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S = Me: re Xs = =< = pas | Fos = = x o Pa § z hid 2M & g : 7 = : : _— - =a 2) Gl ie rT) 43 RI ES SMITHSONIA = 'NSTITUTION NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLIWS $3 IyYVUgi oc. a oc e oc <%; = < — < oa 7 = oc > ac am a = = ia: a 2 od | NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYSIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION cr z= r = a a - @ = | w 0 > = > * > : - 2» 2. - = fF z : z O ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS, Sa iuVvudin . ce NS eo 4 . = > x 5 z = > 5 NA iB : ‘ 2 x a S 2 = 4 ~S > Ss BINS >’ = > Z2 77) ae z 77) z MLIILSNI_ NVINOSHLINS SJIYVUSIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN __ INSTITUTION a) Zz 4 ” z w 2 Ly 7) pa 7) us 77) i o — ow Toe c i a oa = = 4 o = cn. = ¥ ro) \ so re) = oO im Zz 2 ar = AR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILMLILSNI NVINOSHLINS $3 lYVugl ey. ” Published fortnightly by ie University of the State of New York Ti. " entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post. Office at Albany, N. Y., under Sh : the act of July 16, 1894 - - o : x = i : ¥ = ALBANY, N. Y. NOVEMBER I, 1908 ; New York State Museum a ; | ~ Joun M. Crarxe, Director : a - . , . 2 ~ Museum bulletin 123 +g = IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION IN NEW YORK STATE By: ie 8 Aull & Ss NEWLAND AND C. A. HARTNAGEL eae PAGE PAGE MPP ERTEGCUCTION. .....000.ce2c0rne+> Si |; Tike, Gres. 7i5..: . eepewe see ee or Previous studies.............--. 7 Mineralogy and structural fea- __. Distribution of the Clinton forma- _ HUseS.. .<<,.) -seeeee ee sas 45. | Sere ae 8 Chemical... charactéé:. gus. 3, <4 A7 - “Topographic TOAtwres... vue Pies 9 Origin of the Clinton ores..... 49 m7 General geology. .<...-...-s0-. 15. Minmg niethods, ... - Piatt a Commissioner of Education ANDREW S.-DrRAPER-LL.B. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners Aucustus S. Downtne M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. First Assistant FRANK Ro.uins B.A. Ph.D. Second Assistant Tuomas E. ‘Finecan M.A. J7hird Assistant Director of State Library James I. Wver, Jr, M.L.S.... Director of Science and State Museum Joun M. Crarxe Ph.D. LL.D. : Chiefs of Divisions Adininistiation: Harutan H. Horner B.A, Attendance, James D. SULLIVAN Educational Extension, WiLLiam: R. iceice M. A. M. L.S. Examinations, rere F. WHEELOCK B.S. LL.D. Inspections, FRanK H. Woop M.A. Law, Frank B. GILBERT B A. School Libraries, CHartes E. Fircu L.H.D. Statistics, Hiram C. CASE Trades Schools, ARTHUR D.-Dean B.S. Visual Instruction, DeLancey M. Etuis ) 5 Wil Es calae tainting cna ai alicia ails dient ainantins rai aati teats tages iia ali Ns ais cites: tinge lita tne idallan cibpee tln veeees tele mallets ee ee eee eve eee eee ett Sat Oe ‘x x npliments of JOHN M. CLARKE Director, Science Division STATE HALL, ALBANY N.Y. New York State Education Department Science Division, August 31, 1908 Hon. Andrew S. Draper LL. D. Commissioner of Education The investigations, the results whereof are here given, have been eae ed on by continuous drilling during the autumn, winter and ; ring of 1907-8 in a field where but slight effort has heretofore _ be en made to estimate the volume of iron ore available for pro- 3 Patios. This report conclusively indicates that in the region of = ce entral New York there exists a commercial asset in iron of great ~< magnitude and vast importance to the people of this State and the conclusions herewith set forth are in essential accord with the pre- diction made when it was recommended that the work be under- tak cen. ___ These operations have been carried on and the report prepared by . ep. _H. Newland, Assistant State Geologist, and C. A. Hartnagel, ", Assistant in Economic Geology. ee: Very respectfully Joun M. CLARKE State Geologist State of New York Education Department COMMISSIONER’S ROOM Albany, August 31, 1908 This is the report of the State Geologist covering a painstaking investigation of the extent of deposits of iron ore in the State, and having particular reference to the territory, something like one’ hundred miles in length, extending through the central part of the State, from Oneida and Otsego counties on the east to Wayne county on the west, for which a special appropriation was provided — in the annual supply bill of 1907. Having very earnestly recom- mended the appropriation, I find much satisfaction in the assurance of the Geologist that a conservative estimate, based upon this investi- gation, of the quantity of iron ore deposited in this region places the amount at six hundred millions of tons. If this estimate is war- ranted, New York might yet easily become the leading iron state in the Union. Of course, this report is scientific and technical, but surely signifies much; and if it points the way truly, as the experi- ence, attainments and assiduity of Dr Clarke, the State Geologist, warrant me in believing it does, it adds much to the economic re- sources, and is of much moment to the commercial prosperity of the State. The information it contains should be extended as quickly and as widely as practicable. Publication is approved and I hope it may be expedited. Commussioner of Education é } $ - ‘ 5 Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York 4 a eS. le s - -e. . ‘ = Entered as second-class matter June, 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 434 ALBANY, N. Y. NoveMBER 1, 1908 New York State Museum Joun M. CrarKke, Director Museum bulletin 123 TRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION IN ¢ NEW YORK STATE BY D. H. NEWLAND ; AND CA. HART NAGEL IERODUCTION The hematites accompanying the belt of Clinton strata in New York State have been worked commercially, though with some inter- ruptions, since the early part of the last century. It is on record that a mining lease was granted in Oneida county as far back as 1797, and a small quantity of ore was shipped from Wayne county during the War of 1812. Regular mining operations were not instituted, probably, until about 1825. A few years later charcoal fo ges and furnaces had been erected in Wayne, Madison and Or meida counties, as reported by the geologists connected with the ‘N atural History Survey of the State. | The production of Clinton ores has averaged about 75,000 tons mm the last few years. In 1907 it was 109,025 tons. The aggregate from the beginning may be placed at from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 ‘te tons, which is approximately the yield obtainable, with the average workable seam, from a square mile of area. Mining has been T estricted entirely to the surface portion of the beds, and little or nothing has been done by the mine interests, hitherto, toward Be kécation outside the limited fields of operations. 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM | By the present investigation it is hoped to anticipate, so far as may be, the need for a practical guide to the development of these deposits. With the aid of a legislative appropriation, specially granted for the purpose, it has been possible to perform a series of exploratory tests with the diamond drill and, from the results thus secured, to gain for the first time a general view of the ore dis- tribution over a considerable section of the Clinton belt. A detailed account of this work is included in the report. : The resources of the Clinton formation, known to exist within easy reach of mining operations, are so extensive that they seem to offer a promise of increased commercial importance for the future. The principal handicap to the use of the ores, hitherto, has been their relatively low iron content— from 35 to 45%. But with the rapidly growing demand made upon other eastern mining fields — which has been reflected by a steady falling off in the quality of the product in most cases — its effect is now much less apparent than formerly and will be subject, doubtless, to further reduction. A factor of considerable importance, also, in this connection is the fluxing nature of the Clinton ores, which counterbalances to an appreciable extent their deficiency of iron when used in the furnace. Because of the unusual interest which is being manifested in the deposits, it has been deemed best to make the results of the investi- gation public at an early date. To that end some matters of more remote economic application have received scant attention or have been omitted altogether from the discussion, though they might properly come within the scope of the report. The recent field work and exploration have brought out much that is new concern- ing Clinton stratigraphy and shown the need for a more thorough study of the New York section, to our knowledge of which little has been added since the reports of Hall and Vanuxem. The rela- tions of the formation to its associates, particularly, are open fo" inquiry. For the present nothing further can be done than to indicate some important corrections and to record observations on which such restudy may be based. For cooperation in the preparation of the report it is desired to express grateful acknowledgment to the mining and development enterprises and owners of ore properties, who have always given a ready response to inquiries and have extended many other courte- sies during the field and office work. The report has specially benefited by the assistance of Mr Charles A. Borst of Clinton, who _ IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 7 E contributed many facts relating to ore localities and mines in _ Oneida county, and of Mr H. M. Selleck and Mr Freeman Pintler of Ontario, who furnished much information about the ores of Wayne county. The line drawings accompanying the report have been made by Mr H. P. Whitlock. PREVIOUS STUDIES The researches of Hall and Vanuxem in connection with the first Geological Survey of New York State have been the source of most of our knowledge concerning the Clinton formation. The descriptions of its bounds and relations, as set forth in their final reports of 1842-43, have undergone no essential amend- ment to this day and are still standard for the recognition and comparison of the different Clinton occurrences elsewhere. Previous to their investigations, Amos Eaton had given a brief account of the ores and associated beds in his monograph, A Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal. Eaton seems to have visited the outcrops along the belt at intervals from Herkimer county to the Niagara river. The hematites are placed in the class of “secondary ferriferous rocks,” which are stated to consist principally of slate and sand- stone. It is not always possible to recognize the various mem- bers referred to by Eaton, though there is little doubt that the class includes parts of the Medina and Rochester formations, as now understood, in addition to the Clinton beds. Vanuxem, whose field of work was in the central part of the State, first described the Clinton and Niagara representatives under a single group which he called Protean. It was later found that the upper and lower members were of unequal dis- tribution, the latter having their strongest development in the eastern section, while the former were predominant in the west. The group accordingly was subdivided. The name Clinton was given to the lower part, from the village of Clinton, Oneida co., and as a “tribute to one who spared no effort to extend a knowledge of science and to add to its acquisitions.” The out- crop of the strata was traced by Vanuxem as far west as Cayuga county. In the final report by James Hall, covering the western section of the Clinton, the following subdivisions are recognized, in as- _ cending order: 1°’ Lower green shale; 2 Oolitic or lenticular iron ore; 3 Pentamerus limestone; 4 Second green shale, with S NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM second iron ore bed; 5 Upper limestone. The exposures of iron ore existing at the time are recorded in detail by both Hall and Vanuxem whose reports, also, are replete with information relat- ing to the character, thickness and other features of the beds. The portion of the Clinton belt included in the limits of the Rochester quadrangle, about 13 miles from east to west, has been mapped by C: A. Hartnagel. The map is on the usual scale of the folio sheets (1 mile to the inch) which are in prep- aration for the whole State. In the report accompanying the map the five subdivisions of Hall are described under the local names: Sodus shale, Furnaceville iron ore, Wolcott limestone, Williamson shale, Irondequoit limestone. The papers by C. H. Smyth jr, contain an accurate and ex- haustive exposition of the origin of the Clinton ores —by far the most satisfactory that has appeared. The evidences Professor Smyth has brought to bear upon the question, from the stand- points of geology and chemistry, must be convincing to any one familiar with the local deposits. For these, at least, the view of secondary replacement which has been advanced by some geolo- gists, may be regarded as completely disproved. A discussion of the subject of origin, with a statement of Professor Smyth’s views, is given in a subsequent chapter. DISTRIBUTION OF THE CLINTON FORMATION The Clinton strata—comprising shales, limestones, sand- stones and interbedded layers of iron ore—are found in a single belt which extends from the eastern central part of the States to the Niagara river and thence for some distance into the Province of Ontario. The length of the belt, included within the limits of the State, is about 225 miles. | On the east the strata can be traced into Otsego county, where ~ they thin out to disappearance, though they were formerly sup- posed to continue southeasterly into Schoharie and Albany counties. From field observations made recently by one of the writers (C. A. Hartnagel) it would appear that they terminate in the town of Cherry Valley, a short distance east of Salt Springville. This is undoubtedly the limit of their deposition in eastern New York. . _ West from Otsego county the Clinton belt passes successively through Herkimer, Oneida, Madison, Onondaga, Oswego, Cayuga, Wayne, Monroe, Orleans and Niagara counties; it { 4 v f - eo % . - " - ee , , i dl “erry Stchaiedicc, a : Pet, it ® a sy ie s * j ea Sh a j a tf thy ‘s: s Ww ¥Y i ’ i ~ F, Ske ly EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JOHN M. CLARKE STATE GEOLOGIST STATE MUSEUM BULLETIN 123, PLATE1 MAP SHOWING POSITION AND EXTENT OF THE OUTCROP OF THE CLINTON FORMATION IN NEW YORK Port Ho toronte 4 / L Aw eGouvemne i O Eb Jatertown. | X ra \oBath —~ 4 Cher) Valley | i ) / Otsego a \ ng ie % j fen ees ; HancocK\y 72 yn: Oa Ny ———— Peel ¢ Apes ait Ait Ty net Bet THALIO 2A TMGUS TREVOSO AY BTATR 4 ‘ 7 4 3 “YIWOHE AM | ee a Ok Borges | | e cee AAD: Bo. Bix: ; ao «86 T TO AGHOTUO ay AMAT HO PATIO Al | ae ; a. ‘< BEOY. wan ie, aia 7* + ‘ ays * be on ay q fF a - = ae Mus es : > a ’ he a . : ee v 4 i hd te ee a > > ¥ “2 7 ‘ . eA J ;: iF Bie ae ear ie ce ‘ ai a ; bas bY MEN) t ie er ‘4 - me » = Ay ‘ i cour a <4) Ae . SS aaa 5 Yau, ee. _ a> Line ae Soe, ae we i NE ce. 5 cleat atte og SAY he ite Remeiebdaeeie et Pt Biel Pegg pe ae Se alt as ot iv 4 27°" PL tiey , atten | SES nar - IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 9 crosses the Niagara river at the falls and comes to an end prob- ably in the Province of Ontario. The Clinton areas of Ohio and Wisconsin seem to have been formed in basins separate from the above. The width of the outcropping strata as shown on the maps ranges up to a maximum of about 5 miles. It is greatest in the central part, in the vicinity of Oneida lake and immediately westward. It diminishes very gradually away from that sec- tion, specially to the west, where the strata continue for a long distance with scarcely perceptible changes. The outcrop nar- rows more quickly toward the east mainly on account of the increasing inclination of the beds in that direction. The restriction of the Clinton strata to the single belt above delimited is not in accordance with the work of the early geol- ogists, generally accepted until recent years, but it has the sup- port of most convincing evidence. The beds in Schoharie and Albany counties that were formerly supposed to represent the eastern continuation of the belt are now known to be of much later (Salina) age. Likewise the areas in the Skunnemunk and Shawangunk mountains of Sullivan and Orange counties, some 60 miles long altogether, assigned to the Clinton in the early reports, have since been demonstrated to be of post-Clinton development. TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES The Clinton outcrop is seldom traceable by the surface con- figuration. Physically and structurally united to the beds above and below, the formation has developed few topographic features, by weathering or erosion, that are distinctive. In the extreme west the Clinton strata are involved in the Niagara escarpment of which they constitute the median portion as ex- posed in the Niagara gorge. Passing eastward the escarpment become less prominent as a scenic feature and practically disap- pears in the vicinity of Rochester. The soft shales have been denuded so as to yield a gentle slope from the level of the Lock- port limestone at the top down to the Ontario plain that is floored by Medina sandstone. The outcrop of the formation widens out, of course, with the flattening of the topography. At Rochester the Clinton strata are crossed by the Genesee river which occupies a deep gorge at this point, causing a V-shaped up- stream deflection of the outcrop. This is the only place east of the TO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Niagara gorge where the strata are exposed from the base to the top. Five miles farther east the depression occupied by Irondequoit bay causes another deflection in which the beds are bent in a long loop toward the south. : Beyond Irondequoit bay the basal members of the Clinton spread out northward and cross the “ Ridge road,” a conspicuous terrace which marks the old shore line of the glacial Lake Iroquois. Their northerly outcropping edge parallels this shore line, about a mile distant, as far as Sodus, Wayne co. Between Sodus and Verona, Oneida co., an embayment of Lake Iroquois extended southward into the Finger Lake region and the entire Clinton between these localities is included within the old lake basin. In the section from Sodus to the Oswego river, drumlins form a prominent feature of the topography, whereas to the west they are but little developed in the vicinity of the Clinton belt. Their pres- ence conditions the great variation in the amount of overburden en- countered in this part, which may reach a thickness of 100 feet or more. They have the usual elongated oval shape, with the main axis parallel to the direction of the ice movement, which was about north and south. They attain an average length of a mile, and some of the more rounded ones are half that in width. Their distribution is irregular, closely set and overlapping at the bases in some places and again spreading out so as to leave an intervening stretch of level country. There are few exposures of the underlying rocks, chiefly along the streams that wind through the connecting depressions. In the Oneida lake region, the Clinton formation crosses a very flat part of the Iroquois basin. The surface is composed mostly of clays and sands that have been washed over and leveled by wave action. The thickness of these materials is inconsiderable, though few rock outcrops occur. After entering Oneida county, the trend of ‘the formation, nities nearly east and west, bears gradually to the south until it is about © 30° south of east. From Verona to Hecla Works, the country is still comparatively level, but loses this character as the Mohawk river is approached, near which the formation becomes involved in the range of hills that limits the valley on the south and merges gradually with the higher ranges of the Helderbergs, so as to present an uninterrupted highland extending eastward into Albany county. ~ IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION Tf GENERAL GEOLOGY Stratigraphic relations of the Clinton formation The Clinton formation falls within the middle division of the Upper Siluric or Ontaric system. At the base of this system, as con- stituted in New York, lies the Oswegan group which includes the Medina and Oswego sandstones and the Oneida conglomerate. The middle or Niagaran group consists of the Clinton at the base, fol- lowed by the Rochester shale and the Lockport and Guelph dolo- mites. The upper or Cayugan group is made up, in ascending order, of the Salina, Cobleskill, Rondout and Manlius formations. The succession is shown in the following table: 5 ERA OR SYSTEM PERIOD OR GROUP AGE OR STAGE Manlius limestone ‘Rondout waterlime Cobleskill limestone Salina beds : Cayugan Lockport dolomite Rochester shale Clinton beds 4 : or Niagaran / Ontaric Guelph dolomite Upper Siluric | Oswegan the Oswego sandstone and ; | te sandstone, including Oneida conglomerate In tracing the Upper Siluric formations across the State it has been found that the higher members have a greater linear extent than the lower ones. This is due to a progressive overlap in sedimenta- ‘tion, whereby each member has had a wider area of deposition than the one immediately preceding. The general relations will be readily understood from the accompanying diagram. It will be ob- served that there is one exception to the statement above in regard ee eae eee ee ; ar plea e h er cee ee a ee WA +, ; Hie xa arr a he Pe he ey iw ae! HIN]IG EMO] OY} OF WOHeIeI Jt8y3 puL ‘aqe4) suoreULI0J oFINIIg Jeddy, ey} Jo yue}xe vow! pur UOT Fe os) S YOR MON ur ing 2s: a ¥ sod aatzejar Burmoys uresse fo | sk 5 yNIGIW ma F Tae Nia eran ons ag ate ay 2 . = — yah aaa i = : NOW QIUNTIS YaMor Kathe ee ; YO OINVINO u31S3H004 < Nd | we ; VS ’ ? — - tee z a | yninys | Be es VU$3190 : | : ‘ TET | : % | InoaNow : 7 = Ge ean ot Se Site SNOWVWO4 JINOAIA : es 1 B SNOLLYWYO 9INOA3O | Z = 2 , 5 Z z z 28 é q 2 3 2c 3 = z ny ¢ ¢ ° 2 s § 5 - ¥ Ss ° i ~ > i \ « i a : ; 5 rH | , oe as, Pe in) et aoe ea a os ap > vi _ a . i . < ~~” ao? a ne ee eo ; 4 “wr Ss ees weet alia) IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 7 13 - to overlapping of the strata, due to a slight uplift which seems to have occurred at the close of the Clinton age. The effect of the uplift is apparent in limiting the transgression of the Niagaran sea to the east, causing the disappearance of the upper members in that direction and bringing the Salina into contact with the Clinton beds. : The whole series of Upper Siluric strata of central and western New York from the Medina up to and including the Niagaran group was laid down in the great mediterranean, known as the Mississip- pian sea, which came into existence probably during Cambric times. ~The sea was shut off from the Atlantic basin by a broad barrier that extended along the Appalachian protaxis from New Brunswick through New England, eastern New York and the intervening states to northern Alabama and connected on the north with the conti- nental old-land or Laurentia of Canada. At the opening of Upper Siluric time the barrier had assumed increased proportions through the Taconic revolution. The sediments which had accumulated along the shore of the Appalachian and Canadian regions during Cam- bric and Lower Siluric times were upraised and folded. Thus, the entire eastern section of New York State became land. Follow- ing this uplift the interior sea began to extend its limits so that the Upper Siluric deposits encroached more and more upon the land surface to the east. With the Cayugan period, sedimentation took place again in southeastern New York. Representatives of this group are found across the State from the Niagara river to Albany county. Here their line of outcrop bends to the south, passing into Ulster county, and thence southwest through Sullivan and Orange counties and into New Jersey in the vicinity of Port Jervis. Disconnected areas, constituting outliers of the main belts, are met with in Orange county, running southwest from the Skunnemunk mountain region. These outliers consist of conglomerate of Salina age (the Shawan- gunk conglomerate of New York State and the Green Pond con- glomerate of New Jersey) followed by a series of sandstones, shales and limestones. Formerly the series was considered to be- long to an earlier period of deposition, the conglomerate having been taken for the equivalent of the Oneida in central New York and some of the overlying beds for the Clinton. The Upper Siluric beds follow each other in conformable ar- Ttangement. After the Taconic upheaval sedimentation appears to have been continuous during the whcle of the following era. The 14 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Taconic disturbance is most apparent in the eastern part of the State where there exists a strong erosional unconformity between the Lower and the Upper Siluric that is well marked also by basal conglomerates (Oneida, Skunnemunk and Shawangunk) ; its appar- ent influence can not be traced farther west than Oswego county, as Vanuxem! has noted that no break occurs in the succession from the Lower Siluric to the Oswego sandstone of that section. The Upper Siluric formations, for the most part, have the char- acters of shallow water accumulations. In the basal members sand- stones and conglomerates prevail and are made up of the coarser quartzose detritus from the wash of the nearby land. Some finer sands and muds were brought down and deposited during Medina time to form the shales which are interbedded with the sandstones, but it was not until Clinton time that they came to be the predomi- nant material. During this and the succeeding Rochester ages silts were accumulated in great thickness, though there were brief periods in the Clinton when they gave way to limestones and in eastern © New York to calcareous sandstones. With the beginning of Lock- port time the conditions of sedimentation became favorable to the deposition of limestones and these rocks were laid down all through the rest of the Upper Siluric, with one notable interruption repre- sented by the Salina shales. The changes in the character of the sedimentation are to be regarded, doubtless, as reflecting a certain amount of coastal oscillation which produced shallowing or deepen- ing of the waters adapted to the different deposits. It is not neces- sary to suppose, however, that the shales and limestones required any great depths for their accumulation. On the other hand there are unmistakable evidences that they were laid down for the most part within the littoral reign. The Clinton and many of the over- lying limestones are of fragmental character, composed of fossils _that were washed up on the old beaches where they were worked over and ground by wave action. Abundant beach markings, such | as ripple marks, shrinkage cracks, worm borings and tracks of crustaceans are to be found in the shales. During Clinton time there seems to have been an approach to the ~ conditions which later in the Salina age led to the extensive deposi- tion of salt and gypsum. These conditions may have been initiated even as early as Medina time. Salt springs are found not infre- quently along the outcrop of the Medina sandstones and in such a state of concentration that they were once used commercially for Adceols N,' Y¥. gd Dist. 1842, op.+ 61 vet. seg. ‘IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION I5 the extraction of salt. Their presence, even if not due to included beds of rock salt, which so far have never been discovered, indicates a high degree of salinity for the waters, that is likely to have been _ brought about by evaporation in basins shut off from free communi- _ ¢ation with the sea. The deposition of the Clinton hematites required a similar concentration, as will be explained later in the discussion of their origin. _ The existence of shallow waters, sheltered bays and lagoons re- quisite to the accumulation of deposits like those characteristic of _ the Clinton formation may be considered as indicative of an exten- _ sive coastal plain stretching southward from the ancient land masses 7 — the Laurentian and Adirondack areas. Such a coastal plain had been built up from wash of the lands during the long interval from Potsdam to Medina time. During the Medina age there must have _ been a gradual sinking of this platform with the progress of sedi- _ mentation, and the subsidence continued into Clinton time, though not on the same scale. As to the northern limits of the shore line during Clinton time, there is little information to be gained from present conditions. Since the uplifting of the strata, they have been continuously sub- jected to erosion and their outcropping portions worn back until they are now considerably south of the original limits. It seems scarcely probable, however, that the Clinton beds ever extended so far north as to overlap on the crystallines, since this would involve the removal of more than 100 miles of rock on the western end of the belt, between the present line of outcrop and the southern edge of the Canadian Precambric area. The materials of which the Clinton strata are composed were _ derived ultimately from the Precambric crystallines. A small por- tion may have been furnished by the Paleozoic sediments fringing the crystalline areas and previously upraised above sea level. But as these sediments are for the most part low in iron, it is to the Precambric gneisses and schists with their relatively high iron con- - tent and extensive iron ore deposits that we must look for the source of the Clinton hematites. The only sedimentary strata of the lower Paleozoic that contain appreciable percentages of iron are the Me- dina and Potsdam sandstones. The crystalline rocks, on the other hand, uniformly carry several per cent of iron oxids, both free as : . magnetite and combined in the silicate minerals, and in the Adiron- - dack region they inclose important bodies of magnetite, hen.atite and _ pyrite. 16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The ferruginous minerals were set free from the containing rocks by the processes of weathering and denudation which were operative during a vast time interval. The Adirondack region ex- isted as a land area throughout the latter part of the Precambric and all of the Cambric eras. In the Lower Siluric era it was de= 4 pressed and encroached upon by the sea, but with the Taconic ~ revolution it was again upraised to remain as a land surface to the present time. The weathering sufficed to break up the ferromag- nesian constituents, the iron going into solution, while the magnetite and pyrite were also changed more or less completely into soluble compounds. Very little magnetite and none of the original pyrite are found in the early sediments formed from the decay of the crystallines. While it appears reasonable that the magnetite may have been brought down partly as sand and subsequently altered to hematite, producing the red sandstones of the Potsdam and Medina formations, there is much reason for believing that the Clinton ores were deposited from solution in which the iron existed for the most part as ferrous carbonate but to some extent possibly as sulfate. The conditions under which the ores were formed are set forth more fully in a subsequent chapter. ee ee ee eS ee eee ee General structure The Clinton beds are uniformly inclined toward the south, the direction of slope of the original coastal plain on which they were deposited. Their uplift from sea level seems to have taken place gradually and with little disturbance of their relative position. They are nowhere displaced by faults, apparently, and only in a broad way, as will be explained later, can they be said to show evidences. of flexure. ie | The lowest dips are encountered in the central portion of the belt, in Wayne and Cayuga counties. From the records of the deep wells driven south of the outcrops, it has been possible to determine the dips for this section with great exactitude. Beginning in the central. part, along the meridian of middle Wayne county, the strata have an inclination amounting to 820 feet in the 18 miles from the Alloway well to the outcrops on Second creek, or an average of 45 feet to the mile. In the 13 miles from the Clyde well to the line of outcrop due north, as near as it can be located, the aggregate is 640 feet or 49 feet to the mile. Between the well at Seneca Falls and the Wolcott exposures, a distance of 25 miles along the meridian, the average is 48 feet. to the mile. From the Auburn well to Sterling Station on a line slightly west of north the mean dip for the 25 miles is 51 feet to the mile. 17 ‘a[tur 94} 07 4oaz OS ynogeE 04 SUTUNOW ‘payeoIpul UeY} SSO YOnUE st vyeI4s oY} Jo uOTyeUTfoUT jenqoe ayy, “Ajunoo suheM Uso4sva ut o1n[ig 1addq 244 sso1ov UOI}OaS [Rap] oz “BI 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM In Erie county on the western end of the belt the dip of the Upper Siluric strata has usually been estimated at 50 feet or less to the mile. The Clinton outcrop, however, here lies fully 150 feet higher with respect to sea level than it does in the central part, a circumstance that seems to indicate a higher rate of inclination than the above, when it is further considered that the line of out- crop is somewhat south of its position in Wayne and Cayuga coun- ties. At Rochester the dip has been stated at 80 feet to the mile, in a direction slightly east of south. . On the eastern section of the belt the dips increase progressively from Madison to Herkimer county, while there is likewise a grad- ual increase of elevation of the outcrop. The average dip, as determined from the Chittenango and Lakeport wells, in Madison county, is 62 feet to the mile over a distance of 8 miles. The dip of the iron ore at Clinton as determined by leveling is 150 feet to the mile. There is little basis for calculation of the dips in the part of the belt beyond Oneida county, but it is to be expected naturally that the beds are more highly inclined as they come more and more within the zone of the Appalachian uplift. It is in this region that the Clinton outcrop reaches its highest elevation which is about 1400 feet. At Clinton the elevation is about 700 feet. In eastern Wayne county the iron ore bed lies at nearly the level of Lake Ontario which is 246 feet. In Niagara county the northern outcropping edge of the Clinton is found at about 400 feet. A comparison of the dips given above shows that the uplifting of the beds has been accompanied by a certain amount of warping, the effect of which has been to give the formation as a whole a broad synclinal arrangement, with the depressed portion in the central part near the Wayne-Cayuga county line, where the beds attain their most northerly extent within the State. East of this line the gen- eral dip is toward the southwest, becoming more marked as the eastern termination is approached. Between Cayuga and Monroe counties the dip is slightly east of south. West of Monroe county the syncline appears to be interrupted by a minor undulation, indi- cated by the southwesterly dip of the beds at Niagara Falls. Details of Clinton stratigraphy The name Protean originally applied to the Clinton beds by Van- uxem is significant of their extreme variability. They comprise a heterogeneous assemblage of sedimentary types that show little uni- eee ee IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 19 J formity from place to place. Frequent changes in lithic character, thickness and faunal contents are observable throughout their ex- tent in New York State. _ In Niagara county, on the western end of the belt, limestone with a smaller amount of shale constitutes the entire formation. Passing through Orleans into Monroe county where the beds are again well exposed, it is found that the shale predominates over the limestone, a relation which holds true in a general way throughout the re- Enainder of the distance to Herkimer county. In Monroe county the first hematite seam is encountered in outcrop, though it prob- ably begins farther west. In Wayne and Cayuga counties there are important changes with respect to the relative development of the shales above and below the lower or main ore bed, while a second ; hematite stratum accompanied by limestone makes its appearance. Duplication of the ore seam is a common feature from here to Oneida county. Within the interval included by Oswego, Onondaga and Madison counties the shales attain even greater relative strength, compared with the limestone. Throughout the middle part of the belt, from Wayne to Madison counties, the lower ore bed lies but a few feet above the Medina formation. In Oneida county, how- ever, there is a very appreciable thickening of the basal green shale which causes the ore to lie from 40 to 100 feet over the Medina. Toward eastern Oneida county, the shale becomes quartzose, grad- ing into thinly bedded sandstone with shaly layers. _ From Oneida county the stratigraphic bounds of the formation are somewhat indefinite. It is particularly difficult to establish the upper Beinits, since the extent of the Rochester beds above has not been ‘definitely ascertained. Recent paleontological investigations around Clinton and east of there seem to indicate that the sandstone and ‘Shale beds heretofore regarded as upper Clinton may belong to the Rochester. The strata in Herkimer county are closely involved at the base with the Oneida conglomerate and the exact line of demar- cation betwcen them has not, as yet, been satisfactorily determined. The stratigraphic succession along the belt will be shown more in detail by a number of sections that have been prepared from €xposures and records of drill borings. The sections are given in order from west to east. Attention may be called here to the _ records of the test holes recently put down in the portion of the belt eerom Wayne to Oneida county given in detail in the chapter relat- ‘ ing to exploration. i: An q > ' 1 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Niagara river. The Clinton strata are exposed within the Niagara gorge all the way from the falls to Lewiston at the north end. They are overlain by 70 feet of Rochester shale and rest upon the “gray band” that forms the uppermost layer of the Medina." Their aggregate thickness is 32 feet. STRATA ) FEET Bluish gray limestone, somewhat crystalline, fossiliferous. 12 Compact limestone, few fossils, carries iron pyrite in lower portion, the only semblance of the iron ore seams farther CASt: es seco este eae See eee i gn 14 Rochester. Between Niagara river and Rochester, a distance of 75 miles, no complete sections of the Clinton are available. At Rochester the Genesee river cuts through the entire formation, af- fording one of the best exposures along the entire belt. STRATA FEET Bluish gray limestone (Irondequoit), crystalline, abun- dant fossils in Certain partS<.... Jas.) oc oo es 18 Green shale (Williamson) with dark bands ~ontaingae graptolites and pearly bands near top with Anoplo- theca hemspherica... 01 Red | Hard limestone (Wolcott), silicious, holding Pentam- erus oblongus, commonly known as Pentam- erus limestone... s-050 2.2. ent ss ae oo Rae | Iron ore (Furnaceville), fossil hematite... .... 2a 14 (ins ] Green shale (Sodus), few fossils:.... 2°. -. =a Pe ae The formation is here 81 feet thick, a gain of 49 feet. over the | . thickness shown at Niagara Falls, mostly repress in the shale members [see pl. 2]. Ontario, Wayne co. From the mine workings and drill holes : near Ontario, 15 miles northeast of Rochester, the following suc-— cession has been established for the lower members of the for- mation. STRATA | FEET moll gad provely titi 5 Sa, ites 5 MENG aos ea aes ceca sagen 10+ Shale (Williamson) grading into isotions below -<.298 , 3 : ? *For fuller description of the Niagara Falls section, Grabau, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 45. rgor. , Plate 2 Rochester shale Upper limestone ({frondequoit) Upper green shale (Williamson) Lower limestone (Wolcott) Iron ore (Furnace- ville) POP oat ey) Sy a Clinton beds 81 feet. Lower green shale (Sodus) Medina gray band Red Medina shales Genesee gorge, Rochester, showing the upper Medina, the Clinton beds and the base of the Rochester shale af ean tea ey lh oe - 4 aes ge ss Wir es a S “i IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 21 Bene. STRATA : FEET Limestone (Wolcott), with abundant Pentamerus...... 8 EE ONS ee 22 in Z een shale (Sodus) compact, calcareous............. IO+ IES 02 hh. he ae a Pata? hp ee ge ada : Wallington, Wayne co. From the test hole put down at this ality, the following condensed section has been prepared. The | details are given in the part of the present report relating to the recent exploration. The section is introduced here for the pur- pose of elucidating the stratigraphic relations in this region which shave not, heretofore, been satisfactorily explained. STRATA | ; FEET SOE i a ee RS Sense a ite) a ark shale UE aa ane ea aa 30 Pentamerus Temes eae: vir ee eee ee ee 14 Shale, , thin bedded, with few fossil varieties 1 hae er age 54 : Pentarmerus limestone in a a eee ee 13 oS ae wt eee ee nae I Sion. rr eee is eh PIS ne ne oe la e late’ Sie ee I Qre, iGasil:.. - Irene Aor s en ee a 8 in. Gre MMCaLe NS). 2... bcc ks ee wee es 5 Medina a eS Sagi os a ile a els es ae 2+ ead thickness of the Clinton shown in the hole is 135 feet, n increase of 54 feet over the amount at Rochester. it will be observed that there are two beds of the Pentamerus limestone, separated by 54 feet of shale. In the early reports this plication of the limestone was not recognized, which led to a mis- erpretation of Clinton stratigraphy in the eastern half of Wayne ol inty. The main or lower ore horizon, indicated by the two ear in the above section, occurs just below the first liniestone bed, a position that is constant throughout Wayne county. There is in some places a third ore seam immediately above the upper Pentam- erus limestone. This is shown on Second creek, near the entrance > Sodus bay, a little way east of Wallington, a locality referred to by a. as the Shaker settlement. From study of the Second creek posure Hall expressed the opinion that the limestone there was identical with the lower Pentamerus and that the iron ore bed found a 3) ve it was the only one in that locality. It is now certs iin that he re e are two ore horizons, the lower being concealed, as its line of 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM outcrop brings it beneath Sodus bay. In the same way Hall identi- — fied the ore bed at Wolcott furnace with the seam opened to the ~ east and recently worked at Sterling Station, while they are really ~ two different beds separated by from 75 to 100 feet of shale. Clyde, Wayne co. A deep well was put down in 1887, in the — village of Clyde, about 13 miles south of the Clinton outcrop. The — altitude at the mouth of the well is given by Prosser,’ from whose ~ paper the record has been taken, as 389 feet. The boring was made with a churn drill. The iron ore reported is near the top Ofetaems Clinton and represents probably the upper ore horizon. ) STRATA FEET Gray, green and blue marls (Salina) ..........5. eee 152 Red. marls (salina) .no 7. Ss Sacer eas ne 156 Blue and green maris: (Salina)..>...... 7.2.72 32 Dark blue limestone, dolomitic (Lockport) ....2 0am 110 Shaly. limestone’ (Rechester).. 0.52.55. 02.) ..2 en 225 Shale and limestone, first 15 feet reddish with iron ore RC tom \\. Wage satpirccts covet itaceRts kes eet eee rr 83 _ Red shale (Medina). eb pate ba te tiple ore) ae 24° sandstone (Medina): 20 yc)... 20d Pe a ae ee ae The well was continued into the Hudson River beds, Bae a total depth of 1792 feet. | Alloway, Wayne co. In 1899 a deep boring was made at — Alloway, 18 miles south of the Clinton outcrop and 8 miles south- west of the Clyde well at an altitude of 410 feet.2 The well was _ Started in the Salina and the Niagaran group was reached at 580 © feet. No data were obtainable as to the Clinton beds, but they must — have been penetrated above 980 feet where the first Medina was found. Seneca Falls, Cayuga co. A deep well was put down at this — place, which is 12 miles southeast of Clyde and 25 miles south of — the Clinton outcrop near Wolcott. After penetrating the Salina — formation, the Niagaran strata were encountered at gso feet. The combined thickness of the Clinton, Rochester and Lockport beds, — which are not differentiated in the records, is given as 400 feet. The top of the Medina was encountered at 1350 feet. The altitude of the mouth of the well is 385 feet. : 4 a t1Am. Geol. 1890. 6: 203. 7 C. S.. Prosser. Am. Geol. 1900. 25: 353. 3 Prosser. Am. Geol. 1890. 6: 203. - ' . ? - 7 ; q ir. L ie IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 23 _ Wolcott, Wayne co. The section of the Clinton at Wolcott, condensed from the record of the recent test hole, is as follows. STRATA . FEET ESR es Sy os 22 ey iy onde we one os 13 'ati colored shale, with graptolites................... ‘A4 RE a8 Ds eh ere LGB ee oes ae, 2 I Meets Limestone . 2.2... 2. ee ee ce eee eee 22 0 a Ue Seek aes Me OE ei a ia cee aS ae i 62 meme mestone, lower Pentamerus.........0.....-.. ioe Semmemnta Mestone Seat... . 2... se ee age eee eee 2 eagle ...... joe det Eee oP oemeete onli Arie at merece na 2+ The drill did not penetrate through the lowest Clinton shale which probably extends 3 or 4 feet below the bottom of the hole. Esti- mating the thickness of this shale at 6 feet, the Clinton beds aggre- gate 164 feet, as compared with 135 feet at Wallington. The upper hematite seam here shown must disappear w ithin a comparatively short distance to the east, since it was not found in the hole at Red Creek. It is present, however, just north of Alton, on Second creek, 10 miles west of Wolcott, but thins out entirely before Wallington is reached. The lower Pentamerus limestone is here quite shaly, containing fewer fossils than farther west. East of Wolcott it is scarcely recognizable. The limestones generally be- come less important after the belt passes Wayne county. Through- out the eastern part they never form solid masses of any size but are always in thin layers with shale intercalations. Red Creek, Wayne co. The test hole at this place was drilled _ to a depth of 178 feet before reaching the ore horizon. The section of the Clinton may not be complete. The greater part of the hole was in shale, with limestone between 86 and 103 feet, representing, | perhaps, the upper Pentamerus. About 2 feet of limestone, repre- senting the lower Pentamerus, was found just above the ore. The complete record is given elsewhere. Auburn, Cayuga co. A deep well was drilled during 1897-08 about 1% miles north of Auburn. The locality is 24 miles south of the Clinton outcrop at Fair Haven. The strata assigned to the Clinton by Prosser! consisted of green noncalcareous shale, 10 feet, and clear green argillaceous shale, 115 feet. Since no samples were ; inspected from r2go feet when the drill was in Lockport limestone 4Am. Geol. rg00. 25: 157. a 24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM to 1380 feet where the green noncalcareous shale was met, it is likely that the top of the Clinton was missed and that the beds are only partly represented in the aggregate of 125 feet above given. South Granby, Oswego co. A nearly complete section of the Clinton formation was afforded by the test hole put down at South. Granby, 15 miles east of Red Creek. An abridged record is given below. The drill started in Rochester shale, which became limey below, grading apparently into the Clinton limestone. STRATA FEET Limestone... 5 SN Be ce een - a4 Shale, with 4 inches of limestone at 102 feet depth...:.. 95 Light colored limestone, with traces of hematite........ 3 Shale, with 3 inches of iron-ore.. .4. 2605.2 5. 3 4 Limestone, basal part shaly....... ition 14 Shale, -with: limestone “bands: 032-5. .<2. 96 69 Ore; OOMEIC ssc Vis ie Gee, Vhs de eee ee 8 in. MOttled shale wos: Peactaiwee tise fiw ee ae rr 4 The lowest shale was not drilled through, but its base is probably not more than a foot or so below the bettom of the hole. The aggregate thickness is 190 feet. Brewerton, Onondaga co. The test hole drilled at Brewerton afforded a partial Clinton section of 130 feet. STRATA — : FEET. Olive shale, with 2 inches of fossil ore at 56 feet depth and thin limestone bands at intervals. 2. °. 2:22 eee 124 Ore,’ oO] i oe eae es nee tk oe Ae ee (621m, Sandstone and shale From outcrops in the vicinity it is judged that the shale above _ the ore must be at least 150 feet thick. The drill was placed near — the lake level and passed through 14 feet of clay before the shale — was reached. Syracuse. Two deep wells were drilled in 1884 near Syracuse. One, known as the Gale well, was put down 3 miles northwest of 4 Syracuse near Onondaga lake and a little way east of the Oswego 4 canal. The altitude at the mouth of the well is given as 435 feet. The record was reported by Dr F. E. Englehardt.1 The Salina — shales were penctrated to a depth of 525 feet, followed by the — ‘Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs, 1884. hn >. — mse ee wal IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 25 | Niagaran strata. Oolitic hematite was encountered at 976 feet and ‘continued, according to the record, till 986 feet. The passage from the Clinton into the Medina strata was taken at 1007 feet depth and a ording to Prosser’s interpretation at g91 feet. On the latter basis the combined thickness of the Clinton, Rochester and Lock- “port beds amounted to 466 feet. The second well, known as the State well,’ was drilled a short distance southeast of the Gale well. The record given by Dr Englehardt does not vary essentially from the preceding, so far as the Clinton is concerned. The ore bed was encountered at 995 feet, with an estimated thickness of 5 feet. _ Chittenango, Madison co. This is the site of a deep well which was drilled in 1890. The altitude at the top of the well is estimated at 444 feet. Prosser? gives the Clinton as beginning at 567 feet depth, with a green argillaceous shale 33 feet thick. Below this is bluish gray shale, 44 feet. Then follows dark gray calcareous material with iron ore, 11 feet, and at the base green argillaceous shale, 235 feet; the lower 10 feet having “a few reddish chips like iron ore.” _ Lakeport, Madison co. A section from the base to the top of the Clinton formation is afforded by the test hole drilled at Lake- port, on the south shore of Oneida lake, about 6 miles from the ‘eastern end. The hole was started in the basal Lockport, a dolomitic limestone, which was underlain by 22 feet of Rochester shale. 3 STRATA | FEET Limestone, with much shale and 6 inches of iron ore at Nine SS iso alan cea ascicd a bees sas 17 ES 1 | a 22 Ore, fossil, alternating with limestone and shale........ 214 @umme) with thin limestone................-ceececeees 45 Ore, SG fae ee na ee I I ity AL TOD iis ee cee ne bee els aes 2 o@ E The thickness of the strata aggregates 295 feet. This is about the ‘maximum for the.Clinton in New York State. The main element of the formation, as will be observed, consists of the upper shale, above the ore horizon, which reaches a much greater thickness than ‘in any other portion of the belt. The presence of this great bed of , shale affords an explanation for the depression occupied by Oneida 1 Geo) Soc. Am. Bul. I892. 4: 102. _* Geol. Soc. Am, Bul. 1892. 4: 97. 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lake which lies mainly within its area of outcrop, extending east and west along the strike. The more resistent strata of the Oneida and Medina formations border the lake on the north and the contours rise rather rapidly from the shore line, while to the south there is a level stretch several miles wide underlain by the upper Niagaran and Salina beds before the first line of ridges is reached. The basin is the result, thus, of differential weathering and erosion, pet ional: in large part perhaps during glacial times. Verona, Oneida co. The Clinton strata are well exposed in Verona township, northeast of the city of Oneida. They occupy a strip from 4 to 5 miles wide that is clearly defined by the outcrop of the Oneida conglomerate on the north and the Lockport limestone on the south. The conglomerate occurs in close proximity to the lower Clinton shale. The latter, as shown by the section obtained in the test well at Verona Station, has a thickness of over 35 feet, considerably more than in the sections to the west. It increases still more eastward until at Clinton the thickness is nearly 100 feet. There is much interest attached to the ore occurrence in this vicinity, since the character of the hematites appears to be quite different from that of the ores exposed around Clinton and in the town of Westmoreland where the next outcrops to the east are found. . The main bed is a fossil ore and occupies the same relative horizon in the formation as the Clinton oolitic bed. The presence of a second ‘seam, from 25 to 30 feet above this bed, is evidenced by the excavations made in the village of Verona. This seam con- sists of lean, limey fossil ore containing crinoid fragments and large-sized brachipods. There appears to be a third ore horizon, still higher up, represented by the seam that comes to the surface on the Donnelly farm, 5 miles northwest of Oneida and is possibly identical with the ore mentioned by Vanuxem! as occurring at Josce- lin’s Corners, between the hamlets of Lakeport and Oneida Lake. Its horizon is shown by the thin band found at 66 feet in the Lake- port hole. Clinton, Oneida co. Though this is the type locality for the Clinton formation, the stratigraphic relations here are still somewhat indefinite. No sharp line of demarcation can be found between the Clinton and the Oneida-Medina formations below, and the upper limits are equally difficult to determine. A solution of the problem must await further comparison of the fauna with that afforded by the exposures to the west. From a paleontological standpoint, some A Geoko Ny oY. “gd Dist. 842." po Be) ‘ IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 27 "evidence exists that a part of the upper beds hitherto assigned to _ the formation may belong to the age of the Rochester shale. _ The section at this locality, as given by C. H. Smyth jr,} is as follows: STRATA FEET -Calcareous sandstone, thin shale atlas og ee ee 50+ SS Sea AS Si a rR 6 | ‘Calcareous sandstone 3 ee Cn he ene 6 Seeee stale thin sandstone layers..................0:- 15 ee eal la eee 2 EE es a I ee ee ewe ey cA we oe I Me stale, titi sandstone layers...................... IOO+ It is manifest that the formation here assumes a lithic character that is quite different from the succession heretofore described. _ Above the upper calcareous sandstone there is a gap of undetermined extent before the Lockport is reached. In the sections to the east, - occurs a heavy gray sandstone, 70 feet thick as a maximum, form- _ ing what has been considered the uppermost member of the Clinton. Herkimer county. The eastern end of the Clinton belt crosses southern Herkimer county into Otsego county. The relations in _ this region are not well known, and it is impossible as yet to fix ~ accurately the bounds of the formation. The following sections _ from Hall? show the details of the succession so far as established. _ Near the boundary of the towns of German Flats and Warren the strata are exposed along Flat creek. This locality is referred _ to by Hall as Tisdale’s mill. x STRATA FEET Gray sandstone, upper termination of formation...... 60 EM sid 'o ap ia'gb?s pcx ciai gees oe woinde/e'ss va ees 2 ’ Sandstone and shale with iron ore................-05. 20 _ Green shale with arenaceous matter, pebbles etc....... 25 - Coarse sandstone, with much Shaly matter. ss ie. a es. a IO-15 ummeeeaiiale with fucoids. ..............0. cece cece eee ? _ The Oneida conglomerate below was not observed by Hall, but _ its presence both here and in the vicinity has been determined by _ one of the writers (C. A. H.). The ore can not be seen in place, 5 Seek it occurs as fluat in the creek bed. It is of oolitic character. Een Kemp’s Ore Deposits of the United States. 1895. p. 104. iy > * Palaeontology of New York. 1852. 2:15 et seq. ~r 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Near Deck, in the town of Little Falls, is the section described by i Hall as found at Wick’s store in the town of Stark. STRATA FEET | Sandstone and conglomerate, uppermost Clinton member.... ? : Sandstone, thin bedded, with fucoids, alternating with shale.. ? Red sandstone, cross-bedded.. 2... 0. 2). 2322. rr ig White sandstone, with pebbles and green shale......... .. ih 2 Conglomerate (Oneida)... 2.00. 58222. Montgomery county. The following section is reported by | Hall as found at Vanhornesville in the town of Stark. | STRATA | 7 FEET | Red sandstone, coarsely laminated, friable, containing much | iron ore but. no distinct beds..:............ ? Green shale, fossiliferous... 29). 6 Pee Red sandstone, cross-bedded................<:. 4. nn ? i Gray sandstone and conglomerate with thin layers on green Shale sev. is etn ties oe ee A aes ley = ean >: Conglomerate (Oneida) .)... 2... os. 04S. 2. 2 The locality in the town of Canajoharie mentioned by Hall has not | been certainly identified. The highest formation occurring within the present limits of the township is the Hudson river. The section may be the one on Canajoharie creek, in Otsego county, or more ‘ likely the section north of Cherry Valley, near Salt Springville, — which is approximately at the eastern termination of the Clinton 4 formation. The section is as follows: STRATA . FEET _ Coarse Weare with much tron ore... /....... ae Shale ? eee eo ee 6 8 8 ee 6 © 6 © 0 80,8 © 2 0 2.0 @€ 6 8 0 sete ss & « © os. 0 6 Ss sen eee The total thickness is estimated at less than 50 feet. The pres- ence of the Clinton beds can not be ascertained from the exposures at Cherry Valley, and they may have thinned out entirely. At Sharon Springs, 7 miles farther east, the Salina rests directly upon the Hudson River shales, the whole of the Niagaran and Oswegan - 4 groups having disappeared. TRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 29 EXPLORATION OF THE CLINTON FORMATION Little or no effort has been made, hitherto, toward the explora- tion of the Clinton ores outside the limited sections where they are mined. In the stretch from the Oneida-Herkimer county line to the western border of Wayne county, a distance of 120 miles measured along the outcrop; only a small portion is revealed sufficiently by exposure or mining excavations to permit of investigations from the surface. Previous knowledge of this area has been based largely on data secured from the eastern and western extremities; the in- cluded interval of nearly 100 miles in which the beds are, for the _ most part, mantled by glacial drift, has attracted little attention from mining enterprises and its possibilities for ore production re- mained practically unknown. The mine developments so far made, moreover, are superficial, giving no safe basis for inference as to _the changes that may take place in depth. . A recommendation for an appropriation to be used in conducting exploratory operations within the Clinton belt was submitted to the State Legislature last year through the Education Department. The sum of $5000 (one half the amount requested) was allotted for the purpose. With this assistance, it has been possible to put down a _ number of test holes along the concealed portion of the outcrop and -for the first time to establish the position, extent and character of _ the ore in a general way over many parts of the area. While the original plans called for the drilling of holes at intervals of 4 or 5 miles, east and west, with occasional deeper borings as might be required to explore the continuations of the beds on the dip, they _tad to be modified materially to meet the limitation in the allowed appropriation. Instead of attempting to carry out the work ona detailed comprehensive scale, which could only have been brought to partial completion under the circumstances, it was considered advisable to cover as much of the territory as possible by placing the holes far apart and restricting them to a single series near the outcrop. _ The conditions throughout the Clinton belt, fortunately, are such ‘that they both facilitate exploratory operations with the dril! an‘ permit reliable deductions from tthe obtained data. The ore seams ‘Maintain a fairly constant horizon in the series so that there need be little error in estimating the depth at which they will be encountered ‘in most places. This regularity of position is attended by an equa! uniformity in their areal development, as might be expected from bedded deposits. The character or thickness of any seam is subject to local variations, of course, but permanent changes take place i: ; v q q | il ll i, | i en 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM very gradually as a rule. The volume of ore contained by a given area can thus be ascertained with reasonable accuracy from observa- tions taken at wide intervals, even of several miles under favorable circumstances. “ , The present exploratory work was performed entirely with diamond core drill. By this means a core, 1 inch in diameter, rep- resenting a section of the rocks and ore penetrated was secured. The cost of drilling has been somewhat greater than if the holes had been put down without attempting to obtain a core, but the increased expense may be considered to be counterbalanced by greater accu- racy and detail in the results.’ With the meager information to be had from outcrops, the drill cores have served also to clear up many doubtful points regarding Clinton stratigraphy. The succession of rocks has now been estab- lished with satisfactory completeness throughout the belt. The holes to the number of 8 in all were put down between Wall: — ington, Wayne co., and Verona Station, Oneida co. The average interval between successive holes may be stated at about 1o miles. Most of the sites were selected with a view to striking the ore at — depths between 100 and 200 feet, a convenient depth for the drill | as well as one that permits estimation of a large volume of the deposits. Under normal conditions of dip and surface topography — the holes would be from 1 to 3 miles from the outcrop, and their results can thus be accepted with a degree of safety as an average — for about twice that width across the dip. ae The detailed sections for each drill hole are shown in the tabula- tions that follow. From their consideration, together with the facts — . hitherto ascertained, it has been possible to prepare a general survey of the ore distribution throughout the belt. Wallington, Wayne co. The site of the drill hole is on the farm of Isaac Du Bois about 1% mile west of the trolley station at Wallington, on the west side of Salmon creek and approximately 5 rods north of the highway leading from Wallington to Sodus village. The locality lies 114 miles north of the outcropping edge of the Lockport dolomite, which is shown in the vicinity of Sodus Center, and 25¢ miles directly south of the site of the old Sodus iron’ furnace on Salmon creek, near which the Clinton strata with a thin seam of ore are exposed. ; *It may be mentioned that the diamond drill proved to be well adapted for the work. Owing to the frequent alternations of hard and soft strata characteristic of the forma- tion, it was thought some difficulty might be “encountered in removing a core; but in every case a nearly complete section was obtained. The ‘occasional loss of a part of the core due to grinding of the harder material in the “core barrel” entailed no serious discrepancies in measurements, since a constant check was maintained by observations of the lengths of the drill rods in use and the character of the rock material washed up from below. ; a IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 31 SECTION AT WALLINGTON : Strata = | a Character Feet Inches| Feet Inches on chee fo) ° 2 6 a 2 6 70 ° Light gray above, becoming | darker and more fossiliferous be- low. Represents basal Rochester. miamestone....... 70 o | 80 Oo Light colored, layers 2 to 16 inches separated by thin shales, 1 to 6 inches. Upper Clinton . limestone. In appearance this shale is similar to the basal Rochester. It is fully as dark and its numer- ous fossils are evenly distributed through the mass, ‘giving it a ; variegated appearance. a 88 o | Ioo 6) Similar to above, but with fewer fossils and of a lighter shade. SS 100 Ot aes 8 These dark layers include the graptolite beds with the charac- teristic form M. clintonen- Sts": mamestome:...... 115 8 | 130 6 The limestone contains layers of shale 1 to 3 inches thick. Pen- tamerus is the characteristic fos- ) sil of the limestone. Mee tes... 130 Ont A535 6 Fossiliferous dark and olive- ee. gray shale with included bands of : limestone. Transitional from the limestone above. The division is | at point where shale predomi- ; ’ | nates over the limestone. eee 133 6 | 182 ro) A uniform purple shale; con- : . tains bands of pearly limestone : ) made up of the fossil Ano plo- ) theca hemispherica. op) 9 beh) — oO oO ©) ie} oo Co @) SS 182 o | 184 ° The purple shale above changes rather abruptly to this olive-gray | shale which passes gradually into ; | the limestone below. Limestone.....:.} 184 on} 597 6 Characterized by the fossil | ) Pentamerus. The limestone is ) uniform above. Near the middle is found some flinty material giv- ing the rock a brecciated appear- ance. Layers of shale in lower part. First trace of ore at 195 feet. Impure fossil ore. Includes some shale. Fossil ore. Soft green calcareous shale. The upper 24 inches is brecciated, arenaceous limestone containing black shale pebbles. fe) Soft mottled shale <«f the Me- dina formation. oof OQ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM (are) bo The section shows two beds of fossil ore, separated by 10 inches of limestone. The horizon is the same as the main bed at Wol- cott and the bed at Ontario Center. While the ore maintaims an average thickness fcr this region, it is hardly of mineable grade, containing as it does seams of unreplaced limestone, besides the heavy parting. A light flow of gas was encountered at 45 feet, in the Rochester shale. : Wolcott, Wayne co. The drill hole was put down on the east bank of Wolcott creek, within the village limits, about 300 yards below the falls. A boring for gas: was made some years ago on the other side of the creek and about 20 rods farther north. The hole was started at approximately the same horizon in the Rochester shale as the one at Wallington. The upper ore bed out- crops 114 miles directly north, along Wolcott creek, near the site’ of the old Wolcott furnace. SECTION AT WOLCOTT From To ; Strata | Feet Inches | Feet anneal Character OURS a pk hime pees fo) fo) 5 6 | SSCS 5 Nop any = 6 44 fo) Dark fossiliferous shales, some- | what lighter near the top where are found some bands of light colored limestone. Rochester shale. LAmMmestones (2: 44 ° 57 fo) Considerably mixed with fos- siliferous shale. Purest at top and bottom.. Cavities in lime- stone lined with crystals. Bile fe eae 9 oO: } 10% 4 Dark shales with graptolites. , Includes some lighter colored shale. PCR. 5. AUF A ee IOI 4 | 102 4 Fossil ore. Lamestone. |S, a 102 rie Da eo fo) Alternating series of limestone and shale. Pentamerus charac- teristic fossil of the limestone. LUTE ara ely P24 cP O win dre fo) Olive-gray shale free from limestone bands. Bate >|. 5a. S| one, oO} £82 ° Purple shale with a number of thin bands of pearly limestone hemispherica. es oh. Se \r8e° el a8 O Olive-gray shale. Twoinch band of ore at 186. Limestone and SIRIUS Soe os 5 186 °o | 198 9%| | The upper 16 inches is a fossil- . | iferous limestone. Below is a shale with bands of limestone. — The lower 3 feet is an @mipoaees limestone. Meh a Tat. 2 | 198 934) 199 fe) Fossil ore. Limestone....... 199 .o | 199 4 Impure limestone. ~ ) JE RO eet lake | 199 We 200. -.i5 Fossil ore. Pte i estes Nols Ria ae Sh ale o | Calcareous shale with some shale pebbles. with fossil Anoplotheca ~ _ very thin seams of limestone. — _ At top isa 2 inch layer with black © 4 IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION _ 33 | 7 ) _ The upper 1 foot seam is the one that was worked in the ear!y days near the furnace on Wolcott creek. The lower beds do not appear in the vicinity; the line of their outcrop must lie between 2 and 3 miles north of Wolcott. They are undoubtedly a continua- ‘tion of the seam that is exposed in the excavations at Sterling Station and again shown in the hole near Red Creek, between that place and Wolcott. There is thus an area fully 10 miles long, east and west, which is underlain by an unbroken seam from 18 to 36 inches thick. As the holes are nearly 3 miles back from the out- crop, the continuity of the ore on the dip for any distance within easy reach of mining operations may be regarded as certain. The dip of the beds in this section is less than 50 feet to the mile. © The accompanying analyses show the composition of the beds at Wolcott. No. 1, by James Brakes, relates to the upper 1 foot seam and no. 2, by E. Touceda, to the main seam. eye Be tn hw oi wees She 35s AALTE: ARS Ee ea are 23.98 8.56 MRIS oe. ie we ss he a ee ees .225 age ee Peps che ats g fs ee anv. or ee te 7.26 5-04 I ee ae ke se ee pee tr. RR hs ee ee ele Gea Ee 71 oS. a. ae ee 2.92 aes) rs Mg ie tee Ra eles o .987 072 | Le ys aE eee ae ea Say EBS a septate 9.6 18.8 0 ee he trys Raa RRP see .26 — undet. 99.641 99.512 I ie cg viehs 8 ea oe 6 008s aT 31.07 Ne cae aa .69 | j Red Creek, Cayuga co. This test was made on the farm of 'M. H. Frost, 2 miles northeast of Red Creek, Wayne co., and 3 ‘miles southwest of Sterling Station. The exact location is just north of the highway, beside the smal! stream that crosses the road east of the house. a q NEW YORK SATE MUSEUM SECTION AT RED CREEK Strata Dash see Shale: 33s From Feet Inches Een ah O° fe) Ren. 9 fe) ere 42 fe) shore aie 50 fo) fh chers 86 fe) Bo sat LOS fo) See LOO 4 paige 169 8 se aval DUTY Sie pa tiaas 176 8 shel oe ean) A Speer ere =) 6 42 50 86 “103 169 169 171 176 178 180 184 Bors Feet Inches Oo 12) mmo Character Shale varies from light to dark, with calcareous layers. Large fossils at 23 feet. om Quite uniform, light calcareous shale. Light colored shale above, with dark graptolite layers below. The basal portion includes some thin bands of limestone. At 69 feet is a 3 inch layer with black pebbles. This division consists of alter- nating layers of limestone and. shales. Purple shale. The upper ro feet is olive-gray, grading into the purple below. The shale contains many limestone bands up to 6 inches thick. : Fossil ore. Gray fossil limestone. Shale shows a purple tinge. © Contains some fossil limestone bands. Gray fossil limestone. Fossil ore—2 inches of shaly material near the middle. . This is a dark shale with many small ‘‘fucoidal’”’ markings, giving it a mottled appearance. Only a few thin bands of limestone pres- — ent. The upper 3 inchessaees breccia. The test hole shows that the bed exposed at Sterling Station extends thus far in undiminished thickness. There is no noticeable change also in the character of the ore. A sample of the drill core was analyzed by E. Touceda with the following results: Peas \ oops Soa ies Ser ey ee eee 48.7 IO) od bs evils sae eee eee ce 525g 7 Uh @ PEA andre kk See ep 4.99 1b 1G Seamer am trey NU ts Sh ane ea .003 Ca) eo anse BUS Petia a ee ge ee ees se feck a: ae ee ee ee 7 as Oil's a eke edd al eas ei ca aoa .096 © | EE TRAN LF ap Sa cde A Te NET we : 0 6 PR area. hun wary ey erie 18.35 BOS enn vel 2 teed gt Cs nee undet. 98 .096 OE ee a ee a ee 2 _ 7 b : ’ ’ _ Martville, Cayuga co. The site of this drill hole is on the west bank of Sterling creek about 15 rods below the bridge at Martville, on the property of Dr John Chapman. The locality is 3 miles southeast of Sterling Station and 5 miles northeast of Red Creek. SECTION AT MARTVILLE Strata From To Character Feet Inches | Feet Inches Drift and broken REDE Sve sce ses fo) fo) 18 fo) > a 18 Culpa (83 fo) With the exception of a few . feet at base, this shale is purple in color. It includes a number of pearly limestone bands, between 33 and 57 feet. A few other light crystalline limestone bands occur at 45 and 54 feet. In thickness the bands of limestone vary from a fraction of an inch up to 6 | inches. Shale and ore....; 83 fe) 89 fe) One inch of lean ore is followed by 1 foot of shale and limestone. Another inch of lean ore at 84’ 5”, followed below by dark shale with limestone bands. » Limestone....... Bais) Sa ht Bs ° Fossiliferous limestone with ; bands of shale. Below this lime- ; stone is the horizon for the main ore bed as encountered in the drillings farther west. Sandstone and ee 93 fo) 98 fo) Upper few inches brecciated, followed below by greenish shale ' and sandstone. Below this is a very hard white sandstone, fol- ; lowed by a foot of mottled sand- stone. Medina horizon. _ This section seems to establish that the ore body which stretches : across Wayne county and as far east as Sterling Station, Cayuga 3 co., terminates practically near the latter locality. The excavations _ made by the Fair Haven Iron Co., at Sterling Station, give some in- _ dications of a wedging out of the ore toward the east, though from _ the evidence here it does not follow that this is anything more than a local condition. The ore bodies are everywhere subject to moder- ate variations in thickness, but the pinches are usually succeeded in turn by bulges that maintain the average. There is no other 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM locality, so far as has been determined, where a thick bed diminishes in such short distance to a thin seam. South Granby, Oswego co. ‘The site of this drill hole is on the farm of Alonzo Lutentelly, 1 mile southwest of South Granby, 3 and 144 miles north of Little Utica, on the west side of the high- way leading north from the latter place where it is crossed by a small stream. SECTION AT SOUTH GRANBY Strata From To Character Feet Inches | Feet Inches Sand and gravel. fo) O° 22 ° Daler es eee 22 fe) 39 fo) Dark shale, full of fossils— : Rochester horizon. Beet Eimestones sien sc 39 fo) 40 6 Impure limestone with fossils. SEINE ts ine mu see 40 6 89 ° Shale with a little limestone. At 76 feet is a 1 inch band show- ing dark pebbles with pyrite. Sitale eens oe 89 o | 102 or Shale quite free from limestone bands. At ror feet there is a thin tains for 4 inches numerous crys- tals of pyrite. At 102 feet there are 4 inches of limestone with large brachiopods. 312) eam 102 ey hs 2 Shale with some very dark bands towards the base. Limestone... ..... A295 21a 126 I Light colored limestone with fossils. Near the middle the fos- sils are replaced by iron ore. Bales. 25": eels 136 Eo 1-268 Calcareous shale. oe) low, grading into a highly colored shale above with thin seams of ore. Shale with band of limestone at the middle. Limestone. : i... 140 o | I40 8 Coarse, light colored limestone. Limestone «<0 140 Case Ye 3 | - Coarse, fossil limestone with 6 op) Es job} — iq’) Ll Ww \O (e) — & (e) (e) some shale. Limestone....... 145 setae Lean fossil ore. Limestone and SNAIG fos Lew, a 145 6-054 fe) Gray compact limestone and _ alternations of lighter colored limestone and shale. In AE Doe a ea oa a 154 Ol) 2a I Gray shale with bands of lime- stone. The limestone bands in- clude a number of the pearly layers; also some fine compact bands. None of the bands of © limestone are over 6 inches thick. Os Olek OA eae oe 223 1 | 223 9 Oolitic ore with some fossils at — base. due to organic remains. yc he ‘ ya = Ceo a i —— a seam of ore and the shale con-. Mottled shale with bands of limestone. Oneinchofshale with — pebbles found 2 feet below the — ore. Mottled appearance of shale © This band of ore is richest be= am IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 37 7” - The hole is about midway between Sterling Station and the west en d of Oneida lake, an interval that seems to be barren of workable : eposits. More tests are needed, however, to demonstrate their entire absence, since the distance to the Martville locality is 10 it miles and to Brewerton, the next drill site to the east, about 12 miles. q _Brewerton, Onondaga co. The drill was set up on the south shore of Oneida river, within the village, about 75 yards west of the bridge. This point is very near the Oswego-Onondaga county b order and the south line of the route followed by the new Barge te anal. SECTION AT BREWERTON Strata From | To Character Feet Inches | Feet Inches = 247 See B fe) fe) 14 fe) ; ee 14 ° 56 4 Olive-gray shale with many dark bands in the lower part and with few thin bands of limestone. At 19 feet there is a 4 inch band with black pebbles. Fossil ore, inclosed in shale. Shale with limestone bands 3 to 4 inches thick found at quite regular intervals. The limestone contains cavities lined with crys- tals. Traces of ore, as threadlike veinlets, are found in the lime- stone. Shale with thin bands of lime- stone that probably represent the pearly layers. Trace of ore at 133 feet. Oolitic ore. Mees... 56 4] 56 6 SSS 56 6 79 6 The layers below the ore are quite variable. The 2 inches immediately below the ore is shale; then follows a sandstone or conglomerate, becoming coarser toward the bottom. ~I Ne} a ' Ll (oe) ee) aN ———ne , This section is similar to the one at South Granby in showing we ore seams separated by many feet of rock. The absence of nestone is a striking feature and serves to connect this section a the eastern development of the Clinton, as exemplified in Oneida and Madison counties, rather than the western belt. This further indicated by the oolitic structure of the lower ore seam. “Th € 16-inch bed is solid ore of uniform character. It will repay pu 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM further exploration. The site of the hole was chosen purely for convenience, and the chances are very remote that the thickest por- tion of the bed was encountered by the single test. The dis- covery is thus of considerable potential importance. The ore was sampled by taking a longitudinal section of the core and an analysis by E. Touceda gave the following percentages. tO © Sear aeee etree nner aanoat TT Ahoy Shee eS 48.71 SIO wok Ae Ge Sar, eee ie a ee 9.69 TIO IS Pe Ee ie! rl aera oe 244 i, U "© rae enmOnr ae ae en ent Seo a AT 320 iN hel O are ere eta eines eat hr ee Sg tr OO nr Ne es ei ae ee 13.8 I es Gaia ierarence re Wetter ren cet meme tA RATER or CS 4.23 SOs eee ee I4t POs i eA Rrrtc. Geca te eRe eee cee 2:38 COs EES aaa tae Seat ites al ae ee 15.45 FLO: “Ceombined) 2 isn i a oe eee 2g LOO Shes | E'9) een Mendieta oraree, CULM neuen cM te RTGS So 247 Phosphorus ikl soar nica te) ee eee 1.038 Lakeport, Madison co. The site of this drill hole is 1% miles northeast of Lakeport on the farm of Robert Cowen. The drill was placed near the spring south of the highway, a little more than 1% mile distant from the shore of Oneida lake. SECTION AT LAKEPORT Strata From To Character Feet Inches | Feet Inches DEE AS cyan ee Se fo) ro) 4 fo) Limestone...... 7 fo) on fo) This is a dolomitic limestone representing the basal Lockport. ite eis a Yacnds oo 21 6) 50 fo) Fossil shale—Rochester hori- zon. Tamestone .\.:. 0. 5: 50 fo) 67 fo) Limestone with considerable shale. Six inches of lean fossil ore at 66. Other traces of ore in the limestone. Shaler. : kote awem 67 o | 129 fe) Alternating layers of dark, light and mottled shales with © considerable amount of light fine grained calcareous sandstone. TRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 30 SECTION AT LAKEPORT (continued ) f Strata From To | Character Feet Inches |} Feet Inches | i . eee 129 err Es 5 o | This is a shaly limestone with | bands of shale. The limestone is fossiliferous and contains several bands of very lean ore, with many | crinoid stems. - 135 Onc ES2 fo) Shale with abundant fossils. oo 152 G4 E9F ° Olive-gray shale with fossils— : a few thin bands of limestone. a ryt o 1° 276 ° Light and dark shale, with few . bands of limestone. At 171 feet there is a 4 inch band with black pebbles. Seto?) .>---1 276 o | 294 6 Shale with limestone bands, ) 3 to 4 inches thick. Some of the bands show faint traces of ore. Sr 204 6.4205 I Lean fossil ore. ee 205 eines. roy’ Gray shale. teri cis acess 205: 10d 296 2 Fossil ore. meeaiiestone...... 296 Suieeo6. ar Whitish limestone with 14 inch : | of shale at base. ee 296." rr! 207 fe) Fossil ore. Beohale........... | 297 o | 328 ° Light and dark shale with thin . ) bands of limestone. Trace of ore at 328 feet. | 328 ae) 335 ° Shales with bands of limestone. Both contain fossils. Memiale)..-......- 335 al) 242 3 Soft, very dark shale with a few bands of a lighter color. merce... .. erin S 342 odd Ge Ye ae Oolitic ore, with fragments of bryozoans. | ee 7 MD ee th ae Ye ae This is a dark shale dividing : the ore. rr G42. TE) 343 3 Coarse grained ore, associated : with calcareous sandstone. Sandstone....... 343 eo Oe fo The upper 4 inches is a band of shale with 2 inches at middle of a conglomeratic nature. The basal 6 inches is a white sandstone. The remaining portion contains thin layers of mottled, dark, sandy shale. Some of the sand- stone has a reddish tinge showing faint traces of ore. This hole was intended to test the long stretch between Brewerton and Verona throughout which the Clinton forma- ton is mostly concealed. The results indicate some similarity of conditions in regard to ore deposition with the section at Brewer- ton and also with that at Clinton, but the oolitic bed is much $ 40 ‘NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM thinner and the fossil ore is broken by intercalations of lime- — stone and shale. The latter rock reaches its extreme thickness — here, the hole showing 227 feet without practical interruption from ~ the base of the limestone which is taken as the uppermost Clinton — to the first seam of ore. | . Verona, Oneida co. The site of this drill hole is 100 yards — west of Verona Station, on the Diavis farm, just south of the ; highway where it is crossed by the creek. It is 2% miles soutli- © west from the nearest outcrop of the Oneida conglomerate. The ~ Cagwin opening for ore is I mile and the Klein opening 134 miles © from this locality. A SECTION AT VERONA STATION Sirata From Lo Character ~ Feet Inches | Feet Inches Sand and clay.. | ° ° 18 fe) 5 ICY Se Fe ke on 18 Oh ona 2 This is a light colored shale — with only a few thin bands of — limestone. ¢ Clsee * 5) eeae ee, Bar 2 38 2 Fossil ore. pete eee oh 38 2 74 ° Shale quite uniform as regards © texture. A few thin bands of © limestone, up to 2 inches thick. a ICES (ai a ae eee 74 fo) 84 4 |. These layers are quite variable. — Some are made up of light sand in a dark shale matrix. The upper 2 feet is a fine grained cal- careous sandstone. A few of th zi layers contain pebbles. The object of putting down a hole at this locality, which is only a mile or so distant from old mine workings on the Clin- _ ton, was to test for a possible oolitic bed below the fossil os which alone has been known. The presence of a lower ore horizon would appear probable from comparison of the ‘tw O sections at Clinton and at Brewerton, east and west respectivel; Ly of the present locality. In both sections two beds are shown, the lower being oolitic. The fossil nature of the Verona ore indicates relationship with the upper or red flux bed found the east. The oolitic bed, so far as it can be ea thus dis- appears in the interval. : - IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 41 The character of the fossil ore is shown by the following analysis made by E. Touceda on a sample of the ore. Rhee eo i Piss wai a We cae waa ate 40.92 ENS 8 ha oho as toca Saw eine a ein ee Laos 7.00 Ee oes Fk os a hs oS tr IRE St cess atk skys deahata.noje Biaesd na «6 11513 8 SO NENG Saleisha aera nena a ae tr NEOs en a tee bles ea wk 14.68 ete eh ee ee eee t 3.84 ES JE ag ra 025 PN ol bla were dese wows 1.02 rr wise ee Pies tt woe et 16.3 SNM TEMIM HME 0 a tee ees 4.88 99.855 NS Ee eee he a 28.64 MW Se ons iss a Sie s Se a 445 ORE DISTRIBUTION AND RESOURCES Over most of the area occupied by the Clinton, the hematite beds contribute an essential feature to the sedimentary succes- sion. They are, indeed, next to the shales, the most persistent element in the formation as represented in the State, having a wider development than either the limestones or sandstones. Their eastern and western limits are somewhat indefinite, due to the long intervals between ‘exposures; it is a question, “also, not of an abrupt termination, but of a gradual thinning to disappearance with the progressive diminution of the formation itself. At Rochester, the extreme westerly point where the ore is known to be represented, there is a single bed of fossil hematite 14 inches thick. This is very likely a continuation of the bed which stretches across Wayne county and is mined at Ontario Center, 15 miles northeast of Rochester. At any rate the ore shows so moderate a decrease within the interval that its continuity for a considerable distance farther west seems prob- able. Beyond Rochester there are no good exposures until the Niagara gorge is reached where the ore fails entirely and the rhole section of the Clinton is reduced to 4o feet or less. : 42 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM On the eastern end the hematites can be traced as far as the | Oneida-Herkimer county border. without any noticeable changes of character. After passing that line their thickness falls off — quite rapidly. At the outcrop west of Frankfort hill, in the | town of Frankfort, Herkimer co., the oolitic bed measures only 10 inches, which is about one third the amount represented at Clinton, | g miles west. The red flux bed on the other hand is still fairly well maintained as regards thickness, showing about 40 inches. Following the strike to the southeast across southern Herkimer 4 county, the beds appear to give out within a _ short dis- tance, for they can not be identified in the outcrops, or else they shade off into a ferruginous sandstone that is much different from the normal ore varieties. In the exposures along the hills — south of the Mohawk river, between Frankfort and Herkimer, ~ neither the oolitic nor the red flux bed can be seen, but there are © Io feet or more of deep red sandstone heavily charged with © hematite. The latter functions as cement to the quartz grains, — but does not encrust them. The iron content of the sandstone may be placed at about 10%. The entire Clinton disappears, so — far as surface indications are concerned, near the eastern border — of Herkimer county. 4 The ore seams thus attain their fullest developmen in. re-mm spect to thickness within the stretch from eastern Oneida to — western Wayne county. Beyond these limits they have little economic importance for the present, at least, and their explora-_ ; tion is not of immediate concern. The information gained irom the test drilling, described else-— where in this report, show the distribution of the more. ; valuable ore bodies with some precision. It has been found | that the ore is mainly gathered into four areas which succeed : each other along the outcrop, after longer or shorter intervals. that are characterized by thin seams, much below the average, or by their almost complete disappearance. There is a possi- bility of one or two additional areas being present that have escaped notice by reason of the wide spacing of the holes, but they must be of minor extent compared with the others. 4 The area which centers about Clinton, Oneida co., has been the ee source of the ore in the past. There are ine i IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 43 ‘in the furnace. It attains the notable thickness of 6 feet. The oolitic béd extends through the towns of New Hartford, Kirk- land and Westmoreland and is of mineable grade over most of the territory in which it is exposed. It ranges from 20 to 36 inches, with an iron average of 40% or a little more in places. A subordinate area, perhaps connected with this, is found in the town of Verona, where some ore was obtained for the early furnaces. The workings are 7 miles distant from the proximate outcrops in the town of Westmoreland. The bed measures from 12 to 20 inches and is of fossil nature. The oolitic bed is absent from this section. . ~The test hole at Lakeport, the only one put down in the stretch of 30 miles from Verona Station to the west end of Oneida lake, was unfavorable for the presence of any consider- able volume of ore in this vicinity. At Brewerton, 15 miles from Lakeport, a 16-inch bed of oolitic ore was found. This ‘is a new discovery and is nowhere exposed at the surface. That | it underlies a considerable area seems quite certain, and it doubt- less attains a greater thickness than indicated by the test. Fur- ther exploration is needed to ascertain its full value. _ After an interval in which the formation crosses the south- western corner of Oswego county without the appearance of any considerable ore bodies, the third area is encountered in northern Cayuga county, beginning near Sterling Station. The excavations along the outcrop here show from 30 to 36 inches of fossil ore, while within 1 mile to the south the bed is re- sported to increase to 40 inches. The bed has been proved as far west as Wolcott where the drill encountered 21 inches while an overlying 12-inch seam comes in at this place. The drill hole put down at Red Creek midway between Wolcott and Sterling Station showed the maim bed to be 30 inches thick. The two rill tests have demonstrated the extent of the ore to be much eater than hitherto known. All that has been done previously n the way of exploration consisted of shallow open cuts and rill holes on the eastern end, which afforded no satisfactory evidence of the character and volume of the ore to be found ‘to the south and west. The average iron content of the main bed may be placed at about 35% to 38¥. _ The continuation of the ore bed immediately west from Wol- ‘cott has not been prospected. It may be assumed, however, that the main seam thins in this direction, or is broken up by 44 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM intercalations of limestone, which is in accordance with the re- sults found at Wallington, 10 miles from Wolcott. At about the same distance beyond Wallington, in the town of Ontario, Wayne co., is an area that contains a bed of fossil ore from 18 to 30 inches thick. This seam has been worked for a distance of 5 or 6 miles east and west and explored by the mining com- panies several miles farther along the outcrop. It diminishes ‘very gradually westward so that at Rochester it is still 14 inches thick. The ore from the surface workings in the town of On- tario averages 40% or slightly more in iron. | The above outline of the distribution of the hematites is neces- sarily tentative; it is an effort merely to interpret the data thus far at hand. There are many gaps to be filled in, and much addi- tional information is required concerning the sections even that are best known before an ultimate survey of the conditions is possible. The available evidences suffice, however, to indicate in some measure the possibilities of the Clinton formation as a future source of iron ore. Wor: The volume of ore which is subject to estimate within the areas mentioned is such that it must be considered one of the more important reserves in the present fields of iron mining. A great proportion, of course, will not be subject to profitable extraction for many years to come. But if limitations be put upon the estimate, so as to bring it into relation more or less close with the existing status of the mining industry, the total will still be large. Thus, to provide a reasonable basis of calculation, we may exclude all ore that is below 18 inches thick or more than 500 feet from the surface, also leaving out of account the beds tkat are below the average in iron content. Under these restrictions the quantity available in the three principal areas may be placed at approximately 600,000,000 tons. The larger part of the ore resources available for anid mining is represented by the western areas of Cayuga and Wayne counties. The inclination of the beds in this section is usually less than 50 feet to the mile, while the surface rises very gradually southward; consequently mining could be extended for a long dis- tance (from 5 to 6 miles) on the dip before the depth of the work- ings. would reach 500 feet. That the ore may be expected to hold out for such a distance has been practically demonstrated by the borings at Wolcott and Red Creek which penetrated the beds at points about 3 miles back from the line of outcrop. Its continuity Fossil ore from Ontario, Wayne co. Slightly enlarged. The large fossil is a bryozoan, Phaenopora constellata. SOC ete et as = IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 45 1s s also to be inferred from the persistence of the beds alongethe : strike. - In the Oneida county area, on the other hand, though there is a stretch of fully 10 miles east and west in which the beds exceed the ‘ ‘minimum thickness stated, the conditions for mining on the dip are generally less favorable. The average width of the area lying within 500 feet from the surface may be placed at 2 miles. The indicated dip is here about 150 feet to the mile. With large scale operations the cost of ore extraction down to a depth of 500 feet should not be much, if any, over $2 a ton. It would appear that this limit is easily within range of economic “mining for the near future, though with the large resources lying ‘near the surface there will be no incentive to extend operations to such a depth for many years to come. THE ORES Mineralogy and structural features The Clinton ores belong to the red, earthy variety of hematite. In ome specimens a little specular hematite is present, due to resolu- ‘tion and crystallization after the beds were laid down; siderite or iron carbonate also occurs locally in small amount distributed in fine particles through the mass. The bulk of the ore, however, ‘consists invariably of amorphous hematite, red or brownish red ‘in color and streak. The specific gravity of the ore ranges between the limits of 3.5 and 3.8. For purposes of calculation it may be assumed that a cubic foot weighs 225 pounds. - Compared with the hematites occurring in other surroundings, _ the Clinton ores may be distinguished by certain structural pecul- iarities, descriptive of which are the terms oolitic, lenticular, fossil etc., that are applied to them in the various mining districts. These structures are related to the methods of origin and are singularly persistent. _- An examination of representative specimens from the New York b feds brings out the fact that the hematite forms two kinds of ag aggregates, each giving a distinctive character to the ores in which it predominates. The one consists of spherical or somewhat flat- . te ed grains, quite uniform as to size and having the appearance of being solid hematite. When separated from the matrix and broken, or when observed in thin section, it is usually seen that the grains have a nucleus, generally a minute quartz kernel, about which the 46 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM hematite is arranged in concentric layers. In each ore particle may be recognized often a number of such layers. Their deposi- tion has taken place at successive intervals while the grains were moved about and in complete contact with the iron-bearing solu- tions. The formation of oolitic limestone illustrates the general conditions that must have prevailed during the deposition of the ore. The second type of structure found in the Clinton ores is distinguished by the occurrence of the hematite with an organic form, due to its replacement of some calcareous fossil such as a bryozoan, crinoid or brachiopod. The fossils may be wholly re- placed, but more commonly a portion of the original lime is retained in the interiors, and in some cases the change has not progressed beyond the outer surfaces, so that practically all steps between fos- siliferous limestone and ore may be observed. The two structures — fossiliferous and oolitic—are not ee quently found together, though in most samples from the New York beds one type so prevails as to lend a fairly uniform appearance to the ore. The oolitic structure 1s more limited in its development than the other. It characterizes the main bed in the eastern section, notably around Clinton and in the towns of New Hartford and Westmoreland, and is found farther west in the ore at Brewerton and Lakeport. The fossiliferous ore appears at Clinton in the so called flux bed, and forms the single deposit in the town of Verona, Oneida co. The ore mined at Sterling Station, as well as the entire type. A curious feature of the oolitic grains, that has been brought out by C. H. Smyth jr, in his studies' of the Clinton ores, is the presence of amorphous silica. in intimate association with the hematite. Though the silica layers are scarcely discernible in ordinary thin sections, they are easily revealed by subjecting the grains to the action of hydrochloric acid. When the hematite has thus been ~ removed in solution, there remains a perfect cast of the original © oolite preserved by the gelatinous, transparent silica. Apparently, s the deposition of the silica took place at the same time and from the ~ same solution as the iron. The individual spherules are usually closely compacted and often coalescent on the borders. They are seldom more than 1 millimeter in diameter. The quartz kernels in their interiors are scarcely half — that size as an extreme and range down to particles so minute that — ‘Am. Jour. Sci. 1892. 143: 488. Also Zeits. fur prak. Geol. Aug. 1894. section throughout Cayuga and Wayne counties, belongs to that . oF * = Se - : 2 > * * - a bd eo ee “a 8 bad te Oolitic ore from Clinton, Oneida co. IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 47 r 4 ’ ; > they are observable only with the aid of the microscope. The kernels sometimes appear to be wholly absent. The quartz has the same character as that found in granitic rocks, showing liquid and gas inclusions, as well as rutile and hematite crystals. Its ultimate source, undoubtedly, is the Precambric crystallines, but the small size of the grains and their well rounded forms indicate long con- tinued abrasion after its release from the rocks. The texture of the fossiliferous ore varies to some extent with the locality. In the red flux bed as exposed at Clinton, the fossil _ fragments are coarse and the different forms can be separated and identified without difficulty. In the western part of the State, the beds show much finer texture, while the shell particles have been _ worn and smoothed until their organic nature is more or less con- _cealed. The smaller fragments are often enveloped by one or more layers of hematite deposited after their replacement in the same way as with the oolitic grains. The cementing material in both kinds of ore is usually granular calcite. There is considerable variation in the relative proportion of this mineral to the hematite. Local variations may be ascribed to solution of the calcite after the ores were laid down, but it is also to be expected that the conditions of deposition would change _ from time to time and from place to place. An exceptional type is represented in the eastern section in Herkimer county where there Bare one or more layers of what is properly a ferruginous sandstone. The fine quartz grains are not coated with hematite to any extent, Le ee les.) oe _—— = but the latter fills the interstices as cement. The material is too lean to be classed as an ore. Chemical character The Clinton ores show considerable regularity in their chemical composition. Leaving out of consideration the locally occurring beds which are generally too lean or too thin to be workable, the ores throughout the State may be said to average about 40% in metallic iron. They seldom run above 45% or less than 35%. The higher limit is approximated by the oolitic bed in the vicinity of Clinton, where the mines of the Franklin Furnace Co. have returned an average of 44% through a period of several years. The care taken _ in separating the ore from the inclosing rock and in the removal of shale, sandstone or limestone partings which are often present, is an important factor in determining the yield. According to C. A. Borst, the middle portion of the Clinton oolitic bed can be mined to give 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 55%, while if the whole bed is taken out without sorting, the aver- age will be about 40%. The fossil ore in the western part of the State runs from 35 or 36% to 44 or 45%. | | The following analysis quoted from a paper by A. H. Chester! is of interest, as it represents the average from a large number of — analyses of Clinton ores from Oneida county. - ’ PG iideat waren Poeckh. ohn 2k ao ctis eee ne eee wot j SO et ee re ke 13.09 . aN © Pernt By Ree Pat trie. oF Hr a a8 5-99 | MinGy Gers ee Uk er wae Ane 19 Cae ie aces Rats eee mee aie oe ike 5.85 Maer Lan? oui we cea gee ee ene 2.69 Site eterna dy Mer eae rs brag mes Ce ea Te) mee 3 Pies Sa eo ws ee PRES Caen Be oe 53 RO one me lag Set ceiert tng aoe apts see 6.08 Fa Gk raat oh SOR n ae ea ce eh eke er ee ee Oa: Ke and Pics oe eee 19278 100.29 The percentages would indicate that the ores analyzed were chiefly from the oolitic bed, though no mention of localities is made in the ~ paper. | Phosphorus and sulfur are both comparatively high in the Clinton ores. The former is seldom less than .25% and ranges up to more than 1%. Reckoned on the basis of metallic iron, the phos-- phorus content will average from 1 to 2%. The sulfur is more variable, being found in some ores only in traces and in others running up to .5%. It occurs always in the form of pyrite which seems to be associated rather with the shale partings than in- termixed with the hematite. Between the ore and wall rock then is oftentimes a thin seam of pyrite. Among the other important impurities of the ores are silica, alumina, lime and magnesia. Most of the silica is in the free state as quartz. Its proportion varies from a minimum of 2 or 3% up — to 15%, the higher percentages being shown by oolitic ores. In the fossiliferous hematites the average may be placed at about 7 or 8%. The alumina is combined with apart of the silica to ie 1 Address delivered before the Utica Mercantile Manufacturing Association, Utica, 1881. Plate 5 @roviig Qed OG 6 OOO OCO0e eGre { si6) GASP Eso G4 Fossil fragments from the red flux bed. The ore is largely made up of such fragments of bryozoans and crinoid stems which have been partially or wholly replaced by hematite. Oolitic ore, magnified so as to show quartz nuclei and concentric .structure 'IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 49 _form clay and amounts to some 2 or 3% as a rule. The lime and magnesia are due to limestone which occurs as a cementing ma- _ terial or as unreplaced fossil fragments. They are in largest quan- | tity in the fossil ores where the carbonates average from 15 to 204. The oolitic ores carry about 10 or 12% of carbonates as a rule. Origin of the Clinton ores ‘The Sen of the derivation of the hematites, which are so con- stant an accompaniment of the Clinton formation, has been re- _ peatedly discussed in the literature relating to the geology of the _ different fields. There is more than scientific interest involved in the _ question, since the mode of origin has a bearing upon the distri- _ bution of the deposits and its determination is desirable as an aid | to exploration. It has become quite evident with the progress of investigations that there is a great degree of uniformity in the character and manner of occurrence of the Clinton ores throughout _ their extent and that they have been formed in most, if not all, ; cases under similar conditions. _ Of the many principles that are known to govern the accumula- . tion of iron ores in their varied development, it is possible to elimi- nate all but a few as having no conceivable relation to the Clinton fiematites. In fact there are but two explanations which have re- ceived the attention of geologists and need to be considered here. _ According to the first view, originally advanced by James Hall in his description of the Clinton formation in western New York, the ores were formed in standing water at the same time as the inclosing beds. Hall further expresses the belief that the source of the iron is to be found in the bodies of iron oxids and pyrite con- tained in the old crystalline rocks. Thermal waters are considered _ to have been influential in the deposition of the oolitic ore and they may have hastened the decomposition of the pyrite. These con- clusions were generally adopted by the early writers. The alternative explanation, proposed by Shaler for the Clinton ores in Kentucky and favored by some geologists for the whole as- semblage of Clinton ores, regards the hematite as a secondary intro- ooo after the formation had been upraised above sea level. The ore beds are considered to be replacements of original limestones, effected by the circulation of ground waters which leached the - ferruginous constituents from the overlying strata. This theory of replacement has found its principal advocates among ge eologists a a 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM who have worked in the southern fields where the occurrence of rich ores at the surface is at times succeeded by lean, limey ores in depth. The evidence in support of both views has been traversed very — thoroughly by C. H. Smyth jr, in a paper! which represents as well the results of long experience and close study of the Clinton ores both in the northern and southern districts. There can be no doubt — after an impartial perusal of Professor Smyth’s paper that the — theory of sedimentary origin is fully substantiated for most of the occurrences. For the ores under present consideration’ this is the only explanation at all compatible with the conditions. . | The stratigraphic features presented by the New York section — of the Clinton do not lend themselves to the conception of vertical — circulations of ground water such as would be required to dissolve — and carry iron from the overlying strata. The ore beds everywhere ~ lie nearly horizontal; their dip is universally toward the south at an angle no greater probably in many places than that given by — _ the contour of the original sea bottom on which they were deposited. ‘At no time in their subsequent history have they been steeply in- i clined. Moreover, they are overlain by thick shales not readily © permeable to water. Underground flowage must necessarily be limited and be dependent for the most part on the cropping out of © the more porous strata like the limestone and sandstone layers. © Thus, it is directed rather along the bedding planes than across them. Below the ore there is also more or less shale intervening’ before the j top of the sandstone and conglomerate basement is reached. | | The existence of limestone above the ore beds has been remarked q by Professor Smyth in the paper already quoted. In Cayuga and ~ Wayne counties the fossil hematite is covered directly by limestone - and there are one or more layers at varying horizons in the shale. The main ore bed in this part is generally split into two portions by a thin seam of limestone. No noticeable replacement has taken place in the overlying limestones, though this would be the first to beq affected by descending iron-bearing solutions. The limestones are fine grained and compact and, where protected by shale, they show little effect of leaching in the mass or of solution along the join planes.. ¥ The ore beds are separated by sharp division planes above and below, with no intervening zone of gradation from ore to rock. ‘This feature is well illustrated in the process of open-cut *Zeits, fiir prak, Geol. Aug. 1894. See also paper in Am. Jour. Sci. 1892. 143487. yied saddn ut poq xny pot Burmoys ‘uot Je spoq uojUr[>D oY} Jo UOT}OOS JerjIeg 2 ' TRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 5I mining, by which the overlying burden is removed over a con- siderable area before the ore is taken out; the surface of the _ stratum is extremely regular and smooth, not less so than the surface of the superincumbent limestone. In their uniformity of character the hematites possess a fea- _ ture that is consistent only with a sedimentary derivation. This _ uniformity holds true for the beds near the surface and also : with regard to the ores encountered at depths of several hun- dred feet from the surface. The recent exploration with the _ diamond drill has shown that there is no notable change of _ character on the dip for distances of 5 or 6 miles from the out- | ‘crop. Deep borings made some years since at Syracuse and . Chittenango found the hematite below 600 feet showing it to be _ of normal composition." The ores hold out to much greater _ depths than could be expected from the work of underground ‘waters. Enrichment by solution and redeposition of the iron has not occurred in the New York beds. Whatever variation in iron content there may be is to be regarded as original or as due to weathering on the surface. There are no bodies of soft ores at all comparable to those found in the southern districts. This may be ascribed in large measure perhaps to the effects of the glacial invasion; during the long period previously in which the beds were exposed to atmospheric agencies it seems likely that the ores may have weathered for some distance from the out- crop but were planed off by the ice in its southward advance. Yet, the horizontal disposition of the beds has no doubt retarded disintegration. The chief effect of weathering is the removal of calcite which cements the particles of hematite. The physical constitution of the hematites has already been described and need not be considered in this connection further than to allude to the almost universal presence of oolitic grains in the ores, even those which are apparently of purely fossilifer- ous nature. The deposition of iron about a nucleus in layer after layer can scarcely be conceived as taking place elsewhere than in bodies of standing water, with the nucleal grains free to roll about and completely in contact with the ferruginous solutions. The probable conditions prevailing in Clinton time, bearing 1C. S. Prosser. The Thickness of the Devonian and Silurian Rocks in Central New York. Geol. Soc. Am. Bul. 4: or. 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM upon the formation of the ore beds, have been well stated by Professor Smyth in a paragraph of his paper of which the fol- lowing is a translation. By reference to a geological map of the eastern United States, it will be observed that the Clinton beds were deposited in a sea which received the drainage from an extensive area of crys- talline rocks. Long continued denundation of these rocks, which _are made up in part of iron-bearing silicates and inclose import- ant bodies of magnetite and pyrite, set free large amounts of iron to be carried seaward in solution or suspension. Along the coast of the sea there were in Clinton time extensive swamps and mud flats, evidenced by the frequent surface markings, cracks and tracks of crustaceans and worms found in the shales and sandstones. In other places calcareous fossil frag- ments accumulated and were rolled about and ground by the waves and finally deposited in shallow water forming shell beaches similar to those of the present day, for example, the coquina on the Florida coast. Most of the iron brought down ~ by land drainage of course would be wasted, but a part would be precipitated to form the ore beds. The precipitation occurred in two ways, thereby giving rise to two ore varieties. Where the waters were collected in partially or completely inclosed basins, the iron was thrown down by slow oxidation and gath- ered in layer upon layer about the sand grains, thus forming the oolitic ore. The conditions requisite to this method of precipi- tation obtained apparently over no great areas, so that the oolitic beds are. generally of limited extent. Again the ferruginous waters came in contact with the calcareous shell fragments; here the iron was precipitated partly by reaction with the lime carbonate, yet mostly by oxidation, while the lime was carried off in solution by the aid of the carbon dioxid set free. As this process took place while the shells were being rolled about or heaped up in loose aggregates and was chiefly a result of oxida- tion, the iron took the form of oxid rather than carbonate. It need scarcely be stated that this method of replacement is widely different from the other process of replacement that has been applied to the ores. The progress of the reaction advanced step by step with the accumulation of the fossil fragments. Thus, while the iron is a secondary product as regards the individual particles of ore, it is primary in relation to the ore bed itself. After the ores had thus been collected into loosely aggregated masses of grains and altered fossils,.they were compacted into beds and covered by shales, sandstones and limestones. As a result, the grains and fragments rich in iron are frequently sur- rounded by pure calcite, a circumstance that is far from being — opposed to the present theory of ore formation, but rather in line with what one would expect. | View showing small steam shovel and revolving derrick used in removing and loading the ore into the cars. Furnaceville [ron Co., Ontario Center, Wayne co. IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 53 _ The deposition of the iron partly in the form of carbonate is indicated by the fact that the fossil ores quite commonly show a small percentage of this mineral. It is probable, however, that ‘the iron was mostly precipitated as the hydrated oxid. The change from limonite to hematite took place subsequent to the “upraising of the beds under the influence of pressure from the overlying strata. The New York Clinton beds, in common with those of Ohio, Ontario and Wisconsin, were deposited along the northern margin of the interior Mississippian sea, and the ferruginous materials must have been derived largely from the wash of the _Precambric land mass on the north and northeast. The New ‘York section has its maximum development in the stretch from Clinton to the west end of Oneida lake where there was ap- parently an embayment curving around the southwestern border of the Adirondacks. The present outcrop in this part is every- where within 50 miles at most of the crystalline area. Farther west the beds diminish gradually with the increase of distance from the Adirondack highland, and in the extreme west the “materials probably came from the remoter crystalline region of Canada. East of Clinton there is a more rapid thinning of the beds, since the old Appalachian highland that limited the sea in this direction is soon reached. The Pennsylvanian and southern Clinton deposits were laid down on the western shore of the Appalachian highland; their materiais were probably gathered ‘from this land mass rather than from the north. _ There is an interval of more than 100 miles between the eastern end of the New York belt-and the next appearance of the Clinton rocks to the south, which is in central Pennsylvania. It is possible, however, that this gap is due to the overlapping of the higher Upper Siluric members which are represented in € astern New York and pass into Pennsylvania in the vicinity of Port Jervis. A comparison of the faunas of the Clinton in New York and Pennsylvania shows a close relationship that is sug- yestive of stratigraphic continuity, the buried portion coming to the surface only after it becomes involved in the Appalachian folds. MINING METHODS From the beginning of active mining along the Clinton belt, ittention has naturally been directed to the northern edge or Sutcrop of the beds as being the most accessible for develop- 54 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ment. ‘The conditions are well suited for surface work by stripping or trenching throughout much of the stretch from Herkimer to western Wayne county. In places the ore is en- ~ countered directly beneath the soil or at most a few feet of — glacial materials, while with its flat dip there is often oppor- tunity to extend the field of considerable distances ~ from the outcrop before the overburden becomes excessive. — There is still an abundance of ore that can be removed to ad- vantage by open-cut work. It is quite recently that mechanical methods of excavation — have been introduced, and the greater portion of the product in © the past has been won by the crude system of hand labor first — employed. With the use of portable steam shovels, the cost of © taking out the ore has been so reduced that it is now practicable to strip fully twice as much rock as formerly, notwithstanding ~ the material reduction that has taken place in iron ore prices. An example of good practice in open-cut excavation is af-~ forded by the recent operations of the Furnaceville Iron Co. at Ontario Center. This company has been engaged in working — a strip of land lying to the north of that place and extending — for over 4 miles in an east and west line. The plan adopted here © consists briefly in opening longitudinal trenches, the first along the northern limits of the property, near the outcrop, and the following ones in parallel order progressively with the removal of the ore from the preceding trench. At the present time about 20 feet of overburden is taken off, while in the first cut some 40 rods to the north the ore lay beneath 6 feet of soil and rock. The trench has a width of 60 feet and until recently two shovels” were used in its excavation, each cutting 30 feet or one half the whole width. The shovels loaded into buckets which were hoisted by revolving derricks and dumped on the spoil bank opposite the long face of the trench and just beyond the edge of the ore that was being uncovered. The outer shovel worked somewhat in advance. During the last year the trenching has: been done by a single 100-ton shovel which removes the rock for a width of about 45 feet, dumping directly on the spoil bank, and then returns to clear the remainder with the aid of a der rick.1 The shovels and derricks are mounted to run on tracks 1 Since the. above account was -written, the methods have been somewhat modified in that a conveyor has been installed, as shown in the accompanying plates. The con- veyor consists of a portable structure, with two skips each of 6 cubic yards capacity which receive the rock material from the steam shovel and carry it up the incline (129 feet long) to the dump. ‘This apparatus increases the efficiency of the steam shovel, at the same time enabling the latter to excavate the trench to the full width of 60 feet without return. L * v A) aS “ AGF Furnaceville Iron Co., View showing steam shovel and conveyor used to remove the overburden from the ore. Ontario Center, Wayne co. eee ee ‘oo aUAE AM {19}U9D O1Ie]UD “OD UOIT III UMOYS SI }YSI1 oy} 0} pu aseq oy} WV ‘aJ0 ADIVUIN ‘QA0qe Uapinq3sAo pue UspiIngtoAo jo [PAOWOI Jo} B® youds} Jo - MITA Ol 9}¥Ig IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 55 set in the trench. The overburden consists of 10 feet or slightly more of limestone, somewhat shaly toward the top, and about the same thickness of soil and glacial material. It is loosened for the shovels by drilling and blasting. The 6-inch holes made by churn drills, extend into the ore for about 3 inches and are 16 feet apart, the first row being 6 feet from the edge of the trench. A layer of limestone, 15 to 18 inches thick, that remains on the ore has to be removed by hand. The ore is then loosened by blasting, after holes 3 feet apart and extending a few inches into the underlying green argillaceous limestone, have been made by steam drills. A small amount of the limestone sometimes adheres to the ore but is readily removed. The ore is broken by sledges into convenient size for handling, after which it is loaded, by means of a 40-ton steam shovel, into the buckets of a derrick and hoisted into cars for shipment. A spur from the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad extends _ along the trench on the side opposite the spoil bank; it is moved back from time to time with the advance of operations toward the south. The Fair Haven Iron Co. has pursued a similar plan in opening the property at Sterling Station. The rock is here mostly shale, so that its excavation presents less difficulty than the limestone farther west. Instead of wasting the material in the abandoned part of the workings, the shovel loads into cars which run out on a _ track at one end and are dumped to the north of the pit. The shale and soil covering has a thickness of from 10 to 20 feet. The material is loosened by blasting in advance of the shovel in the manner above described. The mines at Clinton furnish the only examples of underground exploitation of the ores in the State. The long-wall method is employed, the same as used in many coal mines. This method admits of complete extraction of the ore in one operation. It is particularly adapted to comparatively thin deposits that have a flat dip. En- trance to the workings may be had either through a shaft, or, if ‘the seam outcrops anywhere, through an adit driven on the level. By taking advantage of the surface features, it has been possible at Clinton to follow the ore from its outcrop and to make use of the slight inclination of the beds in securing natural drainage. The main entries or gangways are run in an easterly or northeasterly direction across the dip. From these, branches turn off at every 100 feet to the working face, which is kept a short distance ahead = 56 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ~ of the gangway. As the ore measures 30 inches on the average, approximately 2 feet of the overlying shale is taken down for con- venience in working. This material is packed some distance behind the face for roof support, while between the pack and the face wooden posts are placed from 5 to 10 feet apart for further security. As far as possible the posts are removed with the advance of the workings to be again used in the same manner. The bottom o of the face is taken out first by drilling diagonally from the top of the ore bed. Upon blasting the lower portion of the ore is loosened and taken out, after which horizontal holes are drilled into the” shale and the upper part, including the remainder of the ore bed, is removed. Tracks are laid to the working face and the ore is trammed by hand or by mules to the mine dump outside. The — character of the Clinton strata is an advantage in this system 0 of working in that it tends to produce a constant and uniform settle- ment of the ground with the advance of operations. There is thus little or no danger from roof falls. The only drawback seems be that of occasional creeping of the floor in the sanenee whi requires attention from time to time. 4 The few data bearing upon costs that have been obtained wou! ul indicate that when the covering does not exceed 20 feet or so the ore can be removed most economically by open cutting. With * foot ore seam, which yields approximately 8000 gross tons to th acre of surface, the cost of stripping and removing the ore un ler ordinary conditions may be placed at about $1.50 a ton. It has be reported that underground mining has been carried on at Clint for somewhat less, but here the ore is from 30 to 36 inches” Account must be taken also of the expense connected with dev ment work and equipment, which is considerably larger in ES of an underground mine than in surface work. a. DESCRIPTION OF ORE LOCALITIES AND MINES = Cayuga county The outcrop of the fossil ore is encountered near Sterling St where mining operations were first instituted about 35 year and have recently been revived by the Fair Haven Iron Co. Ste Station lies at the eastern end of the ore belt which stretches Wayne county. East of this point the ore diminishes rapidly an within a short distance becomes too thin to be workable. “% Fair Haven Iron Co. The property of the Fair Haven Iron Co. comprises 280 acres situated just south of Sterling Ste r9 Pe . ) § ie. * tog ‘ Li. ween es G&A . ay ~ "hy : ae ’ ' Ki é . * * Cath wid . hia) ‘ ie * Les pity i wae el ety 4 mM han ? z 4 i_ ayy : gy Vig. 3 Sketch map of the Clinton ore belt in Cayuga and eastern Wayne counties. The approximate outcrop of the lower or main ore bed is indicated by the broken line. The map also shows the out- crop of the upper ore seam north of Wolcott and position of the recent test holes. Scale 1 mile to 1% inch Fo Sv0le) ) . 7 oe IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION SF _ between the Lehigh Valley and New York Central (R. W. & O. branch) railroad lines. The company was organized in 1906. The work done thus far consists in the opening of a trench which begins about 400 yards southwest of the station, near the railroad track, and follows the line of outcrop to the east. The bed is found here beneath 10 to 25 feet of soil and rock. The loose overburden represented by soil and glacial materials varies from 18 inches to Io feet. A general section involving the ore, made some distance back from the outcrop, with a maximum of covering, is as follows: MATERIAL FEET a ae ee eS fe) re oes oy ec fs iad e ove ks ca 55 ee L-5) 2 rs cease een nee 3 eee aliaty Westone.) 2) iss)... ee eee 5 eT EU a IO+ The ore as shown in the trench ranges from 30 to 38 inches thick, the average mineable thickness being probably about 30 inches. There is generally a seam of limestone 1 or 2 inches thick in the middle of the ore, while the limestone covering the ore is from Io to 18 inches thick. Eight feet above the main bed is a thin seam of ore, reaching 4 inches as a maximum. The shale above the ore bed is at times quite compact, but presents no difficulty to excava- tion after loosening by blasting. It carries one or more layers of limestone which appear at different horizons and are not persistent for any distance, their total thickness amounting to 5 or 6 inches. An analysis of the ore, supplied by Mr W. L. Cumings, showed the following percentages: i iain 0 Gira nd Dh vines Ce ee 49.97 ois a teary es cc Sve ok beanie bet 6.01 NY ora ine ss feb aot cess 95 TE coe eg op suite 4 os ok aie v8 oie Be 47 MN go. S od g A va’e sale ce Cece we'n eee s 13.96 Te rk. des p'yiird aie wigvises cece. 7.8 SOxg Diss Stara Ale cots eb scenes 6 wee eRe rie weeeesesers ~s Se es oe 8 RIES ae ee er 19.39 OS ROS ae a 45 58 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The shipments from the property during 1907 are reported to have averaged between 36 and 389 iron. A spur from the R. W. & O. Railroad extends into the pit from the western end and the ore can be loaded directly on cars for shipment. The rock is run out at the opposite end on a track and dumped on the waste land north of the pit. The excavation has been carried on by means of a 65-ton Marion steam shovel which works down to the limestone capping. The limestone and ore are then removed by drilling and blasting. Swartout opening. Just west of this oe across the rail- road track, is the Swartout opening, which was worked about 35 years ago. The workings are small and the amount. of ore taken out could not have amounted to more than a few hundred tons. | Furnaceville Iron Co. A short distance farther west, on the Josiah Gailey farm, ore was mined during the years 1887 and 1888 by the Furnaceville Iron Co. The locality is referred to by Smock! — who states that the ore occurs in two beds, each about 18 inches ~ thick. It would appear that the two beds are the same as the main bed on the property of the Fair Haven Iron Co. which, as already stated, is divided by a thin seam of limestone. From information obtained locally, the thickness of the ore as mined ranged from 30 ~ to 40 inches. The ore was uncovered by steam shovel. The prop- 4 erty is said to be still owned by the Furnaceville Iron dae om, if. FL 6 a + ee 3 Re Oseias county The section of the Clinton belt extending through the towns of New Hartford, Kirkland, Westmoreland and Verona, Oneida CO., ; has afforded most of the ore obtained from the formation in the eastern part of the State. Openings have been made in the ore at id intervals all the way from the Oneida-Herkimer county line on the a east to Verona Station on the west. Most of the work has been — done by open cutting along the outcrop, a method exclusively pur- | sued in the early days of mining, but now abandoned. For some ~ years past operations have been restricted to the properties just | 1 First Report on_the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in the State of New Yo ‘ N, Y. State Mus. Bul. 7. 1889. p. 51. rk. “a ‘adid uoir ayy Aq pozeoipur Suroq uonsod Jamo] s}t ‘do} Ivou savodde poq xny poy ‘uojulD “09 BuLinjovynuryy uoly urlpyuesy 94} JO SoUIU 94} 0} AljUy bos IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 59 east of Clinton owned by C. A. Borst and the Franklin Iron Manu- facturing Co. who obtain the ore entirely by underground mining. The outcrop of the main ore bed in this region is shown on the map [pl. 12], which reproduces portions of the Oriskany and Utica topographic: sheets on the scale of 1 mile to the inch. The mining industry around Clinton dates back to the beginning of the last century. The first lease for digging ore is said to have been granted in 1797. The Norton mine at the foot of College hill west of Clinton is the site of some of the earliest operations and supplied ore to forges in the vicinity. Charcoal furnaces soon super- seded the forges and were operated until the erection of the larger furnaces using anthracite coal. The charcoal plants were located as far away as LTaberg and Constantia, while there were others nearer by at Lenox, Walesville, and in the town of Frankfort, Herkimer co. With the opening of the Chenango canal, shipments of ore began to be made to Pennsylvania furnaces. From 1845 to 1850 the Scranton Iron Co. engaged in this business on an extensive scale, shipping the ore from New Hartford and Clinton by boat to Binghamton and then on to Scranton. In 1852 the Franklin Iron Works erected a plant on the site of the present furnace of the Franklin Iron Manufacturing Co., and began operations with an output of 150 tons of pig iron a week. The fuel used was anthracite coal. An additional furnace was built in 1869-70 giving a combined output of about 300 tons a week. The Clinton Iron Co. was organized in 1872 to manufacture iron at Kirkland, just north of Clinton. The furnace was placed in operation in 1872, the ore supply being obtained from Westmoreland. ‘This furnace has been closed down for the last 20 years, while the Frank- lin furnace has been operated intermittently, depending upon the iron market. Besides the ore used by these furnaces considerable quantities were shipped at one time to Geddes (near Syracuse), Albany and Poughkeepsie. The mining of the Clinton ore for paint manufacture has been carried on by C. A. Borst since 1890. From 5,000 to 10,000 tons are produced each year for that purpose. Davis opening. This is the most easterly working in Oneidu county, being within about a mile of the Herkimer county line. It is also known as the East Hill opening and was once a part of the _ property owned by the Scranton Iron Co. It was worked for some years by J. G. Egert and afterwards by C. A. Borst. The open-cut excavation extends over several acres beginning a little over a mile east of Washington Mills and extending eastward along the outcrop. The ore is covered by from 6 to 10 feet of soil, with a little shale, OO" 5 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM and has a thickness of 22 inches as a maximum, diminishing g grad- ually as one proceeds in an easterly direction. At the upper resei voir on Starch Factory creek, across the county line, the bed is only 2 10 inches thick. The overlying rocks are shown here up to the re flux bed which has a thickness of 40 inches and is exposed over | considerable area. The ore from the Davis mine was shipped to Poughkeepsie and other points. An analysis given by Putnam show the following percentages: a Wells and Ellingwood openings. Continuing westward from the Davis mine, the outcrop of the ore bed comes out into the Sauquoit valley and then turns upstream or southward to a poin t beyond Chadwicks where it crosses the Sauquoit and follows a. nearly northerly course to a point about a mile west of Washington Mills. Some ore has been taken out in the valley near Chadwicks, but there are no extensive excavations until the outcrop is encoun- tered along the highway from Washington Mills to Clinton. In this stretch of about 4 miles the surface is quite level, with only a gradual rise to the south, and a large area of the ore bed can be ex- ploited by shallow workings. The outcrop has already been stripped for much of the distance, as there are many places where the oul covering is soil and glacial materials. q The Wells, situated in the eastern part of the town of Kirkland about half way between Washington Mills and Clinton, is an open cut extending along the outcrop for several hundred feet. Tt w: / once operated by the Franklin Iron Co. It was idle at the time of Smock’s report. The property now belongs to C. A. Borst of Clin- ton. According to the descriptions of Putnam the ore as worked averaged about 21 inches and was covered by 12 to 15 feet of shale and gravel. An analysis of a sample from 400 tons showed the fol- lowing percentage of iron and phosphorus. East of the Wells open cut, there is about 1 mile of the outcrop. that has not been exploited, while beyond this interval an h nee has S been made by C. A. Borst over a small area. ss The Ellingwood Openme adjoins the Wells on the west. An analy er + __-EDUCATION DEPARTMENT "JOHN M. CLARKE GEOLOGIST _ __ Tare STATE MUSEUM wal % H 4) Leek CALIF ; = Le *) quoi cad WN yx ay! oY SED Wasone MAP SHOWING LINE OF OUTCROP OF CLI EIDA AND HERKIMER COUNTIES —- h Ste _ IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 61 Seats « Ps is of the ore made by J. B. Britton and quoted 2 Putnam gave the following results. hah SIR Gok at, oie ks eee peat 50+ Non-oolitic ore (red flux). 272382...) ee 6 Calcareous sandstone... 2.5. oo cette teveecena nt ee 6 Blue shale and thin sandstone! .. 22-22. - = 2a ee 15 Oolitic Gfe 6. a. eich oe eis een eee 2 Shalecie es oo a Fibs See i. 2 Oolitic Ore... ea ec Wie ee I Blue. shale and thin sandstone...........) 2.05] een 1OO+ The red flux bed reaches its greatest thickness at this point. The oolitic ore alone is mined. The existence of two oolitic beds in the Clinton section has been generally accepted as a normal condition, but this is not the case. There is convincing evidence to show that — the lower seam represents nothing more than a split in the main bed — due to a thickening locally of the shale or sandstone parting that is nearly everywhere present. There are few places where the two beds are more than a few inches apart. As a rule the ore in this vicinity really measures from 30 to 36 inches, that is the combined thickness of the two beds, and it has been the recent practice to ex- — tract the entire oolitic ore without reference to the intervening rock layer. a | ? The composition of the oolitic ore at this locality is shown by the following analyses. I 2 3 4 5 FeO, v:.i5 tae een 60.17.” 42.07 .. 70 6b-s aee 71.82 IO) eee TL iS7 220072 9.98 12.63) ae AlO yi c/n 3 QA) ba are 2 a 5-45 2,01 MnQ.. .%: eee .19 p27 ir; 15 F639 GaQ, .< 3 eee 5.8 8.57 1.54 62 3075 MeO) . gee 2127 0G 3 2.77 “2.a Sn eee os eee aes) .837 Nil Bn, Nil’ P.O... \ oe iG 1.726 O54. 7) eee 2.006 ‘J. F. Kemp. Ore Deposits of the United States. 1896. p. 104. uo Ivou “od Bulinjorjnueyy uoIy ulpyuesy oy} Jo sovuIng { ELON NEE Ee oy" i nw * as - a, ' IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 63 I 2 3 ‘a : 4 re 4.75 oe) p | 9-47 4.39 2.47 : 2.7 J es oe a a Sarees .439 7 a ae 554 ese 99.676 100.000 100.000 100.85 100.000 Mg .....-.,.. ..: AS 42.30.08 "Gb. S727 e aad Bm 50.68 mee wosphorus......... parse San Be 4 541 .65 2055 Seen ee Analysis no. 1 was made by C. H. Smyth jr. No. 2 relates to the bottom tier of oolitic ore from the Franklin mine; J. B. Britton, analyst. No. 3 is from the same mine, by J. B. Britton. No. 4 is an average analysis of ore from the Franklin and Clin- ton mines made by A. H. Chester in 1873. No. 5 is from a sample of ore from the Clinton mine, J. B. Britton, analyst. With the exception of no. 1 which is taken from the report by John C. Smock, the analyses are quoted from Putnam’s paper in the Report of the Tenth Census. The variations in the iron percentages shown by the analyses are extreme and may be ascribed to lack of uniformity in taking ‘samples. The ore as roughly mined will run about 40%; the average return during the last period of operations is stated to have been 40.27%. By removing the rock parting the content can be raised to 45%. The median 12 inches or so of the oolitic bed will assay above 50%. The red flux bed has been analyzed by E. C. Sullivan’ with the following results: yee ee go hateieiw ale so Ra badalencs 20.24 Nc rl gag Celso wiatd Wheek On 8 4 8.71 ee a ure gists pa Fas ous 3.67 as ee in tse Sree say ak wide oR 20.64. Nn es. cA cs 0 A bodes Ace's oe veep cols O48 7.84 an, a ay he og hic Heese icals wnat TS ee Peale eo didegls ¢0k4 o's Acree wee 75 LACS Re he AS a ee 24.78 ( 1Eckel, E.C, The Clinton"Hematite. Eng. & Min. Jour. May’r1, 1905.7 p. 897- 64 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Elliott and Butler, or Borst mines. The properties described in the early reports under the names of the Elliott and Butler openings lie just north of the preceding mines along the east- west outcrop of the Clinton. Since their purchase by C. A. Borst, they have been converted into underground mines. They cover an area of 60 acres. The method of mining is the same as practised by the Franklin Iron Manufacturing Co., but the workings are so laid out that natural drainage is secured. The entry is from the west and the ore is trammed by hand to the stock pile where there are facilities for loading directly on cars for shipment. The mining equipment is exceptionally complete while the underground development is such that a large output can be made.- An‘independent spur connects the mine with the main railroad line.. Most of the ore heretofore has been sold for grinding into mortar colors and metallic paint, the output for- that purpose being much the largest of any hematite mine in the region. The paint ore is shipped with an average of 45% Fe, — the quality being somewhat higher than the run-of-mine, since the sandstone parting is removed by cobbing. An analysis of a sample of the ore is reported by Putnam to have eves se fol- lowing pereentae tes i | -The-oolitic bed:measures about 30 inches, with variations of a few inches above and below the average. Clinton Mills opening. This open cut, also called the Ferman, q is situated 2 miles northwest of the preceding mines, on the opposite _ side of the Oriskany valley. From the mines east of Clinton village, the ore outcrop runs southwest and, forming an upstream deflec- tion as at Sauquoit, crosses the Oriskany at some distance from the surface in the vicinity of Franklin Springs. Continuing north, on — the west side of the valley, the ore is first encountered in-expostre — within the small glen just south of the road that leads up College — hill. One mile further north is the Clinton Mills locality, stated by — Smock to have afforded. some ore for the Kirkland furnace. An 4 uo) 4siog “VY "D jo jueld Sururyy VI 93eIq MAAKS, IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 65 acre or more of ground was worked by the open-cut method, the operations dating back to the year 1888. On account of the steep _ valley slope here the overburden increases rapidly away from the _ outcrop. The section-as given by Smock follows: MMETE Cttits. 2s Saxe ceo oe ee eee 18-30 feet BEEenNIOLty SUAIC S517 toss ek eee ee 20 inches ME cae oS! asia g's wea 3 ae eee 24-30 inches Floor of ferruginous sandstone. : The ore bed dips at the rate of 3 feet in 100 feet to the south- west, and drainage is not so readily effected as on the east side of the valley. A peculiar feature is the occurrence of slight offsets which displace the bed as much as 6 inches. The ore has the same general character as the Clinton oolitic bed but contains a greater proportion of shaly material. Norton opening. This adjoins the Clinton Mills property on the north. It is described by Putnam as under operation at the time of his report. The ore is 21 inches thick, with shale covering. An analysis of a sample from 30 tons of the ore is reported by Putnam to have shown: Openings in town of Westmoreland. The oolitic bed con- - tinues north and west into the town of Westmoreland where it has been worked at different places for the supply of the Kirkland and Taberg furnaces. One was dug on the Pryer and Laughlin farms, about a mile _ west of Kirkland, for use in the local furnace. The bed is here 18 inches thick. An analysis, quoted from Putnam, shows the follow- ing percentages: EN tel oN elt tak ha ase a Woe Be Soo 42.9 About 34 of a mile north of the Pryer farm, across the small stream that drains into the Oriskany, are the openings on the Derwin farm and a little south of them, across the stream, the Freibergher opening, all of which were made by the Kirkland Iron Co. The ore from the Derwin farm is about 16 inches thick and somewhat: 6A NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM shaly. It was sorted before smelting. A sample of the sorted ore showed : About % mile west from the Derwin farm there are two openings on the adjoining farms of Fred Richer, and a little beyond is another on the Egan farm. ‘The product was partly used in the Taberg furnace. Continuing farther west there are outcrops of the oolitic bed on the farm of Henry Kingsnorth and at Newland’s Mills. 1. Klein, 2. Stevens, 3, Dann, | , Oneida co., showing outcrop of the Oneida conglomerate, openings -The excavations are numbered as follows: ore and position of rece. t test boring. Fig. 4: Sketch map of the district about Verona 4and 5, Cagwin. rT fo: 7 JO YY} 10U S$ oT 2 c. 09 BpIoud c puryy Ny uot) 910 uOJUTTD Uodn Unt pure SI 97eI[g OD UOIT purpyIry oy} Aq IyINq doeUIN]Z yseIq PIO a! Hie ath LP dae! 5 \ nit 3 IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 67 Openings in the town of Verona. In the interval of about 6 miles from Hecla works to Verona village the oolitic bed disappears, Or at least if is nowhere seen in the exposures. The next openings _ to the west lie just north of Verona village on the Klein farm. The bed is about 1 foot thick and of fossil character, resembling in ap- pearance the red flux bed around Clinton. It lies beneath 5 or 6 feet of earth. The iron content is low, as shown by the following analysis: West of Verona village, across the New York Central Railroad, is the Cagwin farm, which is mentioned by Putnam as operated under lease by the Onondaga Iron Co. The ore is 15 to 17 inches thick and richer in iron than the eastern part of the same bed. An analysis showed: The farms owned by M. Stevens, W. E. Dann and Timothy Smith, near by, have furnished a limited amount of ore in the past. _ There has been no production of ore in this section for some time. The fossil bed seems to have been discovered at an early date, and was worked in places before 1830. The ore was used mainly in the furnaces at Taberg, Constantia and Lenox, while in _ later years some ore was shipped to Geddes, near Syracuse. Wayne county The belt of Clinton rocks crosses northern Wayne county in an east-west direction. The ore outcrop is encountered in the towns of Wolcott, Huron, Sodus, Williamson and Ontario. The mine work- ings are entirely of open-cut character, situated on the outcrop or _ near by, where the maximum covering of soil and rock does not ex- - ceed 25 feet. The ore belt, so far as it has been located, is shown on the maps facing pages 56 and 7o. The discovery of the hematites in the county dates back to the opening of the last century. Hall records that ore was dug in the town of Ontario during the War of 1812 and carried to Auburn for grinding into paint. Spafford’s Gazeteer, published in 1824, refers 68 3 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM to active mining operations as carried on in that section for the sup- ply of three local forges and a furnace at Manchester. According to the same authority ore was obtained, also, from the town of Sodus. Hall in 1838 mentioned the existence of workings on the outlet of Salmon creek, town of Sodus, near which a forge was still standing at the time. A furnace had been erected before that date on Bear creek, at the locality now known as Furnaceville, 2 miles. north of Ontario village. The furnace was run upon ores taken from the vicinity and continued to operate for many years. About 1869, a new stack having a capacity of 80 tons a day was erected. In the town of Wolcott the manufacture of iron was begun soon after 1820, undoubtedly at the old furnace just north of Wolcott vil- lage. The iron after it was converted into castings was hauled to Clyde and shipped to outside points by canal. The last run of iron at this furnace was made in 1869, since which time there has been little or no ore produced in the vicinity. In the town of Ontario mining operations have been carried on more or less steadily from the first discovery. ’ Openings in the town of Wolcott. The oldest working in ~ this town is that found along the bed of Wolcott creek, 114 miles north of Wolcott village, near the furnace site. The ore outcrops — on both sides of the creek immediately below the soil. It is of fossil character and belongs to the upper ore horizon shown in the ~ record of the test hole put down at Wolcott. It is about 1 foot thick. An analysis quoted from Beck! shows. the following compo- sition: Fe; Og Ska eas oe See ee 51.65 DIO gs nica. oS eal eee Rae ee ee 6.0324 ALO A: oan Sis SEAS an ee eer oe Calg. wafer nie athe ee ee 24 Be. MeCO gos iis ates: ae eeepc: ee OT ae FO we siigres otis veces as Sig enti ae Begs 100.00 Tron sean he GR eae eee Oe 36.05 A second locality, where ore was obtained i in the early days, i . about 5 miles northeast of Wolcott village, on the course of the little stream called Bear creek. The bed here is 30 inchés thick, | representing the lower or. main seam of ore as developed in this ‘Mineralogy of New_York. 1842. * p. 28. ayeys useis Aq urejiopun ‘do} }@ paq 910 SI}IJOO ‘09 eplouC ‘SYIOAA BPoP{ Jvou ‘s|[IPT s,puryMoN j}e pasodxd spoq uozI[D 24} JO UOT}DIS QI 9}¥[d ” ' TRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 69 ‘region. It has been worked from the outcrop back into the face of a low hill over an area of more than an acre. There has been no work done for the last 40 years. An analysis of the ore is here given. I 0 ate oo te arene ai hats Deak ee 38.87 RES rs tne ee re re ay lth ee ah Se aieks 3.45 Das tis Soe, ea eae ee pits EY ee oe 25 MN eel. Ges Sees. Pes ya ee ae Se .O18 See Se so geet nhs siyas sy G wii ee 374 Town of Huron. Hematite is reported to outcrop on lot 339 but has not been worked. Town of Sodus. There is an old working on Salmon creek, near the mouth, but apparently very little ore has been taken out. Hall states that operations were abandoned before 1838. Openings in town of Ontario. This township has yielded most of the ore output from the western section of the Clinton belt. The workings extend almost continuously across the whole width of the town, between 5 and 6 miles, and for as much as % mile back from the outcrop. The bed passes into the town of Williamson on the east where it maintains its average thickness for at least 2 miles farther, but has not been opened. The line of workings lies about 3 miles south of Lake Ontario and % mile north of the R. W. & O. Railroad tracks. The ore belongs to the fossil variety, averaging about 20 inches thick. It occurs below the Pentamerus limestone, which reaches its maximum in this section of the State. The Furnaceville Iron Co. owns extensive properties along the ore outcrop from Ontario village westward. At present the strip from Ontario to Ontario Center is under exploitation. The com- pany has been active for many years and its methods of excavation and extraction of the ore have been perfected to a degree rarely seen in such work. At the present time a little more than 20 feet of rock and soil are removed from above the ore bed. The work- ings are connected by a branch railroad with the main line at On- tario Center. The ore is shipped to Emporium, Pa. Its compo- ition is exhibited by the following analyses, of which no. 1 has been reported by Mr W. L. Cumings and no. 2 has been taken tom Putnam’s report. 70 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ap Po hn Oe, 7.34 IMO oS oe te feet. eae 3.70: ae MIMO. foe Cie. OO One tr. eee Pirie do ecw seeps 6 re .494 Sik O00 e bo cde as fb eee ee .028 eee In the Report of the Tenth Census, Putnam mentions several properties as under operation and shows their location. The prop- ; erties in order from east to west include the Bennet, Ontario Fur-— nace Co., Hurly, La Frois, Bundy and Ontario Furnace Co., of : which all but the first one were active. The principal holdings of © the Ontario Furnace Co. have been taken over by the Furnaceville Iron Co., the former company having gone out of existence. Th ie analyses below are from Putnam and refer to ores from these prop- eS erties: no. I, Hurly; no. 2, La Frois; and nos 3) eummee |i SAGAN Bia sh Be Ones 2 40.73 42.25 | ae | Sr edema Sine an Ge a ate n Sor AST The Ontario Iron Ore Co. is a new producer in this section and began shipments in 1907. The company owns properties lying « e of the Slocum road and a little west of Ontario Center. | The Wayne Iron Ore Co. has properties under development those of the Furnaceville Iron Co., north of Ontario, and farther west, near the Wayne-Monroe county line. The hold near Ontario have been tested with a core drill and the ore b | found to range from 18 to 30 inches thick. The ore on the west properties has an average thickness of 18 inches. A series ° analyses from samples of the ore represented by the drill cores test pits distributed over all parts of these properties me following average: 7 Se ta aes a rg ; pe. 6 eee es , 5 PY PD mcailly Ye BI Diary —— - Ms a yh ar% EDUGATION DEPARTMENT M. CLARKE STA" M 7M STATE GEOLOGIST STATE USEU aceville PART OF MACEDON QUADRANGLE MAP SHOWING LINE OF OUTCROP OF CLINTON FOSSIL ORE THROUGH THE TOWN OF ONTARIO, WAYNE COUNTY eI A f — 4 4 ’ ee a z € . fa Pe, - a - _ al a a! ‘ae . Ed Fey dh canoe. at “ if f j : eR bs ey a Bote ey nig es er +3 a 4 f < %, ¥ b i > ¥.. ’ a ~ tral ‘ ; * OW abe RL rN : , : : hia ae ' Ft me at » ‘ , ne A 4 sath \ SERPENT his cok By Ses % , i ’ = Ing moe . A “oe ms wifodey aia ieee” } | 4 7 Z ® ' e . i ? F Pei _ I t . ’ . 7 Bette ne ote = 5 emp Amato sas naman ape | teagan he ded thie Pr ane TEES) SRS tor Ba i imams ‘ Ri DOR Qi OGUMOHe Saas ho OR OG Re Eh SERRE | . ant IRON ORES OF THE CLINTON FORMATION 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY The following is a list of publications dealing with Clinton ores and their occurrence in New York State. The more important ones have been reviewed in an initial section of this report. Ashburner, C. A. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York State. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. v. 16. 1888. Includes a number of well sections involving the Clinton formation. Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York. 1842. Contains brief mention of the ores, with analyses of samples from Wolcott and Rochester. Chester, Albert H. The Iron Region of Central New York. An address delivered before the Utica Mercantile and Manufacturing Association, ica, N. Y., 1891 Describes the Clinton ores found in Oneida county and advocates the erection of local blast furnaces for their treatment. Gives several chemical analyses. Conrad, T. A. First Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the Third District of New York. Albany 1840. Briefly describes the Clinton in western New York. Eaton, Amos. A Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District Ad- joining the Erie Canal in the State of New York. Albany 1829. First to describe the ores and associated strata. Eckel, E. C. The Clinton Hematite. Eng. & Min. Jour. v. 79, 1905. A short account of the fossil and oolitic beds at Clinton, with analyses. Englehardt, F. E. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs, for the year 1884. Gives detailed sections of two well borings in the vicinity of Syracuse. Foerste, A. F. On the Clinton Oolitic Iron Ores. Am. Jour. Sci. Ser. 3. v. 4I. ; Refers to the presence of fossils in the ores and advocates a ieplacement process to account for the introduction of the iron. Hall, James. Second Annual Report of the Fourth Geological District. Albany 1840. Geology of New York, part IV, comprising survey of the Fourth Geological District. Albany 1843. The best authority on the Clinton stratigraphy in western New York. Palaeontology of New York. v. 2. Albany 1852. Contains sections of the Clinton strata in Herkimer and Montgomery counties. Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic Map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach Quad- rangles. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 114. 1907. Shows the Clinton outcrop within this area and describes the succession of strata found in the Genesee gorge. The Clinton Hematite. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 112. 1900. Notes on recent mining developments in the Clinton belt. Kimball, James P. Genesis of Iron Ores by Isomorphous and Pseudomor- phous Replacement of Limestone. Am. Geol. v. 8. 1891. Advances the replacement hypothesis for the Clinton ores. 72 . _ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Prosser, C. Ss. The Thickness of the Devonian and Silurian Rocks of West 4 ern Central New York. Am. Geol. v. 6. I900. 4 Includes well sections through the Clinton formations at Seneca Falls, Clyde and Wolcott. nS Gas-Well Sections in the Upper Mohawk Valley daa Central New 4q York. Am. Geol. v. 25. 1890. a Includes well sections at Auburn, Baldwinsville and Vernon. Section of the Alloway, New York, Well. Am. Geol. v. 25. 1900. Putnam, B. T. Notes on the Samples of Iron Ore Collected i in New York. 10th Census of U. S. v. I5: Describes mining operations and ore occurrences, with numerous analyses. Smock, J. C. Report on the Iron Mines and Iron-Ore Districts in the State of New. York. / N.Y. State Mts) Bull 7. 1es0r og Contains description of the mine workings on the Clinton belt, with some account of the distribution of the ores. Review of the Iron Mining Industry of. New York for the Past Decade. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans. v. 17. 1880. Smyth, C. H. jr. On the Clinton Iron Ore. Am. Jour. Sci. Ser. 3. v. a a 1892. Ne Discusses at length the origin of the Clinton hematites. Die Hamatite von Clinton in den Ostlichen Vereinigten Staaten, Zeits. f. prak. Geologie. August 1894. A further contribution to the subject of origin, confirming his conclusions as to the original bedded nature of the deposits. Swank, J. W. The American Iron Industry from its ‘Beginning in 1619 to 1886. Mineral Resources. U. S. Geol. Sur. 1886. So Briefly mentions the Clinton mines. Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Annual Report of the Geological Saree of the Third District. Albany 1840. P Geology of New York, part 3, comprising the survey of the Thir aa Geological District. Albany 1842. a & he source of most of our knowledge concerning Clinton stratigraphy i = eastern 1 Ne or r White, Theodore G. Report on the Relations of the Ordovician and ] Silurian Rocks in Portions of Herkimer, Oneida and Lewis Counties. uy State Mus. Rep’t 51. v. 1. 18099. | Contains partial Clinton sections in the region south of Utica. INDEX _ Albany county, 9, ro. Alloway, 22. Alton, 23. _Alumina in Clinton ores, 48. _ Anoplotheca hemispherica, 20, 31, 32. _ Appropriation for exploratory opera- tions, 29. 7 Ashburner, C. A., cited, 71. Auburn, 23-24. Bear creek, 68. _ Beck, L. C., analysis by, 68; cited, ie Bennet’s ore bed, 70. Bibliography, 71-72. Borst, Charles A., acknowledgments to, 6; mentioned, 47, 59, 60. - Borst mine, 64. _ Brakes, James, analysis by, 33. Brewerton, 24, 37-38, 43, 40. Britton, J. B., analysis by, 61, 63. _ Bundy’s ore bed, 70. _ Cagwin farm, 40, 67. Calcite, 47. Canajoharie, 28. _ Canajoharie creek, 28. Cayuga county, Clinton formation, Sud, a2, 23, 39, 43, 44, 46, 50; dip of strata, 16; drill holes, 35; mines, 56-58. _Cayugan, 11, 13. -Cementing material, 47. Chadwicks, 60. Chapman, John, 35. Chemical character of Clinton ores, 47-49. Cherry Valley, 8, 28. Chester, A. H., analyses by, 48, 63; cited, 71. Chittenango, 25, 51. Clinton, dip of iron ore at, 18; eleva- tion of outcrop, 18; iron ores, 26- 27, 42, 46, 47, 55; mining industry, 59, 61-64. Clinton formation, first use of name, 7; distribution, 8-9; topographic features, 9; stratigraphic relations, 11-15; general structure, 16; high- est elevation, 18; details, 18-19; maximum thickness, 25; eastern termination, 28. See also Clinton ores. Clinton Iron Co., 59. Clinton Mills opening, 64-65. Clinton ores, earliest mining opera- tions, 5; production, 5; fluxing nature, 6; low iron content, 6; previous studies, 7-8; origin, 8, 49-53; exploration, 29-41; dis- tribution and resources, 41-45; quantity available in three prin- cipal areas, 44; mineralogy. 45-47; cost of ore extraction, 45; chemical character, 47-49; mining methods, 53-56; description of localities and mines, 56-70; cost of stripping and removing the ore, 56. See also Clinton formation. Clyde, 22. Cobleskill limestone, 11. Conrad, T. A., cited, 71. Cowen, Robert, farm of, 38. Cumings, W. L., analyses by, 57-58, 69-70. Dann, W. E., farm, 67. Davis farm, 40. Davis opening, Deck, 28. Derwin farm, 65, 66. Diamond core drill, 30. Dip of strata, 16. Donnelly farm, 26. Drumlins, from Sodus to the Oswego Tiver, 10. Du Bois, Isaac, farm of, 30. 59-60. East Hill opening, 59. Eaton, Amos, cited, 7, 71. [73] 7&: ~NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eckel, E. C., cited, 63, 71. Egan farm, 66. Egert, J. G., mentioned, 59. Ellingwood opening, 60-61. Elliott and Butler mine, 64. Buclehardt, bs H.; cited, 24,25, (71. Erie county. dip of strata, 18. Exploration of the Clinton forma- tion, 29-41. Fair Haven, 23. Fair Haven Iron Co., 35, 55, 56-58. Ferman opening, 64. Flat creek, 27. Foerste, A. F., cited, 71. Fossiliferous structure, 46. Frankfort hill, 42. Franklin furnace, 59. Franklin Furnace Co., 47. Franklin Iron Manufacturing Co., 59, 60, 61. Franklin Iron Works, 59. Franklin mine, 61—64. Franklin Springs, 61, 64. Freibergher opening, 65. Frost, M. H., farm of, 33. Furnaceville, 8, 20, 68. Furnaceville Iron Co., 54, 58, 69, 70. Gailey, Josiah, farm, 58. Gale well, 24, 25. Genesee river, 9, 20. German Flats, Clinton formation, 27. Grabau, cited, 20. Green Pond conglomerate, 13. Guelph dolomite, rr. Gypsum deposits, 14. Hall,‘James, cited,-6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 2m, 28,540; "G75 GOS, (GO, 71, Hartnagel, C. A., cited, 8, 71. Hecla Works, Clinton formation, 1o. Helderbergs, ro. Hematite ores, see Clinton ores. Herkimer county, Clinton beds, 8, 18, 19, 247-28, 42,49. Hudson river formation, 28. Hurly’s ore bed, 7o. Huron, 67, 69. Iron carbonate, 45. Irondequoit bay, ro. Irondequoit limestone, 8, 20. Iroquois, lake, ro. Joscelin’s Corners, Clinton forma-— tion, 26. Kemp, J. F., cited, 27, 62. Kimball, James P., cited, 71. Kingsnorth, Henry, farm of, 66. Kirkland, 43, 58, 59, 60. Kirkland furnace, 65. Kirkland Iron Co., 65. Klein opening, 40, 67. La Frois ore bed, 7o. Lake Iroquois, to. Lakeport, 25, 26, 38-40, 43, 46. Laughlin farm, 65. Lime in Clinton ores, 48. Little Falls, 28. Localities and mines, description, 50-70. Lockport beds, 11, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.) 30;.3.5: Lutentelly, Alonzo, 36. 2 Madison county, Clinton formation, 5, 8, 19, 25; dip of iron ore at, 18; drill holes, 38—40. Magnesia in Clinton ores, 48. Manchester, furnace at, 68. Manlius limestone, r11.- Map of portion of Clinton belt, 8. Martville, 35. Medina formation, 7, II, 14, 15, 22, 25.20.52 .E. Mineralogy and structural features, 45-33: Mines, description, 56—70. Mining methods, 53-56. Mississippian sea, 13. Mohawk river, ro. “ 56. 72; rae NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Stevens, M., farm, 67. Stratigraphic relations of the Clinton formation, 11-15. Sulfur in Clinton ores, 48. Sullivan, E. C., analysis by, 63. Sullivan county, 9, 13. Swank, J. W., cited, 72. Swartout opening, 58. Syracuse, 24-25, 51. Taberg furnace, 65. Tisdale’s mill, 27. Topographic features, 9-10. Touceda, E., analysesby, 34, 38, 41. Ulster county, Cayugan group, 13. Vanhornesville, Clinton formation, 28. Vanuxem, Lardner, cived 6, 7D 8, 14, BO A20e 72: Verona, 10, 26, 40-41, 43, 46, Fo8, VE ‘Wisconsin, Clinton areas, 9. — Ae - Wolcott, 23, 32, 43, 44, 67, 6 ) Wallington, Clinton formation, 21- 22, 30, 44. Si cae Warren, 27. Washington Mills, 60. Wayne county, Clinton beds, 5, 8, 20-21, 22, 23, 35,4 naa dip of strata, 16; drill holes, 30, elevation of strata, 18; te 70. Wayne Iron Ore on 70. xa Wells opening, 60—61.: 5 am Westmoreland, 26, 43, 46, 58, 59; 65-66. me White, Theodore G., cited, yas : Whitlock, 1a Sipe drawings nae 7: Williamson, 67, 69. Williamson shale, 8, 20. Wolcott furnace, 22, 68. ay Wolcott limestone, 8, 20, ou 27 a wae 7 le New York State Education Department New York State Museum Joun M. Crarxe, Director PUBLICATIONS Packages will be sent prepaid except when distance or weight renders the same impracticable. On 1o or more copies of any one publication 20% discount will be given. Editions printed are only large enough to meet special claims and probable sales. When the sale copies are exhausted, the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that charged by second- hand booksellers, in order to limit their distribution to cases of special need. Such prices are inclosed in[]. All publications are in paper covers, unless binding is specified. Museum annual reports 1847-date. Allin print to 1894, 50c a volume, 75¢ in cloth; 1894-date, sold in sets only; 75c each for octavo volumes; price of quarto volumes on application. These reports are made up of the reports of the Director, Geologist, Paleontologist, Botanist and Entomologist, and museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. Director’s annual reports 1904—date. 1904. 138p. 20Cc. 1906. r86p. 4rpl. 35¢. 1905. ro2p. 23pl. 30c. 1907. (Bul. r21) 21ap. 63pl. soc. These reports cover the reports of the State Geologist and of the State Paleontologist. Bound also with the museum reports of which they form a part. Geologist’s annual reports 1881—-date. Rep’ts t, 3-13, 17—date, O; 2, 14-16, Q. In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the geologic and was reported separately from 1899-1903. The two departments were reunited in 1904, and are now reported in the Director’s report. The annual reports of the original Natural History Survey, 1837-41, are out of print. Reports 1-4, 1881-84, were published only in separate form. Of the sth report 4 pages were reprinted in the 39th museum report, and a supplement to the 6th report was included in the 40th museum report. The 7th and subsequent reports are included in the 4rst and following museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the 11th report (1891) and 13th (1893) are omitted from the 45th and 47th museum reports. Separate volumes of the following only are available. Report Price Report Price Report Price 12 (1892) $.50 17 $.75 ar $.40 14 -75 18 75 22 40 I5, 2v. 2 19 .40 23 -45 16 I 20 .50 iSee Director’s annual reports] _ Paleontologist’s annual reports 1899—date. See first note under Geologist’s annual reports. Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 may be had for 20c each. Those for 1901-3 were issued as bulletins. In 1904 combined with the Director’s report. _Entomologist’s annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York 1882-—date. Reports 3-20 bound also with museum reports 40-46, 48-58 of which they form a part. Since 1898 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Reports 3-4, 17 are out of print, other reports with prices are: Report Price Report Price Report Price I $.50 10 $.35 18 (Bul. 64) $.20 2 +30 It -25 26 (96)... o 88 5 -25 12 -25 20(‘* o7) .40 6 -I5 13 -10 ar(“ 104) .25 7 -20 14 (Bul. 23) .20 a2(“* rro) .25 8 .25 hie, Sed ares 23 (“* 124) .75 9 25 16'¢ “ 36) .38 Reports 2, 8-12 may also be obtained bound in cloth at 2s5c each in addition to the price given above. Botanist’s annual reports 1867-date. Bound also with museum reports 21-date o which they form a part; the first Botanist’s : report appeared in the 21st museum report and is numbered 21, eports 21-24, 29, 31741 were not published separately. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Separate reports for 1871-74, 1876, 1888-98 are out of print. Report for 1899 may be had for 20c; 1900 for sac. Since 1901 these reports have been issued as bulletins. Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have also been published in volumes 1 and 3 of the 48th (1894) museum report and in volume 1 of the 49th (1895), s1st (1897), 52d (1898), 54th (1900), 55th (1901), 56th (1902), 57th (1903), 58th (1904), soth (1905) and 6oth (1906) reports. The descriptions and illustra- tions of edible and unwholesome species contained in the 49th, 51st and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and, combined with others more recently prepared, constitute Museum memoir 4. ; Museum bulletins 1887-date. O. To advance subscribers, $2 a year or $1 a year for division (1) geology, economic geology, paleontology, mineralogy; soc each for divisions (2) general zoology, archeology and miscellaneous, (3) botany, (4) entomology. Bulletins are grouped in the list on the following pages according to divisions. The divisions to which bulletins belong are as follows: Zoology 43 Zoology 85 Economic Geology I 2 Botany 44 Economic Geology 86 Entomology 3 Economic Geology 45 Paleontology 87 Archeology 4 Mineralogy 46 Entomology 88 Zoology 5 Entomology 47 < 89 Archeology 6 _ 48 Geology 90 Paleontology 7 Economic Geology 49 Paleontology 91 Zoology 8 Botany so Archeology 92 Paleontology 9 Zoology 51 Zoology 93 Economic Geology to Economic Geology 52 Paleontology 94 Botany II Af 53 Entomology 95 Geology = « 54 Botany 96 ; 13 Entomology 55 Archeology 97 Entomology 14 Geology 56 Geology 98 Mineralogy r5 Economic Geology 57 Entomology 99 Paleontology 16 Archeology 58 Mineralogy too Economic Geology 17 Economic Geology 59 Entomology tor Paleontology 18 Archeology 60 Zoology toz Economic Geology 19 Geology 61 Economic Geology 103 Entomology 20 Entomology 62 Miscellaneous I04 5 21 Geology 63 Paleontology ros Botany 22 Archeology 64 Entomology 106 Geology 23 Entomology 65 Paleontology IO7 < 24 xe 66 Miscellaneous ro8 Archeology 25 Botany 67 Botany tog Entomology 26 Entomology 68 Entomology IIo f° 27 69 Paleontology rrr Geology 28 Botany 70 Mineralogy 112 Economic Geology 29 Zoology 71 Zoology r13 Archeology 30 Economic Geology * 42 Entomology 114 Paleontology 31 Entomology 73 Archeology 115 Geology 32 Archeology 74 Entomology 2 116 Botany 33 Zoology 75 Botany 117 Archeology 34 Paleontology 76 Entomology 118 Paleontology 35 Economic Geology 77 Geology 119 Economic Geology 36 Entomology 78 Archeology I20 OS a 37 G 79 Entomology t21 Director’s report for 1907 — 38 Zoology 80 Paleontology 122 Botany ; 39 Paleontology 81 123 Economic Geology 40 Zoology 82 “ 124 Entomology 41 Archeology 83 Geology 42 Paleontology 84 ~ Bulletins are also found with the annual reports of the museum as follows: Bulletin Report Bulletin Report Bulletin Report Bulletin Report L2=1 5) AS vee 64 56, v. 3 86 58, Vv. 5 LLe 60, Vv. 2 16,19. Foye 6 56, Vv. 2 87-89 58,Vv.4 I12 60, Vv. I TO, 120) Sie weet 66,67 56,Vv.4 90 58, eS II3 60, Vv. 3 20-25 52, Vv. 1 565 Vn S or BS ovis II4 607 3.55 20-32 + 534 Vase 69 56, Vv. 2 92 58, Vv. 3 II5 60, Vv. 2 32734. 54, Ver! JO, JI 87, Ns te Dose. aos 58, Vv. 2 116 60; Vo Bun sO 54s Veen 72 Bay. pero m iow pct ieee. II7 60, Vv. 3 37-44 547 V205 73 57,.¥-.2 055,90 sone 2 118 60; Vint 45-48 54,V.4 74 57, V. 1, pt 2 97 58, Vv. 5 49-54. 55, VN. £ 45 57, V. 2 98,99 59, Vv. 2 Memoir 55 56, Vv. 4 76 57, V. I, pt 2 100 oe, Ae 2 49, V.3 56 56, Vv. 1 a7 57,V.1, Pt ror 59, V. 2 3.4 53,V.2 57 56, Vv. 3 78 57, V. 2 102 59, V. I 5,6 . Sts atom 58 56, oe 79 57, V. I, Pt 2 103-5 59,V.2 7 57, Vv. 4 59,60 56,Vv.3 80 9 Vict, Ota roo Sgp wus 8, pt I 59, Vv. 3 Gr An. 50. Nok 81, 82 58, v. 3 IO07 60, Vv. 2 8, pt 2 59, v. 4 62 "! 56, Vv. 4 83,84 58,Vv.1 108 60, Vv. 3 9 60,V. 4. 637) 56, Vv. 2 5 58, Vv. 2 109,110 60, Vv. I Io 60, Vv. 5 asl eas Ce ee ee ee ee eee ee MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS The figures at the beginning of each entry in the following list indicate its number asa Museum bulletin. Geology. 14 Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Essex Co. N. Y., with notes on the iron mines. 38p. il. 7pl. 2 maps. Sept. 1895. roc. 19 Merrill, F. J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. 164p. trgpl. map. Nov. 1898. Out of tnt. 21 Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. Sept. 1898. Free. 48 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of sea oe County and Borough of Queens. 58p. il. 8pl. map. Dec. 1gor. 56 Merrill, F. J. H. Description of the State ‘Gola Map of 1go1. 42p. 2 maps, ‘tab. Nov. E902. Loc. 77 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Vicinity of Little Falls, Herkimer Co. 98p. il. r5pl.2 maps. Jan. 1905. 3oc. 83 Woodworth, J.B. Pleistocene Eee of the Mooers Quadrangle. 62p. June 1905. 25¢. 84 Ancient Water Levels of the Champlain and Hudson Valleys 2o06p. il. ripl. 18 maps. July 1905. 45¢c. 95 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Northern Adirondack Region. 188p. 15spl. 3 maps. Sept. 1905. 3oc. 96 Ogilvie, I. H. Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle. 54p. il. 17pl. map. Dec. 1905. 3o0c. 106 Fairchild, H. L. Glacial Waters in the Erie Basin. 88p. 14pl. 9 maps. Feb. 1907. Out of print. to7 Woodworth. J. B.; Hartnagel, C. A.; Whitlock, H. P.; Hudson,-G. H.; Clarke, J. M.; White, David; Berkey, c:-P. Geological Papers. 388p. 54pl. map. May 1907. 90C, cloth. Contents: Woodworth, J. B. Postglacial Faults of Eastern New York. Hartnagel, C. A. Stratigraphic Relations of the Oneida Conglomerate. Upper Siluric and Lower Devonic Formations of the Skunnemunk Mountain Region. Whitlock, P. Minerals from Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co. Hudson, G. H. On Some Pelmatozoa from the Chazy Limestone of New York. Clarke, + M. Some New Devonic Fossils. An Interesting Style of Sand-filled Vein. Eurypterus Shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New York. White, David. A Remarkable Fossil Tree Trunk from the Middle Devonic of New York. Berkey, C. P. Structural and Stratigraphic Features of the Basal Gneisses of the Highlands. rmx Fairchild, H. L. Drumjins of New York. op. 28pl. 19 maps. July 1907. Out of print. 115 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Long Lake Quadrangle. 88p. 2opl. map. Sept. 1907. 25c. Ee ange H.L. Later Glacial Waters in Central New York. In press. Miller, W. J. Geology of the Remsen Quadrangle. In press. Berkey, ep Geology of the Highlands of the Hudson. In preparation. Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Theresa Quadrangle. In preparation. Economic geology. 3 Smock, J.C. Building Stone in the State of New York. 1154p. Mar. 1888. Out of print. 7 First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in the State of New York. 78p. map. June 1889. Out of print. 10 Building Stone in New York. 2z210p. map, tab. Sept. 1890. 4oc. 1r Merrill, F. J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. o 4p. rapl. 2 maps, 11 tab. Apr. 1893. oc} 12 Ries, Heinrich. Clay Industriesof New York. 174p. 1pl. il. map. Mar. 1895. 30C. 15 Merrill, F. J. H. Mineral Resources of New York. 240p. 2 maps. Sept. 1895. [soc] eS Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. 14pl 2 maps. ct. 189 30 Orton, aracd: Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 1236p. il. 3 maps. Nov. 1899. _ 15c. 5 35 Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York; their Properties and Uses. 456p 140pl. map. June 1goo. §1, cloth. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 44 Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckel, E. C. Cae on the Cement Industry. 332p. rorpl. 2 maps. Dec. 1901. 85c, cloth 61 Dickinson, H. T. Ouennes of Bluestone and other Sandstones in New York. s14p. 18pl.2 maps. Mar. 1903. 35¢c. 85 Rafter, G. W. Hydrology of New York State. gozp. il. 44pl. 5 maps. May 1905. $1.50, cloth. 93 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York. 78p. July 1905. Out of pront. 100 McCourt, W. E. Fire Tests of Some New York Building Stones. 4op. 26pl. Feb. 1900, 156: to2 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York. ed Report. 162p. June 1906. 25c. 112 Mining and Quarry Industry 1906. 82p. July 1907. 15¢ 119 Newland, D. H. & Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Adirondack Magnetic Iron Ores with a Report on the 'Mineville-Port Henry Mine Group. 184p. 14pl. 8 maps. Apr. 1908. 35c. 120 —— Mining and Quarry Industry 1907. 82p. July 1908. 15¢c. 123 & Hartnagel, C. A. Iron Ores of the Clinton Formation in New York State. pl. 3 maps. Nov. 1908. 25c. The Sandstones of New York. In preparation. Mineralogy. 4 Nason, F.L. Some New York Minerals and their Localities. 22p.1pl. Aug. 1888. [roc] 58 Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York State Museum. rsop. il. 39pl. rz models. Sept. 1902. “qgoe. 70 New York Mineral Localities. 11op. Oct. 1903. 20¢. 98 Contributions from the Mineralogic Laboratory. 38p. 7pl. Dec. 190 15C: Patconisiogy.. 34 Cumings, E. R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Mont- gomery County; Prosser, C. S. Notes on the Stratigraphy of Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County, N. Y. 74p. r4pl. map. May igoo. 15c. 39 Clarke, J. M.; Simpson, G. B. & Loomis, F. B. Paleontoiogic Papers 1. 72p. il. 16pl. ‘Oct. ¥QOO. » PREC. _ Contents: Clarke, J. M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras i in the Oneonta Beds of . the Chenango Valley, N. Y. Paropsonema cryptophya; a Peculiar Echinoderm from the Intumescens zone (Portage Beds) of Western New York. —— Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonic of New York. —— The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Simpson, G. B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Loomis, F. B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. 42 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxo- nomic Equivalents. 116p. 2pl. map. Apr. 1gor. 25¢. 45 Grabau, A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara ‘Falls and Vicinity. 286p. il. 18pl. map. Apr. Igor. aa cloth, goc. 49 Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J. M. & Wood, Elvira. Paleontologic Papers 2. 240p. 13pl. Dec. 1901. 4oc. Contents: Berne cer Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Clarke, J. M. Limestones of Central and Western New York Interbedded with Bitumi- nous Shales of the Marcellus Stage. Wood, Elvira, Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co., N. Y. Clarke, J. M. New Agelacrinites. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh-water Deposits during the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. 52 Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist 1901. 28op. il. ropl. map, 1 tab. July 1902. 4o0c. Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. 78p. map. June 1904. 25¢c. Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils in the New York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $1.20, cloth. Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. 464p.52pl.7 maps Nov. 1903. $1, cloth. Report of the State Paleontologist 1903. 396p. 29pr- 2 maps. Feb. 1905. 85c, cloth. & Luther, D. D. Watkins and Elmira Quadrangles. 32p. map. Mar. 1905. 25¢. 63 65 69 80 81 82 5 Geologic Map of the Tully Quadrangle. Apr. 1905. 20c. © | MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 90 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Cephalopoda off Beekmantown and Chazy For- mations of Champlain Basin. 224p. il. 38pl. May 1906. 75¢c, cloth. 92 Grabau, A.W. Guide to as Geology and Paleontology of the Schoharie Region. 314p. il. 26pl. map. Apr. 1906. 75¢, cloth. 99 Luther, D. D. Geology ae the Buffalo Quadrangle. 32p. map. May 1906. 20¢C. 101 —— Geology of the Penn Yan-Hammondsport Quadrangles. 28p. - map. July 1906. 25¢c. 114 Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic Map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach _ Quadrangles. Aug. 1907. 200. 118 Clarke, J. M. & Luther, D. D. Geologic Maps and Descriptions of the Portage and Nunda Quadrangles aes a map of Letchworth Park. sop. r6pl. 4maps. Jan. 1908. “White, David. The Devonic Plants Be Nex York. In preparation. Luther, D. D. Geology of the Geneva-Ovid Quadrangles. Prepared. Geology of the Phelps Quadrangle. In preparation. Whitnall, H. O. Geology of the Morrisville Quadrangle. Prepared. Hopkins, 1 T. C. Geology of the Syracuse Quadrangle. In preparation. penny G. H. Geology of Valcour Island. In preparation. Zoology. 1 Marshall, W. B. Preliminary? List of New York Unionidae. 2zop. Mar. 1892. Free. Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. -30p. tpl. Aug. 1890. toc. 29 Miller, G. S. jr. Preliminary List of New York Mammals. 1124p. i Oct. ae ae I5¢c. 9 33 Farr, M.S. Check List of New York Birds. 224p. Apr. 1900. 25C¢c. 38 Miller, G. S. jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North - America. 106p. Oct. 1900. 15¢c. 40 Simpson, G. B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax ee and Embryology of Limax maximus. 8z2p. 28pl. Oct. IQOI. 25 43} Kellogg, a. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 36p. 2pl. Apr. 1901. toc. ‘51 es E. C. & Paulmier, F.C. Catalogue of ea and Batrachians of New York. Apr. 1902. r5¢. Eckel, E. C. Serpents of Northeastern United States. é Paulmier, F.C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. y 4 Bean, T. H. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. 784p. Feb. 1903. $1, cloth. aK Kellogs, J L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. 3op. os t. 1903. toc. tson, 1 Elizabeth J. Check List of the Mollusca of New York. 116p. May 1905. 200. Or oo F. C. Higher Crustacea of New York City. 78p. il. June 1905. Gimaliey. 5 Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beetle. 34p. il. Nov. 1888. roc. 6 Cut-worms. Nov. 1888. roc. | —— San José Scale st Some Destructive Insects of New York State. 54p. 7pl. Apr. Mesh Felt, E. P. Elm-leaf "Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. spl. June 1898. Free. See 57. — 14th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. r5op. il. gpl. Dec. 1898. 200. Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lintner Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. 316p. ipl. Oct. 1899. 35¢. Supplement to r4th report of the State Entomologist. Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects. —36p. il. Apr. 1899. Free. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Shade Tree Pests in New York State. 26p. il. 5pl. May 1899. 27 Free. , : . 31 rsth Report of the State Entomologist 1899. 128p. June 1900. I5¢. ; 36 16th Report of the State Entomologist 1900. i18p. 16pl. Mar. EGOE.” -25C. ae Be Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Beneficial 37 Insects of New York State. 54p. il. Sept. 1900. toe. a 46 Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New York State. spl. June r901. 25¢. 47 Needham, J. G. & Betten, Cornelius. Aquatic Insects in the Adiron- dacks. 36pl. Sept. 1901. 45¢. :. 53 Felt, E. P. 17th Report of the State Entomologist 1901. 232p il. 6pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. ; Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. 8pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. gee is a revision of 20 containing the more essential facts observed since that was pre- pared. 59 Grapevine Root Worm. 4op. 6pl. Dec. 1902. 15¢. : See 72 ‘| 64 18th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. 11op. 6pl. May 1903. Out of print. 68 Needham, J. G. & others. Aquatic Insects in New York. 322p. 52pl. Aug. 1903. 8oc, cloth. 72 Felt, E.P. Grapevine Root Worm. 58p. 13pl. Nov. 1903. 20c. . This is a revision of 59 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. ) 74 & Joutel, L.H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. 88p. 14pl. June 1904. 25¢c. . 76 Felt, E. P. roth Report of the State Entomologist 1903. r150p. 4pl) Igo04. T15¢. 4 Mosquitoes or Culicidae of New York. 164p. il. 57pl. tab. Oct. 79 1904. 40C. 86 Needham, J. G. & others. May Flies and Midges of New York. 352p. il. 37pl. June 1905. §8o0c, cloth. a 97 Felt, E. P. 2oth Report of the State Entomologist 1904. 246p. il. ropl. Nov. 1905. 4o0¢c. ; . 103 Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths. 44p. ropl. July 1906. 15c. 104 21st Report of the State Entomologist 1905. 1144p. tropl. 1906. 25¢. 109 Tussock Moth and Elm Leaf Beetle: 34p.8pl. Mar. 1907. 20¢. IIo 22d Report of the State Entomologist 1906. r52p. 3pl. Jume 1g07. 25¢. a 124 23d Report of the State Entomologist 1907. 542p. 44pl. il Oct» tack gec: ‘ Needham, J. G. Monograph on Stone Flies. In preparation. . Botany. 2 Peck, C.H. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. 72p.2pl. May 1887. Out of print. me Boleti of the United States. 98p. Sept. 1889. Out of print. 8 25 —— Report of the State Botanist 1898. 76p. spl. Oct. 1899. print. 28 —— Plants of North Elba. 206p. map. June 1899. 20¢. . 54 —— Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p. 7pl. Nov. 1902. 4oc. 67 —— Report of the State Botanist 1902. 196p.spl. May 1903. soc. 75 —— Report of the State Botanist 1903. op. 4pl. 1904. 4oC. 94 —— Report of the State Botanist 1904. 6op. ropl. July 1905. goc. Report of the State Botanist 1905. ro8p.r12pl. Aug. 1906. 50) 105 116 Report of the State Botanist 1906. 12op. 6pl. July 1907. 122 Report of the State Botanist 1907. 178p. spl. Aug. 1908. 4 Archeology. 16 Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Impl ments of New York. 86p. 23pl. Oct. 1897. 25c. = 18 —— Polished Stone Articles used by the New York Aborigines. 104 35pl. Nov. 1897. 25¢. ean MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 22 Earthenware of the New York Aborigines. 78p. 33pl. Oct. 1898. 25¢c Aboriginal Occupation of New York. t1g90p. 16pl. 2maps. Mar. I9g00. 30C. 41 Wampum and Shell Articles used by New York Indians. -166p. 28pl. Mar. 1901. 3oc. 50 Horn and Bone Implements of the New York Indians. 112p. 43pl. hiner. rG02- 30Cc. - 55 Metallic Implernents of the New York Indians. o4p. 38pl. June 1902. 25¢. 32 73 Metallic Ornaments of the New York Indians. r22p.37pl. Dec. ZQ03. 30C¢. 78 —— History of the New York Iroquois. 340p. 17pl. map. Feb. 1905. 75¢, cloth. 87 Perch Lake Mounds. 84p. s12pl. Apr. 1905. 20C¢. 89 - ‘Aboriginal Use of Wood in New York. tgop. 35pl. June FQGs. .35¢. 108 Aboriginal Place Names of New York. . 336p. May 1907. 4o0c. E23 Civil, Religious and Mourning Councils and Ceremonies of Adop- tion. r18p. 7pl. June 1907. 25¢. 117 Parker, A. C. An Erie Indian Village and Burial Site. - 1o2p. g50h Dec. 1907. 30¢. Converse, H. M. & Parker, A.C. Iroquois Myths and Legends. In press. Miscellaneous. Msi (62) Merrill, F. J. H. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. 236p. Apr. 1903. 3o0¢c. 66 Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Nat- ural History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. 418p. June 1903. 75¢, cloth. Museum memoirs 188 9-—date. ; 1 Beecher, C. E. & Clarke, J. M. Development of Some Silurian Brachi- - opoda. g6p. 8pl. Oct. 1889. $r. 2 Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges. 35op. il. 7opl. 1898. $2, cloth. : 3 Clarke, J. M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co., joao. aap. opt. Oct. 1900. Soc. 4 Peck,C.H. N.Y. Edible Fungi, 1895-99. 106p.25pl. Nov. tgoo. 75¢c. This includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 49th, 51st and 52d reports ct the State Botanist. 5 Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Guelph Formation and Fauna of New York State. 196p.2rpl. July 1903. $1.50, cloth. 6 oe M. Naples Fauna in Western New York. 268p. 26pl. map. 2, cloth. : 7 Ruedemann, Rudoif. Graptolites of New York. Pt 1 Graptolites of the Lower Beds. 350p.17pl. Feb. 1905. $1.50, cloth. . 8 Felt, E. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. v.1 46op. il. 48pl. Feb. 1906. $2.50, cloth. v.2 548p. il. 22pl. Feb. 1907. $2, cloth. 9 Clarke, J. M. Early Devonic of New York and Eastern North America. Pt 1. 366p. il. 7opl. 5 maps. Mar. 1908. $2.50, cloth. Pt 2, In press. 1o Eastman, C. R. The Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations. 236p. r5pl. 1907. $1.25, cloth. 1zr Ruedemann, R. Graptolitesof New York. Pt 2 Graptolites of the Higher Beds. 584p. il. 2 tab. 31pl. Apr. 1908. $2.50, cloth. 12 Eaton, E. H. Birds of New York. In press. Natural history of New York. 3ov. il. pl. maps. Q. Albany 1842-94. DIVISION 1 zooLOGY. De Kay, James & Zoology of New York; or, The _ New York Fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals . hitherto observed within the State of New York with brief notices of _ those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by ap ropri- _ ‘ateillustrations. sq.Q. Albany 1842-44. Out of print. _ Historical introduction to the series by Gov, W. H. Seward. 178p, NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT v. 1 ptr Mammalia. 131+46p. 33pl. 1842. 309 copies with hand-colored plates. v. 2vt2 Birds. 12+380p. r41pl. 1844. Colored piates. 3 } v. 3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7+98p. pt4 Fishes. 15+415p. 1842. pt3-4 bound together. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. Reptiles and Amphibia 23pl. Fishes 79p!. 1342. : 300 copies with haund-colcred plates. v. 5 pts Mollusca. 4+271p. 4opl. pt6 Crustacea. jop. r3pl. 1843-44. Hand-colored plates; pts—6 bound together. Pi DIVISION 2 BOTANY. Torrey, John. | Flora of the State of New York; com prising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hith- erto discovered in the State, with remarks on their economical and medical properties. av. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1843. Out of print. v. t Flora of the State of New York. 12+484p. 72pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. ; v. 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89pl. 1843. 300 copies with hand-colored plates. b- DIVISION 3 MINERALOGY. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York; com- — prising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State q of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. il. pl. sq.-0- Albany 1842. Out of print. v. 1 ptr Economical Mineralogy. pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 24+536p. — 1842. a 8 plates additional to those printed as part of the text. DIVISION 4 GEOLOGY. Mather, W. W.;. Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lard- ner & Hall, James. Geology of New York. 4v. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1842-43. Out of print. . v. 1 ptr Mather, W. W. First Geological District. 37+653p. 46pl. 1843. — v. 2 ptz Emmons, Ebenezer. Second Geological District. 10+437p. 17pl. — 1842. d 4 v. 3 pt3 Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 306p. 1842. v. 4 pt4 Hall, James. Fourth Geological District. 22+683p. r19pl. map. — 1843. ! pryicces 5 AGRICULTURE. Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together with a condensed view of the meteorology and agri- — py productions of the State. Albany 1846-54. Out of print : = v. 1 Soils of the State, their Composition and Distribution. 11+371p. 2rpl 1846. i v. 2 Analysis of Soils, Plants, Cereals, etc. 8+343+46p. 42pl. 1849. With hand-colored plates. Vv. 3 Fruits, etc. 3 +340p:) 2857. v. 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. g5pl. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8+272p. sopl. 1854. With hand-colored plates. ay DIVISION 6 PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, James. Paleontology of New York. ats il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1847-94. Bound in cloth. ) v. 1 Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 23+338p. ogopl. 1847. Out of print. v. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York Syst om. 8+362p. ro4pl. 1852. Out of print. Va v. 3 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. pti, text. 12+532p. 1859. [$3. 50] te pt2. 143pl. 1861. [$2.50] ; MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11+1+428p. 6opl. 1867. $2.50. v. 5 ptr Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18+268p. 45pl. 1884. $2.50. — Lamellitranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 62+293p. 5i1pl. 1885. $2.50. pt2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helder- _berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 2v. 1879. v. 1, text. 15+492p. v.2, 120pl. $2.50 for 2 v. & Simpson, George B. v. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Up- per Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 24+298p. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. & Clarke, John M. v. 7 Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oris- kany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64+236p. 46pl. 1888. Cont. supplement to v. 5, ptz. Ptero- poda, Cephalopoda and Annelida. 42p. 18pl. 1888. $2.50. & Clarke, John M. v. 8 ptr Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+367p. 44pl. 1892. $2.50. & Clarke, John M. v.8pt2 Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+394p. 64pl 1894. $2.50. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of New York and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 242p. O. 1853. Handbooks 1893-date. In quantities, 1 cent for each 16 pages or less. Single copies postpaid as below. New York State Museum. Free. Outlines, history and work of the museum with list of staff 1902. Paleontology. 12p. Free. Brief outline of State Museum work in paleontology under heads: Definition; Relation to biology; Relation to stratigraphy; History of paleontology in New York. Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York. 124p. 8c. Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves more intimately with the classic rocks of this State. Entomology. 16p. Free. Economic Geology. 44p. Free. Insecticides and Fungicides. 20p. Free. Classification of New York Series of Geologic Formations. 32p. Free. Geologic maps. Merrill, F. J. H. Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York; issued as part of Museum bulletin 15 and 48th Museum Report, v. 1. 59x67 cm. 1894. Scale 14 miles to 1 inch. 15¢c. —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of Quarries of Stone Used for Building and Road Metal. Mus. bul. 17. 1897: 100. —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Distribution of the Rocks Most Useful for Road Metal. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. Free. —— Geologic Map of New York. trgor. Scale 5 miles to r inch. Jn atlas form $3; mounted on rollers $5. Lower Hudson sheet 6oc. The lower Hudson sheet, geologically colored, comprises Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Put- nam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of Sullivan, Ulster and Suffolk counties; also northeastern New Jersey and part of western Connecticut. Map of New York Showing the Surface Configuration and Water Sheds. 1901. Scale 12 miles to1inch. 15c. Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of its Economic Deposits. 1904. Scale 12 miles to 1 inch. 15c. Geologic maps on the United States Geological Survey topographic base; scale 1 in. == 1 m. Those marked with an asterisk have also been pub- lished separately. *Albany county. Mus. rep’t 49, v. 2. 1898. Out of print. Area around Lake Placid. Mus. bul. 21. 1808. Vicinity of Frankfort Hill [parts of Herkimer and Oneida counties!. Mus. rep’t 51. v. I. 1899. Rockland county. State geol. rep’t 18. 1899. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Amsterdam quadrangle. Mus. bul. 34. tg00. *Parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. roc. *Niagara river. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. 25C. Part of Clinton county. State geol. rep’t 19. Igor. Oyster Bay and Hempstead quadrangles on Lone Island. Mus. bul. 48. Igol. Portinns of Clinton and Essex counties. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. Part of town of Northumberland, Saratoga co. State geol. rep’t 21. 1903. Union Springs, Cayuga county and vicinity. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. *Olean quadrangle. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. toc. *Becraft Mt with 2 sheets of sections. (Scale 1 in. ==4m.) Mus. bul. 6q: 1903. 20C. *Canandaigua-Naples quadrangles. Mus bul. 63. 1904. 20c *Little Falls quadrangle. Mus. bul. 77. 1905. 15¢€. *Watkins-Elmira quadrangles. Mus. bul. 81. 1905. 20C¢. *Tully quadrangle. Mus. bul. 82. 1905. toc. *Salamanca quadrangle. Mus. bul. 80. 1905. toc. *Buffalo quadrangle. Mus. bul. 99. 1906. toc. *Penn Yan-Hammondsport quadrangles. Mus. bul. ror. 1906. 2cc *Rochester and Ontario Beach quadrangles. Mus. bul. 114. -20¢. *Long Lake quadrangles. Mus. bul. 115. 1oc. *Nunda-Portage quadrangles. Mus, bul. 118. 20c. Se Ee ee ee 7 "ae? v. . eS aa, i . . ' * ‘ heli rita. ox } ie / ceink, RY eek ee Varah Oe, Lf, LOND. 2 Yl m None 2 Qs m ,'* 2 OILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYEIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN _INSTI; z n z ey n = =< = as ‘ = < Zz = s xy a = am S = BY oO : = 5 : aGsg g : = 2 “iy = 2 E bie Si ae 1 2 Z = } 'BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3I1YY = “s : E SS cx = ax = oc 2 : S = 5 ri oF ie z =a ra ae OILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IY¥VYUGIT LIBRARIES oO 2 a ° = rt = Pe) . Be > = > - > 2 ; 2 - = |BRARI ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNILILSNI _ NVINOSHLIWS | S3 lay ‘ z ae = om» = = yf X . en = = = WS f 5 2 AY 2 E Nv" 2 = 2 . SS > = ay > ‘ = z DILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS Sa lyvdadil LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _INSTI a ul & us a a = 2 = fae e = fe oe ber co = = -! = = = a IBRARIES _ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION _NOILALILSNI _NVINOSHLINS aaa | uy = _ 2) ee Co KE =aer "0 i 2 - ke =) et 4 > a | a Pe \ UY — = = pe a @ 5 : : JOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS §S3 luvud roel BRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _ INST 1 & = 2 gee < = 4 *— “4 z= re) 6 is x ro) ” wn a wo ” aie oO abe oO es = = = < so ‘ a = = » 3 a IBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOILNILSNI_NVINOSHLIWS S23 YW = 4 rr uJ = ul Ke oe = 0 = . < 3, of “" [= o = a Cw ae £ z a 2 - Be JOILNLILSNI_NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN_INSTI wollTy> A iy: = Stity ae JON, = Po, As , : > ON = STU | 29 NG = 4 wo ) yy * A a Ky -) os Ay >) = : Lp, x0 Sa Se ge] > -s& a> 3132 DAe te. y ¢) . Noe VY ZOn DC. =f Ue = INST! INSTI = nis’ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUT! xh SOA. 0¢. HLNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS ig Nie 0 nis S3INYVUGIT LIBRARIES RS KR BRARIES SMITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLIWS Sa1uvuE S$ S3le INSTI i, z Gy fy SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLIW SMITHSONIAN SMITHSONIAN RIES : "*, + 4, 4 NOILNLILSNI LIBRARIES LIBRARIES ey nO SHINS SAlIYVUdIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN ere NOILNLILSNI_NVINOSHLIWS a teen SMITHSONIAN INSTITUT! ? x s INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI SaIuYVvysit INSTITUTION t BRARIES Saluvud %, % NVINOSHLINS S3INVUGIT LIBR NVINOSHLIWS Ge Mt 5 NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN . NLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS saiuvualt LIBRARIES ae pha inia INSTITUTI! NOILNLILSNI NOILNLILSNI NOILNLILSNI BRARIES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI Adeicomeienidas SAIYVUE INSTITUTION INSTITUTION INSTITUTION HLNLILSN!I NVINOSHLINS S31u¥Vvudit LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTI SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLINS S31uYVudil LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN SMITHSONIAN BRARIES SMITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOILMLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS saiuvus 7) = 7) = w .a uw 2 ul oc. = oc pe ow < ~ No? : by om 4 wo S R) aa w | Ye 5G! 2 G™ 5 Lye EM - \ Sask FF [f oS > tt 2) he .> te ‘Williaa 3 9088 01300 7661