u MOSQUITO OR MAN ? OTHER WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR A TEXT-BOOK OF MORBID HISTOLOGY, 1892 ANTI-MALARIA MEASURES AT ISMAILIA, 1904 REPORT ON THE SANITATION AND ANTI- MAl,ARIA MEASURES IN BATHURST, CONAKRY AND FREETOWN, 1905 YELLOW F-EVER PROPHYLAXIS IN NEW ORLEANS. 1905 REPORT ON YELLOW FEVER OUTBREAK, BRITISH HONDURAS, 1905 HEALTH PROGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE WEST INDIES, 1910. YELLOW FEVER. {In Preparation.) MOSQUITO OR MAN? Lantern Slides to illustrate " Mosquito or Man?" Complete set of 'yt slides, price £ i is. In response to numerous applications sets of lantern slides, illustrating the plates in this book, have been made, and can now be obtained on application to Sir Rubert Boyc^ The University of Liverpool. w MOSQUITO OR MAN? THE CONQUEST OF THE TROPICAL WORLD BY SIR RUBERT W. BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S. HOLT PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL; DEAN OF THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL medicine; COMMANDER OF THE ORDER OF LEOPOLD II.; FELLOW OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON; ONE OF THE PUBLIC ANALYSTS FOR THE CITY OF LIVERPOOL WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Stagnation, the great enemy of life" THIRD EDITION LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1910 RC ll(o 19)0 First Edition .... October 1909 Second Edition .... February 1910 Reprinted . ..... September 1910 Third Edition .... November 1910 St) 3.2: o o ^3 I— I Q X ^ s / ^ 05 Si t^ I? > > o TO HER ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCESS CHRISTIAN OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN HONORARY PRESIDENT OF THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE WHOSE GRACIOUS SYMPATHY AND ENCOURAGEMENT HAVE DONE MUCH TO PROMOTE MEDICAL ORGANISATION IN THE TROPICS THIS SMALL WORK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION Since writing the prefaces to the first and second editions, I have had the advantage this year of an extended tour of investigation in West Africa in con- nection with an outbreak of yellow fever. What has been written in this volume in connec- tion with yellow fever in Central and South America and in the West Indies holds equally good for West Africa. If West Africa will grapple with the problem in the same business-like way in which the West Indies, Central and South America have done, there is no doubt that yellow fever will be banished from the Coast ; and that in consequence one at least of the causes of mortality in that hitherto unsavoury part of the world will disappear. In this third edition 1 have added a few photo- graphs illustrating the progress of the antimosquito campaign in Africa. October 24, 1910. Ti PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The favour with which this work has been received, and the demand so soon for a second edition, are evidence that the PubHc is interested in the Health Progress of the Tropics. In this Edition 1 have made some additions, amongst which is a chapter on Parasitism, a subject which is every day receiving more attention. My Indian critics have taken exception to the little I have said regarding their Peninsula. I am, of course, well aware that India has made substantial progress according to old standards, that it has been the home of many great medical men, and that it has produced a vast quantity of bulky health and other reports. But it has not accomplished anything which can compare with the lasting victories won over disease in the yellow-fever zone, whether in the Pepublic of Cuba, Panama, British Guiana, Brazil, or in many of the West Indies ; victories rendered all the more striking by reason of the immense difficulties which had to be o\'ercome in the form of vn viii PREFACE very mixed and turbulent populations and immense natural difficulties. India, with its great prestige, influence, and order should have led the way, and INIalaria and Plague should have been well in hand by now. It has yet to wake up, for at present it lags far behind in the race, crippled largely by tradition. The University of Liverpool, January 1910. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION I HAVE purposely selected the title " Mosquito or Man ? " or, " Conquest of the Tropical World " for this small volume. I have endeavoured in it to epitomise the Tropical INledical movement, which, initiated in this country by the sympathetic encouragement of the tlien Secretary of State for the Colonies — Mr. Joseph Chamberlain — and energetically supported by the liberality of the late Sir Alfred Jones, K.C.M.G., and merchants interested in the health progress of tropical countries, has now spread all over the civilised world. From whatever standpoint the movement is regarded, the reader cannot fail to be impressed with the immense success which has been obtained. Large numbers of better-equipped medical men have been sent to the tropics, vast quantities of up- to-date literature, dealing with tropical diseases, have been distributed ; the public are being steadily educated to understand that it is by no means an impossible task to make the tropics healthy. In the field of scientific research some of the most important discoveries of the century have been made — discoveries not only brilliant in themselves scientifically, but, on account of their eminently practical bearing, of immense importance to the prevention of suffering. The movement moreover IX X rilEFACE has demonstrated time and time again the heroic devotion of those who embark upon it. JNIany have lost their lives and many have been injured. It can truly be said that no movement of modern times has called forth such devotion and such enthusiasm. Finally, if results are looked for, it can be said without exaggeration that the tropical world is to-day being steadily and surely conquered. The narration of the numerous campaigns against the mosquito which I have liere recorded is signal proof of this. The campaigns show that the three great insect-carried scourges of the tropics — the greatest enemies that mankind has ever had to contend with, namely INIalaria, Yellow Fever and Sleeping Sickness — are now fully in hand and gi^'ing way, and with their conquest disappears the awful and grinding depression which seems to have gripped our forefathers. Now the situation is full of hope. The mosquito is no longer a nightmare ; it can be got rid of. The tropical world is vmfolding once again to the pioneers of commerce, who now do not dread the unseen hand of death as did of old the Spanish Con- quistadores of Columbus and Cortes. The British public has and must always have a paramount interest in this practical conquest, which is destined to add a vast slice of the globe, of undreamt-of productiveness, to their dominions and activities, and as a contribution to the history of the conquest this small volume is launched by one who has been privileged to take a humble part in the movement and in not a few of its successful campaigns. University of Liverpool, July, 190J) CONTENTS PART I CHAPTER I PAGE Foundation of the Tropical Medicine Movement in England ......... 1 CHAPTER H Growth of General and Applied Sanitation in the Tropics .. r ..-.,.. 12^ CHAPTER HI Miasm, Tradition, and ^Prejudice 17 CHAPTER IV The Forerunners of the Discoveries of the Mosquito Origin of Diseases 22 CHAPTER V FiLARIA AND THE MoSQUITO : MaNSO,N*'s DisCOVERY , . 32 CHAPTER VI The Discovery of the Parasite of Malaria in the blood OF MAN BY LaVERAN, AND OF ITS FURTHER DEVELOP- , MENT AND PASSAGE THROUGH THE MOSQUITO BV RoSS . 3& xi xii CONTENTS CHAPTER VII PAQB The Plan of Campaign against the Mosquito • , 49 CHAPTER VIII Summary of the Antimalarial Campaigns ... 61 CHAPTER IX Notes on the relationship of Plantations and Botanic Gardens to the Mosquito Question .... 95 CHAPTER X Yellow Fever — Dr, Beauperthuy on Tradition in Medi- cine AND his view of THE MoDE OF TRANSMISSION OF Yellow Fever. Harrison and Moxley on the nature OF THE VIRUS OF YeLLOW FeVER .... 100 CHAPTER XI Historical Survey of Yellow Fever : its destructive Spread and Mortality during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries . , . . , .114 CHAPTER XII Discovery of the Mode of Transmission of Yellow Fever, AND Plan of Campaign against the Mosquito . .129 CHAPTER XIII The Breeding Places of Stegomyia. Stegomyia Survey AND Index .....,,,, 150 CHAPTER XIV The Yellow Fever Campaigns in Havana, Cuba, New Orleans, Honduras, Rjo Janeiro, Santos, Panama Canal Zone, the West Indies, the Amazon . . 1^7 CONTENTS xiil PART II CHAPTER XV SLEEPmG Sickness ; Flies and Disease . . , ,198 PAOir CHAPTER XVI Ankylostomiasis : Dirt Contamination . . , 215 CHAPTER XVII Malta Fever and Goats' Milk 220 CHAPTER XVIII The Rise and Fall of Disease, Plague, Tick Fever, Leprosy and Tuberculosis ..,,,. 225 CHAPTER XIX Parasitism 236 APPENDIX (1) Ordinances, Regulations, and Bye-laws relating to Stagnant W^ater, Mosquito Larv.e, Yellow Fever, Rats, etc. ......... 243 (2) Tropical Expeditions and Commissions of the Royal Society, the Colonial Office, and the Schools of Tropical Medicine of London and Liverpool . . 270 INDEX 275 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Frontispiece FIG. 1a. " Wiggle-waggle," Larva of Stegomyia calopus^ „ 1b. Stegomyia calopus j FIG. PAOINa PAGE 2. A well-constructed Drain and Standpipe, the Agents which HAVE caused the DIMINUTION OF MOSQUITOS, TrINIDAD . . 12 ' 3. A WELL-MADE ROAD WITH CONCRETE SiDE-DRAINS, TrINIDAD . 14 4. A Large Concrete Drain to carry off Storm Water, Trinidad 16 5. A So-called Yellow Fever House, Barbados . . . .18 6. CuLEX. Attitude at Rest (after Ross). One of the Carriers OF FiLARIA 34 7. Anopheles Mosquito. Observe Spotted Wings ... 38 8. Rafts of Eggs of an Anopheline Floating on Water . . 38 9. Characteristic Attitude op an Anopheline, the Mosquito which transmits Malaria ....... 40 10. Anopheline Breeding Pools, after Rain, Sierra Leone . 42 11. Anopheline Breeding Pools, Sierra Leone .... 42 12. Street in Belize showing Grass-grown and Water-holding Side-drain. Anopheline Breeding Place .... 44 13. Street in Belize showing Grass-grown and Water-holding Side-drain. Typical Breeding Place of Anophelines . 46 14. Water-logged Anopheline Breeding Land, Belize ... 52 15. House standing in Stagnant Water, Belize. Observe Water-barrels and Canoe ....... 56 16. Old Method of Filling in Swamps by Hand Labour, Gold Coast 74 17. Modern Method of Filling in Swamps by Sand Pump, Lagos, Southern Nigeria . . ... • • . . .74 18. Road Pools, Village, West Africa. Breeding Places op Anophelines ... . . . . . . . .76 19. Anopheline Breeding Pools, Sierra Leone .... 76 20. Roadside Ditch containing Stagnant Water, breeding Anophelines. West Africa ....... 78 21. Road Pools, West Africa . . .' 78 22. Saman Tree covered with Water-holding Mosqihto-breeding Epiphytes (Bromeliace^), Trinidad ..... 92 23. Too much Bush, Georgetown, Demerara. The effect is to obscure Sunlight and Fresh Air 94 24. Collecting Crab-hole Mosquitos, Bridgetown, Barbados . 96 25. A Properly Screened Cistern, New Orleans . . . 126 XV XV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS no. FACIKO PAGE 26. A Properly Screened Water-barrel on Plantation Dia- mond, British Guiana 130 27. A Temporary Screened Ward in St. Lucy's Almshouse, Bar- bados. Observe the Double Doors ..... 138 28. Paper-screening an Archway previous to Fumigation, New Orleans 140 29 & 30. Papering Outhouses previous to Sulphur FuftnGAXiON, New Orleans .......... 142 31. Sulphur FuanoATioN by Clayton Apparatus, Gold Coast . 144 32. Sulphur Fumigation by Clayton Apparatus, Gold Coast . 144 33. A Row of Water-barrels and Iverosene Tins, typical Breed- ing Places of the Stegomyia, Belize . . . . .146 34. A Coolie " Range," showing the Water-barrels — they are ALL Screened — Sugar Plantation Diamond, Demerara . 148 35. Odd Breeding Places of Stegomyia in Upturned Bottles, Freetown, West Africa . . . . . . . .154 36. Incinerator for Destruction of Refuse, Coomassie, Gold Coast 156 37 & 38. Examples of Posters during New Orleans Yellow Fever Epidemic, 1905 160 39. An Oiling and Cistern-screening Gang, New Orleans, 1905 . 166 40. Screening Gang at work. Spreening the Water Cisterns, New Orleans, 1905 166 41. The Antimosquito Brigade, Bridgetown, Barbados, 1909 . 186 42. The Rubbish-cart Brigade, Bridgetown, Barbados, 1909 . 188 43. Collection of odd Water Receptacles, the work of a Few Days. Bridgetown, Barbados . . . . . .190 44. CuLEX Fatigans (Male and Female) 192 45. Glossina palpalis, the carrier of Sleeping Sickness . .196 46. Glossina fusca, in resting position 190 47. Natural Size of Tsetse Fly 196 48. Mass of Fly Larv^ in Stable Manure, (natural size) . . 204 48a. Milkman, Malta 216 49. Plague Flea (Lcemopsylla cheopis, Roths.). (Greatly en- larged) 220 50. Ornithodoros moubata, the intermediary host of the parasite which conveys African Relapsing Fever, (natural size) .......... 220 51. The Trypanosome of Dourine in Cattle 236 62. The Trypanosome of Sleeping Sickness ..... 236 63. A Filarial Parasite in Blood ....... 238 54. The Trypanosome of Nagana . . . . . . . 238 65. The Parasite of Malaria in Blood of Man 240 56. The Parasite of Malaria in Stomach of Mosquito . . . 240 L Mosquito or Man? PART I CHAPTER I FOUNDATION OF THE TROPICAL MEDICINE MOVEMENT IN ENGLAND Undoubtedly it is to the genius of Pasteur and to his discoveries in Bacteriology and Epidemiology that we must ascribe the foundation of the present investigations in animal Parasitology and their applica- tion to the cure and prevention of tropical diseases. The genius of Pasteur lay in its comprehensive grasp, in its faculty of being equally able to direct scientific research to the advantage of both commerce and indus- try, as well as to the alleviation of suffering. In effect, the great movement which he initiated and the great store of thought which he called into existence in the seventies has proved to be one of the great sources of supply associated for all time with the cause of humanity and the world's progress. The advent of the experimental method so closely identified with Pasteur and his school pushed traditional medicine to one side and allowed scope for a freer and 1 2 TROPICAL MEDICINE MOVEMENT IN ENGLAND more comprehensive treatment of disease. This is abimdantly proved by the nature and range of the in- vestigations Avhich he himself undertook and stimuUited others to take up, and also by the type of investigators which he attracted to Paris. It mattered not whether the disease to be investigated was confined to m^m or to animals. He demonstrated that equally brilliant, equally use- ful and beneficial results would accrue from the study of either. The investigators, drawn from all parts of the Avorld with whom he surrounded himself, displayed the same comprehensive spirit in the treatment of their special lines of research ; this is notably seen, for example, in INJetchnikofFs handling of the subject of inflamma- tion and infection. Nor were the researches of the great Institute associated with his name only intended for his countrymen, for when he had discovered the cure of Rabies, to Paris repaired the afflicted of all nations in order to be subjected to his treatment. Then there came the period when other countries established similar Institutes of their own, in order that the same spirit of inv^estigation, with the same beneficial results, might be planted in their midst. Moreo\'er Pasteur had always at hand trained men ready to proceed to investigate on tlie spot diseases which afflicted tropical countries. His pupils spread far afield, and, fired with the enthusiasm and spirit of their master, they were not slow in reaping a rich liarvest in a hitherto almost unknown field of research. Thus, we find Laveran ^vorking at ISIalaria in North Africa ; Yersin with Plague in the Far East, followed PASTEUR'S WORK 3 later by HafFkine in India, lloux and a group of colleagues investigated Cholera in Egypt, and in the present successful movement in the field of animal Parasitology and Epidemiology we can clearly see the direct continuation and amplification of the like comprehensive method of treatment, the same de- termination to extend the field of medical research and to give the benefits of these researches to less favoured peoples, — just as much to the coloured man as to the white, whether in temperate or tropical zones, and thereby to extend the benefits of civilisation and commercial prosperity. Just as Louis Pasteur and his disciples, Lord Lister and Koch, gave a new insight into the cause and means of prevention of the infectious diseases, and freed the world in consequence of many of its most devastating scourges, so tropical medicine, in carrying us still further afield, has shown us how to combat other and vastly more devastating classes of disease, such as INIalaria, Yellow Fever, Plague, jNIalta Fever, Sleeping Sickness, and Tropical Auctmia. In these diseases it is now only a question of efficient administration and organisation in order to bring about their total abolition. The result is a triumph of the advancement of medical knowledge, and it is not too much to say that the twentieth century will be known in the annals of medicine by the immense progress which medical science has made into the causes and prevention of tropical diseases, discoveries which show clearly the role of insect life in the transmission of disease, and, in consequence, the most effective way of stopping disease. 4 TROPICAL MEDICINE MOVEMENT IN ENGLAND But not only has the study of tropical diseases conferred an increased benefit upon the science of niedichie, it has given new and undreamt-of advantages to commerce, to civilisation, and to administration in tropical countries. To-day we receive regular reports from all parts of the tropical world showing what is being accomplished— the new areas and territories wrested from decay and handed over to civilisation. We are furnished with regular monthly reports from the Panama Canal zone, Cuba, the IMiilippines, and from a host of other places, just as if they were as old-established as ^lanchester or Liverpool, and had always known what a medical officer and his elaborate staff were. But not only has tropical medicine added new territories to civilisation, it has quite recently taken a speculati\e turn, and, in the light of what is taking place in Africa to-day, surveys what may have occurred in America and in Europe in past ages. Recently INlajor Ross, Mr. .Jones, and Dr. A\^ithington have brought forward evidence to show that JNIalaria in Greece may have taken no small share in helping to wipe out the old Greek civilisation. W^hat may not have occurred in other countries also ? It is even surmised, and not without reason, that the tsetse fly has either cleared the white man out of Africa or kept him out, the fly having proved, until recent times, unconquerable. Again, in its far-reaching and world-wide investiga- tions, tropical medicine has directed oiu' attention more and more to the role which insects play in the tra\is- mission of disease, and, naturally, this role is INSECTS AND DISEASE 5 not confined to the tropics, our own familiar housefly, flea, bug, etc., being equally dangerous in their spheres. It has also, thanks to our knowledge of the blood in malaria and sleeping sickness, drawn our attention to the striking ftict that not every one harbouring parasites shows obvious symptoms of the disease ; that there are, in fact, quite as many ambulatory reservoirs, or apparently healthy carriers of these diseases, as there are well-recognisable cases. I have said that the foundations of tropical medicine were laid upon those upon which Bacteriology itself had been reared, but the commencement of the movement which had for its immediate end the building up of the great subject of Tropical Medicine in our midst, would not perhaps yet have made a start had it not been for the practical and far-seeing Minister who was in 1898 at the head of the Colonial Office, the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, and the then medical advisor to the Colonial Office Dr., now Sir Patrick, JManson. The following is proof of this, and the history of the movement recorded here is of great interest, because it shows how the layman sees the practical advantage which can be gained by the study of a subject before even those devoting their lives to it can shake off" tradition and branch out anew. Already in October 1897, Sir Patrick Manson in an address to the students assembled in St. George's Hospital, I^ondon, had urged the necessity for special education in tropical medicine in the medical schools of this country. 6 TROPICAL MEDICINE MOVEMENT IN ENGLAND JNIr. Clianil)erlain, in a Report dated May 1903 upon the subject of Tropical Medicine, wrote that — "It was laroely tliroiigli tlie interest taken in this matter by Dr. JNlanson tliat my attention was more definitely directed to the importance of scientific inquiry into the causes of malaria, and of special education in tropical medicine for the medical officers of tlie Crown Colonies." He then went on to state that — " In pursuance of the second of these two objects it was clearly ad^•isable (a) that a special training school in tropical medicine should be established, where officers, newly appointed to the medical serA'ices of the Colonies and Protectorates, might be given systematic instruction with special facilities for clinical study, before leaving England to take up their appointments, and where doctors already in the service might, when on leave, have opportunities of bringing their professional know- ledge up to date ; (/;) that all the leading medical schools in the United Kingdom should be invited to give greater prominence than hitherto in their schemes of study, to tropical medicine. " {(■) 'J'hat the medical reports periodically sent from the tropical Colonies and Protectorates should be recast on one uniform type, designed to throw light on the diseases which are prevalent in tropical countries, and to indicate the methods likely to be most successful in preventing or curing such disease." Previously, on ]\Luch 11, 1898, ISlr. Chamberlain had addressed a circular letter to the General iMedical Council and the leading medical schools of the United Kingdom pointing out-=- MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S ACTION 7 *' The importance of ensuring that all medical officers selected for appointment in the tropics should enter on their careers with the expert knowledge requisite for dealing with such diseases as are prevalent in tropical climates, and that it was very desirable that, before undergoing such special training, the future medical officers of the Colonies should be given facilities in the various medical schools for obtaining some preliminary- knowledge of the subject." ..." I would be prepared," he added, " to give preference, in filling up medical appointments in the Colonies, to those candidates who could show that they had studied this branch of medicine, especially if some certificate or diploma to that effect were forthcoming." As the result of this letter the General INIedical Council replied as follows : " That, while the Council is not prepared to re- commend that tropical medicine should be made an obligatory subject of the medical curriculum, it deems it highly advisable, in the public interest, that arrange- ments should forthwith be made by the Government for the special instruction in tropical medicine, hygiene, and climatology of duly qualified medical practitioners, who are selected for the Colonial medical service, or who otlierwise propose to practise in tropical countries." Two great ports in Great Britain having medical facilities also replied favourably, and proceeded at once to found schools of tropical medicine. In the autumn of 1898 the I^ondon and Liverpool Schools were founded, so that commendable promptitude was taken in these two cities to give practical effect to Mr, Chamberlain's wishes, 8 TROPICAL IMEDICINE MOVEMENT IN ENGLAND The founder of tlie Liverpool School was the late Sir Alfred Jones, K.C.M.G., who then became the first chairman of the school. By thus placing at the head of tropical medicine in Liverpool a great and distinguished business man having large interests in the tropics, the school was at once drawn into close relationship with the mercantile community of Liverpool, especially with that portion more directly interested in the trade of our tropical possessions. The interest in the local movement was, however, not confined to the mercantile community ; the late Earl Derby and tlie Countess of Derby, the Duke of Northumberland, Earl Cromer, and many others took a keen interest in the movement. Expeditions were organised and dispatched to all parts of the tropical world to study tlie diseases on the spot, a necessity which INIr. Chamberlain had already insisted upon. The gain of this has been, that not only has our knowledge of the diseases been immensely increased, but the way has been pointed out of preventing their spreading or suppressing them altogether. Both schools entered into friendly rivalry with one another in equipping and sending out investigators, and both at the same time started courses of instruction for medical officers proceeding to the tropics. Nor were the services of the schools confined to British pos- sessions ; they were freely consulted by foreign Govern- ments, and, thanks to the fact that Sir Patrick JManson, K.C.INI.G., was the head of the London School, and Major Ross, C.B., the Professor of Tropical JNIedicine ii) the Liverpool School, the keei)est ii)itellects fi'ciji EXPEDITIONS TO THE TROPICS 9 all over the world were attracted both to Liverpool and to London for the purpose of study and research. In the Appendix will be seen the number of expedi- tions dispatched under the auspices of the Colonial Office, the Royal Society, and the London and Liver- pool Schools respectively. Of course these investiga- tions into tropical diseases could not be carried out without very considerable risk. Indeed several of the investigators have sacrificed their lives in this endeavour to advance the cause of medicine and humanity. The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine has lost two brilliant investigators, Dr. Walter JMyers, who died of yellow fever whilst investigating that disease at Para, and Dr. Everett Dutton, who died of relapsing fever in Central Africa whilst investigating sleeping sickness. The London School lost the son of Sir Patrick INIanson — a young medical man of great promise who died through accident whilst on an expedition. He had previously submitted himself to be inoculated by in- fected malaria mosquitos and had contracted the disease, thus proving in his own person conclusively what Ross had previously proved in birds, that the infected Anopheles was the carrier of the parasite of malaria. JNIr. Chamberlain did not rest satisfied with seeins" the foundation of these schools, for in a letter to Lord Lister he states : "I am not satisfied to rest at this point, and wish to invite the co-operation of the Royal Society in taking further steps." He went on to suggest that a thorough investiga- tion should be undertaken by scientific experts pn the spot, into " the origin, the transmission, anci 10 TROPICAL MEDICINE MOVEMENT IN ENGLAND the possil)le prevention and remedies of tropicjil diseases, especially of such deadly forms of sickness as the malarial and blackwater fevers prevalent on the West African Coast," and that the inquirers should be appointed by and take instructions from the Royal Society. The Royal Society immediately appointed a small committee as proposed, and dispatched, in 1898, an expedition to investigate malaria upon tlie lines of INIajor Ross's discoveries. This committee has continued its Avork, and has embraced the investigation of other tropical diseases (see Appendix). The foundation of the Schools of Tropical JMedicine, and the increased importance attached to tropical research by the Royal Society, soon began to react both at home and abroad. Under the guidance of Sir David Bruce many investigations were set on foot in the Army IMedical Department, which have resulted in most fruitful work, especially that of Sir Charles Leishman. Abroad, the question of establishing tropical schools was soon taken up, and tropical schools were established at Hamburg, Paris, and Bordeaux. In the United States also, pari passu with this development, increased attention was directed to tropical medicine, and Washington has become the head centre of tro2:)ical entomology and parasitology. Finally, India and the Colonies have realised the necessity of doing something, and great progress has been made in the way of establishing laboratories under the direction of experts for the study of the diseases peculiar to the particuhir colony. Quite recently a EXPANSION OF MOVEMENT 11 Tropical Scliool 1ms been founded in Australia, under the directorsliip of Dr. Anton Breinl ; splendid work has also been accomplislied by the ^Vellcome Research Laboratories at Khartoum, under Dr. Balfour. At JNlanilla, Havana, and Rio special endowed departments have been formed to encourage tropical research and hygiene, and regular first-class publica- tions are now issued from these centres. In the West Indies and on tlie West Coast of Africa laboratories have also been established to encourage investigation ; and finally three important advisory boards have been formed in connection with tlie Colonial Office to advise on matters connected witli health progress and medical organisation in the Tropics. These three Boards are : The National Bureau of Sleeping Sickness, The West African Medical Advisory Committee, and the Ento- mological Committee. All are accomplishing excellent woi'k. I will in the following pages bring forward the bed-rock facts upon wiiicli 1 base my assertion that in the study of tropical medicine — that is to say, by the study of a wider medicine as distinguished from the parochial, local, or older form — nations possess a force wiiich above all others can wTCst vast provinces from the sway of the insect pests which, though minute in size, yet in their aggregate mass have defied and hurled back man when he has ventured into their domain, or completely wiped out those wiio tried to gain a foothold. The narrative would appear more like a fairy tale w^ere it not based upon easily accessible reports and figures, CHAPTER II GROWTH OF GENEILM. AND APPLIED SANITATION IN THE TROPICS Before proceeding to describe in detail the fight against the mosquito, I will in the following chapters deal with those factors which prepared the w^ay for the successful anti-mosquito campaign of to-day. In the first place, I deal in this chapter wuth the growth of general sanitation. It stands to reason that our tropical possessions have not stood still as regards general sanitary progress. Just as hygiene and sanitation have made great strides in the older countries, and better means of water supply and sewage disposal have been devised, as well as regulations formulated for dealing with the construction of more healthy houses, town planning, slaughter houses, isolation hospitals, milk and food supply, and the numerous other improve- ments which are naturally grouped under sanitary reforms, so in the tropics steady progress has also been made. There are in many colonies building regulations, excellent isolation and general hospitals, nursing arrangements, slaughter houses, arrangements for scavenging, sewage and niglit soil disposal, storm 12 Fig. 2.— A WELL-CONSTRUCTED DRAIN AND STANDPIPE, THE AGENTS WHICH HAVE CAUSED THE DIMINUTION OF MOSQUITOS, TRINIDAD, p. \2] DRAINAGE AxXD WATER SUPPLY 13 water drainage, water supply, etc. The result has been, as in Europe, that many of the tropical towns are vastly more healthy than fifty years ago. By the segregation of infectious diseases there has been a very great saving in life. Cases of leprosy are now housed in excellent lazarettos, and are removed from the possi- bility of communicating that disease to others ; so also with smallpox and other diseases. The growth and extension of tropical towns has, of course, brought with it the drainage of the soil and the swamp lands which usually existed in the earlier days of colonisation. The necessity for providing for the removal of storm water, and therefore the necessity of making properly macadamised roads, with suitable surfaces and concrete side drains, have freed many towns of the puddles which formerly were the rule in the rainy reason, and which are still to be found in outlying villages or in the small towns of backward colonies where hygiene has made little progress. Therefore, with the improved drainage there has been a progressive diminution of the breeding places of mosquitos, and, in consequence, mosquitos are becom- ing less numerous in the towns. Another most important factor which has tended in the same direction has been the introduction of pipe-borne water to the houses and to stand-pipes along the roads. This has naturally brought about the closing of the old-time wells, the common cause of typhoid, dysentery, and cholera in the 'fifties in all tropical towns. One can say that with the introduction of pipe-borne water cholera has varushed, and that a 14 GROWTH OF SANITATION IN THE TROPICS great diminution took place in the cases of typhoid and dysentery. But further, A\'ith the comfort of a constant water supply either in tlie liouse or close at hand by the roadside, the necessity for storing water in cisterns was abolished. In consequence, the storage of rain-water is not now the absolute necessity it was before the introduction of pipe water. It is true that the inliabitants of cities still collect it for washing purposes, but this will disappear in time. Now in the old days it was the storage of rain-water in the Mooden vats or in the innumerable barrels M'hich furnished the ideal breeding grounds of the house mosquitos. There- fore to tlie new watci' supplies niii.si be ascribed the remwi'kable diminution of yellow fever tJiroughoiit the West Indies — that is, when we compare to-day with the condition of affairs fifty years ago. l>ut this is a matter to which I will again refer in detail. The significance of the relationship of the diminution of yellow fe\er to the introduction of pipe-borne water is due entirely to the fact that there has been of necessity a diminution of the common breeding places of the house mosquito — the Stegoinyia ccdopus — the sole carrier of yellow fe\'er. Again, with the inculcation of the principles of cleanliness, and with the appointment of sanitary inspectors to see that yards and gardens are kept clean, there has been a very general cleaning up of the larger towns, so that now there are fewer odd tins and bottles for water to collect in. This, again, has still further reduced the breeding places of domestic mosquitos. Therefore it is not to be wondered at that in many '^^ii; 11E|^ ' ii 0 I? P I 0 H O w O « 0 < I ►J G APPLIED SANITATION 15 of the larger towns in the tropical and subtropical countries there has been a very real diminution of mosquito-carried diseases. For instance, New Orleans was once notorious for its malaria. Endemic malaria now no longer exists in the town. The malaria-carrying mosquito has been driven further and further out, until to-day he only survives along the fringes of the marsh lands outside the city. But whilst to general sanitation we must ascribe increased healthiness and a diminution of death and sickness rates and of malaria, nevertheless there is one disease — namely, yellow fever — which persisted, in spite of sanitary reform carried out on the general lines such as are employed in Europe. The town of Rio de Janeiro was an example of this. In spite of the fact that Rio had made immense strides in general sanitation, as disclosed by the annual health returns furnished regu- larly by the medical officer of health, nevertheless it soon became apparent that there was one disease which did not disappear, in spite of the general hygiene — this disease was yellow fever. It was not until special sanitary measures were specifically directed to it that the disease was stopped. Small-pox has furnished a similar example. By means of isolation and general sanitation and disinfection small-pox can be decreased. But the specific method of attack is vaccination. Then, given this specific method of prophylaxis, coupled with provision for isolation and general sanitary reform, the disease disappears. So with yellow fever, general sanitary reform, coupled with the only direct form of attack known to medical science — namely, the 16 GROWTH OF SANITATION IN THE TROPICS destruction of the yellow fever mosquito,— ?and yellow fever disappears in toto. So that by the term " applied hygiene," I wish the reader to understand the adoption of measures specifically directed to the destruction of those insects or parasites which are directly concerned witli spreading infectious diseases, and to bear in mind that the measures necessary against one disease are not necessarily those suitable for other diseases. That, in other words, each disease, like malaria, yellow fever, INIalta fever, sleeping sickness, ankylostomiasis, etc., etc., requires the application of its own special prophylactic measures. In subsequent chapters I will deal in detail with these specific measures, and will be able to show the astonishing improvement in tropical sanitation which has taken place as the result of specially applied hygienic measures, results, moreover, which would in all probability have never been achieved if reliance had been placed solely on general sanitation. CHAPTER III MIASM, TRADITION AND PREJUDICE It is only those who have been practically engaged in anti-malarial and anti-yellow fever prophylaxis who have any idea of the depth to which the old doctrine of the miasmatic origin of these diseases has sunk into the minds of men. On account of this deep-seated belief in man, the pioneer finds it far more easy to overthrow the strong- holds of the disease-carrying mosquito than to over- throw this deep-seated prejudice, which begets apathy and indifference, characteristic of the tropical countries where these diseases are so prevalent. I suppose it is not to be wondered at, considering in the first place the enormous mass of literature which has been written upon the so-called deadly miasm, tlie veritable night- mare of the tropics, which surrounds you on all sides, which you encounter at its worst in the cool eventide or early morning. It was especially bad over the marsh and in the mangrove swamp, and if any colony was so foolhardy as to engage in dredging the harbour or the river bar or in constructing a new road, or so rash as to disturb an old and disused cemetery, then the 17 2 18 MIASM, TRADITION AND. PREJUDICE wise men of the colony foretold that an epidemic would witliout fail arise in consequence ; of course, in those days it often did, but as we shall see, not from the miasm but from causes now as clearly proven as the law of gravitation. By the word " miasm " is implied an exhalation or emanation from the soil, especially that of warm, moist climates where there must always be an abund- ance of decaying vegetable humus. In the name " JNIalaria," or bad air, given to one of the largest groups of miasmatic diseases, we see clearly what was implied by miasm, and we can also understand why people were so frightened at disturbing the soil. As tropical countries must, owing to the luxuriance of vegetation, have always a vast amount of fermenting vegetable mattei', it was clear then that miasm came to be regarded as the necessary evil of tropical countries, and thus it came about that this nightmare theory of disease was accepted as inevitable — it did not matter, every one had to suffer alike from it ; they had to get the " accUmdtisation fever," and then they were " salted,'' and regarded as immune. Malaria and yellow fever were the " diseases of the new-comers " ; after an apprenticeship to the tropics they would recover. The miasm was not peculiar to swamps or churchyards or mud-banks ; it could equally well be incubated on board ship, from bilge water, ballast, and certain forms of cargo. I^earned works were written, in which the kinds of cargo are specified which are most prone to engender deadly miasm. So bad has this nightmare been at times, that f' ■i p. 18] Fig. 5. — a so-called yellow fe\ ick house, Barbados. YELLOW FEVER HOUSES 19 granite sets and gravel ballast have been consigned to the deep, lest an epidemic should break out were they landed. It is almost impossible to realise to-day the incubus which this nightmare has been upon the world's progress. In the old days, the young man, be he soldier, sailor, or young merchant, went to what was known as the " white man's grave." The result was that in many instances only the wilder ones who could not succeed at liome went to what was regarded as almost certain death ; and indeed it often was, when one recollects, as shown in the mortality statistics of fifty years ago, that amongst the British garrisons 69 per cent, was not an infrequent mortality rate ! Further, the nightmare even spread to houses and barracks, and men spoke of " yellow fever houses " with bated breath, just as children do of haunted houses. It does seem strange that in this the twentieth century similar superstitions still survive ; nevertheless they do, as those whose duty it is to teach the present-day methods of health preservation only too well know. I reproduce a picture of a so-called yellow fever house. It was supposed that if any one was so foolhardy as to sleep in one, yellow fever was certain to result. No words of mine could describe the loss of life and goods and the curtailment of civiHsation which this niglit- mare of the tropics has brought about. But is there any foundation for this behef, which has so deeply grafted itself upon mankind ? None whatever. The damp vapour or the small quantity of marsh gas or sulphuretted hydrogen which could come from a tropical marsh is absolutely unable to give 20 MIASM, TKADITION AND PREJUDICE diseases like malaria and yellow fever. Could they do so we would naturally expect yellow fever and malaria in colder climes where there are certainly marshes and offensive smells, hut where, nevertheless, there is no malaria nor yellow fever. At the present time the world is seeing the spectacle of the refutation of the miasm nightmare in the Isthmus of Panama. Here there are some 48,000 workmen employed digging the canal in what was formerly a notorious yellow-fever and malarial country. Notwithstanding this and the fact that the graves of the 50,000 workmen wlio perished of these very diseases in the time of De Lesseps must have been turned up over and over again, no cases of yellow fever have occurred there during the last three years, and malaria has been reduced to a very low figure, so that the total death rate compares favourably with any town in Europe. Surely mankind does not want stronger proof. Yes, certain indi\iduals do. I know of more than one learned medical man, judge, and prosperous merchant who still argue in favour of the nightmare — miasm. With the knowledge which we possess to-day we can of course understand why the marsh should ha^'e been regarded with dread. It is, however, not on account of any miasm, but because disease-carrying mosquitos bred there, — two \ery different things. Experiments were already made, as we shall see when we deal with tlie subject of yellow fever, to ascertain by inoculation whetlier tlie soil of graveis in which patients who had died of yellow fe\er had been buried MOSQITITO VERSUS MIASM 21 was infectious or not. These observations showed that yellow fever could not be communicated in that way. We are wiser now that we have the true facts before us ; but we must freely confess that the medical men of those days must have been both puzzled and awestruck to find strong men struck down by the fever at the rate of 69 per cent. It was not from want of good food or water, or accommodation. No, they were struck down by some unseen hand, and medicine said that that hand was the miasm. To- day we know it to be the mosquito ; and whereas formerly, acting on the miasm theory, not one life was ever saved, to-day, armed with the new knowledge, we visit the miasmatic countries with the same feeling of security that we do when we pay a visit to the Continent. But did no one in the days gone by stand forth and try to stem the tide of prejudice and tradi- tion ? Were there philosophers who saw something dangerous in the common mosquito ? Yes, there were such, as I will endeavour to show in the next chapter. CHAPTER IV the follekunnees of the discoveries of the :mosquito origin of diseases It is the rule that all great movements and disco\'eries are heralded in by premonitory signs. In other words, there are always " John the Baptists " who go before. It is so with the discovery of mosquito-borne diseases. In the last chapter I traced the theories that were held about malaria and yellow fever, how malaria or marsh fevers and yellow fever were attributed to miasms. In this chapter I wish to record the opinions of those who doubted this view, and thereby demonstrated how far ahead of their time they really were. Mewed in the light of what we know to-day, they were true prophets. There appears strong e\'idence that the danger of Hies and mosquitos was known in very early times. Thus Sir Henry Blake, in speaking at a banquet in connection with the I^iverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 1908, mentioned how, when he was Governor of Ceylon, he had been shown a medical work written fourteen liimdred years ago, in which tlie mosquito was stated to be a carrier of disease, and malaria was described as being transmitted by flies 22 DK. BEAUPERTIIUY 23 or mosquitos. It will also be remembered that Hero- dotus spoke of winged serpents. Beaiiperthuy argues that this term is very applicable to mosquitos, whose poisonous bite he compares in its effects on the human body to that of tlie serpent's bite. The use of mechanical protection against mosquitos also appears to be a very ancient practice, the means adopted consisting of either smearing the exposed parts with pungent fats and oils, or more commonly by the use of netting ; this is seen in the use of our common word " canopy " {kmvcjxjj = gnat). Not until the nineteenth century, however, do we find medical men directing their attention to the mosquito, the common biting insect of the tropics. We read that in 1848 Dr. Nott, of IMobile, Alabama, published a work on yellow fever in which he uj^holds the mosquito origin of yellow fever, and also surmises that the mosquito of the lowlands may be the origin of malarial fe\'er. But it is Dr. Beauperthuy whom we must regard as the father of the doctrine of insect- borne disease. " Louis Daniel Beauperthuy, Docteur en Medecine des Facultes de Paris et de Caracas, naturaliste fran^ais et micrographe," was born in Guadeloupe in 1803, studied medicine in Paris, and graduated with dis- tinction. He was a medical man with a very strong biological trend, and was devoted to the use of tlie microscope. In order to study a disease he would follow it up, no matter in what country it broke out. It was thus with yellow fever ; wherever an epidemic of it occurred in the West Indian group, he set off to 24 THE MOSQUITO ORIGIN OF DISEASES study It oil the spot. AVe thus find him at Cuniana in Venezuela, where a virulent epidemic had broken out. In Cumanii he appears to have been made a health officer by the then Government, and in 1853 we find him contributing a paper to the Gaceta Oficial cic Cumand, in which he says : " To the work I undertook I brought the knowledge gained during fourteen years' microscopic observation of the blood and secretions in every type of fever. These observations were of great service to me in recognising the cause of yellow fever and the fitting methods of combating tliis terrible malady. A\"ith regard to my investigations on the aetiology of yellow fever, I must abstain for the present from making them public. They form a part of a prolonged study, the residts of which are facts so novel, and so far removed from all hitherto accepted doctrines, that I ought not to publish them without adducing fuller e\idence in support. Moreover, I am sending to the Academic des Sciences de Paris a communication which contains a summary of the observations I have made up to the present, tlie object of which is to secure the priority of my discoveries concerning the cause of fevers in general. " The affection known as vellow fever, or black vomit, is due to the same cause as that producing intermittent fever. " Yellow fe\'er is in no way to be regarded as a contagious disease. '• 'J'he disease develops itself under conditions whicli favour the development of mosquitos. " The mosquito plunges its proboscis into the skin . . . and introduces a poison whicli has properties akin to that of snake Acnom. It softens the red blood BEAUPERTHUY^S OBSERVATIONS 25 corpuscles, causes their rupture . . . and facilitates the mixing of the colouring matter with the serum. " The agents of this yellow-fever infection are of a considerable niunber of species, not all being of equally lethal character. The zancudo hobo with legs striped with white, may be regarded as more or less the house- haunting kind. " Remittent, intermittent, and pernicious fevers, just like yellow fever, have as their cause an animal or vegeto-animal virus, the introduction of which into the human body is brought about by inoculation. " Intermittent fevers are grave in proportion to the prevalence of mosquitos, and disappear or lose nmch of their severity in places which, by reason of their elevation, have few of these insects. " The expression ' AMnged Snakes ' employed by Herodotus is peculiarly applicable to the mosquito, and the result of its bite on the human organism. " IMarshes do not communicate to the atmosphere anything more than humidity, and the small amount of hydrogen they give off does not cause in man the sliglitest indisposition in equatorial and inter-tropical regions renowned for their unhealthiness. iVor is it the putrescence of the xvater that makes it unhealthij, but the presence of mosquitos.'''' Readers will agree that perhaps never in the history of medicine has such a carefully-thought-out prognosti- cation received such remarkable scientific confirmation. Beauperthuy made other communications both to the Gaceta OJicial de Cumand and to the Academic des Sciences. He studied, amongst other diseases, T.eprosy. For 26 THE MOSQUITO ORIGIN OF DISExVSES this purpose, acting upon his usual plan of investigation, he removed into Britisli Guiana, and it was whilst engaged upon this study tliat he died at the Penal Settlement, JMazaruni Kiver, British Guiana. The inscription on his tomb, for which I am in- debted to the courtesy of Professor Harrison of Demerara, reads as follows : LOUIS DANIEL BEAUPERTHUY, M.D., OF PARIS, Born at Guadeloupe, Died Sept. 3, 1871, Aged GJf, years. After his death his papers were collected together and published in book form by his brother, Pierre Daniel Beauperthuy, at Bordeaux in the year 1891. I am indebted to Dr. Deverteuil, of Trinidad, for having placed in my hands a copy of this work. It is written in French. In my opinion, Beauperthuy wished to publish a treatise on insect-borne diseases. There is little doubt also that he regarded the mosquito or " tipulaire " as the cause of very many diseases. AA^'here he failed in his argument was to account for the source of the virus with Mhich the mosquito infected man. He believed tliat the mosquito introduced some poison into man which it obtained from tlie decomposing matter on which it fed {maticres pclugiques), or perliaps from decomposing phosphorescent animal sub- stances, as fish. In support of this he mentions that BLAIR'S OBSERVATIONS 27 M. JNIagendie demonstrated that a few drops of putrid fish inoculated into animals produce very severe intoxi- cation. Then he says, " N'est-ce pas, en efFet, une instillation de poisson en putrefaction que ^■ersent ces insectes sous la peau et dans le tissu cellulaire de I'homme ? " Thus Beauperthuy was clear as to the transmitting agent, but fell into error in supposing that the poison was taken from extraneous decomposing matter, and not from the infected man. In other words, he believed that the poison was telluric, that it did not, however, come off in the form of a gas or miasm, but was carried and inoculated into man through the instrumentality of a mosquito. Another investigator of high repute, and also of British Guiana, ^iz. Surgeon-General Daniel Blair, writes in 18.52, in his "Report on the First Eighteen Months of the Fourth Yellow Fever Epidemic of British Guiana," that — " it would appear from the observation of the present epidemic that though, as is well established, a certain high average temperature is required for the generation and continued existence of the efficient cause of yellow fever, it has not its genesis from any known combina- tion of meteorological elements, and may appear at a time when they are highly favourable to general health and comfort ; that the laws of its diffusion differ from those of gases ; that it is impelled by atmospheric currents, but seems to possess some power of spon- taneous motion ; that though intense energy of vegeta- tive power characterised the seasons antecedent to and 28 THE MOSQUITO ORIGIN OF DISEASES during the epidemic invasion, its shifting lines of infec- tion and gijratori} movements suggest to the imagination the attributes of insect life.'' Then in still more recent times we find King ' in 1882 tabulating the facts in support of the mosquito origin of malarial disease, showing hosv the word "Miasm" can in all cases be replaced by the word " ^Mosquito." Again, later, tlie name of Dr. Charles Finlay" is linked up with the mosquito origin of yellow fever. He did much to direct the recent researches on yellow fever to the Stegomyia as the transmitting agent in that disease. AVorking in a totally different direction, in a direc- tion which had already been followed up and was well known to the scientific world, namely, the relationship of the lower animals to man in the transmission of human disease, conclusions were arrived at which demonstrated that it was possible that even a small insect like tlie mosquito could act as an intermediate host or carrier of disease organisms. It had already been pro^■ed that improperly cooked meat containing the encysted larvae of the JVichina spiralis was capable of producing a very severe disease in man known as Trichiniasis. Tlianks to the re- searches of ^'irchow and others this disease, which at one time caused considerable mortality, was finally banished by instituting a proper system of meat inspec- ' \\m^. "Mosquitoes and Malaria," The ropnlnr Sru-nce Monthly, 'Sew York, 1883. ' Finlay, "El mosquito iiypoteticamente cousiderado como ageute de transmision de la fibre amarilla," Havana 1881 TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE FROM ANIMALS 29 tion. The main points in connection with trichiniasis are: — 1. The persistence in a Hving form of the hirvfje of the parasite for considerable periods in the flesh of the affected animals, like swine. 2. When such meat is ingested the larvae are liberated in the intestines and then commence to multiply and migrate, and the disturbance produced in the body of man by their acti\'ity giv^es rise to the symptoms characteristic of tricliiniasis, such as fev^er, etc., etc. 3. The pig infected man, man infected the rat, and the rat infected the pig. During the same period our knowledge of the other intestinal-worm diseases advanced, and the re- lationship of the phases of the parasites living in the animal to those living in man was worked out. For example, Tienia ecJmiococcus inhabits the dog, the dog infects man through the eggs of the ttenia infecting the food of man ; the eggs, when swallowed, develop in man into the scolex or hydatid phase, and there are many more examples. The next great step was made when the relationship of the guinea worm to man, and to the minute crustacean Cyclops was demonstrated by Fedschenko and Leuckart. It was proved that the larvae of the mature guinea worm upon reaching water were taken up by the cy clops. Now if water containing these infected cyclops was consumed by man, the parasites were liberated in the stomach of man and from thence migrated to the subcutaneous tissues where the adult 30 THE MOSQUITO ORIGIN 01' DISEASES stage was passed, and so the cycle repeated itself: man— Cyclops— man. A further step M'as made when, about 1883, it was shown that the intermediate host of the blood parasite Filaria was the female mosquito, and the suggestion made that man might become infected through the bite of that insect. To Sir Patrick JNIanson we owe most of our knowledge upon this point. By this time observers all over the world were beginning to inquire : How is a disease like malaria carried and spread ? The parasite was known, but how did it enter man ? I need hardly remind the reader of the shelves of books which have been written containing all kinds of fantastic theories. They nearly all centred on the deadly miasm — the malaria or bad pestilential air w^iich, as we have seen, was supposed to arise, carrying the parasites and infecting every one coming in contact with the vapour. There w^ere others, however, as we have seen, who held that possibly tlie ubiquitous gnats or mosquitos miglit have some share in the transmission : for instance, observers like 13eauperthuy, King, Finlay, etc. Indeed, with the perfection of our knowledge of the nature of infectious diseases, it was becoming clearer every day that the " domestic " insects which infested and pestered man and animals, sucli as fleas, bugs, ticks, gnats, and flies, could act as disseminators of disease. Already, in the case of red- water in cattle, observers in the States had demonstrated how that disease was carried from animal to animal by the tick, which acted as host and carrier. However, returning to the diseases of man, it was THE MOSQUITO AND MALAKIA 31 left to Major Ross to demonstrate in a most con\'incing manner that the mosquito was the cause of the spread of malaria. Thus a situation which at one time appeared hopeless is now, on the contrary, full of hope, and the tropics are rapidly becoming possible for Europeans. Ross showed, as we shall see presently, that when anopheline mosquitos, not all mosquitos, sucked blood from a person suffering from malaria, that the parasites which they sucked up in their meal of blood developed in their stomach, and, after certain developmental stages, reached the salivary glands, from whence they were transmitted to man again. In other words, the anopheline plays the part of intermediate host, just like the dog does in some forms of tapeworm disease, and the cyclops in the case of the guinea- worm disease. It is most important to recollect this, for it proves that the mosquito is necessary to tlie complete life-cycle of the malarial parasite, and that the former does not merely mechani- cally carry the parasite from man to man like the common house-fly does. The latter picks up on its body or mouth parts the infected material, and trans- fers it on to the flrst object it alights upon. We can state the case for the mosquito thus : For the complete life-cycle of the malaria parasite, the special mosquito — the anopheline — is as necessary as man. The date when the parasite was discovered in the blood of man, and how Ross proved that it passed part of its life-cycle in the body of the anopheline, will be set forth in a subsequent chapter. CHAPTER V FILARIA AND THE MOSQUITO IMANSON's DISCOVEllY Under the term "'Fildvinsis " are grouped several diseased states of the body whicli ha\'e received different names, according to their leading features, such, for example, as " Fever and Ague," " Chyluria," '* Elephan- tiasis," " Barbados Leg," " Rose," etc. These morbid conditions are due to the presence of a worm which in its immature or larval form is known as Microfilaria BancroJ'ti, and in its adult form as Filaria Bancrofti. The lar\'al form was first discovered by Demarquay in 1863, and in 1872 I^ewis of India found that it was very frequently present in the blood of Indian nati\'es. To Bancroft belongs the credit of having discovered the adult form. The parasite, and therefore the morbid conditions which it gives rise to, are widely distributed over the globe. It is abundant in China and India, the per- centage reaching as high as 50 per cent, in the former country. It is fovmd \\\ the South Sea Islands, and has been observed in the Southern States of the United States, and also in Southern Europe. It is therefore 32 is THE FILARIA SANGUINIS HOMINIS 33 a very widespread condition, and is of very special interest because niosquitos Avhicli had previously sucked the blood of persons harbouring the larval forms were found later to contain them in a furtlier state of development, man thus acting as the definitive host and the mosquito as the intermediary host. The discovery of this inter-relationship paved the way, as we shall see, to the discovery of the mode of the transference of the virus of malaria and yellow fever. Therefore, as very great interest attaches to this discovery, I reproduce here the account which its discoverer. Sir Patrick INIanson, gave early this year (1909) at a meeting of the Authors' Club. He said : " Let me go back to my early years of tropical experience. I was then in the island of Formosa. I took a great interest in the diseases of the people. One disease had a special fascination for me — ElepJiantlusis. 1 puzzled over what might be the cause of this disease, but without finding a satisfactory solution. Later I went to Amoy, a large town on the coast of China, where I saw many more cases and many more forms of the same disease. Still I failed to find an ex- planation. " In 187-4 I came to London, and there for the first time I heard that Timothy Lewis, who had done so much in the study of tropical diseases, had discovered that in the blood of a proportion of the inhabitants in certain districts of India there was to be found an organism which he called the Filaria sanguinis hominis. This is a microscopic animalcule, eel-shaped, and enclosed in a loose sac, or sheath, within which it wriggles about in the blood very actively. It is some- 3 S4 FILARIA AND THE MOSQUITO times present in enormous numbers — hundreds in every drop of blood. These parasites Lewis had found in more than one instance in association with elephantiasis or elephantoid diseases. On my return to China in 1870 I endeavoured to ascertain if these parasites occurred also in China. I discovered that they w^ere present in some districts in 10 per cent, of the popula- tion ; in other districts they were present in 50 per cent. ; w^hile in other places they w^ere not found at all. One thing w^as certain — that this little organism was not a mature animal. It showed no evidence of growth while hi the blood, or of any organs such as would lead one to suppose that it was capable of reproducing itself. The inference was therefore that it was the young of some other animal. For this I searched many times, and at last found such to be the case, although my discovery had been anticipated by Bancroft, and by Lewis himself. '' The parental worm was quite a big animal, from about 3 in. to 4 in. in length, of a thickness of a strand of fishing-gut. It lay in the lymphatic vessels. But between this mature animal and its young, actively wriggling progeny in the blood no intermediate form could be discovered. The problem naturally suggested itself — How does this parasite contrive to pass from one human being to another ? " Now it occurred to me that if it could not pass by virtue of its own effort from one human body to f another, and if such a passage w^ere necessary, as it obviously is, some other agent must intervene, and that that other agent must be one which is capable of piercing the skin of the human body, and also one which absorbed the blood of the human body, and with the blood the little wriggling parasite which it Fig. 0. ATTITUDE AT REST (AFTER ROSS) CARRIERS OF FILARIA. OXE OF THE p. 34] MxVNSON^S EXPERIMENT 35 contains. Such translation was, in my opinion, a first and necessary step for the parasite to take when it would quit one human body and get into another. Now, the agent which occurred to me as being the most likely to effect the necessary step in the translation of the filaria was the mosquito." JNlanson's suspicion that the mosquito was the transmitting agent was soon strengthened by the dis- covery that the filaria? increased in the blood during the night — this fact he discovered himself after the examination of the blood of 1,000 Chinamen whilst in Amoy. He argued, was this great development of the parasite in the blood dunng the night in any way an adaptation to the nocturnal habits of the mosquito ? Stimulated, as he says, by this further coincidence, he . determined to make a practical test — just as, later, Ross did in the case of malaria, and Reed, Carroll, Agra- monte and Lazear in the case of yellow fever. For this purpose Manson placed a Chinaman who had the parasites in his blood under a mosquito net with hungry mosquitos. The latter took their usual meal of blood, and then INlanson set about dissecting them. " I shall not easily forget the first mosquito I dissected so charged. I tore off its abdomen, and by rolling a pen-liolder from the free end of the abdomen to the severed end, I succeeded in expressing the blood the stomach contained. Placing this under the micro- scope, I was gratified to find tliat, so far from killing the filaria, the digestive juices of the mosquito seemed to have stimulated it to fresh activity." 36 MANSON'S DISCOVERY Having thus proved that tlie fihirife were taken up by the mosquito in its meal of blood and that tliey were not killed, he next set to work to find out whether they underwent any changes in the body of the mosquito ; this he succeeded in doing. JNlanson observed that when the human blood entered the stomach of the mosquito, it became thickened in consequence of the water wliich it con- tained becoming absorbed. The filaricK which found themselves imprisoned in the stomach of the mosquito became actively motile. After a series of patient dissections Manson was able to trace them through the stomach wall into the abdominal cavity, and then into the thoracic muscles of the mosquito. iMore than that, " I ascertained," adds Manson, " that during the passage the little parasite increased enormously in size. From measuring about yj^ of an inch in length it grew to about -j~r of an inch, and it was now just visible to the naked eye. It developed a mouth, an alimentary canal. Manifestly, it was on the road to a new human host." When this state of development was reached in the mosquito, Manson supposed that the latter in all proba- bility died, and that the developed filaria escaped into and infected the drinking water. He supposed that the infected drinking water infected man. Later, however, he succeeded in tracing the filaria a further stage in the mosquito. From the tlioracic muscles he found that the parasite wandered towards the pro- boscis of the insect, and could be found in the sheath of that organ, where it remained to await an opportunity CULEX AND FILARIASIS 37 to escape. And this was in all probability given it when the mosquito sought a fresh victim to get its meal of blood. During this act it is supposed that the parasite escapes into the tissues of the victim. From these observations it seems highly probable that filaria disease is transmitted from a person in whose blood tlie parasites are present by the intermediate host, the mosquito, which in its turn infects man when it bites him. JNIan harbouring the parasite is the reservoir, the mosquito is the carrier. It will be ob- served that the carrier is the " mosquito " — often a species of Culcw. But this function does not appear to be limited, as is malaria, to the Anophelines, or, as in yellow fever, to the Stegomyia, probably several species of mosquito being able to act as hosts. But as in the case of malarial parasites, so in the case of the filaria, the parasite passes part of its existence in man and part in the mosquito ; hot/i man and the mosquito are necessary for the complete devc/opment of the parasite. Therefore, if the mosquito is destroyed, the life- cycle of the parasite is destroyed and the disease nnist of necessity cease. This constitutes, as we said in a former chapter, the fundamental principle of prophylaxis in all the mosquito-borne diseases. CHAPTER VI THE DISCOVERY OF THE TAKASITE OF ^lAI-AllIA IN THE BFOOD OF MAN BY LAVERAN, AND OF ITS FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND PASSAGE THROUGH THE MOSQUITO BY ROSS Having in the preceding chapters traced how men's minds were gradually being turned to the possible danger of the mosquito in relationship to disease, and thus in some measure preparing the way to the great discovery of Ross that one particular genus of mosquito could alone communicate malaria from man to man, I will in this chapter refer first to the discovery of the malarial parasite in the blood of man by Laveran and others, and then I will deal fully with the discovery of Ross. AVhilst, as we have already seen in the preceding pages, the marsh fevers or malaria were attributed to emanations or miasms from swamps, investigators folloM'ing other lines liad searched the blood of man by means of the microscope to try to find sometliing in the blood-stream — some organism to whicli the very characteristic febrile symptoms of malaria might be definitely ascribed. 'J'his quest was but natural, and 38 [;i'. Acwslifcul, del. Fig. 7. — anopheles mosqxito. observe spotted wings. Fig. 8. — rafts of eggs of an anopheline floating on water. p. 38] LAVERAN'S DISCOVERY 39 in conformity with the spirit of investigation of the age. It had already, in the hands of the bacterio- logists, led to the discovery of the anthrax bacillus as the cause of the disease anthrax, the tubercle bacillus as the cause of tuberculosis, the typhoid bacillus as the cause of typhoid fever, the cholera bacillus as the cause of cholera, etc. Considerations like these no doubt stimulated one of Pasteur's dis- ciples to patiently investigate the blood of patients suffering from malaria, for Laveran succeeded in 1880 in discovering the parasite in the blood of all cases of malaria. His researches were published in his well-known work " La Paludisme," a work based upon extensive observations made in Algeria. After these observations, which were soon confirmed by dis- tinguished obser\'ers all over the world, there remained no possible doubt that the only cause of the disease known as malarial fever was a microscopic parasite which multiplied in enormous numbers in the blood of the infected patient. Then, as invariably happens, it was soon proved that related organisms could be found in numerous species of animals ; in other words, that this parasite was a widely distributed blood parasite both in the blood of man and animals. This discovery was an immense advance. The para- site which caused all the characteristic symptoms was now seen, and for the first time described and classified. But whence did it come ? How did it get into the blood of men ? Did it gain access to the body of man in some finely divided form in miasm or vapours from the marsh ? You will recollect that Dr. Beau- 40 DISCOVERY OF THE PARASITE OF MALARIA perthiiy imagined that the marsh mosquito absorbed some telUiric poison derived from decaying animal or vegetable matter, and in its bite communicated this poison to man. Laveran's discovery showed at once that the virus was not a poison or ptomaine such as would be obtained from decaying matter, but was indeed a comparatively highly organised living body, actively motile, at certain stages in the blood. Then the great question arose in men's minds, how did Laveran's parasite get into the blood ? JNIy colleague — Professor jMajor Ross — answered tlie question, and we can with truth say that, side by side with the discovery of the bacterial origin of the infective diseases by Pasteur, this will remain one of the epoch-making discoveries in medical science, which will prevent an immense amount of suffering through sickness and death and will advance civilisation and commerce in hitherto almost inaccessible regions in a manner previously undreamt of. The discovery M^as only made in 181)7, and consisted in Ross being able to infect certain mosquitos, the Aiiophcl'uuv, with the malarial parasite. ^Vnd then, as if by magic, the true story of malarial infection, about which countless books had been written containing an equal number of hypotheses, theories, warnings, and surmises, was made as clear as daylight. A water-breeding mosquito sucked, not decomposed vegetable or animal matter at the marsh, but the blood of a man suffering from malaria, and in which there were parasites in abundance. The parasites sucked in witli the meal of blood underwent further development iii the mosquito, ?,v FLIES AND DISEASE 105 portent sur ces orifices les acariens qui les tourmentent et sen debarrassent au prejudice du iiouvel bote qui les re(;'oit. La presence de ces insectes sur les levres et au bord des narines occasionne une vive demangeaison et des boutons vesiculeux, semblables a des boutons de gale, dont Fcruption s'accompagne d'une reaction febrile ephemere. Ces eruptions pbyctenoides partielles sont connues sous les uoitl^ dlwrpcs labiaUs, lyraepiitialis, 7iasaUs, etc. How Malaria, Ykllow Fkveu, etc., are Carried " Les fievres intermittentes, reniittentes et perni- cieuses, ainsi que la fievre jaune, le cholera morbus et les accidents causes par les serpents et autres animaux venimeux, reconnaissent pour cause un virus animal ou vegeto-animal dont I'introduction dans I'organisme humain se fait par \ oie d'inoculation. Les fluides ou virus inocules determinent, apres une periode d'incuba- tion plus ou moins longue, des symptomes nerveux dans le principe et plus tard une infection putride du sang et des autres fluides de I'economie, portant le trouble dans la circulation, la respiration, la digestion et toutes les autres fonctions. " Les fievres intermittentes sont graves en raison du developpement des insectes tipulaires, et ces fievres cessent d'exister ou perdent beaucoup de leur intensite dans les forets qui par suite de leur altitude nourrissent pen de ces insectes, quelles que soient les masses de matieres vegetales qui y subissent la decomposition putride. " Les Indiens, pour se garantir des fievres, font usage de certains preservatifs, et, lorsqu'ils habitent leurs vallees malsaines, de brasiers allumes a I'entree de leurs fabanes pendant la njiit. Ce mo^^en est tres efficapg 106 BEAUPERTHUY ON TRADITION IN MEDICINE pour chasser les insectes tipulaires. lis le negligent lorsquils voyagent dans d'autres localites. " De tons les moyens en usage pour se preserver de Taction (:^nervante occasionnee par les piqures des insectes tipulaires, le plus efficace est celui qu'emploient les Indiens, consistant a se frotter la peau avec des substances huileuses. II est vrai que leur peau reste sans defense contre I'introduction de I'aiGfuillon de ces insectes ; mais le contact d'une substance grasse dans I'interieur du tube capillaire qui sert a I'inoculation du venin, suffit pour obstruer ce conduit et s'opposer a I'instillation du virus secre^te par les glandes salivaires de Finsecte : la piqure alors perd toutes ses proprietes deleteres et se reduit a une simple incommodite qui n'a rien de pr^judiciable pour la sante et n'altere en rien la composition du sang. " L'expression de serpents ailes employee par Hero- dote est fort applicable aux insectes tipulaires et a Taction de leurs piqures sur Teconomie humaine. Tant il est vrai de dire que la verite apparaissait aux anciens j usque dans les fables. " I^a fievre jaune atteignit un degre de malignitc^ pen commun. L'epidemie s'etendit sur les Indiens comme sur les Europeens, sans distinction de classes. Les negres eux-memes ne furent j^as exemptes. Elle atteignait depuis les enfants de quatre ans jusqu'aux hommes de Tage le plus avance ; JM. JManuel Artiz, vieillard presque centenaire, fut attaque du typhus amaril. Je lui assurai qu'il accomplirait le siecle, et j'eus le bonlieur de lui tenir parole. " Dans la mission que j'avais a remplir, j'apportais le fruit de quatorze anne'es d'observations faites au microscope sur les alterations du sang et des autres YELLOW FEVER AND MOSQUITOS 107 fliiides de rdconomie animale dans les fievres de tous les types. " Ces observations, faites dans les regions equi- noxiales et intertropieales, me furent d'un grand secours pour reconnaitre la cause de la fievre jaune, et les moyens propres a combattre cette terrible maladie. Quant a mes travaux sur I'etiologie de la fievre jaune, je m'abstien- drai pour le moment de les livrer ji la publicite. INles reclierches a cet egard font partie d'un grand travail, dont les resultats ofFrent des faits tellement nouveaux, et si eloignes des doctrines revues, que je ne dois pas les presenter a la publicite sans apporter a leur appui les demonstrations les plus evidentes. Du reste, j'envoie a I'Academie des Sciences de Paris une lettre scellce qui renfcrme le resume des observations que j'ai faites jusqu'ici et dont le but est de m'assurer a toute eventualite la priorite de mes decouvertes sur la cause des fievres en general. Quant a la methode curative que j'ai employee et qui a egalement reussie sur les Europeens et sur les indigenes atteints de la fievre jaune, je ne crains pas de la publier. Ces faits sont faciles a observer et tout medecin intelligent et de bonne foi qui usera, sans restriction, de mes preceptes contre le typhus amaril, obtiendra les resultats que j'ai obtenus moi-meme. " On ne pent considerer la fievre jaune comme une affection contagieuse. Les causes de cette maladie se developpent dans des conditions climateriques leur permettant de s'etendre a la fois ou successivement sur plusieurs localites. Ces conditions sont : I'elevation de la temperature, Fhumidite, le voisinage des cours d'eau, les lagunes, le peu d'elevation du sol au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Ces conditions sont celles qui favorisent le developpement des insectes tipulaires. 108 BEAUPERTIIUY ON TRADITION IN MEDICINE *' I^es tipules introdiiisent dans la peau leur su^oir, compose d'un aifiuillon canalise piquant et de deux scies laterales ; ils instillent dans la plaie une liqueur venimeuse qui a des proprietes identiques a ccUes du venin des serpents a crochets. 11 ramollit les globules du sang, determine la rupture de leurs membranes tegu- mentaires, dissout la partie parencliymateuse, facilite le melange de la matiere colorante avec le scrum. Cette action est en quelque sorte instantance, comme le demontre I'examen microscopique, puisque le sang absorbe par ces insectes, au moment meme de la succion, ne presente pas de globules. Cette action dissolvante parait faciliter le passage du fluide sanguin dans le conduit capillaire du sucoir. Si Tinsecte est interrompu dans I'opcration de la succion, tout le venin reste dans la plaie et produit une plus Yive demangeaison que lorsqu'une grande partie du fluide venimeux est repompee avec le sang. On attribue sans motif le prurit a la rupture de Faiguillon ; cct aiguillon est une substance cornee elastique, dont je n'ai jamais observe la rupture dans mes nombreuses obser\'ations. " I^es agents de cette infection prcsentent im grand nombre de A'arietes qui ne sont pas toutes nuisibles au meme degre. La variete zcmcudo hobo, a pattes rayees de blanc, est en quelque sorte I'espece domestique. Elle est la plus commune et sa piqure est inoffensive com- parati^■ement a celle des autres especes. Le puyon est le plus gros et le plus venimeux ; il produit une gale ; son aiguillon est bifurque a son extremitc ; sa picture, dans les cas les plus fa\orables, on le venin nest pas absorbe dans Feconomie, determine une irritation locale qui presente la forme d'un bouton prurigincux sem- blable au scabies purulent, mais millement contagieux. Cast surtout les cjifants qu'il attaque. Jv ete^due d]i WAS YELLOW FEVER CONTAGIOUS ? 109 foyer de la suppuration rend difficile les recherches qui tendent a decouvrir Fexistence du sarcopte dans ces vesicules. " Que sont les matieres pelagiques dont les tipulaires se nourrissent, sinon des substances animales phospho- rescentes comme la chair des poissons ? Qu'y a-t-il d etrange que Tinstillation dans le corps de I'homme de ces substances a I'etat putride produise des desordres tres graves ? M. INLagendie n'a-t-il pas prouve que quelques gouttes d'eau de poisson pourri, introduites dans le sang des animaux, determinaient en pen d'heures des symptomes analogues a ceux du typhus et la fievre jaune? N'est-ce pas, en efFet, une instillation de poisson en putrefaction que versent ces insectes sous la peau et dans le tissu cellulaire de I'homme ? " Les animalcules de la fievre jaune se meuvent dans toutes les directions, remontant le courant, et sont doues d'un mouvement de giration de droite a gauche et de gauche a droite. Une tres petite quantite de sulfate de quinine melangee avec le liquide, paralyse instantanement Taction des animalcules. lis sont entraines par le cours du liquide sans manifester aucun mouvement." (Get article a ete piiblie dans la Gazette officielle de C'umaiid, le 23 niai 1854j uo. 57.) Was Yellow Fkver Contagious oh Not ? Just as in the case of malaria so in the case of yellow fever, much controversy and speculation took place as to whether the disease could be passed on from man to man, either by contact or through the secretions, or through the clothes. So two schools arose in the eighteenth century, the contagionists and 110 BEAUPERTHUY ON THADITION IN MEDICINE the non-contagionists. It was chieHy Avitli a view of getting information upon this vexed subject that the 1852 Commission was appointed, and upon its findings the quarantine hiws of tlie period re yellow fever were modified where necessary. As a result of their deliberations the Committee reported as follows : " That epidemics are preceded by individual and sporadic cases, which cases likewise occur in seasons when no epidemics prevail. That epidemics are very often local, and limited to one part of a town. That epidemics do not spread by gradual progression, but often skip over certain adjacent districts. That in an epidemic the most rigid seclusion affords no protection. That great success attends removal to a non-infected locality. That the exciting cause, whatever it is, is local and endemic. That the means of protection from Yellow Fever are not quarantine restrictions and sanitary cordons but sanitary works and operations having for their object the removal of the several localising conditions. ( Signed ) " S HAFTESBUllV, " Edwin Chadwick, "t. southwood s.aiith. ''Whitehall, 7 Jy^nV 1852." They therefore were decided that } ellow fever was not contagious. Blair held the same view strongly. He went so far as to inoculate the conjunctiva of healthy persons with the mucus taken from the con- juncti\'a of persons suffering from yellow fever — in no instance was yellow fever contracted. He mentions numerous cases where nurses had become smeared with the black vomit of patients and suffered no ill THE CAUSE OF YELLOW FEVER 111 effect, also numerous cases in which the wives of yellow fever patients slept in the same bed, or cases in which a patient, through lack of space, w^as placed in the cot newly vacated by a yellow fever case that had died. In no instance was yellow fever contracted. In 1793 Dr. Firth of Philadelphia inoculated his arm with the blood taken from a yellow fever patient. He also drank some of the black vomit. No ill effect followed. According to Professor Harrison,^ a Dr. May dropped some black vomit into his eyes and did not get the fever. Since that period all these experiments, with many more besides, have been re-made, with the like negative effect, showing that the secretions, the bedding, and the clothes did not convey infection. But how, then, was the infection conveyed ? Beau- perthuy, as we have seen, tried to explain it, and succeeded half way — the mosquito conveyed the virus, but he failed to observe that the mosquito got its virus from infected man. He supposed that it obtained it from decomposing matter. Just as Ross furnished the clue in the case of the anophelines, so Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear solved the question in the case of the stegomyia. Beauperthuy's contention that the mosquito obtained its poison from the soil fitted in with the views then firmly held of the local origin of the disease. It was noted over and over again how the disease clung to certain places and liouses. With the view of throwing light upon the local origin of the disease, more especially in the case of graveyards which ' Loc. cit. 112 BEAUrEKTIIUY ON TRADITION IN MEDICINE luid been used to bury yellow feAer cases, Professor Harrison, now of British (Tuiana, and Mr. Sutton Moxly, Chaplain of the Forces, both then in Barbados, luidertook a series of experiments to test by inoculation in the lower animals whether the mould of yellow fever graves was infective or not. The experiments were also an answer to observations made by Dr. Freire of Rio, to the effect that the soil from burials spread the disease. Harrison and JNIoxly's experiments showed that so far as small animals Avere concerned the soil was non-infectious. The most interesting observation of these two early investigators was the following pregnant statement : " The theory that we believe, in view of all the apparently contradictory facts of the case, to be the most reasonable, and that, if not generally accepted now, will be when the history of the disease is thoroughly known, and when the apparently contra- dictory facts are compared, and given each their due weight, is that yellow fever is a highly contagious disease, but that the germs, whatever they may be, require some time and suitable opportunity for their development before they can reproduce themselves in another body ; and that thus the disease is not at least generally communical)lc from a sick person to another who may be in ever so close proximity to him." Surely this is an extraordinary coincidence — Beau- perthuy certain that it was a mosquito that trans- ferred the poison, Harrison equally con\'inced that that poison required some time and suitable opportunity to develop itself outside the bod}^ before it could infect. G(30D WORK IN HRITISII GUIANA 1U3 Yes! British Guiana can compete on equal terms with Cuba for the honour of haxing paved tlie way to the epoch-making discovery, and all honctur to the great clinician and the young professor and his clerical companion who, with the simplest instruments, got so near the truth. I^. H. R. Carter, of the JNIarine Hospital Service, had also drawn attention to the curious " extrinsic " period of incubation of yellow fever, that is to say, to the remarkable fact that an interval existed between infected and secondary cases — the interval being, as we now know, the latent period which the virus passes in the stegomyia. It is clear that Harrison and Carter were both thinking alike. 8 CHAPTER XI HISTORICAL SURVEY OF YELLOW lEVER. ITS DESTRUC- TIVE SPREAD AND ^MORTALITY DURING THE SEVEN- TEENTH TO EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES Fascinating as is the study of malaria, both historically and scientifically, nevertheless that of yellow fever is even still more so, as I shall endeavour to show. AV^iilst we read how malaria dogged the footsteps of our forces in the Netherlands, so yellow fever was the disease in the days of the buccaneers, and later of our regular troops at a period in our history when we were engaged in conquering in the ^^^est Indies and on tlie Spanish JNIain, which time and time again swept our pioneers and soldiers away just as so many flies. Before we had ventured into these waters the terror of yellow fev^er was well known to the Spanisli, Portuguese, French, and Dutch settlers ; it was recog- nised as the " diHease of the Conquistadores.'' How often, in wandering tlu'ougli the \W'st Indies, one meets with an obelisk or an isolated tombstone or a disused churchyard, all telling how our own con- quistadores, our own soldiers, met their death, not at the hands of a warlike enemy, but, as we now 114 i I MORTALITY IN THE PAST 115 know, vanquished by the sting of an insignificant insect ; and thousands so perished, as the following official narratives attest. Blair, in an account of the yellow fever epidemic of Georgetown, 1850, cjuotes as follows from the Report of the JNledical Inspector of the West Indian Command for the years 1837-41. "About the end of August fever began to appear amongst the non-commissioned officers and privates : out of 32 attacked, 15 died. Intermittent fever was at the same time very prevalent : 1,435 cases came under treatment. " In Trinidad, in May 1838, fever occurred among the troops at St. James's and St. Joseph's : 15 died out of 109 treated. A draft of young Irishmen, just then arrived, suffered most. "In Dominica this year (1837), out of 65 cases of yellow fe\'er admitted into the hospital, 21 died. Nearly all the officers had the disease and died. In this epidemic, haemorrhage from the gums and throat was common ; black vomit set in about thirteen hours before death. " In Trinidad, 1837, at St. Joseph's, 19 men of the detachment there died of fever. " Grenada about the same time was severely visited by fever. " At Port Frederick, out of 14 men of the Royal Artillery 11 were attacked, of whom 0 died. At Richmond Hill, out of 207 of the 70th Regiment, 61 were attacked, 14 died. Fever raged amongst the civil population, both white and black ; even the ac- climatised by no means escaped ; the crews of the shipping suffered severely. 116 IIISTOUICAL SURVEY OF YI<]LLOW FEVER "In Barbtidos, 1837-8, in November and December, yellow fever prevailed amongst the inliabitants of Bridgetown and proxed very fatal. The troops then were healthy. In the beginning of January, 1831), the disease appeared in the 52nd Kegiment, Avhich in the November preceding had arrived from Ciibraltar ; of 37 admitted into hospital 6 died. The officers of the regiment suffered in a greater proportion. Of 10 attacked 3 died ; 12 was the Avhole number in barracks. It is remarkable that every indi\'idual who had any duty to perform requiring his presence in the orderly room, which was in the officers' barracks (pre\iously con- sidered healthy), was attacked with fever ; and also that few escaped who occupied the adjoining lower rooms ; thus, of 2-i persons connected with this part of the building, only 2 females and 4 young children escaped the disease. The building was vacated, the floor taken up — nothing offensive was found under- neath. " In the quarter ending June 30th there was an average of 39 deaths out of every 123 cases. The inhabitants at the time were reported healthy, as also the seamen and the troops in Berbice and at the out- stations. The weather was described as particularly fine. " In St. A'incent, in the same quarter, yellow fever was very destructive amongst the troops ; out of 310 (the total strength of the white troops) 241 cases occurred, 54 died ; out of 18 officers, the whole in the garrison, 9 were attacked, 4 died. " In St. Lucia, from the middle of August to the end of September, the troops at JVIorne Fortune suffered from fever ; out of 134 white troops 93 were attacked, 20 died. The inhabitants suffered even more ; amongst MORTALITY IN THE PAST 117 them the disease appeared in tlie early part of July. The weather was unusually dry and liot. About the same time fever was severe and destructive amongst the inhabitants of St. John's, Antigua. The troops in the island escaped tlie disease. " In the quarter ending December 31, 1839, fever prevailed amongst the troops in Barbados ; it was fatal, and obtained chiefly in the brick barracks. It first appeared amongst the respectable inhabitants in the early part of October, and about tlie end of the month became prevalent in the garrison. The hospital sergeant and orderlies of the 52nd Regiment were amongst the first taken ill ; tlien the families of the married men ; then the troops in the barracks. The disease broke out amongst the troops on the sliips, and even in Trinidad (March 184()) fever prevailed ; 402 cases occurred, 13 died. "In Tobago, during the same quarter (1846), 62 were attacked with fever out of 71, 8 died. " In St. Kitts, out of 8 attacked 4 died. " In the same year 7 fatal cases of fever occurred amongst the troops in Berbice, 5 in Trinidad, 24 in St. Kitts, out of 90 attacked. " In the following quarter (1840), at St. Kitts, there were 10 deaths from fever out of a garrison of 33 attacked ; the ci\il inliabitants suffered as well as the troops. During the twehe months ending JNIarch 31, the deaths from fever at Brimstone Hill, St. Kitts, were 49, which was a large proportion of the garrison." Again, in the year 1847, during a severe epidemic in Georgetown, Demerara, Surgeon- General Blair wrote : " Within the trenches aquatic larvae and exuviae abounded, and over them clouds of mosquitos and 118 HISTORICAL SURVEY OF YELLOW FEVER sandflies. Siicli was the condition of the neighbour- hood of the JNlihtary Grounds during tlie epidemic. These particulars were noted by me more especially in 1840, in consequence of a reference being made to me by His Excellency the Governor, M'ith a view to reply to a dispatch from the Right Hon. the Secretary at AVar regarding the question why in a few months 09 per cent, of all the idiite troops had perislied. In close proximity and to leeward of the marsh stood the Military Hospital. It is said that almost every case admitted to this hospital during the epidemic became yellow fever, no matter what the ailment on admission ; and it ultimately became such a terror to the soldiers that the utmost difficulty was experienced in persuading them to enter it when sick." And again we read : " Fergusson tells us how the troops at St. Domingo, after disembarking, one and all suffered. At the com- mencement of the epidemic a census was taken of the inhabitants, and they and the newly arrived soldiers totalled equal numbers at the conclusion of the epidemic. 1,500 soldiers — that is, the original complement of the men — had perislied. No wonder we read about a general who lost his reason when he saw, in spite of all his efforts for their wellbeing, his men struck down by hundreds by invisible bullets. In the words of Blair, so persistently did yellow fever dog the footsteps of the early European pioneers, whether on plunder or con- quest bent, that it seemed as if the European carried something upon his person which, coming in contact with the tropical atmosphere, lit up a conflagration. The moment, wrote Prescott, a town is founded, or a , MORTALITY IN THE PAST 119 commercial centre created, it is certain to cause tlie explosion of the latent malignity of the poison in the air." No wonder, then, that around such a disease, magic and mystery were freely invoked to account for it. Yes, and little wonder that to-day may still be found surviving some old practitioners of medicine who cannot shake the juju off and will take you to see a " yellow fever house " — a house haunted with the yellow fever pestilential miasm of former generations, and in which, if you reside, you will surely get yellow fever ! Just as in the case of malaria, so in this disease : miasms — the chemical reactions arising from the union of salt water with fresh — were considered an ideal explana- tion, for it fitted in with appearances. Our tropical seaports were attacked by yellow fever, and in these tropical seaports it invariably happened that the in- coming salt-water tides met with the outflowing fresh water of the tropical river or the water of the lagoon ; and it was to that natural phenomenon that wise men attributed a chemical reaction and the engendering of a " fibrilifying influence." The " fibrilifying influence " was described as a terrestrial poison which a high atmo- spheric heat generates amongst the newly arrived. The frequent outbreak of yellow fever on board ships led to a host of theories which are amongst the most absurd of the modern period of the history of medicine, only finding their parallel away back in the days of alchemy and witchcraft. The outbreaks on board ship V2i) lUSTOlUCAL SURVEY OF YELLOW FEVER were described as spontaneous. The cargo was blamed; it might ha\e been green logs from Sierra Leone or logwood from Honduras. But the majority of authori- ties laid the blame to ballast, especially shingles, gravel, mud or sand. The ballast was more often than not wet when put in, or made so by the drippings from the fresh-water tanks stored on board. The pestiferous emanations from bilge water, mixed with the Ixillast in all the forms in which it was encountered in the days of sailing ships, were supposed to be the chief cause, and very numerous examples of this are given in the "Report on Yellow Fever," General Board of Health, London, 1852. Quite recently Dr. Planning of Barbados has reviewed a considerable number of these instances to support the view which he shares, and which, as we now see, were the views of the school of miasms, fibrilifying influences, concatena- tions, in the days before science had given us the true explanation. The persistence of views like these to-day shows in a very marked degree how hard it is to kill tradition and superstition in our profession. The explanation of all these so-called "spontaneous" out- breaks on board ship has been admirably given by Dr. Le Boeuf and by other American writers of the past few years. A little thouglit Avill show at once that yellow fever has almost disappeared from ships since wooden vessels were replaced by iron steamships. In the old days before a steam condensing plant, fresh water was carried in numerous casks whicli were more often than not leaky, the fresh water was taken in at the ports of call, and no doubt contained innumerable EXPLANATION OF YELLOW FEVER ON SHIPS 1^1 stegomyia larvae and eggs which developed during the voyage into the winged insect. Tlie sliip then became like a house in a yellow fever town ; the particular species of mosquito — the stegomyia — was there. All then that was necessary to ligiit up an epidemic on board was that a labourer or some one from shore suffering from the disease should come aboard, or that a member of the ship's crew sliould go ashore and contract the disease. Soon after the ship sailed the infected man naturally developed the disease, and presently every mosquito in the whole ship would become infected ; and then most of the crew would be down with yellow fever. Tliere is no necessity to search for a miasm nor to ask us to discover a sea mosquito, as Dr. JNIanning suggests, for an explanation of this now well-known fact.^ That the stegomyia can and does develop in fresh water on shipboard in warm latitudes as easily as it can ashore is now well known, and if it can transmit yellow fever ashore, it certainly can do so on board ship, which is to all intents and purposes a float- ing house. But no, in spite of all these explanations, tradition and yellow fever houses sind J iiju still cling. Although yellow fever and malaria have been ' To show how Iiistory repeats, as recently as 1908 a small epidemic of yellow fevef occurred at St. Nazaire a week after the arri\'al, on Sep- tember 24th, of the S.S. La France from Martinique, which badly infected island she had left on September 10th. The cases occurred only amongst those working the ship and only after the discharge of the cargo, amongst which there was a large consignment of banana bunches. In the latter infected stegomyia which came on board at the port of departure remained hidden and quiet until during the discharge they were disturbed, wlien they sought refuge in the cabins and commenced to bite the men working and sleeping on the ship, with the result of a typical small epidemic, absolutely contined to those working the sliip. 122 HISTORICAL SURVEY OF YELLOW FEVER usually bracketed close to one another (and as we now know there was a reason for so doing, for they are both mosquito-carried), yet Blair recognised the very great difference which existed between malaria and yellow fever from the point of view of aetiology, for he states : " It is remarkable that some of the most destructive outbreaks of yellow fever have occurred amongst the troops at stations where intermittent fever is almost unknown as indigenous : for instance, Brimstone Hill in St. Kitts ; Fort Charlotte in St. \^incent ; St. Ann in Barbados ; and vice verm, those colonies in which ague are most common have been least frequently visited by yellow fever — e.g. Demerara and Berbice." The reason for this difference is now quite clear. The life-story of the anopheles and the stegomyia is quite different ; the one is an earth-pool breeder, the other a domestic drinking-water-barrel or odd drinking-water- receptacle breeder. The one therefore is much depend- ent upon the rains or upon permanent springs and marshes, the other chiefly dependent upon the hand of man, who provides the receptacle and fills it with the drinking water necessary for the use of his house- hold. Hist or ij. — There is every reason for supposing that yellow fever is one of the very old diseases of mankind in the New World. It is stated that it was knoAvn to the Aztecs under the name of in(itlii::(ihunlt, and accord- ing to Humboldt it existed as early as the eleventh century. Amongst old Spanisli writers who refer to this HISTORY OF YELLOW FEVER 123 disease may be mentioned Oviedo, who in his " Historia General de las Indias " describes the great mortality among the followers of Columbus in 1494. This mor- tality he attributes to the humidity of St. Domingo, but in every probability it was yellow fever. So bad were the reports wliich reached Spain, that Ferdinand Y. had to send out 300 convicts to the island as tliere were no volunteers. Columbus in 1498, in writing to the King of Spain upon the sickness of his men, attributed their illness to " peculiarities in the air and water " in the new land. No doubt the peculiarity was the mosquito. In the sixteenth century yellow fever is said to have decimated the Mexicans. But the first authentic history of an epidemic of yellow fever was furnished by Jean Terreyra de Rosa at Olinda in Brazil in the year 1687. ^^J'ere Dutertre, 1635, appears to have been the first to furnish details of the symptoms and progress of the disease in the West Indies. He regarded it as a new disease. Pere Labat, whose name is well known in connec- tion with yellow fever, found on landing in Martinique in the year 1649, the disease raging in the island, the monks of the religious order stationed there being severely afflicted. The learned father stated that the disease was called " the Maladie de Siam," because in Martinique they supposed that it was imported from Siam by the ship Oriflamme. As, however, this ship called at Brazilian ports on the voyage, it is much more probable that either the crew became infected there 124 HISTORICAL SURVP^V OF YELLOW FEVER or tliat infected mosqiiitos Avere earried away. Accord- ing to l^ancroft tlie disease existed in St. Domingo in 173L Old writers upon yellow fe\er frequently refer to the AVest Coast of Africa as being the original source of the disease.^ Thus Dr. Chisholm believed that yellow iavcv was first introduced into the West Indies in 171)3, when Grenada became infected from the remarkable ship Haiikcjj, which had come from Bulam in AW^st Africa. On account of this supposed origin of yellow fever it is sometimes called Ikilam fever. F'.A'idence, however, points the other way, — that in fact it was a very preva- lent disease in the New World, stretching from iSlexico down through Central America to Brazil, l^razil appears, then, to haAC been the centre from which it radiated out to the ^Vest Indies. As I have stated before, the early Conquistadores suffered from it, the Latin races of the Old ^^"orld being therefore the first to make its acquaint- ance diu'ing the time they were occupied in pushing civilisation into the then newly disco\ered continent. In Cuba yellow fever was probably known as the Pest or Epidemic of Havana as early as 1(120. The first authentic description of the black vomit in Havana was fm'nished by Dr. Thomas Romay in the year 1761. In the beginning of the eighteenth century the disease, from its appearance in various parts of Spanish America under the name of vomito pricto, attracted much attention, and it is particularly referred to by the ' Dr. Le Banif, in interestinfr notes on "History of Yellow Fever," published in the New Orleans Medinil and Surgical Journal, 1905. YELLOW FEVER IN UNITED STATES AND SPAIN 125 historian Ulloa, who resided for some years in that country. The word pricfo appears to })e the Portuguese or nearly obsolete Spanish term for black. In Spanish the word nc^ro is now universally substituted. A small pamphlet of sixty-two pages by a Dr. Gastel- bondo, written at Carthagena (S.xV.) in 1753 and printed at JMadrid in 1755, was probably the first work ex ijrofesso on the black vomit as it appeared in South America. He gives his experience of the disease during forty years. He says on the title page that he is about to write about a disease of frequent occurrence in that part of the world, mentions change of climate and mode of living among some of the causes of the disease in new-comers, and says that the natives of Carthagena, Vera Cruz, etc., were not subject to attacks of the true black vomit fever, though liable to the " Chapetonada," a disease resembling it in some respects. From its home in Central and South America we find yellow fever carried into other latitudes along the trade routes or by the returning soldiers. Time was when Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, and the Southern States of Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee were ravaged by yellow fever ; this was the period when there was an extensive and unguarded trade intercourse with the ^Vest Indies and Central America. A mortality of 50 to GO per cent, of the population was often recorded in those days. " It seems strange," writes Gilkrest, referring to the epidemic at Cadiz, " that writers should have over- looked the remarkable epidemics at that place in the 126 HISTORICAL SURVEY OF YELLOW FEVER years 1730, 1731, and 1736, recorded by different authorities, the two first being \'ery particuhirly noticed by Villalba in his curious M'ork ' Epidemilogia Espanola.' It seems equally extraordinary that those writers should have overlooked the black vomit epidemic which pre- vailed in Spain previous to those of Cadiz and JNIalaga." Race Susccptibilitij. — The Latin races are perhaps those which are considered to be the most liable to yellow fever. Thus in British Guiana Dr. AValbridge gave it as his opinion that the most predisposed were the Norwegians, Danes, Germans, and Portuguese, the latter being so greatly predisposed that their emigration from Madeira was prohibited for a time. One of the reasons why the Latin races are regarded as more suscejJtible comes no doubt from the fact that these races inliabit the yellow fever zones. They were the first settlers and were the first to suffer. But in the days when large bodies of British troops were stationed in the AVest Indies, they suffered to a terrible extent, as M'e have already seen. There may, however, be some reason for the Latin races appearing to suffer more than the other races, and that is this : in my experience I have obtained the impression that in the houses, yards, and gardens kept by the Portuguese, Spanish or French, there are more water-containers of all kinds for storing the drinking water and washing water for the clothes, water for the poultry and domestic animals. Tlie houses of the I^atin people appear to me always to have more children, domestic animals, chickens, etc., about tlian the houses of the natives or those of the English residents. So, therefore. Fig. 25. — a properly screened cistern, new orlean.- p. 126] RACE SUSCEPTIBILITY 127 the question may be simply that of providing the largest number of breeding places, and, reasoning from the analogy of fleas and rats, this seems to be the simplest explanation. The black race has been said to enjoy a remarkable immunity. This is, however, far from the case. The greatest observers have pointed out how time and time again they suffer equally with the white races ; the most recent epidemic in Barbados is an example of this. Examples are also cited by Blair and in the 1852 Commission's Report. From the earliest times yellow fever has been described as the disease of the unacclimatised, the disease of the new arrival ; for that very reason it was thought that as every new arrival must sooner or later get it, the sooner it was got o\ er the better, and with this kind of reasoning the native inhabitants folded their arms and did nothing. It was the young soldiers and merchants who suffered in the old days, and to-day in many parts of the world, as in the Amazon, it is tlie young merchants who fall to the disease. The explanation is that the native, be he black or white, has no natural immunity, but he has acquired immunity through having had an attack of the disease, most probably in childhood. He survives, and is in conse- quence immune. When, therefore, a case of yellow fever is imported into a district and infects the stegomyias, those who succumb are naturally the non-immunes, that is, the new arrivals. But let it be now observed that with the increase of sanitation and the diminution of mosquitos, brought about as described in a previous 128 IIISTOKICAL SURVEY OF YELLOW FEVEK chapter, yellow fever has become rarer in the yellow fever zone of the world. This means that the immunising process which used to occur in the old days no longer takes place now, and e\ery year adds to the number of native non-innnunes ; they no longer get the oppor- tunity of acquiring the disease. In other words, the black has now become as susceptible as the latest white arrival to yellow fever. This is, at any rate, my interpretation of why the natixe barbadian is suffering from yellow fever equally with the new arri\als. Pei'iodicitfi. — This has been referred to by many writers, and it is often stated that in the case of Barbados the island is \isitcd at intervals of thirteen years. Here again the coincidence is probably de- pendent upon the creation of a larger susceptible population during the interval of freedom from disease, the immunes having diminished in the meantime through natural causes, as by death. I CHAPTER XII DISCOVERY OF THE MODE OF TKAXSINIISSIOX OF YELLOW FEVER AND PLAN OF CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE MOSQUITO YELLOW FEVER Scientific Facts recorded in connection with Yellow Fever Yellow fever is an exceedingly good example of a disease in which, although up to date the actual parasite or agent which produces the disease has not been conclusively demonstrated as in the case of malaria, sleeping sickness, INIalta fever, tuberculosis, and numerous other infectious diseases, nevertheless certain other facts in connection with the disease have been so convincingly proved that from the administrative side, that is from the prophylaxis point of view, there is not the trace of a doubt as to how the disease can be prevented or what are tlie conditions which make it quite impossible for it to spread. The prevention of yellow fever is one of the most brilhant triumphs of modern prophylaxis. The founda- tion of exact yellow fever prophylaxis was laid in June 1900 by Army Surgeons Reed, Carroll, Agra- 129 9 130 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF VELLOW FEVER monte, and Lazear, wlio were sent to Cuba to study yellow fever. In Havana tliese observers found that already Dr. C. J. Finlay had, as early as 1881, enunciated the theory in no uncertain manner of the propagation of yellow fever by the mosquito ; and, influenced botli by this fact and, as they state, also by the brilliant work of Ross and the Italian observers in connection with the propagation of malaria by the mosquito, as well as by certain observations of Carter, they determined to experimentally investigate this line of research. The results obtained by them were most conclusive. The late Dr. Reed thus describes, in writing to his wife, his feelings of joy at having solved with his companions, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear, the secret of the mode of transmission of yellow fever. A volunteer having submitted liimself to be bitten by some Stegomyia mosquitos, which had some days previously bitten a patient suffering from undoubted yellow fever, and having in consequence contracted the disease. Reed proceeds : "It is with a great deal of pleasure that I hasten to tell you tliat we have succeeded in producing a case of unmistakable yellow fever by the bite of the mosquito. " Our first case in the experimental camp developed at 11.30 last night, commencing with a sudden chill followed by fever. "The patient had been bitten at 11.30 on December 5, and lience his attack followed just three and a half days after the bite. As he had been in our camp REED'S DISCOA'ERY 131 fifteen days before being inoculated, and had no other possible exposure, the case is as clear as the sun at noonday, and sustains brilliantly and conclusively our conclusions. Thus, just eighteen days from the time we began our experimental work, we have suc- ceeded in demonstrating this mode of propagation of the disease, so that the most doubtful and sceptical must yield. Rejoice with me, sweetheart, as aside from the antitoxin of diphtheria and Koch's discovery of the tubercle bacillus, it will be regarded as the most important piece of work, scientifically, during the nineteenth century. I do not exaggerate, and I could shout for joy that heaven has permitted me to establish this wonderful way of propagating yellow fever." Later, in another letter to his wife, he wrote : " Ah ! wonderful is nature, and I thank God that He has allowed poor unworthy me to look a little way into this secret. Six months ago, when we landed on this island, absolutely nothing was known concerning the propagation and spread of yellow fever — it was all an unfathomable mystery — but to-day the curtain has been drawn, its mode of propagation is established, and we know that a case minus mosquitos is no more dangerous than one of chills and fever I Hurrah ! " Of course, as will always happen, there were some sceptics who belittled the experiments, but of all the objections, perhaps the most naive were those raised by a doctor, who wTote : '* It would be dreadful if after all the years of disinfection that his Service had 132 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER done, this tlieory slioiild be wliat Reed and his companions chiinied for it." ' In tlie same year the I^iverpool Scliool of Tropical JNIedicine dispatched Drs. Walter Myers and Durham to study the disease at Para ; France followed immediately (late in 1901) with an ex- pedition composed of Drs. JNlarchoux, Salimbini, and Simond, which made Rio its headquarters. In 1903 a yellow fever working party composed of Rosenau, Reyer, Parker, Pothier, and Francis was sent by the I'ublic Health and Marine Hospital Ser\'ice to study the transmission of yellow fever at Vera Cruz. Lastly, in 1905 the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine established for a second time a Yellow Fever Laboratory at Para under the direction of Dr. Thomas, assisted by Dr. Breinl. The conclusions arrived at by these commissions, as well as by Dr. Guiteras in LLivana and Drs. Lutz, Ribas, Barreto de Rarros, and Rodriques in Brazil, have all fully confirmed the original observations of Reed, ^Vgramonte, Carroll, and Lazear, and have proved that the Sfcgo//i//ia cdlopus is the sole transmitter of the disease. The enthusiasm and devotion of this army of workers are shown by the fact that a \'ery large number of the workers suffered themsehes from the disease, and tliat \^'alter Myers ajul I^azear succumbed. Reed, one of the most brilliant of tliis group, unfortunately died at AVashington from appendicitis in 1902, hardly before he had had time to witness the beneficial results ' For tills extract 1 ;iin iiidelitcil to Dr. II. A. Kell) ^> niu^l interesting work entitled " \Valter Reed and Yellow Fever," New York, 1907. THE NEW DOCTRINE 133 of his remarkable labours. For although no observer succeeded in microscopically demonstrating the parasite, whatever it may be, they proved firstly, as others had done, that neitlier the vomit nor the clothes of the patient were infective ; they further proved (and this was new) that tlie blood of the patient only contained the virus five days after ha^'ing been infected ; and that if then the patient was bitten by one particular species of mosquito — viz. the Stegonniia calopns, and by that species alone — that then after a latent period of twelve days the stegomyia became itself infected and was capable of transmitting the disease to man. I know of no parallel in the history of medical science of discoveries which appear at first sight so incredible and as to whicli, were it not for the equally marvellous success which has followed acting upon them, we might be excused for retaining some measure of sceptical reserve. I'he new doctrine swept away as if by magic the traditional views, which filled very many volumes, as to the nature and origin and prevention of yellow jack. Yellow tever has, as we have seen, been attri- buted to droughts and to floods, to the pestilential " mangrove swamp," to high temperatures, to foecal matters, to combinations and concatenations of atmo- spheric circumstances, to stone ballast, hundreds of tons of which have been disinfected or thrown into the sea — theories every one of which have raised bitter controversies and have been the cause during epidemics of tlie loss of much valuable time. Even to-day there exists in many parts a very deep-rooted ]34 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER prejudice against excavations and dredgings during certain seasons, notably in the summer montlis, and works of this nature, in spite of tlieir importance and urgency in preserving the health of the com- munity, are deferred for an old tradition, and that, too, after Havana and the Isthmian Canal Zone have proved the absurdity of it. It demonstrates, however, that the newer facts are not yet fully accepted by a section of the public, and that those measures against yellow fe\'er which have now been proved to be the only ones of avail, are not fully adopted. It is hardly necessary to add that in consequence valuable time is lost, and lives and commerce sacrificed. When it is remembered that the Sfc^ofNijia calopus is present throughout the year, and that in consequence a town in the tropics in the yellow fever zone may be as liable to infection in the autunm as in the summer, or in the spring, it is obvious that if the exca\'ated or dredged material contained some poison which inoculated the stegomyia or infected man, it would be as effective in the autinnn as in the summer or spring, and dredging or exca\'ations would be equally harmful at any time of the year ; it would be impossible to say, as has been said, when " digging operations might be safely commenced." But there is no scientific evidence whatever, as we have seen, to show that dredged or excavated material is infective, and the prejudice does not appear to me to l)e shared by the natives. Dredging operations have been blamed as the cause of the outbreak in Belize, but the fact is lost sight of that at the same tijne the fever had THE NEW METHODS 135 declared itself in the surrounding Republics, and that dredging has been carried on over and over again without any epidemic occurring. I lay stress on this clinging to past beliefs because I am convinced that a great deal of harm is done even at the present time, and that the necessity for active preventive measures is unfortunately not fully realised. Without a clear and precise knowledge of the method of transmission it is impossible for any authority to effectively prevent or check a disease like yellow fever, in wliicli scientific precision, thoroughness, and immediate action are essential. Difficulties of Combating the Disease in the Past It can be readily understood from the preceding remarks how hopeless and ineffective were the measures of prevention used in the past, and that, too, in spite of the fact that in the more recent periods Listerian principles of disinfection were applied, carbolic acid and perchloride of mercury being freely used as dis- infectants. For instance, although INIajor Gorgas had, previous to the advent of Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear, made a vast change in the sanitary con- dition of Havana, yellow fever was, nevertheless, not affected ; it only ceased after employing methods directed against the mosquito, viz. fumigation, screening, and destroying the breeding places of the larvce. In Belize, during the recent (1905) epidemic, cases of yellow fever occurred amongst the best-cared-for class of people living in the best residential houses, where the sanitary arrangements were excellent 136 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER In the past, from want of knowledge of tlie true metliod of transmission, rigorous house quarantine was enforced in tlie epidemic of 1878 in Xew Orleans, and vast quantities of disinfectant were used, clothing and baggage were disinfected or destroyed, but nothing but the frost — a natural means of preventing the acti^'ity and breeding of the mosquito — stopped the fever. Ships have been turned away with the dying on board, or subjected for long periods to quarantine, thousands of tons of harmless stone ballast have been thrown overboard or disinfected, lest they should spread contagion. The flood of new light which was thrown upon the nature of yellow fever soon began to have its effect. The first great application of the new principle of prevention of yellow fever was made at Havana in 1901 by Major Gorgas, under the very able administration of General \\^ood. The result was a complete success ; it has become historic, and con- stitutes the example to every town in the yellow fever zone of the truth of the doctrine of the mosquito transmission and the practicability of its application. The example has been followed, under Dr. Cruz in Rio, and Dr. Liceaga in Mexico ; great improvements have been brought about, but an immense amount of work still remains to be done. A new stimulus has, however, now been furnished by the successful campaign of 1905 in New Orleans, and now in the Canal Zone, and it is to be hoped that a great deal of the opposition and apathy still to be met with will soon give place to hearty co-operation and determina- THE INFECTED STEGOMYIA 137 tion to rid yellow fever countries of a pest wliicli causes so much suffering and cripples commerce. THE INFECTP:I) STEGOMYIA CALOPUS A knowledge of tlie following facts is necessary to understand the application of the prophylactic measures which are now employed. The yellow fever patient is only capable of infecting the stegomyia during tlie first few days of the onset of the disease ; the period usually given is the first three days, although the French authorities extend the infective period. The yellow fever cadaver after the first three days of illness is non-infectious ; in consequence the separate burial ground for yellow fever cases is need- lessly harsh, quite unnecessary, and unscientific. At 710 late stage can the yclloiv fever patient or tlie cadaver infect man directhj. In common with many other non-immuncs I was almost daily in the Yellow Fever Emergency Hospital examining patients and assisting at post-mortems, but no case of infection ever occurred amongst us. The well-screened Emergency •Hospital, although crowded with patients and extremely hot, was, nevertheless, one of the safest places in New Orleans, because the stegomyia was effectively shut out. No case of direct transmission from the patient to man has ever been recorded. The only means is through the mosquito, as Ross has proved in tlie case of malaria. When the stegomyia has taken a meal of blood from a patient in the infective stage, it is not at once capable of transmitting by its bite the virus to a healthy individual. A very definite number of days 138 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER VI list ellipse before the mosquito is itself i/feetive, and eapable of transinittiiig tlie virus ; approccimatelij this period is twelve dai/s. Therefore, at the termination of the period of incubation in the mosquito, fresh cases of infection may be expected to occur in those living in a house in which the mosquitos were not destroyed. The symptoms of disease will also not declare themselves in man at once, for, as just seen in the case of the mosquito, an incubation period is also necessary in the case of man, and the period is usually five days. Consequently an interval of a little over two weeks usually occurs before secondary cases manifest themselves. SUMMARY 1. Man suffering from yellow fever after the fifth day is the reservoir. 2. From this reservoir one species of mosquito, the Stegomyia ealopiis, becomes infected and after the twelfth day becomes the insect earrier or transmitting agent of the disease. 3. The reservoirs and the carriers are both necessary for the spread of the disease. 4. Method of attack. {a) Prevent entry of reservoirs (quarantine measures, etc.). {b) Exterminate the carrier (anti-adult mos- quito measures, screening, fumigation, etc., anti -larval measures, control of water supply, oiling, drainage). PREVENTION 139 RATIONALE OF 'JlIE CHIEF PREVENTIVE MEASURES I. To Diminish and Control the Reservoirs, i.e. to Prevent Man SIFFFERING FROM THE DiSEASE BECOMING A DiSSEMINATOR OF THE Disease, 1. Early notijicaiiou and diagnosis necessary in order to isolate the reservoirs as soon as possible. Careful inquiry into the origin of the numerous epidemics all over the yellow fever zone proves con- clusively that yellow fever has usually gained a firm foothold before the first cases are notified. In some Central American ports this will prove for a considerable time to come a perpetual source of danger, for the inhabitants of these districts are likely to be more indifi^erent to the disease, and therefore to be less careful about notification. No doubt this is also the reason why it is laid such stress upon in the opening articles of the A^^ashington Convention of 1905. Commercial reasons, it is alleged, may some- times operate to hold back notification, but the numer- ous bitter lessons have shown that the risk of the losses brought about by allowing the fever to gain a head is too great. In a modern city swarming with the stegomyia a concealed case must sooner or later make itself manifest, and by the time it does so the total volume of mosquito infection will be so great that serious disaster is inevitable. Commercial and civic authorities now commence to realise this, so that the danger from suppression of the facts is diminishing. More often the Joss of time in early notification is due 140 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER to the fact either that cases of tlie disease are present amongst the indigenous inhabitants, or that it breaks out amongst a particular colony of labourers in a town or district (such as amongst the Sicilians and Italians in New Orleans in the year 1905, who do not readily seek medical advice and are often exceedingly suspicious), or that early cases are not recognised. In districts wdiere malaria takes a pernicious form, or wliere dengue is common, the difficulties of diagnosis must be greatly increased, and experience imder these circumstances M'ill be of great value. On the other hand, some other epidemic may have preceded the yellow fever, and cases which were in reality yellow fever may have been placed to the credit of the former. In large cities, as mentioned in the pre\'ious chapter, a clue that something unusual is happening may be afforded by analysis of the weekly deatli returns. A sudden rise in the number of deaths recorded from malaria in a month, at a season of the year when malaria has not occin-red in previous years, would be a very suspicious element. In small towns, however, such indication would probably be too slight to be of practical \'alue in putting a community upon its guard. AMiere tlie practitioners themselves have had the ad\'antage of previous experience in the disease there is a greater chance of early notification. But 1 venture to suggest that experience gained of yellow fever or any other disease twenty or fourteen years previously is not so valuable as experience of the disease acquired since our knowledge of the disease has been very greatly in- creased. For this reason 1 urge that it would be wise for Fk;. i'8.— papkr-screening an archway previous to fumigation, new orleans. p. l-ID] EARLY NOTIFICATION 141 one or more of the Government medical officers of any colony to be sent, as occasion arises, to study any particular disease affecting the prosperity of the colony, to some place where the particular disease is common. Tliis is one of the chief reasons why the medical officers of the Marine Hospital Service are of such practical service to the United States. Of supreme importance also is the necessity of obtaining a post-mortem examination of the first suspicious death. The post-mortem findings are cliar- acteristic, and do not need microscopic confirmation. The notification of yellow fever is rightly regarded as a very serious matter, and a young practitioner will undoubtedly hesitate before he declares. If he has notified, and the case does not turn out to be yellow fever as he supposed, he regards his diagnostic power as open to criticism, both by other doctors and by the patient. If he is dealing with a genuine case, and he hesitates till too late, no fumigation is undertaken to kill the infected mosquitos at the outset, and in the meantime contagion is spread — to make itself felt some twelve days afterwards in the same house or in the vicinity. The situation is unquestionably difficult, and it can only be got over by fricndhj inter-reliance amongst the medical men themselves, and by the encouragement given by the Senior Medical Officer to his juniors not to hesitate to express their difficulties to him nor to think that thereby they suffer in his estimation as careful observers. I am convinced that this is very necessary, as there is evidence that this spirit is not always present. 14^ :modp: of tuansmission of yellow fever 2. General screening of the reservoirs bij the use of an I sol (it ion Hospital. This is a most userul measure because amongst the poor or careless it is very diflicult to maintain efficient control Avithout the employment of much elaborate machinery and a considerable expenditiu'e of money. .. 3. Isolation hij screening tJie Reservoir. A great deal can be done in the direction of pre- venting the spread of the disease by screening the patient, and so preventing the mosquitos from becoming infected and spreading the disease. Both with regard to the isolation of the patient and the application of fumigation there is a great want of precision. It is useless for any one to apply these two cardinal preventive measures unless they understand the role of the mosquito in the dissemination of the disease. The infected mosquitos have to be destroyed both in the house of the patient and often in the adjoining blocks, and the patient must be so placed that no mosquitos can gain access to him. Those who are familiar with the habits of mosquitos know that it is not an easy task to bring about their thorough destruction in living-houses, and that fumigation must be applied with absolute thoroughness to all parts of the house, closets, and outhouses ; and that to do this the house, closets, and outliouses must be so completely sealed that a mosquito cannot get away through any chink. ^Vgain, those familiar with mosquitos know that it is very difficult to keep them out of screened rooms, unless tiie screening is well done and the doors are of the proper kind. It is only by the rigid applica- SCREENING AND FUMIGATION 14S tion of these two methods that an epidemic can be stamped out quickly. In the hands of good men, experience has taught that both these measures can be apphed with scientific precision. I recommend that both the screening and fumiga- tion in cases of fever be carried out under the direct supervision of the medical officer of health and by his staff. The staff of the medical officer should, without delay, be instructed how to seal a room, how to fumi- gate, and how to test the efficiency of the fumigation. The methods at present in vogue for fumigating and disinfecting for diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc., will not do. A supply of the necessary materials for screening, including laths and frames, paper strips, fumigators, and fumigating material should be kept in the health office for emergency purposes, and the health officer should know where he can immediately procure addi- tional supplies. Simple rules for the guidance of the men should be drawn up. In my judgment, in view of the fact that mosquito- borne diseases cause more sickness and mortality in the tropics than those arising from any other cause, it is not too much to expect that sanitary inspectors and others attached to health offices in the tropics should be taught the precautions to take against them. This is, however, frequently omitted, and instead they are taught principles of European sanitation, which are inadequate to deal with malaria or yellow fever. Sc7^eening the Patient and Room. — In either doubtful 144 MODE OF TRx^NSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER or well-marked cases the patient is to be at once placed under bars in charge of a nnrse, and the room screened. The entrance to the room is to be through double doors (air-lock) provided for the purpose, the original door, if there was one, having been removed. The portable screens and doors used for the purpose may be made with wire gauze or bobinette, the standard gauge of eighteen meslies to the inch either way being used. Employing mosquito nets alone, or, as at Belize, portable screened chambers, is not sufficient^the pre- sumption being that, as the majority of infected mosquitos are in the patient's room, it is essential that both tlieir egress from the chamber and the entrance of fresh ones be prevented. If screening cannot be carried out in the patient's room, or there is reason to believe that the double doors will be left open or the screens to the M'indows inter- fered with, then, without hesitation, the patient should be removed in the screened ambulance to the isolation hospital, otherwise the patient becomes a source of infection in the district. II. To Exterminate the Carrieks ScaUng and Fumigdt'nig. — Preparation for fumiga- tion should have started with the screening. Not only the sick chamber, but very possibly also other rooms in the house harbour infected specimens of the stegomyia. The rule of procedure sliould, however, be absolute, and tliat is that the entire house must be fumigated, with the exception of the patient's room, which is F[Q. 31. FUMICATIOX (IF A HOCSE TO DESTKUY .STE(;o:MVlA KV APPARATUS, SECONDEE, WEST AFRICA. I1,A \ I'o.N >t LIHIK Fig. 32. — house ix trocess of sulphur fu:mig.atiox, secondee, west africa. p. Ill] FUMIGATING THE MOSQUITOS 145 screened. Incomplete and imperfect fumigation are the principal reasons of not being able more promptly to suppress yellow fever. Houses and huts in tropical countries have usually innumerable large and small openings in roof and sides, and it is contended that it would be difficult to seal them, or halls, stores, or markets without elaborate and expensive wooden framing. As a matter of fact, and proved in numerous instances in tropical countries, an intelligent workman can, in an incredibly short time, paper over a whole archway, hall, or even court. By the use of a few supporting laths, and with stout and thin paper, the very large openings can be com- pletely sealed. The stout paper necessaiy for covering large openings can usually be procured locally and at once. Paper cut in rolls, three inches wide, is exceed- ingly useful for pasting along the cracks, but it would be required to be ordered and to be kept in stock. In an emergency, however, strips of newspaper could readily be cut. Although it is recommended to seal the rooms from the inside, I think there is an advantage in sealing windows, etc., from the outside in order not to disturb any mosquitos which may be present. If there are any fireplaces or other holes they will require to be sealed from the inside. The doorway is left open till the last to introduce the fumigating materials and to light up ; when this has been done the door is brought to and sealed, and the time noted in a book kept for the purpose. The medical officer or the chief superintendent should personally examine to see that the sealing is carried out effectively. A small open 10 146 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER chink admitting light is sufficient to attract mosquitos to it ; then they make tlieir escape. Halls, water- closets, or outhouses must not he forgotten. Considerable objection amongst the poorer classes is usually taken to the disturbance of their homes and their displacement by the fumigation. N^o excuse, other than severe illness in a room, should be taken as exempting any part of the house from fumigation, except the sick room, which should be fumigated as soon as possible. After the allotted time necessary to thoroughly complete the fumigation is up, the doors are opened and the floors swept. Some of the mosquitos may only be stupefied, and it is necessary that they be all burnt or otherwise destroyed. After the patient is convalescent, or after death, the patient's room is to be fumigated. Materinls and Apparatus to he used in Fumigation, and precautions to be taken. — No guesses at the amount of material to be used are to be made, but the room should be carefully measured and materials proportioned to cubic capacity as follows (small closets and wardrobes to be opened) : Pyrethrum Powder. — 3 lb. to 1,000 cubic ft. applied for three hours, and it is better that the 3 lb. be divided amongst three pots than that all the powder be put in one pot. The pots to be placed in pans containing a little water. Pyrethrum powder is used for rooms close to the sick patient, as the fumes which might escape from sulpliur fumigation are irritating. Pyrethrum powder is also used in cases where WHAT TO FUMIGATE WITH 147 brass-work, pianos, telephones, instruments, etc., are present. SulpJmr.—-2 lb. to 1,000 cubic ft. The pots containing the sulphur are to be placed in pans con- taining 1 in. of water. The sulphur is to be started by alcohol, and care must be taken to see that it is well aliglit. Duration, three hours. Brass-work and instruments are liable to injury ; they should, therefore, be removed. Ccunphor and Carbolic Acid. — The mixture consists of equal parts camphor and crystallised carbolic acid dissolved by gentle heat. It is an exceedingly good fumigator, does not injure furniture, clothes, or brass- work ; the odour is pleasant and smells of camphor. A room has a refreshing smell after its use. Four ounces are vaporised per 1,000 cubic ft. for two hours ; the material is placed in an open pan placed over a spirit or petroleum lamp, white vapour is given off. To test the efficiency of the fumigation, it is very useful to enclose some twenty or more mosquitos in a cigar or other small box covered on one side with muslin. The box is placed on the floor, and the mosquitos should be dead at the end of the fumigation. They should be kept, however, to see if they revive. Avoid risk of setting fire to the premises by using care and foresight. Fumigation of Adjacent Houses and Geiieral Fumi- gation.^lt is most important that the houses in the vicinity of the house in which a case of yellow fever is declared should be fumigated at once. Powers are 148 MODE OF TRANSMISSION OF YELLOW FEVER often sought by tlie authority to compel owners or occupiers of houses, building lots, outhouses, and premises situate Avitliin 100 yards of tlie infected house or premises, to destroy all mosquitos, larva?, pupa?, etc. I am strongly of opinion that this is not sufficient. The householder cannot, as a rule, carry out fumiga- tion as described above. It can only be carried out effectively by the proper staff, which should be that of the medical officer of health. The result of the householder carrying out fumigation is tliat the majority of the mosquitos are not killed, that cases of yellow fever occur in the so-called fumigated houses, and that the method is brought into disrepute. I do not think that the authorities always realise the necessity of issuing stringent directions for the destruc- tion of the yellow fever mosquito. The following notice, for instance, is of little practical use : " Inside of houses care should be taken to destroy mosquitos as much as possible, especially if there are any cases of iever in the neighbourhood. This may be done by burning either insect powder or tobacco leaf freely in the room after closing tlie doors and windows ; afterwards sweeping the ceilings, walls, and floors, and destroying the sweepings (which will contain dead and stunned mosquitos) by fire." This paragraph is of \ery little use to the house- holder, and it certainly will not bring about the effective destruction of mosquitos ; on the contrary, a sense of false security may ensue. Those who have NECESSITY OF EXACT FUMIGATION 149 worked with culicides know tliat the quantities of materials to be used must be specified, the sealing must be complete, and the exposure a definite time ; that a little practice is necessary, and that tobacco leaves are not used because it is exceedingly difficult to fire them, that special apparatus is necessary, and that the smell penetrates everything. I therefore recommend that the district authorities be given powers to execute fumigation in the houses surrounding the infected house, and that the distance be not specified, but that this be left to the discretion of the authority acting on the advice of the medical officer. Whilst I am of opinion that the fumigation of an infected house and the houses surrounding should be carried out by the health authorities, I think that the inhabitants of the town should be encouraged to fumigate their houses in a systematic and scientific manner, and not to rely on carrying a little insect powder alight on a shovel through the rooms, which is as effective as the old native plan, still adopted in some places, of lighting bonfires in the streets. For that end I think that it would be of adv^antage if the District Board would undertake for a nominal fee the fumigation of houses when they were applied to. If the camphor-carbolic compound is used, householders would be distinct gainers, as moths and objectionable vermin would be killed, and there would be no damage to furniture or clothes by either smell, smoke, smuts or corrosion. CHAPTER XIII THE BREEDING PLACES OF STEGOMYIA. STEGOMYIA SURVEY AND INDEX THE STEGOMYIA CALOPUS This mosquito, wliicli lias been conclusively demon- strated to be tlie sole transmitter of yellow fever, is a very characteristic and familiar one throughout the yellow fever zone. It is surmised, however, that it was originally imported into the Southern United States from the tropics through the medium of com- mercial intercourse. It is common on the coast towns along the Gulf, the Caribbean Sea, and on the Atlantic coast of tropical and subtropical countries. It is, tlierefore, a mosquito of the seaports, and this is one of the reasons why it is so essential to eradicate it, especially in view of the continual opening of new ports througliout the tropics. It is capable of flourish- ing over a wide area, and thrives in localities where the temperature does not fall below 6° C. or 43° F. It is not by any means exclusively confined to tlie coast line, observations showing that in places where it is capable of surviving the winter it readily spreads into the interior, following the trade routes, whether rail 150 HABITS OF STEGOMYIA 151 or river. It has already, it is stated, reached an alti- tude of 4,200 feet in Mexico (yellow fever working party Report), and, as shown by the great outbreak of yellow fever in the interior of Guatemala and Spanish Honduras in 1905, it has well established itself along the Puerto Barrios and Puerto Cortez railroads. It is essentially a domestic mosquito, and, there- fore, a mosquito of cities. Whilst the malaria-bearing Anophelines are usually confined to the outskirts of large cities, having been gradually driven away from tlie centre of the towns owing to the building up of inhabited blocks, and to drainage, the stegomyia, on the contrary, seeks the central and more crowded parts of the city — the places, in fact, where it finds the necessary and innumerable water receptacles in the closest proximity to the dwelling houses. The knowledge of this characteristic is of the utmost importance in all epidemics. It is, indeed, a cistern- breeding mosquito, and is often known on this account as the " cistern mosquito." It is found in abundance, therefore, in those places where rain-water is collected and stored for domestic purposes ; no wonder, then, that it was present in New Orleans, with its sixty to seventy thousand water-vats. The mosquito is readily recognised by the white bands upon the legs and abdomen, the lyre-shaped pattern in white on the back of the thorax. It is due to the presence of these bands and spots that this black-and-white mosquito is often called the "Tiger Mosquito." The females only suck blood, and they appear to attack man both during the day and at 152 THE BREEDING PLACES OF STEGOMYIA night. Between 4 p.m. and midniglit is stated by some to be tlicir most active period. For this reason it is necessary to take precautions against them at night as well as by day. The stegomyia is subject to seasonal variations, cold being the great factor in stopping biting activity and breeding. Below 75° F. development is retarded, and the eggs kept at a temperature of 68° F. do not hatch. It is for this reason that the onset of cold weather in New Orleans soon put an end to yellow fever, and that the city is said to enjoy a natural immunity from December to INlay. Too much stress must not be laid upon this, however, as the fact remains that the mosquito readily survives through the winter. The distribution and history of this mosquito in towns during these months require close investigation. Each female lays between twenty and seventy-five eggs on the surface of the water ; these are mimite, black, and cigar-shaped ; they are very resistant, and have been kept in a dry state for periods varying between ten and twenty days, and freezing does not destroy their fertility. The eggs are therefore a ready means of tiding over the cold weather. Under suitable conditions of temperature the eggs hatch out, according to different observers, in from ten hours to three days. The result is the well-known " wiggle waggle," or " wiggle tails," the larval stage of the mosquito. The larvc-e are very active and very sensitive, and very rapidly disappear from the surface of the water in the cistern if the least disturbance occurs. For this reason the water barrel or vat must be approached gently if one is RESISTANCE OF THE LARV/E AND EGGS 153 desirous of obtaining specimens and examining them, otherwise they wriggle very rapidly to the bottom. Another point has also to be borne in mind, and that is, that they cling to the sides of the receptacle and hide in the crevices, so that it is by no means easy to get rid of them. Simply emptying the water out of the receptacle will not suffice ; a very thorough rinsing and cleansing is necessary. The duration of the larval period is from six and a half to eight days normally ; but, of course, they may remain in the larval stage for a much longer period ; for instance, I brought some specimens alive to Liverpool which I collected at Puerto Barrios in Guatemala, on October 26. They were kept in a large test-tube either in my pocket or in my living room, and they were exposed to great variations of temperature, the cold increasing as I travelled from New Orleans to New York, and from New York across the Atlantic to Liverpool. The journey occupied twenty-five days, and they were only supplied with clean water. The larval stage is succeeded by the pupa stage, which lasts tw^o days or under, and from the pupa arises the image or winged mosquito. Dr. Francis of the United States Marine Hospital Service reported, on March 25, 1907, upon many interesting points in connection with the life cycle of Stegomyia calopus, as observed in Mobile. Amongst them he mentions that larvee were never found breedinsr in the unpaved street gutters or ponds, or in fact in any natural earth-bottoms, but were always in artificial water-containers. The eggs may retain their vitality 154 THE BREEDING PLACES OF STEGOMYIA ■when kept dry for six and a half months. In my experience in searching for stegomyia hirvae — and it is now considerable — I have invariably found the rain- water barrel the seat of election for breeding purposes. Given an old wooden barrel, just coated with a green slime, and " worms " will almost invariably be found. So expert did my men become in detecting likely breeding places that they frequently affirmed that worms must be in a barrel from its appearance ; yet a cursory examination of the water failed to reveal their presence. A\^hen, however, the water was poured out to all but a teacupful at the bottom, and this was well agitated, invariably the worms were found. This property of disappearing to the bottom of the recep- tacle and hiding in the chinks between tlie staves and in the groove at the bottom is very characteristic. After barrels come washing-tubs, olive jars, and then every form of water receptacle. I have found them in the blacksmith's shop in his cooling barrel or tank, and in logs. It can be stated that, wherever in or around a house water stagnates, there the larvae will be found. Their presence is a positive test of stagnant water. In the living and bed rooms they are frequently found in receptacles for holding flowers, and in which the water is imperfectly removed ; very frequently, indeed, in vessels in which a cutting of a croton plant is placed in order to make it take root. In my opinion the essential point is that the stagnant water be in or around the house — that is, in the yard or garden. One does not encounter tliem breeding, at any rate in large numbers, away from man ; they are as domestic I Fig. 3."). odd BltEKDlXi, tlacks of THK .SXEL,UMV1A IX uptukxku buttlks, FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE. p. 154] STEGOMYIA SURVEY 155 as the flea, bug, and cat. In a few instances I have found them in drains in the houses, mixed with culex larvae. In these cases tlie water w^as dirty. This latter point recalls the statement often made that larvse purify water, and that they are useful in tlie drinking-water butts because they will remove pathogenic organisms should any gain access. For this reason certain municipal authorities have not been so active in their destruction as they might otherwise have been. We have no evidence whatever that tliey do remove pathogenic germs ; their natural food is green algai and diatoms. But from the practical point of view, we know the danger of stegomyia larvae and how surely yellow fever will spread wherever these larv£E are, that it is hardly practical to keep these larva? for any sup- posed good they may do when we know the positive disaster they bring about. Stegomyia Surveij. — In every town I have visited for the purpose of strengthening or drawing up measures against fellow fever, it has been my invariable rule to visit either all the houses or to take repre- sentati\'e blocks, and go through each house, garden, and yard systematically. In these tours I am accom- panied by the sanitary inspectors and one or more medical officers. We are armed with white enamelled iron spoons, with Mdiich we can rapidly take a sample of water and see if larvae are present. I examined all water, drinking and w^ashing, inside or outside the house, and whether contained in cisterns, barrels, buckets, tubs, tins, goblets, vases, " monkeys," " destil- ladores," wells, antiformicas, broken bottles, etc. If 156 THE BREEDING PLACES OF STEGOMYIA larvee are found for tlie first time, the householder is handed a printed shp setting forth the danger of having larvae, and the penalty for the same. If after previous warning they are found, the householder is summoned. In the AVest Indian Islands the percentage of stegomyia breeding places in the towns and large villages has varied from 4 to 10 per cent. Our aim is to reduce it to zero. Note. — Tlie stegomyia is often described as tlie mosquito of seaports, but it must always be remembered tbat it is by no means limited to them. It is simply more abundant in seaports, because there are more peo})le cro^vded together tliere ; but let the lal)oiirers of tlie population migrate into the mountains with their paraphernalia and innumerable receptacles for holding water, and stegomyia will go as certainly as do the flea, the dog, the cat, and all the other domestic animals and insects which follow man along his paths, be they by rail or over sea. "1 Fig. 3(j. — incineeator for destruction of refuse, coomassie, gold coast. p. 156J CHAPTER XTV THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS IN (1) HAVANA, CUBA; (2) NEW ORLEANS; (3) HONDURAS; (4) RIO ; SANTOS ; (5) CANAL ZONE ; (6) WEST INDIES ; AMAZON THE ANTI-YEIXOW FEVER CAMPAIGN IN HAVANA, 1900 This will always remain one of the first and one of the greatest examples of what has been done to stamp out a disease by concerted intelligent action and using the latest and most modern weapons. When the American Government took over the administration of Cuba, one of the first things to be done was to make Havana a livable place. Hitherto it had been a notoriously imhealthy place, the natural home of most pestilences, and with a corresponding mortality. Thus we know that between the years 1853-1900 there perished in the city of Havana alone 35,952 persons of yellow fever. This is equivalent to 754 a year, 64 a month, or to 2 deaths a day. And now% after General Woods, Colonel Gorgas, Guiteras, Finlay and their other distinguished colleagues, to whom we have had occasion to refer, took the situation firmly in hand and organised a thoroughly efficient sanitary adminis- 157 158 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS tnition and a special raid upon the breeding places of the stegoniyia, the deatli rate for Cuba has come down to between 11-17 pro niille ! It must never be for- gotten that it was in Cuba that the crucial and famous test was made that only by the stegomyia could the poison of yellow fever be transmitted. Tliis test was made, as we have already seen in a preceding chapter, by Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and I.azear. Yellow fever has now been checked and annihilated. Thus in 1007 only one case of yellow fever is reported in Havana, and the general death rate is 17 pro mille. It can be with trutli said to-day, as stated in the current number of the " Bulletin of Public Health and Charities of Cuba," that during the three years between 1005-0 there was only a total of 350 cases of yellow fever throughout the wliole republic, and during that same period only 40 deaths in Havana ; whereas in the days of old there were thousands of cases. On tlie date upon which tliis new Bulletin was issued (April 1000), tlie repubUc was dechu'ed free from small-pox, yellow fever, and bubonic plague. This is the result of the use of modern weapons — a complete triumph for civilisation. THE YELLOW LEVER CAMTAICiN, NEW ORLEANS, 1905 This having been my first campaign in which T was present as a volunteer, I will trace the steps by which the fever was overcome, for that purpose reproducing the proclamations which were issued in their chrono- ORGANISATION OF THE CITY 159 logical order. They will always act as a guide in the case of a yellow fever outbreak. New Orleans at the time had an estimated population of 325,000 of mixed nationalities. There was a large Italian and Sicilian labour population housed in the oldest and dirtiest part of the town, and amongst them yellow fever broke out. It was clear that before the citizens recognised that they had yellow fever in their city, that disease had gained a firm foothold unperceived. Then, when the seriousness of the situation was realised, the first step was to organise the resources of the city to combat the disease, and tlie following manifesto was issued by the Health Authority and Advisory Committee. Stej) 1 An emergency exists in our city to-day which demands the attention of every individual, with the view to limiting and preventing the spread of epidemic disease. It has been scientifically proved that the mosquito is the only means of the transmission of yellow fever, and measures should be especially directed against them. It is especially urged by the undersigned that the following simple directions be followed by the householders of this city for the summer months : — 1. Empty all unused receptacles of water. Allow no stagnant water on the premises. 2. Screen cisterns, after placing a small quantity of insurance oil (a teacupful in each cistern) on the surface of the water. 3. Place a small quantity of insurance oil in cess- pools or privy vaults. 160 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS 4. Sleep under mosquito nets. 5. Screen doors and windows wherever possible with fine screen wire. ^S*^^^ 2.- APPEAL FOR CIVIC CO-OPERATION On INI onday, July 24, a Proclamation was issued, signed by the Mayor, and concurred in by the Medical Authorities, setting forth the situation and calling upon the citizens to co-operate with the Health Authorities in stamping out the fever. It runs as follows ;--■ The Mosquito Campaign PROCLAMATION Mayoralty of New Orlkans, City Hall, July 2i, 1905 To THE People of New Orleans : — The health situation in this city is serious, but not alarming. Because of this situation, quarantine has been declared against New Orleans by several States and Cities. It is proper that the actual facts be recognised and dealt witli resolutely and calmly. It is authoritatively stated by eminent sanitarians that within recent years visitations of yellow fever, more widely spread than that Avhich is in our city, ha^'e been successfully met and absolutely suppressed by methods whose potency lias been demonstrated by ascertained results, and the application of which is simple. Those methods are now adopted by our own State and City Health ^Vuthorities, with the volunteer assistance of the United States Marine Hospital Ser\ice, and the Orleans Parish Medical Society of this parish. To the perfect and speedy success of the OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY 161 measures to be followed, the co-operation of every householder is necessary. That given, the people may confidently expect a speedy release from the trying conditions in which they are now placed, and from apprehension of its recurrence in the future. I, therefore, as Mayor, urge all citizens and house- holders to render cordial and ready obedience to the instructions which may from time to time be given by the Health Authorities, and to render every aid within their power to those Authorities in the earnest efforts which they are now making, and in which they will persist for the absolute stamping out of this infection. Those instructions are not difficult of performance ; they are easily to be understood, and can be followed with but little expense. Since the consensus of sanitary and medical opinion of to-day is that the infection of yellow fever is transmitted, or can be transmitted, only by means of the sting of tlie insect known as the " cistern mosquito," the following advice recently given by Dr. Kohnke, the City's Health Officer ; by Dr. Souchon, President of the State Board of Health ; Dr. White, Surgeon of the U.S. Marine Hospital Service, and an Advisory Committee of the Orleans Parish Medical Society, should be willingly and implicitly obeyed by every householder in this city. 1. To keep empty all unused receptacles of water in every house, and allow no stagnant water on any premises. 2. To screen all cisterns after placing a small quantity of insurance oil (a teacupful in each cistern) on the surface of the water. 3. To place a small quantity of insurance oil in cesspools or privy vaults. 4. Sleep under mosquito nets. 11 162 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS 5. AVherever practicable, screen doors and windows with wire screens of close mesli. The foregoing advice may from time to time be given by the Health Authorities with more particularity. A\'hatever emanates from them must be accepted as given for the good of the city and the preservation of every indixidual of its population, and should be respected and followed to the letter. I repeat, upon the information of those qualified from actual investigation and scientific knowledge to speak upon tliis subject, that the situation in our city is not alarming, and that if it is treated by our people earnestly and intelligently, that this situation will soon be eliminated and demonstration will be made to the world that for the future the infection of yellow fever can have no permanent lodgment within tlie borders of the City of New Orleans. >S'i;^;^ 3.— APPEAL FOR EARLY NOTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE HEALTH ALTHOKITIES AND ADVISOKY COMMITrEE July 24, 1905 Dear Doctor, We w^ant to specially urge you to report all your cases of fever — malarial, typhoid fever or fever of any kind — during this summer, to the City Board of Health. It is absolutely essential to the checking of the spread of yellow fever in our city that all cases of fever should be promptly and conscientiously re- ported. Our patients, the public and the surrounding communities, will naturally look to om- profession in this great emergency, and the responsibility rests in a great measure witli us to check this condition, or at least to limit its too extensive spread. It is a well-known and scientifically proven dogma that the EARLY NOTIFICATION WS mosquito tlieory is to be accepted as a fact ; then we must exert ourselves to the utmost to destroy the mos- quito, the only host of transmission of yellow fever. Let us, then, make a consistent campaign against it, educate our patients regarding tliis situation and the danger of it, and direct them to place patients im- mediately under netting pending action of the Board of Health. Neither your patient nor the household will be subjected to the obnoxious house quarantine of several years ago. Above all things, report your cases "prompthj, to permit us to check any further foci of infection. Even if you are not positi\e that the mosquito is the only source of transmission of yellow fever, give your city the benefit of the doubt in this important and vital matter. Step 4.— APPEAL FOR IMMEDIATE SCREENING OF ALL SUSPICIOUS CASES AND FOR FUMIGATION ISSUED BY THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Orleans Parish Medical Society, New OrleanSj La. Dear Doctor, In an earnest attempt to work in harmony with the plan of procedure adopted by the Health Authority and the U.S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, now being enforced in a general inspection of our entire city, we want to suggest to you, as your Advisory Committee acting with these bodies, that you report at once any case of fever in your practice remotely suspicious of being yellow fever. If you want to do your city the greatest good in this hour of trial, immediately constitute yourself as a Health Officer for the premises of the sick you are called to 164. THE YELLOW FEVER CxVMPAIGNS attend. Even before the regular Sanitary Inspector of the Board readies the house, place the patient at once under a mosquito bar, pending further proceedings. Also order at once another room fumigated with sulphur — 2 lb. to the 1,000 cubic feet — and then thoroughly screen it. If it cannot be done in a perfect manner, at least order all the openings screened with either cheese cloth or other light material, well packed so as to allow no mosquitos in the room. Keep only one door free, covering all the transoms in the same manner. On entering the door beat the air thoroughly with a cloth before opening. A\'hen the room is prepared, remove the patient to it, fumigating the room just vacated in the same manner. After the first three days of the fever the Stcgomyia j'asciata cannot be infected from that patient, but we must be careful to keep the room well closed until the final fumigation or destruction of any mosquitos which might have remained in the room. Look to the general hygiene of the house, inquire whether the cisterns or any other open receptacles of standing water about the premises have been properly oiled or screened. Act in this manner regardless of the work which will be done by the constituted authorities, for your own personal good and for the greatest good of your city. In other words. Doctor, take every possible precaution to protect all of your fever cases from being bitten by mosquitos during the first three days of fever. Our interest in this entire matter is the same as yours, and we must work for the same purpose. The part to be played by our profession is an extreiuely important one ; the faith and trust of the entire coni- nmnity is placed on our shoulders, and we must fully deserve the confidence reposed in us. EDUCATION OF THE PUBLIC 165 Step 5.— APPEAL FOR AN EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN ISSUED I?V THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Another circular is issued on the 24th, directed to the Board of Health, pointing out the necessity of a campaign of education, and urging the im- portance of asking the clergy to especially disseminate knowledge from the pulpit in the matter of yellow fe\'er. The circular then proceeds to give useful information in case of infection and finally appeals for united action in a general warfare against the stegomyia. New Orleans, July 24, 1905 Gentlemen, The condition existing at present is one that calls for the most strenuous, prompt and vigorous measures capable of institution. In view of the absence of the necessity for obnoxious local or house quarantine, the co-operation of physician and householder should be a matter of comparatively easy solution. A cam- paign of education should be boldly inaugurated. The clergyman, during his rounds and from his pulpit, should be a valuable agent in the dissemination of tliis knowledge. The Advisory Committee of the Orleans Parish Medical Society begs to recommend that the following measures be instituted at once, with the view of stamping out the few foci of infection of yellow^ fever which now exist in our city. Cases of fever of any character developing in the infected area may be regarded as suspicious, and the patient immediately protected from mosquitos. The house, cisterns, yards, drains, gutters, cesspools and 166 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS vaults should be carefully inspected, and no breeding spots for mosquitos should be overlooked. The gutters and streets must not be neglected. If the case proves to be one of yellow fever, the house must be screened and the rooms in the house other than the one occupied by tlie patient must be fumigated, to destroy all mosquitos in tiiem. When the case ends, either by reco^'ery or deatli, the room occupied by tlic patient must be fumigated, for the same reason. The success of these procedures will largely depend upon the promptness and earnestness with which mosquitos are prevented from coming in contact with the patient and the destruction of all mosquitos in the room after the patient is cured or dies. The new foci of infection must be diligently sought and drastic measures adopted for stamping them out. It is only through the proper conciliatory education of the physician and the layman, and through their sincere co-operation, that anything can be accomplished. For the vast portion of the city not infected, we recommend that a sufficiently large force of men be immediately organised to place oil in all unscreened cisterns, or other breeding places of mosquitos, and distribute circulars amongst householders enlisting their co-operation. All gutters should cither be flushed or oiled. An active, vigorous and persistent warfare on mosquitos should, in our opinion, be iunnediately instituted from one end of the city to the other, as in this way localities now healthy may be kept so, even though foci of infection be introduced. A\^e believe that the sanitary regeneration of this city depends entirely upon prompt and \igorous action on your part. fc.~^._.. ' iT'vrw IT' -^f^"" i - iv.-^ "i^m Vt*»* -^^^i o z H H z2 l-H A WARNING 167 With the profoundest assurance of our lieartiest co-operation with you in any movement to better the sanitary conditions of the city. Step 6.— A WARNING TO BEWARE OF THE DANGER OF OVERLOOKING THE LESS OBVIOUS BREEDING PLACES OF THE STEGOMYIA A very useful and practical notice is also sent out by the Advisory Committee directing attention to the importance of not overlooking possible receptacles of water in the house, as pitchers, flower-pots, etc. It reads as follows : — Orleans Parish Medical Society, New Orleans, La. We desire to call your special attention to the wrigglers seen inside of the residences of people. Probably the public in the fight against the mosquito have directed all their efforts against the cisterns and the barrels or the outside containers. Still a source of great danger also exists inside of the bedrooms in the water-pitchers, in the dining-room, or in the conservatory in the water-pots, vases or pots of plants. A frequent error and a great menace is the habit which some householders luue of only partly emptying a water-pitcher, and though it is refilled daily it is never emptied entirely, leaving always one-half pint or so for the larva? to develop. Any physician in his daily rounds can see this illustrated by inspecting the various water-pitchers in the bedrooms. On this same line we beg to again call your atten- tion to the accumulation of water in the urns in the cemeteries as well as in the sagged gutters of the house drains, which are a great source of mosquito breeding after rain. 168 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS Step 7.— APPEAL FOR A MORE SKILLED MEDICAL BODY TO CONDUCT THE CAMPAIGN On August 4, the fever still making liCcadway in spite of all local efforts, the vVdvisory Board takes very decided action. It candidly expresses the opinion that it has not confidence in the efficacy of the work performed up to date ; tlidt f/iis -co?'k must he (ihsolutcly perfect in its working to be ejficienty and that to accom- plish the desired reorganisation it is necessary to call in the assistance of the Public Health and ^larine Hospital Service of the LTnited States. Xkw Orleans, August 4, 1905 City Board of Health. Gentlemen, As there has appeared a new case in the Frye focus, which has been in existence since JMonday, while we had been told that the instructions previously agreed upon in the management of all maturing foci had been rigidly carried out, and especially so in this case. As we are not satisfied that the fumigation performed by the City Board of Health has been absolutely effective, we feel, as we have shared some of the responsibility of this work, that it is a matter of too great importance to be kept on in this unorganised and unsystematic manner. This is tlie first serious visitation of yellow fever in this country since the mosquito has been recognised as the only mode of transmission, and we are unwilling to support the City Board of Health in what we consider an ineffective service. DANGER OF MILD CASES 169 Step 8.— LETTER WARNING MEDICAL MEN NOT TO OVERLOOK THE MILD TYPE OF YELLOW FEVER WHICH MAY BE FOUND IN THE NATIVE BORN New Ori.eaxS;, La., Avgu.st 17, 1905 Deaii Doctok, In the consistent campaign we are now waging throughout the city against the fever, we want to enlist your hearty assistance. You have shown up to now a uniform activity, and if some of tlie work ah-eady accomphshed begins to show some little improvement, we feel it is greatly due to your co-operation. This, though, is a crucial moment, and you must keep up reporting all your cases with unfailing promptness, TJie native horn rvill wi- douhtedly begin to he affected, and xvill .s'/iotc the Uglitest and mildest types of the disease ; it is specially with regard to these that tve rvish to xvarn you, for it is as important to the success of the work heing done by the U.S.P.H. and Marine Hospital Service, that the mild cases he reported as well as the marked cases. These must he screened as carefully as others. One stegomyia infected, in the first three days from such a case, can produce a number of serious and c\e\\ fatal cases. The means employed are being systematised and rendered less objectionable daily by the service, so let us endure a little inconvenience for the welfare of all. Beware of the so-called immunisation or acclimatisa- tion fever, and report these cases as promptly and rigidly as if they were perfectly characteristic, so that the authorities will be able to give them the same SANITARY TREATMENT. 170 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS Strp 9.— APPEAL TO IIOLSEHOLUEKS TO DELAY "MOVING DAY" ON ACCOUNT OF DANGER OF SPREADING INFECTION In view of tlie near approach of " JNIoving Day " (October 1) the undersigned deem it tlicir duty to direct your attention to tlie danger hkely to attend a general moving of tenants from house to house. Persons moving from infected locahties may later develop the fever in uninfected neighbourhoods, tliereby developing new foci. Others now residing in uninfected houses may contract the disease by removing into houses where mild cases of fever may have occurred and recovered without medical attention, and conse- quently escaping fumigation. Xon-innnunes coming into such houses will almost inevitably contract yellow fever, thereby adding to our present troubles. Wq do therefore urge the importance of taking such steps as may be necessary to delay the general movement for at least thirty days. Advisory Committee, O.P.^LS. Step 10.— DANGER OF REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY CISTERN SCREENS Nkw Orlkansj La., September 13, 1905 There being a pretty general understanding in the community that the cheese-cloth screens over cisterns have to be removed by October I, and tlie reguhir 18-mesh to the inch wire screen substituted by that date, we believe that a number of persons are now having tliis cliange done to the great danger of a general liberation of all mosquitos imprisoned or bred from the pupa^ in tlie cisterns. Wq cannot afford, in PROTECT THE WATER 171 the final fight of checking yellow fever in our midst, to neglect so important a matter as this, so we strongly urge that the change from cheese cloth to wire, if not legally postponed until Dec. 1, shall he hy liaving the wire screens placed over the cheese cloth without removinsf the latter. Advisory Committee, O.P.JNI.S. Public opinion having been educated, the City Authority feels now strong enough to bring in an ordinance to compel landlords to screen all vats. Sfcj) 11. _A WATER-CISTERN SCREENING ORDINANCE Mayoralty of New Orleans, City Hall, Augud 2, 1005 NO. 8196 NEW COUNCIL SERIES An ordinance, prescribing the manner in which water liable to breed mosquitos sliall be stored within the limits of the City of New Orleans. Section 1. — Ee it ordained by tlie Council of the City of New Orleans that no water liable to breed mosquitos shall be stored within the limits of the city, except under the following conditions. Section 2. — Water kept in cisterns, tanks, barrels, buckets, or other containers for a period longer than one week shall be protected from mosquitos in the following manner : Cisterns shall be co\'ered with oil by tlie property owner or agent thereof within forty- eight hours after the promulgation of this ordinance and provided with a cover of wood or metal ; all openings in the top or within G ft. of the top larger than Yg in. to be screened with netting of not less than 18-mesh, or cheese cloth or other suitable material by 172 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS the property owner or agent thereof witliin forty-eight liours after the promulgation of this ordinance, provided that after the first day of October 1905, all property owners shall be required to screen cisterns with wire netting of the proper size mesh as required by the Board of Health in such a manner as to prevent the entrance of mosquitos. Section 3. — Tanks or barrels or similar containers to be constructed in the manner provided for cisterns, or in some other manner satisfactory to the Board of Health. Section 4. — Buckets containing water for longer than one week (such as fire buckets in cotton presses), and other similar containers of stagnant water, shall be covered in such a manner as to prevent the entrance of mosquitos. Section 5. — Water in ponds, pools, or basins, in public or private parks, places of resort or residence, or in depressions, or excavations made for any purpose, shall be stocked with mos(piito-destroying fish, or covered with protective netting, or shall be drained off at least once every week, or shall l)e covered with coal oil in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Health, by the owner or agent thereof within forty- eight hours after the promulgation of tliis ordinance. Section (3. — The Board of Health may. in its dis- cretion whenever deemed necessary, treat stagnant water by applying oil to its siu'face in such a manner as to destroy mosquitos. Section 7. — The penalty for ^•iolations of this ordinance or any section tlicrcof shall be a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars, or imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both, and failure to comply with any provision shall be considered a "CLEAN UP" CLUBS 173 separate offence for eacli day of its continuance after the proper notification by the Board of Healtli. Adopted by tlie Council of the City of New Orleans. Step 12.— A DAY APPOINTED TO "CLEAN UP" IN THE CITY The following is an appeal to the citizens to " clean up," and it again shoidd be copied by all towns in the Y'ellow Fever zone. THE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION It has come to be recognised as an indispensable necessity for the eradication of disease, and for the proper safeguarding of our public health, that our city should be thoroughly cleaned. Our patriotic citizens are unanimous in the sentiment and have generously come forward to aid and assist in such a mo\'enient. The Executive Committee which was named to consider and take action upon the thorough cleans- ing of the city, recommended that Wednesday, August 9, 1905, be observed as general cleaning-up day. To that end, and to promote the more expeditious handling of the accumulations of dirt, it has been recommended that all householders begin the work of cleaning their premises INIonday, and continue the same Tuesday, in order that the refuse and pilings will be ready and convenient for removal Wednesday, *' General Cleaning-up Day." It has been earnestly and urgently recommended that all merchants and business men assist in this work by closing their respective estabhshments on 174 THE YELLOU^ FEVER CAMPAIGNS tliat day, so that tliey and their employees may assist in the task. 'i'here liave been many patriotic offers of carts, wagons, teams and drays, and all contrac- tors who are engaged in work of public impro\'ement are urged to contribute their teams to aid in this laudable undertaking of removing trash and pilings. The details of this work will be planned and prepared under the direction and control of the Commissioner of l\iblic A\^orks, to whom the tender of carts, teams, etc., must be made as soon as possible in order that the full programme may be perfected and made public not later than Tuesday morning. In furtherance of this great object, I do hereby call upon every taxpayer and householder to extend every assistance towards the effective performance of the work, and urging that all merchants and business men close their respective establishments on that day, I do hereby proclaim A\"ednesday, August 9, 1905, to be " General Cleaning-up Day." AVitness my hand and seal of office, affixed this fourth day of August, a.d. 1905. IMartix Behumax, 3Iayor. * Step 13.— APPEAL TO THE CLERGY FROM THE CITTZKXS'' VOI.UNTEKll \\AKD ORGANISATION New Orleans, La., July 21), 1905 To THE Revekexd Ceekgy : The influence of the Reverend Clergy is such, and their loyalty and public spirit have been so often demonstrated, tliat we \'enture to ask your co-opera- tion with the Citizens' Volunteer Organisations in the present emergency. United action produces the surest results. CLERGY TAKE ACllON 175 We beg to ask that you will speak to your con- gregations on Sunday, July 80, or at the earliest date thereafter convenient to yourself, in behalf of the work now being carried on by the Health Authorities of the city. We ask that you will urge them, whether they believe in the " mosquito theory " or not, that they will give their hearty assistance to the authorities who are attempting to stamp out the mosquito, as at least one source of infection. Urge upon them the patriotic duty of allowing cisterns to be oiled and screened ; cesspools to be treated with disinfectants, etc. JMany householders (a small minority, but still enough to work mischief) refuse permission to the oilers and screeners to do the work. This refusal nullifies to a great extent the work accomplished on the premises of willing householders. In previous visitations of the fever we have been fighting in the dark, striking at an unknown enemy coming from a mysterious source. The consensus of scientific opinion fixes upon the mosquito as the agent of transmission of the Yellow Fever. The enemy therefore is in sight. So far as your power extends, then, we beg of you to use it for the spread of information concerning the mosquito theory, and to use your influence with your congregations to hold up the hands of the constituted Health Authorities. This office will gladly receive suggestions and will give all possible assistance to the Ward Organisations. It is proposed to have two cleaning-up days, by proclamation of the Mayor, although this has not at this writing been definitely decided. 176 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS The daily newspapers will announce it when deter- mined. AVe will ask you to bring this matter also to the attention of your congregations. Sffp 14.— REQUEST TO THE HOUSEHOLDERS OF THE WARD TO OBSERVE A GExNERAL FUMIGATION DAY New Orleans^ La.^ September 1, 1905 Saturday, September 2, and Sunday, September 3, have been suggested and agreed upon as generai, FUMIGATION DAYS, betwecii the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 a.m., for the purpose of destroying mosquitos, which are recognised as the medium of communica- tion of yellow fever, and we make the following suggestions as to the manner of fumigating : — 1. Close all outside openings, such as doors and windows, and make the house (or room) to be fumi- gated as tight as possible, by closing or stopping the fireplace and other openings with paper pasted over them. 2. Pianos should be removed from the rooms to be fumigated. 3. Place an iron vessel, flat skillet preferred, in pan or tub with about one inch of water in it ; place roll of sulphur or flower of sulphur (two pounds to each ordinary-sized room to be fumigated) in the skillet ; pour over it a small quantity of alcohol, about two tablespoonfuls to the pound, and set fire to same. 4. Keep the house, or rooms, closed for two hours after lighting the sulphur. Those who prefer to do so may use pyrethrum powder (insect powder) instead of sulphur. Where this is used the rooms should be swept after the HOW TO FUMIGATE 177 fumigation and the mosquitos so gatliered up should be burned, as pyrethruni powder merely stuns the mosquito. The amount of pyrethruin to be used is one poimd to each ordinary-sized room. It having been decided to call in experts to advise upon the situation and if possible to expedite the campaign, the special yellow fever experts arrived and took charge of the situation, and the campaign was carried out with renewed energy and precision. It consisted in : — 1. Discovering every case of yellow fever and isolating it. 2. Kilhng all stegomyias. 3. General warfare against all mosquitos, except swamp. 4. Ensuring that each Ward was fully equipped with its forces of inspectors, oilers, screeners, fumigators and others as wanted, and that there was an adequate number of men. Each Ward Office was in telephonic communication with the Central Office. Under the ^larine Hospital Surgeon in each Ward were placed one or more medical assistants, young local medical men, chosen on account of their local know- ledge and ability, and a staff of workmen, varying from 28 to 128. Each Ward Centre was furnished with a supply of— Fumigating Materials. — Sulphur, pyrethrum, pots 12 J 78 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS for fumigating, paper, paste, laths and all accessories for sealing. Screening Materials. — Bobinette and sheeting, wire, portable wire-screened doors, ladders, nails, hammers and all accessories. Oiling Materials. — Oil and oil cans, ladders, scythes for cutting rank grass, carts. A map of tlie district was kept at each office and the progress of the cases, the number of cisterns oiled, and of houses fumigated were recorded with dates. The various gangs, whether inspectors, oilers, screeners or fumigators, left the Ward Offices early in the morning for their appointed tasks, or at such time as they were particularly required. A practitioner might report a case to the Central Office or directly to the \\'^ard Office in which the case occurred. If in the former manner, the Central Office telephoned to the Ward Officer concerned. As the result of the call, a screening and fumigating gang (see illustration) would be dispatched, the patient's room would be screened and the rest of the house fumi- gated, or the patient would be removed in the ambulance (see illustration) to the Emergency Hospital, and the house fumigated. Depending upon circum- stances, the surrounding blocks would also be fumigated, and from the tenth to the thirtieth day of the occurrence of tlie case the Medical Inspector would visit the house every day to locate any secondary cases. The work of the Central Office consisted in directing the work of the AN'^ards, receiving reports !| of cases, preparing and issuing reports and instruc- STRENGTH OF THE GANGS 179 tions, and in generally organising. For these purposes a large clerical staff, as well as a statistical department and accountants' office, were necessary. All cases of fever had to be notified to this office, and it was in constant receipt of innumerable complaints and questions. Every morning either Dr. White or Dr. Richardson made an inspection tour of the districts. It was soon found necessary, in order to check unnecessary expenditure, to establish a purveyors ojfice. This was placed in the charge of Dr. Perkins and a staff of about twelve assistants. Each Ward was required to send in a requisition to this department for the material it wanted, which, if not in stock, was promptly obtained. In this way waste was avoided, and by purchasing supplies beforehand in the cheapest markets, considerable saving was effected. The office was most carefully organised and every- thing was reduced to a very precise system. Total Number Employed in the Campaign I'otal number of men, inspectors, oilers, screeners, etc. . . . . .910 Special Fumigating Division . .156 Special Investigating Division . .105 Purveyor's Department ... 32 1,203 The total Medical Staff was fifty, of which twenty were ^larine Hospital Service surgeons. Boards of Consultikg Experts A body of twenty-three experienced medical men were chosen amongst the various Wards, who were 180 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS available at any time for consultation upon difficult or suspicious cases. During the first few days after the IVIarine Hos- pital Service was officially placed in charge of the campaign, Dr. \\niite was busy meeting the Presidents of the ^Vard organisations, placing his own officers in charge of the \'\''ards, instructing them in their duties, and holding daily conferences with the various representative bodies. On August 1 1 he met the Presidents of the Ward Organisations and agreed upon the following general plans :— That the Avork of the Ward Organisation must be carried on as strenuously in the future as in the past. That there should be a " mosquito-killing day " throughout the city once a week, when the entire population should make an effiDrt to kill by fumiga- tion the mosquitos in their houses. That all street gutters should be flushed out once a week. That every AVard undertake a complete minute inspection of all cisterns in its territory to see that they are perfectly screened. That as an extra precaution the oilings of all cisterns be continued. That only oil of at least 150 flash test be used, so as not to render water unpleasant. That all physicians and every one else in the city report to headquarters every suspicious case they might learn of RESULTS 181 The experts then issued a series of directions upon : — 1. The formation of oihng, screening, inspecting and salting squads. 2. Upon hourly reporting to headquarters. 3. Upon how to fumigate. 4. Necessity of reporting suspicious cases. 5. Necessity of systematic sanitary surveys. 6. That there is only one Authority in the city. 7. AVarning against quack remedies. All these directions emphasised those which had already been issued by the local authorities. Result of Campaign. — Yellow fever broke out in an unprepared densely populated city (New Orleans) in July. By August 12 the fever was at its height, numbering on that day 105 cases. In the meantime the prophylactic measures, including early notification, isolation, fumigation, screening, and protection of the water supplies, had begun to take effect, for in three weeks from the notification of the first case the number of fresh cases ceased increasing and it was clear the fever was in hand. The infected stegomyias on the wing had been killed and would no longer carry infection, and a fresh supply of stegomyias was rendered impossible owing to the fact that all cisterns had been screened. Thus an outbreak which in previous years would have developed into the usual awful epidemic was in a few weeks at a comparatively small cost completely stopped, and that in the face of a dense population, open drains, and a sultry summer. 182 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS ANTI - YELLOW FEVER MEASURES L\ BRmSH HONDURAS AND IN THE ADJACENT CENTRAL AMERICAN REFUHLICS In the summer of 1905, whilst I was then taking part in the yellow fever campaign in New Orleans, I was asked by the Colonial Office to proceed to Belize to investigate an outbreak of yellow fever there, and to report upon measures to stamp it out and prevent its reappearance. I gladly availed myself of the opportimity, and commenced investigations on September 17, 1905. My first care w^as to ascertain to w^hat extent the epidemic had gained a foothold, or, in other words, the total number and distribution of the human carriers. I was soon satisfied that the officially re- ported cases did not represent the total cases — that, in other w^ords, a considerable number of " suspects " should have been added to the list. At the same time I hastened to ascertain the extent and distribu- tion in the town of the insect carriers. 1 made at once a stegomyia survey, organising for that purpose small search parties to ascertain accurately the breed- ing places of the stegomyia, and so determine tlie numerical strength of the insect. To this end we made a house-to-house investigation and examined 1,342 barrels containing water, many hundreds of kero- sene tins, 489 large w^ooden water- vats, 271 iron water- tanks, 91 wells, and very many other likely places, such as disused canoes, ditclies, pools, crab-holes, etc. This examination revealed the presence of the stegomyia STEGOMYIA SURVEY 183 breeding grounds in 50 per cent, of the houses and yards. The water most favoured by the mosquito for her eggs was the clean water for domestic use stored in the cisterns, barrels, tins, and odd receptacles men- tioned above, and not the water of the pools, ditches, marshes, or crab-holes. This survey proved at once that the insect carriers were everywhere to hand in and around the houses, and that therefore the ideal conditions for the spread of the disease were present. As a result I reported upon the absolute necessity of exercising a vigilant supervision over the water supply of the town — that is to say, removing and destroying all odd water receptacles and encouraging the use of proper screened domestic and public cisterns. I am glad to say that the work commenced by me in 1905 has borne fruit, for by a report of the United States medical officer, dated March 27, 1907, it is stated that in Belize much is being done to render the town as sanitary as possible. The tanks are care- fully screened, and unscreened water-barrels and other breeding places of stegomyia have been removed from most of the premises. Two sanitary inspectors are constantly employed to examine into and report upon the proper carrying out of the regulations bearing on these points. Then the streets are kept clean, and work is constantly progressing towards eliminating the breeding-places of mosquitos ; mosquitos are not constantly present in great numbers ; and since the screening and cleaning ordinance has been syste- matically carried out, the number of stegomyia has been reduced to a very marked extent. Nor has it 184 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS been necessary since my visit to quarantine on account of yellow fever any sliip leaving the port of Belize, and this has meant a very considerable saving of money, not to mention loss of lives. In further confirmation of the efficiency of this campaign, the Hon. Wilfred Collet, Colonial Secretary, British Honduras, writes me that in 1907 an epidemic of dengue fever broke out in the Colony. Naturally a disease like dengue caused a very considerable amount of uneasiness, on account of its close resemblance to yellow fever, and as a result the INIarine Hospital Service of the United States made a most searching inquiry. Their representatives, however, reported that there were no stegomyia to be found, and the disease could not be yellow fever ! The result was that the United States autliorities at once permitted the usual trade facilities between the Southern States and Belize. No ship was detained, and the commerce of the port was not interfered with. In 1908, after a very close season, the water-vats warped and the staves opened, as not infrequently happens ; the result was that the stegomyia began to appear again. The authorities, however, immediately instituted a vigorous screening campaign, which was followed by a disappearance of the stegomyia in two months' time. In 1906 a screening ordinance was introduced. SPANISH HONDURAS PUERTO CORTES-ANTIMOSQUITO ^\•ORK We may take tliis small fruit port as a further example of other similar ones where the work of ANTIMOSQUITO MEASURES 185 warfare against mosqiiitos has begun to be carried on with considerable vigour in Central America. The population of tlie town numbers about 2,400. The existence of yellow fever would close down the con- siderable trade which is done in the exportation of fruit to the United States, hence the necessity for war against the stegomyia ; and in July 1 907 the United States medical officer reported that the authori- ties had oiled all water-containers — viz. 113 cisterns, 167 barrels, and 26 wells, and that all surface pools were either drained or oiled thoroughly. Result that stegomyia was reported not numerous. ANTI- YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGN IN THE CANAL ZONE This campaign was pushed forward with great vigour from the moment that the Isthmian Canal Commissioners took over the health administration of the Zone. The plan of campaign lay in rigorously prohibiting the keeping of stagnant water, and in screening, house- to-house inspection, and the infliction of fines if larv£e were discovered. As the result, yellow fever has been banished. Colonel Gorgas, under whose able direction these successful operations have been carried out, writes in his 1908 Report that "it is now more than three years since a case of yellow fever has developed in the Isthmus, the last case occurring in November 1905. The health and sick rates will compare favourably with most parts of the United States." Surely a most successful campaign. 186 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS THE ANTI- YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGN IN RIO JANEIRO AND SANTOS, 1903 In a very delightful tract entitled " Comment on assainit im Pays " ^ — or the extinction of yellow fever in Rio — will be found the results obtained to-day by the vigorous war against the stegomyia which has been waged since 1903. Brazil has usually been regarded as the home of yellow fever. We have already seen how, in the remarkable wanderings of the ship Oriflcnnme, bound from Siam to the Antilles, there was an account of lier putting into some port in Brazil, and how from that fact we concluded that the so-called " maladie de Siam " should be more appropriately called " maladie de Bresil." On the other hand, those of Brazil blame the ^Vntilles for the introduction of the disease in the seventeenth century. But, however that may be, fresh doses of the infection came at successive intervals as trade grew. Great epidemics resulted in consequence. Thus we read of great outbreaks in 1850, 1851, 1852. In 1899 the mortality from the disease was 35,557. This great death rate was just at the time when Brazil was expanding, just wlien large numbers of young men, labourers and clerks, had been attracted from the Old World to the new country — " conquistadores " of commerce — it was amongst the new-comers that the mortality was so high, just as of yore. It also became evident about the year 1883 that yellow ' By Raugel Pestana. ^ rsa ^,^M«':-)«ift THE CAMPAIGN IN BRAZIL 187 fever could no longer be regarded as a seaport disease, for it went into the interior and up into tlie hills. The situation had about this time become exceedingly serious ; Brazil had gained a bad name for itself — a white man's grave, " Tombeau des etrangers," a place where yellow jack w^as endemic. Therefore the Government set to work, offered prizes and en- couraged investigators, but alas, all in vain. Thus in 1891 there were 4,45G deaths, 4,312 deaths in 1894, 4,852 deaths in 1898, and so on, mounting up until it could be said that at the end of thirteen years the capital had lost 28,078 victims from yellow jack. Since 1850 this disease has cut off 58,335 lives. The time of the deliverance of Brazil from this scourge was, however, approaching. It came from the moment Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear risked their lives to prove the new doctrine. This done, the Havana theory was taken up con amove, and with such enthusiasm that four gentlemen of Rio, Domingo Pereira Vaz, Oscar jNlarques INIoreira, Januario Fiori, and Andre Ramos, together with Dr. Emilio Ribas, submitted also to be bitten by infected mosquitos. The results were, as at Havana, a complete demonstration of the stegomyia doctrine. Furthermore, numerous other experiments were made, and all proved the one thing, — that yellow fever could only be transmitted by one particular mosquito, the stegomyia. The result was a vigorous antistegomyia policy under Dr. Oswaldo Cruz, and the pushing aside of all doubters. Antimosquito brigades were formed. 188 THE YELI.OW FEVER CAMPAIGNS One brigade consisted of 1,500 men to wage relentless war upon all the breeding places of the stegorayia. ^VU stagnant water was upset, all useless receptacles removed to the dust tip, and liouses scaled to clear the gutters. A rapidly moving column was organised to deal instantly witli any house in which infected mosquitos might be ; they were attacked at once with sulphur and pyrethrum. Thus it came about that between the years 1903- 1906, a period when everything, according to the old doctrines, should ha\'e engendered yellow fever — viz. open putrefying drains, mud dredging, moisture, a close foetid atmosphere — in fact, a period of the old-time concatenation of circumstances when miasm ought to be distilled and deal death all around, passed in perfect safety ; more emigrants than ever arrived, but no yellow fever. A total of 948 deaths in 1904 showed that ignorance had been at last conquered, and that never again could there be room for doubt. And for once the strong arm of the law felt it had reason on its side ; it did not hesitate to punish those Avho trans gressed and were found harbouring the enemy — the stegomyia larvae. As evidence of the earnestness of the people we read that in 1909 153,070 breeding places of larvas were destroyed, 850,575 odd water receptacles examined, as well as 44,343 reservoirs and 004,283 water-containers overhauled ; as many as 814,650 sinks and 718,154 water-closets oiled ; 2,545 cartloads of tins and odd receptacles were removed from yards. For fumigation 1,242 kilos of pyrethrum and 28,603 ' 05 o o Q < < pq o E-l O Q P3 :^'^^^ J °' RIO AND SANTOS 189 kilos of sulphur were used. And this brought it about that in the summer of 1909, in spite of the arrival of some 45,219 new-comers, the word went forth that yellow fever no longer existed in Rio. Can any one in his right mind, after a demonstration like this, afford to doubt and thwart the efforts of those who believe ? As with Rio, so with Santos : once the white man's death trap, it has now become a veritable " santos " or health resort. Yet in the harbours of Rio and Santos ships once rotted and fell to pieces for want of crews — all had died of the accursed disease ; and to-day no one fears, and no ship rots. In order to mark the progress of sanitation in Brazil and in honour of Dr. Oswaldo Cruz, a splendidly equipped institute, known as the Institute Oswaldo Cruz, has been established for the purpose of inves- tigating tropical diseases in man and animals, and also for the preparation of sera and vaccines. Annual mortality from yellow fever in Rio during the last twenty years : YEAR 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 DEATHS YEAR 719 1900 . 4,456 1901 4,312 1902 825 1903 4,852 1904 818 1905 2,929 1906 159 1907 1,078 1908 731 1909 DEATHS 344 2,299 984 584 48 289 42 39 4 0 190 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS ANTL YELLOW FEVER CAMFAIGN ON THE AMAZON^ Since April 1905, when the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine dispatched a commission consisting of Drs. Thomas and Breinl, a great deal has been done to disseminate the knowledge of the danger of the stegomyia amongst the merchants trading at Ljuitos, Para, IN Linos, etc. The mission has received the warm support of the trading firms, and it is hoped that under Dr. Thomas a still greater amelioration of the health conditions will be brought about, and yellow fever banished. In 1905 Dr. Thomas published in Spanish a useful Report upon the Public Health of Iquitos. He found the Stegomyia calopus present every- where in water-barrels and odd receptacles throughout the town. He drew up recommendations urging com- pulsory screening, removal of odd receptacles, and cleansing of yards. THE ANTI- YELLOW FEVER OPERATIONS IN THE BRITISH WEST INDIES, 1906-1909 It was to be expected that these ancient Colonies would follow the brilliant examples set them by Cuba and on the Spanish Main by the Isthmian Canal Zone, and endeavour to put their house in order so as to be able to withstand yellow fever and banish malaria. 1 ha^•e referred in a preceding chapter to the awful mortality wliich yellow fever produced in ' The first yellow fever exyjcdition sent out by the school was in 1900, and consisted of Drs. Durham and ^Valter Myers. I'he latter investigator con- tracted and died from the disease. I HOUSE INSPECllNG 191 the 'fifties, a mortality so great that to-day we cannot realise it. In those days the West Indies were regarded as the home of yellow fever, the islands where it was endemic. The adjacent American Continent regarded the islands as the source of all their epidemics. AVhen discussing the march of general sanitation we showed how both the yellow fever and malaria abated before the modern weapons of drainage and water supplies. Abated, however, only to a certain degree, just as in Rio and in many other parts of the world. The really significant change did not occur until the newest weapons of medical science were unerringly directed against the specific enemies — the stegomyia in the case of yellow fever and the anophelines in the case of malaria. Then, and only then, were these diseases brought under absolute control. I wish in this narrative to state what those islands which 1 have already visited have accomplished : how far their methods are modern, whether they are still hampered by prejudice and tradition, or are willing to embrace the modern method. In the first place I will begin by giving my methods of procedure when I arrive in a colony. 1. I establish an office or headquarters, or secre- tarial department, where the plan of campaign is drawn up with the assistance of the local medical and health authorities. 2. The mornings are devoted to a house-to-house examination of the locality in order to determine precisely the number of breeding places of the stegomyia, in the case of yellow fever. I invariably 192 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS make the house-to-house inspection with the district medical officers and all the sanitary inspectors available, together with the chairman and others of the Sanitary- Boards of the district in which I am working. The more who accompany me on these inspections the better, for they all learn the methods and their signifi- cance. When we enter a house with a yard and garden, every water-container is carefully examined and the results entered in the Special Inspection Book. Nothing is neglected : the water receptacles for the chickens — the " Cafe de Poule " — the water for the dog or other animals, the drinking-water barrels, the washing-tubs, and the innumerable odds and ends, are all carefully ex- amined for the larvcE of the stegomyia. By this means a correct estimate of the percentage of the breeding places is worked out, and the efficacy of the work accomplished by the medical authority in charge gauged. AVhilst making these investigations, ample oppor- tunity is afforded of talking with the householders and of explaining to them the significance of the visit and the necessity for the removal of all stagnant water in and out of doors. An estimate is at the same time made of the general cleanliness of the interior and exterior of the house, and if there are any broken bottles or odd tins about the yard, the householder is ad- monished to remove them at once. For this special purpose we are frequently accompanied by the dust contractor and his carts. To sum up the results of my house-to-house inspec- tions in the West Indies, I examined — p. 192] PIPE-BORNE WATER 193 525 yards in Bridgetown, Barbados, 48 ,, „ Georgetown, Demerara, 21 1 ,, „ in Port of Spain, Trinidad, 72 ,, ,, in Castries, St. Lucia, 98 ,, ,, in Grenada, 125 „ ,, in Kingstown, St. Vincent. In these yards I found and examined a total of 2,292 w^ater receptacles ; these included 574 buckets, 425 barrels, 695 tubs, 392 jars, 114 large tins and cans, 92 vats, also an innumerable number of odd receptacles such as broken bottles and pitchers, small tins, conch shells, calabashes, flower vases, saucers, lily tubs, etc. etc. When mosquito larviE were found, they were those of the Stegomyia calopus. Nature of the Watei'-containers. — Each Colony had for the most part its own peculiarities in the way of water-containers. Wherever barrels were used for the storage of water, as in straggling districts and small villages, larvae were always most abundant. In Castries and in other Colonies w^hich were formerly under French rule, the large old-fashioned jars were the great offenders. In George Town, Demerara, vats pre- dominate. In Port of Spain, Trinidad, the antiformicas, as I have previously explained, are a source of danger. It was abundantly evident from my visits that in all these six Colonies measures had been taken to abate the stegomyia breeding nuisance. First and foremost, a pipe-borne water supply is now the rule, but it wants further extension. Secondly, the tow^n councils have been fairly active in removing all odds and ends from yards likely to contain water. Thirdly, 13 194 THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGNS in all these Colonies health clauses have been inserted dealing specifically with the stagnant-water nuisance — the presence of larvae being taken as proof of this. Fines are inflicted regularly for infringement of these bylaws. Screening is compulsory in some places. Fourthly, in many places an active antimosquito pro- paganda has been set on foot and the people have been educated. Fifthly, both the medical officers and the sanitary inspectors have in many places been trained either in tropical diseases at the Tropical Schools in England, or, as in the case of the sanitary inspectors, they have been trained to recognise and differentiate the various mosquito larvae and to realise their significance. In addition to these antilarval measures, the health authorities have also clauses to deal with the fumigation of houses in which yellow fever has occurred, the screening of patients, and early notification. Had these West Indian Colonies not already commenced to make these reforms that brought them into line with Cuba and the Canal Zone, there can be little doubt that they would have been \isited by epidemics of yellow fever which in former days were, as we have seen, the rule. The best test of this is the recent epidemic in Barbados. This epidemic has been kept under ; it was practically stamped out in May in the chief port, Bridgetown, whereas in former days it would have gone on gaining in force and virulence. The fever persisted longer in the straggling isolated country parishes around because the machinery for carrying out thorough fumigation was not so complete as in the chief town. One of the \\^est India Islands has been THE STEGOMYIA RATE 195 very severely visited by yellow fever, viz. the French Colony of JMartiniqiie, and in this island we have evidence that antilarval measures had not been vigorously pushed. Yet, in spite of the fact that yellow fever was raging in Martinique, the adjacent island of St. Lucia remained absolutely secure owing entirely to the wise antilarval measures and sharp look-out taken by the Governor and his officers. It proves conclusively that yellow fever need never again be a source of alarm to the West Indies as of old, provided that anti-larval measures are pushed. Again, a source of great danger to the West Indian group is Venezuela, the remaining stronghold of yellow fever. But, again, the adjacent Colony of Trinidad, with its up-to-date antimosquito measures, need have little to fear. In this respect the "Liver- pool" of the West Indies (Port of Spain) has as little to dread as the Liverpool of Lancashire. Nevertheless, no Colony can afford to take risks, and as rigid an inspection of all arrivals from Venezuela must be made as the Isthmian Canal authorities enforce in the case of arrivals into their territory. In other words, each Colony must see that all its defences are perfect. In the present day, with our knowledge of how yellow fever is carried, its presence in any Colony is rightly regarded as a disgrace, and as showing that the Colony is as yet in the barbarous stage, and possesses no medical organisation worthy of the name. Yellow fever is not to-day regarded as the inevitable penalty of our desire to go to tropical lands ; it is to-day the penalty of ignorance and superstition. 196 THE YELLOW FEVEH CAMPAIGNS Finally, as the result of my investigation of the numerical strength of the breeding places of the stegomyia, I found the rate was not high, varying from 4 to 10 per cent.^ But this percentage must be reduced to zero. In the Appendix will be found collected together those health clauses of the various Colonies which I visited which deal with anti-yellow fever and antimalarial warfare ; they are useful as a guide to other Colonies which may not have yet come into line. These measures, and the numerous penalties which followed their systematic enforcement, constitute the most eloquent testimony which we possess of the earnestness of this great health campaign in the West Indian Colonies. Thus in Trinidad there have been 29 prosecutions from JNIarch to April of 1909 ; 98 in St. Lucia from 1907-9 ; 99 in Barbados during April and iNlay of 1909 ; and the fines have ranged from 1-s*. to 40,s'. Screening ordinances and antimosquito operations have been vigorously pushed on in Antigua, British Honduras, and INIartinique. DENGUE OR DANDY FEVER This is a tropical fever of wide distribution, occur- ring in the West Indies, Syria, tlie Far East, India, Australasia, Central and South America. In tlie ' III a letter whicli 1 have received as I go to press from Dr. Hudson of Barbados, there is the jifratifyiii^ statement that '' 'l"he first fortnightly returns of mos(|uito destruction in the pai'isiies shows tliat only 0"45 per cent, of tlie liouscs insjiected were found to he harbouring larva-. " This is a remarkably good result. {I'lu'li, Inj Iir. ir. //. i;r,0,ni,i. Fig. 45.— glossina palpalis, the carriee of sleeping SICKNESS. Enlarged Four Times. Block lent by S. S. Bureau. IPhoto hy Dr. IF. J/. Oraham. Fig. 4G. — glossina fusca, one of the tsetse flies in resting position. Enlarged about Three Times. Block lent by S. S. Bureau. *. 196] Fig. 47. — natural size of tsetse fly. DENGUE FEVER AND CULEX 197 present day it owes a considerable amount of its im- portance to tlie fact that, together with influenza, it is hable to be confused with yellow fever. Like the latter fever, it appears to follow the trade routes and to burst out without warning into considerable-sized epidemics of an essentially local character. Indeed, in its mode of extension and its tendency to keep to the coast line, it resembles an insect-borne disease, and evidence is accumulating in favour of this view. Thus Dr. H. Graham of Beyrouth has brought forward reasons which show that dengue fever is spread by the Cnleoc fatigans. This observer states that he M^as able to infect (1901) healthy persons by the bite of infected mosquitos, that is, mosquitos which had bitten patients suffering from the disease. Dr. Strong of INIanilla likewise (1909) states that recent studies in Manilla point to the Culex fatigans as the transmitting agent, and I have received a note from the Hon. W. Collett, Colonial Secretary, British Honduras, concerning an outbreak of dengue fever in that Colony, in which he states : " An epidemic of dengue broke out in the middle of the year 1907, and P.JNI.O. Harrison estimated that 45 per cent, of the population suffered. A few who had previously had yellow fever contracted the disease, so that evidently yellow fever does not protect. It was noted that wherever dengue fever occurred the Culex fatigans was also found. Mr. Collett had the culex in his own house, and his youngest child contracted the disease ; both himself and Mrs. Collett, however, escaped, as they had had the disease in Fiji in 1885." PAET II CHAPTER XV SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE TRYPAXOSOMIASIS (SLEEPING SICKNESS) This morbid condition, better known in one of its forms in man as sleeping sickness, belongs to tliat group of diseases, including malaria, filariasis, and tick fever, which are caused by minute animal parasites living in the blood stream of the body. J^ike, also, many of the other tropical diseases, it attacks a wide range of the animal kingdom. I have had occasion to refer to this significant fact before. We will have noted that these diseases are not peculiar to man alone ; man is simply liable to them just as are other species of the animal kingdom. Naturally, when man is affected in epidemic form, our attention is at once directed to the disease, and investigations made and the cause discovered. It was thus with sleeping sickness. 'J'he trypanosome, as the small blood parasite which causes tlie disease is called, was discovered in 1902, but long before tliat date 198 I TRYPANOSOMA GAMBIENSE 199 (1869) it had already been known as a blood parasite in many of the lower animals. In 1901 Dr. Button, of the Liverpool School, whilst investigating tropical diseases in the Gambia Colony, discovered, in conjunction with Dr. Forde, the parasite in the blood of a patient under the care of Dr. Forde ; Dr. Dutton named it the Trypanosoma gambicnse ; and then, in the year 1902, the world was made aware by Bruce and Castellani of the fact that the mysterious and deadly disease which was rapidly spreading over Central Africa — Sleeping Sickness — was due to the same parasite. Since then the disease has been subjected to numerous investigations (see Appendix), and international action has been taken to endeavour to limit its ravages and if possible stamp it out. It would appear that the disease has only attained its present prominence in Africa comparatively recently, coincident with the opening up of Africa to develop- ment, consequently necessitating the formation of trade routes and the movement of large bodies of natives from point to point. The disease, if it existed amongst the natives in earlier times, remained confined to circum- scribed areas ; in opening up trade, however, the disease diffused itself, and is still doing so, until it is said to extend over some million square miles. The spread of this disease has wiped out entire communities, large districts have been depopulated in the Congo, 200,000 of the inhabitants of the Uganda Protectorate are believed to have perished. The question naturally arises, How does the disease spread ? Is it by contact, by water and food, or by insects ? Knowing as much as we now do about the ^00 SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE spread of tropical diseases, we are not surprised to learn that this disease is spread by the agency of an insect. Tliis time a fly — the well-known tsetse fly. Bruce had previously proved that the fly disease of horses and cattle known as Nagana in Africa -was communicated from animal to animal by tlie bite of a species of fly {Glomiui mors'itans) ; lie concluded, moreover, that the transference was mechanical — that is to say that, unlike the case of the malarial parasite where the anophelines play the part of intermediary hosts, the fly simply became mechanically infected by the parasite adhering to the mouth parts, so that when it bit a healthy animal it transferred to the wound the adherent parasites, in a manner somewhat analogous to the way in which the domestic house-fly carries in- fection on its body. The mode of infection having been shown in Nagana, it was not long before it was deter- mined that an allied species of fly {Glossiiui pa/palis) was probably the agent which transmitted sleeping sickness. There was here, as in the case of yellow fever and malaria, the most significant fact that sleeping sickness was found only in districts where the fly was found. No tsetse, no sleeping sickness : just as no anophelines, no malaria ; no stegomyia, no yellow fever. In the AVest Indies, where although there are many species of biting flies there is no tsetse, sleeping sickness has not occurred, although sleeping sickness was introduced time and time again with the slaves during the slave trade period. The next great question then arose, AVas the tTansfer.ei^ce of infection i^echg-nical ? Or, as m PLAN OF CAMPAIGN 201 malaria and yellow fever, did the fly act as host ? Did, in other words, the parasite pass part of its life cycle in the fly, as did the malaria parasite in the mosquito ? The answer, as furnished by tlie experi- ments of Kleine and Bruce, point to the con- clusion that, much as in the case of yellow fever virus in the stegomyia, a latent period exists in the fly during which period it is not infectious, but tliat after the period of latency, the fly becomes again infectious. In the case of the Sleeping Sickness parasites the latent period appears to be from 14 to 21 days. These observations point to the fact that the fly acts as a true host to the trypanosome just as the anophelines do to the parasite of malaria ; in other words, the fly appears necessary to the propa- gation of the disease. Plan of Ccnnpaign. — Having proved that the tsetse fly is the carrier of sleeping sickness, and proved more- over, as it would appear from the most recent observations, that it is only one species, the Glosslna palpalis, that can act as host to the trypanosome, we have the key of the plan of preventing the disease altogether, viz. by exterminating the carrier, precisely as in the plan of campaign against malaria, yellow fever, and plague. The tsetse fly, like the common house fly and like the mosquito, has its two phases — the adult winged form and the larval form. It can be attacked at both stages, whichever is most practical or most convenient. In the first place, observations have shown that the breeding place of the fly is the strip of ground 202 SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE bush along the rivers ; a strip about 30 j'ards wide extending from the river-bank is tlie usual breeding zone ; breeding appears not to extend to any marked degi'ee beyond this distance. The larval or pupa stage evidently requires shade and to be protected from the direct sun-rays, hence tlie fly chooses the shaded light sandy humus of the bush in which to deposit her pupae. Therefore, as a first step in prophylaxis, it is necessary to destroy the ground bush, to burn it for a depth of about 30 yards from the river-bank. It is not necessary to cut down forests any more than it is necessary to drain lakes and run rivers dry in antimalarial operations. All that is essential is to go for the chief breeding grounds around man and to let the forests take care of themselves. The reason is precisely similar to that which we fully discussed under malaria and yellow fever. We cannot attempt the impossible, and it is totally un- necessary ; the object is to protect man in his villages and towns and camps and along his trade routes, and this can be done. It is, as we have so often emphasised, a question of protecting man against his innumerable insect surroundings. In practice this has been found to be perfectly feasible, as easy as preventing the keeping of stagnant water in and around houses in yellow fever countries or getting rid of pools and anopheline breedin<2f ffroimds around tlie houses in malaria countries, or destroying cover for rats in seaport towns. What is therefore now done is to burn the ground busli along the margins of rivers and ponds and around SLEEPING SICKNESS PROPHYLAXIS 203 encampments and villages, and to keep the roads clear. The sun's heat has a most detrimental effect on the fly and prevents them breeding in such situations. Further, as in the case of the mosquito, the natural enemies of the fly are to be encouraged. These consist of both the enemies of the adult fly and those of the pupcT, and amongst them are described certain birds, wasps, spiders, ants, and fungi. The collection and destruction of the pup^e ha^'e also been advocated. The drainage of pools in the vicinity of camps and villages is of use. An ingenious method of trapping the adult fly has been practised with success by INIr. IVIaldonado in the Island of Principe. The labourers wear on their backs a black cloth smeared with an adhesive substance to which the flies are attracted. As many as 133,778 flies were caught on one estate in a period of eight months by these ambulatory " catch-'em-alivo " labourers. The destruction of wild animals which the fly may use for sucking blood, such as the crocodile, is also advocated. Having disposed of the method of attack as regards the breeding grounds of the fly, let us examine what can be done against the adult insect. In this connection a series of regulations have been adopted as follows : — Protect the body as much as possible from un- necessary exposure to the bite of the fly — {a) by wearing plenty of suitable clothing (white), and leggings, (/;) by systematic use of nets. 204 SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE ((') by screening the living-rooms, {(I) by choosing for the sites of houses and encamp- ments places free from flies, (c) avoiding fly-infected routes. In all these rational and practical measures, the lines followed are those which we have seen accomplish so much in malaria and yellow fever. And as in the case of yellow fever, so here a great deal can be done by rational quarantine administration. Xatives coming from infected districts should not be allowed to freely travel into non-infected districts. They must be sub- jected to most careful medical inspection to ascertain whether they have the parasite in their blood or not, and those who have must be detained and isolated in properly screened hospitals. The principle of segre- gation should also be adopted where possible. The healthy should live at a distance from the villages or the huts of those who may be suspected to have the parasites. Lastly, as in malaria, an endeavour can be made to kill the parasites in the blood. In malaria use is made of quinine, in sleeping sickness the great drug is arsenic in some form or other ; tlierefore arsenisation is a great curative and prophylactic measure of defence, and is having good results. According to authorities like Koch and Manson, arsenic in the form of atoxyl is as efficacious in early cases of sleeping sickness as quinine is in malaria. Upon these lines of attack a great anti-sleeping sickness campaign has been undertaken by all the nations possessing Central African colonies. Flu. 4S. MASS OF FLY LAKV-E IX STABLE MANURE. (Natural SizG.) [R, NewsUad. p. 2C4] RESULTS OF CAMPAIGN 205 In order to direct the operations of the campaign in British Africa, a National Bureau has been estabhshed in London, and at these headquarters regular monthly reports are issued and reports collected from all sleeping sickness districts, maps are made and issued showing the progress of the disease and the districts of the fly. The Bureau, which has been established under the auspices of the Colonial Office, has already done excellent service, and the system might well be copied in the case of the other tropical diseases. Although it is early yet to speak of the results of the anti-sleeping sickness measures, there is no question that much good work has been already done and very many lives saved ; they serve as indications of what can be done. The following Report received from the Governor of Uganda shows clearly that improvement is taking place : RESULT OF ANTI-SLEEPL\G SICKNESS MEASURES IN UGANDA (From Manchester Guardian, June 2o, 1909) The Governor of Uganda in his Report for 1907-8 to the Earl of Crewe (Secretary for the Colonies) is able to report that the measures taken during the past three years to stamp out sleeping sickness are proving effectual. During 1907 the deaths in the Kingdom of Buganda numbered less than 4,000, and in 1908 they fell to 1,700. It is beheved (the Governor says) that for the whole Protectorate the deaths during the past twelve years have not exceeded 2,500 206 SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE No Europeans have been infected since 1906. Prac- tically the whole of the population of the fly-infested shores of Lake Victoria have been removed to districts inland, wlierc the tsetse does not exist, and it is belie\'ed that there can now be but few cases of fresh infection so far as the mainland is concerned. Steps are in progress for the complete depopulation of the islands in tlie Lake. It was feared that this would prove a most dhhcult matter, but the native Govern- ment is now sliowing such confidence in the efficacy of the measures for the suppression of the sickness that the request for final action has come from them. About 21,000 souls will have to be moved, and arrangements are being made to locate them on vacant lands in Chagwe and in other districts of the mainland. The realisation of this project will put the finishing touch to the whole scheme. The pestilent tsetse fiy will still infest the shores of the great Lake, but it will find no more victims on which to play its malevolent part. Sleeping sick- ness has ceased to be tiie dominant scourge of this territory, and the disease has now been reduced to a merely sporadic scale. Continued vigilance, however, is essential, and the recrudescence of sleeping sickness can only be averted by the consistent and vigorous maintenance of those pre\'entive measures which have already pro\'ed efficacious. The four segregation camps, in which several thousands of sufferers are still located, are in full working order, and though no effective curative treatment has yet been disco^'ered, the lives of many of the patients are being consider- ably prolongctl. The measures taken to drive away the tsetse flies from the neighbouriiood of Entebbe and of otlier important points on the Lake shore, RESULTS OF CAMPAIGN 207 from which the population could not be removed, have proved successful, and those places may now be considered perfectly safe, so far as sleeping sickness is concerned. The Principal ^ledical Officer, A. D. P. Hodges, furnishes the following satisfactory statement from Uganda : — " I think that the continued and progressive decrease in the death rate, which is apparent in the returns from individual counties as well as in the totals, is scarcely likely to have been artificially con- trived or to be a mere coincidence. I, therefore, regard it as a true decrease and as decidedly satisfac- tory and encouraging ; for, even though the actual figures may be inexact, the rate of decrease shown is in all probability substantially a true one. " It will be noticed that the decrease on the main- land has been much greater in 1907 and 1908 than in 1905 and 1906, while the difference between these two periods is much less marked in the case of the islands. " This decrease must be attributed to the preventive measures which were begun in 1906 on the main- land, and they have produced a fall in the death- rate from 3,585 in 1906, to 1,419 in 1907." " INIaking full allowance for other causes, unless we are to place no reliance at all on the Chiefs' returns, the conclusion can scarcely be avoided, in my opinion, that the preventive measures which have been applied are producing results so satisfactory as to warrant their continuance wherever practicable and their ex- tension wherever this is possible." 208 SLEEl'ING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE DEATHS EKOM SLEEPING SICKNESS IN BUGANDA KINGDOM Year. Mainland. Islands. Totals. Mainland. Islands. Totals. 1905 190() 1907 1908 4,500 3,515 1,419 550 3,503 1,719 1,992 1,173 8,003 ' ) ; \ 8,085 5,304 J 3,407 ) ! } 1,9G5 1,723 j 5,222 3,1G5 13,307 5,130 10,054 8,387 18,437 — 18,437 THE SEPTIC FLY {Musca domestica) The awakening of interest in in.sects as carriers of disease by the study of the tropical diseases, malaria, yellow fever, plague and tsetse fly disease, has been chiefly instrumental in drawing om- attention to the danger of the common house fly. Recently Howard of Washington has proposed to substitute the name " typhoid fly " instead of house fly. He is indeed justifled in doing so, for there is overwhelming proof that the house fly is one of the important carriers of that disease. It has been more especially during military campaigns that e\idence to this effect on a vast scale has been forthcoming, but in the case of villages and towns we have abundant e\'idence also of tlie acti^•ity of the fly in spreading typhoid. Inasmuch, however, as the common fly is equally able to tran.smit cholera, tuberculosis, and the various intestinal bacteria associated with the diarrhoea pre- DANGERS OF THE HOUSE FLY 209 valent in towns in .summer time, 1 think the term " Septic Fly " would be more appropriate. It has for long been believed that the Hy can carry disease germs, tliat it is a mechanical carrier. Every one must have observed that the fly is a filth- eater. What dust-bin, what garbage, exists without the fly ? We become aware that something is wrong or rotten, by the presence of flies. We must have all experienced the dread witli which w^e have seen the common fly in the sick-room. Wherever there is rotting, fermentation, or decay, or, in other words, animal or vegetable offal or excreta of any kind, there the fly must be. Why? Because as the water- barrel is to the larva of the stegomyia and the earth-pool to the larvae of the anophelines, so is putrid, fermenting material to the larvae or maggots of the fly. The fly breeds there, deposits its eggs there, and they hatch out into the well-known maggots. It is not surprising, then, that the natural breeding grounds being filthy material, the fly should carry on its body some of this filth to the sugar basin, the entree dish, or the milk in the bowl in the pantry. Unquestionably the fly can and does contaminate our food supplies, and by landing on the face around the eyes and mouth it may directly inoculate disease germs. Beauperthuy long ago directed attention to this. The presence of flies in a house means that filth is close at hand — not miles away, but, in all probability, close outside the kitchen window in the dust-bin, or in the adjacent stables, or in the highly manured garden soil around the house. 14 210 SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE We must have often observed by the sea foreshore the prevalence of flies especially where the foreshore is used as a dumping ground for garbage. Yet town councils have wondered why tlieir apparently beauti- fully situated seaside resorts should still have cases of typhoid and other intestinal fevers. There is no wonder when we realise that the fly is the common carrier. The fly has now been proved experimentally to be a carrier in the case of cholera, typhoid, tubercle, and no doubt of the germs of summer diarrhoea. In Egypt the dissemination of the common ophthalmia present amongst the poor people is also largely due to tl>e fly ; for we have no doubt seen in that country the eyes of children rendered black by swarms of them. The relationship of the fly to leprosy has often been commented upon, and in my own ex- perience I have on many occasions been struck by the great abundance of flies swarming around the patients. Plan of Campaign. — Knowing the danger of the fly, the next step is to get rid of it. As far as I am aware, the first Corporation to move in this direction was that of the City of Liverpool. In December 1900 the ]Medical Officer of Health of this city, Dr. Hope, instructed Mr. Newstead of the Liverpool School of Tropical INIedicine to undertake a minute inquiry into the breeding places of the fly throughout the city. A report was drawn up by INlr. Newstead which has served as a model for many other corporations in this and other countries. The chief strongholds of the fly were found to be manure-heaps in connection with PLAN OF CAMPAIGN 211 stables and shippons, and ashpits of all kinds. Mr. Newstead found that 25 per cent, of ashpits were infected with larvtE. Other breeding places were all odd collections of fermenting material, vegetable or animal, accumulations of manure at the wharves, bed- ding for poultry, pigs, etc. Mr. Newstead lays stress upon the selective affinity which flies have for human dejecta for feeding purposes, and in this propensity lies of course the great danger of the house fly. It cannot be too clearly understood. As the results of this investigation Mr. Newstead recommends the following plan of warfare : 1. That stable manure and spent hops should not be allowed to accumulate in the middensteads during the months of May to October inclusive, for a period of more than seven days. 2. All middensteads should be thoroughly emptied and carefully swept at the period stated in 1. The present system of partly emptying such recep- tacles should in all cases be discontinued. The walls of middensteads should also be cemented over, or, failing this, the brickwork should be sound and well pointed. 3. That all ashpits should be emptied, during the summer months, at intervals of not more than ten days. 4. That the most strenuous efforts should be made to prevent children defalcating in the courts and passages ; or that the parents should be compelled to remove such matter immediately ; and deftecation in stable middens should be strictly forbidden. The danger lies in the overwhelming attraction which such 212 SLEEPING SICKNESS, FLIES, AND DISEASE ftccal matter has for house flies, which hitter may after- wards come into direct contact with man or his food- stuffs, 'i'hey may, as \"eeder puts it, " in a very few minutes . . . load themselves with dejections from a typhoid or dysenteric patient, not as yet sick enough to be in hospital or inider observation, and carry the poison so taken up into tlie very midst of the food and water ready for use at the next meal. Tliere is no long roundabout process involved." 5. Ashpit refuse, which in any way tends to fermen- tation, such as bedding, straw, old rags, paper, waste vegetables, dirty bedding from the " hutches " of pet animals, etc., should, if possible, be disposed of by the tenants, preferably by incineration, or be placed in a separate receptacle so that no fermentation can take place. If such precautions were adopted by house- holders, relatively few house flies M'ould breed in the ashpits, and the present system of emptying such places at longer intervals than, say, four to six weeks, might be continued. 6. The application of Paris green (poison) at the rate of two ounces to one gallon of water to either stable manure or ashpit refuse will destroy 99 per cent, of the larvje. Possibly a smaller percentage of Paris green might be employed with equally good results. One per cent, of crude atoxyl in water kills 100 per cent, of fly larvju. The application of either of these substances might, however, lead to serious complications, and it is very doubtful whether they could be employed with safety. Paris green, at the rate of one to two ounces to twenty gallons of water, is used largely as an insecticide for fruit pests. It does no harm to \egetation when applied in ANTIFLY REGULATIONS 213 small quantities ; but cattle might be tempted to eat the dirty straw in manure which had been treated with this substance, and the results might prove fatal if large quantities were eaten. 7. The use of sun-blinds in all shops containing food which attracts flies would, in my opinion, largely reduce the number of flies in such places during hot weather. Small fruiterers' and confectioners' shops, as a rule, are not shaded by sun-blinds, and in their absence flies literally swarm on the articles exposed for sale. The rules laid down by the INlerchants' Associations Committee on pollution of the waters of New York are as follows KULES FOR DEALING WITH THE FLY NUISANCE Keep the flies away from the sick, especially those ill with contagious diseases. Kill every fly that strays into the sick-room. His body is covered with disease germs. Do not allow decaying material of any sort to accumulate on or near your premises. All refuse which tends in any way to fermentation, such as bedding, straw, paper waste, and vegetable matter, should be disposed of or covered with lime or kerosene oil. Screen all food. Keep all receptalces for garbage carefully covered, and the cans cleaned or sprinkled with oil or lime. Keep all stable manure in vault or pit, screened or sprinkled with lime, oil, or other cheap preparation. Cover food after a meal ; burn or bury all table refuse. 214 THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE Screen all food exposed for sale. Screen all windows and doors, especially the kitchen and dining-room. Don't forget, if you see flies, their breeding place is in near-by filtli. It may be behind the door, under the table or in the cuspidor. If there is no dirt and filth there will be no flies. If there is a nuisance in the neighbourhood write at once to the Health Department. ACTION OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD The Local Government Board instituted an enquiry in 1908 into the question of flies as carriers of disease. As a result very useful investigations have been undertaken, under the supervision of Dr. INIonckton Copeman, to establish the part taken by flies in propagating disease. The flies are caught in special fly-traps, and are carefully examined. Additional ob- servations have also been made upon the places where they breed, and the distances which they are capable of flying. Bacteria of the Colon bacillus type were isolated from the flies in many cases, thus demonstrating the filth-feeding nature of the fly, and that it is capable of transmitting bacilli which cause disease in man. CHAPTER XVI ANKYLOSTOMIASIS I DIRT CONTAMINATION ANKYLOSTOMIASIS This is a disease which, like so many of the others which we have described in the preceding pages, teaches a very instructive lesson. It is the disease par ex cellence of workmen and labourers, which breaks out frequently amongst them when they are working and living under insanitary conditions, or rather, not under strict sanitary discipline. Masses of men when left to themselves, away from the intelligent eye of the sanitary officer, revert to the primitive conditions of less civilised nations, or to the condition of our ancestors. In other words, they surely tend to contaminate their surroundings, to " foul their nest," to pollute their houses, villages, water supplies, etc. We know from history how frequently this occurred in the movements of armies in the Middle Ages. It was the frightful mortality from these causes which brought into exist- ence the study of hygiene. So with ankylostomiasis. This disease has been known for a very considerable time under different names. In Egypt there was a well-marked condition 215 216 ANKVLOSrOxMIASIS : DIRT CONTAMINATION of profound anaMiiia, whicli occurred amongst the labouring population, and was known as Egyptian chlorosis. During the construction of the St. Gothard tunnel there broke out an intense an^umia amons'st the workmen, which received the name of Tunnel Anaemia. In more recent times severe loss -svas caused by its ex- tensive prevalence under the name of Miners' Anaemia in the coal mines of ^^"estphalia ; and still more recently Professor Haldane has given prominence to it by making accurate observations upon its presence and cause in Cornish mines. In tlie tropics, under the name Tropical Anaemia, it produces a very great sickness and death rate amonijst the labouring" classes ; this is notably so in India and Ceylon, and to a certain extent amongst the coolie labourers employed in the West Indies. The disease is therefore widely distri- buted over the globe. Its leading feature is profound anaemia, and the consequences of amemia — i.e. loss of working capacity and invaliding ; it is therefore the labour-paralysing disease, and it has in consequence received great attention from scientific observers all over the world, and we are now reaping to the full the benefits of their discoveries. Observers found that, whether the disease was called " tropical," " miner " or " tunnel " anaemia, " Egyptian chlorosis " or " earth- eater's disease," "grounditch " or "hook-worm disease," the cause was one and the same, a small intestinal parasite, the Ankijlostomum dnodcnd/c, which inhabited the intestines in very large numbers and led to a considerable loss of blood in consequence. The egg^ of the adult worms were passed in tlic excreta, PLAN OF CAMPAIGN 217 and the latter, either not being carefully removed or disinfected, contaminated the water and food supplies of the workmen, or else the abode and ground around the dwellings and villages ; it was shown especially by Loos of Cairo that not only could infection take place by means of infected water and food, but that the young worms which had hatched out from the eggs passed in the excreta, in the cane or other plantations surrounding the liouses, were capable of penetrating the skin of the barefooted workmen and children and induce the disease. The method of prevention, the plan of campaign, was also made clear from these observations. Obviously the first thing is to prevent the disease spreading by insisting upon the proper treatment of the excreta of the workmen by erecting suitable latrine accommodation, rigorously preventing the pollution of the ground and plantations, etc., around the villages and houses and camps ; careful treatment of those suffering from the disease in hospitals and at dispensaries where some intestinal vermifuge and dis- infectant of approved efficacy can be obtained. By the use of these drugs the w^orms are expelled from the intestines and the sufferer rendered non-infectious — just as, in the case of malaria, quinine is employed to kill the parasites in the circulation. By the combination of these wise measures splendid results have been obtained in different parts of the world, and tropical aneemia, like yellow fever and leprosy, will be steadily driven back. In tlie West Indies tlie disease is receiving very careful attention ; tlie labourers and their families are, in tlie first place, very carefully 218 xVNKYLOSTOMIASIS : DIRT CONTAMINATION housed and medically cared for ; they have good hospitals, Mliere they are promptly treated, and regu- lations have been framed for their protection. The following extract from a circular issued by C. J. Cox, Colonial Secretary, British Guiana, shows that good work is being done : *' I am directed by the Governor to inform you that in connection with the efforts which have been made by the Government to stamp out Ankylostome infection among East Indian immigrants, it has been found that upon those sugar estates where suitable latrine accom- modation has been pro\ided, and where efforts have been made to prevent the resident population from defalcating elsewhere, there has been a marked im- provement in health conditions." i But it is to the Philippines under American rule that we must turn for examples of the most extensive safeguarding measures. THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ANKYLOSTOMIASIS OR UNCINARIASIS IN FORTO RICO The permanent commission appointed by the United States to study and institute measures for the prevention and cure of anaemia in Porto Rico has recently issued a report. " The campaign commenced in 1 906-7 ; 35 stations for treatment were established in the island, and a total number of 89,233 patients were treated. The population of the island is 800,000, scattered over an area of 3,306 square miles. It was calculated that ''{ EFFECT UPON GENERAL DEATH RATE 219 90 per cent, of the population harboured the parasite. To carry out the prophylactic and curative campaign the island was divided into three zones, each under the control of a commissioner. Numerous ' Ansemia Stations ' were formed in each district. The diagnosis of each case was made accurately by the use of the microscope. An active educational propaganda was instituted, and the people taught the nature of the disease and how it was contracted ; stress was laid upon the necessity of using only privies, and that on no account must the people deftecate on the ground ; the people were also exhorted to wear shoes. The treatment consisted in the use of thymol and beta naphthol. The total number of people treated amounted to 89,233 ; of this number 43 per cent, were cured, and in 16 per cent, the conditions were improved." It is especially to be noted that the campaign against the ankylostome has a most marked effect in reducing the general death rate. Dr. Heiser, Chief Quarantine Officer for the Philippine Islands, lays great stress upon this aspect of the campaign, and I fully agree. Given a man or woman or child suffering, say, from tuber- culosis or other disease, the chances of recovery are immensely decreased if the anaemic condition produced by ankylostomes is also present. If a low mortality rate is desired, then war must be pressed against these parasites. / / CHAPTER XVII IMALTA FEVEll Malta Fever. — A bacterial parasitic disease com- municated to man cliiefly by the milk of goats suffering from this bacterial disease. The germ is a minute micrococcus. • Tliis disease is an excellent example of the principle underlying every previous chapter, and that is the danger of the domestic animal as a source of disease. "We have shown that it is the domestic or man-loving mosquito which is to be feared, and which is the very fertile source of spreading diseases. As it is with insects, so with the mammals. From the cow man may be infected with tuberculosis, anthrax, and perhaps scarlet fe^'er, from the horse man may accjuire glanders, from the pig trichinosis, and so on. Invariably the higher animals associated with man are liable to suffer from diseases which are also harmful to man, and therefore wliicli they communicate to man by the milk, fiesh, or excreta. Malta fever is an exquisite example of this principle. It cannot be too strenuously insisted upon that tlie domestic economic animals like cattle swine, and sheep and poultry require hygienic super- 220 ««# o . w < o 1. a °< — 3 ^3- ■ SS.S sis- ■ -t Jri- o w K o < --^ 1-1 — ■ 1-1 ^ a ■<; 1-1 3h 6 DANGER OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS AND PETS 221 vision equally with man. Forgetfulness of this principle has over and over again led to the spreading of disease in man. 'J'he question can be grappled with in many ways. It can be dealt with as Sir David Bruce dealt with the goats which he found to be the source of the fever in INIalta, by either banishing them or their products from man altogether ; or, as in the case of diseased swine, by a most rigorous inspection of the swine flesh as is done in Germany ; or, as in the case of the cow, by a most searching examination for the presence of tubercle in the animal. When it can be carried out, the most effective way is the method employed in the case of jNlalta fever. It resembles more closely the method used against the mosquito. But whilst the economic domestic animals are a source of danger to man, it must never be forgotten that the domestic pets of man are also a fertile source of disease. For instance, man may be infected with glanders from the horse, but it is more especially against the dog and cat that man must be on his guard. For example, in Iceland the dog is a very necessary help to the Esquimaux for draught purposes, therefore the dogs are numerous and live close to him, in or around the house. A frequent disorder of these dogs is tape-worm disease ; but, living in such close contact with their employer, man, it is not to be wondered at that man should share the disease with the dogs. It thus comes about that the adult tape- worm phase of this disease is passed in the dog, and the cystic or hydatid phase in man. Similarly with rabies : where dogs are abundant and neglected, there 222 MALTA FEVER also rabies in man may be expected. The lesson to be learnt from the foregoing facts is that the fewer the domestic pets in and around the dwellings of man the better ; because it stands to reason that, diflicult as it is to maintain the healtli and cleanliness of man, it must necessarily be far more so in the case of cats and dogs, whose wanderings in dirty places can no more be prevented than those of the conmion fly. Geogi'aphical Distrihutloii. — Malta fever has a wide distribution, producing much suffering and loss of time. It occurs in the islands of the Mediterranean, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Palestine, North Coast of Africa, Cape Colony, Orange River Colony, Arabia, India, China, Philippine Islands, Fiji Islands, North America, West Indies, and South America, etc. jyiHCovcry of Virus and Cdi^rier. — This disease remained a mystery until its nature and significance were worked out by Sir David Bruce, F.R.S., in Malta. In the following account of the results achieved I follow closely the account given by the discoverer of the disease and the author of the simple but absolutely effective prophylactic measures. The virus consists of a small coccus, and is therefore not of the nature of an animal parasite, but belongs to the bacterial group. Distrihutioii of tJte Disease in Ma/fa. — The popula- tion of the island is about 200,000. The garrison averages about 8,000 troops ; in addition there is a considerable sailor population. ]5ruce states that almost every native of Malta suffers at one time or another from tlie disease. He remarks, " Amongst our troops in the past up DISCOVERY OF THE CAUSE 223 to 1905 the average yearly incidence was 37 "G per thousand. In the year 1905 as many as 403 officers and men were invaUded home, and in previous years the numbers were also uniformly high. The average stay of the soldiers and sailors in hospital in JNIalta was 90 days, and say a further 120 days' stay in hospital when invalided home ; therefore on an average 624 soldiers and sailors were in hospital 120 days each, making up a total of 74,880 days of illness." Bruce adds, " What the amount of personal suffering and loss to the State this sickness and invaliding entailed it is impossible to estimate, but the mere pecuniary loss must have been very considerable." Discovery of the Virus. — This was found by Bruce to be a micrococcus — the Micrococcus melitensis. Its presence is demonstrable in all persons suffering from the fever. Discovery of the Source of Infection. — Suspicion fastened upon the goats, which were very plentiful and were the source of the milk supply. Examina- tion of these animals revealed the fact that 50 per cent, of them contained the parasite, although appearing to be perfectly healthy, and in 10 per cent, of them the milk contained the micrococcus. Here then was a magnificent example of so-called " healthy carriers " of the disease, in this case in the animal. As happened in the case of other infectious pro- cesses in man, so here an accidental infection in man gave the final proof. In 1905 a steamer sailing to the States shipped Q5 goats from IMalta ; their milk was consumed by the captain and many of the crew, 224 MALTA FEVER with tlie result that an epidemic of jNlalta fever broke out on the ship, and every one who drank this milk contracted the disease. P1(i)i of CdDipaign. — Preventive measures com- menced in .June IDOG. First the goat's milk was banished from the hospitals and regiments ; then it was forbidden, and in Ciibraltar the goats were them- selves got rid of. Results. — Tlie prophylactic measures commenced in July IDOG, and almost immediately a diminution of the disease occurred. Thus for the months of July, August, and September 1905 there were 258 cases ; for the same months of 190G there were only 26 cases. In the Naval Hospital in JNIalta, a model institution in every respect previous to the stopping of the goats' milk, nearly every patient suffered from the disease ; after stopping the supply of milk not a single case occurred. From Gibraltar Major Horrocks reports the dis- appearance of Malta fever simultaneously with the disappearance of the Maltese goats. At the present time all goats in Malta are registered and numbered, and their milk, and, if necessary, their blood, examined for the presence of infection, by Dr. Zammitt of the Public Health Department. If infected the goat is slaughtered. i CHAPTER XVIII THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE. — PLAGUE, TICK FEVER, LEPllOSY AND TUBERCLE RELAPSING FEVER {SPIRILLOSIS) AND PLAGUE Plague. — The term " vermin fevers " might not inappropriately be given to the two diseases known respectively as relapsing fever and jj /ague — two diseases as widely distributed over the globe as the vermin which have been proved to take a large share in their transmission. In their very wide distribution over the temperate and tropical zones they differ from yellow fever, malaria, and sleeping sickness, the insect carriers of which diseases flourish more vigorously in warm climates. It is therefore not surprising that both these fevers have a world-wide distribution, as world-wide as the crawling and lively insects associated with them, namely, ticks and possibly bugs in the case of relapsing fever, and fleas in the case of plague. Nor is it surprising to find that both these diseases are being confined to diminishing areas of the globe. Time was when probably both had a far wider dis- tribution than they have to-day. We know that 225 15 226 THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE Europe was in the INIiddle Ages and even in later times devastated by epidemics of the plague or black death, the pestilence wliich wiped out entire populations and which wc have every reason to believe was plague. To-day, the homes of plague have to be sought in the East and in India, to a less extent in Egypt ; and it also bursts out sporadically in those ^ parts of the world having intercourse with the East and which are not on tlie alert and are dirty, viz. the Pacific coast of the United States of America, and Australia, the Pacific seaboard of Central and South America, JMauritius, Madagascar, South-AVest Africa, South Africa, then finally the larger seaports in Europe. If every now and then a few sporadic cases are found in Liverpool or Glasgow, or London, they are not feared, for they cannot spread, as the conditions for their spreading are not at hand ; formerly they were, but now they have ceased to exist. Of course this is not the case in all parts of the world. Those places which have not come into line with these cities as regards modern hygiene are, as Europe was in the Middle Ages, still vulnerable. If we inquire into the reasons why plague has to so large a degree disappeared from countries where once it was pre- ^ valent, and why to-day it is i)eing confined to narrower I areas, we must first recall what we have already learnt about malaria and yellow fever. We have seen how these diseases have steadily fallen back before improved water supplies and drainage — that is, before the destruction of the agents, the mosquitos, which THE CARRIER OF PLAGUE 227 propagate these diseases. Similarly Avith plague, the forces which have led to its extinction and curtailment are those grouped under Sanitary Reform— improved ways of living, less overcrowding, refuse removal and destruction, sewering and water supplies, better food, hospitals for the isolation of suspected cases, strict sanitary control by means of medical officers and sanitary inspectors ; these are the weapons of civilisation which have steadily driven back the agencies at work in transmitting plague. Now let us inquire what these agencies are. Plague is a disease caused by a bacillus, that is to say by a bacterial parasite or virus, and belongs to the class of diseases which also em- braces typhoid, cholera, tubercle, leprosy. I^ike all the bacterial diseases, it may be transmitted in various ways, such as by direct contact, by contaminated food and clothing. But there is one special way by which we know it is spread, and that is why we discuss it here, namely by means of an insect, — in this case the flea. It has been shown by several observers, notably in 190G by the investigations of the Plague Com- mission in India, that especially the rat flea, Pulex chcopis, acts as the carrier. It appears that when the flea takes up a meal of infected blood from a person suffering from plague, the bacilli are not killed in the body of the flea ; it has been shown that they even multiply ; when the infected flea bites a rat or a healthy human being it transmits the virus. The rat flea, it would appear therefore, is the chief trans- mitting agent, and this explains why the rat in common with man is the greatest sufferer from plague 228 THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE Epidemics of })l;i*^iie amongst rats often precede those in man, and dead and sick rats liave always been regarded with the gravest suspicion in countries liable to plague. These observations tlierefore teach us that the rat and the particular Hca M'hicli infests it are the agents which must be regarded as largely responsible for the spread of this disease. And, just as in the case of the mosquito-borne diseases special sanitary measures — the attack, in other words— must be directed against them, so in plague in all anti-plague measures a special war nmst be waged against the rat. Anti-rat measures are enforced ; steps are taken in all epidemics to exterminate them both on ships and in towns. Indeed as a precautionary measure in those places where plague is liable to be introduced, the rats are systematically examined throughout the year, as in Liverpool, to try to detect at the earliest possible stage an acutely or chronically infected rat. The rats on ships coming from ports where plague is known to exist are of course subjected to very special bacteriological scrutiny ; and as a further precaution means are adopted to prevent the rats from such ships getting on shore. By these means, if plague is discovered in the rat the sanitary authority is fore- warned, and is able to take effective steps before the disease has attacked man. Again, just as in the case of yellow^ fever and malaria the essential part of the plan of campaign is to exterminate the anoj^helincs and tlie stcgomyia, so, in the case of plague, the root of prophylaxis is to exterminate the rat, and with it, its own special flea which is the carrier. We see now, DURATION OF INFECTION 229 moreover, how improved sanitation, better housing, prevention of overcrowding, sewering, and destruction of filth will diminish the natural hunting grounds of the rat, and therefore of its flea, and will in consequence lessen the chance of spreading the disease ; and this is why plague has died out in places where hygiene is good and survives where there still exist overcrowding, squalor, and dirt. Recent investigations point to the very significant fact that when once a flea is infected it remains infected for a very long period, in this respect resembling the other insect pests. These facts explain the origin of sporadic cases of disease. TICK FEVER This is the second of the diseases communicated by vermin. The name is of comparatively recent intro- duction, but the disease in some form has been known for many years. The relationship of ticks to the propagation of disease has been worked out most carefully in animals. Investigations by Drs. Smith, Kilborne, and Stiles in the United States showed that Texas cattle fever or red-water was sj)read from animal to animal by the bites of the ticks with which thev were often covered. A tick bites an infected animal, and by so doing infects itself. In the case of the female tick the infection is passed on to the off*spring, which, being infected, are capable of transmitting the virus to healthy beasts, and so the disease is spread. As so often happens, that which occurs in the 230 THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE lower animals finds its parallel in man. And in effect, in 1904, two sets of investigators working indepen- dently in Africa proved that the well-known spirillum of relapsing fever, the parasite which sets up this disease in man. was transmitted from man to man by the bite of a tick, tlie OjiiitJiodoros //loi/Jjdfd, the disease induced receiving in consequence the name of Tick Fever. Two of the investigators who had been sent out by the Liverpool School, Drs. Dutton and Todd, proved the further interesting facts, namely, that the parasite taken up by the parent tick in its meal of blood could pass into the egg and larva ; in other words, could pass into the body of tlie insect, — facts which Pasteur had shown to occm- in the case of silk- worm disease. The infected silkworm moth transmitted to the egg, and these to the worms, which developed from them, the virus of that disease. So with these ticks. As the result of biting a man harbouring the parasite, they infected themselves and their offspring, thus pro- ducing a miniature epidemic amongst themselves and their brood ; and presumably these infected or diseased ticks are capable of communicating the parasite to man when they attack him. It was whilst engaged upon this research that Dr. Dutton lost his life by accidentally becoming infected with the disease. It thus having been established that Heas can infect man with plague, and that ticks transmit the parasites of relapsing fever, it is not unreasonable to suppose that other crawling Acrniin can also take their part in the propagation of disease ; hence the great import- ERADICATION OF INSECT PESTS 231 ance of measures to ensure the eleanliness of the people, as, for example, by the anti-verminous Act. Insects that can pass from person to person are highly dangerous, and every endeavour should be made to get rid of them. Further, as we have evidence that relapsing fever was once, like plague, a disease widely spread over the temperate as well as over the tropical zones, and as we know that it still per- sists in those districts where there is overcrowding, so we must naturally come to the conclusion that this disease is dying out as the result of civilisation and its attendant sanitary reforms. It is, like plague and yellow fever, being chased out of the world or confined to smaller and smaller areas. What has been accomplished in the case of relapsing fever and plague should encourage man to redouble his energies to finally stamp out yellow fever, malaria, and plague, more especially now, as there is no excuse for their existence seeing that we know precisely how to attack them. In addition to the methods of general sanita- tion, we have now specific weapons, and the world should not rest content until these diseases are absolutely eradicated. These are not theoretical considerations ; they are eminently practical, as the history of the rise and fall of disease has proved to us. To recapitulate, we stated how only fifty years ago the mortality from yellow fever in the West Indies reached 69 per cent, amongst our garrisons. Plague was once the pestilence of Europe. Cholera once swept over Europe and many parts of the world. Small-pox was once much 232 THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE more deadly and common ; so common, in fact, that it "Nvas regarded as tlie rigiit tiling to get it and have done with it. just as often the planter to-day- regards malaria. Clearly the victory is on our side, and we must push it home. A very fascinating object-lesson is furnished by the struggle between man and disease, and it is this. We are apt to regard the ^'irus or germs of disease as a dead chemical and poisonous substance, a substance which having been introduced into our system will have to run itself out, during which process we may or may not sur\ive. The study of the tropical diseases reveals to us the f^ict that the causes of the diseases are organised living elements — we term them parasites — which are struggling for an existence in our bodies and those of animals ; like all other species of lining matter, they only want to live. AVhen man, however, finds out that this living is done at his expense, in the shape of loss of health and very often death, he bestirs himself against these competi- tors. He has to adopt every means in his power to ward them off, for he is now aware that these living parasites in his blood or intestines are equally strug- gling to survive in our bodies, and when we use one method of defence they in their turn harden them- selves to withstand it. This is seen, for example, in the gradually increasing resistance which the parasites of malaria and sleeping sickness offer respectively to quinine and arsenic. A\^hen these drugs are first ad- ministered they are much more efficacious, that is to say, they kill more parasites ; later the parasites develop LEPROSY AND TUBERCULOSIS 233 natural resisting powers and are less affected. The struggle therefore resolves itself into a deliberate contest for supremacy in the animal kingdom between the highest and the lowest representatives. This considera- tion should still further fortify us to continue the fight. LEPROSY AND TUBERCULOSIS Just as tick fever or plague teaches us a very signifi- cant lesson as regards tlie rise and fall of disease in the history of mankind, so to-day the bacterial diseases known by the respective names of leprosy and tuber- culosis also give us very much cause for reflection. Leprosy is a very widely distributed disease. It can still be seen in its most flourishing condition in the tropics, but it is by no means limited to tlie warmer latitudes ; there is much of it still in the north of Europe. And we must all be familiar with the fact that formerly it was not only very prevalent in Europe, but even in this country. The precise manner in which it is transmitted from person to person is not known. Numerous theories to account for its spread have been from time to time propounded, but they are none of them satisfactory. Beauperthuy, who had a very considerable experience of the disease, regarded the insect vermin Sarcoptes scaheii as taking a very leading share in its transmission ; he also viewed with suspicion the house fly. It is a fact that the sarcoptes is very frequently associated with leprosy ; and, just as in the case of the tick- and flea-carried diseases, there may be some intimate 234 THE RISE AND FALL OF DISEASE relationslii]). l^ut tlic great lesson wliich leprosy teaches us is the magnificent results Avhich sanitation and the skilled care of the sick can bring about. The leper no longer roams about or is allowed to rot in some disused hut little better than a dog- kennel. He is taken and cared for in beautifully kept hospitals and lazarettos, where he is well fed and his existence made tolerable ; and those of us who have seen him in these institutions will, I am sure, agree that a great debt of gratitude is due to those devoted nurses and to the sisterhoods who devote their lives to his care : they are helping in an unmistakable way to make the world healthier, and it is one of the great reasons why this terrible disease is becoming less. While leprosy is diminishing, an allied disease, often called the white man's plague, appears to be spreading in the tropical world. The cause is probably not very far to seek. We know that the wild animals are not prone to this disease, but the domestic animals are. Similarly, we have reason to believe that the wild man is less prone than the civilised man to contract the disease. AVhen, however, with the extension of com- merce, the native races begin to copy more and more our w^ays of living, they render themselves equally liable to our diseases. AVe have already pointed out how the domestic animals share with us diseases in common. The native, instead of living as of old in his freer and less crowded state, comes into the larger villages and towns to seek w^ork ; overcrowding in con- sequence results, too many live huddled together in one TUBERCULOSIS 235 room and witli hardly any ventilation. The consequence is that if tuhercle is once introduced, it tends to spread and to infect the floors and walls of the living rooms. No wonder then that the question of tuberculosis is giving much cause for anxiety in some of our tropical possessions, for no doubt history will repeat itself, and, just as we have witnessed the spread of consumption in this country and have taken energetic measures to stop it, so with tropical countries and with crowded popula- tions the disease will spread and most energetic measures will liave to be adopted to stem it. Tuberculosis is not the only white man's disease which shows signs of in- crease ; there are also others. Thus we are brought face to face with the curious fact that whilst man is steadily stamping out certain diseases which for the most part interfere with his commerce, there are a few diseases associated more especially with his comparatively luxuri- ous way of living which are not kept under and are especially apt to spread quickly amongst the native races who come in contact with us and copy our methods. CHAPTER XIX PARASITISM Ix the preceding chapters I have drawn tlie reader's attention to tlie fact tliat the characteristic feature of the principal tropical diseases was, that they w^ere caused by animal parasites, many of wliich were so complex that they required two hosts for their com- plete development ; for example, the parasite of malaria, and, in all probabihty, tliat of yellow fever. Dependent upon this remarkable peculiarity, I pointed out that tlie fundamental principle in prophylaxis was the destruction of one of the hosts, namely, the insignificant insect host. That only by such means could we be absolutely certain of stamping out the disease in question. In this chapter I wish to still further emphasise this point, and to introduce the reader to some of the other problems raised by the study of parasitism. In the first jilace, we now begin to realise how novel land epoch-making were the discoveries of Pasteur and his school, which revealed to us the struggle for existence continually taking place in 230 it ■f. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CONTEST 237 the animal world between the highest and lowest forms of life ; discoveries which, moreo\'er, proved that disease in man was but the signal of the victorious progress of the microbe through our tissues. In the study of parasitism, however, we are pre- sented with an e\'en still more real and more highly organised contest. We now know that the parasites, which we hiive studied in the preceding chapter, with which we, in common with other species of the animal kingdom, have to contend with for our very existence, are members also of the animal kingdom and are governed by the same great laws as those which control and direct the higlier members. The fight, therefore, for supremacy becomes a much more complex and equal one, and therefore more desperate. As a matter of fact, we are only beginning to realise the great part which the parasites have taken in bringing about the present distribution of man and animals over the globe. As has been previously stated, we have reason to believe that Africa is to-day inhabited by the primitive races and tlie animals which are found there, largely through the harassing effects of the minute parasites associated with sleeping sickness, malaria, filaria and with the other infective diseases which have infested that continent, most probably from the earliest times. In the same way, it is surmised that the present fauna of the New World is the result of parasitism, many of the species which have survived in other parts of the world having perished there in the struggle. This may well have been brought about by 238 PARASITISM some great disease wtive which in remote time swept through the American Continent. Evidence of the great antiquity of insect pests and parasites has recently come to hght. Scudder describes the dis- covery of a fossil African Glossina (tsetse fly), in tlie American Miocene, a find whicli may go far to exphiin the extinction of the -^Vmerican Kquidce. lluffer, of Alexandria, has demonstrated the presence of the common Egyptian parasite, Bilharzia luema- tobia, in the tissues of munmiies of the 20th Dynasty, 1250-1000 E.G. AVhen it is fully grasped that the minute blood organisms which give rise to malaria, probably also to yellow fever, sleeping sickness, and other tropical diseases, are animal parasites M'hicli thrive in the tissues of higlier species, and that in order to do so they must have adapted themselves to the ever- changing hostile reactions of the tissues of their hosts — (for the tissues of the unwilling hosts will have naturally opposed every advance wliicli these parasites will have made) — we can comprehend how capable must be the protozoon of malaria, the trypanosome, tlie filaria and the spirocha^te to adapt themselves to the ever-varying tissue reactions, if they are to enter our bodies and to surxive and multiply in our tissues. It is truly marvellous how, for instance, the protozoon of malaria lias not only adapted itself to its human host, but lias also made itself at home in the body of the nios(piito — an insect so widely separated from man in the animal scale. < 1? fe o w a rjl t) o -i; P5 1^ W < ,0 s h- 1 H « ^ _c Z P M s « &. f>. -t; (— • o O r- ■ji o >?; « M Ja! o M o y ^ p. f^ ^0 0^ tf rt O ce H 2 3 a, M g o g 1 w "^ ce 0 _o 3 s s 1— 1 en -J 05 < 3d 5 a Pn c6 p -i-i ^ ', xn ^ M , lO C -2 C5 O ^ >-j fi [JH o S O L4 0) &, ADAPTATION OF THE PARASITES 239 Yet, by doing so, it has ensured its establishment in a most secure manner in the body of man, for it has selected as the instrument of inoculation an insect — the mosquito — precisely the one which is obliged to molest and to follow man in search of its necessary food. In all this tliere appears to be such a truly marvellous purposiveness that we see that in the study of parasitism we are face to face with one of the most significant pages which Biology or Medicine has ever presented to our gaze. Further, not only have these minute animal parasites admirably suited themselves to pass their life in our bodies and those of other animals, but we find that as fast as man makes use of remedies to destroy these parasites in his blood, so do the parasites tend apparently to harden themselves to resist these same drugs. There is therefore a tendency for the remedies to become less and less efficacious, unless doses so large are administered that they become equally harmful to man. Therefore it becomes more evident every day, as our knowledge increases, that the contest between man and animal parasites is a very momentous one — one which has materially helped to mould our develop- ment in the past, and one which to-day continues to limit our progress and development. Considerations like these ought to bring home to every one of us the absolute necessity of combining to eradicate them in the way which nature has herself indicated. This method is summed up in the words "^j?-^L'^;i^zo/i is 240 PARASITISM better tluni eureT Let us agree to destroy the inter- mediate hosts, the middleman as it were, the worthless insect, whether a mosquito, flea, or a fly. Now drainage strikes at the source of the mosquito. Drainage has, in fact, been the agent, from the beginning— that is, since man began to till the ground, and to live in towns — whicli has been employed to remove excessive or stagnant water ; a condition which would have impeded proper cultivation and the ex- tension of towns and villages. It is very largely for this reason that in Europe, and in the United States, endemic malaria has ceased to exist. It is true that all the Anopheles in these countries hav^e not been killed ; nevertheless they have been driven out of the centres of population, and that suffices to turn the scale against them. For it must not be forgotten that in a war against insects, man does not stand alone ; he has numerous allies in the form of the natural enemies of insects, so that when once the campaign is started, it is remarkable how soon the insect appears to diminish and the disease to vanish. The task, there- fore, of insect-extermination is not the insurmountable or impracticable one that some people imagine. This method has also the immense biological advantage that not only does it protect man, but it also tends to prevent otlier animals becoming infected, thereby very materially reducing the total number of animal reser\oirs. \\\ brief, elimination of the trans- mitting or intermediate host, whether a mosquito, flea, bug, or fly, is the rational natural method of prophylaxis. The use of drugs must always be limited ^ ^ « 0 W o < « 1 is; X >> o HH !zi ® H M ^ 6 H M fc* j^ -t^ ' ^ '^■ _^ t- 0) be c; • *+^ — ^ o o z 5 o S O ' HH 1 o -^ Sil c3 -^ o ^ T. b£ '^^s o fn cS r^ M^ y3 ■3 3 3 r*i M _o t; cs s bJOcd 2 ^- £ CO 3 a o o 0 ^-^ 2 bO^ c8 3 J2 3 C -1. ir' !» i^ © in % > fe c s T3 o ■"o a: S 73 tl 3 o o "-^ eg bc o « tn ^ " a^ en O Z -4-> 3 3® t- 3 ai 2 B S -* O ^ ^ 03 (-^ - 6^' < Eh s O 1 S^2 c a X ■^^ aj •<— t T^ 03 o '3 3 c6 3 "7 0.1 O 2 CO © M o t3 ill +2 3 ^0 '■*3 03 03 ^ 3^ o C5 '^ ^^9 f:^ c s C-S2 a. 1— ( to 'a' +3 '^ "3 CONCLUSION 241 to a very much more subordinate position, as it can only apply to the human portion of the animal kingdom, leaving the insect-carriers — the rats, the birds, and other innumerable animals — free to continue to SM'^arm with the parasites. Again, it cannot be too strongly insisted upon that the study of parasitism opens our eyes to the fact that the diseases of the human section of the animal world form but a very small part of the great subject of pathology. The pathology which parasitism teaches, and which Pasteur had before him when he made his beautiful investigations upon silkworm disease, shows us unmistakably that the new advances against disease must be made on co-operative lines, that the human species must also extend its protective measures to the inferior species. Already we see indications of this policy in the teachings of modern hygiene, which insists upon the importance of keeping our economic animals free from parasitic diseases of all kinds. We now require to broaden and extend this doctrine, if we wish to eliminate parasites as a factor in keeping back the progress of man. 16 APPENDIX ANTILARVAL AND DRAINAGE REGULATIONS, ORDI- NANCES, AND EYE-LAAVS, RAT AND PLAGUE REGULATIONS, IN TRINIDAD, BRITISH GUIANA, BARBADOS, ST. VINCENT, ST. LUCIA, GRENADA, NASSAU, ANTIGUA, BRITISH HONDURAS, MARTINIQUE, MAURITIUS, SIERRA LEONE, SAN FRANCISCO EXPEDITIONS AND COMMISSIONS SENT TO THE TROPICS BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY AND THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON SCHOOLS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE TRINIDAD In March 1907 Regulations were made under Section 8 of Ordinance 188 to deal with yellow fever by screening patients, fumigation, etc., and by prohibiting the keeping of stagnant water, unless properly protected. It runs as follows : {a) No water shall be stored (except in small quantities for drinking purposes) unless efficiently protected against mosquitos by the following method : All tanks, barrels, etc., for storing water shall have all openings except the draw-off opening covered with wire-gauze (18 mesh to the inch), or with a piece of cheese cloth or fine mosquito netting, and all fountains, pools, ponds, antiformicas or excavations made for any purpose whatever, in public or private property, which may contain water, shall be kept stocked with mosquito- destroying fish, or shall be kept covered with a film of petroleum oil. {b) The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep such premises free of stagnant water, liable to breed mosquitos, 243 244 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS and the presence of mo.s(jiiito larv.'E in any collection of water, wlierever situated, shall be suliicient evidence that such water is stagnant. ((■) The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep his premises free of all articles (bottles whole or broken, old tins, boxes, conch shell, etc.) which may retain water and so become the breeding places of moscjuitos. (d) All watery cess-pits shall be disinfected or oiled and all catch-pits cleaned out at least once a week. (<') All eaves-gutters and down-pipes shall be maintained in good repair and free of obstruction so as to allow the ready passage of water from tlie roofs of houses. (y)The Medical Oflicer of Health or any person authorised by him in writing shall have authority to enter any premises at any time between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. for the purpose of seeing that these regulations are carried out. 6. Any person failing to comply with these regulations shall be guilty of an offence and be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds. In the new draft Ordinance for 1909 provisions similar to the above are inserted for dealing with the breeding places of mosquitos. In March 1909 a leaflet was widely distributed by the Surgeon-General repeating these clauses and emphasising the £0,0 penalty. Action was taken and many fines inflicted. On January 16, 1908, additional regulations were passed dealing with " Contacts," and a Report published as follows : The regulations of the 22nd March and 6th April, 1907, were revised, provisions for dealing with " Contacts " were added and the whole were consolidated — passed by the Governor in Council on the 16th January, 1908, and published in the Koijal Gazette. In each case of yellow fever occurring in rort-of-S})ain a large area surrounding the infected house was promptly defined and every house and yard within such area was rapidly subjected to a rigid iiispection and cleansing, special attention being devoted to actual and potential breeding places of mos(|uitos. A portable and readily adaptable apparatus for screening yellow fever patients was devised and used when re(|uired. Isola- tion was maintained in each case at the patient's residence. The I ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 245 number of these Avas i-educed as oircuiiistances permitted, and they were dispensed witli altogether for a short period, four being re-employed between 1st January and 7th March. The numbers were gradually reduced and the briccade was disbanded towards the end of November 1907. It was affain brought into operation on the 6th January, and has since been employed in reduced number. Every building in which a case of yellow fever occurred was thoroughly fumigated — including all outbuildings within the same curtilage, and adjacent })remises when necessary ; twenty-nine premises were dealt with, including the convents of St. Joseph and Holy Name. ST. LUCIA Shortly after his arrival in 1905 Administrator P. Cork directed the attention of the Sanitary Officers to the importance of the destruction of the breeding places of mosquitos in towns and villages, and gave special instructions to the police on the subject. In November 1905 the Administrator, P. Cork, wrote to the Inspector of Prisons. A circular was also directed by the Administrator in November 1905 to all Medical Officers. A Police Order, dated November 1905, was also issued : CIRCULAR TO MEDICAL OFFICERS GOVERNMKNT OfFICK November 25, 1905 Being desirous of obtaining reliable information as to the prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases in this Colony, I shall feel very much obliged if you will be so good as to favour me with a return showing the number and description of such disease which may have come under your notice either in your public capacity or in your private practice during the past twelve months. 2. If convenient to you to add particulars of any other preventible disease which may ])e prevalent I shall be much obliged. THE FOLLOWING USEFUL NOTICE HAS RECENTLY BEEN ISSUED TO HOUSEHOLDERS IN ST. LUCIA 1. In the general interest of the public health and particularly prevent the introduction and spread of yellow fever which 246 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS would most seriously affect the trade of the island, every house- holder is invited to co-operate with the Health Authorities in the destruction of niosquitos. 2. It is bv nu)S(juitos that both yellow fever and the ordinary malarial fever arc carried and s])rcad. 3, Moscjuitos can only breed in stagnant water, therefore you are requested to see that — (a) Any tanks or jars or other water receptacles in your yard are screened accordini^ to the Boai'd of Health Re<;ulations, to prevent moscjuitos getting into the water to breed. X.li. — 'I'lie Health Authorities will be prepared to examine premises and give advice as to the proper way of screening, etc. In Castries a specimen of such screening can be seen at the Police Station. (b) All wells are filled up. N.B. — Well water in Castries is most unwholesome. (c) That none of the following articles are kept lying about your yard or lots : i. Bottles : whole or broken, ii. Tins, iii. Broken pieces of earthenware, iv. Coco-nuts, V. Calabashes, or any other thing capable of holding water, (f?) That all hollows in the ground about your yards or adjacent premises are filled up to the level, so that water may not collect in them. (6') That water kept in — i. Washing-tubs, ii. Flower vases, iii. Chickens' drinking vessels is changed very fre([uently and the vessels kept free from 7>ioss, because the green moss found in such vessels harbours the mosquito larvae and keeps them alive while the water is being changed. Issued by advice of the jVIedical J3oard. H. A. Smallwood, Acting Colonial Secrctnrij. Juhi 7, 1909. GRENADA Under the Public Health Ordinances 1902 and 1905, regula- tions were made April 24, 1907, to deal witli yellow fever from ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 247 the point of view of reporting suspects, fumigation and antilarval measures. It runs as follows : — YELLOW" FEVER 1. A ]\Iedical Officer upon becoming aware or on suspecting that any person in his district is suff'ei-ing from Yellow Fever shall, if he has not already done so, visit such person without delay and report the facts to the Local Sanitary Authority of his district, as well as to the General Board of Health through Colonial Secretary as required by section 4 of Ordinance No. 13 of 1905. 2. Where the patient is found or suspected on such visit to be sufferint; from Yellow Fever the Medical Officer shall forthwith cause him to be placed under a mosquito net, and may direct him to be isolated in an apartment or building so screened as to effectually prevent the access of niosquitos thereto, and it shall be the dutv of the occupier of such preniises to carefully cause such screens to be kept closed. 3. Where the patient aforesaid is ordered by the proper authority to be removed to an Isolation Station or Hospital, he shall only be so remo\ed in an ambulance or vehicle which is effectually screened against niosquitos, and it shall be the duty of the person in charge of such ambulance or vehicle to see that such screen is not opened unnecessarily. Any such Isolation Station or Hospital shall be so screened as to effectually prevent the access of niosquitos thereto. 4. Where any house or building or any part thereof in which any case of Yellow Fever or suspected case of Yellow Fever has occurred is ordered to be cleansed and disinfected (under the authority of section 8 of Ordinance No. 13 of 1905) such operation shall include its fumigation to the satisfaction of the jNIedical Officer and so as to effectually destroy any niosquitos therein. 5. Inniiediatelv upon any case of Yellow Fever being reported in any place in a district, the Local Sanitary Authority shall cause regular house-to-house visitation to be made in the vicinity of such place to ascertain whether any other cases of fever have occurred ; and the district Medical Officer shall assist the Local Sanitary Authority and its inspectors in such visitation, and they are hereby empowered to strictly enforce the following measures for the eradication of moscjuitos in such place and its neighbour- hood : {a) No water shall be stored (except in small quantities for drinking purposes) unless efficiently protected against mosquitos by the following method : All tanks, barrels, etc., for storing water shall have all 248 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS openings except tlic drnw-ofF opening covered with wire gauze (18 mesh to tlie incli), or with a piece of cheese cloth, and all fountains, pools, ponds, or excavations, made for any purpose whatever, in public or private property, which may contain water, shall be kept stocked with mosquito- destroying fish, or shall be kept covered with a film of petroleum. (b) The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep such premises free of stagnant water, liable to breed mosquitos, and the presence of moscpiito larva? in any collection of water, wherever situated, shall be sufficient evidence that such water is stagnant. (r) The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep his premises free of all articles (bottles \\hole or broken, old tins, boxes, conch shells, &c.) which may contain water and so become the breeding places of mosquitos, including broken bottles on walls. (d) All watery cess-pits shall be disinfected or oiled and all catch-pits cleaned out at least once a week. (e) All eaves-gutters and down-pipes shall be maintained in good repair and free of obstruction so as to allow the ready passage of water from the roofs of houses. (f) The District ^ledical Officer or anv person authorised by him in writing shall have authority to enter anv premises at any time between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. for the pui'pose of seeing that these Regulations are carried out. On August 30, 1907, a further notice was issued entitled : Regulation for the Prevention of Yellow Fever Tlie Regulation No. 4, passed by the General Board of Health, on April 24, 1907, is hereby rescinded, and the following regula- tion is made in its place. 4. AVliere any house or building or any part thereof is, in conseijuence of the occurrence of any case of Yellow Fever, or suspected case of Yellow Fever, ordered to be cleansed and dis- infected (under the authority of section 8 of Ordinance No. 13 of 1905) such o{)eration shall include its fumigation to the satis- faction of the Medical Officer, and so as to effectually destroy any mosquitos therein, as well as the fumigation in like manner of such of the houses or buildings in the immediate neighbourhood thereof, as the said Medical Officer may certify in writing to be ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 249 necessary with a view to the destruction of possibly infected mosquitos. Approved and passed by the General Board of Health this 30th day of August, 1907. Since my visit (May 1909) most useful regulations dealing with mosquito larvag have been passed, as follows : PUBLIC HEALTH ORDINANCES, 1902 AND 1905 Regulations for Declaring the Breeding Places of Mos- quitos, IN AND ABOUT HuMAN HABITATIONS, TO BE STATUTORY Nuisances Under and by virtue of sections 11 and 23 of the Public Health Ordinance 1902, the General Board of Health hereby declares the following matters to be deemed nuisances liable at all times to be dealt with summarily under the provisions of the said Ordinance : 1. Any accumulation of any stagnant water in any town or in or about anv human habitation, which accumulation results from want of proper care or from want of repair to any construction oi defective construction. 2. Any articles or receptacles or any construction holding stagnant water, not being a receptacle or construction designed and used for the storage of water. 3. Any receptacle or construction, designed and used for the storage of water, which is not either — (i) cleared or emptied daily, or (ii) effectively screened, from the access thereto by mosquitos, with wire-gauze (18 mesh, at least, to the inch) or, in the case of receptacles kept in the house, with a covering of cheese cloth, or (iii) stocked with mosquito-destroying fish, or (iv) covered with a film of oil. 4. Any pond or pit containing water, situate in a town, or within 150 yards of a human habitation, which is not stocked with mosquito-destroying fish or covered with a film of oil. 5. Any receptacle used for storing water, which receptacle may have been condemned as unnecessary under notice in writing of the local sanitary authority served or left on any premises in pursuance of the provisions of any Regulations made under the authority of section 20 of Ordinance No. 13 of 1905. And it is hereby declared that any collection of water shall for 250 ANTOrOSQUITO LAWS tlie pui})o.ses of these Regulations be regarded as " stagnant water" if the same contains nioscjviito larva' or if the same has been left undisturbed for a period exceeding 18 hours, Made bv the General Boaid of Health this 21st day of June, 1909. By order of the 13oard, T. T. DvER. C/crl- to General Board of Health. Also a most useful Ordinance for the destruction of rats : 'I'lIE RATS ORDINANCE, IIH)!) Rkculatioks kor thk DKSTurcTiox OF IIais, etc., ox \'ksskls 1. Any iVIedical Officer, on becoming aware or upon suspecting that anv vessel lying within any waters of the Colony is infested with rats or other vermin, is hereby empowered to strictly enforce the adoption of such measures as may in his discretion be deemed most efficacious for the purposes of exterminating the said rats or vermin and of preventing such rats or vermin passing from such vessel to the shore or from the shore to such vessel. Such measures may include the following : [a) Require the onner, master or person in charge of the vessel, when at any mooring or when loading or unloading cargo at any port within the Colony, to use rat-guards of a pattern approved by the said Officer on every rope, cable or such-like communication passing between such vessel and the shore or between the vessel and any lighter or barge or other vessel, or between the vessel and its buoys or anchors or the mooring. {})) Require the owner, master or person in charge to generally abate all insanitary conditions where thev exist, and to effectually remove or burn all rubbish and tleposits on the vessel likely to harbour rats or vermin. (f) Whenever it shall appear to the Medical Officer that the rats or vermin can only be exterminated bv cleansing and disinfection in a specified maimer, the Medical Officer may, by notice in writing, either require the owner, master or person in charge of the vessel to cleanse and disinfect or fumigate the same accordinglv, or mav inform such owner, master or person that it is the intention of the jVIedical Officer to conduct such cleansing and disinfection or fumigation at a time to be specified in the notice. 2. Where the owner, master or person in charge of such vessel ANTIMOSQT^ITO LAWS 251 fails to comply with any recjuirenients made under these Regula- tions, or is, from poverty or other\\ise, unable to effectually carry out such requirements, the Medical Oflic-er may cause the requisite measures to be taken forthwith, and the expenses thereby incurred may, at the discretion of the General Hoard of Health, be cither defrayed from General Revenue, or be recovered wholly, or in part, from such owner, master, or person. 3. It shall be the duty of all Port, Revenue, and Police Officers to assist the Medical Officers in enforcing the provisions of, and preventing any infringement of, these Regulations. 4. Any person acting in violation of these Regulations, either by way of refusing to obey any requisition or instruction, made or given hereunder, or by obstructing in any way the due execution of these Regulations, renders himself liable to"a fine not exceeding twenty pounds. Made by the Governor in Council this 21st day of June, 1909. T. T. Dyer. ClerJc of Council. ST. VINCENT The Public Health Act of 1865 naturally contained no anti- mosquito regulations. Therefore an ordinance (No. 3, 1901) was passed to repeal it, and under this ordinance Regulations were made in 1907 to deal according to modern methods with yellow fever and mosquitos as follows : THE public; health ordinance, 1901 Regulations made by the Governor in Council under the Authority of Section 20 1. When disinfection of any house or premises is ordered or effected under Regulations 8-11 of the Public Health Regula- tions of the 16th March, 1903, such disinfection may include fumigation to the satisfaction of the Government Medical Officer so as to effectually destroy any mosquitos therein. 2. The provisions contained in Regulations 14 and 15 of the Public Health Regulations of the 16th March, 1903, as to isolation and removal of persons suffering from infectious or contagious disease shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Public Health Regulations of the 23rd July, 1903, apply where any 252 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS Government Medical Officer suspects that any person is or may be sufl'ering from Yellow lever. 3. The occupier of anv premises in anv town, or in case of tlieir being no person in occupation, the ow iut thereof, shall keep the premises free from stagnant water likely to breed mos(|uitos, and the presence of mostjuito larvje in anv collection of water shall ])e suflicient evidence that such water is stagnant ; and he shall also keep the premises free from tins, bottles, whole or broken (including broken bottles on walls), tubs, barrels, odd receptacles, broken crockery, etc., kept or left in a position likely to accunm- late and retain water and so become breeding places for mosijuitos. 4. Innncdiately upon any case of Yellow Fever or suspected Yellow Fever being reported, the Local Authority or Local Authorities for the district or districts in or near to which the case has occurred shall make or cause to be made remdar house-to- house visitation in their district in the vicinity of such place to ascertain whether any other cases of fever have occurred, and the Government Medical OHicer of the district shall assist the Local Authority by examining any person the Local Authority may require, and the Local Authority shall see that, in any town, the provisions of the last preceding Regulation have been, and are, observed, and shall also have power and authority to order and direct the owner or occupier of any premises in the neighbour- hood of which any such case has occurred, and wlietlier the premises be, or be not in any town, for a period of not exceeding three months from such order and direction : (a) To com})ly with the re(|uirenients of the last preceding Regulation. (/;) To cover all openings except the draw-off opening in tanks, barrels, etc., used for storing water, with wire-gauze (not less than in 18 mesh to the inch), or with a piece of cheese cloth, (c) To either cover and keep covered with a film of kerosene oil, or draw off and keep drawn off, or fill up, all pools, ponds or excavations made for any purpose, which may contain water. {d) To disinfect in manner directed, or to oil once a week any watery cess-pit, and to flush out or clean at least once a week any drain, or gutter. (e) To repair and i'lvv. from obstruction any eaves-gutters and down-pipes and to keep the same repaired and freed from obstruction so as to allow the free passage of water from the roofs of houses. All persons shall comply with the orders or directions of the ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 253 Local Authority, or of any inspector autliorised by them in writing, in respect of any of the above matters. 5. The Local Authority or any person authorised in writing by the Local Authority is hereby empowered to enter any premises at any time between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. for the pur])ose of enforcing the provisions of these Uegulations. Made by the Governor in Council this 8th day of May, 1907. y. F. Drayton, Acting Clerk of Council. N.B.~By the provisions of Section 21 of the Public Health Ordinance 1901, any person who — 1. Violates these regulations : or 2. Refuses or neglects to obey the same ; or 3. Resists, opposes, or obstructs the lawful execution thereof, — is liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding six months. This year (1909) a new Bill is being prepared, to be called the Public Health Ordinance 1909, containing provisions against stagnant water and mosquito larvae. Provision is made for bringing water under proper control and supervision, etc. BRITISH GUIANA The old Public Health Act not containing any reference to antimosquito measures, special bye-laws were enacted. In 1905 a bye-law for the cleansing of tanks without, however, special reference to larvfje, was issued. In 1907 bye-laws relating to the screening of vats, etc., as a preventive against mosquitos were promulgated under the title "Mosquito Prevention Bye- Laws, 1907," as follows : BYE-LAWS RELATING TO THE SCREENING OF VATS, ETC., AS A PREVENTIVE AGAINST MOSQUITOS 1. These bye-laws may be cited as the Mos(iuito Prevention Bye-Laws, 1907. 2, All vats, tanks, or other vessels shall be screened with mosquito-proof wire-netting or other suitable material so as to prevent the entrance into or exit of mosquitos from such vats or tanks or other vessels. 254 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 3. The inlet and overHow pipes into such vats, tanks or other vessels shall be placed in such ])o,sitions or screened in such a manner as to prevent the entrance into or exit from the same of mosquitos. 4. All buckets or other vessels containing water for fire- extinguishing or other purposes shall be emptied and cleansed at least once a week. 5. The work of screening the vats, tanks, and all such other vessels shall be done bv the owners of the properties on which they are situated, and all vats, tanks, or other vessels shall be screened within three months from the date of the coming into force of these bye-laws. 6. Anv person contravening any of these bye-laws shall be guilty of an offence, and on summary conviction, be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. Made hy the Mayor and Tou-n Council of Georgctou-n under Section 17'.) of the Local Gorerninent Ordinance, 1907, a7id confirmed Inj the Governor and Court of Policy on the second day of September, 1907. These do not appear, owing to considerable prejudice, to have been enforced. I had, however, the opportunity of discussing them with the Mayor and Town Council, with the result as follows : PUBLIC NOTICE Vat Screexixg The Mavor and Town Council having directed that the Vat Screening Regulations of 1907 are in future to be rigidly enforced, and the Sanitary Inspectors of the se\eral ^Vards haxing been instructed to notify ])r()perty owners and householders accordingly, public notice is hereby given that all persons failing bv the 15th Julv next to comply with such liegulations in respect to the etlicient screening of tanks, vats, barrels, and other vessels used for the storage of water, will be proceeded against as the law directs. Advice as to the best methods of screening to be adopted will be given when recjuired on apj^lication at mv office. IJy order of the Mayor and To\s n Council. Luke M. Hii.i., Tozc'ii Superintendeiit. Town Hall, CJk(iK(;kt()w.v, June 8, 1909. ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 255 VAT SCREENING IN GEORGETOVV^N Sir, — In reference to your paragraph in this morning's issue about vat screening in Georgetown, I may mention for the in- formation of the pubhc that inani/ hundred vats have ah'eady been screened, notwithstanding your statement that only " a compara- i'lvcly small number'''' have been so treated. It may be of some interest to those property owners still in default to know that the following general order to Town Over- seers was issued by me on Thursday : " As the days of grace allowed for vat screening exjiire to-day, I shall be glad if the overseers will make out a return of all vats screened and unscreened in their respective districts with a view of instituting some prosecutions of recalcitrant owners and occupiers, as an example to others ; and to show that it is intended to enforce the vat screening regulations. " I expect these returns to be made from personal inspections of the storage vessels, and not from casual inquiries made from the householders."'"' — I am, six, etc., Luke M. Hill, Tozcn Siiperintendent, Town Hall, July 16, 1909. ■j By Ordinance 13, 1907, stress had been laid upon the necessity of drainage. The bye-Laws are as follows : DRAINAGE BYE-LAWS |,! FOR THE CITY OF GEORGETOWN, IN THE COUNTY OF DEMERARA, •i COLONY OF BRITISH GUIANA, WITH RESPECT TO THE DRAIN- p, AGE OF LOTS ' MEMORANDUM The Public Health Ordinaxce, 1878 (now Local Government Ordinan{!E No. 13, 1907), Enacts : ' 1. Make such dams and drains on the lot as may be necessary for effectually draining the lot ; \'. 2. Fill up all irregularities in the surface of the lot ; and ' 3. Adjust the surface thereof, and if necessary raise the level j of the surface thereof, in such a manner — I 256 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS (//) That the water received on the lot may flow into the drains without obstruction ; (6) That no water can remain on any portion of the surface of the lot other than the drains ; and (r) That tlie surfiice of the lot does not remain swampy : Provided tliat where the swampy state of any lot in any such district is occasioned by the n)ain drains into which the drains of the lot discharge not having a sufficient outfall or a sufHcient capacity to carry off all the water discharged into them, the owner or occupier of the lot shall not Ijc liable under this section to raise the level of the surface of the lot if the level of such surface is as high as the average height of the level of the land surrounding such a lot for a distance of twenty roods ; and Provided that any owner may, with the consent of the local authority of the district in which the lot is situate, have a pond on the lot. 24. (175, new Ordinance 13, of 1907.) Every local authority may make bye-laws : 1. For regulating the number, position, length, and width of all drains, the materials of which they are to be constructed, the mode of their construction, and the main drains into which they are to discharge ; 2. For im})osing on the owner of the lot, or on the occupier, or on each occupier of the lot or of any building thereon, the duty of keeping the drains on or adjoining the lot clean and wholesome and free from obstruction ; 3. For determining in what cases there is to be one drain connnon to two adjoining lots and how the expense of the same is to be divided between the owners or occupiers of such lots ; and such bAC-laws may f^pply to the whole or any specified part of the district of such local authority. 26. (New Ordinance 176.) Where any lot within a town or village district is not effectually drained . . . the local authority shall, by a written notice, require in the first case the owner or occupier of the lot or of any building on the lot, and in the second case the owner or occupier of the land or of the dwelling- house thereon, or if there be more than one of such owners or occupiers, then any one or more of sucli owners or occupiers, to perform within a reasonable time to be specified in the notice all or any of the obligations imposed bv tliis Ordinance on the owner or occupier for effectually draining the lot or portion of the land. If any owner or occupier fails to perform any act recjuired by such notice to be performed he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty-four dollars, and to a further penalty not ex- ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 257 ceeding three dollars for each day during which such failure shall continue after the expiration of the time specified in the notice. Where the notice is not complied with (and not\\ithstanding proceedings may have been or are about to be instituted for the recovery of the penalty for non-compliance therewith) the local authority may, after the expiration of the time specified in the notice, do the work required, and may recover in a summary manner the expenses incurred by them in so doing from the owner or occupier of the lot in the first case, and in the second case from the owner or occupier of the land or the dwelling-house thereon, or may by order declare the same to be private improvement expenses. Any expense incurred by the occupier of any lot or building in complying with any notice under this section may be recovered by him from the owner of the lot or of the land on which the building is erected, unless the necessity for the work required by the said notice to be performed was rendered necessary by the act of the occupier, or unless it has been otherwise agreed between the owner and occupier. AS TO DRAINAGE. 1. Every lot exceeding fifty feet in width shall have not less than two drains, and every lot under and not up to fifty feet in width shall have at least one drain. 2. Each such drain shall be so placed : (a) That the centre thereof shall not be less than two feet from the nearest boundary line of tlie lot unless the Town Superintendent, the circumstances being exceptional, shall give permission in writing to place any such drain nearer to such boundary line ; (b) That such drains shall run clear from and outside of all buildings on the lot in a straight line without any bend or angle unless the Town Superintendent, the circumstances being exceptional, shall give permission in writing to place any such bend or angle in any such drain ; (c) That the tops of the sides of such drain shall be below the level of the surface of the lot and that the said sides shall be pierced at intervals of not less than ten feet with holes of not less than one square inch in area, and being not less than two inches above the level of the bottom of the drain ; {d) That the bottom of such drain shall at the upper end or highest level thereof have a depth of not less than six inches, and shall have a fall towards the point of discharge of not less than two inches in every one hundred feet ; 17 258 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS (e) Thai such drain shall discharge into the main drain in rear of tlie lot in all cases where such back drainage is pro- vided ; in all other cases, into the nearest main drain provided by the local authority for the reception of the lot-drainage of the district, and every question as to which is such nearest main drain shall be determined by the Town Superintendent. 3. Each such drain shall run through the lot from end to end or from side to side as may be necessary, having reference to the position of the main drain unless the Town Superintendent, the circumstances being exceptional, shall give permission in writing to construct any such drain for a shorter distance. 4. Each such drain shall have an internal width of not less than nine inches at the top and six at the bottom. 5. Each such drain shall be constructed of stone, brick, con- crete, hardwood, or other suitable material, and in such manner as the Town Superintendent shall approve. 6. The drains on or adjoining any lot shall be kept clean and wholesome, and free from obstruction by the parties hereinafter named : (a) The owner or, where there are more than one, each owner of the lot. (6) The occupier of the lot or, where there are more occupiers than one, by each occupier, (c) The occupier of any building on the lot. 7. The owner or owners of two adjoining lots may, having first obtained the permission in writing of the Town Superin- tendent, construct one drain common to such two adjoining lots. 8. Every such common drain shall be of not less than one and a half times the width required by these bye-laws for the drain of a single lot. 9. The expense of constructing any such common drain shall be divided between, and be payable in equal proportions by the owners of the lots drained thereby unless the Town Authority shall otherwise order in cases where the special circumstances show that one owner ought justly to pay more than the other. 10. If in the opinion of the Town Superintendent it is necessary for the efficient drainage of a lot that the drainage shall pass through or over an adjoining lot, the drains carrying oil' such drainage shall whenever practicable be made to pass through the side drains of the said adjoining lot hereinbefore provided for, and, if not so practical)le, then such drainage shall be carried across such adjoining lot by means of a tunnel or covered drain of sufficient capacity constructed to the satisfaction of the Town ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 259 Superintendent as regards position, size and material, and the expense of constructing such tunnel or covered drain and of replacing the surface earth shall be borne wholly by the owner or owners of the lot from which the drainage conies. 11. If the Town Superintendent certifies that on the coming into operation of these bye-laws any lot is or was sufficiently drained, these bye-laws shall not be taken or held to recjuire the construction of new drains on such lot, unless the drainage of the lot subsequently becomes defective or insufficient. 12. Efficient subsoil drainage, to the satisfaction of the Town Superintendent, may be permitted in lieu of the drains described in Bye-laws 2, 3 and 4. 13. The owner of any lot feeling aggrieved by the action of the Town Superintendent in any manner by these Hve-laws left to his decision may appeal to the Town Authority, whose decision shall be final. 14. Every person who shall offend against any of these bye-laws shall be liable for every such offence to a penaltv of twenty-four dollars, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further penalty of three dollars for each dav after written notice of the offence from the Town Authority: Provided nevertheless that the magistrate, before whom any complaint may be made or any proceedings may be taken in respect of any such offence, may, if he think fit, adjudge the payment as a penalty of any sum less than the full amount of the penalty imposed by this bye-law. BARBADOS The Public Health Act of 1898, Section 8, contained some up-to-date regulations for the destruction of mosquitos. Good as they were, they w^ere not, unfortunately, rigorously enforced. 2, The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep such premises free of stagnant water, liable to breed moscjuitos, and the presence of mosquito larvae in any collection of water, wherever situated, shall be sufficient evidence that such water is stagnant. All tanks, fountains, pools, ponds, or excavations made for any purpose whatever, in public or private property, which may contain water, shall be kept stocked with mosquito-destroying ffish, or shall be kept covered with a film of petroleum oil. 3. The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep his premises free of all articles (bottles whole or broken, old tins, boxes, conch shells, etc.) which may retain Avater and so become the breeding places of mosquitos. I 260 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 4. All cess-pits which retain water shall be disinfected or oiled except they be efficiently covered and trapped. 5. All gutters and down-pipes shall be maintained in good repair and free of obstruction so as to prevent the accumulation of water therein and to allow the ready passage of water from the roofs of houses, 6. All Inspectors of Health shall have authority to enter any premises at any time between the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the purpose of seeing that these Regulations are carried out, and may pour oil or cause oil to be poured on the surface of water contained in any receptacle in or on such premises. Made by the General Board of Health this 22nd day of February, 1909. President. Confirmed by the Governor in Executive Committee this day of February, 1909. . "'"- I When the epidemic broke out a manifesto was issued by the President of the Board of Health, Dr. Chandler, to Commissioners and Inspectors of Health, etc. : Sir, Yellow Fever is spreading in various parts of the Island. There are two points whose importance you probably realise already but which cannot be too frequently impressed on every Commissioner of Health and every Inspector of Health in view of the grave danger resulting from a want of their proper con- sideration. 1. It is during the first three days of illness that the Yellow Fever patient infects mosquitos, and every such patient who remains unscreened from mosquitos during the whole or a material part of these three days if bitten by Stegomyia mosquitos, which abound in Barbados, makes his place of abode the centre of a new Yellow Fever infected district. Our recent experience has clearly demonstrated that in many cases it is difficult for the attendant medical practitioner to diagnose Yellow Fever in the earlier stage of the disease. The returns made of the cases that have occurred during the present epidemic show that a large number of cases have only been seen for the first time by a medical man after the expiration of the first three days of the disease. With this result of the present state of things its continuation can only mean the spread of the epidemic. ll ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 261 To prevent this spread steps must be taken to ensure as far as possible that every Yellow Fever patient be screened from mosquitos during the first three days of his illness. To effect this every person suffering from fever of any sort should as a matter of precaution be screened from mosquitos as soon as possible after the development of fever. Patients of the labouring classes are not in ordinary circumstances seen by a medical man until some time after the occurrence of fever. To cope with the existing situation there must be a daily house-to-house inquiry as to the health of inmates not likely to summon a )nedical man on the first appearance of illness, prompt attendance by a medical man at the public expense on every person having fever of any sort, and proper . arrangements for immediately carrying out at the public expense every direction by a medical man to screen a patient from mosquitos. 2. The destruction of the largest possible number of mosquitos which have had the opportunity of coming into contact with a Yellow Fever patient is most essential. A mosquito infected with Yellow Fever can live and infect persons with that disease for many months. In the returns made to the Board of Health by Sanitary Inspectors they invariably report that they have " disinfected and fumigated," and the result of inquiries made show that in many cases these words correctly describe the order of procedure adopted. Some Inspectors in their use of disinfectant do everything possible to chase the mosquitos out of the infected premises, and having done this more or less effectively then proceed to close up the premises and fumigate for the destruction of mosquitos. One can scarcely imagine any mode of procedure which would tend more to the spread of the epidemic. Similar directions were placarded in all prominent places throughout the town and many districts. At the same time also a large number of handbills were printed warning householders against the danger of keeping stagnant water, and the penalties for the same. IMPORTANT NOTICE Extract from Bye-Laios made by the Commissioners of Health for the Parish of St. Michael for the City 2. The occupiers of all houses, stores, warehouses, or other premises within the limits of the city shall daily have swept and 262 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS cleaned the yards and enclosures thereof, the streets, pavements and gutters in front of and around the same, as far as the centre of the streets, some time before the hour of eight every morning; and shall collect the sweepings and rubbish, with other refuse matter on their premises, in a box or some other receptacle, to be placed ready to hand on the premises for removal by the scavengers' carts. And where such premises are not occupied, it shall be the duty of the owners to have the streets, pavements and gutters daily swept and cleansed, and the rubbi.'^h removed or deposited as aforesaid for removal by the carts. Extract from Bije-La-iCS for Suburbs of Bridgriorm No. 4. The owners or occupiers of all houses or other premises throughout the city and suburbs are required at all times to k(;ep such premises in every respect clean and free from ofFcnsive matter and rubbish of every kind .; and the occupiers or owners of all houses, stores, or other premises within the .suburbs shall have swept and cleaned the yards and enclosures thereof, and gutters in front of, and around, the said premises. Extract from the General Board of Health Rules, 9.%id February, 1909, CO} firmed bij the Governor in Executive Committee on February 26, and proclaimed in the Official Gar:ette on March i, 1909 2. The occupier or owner ot any premises shall keep such premises free of stagnant water, liable to breed mosquitos, and the presence of mosquito larvae, in any collection of water, wherever situated, snail be sufficient evidence that such water is stagnant. All tanks, fountains, pools, ponds, or excavations made for any puipose whatever, in public or private property, which may contain water, shall be kept stocked with moscjuito-destroying fish, or shall be kept covered with a film of petroleum oil. 3. The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep his premises free of articles (bottles whole or broken, old tins, boxes, conch shells, etc.) which may retain water and so become the breeding place of mosquitos. 4. All cess-pits which retain water shall be disinfected or oiled except they be efficiently covered and trapped. 5. All gutters and down-pipes shall be maintained in good repair and free of obstruction so as to prevent the accumulation of water therein and to allow the ready passage of water from the roofs of houses. 6. All Inspectors of Health shall have authority to enter any ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 263 premises at any time between the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the purpose of seeing that these Regulations are carried out, and may pour oil or cause oil to l)e poured on the surface of water contained in any receptacle in or on such premises. Penalty for infringement of Bjje-Laios of the Commissioners of Health, a sion not exceeding £5. Penalty for infringement of Rules of the General Board of Health, a sum not exceeding i:'10, to be recovered before a Police Alagistrate. By order, S. E. Brewstku, Inspector of Health, No. 2 District. THE BAHAMAS, NASSAU Measures were first taken in 1905 by the Board of Health against mosquito-borne diseases. In 1906 the authorities circu- lated my pamphlet upon the prevention of Yellow Fever and imported wire-gauze for distribution. In 1907 the following useful antilarval regulations were drawn up and circularised, and quinine was distributed at cost price and free of cost to the poor. BOARD OF HEALTH ACT, 1872 Rules and Regulations, October 1907 1. The owner or person in control of any cistern, vat, tank, barrel, bucket, or other vessel used for the storage of water shall within such time as may be specified by nojice protect the same from mosquitos in the following manner, that is to say : i. Cisterns, tanks, vats, and barrels shall be provided with covers of wood or metal, and all openings other than the delivery exit shall be screened with netting. ii. Buckets and similar or other retainers shall be protected in the same way as cisterns, or in some other manner approved by the Board, iii. Owners and occupiers of premises on which there is any water in wells, ponds, pools or basins, or in depressions or excavations made for any purpose, or which by any means have occurred, and in which mosquitos can breed, shall within such time as may be specified by notice protect the same from mosquitos in the following manner, that is to say — (1) Stock them with mosquito-destroying fish ; 264 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS (2) Or cover them with protective netting : (3) Or drain them off .at least once a week ; (4) Or cover them with oil at least once every week : or fill them up. (5) Or (in case of wells) provide them with a pump and mosquito-proof cover to the satisfaction of the Board. 3. All empty and open tins shall be kept in such a position as to prevent moscjuitos breeding in them, and all odd receptacles, such as jars, broken crockery, condensed milk tins and other rubbish which form receptacles for water shall be removed and buried. All doreys, pit-pans and boats, in use or discarded, must be kept free of fresh water. PENALTIES 4. Any person committing a breach of any of these Rules and Regulations shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of £2, and on a second conviction to a penalty not exceeding ^^5 or to imprisonment with or without hard labour not exceeding 30 days. NOTICE 5. " Notice " shall mean a written notice addressed by a person authorised in that behalf by the Board to the occupier or the owner of any premises, or Avater receptacle, and every such notice shall be deemed to have been duly served by delivering the same or a duplicate thereof to some person on the premises, or if there is no person on the premises who can be so served, by fixing the same on some conspicuous part of the premises, or in the case of a water receptacle as aforesaid by fixing the same on the water receptacle in respect of which such notice is issued. J. Bekson Albury, M.D., Chairman of Board of Health. ANTIGUA An excellent yellow fever bye-law was passed for the town of St. John in 1907, containing antilarval clauses and penalties ; in addition drainage operations, distribution of quinine and the stocking of ponds and streams ".ith "millions'" have been ^■igorously carried on. ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS ^65 MARTINIQUE Antimosquito measures were passed in 1908 in this Colony in order to prevent the recurrence of yellow fever, BRITISH HONDURAS A mosquito-destruction ordinance was passed in 1906, enforcing screening and the prevention of keeping stagnant water. Bush clearing and drainage are also practised. MAURITIUS. PROPOSED ANTILARVAL AND DRAINAGE MEASURES, 1908 ORDINANCE NO. OF 1908 11 1. In this Ordinance "owner," "occupier," "premises "sanitary authority" shall have the same meaning as in Ordinance No. 32 of 1894-5. 2. The following paragraph is added to Article 29 of Ordinance 32 of 1894-5. All collections of water, sewage, rubbish, refuse, ordure, or other fluid or solid substances, and all other conditions which permit, or facilitate, or are likely to permit or facilitate, the breeding or multiplication of animal or vegetable parasites of men or domestic animals, or of insects or other agents which are known to carry such parasites, or which may otherwise cause or facilitate the infection of men or domestic animals by such parasites. 3. (a) Notwithstanding the above provisions or any of the provisions of Ordinances No. 32 of 1894-5, 21 of 1903, 12 of 1889, 31 and 32 of 1895— It shall be lawful for any Sanitary Authority or any person deputed by him in writing to take immediate steps to destroy mosquito larvae on any premises where they may be found, and to take such action as may be necessary to render any pools or accumulations of water unfit to be breeding places for mosquitos. (b) The persons so deputed shall have a right to enter any premises, dwelling-houses excepted, between the hours of six in the morning and six in the afternoon. (c) When such pools or accumulations of water lie on premises under the charge of a public body or corporation they shall not be dealt with as above provided, unless due QGe ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS warning has been given in writing to such pubHc body or corporation, and no action has within rcasona])le delay, not to be less than 24 hours, been taken by them. In such cases the expendituie incurred sliall be borne by such public body or corporation. {d) Any owner or occupier who shall object to pools and collections of water on his premises being dealt with as above provided shall within 24 hours submit his reasons to the Sanitary Authority, \\ho, after inquiry, shall order such action to be taken as he shall consider necessary to meet the provisions of this Ordinance. Should the objections be rejected the measures originally ordered shall })e carried out at the expense of the said owner or occupier. 4. It shall not be lawful for any owner or occupier to allow moscjuitos to breed on his premises or to allow the presence on such premises of any receptacles in Avhich water is kept or may collect unless such receptacles are properly protected from access of mosquitos, or unless the water they may contain is treated in such a way as to prevent the breeding therein of mosquitos, nor shall such owner or occupier allow on his premises any conditions which may, in any way, be favourable to the breeding of mosquitos. 5. Trees on all premises shall be at all times kept freely lopped to the satisfaction of the Sanitary Authority by the owner or occupier, and no trees shall be allowed to grow within ten feet from any dwelling-house. The Sanitary Authority may, in writing, direct the said owner or occupier to carry out the above provision within a reasonable delay, not to be less than 48 hours, and, in case of non-compliance, the trees shall be lopped or cut down at the expense of the owner or occupier.^ 6. It shall be lawful for the Director of the Health Department to make such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance. 7. It shall be lawful for the Director of the Health Depart- ment, in any case when the owner or occupier of any premises is liable for the expense of any measures carried out on his premises, to relieve such owner or occupier from the said expense, if, after inquiry, the Director is satisfied that such owner or occupier is not in a position to incur such expense. In such cases the expendi- ture shall be borne by Government. 8. Any person acting in breach of Articles 4 and 5, or of the ' Some specific provision ou^ht to be made to enalde the Sanitary Authority to fill up Avitli concrete, or otlienvise to treat, holes and hollows in trees vvliioh breeds or are likely to breed^ mosiiuitos; ; and also to compel owners to cut insanitary undergrowth (see particulai'ly addendum 3). R. Ross. ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 267 regulations made under Article 6, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Rs. 100. 9. Expenses incurred by the Sanitary Authority under para- graphs (c) and (d) of Article 3, and under Article 5, slial! be dealt with in tlie manner provided by Articles 52 and 5;3 of Ordinance No. 32 of 1894-5. 10. This Ordinance may be cited as the JMalaria Prevention Ordinance. WEST AFRICA In the year 1905 clauses were inserted by Dr. Prout, C.M.G., in the Public Health Ordinance of Sierra Leone dealint; with mosquito larvae, and it was made a nuisance under this Ordinance (1905) to have any collection of water in any well, pool, channel, barrel, tub, bucket or any other vessel, and found by the Sanitary Authority to contain mosqidto Inrvce. Under clause 4, paragraph {d) it states : When mosquito larvas are found in any collection of water, or in any well or pool, channel, barrel, tub, bucket, or in any other vessel", the Sanitary Authority may themselves abate the same, and may do what is necessary to prevent the recurrence thereof. PENALTIES Where a notice has been served on a person under this section (4) — Where mosquito larvae are found in any collection of water or in any well or pool, channel, barrel, tub, bucket, or any other vessel, within ten days from the service of such notice on any such person in respect of any such collection of water, well, pool, channel, barrel, tub, bucket or other vessel, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for each offence, whether any such nuisance order as in this Ordinance mentioned is or is not made upon him. Under Section 31 dealing with provisions as to water, it is stated : Every person who shall keep an any premises any collection of water in any well, barrel, tub, bucket or other vessel intended for the storage of water without providing them with covers 268 ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS so constructed as to prevent the ingress of mosquitos into the same, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty shillings. If a person shall fail to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall, after notice received from the Sanitary Authority to coniplv therewith, be liable to a further fine not exceeding seventy shillings a day during his default. THE ANTirLAGUE CAMPAIGN IN SAN FRANCISCO There has just been issued an account of the eradication of plague in San Francisco. It is a very excellent and stimulating account of what has been accomplished, and it should serve to stimulate this country to wake up to do likewise for India. As was the case during the 1905 yellow fever outbreak, so in San Francisco one of the first steps was the organisation of a Citizens' Health Committee to combat the plague which had burst out again in 1909. This committee organised in all the useful directions, and at the end of six weeks reported as follows : 42,460 premises inspected, 334 premises disinfected, 171 dangerous houses destroyed, 54 buildings condemned, 17,564 nuisances abated, 56,994 rats trapped or poisoned. The committee had enlisted the sympathy of the entire popu- lation. One hundred meetings had taken place ; a vast quantity of literature had been distributed ; numerous improvement clubs had been organised throughout the city. With regard to the support given by the clergy, the Report states : Rat destruction, cleanliness and sanitary doctrine in general were preached in the churches and sabbath schools for several months. A general meeting of the clergy of all denominations was held in the Chamber of Conmierce to advance the sanitary crusade. The Report further remarks : Before San Francisco could get rid of plague it had to go to school and study zoology, bacteriology and fleas. The whole community had to learn about plague as a disease and an epidemic — that plague teas a rat disease. ANTIMOSQUITO LAWS 269 Again, the Report adds : Fleas shun the sunlight and the air. They deposit their eggs in rat-nests and the rats hatch them out with the warmth of their bodies and then give the young fleas free transportation wherever they go. Sulphur fumes will kill them, so that fumigation has been found effective. Ordinances were passed by the JMayor and Council of San Francisco : (a) Dealing with the collecting of garbage. (b) The suitable construction of all stables, which were further sources of rat breeding. (c) The proper flooring of markets and yards and basements. (d) The keeping of animals and fowls. (e) The suppression of insanitary buildings and many other matters. The Report makes some ugly comparisons between what has been accomplished in San Francisco with what is occurring in India to-day. It says in 1896 the plague reached Bombay and is still there. It has spread all over India, and in the face of modern medical skill it has claimed over five and a quarter million victims. In 1904, the year the first epidemic was sup- pressed in San Francisco, it killed over a million people in the Indian Empire, destroying in a single week over 76,000 lives — a number equal to the British Army in India ! LIST OF COMMISSIONS AND EXPEDI- TIONS SENT TO THE TROPICS TO STUDY TROPICAL DISEASES ROYAL SOCIETY Investigatioks into Tropical Diseases carried out uxder the DIRECTION OF CoMMirrEES OF THE RoYAL SoCIETY Tsetse Fly. — No expedition sent out, but investigations carried on in Natal by Surgeon-Major (now Colonel Sir David) Bruce more or less independently of the Committee, and by Dr. W. H. F. Blandford, Dr. Kanthack, and Dr. H. E. Durham in London under the direction of the Committee, in 1896 and 1897. Malaria and Blackwater Fever. — Dr. C. W. Daniels, Dr. J, W. W. Stephens, and S. R. Christophers, M.B., sent to British Central Africa in 1898. Daniels also to East Africa and Stephens and Christophers to West Coast. Stephens and Christophers sent to India in 1901 to carry out researches on Blackwater and Malaria : returned to England in 1 902 ; work on Malaria con- tinued by Captain James, LM.S. Sleeping Sickness. — Dr. G. C. Low, Dr. C. Christy, Dr. A. Castellani, sent to Uganda in June 1902. In 1903, Colonel Bruce and Dr. Nabarro joined the Commission. In 1904-5 the work of the Commission was conducted by Captain Grieg and Lieutenant Gray, R.A.IM.C. In 1908 Colonel Sir David Bruce again left for Uganda in September, accompanied by Captains A. E. liannnerton and H. R. Bateman, R.A.M.C. This Com- mission is still in Uganda. 270 LIST OF COMMISSIONS 271 Mediterranean Fever. — The first Commission was sent out in 1904, and consisted of Major Horrocks, R.A.M.C., Staff' Surgeon Shaw, R.N., and Dr. Zanmet, under Colonel Bruce, R.A.M.C. In 1905 the Commission consisted of Staff Surgeon Shaw, R.N., Dr. Kennedy, R.A.M.C, Major Horrocks, R.A.M.C, and Lieut. -Colonel Davies, R.A.M.C, under Colonel Bruce. In 1906, the members of the Commission under Colonel Bruce were Major McCulloch, R.A.M.C, Major Weir, R.A.M.C, and Major McNaught, R.A.M.C, Staff Surgeon Clayton, and Dr. Eyre. The brilliant work of these Commissions is published in a series of Reports issued by the Royal Society. LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE The following is a complete list of the Expeditions sent out to the Tropics from the commencement of the School to the end of 1908 :— The First (Malarial) Expedition : Major Ronald Ross, C.B., F.R.S., Dr. H. E. Annett, Mr. E. E. Austen (of the British Museum), and Dr. Van Neck (of Belgium), despatched to Sierra Leone in the summer of 1899. The Second (Mat,arial) Expedition . Dr. R. Fielding Ould, despatched to the Gold Coast and Lagos in the winter of 1899. The Third (Malarial) Expedition : Dr. H. E. Annett, Dr. J. Dutton, and Dr. Elliot, despatched to Northern and Southern Nigeria in the spring of 1900. The Fourth (Yellow Fever) Expedition : Dr. H. E. Durham and the late Dr. Walter IVIyers, despatched to Cuba, and to Para, Brazil, in the summer of 1900. The Fifth (Sanitation) Expedition : Major Ronald Ross, C.B., F.R.S., and Dr. Logan Taylor, despatched to Sierra Leone in the early summer of 1901. The Sixth (Trypanosomiasis) Expedition : Dr. J. E. Dutton, despatched to the Gambia in the autumn of 1901. The Seventh (Malarial) Expedition : Dr. C Balfour Stewart, despatched to the Gold Coast in November 1901. The Eighth (Sanitation) Expedition : Major Ross, despatched to Sierra Leone on February 22, 1902. The Ninth (Malarial) Expedition : Major Ross accompanied by Sir William MacGregor, K.CM.G., the Governor of Lagos, despatched to Ismaiha, September 11, 1902. 272 LIST OF COMMISSIONS The Textii (Trypaxosomiasis) Expeditiox : Dr. J. E. Dntton and Dr. J. L. Todd, despatched to the Gambia and French Senegal on September 21, 1902. This Expedition received great assistance from M. Roume, Governor-General of French West Africa, and all the French oHicials with whom they came in contact. Two valuable Reports in connection with the Expedition have been issued by the School. The Eleventh (Sanitatiox) Expedition : Dr. M. Logan Taylor, despatched to the Gold Coast from Sierra Leone on October 11, 19U2. This Expedition was sent to the Gold Coast in consequence of unsatisfactory rumours as to the health of that district. The services of Dr. Taylor were utilised by the Governor of the Colony, and his rcconnnendations for improving the sanitary conditions of Cape Coast Castle carried out with most successful results. The Twelfth (Trypanosomiasis) Expedition : Dr. J. E. Dutton, Dr. J. L. Todd, and Dr. C. Christy, despatched to the Congo Free State on September 23, 1903. This Expedition gives promise of being the most important Expedition sent out by the School since the Expedition in 1899, which discovered the presence of the Anopheles Mosquito in West Africa. It was sent out as a result of representations made to the School by H.M. the King of the Belgians, who made the Expedition possible by granting a handsome donation towards its expenses. The Thirteenth Expedition: Professor Rubert Boyce, M.B,, F.R.S., Dr. Arthur Evans, M.R.C.S., and Dr. Herbert H. Clarke, M.A., B.C. (Cantab.), were despatched to Bathurst, Conakry and Freetown on November 14, 1904, to report on the Sanitation and Antimalarial Measures in practice at the towns visited. The members of the Expedition have di'awn up a valuable Report, which has been issued by the School. The Fourteenth Expedition : Lieut.-Col. G. M. Giles, M.B., F.R.S., Indian Medical Service (Rtd.), and Dr. R. Ernest McConnell, M.D. (Canada), despatched to the Gold Coast on December 31, 1904. Unfortunately, Col. Giles had to return to England on February 8, 1905, through illness. Dr. McConnell remained for several months on the Coast to carry on the work of the Expedition. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Expeditions were sent to West Africa in appreciation of Sir William MacGregor's great services to health and sanitation in West Africa. The Fifteenth (Yellow Fever) Expedition : Dr. H. Wol- ferstan Thomas and Dr. Anton Brcinl, despatched to the Amazon in April 1905. Both members of the Expedition contracted yellow LIST OF COMMISSIONS 273 fever and Dr. Breinl had to be invalided home. Dr. Thomas is still carrying on the work of the Expedition. The Sixteenth (Yellow Fever) Expeditiox : Professor Boyce, F.R.S., despatched to New Orleans in August 1905 to observe the work of the United States Medical Authorities in dealing with the outbreak of yellow fever there. Professor Boyce subsequently visited British Honduras at the special request of the Colonial Office, to make a report on the conditions existing in that Colony with reference to a recen.t outbreak of Yellow Fever. The Seven'teexth (Malarial) Expedition : Professor Ross, C.B., despatched to Lake Copias, in Greece, on May 20, 1906, at the request of the Lake Copias Company. The Eighteenth (Sleeping Sickness) Expedition : Dr. Allan Kinghorn, M.B ,and Mr. R. E. Montgomery, INI.R.C.V.S., despatched to Rhodesia and British Central Africa on May 5, 1907. The Nineteenth (Blackwater Fever) Expedition : Dr. J. O. Wakelin Barratt, M.D., D.Sc. (Lond.), and Dr. W. Yorke, M.D., despatched to Nyassaland on August 14, 1907. The Twentieth Expedition : Professor Ronald Ross, C.B., despatched to Mauritius on October 28, 1907. The Twenty-first Expedition : R. Newstead, M.Sc, A.L.S., F.E.S., Dr. W. T. Prout, M.B., C.M.G., and Dr. Alan Hanley, M.D., C.M.G., despatched to Jamaica on November 14, 1908. EXPEDITIONS ORGANISED BY THE LONDON SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1900. Malaria. — Drs. Sambon and Low practically demon- strated that in the Roman Campagna, Malaria could not be acquired without the mosquito. 1902. Filariasis. — Dr. Low went to the West Indies to study Filariasis and the relationship of Mosquitos to disease. 1902. Sleeping Sickness. — Drs. Low and Castellani members of the Royal Society's Commission in Uganda. 1902. Beri-Beri. Dr. Durham went to Christmas Island to investigate this disease and afterwards proceeded to Singapore and the Malay States. 1905. Dr. Leiper : investigations upon the Guinea Worm, West Africa. 1907. Dr. Wenyon : investigations in Egypt and the Soudan 1908. Professor Simpson : Plague investigations in West Africa for Colonial Office. 18 I INDEX Acclimatisation Fever, 18 Africa, Antimalarial Campaign, 72-9 Agramonte, 129 Algeria, Antimalarial Campaign, 72-5 Amazon, Yellow Fever Campaign, 190 Anaemia, Miners', 215 — Tropical, 215-9 — Tunnel, 216 Ankylostomiasis, 215-9 — and Porto Rico, 218 — Prophj'laxis, 217 Ankyloatomum diwdennle, 216 Anopheline IVlosquitos, 31 Breeding Places, 56 Measures against, 52, 53, 56-7 Natural Enemies of, 53-5 Antigua, Antimalarial Campaign, 87 — and Yellow Fever, 117 Antilarval Regulations, Ordinances, and Bye-laws, 243 (Appendix) Arsenisation, 204 Atoxyl and Sleeping Sickness, 204 Australia, 11 Balfour, Dr. (Antimosquito work), Bancroft, Dr., 124 Barbados, 122 — Antilarval Bye-lav/s, 259-63 — and Malaria, 50, 54-5 — and Yellow Fever, 116, 117 Barretto de Barros, 127 Bathurst, 77 Beauperthuy, Dr., 23, 25, 233 — and Flies, 104 — and Itch, 102 — and Malaria, 102 — and Stegomyia, 105 — and Tradition, 101 72 Beauperthuy on Transmission of Yellow Fever, 100-9 — and Yellow Fever, 105 Belize, 84, 134, 135 Beyer, 127 Blair, Surgeon-General, 27, 100, 110 Blake, Sir Henry, 22 Botanic Gardens and Malaria, 95-8 Branch, The late Dr. (St. Vincent), 57 Brazil, 91 — and Yellow Fever, 124 — Yellow Fever Campaign, 186-9 Breinl, Anton, 132 British Guiana, 85, HI, 113 and Ankylostomiasis, 218 Drainage Bye-laws, 253-9 Screening Bye-laws, 254-5 British Hondiu-as, 84 Yellow Fever Campaign, 182-4 BromeliacecB, 58, 97 Bruce, Sir David, 10, 199, 220-4 Bulam Fever, 124 Bush-cleai-ing, 97-9 Campaigns — Antimalarial : Africa, 72-81 Algeria, 72-5 Antigua, 87 Brazil, 91 British Honduras, 89 Colon, 83 East Indies, 93 Europe, 63 Greece, 64 Hong Kong, 94 India, 91 IsmaiUa, 65 Isthmian Canal Zone, 81 275 276 INDEX Campaigns — Antimalarial: {contd.) Italj', 63 Jamaica, 87 Khartoum, 72 Klang, 93 Mauritius, 89 Nassau, 89 Panama, 81 Philippines, 90 Rio de Janeiro, 91 Sierra Leone, 76 St. Lucia, 86 United States, 94 West Africa, 76-9 West Indies, 8-4-9 Campaign, Plan of, 49 Campaigns, Antimalarial, 61-94 Camphor, 147 Canopy, 23 Carbolic Acid, 147 Carroll (Army Svirgeon), 129 Carter, L. H. R., Dr. (Marine Hos- pital Service), 113, 130 Castellani, 199 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, M.P., 5, 7,9 Chisholm, Dr., 124 Cholera, 3, 13 Christophers, Captain, 47, 73 Clarke, H. H., 77 Cocoa Plantations, 96 Collet, Hon. Wilfred, 184, 197 Columbus, 123 Conakry, 77 Crab, Crab-holes, and Mosquitos, 99 Cromer, Earl of, 8, 70 Cruz, Oswaldo, 136, 187 Cuba, 130 — and Yellow Fever, 124 — Yellow Fever Campaign, 157-8 Culex Fatigans and Dengue Fever, 196, 197 Culex and Filariasis, 37 Culicides, 57 Cultivation and Mosquitos, 95 Cyclops, 29 Dandy Fever, 196 d'Arenberg, Prince, 66 De Lesseps, 20 Demarquay, 32 Dengue or Dandy Fever, 196 and Culex, 196 Deratisation and Plague, 225-9 Derby, Earl of, 8 — Countess of, 8 Dirt Contamination, 215, 219 Doty, Dr. A. II. (New York), 94 Drainage, 13, 58 — Regulations and Ordinances, 243 (Appendix) Durham, H.E., 132 Dutertre, Pere, 123 Dutton, J. Everett, 9, 67, 199, 230 East Indies, Antimalarial Campaigns of, 93-4 Education, 59, 165 Egyptian Chlorosis, 216 Elephantiasis, 32 Entomology, Study of, 53 Epiphytes, 59, 97 Evans, Dr. Ai'thur, 77 Expeditions : Liverpool Tropical School, 270-3 London Tropical School, 270 Royal Society, 270 Fedschenko, 29 Fergusson, 118 Fever, Acclimatisation, 18 — Dengue or Dandy, 196 — Malaria, 38-48 — Yellow, 100-97 Filaria, 32 — and Culex, 37 — and Mosquitos, 32 — Bancrofti, 32 Findlay, 28 and Stegomyia, 101 Firth (Philadelphia), 111 Flies and Beauperthuy, 104 — Disease, 198-214 Forde, Dr. (Bathm-st), 199 Francis, 132, 153 Freetown, 77 Freire (Rio), 1 12 French Guinea, 77 INDEX 277 Fumigation, 138, 143-249 — Materials for, 147 Gastelbondo, Dr., 125 Georgetown, Yellow Fever, 117 Gibbons, 54 Gilclirist, Dr., 125 Giles, Lieut.-CoL, 77 Girardinus poeciloides, 54 Glossina palpalis, 200 — morsitans, 200 Gold Coast, 79 Gorgas, Major, 13G Grassi, 63 Grecian Antimalarial Society, 64 Grenada, Antilarval Regulations, 246 (Appendix) — Anti-rat Ordinance, 250 (Ap- pendix) — Cocoa Plantations, 96 Ground-Itch, 216 Guatemala, Yellow Fever, 151 Guinea Worm, 29 Guiteras, 132 Haffkine, 3 Haldane, Prof., 216 Harrison, Prof. (Demerara), 26, 112 — on Extrinsic Incubation, 112 Havana, 84, 101, 124, 130 — and Yellow Fever, 124 — Yellow Fever Campaign, 157 Herodotus, 23 Hodges, A. D. P., 207 Hook-worm Disease, 216 House Flies, 208 House Fly, Breeding Places of, 209 Dangers of, 209 Plan of Campaign, 210 Regulations against, 213 Humboldt, 122 Ismailia, Antimalarial Campaign, 65 — Cultivations, 96 Isthmian Canal Zone, 81-3 Yellow Fever Campaign, 185 Italy, Antimalarial Campaign, 63 Itch and Beauperthuy, 102 Jamaica, Antimalarial Campaign, 87 Johnston (Jamaica), 79 Johnston, Sir Harry, 81 Jones, Sir Alfred L., K.C.M.G., 8 lOiartoum, Laboratories of, 1 1 — and Malaria, 72 — Antimalarial Campaign, 72 King, 28 Klang, Antimalarial Campaign, 93 Kleino, 201 Koch, 3, 4, 7, 73 Kuenen, 95 Labat, Pere, 123 Larvae, destruction of, 135 Laveran, 2, 38-9 Lazear (Army Surgeon), 130 Le Boeuf, Dr., 120, 124 Leprosy, 233 Leuckart, 29 Lewis, 32 Liceaga (Mexico), 136 Lister, Rt. Hon. Lord, 3, 9 Liverpool School of Tropical Medi- cine Expeditions, 270-3 Logan Taylor, 76 London School of Tropical Medicine Expeditions, 270 Lutz, 132 Maladie de Siam, 123 Malaria and Beauperthuy, 102 — and Barbados, 50 — and Botanic Gardens, 95-9 Malaria Campaigns, 61-94 : Africa, 72, 81 Algeria, 72, 75 Antigua, 87 Brazil, 91 British Honduras, 89 Colon, 83 East Indies, 93 Egypt, 65 Europe, 63 Greece, 64 Hong Kong, 94 India, 91 Ismailia, 65 Isthmian Canal Zone, 81 278 INDEX Malaria Campaigns {contd.) Italy, 63 Jamaica, 87 Khartoum, 72 Klang, 93 Mauritius, 89 Nassau, 89 Panama, 81 Philippines, 90 Port Said, 71 Port Swettenham, 90 Rio, 91 Sierra Leone, 76 West Africa, 76, 79 West Indies, 84, 89 United States, 94 Malaria and Manson, 41 — and Plantations, 95-9 — and Ross, 61-2 — and Suez Canal Co., 65-71 ]\Ialta Fever, 220-4 Campaign, 224 Virus, 223 Manson, Sir Patrick, 5, 8, 30 — and Filaria, 32-4 — and Malaria, 41 — Experiments of, 46 Manson, Dr. P. Thorburn, 9, 46 March oux, Dr., 132 Martinique and Yellow Fever, 123, 196-265 Mauritius, Antimalarial Campaign, 89 — proposed Antilarval and Drainage Regulations, 265 May, Dr., Ill Medan, 95 Mexico and Yellow Fever, 122 Miasms, 17 Micrococcus mditensis, 223 Microfilaria Bancrofti, 32 Millions, 54 Miner's Ansemia, 216 Mosquito Brigades, 67 Mosquitos and Cultivation, 95 — and Dengue Fever, 196 — and Filaria, 32 — and Malaria, 21 — and Miasm, 102 — and Trees, 97 Mosquitos and Yellow Fever, 129 — Doctrine, 47, 139 — Enemies of, 49, 55 — Nets, 49 — Penalties against, 49 — Survey, 50 Moxly, Rev., 112 Myers, Walter, 9, 132 Nagana, 196 Nassau, Antilarval Regulations, 263 — Antimalarial Campaigns, 89 New Orleans, 15, 136 '■ Water-screening Ordinance, 171 Yellow Fever Campaign, 158 Northumberland, Duke of, 8 Notification, early, 141, 163 Nott, Dr., 23 Ordinance, Water-screening, New Orleans, 171 Ordinances, Antilarval, 243-69 (Ap- pendix) Ornithodoros moubata, 230 Osier, Prof., 63 Oviedo, 123 Panama, Antimalarial Campaign, 81 Parasitism, 236-40 Parker, 132 Pasteur, 3 Patterson (St. Vincent), 57 Penalties, 49 Philippines and Ankylostomiasis, 218 — Antimalarial Campaign, 90 Pines, wild, water-holding, 58 Pipe-borne water, 13, 193 Plague, 225-9 — and the Flea, 227-9 — and the Rat, 227 — Campaign in San Francisco, 268 — Deratisation, 225-9 Plantations and Malaria, 95-9 Porto Rico and Ankj'lostomiasis, 218 Port Said, Antimalarial Campaign, 71 Port Swettenham, 90 Pothier, 127 Predaceous Larva?, 57 I s. INDEX 279 Prejudice, 17 Propagandism, 59 Prophylaxis, Malaria, 49-60 — Yellow Fever, 139-49 Prout, 87, 267 Puerto Barrios, Yellow Fever, 151 Puerto Cortez, Yellow Fever, 151 Pulex cheopia, 227 Pyrethrum, 146 Quinisation, GO, 75 Reed (Aiuny Surgeon), 129 Relapsing Fever, 225 Ribas, 132 Rice Plantations, 96 Rio de Janeiro, 15 Antimalarial Campaign, 91 Yellow Fever Campaign, 186 Rodi'iques, 132 Romayn, Dr. Thomas, 124 Rosenau, 132 Ross, Major, 9, 31 — and AnopheUnes, 40 — Experiments of, 43, 45-6 — Dr. E. H., 71 — on Malaria, 61-2 Roux, 3 Royal Society, 10 Tropical Expeditions, 270 Salimbini, 132 Saman Trees, 59 Sarcoptes acaheii, 233 Screening, 49, 143 Sealing, 142-4 Segregation, 49, 51, 74 Septic Fly, 208-10 Siam, Maladie de, 123 Sierra Leone, Antilarval Clauses, 267 Simond, 132 Sleeping Sickness, 198 and Atoxyl, 204 Campaign, Uganda, 205 National Bureau, 205 Prophylaxis, 203 Spain and Yellow Fever, 125 Spanish Honduras, Yellow Fever, 151 Spirillosis, 225 St. Domingo, 118-9 and Yellow Fever, 118 St. Lucia and Yellow Fever, 116 Antilarval Regulations, 245 St. Vincent, Antilarval Regulations, 251 and Yellow Fever, 98, 116 Stegomyia, Breeding Places, 50, 95, 150-6 — Description of, 150 — Habits of, 151 — Index, 156, 195 — in relation to Water Supply, 14 — Larvse and Eggs of, 153 — proved carrier of Yellow Fever, 14, 129 — Survey, 155 — when Infected, 132 Stephens, J. W. W. (Liverpool, 47), 73 Sugar-cane Plantations, 94 Sulphur, 147 Sumatra, 95 Suez Canal Co. and Malaria, 65, 69 Thomas, H. Wolferston, 132, 190 Thomson (Hong Kong), 94 Tick Fever, 229-33 Tobacco Plantations, 95 Tobago and Yellow Fever, 117 Todd, Prof. J. L. (Montreal), 230 Tcenia echinococcua, 29 Tradition, 17 Travers, 93 Trichina spiralia, 28 Trichinosis, 28 TerrejTa de Rosa, 123 Trinidad and Yellow Fever, 115 — Antilarval Regulations, 243 (Ap- pendix) Tree-Mosquitos, 97 Treves, Sir Frederick, 81 Tropical Anaemia, 216 — Entomology, 10 — Medicine Movement, 2 — Schools, 8, 11, 270 Expeditions, 9, 271 Trypanosoma gambiense, 199 Trypanosomiasis, 198 280 INDEX Tuberculosis, 233 Tunnel An£emia, 21C Uganda, Sleeping Sickness Cam- paign, 205-8 Uncinariasis, 216 United States, 94 and Yellow Fever, 125 Urich (Trinidad), 57 Vine Plantations, 96 Virchow, 28 Vomito prieto, 124 — negro, 125 Walbridge, Dr. (British Guiana), 126 Washington, 10 Water-holding Plants, 58, 97 Water Supply, 13 \^'atson. Dr., 90 Wellcome Laboratories, 11 West Africa, Antimalarial Cam- paigns, 76-9 West Indies Water Supply, 14 Yellow Fever Campaign, 190-7 Westphalia, 216 Woldert, Dr. A. (U.S.A.), 94 Wood, General, 136 Yellow Fever, 100-13 and Ballast, 120 and Beauperthuy, 101 and Cargoes, 120 1852 Commission on, 110 and Conquistadoros, 114 and Dredging, 1 34 and Early Settlers, 114 and Excavating, 134 and Periodicity, 128 and Race Predisposition, 127 and Stegomyia, 131 and the Clergy, 175 and Water Supply, 14 Contagious or not, 1 10 Extrinsic Incubation period, 138 False Doctrines, 119-20 Yellow Fever, Historical Survey, 114-28 Houses, 19 Immunity, 127 Inoculation Experiments, 109 Mild case of, 169 Prophylaxis, 139-49 Ships, 120 Race Susceptibility, 126 Transmission, 129 Yellow Fever Campaigns, 159-94 : Amazon, 190 Brazil, 186 British Honduras, 182 Cuba, 157 Havana, 157 Isthmian Canal Zone, 185 New Orleans, 158 Rio de Janeiro, 186 Santos, 186 West Indies, 190 Yellow Fever in Antigua, 117 Barbados, 1 16 Brazil, 124 Bulam, 124 Cuba, 124 Demorara, 117 Dominica, 115 Georgetown, 117 Guatemala, 151 Havana, 124, 132 Martinique, 123 Mexico, 123 Puerto Barrios, 15 1 Puerto Cortez, 123, 184 St. Domingo, 118, 123 St. Kitts, 117 St. Lucia, 116 St. Vincent, 116 Siam, 123 Spain, 122 Spanish Honduras, 184 United States, 125 Trinidad, 115 West Indies, 114 Yersin, 2 Printtd by HaztU, Jl'atson tt Vinei/, Id., London and Ai/Usbury. o r ' BINDING SECT AUG 1 8 1972 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY W Boyce, (Sir) Hubert William 116 Mosquito or laan? 3d ed. B7 1910 BioMed , v> ■ ■m:.v^