LONDON WALTON AND MABERLY, UPPER GOWF/ Price Eighteenpence. EDITED BY DIONYSIUS LAEDNEE, D.C.L., Formerly Professor of Natural PMlosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. * ILLUSTRATED BY ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. YOL. III. LONDON : WALTON AND MABERLY, UPPER GOWER STREET AND IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1854. LOAN STACK LOVDON : BRAUBCRY AND 3V.\XS, PKINTSR9, WHITEFRIARH. ,37 CONTENTS. LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT, THEIR INFLUENCE AND PROGRESS. PAOK CHAP. I. INFLUENCE OP IMPROVED TRANSPORT ON CIVILISATION. — 1. Art of transport essential to social advancement. — 2. Its rapid advancement in modern times. — 3. Commerce mainly dependent on it. — 4. Its conditions. — 5. Its advantages, its influence on price. — 6. Example of cotton. — 7. Agricultural products. — 8. Reciprocal advantages to rural and urban popu- lation.— 9. Absence of good means of transport injurious to France. — 10. Renders -worthless or injurious articles serviceable and valuable. — 11. Stimulates both production and consumption. — 12. Increases the demand for labour. — 13. Effects of rail- ways.— 14. Advantages of increased speed. — 15. In the transport of cattle. — 16. Steam vessels not so well adapted to this. — 17. Supply of milk to towns. — 18. Advantages to farmers and land- lords.— 19. Advantages of steam navigation. — 20. Advantages of personal locomotion. — 21. In the case of the working population. — 22. Influence on the value of land. — 23. Advantages to the population of large cities. — 24. Relative speed of horse coaches and railways. — 25. Military advantages. — 26. Offers induce- ments to peace and the means of abridging war. — 27. Influence on the diffusion of knowledge. — 28. The electric telegraph. — 29. Journalism 1 CHAP. II. RETROSPECT OF THE PROGRESS OF TRANSPORT. — 1. Of the first construction and improvement of roads and carriages. — 2. Roads do not exist in more than two-sevenths of the inhabited parts of the globe. — 3. Roman and Egyptian roads. — 4. Roads constructed by order of Semiramis. — 5. Internal communication in ancient Greece. — 6. Roads of the Phoenicians and Carthagi- nians.— 7. Roman military roads. — 8. Commercial intercourse during the middle ages. — 9. Influences of the crusades on the art of transport. — 10. Roads and intercommunication on the Con- tinent to the middle of the seventeenth century. — 11. System of roads projected by Napoleon. — 12. Improvement in internal communication after the peace of 1815 — Roads of France — 13. First roads in England, those made by the Romans. — 14. Watling Street, Ermine Street, Fosse-way and Ikenald. — 15. First attempts to improve roads in Great Britain in reign of Charles the Second. — 16. Transport in Scotland to the middle of the eighteenth century. — 17. Slowness of travelling in Scotland. — 377 iv CONTENTS. PAGE 18. Arthur Young's account of the roads in England in 1770. — 19. Comparison between cost and speed of former and present modes of transport. — 20. Origin of railways in England. — 21. Their immediate effects. — 22. Progress of the construction. —23. Their extent in 1852.— 24. Capital absorbed by them.— 25. Labour employed by them 17 THE MOON. 1 . Interest with which the moon is regarded, and influences with which it has been invested by the popular mind. — 2. Its distance. — 3. Its orbit. — 4. Its magnitude. — 5. Its rotation. — 6. Con- junction.— 7. Quadrature. — 8. Opposition. — 9-11. Tests of an atmosphere. — 12-13. None exists on the moon. — 14. No liquids. — 15. No diffusion of solar light. — 16. Appearance of earth seen from moon. — 17. It would have belts. — 18. Geographical features and its rotation would be visible through the clouds. — 19. Moon- light neither warm nor cold. — 20. Moon's physical condition. — 21. Thickly covered with mountains. — 22. Selenographical discoveries of Beer and Madler. — 23. Vast extent and diameter of the lunar mountains. — 24. Circular chains. — 25. Description of Tycho. — 26. Heights of lunar mountains. — 27. Observations of Lord Rosse. — 28. Moon not inhabited 33 COMMON THINGS.— THE EARTH. 1. Difficulty of observing the earth as a whole. — 2. It appears at first an indefinite flat surface. — 3. This disproved by travelling round it. — 4. Proof of the curvature of its surface by observation of dis- tant objects at sea. — 5. By the Earth's shadow projected on the Moon. — 6. Inequalities of surface, such as mountains and valleys, insignificant. — 7. Magnitude of Earth, how ascertained. — 8. Length of a degree of latitude. — 9-10. Illustrations of the Earth's magnitude. — 11. Is the Earth at rest? — 12. Apparent motion of the firmament. — 13. Origin of the word " Universe." — 14. This apparent motion may not be real — may arise from the rotation of the Earth. — 15. How such a rotation would produce it. — 16. Poles. — 17. Equator. — 18. Hemispheres. — 19. Meri- dians.— 20. Which of the two rotations is the more probable ? — 21. Rotation of the universe impossible. — 22. Simplicity of the supposed rotation of the globe. — 23. Direct proofs of this motion. — 24. Foucault's experiment. — 25. Its analogy to the planets. — 26. Conclusion as to the globular form of the earth requires modification. — 27. All human knowledge tentative and approxi- mative.— 28. Rotation not compatible with the exact globular form. — 29. Centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation. — 30. The globe rotating would assume the form of an oblate spheroid. — 31. The degree of ellipticity would vary with the velocity of rotation. — 32. Experimental illustration. — 33. Ellipticity corre- sponding to the diurnal rotation. — 34. How these circumstances affect the actual state of the Earth. — 35. Form of a terrestrial CONTENTS. v PAGE meridian. — 36. Dimensions of the terrestrial spheroid. — 37. Its departure from an exact globe very small. — 38. Its density and mass. — 39. Determined by Cavendish and Maskelyne. — 40. Its total weight. 49 TERRESTRIAL HEAT. CHAP. I. — 1. Heat an important agent. — 2. Its local variations. — 3. Diurnal period. — 4. Annual period. — 5. Mean diurnal temperature. — 6. Mean monthly temperature. — 7. Mean annual temperature. — 8. Temperature of a place. — 9. Isothermal lines. — 10. Isothermal zones. — 11. Thermal equator. — 12. Second isothermal zone. — 13. Third. — 14. Fourth. — 15. Fifth and Sixth. — 16. Polar regions. — 17. Climate varies on the same isothermal line. — 18. Constant, variable, and extreme climates. — 19. Classification of climates. — 20. Extreme temperature in torrid and frigid zones/ — 21. Elevation affects temperature. — 22. Snow line. — 23. Thermal conditions below the surface. — 24. Stratum of invariable temperature. — 25. Varies with the latitude.— 26. Its form.— 27. Conditions above it.— 28. Con- ditions below it. — 2 9 . Temperature of springs. — 30. Temperature of greatest density of water. — 31. Thermal condition of seas and lakes. — 32. Thermal condition of a frozen sea. — 33. Process of thawing. — 34. Depth of stratum of constant temperature. — 35. Superficial agitation extends only to a small depth. — 36. Great utility of the state of maximum density. — 37. Variations of temperature of the air. — 38. Interchange of Equatorial and Polar waters. — 39. Polar ice. — 40. Ice-fields. — 41. Icebergs. — 42. Their forms and magnitude. — 43. Sunken icebergs. — 44. Curious effects of their superficial fusion. — 45. Depth of Polar Seas.— 46. Cold of Polar regions 65 CHAP. II. — 47. Sources of external heat. — 48. Solar heat. — 49. Its quantity ascertained. — 50. Heat at sun's surface. — 51. Tempe- rature of celestial spaces. — 52. Quantity of heat supplied by them. — 53. Summary of heat supplied. — 54. Winds. — 55. Produced by rarefaction and compression. — 56. Sudden con- densation of vapour. — 57. Hurricanes. — 58. Their cause. — 59. Waterspouts. — 60. Evaporation. — 61. Saturation of air. — 62. May arise from intermixing strata. — 63. Effect of pressure. — 64. Dew. — 65. Hoar frost. — 66. Artificial ice. — 67. Fogs and clouds.— 68. Rain.— 69. Its quantity.— 70. Snow.— 71. Hail.— 72. Hailstones. — 73. Extraordinary hailstones . . . .81 THE SUN. 1. An object of great interest. — 2. Its distance. — 3. Magnitude. — 4. Illustrations. — 5. Its volume. — 6. Mass or weight. — 7. How ascertained. — 8. Application of this principle. — 9. Its density. — 10. Form and rotation. — 11. Determined by the appearance of spots. — 12. Discovery of Solar spots. — 13. Their vi CONTENTS. PAGE great magnitude. — 14. Their rapid changes. — 15. Hypotheses to explain them. — 16. They are excavations in the luminous coating. — 17. Their prevalence varies. — 18. Observations upon them. — 19. Their dimensions. — 20. Facules and Lucules. — 21. Physical state of the Solar surface. — 22. Luminous coating is gaseous. — 23. Gaseous atmosphere outside it. — 24. Effects of such an atmosphere on radiation. — 25. Hypothesis of Sir J. Herschel. — 26. Intensity of heat at Sun's surface. — 27. Supposed source of heat 97 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. CHAP. I. — 1. Subjugation of the powers of nature to human uses. — 2. Locomotion twenty years since. — 3. Circulation of intelligence then. — 4. Supposed prediction of succeeding improvements — Railway locomotion. — 5. Electric telegraphy. — 6. Fabrication of diamonds — sun-pictures — gas-lighting — electro-metallurgy. — 7. Such predictions would have been deemed incredible. — 8. Electro- telegraphy the most incredible of all. — 9. Remarkable experiment by Messrs. Leverrier and Lardner. — 10. Velocity of electric current. — 11. No limit to the celerity of telegraphy. — 12. Physical character of electricity. — 13. Not essential to the explanation of electro-telegraphy. — 14. Electricity a subtle fluid. — 15. Properties available for telegraphy. — 16. Voltaic battery. — 17. It is to the electric telegraph what the boiler is to the steam-engine. — 18. Means of transmitting the fluid in required directions. — 19. Conductors and insulators. — 20. Conducting wires. — 21. Voltaic battery. — 22. Transmission and suspension of the current. — 23. Current established by earth contact. — 24. Theories of earth contact. — 25. The return of the current through the earth. — 26. Various bodies evolve electricity. — 27. Common plate battery of zinc and copper. — 28. Why zinc and copper are preferred. — 29. Charcoal substituted for copper. — 30. Elements not essential. — 31. Various chemical solutions used. — 32. Daniel's constant battery. — 33. Same modified by Pouillet. — 34. Grove's and Bunsen's batteries. — 35. Necessary to combine many elements 113 CHAP. II. — 36. Common plate battery. — 37. Combination of currents. — 38. Loss of intensity by imperfect conduction. — 39. Cylindrical batteries. — 40. Pairs, elements, and poles defined. — 41. Origin of term voltaic pile. — 42. Use of sand in charging batteries. — 43. To vary intensity of current. — 44. Batteries used for English telegraphs. — 45. Amalgamating the zinc plates. — 46. The line-wires, material and thickness. — 47. Objection to iron wires. — 48. Manner of carrying wires on posts. — 49. Good insulation. — 50. Expedients for obtaining it. — 51. Forms of insulating supports. — 52. Dimensions and preparations of the posts. — 53. Forms of support used in England. — 54. Winding posts. — 55. Supports in France. — 56. In America. — 57. In Germany. — 58. Wire insulated by superficial oxydation. — 59. Leakage of the electric fluid by the conduction of the atmosphere. CONTENTS. yii PAGE — 60. Effects of atmospheric electricity on the wires. — 61. Lightning conductors. — 62. Those of Messrs. Walker and Breguet. — 63. Conducting current into stations. — 64. Under- ground wires. — 65. Methods of insulating them. — 66. Testing posts . 129 CHAP. III. — 67. Wires of Magneto- electric Telegraph Company. — 68. Mr. Bright' s method of detecting faulty points. — 69. Such failure of insulation rare. — 70. Underground method recently abandoned in Prussia. — 71. Underground wires of the European and Submarine Company. — 72. Imperfect insulation in tunnels. — 73. Mr. Walker's method of remedying this. — 74. Overground system adopted through the streets of cities in France, and in the United States. — 75. Telegraphic lines need not follow rail- ways.— 76. Do not in America. — 77. Submarine cables. — 78. Cable connecting Dover and Calais. — 79. Failure of first attempt — Improved structure. — 80. Table of submarine cables and their dimensions. — 81. Dimensions and structure of the Dover and Calais cable. — 82. Holyhead and Howth cable. — 83. First at- tempt to lay cable between Portpatrick and Donaghadee — its failure. — 84. Dover and Ostend. — 85. Portpatrick and Donagha- dee.— 86. Orfordness and the Hague 145 CHAP. IV. — 87. Cable between Spezzia and Corsica. — 88. Other cables, European and American. — 89. Objections brought by scientific authorities to the submarine cables. — Answers to these by practical men. — 90. Example of a cable uninjured by the action of the sea. — 91. Precautions necessary in laying the cable. — 92. Accident in laying the Calais cable. — 93. Imperfection attributed to the Belgian cable. — 94. Transatlantic Ocean Tele- graph.— 95. Underground wires between the Strand and Loth- bury. — 96. Effect of the inductive action of underground or submarine wires. — 97. Possible influence of this on telegraphic operations. — 98. Examples of overground wires extended to great distances without intermediate support — between Turin and Genoa. — 99. Telegraphic lines in India. — 100. Difficulties arising from atmospheric electricity — height and distance of posts — mode of laying underground wires — extent of line erected to April 1854.— 101. Intensity of current decreases as the length of wire increases. — 102. Also increases with the thickness of the wire. 103. And with the number of elements in the battery. 104. Result of Pouillet's experiments on the intensity of current. — 105. Intensity produced by increasing the power of the battery. : — 106. How the current produces telegraphic signals. — 107. Velocity of the current. — 108. Transmission of signals instan- taneous lg^ CHAP. V. — 109. Current controlled by making and breaking the contact of conductors. — 110. Instruments for controlling the current. Commutators. — 111. General principle of the commutators. 112. Its application to telegraphic operations. — 113. To trans- mit a current on the up-line only. — 114. On the down-line only. — 115. On both lines. — 116. To reverse the current. — 117. To suspend and transmit it alternately. — 118. How to manage a viii CONTENTS. »• PAGE current which arrives at a station. — 119. To make it ring the alarum. — 120. Station with two alarums. — 121. Notice of the station transmitting and receiving signals. — 122. When signals not addressed to the station the current is passed on. — 123. How to receive a despatch at the station, and stop its farther progress. — 124. How several despatches may be at the same time sent between various stations on the same line. — 125. Secondary lines of wii-e then used. — 126. Recapitulation. — 127. Signals by com- binations of unequal intervals of transmission and suspension. — 128. Key commutator. — 129. Horological commutator for a current having equal and regular pulsations. — 130. Case in which the pulsations are not continuous or regular. — 131. No limit to the celerity of the pulsations. — 132. Application of a toothed wheel to produce the pulsations. — 133. By a sinuous wheel. — 134. Method of diverting the current by a short circuit, its application to the alarum. — 135. Effects of the current which has been used for signals. — 136. Deflection of magnetic needle. 177 CHAP. VI. — 137. Relation of the deflection to the direction of the current. — 138. Galvanometer or multiplier. — 139. Method of covering the wire. — 140. Method of mounting the needle. — 141. Method of transmitting signals by the galvanometer. — 142. How the current may produce a temporary magnet. — 143. Electro-magnet constructed by Pouillet. — 144. Electro-magnets formed by two straight bars. — 145. They acquire and lose their magnetism instantaneously. — 146. Magnetic pulsations as rapid as those of the current. — 147. How they are rendered visible and counted. — 148. Extraordinary celerity of the oscil- lations thus produced. — 149. They produce musical sounds by which the rate of vibration may be estimated. — 150. How the vibrations may impart motion to clock-work. — 151. Their action on an escapement. — 1 52 . How the movement of one clock may be transmitted by the current to another. — 153. Hew an electro- magnet may produce written characters on paper at a distant station. — 154. How the motion of the hand upon a dial at one station can produce a like motion of a hand upon a dial at a distant station. — 155. How an agent at one station can ring an alarum at another station. — 156. Or may discharge a gun or cannon there. — 157. Power of the bell or other signal not dependent on the force of the current. — 158. Mechanism of telegraphic alarum. — 159. Various alarums in telegraphic oifices. — 160. Magneto-electricity. — 161. Method of producing a momentary magneto-electric current. — 162. Application of an electro-magnet to produce it 193 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT, THEIE INFLUENCE AND PROGRESS. CHAPTEE I. INFLUENCE OF IMPROVED TRANSPORT ON CIVILISATION. Art of transport essential to social advancement. — 2. Its rapid advancement in modern times. — 3. Commerce mainly dependent on it. — 4. Its conditions. — 5. Its advantages, its influence on price. — 6. Example of cotton. — 7. Agricultural products. — 8. Reciprocal advantages to rural and urban population. — 9. Absence of good means of transport injurious to France. — 10. Renders worthless or injurious articles serviceable and valuable. — 11. Stimulates both production and consumption. — 12. Increases the demand for labour. 13. Effects of railways. — 14. Advantages of increased speed. — 15. In the transport of cattle. — 16. Steam vessels not so well adapted to this. — 17. Supply of milk to towns. — 18. Advantages to farmers and landlords. — 19. Advantages of steam navigation. — 20. Advantages of personal locomotion. — 21. In the case of the working population. — 22. Influence on the value of land. — 23. Advantages to the popula- tion of large cities. — 24. Relative speed of horse coaches and railways. 25. Solitary advantages. — 26. Offers inducements to peace and the means of abridging war. — 27. Influence on the diffusion of knowledge, — 28. The electric telegraph. — 29. Journalism. LARDNER'S MUSEUM OP SCIENCE. B 1 No. 27. LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. 1. THE art by which the products of labour and thought, and the persons who labour and think, are transferred from place to place, is, more than any other, essential to social advancement. "Without it no other art can progress. A people who do not possess it cannot be said to have emerged from barbarism. A people who have not made some advances in it, cannot yet have risen above a low state of civilisation. Nevertheless, this art has been, of all others, the latest in attaining a state of perfection, so late, indeed, that the future historian of social progress will record, without any real violation of truth, that its creation is one of the events which have most eminently signalised the present age and generation. For, although transport by land and water was practised by our forefathers, its condition was so immeasurably below that to which it has been carried in our times, that a more adequate idea of its actual state will be conveyed by calling it a new art, than by describing it as an improvement on the old one. 2. But if human invention has been late in directing its powers to this object, it must be admitted to have nobly compensated for the tardiness of its action by the incomparable rapidity of advancement it has produced, when once they have been brought into play. Within a hundred years, more has been accomplished in facilitating and expediting intercommunication, than was effected from the creation of the world to the middle of the last century. This statement may, perhaps, appear strained and exaggerated, but it will bear the test of examination. 3. The geographical conditions of the world, the distribution of the people who inhabit it, and the exclusive appropriation of its natural productions destined for their use to the various countries of which it consists, have imposed on mankind the necessity of intercommunication and commerce. Commerce is nothing more than the interchange of the productions of industry between people and people. Such interchange presupposes the existence of the art of transport by land and water. In proportion to the per- fection of this art will be the extent of commerce. A people incapable of communicating with others must subsist exclusively upon the productions of its own labour and its own soil. But nature has given us desires after the productions of other soils and other climates. Besides this, the productions of each particular soil or country are obtainable in superfluity. They are infinitely more in quantity than the people by whom and amidst whom they are produced have need of; while other and distant peoples are in a like situation, having a superfluity of some products and an insufficiency or a total absence of others. The people of South Carolina and Georgia have a superfluity of cotton, the people of the West India Islands have a superfluity of 2 ADVANTAGES OF TRANSPORT. coffee and tobacco, the people of Louisiana have a superfluity of sugar, the people who inhabit the vast valley of the Upper Mississippi and Missouri have a superfluity of corn and cattle, the people of civilised Europe have a superfluity of the products of mechanical labour, those of France have a superfluity of silk goods, those of England of manufactured cotton, pottery, and hardware. Each of these various peoples is able and willing to supply the others with those productions in which themselves abound, and to receive in exchange those of which they stand in need, and which abound elsewhere. 4. But, to accomplish such interchanges, means of transport must be provided, and this transport must be sufficiently cheap, speedy, safe, and regular, to enable these several productions to reach their consumers, and be delivered on such terms and conditions as will be compatible with the ability to purchase them. 5. Among the advantages which attend improved means of transport, one of the most prominent is that of lowering the price of all commodities whatever in the market of consumption, and thereby stimulating production. The price paid for an article by its consumer consists of two elements : 1st, the price paid for the article to its producer at the place of its production ; and, 2ndly, the expense of conveying it from that place to the consumer. In this latter element is included the cost of its transport and the commercial expenses connected with such transport. These last include a variety of items which enter largely into the price of the commodity, such as the cost of transport, properly so called, the interest on the price paid to the producer proportionate to the time which elapses before it reaches the consumer, the insurance against damage or loss during the transport. This insurance must be paid directly or indirectly by the consumer. If it be not effected by those who convey the commodity to the consumer, the value of the goods which may be lost or damaged in the transport will neces- sarily be charged in the price of those which arrive safe. In either case the consumer pays the insurance. There are also the charges for storage, packing, transhipment, and a variety of other com- mercial details, the total of which forms a large proportion of the ultimate price. In many cases, these expenses incidental to transport amount to considerably more than half the real price of the article ; in some they amount to three-fourths or four-fifths, or even a larger proportion. 6. Let us take the example of raw cotton produced on the plains of South Carolina or Georgia. This article is packed in bales at the place of production. These are then transported to Charleston or Savannah, whence they are exported to Liverpool. Arriving B2 3 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. at Liverpool, they are transferred upon the railway, "by which they are transported to Manchester, Stockport, Preston, or some other seat of manufacture. The raw material is there taken by the manufacturer, spun into thread, woven into cloth, bleached and printed, glazed, and finished. It is. then repacked, and again placed on the railway and transported once more to Liverpool, when it is re-embarked for Charleston or Savannah, for example. Arriving there, it is again placed on a railway or in a steam-boat, and is transported to the interior of the country, and finally returns to the very place at which it originally grew, and is repurchased by its own producer. Without going into arithmetical details, it will be abundantly apparent how large a proportion of the price thus paid for the manufactured article is to be placed to the account of the transport and commercial expenses. The article has made the circuit of almost half the globe before it has found its way back in its manufactured state. 7. The products of agricultural labour have, in general, great bulk with proportionately small value. The cost of transport has consequently a great influence upon the price of these in the market of consumption. Unless, therefore, this transport can be effected with considerable economy, these products must be consumed on the spot where they are produced. In the case of many animal and vegetable productions of agriculture, speed of transport is as essential as cheapness, for they will deteriorate and be destroyed by the operation of time alone. "Without great perfection, therefore, in the art of trans- port, objects of this class must necessarily be consumed in the immediate neighbourhood of the place where they are raised. Such are, for example, the products of the dairy, the farm-yard, and the garden. 8. In countries where transport is dear and slow, there conse- quently arises great disadvantage, not only to the rural, but also to the urban population. While the class of articles just referred to are at a ruinously low price in the rural districts, they are at a ruinously high price in the cities and larger class of towns. In the country, where they exist in superfluity, they fetch comparatively nothing : in the towns, where the supply is immeasurably below the demand, they can only be enjoyed by the affluent. But if sufficiently cheap and rapid means of transport be pro- vided, these productions find their way easily to the great centres of population in the towns, and the rural population which produces them receives in exchange innumerable articles of use and luxury of which they were before deprived. 9. France, one of the most civilised states of Europe, exhibits a deplorable illustration of this. Notwithstanding the fertility of ITS INFLUENCE ON PRICES. her soil, the number, the industry, and intelligence of her popu- lation, the products of every description, animal and vegetable, which abound in her territory, yet, from the absence of sufficiently easy means of intercommunication, these advantages have been hitherto almost annihilated. All these productions, in the place •where they are raised, can be obtained at a lower price than in most other countries; and yet, in consequence of the cost of transport, they would attain, if brought to the place where they are in demand, a price which would amount to a prohibition on their consumption. From this cause the industry of France has long been to a great extent paralysed. 10. In some cases the price of an article at the place of consump- tion consists exclusively of the cost of transport. An article has frequently no value in the place where it is found, which never- theless would have a considerable value transported elsewhere. Numerous instances of this will occur in the case of manures used in agriculture. Every reduction, therefore, which can be made in the cost of the transport of these, will tend in a still greater proportion to lower their price to those who use them. Cases even occur in which the cost of transport is actually greater than the price paid for an article by the consumer. This, which would seem a paradox, is nevertheless easily explained. An article in a given place may be a nuisance, and its possessor may be willing to pay something for its removal. This article, however, transported to another place, may become eminently useful, and even be the means of stimulating profitable production. The cleansing the common sewers of a city affords a striking example of this. The filth and offal which are removed are a nuisance where they exist, and may even be the cause of pestilence and death. Transported, however, to the fields of the agriculturist, they become the instruments of increased fertility. Cases may be cited where the whole cost of transport will be more than covered by the sum paid for the removal of the nuisance.* 1 1 . Every improvement in the art of transport having a tendency to diminish cost, and augment speed and safety, operates in a variety of ways to stimulate consumption and production, and thereby advance national wealth and prosperity. When the price of an article in the market of consumption is reduced by this cause, the demand for it is increased : 1st, by enabling former consumers to use it more freely and largely ; and, 2ndly, by placing it within the reach of other classes of consumers who were before compelled to abstain from it by its dearness. The increase of * In Aberdeen the streets were swept every day, at an annual cost of 1400Z., and the refuse brought in 2000Z. a-year. In Perth the scavenging cost 1300Z. per annum, and the manure sold for 1730J. 5 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. consumption from this cause is generally in a larger ratio than the diminution of price. The number of consumers able and willing to pay one shilling for any proposed article is much more than twice the number who are able and willing to pay two shillings for the same article. But consumption is also augmented in another way by this diminution of price. The saving effected by consumers who, before the reduction, purchased at the higher price, will now be appropriated to the purchase of other articles of use or enjoyment, and thus other branches of industry are stimulated. 12. The improvements which cheapen transport, necessarily in- cluding the expenditure of less labour in effecting it, might seem, at first view, to be attended with injury to the industry employed in the business of transport itself, by throwing out of occupation that portion of labour rendered superfluous by the improvement. But experience shows the result to be the reverse. The diminished cost of transport invariably augments the amount of commerce transacted, and in a much larger ratio than the reduction of cost ; so that, in fact, although a less amount of labour is employed in the transport of a given amount of commodities than before, a much larger quantity of labour is necessary by reason of the vast increase of commodities transmitted. The history of the arts supplies innumerable examples of this. When railways were first brought into operation, it was declared, by the opponents of this great improvement (for it had opponents, and violent ones), that not only would an immense amount of human industry connected with the business of land carriage be utterly thrown out of employment, but also that a great quantity of horses would be rendered useless. Experience was not long in supplying a striking proof of the fallacy of this prevision. 13. The moment the first great line of railway was brought into operation between Liverpool and Manchester, the traffic between those places was quadrupled ; and it is now well known that the quantity of labour, both human and chevaline, employed in land carriage where railways have been established, has been increased in a vast proportion, instead of being diminished. In 1846 there were seventy-three stage-coaches or lines of omnibus employed in the transport of passengers to and from the several stations of the North of France Railway, which supplied 176 arrivals and departures, had 5776 places for passengers, and employed daily 979 horses. In the six months ending 31st December, 1846, these coaches transported 486948 passengers. Improvements in transport which augment the speed, without injuriously increasing the expense or diminishing the safety, are attended with effects similar to those which follow from cheapness. ADVANTAGES OF RAILWAYS. 14. A part of the cost of transport consists of the interest on the cost of production chargeable for the time elapsed between the departure of the article from the producer and its delivery to the consumer. This element of .price is clearly diminished in the exact proportion to the increased speed of transport. But increased speed of transport also operates beneficially on commerce in another way. Numerous classes of articles of pro- duction become deteriorated by time, and many are absolutely destroyed, if not consumed within a certain time. It is evident that such articles admit of transport only when they can reach the consumer in a sufficiently sound state for use ; various classes of articles of food come under this condition. While the Houses of Parliament were occupied with the numerous railway acts which have been brought before them, a great mass of evidence was produced illustrating the advantages which both producer and consumer would obtain by the increased cheapness and expedition of transport which railways would supply. It was shown that the difficulties attending transport by common roads affected, in an injurious manner, the grazier who supplied the markets with veal and lamb. Lambs and calves were generally sent by the road ; and when too young to leave the mothers for so long a time as the journey required, the producer was obliged to send the ewes or cows with them for at least a part of the way. This also rendered it impossible to send them to market sufficiently young, which it would have been advantageous to do, that the mothers might feed off earlier. 15. But, independently of this, the animals of every species driven to market on the common roads were proved to suffer so much from the fatigue of the journey, that when they arrived at market their flesh was not in a wholesome state. They were often driven till their feet were sore. Sheep frequently had their feet literally worn off, and were obliged to be sold on the road for what they would fetch. Extensive graziers declared that, in such cases, they would be gainers by a safe and expeditious transport for the animals, " even though it cost double the price paid to the drovers." Butchers engaged in large business in London proved that the cattle driven to that market from considerable distances sustained so much injury that their value was considerably lessened, owing to the inferior quality of the meat, arising from the animal being slaughtered in a diseased state ; that the animal being fatigued and overdriven " became feverish, his looks became not so good, and he lost weight by the length of the journey and the fatigue." 16. It was shown further, that even steam-vessels, when they could be resorted to, did not altogether remove this objection. Cattle arriving from Scotland in steam-vessels are found in London to be 7 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. in an nnnatural state ; " they seem stupified, and in a state suffering from fatigue." It is not merely the fatigue of travelling which injures the animal, but also the absence from its accustomed pasture. The injury from this cause is more or less, under different circum- stances, but always considerable : in order to obviate this, a large portion of the meat supplied to the London market was slaughtered in the country, and came in this state, in winter, from distances round London to the extent of one hundred miles. In warm weather a large quantity of it was spoiled. The transport of calves and lambs from a distance greater than thirty miles is altogether impracticable by common roads, and even from that distance is attended with difficulty and injury. To convey these and other live cattle from a great distance, not only speed but evenness of motion is indispensable. Now these two requisites cannot be combined by any other means than the application of steam-engines upon a railroad. The whole of the evidence showed that the supply of animal food to the metropolis was not only defective in quantity, but of unwholesome quality — comparatively, at least, with what it might be, if the tract from which it could be supplied were rendered more extensive. 17. But, forcibly as the evidence bore on this species of agricul- tural produce, it was still stronger respecting the produce of the dairy and the garden. Milk, cream, and fresh butter, vegetables of every denomination, and certain descriptions of fruit, were usually supplied exclusively from a narrow annulus of soil which circum- scribes the skirts of great cities. Every artificial expedient was resorted to, in order to extort from this limited portion of land the necessary supplies for the population. The milk was of a quality so artificial, that we know not whether, in strict propriety of language, the name milk can be at all applied to it. The animals that yielded it were fed, not upon wholesome and natural pas- turage, but, in a great degree, on grain and similar articles. It will not be supposed that the milk thus yielded is identical in wholesome and nutritious qualities with the article which could be supplied if a tract of land, of sufficient extent for the pasturage of cattle, was made subservient to the wants of such cities. Add to this that, inferior as must be under such circumstances the quality of the milk, there exist the strongest temptations to the seller who retails it to adulterate it still further before it finds its way to the table of the consumer. Since the introduction of transport by railways, we see attached to the fast trains, morning and afternoon, numerous waggons loaded with tier over tier of milk-cans for the supply of the metro- ADVANTAGES TO FARMERS AND LANDLORDS. politan population. Milk is thus brought from pastures at great distances from the cities where it is consumed. In Paris the benefits of this have been very conspicuous. 18. The benefits to farmers and landlords, as well as to the inha- bitants of towns, by carrying extensive lines of railroad through populous districts, connecting them with those places from which supplies of food and other necessaries might be obtained, are always considerable. The factitious value which tracts of land immediately surrounding the metropolis and large towns acquire from the proximity of the markets, is thus modified, and a portion of their advantages transferred to the more remote districts ; thus equalising the value of agricultural property, and rendering it, in a great measure, independent of local circumstances. The profit of the farmer and the rent of the landlord are augmented by the reduced cost of transport, while the price paid by the consumer is- diminished ; the advantages of centralisation are realised without incurring the inconvenience of crowding together masses of people within small spaces, and the whole face of the country is brought to the condition, and made to share the opportunities of improve- ment which are afforded by a metropolis and by towns of the larger class. 19. Steam navigation affords many striking examples of like advantages obtained in the transport of perishable productions. Pines are now sold in the markets of England which are brought from the "West Indies ; various sorts of fruits are likewise brought from the countries on the coast of Europe which could not be transported in sailing vessels, as they would not keep during the voyage. Oranges are sent in large quantities from the Havannah to New Orleans and Mobile, in the United States : when they are brought by sailing vessels, a large proportion of the cargo is lost by the destruction and deterioration of the fruit; when sent by steamers, they arrive sound. The utility of an article often depends on its place. Thus, what is useless at one part of the world will become eminently valuable if transmitted to another. "We have already given examples of this in the case of agricultural manures. Others present them- selves. Ice at mid-winter in Boston, Halifax, or St. John's, has no value ; but this ice, properly packed and embarked, is trans- mitted to the Havannah or Calcutta, where a price is readily obtained for it which pays with profit the cost of the voyage. Like all the other effects of improved transport, this reacts and produces collateral benefits. The ships thus enabled to go to Calcutta laden with a cargo which costs nothing and produces a considerable profit, instead of going in ballast, which would be attended with a certain expense, return with cargoes which again 9 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. become profitable in the port from which they sailed, and which they could not have brought with profit unless aided by the expedient just mentioned. 20. Important as are improvements in the transport of the pro- ducts of industry, they are less so than those which facilitate the transport of persons. Here speed becomes of paramount importance. In the case of the products of industry, the time of the transport is represented only by the interest on the cost of production of the article transmitted. In the case of the transport of persons, the time of transport is represented by the value of the labour of the travellers, and their expenses on the road ; and as travellers in general belong to the superior and more intelligent classes their time is proportionally valuable. 21. When cheapness can be sufficiently combined with speed, considerable advantage is gained by the operative classes. The demand for labour in the several great centres of population varies from time to time, sometimes exceeding, and sometimes falling short of the supply. In the latter case, the operative having little other capital save his bodily strength, is reduced to extreme distress, nay, often even to mendicancy. In the former case, the producer is compelled to pay an excessive rate of wages, which falls disadvantageously on the articles pro- duced, in the shape of an undue increase of price, and thereby checks consumption. But although the equilibrium between supply and demand in the labour market is liable to be thus deranged, it rarely or never happens that it is subject to the same derangement in all the centres of population. Supply is never in excess every- where at once, nor is it in all places at once deficient. Improve- ments in transport, which will render travelling cheap, easy, and expeditious, so as to bring it within the means of the thrifty and industrious operative, will enable labour to shift its place and seek those markets in which the demand is greatest. Thus, the places where the supply is in excess will be relieved, and those where the demand is in excess will be supplied. 22. The extent of soil by which great cities are supplied with perishable articles of food, is necessarily limited by the speed of transport. A ring of country immediately about a great capital, is occupied by market gardens and other establishments for supplying the vast population collected in the city with their commodities. The width of this ring will be determined by the speed with whic«i the articles in question can be transported. It cannot exceed such a breadth as will enable the products raised at its .extreme limit to reach the centre in such a time as may be compatible with their fitness for use. 10 ADVANTAGES TO LARGE CITIES. It is evident that any improvement in transport which, \viil double its speed will double the radius of this circle ; an improve- ment which will treble its speed will increase the same radius in a threefold proportion. Now, as the actual area or quantity of soil included within such a radius is augmented, not in the simple ratio of the radius itself, but in the proportion of its square, it follows that a double speed will give a fourfold area of supply, a triple speed a ninefold area of supply, and so on. How great the advantages therefore are, which in this case attend increased speed, are abundantly apparent. 23. So far as relates to the transport of persons, the advantages of increased speed are equally remarkable. The population of a great capital is condensed into a small compass, and, so to speak, heaped together, by the difficulty and inconvenience of passing over long distances. Hence has arisen the densely populated state of great cities like London and Paris. With easy, cheap, and rapid means of locomotion, this tendency, so adverse to physical enjoyment and injurious to health, is proportionally neutralised. Distances practically diminish in the exact ratio of the speed of personal locomotion. And here the same arithmetical proportion is applicable. If the speed by which persons can be transported from place to place be doubled, the same population can, without inconvenience, be spread over four times the area ; if the speed be tripled, it may occupy nine times the area, and so on. Every one who is acquainted with the present habits of the population of London, and with those which prevailed before the establishment of railways, will perceive the practical truth of this observation. It is not now unusual for persons whose place of business is in the centre of the capital, to reside with their families at a distance of from fifteen to twenty miles from that centre. Nevertheless, they are able to arrive at their respective shops, counting-houses, or offices, at an early hour of the morning, and to return without inconvenience to their residence at the usual time in the evening. Hence in all directions round the metropolis in which railways are extended, habitations are multiplied, and a considerable part of the former population of London has been diffused in these quarters. The same will, of course, be applicable to the country which surrounds all other great towns. It is felt at Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, and other capitals of Europe, just in the same proportion in which they are supplied with railway communication. This principle of diffusion, however, is not confined to the towns only. It extends to an entire country when well inter- sected by lines of easy, rapid, and cheap communication. The population, instead of being condensed into masses, is 11 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. more uniformly diffused ; and the extent of the diffusion which may be thus effected, compatibly with the same degree of inter- course, will be, to use an arithmetical phrase, in the direct proportion of the square of the speed of locomotion. 24. The common average of the speed of diligences in France and other parts of the Continent is two leagues, or about five miles, an hour. The speed of stage-coaches in England, before the esta- blishment of railways, did not average eight miles an hour. According to the principle just explained, it would follow that the same degree of intercourse could be kept up in England in a space of sixty-four square miles, which in France could be maintained only within twenty-five square miles. Since the establishment of railways the average speed upon these lines of communication, on most parts of the Continent and in America, is fifteen miles an hour. By this improvement, so far as it has been carried, as compared with diligences, the area of practical communication, or, what is the same, of the diffusion of the population compatible with a given degree of intercourse, has been augmented in the ratio of the square of five to the square of fifteen ; that is, in a ratio of twenty-five to two hundred and twenty-five. In other words, the same degree of intercourse can 1;3 maintained by means of the present railways within an area of two hundred and twenty- five square miles, as could be previously maintained by diligences within an area of twenty -five square miles. But in England, where the average speed of railway transit is much greater, this power of diffusion is proportionally increased. Assuming the average speed on English railways at twenty-five miles an hour, which is less than its actual amount, the power of intercommunication thus obtained will bear to that obtained on the Continent of Europe where railways are in operation, the ratio of the square of twenty-five to the square of fifteen ; that is, of six hundred and twenty-five to two hundred and twenty- five, or of twenty-five to nine. Thus, the English railways afford the same facilities of commu- nication within an area of twenty-five square miles as is afforded by the continental railways within an area of nine square miles ; and thus, by augmenting the speed from fifteen to twenty-five miles an hour, the practical convenience to the public is aug- mented in the ratio of twenty-five to nine, or very nearly as three to one. 25. The importance of good internal communications in military affairs has long been acknowledged. By the possession of such means of transport as may enable a body of troops, with their arms and ammunition, to be transported promptly and rapidly from one part of the country to another, the standing army, 12 MILITARY AND COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGES. maintained as well for the purposes of order at home as for the defence of the frontiers, may be diminished in proportion to such facilities. Instead of maintaining garrisons and posts at points of the country within short distances of each other, it will be sufficient to maintain them at such points that they can, at need, be trans- ported "with promptitude to any other point that may be desired. In case of invasion, or any foreign attack on the frontier, by good internal communications, the troops quartered throughout the interior can be rapidly transferred and concentrated upon the point attacked. If, however, such improvements in the art of transport facili- tate the means of maintaining order at home and of defence against a foreign enemy, on the one hand, they also happily, on the other, greatly diminish the probability of a necessity for such expedients. " The natural effect of commerce," says Mon- tesquieu, " is to tend to and consolidate peace." Two nations who trade with each other soon become respectively dependent. If one have an interest to buy, the other has an interest to sell, and a multitude of ties, commercial and social, spring out of their mutual wants. 26. Nothing facilitates and developes commercial relations so effectually as cheap and rapid means of intercommunication. "When, therefore, all nations shall be found more intimately con- nected with each other by these means, they will inevitably multiply their exchanges, and general commerce will undergo great extension, mutual interest will awaken moral sympathies, and will lead to political alliances. After having for ages approached each other only for war, peoples will henceforth visit each other for purposes of amity and intelligence, and old antipathies, national and political, which have so long divided and ruined neighbouring states, will speedily vanish. But if, in spite of this general tendency towards pacific progress and peace, war should occasionally break out, the improved means of intercommunication will aid in bringing it to a prompt close. A single battle will decide the fate of a country, and the longest war will be probably circumscribed within a few months. 27. The advantages of good means of communication in the diffu- sion of knowledge, and the increase of civilisation by intellectual means, are not less considerable. While the means of intercom- munication are slow, difficult, 'and costly, great cities have a tendency to monopolise intelligence, civilisation, and refinement. There genius and talent are naturally attracted, while the rural districts are left in a comparatively rude and almost barbarous state. "With easy and rapid means of locomotion, however, the 13 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. test part of the urban population circulates freely through the country. This interfusion improves and civilises the rural population. The highest intelligence will be occasionally found, both in public and in private, diffusing knowledge and science in the remotest villages. We cannot now take up a London journal without observing announcements of men distinguished in the various branches of knowledge and art, visiting the various towns and villages of the provinces, and delivering their lectures on science, and entertainments and exhibitions in the fine arts. So rapid are the communications, that it is frequently announced that this or that professor or artist will, on Monday evening, deliver a lecture or entertainment in Liverpool, on Tuesday in Manchester, on Wednesday in Preston, on Thursday in Halifax, on Friday in Leeds, and so forth. 28. Nor is this all. The aspirations of the present generation after the spread of knowledge and the advancement of mind, unsatis- fied with a celerity of transmission so rapid by the railway, which literally has the speed of the wind, has provoked from human invention still greater wonders. The Electric Telegraph for the transmission of intelligence, in the most literal sense of the term, annihilates both space and time. The interval which elapses between the transmission of a message from London and its delivery at Paris, Brussels, or Berlin, provided the line is unin- terrupted, is absolutely inappreciable. This system is now spreading throughout the whole civilised world. The United States of Am erica are overspread with a net- work of electricity, The President's message delivered at Wash- ington, was transmitted from thence to St. Louis, on the confines of the state of Missouri, a distance of about 1200 miles, in an hour. The news from Europe arriving at Boston by the Cunard steamers, is often transmitted to New Orleans, over almost the entire terri- tory of the United States from north to south, a distance of nearly 2000 miles, in less time than would be necessary to commit it to paper. Even the small delay that now exists arises, not from any imperfection in the instrument of transmission, but merely from the line of electric communication being inter- rupted from point to point, and transferred from one system of telegraphs to another, at several intermediate stations. After improvements shall remove such delays as these, we shall probably see intelligence conveyed in an instant over a quadrant of the globe. 29. But if we would seek for a striking illustration of the effects of the rapid transmission of intelligence by the combination of all the various expedients supplied by science to art, it is in the practice of Journalism that we are to look for them, and more especially in H JOURNALISM. the great enterprises of the London newspapers. The proprietors of a single morning journal are able to maintain agencies, for the transmission of intelligence to the central office in London, in all the principal cities of Europe , besides roving correspondents wherever the prevalence of war, revolution, or any other public event excites a local interest. These various agents or " corre- spondents " as they are called, not only transmit to the centre of intelligence in London regular despatches by the mails, but also, on occasion of emergency, by special couriers. These despatches are first received by an agent at Dover, by whom they are forwarded to London by a special messenger. But in cases where intelligence arrives of adequate importance, it is transmitted from the principal continental cities direct to London, in an abridged form, by the electric telegraph, thus anticipating the detailed despatches by many days. Within two hours of its arrival the intelligence is in the hands of tine London public. That portion of the journal intended for the provinces is sent to press at 3 ; and by the activity of the editors, reporters, and compositors, all of whom work during the night, it includes not only the detailed reports of the Houses of Parliament, which often sit to a late hour in the morning, but also the foreign news, as above explained, .by electric telegraph. This earliest impression is printed and delivered to the newsvenders, in sufficient time to be despatched to the provinces by the early railway trains, and it is thus delivered at all the stations along the road. The part of the impression intended for London circulation is worked off and delivered later. Thus we see that, by these combinations of enterprise, intel- lectual and material, the intelligence which arrives in London at 3 A.^r., is written, composed, printed, and distributed within a radius of one hundred miles round London, and in the hands of the population before their customary hour of breakfast. Even before the present improved methods of transport were brought into operation, wonders in this way were effected. Thus, in some cases where debates of adequate public interest took place in Parliament in the evening, the evening mails (for there were then no other) carried to the provinces the first part of an important speech, reported and printed before the remaining part was spoken. Thus it was related that the commencement of Mr. (since Lord) Brougham's celebrated speech on the reform of the laws was read at tea-tables twenty miles from London before he had pronounced the peroration. Few of the numerous readers of newspapers have the least idea of the immense commercial, social, and intellectual powers wielded, 15 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. and benefits conferred, by these daily publications, a large portion of which influence is to be ascribed to the cheapness, promptitude, and rapidity with which they are transmitted from the capital to all parts of the country. It is well known that the average number of copies of the most •widely circulating London journal, which are daily issued, amounts at present to more than forty thousand. Each of these forty thousand copies, according to common estimation, passes under the eyes, upon an average, of at least ten persons. Thus we have four hundred thousand daily readers of one organ of information and intelligence. But the effects do not end there. These four hundred thousand readers, long before the globe completes a revolution on its axis, become four hundred thousand talkers, and have vastly more than four hundred thousand hearers. Thus they spread more widely by the ear the information, the argu- ments, and the opinions they have received through the eye. We shall certainly not be overstating the result if we assume, that this influence of a single journal, directly and indirectly, reaches daily a million of persons. 13 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT, THEIR I^FLUEJSCE AtfD PROGRESS. CHAPTEE II. RETROSPECT OF THE PROGRESS OP TRANSPORT. Ot the first construction and improvement of roads and carriages. — 2. Roads do not exist in more than two-sevenths of the inhabited parts of the globe. — 3. Roman and Egyptian roads. — 4. Roads con- structed by order of Semiramis. — 5. Internal communication in ancient Greece. — 6. Roads of the Phoenicians and Carthaginians. — 7. Roman military roads. — 8. Commercial intercourse during the middle ages. — 9. Influences of the crusades on the art of transport. — 10. Roads and intercommunication on the Continent to the middle of the seventeenth century. — 11. System of roads projected by Napoleon. — 12. Improvement in internal communication after the peace of 1815. roads of France. — 13. First roads in England, those made by the Romans. — 14. Watling Street, Ermine Street, Fosse-way and Ikenald.— 15. First attempts to improve roads in Great Britain in reign of Charles the Second. — 16. Transport in Scotland to the middle of the eighteenth century. — 17. Slowness of travelling in Scotland. — 18. Arthur Young's account of the roads in England in 1770. — 19. Comparison between cost and speed of former and present modes of transport. — 20. Origin of railways in England. — 21. Their immediate effects. — 22. Progress of the construction. — 23. Their extent in 1852. — 24. Capital absorbed by them. — 25. Labour employed by them. LARDNER'S MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. 0 17 No. 30. LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. 1. IN the first attempts at an interchange of the products of industry, which mark the incipient commerce of a people emerging from barbarism, human labour and the strength of the inferior animals, applied in the most rude and direct manner to transport, are all the means brought into play. The pedlar and the pack- horse perform all the operations of interchange which take place in an infant society. Pathways are formed over the natural surface of the ground, in a course more or less direct, between village and village. The beds of streams following, by the laws of physics, the lowest levels, serve as the first indication to the traveller how to avoid steep acclivities, and, by deviating from the most direct and shortest course, to obtain his object with a diminished amount of labour. As industry is stimulated and becomes more productive, inven- tion is brought more largely into play, and these rude expedients are improved. "Wheel carriages are invented, but the earliest theatre of their operations is the immediate surface of the soil from which the products of agriculture are raised. They are used to gather and transport these to a place where they may be sheltered and secured. But to enable wheel carriages to serve as the means of transport between places more or less distant, the former horse-paths are insufficient. A more uniform and level surface, and a harder substratum, become indispensable. In a word, a ROAD, constructed with more or less perfection, is necessary. These roads, at first extremely rude and inartificial, and rendered barely smooth and hard enough for the little commerce of an infant people, are gradually improved. The carriages, also, which serve as the means of transport undergo like improvement, until, after a series of ages, that astonishing instrument of commerce, the modern road, results, which is carried on an artificial causeway, and reduced, at an enormous expense, to a nearly level surface by means of vast excavations, extensive embankments, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, and other expedients supplied by the skill and ingenuity of the engineer. Between the pack-horse, used in the first stages of growing commerce, and such a road with its artificial carriages, there is a prodigious distance. The first step, from the pack-horse to the common two-wheel cart, was, in itself, a great advance. It is calculated that a horse of average force, working for eight or ten hours a day, cannot transport on his back more than two hundredweight, and that he can carry this at the rate of only twenty-five miles a day over an average level country. The same horse, working in a two-wheel cart, will carry through the same distance per day twenty hundredweight, exclusive of the 18 ANCIENT AND MODERN ROADS. weight of the cart. By this simple expedient, therefore, the art of transport was improved in the ratio of one to ten ; in other words, the transport which before was effected at the cost of ten pounds, was, with this expedient, reduced to the cost of one pound. 2. The adoption of expedients for the maintenance of commerce so obvious as roads, would seem to be inevitable among a people who are not actually in a state of barbarism. Nevertheless, we find that not only was the construction of good roads for commercial purposes of comparatively recent date, but that, even at the present day, a very large portion of that part of the world called civilised, is unprovided with them. With the exception of certain parts of Europe, the French colony of Algeria, and the United States, the entire surface of the world is still without this means of intercourse. It is calculated that, of the entire inhabited part of the globe, roads do not exist in more than tico-sevcnths. The extensive empire of Russia, with the exception of one or two main com- munications, such as that between Petersburg and Moscow, is without them. In general, the only practicable communications through this vast territory are effected in winter on the surface of the frozen snow by sledges. On the return of summer, when the snow has disappeared, the communications become extremely difficult, slow, and expensive. Spain is scarcely better supplied with roads than Russia, nor do we find much improvement in the practice of transport in Italy. Until recently, Corsica possessed no communications of this sort; horses and mules were the common means of communication and interchange in that island until the French government constructed some roads. 3. The roads constructed by the Romans and Egyptians will probably be referred to as instances of an early advance in this art. But these great monuments of antiquity, though serving incidentally, to some extent, as means of commerce, were constructed for exclusively military purposes. 4. The most ancient roads which are recorded in history, are those constructed by order of Semiramis, throughout the extent of her empire. It would seem, however, that the commerce of that day did not find these communications suitable to its objects ; for it is certain that, at the epoch at which Tyre and Carthage were signalised for their enterprise, their commerce was almost exclu- sively carried on by the coasting navigation of the Mediter- ranean. 5. Notwithstanding the advanced stage to which civilisation had arrived in Greece, the means of internal communication in that country remained in a state of great imperfection. This may in o2 19" LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. part be explained by the multitude of small states which formed that confederation, by their conflicting interests, and their want of any moral or social sympathies. The common sentiment of nationality slumbered, except when it was awakened by the strong stimulus of foreign attack. The intercourse between one centre of population and another was then very restrained, and although the public ways were placed under the protection of the gods, and the direction of the most considerable men of the respective states, they were suffered to fall into neglect. The exigencies of internal commerce were never sufficiently pressing to excite the people to contribute to the maintenance of good means of inter- communication and exchange. 6. The earliest roads which were really rendered conducive to the purposes of commerce, on any considerable scale, were those con- structed by the Phenicians and Carthaginians. To the latter is ascribed, by Isidore, the invention of paved roads. 7. When imperial Rome attained the meridian of her power, and her empire extended over a large portion of Europe and Asia, colossal enterprises were entered upon for the construction of vast lines of communication, extending over the immensity of her territory. These roads, however, like those of the Egyptians, were constructed without the slightest view to commercial objects. It concerned imperial Rome but little, that her provinces should be united by commercial or social interests. What she looked to was to be enabled to convey with celerity her powerful legions at all times from one extremity of her dominions to another. With this purpose, she availed herself of her vast resources to construct those military roads, intersecting her territory, the remains of which have excited the admiration of succeeding generations. The first of these great monuments of the enterprise and art of the Roman people were those so well known by the names of the Via Appia, the Yia Aurelia, and the Yia Flaminia. Under Julius Caesar, communications were made by paved roads between the capital of the empire and all the chief towns. During the last African war, a paved road was constructed from Spain, through Gaul, to the Alps. Subsequently similar lines of communication were carried through Savoy, Dauphine', Provence, through Germany, through a part of Spain, through Gaul, and even to Constantinople. Asia Minor, Hungary, and Macedonia were overspread with similar lines of communication, which were carried to the mouths of the Danube. Nor was this vast enterprise obstructed by the intervention of seas. The great lines which terminated on the shores of continental Europe were continued at the nearest points of the neighbouring islands and continents. Thus, Sicily, Corsica, 20 LOCOMOTION IN MIDDLE AGES. Sardinia, and England, and even Africa and Asia, were intersected and penetrated by roads, forming the continuation of the great European system. These colossal works were not paths rudely prepared for the action of the feet of horses and the wheels of carriages, by merely removing the natural asperities from the surface of the soil. They were constructed, on the contrary, on principles in some respects as sound and scientific as those which modern engineering has supplied. Where the exigencies of the country required it, forests were felled, mountains excavated, hills levelled, valleys filled up, chasms and rivers bestridden by bridges, and marshes drained, to an extent which would suffer little by comparison with the operations of our great road-makers of modern times. On the fall of the Empire, these means of communication, instead of subserving the purposes of the commerce of the people through whose territory they were carried, were, for the most part, destroyed. When the barbarians conquered Rome, and a multitude of states were formed from its ruins, the victors shut themselves up and fortified themselves in these several states, as an army does in a citadel ; and, far from constructing new roads, they destroyed those which had already existed, as a town threatened with siege breaks those communications by which the enemy may approach it. 8. From this epoch through a long series of ages, the nations of Europe, animated only by a spirit of reciprocal antagonism, thought of nothing but war, and entered each other's territories only for the purposes of conflict. The history of the intercom- munications of nations during the middle ages is only a history of their wars. When Europe emerged from this state, and when commerce began to force itself into life, its operations were in a great measure monopolised by Jewish and Lombard merchants, who carried them on subject to the greatest difficulty and danger. The provincial nobles and lords of the soil, through whose pos- sessions the merchant necessarily passed in carrying on the internal commerce of the country, were nothing better than high- way robbers. They issued with their bands from their castles and arrested the travelling merchant, stripping him of the goods which he carried for sale. The sovereigns of France endeavoured in vain, by penal enactr ments, to check this enormous evil. Dagobert I. established a. sort of code to regulate the public communications through his dominions, and decreed heavy fines against such provincial lords as might obstruct the freedom of communication, by interrupting or plundering travellers. These decrees, however, remained a 21 LOCOMOTION AND TKANSPOKT. 'dead letter, no adequate power in the state being able to carry them into practical effect. Under the successors of Charlemagne, this abuse, which it was found impossible to repress, was, in some measure, recog- nised and regularised. Tolls of limited amount were allowed to be exacted by the local proprietors from those who passed through the provinces for purposes of trade, on the condition that such travellers or merchants should be otherwise unmo- lested. The prevalence of all these vexatious impediments soon rendered intercommunication by land almost impracticable. The roads, such as they were, became accordingly deserted, and were suffered to fall into utter disrepair. During a series of ages, internal com- munication and internal commerce became almost suspended ; a journey even of a few leagues being regarded as a most serious and dangerous undertaking. 9. The Crusades had a favourable influence on the art of trans- port. The population of Western and Northern Europe became by them acquainted with the productions and arts of the East. New desires were excited and new wants created. Commerce was thus stimulated, and greater facility of intercourse becoming necessary, governments were forced to adopt expedients for the security of the traveller. The same difficulties and dangers did not, however, affect navigation. We find this art developed in a much higher degree than that of internal commerce. Hence arose the dis- proportionate commercial opulence of maritime people. The British, the Dutch, and the Portuguese rose into immense com- mercial importance, as well as the Genoese, the Tuscans, and the Yenetians. 10. Even so late as the middle of the seventeenth century, the roads throughout the Continent continued in a condition which rendered travelling almost impracticable. They are described by writers of this epoch as being absolute sloughs. Madame de Sevigny, writing in 1672, says, that a journey from Paris to Marseilles, which by the common roads of the present day is effected in less than sixty hours, required a whole month, Besides the material obstacles opposed to the growth of internal commerce on the Continent by the want of roads in sufficient number, and the miserable state of those which did exist, other impediments were created and difficulties interposed by innumer- able fiscal exactions, to which the trader was exposed, not only in passing the confines of different states, but even in going from province to province in the same state, and in passing through 22 FRENCH ROADS. almost every town and village. Hence the cost of every com- modity was enormously enhanced, even at short distances from the place of its production. 11. The disorganisation of society and the destruction of the institutions of feudalism which followed the French Revolution of 1789, caused some improvement in the means of internal commerce in Europe, and would have caused a much greater development in this instrument of civilisation, hut for the wars which imme- diately succeeded that political catastrophe, and which only terminated with the hattle of Waterloo. Indeed Xapoleon, conscious of the vast importance of a more complete system of roads, had actually projected one, which he intended to spread over Europe. His fall, however, inter- cepted the realisation of this magnificent design, and the Siu^on remains as the only monument of his glory in this department of art. After the re-establishment of peace, the nations of Europe, directing their activity to industry and commerce, soon became impressed with the necessity of effecting a great improvement in the means of internal communication. Western Europe, accord- ingly, soon began to be covered with roads and canals.- The obstructions arising from fiscal causes, if not removed, were greatly diminished. The advance made by France especially in this department, is deserving of notice. That country possesses at present four or five times the extent of roads which were practicable under the Empire ; a sum of nearly four millions sterling was, until lately, expended annually upon the completion and maintenance of these great lines of communication. The roads of France consist of three classes ; the first, until the late revolution, were called royal roads, and are now called national roads. These are the great arteries of communication carried from one chief town to another throughout the' territory, and being used indifferently, or nearly so, by the whole population, are constructed and maintained at the general expense of the nation. The second class are departmental roads, or what would be called in England county roads. These are chiefly the branches running into the royal roads, by which the local interests of the departments are served, and are accordingly maintained at the expense of the departments. Finally, the third class is called vicinal roads, which would correspond to our parish roads. The rate at which these improved communications have con- tributed to augment the internal commerce and national wealth, may be estimated in some degree from the statistical results which have been published. In 1810, the various stage-coach establish- 23 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. ments in Paris transported each day from the capital into the departments, two hundred and twenty passengers, and twenty-one tons of merchandise. Before the establishment of railways, they transported nearly one thousand passengers and forty-five tons of merchandise. Thus the passengers were augmented in a fourfold, and the merchandise in a twofold proportion. 12. In 1815, the length of roads in operation in France was as follows : there were three thousand leagues of royal roads, and two thousand leagues of departmental roads. In 1829, there were four thousand two hundred and five leagues of royal roads, and three thousand leagues of departmental roads. In 1844, there were eight thousand six hundred and twenty-eight leagues of royal roads, and nine thousand one hundred and forty-six leagues of departmental roads, independently of twelve thousand leagues of vicinal roads. Thus, it appears that between 1815 and 1844, the total length of roads of the first and second classes was aug- mented from five thousand leagues to nearly eighteen thousand, or in the proportion of three and a half to one. 13. Although the practice of road-making in England attained a certain degree of perfection at a much earlier period than in other parts- of Europe, and the United Kingdom was overspread with a noble network of internal communications, while continental Europe remained in a comparatively barbarous condition, the art of transport nevertheless, even in England, remained for a long series of ages incalculably behind what would seem to be the com- mercial wants of the population. The first English roads of artificial construction were those made by the Romans, while England was a province of that empire. The island was then intersected by two grand trunk roads running at right angles to each other, the one from north to south, and the other from east to west. These main lines were supplied with various branches, extending in every direction which the conquerors found it expedient to render accessible to their armies. 14. The Roman road called Waiting Street commenced from Richborough, in Kent, the ancient Rutupial, and, passing through London, was carried in a north-westerly direction to Chester. The road called Ermine Street commenced from London, and, passing through Lincoln, was carried thence through Carlisle into Scotland. The road called the Fosse-way passed through Bath in a direction N.E., and terminated in the Ermine Street. The road called Ikenald extended from Norwich in a southern direction to Dorsetshire. But these great works, at the date of their construction, ex- ceeded the wants of the population, who, unconscious of their 24 BRITISH ROADS. advantage, allowed them to fall into neglect and disrepair. Nor were any new roads in other or better directions constructed. For a succession of ages the little intercourse that was maintained between the various parts of Great Britain was effected almost exclusively by rude footpaths, traversed by pedestrians, or at best by horses. These were carried over the natural surface of the ground, generally in straight directions, from one place to another. Hills were surmounted, valleys crossed, and rivers forded by these rude agents of transport, in the same manner as the savages and settlers of the backwoods of America or the slopes of the Rocky Mountains now communicate with each other. 15. The first important attempt made to improve the communi- cations of Great Britain took place in the reign of Charles II. In the sixteenth year of the reign of that monarch was established the first turnpike road where toll was taken, which intersected the counties of Hertford, Cambridge, and Huntingdon. It long remained, however, an isolated line of communication ; and it was little more than a century ago that any extensive or effectual attempts were made, of a general character, to construct a good system of roads through the country. 16. Until the middle of the eighteenth century, most of the merchandise which was conveyed from place to place in Scotland was transported on pack-horses. Oatmeal, coals, turf, and even hay and straw, were carried in this manner through short distances ; but when it was necessary to carry merchandise between distant places, a cart was used, a horse not being able to transport on his back a sufficient quantity of goods to pay the cost of the journey. 17. The time required by the common carriers to complete their journey seems, when compared with our present standard of speed, quite incredible. Thus, it is recorded that the carrier between Selkirk and Edinburgh, a distance of thirty-eight miles, required a fortnight for his journey, going and returning. The road lay chiefly along the bottom of the district called Gala-tcater, the bed of the stream, when not flooded, being the ground chosen as the most level and easy to travel on. In 1678, a contract was made to establish a coach for pas- sengers between Edinburgh and Glasgow, a distance of forty-four miles. This coach was drawn by six horses, and the journey between the two places, to and fro, was completed in six days. Even so recently as the year 1750, the stage-coach from Edinburgh to Glasgow took thirty- six hours to make the journey. In 1849, the sair>e journey was made, by a route three miles longer, in one hour and a half ! 25 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. In the year 1763 there was but one stage-coach between Edinburgh, and London. This started once a month from each of these cities. It took a fortnight to perform the journey. At the same epoch the journey between London and York required four days. In 1835 there were seven coaches started daily between London and Edinburgh, which performed the journey in less than forty- eight hours. In 1849, the same journey was performed by railway in twelve hours ! In 1763, the number of passengers conveyed by the coaches between London and Edinburgh could not have exceeded about twenty-five monthly, and by all means of conveyance whatever did not exceed fifty. In 1835 the coaches alone conveyed between these two capitals about one hundred and forty pas- sengers daily, or four thousand monthly. But besides these, several steam-ships, of enormous magnitude, sailed weekly between the two places, supplying all the accommodation and luxury of floating hotels, and completing the voyage at the same rate as the coaches, in less than forty-eight hours. As these steam- ships conveyed at least as many passengers as the coaches, we may estimate the actual number of passengers transported between the two places monthly at eight thousand. Thus the intercourse between London and Edinburgh in 1835 was one hundred and sixty times greater than in 1763. At present the intercourse is increased in a much higher ratio, by the improved facility and greater cheapness of railway transport. 18. Arthur Young, who travelled in Lancashire about the year 1770, has left us in his Tour the following account of the state of the roads at that time. " I know not," he says, "in the whole range of language, terms sufficiently expressive to describe this infernal road. Let me most seriously caution all travellers who may accidentally propose to travel this terrible country to avoid it as they would the devil, for a thousand to one they break their necks or their limbs by overthrows or breakings down. They will here meet with ruts, which I actually measured, four feet deep, and floating with mud, only from a wet summer. What, therefore, must it be after a winter? The only mending it receives is tumbling in some loose stones, which serve no other purpose than jolting a carriage in the most intolerable manner. These are not merely opinions, but facts ; for I actually passed three carts broken down in these eighteen miles of execrable memory." And again he says (speaking of a turnpike road near "Warring- ton, now superseded by the Grand Junction Railway,) " This is a 26 TRAVELLING IX ENGLAND IN 1770. paved road, most infamously bad. Any person would imagine the people of the country had made it with a view to immediate destruction! for the breadth is only sufficient for one carriage; consequently it is cut at once into ruts; and you may easily conceive what a break-down, dislocating road, ruts cut through a pavement must be." Nor was the state of the roads in other parts of the north of England better. He says of a road near Newcastle, now super- seded by a railway, " A more dreadful road cannot be imagined. I was obliged to hire two men at one place to support my chaise from overturning. Let me persuade all travellers to avoid this terrible country, which must either dislocate their bones with broken pavements, or bury them in muddy sand. It is only bad management that can occasion such very miser- able roads in a country so abounding with towns, trade, and manufactures." Now, it so happens that the precise ground over which Mr. Young travelled in this manner less than eighty years ago is at present literally reticulated with railways, upon which tens of thousands of passengers are daily transported, at a speed varying from thirty to fifty miles an hour, in carriages affording no more inconvenience or discomfort than Mr. Young suffered in 1770, when reposing in his drawing-room in his arm-chair. 19. Until the close of the last century, the internal transport of goods in England was performed by waggon, and was not only intolerably slow, but so expensive as to exclude every object except manufactured articles, and such as, being of light weight and small bulk in proportion to their value, would allow of a high rate of transport. Thus the charge for carriage by waggon from London to Leeds was at the rate of 131. a ton, being 13$d. per ton per mile. Between Liverpool and Manchester it was forty shillings a ton, or lod. per ton per mile. Heavy articles, such as coals and other materials, could only be available for commerce where their position favoured transport by sea, and, consequently, many of the richest districts of the kingdom remained unpro- ductive, awaiting the tardy advancement of the art of transport. Coals are now carried upon railways at a penny per ton per mile, and, in some places, at even a lower rate. Merchandise, such as that mentioned above, which was transported in 1763 at from I4d. to lod. per mile, is now carried at from 3d. to 4c?., while those sorts which are heavier in proportion to their bulk are transported at 2|(/. per ton per mile. But this is not all : the waggon transport formerly practised was limited to a speed which in its most improved state did not LOCOMOTION AND TKANSPORT. exceed twenty-four miles a day, while the present transport by railway is effected at the rate of from twelve to fourteen miles an hour. 20. When we look back upon the state in which every part of the civilised world was placed in relation to this vital element of social and commercial progress, this standard and test, as it may be justly called, of civilisation at an epoch so recent as the first year of the present century, and compare it with the present con- dition not of England only, but of Europe and North America, we cannot fail to be struck with the incalculable amount of benefit to the human race that must result from the extraordinary energy with which the discoveries and resources of science have been applied to the improvement of this instrument of civilisation within the brief interval of twenty-four years, for it is not more since the date of the commencement of railway transport in this country which took the lead in that, as in so many other improve- ments in the arts of life. 21. In 1830, the first railway for general traffic in passengers and goods between Liverpool and Manchester was opened ; and immediately, of the thirty stage-coaches which had previously run daily between Liverpool and Manchester, one only remained on the road; and that was supported solely by passengers to intermediate places not lying in the direction of the railway. The comparatively low fares and extraordinary expedition offered by the railway had the effect which might have been expected. Previously, the number of travellers daily, by the coaches, was about five hundred ; it was immediately augmented above three-fold. Sixteen hundred passengers per day passed between these towns. If the traffic in passengers exceeded all anticipation, the transport of goods, on the contrary, fell short of what was expected. The canal lowered its tariff to the level of the railway charges and increased its speed and its attention to the accommodation of customers. The canal, moreover, winding through Manchester, washed the walls of the warehouses of the merchants and manufacturers. At the other end it communi- cated directly with the Liverpool docks. The goods were there- fore received directly from the ship, and delivered directly to the warehouse, or vice versd ; without the cost, delay, and inconve- nience of intermediate transhipment and cartage. These considerations went far to counterbalance the superior speed of the railway transit for goods ; yet, notwithstanding this inconvenience and obstruction, the company soon found them- selves carriers of merchandise at the rate of a thousand tons per day. Thus, the problem of the rapid transport of passengers by steam 28 CONSTRUCTION OF RAILWAYS. on railways was solved in 1830, and the profitable character of the enterprise soon became apparent. Dividends of 10 per cent, were declared, and the shares were greedily bonght up at 120 per cent, premium. Then followed in rapid succession those results which must necessarily have ensued. Other lines of railway, connecting the chief centres of population and industry with the metropolis, and with each other, were projected. In the four years which elapsed from 1832 to 1836, about 450 miles of railway were com- pleted, and 350 miles were in progress of construction. 22. From 1836 to the present time the construction of these great lines of intercommunication in the United Kingdom has proceeded at a rate of progress of which no previous example has ever been recorded in the history of the industrial arts in any country. From the official reports presented to Parliament, it appears that the whole extent of railway communication open for traffic in the United Kingdom at the end of 1852 was 7336 miles, which were distributed in the different portions of the kingdom in the following proportions : — In England and Wales .... 5650 miles. In Scotland 978 In Ireland 708 Total in the United Kingdom . . 7336 miles open for public traffic. It further appears from these reports that, at the close of 1852, the legislature had authorised the construction of a total length of railway (including the above 7336 miles) amounting to 12561 miles, of which 676 miles had been abandoned by the companies which had originally undertaken them. Thus the account of the total amount authorised by Parliament, to the end of 1852, stood thus : — Constructed and in operation. . . 7336 miles. In progress or intended to be commenced 4549 Abandoned 676 12561 miles. 23. The following table, taken from the report of the Committee of the Privy Council, dated August, 1853, will exhibit 'the rate at which the railway projects were sanctioned by Parliament, and the rate at which their execution has progressed up to the end of 1852 :— 29 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. ! 1 •»! ! OOOOOOGCGOGOCCGOOO 3 0 bO 0 Previously to Decem- ber, 1843. LENGTH OF LINE OPENED. « I 10 During 1844. £ § cr. t-" I-" During 1845. p 1 During 1846. ^0 0» § During 1847. ta *• o> ta to s During 1848. O Oi 4* 00 M 1 tO -T Ox i^ I-" W During 1849. 1 . • • CO fcO bO I-1 ' OJ O 05 rfk During 1850. 1 ... i_i . . During 1851. *> -J.-'tOOl 1 «::ss8S= : During 1852. 1 (-• U> O> CO O O ^4 S tO O Total Length of Line opened to December, 1852. M rf*-C^OOOSt— '^-OOOCX O Length of Line authorised at end of 1843, and during each sub- sequent year. O OS C* O 00 W ' Decrease by Abandonment, De- viation, &c., under authority of subsequent Acts. ! M *> tO fcO tOh-« CO t— * O O CO CO Length of Line after Reductions made in consequence of Aban- donment, Deviation, &c., under the authority of Acts passed • subsequent to 1843. I gg-tiggi* : Length of Line remaining to be made. 30 PROGRESS AND EXTENT OF RAILWAYS. 24. Nothing in the progressive development of this vast national enterprise is more surprising than the amount of capital raised and expended upon it, and the rapidity and facility with which it was obtained. The following statement, also taken from the official reports, will illustrate this : — Total capital raised by shares and loans up to the end of 1848 £200,173058 Total capital similarly raised in 1849. . . 29,574720 Ditto. . . 1850. . . 10,522967 Ditto. . . . 1851. . . 7,970151 Total capital raised up to the end of 1851 £248, 240896 Of the sum of 248 millions, which had been expended before the 1st January, 1852, a part had been absorbed by the lines which were in process of construction, but had not yet been opened. Against this, however, there remained an amount of capital still to be expended on the lines already open. On most of the more recently opened railways, the stations were still incom- plete ; in some cases, depots, workshops, and other permanent buildings had not even been commenced. The full complement of the locomotive and rolling stock had not been provided. In the absence of exact data then, if these latter expenses be placed against the former, the entire capital of 248 millions may be placed to the account of 7336 miles open for traffic ; which would give an average expense of construction, including the locomotive and carrying stock, and the workshops and depots for its repair, &c., of 33S40Z. per running mile. 25. The extent to which these enterprises employed the industry of the country may be judged from the following results of the reports : — It appears that in 1848 a quarter of a million of persons were employed on the railways of the United Kingdom ; and if it be considered that each of these must have contributed to the support, on an average, of one or more other persons, it will follow, that this vast enterprise must have, at that epoch, supplied means of living to at least two per cent, of the entire population of these countries. It further appears that, on the 30th June, 1852, there were employed On the railways open for traffic 67601 On the railways in progress of construction . . . 35935 103536 It follows, therefore, that from 1848, to June, 1852, about 31 LOCOMOTION AND TRANSPORT. 150000 persons have been dismissed from the direct employment of the railway companies, and who must now he obtaining support from other occupations. It is, however, certain that a large increase of the demand for labour has been produced by the creation and operation of railway traffic, such as that which arises and must arise from the establishment of founderies, carriage, and engine building, and other branches of railway business, not only in the United Kingdom, but in other countries which are to a great extent supplied by British industry. We shall on another occasion notice the progress of locomotion by railway in other countries. 32 TELESCOPIC VIEW OF THE REGION OF THE MOO* SURROUNDING THE CIRCULAR MOUNTAIN CHAIN* CALLED TYCHO, MEASURING ABOUT 375 MILES NORTH AND SOUTE, ASD ABOUT 200 MILES EAST AND WEST. THE MOON. Interest with which the moon is regarded, and influences with which it has been invested by the popular mind. — 2. Its distance. — 3. Its orbit. — 4. Its magnitude. — 5. Its rotation. — 6. Conjunction. — 7. Quadrature. — 8. Opposition. — 9-11. Tests of an atmosphere. — 12-13. None exists on the moon. — 14. No liquids. — 15. No diffusion of solar light. — 16. Appearance of earth seen from moon. — 17. It would have belts. — 18. Geographical features and its rotation would be visible through the clouds. — 19. Moonlight neither warm nor cold. — 20. Moon's physical condition. — 21. Thickly covered with mountains. — 22. Selenographical discoveries of Beer and Miidler. — 23. Vast extent and diameter of the lunar mountains. — 24. Circular chains. — 25. Description of Tycho. — 26. Heights of lunar mountains. — 27. Observations of Lord Rosse. — 28. Moon not inhabited. LABDKER'S MUSETJH OF SCIEKCE. No. 28. 33 THE MOON. 1. ESTIMATED merely by its magnitude, the moon is among the most inconsiderable of the bodies which compose the Solar System. It has not, as will presently appear, even that interest which must attach to a globe adapted for the habitation of organised races, analogous to those for whose dwelling the earth has been appropriated. Nevertheless it has ever been regarded by mankind with sentiments of profound and peculiar interest, and has been invested by the popular mind with various influences, affecting not only the physical condition of the globe, but also directly connected with the organised world. It has therefore been as much an object of popular superstition as of scientific observation. These circumstances are doubtless owing in some degree to its striking appearance in the firmament, to the various and rapid succession of changes of apparent form to which it is subject, and above all to its proximity to, and close alliance with our planet. We propose on the present occasion to give a general account of its motion, magnitude, and physical condition ; and to explain more particularly those circumstances which lead to the conclusion that, unlike the planets, the moon presents none of the analogies to the earth which would render it at all probable or even possible that it can be a habitable world. 2. It has been ascertained, that its distance is very little less than 240000 miles ; and since the semidiameter of the earth is 4000 miles, it follows that the moon's distance is about sixty semidiameters of the earth. The method of ascertaining this dis- tance differs in nothing that is essential, from that by which a common surveyor ascertains the distance of an object on the earth which is inaccessible to him. 3. Now the least reflection will render it apparent that the moon must move round the earth, in a path which cannot differ much from a circle of which the earth is the centre. This follows from the fact with which every one is familiar, that its apparent magnitude is always nearly the same. It is, therefore, always at the same or nearly the same distance from the observer. The earth must consequently be placed in the centre of its path, and that path must be nearly a circle. 4. When the distance of a visible object is determined, its magnitude may easily be ascertained by comparing it with any other object of known magnitude at a known distance. Let us take, for example, a halfpenny, which measures about an inch in diameter, and let it be placed between the eye and the moon. It will be found on the first trial that the coin will appear larger than the moon ; it will, in fact, completely conceal the moon from the eye, and produce what may be termed a total eclipse of that luminary. Let the coin be moved however further from the eye, DISTANCE — ORBIT — MAGNITUDE. and it will apparently diminish in size as its distance is increased. Let it be removed until it becomes equal in apparent magnitude to the moon, so that it will exactly cover the moon, and neither more nor less. If its distance be then measured, it will be found to be about 120 inches, or 240 half inches. But it is known that the distance of the moon is about 240000 miles, and consequently it follows in this case, that 1000 miles in the moon's distance is exactly what half an inch is in the coin's distance. Now under the circumstances here supposed, the coin and the moon are similar objects of equal apparent magnitude. In fact the coin is another moon on a smaller scale, and we may use the coin to measure the moon's distance, provided we know the scale, exactly as we use the space upon a map of any known scale to measure a country. But it has been just stated that the scale is in this case half an inch to 1000 miles ; since, then, the coin measures two half inches in diameter, the moon must measure 2000 miles in diameter. The moon is then a globe whose diameter is about one- fourth of that of the earth. This may be rendered still more clear by reference to the annexed diagram (fig. 1), where E is the eye, c the coin, and M the moon. It will be evident on mere inspection, that the triangle formed by the distance EC of the coin from the eye, and the diameter cc of the coin, is similar to the triangle formed by the distance EM of the moon from the eye and the diameter aim of the moon, and that consequently the proportion of EC to cc is exactly the same as that of EM to x;«. But as has just been stated, it is found that when cc exactly covers the moon, and neither more nor less than covers it, EC is 120 times cc. It follows, therefore, that EM is 120 time* iim. But since it has been ascertained that EH is 240000 miles, that is 120 times 2000 miles, it follows that MW is 2000 miles. Fig. 1. 5. While the moon moves around the earth, we find by observa- tions of its appearance, that the same hemisphere is always turned toward us. We recognise this fact by observing that the same marks always remain in the same place upon it. Now, in order that a globe which revolves around a centre should turn continu- ally the same hemisphere toward that centre, it is necessary that D2 35 THE MOON. it should make one revolution upon its axis in the time it takes so to revolve. For let us suppose that, in any one position, it has the centre round which it revolves north of it, the hemisphere turned toward the centre is turned toward the north. After it makes a quarter of a revolution, the centre is to the west of it, and the hemisphere which was previously turned to the north must now be turned to the west. After it has made another quarter of a revolution the centre will be south of it, and it must be now to the south. In the same manner, after another quarter of a revolution, it must be turned to the east. As the same hemisphere is successively turned to all the points of the compass in one revolution, it is evident that the globe itself must make a revolution on its axis in that time. It appears, then, that the rotation of the moon upon its axis being equal to that of its revolution in its orbit, is 27 days, 7 hours, and 44 minutes. The intervals of light and darkness to the inhabitants of the moon, if there were any, would then be alto- gether different from those provided in the planets ; there would be about 13 days of continued light alternately with 13 days of continued darkness ; the analogy, then, which prevails among the planets with regard to days and nights, and which forms a main argument in favour of the conclusion that they are inhabited globes like the earth, does not hold good in the case of the moon. 6. While the moon revolves round the earth, its illuminated Fig. 2. hemisphere is always presented to the sun; it therefore takes various positions in reference to the earth. The effects of this are exhibited in the annexed fig. 2. Let E s represent the direction 36 CONJUNCTION — QUADRATURE, &c. of the snn, and E the earth ; when the moon is at N, between the sun and the earth, its illuminated hemisphere being turned toward the sun, its dark hemisphere will be presented toward the earth ; it will therefore be invisible. In this position the moon is said to be in coN-rracxiox. When it moves to the position c, the enlightened hemisphere being still presented to the sun, a small portion of it only is turned to the earth, and it appears as a thin crescent, as repre- sented at c. 7. When the moon takes the position of Q, at right angles to the sun, it is said to be in QTTADRATITRE : one half of the enlightened hemisphere only is then presented to the earth, and the moon appears halved as represented at q. When it arrives at the position G, the greater part of the enlightened portion is turned to the earth, and it is gibbous, appearing as represented at g. 8. When the moon comes in OPPOSITION to the sun, as £ een at r, the enlightened hemisphere is turned full toward the earth, and the moon will appear full as at f, unless it be obscured by the earth's shadow, which rarely happens. In the same manner it is shown that at G' it is again gibbous; at 'g"~^_ * x- *• ^fr parallel cells, and a series of of shape and magnitude cor- responding with the cells, attached to a wooden rod, each c°PPer Plate beins connected at the top, under the wood, by a band of metal, with the zinc plate which immediately succeeds it in the series. For brevity, let us designate the first copper plate, C1} the second C2, the third, C3, and so on, proceeding from A' towards B', and let the first zinc plate, which is connected with cx by a metal band, be called z2, the next, which is similarly connected with C2, be called z3, and so on from A' towards B'. Now, the intervals between the plates being so arranged as to correspond with the width of the cells, the series of plates may be let down into the cells so that a partition shall separate every pair of plates which are connected by a metal band. Thus, the first partition will pass between cx and z2, the second between C2 and z3,|the third between C3 and Z4, and so on. It appears, therefore, that the first cell proceeding from A towards B will contain only the copper plate cx, the second will contain c2 and Z2, the third, C3 and z3, and so on, the last cell at the extremity B of the series containing only the last zinc plate, which we shall call zn. Now, it is evident that as the arrangement thus stands, the first and last cells of the series would differ from the intermediate ones, inasmuch as, while each of the latter contains a pair of plates, each of the former contains only a single plate, the first copper ct and the last zinc zn. To complete the arrangement, therefore, it will be necessary to place a zinc plate, which we shall call zx, in the first cell to the left of C1? and so as not to be in contact with it, and in like manner a copper plate, which we shall call cn, in the last cell B to the right of zn, and so as not to be in contact with it. Let wires be soldered to the upper edges of these terminal plates Zj and cn, and let them be carried to any desired distances, but finally connected with plates, or any other masses of metal, buried in the ground at n' and j1/, fig. 7. These dispositions being made, let us suppose the cells to be filled with a weak acid solution, such as has been already described, but so that the liquid in one cell may not overflow into the next. 130 VOLTAIC BATTERIES. A current of electricity will now be established along the wire passing as indicated by the arrows, from the last copper plate atP, to the earth at p', and returning by ri to the first zinc plate zv at y. This current is produced by the combined voltaic action of all the pairs of plates contained in the cells of the trough. 37. The current produced by the combination zx cv in the first cell, will flow from the plate cx by the band of metal to the plate Z2, in the second cell. It will follow this course because of the conducting power of the metals, and the insulating power of the wood and earthenware, which prevents its escape. From the plate z2 it will pass through the acidulated water to the plate C2, for although this water has not a conducting power equal to that of metal, it has nevertheless sufficient to continue the current to c2. From C2 it will pass by the band of metal to z3, and from that through the liquid in the third cell to C3, and from that by the metal to Z3, and so on until it arrives at the last plate cn of the series, from which it will pass, by the conducting wire, from P to p'. It is evident, therefore, that the current produced by the voltaic combination in the first cell must pass successively through the plates and liquid in all the cells before it can arrive at P. In the same manner it may be shown that the current produced in the second cell containing z2 and C2 must pass through all the succeeding cells before it can reach P, and so of all the others. 38. !Xow, if the metals and liquid were perfect conductors, each of these currents would arrive at P with undiminished force, and then the current upon the wire P p' would be as many times more intense than a current produced by a single voltaic combination as there are cells. But this is not so. The metals copper and zinc, though good conductors, are not perfect ones, and the acidulated water is a very imperfect one. The consequence is, that the currents severally produced in each of the cells, suffer a consider- able loss of force before they arrive at the conducting wire ?p'\ and mathematical formulae, based on theoretical principles and practical data, have been contrived to express in each case the effects of this K 2 131 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. diminution of force due to the imperfect conducting power, or the resistance, as it has been called, of the elements of the battery. Without going into the reasoning upon which these investiga- tions are founded, it will be sufficient for our present object to state, that in all cases, a current of greater or less force is trans- mitted to the terminal plate of the series from each of the cells, no matter how numerous they may be, and in some cases batteries have been constructed and brought into operation, in scientific researches, which consisted of as many as two thousand pairs of plates. 39. To simplify the explanation, as well as because the form described is very generally used for telegraphic purposes, we have here selected the plate battery to illustrate the general principle iipon which all voltaic combinations are founded. In fig. 8 is represented the dispo- 8. sition of the cylinders in a battery formed on the principles of Daniel or Grove, where the metallic connection of each copper or charcoal element of one pair, with the zinc element of the succeeding pair, is represented by a rectangular metallic bar or wire. 40. Each combination of two metals, or of one metal and char- coal, which enters into the composition of a battery, is usually called a PAIR, and sometimes an ELEMENT. Thus, a battery is said to consist of so many PAIRS, or so many ELEMENTS. The end of the battery from which the current issues is called its POSITIVE POLE, and that to which it returns is called its NEGATIVE POLE. Thus, in the batteries explained above, P is the positive, and N the negative pole. Since in the most usual elements, zinc and copper, the current issues from the last copper plate, and returns to the first zinc plate, the positive pole is sometimes called the COPPER POLE, and the negative the ZINC POLE. 41. The voltaic battery is sometimes called the VOLTAIC PILE. This term had its origin from the forms given to the first voltaic combination by its illustrious inventor. The first pile constructed by Volta was formed as follows : — A disc of zinc was laid upon a plate of glass. Upon it was laid an equal disc of cloth or pasteboard, soaked in acidulated water. Upon this was laid an equal disc of copper. Upon the copper were laid, in the same order, three discs of zinc, wet cloth, and copper, and the 132 VOLTAIC PILE. Fig. 9. same superposition of the same combinations of zinc, cloth, and copper, was continued until the pile was completed. The highest disc (of copper) was then the positive, and the lowest disc (of zinc) the negative pole, according to the principles already explained. It was usual to keep the discs in their places by confining them between rods of glass. Such a pile, with conducting wires connected with its poles, is represented in fig. 9. 42. As the batteries used on telegraphic lines are liable to frequent removal from place to place while charged with the acidulated water, or other exciting liquid, it has been found desirable to contrive means to prevent such liquid from being spilled, or thrown from cell to cell. This has been perfectly accom- plished by the simple expedient of filling the cells with silicious sand, which is kept satu- rated with the exciting liquid so long as the battery is in operation. 43. It is often necessary, in telegraphic operations, to vary the intensity of the current. This is accomplished, within certain limits, without changing the battery, in the following manner : — If it be desired to give the full force of the battery to the current, the wires are attached to the terminal plates, so that the entire battery is between them. But if any less intensity is desired, the wires, or one of them, is attached to intermediate plates, so that they shall include between them a part only of the battery. The part included between them is alone active in producing the current, all the elements which are outside the wires being passive. The battery, in effect, is converted into one of fewer elements. Provisions are made, which will be explained hereafter, by which the operator can, by a touch of the hand, thus vary the force of the battery. 44. The batteries generally used for the English telegraphs are those described in (36). They are usually charged with sand, wetted with water mixed with sulphuric acid, in the pro- portion of about one part of strong acid to fifteen of water. A more intense current could be produced by using a stronger solution, but it is found preferable to augment its intensity by increasing the number of plates in the battery. The dimensions 133 THE ELECTIUC TELEGKAPH. D£ the plates are generally four to five inches wide, and three to four inches deep. The thickness of the zinc plates is something less than a quarter of an inch. The cells are filled with sand to within an inch of the top, and the parts of the plates above the sand are varnished as a protection against corrosion, and to keep them clean. In general, the troughs are made either of glazed earthenware or some compact wood, such as oak, or teak, made water-tight by cement or marine glue. When the trough is wood the partitions of the cells are slate, the width of each cell being one inch and a quarter to one inch and a half. The troughs contain, some twenty-four, and some twelve cells. Batteries of this sort, consisting of twenty-four cells, give a current of sufficient force for a line of wire of 15 miles. For 50 miles, 48 cells, and for 75 miles, three troughs of 24 cells are required. Mr. Walker considers that these batteries give super- fluous force, but that it is necessary to provide against the contingency of leakage by accidental defects of insulation. 45. The durability of these batteries is increased by amalga- mating the zinc plates. This is effected by first washing them in acidulated water, and then immersing them in a bath of mercury for one or two minutes. The mercury will combine with the zinc and form a superficial coating of the amalgam of zinc. When they are worn by use, they may be restored, by scouring them, and submitting them to the same process, and this may be continued until the zinc become too thin to hold together. Mr. Walker states that new batteries, when carefully put together, will, with care, do duty for six or eight months, when the work is not very heavy ; and by washing the sand out with a fiow of water, and refilling them, they have frequently remained on duty ten or twelve months, or even more, without having been sent in for re-amalgamation.* 46. Having explained, generally, the manner in which the electric current is produced and maintained, I shall now proceed to explain the various expedients by which it is conducted from station to station, along the telegraphic line, and by which injurious waste by leakage or drainage is prevented or diminished. The conducting wires used for telegraphic lines are of iron, usually the sixth of an inch in diameter. On all European lines they are submitted to a process called galvanisation, being passed through a bath of liquid zinc, by which they become coated with that metal. This zinc surface being easily oxydable, is soon, by the action, of air and moisture, converted into the oxyde of zinc, which, being insoluble by water, remains upon the wire, and protects the iron from all corrosion. * El. Tel. Manip., p. 8. LINE WIRES. When a great length of wire is to be stretched between two distant points without intermediate support, steel wire is often preferred to iron, in consequence of its greater strength and tenacity. Copper being a better conductor of electricity than iron, as well as being less susceptible of oxydation, would on these accounts be more eligible for telegraphic purposes. Its higher price, and the possibility of compensation for the inferior conducting power of iron, by using greater battery power, has rendered it preferable to use that metal. 47. Mr. Highton, the inventor of some important improvements in telegraphic apparatus, affirms that, when galvanised iron wires pass through large towns where great quantities of coal are burnt, the sulphureous acid gas resulting from such combustion acting upon the oxyde of zinc which coats the conducting wire, converts it into a sulphate of zinc, which being soluble in water, is immediately dissolved by rain, leaving the iron unprotected. The wire consequently soon rusts, and is corroded. Mr. Highton says, that in some cases he has found his telegraph wires reduced by this cause to the thinness of a common sewing needle in less than two years. The wires used on the American lines are of iron, similar to the European, but are not galvanised. They soon become coated with their own oxyde. A pair of galvanised wires have been placed between New York and Boston, and I have been informed by Mr. Shafiher, the secretary of the American Telegraph Confederation, that at certain times during the winter, it has been found that they were unable to work the telegraph with these wires, while its operation with the wires not galvanised, was uninterrupted. Mr. Shaflher also states that several anomalous circumstances have been mani- fested upon some extensive lines of wire erected on the vast prairies of Missouri. Thus, in the months of July and August, it is found that the telegraph cannot be worked from two to six in the afternoon, being the hottest hours of the day. These circumstances are ascribed to some unexplained atmospheric effects. 48. The manner in which the conducting wires are carried from station to station is well known. Every railway traveller is familiar with the lines of wire extended along the side of the railways, which, when numerous, have been not unaptly compared to the series of lines on which the notes of music are written, and which are the metallic wires on which invisible messages are flying con- tinually with a speed that surpasses imagination. These are sus- pended on posts, erected at intervals of about sixty yards, being at the rate of thirty to a mile. They therefore supply incidentally a convenient means by which a passenger can ascertain the speed 135 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. of the train in which he travels. If he count the number of telegraph posts which pass his eye in two minutes, that number will express in miles per hour the speed of the train. 49. Since the current of electricity which flows along the wire has always a tendency to pass by the shortest route possible to the ground, it is evident that the supports of the wires upon these posts ought to possess, in the highest attainable degree, the pro- perty of insulation ; for even though the entire stream of electrical fluid might not make its escape at any one support, yet if a little escaped at one and a little at another, the current would, in a long line, be soon so drained that what would remain would be insufficient to produce those effects on which the efficiency of the telegraph depends. Great precautions have therefore been taken, and much scientific ingenuity has been expended in contriving supports which shall possess, in the highest attainable degree, the property of insulation. 50. To each of these posts or poles are attached as many tubes or rollers, or other forms of support, in porcelain or glass, as there are wires to be supported. Each wire passes through a tube, or is supported on a roller ; and the material of the tubes or rollers being among the most perfect of the class of non-conducting substances, the escape of the electricity at the points of contact is impeded. Notwithstanding various precautions of this kind, a considerable escape of electricity still takes place in wet weather. The coat of moisture which collects on the wire, its support, and the post, being a conductor, carries away more or less of the fluid. Conse- quently, more powerful batteries are necessary to give effect to the telegraph in wet than in dry weather. In England, and on the Continent, the material hitherto used for the supports of the wires is principally a sort of earthen or stone ware. In the United States it is generally glass. 51. The forms of these insulating supports are various. Tubes, rings, collars, and double cones, are severally used. The material used most commonly in England, a sort of brown stoneware, has the advantage, besides being a good insulator, of throwing off wet, as water falls from a duck's wing, leaving the surface dry. A pitcher of this ware, plunged in water, scarcely retains any moisture upon it. 52. The posts vary generally from 15 to 30 feet in height, the lowest wire being about ten feet above the ground, except in cases where greater height is required to allow vehicles to pass under it, as when the wires cross a common road, or pass from one side of the railway to the other. The poles are about 6 inches square at the top, and increase to 8 inches at the bottom. In some cases they are impregnated with certain chemical solutions, to preserve them from rotting, and are generally painted, the parts 136 POST FOR WIRES. Fi which are in the ground being charred and tarred. The manner of treatment, however, varies in different countries. 53. In figs. 10 and 11 are represented different forms of supports used in England. To cross-pieces of wood, A A', bolted upon the post (fig. 10), are attached balls, 6, of stone- ware, as described above, in which grooves or slits are formed to receive and support the wires. These supports are protected from rain and from the deposition of dew by hoods of zinc-coated iron placed over them. Glass being so much better an insulator, balls of that material are re- cently being substituted for the stoneware. Another form of support, sheltered by a sort of sloping roof, is represented in fig. 11. On the front of the post is a wooden arm to which a series of stone-ware rings are attached, through which the wires pass. These rings have the form of two truncated cones placed with their larger bases in contact. It is usual, where the wires are numerous, as on some of the lines near London, to attach these supports both to the front and 137 THE ELECTRIC TELEGKAPH. back of the post. So many as thirteen of these supports may be seen upon some of the posts of the North- Western line near London. The wires supported on some of these are continued to Liverpool and Manchester, and some even to Glasgow. 54. If the same wire were carried over a succession of supports for a certain distance, they would after a certain time become slack and hang in curves between post and post. This would be attended with great inconvenience and confusion, inasmuch as one wire — especially when agitated by wind — would come in con- tact with another, so that the currents running along them would pass from one to another, and the proper signals conveyed by such currents would no longer reach their destination. To prevent this, apparatus for tightening the wire are on all such lines provided at convenient distances, such as half-a-mile, upon posts which are thence called winding posts. These posts are of larger dimensions than the ordinary posts. A grooved drum, on which the wire is wound, is attached to them by a bolt, which passes through the post, but clear of the wood. Upon this bolt is fixed a ratchet wheel by which the drum may be turned in one direction, so as to coil the wire upon it, with a catch which prevents its recoil in the other direction, and therefore maintains the tension of the wire. The bolt is kept from contact with the post by passing through a stoneware collar. The current passes through the winder and the bolt, these being metallic, but in case of any interruption arising from the Tig. 12. oxydation of their surfaces a supplemental piece of conducting wire is provided, which connects the main wires at points taken above and below the winding post, as represented in fig. 12. 138 INSULATING SUPPORTS. 55. In France the posts are from twenty to thirty feet high, placed at distances varying from sixty to seventy yards asunder, and sunk to a depth of from three to seven feet in the ground. They are impregnated with sulphate of copper to preserve them from rotting by damp. The conducting wire rests in an iron hook, which is fastened by sulphur into the highest part of the cavity of an inverted bell, formed of porcelain, from which two ears project, which are- screwed to the post. A section of this apparatus is given in fig. 13, and a side view in fig. 14, the figures being one-fifth of the actual magnitude. The winding posts are placed at distances of a kilometre (six- tenths of a mile). The apparatus used for tightening the wire consists of two drums or rollers, each carrying on its axis a ratchet wheel with a catch. These drums are mounted on iron forks formed at the ends of an iron bar, which is passed through an opening in a porcelain support, and se- cured in its position by pins, the porcelain support being attached to the post by screws passing through ears projecting from it. A front view of this winding apparatus is given fig. 15 ; a Fig. 15. 14* Fig. 16. side view of the porcelain support showing the opening through which the iron bar is passed, and the screws by which it is. attached to the post, is given in fig. 16. These figures are one-fifth of the real magnitude of the apparatus. The conducting wires used in France are similar to those used on the English lines. 56. The insulating supports of the wires used on the American lines are very various in form. The supports upon the principal Morse lines consist of a glass knob, 133 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. fig. 17, upon which two projecting rings are raised in the groove between which the wire is wrapped. This glass knob Fig. 17 attached to an iron shank as represented in fig. 18, which is driven into the post. Another form of support used on these lines is repre- sented in fig. 19, which consists of two rectangular blocks of glass, in each of which is a semi- cylindrical groove corresponding with the thickness of the con- ducting wire, so that the wire being laid in the groove of one of them, and the other being laid upon it, will be completely enclosed within the block of glass produced by their union. These blocks of glass are surrounded and protected by a larger block of wood, as repre- sented in the figure, where the white part represents the glass, and the shaded part the wood. The supports are sometimes attached to the sides of the posts, and sometimes placed upon an hori- zontal cross bar, as represented in fig. 20. Fig. 20. Fig. 19. The supports used in House's lines consist of a glass cnp about five inches in length and four inches in diameter, having a coarse screw-like surface cut inside and out. This glass cap (2) fig. 21 is screwed and cemented into a bell - shaped iron cap (1) from three to four pounds, in weight, projecting an inch below the lower edge of the glass, protecting it from being broken; this is fitted with much care to the top of 140 INSULATING SUPPORTS. Tig. 21. the pole (3), and is covered with paint or varnish. The con- ducting wire is fastened to the top of the cap by projecting iron points, and the whole of the iron cap is thus in the circuit, as the wire is of iron and not insulated. To prevent the deposit of moisture, the glass is covered by a varnish of gum-lac dissolved in alcohol, and the ring-like form of the glass is to cause any moisture to be carried to the edge and there drop off.* The wires on the American lines are not usually galvanised. 57. One of the forms of insulating sup- port used on the German lines is repre- sented in fig. 22, and consists of an insulating cap placed on the tapering end of a post T. The post terminates in a point c, an inch and a half in length and about six lines in diameter; this pole is covered with a porcelain cap d d, a sort of reversed cup ; on its summit e, with lead, in which the conducting wire b b enters ; this insulator is then covered with a roof. 58. It may be asked what prevents the escape of the electric fluid from the surface of the wire between post and post ? In general when wires are used on a smaller scale for the trans- mission of electric currents, the escape of the fluid is prevented by wrapping them with silk or cotton thread, which thus forms a non-conducting cover upon them, but on the scale on which they are used on telegraphic lines the expense of this, independently of the difficulty of protecting such covering from destruction by weather, would render it inadmissible. 59. The atmosphere, when dry, is a good non-conductor ; but this quality is impaired when it is moist. In ordinary weather, however, the air being a sufficiently good non-conductor, a metallic wire will, without any other insulating envelope except the air itself, conduct the stream of electricity to the necessary distances. It is true that a coated wire, such as we have * Turnbull on the Electric Telegraph, p. 176. Philadelphia, 1853. 141 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. described, would be subject to less waste of the electric fluid en route ; but it is more economical to provide batteries sufficiently powerful to bear this waste, than to cover such extensive lengths of wire with any envelope. 60. Atmospheric electricity having been found to be occasion- ally attracted to the wires, and to pass along them, so as to disturb the indications of the telegraphic instruments, and sometimes even to be attended with no inconsiderable danger to those employed in working the apparatus ; various expedients have been contrived for removing the inconvenience and averting the danger. The current produced by this atmospheric electricity is often so intense as to render some of the finer wires used in certain parts of the apparatus at the stations, red hot, and sometimes even to fuse them. It also produces very injurious effects by demagnetising the needles, or imparting permanent magnetism to certain bars of iron included in the apparatus, which thus become unfit for use. 61. One of the expedients used for the prevention of these inconvenient and injurious effects is to place common lightning conductors on the posts. The points of these are shown upon the posts in figs. 10, 11, and 12. 62. Mr. Walker of the South Eastern Company and M. Bre- guet of Paris, have each invented an instrument for the better protection of telegraphic stations from atmospheric electric dis- charges. Both these contrivances have been found in practice to be efficacious, and though differing altogether in form they are similar in principle. In both, a much finer wire than any which lies in the regular route of the current is interposed between the line wire and the station, so that an intense and dangerous atmospheric current must first pass this fine wire before reaching the station. Now it is the property of such a current to raise the temperature of the conductor over which it passes to a higher and higher point in proportion to the resistance which such con- ductor offers to its passage. But the resistance offered by the wire is greater in the same proportion as its section is smaller. The safety wire interposed in these contrivances is, therefore, of such thinness that it must be fused by a current of dangerous intensity. The wire being thus destroyed all electric communi- cation with the station is cut off, and the extent of the incon- venience is the temporary suspension of the business of the line until the breach has been repaired. Expedients are used on the American lines to divert the atmospheric electricity from the wires, consisting merely of a number of fine points projecting from a piece of metal connected with the earth by a rod of metal. These points are presented to 142 UNDERGROUND WIRES. a metal plate, or other surface, attached to the line wire at the place where it enters the station. It is found that these points attract the atmospheric electricity, which passes to the ground by the conductor connected with them, but do not attract the electricity of the battery current. 63. The wires extended from post to post are continued in passing the successive stations of the line. The expedients by which the current is turned aside from the main wire, and made to pass through the telegraphic office of the station, differ more or less in their details on different lines and in different countries, but are founded on the same general principles. It will therefore be sufficient here to describe one of those commonly used on the British lines. The conducting wire of the main line in passing the station is cut and the ends jointed by a shackle, as represented in fig. 12, in the case of a winding post. This shackle breaking the metallic continuity would stop the course of the current. A wire is attached to the line wire below the shackle so as to receive the current which the latter would stop, and is carried on insulating supports into the telegraphic office and put in connection with the telegraphic instrument. Another wire connected with the other side of the instrument receives the current on leaving it, and being carried back on insulating supports to the line wire, is attached to the latter above the shackle, and so brings back the current which continues its progress along the line wire. 64. Although the mode of carrying the conducting wires at a certain elevation on supports above the ground has been the most general mode of construction adopted on telegraphic lines, it has been found in certain localities subject to difficulties and incon- venience, and some projectors have considered that in all cases it would be more advisable to carry the conducting wires underground. This underground system has been adopted in the streets of London, and of some other large towns. The English and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company have adopted it on a great extent of their lines, which overspread the country. The European Submarine Telegraph Company has also adopted it on the line between London and Dover, which follows the course of the old Dover mail-coach road by Gravesend, Rochester and Canterbury. 65. The methods adopted for the preservation and insulation or these underground wires are various. The wires proceeding from the central telegraph station in London are wrapped with cotton thread, and coated with a mixture of tar, resin, and grease. This coating forms a perfect insulator. Nine of these wires are then packed in a half-inch leaden pipe, and four or five such pipes are packed in an iron pipe about three inches in diameter. These iron pipes are then laid 143 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. under the foot pavements, along the sides of the streets, and are thus conducted to the terminal stations of the various railways, where they are united to the lines of wire supported on posts along the sides of the railways, already described. 66. Provisions, called testing posts, are made at intervals of a quarter of a mile along the streets, by which any failure or accidental irregularity in the buried wires can be ascertained, and the place of such defect always known within a quarter of a mile. 144 1'ig. 34. — LAYISG THE CABLE FROM THE DECK OF THE SHIP. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. CHAPTER III. 67. Wires of Magneto-electric Telegraph Company. — 68. Mr. Bright' s method of detecting faulty points. — 69. Such failure of insulation rare. — 70. Underground method recently abandoned in Prussia. — 71. Underground wires of the European and Submarine Company. — 72. Imperfect insulation in tunnels. — 73. Mr. Walker's method ol remedying this. — 74. Overground system adopted through the streets of cities in France, and in the United States. — 75. Telegraphic lines need not follow railways. — 76. Do not in America nor in certain parts of Europe. — 77. Submarine cables. — 78. Cable connecting Dover and Calais. — 79. Failure of first attempt — Improved structure. — SO. Table of submarine cables and their dimensions. — 81. Dimensions and structure of the Dover and Calais cable. — 82. Holyhead and Howth cable. — 83. First attempt to lay cable between Portpatrick and Donaghadee — its failure. — 84. Dover and Ostend. — 85. Port- patrick and Donaghadee. — 86. Orfordness and the Hague. 67. THE \vires of the Magnetic Telegraph Company are laid and protected in the following manner. LARDNER'S MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. L 145 Ko. 3f. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Ten conducting wires are enveloped in a covering of gutta- percha, so as to be completely separated one from another. Thus prepared they are deposited in a square creosoted wooden trough measuring three inches in the side, so that nearly a square inch of its cross section is allowed for each of the wires. This trough is deposited on the "bottom of a trench cut two feet deep along the side of the common coach road. A galvanised iron lid, of about an eighth of an inch thick, is then fastened on by clamps or small tenter hooks, and the trench filled in. A section of the trough in its actual size is given in fig. 23. Fig. 23.— Galvanised Iron Lid, No. 14, Birmingham Wire Gauge. Creosoted Deal Troughiug. The method of laying the wires in the streets adopted by this company is a little different. In this case iron pipes are laid, but they are split longitudinally. The under halves are laid down in the trench, and the gutta-percha covered wires being deposited, the upper halves of the pipes are laid on and secured in their places, by means of screws through flanges left outside for the purpose. To deposit the rope of gutta-percha-covered wires in the trough it is first coiled upon1 a large drum, which being rolled along slowly and uniformly over the trench, the rope of wires is payed off easily and evenly into its bed. So well has this method of laying the wires succeeded that in Liverpool the entire distance along the streets from Tithe Barn 145 UNDERGROUND WIRES. Railway station to the Telegraph Company's offices in Exchange Street, East, was laid in eleven hours ; and in Manchester the line of streets from the Salford Railway station to Ducie Street, Exchange, was laid in twenty-two hours. This was the entire time occupied in opening the trenches, laying down the telegraph wires, refilling the trenches and relaying the pavement. 68. One of the objections against the underground system of conducting wires, was, that while they offered no certain guarantee against the accidental occurrence of faulty points where their insulation might be rendered imperfect, and where, therefore, the current would escape to the earth, they rendered the detection of such faulty points extremely difficult. To ascertain their position required a tedious process of trial to be made from one testing post to another, over an indefinite extent of the line. A remedy for this serious inconvenience, and a ready and certain method of ascertaining the exact place of such points of fault without leaving the chief, or other station at which the agent may happen to be, has been invented and patented by the Messrs. Bright of the Magnetic Telegraph Company. Instruments called Galvanometers, which will be more fully described hereafter, are constructed, by which the relative intensity of electric currents is measured by their effect in deflecting a magnetic needle from its position of rest. The currents which most deflect the needle have the greatest intensity, and currents which equally deflect it have equal intensities. The intensity of a current diminishes as the length of the con- ducting wire — measured from the pole of the battery to the point where it enters the earth — is augmented. Thus, if this length be increased from twenty miles to forty miles, the intensity of the current will be decreased one half. The intensity of the current is also decreased by decreasing the thickness of the conducting wire. Thus the intensity, when transmitted on a very thin wire, will be much less than when transmitted on a thick wire of equal length ; but the thick wire may be so much longer than the thin that its length will com- pensate for its thickness, and the intensity of the current trans- mitted upon it may be equal to that transmitted on the shorter and thinner wire. The method of Messrs. Bright is founded upon this property of currents. A fine wire wrapped with silk or cotton so as to insulate it and prevent the lateral escape of the current, is rolled upon a bobbin like a spool of cotton used for needle- work. A con- siderable length of fine wire is thus comprised in a very small bulk. The wire on such a bobbin being connected by one end with the wire conducting a current, and by the other end with the earth, L2 147 THE ELECTEIC TELEGRAPH. will transmit the current with a certain intensity depending on its length, its thickness, and, in fine, on the conducting power of the metal of which it is made. Now let us suppose that a certain length of the wire of the telegraphic line be taken, which will transmit a current of the same intensity. A galvanometer placed in each current will then be equally deflected. But if the length of the line wire be less or greater than the exact equivalent length, the galvanometer will be more or less deflected by it than it is by the bobbin wire, according as its length is less or greater. It is, therefore, always possible by trial to ascertain the length of line wire, which will give the current the same intensity as that which it has upon any proposed bobbin wire. Bobbins may therefore be evidently made carrying greater or less lengths of wire upon which the current will have the same intensity as it has upon various lengths of line wire. Suppose then a series of bobbins provided, which in this sense represent various lengths of line wire from 100 feet to 300 miles, and let means be provided of placing them in metallic connection in convenient cases. Such an apparatus is that by which the Messrs. Bright detect the points of fault. Let B be the station battery, G a galvanometer upon the line wire, F the point of fault at which the current escapes to the Fig. 24. F earth, in consequence of an accidental defect of the insulation. Let a wire be attached to the line wire of the station, at o, and let it be connected with the first of a series of bobbins such as are described above ; let a galvanometer, similar to G, be placed upon it at G'. Let a metallic arm A c, turning on the point A, be so placed that its ex- tremity c shall move over the series of bobbins, and that by moving it upon the centre A, the end c may be placed in connection with the wire of any bobbin of the series. Let A be connected by a conducting wire with the earth at E', the nega- tive pole of the battery B being connected with the earth at E. The apparatus being thus arranged, let us suppose that the wire A c is placed in connection with the first bobbin, representing 10 miles of the line wire, and that the distance G F of the point of fault is 145 miles. In that case the battery current will be 143 DETECTOR OF FAULTS. divided at o, between the two wires o G and o G', but the chief part will flow by the shortest and easiest route, and the galvano- meter G' will be very much, and G very little, deflected. This will show that F must be very much more than 10 miles from the station. The arm A c will then be turned successively from bobbin to bobbin. AVhen directed to the second bobbin, the current on o G' will have the same intensity as if it flowed on 20 miles of line wire, when turned to the third the same as if it flowed on 30 miles of line wire, and so on. The needle of G' will, therefore, continue to be more deflected than that of G, although the dif- ference will be less and less, as the number of bobbins brought into the circuit is increased. When the bobbins included represent 140 miles, G' will be a little more, and when they represent 150 miles it will be a little less deflected than G, from which it will be inferred that the point of fault lies between the 140th and the 150th mile from the station. A closer approxima- tion may then be made by the introduction of shorter bobbins, and this process may be continued until the place of the fault has been discovered with all the accuracy necessary for practical purposes. 69. It appears nevertheless, that in the practical working of the telegraphic lines, occasions for the application of these expedients are of extremely rare occurrence. During the four winter months of November, December, January, and February 1853-54, distances of 300 miles of underground wire, without any break of circuit, have been in constant operation under the Magnetic Telegraphic Company, and notwithstanding an unusual pre- valence of unfavourable weather, with frequent and continued snow-storms, no stoppage whatever has taken place. 70. The Prussian underground lines of wire have been attended, however, with occasional failures, which have produced some public inconvenience. This circumstance has been ascribed to the faulty method of laying the wires. The gutta-percha enveloping them was mixed with sulphur, a process called Vulcanisation. Upon being deposited in the ground the sulphur was soon abstracted, leaving the gutta-percha brittle and porous. 71. The under-ground line of the European and Submarine Company, from London to Dover, is laid down in nearly the same manner as that of the Magnetic Company. There are six conduct- ing copper wires encased in gutta percha. To detect the more easily the place of any accidental breach of continuity, a box is placed at the end of each mile, in which a few yards of the continuous line of wire are coiled, so that in case of any accidental interruption occurring to the flow of the current, the particular mile in which that interruption exists can always be ascertained by putting the coils at the end of each successive mile in 149 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. connection with, a portable battery. The current will fail at the particular mile within which, the fault has taken place. 72. In passing through tunnels the overground wires have been subject to great inconvenience, owing to the quantity of water percolating through the roof, constantly falling on the wires and their supports, and thus injuring their insulation. It has been found that from this cause the current transmitted along one wire has been subject to leakages, a part of it passing by the moisture which surrounds the supports to an adjacent wire, so that being thus divided, part either returns to the station from which it has been transmitted, or goes on to a station for which it is not intended. 73. This inconvenience would be removed by adopting for tunnels the under-ground system. Mr. "Walker, to whom great experience in the practical business of electric telegraphy, and considerable scientific knowledge must give much authority on such a subject, has adopted apparently with very favourable results a method of covering the wires, which pass through tunnels, with a coating of gutta-percha. The conducting wire thus treated is copper wire No. 16. The gum being well cleaned and macerated by steam, is put upon the wire by means of grooved rollers. The diameter of the covered wire is a quarter of an inch. Mr. "Walker states that in all the wet tunnels under his superintendence he has substituted this gutta-percha-covered wire for the common line wire, and has thus " accomplished telegraphic feats which could not have been attempted on the old plan." 74. In France and in the United States the wires, even in the cities and towns, are conducted on rollers at an elevation, as on other parts of the lines. In Paris, for example, the telegraphic wires proceeding from the several railway stations are carried round the external boulevards and along the quays, the rollers being attached either to posts or to the walls of houses or buildings, and are thus carried to the central station at the Ministry of the Interior. 75. In Europe, the telegraphic wires have until very lately invariably followed the course of railways ; and this circumstance has led some to conclude that, but for the railways, the electric telegraph would be an unprofitable project. 76. This is however a mistake. Independently of the case of the Magnetic Telegraph Company already mentioned, the wires in the United States, where a much greater extent of electric telegraph has been erected and brought into operation than in Europe, do not follow the course of the railways. They are conducted, generally, along the sides of the common coach-roads, and sometimes even through tracts of country where no roads have been made. 150 POSTS AND WIRES OX COMMON ROADS. It has been contended in Europe that the wires would not be safe unless placed within the railway fences. The reply to this is, i hat they are found to be safe in the United States, where there is a much less efficient police, even in the neighbourhood of towns, and in most places no police at all. • It may be observed, that the same apprehensions of the destructive propensities of the people have been advanced upon first proposing most of the great im- provements which have signalised the present age. Thus, when railways were projected, it was objected that mischievous indi- viduals would be continually tearing up the rails, and throwing obstructions on the road, which would render travelling so dan- gerous that the system would become impracticable. When gas-lighting was proposed, it was objected that evil- disposed persons would be constantly cutting or breaking the pipes, and thus throwing whole towns into darkness. ' Experience, nevertheless, has proved these apprehensions ground- less ; and certainly the result of the operations on the electric telegraph in the United States goes to establish the total inutility of confining the course of the wires to railways. Those who have been practically conversant with the system both in Europe and in America, go further, and even maintain that the telegraph is subject to less inconvenience, that accidental defects are more easily made good, and that an efficient superintendence is more easilv insured oil common roads, according to the American system, than on railways. These reasons, combined with the urgent necessity of extending the Electric Telegraph to places where railways have neither been constructed nor contemplated, have led to the general departure of the telegraphic wires from the lines of railway in various parts of the continent. In France, particularly, almost all the recently- constructed telegraphic network is spread over districts not inter- sected by railways, and even where railways prevail, the wires are often, by preference, carried along the common road. 77. When channels, straits, arms of the sea, or rivers of great width intervene between the successive points of a telegraphic line, the conducting wires are deposited upon the bottom of the water, protected from the effects of mechanical and chemical action by various ingenious expedients. A considerable number of such subaqueous conductors have been fabricated for telegraphic lines in various countries, and others are in progress or contem- plated. Before June 1854, wire ropes had been made for the lines between Dover and Calais, Dover and Ostend, Dublin and Holyhead, Donaghadee and Portpatrick, England and Holland, the Zuyder Zee, the Great Belt (Denmark), the Mississippi, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, and Piedmont and Corsica. 151 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 78. The earliest attempt to transmit a voltaic current under water for telegraphic purposes, is attributed to Dr. O'Shaughnessy, who is so well known for his successful exertions to establish the electric telegraph in India. He succeeded in 1839 in de- positing an insulated conducting wire, attached to a chain cable, in the river Hoogly, by which the electric current was transmitted from one bank of that river to the other. The first important project of this kind which was executed in Europe, was the connection of the coasts of England and France by the submarine cable, deposited in the bed of the channel between Dover and Calais. A concession being obtained from the French government on certain conditions, a single conducting wire, invested with a thick coating of gutta-percha, was sunk by means of leaden weights across the channel, and the extremities being put into connection with telegraphic instruments, messages were transmitted from coast to coast. One of the conditions of the French concession being that this should be effected before September, 1850, this object was attained, but nothing more ; for the action of the waves near the shore constantly rubbing the rope against the rocky bottom, soon wore off the insulating envelope and rendered the cable useless. 79. It is right to state that the projectors themselves did not expect from this first trial permanent success, and regarded it merely as the experimental test of the practicability of the enterprise. It was, therefore, immediately resolved to resort to means for the effectual protection of the conducting wires from the effects of all the vicissitudes to which they would be exposed. With this view, Messrs. Newall and Co., the eminent wire-rope makers of Gateshead, were charged with the difficult and unprecedented task of discovering expedients, by which a cable of gutta-percha containing the conducting wires could be invested with an armour of iron, at the same time so strong as to resist the action of the forces to which it wouli L be exposed, and yet not too ponderous or too rigid to allow of being deposited in the bed of the channel. The result was the invention of the form of submarine cable, which has since been successfully adopted upon the various lines of international electric communication which will be presently described. The conducting wires inclosed in the'se cables are usually copper wires, having a diameter of the sixteenth of an inch. Each wire is first separately covered with two coatings of gutta- percha. Each successive coating increases the thickness by a certain fraction of an inch. The object of laying on this succession of coats of the gum, is to guard against accidental defects which might render the insulation imperfect. If such a 152 SUBMARINE CABLES. defect happened to exist at any point of the first coat it would be covered by the second, the chances against a defect occurring at the same point of both coatings amounting to an impossibility. 80. The conducting wire thus invested, or so many of them as it is intended to deposit, are then twisted together, and surrounded with a mass of spun yarn, soaked with grease and tar, so as to form a compact rope. Around this rope are then twisted a number of stout iron wires, sometimes coated on the surface with zinc, or as it has been called, galvanised. The cable is then complete, and is fabricated in one continued length sufficient to extend from shore to shore, or from bank to bank. Perspective side views of the several cables, and transverse sections of them in their full size, are given in the figures indicated in the first column of the following table, the number of conducting wires insulated by the gutta-percha and included within the cables, the number of surrounding iron wires, the total length from coast to coast, and the weight of the cables per mile respectively being indicated in the other columns. • Fig. INo. of cop- per wires. 1^ S* II Weight per mile — Tons 25,26 4 10 ?5 7 Holyhead and Howth .... 27,28 1 12 70 1 Dover and Ostend 31, 32 6 12 70 7 Portpatrick and Donaghadee (Magnetic 1 Comp.) / 35,36 6 12 25 7 Orfordness and the Hague . . . 37,38 1 10 135 2 Across the Great Belt (Denmark) . 41,42 3 9 16 5 Across the Mississippi . . . . 45,46 1 8 2 2 Across the Zuyder Zee 43,44 6 10 5 7| Newfoundland & Prince Edward's Island 39,40 1 9 150 If Portpatrick and Donaghadee (British"! Comp.) J 35,36 6 12 27 7 Spezzia and Corsica .... 35,36 6 12 110 8 Corsica and Sardinia .... 35,36 6 12 8 153 THE ELECTEIC TELEGRAPH. Fig. 25. Fig. 26.— Dover and Calais. 81. In the Dover and Calais cable, which was the first fabricated and laid, each of the four copper wires are surrounded by gutta-percha, which in fig. 26 is indicated by the light shading round the black central spot, representing the section of the copper wire. The four wires thus prepared were then enveloped in the general mass of prepared spun yarn, represented by the darker shading. The ten galvanised iron wires were then twisted around the whole, so as to form a complete and close armour. The external form and appearance of this heliacal coating is represented in fig. 25. This cable which was completed by Messrs. Newall and Co., in three weeks, measured originally 24 miles in length. Owing to the manner in which it was laid down this was found insufficient to extend from coast to coast, although the direct distance is only 21 miles. It was therefore found necessary to manu- facture an additional mile of cable, which being spliced on to the part laid, the whole was completed, and the electric communication between Dover and Calais definitively estab- lished on the 17th October, 1851. The cost of the cable itself was 9000?., being at the rate of 360?. per mile. The total cost for cable and stations at Dover and Calais was 15,000?. 82. The next submarine cable laid down was that which connected Holyhead on tke Welsh with Howth on the Irish coast. While several companies which had been formed for the purpose, were occupied in raising the capital necessary for this project, they were surprised by the 154 SUBMARINE CABLES. Fig. 27. Fig. 29. announcement that the project was already on the point of being realised by Messrs. Newall and Co., on their own account. The distance between the points to be connected being 60 miles, the cable was made with a length of 10 addition miles, to meet contingencies. In this cable, which enclosed only one conducting wire, the external wires enclosing the in- sulating rope were made thicker at the parts near the shores than for that which lies in deep water, the former being subject to much greater disturbing forces. A side view of the part immersed in deep water is given in fig. 27, and a cross-section in fig. 28. A side view of the shore ends is given in fig. 29, and a cross- section in fig. 30, all being in their full size. The gutta-percha rope was fabri- cated by the Gutta Percha Company in the City-road, London, from whence it was sent ' to Gateshead, where it received the iron wire envelope at the works of Messrs. Newall and Co., in the short space of four weeks. Loaded on twenty waggons, it was next sent by rail- way across England to Maryport, where it was embarked on board the " Britannia," and transported to Holyhead. On the morning of the 1st June, 1852, one of its extre- mities being established at Holyhead, it was laid in the bed of the channel. This was done as follows : — The cable was very carefully coiled in the hold of the steamer ; one end was then passed several times round a brake- wheel, and was conveyed on shore, when it was attached to a telegraph instrument. The other or lower end of the cable was attached to another in- strument in the cabin of the steamer, so that any message passing from instrument to instrument, was conveyed through the entire 155 Fig. 28. Holyhead and Howth. Deep sea part. Fig. 30. Holyhead and Howth. Shore ends. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. cable in the hold, and round the brake-wheel as the cable passed off in the process of submersion. The shore end having been made fast securely, the steamer was put in motion, and a certain strain was put on the cable by means of the brake-wheel, so that it was laid straight on the ground, or bottom of the sea. The cable is seen as it rises from the hold in the foreground, (fig. 34, p. 145,) guided between rollers to the drum, and it again appears in the back ground, as it passes over the stern. A counter and indicator was applied to the shaft of the drum by which the length of cable which at any moment had been delivered off into the sea was shown. The wind and tides have the effect of drawing the vessel out of her course, so that the quantity of cable expended must always be greater than the distance between the two points in a straight line. In the case of the Holyhead and Howth cable, the quantity expended was 64 miles. The depth of water is 70 fathoms, being- more than twice that of Dover. The entire process of laying it down was completed in 18 hours. In another hour the cable was brought ashore, and put in connec- tion with the telegraphic wires between Howth and Dublin, and immediately afterwards London and Dublin were connected by means of instantaneous communication. This cable was lighter considerably than that between Dover and Calais, its weight being a little less than one ton per mile, and consequently its total weight did not exceed 80 tons, while the Dover and Calais cable weighing 7 tons per mile, its total weight was 180 tons. From some cause, which could not be ascertained, this cable, after being worked for three days, became imperfect. It was sup- posed to have been caught by the anchor of some vessel, for on being taken up lately, it was found broken near Howth, and the gutta- percha and copper wire stretched in an extraordinary manner. 83. On the 9th October, 1851, Messrs. JNewall and Co. attempted to lay a cable across the narrowest part of the Irish channel, between Port Patrick and Donaghadee. This cable contained six conducting wires, similar to fig. 43. The distance across is the same as between Dover and Calais, viz., 21 miles, and 25 miles of cable were placed on board the " Britannia " steamer. The pro- cess of submersion was carried on until 16 miles had been successfully laid down, when a sudden gale came on, which rendered it impossible to steer the vessel in the proper course, and Mr. Newall was reluctantly compelled to cut the cable, when within 7 miles of the Irish coast, and having 9 miles of cable remaining on board. The whole of this 16 miles of cable has been recovered in 156 SUBMARINE CABLES. June, 1S54, after being nearly two years submerged. This proved a most arduous undertaking. The depth of the water in this part of the Irish channel is 150 fathoms, or 900 feet, and from this depth the cable was dragged by means of a powerful apparatus worked by a steam engine placed on the deck of a steamer. The operation occupied four days, for from the great force of the tide, which runs at the rate of 6 miles an hour, it was found impossible to work except at the times of high and low water. The cable was also imbedded in sand, so that the strain required to drag it up was occasionally very great. The recovery of this cable has so far solved the question of the durability of submarine telegraphs. It was found nearly as sound as when laid down. There was a slight corrosion in certain parts which appeared to have been imbedded in decaying sea weed — the parts imbedded in sand were quite sound, and on other parts, which appeared to have rested on a hard bottom, there were a few zoophytes. The cable on being tested was found as perfect in insulation as when laid down. 84. The next great enterprise of this kind, of which the accom- plishment must render for ever memorable the age we have the good fortune to live in, was the deposition in the bed of the Channel of a like cable connecting the coasts of England and Belgium, measuring SEVENTY MILES ix OXE TXBEOZEX LEXGTH I This colossal rope of metal and gutta-percha was also constructed at the works of Messrs. Xewall and Co. The probable extension of these extraordinary media of social, commercial, and political communication between countries separated by arms of the sea, may be conceived, when it is stated that during the winter of 1852-53 Messrs. Xewall and Co. exe- cuted under contracts not less than 450 miles of such cable. The cable laid between Dover and Calais includes, as already stated, four conducting wires. That between Dover and Ostend contains six wires insulated by the double covering of gutta- percha, manufactured, under Mr. S. Statham's directions, by the Gutta Percha Company. The gutta-percha laid into a rope is served with prepared spun-yarn, and covered with twelve thick iron wires, of a united strength equal to a strain of 40 to 50 tons — more than the proof strain of the chain cable of a first rate man-of-war. " A side view and section of this cable in its natural size are given in figs. 31 and 32 (page 158). The Belgian cable weighed 7 tons per mile, so that its total weight was about 500 tons. Its cost was 33,000/. It took 100 days to make it, and 70 hours to coil it into the vessel from which it was let down into the sea, and 18 hours to submerge it. 157 THE ELECTJRIC TELEGRAPH. Fi si. Fig1. 32. — Dover and Ostend 158 The form in which it was coiled in the hold of the vessel is represented in fig. 33 (p. 129).* On the morning of the Wednesday, the 4th May 1853, the vessel called the "William Hutt," Capt. Palmer, freighted with the cable, being an- chored off" Dover, near St. Margaret's, South Foreland, the process of laying the cable was commenced. This vessel was attended and aided by H.M.S. 11 Lizard," Capt. Eickets, E.N., and H.M.S. "Vivid," Capt. Smithett. Capt. Washington, E.N., was ap- pointed, on the part of the Admiralty, to mark out the line and direct the expedition. At dawn of day about 200 yards of the cable were given out from the " Hutt," and were extended by small boats to the shore, where the extre- mity was deposited in a cave at the foot of the cliff. There telegraphic instruments were provided by means of which, through the cable itself, a constant communication with the vessel was maintained during the arduous process, corresponding tele- graphic instruments being placed on board the "Hutt." At 6 o'clock, the process of laying commenced, the " Hutt " being taken in tow by the steam tug "Lord Warden." The manner in which the cable was " payed out," as the vessel pro- ceeded in its course, is represented in fig. 34 (p. 145), the cable as it came up from the hold, being * This illustration, as well as that of the deposition of the cable, have been taken from the Illustrated London Neics of the 14th of May, 1853, by the consent of the publishers of that journal. SUBMARINE CABLES. TMcr ^" passed several times round a large brake-wheel, by means of which the cable was kept from going out too fast, and its motion maintained so as to be equal to the progress of the vessel. Men are represented in the figure applying the brake to the wheel. On arriving off Middlekerke, on the Belgian coast, a boat sent from shore took from 500 to 700 yards of the cable on board, for the purpose of landing it. The boats of the British vessels taking her in tow, the end of the cable was safely landed, and deposited in a guard-house of the Custom House, where the telegraphic instruments brought in the " Hutt " being erected, and the communica- tions made, the following despatch was transmitted direct to London : — Union of Belgium and England, twenty minutes before one, p.m. Qth May 1853. 85. The next submarine cable laid, was that of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, connecting Donaghadee with Port Patrick, also manufactured by Messrs. Newall and Co. This cable, which contains six con- ducting wires, is represented in its proper size in figs. 35, 36, and corres- ponds in weight and form to the Belgian cable. But in the details of its construction and composition, some improvements were introduced. This rope was manufactured in 24 days, and cost about 13,0007. The cable laid down by the British Telegraph Company between the same points, is precisely similar to this. 86. It is proposed to connect Or- fordness, on the Suffolk coast, with the Hague, by seven separate sub- marine Cables, each containing a Fig 36 ._Donaghadee and Portpatrick. 159 (Magnetic Telegraph Company.) THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Fig. 37. single wire. Near the shore on each side these will be brought together and twisted into a single great cable, as repre- sented in figs. 37, 38. Of these, only three have been laid down. The distance from Or- fordness to the Hague being 120 miles, the cables were made 135 miles in length. They were laid down separately at a little dis- tance one from another. At 3£ miles from the shore they were brought together. When the tele- graphic business increases the other four will be deposited. 160 Fig. 38.— Orfordness and the Ha^ue. A B C 1 . 3 4 5 G * 90 Fig. 06. — THE SINGLE SEEDLE TELEGRAPH. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. CHAPTER IV. r. — Cable between Spezzia and Corsica. — 88. Other cables, European and American. — 89. Objections brought by scientific authorities to the submarine cables — Answers to these by practical men. — 90. Example of a cable uninjured by the action of the sea. — 91. Precautions necessary in laying the cable. — 92. Accident in laying the Calais cable. — 93. Imperfection attributed to the Belgian cable. — 94. Transatlantic Ocean Telegraph. — 95. Underground wires between the Strand and Lothbury. — 96. Effect of the inductive action of under- ground or submarine wires. — 97. Possible influence of this on tele- graphic operations. — 98. Examples of overground wires extended to great distances without intermediate support — between Turin and Genoa. — 99. Telegraphic lines in India. — 100. Difficulties arising from atmospheric electricity — height and distance of posts — mode of laying underground wires — extent of line erected to April 1854. — 101. Intensity of current decreases as the length of wire increases. — 102. Also increases with the thickness of the wire. — 103. And with the number of elements in the battery. — 104. Result of Pouillet's experiments on the intensity of current. — 105. Intensity produced by LABDSER'S MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. M 1C1 No. 37. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. increasing the power of the battery. — 106. How the current produces- telegraphic signals. — 107. Velocity of the current. — 108. Transmission of signals instantaneous. 87. IT is proposed to connect Europe with the islands of the Medi- terranean and the African continent, by extending the wires which already run continuously to Genoa from the United Kingdom and the Northern States of Europe to Spezzia, and from that point to lay a submarine cable to Corsica, another between Corsica and Sardinia, and another between Sardinia and Bona. The latter place would be connected with Alexandria by underground wires extending along the coast. It is even regarded as within the scope of probability that Alexandria may be put in electrical connection with Bombay ; and as the latter place is already connected by a telegraphic line witli Calcutta, a continuous line of communication between London and Calcutta would thus be established. The distances between Spezzia and Bona on the coast of Algeria are: — Miles. Spezzia to Corsica (submarine) 76 Across Corsica (underground) 128 Corsica to Sardinia by the straits of Bonifacio (submarine) . 7 Across Sardinia (underground) . . . . .203 Sardinia to Bona, on the coast of Algeria, (submarine) about 125 539 There would thus be 208 miles of submarine cable in three lengths of 76, 7, and 125 miles, and 331 miles of overland wires necessary to con- nect the southern coast of Europe with the northern coast of Africa. This is the proposed plan, and the cables from Spezzia to Corsica, and from Corsica to Sardinia are already laid and in operation ; but it will be obvious on inspecting the map that the object would be attainable with a less extent of submarine cable by continuing the overland line to Piombino, in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, connecting that place with the Island of Elba by a submarine cable of 8 or 10 miles, and connecting the westernmost point of Elba with Bastia, in Corsica, by another cable of 35 to 40 miles. This method would have the further advantage of including in the line several important places on the Italian coast ; such as, Carrara, Massa, Lucca, Pisa, and Leghorn. A preference has been given to the course above described in consideration of the benefit conferred upon the company by the concession and guarantee granted by the government of Sardinia, which would not have been given had the other course been followed. The cable now deposited contains six conducting wires, and is in all respects similar to that represented in figs. 35, 36. 162 SUBMARINE CABLES. Figs. 39, 40. P. Edward's Island and X. Brunswick. 88. The short sub- marine cable laid down f7" between Prince Ed- / ward's Island, and the coast of Nova Scotia (figs. 39, 40), is intended as part of a more ex- tended submarine line connecting Newfound- land with Canada. The other sections would make up a total length of 140 miles; but the project is reported to be arrested for the present by the refusal of the House of Assembly of Xova Scotia to grant a charter to the company to cross that province. The Danish subma- rine cable (figs. 41, 42), is carried across the Great Belt from Nyborg to Korsoe the nearest point of the opposite coast of Zealand. The cable laid across theZuyderZee is shown in its proper size in figs. 43, 44 (p. 164). Subaqueous cables have been laid across several of the American rivers. The difficulties supposed to attend the deposition and preser- vation of these con- ductors appeared to telegraphic engineers and projectors so for- midable, that the wires were at first carried across the rivers be- tween the summits of M 2 Fig. 41. Fig. 42.— Great Belt. 163 THE ELECTS 1C TELEGRAPH. Fig. 43. Fig. 44.— Zuyclcr Zee. lofty masts erected on their banks. This method, however, was found to be attended with such effects as to render the maintenance of the wire impracticable. The masts were blown down by the violent storms and tornadoes incidental to the climate, and were not unfrequcntly destroyed by lightning. The project of depositing the con- ducting wires in the bottom of the river was then resorted to, and has been carried into effect in several cases. The Ohio is crossed at Paducah by a cable containing one conducting wire, of which the fol- lowing description is given in the American journals. "It is composed of a large iron wire, covered with three coatings of gutta percha, making a cord of about five- eighths of an inch in diameter. " To protect this from wear, and for security of insulation, there are three coverings of strong Omaburg, saturated with an elastic composition of non-electrics ; and around this are eighteen large iron wires, drawn as tight as the wire will bear, and the whole is then spirally lashed together with another large wire, passing around at every f of an inch. The whole forms a cable of near two inches in diameter." This cable is 4200 feet in length, being the longest yet laid down in the United States. It was con- structed by Messrs. Shaffner^ and Sleeth. Mr. Shaffner has also constructed and deposited subaqueous cables in the following places : — Across the Tennessee river, four miles above Paducah, near its 164 SUBMARINE CABLES. junction with the Ohio. Length, 2200 feet ; same construction ; deposited in 1851. Across the Mississippi, at Cape Girondeau, in the State of Missouri. Length 3700 feet ; depo- sited in 18,53. Across the Merimmac river, where it falls into the Mississippi, twenty miles below St. Louis. Length, 1600 feet ; deposited in 1853. All these are similar to the Paducah cable. Across the Mississippi at St. Louis, three cables for different lines, each enclosed by 14 lateral external wires. Length, 3500 feet. Deposited in 1852-3. Across the Ohio at Maysville, Kentucky, a cable containing two conducting wires, enclosed by 28 lateral external wires, constructed like the former. Length, 2100 feet. Deposited in 1853. Across the Ohio at Henderson, Kentucky. Length, 3200 feet. Deposited in 1854. Cables constructed by Messrs. Xewall and Co. have also been deposited in the following places : — Across the Mississippi at New Orleans, contain- ing one conducting wire. Length, 3000 feet. Deposited in 1853. Shown in figs. 45, 46. Across the Hudson, 10 miles above New York ; similar construction. Length, 3600 feet. Depo- sited in 1854. Across the Straits of Northumberland, at the mouth of the St. Lawrence ; similar construction. Length, 10 miles. Deposited in 1853. At certain places on the great western rivers serious difficulties have been and are still encoun- tered in the preservation of these subaqueous conductors. At St. Louis on the Mississippi, and at Paducah on the Ohio, for example, several cables have been successively swept away by tioods. Large trees carried down the stream are, one after another, stopped by being caught in the cable, and the number thus accumulated becomes at length so great that the force of the current, acting upon them, breaks it. Another frequent cause of destruction to these cables in the Western Continent is the attraction thev offer to atmospheric electricity. They are frequently destroyed by lightning. Mr. Shaffher 165 Fig. 45. Fig. 46.— Mississippi. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. tells me that lie has sometimes found a longitudinal incision measuring ten feet in length, made in the gutta-percha, by the lightning, and cut as clean as if it had been done with a razor. At other times he has^ found the gutta-percha swelled, rough and porous, and sometimes pierced with countless numbers of openings like pinholes. These appearances are supposed by Mr. Newall to arise from imperfection in the covering of the wire. The slit, he thinks, is caused, by air getting in behind the arm, which holds the mandril through which the copper wire passes before leaving the cylinder, and the porous covering arises from air mixed with the gutta- percha. Mr. Newall has ascertained that a wet hair, or a hole of equal size is sufficient to destroy the insulation of the wire. 89. Some eminent scientific authorities express doubts as to the durability of the submarine cables. In the case of the Dover and Calais cable it has been observed that the bottom of the channel at that part of the strait is proved by the soundings to be subject to undulations, so considerable that the summits of some of its elevated points rise to such a height that the water which covers them is not deep enough to secure them from the effects of the tumultuous agitation of the surface in violent storms. It is here well to remind the reader that the agitation of the ocean, which seems so awful in great tempests, has been found to extend to a very limited depth, below which the waters are in a state of the most profound repose. The objection we now advert to is, therefore, founded upon the supposition that the crests of some of the elevations upon which the submarine cable rests are so elevated as to be within that limit of depth, and it is feared that such being the case, the violence of the water in great tempests may so move the cable against the ground on which it is deposited with a motion to and fro, as to wear away by frequent friction its metallic armour, and thus expose the conducting wires within it to the contact of the water, and destroy their insulation. But it has been most satisfactorily proved by a part of the experimental wire which was laid down between Dover and Calais, in 1850, and which was picked up two years afterwards in as perfect a state as when laid down, that the action of the waves does not affect the bottom of the Channel there. The greatest depth is 30 fathoms, and the bottom shelves regularly from Dover to near Cape Grinez, where there is a ledge of rocks rising suddenly from the bottom. It has been also feared that, notwithstanding the effect of the galvanisation of the surface of the surrounding wires, the corrosive action of the sea water may in time destroy them ; and it has been suggested that some better expedient for protection against this 166 SUBMARINE CABLES, effect might be contrived upon the principle suggested by Davy, for the preservation of the copper sheathing of ships, by investing the cable at certain intervals with a thick coating or glove of zinc, which would increase the efficiency of the thinner coating of that metal given to it in the process of galvanisation.* To this practical men who have had as much experience as is compatible with the recent date of these novel and extraordinary enterprises, reply that the results of their observations give no ground for apprehension of any injurious effects from tidal or tempestuous action, and that the fine iron used in the wire is not affected by sea water, as larger masses of coarser iron, such as anchors, are. They cite as proof of this, the slightly decayed state in which nails and small fire-arms have been found when recovered from vessels long sunk. They further state that the tar contained in the layer of hemp within the protecting wires acts as a preservative, whether the wires be galvanised or not. It has been found for example that, in the case of the submarine conductor between Donaghadee and Port- patrick, a perfect concrete of tar and sand has been already formed, upon which masses of shell-fish attach themselves at all parts that are not buried in sand, and it is apparent that in a few years a calcareous deposit will be formed around it, which will cement it to the bottom, and altogether intercept the action of the sea water. 90. In the deposition of submarine cables great care should be taken to select suitable points on the shore for beaching them. Sandy places are always to be sought. If this precaution be taken, it is affirmed that they are not subject to tidal action. A cable was partly laid by the Magnetic Telegraph Company in 1852 near Portpatrick (83), but abandoned in consequence of the vessel employed to deposit it being exposed in the process to a violent storm. The wire was left exposed upon the beach down to and beyond low water mark, and was in June, 1854, still in a perfect state, the galvanised iron wires, even to their zinc coating, being absolutely in the same state as when they were deposited. 91. It is contended by practical men that the great and only risk of failure in the submarine cables is from defects produced in the process of their deposition, or from original faults in the prin- ciple of their construction. The greatest care is necessary in conducting the process of delivering out the cable into the sea, or "paying it out," as it is technically called. All sudden bending of the cable is to be especially avoided. "Kinks" or "hitches" are apt to occur in * Potullet, "Traite de Physique," vol. I p, 799, Ed, 1853. 167 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, the process, by which the gutta percha covered wires within the cable are strained. 92. In laying the Calais cable it was found too short to extend to the opposite coast, and it became necessary to splice a supple- mentary piece to it. The joint thus formed afterwards failed, and it was found necessary to splice it anew, and to insert a fresh piece. Since this was done the cable appears to have continued in excellent order. 93. It is said that the Belgian cable has been subject to some im- perfection arising from the position of the wires within the case. The sixth wire being in the axis of the cable, surrounded by the other five (see fig. 32), it was found that when the outer casing of the protecting wires was laid around it, the pressure on the centre wire rendered it imperfect, while the five surrounding it suffered to some extent. Similar defects are said to exist in other cables constructed upon the same principle. A hempen case well tarred in the centre is considered to form the best safeguard for the gutta percha covered wires in the process of making the cable, since it will yield to any compression itself without affecting injuriously the wire. 94. This notice of subaqueous telegraphy ought not to be concluded without some mention of the project for the deposition of an electric cable across the Atlantic, so as to put the Old World in instantaneous communication with the New. Such a scheme is regarded now pretty nearly as that for the electric connection of the British islands with each other and with the European continent was regarded some years ago. The sanguine consider the project practicable, and its speedy realisation pro- bable. The more phlegmatic notice it only with ridicule. Men of science generally admit the possibility of the enterprise while men of finance more than doubt the possibility of a remunerative result. The width of the Atlantic between the nearest points of British America and the west coast of Ireland is about sixteen hundred miles. Twelve cables, each as long as those which have been laid down between Orfordness and the Hague, would be sufficient to extend from coast to coast. That cable could be spliced to cable was practically proved between Calais and Dover, such a splice having been successfully made in the cable near the French coast. Lieutenant Maury, of the United States, so well known for his hydrographical researches, caused a series of regular soundings to be made with the view of determining the form and condition of the bed of the ocean between the coasts of British America and 16S SUBMARINE CABLES. Ireland. He found that between Newfoundland, or the mouth cf the river St. Lawrence, and the west coast of Ireland, the bottom consists of a plateau, which, as he says, " seems to have been placed there especially for the purpose of holding the wires of a submarine telegraph, and of keeping them out of harm's way. It is neither too deep nor too shallow ; yet it is so deep, that the wires but once landed, will remain for ever beyond the reach of vessels, anchors, icebergs, and drifts of any kind ; and so shallow that the wires may be readily lodged upon the bottom. " The depth of this plateau is quite regular, gradually increasing from the shores of Newfoundland to the depth of 1500 to 2000 fathoms, as you approach the other side."* Lieutenant Maury concludes that this line of deep sea soundings is quite decisive of the question, as to the practicability of a submarine telegraph between the two continents in so far as the bottom of the ocean is concerned. A cable laid across would pass to the north of the great banks, and would be deposited upon the plateau above described, where the waters of the ocean are proved to be " as still as those of a millpond." This inference Lieutenant Maury deduces from the fact, that all the specimens of the bottom brought up have been found to consist of miscroscopic shells without the admixture of a single particle of gravel or sand. Had there been currents at those depths, these shells would have been thrown about and abraded, and mixed more or less with the debris of the natural bed of the ocean, such as ooze, sand, gravel, and other matter. "Con- sequently a telegraphic cable once laid there, there it would remain as completely beyond the reach of accident as if it were buried in air-tight cases." Imperfectly informed persons have expressed an opinion that the cable would not sink below a certain depth, at which the increasing density of the sea water would render it bulk for bulk as heavy as the cable. The well known physical properties of water prove such a supposition to be groundless. Although not incompressible in an absolute sense, water is susceptible of com- pression, even at the greatest depths of the ocean, in so small a degree, that the cable must always greatly exceed it in specific- weight. Putting out of view the financial part of the question, there appears then to be no good reason for pronouncing the project to construct such a cable, and to deposit it in the bed of the ocean, impracticable in an absolute, sense. * Report of Lieutenant Maury to the Secretary of the U. S. Navy, Feb. 22, THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. It may be asked whether, if deposited, an electric current could be transmitted through it so as to produce telegraphic signals ? There can be only two reasons for doubting this— -first, the length of the conducting wire, and, secondly, the inductive effects of the water upon the cable. The intensity of the current transmitted by a battery of given power upon a wire, is in the direct ratio of the conducting power of the wire and the magnitude of its transverse section, and in the inverse ratio of its length. A length so great as 1500 or 1600 miles, would of course considerably attenuate the current. But it will be recollected that, in the experiments described in Chap. I. par. 9, made by M. Leverrier and myself, messages were transmitted over a space of 1000 miles of wire without inter- mediate battery power, and with a terminal battery of very limited power. In that case 336 miles of the wire upon which the current was transmitted were iron, a very indifferent con- ductor, and the remaining 746 miles were copper wire of extremely small diameter. It is certain, therefore, that by reason of the inferior conducting power of the one part, and of the very small transverse section of the other part, this length of 1082 miles offered a much greater resistance to the transmission of the current than would 1600 miles of copper wire, such as is usually selected for submarine cables. But independent of these considerations, nothing would be easier than to give the copper wire enclosed in the cable such a thickness, and to apply to it such batteries, as would ensure the transmission of a current of sufficient intensity. The effects of the recoil currents produced by the inductive action of the water upon the cable, cannot be so certainly appre- ciated with our present knowledge and experience ; but although the effects of these are sensible in the cases of the submarine and underground wires already laid down, they have not produced any obstruction to the efficient performance of the telegraphs, and the managers of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, which works well several hundred miles of wire partly subaqueous and partly underground, assure me that no inconvenience or obstruction whatever is found to arise from this cause. If no other objection were raised against the project of a Transatlantic cable save this, it may be safely pronounced that there would be nothing to be apprehended which the resources of science and art would not easily surmount. It does not appear, therefore, that any part of the great problem of subatlantic telegraphy remains to be solved, except that which is involved in the financial view of the question. If it be undertaken as a commercial enterprise with a view to a 170 RECOIL CURRENTS. remunerative return, icill it pay ? Or, on the other hand, may it not be regarded as one of those vast international enterprises to which the influence and resources of states should be applied? These are questions which we have neither the space nor the vocation to discuss. 95. In 1852, the conducting wires which connect the Branch Telegraph Office, established in the Strand, opposite Hungerfoid Market, with the General Post-office, were laid down. In this case the conducting wires are galvanised brass instead of copper. They are as usual laid in iron tubes, and are carried along the kerb stones of the foot pavement of the Strand, Fleet-street, Ludgate-hill, and St. Paul's Church-yard to Cheapside, where they cross over to Foster-lane, and passing through the branch office in the hall of the General Post-office, are carried thence to the central telegraph station in Lothbury, at the rear of the Bank of England. From this central office, at all hours by day and by night, despatches are transmitted to and received from every seaport and every considerable town in England, Scotland, and Wales ; by the submarine wires, by Holyhead and Portpatrick, from all parts of Ireland, and by Dover, from all parts of the Continent of Europe where electric telegraphs have been constructed. 96. After the underground and submarine wires had been con- structed and laid upon a considerable scale, the attention of Dr. Faraday was called by some of the parties engaged in their management to peculiar phenomena which had been manifested in the telegraphic operations made upon the lines thus laid. After experiments had been made upon a large scale with lines of sub- aqueous and subterranean wires, extending to distances varying from 100 to 1500 miles, it was found that the electricity supplied by the voltaic battery to the covered wire was in great quantity arrested there, by the attraction of electricity of an opposite kind evolved from the water or earth in which the wire is sunk ; the attraction acting through the gutta percha covering exactly in the same manner as that in which the electricity developed by a common electric machine, and deposited on the inside metallic coating of an electric jar, acts through the glass upon the natural electricity of the external coating, or of the earth in connection with it. The two opposite electricities on the inside and outside of the coating of the wire by their mutual action neutralise each other, and under certain circumstances a person placing his hands in metallic connection with both sides of such coating, may ascertain the presence of a large charge of such neutralised fluid, by receiving the shock which it will give like that of a charged Leyden jar. 97. It is apprehended that this unforeseen phenomenon may 171 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. interfere more or less with the practical working of all telegraphs having underground conducting wires ; and I have been informed by the agents engaged in bureaux of the Paris telegraph, that they are sensible of its effects in all direct communications between that capital and London. On the other hand the Magneto-Electric Telegraph Company, who at the present time (May, 1S54), have nearly 900 miles of under- ground wire in operation, report that they sometimes pass their signals without any difficulty through 500 miles of underground wire without any break or delay in the circuit, and that they have in constant operation continuous underground lines connecting towns above 300 miles apart. The only defect complained of in the underground wires is that which proceeds from accidental failures of complete insulation, produced by defects in the gutta percha or other coating which allow moisture to penetrate in wet weather and to reach the con- ducting wire, or it may arise from accidental fracture of the wire. In any such cases the flow of the current to its destination is interrupted, and the telegraph conveys no signal. The use of underground wires, and the discovery of the phenomenon of inductive action above described, are too recent to justify any certain inference as to their effects on telegraphic operations. Time and enlarged experience alone can settle the questions which have been thus raised. 98. Although as a general rule the overground lines of telegraphic wire are sustained by supports at intervals of about sixty yards, many exceptional cases are presented in* which they are extended between supports at much greater distances asunder. Every recent visitor to Paris may have observed the long lines of wire which are in several cases extended along the boulevards and across the river. But the most surprising examples of long lines of wires without intermediate support, are presented on the telegraphic line passing north and south through Piedmont between Turin and Genoa. There, according to a report published in the "Pied- niontese Gazette," in the course of the line passing through the district intersected by the chain of the Bochetta, the engineer, M. Bonelli, had the boldness to carry the wires from summit to summit across extensive valleys and ravines at immense heights above the level of the ground. In many cases the distance between these summits amounted to more than half a mile, and in some to nearly three-quarters of a mile. In passing through towns, this line is carried underground, emerging from which it is again stretched through the air from crest to crest of the Maritime Apennines, after which it finally sinks into the earth, 172 INDIAN TELEGRAPHIC LINES. passing through Genoa under the streets and terminating in the Ducal palace. It is stated that the insulation of the wires on this picturesque line has been so perfect, notwithstanding the adverse circumstances of its locality, that although it was constantly at work day and night during the first winter, no failure of transmission or extra • ordinary delay ever occurred. 99. Efforts have recently been made to extend the system of telegraphic intercommunication to India. Dr. O'Shaughnessy of the East- India Company's medical department, in constructing an experimental line through a distance of 80 miles from Calcutta, used, instead of wires, iron rods, being the only obtainable materials. These were fastened together and supported on bamboos. By experiments thus made, he found that the wires employed in Europe would be quite inadequate to the Indian telegraph. In England, where the lines are carried along railways, and where there are no living obstacles to contend with, the thin iron wire, called No* 8 gauge, answers its purpose well ; but no sooner were the rods mounted on their bamboo supports in India than Hocks Oi that largest of all birds, the adjutant, found the rods convenient perches, and groups of monkeys congregated upon them ; showing clearly enough that the ordinary wire would be insufficient to bear the strains to which these telegraphic lines would be subjected. It was found also that not only must the wire be stronger, but that it must be more elevated, to allow loaded elephants, which march, about regardless of roads or telegraphic lines, to pass underneath. 100. The telegraphic communication thus practically effected, is subjected to attacks to which the telegraphs in this country are but little exposed. Storms of lightning destroyed the galva- nometer coils, and hurricanes laid prostrate the posts. Undaunted by the opposition of the elements, Dr. O'Shaughnessy contrived a lightning conductor for the instruments, and strengthened the supporting props. Dr. O'Shaughnessy returned to England, and at Warley, near Brentwood, made arrangements for producing 3000 miles of thick galvanised wire, to be shipped for India; one of the earliest lines undertaken, to be from Calcutta to Bombay. One of the peculiar characteristics of the railway lines intended for India, as contrasted with the English lines, is the greater distance between the posts, which are higher and stronger than those generally used. The thick wire is raised to a height of fourteen feet, on posts nearly the eighth part of a mile apart. To obtain the neces- sary strength to bear the strain, the posts are fixed with screw 173 THE ELECTEIC TELEGRAPH. piles. To show the strength of the wires thus extended, a rope was, for experiment, hung to the centre of the wire of largest span, and a soldier climbed up it, the weight of his body pro- ducing but a slight curvature. The common deflection arising from the weight of a wire of a furlong span does not exceed eighteen inches. Dr. O'Shaughnessy's plan of underground communication, when such a mode of laying down the wires is desirable, is very economical. The copper wires coated with gutta percha, instead of being inserted in iron tubes, are inlaid in wooden sleepers, well saturated with arsenic, to protect them from the white ants, and they are then laid in a trench about two feet deep. An under- ground system of two wires may thus be laid down for 35/. the mile. The plan adopted for joining the lengths of the thick galvanised wire is to have the two ends turned, so as to link into one another, which are then introduced into a mould, like a bullet-mould, and an ingot of zinc being cast over them, they form a most substantial joint, and perfect metallic connection.* It appears from reports received in May, 1854, that at that date a telegraphic line was in full operation from Calcutta to Agra, a distance of 800 miles, and it was then expected that the entire line to Bombay, a distance of 1500 miles, would soon be completed and put in operation. This line is reported to have been completed and brought into operation since the preceding paragraphs were in type. 101. To produce the effects, whatever these may be, by which the telegraphic messages are expressed, it is necessary that the electric current shall have a certain intensity. Kow, the intensity of the current transmitted by a given voltaic battery along a given line of wire will decrease, other things being the same, in the same proportion as the length of the wire increases. Thus, if the wire be continued for ten miles, the current will have twice the intensity which it would have if the wire had been extended to a distance of twenty miles. It is evident, therefore, that the wire may be continued to such a length that the current will no longer have sufficient intensity to produce at the station to which the despatch is transmitted those effects by which the language of the despatch is signified. 102. The intensity of the current transmitted by a given * Year-Book of Facts, 1853, p. 150. 174 INTENSITY OF CURRENTS. voltaic battery upon a wire of given length, will be increased in the same proportion as the area of the section of the wire is augmented. Thus if the diameter of the wire be doubled, the area of its section being increased in a fourfold proportion, the intensity of the current transmitted along the wire will be in- creased in the same ratio. 103. In fine, the intensity of the current may also be augmented by increasing the number of pairs of generating plates or cylinders composing the galvanic battery. Since it has been found most convenient generally to use iron as the material for the conducting wires, it is of no practical import- ance to take into account the influence which the quality of the metal may produce upon the intensity of the current. It may be useful nevertheless to state that, other things being the same, the intensity of the current will be in the proportion of the con- ducting power of the metal of which the wire is formed, and that copper is the best conductor of the metals. 104. M. Pouillet found by well-conducted experiments, that the current supplied by a voltaic battery of ten pairs of plates, transmitted upon a copper wire, having a diameter of four- thousandths of an inch, and a length of six-tenths of a mile, was sufficiently intense for all the common telegraphic purposes. Now if we suppose that the wire instead of being four-thousandths of an inch in diameter, has a diameter of a quarter of an inch, its diameter being greater in the ratio of 62^- to 1, its section will be greater in the ratio of nearly 4000 to 1, and it will consequently carry a current of equal intensity over a length of wire 4000 times greater, that is, over 2400 miles of wire. 105. But in practice it is needless to push the powers of trans- mission to any such extreme limits. To reinforce and maintain the intensity of the current, it is only necessary to establish at convenient intervals along the line of wires intermediate batteries, by which fresh supplies of the electric fluid shall be produced, and this may in all cases be easily accomplished, the intermediate telegraphic stations being at distances, one from another, much less than the limit which would injuriously impair the intensity of the current. 106. Having thus explained the means by which an electric current can be conducted from any one place upon the earth's surface to any other, no matter what be the distance between them, and how all the necessary or desired intensity may be imparted to it, we shall now proceed to explain the expedients by which such a current may enable a person at one place to convey instantaneously to another place, no matter how distant, signs serving the purpose of written language. 175 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. It may be shortly stated that the production of such signs depends on the power of the agent transmitting the current to transmit, suspend, intermit, divert and reverse it at pleasure. These changes in the state of the current take place for all practical purposes simultaneously upon all parts of the conducting wire to whatever distance that wire may extend, for although strictly speaking there is an interval, depending on the time which the current takes to pass from one point to another, that interval cannot in any case exceed a small fraction of a second. 107. Although there is some discordance in the results of experiments made to determine the velocity of the current, they all agree in proving it to be prodigious. It varies according to the conducting power of the metal of which the wire is composed, but is not dependent on the thickness of the wire. On copper wire, its velocity, according to Professor Wheatstone's experiments, is 288000 miles ; and according to those of MM. Fizeau and Gonelle, 112680 miles per second. On the iron wire used for telegraphic purposes, its velocity is 62000 miles per second, according to Fizeau and Gronelle ; 28oOO according to Professor Mitchell, of Cincinnati ; and about 16000 according to Professor Walker of the United States. 108. It is evident therefore that the interval which must elapse between the production of any change in the state of the current at one telegraphic station, and the production of the same change at any other however distant, cannot exceed a very minute portion of a second, and since the transmission of signals depends exclusively on the, production of such changes, it follows that such transmission must be practically instantaneous. 176 •If; Fig. CS.— THE DOUBLE NEEDLE TELEGRAPH. THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. CHAPTER Y. 109. Current controlled by making and breaking the contact of con- ductors.— 110. Instruments for controlling the current — commutators. — 111. General principle of the commutator. — 112. Its application to telegraphic operations. — 113. To transmit a current on the up line only. — 114. On the down line only. — 115. On both lines. — 116. To reverse the current. — 117. To suspend and transmit it alternately. — 118. How to manage a current -which arrives at a station. — 119. To make it ring the alarum. — 120. Station with two alarums. — 121. Notice of the station transmitting and receiving signals. — 122. When signals not addressed to the station the current is passed on. — 123. LARDNER'S MUSEUM OF SCIENCE. H 177 No. 38. THE ELECTKIC TELEGRAPH. How to receive a dispatch at the station, and stop its farther progress. — 124. How several dispatches may be at the same time sent between various stations on the same line. — 125. Secondary lines of wire then used. — 126. Recapitulation. — 127. Signals by combinations of unequal intervals of transmission and suspension. — 128. Key commutator. — 129. Horological commutator for a current having equal and regular pulsations. — 130. Case in which the pulsations are not continuous or regular. — 131. No limit to the celerity of the pulsations. — 132. Application of a toothed wheel to produce the pulsations. — 133. By a sinuous wheel. — 134. Method of diverting the current by a short circuit, its application to the alarum. — 135. Effects of the current which have been used for signals. — 136. Deflection of magnetic needle. 109. SIKCE all telegraphic signals depend on the power of the agent who makes them, to transmit, control, and modify the current at will, it must be apparent how important it is for those who desire to understand this interesting subject, to comprehend in the first instance the means by which this power is obtained and exercised. It is necessary to remember that the current will now along a line of conducting wire so long as, and no longer than, a voltaic battery is interposed at some point on the line, the wire being attached to its poles, and the remote ends of the wire connected with the earth, as explained in (23) and (36), and in that case the current will flow along the wire from earth to earth in such a direction as to enter the battery at the negative, and to leave it at the positive pole, and that provided the battery have adequate force, it does not matter how distant from its poles the points may be at which the wires are connected with the earth. If at any point of the line the wire is broken, the current instantly ceases along the entire line. If it be reunited the current is instantly re-established. If the connection of the wire with the poles of the battery be reversed, so that the end which was connected with the positive is transferred to the negative pole, and vice versa, the direction of the current along the entire line is reversed — since it must always flow from the positive and to the negative pole. If at any point the wire, being broken, be connected with another wire proceeding to the earth in any other direction, the current will be diverted to the latter wire, deserting its former course. If the wire conducting the current be connected at the same point with two wires both connected with the earth, it will be distributed between the two, the greater part, however, following that wire which offers the easier road to the earth. These few principles, which are clear and simple, supply an easy key to the whole art of electro-telegraphy. 110. The class of mechanical expedients by which the agent who desires to transmit signals is enabled to control and modify the current in the manner here described, are called by the general 178 COMMUTATORS. name of " coinrcrATOES," and are very various in form and arrangement according to the purposes to which, and the condi- tions under which they are applied. Not only do apparatus of this class differ in different countries where telegraphs have been established, but they vary upon different lines, and even on different parts of the same line. Without attempting to follow these endless variations, many of which are quite unimportant, and all of which are mere varieties in the application of the general principles explained above, we shall here confine ourselves to such an illustration of them as will at the same time render intelligible their structure and operation, and convey a general notion of the manner of transmitting and receiving signals. 111. Let us suppose that around the edge of a disc of ivory, wood, or any other insulating material, are inserted at convenient intervals pieces of metal, B, r, T, D, &c., fig. 47, which we shall call contact pieces, their purpose being to make and break the metallic contact which controls the current. At the back of the disc near these contact pieces are clamps or tighten ing screws by which conducting wires can be attached to them. To an axis in the centre of the disc let two metallic hands, A A' be attached, so that they can be turned round the disc like the hands of a clock, but having motions independent of each other. These hands may be supposed to be formed of elastic strips of metal bent at the ends towards the surface of the disc, so as to press upon it with some force : and let one of them move over the other without disturbing it, as the minute hand of a watch moves over the hour hand. Let A." be another similar hand, turning on a centre fixed upon the contact piece E, so that it can be turned at pleasure upon one or other of the contact pieces p or x. Xow it is evident that by turning the hands A and A' upon any two of the contact pieces, they will be put in metallic connection, so that a current flowing from either of them will pass by the hands to the other, and in like manner by means of the hand A", either of the contact pieces P or x can be put in metallic con- nection with E. 112. To convey a general notion of the application of such an apparatus to telegraphic purposes, we shall for example suppose conducting wires connecting the several contact pieces in the following manner : — 1. P, with the positive pole of the battery. 2. y, with its negative pole. 3. E, with the earth. 4. ~c, with the up-line wire. 5. D, with the down-line wire. 6. B, with a bell or alarum. K 2 179 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. It may be necessary to state here that it is customary to call the wire which proceeds to the chief terminal station of a line the up wire, and that which proceeds to the secondary terminal station the down wire. Thus, if a line of telegraph be extended between Up. Line London and Dover, the wire which would connect London with any intermediate station would at that station be the up wire, and 180 TRANSMISSION OP SIGNALS. the wire which would connect it with Dover would be the down '-ire. The manner in which the current arriving at any station is made to ring a bell or alarum at that station, will be explained hereafter. In explaining the manner in which the agent at a station is enabled to control a current by means of the commutator, two cases are to be considered — first, when he desires to transmit signals ; and, secondly, when he expects to receive them. In the former case, he takes the current from his own battery ; in the latter, he receives it on its arrival by the up or down line wire. "We shall first consider the case in which he desires to transmit signals. 113. To transmit a current on the up line only. — Let the hand A" be placed on x, A on P, and A' on u. The negative pole x of the battery being then in connection with the earth E by the hand A", and the positive pole r in connection with the up wire u by the hands A and A', while the up wire itself at the station at which it arrives is in connection with the earth, the current will flow from r by A and A' along the up wire to the station at which the wire goes to the earth. 114. To transmit a current on the down line onlu. — Let A" and A be placed as before, and let A' be moved to D. The current will then How on the down line, as may be explained in the same manner. 115. To transmit a current along the entire line from terminus to terminus. — Let A' be turned upon tr, and A upon x, and let two similar hands at the back of the disc be at the same time turned upon P and D, the hand A" being removed from both x and r. In that case, the current will flow from the positive pole P along the hands at the back of the disc to D, and thence on the down wire to the terminal station, where it will take the earth, by which it will pass to the earth plate at the up terminal station, and from thence by the up wire to r, and from u by the hands A' and A to the negative pole x. Thus it appears that it will pass along the entire line from terminus to terminus, flowing from the up station downwards. 116. To reverse the direction of the current. — To accomplish this, it is obviously sufficient to reverse the connections with the poles of the battery. Thus, if the current be transmitted on the up line only, the hand A' will be upon r, A on P, and A" on x, when, as already explained (113), the current will flow from r towards the up station. If A" be removed to r, and A to x, the direction will be reversed, the course of the current then being as follows : — From the positive pole P to E by the hand A" ; from the earth E to the earth plate at the upper station ; from that to the up wire ; from thence to r, and from u by A' and A to x. 181 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Thus, by alternately moving the hands A" and A between the contact pieces p and K, the current may be changed from one direction to the other on the up wire as often and as rapidly as may be desired. The same reversion may be made in exactly the same manner on the down wire, if the hand A' be turned upon D. The reversion may be made with equal facility and rapidity if the current be established along the entire line by merely inter- changing the position of the hands directed upon P and N, as described in 115. 117. To suspend and transmit alternately the current during any required intervals. — Whether the current be established on the up line or on the down line, or on both, this is easily accom- plished by removing any one of the hands from the contact piece on which it rests, and restoring it to its place after the required intervals. When it is withdrawn, the current is suspended; when restored, the current is re-established. The intervals of such suspension and transmission may be as long or as short as may be desired. They may be equal or unequal. They may succeed each other with any degree of rapidity whatever. Thus there may be ten thousand intervals of suspension and ten thousand of transmission in a minute. The instantaneous cha- racter of the propagation of the electric fluid already noticed will sufficiently explain this. 118. Having thus explained how the agent controls the current in transmitting signals to a distant station, we shall now show how he treats the current which arrives from a distant station, so as to allow it to produce before him the intended signals. The current must arrive either by the up wire or by the down wire, and therefore at either of the contact pieces, u or D. 119. To make the arriving current give the alarm. — When the agent at a station is not engaged in transmitting signals, he must always be prepared to receive them. A contrivance called an alarum is provided, to give him notice when signals are about to be transmitted. The alarum, which will be fully explained here- after, is an apparatus so constructed, that whenever the current passes through it, a bell is rung, by which the attention of the agent is called. The contact piece B is here supposed to be connected with a wire leading to such an apparatus. When not engaged in transmitting signals, the agent connects both the up and down wires with his alarum. To accomplish this, he turns A' upon u, and A upon B. The contact piece B being supposed to be connected with the wire which enters the alarum, the wire which issues from it is connected with B'. Two 182 PJXGIXG THE ALARUM. hands, which are behind the disc, are placed one on B' and the other on D. In this case, if a current comes down the line to tr, it will pass by the hands A and A' to B, and thence through the alarum wire to B', whence it passes by the hands at the back of the disc to D, and thence along the down wire. If, on the other hand, the current arrive by D, it passes in the same manner through the alarum to r, and so along the up wire. From whatever part of the line the current may be transmitted, whether on the up or the down line, it must therefore pass through the alarum, and give notice. 120. In some cases a station is provided with two distinct alarums, one for the down and the other for the up line, having different tones, so that the agent, on hearing them, knows from which direction the signals are about to come. In that case the wire of the up line alarum is attached to B, and that of the down line to B', the wires which issue from the two alarums being always in such case connected with the earth. "When the agent is not engaged in transmitting, he places the hands A' and A on u and B, and the hands behind the disc on D and B'. If a current arrive by r, it passes by B through the alarum to the earth, and gives notice. If it arrive by D, it passes in like manner through the alarum B' to the earth, and gives notice. It is, however, more usual to have a single alarum at each station, acting as above described. The connections being so arranged that the current shall pass along the entire line from terminus to terminus, all the alarums at all the stations will be rung the moment the current is trans- mitted. General notice is therefore given that a dispatch is about to be sent from some one station along the line to some other. 121. It is necessary, however, to inform the agents at each station of the place from whence the dispatch is about to be sent, and the place to which it is to be addressed. To learn this, the agent transfers the connections from the alarum to his telegraphic instrument. This is accomplished by removing the hand A from B to T, and connecting the wire coming from the telegraphic instrument by the hands at the back of the disc with D. By this change the current passes from u to T, from T through the telegraphic instrument to D, and from thence down the line. The signals transmitted appear upon the telegraphic instrument, informing the agent whence the dispatch will come, and where it is desired to transmit it. 122. If he find that it is not to be addressed to himself, his arrangements will depend on the position which his own station holds in relation to the two stations between which the dispatch is about to be transmitted. If his station lie between them, he 183 THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. turns the hands A and A' upon the contact pieces u and D, so as to allow the current to pass between the up wire and the down wire, along the hands without interruption, and also without spending any part of its force in needlessly working his telegraphic instrument. 123. If he find that the dispatch is intended for himself, and that it proceeds from a station on the up line, for example, he places the hand A' upon u, A upon T, and by the two hands behind the disc he connects the wire issuing from the instrument with E. By this arrangement, the current arriving at TJ passes by the hands A' and A to T, thence through the telegraphic instrument to E by the hands behind the disc and to the earth. In this case the course of the current is limited to the part of the line wire which is included between the station from which it is transmitted and that to which it is addressed. By connecting the telegraphic instrument with the earth by E, the down line wire is free ; so that while the up line wire is employed in conveying the dispatch in question, other dispatches may be transmitted between any stations on the down line. 124. If we express for example the chief terminal station by s, and the series of stations upon the line proceeding from it down- wards by s1} S2, S3, s4, &c., we can conceive various dispatches to be at the same time transmitted between them by the arrange- ment here explained, being made at each station which receives a dispatch. Thus, if s sends a dispatch to sx, and sx cuts off its communication with the down wire by putting its telegraphic instrument in connection with the earth, the current transmitted from s stops at sx. A dispatch may therefore be at the same time sent between sa and S3, another between S4 and S5, and so on. Thus, the same line of conducting wire may be at the same time engaged in the conveyance of several dispatches, the only limitation ' being that when a dispatch is being transmitted between two stations, no other dispatch can at the same time be transmitted between any of the intermediate stations. It follows from this as a necessary consequence that if, as generally happens in thickly peopled tracts of country, the terminal and one or two of the most populous of the intermediate stations keep the telegraph in constant work, separate and independent wires, and instruments must be provided to serve the secondary inter- mediate stations, just as upon railways, second and third-class trains are provided to serve those lesser stations on the line, which are passed by the first-class trains without stopping. Every great telegraphic line presents an example of this. Thus upon the Dover line separate wires and instruments are appropriated to the transmission of dispatches between the terminal stations, London and Dover, and the intermediate stations, Tonbridge, 3 84 TELEGRAPHIC STATIONS. Ashford, and Folkestone. The conducting wire passes tkrough the telegraph offices at these three intermediate stations, but does not enter any of those of inferior importance, such as Godstone, Penshurst, Marden, Staplehurst, &c., to the service of which other conducting wires and instruments are appropriated. 125. Since, however, telegraphic communication must be pro- vided between all the intermediate stations, and since the chief wires passing the chief intermediate stations do not enter the secondary ones, it follows that the wires of the secondary stations must be carried not only to the terminal stations, but also through all the chief secondary stations. Thus the wires, which pass through the stations of Godstone and Penshurst, must also pass through those of Tonbridge, Ashford, and Folkestone, since otherwise there could be no communication between the latter and the former. From what has been already explained, it will be understood that every two secondary stations along the line can communicate at the same time with each other, no stations being compulsorily silent, except such as may lie between two communicating ones. To illustrate this, let us suppose the secondary stations from ter- minus to terminus of the line to be expressed by the small letters, and the chief stations, terminal and intermediate, by the capitals, in the following order : A, b, c, (I, c, F, . bound. KEY to Ditto. 8vo, 7s. Select Portions Of Sacred History, "conveyed in sense for Latin Verses. By the late Rev. F. HODGSON, M.A. (Provost of Eton). Third Edition. 12m o, 3 >. 64. cloth. KEY to Ditto. Royal 8vo, 10*. 6 /. cloth. Sacred LyriCS J or, Extracts from the Prophetical and other Scriptures of the Old Testament ; adapted to Latin Versification in the principal Metres of HORACE. By the late Rev. F. HODGSON, M.A. (Provost of Eton). 12mo, 6.v. Qd. cloth. 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