MUDPIE ANNOUNCEMENT J ame s A. P et e r s died o n 18 Decembe With his death, we h ave los t th e mo s t a cos t muse um and un iv ersity t ime - shar ing see n the concept o f compute r ne twork s g had just partic ipa te d in th e f i rst g ene Nat • l onal Scienc e C om puter N e two rk in mi J im establ i sh ed MUDPIE in 1967 in of t ime- s haring an d the est a bli shmen t o the ma j or Amer i can n atural h i s t ory muse bro a dened to en com pa s s the use of t ime and for the ana ly s i s of all typ es of da low He had al working mid-November. a computer network among The scope of MUDPIE gradually COMPUTER USE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JAMES A. PETERS 1968 1968 1969 1971 1971 A computer program for calculating degree biogeographica1 resemblance between areas. Systematic Zoology 17:64-69 o f The role of time-share computing in museum research. Curator 11:65-75. (with B. B. Collette) Computer techniques in systematics: Discussion. 1n Systematic Biology, p. 610-613. National Academy of Scienes, Washington, D. C. A general data format for information. Bioscience 1 L. Morse and P. Hamel) summarizing taxonomic 21:174-180. (with Biostatistical programs in BASIC language for time-shared computers: coordinated with the book "Quantitative Zoology." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology (69):l-46. (revised and reprinted in 1972) 1971 A new approach in the analysis of biogeographic data. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology (107):1-28 1972 The computer and the collection-at-large. Curator 13:263-267 1972 On the use of cluster analysis in biogeography A reply. Systematic Zoology 21:242-244 In Press. Identification of unknown organisms in biology. (a computer program) & Biogeographical analysis of taxon presence-absence data. (a computer program). Directory of Computer Programs in Science and Technology. In Press. The time-shared computer as an adjunct to museum exhibits. Museum Journal (London) In Press. Preparacion y manipulacion de claves sistematicas utilizando computadoras de tiempo compartido. Actas del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Zoologia, Caracas. FUTURE OF MUDPIE With Jim's death, MUDPIE lacks an editor and publisher. If MUDPIE is to continue, we need a volunteer to take over the production of MUDPIE. Since the MUDPIE membership is not organized as a voting society, the first person to volunteer will receive the MUDPIE files, library, and responsibilities. Please address your correspondence to G. Zug, Division of Reptiles and Amphibians, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. 20560. ■ X - V - 3S .. ' - - f -