Their larv;e eat the kernel <if tiie corn.

7. A. (Pcgoji/via I v/c/iia. Beet Fh-. Their l.irva' mine the leaves of the beet.

8. A. iCi/csccus. j',.- in. ; greenish black, with white edge ;iround the eves and brownish yellow wings.

SEPSIS. Fence Fly.

I. .v. niinitta. '^ in.: black: feeler brown : legs yellow .


1. -S'. fi(fcata. '2 ill- i yellowish, hairy.

2. .S'. S(]iialida . ig in. : gray brown ; face reddish ; hairy.

3. .S. exotica. '/^ in.; gray; chest with three brown stripes; body clieckered ; shanks reddish. <>


TRYPETA. Boring Fiy.

Small flies, with black ami white win^s, whose larva' live in the stems or in the fiuits of plants.




















1 1 .








comma. % in.; reddish; yellow hairy: wing blackish with a clear tri- angular spot enclosing a black comma. sparsa. % in. : chest and body gra\- ; wing Ijjack.

ctittd. ]{ in. ; yellow, with yellow wings, clear at edge, and black eye- spots.

( Camptoiiciira) picta. j{ in. : chest chestnut, with a black stripe ; win- blackish brown, with two wliite drops and three scallops on the edge. loiigipciiiiis. ]i in. ; vellow, with four black dots near joint of body and chest; wing brownish, yellow baiuled ; wing longei' than body.

fratria. fV in. ; dark yellow ; wings with brownish wavy bands : wing as long as body. sitavi's. yV '"• ; P''*'e yellow; wing transparent, with black bands.

po//h7. }{ in. ; deep black ; head and legs yellow ; wing whitish transparent with brown bands.

rotundipoiiiis. f\ in. ; brown ; wing black, with white dots.

solidagitiis. % in.; reddish brown; head and legs yellow; wing marked with red; larv.-e forms rounded bulbs in the stems of the golden rod. seriata. Vx in. ; entirely yellow : wing with black edges and dots.

hella. '8 in.: grayish"; legs and body yellow; wing black, with transparent spots. Found on Ambrosia.

astcris. I'V in. ; yellowish brown ; legs pale ; wing with three irregular brown bands. Produces swellings on asters.

pomouclla. tV '"• ! '^ead brown : chest black with two gray stripes ; end of chest white ; bodv grayish black. An apple worm.



I. .V. ri's/iiosa. % in.; honey yellow ; wings vellowish, like VMinisli.

ORTALIS. Gay-colored Fly.

1. (). /Jrxir. yl in.: red brown; win;^ with three transpaient liands. The maggot feeds in


2. (h ivnca . % in. ; Inon/.e green, with red front ; wing with tiiree brown b;nuls.

3. (). notata. -f^ in. ; dark bronze green : a vellow band near tail-end, and a triangular spot on

point of wing.

LONCH/EA. Long Fly.

Raises blisters on the stems of the willow.



LOXOCERA. Long' horned Fly.

I. /.. cyllndrica. \^ in. ; rustv yellow, with a brown stripe on chest and point of wing.

CALOBATA. Long- legged Fly.

I. C. antciniipcs. Jg in- ; black, with yellow legs; the fore legs and joints of hind legs white; hind shanks with two brown bands.

MICROPEZA. Smalh footed Fly.

I. .1/. pallipes. y^ in.; black; mouth and legs yellowish.


t. 6^


I. 5'.

I .












SPHjERACEPHALA. Perspective Fly.

brcvicornis. '^{ in. ; black, with rustv yellow legs; wing with ;i bruwn hand and point; eyes stalked.

PYRGOTA. Cone Fly.

undata. '2 in.; \ allow rusty brown ; a faint cross-mark on chest : a clear spot on front edge of wing ; hind edge of wing with clear scallops.


I. S. fiiscipciniis. }^ in.; chest blue black; body and legs chestnut red feet black ; wing clouded.


obtusa. ';( in. ; gravish brown ; wing clouded ; veins bUickish.


plitmosa. 3/^ in. ; head reddish gold ; chest pale grayish brown ; body yellowish shaded and

marked dark brown.

clara. 1% in. ; pale yellow ; face white ; ciiest with two brown stripes ; wings tawny,

brown clouded.

arciiata. y% in. ; yellowish brown ; chest with broyyn dots ; wing with large brovyn spots.

saraiog'ei/sis. y^ in. ; yellow ; eyes black ; chest with two faint stripes ; wing gray, brown

banded, front edge black.

pictipcs. % ">■ ; like last, hut pale gray, and legs banded.

coiuhinata. in. ; reddish biown ; wing with two doidile liands of dark spots.


PSILID/E are small orange and black flics, about y^ inch in length.


I. D. simfilcx. j5^ in. : polishetl yellow ; wing tinged.

AQROMYIA. Field Fly.

I. A. trilici. Wheat Moss Fly. yV in. i black.


I. //. t/ece/>(/va. j/( in. ; The Sham Wheat Fly. Ash grav, with black legs; chest with three '■ and bfxiy with one spotted stripe ; front tawnv yellow.


I. (). tibialis ','2 ''i- ' black, legs yellow ; hiiul shanks banded.

HELONiYlA. Ssiw Fly.

I. // {jiiin(jiic piDtctata. j^ in.; yellowish brown ; body rust yellow, black side spots; wing five spotted.

CHLOROPS. Orccn-cyed Fly. \

1. C. viili^aris. y\ in. ; pale tawny yellow ; a black spot on head ; feeler black.

2. C. anlennalis . Like last, with pale variations ; feeler vellow.

PIOPHILA. Cheese Maggot Fly.

1. P. case/. '-8 in. ; glossy black; middle and hind le^s vellowi^h. Their mas^gots are the well- -tt^^^

known skippers in old cheese. ' ^

EPHYDRINID^. Salt Water Fly.

Small dies tonnd near the salt water, in which their larv;u live.

:. Dtcliicta caudata. j-',-; in. ; black, with ten long bristles in tail.

2. D. hrcvicaiida . J/g in. ; black, with six long bristles in tail. Notiphila bclla. % in. ; gray, with brown stripes. Ps/'/opa atra. '-s in. ; glossv black ; hind feet red.

Discoccriiia parva. j\y in. ; ashy gray ; body black ; wing transparent ; feeler, knees and feet yellow. Hvdrcllhia livpolcnca. Is in. ; brassv brown ; face and under side white : legs black : hint! teet retl. BracIivdcMtcra diiiiidiata . 's bi. ; brown; under side white.

Parrdia bitithcrcnlata. -^^^ in.: brassy brown ; wing gra\-, with black border; two warts on hind pait of chest. Eplivdra atro-virois. -f^\w.: dark green. ^^^T ScatcIIa fcivillacca. 'gin.; ashy gray ; wing with four clear spots.

OCHTERA. Catch Fly.

I. O. tiiberculata. ^\r in. ; black, with swollen shanks ; feet red.

O. cmp/d/for/iii.'i. Ja in. ; whitish ; body black ; head gray, with black eyes.



I. />. ampelophila. }^ in. Pomace or Wine Flv. Yellowish. Found about wine or cider vats, and live on decaying fruit.

PHORID/C. Hump-hacJced Flies.

I'Jiora. Minute flies, found sometimes on windows, sometimes flving anil dancing in swarms.

Family 30. CESTRID/E. Gud or Hot Flies. Large bee-liUe flies with verv small mouths ; jiarasitic on animal^!.


1. (/£. oris. Sheep Bot Fly. ^4 in. ; brown, smooth; body checkered. Lays its eggs in the

nostrils of slieep ; from there the maggots, when hatched, creep up the passages of the nose and fasten themselves in the chambers of the forehead.

2. (Ji. pliobifcr. '4 in. : blaclc : chest and tall-end reddisii : wing black banded. CX/


1. G. t-i/z/i. 'j in.: pale yellow, spotted witii red : chest banded with black ; wing

spotted. It lays its eggs on the knees of horses : the iiatched maggots irritate the horse, which licks the infested spot and gets the maggots into his mouth, and from there they crawl into his stomach where they fasten themselves and stay until full grown, passing out with the excreta.

2. (r. licviiiiirrlioidaUs. y^ in. : red tail. Lavs its eggs on the lips of the horse.

3. Cf. vctcrinus. The Farrier Bot Flv. 3/8 in. ; brown. Lavs its eggs under the throat of the horse.


HYPODERMA. Warble Fly. \ y

I. //. boviis. Yi in.; black; face pale gray and yellow: chest with a yellow and white %','-,%• band ; body with a yellow, black and reddish band. It lays its eggs on the backs of

cattle. The maggots bore through the skin and produce tumors in which they live ^ '.i". '-*»•. 'Vl till full grown and then crawl out.

//. Uncata. Y^ ii

black, covered with gray hair ; black hairy on middle of body ; tail- 1^

end vellow ; chest with indistinct stripes; legs reddish yellow. Habits like the last.

CUTEREBRA. Skin-boring Fly.

1. C. ciinicttli. I J8 in. ; black; sides and hind portion of chest yellow hairy.

Lives on rabbits.

2. C. horripiluni . I in. ; cliest and first rings yellow hairy.

-^. C. anti'i-icana. '/g, in. ; black ; sides of chest yellow with three black

dots. 4. C. hiiccata. 7/s in.; gray; body steel-liiue : head and sides witii lilack

dots. Lives on squirrels.




Family 31. HIPPOBOSCID/C. Louse Flies d/id Ticks. This and tlie next two families difler from all flies mentioned before bv having no larva state. The female instead of laying eggs, gives birth to the pnpa from which the insect emerges.

HIPPOBOSCA. Louse Fly. Forest Fly.

jri/// five z'cins in their -viilg^.

I. //. equina. '_( in.; bright rust vellow : chest cliestinit ; feet black. Nestles in the hair of

the horse. 'v./\&^'~'

1. //. biibonis. i"i in. ; horn color with reddish tinge and black hairs; feet and tail-end black. Lives on the owl.

LIPOPTENA. Deer Tick. 2

Lives in his wingless state on the deer, antl with developed wings on the partridge. With three length-veins in tiie wing. Z. cervi on the deer; Ori//t//o/iiv/n pallida on the parti'idge.

ORNITHOMYIA. Bird Louse Fly.

I. <K iiebitlosa. y^i I'''- >ellow head; chest reddish brown with vellow spot on shoulder, and three stripes ;

hodv pale brown with black hair. z. O. pallida. 4 in.; chest pale \ellow : boilv p:de brown ; legs white ori partridge.

3. O. coiiplucus. '3 in. ; reddish brown,

4. O. fuscivci/tris. f^/\n. \ chest honey yellow ; body brown ; legs green.


OLFERSIA. Sucking Fly.

I. O. aincricaiia. j/^ in. ; to point of wing, ^^^ in. ; clay yellow, witli impressed middle line on chest. Lives (in owls and other birds.

MELOPHAQA. Mammal Fly.


ti. JA dcpi-cssc7. yi in.; honey yellow, with oval eyes. 2. M. ovina. The Sheep Tick. %

Family 32. NYCTERIBIID/E. Bat Lice. Leather yellow; about ,Vs inch in length.

Family ii. BRAULIOyE. Bee Lice.

BR AULA. Bee Louse.

I. /i. ccvctr. J^ in. ; wingless and eyeless. Lives on the honey bee.

Family 34. PVUCID/E. FleaS.

PULEX. Flea.

1. y. irritaiis. The human Flea. Dark brown; no spines on mouth or back of neck.

2. P. {Ccratopsyllns) so-raticcps. The Dog Flea. Reddish tawny brow ii ; a row of black spines

o\\ sides of mouth and back of neck. Other fleas occur on diflerent birds and animals.



Flies are caught in ri common Initteiflv net niaile of mos<iuito netting; a slight pressure between the fingers kills them. A pin run tlirough the chest part makes them readv tor the cabinet. The larger ones may be stretched like buttertlies. The craneflies require delicate handling or their legs will come ofl". Small flies mav he gummed on a piece of caril, and this pinned in the cahinet, though I ]irefer to drv them between white paper with a slight pressure as in a book. Afterwards arrange an<l name them on a sheet of heav\- white paper and then lav a plate of glass of the same size over it and paste it secureK aro\nul the edges.

The drawings in this book are mostlv life-size, the small kinds lieing drawn double lite-size.


Knobeus Illustrated Guide Books










(Several others in preparation.)

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