* MYCOLOGIA Volume VII, 1915 Published by the aid of the David Lydig Fund Bequeathed by Charles P. Daly MYCOLOGIA IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Founded by W. A. Kellerman, J. B. Ellis.and B. M. Everhart in 1885 EDITOR WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL Volume VII, 1915 With 23 Plates and 13 Figures UBKAM> «HW YO«k •otank (lAteub/v. JOSEPH C. ARTHUR HOWARD J. BANKER GIACOMO BRESADOLA FREDERIC E. CLEMENTS JOHN DEARNESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS FRANKLIN S. EARLE BRUCE FINK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE GEORGE MASSEE NARCISSE PATOUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORNELIUS L. SHEAR PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR PRESS OF The new Era printing company LANCASTER. PA. DEC 4 - 1915 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. I. January Page A Timber Rot Accompanying Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev., by H. P. Brown i Structural Parallelism between Spore-forms in the Ascomycetes, by C. R. Orton 21 The Taxonomic Value of Pore Characters in the Grass and Sedge Rusts, by J. C. Arthur and F. D. Fromme 28 A Parasitic Species of Claudopus, by Harry Morton Fitzpatrick 34 New Species of Colletotrichum and Phoma, by P. J. O’Gara 38 Lind’s Work on the Rostrup Herbarium, by Lars Romell 42 A New Bolete from California, by William A. Murrill 44 News, Notes and Reviews 45 Index to American Mycological Literature Si No. 2. March William Wirt Calkins, Amateur Mycologist, by Bruce Fink 57 Cultures of Uredineae in 1912, 1913, and 1914, by J. C. Arthur 61 Photographs and Descriptions of Cup-fungi — I. Peziza, by Fred J. Seaver 90 The Structure and Development of Secotium agaricoides, by Henry S. Conard 94 The Genus Lepista, by William A. Murrill 105 Marking Types in the Mycological Herbarium, by William A. Murrill.. 108 News and Notes 109 Index to American Mycological Literature 113 No. 3. May Illustrations of Fungi — XX, by William A. Murrill 115 Notes on Cryptoporus volvatus, by Sanford M. Zeller 121 The Effect of Continued Desiccation on the Expulsion of Ascospores of Endothia parasitica, by E. D. Heald and R. A. Studhalter 126 Luminescence in the Fungi, by William A. Murrill 131 The Pencillium Luteum-purpurogenum Group, by Charles Thom 134 Studies in Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi — I, by Esther Young 143 Fungi Edible and Poisonous, by William A. Murrill 151 News, Notes and Reviews 155 Index to American Mycological Literature 159 No. 4. July Illustrations of Fungi — XXI, by William A. Murrill 163 Uredinales of Porto Rico Based on Collections by F. L. Stevens, by J. C. Arthur 168 V VI Table of Contents Illustrations and Descriptions of Cup-Fungi — II. Sepultaria, by Fred J. Shaver 197 A New Fungus, PhiaJophora verrucosa, Pathogenic for Man, by E. M. Medlar 200 Tests on the Durability of Greenheart (Nectandra Rodiaei Schomb.), by C. J. Humphrey 204 Observations on Herpotrichia nigra and Associated Species, by Fred J. Shaver . 210 News and Notes 212 Index to American Mycological Literature 217 No. 5. September Illustrations of Fungi — XXII, by William A. Murrill 221 Uredinales of Porto Rico Based on Collections by F. L. Stevens, by J. C. Arthur 227 The Genus Clitocybe in North America, by William A. Murrill 256 Penicillium avellaneum, a New Ascus-producing Species, by Charles Thom and G. W. Turesson 284 News and Notes 288 Index to American Mycological Literature 293 No. 6. November Preliminary List of Upper St. Regis Fungi, by William A. Murrill 297 The Ferax Group of the Genus Saprolegnia, by A. J. Pieters 307 Uredinales of Porto Rico Based on Collections by F. L. Stevens, by J. C. Arthur 315 Some Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi, by Philip Garman 333 Index to American Mycological Literature 341 MYCOLOGIA IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Founded by W. A. Kellerman, J. B. Ellis,and B. M. Everhart in 1885 EDITOR WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL Vol. VII— JANUARY, 1915— No. 1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS JOSEPH C. ARTHUR HOWARD J. BANKER OlACOMO BRESADOLA FREDERIC E. CLEUENTS JOHN DEARNESS FRANKLIN S. EARLE BRUCE FINK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE GEORGE MASSEE NARCISSE PATOUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORNELIUS L. SHEAR PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By TH* NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR CONTENTS PACK A Timber Rot Accompanying Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev. - - - - H. P. Brown i Structural Parallelism Between Spore-Forms in the Asco- mycetes - - - - - C. R. Orton 21 The Taxonomic Value of Pore Characters in the Grass and Sedge Rusts - J. C. Arthur and F. D. Fromme 28 A Parasitic Species of Claudopus - H. M. Fitzpatrick 34 Few Species of CoUetotrichum and Phoma - P. J. O’Gara 38 Lind’s Work on the Rostrup Herbarium - Lars Romell 42 A New Bolete from California - - W. A. Murrill 44 News, Notes and Reviews 45 Index to American Mycological Literature - - - 5 1 The New Er* Printing Company makes the following charges to authors for articles reprinted from Mycologia, if ordered with proof: Without Cover — 4 PP- 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. 24 pp. 28 pp. 32 PP- 25-50 Copies — l>-37 I1.87 $2.12 I2.5O 83-50 84 05 84- 82 85 20 100 “ >55 2.15 2.65 3- >5 405 5-00 6.10 6.50 200 “ 2.00 305 4.00 430 5.60 6.90 8.30 8.90 Covers — First 50 — |i.oo. Additional, ic each. Plates— 40c per 100. MYCOLOGIA VoL. VII January, 1915 No. i A TIMBER ROT ACCOMPANYING HYMENO- CHAETE RUBIGINOSA (SCHRAD.) LfiV. (With Plates 149-151, Containing 30 Figures) H. P. Brown The Hymenomycetes among the fungi play the leading role in the disintegration and destruction of wood. Since Theo. Hartig’s first attempt at the scientific investigation of the decay of wood in 1833,® other workers have contributed from time, to time and as a result an extensive literature on this phase of m);cology has been gradually collected. Of the investigated forms, the Polyporaceae have been most extensively studied. This is due in part at least to their large, conspicious fruit bodies and the obvious relation between them and the decay resulting in the wood. Many other Basidiomy- cetes as well as Ascomycetes are wood-inhabiting, and interesting results have already been obtained from studies of isolated forms in various families. The field of research may be divided into two lines of effort ; to secure definite data on the chemical com- position of wood in general and of changes resulting from decay, and to augment our present field of knowledge of the decay of wood by a study of uninvestigated wood-inhabiting forms. The present study of Hymenochaeie rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev. was undertaken with the latter point in mind.^ 1 This work was carried on in the Botanical Laboratory of Cornell Uni- versity under the direction of Prof. Geo. F. Atkinson, to whom the writer is indebted for the suggestion of the problem and for advice. [Mycoi.ogia for November, 1914 (6: 273-323), was issued December 10, 1914] 2 ]\Iycologia Hymenochaete riibiginosa is a common saprophyte on decor- ticated chestnut in the vicinity of Ithaca, N. Y., and is also found more rarely on decorticated oak. The brown, resupinate or dim- idiate fruit bodies (Figs, i, 3), rarely over four or five centi- meters in diameter, are usually to be found where oak and chest- nut timber lies on the ground in the forest. Chestnut-rail fences which extend into the deep shade of the woods present an ideal place for its collection and almost invariably the lowest rail, par- tially immersed in leaf mold, is infested with the fungus. Where the rail is oblique to the surface of the ground and one end is imbedded in the humus, thereby insuring a sufficient supply of moisture, the fruit bodies may be entirely resupinate and reflexed. On fallen trunks they usually become dimidiate and often hollow- ungulate, the pilei imbricated, irregularly united and sharply obli- que to the substratum. When mature, the shelving pilei are smooth above, except for the pubescent margin, and exhibit fine concentric lines on their upper surface. These are not the result of perennial growth, since the fruit bodies are annual, but rather of fluctuations in seasonal growth brought about by varying amounts of moisture. The fruiting surface, or hymenium, of the pilei is glabrous at maturity except at the margin. When viewed with a pocket lens of ten diameters, it is seen to be covered with many brown setae which project upward from the grayish hymenium. It is due to this character that Leveille^® first separated such forms from the genus Stereum. Development of the Fruit Bodies. — As already noted, the fruit bodies make their appearance on decorticated wood. Even in collecting several hundred specimens at periods extending over two years, no exceptions were found to the above rule. The fruit bodies rarely appear on wood in an advanced stage of disintegra- tion. A few cases were observed where the wood was badly de- cayed to a depth of a centimeter under the fruit bodies due to at- tacks 'Of this or other fungi. In such cases, however, the fruit bodies were always connected with the firm, hard wood In the core of the log. They are never formed from mycelium in wood which has lost its firmness or exhibits advanced stages of decay. The first evidence of the formation of fruit bodies is the ap- pearance of small, brown, mycelial wefts on the surface of the Brown : Timber Rot 3 infected wood. These are usually discoid in shape and about the size of the head of a pin. More rarely, narrower brown areas occur which are elongated lengthwise of the log. In such cases the hyphal wefts arise from seasoning checks in the wood; the first case is by far the most frequent. Usually several, or as many as a dozen, of these small brown disks arise in the area of a square inch. The manner of growth of the brown disks, oncd formed, de- pends on their position with reference to the substratum. If they occur laterally on a log, dimidiate fruit bodies are formed; if on the under side, wholly resupinate forms arise. In either case, growth goes on all along the margin of the disk for a time. Subsequently, in the dimidiate forms, the upper margin continues its growth, arches out away from the substratum, and forms the pileus. The lower margin continues to expand for a short time downward along the substratum and may unite with other fruit bodies, but eventually, and much sooner than the arching upper margin, ceases to grow. The final result is a cluster of shelving fruit bodies, partially coalesced behind next to the substratum, but with separate free outer margins. The development of the wholly resupinate forms is easier to follow. Growth is much more regular along the margin and may continue so evenly that circular fruit bodies are formed. Usu- ally, however, owing to the irregularities of the substratum, growth is restricted here and there so that the contour of the fruit bodies becomes irregular and sinuous. This appearance is still further enhanced because the fruit bodies often coalesce (Fig. 21 ). Two advancing margins meet and the hyphae inter- mingle. The line of union remains distinct for a time as a pubes- cent ridge through the hymenium, but eventually the latter covers this and the line of delimitation between the two fruit bodies is obliterated. In this way, extended hymenial layers are formed in the resupinate type. Evidence of their synthetic origin may be observed, however, by carefully removing them from the sub- stratum and examining the surface next to the wood. In such a case, one finds as many points of attachment as there are units entering into the structure of the compound sporophore. Age of Fruit Bodies.— The fruit bodies of Hymenochaete rub- 4 Mycologia iginosa are annual. Growth may go on at the margin until well into the autumn and as a result an increase in surface area occurs, but in no case was a new hymenial formation found the following spring. After the first season, the hymenial surface loses its rich rubiginous color and becomes dull and grayish-brown. As the fungus dries out, as happens in many cases, extensive checking occurs. The fruit bodies of the season are readily discernable from those of former years because of the differences enumer- ated above. The fungus is essentially a xerophyte. It withstands to a re- markable degree the many vicissitudes of climate and recovers well after a prolonged drought. Within a few hours after pre- cipitation, spore formation begins again and continues as long as favorable conditions prevail. Interrupted spore formation may go on in this way during the summer and autumn. The time at which fruit bodies first begin to shed spores varies with conditions. Fruit bodies with a surface area of a square centimeter were found to be producing viable spores, and it is possible that spore formation may have begun when they were much smaller. Spore formation begins before the fruit bodies have attained their ultimate size and continues with many inter- ruptions until late autumn. Structure of the Fruit Bodies. — There are three distinct layers discernable (Fig. i8), which give to the fruit body a stratose structure. The lower exposed layer bears the hymenium on its outer surface and makes up the greater part of the thickness of the fruit body (Fig. 4) and its limits of variation are sueh that a fruit body may be fully twice as thick in some places as in others. The second layer consists of a narrow stratum of hyphae near the upper surface, closely entwined and fastened together. The third and last is a loose, floccose stratum of hyphae, in which the course of the filaments as individuals may be readily followed. The last two layers exhibit little variation in thickness. The hymenium of the species under consideration (Fig. 19) consists of three distinct structures, viz. : large and prominent brown cystidia (a), colorless basidia {h), and a third element similar to the basidia, but shorter and only slightly enlarged at the tip (c). These may be immature basidia which subsequently Brown : Timber Rot 5 elongate and produce spores. This conclusion is plausible be- cause spore formation continues for a long period and careful ex- amination of fruit bodies during the summer and autumn has shown that the spores produced by a basidium mature at approxi- mately the same time.^ It follows that the basidia probably develop successively during moist periods, a condition which ac- counts for the continued spore formation. The large, brown setae vary in shape from conical-acute to bluntly cylindrical and measure 70-100 ft by 4-5 /x. Below, they taper gradually into thin-walled h}'phae which extend horizontally. Massee“ makes note that in addition to the normal setae, stout cylindrical, obtuse, thin-walled, pale-brown bodies, intermediate between setae and cystidia, are sparingly met with in the hymen- ium. A careful microscopical examination of a number of speci- mens failed to reveal such structures in the form common abcut Ithaca, N. Y. The bas'dia are approximately one third the length of the cys- tidia and are quite colorless. They are attached below to brown hyphae. The spores are hyaline, ellipsoidal, and measure 5. 5-6.4 /x long by 2.8-3 broad (Figs. 2, 17*). These dimensions conform closely to the spore measurements by Massee, who gives them as 5 X 3 M for this species. Saccardo^^ in his description says “ sporis cylindraceis, curvatis, 5-6 fi long.” The spores of speci- mens found about Ithaca correspond in length, but are neither cylindrical nor curved. Spores taken from a number of fruit bodies all proved to be ellipsoidal. Spore Germination. — Spores were obtained from many differ- ent specimens through a period of two years. The fruit bodies as brought in from the field were placed in moist chambers over sterilized petrie dishes, and the spores obtained in this way were preserved for further study. Spore germination was attempted in Van Tieghem cells which had been carefully sterilized previously with 5 per cent, corro- sive sublimate solution and rinsed in distilled water. ^Mounts were then made, using tap water, distilled water, filtered chestnut - H. M. Wardis has described and figured similar structures in the hy- menium of Stereum hirsutum Fr. and has suggested further that these inter- mediate hyphae may grow forward to develop a new hymenial layer. 6 Mycologia wood extract, prune decoction and a solution of beef extract and malt.® The best germination was obtained with chestnut wood extract. Slight germination occurred in tap water and in the malt beef extract ; the others gave negative results. Before germination, or with its inception, the spore becomes vacuolate (Figs b and e). Then germination occurs at one or both ends. Lateral germ tubes were not observed. A small papilla, always of smaller diameter than the spore, is formed, which gradually elongates to form the germ tube. At the end of forty-eight hours, some of the germ tubes attained a length of from four to six times the length of the spore (Fig. 8). There- after growth was very slight. In preparations a week old, here and there a germ tube had branched, but in general only slight elongation occurred after the second or third day. Mycelial wefts were not obtained in hanging drop cultures. Rarely one or two cross walls were formed in the germ tube, but these were never accompanied by clamp connections. An earnest effort to secure pure cultures of the fungus led to no tangible results. Various media were tried, among which may be enumerated prune agar, bean agar, chestnut wood decoction agar, chestnut wood decoction gelatin, corn meal moistened with wood decoction, corn meal moistened with tap water, sterilized chestnut wood, sterilized oak wood, bean tubes, potato tubes, carrot tubes, and a medium made after Marpmann’s formula.^ Inoculations were made with newly fallen spores and with germ- inating spores from hanging drop cultures. A sparse, floccose mycelium from germinating spore infection was formed in the bean tubes, but the hj’phae were always restricted in their growth. Attempts to transfer these colonies to more favorable media re- sulted in failure. New experiments are now under way with this object in view, and it is to be hoped that they may be more fruitful of results. The timber rot accompanying the fruit bodies 3 zYi gm. Liebig’s beef extracti®, 2j4 gm. Lofflund’s malt extract, loo c.c. water. ^ Dissolve by cooking lo gm. of gelatin and lo gm. of agar in 500 gm. of beef extract; then add to the solution 10 gm. glycerine, 10 gm. salt, 5 gm. ammonium phosphate, and 4 gm. potassium nitrate ; filter. Brown : Timber Rot 7 of this fungus on chestnut and oak, compared with the condition of the normal wood, may now be described.® Character of Normal Wood. — The wood of chestnut is of the ring-porous type.^- There are several rows of large vessels in the spring wood out of which branching rows of smaller vessels extend radially into the summer wood. The transition from large to small vessels is usually very abrupt (Fig. 6) and the radial arrangement of the small vessels is often somewhat obscure. An- nual ring formation is pronounced, each ring being sharply de- limited from the others. The width of the ring varies within wide limits; sometimes in coppice growth it is over half an inch in thickness. The pith rays are minute and scarcely distinguish- able with the naked eye. Miscroscopically the wood of chestnut is seen to consist of (a) uniseriate pith rays, (b) pitted vessels, (c) metatracheal paren- chyma with simple or semi-bordered pits, (d) tracheids and (e), wood fibers. The last are not typical fibers, but of the nature of fibrous tracheids.® The vessels are discernible in cross section by their size. Fibrous tracheids, tracheids, and wood paren- chyma look much alike; the last may be distinguished, however, through its protoplasmic contents. The vessels exhibit the greatest variation in size in the annual ring. The cell lumina of the paren- chyma and prosenchyma are somewhat wider in the spring wood than in the summer wood, but show no great range of variability in actual size. Description of Decay in Chestnut. — The first evidence of in- cipient decay in chestnut wood is the appearance in the wood of irregular areas in which the tissues have lost their natural brown coloration and become grayish-white (Fig. 5, lo). These areas are I mm. or less in cross diameter by 5-25 mm. in longitudinal di- rection. The wood between the lighter areas remains as sound 5 Direct evidence of the causal connection of Hymenochaete rubiginosa with the peculiar rot which accompanies it, has not been obtained in the pres- ent study. It is reasonable to assume that the rot in question is caused by this species since it always accompanies this form on chestnut. Further, the same type of rot is associated with this fungus on oak. This evidence, though not conclusive, leads to the inference that this peculiar decay of oak and chest- nut is caused by H. rubiginosa. « In length and taper, fibrous tracheids resemble fibers ; in width and bordered pits, tracheids. 8 Mycologia apparently as ever.' Logs, limbs an inch or more in diameter, rail fences, chestnut posts and structural chestnut timber may be attacked. The infection at the start is a local one, and the diseased areas first occur in the last few rings. In such cases they are next to the ground, or with large logs on the lateral side most protected from drought. Only in an advanced stage is the whole cross section attacked, and before this condition is reached the in- roads of the fungus are usually arrested through lack of moisture. Chestnut is very durable in contact with the soil, and it is not un- common to find fallen decorticated limbs and branches showing the decay described above on the lower side, while they are as sound at the core and on the upper side as normally. Only where sufficient moisture is available is the center of the log attacked. Cracks due to checking and frost action greatly facilitate the ac- tion of the fungus, since they permit the ready ingress of water into the deeper-lying tissues (Fig. 28). All parts of the annual ring are susceptible to the attacks of the fungus (Fig. 14). The white areas of varying extent and irregular outline may include within their boundaries one or more vessels in the spring wood, or be entirely confined to the outer portion of the ring. The last is usually most severely attacked, however. Occasionally infected spots coalesce and form large areas, although they usually remain free from the start. At first there is no disintegration in the wood other than the formation of the irregular white areas. The elements retain their original size, thickness, and continuity with one another. Subsequently near the center of the white areas a small cavity appears (Fig. 6). This is bounded at first by white tissue on all sides and includes but a small portion of the diseased area. The white tissue at the margin remains undisturbed. Within the cavity itself, disintegration is not complete. It is filled with long, white, fibrous elements which remain loosely at- tached or entirely free from one another. These are thick-walled and offer great resistance to the dissolving action of the fungus. The cavities gradually enlarge as the disintegration goes on until finally all that remains of the original white area is a narrow r The whole mass of tissue is never affected as in the case of some forms 12, 18, and the wood never loses completely its firmness and elasticity. Brown : Timber Rot 9 boundary line about an enlarged cavity filled with isolated or loosely bound white fibers (Fig. 12). The wood between the cavities retains its original color and is, to all appearances, as sound as ever. In age the white contents and lining of the pockets may disappear and the wood presents the appearance of Figure 9.® In order to trace the progress of the decay in the wood, the following methods were employed. Diseased wood was cut into blocks of convenient size, which were then boiled to fix the hyphae. The air remaining in the tissues was exhausted with an air pump and the blocks were finally imbedded in celloidin in the usual man- ner. Sections 10 microns thin were used.® A microscopical examination of the wood reveals the action of the fungus to better advantage. In the infected areas the 8 Another type of decay was observed in the wood near the surface of the logs which exhibited in the deeper-lying tissues the characteristic decay already described. For a distance of several millimeters inward from the surface, the tissue had turned dark-brownish-black. Whether this decay was caused by the same fungus as that in the deeper-lying tissues was not deter- mined. A species of Dasycypha was frequently found accompanying the Hymenochaete and this may have been responsible for the second type of decay. 8 In preparing sections for microscopic study both temporary and per- manent mounts were made. The first were employed to observe through mi- chrochemical reactions the chemical changes in the wood brought about by the fungus. Among the lignin tests which were used may be enumerated the HCl-phloroglucin reaction, the KClOs-HCl-phenol reaction, aniline sulphate and H,SO,, and thallium sulphate in equal mixtures of water and alcohol. 19 The cellulose tests included chlor-zinc-iodide, sulphuric acid, I-KI and iodine fol- lowed by sulphuric acid. The sections used for permanent mounts were stained in several different ways, viz. : Delafield’s haematoxylin and aniline safranin, Haidenhain’s haema- toxylin and safranin, Haidenhain’s haematoxylin and methyl green, 20 per cent. aq. tannic acid and methyl violet, ruthenium red and methyl green. The last two stains enumerated gave the best results with the preference in favor of the methyl violet. In staining with methyl violet, the material was first treated with a twenty per cent, aqueous solution of tannic acid for twelve hours. It was then quickly rinsed with water and transferred directly to a one per cent, solution of methyl violet for three minutes. The excess stain was removed with 95 per cent, alcohol and the material was finally cleared in clove oil. Only the hyphae in the tissues retained the stain. The method pursued with ruthenium red and methyl violet was that recommended by Eisen-*. It has also been described in a recent paper by Learn® and does not require further explanation here because no deviations were made from the prescribed formula. 10 Mycologia hyphae run vertically in the cell lumina and are closely applied to the tertiary wall. In cross section (Figs. 22 and 26) they ap- pear as small black dots within the cell cavity. Viewed in long- itudinal section each element is seen to contain from several to many hyphae which extend vertically from cell to cell and pene- trate the walls at will. Preference is shown for the pits on the walls as in the case of some other forms (Figs. 27 and 29), but the avenues of penetration are by no means restricted to the pits. The hyphae pass directly through the wall with little or no con- striction (Fig. 23). Subsequently the perforations thus arising are further enlarged through enzyme action so that the hyphae appear to pass through openings much too large for them. In an advanced stage of decay only the openings are left as the hyphae disappear (Figs. 25 and 30). Nests of hyphae also accumulate in vessel cavities, but the centers of infection are usually in areas where only parenchyma and fibrous tracheids occur. Where pith rays cross the diseased areas, they are attacked and eventually destroyed. Chemical Changes in Chestnut Wood. — The first chemical change which is brought about by the fungus is that of deligni- fication. It is due to this action that the elements lose their normal brown color and become white. The fungus probably secretes dissolving enzymes which attack the tertiary layers first and work outward. The compounds which are known collectively as lignin are entirely dissolved and walls of pure cellulose left behind. Near the center of infected areas all stages in the process of deligni- fication are to be found (Fig. 26). In the sound cells just with- out the diseased tissue, all three cell layers respond to tests for lignin (Fig. 22 c), although the tertiary layer appears to be less strongly lignified than the others. The elements nearer the center of infection are already partially delignified (b). In some the tert- iary layer no longer gives the lignin reaction, or but feebly, while in others the secondary and primary layers have become involved and delignified. The lignin reaction persists longest at the cell corners where the wall is thickest, or about the small intercellular spaces which often occur there, but even here it disappears even- tually, and the tissue that remains consists of almost pure cellulose. As soon as the middle lamella is delignified, the cells separate Brown : Timber Rot 11 from one another (Fig. 26 c). Whether the middle lamella dis- solves or splits is difficult to decide, but it would appear that the former is the case, in that ruthenium red failed to reveal any trace of the middle lamella where the elements had separated. No eroding action of the fungus, is to be noted at this stage. The infected area is filled with a mass of white cells, in part free from one another, or loosely joined at the corners where the middle lamella has persisted. Before the changes above enumerated have taken place in all the outer cells of the infected areas, further alterations usually occur in the elements first infected. The cellulose walls now undergo digestion (Fig. ii), probably in the usual way through the secretion of cytolytic enzymes.^® The vessels, parenchyma cells and pith ray cells together with the thin-walled prosenchyma are almost entirely dissolved (Fig. 20). The thicker-walled prosen- chyma persists the longest, and after the other elements have dis- appeared remains as a white fibrous structure partially filling and lining the cavities that have arisen. The abundance of these fibers depends in a large part upon the cytolytic activities of the fungus. The dissolving action may go on in extreme cases until the pockets are quite empty of contents, but usually, for reasons which cannot be satisfactorily explained, the activities of the fungus are inhibited before this condition is reached. The conditions met with in the dark-brown peripheral tissue, previously described, are quite different from those enumerated above. All the cells here have been attacked and partly digested (Fig. 7). Many hyphae are to be seen in vertical view closely applied to the cell walls and the latter fail to respond to either the phloroglucin-HCl or the chlor-zinc-iodide reaction. R. Hartig^ noted the same condition in his study of Merulius lacrymans. It is possibly explained on the supposition that the fungus has dis- solved out but a part of the lignin, and that the portion remaining conceals the chlor-zinc-iodide reaction for cellulose. The periph- 10 Czapeks considers Hgnified walls as made up of a hadromal-cellulose ester. The attacking fungus may secrete two or more enzymes, among which may be included hadromase and cytase. The first splits off the compound ester and removes the hadromal. The cellulose remaining behind is subse- quently dissolved by the cytase. 12 Mycologia eral decay is always restricted, however, and does not seem to be important. Condition of the Wood Betzveen the Pockets.— As previously noted, the wood between the infected areas remains unaltered chemically and still responds to the various lignin tests. Here and there in a cross section a fungal filament maj' be seen extend- ing from cell to cell, but the tissue is usually quite free of ramify- ing hyphae. In general, delignification occurs only in those tissues where the hyphae extend vertically. It is obvious that mycelial connection exists between the pockets in the wood. This is brought about in some cases by isolated hyphae which extend horizontally through the tissues. More commonly, however, connecting strands of mycelium (Fig. 24) are formed for this purpose. These, as noted in the figure, con- sist of a number of filaments closely intertwined and forming a horizontal bridge between the pockets. The strands thus arising extend both radially and tangentially. They cause no chemical alteration in the wood other than that correlated with their pen- etration, but appear to be a means of spreading the areas of in- fection horizontally. Character of Normal Oak Wood. — While closely related botani- cally to chestnut, oak departs decidedly from the former in the anatomy of its wood. Both possess ring-porous wood with rows of smaller vessels which branch in the outer portion of the ring. ■The transition from large to small vessels may or may not be de- cidedly abrupt. Annual ring formation is as pronounced as in chestnut. The chief difference between tbe two woods consists in the presence of large multiseriate pith rays (Fig. 16) in oak wood accompanying the smaller uniseriate rays. Contrasting the two genera, oak has two kinds of pith rays, chestnut one. When examined microscopically, the wood of oak is found to consist of the same elements as those of chestnut. There are several anatomical differences worth noting, however. The ves- sels have thicker walls. The parenchyma in oak is more abundant and makes up a greater proportion of the wood. There is an abrupt transition from tracheids to wood fibers, and fibrous tracheids do not occur. The tracheids possess bordered pits ; the Abrupt in white oak, gradual in live oaks and red oaks. Brown : Timber Rot 13 fibers narrow, oblique, simple pits.*^ This is in strong contrast to the chestnut where all gradations between tracheids and fibers oc- cur, and the latter are characterized by bordered pits of the usual type. Further, the fibers in oak have thicker walls and are more strongly lignified. In tangential section (Fig. 13) the two types of pith rays are easil)' discernible. The multiseriate rays appear as broad fusi- form structures extending for several millimeters in a vertical di- rection, while interspersed between them and far surpassing them in number, are the small uniseriate rays. The latter are shorter than those in chestnut. Description of the Decay in Oak. — The decay of oak associated with Hymenochaete rnbiginosa is similar to that of chestnut. White areas of varying extent and irregular outline are formed (Figs. 13, 16 o), which extend a millimeter or less across the grain, but often a centimeter or more longitudinally. These subsequently give rise to cavities or pockets lined and partially occluded with white fibers. After this stage further disintegration ceases and the wood appears sound except for the presence of many pockets scattered quite regularly through it. The wood of chestnut and oak never becomes soft and badly disintegrated in this type of decay, but the fungus exhibits a remarkable similarity of action on these two hosts. The effect of the mycelium of Hymenochaete rnbiginosa on the wood of chestnut and oak is comparable in its grosser aspects to that of Trametes abietis Karst, on the red spruce,^ and the “part- ridge” wood of oak caused by Stereum frustulosum (Pers.) Fr.^® In each case the areas of disintegration are at first localized. The elements of the wood within the infected areas are wholly or in part dissolved and cavities arise which are lined with a layer of almost pure cellulose, and remains of delignified elements.®^ In 12 It is held by some that all prosenchyma is equipped with bordered pits. The “ so called ” oblique simple pits in the fibers are interpreted as flattened bordered pits which have been spirally stretched. 13 Described by R. HartigO as Telephora perdix. 1* Weiri® has recently published a description of a new fungus, Fames pHtearius Weir, in which the decay is similar to that of T. Pini Fr. The lignin reduction, however, is on a much larger scale and the cellulose pockets are frequently two inches in length and vary in breadth according to the structure of the host. 14 Mycologia the case of Trametes abietis the wood between the original areas of infection is finally attacked and broken down so that the whole mass of wood tissue eventually loses its firmness and is in large part destroyed. The same does not apply to the other fungi mentioned since the cells remain intact and sound between the diseased areas so far as can be detected by microchemical re- actions. The similarity between Stereum frustulosum and Hymeno- chaete rubiginosa in their manner of attack and effect on the wood is striking. Both are xerophytic fungi and attack decorti- cated wood which is sound or little decayed through the attacks of other fungi. The first is a perennial form reported on oak alone, so far as I have observed, the second an annual form found on oak, chestnut, and several other hosts. The first evidence of attack in both is in the formation of white areas which respond to the tests for cellulose. Subsequently the elements in these are in part digested and cavities are formed which in one stage of the disease are lined with a white layer of cellulose. The wood remains sound between the diseased areas and in the final stage the condition resulting is comparable to a honeycomb in which the cavities of the wood represent the chambers in the comb, and the tissue lying between, the walls of the chambers. The white lin- ing has entirely disappeared at this stage. From the preceding paragraph it follows that the decay in oak associated with H. rubiginosa is very similar, superficially, to that caused by Stereum frustulosum. Closer examination of the specimens at hand, however, has revealed a difference which may be of value in separating these two types of rot. The flecks caused by Stereum frustulosum are shorter and wider than those associated with H. rubiginosa. In radial view they appear as a rule from oval to elliptical in shape, while those of H. rubiginosa are narrow elliptical to long cylindrical. In the final stage of Stereum frustulosum the wood is much more porous, due to the large size of the cavities and the small spaces intervening.*® Chemical Changes in Oak Wood. — What has been said regard- 15 The differences given above are much a matter of degree, however, and familiarity with the two types of decay is essential in making a reliable diagnosis. Brown : Timber Rot 15 ing the method of attack and chemical changes in the wood for chestnut applies equally well for oak. The first visible evidence of attack is the formation of white areas in the tissue due to the delignification of the elements. The centers of infection lie be- tween the broad pith rays. In the white spots the hyphae run vertically and become closely applied to the walls of the cells. The fungus works from the lumen outwards, and first removes the lignin from the cell walls, leaving pure cellulose behind. As soon as the middle lamella is attacked, the cells separate completely or cling together loosely at the corners where the thicker walls offer more resistance to the fungus. Finally the thin-walled par- enchyma cells and the tracheids are entirely dissolved. The thick-walled strongly lignified wood fibers persist the longest. Only a part of them are dissolved, the remainder forming a white cellulose lining and partly filling the cavities (Fig. 15). In the final stage the cellulose lining is entirely lacking.^® The wood between the infected areas, as in chestnut, remains apparently as sound as ever. Here and there a hypha may be seen extending horizontally from cell to cell, but connection be- tween the pockets is secured mainly, as in chestnut, by strands of mycelium which run radially and tangentially. As previously noted, the centers of infection have their origin between the large medullary rays, while in chestnut they may occur anywhere within the ring. Once started, however, the white areas spread and may include a portion of a compound ray within their boundaries. The decay in oak is comparable to that in chestnut except in minor respects. The remarkable similarity which has been shown to exist super- ficially between the decay of oak caused by S. .frustulosum and that of H. rubiginosa is even more striking when a microscopical investigation is made. The walls of the infected elements in both cases are first delignified, beginning with the tertiary layer, and pure cellulose left behind. As soon as the primary layer is reached, it is dissolved and the elements separate. Subsequently cellulose digestion goes on and the thinner-walled elements are entirely dissolved, the thicker-walled fibers disappearing last and appearing for a time as a white layer lining the cavities. 16 What has been said above concerning the restricted peripheral decay in chestnut applies equally well to oak. 16 Mycologia It is of interest in this connection to compare Stereum hir- sutum Fr. with Hymeuocliacte rubiginosa in its method of attack on wood and the chemical changes involved (Ward, 1898). This form is not so exacting as to its host as H. rubiginosa, but grows readily on oak, willow, horse-chestnut, pine, and other hosts. The fungus, while usually saprophytic, may spread from dead wood into the trunk and in such cases shows marked preference for the sap wood. This does not apply with H. rubiginosa; it is found uniformly on fallen, decorticated wood and no preference is shown for sap wood. The mycelium of Stereum hirsutum attacks all the elements in the diseased tissue with equal ease and localized areas of distintegration are not formed. The whole mass of tissue eventually succumbs and a general decay of the wood results. In both fungi the first evidence of decay is one of delignification. The tertiary la}’ers are first reduced to cellulose, followed successively by the secondary and primary layers, and the swollen cellulose matrix is then consumed, layer by layer. In the case of 5'. hirsutum, the primary lamella is not attacked until the last, and before it succumbs the tertiary and secondary layers have usually entirely disappeared. This is in marked contrast to the decay caused by H. rubiginosa, where the middle lamella dis- appears as soon as lignin reduction is complete and before cellulose digestion has taken place. While closely related botanically, marked differences occur in the decay caused by the two forms. The superficial type of decay at the periphery of the wood noted above has likewise been observed in connection with Stereum frustulosum}'’ The possibility still remains, however, that this may have been caused by the mycelium of another fungus as in the case of the form described in this paper. Pure cultures are necessary to decide this point. Between the cavities the wood appears sound in both forms of decay. The pockets may enlarge occasionally and coalesce, and larger pockets thus arise. The mycelial strands accompanying the decay described here were likewise described by Hartig in connection with Stereum frustulosum. Both forms apparently employ the same method of attack and bring about a similar prog- ress of decay in the wood. 1" Hartig, Th., loc. cit., page 19. Brown : Timber Rot 17 Summary 1. Hymenochaete rtibiginosa (Schrad.) Lev. is a common saprophyte on decorticated chestnut about Ithaca; it is found more rarely on oak. 2. The fruit bodies are annual and quite xerophytic ; spores are shed intermittently during moist periods for several months. 3. Spore germination occurs best in decoctions of oak or chest- nut sawdust and tap water. Mycelial growth was restricted and clamp connections were not observed. 4. The first evidence of decay in oak and chestnut consists in the formation of white spots here and there in the wood. Cavities lined with cellulose are formed through the partial or complete digestion of the elements. 5. The tissues between the infected areas remain nearly or quite as sound as in normal wood. Rarely do the pockets coal- esce through the digestion of intervening tissue. 6. The chemical action of the fungus consists first in the delig- nification of the elements attacked. This begins with the ter- tiary layer and continues outward. 7. Soon after the middle lamella is attacked it is dissolved and the elements separate or remain loosely attached at the corners. 8. Cellulose digestion continues after the elements become isolated. The thin-walled elements including pith ray cells and wood parenchyma are first dissolved. 9. The pockets arising in the wood are at first lined with parti- ally digested elements which consist of pure cellulose. In the final stage the white lining entirely disappears. 10. The decay accompanying the fungus is comparable to that caused by Trametes abietis Karst., on red spruce and other con- ifers. It has a remarkable resemblance in superficial appearance and method of attack to that caused by Stereum frustidosum (Pers.) Fr. 11. A superficial, peripheral type of decay, in which all the elements are attacked but not entirely digested, usually accom- panies the typical decay caused by Hymenochaete rtibiginosa. The walls remaining are dark in color and fail to respond to the cell ulose reaction. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 18 Mycologia Bibliography 1. Atkinson, G. F. Studies of some shade trees and timber-destroying fungi. N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 193: 199-235, figs. 56—94, 1901. 2. Bayliss, Miss Jessie S. The biology of Polystictus versicolor. Jour. Econ. Biol. 3: pt. i, 1-24, pis. i, 2, 1908. 3. Czapek, F. Zur Biologie der holzbewohnenden Pilze. Ber. d. D. Bot. Gesell. 17: 166-170, 1899. 4. Eisen, Gustav. Notes on fixation, stains, the alcohol methods, etc. Zeit. wiss. Mik. 14: 1-200, 1897. 5. Fries, Elias M. Epicrisis, pp. 1-608, 1836-38. 6. Hartig, Robt. Die Zersetzungsercheinungen des Holzes der Nadelholz- baume und der Eiche, pp. 1-151, pis. 1-2 1, 1878. 7. Der achte Hausschwam, pp. 1-105, figs. 1-33, 1902. 8. Theo. Abhandlung fiber die Verwandlung der polycotyledon- ischen Pflanzenzelle in Pilz- und Schwamm-Gebilde und der daraus hervorgehenden sogenannten Faulniss der Holzes, 1833. 9. Learn, C. D. Studies on Pleurotus ostreatus Jacq. and Pleurotus ul- marius Bull. Ann. Myc. 10: 542-556, pis. 16-18, 1912. 10. Leveille, J. M. Champignons du Museum de Paris. Ann. Sci. Nat., Ill, 5: pp. 49-204, 1846. 11. Massee, Geo. A monograph of the Telephoreae. Jour. Linn. Soc. Part I, 25; 107-155, pis. 45, 1890; Part II, 27: 95-205, pis. 5, 7, 1891. 12. Roth, Filbert & Fernow, B. E. Timber. Bull. Div. Forestry, U. S. Dept. Agr. 10: 1-83, 1895. 13. Rumbold, C. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Biologie holszzerstorenden Pilze. Naturwiss. Zeitsch. ffir Forst- und Landwirtschaft. 5^ 81-140, figs. 1-26, 1908. 14. Saccardo, P. A. Syll. Fung. 6: 589-90, 1888. 15. Schrenck, H. von. A disease of Taxodium known as peckiness, also a similar disease of Libocedrus decurrens. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard ii : 23-77, pis. 1-6, 1899. 16. and Spaulding, P. Diseases of deciduous forest trees. Bull. Bur. Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agr. 149: 1-76, pis. i-io, 1909. 17. Schrader, H. A. Spicilegium Florae Germanicae, pp. 1-94, pis. 1-4, 1794. 18. Ward, H. Marshall. On the biology of Stereum hirsutum Fr. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 189; 123-134, pis. 17-21, 1898. 19. Weir, James R. Two new species of wood-destroying fungi. Jour. Agr. Research, 2: 163-165, pis. 9, 10, 1914. 20. Zimmermann, A. Botanical Microtechnique, pp. 1-296, 1893. Explanation of Plates CXLIX-CLI Plate CXLIX Fig. 1. Dimidiate fruit bodies of Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Schrad.) L6v. on a chestnut log. X 1/9. Fig. 2. Ellipsoidal spores of Hymenochaete rubiginosa. Fig. 3. Resupinate fruit bodies on a chestnut log. X |. Fig. 4. Section of fruit body, hymenial surface above. Brown: Timber Rot 19 Fig. s- Cross section of small chestnut log showing white areas charac- teristic of one stage of decay. X 8/9. Fig. 6. Portion of the same enlarged; cavities in process of formation. Fig. 7. Appearance of tissue in the peripheral type of decay ; the hyphae are closely appressed to the cell walls and all the cells are undergoing dis- integration. Fig. 8. Germinating spores in hanging drop culture ; note vacuolation in the germ tubes. Plate CL Fig. 9. Cross section of smalt chestnut log showing final stage of decay. X 3. The contents of the pockets have entirely disappeared. Fig. 10. Tangential view of pockets. X §. The white cellulose contents have not been dissolved. Fig. II. Tissue at the edge of a diseased area. Note (a) the delignifi- cation of the elements, (h) the separation due to the disappearance of the middle lamella, and (c) final digestion. Fig. 12. Cross section of chestnut wood showing scattered, irregular-shaped areas where disintegration has occurred. The wood between the pockets is still sound. Fig. 13. Tangential section of oak wood showing shape of the pockets in side view. Fig. 14. Cross section of chestnut wood showing a portion of diseased tissue which includes one vessel. Fig. 15. Same as figure 13. Note the partially digested, thick-walled prosenchymatous elements projecting into the cavity. Fig. 16. Cross section of oak wood; diseased area on the extreme right (the hazy appearance in the center of the figure is not due to the attacks of the fungus). Plate CLI Figures 17-20 are photographs of pen drawings. Fig. 17. Spores, germination, and germ tubes forty-eight hours after germination. Fig. 18. Cross section of a fruit body ; hymenium above. Fig. 19. Portion of hymenium enlarged showing cystidia, basidia and spores, and immature basidia. Fig. 20. Cross section of chestnut wood at margin of diseased area, show- ing sound cells at a, partly delignified cell at b, and partly digested cells at c. Fig. 21. Young fruit bodies coalescing to form extensive hymenial surfaces. Fig. 22. Cross section of chestnut wood at margin of a pocket. The shad- ing indicates the extent of delignification in the cell walls. Fig. 23. Wood parenchyma cells of chestnut in longitudinal view; hyphae extending horizontally through the pits. Fig. 24. Mycelial strand extending through the tissue. These serve to con- nect the pockets which are subsequently formed. Fig. 25. Pith ray and neighboring parenchyma cells in tangential view. Hyphae have passed through the pits, eroded the cell wall, and then disap- peared, leaving irregular openings. 20 Mycologia Fig. 26. Cross section of “ pocket ” in process of formation. The cells have been delignified and have separated from one another. Fig. 27. Radial view of a pith ray (with other elements in the back-ground) showing the course of hyphae through the wood. Penetration of the wall occurs mainly through the pits. Fig. 28. Cross section of chestnut log showing seasoning check. The fungus tends to follow these checks into the deeper-lying tissues. Fig. 29. Radial section of chestnut wood showing fungus filament passing through bordered pits of prosenchyma. Fig. 30. Portion of pith ray and parenchyma cells of chestnut, tangential section. The intercellular space at (a) and the pits at (fc) have been enlarged through fungal attack. Mycologia Plate CXLIX HYMENOCHAETE RUBIGINOSA (SCHRAD.) LEV. St- 9 t • Mycologia Pl.ATE CL HYMENOCHAETE RL’BIGINOSA (SCHRAD.) LEV. Mycologia Plate CL I HVMEXOCHAETE RL'BIGIXOSA SCHRAD.) LEV. X STRUCTURAL PARALLELISM BETWEEN SPORE-FORMS IN THE ASCO- MYCETES^ C. R. Orton (With Plate 152, Containing 7 Figures) The term “ structural parallelism ” is here substituted for the word “ homology ” which was used when the paper was first pre- sented. There was some objection to the use of the word homol- ogy and with good reason, for although Brefeld appears to have used the word in a somewhat similar manner, the general use of this conception has been, especially in zoology, not a structural or functional resemblance but a phylogenetic similarity of origin. The similarity which the writer wished to bring out in this paper might be more nearly expressed by the word analogy but this im- plies a functional similarity which, although it may be present, is not precisely what is in mind. The term physiological parallelism was suggested as the general one used to describe similarities like those enumerated in this paper. It seems, however, that even this expression is not strictly appropriate, for the word physiological implies again a functional relationship. The relationship which the writer has in mind is one of a purely structural nature between ascospores and conidia in certain spe- cies of Ascomycetes, though similarity in color often accompanies it. Considering the subject purely from this standpoint, the term structural parallelism would seem to fit more closely the phenom- enon which the writer desires to express in this paper. This ap- pears to be the first time that a study has brought facts of this sort together for this class of fungi, although such a relation un- doubtedly has been observed by other investigators. We are indebted to Tulasne for the early researches among the 1 Read before the Botanical Society of -\merica at the Atlanta Meeting, December 31, 1913. (Abstract. Science 39; 258. 1914.) Contribution from The Department of Botany, Pennsylvania State College. No. 2. 21 22 Mycologia Ascomycetes in which he demonstrated the pleomorphic condition of this class. His researches were based upon the comparison of many forms, their co-habitation, anatomy, and the alternation of their spore-forms. In this way he was able to work out the alter- nate asexual stages of a number of Ascomycetes. It may be mentioned that as a result of Tulasne’s work a storm of controversy developed which lasted for some time. On the one hand, pleomorphy was considered ridiculous by the most con- servative botanists of the time, while on the other hand his results led men of overenthusiasm to ridiculous conclusions. Owing to the importance of this group on account of its large number of species and their common association with plant dis- eases, it has occurred to the writer that any constant similarity existing between the conidial and ascigerous stages which might enable an investigator to conclude with some degree of certainty whether two stages are related would be of griat assistance. This information would be all the more valuable provided that it was of such a nature that it might be ascertained by a comparative study of the spores. While the author^ was working upon the correlation existing between certain species of rusts his attention was first called to the similarity between conidia and ascospores of certain species of Ascomycetes, the genetic connection of which has been demon- strated. This paper is the result of observations and notes taken from time to time upon such species as may be said to show struc- tural parallelism between their conidia and ascospores. A similar parallelism between certain spore-forms in the Ure- dinales has been pointed out by Arthur^, who worked out the con- nection existing between Aecidium verbenicola and Puccinia Vil- fae,^ Aecidium Traxini and Puccinia peridermiospora* and Aecidium Cephalanthi and Puccinia Seymouriana.^ He compared the peculiar morphology of the aeciospores with the same peculi- 2 Orton, C. R., Correlation between certain species of Puccinia and Uro- myces. Mycologia 4; 194-204. 1912. 3 Arthur, J. C., Cultures of Urcdineae in 1899. Bot. Gaz. 29: 268-276. 1900. 4 Arthur, J. C., The Urcdineae occurring upon Phragmites, Spartina, and Arundinaria in America. Bot. Gaz. 34; 1-20. 1902. 5 Arthur, J. C., loc. cit. Orton : Parallelism Between Spore-Forms 23 arity possessed by the urediniospores of suspected alternate species and proved by cultures that his presumptions were correct. It has been pointed out by de Bary® and others that certain species of Ascomycetes on which both conidial and ascigerous stages are known produce mycelium of “ the same qualities and capabilities ” from both kinds of spores. There is frequent allusion to this in mycological literature where physiological studies of the mycelium arising from the conidia of a species have been compared with the mycelium arising from ascospores of the known or suspected alternate stage. In one case which has come to my attention a dissimilarity in this respect was considered of sufficient importance to warrant keeping them separated. This view is certainly a safe one to follow, but no one yet has proved in a sufficiently large number of cases that the mycelia from both .<^pores are identical in a physiological test, such as is made in culture media, to justify final conclusions. Such an identity is possible and, if actual, would prove a valuable test to further substantiate the theory of parallelism as herein indicated. The following examples will serve to bring out more clearly what the writer has in mind. The powdery mildews show this parallelism in every case with which the writer is familiar. Here, there is in the asexual stage the production of simple, colorless, more or less barrel-shaped conidia corresponding almost in every detail with the ascospores of the connected stge. In the genera Rhytisma and Lophodermium, which have the conidial forms Melasmia and Leptostroma respectively, the same likeness is found. In both, the conidia and ascospores are simple, colorless, and cylindrical. The genus Glomerella possesses two conidial stages, Gloesporium and Colletotrichum^ each of which possesses conidia structurally similar to the ascospores of Glo^ merella. Still more striking is the similarity between the asco- spores of Ophionectria coccicola E. & E. and the conidia of its alternate stage, Microcera sp. Both conidia and ascospores are fusoid, colorless, and many-celled. (Fig. i.) Herprotrichia nigra has brown, two- to three-septate ascospores * De Bary, A., Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bac- teria (English edition), pp. 225—230. 1887. 24 Mycologia which are so like the conidia of the fungus that if a conidium and ascospore were placed side by side they could hardly be told apart. Such examples might be multiplied many times but only a few more need be enumerated. Gnoinonia, Psendopecisa, Sclerotinia, Botryosphaeria, Guignardia, Cryptosporella and others further considered possess this same parallelism. One might say that the rule does not hold in certain genera of the Sphaeriaceae where the ascospores are two-celled and the conidia of the alternate stage one-celled. This may be explained in all the cases with which the writer is familiar when one observes the germination of the conidia. For example, the conidia of Endothia parasitica are unicellular but germinate and produce my- celium from both ends. Eventually, there are four germ-tubes produced, two from each end of the conidium. This is exactly what happens when the ascospore germinates, two germ-tubes being derived from each cell of the ascospore.^ (Fig. 2.) At the beginning of the germination, the conidium sometimes assumes almost the exact shape of the two-celled ascospore of the fungus. However, the interesting condition remains that, so far as germi- nation is concerned, the pycnospores are parallel with the as- cospores. Another condition exists commonly among the species which possess pleomorphic conidial stages, where, of course, one would expect to find only one of the conidial forms similar tO' the asco- spores. Such a species as Curcurhitaria Labttrni may be cited here. This species is said to have three types of conidia produced successively in pycnidia of varying form. The first twO' of these conidial stages produce spores which bear no resemblance to the ascospores, but the third and last conidia produced are almost exactly like the ascospores, which are brown and pluricellular- compound. (Fig. 3.) In this case, as well as in genera like 7 Anderson, P. J., and Rankin, W. H. Endothia Canker of Chestnut. Cor- nell Agric. Exp. Sta. Bulletin 347: 566-567. 1914. Since this paper was read, the bulletin cited here has appeared. The action of the nuclei during this process of germination can hardly be as Anderson and Rankin have stated, that “ the nuclei pass out into the germ tubes almost as soon as they start.” If this were literally true, only two germ-tubes could be derived from one spore, as there would be no nuclei left in the spore to give rise to the two later germ tubes which are developed. Evidently, the writers meant to convey the idea that those nuclei which pass out into the tubes do so immediately. Orton: Parallelism Between Spore-Forms 25 Pleospora and Apiosporitim, the likeness between the conidia in one stage and the ascospores is very striking.® (Fig. 4.) A variation of the cases just mentioned, and one which might appear to be an exception, exists in several genera as V entiiria and Plozvrightia where the ascospores are two-celled and the conidial stages often unicellular but occasionally two-celled like the asco- spores. (Fig. 6.) It might be said here that the mere production of occasional two-celled conidia seems to be of sufficient impor- tance to prove the parallelism, but it is to be noted also that the one-celled spores germinate at both ends and thus function in the same way as does its two-celled companion. This makes the evi- dence doubly strong that the relationship between conidia and ascospores is very close. As I have already pointed out, it is manifestly impossible for more than one of the conidial forms of pleomorphic species to be structurally parallel with its ascospores. Accepting the pleomorphic character of a considerable number of Ascomycetes and allies, why is it not logical to suppose that this condition may be typical of the class and where it fails to appear it may be accounted for by the hypothesis that one or more stages have been lost during the evolution of the group? A majority of the apparent discrepancies in the parallelism of conidia and asco- spores may be explained on the supposition that the conidial stages corresponding to the ascospores of the species have been sup- pressed. This might well be true in such a family as the Hypo- creaceae where some of the most apparent incongruities appear. In this family, we find such species as Nectria galligena, N. disco- phora, and Hypomyces Ipomoeae, in which there is no such mani- fest similarity. On the other hand, however, in this same family, such species as Gibberella Sanbinetii, Ophionectria coccicola, and Calonectria graminicola present striking parallelisms. (Fig. 7.) 8 Higgins, B. B. Contribution to the Life History and Physiology of Cylin- drosporium on Stone Fruits. Am. Jour. Bot. i : 145—173. 1914. Higgins pre- sented at the same meeting at which this paper was read a very interesting case of parallelism in the genus Coccomyces, which he has proved to be the ascigerous stage of Cylindrosporium. The genus appears to be pleomorphic, at least some species possess three spore stages besides the ascospores. Of the conidial stages, only the Cylindrosporium stage appears to function as infection spores and these are almost identical with the ascospores. (Fig. 5.) 26 Mycologia There are three possible explanations for these exceptions. First, as has just been mentioned, the life history may have become short- ened or it may be incompletely known. From the survey of the studies made, this appears to be the most probable condition ex- isting where parallelism fails to appear. Second, the supposed conidial and ascigerous stages of a species may have no connec- tion. Numerous instances have been brought to light which show that the original work on the basis of which genetic relationships have been accepted was erroneous. Undoubtedly there are many such assumed connections in this class of fungi. Third, the hy- pothesis falls down completely in certain cases. While it cannot' be said, with our present knowledge of many of the Ascomycetes, that all cases can be made to conform to this theory, yet there seems to be enough evidence presented to show that such a distinct similarity is the rule and that dissimilarity is the exception. Summarizing these observations, it would seem that among the strictly monomorphic conidial forms of Ascomycetes a rather constant parallelism exists between conidia and the ascospores of the alternate stage; that when one- and two-celled conidia occur, as in V enturia and other genera, the ascospores of the alternate stage are generally two-celled ; that when the conidia are one- celled and the ascospores two-celled the conidia may in some cases behave as a two-celled spore when they germinate. Among the pleomorphic conidial species the same likeness prob- ably exists between one of the conidial stages and the ascospores of the alternate stage. Further, it seems probable that when parallelism fails to appear it may be due to abbreviation or to our incomplete knowledge of their life history. A study of the nuclear phenomenon of the conidial stages dur- ing spore formation and germination would undoubtedly throw much light upon the whole subject. The important feature of parallelism as herein outlined is the assistance given the mycologist and plant pathologist to antici- pate with some accuracy the probable relationship between co- nidial and ascosporic stages. Thanks are due Professors R. A. Harper and F. D. Kern for Mycologia Plate CL 1 1 SPORE-FORMS IN THE ASCOMYCETES Orton: Parallelism Between Spore-Forms 27 helpful criticism during the preparation of the manuscript for publication. Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. Explanation of Plate CLII All figures except figure 2 are magnified about 100 times Fig. I. Ophionectria. Adapted from Florida Bulletin 119. A. Ascospores. B. Conidium. Fig. 2. Endothia parasitica. Redrawn from Cornell Bulletin 347. A. Ascospore germinating. C. Conidium germinating. Fig. 3. Curcurbitaria. A. Ascospores. C. Conidia. Fig. 4. Pleospora. A. Ascospore. C. Conidium. Fig. 5. Coccomyces. Redrawn from Higgins. A. Ascospores. C. Conidia. Fig. 6. Vcnfuria. A. Ascospores. C. Conidia. Fig. 7. Gibberella. A. Ascospore. C. Conidia. THE TAXONOMIC VALUE OF PORE CHAR- ACTERS IN THE GRASS AND SEDGE RUSTS^ J. C. Arthur and F. D. Fromme It is only in recent years that the germ-pores of the uredin- iospores of the rusts have been the objects of critical study by the mycologist. This study has been prompted by the desire to find additional morphological characters of sufficient constancy and clearness for taxonomic purposes. The first consistent use of urediniospore-pore characters in the description of rust species was made by the senior author of this paper in the second number of the North American Uredineae, issued in 1898 and printed in the Bulletin of the University of Iowa. They had occasionally been incorporated in descriptions prior to this but had not been used with any constancy. The pre- vailing tendency had been to regard all of the urediniosporic char- acters as of slight taxonomic value and to place the greater de- pendency on characters of the teliospores. The recent authors of systematic works on the rusts who have used urediniospore-pores most consistently are Fischer, Holway, Bubak and Grove. None of these authors, however, have incorporated these pore char- acters in their keys as has been done in the rust part of the North American Flora, the first number of which was issued in 1907. In no groups of the rusts has the taxonomist’s need of sharply distinctive morphological characters been more imperative than in those which have their uredinial and telial stages on grass and sedge hosts. These are included under two genera, Nigredo {Uromyces in part) and Dicaeoma (Puccinia in part) ; the former with one-celled and the latter with two-celled teliospores. There is a growing belief, which has been strengthened by the study of the urediniospore-pores, that there is no essential difference be- tween the two genera and that the presence of more than one cell 1 Read before the Botanists of the Central States, at the St. Louis meeting, October 17, 1914. 28 Arthur and Fromme: Value of Pore Characters 29 in the teliospore is a racial feature rather than an acceptable mor- phological basis of separation. When both one- and two-celled teliospores occur together the generic assignment is arbitrary, it being understood that the two-celled spores are to be given prefer- ence, even if comparatively few, or if quite absent in part of the sori or on some hosts. The species may still be maintained in two genera for convenience and in conformity with usage. The deter- mination of the species, however generically disposed, on teli- osporic characters alone is often a difficult task and sometimes an impossibility, on account of the great similarity of the forms. It has become necessary, therefore, to utilize such other char- acters as are available and especially those of the urediniospores. Urediniospores can usually be found in collections of grass and sedge rusts even though no uredinial sori are present. A scraped mount made from a sorus of teliospores will usually contain a few of the other spores even if the collection be made at a season when uredinial production has apparently ceased. There are, however, three species of grass rusts, Piiccinia leptospora, P. Campitlosi and P. paradoxica^ in none of which have uredinio- spores been observed. These are rare species represented by single collections only. Teliospores, on the other hand, are by no means an omnipresent spore form of the grass and sedge rusts. They are seldom present in uredinial sori at the optimum growth period of the host, and in many species they are almost entirely wanting throughout the whole season, as in the common rust of blue-grass, Pticcinia cpipliylla, which produces teliospores in North America in alpine or boreal regions only. The urediniospore is. as a rule, the most abundant spore form and its characters are sufficiently constant and distinctive to make it of great value for taxonomic purposes. The most useful urediniosporic characters are : the form and size of the spore, the color and thickness of the spore wall, its surface sculpturing, and the number and distribution of the germ-pores. Among these the pore characters are perhaps the most valuable. The pores are usually visible in a water mount but it is often better to use a clarifying or staining agent to bring them out distinctly. A small drop of lactic acid mixed with the water in which the spores are mounted, especially if heated to 30 Mycologia the boiling point, is very effective, as is also the application of a solution of chloral hydrate and iodine. The latter is particularly serviceable when the spores are fresh and still retain their colored contents. These methods fail, however, in a few species having urediniospores with colorless or thick gelatinized walls. There are five of these species : three, Piiccinia versicolor, P. Boutelouae, and P. triarticulata, in which the pores are evidently scattered but the exact number cannot be made out, and two species, P. Seymouri- ana and P. Mclicae, in which neither the pore number nor distri- bution is known. According to our present knowledge there are 145 species of rusts on grass and sedge hosts in North x\merica having available pore characters; 105 species on grasses and 40 on sedges. The following account of urediniospore-pores is based upon this group of species, which includes those with both one- and two-celled teliospores. In the grass rusts the urediniospore-pores vary in number with the different species from 2 to 12. In species where the pores are restricted to the equatorial zone the most common number is 3 or 4, and where the pores are scattered, 6 or 8. In the sedge rusts the range of variation, i to 5, is much smaller, five pores being the largest number known. The two-pored con- dition is most common and the one-pored condition, found in two species only, is rare. The extent of variation in number of pores in a single species is usually small. A variation of four, as from 8 to 12, is the extreme. Many species have a variation of two, as from 2 to 4, 4 to 6, etc., or of one, as from 2 to 3 or 3 to 4, and in many the pore number is fixed. The real significance of the pore number from the physiological standpoint is not known and no theory to account for the presence or importance of more than one pore in each spore has been put forth. The pore number and distribution are no doubt associated in some way with the development of the species and possibly bear a physiological relation to the host. Their absolute hereditary constancy has never been proven. An apparent physiological mod- ification in the pore number and distribution is known in Pucinia Arthur and Fromme; Value of Pore Characters 31 vexans, a common rust of the prairies on species of Bouteloua. In addition to the normal thin-vvalled urediniospores this species produces a resting or amphisporic form of urediniospores. Tliese amphispores have a thick, dark-colored wall and are easily mis- taken for teliospores of Uromyces. They show their uredinio- sporic nature, however, by the production of a germ-tube in- stead of a promycelium, and by their ability to reinfect the same host. The normal urediniospores of this species have eight scat- tered pores, while the amphispores have four equatorial pores fFig. I, b and c). An explanation of the difference in number and position of the pores in the active and resting urediniospores should give a valuable insight into the evolution of this stage of the rusts. It is sometimes more difficult to ascertain the disposition of the the pores than their number. This is especially true in a globoid spore, as it is hard to be certain that it is properly orientated, but an ellipsoid or oblong spore will naturally lie upon the proper surface for convenient examination. Three general types of dis- tribution are recognized: scattered, equatorial, extraequatorial. The term scattered pores does not imply that the pores are without a definite arrangement. They are practically equidistant from each other over the cell surface in the typical scattered- pore condition (Fig. i, a, b and d). If the pores are equatorial, they more or less approximate the equator of the spore and are placed at about equal distances apart (Fig. I, e, /, g, and h). The extraequatorial group may be conveniently subdivided into pores superequatorial, and pores subequator ial. Like the equa- torial-pored condition these are zonal arrangements when more than one pore is present. The zone may be slightly above or be- low the equator (Fig. i, /), considerably above, near the apex (Fig. I, i), or considerably below, near the hilum (Fig. i, k and /). Two pores is the constant number for all of the extra- equatorial-pored species except those with pores near the hilum. One species, a grass form, Puc. Sporoboli, has three pores ar- ranged in a zone around the hilum, while two species, both sedge forms on species of Carex, each have a single pore near the hilum. The scattered- and equatorial-pored conditions are present in 32 Mycologia about equal numbers in the rusts under consideration. There are at present known 63 species with scattered pores and 67 with equa- torial pores. Fifteen species have extraequatorial pores, eleven Fig. I, a, b, d-l, urediniospores and c, amphispore, all from North Ameri- can collections: a, Uromyces Poae, 5 scattered pores; b, c, Puccinia vexans, 8 scattered pores and 4 equatorial pores; d, P. epiphylla, 10 scattered pores; e, P. Cenchri, 2 equatorial pores ; f, P. Urticae, 3 equatorial pores ; g, P. poculiformis, 4 equatorial pores ; h, P. eslavensis, 6 equatorial pores ; i, P. Caricis-Asteris, 2 superequatorial pores; j, P. Caricis-Strictae, 2 subequatorial pores ; k, P. Sporoboli, 3 basal pores ; I, Uromyces nniporulns, i basal pore. All spores magnified 625 diameters. of which are super- and four subequatorial. Expressed in per- centage, the different divisions stand as follows : pores equatorial 46.2 per cent. ; pores scattered 43.5 per cent. ; pores superequa- torial 7.6 per cent. ; pores subequatorial 2.7 per cent. None of the grass rusts has superequatorial pores and but a single species has subequatorial pores. All of the remaining species, therefore, in which the pores are known, belong to the scattered- or equatorial-pored groups, 63 species in the former group and 42 in the later. Among the sedge rusts the scattered-pored condition is very uncommon, being found in but a single species, i. e., Ptic. karelica. Arthur and Fromme: Value of Pore Characters 33 The equatorial-pored condition is most common here and is present in 25 species, while eleven species have superequatorial pores and three have subeqnatorial pores. The practical importance of a thorough understanding of the pore characters of the urediniospores of the grass and sedge rusts, apart from the possible clues of relationship and phylogeny that may be derived from it, lies in the application of the knowledge to the identification of incomplete material. In many cases collec- tions that are of considerable importance in mapping the range of a species or in determining its validity are represented by a few fragments of leaves that the taxonomist is unable to place and the rust material may be scanty and wholly or chiefly in the uredinial stage. The too common practice of gathering a few infected leaves without infloresence or fruit supplemented by the failure to properly label the collection in the field leads to many errors in the naming of hosts which the uredinologist is sometimes able to rectify through the proper identification of the parasite. If a rust in question on an unidentified grass-like fragment of leaf has scattered uredinio.spore-pores or a greater number than five the assumption is that the host is a grass since but a single sedge rust has scattered pores and none has more than five. If the pores are superequatorial, the host is most certainly a sedge. With the few broad bases of separation afforded by the pore characters and with the other supplementary characters of the urediniospores, it is often possible to determine the species of rust from urediniosporic material alone, which is a far cry from the situation prevailing not many years ago when grass and sedge rusts, especially the latter, were considered the most difficult of all the rusts to determine, and utterly hopeless when only uredin- iospores were present. Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. A PARASITIC SPECIES OF CLAUDOPUS Harry Morton Fitzpatrick (With Plate 153, and i Text Figure) Several of the Agaricaceae have been described as parasitic on others of the same group. Of these may be mentioned V olvaria Loveiana on Clitocybe nchularis,'^ Stropharia coprhwphiia on Coprinns atramentarius,- and the species of the genus Nyctalis. No instance of a species of the Agaricaceae parasitic on one of the Polyporaceae appears, however, to have been cited. On August 2, 1914, the writer discovered such a case in Six Mile Gorge, near Ithaca, N. Y. Polyporus perennis^ occurs in this locality in un- usual abundance and a few fruit bodies of this fungus were found parasitized a member of the genus Claud opus. Study has proved this to be a hitherto undescribed species. The fruit bodies of the parasite occur in considerable numbers about the mouths of the tubes and along the stipe of the Poly- porus. They are minute, the expanded pilei in no case exceed- ing 4 mm. in diameter, while the developmental stages or “ but- tons ” are almost microscopic. The lateral stipe and the salmon- colored gills suggest at once the genus Claudopus. The parasitized host plants, if examined superficially, give little evidence of the presence of the parasite. They exhibit the normal appearance of healthy plants, showing neither hyper- trophy nor dwarfing, and viewed from above can in no way be distinguished from the uninfected sporophores. An examination with the hand lens reveals the fact that certain of the tubes of the Polyporus in the immediate vicinity of the fruit bodies of the parasite are partially filled with the grayish mycelium of the Claudopus. There is no other external evidence of a diseased iBerkeley, J. M. Outlines of British Fungology, pi. 7, f. 2. i860. 2 Atkinson, G. F. A mushroom parasitic on another mushroom. The Plant World 10: 121-130. f. 22-24. 1907- ■1 Polyporus perennis Fr. = Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill. North Ameri- can Flora 9: 92. 1908. 34 Fitzpatrick: A Parasitic Species of Claudopus 35 condition, and the sporophores of the Polyporus produce their hymenium and spores in the normal manner. Thin sections made through the point of attachment of the stipe of the parasite to the host disclose no marked derangement of the elements of the latter. It is possible to trace to some extent the course of the hyaline hyphae of the Claudopus among the deeper-colored threads making up the sporophore of the Polyporus. Some of these are found ramifying the trama of the host to a considerable depth. It is possible that they extend through its stipe to the soil. The presence of fruit bodies of the parasite on the stipe furnishes some indication of this. The mycelium of the parasite is relatively small in amount, and the hyphae of the two fungi lie in close contact and run approxi- mately parallel. Careful search fails to reveal any organs of the nature of haustoria, and dissolution of the host hyphae by en- zymes excreted by the parasite appears not to take place. If any such process occurs, the disintegration of the host is insufficient in amount to be evident in thin, free-hand sections. The method by which natural infection occurs was not deter- mined. Fruit bodies of the Claudopus leading a saprophytic ex- istence on neighboring twigs or soil could not be found. It is not impossible, however, that these were produced earlier and had already disappeared. Local infection of the sporophores of the Polyporus might result either from spores produced on such saprophytic fruit bodies or from hibernated spores produced the preceding year on parasitic fruit bodies. It seems more probable, however, that the vegetative mycelium of the Claudopus spreads in the soil and travels upward among the hyphae of the Polyporus during the development of its sporophore. It may thus retain organic connection with the food material in the soil and be par- tially or wholly independent of the Polyporus in its food relation- ships. The upper figure in the accompanying plate illustrates well the fruit bodies of the two fungi. A compound structure resulting from the fusion of the pilei of three sporophores of the host plant is shown. The blur at the center of the photograph results from the failure of the stipe of the sporophore to fall into focus. The tendency of the sporophores of Polyporus perennis to fuse at the 36 Mycologia margins with neighboring fruit bodies is more or less characteristic of the species. It was evident in many of the plants collected, has been described before, and is not to be regarded as due to the presence of the parasite. Nearly one hundred fruit bodies of the Claudopiis^ the majority of them in the “ button ” stage, may be counted on the single sporophore pictured. They are shown en- larged to approximately two diameters. The lower figure in the plate illustrates the parasite in somewhat more detail, the en- largement here being nearly four diameters. The fungus must be regarded as a member of the genus Claud- opus. The stipe is definitely lateral. The spores, salmon-colored in mass, when viewed under the microscope exhibit a distinct pink tint. However, no previously described species of the genus posesses the characters of the fungus on Polyponis perennis. No described species of Pleurotns or Crepidotus resembles it even remotely. The pileus is white, the lamellae are salmon-colored in even the young fruit bodies, and the spores are definitely angu- lar (see text figure i). Few species of the genus have been described as having angular spores. Only one of these, Claudopus dephiens Batsch, has a white pileus, and it is described as being sometimes tinged with pink or gray. The minimum measur- ment (one-half inch) given as the diameter of the pileus of C. depluens is three times greater than the maximum of the species under consideration, while average pilei of C. depluens are much larger. The fruit bodies of C. dephiens occur on the ground or on decaying wood, and arise from saprophytic mycelium. The lamellae are at first white, later becoming salmon-colored. The species has been collected in New York and was described by Fig. I. Spores of Claudopus subdepluens Fitzpatrick. Mycologia Plate CLIIl CLAUDOPUS SUBDEPLUENS FITZPATRICK Fitzpatrick: A Parasitic Species of Claudopus 37 Peck.* The spores of the two species are approximately the same size, and are both typically uniguttulate. The fungus on Polyportis perennis is evidently closely related to C. depluens. It cannot, however, if the differences enumerated are taken into consideration, be regarded as identical with it, and the following name is proposed : Claudopus subdepluens sp. nov. Pileo e convexo expanso, minuto, 1-4 mm. maximam diam., albo, minute tomentoso, margine sulcato; lamellis ex primo sal- nioniis, distantibus, adnatis, acie integerrima ; stipite albo, lateral!, flexuoso, adusque 2 mm. longitudinem, crassitudine minore quam 0.5 mm. ; basidiis 4 sterigmatibus praeditis, clavatis ; sporis an- gulosis, i-guttulatis (raro 2-plus-guttulatis), parum atqui definite roseis, 7-12 X 6-8 /j.. Hab. parasiticus in Polyporo perenne. Six Mile Gorge, Ithaca, N. Y. Amer. bor. Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. < Peck, Chas. New York species of Pleurotus, Claudopus, and Crepidotus. Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 39 : 68. 1887. NEW SPECIES OF COLLETOTRICHUM AND PHOMA P. J. O’Gara A New Species of Colletotrichum on Clover During the course of my investigations in the Salt Lake Valley, I have found many clover fields in which the stems and petioles of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and alsike clover (Tri- folium hybridum L.) were infected with a Colletotrichum which does not agree in its characteristics with Colletotrichum Trifolii Bain. However, in many respects the characters of the disease are similar to those of Colletotrichum Trifolii as described by Bain and Essary.^ The clover plants seem to be most frequently attacked at or near the ground, although it has been noted that the attack may also occur just beneath a cluster of blossoms. As a rule, one’s attention is called to the sudden dying of a cluster of blossoms. The petioles and stipules are also attacked. Specimens of diseased plants were sent to Mrs. F. W. Patter- son, mycologist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, at Wash- ington, D. C, and also to Professor S. M. Bain of the University of Tennessee. Reports from both sources indicate that the dis- ease of red clover and alsike clover as found in the Salt Lake Valley is not caused by Colletotrichum Trifolii but by a hereto- fore undescribed species. A more complete statement of the characteristics of the disease will be made at a later date. The description follows : Colletotrichum destructivum sp. nov. Maculis indeterminatis brunneis ; acerz'ulis minutis 25-70 ju, diam., sparsis v. gregariis, erumpentibus, elevatis ; mycelio hya- lino, granuloso; basidiis fasciculatis, hyalinis, cylindraceis v. fu- soideis, conidiis prope aequalibus; conidiis hyalinis, granulosis, 1-4 guttulatis, rectis v. leniter curvulis, utrinque rotundatis 3.5- J S. M. Bain and S. H. Essary. A new anthracnose of alfalfa and red clover. Jour. Myc. 12: 192. 1906. 38 O’Gara: Colletotrichum and Phoma 39 5 X 14-22 (x; setUi is inter condidia orientibus, paucis v. ntimerosis, fuligeneis v. atro-brunneis, subrectis v. curvulis v. flexuosis, saepe nodulosis, continuis v. obscure i-septatis, subacutis v. rotundatis, sursum angustioribus, basi 4.5-7 /x crassis, 38-205 /x. longis. Hab. in foliis, petiolis caulibusque vivis et languidis Trifolii pratensis, Utah, Amer. bor. A New Species of Colletotrichum on Potato A new species of Colletotrichum which confines its attacks mostly to the underground stems of the potato has been found in many potato fields in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Rarely is this new species found on the stems above the surface of the ground. Sometimes definite, dark-brown or black cankers are produced resembling to some extent those caused by Rhizoctonia, but more often the entire underground stem is involved. The my- celium invades the cortex beneath the epidermis and is at first hyaline and few-septate. Later, the mycelium becomes brown and many-celled, and forms sclerotia-like bodies just beneath the epi- dermis from which arise the setae and conidiophores. When the stems die, the epidermis readily comes off, exposing the dark- brown or black sclerotia-like bodies. The fungus has been cul- tivated in the laboratory for some time, and reproduces charac- teristically. It is related to Vermicularia. Colletotrichum solanicolum sp. nov. Mactilis plus minusve indeterminatis atro-brunneis vel nigris, plerumque in caulibus subterraneis, saepe totum partem caulii subteranii occupantibus ; acerzniUs numerosis, irregulariter spar- sis vel subgregariis, primo epidermide tectis, demum erumpen- tibus; mycelio in cellulis corticis primo hyalino et parce septato, deinde brunneo, pluriseptato, sclerotioideo, conidia setasque ge- rente ; setis fasciculatis, numerosis, atro-brunneis, ad apicem saepe pallidioribus, rectis, vel leniter curvulatis vel flexuosis, apice ob- tusis vel acutis, 1-3 septatis, 90-260 nx longis, cellula inferiore leniter inflatis, 6-7 /x crassis; conidiophoris inter setulis orientibus, subhyalinis, granulosis, brevibus, 2-8 /x longis ; conidiis continuiis, 3-5“5 X 17-22 IX, rectis vel leniter curvulatis, apice rotundatis, ad basim leniter attenuatis, hyalinis, granulosis, saepe 1-3 guttulatis. maturescentibus vacuolum leniter refringens medio continentibus. Hab. in caulibus subterraneis vivis et emortuis Solani tuberosi, Salt Lake Valley, Utah, Amer. bor. 40 Mycologia A New Species of Colletotrichum on Asclepias My attention was called to an interesting anthracnose of As- clepias speciosa by Mr. W. W. Jones, botanist in the laboratory of plant pathology, department of agricultural investigations, American Smelting and Refining Company. Upon careful study of the disease, it was found that a new species of Colletotrichum, more or less intermediate between Gloeosporium and Colletotri- chum, proved to be the causative agent. It is interesting to note that this new species of Colletotrichum produces very few setae; very often they are entirely wanting. The fungus attacks both the foliage and the stems, producing characteristic irregular spots on the foliage and most often a complete girdling of the stems near the base. The spots on the stems when not confluent are more or less elliptical. The conidial masses on both foliage and stems are distinctly salmon-colored in fresh specimens. Diseased plants are easily noted by the premature yellowing of the foliage. A more complete description will be presented later when the cultural work has been completed. The description of the spe- cies is as follows : Colletotrichum salmonicolor sp. nov. Maculis in caulibus et foliis, brunneis, atro-brunneo-marginatis. Maculis in foliis amphigenis, irregularibus, leniter depressis, 2-6 mil. diam., saepe confluentibus. Maculis in caulibus, lenticulatis, saepe confluentibus, initio leniter depressis, deinde elevatis, 2-7 mil. long. Acervulis amphigenis, sed in hypophyllo copiosoribus, minutis, numerosis, irregularibus, elevatis, dense aggregatis inter- dum confluentibus, initio epidermide velatis, dein erumpentibus, massa conidiorum salmonicoloratis erumpente ; conidiis subhya- linis, granulosis, 2-4 guttulatis, irregularibus, rectis vel levissime curvatis, saepe ad basim leviter attenuatis et summo rotundatis, 5-6X17.5-35 /«.; basidiis hyalinis, granulosis, conidio subaequi- longis ; mycelio parce vel non septato ; setulis erectis, sparsis, panels, saepe nullis, superne acutis 1.5 /a crassis, inferne g/x cras- sis, 2-3 septatis et 75— 105 longis, rectis vel leniter curvulatis, saepe nodulosis, atro-fuligineis vel brunneis, cellula inferior! sub- hyalina. Hab. in caulibus et foliis vivis et languescentibus Asclepiadis speciosae. Salt Lake Valley, Utah, Amer. bor. O’GaRA : COLLETOTRICHUM AND PhOMA 41 A New Species of Phoma on Asclepias Upon examining some mycological collections made by W. W. Jones of this department during the past season in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, I found an interesting Phoma on the stems and foliage of Asclepias speciosa Torr. The examination of many specimens showed that in every instance it was associated with Cercospora clavata (Ger.) Peck. The leaf and stem spots always showed the presence of both the Phoma and Cercospora. In some cases definite areas of the spots were covered by both spe- cies, but often the pycnidia of the Phoma and the acervuli of the Cercospora are intermingled. Where definite areas of the spots are covered by the two species, it is easy to recognize one from the other by noting the lighter-colored brown areas of the Cer- cospora as contrasted with the dark-brown or black-colored areas occupied by the Phoma. Carefully prepared microtome sections show the intermingling of the mycelium of both species. In the Phoma leaf-spots, practically the entire structure between the upper and lower epidermis is destroyed, and the space occupied by the light-brown mycelium. Pycnidia are often distinctly beaked. The description of this species is as follows ; Phoma rostrata sp. nov. Mactilis in caulibus lenticulatis vel elongatis ; in foliis amphi- genis irregularibus, nervulis limitatis, atro-brunneis vel nigris; peritheciis sparsis vel dense gregariis, brunneis vel atro-brunneis, semi-immersis, globosis, prominulis vel rostratis, 56-95 diam. ; mycelio in cellulis hospitis brunneo, ramoso, pluriseptato, hyphis circa 3/t dam.-, spot iilis i. 4-2. 3 X 4-6 /a, eguttulatis, oblongis, utrinque rotundatis, plerumciue leniter curvulatis ; basidiis non vivis. Hab. in foliis et caulibus vivis et languidis Asclepiadis specio- sae^ cum Cercospora clavata in eisdem maculis sociata, Salt Lake Valley, Utah, Amer. bor. Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Department of Agricultural Investigations, American Smelting & Refining Company, Salt Lake City, Utah. LIND’S WORK ON THE ROSTRUP HERBARIUM Lars Romell I beg to draw the attention of mycologists to an excellent work on Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E. Rostrup, revised by J. Lind. It is a big volume of about 650 pages in large 8vo, printed at the expense of the Carlsberg Fund. The author, whose thoroughness and eminent ability we know from his previous publications, has in this monumental work proved himself a mycologist of high rank. A general idea of the aim and outline of the work may be obtained from the following statement from Lind’s introduction : Shortly after the death of Professor E. Rostrup, Ph.D., which occurred on January 16, 1907, I was intrusted with the honorable task of preparing a list of all the species of Danish fungi found in his herbarium. This herbarium was acquired by the University of Copenhagen and has been included in the Botanical Museum of the University. On account of the copiousness of this herbar- ium, the list will comprise all species of fungi which have hitherto been found in Denmark belonging to the groups of fungi with which Rostrup was mostly occupied. Plowever, in preparing the list, I have also endeavored to point out what an uncommonly diligent man and accurate investigator Rostrup has been. It was my intention in this way to establish a memorial in honor of E. Rostrup as a mycologist and phytopathologist which shall bear witness in foreign countries to the modest and laborious man whose importance as a scientist was never fully understood be- cause he mostly wrote in Danish. The subject matter of the first part of the book (pages 1-47) may be suggested from the following heads : “The collection of Danish fungi left by the late Professor E. Rostrup,” “ Danish mycologists previous to Rostrup,” “ Phytopathology in Denmark before Rostrup,” “ The assistants of E. Rostrup in the mycolog- ical investigation of Denmark,” “ Foreigners who have taken 42 Romell: Lind’s Work on Rostrup Herbarium 43 part in the mycological investigation of Denmark,” “ The plan of the work.” This part gives a most valuable exposition of the history of the mycological exploration of Denmark from the middle of the seventeenth century up to the present time. The list of contri- butors to this exploration is quite large, and biological notes of interest accompany each name, while the most important ones are treated in detail and the following are illustrated by portraits, viz. : E. Rostrup, Th. Holmskjold, G. C. E. von Oeder, O. E. Muller, M. Vahl, C. F. Schumacher, A. S. Oersted, J. C. Fabri- cius, E. C. Hansen, J. L. Jensen, M. L. Mortensen, P. Nielsen, and C. J. Johanson. The second or main part of the work (pages 49-550) gives a systematic exposition of all known Danish species (3,324 in num- ber) of Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Fungi Imperfecti. This is, however, no mere list of names. It is a critical and thorough revision of these great groups of fungi with diagnoses or interesting comments accompanying a large number of the species and with many excellent illustrations. Some of the species are here published for the first time. As to nomenclature, the author says : “ I have followed the rules for nomenclature adopted at the International Congress in Brussels, in May, 1910, viz. : that Fries ’ ‘ Systema Mycologicum ’ should be the starting point for the nomenclature of the fungi, except for the Uredinales, Ustilaginales, and Gasteromycetes, which date from Persoon’s ‘ Synopsis.’ ” The third part (pages from 555 to the end) contains a “List of literature,” “ Index of Danish names,” and “ Index universalis.” The work is written in English and can be used with advantage all over the world. I cannot abstain from strongly recommending it to every mycologist. .The price is 20 danish crowns (about 53^ dollars). Stockholm, Sweden. A NEW BOLETE FROM CALIFORNIA William A. Murrill In a collection of boletes recently received -from the depart- ment of botany of the University of California, the following is not only new but also of special interest because of its rather unusual characters ; Rostkovites californicus sp. nov. Pileus thick, convex to plane, solitary, 6-9 cm. broad ; surface smooth, conspicuously subtomentose, brown, margin concolorous, entire, rather thick ; context thick, fleshy, flavous, unchanging, taste mild ; tubes adnate, plane or slightly convex in mass, 4-6 mm. long, yellow, exuding drops which blacken with age, mouths large, angular ; spores oblong-ellipsoid, smooth, yellowish-brown, 7-8 X 3-5-4 /-<■; stipe subequal or bulbous, smooth, yellow, with black dots, unchanging, solid, yellow within, unchanging, 3-6 cm. long, 1.5-2 cm. thick. Type collected on the ground in pine woods in Grass ^'alley, California, November 12, 1914, H. S. Yates & F. H. Bolster 2^1 (herb. N. Y. Bot. Card.). Excellent field notes accompany the specimens. The species is strikingly different from other mem- bers of the genus in having a conspicuously subtomentose surface resembling that of Ceriomyces communis. 44 NOTES, NEWS AND REVIEWS Professor Bruce Fink held a research scholarship at the Garden in December, 1914, and delivered a special address on lichen taxonomy before the Torrey Botanical Club. Professor L. H. Pennington completed' his studies of the temperate species o^ Marasmius at the Garden during the latter part of December. Professor W. C. Coker has sent in a valuable collection of gill- fungi from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, containing a splendid representation of several difficult species. Dr. Frederick D. Heald has been appointed professor of plant pathology and pathologist at the State College and Experiment Station, Pullman, Washington. The American Journal of Botany for July, 1914, contains an article on the origin and development of the lamellae in Coprinus micaceiis, by Dr. Michael Levine, which forms a valuable addition to the scanty literature of the morphology of the higher fungi. In the Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion for 1913, Dr. G. P. Clinton discusses rather fully the so-called chestnut blight poisoning and decides that the chestnuts eaten by the persons affected could have had no distinctive poisonous properties, but may have been imperfectly matured owing to the trees being attacked by the blight. The life history and physiology of Cylindrosporium on stone fruits is ably treated in an article by B. B. Higgins in the Ameri- can Journal of Botany for April, 1914. Dr. Higgins describes two species as new, Coccomyces prunophorae and C. lutescens, in addition to C. hiemalis previously described by him in Science 45 46 Mycologia Mr. F. J. Veihmeyer, in Bulletin 127 of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, discusses the Mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control. This disease has been known in Europe for at least three generations and has been very destructive to mush- room beds. It was reported in America only a few years ago and now threatens the mushroom industry in certain localities. Methods of prevention and control are discussed at length in this bulletin. Plants of Oenothera Tracyi grown at the New York Botanical Garden during the past two years have had their leaves almost completely covered with mildew (Erysiphe) , which gives them a decided grayish-white color. Plants of O. grandiflora, however, growing by the side of O. Tracyi seem to be completely immune from the attacks of this fungus and their foliage has remained bright-green throughout. The Strumella disease of oak and chestnut trees is described and fully illustrated by F. D. Heald and R. A. Studhalter in Bul- letin 10 of the Pennsylvania Department of Forestry. This dis- ease very much resembles the chestnut canker and attacks not only chestnut but also various species of oak in the northeastern United States. The fungus, Strumella coryneoidea Sacc. & Wint., is an old species, but has not previously been considered parasitic in habit. The investigations in this bulletin have been confined to the state of Pennsylvania. A very interesting list of wood-destroying fungi which grow on both deciduous and coniferous trees, by James R. Weir, ap- pears in the August number of Phytopathology. These obser- vations show that too much dependence must not be placed on the host as an aid in determining certain wood-loving species. One of the most striking instances recorded by the author is that of Grifola Berkeleyi attacking the roots of the larch in the Kan- iksu National Forest of Idaho. This handsome species is known in the East only on oak. Notes, News and Reviews 47 The Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Volume 17, Part 2, issued in October, 1914, contains several verj' important mycological contributions. Bernard O. Dodge contributes a list of fungi, chiefly saprophytes, from the region of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, including 400 species from Kewaunee County and 40 additional species from Juneau and Dane Counties listed because of their special interest. About 90 species of discomycetes found in this same region were also listed by Dr. Dodge in another paper in the same publication. Both of Dr. Dodge’s papers contain locality and descriptive notes of much interest and value. No new species are included. A pro- visional list of parasitic fungi found in Wisconsin, with a host index, is contributed by J. J. Davis. The list is a long one and does not admit of notes. Edward T. Harper makes another very important contribution to his studies of the larger gill-fungi occurring in the region of the Great Lakes by describing and illustrating very fully and accurately 13 species of Hypholoma, including some of the most difficult forms in the family. Another important contribution to the literature of the chestnut canker recently appeared as Bulletin 347 of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station by P. J. Anderson and W. H. Rankin. This is a very complete treatment of the subject and contains an account of many original investigations and experi- ments extending over a period of years. Regarding the out- look for the chestnut tree in America the authors make the follow- ing statement : “ At present we know of nothing that will prevent the extermination of the American chestnut tree. Every measure of control that has been tried has been abandoned north of West Virginia and the Potomac River. Some persons have expressed the belief that nature herself will intervene to prevent destruction of the species ; the virulence of the pathogen will abate, the resist- ance of the host will be increased, or natural enemies — insects or fungous parasites — will destroy, or at least check, the pathogen. Up to the present, however, there has been no indication of relief along any of these lines. But we do not believe that the inge- nuity of our scientists has been exhausted ; that further research will bring to light some methods of combating the disease is not beyond the limit of probability.” 48 Mycologia Philadelphia Meeting of the Phytopathological Society The American Phytopathological Society held its sixth annual meeting in Philadelphia, December 29-January i. Abstracts of the large number of interesting papers presented at this meeting have already appeared in Phytopathology, the official organ of the society. At the business meeting on January i, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, H. H. Whetzel ; Vice-President, W. A. Orton; Secretary-Treasurer, C. L. Shear, Councilor, M. T. Cook. The retiring president. Dr. Haven Metcalf, ran all the pro- grams on schedule time, which permitted important discussions. He also showed wisdom in grouping papers on the same general subject. This method applied particularly well to the number of “ spot diseases ” on apple and other fruits, discussed by Waite, Brooks, Fisher, Reed, Martin, and others. A plant disease survey is being organized by Mr. R. Kent Beattie, of the Bureau of Plant Industry at Washington, its ob- ject being to collect and classify all available data on the dis- tribution of plant diseases in the United States. Plant pathol- ogists are urged to send in specimens, which will be checked as to determination and placed in the herbarium for consultation. Phytopathology, the official organ of the society, was discussed at length by Dr. Jones and others, who emphasized the fact that the time has come when articles of small scientific value cannot be accepted for publication and money must be obtained for good illustrations, either by contributions from the members or from an endowment. It was held to be the duty of American my- cologists to see that American papers of merit are illustrated in the very best possible manner. Special attention may be called at this time to the following papers : Professor J. C. Arthur reported Uredo nootkatensis from Alaska and other parts of the Pacific Coast as a Gyrnnosporangium with repeating spores. The aecial stage of this species is htm Sorbi. Mr. George L. Peltier reported results of extensive experiments with Rhhoctonia in America, over 57 strains having been person- ally investigated. The common species is Rhisoctonia Solani. Notes, News and Reviews 49 Mr. E. W. Sinnott outlined a method for the microscopic study of decaying wood, which consisted in softening, imbedding in celloidin, and staining with methyl violet or other differential stain. Mr. A. G. Johnson discussed the ascigerous stage of Helmin- thosporium teres Sacc. on barley, which was found to be a Pleo- spora. This perfect stage has been reported for H. gramineum, but there is no doubt that it is connected with H. teres instead. A very interesting report was made by Dr. L. R. Jones on lightning injury to cotton and potato plants. This accounts for areas that have been observed where the plants died suddenly from no observable cause. One case was mentioned of lightning injury to corn in’ Kansas. Mr. W. A. Orton spoke very briefly of the results of the potato study trip of 1914 and stated that no report of the trip as such would be published, but that the important observations and re- sults would be put into available form at an early date. He is planning to have a meeting of those interested in the subject in Maine next August. Mr. Harry M. Fitzpatrick reported results of his studies on Eocronartium typhuloides, a species intermediate between the Auriculariaceae and the higher basidiomycetes. He found it to be a true parasite on mosses. After examining authentic speci- mens from Europe, he has decided that E. typhuloides Atk., Clavaria muscigena P. Karst., and Typhida muscicola Fries are identical, the last mentioned name being the oldest. A report by Dr. L. R. Jones on further experiments with fus- arium-resistant cabbage proved very interesting. In 1910, the “ yellows ” was so bad in Wisconsin that most of the cabbages were killed. However, a few survived, which were selected as resistant strains. The process of selection has been continued since that time and Dr. Jones is now ready to distribute seed from these selected strains, which will yield remarkable results, the best yielding 95.5 per cent, of heads and 19 tons per acre, while the commercial strain from which the resistant strain was derived yielded only 17 per cent, of heads and a little over 2 tons per acre. It looks as though the disease produced by Fusartum conglutinans might be entirely eliminated by this process of selection. 50 Mycologia Mr. W. M. Scott described and discussed a new fungicide which may replace lime-sulfur for spraying fruit trees. It is prepared by using barium instead of calcium in combination with sulfur, which permits the shipment of the fungicide in the dry state. This is much more convenient, while the price should be about the same and the results fully as beneficial. Lime-sulfur mixture is generally used now instead of Bordeaux for orchard work. The yellowish color is not objectionable to fruit trees but makes it impossible for parks. The new substance costs at present 4 cents a pound. The dry crystalline substance consists of 85 per cent, of barium tetrasulfid and a small percentage of barium thio- sulfate and free sulfur. When this crystalline substance is dis- solved in cold water, preparatory to spraying, some of the free sulfur unites with the tetrasulfid, forming pentasulfid. It has has been determined that it is the polysulfid of barium rather than the thiosulfate or free sulfur that is beneficial. The last paper on the program was by Miss Caroline Rurhbold, showing some effects on chestnut trees- of the injection of chemi- cals. Tree injection is difficult because there is no blood in the tree to distribute the chemical, which is apt to go up and down in a restricted area. Openings were made on different side's of the tree trunks and fluids of various compositions and strength were injected through tubes clamped to the trunk. Analine stains were first used to determine the best methods of injection. No practical results with the chestnut canker were obtained, but it is hoped that some methods will be devised whereby valuable trees may be saved when attacked by diseases beneath the bark. W. A. Murrill. INDEX TO AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE Allard, H. A. A review of investigations of the mosaic disease of tobacco, together with a bibliography of the more important contributions. Bull. Torrey Club 41 : 435-458. 8 O 1914. Anderson, H. W. Peronospora parasitica on Arabis laevigata, Phytopathology 4: 338. ii Au 1914. Atkinson. G. F. The development of Amanitopsis vaginata. Ann. Myc. 12: 369-392. pi. 17-19. 31 Au 1914. Bailey, F. D. Notes on potato diseases from the northwest. Phytopathology 4: 321, 322. pi. 20. ii Au 1914. Banker, H. J. Type studies in the Hydnaceae — VII. The genera Asterodon and Hydnochactc. Mycologia 6: 231-234. S 1914. Brooks, C. Blossom-end rot of tomatoes. Phytopathology 4 : 345-374- pl- 24-26 -\-f. 1-5. O 1914. Burger, 0. F. Report of assistant pathologist. Ann. Rep. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta. 1913 : Ixxxvii-xcv. /. 11-13. ^9^4- Burt, E. A, The Thelephoraceae of North America — II. Crater- ellus. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card, i : 327-350. pl. 15-17. 30 S 1914. Includes Craterellus delitescens Burt, C. dilatus Burt, C. Humphreyi Burt, and C. palmatus Burt & Overholts, spp. nov. Charles, V. K., & Jenkins, A. E. A fungous disease of hemp. Jour. Agr. Research 3; 81-84. pl. 7Z-1-/. i. 15 O 1914. Botryosphaeria marconii sp. nov. Cook, M. T. The southern bacterial wilt in New Jersey. Phyto- patholog\' 4: 277, 278. II Au 1914. [Illust.] Cooley, J. S. A study of the physiological relations of Sclerotinia cinerea (Bon.) Schrdter. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. i : 291-326. 30 S 1914. Davis, J. J. A provisional list of the parasitic fungi of Wiscon- • sin. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 17 ; 846-984. O 1914. Dobbin, F. A list of lichens from Grout’s Mills, Vermont. Bryologist 17: 79. S 1914. Dodge, B. 0. A list of fungi, chiefly saprophytes, from the region of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 17: 806-845. O 1914. 51 52 Mycologia Dodge, B. 0. Wisconsin Discomycetes. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 17: 1027-1056. O 1914. Ford, W. W., & Clark, E. D. Deadly poisonous fungi. Jour. N. Y. Bot. Card. 15: 159-168. Au 1914. Fraser, W. P. Notes of some plant diseases of 1913. Ann. Rep. Quebec Soc. for the Protection of Plants from Insects and Fungous Diseases 6: 45-50. 1914. [Illust.] Fraser, W. P. Storage rots of potatoes and other vegetables. Ann. Rep. Quebec Soc. for the Protection of Plants from In- sects and Fungous Diseases 6: 50, 51. 1914. Fromme, F. D. A new gymnosporangial connection. Mycologia 6; 226-230. S 1914. Gymnosporangium myricaium comb. nov. Garrett, A. 0. The smuts and rusts of Utah — II. Mycol- ogia 6: 240-258. S 1914. Includes descriptions of Puccinia Rydbergii, P, tardissima, and P. Clementis, spp. nov. Giissow, H. T. Tri-septate spores in Claviceps. Phj-topathology 4: 386. O 1914. Harter, L. L. Fruit-rot, leaf-spot, and stem-blight of the egg- plant caused by Pliomopsis vexans. Jour. Agr. Research 2 : 331-338- P^- 26-30 + f. I. 15 Au 1914. Harter, L. L. & Field, E. C. The stem-rot of the sweet potato (Ipomaea batatas). Phytopathology 4 : 279-304. pi. 14-16 + f. I, 2. II Au 1914. Hasse, H. E. Additions to the lichen flora of southern Calif- ornia. No. 9. Bryologist 17: 61-63. 17 Au 1914. Includes Lecania fructigena A. Zahlbr., Placolecania Hassei A. Zahlbr., Acarospora calif ornica A. Zahlbr., and Lecanora peltastictoides sp. nov. Heald, F. D., & Studhalter, R. A. Birds as carriers of the chest- nut-blight fungus. Jour. Agr. Research 2; 405-422. pi. 38, 39 + /• I, 2. 21 S 1914. Heald, F. D., & Studhalter, R. A. The Strumella disease of oak and chestnut trees. Pennsylvania Dept. Forestry Bull. 10: 1-15. pi. J-12. Je 1914. Hedgcock, G. G., & Long, W. H. Heart-rot of oaks and poplars caused by Polyporus dryophilus. Jour. Agr. Research 3 : 65- 78. pi. 8-10. 15 O 1914. Hewitt J. L. A disease involving the dropping of cotton bolls. PhHopathology 4: 327-32. pi. 22 + f. 1^2. ii Au 1914. Index to American Mycological Literature 53 Howe, R. H. North American species of the genus Ramalina. — Part VI. Pryologist 17: 49-52. pi /o + /. i, 2. 17 An 1914- Part VII. P>ryologist 17: 65-69. />/. li -)- /• S. 1914. Howe, R. H. On a small collection of lichens from Jamaica, West Indies. Mycologia 6: 259-263. S 1914. Howe, R. H. Some comparisons of the lichen floras of Eurasia and North America. Torreya 14: 138-140. 12 Au 1914. Hungerford, C. W. Wintering of timothy rust in Wisconsin. Phytopathology 4: 337, 338. ii Au 1914. Jehle, R. A. Peach cankers and their treatment. Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 26 : 53-64. pL 1-8. S 1914. Jackson, H. S. A new pomaceous rust of economic importance, Gymnosporangium Blasdaleanum. Phytopathology 4 : 261-270. pL 12, /J + Z- I- II Au 1914. Levine, M. The origin and development of the lamellae in Coprinus micaceus. Am. Jour. Bot. i : 343-356. pL jp, 40. 8 Au 1914. Lewis, I. M. A bacterial disease of Erodium and Pelargonium. Phjiopathology 4: 221-232. pi. 10. ii Au 1914. Bacterium Erodii sp. nov. Melville, E. The downy mildews. Ann. Rep. Quebec Soc. for the Protection of Plants from Insects and Fungous Diseases 6: 33-38. 1914. [Illust.] Merrill, G. K. Noteworthy lichens from Maine — II. Bryologist 17: 55-58. J1 1914;— II. Bryologist 17: 7^79- S 1914. Murrill, W. A. Fungi, edible and poisonous. [Woods’s] Ref. Handbook Med. Sci. 4: 574-596. pi. 34, J5 + /. 2654-2679. (Ed. 2.) New York. Au 1914. Murrill, W. A. Illustrations of fungi — XIX. Mycologia 6 : 221-225. pi 138, 139- S 1914. The following species are illustrated: CoUybia radicata, Agaricus arvensis, A. silvicola, Lepiota brunnescens, Laccaria ochropurpurea, Inocybe geophylla, Scleroderma verrucosnm, Tremella lutescens, and Mycena succosa. Morse, W. J., & Shapovalov, M. The Rhizoctonia disease of potatoes. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 230: 193-216. f. 61-73. Au 1914. Norton, J. B. Making a new variety of Asparagus. Trans. Massachussetts Hort. Soc. 1914 : 45-50. 1914. Contains notes on the immunity of this new variety to the asparagus rust Puccinia asparagi. 54 MYrOTX)GTA Potter, A. A. Head smut of sorghum and maize. Jour. Agr. Research 2: 339-372. pi. J/-J7 + /- i~7- I5 Au 1914. Rankin, W. H. Field studies on the Endothia canker of chest- nut in New York state. Phytopathology 4: 233-260. pi. ii /. I, 2. II Au 1914. Reddick, D. Dead-arm disease of grapes. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 389: 463-490. pi. + 3, 4, S. J1 1914- Rosenbaum, J. Phytophthora Arecae (Golem.) Pethyb., causing a rot of potato tubers. Phytopathology 4: 387. O 1914. Sherbakoff, C. D. Potato scab and sulphur disinfection. Cor- nell Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 350 : 707-743. /. 106. Au 1914. Spaulding, P. Undesirable foreign plant diseases. Trans. Massachusetts Hort. Soc. 1914: 153-179. 1914. Stakman, E. C. & Rose, R. C. A fruit spot of the wealthy apple. Phytopathology 4: 333-335- pl- ^3- ” Au 1914. Stevens, H, H. Report of plant pathologist. Ann. Rep. Elorida Agr. Exp. Sta. 1913: Ixxii-lxxxvi. Je 1914. Taubenhaus, J, J. A Gloeosporium disease of the spice bush. Am. Jour. Bot. i : 340-342. 8 Au 1914. Taubenhaus, J. J. Recent studies of some new or little known diseases of the sweet potato. Phytopathology 4 : 305-320. pl. 17-19. II Au 1914. Includes description of Septoria bataticola sp. nov. Thaxter, R. On certain peculiar fungus-parasites of living in- sects. Bot. Gaz. 58: 235-253. pl. 16-19. 15 S 1914. Includes Muiogoiye, Muiaria, Chantransiopsis, Amphoromorpha, gen. nov. and Horniiscium myrmecophilum, Muiogone Chromopteri, Muiaria gracilis, M. Lonchaeana, M. armata, M. repens, Chantransiopsis, decumbens, C. stipata, C. Xantholini, and Amphoromorpha entomophila, spp. nov. Thaxer, R. New or peculiar Zygomycetes 3: Blakeslea, Dis- sophora and Haplosporangium, nova genera. Bot. Gaz. 58: 353-366. pl. 26-29. 15 O 1914. Includes Blakeslea trispora, Dissophora decumbens, Haplosporangium bisporale, and H. decipiens, spp. nov. Theissen, F. Die Trichothyriazeen. Beih. Bot. Centralb. 32: 1-16. pl. 7-t-/. 1-3. 25 J1 1914. Veihmeyer, F. J. The Mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control. U. S. Dej)t. Agr. Bull. 127:1-24. pl. 1-3 -\-f. i-5- 16 S 1914. Index to American Mycological Literature 55 Verrill, A. E. A recent case of mushroom intoxication. Science II. 40: 408-410. 18 S 1914. Weir, J. R. An unusual host of Fomes foincntarius Fries. Phytopatholog}' 4: 339. ii Au 1914. Weir, J. R. The cankers of Ploivrightia morbosa in their relation to other fungi. Phytopathology 4: 339, 340.. ii Au 1914. Weir, J. R. The cavities in the rot of Trametes pint as a home for hymenopterous insects. Phytopathology 4; 385. O 1914. Weir, J. R. Notes on wood destroying fungi which grow on both coniferous and deciduous trees. — I. Phytopathology 4: 271- 276. II Au 1914. Wenner, J. J. A contribution to the morphology and life history of Pestalossia funerea Desm. Phytopathology 4: 375-384. pi. 27 + f. 1-7- O 1914. Whitford, A. C. On a new fossil fungus from the Nebraska Pliocene. Univ. Stud. 14: 1-3. pi. i, 2. 1914. Zeller, S. M. The development of the carpophores of Ceriomyccs Zelleri. Mycologia 6: 235-239. pi. 140, 141. S 1914. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Price, 25 cents each. See next page for recent numbers No. 17. The Tylostomaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 24. The Nidulariaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 27. Some Mt. Desert Fungi, by V. S. White. Nos. 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 49, 52, 56, 60, 65, 69, 70 and 74. The Polyporaceae of North America, I-XIIl, by W. A. Murrill. No. 90. Studies in North American Peronosporales — I. The Genus Albugo, by Guy West Wilson. No. 95. Studies in North American Peronosporales — II. Phytophthoreae and Rhysotheceae, by Guy West Wilson. No. 99. Some Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. 1 10. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. Boleti from Western North Carolina, by W. A. Murrill. The Boleti of the Frost Herbarium, by W. A. Murrill. Some North Dakota Hypocreales, by F. J. Seaver. Studies in North American Peronos{>oralcs — IV. Host Index, by HI. X14. 115. 1 17. No. No. No. No. G. W. Wilson. No. 1 1 9. No. 122. F. J. Seaver. No. 133. No. 167. North Dakota Slime-Moulds, by F. J. Seaver. Notes on North American Hypocreales — II. Nectria Peziza, by Iowa Discomycetes, by F. J. Seaver (special price 50 cents). The Identity of the Anthracnose of Grasses in the United States, by Guy West Wilson. Address NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx Park, New York City F»UBLICii^TIOIV8 or The New York Botanical Garden Journal of the New Tork Botanical Oarden, monthljr, illustrated, con> taining notes, news, and non-technical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, lo cents a copy j f i.oo a year. [Not offered in ex- change.] Now in its sixteenth volume. Mycologla, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi; Including lichens ; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in- terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. ^3.00 a year ; single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its seventh volume. Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden, containing the annual repiotts of the Director-in-Chief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, I3.00 per volume. Now in its eighth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North Americai including Greenland, the VVest Indies and Central America. Planned to be com- pleted in 32 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Each volume to consist of four or more parts. Subscription piice, ^1.50 per part; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for #2.00 each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part I, 1910. Nectriaceae — Kimctariaceae. Vol. 7, part I, 1906; part 2, 1907; part 3, 1912. Ustilaginaceae — Aecidiaceae (pars). Vol. 9, parts I and 2, 1907; part 3, 1910. Polyporaceae — Agaricaceae (pars). ( Parts I and 2 no longer sold separately. ) Vol. 10, part I, 1914. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts I and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Ophioglossaceae — Cyatheaccae (pars). Vol. 17, part I, 1909 ; part 2, 1912. Typhaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 22, parts I and 2, 1905; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part 5, 1913. Podostemona- ceae — Rosaceae (pars). Vol. 25, part I, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 1911. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part 1, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol. 34, part I, 1914. Carduaccae (pars). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Oarden. Price to members of the Garden, #1.00 per volume. To others, #2.00. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the inora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg, ix -f-492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Eterkness upon Growth and Development, by Dj T. MacDougal. xvi -f- 320 pp., with 176 figures. 1903. Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by Arthur Hollick and Edward Charles Jeffrey, viii -j- 138 pp., with 29 plates. 1909. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager, viii 278 pp., with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Contrlbutlomi from the New York Botanical Oarden. A series of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals other than the above. Price, 25 cents each. #5**^ volume. In its eighth volume. RBCBNT N17MBBRS 25 CENTS BACH 169. Some Midwinter Algae of Long Island Sound, by Marshall A. Howe. 170. Notes on Rosaceae — VII, by P. A. Rydberg. 17 1. A Revision of the genus Vittaria J. E. Smith, by Ralph C. Benedict. 172. Phytogeographical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Region — III. Formations in the Alpine Zone, by P. A. Rydberg. N>w York botanioal garden Bnonx Park, Raw York Orrv MYCOLOGIA IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Pounded by W. A. Kellerman, J. B. Ellia,and B. M. Everhart in 1885 EDITOR WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL Vol. VII— MARCH, 1916— No. 2 JOSEPH C. ARTHUR HOWARD;. BANKER GIACOMO BRESADOLA FREDERICS. CLEMENTS JOHN DEARNESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS FRANKLIN S. EARLE BRUCE FINK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE GEORGE MASSES NARCISSE PATOUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORNELIUS L. SHEAR PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR CONTENTS rAGi William Wirt Calkins, Amateur Mycologist - Bruce Fink 57 Cultures of Uredineae in 19x2, 1913, and 1914 J. C. Arthur 61 Photographs and Descriptions of Cup-Fungi — I. Peziza Fred J. Seaver 90 The Structure and Development of Secotium agaricoides Henry S. Conard 94 The Genus Lepista - - - William A, Murrill 105 Marking Types in the Mycological Herbarium William A. Murrill 108 News and Notes - -109 Index to American Mycological Literature - - - 1 1 3 The New Era Printing Company makes the following charges to authors for articles reprinted from Mycologia, if ordered with proof: Without Cover — 4 PP- 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. 24 pp. 28 pp. 32 pp. 25-50 Copies — l»-37 11.87 82.12 82.50 8350 8405 8482 85.20 too “ >55 2.15 a. 65 3 >5 4.05 5.00 6.10 6.50 200 “ 2.00 3-05 4.00 4.30 5.60 6.90 8.30 8.90 Covers — First 50 — ^l.oo. Additional, ic each. Plates — 40c per too. MYCOLOGIA VoL. VII March, 1915 No. 2 WILLIAM WIRT CALKINS, AMATEUR MYCOLOGIST Bruce Fink (With Plate 154) Mr. William Wirt Calkins was born May 29, 1842, and died July 9, 1914. Illinois was his native state and remained his resi- dence throughout his life. He prepared for Yale, and began teaching as a ward principal in Ottawa, Illinois, in 1862. How- ever, he soon resigned, enlisted, and served in the Civil War until its close. At the close of the war, he entered business life and studied law. His life was devoted mainly to law and to literary work. Mr. Calkins was a lover of the natural sciences from boyhood. His earliest interest was in the study of rocks and fossils, but, unfortunately, his large collection was destroyed in the Chicago fire of 1871. After this, he studied conchology, and a number of papers on this subject appeared. About the same time, he began the study of seed-plants, and his collection of about 4000 species is now in the herbarium of the University of Notre Dame. He be- gan the study of fungi about 1885, and papers on lichens and other fungi began to appear at once. Though he collected and distributed large numbers of fungi of various kinds collected in the South and mainly in Florida, it is apparent both from his publications and from conversations and correspondence with him that he soon gave up all other fungi for the lichens, which remained his main botanical interest until the time of his death. [Mycologia for January, 1915 (7: 1-55), was issued February 3, 1915.] 57 VOK.. botanical 58 Mycologia His collection of mosses and lichens still remains in the possession of Mrs. Calkins. This collection contains 25 or 30 new species of lichens collected by Mr. Calkins and named mostly by William Nylander. Many of his other fungi were distributed by Ellis and Everhart. Mr. Calkins was an amateur scientist, who was possessed of a genuine love of nature. Conditions of life prevented his en- tering the ranks of professional naturalists, but he never lost his relish for the study of natural science. He will be remembered by botanists as a keen-eyed collector of plants, who has by his field work materially added to our knowledge of various kinds of fungi. Some of his specimens will always remain in various American herbaria. It will be of interest to botanists to know that Mr. Calkins was a prolific writer from early manhood. His first papers, in i860, were on geology, and the whole number of papers and books to the time of his death was about 150. These writings covered titles on geology, conchology and other zoological subjects, war corre- spondence, various historical papers, and other miscellaneous topics. His history of the 104th Illinois regiment is a work of 518 pages, and there are one or two smaller historical books. His largest scientific paper seems to have been “ The Lichen Flora of Cook County, Illinois ” — a work of 50 pages with brief diagnoses of 125 lichens. There is added below a nearly complete bibliography of his botanical papers. Two papers on “ The Flora about Berwyn, Illinois ” published in “ The Berwyn Current,” in 1907, eight or nine botanical papers in “the Ottawa (111.) Re- publican,” from 1880 to 1892, and three papers in the first volume of “The Valley Naturalist,” some of which contain botanical material, have not been seen and therefore are not listed. The available titles are as follows : 1. Calkins, W. W. Rambles of a Naturalist in Southern Florida. Cinn. Quart. Journ. Sci. 2: 161-164. 1875. Mainly on the fauna with a few notes on seed-plants and marine algae. Another paper under a different title was published in the same volume, but is devoted wholly to the fauna. 2. Calkins, W. W, Notes on the winter Flora of Florida. Bot. Gaz. 2 : 128-129. 1877. 3. Calkins, W. W. Tillandsias under cultivation. Bot. Gaz. 4; 209-210. 1879. Fink; William Wirt Calkins 59 4. Calkins, W. W. January flora of the Indian River country, Florida. Bot. Gaz. 4: 242. 1879. 5- Calkins, W. W. Winter herborizations on Indian River, Florida. Bot. Gaz. 5; 57-58. 1880. 6. Calkins, W. W. Botanical observations in Florida. Valley Natualist 2: 20-21 and 35-36. 1880. Notes on a considerable number of seed- plants. 7. Calkins, W. W. Epidendrum cochleatum L. Bot. Gaz. 7: 144. 1882. 8. Calkins, W. W. The W. W. Calkins collection of Florida woods, i-io. Chicago. 1883. 9. Calkins, W. W. Notes on some little known Florida trees. Am. Journ. Forestry i : 386-389. 1883. 10. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida lichens. Bot. Gaz. 10: 369-370. 1885. A note stating that he found 80 species. 11. Calkins, W. W. Catalogue of lichens collected in Florida in 1885, with notes. Journ. Mycol. 2: 112— 114. 1886. A list of 73 species deter- mined by Henry Willey. 12. Calkins, W. W. Polyporus officinalis. Journ. Mycol. 2: 107. 1886. 13. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. i. Journ. Mycol. 2; 6-7. 1886. 14. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 2. Journ. Mycol. 2: 23. 1886. This paper and number one of the series deals with higher basidiomycetes mainly. 15. Calkins, W. W. The leaf fungi of Florida. — No. 3. Journ. Mycol. 2: 42. 1886. 16. Calkins, W. W. Cryptogamic botany of a Florida log. — Paper 4. Journ. Mycol. 2: 53-54. 1886. Notes on 15 lichens and other fungi found on a giant log in a hummock. 17. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 5. Journ. Mycol. 2: 70. 1886. Notes on a few higher basidiomycetes. 18. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 6. Journ. Mycol. 2: 80- 81. 1886. Remarks on the small number of basidiomycetes found in pine woods. 19. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 7. Journ. Mycol. 2: 89- 91. 1886. A list of 35 polypores collected near Jacksonville and named by J. B. Ellis. 20. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 8. Journ. Mycol. 2; 104- 106. 1886. A continuation of the last, giving numbers 36 to 78 of the higher basidiomycetes collected near Jacksonville and determined by Mr. Ellis. 21. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 9. Journ. Mycol. 2: 126- 128. 1886. A continuation of the Florida fungi, listing numbers 79 to 136, — basidiomycetes and ascomycetes. 22. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 10. Journ. Mycol. 3: 7. 1887. A list of various fungi, continuing the list to number 163. 23. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. ii. Journ. Mycol. 3: 33- 34. 1887. A continuation of the list of fungi to number 183. This paper includes only polypores. GO Mycologia 24. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 12. Journ. Mycol. 3: 46. 1887. Numbers 184 to 216, mostly higher basidiomycetes with a few ascomycetes. 25. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 13. Journ. Mycol. 3: 58- 59. 1887. Numbers 217 to 250, various fungi. 26. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florida fungi. — No. 14. Journ. Mycol. 3; 70. 1887. Numbers 251 to 280, various fungi. 27. Calkins, W. W. Notes on Florda fungi. — No. 15. Journ. Mycol. 3; 82. 1887. Numbers 281 to 300, various fungi. 28. Calkins, W. W. Notes on new Florida lichens. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 16: 330. 1889. A list of six species named by Dr. W. Nylander. 29. Calkins, W. W. Notes on rare East Tennessee lichens. Am. Nat. 24: 1078-1079. 1890. Thirty-three species listed with notes. 30. Calkins, W. W. An edible lichen not heretofore noted as such. Bot. Gaz. 17: 418. 1892. Discusses Endocarpon miniatum (L.). 31. Calkins, W. W. Remarks on North American lichenology, — preliminary. Science 20: 120. 1892. 32. Calkins, W. W. Remarks on American lichenology. — II. Science 20: 205-206. 1892. 33. Calkins, W. W. Remarks on American lichenology. — III. Science 21 : 77-78. 1893. Notes on some 20 lichens collected near Jacksonville, Florida. 34. Calkins, W. W. The lichen flora of Chicago and vicinity. Chicago Acad. Sci. 1 : 1-50. 1896. Contains short diagnoses of 125 lichens. Verrucaria prospersella is described as new. 35. Calkins, W. W. Mosses of Cook County, Illinois. Bryologist 13: 107— III. 1910. A list of 51 species with notes on habitat and locality. 36. Eckfeldt, J. W. and Calkins, W. W. The lichen flora of Florida. Journ. Mycol. 3: 121-126 and 133-137. 1887. A list of 330 lichens with notes. Nine species were listed as new, nomina nuda. These have been described since. 37. Huett, J. W. Natural history of La Salle County, Illinois. Part 2. Geology and Zoology. 1-174. pi. 1-3. Ottawa, Illinois, Fair Dealer Print, 1898. Pages 120 to 149 contain “The Lichen-flora of La Salle County” by Calkins. There are short descriptions of 131 lichens. 38. Jordan, D. S. The fur seal and Fur-Seal Islands. Part 3. I-XI. 1-629. pi. I-Q4. Many figures partly unnumbered. Washington, D. C., Gov- ernment printing office, 1899. On page 583 is a list of nine lichens de- termined by Calkins. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Mycologia Plate CLIV WILLIAM WIRT CALKINS CULTURES OF UREDINEAE IN 1912, 1913 AND 1914/ J. C. Arthur The present article is the thirteenth of a series of reports^ by the writer upon the culture of plant rusts, beginning in 1899 and completing sixteen consecutive years. The work for the three years covered by the present report has been done under the aus- pices of the Indiana Experiment Station, as a part of a research project supported by the Adams Fund. The heaviest part of the work each year falls in April and May, and during this time the regular staff of the botanical department of the Experiment Station is supplemented in order to take care of the largely increased routine part of the work. In 1912 the assistant for the culture work was Mr. L. O. Overholts, a senior student of Miami University, Ohio, recommended by Dr. Bruce Fink; in 1913 Mr. Ezra Levin, junior student with credits at the Agricultural College of Michigan, recommended by Dr. Ernst A. Bessey, was in charge; and in 1914 Mr. Carl B. Gibson, senior student of Wabash College, Indiana, recommended by Prof. H. W. Anderson, did the work. A large number of correspondents have assisted as in prev- ious years by sending culture material, often by supplying informa- tion from field observations, and sometimes by making special trips to secure additional material or search for cultural clues. To all such persons, and especially to those who have been to trouble and expense in response to the wishes of the writer for local aid, the most hearty thanks are accorded. Without the as- sistance of observers in the field, the work of situdying the life histories of the rusts extending over the vast territory of North 1 Presented before the Botanical Society of America at the Philadelphia meeting, December 29, 1914. 2 See Bot. Gaz. 29: 268-276; 35; 10-23; Jour. Myc. 8: 51-56; 10; 8-21; II : 50-67; 12: 11-27; 13: 189-205; 14: 7-26; Mycol. i: 225-256; 2: 213-240; 4 : 7-33, 49-65. 61 62 Mycologia America, many species of which are local, would proceed much more slowly. An important aid in bringing together information regarding relationship of the rusts, and especially regarding obscure spe- cies, and in securing cultural material of critical forms, has been the excursions, often of considerable length, undertaken by the writer and members of his staff. Early in April, 1912, Dr. F. D. Kern and the writer paid a visit to Auburn, Ala., where in company with Prof. F. E. Lloyd, field conditions of Peridermimn fusiforme and Puccinia angustatoides, the latter on Rynchospora, were studied. In the latter part of May, 1912, the writer and Mr. F. J. Pipal spent two days in LaGrange county on the northern border of Indiana, in a vain search for the alternate host of the Carex rust, Puccinia vulpinoidis. An excursion on the last of May, 1912, was made to the coast of Maine by Mr. C. R. Orton and the writer. The localities visited were on the Isle au Haut, where the writer had found a number of imperfectly known rusts during several vacational so- journs. A station for the Puccinia on Carex maritima on Deer Isle was also visited. All previous observations had been made be- tween July and October, and this long journey of over a thousand miles was for the purpose of seeking out probable aecial hosts under spring conditions. Upon the return journey, Mr. Orton stopped in Vermont and secured cultural material, especially forms on Carex. Between June 17 and 20, 1912, the writer made observations in company with Dr. J. J. Davis about Madison, Wis., and north- ward. From the middle of July to the middle of August, 1912, Dr. Kern and the writer traveled over a thousand miles through the high mountains of southern Colorado, going west through the middle of the state, and returning along the southern border. A week was spent in the wonderful valley at Ouray and some days at Pagosa Springs. Very helpful information was gleaned re- garding grass rusts, and particularly of the leaf and stem forms which the older mycologists listed as Puccinia graminis and P. rubigo-vera. Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 63 Three weeks of August, 1913, were spent in company with Mr. H. C. Travelbee, in northern Michigan in the vicinity of Leland. Here very abundant field confirmation was obtained of the cor- rectness of the 1913 spring culture work in associating Puccinia vulpinoidis with aecia on Solidago, and material was secured for repeating the work. Two days were profitably given in November, 1913, accom- panied by Dr. F. D. Fromme, to an exploration of the Kankakee marshes in northern Indiana, and as much time in December fol- lowing, accompanied by Mr. C. A. Ludwig, to a reconnoissance about French Lick in southern Indiana. During February and the early part of March, 1914, an ex- tended trip by Dr. Fromme and the writer was made through the Southwest. Field work began at Denison, on the northern border of Texas. At Denton the localities made interesting to uredini- ologists by the extended field work of Mr. W. H. Long were visited. Stops on the way southward to Austin, and a divergence to Houston and Galveston, gave interesting results. Observations in the arid region were made principally at San Antonio and El Paso, Texas, the region about the Agricultural College, N. Mex., and at Douglas and Tucson, Ariz. At Tucson through tlie kindness and material assistance of Dr. D. T. MacDougal and his corps of investigators at the Desert Botanical Laboratory, the rust flora of the vicinity was examined, and a very important culture on Brodiaea was carried to completion. The dominant ideas actuating the above mentioned geograph- ical explorations are not so much those of the ordinary collector, to find new species, but rather those of the student, to secure addi- tional knowledge of species already named but imperfectly known, and to gather facts bearing upon relationships. To indicate the extent of the labor involved in securing the results recorded in this paper the following statistics are given. During the three seasons covered by this report, 380 collections with resting spores, and 68 with active spores were available, but scarcely one third of those with resting spores could be made to germinate. To test the germinating condition of the spores over 2500 drop cultures were made. Altogether 650 sowings were undertaken upon growing hosts and 84 infections obtained. 64 Mycologia Negative results. — It has been customary in these reports to record failures to ascertain the alternate host, when sowings were made with spores known to be capable of germination and made upon plants that were in proper condition for infection. As the work progresses, and fewer species are left to be connected with alternate hosts, the need of such records diminishes, especially as more and more dependence is placed upon field observations for the clues to relationship. A few trials during the last three years with negative results appear to be sufficiently significant to be worthy of record at this time. 1. PucciNiA McClatchieana Diet. & Holw. — A collection of this species on Scirpus microcarpiis (S. rubrotinctus) , from Vaughns, Washington Co., N. Y., sent by Mr. Stewart H. Burn- ham, was used for sowings made April i, 1914, on Che'lone glabra, Hydrophyilum virginicum, H. Fendleri, Actaea alba, Dirca palusfris, and Iris versicolor, all without infection. This species has been confused with Puccinia angustata Peck. The name was first applied to a Californian collection thought to be on Scirpus sylvaticiis, but now determined as N. microcarpus. It is a common species along the Pacific coast on the last named host, known in one instance as far into the mountains as Belgrade near Bozeman, in southwestern Montana. It also occurs along the Atlantic coast on the same host (usually called Y rubro- tinctus), being known from Nova Scotia to Delaware, and inland as far as Albany, N. Y. It was a collection of this species and host that was cited by Peck in establishing his Puccinia angustata, as on “Scirpus sylvaticum,” from West Albany, N. Y. No clues to the identity of the alternate host have yet been secured. 2. Puccinia Cryptandri Ellis & Barth. — A good teliosporic collection of this rust on Sporobolus cryptandrus was obtained by Dr. Fromme and the writer February 20, 1914, at Mesilla Park, N. Mex., and sown March 20 on Sphaeralcea lobata, S. incana, and Callirhoe digitata. Eight days later it was sown on other plants of N. incana and C. digitata, and on Hibiscus militaris. Again on March 9, it was sown on Hydrophyilum Pendleri, Pha- celia tanacetifolia, Thalictrum Pendleri, and Abronia umbellata. A collection similar to the last was obtained on the preceding day, but thought at the time to be Puccinia tosta, which was Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 65 sown April 17 on Lithospermiim officinale^ Aesculus glabra, Ele- agnus argentea, Lepargyraea canadensis, and Doellingeria nmbel- lata. It was sown again March 20 on Sphaeralcea lobata, Calli- rhoe digitata and C. involucrata. No infection was secured. This is the first attempted culture of this species with telio- spores, although once grown from amphispores.® Most collec- tions show only the amphisporic stage of the rust. No clue to the alternate host has yet been obtained. 3. PucciNiA EMACULATA Schw. — This exceedingly common rust on Panicum capillare has been used in previous years for sowings on 26 different species of hosts with no infection.* A careful morphological study shows that the species in its uredinial and telial conditions is very like Puccinia Pammelii Arth. (P. Panici Diet.), occurring commonly on Panicum virgatum, whose aecia have been grown upon Euphorbia corollata. Since this fact was ascertained, attempts have been made to grow P. emaculata upon Euphorbia corollata. Telial material from the vicinity of Lafayette, Ind., was sown accordingly on April 28, 1913, March 24, 31, and April 6, 1914. Material collected by Dr. Fromme at Lakehurst, N. J., was sown May 8, 1914, on both E. corollata and E. cyparissias. A collection from Lafayette was also sown March 31, 1914, on Chelone glabra, and Dirca palustris, which had not previously been tried. All attempts were equally fruitless. It is hoped that some time a fortunate field observation may lead to the solution of the problem. 4. Uromyces Rhyncosporae Ellis. — No satisfactory field clues to the alternate host of this species have yet been obtained. Morphological study has led to the suggestion, improbable as it may seem at first, that it can belong to the very common Carex- Aster-Solidago complex. To test this suggestion, material ob- tained by Dr. Kern and the writer at Auburn, Ala., was sown April 22, 1912, on Aster paniculatus, Solidago canadensis, and Helianthus angiistifolius. Another set of sowings was made on May 8 following upon other plants of the same three hosts, and on Ruellia strepens, and Apocynum cannabinum. No infection 3 Jour. Myc. 14: 20. 1908. ^ Bot. Gaz. 35: 12. 1903; Jour. Myc. 8: 52. 1902; 10: 10. 1904; 12: 12. 1906; 13: 192. 1907; 14: II. 1908; and Mycol. i: 230. 1909. 66 Mycologia was obtained. Cultures were attempted on Menyanthes and Decodon in 1907, also without results.® 5. Uromyces Sporoboli E. & E. — While on a visit to Mr. E. Bartholomew at Stockton, Kans., in August, 1911, the spot was pointed out where this rust on Sporobolus longifolius had been observed for several seasons following close upon a luxuriant development of an Aecidium on Allium reticulatum, as if the two might have genetic connection. Excellent material for testing the assumption was supplied the following spring, and a sowing was made April 29, 1912, upon Allium reticulatum, and also on Malvastrum coccineum, Cassia chamaecrista, Baptisia bracteata, Apios tuberosa, Corydalis aurea, Zanthoxylum americanum, Physalis pubescens^ Asclepias verticillata, Vagnera stellata, and Erigeron annuus, all known to have aecia of uncertain connection, but without infection.® Successful cultures supplementing previous work. — The facts derived from growing the following species of rusts supple- ment those obtained from previous cultures in this series or from cultures recorded by other American or European investigators. In some cases the additional information recorded is of as great value as if it were entered under the next heading of cultures not before reported. For instance, the hitherto accredited species, Puccinia vulpinoidea, P. Dulichii, and P. tosta, are reduced to synonymy, and in so far simplify the naming of collections, beside permitting of a clearer conception of the variation of specific characters. A few cultures were made which are not reported, as they add no new facts to those already established. Cultures of 1912 I. Puccinia Grossulariae (Schum.) Lagerh. — The follow- ing successful cultures were made, all being sown on Ribes Cy- nosbati. From Carex pubescens, Lafayette, Ind., sown April 20, showing pycnia April 29, and aecia May 9. 6 Jour. Myc. 14: 12. 1908. 0 For previous attempts see Bot. Gaz. 35 : 1 1. 1903 ; and Mycol. i : 13. 1912. Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 67 From Carex crinita, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, sown May 8, showing pycnia May i6, and aecia May 24. From Carex arctata, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, sown May 8, showing pycnia May 22, and aecia May 27. From Carex tenuis, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, sown May 13, showing pycnia May 22, and aecia May 27. In the report of cultures for 1910^ the status of the name P. albiperidia, as representing a distinct species of Carex-Ribes rust, was discussed, but left somewhat unsettled. It was, how- ever, thought to belong to a form possessing urediniospores with one basal pore, while the more common form on the same hosts, P. Grossiilariae, has urediniospores with three equatorial pores. Subsequently Mr. C. R. Orton went over the material involved, including the type of P. albiperidia, and concluded® that this name should be a synonym of P. Grossiilariae, and that the form having urediniospores with one basal pore is entitled to be con- sidered a distinct species to which he gave the name P. uniporula, a species correlated with Uromyces uniporulns Kern, the aecia of both species being unknown. To gather further information I have had single sori removed from the type collections of both species of Puccinia involved, and have had the spores of each sorus separately counted by using a mechanical stage. The results are given in the following table. The type of P. albiperidia is on wintered-over leaves, having been gathered April 30, 1901, at Lafayette, Ind., and provides few urediniospores, while that of P. uniporula was gathered August 20, 1910, at London, Ontario, and gives a fair number of uredinio- spores. Both types are on Carex pubescens. As usual when ure- diniospores are taken from mature telial sori, many of the spores are not in condition to show the pores. When the pores could not be ascertained with fair certainty, even after using lactic acid or chloral hydrate with iodine, the spores have been classed as un- certain. It was also necessary to take the number of cells in the teliospore into account, as Carex pubescens also bears Uromyces uniporulus, chiefly distinguishable by the teliospores. r Mycol. 4: 13-15. 1912. * Mycol. 4: 200, 201. 1912. 68 Mycologia Spores from Type Collections of Puccinia albiperidia and P. uniporula: EACH SORUS GIVEN SEPARATELY, Number of Teliospores Teliospores Urediniospores Urediniospores Uredinio- with i-cell with 1 hree spores Sorus ( Uromyces) {^Pxiccinia) Pore Lquatorial Pores with Pores Uncertain r I 0 Not counted 0 0 0 2 0 231 0 0 0 3 0 317 0 0 0 4 0 363 3 0 I 5 6 0 1 886 327 i 4 ) 0 0 I? 2 4 7 29 1325 1 0 0 3 8 314 3 0 I? 0 9 422 I 0 0 0 10 697 2 0 0 I i I I Not counted 0 i ^ 0 0 fI2 0 142 ■ 17 2 s •3 3 853 i 4 5 14 3 871 3 0 I '5 4 1455 5 0 I lib 5 19 12 I 7 Taking first the two columns of teliospores in the above table, it may be assumed that when a few only of either one- or two- celled teliospores occur in a sorus they are to be considered as in- cidental, possibly mesosporic. We may exclude from our present consideration four sori (8 to ii inch) from the type of P. albi- peridia, as belonging to another species, Uromyces nniporuhis, in termixed on the same leaf blades. Of the remaining seven sori taken from the type of P. albiper- idia, two of them (numbers 4 and 5) show a few urediniospores with one basal pore, and one sorus (number 6) shows one uredin- iospore with apparently three equatorial pores, while all others give no urediniospores whose pores could be made out with cer- tainty. Of the five sori (12 to 16 inch) taken from the type of P. uni- porula all show a number of urediniospores with one basal pore, and in addition three of the sori (numbers 12, 13, and 16) show urediniospores with three equatorial pores, as well as a number of spores whose pores could not be located. It is curious to note that in this type material of P. uniporula about one tenth of the urediniospores possess equatorial pores, and that these spores are intermixed in the same sori with the one-pored spores. So far as the morphological evidence goes, there appears to be Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 69 no absolute difference between the types of P. albiperidia and P. tmiporula. But P. albiperidia has been cultured on Ribes, pro- ducing aecia that can not be distinguished from those Carex rusts which show urediniospores with equatorial pores only. Whether aeciospores grown from P. albiperidia material would reproduce urediniospores, when sown back on a suitable Carex, with only three-pored or only one-pored urediniospores, or with sori con- taining a mixture of the two, is yet to be demonstrated. In the meantime, it seems best to use the name P. albiperidia as represent- ing a form with aecia on Ribes, and synonymous with P. Grossu- lariae, while P. uniporula can be retained for such collections as show a preponderence of one-pored urediniospores. It is inter- esting to note in this connection that in Europe no Carex rust has yet been found agreeing with the uniporulate forms here discussed. The essential specific unity of all Carex-Ribes rusts in both America and Europe was the conclusion reached by Dr. H. Kle- bahn in 1907. Dr. Klebahn’s extended cultural work on this group of rusts began in 1892, and resulted in the separation of five species. In 1904 and 1906 he studied the behavior of Amer- ican material grown from teliospores transmitted by the writer. Taking into account both European and American material, he came to the conclusion® that the six described species of Carex- Ribes rusts were biological forms of one collective species, for which he suggested the name, Puccinia Ribesii-Caricis. This conclusion is upheld by the above study, although an earlier name is preferred for the species. 2. Puccinia C.\ricis-Asteris Arth. (P. Caricis-Solidaginis Arth.) — Five successful cultures of this rust were secured. They are as follows : Teliospores from Carex sp., London, Ontario, sown April 10 on Aster sp., showing pycnia April i6, and aecia April 27. Teliospores from Carex sp., Lafayette, Ind., sown April ii on Aster sp., showing pycnia April 23, and aecia April 29. Teliospores from Carex retrorsa, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, sown May 14 on Aster paniculatus, showing pycnia May 22, and aecia May 27. Teliospores from Carex scoparia, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, sown May 13 on Aster paniculatus, showing pycnia May 22, and aecia 9 Klebahn, Zeits. Pflanzenkr. 3: 134. 1907. 70 Mycologia May 27 ; also sown same date o» Euthamia graminifolia, showing pycnia May 22, at aecia June 4. The significant thing about these cultures is that the material from Carex scoparia, which was sent by Mr. W. P. Fraser, grew on both Aster and Euthamia. The rust on this species of Carex, as represented in the herbarium, was for a long time considered sufficiently diverse morphologically to constitute a distinct spe- cies. Two years ago material on Carex scoparia from Maine was cultured on Euthamia, but did not grow on Aster paniculatus or Solidago canadensis. This year sowings were made on the three hosts named and results obtained on two of them. It was pointed out in the discussion of the results two years ago that the Aster-Solidago-Erigeron group of Carex rusts probably consti- tutes a single species with a number of more or less defined races. The same view has been expressed elsewhere. Numerous con- firmatory facts of diverse nature have been accumulating, until it seems advisable to adjust the nomenclature to accord with present knowledge. This species is one of the most common forms of rust in North America. It evidently is less abundant in South America and in the eastern hemisphere. The morphological study of similar European forms, rated as species, discloses some that undoubt- edly are to be classed in the same category with the American group. Without taking space to record the evidence, the con- clusion has been reached that the most available name for the American and European constituents of the species here repre- sented, but possibly not the oldest one, is Puccinia extensicola Plowr. This name was founded on telial material from Carex extensa, obtained at Norfolk, England, and cultured on Aster Tripoli, and is in every way comparable with the Carex-Aster forms of America. 3. Puccinia angustata Peck. — Teliospores on Scirpus atro- virens, collected at Lafayette, Ind., by L. O. Overholts, were sown 10 Mycol. 4 : 15. 1912. 11 Arthur, The physiologic aspect of the species question. Amer. Nat. 42: 246. 1908. 12 For previous American cultures of this specific group, see Bot. Gaz. 35:15,21. 1903 ; Jour. Myc. 8 : S3, 54. 1902; 11:58. 1905:12:15. 1906; 14 : 13. 1908 ; Mycol. i : 233. 1909 ; 2 : 224. 1910 ; and 4 : 15, 16. 1912. Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 71 May 9 on Lycopus americanns, giving rise to pycnia May i6, and aecia May 24. Another collection believed to be the same rust and on the same host, collected at London, Ontario, by J. Dear- ness, was sown May 13 on L. Americanus, giving rise to pycnia May 20, and aecia May 27. Corresponding cultures have been made many times before.^® The rust is very common throughout the eastern United States, especially northward, but has not been seen in the Rocky mountain region or on the Pacific coast. Pro- fessor Peck based the name, Puccinia angustata, which was pub- lished in the Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural History, volume I, page 67, July, 1873, upon material from “ leaves of Scirpus sylvaticum and N. Eriophorum; West Albany and Wat- kins, September.” Upon examination of type material, it trans- pires that the collection on ” S. sylvaticum” was made at Wat- kins, N. Y., and that on S. Eriophorum at West Albany, N. Y., and furthermore, that of the two hosts cited only 5". Eriophorum, collected at Watkins, N. Y., although the second one mentioned, bears teliospores that correspond to the description. The other col- lection on “ S. sylvaticum,” found to be in reality Y. microcarpus {S. rubrotinctus) , bears a distinctly different form of teliospore, and must be considered to belong to some other species than P. an- gustata. The type of P. angustata Peck is, therefore, the collection in the herbarium of the New York State Museum, at Albany, N. Y., collected in September [1871?], at Watkins, N. Y., on Scirpus Eriophorum, by Prof. C. H. Peck. Thanks are due to Prof. Peck for the loan of the type material and for much assistance in ascer- taining numerous facts connected therewith. 4. Puccinia Ellisiana Thiim. — A collection on Andropogon sp., made by Dr. J. F. Brenckle, at Kulm, N. D., was used to sow, April 9, on Viola cucullata, V. Nuttallii, V. primulac folia, Lacini- aria punctata and Lithospermum angustifolium, with infection only on the two first named species of Viola. In both cases pycnia began to show in abundance May 8, and aecia May 12. A number of vain attempts have been made in previous 13 For previous cultures see Bot. Gaz. 29: 273. 1900; Jour. Myc. 8: 53. 1902; 11: 58. 1905; 13: 196. 1907; 14: 14. 1908; Mycol. i: 234. 1909; 4; 17 and 54. 1912. 72 Mycologia years^^ to culture this rust, thirty-five species of hosts having been used other than those used this year. Only once was a plant of Viola used, V. striata, a caulescent species on which such aecia have not yet been found, and are not very likely to occur. The successful cultures were inspired by field observations by Dr. Brenckle, who sent us material with which to test his predic- tion. In addition to Dr. Brenckle’s opinion there was also at hand the opinion of Mr. C. R. Orton, at that time working on the rusts in my laboratory, which was drawn from a study of correlation between this species and Uromyces pedatatus, in a paper read December 28, 1911, but not published until later,^® the latter spe- cies having its aecia on acaulescent violets. Since that time Mr. W. H. Long has published^® extended studies, both cultural and morphological, with important bearings which can not be taken into consideration in this connection. 5. PucciNiA Stipae Arth. — Two collections with teliospores on Stipa comata, gathered by Mr. E. Bethel, from different spots at Boulder, Colo., were used for cultures. One was sown May 15 on Sene do lugens, S. spartioides,^’’ Chrysopsis villosus, Grindelia squarrosa, Gntierreda Sarothrae, and Solidago mollis, all consid- ered probable hosts for the aecia. Infection occurred only on Gutierrezia Sarothrae, showing pycnia May 22, and aecia May 27, both in abundance. The other collection was sown ]\Iay 17 on the same set of hosts with infection only on Senecio spartioides, showing numerous pycnia May 23, and aecia June i. This species has previously been cultured^® on Aster multiflorns, A. ericoides, A. Novae-Angliae, Solidago canadensis, Grindelia squarrosa, and Senecio lugens. The present study adds two See Jour. Myc. 14: 10. 1908; Mycol. i; 231. 1909; 2; 220. 1910; and 4: 9. 1912. 15 Mycol. 4: 199, 200. pi. /O, figs. 5 and 6. 1912. 1® Notes on three species of rusts on Andropogon, Phytopath. 2; 164-171. August, 1912; and Influence of the host on the morphological characters of Puccinia Ellisiana and Puccinia Andropogonis, Jour. Agric. Research 2: 303- 319. July, 1914. 11 The same host that was erroneously called S'. Douglasii in report for 1910. Mycol. 4: 9, II. 1912. 18 See Jour. Myc. 11: 63. 1905; and Mycol. 4: 19. 1912. Arthur : Cultures of Uredineae 73 aecial hosts to the list previously known, and further strengthens the view that the species consists of a number of loosely defined races. 6. PucciNiA Agropyri E. & E. — Three collections on Elymiis canadensis from two widely separated and very different habitats were successfully cultured. One collection made by Mr. E. Bethel at Boulder, Colo., from plants on which he had previously placed leaves of Clematis ligusticifolia covered with aecia, brought from thirty miles distant, was sown April 27, on Cle- matis ligusticifolia, C. Douglasii, Anemone cyiindrica, Delphinium Geyeri, and Thalictrum Fendleri, all believed to be probable hosts of this rust, and on Phacelia heterophylla, Hydrophyllum capi- tatum, H . Fendleri, and Onosmodium occidentale, which have been suspected from field observations to belong to the list of hosts. Infection only occurred on Clematis ligusticifolia, showing pycnia May 8, and aecia May 20. Another collection by Mr. Bethel from plants growing with aecia-bearing Clematis lingusticifolia, at Boulder, Colo., was sown May 14, on the same nine species of hosts, with infection only on Clematis ligusticifolia, showing pycnia May 21, and aecia May 29. The third collection by Dr. Brenckle from Kulm, N. Dak., was sown on Clematis ligusticifolia, C. Douglasii, C. virginiana, Ane- mone cyiindrica. Delphinium sp. from Colorado, Thalictrum Fend- leri, T. alpinum, Aquilegia caerulea, and A. flavescens, all belong- ing to a quite possible group of hosts, and on the outlying hosts, Phacelia heterophylla, Hydrophyllum Fendleri, Onosmod- ium occidentale, and Flaeagnus argentea. Infection was obtained only on Anemone cyiindrica, showing a few pycnia ]\Iay 20, but without maturing aecia. Another collection of the same rust on Agropyron Smithii (host determined by Prof. A. S. Hitchcock), collected by the writer at Pueblo, Colo., was sown April 29, on Clematis ligustici- folia, C. Douglasii, Anemone cyiindrica. Delphinium sp. from Col- orado, Thalictrum Fendleri, Hydrophyllum capitatum, H. Fend- leri, and Onosmodium occidentale, with infection only on the first named. The pycnia began to show May 8 and aecia May 17. 74 Mycologia Cultures from Elymus on Clematis ligusticifolia are now re- ported for the first time. It has seemed quite probable from field observations that the aecia occurring on this host in great abun- dance throughout the Rocky Mountains were probably connected with telia on other hosts than Agropyron, where they have usually been assigned in this country and Europe, but this is the first direct proof by cultures. In 1904 a rust on Bromus from Iowa, Indiana, and Wisconsin, believed to be Pucciitia fomipara Trek, was grown on Clematis virginiana. In a discussion of the re- sults^® it was considered that the aecia were the form known as Aecid. Clematitis Schw., and distinct from the form in the Rocky Mountains, going to telia on Agropyron. The latter form, called Aecid. Clematidis DC., was grown in 1907®® from Rocky Moun- tain material on Agropyron^ but on the eastern host C. virginiana, no plants of C. ligusticifolia being available at the time. This was considered a demonstration that the form known and cul- tured in Europe as P. Agropyri E. & E., on Agropyron, is identi- cal with tlie western form, but distinct from the eastern Bromus- Clcmatis rust. In 1908 a rust on Bromus from the Rocky ^fountains was grown on Thalictrum dioicum with success. The same season a similar subepidermal rust on Agropyron from the western moun- tains was grown on Aquilegia. These two forms were considered to represent distinct species and were named respectively Puc- cinia alternans and P. obliterata.^^ The first cultural study of this group of subepidermal rusts began in 1903 with a supposed culture of Dirca aecia on Bromus,"^ an error which was rectified in the report of cultures the year fol- lowing. From that time to the present morphological studies, field observations, and careful cultures have multiplied until now there seems to be no further doubt that this group of subepidermal forms, passing under various names, represents only one species, but a species broken up into a number of races of considerable i»Jour. Myc. ii : 62—63. 1905; also 13; 197. 1907; and Mycol. i: 236. 1909. 20 Jour. Myc. 14: 15. 1908. 21 Mycol. i; 248-231. 1909; also 2: 223. 1910. 22 Jour. Myc. 10: 19. 1904; also ii : 62. 1905. Arthur : Cultures of Uredineae 75 fixity. The telia are on Agropyron, Elymiis, and Bromus chiefly and the aecia on Clematis, Thalictrum, Aqnilegia, Anemone, and probably other Ranunculaceous hosts, and possibly on some hosts of other families. 7. PucciNiA MONOiCA (Peek) Arth. — In the report of cultures for 1911-® record was made of sowings of teliospores from Trise- tum subspicatnm made June 20 upon two plants of Arabis (grown from Colorado seed), one plant of which indicated infection by a pathological change into a glomerate mass of rosettes, somewhat paler than normal. In this condition the plant passed the winter. Early in spring it began to send up a half dozen or more shoots instead of the usual single shoot of normal plants. Pycnia first were seen March 23, 1912, scattered over the considerably drawn shoots. Before there was time for the aecia to mature the plant accidentally died. Freshly gathered plants of an A ro5i.y bearing aecia, obtained May 13 at Palmer Lake, Colo., were received from Mr. Bethel, and aeciospores from them sown May 18 on leaves of Koeleria cristata and Trisetum subspicatnm. Infection occurred only on the Koel- eria, uredinia first being noticed June 18, and telia June 24. There is no present need of adding to the general discussion of this species given in the last report of cultures.** We have now grown the rust from both aeciospores and teliospores, and shown that it occurs on both Trisetum and Koeleria, with some indication of biological races. 8. Uromyces perigynius Halst. — ^A collection on Carex in- tumescens, made by Dr. Charles E. Fairman at Lyndonville, N. Y., was sown April 24, on Aster paniculatiis, Solidago canadensis, Erigeron annuus, Enthamia graminifolia, and Onagra biennis. On May 7 pycnia began to show in great abundance on the Aster, followed on May 10 by aecia. On the Solidago a few pycnia appeared May 8, but no aecia developed, although the host plant was in good condition. In former cultures*® material on this host from Nova Scotia produced infection on Aster, but not on Solidago. ^Material on 23 Mycol. 4: 60. 1912. 24 Mycol. 4: 59. 1912. 25 See Jour. Myc. 10: 15-17. 1904; Mycol. 4: 21, 22. 1912. 7G Mycologia other hosts from Maine and Indiana produced strong infection on SoUdago, and in one case a sparing infection also on Aster. In the first culture report on the species, the close resemblance be- tween this species and the parallel form under Puccinia, that we are now calling P. extcnsicola, was pointed out, and in the second report the evidence of well defined biological races was adduced. Both of these points are further emphasized b}' the cultures here reported. In this connection an error should be corrected in the report of cultures for 1910. Quite anomalous results^® were obtained in that year by sowing material of Puccinia quadriporula Arth. from Carcx Goodcnozvii from the type locality, upon Aster paniculatus. It was at that time pointed out that the resulting aecia were in- distinguishable from those of P. Caricis-Asteris Arth. A careful re-examination of the culture records has revealed the fact that the sowing on April 26, 1910,-’^ was immediately preceded by a very successful sowing of Uromyces perigynius on another plant of the same species of Aster. The inference is that the supposed result from the spores of P. quadriporula in reality came from stray spores of U. perigynius accidentally intermixed during the operation, and do not represent a culture of P. quadriporula. Furthermore, a careful and extended morphological study of a number of collections of P. quadriporula, made in different years from the type locality and its vicinity, leave no doubt that the form should be placed under P. Grossulariae, a Carcx rust having aecia on Ribes. The four-pored feature of the urediniospore, from which the name is derived, is found to be no more marked than in some other collections proven to be a part of that species. 9. Uromyces Junci (Desm.)Tul. — It was stated in the report of cultures for 1910^® that both Mr. Bethel and Dr. Brenckle held the opinion that this species in some one of its forms would be found to have aecia on Ambrosia psilostachya. Both gentlemen provided material for a test the present season, which verified their prediction, as the following record of cultures shows. The telial host in each instance was J uncus balticns. 20 Mycol. 4: 28. 1912. 2T Mycol. 4 : 21. 1912. 28 Mycol. 4 : 23. 1912. Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 77 Telia from North Dakota ... Colorado Montana North Dakota ... North Dakota ... Prediction for Aecia Carduus Ambrosia Ambrosia Ambrosia Eate of Sowing Host for Culture A ‘I 22! / Carduus Flodmanii j ( Ambrosia psiloslachya ( Ambrosia psiloslachya April 23 -j Ambrosia trifida ( Carduus Flodmanii f Ambrosia psilostaihya May 6 Ambrosia trifida ( Carduus Flodmanii Ambrosia psiloslachya Ambrosia artemisiaefolia Ambrosia trifida May 1 1 Carduus Flodmanii Silphium perfoliatum Laciniaria scariosa Xanthium canadense Ambrosia psiloslachya May 1 1 Ambrosia trifida Xan/hium canadense First ! First Pycnia 1 Aecia May 7 May 12 May 8 May 12 May 8 May 16 May 21 May 22 May 27 May 20! May 27 May 271 The three collections sent by Dr. Brenckle from Kiilm, N. Dak., bore out the prediction that he had based upon field observations. One of the collections grew upon both Ambrosia and Carduus, indicating that the races are not invariably fixed. The collection sent by Mr. Bethel from Boulder, Colo., also bore out the predic- tion which he had based on a field observation. No suggestions came with the collection sent by IVIr. Vasku from Nihill, Mont. As stated in the North American Flora (7: 238. 1912), only Carduus has heretofore been proven by cultures in this country to be a host to this species, although both Ambrosia and Arnica have been considered to be hosts, a conclusion derived from morpholog- ical and field studies.^® 10. Uromyces acumin.atus Arth. — A collection made by Mr. Bethel at Boulder, Colo., on Spartina Michauxiana, showing the characteristic slender, acuminate teliospores to which this name has been applied, was suspected from field observations to belong to aecia found on CoUomia. Sowings were made April 29 on Collomia linearis, Stcironcma ciliatum and S. lanccolatum. In- fection resulted only on CoUomia, showing a great abundance of pycnia May 8, and aecia May 12. This culture adds one more host experimentally proven to be- long to this species, although it had been associated with the spe- 29 For previous cultures see Jour. Myc. 14: 12. 1908; Mycol. 2: 1910 ; 4 ; 22. 1912. 220. 78 Mycologia cies and with this particular race from morphological and field studies.®® 11. Gymnosporangium Nelsoni Arth. (G. durum Kern). — Galls of this rust a half inch in diameter from Juniperus scopu- lorimt, gathered by Mr. Bethel at Cimarron, Colo., were used for sowing May 25 on Amelanchicr canadensis and Crataegus punc- tatus. Infection occurred only on Amelanchier, showing abundant pycnia June 4, but giving only a few aecia, first noticed July 17.®^ 12. Gymnosporangium Betpieli Kern. — A collection of galls on small branches of Juniperus scopulorum, made by Mr. Bethel at Plainview, Colo., were used to sow, June 4, on Crataegus Pringlei, giving rise to pycnia June 14, and aecia July 17.®® 13. Gymnosporangium gracilens (Peck) Kern & Bethel. — A collection on Juniperus utahensis, made by Mr. Bethel at Glen- wood Springs, Colo., was used for sowing on Philadelphus coro- narius, giving an abundance of pycnia May 31, and aecia June 14. Another sowing was made at the same time on a horticultural form closely related to P. coronarius, imported from France, P. Keteleerii, which resulted in a luxuriant growth of pycnia May 30, and aecia June 22. These results confirm previous work.®® Cultures of 1913 14. Puccinia albiperidia Arth. — A collection made by Mr. L. S. Orton at Walden, Vt., on a narrow-leaved Carex, and com- municated by Mr. C. R. Orton, was used to sow. May 29, on Ribes Cynosbati, giving abundant infection with pycnia showing June 6, and aecia June 20. The rust was labelled by Mr. Orton P. uniporula^ and our examination confirms this view, many ure- diniospores having been seen with one basal pore and none with equatorial pores. This does not, however, preclude the possibility of the infection coming from the three-pored form, which may be intermixed with the other, and the species is listed accordingly 31 See North American Flora 7; 231. 1912. For previous cultures see Mycol. 4: 2Q. 1912; also Fraser in Myeol. 4: 186. 1912. 31 For previous eultures see Mycol. 4: 61. 1912. 32 For previous cultures see Jour. Myc. 14: 23. 1908; Mycol. i: 240. 1909; 2; 230. 1910; 4: 2$. 1912. 33 For previous cultures see Mycol. 4; 63. 1912. Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 79 as in the similar culture work of 1912, discussed above under number i. 15. PucciNiA vuLPiNoiDis D. & H. — A Collection of this rust on Carex vulpinoidea (host determined by Dr. Theo. Holm) made by IMr. Overholts at Elkton, Ohio, was used to sow April 17 on Aster paniciilatus, A. Drummondii, SoUdago canadensis, S. gla- berrima {S. missouriensis of most manuals), 5. Rugosa, and S'. mollis. There was no infection of Asters, but a most abundant infection of the four species of SoUdago, pycnia showing in each case April 27, and aecia May 7. Puccinia vulpinoidis.has been considered a distinctive and easily recognized species on account of the covered telial sori. A care- ful morphological study, chiefly by Dr. F. D. Kern, had shown however, that aside from this character the spore structure and range of hosts agree with P. Caricis-Solidaginis, or as we now say, P. extensicola, and to this morphological study was due the sug- gestion which led to the above successful cultures. The per- manently covered telial sorus must be considered in the light of this study to be associated with the structural peculiarities of the host, and not a character to be used without qualification. 16. Gym NOSPORANGIUM CLAVARiAEFORME (Jacq.) DC. — Mate- rial on Juniperus sibirica, sent by Mr. Bethel from Tolland, Colo., was sown May 21 on Crataegus cerronus and gave rise to abun- dant pycnia June i, but no aecia matured.®* 17. Peridermium fusiforme Arth. & Kern. — Through the kindness of Dr. F. A. Wolf of Auburn, Ala., typical material of this striking rust was received, gathered from a grove of Pinus taeda, which Dr. Kern and myself had visited in April, 1912, and in which this form of Peridermium is very abundant. The first collection, sent March 22, 1913, was from a main stem an inch in diameter, the fusiform gall being one and a half inches in diameter at the middle, and six inches long. It was sown March 24 on two plants of Quercus rubra. Uredinia began to appear sparingly on one plant by April 3, but failed to appear on the other, although telia developed on both plants April 14, in ample and perfect development. 3* For previous cultures see Jour. Myc. 14: 19. 1908; Mycol. i: 239. 1909; 4; 24. 1912; and 4; 56. 1912. 80 Mycologia The second consignment was received April 5, 1913, consisting of a much larger gall, three inches in diameter by six inches long, but less typical in appearance. This material was sown April 6 on Querciis rubra and Q. Phcllos. On the former, uredinia began to appear April 14, and on the latter April 18, followed by telia in both cases April 28. This result shows without question that the form known under the name of Peridermhini fiisiforme is identical specifically with P. Cerebrum, both being the aecial stage of Cronartium Quercus. This cultural result is briefly referred to by Dr. Kern in IMycologia 6: 1 12, 135. 1914. The non-appearance of the repeating stage in one case is an interesting phenomenon apparently connected with some condition of the host. 18. Peridermium carneum (Bose) Seym. & Earle. — Leaves of Pinus taeda bearing this rust were gathered by Prof. P. H. Rolfs, at Gainesville, Fla., February 12, 1913, and two days later were used by use to make a sowing on V ernonia fasciculata. Ure- dinia began to appear in abundance on March 3. Another col- lection of the rust was gathered by Mr. H. E. Stevens from Pinus palustris in the vicinity of Gainesville, Fla., on March i. This material was from small plants in the open, over which leaves of Ipomoea pandurata well covered with Coleosporium Ipo- moeae had been placed the previous fall. The field condition ap- peared to warrant the inference that the pine aecia were derived from the Ipomoea telia. A sowing of the material was made March 10 on Vernonia fasciculata, but no plants of Ipomoea were available for a culture. Uredinia appeared on the Vernonia in abundance on March 29, and in the typical form of Coleosporium Vernoniae. This result does not preclude the possibility that Coleosporium Ipomoeae is a form of C. Vernoniae, but judging from the micro- scopic appearance of the urediniospores, that species is more likely to be a form of C. Solidaginis than of C. Vernoniae. Cultures in 1914 19. PucciNiA EXTENSicoLA Plowr. — A collection of the form known as P. vulpinoidis, collected by Mr. Travelbee and the writer Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 81 on Carex vulpinoidea, at Leland, Mich., Aug. 26, 1913, was used to sow April 2, on Solidago canadensis and Aster paniculatns. Abundant infection occurred on the Solidago, pycnia showing April II, and aecia April 20, but the Aster remained free. The collectors found in many instances old aecia on S. canadensis in the field, intermixed with rusted Carex vulpinoidea. The infer- ence from field observation, and also the cultural work of last year as recorded above under number 15, is confirmed by the culture. A collection of P. Dulichii Syd., on Dulichium arundinaceum, gathered Jan. 17, 1914, at Gainesville, Fla., by Mr. H. E. Stevens, was accompanied by young aecia on a species of Aster. This association suggested that they might be genetically connected. A sowing from the Dulichium material was made, Jan. 22, on Aster Drummondii, A. paniculatus, and on an undetermined Aster, which had been obtained from a field near New Orleans, La., also on Solidago canadensis and Senecio obovatus. Another sow- ing from the same material was made, Jan. 31, on the same three species of Aster, and on A. Tzueedyi. The only infection was a sparing production of pycnia on Solidago canadensis, showing Feb. 3, which did not continue into aecia. As soon as this result was noticed, another sowing from the same material was made, Feb. 4, on Solidago canadensis, which resulted in an abundant in- fection, showing pycnia Feb. 16, and aecia Feb. 25. From this result, together with a careful microscopic study of herbarium ma- terial, it is inferred that P. Didichii is a part of the common P. extensicola, although the telial host is not a Carex. It is the first time that any Carex rust has been traced to a telial host outside of the genus Carex. 20. PucciNiA TOSTA Arth. — A collection was made by Dr. Fromme and the writer at Mesilla Park, N. Mex., on what was thought at the time to be Muhlenbergia Porteri, but which later proved to be the very similar appearing Sporobolus asperifolius. Thinking that it was P. Muhlenbergiae, known to have its aecia on malvaceous hosts, it was sown, March 20, on Callirhoe invol- ucrata, C. digitata, and Sphaeralcea incana. Infection was ob- tained only on the last host, pycnia showing March 27, and aecia April 3, both in great profusion. Another sowing was at once 82 Mycologia made of the same material on S> lobata, C. digit ata, Hibiscus mUitaris, and Malvastrmn coccineum, with infection only on the Sphaeralcea, pycnia showing April 6, but the aecia being destroyed by aphis before maturing. Another collection of identical appearance was made five days later than the one above, at Ysleta, Texas, a few miles from El Paso. This was sown, March 28, on two plants of 5". lobata, on C. digitata, and H. militaris. Both plants of Sphaeralcea gave in- fection, showing pycnia April 6, but resulting in few aecia, owing to accident. Another sowing from the same collection was made, May 2, on Napaea dioica, without infection. Putting the above cultural results from P. tosta, with the gross appearance and subsequent microscopic study, and comparing with similar data from P. Muhlenbergiae, there appears to be no ground upon which to keep the two forms separate. The fact that the telial hosts belong to two genera of grasses is not in this case a difference of importance, as Sporobolus and Muhlenbergia in- tergrade, and are kept separate upon technical grounds. The previous cultural studies®® of P. Muhlenbergiae have indicated that the species is a complex of races. It has been grown on Hibiscus militaris and Callirhoe involucrata, but the similar aecia on Napaea, Malvastrum, and Sidalcea have not yet been grown, although attempted, the failure believed to be due to a lack of the proper racial telia. The above is the first successful culture with material on Sporobolus, although previous attempts®® have been made. Hereafter it will be considered advisable to treat P. tosta as a synonym of P. Muhlenbergiae. 21. Puccini A Agropyri E. & E. — A collection of this rust on Elymus virginicus was made by Dr. Fromme and the writer on Feb. 13, 1914, at Austin, Texas, and at the same time the observa- tion was made that Clematis Drummondii, not then in leaf, was in the same spot, and abundant in the vicinity. Dormant roots of this wild Clematis were secured, and later grown for the culture work. 35 See Jour. Myc. 11; 51. 1905; 13: 192. 1907; Mycol. i: 251. 1909; 2: 226. 1910; and 4 : 18. 1912. 3® See Jour. Myc. 10: 10. 1904; 12: 12. 1906; Mycol. 4: 10 and 52. 1912. Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 83 A sowing of telia was made April i on Clematis Drummondii, C. Douglasii, C. virginiana, Aqtiilegia flavescens, A. canadensis, Thalictrnm Fcndleri, and T. dioicum. Abundant infection oc- curred on the first named host, but on no others, pycnia appear- ing April 5, and aecia April i8. The results are in accord with the cultures of 1912, reported above under number 6, but indicate another race not met with before. 22. Uromyces perigynius Halst. — A collection of this species on Carex tribidoides made at French Lick, Ind., by Mr. Ludwig and the writer, was sown April i on Aster panictdatus, A. Drum- mondii, A. Tweedyi, Solidago canadensis, S. rugosa, and Euthamia graminifolia. Infection was secured only on Aster Tweedyi, and then so sparingly that it was overlooked until April 8, when the aecia were observed. Cultures for 1912 are reported above under number 8. This species of rust from other Carex hosts has previously been been grown” on two other species of Aster, and five species of Solidago. 23. Uromyces Scirpi (Cast.) Burr. — Material on Scirpus fluv- iatilis, sent by Mr. E. T. Bartholomew from Madison, Wis., was sown April 22 on Sium cicutaefolium, giving rise to a few pycnia May 5, but without further development. Another similar sow- ing April 24 gave rise to an abundance of pycnia May 5, and aecia May ii. The former cultures®® with American material have been on Cicuta macidata. 24. Gymnosporangium nidus-avis Thax. — Telial material on Juniperus virginiana, gathered by Dr. Fromme at Woods Hole, Mass., was sown May ii on Amelanchier vulgaris, giving rise to pycnia May 19, and a great abundance of aecia June 20.®® 25. Gymnosporangium Botryapites (Schw.) Kern. — Telial material on Chamaecyparis thyoides sent by Dr. Fromme from Lakehurst, N. J., was sown May 6 on the leaves of Amelanchier canadensis and Aronia arbutifolia, with no infection on Aronia, 31 Jour. Myc. 10; 15. 1904; and Mycol. 4: 32. 1912. 38 Jour. Myc. 13: 199. 1907; 14: 17. 1908; and Mycol. 1: 237. 1909. 39 For previous cultures see Jour. Myc. 14: 19. 1908; Mycol. 2: 230. 1910; 4: 25 and 56. 1912. 84 Mycologja but very abundant infection on Amelanchier, giving pycnia May i8, and aecia October i. Another collection on the same host was sent by Dr. Fromme four days later from Woods Hole, Mass., and sown May ii on leaves of Amelanchier canadensis, giving pycnia June 5, and aecia October 27. The results are in accord with previous cultures.^® 26. CoLEOSPORiUM Vernoniae B. & C. — A collection of Peri- dermium carnemn on Finns taeda, gathered at East Lake, Fla., by ]\Ir. H. E. Stevens, was sown April 13 on Aster panicidatus, Solidago canadensis, Euthamia graminifolia, Laciniaria punctata, L. Langloisii (the plant obtained from Texas), and Vernonia fasciculata. A sparing infection was obtained on the Vernonia only, uredinia being first noticed May 8. A similar collection sent by the same collector from Gainesville, Fla., was sown May 8 on Solidago canadensis, Laciniaria Lang- loisii, Elephantopus carolinianus, Amsonia salicifolia, and Ver- nonia fasciculata. Although all the hosts used were possible hosts for such a Periderminm, yet infection only occurred on the Ver- nonia, showing uredinia May 25 in abundance. Uredinia from the last culture was sown May 17 on another plant of Vernonia fasciculata, with abundant infection, showing uredinia May 26. Another sowing from the same source was made IMay 28 on Aster paniculatus and Laciniaria Langloisii, with no infection. The results are in accord with previous cultures,^’^ and add but little to our knowledge of the numerous .southern species of Coleosporium. Successful cultures reported now for the first time: The following species have never before been cultivated, in Amer- ica or elsewhere, so far as the writer knows. Some of those in- cluded in the above list, such as Puccinia vulpinoidis, P. Dulichii, P. tosta, and Periderminm fusiforme, might with some propriety have been placed here, as not till after the cultures were made was their true status as species known. <0 Mycol. i: 240. 1909. <1 Mycol. 4: 29 and 57. 1912. Arthur ; Cultures of Uredineae 85 Cultures in 1913 1. Uromyces elegans (B. & C.) Lagerh. — This autoecious rust, very common in the Southern States, is one of the group of species which produce no uredinia, so far as known, very few of which have been cultivated. Growing plants of Trifolium car- olinianum bearing aecia were sent by Dr. F. A. Wolf from Auburn, Ala., and the aeciospores sown March 29 on plants free from the fungus. Teliospores began to appear about April 18 as the result. This result does not disclose whether the species possesses both primary and secondary aecia, or whether pycnia ever occur. A culture with teliospores should be kept in view. Cultures in 1914 2. PucciNiA NODOSA Ell. & Hark. — While upon a visit to the Desert Botanical Laboratory at Tucson, Ariz., an exceptional op- portunity was offered to study the life history of another autoe- cious species of rust, which like the one last mentioned, possesses no uredinia. A strong plant of Brodiaca pauciflora, growing near the door of the laboratory was moistened on February 26, sprinkled with aeciospores brought from some distance, and covered with a helljar. The temperature at the time was favorable for infection, the helljar being shielded from the direct rays of the sun. The experiment was left in charge of Dr. W. A. Cannon of the Labo- ratory staff, who kindly forwarded the leaves on March 18, when the sori first opened, (ffily telia were produced. As in the preceding case the possibility of both primary and secondary aecia occurring in the life cycle is not touched upon. 3. PucciNiA SPLENDENS Vize. — Through the courtesy of the Desert Botanical Laboratory, Dr. Fromme and the writer were enabled to make an excursion on February 28 to the Santa Rita Mountains in the vicinity of Tucson, Ariz., where we secured teliosporic specimens of P. splcndens on Hymenoclea nionogyra. Through the kindness of Prof. J. J. Thornber of the University of Arizona we received after our return to Indiana a number of thrifty young plants of this host, which soon started into leaf in the green house. A sowing of teliospores was made April 7, 86 Mycologia and another April 15, with no result. A third sowing on April 25 was better done, and gave rise to pycnia on the leaves May 6, and aecia May 20. Aeciospores from this culture were sown May 26, which re- sulted in the production of uredinia June 15, not numerous but well formed. Uredinia continued to be produced until they were finally followed sparingly by telia July 10. In every sowing an abundance of spores was used, which were applied to both leaves and stems. Tests of the spores showed unusually strong germination. Why the infection was so spar- ing and only on the leaves, while in the field the rust is chiefly on the stems, was not apparent. The cultures supply a knowledge of the pycnia and uredinia, neither of which were before known. 4. PucciNiA MiNUTissiMA Arth. — Viable material of this spe- cies on Carex filifonnis was secured at much labor especially for this work by Mr< J. Dearness of London, Ontario, from the southeastern shore of Lake Huron. A collection made in De- cember, 1911, was sown the following spring on seven hosts of as many genera without infection. Another collection of May, 1912^ was similarly tested, and even more thoroughly, without success. A collection made in November, 1913, was sown April 18, 1914, on Decodon verticillatus, with an abundant infection, showing pycnia April 27, and aecia May 7. The first suggestion for this connection was made by Prof. James B. Pollock of the University of Michigan, who wrote on August 3, 1909, as follows : “ I found a rust on a patch of Carex filiformis, forming a half circle with a radius of about two rods around a specimen of Decodon verticillatus, some of whose leaves had an Aecidinni on them. I send herewith specimens of both. No other Aecidium was found near the rusted sedge. The whole situation seems to me to indicate very closely the Decodon plant as a center of infection for the Carex rust.” The aecial stage of this rust is Aecidium Nesaeae Ger., but Puccinia Nesaeae Ellis & Ev. does not belong here, having been founded on a telial collection with the host erroneously deter- mined. The error was detected by Prof. E. W. D. Holway. 5. Gymnosporangium Ellisii (Berk.) Earl. — Material on Chamaecy Paris thyoides was sent by Dr. Eromme from Lakehurst Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 87 N. J., and sown May 6 on Myrica cerifera, giving rise to pycnia May 15, and aecia June 6. This most interesting result was in accord with field observations made by Dr. Fromme, who has recorded the steps which led to the inference of relationship, and has also discussed the results, in a paper^^ anticipating this report. The aecia of this species are of the aecidioid form, and not roes- telioid, as in the majority of the species of the genus. Moreover, the host belongs to a family more divergent from the Malaceae, which bears most of the Gymnosporangial aecia, than heretofore supposed to be possible. The telial stage was once made the basis of a separate genus, Hamaspora, on account of the slender, more than two-celled teliospores. Completing a knowledge of the life history of a species with so many outlying characters is an espe- cially notable achievement. Summary The following is a complete list of the successful cultures made during the years 1912, 1913, and 1914. It is divided into two series, species that have previously been grown in cultures and reported by the writer or other investigators, and species whose culture is now reported for the first time. A. Species Previously Reported 1, (8) and 14. Puccinia Grossul.\riae (Schum.) Lagerh. (P. albiperidia Arth., P. qiiadriporula Arth.) — Teliospores from Carex arctata Boott, C. crinita Lam., C. pubescens Muhl., and'C. tennis Rudge, sown on Ribes Cynosbati L. 2, 15 and 19. Puccinia extensicola Plowr. (P. Caricis- Asteris Arth., P. Caricis-Solidaginis Arth., P. vulpinoidis D. & H., P . Dulichii Syd.). — Teliospores from Carex retrorsa Schw., sown on Aster paniculatus Lam. ; from Carex scoparia Schk., sown on A. paniculatus Lam. and Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt.; from Carex vulpinoidea Michx., sown on Solidago canadensis L., S. glaberrima Martens, S. rugosa Mill, and S. mollis Barth. ; from Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britt., sown on Solidago cana- densis L. <2 Fromme, D. A. A new Gymnosporangial connection. Mycol. 6 : 226— 230. 1914. 88 Mycologia 3. PucciNiA ANGUSTATA Peek. — Teliospores from Scirpus atro- virens Muhl., sown on Lycopns americanus Muhl. 4. PucciNiA Ellisiana Thiim. — Teliospores from Andropogon sp., sown on Viola ciicuUata Ait. and V. Nuttallii Pursh. 5. PucciNiA Stipae Arth. — Teliospores from Stipa comata Trill. & Rupr., sown on Giitierresia Sarothrae (Pursh) B. & R., and Senecio spartioides T. & G. 6 and 21. Puccinia Agropyri E. & E. — Teliospores from Ely- mus canadensis L., sown on Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt., and Anemone cylindrica A. Gray ; from Elymiis virginiciis L., sown on Clematis Drummondii T. & G. ; and from Agropyron Smithii Rydb., sown on Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt. 7. Puccinia monoica (Peck) Arth.- — Teliospores from Trise- tnm subspicatiini (L.) Beauv., sown on Arabis sp., and aeciospores from Arabis sp., sown on Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. 20. Puccinia Muiilenhergiae A. & H. ( P. tosta Arth.). — Teliospores from Sporobolus asperifolius (Nees & Meyen) Thurb. sown on Spaeralcea incana Torr. and 5. lobata Wooton. 8 and 22. Uromyces perigynius Halst. — Teliospores from Carex intumescens Rudge, sown on Aster paniculatus Lam., and Solidago canadensis L. ; from Carex tribuloides Wahl., sown on Aster Tzeeedyi Rydb. 9. Uromyces Junci (Desm.) Tub — Teliospores from Juncus balticus Wind., sown on Ambrosia psilostachya DC., A. trifida L., and Cardiiiis Flodmanni Rydb. 10. Uromyces acumin.\tus Arth. — Teliospores on Spartina Michauxiana A. S. Hitch., sown on Collomia linearis Nutt. 23. Uromyces Scirpi (Cast.) Burr. — Teliospores from Scirpus fluz’iatilis (Torr.) A. Gray, sown on Sium cicutaefolium Schrank. 11. Gym NOSPORANGIUM NelsO'Ni Arth. {C. durum Kern). — Teliospores from Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., sown on Amelan- chier canadensis (L.) Medic. 12. Gymnosporangium Betiieli Kern. — Teliospores from Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., sown on Crataegus Pringlei Sarg. 13. Gymnosporangium gracilens (Peck) Kern & Bethel. — Teliospores from Juniperus utahensis (Engelm.) Lemmon, sown on Philadelphus coronarius L. and P. Keteleerii Carr. 16. Gy.m nosporangium clavariaeforme (Jacq.) DC. — Telio- Arthur: Cultures of Uredineae 89 spores from Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., sown on Crataegus cer- ronus A. Nels. 24. Gymnosporangium nidus-avis Thax. — Teliospores from Juniperus virginiana L., sown on Amelanchier vulgaris Moench. 25. Gymnosporangium Botryapites (Schw.) Kern. — Telio- spores from Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B. S. P., sown on Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. 17. Cronartium Quercus (Brond.) Schrot. (Peridermium fusiforme Arth. & Kern). — Aeciospores from Pinus taeda L., sown on Quercus rubra L., and Q. Phellos L. 18 and 26. Coleosporium Vernoniae B. & C. — Aeciospores from Pinus taeda L. and P. palustris Mill., sown on Vernonia fas- ciculata Michx. ; urediniospores irom Vernonia fasciculataM\ch.yi., sown on same host. B. Species Reported Now for the First Time 1. Uromyces elegans (B. & C.) Lagerh. — Aeciospores from Trifolium carolinianum Michx., sown on same host, producing telia. 2. PucciNiA NODOSA Ell. & Hark. — Aeciospores from Brodiaea pauciflora (Torr.) Standley, sown on same host, producing telia. 3. PucciNiA SPLENDENS Vize. — Teliospores from Hymenoclea monogyra T. & G., sown on same host, producing pycnia and aecia; aeciospores sown on same host, producing uredinia and telia. 4. PucciNiA MiNUTissiMA Arth. (Aecidium Nesaeae Ger.) — . Teliospores from Carex filiformis L., sown on Decodon verticil- latus (L.) Ell. 5. Gymnosporangium Ellisii (Berk.) Earl. — Teliospores on Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P., sown on Myrica cerifera L. Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. PHOTOGRAPHS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF CUP-FUNGI— I. PEZIZA Fred J. Seaver (With Plates 155 and 156, Containing 4 Figures) Although the type of the genus Pesiza is in doubt, the name stands in current usage as it doubtless should continue to do, for the large fleshy cup-fungi. Notwithstanding the number of seg- regates which have been made on one character or another, the genus is still represented by a fairly large number of species. Many of the species of the genus cannot be satisfactorily studied from dried specimens alone, since the more conspicuous characters, such as color, form, etc., are entirely lost in this con- dition. In a number of species, the spores furnish valuable diagnostic characters, but in other cases we must rely entirely on gross character. For this reason, the species of the genus should be accompanied by complete field notes, or as is still better, by colored sketches or photographs or both. The reproduction of the plants of this group by photographs while inferior in many ways to reproduction by color, is less ex- pensive and shows many fine details which are lost even in the best colored illustrations. For these reasons, it is the intention to bring out from time to time illustrations of the common species of Peziza and other cup-fungi in such a way as to aid in deter- mining the identity of these plants as they are collected in the field. The following illustrations represent four of the common species of Peziza, the photographs having been made from local specimens collected by the writer in the vicinity of New York City. Pkziza badia Pers. Obs. i\Iyc. 2 : 78. 1799 f Peziza cochleata L. Sp. PI. ii8i. 1753. fHelvclla cochleata Bolton, Fungi Halifax 3 : 99 (in part). 1789. Plicaria badia Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 327. 1869. Aleuria badia Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 43. 1879. 00 Seaver: Descriptions of Cup-Fungi 91 Apothecia scattered, gregarious or more commonly cespitose, sessile, at first globose, expanding and becoming deep cup-shaped, regular in form, or infolded and cochleate or auricular, occa- sionally one-sided and rarely Otidea-Wkt, externally varying from tan-colored when young to dark-brown with age, whitish near the base, pustulate, the pustules often reddish or purplish, becoming dark with age, reaching a diameter of lo cm. ; hymenium dark- brown ; asci tapering below and often forked at the base, cylindric above; spores i-seriate, usually oblique and often irregularly crowded, ellipsoid, with the ends quite strongly narrowed, becom- ing verrucose, hyaline or very faintly colored, 17-23 X 8-10 jn; paraphyses rather strongly enlarged above, yellowish. On the ground in deciduous woods. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Oregon, California and Alabama; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 28^; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 14, f. 2, pi. 75, /. i; Cooke, IMycographia pi. 57, /. 226; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 42. Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 981. Peziza cochleata of Linnaeus is a species of doubtful identity. Persoon in 1801 described Peziza badia and cited as a synonym Helvella cochleata Bolton. Bolton apparently included in his description two species, one of which is commonly taken to be identical with Peziza badia as at present known. Bolton’s Hel- vella cochleata represents his conception of Peziza cochleata. Some modern authors are inclined to regard Peziza cochleata L. as an Otidea. In the absence of any definite information, the writer is inclined to adhere to the early conceptions of Bolton and Persoon and regard Peziza cochleata L. as at least a doubtful synonym of the present species. Peziza vesiculosa Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 457. 1789 fHelvella cochleata Bolton, Fungi Halifax 3 : 99 (in part). 1789. Pustularia vesiculosa Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 329. 1869. Aleuria vesiculosa Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 45. 1879. Apothecia gregarious or more often densely cespitose, at first closed and globose, gradually expanding and becoming deep cup- shaped, regular in form or irregularly contorted, sessile or with 92 Mycologia very stout stem-like base, externally whitish or yellowish, pustu- late from the presence of minute warts, reaching a diameter of 7-8 cm. ; hymenium pale-brown, darker than the exterior of the apothecium; asci cylindric or subcylindric ; spores obliquely i- seriate, ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, 20-23 X lo-ii n; paraphyses enlarged above, granular within, subhyaline. On manure piles and rich soil. Type locality: France. Distribution : New York to Washington, California and Ala- bama; probably throughout North America; also in Europe. Illustrations: Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 457; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 257; Cooke, Mycographia pi. dj, f. 242; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 44; Rabenh. Krypt. FI. iH 992, /. 1-4; Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa 6: pi. 16, f. i; Sowerby, Engl. Fungi pi. ^4; Massee, Brit. Fungus FI. 4: 290, f. 22. Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1270. Peziza pustulata (Hedw.) Pers. Syn. Fung. 646. 1801 Octospora pustulata Hedw. Muse. Frond. 2: 19. 1787- Plicaria pustulata Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 327. 1869. Peziza assimilata Karst. Not. Fauna FI. Fenn. 10: 113. 1869. Aleuria pustulata Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. 45. 1879. Peziza umbrina Boud. ; Cooke, Mycographia 226 (in part). 1879. Apothecia gregarious, scattered or cespitose, at first closed and globose, gradually expanding, reaching a diameter of 3-5 cm., regular or much contorted, externally whitish and densely pustu- late, the pustules giving rise to bran-like particles as the plant matures, margin usually crenate; hymenium pale- to dark-brown; asci cylindric above, reaching a length of 275 ft and a diameter of 12-14 /^; spores i-seriate, ellipsoid, becoming minutely rough- ened, hyaline to faintly yellowish, 15-17 X 10 ft; paraphyses strongly enlarged and reaching a diameter of 7-8 ft. On charcoal and burned areas. Type locality: Europe. Distribution: New York to Wisconsin; also in Europe. Illustrations: Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 27^; Cooke, Mycographia pi. 106, f. ^78; Grevillea 2 : pi. 24, f. 2; Hedw. Muse. Frond. 2 : pi. 6, f. 1-4; Gill. Champ. Fr. Discom. pi. 47, f. 2. Mycolo(;ia Plate CLV PEZIZA \’ESIClTLOSA Bull. PEZIZA BADIA Pers. Mycologia Plate CL VI PEZIZA PUSTULATA (Hedw.) Pers. PEZIZA SYLVESTRIS (Boud.) Seaver 4 Seaver: Descriptions of Cup-Fungi 93 Peziza sylvestris (Boud.) Aleuria sylvestris Boud. Hist. Class. Discom. Eu. 45. 1907. Apothecia gregarious, sessile, deep cup-shaped to subdiscoid, externally whitish, nearly smooth or pustulate, the margin even or slightly wavy and crenate, reaching a diameter of 3-8 cm. ; hy- menium umber-brown; asci cylindric above, gradually tapering below, reaching a length of 300-325 /i and a diameter of 13-15 fi; spores i-seriate, with the ends slightly overlapping, hyaline, smooth, 17-20X9-10 fi; paraphyses strongly enlarged above,- reaching a diameter of 7-8 /a at their apices. On rubbish piles and soil in woods. Type locality; Europe. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. Illustrations; Boud. Ic. Myc. pi. 261. The species listed under this name is common about New York City. While agreeing with Boudier’s description and illus- trations, it is not unlikely that the species has been previously described. From our own observations, the species seems quite variable both in size and appearance, the apothecia being some- times nearly plane and occasionally strongly warted and then resembling Peziza bufonia Pers. The species differs from Peziza pustulata in the habitat and in the spores, those of the former being strongly roughened and those of the present species perma- nently smooth. The size and color of the two species is almost identical. New York Botanical Garden. Explanation of Plates Plate CLV Upper figure, hesisa vesiculosa Bull. Lower figure, Pesiea badia Pers. Plate CLVI Upper figure, Pesisa pustulata (Hcdw.) Pers. Lower figure, Pezisa sylvestris (Boud.) 3eaver. THE STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SECOTIUM AGARICOIDES Henry S. Conard (With Plate 157 and i Text Figure) This curious fungus was first found in Ukrain by Czerniaiev in 1845. Specimens from America described by Peck (1882) as 6’. Warnei were examined by Hollos (1903) and pronounced spe- cifically identical with the European plants. This conclusion seems fully justified so far as can be judged by the excellent col- ored plate and full description given by Czerniaiev. It is there- fore a plant of very wide distribution. Hollos records it from Ohio to Wisconsin and Kansas in North America, as well as from Europe, Asia, Africa (Algeria), New Zealand, and Australia (Banks Peninsula). Secotium agaricoides resembles a puffball in general appearance, being from 4 to 6 or 8 cm. in diameter; but it stands on a short stalk, and the stalk continues through the body of the fungus as a columella. The interior is filled with branched and much folded lamellae instead of a capillitium. Sometimes the body does not dehisce at all ; in other cases, it splits lengthwise or the peridium separates slightly from the stalk after the manner of an agaric. The spores are olive-brown in color when seen in mass. They are ovoid in shape and measure 7 X 5 m- They have smooth, thick, impervious walls, with one apical germ pore. They are borne in fours on rather long sterigmata, upon clavate basidia, which at maturity are about 22 X 6 m- The spore often carries with it a part of the sterigma as an appendage. The present study attempts to throw some light on the nature of this curious plant from the standpoint of development. My material consisted of about 100 mature plants and 6 small young ones. One 13 mm. and one 15 mm. in diameter were col- lected in 1911. The others, 10 mm. tall and 8 mm. in diameter, 10 mm. tall and 9 mm. in diameter, 4 mm. tall and 3.8 mm. in 94 Conard: Secotium Agaricoides 95 diameter, and 4 mm. tall and 3.5 mm. in diameter, were collected in 1912. All were cut open, fixed in chromo-acetic acid, sectioned in paraffin 3^, 6f, or 10 microns thick, and stained with various stains. The best results were obtained with Haidenhain’s iron- alum-haematoxylin. The mature specimens were dry when col- lected and were stored in boxes. Development. — The youngest specimens are nearly globular, white, and smooth. Then comes a “ button ” stage, with the upper portion slightly larger than the stalk and the surface still smooth. Later, the fertile portion increases greatly in height and diameter, leaving the free stalk as a mere basal projection. The superficial brown scales of the peridium appear only when near full maturity. The spores are fully mature while the trama, perid- ium, and stalk are still fleshy. The old specimens, at least in our climate, dry up and do not putrify. The Peridium. — Sections of the 3.5 mm. specimen show an in- definite outer layer of loosely woven hyphae surrounding a dense mass of closely packed threads (PI. 157, fig. i). Within this glob- ular body and near its summit a ring of deeply-staining tissue is already found. This is the fundament of the hymenophore. In older specimens, the hymenophore hyphae take a distinctly radial and longitudinal direction and form a thick and well-marked zone. Between this layer and the outer webby portion, the hyphae are less crowded and take a paler stain. Their course is predomin- antly longitudinal (radial). This layer is continuous below with the substance of the stalk. At this stage (9 mm. in diameter), the outer webby layer is more prominent and continues down upon the stalk of the “ button.” Soon after this, however, the layer completely disappears. The mature peridium shows only a broad layer of longitudinal hyphae, with a thin superficial layer of crushed and withered threads. The outermost loose layer of the young plant (PI. 157, fig. 5, 6) agrees in structure and position with the universal veil or blema- togen of the evolvate agarics {Agaricus, Atkinson 1906, 1914a; Armillaria, Atkinson 1914b; and Stropharia, Zeller 1914). The second layer forms the bulk of the tissue of the peridium. The mature peridium is fleshy to leathery in texture. It is about 2 mm. thick on the sides of the body, thinning below to nothing 96 Mycologia when it breaks away from the stalk, and thickening above to its union with the columella. The scales on its surface are not sepa- rate from it, but when caught with forceps and peeled off, the tissue tears deeper and deeper into the peridium. The summit of the columella is continuous with the peridium and of similar structure. In our 9 mm. specimen, there is a layer of open-meshed “ neu- tral tissue” just within the gleba, surrounding the lower part of the columella. This layer is broadest where the peridium joins the stalk. It probably represents the layer of stem tissue which in Agaricus campestris is torn off with the annulus in the expansion of the cap. It appears only in this one specimen. In the 13 mm. specimen, the pileus or peridium joins the stipe by a broad conflu- ence of tissues, representing the undifferentiated partial veil. At the line of junction, the hyphae appear greatly tangled, for the hyphae of the stipe run approximately longitudinally and are con- tinuous with those of the columella, and the prevailing direction in the peridium is meridional. It is doubtless along this tangled region that marginal dehiscence occurs. The Hymenophore. — The hymenophore appears in the 3 mm. specimen as a horizontal ring of deeply-staining tissue within the globular fungous body and near its summit (PI. 157, fig. i). The hyphae composing this ring are rich in protoplasm and very densely tangled together. They do not appear to follow any one direction more than another. Their ends are simply rounded. In the 3.8 mm. specimen (PI. 157, fig. 2), this dense ring of hyphae has organized a distinct palisade of round-tipped threads. A median longitudinal section of the carpophore shows this al- ready in two deeply stained lunate areas, concave downward. The tissue beneath these patches is very loose and open, with an occa- sional lacuna (fig. 4). No sign of gills yet appears in tangential sections (fig. 3). Already, however, the palisade hyphae are swollen at the ends to form basidia and under these basidia the first formation of the gill chamber takesplaceby a tearing away of the underlying hyphae. The palisade is evidently spreading both centripetally and centrifugally. The centripetal advance en- croaches on the stipe for a short time and then ceases. This causes the decurrence of the lamellae, mentioned later. The cen- trifugal spreading is much more rapid and continues as the “mar- Conard: Secotium Agaricoides 97 ginal growth of the pileus ” until the mature size of the carpophore is reached. The boundary of the pileus is first evident in the upper part of the 3.8 mm. specimen. Thus, the hymenophore distinctly precedes the pileus and the gill chamber in differentia- tion. Just how the circle of palisade gives rise to the gill system, my material does not show. My next stage (9 mm., fig. 5, 6) has a ring of well-formed gills extending from the cap toward the columella. The gills are much branched and anastomosing. They run primarily in a radial direction. Near the apex of the body, the gills are united with the columella, or in other words are de- current (fig. 6, a). An older specimen shows the tramal tissue apparently continuous with the columella in many places. This is doubtless the result of a secondary mingling of hyphae, for in mature specimens the gleba is everywhere adherent to the colum- ella, while in the 10 mm. specimen there is a distinct air cavity be- tween the gills and the columella. Growth of the gills is chiefly marginal, though apparently folds may originate and develop at any place. The extension of the gill system as a whole takes place in the. region where the peridium joins the stem; corresponding to the marginal or centrifugal extension of agarics (fig. 6, b). In this region, the hyphae are narrow, protoplasmic, densely crowded, nearly parallel, and curved downward and inward. They have simple rounded ends. As general growth of the fertile portion of the carpophore goes on, a loosening of the tissues be- tween this growing zone and the stem occurs and into this loose region the hymenophore hyphae constantly penetrate. Quickly the hyphae branch and form a dense hymenium of long, clavate basidia. The mature gills are much branched and folded. The tramal tissue consists wholly of long, branching, and nearly parallel hyphae, whose ultimate branchlets form the densely crowded basidia. There are no cystidia or other aberrant cells. From a fairly dense web in growing stages, the trama becomes looser toward maturity and finally becomes dry and fragile. From the above account, it is clear that the carpophore of Secotium agari- coides presents in its origin and development an exact counter- part of that of Agaricus (Atkinson 1906, 1914a). There is at 98 Mycologia first a universal veil like that of several evolvate agarics (Agaricus, Annillaria, and Stropharia) . There is an ill-diflferentiated partial veil. The origin of the hymenophore agrees precisely with that of all recently reported agarics, except Hypholoma (Allen 1906) and Copriniis (Levine 1914). The marginal growth of the gill system is also familiar in the mushrooms. The columella comes into being exactly as does the stipe of mushrooms. Indeed, we might well speak of stipe and pileus of Secotium, rather than of peridium and columella. The basidia and spores have the shape, size, and arrangement found in agarics. The copious branching of the gills exceeds anything seen in agarics. The failure of the cap and gills to expand, the drying up of the trama into a friable mass of tissues and spores, the olive-brown color of the spores, and the freedom of the spores to “ pufif ” when the exposed mass is touched, are all lycoperdinean characters. Histology and Cytology. — The cell structures of Secotium pre- sent nothing novel. In the sections showing the earliest fundament of the hymenophore, there are in the ring of active growth a few hyphae which are twice as stout as the others ; they stain of an even dark color with haematoxylin, without granules of any kind. In the 9 mm. specimen, many hyphae in the stipe, columella, pileus, and trama stain deep-red with safranin. They are of the usual diameter and show no granules. As the stem of this specimen is bored by insect larvae (fig. 6), these may be dead hyphae. They are absent from the region of active growth at the margin of the pileus. The cells of the mycelium vary from 2 to 10 times as long as wide. The end walls usually show the little central mass of stainable material associated by Strasburger with the pores in the partition (fig. i, 5). In several instances, the cells of the tramal hyphae had two distinct nuclei. Metachromatic bodies are nu- merous, especially in the hymenium and regions of active growth. Many paler bodies were seen along the walls of some cells. The rhizomorph connected with the base of the carpophore in my 3.8 mm. specimen is composed of three kinds of hyphae. (i) Most hyphae are very slender (3.5 microns), homogeneous or slightly granular. They form the fundamental tissue of the entire structure (fig. i, ii). (2) Among these are groups or Conard: Secotium Agaricoides 99 strands of larger hyphae (fig. i, ii), and occasionally very large ones (lo microns). These show distinct nuclei, certain globular bodies, and numerous square crystals (fig. i, 13). As the crys- tals stain deeply, they are probably of protein, as found by van Bambeke in Lepiota meleagris. The course of these larger hy- phae is mostly longitudinal, but they are much tangled. They are not found in the carpophore. (3) On the surface of the rhizo- morph, are many slender (2.5 to 3 microns) hyphae with very thick walls (i micron, fig. i, 12) ; in places they form a rather compact layer, but they occasionally extend into the center of the rhizomorph. The walls stain both with haematoxylin and eosin; no contents were observed. The young basidium possesses two nuclei near the middle of the cell (fig. I, 12), usually lying in the longitudinal axis of the cell. These nuclei, like those of the mycelium generally, are small, sharply outlined, with one large nucleolus and little or no other visible substance. Later a single large nucleus of similar struc- ture is found near the distal end of the basidium (fig. i, 6, 8). Although satisfactory fusion stages were not found (fig. i, 3, 4), there is doubtless a fusion of nuclei to form this one large nucleus. Still later, two (fig. i, 7) and then four nuclei are found, clus- tered about the apex of the basidium (fig. 1,8). The mitoses were not observed. The four sterigmata then grow out symmetrically and a spore forms on each (fig. i, 9, 10). The entrance of the nuclei into the spores was not observed, but some of the spores were clearly seen to possess a single nucleus. So far as observed, then, the cytology of Secotium agrees with that of other hymenomycetes. Discussion. — What of the relationships in general? Fischer (1899) in the Pflanzenfamilien admits “about twenty species” of Secotium, including the genera Endoptychum Czern. and Elas- momyces Cav. The gill structures of S. crythrocephaluni Tub and S. Mattirolianiis (Cav.) agree well with those of S. agaricoides (Czern.), but Cavara (1897) describes a large-celled psendoparen- chyma in the stipe and peridium of his species. This tissue occurs in layers alternating with layers of hyphal tissue. The spores, also, of 5". Mattirolianus are rough, roundish, and of two sizes. Cystidia occur in Cavara’s species, as also according to 100 Mycologia Corda (1854) in S. Gtieinzii Kunze. No cysts are described by Corda for S. melanosporum Berk, or 5. coarotatum Berk. If, therefore, Fischer has done well in uniting Endoptychum and Elasmomyces with Secotium, we must recognize two or perhaps three well marked subgenera. The other species of Secotium are not well enough known to admit of discussion. Regarding the other genera united with Secotium by Fischer (1899) iri his Secotiaceae, Polyplocium, as Fischer himself notes, is nearer to Boletinus than it is to Secotium. Gyrophragmium may prove to be near to Secotium, but Fischer regards it as close to Montagnites and Coprinus, to which Secotium is certainly not closely allied. As to MacOzvenites and Cauloglossum, too little is known of them, but they do not seem to resemble Secotium so closely as the latter resembles Agaricus. The Hysterangiaceae and Hymenogastraceae which make up the rest of the Hymenogastrineae of Fischer are each fairly homo- geneous in themselves. They relate quite distinctly to the Clath- raceae, Lycoperdacaeae, and Nidulariaceae. They resemble Seco- tiaceae only in the fact that their spores mature while the hymeno- phore is still fleshy. But this is equally true of Agaricaceae. There remains therefore no real unity in Fischer’s Hymenogas- trineae and that author’s opinion seems strengthened that the Secotiaceae, at least should be dismembered and its genera distrib- uted among the Hymenomycetes. Fischer (1900) and Lotsy (1907) have considered Secotium as a possible point of departure for the Phallaceae. Lotsy refers directly to the little known S’, olbium. The argument is based on the manner of development of the hymenophore. Further, Corda’s figure of S'. Gueinzii (PI. 6, fig. 12) shows trabeculae running through the gleba from the top of the stipe to the perid- ium, after the manner of a young clathroid, but Corda’s section cannot be median, as it shows no columella ; and it throws no light on the origin of the hymenophore. We have seen that in respect to development S. agaric oides is precisely like Agaricus campestris and A. arvensis as described by Atkinson (1906, 1914a'). It is not like Phallus or Mutinus, nor can the stipe and columella of Secotium be likened to the stalk of a pballokl ; for the phal- loid stem probably represents a sterilized gleba, and is therefore Conaiud: Secotium Agaricoides 101 comparable with the sterile base of a Lycoperdon. But the colu- mella of Secotium agaricoides is in its origin, development, and structure strictly agaricinean. There would seem to be no sup- port whatever for relating our plant to the Phallaceae. The likeness of Secotium to a puffball as noted on a previous page, though quite real, is decidedly superficial, and cannot carry much weight. On the whole, S. agaricoides would best be placed near to Agaricus (Psalliota) , either in the Agariceae or Marasmiae of Hennings (1897). It clearly falls within the Agaricaceae of Maire (1902). It is to be regarded as a primitive or arrested agaric, — perhaps a paedogenic form, reaching its reproductive maturity in the “ button ” stage. Summary 1. Secotium agaricoides is a widespread species, occurring in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, Australia, and New Zea- land. 2. In the young carpophore, the fundament of the hymenophore first appears, followed by the demarcation of the margin of the pileus and the appearance of a gill cavity. 3. The development of the “ peridiui]|^ ” is like that of the cap of Agaricus campestris, showing a primitive velum universale and a pileus. No true velum partiale is found, though a layer of “ neutral tissue ” occurs which may represent it. The universal veil disappears during the maturation of the plant. 4. The hymenophore consists of radiating, branched, and anas- tomosing gills decurrent at the top of the columella. 5. The trama and hymenium are simple in structure, without pseudoparenchyma or cystidia. 6. The young basidium has two nuclei, which unite to form one. This latter divides twice to form four nuclei for the four spores. The mycelial cells are binucleate. 7. Secotium agaricoides is nearly related to Agaricus (Psal- liota) , being an arrested or paedogenic form. It is not closely related to the Gasteromycetes or Phalloids. The author is indebted to the Botanical Department of the State 102 Mycologia University of Iowa for a loan of high power lenses, and to the management of the Missouri Botanical Garden for the use of books. These favors are gratefully acknowledged. Grinnell, Iowa. Literature Allen, S. L. 1906. The Development of some species of Hypholoma. Ann. Myc. 4: 387-394- Atkinson, G. F. 1906. The Development of Agaricus campestris. Bot. Gaz. 42 ; 2 1 5-22 1. 1914a. The Development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus. Am. Jour. Bot. I : 3-22. 1914b. The Development of Armillaria mellea. Myc. Centralb. 4: 113- 120. Bambeke, C. van 1901. Le mycelium de Lepiota meleagris. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles. 1902. Sur la presence des crystalloides chez les Autobasidiomycetes. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belg. 227—250. Cavara, F. 1897. Contributo alia conoscenza delle Podaxineae. {Elasmo- myces mattiroUanus nov. gen. et sp.) Malpighia ii : 414-428. Conard, H. S. 1912. Secotmm agaricoides, a stalked puffball. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 19: 107-108. Corda, A. 1854. Ic. Fung. 6: pl. 6. Czerniaiev, B. M. 1845. Nouveau Cryptogames de I’Ukraine et quelques mots sur la flore se ce pays. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou 18: 132-157. pl. 2-4. Fischer, Ed. 1899. Hymenogastrineae in Engler-Prantl Natiirlichen Pflan- zenfamilien ii** : 296—313. 1900. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Entwickelungsgeschichte und Systematik der Phalloideen. Denkschr. d. Schweiz, naturf. Ges. 36 : 73-74 (with an appendix, Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der Gastero- myceten). Hennings, P. 1897, Hymenoniycetineae in Engler-Prantl Natiirlichen Pflan- zenfamilien ii**; 105-276. Hollos, L. 1903. Gasteromycetes Hungariae. Budapest, 1903; Leipzig, 1904. Kunze, G. 1840. Secotium, eine neue Gattung der Gasteromycetes Tricho- gastres. Elora 23: 321-322. Levine, M. 1914. The origin and development of the lamellae in Coprinus micacetis. Am. Jour. Bot. l : 303-322. Lotsy, J. P. 1907 Vortrage uber Botanische Stammesgeschichte, i: 727- 728, 740-741. G. Fischer, Jena. Macbride, T. T. and Allin, Norra 1896. The saprophytic Fungi of Eastern Iowa. The Puff Balls. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, Iowa City. Maire, R. 1902. Recherches cytologiques et taxonomiques sur les Basidio- mycetes. These de la Faculte des Sciences de Paris. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 18: 12-2092. Peck, C. H. 1882. New Species of Fungi. Bull. Torrey Club 9: 61-62. Saccardo, P. A. 1887. Syll. Fung. Conard; Secotium Agaricoides 103 Strasburger, E. 1893. Handbook of Practical Botany, trans. by Hillhouse. Ed. 3. Tone, J. B. de. 1888. Hymenogastraceae and Lycoperdaceae in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 7: 51-60. Tulasne, L. R. et Ch. 1845. Description d’une espece nouvelle du genre Secotium Kze., appertenant a la flore frangaise. Ann. Sci. Nat. III., 4 : 169 (S. olbium). Zeller, S. M. 1914. The Development of Stropharia ambigua. Mycologia 6: 139-145- Fig. I. I, 2, young binucleate basidia. 3, 4, fusion of nuclei in young basidium. 5, uninucleate basidium, with cells of subhynienium. 6, fusion- nucleus of basidium, probably in synapsis. 7, two nuclei resulting from divi- sion of fusion-nucleus. 8, basidium on right with fusion-nucleus ; on left 4- nucleate stage. 9, budding out of sterigmata. 10, formation of basidiospores. II, central hyphae of rhizomorph in cross section; two sizes with intercellular spaces. 12, thick walled hyphae from surface of rhizomorph. 13, protein crystals in large hyphae of rhizomorph. All drawings made with camera lucida; i, 2, 3, 4, 5, ii, 12, 13 with J in. objective; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, with A in. objective. 104 Mycologia Description of Plate CLVII Photomicrographs by Paul H. Smith Fig. I. Median longitudinal section of specimen 3.5 mm. in diameter. First indications of pileus and hymenophore. Fig. 2. Median longitudinal section of 3.8 mm. specimen. Fundament of hymenophore and gill chamber. Fig. 3. Tangential section of same specimen. Fig. 4. Portion of Fig. 2, enlarged. Fig. 5. Transverse section of 9 mm. specimen. Fig. 6. Median longitudinal section of 9 mm. specimen, a, decurrence of gills ; b, marginal growth of gills. Mycologia Plate CL VI I SECOTIUM AGARICOIDES (Czern.) Hollos THE GENUS LEPISTA William A. Murrill This genus, which is closely related to Entoloma, was founded by W. G. Smith in 1870, with Pa.villus Lepista Fries as its type, (iillet included in it only those species having very decurrent lamel- lae, which were related rather to Paxillus than Tricholoma. Maire, in 1913, erected the genus Rhodo paxillus, to include Tri- clwloma panaeolum, T. nudum, T. personatum, and a few other related species. Lepista (Fries) W. G. Sm. Clavis Agar. 26. 1870 Hymenophore large, fleshy, putrescent surface smooth, not viscid, margin at first involute ; lamellae adnexed or slightly de- current ; spores rosy-ochraceous in mass, not angular : stipe central, fleshy ; veil none. Type species, Paxillus Lepista Fries. Spores 7-10 X 4-5 /“• Stipe 15-30 mm. thick. i. L. personate. Stipe 4-8 mm. thick. 2. L. domestica. Spores s~6 X 3-4 /R ; species very rare. 3. L. panaeola. 1. Lepista person.\ta (Fries) W. G. Sm. Clavis Agar. 37. 1870 fAgaricus nudus Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 4^p. 1789. .igaricus violaceus Sow. Engl. Fung. pi. 2og. 1799. Not Agar- icus violaceus Schaeff. 1774. .dgaricus bicolor Pers. Syn. Fung. 281. 1801. Not Agaricus bi- color Bat.sch. 1783. .'Igaricus personatus Fries, Obs. Myc. 2: 89. 1818. Tricholoma personatum Quel. Champ. Jura \ osg. 45. 1872. Rhodopaxillus personatus Maire, Ann. Myc. ii: 338. 1913. Pileus compact, becoming soft, thick, convex or plane, obtuse, regular, solitary or gregarious, 5-12 cm. broad ; surface moist, glab- rous, variable in color, generally pallid or cinereous tinged Avith violet or lilac, sometimes wholly violet, margin at first involute and villose-pruinose, becoming glabrous ; context whitish, pleasant to the taste, edible; lamellae broad, crowded, rounded behind, 105 10(5 Mvcologia free, violaceous, becoming sorclid-whitisli or fuscous : spores ellip- soid, smooth, sordid-white, dull-pinkish in mass, 7.5-10X4-5 1^', stipe generally thick, often hulhous, solid, fihrillose or villose-pru- inose, whitish or concolorous, 3-7 cm. long, 1.5-3 thick. Type locality: Europe. IIaiutat: In open woods or among long grass in fields. Distribution: Temperate North America; also in Europe. Illustr.\tions : Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 48: pi. 22; Hussey, 111. Brit. Myc. 2: pi. 40; N. Marshall, Mushr. Book pi. 16; Myco- logia 2: pi. f. I ; Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 209. Exsicc.vri : Sydow, Myc. i\lar. 3./0J, PJ05; Thiim. Fungi Austr. T004; Herpell, Trap. Hutpilze dj. 2. Lepista domestica Murrill, nom. nov. . I(jaricus sordidiis Fries, Syst. i\lyc. i : 51. 1821. Not Agaricus sordidns Dicks. 1785. Tricholoma sordidum Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 47. 1872. Rliodopa.villus sordidus Maire, Ann. Myc. ii : 338. 1913. Melanoleuca sordida Murrill, Mycologia 6: 3. 1914. Pileus thin, convex to plane or slightly depressed, subumbonate at times, often irregular, gregarious or cespitose, 3-7 cm. broad ; surface smooth, glabrous, pale-violet to avellaneous with ochraceous hues, usually fuliginous on the disk, margin naked, involute when young; context violaceous to whitish, mild, edible; lamellae sinuate to slightly decurrent, narrow, crowded, concolorous when young, fading with age ; spores ellipsoid, smooth, pale-rosy-ochraceous in mass, 7-8 X 4-5 M ; stipe eccentric at times, equal, firm, concolor- ous, glabrous, stuffed or hollow, 3-8 cm. long, 4-8 mm. thick. Type locality: Europe. FIabitat: About manure ])iles and in manured ground. Distribution: Temperate North America; also in Europe. Illustr.ations : Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 1 16: pi. 104; Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 131 : pi. 7/5; Cooke, Brit. Fungi pi. 100 (1^3) ; Fries, Ic. Hymen, pi. 43; Mycologia 6: pi. 113, f. 4. 3. Lepista panaeol.\ (Fries) P. Karst. Bidr. Finl. Nat. Folk 481. 1879. Agaricus panacolus Fries, Epicr. iMyc. 49. 1838. Agaricus ectypus Seer. Mycogr. Suisse 2 : 8d. 1833. Not Agar- icus ectypus Fries, 1821. Murrill: The Genus Lepista 107 Tricholoma panaeolnm Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 45. 1872. Gyrophila nimbata Quel. FI. Myc. Fr. 271. 1888. Rhodopaxilliis panaeolus Maire, Ann. Myc. ii : 338. 1913. Pileus fleshy, convex to expanded, gibbous, sometimes eccentric, cespitose, 4-9 cm. broad ; surface whitish-gray, grayish-variegated and dull-flesh-colored when young; context gray, odor strong, farinaceous-rancid, taste mild ; lamellae mostly crowded, some- times narrow and sometimes broad, easily separable from the hy- menophore, sinuate-uncinate, sometimes decurrent, from whitish- gray to lurid-flesh-colored or rufescent ; spores ellipsoid, slightly tuberculose, hyaline, dull-rosy in mass, 5.5-6 X 3-5 /«■ ; stipe solid, gray to grayish-fuscous within, subequal, fibrillose,subfurfuraceous at the apex, 2-6 cm. long, 5-13 mm. thick. Type locality: Switzerland. Habitat : In grassy places in the open or near woods ; rarely in woods. Distribution: New York; also in Europe. Illustration : Fries, Ic. Hymen, pi. jd, f. 2. New Yobk Botanical Garden. MARKING TYPES IN THE MYCOLOGICAL HERBARIUM William A. Murrill An article by Swingle on the designation of types appeared in Science, June 6, 1913, in which the discussion was confined to flowering plants. Dr. Swingle’s statement that a type has no duplicate would hardly be appropriate when applied to fungi, since several sporophores usually arise from the same mycelium and the type collection may include one or more of these sporo- phores. For this reason, I would suggest the term extype in- stead of clastotype for a part of the type, since a part of the type is not necessarily a fragment. The term cotype should be omitted altogether, to avoid confusion. The principal terms to be used would then be; type collection, type (including lectotype), extype (including clastotype) , microtype (suggested for a part of the type mounted for microscopic study), and paratype (including syntype) . Rubber stamps bearing the words “ Type Coll.,” “Type,” “Ex- type,” “ Microtype,” and “ Paratype ” may be used in the myco- logical herbarium with great advantage. It frequently happens that a collector is unable to distinguish closely related plants and places two or more species under one field number. In such cases, the actual specimens used by the publisher of the species would be the type and it would be unsafe to designate as such any other portion of this same collection. Certain questions will always arise which will be settled differ- ently by different persons. For example, if a portion of a collec- tion is sent away to a specialist and he makes it the type of a new species, the remaining portion may not always receive the same designation. In the case of mosses, it is quite necessary that the one who publishes the species should see all the material i' order to be sure that it is the same thing. This may be true in various other groups also. New York Botanical Garden. 108 NEWS AND NOTES Professor J. C. Arthur and Dr. F. D. Fromme, of Purdue Uni- versity, Lafayette, Indiana, spent the month of January at the Garden in continuation of their studies of the Uredineae for North American Flora. Mr. C. A. Schwarze spent most of January and February at the Garden examining and making illustrations from herbarium mate- rial relating to the parasitic fungi of New Jersey. According to J. H. Faull and G. H. Graham, the chestnut canker has been found at Agassiz, British Columbia, on trees of Oriental, European, and American origin. Dr. Charles E. Bessey, Professor of Botany at the University of Nebraska for over thirty years, died at Lincoln on February 25. He was born at Milton, Ohio, May 21, 1845. Dr. A. G. Johnson, of the University of Wisconsin, recently visited the Garden to examine the collections of Helminthospor- ium in the mycological herbarium. The chestnut canker was collected twice in Nebraska during last September and October by R. G. Pierce. The chestnut is not native in Nebraska, but it is beginning to be planted in some parts of the state and the disease was introduced with Paragon nursery stock from Pennsylvania. Miss Caroline Rumbold, in Phytopathology for February, gives a brief account of successful experiments in infecting chestnut 109 no Mycologia burrs and nuts with the chestnut canker. Nuts infected with the canker become soft and crumbly and are extremely bitter to the taste. There is no doubt that the disease may very easily be spread by means of these infected fruits. Dr. George G. Hedgcock, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, spent the first two weeks in February at the Garden examining specimens of various tree-destroying fungi. He brought a very large and valuable collection with him for comparison and was able to spare portions of many of the specimens for the Garden herbarium. “ Southern Polypores,” by W. A. Murrill, appeared January 30, 1915. New combinations used in this work are: Inonotus liido- vicianus (Pat.) Murrill, Elfvingiella fasciata (Sw.) Murrill, and Spongipellis fragilis (Fries) Murrill. “American Boletes ” and “ Northern Polypores,” by the same author, were issued December 8, 1914. In the latter work, two new genera, Fulvifomes and Elfvingiella, were published, with several new combinations. In the Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden for September and November, 1914, Professor E. A. Burt continues his treat- ment of the Thelephoraceae of North America, devoting one paper to Craterellus and one to Craterellus borealis and Cyphella. His key to Craterellus includes 17 species, 5 of which are described as new and i newly combined. Twenty-one species are included un- der the genus Cyphella, 5 of which are new. Both papers are well illustrated. A bulletin on practical tree surgery, by J. F. Collins, recently published by the Division of Forest Pathology at Washington, contains very careful directions for treating the trunks of trees that have suffered from wounds or diseases. The author states that the science of tree surgery has suffered from dishonest and uneducated men engaged in this work, and he predicts that very News and Notes 111 superior methods will be discovered and put into practice in the near future. The most valuable paragraph in the bulletin reads as follows: “Finally, tree owners are urged to remember at all times the axiom: The need of tree surgery 15 or 20 years hence may be very largely obviated by promptly attending to the fresh injuries of to-day.” Some observations on abortive sporophores of wood-destroying fungi were reported by James R. Weir in Phytopathology for Feb- ruary, 1915. He comes to the conclusion that the peculiar abnor- mal growths on birch trunks are without doubt sterile sporophores of Pyropolyporus igniarius. He has found similar abortive spor- ophores of this species on alder trunks in Montana, and sterile ram’s-horn-like sporophores of Porodaedalea Pini on the western white pine. An interesting statement made by Mr. Weir in this article is to the effect that the mycelium of one species attacking a tree trunk is always antagonistic to that of another species on the same trunk, and, since the mycelium of typical Pyropolyporus igniarius is not antagonistic to that of its principal variety, P. ig- niarius nigricans, the latter cannot be looked upon as a distinct species. Charles Horton Peck Retires The following minute has been adopted by the regents of the University of the State of New York on the retirement of Dr. Charles H. Peck from the position of state botanist: The service rendered to the state by Charles Horton Peck, D.Sc., who has just retired from his position as state botanist, has been extraordinary in its fidelity, assiduity and productiveness. Dr. Peck entered the staff of the State Museum as botanist in 1867, and from that date to the present, his service has been continuous — a period of 48 years. In 1883 the position of state botanist was created and he has been its only incumbent. The nearly half century of his scientific activity became an epoch in the science of botany in America, by virtue of the extensive contributions which he made, not alone to the knowledge of the flora of New York but specially through his almost pioneer investigations among the fungi. His researches in this field vastly increased the sum of knowledge and established an orderly and rational classification so that his published papers, issued in the reports of the state museum, are indispensable to any student of these forms of life. 112 Mycologia The number of species discovered and described by him are counted by thou- sands and the additions made through his efforts to the state herbarium are so extensive that this collection of plants is to-day among the largest on the continent and of great scientific worth. By common consent of his colleagues Dr. Peck has long been recognized as the ultimate authority in mycology — the field of his special labors. In view of these services whose value to the state can not be briefly estimated or readily expressed, the regents take this occasion to record, with their regret that the exactions of time have impelled him to retire from the service of the university and the state, their congratulations to Dr. Peck upon a life well rounded and a work well done, with their assurance of continued interest and deep regard for his welfare during the years that may remain. INDEX TO AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE Arzberger, E. G, The cob-rot of corn. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 265 ; 69-82. N 1913. Ballard, W. S., & Volck, W. H. Apple powdery mildew and its control in the Pajaro \*alley. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 120: 1-26. pi. 1-6 + /. 1-5. 3 S 1914. Bessey, C. E. Revisions of some plant phyla. Univ. Studies [Univ. of Nebraska] 14: 37-109. (1-73). Ja 1914. Buller, A. H. R. The fruit-body mechanism of Bolbitius. Trans. British Myc. Soc. 1913 ; 235-238. 1913. Buller, A. H. R. Upon the retention of vitality by dried fruit- bodies of certain Hymenomycetes including an account of an experiment with liquid air. Trans. British Myc. Soc. 1912 : 106-112. 1912. Buller, A. H. R., & Cameron, A. T. On the temporary suspension of vitality in the fruit-bodies of certain Hymenomycetes. Trans. Royal Soc. Canada 6: 73-78. 1912. Burnham, S. H., & Latham, R. A. The flora of the town of Southold, Long Island and Gardiner’s Island. Torreya 14: 201-225. 27 N 1914. Coker, W. C. Two new species of water molds. Mycologia 6: 285-302. pi. 146-148. N 1914. Achlya paradoxa and Pythiopsis Hui'iphreyana, spp. nov. Conner, S. D. Irish potato scab (Oospora scabies) as affected by fertilizers containing sulphates and chlorides. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1913; 131-137. /. j-5. 1914. Free, M. Insect and fungous pests in the garden during 1914. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 3; 113-116. O 1914. Freeman, G. F. Alfalfa in the southwest. Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 73 : 233-320. pi. i, 2. -f /. 1-19. i Je 1914. Includes a chapter on the diseases of alfalfa. Gilbert, W. W. Cotton wilt and root-knot. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers Bull. 625 : 1-21. f. 1-15. 12 D 1914. 113 114 Mycologia Graves, A. H. Parasitism in Hymcnochaete agglutinans. My- cologia 6: 279-284. pi. 145. N 1914. Harper, E. T. Species of Pholiofa of the region of the Great Lakes. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 17: 470-502. pi. 26-55. 1913- Helyar, J. P. The culture of Didymiiim xanthopus (Ditmar) Fr. Science II. 40: 791, 792. 27 N 1914. Heald, F. D., & Walton, R. C. The expulsion of ascospores from the perithecia of the chestnut blight fungus, Endothia parasitica. (Murr.) And. Am. Jour. Bot. i : 499-521. /. i, 2. D 1914. Higgins, B. B. Life history of a new species of Sphaerella. Myc. Centralb. 4; 187-193. /. i, 2. 13 My 1914. Hoffer, G. N. Pyropolyporus Everhartii CEWis & GaW.) Murrill as a wound parasite. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1913 : 99-101. pi. 1-4. 1914. Hoffer, G. N. A test of Indiana varieties of wheat seed for fun- gous infection. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1913: 97, 98. 1914. Howe, R. H. North American species of the genus Ramalina — VIII. Bryologist 17: 81-87. pi. 12, /?. N 1914. Humphrey, H. B, Studies on the relation of certain species of Fusarium to the tomato blight of the Pacific Northwest. Wash- ington Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 115: 1-22. pi. 1-5. O 1914. Jehle, R. A. Peach cankers and their treatment. Cornell Ag^". Exp. Sta. Circ. 26 : 53-64. pi. 1-8. S 1914. Murrill, W. A. American Boletes. 1-40. New York. 1914. Murrill, W. A. Northern Polypores. 1-64. New York. 1914. Orton, C. R. The newer diseases of fruit trees and latest develop- ment in their treatment. Proc. Adams Co. Fruit Growers Assoc. 1913 : 77-89. f. 1-5. 1914. Orton, C. R. Some orchard diseases and their treatment. Proc. State Hort. Assoc. Pennsylvania 55 : 43-56. pi. 5-p. 1914. Orton, W. A., & Rand, F. V. Pecan rosette. Jour. Agr. Research 3: 149-174. pi. 24-28. -{-f. I. 16 N 1914. Seaver, F. J. North American species of Alcuria and Aleurina. Mycologia 6; 273-278. pi. 142-144. N 1914. Includes Aleurina aquehongensis gen. et sp. nov. Sherbakoff, C. D. Potato scab and sulfur disinfection. Cornell •Agr. Exp.. Sta. Bull. 350: 709-743. /• ^<^6. Au 1914. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Price, 25 cents each. See next page for recent numbers No. 17. The Tylostomaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 24. The Nidulariaceae of North America, by V. S. '\ATiite. No. 27. Some Mt. Desert Fungi, by V. S. White. Nos. 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 49, 52, 56, 60, 65, 69, 70 and 74. The Polyporaceae of North America, I-XIII, by W. A. Murrill. No. 90. Studies in North American Peronosporales — I. The Genus Albugo, by Guy West Wilson. No. 95. Studies in North American Peronosporales — II. Phytophthoreae and Rhysotheceae, by Guy West Wilson. No. 99. Some Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. no. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. III. Boleti from Western North Carolina, by W. A. Murrill. No. 1 14. The Boleti of the Frost Herbarium, by W. A. Murrill. No. 115. Some North Dakota Hypocreales, by F. J. Seaver. No. 1 17. Studies in North American Peronosporales — IV. Host Index, by G. W. Wilson. No. 1 19. North Dakota Slime-Monlds, by F. J. Seaver. No. 122. Notes on North American Hypocreales — II. Nectria Peziza, by F. J. Seaver. No. 133. Iowa Discomycetes, by F. J. Seaver (special price 50 cents). No. 167, The Identity of the Anthracnose of Grasses in the United States, by- Guy West Wilson. Address NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx Park, New York City PUBLIOA.XIONS or The New York Botanical Garden Journal of the New Tork Botanical Garden, montbljr, illustrated, con- taining notes, news, and non-technical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, lo cents a copy ; |i.oo a year. [Not offered in ea- change.] Now in its sixteenth volume. Myoologla, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi: including licbens; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in* terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. ^3.00 a year • single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its seventh volume. Bulletin of the New Tork Botanical Garden, containing the annual repoits of the Director-in-Chief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, I3.00 per volume. Now in its ninth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North Amenca> including Greenland, the West Indies and Central America. Planned to be com* pleted in 32 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Each volume to consist of four or more parts- Subscription price, I1.50 per part; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for #2.00 each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part I, 1910. Nectriaceae — Kimetariaceae. Vol. 7, part 1, 1906; part 2, 1907 ; part 3, 1912. Ustilaginaceae — Aecidiaceae (P*")- Vol. 9, parts I and 2, 1907; part 3, 1910. Polyporaceae — Agancaceae (pars). ( Parts I and 2 no longer sold separately. ) Vol. 10, part I, 1914. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts I and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Ophioglossaceae — Cyatheaceae (pars). Vol. 17, part I, 1909 ; part 2, 1912. Typhaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 22 parts I and 2, 1905; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part 5, 1913. Podostemona- ceae — Rosaceae (pars). Vol. 2S, part I, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 1911. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part I, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol. 34 part I, 1914. Carduaceae (pars). Memoirs of the New Tork Botanical Garden. Price to members of the Garden, ^l.oo per volume. To others, $2.00. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg, ix -f-492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development, by D. T. MacDougal. xvi 320 pp., with 176 figures. 1903. Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous (^niferous Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by Arthur Hollick and Edward Charles Jeffrey, viii-f-138 pp., with 29 plates. 1909. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager, viii 278 pp., with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Vol. V. Flora of the Vicinity of New York: A Contribution to Plant Geography» by Norman Taylor, vi -f- 683 pp., with 9 plates. 191$. ContribntiocB from the New Tork Botanical Garden. A series of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals other than the above. Price, 25 cents each. 85*^ volume. In its eighth volume. RECENT NUMBERS 2S CENTS BACH 171. A Revision of the genus Vittaria J. E. Smith, by Ralph C. Benedict. 172. Phytogeographical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Region — III. Formations in the Alpine Zone, by P. A. Rydberg. NKW YONK BOTANIOAL QAROEN •nonx Paaa, Haw Vaa« Omr MYCOLOGIA IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Founded by W. A. Kellennan, J. B. Ellia,and B. M. Everhart in 1885 EDITOR WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL Vol. VII— MAY, 1916— No. 3 JOSEPH C. ARTHUR HOWARD J. BANKER > OIACOUO BRESADOLA » PREDERICE. CLEMENTS ' JOHN DEARNESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS FRANKLIN S. EARLE BRUCE FINK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE GEORGE MASSEE NARCISSE PATCUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORNELIUS L. SHEAR PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR CONTENTS PAUB Illustrations of Fungi — XX - William A. Mukrill i i 5 Notes on Cryptoporus volvatus - Sanford M. Zelllr 121 The Effect of Continued Desiccation on the Expulsion of Ascospores of Eudothia parasitica. F. D. Heald and R. a. Studhalter 126 Luminescence in the Fungi - William A. Murrill 131 The Penicillium Luteum-Purpurogenum Group Charles Thom 134 Studies in Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi — I Esther Young 143 Fungi Edible and Poisonous - William A. Murrill 151 News, Notes, and Reviews - - - - - - 155 Index to American Mycological Literature - - -159 The New Era Printing Company makes the following charges to authors for articles reprinted from Mycologia, if ordered with proof : Without Cover — 4 PP. 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. 24 pp. 28 pp. 32 pp. 25-50 Copies — *1-37 «i.«7 $2.12 $2. SO ^3■S0 #4- 05 84.82 85.20 100 “ i-SS 2. IS 2.65 3IS 4- OS 5.00 6.10 6.50 200 “ 2.00 3-05 4.00 4- 30 5.60 6.90 8.30 8.90 Covers — First 50 — Additional, ic each. • v Plates— 40c per 100. Mycologia Plate CLVllI II. LUSTRATIONS OF FUNGI MYCOLOGIA VoL. VII May, 1915 No. 3 ILLUSTRATIONS OF FUNGI— XX William A. Murrill Most of the illustrations on the accompanying plate were drawn from specimens collected in or near the New York Botanical Garden. Two of them, figures 3 and 5, were copied from studies by Air. George E. Alorris. Clitocybe illiidens is distinctly poison- ous, but easily recognized ; Collybia platyphylla is edible, but of little importance as food. Clitocybe illudens (Schw.) Sacc. Deceiving Clitocybe. Jack-my-lantern Plate 158. Figure i. X i Pileus convex to plane or depressed, irregular, often umbonate, densely cespitose, 10-20 cm. broad; surface glabrous, saffron- yellow ; context thick, white or yellowish becoming sordid with age, the odor agreeable 'and the taste not characteristic ; lamel- lae broad, decurrent, saffron-yellow; spores abundant, globose, hyaline, 4-5 //. ; stipe long, firm, glabrous, concolorous, tapering toward the base of the cluster. This species is readily recognized by its large size and brilliant coloring. It occurs throughout the eastern United States from midsummer to autumn in large clusters about dying trunks and stumps of deciduous trees. On dark nights, these clusters and also pieces of dead wood containing the mycelium are usually conspicuously phosphorescent. The plant is distinctly poisonous, [Mycologia for March, 1915 (7: 57-114), was issued April 9, 1915.] 116 116 Mycologia showing a muscarin reaction on the nerves of the heart, and pro- ducing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. An article on the poison- ous properties of this interesting species appeared in Mycologia for July, 1913. Hypholoma lacrymabundum (Bull.) Quel. Weeping Hypholoma Plate 158. Figure 2. X i Pileus rather fleshy, ovoid to expanded, sometimes broadly um- bonate, solitary or cespitose, 5-8 cm. broad ; surface fulvous to isabelline with intermediate shades, darker on the umbo, covered when young with appressed, matted fibers, which may disappear with age or collect into small squamules, the cuticle cracking areolately at times, margin not striate; context very thin, con- colorous, the taste mild or slightly disagreeable, the odor not characteristic ; lamellae rather crowded, sinuate-adnexed or ad- nate, somewhat ventricose, yellowish, shading to umber and spot- ted with black and rusty-brown as the spores mature, whitish on the edges; spores nearly lemon-shaped, apiculate, opaque, tuber- culose, very dark brown under the microscope, black in mass, 8-10 X 4-6 /i; cysidia abundant, 40 X 9ai; stipe equal or slightly enlarged below, subconcolorous, nearly white at the apex, hol- low, 5-10 cm. long, 8-12 mm. thick; veil of whitish, fibrous tufts adhering partly to the margin and partly to the stipe. This species is not uncommon in many parts of the eastern United States and Europe, in grass or weeds in the open or among leaves or about old stumps in thin woods, appearing from the middle of June to October in this latitude. It comes up reg- ularly on my lawn each year, sometimes solitary and sometimes in dense clusters, but always attractive because of its splendid color- ing and its peculiar “ weeping ” character. Its surface charac- ters vary considerably with age and weather conditions. I have not tested its edibility. The history of this species is rather confusing. It was orig- inally described by Bulliard as Agaricus lacrymabnndus and fig- ured by him and by Sowerby. Persoon gave it a new name, Agar- icus velutinus, which Fries reduced to a variety when he took up Bulliard’s name, but later, in figuring the species. Fries emphasized Murrill: Illustrations of Fungi 117 the squamulose character often seen in large, old plants rather than the more usual appressed-fibrillose character of the surface. While the two specific names above cited refer to the same thing historically, they have been used in this country to distinguish the squamulose specimens of this group from the fibrillose or velvety ones. There is no doubt that we have in America some varieties or species not represented in Europe, all with the peculiar, opaque, tuberculose, lemon-shaped spores. Peck’s key to these is given here for the convenience of collectors. The different generic names that have been assigned to this group need not be discussed at present. Peck’s Key to Hypholoma § Velutina Pileus persistently hairy-sqamulose or fibrillose. Hymenophore cespitose ; spores 8-io X 5-6 ix. Hyraenophore gregarious; spores 10-12 X 6-8 Pileus partly or wholly glabrous. Pileus smooth, the cuticle often rimose. Pileus rugose or radiately wrinkled. Pileus tawny ; spores rough. Pileus brown ; spores smooth. Mycena pura (Pers.) Quel. Pure Mycena Plate 158. Figure 3- X i Pileus fleshy, thin, campanulate or convex to expanded, ob- tusely umbonate when young, 2-5 cm. broad; surface smooth, glabrous, of uniform color, varying from rose to rose-purple, violet, or lilac, margin striate, upturned with age ; lamellae rather broad, adnate to sinuate, sometimes wavy and crenate on the edges, venose-connected, varying from white to shades of rose or violet, sometimes white on the edges ; spores oblong, hyaline, 6-8 X 3-3.5 A*' ; stipe firm, smooth subglabrous, concolorous, hol- low, somewhat villose at the base, 5-8 cm. long, 2-4 mm. thick. This beautiful little species is common on the ground in woods throughout temperate North America and Europe. It varies considerably in shape, sometimes being small and bell-shaped with a long stipe and at other times being quite broad and from convex to plane with a short stipe. An old Erench chart includes 1. H. lacrymabundum. 2. H. rigidipes. 3. H. Boughtoni. 4. H. rugocephahcm. 5. H. delineatum. 118 Mycologia it among the dangerous species, but its properties have probably not been thoroughly investigated. Even if harmless, it is too small and thin to be considered for food. The color varieties of this species had already received several specific names before Persoon grouped them under Agaricus piiriis. Collybia platyphylla (Fries) Quel. Broad-gilled Collybia Plate 158. Figure 4. X i Pileus large, thin, fragile, convex to expanded, 8-15 cm. broad ; surface whitish to grayish-brown or dark-brown, at times darker on the disk, innately fibrillose to subglabrous, margin often up- turned with age ; context white, sometimes with a faint agreeable odor; lamellae adnexed, very broad, usually deeply emarginate, subdistant, white ; spores subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, 7-10 X 6-7 /a; stipe equal or tapering upward, often stri- ate, whitish, sometimes slightly pulverulent at the apex, fleshy, stufifed or hollow, 7.5-12 cm. long, 2 cm. thick. This large, conspicuous species is abundant throughout most of temperate North America and Europe, occurring in thin woods on and about deciduous logs and stumps, from June to October. The collector is apt to assign it to the genus Melanolenca, because of its sinuate lamellae and rather fleshy stipe, but it may be dis- tinguished from most of the species of this genus by its wood- loving habit. Although edible, it is quickly attacked by insects and also decays rapidly, so that it is practically of very little eco- nomic importance. Lepiota amianthina (Scop.) Quel. Granulose Lepiota Plate 158. Figure 5. X i Pileus ovoid to campanulate and expanded, subumbonate, 2-6 cm. broad; surface finely to coarsely granulose, ochraceous to reddish-ferruginous varying to pallid or pinkish; context thin, white or yellowish, often with a disagreeable odor; lamellae free Murrill: Illustrations of Fungi 119 to adnexed or adnate, rather broad, close, white becoming yel- lowish ; spores ellipsoid or subglobose, smooth, hyaline, 3-7 X 2.5-4 yu,; stipe subequal, slender, fistulose, scaly below the annulus and concolorous, 4-8 cm. long, 2-7 mm. thick; veil lacerate, more or less appendiculate. This species is common in a great variety of forms throughout temperate North America and Europe, occurring in woods on the ground or at times on decayed logs. The surface of the pileus is characteristically granulose, although its variations in color are very confusing, and the lamellae may be free, adnexed, or adnate. A monograph of the 88 North American species of the genus Lepiota appeared in Volume 10, part i, of North Amer- ican Flora, issued in July, 1914. Lentodium squamosum (Schaeff.) Murrill Scaly Lentodium Plate 158. Figure 6. X i Pileus fleshy to tough, compact, hard when dry, convex or nearly plane, sometimes slightly depressed in the center and some- times umbonate, solitary or cespitose, 5~i5 cm. broad; surface white or pale-ochraceous, the cuticle cracking and usually form- ing brownish, spot-like scales, which are sometimes almost black ; context white, with agreeable odor ; lamellae subdistant, broad, sinuate-decurrent, transversely lacerate and dentate-serrate on the edges, white; spores ellipsoid, 7-15 X 3-6 ju; stipe white or whit- ish, short, hard, solid, often pointed at the base, more or less adorned with recurved scales, sometimes eccentric, 2.5-6 cm. long, 6-12 mm. thick; annulus fixed, white, often disappearing. This conspicuous species, usually known as Lentinus lepideus, occurs abundantly throughout temperate and tropical North America, as well as in Europe and Asia, on structural timbers and logs, especially of coniferous trees. It is very important as a timber-destroying fungus, railway ties being particularly subject to its attack. Although not poisonous, it is too tough to be used for food. Its large size and scaly surface should enable the stu- dent to distinguish it very readily. 120 Mycologia Hypholoma Candolleanum (Fries) Quel. ViOLET-GILLED HyPHOLOMA Plate 158. Figure 7. X i Pileus thin and fragile, convex to expanded, gregarious or ces- pitose, 3-6 cm. broad ; surface smooth or rugose, striate at times, glabrous or slightly floccose, hygrophanous, dark-fulvous, fading to isabelline on dry days; lamellae adnexed, crowded, narrow, pallid to purplish when young, purplish-black with age ; spores oblong-ellipsoid, very blunt at each end, smooth, dark-brown in mass, pale-purplish-brown under the microscope, copious, 6^7 X 3-4 /x; stipe slender, equal, hollow, white, smooth, glabrous or slightly flocculose, striate at the apex, 3-7 cm. long, 4-6 mm. thick; veil white, very slight and delicate, clinging partly to the margin and partly to the stipe, soon vanishing. This edible species is not uncommon on the ground or on rotten wood in deciduous woods in temperate regions, although it is not well known in this country. DeCandolle originally assigned to it the name Agaricus violaceolaniellatus, on account of the violet color of the young lamellae, by which it may be distinguished from its very near relative, Hypholoma appendiculatum, described and figured in Mycologia for January, 1912. Fries, in 1818, changed the name to Agaricus Candolleanus, probably disliking the specific name chosen by DeCandolle because of its length. The specimens I have seen do not show the violet color in the very young lamellae and are not so large as the European plant, but, in a difficult group like this one, I suppose some allowances must be made. New York Botanical Garden. NOTES ON CRYPTOPORUS VOLVATUS Sanford M. Zeller (With Plate 159 and i Text Figure) Cryioporiis volvatus is unique among polypores, for the pore- bearing layer is hidden by a volva. It is thus often termed the “ hidden-pore fungus ” or the “ volvate polypore.” During the fall of 1911, the writer frequently found this species on fallen coniferous trunks. Since that time, many specimens of it have been collected. They were growing from such hosts as Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia), the western hemlock (Tsuga hetero- phylla), and white fir (Abies grandis). During the months of March and April, 1912, I had the opportunity of observing quite thoroughly the development of the sporophores of this fungus, and a few words might be said here to supplement what Peck (3) has already said concerning some advanced stages of the pileus. Two trees of Tsuga heterophylla found on the campus at the University of Washington were thoroughly infected. This gave splendid opportunity to observe the sporophores in different stages. The very young stages of the sporophores of Cryptoporus are globose and covered with a thick crust of reddish-brown resin exuded from the tree. As the button grows, this crust becomes thinner and thus the sporophore appears to grow lighter in color. Because of this coating of resin, no satisfactory method of killing and embedding for histological work was found. However, some free-hand sections were made and examined after staining with eosin. In the earlier stages the button is an undifferentiated mass of fungous filaments. The cortex is soft-fleshy, hygrophanous, and white. Soon a tiny spherical cavity appears in the center of the button, when the latter is from 3 to 4 mm. in diameter. This increases in size with the growth of the button and the fleshy tis- sue increases in thickness up to about 3 mm. Until the sporo- phore is about 12-20 mm. in diameter, the tissue is about the same 121 122 Mycologia thickness above and below the cavity, but at this stage when the hymenium begins to form in the ceiling of the cavity, as it were, the portion above becomes thicker while the portion below (the volva) becomes thinner. Peck (3) says this portion above the pore-bearing layer is in two strata, an outer thicker one and an inner thin stratum. Just when these strata of the fundamental tissue are differentiated is not known. In these later stages an appendage appears inside of the volva and protruding from around the hymenophore. This has been figured by Peck (3) and is imperfectly shown in some of the sections in the accom- panying plate. It is probable that this appendage is not a con- stant characteristic. In some specimens it does not extend wholly around the hymenophore but forms irregular, tuberculose projec- tions. In other specimens it appears as a very low ridge encir- cling the pore-bearing layer. As the volva becomes thinner, it grows downward in the portion near the attachment of the sporo- phore. Here it becomes very thin and the ostiole of the volva is formed. This is always very close to the tree trunk. Until nearly the time when the ostiole is formed, the whole sporophore is very fleshy and water}\ Now it begins to shrink somewhat by the loss of water and the texture becomes soft- corky and still of a white color. The tubes become yellowish to almost cinnamon. The shrinking of the whole sporophore causes a cracking of the resinous crust, which often scales off. In the old sporophores this leaves the Avhite surface glabrous, but often anastomosingly rimose. The development of the sporophore as observed from free-hand sections is illustrated by the series of median vertical sections on plate 159, while the mature sporo- phores with well-developed ostioles are shown on the same plate. More detailed work on the development of this peculiar poly- pore should be done to determine the histological development and formation of (a) the primordium of the pore-cavity, (&) the primordium of the hymenium, (c) the thin interior stratum of the sporophore, of which the appendage mentioned above is the pro- jecting edge, (d) the constancy of this projecting appendage, and (e) the ostiole of the volva. Pure cultures of the fungus were made from the tissue of the young sporophores. Potato hard agar was used as a medium. Zeller: Notes on Crytoporus volvatus 123 The mycelium grows abundantly in cultures, and in a period of four weeks conidiospores were formed. These varied from ellip- soid to pyriform in shape. They appear on short conidiophores from the clamp-connections which are abundant in the hyphae. The first stages of sporophores were obtained in cultures. Small sticks of hemlock wood about one inch in diameter were cut so that they would stand erect in an Erlenmeyer flask. The borings of insects (to which reference is made later) were imi- tated by boring a small gimlet hole lengthwise following the pith Fig. I. Conidiospores formed in cultures of Cryptoporus volvatus. of the stick. At right angles to this, other gimlet holes were bored, some near each end of the sticks. These sticks were put in flasks containing some agar and in such a way that some of the radial gimlet holes were just above the surface of the agar. After sterilization the agar was inoculated with Cryptoporus and the mycelium spread to the stick, entered the gimlet holes below, and emerged in the form of buttons above. These buttons grew in some cases to be 5-10 mm. in diameter but did not develop the internal cavity. The buttons formed in cultures were pure- white and without the ordinary coat of resin. The surface was perfectly even, dry, and glabrous. The intimate relationship which exists between the attack of 124 Mycologia timber by insects on the one hand and fungi on the other have been pointed out by several mycologists and entomologists. There are without doubt many fungi which follow the borings of in- sects. Cryptoporns volvatus is an example of this kind. It is found that a great many species of insects inhabit the pore-cavity. Hubbard (2) has dealt with the relation of insects to this fungus. The insects which wander in and out through the ostiole of the volva aid in the dissemination of the Cryptoporus spores. When the hymenium of the fungus begins to discharge spores the in- side of the volva soon becomes covered with a heavy layer of spores and when the insects crawl in and out they take with them myriads of spores upon their bodies and appendages. Besides the large number of insects mentioned by Hubbard, the small fungus borer, Sitodrepa panicea, is found in nearly all of the mature sporophores and its borings in the tree extend quite a dis- tance into the sapwood, where the insect would distribute the spores of the fungus. This relationship of fungi and insects is surely significant in the dissemination of the spores of this fungus which has its fruit- ing surface so protected from other spore carriers, such as air currents, etc. However, it would be difficult to imagine that Cryptoporus is as dependent upon boring insects as suggested by House ( i ) . He says that the volva aperture is the result of a boring weevil. This, however, is not consistent with the gen- eral appearance and development of the ostiole. During the stage of development when that portion of the volva had become thin and wholly vanished, with the exception of bits of the dead fundamental tissue, the writer has often cracked off the crust of resin from the under surface of the volva and thus disclosed a perfectly formed ostiole, through which no insect had ever passed. The margin of the ostiole is round and has the characteristic sur- face of the other portions of the fungus and very unlike the edge of a beetle boring. The ostiole of the volva of Cryptoporus vol- vatus is a morphological characteristic. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. Mycologia Plate CL IX %m I I in I I M I i I I I I M ! I I 11 h if I M I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I h I I I I I ! I I M I I I I Fig. I. SPOROPHORES OF CRYPTO PORUS VOLVATUS SHOWING OSTIOLE Fig. 2. SPOROPHORES OF CRYPTOPORUS VOLVATUS SECTIONED TO SHOW PORE-CAVITY Zeller: Notes on Crytoporus volvatus 125 Literature Cited 1. House, H. D. Origin of the volva aperture in Cryptoporus volvatus (Peck) Shear. Mycologia 6; 217-218. 1914. 2. Hubbard, Henry G. The inhabitants of a fungus. Canadian Entomologist 24:250-255. 1892. 3. Peck, C. H. Polyporus volvatus Peck, and its varieties. Bull. Torrey Club 7 : 102-105. 1880. Description of Plate CLIX Fig. I. Sporophores of Cryptoporus volvatus (Peck) Shear. The two smallest ones show the resinous coating completely covering the surface. The ostiole of the volva has not appeared in this stage. Others show the res- inous coat partially cracked from the surface exposing the white fungal tissue. Dead fundamental tissue is left adhering to the margin of the ostioles. Fig. 2. Stages in the development of the sporophores, showing the enlargement of the pore-cavity, the gradual formation of the hymenophore and the ostioles of the volva. THE EFFECT OF CONTINUED DESICCA- TION ON THE EXPULSION OF ASCOSPORES OF ENDO- THIA PARASITICA F. D. Heald and R. a. Studhalter The importance of ascospore expulsion in the dissemination of the chestnut blight fungus has been emphasized by various writers since the process was first observed by Rankin. A brief consideration of the work bearing on this phenomenon is pre- sented in the historical introduction to a recent article^ and will not be repeated here. The effect of continued desiccation on the expulsion of asco- spores has an important bearing on dissemination, since chestnut products bearing perithecial stromata are frequently transported for some distance. If these products are dried, the question has been raised as to how long the perithecia will retain their power to eject spores if subjected again to favorable conditions of moisture and temperature. Anderson and Babcock^ first brought out the fact by laboratory tests that expulsion of spores is resumed after desiccation if moisture is supplied. The longest period of drying recorded in this first work was seven days and this appeared to have little or no effect on the power of the perithecia to expel spores. In a later article by Anderson and Rankin®, the influence of long desiccation is reported as follows : “ The writers also found that the peri- thecia will retain their ability to eject spores for at least seven ^ Heald, F. D. & Walton, R. C. The expulsion of ascospores from the perithecia of the chestnut blight fungus, Endothia parasitica (Murr.) Anders. Am. Jour. Bot. i : 499-521. f. i, 2. 1914- * Anderson, P. J. & Babcock, D. C. Field studies on the dissemination and growth of the chestnut blight fungus. Bull. Pa. Chest. Tree Blight Comm. 3:1-45. 1913. ’Anderson, P. J. & Rankin, H. W. The Endothia canker of the chestnut Bull. Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. 347: 531-618. 1914- 126 Heald- Studh ALTER : Expulsion of Ascospores 127 months under perfectly dry conditions.” No detailed description is given of the tests on which this statement is based. Alternate drying and drenching of cankers is, of course, the normal condition in the field. Work to be reported later has brought out the fact that under these conditions given areas of the bark of cankers will continue to expel ascospores through all or at least parts of two seasons. Method Bark showing an abundance of mature perithecial stromata was collected at Emilie, Pa., on July 15, 1913. The bark was then moistened and tested to make sure that the perithecia were in a condition to expel spores.* As soon as any specimens showed ex- pulsion of spores, they were allowed to dry. By July 21, 1913, all the specimens to be retained had been tested and were thor- oughly dry. They were then grouped in packets of six specimens each, giving to each lot as near as possible uniform material. They were then stored in a closed pasteboard box and retained in the laboratory. Each of the six pieces of bark in a packet was of sufficient size to support an object glass. Tests were made at about monthly intervals employing six pieces each time. The method employed was that previously described by Heald and Walton.® Results The results obtained by the different tests can best be presented in tabular form (Table I). From this summary it may be noted that the perithecia still retained the power to expel spores after II months and 18 days of continuous drying. In all probability the limit was not reached, as the perithecia seemed to develop as strong powers of spore expulsion during the last test as in any of the earlier ones. In the majority of cases all of the pieces of bark tested showed active ostioles after being subjected to favor- able conditions for a sufficient length of time, and there was * The material was collected by Mr. R. C. Walton and some of the earlier tests were made by him. “ Loc. cit. 128 Mycologia TABLE I Summary of Effect of Desiccation on Ascospore Expulsion Period of Desicca- tion No. of Pieces Showing Expulsion Day of Test on Which ist Ex- pulsion Occurred Day of Test on Which the the Last Trap Began to Show Active Ostioles Maximum No. of Active Ostioles per Day on Any Trap Duration of Test I mo., 13 days 5 2 II lOO-l- I mo., 12 days 2 “ 3 “ 6 2 26 72 I “ 15 " 3 “ 3 “ 6 19 24 200 + I “ 3 “ 4 S 21 58 200 2 “ 18 " s “ 9 “ 6 23 54 200+ 2 “ 2 “ 6 “ 13 “ 5 30 39 200 I “ 28 “ 8 “ 3 “ S 38 48 40 2 “ 3 “ 8 “ 17 “ 6 30 38 300+ I “ 20 “ 9 “ 14 " 6 20 29 250+ I “ 6 “ 10 “ 14 “ 6 17 22 200+ I II “ 18 “ 6 18 21 250-i- I never more than one in any set in which no active ostioles were present. After one and two months of drying, certain perithecia began to expel spores on the second day of the test, but with longer desiccation the initiation of the process was considerably delayed, the number of days required varying from 17 to a maxi- mum of 38. Even during the early part of the desiccation period TABLE II Record of Typical Specimens Showing Characteristic Increase in the Activity of Spore Expulsion No. of Nos. of Specimens and the Number of Active Ostioles on Successive Days Day 339 345 347 373 384 387 393 394 I 4 3 3 7 2 10 15 12 2 5 4 2 24 20 30 18 30 3 II 9 6 50 30 90 42 52 4 13 32 16 85 60 250 80 78 5 28 35 23 80 65 250+ 100 80 6 41 154 31 175 75 130 60 7 60 158 46 300 100 150 65 8 69 178 47 300 + 100 + 100 15 9 89 150 54 15 10 II2 193 58 14 II 97 200 + 63 150 17 12 68 200 + 67 150+ 13 13 119 “ 61 * * 14 172 73 15 126 ‘ 76 the beginning of spore expulsion was considerably delayed in some of the specimens. The day of the test on which the last Heald-Studh ALTER : Expulsion of Ascospores 129 specimen showing expulsion began its activity varied from ii to 58 days. Many of the specimens showed a marked and characteristic in- crease in the number of active ostioles after the beginning of spore expulsion. There appears to be a gradual increase' to a maximum of activity with more or less fluctuation after the maximum has been reached. This peculiarity is illustrated by the record for a number of typical specimens as presented in the accompanying table (Table II). In the majority of cases the record was not continued beyond the maximum of activity. The Viability of the Spores Expelled from Desiccated Perithecia The longevity of ascospores of the chestnut blight fungus has been reported from tests made on material stored under different conditions. According to Anderson,® ascospores ejected from perithecia on to glass slides continued viable for five months and six days, while Anderson and Rankin^ report that spores taken directly, from perithecia in desiccated bark retained the power to germinate for a much longer period. Their statements on this point are as follows : “ At the end of one year very little diminu- tion in the percentage of germination could be seen.” “ In another series of experiments a large percentage of ascospores similarly stored germinated after eighteen months.” No germ- ination tests were reported of spores expelled from desiccated perithecia, but judging from their results on spores taken direct from dried material, one would expect a good germination of spores expelled after a prolonged drying of the bark. During the progress of the work on spore expulsion reported in this paper, germination tests of the expelled spores were made. In each determination the percentage of viable spores was de- termined in duplicate cultures by the hanging-drop method. A spore print from a given specimen was covered with sterile water and rubbed up with a sterile loop to secure a uniform suspension, and the culture made by transferring spores from this suspension “Anderson, P. J. The morphology and life history of the chestnut blight fungus. Bull. Pa. Chestnut Tree Blight Comm. 7: 1-44. 1913. '' Loc. cit. 130 Mycologia to dextrose agar. The results of these germination tests are shown in Table III. The slight reduction in germination per- TABLE III Germination Percentages of Ascospores Expelled from Desiccated Bark Specimen Number Period of Desiccation Germination Per- centages Average Germination Percentages 341 341 5 mo., 9 days 98 98.5 98.25 345 345 5 mo., 9 days 86.75 85.8 86.27 349 6 mo., 13 days 59 61 349 63 350 350 6 mo., 13 days 81.5 84 82.25 373 373 8 mo., 17 days 69.7 68.9 69-3 392 392 10 mo., 14 days 50 29.16 36.58 393 393 10 mo., 14 days 78 77-8 77-9 centage is in agreement with the results reported by Anderson and Rankin for ascospores under the conditions of their tests. Conclusions Continued desiccation does not inhibit the power of the peri- thecia of Endothia parasitica to expel spores when subjected to favorable conditions of temperature and moisture. It does, how- ever, lengthen the period from the beginning of favorable condi- tions to the first expulsion. On account of this fact, it does not seem probable that perithecial material which has been retained in a dry condition for three months or more would ever be sub- jected under natural conditions to favorable influences for a suffi- cient length of time to induce spore expulsion. IMaterial dried for one or two months, might, however, be a source of danger, as more or less expulsion might be induced by natural agencies. Spores expelled from desiccated perithecia show little or no reduction in the percentage of germination. It seems probable from our results and from those of others already cited that the time limit of ability to expel ascospores was not reached in the tests here recorded. LUMINESCENCE IN THE FUNGI William A. Murrill The phenomenon of phosphorescence, or luminescence, in liv- ing organisms has long been known and wondered at, but there remains much to be learned about the entire subject. The light- bearing fishes of the deep sea, the “ sparkling ” waves at the sides of a ship on a dark night, the firefly and glowworm, and luminous bacteria occurring on decaying fish, cabbage, etc., are well known. Molisch’s bacteria lamp designed for mines and powder magazines was an attempt to put this process of slow oxidation to some practical use. In animals, the light is usually brief and intermittent, while cer- tain fungi may give ot¥ light continuously for days, weeks, or even months, so long as the light-giving cells are uninjured and active and water is present. This light-giving power is recognized as useful to animals, but is probably without biological significance in plants. One can hardly believe that the spores of Clitocybe illudens, for example, are distributed to any great extent by the moths and fireflies that happen to be attracted by the weird light emanating from its spore-bearing surface. In some fungi, the power of luminescence is confined to the active cells of the mycelium. This is true in the case of Aymil- laria mellea, which inhabits old stumps and often causes them to glow on dark nights. While the rhizomorphs of this species are covered with active hyphae, they are luminous, but when they form a cuticle and enter the resting period the luminosity disap- pears. The mycelium of the hymenophore of this species is not luminous even when most active. On the other hand, the sclerotia of Collybia tuberosa are said to be luminous ; and the writer has observed that the mature hymenophores of Panns stypticus may be luminous when the young ones are not. Xylaria Hypoxylon is reported luminescent when growing naturally but not in pure cultures, which may pos- 131 132 Mycologia sibly be due to the association of photogenic bacteria or other light-producing organisms. It is impossible to give an accurate and complete list of the more conspicuous luminescent fungi, and some of the names re- corded in the literature are very probably synonyms. Among North American species, the following have been reported to have the power to produce light, either in the mycelium or in some part of the fruit-body. Armillaria mellea (Vahl) Quel. Ceriomyces crassiis Batt. Clifocybe illudens (Schw.) Sacc. Collybia longipes (Bull.) Quel. Cotlybia tuberosa (Bull.) Quel. Corticium coeniletim (Schrad.) Fries Forties annosus (Fries) Cooke Laefiporus speciosus (Batt.) Murrill Panus sfypticus (Bull.) Fries Polyporus caudicinus (Scop.) Murrill Porodaedalea Pini (Thore) Murrill Xylaria Hypoxylon Pers. To the above preliminary and very incomplete notes, may be added a few simple observations made on Clitocybe illudens, the most conspicuous of our luminescent species. The writer has frequently collected the beautiful orange hymenophores in New York, Virginia, North Carolina, and other states, and almost in- variably they have been found to be luminous. On August 21, 1911, at 8 a. m., I collected about two bushels of the hymeno- phores of this species from an old oak stump in a low, shady woodland east of Bronx Park and brought them to my office in a large basket covered with fresh ferns. Several specimens, in- cluding wood containing the mycelium, were taken into the dark room at 8 130 a. m., but they exhibited no luminosity. At 10 a. m., a large cluster was first tried in the dark room, then exposed to dififused sunlight for an hour, and afterwards heated to 90° C. in 7 minutes in a drying oven, and at no time did it become luminous. At 1 1 a. m., a cluster was immersed in cool water and left there 20 minutes, but this did not make it luminous. The water, now colored pale-orange, was tested in the dark room, but showed no luminosity. It was not to be expected that either the dissolved Murrill: Luminescence in the Fungi 133 coloring matter or the mature spores held in suspension would possess photogenic properties. At 1 :30 p. m., the entire collection of hymenophores was taken from the herbarium to the dark room without removing them from the original basket, and no trace of light was observed during a period of 7 minutes. A piece of wood was then dis- covered in which the mycelium was evidently fresh and active, and this showed beautiful luminescence in a few seconds. On breaking this wood into pieces, the interior was even more lu- minous. Hymenophores were then broken apart and the mycelial cords at the base of the stipe exposed, with only negative results. At 7 :30 p. m., specimens taken from the herbarium to my home were tested in a dark closet in the presence of five people and in iY2 minutes the under surfaces of all the hymenophores were seen to glow conspicuously, while the upper surfaces remained dark. Water had no efifect ; dissolving out the coloring matter had no effect ; and the colored liquid obtained was not luminous. On August 22, at 8 a. m., I tried hymenophores of the same collection in the dark room at the Garden for 8^2 minutes with entirely negative results, while wood containing the active my- celium was seen to glow distinctly within a minute or less. At 9 a. m., the specimens taken home the previous afternoon were examined in a dark closet and appeared luminous after 10 to 15 minutes. Pieces of wood containing the mycelium were found to glow promptly after lying in the herbarium all day. At 9 p. m., the hymenophores at my home were again tested and luminosity was observed in i or 2 minutes. These specimens had been examined at 9 a. m. on the same day and during the evening of the previous day, lying meanwhile on a table in the living room. On August 23, at 9:30 a. m., the wood containing mycelium, which had been lying on my desk in the herbarium, was found to be dry and no longer capable of luminescence. The observations were then discontinued. New York Botanical Garden. THE PENICILLIUM LUTEUM-PURPURO- GENUM GROUPS Charles Thom Welimer^ in a recent paper pointed out what he believes to be natural cleavage lines among the species commonly lumped together under the generic name of Pcnicillmm. In that paper he reasserts the validity of his separation of Citromyces as a separate genus, transfers the coremiform species P. claviformc and P. silvaticiini to the genus Coremium Link, incorrectly at- tributed to Corda, and revived for the purpose, and indicates the desirability of separating P. brevicaiile and its allies without rec- ognizing that this was done by Bainier® in 1907 under the name of Scopiilariopsis. The validity of the latter group has been amply confirmed by the work of Miss Dale,^ whose cultures have been seen by the writer of this paper. The application of the name Coremium to P. claviformc Bainier and C. silvaticum Wehmer is appropriate. Whether the botanical rules of nomenclature will permit such use is, however, very doubtful from the history of the name Coremium as given else- where.® If the Coremium group were limited to the two species named, separation would be easy. However, P. duclauxi Delacroix * Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. This paper is a revision and extension of a paper read before the Botanical Society of America in Philadelphia, in December, 1914, under the title “The Penicillium Group Verticillatae of Wehmer.’’ *Wehmer, C. Ber. deut. Botan. Ges. 32 (1914). Heft. 5, pp. 373-384- Coremium silvaticum n. sp. nebst. Bemerkungen zur Systematik der Gattung Penicillium. “Brainier, G. Bui. Soc. Myc. France, 23 (1907), p. 98. ‘Dale, E. On the fungi of the soil. Ann. Mycol. 12 (1914), No. i, pp. 33-62. “Thom, C. Cultural Studies of Species of Penicillium, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Anim. Ind. Bui. ii8, Washington, 1910. 134 Thom: Penicillium Luteum-Purpurogenum Group 135 under some conditions of culture falls definitely within the Core- mium group as used by Wehmer. Under other conditions it be- comes a simple Penicillium.^ P. expansum Link, observed upon a rotten apple, is usually typical for the genus Coremium, but when transferred to culture media becomes a Penicillium again, which under many cultural conditions shows no sign of coremia. Sopp'^ has also definitely broken the penicillately fruiting or- ganisms into several genera upon n orphological lines. The difficulties encountered in the use of either plan suggest the desirability of continuing the general use of the name Peni- cillium for the entire group until definite natural lines of cleavage can be established. Penicillium, in the narrowest sense, as discussed by Wehmer, includes those forms which produce green mold surfaces consist- ing of a large number of separate conidiophores. Within this nar- rowest group he finds also natural cleavage lines which perhaps represent real relationship. He has pointed out one such natural group and suggested that it be called the Verticillatae. This sec- tion and a si igle series within this group form the subject of this paper. In the past ten years about fifteen members of this series have been collected from widely separated regions. Some of them, P. luteum, P. africanum, P. pinophilum, and P. purpurogentim were already named and described without indication of relationship. Several, for example, P. africanum and P. purpurogenum, among named forms, are closely enough related to make separation troublesome even to the describer.® When several other members of the series are added, the description of each in terms which will insure identification by the next worker becomes more diffi- cult, perhaps impossible. Descriptions and figures for a series of these forms were prepared, laid away, then reread, and compared along with fresh cultures and accumulated cultural data. Some of these forms have been kept in continuous culture for about ten years. They maintain the individuality of old friends. Such strains are well established biological entities but to draw a tech- 8 Thom, C. 1. c. ’ Sopp, O. Johan-Olsen. Monographic der Pilzgruppe, Penicillium, etc. Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter I. Mat.-Naturv Klasse 1912, No. ii, Chris- tiana, 1912. * Doebelt, H. Ann. Mycol. 7 (1909), No. 4, pp. 315-338. 136 Mycologia nical characterization which will surely separate them is exceed- ingly difficult. The common morphological characters have, therefore, been brought together to define the section Verticillatae of the whole group of penicillate organisms in the sense of Wehmer. These characters follow : IMorphological characters of Section Verticillatae Conidiophores vary greatly in length. Each conidiophore typ- ically produces a crown or verticel of metulae,® or fertile branches. From this arrangement Wehmer derives the name Verticillatae. The metulae are few to many in the verticel ; the number differs in the different members of the series. They are usually closely clustered. Careful search in nearly every strain shows an occa- sional conidial fructification in which a secondary verticel is borne either upon the main conidiophore prolonged through the center of the primary verticel or upon some one of the metulae of the primary series. Both conditions are found, but only in small numbers under the usual conditions of culture. This section includes many species, some of which form series in which further relationship is suggested. Others diverge widely. One such series of forms has been collected and may be desig- nated the luteum-purpurogenum series from the well known forms which stand at the extremes. The luteum-purpurogenum series At one end of this series stands a strain of P. luteiim^^ Zukal which produces ascospores freely in all the media used and co- nidia very sparingly. In the actively growing culture the domi- nant shades of color are yellow with tardy appearance of red. At the other end stands P. purpurogcnum Stoll,^^ which produces only conidia, in which yellow shows transiently, while red colors in mycelium and substratum are abundant. 9 Westling, R. Arkiv. for Botanik. Bd. ii, No. i, p. 44, in Ueber die grunen spezies der Gattung Penicillium. “Described as P. luteum in Bui. 118, B. A. I. U. S. Dept. Agr. The cul- ture was cultivated by Prof. R. Thaxter in 1905. “ Stoll, O. Beitrage zur Morphologischen and biologischen Characteristik von Penicillium, Inang. Dissert. Stuttgart 1903-4. Thom: Penicillium Luteum-Purpurogenum Group 137 Among these forms is one well-marked organism (No. 2670) P. purpurogenum var. rubri-sclerotiuni, with all the common characters of the series but producing abundant sclerotia, dark- red to black in color, upon the surface of the substrata. If these sclerotia should be found to be undeveloped perithecia, the form would be clearly eliminated from genetic relationship to the forms at the luteum end of the series, but would probably take with it the other forms at the purpurogenum end of the series. Colony Char.-\cters The production of yellow in the surface growth at some period of colony development or under some cultural conditions is typ- ical for the group. This may be dominant, transient, or almost lacking yet it is not difficult to demonstrate in the organisms studied. Microscopic examination shows this color to be due to the encrustment of the aerial hyphae, or part of them, with yel- low granules. Definite quantitative differences in this color are shown by successive cultures of the same strain in different media, especially in media with differing reaction. The different num- bers of the series show fairly constant differences in the amount of yellow color produced. This quantitative difference is partly at least due to the characteristic differences in the amounts of surface mycelium produced by the different races. Color in- creases with ffoccosity. In P. pinophilmn, Hedgcock^^ found that the color of the granule was yellow when acid, and a reddish shade when alkaline. In the strain of P. luteum, previously de- scribed (Bui. 1 18, Bur. Anim. Ind. U. S. Dept. Agr., No. ii), the yellow is a dominant factor during the early growth of the organism, giving place but partially to reddish hyphae in age. The whole culture gets its color from the yellow granules. The descriptions of Wehmer^^ indicate the production of co- nidia much more abundantly by his strain of this species. The subsequent discovery of ascospores conforming to the descrip- tions of P. luteum in other American strains suggested the rela- tionship of this whole series. The ascus-producing forms when brought together show a progressive loss in ascus producing “ Hedgcock, G. G. Missouri Bot. Garden, Rept. 17, pp. 105-107. 1® Wehmer, C. Ber. deut. Botan. Gesellsc. 1893, p. 499. 138 Mycologia power with progressive development of large conidial areas until we reach forms with few ascigerous masses. From these to the forms with no asci is the next natural step. This transition is suggested by the general morphology of certain forms on which asci have been produced in culture. .In every member of the series careful observations show at least a narrow fringe of hyphae studded with yellow granules, about the margin of the developing colony. The yellow is quickly covered by the mass of green spores but usually may still be seen with the microscope. Color in the Substratum Coincident with the change of color in the surface or aerial growth we find at the luteum end of the series that yellow to orange shades predominate in the substratum. These slowly or but partially change to red as the colonies become old. In the forms producing conidia only, yellow or orange tones still appear in the young colony. The change to red is slow and only partial in some forms but towards the purpurogenum end of the series the yellow colors are reduced to but transient appearances, re- placed quickly and almost completely by red. Observations upon these changes must be repeated at intervals during a period of two to three weeks. Morphology The members of this series show the conidiophore character of the whole section. Together with color production, however, they display an essential uniformity in sterigmatal and conidial characters, shared with some but not all the forms showing the conidiophore and branching described by Wehmer for the Ver- ticillatae. Sterigmata Each branch or metula bears at its apex a closely packed cluster of sterigmata^^ (syn. basidia, conidiiferous cells) or conidium- bearing cells. These are closely packed and continue as nearly parallel as mechanical conditions permit. They widen gradually “ The use of the term sterigmata here follows Westling who has discussed this series of terms fully, 1. c., p. 47. Thom: Penicillium Luteum-Purpurogenum Group 139 from the base upward for 5 to 8/t, then taper slowly to the di- ameter of the conidium producing tubed® with a total length of from 10 to 15 fi,. The length of these cells, their lanceolate or lance-acuminate form and closely parallel arrangement is charac- teristic for the whole group. CONIDIA The conidia arise as cylindrical cells which change usually through fusiform to elliptical or in some cases almost globose, with walls, when fully ripe, either smooth or delicately rough- ened, or sometimes both in the same culture. The fusiform to elliptical shapes are most common. Variation in size in the same strain and usually in the same culture is very marked. Even strains with conidia averaging small have some which reach the sizes shown by the larger spored forms. Very large single spores and chains of spores are abundant in some strains while rare, or perhaps absent in others. In forms where the conidia have been germinated under observation the conidia swell to these large sizes while germinating. Masses of conidia where present give some shade of green to that part of the colony. It is, therefore, possible to bring this group together in such a way as to aid the worker in locating the strains found. Whether any one can so define the appearances of each of the separate strains as to ensure identification by others is doubtful. Perhaps for most purposes it is immaterial. A synoptical arrangement of the strains considered in this paper has been prepared from cultures grown in Czapek’s solution agar.^® When incubated at 37° C. five strains failed to grow, namely. Nos. 2647, 3525.15, 3523.47, 2751, and 4010.9. The other strains grew well at blood heat. The cultures which failed 15 Thom, C. Conidium production in Penicillium. Mycologia 6 (1914) No. 4. pp. 211-215. Distilled water 1,000 c,c. Magnesium sulphate 0 Dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4) I.O “ Potassium chloride 0-5 Ferrous sulphate Cane sugar 30.00 grams Agar 140 Mycologia to develop at 37° C. grew freely as soon as the temperature was lowered. These five strains were distributed through the luteum section of the group; all of the purpurogenum section grew well at blood heat. The arrangement of the forms in the series pre- sents their natural relationship as far as such relationship is determinable. The inclusion and placing of P. dudauxi is more or less arbitrary and perhaps due only to superficial evidence. The correlation of colors, color changes, and morphology suggest that the other strains may be safely grouped about P. luteum, P. rugulosum, P. pinophihim, and P. purpurogenum without offer- ing specific names at present for new species. Synopsis of the Series A}’’ Growing colonies with prominently yellow areas and reverse yellow to orange slowly replaced by reds — Luteum Section. B. Ascigerous masses found. a. Ascigerous masses abundant, conidial fruits few, scattered ; colonies when young predominantly citron-yellow to strontium-yellow (Ridgway XVI), becoming partially and tardily pale-flesh-color or flesh-color (Ridgway XIV) ; submerged mycelium and agar (reverse of col- ony), shading from yellow toward orange-red or red. P. luteum Zukal.’® Cultures No. ii from“ Prof. Thaxter, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, No. 3522.3 by Dr. J. R. Johnston from Puerto Rico soil. aa. Ascigerous masses few, green conidial areas well developed with conidio- phores more or less in tufts. Yellow color predominates at edge and about ascigerous masses. Reverse colors from yellow toward orange and red. Culture, Thom, No. 2751, sent by Prof. M. T. Cook, from New Jersey. BB. Ascigerous masses not found. b. Colonies with sterile areas citron or strontium-yellow and conidial areas changing to flesh-color in age, shading with the amount of green conidia from sea-foam or chartreuse-yellow through citron, lime or chrysolite-green to densely conidial areas near ivy-green (Ridgway XXXI). c. With conidial areas in scattered tufts ; culture from rotting apple. i® Thom, No. 3525.95, Washington, D. C. cc. With large more or less irregular green areas. Cultures 3525.15 from rotting apples, Washington, D. C. ; Thom No. 4010.9 from Seattle, Washington. It Correlative divisions are indicated by duplication of index letters A, AA; c, cc, etc. 18 P. luteum Zukal, Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss. (Vienna) Math. Naturw. Kl. XCVIII, p. 521, 1889. Cultural description, Thom, C., U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Anim. Ind. Bui. ii8, p. 39. Organisms from rotting apples were contributed by Mr. Brooks of the Bureau of Plant Industry. Thom: Penicillium Luteum-Purpurogenum Group 141 ccc. With yellow area restricted to a narrow zone shading quickly to ivy-green. Culture Thom No. 3S23.4y from Virginia soil. bb. Colonies showing yellows above only in age, in reverse slowly but deeply orange to red. Conidia rough. d. Without coremia — P. rugulosum.^ Fig. I. Penicillium purpurogenum var. rubri-sclerotinum. a, b, typically verticillate branching at the apex of the conidiophore ; c, in this conidial fruc- tification the main axis is prolonged to bear a secondary verticel above the first ; e, d, conidia bearing cells or sterigmata ; i, conidia ; f, g, h, diagram- matic representation of the entire conidial apparatus ; k, germination of con- idia. The morphology represented here shows the essential features of the entire group. In some the conidial chains are massed into solid columns, in others as in this divergent. dd. With numerous long coremia — P. duclauxi.^ AA. Conidial areas prominent from the first. Reverse colors predominantly red. Pinophilum-purpurogenum section. , C. Colonies develop yellow and green areas together, which remain more or less persistently mixed. 20 Thom, C., 1. c. p. 6o and p. 42. The relationship of these organisms to each other and to the other members of the group may only be superficial but this necessitates their citation here. 142 Mycologia e. Conidia rough ; cultures 2647 and 2733 from English soiE* and 2500 from New York soil. ee. Conidia smooth, yellow hyphae becoming reddish in age, reverse and agar from salmon-orange to mahogany-red. /. Floccose or tufted. P. pinophilum Hedgcock.- Numerous cultures obtained from soil and from food products can not be separated from this species. ff. Velvety, broadly speaking. Thom No. 43. CC. Growing colonies with margin variously changing through sea-foam green, chartreuse-yellow, or chrysolite-green (Ridgway XXXI), replaced by conidial areas toward celandine-green or andover-green (Ridgway XLVII). Reverse in reds toward oxblood-red (Ridgway I). Deep- red sclerotia developed in age. P. purpurogenum, var. rubri-sclero- tium, var. nov.23 This organism has been obtained from many sources and widely separated sections of the United States. CCC. Colonies showing little or no yellow at first, yellow hyphae appear fre- quently in secondary growths in the centers or margins of older colonies. Reverse colors intensely red. g. Conidiophores mostly borne as branches from interlacing aerial hyphae and ropes of hyphae. h. Conidial fructification typically verticillate. P. africanum Doebelt, Ann. Mycol. 7 (1909) No. 4, pp. 315-338- hh. Conidial fructifications branched several times. P. funiculosum, Thom, 1. c., p. 70. gg. Conidiophores arising as branches from separate hyphae. Complex ropes not found. P. purpurogenum O. Stoll.“ Cultures have been found from American sources, especially several from corn {Zea Mays) which cannot be separated by satisfactory marks from the original strain distributed by Krai. The species is probably cosmopolitan. Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept, of Agriculture. ^ Contributed by Miss E. Dale, Cambridge, England. 22 Thom, C., 1. c. p. 31. 23 P. purpurogenum var. rubri-sclerotium, var. nov. Differs from typical de- scription of the species in the production of dark-red sclerotia on the surface of the substratum and in the well marked zone of yellow at the margin of the growing colony. It appears to be a soil fungus with well marked characters. “The nomenclature of this form is discussed by Thom, 1. c. p. 36. STUDIES IN PORTO RICAN PARASITIC FUNGI— I Esther Young The present paper is a report of the results of a study of the genus Phyllosticta as represented in Porto Rico, Desecheo, and Mona Islands. The material studied is from the collection of Dr. F. L. Stevens, and each specimen examined is reported under the original number. The specimens were all collected by Dr. Stevens in the years 1912 and 1913. The original collection was divided into two portions, one being left with the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and the other donated to the University of Illinois. In my studies I have made use of the material in the collection of the University. The type specimen is in each instance indicated by its original number, and is deposited in the herbarium of the University of Illinois, and a duplicate cotype is also deposited with the New York Botanical Garden. In cases where the collection was reasonably large, the surplus cotype material is placed in the her- barium of the University. Occasional notes have been added by Dr. Stevens concerning local distribution, etc. I hesitate somewhat to describe these new species as belonging to Phyllosticta rather than Phoma, since I believe there is no ten- able distinction between these genera. However, since it is cus- tomary to regard the forms on leaves as belonging to Phyllosticta, probably no good would be done by breaking over that custom in this instance. The final designation of these and related forms must be made after a monographic study of the genus. The writer is under obligations to Dr. F. L. Stevens, under whose direction the work was done, whose many kindnesses and suggestions have made this publication possible. Expressions of appreciation are also due to Dr. N. L. Britton, Mr. Percy Wilson, and Miss Margaret Slosson, of the New York Botanical Garden, and to Mrs. Agnes Chase, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, for assistance in determining host-plants. 143 144 Mycologia I. Phyllosticta adianticola sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, ovate to ovate-cuneiform, often acute at the basal ends, 4-12 mm. in diam., older portions ashen-gray, 1-2 X 2-4 mm., border yellowish-brown; pycnidia few, epiphyllous, brown, spherical, 72-120 in diam., ostiole distinct, dark-bordered, 12 fx in diam., conidia hyaline, ovate, slightly pointed at one end, 4.5- 7.2 X 2.4 fx. On leaves of Adiantum tenerum Sw. in Porto Rico; Manati, 42PP (type) ; Utuado, 4588; Quebradillos, 5000. Apparently very common in all parts of the island of Porto Rico, though with very sparse pycnidia. This species is accom- panied by a species of Mclanomma. 2. Phyllosticta Sacchari Speg. Rev. Facult. Agr. Veter. La Plata 1896: 239. 1896 On Sacchanim in Porto Rico. Juana Diaz, 102. 3. Phyllosticta Panici sp. nov. Spots indefinite, dif¥use; pycnidia few, often in clusters, epi- phyllous, dark-brown to black, spherical, 72-144 fx in diam., my- celium a brown mass of septate hyphae; conidia hyaline, ovate, 4.5- 9.6 X3-6m- On leaves of Paniciim maximum Jacq. in Porto Rico: Coamo, 830 (type) ; Martin Pena, Heller 377. 4. Phyllosticta Colocasiae Hohnel, Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 1 16: 142. 1907 On Dieffenbachia in Porto Rico: IMonte de Oro near Cayey, 3670. 5. Phyllosticta colocasicola Hohnel, Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 1 16: 142. 1907 On Colocasia in Porto Rico : Caguas, 504. 6. Phyllosticta commelinicola sp. nov. Spots indefinite, dilifuse; pycnidia subepidermal, numerous on the upper surface, light-brown, 96-168 in diam., ostiole distinct, dark-bordered, 24-48 /<, in diam.; conidia hyaline, ovate, 9.6-14.4 X 4-8-7-2M- Young: Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi 145 On leaves of Commelina nudiflora L. in Porto Rico: Hormi- gueros, 214 (type). 7. Phyllosticta Coccoloba Ellis & Ev. Ann. Rep. Missouri Bot. Card. 9: 1 18. 1898 On Coccoloba in Porto Rico : Mona Island, 6240, 6168. In our specimens, the spots and spores differ somewhat from those of the description, the spots being larger and reddish-purple becoming gray in the center. The spores are shorter, measuring 2.4-4.8 X 2.4/4. 8. Phyllosticta momisiana sp. nov. Spots diffuse, sordid-white to yellow, margin indefinite, mostly affecting the apical and marginal portions of the leaf ; pycnidia numerous, epiphyllous, dark-brown, spherical, 48-60 /i in diam., ostiole distinct; conidia hyaline, ovate, 4.8-y.2 X 2.4/4. On leaves of Momisia iguanaca (Jacq.) Rose and Standley in Porto Rico: Coamo, 834 (type). 9. Phyllosticta Pithecolobii sp. nov. Spots amphigenoLis, subcircular to ovate, 5-10 mm. in diam., yellowish-brown to white in the center, margin slightly raised and darker, dark-brown below ; pycnidia located mostly along the nerves, numerous on the upper surface, densely clustered, few below, spherical, regular, dark-brown, 120-240 /x in diam., ostiole distinct, dark-bordered, 24/4 in diam.; conidia hyaline, ovate, pointed at one end, 4.8-y.2 X i. 8-2.4 /t. Very common wherever the host was seen. On leaves of Pithecolobium Ungnis-cati (L.) Benth. in Porto Rico: Desecheo, ij^6 (type); Yauco, 326/. Phyllosticta Pithecolobii monensis var. nov. Spots very much like those of the species but smaller, being 3-5 mm. in diam., margin' darker and more regular; pycnidia smaller, 48-120 /i in diam.; conidia ovate, rounded at the ends, 4.8 X 2.4/4. On leaves of Pithecolobium Ungnis-cati (L.) Benth. in Porto Rico: Mona Island 6137 (type). 146 Mycologia It is perhaps significant that the host on Aloiia Island was of the thornless form. Though systematists do not recognize this as a distinct variety or species, the fungus upon it is distinctly dififerent from that found on the excessively spiny Porto Rican form of host. lo. Phyllosticta divergens Sacc. Malpighia 5: 281. 1891 On fruit of Albi:jz{a Lebbeck (L.) Benth. in Porto Rico, i8/j. This fungus is probably Phyllosticta divergens Sacc., which is reported on the leaves of this host, though there is no definite spot on the fruit as is described on the leaves. The conidia agree in length with those described but are narrower. 11. Phyllosticta guanicensis sp. nov. Spots scattered, amphigenous, round, 1-2 mm. in diam., yel- lowish-brown with a reddish-brown slightly raised margin; pyc- nidia epiphyllous, few, scattered, spherical, 96-120 /x in diam., ostiole distinct, 12-15.8 /x in diam.; conidia hyaline, spherical to ovate, somewhat irregular, granular, 4.8-9.6 X 4-8 /x. On leaves of Giiilandina crista (L.) Small in Porto Rico: Guanica, 33P (type). 12. Phyllosticta erythrinicola sp. nov. Spots few to numerous, scattered, small, circular, amphigenous, sordid-white, margin definite, regular, the brown centers falling out with age, portion of the leaf about the spot yellowish-brown ; pycnidia epiphyllous, scattered, dark-brown, spherical 36-72 /x in diam., ostiole very dark, indistinct ; conidia hyaline, ovate, minute, 2.4-3.6 X 1.2 IX. On leaves of Erythrina micropteryx Poepp. in Porto Rico: Villa Alba, no (type) ; Jajome Alta, 5633; Yauco, 3157 ; Maya- giiez, 68. Very common in all parts of the island, causing serious spot- ting of the foliage. This species is distinct from Phyllosticta Erythrinae, which is reported on the branches of Erythrina Lithospennae. The pyc- nidia described are much larger, 90-180 X 60-70 fx, and lenticular in shape ; the conidia were described as linear-ovate, 6-8 X 2 /x. Young: Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi 147 13. Phyllosticta portoricensis sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, small, grayish becoming reddish-brown, circular to ovate, margin even, somewhat darker; pycnidia epi- phyllous, few, scattered, dark-brown, spherical, regular, darker around the border, 60-90/4 in diam., ostiole distinct, 24-30 /i. in diam. ; conidia hyaline, subspherical to ovate-oblong, 9.8-14.4 X 4.8-7.2/1. On leaves of Croton lucidus L. in Porto Rico: Guanica, 325 (type). 14. Phyllosticta cissicola Speg. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires III. 13: 332. 1910 On Cissus sicyoides L. in Porto Rico: Vega Baja, ^82; Jajome Alta, 5633a. 15. Phyllosticta Stevensii sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, irregularly circular, 4-12 mm. in diam., sordid-white to yellowish-brown above, indefinite below, reddish- brown where appearing, margin distinct, irregular, dark-brown; pycnidia epiphyllous, numerous, dark-brown, spherical to ovate, dark-bordered, 96-144/1 in diam., ostiole distinct, 24 /t in diam.; conidia hyaline, ellipsoidal, pointed at both ends, 7.2-14.4 X 2.4/4. On leaves of Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq. in Porto Rico: Coamo, //p, (type) ; Villa Alba, Q4. 16. Phyllosticta borinquensis sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, numerous, yellowish-brown in the center, becoming darker nearer the 'margin, circular to ovate, 2-5 mm. in diam., margin rather irregularly angular; pycnidia epiphyllous, scattered, dark-brown, spherical, regular, 48-70 /i in diam., ostiole dark-bordered, 12 /t in diam.; conidia hyaline, ovate, 2. 4-4.8 X 1. 2-2. 4/4. On leaves of Helicteres jamaicensis Jacq. in Porto Rico: San German, 5672 (type). Associated with this is one of the Sphaeriaceae, with dark- brown, spherical perithecia, 96-120 /4 in diam. A mycelium of brown hyphae seems to connect the perithecia and pycnidia ; asci stalked; spores eight in an ascus, septate, ovate, olivaceous, 4.8- 7.2 X 2.4 /4. Owing to the fact that the spores were immature, it 148 Mycologia was impossible to determine the genus with any degree of cer- tainty. 17. Phyllosticta bixina sp. nov. Spots yellowish-brown, scattered, subcircular to irregular, 5- 10 mm. in diam., numerous, amphigenous, lighter below, often bordered by an intermediate yellow region which spreads over the leaf, older portions of the spot bordered by a distinct brown- ish-black margin ; pycnidia few, epiphyllous, spherical, dark- brown, 92-148/4 in diam., ostiole distinct, dark-bordered, 12-24/4 in diam. ; conidia hyaline, ovate, 4.8-6 X 2.4 /4. On leaves of Bixa orellana L. in Porto Rico: Maricao, 174 (type) ; San German, 5/94; Rosario, 4844; Mayagiiez, 298; Coamo, 55; Punta Santiago, 2458; Ahasco, 3208; Adjuntas, 4975a- 18. Phyllosticta eupatoricola Kab. & Bub. Hedwigia 46: 288. 1907 On Eiipatorinm odoratum L. in Porto Rico: Villa Alba, 103. 19. Phyllosticta Eugeniae sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, circular, 2-4 mm. in diam., somewhat darker above than below, the center dark-brown surrounded by a lighter colored ring which is bordered by an even, dark, slightly elevated margin, centers falling out with age, leaf around the spot reddish-brown ; pycnidia more numerous on the upper sur- face, dark-brown, spherical to ovate, 84-144/4 in diam.; conidia ovate, hyaline, granular, often remaining attached to their stalks, 9.6-16.8 X 4.8-6 /4. On leaves of Eugenia buxifolia (Sw.) Willd. in Porto Rico: Mona Island, 6230 (type), 6091, and 612'/. An ascomycete is associated with this species. Perithecia amphigenous, dark-brown to black, spherical, regular, dark-bor- dered, 168-228/4 in diam., ostiole often opening laterally; spores hyaline, immature. 20. Phyllosticta araliana sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, yellowish-brown, circular to ovate, 4-8 mm. in diam., bordered by a dark-brown, regular margin; pyc- nidia scattered, epiphyllous, spherical, 24-48/4 in diam., dark- Young: Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi 149 brown; conidia hyaline, ovate, slightly pointed at one end, 7.2- 9.6 X2.4/A. On leaves of Dendropanax arbor eiim (L.) Dec. & PI. in Porto Rico: Maricao, 755 (type). 21. Phyllosticta Guareae P. Henn. Hedwigia 41: 113. 1902. On Guarea trichiloides L. in Porto Rico : Aquas Buenas, 295. 22. Phyllosticta Sechii sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, irregular or confluent, varying from 2 to 15 mm. in diam., sordid-white above, darker below, margin dis- tinct, slightly raised, concolorous ; pycnidia epiphyllous, numer- ous, dark-brown, spherical, 72-96 /a in diam., ostiole distinct, dark-bordered, 24-48 /x in diam.; conidia hyaline, ovate, slightly pointed at one end, 7. 2-9. 6 X 2.4 /x. On leaves of Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sev. in Porto Rico: Mayagiiez, 3357 (type). This species differs from Phyllosticta Lagenariae Passer in the size and shape of the conidia, these being described as oblong, rounded at the ends, 10-12. 5 X 5 23. Phyllosticta glaucispora Delacr. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 9: 216. 1893 On leaves of Urechites lutea Britton in Porto Rico. In our specimens the spores are somewhat larger than those of typical specimens, measuring 4.8-9.6 X 2.4 /x. Phyllosticta neri- cola has hyaline spores, 8-10 X 3 m. and differs only in color and a slight variation in the size of the spore. This species is distinct from Phyllosticta Nerii in the size of spores, those being much larger, 15-18 XS-^M- Associated with this is an undescribed species of Colletotri- chum having perithecia surrounded with setae, and with hyaline, ovate-oblong spores. 24. Phyllosticta Ipomoeae Ellis & Kellerman, Jour. j\Iyc. 3 : 102. 1887 On Exogonium repandum (Jacq.) Choisy in Porto Rico: Manati, 5313; Mayagiiez, 20; Rio Piedras, 5772; Dos Bocas below Utuado, 6600. 150 Mycologia 25- Phyllosticta pandanicola sp. nov. Spots amphigenous, scattered over the leaf, grayish-white to light-brown, margin slightly darker ; pycnidia located mostly along the nerves, epiphyllous, numerous, spherical to ovate, 80- 100 X 50-60 /A., dark-brown, ostiole definite; conidia elliptical, pointed at both ends, hyaline, 96-144 X 2.4-3.6 fi. On leaves of Pandanus sp. indet. in Porto Rico : Santurce, 240 (type). University of Illinois, Uebana, Illinois. FUNGI EDIBLE AND POISONOUS William A. Murrill An article on this subject prepared by the writer appeared nearly a year ago in the fourth volume of the second edition of “Wood’s Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences.” The plan of the article included a general introduction to edible and poisonous mushrooms; a list of edible mushrooms selected by Dr. Peck after nearly fifty years’ experience; preparing and cook- ing mushrooms ; descriptions of edible and poisonous species ; and a brief glossary containing the technical terms used. In addition to the 23 pages of descriptive matter, 26 species are illustrated with ordinary half-tones and 22 with colored half- tones. The edible and poisonous species described in this paper are carefully selected with special reference to their economic use or their dangerous properties. A number of species are omitted because they might be confused with poisonous species. Follow- ing the scientific description in each instance, are notes calling attention to special characteristics, occurrence, methods of cook- ing, etc. No attempt is made to prepare a key to the species, since re- liable keys are possible only when all the known plants of a group or of a region are included. The arrangement of the species fol- lows the lines of classification adopted by the best authorities. List of Species Described Morchella esculenta Pers. Edible Clavaria flava Schaefif. Edible Hydnum repandum L. Edible Hydnum Caput-ursi Fries. Edible FistuUna hepatica (Huds.) Fries. Edible Grifola frondosa (Dicks.) S. F. Gray. Edible Laetiporus speciosus (Batt.) Murrill. Edible Tylopilus felleus (Bull.) P. Karst. Inedible Ceriomyces crassus Batt. Edible 151 152 Mycoi-ogia Ceriomyces scaber (Bull.) Murrill. Edible Ceriomyces ferniginattis (Batsch) Murrill. Poisonous Cerioviyces miniato-olivaceus (Frost) Murrill. Poisonous Suilletliis luridus (Schaeff.) Murrill. Poisonous Rostkovites granulatus (L.) P. Karst. Edible Strobilomyces sfrobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. Edible Chanterel Chantarelhis (L.) Murrill. Edible Chanterel aurantiacus (Wulf.) Fries. Doubtful Lactaria deliciosa (L.) Fries. Edible Lactaria lactifliia (L.) Burl. Edible Lactaria piperata (L.) Pers. Edible Russula Mariae Peck. Edible Russula emetica Fries. Poisonous Russula virescens (Schaeff.) Fries. ' Edible Russula foetens Pers. Poisonous Marasmius oreades (Bolt.) Fries. Edible Pleurotus sapidus Kalchb. Edible Clitocybe multiceps Peck. Edible Clitocybe illudens (Schw.) Sacc. Poisonous Melanoleuca personata (Fries) Murrill. Edible Armillaria viellea (Vahl) Quel. Edible Lepiota procera (Scop.) Quel. Edible Lepiota americana Peck. Edible Lepiota naucina (Fries) Quel. Edible Chlorophyllum Molybdites Massee. Poisonous Vaginata plumbea (Schaeff.) Murrill. Edible Vaginata agglutinata (Berk. & Curt.) O. Kuntze. Poisonous V enenarius phalloides (Fries) Murrill. Deadly poisonous Venenarius muscarius (L.) Earle. Deadly poisonous V enenarius cothurnatus (Atk.) Murrill. Poisonous Venenarius spretus (Peck) Murrill. Poisonous Venenarius solitarius (Bull.) Murrill. Poisonous Venenarius rubens (Scop.) Murrill. Edible Venenarius Caesareus (Scop.) Murrill. Edible Pleuropus abortivus (Berk. & Curt.) Murrill. Edible Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) Fries. Edible Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fries. Edible Inocybe infida (Peck) Earle. Poisonous Pholiota candicans (Bull.) Schrot. Edible Hypholoma appendiculatuni (Bull.) Quel. Edible Hypholoma perple.rum (Peck) Sacc. Edible Agaricus campester L. Edible Agaricus placomyces Peck. Edible Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. Edible Coprinus inicaceus (Bull.) Fries. Edible Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fries. Edible Coprinus comatus (Muell.) Fries. Edible Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch. Edible Lycoperdon cyathiforme Bose. Edible IMurrill: Fungi Edible and Poisonous 153 Scleroderma aurantium (L.) Pers. Inedible Dictyophora duplicata (Bose) Ed. Fisch. Considered poisonous Preparing and Cooking Mushrooms The following directions are given in this article for preparing and cooking mushrooms : Reject old specimens or those infected with insects, cut off the stems except in rare cases when they are unusually tender, peel a few kinds that seem to require it, wash quickly in cold water, drain and keep in a cool place until ready to cook. As a rule, mushrooms cannot be kept very long in a fresh condition, and this is particularly true of certain very desirable species. When more are collected than can be used at once, it is best to boil them ten minutes, drain, keep in a cool place, and finish the cooking next day as desired. If allowed to stand in water, the flavor is im- paired; also, peeling may remove some of the best flavored parts. The flavor and digestibility of mushrooms d-epend very largely on the way they are cooked. Tender varieties should be cooked quickly and served at once ; tough varieties require long, slow cooking. When the flavor is good, it should be retained by cover- ing during the cooking process and seasoning in a simple way. When the flavor is poor or when the specimens are slightly bitter or otherwise objectionable in the raw state, they may often be greatly improved by boiling for a short time and throwing the water away, then cooking thoroughly and seasoning well. It is often desirable to mix a few highly flavored specimens with those lacking flavor. Mushrooms are also excellent cooked with meat, poultry, oysters, tomatoes, or sweet peppers, and as a flavoring for soups and sauces. Detailed directions for cooking mushrooms are given in most of the books. The most practical and successful methods re- solve themselves into broiling, baking, and stewing. In the first, which I prefer to all other methods, the mushrooms are cooked thoroughly but as quickly as possible, on both sides over a hot fire; seasoned with pepper, salt, butter, and perhaps small bits of toasted bacon; and served hot on toast. To bake mushrooms, line the pan with toast, add the specimens, season, pour in half a cup of cream, cover closely, and bake rather slowly for fifteen 154 Mycologia minutes or more according to quality. In stewing, the mush- rooms are boiled in water until thoroughly cooked, then seasoned, thickened, and served on toast. This last method is often used for the tougher or poorer varieties. Certain modifications of the above methods may be suggested later under individual species requiring special treatment. New York Botanical Garden. NEWS, NOTES, AND REVIEWS “Western Polypores,” by W. A. Murrill, was issued March 25, 1915- It contains descriptions of the pileate species occur- ring in California, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska, together with descriptive notes and complete keys to the genera and species. Polyporus McMurphyi, Polyporus Zelleri, Inonotus Leei, Pyropolyporus Abramsianus, and Elfvingia Brownii are described as new, while Scutiger hispidellus (Peck) and Pomes amarus (Hedgcock) are newly combined. Crytoporus volvatus appears in this work as the only representative of a new tribe, the Volvatae, characterized by the presence of a volva. The poly- poraceous flora of the Pacific coast has been until recently very imperfectly known, and much field work still remains to be done in many parts of the region. A paper on the Polyporaceae of Wisconsin, by J. J. Neuman, containing 156 pages of text and 25 plates, has just appeared as Bulletin 33 of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. The family is treated in the broadest Friesian sense, including Solenia, Porothelium, Merulins, Gloeoporiis, Fistulina, and the Boletaceae, in addition to the true polypores. The brief descriptions of species are accompanied by quite complete and helpful notes on habitat, occurrence, and relationship. Several introductory pages are specially devoted to species destructive to timber trees in the Wisconsin forests. Of the true polypores, over one hundred are recorded for the state. The author pro- poses one new variety. Pomes nigricans popnliniis, which might better have been based on Pomes igniarius. The plates add to the value of the work for purposes of identification, although most of them are, unfortunately, rather poor reproductions. Russula and Marasmius in North American Flora Volume 9, part 4, of North American Flora, by Gertrude S. Burlingham, William A. Murrill, and Leigh H. Pennington, ap- 155 156 Mycologia peared April 30, 1915. The contents of the part may be indi- cated as follows : Genera Total Species New Species Russula 115 17 Schiaophyllus i Pleurotopsis 5 x Scytinotus 3 i Resupinatus 13 3 Marastniellus 3 2 Panellus 10 3 Tectella i Heliomyces 12 10 Marasmius 153 48 Polymarasmiits 3 i Crinipellis 7 4 Lentinus 18 2 Lentinula 1 Lentinellus i Lentodium 2 348 92 For the accommodation of those preferring currently accepted generic names, the following new combinations are proposed for species described as new in Pleurotopsis, Scytinotus, Resupinatus, Marasmiellus, Panellus, Poly marasmius, and Crinipellis: Pleurotopsis niduliformis = Marasmius niduliformis Scytinotus distantifolius = Marasmius distantifolius Resupinatus cubensis = Pleurotus cubensis Resupinatus subbarbatulus = Pleurotus subbarbatulus Resupinatus orizabensis = Pleurotus orizabensis Marasmiellus inconspicuus = Marasmius inconspicuus Marasmiellus juniperinus = Marasmius juniperinus Panellus jalapensis = Panus jalapensis Panellus subcantharelloides = Panus subcantharelloides Panellus flabellatus = Panus flabellatus PoLYMARASMius suBMULTicEPs = Marasmius submulticeps Crinipellis subhvida = Marasmius sublividus Crinipellis aln i cola =: Marasmius alnicola Crinipellis squamifolia =: Marasmius squamifolius Crinipellis echinulata = Marasmius echinulatus The largest tribe of the Agaricaceae, the Agariceae, is divided into four subtribes : the Lepiotanae, or white-spored series ; the News, Notes, and Reviews 157 Pluteanae, or rosy-spored series ; the Pholiotanae, or rusty- spored series ; and the Agaricanae, in which the spores are brown or black in mass. Two new genera are included, Marasmielliis and Polymarasmius, each with three species. Another new genus of the Lepiotanae, Lentodielhim, containing a single tropical species, occurs in the, key but the description had to be reserved for the first page of Volume 9, part 5. W. A. Murrill. The Validity of Clitocybe Megalospora The writer has recently had an opportunity to examine the • type specimen of Clitocybe megalospora Clements (Bot. Surv. Neb. 4: 18. 1896), which was collected on wet earth at Saltillo, Nebraska, July 7, by Pound and Clements (No. 4239) ; and he was surprised to find it identical in every respect with four col- lections obtained by him several years ago in Virginia, Tennes- see, and Pennsylvania. The description of Clitocybe megalospora corresponds to that of Collybia radicata, the lamellae being de- scribed as white or yellowish and the spores as hyaline and very large, reaching 17-18X10-12/11. The plants collected by the author in \^irginia and elsewhere were in each case determined when fresh as undoubtedly Collybia radicata and the accompany- ing field notes described them as sticky when moist, white, with yellowish center and white lamellae. It was not until several years later, when these specimens were examined in the herbarium, that the lamellae were found to be brick-red and a microscopic mount from the lamellae apparently showed a mycelium bearing enlarged red tips rounded off at the apex, which seemed to become constricted and separate as spores. It is difficult to make a microscopic study of this kind from dried material, and further study was deferred with the hope that additional material might be found in the fresh state. The type of C. megalospora upon microscopic examination showed the same reddish bodies and the lamellae were partly colored red by them. It is possible that we have here an interesting micro- scopic organism which changes the color of the lamellae, but why this occurs after the specimen is collected and dried is not so clear. Many of the rosy-spored gill-fungi have whitish lamellae 158 Mycologia when fresh, and these become rose-colored on drying from the mature rose-colored spores. It is hoped that collectors during the coming season will be on the lookout for plants of “ Collybia radicata ” that turn red on the under side in drying. W. A. jMurrill. The Twentieth Anniversary of the New York Botanical Garden The twentieth anniversary of the appropriation by the City of New York of 250 acres of land in Bronx Park for the use of the New York Botanical Garden will be commemorated at the Garden during the week commencing September 6, 1915. Botanists from all parts of North America are invited to attend. The follow- ing program is planned ; and other excursions, of more special character, may be arranged if opportunity offers. Monday, Se Member 6 lo-i : 30. Assemble at the Garden as convenient 1 : 30. Lunch at the Garden 2:30. Addresses of welcome and an account of the history of the Garden 3:30-5:30. Inspection of a portion of the grounds and buildings 5 : 30-7 : 00. Visit to Zoological Park Tuesday, September 7 10:30-1:00. Session for the reading of papers 1 : 30. Lunch at the Garden 2:30-4:00. Session for the reading of papers 4:00-6:00. Inspection of portions of the buildings and grounds Wednesday, September 8 Salt Water Day on Staten Island for a study of the coastal flora Lunch at 1:30 with subsequent opportunity for scientific oratory Thursday, September g 10 : 30-1 : 00. Session for the reading of papers 1 : 30. Lunch at the Garden 2 : 30-4 : 00. Session for the reading of papers 4:00-6:00. Inspection of portions of the grounds and buildings Friday, September 10 Visit to the pine barrens of New Jersey under the guidance of the Torrey Botanical Club Saturday, September ii Visit to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and an excursion to some Long Island locality INDEX TO AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE Allard, H. A. Effect of dilution upon the infectivity of the virus of the mosaic disease of tobacco. Jour. Agr. Research 3 : 295-299- 15 Ja 1915- Ames, A. The temperature relations of some fungi causing stor- age rots. Phytopathology 5 : 11-19. F 1915. Arthur, J. C., & Fromme, F. D. A new North American Endo- phyllum. Bull. Torrey Club 42: 55-61. pi. 2-\-f. i, 2. 2 Mr . 1915- Endophyllum tuberculatum sp. nov. Arthur J. C., & Fromme, F. D. The taxonomic value of pore characters in the grass and sedge rusts. Mycologia 7 : 28-33. /. J. 3 F 1915. Atkinson, G. F. The development of Armillaria mellea. ]\Iyc. Centralb. 4: 113-121. pi. i, 2. 21 Ap 1914. Bailey, F. D. Notes on miscellaneous potato diseases. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bien. Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 2 ; 245-256. /. 20- 28. 15 Ja 1915. Baker, C. F. First supplement to the list of the lower fungi of the Philippine Islands. Leaflets Philip. Bot. 7: 2417-2542. 14 N 1914. Barss, H. P. Bacterial gummosis or bacterial canker of cherries. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bien. Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 2 : 224- 240. /. 13-19. 15 Ja 1915. Barss, H. P. A new filbert disease in Oregon. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bien. Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 2: 213-223. /. 4-12. 15 Ja 1915- Berger, E. W. History of Citrus canker. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 124: 27-30. O 1914. Brown, H. P. A timber rot accompanying Hymenochaete ni'- biginosa (Schrad.) Lev. Mycologia 7; 1-20. pi. 149-131. 3 F 1915- Burt, E. A. The Thelephoraceae of North America — III. Cra- terellus borealis and Cyphella. Ann. jMissouri Bot. Card, i ; 357-382. pi. 19. 30 Ja 1915- 159 160 Mycologia Chapman, R. N. Observations on the life history of Agrilus bili- neatus. Jour. Agr. Research 3: 283-293. pi. jp. 15 Ja 1915- Includes a brief account of the interrelations between Armillaria mellea and the chestnut borer in causing the death of certain oaks. Dean, A. F. The M.yxomycetes of Wisconsin. Trans. Wiscon- sin Acad. Sci. 17: 1221-1299. O 1914. Drayton, F. L. The Rhizoctonia lesions on potato stems. Phy- topathology 5 : 59-63- (5 -f /. 5. F 1915. Fawcett, G. L. Fungus diseases of coffee in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 17: 1-29. pi. 1-8. 9 F 1915. Fawcett, H. S. Citrus canker in Florida and the Gulf States. Monthly Bull. State Comm. Hort. California 3: 512, 513. D 1914. Fawcett, H. S. The known distribution of Pythiacystis citro- phthora and its probable relation to mal di gomma of Citrus. Phytopathology’ 5: 66, 67. F 1915. Fitzpatrick, H. M, A parasitic species of Claudopus. Myco- logia 7 : 34-37- pi- 153 + f- I- 3 F I9i5- Claudopvs subdephteus sp. nov. is described. Hall, J. G. Notes upon Washington fungi. Phytopathology 5: 55-58. pi. 4, 5. F 1915. Includes Neottiospora yuccaeafolia and Tureenia juncoidea, spp. nov. Hartley, C., & Brunner, S. C. Notes on Rhizoctonia. Phyto- pathology 5 : 73, 74- F 1915- Heald, F. D., & Studhalter, R. A. Longevity of pycnospores and ascospores of Endothia parasitica under artificial conditions. Phytopathology 5: 35-44- pi- ■?- F 1915. Hoffer, G. N. The more important fungi attacking forest trees in Indiana. Indiana State Board Forestry Rep. 1914: 84-97. /. 1-5. 1915. Howe, R. H. A list of lichens collected in Newfoundland, with critical notes on the family Usneaceae. Plant World 17: 154- 160. /. I. My 1914. Jackson, H. S. Notes, observations and minor investigations on plant diseases. Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bien. Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 2: 261-283. /. 30-44. 15 Ja 1915. Jackson, H. S. A Pacific coast rust attacking pear, quince, etc. Index to American Mycological Literature 161 Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bien. Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 2 : 204- 212. /. 1-3. 15 Ja 1915. Johnson, J. Black rot, shed burn, and stem rot of tobacco. Wis- consin Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bull. 32 : 63-86. /. i-y. Je 1914. Jones, B. J. The natural modes of distribution of pear blight in California. Monthly Bull. State Comm. Hort. California 3; 505-51 1. /. J/d-//;. D 1914. Jones, L. R. Control of potato diseases in Wisconsin. Wis- consin Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 52: 1-19. /. 1-4. N 1914. Lipman, C. B., & Fowler, L. W. Isolation of Bacillus radicola from soil. Science II. 41: 256-259. 12 F. 1915. Longyear, B. 0. Some Colorado mushrooms. Colorado Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 201 : 1-34. /. 1-23. N 1914. Lutman, B. F., & Johnson, H. F. Some observations on ordinary beet scab. Phytopathology 5: 30-34. /. 1-4. F 1915. Meinecke, E. P. Robert Hartig (1839-1901). Phytopathology 5 : 1-3- />/. -r. F 1915. Murrill, W. A. A new bolete from California. Mycologia 7: 44. 3 F 1915. Rostkovites calif orniciis sp. nov. Murrill, W. A. Southern polypores, i-iv -(- 1-66. New York. 1915- O’Gara, P. J. New species of Colletotrichum and Phoma. My- cologia 7 : 38-41- 3 F 1915- Four new species are described. O’Gara, P. J. Occurrence of silver scurf of potatoes in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Science II. 41; 131, 132. 22 Ja 1915. O’Gara, P. J. The Pacific coast cedar rust of the apple, pear, quince and related pome fruits caused by Gymnosporangium Blasdaleanum. Office Path. U. S. Weather Bureau Sta. Rogue River Valley Bull. Tech. Ser. 2: [1-7.] pi. 1-4 -\-f. i. I S 1913. Orton, C. R. Structural parallelism between spore-forms in the Ascomycetes. Mycologia 7: 21-27. pi. 132. 3 F 1915. Pierce, G. R. Chestnut blight in Nebraska. Phytopathology 5 : 74- F 1915- Rogers, J. T., & Gravatt, G. F. Notes on the chestnut bark dis- ease. Phytopathology 5: 45-47. F 1915. 162 Mycologia Rumbold, C. Notes on chestnut fruits infected with the chest- nut blight fungus. Phytopathology 5: 64, 65. F 1915. Stevens, H. E. Studies of Citrus canker. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 124: 31-43. /. 6-1 1. O 1914. Stuckey, H. P. Tomatoes. Georgia Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 112: 211-248. /. J-J4. Ja 1915. Includes a chapter on “ Blossom rot.” Taubenhaus, J. J. Diseases of the sweet pea. Delaware Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 106: 1-93. /. 1-43. N 1914. Taubenhaus, J. J. The problem of plant diseases which con- fronts the gardener. Card. Chron. Am. 301-304. Ja 1913. [Illust.] Tolaas, A. G. A bacterial disease of cultivated mushrooms. Phytopathology 5: 51-54- 5- F I9i5- Trelease, W. Edible and poisonous mushrooms and toadstools. Contr. Shaw School Bot. 18: 1-18. 1914. [Illust.] Van Horne, A. Some rare fungi found at St. Andrews. Cana- dian Record Sci. 9 : 328-338. Ap 1914. Watson, J. R. Whkefly Control, 1914. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 123: 3-24. /. 7-5. S 1914. Includes notes on the fungous diseases of the larvae. Weir, J. R. A new host for a species of Racoumofsky. Phyto- pathology 5 : 73- F 1915. Weir, J. R. New hosts for some forest tree fungi. Phytopa- thology 5 : 72- F 1915. Weir, J. R. Some observations on abortive sporophores of wood- destroying fungi. Phytopathology 5: 48-50. F 1915. Wolf, F. A. Strawberry leaf blight. Proc. Alabama State Hort. Soc. II : 56-58. 1914. Wolf, F. A. Egg plant rots. Myc. Centralb. 4: 278-287. /. 1-4. 1914- Wolf, F. A. A leaf disease of walnuts. Myc. Centralb. 4 : 65-69. /. 1-6. 1914. [Illust.] Wolf, F. A. Leaf spot and some fruit rots of peanut (Arachis hypogaca L.). Alabama Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 180: 127-150. pi. 1-3. D 1914. Wolf, F. A., & Massey, A. B. Citrus canker. Alabama Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 27: 97-101. /. 1-6. My 1914. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Price, 25 cents each. See next page for recent numbers No. 17. The Tylosloinaceae of North .America, by V. S. White. No. 24. The Nidulariaceae of North America, liy V. S. White. No. 27. Some Mt. Desert P'ungi, by V. S. White. Nos. 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 49, 52, 56, 60, 65, 69, 70 and 74. The Polyporaceae of North America, 1-XIII, by W. A. Murrill. No. 90. Studies in North American Peronosporales — T. The Genus Albugo, by Guy West Wilson. No. 95. Studies in North American Peronosporales — II. Phytophthoreae and Khysotheceae, by Guy West Wilson. No. 99. Some Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. .A. Murrill. No. HO. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill, Boleti from We.stern North Carolina, by W. A. Murrill. The Boleti of the Frost Herbarium, by W. A. Murrill. Some Notih Dakota Ilypocrcalei, by F. J. Searer. Studies in North American Peronosporales — IV. Host Index, by III. 114. ns. 117, No. No. No. No. G. Vv . Wilson. No. 119. No. 122. 1. Seaver. No. 133. No. 167. North Dakota Slime-Moulds, by F. J. Seaver. Notes on North American Ilypocreales — II. Nectria Peziza, by r .1- Iowa Discomycetes, by F, J. Seaver (special price 50 cents). The Identity of the -Anthracnose of Grasses in the United States, by Guy West Wilson. Address NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx Park, New York City PUBLICATIONS or The New York Botanical Garden Jooroal of the New Tork Botanical Garden, monthlj', illustrated, con- taining notes, news, and non-technical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, lo cents a copf; $i.oo a year. (Not offered in es- change.] Now in its sixteenth volume. Mycologla, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi including lichens ; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in- terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. $3.00 a year ; single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its seventh volume. Bulletin of the New 7ork Botanical Garden, containing the annual reports of the Director-in-Cbief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, JI3.00 per volume. Now in its ninth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North Amenca, including Greenland, the West Indies and Central America. Planned to be com- pleted in 34 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Each volume to consist of four or more parts. Subscription price, I1.50 per part ; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for f2.oo each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part I, 1910. Nectriaceae — Fimetariaceae. Vol. 7, part I, 1906; part 2, 1907 ; part 3, 1912. Ustiiaginaceae — Aecidiaceae (pars). Vol, 9, parts 1 and 2, 1907; part 3, 1910; part 4, I9IS- Polyporaceae — Agari- caceae (pars). (Parts l and 2 no longer sold separately.) Vol. 10, part I, 1914. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts I and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Opliioglossaceae — Cyatheaceae (pars). Vol. 17, part I, 1909 ; part 2, 1912. Typliaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 22, parts I and 2, 190S; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part 5, 1913- Podostemona- ccae — Rosaceae (pars). Vol. 25, part I, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 19H. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part I, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol. 34, part I, 1914. Carduaceae (pars). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. Price to members of the Garden, $t .00 per volume. To others, j2.oo. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Vellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg, ix -I-492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development, by D. T. MacDougal. xvi -(- 320 pp., with 176 figures. 1903. Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by Arthur Hollick and Edward Charles Jeffrey. viii-(-i38 pp., with 29 plates. 1909. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager, viii -f- 278 pp., with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Vol. V. Flora of the Vicinity of New York; A Contribution to Plant Geography! by Norman Taylor, vi 683 pp., with 9 plates. 19*5- Contributions from the New York Botaxtical Garden. A series of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals other than the above. Price, 2$ cents each. tS.oo per volume, in the eighth volume. RBCENT NUAffBURS 25 CUNTS EACH 176. Phytogeographical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Region — IV. Forests of the Subalpine and Montane Zones, by P. A. Rydberg. 177. Mosses of Bermuda, by Elizabeth G. Britton. 178. Notes on Rosaceae — IX, by P. A. Rydberg. NBw YORK Botanical Garden EMonx Park, New Yoex Orrv iMYCOLOGIA 4 . M i, IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Founded by W. A. Kellerman, J. B. Ellia,and B. M. Everhart in 1885 WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL I i f ■' f $ JOSEPH C. ARTHUR ^ HOWARD J. BANKER ■; OlACOHO BRESADOLA V nulDERIC E. CLEMENTS DEARNESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS FRANKLIN S. EARLE BRUCE FINK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE OEORGE MASSEE NARCISSE PATOUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORNELIUS L. SHEAR •T PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR CONTENTS PAGB Illustrations of Fungi — XXI - William A. Murrill 163 Uredinales of Porto Rico Based on Collections by F. L. Stevens - - - - - J. C. Arthur 168 Illustrations and Descriptions of Cup-fungi — II. Sepul- taria Fred J. Seaver 197 A New Fungus, Phialophora verrucosa, Pathogenic for Man - - - - - E. M. Medlar 200 Tests on the Durability of Greenheart (Nectandra Rodiaei Schomb.) - - - - C. J. Humphrey 204 Observations on Herpotrichia nigra and Associated Species. Fred J. Seaver 210 News and Notes 212 Index to American Mycological Literature - - - 217 The New Er* Printing Company makes the following charges to authors for articles reprinted from Mycologia, if ordered with proof: Without Cover — 4 PP- 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. 24 pp. 28 pp. 32 pp. a5~So Copies — *>•37 #>.87 #2.12 *2.50 *3-50 *405 *4 82 I5.20 IC» “ >•55 2. >5 2.65 3>5 4.05 5.00 6.10 6.50 aoo “ 2.00 3-05 4.00 4- 30 5-6o 6.90 8.30 8.90 Covers — First 50 — |l.oo. Additional, ic each. Plates — 40c per loo. Mycoi.ogia Plate CLX ILLUSTRATIONS OF FUNGI JULa U 1915 MYCOLOGIA VoL. VII July, 1915 No. 4 ILLUSTRATIONS OF FUNGI— XXI William A. Murrill Figures 3 and 4 on the accompanying plate were drawn from specimens collected by the author at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, with the aid of Dr. W. Gilman Thompson. The other speci- mens used were collected in or near Bronx Park, New York City. Panaeolus solidipes Peck Solid-stemmed Panaeolus Plate 160. Figure i. X i Pileus firm, at first hemispheric, then subcampanulate or con- vex, 5-7 cm. broad ; surface smooth, whitish, the cuticle at length breaking up into dingy-yellowish, rather large, angular scales ; lamellae broad, slightly attached, whitish, becoming black ; spores broadly ellipsoid, very black with a bluish tint, 17.5 X lO//. ; stipe firm, smooth, white, slightly striate at the apex, solid, 12-17. 5 cm. long, 4-8 mm. thick. This species, which is unusually large for the genus, occurs rarely in manure heaps or in heavily manured ground in the eastern United States. According to Peck’s original description and figure, the surface becomes distinctly scaly with age. The specimens here figured, found in the New York Botanical Garden, were probably collected before this character had de- veloped. [Mycologia for May, 1915 (7: 115-162), was issued June 15, 1915.] 163 VOkk 164 Mycologia Lactaria plinthogala (Otto) Burl, Sooty Lactaria Plate i6o. Figure 2. X i Pileus fleshy, convex to plane, sometimes with a small umbo, depressed in the center, then subinfundibuliform, 2^.5 cm. broad ; surface raw-umber to dingy-yellow-brown, snuff -brown, or putty-colored to pallid, usually darker in the center and at first, then fading, dry, glabrous but coyered with a bloom, usually very smooth, sometimes wrinkled in the center when mature ; margin entire of wavy ; context white, changing to reddish or salmon where exposed to the air ; latex white, tardily acrid, rarely changing color except when in contact with the broken flesh, where it becomes salmon-pink ; lamellae nearly white at first, then maize-yellow, becoming pinkish or salmon where wounded, pruinose, sometimes forking near the stipe and sometimes con- nected with vein-like reticulations, subdistant, adnate or slightly decurrent, about 5 mm. broad ; spores yellow, mostly globose, echinulate, 6.5-10 in diameter; stipe of the same color as the pileus, often whitish at the base, nearly equal or tapering down- ward, glabrous, pruinose, stuffed but firm, then hollow, 5-7 cm. long, 6-12 mm. thick. This species is widely distributed in the eastern United States in deciduous or mixed woods. Certain closely related forms are sometimes difficult to distinguish, but they all appear to be re- garded as edible. Cortinellus decorus (Fries) P. Karst. Ornamented Cortinellus Plate 160. Figure 3. X i Pileus thin, rather tough, convex becoming plane or slightly depressed, subexpanded, 4-7 cm. or more broad; surface moist, melleous, sometimes tinged with flavous, fuliginous at the center, dotted with minute, brownish or blackish, hairy squamules, margin incurved ; context yellow, watery, mild, insipid, with un- pleasant odor; lamellae adnate to slightly sinuate, crowded, arcuate, cremeous-flavous ; spores subglobose, smooth, hyaline, 5-6 X 4-5 /u-; stipe equal, often curved, stuffed or hollow, mel- leous, fibrillose or squamulose, especially above, rarely glabrous, sometimes eccentric, 2.5-6 cm. long, 4-6 mm. thick. Murrill; Illustrations of Fungi 165 This pretty wood-loving species is not often seen, although it is widely distributed in temperate North America and Europe on decaying coniferous trunks. Peck’s Tricholoma multipunctum is not distinct. The specimens here figured are unusually small. Melaaoleuca fumidella (Peck) Murrill Somewhat Clouded IMelanoleuca Plate i6o. Figure 4. X i Pileus convex, then expanded, subumbonate, 2.5-5 cm. broad ; surface smooth, moist, at times rimose-areolate, dingy-white or clay-color clouded with rose or brown, becoming paler when dried, the disk darker than the margin ; context white, with dis- tinctly farinaceous taste and odor ; lamellae white, sinuate, broad, subventricose, not crowded; spores 4-5 X 3-5 f*; stipe equal, smooth, solid, splitting readily, whitish or pale-pinkish, 5-7.5 cm. long, 4-6 mm. thick. This species is found rather frequently on the ground in woods from New England to North Carolina. The genus is exceedingly large and difficult. Lactaria Volkertii sp. nov. Plate 160. Figure 5- X i Volkert’s Lactaria Pileus hemispheric to convex, becoming rather deeply depressed at the center, solitary, reaching 7 cm. broad ; surface dry, exactly fulvous, finely tomentose, the pellicle slightly separable toward the margin, which is somewhat concentrically zonate in mature plants ; context very firm, white, mild in taste, with an odor suggestive of Russula foetens, but changing in drying ; lamellae crowded, adnate, arcuate, some of them forked, showing no colored latex, but becom- ing brown when bruised as in species of Lactaria containing watery latex; spores globose to subglobose, rough, hyaline, 8-ii /a; stipe cylindric, equal, milk-white throughout, becoming brown when bruised, very solid and firm, reaching 5.5 cm. long and 2 cm. thick. Type collected in moist ground in deciduous woods near Bronx Park, New York City, August 6, 1911, W. A. Murrill & E. C. V olkert. This beautiful species, which has been collected but once, has every mark of a Lactaria except the milky juice. The change 166 Mycologia . in color of the lamellae, however, is taken to indicate that the latex was scarce and watery. Miss Burlingham suggests that the dried specimens greatly resemble L. lactiflua in appearance and odor. I have never seen a specimen of L. lactiflua with the colors and surface characters of this plant nor without an abundance of latex in the younger stages. Miss Burlingham says that it does not resemble any species of Russula. Ceriomyces retipes (Berk. & Curt.) Murrill Netted-stemmed Ceriomyces Plate i6o. Figure 7. X i Pileus convex above, concave or plane beneath, rarely cespitose, 5-12 cm. broad, 1-2 cm. thick; surface dr}'-, opaque, somewhat viscid when wet, minutely tomentose to glabrous, sometimes covered with a yellow pulverulence, varying in color from yellow or yellowish-brown to fuliginous ; context firm, light- to deep- yellow, unchanging, mild or slightly bitter; tubes adnate, slightly decurrent, somewhat depressed with age, i cm. or more long, clear lemon-yellow when young, becoming dull-yellow at ma- turity, darker with age, but not changing when wounded, mouths circular to angular, less than i mm. broad, slightly flesh-colored when bruised ; spores oblong, smooth, yellowish-brown, 1 1-14 X 3-4.5 fjL ; stipe subequal, often bulbous at the base, distinctly and beautifullly reticulate, sometimes entirely to the base, yellowish- pulverulent in some specimens, yellow and firm within, yellow or yellowish-brown without, 5-12 cm. long, 0.5-2 cm. thick. An attractive and well-marked edible species occurring com- monly in thin woods from Nova Scotia to Alabama and west to Wisconsin. The cap varies in color from yellow to brown, the flesh and tubes are yellow, and the yellow stem is beautifully reticulated to the base. It was first described by Berkeley from plants collected by Curtis in North Carolina, and later Peck as- signed the name B. ornatipes to a dark form of the same plant. Pecks’ B. griseus is closely related but is gray with white tubes. Murrill: Illustrations of Fungi 167 Scleroderma Speckled Puffball Plate 160. Figure 8. X i This pretty little puffball is not uncommon in the eastern United States on the ground in thickets and open woods. It differs from the common hard-skinned puffball externally in being much smaller and paler in color and having a much thinner, flexible peridium. It has been called Scleroderma tenernm by some, but whether S. tenerum Berk. & Curt, described from Cuba is meant or not, I do not know. [ ; Russula pectinatoides Peck I • I k ^ Slightly Pectinate Russula If ( Plate i6o. Figure 9. X i \ iPileus thin, broadly convex, becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, 2. 5-7.5 cm. broad; surface chamois-colored to dingy- straw-colored or yellowish-brown to cinnamon-brown, darker in ' the center, viscid when moist, glabrous ; margin widely tuber- \ culate-striate ; context grayish-white under the separable pellicle, j other^vise white, mild or slightly and tardily acrid ; lamellae \ white, becoming creamy, fulvous where bruised, mostly equal, .1 some forking next to the stipe, adnate, thin ; spores whitish, sub- .* globose, 6-8 ju. in diameter; stipe white, discoloring yellowish- \ brown where bruised or in drying, glabrous, spongy within, 2.5-5 ,, cm. long, 5-10 mm. thick. I ^ This species occurs in grassy ground in groves and woods from 'f New England to Michigan and southward as far as North Caro- j lina. The specimens figured represent the minimum size. New York Botanical Garden. UREDINALES OF PORTO RICO BASED ON COLLECTIONS BY F. L. STEVENS J. C. Arthur The material illustrating the rust flora of Porto Rico, which was collected by Dr. F. L. Stevens and placed in my hands for study, represents a specially valuable contribution to the knowl- edge of tropical fungi. There were 650 numbers of the ma- terial submitted, which were mostly collected during the year 1913, only some twenty-three having been secured during the year 1912 and seven during January, 1914. This is an especially notable achievement, as all other collec- tions of rusts from the island taken together only slightly exceed 100. These range mostly through the last sixteen years. Among the previous collectors the two having the greatest knowl- edge of the Uredinales are Prof. E. W. D. Holway, leading with 25 collections made in January and February, 1911, and Dr. G. P. Clinton, following with 21 collections made in April, 1904. Some rusts have been included in collections made during the last few years by the botanists at the Experiment Station of the Porto Rico Sugar Growers’ Association, about twenty-five of which have come to my attention. Until the Stevens’ material was available the general impres- sion of the rust flora of Porto Rico has been that it was scanty and lacking in interest. Professor Holway, who is famous as a collector of microfungi, wrote from San Juan on January 29, 1911 : “ I have just come in from our trip across and around the island ; rusts are very scarce.” Again in a letter from Min- neapolis, Minn., dated March 21, 1911, he writes; “I am just home from Porto Rico ; I will send you the specimens soon. There are not many, but more than Sintenis got in his three years there.” It now appears from the work of Dr. Stevens, however, that there are plenty of species in the island and some of exceptional interest, although the rust flora is not generally as conspicuous as is usual in temperate regions. 168 Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 169 The 650 collections distribute themselves under 109 species of rusts, giving an average of about 6 collections to each species. Actual duplicates in the set are few, however. The several num- bers under each species are often required for additional hosts, over I/O species altogether being represented, many not hereto- fore recorded as such, for illustrating successive stages of the fungus, some before unknown, and for distribution, over 65 localities having been visited. The species previously known from Porto Rico do not exceed thirty-five in number, or about one third of the number secured by Dr. Stevens. The richness of Dr. Stevens’ set is also attested by showing thirty-nine species, or over one third of his collection, as additions to the previously known rust flora of North America, of which number eighteen are new to science. The family Coleosporiaceae is represented in Porto Rico by three species, of which Coleosporhim Plumierae is distinctly West Indian. It is not, however, certain that this species is entirely autonomous, it may well be only a race of some earlier described species of wide range. Only cultures will fully eluci- date this point. It is significant that no member of the genus Finns occurs in Porto Rico. So far as known the species of Coleosporhim form their aecia only on leaves of pines. It is practically certain that the three species in Porto Rico maintain themselves by the uredinial repeating spores, and are not indigen- ous to the island. The family Uredinaceae, often called Melampsoraceae, is some- what better represented. Five species are listed here. Two of these (under Kuehneola) have heretofore been invariably placed with the next family. The shift is made on account of the catenulate teliospores, in contradistinction to simple teliospores with one or more cells, and the resemblance of the uredinial sorus to that of Pucciniastrum in the manner of spore formation. The species of the family are like those of the preceding family in maintaining themselves by the uredinial repeating spores, only one, Cerotelium Canavaliae, being known to produce telia in the West Indies, and for none of them is the aecial condition known. There are five other forms listed under the form-genus 1 170 Mycologia Uredo, which doubtless belong in this family. One of these forms, Uredo fenestrala, possesses a peridium having elongated cells at the sides and isiodiametric cells above, as in the genera Schroetcriaster and Hyalopsora. The other four forms. Nos. 105, 106, 107 and 108, have a pseudoperidium formed of imbri- cated paraphyses, which indicates a position near Kuehneola and Physopella. Possibly the fern rust, Uredo Gymnogrammes, also belongs near these forms. If all these were to be counted in, we would have eleven species under the family Uredinaceae. The family Aecidiaceae (Pucciniaceae) contains the chief part of the Porto Rican rusts. There are sixty-three species so assigned in the following enumeration, of which one, Pticciniosira pallidula, is usually placed under the Uredinaceae, but is here shifted to the Aecidiaceae on account of the structure of the sorus. To these sixty-three should be added the species under the form-genus Aecidium, and such of those under Uredo as have not just been assigned to the other families, or eighty-five spe- cies in all. It is probable, however, that some of the species under the two form-genera merely represent stages of species already named under Uromyces or Puccinia. It almost amounts to a certainty that the ten species of Aecidium represent aecial forms to be distributed among the fifteen grass and sedge rusts enu- merated, or those yet to be found. It is doubtless safe to assume, that omitting the names eventually to be reduced to synonymy, we ought to have remaining from this list about seventy-five species under the family Aecidiaceae. The collection made by Dr. Stevens proved so representative of the Porto Rican rust flora in particular and of the West Indian in general that it has required little additional space to mention all other collections from the region known to the writer. No careful attempt has been made to secure all references made in literature, where the material was not available for examination. It is believed, however, that the presentation here made is a fairly exhaustive record of the West Indian Uredmales. After the enumeration of species in the Stevens collection, a list of twelve species is given, which embraces all material from Porto Rico secured by other collectors, so far as the writer knows, that Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 171 was not represented in the Stevens collection. We may say, there- fore, that the present known rust flora of Porto Rico numbers I2I species or, eliminating possible duplication (ten species of Aecidium) , in species. From all the other West Indian islands (excluding Trinidad) an additional nineteen species have come to light, which are given in a separate list. This makes 140 species of rusts for the West Indies, or by omitting undistributed aecia 130 species. Doubtless a few species already recorded have been overlooked. Unquestionably many species yet await the collector. The writer desires to express his appreciation of Dr. Stevens’ courtesy in supplying his material so unreservedly for study, and for information of various kinds regarding the island flora. He also wishes to extend thanks to the staff of the New York Botanical Garden, and to Prof. A. S. Hitchcock, Agrostologist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and to others who have assisted in the determination of the hosts. Especial recognition is due Mr. Percy Wilson of the N. Y. Bot. Garden for the unlimited patience and ready acumen, which he brought to bear in working over the great number of fragmentary specimens, and searching out corroborative or illustrative material from the phanerogamic herbarium, in order to determine the hosts with certainty and to extend knowledge of the range of the rusts. Family : Coleosporiaceae I. CoLEOSPORiUM Elephantopodis (Schw.) Thiim. Myc. Univ. 953. 1878. On Carduaceae: Elephantopus mollis H.B.K., IMaricao, Jan. 10,* 201, Jan. 15, 287, April 3, 869] Corozal, Feb. 21, 411', Yauco, Oct. 3, 3154, 3248; Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 3638; Jayuya, Dec. 17, 5997; Mayagiiez, Dec. 25, 6294; River junc- tion below Utuado, Dec. 30, 6600a; St. Ana, Dec. 31, 6623; Preston’s ranch near Naguabo, Dec. 31, 6682; without locality or date, 313. * All dates in citation of the Stevens Porto Rican material are to be con- sidered in the year 1913, unless otherwise stated. 172 Mycologia The species has also been collected on E. mollis at Mayagiiez, by A. A. Heller, Feb. 9, 1900, II & III, 4569, at Bayamon, by E. W. D. Holway, Jan., 1911, and at Rio Piedras, by Johnston & Seaver, Dec., 1913, II, 1108. It was a portion of the Heller collection that is the basis of the entry in N. Am. Flora, vol. 7, p. 90, under Elephantopus scaber, a species not represented in the American flora, but belonging to the Eastern Hemisphere, although both North and South American collections have been reported under that name. Material has also been examined on E. mollis from Cuba and Jamaica, and on E. angustifolius Sw. from St. Vincent. 2. CoLEOSPORiUM Ipomoeae (Schw.) Burr. Bull. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist. 2 : 217. 1885. On Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea Batatis Lam., Preston’s ranch near Naguabo, Dec. 31, II, 6668. Ipomoea Nil Roth, Guayanilla, Nov. 13, II, 3898. Jacquemontia tamnifolia (L.) Griseb., Rio Piedras, Nov. 10, II, 5725. Material has also been examined on Ipomoea littoralis Blume, from San Juan, Jan., 1911, II, E. W. D. Holway, on I. stolonifer (Cyrill) Poir., from Vieques Island, Jan., 1914, II, J. A. Shafer 2406, on Quamoclit coccinea (L.) Moench, Vieques Island, Jan., 1914, II, J. A. Shafer. Collections have been seen on 7. Nil and Q. coccinea, from St. -Croix, and on /. tamnifolia, from Cuba. 3. CoLEOSPORiuM Plumierae Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 18 : 178. 1902. On Apocynaceae: Plumiera Krugii Urban, Maricao, Jan. 10, II, 290, Oct. 20, 1912, II, 28c, Monte Alegrillo, Nov. 14, II, 4525. Plumiera obtusa L., Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, II, 6101. The two hosts have not before been reported for North America. A specimen on P. obtusa has been received from Mel. T. Cook, collected at Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, June, 1906. Arthur: Uredixales of Porto Rico 173 The species was previously known on P. alba L. from Guade- loupe, and on P. rubra L., from Cuba. Family : Uredinaceae (Melampsoraceae) 4. Physopella Vitis (Thiim.) Arth. Result Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 338. 1906. Uredo Vitis Thiim. Pilze Weinst. 182. 1878. Uredo Vialae Lagerh. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris no: 729. 1890. Phakopsora Vitis Sydow, Hedwigia Beibl. 38: 141. 1899. On Vitaceae: Vitis vinifera L., Pastillo Springs, Nov. 10, 571^ ; IMaya- giiez, Dec. 26, 6304, Jan. 5, 1914, 6731. Until full life history is known any generic assignment of species must generally remain somewhat doubtful. The only question involved in making the record in the present instance is whether or not this species, which was the type of the genus Physopella, differs sufficiently in important characters to keep it out of the earlier genus Phakopsora, to which it is assigned in Sydow’s Monog. Uredinearum (3: 410. 1914). Phakopsora has a similar telial sorus, but the uredinial sorus, according to IMagnus, Sydow, and others, for the writer has not seen suitable material, possesses a peridium opening by a central pore, whereas in the species on Vitis the uredinial sorus possesses peripheral free paraphyses. In no genus w'ell established by species of fully known life histories is such an association of characters known. The species on Vitis is, therefore, listed under Physo- pella, rather than under Phakopsora, as better representing present knowledge of distinctions, while at the same time dis- avowing assumption of relationships. This limitation of the generic character of Physopella, taken in connection with other information brought to light since the establishment of Physopella as a genus in 1906, throws out all species that are listed under the genus in the N. Am. Flora, except the type. So far the species in the West Indies has only been found on the cultivated grape, and only in the uredinial stage. It has been collected near Kingston, Jamaica, by G. von Lagerheim in 174 Mycologia 1889, by T. D. A. Cockerell in 1892, and by F. S. Earle in 1902. A collection was made at Havana, Cuba, by E. W. D. Holway in 1903. 5. Kuehneola Fici (Cast.) Butler, Ann. Myc. 12: 76. 1914. Uredo Fici Cast.; Desmaz. PI. Cr>^pt. 1662. 1848. Uredo ficicola Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 17: 120. 1884. Uredo ficina Juel, Bib. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 23(3)^°: 25. 1897. Uredo moricola P. Henn. Hedwigia 41 : 140. 1902. Physopella ficina Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 103. 1907. Physopella Fici Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 103. 1907. On Artocarpaceae : Ficus laevigata Vahl, Santurce, Jan. 22, 257 (Barth. N. Am. Ured. Q2o) ; Vega Baja, Feb. 20, 461, May 18, 2044, Dec. 31, 6621, Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6op8, 6iyp, 642^] Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, 6461 •, River junction below Adjuntas, Dec. 30, 6614. Ficus sp. indet., Jayuya, March i, 426. This species was also collected on Ficus Carica L., at San Juan, Porto Rico, May, 1903, F. S. Earle, jj. Although this rust is doubtless common wherever figs are grown, yet the only other collections that are represented in the Arthur Herbarium from the West Indies are from Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, on F. Carica, by W. T. Horne, March 13, 1906, and by Mel. T. Cook, July 21, 1906. Until recently no teliospores of this species have been known. They were found in India by E. J. Butler (1. c.) on Ficus glome- rata. Mr. Butler has given a good description of the fungus, with a figure showing germination of the teliospores. The as- signment of the species to Kuehneola seems the best disposition of it that can be made at present. It should be borne in mind, however, that the position of the species remains doubtful so long as the full life history is not known. It may be assumed that pycnia and primary uredo may occur in a region where teliospores are produced, but when teliospores are absent and the reproduction is by secondary uredo there is no possibility of pycnia occurring. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 175 The two species of Ficus rust described in N. Am. Flora (7: 103. 1907) are here united. It was found in carefully study- ing the ample collections by Dr. Stevens that they showed great variation in size of spores and development of paraphyses. Upon comparing data from all sources available there remained no doubt that only one species is represented, whether para- physes with thick or thin walls are present in full development or practically absent, or whether the spores are larger or smaller, etc. The genus Kuehneola is here associated with Physopella, Phakopsora, Pucciniastrum, etc., in the Uredinaceae, instead of with Phragmidium in the Aecidiaceae, as heretofore. The change is made on account of the evident unpedicelled, catenulate teliospores, corresponding to those of Melampsoropsis and other genera of the former family, but clearly alien to the Aecidiaceae. 6. Kuehneola Gossypii (Lagerh.) Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 187. 1912. Aecidium desmium Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 95. 1873. Uredo Gossypii Lagerh. Jour. Myc. 7 : 48. 1891. On Malvaceae: Gossypium barbadense L., Isabela, Nov. 22, j226 ; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6141. Gossypium brasiliense Macf., River junction below Utuado, Dec. 7, 6052. The rust was found on G. hirsutum L. at Mayagiiez, P. R., May, 1903, by F. S. Earle, y8. The only other specimen in the Arthur Herbarium from the West Indies is one collected on a species of tree cotton at Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, Aug., 1904, by C. F. Baker (Barth. Fungi Columb. 248^), although the rust is doubtless rather common in the warm regions adapted to cotton growing. 7. Milesia columbiensis (Diet el) comb. nov. Milesina columbiensis Dietel; Mayor, Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. 5:559- 1913- On Polypodiaceae : Nephrolepis rividaris (Vahl) Urban, without locality, Nov., 4504; Agucaltaria, Nov. 25, 48 17G Mycologia The collections here listed were the first North American representatives of the genus seen by the writer, but they were followed almost immediately by a collection of Milesia Krie- geriana (Magn.) comb. nov. {Milesina Kriegeriana Magn.) on Aspidium marginale, from Hudson, Quebec, Canada, communi- cated by W. P. Fraser, who made the collection in June, 1913. Up to the present time the only other North American col- lection known to the writer, that should be placed in the genus, was found on a specimen of Dryopteris patens (Sw.) Kuntze in the fern collection of the N. Y. Bot. Garden, obtained at Whit- field Hall, Jamaica, 3,000 feet altitude, April 20, 1903, L. M. Underwood 2522. The species appears to be similar to M. Krie- gcriana, but sufficiently distinct to merit a separate name. It may be called Milesia consimilis sp. nov., and characterized by the ellipsoid or obovoid urediniospores, being 16-21 by 26-29 /x, with colorless wall, 2. 5-3. 5 /x thick, moderately to sparsely echinu- late with rather large points. The peridium is similar to that in M. Kriegeriana. I am using the genus name Milesia, as I believe it was properly established upon the most distinctive spore form that could have been selected (Cf. Science 40: 935. 1914), and that the re- christening by Magnus (Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 27: 325. 1909) was superfluous, although conforming to the ruling of the Brus- sels Congress. 8. Cerotelium Canavaliae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 30. 1906. On Fabaceae : Canavalia ensiformis DC., Mayagiiez, May 4, II, i8gs'> Manati, Nov. 5, II, 4321. The species has heretofore only been known from the type collection, which was made at Mayagiiez, P. R., April 16, 1904, by G. P. Clinton. Family: Aecidiaceae (Pucciniaceae) 9. Ravenelia caulicola Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 143. 1907. On Fabaceae: Arthur; Uredinales of Porto Rico 177 Cracca cinerea (L.) Morong, Desecheo, May 31, II, 1621; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, II, 3016. Only two other collections of this West Indian rust are known to the writer. One was found at Cataho, P. R., Feb. 14, 1914, by Johnston & Seaver, 1370, and the other is the type collection, which was taken from a phanerogamic specimen in the Field Museum, Chicago, obtained by Britton & Millspaugh at Cave Cay, Bahamas, Feb. 19, 1905. Both collections are on Cracca cinerea. 10. Ravenelia Indigoferae Tranz. Hedwigia 33: 369. 1894. On Fabaceae: Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (/. Anil L.), Boqueron, Feb. 15, II, 340, II, 555; Bayamon, Feb. 16, II, jpp; Jayuya, March 31, 6p2; Mayagiiez, Aug. 13, II, 3021; Aguada, Nov. 22, 3106. It was also collected on the same host at Catano, P. R., Feb. 14, 1914, by J. R. Johnston 1368. The other West Indian islands represented in the Arthur Herbarium are Bermuda, by W. G. Farlow, Jan., 1881 ; Cuba by W. T. Horne, March 15, 1905, and April 5, 1906, by C. F. Baker, Jan. 15, 1907 (Barth. Fungi Columb. 2473), all three from San- tiago de las Vegas; and Jamaica, by F. S. Earle, 33, E. W. D._ Holway, Feb. 17, 1915, 213, all the collections being on I. suffruticosa. II. Ravenelia Ingae (P. Henn.) Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 132. 1907. On Mimosaceae: Inga vera Willd., Monte Montosa, Oct. 13, 1912, p7<5, Oct. 14, 1912, 28d ; Monte Alegrillo, June 20, 2376. The fungus on the same host has also been collected in Porto Rico at Ponce, O. W. Barrett, Aug., 1904. No other West Indian collections are known to the writer. On some of the leaves the fungus forms loose brown masses, consisting mostly of spores, that have the appearance of insect ejecta. The resemblance is aided by the leaf being puffed and broken at these places, the spots often being a centimeter across. 178 Mycologia 12. Ravenelia Stevensii sp. nov. Pycnia not seen. Uredinia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered, round, small, o.i- 0.3 mm. across, subcuticular, early naked, dull cinnamon-brown, ruptured cuticle inconspicuous ; paraphyses in a thick peripheral ring, upright, capitate to clavate, 9-12 by 37-45 /x, smooth, wall of head 2-5 /x, cinnamon-brown, passing into the thin-walled, colorless stipe ; urediniospores oblong, cylindric-oblong, or nar- rowly obovoid, 8-13 by 2 5-30 /x; wall cinnamon-brown, paler below, uniformly thin, less than i /x, slightly thicker above, very finely and inconspicuously verrucose-echinulate, the pores usually indistinct, about 4, equatorial. Telia hypophyllous, few, very small, subcuticular, blackish- brown ; teliospore-heads chestnut-brown, 3-6 cells across, 40-63 /x across, each spore bearing 1-3 nearly hyaline tubercles, 2-3 /x thick, 6-19 /X long, 2-3 forked above; cysts hyaline, globoid, ex- tending from periphery to pedicel, not bursting in water ; pedicel hyaline, short, usually wanting. On Mimosaceae: Acacia riparia H.B.K., Guayanilla, Nov. 13, II, III, ^881 (type) ; Vega Baja, Feb. 22, II, ^66, May 18, II, 2047; Penuelas, Nov. 8, II, 48pj. This very distinctive species of Ravenelia is dedicated to Dr. F. L. Stevens, who has not only made all the collections of it so ■far known, but has supplied a wealth of material representing Porto Rican Uredinales far exceeding that of all previous col- lectors, as the present paper amply testifies. 13. Prospodium appendiculatum (Wint.) Arth. Jour. Myc. 13: 31- 1907- Puccinia appendiculata Wint. Flora 67 : 262. 1884. On Bignoniaceae : Stenolobium Stans (L.) D. Don. {Tecoma Stans Juss.), Hormigueros, June 23, II, 2494. The other West Indian collections seen by the writer are by E. W. D. Hoi way in Cuba at Holquin and at Havana, 1903, by Dr. Stevens in Martinique, Aug. 4, 1913, 2974, all three on S. Stans and all showing uredinia only, and one by Holway in Jamaica, on S'. Stans, Feb., 1915, ppp, showing II & HI. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 179 14. Argomyces insulanus sp. nov. Pycnia epiphyllous, subepidermal, few in crowded groups, globoid-flask-shaped, 105-175 by 1 70-200 jn. Aecia uredinoid (primary uredo), hypophyllous, few surround- ing the pycnia, sometimes confluent ; aeciospores somewhat larger than the urediniospores. Otherwise same as the uredinia. Uredinia hypophyllous, few, scattered, round or oblong, small, 0.3-0.5 mm. long, early naked, pulverulent, dull cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis evident ; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 19-26 by 26-35 i wall cinnamon-brown, moderately echinulate, 1. 5-2. 5 /X thick, the pores usually three, equatorial or slightly sub- equatorial, indistinct. Telia hypophyllous, few, usually scattered, round to oblong, o. 3-0.8 mm. long, early naked, dull cinnamon-brown, germinat- . ing at maturity, ruptured epidermis evident ; teliospores broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid-fusiform, 19-30 by 42-60 /x, obtuse, or some- what attenuated at both ends, slightly constricted at septum ; wall pale cinnamon-brown, thin, 1-1.5/x, with a low hyaline papilla over the pore, disappearing at germination, smooth, the pore in lower cell near the septum ; pedicel slender, colorless, once length of spore or less. On Carduaceae: Vernonia albicaulis Pers., River junction below Utuado, Dec. 30, O, II, III, djpd (type), O, II, III, 6j8p. Vernonia longifolia Pers., Villa Alba, Jan. 3, III, //j. This species differs from Arg. V ernoniae by the broad and much larger teliospores. It is notably distinct from Puccinia Becki Mayor and P. V ernoniae-mollis Mayor, both from Colom- bia, S. A., the former having very long, slender teliospores, and- the latter very small teliospores. Arg. insulaniis also occurs on the island of St. Croix. It was collected by A. E. Ricksecker in 1896, and recorded by Ellis & Kelsey (Bull. Torrey Club 24: 208. 1897), under the name of Puccinia Vernoniae Cooke. The determination was considered doubtful at the time. Although the type of P. Vernoniae, which is African, has not been seen, yet there is slight chance of the West Indian and African forms being the same. Another repre- sentative of the St. Croix rust has been communicated by Mr. Percy Wilson, who found it on a phanerogamic specimen col- lected in St. Croix, Jan. 17, 1896, on V. albicaulis, by Marion 180 Mycologia Hoy 220. The host species of the Ricksecker collection is clearly identical with the Hoy collection. 15. Argomyces Vernoniae Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 218. 1912. On Carduaceae: Vernonia borinquensis Urban, Consumo, April 27, O. II. HI, 8oq\ Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, O, II, HI, 5684-, El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, II, HI, 5962. Vernonia phyllostachya (Cass) Gleason, Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, II, HI, 6473. The species was described from a Porto Rican collection from Cayey, on V. borinquensis, by E. W. D. Holway, Jan., 1911. The Stevens collections are the first additions to the type material so far seen. The shape and the pore arrangement as given for the urediniospores in the original description appear to need some modification. The spores may be ellipsoid, and the pores more than four and not strictly equatorial. 16. Uromyces Eragrostidis Tracy, Jour. Myc. 7; 281. 1893. Nigredo Eragrostidis Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 343. 1906. On Poaceae: Eragrostis tephrosanthus Schult., Bayamon, Feb. 21, II, 442. The species was collected on the same host by Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Heller at Rio Piedras, Jan. 17, 1899, ipy, which is the only other West Indian collection known to the writer. 17. Uromyces leptodermus Sydow; Sydow & Butler, Ann. Myc. 4: 430. 1906. Puccinia (?) panicicola Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 586. 1908. Nigredo leptoderma Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 224. 1912. On Poaceae: Lasiacis divaricata (L.) Hitchc. {Panicum divaricatum L.), Coleha, Nov. 3, 4528-, Utuado, Nov. 8, 4608', San German, Dec. 8, 4677, Dec. 12, 3857-, Maricao, Nov. 18, 4792 \ Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6o8g, 6143, 6423. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 181 Lasiacis Sloanei (Griseb.) A. S. Hitch. {Paniciim Sloanei Griseb.), Arecibo, Jan. 17, 1914, 680 j. Paniciim barbinode Trin. (P. molle Auct. not Swartz), Guanica, Feb. i, 550; Boqueron, Feb. 15, 550 bis; Maya- giiez, March 26, 447, March 9, 480 •, Pehuelas, Nov. 8, 4560. Only one of these collections, 6145 from Mona Island, shows teliospores, and that only sparingly so. A collection determined by Prof. Hitchcock to be on Lasiacis Sivartziana Hitchc. {Panicum lanatum Sw. not Rottb.) was col- lected by R. Thaxter, 1891, in Jamaica, and communicated by W. G. Farlow, which shows both uredinia and telia. Material representing the species has also been collected at Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, on P. barbinode and thought at first to show only uredinia, but on which a few telia have recently been detected. L. Sloanei is a host for the species not before reported. 18. Uromyces ignobilis (Sydow) comb. nov. Uredo ignobilis Sydow, Ann. Myc. 4: 444. 1906. Uromyces major Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 38: 377. 1911. Nigredo major Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 225. 1912. On Poaceae: Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br., Mayagiiez, II, April 30, 9^5- The Stevens material agrees exactly with the description of Uredo ignobilis Sydow, the type being on Sporobolus diandrtis from Pusa, India, and with the collection by E. J. Butler from the type locality, distributed in Sydow, Uredineen 2igg. The spores of the Porto Rican material also agree with the four- pored, thick-walled urediniospores of Uromyces major, the type of which is on some species of Muhlenbergia from the vicinity of the City of Mexico. The genera Sporobolus and Muhlen- bergia are only technically different, so that it is not surprising to find the same tropical rust on hosts belonging to both genera, and from very widely separated localities. The three stations mentioned are the only ones yet known for the species. 182 Mycologia 19. Uromyces Rhyncosporae Ellis, Jour. Myc. 7; 274. 1893. Nigredo Rhyncosporae Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 344. 1906. On Cyperaceae: Rynchospora micrantha Vahl, Preston’s ranch near Na- guabo, Dec. 31, 6p66. Porto Rican material on the same host has been seen from Tabucoa, taken from a phanerogamic collection by Boeckeler 3301, Oct. 12, 1886, and on R. aurea Vahl, collected by G. P. Clinton, at Mayagiiez, April 13, 1904. Collections have also been examined on R. cy per aides (Sw.) Mart, from Bahamas, on R. distans (Michx.) Vahl, from Cuba and Bermuda, and on R. polyphylla Vahl, from Jamaica, all of which are noted in the N. Am. Flora, vol. 7, pp. 232, 233. 20. Uromyces Scleriae P. Henn. Hedwigia Beibl. 38; 67. 1899. Nigredo Scleriae Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot.. Vienne 344. 1906. On Cyperaceae : Scleria pterota Presl. Luguillo forest, Dec. 2, 555^. Material has also been seen on the same host from Bayamon, E. W. D. Holway, Jan., 1911, and on an undetermined species of Scleria from near Santurce, A. A. Heller, Jan., 1903, 6447. 21. Uromyces Commelinae (Speg.) Cooke, Trans. Roy, Soc. Edinb. 31 : 342. 1888. Uredo Commelinae Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 9: 172. 1880. Uredo Commelinaceae Ellis & Kelsey, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 209. 1897. Nigredo Commelinae Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 ; 237. 1912. On Commelinaceae; •Commelina virginica L. (C. elegans H.B.K.), Desecheo, May 31, 1578c. The only other West Indian collection seen is on the same host from St. Croix, made in 1896 by A. E. Ricksecker, which was used as the type for Ellis & Kelsey’s name. Arthur; Uredinales of Porto Rico 183 In Mayor’s work on the Colombian rusts this species is recorded from Jamaica on Commelina nudiflora and Tradescantia multi- flora. It is doubtless a common rust throughout the tropical world, but too inconspicuous to be often collected. The single collection of this species by Stevens shows only uredinia, as has been the case with most other collections. The type collection for Cooke’s name, which has been examined through the kindness of the Director of the Kew Gardens, shows both telia and uredinia. This collection came from Socotra, an island at the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. Other collections with both telia and uredinia have been examined from the eastern border of Africa along the coast of the Red Sea, and also a col- • lection from the Malabar Coast of western India. No telia are known on any collection from the western hemisphere; and no pycnia or aecia from any part of the world have been associated with the species. It was placed in Nigredo on the assumption that the morphological and host characters warranted the belief in pycnia and aecia of a certain form to complete the life cycle. 22. Uromyces Caesalpiniae (Arth.) comb. nov. Ravenelia Caesalpiniae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 31 ; 5- I904- On Mimosaceae: Mimosa ceratonia L., Bayamon, Feb. 19, O, II, III, jpj, March 2, ^08 bis, May 21, 1868; Vega Baja, March 2, 5o5, May 21, ip2p, Nov. 5, 4264; Monte Alegrillo, June 20, ; St. Catalina, Aug. 28, 2725; Cabo Rajo, July 28, 316^] Indiera Fria, Maricao, 3454-, Abonita, Nov. 3, 4020 ] Vega Alta, November, 4133; San Sebastian, Nov. 22, 4310; Lares, Nov. 22, 4830 ] Manati, 3306; Luguillo forest, Dec. 2, 3432 ; San German, Dec. 8, 3764 ; El Gigante near Ad juntas, Dec. 15, 5P/o; Preston’s ranch near Naguabo, Dec. 31, 6637. The type material of Ravenelia Caesalpiniae Arth., now in the Arthur Herbarium, was’ scanty, consisting of two compound leaves, bearing together twelve leaflets, moderately supplied with pycnia and uredinia, but no telia. The collection was made near Bayamon, P. R., in 1901, by L. M. Underwood and R. F. Griggs, 184 Mycologia both excellent botanists. It was labeled by the collectors as “ on Caesalpinia.” As the pycnia and uredinia closely simulate those of various species of Ravenelia, the material was named ac- cordingly. No other collections were brought to light until those by Dr. Stevens arrived, the earliest being from Bayamon, gathered Feb. 19 and March 2, 1913. This material showed telia, as well as pycnia and uredinia, and consisted of numerous leaves accom- panied by pods. It was submitted to the New York Botanical Garden for determination of the host. In the meantime Dr. N. L. Britton examined the host in the field for Dr. Stevens and pronounced it to be Mimosa ceratonia, most probably, and this determination was repeatedly and independently confirmed at the New York herbarium by Mr. Percy Wilson. Now that the full life-cycle of the species is known, it proves to be a most difficult one to place. If we consider the structure and formation of all three kinds of sori, the peculiar urediniospores with their paraphyses, and the host relationship, the rust is pre- ponderatingly like a Ravenelia, but the teliospores are borne singly and simulate a Uromyces. With present knowledge there seems no better way to do than enter the species under Uromyces. Technically it would fall under Klebahnia, The specific name is, an unfortunate one, but we hesitate to add another to synonymy. Description of the telia is here appended. Pycnia and uredinia as given in N. Am. Flora 7: 141. I90/- Telia amphigenous, similar in size and appearance to the ure- dinia except much darker in color, chocolate-brown, subcuticular, ruptured epidermis noticeable ; paraphyses wanting ; teliospores obovoid, 15-20 by 24-34 /a, usually narrowed below, rounded or obtuse above, often with a hyaline papilla over the germ-pore; wall chocolate-brown above, much paler below, thin at the sides, I fx, thickened at apex, 3-5 ju., smooth ; pedicel somewhat tinted, half length of spore or shorter, thick, S~7 fx. 23. Uromyces jamaicensis Vesterg. Ark. Bot. Stockh. 4'®: 33- 1905- On Cassiaceae (Caesalpiniaceae) ; Bauliinia panletia Pers., San German, Jan. 19, 2^8, Nov. 8, 5786, Dec. 12, 5866-, Mayaguez, Oct. 31, 3924. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 185 A collection on the same species of host was also made at Mayagiiez, January, 1911, by E. W. D. Holway. The type of the species came from Jamaica, as the name indi- cates, and is on an undetermined species of Bauhinia, having a similar leaf to that of R. pauletia, but doubtless specifically dif- ferent from it. The spores of the type are slightly smaller for the most part than are those from the Porto Rican material. One collection has been examined from Mexico on B. divaricata. All collections agree in showing only telia, and in having the appear- ance of a micro-form, that is, in being short-cycled and incapable of germination immediately upon maturity. 24. Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 514. 1849. Nigredo appendiculata Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 343. 1906. On Fabaceae: Phaseolus adenanthus G. Meyer, Vega Baja, Feb. 22, 574 bis; Mayagiiez, May 8, 1139. Phaseolus vulgaris F., Cabo Rojo, June 15, 2270. Vigna repens (L.) Kuntze, Arecibo, May 21, iy6o. Vigna vexillata (F.) A. Rich., Mayagiiez, June 14, 2216. The species has also been collected in Porto Rico on P. aden- anthus by E. W. D. Holway, Caguas, January, 1911, by Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Heller on a phanerogamic specimen, Rio Piedras, April, 1889, 1221, and by Britton & Cowell on a phanerogamic specimen, near Arecibo, March 14, 1908, ; and also on P. zndgaris by F. S. Earle, La Carmelita, June, 1903, no, and by G. P. Clinton, same locality, Apr. 18, 1904, 724. The last col- lection bears teliospores as well as urediniospores. On phanerogamic specimens in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden the uredinial stage has been found on both Vigna repens and V. vexillata from Cuba. While the pores in the urediniospores of this species are usually two or three, and equatorial, as given in the N. Am. Flora 7 : 257, they are sometimes four in number, and sometimes are distinctly superequatorial. The Stevens’ collections from Porto Rico show 186 Mycologia only uredinia, and the spores are 2-pored. On Pliaseolus the pores are mostly equatorial, but on Vigna they are markedly superequatorial. 25. Uromyces Doliciioli Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 27. 1906. Puccinia Dolichi Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 28. 1906. Uredo Dolichi Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33 ; 513. 1906. Nigrcdo Dolicholi Arth. N. Am. Floi'a 7 : 258. 1912. On Fabaceae: Cajan Cajan (L.) Millsp. (Cajanns indicus Spreng.), Guayanilla, Jan. 4, Sy, Corozal, Feb. 21, 418-, Jayuya, March 31, dpj ; Rosario, Oct. 27, 38^2; Mayagiiez, Oct. 27, 3861; Vega Baja, Nov. 5, 4241 ; Menati, Nov. 5, 4303; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 5/79. Dolicholiis reticulatus (Sw.) Millsp. {Glycine reticulata Sw., Rhynchosia reticulata DC.), Boqueron, Feb. 15, II, 337 > Aguada, Nov. 22, II, jopi; Vega Baja, May 18, 2048. A collection was made on D. rcticxdatus by A. A. Heller at Limestone Hills near Bayamon, Jan. 21, 1903, and on C. Cajan by J. A. Stevenson 2434, at Campoalegre, Dec. 22, 1914. The species has also been found on a phanerogamic specimen of C. Cajan from St. Domingo. The type collection of this species is in the Arthur Herbarium at Lafayette, Ind., and was obtained at San Angelo, Texas, Oct. 19, 1904, by C. L. Shear. The host was determined by Dr. E. L. Greene as Rhynchosia te.vana T. & G., now called Dolicholus texanus (T. & G.) Vail. It consists of a few intertwined stems, and about twenty two small, well-rusted leaves. The same col- lection was issued in Bartholomew, Fungi Columbiani 4097. A re-examination of the type collection shows that a more exact statement in the description of the species would be to say pores 2 to 4, usually three, instead of “pores 4.” This statement of the pore-character also better fits other collections recently studied, and especially the Porto Rican ones here listed. The collection named Puccinia Dolichi from a few teliospores, afterwards found to be strays, and then called Uredo Dolichi, was made by E. W. D. Holway, at Aguacate, Cuba, March 23, Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 187 1903, and was labeled as on Dolichos reticulatiis.” The genus DoUchos, according to Engler & Prantl, Pflanzenfamilien, is closely related to Phaseolus and Vigna, genera which bear Uromyces appendtculatus, and to this species the rust was ac- cordingly assigned in the North American Flora, vol. 7, page 257. The authority, “ Hochst.” for the name of the host was supplied from the Kew Index. Recently, becoming suspicious of the cor- rectness of the name, the type material was submitted to the New York Botanical Garden, and it has been determined by Mr. Percy Wilson, March 6, 1915, as Dolicholus reticulatiis (Sw.) Millsp. The latter genus belongs to a different group of genera from that of DoUchos. The rust on the Cuban host agrees well with that from Texas, except that it shows only uredinia. Two collections of this species from South America have been examined, and show uredinia which agree well with the North American material. One was collected by M. St. Pennington, near San Fernanda, Argentina, 1902, on Rhynchosia Senna Gill. The other was issued in Spegazzini’s Dec. Myc. Arg. 20, and was collected by Spegazzini in 1881, at Bagnado de San Jose de Flores, Argentina, on “ Rhyncosia” sp. The two collections are given the same name, Uredo pamparum, and appear to be on the same host. The locality for the latter collection is the place where Spegazzini collected the type of Uredo pamparum, one year earlier. In Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent, vol. 9, page 173, this last species is established as on Phaseolus prostratus, a determination which for a variety of reasons the writer believes to have been an error for Rhynchosia (Dolicholus) Senna. A collection of the same species of rust on still another species of Rhynchosia, thought to be R. longeracemosa Mart. & Gall., has been included in Mayor’s Contribution a I’etude de Uredinees de Colombie, and said to agree well with the North i\merican U. Dolicholi, under which name it is listed. The several collections on Cajanus indicus show such close agreement in the spore and sorus characters with those on Doli- cholus reticulatiis, and the hosts being closely akin, there seems ample reason for placing them here. So far as one can judge from the description, Uredo Cajani Syd. (Ann. Myc. 4: 442. 188 Mycologia I Oct., 1906) refers to the same rust. All West Indian collections so far seen on this host show uredinia only, usually with three equatorial pores in the urediniospore. 26. Uromyces Hedysari-paniculati (Schw.) Farl. ; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 246, 1879. Uromyces solidus Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 3 : 57. 1874. Nigredo Hedysari-paniculati Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 343. 1906. On Fabaceae: Meibomia axillaris (Sw.) Kuntze {Desmodium axillare DC.), Cabo Rojo, June 15, 2259. Meibomia Scorpiurus (Sw.) Kuntze {Desmodium Scor- piurus Desv.), Mayagitez, May 24, 13/5; Pehuelas, Dec. 15, 593^- The collections here included possess only uredinia, which are, however, in every way typical of the species. The spores are broadly ellipsoid, often globoid, 18-21 by 21-24/14; wall chestnut- brown, about 1.5/4 thick, the pores 3-5, scattered, or sometimes appearing equatorial. Thin-walled, hyphoid, paraphyses are present. This rust has not before been reported from the M’est Indies. I have, however, been able to detect it on phanerogamic collec- tions in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. It occurs on a specimen of M. Scorpiurus collected by A. A. Heller, near Yauco, P. R., Dec. 15, 1902, and on the same host collected by Percy Wilson, at Rio San Miguel, Cuba, Dec. 17, 1910, 9380. Through the kind assistance of Mr. Percy Wilson the rust has also been brought to light from the same source on Meibomia tortuosum (Sw.) Kuntze, collected at Yauco, P. R., Oct. 3, 1913, by Stevens & Hess, 5252, and collected in Cuba, near Vento, 1907, Baker, Tracy & Hasselbring joyp, and near Herradura, 1910, Britton & Earle 63^1. The same rust on both M. Scorpiurus and M. tortuosum is known from the southern part of continental North America. All the collections here referred to show only uredinia, but they appear to be identical with authenticated material of the species. Arthur : Uredinales of Porto Rico 189 It has not been possible to examine type material of Uredo Desmodii-tortiwsi P. Henn. (Hedwigia 35: 252. 1896), which was founded on a collection of Meibomia tortuosum from Fajardo, P. R., April 17, 1885, O. Sintenis. However, the claim of the author that it is distinct from Urom. H edysari-paniculati by reason of its smooth spores, seems open to doubt. As no rust is known having truly smooth urediniospores, it is probable that Hennings’ material possessed fine echinulation, which was overlooked. As all other terms of the characterization accord well with the common species on Meibomia, it may tentatively be assumed that the form named by Hennings is not essentially distinct. 27. Uromyces Neurocarpi Dietel, Hedwigia 34: 292. 1895. Uromyces insularis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 515. 1906. Nigredo Neurocarpi Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 258. 1912. On Fabaceae: Clitoria cajanifolia (Presl) Benth. (Neurocarpum cajani- folium Presl), Mayagiiez, Jan. 30, 344; without locality or date (in letter dated June 18, 1913), 2146c. Clitoria rubiginosa Juss. (C. glycinoides P. DC.), Dorado, Nov. 25, 3314, 5315. No pycnia or aecia have yet been discovered for this species, but it is highly probable that they occur occasionally. Telia, in addition to uredinia, are shown only on no. 344 of the specimens here listed. The type collection of U. insularis was on C. cajanifolia, from Dorado, P. R., 1887. The species was also collected on this host near San Juan, in 1914, by Britton and Cowell On C. rubiginosa it has been found at Santurce, P. R., Feb., 1914, by J. R. Johnston 1339, and in both Jamaica (1906) and Cuba (1903)- 28. Uromyces proeminens (DC.) Pass. Rab. Fungi Eur. 1795- 1873. Uromyces Euphorbiae Cooke & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 25; 90. 1873. 190 INIycologia Uromyces ettphorbiicola Tranz. Ann. Myc. 8: 8. 1910. i Nigredo proeminens Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 259. 1912. j On Euphorbiaceae : | Chaniaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. {Euphorbia hirta L., E. • pilulifera L.), Catano, Nov. 6, 4134; Vega Baja, Nov. 5, | 4323 ; Lares, Nov. 22, 483P bis; Coamo Springs, Nov. * 16, 4po6; Aricebo, Nov. 22, 5075; Aguado, Nov. 22, ^ 3104; Guayama, Dec. 4, 333P; Rio Piedras, Nov. 13, ' 5705; San German, Nov. 8, 3804; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, 3868. j The species has also been collected on C. hirta at Mayagiiez, by G. P. Clinton in April, 1904, i6p, and at Camuy, by Under- wood & Griggs in July, 1901, ipp. Material has been examined from other West Indian islands as follows: Bahamas, on C. hypericifolia (L.) Millsp., C. pro- strata (Ait.) Small, and Poinsettia heterophylla (L.) Kl. & Garcke; Cuba, on P. heterophylla; Jamaica, on C. hirta (L.) Millsp., C. prostrata, C. serpens (H.B.K.) Small, and P. hetero- phylla; St. Croix, on C. prostrata; all of which collections but one are cited in the North American Flora, vol. 7, pp. 260, 261. 29. Uromyces Janiphae (Wint.) comb. nov. Uredo Janiphae Wint. Grevillea 15 : 86. 1887. Uromyces dichrous Vesterg. IMicr. Rar. Sel. 1316. 1913. Hyponym. On Euphorbiaceae: Manihot Manihot (L.) Cockerell (M. ntilissima Pohl, Jatropha Manihot L., Janipha Manihot H.B.K.) , Vega Baja, Nov. 5, II, 4261. This rust appears to be common in the warm regions of America on various forms of the cultivated cassava. That it occurs in the Old World as well is probable, but I have seen no specimens. Winter’s description was founded on material col- lected near Sao-Francisco, Brazil, in 1887, by E. Ule 362. Vestergren’s material was collected by E. W. D. Holway at Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1903, and is the only collection known to the writer showing both uredinia and telia. The original num- 4 Arthur; Uredinales of Porto Rico 191 ber of the collection is 5050. The same collection has been issued in Vestergren’s Micr. Rar. Sel. 1516, and in Bartholomew’s Fungi Columb. 40P3, and N. Am. Ured. jp/. Whether the species possesses aecia or not is not yet known. The species differs from Uromyces Jatrophae Diet. & Holw., for which it has been mistaken and to which it is closely related, by the thicker-walled urediniospores, and the dark-beaked telio- spores. The species on the same host has also been collected on the island of Jamaica by E. W. D. Holway, Feb. 17, 1915, 211. 30. Uromyces Cestri Mont, in Gay, Hist. Chile 8 : 49. 1852. Aecidium Cestri IMont. Ann. Sci. Nat. II, 3 : 356. 1835. Uredo Cestri Mont. Prodr. Flor. Fernandes, no. 35. 1835. Uroniycopsis Cestri Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 345. 1906. On Solanaceae: Cestrum lanrifoliuni L’Her., Cabo Rojo, June 15, 2251 •, Monte Alegrillo, Nov. 14, 4822; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 4995 > San German, Nov. 8, 582^; Arecibo — Lares road, Jan. 21, 1914, <5757; Arecibo, Jan. 17, 1914, 680^. Cestnwi macro phylliim Vent., Barros, Jan. 2, 124, 144; Maricao, Jan. 10, 1912, 2jo, April, I and III, 77/, April 3, 772, no date, 34pp ; Rio Maricao above Maricao, Sept. 20, 3640; Ponce, Nov. 8, 4353, 4364-, Monte Alegrillo, no date, 4719, Nov. 14, 4766; Lares, Nov. 22, 4847 ; Luguillo forest, Dec. 2, 5550, 5603 ; IMonte de Oro, Dec. 3, 5713] River junction below Utuado, Dec. 16, 6036, Dec. 17, 6030, Dec. 30, 6313] Preston’s ranch, Dec. 31, 6708. The aecia produce a considerable hypertrophy, and the peridia being evanescent, the spots soon take on the appear.ance of in- sect galls. The telia are not common, only one of the collections, no. 771, showing a few sori on the same leaf with aecia. No pycnia of this species have yet been recorded. The species is also known on three other West Indian islands : Jamaica, St. Jan and Tortola. 192 ]\Iycologia 31. Uromvces Hellerianus Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 31: 2. 1904. Nigredo Helleriana Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 267. 1912. On Cucurbitaceae ; Cayaponia americana (Lam.) Cogn., Maricao, 723; Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, 6459. Cayaponia racemosa (Sw.) Cogn., Corozal, Feb. 21, 422. Melothria guadalupensis (Spireng.) Cogn., without locality or date (1913 ?), 614-, Yauco, Oct. 3, JJJO; Rosario, Oct. 27, 5540 ; Utuado, Nov. 8, 4398, 4413; San Ger- man, Dec. 12, 5838. This species has not been reported outside of Porto Rico, except one collection from Guatemala, but was found on a phanerogamic specimen at the New York Botanical Garden, on M. guadalupensis from Buenaventura, Cuba, collected by Percy Wilson, Dec. 13, 1910, 9257. The type collection on C. racemosa was obtained by A. A. Heller, on the Ad juntas road eight miles from Ponce, Dec. 4, 1902. The species has been placed in the genus Nigredo without knowledge of pycnia or aecia, but on the assumption that they occur whenever favorable conditions permit the life cycle to be completed. 32. Uromyces gemmatus Berk. & Curt. ; Berkeley, Jour. Linn. Soc. 10 : 357. 1869. On Convolvulaceae : Jacqueniontia nodiflora (Desv.) G. Don {Convolvulus nodiflorus Desv.), Coamo Springs, Jan. 4, O, I, III, 42, Feb. I, O, II, III, “y,’’ Jan. i, O, II, 128, April 6, II, III, 8i8c-, Desecheo, May 31, II, III, 1586] San Ger- I man, Dec. 8, II, III, 5763, Dec. 12, II, III, 3839-, Dec. 18, II, III, 4121-, Guanica, Dec. 29, II, III, 6827c; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, II, 3928. The only other specimens of this exclusively West Indian rust known to the writer are one made by A. E. Ricksecker on St. Croix in 1896, listed in Millspaugh’s Flora of St. Croix (Field Mus. ; Bot. Ser., i: 466. 1902), as Puccinia Convolvuli, one made by E. W. D. Holway at Ponce, P. R., Jan., 1911, and one Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 193 made by Hohvay at Kingston, Jamaica, Feb., 1915, 22 s, all three showing uredinia and telia. A specimen collected by Charles Wright in “ Cuba orientali, 1856-7,” which is in the Curtis set at Harvard University, is labeled “ Uredo gemmata B. & C., var.” Through the kindness of Dr. W. G. Farlow I have been able to study this collection and believe it to be identical with the material on which Uromyces gemmatus B. & C. was founded, which was stated to be “ on the underside of leaves of Convolvulus etc.” With the aid of Mr. Percy Wilson of the New York Botanical Garden the host has been determined with certainty as Jacquemontia nodiflora. The fungus consists of uredinia only, and agrees exactly with the de- scription given by Sydow (Ann. Myc. 6 : 138. 1908), said to have been taken frorn a part of the type material, and also with the uredinia in the fine set of specimens collected by Dr. Stevens. A full description is given to aid in making the species better known. Pycnia epiphyllous, few in small groups on somewhat dis- colored spots, inconspicuous, subepidermal, globoid-flask-shaped, 65-135/* broad by 96-170 /* high; ostiolar filaments 25-30/* long. Aecia uredinoid (primary uredo), chiefly hypophyllous, cir- cinate about the area occupied by pycnia, round or oblong, often confluent, otherwise like the uredinia. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or sometimes grouped, round, about 0.5 mm. across, soon naked, cinnamon-brown, somewhat pulverulent, ruptured epidermis noticeable ; urediniospores ellip- soid or obovoid, 24-27 by 31-35/*; wall cinnamon-brown, moder- ately thick, 2-3 /*, prominently echinulate, the pores about 6, scattered. Telia hypophyllous, similar to the uredinia but somewhat darker in color, often arising in the same sori ; teliospores ellip- soid or obovoid, 23-29 by 32-43/*, rounded above, somewhat narrowed below ; wall cinnamon-brown, thin at sides, i /*, greatly thickened above, 7-20 /*, smooth; pedicel nearly of quite colorless, thin-walled, one half to once length of spore. The Uredo Jacquemontiae P. Henn. from New Guinea is de- scribed as having considerably larger spores, with wall 5-7 /* thick, echinulate with hyaline points i /* long, and is clearly dis- tinct from the West Indian form. 194 Mycologia 33. Uromyces columbianus Mayor, Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5; 467. 1913. On Carduaceae: Melanthera canescens (Kuntze) O. E. Schultz, Gales, June 12, 1912, 28) Ahasco, Jan. 28, 234, 274, Oct. 12, 3564, Sjd8; Corozal, Feb. 12, 421; Yauco, Oct. 3, 3138; Mayagiiez, April 12, 1022; Vega Baja, May 18, 2041, 2045, May 21, 1895, ipio, 1922; Cayey, June 5, 2175; Cabo Rojo, June 15, 2255; Rosario, Oct. 27, 3837; Utuado, Nov. 8, 4423, 4684; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 5190; San German, Dec. 12, 5831, 5834; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, 3917, 5918 ; River junction below Utuado, Dec. 16, 6039, Dec. 17, 6070, Dec. 30, 6860, 6864) Jayuya, Dec. 17, 6044, 6045. The rust was obtained on the phanerogamic collection of the same host species made by Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Heller 138, near Rio Piedras, P. R., May 13, 1899. Since the work on Steven’s Porto Rican rusts began, the ex- cellent and detailed study of the rusts of the United States of Colombia by Dr. Eug. Mayor of Neuchatel, Switzerland, has been j issued. In this work is a full description of the aecia, uredinia ' and telia, with a fairly good cut illustrating the urediniospores and teliospores of this species. The type is on Melanthera aspera (Jacq.) Steud., Andes centrales, dep. Antioquia, IMedellin I and Envigado, alt. 1550 m., II and III, August 19, no. 236, sup- plemented by a number of other collections. , Pycnia occur in the Stevens collection on nos. 28, 1910, 1922, 2043, 2173 and 3917 accompanying the aecia, and probably on a number of others. In each case the collection also shows uredinia and telia. The pycnia are subepidermal, globoid or flask-shaped, ! inconspicuous, about 100 fi in diameter. The rust bears the usual characters that entitle it to a place in the genus Nigredo, in which it becomes Nigredo Columbiana (Mayor) comb. nov. The host belongs to a group of forms that is difficult of sepa- ration into species. The Stevens collections are fortunately well supplied with inflorescence at various stages of maturity. Some Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 195 of the material resembles Melanthera deltoides, and some M. hastata ciihensis, but the careful study given to the whole set by Mr. Percy Wilson of the New York Botanical Garden, in which he was assisted by other members of the staff, makes it seem best to assign all the Stevens collections to M. canescens. 34. Uromyces Bidentis Lagerh. Bull. Soc. France ii : 213. 1895. Uredo Bidentis P. Henn. Hedwigia 35: 251. 1896. Uredo hidenticola P. Henn. Hedwigia 37: 279. 1898. Uredo amaniensis P. Henn. Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 38: 106. 1905. On Carduaceae: Bidens leucantha Willd., Santurce, Jan. 22, 2<5p, Tune 5, 277(5; Vega Baja, Feb. 20, 470, May 21, 1731, Nov. 5, 4280-, Aibonito, June 5, 2146; Anasco, Oct. 12, 5532; Mayagiiez, Oct. 31, JP52; Monte Alegrillo, without date, 4713; Lares, Nov. 22, 4927-, Aguada, Nov. 22, 3093-, River junction below Utuado, Dec. 30, 6383. Cosmos caiidafus H.B.K., Barros, Jan. 2, II, 63; Jayuya, Dec. 17, II, 3988. IMost of the Stevens collections show uredinia only. It has been collected in Porto Rico also by E. W. D. Holway, San Juan, January, 1911, showing both uredinia and telia. Specimens of the species have been seen from Martinique on B. leucantha, Hahn, and on B. pilosa, Sieber, and from Jamaica on B. leucantha, Underwood 1749, Holway 214, and on Cosmos caudatus, Underwood 1149. The type collection is on Bidens andicola, near Quito, Equador, Lagerheim, and has not been seen by the writer. A collection on the same host from Guatemala, December, 1887, J. J. Cooper, shows uredinia and telia. The species is autoecious, and what is often called a hemi- uromyces, showing ordinarily only uredinia and telia. How- ever, on collections by E. W. D. Holway, on B. tereticaulis, Jalapa, Mexico, 3210 (Barth. N. Am. Ured. 782), and Oaxaca, Mexico, 3667, and also by E. L. Stevens, on B. pilosa, Caracas, Venezuela, 196 Mycologia 3006, there occur pycnia and uredinoid aecia (primary uredo), which give the following characters : Pycnia amphigenous, numerous in small groups, honey-yellow becoming darker, subepidermal, globoid, ioo-140/x in diameter; ostiolar filaments few, 20-30 ja long ; basidiospores large, 5-7 /x in diameter. Aecia uredinoid, amphigenous, circinating about the groups of pycnia, resembling the uredinia, but somewhat larger and less pulverulent ; aeciospores pedicellate, resembling the uredinio- spores. The uredinia and telia are described elsewhere, and especially well, by Sydow, Monog. Ured. 2 : 3. 1909. The characters given above entitle the species to be placed in the genus Klebahnia, in which it should be Klebahnia Bidentis (Lagerh.) nov. comb. 35- Uromyces densus sp. nov. Telia hypophyllous, numerous, in small groups on slightly dis- colored spots, pulvinate, coalescent, all sizes from o.i to i mm. in diameter, often a central, large, cushion-shaped sorus surrounded by smaller ones, frequently in a circle, dull cinnamon-brown becoming cinereous by germination ; teliospores obovoid or oblong, 16-23 by 24-38 /x; wall pale cinnamon-brown, thin, l- 1.5 /X, thicker above, 3-9^1, smooth; pedicel nearly colorless, deli- cate, once or twice length of spore. On Carduaceae: Bidens pilosa L., Ponce, Nov. 8, 4266. The same species was collected on B. leucantha at La Car- melita, P. R., April 18, 1904, by G. P. Clinton. The species was also collected on B. pilosa at Caracas, Vene- zuela, July 15, 1913, by Dr. Stevens, 2gj8, 2^82, 2gg8, 3007. All these collections show the same characteristics of dense groups of sori, centrally cinereous from germination of the spores. The appearance is wholly unlike that of Uromyces Bidentis with its low, small sori, which do not coalesce and thicken into cushions. The teliospores, however, are essentially alike in the two species. U . densus is to be considered a short- cycle form, for which U. Bidentis is the corresponding long- cycle form. {To be continued) ILLUSTRATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF CUP-FUNGI— II. SEPULTARIA Fred J. Seaver (With Plate i6i, Containing 3 Figures) The genus Sepiiltaria was founded by Massee/ the name having been first used by Cooke for a subgenus of Peziza. The genus was based on Peziza sepiilta Fries,- one of the few species of true hypogaeous cup-fungi. Previous to the publication of Peziza sepiilta by Fries, Leveille® described a species with similar characters under the name of Peziza arenicola. According to Leveille, the latter species is peculiar in its mode of development, since the apothecia are at first subglobose and entirely concealed in the ground. After abundant rains they open and then for the first time become visible. The outer surface is covered with long fine hairs which bind the sand to the outside of the apothecia so closely that it is not easily detached. According to Berkeley and Broome who published Fries’s manuscript name of Peziza sepiilta, this species is closely related to Peziza arenicola Lev. and also has a close resemblance to Hydnocystis Tub The plants of the latter genus are said by Tulasne not to open to the surface and in this respect only they differ from those of Sepiiltaria. Hydnocystis is commonly placed among the Tuberales. The writer has examined a specimen of Peziza arenicola Lev. from Leveille and also a specimen of Peziza sepiilta Fries from Scandinavia and find that the two are identical. What appears to be the same species has been frequently col- lected by Professor Ellsworth Bethel in the vicinity of Denver, Colorado. He writes that the fungus is entirely submerged with ’ Massee, Brit. Fungus FI. 4: 389. 1895. 2 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 13: 463. 1854. ® Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 9: 140. 1848. 197 198 ]\Iycologia them and is frequently collected by his students who know it as the “hole in the ground,” since they find it by looking for holes in the sandy soil. Mr. Ellis was at first inclined to regard the Colorado plants as a new species but finally came to the con- clusion that the species was identical with Peziza sepulta Fries, according to notes in the Ellis Collection. The writer has recently received from Mr. W. H. Long in New Mexico fine specimens of a Sepultaria which closely re- sembles the species so frequently collected by Bethel in Colorado. According to the collector, the New Mexican plants do not pro- trude above ground at all in any of the thirty or forty specimens collected, although the soil is said to be slightly raised when the apothecia break. When mature, small cracks appear in the tops of the apothecia which if the soil is not too firm around them will expand and finally expose some of the hymenium. The New Mexican material was shipped fresh and w’as received in excellent condition. From some of this material the accompany- ing photographs were made. While the New Mexican plants are closely related to Sepul- taria arenicola (Lev.) Massee, they seem to differ in the form of the spores which are ellipsoid but only slightly longer than broad, while those of the former are often twice as long as broad. Aside from this, the New Mexican plants appear to differ in general habits. Gross characters, however, such as con- gested habit are taken with considerable allowance since the writer has had no opportunity to make a study of the Colorado plants in a fresh condition and the New Mexican plants are known only from the specimens described here. From the studies which have been made, the New Mexican plants are re- garded as distinct. Specimens which have been referred to Sepultaria arenicola (Lev.) INIas-see, have occasionally been collected in different parts of the east, although the species seems like the one here described to be characteristic of the dry plains of the west. A number of other species have been referred to the genus which are smaller and only partially buried. So far as known, the genus at present contains five species for North America, including the one here described. Mycolojia Plate CLXI SEPULTARIA LONGII SEAVER Seaver: Description of Cup-Fungi 199 The genus should not be confused, as has often been done, with Sarcosphacra which differs from Sepultaria in the absence of the long brown hairs which are so characteristic of the plants of the latter genus. The two genera agree in that both are hypo- gaeous. So far as habits are concerned, Sepultaria seems to be intermediate between the Pezizales and the Tuberales although with the exception of Hydnocystis the fruit characters are not nearly so suggestive of the Tuberales as are those of some other discomycete genera such as Boudiera and Lamprospora. How- ever that is a question for the morphologist. Sepultaria Longii sp. nov. Apothecia densely gregarious or cespitose, at first closed and entirely buried, finally opening to the surface by an elongated or compressed aperture, or when the substratum is not too compact spreading so as to expose the hymenium, never protruding above the surface of the substratum but causing the soil to become slightly elevated as they mature, reaching a diameter of 4 cm., regular in form or becoming very much contorted from mutual pressure, externally pale-brown and entirely clothed with long hairs which extend into the substratum, binding the surrounding soil closely to the outside of the apothecium ; hairs flexuous, sep- tate, brown, and of nearly uniform thickness throughout their entire length ; asci subcylindric above, tapering gradually below into a stem-like base, reaching a length of 250-300/1, and a diameter of 20-22 /t; spores i -seriate, short-ellipsoid or subglobose, at first containing one small oil-drop which gradually enlarges until it nearly fills the spore, about 18-20X20-22/1; paraphyses stout, gradually enlarged above where they reach a diameter of 4-6/1,, filled with numerous vacuoles or oil-drops, hyaline. On bare ground. Type locality; Albuquerque, New Mexico. Distribution : Known only from the type locality. Explanation of Plate CLXI Upper figure, group of apothecia partially concealed by the soil ; middle figure, section through the cluster of apothecia showing their hypogaeous habit; lower figure, several apothecia removed from the soil. A NEW FUNGUS, PHIALOPHORA VER- RUCOSA, PATHOGENIC FOR MAN E. M. Medlar The fungus here briefly described was isolated from a chronic skin lesion on the buttock of a man 22 years old. The more detailed description may be found in a current number of the Journal of Medical Research. The fungus grows on all ordinary laboratory media as a brownish-black, felt-like mycelium composed of ramified, septate hyphae which are cylindric, fairly straight, and composed of thick-walled cells 4-25 X 2-6 /l. Their protoplasmic content is finely granular and in it are embedded numerous fat droplets of varying size. By staining, a definite nucleus can be demonstrated in each cell as shown in the accompanying figure. Sclerotic cells are formed under conditions which are unfavor- able to normal growth, and are also produced in tissues and on hydrocele agar. These sclerotic cells may undergo a process of septation in more than one plane and in this way form small sclerotium-like cell-masses. Reproduction, so far as known, is entirely asexual, and takes place by two types of conidial formation. The type of conidial formation found in cultures where conditions are most favorable for luxuriant growth is semi-endogenous in character. It occurs, as a rule, on specialized, short, lateral branches of the aerial hyphae, although at times the end segment of a hypha may be- come a conidium bearer. As a rule, these branches consist of a single sporogenous cell, although occasionally they may be com- posed of two or three cells from which the sporogenous cells may arise terminally and laterally. The sporogenous cells may arise singly or on opposite sides of the same vegetative cell, as indi- cated in the figure, and are usually ovoid in shape, forming during the process of fructification a shallow, round cup at the distal end. Into this cup the conidia are pushed as a result of the 200 Medlar: Phialophora verrucosa 201 successive proliferation of the sporogenous cell below. After reaching maturity a septum is formed between the conidium and the parent cell and another conidium is produced. Although these spores are set free as soon as they are formed and are never produced in coherent chains, they are not at once scattered, but remain coherent owing to the presence of a gelatinous material which holds them together. A dozen or more may thus cohere Fig. I. Philophora verrucosa Medlar, a, stained specimen showing co- nidia formation and cellular detail ; b, c, after Thaxter, showing detail of sporogenous cell and conidia. to the cup-like extremity of the sporogenous cell forming a com- pact, globose mass. This “ cup and ball ” habit is very char- acteristic and the whole bears a close resemblance to a sporang- ium filled with endogenous spores. The individual conidium has a definite wall which is at first hyaline or faintly yellowish and becomes brownish with age, a 202 ]\Iycologia finely granular protoplasm in which are embedded a few small fat droplets, and a definite nucleus. It varies from 4 ju, to 6 /u. in length and i to 3 /x, in breadth. The second type of conidial formation is found in tissues and in the depths of certain media, such as hydrocele agar. Here the conidia are formed as budding processes from single sclerotic cells, from the individual cells of the sclerotia, and from the end of short terminal and lateral branchlets. They may be single or in chains of two to six. The structure is similar to that of the conidia formed on the aerial hyphae, but the form is dis- tinctly more ovoid. Because the sexual reproduction, if there is any, of this fungus is unknown it will necessarily have to be classed among the Fungi Imperfecti. The color will place it under the Dematiaceae. So far as can be determined, there has never been described a fungus, either saprophytic, parasitic, or pathogenic for man or other animals, which corresponds closely to this form. Professor Thaxter has suggested that the fungus should be classed under the sub-division Chalareae of Saccardo’s Classi- fication and should be the type species of a new genus, since the successive separation of the conidia and their coherence in a mucous mass which remains adherent to the cup-like apex of the sporogenous cell does not appear to be characteristic of any de- scribed genus in this section. The name Phialophora (small shallow cup bearer) is proposed for the genus, and the specific name verrucosa is selected, as the lesion clinically resembled verrucous tuberculosis. The fungus is pathogenic for rats and mice, producing lesions similar to those in man. Its natural habitat is unknown. The determinative characteristics, as suggested by Professor Thaxter, of the new genus and new species are here given. Phialophora gen. nov. Mycelium of brown, septate, cylindric hyphae which show a tendency to cohere in rope-like strands, the ultimate branches and branchlets tending to become moniliform. Aerial conidia pro- duced by specialized sporogenous cells which arise terminally or ]\IeDLAR: PfllALOPHORA VERRUCOSA 203 laterally from the branches: abjointed at maturity, simple, formed through successive proliferation into the cup-like termi- nation of the sporogenous cell to which they cohere in a globose, gelatinous mass. Sclerotic cells and spores in monilia-like chains are also produced in the substratum. Phialophora verrucosa sp. nov. Sporogenous cells short, ampullae-form or more elongate, usually terminal or irregularly distributed near the ends of the ultimate branchlets, the lips of the terminal cups spreading; spores ovoid to ellipsoid, somewhat variable in form and size, usually about 4-5 X 2-3 fx. ; hyphae 2-6 /u. in diameter. Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass. TESTS ON THE DURABILITY OF GREENHEART (NECTANDRA RODIAEI SCHOMB.) C. J. Humphrey (With Plate 162, Containing 6 Figures) Greenheart is a tropical timber-tree/ belonging to the laurel family, which has a world-wide reputation for extreme dura- bility. The species grows in South America and some of the West Indian islands and is commercially exploited for home con- sumption as well as for export trade. In its native home it is used generally where a durable timber is required, it being re- sistant not only to wood-destroying fungi, but also to marine borers and white ants. Oustide its habitat it finds its greatest use in marine construction, to which it is particularly adapted on account of its resistance to the teredo. The wood is very hard, heavy (about 61 lbs. to the cubic foot when air dry), tough, very strong, and fine-grained. As in many tropical trees, annual growth rings are not distinguishable. The proportion of sapwood in a log is usually high, ranging from 3 to 4 inches in thickness in trvtnks 18 to 24 inches in diameter. Trees under 12 inches usually consist largely of sap- wood. It is said that dealers do not regard the sapwood as inferior to heartwood, but the tests below outlined indicate there is a marked difference. Freshly-cut sapwood is pale-yellow, darkening on exposure; the heartwood may vary from pale-yellow to black. Under the microscope the wood appears very dense, being interspersed with numerous single or double vessels, whose cavities are frequently stuffed with cellular ingrowths, called tyloses (Plate 162, figs. 4, 5, 6). These tyloses, when very abundant, are said to give a darker appearance to the wood. ^ Mell, C. D., and Brush, \X. D. Greenheart. U. S. Forest Serv. Circ. 211. 1913. 204 Humphrey: Tests on Durability of Greenheart 205 The great durability of the wood has been mainly attributed to two factors, (i) the presence of the tyloses, which stuff the vessels and thus render them more difficult of penetration by fungus mycelium, and (2) the presence in the wood of certain alkaloids which may exert a preservative effect. At least four alkaloids have been extracted from the wood and bark, among which may be mentioned bebeerine- (or biberine) of the formula CigHjiOjN, and nectandrine, CjoHjgO^N. The former is said to be commercially exploited as a substitute for cinchona. It contains a methoxyl group, a phenolic hydroxyl group and a NCHj group. The toxicity to fungi of these alkaloidal extracts from green- heart has not yet been determined by the writer, but it is the plan to make such tests later, in an effort to throw further light on the durability of this remarkable wood. During 1913-14 the writer conducted a series of durability tests on both the heartwood and sapwood of greenheart timber. The material was sent to the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, from British Guiana for test purposes. The ship- ment consisted of a 13 by 13 inch square-hewn timber, upon which the bark was still adhering to the corners in strips an inch to an inch and a half wide. The sapwood was about two and a half inches thick, being largely confined to the corners, it being hewn away at the center of the faces. Test blocks ^ by by 2 inches long were sawed out from near the center to secure good heart material, while the sapwood specimens were cut from near the circumference at the corners, in many instances representing the extreme outer surface, and hence less than normal size on account of the wane (Plate 162, fig. 2). Each block was tested singly in a large test tube i^ inches in diameter and 9 inches long, the sapwood and heartwood being tested against the same organisms. Seventy tube cultures were originally planned, using 35 species of wood-destroying fungi common to the United States, but certain failures incident to the experiment reduced this number somewhat. ’ Henry, T. A. The plant alkaloids, pp. 414, 415. 1913. 20G Mycologia The test blocks were oven-dried at lOO to 105° C. for 20 hours and weighed. To moisten again they were placed in a dish of tap water, brought to a boil, and allowed to cool. The tube cultures were prepared by placing a layer of wet sterilized sphagnum moss in the bottom, followed by a layer of moist sterile sand up to about two-fifths the length of the tube. The test block was embedded in this sand for about one-half its length and surrounded by culture blocks of spruce or beech, the former being used in the case of fungi known to inhabit coniferous timber and the latter in the case of hardwood fungi. Over the whole was packed a layer of wet sphagnum. Tap water was then added to saturate the sphagnum and sand in the bottom and the tubes were then tightly plugged with ab- sorbent cotton. After sterilization of about i hour at 12 pounds steam pres- sure, the tubes were allowed to cool and were inoculated on August 28 and 29 with various wood-destroying fungi, among which are included many of the most active ones prevalent in the United States. With the exception of MeniUus lachrymans, which was placed in the incubator at 22 to 26° C., all the cultures were held at laboratory temperature, which varied considerably with the seasons. After one year the tubes were opened and the blocks examined. Plate 162, figs, i and 3, illustrate the method of test and the luxuriant mycelial development which was attained by the end of the test period. Upon removal, the test blocks were oven-dried and re-weighed. Tables I and II present the essential data and results. An examination of Table I shows that the heartwood of green- heart proved highly resistant, and in most cases practically im- mune, to all the fungi used, in spite of the fact that the organisms developed luxuriantly in the tubes. Very little effect on the wood was noted in a visual examination. Losses in weight under 0.5 per cent, are not recorded, as this may lie within the experi- mental error. Table II shows a somewhat different state of affairs, for the Durability of } Humphrey: Tests on Durability of Greenheart 207 S 5 O o IV a ^ C rt 4; c? 2 X tn rt d -c ^ to Cd d d *S 2* d 'O 'V ^ u rt 51 •— to . «j *o ^ 0 O O 0 o — TJ TJ 'C ’o "a .2 . *0 0 cccccooo o 55 2 D. . . a to ^ ^ 5 0 o X 2 o y O' O -rr O C O o ^ Cj H 3 _?^!3 d ^ cd s § 'Ji u c o O U H o to ^ o >. .a ^ d cs ^ *o £; Sf .'H o . . 2^ . d d 3 d *0 *u c3 *0 ^ o . a *o o o "3 ^ *o G O o a U H c o U o a H c 0 U c S j=.2 O . i- c o o o : *a u 3 -c "o *u *a o « C 3 a a ocoooooooccooo TD'U'a'3'0*C'3*3'0'C'3*3'3*U VOODOO Lo O M" ^ 00 LO 'O lOf'O'OOOO'O lor^O'OO'O OO 'O'O 100 lO^O'OO'OO'O cc * '°2- ^ fc > fc i:; ail ■H ^2^ C3 . £ 0 O a • • 3 ^ o . O O N a O (/} U 2 fc rt , 0(i: da TfO , 'S) 6 o z ►S Z fe< fe 2 "2 = 6 2- ,■ fc --N " S'Xjl,^ ■S 5 a Q oa' 5^-g« .JS Q 2^ i= 2 5: S §5-3 O ■« S .3 h S ■2 s s J a a « ^ •2-s £ s- ^ iTj ts : -2 s ; -H .1 < »o S> fc s; a ?,° 10 *o '2 ^ N . oo 6 6 ^22 CQ o s s s s K V V K ^ ^ ^ w O a a ^ ^ tt, to to to Co ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s s s s s 00000 fe, k, fe, k, k, o •C^, ■ ^ I ■S' -S' i h I fc.o;a;a;D;a;a;f~;55^co'^'^'^^ o o o o o V. g g 5 a K »K OJ ■“ '5 / f— ,u o a ■5 .5 3 ■S'S-^ §.8 5. Q S '-S * Held in incubator at 22-26° C. t Hole in bottom of tube allowed culture to dry out. Durability of Sapwood 208 Mycologia * Held in incubator at 22—26 Mvcologia ri..\vis CLXll DURABILITY OF OREENHEART Humphrey: Tests on Durability of Greenheart 209 sapwood proved far less resistant. Lensites sepiaria proved the most active organism, producing a loss in dry weight of 37 per cent. Merulins lachrymans stands next with a loss of 26 per cent. Six other fungi produced losses ranging from 10 to 25 per cent. The wood remained practically immune to only three of the twenty-three fungi used. The fact that the sapwood is more susceptible to decay than the heartwood meets our natural expectations, as this is the rule with timbers in which the heart and sapwood are differentiated. The point to be kept in mind is that the sapwood, being so much less resistant to decay than the heart, should be carefully considered in timber specifications which call for the best quality of durable material. Not alone is the sapwood moderately sus- ceptible to the attacks of fungi, but it is also reported to be more readily attacked by marine borers, and hence is said to be less valuable for wharf construction. Office of Investigations in Forest Pathology, Bureau of Plant Industry, Madison, Wisconsin. Description of Plate CLXII Fig. I. Cultures in large tubes of six species of fungi, showing method of testing. Each tube contains a greenheart block surrounded by easily rotted culture blocks. After i year. Fig. 2. Greenheart test blocks, heartwood above ; sapwood, with wane, below. Fig. 3. Greenheart block and beech culture blocks matted together by a heavy growth of mycelium at end of the test period. Stereum fasciatum above,- Polystictus hirsutus below. Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of transverse section of greenheart wood. Note the compact structure and tyloses partially filling the ducts. (By courtesy U. S. Forest Service.) Fig. s. Radial section of greenheart wood. (Courtesy of U. S. Forest Service.) Fig. 6. Tangential section of same. (Courtesy U. S. Forest Service.) OBSERVATIONS ON HERPOTRICHIA NIGRA AND ASSOCIATED SPECIES Fred J. Seaver Several years ago while attempting to work out the identity of Herpotrichia nigra Hartig and Neopeckia Coulteri (Peck) Sacc., the writer was surprised to find the ascospores of a third species on Picea which was at first thought to be an undescribed species of Herpotrichia. The spores of this species were fusiform, long and narrower than those of Herpotrichia nigra and, while usually 5-septate, were often 6-septate and occasionally even 7-septate, while those of Herpotrichia nigra were broad, blunt and never more than 3-septate so far as observed. This strange species was first detected while studying Ellis & Everhart’s Fungi Columbiani i/3/, a specimen of Herpotrichia nigra which was erroneously distributed under the name of Lasio- sphacria Coulteri. The spores of this species were again observed while examining a specimen of Herpotrichia nigra on Picea Engel- manni sent from Colorado by Bethel, July 7, 1914. After a careful study it was found that these fusiform spores were not the spores of a Herpotrichia as at first suspected but were those of a Mytilidion which has .been repeatedly found on conifers associated with Herpotrichia nigra. The genus Mytilid- ion belongs to the Hysteriales and the perithecia of the plants of this genus are laterally compressed and closely resemble a minia- ture clam or other bivalve, opening by a slit across the top of the perithecium and very different from the subglobose perithecia of Herpotrichia. The perithecia of the Mytilidion are, however, so intimately associated with those of the Herpotrichia that their real characters may be easily overlooked and when removed together, the spores of the Mytilidion may be mistaken for the mature spores of the Herpotrichia. If, however, the perithecia are removed and studied individually, it will be found that the fusiform spores are always obtained from the hysteriform perithecia while the sub- globose perithecia contain the 3-septate spores which are character- istic of Herpotrichia nigra. 210 Seaver: Observations on Herpotrichia nigra 211 The Mytilidion is closely related to, if not identical with Mytilidion fusisporum (Cooke) Sacc., a species which has been reported on branches and bark of spruces and firs. Cooke’s species is said to have spores 50 fi long, while the spores of our species have never been found to exceed 40 /jl and are often not more than 30 /x. Having seen no authentic specimen of Cooke’s species, it is impossible to know how much importance to attach to this apparent difference in the size of the spores. Our specimens have been doubtfully referred to that species. The recent appearance of the description of a new species of Herpotrichia by Weir in the Journal of Agricultural Researchh3.s attracted the attention of the writer since the spores of his species were practically identical in size and form with those of the Mytilidion which has been so frequently found associated with Herpotrichia nigra. From the facts in hand the writer is inclined to believe that Weir’s supposed new species is based on the com- bined characters of two different plants, the mycelial and perithe- cial characters being those of the well-known Herpotrichia nigra while the ascus and spore characters are those of the Mytilidion. Tills suspicion has been strengthened by recent studies of our collections of Herpotrichia nigra which shows practically every specimen examined to be accompanied by the Mytilidion, the abundance of the latter species varying considerably in different specimens. To add to the difficulty the perithecia of the Mytilidion are often overrun by the mycelium of the Herpotrichia so that the perithecial characters are obscured. Not only has the My- tilidion been found on spruce needles associated with Herpotrichia, but it has also been found on pine needles associated in the same way with Neopeckia Coulteri. Weir’s drawings illustrate very well the spore characters of the three species, Neopeckia Coulteri, Herpotrichia nigra and the unnamed species of Mytilidion except that the spores of 'the las\ are not always 5-septate as indicated in his drawings but are ofte” 6-septate and occasionally even 7-septate. The spore measure- ments are usually within the limits given by Weir, but spores are occasionally found as long as 38-40 /x. The color is pale-brown, as indicated by him. New York Botanical Garden. NEWS AND NOTES Professor George Massee, one of the associate editors of Myco- logia, is reported to have retired from his position as head of the cryptogamic department in the herbarium of the Royal Gar dens, Kew, England. Dr. H. M. Fitzpatrick, assistant professor of plant pathology at Cornell University, visited the Garden several times recently to examine the collections. Dr. Fitzpatrick is spending three months at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. A large number of specimens of Agaricus Rodmani were found on May 19, 1915, by Mr. F. J. McCarthy in a partially shaded street border in Bedford Park, New York City, where this inter- esting double-ringed species was observed over ten years ago. Mr. L. O. Overholts, who recently held a fellowship at the Missouri Botanical Garden, has been appointed instructor in botany at Pennsylvania State College. He enters upon his new duties on August i. Dr. F. D. Fromme, of Purdue University, formerly a student at the Garden, has accepted the position of plant pathologist and bac- teriologist at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Virginia. Dr. H. S. Reed, until recently professor of plant pathology and bacteriology in the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, has been ap- pointed professor of plant physiology in the Citrus Experiment Station and Graduate School of Tropical Agriculture, recently established by the University of California at Riverside. Professor Edward M. Gilbert, of the University of Wisconsin, spent about a week at the Garden early in June studying the herbarium collection of tremellaceous fungi. He is planning to 212 News and Notes 213 devote considerable attention to this interesting, although some- what neglected, group of basidiomycetes. Dr. B. O. Dodge will spend six weeks during the summer at Camp Columbia, near Litchfield, Conn., where he will offer a course in general botany with special reference to the fungous diseases of forest trees. Some time will also be devoted to the collection and study of fleshy fungi. The work will be offered in connection with the Extension Teaching of Columbia Uni- versity. The March number of The New Phytologist contains an article by George K. Sutherland on marine fungi, a field of mycology which has been very poorly explored. The author of the paper restricts his investigations to those fungi which occur on Pelvetia. Four species of ascomycetes are recorded for this host, all of which are described as new. The number of species which occur on this host would suggest the possibility that marine fungi may be much more numerous than has previously been supposed. In a recent number of the Journal of Agricultural Research, J. R. Weir records, certain observations on Rhisina inflata. These observations tend to support the theory that this fungus is parasitic on coniferous seedlings. The roots of the dying seed- lings were found to be covered with a mass of white mycelium which was found to be connected with the fruiting bodies of Rhizina inflata. One experiment was conducted which adds some experimental proof in support of the theory, although the experimental work is not extensive enough to be conclusive. The species has frequently been reported as a parasite in Europe. The report of the state botanist of New York for 1913, pre- pared by Dr. Homer D. House, appeared early in June, 1915, as Bulletin 176 of the New York State Museum. It records the moving of the collections to the new building and their arrange- ment in the new metal herbarium cases in a way to make them more available for study and safer from insect attack. Three 214 Mycologia new species of fungi are described, namely, Inocybe euthelclla Peck, Clitocybe phyllophiloides Peck, and Hebeloma palustre Peck. Dr. House has contributed some very interesting notes on state local floras and an important article of over thirty pages with copious illustrations on certain features of German forestry. In a recent professional paper on the pathology of the jack pine, James R. Weir states that the most important fungous disease of this tree is Peridcrmium cerebrum, the control of which in many localities is quite a serious forest problem. The most important wood-destroying fungi of the jack pine are Trametes Pini and Polyporus Schweinitzii, but these do not pro- duce any appreciable decay until the tree reaches its period of decline, placed approximately at from sixty to eighty years of age. The wood of this tree deteriorates rapidly after it is cut under the influence of a number of saprophytic fungi and cannot be expected to remain sound in the forest for more than two or three years. Dr. W. A. Murrill, Assistant Director, visited Washington, D. C., and Richmond, Va., early in June and found the chestnut canker abundant in the Washington parks and rapidly spreading south of the Potomac River. Most fleshy fungi were just begin- ning to appear in Virginia, having been delayed by the cool weather. Pholiota praecox and Lentinus umbilicatus, however, as well as Polyporus arcularius, were already abundant. Prob- ably the most interesting species collected was Bolbitius variicolor, so well described and figured in Atkinson’s “ Studies of Ameri- can Fungi.” This was found in a shaded, manured yard in Falls Church, Virginia, on June 6. The pileus was olivaceous with yellowish center, reticulate-rugose, and very viscid ; the lamellae at first straw-yellow or sulfur-yellow ; the stipe pale- yellow above and white below, decorated with minute scales pointing upward. Recent Specific Names Recombined For the convenience of those using Saccardo’s nomenclature, the names of .species of boletes and polypores published in My- News and Notes 215 cologia and in “Western Polypores” and “Tropical Polypores” in 1915 are recombined as follows: Elfvingia Brownii =Fomes Brownii Inonotus Leei = Pol5T)orus Leei Inonotus porrectus = Polyporus porrectus Pyropolyporus Abramsianus = Pomes Abramsianus Rostkovites californicus = Boletus californicus Tyromyces graminicola = Polyporus graminicola W. A. Morrill. “Tropical Polypores,” a book of 113 pages by \V. A. Murrill, was issued June 15, 1915. It contains descriptions of the pileate species occurring in Mexico, Central America, southern Florida, the Bermudas, the West Indies, and other parts of tropical North America, together with descriptive notes and complete keys to the genera and species. Tyromyces graminicola, Polyporus Marhleae, and Inonotus porrectus are described as new ; while Inonotn-s lep- rosus (Fries), Pomes tiirbinatus (Pat.), Elfvingiella fasciata (Sw.), Fulvifomes cakitratus (Berk. & Curt.) Murrill, Fulvi- fomes Cedrelae Murrill, Fulvifomes cinchonensis Murrill, Fulvi- fomes dependens IMurrill, Fulvifomes extensus (Lev.) Murrill, Fulvifomes grenadensis Murrill, Fulvifomes hydrophilus Murrill, Fulvifomes jamaicensis Murrill, Fulvifomes linteus (Berk. & Curt.) Murrill, Fidvifomes melleicinctus Murrill, Fulvifomes pseudosenex Murrill, Fulvifomes sarcitus (Fries) Murrill, Fulvi- fomes sublinteus Murrill, Fulvifomes subpectinatus Murrill, Fulvi- fomes Swieteniae Murrill, Fuhnfomes troyanus Murrill, Fulvi- fomes Underwoodii Murrill, and Fulvifomes yucatanensis Murrill are newly combined. The index to genera with species forms a handy check list and the authorities have been added for the con- venience of those wishing to write labels. The New Genus Lentodiellum This genus was described for Volume 9, part 4, of North American Flora, but it had to be reserved for the following part which will not appear for some months. 216 Mycologia 27. LENTODIELLUM Murrill, gen. nov. Persistent, fleshy-tough, densely cespitose; pileus smooth, deeply depressed ; lamellae decurrent : spores hyaline : veil scanty, evanescent : stipe central, hard, woody. Type species, Panns concavus Berk. I. Lentodiellum concavum (Berk.) Murrill Paniis concavus Berk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 9 : 194. 5 852. ILentinus cochleatus occidentalis Fries, Nova Acta Soc. Sci. Upsal. III. 1 : 227. 1855. Pileus tough but fleshy, infundibuliform, densely cespitose, 3-8 cm. broad ; surface glabrous but not polished, chalky-white, not striate, margin strongly incurved, appendiculate : lamellae strongly decurrent, crowded, narrow, white becoming yellowish ; spores oblong-ellipsoid, pointed at one end, smooth, hyaline, 6-7 X 2.5-3 /a; stipe exannulate, central or nearly so, cylindric, connate below, glabrous or subglabrous, white, solid, tough, 4-8 cm. long, 3-4 mm. thick : veil thick, white, appendiculate. Type locality: Santo Domingo. Habitat : On dead logs and stumps. Distribution: Tropical America. W. A. Murrill. Dr. Arthur Harmount Graves, formerly assistant professor of botany in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, re- turned early in July on the S. S. “ St. Paul” from Liverpool. He has been spending a year in research at the laboratory of Pro- fessor V. H. Blackman, professor of plant physiology and path- ology, Imperial Institute of Science and Technology, London. It may be recalled that Dr. Graves was one of a number of pro- fessors in the Sheffield Scientific School who were not reap- pointed in June, 1914, on account of a lack of funds. INDEX TO AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE Anderson, J. P. Some observations on sycamore blight and ac- companying fungi. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 21: 109-114. pi. 7, 8. 1914. Arthur, J, C. Cultures of Uredineae in 1912, 1913, and 1914. Mycologia 7: 61-89. Ap 1915. Barrus, M. F. Late blight and rot of potatoes. Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 19: 77-83. f. 6i-6y. My 1913. Bessey, E. A., & Byars, L. P. The control of root-knot. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull. 648: 1-19. /. 1-20. i Ap 1915. Blodgett, F. M. Further studies on the spread and control of hop mildew. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 395 : 29-80. pi. /, 2-\-f.i,2. F 1915. Bubak, F., & Sydow, H. Einige neue Pilze. Ann. Myc. 13 : 7-12. f. I, 2. 25 Mr 1915. Includes Helminthosporium obclavatulum sp. nov. from Brazil. Burlingham, G. S. (Agaricales) Agaricaceae (pars) Lactariae (pars). N. Am. FI. 9: 201-236. 30 Ap 1915. Includes 18 new species in Russula. Conard, H. S. The structure and development of Secotium agartcoides. Mycologia 7: 94-104. pi. 157 -\-f. i. 9 Ap 1915. Dearness, J. The myxos of Middlesex. Ontario Nat. Sci. Bull. 7: 3-10. 1912. Fink, B. William Wirt Calkins, amateur mycologist. Myco- logia 7: 57-61. pi. 134. 9 Ap 1915. Frazier, Z. R. Notes on the ecology of Iowa lichens. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 21 : 67-75. ^9^4- Fromme, F. D. Negative heliotropism of urediniospore germ- tubes. Am. Jour. Bot. 2 ; 82-85. /. i, 2. F 1915. 217 218 Mycologia Harter, L. L. Notes on the distribution and prevalence of three important sweet potato diseases. Phytopathology 5: 124-126. Ap 1915- Hasse, C. H. Pseudomonas citri, the cause of Citrus canker. [A preliminary report.] Jour. Agr. Research 4: 97-100. pi. g, 10. 15 Ap 1915. Hasse, H. E. Addition to the lichen-flora of southern Cali- fornia. No. 10. Bryologist 18: 22, 23. Mr 1915. Hawkins, L. A. Some effects of the brown-rot fungus upon the composition of the peach. Am. Jour. Bot. 2: 71-81. F 1915. Heald, F. D., Gardner, M. W., & Studhalter, R. A. Air and wind dissemination of asco[s] pores of the chestnut-blight fungus. Jour. Agr. Research 3; 493-526. pi. 6j-6§-\-f. i, 2. 25 Mr 1915- Howe, R. H. Classification de la famille des Usneaceae dans I’Amerique du Nord, 1-32. pi. i-io. Paris. 1912. Jamieson, C. 0. PJioma destructiva, the cause of a fruit rot of the tomato. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 1-20. pi. a, b, 1-6. 15 Ap 1915. Kern, F. D. The genetic relationship of parasites. Am. Jour. Bot. 2; 116-131. 23 Ap 1915. Kock, G. Der nordamerikanische Stachelbeermeltass und seine Bekampfung. Obstziichter 1-4. f. /-j. 8 N 1915- Lipman, C. B. A suggestion of a new phase of the problem of physiological diseases of plants. Phytopathology 5; 111-116. Ap 1915- Lloyd, C. G. Letter No. 55. 1-4. /. 627. Cincinnati. Mr 1915- Includes a note on Polyporns (Ganoderimis) gibbosus. Lloyd, C. G. Synopsis of the Cordyceps of Australasia, i-ii. f. 611-626. Cincinnati, Mr 1915- [Hhist.] Lloyd, C. G. Synopsis of the genus Pomes. 211-288. /. 570- 610. Cincinnati. Ja 1915- [IHust.] McCubbins, B. W, A. The edible toadstools — the smooth Lepiota. Ontario Nat. Sci. Bull. 7: 53“56- 1912. [Illust.] Index to American MvcoLOGitAL Literature 219 McCubbin, W. A. Experimental results on peach canker. Ann. Rep. Ontario Fruit Growers’ Assoc. 46: 28-32. 1915. Murrill, W. A. Agariceae (pars.) N. Am. FI. 9: 237-296. 30 Ap 1915. Includes 70 new species in Lentinus (2), Crinipellis (4), Polymarasmius (1) , Marasmius (43), Heliomyces (10), Panellus (3), Marasiniellus (2) , Resupinatus (3), Scytinotus (i), Pleurotopsis (i), and the new genus Marasmiellus. Murrill, W. A. The genus Lepista. Mycologia 7: 105-107. 9 Ap 1915. Murrill, W. A. Marking types in the mycological herbarium. Mycologia 7: 108. 9 Ap 1915. Neuman, J. J. The Polyporaceae of Wisconsin. Wis. Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 33: 1-206. pi. 1-P3. 1914. Orton, W. A. Environmental influences in the pathology of Solanum tuberosum. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 3 : 180- 190. f. 1-3. 4 Ap 1913. Pennington, L. H. Temperate species of Marasmius. N. Am. FI. 9 : 250, 252-254, 269-284. 30 Ap 1915. Includes descriptions of six new species. Reimer, F. C. Blight resistance in pears and pear stocks. Monthly Bull. State Com. Hort. Calif. 4: 145-149. f. 23. Mr 1915- Rehm, H. Ascomycetes novi. Ann. Myc. 13 : 1-6. 25 Mr 1915- Includes several new species from North America. Roberts, J. W. Sources of the early infections of apple bitter- rot. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 59-64. pi. 7. 15 Ap 1915. Rolfs, P. H. Tomato diseases. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 1 17; 37-48. /. 4, 5. N 1913. Rorer, J, B. Bed-rot of the cocoanut palm. Dept. Agr. Trinidad and Tobago Bull, ii : 68. 69. 1912. Rorer, J. B. Some fruit diseases. Dept. Agr. Trinidad and Tobago Bull, ii: 75, 76. 1912. Seaver, F. J. Photographs and descriptions of cup- fungi — I. Pezisa. Mycologia 7: 90-93. pi. 133, 136. 9 Ap 1915. 220 Mycologia Shear, C. L. Mycology in relation to phytopathology. Science 11.41:479-484. 2AP1915. Sherman, L., & Schier, W. E. Field record of the Wisconsin Mycological Society for the sea.sons of 1912, 1913, and 1914. Milwaukee 1-4. 1915. Smith, R. E. The investigation of “ physiological ” plant dis- eases. Phytopathology 5: 83-93. Ap 1915. Smith, R. E., & Boncquet, A. New light on curly top of the sugar beet. Phytopathology 5; 103-107. /. i-j. Ap 1915. Stevens, F. L. Some problems of plant pathology in reference to transportation. Phytopathology 5: 108-110. Ap 1915. Stewart, V. B., & Leonard, M. D. The role of sucking insects in the dissemination of fire blight bacteria. Phytopathology 5: 117-123. Ap 1915. Sydow, H., & Sydow, P. Novae fungorum species — XIII. Ann. Myc. 13 : 35-43- /• i-3- 25 Mr 1915. Includes Phyllachora Anthephorae from Jamaica and Eurytheca trinitensis from Trinidad. Webster, H. A rash mycophagist. Rhodora 17 : 30-32. 6 F 1915- A case of poisoning attributed by the author to Lepiota Mongaric [Mor- gani]. Weir, J. R. Observations on Rhizina inflata. Jour. Agr. Re- search 4: 93-96. pi. 8. 15 Ap 1915. Webster, P. J. Citrus fruits in the Philippines. Philip. Agr. Rev. 8 : 5-28. pi. 2-7. -f f. i. 1915. Whetzel, H. H. Co-operation in the control of fruit diseases in New York. Ann. Rep. Marine Comm. Agr. 12: 3-15. 1915. Whetzel, H. H. Ginseng and its diseases. Ontario Nat. Sci. Bull. 7: 22-28. /. 1-4. 1912. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Price, 2$ cents each. See next page for recent numbers No. 17. The Tylostomaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 24. The Nidulariaceae of North America, by V. .S. White. No. 27. .Some Mt. Desert Fungi, by V. S. White. Nos. 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 49, 52, 56, 60, 65, 69, 70 and 74. Tlie Polyporaceae of North America, I-XIII, by W. A. Murrill. No. 90. Studies in North American Peronosporales — I. The Genus Albugo, by Guy West Wilson. No. 95. Studies in North American Peronosporales — 11. Phytophthoreae and Khysoiheceae, by Guy West Wilson. No. 99. Some Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. no. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. Boleti from Western North Carolina, by W. A. Murrill. The Boleti of the Frost Herbarium, by W. A. Murrill. Some North Dakota Hypocreales, by F. J. Searer. Studies in North American Peronosporales — IV. Ifost Index, by III. I14. "5- 1 17. No. No. No. No. G. W, Wilson. No. 119. No. 122. F. J. Seaver. No. 133. No. 167. North Dakota Slime- Moulds, by F. J. Seaver. Notes on North American Hypocreales — II. Nectria Peziza, by Iowa Discoraycetes, by F. J. Seaver (special price 50 cents). The Identity of the Antbracnose of Grasses in the United States, by Guy West Wilson. Address NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx Park, New York City PUBJL.ICA.TI01VS or The New York Botanical Garden Jonrnal of the New Tork Botanical Garden, monthlj, illustrated, con- taining notes, news, and non-technical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, lo cents a copy ; |i.oo a year. (Not offered in ex- change.] Now in its sixteenth volume. Mjoologla, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi including lichens ; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in- terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. $2 * 7^*’ > single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its seventh volume. Ballethi of the New 7oTk Botanical Garden, containing the annual reports of the Director- in-Chief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, I3.00 per volume. Now in its ninth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North Amenca, including Greenland, the West Indies and Central America. Planned to be com- pleted in 34 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Each volume to consst of four or more parts. Subscription price, fi.50 per part; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for $2.00 each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part I, 1910. Nectriaceae — Fimetariaceae. Vol. 7, part I, 1906; part 2, 1907 ; part 3, 1912. Ustilaginaceae — Aecidiaceae (pars). Vol. 9, parts I and 2, 1907; part 3, 1910; part 4, 1915. Polyporaceae — Agan- caceae (pars). (Parts I and 2 no longer sold separately.) Vol. 10, part I, 1914. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts I and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Ophioglossaceae — Cyatheaceae (pars). Vol. 17, part I, 1909; part 2, 1912. Typhaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 22, parts I and 2, 190$; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part 5, 1913- Podostemona- ceae — Rosaceae (pars). Vol. 25, part I, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 191 1. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part I, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol. 34, part I, 1914. Carduaceae (pars). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. Price to members of the Garden, $1.00 per volume. To others, $2.00. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg, ix -f- 492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development, by D. T. MacDougal. xvi -f- 320 pp., with 176 figures. ■ 1903. Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by Arthur Hollick and Edward Charles Jeffrey. viii-(-i38 pp., with 29 plates. 19C9. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager, viii -|- 278 pp , with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Vol. V. Flora of the Vicinity of New York: A Contribution to Plant Geography, by Norman Taylor, vi 683 pp., with 9 plates, 1915. Contributions from the New York Botanical Garden. A series of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals other than the above. Price, 25 cents each. $5.00 per volume. In the eighth volume. RECENT NUMBERS 25 CENTS EACH 175. The Vegetation of Mona Isl.and, by N. L. Britton. 176. Pliylogeographical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Region — IV. Forests of the Subalpine and Montane Zones, by P. A. Rydberg. 177. Mosses of Bermuda, by Elizabeth G. Britton. 17k Notes on Rosaceae — IX, by P. A. Rydberg. NBW York botanioal Garden awoNX PARK, New York Oity MYCOLOGIA IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Founded by W. A. KellennaD, J. B. Bllis,«nd B. M. Everhart in 1885 EDITOR WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL Vol. VII— SEPTEMBER, 1916— No. 6 ASSOCIATE EDITORS fOSXPH C. ARTHUR HOWARD J. BARKER OIACOMO BRESADOLA SSEDBRICS. CLEBIERTS jaa DEARRESS PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA FRARKLIR 8. EARLE BRUCE FIRK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE GEORGE MASSES RARCISSE PATOUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORRELIUS L. SHEAR THREE DOLLARS A YEAR CONTENTS PAGE Illustrations of Fungi — ^XXII - William A. Murrill 221 Uredinales of Porto Rico Based on Collections by F. L. Stevens - - - - - J. C. Arthur 227 The Genus Clitocybe in North America William A. Murrill 256 Penicillium avellaneum, a New Ascus-producing Species Charles Thom and G. W. Turesson 284 News and Notes -------- 288 Index to American Mycological Literature - - - 293 The New Era Printing Company makes the following charges to authors for articles reprinted from Mycologia, if ordered with proof: Without Corer — 4 pp. 8 pp. 13 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. 24 pp. 28 pp. 32 pp. 35-50 Copies— 81.37 #1.87 82.13 82.50 83.50 84 05 84 82 85-ao 100 “ X.55 2.15 2.65 3.15 4.05 5.00 6.10 6.50 300 “ 2.00 3.05 4.00 4.30 5.60 6.90 8.30 8.90 Covers — First 50 — 81.00. Additional, ic each. Plates — 40c per too. Mycologia Plate CLXIII ILLUSTRATIONS OF FUNGI MYCOLOGIA VoL. VII September, 1915 No. 5 ILLUSTRATIONS OF FUNGI— XXII William A. Murrill The accompanying figures were all drawn from specimens col- lected near Bronx Park, New York City. Many of the species figured are known to be edible. Dr. Kauffman has assisted me with Cortinariiis and Dr. Burlingham with Russula. Cortinarius roseipallidus sp. nov. Pale-rosy Cortinarius plate 163. Figure i. X i Pileus convex, becoming plane, solitary, about 7 cm. broad ; surface smooth, hygrophanous, fibrillose-striatulate, rosy-isabel- line, margin entire, pallid ; context pale-rosy-isabelline, very thin ; lamellae deeply sinuate, rounded behind, very broad, subdistant, fulvous ; spores ellipsoid, smooth, subfulvous, 9-10 X 6 /x ; stipe cylindric, rosy-isabelline, decorated with the remains of the fuga- cious veil, hollow, scarcely enlarged at the base, 5-7 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. thick. Type collected on the ground in deciduous woods east of the New York Botanical Garden, September 10, 1911, by W. A. Murrill. The pileus and stipe, as well as the context, are rosy- isabelline, or about the color of the back of a man’s hand. This color is mostly concealed on the pileus by the hygrophanous char- acter of the surface, but it is evident on the margin. [Mycologia for July, 1915 (7: 163-220), was issued July 28, 1915.] 221 222 Mycologia Melanoleuca Russula (Scop.) Murrill Tricholoma Russula Gill. Reddish Melanoleuca Plate 163. Figure 2. X i Pileus fleshy, convex, becoming plane or centrally depressed, obtuse, solitary or subcespitose, 7.5-12.5 cm. broad; surface vis- cid when moist, smooth or dotted with granular squamules on the disk, pale-pink or rose-red suflfused at times with yellowish stains, margin usually paler, involute and minutely downy in the young plant ; context white, sometimes tinged with red, the taste mild ; lamellae subdistant, rounded behind or subdecurrent, white, often becoming red-spotted with age ; spores ellipsoid, 6-7.5 X 4 ; stipe solid, firm, dry, white, often reddish below, squamulose at the apex, 3-7 cm. long, 1.5-2. 5 cm. thick. This attractive plant, which resembles species of Russula but is firmer because the context is not vesiculose, is frequently found on the ground under oaks or in mixed woods in the northeastern United States. The specimen figured was collected near Bronx Park on August 6, 1911. I have seen other specimens with much redder surface. Peck includes the species in his list of edible mushrooms. Gymnopilus farinaceus sp. nov. Mealy Gymnopilus Plate 163. Figure 3. X i Pileus convex to plane and at length upturned, solitary, 5 cm. broad ; surface smooth, glabrous, somewhat hygrophanous, isabel- line or pale-fulvous, fulvous on the disk; context white, thin, the taste decidedly sweet and farinaceous, the odor not characteristic ; lamellae adnate to adnexed, rounded behind, very broad, sub- triangular, purplish-brown, rather crowded ; spores ellipsoid, smooth, ferruginous-melleous, 4-5 X 3-4At; stipe cylindric, equal, e.xcept at the expanded base, smooth, dry, glabrous, straw-colored, hollow, about 5 cm. long and 8 mm. thick. - Type collected on the ground in deciduous woods east of the New York Botanical Garden, September 10, 1911, by W. A. Mur- rill. The species seems near Gymnopilus spumosus. The pur- Murrill: Illustrations of Fungi 223 plish-brown color of the lamellae should be noted, as well as the decidedly .sweet, farinaceous taste of the context. Cortinarius erythrinus Fries Bay Cortinarius. Umbon.\te Cortinarius Plate 163. Figure 4. X i Pileus convex to expanded, becoming depressed about the con- spicuous conic umbo, gregarious, reaching 3.5 cm. broad ; surface smooth, polished, fuliginous ; context extremely thin, dirty-whitish ; lamellae slightly sinuate, very broad, crowded, fulvous ; spores ellipsoid, smooth, fulvous, 8-^.5 X 4-5-5 ; stipe slender, equal,, grayish-white, solid, decorated with the fibrillose remains of the arachnoid, fugacious veil, about 3 cm. long and 3 mm. thick. This species is well distinguished among the members of the genus Cortinarius in this region by its small size, prominent umbo, and dark-bay color, which often changes to blackish on drying. The specimens here figured were collected on the ground in de- ciduous woods east of the New York Botanical Garden, Sep- tember 17, 1911. Cortinarius anomalus Fries Anomalous Cortinarius Plate 163. Figure 5. X i Pileus convex, not expanding, solitary or gregarious, 5-10 cm. broad ; surface smooth, dry, subglabrous, pallid, tinged with dark- ochroleucous ; context white, thick at the center and very thin at the edges ; lamellae sinuate, broad, subcrowded, subfulvous ; spores subglobose to ellipsoid, smooth, pale-ferruginous, 6-9 X 6-6.5 ju.; stipe subconcolorous, almost white, enlarged at the base,, solid, crooked, white within except at the base, smooth, dry,, slightly fibrillose from the remains of the fugacious veil, about 5-6 cm. long and 7 mm. thick. Collected in deciduous woods near Bronx Park, New York City, September 10, 1911. The plant suggests Hebeloma or Flammula. Those having access to exsiccati will find this species illustrated with excellent specimens prepared by Herpell. It is reported by the older mycologists from New England to North Carolina and west as far as Minnesota. 224 Mycologia Russula crustosa Peck Crusted Russula Plate 163. Figure 6. X i Pileus convex, becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, 5-12 cm. broad ; surface variable in color, stramineous, pale- ochraceous, brownish-ochraceous, greenish or greenish-yellow, rarely brownish-purple, usually dry, viscid when wet, with small, appressed, areolate scales, except on the smooth disk; margin striate when mature; context white, mild or slightly and tardily acrid ; lamellae white, some short, some forked, narrowed toward the stipe, moderately close; spores white, subglobose, 8-10 /a; stipe white, equal, stuffed or hollow, 3-6 cm. long, 1.2-2. 5 cm. thick. This easily recognized species occurs rather commonly in mid- summer in woods or wood borders from Connecticut west to Michigan and south to Alabama and Mississippi. The specimen figured was collected near Bronx Park in August, 1911, and the taste was perfectly mild and agreeable. It is, however, sometimes slightly acrid when raw, but of excellent flavor when cooked. Russula virescens, a closely related species, is also edible. Russula bifida (Bull.) Schrdt. Russula fiircata (Lam.) Fries Forked Russula •' Plate 163. Figure 7. X i Pileus convex, becoming plane or concave, gregarious, 6-1 1 cm. broad; surface flavovirens, olivaceous, or some other shade of green tinged with fulvous or black on the disk, smooth or at times roughened with fine marks presenting a tomentose appearance which is deceiving; margin even, inflexed, the pellicle separable on the margin only ; context white, mild in taste ; lamellae white, forking twice or sometimes three times, adnate to slightly decur- rent, rather broad, crowded to subdistant ; spores globose, echinu- late, hyaline, 7-9 ju- ; stipe white, tapering downward, solid, becom- ing spongy or hollow with age, smooth, 3-7 cm. long, 1-2 cm. thick. This large and attractive species occurs rather commonly in the edges of oak woods about New York City during July and August. Murrill; Illustrations of Fungi 225 I have always found it mild in flavor and therefore presumably edible, although a French chart includes it among the dangerous species. It should be thoroughly tested and carefully compared with related species before being used for food. Its large size, firmness, and comparative freedom from insect attack would make it desirable if perfectly harmless. Few species of Russula have these qualities, which are so important when considering mushrooms for food. Lactaria Hibbardae Peck Hibbard’s Lactaria Plate 163. Figure 8. X 1 Pileus rather thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, slightly de- pressed, solitary or gregarious, 4-6 cm. broad ; surface dry, fu- mosous, concentrically zonate, subglabrous ; context very thin, firm, white; latex white, unchanging, decidedly acrid at once; lamellae adnate, rather narrow, subdistant, cream-colored ; spores globose, roughly echinulate, hyaline, 7-9 stipe equal, cylindric, smooth, glabrous, concolorous, about 3.5 cm. long and i cm. thick. This species has been found a few times in Massachusetts and Vermont on the ground under coniferous trees, and I have col- lected it twice in the New York Botanical Garden under decidu- ous trees. In one case, the plants grew in considerable number on a lawn beneath a clump of oaks and maples. The authentic specimens of L. Hibbardae which I have seen appear to repre- sent young stages only, and these agree perfectly with the young stages in my own collections. Some mycologists might possibly consider L. Hibbardae a small fumose variety of the common L. ligniota, but the color is decidedly distinct and shows no tendency to vary. The latex is white and acrid at once, but not so violent as that of L. piperata, for example. Clavaria fusiformis Sow. Fusiform Clavaria Plate 163. Figure 9. X i Hymenophore densely clustered ; clubs fusoid, rarely nearly cylindric, attenuate both at the apex and at the base, nearly erect. 226 Mycologia simple, rather brittle but firm, soon hollow, smooth, glabrous, ochraceous to luteous, becoming somewhat darker at the apex with age ; spores copious, ovoid, smooth, hyaline, 7-9 X 5-5-6-5 /a. This pretty, yellow species grows in attractive clumps by road- sides in woods throughout the eastern United States and Europe. The plant is edible, with an excellent flavor, but is rarely found in sufficient quantity for food. The specimens figured are smaller than those usually seen. Pholiota Johnsoniana (Peck) Sacc. Johnson’s Pholiota Plate 163. Figure 10. X i ' Pileus soft, fleshy, convex to plane, gregarious, 6-8 cm. or "more broad; surface smooth, moist, stramineous or cremeous to melleous-ochraceous, usually glabrous, rarely slightly squamu- lose, margin thin, pallid, striatulate at times when moist; context white, thick at the center, readily devoured by insects, the taste mild but not pleasant ; lamellae adnate to adnexed, close, rather narrow, pale-purplish, becoming more fulvous as the spores mature; spores ovoid or ellipsoid, smooth, fulvous, 4.5 X 3-5/^; stipe equal, cylindric, white to straw-yellow, solid, slightly striate at the apex, often floccose-scaly below the annulus, 5-12 cm. long, about I cm. thick ; annulus median or situated slightly above the middle, thick, white, sometimes stellate below when young, per- sistent but rather easily broken. Peck described and figured this species in 1872 from specimens collected by Hon. A. S. Johnson at Knowersville, New York, in September. Atkinson found it at Blowing Rock, North Carolina, .and photographed some rather large specimens of it. I have collected it in the New York Botanical Garden several times in considerable quantity and Earle got it at Mt. Vernon, New York, a few miles north of here. The species appears in September or October, usually in woods or wood borders, and always on rich soil. It has somewhat the appearance of Stropharia bilamellata, but the lamellae, although purplish when young, are much lighter at maturity than in that species. The annulus is thick and some- times stellate below in the young stages as in Agaricus arvensis. New York Botanical Garden. UREDINALES OF PORTO RICO BASED ON COLLECTIONS BY F. L. STEVENS^ J. C. Arthur (Continued from page jg6) 36. Uromyces pianhyensis P. Henn. Hedwigia 47 : 266. 1908. On Carduaceae: Wedelia reticulata DC., San German, Dec. 8, II, 469/. Although only uredinia are available in the Porto Rican ma- terial, yet they agree so exactly with the species described by Hennings from Brazil that no question of identity can be enter- tained. The type collection was made by E. Ule 3329, in January, 1907, on an undetermined species of Wedelia. -The portion of the leaf of the type collection, which has been ex- amined, shows the same peculiar hairs along the veins, and in general has the same appearance, as the Stevens’ collection, except that it is of a less firm texture, indicating a close relation- ship if not identity of host species. The urediniospores may be described as globoid, or often tri- angular-obovoid, 18-21 g. in diameter, the light chestnut-brown wall closely and finely echinulate, thin, 1.5 /x or less thick, with pores indistinct, but probably 2 and equatorial. 37. Puccinia Cameliae (Mayor) comb. nov. Uredo Cameliae or, Mem. Soc. Neuchat. Sci. 5: 578. 1913- On Poaceae: Chaetochloa setosa (Sw.) Scribn. (Setaria setosa Beauv.) , Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6118. This collection shows both uredinia and telia. The species, showing only uredinia, was detected on a phanerogamic speci- men in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden on I Continued from Mycologia 7: 196. 1915. 227 228 Mycologia • C. scandens (Schrad.) Scribn. {S. scandens Schrad.) collected by Brisbane in Jamaica, Oct., 1896. Both the host of the latter specimen and that of the type of Mayor’s Uredo Cameliae have been examined by Prof. A. S. Hitchcock, and the two pronounced identical. Mayor’s type collection was made at Camelia, a coffee planta- tion near Angelopolis, U. S. of Colombia. It has been possible, through the kindness of Prof. E. W. D. Holway, to examine some of the type collection. Most unexpectedly an abundance of telia were found, although they have not been mentioned by the author of the species. It is possible that they were overlooked, because they form small, inconspicuous sori, with spores so firmly pressed together, that the usual method of examination by scraping generally fails to discover them. They need to be studied by sectioning the leaf. It is possible from type material to supplyl the following diagnosis : Uredinia amphigenous, scattered, elliptical, small, 0.5 mm. long, rather tardily naked, cinnamon-brown ; urediniospores ellipsoid, 15-21 by 19-28/*; wall pale yellow to nearly colorless, thin, about I fjL, closely and very finely echinulate, the pores obscure, 6-8, scattered. Telia amphigenous, scattered, oblong or linear, 0.3-0.5 mm. long, blackish brown, long covered by the epidermis ; teliospores firmly compacted together, oblong to cylindrical, small, 10-16 by 32-39 /*, truncate or rounded at both ends, or sometimes narrowed below, slightly or not constricted at the septum ; wall chestnut- brown, thin, about i /*, darker and somewhat thicker above, 3-5 /* ; pedicel very short, usually not seen. 38. PucciNiA Cenchri Diet. & Holw. Bot. Gaz. 24: 28. 1897. On Poaceae: Cenchrus echinatus L., Guanica, Feb. 3, 5jp; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, <5277. Cenchrus viridis Spreng., Guanica, Feb. i, 55/; Guayama, Dec. 4, 5338. The host of the collection from Mona Island was first pro- nounced by Prof. A. S. Hitchcock to be C. viridis. Upon learn- ing from Dr. N. F. Britton that this host was not known from Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 229 Mona Island, although a specially thorough phanerogamic survey of the island has been made, the scanty material submitted by Dr. Stevens was gone over by Dr. Britton and Mr. Nash of the New York Botanical Garden, and again reviewed by Prof. Hitch- cock. Prof. Hitchcock writes, Feb. i8, 1915: “I have reex- amined it, and from the specimen itself I am inclined to think it may be Cenchrus viridis, but from the evidence which you present and the fragmentary condition of the specimen I think it best to let it stand as Cenchrus echinatus. The two species are closely allied, and one could not state with certainty from the fragmentary material that the specimen might not be a small fruited form of Cenchrus echinatus.” The species has also been found in Cuba and in Bahamas on C. echinatus, by E. W. D. Holway. 39. PucciNiA DEFORMATA Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 357. 1869. Dicaeoma deformatum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3® : 468. 1898. On Poaceae: Olyra latifolia L., San German, Dec. 12, 5849, 5855. The type collection was made by Charles Wright in Cuba, 1856-7. A Porto Rican collection was made by A. A. Heller at Mayagiiez, Jan. 30, 1890, 4443. Both are on O. latifolia. 40. PucciNiA Hubert P. Henn. Hedwigia Beibl. 39 : 76. 1900. On Poaceae: Panicum trichoides Sw., Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 82; Maricao, Jan. 10, 194; Nov. 18, 4810; Adjuntas, Nov. 22, 4973; Jayuya, Dec. 17, 5981 ; all show uredinia only. The only other Porto Rican collection seen is one by G. P. Clinton on the same host, obtained at La Carmelita, April, 1904. The species .was established on a collection by Dr. J. Huber on Panicum ovalifolium obtained in the Botanical Garden of Para, Brazil. It has not yet come to light in North America outside of Porto Rico. 230 Mycologia 41. PucciNiA LEVIS (Sacc. & Bizz.) Magn. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 9; 190. 1891. Diorchidiitm leve Sacc. & Bizz. Michelia 2 ; 648. 1882. Piiccinia Paspali Tracy & Earle, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 174. 1895. Dicaeoma Paspali Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 344. 1906. On Poaceae; Paspahim plicatidum Michx., Vega Baja, Feb. 20, II, 490. Rytilix granularis (L.) Skeels {Manisuris granularis Sw.) , Rosario, Jan., 1914, 48^^. No other collections are known from Porto Rico, but it was found in Antigua on P. fimbricaturn, by J. N. Rose 3410. Dr. P. Sydow kindly sent me material from his herbarium representing collections in R. granularis from Guadeloupe and Martinique. A collecion of the rust on P. pilosum Lam. was obtained by Dr. Stevens at Caracas, Venezuela. It is a rather common rust in South America, and extends into North America as far as Texas and Louisiana. The type of the species was from Brazil on Manisuris granularis. A careful comparative study of the North American rust on Paspalum, called P. Paspali by Tracy and Earle, shows the two forms to be identical. 42. PucciNiA SUBSTRIATA Ellis & Barth. Erythea 5; 47. 1897. Uredo Chaetochloae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 518. 1906. Puccinia Chaetochloae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 585. 1907. On Poaceae; Paspalum Helleri Nash, Vega Baja, May 21, 1732. Paspalum orbicidatum Poir., Monte de Oro, Dec. 3, 57^^- Paspalum paniculatum L., Mayagiiez, Jan. 30, 2Q3; April 28, 8g8; Monte Alegrillo, Nov. 14, 4738. The species was collected at Bayamon by E. W. D. Holway, Jan., 1911, on P. Schreberianum {PXnggt) Nash, showing only uredinia. , Another West Indian collection was obtained by E. W. D. Holway in Cuba, March, 1903, on Chaetochloa verticillata (L.) Scribn. (Setaria verticillata Beauv.). A search in the phanero- Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 231 gamic herbarium at the N. Y. Bot. Garden revealed the follow- ing: from Cuba, on C. imberbis (Poir.) Scribn., J. A. Shafer 7/7P5, A. E. Jennings 154, on C. onuriis (Griseb.) S. & M., Norman Taylor 2^2, Britton & Wilson 2g,. on C. setosa (Sw.) Scribn., Rugel 880; from Jamaica on C. purpiirascens (H.B.K.) S. & M., N. L. Britton /d5p; and from Bermuda on C. brevispica S. & M., Stewardson Brown 116, ^02. 43. PucciNiA CANALicuLATA (Schw.) Lagerh. Tromsd Mus. Aarsh. 17: 51. 1894. Sphaeria canaliciilata Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II, 4: 209. 1832. Puccinia Cyperl Arth. Bot. Gaz. 16: 266. 1891. Uredo Kyllingiae P. Henn. Hedwigia 35 : 256. 1896. Dicaeoma canalicidatiim Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3^:466. 1898. On Cyperaceae: Cyperus laevigatus L., Guanica, Feb. 3, j^p. Cypertis radiatus Rottb., Mayagiiez, Dec. 24, 1912, 14J, May 3, 1160, Cyperus sp.. Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 114. The species has also been collected in Porto Rico on C. cayen- nensis (Lam.) Britt., at Mayagiiez, by G. P. Clinton, April, 1904;. on C. sphacelatus Rottb., at Mayagiiez and La Carmelita, both by G. P. Clinton, April, 1904; on C. polystachus Rottb., at Cataruo, by A. A. Heller, May, 1899; and on C. surnamensis Rottb., at Ahasco, by A. A. Heller, Feb., 1900. It was also found on a phanerogamic specimen of Kyllinga pumila Michx. (AT. caespitosa Nees), in the phanerogamic herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden, collected by J. A. Stevenson, at Rio Piedras, Feb., 1914, 12^4, and on one collected by J. A. Shafer at Loma Icaco, July, 1914, 3452. _ Collections have also been made in Jamaica by L. M. Under- wood, on C. mutisii H.B.K., Feb., 1903, 1526, and by N. L. Britton, Sept., 1906, 14; and it was detected on a phanerogamic specimen of Kyllinga pumila from Martinique, collected by Pere Duss, Aug., 1903, 4714. 232 Mycologia 44. PucciNiA Eleocharidis Arth. Bull. Iowa State College 156, 1884. Aecidium compositarum Eupatorii DeT. ; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. T.ygS,. 1888. • Dicaeoma Eleocharidis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3^ : 468. 1898. On Cyperaceae: Eleocliaris celhilosa Torr., Santurce, May 21, Eleocharis genicidata (L.) R. Br., Mayagiiez, March 9, 484, 489. Eleocharis interstincta (Vahl) R. & S., Mayagiiez, March 21, 416. Eleocharis sp., Cataho, Nov. 3, 4530. Porto Rican specimens of this rust have also been collected at Mayagiiez, Feb., 1900, by A. A. Heller 4539, and April, 1904, by G. P. Clinton, and also at Rio Piedras, Feb., 1912, by J. R. Johnston 20/. No other West Indian collections have been seen. All the collections cited show urediniospores only. 45. PucciNiA Fimbristylidis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33 : 28. 1906. On Cyperaceae: Eimbristylis diphylla Vahl, Ponce, Nov. 8, 4381. Eimbristylis ferruginea (L.) Vahl, Joyuda, March 31, 963; Santurce, May 21, 1834. It has been collected on Eimbristylis sp.,’at Mayagiiez, P. R., April, 1904, by G. P. Clinton, and on E. diphylla, at Asolen, Martinicpie, August 4, 1913, by Dr. F. L. Stevens 2970. No other West Indian collections have been seen. All the collec- tions here mentioned show only uredinia. 46. Puccinia scleriicola sp. nov. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered, oval or oblong, small, 0.3- 0.6 mm. long, rather tardily naked, cinnamon-brown, somewhat pulverulent, ruptured epidermis conspicuous ; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-22 by 19-26/4; wall dark yellow, about 1.5/4 thick, finely and moderately echinulate, the pores 4, or sometimes 3, equatorial. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 233 Telia chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, oval or oblong, small, o. 3-0.4 mm. long, tardily naked, blackish-brown ; teliospores oblong or clavate-oblong, 15-19 by 29-42101, slightly constricted at the septum, truncate, oblique, or often rounded above, usually somewhat narrowed below; wall cinnamon-brown, 1.5-2/* thick, usually thicker above, 3-6/*, smooth; pedicel tinted, short. On Cyperaceae: Scleri-a sp., Preston’s ranch near Naguabo, Dec. 31, II, 6684. It also occurs on specimens in the phanerogamic collection of the New York Botanical Garden on Scleria hirtella Sw., col- lected at Markin Pena, P. R., June, 1913, II, by J. R. Johnston 84^, and on N. verticillata Muhl., collected in Isle of Pines, Cuba, Dec., 1903, III, by A. H. Curtiss. A number of localities are now known for the species in the United States. A collection was made on Y. hirtella, at the edge of Long Prairie Hammock, on Camp Longview Trail, about forty miles southwest of Miami, Fla., Oct. 31, 1906, II and III, by Ernst A. Bessey. The following data have been secured from phanerogamic collections : in the Purdue University herbarium, on S. Baldwinia Torn, Everglades, Fla., June, 1877, II, A. P. Garber; N. Y. Bot. Garden herbarium, on Y. Baldzvinia, Ever- glades, Fla., March, 1892, II, J. H. Simpson 556, on Y. paiiciflora Michx., Sumter Co., Ga., July, 1901, II, Roland M. Harper zojd, on Y. setacea Poir., Lee Co., Fla., July-August, 1900, II, A. S. Hitchcock 428, Braidentown, Fla., Nov. 15, 1900, II and HI, S. M. Tracy, on Y. verticillata Muhl., Everglades, between Cutler and Longview Camp, Fla., Nov. 9-12, 1903, II and HI, J. K. Small and J. J. Carter. This last collection is taken as the type of the species. This species has much darker colored and thicker-walled uredi- niospores than Rostriipia Scleriae Paz., or Pticcinia xanthopoda Syd. It also differs in its urediniospores from Uromyces Scleriae P. Henn., the latter having spores strongly thickened above. 47. PucciNiA Cannae (Wint.) P. Henn. Hedwigia 41 : 105. 1902. Uredo Cannae Wint. Hedwigia 23: 172. 1884. Pticcinia Thaliae Dietel, Hedwigia 38: 250. 1899. 234 Mycologia On Cannaceae; Caiina coccinea Ait. (C. portoricensis Bouche), Mamayes, May 21, 1912, II, p. Canna glaiica L., Cabo Rojo, Oct. 24, 1912, II, III, i6pc, Oct. 30, 1912, II, i6p. Canna sp., Rio Piedras, June 2, 1912, II, 16; Santurce, Jan. 3, 1912, II, jj; Corozal, Feb. 21, II, 405; Mayagiiez, April, 1912, II, III, 4c, April 30, II, 98^; Aiiasco, Oct. 19, J5P5, II, 360s; Rosario, Nov. 14, II, 4834; without locality or date, II, 757. On Marantaceae : Thalia geniculata L., Ahasco, July 28, 1912, II, 66; i\Iaya- giiez, July 29, 1912, II and III, 66c. The rust has also been collected on one of the two species of wild Canna known in Porto Rico by G. P. Clinton at Mayagiiez, April II, 1904, and on cultivated Canna at San Juan, April 8, 1904, and by J. A. Stevenson on Trujillo Alto road Nov., 1914,. ^338. It was also gathered on cultivated Canna at San Juan, by E. W. D. Holway, Jan., 1911. It was collected at IMayagiiez, April, 1904, by G. P. Clinton on Thalia geniculata. From other islands specimens have been seen collected by F. S. Earle in Jamaica on cultivated Canna, Oct.-Nov., 1902, 36, and by both iVIel. T. Cook, July 10, 1906, and C. F. Baker, July 2, 1906, in Cuba, on Canna indica. The last collection is issued in Sydow, Uredineen 2114, and Bartholomew, Fungi Columbiani 2387- As usual with tropical rusts, the telia of this species are not abundantly produced. In the Stevens’ set only four of the four- teen collections show telia. The telia, however, are in normal development. The collections of April and October, 1912, on Canna, were sent to Lafayette with the hope that they might be used in cultural work, but the teliospores could not be brought to germination, although every condition seemed favorable. In comparing the collections on Canna and Thalia, there being two of each with both uredinia and telia, no difference could be found in the microscopic appearance of the fungus on the two hosts. The two hosts have essentially the same texture and structure of leaf. In both there is an epidermal layer of small. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 235 rectangular cells, augmented by a hypoclermal layer of very large, rectangular cells, the cells in both instances having unformly thin, but firm walls. The sori are situated below the hypodermal layer, often directly beneath a stoma. The resistance of the over- lying tissue evidently accounts for the angular and irregular spores of both uredinia and telia. The habitat for both Canna and Thalia is the same, and their manner of growth is similar. The two genera belong to closely related families, with many important characters in common. There are now many species of rusts known to go to more than one family of hosts. There seems no longer any good reason, either in the nature of the fungus or in the matter of convenience, for maintaining two specific names, and they are herewith united. 48. PucciNiA MACROPODA Speg. An. Soc. Ci. Arg. 10 : 8. 1880. Uredo striolata Speg. An. Soc. Ci. Arg. 9: 173. 1880. On Am.vrantaceae : Ircsine elatior L. C. Rich., Desecheo, May 31, II, i6i^. The same rust in its characteristic uredinial stage was collected on the same host on the island of St. Thomas, May, 1906, by C. Raunkiaer, and on Iresine paniculata (L.) Kuntze in Cuba. March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway. 49. PucciNi.\ Rivinae (Berk. & Curt.) Speg. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 19 : 304. 1909. Aecidium Rivinae Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10 : 358. 1869. Endophyllum Rivinae Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 126. 1907. Puccinia Raunkiaerii Ferd. & Winge, Bot. Tidsskr. 29 : 8. 1908. On Petiveriaceae (Phytol.\ccaceae) : Rivina humilis L., Desecheo, May 31, I, II, 1390. Collections on the same host have been seen from Cuba, June, 1906, I, Mel. T. Cook, and from St. Thomas, Oct., 1906, I, II, III, C. Raunkiaer 1819, also on R. octandra L. from Cuba, April,’ 1905, I, Baker & \^an Herman 4/73. 236 Mycologia 50. PucciNiA INFLATA Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 516. 1906. On Malpighiaceae: Stigmaphyllon lingulatum (Poir.) Small {Triopteris lin- gulata Poir.), Desecheo, Jan. 2, O, II, III, jjj. May 31, O, II, III, 1578, 1600; Boqueron, Feb. 15, II, S^Sbis; Guanica, Feb. 3, II, S34i Coamo Springs, April 6, III, 818, 8go; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, III, 6iog. This species was collected in Porto Rico on the same host by E. W. D. Holway, at Ponce, Jan., 1911. It has been collected in Cuba on S. periplocifolium (Desf.) Juss. by ]\Ir. Holway, March, 1903 (Barth. N. Am. Ured. 42), and by C. F. Baker, Oct., 1904, 3338, and on S'. Sagracanum A. Juss. by Britton, Earle & Wilson, April, 1910, 6269. 51. PucciNiA Euphorbiae P. Henn. Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 17: 13- 1893- On Euphorbiaceae : Akleina petiolaris (Sims) Alillsp. {Euphorbia petiolaris Sims), Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6183. The only other West Indian specimen of this species seen by the writer was collected on the same host in St. Thomas, March, by J. N. Rose 4310. 52. PucciNiA Arechavelatae Speg. An. Soc. Ci. Arg. 12: 67. 1881. On Sapindaceae: Cardiospermum microspermum H.B.K., Quebradillas, IMay 21, 1124; Desecheo, May 31, 1628, without locality or date, 1261. This common tropical rust was also collected on the same host by E. W. D. Holway at San Juan, Porto Rico, Jan., 1911. It was also collected on same host by A. S. Hitchcock (labeled C. Halica- cabum), in Jamaica, Jan., 1891, and on phanerogamic specimens now in the N. Y. Bot. Garden herbarium, by J. A. Shafer 183 in Cuba, by Percy Wilson 840^ in Bahamas, and by Rose, Fitch & Russell 3333 in Antigua. The species was also collected on C. grandiflorum Sw. in Jamaica by L. M. Underwood, Sept., 1906. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 237 53. PucciNiA Gouaniae Holw. Ann. Myc. 3: 21. 1905. On Frangulaceae (Rhamnaceae) : Goiiania lupuloides (L.) Urban (G. domingensis L.), Rosario, Feb. 16, II, iii, 522a; Yauco, Oct. 3, II, 3134; Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, II, 64/1. Goiiania polygama (Jacq.) Urban (G. tomentosa Jacq.), Mayagiiez, Feb. 3, II, iii, ” x,” May 4, II, i2og, 1481, May 24, II, /705; Rosario, Oct. 27, II, 3774; Lares, Nov. 22, II, 4848; Aguadilla, Nov. 25, II, 4857; San German, Dec. 12, II, iii, 3860. The species has also heen collected in Porto Rico by E. W. D. Holvvay at Mayagiiez, Jan., 1911, on G. lupuloides. The type collection was made at Gebara, Cuba, by Mr. Hohvay, March 1903, on G. polygama (Barth. N. Am. Ured. 544)- A collection made in Cuba by Charles Wright in 1856-7, represented in the Curtis Herbarium at Harvard University under the name ” Uredo gemmata Berk & Curt.,” belongs here. The host of this collection has recently been determined at the N. Y. Bot. Garden as G. polygama. Only uredinia are shown on it. I can not find that the name has been published. It is quite distinct from the collection in the same herbarium labeled “Uredo gemmata B. & C. var.,” which helongs to Uromyces gemmatus Berk. & Curt, on Jacquemontia nodi flora. The rust occurs on a phanerogamic col- lection of G. polygama in the N. Y. Bot. Garden, collected at Herradura, Cuba, March 1907, by F. S. Earle 806. The only other collection of this rust known to the writer from the West Indies or elsewhere is one made on G. lupuloides in Panama, Oct., 1899, by G. von Lagerheim, showing both uredinia and telia. The packet is marked “ rarissime ! ” The urediniospores in collections “x” and 4837 appear to have three pores that are superequatorial. However, it is difficult to decide with certainty regarding the position of pores in but a small percentage of the spores of a mount, and it is impossible to say that this character is really distinctive. There appear to be no other characters, except possibly that the teliospores of “ x” are somewhat larger than in 322a and 3860, which would separate these collections morphologically. The pore condition may event- ually prove to be a variable character or possibly a racial character. 238 Mycologia Puccinia gouaniicola Speg., on Gouania latifolia from Argen- tina, has teliospores of somewhat similar shape and size but with clear golden-yellow walls, and fragile pedicels. The sori are large and cushion-shaped, and unaccompanied by urediniospores. The species appears to be a leptopuccinia, and not yet represented in North America. I am indebted to Dr. Spegazzini for a por- tion of the type collection of P. gouaniicola. 54. Puccinia heterospora Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 356. 1869. Uromyces pulcherrimus Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 3; 56. 1874. Uromyces Thwaitesii Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14: 130. 1875- Uromyces Sidae Thiim. Rev. Mycol. i; 10. 1879. Uromyces pictus Thiim. Rev. Mycol. i : 10. 1879. Uromyces malvacearum Speg. An. Soc. Ci. Arg. 12: 71. 1881. Puccinia Thzoaitesii Winter, Hedwigia 22; 130. 1883. Uromyces malvicola Speg. An. Soc. Ci. Arg. 17 : 94. 1884. Dicaeoma pulcherrimum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3®: 467. 1898. On ]\Ialvaceae: Ahutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet., Guanica, Feb. 3, 5J0, Feb. 10, 343. Sida glutinosa Comm. (S. nervosa DC.), Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 106. Sida humilis Cav., Boqueron, Feb. 15, 33obis. Sida procnmhens Sw., Guanica, Feb. 3, 322; Desecheo. May 31, 1583. Sida spinosa L., Guayama, Dec. 4, 5331. Sida urens L., Guayamilla, Nov. 13, 58/0; Coama Springs, Jan. I, 5p; Vega Baja, Feb. 22, 383; Yauco, Oct. 3, 3133, 3249; Maricao, Oct. 8, 3449; Rosario, Oct. 27, 3790, 3S35, Nov. 14, 4846; Vega Alto, Nov. 19, 4145; Ponce, Nov. 8, 4234; Mayagiiez, Nov. 13, 4316a, Jan. 14, 1914, 6384; Aguada, Nov. 22, 5108; El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, 5821. IVissadula periplocifolia (L.) Presl (Abutilon periploci- folium G. Don), Coamo Springs, Jan. i, 231; Guanica, Feb. 3, 329. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 239 The species was also collected at Ponce, on Sida sp., by E. W. D. Holvvay, Jan., 1911 ; at Vieques Island on Sida humilis, by J. A. Shafer, Jan., 1914, 2504A; and at Rio Piedras on Sida urens, by J. A. Stevenson 245^. It also occurs on a phanerogamic specimen of Wissadiila per iplocif alia in the herbarium of the N. Y, Bot. Garden, collected at Yauco by Underwood & Griggs 625, June-July, 1901. The species, which is very common in warmer regions, is also represented in the writer’s herbarium from Bahamas, Cuba, Ja- maica, St. Croix, and St. Thomas. 55. PucciNiA PsiDii Wint. Hedwigia 23: 177. 1884. Uredo flavidtda Wint. Hedwigia 24; 260. 1885. Uredo Myrtaceariini Paz. Hedwigia 29: 159. 1890. Uredo Eugeniarum P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 337. 1895. Puccinia Jambosae P. Henn. Hedwigia 41 : 105. 1902. On IMyrtaceae : Jambos Jambos (L.) Lyons {Eugenia Jambos L.), Con- sume, April 27, II, 886, Oct. 23, 1912, II and HI, (5jc; Maricao, without date, II, ijp, Oct. 12, II and HI, 182, April 2, II, 4^p, April 3, II and III, 7/0, II, 720; Rio Maricao above IMaricao, Sept. 30, II, 3626, Sept. 20, II and HI, 3632; Barros, Jan. 2, II and HI, 208; Villa Alba, Jan. 3, II and III, 328 ; Alonte de Oro near Cayey, Dec. 3, II, 57Jp; Lajome Alto, Dec. 3, II, 3739; El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, 6017. Psidium Guajava L., Villa Alba, Jan. 3, II, 108. The rust has also been collected at the base of El Yunque, Cuba, March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway and by Underwood & Earle. No other North American collections are known to the writer. The ample collections secured by Dr. Stevens have made it possible to get so good an understanding of the species and its hosts, that the synonymy can now be adjusted. Urediniospores of the five species, as named above, have been examined, and found to agree perfectly. Type material oi Uredo flavidula, as 240 Mycologia ■distri'buted in Rab.-Winter, Fungi Eiiropaei 331^, has been studied as well as type material of Uredo Eugeniarnm. Authenticated material of Uredo Myrtaceariim, distributed in Sydow, Uredineen ^100, and of Puccinia Jambosae, have also been examined. They appear to be identical in their urediniospores, and the teliospores of the last mentioned agree exactly with those in the Stevens’ collections on the same host. The original descriptions, establish- ing the five names above, agree in all essentials where they touch upon the same characters. There are no known species of Uromyces on hosts belonging to the Myrtaceae, and therefore a possible complication is removed. In Sydow’s Monog. Ured. i: 437, Spegazzini’s species Uredo subneuro.phyla (Anal. Soc. Ci. Agr. 17: 123. 1884), which is on a species of Psidimn from Paraguay, is listed as a synonym of Puccinia Psidii. I have studied a part of the type collection of U. subneurophyla and find that it does not agree with this species, and in fact does not belong to the Uredinalcs, being a fungus quite unlike a rust. I have seen no material of Spegazzini’s Uredo neurophyla, published on the preceding page of the same work. This species is said to be on leaves of Myrtaceae, and to greatly differ from his U. subneurophyla. So far as one can judge from the most inadequate description, it may well be a synonym of P. Psidii. Two other species of rusts are recorded as inhabiting Myrta- ceous hosts. Puccinia sanguinolenfa P. Henn., said to be on Myrcia, is really on the Malpighiaceous host, Heteropteryx, as pointed out by Holway, N. Am. Ured. i ; 59. 1907. Material of Puccinia Rompelii Magn., said to be on Myrtaceae, proves to be a distinctive species, quite unlike the above. 56. Puccinia concrescens Ellis & Everhart sp. nov. Puccinia compacta Kunze; Bubak, Hedwigia Beibl. 42: 30. 1903. Not Berk. 1855, DeBary 1858, or Thiim. 1875. On Asclepiadaceae : Asclepias curassavica L., ^^ega Baja, Feb. 20, 483, March, 5/7; Aibonito, June 5, 2139; Manati, Nov. 25, 5310, 5311; Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 3645. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 241 The species was also collected in Porto Rico on the same host by Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Heller in 1899, 86^, as noted below, and by E. W. D. Holway, above Comercio, Feb., 1911. It was also found in the phanerogamic collection at the New York Botanical Garden on the same host collected by A. H. Curtiss near Nassau, Bahamas, Dec., 1902, 2, by Britton & Mills- paugh at Eight Mile Rocks, Great Bahama, Feb., 1905, 2428, and by Pollard & Palmer at Baracoa, Cuba, Jan., 1902, ii. It was pointed out by Bubak in 1901 (Sitz, Bohm. Ges. Wiss.,. page 5 of separate) that the earliest use of the name, Puccinia compacta, was for some species quite unlike the Ranunculaceous rust, for which DeBary’s name had then come into use. It ap- pears that Kunze gave the name to a collection from Surinam,, made by Weigelt in 1827. Thiimen remarks in Flora (1875, p. 364) that “the fungus from Surinam is highly characteristic, and I here give a diagnosis drawn from an original specimen, as none is known to me.” Thiimen’s diagnosis and appended comments show that the specimen he had in hand was one collected in Surinam by Weigelt on an undetermined host, which we now know to be Dasyspora foveolata Berk. & Curt, on Xylopia sp. This was the same collection that Kunze had intended to name Puccinia gregaria. Hennings tells us in Hedwigia (1896, p. 230) that he found a specimen in the Berlin herbarium collected by Weigelt in Surinam, 1827, bearing the name P. gregaria Kunze and with a Latin diagnosis appended, which he publishes. The herbarium name of P. compacta, given by Kunze to a collection by Weigelt in Surinam on some Asclepiadaceous plant (now known to be Asclepias curassaz’ica) , was first published by Bubak in 1903, accompanied with a description and figures. In the Ellis herbarium, now at the New York Botanical Garden,, is a specimen of rust from Porto Rico, inscribed Puccinia con- crescens E. & E., accompanied by a diagnosis in Mr. Ellis’ hand- writing. This name, as I have previously stated (Jour. Myc. ii: 10. 1905)? appears not to have been published. In the absence of a usuable name, the one given by Ellis may be brought for- ward, and it is here presented with Ellis’ description slightly modified. 242 ]\Iycologia Telia hypophyllous, in orbicular groups on discolored spots, pulvinate, crowded but distinct, becoming confluent at the center into a cushion-like mass 2-4 mm. across, chestnut-brown, often darker at the center of the groups and paler at the edges; telio- spores oblong-elliptical; often irregular, 12-20 by 20-40 ju., rounded or obtuse at both ends, or oftener somewhat narrowed below, slightly or not constricted at septum, which is occasionally oblique; wall chestnut-brown or paler, smooth, uniformly thick, 1.5-2 /i, or slightly thicker above in some spores; pedicel as long or longer than the spore, but usually appearing short by being broken away. — On Asclepias ctimssavica L., Aibonito, Porto Rico, ]\Iarch 22, 1899. i\Ir. & Mrs. A. A. Heller 86^, host no. 862. A part of this type collection was sent to Dr. Bubak in 1903, and was pronounced by him to be identical with the Weigelt col- lection from Surinam. He sent in return a portion of the Weigelt collection obtained from the botanical division of the Bohemian IMuseum in Prag, which fully substantiated his state- ment. 57. PucciNA OBLiQUA Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 356. 1858. Pitccinia Cynanchi Lagerh. Bol. Soc. Brot. 7 : 129. 1889. Puccinia sphaeros.pora Syd. & Henn. Ann. Myc. i ; 327. 1903. On Asclepiadaceae : Metastelma linear e Bello, Barros, Jan. 2, J52. M etastelma parviflorum R. Br., Vega Baja, Feb. 22, ^68; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 5025. Other West Indian collections have been made on M. parvi- -flornm in St. Thomas, March, 1913, by J. N. Rose 450Q, and on M. Schlechtcndahlii DC. in St. Croix, Dec., 1895, by A. E. Ricksecker, and in St. Thomas, March, 1913, by J. N. Rose. The type collection for the name P. Cynanchi Lag. is recorded •for Martinique on M. parviflorum, but has not been examined. The species also occurs on phanerogamic specimens in the N. Y. Bot. Garden on Fischcria crispiflora (Sw.) Schl. from Isle of Pines, Cuba, May, 1910, O. E. Jennings 43% and from Jamaica, Feb., 1906, A. E. Wight 150. Through the kindness of the Director of the Kew Herbarium I have been enabled to examine a part of the type material of Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 243 Pnccinia obliqua Berk. & Curt., collected in Cuba, by Charles Wright. The material consists of a complete leaf, the blade of which is ovate, four by eight millimeters, entire and smooth, with a petiole five millimeters long. The under surface of blade and petiole is quite evenly covered with about eighty pulvinate, promi- nent, brown sori. Both gross and microscopic appearance of the fungus that has of recent years been assigned to Pnccinia sphae- rospora S. & H. agree with this specimen. The host is undoubt- edly some Asclepiadaceous plant, probably a Vincetoxicum or Philibcrtia. The closely related species, Pnccinia Gonolobi Rav., has been collected in the Bahamas on Metastelma palnstre (Pursh) Schl., Aug., 1904, E. G. Britton jp<5, Jan., 1903, and IVIarch, 1905, A. E. Wight, on Philibertella clausa (Jacq.) Vail, Feb., 1905, E. G. Britton 34^3, and in Cuba on the last host, March, 1910, Britton, Earle & Wilson 6022. 58. PucciNiA CRASSiPES Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 3 : 54. 1874. Pnccinia Ipomoeae Cooke; Lagerh. Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 17: 61. 1895. On Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea triloba L., Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6086, 6236, 6239. The collections show both aecia and telia in good condition, as also does a collection from Santa Ysabel, P. R., J. R. Johnston 203, Jan., 1912. Collections have been seen also from St. Croix, on I. triloba, and from Cuba, on I. acuminata (Vahl) R. & S. (/. cathartica Poir.) by Earle & Wilson 1140 (Barth. Fungi Columb. 2456), and on I. trichocarpa Ell. (/. Carolina Pursh not L.) by Britton, Earle & Wilson 4827. 59. PucciNiA Lantanae Earl. Proc. Amer. Acad. Sci. 18; 83. 1883. On Verbenaceae: Lantana Camara L., Guanica, Feb. 3, 338, Dec. 29, 6607; Lares, Nov. 22, 4926; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, 5952, Dec. 29, 6603. 244 Mycologia Lantana involucrata L. (L. odorata L.), Boqueron, Feb. 15, S54i Arecibo, May 21, 1781 ; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 5017; San German, Dec. 8, 576^; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6440; without locality, Jan.' 17, 1914, 6823. This species has not before been seen by the writer from Porto Rico. It has often been collected in other 'West Indian islands, however. In Cuba it was found on L. Camara, March, 1903, E. 'W. D. Holway (Barth, N. Am. Ured. 645), Sept., 1906, L. M. Underwood 3248; on L. involucrata, May, 1906, C. F. Baker 286p, and . on a phanerogamic specimen in the N. Y. Bot. Garden on L. trifolia L., April, 1902, S. H. Hamilton 46. In Jamaica it was found on L. crocca Jacq., Sept., 1906, N. L. Britton 35, and on a phanerogamic specimen in the N. Y. Bot. Garden on L. stricta Sw., Sept., 1906, N. L. Britton 7. In the Bermudas it was collected on L. involucrata, Nov.-Dee., 1912, Brown, Britton & Seaver 1301, and in St. Thomas on L. acideata L., March, 1913, J. N. Rose. 60. PucciNiA Urbaniana P. Henn. Hedwigia 37:278. 1898. On Verbenaceae : Valerianodes jamaicensis (L.) Medic. (Abena jamaicen- sis Hitchc., StachytarpJieta jamaicensis Vahl), Santurce, June 12, 1912, 64, Jan. 16, 241; Vega Baja, Nov. 5, 4232; Manati, Nov. 25, 4poo, 3280; Guayama, Oct. 4, 5554; River junction below Utuado, Dec. 16, 6038. Valerianodes strigosa (Vahl) Kuntze {Stachytarpheta strigosa Vahl), Cabo Rojo, June 15, 2285; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6232, 627P. Porto Rican collections on V. jamaicensis have also been made at San Juan, May, 1903, F. S. Earle, and Feb., 1911, E. W. D. Holway; at Mayagiiez, April, 1904, G. P. Clinton; and at Rio Piedras, Feb., 1913, J. R. Johnston P46. Other West Indian collections have been made in Cuba, March, 1906, by C. F. Baker 830, in Jamaica, Oct.-Nov., 1902, by F. S. Earle 204, Jan., 1903, by L. M. Underwood, Feb., 1913, by E. W. D. Holway 216, and in the Bahamas, Nov., 1890, by A. S. Hitch- cock, and March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway (Barth. N. Am. Ured. 66p). Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 245 6i. Puccinia Leonotidis (P. Henn.) comb. nov. Uredo Leonotidis P. Henn. in Engler, Pfl. Ost.-Afr. C : 52. June, 1895. Aecidium Leonotidis P. Henn. in Engler, Pfl. Ost.-Afr. C : 52. June, 1895. Uredo cancerina P. Henn. Hedwigia 34:330. December, 1895. Uredo leonoticola P. Henn. Hedwigia 38:69. 1899. Puccinia leonotidicola P. Henn. in Baum, Kun.-Samb. Exp. 1903. On Lamiaceae (Labiatae) : Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) R. Br., Yabucoa, May 17, 1912, 4; Coamo Springs, Jan. i, 127, April 6, 84^; Hormi- gueros, Jan. 14, 216; Bayamon, Eeb. 14, 390; Lares, Nov. 22, 48^6, 4pi6; Guayama, Dec. 4, 5336; Ponce, Dec. 4, 5394; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, 586p. The West Indian collections examined are from Ponce, P. R., Jan., 191 1, E. W. D. Hohvay ; Rio Piedras, P. R., 1912, J. R. Johns- ton, 434, 4p8, between Aibonito and Cayey, P. R., Feb., 1899, Heller 557; Kingston, Jamaica, Oct., 1899, G. Lagerheim, and July, 1910, Eug. Mayor up; Port Antonio, Jamaica, Feb., 1915, E. W. D. Hohvay ; Havana, Cuba, March, .1903, E. W. D. Hol- way (Barth. N. Am. Ured. p8i) ; Nassau, Bahamas, June, 1909, P. Wilson 8437. So far no American collection has revealed other than uredi- niospores. These are characteristic in being somewhat flattened from above, with the wall slightly thicker in the upper part, and in having three to five, usually four, basal pores close to the hilum. A collection by Lagerheim from Jamaica bears the inscription “ Uredo basipora Lagerh. n. sp.,” which indicates that the peculiar arrangement of pores was seen by Lagerheim, but I do not find that he published his proposed name. The assignment of the species to the genus Puccinia, is based upon observations by Hennings, who published a description ot teliospores, taken from South African material. In my her- barium is a part of the same collection, made April 18, 1900, by the Kunene-Zambesi Expedition, one half of a well rusted leaf, but it shows no teliospores, although there is an abundance of 246 ]\Iycologia characteristic urediniospores. A portion of the type material of Urcdo cancerina and U. leonoticola has been examined. The species as here indicated seems consistent with other species on related hosts in its morphology, and with tropical forms gen- erally in rarely producing other than repeating spores. 62. PucciNiA MEDELLINENSIS Mayor, Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. 5:497- 1913- Aecidiurn Hyptidis P. Henn. Hedwigia 34:337. 1895. Eriosporangium tucumanense Arth. (in part) N. Am. Flora 7:212. 1912. On Lamiaceae (Labiatae) : Mesosphaerum atrorubcns (Poir.) Kuntze (Hyptis atro- rubens Poir.), Santurce, Jan. 22, 255. Mesosphaerum pectinatum (Poir.) Kuntze (Hyptis pec- tinata Poir.) Villa Alba, Jan. 3, III, 49; Coamo Springs, Jan. I, I, J52; Corozal, Feb. 21, II, 4/3; Mayagiiez, April 30, II, p^8, May i, II, 1063; Rosario, Oct. 27, II, 38^4; Lares, Nov. 22, I, II, II, 4921 ; Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, II, 6486. Mesosphaerum suaveolens (L.) Kuntze (Hyptis suave- olens Poir.), Mayagiiez, April 15, 882, Oct. 31, 3892; Ponce, Nov. ii, 4275; Aguada, Nov. 22, 4913; Guay- ama, Dec. 4, 5397 ; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, 5867. Other West Indian collections of this species on M. pectinatum are from La Carmelita, P. R., April, 1904, O, I, II, III, G. P. Clinton, 128, Aibonito, P. R., Feb. 1911, II, III, E. W. D. Hol- way, Mandeville and Kingston, Jamaica, Feb., 1915, E. W. D. Holway, 224, 232. Collections of urediniospores on M. suaveolens have also been made at Constance Springs, Jamaica, Dec., 1910, by A. S. Hitch- cock, and at Santiago, Cuba, March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway. The form on M. pectinatum reported in the North American Flora was confused with the South American form on M. spica- tum, which until the present time has only been described under the name of Aecidiurn tucumanense Speg. Type material of the latter, however, shows uredinia and telia sparingly among the aecia. The spore-forms are all somewhat larger than those of Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 247 the form on M. pectinatmn, the teliospores measuring about the same length, but half as much wider. The South American species should be called Puccinia tucumanensis (Speg.) comb, nov. Type material of P. medellinensis agrees perfectly with the Stevens’ collections on M. pectinatum, and also with the collec- tions cited in the North American Flora on page 213 of volume 7. Type material of Aecid. Hyptidis P. Henn. also agrees with this species in morphological characters, and the host appears to be M. pectinatum, as well as one can tell from a few leaves. * All collections so far seen on M. atrorubens and M. suaveolens show only urediniospores. The teliospores of P. Hyptidis and P. medellinensis, as well as P. tucumanensis are readily told apart, but the urediniospores of these species all have two equa- torial pores, and otherwise are too much alike to be distinguished with certainty when taken by themselves. So far as any differ- ences exist, and especially in the large proportion of uredinio- spores with the vertical axis shorter than the transverse axis, they indicate that the forms can best be placed here. 63. Puccinia Hyptidis (M. A. Curt.) Tracy & Earle, Bull. Miss. Exp. Sta. 34:86. 1895. Eriosporangium Hyptidis (Curt.) Arth. N. Am. Flora 7:211. 1912. On Lamiaceae (Labiatae) : Mesosphaerum capitatum (L.) Kuntze (Hyptis capitata Jacq.), Mayagiiez, Jan. 7, 57, Jan. 30, 303, Jan. 28, 374; Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 705, 136, 14^; Coamo Springs, Jan. i, 100; Vega Baja, Feb. 20, 471; Ahasco, Oct. 12, 35^6; Rosario, Oct. 27, 3S26, Nov. 14, 4841; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 3166; Monte de Oro near Cayey, Dec. 13, 3707 i Lares, Nov. 22, 3932; El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, 6023. The above numbers show only uredinia, and the assignment to Puccinia Hyptidis is somewhat uncertain. The size of the uredi- niospores, thickness of wall, echinulation, pore-arrangement, and the rarity of flattened spores in which the vertical diameter is less than the transverse, are all characters that agree with those of 248 Mycologia the urediniospores of P. Hyptidis. Until teliospores are discov- ered, the form is most conveniently left here. Collections of uredinia on the same host have also been made in Porto Rico at Bayamon, Jan., 1911, in Cuba at Baracoa, March, 1903, and in Jamaica at Port Antonio, Feb., 1915, all by E. W. D. Holway. ' 64. Puccinia insititia sp. nov. On Lamiaceae (Labiatae) ; Mesosphaeriim latanifoliiiin (Poir.) Kuntze (Hyptis latan- ifolia Poir.), Aibonito, June 5, 2123. A small amount of material was found, showing urediniospores only. These spores are quite unlike other American rusts on this genus of hosts so far seen by the writer, especially in having three equatorial pores. The specimen seems identical, so far as it goes, with a collection on the same host from Manos in the Amazon region of Brazil, collected by E. Ule in 1901, and dis- tributed under the name of Aecidium Hyptidis P. Henn. The Brazilian material shows urediniospores and a few teliospores. Many of the uredinia simulate aecia in gross appearance by the ruptured epidermis becoming white like a peridium, and some- what in the microscopic appearance by the fine, close sculpturing of the spores. There are no aecia present on the specimen in hand, and probably the name was given from the aecia-like ure- dinia. On the strength of this Brazilian collection, which is made the type as it is represented in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, the form is here established as a species under the above name, with the following description : Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, 0.3-0.6 mm. across, rather early naked, encircling epidermis evident, often white and peridioid, urediniospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 20-25 by 23-28 /x; wall cinnamon-brown, thin, 1-1.5/x, densely and finely echinulate-verrucose, the pores 3, equatorial, often indistinct. Teliospores narrowly ellipsoid, 16-24 by 48-55 /<., rounded or obtuse above, rounded or narrowed below, slightly or not con- stricted at septum ; wall colorless, thin, i or less, smooth ; ped- icel colorless, delicate, about half length of spore. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 249 65. PucciNiA SALViicoLA Diet. & Holw. Bot. Gaz. 24: 33. 1897. On Lamiaceae (Labiatae) : Salvia occidentalis Sw., Mayagiiez, Jan. 15, 285, April 17, 526; Corozal, Feb. 21, 407; Aguada, Nov. 22, ^088. The rust has also been found on the same host in Porto Rico at Caguas, 1899, Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Heller 941, at La Carmelita, April, 1904, G. P. Clinton, and at Ponce, Feb., 1911, E. W. D. Holway. All Porto Rican specimens so far seen show only ure- dinia. There is a close resemblance between the uredinia of this species and those of Pucctnia medellinensis, but the teliospores are very unlike. A collection on the same host, made in Jamaica on Mt. Diabolo, 2000 feet altitude, April, 1903, by L. M. Under- wood 1802, shows a few telia on the stems, well supplied with characteristic teliospores, and with uredinia on the leaves, which clearly establishes the species for this host in the West Indies. It was collected, showing uredinia only, at Port Antonio, Jamaica, Feb., 1915, by E. W. D. Holway 220, on the same host. 66. PucciNiA Blechi Lagerh. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. ii : 214. 1895. Uredo balaensis Syd. Ann. Myc. 1:21. 1903. On Acanthaceae: Blechum Brownei (Sw.) Juss., Mayagiiez, April 16, 525. The two names cited above appear to belong to the same rust as the one collected by Stevens in Porto Rico, although type ma- terial has not been examined. The rust on the same host has also been found in Guatemala, Jan., 1906, W. A. Kellerman 5400. 67. PucciNiA LATERITIA Berk. & Curt. Jour. Phila. Acad. Sci. 2:281. 1853. On Rubiaceae: Borreria levis (Lam.) Griseb., Vega Baja, Feb. 20, 474; Cabo Rojo, Sept. 28, 3187 ; Coamo Springs, Jan. i, 141 ; San Sebastian, Nov. 22, 5186. Borreria verticillata (L.) G. F. W. Mey., without locality, June 12, 1912, 31; Mayagiiez, July 12, 1912, 43, Jan. 12, 21, Jan. 15, 288-, Boqueron, Feb. 15, 347; Bayamon, May 21, 1886; Indura Fria, Maricao, Oct. 8, 3461; 250 Mycologia Cataiio, Nov. 6, 4191; Utuado, Nov. 8, 4416, 4581a; Lares; Nov. 22, 48461)13; Quebradillas, Nov. 22, 5014; Aguada, Nov. 22, 5105. Diodia maritima Thonn., Mayagitez, Feb. 8, 284a, 289. Diodia rigida C. & S., Manati, May ii, 4245a; Rio Piedras, Nov., 5727. Ernodea littoralis S\v., Boqueron, Feb. 15, 548; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 606F, 6058. Mitracarpus portoricensis Urban, Guanica, Dec. 29, 682'/. Spermacoce teniiior (L.) Lam., Hormigueros, Jan. 14, 215, 715; Guanica, Feb. 3, 525; Coanio Springs, April 6, 846; Cabo Rojo, June 15, 2266; San German, Nov. 8, 5813, 5816. This common, short cyle rust of warm regions has also been found in Porto Rico on B. laevis at Mayagitez, April, 1904, G. P. Clinton, and at Rio Piedras, June, 1912, J. R. Johnston 457, on B. verticillata, between Caguas and Cayey, June, July, 1901, Underwood & Griggs 295a, at Rio Piedras, June, 1914, J. A. Stevenson 2013, on D. maritima, at Mayagiiez, April, 1904, G. P. Clinton 170, Catano, Feb., 1914, J. R. Johnston 1364, and on N. tenuior at Campo Alegre, Dec., 1914, J. A. Stevenson 2459. From other West Indian islands it has been gathered on B. laevis in Jamaica, L. M. Underwood, Jan. 1903, 83, March, 1903, 1736, on E. littoralis in New Providence, Bahamas, Nov., 1890, A. S. Hitchcock, on Hemidiodia ocimifolia in Cuba, IMarch, 1903, E. W. D. Holway, on S. tenuior in Jamaica, Feb., 1891, R. Thaxter, and on N. aspera in Jamaica, Jan., 1891, A. S. Hitchcock. 68. PucciNiA ROSEA (Diet. & Holw.) Arth. Bot. Gaz. 40:206. 1905. Aecidiiim roseiim Diet. & Plolw. Bot. Gaz. 24: 36. 1897. Uredo Agerati Mayor, Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. 5: 595. 1913. On Carduaceae: Ageratum conysoides L., Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 112; Utuado, Nov. 8, 4395; Monte Alegrillo, Nov. 14, 4714, 4754- Eupatorium polyodon Urban, Barros, Jan. 2, 140. The several collections show urediniospores only, and in the Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 251 absence of teliospores the specific assignment must necessarily be somewhat doubtful. The only other West Indian material referred to this species comes from Cuba, and also shows only uredinia. It is on Eupa- torium villostim Sw., a common roadside weed in that region. The rust, which appears to be abundant, has been seen from three localities. It was collected at Gebara, March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway, at Santiago de las Vegas, April, 1906, by W. T. Horne ly, and occurs on a phanerogamic specimen in the N. Y. Bot. Garden from Cabanas Bay, collected March, 1912, by Britton & Cowell 12816. 69. PucciNiA TAGETicoLA Diet. & Holw. Bot. Gaz. 24: 26. 1897. On Carduaceae: Tagetes patula L., Maricao, Jan. 10, II, 200. This common Mexican rust has not before been reported from the West Indies. The host here represented is the French mari- gold of the gardens, introduced into cultivation over three hun- dred years ago from Mexico. 70. PucciNiA Synedrellae P. Henn. Hedwigia 37 : 277. 1898. Puccinia solida Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10 : 356. 1869. Not P. solida ScJnv. 1832. Puccinia Emiliae P. Henn. Hedwigia 37 : 278. 1898. Dicaeoma cubense Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3® : 466. 1898. Puccinia Tridacis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 156. 1906. Puccinia Eleutherantherae Diet. Ann. Myc. 7 : 354. 1909. On Carduaceae: Eleutheranthera ruderalis (Sw.) Sch. Bip., Mayagitez, May 24, 1542; Aguada, Nov. 22, 5095. Emilia sonchifolia DC., Hormigueros, Jan. 14, 212; Guayama, Aug. 28, 28gg; Dec. 4, 5342; Yauco, Oct. 3, 3141; San German, Nov. 8, 5803. Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn., Barros, Jan. 2, 130; Caguas, June 5, 2168; Cabo Rojo, June ii, 2183; St. Catalina, Aug. 28, 2333; Yauco, Oct. 3, 3228 ; Isabela, Oct. 22, 3336; Rosario, Oct. 27, 3830, without date, 252 IMycologia 485^; Alegrillo, Nov. 14, 4479; Lares, Nov. 22, 48^9; San Sebastian, Nov. 22, 5200; Guayama, Dec. 4, 5418 ; Monte de Oro near Cayey, Dec. 3, 5675; Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 5682; Utuado, Nov. 8, 3781; Guayanilla, Nov. 13. 59^^- Other Porto Rican collections of this species are as follows : On Emilia sonchifoUa, Ponce, Jan., 1912, J. R. Johnston 202, Rio Piedras, June, 1912, and Dec., 1913, J. R. Johnston 456, 1190, Espinosa, Nov., 1914, J. A. Stevenson 2^42; on Synedrella nodi flora, Rio Piedras, June, 1912, J. R. Johnston, 448, Trujillo Alto, Aug., 1913, J. R. Johnston 1041; and on Elentheranthera rnderalis, Buena Vista, Jan., 1915, J. A. Stevenson 2^09. The species is common throughout the West Indies, as the following collections indicate: on E. rnderalis, eastern Cuba, 1856-7, Charles Wright (type of Pttccinia solida B. & C.), Isle of Pines, Cuba, May, 1904, A. H. Curtis, and on phanerogamic specimens in the herbarium of the N. Y. Bot. Garden from Jamaica, June, 1897, A. Fredholm 3060, from St. Domingo, June, 1910, Pater Fuertes, 174, from Grenada, March, 1905, W. E. Broadway, and from Guadeloupe, 1893, Pere Duss 3264; on E. sonchifoUa, Jamaica, Jan., 1892, Lloyd 1082, Oct.-Nov., 1902, F. S. Earle 32, March, 1903, and Sept., 1906, L. M. Underwood ^737^ 3^6^, 335^> Feb., 1915, E. W. D. Holway 221, Antigua, Feb. 13, Rose, Fitch & Russell 3315, Martinique, Aug., 1913, F. L. Stevens 2973, and on a phanerogamic specimen in N. Y. Bot. Garden from Grenada, 1904, W. E. Broadway ; on 5". nodiflora, Cuba, Aug., 1910, Britton, Earle & Gager 6272, Jamaica, Dec., 1890, A. S. Hitchcock, April, 1903, L. M. Underwood, Feb., 1915, E. W. D. Holway 218, Barbados, Oct., 1889, G. von Lagerheim (Sydow, Ured. 376), and on a phanerogamic specimen from Tortola, April-May, 1913, W. C. Fishlock 22. The species has also been collected on Tridax procumlens L. in Cuba, Nov., 1904, Baker & O’Donovan 4039, and on Neiiro- laena lohata (L.) R. Br. in Cuba, March, 1903, E. W. D. Holway. The identification of the host for the type material of Puccinia solida B. & C. was made by Dr. B. L. Robinson of th; Gray Herbarium in 1910, who found it to be Elentheranthera rnderalis. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 253 71. PucciNiosiRA PALLiDULA (Spcg.) Lagcrh. Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 16: 122. 1894. Aecidiella Trhimfettae Ellis & Kelsey, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 208. 1897. On Tiliaceae: Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq., Santurce, Jan. 22, 256; Mayagiiez, Feb. 8, 282; Aguada, Nov. 22, 50pp. Triumfetta sp., Villa Alba, Jan. 3, iii; Mayagiiez, May 3, 1163, 1180, June 13, 221 y, Oct. 31, 3928, 3943; Bayamon, May 21, 1883; Aibonito, June 5, 2134; Maricao, Oct. 20, 3313; Rosario, Oct. 27, 3/69; El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, 6022; River junction below Utuado, 6039. The other Porto Rican collections examined are on T. Lappida L., at Ponce, by A. A. Heller 6184, 1902, on T. rhomboidea Jacq., at Santurce, by Cook & Collins 292, at Mayagiiez, by G. P. Clinton 773, 1904, and on Triumfetta sp., at Rio Piedras, by Johnston & Seaver 991a, 1913. IMaterial has also been examined from Guadeloupe, on T. grandiflora, Vahl., and from Jamaica on T. semitriloba L. The species was gathered by Stevens at Caracas, Venezuela, July 15, 1913, on an undetermined species of Triumfetta. The leaves of most species of Triumfetta are not distinguish- able with certainty, and where inflorescence does not accompany the collection, specific determination of the host is usually im- practical. The transfer of the genus Pucciniosira from the family Uredi- naceae to the Aecidiaceae is based upon a number of considera- tions, among which the aecidioid peridium and the intercalary cells of the catenulate teliospores have had much weight. Form-genus: Aecidium. Probably all forms listed here belong to heteroecious species under Aecidiaceae. 254 Mycologia 72. Aecidium favaceum sp. nov. Pycnia amphigenous, very numerous on discolored spots, 3-5 mm. across, minute, evident, subcuticular, 60-90 /a across, flat- tened ; ostiolar filaments wanting. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in groups on the pycnial area hemispherical, soon open ; peridium about 0.3 mm. across, delicate and evanescent; peridial cells oblong, 12-16 by 22-26 /x, readily separating, the walls 3-5 /x thick, the inner slightly thicker and strongly verrucose, the outer smooth, aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 15-20 by 16-25 ju.; wall nearly or quite color- less, 1.5-2 ju, thick, minutely and closely verrucose. On Euphorbiaceae : Phyllanthus nobilis (L. f.) Miill. Arg., San German, Jan. 16, 24P, May 25, 184P, Dec. 12, 58^2; Hormigueros, Oct. 13, 3226 (type). Three species of Aecidium have already been named which are said to be on Phyllanthus sp. Type material of Aecid. detrituni Thiim. from Brazil has been examined and found quite unlike the West Indian species in all important details. The descrip- tions of A. Phyllanthi P. Henn. from New Guinea, and of A. luzoniense P. Henn. from the Philippines, also seem very unlike the material in hand, judging from descriptions. 73. Aecidium passifloriicola P. Henn. Hedwigia, 43 : 168. 1904. On Passifloraceae : Passi flora rubra L., Mayagiiez, May 9, 1295. This form has been collected on the same host at Mayagiiez, P. R., April, 1904, by G. P. Clinton and in Jamacia by L. M. Underwood, Jan. 1903, 82, April, 1903, 1346, and Sept., 1906, 74. Aecidium Tournefortiae P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 338. 1895. On Borraginaceae : Tournefortia hirsutissima L., Yauco, Oct. 3, 3^-7! Rosario, Oct. 27, 3781. The type collection was made in Brazil. It is here reported for North America for the first time. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 255 75. Aecidium tubulosum Pat. & Gaill. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4: 97. 1888. Aecidium Uleanum Paz. Hedwigia 31 : 95. 1892. Aecidium solaniphilum Speg. An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 23 : 34. 1912. On Solanaceae; Solanum torvum Sw., Mayagiiez, May 10, 1912, i, 2, Jan. 30, 2Q4bis (Barth. Fungi Columb. 4202) ; Corozal, Feb. 21, 403; Yauco, Oct. 3, 3131 ; Rosario, Oct. 27, 3776; El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, 4491; Maricao,. Nov. 18, 4807; Lares, Nov. 22, 4844; Adjuntas, Nov. 22, 4969; Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 3688; Monte de Oro near Cayey, Dec. 3, 3733; Jayuya, Dec. 17, 6043a; Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, 6483. A common and conspicuous rust, which is probably hetero- ecious. Other Porto Rican collections are on the same host ; they are without locality. Geo. P. Goll 436, 1899, Underwood & Griggs 26, 1901, from near Santurce, A. A. Heller 1296, 1899, from Mayagiiez, G. P. Clinton 72, 1904, from San Juan, E. W. D. Holway, 1911, and from Rio Piedras, H. B. Cowgill 303, 1912. It has also been collected in Jamaica, Dec., 1890, by A. S. Hitch- cock, and in Cuba, March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway. The type material of A. solaniphilum examined, kindly sup- plied by Dr. Spegazzini, resembles the other specimens in gross appearance of both fungus and host. The microscopic characters also agree, except that the peridial cells seem somewhat smaller and more delicate. (To be continued) THE GENUS CLITOCYBE IN NORTH AMERICA William A. Murrill (With Plates 164-166) Before this large and difficult genus is published in North American Flora, it is thought advisable to present a preliminary- paper which will direct attention to the group and add to our knowledge of it through additional collections and observations. Species of Laccaria, formerly included in Clitocybe, have already been treated in North American Flora, volume 10, part I. Monadelphus is another small segregate of Clitocybe, which is characterized by a densely cespitose, wood-loving hymenophore. The relation of these two genera to Clitocybe and to the segre- gates of Tricholoma may be indicated in the following key: Lamellae decurrent or adnate. Spores not conspicuously verruculose or echinulate, usu- ally ellipsoid ; lamellae decurrent or adnate. Hymenophore usually solitary or gregarious ; subces- pitose to cespitose but not wood-loving in C. nittl- ticeps and a few other species. Hymenophore densely cespitose and wood-loving, at- tached to decayed trunks or roots. Spores conspicuously verruculose or echinulate, globose ; lamellae adnate. Lamellae sinuate; spores usually ellipsoid and smooth. Pileus smooth or inconspicuously decorated with fibrils or scales. Pileus conspicuously decorated with fibrils or scales. Clitocybe. Monadelphus. Laccaria. Melanoleuca. CoRTINELLUS. EASTERN SPECIES OF CLITOCYBE Some of the species here included are confined to the eastern United States, while others may occur throughout temperate North America, or even in Europe or Asia. So little is at present known of the Rocky Mountain region, that it will be treated temporarily as a part of eastern North America. The New 256 Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 257 York species have been studied very carefully by Dr. Charles H. Peck. Clitocybe adirond.\ckensis (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 180. 1887 Agaricus adirondackensis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Cab. 23: 77. 1872. Common in woods in the Adirondack region of New York, where it was discovered. Very near C. inftindibidiformis, but distinguished by its narrow, crowded lamellae. Clitocybe albidula Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 46 : 103 (23). 1893 Clitocybe centralis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State AIus. 53: 841. 1900. Described from specimens collected under pine trees at Delmar, New York. It is said to be related to C. candicans. Peck re- duces C. centralis because it “ differs from the type only in having the center of the moist pileus sometimes tinged with brown.” The species occurs commonly in northern New York in pines or mixed woods and is abundantly represented at Albany. Clitocybe albo-umbilicata (Hoffm.) comb. nov. Agaricus umbilicatus Bolt. Hist. Fung, i : 36. 1795. Not A. umbilicatHs Schaeff. .1774. Agaricus candicans Pers. Syn. Fung. 456. 1801. Not A. candi- cans Schaeff. 1774. Agaricus albo-umbilicatus Hoffm. Nom. Fung. — . 1789. Described from Europe and reported from many parts of the eastern United States, occurring among fallen leaves in woods. Peck reports it common in New York, and I have found it plenti- ful in the Adirondacks. Clitocybe aperta (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:164. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) apertus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30:38. 1878. 258 Mycologia Described from Maryland, Otsego County, New York, and found rarely in groups or clusters in grassy ground by roadsides and in pastures. Peck first collected it in quantity and called it C. dealbata, a species which it resembles very closely. Clitocybe biformis Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 150:25. 1911 Known only from a single collection at North Elba in the Adi- rondacks, growing in circles or arcs of circles in mixed woods. Not distinct from C. inversa. Clitocybe caespitosa Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 41 : 61. 1888 Described from the Catskill Mountains, New York, and found afterwards in the Adirondacks. It is a rare species, occurring in clusters in woods, and is remarkable for its irregular and de- formed appearance. Specimens at Albany collected in Michigan by Beal resemble a young, subclustered stage of C. adirondacken- sis, and it seems probable that further studies may connect the two species. Clitocybe catina (Fries) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 215. 1872 Agaricus (Clitocybe) catinus Fries, Epicr. Myc. 72. 1838. Reported once rather doubtfully from the Adirondack Moun- tains, New York, by Peck, who says that the species is related to C. infundibuliformis, but is easily distinguished by its white color. Reported also from Kansas by Bartholomew as occurring in short grass in the open prairie. Clitocybe chrysocephala Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5 ; 190. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) auratoceplialus Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 6: 75. 1876. Described from Newfield, New Jersey, occurring there in swampy ground in July. The whole plant is golden-yellow and has a strong, peculiar smell. The spores are short-oblong and 10 fi long, very different from those of Monodelphus illudens. I have found no specimens of it in the Ellis collections, at least Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 259 among the white-spored agarics ; it may possibly have been trans- ferred to another series. Clitocybe columbana (Mont.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:142. 1887 Agariciis {Clitocybe) columbanus Mont. Syll. Crypt. 102. 1856. Described from specimens collected on naked ground at Colum- bus, Ohio. The types at Paris are large, closely clustered, and have the appearance of Clitocybe illudens, but the sphere are ellip- soid, 7X4/^- The color of the plant when fresh is not stated in the description. Clitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 48. 1872 Agaricus clavipes Pers. Syn. Fung. 353. 1801. Agariciis carnosior Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Cab. 23: 76. 1872. This well known edible species was described from Europe and occurs commonly on the ground in woods throughout most of temperate North America south to the mountains of North Carolina and west to Oregon. Clitocybe compressipes (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:184. 1887 Agariciis {Clitocybe) compressipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 33: 18. 1883. Described from Albany County, New York, growing in pastures or grassy places and later collected also in Warren County. Peck states that this species is near C. ditopus, but is distinguished by its umbilicate pileus and paler or whitish lamellae. Dodge reports it from Wisconsin, occasionally growing in clusters of twenty hymenophores. Compare Hygrophoriis. Clitocybe concava (Scop.) Gill. Champ. Fr. 150. 1874 Agaricus concaviis Scop. FI. Cam. ed. 2. 2: 449. 1772. Agariciis cyathiformis Fries, Syst. Myc. i: 173. 1821. Not A. cyathiformis Bull. pi. 248. 1785. Agaricus Poculum Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Cab. 23 : 77. 1872. 260 Mycologia This shapely and easily recognized species was originally de- scribed from Paris by Vaillant, but the first binomial was assigned to specimens collected in Carniola. It is widely distributed on decaying wood or on the ground in woods or in mossy fields throughout Europe and the northern part of North America southward to South Carolina and Ohio and westward to Oregon and Bering Strait. The species has many names. That as- signed by Fjjies and generally used is not tenable because it was antedated by Scopoli’s name and also because the first plant to which Bulliard’s name was assigned was not this species, but a smaller one usually known as C. metachroa. See Clitocybe dicolor. Clitocybe connexa (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 197. 1887 Agaricus {Clitocybe) connexus Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. I ; 45. 1873. Described from specimens collected on the ground in woods at Croghan, New York. Dodge reports it from Wisconsin in low woods of maple and beech, and says that the pale, sky-blue colors mentioned by Peck are visible only at close range. In a recent bulletin. Peck makes this species a synonym of C. Trogii (Fries) Sacc. and says that it is closely allied to C. virens, from which it differs in the grayish and more compact pileus and the constantly solid stipe. It is said to have a fragrant, spicy odor. Clitocybe dealbata (Sow.) Gill. Champ. Fr. 152. 1874 Agaricus dealbatus Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 123. 1797. This very common and well known species was described from England and occurs gregariously in open places throughout Europe and temperate North America. C. sudorifica Peck and C. morbifera Peck appear to be indistinguishable from this species morphologically, and it seems probable that we have to deal here with a species that varies in its physiological effects when ingested. Clitocybe dicolor (Pers.) comb. nov. Agaricus cyathiformis Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 248. 1785. Not A. cyathiformis Schaeff. 1774. Murrill : Clitocybe in North America 261 Agaric iis dicolor Pers. Syn. Fung. 462. 1801. Agaricus metachrous Fries, Syst. Myc. i : 172. 1821. Clitocybe metachroa Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 216. 1872. Described from Europe, where it is common in pine woods, and reported once by Peck in pine woods in Albany County, New York. It has also been reported from Maryland and New Bruns- wick. Hard’s Ohio specimens are probably incorrectly deter- mined. Romell has recently collected this species in abundance at Femsjd, Sweden, where it was first known to Fries. Bul- liard’s plate 248, containing the original description of A. cy- athiformis, is said by Fries to represent two species, C. meta- chroa and C. brnmalis, but I prefer to consider it as representing the two stages in C. metachroa, showing the change in color both of the surface and the lamellae. C. briimalis is very similar to C. metachroa, but the lamellae do not change color. Clitocybe Earlei sp. nov. Pileus thin, rather tough, convex to expanded, subumbonate, solitary or gregarious, reaching 8 cm. broad; surface glabrous, shining, subhygrophanous, smooth, dark-seal-brown when moist, fuscous when dry, margin entire, concolorous, indexed ; context firm, white with a brownish tint, the taste mild, slightly mawkish, the odor not characteristic ; lamellae short-decurrent, several times inserted, some of them forking, densely crowded, narrow, white ; spores ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, 7.5-9 X 5-6.5 /a stipe su'bcylin- dric, enlarged at the base, pallid when young, soon becoming con- colorous, solid, smooth, glabrous, reaching 15 cm. long and 1-1.5 cm. thick. Type collected on the ground in mixed, rocky woods at West Park, New York, August 6, 1903, F. S. Earle 1753- Not col- lected since. Clitocye eccentrica Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 25:321. 1898 Described from specimens collected on much decayed wood in Vermont and later collected in Connecticut, New York, Pennsyl- vania, western North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Dodge finds the stipe only slightly eccentric. 262 Mycologia Clitocybe ectypoides (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:169. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) ectypoides Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24:61. 1872. Described from Sandlake, New York, and occurring rather frequently on decaying wood in woods from IMaine to Alabama and west to Wisconsin. I once made seven collections of it in Maine on dead coniferous wood. Clitocybe erubescens (Mont.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:150. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) erubescens Mont. Syll. Crypt. 103. 1856. Not A. erubescens Fries, 1821. Described from specimens collected on fallen logs at Colum- bus, Ohio, by Sullivant. The types at Paris, which are poorly preserved, suggest either a true Clitocybe or a species of Hygro- phorus, near H. pratensis. The stipe is thick ; the lamellae nar- row to broad and distant ; and the pileus smooth, viscid, and 2.5 cm. broad in its present dried state. The spores are oblong- ellipsoid, somewhat fusiform, smooth, hyaline, 4-5 X 2-3 /x. Clitocybe fellea Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 51 : 284. 1898 Found once at Gansevoort, Saratoga County, New York, grow- ing gregariously on the ground in woods. The author cites the pale color, deep umbilicus, and bitter taste as prominent charac- ters. I have not seen this species. Clitocybe flaccida (Sow.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 329. 1873 Agaricus flaccidus Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 185. 1798. Not Agar- ictis flaccidus Bull. 1788. Described from England and reported as occurring in pine woods in Massachusetts and Maryland. A study of Sowerby’s plate and of specimens at Kew, in connection with specimens col- lected at Paris, leads me to believe that this is none other than our old friend C. inversa; in which case its occurrence in this country is correctly reported. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 263 Clitocybe flavidella (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:i97- 1887 Agaricus {Clitocybe) flavidellns Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30 : 38. 1878. Found only once growing gregariously in wet, swampy ground at Maryland, Otsego County, New York. The type specimens may still be seen at Albany. Clitocybe fumosa (Pers.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 214. 1872 Agaricus fumosus Pers. Syn. Fung. 348. 1801. Described from Europe as frequent in woods and grassy places, and reported from New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Bambeke says it sometimes grows in circles. Peck reports it from Albany and Ontario Counties. The speci- mens at Albany formerly labeled C. a^npla Pers. are now marked C. fumosa. , Clitocybe fuscipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 44:129 (17). 1891 Found only once under pine trees at Carrollton, Cattaraugus County, New York. The small type specimens are still pre- served at Albany. Clitocybe gallinacea (Scop.) Gill. Champ. Fr. 150. 1874 Agaricus gallinacetts Scop. FI. Cam. ed. 2. 2:433. ^77^- Described from Carniola and reported once by Peck from the Adirondacks, New York, occurring in grassy or mossy places. Peck states that it has a decidedly acrid taste and strong odor and that its color is dingy-white. Clitocybe Gerardiana (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:181. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) Gerardianus Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1 : 46. 1873. Described from Sandlake, New York, occurring in sphagnous marshes, and later collected at New Platz, New York. This was transferred to Omphalia in 1893, where it seems to belong. Peck says it is related to C. ectypoides, but is much more slender and fragile. 264 Mycologia Clitocybe gigantea (Sow.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 51. 1872 Agaricus giganteus Sow. Engl. Fungi pi. 244. 1800. Reported from Wisconsin by Dodge, who says it differs from Clitocybe maxima in having a much shorter and thicker stipe. Clitocybe hiemalis nom. nov. Agaricus brumalis Fries, Obs. Myc. 2:206. 1818. Not A. brmnalis Scop. 1772. Described from Europe and reported by Peck as rare in woods in the Catskills and Adirondacks ; also previously reported from North Carolina and Greenland. I found it in abundance in Kew Gardens in November, 1910. Clitocybe Hoffmani (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:197. 1887 Agaricus ^(Clitocybe) Hoffmani Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24:60. 1872. Known only from specimens collected on much decayed wood in woods at Greig, New York. As this species is not mentioned in Peck’s recent state list, it may have been transferred by him to some other genus. Clitocybe infundibuliformis (Schaeff.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 52. 1872 Agaricus infundibuliformis Schaeff. Fung. Bavar. 4: Ind. 49. 1774- This extremely common species was originally described from Europe and occurs among fallen leaves in woods throughout eastern temperate North America westward as far as Iowa and Kansas. The plant tends to assume somewhat darker colors in Europe, so far as I have observed. Clitocybe inversa (Scop.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 214. 1872 Agaricus inversus Scop. FI. Cam. ed. 2. 2:445. ^77^- Agaricus gilvus Pers. Syn. Fung. 448. 1801. Clitocybe maculosa Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. i : 45. 1873. Agaricus (Clitocybe) subconalis Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1:46. 1873. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 265 Clitocybe biformis Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 150:25. 1911. This large and handsome species was described from Carniola and occurs in humus in woods or groves throughout Europe and the northern United States, having been collected rather com- monly in Maine, New York, Washington, and Oregon. In Paris, the writer once found it growing in the greatest profusion be- neath the giant cedar of Lebanon at the south end of the Jardin des Plantes. The species must have been very familiar to Bul- liard, who figured it in his plate 553 under the name of Agaricus infundibuliformis, one of its many appellations. C. geotropa is said to have spores 6-7 X 4~5 /'<■, while those of C. inversa are 4-5-5 X 3-4/^- Clitocybe leptoloma Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 157:68. 1912 Agaricus {Clitocybe) leptolomus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32:26. 1880. Described from specimens on decaying prostrate trunks in woods at Indian Lake in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. It is reported as uncommon and no other locality is cited for the species. It is said to differ from C. truncicola in having a hygro- phanous, umbilicate pileus. Clitocybe maculosa (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:183. 1887 Agaricus {Clitocybe) maculosus Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1:45. 1873. Not A. maculosus Pers. 1801. Described from specimens collected on the ground in woods at Croghan, New York. Not distinct from C. inversa. Clitocybe maxima (Gartn. & Meyer) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 51. 1872 Agaricus maximus Gartn. & Meyer, FI. Wett. 3^ : 329. 1802. I examined this species in the Hooker herbarium at Kew and elsewhere, but found no specimens from America and its occur- rence here must be considered doubtful, although it has been reported from Minnesota, Massachusetts, California, and else- 266 Mycologia where. Peck says it is rare in the Adirondacks and Catskills, occurring in woods and grassy places, and that it is easily recog- nized by its large size. Dodge reports it from Wisconsin. Clitocybe media Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 42 : 114 (18). 1889 Described from North Elba in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, occurring there rarely on mossy ground in woods, and later reported from Wisconsin. Peck considers it intermediate between C. nebularis and C. clavipes, but it certainly approaches the latter species very closely. Clitocybe megalospora Clements, Bot. Surv. Neb. 4:18. 1896 Not a species of Clitocybe. See Mycologia 7:157. 1915. Clitocybe morbifera Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 25:231. 1898 Described from specimens collected on grassy ground and lawns at Washington, D. C., by F. J. Braendle. The taste is re- ported as very disagreeable and persisting for a long time. Two by Dr. Fischer from Detroit, Michigan, and in both cases sickness lasting about three hours. In Bulletin 150, Peck reports speci- mens sent by Dr. Whetstone from Minneapolis, IMinnesota, and by Dr. Fischer from Detroit, Michigan, and in both cases sickness was produced after the fungus had been eaten in quantity. Dr. Peck concludes that although C. morbifera is scarcely distinguish- able morphologically from C. sudorifica the ill effects of the former are much more serious and uncomfortable than those of the latter species. Specimens of C. dealbata collected at Seattle were compared at Albany with specimens of C. morbifera col- lected by Dr. Whetstone in Minnesota in 1905, and found to agree in every particular. Clitocybe multiceps Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 43 : i?- 1890 This large and important edible species was originally de- scribed from Albany and Sandlake, New York, occurring in open grassy places in late spring or early summer and again in the CLITOCYBE MULTIFORMIS PECK Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 267 autumn. It has been described and twice figured in Mycologia. Sometimes the lamellae are adnexed or slightly sinuate, suggest- ing Melanoletica. The species is known to occur in many parts of the eastern United States from Canada to New Jersey, and it may possibly extend westward to Washington. It is very abundant in some localities in the vicinity of New York City. By removing pieces of sod containing the mycelium, it is possible to transplant it rather easily, and it increases rapidly when once established in a lawn. Clitocybe multiformis Peck, Mem. N. Y. State Mus. 3:141. 1900 Described from several specimens collected at one time in Al- bany County, New York, growing in a low damp place in woods. Although a prominent species and well illustrated by Peck, it has not been reported since. It is said to be smaller and thinner than Clitocybe multiceps, although similar in habit and edible. The pileus is whitish, grayish, or yellowish when moist becom- ing paler when dry. What appears to be this species was twice collected at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, by Dr. W. Gilman Thompson and myself early in October, 1911. {pi. 164). Clitocybe nobilis Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 34:97. 1907 Described and known only from specimens collected on humus and buried wood at Deer Lake, Ontario, by C. Gillet. The type specimens at Albany appear quite distinct, with particularly long stipes. Clitocybe peltigerina (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:184. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) peltigerinus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30:38. 1885. This rare species was described from specimens collected on decaying Peltigera at Oneida, New York, and afterwards found at North Greenbush, New York. The minute type specimens may be seen at Albany. 268 Mycologia Clitocybe phyllophila (Pers.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 49. 1872 Agariciis phyllophilns Pers. Syn. Fung. 457. 1801. This species was described from Europe and is reported by Peck as rare in Albany County ; and also by other mycologists from Massachusetts, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. I have a number of recent collections of the plant from Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York. It occurs among sticks and leaves on the ground in woods. Clitocybe phyllophiloides Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 167: 19. 1915 Described from specimens collected among fallen leaves in spruce woods at Constableville, New York. The types have not been examined. Clitocybe pileolaria (Bull.) comb. nov. Agariciis pileolarius Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. 400. 1788. Agariciis nebularis Batsch, Elench. Fung. Contin. 2:25. 1789. Agariciis mollis Bolt. Hist. Fung. 1:63. 1795. Clitocybe nebularis QuH. Champ. Jura Vosg. 48. 1872. Originally described from France, occurring among dead leaves in woods, and very well figured by Bulliard, as well as by Barla, Bresadola, Fries, Hussey, Bolton, and others. Peck’s figures in Report 48 are not suggestive of the European plant, and the spores of his specimens are 4-6 X 2-3 fi, while those of the European plant are 8-10 X 5~7 u- The species has been reported from Canada to North Carolina and west to the Rocky Moun- tains, and there are many specimens so named at Albany, but apparently there remains much to be determined regarding its occurrence in this country. Clitocybe piniaria (Bose) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:148. 1887 Agariciis piniariiis Bose, Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin Mag. 5:84. 1811. Agariciis (Clitocybe) piniariiis Fries, Epicr. Myc. 59. 1838. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America • 269 Described and known only from specimens collected in pine woods in South Carolina. Fries did not see these specimens. Clitocybe pinophila (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:183- 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) pinophilus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31:32. 1879. Described from Albany, New York, occurring rarely under or near pine trees, and reported later from Essex and Warren Counties, New York. Clitocybe pithyophila (Fries) Gill. Champ. Fr. 152. 1874 Agaricus (Clitocybe) pithyophiliis Fries, Syst. Myc. i ; 83. 1821. Described from Europe and reported from New England, New York, and Ohio, usually occurring in pine woods. Hard gives a good illustration of this species in his recent work. Clitocybe porphyrella (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5 : 196. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) porphyrellus Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. III. 4:284. 1859. Described from specimens collected in leaf-mold in Connecticut by Wright. The types at Kew are old and unreliable for com- parison. The pale-purple color of the entire plant would seem to suggest Mycena pura or one of the species of Laccaria. Clitocybe pruinosa Lovejoy, Bot. Gaz. 50: 384. 191c. Not Clitocybe pruinosa (Lasch) Quel. 1872 Described from specimens collected in open pine woods at Foxpark, Wyoming, August 14, 1909. The pileus is described as 3.5 cm. wide, smooth, and rich-reddish-brown over salmon ; the lamellae as salmon-yellow, crowded, and very decurrent ; and the spores as globose, spiny, 7-10.5 fi. This would seem to indicate a species of Laccaria if the lamellae were not so decur- rent. Its relationship may be with C. sinopica. 270 Mycologia Clitocybe pulcherrima Peck, Jour. Myc. 14:1. 1908 Described from specimens collected by Dr. O. E. Fischer among fallen leaves near Detroit, Michigan. The types of this beautiful, lemon-yellow species are at Albany. Clitocybe radiozoxari.\ (Johnson) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 9:20. 1891 Agaricus (Clitocybe) radioconarius Johnson, Bull. Minn. Acad. Sci. 1 : 214. 1887. Described from Minnesota, occurring on decaying fallen branches and stumps in June. The specimens are lost, but the description resembles that of Crimpcllis zonata. Clitocybe rancidula (Banning & Peck) comb. nov. Tricholoma rancidulum Banning & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. X. Y. State Mus. 44: 179 (67). 1891. Known only from specimens collected in vegetable mold in Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, Maryland, by Miss Banning. The lamellae are slightly decurrent and very narrow and crowded. The plant is larger than T. personafum, the stipe is not bulbous, and the margin of the pileus is finely striate for about 2 cm. Its odor is veiA' rancid, whence the name. Clitocybe regularis Peck, Bull. X. Y. State Mus. 10:948. 1902 Described from specimens collected among fallen leaves in woods at Bolton, Xew York. Specimens recently collected at Austin, Texas, by F. McAllister appear to correspond to the Xew York specimens in every particular. Clitocybe rivulos.\ (PersJ Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 214. 1872 Agaricus rivulosus Pers. Syn. Fung. 369. 1801. Described from Europe and twice reported by Peck from the Adirondacks. It was also reported from the Antilles by Fries in 1851. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 271 Clitocybe robusta Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 49; 17. 1897 Described from the Catskill Mountains and found several times since in New York, growing among fallen leaves in woods. It has been reported from as far south as Maryland and as far west as Wisconsin. Clitocybe Candida Bres. has been confused with this species. Clitocybe setiseda (Schw.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 176. 1887 Agaricus (Omplialia) setisediis Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1 : 88. 1822. Agaricus (Clitocybe) setisedns Fries, Epicr. Myc. 73. 1836. Described from North Carolina, occurring among fallen leaves. I have seen no specimens. Clitocybe sinopica (Fries) P. Karst. Bidr. Finl. Nat. Falk 32: 73- 1879 Agaricus sinopicus Fries, Obs. Myc. 2 :■ 197. 1818. Described from Europe and frequent in woods and on burned ground in open places throughout most of temperate North America, having been found as far south as Tennessee and South Carolina and west to the Pacific coast. Clitocybe Arnoldi Boud. is only a variety of this species. Agaricus (Tricholonia) Sienna Peck also appears to be a large form of the same plant. Clitocybe subconcava Peck is very near. Clitocybe sinopicoides Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 157: 80. 1912 Described from the Adirondacks, occurring there among mosses in low, wet places. Peck says it differs from C. sinopica in its habitat, smaller size, and smaller spores, but all these differ- ences appear to me to be very slight. I have some small speci- mens collected in !Maine which Bresadola pronounced “ not sinopica/’ but which correspond to specimens at Albany deter- mined as C. sinopica. Bresadola’s idea of C. sinopica is a rather large plant with a much thicker stipe than is usually seen in our American specimens. 272 Mycologia Clitocybe socialis (Fries) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 149. 1887 Agaricus socialis Fries, Hymen. Eur. 83. 1874. Reported by Moffatt as occurring among dead leaves on a wooded hillside in the vicinity of Chicago, Illinois. He says that it is remarkable for its very acute umbo, and that the spores are globose, echinulate, 9-10 I have not seen his specimens. Clitocybe splendens (Pers.) Gill. Champ. Fr. 139. 1874 Agaricus splendens Pers. Syn. Fung. 452. 1801. Described from Europe and reported by Peck as rare among fallen leaves in woods in the Adirondacks. It is very probable that American specimens bearing this name may all be referred to C. sinopica, C. subsquamata, or C. inversa. Clitocybe subconcava Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 54: 948. 1902 Described from Bolton, New York, growing in pine woods. There are seven specimens on the type sheet at Albany, but the species has not been reported since. It should be carefully com- pared with forms of C. sinopica. Clitocybe subconnexa sp. nov. Pileus convex to expanded, rather thin, very tender and fragile, somewhat cespitose, reaching 9 cm. broad ; surface smooth, dry, glabrous, milk-white ; margin very thin, concolorous, entire, strongly incurved on drying; context thin, white, fragile, with pleasant odor and taste ; lamellae short-decurrent or adnate, narrow, white, exceedingly crowded, several times inserted ; spores ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, 5 X 3-5 stipe fleshy, subequal, smooth, glabrous, white, hollow, 5-7 cm. long, reaching 1.5 cm. thick. Type collected in rich soil under trees in the New York Botanical Garden, September 26, 1911, W. A. Murrill. Also collected in the grass near the herbaceous nursery of the New York Botanical Garden, September 25, 1907, R. C. Benedict. This species somewhat resembles C. multiceps but it is thinner and more fragile and the lamellae are much more crowded. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 273 Clitocybe subcyathiformis Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 122: 136. 1908 Described from specimens collected among fallen leaves under alders and birches in Albany and Warren Counties, New York. It is said to be rare. The species is well illustrated, and the types, which somewhat resemble C. infundibulifornus, are at Albany. Clitocybe subditopoda Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 42 ; I 14 (18). 1889 Originally collected in mossy ground in woods in the Adiron- dack Mountains at North Elba, New York, and reported by Peck as rare. I collected the species near Lake Placid in July and in October, 1912. Peck says it differs from C. ditopoda Fries in its umbilicate pileus, striate margin, and broader, paler lamellae. Clitocybe subhirta Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. i^: ii. 1888 Agariciis (Clitocybe) subhirtus Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32 : 25. 1880. Described from specimens collected at Brewerton, New York, occurring there on the ground in woods. There are four good specimens on the type sheet at Albany. The lamellae are broad and have a peculiar rosy-cream color as in some species of Russida. Specimens collected at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in October, 1911, seem to correspond exactly with the types. In my field notes, I remark that the lamellae are sinuate and that the plant is probably a Melanoleuca. Clitocybe submarmorea nom. nov. Agaricus (Clitocybe) marmoreiis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 61. 1872. Not A. marmorens Lam. This large, cespitose species was described from specimens found on prostrate trunks of trees in woods at Greig, New York, and has not been reported since. The clusters are composed of few individuals. There are two specimens at Albany, accom- 274 Mycologia panied by an excellent sketch. The surface is represented as white mottled with darker, watery spots. Clitocybe subnigricans Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 150: 51. 1911 Described from specimens collected by G. B. Fessenden, at Rye Beach, Ne\V Hampshire. The types at Albany have not been examined. Reported by the author as a fine species, easily distinguishable by its strong odor and the blackening of the lamellae and stipe when bruised or on drying. Clitocybe subsimilis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 41 : 61. 1888 Described from specimens collected under pine trees in the Catskill Mountains, New York. After examining the excellent type specimens at Albany, I have referred the species to Melano- leiica albissima (Peck) Murrill. Clitocybe subsquamata nom. nov. Agaricus squamulosus Pers. Syn. Fung. 449. 1801. Not A. squamnlosus Bull. 1785. Described from Europe, where it is rare, and occurring fre- quently in the Adirondacks, usually under pines. The spores measure 5-7 X 3-5 Care must be taken not to confuse this species with C. sinopica. Clitocybe subzonalis (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:184. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) subzonalis Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1 : 46. 1873. Described from specimens collected on the ground in woods at Croghan, New York. Not distinct from C. inversa. Clitocybe sudorifica Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 157: 67. 1912 •Clitocybe dealbata sudorifica Peck, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 150: 43. 1911. Murrill: Clitocvbe in North America 275 First described as a variety of C. dealbata from specimens collected in grassy ground at Saratoga, New York, by F. G. Howland. It has been collected in two or three other localities in Albany and Ontario Counties. Mr. Howland, Dr. Peck, and Dr. W. W. Ford all agreed that this mushroom was decidedly sudorific and unwholesome, differing decidedly in this respect from the reputation enjoyed by C. dealbata. I have examined the types, however, and can see no morphologic difference between the two plants. They both grow gregariously in exposed grassy places and the best observer could not tell them apart. See notes on C. morbifera Peck. Clitocybe sulphurea Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 41 : 62. 1888 Described and known only from specimens collected on decay- ing wood of spruce and balsam fir on Wittenberg Mountain in the Catskills, New York. There are five rather young specimens on the type sheet at Albany. They appear to be related to Cor- tincllus decorus, but the surface is not squamulose. Clitocybe trullisata (Ellis) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:195. 1887 Agaricus {Clitocybe) tridlisatus Ellis, Bull. Torrey Club 5: 45. 1874. Described from specimens collected in an old sandy field at Newfield, New Jersey, and later reported in sandy soil in Suf- folk, Nassau, Madison, and Albany Counties, New York. Peck remarks that the species resembles larger forms of Laccaria laccata, but it has a stouter habit, the pileus is more squamulose, the stipe is bulbous, the mycelium violet-colored, and the spores oblong. The spores are described as oblong or cylindric, smooth, granular within, 15-20 X 8-9 /a. Clitocybe tenebricosa sp. nov. Pileus convex, becoming depressed at the center with the margin upturned, gregarious, reaching 6 cm. broad ; surface smooth, white, glabrous ; context white, rather thin, without characteristic odor ; lamellae crowded, somewhat ventricose. 276 Mycologia short-decurrent, inserted, white ; spores globose, smooth, hyaline, 4-6 /ij stipe subfusiform, hollow, smooth, white, glabrous, reach- ing 12 cm. long and 2 cm. thick. (/>/. idf). Type collected September 25, 1908, by George H. Plass on the side of a trench under the museum building of the New York Botanical Garden, growing out between brickwork in total dark- ness, evidently arising from soil, as no wood was present. This species suggests one found by 'Miss Banning growing in cluster on a brick wall in a cellar at Baltimore, Tvlaryland, and named by her Agaricus (Tricholoma) cellaris, but I believe the description was never published. The spores of Miss Banning’s plant seem quite differem from those of the species described above. Clitocybe truncicola (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:184. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) truncicola Peck, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 1 : 46. 1873. Described from Croghan, New York, and said to be rare ex- cept in the Adirondack Mountains, occurring on the trunks of deciduous trees, especially those of the sugar maple. Clitocybe vilescens (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:184. 1887 Agaricus (Clitocybe) vilescens Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 33:19- 1883. Described from specimens collected in grassy pastures at James- ville. New York, and reported later as occurring rarely in bushy places and pastures in Albany and Onondaga Counties. In de- scribing a pale form occurring in the sand, Peck states that the flavor is mild and agreeable. Clitocybe virens (Scop.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 152. 1887 Agaricus virens Scop. FI. Cam. ed. 2. 2: 437. 1772. Agaricus odorus Bull. Herb. Fr. pi. ip6. 1783. Agaricus viridis Huds. FI. Angl. ed. 2. 1:614. 1778. Agaricus (Clitocybe) anisarius Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 32 : 26. 1879. Described from Carniola and found commonly in open woods and bushy places throughout Europe and in the eastern United Mycoloc;ia Plate CLXV CLITOCYBE TENEBRICOSA MURRILL •f ’■'Ji 4 Jm ■i' Plate CLXVI CLITOCYBE VIRENS (SCOP.) SACC. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 277 States from Maine to North Carolina and west to Michigan. C. odora and C. virens are still kept distinct at Paris, probably fol- lowing the opinion of Fries, but in England and America the two are considered synonyms. The specimens, descriptions, and illus- trations everywhere agree, so far as I have examined them. The plant appears each season in the New York Botanical Garden among dead leaves in the edges of deciduous woods. Owing to its brilliant coloring and agreeable odor, it is decidedly attractive when young and fresh, but it is apt to fade with age and become confused with other species, {pi. 7(5(5). CoLLYBiA AQUOSA ADNATiFOLiA Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 2 : 25. 1887 Peck states in his 49th report that this variety is probably a Clitocybe. Tricholoma cell-are Banning & Peck; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 44:179 (67). 1891 This name was published by Peck without description or com- ment, although Miss Banning’s manuscript drawing and notes are quite complete. The lamellae being decurrent, the plant is a Clitocybe; or, if it grows on wood, a Monadelphus. • Tricholoma Sienna (Peck) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:137. 1887 Agaricus {Tricholoma) Sienna Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 60. 1872. Described from specimens collected on the ground in woods at Greig, New York, and apparently not reported since. A good drawing accompanies the types at Albany, and there is little doubt that this species is only a rather large form of Clitocybe sinopica. WESTERN SPECIES OF CLITOCYBE The genus Clitocybe is abundantly represented on the Pacific coast, where the author in 1911 discovered many novelties. The following 21 new species from Washington, Oregon, and Cali- 278 Mycologia fornia were published in Mycologia for July, 1913; Clitocybe albicastanea, C. albiformis, C. atrialba, C. avellaneialba, C. brun- nescens, C. cuticolor, C. grlseifolia, C. Harperi, C. hondensis, C. murimf olia, C. oculata, C. or cades, C. oregoncnsis, C. Peckii, C. stipifafa, C. subcandicans, C. subinversa, C. subfiimosipes, C. vari- abilis, C. violaceifolia, and C. ivashingtonensis. A number of additional interesting specimens have only recently been sent in from the Pacific coast, which indicates that the field is by no means exhausted. Clitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 48. 1872 An excellent specimen of this species was sent me in Novem- ber, 1913, by Dr. H. D. House from Marshfield, Oregon. It was collected in fir woods in that locality by Mr. W. Haydon and marked number 21. Clitocybe dicolor (Pers.) Murrill, Mycologia 7: 260. 1915 This species was collected by Macoun on St. Paul Island, Ber- ing Sea. Clitocybe dealb.\ta (Sow.) Gill. Champ. Fr. 152. 1874 This species is common in grassy places and seems to be about the same as in the eastern United States, only a little larger and with the lamellae usually somewhat more distant. It was some- times found growing in rings. Seattle, Washington, Murrill g.02, 5/3; Tacoma Prairies, Wash- ington, Murrill pio; Corvallis, Oregon, Murrill 953, J003; New- port, Oregon, Murrill 1045; Berkeley, California, Yates 84, 60; Golden Gate Park, California, Murrill 1115; Marin County, Cali- fornia, Alice Eastwood 35; Presidio, California, Harper 65; Stan- ford University, California, Dudley 188, 322, McMurphy 759. Clitocybe inversa (Scop.) Quel. Champ. Jura Vosg. 214. 1872 This species is very abundant in Washington and Oregon, oc- curring especially in coniferous woods. In one locality near Seattle, I found seventy iilants growing in a perfect ring six feet Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 279 in diameter. The hymenophore is very variable in color, ranging from pale-yellow to orange; the taste is astringent and unpleasant at first, soon becoming nutty and less unpleasant, though the astringent effects remain. Seattle, Washington, Murrill jpo, 406, 408, 458, 61 s, 668, Zeller 24; Newport, Oregon, Murrill io’j2, lopi ; Salem, Oregon, M. E. Peck ; Seaside, Oregon, House 12.Q2; Portola, California, McMiirphy 50. Clitocybe microspora Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 36:331. 1-909 Described from specimens collected by C. F. Baker at Clare- mont, California, in January. Peck says it is related to C. eccen- trica, but is larger, with less crowded lamellae, hollow stipe, smaller spores, and the pileus never umbilicate. Clitocybe pusilla Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 199. 1895 Known only from specimens collected by IMcClatchie on manure at Pasadena, California, February 15, 1895. The type, or at least a portion of it, is in McClatchie’s herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden, numbered 879. Clitocybe sinopica (Fries) P. Karst. Bidr. Fink Nat. Folk 32: 73. 1879 I found this species both in woods and in open fields. Its farinaceous odor was very distinct. The colors of the pileus and stipe were found to vary considerably. Seattle, Washington, Murrill 300b, 302, 312, 441, 509, 555, djp; Corvallis, Oregon, Murrill p4/; Calaveras Grove, California, Hutchings ipp. Clitocybe subsocialis Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 23:411. 1896 Described from specimens collected by Yeomans on grassy ground at Camas, Washington, in December. Peck remarks that it is closely related to C. socialis, but differs in its strong odor, squamulose pileus, and white lamellae. The types at Albany very much resemble C. sinopica, but Peck says they differ from this species in their squamulose surface, although resembling it in color. 280 Mycologia TROPICAL SPECIES OF CLITOCYBE Six new species of Clitocybe from tropical North America were described in Mycologia for July, 1911. The list includes Clito- cybe Broadtvayi, from Grenada; C. incrustata, from Chester Vale, Jamaica; C. mexicana, from Jalapa, Mexico; C. niveicolor, from Motzorongo, Mexico; C. testaceoflava, from Cinchona, Jamaica; and C. troyana, from Troy and Tyre, Jamaica. Clitocybe rivulosa (Pers.) Quel, was reported from the West Indies by Fries, but no specimens from tropical America have been found in any of the European herbaria. Clitocybe rubro- tincta (Berk. & Curt.) Sacc., described from Cuba, is probably referable to Mycena. There is a large, thick plant at Kew from Cuba bearing the name Agariciis {Clitocybe) pachyliis Berk. & Curt., which is probably undescribed. European Species Reported in America Clitocybe aggregata (Schaeff.) Gill. Reported from Rhode Island by Bennett. Clitocybe angustissima (Lasch) Gill. Reported by Peck as rare in New York. Clitocybe Candida Bres. Reported from New York but doubtless confused with C. robusta Peck. Clitocybe cerussata (Fries) Quel. Reported by Peck as occurring rarely in the Adirondacks, as well as in certain other localities in America. Clitocybe difformis (Schum.) Gill. Reported once from New York by Peck. It has usually been regarded as a form of C. cerussata. Clitocybe ditopoda (Fries) Gill. Reported by Peck as rare in New York. Clitocybe ectypa (Fries) Gill. Reported from Alabama by Atkinson. Clitocybe elixa (Sow.) P. Karst. Reported from Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Clitocybe fragrans (Sow.) Quel. Reported by Peck as rare in New York. Also reported from North Carolina and California. Clitocybe geotropa (Bull.) Quel. Reported from Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and California. Clitocybe hirneola (Fries) Quel. Peck reports it once from New York. Clitocybe inornata (Sow.) Gill. Clitocybe obbata (Fries) Quel. Clitocybe opaca (With.) Gill. Reported from North Carolina by Curtis. Clitocybe parilis (Fries) Gill. Reported from North Carolina. Clitocybe pruinosa (Lasch) Quel. Reported from Ohio by Lea. Clitocybe sttbinvohita (Batsch) Sacc. Reported from Massachusetts by Frost and from New York by Peck. Clitocybe trullaeformis (Fries) P. Karst. Reported from California by Hark- ness. Clitocybe tuba (Fries) Gill. Reported by Peck as rare in New York, but his specimens are quite different from European ones. Clitocybe tumulosa (Kalchbr.) Sacc. Reported from New York once by Peck. Murrill : Clitocybe in North America 281 NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OE MONADELPHUS Monadelphus caespitosus (Berk.) Murrill, Mycologia 3:192. 1911 Lentiniis caespitosus Berk. Loud. Jour. Bot. 6:317. 1847. Agaricus (Pleurotus) caespitosus Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10 : 287. 1868. Agaricus monadelphus Morgan, Jour. Cine. Soc. Nat. Hist. 6:69. 188^. Clitocybe monadelpha Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5:164. 1887. Pleurotus caespitosus Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5 : 352. 1887. Clitocybe aquatica Banning & Peck ; Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 44:180 (68). 1891. Armillaria mellea exannulata Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 46:134 (54). 1893. Clitocybe parasitica Willcox, Okla. Agric. Exper. Sta. Bull. 49 : 18. 1901. This species has been much discussed both in America and Europe, some claiming that it is distinct and others that it is only a variety of Armillaria mellea. Bresadola says it is the same as Agaricus tabescens Scop., figures of which appear to be darker throughout than our plant, although very similar. Peck says it differs from Armillaria mellea in its decidedly decurrent lamellae, solid stipe, more agreeable flavor, and the absence of an annulus. Both Curtis and Peck considered it edible, but Sterling said it made him very ill on three different occasions and was a dangerous species. It occurs in dense clusters about old stumps from New York to Kansas and south to Alabama and British Honduras, being more common in the southern United States. Specimens at Kew from Cuba bearing this name are entirely distinct. Monadelphus illudens (Schw..) Earle, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Card. 5 : 432. 1909 Agaricus illudens Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1:81. 1822. Agaricus (Pleurotus) facifer Berk. & Curt. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 12:421. 1853. Clitocybe illudens Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5: 162. 1887. 282 Mycologia This large and brilliantly colored poisonous species occurs rather commonly in the eastern United States westward to Kan- sas and Texas in large clusters about stumps and dying trunks of oak and other deciduous trees, and rarely about pine stumps. For a description, illustration, and notes on its poisonous and luminescent properties, see recent numbers of Mycologia. Bresadola considers Pleurotus olearius, which occurs on the olive in southern Europe and has been reported by Maire on pine, the same as this species. If this is true, I should be in- clined to regard Pleurotus larnpas, Pleurotus noctilucens, and Panus incandescens as also forms of the same widely distributed, highly phosphorescent plant. Monadelphus marginatus (Peck) comb. nov. Clitocybe rnargitmta Peck; V. S. White, Bull. Torrey Club 29: 558. 1902. Described from specimens found growing in clusters about a de- caying stump at Mt. Desert, Maine, in September. There is one plant at Albany and it appears quite distinct. The description, including spore measurements, reminds one of M. illudens, with the exception of the color, which is bay-red verging to mahog- any. Miss White made an excellent colored sketch of the plant, with notes, which she deposited at the New York Botanical Garden. Monadelphus revolutus (Peck) comb. nov. Clitocybe revoluta Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 46 : 103 (23). 1893. Collected once on buried wood in woods at Alcove, New York, and distributed by Shear. It is densely cespitose, with whitish surface and very crowded, narrow, adnate or slightly decur- rent lamellae. Monadelphus sphaerosporus (Peck) comb. nov. Clitocybe spliaerospora Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 36:331. 1909. Described from specimens collected under oaks at Claremont, California, in January. The species greatly resembles M. Murrill: Clitocybe in North America 283 but the spores are about twice as large. It also occurs on euca- lyptus. Sequoia Canyon, Marin County, California, Alice Eastwood jo; Stanford University, California, Dudley 157, Miss A. M. Patterson 12; Santa Barbara, California, O. M. Oleson 5/. 127. New York Botanical Garden. PENICILLIUM AVELLANEUM, A NEW ASCUS-PRODUCING SPECIES^ Charles Thom and G. W. Turesson Ascus production by species of Penicillium is not common. The observations of certain species by Brefeld,^ Morini^and West- ling* have never been repeated by other workers, some of whom have watched thousands of cultures in the hope of finding one of these forms. On the other hand, P. liitemn ZukaP is a mem- ber of a widely distributed group,® some members of which have been found repeatedly, while the ascus-producing form is not uncommon. Ascus production in this species is not dependent upon special methods of culture. Another species has now been found by one of us (Turesson) in cultures from the faeces of a bear in the Zoological Garden, at Seattle, Washington. In this form as in P. luteum, the asci are produced in almost all of the media regularly used. The time required varies from six weeks to perhaps three months. Its morphology relates it to P. luteum and to the ascus-producing forms of Aspergillus. Penicillium avellaneum sp. nov. Thom & Turesson. Colonies upon Czapek’s solution agar, broadly spreading, slightly floccose, in conidial areas becoming persistently avellaneous (Ridgeway XL, 17' " 6), producing perithecia slowly during a period of sev- eral weeks with the gradual development of aerial hyphae colored Indian-red in the perithecial areas ; reverse and agar becoming Indian-red (Ridgway XXVII, 3" K) ; conidiophores up to 400 /x long by 3 to 5 4 in diameter, bearing conidial fructifications up to 1 Published by permission of the Secretary of Agriculture. 2 Brefeld, O. Bot. Unters, iiber Schimmelpilze, Heft 2. 1874. 3 Morini, Fausto. Sulla forma ascofora de Penicillium candidum, Link. Malpighia, anno 2. fascicule 5/6 pp. 224-234. Messina, 1888. * Westling, R. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, Bd. 4 (1910), Heft 2, pp. 139— 144. 5 Zukal. Sitz. d. Kais. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Wien, Math. Naturw. Cl., XCVIII, p. 561, 1889. « Thom. C. The Penicillium luteum-purpurogenum group, Mvcologia, Vol. VII (1915). no. 3, pp. 134-142. 284 Thom and Turesson: Penicillium avellaneum 285 200 fx. long, composed of loosely parallel or tangled chains of conidia ; fertile branches either a terminal crowded verticil of metulae 8-io by 3 ju, bearing verticils of few sterigmata 8-9 X 2/^, or with branches more or less irregularly disposed over the ter- minal 10-15 /I. of the conidiophore ; conidia ellipsoid to almost globose, 2-2.5 X 3“3-5 /^, smooth, swelling in germination to 5 ju in diameter and producing a single tube. Fig. I. a, b, c. Young conidial apparatus showing variation in branching; d. an occasional case of superposed verticils ; e, a typical single verticillate fruit ; f, diagrammatic representation of whole conidial fructification ; g, conidia ; h, conidia swollen and each producing one germ tube ; i, ascospores with thick walls apparently fitted ; magnification a, b, c, d, e, g, h, i, X 900 ; f, X 260. Perithecia ellipsoid to globose 300-600 ix in diameter, originat- ing as an ascigerous mass surrounded by numerous swollen, very thick-walled cells, with the slow development of a peridium com- posed of thick-walled cells, 8-12 /a in diameter in one or some- times two layers; asci 9-10 X 12-15 /a, 6-8-spored ; ascospores ellipsoid, 4-5 X 6.5-8. 5 /a, with walls thick, pitted or with the ap- pearance of round, transparent spots. 286 Mycologia Cultural Data Potato agar, good growth, characteristic spreading pink-yel- lowish colonies. Potato plugs, rapid and vigorous growth of almost colorless mycelium. Fig. 2. Wall of perithecium. Bean agar, feeble growth, floccose yellowish mycelium. Czapek’s solution agar (no nitrogen added), solidified with agar ; carbon supplied as : Thom and Turesson : Penicillium avellaneum 287 Cane Sugar, good growth up to 50 per cent. In 60 per cent, feeble, slowly reaching normal proportions. Galactose j per cent., vigorous growth of characteristic colonies. Lactose j per cent., as in galactose, Levulose j per cent, not vigorous. Glycerin j per cent., fairly good growth ; potato starch, fair growth. Butterfat, growth slow; lactic acid 0.9 per cent, poor growth. Fifteen per cent, gelatine in ivater, good growth, liquefaction beginning within 48 hours at 37° C. ; at 27° C. within 3 days, at room temperature after 5 of 6 days. Fig 3. Microphotograph of perithecia by J. Westerberg. Milk, good growth; curdling beginning on the third day at 37° C. ; on the fourth day at 27° C. ; on the sixth or seventh at room temperature. Pigment formation in cultures kept at 27° C. begun on the seventh day in butterfat and potato starch, slight in the other media. None in bean agar at the end of six weeks. At room temperature coloration begun on the tenth day, maximum in but- terfat; none in bean agar at the end of six weeks. Slow growth at room temperature ; fairly good at 27° C. ; optimum at 36-38° C. ; germination and growth feeble at 42° C. NEWS AND NOTES Professor W. C. Coker, of the University of North Carolina, spent several days at the Garden early in August consulting the mycological herbarium and library in preparation of a work on the more conspicuous fungi occurring in the vicinity of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Mr. Percy Wilson spent the month of July at Arkville, New York, and obtained a number of interesting specimens of fungi. Arkville is one of the most northerly stations in the local flora range. Professor H. S. Jackson, formerly head of the department of botany and plant pathology of the Oregon Agricultural College, has recently been appointed chief in botany at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. Professor Jackson entered upon his new duties at Lafayette on September i, 1915. Dr. Lewis Sherman, president of the Wisconsin Mycological Society, died on July 2 from heart disease which developed dur- ing the winter. He was not only an enthusiastic and painstaking mycologist, but also had a good general knowledge of botany and knew intimately most of the plants of his region. Mr. Julius Bleyer, assistant editor of “ The Evening Wisconsin,” succeeds Dr. Sherman as president of the Wisconsin Mycological Society. Rheosporangiuni aphanidermatum, a new species and new genus belonging to the Saprolegniaceae, is described by H. A. Edson in the Journal of Agricultural Research for July. The fungus is a parasite causing damping off of the seedlings of sugar beets and black rot of radish. The chestnut canker has been discovered on freshly fallen chest- nuts by J. Franklin Collins, who gives a brief account of his dis- 288 Notes and News 289 covery and subsequent confirmatory experiments in Phytopa- thology for August, 1915. It is hardly necessary to suggest that this has an important bearing on the introduction of the disease into far distant localities. A large collection of tough and woody fungi was made in the hammocks of southern Florida by Dr. J. K. SmaU, Head Cura- tor, during February and March, 1915, including two tropical species new to the United States and two Gulf Coast species new to the subtropical part of Florida. Favoliis variegatus, locally known as “ spirit-cups,” was found to occur in great abundance, often reaching a foot in diameter. Twenty-three new species and several new varieties of fungi from North America are described by P. A. Saccardo in a recent number of Annales Mycologici. The fungi listed in the article, of which there are eighty-eight in all from North America, were collected in New York by H. D. House, in Canada by John Dear- ness, and in North Dakota by J. F. Brenckle. A memoir of the Torrey Botanical Club issued in June, I9I5> consists of a monograph by A. H. Chivers of the genera Chae- tomium and Ascotricha. Twenty-eight species of Chaetomium, two of which are new, and two species of Ascotricha are de- scribed. The memoir contains ninety-five pages of text and is illustrated by seventeen heliotype plates. All of the species are illustrated and the drawings, made by the author, are excellent. The work is a most valuable one for all students of ascomycetes. A recent paper by J. R. Weir in the Journal of Agricultural Research deals with the possible economic importance of Wall- rothiella Arceuthobii, a fungus which is parasitic on false mistle- toe. The fungus has not previously been well known, having been reported only twice and from widely separated localities. The presence of the fungus prevents the maturing of the seeds of the host and in this way tends to retard the mistletoe, which is very destructive to the conifers in the West. 290 INIvcologia • The present season has been exceptionally early and good for fungi of all kinds, owing to the fact that the frost was out of the ground much earlier than usual and the rains have been heavy and frequent. Work on the local fungi by Dr. IMurrill has been con- tinuous and many interesting forms, some of them new, have been collected, described, and figured. Dr. Seaver has not only ob- tained many interesting discomycetes in the vicinity of New York ^ City, but has spent several weeks collecting about Portland, Con- necticut. y } A New IMephitic Claudopus 1 Claudopus mephiticus sp. nov. ^ Pileus eccentric, convex to nearly plane, somewhat depressed at the center, cespitose, 2.5-5 broad ; surface dry, glabrous, slightly concentrically sulcate, greenish-white when young, dull- white or yellowish-white when old, margin concolorous, undu- late ; context white, with a very decided mephitic or garlic odor and taste ; lamellae sinuate, subdistant, broad, slightly serrate on the edges, white, becoming rose-colored at maturity ; spores an- gular, rose-colored, uniguttulate, 9 X 7 I stipe short, subcylindric, very eccentric, solid, pruinose, white, 1-1.5 cm. long, 4-6 mm. thick. Type collected on fallen dead branches in Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 30, 1915, by Mrs. M. W. Smith. Complete descriptive notes were made from the fresh specimens by Dr. Mary S. Whetstone, who sent me a copy of them with some of the specimens under her accession number 60. The species seems nearest to Claudopus depluens, but is much larger j and has a very decided mephitic or garlic odor both in the fresh j and dried state. Claudopus nidulans is said to have a similar odor, but it must be much less decided and, furthermore, the addi- tional charm of conspicuously angled spores is entirely lacking. W. A. IMurrill. ' Notes on Agaricus reticeps Mont. An excellent specimen of this plant was sent me in July, 1914, by the late Dr. Lewis Sherman, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and I was able to make a careful study of it before it had entirely dried. Notes and News 291 The previous summer, I had examined Montague’s type at Paris from Columbus, Ohio, and compared it with specimens sent me by Dr. Mary Whetstone from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and by Dr. Bruce Fink from Oxford, Ohio. The specimens at Albany have also been examined. Paniis mcruliiceps Peck was described from specimens collected by Dr. Glatfelter on trunks of elm trees at St. Louis, Missouri. The original specimens of Agariciis reticnlatus Johnson, collected on Nicollet Island, Michigan, are lost, but his description clearly refers to the plant under dis- cussion. The plant occurs sparingly on fallen dead deciduous trunks, especially of elm, in Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan ; and possibly also in parts of Europe. Collybia retigera Bres. is also beautifully reticulate, but is quite distinct. The proper relationship of this species has been a matter of considerable doubt, as is evidenced by the fact that it has figured in several different genera. The spores are rough but not angular, hyaline, slightly yellowish in mass, assuming a pale-rosy tint on exposure, reminding one of some species of Pleurotus. The context is too tough for Pleurotus, Tricholoma, or Clitocybe, or even for Collybia, hence Lentinula is probably the be.st place for it, although the species is aberrant in several particulars. Lentinula reticeps (Mont.) comb. nov. Agariciis {Clitocybe) reticeps Mont. Syll. Crypt. loi. 1856. Agaricus {Tricholoma) reticnlatus Johnson, Bull. Minn. Acad. i: 354. 1880. Agaricus alveolatus Cragin, Jour. Myc. i : 28. 1885. Pluteus alveolatus Sacc. Syll. Fung. 5 : 679. 1887. Panus meruliiceps Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 32: 78. 1905. Pileus fleshy-tough with the cuticle somewhat gelatinous, firm, convex or depressed, cespitose, 3 cm. or more broad ; surface glab- rous, sometimes viscid, rarely smooth, usually beautifully reticulate with elevated, anastamosing ridges, salmon-colored or pale-brick- red tinged with yellow in the center, margin involute ; context pinkish, without characteristic odor, but with a sweetish taste; lamellae fleshy-tough, salmon-colored, adnate or slightly decur- 292 Mycologia rent with a tooth, rounded behind, the bases slightly connected, close, narrow ; spores globose, echinulate-tuberculate, hyaline, 5-7 /i; stipe tough, glabrous, white to pallid, ochroleucous below, blackish at the base, grooved, central or eccentric, curved, solid, fibrous, 2.5-4 cm. long, 5-12 mm. thick. W. A. Murrill. INDEX TO AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE Appel, 0. Disease resistance in plants. Science II. 41 ; 773-782. 28 My 1915. Appel, 0. Leaf roll diseases of the potato. Phytopathology 5 : 139-148. 4jei9i5. Appel, 0. The relations between scientific botany and phyto- pathology. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 2 : 275-285. 17 IVIy 1915- Atkinson, G. F. Phylogeny and relationships in the asomycetes. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 2: 315-376. /. i-io. 17 My 1915. Blakeslee, A. F., & Gortner, R. A. Reaction of rabbits to intra- venous injections of mould spores. Biochem. Bull. 4:45-51. pi. 2. j\Ir 1915. Carter, C. N. A powdery mildew on Citrus. Phytopathologj- 5 : 193-196. pi. 12 + f. I. 4 Je 1915. Includes description of Oidium tingitaninum sp. nov. Cook, M. T. Common diseases of apples, pears and quinces. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 44; 1-20. /. 1-18. 1915. Cook, M. T. Common diseases of the peach, plum and cherry. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 45: 1-16. /. l-io. 1915. Edson, H. A. Seedling diseases of sugar beets and their relation to root-rot and crown-rot. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 135-168. pi. 16-26. 15 My 1915. Eriksson, J. The control of plant diseases in Sweden. Bull. Foreign Agr. Intelligence 5: 187-192. ]\Ir 1915. Eriksson, J. International phytopathologic collaboration work begun in Europe — will it be prosecuted in America? Phyto- • pathology 5: 133-138- 4 Je ipiS- Fyles, F. A preliminary study of ergot of wild rice. Phyto- pathology 5: 186-192. pi. II. 4 Je 1915. 293 294 ^Iycologia Giddings, N. J., & Berg, A. Apple rust or cedar rust in West \urginia. W. Mrginia Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 15: 1-16. iNIr 1915. [Illust.] Gladwin, F. E. Observations relative to an obscure grape affec- tion. Phytopatholog}' 5: 169-174. /. /. 4 Je 1915. Grossenbacher, J. G. Some neglected phases of phytopathology. Phytopathology 5 : 155-162. 4 Je 1915. Harter, L. L., & Field (Tillotson), E. C. Experiments on the susceptibility of sweet potato varieties to stem rot. Phyto- pathology 5: 163-168. 4 Je 1915. Hauman-Merck, L. Les parasites vegetaux des plantes cultivees en Argentine. Centralb. Bakt. Zweite Aht. 43 : 420-454. i My 1915. Heald, F. D., & Studhalter, R. A. The effect of continued desiccation on the expulsion of ascospores of Endothia para- sitica. jMycologia 7: 126-130. 15 Je 1915. Hedgcock, G. G. Notes on some diseases of trees in our national forests. V. Phytopathology 5: 175-181. 4 Je 1915. Horne, W. T. Oak fungus or Armillaria mellea in connection with nursery stock. Monthly Bull. Calif. State Comm. Hort. 4:179-184. f. 31-33- Ap 1915. House, H. D. New or interesting fungi. [In Peck, C. H., Re- port of the state botanist, 1913.] N. Y. State Museum Bull. 176: 19-21. I Je 1915. Includes Hebeloma pahistre Peck, Inocybe euthelella Peck, and Clitocybe phyllophiloides Peck. Hubert, E. E. A new Macrophoma on galls of Popidus triclio- carpa. Phytopathology 5: 182-185. /• ^~3- 4 1915- Morse, W. J., & Shapovalov. The Rhizoctonia disease of pota- toes. Ann. Rep. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. 13: 193-216. f. 61-J3. 1914. Murrill, W. A. Fungi edible and poisonous. Mycologia 7: 151- 154. 15 Je 1915. Murrill, W, A. Illustrations of fungi — XX. Mycologia 7: 115- 120. p\. 138. 15 Je 1915. Clitocybe Uhtdens, Hypholoma lacrymabimdum, Mycena pura, Collybia platyphylla, Lepiota amianthina, Lentodium squamosum, and Hypholoma CandoHeanum are illustrated. Index to American Mycological Literature 295 Murrill, W. A. Luminescence in the fungi. Mycologia 7: 131- 133- 15 Je 1915- Murrill, W. A. Tropical polypores. i-iv+i-n3- New York 15 Je 1915- Murrill, W. A. The validity of Clitocybe megalospora. Myco- logia 7 : 157. 158. 15 Je 1915- Peck, C. H. Report of the state botanist, 1913. N. Y. State Museum Bull. 176; 1-77. PI. A, B -\- 1-17. i Je 1915. Includes articles by H. D. House here indexed separately. Pierce, R. G. The present status of the chestnut bark disease. Arborea i : 8, 9. My 1914. Pool, V. W., & McKay, M, B. Phoma betae on the leaves of the sugar beet. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 169-177. pi. ^7. 15 My 1915- Potter, A. A, The loose kernel smut of sorghum. Phytopa- thology 5: 149^154- pl- 10 -{-f. I, 2. 4 Je 1915. Reed, H. S., & Grissom, J. T. The development of alkalinity in Glomerella cultures. Jour. Biol. Chem. 21: 159-1163. My 1915- Shapovalov, M. Etfect of temperature on germination and growth of the common potato-scab organism. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 129-133. pi. 15 A- f- I- 15 My 1915. Smith, C. 0. Walnut blight or bacteriosis. Monthly Bull. State Comm. Hort. Calif. 4: 254-258. /. 56. Je 1915. Smith, R. F. A conspectus of bacterial diseases of plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 2: 377-401. 17 My 1915. Spaulding, P. Forest fungi of Bethel. Vermont Bot. & Bird. Bull. 1 : 24, 25. Ap 1915. Stewart, F. C., & Sirrine, F. A. The spindling-sprout disease of potatoes. N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 399: 133-143. pi. 1-3. Mr 1915. Thom, C. The Penicillium luteum-purpurogenum group. Myco- logia 7: 134-142. f. I. 15 Je 1915- Townsend, C. 0. Field studies of the crown-gall of sugar beets. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 203: 1-8. pi. i, 2. 30 Ap 1915- 296 Mycologia Townsend, C. 0. Leaf-spot disease of the sugar beet. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 6i8: i-i8. /. i-io. 8 O 1914. Wakefield, E. M. Fames jnniperinus and its occurrence in Brit- ish East Africa. Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1915: 102-104. Ap 1915. [Illust.] Includes notes on other related American species. Westerdijk, J. Phytopathology in the tropics. Ann. ^Missouri Bot. Card. 2; 307-313. 17 My 1915. Wilson, 0. T. The crown-gall of alfalfa. Science II. 14:797. 28 My 1915. Young, E. Studies in Porto Rican parasitic fungi — I. l\Iyco- logia 7: 143-150. 15 Je 1915- Includes fifteen new species in Phyllosticta. Zeller, S. M. Notes on Cryptoporus volvatus. Mycologia 7: 121-125. pi. i39-\-f. I. 15)01915. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Price, 25 cents eacli. See next page for recent numbers No. 17. The Tylostomaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 24. The Nidulariaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 27. Some Mt. Desert Fungi, by V. S. White. Nos. 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 49, 52, 56, 60, 65, 69, 70 and 74. The Polyporaceae of North America, I-XIII, by W. A. Murrill. No. 90. Studies in North American Peronosporales — I. The Genus Albugo, by Guy West Wilson, No. 95. Studies in North American Peronosporales — II. Phytophthoreae and Rhysotheceae, by Guy West Wilson, No. 99. Some Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. 1 10. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. III. Boleti from Western North Carolina, by W. A. Murrill. No. 114. The Boleti of the Frost Herbarium, by W. A. Murrill. No. 1 15. Some North Dakota Hypocreales, by F. J. Seaver. No. 117. Studies in North American Peronosporales — IV. Host Index, by G, W, Wilson. No. 119. North Dakota Slime-Moulds, by F. J. Seaver. No. 122. Notes on North American Hypocreales — II, Nectria Pezisa, by F. J. Seaver. No. 133. Iowa Discomycetes, by F. J. Seaver (special price 50 cents). No. 167, The Identity of the Anthracnose of Grasses in the United States, by Guy West Wilson. Address NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx Park, New York City PUBLIC A.TIOIST8 or The New York Botanical Garden Journal of iha New York Botanical Gardan, monthly, illostnted, con- taining notes, news, and non-tecbnical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, lo cents a copy ; $t.oo a year. [Not offered in ex- change.] Now in its sixteenth volume. Myoologla, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi including lichens; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in' terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. #3.00 a year! single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its seventh volume- Bnlladn of the New York Botanical Garden, containing the annual reports of the Director-in-Chief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, I3.00 per volume. Now in its ninth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North America* including Greenland, the West Indies and Central America. Planned to be com- pleted in 34 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Each volume to consist of four or more parts- Subscription price, I1.50 per part; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for 82.00 each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part I, 1910. Nectriaceae — Fimetariaceae. Vol. 7, part I, 1906; part 2, 1907 ; part 3, 1912. Ustilaginaceae — Aecidiaceac (pars). Vol. 9, parts 1 and 2, 1907; part 3, 1910; part 4, 1915. Polyporaceae — Agan- caceae (pars). ( Parts 1 and 2 no longer sold separately.) Vol. 10, part I, 1914. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts 1 and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Ophioglossaceae — Cyatheaceae (pars). Vol. 17, part I, 1909 ; part 2, 1912. Typhaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 22, parts I and 2, 1905; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part 5, 1913. Podostemona- ceae — Rosaceae (pars). Vol. 25, part I, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 1911. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part I, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol, 34, part I, 1914; part 2, 1915, Carduaceae (pars). Memolra of the New York Botanical Garden. Price to members of the Garden, 8l-Ooper volume. To others, 82.00. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg, ix -)- 492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development, by D. T. MscDougal. xvi + 320 pp., with 176 figures. 1903- Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by Arthur Hollick and Edward Charles Jeffrey, viii-l-138 pp., with 29 plates. 1909. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager, viii 4- 278 pp., with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Vol. V. Flora of the Vicinity of New York: A Contribution to Plant Geography* by Norman Taylor, vi -|- 683 pp„ with 9 plates, 191$. Contrlbatdona from the New York Botanical Garden. _ A senes of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals other than the above. Price, 25 cents each. $$.00 per volume. In the eighth volume. RECENT NUMBERS 25 CENTS EACH 175. The Vegetation of Mona Island, by N. L. Britton, 176. Phytogeographical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Region — IV. Forests ot the Subalpine and Montane Zones, by P. A. Rydberg. 177. Mosses of Bermuda, by Elizabeth G. Britton. 178. Notes on Rosaceae — IX, by P. A. Rydberg. NEW YORK BOTANIOAL QAROKN Bnonx Pauk, Raw vowc onv MYCOLOGIA IN CONTINUATION OF THE JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY Pounded by W. A. Kellennan, J. B. Ellii,and B. M. Everhart in 1885 EDITOR WILLIAM ALPHONSO MURRILL Vol. VII— NOVEMBER, 1916— No. 6 jOSSPH C. ARTHUR HOWARD J. BAHKHR GIACOMO BRESADOLA FRBDKRICB. CLBMBHTS JOHH DBARHS6S ASSOCIATE EDITORS PRAHKLm S. EARLB BRUCE PINK ROBERT A. HARPER THOMAS H. MACBRIDE GEORGE MASSEE HARCI8SE PATOUILLARD LARS ROMELL FRED J. SEAVER CORNELIUS L. SHEAR , PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY FOR ^ THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN By THB NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. THREE DOLLARS A YEAR CONTENTS fAOft Preliminary List of Upper St. Regis Fungi William A. Murrill 297 The Ferax Group of the Genus Saprolegnia - A. J. Pieters 307 Uredinales of Porto Rico Based on Collections by F. L. Stevens - - - - - J. C. Arthur 315 Some Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi - - Philip Garman 333 Index to American Mycological Literature - > - 341 The New Erm Printing Compnnj makes the following charges to authors for articles reprinted from Mycologia, if ordered with proof : Without Cover — 4 PP- 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 20 pp. 24 pp. 28 pp. 32 pp. 25-30 Cities — <>•37 0.87 |2.12 <2-50 <3-50 <4-05 <4 82 <5 100 “ >•55 2.15 2.65 3- >5 4.05 5.00 6. 10 6.50 200 “ 2.00 3-05 4.00 4-30 5.60 6.90 8.30 8.90 Coeers — First 50 — |l.oo. Additional, ic each. Plates— 40c per 100. > <3» - Ul’ .■fit Plate CLXVII VIEW OK liPPER ST. REGIS LAKE FROM CAMP KANOSA MYCOLOGIA VoL. VII November, 1915 No. 6 PRELIMINARY LIST OF UPPER ST. REGIS FUNGI William A. Murrill (With Plates 167-169) It was my good fortune to spend the last week in August, I9i5> with Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Luttrell at their camp on the Upper St. Regis, surrounded by virgin forests of balsam fir, spruce, and hemlock, often mixed with birch and rarely with maple and beech. Fungi were unusually abundant, for it was the height of the season and one of the best years for fleshy forms ever known in the Adirondacks. Every facility was at hand, also, for collect- ing, drying, and otherwise caring for the specimens ; and a dozen friends stood ready to lend me a helping hand. Under these favorable circumstances, it was deemed advisable to make both a qualitative and a quantitative survey of the more conspicuous fungi appearing in the vicinity during the week, with the hope of assisting the large number of mycologists and other nature lovers who visit the Adirondacks during late summer. The number of species collected was over 300, and this number might have been largely increased if attention had been given to inconspicuous woody and leathery forms and to species occurring on leaves. A number of the rarer species found have not yet been definitely determined and will not appear in the list to follow. [Mycologia for September, 1915 (7: 221—296), was issued September 15, 1915-] 297 298 Mycologia Special attention was given to edible and poisonous fungi. About 35 species were eaten, many of them in quantity and pre- pared in various ways. Many other edible species were not eaten because the specimens had to be preserved. Those accustomed to the fleshy forms occurring about New York City are entirely unprepared for the remarkable difference in the Adirondack fungous flora, which is distinctly northern unmixed with southern elements and is associated with coniferous forests rather than deciduous woodlands in which oaks and chestnuts are dominant. Fig. I. Landing at Camp Kanosa. The following list contains a few notes on points of special interest. The abundance of a species is indicated by exponents, the numerals 1-5 denoting a definite number of times collected and the letters n, nn, and nnn meaning “ frequent,” “ common,” and “ very common ” respectively. A. MYXOMYCETES Fuligo septica^ Reticularia Lycoperdon^ B. ASCOMYCETES Cordyceps militarist Found in Isaria form only. Cudonia lutean Daldinia concentrica^ Helvetia Infula^ Murrill: Upper St. Regis Fungi 299 Lachnea hemisphaerica.^ Very abundant at one place in low mixed woods. Lachnea scutellata.^ On dead beech logs. Leotia lubrican Macropodium macropusnn Mitrula vitetlina^ Pesiza abietinaA Very abundant in one spot in low mixed woods. Spathularia velutipes* Xylaria polymorphan C. HYMENOMYCETES a. Tremellales Tremella lutescensA On hemlock logs. Tremella mycetophilaA On Collybia dryophila. Tremellodon gelatinosumA On coniferous log. b. Agaricales I. Thelephoraceae Craterellus cornucopioidesA Abundant at one spot in the edge of coniferous woods. Thelephora laciniatan 2. Clavariaceae Members of this family were very abundant everywhere on the ground in the woods. The most abundant species was what I determined as Clavaria cinerea. Other species found were : Clavaria fusiformis^ Clavaria pinophila^ Clavaria pistillaris^ 3. Hydnaceae Members of this family were very rare, as is usually the case. Three species belonging to the H. zonatum group were found, but these have not been definitely determined. Hydnum caput-ursiA On a decaying spot in a living beech trunk. Hydnum ochraceum^ 4. Polyporaceae Bjerkandera adustaA Cerrena unicolori Coltricia perennis^ Coltricia tomentosa^ Coriolus abietinusn Coriolus versicolorn Daedalea confragosa* Elfvingia fomentaria^ Elfvingia megaloman Pomes roseusn Pomes ungulatusn 300 Mycologia Fomitiporia prunicola^ Gloeophyllum hirsutunmn Hapalopihts rutilansi Inonotus radiatusi Ischnoderina fuliginosunm. The usual form on coniferous logs. Phaeolus sistotremoides^ Piptoporus suberosusn Polyporus elegansn Porodaedalea Pinin • Pycnoporus cinnabarinusi- Pyropolyporus conchatus^ Pyropolyporus igniarius'^ Scutiger griseusA This was found on a shady bank in coniferous woods. The young pileus was pale-rosy-isabelline, the hymenium white, and the taste mild. Spongipellis borealis^ The specimens were unusually small. Tyromyces caesius^ Tyromyces chioneusn Tyromyces guttiilatuss Tyromyces lacteus- S. Boletaceae Boletinus pictusnnn. This beautiful edible species was more abundant than I have ever seen it before. It was difficult to obtain specimens free from insects, even when picked very young. Ceriomyces affinis^ Ceriomyces auriporus'^ Ceriomyces ferrnginatusi Ceriomyces nebulosusfn. This rather pretty edible species had been found previously at Lake Placid. Ceriomyces subglabripes^ Ceriomyces vlscidnsnn. Common under birch trees. Rostkovites granulatus.5 Two distinct forms of this species were found, the ordinary pinkish form and one which was yellowish throughout, slimy, with a pleasant, slight odor of bitter almonds, a mild taste, and dark-dirty- yellow tubes. Rostkovites subaureusnn. Mostly under pines planted about the camp. Suillellus luridus.t Gregarious at the edge of coniferous woods. Tylopilns felleusnnn. Very conspicuous by reason of its abundance and size. Many specimens were tasted and all were found to be exceedingly bitter. 6. Agaricaceae Agaricus diminutivusn Chanterel aurantiacus^ Chant erel infundibuliformisnnn Chanterel umbonatus»n Claudopus nidulans.i At the base of a small dead coniferous trunk. The specimens were young and fresh and were carefully tested by more than one person for a mephitic odor but none was present. I have never noticed such an odor in this species. Murrill: Upper St. Regis Fungi 301 Clitocybe clavipesn Clitocybe eccentrical Clitocybe infundibuliformisn Clitocybe sinopicafi On lawn in the open. Clitocybe subditopoda^ Clitocybe virens^ Clitocybe spp. Collybia acervatann Collybia confluens»n. This species has been transferred to Marasmius. Collybia dryophilann Collybia maculatam. Always spotted and very bitter even when cooked. Fig. 2. View of Upper St. Regis Lake from one of the guest houses at Camp Kanosa. Collybia platyphylla.^ Under maple and birch. Collybia radicata* Mostly under beech, attached to the roots. Collybia scabriusculai Collybia strictipesfn Collybia tuberosan. On decaying Laclaria turpis and possibly other gill-fungi. Several years ago in Maine, I found this species abundant on Lactaria turpis. Collybia spp. Coprinus fimetarius^ Coprinus micaceus.^ Under birch and maple. Cortinarius armillatusnnn 302 Mycologia Cortinarius erythrinus^ Cortinarius lilacinusn Cortinarius purpurascens^ Cortinarius semisanguineitsmn. Attacked by insects when very young. Cortinarms spp. Cortinellus rutilans'^ Entoloma cuspidatumf^ Entoloma sericeum^ Entoloma strictius?^ Entoloma spp. Flammula penetransn Flammula sapinea^ Flammula spumosas Galera Hypnorum^ Galera tetierA On the lawn. Hygrophorus chlorophanus'^ Hygrophorus coccineusn Hygrophorus laetusA Several hymenophores of this beautiful species were found in swampy ground between Upper Spectacle and Lower Spectacle lakes. Hygrophorus miniatusn Inocybe spp. Nearly a dozen species were found, most of them in rather sterile soil in open woods or wood borders. Laccaria laccatann Laccaria striatulan Lactaria camphorata^ Lactaria deceptivann. Very large, reaching 8 inches in diameter, dirty-white, cottony on the margin, acrid. This species is found under conifers and takes the place of Lactaria piperata found in oak groves about New York City. Lactaria Gerardii^ Lactaria lignyotann Lactaria mucida^ Lactaria oculatat Lactaria parva'^ Lactaria subdulcisnnn Lactaria theiogalan Lactaria torminosa.3 This poisonous species may be recognized by its zonate surface and conspicuously woolly margin. Lactaria turpis.s An interesting species, very dull in color, occurring in low places in woods and usually attacked by Collybia tuberosa. Lactaria variat Lactaria spp. Lepiota amianthina^ Lepiota clypeolaria^ Lepiota fuscosquamea.^ This species is very closely related to L. clypeolaria. Lepiota naucinat Leptonia serrulata^ Limacella illinitaA Under birch trees. Murrill: Upper St. Regis Fungi 303 Marasmius campanulatus^ Marasmius oreadesA On the lawn. Marasmius rotula* Melanoleuca albissiman^n. Growing gregariously in coniferous woods in large groups covering many square feet and conspicuous at a considerable dis- tance. Many specimens were tasted and all were found to be bitter. Melanoleuca melaleucaA Found in abundance in one spot at the edge of deciduous woods. Fig. 3. Some of the guests at Camp Kanosa who assisted in collecting fungi. Mycena Leaiana^ Mycena puran Mycena spp. Omphalia campanella^ Omphalia chrysophylla" Omphalia fibula^ 304 Mycologia Omphalia umbellifera^ Omphalia spp. Paxillus atrotomentosusnn. Very large and more abundant than I have ever seen it before, occurring on stumps in coniferous woods. Paxillus involutusnn Paxillus panuoides'^ Pholiota squarrosaA Abundant on a fallen deciduous trunk. Pholiota spp. Pluteus cervinusfi Only two small specimens were seen. Russula albidula^ Russula compactann. Large, edible, free from insects. Russula depallensfs Russula emetican Fig. 4. Lower Spectacle Lake. Russula foetens^ Russula foetensfn. More common, somewhat smaller, and with less odor than typical R. foetens. Russula luteafn Russula spp. A beautiful rosy-stemmed reddish species was common every- where in coniferous woods and also a purplish species with a white stem. Both of these were edible and easily distinguished from R. emetica. Sev- eral other species were collected which will be determined later. Stropharia semiglolata.^ Found sparingly in its usual habitat. Vaginata plumbea«n. The yellowish form of this species v/as common every- where. I do not remember seeing the gray form. Murrill: Upper St. Regis Fungi 305 Vaginata plumbea strangulatan. I had an excellent opportunity to study this variety in all its stages and, for this locality, it is apparently entirely dis- tinct from V. plumbea. It was not found to vary in color, but Professor Atkinson recently told me that he once collected a yellowish form of it. Venenarius Frostianusnn Venenarius mtiscariusn. The usual orange form of northern latitudes. Venenarius phalloidesn. The usual umbrinous form was the common one, just as I found at Lake Placid, while the white form or “ destroying angel ” was collected only four times. In the vicinity of New York City, the dark form would hardly be noticed during an entire season, while the white form is one of the most abundant fleshy fungi in our woodlands, which accounts for the number of deaths due to its use by ignorant persons. Puffballs were not very abundant, if we except Scleroderma aurantium, the hard-skinned puffball. In addition to the species listed below, I probably obtained L. atropurpureum and L. pulcherrimum, as well as two or three other species not definitely determined. Crucibulum vulgare'^ Lycoperdon cyathiforme.^ On the lawn near the camp. Lycoperdon gemmatumn Lycoperdon pyriforme- Lycoperdon separans.n Grassy places in the open. Lycoperdon subincarnaUun.^ This beautiful species was found in abundance among chips and sticks in a low spot in the edge of mixed woods. Scleroderma aurantiumnnn. Abundant everywhere under all kinds of trees. D. GASTEROMYCETES Species Used for Food Boletinus pictus Ceriomyces viscidus Lactaria lignyota Lactaria subdiilcis and several other species Chanterel infundihuliformis Chanterel umbonatus Clavaria, several species Collybia acervata Collybia dryophila Collybia radicata Cortinariiis lilacinus Cortinarius semisanguinetis Craterellus cornucopioides Hygrophorus coccineus Hygrophorus miniatus Laccaria lac cat a and several other species Lepiota clypeolaria Lycoperdon gemmatum Lycoperdon pyriforme Lycoperdon Wrightii Paxillus involiitus Rostkovites granulatus Rostkovites subaureus Russula compacta Russtda lutea? and several other species Vaginata plumbea strangulata Vaginata plumbea 306 Mycologia Principal Poisonous and Bitter Species Collected Ceriomyces ferruginatus Collybia maculata Lactaria torminosa Melanoleuca albissima Russula erne tic a New York Botanical Garden. Russula foetens Suillellus luridus Tylopilus felleus V enenarius muscarius V enenarius phalloides Mycologia Plate CLXV'III CAMP KANOSA WITH ST. REGIS MOUNTAIN IN THE DISTANCE I ' ffi U M g Q “ O td J 2 S o > So c/5 g 2 S <; . ^ Z a, 3 u Pi o td Pi f-^ c/5 (Si Cd a, CL. S Z Cd Cd H Cd c/5 Cd Q CQ Pi Cd 3 3 ” H z w < Pi (d W Cd « '■ J K (d H U Cd Cd W Pi < < X « C5 <-5 3 Cd ® Pi Cl. o H Cl. Cd .J Cd X H O H H Cd Cd Cd Ci. O o Pi fi O ^ (Si c/5 Z W c Cd Cd ffi CL, H THE FERAX GROUP OF THE GENUS SAPROLEGNIA^ A. J. Pieters (With Plate 170, Containing 2 Figures) Nees von Esenbeck (’23) first separated the then known forms of water molds into two genera, Achlya and Saprolegnia, but, until the time of de Bary’s first paper (’52) in 1852, this dis- tinction was not recognized by subsequent workers ; de Bary revived the classification of the older author. Meanwhile all forms of water molds had been called Saprolengia ferax or Achlya prolifera, without any clear distinction being made be- tween these genera. In 1850, Thuret (’50) described the swarm spores of a form that he called S. ferax Kiitz., and he figured, for the first time, the oogonia. Later de Bary (’81) referred to this figure when he renamed 5". ferax, S. Thureti. In 1857 Pringsheim (57) contributed to the literature the de- scription of 5". monoica with excellent figures ; other forms of Saprolegnia, those without antheridial branches, he considered as belonging to 5. ferax. In 1873 he stated that further observa- tion had convinced him that there was no true specific distinc- tion between the forms with an antheridium on every oogonium and those in which the antheridia are almost or quite wanting. They differ, he says, “ only in the relative number of antheridia.” He therefore grouped all forms of Saprolegnia with round, pitted, many spored oogonia into the "ferax" group. In 1881, there appeared a paper by de Bary (’81) in which he united 5". monoica, S. torulosa, and 5". Thureti {S. ferax) into a group which he called the ferax group. He had not yet dis- tinguished 6". mixta. In his description of i". monoica, de Bary followed Pringsheim, but added that in some cases the antheridial branches arise from hyphae remote from the oogonium, or, in other words, are not androgynous. 1 Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the Univ. of Mich. No. 147. 307 308 Mycologia Pringsheim had maintained that if one starts with a form having antheridia and continues the culture for some time, the number of antheridial branches gradually decreases in successive cultures until finally one may have forms without any antheridia. De Bary, however, showed that in his work each form, when secured in a pure culture, maintained its distinctive antheridial characters unchanged and suggested that impure cultures ex- plained Pringsheim’s results. Among the members of his “ ferax” group de Bary distinguished S. torulosa by the arrange- ment of the oogonia in chains, S. Thureti {S. ferax) by the single large round oogonia, almost none of which have antheridia, and 5. monoica by the constant presence of androgynous antheridia. At this time, de Bary did not yet recognize 5". mixta, nor did he include 5". hypogyna Pringsheim in the ferax group, although this species had been described by Pringsheim in 1873 as a variety of 5". ferax. In 1888, however, in de Bary’s last paper (’88), pub- lished after his death, he included in the "ferax” group S. Thureti, S. hypogyna, S. monoica, S. mixta, S. torulosa, S. dioica (S. diclina of Hurhphrey), and 5". anisospora. Pringsheim had previously included in the ferax group all those forms having smooth, round, pitted, many-spored odgonia, differing only in the number of oogonia accompanied by antheridia. De Bary seems to have departed from the historical conception of the "ferax” group and added to it such forms as 5'. anisospora with unpitted oogonium wall, eccentric oospores and zoospores of two sizes. I prefer to follow Humphrey (’92) who limits the "ferax” group to 5". ferax, S. mixta, and S. monoica, and these are undoubtedly the forms included under this term by Pringsheim, although he did not recognize S. mixta as being distinct from S. ferax. If we turn to the original descriptions to ascertain the limits of the species, we find that in all cases the oogonia are described as round, smooth, and pitted and with a varying number of oospores. De Bary, indeed, states that the oogonia of 6". Thureti {ferax) are generaly larger than those of monoica, but as be- tween mixta and ferax no distinction based on the oogonia is made. The specific difference, as de Bary plainly states, lies in the number of oogonia accompanied by antheridia, 5". mixta Pieters : Ferax Group of Saprolegnia 309 having antheridia on about one half of the odgonia, 5". ferax scarcely ever producing antheridia, while the male organs are found on every oogonium of S. monoica. De Bary also calls attention to the fact that the hyphae of S', mixta are flaccid and delicate in appearance, while those of the other two species are stiff and strong. De Bary is very careful to make it clear that S. ferax is not wholly without antheridia (see ’8i, p. 92), and it is because this qualification on the part of de Bary has been sometimes over- looked that we find such statements as that by Kauffman (’08) that S. ferax “ is said to have no antheridia.” The formation of oogonia in the empty sporangium cases, thus forming the so-called “ cylindrical ” oogonia is also not given by de Bary as a character distinctive of 5'. ferax. There doubtless are forms in which this phenomenon occurs more often than in other forms, but the character is of no specific value. Humphrey says of 5". mixta, “antheridia . . . , absent from a part of the oogonia, sometimes from a large part.” My attention was first called to the question of what is S. mixta or S. ferax by Kauffman’s paper (’08) in which on page 368 he describes a form as S. mixta, though 75-90 per cent, of the oogonia were accompanied by antheridia, while on the following page he describes another form in which the male organs were found on only i or 2 per cent, of the oogonia. In experiments with the latter form, Kauffman was able to increase the number of antheridia to 25 per cent, of the oogonia but no more. A strict interpretation of the original description of S. mixta would exclude both of the forms with which Kauffman worked, as would also be the case with those the writer has collected and on which he found never less than 80 to 90 per cent, of antheridia. Kauffman considered that his form F. must be a form of S. mixta because he found antheridia, although he recognizes the differ- ence between his two forms and notes that the hyphae of his form “H.” are “rather slender” (p. 368). Klebs (’99) found that when he grew 6". mixta in a solution of haemoglobin, no antheridia were produced and this has also been the experience of the writer. On the other hand. Prof. W. C. Coker, of North Carolina, has stated in correspondence with 310 Mycologia the writer that in a strain of S. ferax which he cultivated, he was able to get from i to 95 per cent, of antheridial oogonia, depend- ing on the medium used. In 1911 I collected at Heidelberg, Germany, a species which I determined as S. ferax because I failed to find any antheridia on fly cultures. From time to time I secured antheridia when the fungus was grown in artificial media but not until 1913, having carried the culture to Ann Arbor, did I note antheridia on a fly culture. This led me to question the identification and to re- examine the original material on fly, this having been preserved in alcohol ; not one antheridium was to be found. During that winter I collected a number of cultures from the various dishes of algae kept in the botanical laboratories at the University of Michigan. Each form was isolated by making a single spore culture and a number of these could be referred only to F. ferax although in no case were antheridia entirely wanting. To test the matter of the production of antheridia, fly cultures were prepared and kept in a cool room, and the odgonia having antheridia were counted by examining the culture in the dish under a 16 mm. objective and a 12 X eyepiece. With this com- bination the antheridia can be plainly seen and the culture does not need to be disturbed. The number of oogonia counted and the number with antheridia are recorded in the following table. Culture No. Date Temperature No. Counted No. with Antheridia 25 Nov. 19, 1913 Cool (i2°-i5° C.) 200 II 2IF “ 20, “ 200 19 2IF «( «« <■ Room Temp. (22°-l-C.) 200 0 28 " 19. “ Cool 100 4 28 “ «♦ *4 Room Temp. Many, not counted 0 17 (5. mixta) “ “ 44 44 44 90% at least 33 Nov. 20, 1913 Cool 100 I 34 125 3 35 “ 23, ■■ 100 14 35 .. 100 II 35 “ 100 13 Pieters: Ferax Group of Saprolegnia 311 A second culture and count gave the following results : Culture No. Date Temperature No, Counted No. WITH Antheridia 2iF Dec. 9, 1913 Room temp. (22° -j- C.) Many 0 2IF «l 4« Cool (i2°-i5° C.) 100 15 2IF “ 24, “ Room temp. 80 I (doubtful) 25 i* ** •• Cool 100 9 25 ** •• *• ** 100 12 28 " 18, “ “ 100 3 28 “ 24, “ ** 100 3 28 ** ** ** Room temp. 60 0 33 “ 18. “ Cool 100 2 33 ** •• •* 100 6 33 “ 24. “ Room temp. 100 4 34 “ 18, “ Cool 100 2 34 “ 24. “ Room temp. 100 7 34 ** •• •* 100 1 35 (4 44 Cool 100 2 35 44 44 44 100 5 35 “ 13. “ Room temp. 100 19 35 “ 18. " Cool 100 7 35 44 44 44 “ 100 7 35 " 24, “ Room temp. 100 5 37 18, “ Cool 100 I 37 44 44 44 * * 100 9 37 “ 23, “ Room temp. 300 0 The average number of oogonia accompanied by antheridia in cultures grown at a low temperature (about 12° to 15° C.) is shown in the following table : Culture Number 2iF 25 28 33 34 35 37 Average Percentage of Oogonia With Antheridia 8 8.8 4 4 2 8.4 5 In all the cultures cited above, the oogonia were substantially alike, of the same size and pitting, with slight fluctuating varia- tions. The vegetative parts and the sporangia were also alike, but all of these cultures differed strikingly from number 17 which I collected in Germany and number 82, collected at Ann Arbor and which proved to belong to the same species as 17. These two forms had a flaccid delicate mycelium just as de Bary described for S. mixta and as Kauffman noted in his culture “ H.” The pits on the oogonia, though present, were less prominent than on 312 Mycologia the oogonia of ^S". ferax, and antheridia, usually of diclinous origin, were found on at least 90 per cent, of the oogonia. It is not impossible that single oogonia of S. mixta might be confused with those of S. diclina Humphrey, which has diclinous antheridia on round, poorly pitted oogonia, but the latter species, which I collected at Ann Arbor as number 38, has, as de Bary and Humphrey state, the oogonia mostly at the ends of long hyphae, rarely lateral and never racemose, while the lateral racemose arrangement is the rule in 6'. mixta. While it is probable that mistaken identifications may occur in the study of poor material of several of these species, the case is worst as between 5". ferax and S. mixta. If the almost com- plete absence of antheridia in the one case and their presence on one half of the oogonia in the other is decisive in these species, then neither of the two forms studied by Kauffman nor those discussed in this paper belong to 6". ferax or to S. mixta. At the same time, there is no doubt that such forms as my numbers 17 and 82 are quite distinct from the others and that numbers 21F, 25, 28, 33, 34, 35, and 37 all belong to the same species. The number of oogonia provided with antheridia may vary in the same form depending on the medium in which it is grown. As already stated, Klebs found that in 5". mixta the number varied from o to 90 per cent., Coker in correspondence, and Kauffman in the paper referred to have also recorded such a variation. In my study of the forms determined as belonging to 5'. ferax, I found that oogonia-bearing antheridia were much more common on the parts of the mycelium near the body of the fly than on the outer portions of the mycelium, and also that the antheridia were much more easily seen when the culture was young than after it had grown rather old. Under the influence of low temperature, there were generally more antheridia than when the culture was kept at room temperature, about 22 degrees Cent. Saprolegnia monoica is said to have antheridia of androgynous origin on every oogonium, but when I grew this in 0.05 per cent, haemoglobin solution, the number of antheridia present varied from o to 17 per cent, of the number of oogonia. When a mycelium that had previously been grown in pea extract, was transferred to o.oi per cent, haemoglobin plus M/200 levulose, the oogonia were small. Pieters : Ferax Group of Saprolegnia 313 but each one was accompanied by an antheridium and the latter was either diclinous or androgynous. When such a mycelium was transferred to a solution in which the levulose was replaced by an equal concentration of dextrose, the oogonia produced were fewer, but very much larger and not more than 5 per cent, had antheridia. It is evident then that the number of antheridia present may vary with conditions, and that there may also be a natural variability independent of food conditions ; the place of origin of the antheridia is also variable. Shall we then go back to Pringsheim’s notion and consider these all forms of the same species? To one who has carried many pure cultures of these organisms through several years and who has observed how quite constant each form is under a certain set of conditions, this is out of the question ; the forms are different. It is evident that these species make up a group of closely related forms represent- ing tendencies to vary along different lines. Of these, S', monoica has the rnost complete sexuality with antheridia of prevailing androgynous origin ; S', mixta has less complete sexuality, antheri- dia of prevailing diclinous origin and a more delicate mycelium ; while S', ferax represents a complex of forms in which the loss of sexuality has gone much further that it has in the other species. The members of this last subgroup are probably very numerous. There is, of course, no doubt but that the form studied by de Bary was as he described it, almost free from antheridia. The form studied by Coker differed slightly from the ones I had, and Dr. Kauffman has verbally stated that the form he collected as S. ferax had many barrel shaped oogonia. Altogether, there seem to be almost as many forms as cultures studied, but all agree in the small number of oogonia found with antheridia. There is no intergradation between the forms with few antheridia and those clearly belonging to S. mixta, with one half or more of the oogonia accompanied by antheridia. Furthermore, so far as records go and so far as my own experience goes, the forms with a large number of antheridia have always had the “ slender” mycelium first described by de Bary. Until further work throws additional light on this matter I am inclined to believe that all the forms with stiff, strong mycelium and a small number of anther- idia on fly cultures at a temperature of 12 to 15 degrees C. must 314 Mycologia be called ferax, while those with weak mycelium and with anther idia on one half or more of the oogonia belong to S. mixta as described by de Bary. This merely recognizes the fact that this species is a complex of forms of which de Bary happened to find one, and in this form the loss of sexuality had gone further than in most of the members of the complex. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. LITERATURE CITED Nees von Esenbeck, C. G., ’23. Zusatz to a paper by Carus, C. E., Beitrage zur Geschichte der unter Wasser an verwesenden Thierkorpen sich er- zeugenden Schimmel — oder Algengattungen. Nova Acta Acad. C. L. C. N. C., Bd. XI, Th. II, 1823. (Taken from Humphrey, q. v.) Bary, A. de, ’52. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Achlya prolifera. Bot. Zeit., Bd. X, p. 473, and T. VII, 1852. , ’81. Untersuchungen iiber Peronosporeen and Saprolegnieen Beitr. zur Morph, und Phys. der Pilze, IV, Reihe 1881. , ’88. Species der Saprolegnieen. Bot. Zeit., Bd. XLVI, pp. 613, 1888. Thuret, G., ’50. Recherches zur les Zoospores des Alguez et les Antheridies des Cryptogams. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 3rd Ser., T. XIV, p. 214, 1850. Pringsheim, N., ’57. Beitrage zur Morphologic und Systmatic der Algen. II. De Saprolegnieen. Jarb. fiir wiss. Botanik, 3d I, 1857. > ’73- Weitere Nachtrage zur Morphologic der Saprolegnieen. Jahrb. fiir wiss. Bot., Bd. IX, p. 191, 1873-74. Humphrey, James E., ’92. The Saprolegniaceae of the United States. Pro- ceedings of the Amer. Phil. Soc. 1892. Klebs, G., ’99. Zur Physiologic der Fortpflanzung eniger Pilze, II, Jahrb. fur wiss. Botanik, 33, p. 513, 1899. Kauffman, C. H., ’08. A contribution of the Physiology of the Saprolegni- aceae. Annals of Bot., Vol. XXII, July, 1908. Explanation of Plate CLXX Fig. I. Saprolegnia ferax (Gruith.) Thuret from fly culture in cool window of number 25 ; showing oogonia with androgynous and diclinous antheridia. X 167. Fig. 2. Oogonium of 5'. monoica Pringsh. showing androgynous and diclinous antheridia on the same oogonium. X 440. Mycologia Plate CLXX 1. SAPROLEGNIA FERAX (GRUITH.) THURET 2. SAPROLEGNIA MONOICA PRINGSH. UREDINALES OF PORTO RICO BASED ON COLLECTIONS BY F. L. STEVENS^ J. C. Arthur {Continued from page 255) 76. Aecidium abscedens sp. nov. Pycnia epiphyllous, numerous on brownish spots 4-9 mm. across, prominent, golden-yellow becoming dark-brown, hemis- pheric, subcuticular, 140-200 /x broad by about half as high. Aecia hypophyllous, numerous in crowded groups, cupulate; peridia short, cylindric, 0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter, soon open, coarsely lacerate, somewhat revolute, peridial cells colorless, somewhat overlapping, oblong, 11-16 by 20-37 /x, the outer wall 1.5-3 /X thick, smooth, the inner wall slightly thicker, moderately verrucose; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 18-21 by 20-27 /X wall pale-yellow, thin, 1-1.5/x, very closely and finely verrucose. On Rubiaceae: Randia aculeata L., Mayaguez, May 2, 112^; Catano, Nov. 3. 4534; Aguada, Nov. 22, 5089 (type). A more recent collection, April 25, 1914, comes from Martin Pena, P. R., made by Johnston & Stevens 1886. The species is apparently heteroecious. It is markedly different in both gross and microscopic appearance from the Mexican Aecidium pulverulentum Arth., which is the only other aecial form known on Randia, the publication of the host of the South American A. Randiae P. Henn. as Randia having been changed to Basanacantha (Hedwigia 43; 166. 1904). 77. Aecidium Borreriae Pat.; Duss, finum. Champ. Guad. 7. 1903. On Rubiaceae: Hemidiodia ocimifolia (Willd.) K. Schum., Mayaguez, May 3, 1147. 1 Continued from Mycologia 7: 255. 1915. 315 31G Mycologia The species was described from material gathered by Pere Duss in Guadeloupe, and this is the second time it has been recorded. 78. Aecidium circumscriptum Schw. ; Berk. & Curt. Jour. Phila. Acad. Sci. 2 : 283. 1853. Aecidium Cissi Wint. Hedwigia 23 : 168. 1884. On Cucurbitaceae : Cissus sicyoides L., Mayagiiez, May 10, 1912, ibis, shis, April 30, 9Q5h; San German, Jan. 19, 23a; Luguillo, March 21, 1912, 65; Corozal, Feb. 21, 404; Manati, Nov. 5, 43oy; Aguado, Nov. 22, 5080; Aguadilla, Nov. 25, 5225; Jayome Alto, Dec. 3, 5680; Guayanilla, Nov. 13, 5p/2; Jayuya, Dec. 17, 5980; El Gigante near Ad- juntas, Dec. 15, 6012; Cabo Rojo, Dec. 27, 6454; River junction below Utuado, Dec. 30, 6503, 6348; Preston’s ranch -near Naguabo, Dec. 31, 6759. The species on the same host has also been collected in Porto Rico by Underwood & Griggs, at Rio Piedras, June, July, 1901, 238, and by E. W. D. Holway, at San Juan, Jan. 1911. Similar specimens have been seen from Jamaica, collected by A. S. Hitchcock, Dec. 1890, G. von Lagerheim, Dec. 1892, E. S. Earle, Oct. 1902, L. M. Underwood, April, 1903, and September, 1906, 3302, and E. W. D. Holway, Feb. 1915. In the Schweinitz herbarium at the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences there is an original unmounted packet inscribed in Schweinitz’s handwriting "Aecidium circumscriptum. Surinam.” This is undoubtedly type material. It contains five fragments, belonging originally to three or four leaves. The largest frag- ment is about 6 by 9 cm., and two other of the fragments can be put together to show that one leaf was originally ovate, deeply cordate and entire, 9 cm. broad by 12 cm. long. About 150 groups of aecia occur on the specimen altogether, in good repre- sentative condition. This material has been studied at the New York Botanical Garden and the host pronounced to be Cissus sicyoides, Mr. Percy Wilson vouching for the same. The Schweinitz material in host and fungus agrees closely in Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 317 appearance and microscopic detail with the Stevens’ Porto Rican material, and with many other collections from other places, which have heretofore been given the Winterian name. The Schweinitz name, being much older, is therefore given preference. 79. Aecidium decoloratum Schw. ; Berk. & Curt. Jour. Phila. Acad. Sci. 2 : 283. 1853. Aecidium Clibadii Syd. Ann. Myc. i : 333. 1903. On Carduaceae: Clibadium erosum (Sw.) DC., Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 5(555. The type material in the Schweinitz collection at Philadelphia . consists of the larger part of four or five leaves, which originally measured about 16 to 22 cm. long and 10-12 cm. wide. They bear numerous groups of aecia. The inscription in Schweinitz’s handwriting reads, '‘Aecidium decoloratum — in foliis an Syng. — Surinam.” A likeness was detected between these large com- posite leaves and those of the Stevens’ collection. Through the kindness of the authorities of the Philadelphia Academy of Sci- ences, it was possible to submit the Schweinitz material to Mr. Percy Wilson of the New York Bot. Garden, who readily ascer- tained the host to be Clibadium surinamense L., a common com- posite plant of Dutch Guiana. 80. Aecidium expansum Diet. Hedwigia 38: 258. 1899. On Carduaceae: Mikania cordifolia (L. f.) Willd., Coamo Springs, Jan. i, po; Mayagiiez, April 30, pp5a. May i, 1061, May 2, 1130, June 13, 2220, Oct. 31, 3894; Yauco, Oct. 3, 3126; Monte de Oro near Cayey, Dec. 3, 3/42; Lares, Nov. 22, 4934, 4935i Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 5758; River junction below Utuado, Dec. 17, 6o6g, Dec. 30, 6383, 6873. Mikania sp.. Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 133. No original material of this species has been available for com- parison, but the agreement of the Porto Rican material with the description of the Brazilian fungus is remarkably close, the only discrepancy being the slightly smaller spore measurements for 318 Mycologia the South American collection, which is well within the limits of laboratory variation. The species shows a luxuriant and abundant development, and is doubtless heteroecious. 8i. Aecidium Wedeliae Earle, Muhlenbergia i : i6. 1901. On Carduaceae: Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitch. (W. carnosa Pers., Stem- modontia trilobata Small), Mayagiiez, July 27, 1912, 72, Jan. 15, 283, April 27, 833; Cabo Rojo, June ii, 2184; Utuado, Nov. 8, 4595a, 4603 ; Maricao, Nov. 18, 4704a; St. Ana, Dec. 31, 6691; El Gigante near Ad- juntas, Dec. 15, 8010; without locality, Jan. 14, 1914, 6781. This form is very common in Porto Rico. Collections from the island have been examined from Mayagiiez, by A. A. Heller 4580, and G. P. Clinton 54, April 1904, from Utuado by Under- wood & Griggs, June-July 1901, from San Juan and Santurce, by E. W. D. Holway, Jan. 1911, from Trujillo Alto, by J. R. Johnston 1042, August 1913, and from Campo Alegre, by J. A. Stevenson 2475, Dec. 1915. Although recorded from other West Indian islands the only specimen examined is from Jamaica, by E. W. D. Holway 213, Feb. 1915. It has been suggested by Dr. Stevens that this rust may be the aecial form of Puccinia canaliculata on Cy perns, which is known to produce aecia on Xanthium in the northern United States. The morphological characters favor the suggestion. Form genus Uredo Paraphyses absent, mostly forms belonging to Aecidiaceae, Nos. 82 to 98. Paraphyses present. Free and peripheral, mostly forms belonging to Aecidiaceae, Nos. 99 to 104. Imbricated to form a pseudoperidium, forms probably belonging to Ure- dinaceae, Nos. 105 to 108. United into a peridium, cellular above, belonging to Uredinaceae, No. 109. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 319 82. Uredo paspalicola P. Henn. Hedwigia 44: 57. 1905. On Poaceae: Paspalum conjugatum de Bary, Ad juntas, Nov. 22, 4q66. This thin-walled, pale-spored rust, which is now reported for North America for the first time, has also been collected in Guatemala, on Paspalum Humboldtianum, Jan. ii, 1915, by E. W. D. Holway 64. The two collections agree closely with the type collection on P. conjugatum from Peru, as careful study shows. 83. Uredo Dichromenae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 31. 1906. On Cyperaceae: Dichromena ciliata Vahl, Mayagiiez, April 30, 927. Dichromena radicans Cham. & Schl., Guayama, April 6, 847. ' ,^The type specimen of the species was collected on D. ciliata, at Mayaguez, April, 1904, by G. P. Qinton. The form was also collected in Jamaica by L. M. Underwood, May, 1903, 28^2. The form is given for South America by Mayor in his list of Colombian Uredinales (Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. 5: 581. 1913). 84. Uredo Fuirenae P. Henn. Hedwigia Beibl. 38: 70. 1899. On Cyperaceae: Fuirena umbellata Rottb., Santurce, Jan. 22, 253; Aguas Buenas, Feb. 9, 300; Mayaguez, April 30, p2o, Oct. 31, 39531 St. Catalina, Aug. 28, 2745; Cataho, Nov. 3, 4531. This rust was also gathered on the same host at Bayamon, P. R., Jan. 1911, by E. W. D. Holway, and in Cuba, Oct. 1904, by Baker & Wilson 2214, and March 1907, by F. S. Earle 632. The species was described from Brazil on F. umbellata, and it has been distributed from India, also on the same host. No teliospores have been found in connection with it. It differs strongly from the uredinia of the Fuirena rust in the southern United States, Puccinia Fuirenae Cooke, by having two pores, instead of three or four as in that species, and in other characters. 320 Mycologia 85. Uredo Dioscoreae P. Henn. Hedwigia 35 : 255. 1896. On Dioscoreaceae : Rajania cordata L., Bayamon, without date, 4162; Utuado, Nov. 8, 4673; Jajome Alto, Dec. 3, 5658, 5757; El Gigante near Adjuntas, Dec. 15, 5Q48 ; River junction below Utuado, Dec. 16, 6030; St. Ana, Dec. 31, 6687. The only other collection of this rust from the West Indies known to the writer was made by E. W. D. Holway in Cuba, March, 1903. The Holway collection is not on Rajania, but on some undetermined species of Dioscorea. The spores of the Cuban material resemble those of the type, which was on Dio- scorea grandiflora from Brazil, but appear slightly thinner walled, and a little more coarsely verrucose. All the Stevens’ collections agree with the Cuban material, except that no. §p48 does not ap- pear to vary at all from the type collection. The variations noted seem unimportant. Pore characters could not be determined, but the arrangement is probably equatorial. 86. Uredo nigropunctata P. Henn. Hedwigia 35 : 254. 1896. On Orchidaceae: Bletia patula Hook., Maricao, April 3, 804a, 826. The species occurs on phanerogamic specimens in the N. Y. Bot. Garden of the same host from Cuba, March, 1903, Under- wood & Earle ppp, and on Bletia purpurea (Lam.) DC. from Hayti, Aug., 1903, Geo. V. Nash 706, and from the Bahamas, March, 1907, L. J. K. Brace 7011, and Feb., 1910, Small & Carter 8876. 87. Uredo Erythroxylonis Graz. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 7: 153. 1891. On Erythroxylonaceae : Erythroxylon areolatum, L., Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6148, 6448. The species has been collected in Prov. Havana, Cuba on E. havanense Jacq. in 1904, by C. F. Baker 4127 (Barth. Fungi Columb. 2287), the host having recently been determined by Mr. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 321 Percy Wilson of the N. Y. Bot. Garden. It was also collected in Prov. Pinar del Rio, Cuba, on a phanerogamic specimen of E. havanense, Dec., 1911, by Percy Wilson 1156Q. The spores of the two Porto Rican collections measure 16-20 by 21-27 /X, and largely are cinnamon-brown above and paler in color below. Most collections of the rust seen by the writer, and especially those on the same host as the type, E. Coca, have larger spores, 18-23 by 24-32 /i, which are concolorous. In a collection made by J. N. Rose 18916, in Bolivia, Aug. 16, 1914, only about half of the spores are paler below. In some sori taken from a phanerogamic specimen of E. areolatum 6449, in the N. Y. Bot. Garden, with the same data as no. 6448 above, many spores measure quite as long as those found on E. Coca. It may be assumed, therefore, that variation in size and color of spores is incidental. 88. Uredo Hymenaeae Mayor, Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. 5: 585. 1913- On Caesalpiniaceae : Hymenaea Courbaril L., Joyuda, March 31, 962; Maya- giiez. May 3, 7/57, Oct. 31, j5p7, 3901; Anasco, Sept. 21, 3210, Oct. 12, 3575; Vega Baja, Nov. 5, 4324. This rust was described from Colombian material on an unde- termined species of Hymenaea. Dr. Stevens’s fine set doubtless makes the second lot to be collected. The rust exhibits character- istics of the subfamily Raveneliatae, in the elongated spore with equatorial pores. 89. Uredo lutea sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, abundantly scattered or in small groups on discolored spots, pustular, 0.3-0.7 mm. across, long covered by the brown overarching epidermis, finally sparingly pulverulent, subepidermal ; paraphyses none ; urediniospores pedicillate, irregularly ellipsoid or obovoid, 19-21 by 26-29 /x; wall cinnamon- brown, about 1.5 /X thick, moderately echinulate, the pores usually indistinct, 2 or rarely 3, equatorial. On Caesalpiniaceae: Cassia quinquangulata L. C. Rich., without locality or date, 404bis; Maricao, April 4, 704; Jayome Alto, Dec. 3, 3633; Preston’s ranch near Naguabo, Dec. 31, 6762. 322 Mycologia This rust presents few salient features, either in the sorus or the spores. The host and the lack of any debarring characters would indicate that it belongs under Ravenelia. It does not, however, accord with any known species of that genus so far as can be ascertained. 90. Uredo Arachidis Lagerh. Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 17; 106. 1894. Uroniyces Arachidis P. Henn. Hedwigia 35; 224. 1896. On Fabaceae: Arachis hypogea L., Dorado, Nov. 25, 5318, 5319. The two collections by Stevens are the only ones from the West Indies known to the writer. The rust is probably not rare, however, as I have found at the N. Y. Bot. Garden that it occurs on a phanerogamic specimen of A. hypogea from Grenada, W. E. Broadway, Oct., 1905, and on one from Guadeloupe, Pere Duss 3381, Dec., 1894. A species of Uroniyces has been described for this host from Surinam by Hennings, but the type material is said by Sydow (Monog. Ured. 2; 346. 1910) to show only urediniospores. A species of Puccinia on the same host was described by Spegazzini in 1884 (An. Soc. Ci. Arg. 17 : 90) no material of which has been seen. There is no mention of urediniospores, and the relation- ship with material in hand is problematical. 91. Uredo Cabreriana Kern & Kellerm. Jour. Myc. 13: 25. 1907. On Fabaceae: Erythrina glauca Willd., Bayamon, Feb. 23, 386, Feb. 20, 441, June 23, 2498, without date, 4096. Porto Rican collections have been made on the same host at Rio Piedras, by J. R. Johnston 1099, and J. A. Stevenson 2343, and at Bayamon, Jan'., 1911, by E. D. W. Holway. It has been collected on the same host in Cuba as part of a phanerogamic specimen, in 1906, by Abarca & O’Donovan 26341 communicated by Percy Wilson. The type collection came from Guatemala. The host of the Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 323 type was determined by Capt. J. Donnell Smith as Buettneria lateralis, but after the Stevens’ collections came to hand the original material was again submitted to Capt. Smith who found that through some error it had been wrongly reported, and was in fact Erythrina glauca. The Holway collection from Cuba was first said to be on E. micropteryx, which is clearly an error. 92. Uredo Cupheae P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 99. 1895. On Lythraceae: Cuphea Parsonsia R. Br., Cabo Rojo, June 15, 22/p. This is the first collection of this rust in North America. The gross and microscopic appearance of the Porto Rican material agrees perfectly with that of the type, which was collected at Goyaz, Brazil by E. Ule 2001, on an undetermined species of Cuphea. 93. Uredo fallaciosa sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, irregularly gregarious on somewhat dis- colored spots, roundish, 0.1-0.5 mm. across, tardily naked, pulver- ulent, fuscous ; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 18-23 by 24-29 /i ; wall pale yellow or slightly fuscous, 1-1.5 fx. thick, moder- ately echinulate, the pores obscure. On Rubiaceae : Psychotria patens Sw., Maricao, April 3, 774 (type) ; Ponce, Nov. 8, 4341. The uredinia are not abundant in these collections. The sori are not prominent on the leaf surfaces, merely making an incon- spicuous roughening that attracts attention chiefly by the slight discoloration. The sori are subepidermal, without paraphyses, and have the aspect of forms belonging to species of Uromyces and Puccinia. Three rusts with uredinia have been described by Hennings from South America, but in the absence of material for examination it is not possible to say if any of them include the Porto Rican form. 94. Uredo sabiceicola sp. nov. Uredinia largely hypophyllous, scattered singly or in groups of 2-5 on small discolored spots 0.5-1 mm. across, round, small, o. 1-0.3 diameter, dull cinnamon-brown, subepidermal; 324 Mycologia paraphyses peripheral, numerous, incurved, clavate, stout, 10-12 by 19-23 /X, the wall colorless, thin, 0.5 /x, somewhat thickened on the outer curved part, 1.5-2 /x, smooth; urediniospores obovoid, 16-23 by 25-29 jix; wall golden-yellow, thin, i /x, moderately ver- rucose-echinulate, the pores obscure. On Rubiaceae: Sabicea aspera Aubl., Mayagiiez, May i, 104^. This distinctive rust with its conspicuous paraphyses is evi- dently not the same as Uredo Cephalanthi Arth., which is without paraphyses. There appears to be no other form known that is at all closely related. 95. Uredo proximella sp. nov. Uredinia chiefly hypophyllous, crowded in groups 2-4 mm. across, bullate, roundish or irregular, large, 0.3-0.9 mm. across, tardily naked, cinnamon-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis conspicuous as a partial membranous covering; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, 18-20 by 19-24 /x; wall cinnamon- brown, thin, 1-1.5/X, closely and finely echinulate, the pores rather indistinct, 4-6, scattered. On Cichoriaceae : Lactuca intyhacea Jacq., Sabana Grande, March 30, ^18. In the characters of both sori and spores this species bears con- siderable resemblance to the uredinia of Puccinia hemisphaerica (Peck) Ellis & Ev. It has been detected on specimens in the phanerogamic collection of the N. Y. Bot. Garden from St. Domingo, March, 1913, Rose, Eitch & Russell 4015, and from Cuba, March, 1909, N. L. Britton 2161. 96. Uredo biocellata Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 517. 1906. On Carduaceae; Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass., Ponce, Dec. 4, 55PJ; Vega Baja, Feb. 22, jdoa. Pluchea purpurascens (Sw.) DC., Santurce, May 21, jypp; Cabo Rojo, Sept. 28, 3186; Mona Island, Dec. 20, 21, 6198. The species was also found in the phanerogamic herbarium of the N. Y. Bot. Garden on P. odorata, collected at Guanica, P. R., Jan., 1899, by C. F. Millspaugh 7/3. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 325 In the same herbarium it occurs on P. purpurascens from St. Domingo, collected March 1913, by Rose, Fitch & Russell 42P4. Heretofore the species has only been known from southern Florida. 97. Uredo vicina sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, 0.3-0.5 mm. across, soon open, dark cinnamon-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epi- dermis evident; urediniospores globoid, often flattened above, 24-29 /A in diameter; wall chestnut-brown, 1.5-2 /x thick, closely echinulate, the pores 4, equatorial. On Carduaceae: Wedelia lanceolata DC., Guanica, Feb. 3, ^65, Feb. 10, ‘ SSsbis (type). The spores of this species are entirely unlike the uredinio- spores of Uromyces pianhyensis, on another species of Wedelia, especially in size and in having decidedly thicker walls with more pores that are clearly evident. 98. Uredo Sparganophori P. Henn. Hedwigia 43 : 160. 1904. On Carduaceae: Struchium Sparganophorum (L.) Kuntze (Spargano- phorum Vaillantii Gart.), Mayagiiez, April 29, 523, April 30, pi I. Although the leaves were well covered with uredinia, no trace of telia or aecia could be found. The same rust was detected in the phanerogamic collection of the N. Y. Bot. Garden on the same host from Green Island, Jamaica, March, 1908, Wm. Harris 10254. 99. Uredo Gymnogrammes P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 337. 1895. On Polypodiaceae : Dryopteris Poiteana (Bory) Urban, Villa Alba, Jan. 3, 86. The same fungus was collected in Jamaica on Dryopteris patens (Sw.) Kuntze, May, 1903, by L. M. Underwood 286p, and in Cuba, on Pi tyro gramma calomelaena (L.) Link, March, 1903, by E. W. D. Holway. 326 Mycologia Uredo superfidalis (Speg.) Lagerh., a very similar fungus, was collected in Jamaica on Anemia hirsuta (L.) Sw., Feb., 1903, by L. M. Underwood iiyo. Both of these forms on ferns are to be included under the Uredinales with considerable doubt, on account of the form of the sorus. They need to be studied cytologically and also as to their development. 100. Uredo Stevensiana sp. nov. Uredinia chiefly epiphyllous, scattered or in small groups on discolored spots, elliptical, small, 0.2-0.5 mm. long, brownish- yellow, rather tardily naked by a longitudinal rupture of the epidermis ; paraphyses numerous, chiefly peripheral, erect or in- curved, clavate, 10-15 by 29-50 |U, the wall colorless, thin, about I jj., somewhat thicker above, 2-4 fi ; urediniospores ellipsoid, 16-21 by 23-27/4; wall pale-yellow or colorless, thin, 1-1.5/4, closely and rather prominently echinulate, the pores indistinct. On Poaceae: Axonophiis compressus (Sw.) Beauv. {Paspalum com- pressum Rasp.), Mayagiiez, Jan. 9, 1913, 257, Feb. 8, 280, April 30, 923. Paspalum Humboldtianum Flugge, Cuernavaca, Mex., Sept. 28, 1899, E. W. D. Holway 3310 (type). Paspalum paniculatum L., Vega Baja, Feb. 22, 573. Paspalum (? Helleri Nash), Mayagiiez, April 30, 932. Paspalum plicahdum Michx., Mayagiiez, April 30, 943. This grass rust differs from Uredo paspalicola, which it closely resembles in general appearance, by the presence of numerous paraphyses and the somewhat smaller spores. The collections made by Dr. Stevens are the only ones seen or known from the West Indies, or in fact from any locality, except the one col- lected by Holway from central Mexico. The Mexican collection is ample, the rust well displayed and free from parasites, and is therefore chosen for the type of the species. The Stevens’ col- lections are less ample, and the rust much parasitized. But it was the varied material supplied by Dr. Stevens that made it possible to delimit the species, and to him rightly belongs the honor implied in the proposed specific name. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 327 1 01. Uredo rubescens sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, irregularly grouped on indefinite pale spots, round, small, 0.2-0.4 mm. across, soon naked as if by a central pore, surrounding epidermis scarcely noticeable except for a reddish coloration, subepidermal ; paraphyses peripheral, cylindrical, hyphoid, incurved, scarcely rising above the spore- mass, the wall colorless and smooth ; urediniospores ellipsoid, 18-19 by 25-28 ju,; wall pale cinnamon-brown, 1.5 /x, rather closely and strongly echinulate, the pores obscure. On Moraceae: Dorstenia Contrajerva L., Camuy, Nov. 22, 5011. A well marked form. Although the paraphyses are not readily found except by sectioning, yet they are indicated under a hand lens as a pale circle bounding the sorus. The spores either have very short pedicels or are formed in chains, of which only one spore matures at a time. Even the best sections do not decide the matter, but it must be left to be worked out from a study of the cytological development. 102. Uredo Bixae sp. nov. Uredinia epiphyllous, numerous, scattered singly or in groups of two to four on small purple spots, very small, about o.i mm. across, soon uncovered, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous, the paraphyses showing as a whitish circle, subepidermal ; paraphyses peripheral, numerous, incurved, rising but little above the surface of the leaf, clavate-cylindric, 9-10 by 27-35 /x, the walls color- less, smooth, less than i fji. inside and 2-5 /u, outside ; urediniospores obovoid, 16-23 by 26-7,7 jj-', wall nearly colorless, thin, i or less, closely and finely echinulate, the pores obscure. On Bixaceae; Bixa Orellana L., Adjuntas, March 2, 462. The host is a native of tropical America, but has been culti- vated and become wild in tropical regions throughout the world. It supplies the coloring matter of commerce called annatto, much used in butter. The sori are very small, numerous and deep-seated, but in the specimen examined, they are much parasitized and the spores few. 328 Mycologia 103. Uredo capituliformis P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 97. 1895. Ravenelia capituliformis P. Henn. Hedwigia 43 : 160. 1904. On Euphorbiaceae : Alchornea latifolia Sw., Luguillo forest, Dec. 2, 5437 \ Preston’s ranch near Naguabo, Dec. 31, dddp. This is the first record of the occurrence of this species in North America. The type collection was made by E. Ule 3060, at Goyaz, Brazil, and shows an abundance of the very peculiar uredinial sori. These sori arise from under the cuticle from a minute hymenial layer. They expand into a globular, brown capitulum, seated lightly on the surface of the leaf and composed of incurved, thick-walled, dark-brown paraphyses, holding a small number of spores. The appearance under a low magnify- ing power is much like that of the fruit of some Erisyphe or other Perisporiaceous fungus. The spores are equally remark- able with the sori in possessing four bulging protuberances in the upper half of the generally obovoid spore, and a similar apical protuberance. The wall of the spore is cinnamon-brown, 1-1.5/1 thick, and closely echinulate. The pores can not be located. In these characters the rust collected by Stevens in Porto Rico agrees perfectly. In addition, however, both the Stevens’ col- lections show well formed pycnia and aecia. The pycnia are conspicuous, epiphyllous, in small groups, mamilliform, sub- cuticular but depressing or absorbing the epidermal cells, 100- 165 /A across; ostiolar filaments apparently wanting. The aecia are amphigenous, gregarious, more abundant on the upper surface of the leaf surrounding the pycnia. They are subepidermal, with the adjoining epidermal cells greatly elongated to form a cone about the mouth of the aecium. A persistent peridium barely protrudes beyond the leaf-surface, and the structure can not be determined with dried material. The aeciospores are catenulate with intercallary cells. They closely resemble the re- markable urediniospores in form, color and markings, but the echinulation, if such it is to be calkd, is considerably coarser. The finest points appear like those on the urediniospores. The points are, however, mostly conspicuously hyaline, acute warts, although their bases are too narrow for them to be unreservedly called verrucose. Arthur: Uredinales of Porto Rico 329 The peculiar appearance of the uredinia led Hennings to place this rust in the genus Ravenelia, but the discovery of the aecia makes this more ill advised than at first. When the telia are found, it is more likely to constitute a new genus, or to belong to a little known one. In the phanerogamic collection at the N. Y. Bot. Garden, pycnia and aecia were found on A. latifoUa from island of Tortola, 1913, J. A. Shafer 1148. 104. Uredo Gouaniae Ellis & Kelsey, Bull. Torrey Club 24: 209. 1897. On Frangulaceae (Rhamnaceae) : Gouania lupuloides (L.) Urban (G. domingensis L.), Jajone Alto, Dec. 3, 5685; Aguadillo, Nov. 22, 5701 ; San German, Nov. 8, 5791. Gouania polygama (Jacq.) Urban (G. tomentosa Jacq.), Guanica, Feb. 3, This form is distinguished from the uredinia of Puccinia Gouaniae Holw. by the reniform spores with one lateral pore. Whether this morphological difference indicates a true specific distinction, or only a racial one, is not likely to be decided until teliospores of this form are found, and possibly not until the full life cycle of both forms is known. The collections by Dr. Stevens are the only ones known to the writer except the type collection made by A. E. Ricksecker in St. Croix, Jan., 1896. 105. Uredo Commelyneae Kalchbr. Grevillea ii : 24. 1882. On Commelinaceae: Commelina virginica L. (C. elegans H. B. K.). Coamo Springs, Nov. 13, 3981. So far as the writer knows, this species of rust has heretofore only been known from the type collection, made at Port Natal, South Africa. Through the kindness of the Director of the Kew Gardens, I have been able to study a portion of the original material from the Kew Herbarium, and find that it agrees per- fectly with the material collected by Dr. Stevens. Hoping to 330 Mycologia secure further knowledge of so rare a tropical form, I appealed to Mr. Percy Wilson to look at specimens in the phanerogamic herbarium at the N. Y. Bot. Garden. Mr. Wilson found three collections with an abundance of the rust. They are all three on C. virginica, two from Porto Rico, Arecibo, Jan. 27, 1899, Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Heller 557, Sabana Liana, Nov. & Dec., 1899, George P. Goll 164, and one from St. Thomas, Feb., 1887, Eggers. This species differs in a very marked way from the uredinia of Uromyces Commelinae, in having smaller and nearly colorless spores with thin walls, and especially in possessing a paraphysoid peridium opening by a central pore, similar to that described under Uredo concors. 106. Uredo Aeschynomenis Arth. Bot. Gaz. 39 ; 392. 1905. Physopella ( ?) Aeschynomenis Arth. N. Am. Flora 7 : 104. 1907. On Fabaceae; ' Aeschynoniene americana L., Mayaguez, Oct. 31, 3945; Ponce, Nov. 8, 4336; Maricao, Nov. 18, 4798; Rosario, Nov. 14, 4842; Utuado, Nov. 8, 43810b ; Aguada, Nov. 22, 3074. The species was described from Mexican material. A collec- tion from Caracas, Venezuela, was subsequenlty communicated to the writer by W. G. Farlow. It is also reported by Mayor (Mem. Soc. Neuch. Sci. 5: 587. 1913) from Colombia. Mayor also reports the species from the same region on A. sensitiva Sw. The uredinia only are known. They possess a strongly de- veloped pseudoperidium composed of imbricated paraphyses, a character not consistent with typical species of Physopella. The species is, therefore, listed here under Uredo. 107. Uredo concors sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, in small groups on discolored usually reddish spots, mammillose, small, o. 1-0.3 ^^n. across, finally opening by a small central pore ; paraphyses united by their bases and internally imbricated to form a pseudoperidium, colorless to golden-brown, the free ends clavate, with moderately thick and Arthur; Uredinales of Porto Rico 331 smooth wall ; urediniospores ellipsoid or somewhat obovoid, 15- 21 by 19-28 ju.; wall nearly or quite colorless, thin, 1.5 /x, closely and finely verrucose-echinulate, the pores obscure. On Fabaceae; Dolichos Lablab L., Jayuya, Dec. 17, 6042 (type). Teramnus uncinatus (L.) Sw., Jayuya, Dec. 17, 5pp5. The Uredo Teramni Mayor differs greatly from the above species in having a sorus without paraphyses, and in having globose, 2-pored spores. 108. Uredo jatrophicola sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, crowded on slightly discolored spots or evenly scattered, bullate-conical, small, o. 1-0.3 in diam- eter, long covered by the overarching epidermis, opening by a central pore that gradually enlarges ; peridium paraphysoid, the paraphyses clavate with the slender stalks firmly united into an enclosing wall, and with the heads, 9-12 /a broad, imbricately pro- jecting into the cavity of the sorus, the largest ones at the orifice, the wall smooth, about i /x thick and colorless below, about 3-7 /x and tinted above; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid-ellipsoid, 16- 20 by 24-29 /x; wall very pale yellow or colorless, thin, 1-1.5/x, rather closely and finely echinulate; pores not discernible. On Euphorbiaceae : Jatropha Curcas L., Hormigueros, Jan. 14, 220 (type). Jatropha gossypifolia L., San German, Dec. 8, 4113, 4790 ; Guayama, Dec. 4, 5401 ; Guayanilli, Nov. 13, 5866bis. The species has also been detected on phanerogamic speci- mens: on /. Curcas, St. Domingo, March, 1913, Rose, Fitch & Russell 4064; on J. gossypifolia, Cuba, April, 1903, J. A. Shafer 86, March, 1910, Britton & Wilson 5549, St. Croix, Feb., 1913, Rose, Fitch & Russell 3204. The paraphysoid peridium and pale spores make a marked dis- tinction between this and other known rusts on Euphoriaceous hosts. Small subepidermal sori were found on the two Cuban specimens that appeared like compact, lens-shaped telia, beneath the epidermis, with small, smooth, thin-walled spores, but they were very few and uncertain, and may have been only young uredinia. 332 Mycologia 109. Uredo fenestrala sp. nov. Uredinia hypophyllous, irregularly scattered, or occasionally in small groups, pustular, 0.1-.25 mm. across, opening by a central pore becoming enlarged and irregular, subepidermal ; peridium hemispherical, 'delicate, cellular, the cells elongated more or less at the sides, nearly isodiametric above, trapezoid or cuboid, 10-13 ■walls evenly thin, the ostiolar cells unmodified ; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, inclined toward pyriform, 16-22 by 25-36 wall cinnamon-brown, slightly paler below, evenly thin, 1-1.5/^, moderately echinulate, the pores in- distinct, apparently 2 or 3, somewhat superequatorial. On Euphorbiaceae : Phyllanthus grandifolius L., Bayamon, Feb. 19, May 21, 1822 (type) ; Villa Alba, Jan. 4, ^2/. The rust on the same host has also been detected on a phanero- gamic specimen, collected on the island of St. Domingo, Dec. 1909, N. Taylor 365. What appears to be the same rust showing only uredinia was collected on Phyllanthus distichus (L.) Mull.-Arg., San Juan, P. R., January, 1911, by E. W. D. Holway. The texture of the leaf is less firm in this host, and the rim of the sorus does not hold up sufficiently to give the crater- form appearance usually seen on P. grandifolius. The urediniospores are also slightly smaller and paler. The peridium in this species is most delicate and difficult to demonstrate from dried specimens. The usual appearance in free-hand sections is that of a sorus without enveloping struc- tures; there certainly are no paraphyses. The description of Uredo Phyllanthi P. Henn. from Brazil, gives the wall of the spore as smooth and 2-3 ix thick. The uredinia of Phakopsora Phyllanthi Diet., which occurs on Phyllanthus distichus in India and the Philippines, is said to have strongly developed, incurved paraphyses. The descriptions only of these two species are available to the writer, and they indicate decidedly unlike forms, both of them differing from that in the West Indies. {To be continued) SOME PORTO RICAN PARASITIC FUNGI Philip Gasman (With Plate 171, Containing 7 Figures) The following descriptions and notes have been made upon Porto Rican fungi collected by Dr. F. L. Stevens during the years 1912 and 1913. A description of the material contained in this collection has already been given in a paper by Miss Esther Young.^ The types and cotypes of new species have also been distributed as set forth in that article. Thanks are due to Dr. F. L. Stevens for his many helpful suggestions, without which the work would not have been pos- sible. The species of hosts, with few exceptions, have been de- termined by Dr. N. L. Britton and Mr. Percy Wilson, of the New York Botanical Garden, and to them also I wish to express my thanks. Septoria Fries I. Septoria Petitiae sp. nov. Spots 1-2 mm. in diameter, suborbicular, with a white center and a brownish or fuscous margin; perithecia about o.i mm. in diameter, black, two or three to a spot ; spores slightly curved, hyaline, 2-guttulate, 16-46X1-2^1. {PI. 171, f. i.) On leaves of Petitia doming ensis Jacq. in Porto Rico; Cabo Rojo, 64/0 (type), p75<5. 2. Septoria Miconiae sp. nov. Spots about 1.2 mm. in diameter, circular, with a white center and a brown and distinctly elevated margin ; perithecia 50 ,u in diameter, black, immersed ; ostiole 24-48 //. in diameter ; spores three- to many-guttulate, usually curved and hyaline, 19-26 X 2ju. (PI. 171, f. 2.) On leaves of Miconia laevigata DC. in Porto Rico: Las Marias, 117, 357 (type), 369. 1 Mycologia, 7: 143-150. 1915. 333 334 Mycologia 3. Septoria Guettardae sp. nov. Spots large, 4-5 mm. or more in diameter; margin irregular and dark-red, the center of the spot becoming white and con- trasting strongly with the remainder of the leaf ; perithecia black, 50 fjL in diameter ; ostiole about 24 /x in diameter ; spores curved, hyaline, many-guttulate, 28-38 X 2.4^11. (PI. iji, f. 5.) On leaves of Guettarda ovalifolia Urb. in Porto Rico : Monte Alegrillo, P75P (type). 4. Septoria Lantanae sp. nov. Spots varying from 1-2 mm. in diameter, somewhat irregular in outline, sooty ; perithecia 76-96^4 in diameter; ostiole indefinite, about 40-60 /4 in diameter ; spores long, slightly curved or straight, several-septate, 24-50X2.4/4. (PL lyi, f. 4.) On leaves of Lantana camara L. in Porto Rico: 221X (type). This species differs decidedly from 6". Verbenae in the char- acter of the leaf spot which lacks the white center. 5. Septoria Pityrogrammae sp. nov. Spots brown, indefinite ; perithecia 96 /x in diameter, black ; ostiole 20-30 IX in diameter ; spores long and thread-like, 3-4- spetate, sometimes apparently continuous, hyaline, curved and acute at both ends, 40-60 X 2.4 /x. On leaves of Pityrogranima calomelanos L. Indiera Frios, Maricao, 3484 (type). This species is near S', aquilina Passer, from which it differs mainly in spore characters, the spores of this species being dis- tinctly curved, acute at both ends and only one-half the diameter of the species S. aquilina on Pteris. 6. Septoria asiatica Speg. Fungi Chilenses 168. 1910 On leaves of Centella asiatica Urb. in Porto Rico: Vega Baja, Santurca San Sebastian, 263, 4231, 5207. 7. Septoria Chelidonii Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 17: no. 1842 On leaves of Argemone mexicana L. in Porto Rico : Guayama, 5398. Garman: Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi 335 In the following descriptions of the genera related to Dimero- sporium and originally included under this head by Saccardo, the work of Thiessen^ has been followed rather closely. Several species commonly |cnown as Parodiella seem to fall within the limits of this classification, and have been moved to what appears to be a more natural position within the “ Dimerineae.” . Dimerium Sacc. & Syd. I. Dimerium Cayaponiae sp. nov. Spots black, sooty, epiphyllous and irregular in outline, never more than 3 mm. in diameter ; perithecia black, globose, 0.12 mm/ in diameter; asci linear-clavate, eight-spored, 33.6-36 X 2.4 ju.; spores two-celled, dark, smoky, one cell considerably smaller than the other, 7.3-9.6 X 3-6-5 {PI- i/i, f- 5-) On leaves of Cayaponia americana (Lam.) Cogn. in Porto Rico: Utuado, 4360 (type). The dark, black spot is characteristic of the species. This is formed partly of discolored host tissue and partly of a dense compact fungous mycelium. 2. Dimerium grammodes (Kuntze) comb. nov. Dothidea perisporioides Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 4: 103. 1876. Sphaeria perisporioides Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 4 : 102, 107. 1876. Dothidella grammodes Sacc. Syll. Fung. 2 : 634. 1883. Dothidea grammodes Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10: 341. 1869. Dothidea seminata Berk. & Rav. Grevillea 4: 104. 1876. On leaves of Crotalaria retiisa L., Phaseolus lunatus L., Meibomia adscendens O. Kuntze, and an undetermined legume belonging to the Papilionaceae, in Porto Rico : Maunabo. Papi- lionaceae, 2432; Utuado, 4418; Aguadilla, Phaseolus lunatus, 302 j ; Guayama, Cabo Rojo, Crotalaria retiisa, 3333, 6480; Rio Piedras, Meibomia adscendens, 5723. This pretty and widespread species occurs, as can be seen from the above, on a variety of leguminous hosts in Porto Rico. It does not differ essentially from the descriptions of the species from other parts of the world. The specific name grammodes 2 Zur Revision der Gattung Dimerosporium. Botanische Centralblatt 29: Pt. 2; 45-73. 1912. 336 Mycologia has been used recently by Rehm ; perisporioides being the most frequently used up to that time. The original works of Kuntze, containing descriptions or exsiccati have not been available, and the change is herewith accepted solely upon the authority of Rehm. The fungus is placed in Dimerium because it offers no striking differences from other members of that genus. 3. Dimerium melioloides (Berk. & Curt.) comb, nov, Parodiella melioloides Winter, Hedwigia 24 : 257. 1885. Dimerosporium lateritium Speg. Fungi Puiggariani Pug. i: no. 1889. Fig. I. Dimerium melioloides, showing concentric arrangement of perithecia. Sphaeria melioloides Berk. & Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 10; 387. 1869. Rosellinia melioloides Sacc. Syll. Fung, i : 276. 1882. Nectria megalospora Sacc. & Berk Rev. Myc. 7: 157. 1885. On leaves of Clusia rosea Jacq. in Porto Rico: Maricao 285a, 816, 946, 3615. Gasman: Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi 337 The species is referred to the genus Dimerium and differs from the usual form occurring in D. grammodes in the possession of a compact, radiate mycelium on the surface of the leaf. The species D. melioloides has been placed in the genus Parodiella by Rabenhorst and Winter, and distributed in their exsiccati under that name, but there is some uncertainty as to its real posi- tion as shown by the location originally given it by Saccardo.® The majority of the material at hand possesses spores that are only feebly colored, together with a few dark spores, but the large amount of material examined would seem to indicate that the dark spores occur only occasionally. 4. Dimerium Stevensii sp. nov. Spots irregular in outline, one to several mm. in diameter ; perithecia sperical, black, shining, 100 in diameter; asci clavate, 42-50 X 20-22 fju ; spores slightly greenish-hyaline, sometimes dark, two-celled, 16-20 X 6-8 ju; paraphases abundant. On leaves of Cordia corymbosa (L.) G. Don. Quebradillos, “ College Grounds,” Mayaguez, (typ^) '> Maricao 4816. Dimerina Thiessen I. Dimerina Jacquiniae sp. nov. Spots small, 0.25 p. in diameter, composed of a number of black, spherical perithecia, usually about 10; mycelium scant, loose, slightly reddish ; perithecia black, 48-60 p. in diameter ; asci hyaline, ovate, 26.4 X 12 /x; spores slender and hyaline, 144-17 X 3-6 /X. On leaves of Jacquinia barhasco (Loefl.) Mez. Mona Island, 6o8y (type). Phyllachora Nitschke i. Phyllachora peribebuyenis Speg. Rev. Myc. 9: 95. 1887 On leaves of the Melastomataceae, especially Miconia prasina DC., M. laevigata DC., M. Sintensii Cogn., Heterotrichum cynto- sum Urb., and a species of Tetrazygia: in Porto Rico: Maricao, Consume, Las Marias, 166, 741, 840, 1355a, 4708; Miconia laevi- 3 Saccardo : Sylloge Fungorum i: 276. 338 Mycologia gata: Villa Alba, Maricao, Rosario, 84, 162, 16^, i/i, 742a, 481^; Miconia sp., Monte Alegrillo, 1335; Miconia Sintensii, St. Ana, 6636; Tetrazygia sp., Jayuga, 300; Heterotrichum cymosum, Indiera Fria (Maricao), Manati, Ponce, Utuado, Maricao, Quebradillas, San Sebastian, Luquillo Forest, Jajome Alto, Giganta near Ad junta, Prestons Ranch, Dos Bocas, 3372, 4326, 4374, 4380a, 4391, 4392, 4703, 4984, 3206, 3393, 3632, 3941, 6779, 6839; on various Melastomataceae. This exceedingly common species in Porto Rico is undoubtedly Spegazzini’s P. perihehuyensis, as shown by a comparison with exsiccati of Roumeguere (Fungi Gallici Exsiccati 3234). Its systematic position becomes doubtful, however, when we examine the character of the stroma and its attachment to the leaf. No species of Phyllachora have been described which possess the central stroma attachment (see fig. 7) that this species possesses, and the more common species of Phyllachora such as P. graminis differ so much from this type both in the shape and relative posi- tion of the stroma that it would seem advisable to make this and other species of the same nature into a new genus. In Saccardo’s description of peribebuyensis, he questions the true position of the fungus and states that it is closely related to, though different from, Bagnisiclla, a closely allied form. His generic description also contains the statement that many forms have been collected under the genus name Phyllachora, which properly belong else- where. In keying the species out through the analytical tables offered by Saccardo and Lindau in Engler and Prantl, the species falls into Bagnisiclla and seems to be totally excluded from Phyllachora by the nature of the stroma. Saccardo, however, states that peribebuyensis is different from anything in Bagni- siella, and judging from descriptions and figures of Bagnisiclla, this is correct. Considering the character of the stroma alone, then, the erection of a new genus would seem to be necessary. Recent authors are, on the other hand, inclined to disregard stromal characteristics and to found classifications on more fundamental bases. The species has, therefore, been left in its original position because it is not different in other respects from typical species of Phyllachora. Garman: Porto Rican Parasitic Fungi 339 2. Phyllachora nitens sp. nov. Stroma forming a large black shining spot, often covering an area as much as i cm. in diameter; asci clavate, eight-spored, lOO-iioX 12-16 fji.; spores mostly ovate, somewhat acute at one end, hyaline and slightly granular; 6-8X10-12 /a; paraphases present. On leaves of Schlegelia brachyantha Guseb. ; in Porto Rico : Maricao, (type), 8^y; Ponce, 4332; Monte Alegrillo, 4301; Rio Grande, 4302 ; Prestons Ranch, dyyd. 3. Phyllachora Renalmiae Rehm, Hedwigia 36 : 373. 1897 On leaves of Alpinia antillarum R. & S., in Porto Rico: Maricao, Monte Alegrillo, 803, 2344. The following collections possess the typical stroma but lack asci and ascospores ; Maricao, IQ2, 303; Rio Maricao, 3606; Utuado, 4383a; Jajome Alto, 3634; Yunque, 2383; Monte Ale- grillo, 434p. 4. Phyllachora sphaerosperma Winter, Hedwigia 23: 170. 1884 On leaves of Cenchrus echinatus L. and C. myosuroides H.B.K. Vega Baja, 1/30, C. echinatus; Mona Islands, 6330, C, myosu- roides. 5. Phyllachora graminis (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc. 218. 1869 On leaves of Panicum, Andropogon brevifolius L., Lasiacis Swartsiana Hetche, and a species of Paspalum, in Porto Rico : Luquillo Forest, 432^, Panicum; Maricao, 168, Rio Piedras, 3731, Andropogon brevifolius L. ; Jajome Alto, 3637, Lasiacus Swart z- iana Hetche; Sabana Grande, 317, Paspalum. 6. Phyllachora Andropogonis (Schw.) Karst. & Har. Rev. Myc. 12 : 172. 1890 On leaves of Paspalum Underwoodii Nash, in Porto Rico: Prestons Ranch, 6763. The species differs from P. graminis in spore size, which 340 Mycologia character seems to be fairly constant. In P. graminis, however, there is some variation and it would seem as though the species described under that name would also include the variety " tupi" of Spegazzini. The divergence in this case from the typical P. graminis is sufficient, I think, to warrant the maintainance of the species name Andropogonis. 7. Phyllachora perforans (Rehm) Sacc. & Syd. Hedwigia 39 : 232, fig. 4. 1900 P. paulensis Rehm, Ascom. Exc. 1747. 1907, Ann. Myc. 471. 1907. P. dalbergiicola Henn. var. perforans. Rehm, Hedwigia 1906: 232. fig. 4. On leaves of Abrus precatorius L. in Porto Rico: Mayagiiez, 313, iip6. Auerswaldia Sacc. Auerswaldia palmicola Speg. Fungi. Guar. Pug. i: 121. 1883. On leaves and petioles of Ascrista monticola Cook. Adjuntas, El Gigante, 6o6j. This fungus agrees in all features with the description given by Saccardo. In the specimens at hand, very little coloration occurs in the spores. Comparisons with exsiccati (Roum. Fungi Gall. 4o6y), however, show that the form is without doubt Auers- waldia. University of Illinois, Urbana, III. Explanation of Plate CLXXI Fig. I. Septoria Peititiae sp. nov. a. Leaf, showing Spot, slightly enlarged, showing pycnidia. c. Spores X 200. spots. X b. Fig. 2. Septoria Miconiae sp. nov. a. Leaf, showing Spot enlarged about 12 diameters, c. Spores X 480. spots. X b. Fig. 3. Septoria Guettardae sp. nov. 0. Leaf with Spot, enlarged, c. Spores X 275. spots. X 1/2. b. Fig. 4. Septoria Lantanae sp. nov. a. Leaf with spots. X soo. X b. Spores Fig. s. Dimerium Cayaponiae sp. nov., showing pycnidia, asci and asco- spores, much enlarged. Fig. 6. Dimerium melioloides, asci and spores, enlarged. Fig. 7. Phyllachora peribebuyensis, cross section of stroma (left) and group of asci, all much enlarged. f Mycologia Plate CLXXI SOME PORTO RICAN PARASITIC FUNGI ! . « I r i| INDEX TO AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE Appel, 0. The control of cereal and grass smut and the Hel- minthosporium disease in Holland and Germany. Phyto- pathology 5: 230-232. 31 J1 1915. Arthur, J. C. Uredinales of Porto Rico based on collections by F. L. Stevens. Mycologia 7: 168-196. 28 J1 1915; 227—255. S 1915. Includes descriptions of Ravenelia Stevensii, Argomyces insulanus, Puccinia scleriicola, P. concrescens, P. insititia, Aecidium favaceum, and Uromyces den- sus, spp. nov. Blodgett, F. M. Sweet pea powdery mildew. Phytopathology 5:237. 31 J1 1915. Bonazzi, A. Cytological studies of Azotohacter chroococciim. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 225-240. pi. 31-33. 15 Je 1915. Brown, W. H. The development of Pyroncma confluens var. inigneum. Am. Jour. Bot. 2; 289-298. Je 1915. Carleton, M. A. A serious new wheat rust in this country. Science II. 42: 58, 59. 9 J1 1915. Collins, J. F. The chestnut bark disease on freshly fallen nuts. Phytopathology 5: 233-235. f. i. 31 J1 1915. Dodge, B. 0. Relationship between Roestelia transformans and R. Botryapites. Torreya 15: 133, 134. 16 J1 1915. Edson, H. A. Rheosporangium aphanidermatus, a new genus and species of fungus parasitic on sugar beets and radishes. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 279-292. pi. 44-48. 15 J1 1915. Fink, B. The Ascomycetes of Ohio — I. Preliminary considera- tion of classification. Ohio State Bull. 19 : 3-34. pi. i, 2. Je 1915. (Ohio Biol. Survey Bull. 5 (Vol. II, No. i.)) Fink, B., & Richards, C. A. The Ascomycetes of Ohio — II. The Collemaceae. Ohio State Univ. Bull. 19 : 35-70. pi. 3-6. Je 1905. (Ohio Biol. Survey Bull. 5. (Vol. II, No. i.)) 341 342 Mycologia Giddings, N. J., & Berg, A. Apple rust or cedar rust in West Virginia. W. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 15: 1-16. Mr 1915. [Illust.] Gloyer, W. 0. Ascochyta clematidina, the cause of stem-rot and leaf-spot of Clematis. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 331-342. pi. 50-54- 15 J1 1915. Graves, A. H. Root rot of coniferous seedlings. Phytopathol- ogy 5 : 213-217. f. I, 2. 31 J1 1915. Hedgcock, G. G., & Long, W. H. A disease of pines caused by Cronartium pyriforme. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 247 : 1-20. pi. 1,2 + f. I. 20 J1 1915. Humphrey, C. J. Tests on the durability of greenheart (Nect- andra Rodiaei Schomb.). Mycologia 7: 204-209. pi. 162. 28 J1 1915. Johnston, J. R. Entomogenous fungi of Porto Rico. Porto Rico Board Com. Agr. Bull. 10: 1-33. pi. 1-9. 1915- Jones, L. R. Problems and progress in plant pathology. Smith- sonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1914: 407-419. 1915. Kirkwood, J. E. P eridermium pyriforme and Cronartium com- andrae. Phytopathology 5: 223, 224. 31 J1 1915. Kunkel, L. 0. A contribution to the life history of Spongospora suhterranea Jour. Agr. Research 4: 265-278. pi. 39-43. 15 Je 1915- Medlar, E. M. A new fungus, Phialophora verrucosa, patho- genic for man. Mycologia 7: 200-203. /• 28 J1 1915. Murrill, W. A. Illustrations of fungi — XXL Mycologia 7 : 163-167. pi. 160. 28 J1 1915. Panaeolus solidipes, Lactaria pUnthogala, L. Volkcrtii sp. nov., Cortinelhis decorus, Melanoleuca fumidella, Ceriomyces retipes, Scleroderma, and Russula pectinatoides are illustrated. Murrill, W. A. The new genus Lentodiellum. Mycologia 7 : 215-216. 28 J1 1915. Murrill, W. A. Recent specific names recombined. Mycologia 7:214,215. 28 J1 1915. Quayle, H. J., & Tylor, A. R. The use of the fungus Isaria for the control of the black scale. Monthly Bull. State Comm. Hort. Calif . 4 : 333-339- f-69>?o. J1 1915- Index to American Mycological Literature 343 Reed, H. S., & Crabill, C. H. The cedar rust disease of apples caused by Gymnosporangium Juniperi-Virginianae Schw. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 9: 1-106. /. i-2j. My 1915- Reed, H. S., & Crabill, C. H. Notes on plant diseases in Vir- ginia observed in 1913 and 1914. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. 2: 37-58. /. i-i/. Ap 1915. Saccardo, P. A. Notae mycologicae. Ann. Myc. 13: 115-138. 10 Je 1915. Includes lists of fungi from New York and Massachusetts collected by H. D. House, from N. Dakota collected by J. F. Brenckle, from Canada collected' by John Dearness, and from Uruguay collected by Dr. F. Felippone and Pro- fessor O. Mattirolo. Sackett, W. G. Spur blight of the red raspberry caused by Sphaerella rubina. Colorado Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 206 : 1-26. /. 1-15. My 1915. [Illust.] Seaver, F. J. Illustrations and descriptions of cup-fungi — II. Sepultaria. Mycologia 7: 197-199. pi. 161. 28 J1 1915. Includes Sepultaria Longii sp. nov. Seaver, F. J. Observations on Herpotrichia nigra and asso- ciated species. Mycologia 7: 210, 211. 28 J1 1915. Stakman, E, C. Relation between Puccinia graminis and plants highly resistant to its attack. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 193-200. pi. 28. 15 Je 1915. Stevens, F. L. Three strawberry fungi which cause fruit rots. Science II. 41 : 912, 913. 18 Je 1915. Studhalter, R. A., & Heald, F. D. The persistence of viable pycnospores of the chestnut blight fungus on normal bark below lesions. Am. Jour. Bot. 2: 162-168. 13 My 1915. Vincens, F. Deux champignons entomophytes sur Lepidopteres, recoltes au nord du Bresil. Bull. Soc. Myc. France 31 : 25-28. pi. 4. I J1 1915. Verticillium Barbosae and Fusarium acremoniopsis, spp. nov., are described. Weir, J. R. A new leaf and twig disease of Picea Engelmanni. Jour. Agr. Research 4: 251-254. pi. 34. 15 Je 1915. Weir, J. R. Observations on the pathology of the jack pine. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 212: i-io. pi. i-\-f. 1-4. 26 My 1915. 344 Mycologia Weir, J. R. Razoumofskya tsugensis in Alaska. Phytopathol- ogy 5: 229. 31 J1 1915. Weir, J. R. Telial stage of Gymnosporangium tubidatum on Juniperinus scoptilorum. Phytopathology 5: 228. 31 J1 1915. Weir, J. R. W allrothiella arceuthobii. Jour. Agr. Research 4; 369-378. pi. 54, 55. 15 J1 1915. Whetzel, H. H. Diseases of the peony. Trans. Massachusetts Hort. Soc. 1915: 103-112. pi. I, 2. 1915. INDEX TO VOLUME VII New names and the final members of new combinations are in bold face type Abena jamaicensis, 244 Abies grandis, 121 Abronia umbellata, 64 Abrus precatorius, 340 Abutilon hirtum, 238; periplocifolium, 238 Acacia riparia, 178 Achyla, 307; prolifera, 307 Actaea alba, 64 Adiantum tenerum, 144 Aecidiella Triumfettae, 253 Aecidium, 66, 86, 170, 171, 253, 254; abscedens, 315; Borreriae, 315; Cephalanthi, 22; Cestri, 191 ; cir- cumscriptum,’316 ; Cissi, 316; Cle- matidis, 74; Clibadii, 317; com- positarum Eupatorii, 232 ; decolo- ratum, 317; desmium, 175; detri- tum,254; expansum, 317 ; favaceum, 253; Hyptidis, 246-248; Leonotidis, 245; luzoniense, 254; Nesaeae, 86, 89 ; passifloriicola, 254 ; Phyllanthi, 254; pulverulentum, 315; Randiae, 315; Rivinae, 235; roseum, 250; solaniphilum, 255 ; Sorbi, 48; Tour- nefortiae, 254; Traxini, 22; tubu- losum, 255; tucumanense, 246; Uleanum, 255 ; verbenicola, 22 ; Wedeliae, 318 Aeschynomene americana, 330 ; sensi- tiva, 330 Aesculus glabra, 65 Agaricus, 95, 97-101 ; adirondacken- sis, 257 ; albo-umbilicatus, 257 ; alveolatus, 291; anisarius, 276; apertus, 257; arvensis, 100, 102, 152, 226; auratocephala, 258; bi- color, :os; brumalis, 264; caespi- tosus, 281 ; campestris, 96, 1 00-102, 152; candicans, 257; Candolleanus, 120; carnosior, 259; catinus, 258; cellaris, 276 ; clavipes, 259 ; colum- banus, 259 ; compressipes, 259 ; com- tulus, 102; concavus, 259; con- nexus, 260; cyathiformis, 259-261; dealbatus, 260; dicolor, 261; dimi- nutivus, 300; ectypus, 106; ecty- poides, 262 ; erubescens, 262 ; fa- cifer, 281; flaccidus, 262; flavidel- lus, 263 ; fumosus, 263 ; gallinaceus, 263 ; Gerardianus, 263 ; giganteus, 264 ; gilvus, 264 ; Hoffmani, 264 ; illudens, 281 ; infundibuliformis, 264, 265 ; inversus, 264 ; lacryma- bundus, 1 16; leptolomus, 265; ma- culosus, 265 ; marmoreus, 273 ; maximus, 265 ; metachrous, 261 ; mollis, 268; monadelphus, 281; nebularis, 268; nudus, 105; odorue, 276; pachylus, 280; panaeolus, 106; peltigerinus, 267; personatus, 105; phyllophilus, 268 ; pileolarius, 268 ; piniarius, 268 ; pinophilus, 269 ; pithyophilus, 269; placomyces, 152; Poculum, 259 ; porphyrellus, 269 ; purus, 1 18; radiozonarius, 270; reticeps, 290, 291 ; reticulatus, 291 ; rivulosus, 270; Rodmani, 212; seti- sedus, 270, 271 ; Sienna, 271 ; sino- picus, 271; socialis, 272; sordidus, 106; splendens, 272; squamulosus, 274 ; subhirtus, 273 ; submarmoreus, 273 ; subzonalis, 274 ; tabescens, 281; truncicola, 276; trullisatus, 27s ; umbilicatus, 257 ; velutinus, 1 16; vilescens, 276; violaceolamel- latus, 120; violaceus, 105; virens, 276 ; viridis, 276 Agaricus reticeps Mont., Notes on, 290 Ageratum conyzoides, 250 Agropyron, 74, 75 ; Smithii, 73, 78 Aklema petiolaris, 236 Albizzia Lebbeck, 146 Alchornea latifolia, 328, 329 Aleuria badia, 90 ; pustulata, 92 ; syl- vestris, 93 ; vesiculosa, 91 Allium reticulatum, 66 Alpinia antillarum, 339 Ambrosia, 77 ; artemisiaefolia, 77 ; psilostachya, 76, 77, 88; trifida, 77, 88 Amelanchier, 78, 84 ; canadensis, 78, 83, 84, 88, 89 ; vulgaris, 83, 89 Amsonia salicifolia, 84 Andropogon, 71, 72, 88; brevifolius, 339 Anemia hirsuta, 326 Anemone, 75 ; cylindrica, 73, 88 Apios tuberosa, 66 Apiosporium, 25 Apocynum cannabinum, 65 Aquilegia, 74, 75 ; caerulea, 73 ; cana- densis, 83 ; flavescens, 73, 83 345 346 Mycologia Arabis, 75, 88 Arachis hypogea, 322 Argemone mexicana, 334 Argomyces insulanus, 179; Verno- niae, 179, 180 Armillaria, 95, 98; mellea, 102, 131, 132, 152, 281 ; mellea exannulata, 281 Arnica, 77 Aronia, 83 ; arbutifolia, 83 Arthur, J. C., Cultures of Uredineae in 1912, 1913, and 1914, 61 ; Ure- dinales of Porto Rico based on col- lections by F. L. Stevens, 168, 227, 315 Arthur, J. C., & Fromme, F. D., The taxonomic value of pore characters in the grass and sedge rusts, 28 Arundinaria, 22 Asclepias, 40, 41 ; curassavica, 240- 242 ; speciosa, 40, 41 ; verticillata, 66 Ascomycetes, Structural parallelism between spore-forms in the, 21 Ascospores of Endothia parasitica. The effect of continued desiccation on the expulsion of, 126 Ascotricha, 289 Ascrista monticola, 340 Ascus-producing species, Penicillium avellaneum, a new, 284 Aspergillus, 284 Aspidium marginale, 176 Aster, 70, 75, 76, 79, 81, 83; Drum- mondii, 79, 81, 83; ericoides, 72; multiflorus, 72; Novae- Angliae, 72; paniculatus, 65, 69, 70, 75, 76, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88; Tripoli, 70; Tweedyi, 81, 83, 88 Auerswaldia, 340 ; palmicola, 340 Axonophus compressus, 326 Bagnisiella, 338 Baptisia bracteata, 66 Basanacantha, 315 Bauhinia, 185; divaricata, 185; pau- letia, 184, 185 Bidens andicola, 195 ; leucantha, 195, 196; pilosa, 19s, 196; tereticaulis, 195 Bixa Orellana, 148, 327 Bjerkandera adusta, 299 Blechum Brownei, 249 Bletia patula, 320; purpurea, 320 Bolbitius variicolor, 214 Bolete from California, A new, 44 Boletinus, 100; pictus, 300, 305 Boletus californicus, 215; griseus, 1 66; ornatipes, j66 Borreria levis, 249, 250; verticillata, 249, 250 Botryosphaeria, 24 Boudiera, 199 Bouteloua, 31 Brodiaea, 63 ; pauciflora, 85, 89 Bromus, 74, 75 Brown, H. P., A timber rot accom- panying Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev., i Buetteneria lateralis, 323 Caesalpinia, 184 Cajan Cajan, 186 Cajanus indicus, 186, 187 California, A new bolete from, 44 Calkins, William Wirt, amateur my- cologist, 57 Callirhoe digitata, 64, 65, 81, 82; in- volucrata, 65, 81, 82 Calonectria graminicola, 25 Canavalia ensiformis, 176 Canna, 234, 235; coccinea, 234; glauca, 234 ; indica, 234 ; portori- censis, 234 Cardiospermum grandiflorum, 236 ; Halicacabum, 236-; microspermum, 236 Carduus, 77, Flodmanii, 77, 78 Carex, 31, 62, 69, 70, 76, 78,81,83,86; arctata, 67, 87 ; crinita, 67, 87 ; ex- tensa, 70 ; filiformis, 86, 89 ; Good- enowii, 76; intumescens, 75, 88; maritima, 62 ; pubescens, 66, 67, 87 ; retrorsa, 69-87 ; scoparia, 69, 70, 87 ; tenuis, 67, 87 ; tribuloides, 83, 88; vulpinoidea, 79, 81, 87 Cassia chamaecrista, 66 ; quinquangu- lata, 321 Cauloglossum, 100 Cayaponia americana, 192, 33s; race- mosa, 192 Cenchrus echinatus, 228, 229, 339 ; myosuroides, 339 ; viridis, 228, 229 Centella asiatica, 334 Cercospora, 41 ; clavata, 41 Ceriomyces affinis, 300; auriporus, 300; communis, 44; crassus, 132, 151; ferruginatus, 152, 300, 306; miniato-olivaceus, 152; nebulosus, 300; retipes, 166; scaber, 152; sub- glabripes, 300 ; viscidus, 300, 305 Cerotelium Canavaliae, 169, 176 Cerrena unicolor, 299 Cestrum laurifolium, 19 1 ; macrophyl- lum, 19 1 Chaetochloa brevispica, 231; imber- bis, 231 ; onurus, 231 ; purpuras- cens, 231; scandens, 228; setosa, 227, 231; verticillata, 230 Chaetomium, 289 Chamaecyparis thyoides, 83, 86, 89 Index to Volume VII 347 Chamaesyce hirta, 190 ; hypericifolia, 19a; prostrata, 190; serpens, 190 Chanterel aurantiacus, 152, 300; Chantarellus, 152; infundibulifor- mis, 300, 305 ; umbonatus, 300, 305 Characters in the grass and sedge rusts. The taxonomic value of pore, 28 Chelone glabra, 64, 65 Chlorophyllum Molybdites, 152 Chrysopsis villosus, 72 Cicuta maculata, 83 Cissus sicyoides, 147, 316 Citromyces, 134 Claudopus, 34-37 ; depluens, 36, 37, 290 ; mephiticus, 290 ; nidulans, 290, 300; subdepluens, 36, 37 Claudopus, A new mephitic, 290 Claudopus, A parasitic species of, 34 Clavaria, 305 ; cinerea, 299 ; flava, 151; fusiformis, 299; muscigena, 49 ; pinophila, 299 ; pistillaris, 299 Clematis, 75 ; Douglasii, 73, 83 ; Drummondii, 82, 83, 88 ; ligustici- folia, 73, 74, 88; virginiana, 73, 74. 83 Clibadium erosum, 317; surinamense, 317 Clitocybe, 256, 262, 266, 277, 280, 291, 301; adirondackensis, 257, 258; ag- gregata, 280 ; albicastanea, 278 ; al- bidula, 257; albiformis, 278; albo- umbilicata, 257 ; ampla, 263 ; angus- tissima, 280; aperta, 257; aquatica, 281; Arnoldi, 271; atrialba, 278; avellaneialba, 278; biformis, 258, 265 ; Broadwayi, 280 ; brumalis, 261 ; brunnescens, 278; caespitosa, 258; candicans, 257; Candida, 271, 280; catina, 258; centralis, 257; cerrus- sata, 280 ; chrysocephala, 258 ; cla- vipes, 259, 266, 278, 301 ; colum- bana, 259 ; compressipes, 259 ; con- cava, 259 ; connexa, 260 ; cuticolor, 278; dealbata, 258, 260, 266, 27s, 278 ; dealbata sudorifica, 274 ; di- color, 260, 278 ; difformis, 280 ; ditopoda, 273, 280; ditopus, 259; Earlei, 261 ; eccentrica, 261, 279, 301; ectypa, 280; ectypoides, 262, 263 ; elixa, 280 ; erubescens, 262 ; fellea, 262 ; flaccida, 262 ; flavidella, 263 ; fragrans, 280 ; fumosa, 263 ; fuscipes, 263 ; gallinacea, 263 ; geo- tropa, 265, 280 ; Gerardiana, 263 ; gigantea, 264 ; griseifolia, 278 ; Har- peri, 278 ; hiemalis, 264 ; hirneola, 280 ; Hoffmani, 264 ; hondensis, 278 ; illudens, 115, 131, 132, 152, 259, 281; incrustata, 280; infundibuli- formis, 257, 238, 264, 273, 301 ; in- ornata, 280 ; inversa, 258, 262, 264, 265, 272, 274, 278; leptoloma, 265; maculosa, 264, 265 ; marginata, 282 ; maxima, 264, 265 ; media, 266 ; megalospora, 157, 266; metachroa, 260, 261; mexicana, 280; micro- spora, 279 ; monadelpha, 281 ; mor- bifera, 260, 266, 275 ; multiceps, 152, 266, 267, 272; multiformis, 267 ; murinifolia,, 278 ; nebularis, 34, 266, 268 ; niveicolor, 280 ; no- bilis, 267; obbata, 280; oculata, 278; odora, 277; opaca, 280; ore- ades, 278; oregonensis, 278; para- sitica, 281; parilis, 280; Peckii, 278 ; peltigernia, 267 ; phyllophila, 268; phyllophiloides, 214, 268; pile- olaria, 268 ; piniaria, 268 ; pino- phila, 269 ; pithophylla, 269 ; por- phyrella, 269 ; pruinosa, 269, 280 ; pulcherrima, 270 ; pusilla, 279 ; radi- ozonaria, 270; rancidula, 270; reg- ularis, 270 ; revoluta, 282 ; rivulosa, 270, 280; robusta, 271, 280; rubro- tincta, 280; setiseda, 271; sinopica, 269, 271, 272, 277, 279, 301 ; sino- picoides, 271; socialis, 272, 279; sphaerospora, 282 ; splendens, 272 ; stipitata, 278 ; subcandicans, 278 ; subconcava, 271, 272; subconnexa, 272 ; subcyathiformis, 273 ; subdi- topoda, 273, 301 ; subfumosipes, 278 ; subhirta, 273 ; subinversa, 278 ; subinvoluta, 280 ; submar- morea, 273 ; subnigricans, 274 ; sub- similis, 273 ; subsocialis, 279 ; sub- squamata, 272, 274 ; sudorifica, 260, 266, 274; subzonalis, 274; sulphu- rea, 275; tenebricosa, 275; testa- ceoflava, 280; Trogii, 260; troy- ana, 280 ; trullaeformis, 280 ; trul- lisata, 27s ; truncicola, 265, 276 ; tuba, 280; tumulosa, 2804 variabilis, 278 ; vilescens, 276 ; violaceifolia, 278; virens, 260, 276, 277, 301; washingtonensis, 278 Clitocybe in North America, The genus, 256 Clitocybe megalospora. The validity of, 157 Clitoria cajanifoHa, 189; glycinoides, 189; rubiginosa, 189 Clusia rosea, 336 Coccoloba, 145 Coccomyces, 25, 27 ; hiemalis, 45 ; lu- tescens, 45 ; prunophorae, 45 Coleosporium, 84, 169; Elephantopo- dis, 171; Ipomoeae, 80, 172; Plu- mierae, 169, 172; Solidaginis, 80; Vernoniae, 80, 84, 89 Collections by F. L. Stevens, Uredi- 348 Mycologia nales of Porto Rico based on, i68, 227, 315 Colletotrichum, 23, 38, 39, 40, 149 ; destructivum, 38 ; salmonicolor, 40; solanicolum, 39; Trifolii, 38 Colletotrichum and Phoma, New spe- cies of, 38 Collomia, 77 ; linearis, 77, 88 Collybia, 291, 301 ; acervata, 301, 305; confluens, 301; dryophila, 301, 305; longipes, 132; maculata, 301, 306; platyphylla, 115, 118, 301; ra- dicata, 1^7, 158, 301, 305; retigera, 291; scabriuscula, 301; strictipes, 301 ; tuberosa, 131, 132, 301, 302 Colocasia, 144 Coltricia perennis, 34, 299 ; tomen- tosa, 299 Commelina elegans, 182, 329; nudi- flora, 183; virginica, 182, 329, 330 Conard, Henry S., The structure and development of Secotium agaricoi- des, 94 Continued desiccation on the expul- sion of ascospores of Endothia parasitica. The effect of, 126 Convolvulus, 193 ; nodiflorus, 192 Coprinus, 98, 100; atramentarius, 34, 152; comatus, 152; fimetarius, 301; micaceus, 45, 102, 152, 301 Cordia corymbosa, 337 Cordyceps militaris, 298 Coremium, 134; silvaticum, 134 Coriolus abietinus, 299 ; versicolor. 299 Corticium coeruleum, 132 Cortinarius, 221, 223, 302; anomalus, 223 ; armillatus, 301 ; erythrinus, 223 ; 302 ; lilacinus, 302, 305 ; pur- purascens, 302 ; roseipallidus, 221 ; semisanguineus, 302, 305 Cortinellus, 256; decorus, 164, 275 Corydalis aurea, 66 Cosmos caudatus, 195 Cracca cinerea, 177 Crataegus cerronus, 79, 89 ; punctatus, 78; Pringlei, 78, 88 Craterellus, 110; borealis, no; cor- nucopioides, 299, 305 Crepidotus, 36, 37 Crinipellis, 156; alnicola, 156; echi- nulata, 156; squamifolia, 156; sub- livida, 156; zonata, 270 Cronartium Quercus, 80, 89 Crotalaria retusa, 335 Croton lucidus, 147 Crucibulum vulgare, 305 Cryptoporus, 121, 123, 124; volvatus, 121, 123, 124, I2S, IS5 Cryptoporus volvatus. Notes on, 12 1 Cryptosporella, 24 Cudonia lutea, 298 Cultures of Uredineae in 1912, 1913, and 1914, 61 Cup-fungi, Photographs and descrip- tions of, — I. Peziza, 90; II. Sepultaria, 197 Cuphea, 323 ; Parsonsia, 323 Curcurbitaria, 27 ; Laburni, 24 Cylindrosporium, 25, 45 Cyperus, 231, 318; cayennensis, 231; laevigatus, 231; mutisii, 231; poly- stachus, 231; radiatus, 231 ; sphace- latus, 231 ; surinamensis, 231 Cyphella, no Daedalea confragosa, 299 Daldinia concentrica, 298 Dasycypha, 9 Dasyspora foveolata, 241 Decodon, 66 ; verticillatus, 86, 89 Delphinium, 73 ; Geyeri, 73 Dendropanax arboreum, 149 Descriptions of cup-fungi. Photo- graphs and, — • I. Peziza, 90; II. Sepultaria, 197 Desiccation on the expulsion of as- cospores of Endothia parasitica. The effect of continued, 126 Desmodium axillare, 188; Scorpiurus, 188 Development of Secotium agaricoides. The structure and, 94 Dicaeoma, 28; canaliculatum, 231; ciliata, 319; cubense, 251; defor- matum, 229 ; Eleocharidis, 232 ; Paspali, 230; pulcherrimum, 238; radicans, 319 Dictyophora duplicata, 153 Dieffenbachia, 144 Dimerina, 337; Jacquiniae, 337 Dimerium, 335, 336, 337 ; Cayaponiae, 335. 340; grammodes, 335, 337: melioloides, 336, 340; Stevensii, 337 Dimerosporium, 335 ; lateritium, 336 Diodia rigida, 250 ; maritima, 250 Diorchidium leve, 230 Dioscorea, 320; grandiflora, 320 Dirca aecia, 74 ; palustris, 64, 65 Doellingeria umbellata, 65 Dolicholus reticulatus, 186, 187; tex- anus, 186 Dolichos, 187; Lablab, 331; reticu- latus, 187 Dorstenia Contrajerva, 327 Dothidea grammodes, 335 ; perispori- oides, 335, 336; seminata, 33s Dothidella grammodes, 335 Dryopteris patens, 176, 325; Poiteana, 32s Index to Volume VII 349 Dulichium arundinaceum, 8i, 87 Durability of greenheart (Nectandra Rodiaei Schomb.), Tests on the, 204 Edible and poisonous, Fungi, 15 1 Effect of continued desiccation on the expulsion of ascospores of Endo- thia parasitica. The, 126 Elasmomyces, 99, too; mattirolianus, 102 Eleagnus argentea, 65, 73 Eleocharis, 232 ; cellulosa, 232 ; genic- ulata, 232 ; interstincta, 232 Elephantopus angustifolius, 172; ca- rolinianus, 84; mollis, 171, 172; scaber, 172 Eleutheranthera ruderalis, 251, 252 Elfvingia Brownii, 155, 215; fomen- taria, 299 ; megaloma, 299 Elfvingiella, no; fasciata, no, 215 Elymus, 74, 75 ; canadensis, 73, 88 ; virginicus, 82, 88 Emilia sonchifolia, 251, 252 Endophyllum Rivinae, 235 Endoptychum, 99, 100 Endothia parasitica, 24, 27, 126, 130 Endothia parasitica, The effect of continued desiccation on the ex- pulsion of ascospores of, 126 Entoloma, 105, 302; cuspidatum, 302; sericeum, 302 ; strictius, 302 Eocronartium typhuloides, 49 Eragrostis tephrosanthus, 180 Erigeron annuus, 66, 75 Eriosporangium Hyptidis, 247 ; tucu- manense, 246 Erisyphe, 46, 328 Ernodea littoralis, 250 Erythrina glauca, 322, 323 ; Litho- spermae, 146; micropteryx, 146, 323 Erythroxylon areolatum, 320, 321 ; Coca, 321 ; havanense, 320, 321 Eugenia buxifolia, 148; Jambos, 239 Eupatorium odoratum, 148; polyodon, 250 ; villosum, 251 Euphorbia corollata, 65 ; cyparissias, 65 ; hirta, 190 ; petiolaris, 236 Euthamia, 70 ; graminifolia, 70, 75, 83, 84, 87 Exogonium repandum, 149 Expulsion of ascospores of Endothia parasitica, The effect of continued desiccation on the, 126 Favolus variegatus, 289 Ferax group of the genus Saproleg- nia. The, 307 Ficus, 174, 17s; Carica, 174; glom- erata, 174; laevigata, 174 Fimbristylis, 232 ; diphylla, 232 ; fer- ruginea, 232 Fink, Bruce, William Wirt Calkins, amateur mycologist, 57 Fischeria crispiflora, 242 Fistulina, 155; hepatica, 151 Fitzpatrick, Harry Morton, A para- sitic species of Claudopus, 34 Flammula, 223 ; penetrans, 302 ; poly- chroa, 207, 208 ; sapinea, 302 ; spu- mosa, 302 Fomes Abramsianus, 215; amarus, 15s; annosus, 132, 207, 208; Brownii, 215; everhartii, 207, 208; fomentarius, 207; igniarius, 155, 207, 208 ; lobatus, 207, 208 ; nigri- canus populinus, 155; pinicola, 207, 208; putearius, 13; robiniae, 208; roseus, 207, 208, 299 ; turbinatus, 215 ; ungulatus, 299 Fomitiporia prunicola, 300 Fromme, F. D., Arthur, J. C., &, The taxonomic value of pore characters in the grass and sedge rusts, 28 Fuirena, 319; umbellata, 319 Fuligo septica, 298 Fulvifomes, no; calcitratus, 215; Cedrelae, 215; cinchoensis, 215; dependens, 215; extensus, 215; grenadensis, 213; hydrophilus, 215; jamaicensis, 215; linteus, 215; mel- leicinctus, 215; pseudosenex, 215; sarcitus, 215; sublinteus, 213; sub- pectinatus, 213. Swieteniae, 213; troyanus, 213; Underwoodii, 213; yucatanensis, 213 Fungi edible and poisonous, 13 1 Fungi, Illustrations of, — XX, 113; XXI, 163; XXII, 221 Fungi, Luminescence in the, 131 Fungi, Preliminary list of Upper St. Regis, 297 Fusarium conglutinans, 49 Galera Hypnorum, 302; tener, 302 Carman, Philip, Some Porto Rican parasitic fungi, 333 Genus Clitocybe in North America, The, 236 Genus Lepista, The, 103 Gibberella, 27 ; Saubinetti, 23 Gloeophyllum hirsutum, 300 Gloeoporus, 133 Gloeosporium, 23, 40 Glomerella, 23 Glycine reticulata, 186 Gnomonia, 24 Gossypium barbadense, 173; brasili- ense, 173; hirsutum, 173 Gouania domingensis 237, 329 ; lati- folia, 238; lupuloides, 237, 329; 350 Mycologia polygama, 237, 329 ; tomentosa, 237, 329 Grass and sedge rusts, The taxonomic value of pore characters in the, 28 Greenheart (Nectandra Rodiaei Schomb.), Tests on the durability of, 204 Grifola Berkeley!, 46; frondosa, 151 Grindelia squarrosa, 72 Guarea trichiloides, 149 Guettarda ovalifolia, 334 Guignardia, 24 Guilandina crista, 146 Gutierrezia Sarothrae, 72, 88 Gymnopilus farinaceus, 222 ; spumo- sus, 222 Gymnosporangium, 48 ; Betheli, 78,88 ; Botryapites, 83 ; clavariaeforme, 79, 88 ; durum, 78, 88 ; Ellisii, 86, 89 ; gracilens, 78, 88; Nelsoni, 78, 88; nidus-avis, 83, 89 Gyrophila nimbata, 107 Gyrophragmium, 100 Hamaspora, 87 Hapalopilus rutilans, 300 Heald, F. D., & Studhalter, R. A., The effect of continued desiccation on the expulsion of the ascospores of Endothia parasitica, 126 Hebeloma, 223; palustre, 214 Helianthus angustifolius, 65 Helicteres jamaicensis, 147 Heliomyces, 156 Helminthosporium, 109; gramineum, 49 ; teres, 49 Helvella cochleata, 90, 91; Infula, 298 Hemidiodia ocimifolia, 250, 315 Herbarium, Marking types in the my- cological, 108 Herpotrichia, 210, 211 ; nigra, 23, 210, 21 1 Herpotrichia nigra and associated species. Observations on, 210 Heteropteryx, 240 Heterotrichum cymosum, 337, 338 Hibiscus militaris, 64, 82 Humphrey, C. J., Tests on the dura- bility of greenheart (Nectandra Ro- diaei Schomb.), 204 Hyalopsora, 170 Hydnocystis, 197, 199 Hydnum Caput-ursi, 151, 299; ochra- ceum, 299; repandum, 151; zo- natum, 299 Hydrophyllum capitatum, 73 ; Fend- leri, 64, 73 ; virginicum, 64 Hygrophorus, 259, 262 ; chlorophanus, 302; coccineus, 302, 305; miniatus, 302, 305 ; pratensis, 262 Hymenaea, 321 ; Courbaril, 321 Hymenochaete, 9 ; rubiginosa, 1-4, 13, 14-18 Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev., A timber rot accompanying, i Hymenoclea monogyra, 85, 89 Hypholoma, 47, 98, 102; appendicu- latum, 120, 152; Boughtoni, 117; Candolleanum, 120; delineatum, 117; lacrymabundum, 116, 117; perplexum, 152; rigidipes, 117; ru- gocephalum, 117 Hypomyces Ipomoeae, 25 Hyptis atrorubens, 246 ; capitata, 247 ; latanifolia, 248 ; pectinata, 246 ; suaveolens, 246 Illustrations of fungi — XX, 115; J^I, 163 ; XXII, 221 Index to American Mycological Lit- erature, SI. 113. 159, 217, 293, 341 Indigofera Anil, 177; suffruticosa, 177 Inga vera, 177 Inocybe, 302; euthelella, 214; infida, 152 Inonotus Leei, 155, 215 ; leprosus, 215; ludovicianus, no; porrectus, 21 s; radiatus, 300 Ipomoea, 80; acuminata, 243; Ba- tatis, 172; Carolina, 243; cathartica, 243; littoralis, 172; Nil, 172; pan- durata, 80; stolonifer, 172; tricho- carpa, 243 ; triloba, 243 Iresine elatior, 235 ; paniculata, 235 Iris versicolor, 64 Ischnoderma fuliginosum, 300 Jacquemontia nodiflora, 192, 193, 237; tamnifolia, 172 Jacquinia barbasco, 337 Jambos Jambos, 239 Janipha Manihot, 190 Jatropha Curcas, 331 ; gossypifolia, 331; Manihot, 190 Juncus balticus, 76, 88 Juniperus scopulorum, 78, 88 ; sib- irica, 79, 89 ; utahensis, 78, 88 ; vir- giniana, 83, 89 Klebahnia, 184, 196; Bidentis, 196 Koeleria, 75 ; cristata, 75, 88 Kuehneola, 169, 170, 174, 175; Fici, 174; Gossypii, 175 Kyllinga caespitosa, 231 ; pumila, 231 Laccaria, 256, 269; laccata, 275, 302, 305 ; striatula, 302 Lachnea hemisphaerica, 299 ; scutel- lata, 299 Laciniaria Langloisii, 84 ; punctata, 71, 84; scariosa, 77 Index to Volume VII 351 Lactaria, 302 ; camphorata, 302 ; deli- ciosa, 152; Gerardii, 302; Hib- bardae, 225; lactiflua, 152, 166; lig- nyota, 225, 302, 305 ; mucida, 302 ; oculata, 302 ; parva, 302 ; piperata, 152, 225, 302; pHnthogala, 164; sub- dulcis, 302, 305 ; theiogala, 302 ; torminosa, 302, 306; turpis, 301, 302; varia, 302; Volkertii, 165 Lactuca intybacea, 324 Laetiporus speciosus, 132, 151 Lamprospora, 199 Lantana aculeata, 244 ; Camara, 243, 244, 334 ; crocea, 244 ; involucrata, 244 ; odorata, 244 ; stricta, 244 ; trifolia, 244 Lasiacis divaricata, 180; Sloanei, 181 ; Swartziana, 181, 339; Lasiosphaeria Coulteri, 210 Lentinellus, 156 Lentinula, 156, 291; reticeps, 291 Lentinus, 156; caespitosus, 281; coch- leatus occidentalis, 216; lecomtei, 207, 208; lepideus, 119, 207; um- bilicatus, 214 Lentodiellum, 137, 215, 216; conca- vum, 216 Lentodium, 156; squamosum, 119 Lenzites betulina, 207, 208; sepiaria, 207-209 Leonotis nepetaefolia, 24s Leotia lubrica, 299 Lepargyracea canadensis, 65 Lepiota, 119; americana, 152; amian- thina, 118, 302; clypeolaria, 302, 305 ; fuscosquamea, 302 ; meleagris, 99, 102; naucina, 152, 302; procera, 152 Lepista, 105; domestica, 105, 106; panaeola, 105, 106; personata, 105 Lepista. The genus, 105 Leptonia serrulata, 302 Leptostroma, 23 Limacella illinita, 302 Lind’s work on the Rostrup Herbar- ium, 42 List of Upper St. Regis fungi. Preli- minary, 297 Lithospermum angustifolium, 71 ; offi- cinale, 65 Lophodermium, 23 Luminescence in the fungi, 13 1 Lycoperdon, 100; atropurpureum, 305 ; cyathiforme, 132, 303 ; gemmatum, 152, 303; pulcherrimum, 303; pyri- forme, 303 ; separans, 305 ; subin- carnatum, 303 ; Wrightii, 303 Lycopus americanus, 71, 88 MacOwenites, 100 Macropodium macropus, 299 Malvastrum, 82 ; coccineum, 66, 82 Man, A new fungus, Phialophora ver- rucosa, pathogenic for, 200 Manihot Manihot, 190; utilissima, 190 Manisuris granularis, 230 Marasmiellus, 136, 157; inconspicuus, 136; juniperinus, 136 Marasmius, 133, 136, 301 ; alnicola, 136; campanulatus, 303; distanti- folius, 136; echinulatus, 136; in- conspicuus, 136; juniperinus, 136; niduliformis, 136; oreades, 132; 303 ; rotula, 303 ; squamifolius, 136; sublividus, 136; submulti- ceps, 136 Marasmius in North American Flora, Russula and, 133 Marking types in the mycological her- barium, 108 Medlar, E. M., A new fungus, Phialo- phora verrucosa, pathogenic for man, 200 Meibomia, 189; adscendens, 333 ; axil- laris, 188; Scorpiurus, 188; tortu- osum, 188, 189 Melampsoropsis, 173 Melanoleuca, 118, 236, 267, 273; al- bissima, 274, 303, 306 ; fumidella, 163; melaleuca, 303; personata, 132; rutilans, 303; Russula, 222; sordida, 106 Melanomma, 144 Melanthera aspera, 194; canescens, 194, 195; deltoides, 193; hastata cubensis, 193 Melasmia, 23 Melothria guadalupensis, 192 Menyanthes, 66 Mephitic Claudopus, A new, 290 Merulius, 133; laerymans, ii, 206- 209 ; tremellosus, 207, 208 Mesosphaerum atrorubens, 246, 247 ; capitatum, 247 ; latanifolium, 248 ; pectinatum, 246, 247 ; spicatum, 246 ; suaveolens, 246, 247 Metastelma lineare, 242 ; palustre, 243 ; parviflorum, 242 ; Schlechten- dahlii, 242 Miconia, 338 ; prasina, 337 ; Sintensii, 337, 338; laevigata, 333, 337 Microcera, 23 Mikania, 317; cordifolia, 317 Milesia, 176; columbiensis, 173; con- similis, 176; Kriegeriana, 176 Milesina columbiensis, 173; Krieger- iana, 176 Mimosa ceratonia, 183, 184 Mitracarpus portoricensis, 230 Mitrula vitellina, 299 Momisia iguanaea, 143 Monadelphus, 236, 277, 281 ; caespi- 352 Mycologia tosus, 281; illudens, 258, 281, 282; marginatus, 282 ; revolutus, 282 ; sphaerosporus, 282 Montagnites, 100 Morchella esculenta, 15 1 Muhlenbergia, 82, 181 ; Porteri, 81 Murrill, W. A., Fungi edible and poisonous, 151 ; The genus Clitocybe in North America, 256; The ge- nus Lepista, 105 ; Illustrations of Fungi— XX, IIS, XXI, 163, XXII, 221 ; Luminescence in the fungi, 131 ; Marking types in the myco- logical herbarium, 108; A new bo- lete from California, 44 ; Prelimi- nary list of Upper St. Regis fungi, 297 Mutinus, 100 Mycena, 280, 303 ; Leaiana, 303 ; pura, 1 17, 269, 303 Mycological herbarium. Marking types in the, 108 Mycologist, amateur, William Wirt Calkins, 57 Myrica cerifera, 87, 89 Mytilidion, 210, 21 1; fusisporum, 21 1 Napaea, 82; dioica, 82; Nectria discophora, 25; galligena, 25; megalospora, 336 Neopeckia Coulteri, 210, 211 Nephrolepis rivularis, 175 Neurocarpum cajanifolium, 189 Neurolaena lobata, 252 New ascus-producing species, Pencil- Hum avellaneum. A, 284 New Bolete from California, A, 44 New fungus, Phialophora verrucosa, pathogenic for man. A, 200 New mephitic Claudopus, A, 290 News and Notes, 109, 212, 288 and Reviews, 45, 155 New species of Colletotrichum and Phoma, 38 Nigredo, 28, 183, 192, 194; appendi- culata, 185; Columbiana, 194; Com- melinae, 182; Dolicholi, 186; Erag- rostidis, 180; Hedysari-paniculati, 188, 189; Helleriana, 192; lepto- derma, 180; major, 181 ; Neuro- carpi, 189; proeminens, 190; Rhyn- cosporae, 182; Scleriae, 182 North American Flora, Russula and Marasmius in, 155 North America, The genus Clitocybe in, 256 Notes on Agaricus reticeps Mont., 290 Notes on Cryptoporus volvatus, 121 Nyctalis, 34 Observations on Herpotrichia nigra and associated species, 210 Octospora pustulata, 92 Oenothera grandiflora, 46; Tracyi, 46 O’Gara, P. J., New species of Colleto- trichum and Phoma, 38 Olyra latifolia, 229 Omphalia 263, 304 ; campanella, 303 ; chrysophylla, 303 ; fibula, 303 ; um- bellifera, 304 Onagra biennis, 75 Onosmodium occidentale, 73 Ophionectria, 27 ; coccicola, 23, 25 Orton, C. R., Structural parallelism between spore-forms in the Asco- mycetes, 21 Otidea, 91 Panaeolus solidipes, 163 Pandanus, 150 Panellus, 156; flabellatus, 156; jala- pensis, 156; subcantharelloides, 156 Panicum, 339; barbinode, 181 ; cap- illare, 65; divaricatum, 180; lana- tum, 181 ; maximum, 144; molle, 181 ; ovalifolium, 229 ; Sloanei, 181 ; trichoides, 229 ; virgatum, 65 Panus concavus, 216 ; flabellatus, 156 ; incandescens, 282; jalapensis, 156; meruliiceps, 291 ; stypticus, 13 1, 132; subcantharelloides, 156 Parallelism between spore-forms in the Ascomycetes, Structural, 21 Parasitic fungi. Some Porto Rican, 333 Parasitic fungi — I, Studies in Porto Rican, 143 Parasitic species of Claudopus, A, 34 Parodiella, 33S. 337 : melioloides, 336 Paspalum, 230, 339 ; compressum, 326; conjugatum, 319 ; fimbricatum, 230 ; Helleri, 230, 326 ; Humboldti- anum, 319, 326; orbiculatum, 230; paniculatum, 230, 326 ; pilosum, 230; plicatulum, 230, 326; Schre- berianum, 230 ; Underwoodii, 339 Passiflora rubra, 254 Pathogenic for man, A new fungus, Phialophora verrucosa, 200 Paxillus, 105; atrotomentosus, 304; involutus, 152, 304, 305; Lepista, 105; panuoides, 304 Peltigera, 267 Pelvetia, 213 Penicillium, 134, 135, 136. 138, 284; africanum, 135, 142; avellaneum, 284; brevicaule, 134: candidum, 284; claviforme, 134; duclauxi, 134, 140, 141 ; expansum, 135 ; funicu- losum, 142; luteum, 135, 136, 137, 140, 284; pinophilum, 135, 136, 140, Index to Volume VII 353 142; purpurogenum, 135, 136, 140, 142; purpurogenum var. rubri-scle- rotium, 137; rugulosum, 140, 141, 142; silvaticum, 134 Penicillium avellaneum, a new ascus- producing species, 284 Penicillium luteum-purpurogenum group, The, 134 Peridermium, 79, 84 ; carneum, 80, 84; Cerebrum, 80, 214; fusiforme, 62, 79, 80, 84, 89 ; Petitia domingenis, 333 Peziza, 90, 197; abietina, 299; areni- cola, 197; assimilata, 92; badia, 90, 91, 93; bufonia, 93; cochleata, 90, 91; heterophylla, 73; pustulata, 92, 93; sepulta, 197, 198; sylvestris, 93 ; tanacetifolia, 64 ; umbrina, 92 ; vesiculosa, 91, 93 Phaeolus sistotremoides, 300 Phakopsora, 173, 175; Phyllanthi, 332; Vitis, 173 Phallus, 100 Phaseolus. 186, 187; adenanthus, 185; lunatus, 335 ; prostratus, 187; vul- garis, 18s Phialophora, 202 ; verrucosa, 202, 203 Phialophora verrucosa, pathogenic for man, A new fungus, 200 Philadelphus coronarius, 78, 88 ; Ke- teleerii, 78, 88 Philibertella clausa, 243 Philibertia, 243 Pholiota, 304; candicans, 152; John- soniana, 226; praecox, 214; squar- rosa, 304 Phoma, 41, 143; rostrata, 41 Phoma, New species of Colletotrichum and, 38 Photographs and descriptions of cup- fungi — I. Peziza, 90; II. Sepultaria, 197 Phragmidium, 175 Phragmites, 22 • Phyllachora, 337, 338; Andropogonis, 339. 340 ; dalbergiicola perforans, 340; graminis, 338, 339, 340 ; nitens, 339; paulensis, 340 ; perforans, 340 ; peribebuyensis, 337, 338, 340; Re- nalmiae, 339 ; sphaerosperma, 339 Phyllanthus distichus, 332 ; grandifol- ius, 332; nobilis, 254 Phyllosticta, 143; adianticola, 144; araliana, 148; bixina, 148; bo- ringuensis, 147 ; cissicola, 147 ; Colocasiae, 144; colocasicola, 144; commelinicola, 144 ; divergens, 146; Erythrinae, 146; erythrini- cola, 146; Eugeniae, 148; eupatori- cola, 148; glaucispora, 149; guani- censis, 146; Guareae, 149; Ipo- moeae, 149; Lagenariae, 149; mo- misiana, 145; nericola, 149; Nerii, 149; pandanicola, 150; Panici, 144; Pithecolobii, 14S ; Pithecolobii mo- nensis, 145; portoricensis, 147; Sacchari, 144; Sechii, 149; Ste- vensii, 147 Physalis pubescens, 66 Physopella, 170, 173, 175, 330; Aes- chynomenis, 330 ; Fici, 174; ficina, 174; Vitis, 173 Picea, 210; Engelmanni, 210 Pieters, A. J., The ferax group of the genus Saprolegnia, 307 Pinus, 169; palustris, 80, 89; taeda, 79, 80, 84, 89 Piptoporus suberosus, 300 Pithecolobium Unguis-cati, 145 Pityrogramma calomelanos, 325, 334 Pleospora, 25, 27, 49 Pleuropus abortivus, 152 Pleurotopsis, 156; niduliformis, 156 Pleurotus, 36, 37, 291 ; caespitosus, 281; cubensis, 156; lampas, 282; noctilucens, 282 ; olearius, 282 ; ori- zabensis, 156; sapidus, 152; sub- barbatulus, 156 Plicaria badia, 90; pustulata, 92 Plowrightia, 25 Pluchea odorata, 324 ; purpurascens, 324. 325 Plumiera alba, 173; Krugii, 172; ob- tusa, 172; rubra, 173 Pluteus alveolatus, 291 ; cervinus, 152, 304 Poinsettia heterophylla, 190 Poisonous, Fungi edible and, 151 Polymarasmius, 156, 157; submulti- ceps, 156 Polyplocium, 100 Polyporus, 34, 35; adustus, 207; arcu- larius, 214; caudicinus, 132; ele- grans, 300; graminicola, 215; Leei, 215; Marbleae, 215; McMurphyi, 155; obtusus, 207, 208; perennis, 34-37: porrectus, 215; resinosus, 207, 208; Schweinitzii, 214; sul- phureus, 207, 208; volvatus, 125; Zelleri, 155 Polystictus hirsutus, 207, 208, 209 ; prolificans, 208 ; versicolor, 207, 208 Pore characters in the grass and sedge rusts, The taxonomic value of, 28 Porodaedalea Pini, iii, 132, 300 Porothelium, 155 Porto Rican parasitic fungi, Some, 333 354 Mycologia Porto Rican parasitic fungi — I, Stu- dies in, 143 Porto Rico based on eollections by F. L. Stevens, Uredinales of, 168, 227, 31S Preliminary list of Upper St. Regis Fungi, 297 Prospodium appendiculatum, 178 Psalliota, loi Pseudopeziza, 24 Pseudotsuga taxifolia, 12 1 Psidium, 240 ; Guajava, 239 Psychotria patens, 323 Pteris, 334 Puccinia, 22, 28, 62, 67, 76, 170, 245, 322, 323; Agropyri, 73, 74, 82, 88; albiperidia, 67, 68, 69, 78, 87 ; al- ternans, 74 ; Andropogonis, 72 ; an- gustata, 64, 70, 71, 88; angusta- toides, 62; appendiculata, 178; Arechavelatae, 236; Becki, 179; Blechi, 249 ; Boutelouae, 30 ; Ca- meliae, 227 ; Campulosi, 29 ; canali- culata, 231, 318; Cannae, 233; Caricis-Asteris, 32, 69, 76, 87 ; Ca- ricis-Solidaginis, 69, 79, 87 ; Ca- ricis-Strictae, 32; Cenchri, 32, 228; Chaetochloae, 230; compacta, 240, 241 ; concrescens, 240, 241 ; Con- volvuli, 192 ; crassipes, 243 ; Cryp- tandri, 64 ; Cynanchi, 242 ; Cyperi, 231; deformata, 229; Dolichi, 186; Dulichii, 66, 84, 81, 87; Eleocha- ridis, 232; Eleutherantherae, 251; Ellisiana, 71, 72, 88; emaculata, 65; Emiliae, 251; epiphylla, 29, 32; eslavensis, 32 ; Euphorbiae, 236 ; extensicola, 70, 76, 79, 80, 81, 87 ; Fimbristylidis, 232; Fuirenae, 319; Gonolobi, 243 ; Gouaniae, 237, 329 ; gouaniicola, 238; graminis, 62; gre- garia, 241 ; Grossulariae, 66, 67, 69, 76, 87; hemisphaerica, 324; hetero- spora, 238 ; Huberi, 229 ; Hyptidis, 247, 248 ; insititia, 248 ; Ipomoeae, 243; inflata, 236; Jambosae, 239, 240 ; karelica, 32 ; Latanae, 243 ; la- teritia, 249 ; leonotidicola, 245 ; Leo- notidis, 245 ; leptospora, 29 ; levis, 230; macropoda, 235; McClatchie- ana, 64 ; medellinensis, 246, 247, 249 ; Melicae, 30; minutissima, 86, 89; monoica, 75, 88; Muhlenbergiae, 81, 82, 88; Nesaeae, 86; nodosa, 85, 89 ; obliqua, 242, 243 ; obliterata, 74; Pammelii, 65 ; Panici, 65 ; pani- cicola, 180; paradoxica, 29; Pas- pali, 230; peridermiospora, 22; po- culiforniis, 32; Psidii, 239, 240; quadriporula, 76, 87 ; Raunkiaerii, 23s ; Ribesii-Caricis, 69 ; Rivinae, 23s; Rompelii, 240; rosea, 250; rubigo-vera, 62 ; salviicola, 249 ; sanguinolenta, 240 ; scleriicola, 232 ; Seymouriana, 22, 30; solida, 251, 252; sphaerospora, 242, 243; splen- dens, 85, 89; Sporoboli, 31, 32; Stipae, 72, 88 ; substriata, 230 ; Synedrellae, 251; tageticola, 251; Thaliae, 233; Thwaitessii, 238; tomipara, 74; tosta, 64, 66, 81, 82, 84, 88; triarculata, 30; Tridacis, 251 ; tucumanensis, 247; uniporula, 67, 68, 69, 78 ; Urbaniana, 244 ; Urticae, 32; Vernoniae, 179; Ver- noniae-mollis, 179; versicolor, 30; vexans, 31, 32; Vilfae, 22; vulpin- oides, 62, 63, 66, 79, 80, 84, 87 ; xanthopoda, 233 Pucciniastrum, 169, 175 Pucciniosira, 253; pallidula, 170, 253; Pustularia vesiculosa, 91 Pyropolyporus Abramsianus, 155, 215 ; cinnabarinus, 300; conchatus, 300; igniarius, in, 300; igniarius nigri- cans, III Quamoclit coccinea, 172 Quercus Phellos, 80, 89 ; rubra, 79, 80, 89 Rajania, 320; cordata, 320 Randia, 315; aculeata, 315 Ravenelia, 178, 184, 322, 329; Caesal- piniae, 183; capituliformis, 328; caulicola, 176; Indigoferae, 177; Ingae, 177; Stevensii, 178 Resupinatus, 156; cubensis, 156; ori- zabensis, 156; subbarbatulus, 156 Reticularia Lycoperdon, 298 Rheosporangium aphanidermatum, 288 Rhizina inflata, 213 Rhizoctonia, 39, 48 ; solani, 48 Rhodopaxillus, 105; panaeolus, 107; personatus, 105; sordidus, 106 Rhynchospora, 62; aurea, 182; cy- peroides, 182; distans, 182; mi- crantha, 182; polyphylla, 182 Rhyncosia, 187; longeracemosa, 187; reticulata, 186; Senna, 187; tex- ana, 186 Rhytisma, 23 Ribes, 69, 76 ; Cynosbati, 66, 78, 87 ; Rivina humilis, 235 ; octandra, 235 Romell, Lars, Lind’s work on the Ros- trup Herbarium, 42 Rosellinia melioloides, 336 Rostkovites calif ornicus, 44, 215; granulatus, 152, 300, 305; subau- reus, 300, 305 Index to Volume VII 355 Rostrup Herbarium, Lind’s work on the, 42 Rostrupia Scleriae, 233 Rot accompanying Hymenochaete ru- biginosa (Schrad.) Lev., A timber, 1 Ruellia strepens, 65 Russula, 155, 156, 166, 221, 222, 225, 273, 304; albida, 304; bifida, 224; compacta, 304, 305 ; crustosa, 224 ; depallens, 304; emetica, 152. 304, 306; foetens, 152, 304, 306; fur- cata, 224 ; lutea, 304, 305 ; Mariae, 152; pectinatoides, 167; virescens, 152, 224 Russula and Marasmius in North American Flora, 155 Rusts, The taxonomic value of pore characters in the grass and sedge, 28 Rytilix granularis, 230 Sabicea aspera, 324 Saccharum, 144 Salvia occidentalis, 249 Saprolegnia, 307; anisospora, 308; declina, 308, 312; dioica, 308; ferax, 307-314; hypogyna, 308; mixta, 307-314; monoica, 307-309, 312-314; Thureti, 307, 308; toru- losa, 307, 308 Saprolegnia, The ferax group of the genus, 307 Sarcosphaera, 199 Schizophyllum commune, 208 Schizophyllus, 156 Schlegelia brachyantha, 339 Schroeteriaster, 170 Scirpus atrovirens, 70, 88 ; Eriopho- rum, 71; fluviatilis, 83, 88; micro- carpus, 64, 71 ; rubrotinctus, 64, 71 ; sylvaticus, 64, 71 Scleria, 182, 233; Baldwinia, 233; hirtella, 233 ; pauciflora, 233 ; pte- rota, 182; setacea, 233; verticillata, 233 Scleroderma, 167; aurantium, 153, 305 ; tenerum, 167 Sclerotinia, 24 Scopulariopsis, 134 Scutiger griseus, 300; hispidellus, 155 Scytinotus, 156; distantifolius, 156 Seaver, Fred J., Observations on Herpotrichia nigra and associated species, 210; Photographs and de- scriptions of cup-fungi — I. Peziza, 90; II. Sepultaria, 197 Sechium edule, 149 Secotium, 98, 99-103; agaricoides, 94, 97, 99-102; coarotatum, 100; ery- throcephalum, 99; Gueinzii, 100; Mattirolianus, 99 ; melanosporum, 100; olbium, 100, 103; Warnei, 94 Secotium agaricoides. The structure and development of, 94 Sedge rusts. The taxonomic value of pore characters in the grass and, 28 Senecio Douglasii, 72 ; lugens, 72 ; obovatus, 81 ; spartioides, 72, 88 Septoria, 333; aquilina, 334; asiatica, 334; Chelidonii, 334; Guettardae, 334. 340; Lantanae, 334, 340; Miconiae, 333, 340; Petitiae, 333, 340; Pityrogrammae, 334; Ver- benae, 334 Sepultaria, 197, 198, 199; arenicola, 198; Longii, 199 Setaria scandens, 228; setosa, 227;. verticillata, 230 Sida, 239 ; glutinosa, 238 ; humilis, 238, 239, nervosa, 238 ; procum- bens, 238; spinosa, 238; urens, 238, 239 Sidalcea, 82 Silphium perfoliatum, 77 Sitodrepa panicea, 124 Slum cicutaefolium, 83, 88 Solanum torvum, 255 ; tuberosum, 39 Solenia, 155 Solidago, 63, 75, 76, 79, 81, 83; cana- densis, 6s, 70, 72, 75, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88 ; glaberrima, 79, 87 ; mis- souriensis, 79 ; mollis, 72, 79, 87 ; rugosa, 79, 83, 87 Some Porto Rican parasitic fungi, 333 Sparganophorum Vaillantii, 325 Spartina, 22; Michauxiana, 77, 88 Spathularia velutipes, 299 Species of Claudopus, A parasitic, 34 Species of Colletotrichuni and Phoma, New, 38 Spermococe aspera, 250 ; tenuior, 250 Sphaeralcea, 82; incana, 64, 81, 88; lobata, 64, 65, 82, 88 Sphaeria canaliculata, 231 ; melioloi- des, 336; perisporioides, 335, 336 Spongipellis borealis, 300; fragilis, 1 10 Spore-forms in the Ascomycetes, Structural parallelism between, 21 Sporobolus, 82, 181 ; asperifolius, 81, 88; cryptandrus, 64; diandrus, 181 ; indicus, 181 ; longifolius, 66 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, 244; stri- gosa, 244 Steironema ciliatum, 77 ; lanceolatum, 77 Stemmodontia trilobata, 318 Stenolobium Stans, 178 Stereum, 2 ; fasciatum, 207, 208, 209 ; frustulosum, 13-17; gausapatum. 356 Mycologia 207, 208; hirsutum, 16; rameale, 207, 208 Stigmaphyllon lingulatum, 236 ; peri- plocifolium, 236 ; Sagraeanum, 236 Stipa comata, 72, 88 Strobilomyces strobilaceus, 152 Stropharia, 95, 98; ambigua, 103; bi- lamellata, 226; coprinophila, 34; semiglobata, 304 Struchium Sparganophorum, 325 Structural parallelism between spore- forms in the Ascomycetes, 21 Structure and development of Seco- tium agaricoides, The, 94 Strumella, 46 ; coryneoidea, 46 Studhalter, R. A., Heald, F. D., &, The effect of continued desiccation on the expulsion of the ascospores of Endothia parasitica, 126 Studies in Porto Rican parasitic fungi — I, 143 Suillelus luridus, 152, 300, 306 Synedrella nodiflora, 251 Tagetes patula, 231 Taxonomic value of pore eharaeters in the grass and sedge rusts. The, 28 Tecoma Stans, 178 Tectella, 156 Teramnus uncinatus, 331 Tests on the durability of greenheart (Nectandra Rodiaei Schomb.). 204 Tetrazygia, 337, 338 Thalia, 234, 235; geniculata, 234 Thalictrum, 75 ; alpinum, 73 ; dioicum, 74, 83; Fendleri, 64, 73, 83 Thelephora laciniata, 299; perdix, 13 Thom, Charles, The Pencillium lu- teum-purpurogenum group, 134 Thom, Charles, & Turesson, G. W., Penicillium avellaneum, a new as- cus-producing species, 284 Timber rot accompanying Hymeno- chaete rubiginosa (Schrad.) Lev., A., I Tournefortia hirsutissima, 254 Tradescantia multiflora, 183 Trametes Pini, 13; abietis, 13, 14, 17; Pini, 214; robiniophila, 207 Tremella lutescens, 299; mycetophila, 299 Tremellodon gelatinosum, 299 Tricholoma, 105, 256, 291; cellare, 277; multipunctum, 165; nudum, 105; panaeolum, 103, 107; perso- natum, 103, 270; rancidulum, 270; Russula, 222; Sienna, 277; sordi- dum, 601 Tridax procumbens, 232 Trifolium carolinianum, 83, 89; hy- bridum, 38; pratense, 38, 39 Triopteris lingulata, 236 Trisetum, 73; subspicatum, 73, 88 Triumfetta, 233; grandiflora, 233; Lappula, 233; rhomboidea, 233; semitriloba, 147, 233 Tsuga heterophylla, 12 1 Turesson, G. W., Thom, Charles, &, Penicillium avellaneum, a new as- cus-producing species, 284 Tylopilus felleus, 131, 300, 306 Types in the mycological herbarium, Marking, 108 Typhula muscieola, 49 Tyromyces caesius, 300; chioneus, 300; graminicola, 213; guttulatus, 300; lacteus, 300 Upper St. Regis fungi. Preliminary list of, 297 Urechites lutea, 149 Uredinales of Porto Rico based on collections by F. L. Stevens, 168, 227. 315 Uredineae in 1912, 1913, and 1914, Cultures of, 61 Uredo, 170, 330; Aeschynomenis, 330; Agerati, 230; amaniensis, 193; Arachidis, 322; balaensis, 249; basipora, 243 ; bidenticola, 193 ; Bidentis, 193; biocellata, 324; Bixae, 327 ; Cabreriana, 322 ; Ca- jani, 187; Cameliae, 227, 228; can- cerina, 246 ; Cannae, 233 ; capit- uliformis, 328; Cephalanthi, 324; Cestri, 191 ; Chaetochloae, 230; Commelinaceae, 182; Commelinae, 182; Commelyneae, 329; concors, 330 ; Cupheae, 323 ; Desmodii-tor- tuosi, 189; Dichromenae, 319; Di- oscoreae, 320; Doliehi, 186; Eryth- roxylonis, 320 ; Eugeniarum, 239, 240 ; fallaciosa, 323 ; fenestrala, 170, 332; Fici, 174; ficicola, 174; ficina, 174; flavidula, 239 ; Fuirenae, 319; gemmata, 193, 237; Gossypii, 173; Gouaniae, 329; Gymnogram- mes, 170, 323; Hymenaeae, 321; ig- nobilis, 181 ; Jacquemontiae, 193; Janiphae, 190; jatrophicola, 331; Kyllingiae, 231 ; leonoticola, 243, 246; Leonotidis, 243; lutea, 321; moricola, 174; Myratearum, 239, 240, neurophyla, 240; nigropunc- tata, 320; nootkatensis, 48; pam- parum, 187; paspalicola, 319, 326; Phyllanthi, 332; proximella, 324; rubescens, 327 ; sabiceicola, 323 ; Sparganophori, 323 ; Stevensiana, 326; striolata, 233; subneurophyla, I Index to Volume VII 357 240; superficialis, 326; Teramni, 331; vicina, 325; Violae, 173; Vitis, 173 Uromyces, 22, 28, 31, 32, 170, 184, 240, 322, 323; acuminatus, 77, 88; appendiculatus, 185, 187; Arachidis, 322; Bidentis, 195, 196; Caesal- piniae, 183; Cestri, 19 1 ; colum- bianus, 194; Commelinae, 182, 330; densus, 196; dichrous, 190; Doli- choH, 186, 187; elegans, 85, 89; Eragrostidis, 180; Euphorbiae, 189; euphorbiicola, 190; gemmatus, 192, 237; Hedysari-paniculati, 188; Hellerianus, 192; ignobilis, 181 ; insularis, 189; jamaicensis, 184; Janiphae, 190; Jatrophae, 191; Junci, 76, 88; leptodermus, 180; major, 181 ; malvacearum, 238 ; malvicola, 238; Neurocarpi, 189; pedatatus, 72 ; perigynius, 75, 76, 83, 88; pianhyensis, 227, 325; pic- tus, 238 ; Poae, 32 ; proeminens, 189; pulcherrimus, 238; quadripo- rula, 76; Rhyncosporae, 65, 182; Scirpi, 83, 88; Scleriae, 182, 233; Sidae, 238; solidus, 188; Sporoboli, 66 ; Thwaitesii, 238 ; uniporulus, 32, 67, 68 Vaginata agglutinata, 152; plumbea, 152, 304, 305; plumbea strangulata, 305 Vagnera stellata, 66 Valerianodes jamaicensis, 244; stri- gosa, 244 Validity of Clitocybe megalospora. The, IS7 Value of pore characters in the grass and sedge rusts. The taxonomic, 28 Venenarius Caesareus, 152; cothur- natus, 152; phalloides, 152, 305, 306; Frostianus, 305; muscarius, 152, 30s, 306; rubens, 152; soli- tarius, 152; spretus, 152 Venturia, 25, 26, 27 Vermicularia, 39 Vernonia, 80, 84; albicaulis, 179; boringuensis, 180; fasciculata, 80, 84, 89; longifolia, 179; phyllosta- chya, 180 Vigna, 186, 187; repens, 185; vexil- lata, 185 Vincetoxicum, 243 Viola, 71, 72; cucullata, 71, 88; Nut- tallii, 71, 88; premulaefolia, 71; striata, 72 Vitis, 173; vinifera, 173 Volvaria Loveiana, 34 Wallrothiella Arceuthobii, 289 Wedelia, 227, 325; carnosa, 318; lan- ceolata, 325 ; reticulata, 227 ; tri- lobata, 318 Wissadula periplocifolia, 238, 239 Work on the Rostrup Herbarium, Lind’s 42 Xanthium, 318; canadense, 77 Xylaria Hypoxylon, 13 1, 132; poly- morpha, 299 Xylopia, 241 Young, Esther, Studies in Porto Ri- can parasitic fungi, 143 Zanthoxylum americanum, 66 Zeller, Sanford M., Notes on Crypto- porus volvatus, 121 4 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Price, 25 cents each. See next page for recent numbers No. 17. The Tylostomaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 24. The Nidulariaceae of North America, by V. S. White. No. 27. Some Mt. Desert Fungi, by V. S. White. Nos. 29, 32, 3S, 38, 41, 49, 52, $6, 60, 65, 69, 70 and 74. The Polyporaceae of North America, I-XIII, by W. A. Murrill. No. 90. Studies in North American Peronosporales — I. The Genus Albugo, by Guy West Wilson. No. 95. Studies in North American Peronosporales — II. Phytophthoreae and Rhysotheceae, by Guy West Wilson. No. 99. Some Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. no. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae, by W. A. Murrill. No. III. Boleti from Western North Carolina, by W. A. Murrill. No. 1 14. The Boleti of the Frost Herbarium, by W. A. Murrill. No. 115. Some North Dakota Hypocreales, by F. J. Seaver. No. 117. Studies in North American Peronosporales — IV. Host Index, by G. W. Wilson. No. 119. North Dakota Slime-Moulds, by F. J. Seaver. No. 122. Notes on North American Hypocreales — II. Nectria Peziza, by F. J. Seaver. No. 133. Iowa Discomycetes, by F. J. Seaver (special price 50 cents). No. 167. The Identity of the .Anthracnose of Grasses in the United States, by Guy West Wilson. Address NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, Bronx Park, New York City PUJB1L.ICATXOIV8 or The New York Botanical Garden Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, monthly, illustrated, con- taining notes, news, and non-tecbnical articles of general interest. Free to all mem- bers of the Garden. To others, lo cents a copy ; $i.oo a year. (Not offered in ex- change.] Now in its sixteenth volume. Mjoologia, bimonthly, illustrated in color and otherwise; devoted to fungi including lichens; containing technical articles and news and notes of general in- terest, and an index to current American mycological literature. $3-oo a year; single copies not for sale. [Not offered in exchange.] Now in its seventh volume. Baltotln of the Now York Botanical Oardoo, containing the annual reports of the Director-in-Chief and other official documents, and technical articles embodying results of investigations carried out in the Garden. Free to all members of the Garden ; to others, $3.00 per volume. Now in its ninth volume. North American Flora. Descriptions of the wild plants of North America, including Greenland, the West Indies and Central America. Planned to be com- pleted in 34 volumes. Roy. 8vo. Elach volume to consist of four or more parts. Subscription price, |i.SO per part; a limited number of separate parts will be sold for 82.00 each. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. 3, part 1, 1910. Nectriaceae — tlmetariaceae. Vol. 7, part I, 1906; part 2, 1907; part 3, 1912. Ustilaginaceae — Aecidiaceaa (pars). Vol. 9, parts I and a, I907; part 3, 1910; part 4, 1915. Polyporaceae — Agari- caceae (pars). ( Parts i and 2 no longer sold separately.) Vol. 10, part I, 1914. Agaricaceae (pars). Vol. 15, parts t and 2, 1913. Sphagnaceae — Leucobryaceae. Vol. 16, part I, 1909. Ophioglossaceae — Cyatheaceae (pars). Vol. 17, part 1, 1909; part 2, I9I2. Typhaceae — Poaceae (pars). Vol. 22, parts I and 2, 1905; parts 3 and 4, 1908; part $, 1913. Podostemona- ceae — Rosaceae (pars). Vol. 25, part I, 1907; part 2, 1910; part 3, 1911. Geraniaceae — Burseraceae. Vol. 29, part I, 1914. Clethraceae — Ericaceae. Vol. 34, part I, 1914; part 2, 1915. Carduaceae (pars). Memolra of the New York Botanical Garden. Price to members of the Garden, 8i-ooper volume. To others, 82.00. [Not offered in exchange.] Vol. I. An Annotated Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Park, by Per Axel Rydberg, ix -{-492 pp., with detailed map. 1900. Vol. II. The Influence of Light and Darkness upon Growth and Development, by D. T, MacDougal. xvi -{- 320 pp., with 176 figures. 1903. Vol. III. Studies of Cretaceous Coniferous. Remains from Kreischerville, New York, by Arthur Hollick and Edward Charles Jeffrey, viii-l-138 pp., with 29 plates. 19C9. Vol. IV. Effects of the Rays of Radium on Plants, by Charles Stuart Gager, viii -|- 278 pp., with 73 figures and 14 plates. 1908. Vol. V. Flora of the Vicinity of New York: A Contribution to Plant Geography, by Norman Taylor, vi 683 pp., with 9 plates. 1915. Contribationa from the New York Botanical Garden. A series of tech- nical papers written by students or members of the staff, and reprinted from journals other than the above. Price, 25 cents each. 85.00 per volume. In the eighth volume. RECENT NUMBERS 25 CENTS EACH 179. Studies of West Indian Plants — VI, by N. L. Britton. 180. Mosses from the West Coast of South America, by R. S. Williams. 181. The Origin of Dwarf Plants as shown in a sport of Hibiscus oculiroseus, by A. B. Stout. 182. Notes on Rosaceae — X, by P. A. Rydberg. NSW York Botanical Qarokn Bwonx Pauk, Naw VoMK Orrv f i: I i I I i k ii‘ I /