Report 1673. AERODYNAMICS Robert Taussig STRUCTURAL MECHANICS HYDROMECHANICS LABORATORY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT @ = i IYI AA no 160 May 1963 Report 1673 MOTIONS OF A SPAR RAFT IN REGULAR WAVES by Robert Taussig May 1963 Report 1673 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page NBS IRUING I Geigdid bobo OOO be oOo ooo oo OU On6.0 65,4 Om old no Dg G biol 6 4 Doug a © 1 - INMVROIDUCGAMIOIN cgosoossdoocoesso sade nooo oH doOvoo De DOC Od Od oo c 1 GITOMUS WIRY ANINID) COORIDINAMIEIDS, oo 46so0 60050000560 00000000 0109600 2 AMIENS, WITILOXGIINYE IPOIITINAUOANIL, o soo do pod doo Ob ood COD OD GTO D DUOMO ODN 5 IDURGAPSOMRUD IDI, IAOMRUG ITS) ZUNID) IMMOMUSIN|IES) 65 500g noo gob edca pb 00006 9 SIMPLIFIED INTERPRETATION OF FIRST-ORDER ITOIRGCGIZS ZANNID) IMMOIMUDINIUS oe 566006000 Fn boob ODDO OUD GOGO Gono D DODO OC 13 TRAYS COMUD ITI JOG AIMOINS) OW MIGNON oS c¢n00ccaccond00d00000¢c 15 HOW ZAMELOINS OID IDAIMUPITID) IMMOMNUOIN 5 eiooocccogso aco gobo aDo oO UOK OO 22 WASCOW'S IDANMUPIING oaocodocosodcoob osc bono D Od Oddo dv oobo 000000 26 IDIUISCWSSIOIN Gostcdocestbasonssogumonooonbopoooddanodcoon ood O¢ 29 RITIMARIDINCIGS GooooodaonesbodaddoogvgdgoocdooddgcggduusoosdandoOd 30 ii NOTATION Amplitude of incident surface wave Radius of circle on which spar axes are located Radius of ith spar as a function of Z. Acceleration of gravity Moment of inertia of iu spar about x-, y-, z-axes, respectively Wave number of incident waves = wife Mass of one spar (assumed equal for each spar) Mass per unit length of ula spar Number of spars Space-fixed cylindrical polar coordinate Body -fixed cylindrical polar coordinate Defined in Equations [13a], [13b] Cross-sectional area of ith Spar = may (zs) Components of force on nee spar Space-fixed Cartesian coordinates Body-fixed Cartesian coordinates Linear displacements of structure Components of moment on i spar Angular displacements of structure about x-, y-, z-axes Space-fixed cylindrical angular coordinate iii Body-fixed cylindrical angular coordinate h : spar axis Equilibrium angular position of i Kinematic viscosity of water Density of water Complete velocity potential Velocity potential of incident wave ®- 2) Circular frequency of incident waves iv ABSTRACT A theoretical analysis is constructed for the hydro- dynamic forces acting on a system of interconnected vertical, slender, axisymmetric bodies which are floating in presence of incident waves. The theory is based on linearized water wave potential theory and the use of slender body techniques. The resulting expressions for the hydrodynamic forces are used to predict the motions of sucha system. The effects of viscous damping are also estimated. INTRODUCTION A spar raft as defined here consists of several long thin bodies of revolution rigidly interconnected so that they will float vertically in the water and support a platform or submerged weight. When regular waves are incident on sucha structure, it will generally oscillate in six degrees of freedom. The purpose of this report is to provide an approximative method for calculating such motions. The assumptions are: (1) that the spars are identical, (2) that their interconnections are made in such a way that the mass and the hydrody- namic effects of the connecting members may be neglected, and (3) that the individual spars are far enough apart for their hydrodynamic interac- tions to be neglected. The motions of a single spar buoy have been treated by Newman;! here his method is extended to the case of N spars arranged ina circle. In addition to including the hydrodynamic and inertial forces on several spars, it is necessary to extend Newman's analysis to allow for all six degrees of freedom. (In his problem, only three degrees of freedom involved nontrivial results.) The basic assumptions of Newman's analysis are used here. In particular, it is assumed that the wave amplitudes and body motions are small enough that linearized free surface theory may be applied and that "References are listed on page 30. the spar radii are small enough compared to wavelength and spar sepa- rations that slender body theory may be used. Equations of motion are derived on these bases. These equations predict motions which are un- damped; thus they are valid only for frequencies which are not near the resonance frequencies. Near the resonance frequencies, it is necessary to consider the damping due to wave generation, and this report shows that forces of high- er order in terms of spar radii must be included. The leading damping forces are found, thus providing equations of motion valid near resonance. In addition, this report indicates that viscous forces depend linearly on the velocities for axial motions, and these forces are found explicitly. GEOMETRY AND COORDINATES It is convenient to define several coordinate systems. With the structure floating at rest, we place the origin of a space-fixed reference frame at the undisturbed free surface over the center of gravity of the structure. Let the Cartesian coordinates of a point in this system be (x,y,z), with the z-axis directed upwards. In this same system we de- fine cylindrical coordinates (R, 9, z): R% = x* + y4 sO) S tein or oS IN COS FF 47 S IN Gia zis here the same as the Cartesian coordinate z. Let the undisturbed axis of the jth spar be located at R=ag, 9 = 0;. We define another set of space-fixed coordinates, (xj, yj, Zi), with origin at R=ag, 9=9;, z= 0. Let the cylindrical coordinates of a point in this system be (124 2 ris Zi), with the latter having the same orientation as the previous cylindrical system. th In the undisturbed condition, the surface of the i~ spar will be specified by the equation: Re = a; (Z;) S45 2 SS Jals These quantities are all shown in Figure 1. Finally, we introduce primed coordinate systems which correspond to each of the systems just mentioned, but which are fixed in the body. When the body is in its equilibrium position, the primed and unprimed systems coincide. The linear displacement of the raft will be described by three dis- placement variables, Xo» Yor 293 the angular displacement IS Gy (Bp We which are the positive rotations, respectively, about the x-, y-, z-axes. Since the motions are assumed to be small enough that squares and prod- ucts of these variables are negligible, the location of the raft is complete- ly specified, and the three angular displacement variables can be treated as the components of a vector. Let r°~ be the position vector of a point fixed in the raft, where B= (3G yo, 2). in terms) onthe space-—tixedycoordinates an —i(e<;ayn) 2), we have, to first order in small quantities: HS BW oy ese [1] where rq = (Xo. Yor 20) a = (a, B,Y) In terms of components, this equation is equivalent to 2 * ! BS ore ap Xo + (Bg NING Yir= eae Gy oN ES aA [ola Z=2°t Zo + Isp 1/8) 3% To first order also, it follows that YO SX a aq = eee OL lea The unprimed coordinates are related by x = ag cos 0, + x; K | = ag sin, + y, [2] and the same equations hold if x, y, z and Xi, Yj, Z, are all primed. It is assumed that there are incident waves which are described by the velocity potential Bo (Exmyiizint) = oy ge cos(kx — wt) [3] where A is the amplitude of surface wave, k is 27/wavelength= wave number, and w is the circular frequency. In the definition of the coordinates given above, the orientation of the x- and y-axes was not specified, except for the orientation of the plane which they defined. Now we specify that the x-axis points in the direction of propagation of the surface waves and the y-axis completes the right-hand system. THE VELOCITY POTENTIAL The surface of the ith spar can be specified by the equation: (o) iT] BGs yy 2;) =) Cita Vim aa (2.7) : 2 [hci Xo 7 Bz; + Y(ag sin 8; + y;)] @ +r Ly; = 9) = VWila@ GOS Oh ap ==) sr az. | 2 mg ay [z: i — 29 — @(a¢ sin ©; + y;) + B(ag cos 0; + x;)] th The boundary condition on the i~ spar is then OF. i ot PW @) 2 Wa) 1s = 0 on FF. =0 where VY; indicates the gradientin the (X;,y;> z.) system, and = O(x,, Vy» 2> t) is the velocity potential (viz., ®p plus a potential due to the presence and motion of the structure). After some simplification, we find that the boundary condition is o® oO® OR} TZ = [Xo aF B(z, ar a, ay) - Yag sin 0; | cos As + [yo - &(2, + ajay) + vag cos 0; | sin), [4] = [2o @ anl@ SAO, 6 cos Oar Ga R= e, da; where ay = an . Second and higher order terms in the motion variables Ze i have been consistently dropped. Let 6=@) + %,. We substitute this relation into the last equation to obtain a boundary condition on 6). From Equations [2] and [3] we note that Gy = -— eke cos (kx - uot) [5] 582 BAN eos [k(ag cos 9. + R, cos A.) - ot] i i i i It follows that 0® a® SE eal = wy eR {l-2 + ka. a’ +2 a%) cos r: OR; i Oz; F.<0 clea i i +4 Ie a’ cos 3X,] sin (kag cos 6, — ut) = [(a; + 4 ka,) + 2 ka, cos 2r;] cos (kag cos 0; — wt) 50k Sy) [6] where the omitted terms are of third and higher order in terms of the Spar radius a; and its derivative ay, or of second and higher order in the motion variables. Neglecting now second-order terms in a; and a,, we find the condition on 9): 0®) oD, : : ; (+ - 33) = {x9 + 62, - Vag sin 0; OR; 92; /R.=a. a eal IRVAR +wAe =}! sin (kag cos 0; - ot)} cos 2. + {i - az, + yaqg cos ai} sin ); ic ay nega! k ) t) 22 z ka;wAe cos (kag cos 0; -w cos il - {i gay + agar (é sin 8, - B cos Q;) (aca - (ay + 3 ka, ) ire sai cos (kag cos 0; - wt) } We note that the boundary condition is now applied at the surface of the undisturbed spar, and the right-hand side is evaluated in the space-fixed (x;, y;, Z,;) coordinate system. If this ith spar were located alone in an infinite fluid with the above boundary condition valid for -H< z; < 0, the solutions for 2) by slender body theory would be 0) of = Ib {3 a, | Za; + ag aj (a sinydSaPicos) 6.) - oA (a; + 4k ka;) cos (kag cos 0; - wt) | ee ee koa g +3 af[ x) +60 - Vag sin®; +wAe * sin (kag cos 0; ~ wt)] —— al 2 es é : 6) oa ey Be oS ey enh) = 4 kt 92 2 2 =F = 5 Be [wk Ae”? cos (kag cos re eles [RU + (a, - Sy] © ae x. 1 da; (¢) where a, = a;(C) and a, = Tar in the integrand. We adapt this type of i solution to the present case as follows: (1) [R? (Ba t)"] * is the poten- tial for a source located at (0,0,€) in an infinite fluid. We replace this source potential by another source potential which, in addition, satisfies the free surface condition. (2) We now impose the condition that the radius a; is much smaller than the distance between Spars; 1.e., a;/ag << 1. Then the potential obtained by satisfying the boundary condition on the jth spar will produce negligible fluid velocities at the other spars, and the total potential can be expressed as a sum of potentials, each satisfying the conditions on one spar. The resulting total potential is wA kz —ee Dixy Zt)! = cos (kx - wt) NETO + y Lae a, [Z)a, + aga; (a sin 0, - B cos 0.) n=] i DUNE (az +4 ka.) cos (kao cos 8, — wt) ] +4 a [xp + BL - ya sin 0; Ay ASS sin (kag cos 0; - ot)] a i Do 5 6 ) fm Oe [yo - a0 +yapq cos OD) i 2 eae lone cos (kag cos Oe eh] Oe i 1 2 Ox i Re 4 2 ak eet le v(zitC) 5 R.)d d [R; (4, = 6) ek o( vR; v C NE AO + twk s [,, {boas aoav te sin 0; - B cos 8;) i=] ¥ [8] [8] kt continued th AS? (eg op 4 ka,) sin (Kap cos 0, - ot)] 2 e ; kt, ii 8 +a. [x9 + B84 - yag sin®; + Ae ” cos (kag cos 0; ete) ee Bo 2 ) +a; [yg - 265 t+ vag cos il ee a 2 + 4 ap [k Aes sin (kag cos 0; - wt) |] So Leet) yar} dg Ox’ i In accordance with the assumptions of slender body theory, we eval- uate these terms as R; — O and identify the values so obtained with the potential on the body surface IU =a. Because a;/ag << 1, the value of © to lowest order on the jth spar depends only on the first term above and one term in the first sum. By the same approximation procedure, we find that all terms in the second sum contribute amounts of higher order in terms of a;. Later we shall reconsider the second sum when we calculate damping forces. FIRST-ORDER FORCES AND MOMENTS The pressure is obtained from Bernoulli's equation in linearized form p=-p—-pgz Kon Thus it will be necessary to evaluate @, on each spar and to integrate, in an appropriate way, the result over all spars to find the forces and moments. Using slender body approximations again, we find that on the jth spar G= = ol cos (kag cos 0; — wt) = Da AorA a; cosX, sin (kag cos®, — wt) ~ [zgay ~ aga, (asin Oa = B cos 9.) = OAC aes Lika.) eos (ka, cos 0. — wt)]a. log a Re Se 0 i TS SA = [esq 3 Bz. - ya, sin 0,] a, cos Ne = [yo - #2; + yag cos 6, ] a, sin d; + 0(a%) [10] Also, we note that on the surface of the jth spar ZZ Za at a(ag sin 0; + a, sin dg )) = Bag cos 0; +a; cosh; ) Thus the pressure on the jth spar is kez. p=-p¢gAe 1 sin (kag cos 0; — ot) le +2gkAe 44 a, cos A, cos (kay cos; — ut) [11] = [Zz a, + aja, (a@ sin 0, — 8 cos 0. ) k - Zs ? 1 ° ie gkAe 1(ai +3 ka,) sin (ka, cos 0. wt) ] a, log a, 0 = [x a Bz. Ya sin 0, Ja, cos we = [Fo = dizi ty Ya ROS 0, Ja, agra Nf + g lz, + Zo + a(a, sin 8, + a, sin Ax) = Bla cos 0, + a, cos Va) Let the force be resolved along the space-fixed axes which corre- spond to the coordinates (x,y,z). In particular, designate the components of hydrodynamic force on the it? spar by XG, Yq. Zi. Wikewasie, Vet the com ponents of hydrodynamic moment on the jth spar be denoted by A;, B;, T; which correspond to the rotations a, B, Y. Note specifically that the moments are taken with respect to the space-fixed axes at the center of 10 the whole structure. If we let n be a unit normal vector out of the fluid, then XxX; = | p cos(n, x) dS [122] Si Y; = iL p cos(n,y)dS [12b] 1 Zi = i p cos(n,z)dS [1 2e] Si A; = I ply cos(n,z) - z cos(n,y)] dS [12d] i B; = { p[z cos(n, x) - x cos(n,z)]dS [12e] Si ifs = i p[x cos(n,y) - y cos(n, x)] dS [iple2 Fei] ; S The integrals are taken over the instantaneous surface of the fea spar. Here cos(n, x) is the cosine of the angle between n and the x-axis, etc. We find readily that, to first order in small quantities, cos(n,x) = — cos r< ap Sy fialial d- + Ba, cos(n,y) = —y cos AX; — sind, = aa; cos(n,z) = 6B cos 2X, — a sind, + a, For abbreviation, we also define two sets of integrals 0 sat , Did P ; Sn = J S(z.)(z,°) dz; [13a] -H 0 kz7 n cig lis ep SizaNzaardc [13b] 11 th , 2 i 3 where S(z;) = 7a; (257) = cross-sectional area of i~ spar at Zs. The combination of these formulas and definitions with the previous pressure results yields for the force and moment components X; = 2pgkAcos(Kay cos®, — wt)Ty) — p(%q — Yap sin9,)S) - pBS, [14a] Y; =- pl(¥g + Y ag cos 9;)Sq + paS, [14b] Z, = pgkA sin(kap cos 0; - wt)Ty) + pg Sp [14c] -pg[A sin(kao cos0; — wt) + zg + @apQ sin®, - Bag cos 0. | S(0) A, = pgkag sin 0; A sin(kag cos 0; - wt)To [14d] + pglyg t ag Sin 8; + yag cos 6;)SQ) + pl¥g + Y ag cos 8; - ga)S) - paS, - pgay sin®; [z) + wagsin®; - Bajcos0, + Asin(ka, cos ®@, - wt)] S(0) Be Ss pgkay cos®, Asin(kajy cos 0, — wt) T 9 1 pgkAcos(kag cos 0; — wt) T) - pg(Xq + ag cos; - yag sin®;) So - p(X - Y ag sin®, + gB)S)-e BS, + pPgagcosO; [Zo + @ag sinQ; - Bag cos 0; + A sin(kag cos 0; - wt)] S(0) [14e] PD, =-2pgkag sin 0; A cos(kag cos 0; — ot) Tp + p[ag sin 0; xg - ag cos 9; yg - apy] So [14¢ ] + p[ag sin 0, B+ ag cos 8,a] S) S(0) is the cross-sectional area at z; = 0 when the whole system is at rest and in equilibrium. 12 SIMPLIFIED INTERPRETATION OF FIRST-ORDER FORCES AND MOMENTS These expressions for the forces and moments can be viewed from a simple point of view. Consider, for example, the x-component of force, Equation [14a], which when written out becomes 0 H S(z.7) {2 eke cos (kag cos 8; - wt) - Xp + Ya sin 0; - 2/6 paz [14a7] From Equation [5] we see that a* & kz = gkA 1 cos (ka, cos @. — wt ot ox g e ( 0 pease Ties ) on the equilibrium position of the aoa spar. Thus the first term in the bracket in Equation [14a“] is just twice the local acceleration that the water would have at the mean position of the spar axis if the spar were not present. The terms, - Xq + ag sin ae re (8 give the negative ac- celeration (in the x-direction) of the point on the spar axis. The quantity pS(z;) is the added mass per unit length of a cylinder accelerating nor- mally to its axis. Thus the x-component of force is the integral over the mean spar length of (added mass per unit length) times (2 times local water acceleration on spar axis due to incident wave alone minus acceleration of point on axis of spar). It may appear strange that the water particle acceleration is doubled in this formula. However, the cause is seen on examination of Equations [8] and [10]. Inthe latter equation, the terms containing the factor (cos A,) give rise to x-components of force. Here the term due to the incident waves (the second term) is already doubled. Half of this con- tribution comes directly from the first term of Equation [8] (i.e., direct- ly from the incident wave potential) and half comes from the term 13 iP 3 ag ole <> cin (kag cos 0; - ut) a [Ro P(e = eyey 2 dt -H el The latter is effectively a diffraction potential; it is part of the singularity potential which offsets the normal velocity component of the incident wave on the spar. These results can also be regarded as a special case ofa general body, accelerating in a time-varying (but spatially constant) in- finite field of fluid. It follows from consideration of the forces, both in the fixed and moving coordinate systems,’ that the hydrodynamic force on the body is the added mass times the relative acceleration plus the displaced mass of fluid times the spatial acceleration of the (undisturbed) fluid. For a circular cylindrical section, the added mass and the dis- placed mass are equal, and the above relation for the x-component of the force on the spar follows immediately. The z-component of force, Equation [14c], consists of three parts: (a) [pg So]; (b) [-pg(zq + wap sin 8; - Bag cos 0;) S(0)]; (c) pgA sin (kag cos 0; - wt) [kT 5 = S(O) |) Part (a) is just the hydrostatic force. Part (b) is the decrease in buoyancy which occurs when the spar is raised an amount (Zo + aag sin 8;-Bagcos Sia )) Part (c) is the integral over the undisturbed spar surface of the vertical pressure force due to the incident wave alone. This is easily seen by noting that 0 kT) - $(0) = - okzi dS : -H dz, and, thus, that Part (c) is equal to o eae ds | [=soreeSien = sin (kag cos 0; — wt)] > dz = J Pg cos (n,z) dS -H dz; S; 14 to first order, where pg is the first term of Equation (ete: The moments are obtained by calculating the force per unit length along each spar, multiplying by the appropriate lever arm, and integrating along the lengths of the spars. It should be noted again that the moments are calculated with respect to the space-fixed axes. Thus a point located th at z; on the i'’-axis has space-fixed coordinates (see Equation [17]}: x = ag cos 0; + x) + Bz, - y ag sin 0, ; o . We = AG Sia Os a5 7 a Wag COS OF = Cra 5 N iH] Zi + Zq + @av, sin 6; — Bag cos 8, . FIRST-ORDER EQUATIONS OF MOTION Let M be the mass of a spar. (The N spars are assumed to be iden- h spar about the tical) wet I) J, i) be the moments of anentiaof ithe it X-, y-, Z-axes, respectively. Moreover, let Mo; Ip; Jo» and Ko denote the mass and moments of inertia for any additional superstructure, and assume (0, 0,z )) to be the center of gravity thereof. Then the equations of motion are (My + NM) xo N ee. xe [15a] i=l (My + NM)¥9 = [15b] 5 (My) + NM)Zo = > Z, - g(NM + Mo) [Lee] N N N - MggzZo+ @ y lig = S Ai - 2 y I. m (z.")y dz,” [15a] i=0 i=l i=l 15 N N N -Mopgzo+ B y J; = > Bet s s IE m (z,°) x dz [15e] i=0 ae i=l N N Vv » Les Y DG Les | i=0 i=l m (z;") is the mass per unit length of the spar itself. The integral is taken over the length L of the spar. This length generally extends from 2; =-H to some value of Zs greater than zero. x and y are the distances from the fixed reference frame to a point on the axis of the sen spar. The moment of inertia I; about the x-axis is I; = Ie m(2/)(y* + 2°) dzz 2 where y = ag sin 0; + yo t+ y aq COS Pe <= CRA SP oo On and Z=Z + Zq + @aq sin 0; - Bag cos 0, + gdh ta the omitted terms being of higher order in the small motion variables. Since I; is multiplied by @, we need keep only the zero-order terms in Iso ;- Clearly then, 2a? aes I; = I m (2) [a4 sin i L to the required order in small quantities; that is, 1; has the same value as in the equilibrium position. Similarly, qy iH i (s m (2) (x2 oF 2*) dz. = { m (z;) laa eos” 0; + rae) dz, L 16 = | = 2)(x° + y? ) dz. ie L The integral terms in Fquations [15d] and [15e] can also be written explicitly by expanding x and y in the integrands. Thus { m (z.7) [ay sin 8; + yg + yag cos 8, — az. | dz m(z-)y dz.” iP i i 4, i (ay sin 0; + yo + y aq Cos 8,)M -a [) m(z.) 2° dz- J m(z.)x dz. = | m (2.7) [ag cos 0, + xX) + B2°- yap sin 9. | dz L L = (ag cos 0; + Xo — Y ag sin 8,)M+B i‘ m(z/)z° dz We note that the final integral terms here would have vanished if z had been measured from the spar center of gravity. Now let us write the equations in full. Equation [15a] becomes N (My + NM)x_ = Z2pgkAT9 y cos (kag cos 0, - wt) - pN Xp Sg i=l 15a* . [15a'] - pNBS) + pagVSo y sin 0; i=l Clearly, Mg + NM = pSQoN, since at rest the buoyancy of the total raft equals its weight. Also, we now impose the condition that the spars have a regular angular spacing. Thus if ps mt) CA UE ee Nee 5 it — Wl eye tay cl ree AN 17 If N=1, then ao = 0, and the last term in Equation [15a”] vanishes. ibe IN| S> IW : N-1l 27 N 27 N N-1 oni sin (0, + al =) sin(® : =| y sin 0; = y in (04 | se oh eG N 1 71 | i=0 sin — N and again the last term in [15a“] vanishes. Therefore, the equation of motion for xg is N 2(Mo + NM) Xo + pNS,6 = 2pgkATo y cos (kag cos 8, - wt) [16a] i=] By similar arguments, the equation of motion for yg, Equation [15b], becomes 2(My) + NM)¥q - pNS) @ = 0 [16b] The equation for Zs written out, is N (My +r NM) (Zo ap fef)) = pgkATo y sin (kag cos Q; - wt) + NpgSo i=] N - pg A5S(0) > sin (kao cos 8; - wt) - pg Nz S(0) i=l N N - pgaay,S(0) > sin 0; + pgBa,)S(0) y cos 0; i=l ie Again we note that Mp + NM = pS)JN, which enables us to eliminate the gravity term on the left. Also, 18 and ag = 0 for N=1. The equation becomes N (Mj)+NM) Zz, =-NpgZp S(0) - pgA[-kT, + S(0)] » sin (kag cos 8; — wot) i=l [ 16c] The first term on the right-hand side is just the change in buoyancy which accompanies a vertical displacement of the raft. The remaining terms correspond to the vertical force obtained by integrating the dynamic pres- sure due to the incident wave over the surface of the spar. This is the Froude-Krylov hypothesis: To a first approximation, the presence of the body does not distort the incident wave or the pressure associated with it. The a-equation is N N oo 2 . 2 va BNC 2 a {onal y sin OL aiat > il m (Z,°)(z,7) anc} : : L i=l i=l N =- pga jA[S(0)- kTo] y sin 8; sin (kag cos 0; — wt) i=] + N a“ S(0) La sin? D4 S B sin 0. cos 9. | P8409 i i i i=] + N ve] > f m (27) 27 def + My zo Sle If N>2, N N 5 Pepe 2: = S 2 £4 sin 0; = cos Q; = N i=l test 19 N ’ sin 9; cos 0; = 0 13] IIS, sieAe IN) S45 a {anmag + NpSz 1p + N m (27) (22)° any bs G3 {wess; [16d] L 2 7 ce a + >NpgapS(0)- Mpgz)- Ng ib m (z,7) z. az; } N — IN OSG) = = pga jA[S(0)- kTo] > sin 0; sin (Kap cos 0; - ut) i=1 Similarly, for N > 2, the B-equation becomes 8 41NMa*~+NpS,+J,+N salar a’ das los ein aas 2 0 a2 nO c HL US i PS 2, cA 7 Ce + 4NpgapS(0) - Ng { m (2,7) 2, az } L N + N pS) Xg = pgagA[S(0)- kTo] y cos 8; sin (kag cos 0; — wt) i=] N + 2pgkAT, y cos (kag cos 0, — ut) [1l6e] i=] Under the same assumptions, we obtain for the last equation N . 2 \ ete 5 ; ws i {Ky + 2NMaj} = 2pgka,ATy sin0, cos(kap cos 0. wt) [16£] i=l In the case of N = 1, the above equations reduce to Newman's equa- tion for a single spar. If N = 2, these equations do not hold. However, 20 the special conditions that follow from N=2 can easily be applied here to obtain simple equations. The case is not considered sufficiently interest- ing to warrant writing out the equations here. The heaving motion can be obtained immediately, if desired, since the z )- equation contains no coupling terms. In addition, the equation for rotation about the z-axis is not coupled to the other equations. However, the yg and @ motions are coupled; also the xj and 6 motions. Similarly, the couplings are simple enough for these equations to be solved directly. We should note that there are two resonance frequencies. In heave, there is resonance when 2 PESO) [17a] M+Mo/N In either of the coupled motions there is resonance when 2 a ia 7 2Me[eS + 2 Pag S(0) - Mo Z0/N ib, m (25°) 2; az; | | | a eam es To CO) yh I,/N 2 0 2 Bne 2 Df am [tas + es, + {ic in f+ [, menes dzi]- S} Since the equations contain no damping forces, infinite response ampli- tudes are predicted when resonance occurs. Of course, this is meaning- less in the linearized model and so the above equations ([17a] and [17b]) can be valid only in frequency ranges, not including neighborhoods of the two exceptional frequencies. When such neighborhoods are excluded from consideration, the predictions should be fairly accurate if the small ampli- tude and slenderness restrictions are observed, since damping forces are of higher order than the forces considered. Near the resonance frequen- cies, however, the damping forces are important, evenif small. This problem is considered in the next section. 21 EQUATIONS OF DAMPED MOTION In the previous section, we considered only buoyancy and accelera- tion forces on the spars because, generally, these were the forces of lowest order in the small parameter a,(z). At resonance, these forces cancel each other, thus they are no longer the lowest order forces. We must re-examine the previous analysis and include terms of a higher order in a;(z) to obtain equations of motion which have meaning at and near resonance. The boundary condition, Equation [7], was valid only to first order in a,;(z). If we now include second-order quantities (in a;(z)) in the bound- ary condition, Equation [7], and add the necessary corresponding terms in the potential function, Equation [8], we simply obtain more terms in the acceleration and buoyancy forces. Since these terms are much smaller than those already considered, they can alter the response only slightly, principally by changing the resonance frequencies somewhat. They still contribute no damping forces. Nevertheless, the desired damping forces can be obtained from the second summation in the potential function, Equation [8]. These terms were discarded earlier because they contributed forces of higher order than those being considered. It is easily seen, however, that these terms do lead to damping forces, which will be the lowest order forces at reso- nance. We also see that the terms in this second sum which involve the in- cident wave amplitude A do not contribute damping effects. They simply affect the driving force, again by an amount of higher order. So now we consider the potential Ie 20 % , , F ®” = tmwk s ie {a [29/4 aga; (a sin 8, - B cos 9;)] iil 2 : ) + av [x9 + BC - Yag sin Oe i 4 an L¥g- at + Ya, cos 9; ] Zh etait syteR, 1 dt Yan 22 (See the second sum in Equation [8].) Here a; and as are functions of ¢. * To calculate the associated force on the ie spar, we must evaluate Om Ie = a;(z;). For small values of (kR,;), the Bessel function in é* can be approx- imated by the beginning of its Taylor series, that is, 2 TOMESR a) = Lie a (ORE) Similarly, ony (GRE) y= = BIR, Gos ty 4 etl es Zi eee alt SAE) ee OR cine Oy: i i i al Keeping a one-term approximation in each case, we find ok = kz: ® = zwk[z, + agla sin 0, — B cos 8.)][S(0)-kTp]e 1 3 kz; : - twk a.(z;)e i {Lixp - vag sin 9.)T) + BT, ] cos r. + [(yg + Yag cos 8;) Tp) - aT, J] sin as} The pressure due to this potential is, when evaluated on R; =a, : tee : lez = - zpwk[zp + angle sin 0, - B cos 9.)] [S(0)- kTole a + A pants? a, (z,)e74 {['% - Y aq sin 0,)T, + ea | cos i, + [(vg + ¥a_q cos 9;) Ty - aT, }sin yt 23 In the expressions for e* and Dae several terms which are of higher order in small variables have been omitted. The forces and moments due to this pressure distribution are calcu- lated from Equations [12a] through [12f], with asterisks inserted where appropriate. The results are as follows: xe a5 book? {lig - Vag sin @),)) a8 + oan, we = Se Sabie {6 + yap cos 0.) TS - 2g | * i ; » AME : 2 Z, = - Epak {294 aq (4 sin 8. —- B cos 0,) }[8(0) - kT] A nth 2 Ay = -Zpwkag sin 0; {yt agla sin Ons 8B cos 9,)} [5(0) - kT] ea pepe ine. a @.) ore S awe A POS Og v Veg COS EE Lg Ey = els 2 By = Zz pwkag cos 6, {ig + ag (a sin 0. - B cos 03) } [S(0) - kTo] 3 , ss i ANT Ue) es + pwk {(sig - a9 sin 0,)T 5T, + Boe There is no need for a damping moment De since the y-motion has no resonance in any case. N The modified equations of motion are obtained by adding DX i=1 etc., to the right-hand sides of the previous equations, [15a] through s H . [15f], or alternatively, to [16a] through [16f]. After simplification, the equations become, for N >2, i Bulow a 3 pein N {[2(M + Mo/N) p + 3 pok Too] + [pS,B +4 pwk ee ay} N [18a] = 2pgkAT) s cos (ka, cos 0; — ot) i=l 24 0° BD 0 = 3 : N {[2(M + Mo/NI¥q + pak Do Yo! ales + towk T)T ay} = 0 [18b] n {im + M,/N)Z, + 3 pwk[S(0) - reales ray p£5(0)25 } N = - pg A[S(0)- kT ] y sin (kay cos 0, - ut) [18c] i=1 N fesver, + pS, + igi] mz dz] a +(3 pwokag LO) = kT] +4 pak? Te +[pgsy +1 9gaés(0) - EMozo/N-al_ mzdz|la # 3 : = [pS] ¥9- [Fp TT] ¥o } N = - pga jA[S(0)- kT] » sin 0, sin (kag cos 0, — wt) [18d] i=l N fesver, + pS,+K,/N+] mz“dz]6 +(3 pwk a4 [S(0)-kT)]° ib +2 pok? T2)p + [peS, +4 pgass(0) - EMy%o/N-af mz dz] 6 . 8 : + [p S)] x + [4 pwk iy Mull | N = pga jA[S(0)- kTo] » cos 0; sin (kag cos 0; — ut) i=l N + 2pgkAT, S cos (Kay cos 0; — wt) [18e] i=l 25 N (Ko + NMas) ¥ = - pgkagATg S sin 0, cos (Ka, cos 0, ~ ut) [18¢] i=l Of course these equations can be solved very easily by substitution of XQ = Cy sin(wt + 51); Yo = Co sin(wt + 55), etc. The results will not be written because no additional perspicuity seems to follow. VISCOUS DAMPING All damping forces introduced so far correspond to the energy lost through radiation of surface waves. In addition, energy will be lost through the mechanism of viscosity. The viscous damping forces, in general, will be of second order in the motion variables. As an example, suppose that a right circular cylinder translates in a direction perpendicular to its axis. The viscous drag is proportional to the velocity squared, and so is negli- gible by the standards already assumed. If the cylinder has an axial motion, however, the viscous force will be linear in the velocity. For example, if a right circular cylinder of radius a has an axial velocity Re yee} =Wo cos(wt + « ), then we can see easily from elementary fluid mechanics that the velocity anywhere in the fluid is w (r,t) " w @ = 0) [ ker Je » + ikei J Vv ei (otte), [ ker JZ a ate iei V2 a] Wo Re where Ko (x) is the modified Bessel function of argument x and order zero, and the second expression gives Kj)(x) in the Kelvin representation of its real and imaginary parts. The only velocity component is that which 26 is parallel to the cylinder axis, and this component depends in space only on the distance r from the axis. A tangential (axial) stress on the cylinder surface is given by ) fae Wore 3 pais =— pNwv cos(ur+e +p-y +37) or c 4 Ga! where b,c, 6, Y are real numbers defined by on (0) =p = i Ker) Roe + ikei) «| Die v v ent = ker Jos + ikei V2a Thus there is an axial force component per unit length on the cylinder: 27paNwv Wob = =< sont s NSE | c 4 2mpaNwv Wob 37 = = [costut + «) cos (p-y + 7) Cc - sin(wt + «) sin (6 -vyt >t) The first term in brackets in the last equation gives the drag force. For the slender bodies considered in this report, it is consistent to calculate the viscous force in a stripwise manner. Thatis, at each cross section of the jth spar, where the radius of the section is a; (2,7), we con- sider that particular section to be part of an infinitely long right circular cylinder translating axially, calculate the axial viscous force per unit length, and integrate such results over the length of the spar. To first h order in the motion variables, the axial velocity of the it spar is zo + ag(a sin 8, - 6 cos 6.) 27 Thus we add to Equations [14c], [14d], and [14e], respectively, the addi- tional force and moments . a,(z;)b,(z;) Ze* = -27pNov ale wet. cos |B(z;) - y(z,) + =| (Zo + ag @ sin 0; - amie cos 0;)dz 1 0 a.-(z-)b.(z-) aS mena a : 31 + (ie eC) sin| B(2)) - v(2) +3] (Zo + ag @ sin 0, - ab cos 0;)a2;} > MT : SKK ag sin 0; Z; ah ek = ag cos 0; Z; If these additional quantities are inserted into the equations of mo- tion, we can still obtain solutions by the same method used previously. Although the viscous forces thus obtained are linear in the veloci- ties, they do not fit properly into the perturbation scheme in terms of small radius. The modified Bessel functions encountered have singulari- ties when the argument approaches zero. In fact, b 1 = HB BIS Ee SO a aloga Thus, as the slenderness of the spars is accentuated, the viscous forces increase. This is in contrast to the potential flow forces, which become smaller and smaller. No general conclusion can be drawn concerning the relative importance of the viscous and nonviscous damping forces as far as dependence on radius is concerned. Calculations should be made in individual cases. 28 DISCUSSION Equations of motion have now been obtained, based on the assumption that wave amplitude, body motions, and spar radii are small quantities. If damping is neglected, there are two resonance frequencies (as given by Equations [17a] and [17b]) at which infinite amplitudes of motion will oc- cur. Of course, there does exist damping which prevents the responses from actually being infinite. That part of the damping due to generation of outgoing waves is small (of second order in terms of spar radii) and so is of importance only near resonance. Generally there is also a viscous damping which may be of importance throughout the interesting range of frequencies, or possibly only near resonance, or perhaps not at all. This damping is associated only with axial velocities of the spars, but its ef- fects appear in each of the modes of motion for which there is a resonance. The relative importance of viscous damping can be determined in individ- ual cases only by actually carrying out solutions of the equations of motion. If it is desired to minimize the motions of the structure over a range of practical wave lengths, the most effective procedure is to attempt to re- move the natural frequencies from the desired range. If this is not possi- ble, the natural frequencies should be chosen as frequencies for which the incident wave amplitudes are smallest. In practice, this will generally be equivalent to reducing the natural frequencies as low as possible. From Equation [17a] we see that the heave natural frequency is proportional to the radius of the spars at the undisturbed waterline. (S(0) is the cross-sectional area at the equilibrium waterline.) Assuming that the total mass, My)+NM, is approximately fixed, we have no other param- eter to adjust; thus we would minimize S(0) as far as possible. In the case of the other resonance frequency, we see from Equation [17b] that, apparently, there are several parameters available for adjust- ment. We note that if the center of buoyancy and center of gravity coin- cide, then pS] - MjpZ9 - I m(z)zdz = 0 L 29 By raising the center of gravity and/or lowering the center of buoyancy, we can make this difference negative and thereby possibly decrease this natural frequency. However, in general, the exact amount by which such adjustments will affect the natural frequency is not certain, since the de- nominator in Equation [17b] will also be affected. In any case, reductions in S(0) (for lowering the heave frequency) will also lower the pitch-surge frequency. REFERENCES ia 1. Newman, J.N., ''The Motions of a Spar Buoy in Regular Waves, David Taylor Model Basin Report 1499 (in preparation). 2. Cummins, W.E., ''The Force and Moment on a Body in a Time- Varying Potential Flow, '' Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Apr 1957), pp. 7-18. 30 Copies 10 10 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION CHBUSHIPS Tech Lib (Code 210L) Appl Res (Code 340) Prelim Des (Code 420) Sub Br (Code 525) LCDR B.1I. Edelson (Code 361A) Oceanography (Code 342C) — FRO CHBUWEPS 1 Aero & Hydro Br (Code RAAD-3) 1 Capt. Freitag (Code 45) 1 Mr. Murri (Code RTSV-13) 1 Dyn Sec (Code RAAD-222) CNO (Op-76), Attn: LCDR Duncan CHONR 1 Nav Applications (Code 406) 1 Math Br (Code 432) 2 Fluid Dyn (Code 438) ONR, New York ONR, Pasadena ONR, Chicago ONR, Boston ONR, London CDR, USNOL, White Oak DIR, USNRL 1 Mr. Faires (Code 5520) CDR, USNOTS, China Lake CDR, USNOTS, Pasadena CDR, USNAMISTESTCEN Attn: Mr. Eberspacher (Code 5610) CDR, PACMISRAN, Point Mugu, California Attn: Mr. W.L. Mackie, Consultant (Code 4110-1) DDS DIR, Natl BuStand Attn: Dr. G.B. Schubauer DIR, APL, JHUniv Des, Shipbldg, & Fleet Maint (Code 400) Copies 31 1 1 5 DIR, Fluid Mech Lab, Columbia Univ, New York DIR, Fluid Mech Lab, Univ of California, Berkeley DIR, Davidson Lab, SIT, Hoboken DIR, Exptl Nav Tank, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor DIR, Inst for Fluid Dyn & Appl Math Univ of Maryland, College Park DIR, Hydraulic Lab, Univ of Colorado, Boulder DIR, Scripps Inst of Oceanography, Univ of California, La Jolla DIR, ORL Penn State DIR, WHOI 0 in C, PGSCOL, Webb 1 Prof. Lewis 1 Prof. Ward DIR, lowa Inst of Hydraulic Res, State Univ of lowa, lowa City 1 Dr. Landweber DIR, St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Lab, Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis Head, NAME, MIT 1 Prof. Abkowitz 1 Prof. Kerwin Inst for Math & Mech, New York Univ Dept of Engin, Nav Arch, Univ of California, Berkeley 1 Prof. Wehausen Hydronautics, Inc, Pindell School Rd Laurel, Maryland Dr. Willard J. Pierson, Jr., Coll of Engin New York Univ Mr. Robert Taussig, Grad Math Dept Columbia Univ, New York Dr. Finn Michelsen, Dept of Nav Arch, Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor Prof. Richard MacCamy, Carnegie Tech, Pittsburgh Copies 1 1 1 Mr. John P. Moran, THERM, Inc, Ithaca, New York Dr. T.Y. Wu, Hydro Lab, CIT, Pasadena Dr. Hartley Pond, 14 Elliott Ave, New London, Connecticut Dr. Jack Kotik, TRG, Syosset, New York Prof. Byme Perry, Dept of Civil Engin, Stanford Univ Palo Alto Prof. B.V. Korvin-Kroukovsky, East Randolph, Vermot Prof. L.N. Howard, Dept of Math, MIT, Cambridge Prof. M. Landahl, Dept of Aero & Astro, MIT, Cambridge Pres, Oceanics, Inc, New York Mr. Richard Barakat, Itek, Boston J. Ray McDermott Co., Saratoga Bldg., New Orleans North American Aviation Columbus Div., 4300 E. Fifth Ave. Columbus, Ohio 32 *poyeuityse Os[s exe Juiduisp snoosta Jo syoejje eyy, ‘wojshs B Yons Jo suoNoU ey} yOIpead 07 pesn o18 SeoJ0} oIuBUApOpAY oY} 10} suoIsseidxo Sun[nsel ey], ‘senbruyoe; Apog sepueys jo asn oy) pues 1004) [81jUe70d oAwM 108M poziIBeUT] UO poseq SI A100y) ey, *SeABA qUepioul Jo eoueseid ul SuyBoY exe YoIyM seIpog oINowUASIxE ‘10pue|S ‘[BOI7I0A peyDoUUODIEZUI JO Wess B UO JUI}OB Sed,0] qaeqoy ‘sissney, *] ormeudporpAy ey) 10} peyonysuod si sIsk[BuB [B8OT}01004) Y SIBA[BUB [BI] BUIEYBW—-SEDI0] ormeukpoapAq--shong aeds °Z) GalaISSVIONN uo “sjoi ‘-sni[t “deg ‘at -gggl Aww “dissney, oqoy -OIpelg--woNop--s3jw1 weds “T Aq ‘SHAVM UVTNDAY NI LAVU UVdS V dO SNOILOW "E291 quoday “uIsDg |apow sojAoy plang “pey8ullyse os[e exe Suidusp snoasia JO syoejje oyy, ‘wojsks B yons Jo suoMou 04} JOIpead 0) posh e18 seD10} oIueUApOIpAY OY) 10} suoTsseidxe duy[nsei ey, “sonbruyoe, Apog sepueys jo esn oy) pus A100y) [84U9}0d eABM 1078M pezIIBoUT] UO postq SI A100Y} EY], “SeABM queploul jo soueseid ul JuyBOTy ere YOIYM SoIpog OINoWUASIXxE ‘JOpUe|s ‘[BOIZICA poyoeuUODIJezUI JO Wo4SAs B UO JUydB SeoI0} qaegoy ‘dissney, ‘| otmBupoipAy oy} 10} poyonHsuod SI SIsA]BUB [BONeI00y) SIsh[BUB [BOIyBUIEY}BW--Se010) oweukposphy--shong reds °Z| GaIMISSVIONA uoy “sjoi ‘-snq[I “dgg ‘Ar “eget Aspw “dissney, yaeqoy ~Olperd--worj0W--63381 aedg *T Aq ‘SHAVM, UV TNDAY NI LAVA UVdS V AO SNOILOW ‘€Z9| Moday -uisog japow 4s0;ADy plang *peqBullyse Os|s 018 Zutdwep snoosta Jo syoojjo ayy, ‘woySks B yons Jo suonow 84} J9Ipead 0) posn 018 seo10j olwBUApoIpAY oY) Joy suoIsseidxo Sun[nsei eyy, “senbruyoe; Apog sepueys jo esn ey) pus A094} Teuezod eABM 108M poztiBeUul] UO pesuq SI A100y} ey, “SCAB qUeplour Jo eoueseid ul SuryBo]y osw YyOIyA SeIpoq olNowUWASIXE “10 pUe|S ‘[BO1QI0A poyouUodIEqU! JO WoySAs B UO FuND¥ SeoI0] qloqgoy ‘dissney, ‘| ormeucporpAy oy 10} peyonsysuoo st SIsA[BUB [BoNe100N) Y SISA[BUB [BOT]BUIOY}BW--Se0I0] ormeukpoaphq--sXongq aed °Z} QaIMISSW'TONOA uory “sjer ‘-snq[t “dge ‘Al “gg6T ABW “Zissney, jaeqoy ~O[peid--UOloW--syy8i aedg *T Aq ‘SHAVM UVINDGY NI LAVU UVdS V JO SNOLLOW "EZ9| soday -uispg japow sojAny piang *peyBullyse Oss e18 Juidwep snoosta jo syoejjo oyy, ‘woyshs 8 yons Jo suojoW ©) JoIpead 07 posn e18 seo10) olweUApospAy ey) 10] suotssesdxe Suy[nses eyy, *senbruyooe; Apog sepueys JO esn ey) pus Aloeyy [81Ue}0d eABM J078M poezIiveUl] UO peseq SI A100Y) eYT, “SEABM queploul Jo eoueseid ut Suyvoyy ere yoIyM setpog olnowuWASIxe ‘JepuE|s ‘[¥O1}10A peyDeUUOOIO4UI JO WeYSAS B UO JUNOB $0010) otmeuApospAy ey) J0j pojyonaysuoo SI Ssisk[euB 189101004) y jaogoy ‘dissney, ‘| SIsh[BUB [BOI}BWEYyBW--Se0I0] otweukpospéH--skong reds °Z] GaIaISSV'IONOA uoy “sjoi “*sni[t “dgg ‘Al “gggT AB “sissney, yeqoy ~OIpeid--UONOW--syel Iedg “Ty Aq ‘SHAVM AV INDAY NI LAVU UVdS V JO SNOILOW “EZ9L juoday “ulspg [>Pow 4ojAdy plang *peyBullyse Os{e e318 duiduiep snoosta JO sjo0jJjo oy, “wWaySAs B YoNsS JO SuONOW ey) JoIpeid 07 pesn e18 sedI0) o1uBUApOIpAY oY) 10} suCIsseidxo sdunjnsei eyy, “senbiuyoe, Apog Jepue[s jo asn oy} pus A10043 [8jUej0d ABA 10}8M pozZIIBoeUl] UO peseq SI AlO0y) eYT, “SCABM qUeproUl Jo eoueseid ul JuryBoO]J o18 YOIYM SeIpog olNeuWASIXxE ‘Je pUES ‘[BOI7ZI0A poyDoUUODIEZUL JO WezSAS B UO DuIoB Sed10} atweupospAy ey} J0J peyonNsuod SI SISA]|BUB [BOT}0100q}) Y qieqoy ‘dIssney, *] SIsA[BUB [BOI] BWOYBW--SedI0} ormeuApospAy--skonq reds °Z] GaIaISSVIONN uory “sjoi ‘-snqyt -dgg ‘Al “gg6T ABW “dissney, yoqoy ~O[peig--UONop--s3jB1 aedg .-T Aq ‘SHAVM UV INDAY NI LAVU UVdS V AO SNOILOW “EL9L Hodey “ulsog japow 40]40) plang *peeulyse Os]s o18 duidwep snoasta JO sj0ejJjo eyy, “we sks B yonsS Jo suonOU ey} J9Ipeid 0} pesn e18 SeDI0} oIwBUApOIpAY OY) 10} suOCIsseidxe dunjnsei eyy, ‘senbruyoe, Apog sepue]s jo esn ey} pus A004} [8Uej}0d OABM J07BM PoZIIBEUT] UO pesBq SI Al00Y}) EY, “SEABM queploul jo eoueseid ul JuNBolj o18 YOY SoIpog oIneuUIASIxe ‘Jepue|s ‘]801j10A peyoeuUODIEzUI JO WaySAS B UO ZuUNOB SodI0J otweuApoipAy oy) JO} poyoNsuod SI SISA]VUB [BOTVeI100y) Y qaoqoy ‘dIssney, *] SISA[BUB [BIZ BWIEY}BA--SE0I0J ormeuApospAq--sXong aed °Z) GATMISSWIONN yor “sya “*snqyt “dgg ‘At “gg6T ABW “sIssnvy, jeqoy ~oIpeig--UoljoW--s3j81 Jedg “T Aq ‘SHAVM UVINDTY NI LAVU AVdS V JO SNOILOW “EL9L yoday “ulsDg |>POW sojAdy plang qaoqgoy ‘dissney, *] SISA[BUB [BOI] BUIOY}BW--S0010J *peysultyse ose e18 Suldwep snoosta Jo sj00}jo ey, ‘woysXs B yons Jo suonow ©Y} OIpead 07 posn o18 Sseoi0} o1weUApopAY ey} 10} suoIsseidxe Surj[nsei eyy, “senbiuyoe, Apog sepue]s jo esn oy} pus A109y3 [8ue}0d ABM JezBM pozIIBOUT] UO poseq SI A100y} eYT, “SEABM jUeptoul jo eouesead ul Sujvoyy o18 yoIyM solpog olNoWUWASIxe ‘Jepue]s ‘[B91qI0A poyDeuUOoIE,UI JO Wa}SAs B UO FUND’ Sedi0] otweuApospAy ey} JOj pojyonsysuoo SI SISA]BUB [BOT}e1004) Y ormeupoipéq--sdong aedS °*Z) QAIAISSVIONA Woy) -OIpelg--UOlOW--syjel avdg “Ty qaoqgoy ‘dissney, ‘] SISA[BUB [B91] BUOY} B--8e0I0] “sjor ““snqyt “doe ‘Ar “eget ABW “dissney, yuoqoy Aq ‘SHAVM UVTNDAY NI LAVA UVdS V AO SNOILOW "€Z9| today -‘ulsog japow 40)AD] pang *pej8utyse Os[B e18 Juldwep snoosia Jo sj00JJo oy, ‘woyshs B yons Jo suOMOU ey} 39Ipeid 0) pesn e318 Se0I10J3 oluBUApOIpAY oY} 10} suCIsSseidxo Suty[nsei ey, “senbruyoe; Apog sepueys Jo esn oy} pus A100y3 [8Ue}0d CAVA Je}8M pozZIIBEUT] UO peseq SI A100Y4} CYT, “SCABM qUeproul Jo eouesead ul JuNBOTJ O18 YOY SoeIpog oLNowWASIXE ‘JOpue]s *[BOIVI0A poyDeuUOdIE,UT JO WeySks B UO ZuUNOB sedI0] otmeuApospAy ey} 10} peyonaysuoo SI SISA[BUB [BOT}EI00y) VY ormeuApoipéq--sonq avdg °Z] GAIMISSVIONN wor -OIpelg--UOnNop--syje1 awdg °T *sjoi ‘-snq]I “dge ‘At “gg6T ABW “dIssney yeqoy Aq ‘SHAVM UVTNDTY NI LAVA UVdS V AO SNOILOW EL9| sodey ‘ulsog japow 40/40] pang