t^'M 5 0/ ' CO ■J] m ^\0 Arthur Pierson Kelley was born in tlie village of Malvern, in the hills suburban to Philadelphia, on August 15, 1897. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating with the degree of B.S. in Biol, in 1920. At the same University he ac- quired the degrees of M.A. (1921) and Ph.D. (1923). Later he studied plant physiology under Dr. Livingston at The Johns Hopkins University. Commencing as a teacher, he was suc- cessively instructor and assistant professor of botany at Rutgers University. Thereafter he joined the United States Forest Service hoping to find more time for research on mycorrhizae. In an effort to devote himself more fully to this work he later developed his private biological station and herbarium at Landen- berg, Pennsylvania. From here he produced his digest of mycor- rhizal literature which has become widely known. Dr. Kelley is now chiefly engaged in farm life and the reconstruction of his- torical farm houses, pursuits which, he writes, often leave too little time for the study of mycotrophy. Dr. Kelley's early publications dealt with soil acidity in relation to plant distri- bution, later papers with other ecological problems and the various aspects of mycotrophy. A NEW SERIES OF PLANT SCIENCE BOOKS • edited by Frans Verdoorn Volume XXII MYCOTROPHY in PLANTS Frontispiece. — Development of an Odontoglossum as figured by Noel Bernard in 1909. Figure 1 is a sectional view of seed; the remaining figures are habit sketches ot emoryos and seedlings, the last two indicating regions ot tungal infection by shading. Figure 3 is of special Interest because it shows neatly coils of the fungus (considered Rhizoctonia lanuginosa), which has entered by an "absorbing hair". It shows also amoeboid condition of nucleus of infected cells. Figure 2 shows by vivid contrast the condition of an uninfected embryo at 4 months of age, whereas the embryo of figure 3 is but one month old. MYCOTROPHY in PLANTS Lectures on the Biology of Mycorrhizae and related structures hy Arthur P. Kelley, ph.d, Landenberg, Pennsylvania 1950 WALTHAM, MASS., U.S.A. Published by the Chronica Botanica Company First published MCML By the Chronica Botanica Company of Wahham, Mass., U. S. A. Copyright, 1950, by the Chronica Botanica Co. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form Authorised Agents: — • New York, N. Y.: Stechert-Hafner, Inc., 31 East 10th Street. San Francisco, Cal.: J. W. Stacey, Inc., 551 Market Street. Toronto, Ont.: Wm. Dawson Subscription Service Ltd., 60 Front St. West. Mexico, D. F. : Axel Moriel Sucrs., San Juan de Letran 24-116; Ap. 2762. Lima: Libreria Internacional del Peru, Casa Matriz. Boza 879; Casilla 1417. 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Tokyo: Maruzen Company, Ltd., 6, Tori-Nichome Nihonbashi; P. O. Box 605. Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras: Macmillan and Co., Ltd. Johannesburg: Central News Agency, Ltd., Commissioner & Rissik Streets; P. O. Box 1033. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, Ltd., 89 Castlereagh Street, Box 1S16D.D. G.P.O. Melbourne, C. 1: N. H. Seward, Pty., Ltd., 457, Bourke Street. Made and printed in the U. S. A. Designed by Frans Verdoorn PREFACE Since this little volume was started more work has been done on mycotrophy. Yet the status of the subject remains unchanged. It is still considered by most botanists— who are the only people to whom even the word is familiar — as a specialty which should be listed under the general heading of pathology. Mostly it is not listed at all. Mycorrhizae are still considered abnormal structures occurring chiefly on pine roots; while by some curious aberration the mycotrophic structures found in prothallia and in rhizomes are likewise termed mycorrhizae. Fungus-roots are found in rootless plants! There is, moreover, a common impulse to lump all symbiotic phenomena together, as odds and ends and thrown together in a heap, so that the mycotrophist (if such a term may be used) is expected to be interested in cases of algae growing in higher plants, or of small insects found living in plant tissues. It is hoped that this book, in spite of its obvious faults, may serve to show how mycotrophy is separated from other phenomena, and how widespread is the mycotrophic habit. Europe continues to be the center of mycotrophic study. In spite of war, a considerable number of papers has appeared in this part of the world in the last few years. Only a few papers on the subject have been published on the other continents. Tree mycorrhizae continue to attract attention. Bjorkman (1944) has made important studies in Sweden. In Poland, Dominik (1946) has published interesting papers on fruit-tree mycorrhizae which were produced on all trees studied. Endotrophic mycorrhizae which were stimulated by applications of farmyard manure to the soil were found by Sabet (1946) on Citrus in Egypt, while Smith (1944/45) in Queensland found that "decline" in mandarin was associated with depletion of the soil and consequent interference with mycorrhizal activity. These results lend support to the idea that internal processes in at least certain trees can be controlled by appro- priate manipulation of the habitat. Kelley — viii — Mycotrophy Forest tree mycorrhizae receive continued attention from two of the principal investigators of mycotrophy. Rayner (1941) has summarized her own and related researches on the effect of composts on tree growth. Melin's (1946) attention has been turned especially to growth and anti-bacterial substances with respect to mycotrophy. Recently fallen leaf-litter was found to contain water-soluble sub- stances that promoted the growth of litter-decomposing and mycorrhi- zal fungi. Cognate studies have been made by Harley but his latest paper was not available at this writing. Synthesis of Boletus with pine seedlings to form synthetic mycorrhizae was performed by Ferreira (1941), thus confirming the discoveries of a number of earlier investigators. What is said to be the first synthesis of alder nodules was accomplished by Plotho (1944). Obligate symbiosis is still questioned, but it is claimed by Bose (1947) for Casnarina under the name of hereditary symbiosis. Mycelium extended into every organ of the tree, spreading from the seed-coats. Among herbaceous plants, orchid mycotrophy claims the attention of Burgeff (1943), and Sprau (1939). The Burmannias and their mycotrophy were investigated by Ciferri ; and at his laboratory at Pavia there is active interest in our subject. To the several papers on mycotrophy in halophytes was added one by Fries (1944) : nine out of ten halophytes examined were mycotrophic. Again, in game- tophytes of the fern Botrichium, Naryana (1939) described endo- phytic infection. So, too, in hepatics described by Peyronel (1942) from Italy: double infestations occur and the symbiosis is much affected by edaphic conditions, but in general the relation seems to be of mutual benefit. A noteworthy contribution to the study of herbaceous mycotrophs was made by Barrett (1947), who suc- ceedeed in isolating Rhizophagus in pure culture. There is a continually increasing emphasis on the physiology of mycotrophy, and several contributions to this subject have been made recently. From a yellow Corticiiim a pigment called "corticro- cin" was isolated (Erdtman, 1947), "the first n-polyneoid diacid found in Nature." Another paper reverted to the Stahlian concept of stomata in relation to mycotrophy. It will be recalled that Stahl believed mycotrophs had a reduced number of stomata and a limited transpiration stream, mycotrophy supplying the nutrients otherwise supplied by photosynthesis. A recent investigation (Linsbauer & Ziegenspeck, n.d.) concludes that amongst mycotrophs there is a significant reduction in number and formation of stomata. Extreme mycotrophs resemble holoparasites. A third physiological paper Mycotrophy — ix— Preface (Prat, 1945) treats of gradients in mycotrophic plant tissues. Resistance to parasites is an important function in plants. In myco- trophy the gradient of resistance to the mycelium is slowly progres- sive. Mycelium penetrating toward the apex is always checked, for the axial gradient of resistance is directed toward the point of the root and is progressive ; but the radial gradient of resistance is abruptly corrected at the level of the endodermis. Chemical barriers are more efficacious in developing resistance than physiological barriers. The gradients vary according to season. Still other papers (Magrou, 1944, 1946) deal with tuberisation and the factors which control it. Acclimatisation has been proved aided by symbiosis. At Angers (Blaringhem, 1937), building a well-aerated humus layer favourable to growth of symbiotic fungi aided the acclimating of 400 spp. of conifers and 150 forms of oak, which proceeded to make 3 to 5 times the growth of the finest specimens of these species in their native haunts. Two general papers on mycotrophic symbiosis have appeared re- cently. In one (Owen, 1947), symbiosis is examined with reference to the true character of the symbionts. It is concluded that true mutualism exists between nodule bacteria and legumes, and perhaps with mycorrhizae. But orchids are considered dependent on fungi, since the fungi can live apart saprophytically. With characteristic thoroughness Burgeff (1943) has analyzed mycotrophic phenomena and presented a new classification of them. Realizing that their most important function is material exchange which is dependent on the union of tissues of both components, he classifies "mycorrhizae" as : (1) Tolypophagous, in which rhizoctonial fungi form pelotons that are digested with release of fat, glycogen and nitrogenous material into the orchid plant that harbours them. (2) Thamniscophagous, in which arbuscles are digested, leaving sporangioles as excreta. Very widely distributed in green plants, including ferns and liverworts. In certain ferns and colorless saprophytes the arbuscles go over to the preceding form and are hence termed thamniscotolypophagous{ !) The fungi appear to be Endogonaceae, hence the mycorrhizae are called phycomycetoid. (3) Ptyophagous. Found in such plants as Gastrodia and Monotropa, these "mycorrhizae" show resorption of materials released into cell by fungal hyphae. Free fungal bodies called "phytosomes" are formed which, being resorbed, leave "Exkretkorper". (4) Chylophagoiis. Sap resorption occurs in sub- terranean colorless and saprophytic prothallia of Lycopodium. There is no digestion and there are no excretion bodies. Sap is exuded by guttation of hyphae into intercellular spaces. (5) Halmophagous. Kelley — x — Mycotrophy Included are the ectotrophic mycorrhizae which have mantle and Hartig net. There is said to be resorption of nutrient salts. These mycorrhizae are obligatory for many forest trees. With some species, ectendotrophic forms are found. Selected chapters of the manuscript were read by Dr. G. R. Bisby, of the Imperial Mycological Institute; by Dr. D. T. MacDougal; by Dr. M. C. Rayner, of Bedford College ; and by Dr. H. E. Young, Dept. of Agriculture and Stock, Queensland. None of these is responsible for views expressed by the author. Above all, the author is indebted to Dr. Frans Verdoorn, whose unflagging patience has brought the book through difficult times. The Author Dr. J. A. HijNER of the Netherlands, who worked at the California Institute of Technology, during 1948, just sent us a preliminary report in which he claims, on the basis of experimental data, that vitamins are essential for growth of Rhizoctonia isolated from Cymbidium; specifically, folic acid or para-aminobenzoic acid with thiamin. He considers that in nature these growth substances are suppHed by ger- minating orchid seeds, which are known to contain them. He also points out localization of fungi in tissues of the host which he believes due to antibiotics produced by the host. Attention might still be drawn to the small symposium edited by L. Blaringhem at the occasion of the Exposition Internationale, Paris (1937) : — Symbiose et Parasitisme, I'oeuvre de Noel Bernard. 89 pp. Paris : Masson. Other very recent publications which have not been referred to in the book: — Bahme, R. B. (1949) : Nicotinic acid as a growth factor for certain orchid embryos. Science 109 :522-3. — Baumgartel, T. (1940) : Mikrobielle Symbiosen im Pflanzen- und Tierreich. 132 pp. Braunschweig (Lithoprint ed. 1946. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Bros.). — Kramer, P. J. & K. M. Wilbur (1949) : Absorption of radioactive phosphorus by mycorrhizal roots of pine. Science 110:8-9. — Magrou, J. (1943) : Des orchidees a la pomme de terre. 203 pp. Paris. — Peyronel, B. (1939-40) : Luce, humus e mi- corrizia. Atti d. R. Ace. Sc. di Torino 75:13 pp. — Schaede, R. (1948) : Die pflanzlichen Symbiosen. ed. 2. 187 pp. Jena. CONTENTS Preface vii Contents xi List of Text Illustrations and Plates xv Lecture I The Rise of Mycotrophic Study:- The beginning of root study — Early studies on root hairs — Early study of nodules — Nutrition of Monotropa — Nutrition of orchids — -My- COTROPHY IN FERNS AND FERN ALLIES MyCOTHALLISM IN LIVERWORTS EARLIEST OBSERVATIONS OF MYCORRHIZAE DIS- COVERY OF THE HaRTIG NET — NaTURE OF MYCOTROPHISM MyCORRHIZAE DEFINED CONFLICTING CLAIMS OF DISCOVERY Frank's antagonists — Bernard and orchid symbiosis — Tuber formation and perennism — Symbiosis in Lolium — Obligate mycotrophy in heaths — Identity of the my- corrhizal fungi — Isolation of mycorrhizal fungi — The NITROGEN theory OF MYCOTROPHISM ThE StAHLIAN HY- POTHESIS— Carbon hypotheses — Growth promoting sub- stances — Phagocytosis — Phycomycete mycorrhizae — Forest tree mycorrhizae — Ecology of mycorrhizae • — Trends 1 Lecture II The Occurrence of Mycorrhizae:- Reasons for studying my- corrhizal occurrence — ^The occurrence of root-hairs — Generality of mycorrhizal occurrence — Symbiosis among ALGAE MyCOTHALLI AMONG LIVERWORTS FUNGAL SYMBIOSIS with Pteridophytes — Symbiotic fungi among Arthro- PHYTES — Mycorrhizae and mycothalli of Lycopsida — Gymnospermous mycorrhizae — Mycorrhizae of Cycads — Mycorrhizae of Ginkgo — Mycorrhizae amongst the Tax- aceae — Mycorrhizae in Pinaceae — Mycorrhizae in Gnetaceae — The method of opportunism — Mycorrhizae in Apetalae 14 Kelley — xii — Mycotrophy Lecture III The Fungal Endophytes:- Nature of the mycorrhizal fungi PhYCOMYCETE mycorrhizal fungi ASCOMYCETOUS MY- CORRHIZAL FUNGI HeMIBASIDIOM YCETES HyMENOM YCETOUS MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI GaSTEROMYCETOUS MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI PhALLOMYCETOUS MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI FoRM GENERA OF MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI — FuSARIUM RhIZOCTONIA — PhOMA — Mycelium radicis — Conclusion Z7 Lecture IV Fossil Mycorrhizae:- Limitations of the fossil record — Sources of material — Fossil Phycomycetes — Fossil hepatics — Fossil ferns and their endophytes — Mycor- rhiza of fossil Lycopod — Mycorrhizae in a seed fern — Mycorrhizae in Cordaites — Summary 47 Lecture V Distribution of Mycotrophic Plants:- General — Germany — France and the Iberian Peninsula — British Isles — Low- lands AND Scandinavia — Baltic and Russian States — The Arctic — The Alps — Central Europe — The Balkans — Italy — Africa — Asia — Java — Japan — New Zealand — Australia — South America — West Indies and Central America — North America — North-eastern U.S.A. — Southern U.S.A. — Central U.S.A. — Rocky Mountains — Pacific Coast 53 Lecture VI Mycotrophic Plants and Their Environment:- Soil as a myco- trophic HABITAT — Mycorrhizae and soils — Humus — • Mycorrhizae as soil indicators — Mycorrhizae in the soil profile — Soil texture — Soil moisture — Soil solution • — Soil reaction — The use of free nitrogen — Soil tempera- ture — Altitude — Light — Phenology — Mycorrhizae in relation to habitat — Salt marsh — Prairie — Soil In- oculation — Compost studies 68 Lecture VII Mycothalli and Mycorrhizomes:- General character — Mv- cothalli in liverworts — Infection of mycothalli — ■ Mycotrophy — xiii — Contents Limitation of endophyte — Digestion of endophyte — Mycothalli in fern gametophytes — Mycothalli in lyco- POD gametophytes — Mycorrhizomes in ferns — Mycor- RHIZOMES in orchids MyCOCARYOPSES AND INFECTION OF aerial organs 91 Lecture VIII Mycodomatia:- Significance of the term — Psilotum — Cycads — PoDOCARPus — Casuarina — Myrica — Alnus — Polygonum — Raphanus — Tribulus — Legumes — Ailan- THUS — Ceanothus — Elaeagnus — Hippophae — Coriaria — Eucalyptus — Daucus — Ericads — Solanum — Melam- PYRUM OrOBANCHE — CoMPOSITES — JUNCUS MOLINIA — Cyperus — Asparagus — Allium — Orchids . . 103 Lecture IX Structure of Mycorrhizae:- The kinds of mycorrhizae — My- corrhizal compared with non-mycorrhizal roots — Exter- nal form — Pseudomycorrhizae — The colours of mycor- rhizae— The exterior surface — The mycorrhizal apex — Renewed growth — Ectotrophic vs. endotrophic — Ecto- trophic mycorrhizae — Endotrophic mycorrhizae — Pel- OTON mycorrhizae — Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae — Arbuscles — Ericaceous mycorrhizae — Coralloid my- corrhizae — Tuberous mycorrhizae — Outer cortex and PASSAGE cells WaLL TUBULES HaRTIG NET ThE STELE 116 Lecture X Obligate Symbiosis:- Fungi and trees — Ecological influences — Special cases — Fungi and herbs — Obligatism and NUTRITION — The ericads — The problem of Calluna — Other Ericaceae — The orchids — Germination of orchid SEED — Necessity of orchid fungus — Degeneration of orchid fungus — Hydrolysis of starch — Sugars and asym- biotic germination — Fungus supplies sugar — Impotence of unaided small seeds — Carbon supply to embryo — Oblig- atism IN LOWER PLANTS SUMMARY 136 Lecture XI Theories of Mycotrophy:- Contrasted concepts — Parasitism — Curbed pathogens — Schools of mycotrophism — Mycor- Kelley — xiv — Mycotrophy RHIZA REPLACES ROOT-HAIRS — MyCOPHAGY — RoMELLIAN HY- POTHESIS — Nitrogen theory — Chemical studies of the NITROGEN theory IMPORTANCE OF P StAHLIAN HYPOTHESIS — Hatchian hypothesis — Transpiration and mycotrophy — Objections to the Stahlian hypothesis — Bjorkman's hypothesis — Carbonaceous theories — Hydrocarbon hypo- thesis — Carbohydrate hypothesis — Growth-promoting substances — Limitation of mycotrophic hypotheses — The intaking mechanism — Ectotrophic intake — Root- hairs versus setae — Endotrophic intake — Hyphae as nutrient conveyors — Teleology in mycotrophism . 148 Lecture XII Mycotrophic Phagocytosis :• Significance of the term — Older descriptions of phagocytosis — Phagocytosis in peloton mycorrhizae — Phagocytosis in arbuscular- vesicular mycorrhizae — Phagocytosis in ericaceous mycorrhizae — Phagocytosis in ectotrophic mycorrhizae — Limitation of endophyte — Limitation in orchids and other herbs ■ — ■ Limitation in hepatics — Limitation in root apices — Limitation in long roots — Limitation in green tissues — Summary of limitation — The starch relation — Con- clusion 164 Bibliography 183 Subject Index 216 Index of Plant Names 219 LIST of TEXT ILL USTRA TIONS and PLA TES Frontispiece. — The development of Odontoglossum iv Fig. 1. — Longitudinal section through mycothallus of P^//ia ^/>i/'/i;y//a .. 18 Fig. 2. — Mycorrhizae in Piniis virginiana 27 Fig. 3. — Mycorrhizae in Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum 32 Fig. 4. — Renewed growth of mycorrhiza-bearing mother-root of Pinus Strobus 82 Fig. 5. — Section through an older mycothallus of Botrychium obliqimm 94 Fig. 6. — Portion of mycothallus of Lycopodium obscumm shown in sec- tion 96 Fig. 7. — Longitudinal section through apex of a mycorrhiza of Pinus rigida 120 Fig. 8. — Renewed growth of a mycorrhiza of Pinus virginiana 122 Fig. 9. — Cross-section of an ectotrophic mycorrhiza of Qucrcus montana 124 Fig. 10. — Cross-section of endotrophic mycorrhiza of Acer Negundo. . . . 126 Fig. 11. — Section of a mycorrhiza of Abies balsamea 133 Fig. 12. — Portion of a cross-section of the ectendotrophic mycorrhiza of Cornus florida 166 Fig. 13. — Portion of a section through mycorrhiza of Abies balsamea. . . . 168 Fig. 14. — A cell from mycorrhiza of Allium sphacrocephalus 170 Fig. is. — Portion of a longitudinal section through a mycorrhiza of Pteridium aquilinum 171 Fig. 16. — Some cells from mycorrhizal cortex of Fraxinus americana. . . 173 Pl. 1. — One of the earliest illustrations of mycotrophic infection, by Edouasd Prillieux, 1856 209 Pl. 2. — Mycorrhizae in Scot's Pine, Pinus sylvestris 210 Pl. 3. — Mycorrhizae of Car pinus betulus and Fagus sylvatica 211 Pl. 4. — Effect of mycorrhizae on plant growth 213 Pl. 5. — Photomicrograph of a portion of a fossil mycorrhizome of Sclero- pteris illinoiensis 215 "Das Wort Symhiose hedeutet sundchst gans allgemein das re- gelm'dssige Zusammenvorkovimen von Lehenszvesen unter denselben dussern Faktoren Die beiden Organismen bilden nach der Vereinigung eincn neuen Organisnnts, der ah einheitlich su betrachten ist und unter neuen Bedingungen den Kampf urns Dasein aufnimmt." (H. BURGEFF, 1909). "... der Pils, als der alleinige Zufuhrer alles fiir den Baum erforderlichen Wassers und Ndhrniaterials aiis dem Boden erscheint." (A. B. Frank, 1885). "... the similar {tropical) conditions that prevailed during the Carboniferous mitigate our surprise at finding symbiosis occurring so far back as this." (E. W. Berry, 1904). "Mit Anwesenheit oder Abwesenheit von Bautnhumus die My- corhiza entstcht oder verschwindet." (A. B. Frank, 1888). "... the host plant may, as it were, gain the upper hand and cause the fungus to enter into a mutually beneficial partnership." (Cavers, 1903). "Quoique I'existcnce pour ainsi dire normale d'un parasite dans les tissus d'une plante soit un fait tres singulier, on pent observer asses frequemment dans la famillc des Orchidees." (E. Prillieux, 1856). "On any hypothesis, the evolution of an obligate relation with a parasitic or facultatively parasitic fungus is difficult to explain." (M. C. Rayner, 1927). " . . . ce me semble, inferer que la maficre brune sert a I'alimenta- tion de la plante. . . " (E. Prillieux, 1856). "La symbiose est a la frontiere de la maladie." (N. Bernard, 1909). Lecture I THE RISE OF MYCOTROPHIC STUDY The Beginning of Root Study:— After Herbalists had done their work and, by means of wood-cut and description, had made known the flora of Europe, inquiry began to be made into physiology of plants. It is said that Major, in 1665, directed attention to circulation of sap. Four years later, Ray proved ascent and descent of sap and its lateral movement in certain plants. At the same time, Woodward demonstrated by experiment that roots take in, not merely water, but also materials dissolved in the water. Both Ray and Woodward published their papers in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Beginning in this manner, with study of roots in water culture, plant physiology was turned to root-hair study, from which it has not seriously deviated to this day. Early Studies on Root Hairs: — Early observers were perhaps influenced by knowledge of circulation of blood in animal bodies and were doubtless expecting to find vessels in plants. When Malpighi found root-hairs on elm, black poplar, and willow roots, he assumed that these structures took up crude sap and passed it on to vessels. Grew, publishing about the same time (1682) had decided that spongy ends of roots served admirably for absorption of water and food from the soil; and Hales in 1727 and de la Baisse in 1733 tried to show experimentally that the greater quantity of water used by the plant was taken up through ends of the root-tips and that root-hairs were only incidental phenomena. To these hypotheses was added in 1768 that of S. Simon, who stated that roots, at least the noduliferous, are merely excretionary organs which serve to eliminate excess elaborated sap from the plant. In the earliest years of the nineteenth century, Garradori showed that root-hairs are wanting in water, from which fact he concluded that root hairs serve for absorption of moisture from the air and not for absorption of liquid water, which, he concluded, must be taken up by the spongy ends of roots. But, according to Moldenhawer, root-hairs may be compared to druse-hairs of leaves : they secrete a liquid which serves Kelley — 2 — Mycotrophy to dissolve food materials somewhat as saliva does in animals. It was F. Meyen, in 1838, who came to the modern view that root-hairs serve merely to increase the outer surface area of the root. By such studies attention was focused on root-hairs until Botany was firmly moulded to the view that higher plants are nourished by a root-hair mechanism. So positive had Botany become that by 1883, Frank Schwarz (from whom we have quoted much of the pre- ceding paragraph) was able to state without exciting contradiction: "From my researches it may be stated that root-hairs are present on most plants, and when a plant fails to produce root-hairs it may be counted an exception." He listed as exceptions : water and swamp plants, and those the water and salt requirements of which are met in a special way, as in conifers, noduHferous plants and in part by parasites. Early Study of Nodules: — Thus it was, not by extended ob- servation or study of plants in nature but by sheer dogmatism that root-hairs came to be regarded as the predominate root structures of higher plants. Hairless roots were considered exceptional, but they were constantly being noted. Malpighi, early microscopist that he was, had described and figured nodules while du Hamel du Monceau in 1758 had stated that such structures were generally found on leguminous plants. Even Meyen, in 1829, who has been accredited with discovery of mycorrhizae, simply described nodules of the alder. Alder nodules were more carefully studied by Woronin in 1867 but his inadequate facilities led him to confuse bacterial strands with fungal hyphae. Even to this day there is confused thought about root-nodules for some investigators assert them to be purely bacterial while others consider them fungal. Nutrition of Monotropa: — Besides nodulous roots there were obviously other exceptional kinds. The waxy Monotropas that appear in deciduous woods have no apparent root-hairs and were long con- sidered parasites. It was thought that they must be attached to tree roots for they always grew under the trees and in a thick mat of humus and intertangled rootlets, although as early as 1832 Fries had noticed a fungus connected to Monotropa. Several investiga- tors reported on it in that short-lived journal, The Phytologist, and came to the conclusion that, whatever else this plant might be, it was certainly not a parasite. One of the observers, Luxford, in 1844, Lecture 1 — 3 — Rise of Mycotrophy hazarded the suggestion that Monotropa secures nutriment from the surrounding humus. Drude, in 1873, conformed to tradition by stating that Monotropa starts life as a parasite but later, he asserted, the plant becomes a saprophyte on soil humus, a fungus being present in its tissues. The true nature of Monotropa was first made clear by Kamienski in 1881, who carefully described the structure of its mycorrhiza and indicated that the plant is supplied with nutriment by a fungus which derives its materials from the soil humus. His papers (for there were two) have long since become forgotten history but they were considered important in their day. Nutrition of Orchids: — Orchids, like Monotropas, also proved exceptional in their root structures. Indeed, many orchids have no roots ! In place of roots they have branched stems that form coral- structures that anchor the plant in the rich humus soil in which it grows. It was in 1842 that Schleiden described what were later recognized as fungal hyphae in Neottia (for Neottia has been as necessary to orchid students as Drosophila to geneticists), but Schleiden confessed he did not know what the "tubes" were which he had observed in the rhizomes. Unless, he said, they were like the ones which Gottsche had found in liverworts. Five years later Reissek identified true fungal hyphae in rhizomes of many orchids but he oddly concluded that these hyphae developed from starch grains. But Schacht in 1854 showed that the starch in reality was utilized by the fungus, which forms a weft of hyphae about the starch grains. Just how the starch was digested (by the process we now call phagocytosis) was described by Prillieux in an excellent paper that appeared in 1856. He found in orchid cortical cells (needless to say, of Neottia), a yellowish-brown matter, and he noted that these cells retained their nuceli which were of great size and provided with two nucleoli. The matter seemed to be nitrogenous and was woven about with septate hyphae but as phagocytosis proceeded the matter dwindled ; and Prillieux concluded that this matter served as nutri- ment for the orchid. He observed, too, that cells filled with granular matter at flowering time gradually lost the matter as anthesis ad- vanced. The granules were apparently absorbed and they probably nourished the orchid. But Prillieux's work was little regarded and later papers by other authors were farther from the truth. Thus Reinke in 1873 suggested that this yellowish matter which he called slime, acted as a pumping organ, swelling up as water was taken in Kelley — 4 — Mycotrophy and forcing the water on through the tissues. Mollberg in 1884 questioned whether the fungal endophyte brought any nutriment to the orchid; while Eidam in 1879 attempted to culture the fungus by allowing fungi to develop on orchid "roots" placed in damp air. Mycotrophy in Ferns and Fern Allies: — ^^A yellow matter similar to that found in orchids was found in lycopods by van Tieghem in 1871. He described this substance, and it was further described by Bruchmann in 1874, who found it free from starch. Bruchmann noticed, too, that in older tissues the fats and nitrogenous substances dwindled in amount while a quantity of chrome-yellow granules ap- peared. Ten years later (cf. Treub, 1884) it had become established that endophytes are generally distributed in lycopods and that their presence is not harmful. Indeed, Treub regarded them as commensals. In ferns, especially the Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae, fungal infection had been reported, and also presence of yellow matter. Since the infection was present in fern stems, these structures were appropriately termed fungal-rhizomes or mycorrhizomes. The term mycorrhizome was coined by Dangeard in 1891, in his study of Tmesipteris. Mycothallism in Liverworts: — In various liverworts a foreign substance was observed in the form of large brown cask-shaped structures (Milde, 1851), the significance of which could not be discerned. But Gottsche in 1843, as earlier stated, had observed a system of branching tubes in Aneura; and these tubes were definitely described as hyphae by Leitgeb in 1874. Since the thallus of the liverwort harbours a fungal endophyte, it is known as mycothallus. Earliest Observations of Mycorrhizae: — The association of fungi with roots of higher plants has long been known. In Theo- iHRASTUs' Enquiry Into Plants (according to Hort's translation) we read: "For as for the fungi which grow from the (oak) roots or beside them, these occur also in other trees." Theophrastus (or Tyrtamus, to use his proper name) may have been walking in a woodland and observed sporophores of fungi which he seems to have traced to tree roots. It is a long step from the third century B.C. to A.D. 1829, but the next reference to mycorrhizae was made in the latter year by Meyen. In a short paper he called attention to peculiar structures which he found on beech roots, which he believed were beginnings of parasitic plants. Perhaps they were mycorrhizae, perhaps not. But attention was being directed to root structures and little by little knowledge increased. In 1837 Link stated that most Lecture I — 5 — Rise of Mycotrophy roots are formed in humus; Tulasne in 1841, that tree roots were found frequently surrounded by mycelium of the truffles fungus; while Gasparini in 1856 stated that a fungal mantle was found about roots of chestnut, hazel and pine. Hairs were considered so inevitably present on roots that it was heresy to speak of anything else, hence ScHACHT in 1860 cautiously stated that, while root-hairs are present on such trees as oak and beech, they were less abundant on pine and fir. ScHWARZ, from whom we have already quoted, presented a list of conifers from which they were lacking. Discovery of the Hartig Net: — When coniferous rootlets were examined in section it was seen that the wall possessed what was termed a peculiar cell-wall thickening; and it is an odd fact that morphologists beheld fungal mycelium in such rootlets for a long time without being aware of its nature. Thus, Nicolai in 1865 gave a tolerable description of what is now known as Hartig net without realizing that he was describing a foreign organism in the conifer. Van Tieghem in 1871 also described these "thickening bands" ; and he noticed furthermore that the penultimate layer of root cortical cells was filled with a solid deposit, a fact of significance in mycotrophic nutrition of these conifers. It remained for Reinke in 1873 to call attention to the similarity of these supposed thickenings to mycelial strands which Gottsche had found in the liverwort, PelUa. With realization that tree rootlets were characteristically invaded by hyphae, specific infections were described. Thus, Boudier in 1876, described Elaphomyces on birch, oak and chestnut roots; and he noticed furthermore that such roots were found in acid but not in alkaline soils. Nature of Mycotrophism : — The nature of the fungus-host relation was next considered. That the fungus in the root was a harmless parasite was the opinion of Resa, expressed in 1878; and GiBELLi in 1873 had the same opinion. But Reess, publishing in 1880, questioned whether the fungus was a parasite on the tree-root or a saprophyte on soil humus. The supposed parasitism of some plants which live in rich humus, such as the Burmannias, had been questioned by Cruger in 1848; and clear recognition of saprophytes as distinct from parasites had been made by Solms-Laubach in 1868. By a shrewd guess, Pfeffer in 1877 came to the conclusion that saprophytes actually make use of the materials of humus. With- out experimental evidence, he inferred that mycorrhizal fungi ob- tained nutrient material from the humus and transferred it to the host plant which, of itself, was incapable of utilizing the otherwise un- Kelley — 6 — Mycotrophy available materials of the humus. At the same time Pfeffer realized that the fungus was essentially a parasite which was no more than kept in check by the host plant. Since the picture of mycotrophy pre- sented by Pfeffer is so close to the actual phenomenon, he may perhaps be considered the true discoverer of the mycorrhiza. Mycorrhizae Defined: — But, important as Pfeffer's paper now appears, it attracted little attention and it was not until 1885 that world-wide attention was suddenly drawn to fungus-roots. Just why Albert Bernhard Frank's dissertation "Ueber die auf Wurzel- symbiose beruhende Ernahrung gewisser Baume durch unterirdische Pilze" should have had such a profound effect is for others to de- termine : Suffice to say, modern mycorrhizal study dates from this paper. In it, Frank had invented and defined the term in these words : "Der ganze Korper ist also weder Baumwurzel noch Pilz allein, sondern ahnlich der Thallus der Flechten, eine Vereinigung zweier verschiedener Wesen zu einem einheitlichen morphologischen Organ, welches vielleicht passend als Pilzwurzel, Mycorhiza, bezeichnet werden kann." As the word comes from the Greek and good usage requires doubling the letter r in compounding, we now write it, mycorrhiza. Conflicting Claims of Discovery: — Immediately after publica- tion of Frank's epochal work there was a rather entertaining flurry of papers. Some people wished to call attention to their own work, published earlier than Frank's, while others desired the world to know they had often seen exactly what Frank had described. Several pressed the claims of Kamienski as the discoverer of the mycorrhiza, but as we read his 1884 paper we find only this vague statement: "I suppose, moreover, without being able to confirm it, that the fungus which grows on Monotropa is the same which lives parasitically on roots of conifers and other trees. This fungus de- forms the root and occasions their dichotomy. I have found indeed, among the roots of Monotropa, a great quantity of other roots which were very fine, deformed, and belonging to trees which grew all there about : they were so interlaced that the mycelium which webbed them on touching might be said to be interblended." Frank's Antagonists: — Then, too, there was a persistent effort to label mycorrhizal fungi as mere harmless parasites like the leaf- spot fungi. Robert Hartig was a particularly active opponent of Frank ; and Hartig's views were held in later years by the American, McDougall. Frank spent little time in advancing mycorrhizal Lecture I — 7 — Rise of Mycotrophy study for he turned to other studies, but he returned to the defence of his hypothesis of mycotrophy from time to time. At first he thought that mycorrhizal fungi are concerned especially with nitrogen nutrition of the higher plant, bringing nitrogen salts into the mycorrhiza. But later he taught that the higher plant is actually a parasite on the fungus, drawing it into the root, tending and finally devouring it. Bernard and Orchid Symbiosis: — At the turn of the century a new phase of mycotrophic study was developed. Hitherto the interest had been chiefly with forest plants, following the initiative of Frank. But when Noel Bernard began to publish on myco- trophism of orchids an important new branch of science was opened up. Bernard isolated from orchid tubers fungi which he classified into three groups and placed in the genus Rhizoctonia. These fungi, he found, were able to cause orchid seed germination and, lacking presence of a fungus, there was no germination. It is interesting to note that Salisbury, when he described orchid seed germination in 1804, failed to note presence of fungus. But Bernard did not assert that a fungal symbiosis was an inevitable necessity, for he induced asymbiotic germination of orchid seed with salep, a poly- saccharide derived from dried orchid tubers. Sterile cultures were grown by Knudson, who showed that in greenhouse propagation of orchids sugars may be used in germination of the seeds in place of fungi ; but in nature it is of course the fungus that is responsible for the germination. Even before Bernard's untimely death m 1911, Burgeff had been publishing on orchid mycotrophism. He called the endophytes Orcheomyces, but later made use of the less convenient designation of Mycelium radicis. Tuber Formation and Perennism: — Bernard was convinced that tuber formation in orchids and other plants was due to their symbiotic life with fungi, and that after many generations of such symbiotic life the "habit" of forming tubers was acquired so that tubers were still formed by the plant even in the absence of fungal aid. Thus the potato, native of Andean highlands, formed tubers in the Andes in symbiosis with a species of Phoma, but in northern latitudes, as in France, tubers were still formed without presence of a fungus. He advanced the idea that influence of a cold climate parallels the action of the fungus, and pointed out that in a hot climate such as that of Algiers, tuber formation "degenerated" and tubers were no longer formed in absence of a fungus. Using this Kelley — 8 — Mycotrophy principle, Bernard's successor, Magrou, and his compatriot, Cos- TANTiN, have developed an hypothesis of perennism by which they attempt to account for existence of perennial plants on a symbiotic basis. Symbiosis in Lolium: — Another phase of mycotrophic study dealt with fungal infection of seeds, particularly of the seed-fruits or caryopses of Lolium, a genus of grasses. Discovered by Vogl in 1897, the constant presence of hyphae in the hyaline layer of the caryopsis and typical stages of digestion, are curious phenomena that have nevertheless been established by repeated researches, especially at the hands of McLennan in Australia. The endophyte also occurs, according to Neill (1940) in leaves of Lolium but not in those of other pasture grasses. Obligate Mycotrophy in Heaths: — Infection of seeds of heaths, especially of Calhina, has likewise been reported, particularly by Rayner; indeed, practically all tissues of the plant were said to be invaded by the otherwise mycotrophic fungus. Rayner claimed that mycelium present in the seed-coat of Calluna grows into the developing plantlet so that a sterile culture of this heath can not be obtained. This assertion has been challenged by Knudson and by Freisleben. According to Freisleben (1935), the fungus causes an amelioration of soil conditions in which the heath grows and does not directly affect life of the heath. Identity of the Mycorrhizal Fungi: — The specific identity of mycotrophic fungi has proved more puzzling than might at first be suspected. It would seem that sporophores directly attached to tree roots might be safely considered the mycorrhizal fungi of these hosts. Constant association of truffles with tree roots furnished the incen- tive for Frank's study of the mycorrhiza, and there are many other such associations, as, for example, Heheloma with birch. In many cases rhizomorphs have been traced from sporophore to mycorrhiza and the associated fungus has been termed mycorrhizal, but such as- sociations may actually be the result of a secondary infection. Hence the numerous citations of mycorrhizal fungi based on connection of sporophore with mycorrhiza are not necessarily valid. Isolation of Mycorrhizal Fungi: — Isolating the fungus directly from the mycotrophic organ has proved, in most cases, impracticable ; and the usual method of identifying the fungus in question is to grow a suspected fungus in pure culture, inoculate it into a sterile Lecture I — 9 — Rise of Mycotrophy seedling and if a mycorrhiza results, to consider the fungus mycor- rhizal. The pioneer in synthesizing mycorrhizae was Josef Fuchs, and one of the most prominent investigators of such syntheses is Melin. Still more recently, Modess has reported many such syntheses ; and Fries has formed synthetic mycorrhizae with mono- spore mycelia. The Nitrogen Theory of Mycotrophism: — As to the nature of the mycorrhizal symbiosis, numerous hypotheses have been ad- vanced. It has already been noted that R. Hartig and others con- sidered the symbiosis to be a case of harmless parasitism, and that Kamienski maintained that there is a beneficial symbiosis only in the case of Monotropa. Frank had concluded that the parasitism was just the reverse, — that the higher plant was a parasite on the fungus ! He had found that "the tissues of a mycorrhizal tree are nitrate free". As it was known that the fungus could readily make use of ammonia and organic nitrogen compounds, he considered it self-evident that in this way such compounds were taken up from nitrate-free or nitrate-poor soils and liberated in the mycorrhiza. The nitrogen nutrition hypothesis which Frank originated was elaborated by subsequent investigators, von Tubeuf, Moller, Mul- LER, Weiss, to mention a few ; and especially by Melin, who has conducted many researches into the nature of mycorrhizae of forest trees. Melin appears to consider that, in Swedish forests, the prob- lem of the mycorrhiza is above all a nitrogen problem. The Stahlian Hypothesis: — On the other hand, Stahl in 1900 emphasized the mycorrhizal intake of all minerals used by the higher plant. Trees being brought into competition with fungi and bacteria for nutrient materials contained in the soil are seriously limited in their food supplies ; and in the mycorrhizal fungi find provisioners that bring water and dissolved salts into the roots. It is not merely nitrogen that is brought into the root, according to this hypo- thesis, but all the minerals the soil solution contains. As a corollary the supposed relation of transpiration to mycotrophy was pointed out. Plants possessing a large transpiration stream bring a considerable quantity of mineral salts into the higher plant and deposit them in its tissues. Plants with a smaller transpiration stream have a smaller salt intake and are presumably compensated with the salts provided by the mycorrhizae. But the Stahlian hypothesis ran into difificulties which are detailed later; and it met with little favour until supposedly revived by Hatch in 1937. In reality Hatch originated a new hypothesis which states among other things that Kelley — 10 — Mycotrophy mycorrhizae greatly increase the absorbing surface of the rootlet. The Hatchian hypothesis quietly drops the Stahlian conception of transpiration streams. Still more recently, in 1943, Routien and Dawson stated that "mycorrhizae increase the salt-absorbing capa- city of the roots primarily by adding to the supply of exchangeable hydrogen-ion derived in part at least from carbonic acid." Carbon Hypotheses: — Besides the nitrogen- and mineral-nutri- tion hypotheses, there are carbon hypotheses which have been advanced by two investigators. McLennan in 1926 stated that the more generally accepted ideas connecting mycotrophism with nitrogen nutrition were insufficiently founded ; and she concluded on the basis of her researches on Lolium that "a. metabolic exchange takes place from the fungus to the higher plant, with the result that the later obtains a supply of fat or oil." McLennan believed that the researches of Knudson and of Bernard lent support to this con- ception. Another carbon hypothesis was advanced by Young in 1940, in these words : "It is thought that as well as providing a more efficient absorptive system on the tree roots so that mineral salts and nitrogen compounds are more readily available, the mycorrhizas also furnish a means of augmenting the carbohydrate supply ... In the author's conception the fungus manufactures its own carbohydrate supply from the available soil organic matter, and a portion of this is transferred to the higher plant by means of the intimate associ- ation existing in the mycorrhizal structures." Growth Promoting Substances: — Complex substances of the humus suggested still further hypotheses. Link, Wilcox and Link in 1937 had suggested that "heteroauxin applied to a plant can either substitute in part for its autoauxones or augment their ac- tion, and the well-known fact that soil fungi and bacteria produce heterauxin suggests that some of the beneficial effects of humus soil may be due to the auxones of decaying plant debris or soil flora." Still more specifically, Magrou in 1939 reported a more luxuriant development in Arum as a result of supplying it with aneurin (Vitamin B^). Melin in 1939 and 1940 found increased growth in seven mycorrhizal fungi when these organisms were given aneurin or yeast filtrate. In mycorrhizae of Monterey pine, MacDougal and DuFRENOY reported in 1943 that the "independent growth of isolated segments of mycorrhizal roots makes it obvious that through these hyphal branches the root receives from the soil not only the C, N, O, P necessary to build up the nucleus, the cytoplasm and its inclusions (mitochondria and plastids), cell-walls, but also the mineral com- Lecture I — 11 — Rise of Mycotrophy pounds ordinarily taken in by root-hairs, and growth promoting sub- stances, thiamin, nicotinic acid . . ." Phagocytosis : — Whatever may be finally decided as to the nature of the mycorrhizal symbiosis, it is observed that something is released in the tissues of the higher symbiont by the fungus. It is becoming increasingly evident that in what are termed "digestion cells" of the host the hyphae break down and disgorge their contents, the matter being digested and assimilated by the host. Since it is a cellular diges- tion, Bernard called it a phagocytosis; but the whole process had been pictured and to some extent described long before Bernard. In 1943 it was suggested by Kelley that the whole mycotrophic rela- tion depends on a balancing of ionic concentrations between fungus and higher plant. Phycomycete Mycorrhizae: — While the majority of mycor- rhizal fungi are basidiomycetes, it is now recognized that in many mycotrophic symbioses the fungus is a phycomycete. Such symbioses were studied in earlier years especially by Peyronel. Rayner, in 1935, commented on the "remarkably wide geographical distribution of this 'Phycomycete type' of mycorrhizal association, its prevalence in plant species of the most diverse affinities, together with its re- corded appearance in certain crop plants. . ." Other more recent studies of the phycomycete mycorrhizae include those of Biraghi in 1936, on cereal grains. Bain in 1937 on cranberry, Sabet in 1939 on cotton, and Ruggieri in 1937 on Amygdahts. Butler in 1939 pre- sented a paper summarizing what was then known of this sort of mycorrhiza, terming it the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza and grouping the endophytes under the generic name of Rhizophagus. Forest Tree Mycorrhizae: — Although so much work has been done on forest tree mycorrhizae, knowledge concerning them is still defective. Considerable is known of those that occur on pine, spruce, larch, beech and some others, but researches upon them have been done by a few individuals working with limited material. The extent of mycorrhizal occurrence, both taxonomic and geographical, is still a matter of conjecture and, as most of mycorrhizal research has been done in Europe, the forests of the other continents are for the most part still uninvestigated by students of this science. Moreover, the natural difficulties in the way of isolating the mycorrhizal fungi make for ignorance of the symbiosis, for the syntheses of seedlings and fungi in pure cultures show merely what man can achieve and not what occurs naturally in the forest. Then, too, the nutrition of Kelley — 12 — Mycotrophy forest trees is largely conjectural. From information now extant one cannot say with accuracy whether trees have root-hairs or mycor- rhizae, much less the exact mode of nutrition of any particular kind of tree. Even were it concluded that the tree was nourished with the aid of mycorrhizae, the precise nature of mycotrophism is still in doubt. Hence the foresters' dealings with trees are akin to the mediaeval doctor's treatment of his patients. Ecology of Mycorrhizae*: — The earlier mycotrophic problems in ecology involved the relation of mycorrhizae to sandy soils and to humus. More recently there has been discussion regarding the presence or absence of mycorrhizae in prairie soils with reference to establishment of trees on such areas. It has been claimed that the endophytes are absent from prairie soils and that such soils must be inoculated with suitable fungi before mycorrhizae will be formed. But investigators have not been careful to distinguish between prairie soils and the more arid steppe soils. Then, too, several investigators report abundant endophytes in these soils, and recent observations show that there is a rapid spread of trees into certain prairie areas. As to soil reaction, there is more nearly an unanimity of opinion, for it is evident that mycorrhizal fungi thrive best in acid media. Hence, mycotrophic structures are more likely to be found in acid soils while root-hairs may be expected in mull soils. But in regard to soil solution, little can be said, for in spite of the number of in- vestigations into nutritional and soil problems and the multiplicity of papers on salts in soil solution, the actual connection of the plant with the soil has been almost completely ignored. To say that a plant has mycorrhizae and is nourished by mycotrophy has been regarded as sufficient, and whether materials get from the soil into the plant by mechanical means or by black magic is left to the imagination of the reader. All the detailed studies of soil solution in the B horizon have no necessary connection with a large proportion of plants in native habitats. And thus the mechanism for the intake of materials into mycorrhizae is a subject of research awaiting investigation. Yet some attention has been paid to the microhabitat of the fungus-root and its community of organisms, the rhizosphere as it has been appro- priately called. *A valuable paper on the ecology of ectotrophic mycorrhizae, by Dr. J. L. Harley, of Oxford, has recently appeared in Biological Reviews. Lecture I — 13 — Rise of Mycotrophy Trends: — Early interest in mycotrophic study was taxonomic, and a sufficient number of plants was examined to show that the mycotrophic habit was widespread in the plant kingdom. Then there were sporadic collections which showed that mycotrophy existed in each of the continents. Today biology inclines toward philosophical dissertations which place the writer in an impregnable position since if anyone demurs it rests with him to disprove the postulates. Myco- trophic study still requires much work in taxonomy and morphology. Lecture II THE OCCURRENCE OF MYCORRHIZAE Reasons for Studying Mycorrhizal Occurrence: — The occur- rence of mycorrhizae is a subject of the first importance in mycor- rhizal study. It is important for two reasons : first, to determine the extent of mycorrhizal occurrence, and, second, to determine mycor- rhizal importance. It must be confessed that little is known of the extent of mycorrhizal occurrence. As we examine the history of the subject it is evident that human interest in mycorrhizae has followed a usual pattern : first there has been a flurry of interest, then an haphazard and eager collecting of various material from casual sources, and finally a settling down to solving problems of isolated detail that may or may not be important to the subject as a whole. It would seem to be more logical to examine first of all the plant kingdom to determine whether mycorrhizae actually occur widely in that kingdom. We assume that they do but the assumption is not based on research. Two or three dozen investigators have gone into the woods and fields, they have sunk their digging tools into the earth, and whatever came up was made the subject of study. There are a few good papers on mycorrhizal occurrence, but very few. The classic paper is Janse's account of the mycorrhizae occurring about Buiten- zorg in Java, and after half a century we still consult the paper. Janse consciously limited his research to chosen representatives of various plant families and as a preliminary study it is excellent, but it should be followed by similar papers on other members of the same, and of other, families. In consequence of the fortuitous method which has hitherto been employed in mycorrhizal study, we have the following summary of what is now on record : Considerable good work on some of the hepat- ics ; nothing on mosses or arthrophytes ; a little on pteridophytes ; good studies on the gametophyte generation of some lycopods ; a very unequal emphasis on members of the Gymnospermae, with most mem- bers unknown as to mycorrhizal condition (all attention must be de- voted to a few pines and spruce!) ; and a scattering of information about some angiosperms. On this slender evidence scientists assert the importance of mycorrhizae. They may be important and probably are important; but it is scarcely scientific to jump at conclusions. We Lecture II — 15 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae would be in a much better position to go forward with research if our research were founded on a considerable number of papers like that of Janse's, or even such simple lists as that of Klecka and Vukolov (1935). But if we know little of mycorrhizal occurrence, we know even less of root-hair occurrence. Morphologists have never paid much atten- tion to roots except to study the vascular systems of older roots. Roots are in the ground, it takes considerable work to get them out, and the botanist pulls off a twig or a leaf or a flower and goes onward. An herbarium in which a "specimen" always included the root would be a curiosity. A thorough-going study of root structure has yet to be made, especially of the "absorbing" system of smaller rootlets: we still await a Systematic Morphology of Root-endings. This statement leads to a consideration of the second reason for studying occurrence of mycorrhizae, namely, their importance. It is obvious that plants take in their nutrient materials through root-hairs or mycorrhizae except for a comparatively small number that are able to live without either. If root-hairs predominate in nature, then physiological research should be directed chiefly to root-hair plants; but if mycorrhizae predominate, then plant physiology should be con- cerned chiefly with mycorrhizae. Botany will some day be forced to a decision in the matter. At present botanists are in a position of ignorance, for they do not know what sort of root endings exist on the majority of plants in their natural haunts. They assume that root- hairs are the usual organs for intake of nutrient materials into plants, but their assumption cannot be substantiated from the records of research. Moreover, there is little prospect that research will be done on such structures, for the ruling motive in botanical science today appears to be a subservience to the authority of tradition. The Occurrence of Root-Hairs: — According to Frank ScHWARZ (1883), the first mention of root-hairs is found in Mal- piGHi's Opera Omnia (1681), having observed them in elm, black poplar, and willow and he believed that in their tiny tubes he had be- fore him that in which crude sap ascended and was later led into the vessels. He found them especially in those places where earth was not immediately in contact with roots. When the root hairs then pushed out into neighbouring soil, they grew around individual soil particles and surrounded them, so that they formed a span between the roots and soil particles. A similar clinging of the hairs was de- scribed by Malpighi in the roots of ivy. Almost simultaneously N. Grew (1682), in his "Anatomy of plants", advanced the idea that the spongy ends of roots served admirably for provision with food and Kelley — 16 — Mycotrophy water; while Hales (1727), no less than the Father of Plant Physi- ology !, decided that root-hairs are only incidental phenomena in intake of materials from the soil, the chief intake being through the root tips. Among the seemingly countless authors of the first 20 years of the 19th century (yet producing nothing new), may be mentioned Garra- DORi and MoLDENHAWER. The former noted that root-hairs are wanting in water, from which he concluded that they serve, not for absorption of liquid water, but moisture from the air, while liquid water is taken up by spongy root-ends. According to Moldenhawer, root-hairs may be compared tO' druse-hairs of leaves : they secrete a liquid which serves to dissolve the food materials, being comparable in a way to saliva of animals. The first description that was given right direction was by F. Meyen {in Neues System der Pflanzenphysiologie, 1838. Bd. 2, p. 6), who proceeded from a description of absorptive hairs of moss and characeous plants, showing incidentally that in these cases the root- hairs completely take the place of roots. He called attention further- more to the supposed universal distribution of root-hairs in higher plants, investigated their development, and what is more important, attributed to them the direct intake of liquid water. He came to the view that root-hairs serve merely to increase the outer surface of the root, and he showed that the number of root-hairs formed is dependent upon external conditions. Next we may cite the work of G. Gaspar- RiNi, the "Richerche sulla natura dei succiatori e la escrizione delle radici" (1856), which is a most comprehensive work on root-hairs but it offers in general nothing new. Gasparrini had investigated quite a large number of plants and found them with few exceptions to have root-hairs ; he did not go into a study of the conditions of root- hair formation but satisfied himself with describing their form, con- tent, etc. The finest portions of earth, embedded in a gummy sort of a mass which clung to the root-hairs he considered to be excretionary products of the hairs. He even designated as such roots which had an evident root-cap. Schacht incorporated Gasparrini's work in his text of 1859. Much more precise than his predecessors, Sachs (1860) made clear the significance and function of root-hairs; and from him the more modern phases of such study may be dated. Generality of Mycorrhlzal Occurrence: — In spite of our comparative ignorance of root structure in particular, it is known that in all major groups in the plant kingdom there are fungi living with other plants in mutualistic relation. No major group from "Thallo- phyte" to Spermatophyte is excepted. In the lower groups we speak of mycothalli or lichen bodies while in higher groups are mycorrhizo- Lecture 11 — 17 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae mata or mycorrhizae, but in all cases the relationship appears essen- tially the same. Symbiosis among Algae: — Mutualistic symbiosis of fungi with algae, so far as known, is confined to lichens. While it is still main- tained by some people that the lichen symbiosis is a parasitism of the fungus upon the alga, the balance of favour is with the Schwenden- erian theory of mutualism. The algae, principally Cyanophytes and protococcid Chlorophytes, supply organic material, presumably sugary carbohydrates, to the fungi which take in water and dissolved salts from the exterior into the lichen body and thus to the enmeshed algae. The lichen body is a thallus but it differs radically from the myco- thallus of the liverwort, which is a tissue containing hyphal strands. In the lichen thallus the chlorophyll-bearing thalloid cells (algae) are discrete or loosely massed together (gonidia), not forming a tissue as in the liverwort ; and the lichen thallus is for the most part a specially and characteristically formed mycelium. Then, too, the fungal sym- biont of the lichen thallus produces reproductive structures (spores and soredia) while in a true mycothallus the fungus does not produce reproductive bodies. Mycothalli among Liverworts: — Widespread occurrence of fungal symbiosis amongst liverworts has been demonstrated by the twenty-six investigators who, in the course of history, have studied mycothalli. It is to be assumed that anything so lacking in obvious utilitarian interest as a liverwort should attract but little general regard. It was apparently Schleiden who in 1839 first described what we know as fungal infection of a liverwort (Pellia), — not Leitgeb (1879) as has been erroneously stated ; but as Schleiden did not realize what he had seen, Gottsche (1858) may be termed the real discoverer of mycothallism. In old thalli of Pellia epiphylla and of Preissia com- mufafa he found a branched system of threads going from cell to cell which he at first considered as an individual vascular system but later recognized as fungal. Earlier in the history of mycorrhizal study it was supposed that fungi are commonly associated with the Junger- manniaceae (Leafy liverworts) but absent from the Marchantiaceae (Thalloid liverworts). Such at least was the opinion of Ncmec (1899), who supposed that the Marchantiaceae, being starch pro- ducers, could not have endophytes ; and Stahl (1900) seized upon this erroneous suggestion and wove it into his ingenious hypothesis of mycotrophism. But it was soon made clear that symbiotic fungi are constantly found in many of the Thalloid liverworts. Kelley 18 — Mycotrophy Four orders of Hepatics are recognized, of which two, the Ric- ciales and the Anthocerotales have received virtually no attention from our workers. It is not likely that the Ricciales, which are mostly aquatic, should have endophytes ; and there is but one report for these two orders, made by an early worker named Milde in 1851. He found what he termed "Kugeln" or little barrel-shaped spore-like bodies in the thallus of Anthoceros, Riccia, and other frondose hepatics, and he found that these "Kugeln" were made of little "cells" united in strings and that they never left the thallus voluntarily: "neither am I able", he said, "to make any observation as to their significance". Fig. 1. — Longitudinal section through mycothallus of PeIHa epiphylla. A fungal hypha, having entered through a rhizoid, ramified through tissues of the mycothallus and produced intracellular vesicles. (^Redrawn from Ridler, Ann. Bot. 36:198, 1922). Most of the work on mycothalli has been done on the Marchanti- aceae and Jungermanniaceae, the Favourite Four species for study being Conocephalus (Fegatella) coniciis, Marchantia polymorpha, Lunularia criiciata, and Pellia epiphylla. A greenhouse in Holland, a mountain area in India, a region in South Africa, the botanical garden of Java, and a few other spots all in Europe except one in Morocco — and none at all in the Americas — give us the rest of our information regarding the mycothalli of liverworts. Apart from the four species mentioned, only 37 other species have been reported on for their myco- thallism and some of these reports are from the vague early days while others are mere casual mentions. As to the other Bryophytes, we know virtually nothing of their possible mycothallism. The Sphagnums, being aquatic mosses for the Lecture II — 19 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae most part, would not be suspected of harbouring endophytes although it is true that a fungus has been reported from a Sphagnum capsule ; the Andreales are not mentioned; and but one report comes to us of the higher mosses. Servattz (1913) stated that white filaments of a fungus (the size of Streptothrix) formed dense intertangled masses which grew well on agaricized peptone bouillion, a fungus which seemed to be an Oospora. This organism exerted a particularly ac- tivating action on Phascum cuspidatum, and in culture the moss plants and mycelium made normal growth when together whereas without the mycelium the moss developed only a protonema. This favourable action was negated later when the fungus covered over the gelose and gained ascendancy over the moss. Fungal Symbiosis with Pteridophytes : — Fungal symbiosis seems to occur commonly with Pteridophytes and certain species, especially of the OphiogJossaceae, have been studied intensively. On the other hand, the families of Matoniaceae, Hymenophyllaceae and Schisaeaceae have never been examined for symbiotic fungi, so far as literature records ; while many species in the remaining families are yet tO' be investigated. It is scarcely to be expected that the Parkeri- aceae, Marsiliaceae and Salviniaceae should harbour mycorrhizal endo- phytes since these plants are aquatics; and we find that Asm (1934) states that Ceratopteris and Marsilea are not mycorrhizal, thus con- firming Stahl, who had also found Pilidaria globulifera non-mycor- rhizal. Of all the Pteridophytes, the Ophioglossaceae have been most studied for symbionts. Janse, who worked at Buitenzorg, had found branched hyphae and sporangioles in the third layer of cortex only, in Ophioglossum pendulum; while a few years later Campbell (1907), working in the same place, found the same form of endophyte in both gametophyte and sporophyte, infection of the sporophyte occurring chiefly from the gametophyte. O. moluccanum and O. simplex have also been studied carefully and found to be characteristically mycor- rhizal. Helminthostachys, at first reported to be without endophytes, was studied later (Lang, 1902) and found tO' be essentially similar in its symbiotic relationships to Ophioglossum. Fourteen species of Botrychium have been examined for endophytes and proved to be mycorrhizal: of these, twelve were studied by Grevilltus (1895) who stated that in these species hyphal formation always occurred in the roots. Both generations of Botrychium are mycorrhizal, infection taking place through the rhizoids. All of the five genera of Marattiaceae have been studied and found mycorrhizal. The tree-like Angiopteris of the Orient tropics is re- Kelley — 20 — Mycotrophy ported by several workers, the latest (Stark, 1925) finding the plant with endophyte in the Leningrad Gardens. In Archangiopteris, as in several others ferns, West (1917) found a new fungus that produced under natural conditions distinct reproductive bodies other than vesicles. Marattia itself, although reported non-mycorrhizal by Stahl, is attested by several later workers. Campbell (1908) states posi- tively the presence of endophyte in green prothallia of M. Douglassi besides those of several other Marat tiaceae, including Kanlfussia aes- culifolia which West (1917) confirms for the sporophyte plant. West also describes and figures infection for Danaea alata and D. nodosa, neatly demonstrating apparent phagocytosis within the outer layers of cortex. The leptosporangiate ferns have been less studied but are not with- out their endophytes. Two genera of the Osmundaceae have been studied, van Tieghem as early as 1870 reporting mycelial hyphae of a parasite coiled about dark masses in large cells of the inner zone of cortex of Osmunda regalis and several other ferns. Strangely enough, Stahl asserts that this species is not mycorrhizal and no one else has made a later statement. Campbell, in his studies of fern prothallia, found that many cells in O. cinnamonea and 0. Claytoniana contain an endophyte which consists of large non-septate hyphae that are strictly intracellular. For the sporophyte of the last species, Loh- MAN (1927) says that an endophyte is absent. In an excellent paper on Todea harhara, Cribbs (1920) notes that an endophytic fungus was found to occur frequently in the cortical tissues of the root exter- nal to the endodermis and internal to the sclerenchymatous cells of the peripheral region. It was found to gain entrance by root hairs and also by dissolving its way through the epidermal cell-wall at the edge of the root-cap. Cribbs gives us neat figures which beautifully delineate apparent digestion stages. For the Gleicheniaceae our only author is Campbell, who mentions five species of Gleichenia that have mycothallic prothallia. Two au- thorities sponsor the Cyathaeaceae, those Tree ferns of the tropics: Janse found Cyathaea mycorrhizal in Java, pelotes and sporangioles being found in 3-4 layers of cortex; while Asai (1934) reports C. spimdosa as mycorrhizal, and also Alsophila formosana and A. pusttdosa. The Polypodiaceae offer a hopeful although little touched field, for most of these ferns live in humus soil and might be expected to har- bour endophytes ; yet we suspect that lack of economic utility of ferns accounts for aversion to their study. Amongst wildlings of the American prairies, Lohman (1927) gathered some casual specimens of fern and reported briefly as to Lecture II — 21 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae their being mycorrhizal or the reverse; and two species are thus re- ported by him for the first and only time, namely, Cystopferis fragilis (mycorrhizae occasional) and Onoclea sensihilis (ectotrophic) ; and he records Adiantum pedatum and Pteridium aquilinum also mycor- rhizal. DoAK (1927) finds the Adiantum species endotrophic while Asm (1934) reports on A. flabeUuIatum. Pteridium is undoubtedly mycorrhizal although the poll as it now stands is tied: Stahl (1900) and Takamatsu (1930) insisting that P. aquilinum is not mycorrhizal while LoHMAN (1927) and Rayner (1927) state that it is or appears to be, and Rayner clinches the matter by presenting a photomicro- graph of the apparent endophytic fungus within the root tissues. The large genus Aspidium is reported non-mycorrhizal by the four who have reported upon it, — Frank, Stahl, Hoeveler, and Lohman; yet surely these humus-dwellers deserve a reconsideration. So, too, with Aspleniiim which Stahl and Janse reported as without endophytes, and Polypodiinn which Stahl negated although Faber (1925) seems to indicate mycorrhizae for P. Feei. Then Nephrolepis and Blechnmn are recorded very casually only by Asai (1934) and deserve more study. Last of all in this brief list of studied Poly- podiaceae is Cliciropleuria, which is of special interest because occur- rence of endophytic fungi in prothallia of C. hicuspis var. integri- folia is added evidence in the author's opinion (Nakai, 1933) that the genus should be removed from the Polypodiaceae and be placed in a separate family, the Cheiropleuriaceae. This is the only case known to the writer where mycorrhizae are made of service as a taxonomic criterion. Symbiotic Fungi among Arthrophytes: — There is almost no information extant regarding symbiotic fungi of the Equisetums. Sadebeck in 1875 described browning of the prothallia of E. arvense and E. palustre in culture, due tO' infection by a species of Pythium which was named P. equiseti, but this was apparently a case of para- sitic attack rather than of mycothallism. Janse said that forest dwell- ing Eqiiisctae in Java appear never to have endophytic fungi in the roots; Hoeveler (1892) found E. hie^nale and E. silvaticum not mycorrhizal ; and Stahl found no trace of infection in Equisetum. LoHMAN, in Iowa, lists E. arvense as containing an endophytic Phycomycete while E. kansanum was lacking in mycorrhizae. Detailed investigations of the Equisetums are yet to be made. Mycorrhizae and Mycothalll of Lycopsida: — Lycopodium has received much attention. Following Treub's discovery of fungal in- fection of a Javan lycopod, Bruchmann (1885) described similar Kelley — 22 — Mycotrophy infection for L. annotinum, the mycelium being both inter- and intra- cellular. Next, GoEBEL (1887) told how that in L. inmindatum the lower non-meristematic part of the prothallium is always inhabited by a fungus. Janse followed with reports on 8 Javan species, several being reported for the first time. Holloway (1920) has added much to our knowledge of Australasian species, hence Europe and the Austral region have been partly covered but America has offered but two papers on lycopodiaceous fungal symbionts, — by Spessard (1922) and by Stokey and Starr (1924). Americans have produced six papers on mycorrhizae of ferns, two on Lycopods, and none on the hepatics. Sixteen species of Lycopodiiim are reported mycorrhizal in the sporophyte while as to the gametophyte, the long-sought gametophytes of Lycopodiiim, discovered by Fankhauser in 1873 at Emmenthal, have likewise received attention and found to contain an endophyte. Whether this endophyte is a Pythium or an Ascomycetous fungus as Spessard claims, or of different sorts in different prothallia remains to be determined. The endophyte appears to be a mutualist. Selaginella has received slight attention by students of symbiosis. Bruchmann (1897) found 5. spinulosa mycorrhizal in the Alps while 6". helvetica was not mycorrhizal. Janse said that Selaginella in Java possesses a fungus in the hairless roots. American species of Selagin- ella have never been reported upon for mycorrhizae. The little family of the Psilotaceae which is segregated from the Lycopods and with similarities to the fossil Sphenophyllineae, has attracted a number of investigators most of whom agree that these plants are mycorrhizal; yet Costantin (1925, 1936) maintains it has been found without endophyte, not alone by himself but also by Noel Bernard. Solms-Laubach, Janse and Bernatsky were earlier students of the mycorrhizal condition, the last trying to isolate the fungus ; while Shibata described cytological detail and called attention to phagocytosis occurring in the tissues and the similarity of the process to that occurring in the orchids. All of this work was done on the sporophyte but the gametophyte — a small colourless tuber embedded in humus — is likewise infected. A gametophyte supposed to be that of Psilohnn was described by Lang but a detailed report was given by Darnell-Smith (1917). Sporelings of Psilotum are pene- trated by an endophytic fungus after a comparatively few cell divi- sions and soon almost all of the cells of the prothallium are filled with a skein of hyphae, reports the author. Presence of the fungus does not cause a change in form of cell but the nucleus is frequently obliterated by its mycelium. Infection occurs near the growing point : hyphae are non-septate and two may occur at once in a rhizoid. Lecture II — 23 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae Hyphae have also been observed in antheridia and in canal cells of the archegonium but never in the egg-cell. The work on Psilotiini has presumably been done on P. trique- trum from which we may turn to the other genus of the family, Tmesipteris, a genus of Australian herbs. In the first of several papers on mycorrhizae, Dangeard (1891) described endotrophic mycorrhizae from five species of Tmesipteris, telling of the fungi and their appear- ance in the root ; and it would seem that he may have been dealing with both parasitic and mycorrhizal fungi. But he describes and figures Hartig net, hyphal coils, and notes disappearance of starch from the infected region. It is curious that the useful term, "mycorrhizome", should have been invented for the service of these plants so little known to the general botanical public; yet Dangeard said that as roots are wanting in these plants, they may be said to possess mycor- rhizomes. So came into being a designation for all endophytic creep- ing stems, especially amongst ferns and orchids. The gametophyte of Tmesipteris, like that of Psilotum, contains an endophyte ; for Lawson (1917) in a paper complementary to that of Darnell-Smith described the infection in T. tannensis. Structu- rally the prothallium of Tmesipteris does not resemble that of Ly co- podium but it does that of Psilotuin. Gymnospermous Mycorrhizae : — In all classes of Gymncsperms there are found mycorrhizal fungi occurring as endophytes. Among all the branches of the plant kingdom, none has attracted more re- search than that of the conifers ; and especially have the pines been investigated. As early as 1865 Nicolai had unwittingly described the mycorrhizal character of pine rootlets although it was not until 1873 that Reinke remarked the similarity of the cortical "thickenings" of the pine rootlets to those of the liverworts known to be due to fungi. Several reasons may be adduced for predilection for pine mycorrhizal research : first, modern mycorrhizal research began with the pines ; second, the pines are easily studied ; third, they are of great economic importance. About one-fifth of all mycorrhizal research in the last decade has been done with Gymnosperms, and of these principally pine, spruce and fir. Mycorrhizae of Gycads: — Tubercles of the Cycads appear to harbour both fungi and bacteria and are modified rootlets. For them the name of "consortium" has been proposed, a name first suggested by Grisebach according to Reinke (1871) who quaintly observed that the term is "sehr zutreffend". Life, who made an extended study of these "consortia", declared that "In reference to the symbiotic rela- Kelley — 24 — Mycotrophy tions which exist between these various organisms it is difficult to speak with any certainty . . . the tubercles of Cycads may be said to have at least two functions, that of aerating and that of assisting nitro- gen assimilation." But whatever their structure or function, they can be considered only as a very special case of mycorrhiza, and the same may be said for the "nodules" of Encephalartos; while those of Macrosamia are reported by McLuckie (1922) to be purely bacterial. Spratt (1915), whose work on Cycadean nodules comes nearest to being monographic, states that all Cycadean genera produce root- nodules which are perennial modified lateral roots, repeatedly branched and forming large coralloid masses. They are primarily produced, he says, by infection with Bacillus radicola ; and he asserts that the Cyca- deaceae are the only nodule-bearing plants known in which four organisms are associated together symbiotically, viz. two nitrogen- fixing bacteria, an alga, and the cycad. Mycorrhizae of Ginkgo: — Only one living member of this genus occurs and this member, the Maidenhair tree, has long since ceased to exist in a wild state. It is thus in the nature of an exotic wherever it grows, and its rooting conditions and structures are in a sense anoma- lous. Perhaps no other plant, the lone representative of its order, presents such an unique case ; yet Ginkgo is reported mycorrhizal. Its earliest observer was Reinke (1873) who noted "thickening strips" in its root cortex ; its latest observers were Klecka and Vukolov (1935) who state that the mycorrhizae are racemose, slightly furcate. Yet ScHWARZ (1883) and von Tubeuf (1896) reported abundant root-hairs for this species. An ecological study of Ginkgo roots in the native haunts of the species, so far as China could provide "native haunts", would be desirable. Mycorrhizae amongst the Taxaceae: — The curious tubercles and necklace rootlets of various Podocarpi have proved fascinating to students of root structure. There is something which arouses curiosity in them : the roots are excavated, some lumpy excrescences appear, and forthwith the botanist hurries to his laboratory to see what meaneth this strange thing! A mere ordinary rootlet is passed by as commonplace : for example, the possible mycorrhizae of Torreya are virtually unknown, apparently because there is nothing about them to attract curiosity. But thanks to studies of the curious we have much on record about the nodules of ten species of Podocarpus. It appears that these nodules are called forth by bacterial action as well as by fungal invasion ; but the consensus of opinion seems to be that they are often true mycorrhizae, being developed usually by a symbiotic Lecture II — 25 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae fungus although in cases a fungus is lacking. Reinke (1873), who saw much and described well, noted "thickening strips" in Podocarpus cortex; Berggren (1887), with the meticulous exactness of a Scandinavian, described in detail the pearl-necklace rootlets of the Podocarpineae, seeing in them a similarity in function to the velamen- covered roots of orchids. The similarity cannot be drawn too closely, however, for Hiltner (1899), in conjunction with Nobbe, demon- strated fixation of atmospheric N by roots of Podocarpus, which he considered as true endotrophic mycorrhizae ; yet Hiltner suggests that Heaths and Orchids likewise may fix nitrogen. McLuckie (1923) also found the Podocarpineae active in N fixation, stating that the process was accomplished by bacteria present in the cortical cells. On the other hand, Saxton (1930) was unable to find bacteria in Tasmanian material of Podocarpus : "No trace of bacteria could be found but unmistakable and well-preserved mycorrhizal filaments." Hiltner had considered these nodules as unformed roots but McLuckie (1923) says that the nodules are modified lateral roots and arise from the pericycle, their normal growth being checked before they emerge from the cortex of the main root. Root-hairs, he says, are commonly present as von Tubeuf had already stated. Yet it is neces- sary to be careful about accepting reports of root-hairs on mycorrhizal roots too readily, for setae of the fungus often simulate root-hairs ; and McLuckie himself says that the surface of the nodule and the main root is frequently invested with a loose tangle of fungal hyphae. It is interesting to note that the term "prosporidi" of Petri (1903) was originated from a study of species of Podocarpus growing at Florence in Italy. These spore-like bodies produced by the fungus, the sporangioles of Janse, he called "prosporidi" on account "al loro significato morphologico piu probabile". Shibata (1902) described in some detail the fungal structure and reaction, and reputedly demon- strated an enzyme in the mycorrhiza. In addition to the nodules of Podocarpus are the mamillate or pearl-necklace rootlets described so well by Janse (1897). In P. cupressus he found intermittent growth : "En general, apres une courte interruption, la croissance reprend pour s'arreter encore une fois des qu'il s'est forme en second mamelon spherique au sommet du premier. Cette croissance intermittente pent se repeter ainsi plusieurs fois de suite, mais au plus tard apres le developpement du cinquieme mamelon I'arret est definitif ." Janse continues with a detailed descrip- tion of the histological structure and origin of these mamelons or pearl-necklace mycorrhizae which are so widely found amongst coni- fers, casuarinas, Liquidamhar, Acer, Celtis, and others. Kelley — 26 — Mycotrophy The genus Cephalotaxus is virtually uninvestigated, for aside from notes by Reinke and von Tubeuf, there is only an observation by Prat (1926) that plants of this genus were abundantly mycorrhizal in the Arboretum at Angiers in France. Torreya has exactly the same record ; and there is nothing whatever on record of the American Torreya which lingers in the Appalachicola hills of Florida. Taxus, being of more familiar presence, is better known as to its mycorrhizae : the older generation of mycorrhizal students noted it and in more re- cent days several have described it, particularly Prat (1926, 1934), who has made rather thorough studies of, first, the European T. bac- cata, and, second, the Canadian T. canadensis. The mycorrhizae in Taxus appear to be endotrophic mamelons or pearl-necklace beaded rootlets, and phagocytosis occurs in them. In his later paper Prat con- cludes that there is not a true mutualism but that the tree is a parasite on its parasite! Kle6ka and Vukolov (1935) record for T. baccata endotrophic mycorrhizae comparable to those of Ginkgo. The genus Pherosphaera, sometimes doubtfully included in the Taxaceae, was studied by Saxton (1930), who found both species provided with nodules, but the Tasmanian species produced nodules more freely. Mycorrhizae in Pinaceae: — Pines, orchids and heaths, — these are the mycorrhizal plants par excellence ! Frank brought mycor- rhizal study to the fore by his studies on pines and much of recent research has been concerned with these important economic trees. The first genus in the family for our consideration is Juniperus, the com- mon juniper which, like the Yew, is of familiar presence. Its mycor- rhizae are endotrophic (vide KleCka and Vukolov, 1935) and neck- lace-beaded but as Janse (1897) observed: "Les mamelons sont en- core plus allonges et plus rares que chez le Cupressus. Au demeurant ils leur resemblent beaucoup". Sarauw (1903) observed that in this species (the common juniper) an endotrophic mycorrhiza exists in con- junction with an Hartig net, which he says is the only case of the sort known, except that in Cedrus Deodara there is an Hartig net without a mantle. In recent days the mycorrhizae of /. communis have been monographed by Lihnell (1939) in an extended and well-illustrated paper. The American species of Juniperus are very little studied : McDouGALL and Jacobs (1927) state that /. monosperma is endo- trophically mycorrhizal in the Central Rocky Mountains ; Henry (1936) states that no mycorrhizae occur in /. sibirica and in /. utahen- sis. J. sibirica Burgsd. is the same as /. communis L. var. montana Ait., and /. communis is well known to be mycorrhizal in Europe. Lecture II — 27 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae The genus Cupressus has attracted no modern investigator except that Birch (1937) says that in New Zealand the fungus Rhisopogon rubescens appears to be a mycorrhizal symbiont of C. macrocarpa. For the Italian cypress, C. sempervirens, mycorrhizae were described by Janse and by Kirchner (1908), the former describing necklace- beads and the latter simple coralloid mycorrhizae with endotrophic mycelium. Berggren (1887) had stated that Hartig net is lacking; Fig. 2. — Mycorrhizae in Pinus virginiana. A "long-root" is beset with mycorrhizal short-roots or mycorrhizae, which in the older portion exhibit beginning of coral branching by dichotomy. The mycorrhizal sheath or mycoclene over the apex has split by renewed growth. Yeates (1924) that the fungus is similar to that in Taxads. One other species, C. Lindleyi, was reported to have no root hairs by SCHWARZ (1883). Chamaecyparis is even less studied than Cupressus, having no modern investigator except that Kle5ka and Vukolov (1935) list C. Lawsoniana as having endotrophic mycorrhizae. Noelle (1910) Kelley — 28 — Mycotrophy reports for Thuopsis dolobrata and for the Incense cedar, Lihrocedrus, which last Yeates (1924) says contains a fungus similar to that in taxads. Thuja stands in a better position, being a more abundant tree in the cool temperate zone where most mycorrhizal students have lived. T. occidentalis and T. orientalis are both well studied while T. plicata and T. Standishii are reported as mycorrhizal. Two recent papers have cited the genus, — Klecka & Vukolov (1935) and DoMiNiK (1937). Taxodium distichum has been listed as having en- dotrophic mycorrhizae but Sequoia — more attractive to curiosity — has been more studied. Both species of Sequoia possess endotrophic mycorrhizae, it would appear, and according to Strasburger, root- hairs are entirely wanting. Oddly enough, it is only European material of Sequoia that has been investigated while Calif ornians neglect their most famous tree. Crypfoineria is reported mycorrhizal in Europe : VON TuBEUF found root-hairs wanting in C. japonica although he notes that Klebs found sparse hairs on seedlings, which hairs were sloughed ofif with the outer cell layer, Mimura (1933), working at TokyO', states that mycorrhizae are wanting on this species when planted at the Experiment Station but were found on roots that had grown from the pots into the ground. Cunninghamia, the China fir, is reported mycorrhizal by Noelle (1910) and by Yeates (1924) ; Sciadopitys, the monotypic Umbrella pine, by Noelle and by Laing (1923), the last describing the histology in some detail. Four species of Araucaria are termed mycorrhizal. Janse com- pared its rootlets to those of Podocarpus but thought they were rather larger. Of modern writers we may note Rayner (1938) who in a review states that A. Cunninghamii grew in Nyassaland without inocu- lation of the soil ; Young (1938) found that lime-induced chlorosis in this Hoop-pine was eliminated from some Queensland nursery beds by sulphur applications, and the same author found by pure culture experiments that its seedlings produced endotrophic mycorrhizae when grown in association with the fungus Boletus elegans and failed to develop in the absence of a mycorrhizal fungus. The genus Abies has not proved attractive to our students although it appears to be mycorrhizal and material is abundant. Fifteen species of the genus are cited as mycorrhizal but without detailed description and with no details of physiological relationship. Of recent workers we may cite Dominik (1937) who notes three exotic species mycor- rhizal in Poland; Colla (1931) who found three Basidiomycetes on A. alba in Italy; Tazoye (1940) who cites A. Mayriana as mycor- rhizal in Japan; Henry (1936) who says that dwarfed A. lasiocarpa in the mountains of Utah is an excellent mycorrhizal host (Mc- Lecture II — 29 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae DouGALL, 1927, had cited the same species from Idaho) ; and Klecka and VuKOLOv (1935) who Ust A. alba as ectotrophic. Pseudotsuga is not popular with mycorrhizal students : but one of the four species has been investigated at aU for mycorrhizae and this species only in a cursory way. In its native haunts it was described as both ecto- and endo-trophic by McDougall (1927) in Utah, and as having an endophyte in Canada by Lewis (1924) ; while Laing (1923) insists that this species does not form mycorrhizae readily. Klecka (1935) and Dominik (1937) find the species mycorrhizal in Europe while Birch (1937) records its fungi in New Zealand. Tsuga has received passing attention : five species are noted as mycorrhizal, of which one species, T. heterophylla is said by Laing to have semi- ectotrophic mycorrhizae the hyphae being found only between the cortical cells, and there is no mantle. Twelve of the 39 species of Picea are cited as mycorrhizal and one of them, P. Abies, the Norway spruce, has been studied in detail by several investigators, especially Melin (1925). Using Melin's cul- ture methods, Modess (1939) synthesized various Hymenomycetes with seedlings of P. Abies, a study further reported in 1941 when he Usted 8 species of Hymenomycetes and one Gasteromycete that formed mycorrhizae with this spruce. Melin's methods were likewise used by Fries (1942) in synthesizing monospore mycelia of Scleroderma aurantiiim with spruce whereby mycorrhizae were formed but not as abundantly as with pine. Also in Sweden, Lindquist (1939) did his work on spruce and wrote philosophically on the physiology of myco- trophism; and Rom ell (1938) reports on his trenching experiments with spruce, and their bearing on the problems of mycotrophy. In another cultural study, Bjorkman (1940) reports on the ecology of the mycorrhizae of this spruce, while Thomas (1941) presents a plot study of young spruce plantations in the Rhine Valley. Besides the Norway spruce studied in Europe, various other spruces have been studied or noted in America and Japan. Larix shares with Picea the attention accorded by Melin. Five species of Larix are recorded as mycorrhizal by various authors ; and more recently How (1942) has made a monographic study of the mycorrhizal relations of L. decidua. Colla (1931) records Hypho- lonia fasciculare with the same species of larch; and Thomas (1941) notes larch plantations in the Rhine Valley. Pseudolarix is recorded onlyby Noell (1910). Finally, in the Coniferales, we come to Pinus, the most studied genus of Gymnosperms. Thirty-seven species and varieties of Pinus are recorded mycorrhizal but of these only four have been studied in detail, namely, Strobus, sylvestris, pinaster and montana. Kelley — 30 — Mycotrophy Mycorrhizae in Gnetaceae: — There are but two references to the possible mycorrhizal condition of these plants : ( 1 ) Strasburger said that root hairs are exceptional in Ephedra, while (2) Kirch ner remarked that root fungus was not observed by von Tubeuf and that root-hairs are not exceptional but found covering the roots for a dis- tance of 2-3 mm. The Method of Opportunism: — To summarize what is known of the mycorrhizae of Gymnosperms, therefore, one must say that much is known of a few pines and spruce and larch but that there is no general research upon the occurrence of mycorrhizae in the class as a whole. The same method of opportunism rules with the Angio- sperms : there have been few scientific approaches to the mycorrhizae of higher plants through a systematic investigation of their occurrence. A few papers such as those of Janse and of Schwarz point the way to a more thoroughgoing study of the rooting structures of Angio- sperms ; and meanwhile one pieces together the isolated papers to form the following picture. Mycorrhizae in Apetalae: — First as to that collection chiefly of trees which has been called the Apetalae one notes that many are re- corded mycorrhizal ; indeed, the oaks and beeches are, with the pines, much studied plants. Of the poplars and aspens, Popiilus, seven species have been studied although not in much detail but their my- corrhizal character is established: KleCka and Vukolov (1935) are their only modern students. Sixteen species of Salix are given a similar character by various reporters, Klecka and Asai being the most recent. The Garryaceae are unreported, for Mexico and the West Coast are almost untouched mycorrhizal fields. But the Myri- caceae are much investigated because of their root-nodules which are true consortia (or mycodomatia), being occupied by bacteria and fungi simultaneously; and they are present in all members of the genus that have been studied — which are five of the 35 listed for the genus. Most of the work on Myrica has been done in Europe and Asia, almost none in America ; but the American Comptonia is listed, by Kellerman. Leitneria, monotypic genus of the Corkwood family is unreported, and so, too, are the Asiatic Platycarya and Pterocarya; but the walnuts (Juglans) are recorded mycorrhizal. It is to be observed that Frank and Stahl both stated that /. regia is not mycorrhizal, KleCka (1935) calls it ectotrophic, while the few reports on the two American species term these latter endotrophic. No detailed study of the walnuts is in print, nor of the hickories (Carya) except for that of the pecan (C pecan) by Woodroof Lecture II — 31 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae (1933). It is curious that trees so abundant as the hickories and so comparatively important should have escaped attention. Likewise the Betulas, for birches flourish in countries where mycorrhizal workers live ; yet there is not much to report on them. The two more recent studies, of Laitikari (1934) and of Bjorkman (1941) are con- cerned with the root system in general and with the concomitant fungi. But with alder the case is different, for alder has "root excres- censes" that attract curiosity; and two European species attracted much attention in earlier days, Klecka (1935), Plotho (1941) and Cernik (1937) being their modern students. Harshberger was the only student of American alder while brief citations have come for Japanese species. Plotho (1941) tried the synthesis of alder nodules, which appears to be the only experimentation of the sort on record. Two species of Carpinus are reported mycorrhizal, the American species of Ostrya, and three species of Corylus. Com- ing, then, to the Fagaceae we meet with beech which, for some rea- son, has ever been popular at least in Europe, the latest study being by Harley (1939). It was on beech that Meyen (1829) observed his "pseudomorphose" of the roots which may have been an unwitting discovery of mycorrhizae. Of chestnut, mycorrhizae were described on the European species by earlier students who thought to find in them a cause of disease of that economic tree. Chestnut provided Kelley (1940) with his material for discovering the essential simi- larity between blight and mycorrhizal infection. But the Californian Castanopsis and Lithocarpus, with many species in Asia, are yet untouched. The oaks {Qiiercus) include "more than 200 species" of which 23 have been noted as mycorrhizal, one species only (,Q. robur) having received some careful attention. Since oaks are preeminently American they offer a splendid opportunity for study of a vital function in important timber trees, especially open to those who say they have the interest of forests at heart, — a field of re- search that is virtually untouched. Elm (Ulmus) was noted by one of our earliest students, Duhamel (1758), and since his time 5 species have been listed but no detailed study of any member of this genus exists. A couple of reports of "fungus-free" may be covered by Stahl's statement: "Wenn auch feineren Ulmenwurzeln des Oefteren sich pilzfrei erweisen, so trifft man doch hie und da innere Verpilzung." McDouGALL (1928) and Janse (1897b) say that Celtis is mycorrhi- zal, and AsAi reports the same for Zelkova (Abelicea hirta) but otherwise nothing more is known of the mycorrhizae of the Ulmaceae. Similarly, 3 species of Morus are reputed mycorrhizal, being, like Ulmus, endotrophic; but we are as innocent of exact knowledge of Kelley 32 — Mycotrophy the mulberries as of the elms. Several Ficus have been termed mycorrhizal. As to the herbaceous members of the Apetalae : Asai says that Boehmeria is not infected ; Peyronel states that Urtica is : we can say no more for the Urticaceae. Asariim appears to be mycorrhizal in Europe, America and Japan by a single report in each case ; Rumex by two reports ; Polygonum by several. P. viviparum was said by Stahl to have "innere Verpilzung" while Asai and Takamatsu both state that certain Japanese species lack mycorrhizae. Phytolacca decandra also does not have any according tO' Asai. Two species of Atriplex are said to be mycorrhizal, the woody species wxre not in- FiG. 3. — Mycorrhizae in Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum. A race- mose system of mycorrhizae which are "beaded", due to periods of quiescence and renewal of growth. This mode of growth is characteristic of Acer, Ilex and other genera. vestigated ; Beta vulgaris, the common beet, is mycorrhizal but not Salsola, Amaranthus sylvestris was termed mycorrhizal by Trotter and Scleranthus annuus by Schlicht and by Stahl, while Chenopo- dium is mycorrhizal (Schlicht) or not mycorrhizal (Asai). Portulaca is positive while of the CaryopJiyllaceae Gypsophila, Arenaria, Stellaria, and Cerastium are in the plus column while Dianthus, Silene and Sagina are negative. This is the record of the herbaceous Apetalae. Amongst the numerous Apopetalae and Gamopetalae there is a similar scantiness of information, the larger families showing a number of genera that have been examined casually for mycor- Lecture II — 33 — Occurrence of Mycorrhizae rhizae while smaller families are entirely ignored. Thus, one dozen genera of Ranuncnlaceae are reported mycorrhizal and twelve of Cruciferae; twenty-six genera of Papilionaceae are reported which is the record for the Dicotyls ; but as many or perhaps most of these cases are bacterial they are dubiously considered as mycorrhi- zal. The next largest record is of the Compositae with 25 genera reported. There are conflicting reports : Thus, Podophyllum is termed mycorrhizal by Lohman and non-mycorrhizal by MacDougal; Benzoin is mycorrhizal according to Henry but non-mycorrhizal ac- cording to MacDougal; Ailanthus is non-mycorrhizal according to Stahl and to Duthie but endotrophic according to KleCka and VUKOLOV. Then there are families that are listed on the basis of single reports, as the Calycanthaceae (Asai), Menispermaceae (McDougall & Liebtag), Sarraceniaceae (MacDougal), Pittosporaceae (Asai), Sterculiaceae (Asai), Tamaricaceae (Stahl), Cistaceae {Vtrotta) , Nyssaceae (Henry), Diapensiaceae (Asai), Myrsinaceae (Asai), Phmibaginaceae (no mycorrhizae according to Costantin) ; and these reports are not confirmed nor amplified. In a number of families there is an amazingly large number of genera yet to be examined : Thus, in the Borraginaceae with 85 genera and 1500 species but 4 genera and 6 species have been stud- ied for mycorrhizae; in the Labiatae but 10 genera and 14 species have been studied amongst the total of 160 genera and 3000 species ; in the Scrophiilariaceae but 6 genera and 18 species have been studied amongst 180 genera and 3000 species; while the Bignonaceae with 100 genera and 600 species is entirely untouched. In the great family of Compositae with its thousands of species there are but 54 studied for mycorrhizae. In many of the Dicotyls we would expect to find phycomycete mycorrhizae as in the Violaceae of which 12 species are termed mycorrhizal but we have no detailed studies upon them. Two species of Liniim, 3 of Oxalis, 3 of Hypericum, 7 of Epilohium, five of Primula, six of Campanula are listed as mycorrhizal ; and we await further information as to whether the concomitant fungi are phyco- or basidiomycetes. Several special cases may be noted : Thus the insectivorous plants have received some attention, the Droseras at the hands of Frank, Hoeveler, Schlicht, and Peyronel; Sarracenia, of MacDougal. Stahl was interested in the Polygalas, terming them Relley — 34 — Mycotrophy endotrophic. Four species of Euphorbia are cited but Asclepias which would seem to be of equal interest as a lactiferous plant has escaped observation except for two reports on A. syriaca. D'Angremond and Hell (1939) describe endotrophic mycorrhizae for Hevea. Three species of Cactaceae are cited, by Johansen (1931) except that Asm also cites N eomammillaria. Monotropa was long a focal point of interest. Twenty-one species of Gentiana are cited, and Oholaria is noted. The woody Dicotyls have fared better, and we may run briefly through the list: The Magnolias and Liriodendron, and the tropi- cal Talaiima, Manglietia and Michelia (according to Janse) ; Merati of the Calycanthaceae (Asai) ; Asimina of the Anonaceae ; Sassa- fras, Benzoin and Ocotea of the Lauraceae ; Pittosporiim (Asai) ; Liquidamhar , Altiugia and Haniamelis; Platamis; 9 genera of the Malaceae, four of the Rosaceae, nine species of Prunus; two of the Mimosaceae, 3 of the Caesalpinaceae and 7 of the Leguminosae ; four of the Riitaceae (including 3 spp. of Citrus) ; Picrasma and Ailanthus; Melia and Dysoxylum, two species of Buxus; 3 of the Anacardiaceae, 3 species of Ilex, 2 genera of Celastraceae; 3 of Staphyleaceae; 8 species of Acer; 7 of Aesculus; 7 genera of Sapin- daceae; 4 of Rhamnaceae; 2 of Vitaceae; 5 species of Tilia; Firniiana of the Sterculiaceae ; Thea; Tamarix; 8 species of Daphne, 3 genera of Elacagnaceae ; Nyssa sylvatica (Henry) ; 3 spp. of Eucalyptus; 3 genera of Araliaceae, 2 of Cornaceae; Clethra (Asai) ; 21 genera of Ericaceae; including 13 spp. of Vaccinium; Diapensia (Asai) ; Ardisia (Asai) ; Diospyros (Asai) ; Symplocos (one species out of the 290 spp. in this monotypic family !) ; Styrax (Asai) ; 5 genera of Oleaceae; 2 species of Nerium; Gardenia (Asai), 4 genera of Caprifoliaceae. For more recent work we may note: Milanez (1940) records root fungi for Citrus aurantifolia, said to be the first record for South America, but he considers them as parasites; Muller (1936) reports on mycorrhizae of citrus in the Netherlands Indies; Reed & Fremont (1935) and Rayner (1933) describe a phycomycete mycorrhiza for Citrus and regard it as beneficial under certain con- ditions. Berkeley (1936) states that raspberry roots (in Canada) show a phycomycetous infestation similar to that in strawberry, as recorded by Richards & McKIay (1936). Bouwens (1937) con- sidered the strawberry endophyte to be a Rhisoctonia, which generic fungus was alsO' responsible for mycorrhizae in quince (Cydonia). A phycomycete mycorrhiza is described likewise for almond {Amyg- Lecture II — 35 — • Occurrence of Mycorrhizae dolus) by RuGGiERi (1937). In Cacao in Trinidad, mycorrhizae also occur (Pyke, 1935; Laycock, 1945), although not invariably. Sabet (1939) describes mycorrhizae for cotton (Gossypium), and TuNSTALL (1940) for Thea. For other plants, Heath and Luckwill (1938) report my- corrhizae in Potentilla and several other heather-land plants ; while Malan (1938) studied mycorrhizae of alpine legumes (finding them phycomycetous). For Ericaceae, Barrows (1936, 1941) studied Epigaea, and Freisleben (1933, 1934) particularly Vac- cinium; Gordon (1937), Rhododendron; Bain (1937), after study- ing Oxycoccus, comes to the conclusion that there is no obligate symbiosis while Rayner & Levisohn (1940) contradict him; MoLLiARD (1937) after studying Calluna, concludes that mycor- rhizae are not essential. For potato (Solamim), Costantin (1935, 1936) and Joseph (1935) present data. Kurbis (1937) and Kelley (1943) have described mycorrhizae for Fraxinus; ScHiMMLER (1937) for 12 spp. of Gentiana. Since Monocotyls are not woody, less interest can be expected in them. It is true that there are some monocotyledonous trees which are reported mycorrhizal, — the palms Phoenix and Livistona, the screw- palm, Pandanus, and the banana "tree", Musa. But most Mono- cotyls are herbs, and many are aquatic plants in which no mycor- rhizae are found, as Typha (Asai) ; Alisma (Asai) ; Calla palus- tris; Acorus, 2 spp. ; and 10 spp. of Juncus which, however, pro- duce root swellings that do contain a fungus according to Magnus. No mycorrhizae are reported for the Cyperaceae; vis. 2 spp. of Cyperus, 3 spp. of Eriophorum, and 14 spp. of Carex; but numer- ous species of grasses are reported mycorrhizal. For the Gramin- eae, Asai (1934) reported 23 species mycorrhizal and 4 not my- corrhizal, the latter all hygrophylls; while 58 spp. were reported mycorrhizal by other observers. The latest researches on grasses are by BiRAGHi (1936) on cereals, and Neill (1940) on Lolium. Of the aroids, Arisaema is mycorrhizal (Lohman. 1927), while Magrou (1937, 1939) used Arum for isolation of the endophyte. The Liliales seem richly mycorrhizal : Veratrum in the Melan- thaceae, Allium, Lilium, Tulipa, Erythronimn, Ornithogalum, Muscari, Hemerocallis, Yucca, Fritillaria, Scilla and Aloe in the Liliaceae; Asparagus, Smilicina, Maianthemum, Uvidaria, Poly- gonatum, and Convallaria in the Convallariaceae; and Trillium in the Trilliaceae. Oddly, there is no report for Smilax. Then Nar- cissus, Galanthus, Leucojum (Stahl) and Agave (2 spp.) of the Kelley — 36 — Mycotrophy Amaryllidaceae (but no mycorrhizae in Aletris [Takamatsu] ) ; Dioscorea (Asai) ; 4 genera of Iridaceae; Zingiber and Musa of the Scitaminaceae ; Ananas of the Bromelidaceae ; while the Bur- mannias have attracted much interest, the latest record by Ciferri (1946). The orchids would require a separate section to do them justice, for no less than 85 genera are described as mycorrhizal while 20 papers on orchid mycorrhizae have appeared in the last decade. Lecture III THE FUNGAL ENDOPHYTES Nature of the Mycorrhizal Fungi: — It scarcely needs to be said that mycorrhizal fungi are not a separate taxonomic unit in the classification of fungi. They are the ordinary soil fungi of forest and woodland, of meadow and cultivated field. Neither are they special members amongst the congeries of soil fungi in the sense that one, and only one, member can achieve a mycorrhiza. One fungus or another can produce it, and ordinarily there may be several fungi par- ticipating, forming what has been called a "multiple mycorrhiza". In other words, the fungi living in the soil grow into plant roots as into a part of their environment, and, if the host plant is able to check the fungus in its rootlet cortex and break down the fungal hyphae, the association is said to be mycorrhizal. Presence of the fungus, re- gardless of its taxonomic identity, has little to do with the form of the mycorrhiza, which is characteristic for a given host plant and is determined by the host. In an informing paper by Magrou, Douchez & Segretain (1943), it is shown that mycorrhizae are formed with potato by various endophytes some normally present with monocoty- ledonous, some with dicotyledonous plants. The endophytes present in various soils simply grew into the potato roots and gave the stimulus to the production of characteristic tubers. It was the potato plant that determined tuber form, not the fungus. The mycorrhizal association, therefore, appears more as a casual thing than as an occult and premeditated action that can be achieved only by special, designated actors. It is true that certain fungi do seem more or less confined to certain mycorrhizal hosts, although specifi- city cannot be said to be absolutely proved ; but a certain amount of specificity could be posited on the grounds of chemical affinities. The emphasis that has been placed on mycorrhizal fungi would seem, therefore, to be somewhat exaggerated because in so many cases the identity of the fungus seems a relatively inconsequential thing. It is nutrient that the higher plant requires and in many cases it seems of little moment whether the particular fungus which supplies the nutrient happens to be a Russula or an Amanita, a Boletus or a Tri- choloma. These are the fungi of the forest floor and naturally have to be the mycorrhizal fungi of the trees that grow there. It would seem Kelley — 38 — Mycotrophy logically deducible that the only fungi available to forest trees for formation of mycorrhizae would be those of the forest soil ; while phycomycetes of cultivated ground are available to crop plants. Never- theless, there is a physiological separation possible amongst soil fungi, according to Melin (1925), whO' recognized three groups of these fungi, vis., symbiophiles, saprophytes and parasites. All "mycorrhi- zal fungi" are considered as symbiophiles. Some investigators, wishing to prove that sporophores of Russula, etc., which appear on the forest floor are actually part of the mycor- rhizal mycelium, have laboriously traced that mycelium from the sporophore to the mycorrhiza and thereby established, so they said, the identity of that particular mycorrhizal fungus. But their success was denied by other investigators who asserted that attachment of a sporophore to a mycorrhiza is no proof whatever that the fungus concerned is mycorrhizal ; for who can say but that this sporophoric fungus is not a secondary parasite? Therefore, say these later stu- dents, the only thing to do is to grow the fungi in pure culture, in- oculate them into sterile seedlings, and if a mycorrhiza results there is positive proof of the identity of the mycorrhizal fungus. But is there positive proof ? Laboratory experiments show what can happen in the laboratory but not what happens in nature. A laboratory syn- thesis of Boletus granulatus with pine shows by its production of a mycorrhiza that this fungus is capable of such production but it does not prove that mycorrhizae produced on pine in nature were pro- duced by B. granulatus. They might have been produced by another fungus growing on the same area. When only a single fungal species has formed sporophores over the roots of pine and when that species is shown by synthesis-experiment to be able to produce mycorrhizae, then it can be said with justice that this species is the mycorrhizal fungus in question ; but one could have come to that conclusion with- out experiment. Or, to use Romell's (1939) illustration: Lacta- rius delicosus has been grown on pine in the laboratory but in nature it rarely if ever is found on pine. In other words, the various lines of research used with reference to mycorrhizal fungi all help to iden- tify the fungi ; but the question of identity is after all not of major importance. In earlier days of mycorrhizal research, it was thought that my- corrhizae were produced on trees by basidiomycetes and that herbs in general lack mycorrhizae ; but with greater development of micro- scope and technique it is known that all major fungal groups furnish mycorrhizal fungi. We shall consider them in the usual systematic order. Lecture III —39-- Fungal Endophytes Phycomycete Mycorrhizal Fungi : — The records for these fungi before 1920 are somewhat uncertain because it was not until recent years that phycomycetous mycorrhizae were regarded as constant features of nature. It is true that Treub, Bruchmann, and Goebel had independently found Pythium in prothallia of lycopods; while Jeffrey had assigned the endophyte of Botrichium to the same genus. Dangeard had found a chytridiaceous fungus on Tmesipteris which he regarded as mycorrhizal ; and there are a few other records of the same sort. It was Peyronel who brought the "Phycomycete mycorrhiza" to our attention, commencing in 1922 with a study of cereal grains that were brought to his station for a study of diseased condition. Peyronel found that these cereals, instead of being autotrophic, possessed mycorrhizal infection, — the infection being considered mycorrhizal because the hosts were "perfectly normal". From this study Peyronel continued : He saw quickly that endotrophic fungi are of two major sorts, — the first possessing arbucles and vesicles and the second only mycelial pelotons (found chiefly in orchids ex- cept that Mollberg found vesicles in certain orchids). Later (1924) Peyronel described three species of Endogyne involved in forma- tion of endotrophic mycorrhizae on herbaceous phanerogams, the first characteristic of peaty, swampy soils, the second exclusively hydrophilous, and the third found on Euphorbia dulcis. Other species of Endogyne were reported in 1937 from the Val Valdesi, producing endotrophic mycorrhizae on Viola and other herbs. In the same year, he published on endotrophic mycorrhizae of the Alps at Kleinen St. Bernhard, and noted that conditions in a cultivated garden were markedly less favourable for growth of the mycorrhizal fungi than in the natural habitat. Interest in the phycomycetous mycorrhizae had been stimulated by Jones (1924) in a publication in which he recorded the discovery "that the roots of nearly all our common leguminous crops, wherever grown, are extensively invaded by a characteristic fungus which has previously been known as a mycorrhizal fungus. So abundant is this fungus that it appears unlikely that many plants of alfalfa, clover, peas, and other legumes ever reach maturity without having their roots more or less invaded. . . The taxonomic position of the fungus has not been determined but it appears to belong among the Phy- comycetes." Jones gave a list of other plants besides legumes in which this same sort of mycorrhizal invasion had been found. This paper of Jones' inspired Samuel (1926) to work in South Australia, and he reported the same sort of infection in 27 legumes, 30 Gramineae, and in herbs of the families Liliaceae, Ranunculaceae, Kelley — 40 — Mycotrophy etc. Other workers continued the reports, and, in 1935, Rayner re- marked on "the remarkably widespread geographical distribution of this 'Phycomycete type' of mycorrhizal association, its prevalence in plant species of the most diverse affinities (and) its recorded appear- ance in certain crop plants." Biraghi (1936) confirmed Peyronel on the frequence of endophytic infection of roots of cereals, finding Asterocystis radicis in a majority of cases. Ruggieri (1937) reported endotrophic mycorrhizae common on fruit trees, a Phycomycete being constant in root cortex of almond. Berkeley (1936) found a phy- comycetous mycorrhizal fungus on raspberry in Canada; Richards & McKay (1936), on strawberry in Utah; and Reed & Fremont (1935), on Citrus. In 1939, Butler published a paper devoted to a study of "the distribution and morphological characters of the vesicular-arbuscular or Phycomycetoid endophytes which commonly occur in cultivated and probably other soils forming mycorrhizal associations in the roots of many flowering plants and cryptogams, including prothalli of liverworts and of some ferns. The regularity of their occurrence in some annual field crops is believed to be merely the result of the greater opportunity to persist indefinitely, by passing from the older to later developed roots, offered to the organism in perennial plants." Believing with Peyronel that these fungi belong to the Endogyn- aceae, Butler cites Dangeard's (1898) name of Rhizophagus for their genus, and describes the species as R. populinus, R. theae and R. marratiaceum. Sabet (1939) promptly placed on record the presence of Rhizophagus sp. as the mycorrhizal fungus of cotton in the Sudan. The first reputed synthesis of a Phycomycete mycorrhiza is said to have been that of the unnamed endophyte of Arum with roots of A. italicum (Magrou, 1936). Ascomycetous Mycorrhizal Fungi: — Various Ascomycetes have been cited in connection with mycorrhizae, as Aspergillus and PenicilUmn (Ternetz, 1907) ; Terfesia (Pirotta, 1900) ; MoUisia (Nemec, 1899) ; and Humaria (Nicolas, 1929) ; but Elaphomyces and Tuber are the most frequently reported of the group. Very early, Boudier (1876) had noted presence of Elaphomyces on low ground with Molinia, a grass ; or on higher grounds where Leuco- bryuni moss was growing. Still earlier (1837), Berkeley had cited the association of E. miiricatus with beech roots in mountainous woods. TuLASNE (1841) remarked that E. granulatns is confined to roots of one sort of tree (not named) and "flourishes when tree is active." This same species Boudier had found on birch, oak and Lecture III —41— Fungal Endophytes chestnut at Nancy in France. Reess (1880) observed coralloid clusters of mycorrhizae on pine bound with mycelium of Elaphomyces, while Lewton-Brain (1901) described mycorrhizae of pine formed in conjunction with E. variegatus. Since then interest in Elaphomyces has languished. The genus Tuber also attracted observers, e.g. Frank (1888) who observed T. aestivum on beech; and more latterly Costantin (1924) who found that ascospores can be formed by the fungi apart from mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mattirolo wrote a number of papers on truf- fles, finding (1934) the mycorrhizal fungus of the introduced Popu- lus canadensis to be T. Borchii; and he suggested the possible intro- duction of fungus with the tree when the latter was brought to Italy from California. Hemibasidiomycetes : — Of the Hemibasidiomycetes may be noted the following: Weber (1884) assigned the fungus responsible for tuber formation in Juncus to Entorhiza of the Tilletiaceae. Lag- erheim (1888) described a new species of Entorhiza from roots of Juncus articulatus obtained in Switzerland. The fungus had caused the roots to form into galls, and within was an abundance of yellow "spores". In the Black Forest similar nodules were found on the same species of rush, and similarity to leguminous nodules was pointed out. Formation of nodules on several species of Juncus was noted by Schwartz in 1910. Hymenomycetous Mycorrhizal Fungi: — These are the chief mycorrhizal fungi. Upwards of 50 genera of Hymenomycetes have been reported as forming mycorrhizae (or perhaps it should be said, incriminated in their formation) ; but in most of these cases there are only one or two species cited in one or two reports. The principal "mycorrhizal fungi", if numbers of reported species mean anything, are Boletus, Amanita, Lactarius, Cortinarius, Russula, and Tricholoma. Commencing with Frank's (1888) observations on Boletus bovinus with spruce, later observers — almost all since 1920 — have shown by field observation and synthetic experiment the connection of about 30 species of boletes with various trees. In a few cases a bolete has failed to form mycorrhizae in synthesis, as B. edulis with pine and spruce (MoDESs, 1941) ; while B. parasiticus is a parasite as the name indicates (Smotlacha, 1911). Smotlacha believed that certain boletes are confined to the neighbourhood of certain trees, as B. rufus with aspen and B. rugosus with beech. The Agaricaceae are much investigated mycorrhizal fungi, al- though Agaricus itself provides few members that are endophytes. Kelley — 42 — Mycotrophy Amanita, so common in woodlands of Europe and eastern America, has been studied, commencing with Boyer's (1915) observation that the mycelia of many mushrooms, especially of Amanitas and boletes, extend to mycorrhizae of neighbouring trees. A. muscaria seems the principal mycorrhizal fungus of this genus, and was shown by MoDESs (1941) to form mycorrhizae with pine and spruce. No less than 17 species of Lactarius are said to be mycorrhiza-formers, and of these L. delicosus and L. rufus are the chief, being confirmed by synthetic experiment. All of these reports come from Europe, except for three citations by Hatch (1937) for American material. Amer- icans have listed three species of Clitocybe as mycorrhiza-formers, but MoDESS, in synthesis experiment, reports none of the six species he investigated as forming mycorrhizae. A considerable number of species of Cortinarius are said to be mycorrhizal but detailed studies are lacking in almost all cases ; and the same may be said for the 18 species of Russula that are alleged to form mycorrhizae. Tricholoma has fared better, especially at the hands of Melin and Modess; but the latter reports 4 species of the genus that failed to form synthetic mycorrhizae. Some special cases among the Hymenomycetes may be cited. The polypore Strohilomyces strobilaceus, a widely distributed woodland species, was stated by Peyronel to be connected with Coryliis Avellana. The Hydnums and most polypores one thinks of as bracket fungi on wood, but Masui (1927) states that H. affine "was determined" as a mycorrhiza-former with Pinus densiflora; Poly- ucomelas was mycorrhizal also on this pine; while Long (1913) stated that Polyporus Berkeleyi had been found on larch in Montana, the fungus securing food from the forest humus, — which may or may not have meant that the species was mycorrhizal. Amongst the agarics one would suppose that Lepiota would surely be a mycorrhiza- former, but MoDESS (1939) obtained uniformly negative tests in attempting synthesis with species of this genus. Amanitopsis vag- inata is mycorrhizal in Europe according to Peyronel and Modess. The species is common also in America but is not reported mycorrhi- zal. On the other hand, Cautharellus cibarius, which also occurs both in Europe and America, is reported mycorrhizal only by Amer- ican workers (Doak, 1934; Thomas, 1941.) Hygrophorus, having a viscid cap, includes H. virgineus, which is mycorrhizal on spruce (Frank, 1888), and H. Bresadolae and H. lucorum, on larch (Peyronel, 1922). Omphalia, which we think of as tiny fungi of damp leaf-mold, is mycorrhizal on Nothofagus in New Zealand ; and the Fairy-ring fungus, Marasmius oreades, is mycorrhizal with Pinus Lecture III — 43 — Fungal Endophytet, ponderosa (Birch, 1937). Armillaria is mycorrhizal only in Japan, so far as records go. Whatever spore-colour may, or may not, have to do with it, the great majority of mycorrhiza-forming agarics are white-spored, Cortinarius being the only important exception. Gasteromycetous Mycorrhizal Fungi: — The record for the Gasteromycetes is much shorter. For Lycoperdon, McArdle (1932) stated that L. gemmatmn formed mycorrhizae in synthesis vv^ith Pinus Sfrobus and Picea nigra, and he implicates L. pulcherrimum also in mycorrhiza-formation. Birch (1937) found L. /'^r/a^i«w mycorrhizal on P. laricio; but Modess (1939, 1941) said that this fungus failed to enter into synthesis; also L. pyriforme. Similarly, McArdle re- garded Calvatia saccata as mycorrhizal, but Modess says that this species did not enter into synthesis. Again, Noack (1889) implicates Geaster fimbriatus and G. fornicatns, but Modess says that G. minimus did not enter into synthesis; and Melin (1925) also failed to secure synthesis. Scleroderma has a better record since three species, — aurantium, hovista, and vulgare, — are fully attested as mycorrhizal, with even Modess (1941) agreeing on the first. In South Africa, Polysaccum crassipes is mycorrhizal on Eucalyptus, and shows phagocytosis unusually well (Smith & Pope, 1934). Phallomycetous Mycorrhizal Fungi : — Only one record appears for the Phallomycetes, vie. that offered by Barsali (1922): My- corrhizal-like mycelia on roots of Robinia Pseudo-Acacia were seen in fruit to be Clathrus cancellatus; and in the same way the fungus was found in gardens on roots of Phyllostachys bambusoides and P. nigra. Form Genera of Mycorrhizal Fungi: — The "form genera" of mycorrhizal fungi have yet to be considered. These homeless waifs of mycological taxonomy have been adopted by ardent mycorrhizolo- gists and given cognomens which do not relate them to any other fungi but do enable the student to talk about them conveniently. That is, convenience with some reservations, for, confronted with such scienti- fic names as Mycelium radicis Walyczvi or Mycelium radicis Didymo- plexis pallentia, one wonders whether taxonomy may not have reverted to pre-Linnaean habits. Melin goes still further and speaks of M.r. abietis, alpha, beta, gamma, etc. Fusarium: — The form genus Fusarium, established by Link in 1809, is the longest cited form-genus in connection with mycorrhizae. Kelley — 44 — Mycotrophy As early as 1847, Reissek was isolating a fungus from the "root" of Orchis Morio which he assigned to this genus and named F. endor- rhisinn; while, in 1890, Vuillemin cites a Fusariiim from O. mascula; in 1900, Bernard, from Ophioglossum vttlgatmn. In 1901, Bernard said that tuber-formation in the potato is called forth by an endophy- tic fungus, F. solani. The fungus is now generally distributed in European soil and potatoes form freely, but at first potatoes grown from seed did not form tubers until the soil was inoculated with fungus. The next year Bernard stated that the fungi concerned in all tuber-formation are Fusarium spp., conidial forms of which are near to the related genera of Nectria and Hypomyces except that the fungus of potato is F. solani. But, in 1904, Bernard decided that the Fusaria often obtained from orchids are not the specific fungi since they do not cause germination ; and the endophyte, he decided, as obtained from Cattlyea is a fungus described by Bernard as "Mucedinee oosporee." The following year he said that, while the endophyte of Cattlyea has structures similar to those of Oospora, that from Odontoglossum grande is similar to RJiisoctonia; and to Rhisoctonia Bernard adhered during the rest of his brief life. Rhizoctonia : — The sterile fungus, Rhisoctonia, which in one case at least (Sprau, 1937) is identified with Corticinin, has been much talked of since the days of Bernard ; indeed, many botanists had the idea that study of mycorrhizae was largely the study of these fungi. Most of the fungi isolated from orchids in those days were identified as species of Rhisoctonia, for example: R. languinosa (Bernard, 1909), R. Goodyerae repentis (Costantin, 1920), etc. More recently other species have been cited, as R. repens (Knudson^ 1925), R. mucoroides (Porter, 1942). Phoma: — The genus Phoma, with conidiospores in pycnia in- stead of on conidiophores as in the Rhizoctonias, has been cited a number of times. Ternetz (1907) studied five species assigned to this genus, which she isolated from native German Ericaceae; while Rayner (1915) found a fungus in Calluna which she placed in a new genus, Phyllophoma, since it occurred not alone in the root but throughout the whole plant. From Vaccinium Oxycoccos, Addoms (1931) isolated Plwma radicis. But in his study of root fungi of Vac- cinium, Freisleben (1934), who isolated the mycorrhizal fungi, said that they were apparently not to be referred tO' the genus Phoma, to which other authors had assigned the endophytes of the Ericaceae. As to other plants: P. R. White (1929) separated several fungi from mycorrhizae of Fragaria and thought that a Phoma was responsible Lecture III — 45 — Fungal Endophytes for the mycorrhizae. Auret (1930) found a Phoma sp. in Lunularia in South Africa; Ridler (1922) in Pellia and (1923) in Lunularia in England, but was not certain in the latter case that Phoma was the true endophyte. Mycelium Radicis : — The older names of Fusarium and Rhizoc- tonia were supplanted in 1909 by Burgeff's new name of Orcheomy- ces which he applied to fifteen orchid fungi. The name of "Orcheomy- ces" is attractive : it is short and expressive, but apparently only Nobecourt (1923) adopted it; and in 1911 Burgeff had abandoned the name and adopted Mycelium radicis in its stead. This name is of more general application but it is awkward, even though abbrevi- ated to M. r., and it violates the Linnaean principal of binomialism. Melin adopted the designation for his isolates, M. r. abietis from spruce and M. r. silvestris from pine. Most of these fungi are basidio- mycetes but M. r. atrovirens is a phycomycete and a parasite that forms pseudomycorrhizae (Melin, 1921). Associated with this fungus may be another distinguished by a mycelium of coarse, lus- trous, jet-black hyphae that radiate from the mantle of a mycorrhiza, a fungus which was named M. r. nigrostrigosum by Hatch (1934). This fungus was apparently figured by Gibelli (1898) and is de- scribed by Mangin (1899). Bjorkman (1941) found both these fungi in Sweden, under stands of spruce, pine and birch. As the designation Mycelium radicis usually (but not always) refers to Basidiomycetes, so the recently prominent Rhizophagus refers to Phycomycetes. Butler's (1939) paper on this genus had already been referred to in an earher paragraph.* Conclusion: — In conclusion, we may say that there seems to be an unnecessary emphasis laid on the fungal endophyte. If it were shown that one fungus is more capable of proteolysis than another and therefore better able to invade tissues of a plant ; or if another fungus had a greater supply of diastasic enzyme and was conse- quently better fitted to be an orchid symbiont ; or if yet another fungus had rich provision of N cation or phosphorus-complex and was therefore a richer "booty" for the "mycorrhiza to capture", there would seem to be some point in the emphasis laid on fungal identifica- tion. But in all cases it is simply a case of : A occurs on B, or C occurs with D ; when, as a matter of fact, we know that A and C — and E and G, for that matter — can all occur in the mycorrhiza of B at the same time. *LiHNELL finds that M.r. nigrostrigosum is the same as Cenoccoccum graniforme (Symbol.bot.UpsaUens. 5(2), 1942). Kelley — 46 — Mycotrophy Even though one were to say it is necessary to know fungal identity to distinguish between beneficial and parasitic species, the argument breaks down before the realization that, strictly speaking, there are no mycorrhizal fungi : there is only a mycorrhizal state. Apparently almost any fungus can be a non-pathogenic symbiont ; but nature of the symbiosis depends on a complex of physiological and ecological conditions or influences, and not necessarily upon any specific fungus, and the non-pathogen under diflferent circumstances may become a pathogen, or the reverse. Since there is apparently no specificity in mycorrhizal endophytism, and since no analyses of my- celia are made to determine specific differences, the identifying of the mycorrhizal endophytes must be regarded somewhat in the nature of an hobby. It is important, just as every scientific discovery is important, but its importance would seem to consist chiefly in allaying our curiosity as to what fungi can enter into mycorrhizal symbiosis. It is something like discovery of mountains in the Antarctic, — very interesting but of no obvious utility. Lecture IV FOSSIL MYCORRHIZAE Limitations of the Fossil Record: — Since 1904, when the first paper on fossil mycorrhizae appeared, enough information has been gathered to outline the fossil record of our subject. Yet this record has grave limitations, imposed not alone by scantiness of the in- vestigations but by the nature of all palaeobotany. We have become so accustomed to thinking in the terms of Historical Geology that ofttimes we forget the "geological time table" was created a century ago, when knowledge was far more deficient than it is today, and that later discoveries have been pieced into the Lyellian system, the re- sultant table being far from convincing. It is of interest to observe that Historical Geology is one of the few sciences, perhaps the only science, that has not undergone major revision in the current cen- tury; and, whereas Newtonian Physics has been supplanted by Ein- steinian Physics and other sciences have been critically reworked, Historical Geology continues unrevised. Indeed, no thought of re- vision seems entertained or desired. When the terms of Historical Geology are used, therefore, it is simply an act of convenience, as the writer pointed out in an earlier paper (Kelley, 1939). It can scarely be conceded that the terms "Carboniferous", etc., have any definite time value, yet they are convenient terms since they are in general acceptance and convey some idea at least of the stratum or strata from which the material is derived. Sources of Material: — The most hopeful source of material for fossil mycorrhizae is in the Coal-balls which have been found and described from Europe and America. Harder fossilizations in the midst of the coal, they preserve in often intimate detail the structure of root and contained fungus from an extinct flora. Where the fungus is present in actual tissues of the host and shows struc- ture similar to that of living material, we may feel assured that we are dealing with a mycorrhiza; but, where fungi are found in peat or otherwise, it is not so clear that they are mycorrhizal. Fossil Phyconiycetes : — Butler (1939) described "the vesic- ular-arbuscular or Phycomycetoid endophytes which commonly occur Kelley — 48 — Mycotrophy in cultivated and probably other soils, forming mycorrhizal associa- tions in the roots of many flowering plants and cryptogams, including prothalli of liverworts and some ferns." After describing these fungi, he notes the "fossil records" of fungi "of this type". Thus KiDSTON and Lange found a fungus, Palaeomyces Asteroxyli, very regularly in inner cortex of Asferoxylon Mackeii and of basal region of stems having transitional structure between rhizome and stem, all from Rhynie Chert assigned to Early Devonian. It is not clear that evidence is afforded of any mycorrhizal structure in this fossil material, and we may note that Palaeomyces Gordonii is found on decaying stem of Rhynia major. Butler cites still further the Protomycitis protogens described by Smith in 1884 from rootlets of Lepidodendron, assigned to Lower Coal Measures of Yorkshire; but again we do not know that there is positive evidence for consider- ing this material mycorrhizal. Seward says that Peronosporites antiquarius is found in scalariform tracheids of Lepidodendron from Coal Measures. The supposed reproductive bodies may be oogonia or sporangia, or merely vesicular enlargements of hyphae. Similar swellings are seen in cells, probably of cortex of Lepidodendron or Stigmaria, from the Halifax Coal Measures. Such material would be questionably assigned to mycorrhizae. Still more recent material comes from peat bogs, locally known as "muskegs", in Alberta through Prof. Lewis of Edmonton; but here again there is no positive evidence of a mycorrhizal nature. Butler (1939) described this interesting material and decided that the fungus is the same as the "well-known vesicular-arbuscular endophyte of modern plants and with the fungus described by OsBORN and Halket". Again, Rosendahl (1943) reports the same sort of fungus from three Pleistocene sites in Minnesota and refers the fungus to the genus Rhisophagiis. The fossils came from a depth of more than 80 feet in well-borings, and after sand was washed from the matrix the material was examined. From the excellent photographs, one would think that he was looking at mould fungi; and it is stated in the paper that the fossil fungi had grown on moss leaves and coniferous needles, which are scarcely the organs in which one would naturally look for mycorrhizal fungi. Incidentally, it may be mentioned that according to Ellis (1917) there are 15 species of fossil Phycomycetes known, and of these he mentions Paleomyces hacilloides as a saprophyte on fossil leaf mould. Fossil Hepatics: — So far as we are aware, there is no record of fossil endophytes in hepatics. It would doubtless be a difficult study of a rare specimen were fossil mycothalli to be described. Lecture IV — 49 — Fossil Mycorrhizae Then, again, it must be realized that few students of fossils have any keen interest in mycorrhizae, and many examples of our science may languish in slide-boxes as in sarcophagi of our science. When it is realized that morphologists looked at the Hartig net in roots of woody plants for many years before realizing that they dealt with anything more than "curious thickening strips", and even today are inclined to ignore or at best to tolerate mycorrhizae, it is not to be wondered that palaeobotanists, who have even less interest, should have succeeded so well in ignoring them. Fossil Ferns and their Endophytes: — There are three papers dealing with fossil mycorrhizal ferns. The first paper, by Seward (1924), deals with the fern Tempskya from Montana. "Some roots have lost the x)'lem, and the centre is occupied by a group of dark brown bodies that may be coprolites of a small insect or, in some cases, possibly escaped cell contents. Entomologists whom I have consulted have not been able to identify the oval bodies with the activities of any known boring animal : no trace of any insect has been discovered. Attention has elsewhere been called to the resem- blance of these bodies to the supposed coprolites frequently found in tissues of Carboniferous plants." Seward figures the same sort of bodies as those figured by Janse (1897) for Celtis, and the writer found similar structures in Juglans collected at Mont Alto, Pennsyl- vania. In Osmundites Dozvkeri, "The ground tissue cells contain traces of distinct fungal hyphae, and in many of the parenchymatous ele- ments the cavity is completely filled with spherical vesicles ; in other cases one finds hyphae in the center of the cell while vesicles line the walls. Carruthers refers to these bladders as starch grains, and this may be their true nature ; their appearance and abundant oc- currence in the parenchyma certainly suggest vesicular cell-contents rather than fungal cells. I could detect no proof of any connection between the hyphae and bladders, and the absence of the latter in the cavities of the tracheids, favoured the view of their being either starch grains or other vacuolated contents similar to that in the cells of the Portland cycad referred to." (Seward, 1898). The third paper on fossil ferns is by Andrews and Lenz (1943), who describe a petrified Coenopterid fern stem from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois, which contains an abundant mycelium in the cortex. The fern stem, or possibly a rhizome, has been described by Andrews as Scleroptcris illinoiensis, and the mycelium is found within host cells throughout the cortex although it is somewhat more abundant in the middle and inner regions. Hyphae were also found Kelley — 50 — Mycotrophy in tracheids of the stele although they do not assume typical mycor- rhizal form in these cells. Whether or not all this mycelium belongs to the same fungus cannot be stated positively. Most of the mycelium appears to be intracellular and typically endotrophic but there is some evidence that it may be intercellular as well. A considerable number of host cells contain a very dense aggregation of mycelium, while in many of the host cells infected in this way the mycelium tends to assume a nearly spherical form until finally the hyphae lose their identity as individual strands and in some cells the entire mycelial body appears as a nearly uniform amber-coloured sphere. This action may have resulted from a plasmolysis of the entire contents of the host-cell, or there is a possibility that phagocytosis has occurred. In a few of the cortical cells there may be noted a number of larger bodies varying from 15 to 33 /x in diameter, which are considered tentatively as vesicles. Mycorrhiza of Fossil Lycopod: — One of the best known in- stances of fossil mycorrhizae was described by Weiss (1904). A mycorrhiza or perhaps a mycorrhizome was found in the Lower Coal Measures, the root not being associated with the plant which bore it ; but the plant was possibly Lycopodiaceous and was referred to the form genus Rhisonium of Corda. Hyphae were found in root-hair and in epidermis but for the most part in the inner cortex, where hyphal swellings were found. The vesicles are usually empty but sometimes contain homogenous contents. "The obvious resemblance between these clumps in the fossil plant and those of recent mycor- rhiza, together with the close agreement in the structure and behaviour of the Fungus in the outer layers of the cortex with those of the Fungus in recent mycorrhiza will, I think, be regarded as sufficient evidence for the conclusion that we are dealing in the case of this fossil plant with a mycorrhiza or a mycorrhizome. The Fungus differs materially in its manifestations from other cases of endotrophic mycorrhiza so far observed in fossil plants and in no case suggests that it was living either saprophytically or parasitically upon the host plant. The excellent preservation of both the Fungus and the host plant and the specialization of the cortex into two layers comparable with the Tilzwirtzellen' and 'Verdauungszellen' of recent mycorrhiza would suggest that, as in the case of the latter, the host plant is deriv- ing some benefit from presence of the Fungus." Mycorrhizae in a Seed Fern: — For the Pteridosperms or Seed Ferns there is one record of possible mycorrhiza by Ellis (1917). According to Ellis, in the fossilized vegetable remains of Lecture IV — 51 — Fossil Mycorrhizae the Lower Coal Measures, it is not unusual to meet with fragments of fungal threads. Peronosporites gracilis is very widely distributed in this horizon, the hyphae occurring in cortex of young rootlets of Lygiuodendron Oldhamium and are not wanting in the stele, in which both hyphae and vesicles were found. The fungus was probably a parasite according to Ellis. He says further that vesicles, both terminal and intercalary, were found, and tuberous swellings. While in older plants the cortex alone is invaded, in young plants stelar cells are also infected. Mycorrhizae in Gordaites: — One tree at least of the Palaeozoic was provided with mycorrhizae, for these structures in Cordaites have been described in some detail. Osborn (1909) described the roots of Amyclon radicans, which has been shown to belong to this group. It bears such remarkable and irregularly arranged bunches of lateral roots that Osborn examined them to discover if these bunches might correspond in any way with the root tubercles of recent plants. These lateral roots are found to have a thick cortex divisible into two regions, the inner of which contains dark cells that show evident fungal hyphae. The fungus occurs in knots of non-septate hyphae that sometimes bear terminal vesicles but there was no trace of spore formation. The conclusion was reached that this tree probably in- habited saline swamps and had bunches of coralline roots such as are known to occur in many recent plants under similar conditions. Osborn considered the relation of fungus to Amyelon to be in the nature of a mutualistic symbiosis. In another study of Amyelon, Halket (1930) made sections of a British coal-ball and found in longitudinal sections of rootlets of Amyelon that they "not only showed the structure of the root-cortex but also had fungal hyphae present in its cortex, and forming a definite 'fungal zone' round the stele". The description and excellent photo- micrographs indicate that the structure of those ancient Carboniferous rootlets was very similar to that of coniferous rootlets of today. Root- hairs were not as a rule developed. The diarch rootlets, which branched laterally as a result of division of cells in the pericycle, had apices which indicated that many of the rootlets had "limited growth". The (septate) hyphae were mainly intercellular but formed vesicles and arbuscles intracellularly. The author mentions, and the illustra- tions would seem definitely to> indicate, digestion stages in cortical cells; but the vascules were never invaded. Halket considered the symbiosis to be of mutual benefit. Kelley — 52 — Mycotrophy Summary: — There are no records of mycorrhizae in fossil Angio- sperms because, so far as we are aware, there are no descriptions of fossil angiospermous root structures. Impressions of aerial organs in clay beds give us no clue to the subterranean organs ; but since mycor- rhizae were so well developed in the lower plants, it would perhaps not be an unwarranted assumption that they occurred in higher plants also. The general picture of ancient life that the fossil record gives us is a duplicate of the one we see today : There were forests and on the forest floor was leaf litter and mould in which saprophytic fungi lived ; and the rootlets and other subterranean structures of ferns, lycopods and trees were invaded by fungal hyphae as they are today, and these hyphae produced swellings and vesicles that give the pre- pared sections a modern appearance. Then, too, there are "digestion stages" that indicate phagocytosis occurred in those old mycorrhizae. Mycotrophism is by no means a new process, for it appears coinciden- tally with the appearance of rooted plants. The explanation of myco- trophism on any developmental basis involves serious problems. "The antiquity of fungi also raises again the question of their origin, whether they came from the Algae or from one or more separate and distinct phylogenetic lines. The sum of geological evidence appears to favor the conclusion that they have been distinct from the beginning and should not be placed in the same phylum with the algae." Wolf and Wolf, The Fungi, vol. 2, p. 488, 1947. Lecture V DISTRIBUTION OF MYCOTROPHIC PLANTS General: — It is unknown whether plants in nature have root- hairs or mycorrhizae,— -or neither; but there is enough evidence at hand to indicate that mycorrhizae predominate over root-hairs in the majority of cases. That many plants can produce root-hairs when grown under artificial conditions of greenhouse or laboratory control has been amply demonstrated, yet it is also demonstrated that these same species of plants when in their native haunts may produce mycor- rhizae. Hence, almost exclusive study of root-hair plants in botanical classwork is questionably scientific, and some day Botany must revise its programme; for the attitude of traditionalism that has fastened itself upon Science is unfortunate. In the future, the Geograph- ical Distribution of root structures will doubtless be better known; but at present something of a picture of mycorrhizal distribution may be gained from incidental references made in various papers. There are very few researches that deal directly with the subject. Two general observations may be noted before the geographical data are presented. First, Costantin & Magrou (1926) thought that geographical distribution of symbiotic plants depends on distri- bution of mycorrhizal fungi: Thus, mountain plants rest ephemerally on the plains because of absence of appropriate fungi. But this idea is not very well established and awaits further evidence. Second, WiLKiNs & Patrick (1939) thought that "there is a possibility that the phanerogamic species may influence fungus distribution." This idea is perhaps better grounded than the former. Since more than one half the students of our science have lived in western Europe, more is naturally known of mycorrhizae in this region than in the rest of the world. Germany: — Botanists of Germany, earliest and chief center of mycorrhizal study, have given us records of a large part of the German flora. Chief among these studies are those of Schlicht (1888), a student of Frank. He was led to investigate herbs of his region by finding mycorrhizae on Rammculus acris and he came to the con- clusion that mycorrhizae are "distributed over a great range of our flora." His reports form an almost unique model for in each case he Kelley — 54 — Mycotrophy lists the species, its habitat, and locaHty. Thus, he found Lotus corni- ctilattis in sandy soil at Halensee, Fragaria vesca in forest at Negast in Pomerania, and Myosxirus minimus in humus-rich soil at Putbus. It is refreshing to find such precision when so often a paper states in its title that it recounts "The Occurrence of Mycorrhizae in Pine", for example, when actually the paper merely tells about a few samples of one sort of pine collected in an unnamed locality. May all students of mycorrhizae pay close attention to the place and conditions of growth of their material ! A somewhat similar list of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal herbs was published by Hoeveler (1892) that follows Schlicht's statements rather closely. Many of the species these investigators listed as non-mycorrhizal are now known to possess phycomycetous endophytes, but 41 out of 68 investigated species were placed in this category. About an hundred other German authors tell us of various other mycorrhizal plants, and sometimes a locality is given, as, trees and herbs from East Prussia, pine from the Brandenburg Marshes, or alder from Breslau. From all these studies, Frank^s early (1888) conclusion seems justified that most German plants are mycorrhizal. Frank said that in all the many hundreds of cases of cupulifers examined in forests throughout Prussia mycorrhizae were never lacking, and he said that the "Umstand, dass diese Symbiose an den natiirlichen Standorten eine allgemein verbreitete, iiberall und an jedem Individium constant auftretende Erscheinung ist, gibt derselben den Charakter einer Anpassung der Pflanze an die Pilzthatigkeit, wobei diese von der letzteren einem bestimmten Nutzen zieht." And this conclusion was emphasized by Stahl (1900) who said that "die Mehrzahl der hoheren Pflanzen, wenigstens gelegentlich, in diese Symbiose mit Pilzen eingeht." France and the Iberian Peninsula: — France, although it stands second to Germany in number of mycorrhizal students, gives us less information about the native flora since French students have been more concerned with the problems of mycotrophy. There are few citations of locality in French accounts, and no list of French mycor- rhizal plants. BouDiER in 1876 found Elaphomyces about Mont- morency; Lecomte in 1887 noted beech, chestnut, oak and hazel mycorrhizal in the Vosges; Dangeard in 1896 noted poplar, about Poitiers; Mangin (1910) collected Castanea in woods at St. Cloud and Viroflay; Boyer (1915) found Trametes connected with tree- roots at Vallon ; Dufrenoy in 1920 had collected Adenostyles in the beech woods of the Pyrenees at 3700' A.T. ; Nicolas (1924) collected Lecture V —55— Distribution mycothalli of Lunidaria at Toulouse; while Costantin has collected in the forest at Fontainebleau. With these records, we may go on to the Iberian Peninsula where chestnut is found mycorrhizal in Portugal (Camara, 1907) ; but otherwise we know nothing of mycorrhizal conditions in these lands. Mendes d'Almeida in 1908 presented a general account of mycor- rhizae in Portuguese. British Isles: — Crossing the Channel to the British Isles, we find little information on mycorrhizal distribution although a considerable number of papers on mycorrhizae have been published, especially in England. The earlier papers on the subject were published in The Phytologist, years 1842-1844, and localities of collection were noted, as Cotswold Hills (Lees), Lancashire coast at Southport (W. Wil- son), and Southport, Kent and Sussex (Somerville) ; but this praiseworthy habit was not continued by later investigators. Rayner (1911)^ said that her Calluna was common on chalk downs of the south of England where collections were presumably made; and Harley (1937) made his collections of beech in the Chiltern Hills. Only two English papers deal at all with distribution of endophytic structures: Ridler (1922) cites various localities where Pellia myco- thalli grow, while Paulson (1923) cites birch from Epping Forest and in the following year listed certain trees as mycorrhizal in wood- lands of south-eastern England, viz. Quercus Rohur, Fagiis sylvatica, Carpimis Betulus, Betula alba, Castanea sativa, Pinus syhestris and ■ Taxus baccata. For the north-east of Scotland, I. Gordon (1936) cites 16 species of broad-leaved trees as mycorrhizal and 8 species as having no mycor- rhizae; but as these eight are oaks, maples, etc., one would suppose they might be reinvestigated with profit. Strawberry plants in the Clyde Valley are mycorrhizal according to O'Brien (1928). The one Welsh paper (Sampson, 1935) deals with Loliiim, the one Irish paper (Jennings, 1898) with Corallorhiza from the eastern Alps. The British Isles offer an almost virgin field to the student of mycorrhizal distribution. Lowlands and Scandinavia: — Crossing back to the Lowland countries, we find little information about mycorrhizae. Hesselink (1924) wrote on mycorrhizae of pines in afforestation of the Netherlands dunes, and there is a paper on hepatics; but future studies must tell of mycorrhizal structures in woods of Limburg or in plantings of The Bosch. In Denmark, pine is mycorrhizal in the brush-lands of Jutland (P. E. Muller, 1902) ; and so is the im- Kelley — 56 — Mycotrophy portant tree, Alntis (Bornebusch, 1914). Certain fungi are always associated with certain trees in Denmark, according to Lange (1923) : thus, Amanita muscaria grows under conifers, also under birch, but never under beech. At Oslo in Norway, Horn (1933) found fairy- rings formed by Heheloma about the bases of ten young trees of Betula lenta, and examination proved the tree roots to be abundantly mycorrhizal. This fungus is generally found in Norway to the limits of birch distribution. Birch, aspen, and conifers are the chief trees of Scandinavia and naturally are most studied by mycorrhizal investi- gators of these countries. The studies of Melin on pine, spruce, larch, aspen, and birch are justly well known; and the ecological studies of Romell involving Swedish trees and their fungi. Lihnell (1939) made an extended study of the mycorrhizae of Juniperus communis; Lindquist (1939) made cultural studies of spruce. Hammarlund (1923) studied the association of Boletus with Larix. An elaborate study of root development in Betula was made by Laitakari (1934) with ecological emphasis on soils, mycorrhizae being most plentifully developed on moorland soils and least on sandy soils. In 1920 Thesleff presented a study of Basidiomycetes of Finland ; and that about completes our knowledge of mycorrhizal distribution in Scandinavian countries. Since beech forest finds its northernmost limit in Sweden, it would form an interesting study to investigate the woodlands of Skane and compare the mycorrhizal structures with those, let us say, of French woodlands. Baltic and Russian States: — Of the small Baltic States we know nothing of their mycorrhizae ; but Voss & Ziegenspeck (1929) have made valuable studies of ericads and other native plants of East Prussia, about Konigsberg. They conclude that the xeromorphy of these moorland plants is due to mycotrophy. Arcularius (1928) studied nodules of Hippophae collected from the Baltic region, while Endrigkeit reported on Allium, Molinia and several trees from E. Prussia. One of the earliest students of mycorrhizae in Poland, Bonicke (1910), found that several members each of three families, Ophioglossaceae, Orchidaceae and Pyrolaceae are endotrophically mycorrhizal and that germination stages and cell structures may be used as distinguishing characters. The hepatic Haplomitrium is mycothallic according to Lilienfeld (1911). A number of exotic conifers in Poland are mycorrhizal (Dominik, 1937), and native members of Viola (Zabloca, 1936). In Russia, in the Gov. Cherson among dry arid sand vegetation, fungal nodules were found on the herb Tribulus terrestris (Issat- CHENKO, 1913) ; while in the Gov. Ekatinerinoslaw it was thought Lecture V — 57 — Distribution that oak seedlings had failed because of destruction of mycorrhizae in a very wet summer (Nadson, 1908). Ganeshin (1923) found my- corrhizal connection between pine and larch, and Boletus luteus and B. elegans. That is all we can say for mycorrhizal plants in the vast extent of the Soviet Union.* The Arctic: — Looking northward to the Arctic, one learns that perennial plants which inhabit these frigid areas are likewise mycor- rhizal. In the one paper for the Arctic region, by Hesselman (1900), there are described plants collected on the Swedish Nathorst Expedi- tion, and we learn that Arctic species of Salix are constantly mycor- rhizal while the herbaceous Polygonmn viviparum is thoroughly in- fected in both its bulbils and countless adventive roots. For the Antarctic, Johow (1889) observed that Arachnites from Antarctic South America is the only humus plant known from polar lands. The Alps : — Coralloid mycorrhizae were described by Hesselman for Dryas octopetala both in arctic and alpine situations ; and this description was confirmed by Colla (1931) for the Alps at the laboratory of La Linnaea. As early as 1888, Ebermayer had observed roots of spruce, fir and beech only in the humus layer of forests in the Bavarian Alps; while Stahl (1900) noted Populus tremtila as mycorrhizal in alpine as well as in lowland situations, and he included a section of a couple of pages on alpine mycorrhizae. Tubeuf (1903) observed that Pinus Cembra lives with root fungi in alpine humus. In the Vanoise, Costantin & Magrou (1926) found structures like those reported by Hesselman for the Arctic. They say that Salix in Savoy has a structure identical with that in the Arctic; and from several studies they derive the generalization that mycorrhizal symbiosis is found not only in a single species in all stations of its range, but in numerous species of a genus or even genera of a family (as the Ericaceae) disseminated throughout the vast domain of arctic and alpine regions. They conclude that mycor- rhizae play "a great role in alpine flora as well as in the arctic", and they list both ecto- and endotrophic forms. Peyronel (1937) also generalizes about distribution of alpine mycorrhizae, having studied them on the Italian side of the Alps, and at Kleinen St. Bernhard. He regarded endotrophic mycorrhizae as universally distributed in the alpine plant world and believed that members of a plant associa- tion are most closely bound to each other through symbiosis with a common mycorrhizal fungus. Malan (1938) worked with legumes in the Alps and his "results showed that in all the Leguminosae ♦There is an article on a bolete of Russia, as a mycorrhizal fungus, by Vasiklov. Sovetsk. Bot. 1944(2) :21-27. 1944. Kelley — 58 — Mycotrophy studied endotrophic mycorrhiza with hyphae of the Phycomycetoid type . . . predominated", as a Review stated ; or, as the original has it: "In tutte le leguminose studiate prevalgno micorize ectotrofiche con ife de tipo ficomicetoide". Orchids have also been observed in the Alps : Beau ( 1920) found that in a grotto of the Maritime Alps the orchids CephaJanthera and Epipactis alone of green plants penetrated to depths of the grotto, being able to grow in subdued light by the aid of symbiotic fungi. Jennings (1898) studied Corallorhiza in the eastern Alps. Central Europe: — In Bohemia, Ncmec wrote of mycothallic hepatics ; Peklo, of various mycorrhizae ; and more latterly Klecka & VuKOLOV (1935), of numerous congeries of trees and shrubs. Detailed investigations of one hundred eleven woody species were made in which mycorrhizae occur as constant phenomena independent of soil properties, and "it follows that mycorrhizae are a generally distributed phenomenon in woody plants." The species studied com- prised most if not all the woody plants of Central Europe and a num- ber of exotics such as Cedriis atlantica, Thuja occidenfalis, and Cor- nus florida. It is one of the best modern studies extant. The same authors (1937) studied salt-marsh plants collected from saline soil about Neusiedler See and from Auschitz and Louny in Bohemia. The roots of Suaeda maritima, Salicornia herhacea, Plantago maritima, and six other species showed mycorrhizae which were identical in structure with endotrophic mycorrhizae found by the authors in woody plants. These observations coincide with those of Mason ( 1928) except for Salicornia, which was not mycorrhizal in England. Another Bohemian study, by Smotlacha (1911), indicates that certain boletes are confined to the neighbourhood of certain trees, as B. riifus with aspen, and he infers that mycorrhizae are oftentimes formed on a certain tree only by a certain fungus. In an early Austrian paper, Henschel (1887) wished to upset any idea of a beneficial symbiosis and he stated very positively that presence of mycorrhizal fungi is "absolutely injurious" to spruce. Another Austrian paper deals with endotrophic mycorrhizae of Asdepiadaceae (Busich, 1913), an unusual group for mycor- rhizal study, but as the material came from a botanical garden it tells us nothing of Austrian plants except that A. syriaca is not mycor- rhizal. In lower Austria, Pyrola is endotrophic and its mycorrhizal association is obligatory (Furth, 1920). In Hungary, Bernatsky (1900) wrote on exotics and philosophized on mycotrophy. The Balkans: — For the Balkans, we learn that Daphne is mycor- rhizal in the land of the Croats, at the northernmost edge of the Balkan Lecture V — 59 — Distribution peninsula; and Skoric (1925) comments on the curious fact that both ecto- and endotrophic forms should be found in the same genus. From nearby Istria were collected the mycorrhizomes of the orchid Centrosis, used by Arcularius (1928) in his studies. The shrub Forsythia, which is native to the Balkans, is known to be mycor- rhizal. Italy: — For the Mediterranean region there are papers only from Italy, except for those by Rivett (1924) and by Dufrenoy (1917) on Arbutus. The Italian papers deal almost exclusively with northern Italy and leave the maqui vegetation of southern Italy for future study. Since mycorrhizae occur in chaparral of California (Cooper, 1922), a similar plant formation, it is to be presumed that they may occur also in the maqui. A considerable number of wild and culti- vated plants of northern Italy have been investigated, particularly by Peyronel, who tells of the general localities of his collections, as the Val Germanasca and the Valli Valdesi in Piedmont, forests about Pisa, etc. Peyronel (1922&) concludes: 'L'estinza di micorize in un grandissimo numero, verosimilimente la maggiore parte, della pliante vascolari e un fatto accertato da tempo della osservazioni di numerosi riceratori." One paper, by Ruggieri (1937), records mycorrhizae for almond in the province of Syracuse in Sicily; and Reed & Fremont (1935) say that citrus is mycorrhizal in this island. For the future, we may expect studies of root structures in scrub vegetation of Mediterranean shores, a comparison of those of the desert flora of the Mediterranean area with those in America, and studies made in the numerous islands and in the Balkans where forests still await students of our science. Several papers have appeared in recent years from the University of Pavia, notably by Ciferri and by Elisei. Africa: — Crossing to African shores, we find endophytes in Morocco. Emberger (1924) tells of hepatics collected in this land, and Miege (1936) has a paper on potato. As for the Atlas Moun- tains and their Cedrus forests, we know nothing of possible mycor- rhizae, nor do we know anything of the alpine flora of Africa. Ac- cording to Stefansson, there is probably more permanent snow in equatorial Africa than in all of the Arctic lowlands, and it will be interesting to learn what effect it has on vegetation, in comparing root-structures of the Arctic and the Alps with those of the Kili- manjaro and the Ruwenzori Ranges. As for the rest of equatorial Africa, we are in entire ignorance for no botanical Livingstone has invaded dripping forest of the lowlands nor arid plateaus to learn for us what the root structures may be. Yet there are some notes pre- Kelley — 60 — Mycotrophy served by Rayner (1938) who brought together data from several African forestry stations on growth of gymnosperms with or without soil inocula, — notes from Taganyika, Nyasaland, and Rhodesia. In South Africa, Auret (1930) wrote on the hepatic Lunularia, and Smith & Pope (1934) on the exotic Eucalyptus. For Madagascar there is a paper by Heim (1937), who says that clove trees in the east of Madagascar and on the island of St. Mary possess a Pythium-like. mycorrhizal fungus. Three papers come from Egypt, two of them being on cotton while the third deals with several garden plants, — all mycorrhizal. Africa offers a great opportunity for original work in this field. Asia: — Continuing with Asia, we find that the forests of this greatest of all continents, whether tropical or temperate, are unex- plored by students of our science : nothing is known of possible mycorrhizae on the high plateaus or in the vast taiga, in arctic lands or in the high mountains. All the reports that come to us from the mainland of Asia are from India except that Reed (1935) says Citrus is mycorrhizal in Malaya. From India come two papers on Casuarina, which is of course not a native; from Tocklai in N. E. India Tun- stall (1925) reports on tea mycorrhizae; while Chaudhuri (1925- 35) tells of the hepatics. Butler (1939) found phycomycetoid in- fection in a number of cultivated plants in Indian plantations. And it may be noted that Litchi chinensis of China was found possessing short roots and intracellular infection when imported into the U.S.A. (Coville, 1921). So much for the continent. In Ceylon, mycorrhizae are also found on tea roots (Park, 1928) ; while Parsons (1938) gives us notes on orchid cultivation and orchid rhizoctonial fungi from the island. For Sumatra there is a paper by Palm (1930) who said that a Boletus, probably B. palUdus, was observed to grow in associa- tion with Pimts Merkusii in forests of Sumatra where ground vegeta- tion was sparse and needle litter deep and compact. From Borneo a paper by Posthumus (1937) tells us that Legitmiuosae, often in symbiosis with bacteria, are frequent in the dry savannas of the Padang Loewai in E. Borneo, taking the place of mycorrhizae of acid soils. Java: — It is Java, however, that is the principal seat of mycor- rhizal study in these great islands, for in Java are found the Buiten- zorg Botanical Gardens where some of the best known students of our science have worked. Chief of all was Janse (1897), whose classic paper records presence of endophytes in selected cases through- Lecture V — 61 — Distribution out the whole range of that tropical flora. In the course of a study of parasites of the coffee-tree, Janse's attention was drawn to fungi on roots, and from that beginning he was led on to make an extensive study of roots of tropical plants. It seemed preferable to study plants from native haunts and hence almost all material was taken from the forest at Tjibodas, which belongs to the Botanical Garden and is situated on the flanks of the Gedeh volcano at an altitude of 1400-1800 m.A.T. The flora of E. Java is of an extraordinary richness and, as it was impossible to study the roots of all the plants, he decided to omit ectotrophic sorts entirely and to devote his attention to the endotrophic, mostly of large forest trees. In general, only a single species of each family represented at Tjibodas was studied ; and in this logical way Janse built up his excellent study, which nevertheless is only a preliminary one. He summarized his results in a graphic table which is here reproduced, showing the numbers of plants studied in each taxonomic group, with and without mycorrhizae : Tabular summary of endotrophic mycorrhizae in some Javanese plants: — Trees H] JRBS Total Plus M jnus Plus Minus Plus Minus Cryptogams Gyninosperms Monocotyledons Dicotyledons 1 5 2 38 0 0 0 0 5 0 12 6 2 0 3 1 6 5 14 44 2 0 3 1 Total 46 0 23 6 69 6 Several years before Janse published his paper, Goebel had written on hepatics (1891) and Lycopodimn (1888) at Tjibodas and their fungal infection. Miehe (1911) had called attention to vegeta- tion on volcanic soil in Java, the pioneer plants being provided with root symbionts. He suggested that there is a significant relation between occurrence of these plants and soil conditions, naming Casiia- rina, Myrica, Alhizsia, and two ericads as particularly involved. Faber (1925) confirms these suggestions, stating that all the investi- gated solfatara plants are mycorrhizal, the root symbiosis apparently serving for N assimilation since the soil is very poor in N. He notes among these plants two groups, one xeromorphic as the ericads, and the other more nearly hygromorphic. Some special studies of Java plants are to be noted : Treub (1885) reported a Pythium in roots of sugar cane; Figdor (1897) on the gentianaceous Cotylauthera tenuis; Campbell (1907) on Ophioglos- siim; Steinmann (1929) on mycorrhizae of Cinchona which, he said, is the first report for this tree; Pijl (1934) on mycorrhizae of Burmannia and Epirrhisanthes. Kelley — 62 — Mycotrophy From the Dutch East Indies in general come these reports : Casua- rina equisetifolia growing on coral islands of the bay of Batavia possesses root nodules like those of legumes (Kamerling, 1911). A paper on non-symbiotic germination of orchids by La Garde (1939). Hevea rubber trees in the D.E.I, are endotrophically mycorrhizal (d'Angremond, 1939). A method of mycorrhizal staining by Frahm-Leliveld (1941). Japan: — This country has produced a third of the students of our science in the Orient. Earliest among them was Kusano (1911), whose study of the orchid Gastrodia attracted much attention; while later Hamada (1939) studied Galeola from the Kyoto district, these being the two orchids studied in Japan. Nodulous plants have attracted more attention, Coriaria having been studied by Katakoa (1930) and Shibata (1917); Podocarpus by Kondo (1931), Mimura (1933), and Shibata I.e.; Alnus by Masui (1926) and previously by Shi- bata (1902) ; Myrica by Shibata I.e. Conifers, another of the my- corrhizal favourites, attracted Masui (1926), Shimizu (1930), and Tazoye (1940), the last describing rootlets of coniferous seedlings but saying nothing of mycorrhizae. Nakai (1933) wrote on the fern, Cheiropleuria. Two papers only give insight into geographical distri- bution of mycorrhizal plants in Japan. Takamatsu (1930) wrote on the solfatara plants in the region of Hakkoda, studying all the 28 species that existed there, a number limited by the high acidity of such soils; and he found 6 of the 28 fungus-free. These six were grasses and sedges, hydrangea and Aletris, and Pteridiiim which is elsewhere known to be mycorrhizal. The mycorrhizal species are Piniis, Betula, Salix, various ericads with other shrubs, and some herbs. Asai (1934) presented a well-organ- ized paper in which he reported presence or absence of mycorrhizae from many plants in various habitats. He stated that mycorrhizae are absent from Polygonaceae, Centrospermae and close relatives : ecto- trophic mycorrhizae are limited to a few families and most mycor- rhizae are endotrophic. Collections were made in a tropical island, an alpine mountain of Japan, on the seacoast, fields and cultivated soil. Many grasses were found to be mycorrhizal, and a Drosera. Specific localities, as given by Schlicht, are not given by Asai ; but he does give a good idea of root structures of a considerable cross-section of the Japanese flora. New Zealand: — The first New Zealand paper (Cavers, 1903) on fungal symbionts was appropriately on a liverwort, Monoclea Forsteri, described from these pleasant islands of the South Pacific; Lecture V — 63 — Distribution while succeeding papers are in a chance taxonomic order. Holloway (1920) wrote on fungal symbiosis in epiphytic prothallia of several New Zealand lycopodia, describing the infected thalli in some detail. Next may be noted some remarks attributed by Prof. Cockayne (1923) to Prof. E. H. Wilson, who thought that slow growth of pine in garden soil was due to climate rather than to any lack of microorganisms. But Walker (1931) presented a study of the mycorrhizae of Pinus radiata, "one of the chief exotic timber trees of New Zealand", collections of which were made in various localities in the Nelson and Canterbury districts. Miss Walker stated that no difficulty in establishing this pine had been experienced in N.Z. McKee (1941) gives us a paper on growth of spruce at Conical Hill, a mycorrhizal explanation. And from Birch (1937) came a paper on "forest fungi of significance in New Zealand" which records my- corrhizal symbiosis proved or suspected in several exotic pines, in Betula alba and Nothofagus Solanderi. Neill (1940) wrote on endophytic infection of Lolinm, which however was not mycorrhizal since the infection was confined to the leaves. Invasion of roots was found in field grown plants but the hyphae differed from those of the leaves. Later, Neill (1944) recorded mycorrhizae caused by Rhiso- phagus in virtually all vascular components of the New Zealand flora except in exotic pines, where it has not "been identified with certainty." Australia: — This country has attacked the mycorrhizal problem especially from an economic standpoint. McLennan has made in- tensive studies of Lolinm while Young has studied exotic conifers, the former in Victoria and the latter in Queensland. From Queens- land comes also a note by Simmonds (1936) which records mycor- rhizae on exotic pines and the rapid infection following acidification of the soil with sulphur. The first published mention of mycorrhiza in Queensland is said to refer tO' Finns taeda and to date from 1928. New South Wales gives us McLuckie and a series of papers on my- corrhizae.— of Dipodinm, an orchid which grows under Eucalyptus; Gastrodia, another orchid ; of Macrozamla, Podocarpus, Casuarina, and Eriostemon, — in which last study Alan Burges participated. Victoria provides, in addition to the work of McLennan, a paper by Coleman (1936) on Sarcosiphon, a rare Thismiaceous plant asso- ciated with hazel. In the adjacent island of Tasmania, Saxton (1930) studied Pherosphaera, one of the Podocarpineae. At Penola, in South Australia, Samuel (1926) found an oat disease associated with typical endotrophic mycorrhizae and this discovery led him to a Kelley — 64 — Mycotrophy further study : he found 27 species of legumes infected in the same way as Jones (1924) had described; roots of other crops and fodder plants, weeds and native plants were examined and a large majority were found to be infected to some extent with fungi. Piniis insignis and Eucalyptus rubida had ectotrophic mycorrhizae. All species of legumes (27) and grasses (30) were found to be mycorrhizal. Like- wise in South Australia, Eardley (1932) described mycorrhizae of P. radiata. In Western Australia, according to Kessell (1938), "it appears to be part of the standard practice to inoculate nurseries . . . with the appropriate fungi, thus obtaining normal growth of the tree plants; the infected plants when put in the forest are said to infect the soil quite satisfactorily." Besides these papers which give us information on mycorrhizae by states, there are several general Australian papers. Three papers tell us about mycorrhizae of pine : Cromer (1935) on those of planted P. radiata; Burbidge (1936) on root development of P. pinaster and the seasonal variation of its mycorrhizae; Ludbrook (1940) on a correlation between mycorrhizae and boron deficiency in plantation soils. PiTTMAN (1929) described mycorrhizomes in the orchid Rhizanthella, and listed "mycorrhizae" for about a dozen other sorts. Fraser (1931) presented an unusual study on the genus Lobelia, of which two species are said to maintain an obligate relationship with mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, in the splendid series of Australian papers much is given in regard to mycorrhizae of exotics, and something of the native flora; and there are some excellent detailed studies. Yet the student of my- corrhizal distribution finds almost a blank page for Australian native flora, for there are no records for the lower plants and a very limited representation of the higher plants. Indeed, practically all of the Australian flora is yet to be investigated for occurrence of mycor- rhizae ; and the same may be said for that of Africa, Asia, South America and North America apart from the U.S.A. The Hawaiian and other Pacific islands are yet to be studied for root-structures, ex- cept that for the Philippines one paper is reported (Hatch, 1937). South America: — Several papers treat of South American mycor- rhizae : They were described from several Brazilian species of SciapJiila by Poulsen (1886) ; while Macfarlane (1897) described a mycorrhiza from Philesia, a liliaceous plant of western Patagonia. Mycorrhizae were recorded for Citrus by Milanez (1940), for the first time for South America, it is said. Marchionatto (1940) has a preliminary note on the endophyte of Lolium in Chile; while from Chile also' came the Solanum Maglia used by Bernard (1911). Cacao Lecture V — 65 — Distribution is mycorrhizal in Venezuela (Laycock, 1945). In addition, a paper by Berggren (1887) treated of austral conifers, including Arancaria, but no localities were given. An article has been published recently by Ca STELLA NOs On nodules of alder in mountains of Argentina (Lilloa 10:413-416, 1944). To sum up the matter, there is not yet a single paper devoted to mycorrhizal distribution in South America. West Indies and Central America: — For the West Indian islands four studies may be cited: Johow (1885) published a paper on West Indian saprophytes belonging chiefly to the genera Burman- nia and Apteria. Mycorrhizae of sugar-cane in San Domingo were studied by Ciferri (1928), who has also published on mycorrhizae of the Burmanniaceae (1946). A fuller description of cacao mycor- rhizae is given by Laycock & Dale (1945). A brief note by Palm (1930) on pine in Guatemala is all that can be said for mycorrhizal distribution in Central America. With botanical facilities available in the Panama Canal Zone and in Puerto Rico and with the example of the Buitenzorg Gardens before them, it would seem that the Ameri- cans might match the splendid contributions from the Dutch East Indies with some good studies of mycorrhizae in the American tropics. North America: — In North America there are no mycorrhizal studies whatever to report from Mexico or from Alaska, while from Canada come three papers, — a neat study of Taxus from Quebec (Prat, 1934) ; a short note by Lewis (1924) on Picca of Alberta; and a citation of raspberry (Rtibus) by Berkeley (1936). In other words. North America, apart from the U.S.A. is yet to be explored for root structures of plants. North-eastern U.S.A.: — There is not very much known of mycorrhizal distribution in the U.S.A. New England, oldest center of learning in the country, has told us nothing of the subject, except that Ames (1921 et seq.) described "mycorrhizae" for some orchids while Stokey (1924) reported fungal infection of Lycopodium prothallia in western Massachusetts. Epigaea from Connecticut pro- vided Barrows (1936) with material for her studies. For the Middle Atlantic States there are two papers by Henry that tell us of the Wading River region of Long Island (1934) and of Butler County in western Pennsylvania (1933). For Long Island he lists all the pines and junipers, birch, chestnut, oaks, maples and ericads, showing that a cross-section of a pine-barren area exhibits all the woody plants as mycorrhizal. In western Pennsylvania, in a deciduous forest area, he reported 60 species of woody plants as mycorrhizal, — a large Relley — 66 — Mycotrophy proportion of the native flora. Myrica carolinensis from the coastal area of New Jersey was described as mycorrhizal by Harshberger (1903), In an unpublished paper prepared in 1930, Kelley listed as mycorrhizal 160 out of 172 spp. of woody plants investigated in the Middle Atlantic States. Southern U.S.A.: — There is only one paper on mycorrhizal distribution in the Southern States of the American Union, a paper by McDouGALL (1928) on the 16 spp. which he observed in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. Three of these species he considered non-mycorrhizal, namely Leio- phyllum and Rhododendron which are ericaceous, and Sassafras, which Kelley finds to be mycorrhizal. His other species are conifers, cupulifers, magnolias and hickory. Besides this paper there are isolated observations: Pine is mycorrhizal in North Carolina (Ashe, 1915; Cobbe, 1916) ; while southern pine (presumably P. palustris) is termed mycorrhizal by Pessin (1939) and Huberman (1940), both authors saying that the mycorrhizae are abundant. Pessin in 1928 reported 4 spp. of pine mycorrhizal at Bogalusa, Mississippi, and mycorrhizae abundant on seedlings grown at McNeill, in the same state. The orchid Tipularia collected in South Carolina contains an endophyte (Clifford, 1899) ; the valuable pecan (Hicoria) bears mycorrhizae in Georgia (Woodroof, 1933) ; the exotic Casiiarina is mycorrhizal in Florida (Mowry, 1933) ; while the orchid Zeuxine strateumatica of S.E. Asia is now established in peninsular Florida (Porter, 1942), Atkinson (1892) noticed galls on Ceanothus collected in Alabama. Central U.S.A.: — Turning next to the mid-portion of the U.S.A., active centers of mycorrhizal study are found. In Indiana, Doak (1927) presented a list of 21 mycorrhiza-bearing species of plants collected about Lafayette, mostly trees but with a few herbs, including the fern, Adiantmn. In lUinois, Lessman (1928) hsted "a new form of ectotrophic mycorrhiza" on Quercus hicolor. At Urbana, Illinois, McDougall & Liebtag (1928) examined 145 of the 183 spp. occur- ring in the university woods and found that mycorrhizal fungi oc- curred on roots of 93 spp. Pfeiffer (1914) found Thisniia with endophyte on prairie near Chicago. For Michigan, Duthie (1908) presented a list of mycorrhizal tree species but the list cannot be fol- lowed since no scientific names are given. A detailed study of ten species of native plants growing in bogs of the Huron River Valley led Transeau (1906) to consider their "mycorrhiza" to be detri- mental, but as they were bog plants perhaps the structures were Lecture V — 67 — Distribution actually pseudomycorrhizae. Prothallia of the fern Botrychium vir- ginianum collected in Grosse Isle contained an endophyte according to Jeffrey (1898). Two papers on connection of sporophores to tree roots come from Michigan (Kauffman, 1906; Pennington, 1908), Kauffman noting mycorrhizae on oak, sugar maple and Celastrus at Ann Arbor. For cultivated plants, A. H. Smith (1930) described endotrophic mycorrhizae for various fruit trees about Ann Arbor. Freeman (1904) made studies of Loliiim at the University of Minnesota. In an unpublished paper, Kelley described root-endings for woody plants of the Kawishiwi Ranger District of the Superior National Forest (northern Minnesota), all the species proving my- corrhizal. In Iowa, Lohman (1927) made a valuable study of the "occurrence and nature of mycorrhizae in Iowa forest plants", collec- tions having been made in central and northwestern Iowa. Seventy mdividual plants were studied (16 being ferns) in 40 species of which 20 had a constant root endophyte, 5 an occasional, while 15 were fungus-free. For Missouri, there is a paper from a forest nursery where Miller (1938) studied influence of mycorrhizae on growth of short-leaf pine seedlings (presumably P. echinata). From St. Louis come several papers on exotic orchids. Rocky Mountains: — In the Rocky Mountains, mycorrhizae are found on 8 spp. of trees and 3 spp. of Cercocarpiis (McDougall & Jacobs, 1927) ; and ectotrophic mycorrhizae on certain trees of the Uinta Basin of Utah are described by Henry (1936), who also re- corded absence of mycorrhizae from 7 spp. A survey of northern Colorado flora bearing mycorrhizae was made by Thomas (1943), listing 21 families. Pacific Coast: — On the Pacific Coast, studies come only from California except that there is one paper from Oregon that deals with nursery trees. The three principal species of the scrub vegetation or chaparral of Jasper Ridge, vis. Adenostoma, Quercus and Arcto- sfaphylos are mycorrhizal in sand and clay as well as in humus (Cooper, 1922). Sarcodes was collected at San Bernardino by Oliver (1890), and presumably MacDougal's (1900) collections were Calif ornian since the plant occurs nowhere else. More lately (1944), MacDougal & Dufrenoy report on Aplectrum, Coral- lorhiza and Pinus Torreyana. Smaller roots of celery were heavily infected with fungus in delta peat soil (Rawlins, 1925) ; while Reed & Fremont (1934) found mycorrhizae generally present on Citrus in California. LECTURE VI MYCOTROPHIC PLANTS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT Soil as a Mycotrophic Habitat: — There is perhaps no satis- factory definition of soil. If soil is defined as the "unconsolidated upper few feet of the earth's crust", then some mycorrhizae do not occur in soil at all, for one may find them in pockets of humus formed by decaying stubs on trunks of living trees. Such occurrences are not uncommon with Acer ruhriim growing in swamps of the eastern U.S.A. where the living tree will develop "necklace-beaded" mycor- rhizae in pockets of humus on its own trunk from a root-branch de- veloped by the trunk. Or, seedlings of other species, which have been termed "pseudoepiphytes", may develop in such situations. Cordemoy (1904) found that aerial roots of Vanilla form mycorrhizae in rotting supports that are supposed to hold the plant up ; and the same thing may be seen even better with pepper vines. Again, in a forest one may find dozens of spruce or Tsuga seedlings growing on a partly decayed log or stump ; and occasionally one finds a sapling that started in such a situation and later extended its roots down into the soil, the stump or log meanwhile rotting, leaving the sapling standing as it were on stilt roots. All of these examples show that plants can grow for some years in a flourishing condition without any contact with mineral soil. If it is necessary for trees to have mycorrhizae in order to gain inorganic salts from the soil, they must win the salts vicariously for they have no direct contact with the soil, yet the seedlings flourish. In contrast, there are plants growing and producing mycorrhizae in pure mineral soil which, as in Holler's (1902) sand, showed no trace of humus. Or, mycorrhizal plants are found in agricultural soil where humus and mineral portions are mixed together, although in such situations the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza is more likely to be found. It may be said, then, that mycorrhizae are formed wherever rootage organs grow in contact with appropriate fungi. Mycorrhizae and Soils: — Consequently, mycorrhizae are found in a variety of soils. Von Tubeuf (1903) said: "Die Mycorhiza findet sich auf Moorboden, im Waldhumus, auf nahrstoffreichen Lehm — und gediingten Ackerboden und selbst im Bleisande des Lecture VI — 69 — Environment Eberswalder Kiefernbodens" ; and Sarauw (1904), after reviewing the evidence, said that in general : "la formation des mycorhizes n'est influencee que d'une maniere quantitative et non qualitative par les differentes sortes de sols." But Prat (1926), in a study of Taxus, concluded that the nature of the soil seems to exercise an influence on branching of the roots. Harley (1937) agrees in that he says the form of mycorrhizae in beech and extent of infection is correlated with soil type. Kelley (1941) studied mycorrhizae of Pinus vir- giniana in four soil series, — Chester (granitic), Conowingo (serpen- tine), Dekalb (sandstone), and Sassafras (Cretaceous gravel); and he found characteristic differences in each of the soil series. The my- corrhizae were coral-branched in sandy soils and racemose or elongate in clay soils, while pseudomycorrhizae predominated in wet clay soils. In droughty sands were found necklace-beaded mycorrhizae, caused by intermittent growth. A. Moller is said to have found different sorts of mycorrhizae in different soils about Berlin (Henry, 1903). Frank had supposed that mycorrhizae are found only on humus soils but are absent from sands and sandy soils. Moller (1902) thought, on the contrary, that pines produced mycorrhizae in sand rather than in humus. In France, Vuillemin (1890) "a constate aussi que le terre sabloneuse de bruyeres est favorable aux mycorhizes." Pessin (1928) records pine mycorrhizae from Norfolk sandy loams and Orangeburg fine sandy loam in the southern U.S.A. Calcareous soils are usually considered unavailable to mycotrophic plants since most mycorrhizal fungi prefer an acid substratum. But Calhina is rather an anomaly since it grows on chalk downs which are rich in mineral constituents but poor in lime. Rayner ( 1921 ) found that the mycorrhizal fungus grew well even in a strongly alkaline extract of pH 8.0; but Calluna developed normally in presence of fungus (but with exclusion of bacteria) only on Ca-poor soils. RuGGiERi (1937) found almond mycorrhizal on calcareous soils of Sicily. Pine does not thrive on alkaline soils, and it is possible that some of the difficulty with establishment of pine on prairie soils may have been due to the alkalinity of the limestone soils of the region. Young (1938) corrected alkalinity in nursery beds by S applications. Solfatara soils of volcanic regions present special conditions. MiEHE (1918) had drawn attention to the fact that mycotrophic and bacteriophagic plants occur in numbers on solfatara soils, and sup- posed that they were excellent pioneers inasmuch as they are able to fix atmospheric N. Faber (1925) came to the same conclusion: he said that these soils are characterized by Al-content, N-poverty, acid content, and high temperature ; and that solfatara plants are adapted to these factors. He found both xeromorphic and hygromor- Kelley — 70 — Mycotrophy phic plants included but decided that there was no "physiological dryness" of the habitat, nor was there any lessening of transpiration in these plants. They assimilate Al so greatly that they could be termed "Al-plants". All sorts of mycotrophic conditions were described by Takamatsu (1930) for the solfatara soils at Hakkoda, and the mycorrhizal structure was similar to that of mycorrhizae from forest soils. Humus: — Whatever name is placed on the complex of substances usually denominated "humus", it is manifest that these substances are determinate in the distribution of mycorrhizae. Two principal forms of humus, — raw-humus and mull — are associated with "ecto- trophic" and "endotrophic" mycorrhizae respectively; and these in turn are related to certain edaphic conditions, especially water. Hence there is an interplay amongst organic detritus, microorganisms and moisture that determines existence of mycorrhizae. This organic detritus is undecomposed ; and when it is broken down with forma- tion of mineral salts, it ceases to be humus. It is futile, therefore, to speak of absorption from humus of water and mineral salts. It is equally futile to say that mycorrhizae make use of humus : what mycor- rhizae use is the protoplasm of invading fungi. These invading fungi utilize humus through the soil portion of their mycelium, either directly or through the mediation of microorganisms ; and the humus has ceased to be humus when these organisms have made use of it . . . Hence mycorrhizae never take in or "absorb" mineral salts ; and how they acquire water is, to the best of our knowledge, still a matter of conjecture. Humus is naturally formed by the partial breaking down of organic matter, chiefly vegetable, by the action of microorganisms. Earlier workers, such as Nikitinsky (1902), had shown that humic substances could not be used directly by higher plants but that they were broken down by bacteria and fungi into simpler products that could be used. In his well-known studies of humus-formation, Falck (1923) used the term "Mykokrinie" to describe the chemical changes involved in the decomposition of forest duff; and by this process fallen branches, dead leaves, etc., are transformed into humus and finally into "mineral salts" that the higher plant can utilize. In Sweden, where Melin (1925) has studied so intensively, the forest soils may be divided into a mull type wherein there is a more or less rapid destruction of plant residues resulting among other things in nitrate formation ; and this type has a rich herbaceous ground-cover ; or a raw-humus type resulting from a less rapid destruction with scarcely any nitrification while the organic matter remains in an Lecture VI — 71 — Environment ammoniacal state: this type has a moss and Hchen ground cover. In raw-humus Melin visuaHzed a struggle between fungi and trees for N, and the tree provided with mycorrhizae could compete with soil organisms for that N. In mull soils, he found mycorrhizae (i.e., obviously ectotrophic) poorly developed. Yet Engler (1903) had supposed that mull but not raw-humus is available to mycorrhizal fungi. The nature of the soil plays an important part in distribution of these fungi (Peyronel, 1921) ; and also on fungal form since in soils poor in organic materials rhizomorphs develop while in humus a disperse mycelium is produced. Then, not only fungal but mycor- rhizal form is influenced by humus (Bjorkman, 1940), for Type C of Melin, formed by Boletus spp., was found on occasional pine plants in "mor" and sand (humus mixed with sand in a volume ratio of 1 :2). An interesting line of work is brought out by Magrou: "In the cultivated field, manure is capable of elevating the osmotic pres- sure of the soil solution and, in consequence, that of the sugar of the plant, beyond the level at which tuberisation might commence." (Ann. d. Sci. nat., Bot, XI, 4:97-102, 1943). Two ideas about humus have governed students of mycorrhizae, vis., (1) that humus by its decomposition provides salts to the plants growing in it, and (2) that humus buffers the soil by absorbing deleterious substances. In other words, the influence of humus is considered to be either chemical or physical. The first idea is the older. Frank, in his experimental work recorded in 1888 and 1889, indicated that fungi living in humus obtain their nutrient from it and change over the humus into directly assimil- able N compounds or ammonia. For beech, Muller (1886) concluded that the tree lives on the remains of its own vegetative activity, a peat being built up under the tree in which mycorrhizae live. Not only beech but spruce and fir live thus in the Bavarian Alps (Eber- MAYER, 1888), the tree using ammonia salts directly and also mineral salts derived from the humus layer. Of these salts, coniferous litter was found to contain more N, deciduous litter more K and P. (Ferry, 1887). By removal of leaf-litter, the fungi are deprived of their normal food-supply and are transformed from mycorrhizal into parasitic fungi (Delacroix, 1897). The physical influence of humus on mycorrhizal development has been adverted to by several earlier workers, as e.g. Hoeveler (1892) who noted a rich branching of the mycorrhizal root system in humus, while Shimizu (1930) thought that humus determines mycorrhizal form in pine. But more recently the idea has been current that in humus there are inhibitory or deleterious substances which interfere with growth of plants, and that possession of mycorrhizae enables Kelley — 72 — Mycotrophy certain plants to grow in these soils. According to Freisleben (1935), "The beneficial action of fungi on the growth of Ericaceae . . . does not rest on a direct influence, as through the excretion of growth- promoting substances, but on an inactivation, destruction or absorption of the inhibiting materials. It is tO' be supposed that in natural soils also the root fungi and the soil fungi which enter as components of a peritrophic mycorrhiza, have a similar significance for the Ericaceae." Again, Rayner's (1944) Wareham experiments indicate presence of a toxic substance in this infertile soil and in a note, Neilson- JoNES (1940) adduced some experimental evidence to prove the hypothesis that emerged from Dr. Rayner's experiments in Wareham forest : "The hypothesis was put forward that the local infertility on the area is due to toxic residues formed during decomposition of organic detritus by micro-organisms ; and that the effect of the compost is to provide a substrate which, by altering the serial activities of the different soil micro-organisms, modifies the chain of reactions constituting soil decomposition ; with the result that the final residues, instead of being toxic, are favourable to the growth of the trees, tO' the mycelial growth of the fungi associated with them as mycorrhiza- formers, and to the establishment and free-functioning of a normal and balanced mycorrhizal relationship." Mycorrhizae as Soil Indicators: — Bernatsky (1900) con- sidered mycorrhizae as indicators of poor although well-aerated soils except in the case of Alnus. Certain generalizations can perhaps be made : A coralloid mycorrhiza is associated with a raw-humus forest soil ; racemose mycorrhizae of light colour mostly come from mineral soil ; bushy-branched rhizothamnia are characteristic of sands ; while pearl-necklace mycorrhizae are found in droughty soils. In mulls the preceding sorts are not likely to be found, but endotrophic struc- tures prevail. Mycorrhizae in the Soil Profile: — Mature natural soils present a profile that is considered to exist in three "horizons", viz. the "A" horizon, or zone of leaching and extraction of salts and colloids by percolating waters ; the "B" horizon, or zone of concentration of these materials ; and the "C" horizon, or zone of subsoil and rock fragments where there is no visible concentration of leached materials. There is not enough data extant to formulate any comprehensive picture of the occurrence of mycorrhizae in the soil profile but certain cases are known. In northern coniferous forests where raw-humus develops, mycorrhizae are developed chiefly near the surface in the uppermost A horizon. Masui (1927) figured a soil profile for "woody Lecture VI — 73 — Environment plants" in which mycorrhizae are located in a layer above the con- ducting roots. For forest trees of central Europe, Klecka & VuKOLOV (1937) state that mycorrhizae are developed most richly and best in "the middle root depth". Scully (1942) found greatest concentration of small roots in the A^ horizon and greatest numbers of dead roots in a lower horizon. But trees may form mycorrhizae at some depths in the soil : Pecan mycorrhizae may be formed at 30 inches depth (Woodroof, 1933), while mycorrhizal roots of Piniis densiflora were found by Mimura (1933) at 10 m. depth. On shallow infertile soils certain nut-trees have the roots confined to the upper levels and the rootlets are almost entirely turned into mycorrhizae, whereas on deep fertile soils the mycorrhizae are widely and deeply distributed (Schuster, Stephenson & Evenden, 1944). Frank (1887) had stated that in German forests the mycorrhizae occur in the uppermost 1.5 cm. of humus while at lower depths there are fewer although they may be found at ^ m. depth. Yeates (1924) also found, in the New Zealand Podocarpus, that the roots are mostly at the surface in an organic layer, a condition which, he said, is pos- sible only in a rain forest. In Finland, Laitakari (1934), in an elaborate study of root development in Bctiila, found that horizontal roots occurred at depths of 2.8 cm. to 31.1 cm.; on moranic soils the depths were greatest (av. 20 cm.) while on water-logged soils they were least (ca 8 cm.). Vertical roots penetrated to depths of over 2 m., being deepest in clay. Fagus in England, according tO' Harley (1937), shows variations in root systems with depth of soil: In shallow soils on chalk the whole substrate is colonized while in deep plateau soils the roots are fairly evenly distributed in upper layers of mineral soil. In podsols and semi-podsols, fine roots are restricted to litter and humus layers. Herbs and dwarf shrubs apparently have superficially placed mycorrhizae. Calluna root system (Rayner, 1911) is confined to the first 12 inches of soil; while Burgeff (1932) stated that hemi- saprophytic organs of orchids are found in the uppermost layers of soil. Soil Texture: — Effect of soil texture on root development was neatly shown by Ter-Sarkisow {cf. Kirchner, 1908) for Pinus sylvestris, 4 month old seedlings in pots showing the following root development : Number Length Sand 363 713 Loam 181 420 Humus 54 179 Kelley — 74 — Mycotrophy Pine is successful when planted in grey sand of Australia (Cromer, 1935) ; but Laitakari, already cited, found mycorrhizae most plentifully developed in moorland soils and least in sands. Pecan forms spreading clusters of mycorrhizal short-roots in light or sandy soils but fan-like clusters in firm-textured soils such as the heavy red clay subsoils of northern Georgia (Woodroof, 1933) . Influence of tex- ture in humus on mycorrhizal form v^as neatly described by Mangin (1910) : In soil formed of leaves which are superimposed and com- pressed the mycorrhizae are often distichous with their branches in the same plane ; while in contact with debris of cupules and fruits their form is more or less complicated and branches of the mycorrhiza are oriented in all directions and more or less pelotonized, dependent upon size of the space in which it develops. In duff the mycorrhizal short-roots of Populus were found to be clustered into nodules while in sand they were betuloid in type, being ordinarily dark in coloui except where growth is renewed (Kelley, 1937). Where a layer of humus overlaid clay, Kelley (1941) found seedling pine with mycor- rhizal short-roots in the humus but rootlets that had penetrated into the clay beneath were transformed into pseudomycorrhizae. A some- what similar case was reported by Frank (1888) in that a beech seedling had mycorrhizae in the upper layers of soil (to 20 cm. depth) while deeper occurring roots were fungus-free. Frank also noticed that roots were much more richly branched in humus while in poorer soil layers the roots assumed an elongate form. Perhaps the latter were pseudomycorrhizae, but that term and concept had not been formulated in Frank's day. Soil Moisture: — Mycorrhizae are found only under optimum conditions of moisture ; that is, optimum conditions during the period of growth. Thus, mycorrhizae are absent from aquatic plants so far as known, yet they may be found on marsh plants (Mason, Osborn), or on semi-aquatics like Orysa (Peyronel, 1922). They seem absent or less abundant under bog conditions where pseudomycorrhizae are more frequently found but are common enough in meadows and in moist ground in general. On the other hand, they may be found in soil that is very dry and even on desert cacti (Asai, 1934, Johansen, 1931) but they are present under arid conditions as reserve organs and were formed while moisture was ample for growth. But too much drying may result in death of the mycorrhizae, and Paulson (1923) described an interesting case from Epping Forest, England, where an unusually dry summer killed the mycorrhizae, thus cutting off supplies of nutrient to the trees and paving the way for entrance of secondary parasites and saprophytes by which many of the birch trees Lecture VI —75 — Environment that composed the forest were destroyed. Yet in the case of pine, Cromer (1935) found that, while drought caused collapse of the cortex of absorbing roots, it did not affect that of the mycorrhizae. Besides physical dryness of the soil, physiological dryness must also be considered; yet Faber (1925), in a study of volcanic soils of Java, decided that occurrence of the same association in the crater of the volcano as well as lower down on the sides in wet volcanic soil may not be explained through the hypothesis of "physiological dryness" of solfatara soil but it is the result of individual nutrient conditions on young solfatara soils. Certain mycorrhizal plants such as Obolaria and Orchis spectahilis are found only in moist shady places and thus indicate a relationship to soil moisture. This relationship was noted as early as 1889 by Johow. Dependence is probably on the mycorrhizal fungi which can extract nutrient materials from moist humus and duff but not from dry mate- rials. On the basis of soil moisture one might separate the mesic mycorrhizal plants from the xeric ones such as ericads, conifers and certain cupulifers, the former being chiefly endotrophs and the latter ectotrophic. However, it must be noted that Voss & Ziegenspeck (1929) have shown that xeromorphy in ericads may be due to physio- logical conditions resulting from mycotrophy rather than to dryness of soil. It must be observed that mycorrhizae are chiefly developed in the uppermost A horizon in what is naturally the driest portion of the soil, at least on well-drained sites. For this reason there is a selective action on mycorrhizal plants, the mesic species being confined to sites where minimum soil moisture for mycorrhizal development is higher than for xeric species. Certain anomalies in plant distribution can thus be explained: Thus, Pimis virginiana grows on hills of Penn- sylvania and Maryland but is absent from adjacent sand flats of the coastal plain of Delaware where oak woodlands flourish. It was found by experiment that seedlings of the pine transplanted to open sands of the Delaware area could not withstand desiccation of the summer dry season ; but where pine is watered or grows in favourable lowland (there is a colony of P. Taeda near Newark), the tree is able to grow in spite of dry seasons. In the same way, Orchis spectahilis grows on shaded north slopes of Pennsylvania woodlands but never on sunny south slopes where xeric ectotrophs thrive. Boudier (1876) had noticed that Elaphomyces is found on south and east slopes more than on north and west slopes at Montmorency in France. Another fact that must be taken into account is that rainfall on an area is by no means uniform in distribution nor regular in occurrence ; and these irregularities have a consequent influence on mycorrhizal Kelley — 76 — Mycotrophy development. After a rain there is a rapid root growth but as available soil moisture lessens in amount growth slows and may cease, to be renewed with the next rainfall. Mycorrhizae therefore are not neces- sarily structures of a steady growth that finally comes to a definite end, but growth can be renewed. After a rain there is rapid mycor- rhizal growth but as available moisture lessens, growth is retarded, to recommence at the next rainfall. Every student of mycorrhizae has seen old brown or even black mycorrhizae that have split their mantle and protruded a new white mycorrhizal apex. With some plants the periods of growth and quiescence are marked by constrictions or rings, and the mycorrhiza assumes in consequence a beaded appear- ance. Even in winter a warm rain starts new mycorrhizal growth and one finds abundant white mycorrhizal root-tips. Soil Solution: — Much is known of the composition and physics of the soil solution but its relationship to actual plants growing in native habitats is problematical. For, if plants are nourished through a mycor- rhizal apparatus located in the uppermost A horizon, of what particu- lar interest to them is a soil solution in the mineral B horizon? Scientists, with that habit so ingrained in the human race, have gone into the utmost minutia of research regarding the soil solution, but they have never gone to the trouble to find out whether roots of naturally growing plants actually come into contact with this solution. Even for the mycorrhizae that do occur in the B horizon it is not known what significance the soil solution has for them because the mycorrhiza is buffered, so to speak, by fungal structures that more or less isolate the mycorrhiza from the soil. Hence the whole question of soil solution and mycorrhiza is largely conjectural, and because of its character the various theories of mycotrophy are conditioned. Some of the more recent studies have thrown incidental light on the soil solution-mycorrhizal relationship. For some years Melin has emphasized the importance of N salts to mycorrhizal plants as indicated by laboratory tests. He has found that the simpler N com- pounds, such as asparagin, can be utilized but that more complex com- pounds, as peptone and nucleic acid, are used with difficulty. Harley (1937) found with reference to beech that if the fungus supplies N to the tree, it does not overcome low N content of the soil, and vigour of the beech tree is more attributable to soil variations than to varia- tions in infection of roots; yet infected roots had a greater N content than uninfected. In the case of "fairy rings", Guinier (1937) found that ammonia content of the soil was markedly higher within the ring and grass found here was dark green. Also, in coniferous forests the ammonia content of the soil was greater immediately beneath the Lecture VI —11— Environment sporophores of certain hymcnomycetes which form ectotrophic mycor- rhizae with roots of trees. Guinier supposed that benefit of the fungi to the higher symbiont consisted in accumulation of ammonia in the soil. Mitchell (1937), in experimental studies with coniferous seedling beds treated with various N, P, and K combinations found that the benefits attributable to mycorrhizae, like their distribution in nature, vary inversely as the concentration of readily available mineral nutrients in the soil. As to what these mineral nutrients may be, a paper by Chandler (1941) indicates that decay of leaf litter in a central New York hardwood forest returns Ca to the soil in greatest amount, N in the second greatest, followed by P, K and Mg. McComb (1944) indicates P rather than N as incentive to good growth in conifers. Soil Reaction: — Anyone who has worked wdth soil reaction tests knows the difficulties of securing an accurate reading for that highly buffered colloidal thing called soil ; and if he has studied the relation of plants to soil /jH, knows further the wide tolerance most plants show for h.i.c. He is not surprised that Biraghi (1936) reports cereals growing in soils of /)H 5 to 8, and he has sympathetic under- standing for the report that Pinus radiata was planted in grey sand of pU 6.18. Long ago Melin (1925) stated that optimum conditions for fungi of pine and fir are provided by pH values between 4.0 and 5.0 and he noted with interest that this observation accorded well with observed pH values for middle and northern Europe recorded by Hesselman. Henry (1933) found trees and shrubs mycorrhizal on soils of pU 5.0 in Butler County, Pennsylvania. For Pinus Strohus, McArdle (1932) reports a /)H of 6.0, a little lower for spruce. Germinating seed and young seedlings of P. echinata cannot survive in culture media having a soluble Ca content of approximately 500 p.p.m. or more and a pH value of approximately 6.5 or more, or having either of these characteristics. This condition was evidenced by behaviour of seed in greenhouse cultures and of seedlings in nursery beds. With P. caribaea in Australia, Young (1938) concluded from experiment that "The efficiency of the mycorrhiza is increased with increasing acidity up to pH 4.7 and thereafter is adversely affected." For orchids, Burgeff (1932) found the optimum values lying between pH 5.0 and 6.0; while LaGarde (1929) said that h.i.c. is of the greatest impor- tance in germination, growth being best at pK between 4.8 and 5.2; and above 6.0 no germination took place. It is evident that soil reaction affects the fungal symbiont rather than the higher plant because the latter is virtually isolated from the Kelley — 78 — Mycotrophy soil. The soil is merely an anchorage medium for the higher plant and the fungus is its body servant that makes contact with the soil. It is the fungus that benefits from acid reaction and is limited in its pH range. Modess (1941), in his investigations of mycorrhizal fungi, found that all investigated fungi produced acid solutions. Optimum grovi^th occurred with the Amanita spp. at the pH range of 3.5-4.5 ; with Paxillus Primuhis and the Boletus spp. (with the excep- tion of B. variegatus) at pH 5.0 or somewha loove this value, relative to Lactarius delicosus and Rhizopogon roseolus at pYi 5.5-6.0. A species of Mortierella isolated from Empetrum made best growth at pB. 2.77-4.0 (Hasselbaum, 1931). It may be observed, however, that Henry (1936) records five ectotrophs growing in Utah above the aspen zone where soil is neutral or slightly acid; and Auret (1930) found the mycothalli of Lnnu- laria growing in slightly alkaline soil of South Africa. Ridler (1923) also reports Pellia in England on soils of pH 6.8-7.0. The Use of Free Nitrogen: — The several studies relative to fixation of atmospheric N by mycorrhizae may be summarized by stat- ing that if such fixation occurs it is in too small amounts to be of consequence to the mycorrhizal plant. Melin (1922) found that fungi associated with mycorrhizae of Pinus sylvestris and Picea Abies can in no case fix atmospheric N ; and in 1925 he stated that there is no fixation of free N in mycorrhizae of trees examined. Moller (1906) had found that dichotomons mycorrhizae of Pinus montana are of no use to the tree in fixing free N ; the fungus of Empetrum is likewise unable to use atmospheric N (Hasselbaum, 1931) ; the same is true of the fungus of Monotropa (Francke, 1934) ; and also of Mycelium radicis Fagi A (Aali, 1923). But Rayner (1922a) claimed that certain strains of Phoma isolated from ericaceous plants can use atmospheric N and she said that Aspergillus and Penicillium are similarly capable but in varying degrees. She backed Ternetz (1907) who had published similar statements. Furthermore, Neilson-Jones (1928), experimenting with a fungus isolated from Calluna, decided that the "plant can obtain nitrogenous supplies from the air, probably in the form of molecular N, in sufficient amount to prevent the advent of any symptoms of N starvation." The volumes of culture solution tested were 50-100 cc, and the amounts of N fixed, from 0.00004- 0.00384 gm. But Addoms (1931) decided that if atmospheric N were fixed by Phoma radicis isolated from cranberry (Oxycoccus) plants, it was in amounts too small to be of service to the higher plant. As to composition of the soil air in general and its effect on mycor- rhizae, the author knows of no studies except that Laing (1923) Lecture VI -79- Environment noted deficient aeration and oxidation of peat soils affects distribu- tion of mycorrhizae. This is all the more remarkable because work of LuNDEGARDH and others would seem to indicate that soil atmosphere might have a profound effect on the mycorrhiza and associated or- ganisms, especially through an heightened CO2 content. The great importance of optimum CO2 supply in tuber formation has already been indicated by Molliard (1920), tubers failing to form in its absence. It may be that in the future the soil air will be shown of more importance to the mycorrhiza than some of the soil influences which are now stressed. Soil Temperature : — As with soil air, there are no direct studies on influence of soil temperature on mycorrhizae. But it is well known that soil temperature does not fluctuate to the same extent as air temperature ; and in woodlands where the soil is blanketed with a layer of duff it is partially insulated from fluctuations of air temperature. A woodland with heavy leaf litter is so well protected from frost that the ground may not freeze all winter and in consequence the mycor- rhizae are not destroyed as they often are on freezing. In contrast, a woodland that lacks a protective leaf litter freezes and thaws re- peatedly and only certain plants, especially deep-rooted ones, survive. Again, through freezing and thawing many seedlings are heaved out of the ground whereby certain species are prevented from establish- ment in a habitat which would otherwise be suitable for them. Yet freezing does not necessarily destroy mycorrhiza! plants for it has already been seen that such occur in arctic and alpine situations. Chaudhuri (1935) stated that the endophytes of hepatics studied can withstand very low temperatures and even an exposure to 0° for four weeks did not kill any of them. A great number of mycorrhizal fungi seem benefitted by low temperature but in nature mycorrhizal fungi exist at many varied temperatures (Melin, 1925). In the Japanese orchid, Galeola, the fungus is dominant when its optimum soil temperature of 25 °C prevails while the host is more active under the more congenial conditions of the colder months (Hamada, 1939). Yet high temperatures do not prevent mycorrhizal development, al- though presence of mycorrhizae in the tropics does not necessarily indicate toleration of high soil temperatures since these may be comparatively low and steady in the rain-cooled, shaded forest. But mycorrhizae of cactus are certainly exposed to extremes of soil temperature and show the hardiness of the mycorrhizal association. The temperature of the soil may undoubtedly be changed by action of microorganisms, and a soil with a rich microflora should be a warmer soil and more favourable to winter survival of seedlings than Relley — 80 — Mycotrophy a sterile one. Greaves & Jones (1944) have suggested that addition of manure to soil may add new microorganisms and modify the soil temperature. Altitude: — The production of mycorrhizae at various altitudes has been studied especially by Costantin and his associates, the effect of altitude being considered due to air temperature and thus parallel- ing effect of latitude. In 1926 Costantin & Magrou observed similarity of mycorrhizae of Dryas octopetala in the Alps and in the arctic as described by Hesselman. Hitherto only ectotrophic mycor- rhizae had been observed in such situations but now endotrophic my- corrhizae were found widely distributed in the Alps. Annual plants are absent from the Arctic and rare in the Alps, but the annual Gentiana campestris was found to have an endophyte which, however, underwent a "brutal phagocytosis". The authors came to an important tentative conclusion that if essentially mountain genera are found sporadically on the plain, their stations rest ephemerally because the mycelium which is transported accidentally at the same time as the seed does not reproduce itself. Later (1934) these same investiga- tors, with associates, grew potato seed at 1,400 m.A.T. and obtained some plants with infection, some without; but at 550 m.A.T. all the plants died without producing a tuber. Since potatoes are not ordi- narily grown in these alpine places, the authors concluded that potato can form mycorrhizae with fungi already present in such situations. These results are aligned with the theory that the mycorrhizal habit in alpine plants commenced with a chance association of fungus and root, forced beneath ground by inclement weather. Whatever value this theory may have, it seems better established that there is an optimum altitude for mycotrophy. Bouget had studied potato since 1901, and in 1922, with Bonnier, discovered the law of optimum altitude, which was not published until rediscovered and published by Lebard in 1931 (Costantin, 1936). Lebard & Magrou (1935) state that, through three seasons' experiments it was shown that there is an altitude where yield of potato is maximum, decreasing above or below. Light: — Light can affect mycorrhizae only indirectly since they are not ordinarily exposed out of the soil. But illumination does affect the vigour of the host plant, and the production of ionizable substance in the host tissues. Bjorkman {cf. Romell, 1944) has studied the effect of light on seedlings and it is stated that mycorrhizae are formed in weak light (1/16 or sometimes 1/8 full sunlight), but under greater illumination there were better seedlings with more mycor- I Lecture VI — 81 — Environment rhizae. Naturally under optimum light exposure photosynthesis is carried on most favourably and the host is accordingly better pro- vided with assimilate. Bjorkman finds a connection between assimi- lation and mycorrhizal formation, for which the reason is given in the last chapter of this book. Phenology: — With reference to seasonal aspects of mycorrhizae there are a number of observations made incidentally in the course of other studies. Early in the history of our science, R. Hartig (1886), who was no friend to the concept of mycotrophy, asserted that tree roots are free from fungi in summer and that mycorrhizae are present only in autumn and winter; while McDougall (1914), upon whom Hartig's mantle has to some degree fallen, claimed that mycorrhizae are annual, being formed in summer and persisting through the winter. A. B. Frank (1888) countered Hartig's statement by saying that "die Mykorhiza zu keiner Jahreszeit ihren Pilzmantel verliert". The mycorrhiza, he said, is formed in the earliest youth of the plant and, like all absorbing roots, dies when it has exhausted its soil locus. My- corrhizae can exist at least two years, probably much longer. These statements were an amplification of his 1885 assertion that mycor- rhizae have a limited life-span, some being lost while others are being replaced ; and it seems evident that mycorrhizae are able to live several years. Moller confirmed Frank by stating ( 1890) : "Als Beweis dafiir fiihre ich an, das ich bei Material, welches im Januar gesammelt war, gleichwie bei solchem im Juni sammtliche Entwicklungszustande und in gleicher Verteilung gefunden habe". The fungus grew out simultaneously with the tuberous mycorrhiza of the pine studied, in summer rapidly but at other seasons as the cold permitted. For the rebuttal, McDougall & Jacobs (1927) stated that at 7,100' A.T. on Mt. Logan, Utah, only dead mycorrhizae of the pre- ceding year were found on Pseudotsnga inncronata. Above 7,000' on Mt. Logan and at 10,000' on Mt. Washburn in the Yellowstone Park, only dead mycorrhizae were found. New mycorrhizae can be formed only when new rootlets are being developed and mycorrhizal fungi are active, and these conditions seem to obtain in the latter part of the growing season. It will be recalled that Busgen (1901) did some cultural work on ash, beech, maple, oak, and spruce, to learn more of the disputed ques- tion of periodicity of root growth. He found that in Germany best growth occurs in June and October with little growth occurring in July and August. In March there are numerous roots growing, also in November and December. In conifers a winter rest is indicated by browning of the root-tips. Goebel, in the Organography, calls at- Kelley — 82 — Mycotrophy tention to the fact that some trees, as Tilia europaea, have greatest de- velopment of roots in fall while in oaks the greatest development is in spring. Other observations indicate similar generic differences : Thus, Prat (1926) found that in Taxiis the long-roots grow throughout the whole season with varying rapidity although cold lessens activity and causes modification of the apex. Most of the absorbing rootlets cease growth completely in winter, at which time the cortex dies from the apex and exposes a red surface, while growth recommences in Fig. 4. — Renewed growth of mycorrhiza- bearing mother-root of Piniis Strohus, new white mycorrhizae being formed amongst old dark ones, with some rhizomorphic in- vesting mycelium also indicated. Collected at Baltimore, 26 February 1930. spring. In pine, Rayner ( 1934) says positively that the mycorrhizae are annual and only in exceptional cases is growth renewed. P. Bank- siana is completely dormant in winter in Minnesota, the roots growing from April to October (Kauffman, 1945). Again, McArdle (1932) stated that mycorrhizae of spruce and pine are formed mostly in September to November inclusive and that they are usually dead by spring. Yet Preston (1943) found that pine mycorrhizae did not appear to be "strictly annual", and several instances were noted where Lecture VI — 83 — Environment they had achieved renewed growth at the beginning of the growing season by bursting through the fungal sheath. With Pennsylvania trees and shrubs, mycorrhizae are present every month of the year but particularly in late summer and autumn (Henry, 1933). On deciduous trees of Scotland mycorrhizae are present every month from November to March (Gordon, 1936). Still other observations are to be recorded : Pecan mycorrhizae are to be found at all seasons in Georgia (Woodroof, 1933) ; in Vitis it is a mistake to speak of the dying of all roots in autumn, for only those formed in spring die while those formed in autumn persist through the winter into spring (Rives, 1923) ; in Citrus seasonal variation was found, mycorrhizae being best developed in the spring growing season (Reed & Fremont, 1935). In beech in England, the time of most rapid root growth (chiefly spring and autumn) is marked by appearance of numerous un- infected roots (Harley, 1937). This period is followed by one of in- fection of the new roots. The shallowest chalk escarpment soils are characterized by a short spring period of growth and infection ; in deepest escarpment soils the spring growth persists longer, root growth and infection going on together and being interrupted only by drought. Infection is never complete and many uninfected roots are present in spring and summer. In very acid plateau soils, roots are formed near the surface and growth occurs in an upward direction in spring, incom- pletely decayed litter of the previous autumn being colonized by un- infected roots. In April and May infection takes place rapidly, while in early summer it is nearly complete. For herbaceous plants there are various reports. In liverworts the fungus was found occurring in autum (Schacht, 1854) ; in Pyrola Stahl (1900) found mycorrhizae also in autumn but not in spring; while Endrigkeit (1937) said that plants of Convallaria and Maian- themum are almost completely fungus-free in spring. Orchid roots collected in September were uninfected (Costantin, 1926) while Beau (1913) stated that roots formed in Spiranthes at end of the flowering season are infected from the soil but not from old roots. In Galeola the symbiont invades the cortex during summer and autumn and ingestion proceeds through the winter until the following summer (Ham ADA, 1939). Cromer (1935) had noticed that mycorrhizae of Finns radiata renew their growth after rain. According to Paulson (1924) dur- ing drought of even short duration mycorrhizae are desiccated and thereby killed. "Mycorrhiza does not revive after being destroyed by lack of moisture and does not reappear on the return of copious rain until new rootlets have been developed and they in their turn have be- come associated with a fungus. . . . Observation of roots after heavy Kelley — 84 — Mycotrophy rain, which followed dry weather, has been sufficient to . . . conclude that new rootlets followed by a complete change to mycorrhiza have de- veloped within ten days." As to phenology of internal anatomy, several observations may be cited: In Hippophae, Arcularius (1928) said the fungus grows best in summer and there are new vesicles present in winter. In Vitis (Rives, 1923), vesicles appear at the end of the season, in August and September. In Orchis, fungal digestion occurs chiefly from autumn into winter (A. Fuchs, 1924). In Fraxinus, Kelley (1943) found phagocytosis occurring in April and May, in Pennsylvania. Mycorrhlzae in Relation to Habitat: — Apart from influence of soils on mycorrhizal form, more recent studies have been directed to influence of habitat as a whole on mycorrhizae. It is obvious that environmental influences of the habitat react first on the fungus, as in- dicated by Curtis (1937) : "There is an apparent correlation between ecological habitat and fungus type, rather than between orchid species and fungus." In conifers the possession of mycorrhizae seems de- pendent on edaphic conditions (Dominik, 1937), and the more my- corrhizae are developed the better the growth. Naturally, conditions that favour the fungus result in a greater development of mycorrhizae. In his review of soil fungi and root infection, Surges (1939) considered the soil flora with its microhabitats ; and the relative abun- dance of fungi, which is one-thirtieth that of bacteria but greater in numbers than that of any other group. The biological groups of fungi present in the soil the author considers as (a) root parasites, (&) casual parasites and mycorrhizal fungi, (c) facultative parasites and primary saprophytes, and {d) true soil fungi. The last group com- prises those of a "humus type", the second group being most difficult to study and some seem to be obligate parasites. The term "microhabitat" graphically expresses the situation of a mycorrhiza, for it is in a little cosmos of its own. Here it is subject to the inorganic and biological influences of the immediate neighbourhood, the "rhizosphere" as it has been called. Hiltner is said to have origi- nated this term for the space about a root which is subject to root ex- cretion, in which he thought there is an aggregated microflora. But KiJRBis (1937) pointed out that fungi live in and on tree roots and separate the root from the purely rhizospheric fungi. Consequently Jahn (1934) invented the term "peritrophic mycorrhiza" and defined the peritrophic fungus as one that lives in an outer zone, mantling the root, between soil-portion and root-epidermis. Ordinarily con- sidered saprophytes, they bear a definite relation tO' the root. He said that in many cases endo-, ecto- and peritrophic fungi are present Lecture VI — 85 — Environment in the mycorrhiza at the same time; or, the cortical hyphae may be neither parasitic nor endotrophic but peritrophic ; and the peritrophic fungi may become dependent on the root plant. Jahn supposed that the function of rhizospheric fungi is to change the h.i.c. of the rhizo- sphere that it will correspond to the most favourable concentration for optimum permeability of the roots. In an experiment to determine whether it is the H- or the Ca-ion that is active, he found that several fungi cultured from the rhizosphere caused heightening of the h.i.c. of the culture solution without addition of calcium carbonate, but with such addition the pH changes were less but nevertheless were in an acid direction. With calcarous fungi there was better development on addition of CaCOg than without it. It had been early suggested (KuNZE, 1906) that there is not a simple relation between root- secretion and mycotrophy but that the higher plant makes use of the decided soil "ausschliessenden" action of fungi. So Kurbis decided that the fungal flora of Fraxinus are not necessarily mycorrhizal, but surround the root with acidity. He found that microorganisms were greater in numbers in the rhizosphere than in root-free soil ; also, that seedlings of Fraxinus dwindled and died in sterile sand but waxed in unsterilized or inoculated soil. Salt Marsh: — Two special habitats are to be considered, the salt marsh and the prairie. A salt marsh, with its high osmotic coefficient because of relatively large salt content, one would not suppose to be favourable to mycorrhizae, yet two papers record characteristic pres- ence of these structures in it. According to Mason (1928), mycor- rhizae were found in such common coastal plants as Plantago mari- tima, Aster tripolium, Glaux maritima, Armeria maritima and Glyceria marithna, but no mycorrhizae were found in Salicornia europaea, Triglochin maritimmn and several others, including Juncus. But Klecka & VuKOLOV (1937) found mycorrhizal symbiosis in the small roots of Juncus Gerardi, Salicornia herhacea, Suaeda maritima and Triglochin maritimmn which duplicated that of endotrophic mycor- rhizae of woody plants. The material was collected from saline soil about Neusiedler See and from Auschitz and Louny in Bohemia ; and the authors thought it very interesting that the fungi endured an high osmotic pressure in root cells of these species. We would like to be assured that these salt-marsh soils were truly saline, for our experience with the New Jersey marshes indicates that such soil is not necessarily salty. Of 14 halophytes collected on the west coast of Sweden by Fries, six bore thamniscophagous mycorrhiza which contained arbuscles, vesicles and hypertrophic nuclei. (Bot. Not. 1944:255-264). Kelley — 86 — Mycotrophy Prairie: — The other habitat to be considered is prairie. Strictly speaking, prairie is a special sort of meadow once found in the central United States but the term is now loosely applied to non-forested lands throughout the more northern portion of the Mississippi Valley. Virgin prairie is now virtually extinct throughout the area and the soils have been changed by agricultural practice. Since trees were absent in the prairie area, except along water-courses and on some rougher lands at time of discovery by white men, it has been supposed the mycorrhizal fungi were absent from the prairies. Yet it appears obvious that prairie grasslands existed simply because tree growth was excluded by fire and difficulties of ecesis, and recent studies in Iowa indicate a rapid spread of oak-scrub over former prairie lands to the annoyance of the farmer. "Harrison County (Iowa) vegetation was used by Shimek ... to support his thesis of climax prairie in Iowa, yet 30 years later Quercus macrocarpa is spreading so rapidly on the less intensively farmed lands of the country as to constitute a serious economic problem". (McComb & Loomis, 1944). Apparently these trees have no difficulty in ecesis. The author, while living on the Iowa prairies, has personally seen how readily bur-oak becomes estab- lished wherever prairie sod is uprooted. But Hatch (1936) stressed a reputed absence of mycorrhizal fungi from prairie soils, meaning by "prairie" apparently what is otherwise known as "dry prairie" or "steppe". He noted from the literature that "16 nursery and plantation failures have occurred in widely separated regions of the world" due to "lack of a biologic factor in the soils". He secured, through friends, some "prairie soil" from Wyoming for his experiments. As a matter of fact, Wyoming is several hundred miles west of the prairies ; it is five thousand feet higher in altitude ; and it has a different climate. The name, Prairie, may not be applied indiscrimi- nately to all grasslands. The plains of North America, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Asia, and the veld of South Africa are all grasslands ; but they are none of them prairies. In this Wyoming soil Hatch grew seedlings of Piniis Strohus and found growth poor and unthrifty when mycorrhizae were absent but on inoculation with pure culture fungi of several species growth became good. N, P, and K determinations of the seedlings were made after 10 months growth, showing marked increase in the absorption of N, K, and especially P by the mycorrhizal plants. Hatch believed the evidence was conclusive in showing that the pine seedlings grown in this soil did not obtain sufficient nutrients to support normal growth when mycorrhizal fungi were absent ; and he repeated his conclusion in a paper published the following year. Rayner (1937), ignoring Lecture VI — 87 — • Environment the question of "prairie", commented on Hatches work and remarked that there is some doubt as to whether the greater acquisition of N by the mycorrhizal seedhngs in Hatch's "prairie" soil experiment is related solely with the more efficient absorption of nitrates and his claim that peptone and nucleic acid can be absorbed directly by the roots of pine seedlings is not discussed from this point of view. In a paper by McComb (1938, also' 1943) the claim is made, based on experimental data, that differences in pine seedling development in a forest tree nursery on old agricultural land in the prairie province (Iowa) are due to disparities in the amounts of available P, and that mycorrhizae are the means of enabling the seedlings to absorb this element at a sufficiently rapid rate for normal growth. Thus Hatch and McCoMB stress P but a writer in the Annual Report of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (1942) said that inocula- tion of evergreen seedlings with suitable mycorrhizal fungi, particu- larly Boletus feUeiis, greatly improved growth and survival on prairie soil. The evidence obtained indicated that the mycorrhizal fungi rendered the K present in the soil more readily available to the seedlings. That mycorrhizal fungi are absent from at least certain prairie soils is asserted by Rosendahl & Wilde (1942), who found such fungi in cut-over forest lands of central Wisconsin but "invariably absent" from adjacent prairie soils. McComb & Loomis (1944) also report a sharp difference in microflora between forest and prairie soils. Harvey (1908) asserts an absence of fungi from prairies; yet it must be noted that Pfeiffer (1914) found Thisniia mycorrhizal on the prairies at Chicago; and Wilkins & Patrick (1938) presented a paper on the fungi found in grasslands about Oxford. White (1941) regarded mycorrhizal fungi as beneficial, and suggested that mycor- rhizae exert a specific growth-promoting effect upon forest seedlings, the absence of this stimulus being a major factor in the poor growth of trees on mycorrhiza-free prairie soils. But the majority of cases of poor growth of pine in the U.S.A. are apparently not associated with mycorrhizal deficiency (Latham, Doak & Wright, 1939) ; and in Indiana a failure that was so associated was more easily corrected by fertiliser than by inoculation. "Even in new conifer nurseries in the Prairie States growth is usually satisfactory . . ." Again, it must be noted that Jones (1924) said of endotrophic fungi of legumes in western America that no field, no matter how recently reclaimed, is free from infestation and that but few mature leguminous plants are uninvaded by mycorrhizal fungi. A great difficulty with the question of occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi in prairie soils is, that the subject has never been investigated. Kelley — 88 — Mycotrophy There is not a single paper devoted to an analysis of the subject and not a dozen references in the literature. The reputed absence of my- corrhizal fungi from prairie soils is simply a dictum mundi that has been adopted trustfully as an axiom; whereas there are several facts against it. Thus, trees and presumably root fungi have occurred from time immemorial along the numerous watercourses which traverse the prairies ; trees and shrubs flourish along streets of innumerable prairie towns and about tens of thousands of prairie farmsteads. These woody growths have a hard battle against desiccating winds and temperature extremes in the trying climate of the region, but hardier species thrive. It is true that conifers often fail in prairie soils, but it is possible that the failure may be due to alkalinity of the soil, an alkalinity that pos- sibly may be connected with the fact that the prairies are very generally underlaid by limestone, although prairie soils are not residual. And then it must be noted that trees spread rapidly into the prairies when the sod is broken. As to the Plains which lie west of the prairies, aridity is a potent influence on plant development, and establishment of trees in these droughty soils must always be conditioned by the water supply as well as by other "soil factors". Soil Inoculation: — On the assumption that necessary mycor- rhizal fungi are absent from certain soils on which trees are to be grown, the practice of soil inoculation with these fungi has arisen. Thus Rayner (1934) found that seedlings which grew poorly on a sterile heath were greatly benefitted by application of humus which "must contain active mycorrhizas of the species free from any ab- normalities of structure and from contaminations of such pseudo- mycorrhizal fungi as can be identified". Probably there were "active mycorrhizas" in the transplants made to various treeless regions in those benighted days before the science of mycorrhiza flamed so brightly. Thus, Leonard Flemming, a pioneer in afforestation in South Africa, says nothing of inoculating the soil when he planted thousands of seedling pines on the high veld where trees had never grown before. It was water that the pine-trees craved and when he supplied their need the trees flourished. But in Australia, exotic conifers needed for softwood plantings in the Brisbane Valley often failed to grow at the Yarraman nursery, and on examination it was found that the roots lacked mycorrhizae (Young, 1938). (In passing it may be remarked that Frank in 1894 had raised the question whether the needful fungi were present in all soils used for planta- tions.) On inoculation of the seed beds with the proper mycorrhizal fungus, mycorrhizae were formed and the seedlings became thrifty. Moreover, it appears to be part of the standard practice to inoculate Lecture VI — 89 — Environment nurseries in Western Australia with the appropriate fungi, thus obtain- ing normal growth of the tree seedlings (Kessell, 1938). The inocu- lated plants when put out in the forest are said to infect the soil quite satisfactorily. Rayner (1938) gathered together various reports on soil inoculation from nurseries and plantations, particularly from the British Empire. In northern Rhodesia it was found that Pinus halepensis only amongst several exotic pines made any growth beyond the seedling stage without soil inocula, whereas inoculation with soil from a southern Rhodesian P. radiata plantation caused remarkable stimulation in growth in several spp. of pine. In Nyasaland, all species of pine observed except P. longifolia and Araucaria failed to grow without inoculation. At Buitenzorg in Java, P. Merkusii is completely dependent on the presence of mycorrhizal infection for normal de- velopment, inoculation resulting in vigorous growth and rapid spread of infection from plant to plant. In New Zealand, inoculations of P. radiata with Boletus-'miected soil gave positive results (whatever that means), the control plots remaining free from infection. In India, Casiiarina flourished after inoculation whereas controls died within three years. Caragana became established in Canada after use of soil inocula. At a new forest tree nursery in Iowa, pine seedlings failed to grow unless they developed mycorrhizae (McComb, 1943). On the other hand, S. A. Wilde remarked in a recent review that "99 percent of all practicing foresters will not have to lose any sleep over the problem of mycorrhizal inoculation." Compost Studies: — But soil inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi does not necessarily lead to mycorrhizal formation because the soil it- self may be unfavourable to such formation even though the appro- priate fungi are present. Thus, in Rayner's heath soils mentioned in an earlier paragraph, it was the inhibitory effect of the soil that prevented mycorrhizal formation. Rayner therefore initiated studies of "organic composts" in relation to growth of young trees. Her general conclusion after several years' experiments is that an increased supply of nutrients plays a relatively insignificant part in improved fertility of the soil studied, induced by addition of composts. In the soil are substances deleterious to growth, but their action is obviated by addition of compost although addition of the equivalent amount of salts had no effect. Rayner considers that the striking effects on tree growth brought about by composts on natural soils do not depend to any extent upon the addition of nutrients, but are directly associated with qualitative changes in the humus constituents and with the bio- logical activities related with these changes. They may also, possibly, be associated with the presence of growth-promoting substances in Lecture VI — 90— Mycotrophy individual composts or produced in the soil as the result of fungal action. The chief biological change in relation to fertility of the soil is production of toxins, according to Brian (1945), especially of "fungistatic organic substances" produced by Penicillia. The chief toxin appears to be gliotoxin, which has been found highly toxic to mycorrhizal fungi. Brian suggests that the toxicity of Wareham soil may be due to accumulation of gliotoxin and other antibiotic substances. Valuable as Dr. Rayner's (1944) studies on the Wareham area undoubtedly are, the results will of course be applied with caution to other areas. Results obtained with a very unusual soil existing at low altitude but high latitude under an oceanic climate will not necessarily be applicable to all other areas. As evidence in point, the paper by LiNDQUiST (1945) may be cited, in which it is stated that "larger and better-colored seedlings" of Pinus resin osa were grown on a duff-peat mixture than on a compost-peat area. Again, composting often pro- duced abnormally crooked roots (Muntz, 1945). A study of the organic matter of forest soils led Romell (1938) tO' a new theory of mycotrophy. In experimental work in a spruce forest in Sweden he sank sheet-iron shielding, one foot high, in a poor stand of spruce, surrounding two quarter-hectare plots. One plot, being covered with blueberry bushes, was mowed with the scythe while the other plot was untreated. The author states that a marked efifect resulted, for the vegetation on the plots became thriftier and greener, and retained its foliage longer in autumn. Romell considered the effect due to killing of the tree roots or of mycorrhizae and their associated fungi by trenching, the organic matter thus killed becoming "green manure" for the remaining vegetation. Also, root competition of the trees, and fungal competition, was stopped. Numerous sporo- phores of the supposed mycorrhizal fungi were formed outside the plots while practically none were formed within. Romell thought that these experiments show a fundamental physiological difference between litter-decomposing and mycorrhizal fungi, the latter being practically unable to break down dead organic residues under condi- tions prevailing in nature. He points out the value of trenching experi- ments in mycotrophic studies, since laboratory experiments show merely what is physiologically possible but not what is ecologically important. LECTURE VII MYCOTHALLI AND MYCORRHIZOMES General Character: — Mycothalli and mycorrhizomes are ordi- nary liverwort gametophytes, fern stems and orchid rhizomes that possess endophytes. Most of these structures in nature appear to be invaded with fungi, for apparently most thalli and prothalli that are not actually in water are mycotrophic, and most rhizomes likewise. Here again the fortuitous character of the symbiosis is seen, since apparently the fungi simply grow into these structures as into a part of the environment ; and there is nothing evidently obligate about the relationship. Mycothalli in Liverworts: — Their structure is detailed for Pellia by Ridler (1922): In Pellia no plants were found entirely without infection and usually the endophyte occurs in a definite zone along the thickened median portion towards the ventral surface of the thallus and in the rhizoids. Infection from the soil is presumably through the rhizoids. Within the thallus, penetration of the cell-walls seems effected mechanically ; the hyphae are swollen where their growth is arrested by cell-walls, and they are constricted by passage through them. The liverwort seems to exert some control over the fungus and limits its invasion as stated, to a definite region in the thallus. Here the hyphae form arbuscles or bushy-branched struc- tures which later degenerate into sporangioles or little rounded bodies that are insoluble in usual reagents. Formation of arbuscles stops further growth of the fungus and this phenomenon caused Bernard (1909) tO'term it an "immunity humorale". The effect of the fungus in Pellia is very marked for protoplasmic content of invaded cells of the thallus is killed, chloroplasts disappear and cells ultimately become brown in colour. Starch disappears from cells of the thallus on entrance of the fungus and is replaced by oil. When the sporophyte is invaded (the thallus is of course the gametophyte) the contents of the cells are wholly or partially absorbed. The fungus invades the region of the sexual organs but does not grow into them.* ♦According to Peyronel, the Jungermanniaceae are infected only by mycomycetes. On poor soil, infestation dwindles with decrease of light (Nuovo Gior.Bot.Ital. 49:362-382, 1942). Kelley — 92 — Mycotrophy Infection of Mycothalli: — Infection seems to take place always through rhizoids and is thus reported by all workers. Kny (1879) said that "In numerous root hairs (sic) of Lumilaria (from the uni- versity greenhouse) it was observed that a great part harboured thread structures. In a series of cases these were sterile fungal hyphae which branched hither and thither". "Seven cultures of Calypogeia from very different habitats about Hilversum showed almost all rhizoids attached to substratum infested while aerial hyphae were fungus-free." (Garjeanne, 1903) Fungal hyphae penetrate rhi- zoids of Marchantia and Lumilaria, especially where plants grow in humus (Cavers, 1903) : hyphae were found in rhizoids of Lunularia in South Africa (Auret, 1930) : in Italy, Bergamaschi (1932) found in Fegatella and in Lunularia that non-septate hyaline hyphae invaded the rhizoids and passed into underlying cells ; while Chaudhuri (1935) found hyphae in rhizoids of all Indian liverworts investigated. An endophyte penetrates rhizoids in Sezvardiella of southern India (Chalaud, 1932). In Zoopsis of Java, the rhizoids frequently har- bour hyphae which form pelotons and refractory granular material, perhaps albuminoid. Divers other hepatics from the same forest pre- sent the same endophyte (Janse, 1897). Limitation of Endophyte: — Limitation of the endophyte to a definite portion of the thallus seems general. In New Zealand liver- wort, Monodea Forsteri, every thallus possessed a sharply defined mycorrhizal zone consisting of 2-4 layers of cells densely filled with branching fungal hyphae (Cavers, 1903). This zone is confined to the thicker median portion of the thallus and extends to within a short distance of the growing point. Hyphae pierce the cell-wall and branch out in the cell cavity, the nucleus of the infected cell grows in size and often becomes enveloped by a tuft of short hyphal branches and some- times the chloroplast becomes similarly enveloped, suggesting in ap- pearance a lichen. On some of the hyphae are formed large spherical vesicles. In Lunularia criiciata the fungus is confined to a definite zone below the assimilating tissue (Auret, 1930) ; it occurs also in the rhizoids and amphigastria but does not penetrate the gemmae-cups and archegonia. The fungus consists of branched septate hyphae with granular contents giving rise to vesicles, arbuscles and sporan- gioles which conform with the general type of endophytic fungus found in a great variety of higher plants. All plants, infected or uninfected, are green and apparently healthy. Nicolas (1942) found in Lunu- laria two sorts of infection: {!) confined to a band which runs the length of the mid-nerve parallel to lower surface and removed from it by several layers of immune cells rich in starch: (2) In other, male, Lecture VII — 93 — Mycothalli and Mycorrhizomes thalli the fungus is localized in cells throughout the thallus. Sterile thalli were destitute of mycelium and Nicolas thought that presence of fungus is necessary to fructification. Emberger (1924) also found hyphae in Lumdaria cruciata oc- cupying a large band separated from the lower surface by several layers of cells ; the chloroplast tissue is never invaded. Inconstancy of infection, he thought, negated the hypothesis that infection is neces- sary to formation of sexual organs ; and the association seemed simply accidental. It was supposed by Ncmec (1899) that mycothalli are general in Jungermanniaceae but rare or absent from Marchantiaceae. We have already seen that infection is common in Lumdaria; it also occurs in Marchantia and a number of other European hepatics ac- cording to GoLENKiN (1902), who found that in all cases the fungal hyphae are confined to the compact ventral tissue ; and infected cells, though they retain nuclei and protoplasm, never contain starch or chlorophyll. Thalli of Marchantia nepalensis on sand and clay at Lahore, India, contained a fungus limited to a zone beneath the air cavities, and branched and interwoven in the cells (Chaudhuri, 1925). Chlamydospores were sometimes found. In this and other Indian liverworts, infection is localized in regions definite for each species (Chaudhuri, 1935). Conocephalus is similar to the preced- ing, as described by Bolleter (1905) who found the thalli often turned red upon infection; but in alpine situations the thalli turned red without infection, — another fact in line with Costantin & Magrou's idea that refrigeration parallels the action of mycotrophy. Digestion of Endophyte: — In his description of mycothallism in Pellia, Magrou (1925) said that the fungus degenerates about the archegonia or the sporogonia, which organs seem to exert an inhibitory influence on its growth. The endophyte exhibits all the structures characteristic of mycorrhizal fungi, — large non-septate hyphae, ar- buscles, sporangioles and multinucleate vesicles, the contents separat- ing into uninucleate cells. Digestive structures were also described by Garjeanne (1903) from thalli of Netherlands hverworts, — haustoria and hyphal coils (Knauel) ; and under influence of the latter the cells disorganized. Immersed clots were found in a number of liver- worts by MiLDE (1851), while Ncmec (1904) found clots in Caly- pogeia coincident with degeneration of mid-hyphae: they disappear before death of the thallus. Many vesicles were formed in tissues of Conocephalus but few in Lumdaria (Bergamaschi, 1932). Chalaud (1932) figures vesicles and arbuscles in S ewardiella. Tuberous-thickening of the stem of Fossornhronia with which a fungus was always associated was noted by Humphrey (1906) ; while Kelley — 94 — Mycotrophy Chalaud (1932) found tuber-formation in Seivardiella "in all re- spects like the stem of other Metzgerias, especially Petalophyllum and Fossomhronia." Denis (1919) found an endophyte in the chlorophylless thalli of Aneura, and compared them to similar thalli known amongst lycopods. Mycothalli in Fern Gametophytes: — A description of the my- cothallus in Opioglossiim pendulum is given by Lang (1902). Tissues of the young prothallus are parenchymatous throughout, cells of the lower portion contain an endophytic fungus while those of the upper portion are free from it. Infection is usually through a rhizoid. Superficial cells of the prothallus contain only infecting hyphae, the Fig. 5. — Section through an older mycothallus of Botrychium obliquum. Shaded portion indicates the extent of region occupied by endophyte, vicinage of reproductive organs being uninvaded {Redrawn from Campbell, Ann. Bot. 35, pi. viii, fig. 12, 1921). fungus otherwise being confined to internal tissue. In older regions of a branch the fungus occupies all the cells except for a superficial zone of 1-2 layers. A number of vesicles are formed in a cell, often close to the nucleus, while other cells contain thick coiled hyphae. Plastids and chloroplasts occur in cells occupied by the fungus. The European Ophioglossum vulgatmn mycothallus was described by Bruchmann (1904). Infection is directly through the epidermal cell- wall and hyphae spread through the mid-portion of the prothallus but the outer cells are always fungus-free. Innermost cells are also fungus-free and contain starch. Nuclei of infected cells increase in volume while hyphae coil in the cells and form an irregularly shaped structure: vesicles occur in older portions of the prothallus. The in- fected portion forms in effect a cylinder which is particularly well developed about the sexual organs. Campbell (1907) in general confirms Lang's description of prothalli in Ophioglossum, and in the appendix of his Mosses and Lecture VII — 95 — Mycothalli and Mycorrhizomes Ferns gives a longer description ; he found infection also in prothallus of Osmitnda cinnamomea. In 1908 he stated that he had found an endophytic fungus normally present in green prothalli of several Marattiaceae, Osmiindaccae and Gleicheniaceae. The endophyte con- sisted of large, branched non-septate hyphae w^hich are strictly intra- cellular. Vesicles and apparent digestion stages are described, and in figure ten there is shown a vesicle near an intact nucleus. In 1921, Campbell said than an endophytic fungus occupies a large part of inner tissue of gametophyte of Botrychiuni ohliqimm, but in older gametophyte it does not invade tissues about reproductive organs. The fungus fills lumen of cells but nucleus remains intact. The myco- thallus of B. lunaria is described by Bruchmann (1906), infection taking place usually through rhizoids although it may occur directly through surface of the prothallus. Outer cells are at first invaded but later the fungus leaves them and is confined to middle and basal cells which have large nuclei and fungal clots. Starch is present only in meristem and in cells about reproductive organs while in those cells which have no starch the hyphae are filled with oil and protein. The advantage of mutualistic life of fungus and prothallus seems to con- sist in a holding and storing of reserve, especially oil, which is of value during summer heat and winter cold in protecting the prothallus from drying. The endophyte is present in every prothallus, living in all the inner and radially formed outer portion. Stokey (1942) found no infection of gametophyte of Marattia or of Macroglossum grown on sterilized peat, growth being vigorous and "normal". The structure of Hehninthostachys zeylanica prothalli is essentially similar to that of Ophioglossmn (Lang, I.e.) The cells containing vesicles seem healthy but starch is usually absent from them. The fungus is healthy until growth of the sexual portion of the prothallus commences, whereupon the fungus dies and the pro- thallus develops up to the extent of the amount of reserve material. In prothalli of the fern Cheiropleuria, Nakai (1933) found fungal hyphae which entered by way of brown rhizoids and filled the median part of the prothallus where they branched and coiled to form a nutritive layer. The median layer is stimulated by presence of fungus to form 5-10 layers of cells. Uninfected prothalli were also observed and Nakai thought these may have been sterile or male. Mycothalli in Lycopod Gametophytes: — Following Treub's discovery of endophytism in a Javan lycopod, Bruchmann (1885) described fungal structures in prothallus of Lyeopodium; and in 1898 said that a Pythium sort of a fungus occurs in palisade and cortical layers of L. elavatum and L. annotinum, and is also found in rhizoids Kelley — 96 — Mycotrophy from whence it comes in contact with the soil. Goebel (1887) stated that the lower, non-meristematic, portion of the prothallus of L. inundatum was always without exception inhabited by a fungus which forms coils within the cell content without killing the cell, the nucleus remaining plainly visible. From the coil a branch may go through to the next cell. The fungus is limited to one or two cell layers forming a zone separated from the exterior by several cell layers, and it is unable to penetrate the meristem, or lobes of the prothallus. The infected cells do not contain starch but drops of oil. According to Holloway (1920), a fungal symbiont occurs in epiphytic prothalli of the New Zealand Lycopodium Billardieri, L. B. Fig. 6. — Portion of mycothallus of Lycopodium obsciirum shown in section, with pelotons or fungal coils and oil globules (Redrazvn from F. L. Barrows, in Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst. 7:299, fig. 34, 1935). gracile, L. varium, and in the epigeic species L. cernuum, L. laterale and L. ramidosum. In the epiphytic species, the fungus occupies the base of the prothallus even in epidermal cells at the prothallial point, and grows forward with the prothallus, occupying a zone between the epidermis and the central conducting cells. Fungal coils soon disap- pear in many of the cells, their place being taken by clusters of darkly staining oval "spores" which are probably used by the prothalli ; but oil droplets were not seen. In the epigeic species, fungus is present only in the epidermis of prothallus but occurs in inner tissues of pro- tocorm where only "spores" were observed. Lecture VII — 97 — Mycothalli and Mycorrhizomes An endophytic fungus, thought to be an Ascomycete, is described from prothalli of L. luciduluin and L. obscurum var. dendroideum by Spessard (1922). It enters through rhizoids or through epidermal cells (or, the author suggests that the fungus may be leaving the plant through these structures) and spreads tO' within 2-3 cell layers of meristem. The mycelium is coiled in lower part of prothallus (the fourth layer from outside) and does not enter the palisade. Spore- like bodies were found in L. luciduluin, sometimes with chromatin- like content and sometimes with fine hyphae proceeding from pores as though the body were germinating ; while in some cells were found true spore-bodies. Stokey & Starr (1924) cite fungal infection of L. complanatum, L. obscurum and L. clavatmn; and state that fungal hyphae were usually found in great abundance in the soil in which prothalli were growing. But in culture Barrows (1936) found that an endophyte isolated from a Lycopodium did not aid development of germinating spores of L. complanatum var. flabelliforme; in fact, it proved impossible to grow the plantlets at all beyond a ten-cell stage. In nature. Barrows (1935) found endophytic fungi in gametophytes of Lycopodium sporophytes, including L. annotinum, L. clavatum, L. complanatum var. flabelliforme, L. lucidulum, L. obscurum, and L. tristachyum. Mycorrhizomes in Ferns: — Originator of the term "mycor- rhizome" was Dangeard (1891), who described such a structure from several species of Tmesipteris, although not very clearly. He described and figured an apparent Hartig net but said the infection seemed typically endotrophic ; and he figured what appear to be vesicles. But mycorrhizomes have long existed : Andrews describes a fossil mycor- rhizome from a coal-ball; and doubtless there are innumerable fern mycorrhizomes were there eyes to see. A few descriptions of them come from particularly close observers, such as van Tieghem (1870) who found mycelial hyphae of a parasite {sic) coiled about dark masses in large cells of the inner zone of Osmunda regalis and several other ferns. Rayner (1927) cited and figured infection of Pteridium. LoHMAN (1927) showed vesicles in his illustration of Adiantum pedatum and figured an apparent digestion stage for Botrichium. In general, however, ferns remain for future investigation, because they are not, like the pines, an economic group that commands attention. Mycorrhizonies in Orchids: — Aside from studies of ferns and fern allies, the only other rhizomes to- be studied for endophytes are those of orchids, except for the following: Kamienski (1881) de- Kelley — 98 — Mycotrophy scribed infection in rootstocks of Monotropa; Oliver (1890), in Sarcodes; MacDougal (1900), in Pterospora; and Pfeiffer (1914), in Thismia. An endophyte was discovered in an orchid rhizome by Link in 1840; while an early student of orchid mycorrhizomes was Prillieux (1856), who took his historical introduction back to Tragus of 1552, confirmed Schacht that threads penetrating tubers of Neottia are fungal hyphae ; and stated that at St. Germain he had found sand grains agglutinated in a mass about the orchid. Within the rhizome the 2-3 outermost cortical cell layers were filled with a yellowish-brown material (a material which he found in a great many genera) and the cells containing this material retain their nuclei. These nuclei became very large and often had two nucleoli. The cells having the brown matter regularly contained filaments wound without order about the central mass in the cell ; and not infrequently the fila- ments branched and penetrated through the cell-wall into another cell. After a time this matter diminished in amount, from which fact it may be inferred (said Prillieux) that it serves for nutrition of the plant. Recall that this description was written 29 years before publication of Frank's epochal paper. Pfeiffer (1877) confirmed this report for Neottia, finding fungal infection constant and supposing that the fungus takes the place of root hairs which the orchid lacks. A most detailed study of this same orchid was made by Werner Magnus (1900) : he found 3-4 of the outermost cortical layers of cells infected, — sometimes even 6 layers. In this paper Magnus distinguished between "host" and "digestion" cells. In the host-cell the fungus never degenerates : "The cells here pictured, which always possess that ring of thick-walled hyphae with various modifications and the coil of fine median hyphae, — these cells in which the fungus does not degenerate but remains living to the last, shall be designated henceforth as host-cells (Pilzwirthzellen)" (p. 216). Thick-walled hyphae run ring-formed, in various modifica- tions out to the cell-wall and send out fine, thin-walled haustorial hyphae which gain control of the whole cell, — haustoria which seem fitted for passage of nutrient. These cortical ring-like hyphae remain alive after death of the root. In contrast tO' the host-cell region, in the digestive region the fungus always degenerates. Thin-walled, protoplasm-rich hyphae grow through the cells in thick coils but very soon die ; or after they have formed protein (as Eiweisshyphen) their content is taken up by the cell and the residue is pressed together while at the same place or at a place mostly lying in the middle of the cell a clotting formation takes place, which results in their separation with a portion of the plant plasm as a clot, which is a dead unchangeable waste product con- Lecture VII — 99 — Mycothalli and Mycorrhizomes sisting of plant and fungal material. Of the fungus-inhabited layers, the digestion cells take the outer and inner while the host-cells take the middle. The digestion cells are defined by Magnus as follows : "If, in Neottia, the fungus in a cell does not take on the modification which characterizes the host-cell but branches again after the 'meristem condition' into thin-walled hyphae that inevitably encounter a certain developmental process, — death, robbery of content and final mantling into a clot, a development not less sharply delimited than in the host-cell, — we shall designate such a cell a 'digestion-cell' (Ver- dauungszelle)" (p. 223). Infested cortical cells are enlarged, and later formed cells are also enlarged, causing a change in the whole structure. The plasm continually surrounds the fungus in the diges- tion cell and upon death of the fungus a copious formation of vacuoles takes place. Vacuoles neighbouring the wall-layer which is free from the fungus unite to form a large sap-vacuole and thereby separate the clot, which either remains suspended in the sap-vacuole or is com- pletely separated from the protoplast by formation of a new internally lying plasm-layer. Plasm of the fungus-inhabited cell never dies before death of the whole root. Plasm segregated in the clot becomes changed into a cellulose sort of a substance. Upon migration of the fungus there arises a fine-grained starch which soon dwindles but after death of the fungus reappears in a modified form. The nucleus becomes constricted or amoeboid and intensely chromatophilic, but after phagocytosis is completed the nuclei return to their former barrel-shape. Bernard (1899) described the mycorrhizome of Neottia as ex- hibiting three zones of cells: (i) a starch layer; (2) several layers of cells filled with intertwined mycelial filaments ; (5) epidermis, without starch or hyphae. Spiranthes autumnalis dififers from other Neottiae (according to Beau, 1913) in being annual, but it has mycorrhizomes which are the organs of reserve and at time of flowering of the orchid are invaded by an endophytic mycelium as evidenced by a pronounced yellow colour given the sections through bodies resulting from diges- tion of mycelial coils. Towards the end of the flowering season new "roots" are formed which must be infected from the soil. Orchids other than Neottiae have received attention : Calypso has a coralloid-branched mycorrhizome but Lundstrom (1889) failed to find infection in plants of C. borealis collected in southern Sweden. But in C. hidhosa, MacDougal (1899) found fungus living in outer cortex but not passing out through nodal trichomes; its hyphae are septate and form vesicles. Inner cortex and apex are free from infec- tion. Corallorhiza arisonica, according to the same author, has the coralloid rhizome represented by papillae which are infested early by Kelley — 100 — Mycotrophy a fungus which fills the mediocortex and grows forward with the apex. The nucleus is seldom affected by hyphal invasion. Corallorhiza innata of the Alps has a coralloid rhizome which bears papillae from which tufts of hair arise, and at the tips of the hairs chemical changes seem to take place. Hyphae pass directly from the soil through the hair into the rhizome, going through the outermost layer of cells (which are rich in starch) to a zone in which they coil within thin- walled cells. There is a paucity of starch in this zone but within is a third zone in which starch increases in quantity as hyphae become less numerous, and all stages in degeneration of fungus may be seen in cells of this region. The nucleus enlarges and contains bodies which stain deeply with Hoffman's blue (Jennings & Hanna, 1898). In the Australian orchid, i?/M>aMf/t^//a, PiTTMAN (1929) described fungal infection of the rootless rhizomes to a depth of ten cell layers, the epidermis being fungus-free. Clots are illustrated as chiefly in the exocortex. Infection was through hairs borne on the mycor- rhizome. No arbuscles, vesicles or sporangioles were seen, but the hyphal clots degenerate into a golden-brown mass. In Gastrodia the fungus inhabits superficial cells of the fleshy succulent rhizome (McLuckie, 1923), the fungus being Armillaria (KUSANO, 1911). Various other orchid mycorrhizomes have been described, as in Orchis, Cephalanthera, etc. The general structure is always the same however, as summarized by Burgeff (1909) : The mycorrhizal fungus enters through hairs into the most external cells of the mycor- rhizome and penetrates the cortex even to the endodermis, dissolving whatever starch is present as it goes. Then the hypha coils within the cell, and the cell plasm digests it, the undigested remainder being sur- rounded by a membrane that excludes it from the living portion. A few hyphae, in many species of orchid, grow out of the rhizome again and form spores. In German orchids. Ad. Fuchs (1924) found di- gestion occurring chiefly from autumn into winter. Penetration of the fungus is accompanied by solution of the starch in the plant cells. The fungus follows the concentration gradient and only in such places as react to the fungal passage. The so-called protein hyphae contain an evident preponderance of glycogen, and the designation of protein in connection with them is an error. As a result of living in a region poor in N and P, the orchid undergoes modification (Fuchs & ZiEGENSPECK, 1925) : There is an early cessation of root-develop- ment ; the rhizome swells and takes over the root function as the roots dwindle and disappear. There is lessening of the water intake, a crumpling of the habdrome while the leptome is kept open. In Thismia americana, Pfeiffer (1914) found underground struc- Lecture VII — 101 — Mycothalli and Mycorrhizomes tures which appeared like rhizomes with secondary branches, inhabited by an endophyte just beneath the epidermis; and there were finer hyphae internally in the cortex. Mycocaryopses and Infection of Aerial Organs: — Since this book is devoted to endophytic roots and infected rooting struc- tures, it is not deemed advisable to enter into a discussion of endophytic infection of other structures. Yet it is established that mycotrophy exists in such plants as Lolium, a grass in which the fungus lives symbiotically with the immature sporophyte. The "seeds" of Lolium, which are strictly fruit and seed together and technically known as "caryopses", harbour a fungus which is said to have been discovered by Vogl in 1897. Described by Guerin, by Hanausek, and by Nestler, in 1898 and by Hiltner in 1899, and by well-nigh a dozen investigators since, the fact of endophytic infection of L. tementulum is well established. Not only does it occur in recent specimens of this grass but Lindau in 1904 described similar infec- tion from grains recovered from an Egyptian tomb about 4,000 years old. But other grasses, according to March al (1902), lack such infection. A detailed study of Lolium was made by McLennan (1920), who described intracellular infection in the aleurone layer, hyphae pene- trating also the scutellum wherever the two were in contact. Fungus is present in embryo sac at or immediately after fertilisation, and the ovum is infected before any divisions have taken place in it. Hyphae sometimes extend from base of ovary into staminal filaments where they become peculiarly knotted. In development of the embryo it is seen that endosperm is formed by an "endospermic cambium", and "if the fungus does not keep pace with the absorbing power of the endosperm, no hyphal layer is formed in the ripe grain, but hyphae can then be found in the scutellum and embryo". Endospermic cam- bium persists as the aleurone layer, which receives a supply of nutrient from the fungal system. McLennan concludes that "the association of the fungus with Lolium tementulum and L. perenne is probably a well-marked case of symbiosis, comparable in many respects with that met with in Calluna vulgaris". She also says : L. perenne is unable to fix nitrogen in the total absence of external supplies of combined nitrogen." Rayner (1915) had described a constant infection of seed-coats of Calluna but stated that the embryo is never infected, a mycorrhizal infection resulting by infection of the plantlet from the seed-coats. Rayner asserted that the fungus grows through aerial organs of Calluna but Freisleben (1934) decided that infection in this plant Kelley ' —102— Mycotrophy is not as general as thought by Rayner. Lewis (1924) described stem infection of two other ericads and also of Picea and Larix. Barrows (1941) found the endophyte of Epigaea widely distributed in stem, flower, pollen, young ovules and on ripened fruit and seed; and BosE (1943) reports a similar condition for Casuarina in India, infection of seedlings occurring from the seed-coat. In Lolium there is also infection of aerial portions. Neill (1940) described an endophyte in the leaves, while Freeman (1904) said that all organs of the plant except the pollen may be infected. LECTURE Vin MYCODOMATIA Significance of the Term: — Literally, the word "mycodomatium" means "fungus-chamber". Frank (1891) said that on the basis of nutritional physiology, endotrophic mycorrhizae and root nodules may be considered together : their morphological differences will be taken care of if we call one "endotrophic mycorrhizae" while nodules of alder and legumes are called "Pilzkammer" or mycodomatia. But as nodules of legumes contain bacteria rather than fungi, we prefer to limit the term mycodomatia to those hypertrophied structures found on Alnus and a number of other plants which are caused in whole or in part by fungi. In using the word "mycodomatium" in the essential sense given it by Frank, we realize that we are not following the original meaning as used by Lundstrom in 1887. Melin (1936) has revived the term in its proper sense and applied it to all myco- trophic structures, those in which the symbionts "in einem Verhaltnis gegenseitiger Forderung stehen". Perhaps we should follow Melin's lead, but we encounter two difficulties: {1) It is very uncertain that all — or any — of the mycotrophic symbioses are true mutualisms, and it would be extremely hard to sort them out in classes of mutualist and non-mutualist. (2) If we gave up the word "mycodomatium", we would have no term to apply to those hypertrophied structures known as nodules, excrescenses, tubers, tubercles, etc. The term "my- cocecidium" has been applied to them, but this term refers to galls and is generally understood to refer to a parasitic structure. Perhaps Frank's "Pilzkammer" should be the term used !* All leguminous nodules caused by bacteria are ruled out of our study. Known from the days of duHamel duMonceau in the middle of the 18th century, nodules of legumes have attracted much attention and their nutritional processes are of related interest to those of my- codomatia. It is true that endophytic infection of leguminous roots is widespread but vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae are not nodules. In the present state of our knowledge it is impossible to state positively the exact character of mycodomatia ; but it is evident that — regardless of how they are formed — ^they are outgrowths of a larger sort than mycorrhizae. The latter are swollen side-branches ("short- *Baas Becking has called attention to the mistake of making a false analogy between symbiosis in leguminous nodules and the symbioses occurring in leaf- nodules and mycorrhizae {cf. Naturwet. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Ind. 102:120, 1946). Kelley — 104 — Mycotrophy roots") while mycodomatia are often enlargements of the larger ("mother") root, either of the root as a whole or in part, or of a sub- terranean stem. Smaller excrescences are termed tubers, tubercles, bulbs, etc., although the actual differences between them are not great unless we consider the former as primarily lateral outgrowths. As to the exact nature of nodules, there is obvious disagreement, but per- haps it will be found that they are chiefly the result of a bacterial stimulus and the fungi which are often if not always associated may be associate commensals, if such an expression may be used. Again, the exact nature of tubers, etc., is not altogether clear, but it seems that they are ordinarily called forth by a fungal stimulus, although other influences acting on the cell-plasm may equally well produce the tuber. Of course a tuber is strictly a stem (as in tuber of potato) and bears scale-leaves ; but the word is also freely applied to tuberous roots as in the dahlia, and in both cases the enlarged growth appears due to a fungus, hence the justice of the term, mycodomatium. In orchids, the mycodomatia are sometimes true tubers, as in Aplectrum or Tipularia, or are tubercles or enlarged roots. Bulbs and corms are apparently also to be classed as mycodomatia. Psilotum: — Our information on Psilotiim infection is meagre, but it is certain that Gallaud (1905) listed this plant in "Series 4" with the orchids, and said it was similar in its mycotrophy with Tamus. Psilotum is an "humus saprophyte" in which rootage organs are much branched rhizomes that bear small gemmae on the subterranean shoots. Yet Psilotum can grow asymbiotically as discovered by Bernard and reaffirmed by Costantin (1925, 1936), who said that the plant had been grown asymbiotically at the Museum at Paris for 132 years. Gycads: — The root tubercles of Cycas, according to Bottomley (1907), are morphologically lateral roots showing a central vascular cylinder with a well-marked endodermis completely surrounded by "bacteroid" tissue. These tubercles are dichotomous and perennial, and they differ from leguminous nodules, which are of limited growth. Kellerman in 1910 isolated N-fixing bacteria from Cycas nodules, while Life (1901) found in C. revoluta both bacteria and hyphae of a fungus which resembled Rhizohium. These organisms, he said, are confined to the mediocortex. Life thought the functions of the tubercles were aeration and N-assimilation but decided it is difficult to speak with certainty of the symbiotic relations of the various organ- isms within. Spratt (1915) said that the tubercles are formed pri- marily by Bacillus radicicola, and noted that in them four symbionts are concerned, — two bacteria, an alga and the cycad. Lecture VIII — 105 — Mycodomatia Podocarpus: — Nodules on Podocarpus chinensis were noted as early as 1893 by Kellner, and were described in 1896 by v.Tubeuf. They were examined in detail by Nobbe & Hiltner (1898), who found a fungus growing throughout the root, and forming nodules from within the roots, hence they concluded that the nodules or myco- domatia are true endotrophic mycorrhizae. Plants were grown in pure quartz sand for 5 years and watered with non-nitrogenous cul- ture solution, the plants growing luxuriantly and presumably securing N from the air through the mycodomatia. Later, Hiltner (1903) said that N-fixation was shown for Podocarpus but not with the same certainty as with Alnus. Kondo (1931) also wrote of N-relations of these plants but his work is hidden in the Japanese language. Processes occurring within the Podocarpus mycodomatium were described by Shibata (1902), who found a large hyphomycete which by branching filled the whole cell : the host nucleus increased in volume and assumed amoeboid form, dividing amitotically until as many as 8 nuclei are formed which become distributed in the cell, then becom- ing amoeboid once more. When the fungus has attained its full growth it is digested by the host-cell and the nuclei may then resume their normal condition and divide mitotically. A proteolytic enzyme capable of digesting fibrin was demonstrated in the tubercle. Shibata corro- borated Magnus and Frank, that the fungus is subservient to the host-cell. Hiltner (1903) said that the host-cell digests and absorbs not only the plasm but the chitinous wall of the fungus ; and he also noted nuclear activity in these cells. "Blasen" in Podocarpus, he said, are equivalent to Janse's sporangioles, being partly formed and then digested. McLuckie (1923) described nodules of P. spinidosa and P. elata as of dual character. He said that these species, like other species of the Podocarpineae, are actively engaged in N-fixation by virtue of bacteria present in cortical cells. The nodules are modified lateral roots and arise from the pericycle, their normal growth being checked before they emerge from the cortex of the main root. Root- hairs, he said, are commonly present. Nodules and cortex of main root frequently contain fungal hyphae and peculiar spore-like bodies belonging to the fungus ; the surface of the nodule and main root is frequently invested with a loose tangle of fungal hyphae, some of which enter the root tissues. The nodules of P. chinensis and P. nubi- gena are occupied by a fungus (Schaede, 1943) which is considered a harmless parasite since it has so slight a connection with the soil ; but the arbuscular structure is markedly developed. Gasuarina: — Nodules filled with a gummy mass were found by Janse (1897) on C. muricata in Java. Kamerling (1911) described Kelley — 106 — Mycotrophy Casuarina nodules from coral islands in the bay of Batavia, and said that in section it is seen the nodules possess a small central strand while larger or smaller groups of cortical cells are filled with protein-reacting bodies resembling leguminous bacteroids. Kamerling supposed that the nodules were responsible for N-fixation, and the same function was ascribed to them by Adinarayana (1924), Mowry (1933), and Narashimhan (1918), the last isolating bacteria that fixed N. MiEHE (1918) tacitly inferred the same function, and asserted that these nodules are mycodomatia, the symbiont being a small hyphal fungus which heavily infests the cortex, passing directly from cell to cell but never invading the vascular bundles. Myrica: — Brunchorst in 1887 had mentioned tubercles in M. Gale which were described by Bottomley (1912) as modified lateral roots. Three branches arise from the end of each primary nodule and afterwards the stele grows out through the apex of the nodule into a hair-like root. In each mature nodule four regions may be recognized, vis.: apical meristem, "infection thread" area, "bacterial zone" which includes most of the cortex, and basal zone devoid of bacteria but with the cells containing oil drops. At maturity the bacteria disappear and basal zone encroaches until it finally replaces all the others. In old nodules, filling a majority of cortical cells and sometimes the base of young nodules, mycorrhizal fungi are found. Fungal hyphae, said Bottomley, were earlier thought to be responsible for nodule forma- tion and it is possible that they may be of mycorrhizal nature and of benefit to- the Myrica plant. Bottomley caused nodules to develop by inoculation; he also showed fixation of free N. Schaede (1938) considered the causal organism of this Myrica to be Actinomyces and he gives a well illustrated account of the infection. In M. rubra, Shibata (1902) found the "fungus" (which he believed to be Actinomyces) confined to a definite "ring" in the cortex. In M. carolinensis, the author found beneath a cuticularized epidermis a cortex of 10-11 layers of rounded cells, larger internally and full of protoplasmic content. A zone of 2-3 layers commencing about the fourth from the outside of cortex is a "bacterial layer" containing comparatively large "rods" which are densely clustered and deeply stained. About the outside of the domatium there is more or less a weft of branched septate and geniculate hyphae, dark in colour. It is difficult to demonstrate infection but neverheless in the outer cortex there is the appearance of intracellular hyphae ; while many of the cells have content suggestive of partially digested protoplasm which takes a reddish stain while the bacteria stain blue. The latter divide transversely to form rosettes. Under oil immersion, strands can be Lecture VIII — 107 — Mycodomatia seen connecting adjacent "masses" through cell-walls, tangentially. The cell nucleus is not hypertrophied. Rosette formation by Actino- myces is mentioned by Youngken in a study published in 1915 on the Myricaceae ; and he said that this organism later penetrates tracheae and grows out into the seed. In "M. cerifera," Harsh berger (1903) described mycodomatia inhabited by Frankia. He supposed that these structures were intermediate between ectotrophic mycor- rhizae as in Monotropa and endotrophic forms as in Thismia. Alnus: — In alders occur the earliest described root excrescences which may be termed mycodomatia. Meyen in 1829 gave the first description of tubercles in alder (so far as we are aware), and con- sidered them as "pseudomorphosed roots" in the ends of which there is a parasitic growth comparable to that of Lathrea, etc. Meyen was sure that he had shown them to be "ganz vollkommene parasitische Ge- bilde" and that they were formed by "gleich anderen vollkommenen Organismen". Since then there have been numerous other descrip- tions given but their exact nature and symbionts still remain unsettled. Apparently alder nodules are not caused by one organism nor do they always have the same physiology, for some investigators describe them as bacterial, others as fungal. Thus Cernik (1937) lists the "fungi" of alder nodules as Frankia, Schinsia, and Actinomyces, all of which are presumably bacterial; while Pieschel (1929) cites Lactarius lilacinus and L. cyathula as always associated with alder and presumably the mycodomatial symbionts, with Gyrodon rubescens a probable third symbiont. Two investigators report synthetic my- codomatia for alder, — Plotho (1941) and Roberg (1938). Roberg grew seedlings of four species of alder in a synthetic nutrient solution with a suspension of ground root-nodules isolated from each of the species. Only healthy seedlings reacted to inoculation by nodule production; and in all cases the symbiont was Actinomyces alni. Be- cause of the frequent presence of this organism, Shibata (1902) termed the alder mycodomatia cases of vegetable actinomycoses. A number of papers describe nutritional processes of alder my- codomatia. Shibata, already mentioned, tells of the "blaschen" or small bodies formed by the "fungus" in mycodomatial cells and their subsequent digestion ; he also described clots which contained, besides some fungal hyphae, a number of little rounded drop-like or oval structures which he termed "sekretkorper". But Zach (1908) did not find these bodies in A. glutinosa (Shibata worked with A. japonica), but considered the broken threads or "Stabchen" of Shi- bata as concentrated cell-content of the hyphae while spore-like knots and bacteria-like threads are degenerate forms of hyphae which, he Kelley — 108 — Mycotrophy claims, absorb much water and fill the entire cell lumen. Terminal swellings of the hyphae are also degeneration stages of the fungus which are ultimately digested by the host-cell, during which process the fungal masses pass through various degenerative stages. Spherical, oval and other shaped bodies of an oily consistency appear during the digestive process and to these he applied the name "Exkretkorper". Shibata had described a proteolytic enzyme from alder mycodomatia. The author has seen numerous yellow clots in outer cortical cells of Alnus riigosa, which alder has coralloid mycorrhizae in addition to mycodomatia. Klecka & Vukolov describe fungal digestion in alder and other nodules and regard the fungus as provider of starch and protein. Hiltner (1896) claimed that alder nodules assimilate free nitrogen; and he also found that CaCOg stops their growth. Borm (1931) said that in Alnus it has been found possible to prove that the bacteria fix N, but that it is not certain the nodules formed only by fungi can perform this process. Polygonum: — Ectotrophic mycorrhizae are constant in P. vivi- parum, not only in the countless adventive roots but in the bulblets (Hesselman, 1900), which must then be considered as mycodomatia. Raphanus: — Molliard (1920) stated that radish produces tubers perfectly well under sterile conditions when supplied with sugar and CO2 in sufficient quantity. The presumption is that in nature radishes are "fungus-chambers" called forth by infection. Tribulus: — In sandy places of the Gov. Cherson in Russia, among dry arid sand vegetation, Issatschenko (1913) found fleshy green specimens of T. terrestris that bore nodules on their roots, — small white ones on thin roots and larger dark nodules that recalled legu- minous nodules. In section, dark septate hyphae were evident, cloth- ing outside of the nodule and penetrating into it in places while within, the hyphae were thinner and lighter in colour, and proceeded from cell to cell. Disappearance of starch from the nodules was observed. Issatschenko thought that these mycodomatia were true mycorrhizae and agreed with Bernard that using of the starch increases osmosis of the cell and with it the water intake. Legumes : — In addition to bacterial nodules and endotrophic m}'- corrhizae, legumes possess mycodomatia. Janse (1897) described fungal nodules in Pithecolobium montanum, a member of the Mimo- saceae: the cortex contains 2 layers of tannin cells separated by 2 layers of parenchyma and in the latter the fungus is found, but it never Lecture VIII —109— Mycodomatia enters tannin cells. The nodules recall those of Casuarina. Fungal in- vasion of Orobus was discovered by Frank (1879), and he figured arbuscles and vesicular swellings in the nodules of O. vermis and O. tuherosus; and Frank considered that the hyphae were trans- formed into "Sproszellchen". Ailanthus: — In the Erlangen Botanic Garden, Andreae (1894) found that sturdy side-roots of Ailanthus had irregular tuberous out- growths of 5-40 mm. diameter placed directly on the root cylinder and composed of smaller bodies in a grape-like cluster. Their structure was thought due to the higher plant and not induced by the fungi (mostly Pyrenomycetes) found in the nodules. Further studies are awaited on these structures. Geanothus: — Nodules were noted on C. americanus by Beal in 1890 and were described by Atkinson (1892). While resembling in form leguminous nodules, he found the causal organism was a "fungus" which he named Frankia ceanothi. Material was collected from Alabama and Michigan, and similar nodules were found on Alnus serrulata. In a more extended study, Arzberger (1910) said that infection is through epidermis or root-hair and the mycodomatium consists of 3 systems of tissues : an outer corky layer, a middle cortical tissue, and an inner vascular bundle. In the cortical layer are infested, hypertrophied cells, the nuclei being enlarged. He noted also three stages in development of the fungus, — mycelial, "sporange" and digested. No "Exkretkorper", as described by Zach, were found, but an enzyme capable of digesting fibrin was found. He said that sym- biosis exists but both host-cell and fungus dies. A very different de- scription was given by Bottomley (1915), who considered the nodules purely bacterial, formed by bacteria of the Bacillus radicicola group. As no nodules were formed on C. americanus in England, he imported material from America, securing nodules also of C. velu- tinus. The bacteria, when isolated, grew in pure culture and fixed N. Elaeagnus: — The same discrepancies must be noted in descrip- tions of Elaeagnus nodules. Brunchorst and Frank agreed at first for their fungal nature; then Frank (1887) withdrew to the posi- tion that the nodules are merely reserve organs, containing no sym- biont. Zach (1908) described them as fungal and similar to those of Alnus; Nobbe (1892) believed that he had demonstrated N-fixation with them. On the other hand, Spratt (1912) identified the causal organism as Pseudomonas radicicola, but stated that it does fix free N. The author found coralloid mycorrhizae but no nodules on Shep- herdia argentea in northern Minnesota. Kelley — 110— Mycotrophy Hippophae:— In 1887 Brunchorst spoke of the "well-known" nodules of Hippophae and considered their possible action in fixation of free N. These nodules were rediscovered by Arcularius (1928) who gives a detailed description of their structure and ascribes their formation to a fungus. There is no infection of the vegetative apex nor is starch present in cells infested by the fungus, though abundant elsewhere. The fungal hyphae swell near the cell-nucleus and form "little heads" which gradually swell with a fine, deeply-staining mate- rial. This material is then apparently digested and finally disappears, with coincident nuclear changes. The relation of fungus to host is not obligate, and the author supposed that soil must be inoculated in order to have mycodomatia produced. But Borm (1931) ascribes the nodules to bacteria which, he said, multiply in an enormous way until they fill the whole cell (the nucleus remaining intact) and then diges- tion occurs. Gorlaria: — In C. japonica, Katakoa (1930) ascribed N-fixation to the nodules, saying that plants with nodules make vigorous growth while without them growth is retarded. Shibata (1917) said that the endophyte, a typical Actinomycete, forms a rich weft separate from the cortical tissue, the colonies of which in the host-cells have consecu- tive partitions with centripetal pectinate hyphae arranged club-wise about the vacuoles which are filled with cell-sap. The root-nodules of Coriaria in respect to anatomical dififerences surpass all others and its characteristic symbiosis-tissue is quite similar to that of legumes. Eucalyptus: — According to Dufrenoy (1922), swellings are found on axes of young Eucalyptus plants, of which the origin is unknown. Daucus: — Sterile achenes of carrot were germinated in a mineral gelatine with some addition of glucose (5.0-7.5 parts per 100) and plants were grown in large tubes plugged with cotton; but with glucose there was poor growth. In sterile humus soil with addition of mineral salts, in tubes plugged with rubber stoppers, the air had 5 parts per 100 of COg, and the plants grew well, in 40 days forming a tuber 1 cm. in diameter (Molliard, 1920). Ericads:— VON Tubeuf (1903) said that on the Chiemsee Moors at Bernau in Bavaria, the largest of the Vaccineae is V. uliginosum, which has its root system deeply sunk in sphagnum. If whole stocks are drawn out of the sphagnum, a portion of the attached roots is obtained with a tender root-work ; while on thin rootlets are found Lecture VIII — 111 — Mycodomatia copious nodules of various sizes and forms which appear as little clubs although they may have a very delicate continuation as a thin rootlet. In section they are seen to have a central cylinder with pro- nounced water tissue and peripherally a normal cortical tissue, von TuBEUF thought that neither fungi nor bacteria are responsible for these structures. He found them on all woody plants of the moor except pine, that is, on six ericads including Calluna and Andromeda. But for Arbutus, true mycodomatia caused by a fungus are de- scribed by RiVETT (1924) and by Dufrenoy (1917). Inoculated rootlets developed into small pear-shaped tubercles, said Dufrenoy, on which nearly all the epidermal cells develop into root-hairs, around which algae and bacteria collect and form a mucous. The fungus in- vades external layers of cortex which stores large quantities of re- serve material as "tannin" while medullary tract and rays are crowded with starch grains. Rivett, in describing the endophyte in old tu- bercles, said that infection by fungus keeps pace with production of new cells by growing point, and digestion and reinfection proceed successively. Thus peripheral cells, except at growing points, are to be found filled with partially digested hyphae. Digestion proceeds all the time that tubercles are growing and even in winter it is hard to find clearly defined hyphae. In a great majority of the cells cavities are filled with a granular mass of deeply staining material in midst of which persists a large nucleus. Endodermal sheath becomes densely filled with reserve, and the conducting tissue itself becomes blocked with deeply staining material. Tubercles persist in this condition throughout winter and early spring. Pyrola rotundifolia possesses tubers formed by inordinate radial increase in size of epidermal cells as result of fungal infection. At first the hyphae are intercellular but later they penetrate the cells and fill them ; the nuclei become hypertrophied and then disappear. A mantle is finally formed about the root (Kramai', 1899). Solanum: — Tuber formation of the potato, according to Ber- nard's early work (1901) is called forth by an endophytic fungus, Fusarhwi solani (later called Rhisoctonia solani). In pure culture with the fungus, tubers were freely produced while in soil that was little infested tubers were sparse. He said that, according to state- ments made by de l'Ecluse in 1601, when potato seed was first planted in Europe, flowering but not tuber-forming plants were pro- duced, so that to secure a crop of tubers, older tubers rather than seed had to be planted. Today, plants grown from seed produce tubers the first year because with general cultivation of the potato the fungus is widely distributed in the soil. Bernard noted still further (1902a) Kelley — 112 — Mycotrophy that tuber formation is not dependent on the fungus per se but to a certain sap concentration, for cuttings of potato plants placed in aqueous sugar solutions produced tubers. This discovery he at- tributed to Marchal. a critical concentration exists for each plant ; and Bernard thought that tuberisation in all cases depends directly upon a certain degree of concentration of cell sap. But ordinarily the habitual provider of this sap concentration is a fungal parasite {\902b), which produces the optimum concentration for diastasic ferments. Bernard grew the fungus, Fusarimn solani, in a macera- tion of potato sap and found it increased the sap concentration as indicated by a lowering of the freezing point. That tuber formation is connected with sap phenomena was in- dicated further by the work of Rolfs (1901), who found that small tubers were formed on the stem when a stricture was placed about the stem, either by the fungus or by artificial girdling, and the sap was prevented from flowing to the region of tuber formation. It may be noted incidentally that presence of glucose in concentrations of 1/100 to 1/10 mol. is termed essential to cell division and elongation in wheat roots (Burstrom, 1941). But Molliard (1915) found that even when the plant is placed in a sugar solution there was no tuber forma- tion until gaseous interchange (which increased sugar absorption) was suppressed. Magrou finds that normal tuberisation may be obtained glucose (also glycerine), in combination with action of light (Ann. d. Sci. Nat., Bot., XI, 5:135-136, 1944). Believing that tuber formation is always induced by fungi, Bernard (1911) investigated other plants and found that 6". Dulcamara and S. Maglia (the latter from Chile) also contained an endophyte. Janse (1897) had found the same for S. verbascifolium in Java. Magrou (1914) found furthermore that the endophyte of S. Dulcamara could induce tuber-formation in S. tuberosum, hence there is no necessarily specific endophyte ; and this observation was confirmed by Costantin (1935). Yet under cultivation the endophytic fungus is lost and the potato plant produces tubers without it (Magrou, 1921; Castan, 1941) ; and the suggestion is made that dunging destroys the fungus, — which still lives in the wild form, ^S. Maglia of Chile . With further study it was concluded that tuber formation in the potato is an "ac- quired habit" of the plant in cold climates, the climate having the same sort of action in tuber formation as the fungus ; for the potato in cold climates, either in high latitudes or in high altitudes, produces tubers normally whereas in warm climates this power is lost (Costan- tin, 1922). Potatoes grown at 1400 m. produces more tubers than those at 560 m. (Costantin, 1935a), a result confirming Lebard & Magrou ( 1935), who found that there is an altitude where the yield Lecture VIII — 113 — Mycodomatia is maximum. Miege (1936) found that refrigeration for not longer than 4-5 months restored vitality to the potato quite as well as a change in altitude. Loss of the endophyte in this fashion explains Jumelle's (1905) problem of why the isolated Fusariiim seemed to have little importance in tuberisation of 5". tuberosum and 6". Commersonii. In- deed, Castan (1941) concluded that a symbiotic fungus is not neces- sary to tuberisation, at least at low altitudes. These statements were modified somewhat by Costantin (1936). Thus, while tubers of cultivated potato do not contain symbiotic fungi, certain varieties contain mycorrhizal fungi just as the wild forms. Furthermore, while infestation is usually abundant, it may be sparse or completely lacking in certain individuals. Again, in late summer at high altitudes, small ("microscopic") tubers were formed in conjunction with symbiotic fungi that, left in the soil, spontaneously reproduce the plant ; but at lower altitudes the sym- biotic fungi are lacking and the tubers perish during the winter. This action was confirmed by Joseph (1935), who notes also that "micro- scopic" tubers dilTer in colour. Melampyrum: — M. prate use utilizes the humus of the moss, or grass, tussocks in which it lives through delicate protuberances or ab- sorptive organs produced from the roots. These protuberances were found actually growing intO' dead objects (Koch, 1887). Orobanche: — Henfrey (1849) suggested that the whole tuberous base of the plant is concerned in absorption, just as in orchids. Further studies of mycotrophy in this plant are awaited. Composites: — Molliard (1920) has been mentioned already for his work on radish and carrot : under similar sterile conditions he was able to induce tuber-formation in Dahlia, that is, under optimum con- ditions of sugar and COo supply. Swollen adventive roots were formed within 6 weeks, and Molliard concluded that "under favourable conditions" micro-organisms are not necessary to tuber formation, — although it is not explained how plants in nature are to secure flasks, sugar solutions and rubber stoppers as substitutes for the aforemen- tioned endophytes. An actinomycosis is described by Dufrenoy (1920) for Adenostyles, but he does not state definitely that there is an enlargement of the tissues. Juncus: — Tubers on Jimciis were mentioned by Chatin in 1856, also by Cameron in 1886, who found root-swellings likewise on Ruppia maritinia, R. rostella and Eriophorum vaginatiim. Weber Kelley — 114 — Mycotrophy (1884) made a detailed study of various J uncus plantlets and found them inhabited by a fungus and swollen into tubers the size of which depends on activity of the rush. The fungus is present only in radially enlarged cells of the periblem where it forms coils of reagent-resisting hyphae, and surrounds the nucleus; or hyphae penetrate to other cells. As in rust fungi, the hyphae are surrounded by a cellulose layer that is continuous with the membrane of the penetrated cell. Spores are formed by the fungus, which assume a barrel-shape and become surrounded with a thick dark wall. In winter, the mass of the former tuber in wet earth is full of ochre-yellow spores which germinate naturally in February. The fungus is considered to be Entorrhisa cypericola, placed in the Tilletiaceae. Grutter said that in /. Tenageia the fungus encloses tip of root, penetrates epidermis and forms special structures in it. The stele is much reduced. Lagerheim (1888) described E. digitata from /. articulatus in Switzerland. The roots were deformed into root galls and contained an abundance of yellow spores, and the fungus was extracted with difficulty. In the Black Forest, /. articulatus bore mycodomatia in very sandy and not too wet soil but they were absent from moor and loam soils, occurring in the uppermost soil horizon. Molinia: — This grass forms a "molinetum" on sterile sands of northern Germany and elsewhere, its rhizomes and interlaced roots acting as sand-binders. It overwinters as swollen basal nodes while the roots are endotrophic, never ectotrophic. A line drawing indicates fungal coils in inner cortical cells and a possible "sporangium", per- haps a vesicle. Data are presented on N content of tuberous rhizomes and seeds. Plants were grown for three months in culture solution and sand, and one plant at the end of the experiment was found with fungus-free root system, while its rhizome-base was filled with starch. Hence grasses must be examined in considerable numbers to determine true extent of infection for some, like Molinia, may be facultatively mycotrophic (von Tubeuf, 1903). Gyperus: — Magnus (1879) described a fungus, Schinsia cyper- icola, living in roots of C. flavescens. Through its activity the root swells into a simple tuber or, if the roots branch, into a branched tuberous body. In Schoenus ferrugineus there are mycodomatia containing normal fungal hyphae (Renner, 1935). Asparagus: — Root nodules of Asparagus have been described in Japanese by Fujita (1940). Lecture VIII — 115 — Mycodomatia Allium: — In an extended study of A. roseum, Capelletti (1931) isolated a fungal endophyte which he referred to Rhizoctonia. Orchids: — Tuber formation of orchids was described by Fabre in 1855 but interest in its significance dates from Bernard (1902). The latter found, as in potato, the causal fungus is Fusarium {Rhizoc- tonia), and that tuber formation takes place very early in develop- ment of the plant ; yet the tuber itself, at least the parenchymatous in- terior, remains fungus-free. Beau (1914) also said that in the adult plant, tuberisation may take place without fungal invasion. Bernard found a retardation of development in the orchid plant which goes hand in hand with nodule formation and storing of food-stuff, and to him it seemed the result of a sort of poisoning caused by the endo- phyte. So long as the plant is free from infection there is active growth of leaves, flowers and fruits ; but tubers are formed only after en- trance of fungus. Later (1909), Bernard classified orchids as facultatively mycotrophic (as in epiphytic members) and constant mycotrophs. According to Burgeff (1910), the fungus is found in roots and protocorms of almost all orchid plants. Gallaud (1905) classified orchid tubers in Series Four, and stated that the endophyte is intracellular and produces coils (pelotons) which sometimes remain inactive (host-cells) or are digested (digestion cells). A curious condition was described by Barsali (1921) in which two horizontal tubers are formed in addition to the ordinary ones, the former tubers supposedly making use of humus of the top-soil. LECTURE IX STRUCTURE OF MYCORRHIZAE The Kinds of Mycorrhizae: — With insight which characterized his work, Frank early stated that there are two principal sorts of mycorrhizae, the coralloid sort found with forest trees, and the endo- trophic which he illustrated from ericads. That general distinction into basidio- and phycomycete types is found to hold generally good. Yet it must be remembered that mycorrhizae are formed primarily by the higher symbiont and that their form is determined by the vas- cular plant producing it: the fungus is of secondary significance. One fungus or another, or several fungi together, may invade the root, but the mycorrhizal form will be essentially the same in all cases : its form is characteristic for the higher symbiont rather than for the fungus. This fact is emphasized by Woodroof (1933) whO' says: ". . . it is seen that the influence of the fungus in the gross morphology of mycorrhizal roots is slight. The presence of the fungus is to all outward appearances merely incidental." Mycorrhizal Compared with Non-Mycorrhizal Roots: — Not all the rootlets of a mycorrhizal plant are necessarily mycorrhizal, and a distinction must be made in the case of woody plants between long-roots or "roots of extension" that grow rapidly through the soil, and short-roots or small laterals which serve principally for intake of materials from the soil. Woodroof (I.e.) calls attention to the fact that not all short-roots are infected and that short-roots are not started by the endophyte but, being formed, are invaded. The struc- ture, whether invaded or not, is the same in both cases as regards gross morphology. Long-roots are considered to be fungus-free, and when short-roots are likewise uninfected they usually bear root-hairs ; but if infected by symbiotic fungi, the short-roots become shortened and swollen in their development. Yet Hatch (1937) presents some evidence to indicate that mycorrhizal fungi stimulate their growth and thereby increase the absorbing surface areas. The rootlet that bears mycorrhizae is called a mother-root (following Noelle, 1910) : the mother-root may renew its apical growth and extend out into the soil as a pioneer-root. To illustrate, a simple mycorrhiza is a mother-root bearing a very few elongate laterals ; a coralloid mycor- Lecture IX — 117— Structure rhiza is a mother-root plus small coral-branched short-roots. But in the case of annual plants or biennials, any of the secondary roots may be infected, or even the adventitious roots ; while in several plants with aerial roots, these are turned into mycorrhizae. External Form: — The form of a mycorrhiza is characteristic for each species of plant and generally the form is constant for a genus and even for a family. Thus, all cupulifers have a coralloid sort of mycorrhiza ; Jitglans have simple, and Acer have necklace- beaded mycorrhizae. Yet it must be noted that Melin (1925) states that mycorrhizal form is greatly influenced by the sort of salts present in the soil. The least complex form is the simple mycorrhiza which consists of elongate monopodia! rootlets such as occur in Liriodendron, Coriuis and Fraxinus. As described by Melin from pine heaths, simple mycorrhizae may grow to 10 mm. length and 0.2 mm. diameter, and are ordinarily without root-hairs. Apparent root-hairs on simple mycorrhizae may on inspection turn out to be fungal setae, which often simulate epidermal outgrowths. The coralloid mycorrhiza is said by Ulbrich (1924) to have been first described by Hartig in 1851. It is branched freely like coral, the "mother-root" bearing numerous short branches that, in compari- son with the simple mycorrhiza, may grow to 1 mm. or more length and 0.4 mm. diameter; i.e., they are short and thick. They are well seen in pines, oaks, birches, and in the German are called "Gabel- mykorrhizen", a shrub-like sort of structure. The racemose mycorrhiza, as found in spruce and other forest trees, is formed by lateral rootlets branching monopodially in two rows upon a main axis. When coral-branches cluster thickly at one place to form a sort of "witch's broom", the cluster is called a rhisothamnion; or, in the German, a "Buschel". Rhizothamnia are seen on pine (Muller, 1902) and oak, and are said to be characteristic for Casuarinas (MiEHE, 1918). Or, the cluster of short dense branches formed by dichotomy may be weft about with mycelium to form a nodulous lump called a tuberous mycorrhiza, or in the German, a "KnoUen- mykorhiza". It is not truly a nodule, neither a tuber ; and is said to have been first observed by Muller on Pinus montana. Pearl-necklace mycorrhizae are formed in yet a different way. They commence as ordinary racemose mycorrhizae or perhaps as widely spaced coral-branches but through intermittent growth succes- sive additions are made and a constriction is left between each two additions. Thus are developed the "pearl-necklace" beads so charac- teristic of Acer, and found in various other plants. Such mycorrhizae may be found on Pinus virginiana when the latter grows in droughty Kelley — 118 — Mycotrophy soil, and doubtless in most if not all cases this sort of mycorrhiza is associated with intermittent growth. Pseudomycorrhizae : — Infection of a short-root by a fungus does not necessarily result in formation of a mycorrhiza, for there are many cases in which the infecting fungus is a parasite. Such "false mycor- rhizae" had long been observed but were named "pseudomycorrhizae" by Melin (1917), who observed them on pine and spruce growing in Swedish moors. The pseudomycorrhiza is thinner and simple, or sometimes monopodially branched, in pine ; the hyphae are intracellu- lar and penetrate even the meristem, and must be considered para- sitic. Melin thought that Holler's "ectotrophic mycorrhiza" was the same as a pseudomycorrhiza. Latham, Doak & Wright (1939) said that under field conditions most non-mycorrhizal short-roots of pine become pseudomycorrhizae, thus reducing the absorbing surface of the roots and their ability to take up mineral nutrients. Pseudomycorrhizae are thin and lack the basal constriction that marks the mycorrhiza; then, too, mycorrhizae are usually lighter in colour than the mother root, at least when young, whereas the pseudomycorrhiza is dark in colour. The Colours of Mycorrhizae: — In earlier days some attention was paid to colours of mycorrhizae: Thus, Mangin (1910) cites Querciis with white and rose-coloured ones, Fagus with yellow and blue. McDouGALL (1914) presented a classification of mycorrhizae based in part on colour, vis.: bright yellow, brown, white. Masui (1926) said there are three types of ectotrophic mycorrhizae on roots of Alnus firma var. Sieboldiana, — white, yellow and dark. A yellow colour of the root is characteristic of mycorrhizae of potato (Magrou, BouGET & Segretain, 1943). Two things influence mycorrhizal colour, viz. age, and the fungal symbiont. In general, young mycorrhizae are light in colour, often a pure glistening white ; and they become darker as they grow older until they usually turn brown, although very old mycorrhizae may be black. But a black pine mycorrhiza may split its sheath and produce a white tip of renewed growth under favourable conditions. Or, a black colour may be given the mycorrhiza by a fungus long known but more recently described as Mycelium radicis nigrostrigosum, which usually develops strands of hyphae from the surface. Other fungi may cause other colours, as yellow, reddish or pale violet ; but as the mycorrhiza grows older these colours tend to disappear. Lecture IX —119— Structure The Exterior Surface: — Phycomycete and simple mycorrhizae are usually smooth of surface and lack visible mycelial coating, while coralloid mycorrhizae are often shaggy with hyphae. In the latter, when the hyphae are densely interwoven they form a mantle that is weft as closely as a tissue and when young may have a white satiny surface, but when older becomes "fuzzy" with free hyphal ends. Peyronel (1922) termed this mantle a micoclena, or it would perhaps be better written "mycoclena", Greek for fungus-mantle; while ZiEGENSPECK (1929) Called it a mycoderm, when it is a pseudotissue. In both the smooth and the shaggy mycorrhizae there are doubtless numerous hyphae that extend into the soil, passing from the soil cer- tain materials into the interior of the root. Such hyphae have been ap- propriately called Communication-hyphae. Being delicate, they are inevitably broken in removing the mycorrhiza from the soil and could be observed directly, if at all, only by some "glass-plate" method. Communication-hyphae are the "root-hairs" of a mycorrhiza. But oftentimes the fungus produces short setose hyphae that project evenly from surface of the mycorrhiza and simulate root- hairs, — except that of course root-hairs are not developed from a mycorrhiza, neither are they formed on a root-cap! Yet Gordon (1936) describes and figures "root-hairs" over tip of a mycorrhizal short-root. Presence of setae over apex of the rootlet or mycorrhiza is indicative of their hyphal origin, and close examination with high- power stereoscopic binocular microscope shows continuation of the seta with a close-weft mantle hypha. Woodroof (1933) describes pecan mycorrhizae with three sorts of setae on the surface, — flask- shaped with long necks, with short necks, or stellate with intermixed spines. Mangin (1910) also described and figured setae, as hairs dilated at the base and tapered regularly to a point, — length 100-150 /x, diameter 5-6 jn at base. Or, hyphae may coalesce on or near the surface of the mycorrhiza to form strands known as rhizomorphs which are similar to, but usually smaller than, the rhizomorphs found in soil or under bark of dead trees. It is quite possible that root-hairs and setose hyphae are present simultaneously on a root, and fungal infection may be through root- hairs; or it may occur directly through the epidermal wall. Root- hairs are not developed, usually, to any extent on a plant provided with mycorrhizae; yet their presence depends to a considerable extent upon the soil in which the plant is growing, for in a forest the roots will be mostly turned into mycorrhizae whereas in cultivated soil root-hairs are more to be expected. Acid humus is not favourable to growth of root-hairs, and when such are formed in so unfavourable Kelley 120- Mycotrophy an environment they are apt to be crumpled, shortened and otherwise indicative of an untoward environment. These considerations again show the casual nature of the mycorrhizal relationship. The Mycorrhizal Apex: — The effect of habitat on rootlet is perhaps never better shown than in the root-cap region. In aquatic roots where there is little resistance to apical growth, the apex may be freely exposed ; or, if there is a root-cap as in Eichhornia, it grows to "'^'^:^-^!: ■■^•':-r--ii,-n; late autumn. The proportion of cells in the active mycelial condition or undergoing digestion at any given moment varies with the time of year, the age of the root, and possibly also with the season and other external factors." Phagocytosis in Ectotrophic Mycorrhizae: — Laing (1923) makes the statement that there is no evidence of digestion in ecto- pic. 15. — Portion of a longitudinal section through a mycorrhiza of Pferidiitm aquilinum, showing a plasmoptyse stage in breaking down of hyphae (Re- drawn from LoHMAN, Univ. Iowa Studies in Nat. Hist, V. 9, pi. II, fig. 10). trophic mycorrhizae of conifers. But the whole question of ecto- trophism remains in doubt for if it is true, as Melin (1923) re- marked, that in older researches the delicate intracellular hyphae may Kelley — 172 — Mycotrophy have been overlooked, then there is nO' such thing as a true ectotrophic mycorrhiza with the mycehum closely surrounding the rootlet but not penetrating its cells. Were such a mantled root to exist as in- dicated, then mycotrophy in such a case would inevitably consist in a provision of the higher plant with materials taken directly from the soil (since the higher plant is otherwise isolated from the soil by felted hyphae) while the fungus would gain nothing except a con- genial site for mantling its hyphae. But if the "ectotrophic" mycor- rhiza actually has hyphae extending into the host-plant's cells, then its mycotrophism is the same as for other sorts of mycorrhizae, namely a mycotrophic phagocytosis. In the absence of definite in- formation our judgment must remain suspended ; yet we can make one incidental observation, that free-hand sections are useless for my- corrhizal study and researches based on this method are necessarily invalidated. If we distinguish a mycorrhiza as "ectotrophic" when it possesses an Hartig net and ignore the question of infection or non-infection, then the cases described by Melin as ectendotrophic may be utilized for this category. In Larix (Melin, 1922&), three phases of mycor- rhizal formation are distinguished: {!) The fungus penetrates in- tracellularly into the roots and forms individual hyphae or knots; (2) then the intracellular hyphae are digested and the mycelium pene- trates intercellularly, while {3) finally the fungus lives almost ex- clusively externally and the mycorrhiza becomes mainly "ectotrophic". In Pinus sylvestris and Picea Abies (Melin 1922a) the hyphae grow principally in the interior of the cortical cells where they form a pseudoparenchyma of the same appearance as in the fungal mantle of the completely developed mycorrhiza. Later the Hartig net and the fungal mantle are formed. In Betula and Populus, Melin (1923) described the mycorrhiza as consisting of (i) an hyphal mantle; (2) a "palisade" layer in which there is an Hartig net and intracellular hyphae of two sorts : (a) Haustorial hyphae which are very thin (1 /*) and grow in a tortuous course: they are seldom septate, are plasm-poor and some- times fragment while at other times they form grape-like bodies. {h) Protein (Eiweiss) hyphae may attain 10 /u, thickness. They extend longitudinally in the palisade cells and grow into neighbouring digestion cells or penetrate several palisade cells. They are at first very rich in plasm and protein and contain several (up to 8) large (3 /i) nuclei which have apparently 12 chromosomes. They seldom branch, (i) Digestion layer, which is bounded by an endodermis provided with tannin and starch wherein is no infection. Lecture XII 173 — Mycotrophic Phagocytosis Melin concluded: "The anatomical structure shows that the higher symbiont suffers no injury from the fungal hyphae. Quite the contrary, some of the hyphae are later digested, whereby the higher symbiont obtains some nutrient while the fungus, through its haus- torial hyphae, derives some nutrient-material from the higher sym- biont. Finally, a nutrient-interchange takes place between the Hartig- net and the palisade layer which long keeps both tissues alive". These descriptions inform us of the ectotrophic (or ectendo- trophic, if we choose) mycorrhizae in Sweden. From the other polar Fig. 16. — Some cells from mycorrhizal cortex of Fraxinus americana, in which the fungal reserve, which overwintered, is largely broken down and partaking of a plasma stain. Note enlarged nuclei. extreme, from the Cape of South Africa, comes an exactly similar report. Smith & Pope (1934) state with reference to mycorrhizae of Eucalyptus: All the main internal features (the layered mantle, the palisade-like epidermal cells with "Hartig-net" mycelium) are paralleled in Melin's descriptions of other tree mycorrhizae. The fungus is usually present inside cells of epidermal layer and the outermost cortical layer but rarely occurs in any deeper layer. Intra- Kelley — 174 — Mycotrophy cellular digestion of hyphae is exhibited with a clarity unusual in tree mycorrhizae. Endrigkeit (1937) says that at no time is there intracellular digestion in Pinus. In the monograph on mycotrophy in Pinus (Hatch, 1937), we learn nothing of the method of intake of nutrient, the mechanism of intake, or of possible phytophagy. Limitation of Endophyte: — Confinement of the endophyte to a certain region of the mycorrhiza is a common observation. It was the basis of the early distinction between ecto- and endotrophic my- corhizae, the former having the endophyte supposedly confined to the epidermis of the host. In those mycorrhizae in which hyphae pene- trate internally, Frank (1885) observed that they never go beyond the innermost cortex of cupulifers that are invaded. In fruit-trees the hyphae penetrate three-fourths of the distance through the cortex (BouLET, 1910). In Olea the "prosporidi" are localized in an inter- nal zone of large cells of cortical parenchyma (Petri, 1908). Mc- DouGALL (1914), in studying forest trees of Illinois, found that the central cylinder is never invaded ; while Taxus in France is said (Prat, 1926) to keep the fungus out of stelar tissues by a layer of "tannin" in the endodermis. In Eucalyptus the fungus is found in epidermis and outer cortex but rarely deeper (Smith & Pope, 1934). Of particular interest, remarked Noell (1910), are cases like Cun- ninghamia in which hyphae penetrate only a few certain cell-layers without any reason being apparent why they should not invade all the cortical cells. Even the fossil tree, Ainyelon, shows the central cylinder never penetrated (Halket, 1930). Such phenomena were freely recorded by Janse (1897), whose work is characterized by so much admirable detail : In Ophioderma, sporangioles are found in third layer of cortex only while in Lecan- orchis it is the second layer that is invaded, and in Dendrobium all layers except the last are penetrated. In Burmannia the layer next the endodermis is exempt while in Aronychia the hyphae never invade the innermost cortical cells, which are filled with "tannin". In Elaeo- carpus, invasion is to the mediocortex only while in Michelia invasion is confined to certain points in the cortex, and resin canals are never penetrated. So, too, in Dysoxylon the secretory canals are never invaded. Limitation in Orchids and other Herbs: — Besides the orchids named by Janse, the following may be cited: In Ccntrosis it is the mid-cortex to which the endophyte penetrates and the inner cortex and the central cylinder are always free from infestation (Arcu- Lecture XII — 175 ^ Mycotrophic Phagocytosis LARius, 1928). In Pogonia the fungus seems never to penetrate deeper than the inner cortical cells (Carlson, 1938). In Neottia the 3-4 outer layers of cortex are infested (Magnus, 1900) while the fungus never penetrates the central cylinder which, said Magnus, ''seems a remarkable localization". Pittman (1929) found that the fungus never penetrated Rliisantliclla tubers. Ames, who saw (1922) that the vascular tract of Goodyera is never invaded, remarked (1921) that certain areas of the orchid root {sic) seem able to repel advance of the fungus; and "it is as if there were some fungicidal capacity in the cells of the root structure that restricts the fungus to a limited area." Some other herbs may be mentioned : Thus, O'Brien & Naughton (1928) found the fungus in localized patches of inner cortex in Fragaria; and Treub (1885) said that in Sacchariim the central cylinder is never invaded. For the ferns the same condition obtains : In the sporophyte of Botrychium, at a definite distance from the epidermis, the fungus branches copiously and forms sporangioles while the vascular tissue is free. In the gametophyte the outer cells are at first invaded but become fungus-free, which is the condition of the apex and reproductive organs at all times. In Ophioglossum prothalli the inner cells are fungus-infested while the outer are free (Bruchmann, 1904; Lang, 1902). In Lycopodium the fungus is present in epidermis of prothallus only (Hollo way, 1920), or at most 1-2 outer cell layers (Goebel, 1887). Supposed limitation of endophytic invasion by what are called tannin deposits does not occur, for the endophyte can freely invade such cells. Incidentally it may be remarked that Woodroof (1933) found tannin formed in cold weather and present in both mycor- rhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots.* Limitation in Hepatics : — Every report on the hepatics indicates a definite localization of the endophyte. Thus, in Conocephalus the fungus is limited to a zone of central tissue (Beauverie, 1902), while GoLENKiN (1902) reports that in a number of liverworts the hyphae are confined to a compact ventral tissue. In the New Zealand liverwort Monoclea the fungus is found in a sharply defined zone and does not occur in the growing point (Cavers, 1903). In Marchantia the fungus is limited to a zone beneath the air cavities (Chaudhuri, 1925), while in Lumdaria the endophyte is present in a band of tissue (Emberger, 1924; Nicolas, 1924) along the midrib (Ridler, 1923). Ridler *MacDougal & DuFRENOY State that decompensated respiration results in polymerization of the quinoids into gummy masses, the presence of which forms a barrier to tlie extension of hyphae (Plant Physiol. 21 :1-10, 1946). Kelley — 176 — Mycotrophy (1922) said that the fungus occurs in a definite zone along the ventral midrib of Pellia and that the hepatic seems to exercise control over the fungus. According to Magrou (1925) the fungus degenerates about the archegonia and sporogonia, which seem to exert an inhibitory influence upon growth. Auret (1930) found further that the endophyte does not penetrate gemma-cups and archegonia of Liinu- laria. Moreover, in Seivardiella (Chalaud, 1932) the fungus is checked by active meristematic cells and the bulb is immune. Limitation in Root Apices: — From all published accounts the mycorrhizal apex is free from infection. To give some examples : No hyphae were found in the vegetative point of Hippophae (Arcu- LARius, 1928) ; the root tip of Vitis is never invaded (Petri, 1907), nor the apical meristem of Taxus (Prat, 1934) ; while in pecan only occasionally does the fungus enter cells of the growing tip (Wood- ROOF, 1933), In Neottia the fungus is always found a short distance back of the growing point (Drude, 1873), while in Philesia the fungus penetrates tO' within 10-12 zone cells behind the apex (Mac- farlane, 1897). Young roots of Paris are fungus-free 1.5 cm. from the root-apex (Schlicht, 1889). In Monotropa the fungus diminishes toward the apex (Kamienski, 1884) ; it does not enter the meristematic zone of Dipodium (McLuckie, 1922) ; and the root- tip of Thismia is fungus-free (Pfeiffer, 1914). The fungus is sel- dom closer than 3-4 mm. of the root-tip of Corallorhiza (Thomas, 1893) ; in Angiopteris and other ferns the endophyte is absent from the root-tip (West, 1917). Limitation in Long Roots : — It is well-known that the long roots of extension are fungus-free. Thus Gibelli (1883) said that in Castanea the long, rapidly growing roots are free from infection, while in Cacao the long roots are specifically stated by Pyke (1935) to be fungus-free, and they are rarely infected in Taxus (Prat, 1926). Limitation in Green Tissues: — Magrou (1925) noticed that when hyphae invade cells of Pellia containing chlorophyll, the latter is destroyed; and Ridler (1922) also observed that chloroplasts dis- appear in Pellia on fungal invasion. Conversely, where chloroplasts exist there are no fungi: Thus, Bolleter (1905) found that green plants of Conocephalus showed no infection while neither starch nor chlorophyll bodies occurred in infested cells. Again, in Lunidaria, chlorophyll tissue is never invaded (Emberger, 1924) ; and indeed, GoLENKiN (1902) had said that in liverworts infested cells never contain starch or chlorophyll. Moreover, where Orchis incarnata roots Lecture XII — 177 — Mycotrophic Phagocytosis were exposed to light, chlorophyll developed on the upper (lighted) portion and here there was no infection, but in the lower (shaded) portion chlorophyll was absent and the endophyte was present (BuRGEs, 1939). This observation had been anticipated by Janse (1897), who noted that Lecanorchis cells were fungus-free when they contained chlorophyll. Mollison (1943) suggested a loss of fungal vitality after a length of time, to explain failure of fungus to penetrate where chlorphyll is developed. Summary of Limitation: — The sum of all these observations is as follows : The invading endophyte is kept out of mycotrophic plant tissues (-?) at a definite distance from stelar tissues of vascular plants ; (2) from the growing apex of the root, never occurring in a meriste- matic tissue; (i) from all chlorophyll tissues, which of course con- tain active plastid bodies; and (4) from reproductive bodies such as gemmae-cups, or archegonia of liverworts. Or to sum up these categories into a single one, the endophyte is kept from all places where active physico-chemical processes occur. They are kept out by what has been aptly called a brutal phagocytosis. The Starch Relation: — One more link in a chain of evidence must be presented, namely, the fungus-starch relation. Briefly, fungus and starch stand in inverse relationship, for where the fungus is present no starch exists, for the fungus utilizes the starch as it pro- gresses. Many examples may be cited: Boulet (1910) found that starch disappears from fruit tree mycorrhizae when fungus is present ; RuGGiERi (1937), that starch vanishes from sporangiole cells of Amygdalus; Endrigkeit (1937) noted similar disappearance of starch from Rhamnus; Figdor (1897), from Cotylanthera; Issat- schenko (1913), from Tribulus; and Jennings (1898), from Coral- lorhiza. Starch disappears from Dipodiiim mycorrhizae soon after penetration of hyphae (McLuckie, 1922) ; the fungus uses starch in Centrosis (Arcularius, 1928) ; penetration of hyphae in Orchis is followed by dissolution of the starch (Fuchs, 1924) ; on the entrance of the fungus into Pogonia the starch begins to disappear (Carlson, 1938). Burgeff (1909) had said that the orchid fungi dissolve out starch as they go, a statement anticipated by Schacht in 1854. On the other hand, Kusano (1911) stated that in Gastrodia starch disappears from all mycorrhizal cells of the cortex but reappears in the inner (third region) after cessation of metabolic activity. In the innermost cells of Ophioglossurn prothallus the fungus is alasent and cells are full of starch. In Botrychium the apex and reproductive Kelley — 178 — Mycotrophy organs (being fungus-free) are full of starch, which occurs nowhere else. In Lycopodium, infected cells contain oil rather than starch (Bruchmann, 1906), while in Pellia (Ridler, 1922) the fungus uses starch "which is replaced by oil after entrance of fungus". Again, in higher plants it is found that "Whereas in non-infested roots the starch is deposited indiscriminately, in those colonized by mycorrhizae it preponderates in the cells free from mycelium" (Endrigkeit, 1937). Added evidence that carbohydrates are used by the fungus is provided by Bjorkman (1944) whose experiments show that pine on being "strangled" by a wire placed 5 cm. above the ground level formed almost no mycorrhizae while the amount of soluble car- bohydrate in the roots dwindled. Bjorkmann believed that mycor- rhizal form is largely conditioned by an excess of soluble carbohy- drate in the roots. The fungus can use only a readily soluble carbo- hydrate like glucose, as shown by Melin & Norrkrans (1942). Magrou has found that formation of potato tubers is conditioned by the osmotic pressure of sugar within the cell. In nature, it is the mycorrhizal fungus which ordinarily changes starch of the plant cell into sugar. "Ce processus de dislocation des parties colloidales du protoplasme a ete designe par Errera sous le nom d'anatomose" (Ann. d. Sci. nat. Bot., XI, 4:97-102, 1943). Rexhausen (1920) has summed up the matter by saying that the fungus takes carbohydrates from the plant in the form of sugar. Thus sugar is obviously obtained by use of the plant's reserve starch. Or, as MacDougal & Dufrenoy (1944) state : "Hydrolyzation prod- ucts of polyuronides, of starch, and of other dififusible compounds may be absorbed by the fungus." At the same time Young's (1940) objection must be taken into account : "The concept of the higher plant obtaining carbohydrate from its fungus symbiont is in direct contradiction to the unsupported but generally assumed theory that the mycorrhizal fungi obtain carbo- hydrate from the tree roots as their share of the symbiotic relation- ship. The hymenomycetous fungi which form the mycorrhizas are, however, quite capable of obtaining their own carbohydrate supply from the breakdown of organic matter. This is evidenced by their vigorous growth on raw organic substrata and is supported by the ex- perimentally proved fact that one of the major functions of the fungi associated with orchid roots is to supply carbohydrate to the higher plant." The solution of this problem would seem to lie in this, that the fungus "dissolves" starch as it invades the tissues of the higher plant, and releases later to the higher plant whatever it has brought from the soil on phagocytosis. The action would seem to be in both cases mechanical. Lecture XII — ^179— Mycotrophic Phagocytosis Conclusion: — The explanation of these phoenomena remains for the future. Certainly there is an underlying cause. Meanwhile, certain facts may be pointed out. (1) It is already established that there is a difference between the included content of stele and cortex. MacDougal & Dufrenoy (1943) state: "The pericycle and endodermis layers in the root mark the boundary between two contrasted t}'pes of tissues ; those in the stele rich in phosphorus linkages which may be described as energy-rich, and able to counterbalance the oxidase activity, and those in the cortex, relatively poor in such linkages, and rich in catechol and in catechol oxidase. Fungi . . . never transgress beyond the endodermis into the stele." Further, these authors state : "Oxidase activity seems to be higher in the cortex of the pine root (whether previous to mycorrhizal infestation or after) than it is in the stele. Such a difference should play a role in controlling selective permeability : anions, with their negative charge, should be carried from the site of higher activity, to that of the lower. The tissues of the stele, from their meristematic stage, maintain a low oxidase level, by retaining a high level of phosphoric complexes, acting as dehydro- genases. This condition enables them to trap such anions as (H0PO4) or (HPOJ". (2) Another fact is, that the hypha which penetrates into the cor- tex develops branches at a certain point to form an arbuscle. Such proliferation is ordinarily the result of introducing an hypha into an hypertonic solution of ions. We may note that Burges (1939) had already noticed that during early stages of infection hyphae are capable of further growth but that as histological changes become apparent the fungus gradually loses its vitality. "The intracellular arbuscles cannot be interpreted as assimilatory organs, since they are digested as they form and show no indication of hyphal develop- ment from their terminal branches, but rather as proliferations induced by the growth-promoting stimuli of the cell-sap" (End- RiGKEiT, 1937). VuiLLEMiN, in reviewing Galea ud's work, said that arbuscles are less a characteristic production of the endophyte and more a result of the reaction of the host-cells to invasion by a foreign body. Magrou (1939) saw incipient arbuscle for- mation with endophyte of Arum, on addition of aneurin. Demeter (1923) had found with endophyte of Vinca that peculiar stuntings of growth, called forth by different concentrations of sugar and special sorts of sugar, recall arbuscle formation. Kelley — 180 — Mycotrophy (3) The hyphae break down. By dissociation of complexes in the cell-sap, free H-ions are left in solution. These ions, acting on the fungal arbuscle or the undifferentiated hypha, cause it to break down and extrude its plasm into the host-cell. Demeter (1923) had shown the breaking down of hyphae in vitro at an optimum acidity of 0.025N HCl. This concept is in agreement with Magrou (1921), who said that the fungus is limited to certain parts of the plant through toxic constituents of the cell-sap. It is also indicated by Hatch's (1937) statement that susceptibility to infection by mycor- rhizal fungi is apparently controlled indirectly by the internal concen- tration of nutrient elements in short-roots. These "toxic substances" are apparently ions normally present and not special humoral bodies. RouTiEN & Dawson (1944) suggest an increased H-ion output in the mycorrhiza, arising from carbonic acid, but leave unsettled the ques- tion of its origin. (4) The fungal material is digested. The presence of proteolytic enzymes enables the host's digestion-cell to utilize the extrav- asated plasm of the fungus. Hitherto the hypha was utilizing the host's substance; but now the host gets back not only what it had previously lost but all that the fungus brought in from the soil. In this sense there is a total intake of mineral salts, organic substances and water by the mycorrhiza, but all combined as protoplasm of the fungus. (5) The digestion-area is strictly localized. Since the ionizable sub- stances which pass from the stele to the cortex are subject to definite physical laws, the rate of diffusion is specific for a given sort of plant, being conditioned by the nature of the substances through which diffusion must take place. For this reason, phagocytosis must neces- sarily be limited to a certain region of the cortex. "I think," said Emberger (1924), "that localization of infection is conditioned by differences of osmotic pressure." The apical meristem and other growing points are richly supplied with ionizable substance by the flow of liquid materials into such regions. Through these rich supplies, actively growing tissues can readily repel the endophyte by breaking it down at a distance from the meristem to which the ionizable substances extend. Chloroplasts in green tissues and perhaps leucoplasts in tubers probably exert a similar influence. (6) The mechanism of phogocytosis is apparently ionic. A plant is not static, and the more active its growth the more ionizable material it will have at its disposal, and the more certainly will the fungus be destroyed in its tissues. Hence it may be understood what Reed Lecture XII 181 — Mycotrophic Phagocytosis & Fremont (1935) discovered when they applied stable manure or cover crops to plots of Citrus and found that the trees seemed to develop resistance to the fungus, a resistance which untreated trees seemed to lack. In the treated trees they found that the cytoplasm of the host-cell enveloped arbuscles of the fungus with apparent active proteolysis. It is evident that with better conditions of growth the Citrus trees had more H-ion at their disposal for breaking down of the fungus. In this connection likewise may be cited the writer's (1944) studies of chestnut, sprouts of American chestnut having little resistance to blight whereas seedlings have decided resistance. More- over, seedlings under better conditions of growth in a natural wood- land are more resistant than seedlings in the open. Resistance to the fungus is once again, in these observed cases, correlated with vigorous growth. "One seems justified in concluding that the mycorrhizal fungi, both ectophytic and endophytic, are potential parasites controlled by reactions of the host-cells" (Burges, 1936). Lacking sufficient ioniz- able substance, the tissue is parasitized and progressively destroyed. Possessing requisite ions the tissue breaks down the fungus. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aali Bedr Chan, T. (1923) : Ueber die Mycorrhiza der Buche. AUg. Forst -u. Jagdztg. 99 :25-31 ; 41-52. Addoms, R. M. & F C. 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In fig. 7, the outer cortical cells are shown filled with a mycotrophic content ; in fig. 8, a septate mycelium ; in fig. 9, a mass of yellowish matter sur- rounded by hyphae; in fig. 10, young cellular tissue containing pelote and intact nucleus. Further stages, and development of coralloid mycorrhizome, were illustrated in Plate 18. {Repro- duced from Ann. d. sci. nat. : Bot., 4 me. ser. vol. 5, pi. 17, 1856) ;: (/:■.'• i-i-:/i'\ /if/,' . ^'JcJU' /liK' ■ J',i,;i . ,'> / / il \j b^'i J , i- v\ \ 1. J ///; -i^; 20 V- i^ .•"•V/. /'ri'^^er/.T Je/ . ^-?r-' /■,■./'.../« j-<- Jjei'e/tYY>c//T O- /'''!/ J /'}J-'r<'.'i/< :',.' Fnj.h' Plate 3. — The plate which accompanied Frank's epochal paper. All of the figures except 4 and 7 are to illustrate mycorrhizae of Carpinits Befitlus, the other two being of Fagns sylvatica. The mycotrophic enlargement of the rootlets, and mantle of hyphae are well shown; and the sections neatly indicate ectotrophic structure. (Ber. deut. hot. Gesell., vol. 3, pi. 10). Plate 4. — Effect of mycorrhizae on plant growth. "Two beds of seedlings of a Himalayan species of pine, Pinus longifolia, from the same sowing in northern Rhodesia. Further bed inocu- lated with soil containing a mycorrhiza-forming fungus for the species from a vigorous plantation of this pine at a station in Southern Rhodesia 1000 miles distant; nearer bed untreated." (From a photograph kindly loaned by Dr. R.wxf.r). Plate 5.— Photomicrograph of a portion of a fossil mycorrhizome of Sclera ptcris UUnnicnsis. In the large cortical cell are hyphae and bodies that arc considered as vesicles. {After Andrews and Lexz in Torr. Bull. 70:122, 1943). INDICES Subject Index Acid soil 5,62,63,69,78,83,85 Actinomycosis 113 Adventive roots 57,108,117 Aeration 104 Aerial organs 68,101,102,117.130 Africa 59 Alder 31,54,56,72 Algae 17,24 Alkaline soil 5,69,73,78,83.85 Alpine 57,93 Altitude 80,86,112 .\luminium plants 69.70 Ammonia content of soil 70 Anatomy 84 .\neurin 10,160,180 Annuals 80,82,117,137 Antheridia 23 Apetalae 30 Apex 22,82,92,99, Arbuscle 3,9,85,93,109,125,129,107,179 Archegonia 23,92,93,170 Arctic 57 Aridity 74,88 Arthrophytes 14,21 Ascomycete 40,97 Asia 60 Asparagin 76 Aspen 74 Asymbiosis 104.10S.110 Asymbiotic germination 7,142.143 Australia 63 Austria 58 Autotrophic 39,153 .Vuxonc 10 Bactf,ri.\ 23,24,,105,106,107, 108,109 Baltic States 56 Basidiomycete 38,116,142 Beech 31,40,,121,148 Bjciikmann's hypothesis 157 Bohemia 58 Brazil 64 British Isles 55 Bryophytes 18 Bulb 104 Cacti 74 Calcareous soil 69 Calcium salts 154 Canada 65 Carbohydrate 144,152,158,178 Carbon dioxide 79,155,158 Carbon hypothesis 10,146,158,1.^9.178 Carbon supply to embryo 145 Carbonic acid 10 Carvopsis 8,63,101 Central U.S.A. 66 Ceylon 60 Chaparral 59,67 Chile 64 Chlorophyll tissue 92,93,176 Chlorosis 28 Clay 67,69,74,93 Climatic influence 7 Clof 3,18,93,98,100,127,105 Coal-ball 47 Cold, effect of 82 Colours of mycorrhizae 118 Communication hyphae 119,150,156,163 Composts 89 Conifer 23,25,56,62,63,76,81,88,149,171.177 Consortium 23,30 Coralloid 24,41,09,72,99,108,109.110,117,127, 131 Corm 104 Cortex 20,23,29,49,50,51,75,82,83,95,99,101, 104,105,106,108,109,110,123,130,132,157, 167,174 Croatia 58 Cryptogams 40,61 Culture experiment 139,149,160 Degeneration 7,142 Denmark 55 Diarch bundle 51 Dichotomy 6 Dicotyledons 33,61,125 Digestion : See Phagocytosis Digestion cells 98,99,115,151,157,170,172 Digestion stages 8,93,95,97 Disease 150,152,164 Distribution 53,75 Ecology 5,12,24,29,137 Ectendofrophic 123,172 Ectotrophic 29,30,59,61,02,64,67,70.71.75,78, 80,84,108,122,123,155,171 Edaphic 70 Eiweisshvphen 98,126,157 Endophyte 4,7,12,18,23,29,37,39,41 .44,54,60, 60,80,91,93,97,101,102,103,111.112,115, 116,123,140,145.149,157 Endophytism 46 Mycotrophy !17 Subject Index Endotrophic 21,23,25-28,32,34,40,5(5,58,59,61- 62,70,72,75,80,84,85,87,97,103,105,108, 114,116,122,125,149,157,162 Enzyme 25,105,108,109,143,166 Epidermis 50,94,97,109,114,119.123,130,168, 169,170 Epiphytic 63,68 Ericads 56,61,62,65,66,72,78,110,116,125,1.30, 138,139,148,149,169 Exkretlcorper 109 Facultative mycotrophy 114,115.138,149 Fairy rings 76 Fern prothallia 40,66,146,177 Ferns 4,20,49,52,94,97 Finland 56 Forest fungi 63,136 Forest tree mycorrhizae 7,11,38,55,61,73,87, 136,153 Form genera 43,45 Fossil mycorrhizae 47 France 54 Freezing 79 Fungal identity 8,41 Fungistatic substances 90 Fungus 23,30,48,68,77,99,104,107,109,110 Gametophyte 14,19,22,23,94,175 Gasteromycete 43 Germany 53 Germination 44,56,77,139,141,149 Gliotoxin 90 Glomerule 168 Glycogen 100 Grasses 64 Growth-promoting substances SO.lOO.UiO Guatemala 165 Gymnosperm 14,23,60,61 Habitat 39,54,84,132 Halophyte 58 Hartig net 5,26,27,49,119,123,134,133.172 Hatchian hypothesis 9,155 Heather 35 Helotism 152 Heminasidionivcete 41 Hepatic 14,17,22,48,56,58,60,61,157,158,175 Herb 32,38,53,54,57,60,66,73,83,125,137,175 Heteroauxin 10 Historical geology 47 Host-cell 50,98,105,115,152 Humus 2,3,5,12,42,54,67,68,70,71,73,89,92,104, 113,115,119,136,144,153 Hungary 58 Hydrocarbon hypothesis 159 Hydrogen ion 3,9,99,152,169,180,182 Hygromorpliic 61,69 Hygrophyll 35 Hypertrophy 85,92,99,103,105,109,111,121,124, 168 Hyphae 17,20,22,25,49,51,91,94,105,119,123, 128 Identity mycorrhizal fungi 8,38,67 Immunity 182 India 60 Inoculation of soil 12,88,89 Insectivorous plants 33 Intaking mechanism 161 Intercalary vesicles 51 Intercellular 22,111,125,128,129,134,167 Intracellular 20,22,50,95,101,106,115,118,123, 127,168,170,173 Ions, balancing of 11,181 Isolation 8 Istria 59 Italy 59 Japan 43,62 Java 60 Law optimum altitude 80 Legumes 39,57,60,62,64,103 Lichen symbiosis 17 Light, effect of 80 Limitation endophyt.e 91,92,94,174,177 Liverwort 3,4,14,17,40,62,91,146,157,158,175 Loam 73,114 Long-root 82,116,176 Lycopod 14,94.95,146 Lycopsida 21,39,50,52,61,177 Madagascar 60 Mamelon 25,26 Mamillae 130 Mantle 29,111,119,121,123,130,169,172 Manure 71,80,90 Maqui 59 Marsh plants 74 Meristem 22,120,121,170,170 Mesic species 175 Microflora 79 Microhabitat 12.84 Mineral intake 9,154,155 Mineral nutrients 9,11,70,77,153,155,100 Monarch bundle 135 Monocotyledons .35,61,125,127 Mother-root 104,116 Mull 70,72 Multiple mycorrhiza 37 Muskeg 48 Mutualism 17,26,51,95,103,148,149.104 Mycocaryopses 8,101 Mycocecidium 103,142 Mycoclena 119,124,125 Mycoderm 119 Mycodomatia 30,103,142 Mycophagy 151 Mycorrhiza, definition 6 Mj'corrhizae, early observers 5 Mycorrhizal form 39,71,74,110,117 Mycorrhizome 4,23,49,50,59,64,91,97,99.100 Mycothalli 4.17,21,22.58,91,132 Mykokrinie 70 Netherlands 55 New Zealand 42,62 Nicotinic acid 160 N assimilation 24,61,87,104 N atmospheric 78 N fixation 25,69,78,104,105,106,108,109,110, 132 N nutrition 7,9,61,153 N salts 7,9,45,71,76,77,86,153 Kelley 218- Mycotrophy N theory 9,153 Nodules 2,24,25,26,31,41,62,103-105,108-111, 114,132 Northeastern U.S.A. 65 Nonvaj' 56 Nucleic acid 76 Nucleus 22 Nursery 86 -SS Nutrient conveyors 163 Nutrient salts 15,68,154 Nutrition, mycorrhizal 98.137,151 Oblig.vte mycotrophy 8,91, Occurrence 14,16 Orchid 3,7,36.39,58,60,62,64-66,77,79,83,97, 104.115,125,140,149,157,158,160,164,174 Orchid fungi 7,141,142 Orchid seed germination 44,141 Oxidase level 180 Pacific co.\st 67 Palaeobotany 47 Palmette 124,134 Parasitism 2,5,6,9,21,23,38,50,51,71,74,84,105, 107,112,118,149,156 Passage cell 132,169 Pathogen 149 Pearl-necklace mycorrhiza 25-27,68,09,70,117 Peat 67,90,95 Pecan mycorrhizae 66,73,74,83,119 Peloton 20,39,92,96,114,115,120,165 Peptone 76 Perennism 7,8,80 Peritrophic 84,85 Phagocytosis 3,8,11,26,50,51,93,99.100,105.107, 110,111,127,129,143,164,170.177,180 Phallomycete 43 Phenology 81-83,114,122,171 pH reactions 77,85.143,166 Phycomycete 11,33-35,38,39,47,54,57,116,119 Phytophagy 7,170 Pilzwirthzellen 50,98,126 Pinaceae 26 Pine 23,26,29,38,42,45,54,55,57,63-65,67,69,71, 74,77,82,83,86,89,121,131.154,174 Pioneer-root 116 Plasmoptyse 130,169 Phosphoric complexes 179 Podsol 73 Portugal 55 Potassium salts 45,77,87,154.158 Potato 37,44,59,80,104,111,1.50 Prairie 12,86-88 Prosporidi 25,148,174 Protein liyphae 98,100,167,172 Proteolysis 45,164,182 Prothallia 20,21,40,48, 63,91, 146, 17.-. Pteridophyte 14,19 Pteridosperm 50 Pseudomycorrhizae 66,69,74,1 IS. 104 Pure culture 28 Racemose 24,69,117 Rain 75,76,83,121 Raw humus 70,72 Renewed growth 69,74,76,82,83,110.121 Rhizoids 22,91,92,95,97 Rhizomorph 71,119 Rhizosphere 12,84,85 Rhizothamnion 72,117,132 Rocky Mountains 67 Romellian hypothesis 152 Root-cap 20,120,121 Root competition 70 Root -hair 1,5,12,15.20,24,25,27,28,50,53.98, 109,119,150,156,162 Rosette formation 107 Salt absorptiox 155 Salt marsh 51,58,85 San Domingo 65 Sand 12,56,67,69,71-75.93,105.108.114 Sap concentration 112.105 Saprophyte 5,38,50,52,74,84,101,104,140 Seed coat 101 Seed infection 8,139 Seed sterilisation 139,143 Seedlings 76,79,80,85,86.88-90.107.139,142.154, 155 Seeds, impotence 145 Sekretkorper 107 Setose hyphae 117,119.121,102 Short-root 116,118 Sicily 59 Simple mycorrhiza 117 Slope exposure 75 Soil 12,68,69,72,73,74,76-78 Soil inoculation 28,60,64,88,89 Solfatara 62,69,75 South America 64 Southern U.S.A. 66 Sporangiole 20,91,93,105.125,127.129,107 Spore colour 43 Sporophore 4,8,38,67,70 Sporophyte 19,22 Spruce 23,29,56 Stahlian hypothesis 19,155 Staining 62 Starch 3,17,91.95,99,100,108.110.114,130.151, 156,167,177 Starch, hydrolvsis 143.178 Stele 48,49,51,100,109,111,114,120,134,174,177 Sugar 7,71,78,108,110,112,113,139,143,144,150, 169,178 Sugar-cane 65 Symbiophile 38 Symbiosis 109,136,164 Synthesis 9,29,31.38,40-43,107,131,130,142,149 Synthetic mycorrhizae 128 Systemic infection 44,140 Tannin 108,111,172,174,175 Taxonomic identity 21 Thamniscophagous 85 Theories of mycotrophy 9,148 Thiamin 160,166 Toxic residues 72,90 Toxin 115,139,149,164,180 Transpiration stream 9,70,154,156 Tree mycorrhizae 77,83,90,136 Trenching experiments 29,90 Trinidad 65 Tropical 60,65 Truffles 40 Mycotrophy •219 Index of Plant Names Tuber 93,103,104,108,111,113,115 Tuber formation 7,79,80,115.14(3 Tuber, microscopic 113 Tubercle 23,24,51,104,106,107,111 Tuberous mycorrhizae 93,109,113.117,131 Vascul/Vr structure 51 Venezuela 65 Verdauungszellen 50.99.12G Vesicle 39,48-51,85.92-94,,128, 130,169 N'esitular-arbuscular mycorrhiza 11,47,48,103, 126,127,167 \'itaniin 10 Wall tubule 114,132,165 Water intake 70 West Indies 65 Xeric species 75 Xeromorphy 61,69 Index of Plant Names Abies 28,121,123,131,133 Abietineae 125 Abelicea 31 Acer 2.5,34,60,117,150 Acorus 35 Actinoiiijjces 106,107 Adenostoma 67 Adenostylcs 54,113,134 Adiantum 21,66,97 Aescubi:i 34,120 Agariciircue 41,137 Agaricus 41 Agave 35 Atlantlnis 33,34.109 Albizzia 61 Aletris 36,62 Alisma 35 Allium 35,56,115.104,170 Almis 31,.56, 62,72. 105, 107, 108, 109. 118, 121, 123, 130 Aloe 35 Alsophila 20 Alternaria 138 Altingia 34 A7nanita 37,41,42,56,78 Arnanitopsis 42 Arnaranthus 53 Amaryllidacrae 36 AmeiUaceae 137 Amyelon 51 Aviygdalus 11,34.69,177 Anacardiaceae 34 Ananas 36 Andreales 19 Andromeda 111,130 Aneiira 4,94 Atigiopteris 19,125,136 A7ionaceae 34 Anthoceros 18 A-plectrum 67,104 Apocynaceae 169 Apteria 65 Araclinites 57 Araliaceae 34 Araucaria 28,89,125 Arbutus 59,111,130,134 Archangiopteris 20 Arctostaphylos 67,125 Ardisia 34 Arenaria 32 Arisae77ia 35 Armeria 85 Armitlaria 42,100 Aronychia 174 vlnmt 10,35,40,125,160 .4sar!^ni 32 Asclepiadaceae 58,169 Asclepias 34,58,132 Asimina 34 Asparagus 35,114 Aspergilhis 40,78 Aspidium 21 Asplenium 21 .4s?i i/?a 33 Proteaccae 168 Protomycitis 48 Prwnis 34 Pseudolarix 29 Pseudomonas 109 Pseudotsuga 29,81 Psilotaceae 22 Psilotum 23,104,125 Pteridium 21,62,97,171 Pterocarya Pterospora Pyrolaceae Pytliium 30 98,121 56,111 21,39,60,61,95 Quercus 31,55,66,67,86,118,123,124,136 Ranunculaceae 33,39 Ranunculus 53 Raphanus 108 Rhamnaceae 34,177 Rhizanthella 64.100,175 Rhizobiuvi 104 Rhizoctonia 7.34,44,, 143,164 Rhizonium 50 Rhizophagus 1 1 .40,45,48,63 Rhizopogon 27,78,136 Rhi>dode7tdron 35,66,139,149 Riccia 18 Robinia 43 Rosaceae 34 Rubus 65 Saccharum 175 Sagina 32 Sallcornia 32.58,85 Soiw 30,57,62,124,136,150 Sn/«o/a 32 Salviniaceae 19 Sapindaceae 34 Sarforfes 67,98,121 Sarcosiphon 63 Sarraceniaceae 33 Sassafras 34,66 Scliinizia 107,114 Schizaeaceae 19 Sciadopitys 28 Sciaphila 64 Sc27?o 35 Scitarninaceae 36 Schoenus 114 Scleranthus 32 Scleroderma, 29,43 Scrophulnriaceae 33 Selaginella 22 Seinpcrviviim 121 Sequoia 28,125 Sewardiella 92,93,145,176 Shepherdia 109 Silene 32 Smilacina 35 Synilax 35 So/aHM?« 35,64,112 Mycotrophy 99 Z^O — Index of Plant Names S. tuberosum 80,111,112.113 Sphagnuvi 19 Spiranthes 83,99,143,145 Stapelia 128 Stapliyleaccae 34 Stellaria 32 Sterculiaceae 33,34 Stigmaria 48 Streptothrix 19 Strobilomijces 42 Styrax 34 Suaeda 58,85 Symploros 34 Talauma 34 Tamaricaccae 33,34 J'a??i!;s 104,125 Tax odium 28 rax7« 26,55,69,82,122,152,174,176 Terfezia 40 T/ieti 34,35 Thismja 66,87,98,100,176 r/«i;n 28,58 Thuopsis 28 T/fe 34,82,123 Tilletiaceae 41,114 TipuJaria 66,104,132 Tmesipteris 4,23,39,97,134 Torfea 20 Torreya 24,26 Trametes 54 Tribulus 56,108,151.177 Tricholoma 37,41,42 Trigolochin 85 Trillium 35 Tjiber 40,41,147 Tw/ipa 35 T/zp/ia 35 [/?)m(S 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