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WOOD, Jr., M.D., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, AUXILIARY MEDICAL FACULTY OF UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ; RECORDING SECRETARY OF ACADEMY NATURAL SCIENCES; FELLOW OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF PHII.A DELPHIA; LATE RESIDENT PHYSICIAN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL; MEMBER OF THE PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. (Sxtnutnt Ux tit? Author FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. PHILADELPHIA: SHERMAN & CO., PRINTERS. 18 65. o ARTICLE VII. THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA.* Bead June 16, 1865. t The Myriapoda are air-breathing apterous articulata characterized by the distinctness of the head from the body ; the strongly marked segmentation of the latter, and its method of development. The head varies very much in size and the perfection of its organization, but is always separate and distinct. The organs of special sense are very well developed in all but the lowest orders. The eyes are in one family compound, in the others stemmatous and single or numerous, or else entirely wanting. The body is composed of a varying number of segments, most of which are merely a repetition of the preceding. The number varies from sixteen to several hundred. As a general rule, the fewer the segments the higher the organization. Each perfected seg- ment is formed from two subsegments, either by their coalescence and mutual growth, or * Most of the material on which this paper is founded has been furnished by the Smithsonian Institute, Mu- seum of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology of Cambridge, and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. By far the larger portion was received from the Smithsonian, much of which was collected by Mr. Kennicott in South Illinois, and R. J. Walker in Western Pennsylvania. The latter gentleman sent some seven or eight thou- sand specimens. Prof. Manly Miles, of the State Agricultural College of Michigan, also furnished several new species from that State. I have also examined a small collection of Canadian Myriapoda, received from Prof. Dawson, of Montreal. In " North America," Mexico is not intended to be included, since although perhaps geographically it is a part of the latter, yet its Fauna is much more closely allied to that of Central than North America. The monograph was originally commenced at the suggestion of Prof. Baird, some four years ago, to form part of the Miscellaneous Col- lections of the Smithsonian Institute, and the wood-cuts have been executed at the expense of the Institution. As the publication of this series has been temporarily suspended, with the consent of Prof. Henry the paper was oifered to the Philosophical Society. The wood-cuts were drawn by Mr. Edward J. Nolan, under my personal supervision, and every effort has been made to have them entirely accurate. f The original MS. of this memoir was presented to the Smithsonian Institute, and destroyed in the confla- gration of part of the Smithsonian building in the winter of 1864-5. It was then rewritten and presented for pub- lication to the A. P. S. by the author, with the permission of the Secretary of the S. I., who granted likewise the use of such wood-cuts as were already either drawn or executed, about 60 in all. [Sec. A. P. S.] VOL. XIII. — 18 138 THE MTRIAI'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. by the atrophy of one and the hypertrophy of the other. The dorsal and ventral por- tions of the subsegments are each formed originally from four pieces. The two central unite very early in the embryo, and completely fusing form the primitive scuta and sterna, with which the outer pieces, the episcuta and episterna, unite sooner or later. Well-pro- nounced grooves or sutures in the adult frequently indicate the point of union between the epi anil primitive sterna, the epi and primitive scuta. A typical or ideal segmental arc (Fig. 1) would therefore be formed by the conjunction and coalescence on the dorsal Fi x surface of four pieces, and of the same number on the ventral aspect: i. e., two primitive scuta (Fig. 1, b), each with its episcutum (Fig. 1, a) ; and two f-.J^ primitive sterna (Fig. 1, c),each with its epistemum (Fig. 1, (I). To the upper or dorsal portion pertains the organs of vegetative life: i. e., the circulatory and secretory apparatuses ; to the lower or ventral portion the organs of animal life, the nervous system. In this typical segmental arc the perfected scutum and sternum do not coalesce, nor do they even approximate and unite by suture, but are connected by a strong flexible integu- ment. This membrane is divisible into two regions, the upper of which is subsidiary to the scutum, the lower to the sternum. Now, it is in this portion of the segmental arc that the appendages are formed, a sternal and scutal pair to each subsegment. On the examination of a Scolopendra, some little plates will be found situated on the lateral mem- brane, just anterior to the spiracles. These are the rudiments of the scutal appendages, which are never more highly developed in the Myriapoda. The normal scutal appendages of an articulate are wings, whose points of origin in the hexapoda correspond to these plates. Of course, then, in apterous articulates they cannot be developed. The sternal appendages are the organs of locomotion, the legs. To sum up, a typical myriapodal segment is formed from two subsegments, each of which is originally formed from eight pieces, and is composed of a dorsal and ventral arc, united by a membrane, and fur- nished with a single pair of appendages. The existent myriapodal segments follow two structural plans or types, modifications of the typical or ideal. These constitute the two great orders, die Chilopoda and the Diplopoda. In the first of these, the anterior subsegment is so atrophied that it really forms no part ol the perfected whole. Its appendages are entirely lost; indeed, its only representatives are some small plates, situated on the ventral surface just anterior to the sterna. On the other hand, the posterior subsegment, with its appendages, is developed to the highest degree, and equally, or nearly equallj so. in all its parts, neither the ventral nor dorsal portion of the arc predominating. So in a ( hilopod there are Large sterna and scuta, sepa- THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 139 rate from one another, but connected by a lateral membrane, and each segment is fur- nished with a single pair of large legs. In the Diplopoda, one subsegment is not thus developed at the expense of the other, but, the two coalescing, the perfected whole is obtained by their mutual growth. There are therefore two sets of appendages, two pairs of legs, to each segment. The dorsal or vege- tative portion of each subsegment is, moreover, developed much more highly than the ven- tral or neural arc. Indeed, the scuta completely absorb the lateral membranes, and abut directly against the sterna. These latter are always more or less atrophied, and, their appendages partaking of their stunted growth, the legs are much smaller than in the Chilopoda. The excess of the vegetative systems point to a position below the Chilopoda, an indication which all the other minor facts corroborate. An examination of the Chilo- poda shows that as the scale is descended the number of segments increases, the rudi- ments of the anterior subsegments become more and more pronounced, and the legs smaller and smaller, thus approaching the diplopod type. In the Diplopoda the genital apertures are placed in the anterior portion of the body, and, as far as I have examined, always furnished with more or less prominent organs ; whilst in the Chilopoda they are placed in the posterior portion of the body, and very generally not so provided. There is also a great and persistent difference in the appear- ance of the anal aperture in the two orders. The whole organization of the Chilopods fits them for their predatory and carnivorous habits. The distinctness of the segments, which are not closely approximated, but are conjoined by membranes, and the flexibility of the segments themselves, enable them to move their bodies in every conceivable direction. Their highly organized muscular and nervous systems, the compactness of their intestinal apparatus, and the length and power of their legs, all betoken habits of great activity. Whilst the formidable nature of their mandibles, and the sharp spines, both lateral and terminal, with which their feet are armed, fit them for predatory warfare. There can be no doubt but that they are provided with poison glands situated at the base of the mandibular teeth, and perhaps also at the bases of the terminal claws of the feet. I remember once to have been bitten by a female Scolopocryptops sexspinosa, who was trying to defend her young. Though of such insignificant size, when compared with the tropical Scolopendra, yet the pain produced lasted for several hours. It is therefore easily to be imagined that the huge species, a foot in length and inch in breadth, found in the tropics, have the power of doing considerable mischief. I have been informed by a resident of Texas, that minute ulcers follow the wounds made by the feet of S. heros on the skin. The Diplopods depend upon the vegetable kingdom for their sustenance. The body is 140 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. muc •h more rigid than in the Chilopods, from the close conjunction, or often imbrication, of the segments, and the inflexibility of the segments themselves, caused by the density and thickness of the scuta and sterna and the absence of lateral membranes. For this reason the Diplopoda possess but little or none of that power of raising and twisting the body, which is so annoying to the collector of tropical Scolopendra. The poorly developed nervous system and organs of special sense, the short weak legs, and the weak muscular and large intestinal development, all point to the vegetable nature of the food of this order and the associated sluggish habits, which indications the total absence of offensive arma- ture confirms. M. Brandt (Recueil) divided the Myriapoda into Myriapoda rnanducentia and Mi/ria- 2)oda sugentia. The former comprises all those which are provided with mandibles or jaws for seizing or devouring food. The latter, the few centipedes which have the differ- ent pieces about the mouth so united and consolidated as to form a tubule, fitted for the ingestion of liquid food. Although this classification has emanated from such an authority, yet it seems apparent that it does not agree with nature, and must be abandoned. Still, it has seemed to me that in doing this Mr. Newport and others have not allowed these characters the weight that they deserve. Mr. Gray does not even allow them generic force, if his classification (Cyclop. Anat. and Physiol., art. Myriap.) is to be trusted. Or was he entirely ignorant of their existence ! Newport gives to them a family significance. The different structure of the mouth, and the consequent different food and habits of living, although not sufficient to stand in competition with the characters separating the Chilopoda and Diplopoda, are still of higher import than any other differences in the latter order. I have therefore divided the Diplopoda into two suborders, the Chilognatha and Sugentia, retaining old names, but giving new significance to them. The minor cha- racters have seemed to me to confirm this, and to indicate that it is coincident witli the plan on which the Myriapoda have been created. M. Brandt (Recueil, p. 26) divides the Chilopoda. into the Schizotarsia and Holotarsia. These appear to constitute natural sub-orders, and arc consequently here retained as such. There lias beeu a great difference of opinion amongst naturalists as to the rank of the Myriapoda, and the position which they occupy amongst the articulata. Mr. Brandt, Gervais, Dana, and others consider them as nothing more than an order of the class In- secta; Le Conte (Class Coleop. N. Am. Introd., p. vii) considers them as a subclass of the class [nsecta; whilst Leach, Latreille, Newport, T. Rymer Jones, &c, grant to them the rank of a class. The latter gentlemen differ, however, as to their position in the zoological plan. Mr. .Newport places them just above the Vermes, and this seems to be their natural po ition. I here is doubtless a good deal of resemblance between a hexapod larva and a myriapod, THE MYRIArODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 141 but the mode of development and growth of the latter is so different from that of the hexapoda, arachnida or octopoda, and Crustacea or decapoda, that it seems to me they must be acknowledged as a separate class. Now, their method of development is similar to that of the Vermes, hence the reason of their being placed next above them. When a spider, or insect, or crustacean leaves the egg, its body has its maximum number of seg- ments, and development takes place by the coalescence and disappearance of some of these. The embryonic myriapod, on the contrary, has its minimum number of segments, and develops by their increase. So that whilst the adult insect has generally fewer, never more segments than the young, the adult myriapod may have eight times as many, and never fewer than its young.* Ord. I. CHILOPODA. Leach.j Corporis segmenta, singulum pedum pare unieo instructum. Segments of the body, each furnished with a single pair of feet. The body in the Chilopoda is composed of segments, whose number varies from sixteen to several hundred. Each segment is furnished with a single pair of legs. There might seem to be an exception to this in the Cermatiida?, but close examination shows that in them the fact of there being but one scutum to two segments is the cause of the apparent anomaly. In all the other families there is a scutum and sternum to each segment. These external bones, so to speak, are connected by a tough membrane, which forms the only protection to the sides. In the upper portions of this are placed the spiracles, in the lower the insertion of the legs. Close to the spiracles, and belonging to the dorsal section, are two osseous points, the rudiments of the paraptera, which at- Fig. 2. tain to some importance among the Hexapoda. At the insertion of the legs are several small plates, the epimera c (Fig. 2, c) , which afford points of origin to the retractor muscles of the legs. The posterior of the two embryonic sub- segments forms the mass of the segment ; but the scutum of the anterior is perhaps represented by a raised band on the front of the main scutum. The ventral portions of it are, however, much more distinct. These are * I would refer any one desiring to follow this further to Mr. Newport's paper. Linn. Trans., vol. xix. f Linn. Trans., vol. xi. 142 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. a series of small plates anterior to the sternum, representing the two parts of the primitive sternum (Fig. 2, s), and the two episterna (Fig. 2, e), as well as the epimeral plates. The legs contain each a coxa (Fig. 2, d), a femur, b, a tibia, t, a tarsus, g, and meta- tarsal joints, in, n. The coxa? are generally small, except those of the posterior pair of legs, which are often very large, and are known as the lateral anal appendages. Among the Cermatiidae and Lithobiida?, however, they all attain to a considerable size. The metatarsal joints vary very much ; in the genus Scolopendra there are but two to each leg, whilst among the Cermatiidae there are a great number. The head in the Chilopoda is composed of eight subsegments consolidated into two or more segments, as was first shown by Mr. Newport. The first segment is styled the cephalic. It reaches its maximum size in the Cermatiida?, in which it is the most promi- nent part of the body, supporting a pair of very large compound eyes, and almost com- pletely concealing the strikingly atrophied basilar segment. Traces of the division into the four subsegments, that existed during embryonic life, are occasionally met with, espe- cially among the Lithobiida?, but the embryological labors of Mr. Newport have shown conclusively that it is so formed. The head in the Scolopendrida? has, in addition to the cephalic segment, another one of variable size ; this is the basilar. It is also found well developed in all the other families except the Cermatiida?. Near its anterior border there is often found a deep crescentic groove ; the portion separated by this from the main body, is called the prebasilar fold or subsegment. In the genus Mecistocephalus this sub- segment is entirely separated from the rest, its scutum existing as a small plate imme- diately posterior to the cephalic, and is there called the prebasilar. In the other genera of the Geophilidae this is wanting, but there exists posteriorly another segment, answering to the posterior portion of the basilar of the Scolopendrida?. It is the subbasilar of Newport. The under surface of tin- head, comprising as it does the organs of nutrition, is much more complicated than the upper, and, in order to show the relations of parts more clearly, I will trace them out minutely in the genus Scolopendra, where perhaps their analogy is most easily discovered. On examining the under side of the head of a specimen of the genus Scolopendra, we will find a band constituting the most anterior portion, with which the antennae partially articulate; this band I take to be the anchylosed primitive sterna and episterna of the first cephalic subsegment, of which the antennae arc the appendages. Just posterior and inferior to the eyes, we will see what is apparently an inversion of the cephalic scutum, hut closer examination shows it. to consisl of two small plates, the superior exterior (Fig. :!, e), uniting with the scutum by suture, the inferior interior (Fig. :5, h) approxi- mating to the other plate; the first of these is the atrophied episternum, the other the primitive sternum of the second cephalic subsegment. United with this sternum by THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 143 suture we will find posteriorly a larger plate (Fig. 3, d), which articulates on its inner side with another obliquely transverse plate (b), which also is conjoined on its inner side by another (c), and that too by another, and finally in the cen- Fig. 3. tre there is a small tooth, as it were. These plates are re- spectively the coxa, femur, tibia, tarsus, and the rudimentary m etatarsse (the central tooth) of the atrophied and misplaced appendages of the second cephalic subsegment. The tibia and tarsus are generally anchylosed together, but I have seen them separate. Conjoined and posterior to the coxa of the second cephalic subsegment we will find a large plate (a) articulating with the cephalic scutum by suture ; this I take to be the primitive sternum and episternum of the third cephalic subsegment atrophied and fused together ; to it the true maxillae are articulated. These consist each of, first an elongated crooked plate (the coxa) articulating with two plates, the exterior of which (the femur) is armed with a tubercle, as in the mandibles, posterior legs, &c. ; the inner plate is the tibia ; these two plates articulate at their distal end with a third, the tarsus and metatarsus coalescent, but with the line of their junction very apparent. The maxilla? I believe to be the appendages of the third cephalic subseg- ment. Just anterior to the primitive sternum of the first, and posterior to that of the third, are often found some small plates which I believe to be epimeral. But the largest of the latter is probably the episternum of the fourth cephalic subsegment, which is scarcely to be found elsewhere. Proceeding still posteriorly we come to Fig. *• the maxillary palpi (Fig. 4), which are possessed each of a distinct femur (/'), tibia (x), and tarso-metatarsal joint (m). They are the appendages of the fourth cephalic subsegment. Between them are two small plates, the lingua (Fig. 4, Z), which I think are the primitive sterna, not episterna (as Mr. New- port believed), of the fourth cephalic subsegment. Posterior to the sterno-episternal plate of the third subsegment is a subtriangular plate, one of the episterna of the first basilar subsegment ; interior to this is a large irregularly four-sided one, forming a portion of the palpus (Fig. 5, a) ; this is one of the primitive sterna of the first basilar subsegment ; still within this is an elongated plate (e), the coxa of the palpus. With these two last the femur (6) of the palpus is articulated at its proximate end, while to its distal end is fitted the tibia (x), and to it the tarsus (/??). The sterna and appendages of the second and third are very much coalesced and difficult to distinguish clearly ; but I think that the dental lamina are probably the appendages of the second basilar subsegment, the Hi THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. anterior portion of the labium, which I have frequently seen separated by a suture, being composed of the episterna and primitive sterna of the same subsegment. The mandibles are probably the appendages of the third basilar subsegment, the posterior portion of the labium being composed of the sterna of the same subsegment. Two plates, which are bent round the sides of the posterior portion of the labium, may be the episterna. The sternal portions of the fourth basilar subsegment are similar to those of the segments of the body. Among the Lithobiidae the structure of the under portion of the head is almost identical with that described above. Among the Geophilida? the parts of the mouth are so consolidated and confused that it is impossible to recognize in the adult the original plan of construction and development. On examining the under surface of the head of a Mecistocephalus, we will find the labium very large, as are also the mandibles, while the maxillae are apparently wanting, but the maxillary palpi are recognizable. Among the Cermatiidae the labium is moderate, cleft in the middle, the two lateral halves being movable on one another, so as to form as it were an additional joint to the mandibles ; which are otherwise enormously developed, espe- cially as to length. The palpi are very long. The maxillae and maxillary palpi are well developed. Sub Ord. SCHIZOTARSIA.* AntennjE longissiruai, setacete, cum tarsis inultiarticulatfe. Oculi compositi. Antennas very long, setaceous, together with the tarsi multiarticular. Eyes compound. Fam. I. CERMATIIDAE, Leach. • Scuta 8. Segmenta 16. Sterna 1G. Scutorum stomata mediana. Pedes antennaequc uiultiartieulatae. Scuta 8. Segments 1(3. Stomata of the scuta median. Feet and antenna multiartieulate. In the Cermatiidae the head is large, more or less truncate anteriorly, having its surface rough and uneven. The1 eyes arc compound and very prominent. The palpi very elon- gate and spinous. The antennae very long, and composed of a multitude of joints. The mandibles are elongate and distant. The scuta (eight in number) are rounded and deeply emarginate posteriorly, where they are furnished with a longitudinal, slit-like orifice or stoma. Their surface is more or less roughened with minute tubercles or spines. Their border is everted, and generallj crenulate and spinous. The legs are very long, and ser- rated 1>\ parallel rows of spinulae. They are also furnished with rings, of long slender 1 Brandt, Recueil, p. 26. TUE MYKIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 145 spines, encircling the joints. The sides have nine pairs of spiracles, the openings into the tracheal vessels. The anal segment in the female is elongate, and the external organs of generation are furnished with a pair of forceps, replaced in the male by a pair of styliform appendages. The sterna are small ; the last, the sixteenth, is merely rudimentary. It is very evident that the number of segments is sixteen, and that each scutum is formed by the coalition of two neighboring ones. The pattern of coloration is peculiar to this family ; it consists of longitudinal stripes on the body and annuli on the appendages. There has as yet only one genus been found in this family, among which so great a uniformity exists as to make the distinguishing of species a task of considerable difficulty. The color is probably a good specific character, but is seldom, if ever, preserved. I have seen specimens of S. forceps changed almost immediately to green or blue, or, more commonly, bright purple, by alcohol. Any anatomical characters are very obscure ; but Mr. Newport considers the propor- tionate lengths of the metatarsal joints as constant, and I have found them so, as far as my limited observations have gone. The lengths of the antenna? and posterior pair of legs, as compared with the body, are also probably good characters, but very liable to misinterpretation ; for it is difficult, often impossible, to tell when the former are broken and when the latter are imperfect, repro- duced, appendages. Mr. Templeton, who first suggested these points, also makes use of the size of the marginal spines of the scuta in his descriptions. The peculiarities of the surface of the scuta also appear to be good secondary characters. Gen. 1. CERMATIA, llliger. Caput magnum. Oculi prominentes. Stomata dorsalia latera incrassata. Head large. Eyes prominent. Dorsal stomata with their sides thickened. Scutigeea, Lamarck, Anim. Sans. Vertb. Selista, Rajinesque, Annals of Nature. C. FORCEPS. C. viridi-brunnea, fasciis tribus longitudinalibus nigro-viridibus ; capite antice breviter piloso, et linea depressa longitudinale mediana et ante oculos utrinque altera curvata, et altera tranversa inter oculos, et postice depressione lata insculpto ; antennis mandibulisque ferrugineis : seutis spinulis numerosis asperatis, valdc imbricatis, angulis rotundatis, marginibus elevatis sed tenuibus et "spinis quain in Cerm. coleoptrata evidentioribus;" lateribus plerumque rufeseenti tinctis ; femoribus singulo annulo unico saturate viridi j tibiis et tarsis biannulatis ; pedum pari postremo in mare corpore vix 4 longiore (in femina bis longiore) ; articulo metatarsal primo seeundo fere quater longiore, sequentibus quinque conjunetis fere sequali ; superficie ventrali flavescente ; sternis mediis canaliculars. VOL. XIII. — 19 146 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Greenish-brown, with three longitudinal stripes of deep green; head anteriorly shortly pilose, impressed with a median longitudinal line, and in front of the eyes a curved one on each side, and another transverse between the eyes; antenna- and mandibles ferruginous; scuta roughened with numerous spines, strongly imbricate, with the angles rounded, the margins elevated but thin, and the spines more pronounced than in ('. coleoptrata; sides generally tinged with rufous; femora each with a single deep green ring; tibiae and tarsi biannulate; last pair of feet in the male scarcely i longer than the body (in female twice longer) ; first metatarsal ioint nearly four times as long as the second, about equalling the five following conjoined; ventral surface yellowish ; sterna medianly canaliculate. Selista forceps, Rafinesque, Annals of Nature, 1st No., 1820, p. 7. Cerm. coleoptrata, Shi/, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st series, ii. " " Lucas. " " var. Floridensis, Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xiii, p. 95. " Floridana, Nvicport, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 353. Scutigera Floridana, Gerv., Apt. iv, p. 225, et Tabl. Myriap. (Exp. dans L'Amerk|ue du Sud, part. Sept.) Cermatia forceps, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. v, new series, 18G3, p. 12. In specimens preserved for some time in alcohol, all traces of the original color are lost, the whole animal turning to a testaceous hue. The coloration of a very large fresh female before me is as follows : The general tint is a very light olive-brown ; the median stripe is black, continuous, strongly defined, and extending from between the eyes to the posterior border of the penultimate scutum, where it abruptly terminates. The lateral stripes are black, strongly defined, interrupted, and extending from the eyes to the posterior border of the last scutum. The interruptions are so arranged that most of the scuta present three blotches on each side. The anterior portion of the head has two stripes converging anteriorly to the median line. In front of these there is a sub-round marking prolonged anteriorly. Most of the femora are provided with a very incomplete greenish black annulus, which is, however, complete on the last pair. The tibia and tarsi are biannulated. The dorsal sto- mata are bordered with brilliant white. Authorities differ as to the validity of this species. I have never seen C. coleoptrata, and therefore cannot offer an opinion. Hub. United States, east of Rocky Mountains. SubOri. II. IIOLOTARSIA.* Tarsi 3 articulati. Antennae vix elongataa, 1 1-10 articulate. Oculi simplices, interdum multi, interdum nulli. I ' d -articulate. Antennae scarcely elongate, 1 1- lo articulate. Eyes simple, sometimes numerous, some- times wanting. ! Brandt, lleceuil, p. 26. THE MTKIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 147 Fam. II. LITIIOBIID.E, Newport. Scuta 15, inaequalia. Pedum posteriorum coxae exeavationibus in facie depressa. Antennae elongata}, setaceae. Ocelli nunierosi vel pauces. Scuta 15, unequal. Coxa of the last pair of feet with impressions on a depressed surface. Antenna elongate, setaceous. Ocelli numerous or few. The Lithobiidae have the head large and well armed. The antenna? setaceous, elongate. The eyes stemmatous. In two of the genera, they are small and numerous, but in the third large and but two in number. The mandibular teeth are strong, very acute, and probably provided with a poison-gland at their base, although it has never been anatomi- cally demonstrated in this family, that I am aware of. The scuta are of two kinds, a large one alternating with a small one. The females have the anal segment somewhat elongate inferiorly, and provided with a pair of forceps on each side. In the males these are replaced by a pair of minute styliform appendages. The posterior coxse have a plain depressed surface with indentations, or, as I have called them, excavations on it. I have never seen a specimen of the type of the genus Lithobius ; but Mr. Newport says, that in all his specimens of the family the larger depressed surface is a deep elongate oval, whilst the smaller excavations are transverse, oval, and furrow-like. There is, among the American species of the Lithobiida?, a group in which the larger surface is scarcely de- pressed, with the smaller excavations round and almost punctiform. This I have indi- cated as a distinct genus, with the name of Bothropolys. The specific characters of the Lithobiidse are derived from the number of ocelli, the shape of the dental lamina with the number of teeth, the shape, color, and structure of the scuta, &c. The number of the eyes in the adult is fixed within certain limits for each species. But when the young Lithobiid emerges from the egg, it possesses but a single pair of eyes, besides wanting some of its segments. In the genus Henicops (not yet dis- covered in this country), the single pair of ocelli remain as a permanent character; but in the other genera the number of eyes are gradually increased until adult life. Mr. New- port seems to think the number of labial teeth a good specific character, but I have found it to vary considerably. * Linn. Trans, xix, p. 275. 14S THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Gen. 1. LITHOBIUS, Leach Antennae multiarticulatae. Caput latum, complanatum. Labium antice denticulatum, medium sulcatum, emarginatum. Coxarum excavationes magnse, ovatse, in serie unica in facie depressa dispositaa. (Fig. 6.) Antenna multiarticulate. Head broad, complanate. Labium anteriorly denticulate, medianly sulcate, emar- ginato. Pits on the coxa large, ovate, arranged in a single series on a depressed face. L. American-us. " L. ferruginous ; capite magno subquadrato margine postico elevato ; antennis pubescentibus; ocellis nigris Fif;. 6. utrinque 25 — 26; labio complanato, polito, margine fere recto; denticulis 10, parvis, nigris, subapproximatis, scutis laevibus, convexis, subquadratis postice rectis; segmento prooanali piloso, pedibus validis flavis spinis validis armatis." Ferruginous; head large, subquadrate with the posterior margin elevated; antenna pube- scent; ocelli black, on each side 25 — 26; labium complanate, smooth, its margin almost straight; denticules 10, small, black, subapproximate; scuta smooth, convex, subquadrate posteriorly straight; preanal segment pilose, feet robust, yellow, armed with strong spines. L. americanus, Newport, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 305; Catalogue of British Museum (Myriapoda), p. 17. " " P. (.'en; lis, Apteres, iv, p. 236; et Tabl. des Myriap. (Exp. Ameriquc du Sud), p. 29. ? L. spinipes, Say, Journ. A. N. S., 1st series, vol. ii, p. 108; et in GEuvr. Entom. Ed. M. A. Gory, 1, p. 21. ? L. spinipes, Lucas, Hist. Nat. Anim., Art. iv, p. 543. " L. miltidentatus, Newport," Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1803, p. 13. " L. americanus, Newport," Wooil, loc. cit. p. 14. When I wrote my paper on the North American Chilopoda, I had not a large mass of material at my disposal, and fell into error in my identification of Mr. Newport's species. The characters winch he relies on in separating his L. mnltidentatus and americanus van so much in the two species that the extremes meet, and hence my mistake. The average number of ocelli is greater in 13. mnltidentatus, but individuals occur of L. americanus with :}:$ ocelli, thus coming within the number assigned to multidentatus by Mr. New- port. The diagnosis of the species given above is that of Mr. Newport. The number of ocelli iiiid Labial teeth are too small. 1 would say, ocelli utrinque 26 — 33, denticulis 10 — 15. The head and scuta are distinctly but rather sparsely punctate. The alternate small scuta are proportionally very large. The scuta are quadrate or subquadrate. The poste- rior margins of the larger ones are straight, and the angles not prolonged, except in the last two or three, in which the posterior margin is somewhat crescentic. The angles of the Lesser scuta are more prolonged than those of the others. The dorsal surface is not so THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 149 corrugated or wrinkled as in B. multidentatus ; the plates give more of the appearance of thickness. Length li inches. Hub. Eastern United States. L. TRANSMARINUS. Z'ahne der Unterlippe : 12. Zahl der Fiililerglieder : 38. Zahl der Hiiftlocher: 5, 8, 7, 5 oder 6, 8, 7, 5. Form der Hiiftlocher : oval. Kiirperlange; 7}'". Sehr gewolbt, glanzend. Kopf auffallend langer als breit, gewolbt, mit flachor Randeinfassung, die KopfBaohe uneben mit vereinzelten, grob eingestochenen Punkten ; hinter der sehr feinen Furchenlinie der Kopfspitze zwei runde Griilchen. Die Fiihler lang, mit 38 Gliedern ; Behaarung abgerieben ( jedoch so viel sich noch erkennen liisst, ziemlich langborstig), das Endglied fast eiformig. Die Augen in fiinf gebogenen Reihen, dicht gedrangt 7, 7, 5, 7, 5. Das Seitenauge oval, nahe an den iibrigen. Die Unterlippe sehr gliinzend, wenig gewolbt, der Zahnrand schmal, zu beiden Seiten der tiefen Mittelkerbe gebogen, beiderseits 6 kurze, stumpfe Ziihne, wovon die iiussern entfernter stehen. Die Unterlippe so wie die Lippentaster weitsehiehtig grob eingestoehen punktirt. Die Riickenschilde gewolbt in den seiten etwas runzelig, der 4 Hauptschild mit einem Zabnfortsatze, dessen Innenrand aufgeworfen, aueh die drei letzten Zwischenschilde mit Zahnfortsatzen, dessen Innenrand jedoch nieht aufgeworfen. Das' 4., 5. und 6 Glieder Schleppbeine gleich lang, das 3. kurzer, alle Glieder seitlich zusammengedriickt, das 4 — 7. dicht fein eingestoehen punktirt; am 3 und 4. drei Stacheln (ein mittler langer und zwei seitliche kiirzere) am 5. nur der mittlere und der aussere; das 3 und 4. Glied unten mit einer L'angsfurche an der Innenseite des 6 und 7. eine tiefe Langsrinne. Die Hiiftlocher oval, am hintersten Beinpaar 5 oder 6, am vorletzten 8, am drittletzten 7, am vordersten 5. Am zweiten Gliede der weiblichen Genitalien die Zapfchen lang und spitz; die Endkralle stumpf mit zwei ebenfalls-stumpfen kurzen Seitenziihnchen. Die Bauchschilde glanzend. Briiunlichgelb, der Kopf, die Fuhler, Unterlippe und Lippentaster rothlichbraun, letztere mit schwarzer Zangenspitze. Beine briiunlichgelb. Vaterland. New Orleans. Koch, Myriapoden Gattung Lithobius, p. 33. L. MORDAX. Zahne der Unterlippe: 12 — 14. Zahl der Fiililerglieder: '( Zahl der Hiiftlocher: 6, 8, 8, 9. Form der Hiiftlocher: langlich. Korperlange : 14'". Mattglanzend, vorne ziemlich flach, hinten mehr gewolbt. Kopf breiter als lang, kahl, etwas uneben, mit schnialer Randeinfassrtng — uberall, besonders aber die vordere Kopfhiilfte sehr grob eingestoehen punktirt. 150 THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Die Furchenlinie der Kopfspitze sehr fein, in der Mitte nicbt eingedriiekt. Fuhler langgliederig, Gliederiiber 36. Unterlippe gewblbt, mit tiefer Mittelrinne, an der Basis sehr breit, weitscbicbtig grob eingestocben punktirt. Zahnrand mit tiefer Mittelkerbe, beiderseits derselben gebogen, mit 6—7 sehr langen und kraftigen Zahnen von denen die aussern weiter von einander entfernt, als die inneren; die Lippentaster grob eingestochen punktirt. Augen in vier gebogenen Reihen 6,6,6,6, — das Seitenauge grosser, oval. Die vordern Ruckensehilde wenig, die hintern mehr gewblbt, die Flache besonders in den Seiten, uneben, rauh, mit zerstreuten grob eingestochenen Punkten, der vierte Hauptschild mit kurzor zahnartiger Verlangerung, deren Innenrand aufgeworfen, die drei hintern Zwisehenschilde an den Ilinterrandsecken mit sehr langen spitzen Zahnfortsatzen, deren Innenrand jedoch nicht aufgeworfen. Die Bauscbilde in der Mitte mit einer rundlichen Drjpression. Die Schleppbeine sehr lang, das 4 — 7 Glied dicht fein eingestochen punktirt. Das 3 Glied das kiirzeste, das 5. das langste, das 4 und 6 gleich lang, das 3 kurz und dick, das 4 stark aufgetrieben, mit tiefer, muldenartiger Langsvertiefung, dicker als das drittc, beide unten mit einer Lilngsfurche ; die iibrigen fast walzlich, seitlich nur wenig zusammen- gedriiekt. Am 3 und 4. unten drei Stacheln (ein mittlerer Ianger und zwei seitliche kiirzere) am 5 nur ein Stachel. Hiiftlocher langlich 6, 8, 8, 9. Das ganze Thier oben rothbraun, ebenso die Fiihlcr, Lippentaster, Unterlippe, die hintern Beine und letzten Bauehschilde ; die Zangenspitze und Ziiline der Unterlippe sehwarzbraun. Die vordern Bauehschilde und Beine braunlichgelb. Vaterland. New Orleans." Koch, Die Myriapoden Gattung Litbobius, p. 34. I have never seen any Litliobii from the State of Louisiana, and therefore do not like to speak positively as to the validity of Herr Koch's species ; still it seems certain that few if any of the characters which he gives are fixed and definite. The number of labial teeth, of the eyes, shades of color, &c, the examination of thousands — literally thou- sands— of specimens long since convinced me vary considerably, — at least in North American species. There appears to be only one character given by him which would indicate that L. transmarinus, Koch, is different from L. americanus, Newport ; it is where he soys: fourth chief scuta with a toothlike process, whose inner margin is reflexed (aufgeworfen). As to the number of the depressions on the posterior coxa% they are not the same even on the two sides of the same individual. On page 39, Herr Koch gives the numbers in some five individuals. In these the one extreme is very nearly twice as great as the other. Are we, then, to create new species because of differences of 4 or 5 in the number of these depressions! Again: the only important difference between L. transmarinus and L. mordax, deducible from the description, is in the number of the ocelli. Herr Kncli assigns only 24 to the latter; but Mr. Newport assigned 25 — 26 to L. americanus! Now, does it. not seem very possible that L. trans- marinus and mordax are one and the same species, which is really L. americanus of Newport '. THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 151 L. PAUCIDENS. L. ferrugineus ; pedibus flavis ; segtuento-cephalico polito, postice raargine elevato ; antennis elongatis, pilo- sis: laminisdentalibus indistinctis, singula denticulis duobus valde sejunctis armata; ocellorum paribus 17; scutis alternis majoribus politis, vis asperatis, margins postico fere recto ; seutis alternis minoribus uiargine postico recto et angulis externis productis ; coxarum excavationibus parvis, vix ovatis. Ferruginous; feet yellow; cepbalic segment polished, with its posterior margin elevated; antenna elongate, pilose; dental lamina indistinct, each armed with two widely separated denticules; pairs of ocelli 17; alternate larger scuta polished, scarcely roughened, with their posterior margins almost straight; alternate minor scuta, with their posterior margins straight and their external angles produced ; excavations on the coxa small, scarcely oval. L. paucidens, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 14. The color of the only adult specimen that I have seen approaches an orange. The mandibles are rather large. The dental lamina are almost wanting, their margins some- what rounded and armed with two acute widely separated teeth. The color of the three or four posterior sterna is darker than that of the rest of the body. The excavations of the posterior coxa? are small, few, and nearly round. The feet are yellowish, hairy, and with well-developed articular spines. Length 1 inch. Hah. Fort Tejon, Cal. — J. Xantus de Vesey. — Smithsonian Collection. L. PLANUS. " L. ferrugineo-variegatus ; capite magno subquadrato polito postice ad marginem elevato incrassato ; antennis brevibus pubescentibus; ocellis utrinque 23 ; labio polito, pilis raris ; laminis dentalibus lunatis angulis externis antice elongatis profunde emarginatis ; denticulis 14 acutis, nigris; scutis dorsalibus complanatis rugosis mar- ginis elevatis; pedibus nudis spinis articularibus parvis." Species ruihi ignota. Variegated with ferruginous ; head large, subquadrate, polished, elevated, and thickened at its posterior margin ; antennae short, pubescent; ocelli on each side 23; labium polished, with scattered hairs; dental lamina lunate, anterior external angles elongate, profoundly emarginate ; denticules 14 acute, black; dorsal scuta complanate rugose, their margins elevated ; feet bare, with small articular spines. Species unknown to me. L. planus, Newport, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 366 ; Catalogue of British Museum (Myriapoda), p. 18. " " P. Gervais, Apt. iv, p. 236 ; et Tabl. des Myriap. (Exp. Amer. du Sud, part. Sept.), p. 29. " " Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., new series, 1863, p. 14. This species may belong in the genus Bothropolys, but, as I have never recognized it, I cannot say. 152 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Gen. 2. BOTHROPOLYS, Wood* Ocelli numerosi. Coxarum excavationes, parvae, fere rotunda) punctifonnesque, in seriebus 3 — 1 disposita). (Fig- 7.) Eyes numerous. Excavations on the coxa small, almost round and punctiform, arranged in three or four series. li. MULTIDENTATI'S. B. brunneus; segmento cephalico postice margine elevato; antennis elongatis, sparse pilosis; articulis basali- Fig. 7. bus 4 longitudine fere nequalibus; laminis dentalibus distinctis, margine antico subrotun- dato, angiitis anticis externis subproductis ; denticulis 12 — 19; ocellis utrinque 32 — 37; scutorum anticorum marginibus et posticis et lateralibus elevatis sed scutorum posticorum lateralibus solum. Brown ; cephalic segment with its posterior margin elevated ; antenna elongate, sparsely pilose; 4 basal joints about equal in length; dental lamina distinct, their anterior margin somewhat rounded, anterior external angle somewhat produced ; denticules 12 — 19 ; ocelli on each side 32 — 37 ; both posterior and lateral margins of the anterior scuta elevated, of the posterior only the lateral. L. multidentatus, Newport, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 365; Catal. Brit. Mas. (Myriapoda), p. 17. " P. Gervais, Apteres, iv, p. 236; et Tabl. des Myriap. (Exp. dans L'Amerique du Sud, part. Sept.), p. 29. B. nobilis, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. v, new series, 1863, p. 15. The alternate small scuta are frequently almost concealed by the larger ones. The surface of the scuta is wrinkled. The posterior angles of the larger scuta are very elon- gate. The labial teeth are large and acute, rarely coadnate. Length 1 inch. Jl:ib. Eastern United States. B. XANTI. B. brunneus, segmento cephalico polito, aurantiaco, margine postico elevato; antennis pilosis; ocellis utrinque L8 ; laminis dentalibus margine antico rotuudato ; denticulis 16 — IS, nigris, acutis; scutis valde asperatis, alternis niajoribus postice valde emarginatis, alternis minoribus margine postico fere recto sed angulis posticis acutis et valdc productis. Brown; cephalic segment polished, orange, its posterior margin elevated; antenna pilose ; eyes on each side 18; dental lamina with their anterior margin rounded; denticules 16 — 18, black, acute ; scuta very much rough- ened, the alternate larger ones posteriorly strongly emarginate, the alternate smaller ones with their posterior margin almost straight, but tin posterior angles acute and very much produced. 15. XANTI, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 15. Journ A. N. S., new series, vol. v, L863, p. 15. fio&pos, (uvea; koXos, omltus. THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 153 The head is rather large, with a curved suture running transversely from one set of ocelli to the other, which has its convexity directed posteriorly. The first scutum approxi- mates the head in color, has its posterior margin strongly raised, and is only slightly roughened. The other large scuta are very rough, with (sometimes indistinct, but gene- rally well marked) rugae converging toward the median line anteriorly. The last scutum is, however, without rugae, and but slightly roughened. It is much narrowed anteriorly and posteriorly, and somewhat elongate. The preanal sternum is almost circular, with two lateral curved impressions and a central shorter straight one, which are probably the remains of the sutures between the plates of which it was composed during embryonic life. The articular spines are rather strong. The smallest specimen has only twelve pairs of eyes. It affords me great pleasure to dedicate this species to Mr. Xantus, through whose "exhaustive collections" the rich fauna, of what was formerly a veritable terra incognita, has been so rapidly developed. Ilah. Fort Tejon, Cal. — J. Xantus de Vesey. — Smithsonian Collection. B. BIPUNCTATUS. B. brunneus; segmento cephalico polito, margine postico elevato, labioque et sparse profunde et dense minute punctatis; oeellis utrinque 18; antennis punctatis, sparse pilosis; laminis dentalibus brevibus, latis, denticulis nigris aeutis 18 armatis, margine subrotundato ; scutis alternis majoribus capite simillime punctatis, politis, vis asperatis, postice emarginatis ; scutis alternis minoribus postice margine recto et angulis baud productis ; sternis politis ; pedibus punctatis, subrobustis. Brown ; cephalic segment polished, with its posterior margin elevated, together with the labium both sparsely profoundly and densely minutely punctate ; ocelli on each side 18 ; antenna punctate, sparsely pilose ; dental lamina short, broad, armed with 18 acute black dentieules, margin somewhat rounded; alternate larger scuta punctate similarly to the head, polished, scarcely roughened, posteriorly emarginate; alternate lesser seuta with their posterior margins straight, and their angles not produced ; sterna polished ; feet punctate, rather robust. B. bipunctatus, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. v, new series, 1863, p. 16. The head is of moderate size, with the posterior margin slightly emarginate and not elevated in the centre. The larger scuta are not deeply emarginate, but somewhat rough- ened, with a suture on each side; the anterior portion of which is longitudinal, but the posterior transverse. The transverse suture, running from one set of eyes to the other, is not as well marked as in B. Xanti. The posterior scutum is rather deeply emarginate behind. The preanal sternum is not as circular as in B. Xanti, but has similar markings. The appearance which I have described as densely minutely punctate is seen only under a very high magnifying power, and is common in a greater or less degree to most species. Length 1 inch. Hal. United States, west of Rocky Mountains. — Dr. Geo. Suckley, U. S. A. — Smithsonian Collection. VOL. xm. — 20 1 5 I THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Fam. 1\'. SCOLOPENDEIDJE, Leach* f Segmenta podophora -21—23. Oculi pauces vel nulli. Pedes postremi incrassati, plerumque spinosi. Feet-bearing segments 21—23. Ocelli few or none. Last pair of feet thickened and generally spinous. In this family the principal generic characters are founded upon the number of the seg- ments of the body, the shape of the head, the number and form of the spiracles, the absence or presence of eyes, and the form of the terminal segment and its appendages. In some cases the number of joints of the antenna? seems to be a constant generic sub- character. In the large genus Scolopendra — the Titans of the Myriapoda — the principal specific characters are founded upon, first, the number of segments to the antenna? ; secondly, the number and arrangement of the labial teeth ; thirdly, the peculiarities of the posterior feet ; fourthly, the shape and comparative size of the head. I have no doubt that the number of joints to the antenna? is fixed for most species, but it serves more generally to distinguish groups than single species ; yet it occasionally is the most reliable character separating closely allied forms. Unfortunately it must be used with great cau- tion in the identification of individuals ; for, owing to the case with which portions of the antenna? are lost, the want of a certain number is a very indefinite negative character. After detaching a few of the distal joints, no trace of their former presence is left, For the same reason much caution is also necessary in assigning the number in a description. M. Saussure has found so much variation in this character that he considers it worthless. It is possible that it may vary in certain species; but the differences generally' consist in there being too few joints, which, as has been just stated, is to be looked for, and repro- duced antenna' probably have occasionally an abnormally great number of very small articles. The number and arrangement of the labial teeth sometimes constitute a good character, but there is often an agreement between distinct forms, and on examining large suites of individuals, 1 have found more variance in the same species than reading would lead one to look for. The posterior Legs furnish the best criteria in the distinguishing of species. Mosl species have peculiarities either in the shape or relative size of the joints, or in the number or arrangement of spines on them. In order to show the amount of constancy thai these characters possess. I have drawn up a series of tallies, which may aid in establishing their value. The color, I think, is not to he depended upon, although Mr. New p.nt seems to attach much importance to it. In the preservation of specimens it is very liable to lie altered or destroyed ; besides this fact, my studies of these animals, both in museums and, to a limited extent, in the Troph s, lead me to the opinion that the color THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 155 varies exceedingly, even during life. Size is often a good distinguishing character of a species, although scarcely available for the identification of an individual. If we consider a species as the expression of a preconceived idea, there must be, as it were, a type of every species around which the individuals cluster, restrained from depart- ing beyond a certain limit from the central nucleus. We can see then how there may be species perfectly distinct, but the individuals of which may so approximate that there may be difficulty in placing some of them. Does the mere difficulty or impossibility of placing an individual necessarily invalidate the claims of the species X The moss Leucobryum glaucurn, Hampe, is acknowledged by all botanists (I believe) as distinct from L. minus, Hampe, the most tangible difference being that the former fruits in October, the latter in May. Now I have found fruiting specimens in April, which are undoubtedly referable to L. glaucurn ; but had they been found a month or two later, would any botanist have hesitated in labelling them L. minus ? Indeed, one of the best American authorities told me, that had I so found the specimen, he would have pronounced it to be L. minus, as it would not have been possible to have known that the capsules were those of the previous year. In the other genera of the Scolopendridse the specific characters are pretty much the same as in the true Scolopendra. But some characters specific in the latter, elsewhere become generic subcharacters. Subfam. I. SCOLOPENDRLNL/E, Newport* " Spiracula valvularia in paribus 9." Spiracles valvular in 9 pairs. Gen. 1. SCOLOPENDRA, Linn. Segmentum cephalicum imbricatum. Oculi stemmatosi, utrinque 4. Antennae attenuate. Pedum paria 21. Cephalic segment imbricate. Ocelli stemmatous, 4 on each side. Antenna; attenuate. Pairs of feet 21. S. HEROS. S testacea ; segmento cephalico subovato, minute punctato ; antennis 25 articulatis ; dente mandibulari pro- ducto, gracile ; dentibus labialibus 8 — 10, duobus intimis utrinque plerumque coadunatis ; pedibus plerumque luteolis; paris postremi articulo basali, intus 5 — 7 spinis,f subtus 7 — 10 spinis in scrie triplici dispositis, processu angulari 3 — 10 spinis; appendicibus analibus lateralibus elongatis, minute profunde punctafcis, spini*»apicalibus utrinque 5 — 7 et altera marginale armatis. * Linn. Trans., vol. xix, p. 377. f When giving the spines on the inner edge of a leg, I do not (as some do) include those on the terminal angular process; these arc afterwards given separately. 156 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Ti -i iceons ; cephalic segment subovate, minutely punctate; antennae 25 articulate ; mandibular teeth produced, slender; labial teeth 8 — 10, the inmost two on each side generally eoadnate; feet generally yellowish; basal joint of the last pair within with 5 — 7 spines, beneath 7 — 10 arranged in a threefold series, angular process with 3 — 10 spines; lateral anal appendages elongate, minutely profoundly punctate, with 5 — 7 apical, and a marginal spine on each. S. UF.if is, Girard, Marcy's Report of Explorations on the Red River, p. 27"2, pi. xviii. " " Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 18. Var. Casta.veiceps. S. viridis; capite antennisque rubro-castaneis ; pedibus plerumque luteolis, interdum viridibus ; paris postremi articulis basalibns saturate viridibus. 1 1 reen ; head and antennaa reddish chestnut ; feet generally yellowish, sometimes green ; basal joints of last pair very deep green. S. castaneiceps, Wood, Proc. A. N. S., 1861, p. 11 ; Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, vol. v, p. 18. The prebasilar fold is connate with the basilar segment, the suture is generally, how- ever, well marked, existing as a deep groove. The cephalic segment is slightly emar- ginate between the antenna?. The labial teeth vary from 8 — 10 in number; there will sometimes be four on one side and five on the other, the external tooth apparently being the missing one. The antennae are 25-jointed. Out of nearly a hundred specimens that I have examined, only two or three had one or two supernumerary joints developed. The scuta arc polished, generally minutely and sparsely punctate, often obscurely bicari- nate, the posterior with their lateral margins elevated. The last pair of legs are rather robust, with the basal joint longer than the tibial. The scuto-episcutal sutures are appa- rent, the sterno-episternal very well marked. Length 54 inches. II"1' Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, &c. THE MYKIAl'OUA OF NORTH AMERICA. 157 TABLE SHOWING THE VARIATIONS IN SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. , ^ , t« . < •— , t- • u* ■ • I* ■a S g> Spines on |- Spines on z* ja Spines on inner to anal ap- Cm ■ ja Spines on inner a ,s © — a („ o -_ bO anal ap- o a J side of basilar §*<§£ a a pendages. o a 0) side of basilar o c <§ £ a a O c3 , pendages. g a a's "3 joint of last pair of legs. tn © m ** •5 *: «- « !a 1 s.s § s a 3 joint of last pair of legs. m © a '3 a ^ ^ — III Api- Mar- Api- Mar- & h5 ■ & a d =3 c&aS. cal. ginal. a |-g*J IKS* cal. ginal. f4 6 2 3 3 8 5 re 0 2 6 3 8 9 319 4 6 2 3 3 6 7 4 9 3 5 3 6 8 I4 8 3 3 3 7 6 3 7 3 4 3 8 7 u 8 2 3 3 6 6 3 7 2 4 3 7 8 197 (5 ' 4 leg wanting. 4 3 4 2 11 6 5 4 4 8 9 2 4 3 3 4 3 8 7 9 8 '4 6 2 3 3 6 6 4 6 3 4 3 6 7 4 6 2 2 2 6 5 98 4 7 2 3 3 6 10 4 6 2 4 2 7 6 ' 4 9 3 4 3 3 6 5 5 2 4 3 7 6 4 8 3 4 4 3 5 322 5 6 2 4 3 7 6 4 7 2 4 4 8 7 5 6 2 2 7 4 8 2 4 4 6 0 5 5 3 4 3 6 6 4 6 2 4 3 8 8 5 7 3 4 3 6 5 4 7 3 4 3 6 8 6 1 3 3 6 6 5 5 3 3 3 5 8 V 6 2 3 2 6 6 u ? 111 ? 8 (3 6 3 4 3 7 7 36 J4 6 3 4 3 7 5 233 J4 8 2 4 3 6 7 I5 7 2 4 3 6 5 ' 5 7 2 4 3 8 U 5 2 3 3 6 5 170 '4 8 2 4 2 8 r4 6 3 3 3 7 6 >1 7 2 3 3 8 4 6 2 4 3 7 7 0 150 5 2 5 3 6 7 180 J 6 2 3 3 5 6 2 m 5 2 5 3 8 7 6 2 3 3 4 6 0 o Type of 5 5 2 4 3 5 5 4 7 12 3 11 8 Casta- neiceps. ' 4 5 2 4 3 5 7 4 7 2 3 2 7 7 30 '5 6 3 3 3 6 6 101 f 4 6 2 3 3 6 5 ; 5 6 2 4 3 5 8 14 a reproduced leg. 5 62 '4 7 3 3 3 6 5 f313 f 4 5 3 2 2 2 4 (4 6 3 3 3 5 5 14 a reproduced leff. 3 38 4 6 3 4 3 7 ' 6 ■4 J4 6 about oO 8 : 4 7 3 3 4 8 6 4 4 5 6 2 2 3 3 about 25 6 9 8 130 '4 (4 leg wanting. 6 4 14 2 4 4 5 3 6 2 4 3 7 8 (i 6 2 4 3 6 6 4 6 2 4 3 8 8 4 6 2 4 3 6 8 4 7 2 4 3 7 8 290 4 6 2 4 3 9 5 107 5 8 3 4 3 6 9 4 7 2 4 3 8 5 4 a reproduced leg. 7 5 7 2 3 1 7 8 5 ? 1 ? ? ? 8 .4 7 2 4 3 0 6 4 § 9 ? 6 2 3 2 111 2 3 3 9 ? 7 8 8 8 94 it a reproduced leg. 6 3 3 3 6 6 5 4 ? "'.11 y 9 f4 12 MO O O \\o o o 7 5 u 7 2 4 3 8 9 4 11 4 3 2 2 8 6 f5 6 3 4 3 4 7 201 4 6 2 4 3 6 6 113 4 ? 111 ? 7 4 5 2 2 3 7 7 )4 4 2 2 1 6 ? ? 5 6 2 4 3 8 7 U ? 111 ? G U 7 2 3 4 4 6 * The numbers in this column refer to the Smithsonian Collection. f This is probably a very young individual of this species. I The last legs of this specimen are evidently a'reproduced pair. § Apparently a reproduced pair of dental lamina, as the teeth are not developed. | The spines on this individual are smaller than common. It is a curious variation. 158 mi: MVK1AP0DA OF NORTH AMERICA. S. POLYMORPH A. S. olivaeeo-brunnea ; capite dilute castaneo ; segmento cephalico subovato, postice subtruncato, fere impunc- fcato; antennis 30 articulatis ; dente mandibulari tuberculo basali magno; dentibus labialibus 8, maximis, duobus intimia utrinque coadunatis, externis sejunctis; scutis interdum margine posteriore nigro-viride, marginibus lateralibus pleruinque liberis; pcdibus postremis robustis, supra subcomplanatis; articulo basali subdepresso, intus 3 — 7 spinis, subtus 10 — 18 spinis in scric quadruplici (interdum inordinatim) dispositis, processu angulari aut bifido aut trifido aut quadrifido; appendicibus analibus lateralibus singula 4 — 8 spinis apicalibus et altera niarginali. Olive-brown; bead light chestnut; cephalic segment subovate, posteriorly subtruncate, almost impunctate; antenna' 30 articulate; mandibular tooth with a large basal tubercle; labial teeth 8, very large, the inmost two on each side coadnate, the external distant; scuta sometimes with the posterior margin blackish-green, the lateral margin generally free; last pair of feet robust, above subcomplanate ; basal joint, and median also, subdepressed, within with 3 — 7 spines, below with 10 — 18 spines arranged in a fourfold series (sometimes irregular), angular process either bifid, trifid, or quadrifid ; lateral anal appendages, each with 4 — 8 apical spines and a mar- ginal one. S. polymorpha, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1861, p. 11. Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, p. 20. The pvebasilar fold is apparent but connate with the rather large basilar segment. The first segment of the body is very small ; the scuto-episcutal suture are barely trace- able, but the sterno-episternal are much more distinct. In a few individuals the labial teeth are small and coadnate. The color shades off from that given above to a testaceous chestnut. This species is closely allied to S. heros, and perhaps a differential diagnosis would not be amiss. The most important difference is in the number of joints to the antennae. Owing to the ease with which these animals lose portions of these organs, the want of the typical number is not to be relied on in the identification of individuals. Another character which also is often not available for individual identification, but which characterizes this species, is the small size attained to. The spines of the lower surface, of basal articulations of last pair of legs, are more numerous than in ,V. heros, and arranged in four rows instead of three. The difference in arrangement is, perhaps, more apparent than real; the homologue of the first row of spines existing in some specimens of S. Inn,*, but being placed a little higher up, they are thrown with those on the inner side of the limb. The angular process has fewer spines than in S. heros. Finally, although the species do exist on common ground, yet heros is a more tropical and polymorpha a more boreal animal, the regions which thej occupj merely overlapping somewhat. Length V^ inches. THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 159 TABLE SHOWING THE VARIATIONS IN SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. & to t,_, CO o <= a 3 -a a> Spines on inner side of basal joint of last pair of legs. Spines on lower surface of basal joint of last pair of legs. Spines on inter- nal angular prooess. Spines on la- teral anal appendages. i " . <*m to o a CD s a s CD Spines on inner side of basal joint of last pair of legs. Spines on lower surface of basal joint of last pair of legs. Spines on inter- nal angular process. Spines on la- teral anal appendages. 15 od Api- Mar- cal. ginal. c3 IS OS Api- cal. Mar- ginal. 4 4 2 2 4 1 4* 3 8 ! 1 '4 4 2 343 1 4 G i CO 4 5 2 3 14 3 3 7 1 4 3 2 13 3 1 3 6 l !zi 4 5 13 3 3 2 6 0 4 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 2 -> 3 5 3 2 4 3 4 6 0 4 6 2 4 4 4 4 7 1 2 5 2 3 3 13 4 5 1 ^4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 1 2101 • '4 5 2 13 5 3 3 7 1 '1 5 3 24 4 4 5 6 1 4 5 2 4 5 3 3 5 1 5 3 5 53 4 5 1 |337 5 4 11 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 ? 3 ? 0 0 1 1 339 It 6 5 3 1544 34 54 4 4 G G 1 1 242 '4 i 2 2 1 4 7 1 '4 G 3 3 54 4 7 1 14 3 4 3 43 3 7 1 4 7 2 3 14 3 2 8 1 4 G 2 2 43 4 6 1 4 5 3 3 54 4 8 1 135 4 4 5 6 2 3 5 5 24 24 4 4 4 4 1 1 227 - 4 4 10 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 43 6 2 7 6 1 1 .4 5 13 5 4 4 4 1 4 5 5 3 53 2 8 1 334: f4 14 7 5 3 2 3 2 1 4343 4 4 6 5 1 1 4 u 7 4 3 3 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 8 7 0 0 Bab. Sonora, Kansas, N. Texas. S. VIRIDIS. S. viridi-brunnea ; segmento cephalico late ovato, sparse leviter punctato ; pedibus flavis ; antennis 23 articu- latis, plerumque haud pubescentibus ; dentibus labialibus 8, duobus intimis utrinque arete coadunatis, externo acuto, sejuncto; laminis deutalibus elongatis ; pedibus prostromis subeylindricis, modiee robustis ; articulo basali tibiali longiore, supra subconvexo, margine baud elevato, intus 2 — 5 spinis, subtus 7 — 12 spinis in serie vel tri- plici vel quadruplici dispositis, processu angulari 1- — 2 spinis; appendicibus analibus lateralibus profunde denseque punctatis, interdum elongatis, singula spinis apicalibus 2 — 5,'et interdum altera marginale armata. Greenish-brown ; cephalic segment broadly ovate, sparsely lightly punctate; feet yellow ; antenna 23 articulate, generally not pubescent; labial teeth 8, the inmost two on each side closely coadnate, the external acute, distant; dental lamina elongate; last pair of feet subcylindrical, rather robust; basal joint longer than the tibial, above convex, its margin not elevate, within 2 — 5 spines, below 7—12 spines arranged in a threefold or fourfold series, angular process 1 — 2 spines; lateral anal appendages profoundly densely punctate, sometimes elongate, each armed with 2 — 5 apical spines, and sometimes another marginal. * The typical number of rows is four. The variations from this are caused by some of the spines being a fraction of a line from their normal position ; they generally may be placed in four crooked rows, f Are the hind legs with the anal appendages the original ones, or are they reproduced? ICO TIIE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. S. viridis, Say, Proc. A. N. S. 1821, p. 110; (Euvr. Entom. Ed. Lequien t. i, p. 23. S. punctiventris, Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xiii, p. 100; Linn. Trans, xix, p. 3SG; Catal. Brit. Mus. Myriap , p. 33. S. punctiventris, P. Gervais, Apteres t. iv, p. 277. S. viridis, P. Gervais, Apteres t. iv, p. 277 ; et Tail, des Myriap. (Exp. Amer. du Sud, part, sept.), p. 30. " " Wood, Jourri. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 22. S. parva, Wood, Proe. A. N. S., 1861, p. 10. The antennae are generally, but not invariably, without pubescence. The first segment of the body is the smallest, the third the next. The sutures between the true sterna and episterna are well marked, those between the scuta and episcuta barely traceable. The cephalic segment is slightly depressed. The dental lamina have their margins rounded in some specimens. The scuta are frequently bordered with very dark green posteriorly. The dorsum in some individuals has a dark central stripe, vanishing posteriorly. This is, without doubt, the species intended to be indicated by Mr. Say, although his description is exceedingly indefinite and scarcely agreeing with the facts. I have, however, seen one specimen with its posterior feet tipped with blue, and another in which the posterior mar- gination was yellowish, as he describes them. Neither have 1 any doubt in referring Mr. Newport's S. punctitx ntris to this species, although the number and arrangement of the spines on the posterior feet differ somewhat from those given by that author. One speci- men belonging to the Smithsonian (No. 329) approximates to his description. The types of S. parva are in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences, brought from the mountains of Georgia by Dr. Le Contc. Length 2 inches. TABLE SHOWING VARIATIONS IN SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Spines on lateral anal Spines on inner surface Spines of inferior surface of Spines on termi- appendages. NuinluT of Labial teeth. specimen. of basal joint of poste- rior pair of legs. basal joint of posterior pair of leg nal angular pro- cess. Marginal. Apical. 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 6 2 3 2 2 3 116 - 4 4 4 ? 2 12 2 ? ? ? 2 1 4 5 1 1 V 5 2 2 3 2 2 3 0 I 4 . 2 12 2 o 3 1 336 1 4 5 5 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? V 3 0 332 t 5 ! 5 5 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 0 1 7 a reproduced leg. 4 1 17(1 1 5 : ; 2 2 2 o 3 1 1 a reproduced leg. 5 1 329 '4 1 2 2 2 1 3 o 0 0 //-/'.. Florida, Georgia. — Smithsonian Collection. 1 The labial teeth in this specimen me very small and much coadnate. THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Kil S. MORSITANS. S. flavescens; scutis plerumque postioe viridi marginatis; segtnento cephalico postice subtruncato, basali mag-no ; antennis 20 articulatis; laminis dentalibus, margine antico leviter rotundato ; dentibus 8 — 10, brevibus, obtusis ; pedibus compressis; pedibus postremis brevibus, robustis, supra complanatis, subtus valde convexis ; articulis basali et tibiali uiarginibus superioribus elevatis et fere rectangulis ; artieulo basali intus 5 spinis, subtus spinis 7 — 9 triseriatis alternantibus ; processu angulari valde elongate, spinis 3 — 5; appendicibus analibus laterali- bus dense punctatis, apice breve, spinis 3 — 4; squama preanali longitudine latiore. Yellowish; scuta generally margined with green; cephalic segment posteriorly subtruncate, basal large; an- tennas 20 articulate ; dental laminae, with their anterior margin slightly rounded ; teeth 8 — 10, short, obtuse ; feet compressed, last pair short, robust, above complanate, below very convex; basal and tibial joints with their supe- rior margins elevate and almost rectangular; basal joint within 5 spines, below 7 — 9 spines in three alternating series; angular process very much elongated, spines 3 — 5; lateral anal appendages densely punctate, their apex short, with 3 — 4 spines ; preanal scale broader than long. Scol. morsitans, Linn., Syst. Nat. i, p. 1063. " " New2>-, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 378. " " Wood, Journ. A. N. S., 1863, p. 23. Scol. marginata, &y, in Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1821, p. 9 ; et in CEuvr. Entom. Ed. Gory. livr. i, p. 22. Scol. Brandtiana, Gervais, in Ann. Sc. Nat., Janv. 1837, p. 50 ; et Apt. iv, p. 280. Scol. platypus, Brandt, Recueil, p. 61. " " Newport, in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xiii, p. 98. S. otomita, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Phys. de Genev., 1860, xv, p. 383, f. 42. " This species closely resembles S. cingulata in its general appearance. The spinules on the inferior surface of the posterior legs are arranged in three series which alternate with one another, so that, as remarked by Mr. Brandt, who first correctly described this species, they form with each other a succession of triangles. The preanal scale is very short, somewhat quadrate, with the posterior margin very slightly rounded. The lateral appen- dages also are short, with a slightly produced bifid apex." Notwithstanding the labor devoted by different naturalists to this species, I think it possible that it will be hereafter found that its history as now accepted is incorrect. The geographical range, as given by Mr. Newport, extends over those portions of South, Cen- tral, and North America which lie in or near the tropics, as well as over the whole of the West Indies and an unknown extent of China. Verily, it must be the cosmopolite of the Scolopendridse. I have seen an individual from Japan which I believe to be the var. ,5 of Newport. It very closely resembles the North American specimens, but a suite may show that it is distinct. I have quite a number of Scolopendrse from Georgia and East Florida, but there is not a specimen of S. morsitans amongst them. I suspect that S. marginata and S. mridis of Say are identical species, and that S. morsitans is not an inhabitant of the vol. xiii. — 21 162 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. United States. Say's descriptions are absolutely no guides to the species intended. M. Gervais adopts Say's species as good, and gives the following synonymy :* "S. MARGINATA, Sai/, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., t. ii, p. 100, &c. S. morsitans, partim, Newp., Trans. Linn. Soe. London, t. xix, p. 379." Length 4 inches. Hab. Florida? S. IN.-EQUIDENS. S. viridi-brunnea; segmento-cephalico punctata, parvo, basali magno postice subtruncato; antennis interdum viridibus, pubescentibus, 17 articulatis ; labio mandlbulisque sparse subprofunde punctatis ; lamiuis dentalibus elongatis; dentibus G — 8, utrinque iutimis duobus arete coadunatis, duobus externis sejunctis, acutis ; scutis in- terdum postice saturate viridi aut cocruleo marginatis ; pedibus luteolis, gracilibus, longis ; postremis robustis, articulo basali supra subconvexo, intus 3 — 8, subtus 7 — 10 spinis ; processu angulari 2 — 6 spinis; appendicibus analibus lateralibus dense profunde punctatis, elongatis, .spinis apical ibfls 3 — 5. Greenish-brown ; cephalic segment punctate, small, basal large posteriorly subtruncate ; antennre sometimes green, pubescent, 17 articulate; labium and mandibles sparsely sub profoundly punctate; dental laminae elongate; teeth 6 — 8, on each side, the two inner closely coadnate, two external distant, acute ; scuta sometimes margined posteriorly with deep green or blue; feet yellowish, slender, long, the last pair robust, with the basal joint above subconvex, within 3 — -8, beneath 7 — 10 spines; angular process 2 — 6 spines; lateral anal appendages densely profoundly punctate, elongate, with 3 — 5 apical spines. S. INiEQtJiDENS, Gervais, Suit, a Buffon, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 277; Exp. Amer. Sud. (Castelneau) Myriap., p. 30. " " Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, 18C3, vol. v, p. 25. The cephalic segment is small, truncate posteriorly, and has its sides remarkably straight. The basal segment is very large, fully half again as broad as the cephalic. The antenna? are sometimes green or blue, and in all of our specimens pubescent on their distal portion. Their joints arc short and almost globose. The scuto-episcutal sutures are well marked, but not so strongly as the sterno-episternal. The legs are slightly compressed. The basal joint has all of its margins well defined, so that it is scarcely subcylindrical, but rather subparallelopipedal. Tire spines are arranged in rows on elevated bases, so as to give the appearance of being on an interrupted crest or raised hue. The apices of the lateral anal appendages arc much prolonged, slightly curved upwards, impunctate and almost diaphanous. This species is separated from its southern representative, by the more rectangular and smaller cephalic segment and the larger basilar, by the more monili- form and fewer jointed antennae, as well ;is by the differences in the structure of the lateral teeth and posterior pair of feet. 1 was at first disposed to consider the specimens as re- presenting a species distinct from that of M. Gervais, but further examination has con- ' I't' " , i. iv, p. 27<'i ; el Tabl. den Myriap Americ. (V'.\}> Amer. Sud. sept, part ) p. :'.(». THE HYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 163 vinced me that that naturalist had a specimen with reproduced hind feet ; yet it is worth while to append his description, so that the correctness or incorrectness of this opinion may he more easily shown.* Length 2i inches. TABLE SHOWING VARIATIONS IN SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Number of specimen. Labial teeth. Spines on inner surface of basal articulation of posterior pair of legs. Spines on lower surface of basal articulation of pos- terior pair of legs. Spines on termi- nal angular pro- cess. Spines on lateral anal appendages. f :j 3 10 2 3 2G7 1 a reprod. lam. "I 4 5 5 8 8 2 1 3 3 268 I 4 I i 1 4 4 5 ? 5 8 7 ? 7 2 2 ? 6 3 4 5 4 I 4 8 9 C 4 Hah. Illinois.- — It. Keunicott. — Smithsonian Collection. — Massachusetts Museum Comparative Zoology. S. LONGIPES. S. castanea, robusta; capite castaneo, ruagno; segmento cephalico ovato, sparse minute punctata: segmento basali maximo; antennis 17 articulatis; mandibulorum dente tuberculoque magnis ; laminis dentalibus marginc antico fere recto; dentibus 6, nigris, magnis, utrinque duobus intimis coadunatis, externo sejuncto, conieo; scutis interdum postice viridi marginatis; spiraculis anticis maximis; pedibus luteolis, longis, compressis, paris penultimi articulo basali spinis 5 in processu angulari terminali alterisque 1 — 2 arruato; pari postremo valde elongato, sub- cylindrico, baud compresso, articulo basali tibiali multo longiore, 30 — 45 spinis longitudinaliter seriatis armato; processu angulari magno, spinis G — 8 ; appendicibus analibus lateralibus dense punctatis, elongatis, singula spinis apicalibus 8 — 12 et interdum alteris marginalibus 1 — 4. Chestnut, robust ; head chestnut, large; cephalic segment ovate, sparsely minutely punctate; basal segment very large ; antennas 17 articulate ; mandibular tooth and tubercle large ; dental laminae with their anterior margin almost straight ; teeth 6, black, large, the two inner on each side coadnate, the external distant, conical ; scuta sometimes margined posteriorly with green; anterior spiracles very large ; feet yellowish, long, compressed, basal * " S. ineqdidentc (S. inyequidens). — Tete subcordiforme un peu-elargie ; doubles stries dorsales paralleled continues en dessus, assez peu marquees; bord posterieur du dernier segment triangulaire obtus; stries inferieurs faiblement divergentes ; plaques des segments subarrondies a leur bord posterieur; plaque preanale quadrilatere etroite a bord posterieur plus etroit que I'anterieur, droit; angles subarrondis; pieces later ales terminees en opine multifide tres-finement ponctuees ; antennes longues, nues ; sallies dentiferes finement ponctuecs, ;\ trois dent inegales, l'interne large, a bord Iibre rectiligne, la mitoyenne peu distincte, subarrondie, Texterne separee par un espace plus grand ; pieds de derriere assez longs, forts, subarrondis, epineux en dessous et a la face interne ; 6 epines environs en dessous ; et a. peu pros 14 au bord interne, la derniere multifide, a sept petites pointes inegales en couronne. Couleur ferrugineuse un peu nuancee de verdatre ; antennes pities ; tote, segment forcipulaire et partie posterieur plus ferrugineuse. Longcur de corps, 0.190; plus grande largcur, 0.022. xVntennes, 0.035 ; pieds de derriere, 0.035." " Pes Etats Unis, a New- York, par M. Milbert (Museum de Paris, 1824)." Ki4 THE MYRIAPODA OP NORTH AMERICA. joint of penultimate pair armed with 5 spines on a terminal angular process and 1—2 others ; last pair very elongate, subcylindrieal, not compressed, basal joint much longer than the tibial, armed with 80 — 15 spines in longitudinal .-erics; angular process large, with G — 8 spines; lateral anal appendages densely punctate, elongate, each with 8 — 12 apical spines, and sometimes 1 — 1 marginal. S. lonoipes, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., New Series, 1863, vol. v, p. 20. This species is closely allied to S. alU mans, Leach, but differs from the characters given by Mr. Newport; first, in the mandibular tubercle (mandibular tooth of Newport), being very large and having the lesser tubercle near to its base ; secondly, in the number of spines on the basal joint of last pair of legs being from 30 — 45 instead of from 45 — 60 ; and finally, by the roughness of the lateral anal appendages. Besides, the specimens agree in possessing important characters not mentioned by Mr. Newport, and which it is fair to conclude do not exist in his species. The head and its appendages are very large and stout. The antenna? are generally lighter in color than the body. The first scutum is much the smallest. The lateral mar- gins of the anterior scuta are straighter than those of the posterior, which are elevated. The posterior margin of the terminal scutum is very strongly arcuate. The scuto-episcutal sutures are traceable, but not so well marked as the sterno-episternal. The femur of the nineteenth pair of legs is furnished with two small spines on its distal extremity ; that of the twentieth with one or two on its upper surface, and a well-marked terminal angular process supporting five small spines. The femur of the last pair is rather depressed than compressed, and armed with 30 — 45 small spines, irregularly arranged in rows on its upper, inner, and lower surfaces. The preanal scale is somewhat elongate, and narrowed posteriorly. Jlil:. Florida. — Smithsonian Collection. S. 1SYSSJNA. S. saturate viridis aut brunnea ; capite dilute castaneo, et labio mandibulisque sparse punctatis; segment* eephalico late ovato, antice leviter emarginato, segmento prebasali oullo; antennis luteolis, 18 articulatis, pube- Bcentibus; dente mandibulari gracilej laminis dentalibus latis; dentibus labialibus 10, parvis, nigris, utrinque tribiiB intimis coadnnatis ; pedibus gracilibus, luteolis, modiee compressis ; pare postremo supra complanato, subtus valde cunvcxo, marginibus superioribus et extern.) et interoo acutisj articulo basali tibiali longiore et intus et sub- tus 1 > i v < 1 tri-spinoso, processu angulari bifido vel trifidoj superficie ventrali brunneo-olivacea ; appendieibus analibu* lateralibus profunde dense punctatis, modiee elongatis, singula spinis apicalibus 2 — S, spicibua hand incut i Dei p green or brown ; head ligbl i hi unit, with the labium ami mandibles sparsely punctate ; cephalic segment broadl; ovati anteriorly slightlj emarginate, prebasal segment wanting; antennae yellowish, 18 articulate, pube- ' . mandibul ir tooth li adi i . dental laminsu broad ; labial teeth L0, small, black, the inner three on each sidi THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 165 coadnatc; feet slender, yellowish, moderately compressed ; last pair of feet above complanate, below strongly con- vex, superior margins, both external and internal, acute; basal joint longer than the tibial, both on the inner and lower surface bi- or tri-spinous, angular process bifid or trifid ; ventral surface brownish-olive ; lateral anal appen- dages densely profoundly punctate, rather elongate, each with 2 — 3 apical spines, apex not incurvate. S. BYSSINA, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1861, p. 10; Journ. A. N. S., 1863, p. 26. The head is of moderate size. The dental lamina are rather broad, their teeth small, almost tuberculiform. The scuto-episcntal sutures are traceable, but not so distinct as the sterno-episternal. The first scutum is very short, the penultimate very large, with its sides strongly arched. The legs are slightly compressed. One brown specimen has some of its scuta margined posteriorly with green. This species differs from subspinipes in the shape of hind pair of legs, which are parallclopipedal, and have the margins much more acute, as well as in the proportionate length of the basal and tibial joints. How far these characters are specific is not certain, and it is very possible that this species does not deserve to rank higher than a variety. Large suites of specimens can alone decide this. The habitat of S. byssina is uncertain. Originally it was described as doubtfully living in Florida. Then specimens were found in the Smithsonian Collection labelled California. Since then others have come to light labelled Florida. It is hardly possible that the species is common to the two countries, and which is correct I am at a loss to decide. Length 1\ inches. S. COPEANA. S. luteolo-castanea prasino sparsa ; capite sparse minute punctata; segmento cephalico parvo, subrotundo, con- vexo; basali magno ; antennis 25 articulatis; labio rubri-castaneo ; laminis dentalibus subelongatis, margine antico fere recto; dentibus 8, nigris, utrinque duobus iutimis coadunatis, extimis duobus majoribus, conicis, sejunctis; pedibus luteolis, modice eompressis; pari postremo robusto, articulo basali tibiali vix longiore, supra complanato, intus 4 — 6 spinis, infra 9 — 17 spinis in serie cpuadruplici (interduni inordinatim) dispositis; processu angulari spinis 2 — 5 ; appendicibus analibus lateralibus dense profundeque punctatis, singula spinis apicalibus 3 — 5, et marginalibus 1 — 3 ; superficie ventrali sordide luteola. Yellowish-chestnut, sprinkled with light green; head sparsely minutely punctate; cephalic segment small, sub- round, convex ; basal large; antennae 25 articulate ; labium reddish-chestnut; dental laminae subelongate, with their dental margins nearly straight; teeth 8, black, the two inner on each side coadnate, the two external larger, conical, distant; feet yellowish, moderately compressed; last pair robust, basal article scarcely longer than the tibial, above complanate, within 4 — 6 spines, below 9 — 17 spines arranged in a fourfold series (sometimes irregu- lar) ; angular process with from 2 — 5 spines ; lateral anal appendages densely profoundly punctate, each with 3 — -5 apical spines and 1 — 3 marginal ; ventral surface a dirty yellow. S. copeana, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., New Series, vol. v, 1863, p. 27. The head is somewhat peculiar ; it is not so broad as the posterior portion of the body. 166 THE MYIUAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. The cephalic segment is convex, subround, sometimes somewhat truncate posteriorly. Its breadth is just about equal to its length, but owing to the convexity appears less. The basilar segment is much larger than the cephalic, and has the prebasilar fold well marked. The posterior portion of the scuta are often margined with green, and, in some specimens, the anterior part of the body is mottled with this color. In one individual the antennae arc of a pea-green tint ; generally they correspond in color with the feet. The penultimate scutum is large, with its lateral margins strongly arched. The terminal scutum is me- dianly slightly subcarinatc. The sterno-episternal sutures are better marked than the scuto-episcutal, which arc, however, quite evident. It is noticeable that the terminal scutum has a single median, instead of two lateral sutures. The preanal scale is rather large, much narrowed, and very slightly emarginate posteriorly. Where the marginal spines of the lateral anal appendages exceed two in number, some of them are generally very small and situated at or near the base of the terminal process. I have named this species in honor of Prof. Edward D. Cope, with whom it has been my good fortune to have been associated since the earliest dawn of our tastes for natural history. Length 4 J inches. TABLE SHOWING VARIATIONS IN SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. Spines on anal appen- Spines on inner side of Spines on 1 owel surface of d-io-es Number of Labial teeth. basal joint of last pair of legs. basal joint of last pair of Spines on angular process. ■~ specimen. legs. Apical. Marginal. 39 4 4 2 2 o O o 2 4 0 4 5 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 6 4 4 5 4 5 5 o 4 6 3 3 4 3 5 o O 1 309 4 4 2 3 ft 3 2 4 1 4 4 ■> 3 5 3 2 5 3 4 6 3 :) 1 5 3 4 5 3 4 ft 1 3 2 3 3 4 5 o a li n O 2 3 3 3 (i 1 4 (i 2 o o o 4 2 4 O 4 5 2 3 4 3 3 3 1 4 5 2 3 3 3 3 4 1 4 5 1 o 4 3 3 4 1 4 5 2 o 3 3 O 3 2 IJab. California. — Smithsonian Collection. S. I'.ISI'IMI'KS. S. olivacea, polita; eapite olivaeeo-oastaneo ; mandibulis magnis ; segmento cepbalico late ovato, aatioe leviter emarginato, basali raagno, prebasali noil..; antenni l'.i artioulatis, antice pubescentibus ; labio leviter convexo, sine suturis, minute punctata ; laminie dentalibus, latis, brevibus, marginibus anticis rectis, angulie postieis extemis ; denticulia L0, conicis, parvis sed acutibua el distinctis, utrinque intimis tribus arete coadunatis, duobua '" 'joii.n , nt. hi outo-episcutalibus inconspicuis, ed terno-episterualibus modiee conspiouis j pedibua THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 1C7 Iutcolis, leviter compressis; pari postremo gracile, articulo basali supra complanato, subtus valde convexo et sine spina, intus bispinoso, margine superiore exteruo acuto ; prooessu angulari valde elongato, simplice vel bifido ; articulo tibiali basali fere fequale, sed subcylindrico et graciliore ; appendicibus analibus lateralibus longis, dense minute profuude punctatis, utrinque spinis apicalibus 1 — 3. Olive, polished; head olive-chestnut; mandibles large; cephalic segment broadly ovate, anteriorly slightly emarginate, the basal segment large, prebasal absent; antennae 19 articulate, distally pubescent; labium slightly convex, without sutures, minutely punctate ; dental Iaminaj broad, short, with their anterior margins straight, the external posterior angles produced ; denticules 10, conical, small but acute and distinct, the inmost three on each side closely coadnate, the outer two separate ; scuto-episcutal sutures not conspicuous, but the sterno-episternal rather so ; feet yellowish, slightly compressed ; last pair slender, the basal joint above complanate, below strongly convex and without spines, within bispinous, the superior external margin acute, the angular process very elongate, simple or bifid; tibial joint about equal to the basal, but subcylindrical and more slender; lateral anal appendages long, densely minutely profoundly punctate, on each side with from 1 — 3 apical spines. S. bispinipes, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., New Series, 1863, p. 28. The length of cephalic segment is equal to its breadth. The mandibles are thick. The breadth of the dental laminae much exceeds their length. The teeth are small, but very distinct. The penultimate scutum is large, with its lateral margins strongly arched ; the terminal is large, with its lateral margins arched, very strongly elevated, and its posterior very arcuate. The preanal scale is not canaliculate, but much narrowed posteriorly, with its margins very nearly straight. The spines on the basal articulation of the last pair of feet are very large ; the anterior is situated above the other. This species, is closely allied to S. Newportii, Lucas (originally described by Mr. Newport as S. Gervaisii). Mr. New- port, in his latin diagnosis, both in the Linnsean Transactions and the Catalogue of the British Museum, says " dentibus conspicuis" but in the former work he says, " The most marked character of this species is the indistinctness of the labial teeth, which in some specimens are entirely wanting /" What does he mean % This species is also allied to S. ornata, Newport. That author states, " pedum paris postremi articulo basali spinis tribus acutis," but does not state the form of the head. Afterwards he says : " This is a very beautiful species, very distinct in every respect of form, size, and shape of the head from S. subspinipes, but precisely •similar as regards the shape and armature of posterior pair of legs," &c. Now, S. subspinipes is furnished with five spines on its posterior pair of legs ! The specimens before me may belong to S. ornata, but their heads do not differ from those of S. subspinipes, and it is not clear what the armature of S. ornata really con- sists of. I have seen two specimens from San Francisco, belonging to the Museum of Comparative Zoology. ](iS TFIF MTEIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Gen. 4. CRYPTOPS, Leach* Segmenta podophora 21. Antenna; 17 articulate. Oculi nulli vel inconspicui. Labium edentuluru. Scutum postrcraum Scolopendnu verse illo simillimum. Pedum postremorum articulus basalis plerumque inermis. Ap- pendices anales laterales obtusae. Feet-bearing segments 21. Antennae 17 articulate. Eyes absent or inconspicuous. Labium edentate. Last scutum similar to that of the true Scolopendra. liasal joint of the last pair of feet generally unarmed. Lateral anal appendages obtuse. '• Cryptops hyauna. '■ Pallida, Levis, lineis 2 longitudinalibus saturatioribus ; capite autennisque ferrugineis; pedibus postremis brun- neis spiuulis 5 in articulo tertio tarsalive. Long. lin. 7." Pale, smooth, with 2 deeper longitudinal lines; head and antenna ferruginous; last pair of feet brown, with 5 spinules on the third or tarsal joint. Length 7 lines. "CRYPT, hyauna, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st series, vol. ii ; id. (Euvr. Entom. 1, sp. 23 ; Grrr. in Ann. Sci. Nat., Janv. 1837, sp. 3 ; Lucas, Hist. Nat. Anim. Artie, p. 54ti, sp. 3." " Hub. In Georgia et Florida." Species milii ignota. "C. Milrertii, Gervais. " Point d'yeiix ; 22 segments, en comptant la tete d'un brun marron. TOte arrondie, non engagee dans le second segment. Plaques convexes non arrondies a, leurs bords posterieurs, bordees. Segments tres ineguax entre eux, les 1, 3, 5, G, 8, 10, 12, 11, 16, 18, sont les moins allonges; le dernier est plus.etroits et cylindroide. En des- sous, ces plaques sont un peu bombees et presque egales. Les deux paires de pattes posterieures sont plus allon- que les autres et terminees par une petite grille; niais les cuisses ne sont point renfl^es ni beaucoup plus grosses que celles des autres pattes, et celles des pattes posterieures n'ont ni epines ni tubercules. Les machoires (ou les mandibules des auteurs) sont brunes, comme le menton ou la levrc qui supporte les crochets des mandi- bules. Cette levre u'esl point bifide, mais arrondie ;\ son extremitie; elle n'a point de dents, wais seulement deux enfoncements lateraux. Les mandibules ou palpes ont leurs articles cylindriques et rougeatrcs ; le dernier article esl comme tronque el termine par une pointe ou onglet. Les antennes sunt allongees et quand on les ren- verse en arriere, elles atteignent le millieu du cinquieme segment; leurs articles courts, reufles, moniliformes, i reguliers, presque egaux, sont au Dombre de 17. "Apporte de Jersey dans l'Am^rique du Nord par M. Milbert. Cette esp6ce differe de 1'Hortensis par des pattes beaucoup plus utes el une tete plus arrondie." Species mihi ignota. C. VllLBEETI, Gervais, Apt. iv, p. 592. I. inn. Trans, xi, p, US I. THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 169 Gen. 5. OPISTHEMEGA.* Segmenta podophora 21. Ocelli nulli. Labium plerumque dentatutn. Scutum postremum maximum, quad- ratutn, alteris multo majore; pedes postremi crassi, breves. Appendices anales laterales obtusae. (Pigs. 8, 9, 10.) Feet-bearing segments 21. Eyes absent. Labium generally dentate. Last scutum very large, quadrate, much larger than the others; last pair of feet thick, short. Lateral anal appendages obtuse. O. POSTICA. O. aurantiaca; capite polito, punctata; segmenta basali depressione triangulari mediana ; labio antice elon- gate, mandibulisque punctatis ; laminis dentalibus subelongatis, margine Fin-. 8. Fig. 9. antico fere recto; denticulis 6, distinctis, acutis; antennis haud pubescenti- bus, 17 articulatis ; scutis sternisque politis ; scuto postremo subprofunde punctata, postice abrupte truncate, medio canaliculate, lateribus rotundatis, marginibus lateralibus valde elevatis; pedibus postremis brevissimis, subpro- funde punctatis, subcylindricis ; articulis basali tibialique sine spin is, supra subcomplanatis, intus complanatis, margine interiore superiore acute, alteris rotundatis ; appendicibus analibus lateralibus angustis, dense profunde punc- tatis, postice abrupte truncatis, sine spinis; squama preanali elongata, media vix canaliculata. Orange ; head polished, punctate ; basal segment with a median triangular depression; labium anteriorly elongate, together with the mandibles punc- tate ; dental lamina somewhat elongate, anterior margin almost straight ; den- ticules 6, distinct, acute; antennae not pubescent, 17 articulate; scuta and sterna polished; last scutum subpro- foundly punctate, posteriorly abruptly truncate, medianly canaliculate, with the sides rounded, lateral margins very elongate ; last pair of feet very short, subprofoundly punctate, subcylindrical ; basal and tibial joints without spines, above subcomplanate, within complanate, superior interior margin acute, the others rounded; lateral anal appendages narrow, densely profoundly punctate; posteriorly abruptly truncate, without spines; pre- anal scale elongate, medianly scarcely canaliculate. O. postica, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, vol. v, p. 35.. From the triangular depression on the basilar segment two sutures diverge posteriorly. The scuto-episcutal sutures are very distinct, the sterno-episternal wanting. The sterna are, however, provided with a mesial marking, the line of coalescence of the two primi- tive sterna. The last pair of feet are rather shorter than in the following species, more cylindrical and smoother, especially on their inner surface. The basal joint is rather shorter than the tibial, which is about twice as long as the tarsal. Can this be the same species as (Tryptojpa postica, Say? It agrees with Mr. Newport's description of his Theou- * Wood, Jourti. A. N. S., new series, 18G3, vol. v, p. 35. OkktSs, postice, jj-eya^. vol. xrn. — 22 no THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. topsposiica ( C. poslica, Say), except as to the ryes and teeth. Is it possible that Mr. Newport is mistaken as to tin- possession of eyes > Say certainly did not see them. Length 1 :! inches. Hdb. North Carolina. — Dr. Wm. Stimpson. — Smithsonian Collection. Fig. 10. Fi£ 11. O. SPINICAUDA. 0. aurantiaca; capite polifo, punctata; segmento basali depressione magna triangulari mediana; antennis 17 articulatis, antice pubescentibus ; laminis dentalibus, labio mandibulisque subprofunde punctatis, rnargine antico rotundato; denticulis labialibus 4, parvis, arete coadunatis, indistinctissimis ; labio medio antice subcarinato; scuto postremo maximo, subprofunde punctato, alteris fere bis majore, lateribus rotundatis, marginibus lateralibus valde elevatis ; pedibus postremis robustis, supra complanatis, intus com plana tis et rude punctatis, articulo basali tibiali fere acquali ; femore, tibia, tarsisque margine interiore supcriore acuto et serrulato, fern ore tibiaque margine interiore inferiore quo(|ue acuto et serrulato; processu angulari parvo, spina unica robusta acuta ; appendicibus analibus lateralibus angustis, postice truncatis, dense profunde punctatis, singula spina unica apicali minutissima; squama preanali elongata, subprofunde punctata, media leviter canaliculata. (Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11.) Orange ; bead polished, punctate ; basal segment with a large median triangular depression ; antenna: 16 articu- late, distally pubescent ; dental lamina, with the labium and mandibles subprofoundly punctate, anterior margin rounded ; labial denticules 4, small, closely coadnate, very indistinct; labium medianly anteriorly subcarinate ; last scutum very large, subprofoundly punctate, almost twice as large as the others, with its sides rounded, its lateral margins very much elevated; last pair of feet robust, above complanate, within eomplanate and rudely punctate; basal and tibial joints about equal ; interior superior margin of the femur, tibia and tarsi acute and serrulate; the interior inferior margin of the femur and tibia also acute and serrulate; angular process small, with a single acute robust spine; lateral anal appendages narrow, posteriorly truncate, densely profoundly punctate, each with a very minute apical spine; preanal scale elongate, Bubprofoundly punctate, medianly lightly^canaliculate. O. SPINICAUDA, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 36. The color varies greatly in depth <>f shade, but the two ends are almost always darker than the intermediate portion of the body; the feet, with the exception of the last pair, are generally lighter. The cephalic segment is slightly emarginate in front. The suture between the true basilar segment and the prebasilar fold is very deep; it is formed by two lines rapidly divergent from the centre, and at the central portion then- is quite a large triangular depression. In some specimens the scuto-episcutal sutures are well-marked. The posterior borders of the scuta are straight. The terminal scutum is nearly twice as large THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 171 as any of the others, deeply punctate, and without a sulcus or any traces of the sutures. The last pair" of legs are dark in color, short and very robust ; their basilar joint is often furnished with one or two small spines, besides the terminal, on either the inferior or superior internal margin. They present the peculiar crossing of the nails found in the other species. The other legs are somewhat compressed. Length, 2i inches. Huh. South Illinois, West Pennsylvania. Smithsonian Collection. Gen. 6. TIIEATOPS, Neirp* "Ocelli distincti. Antennas breves, subulatas, 17 — articulatae. ' Segmentum ccphalicutu truneatum subimbri- catum ; margine labiali denticulato. Pedum postremorum articulus magnus, obconicus, abbi'eviatus. Pedum paria 21. Appendices anales laterales obtusaj." Eyes distinct. Antennas short, subulate, 17 articulate. Segments cephalic, truncate, subimbricate ; labial margin denticulate. Joint of the last feet large, obconical, abbreviated. Pairs of feet 21. Lateral anal appen- dages obtuse. T. POSTICA. " T. aurantiaca, ocellis iuconspicuis lateralibus, dentibus 8 minutis, segmento postremo maximo elongato quad- rate lateribus rotundato medio profunde sulcata margine posteriore transverso, pedibus postremis brevibus crassis rotundatis attenuatis ; articulo basali brevissimo. Long. unc. 8-10." Orange, ocelli lateral not conspicuous; teeth 8 minute; last segment very large, elongate, quadrate, with its sides rounded medianly; profoundly sulcate, with its posterior margin transverse; last feet short, thick, rounded attenuate; basal joint very short. Length, 8-10 inches. Crypt, postica, Say, Journ. A. N. S., Philada., ii, p. 112 ; (Euvr. Entoni. i, p. 24 ; Gervais, Ann. Sci. Nat. Janv., 1837, p. 51, sp. 5; Apt. iv, p. 294. " Lucas, Hist. Nat. Anim. Artie, p. 547, sp. 5. " Newport, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xiii, p. 110. Theatops postica, Newport, Linn, Trans., xix, p. 410; Catal. British Mus. (Myriap.), p. 61. " Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 37. " Rah. In Georgia, Floridaque Orientali." " The mandibles are short, thick, and have a distinct basal tooth ; the dental plates are elongated and widely separated ; the teeth 8, minute but distinct. The basal joint of the posterior pair of legs much shorter than the second, which is twice as long as the succeed- ing joints. The lateral anal appendages deeply punctured. Preanal scale flat, with a median longitudinal sulcus and scattered punctures, with the margin straight." I have never seen a specimen of this species. * Linn. Trans., xix, p. 410. 172 THE MYRIAl'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Gen. 8. SCOLOPOCRYPTOPS, Neap* Ocelli nulli, scmenta podophora 23, postremum angustum ; segmentum ccphalicuru imbricatura. Labium edentulum. Antennae 17 articulatse. Eyes none; feet-bearing segments, 23 ; the last narrow; cephalic segment imbricate. Labium edentate. An- tennae, IT articulate. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. S. SEX8PINOSA. S. saturate aurautiaca ; pedibus flavis, subcompressis ; antennis flavis, intcrdum aurantiaeis, pubescentibus ; capite labio mandibulis scutis sternisque punctatis; segmento cephalico subovato ; labii margine antico fere recto ; scuto postremo angusto, longo ; pedibus postremis elongatis, baud pilosis; articulo basali tibiali longiore, spina unica magna in superficie inferiore et altera minore medians in margine superiore interno et rare altera articulari minutissima; appendi- cibus analibus lateralibus valde elongatis, profunde dense punctatis, singula spina apicali unica alteraque minutissima in angula superiore posteriore ; squama preanali postiee vix emarginata. (Fig- 12.) Deep orange; feet yellow, somewhat compressed; antennae yellow, sometimes orange, pubescent; head, labium, mandibles,'scuta, and sterna punctate; cephalic segment subovate; anterior margin of the labium ( Fig. 13) nearly straight; last scutum narrow, long ; last feet elongate, not pilose ; the basal joint longer than the tibial, with one large spine upon its inferior surface, and another smaller median on its inner superior margin, and rarely a third very small articular; lateral anal appendages very elongate, densely pro- foundly punctate, each with a single apical spine, and another very minute one upon their superior posterior angle ; preanal scale posteriorly scarcely emarginate. Cbyptops sexspinosus. S7. Fulvous, polished; head light orange, punctate, with a few long rigid hails; cephalic segment anteriorly truncate ; posteriorly rapidly narrowed and scarcely truncate; antennae with many long rigid hairs; labium profoundly punctate, anteriorly emarginate, impressed with a median sulcus; | mandibles distinctly punctate, with a few rigid hairs, quadridentate ; anal segment pilose; feet with long hairs, 57 pairs. M. pi t.\ i s, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, vol. v. p. 11. Geophili s attenuati -. Suy, Jouro. A. N. S, 1st series, vol. ii. The cephalic segment is scarcelj narrowed at all, except at the posterior end, where it is rapidly contracted, being indeed rounded off. The body is slender and polished. The * 1'iue. Zool. Society, December, IS 12, p. 179. THE MYKIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 177 scuto-episcutal and sterno-episternal sutures are very distinct, as well as those between the primitive sterna. I have found this species around Philadelphia, although not very abundantly. They appear to affect the inner bark or liber of decaying logs, especially that of the locust (Robinia pseudacaeia, L.) I have, however, occasionally observed them under stones. It may possibly be GeopMlus attenuatus, but that species can never be determined from Say's description. M. MELANONOTUS. M. parvus, gracilis, dilute aurantiacus; litieis duabus dorsalibus, latis, nigris, e capite ad segmentum penulti- inaiii ductis; capite sparse breve piloso; antennis sparse pilosis; labio, medio valde canaliculate, utrinque nia- culis tribus nigris ; mandibulis intus vix denticulatis ; lateribus nigro uiaculatis ; scuto postremo dilute auran- tiaco; suturis scuto-episcutalibus indistinctis; pedibus compressis, utrinque fere 50, pari postremo gracile ; sternis suturis sterno-episternalibus et sulco mediano impressis. Small, slender, light orange, with two broad, black, dorsal lines passing from head to penultimate segment; head sparsely shortly pilose ; antennae sparsely pilose ; labium medianly strongly canaliculate, on each side, with three black maculae ; mandibles within scarcely denticulate ; sides maculate with black ; last scutum light orange ; scuto- episcutal sutures indistinct; feet compressed, about 50 on each side; last pair slender; sterna impressed with the sterno-episternal sutures and a median sulcus. M. melanonotus, Wood, Journ. A. N. S., new series, 1863, vol. v, p. 41. The two black bands are somewhat irregular and so broad that it would, perhaps, be correct to describe the dorsum as black, with a single median and two longitudinal light stripes. The labium has three black dots on each side, but I suspect that these are not constant. The mandibles have, on their inner edge, the rudiments of a denticule. I have had great difficulty in determining the number of feet, but think that fifty pairs is very near the mark. There is in the Museum of the Academy a single specimen, collected in Georgia by Dr. John Le Conte. The length is about an inch. M. LIMATUS. M. aurantiacus?, venuste politus ; capite appendicibusque saturate rubris, segmento cephalico ordinatim punc- tata, a front e ordinatim angustato, segmeuto.basali labioque lfevibus; antennis sparse longe pilosis; labio valde emarginato, medio leviter canaliculate; mandibulis magnis, pilis longissiuiis, singula denticulationibus magnis, obtusis, 4; pedibus flavis ?, pilosis, utrinque 43 — 44, postremis valde elongatis; scuto postremo elongato. Orange, beautifully polished ; head and appendages deep red ; cephalic segment regularly punctate, regularly narrowed from the front; basal segment and labium smooth; antennas sparsely long pilose; labium strongly emar- ginato, medianly lightly canaliculate; mandibles large, with very long hairs, each with four very large, obtuse denticules ; feet yellow ?, pilose ; on each side 43 — 44 ; last pair very elongate ; last scutum elongate. vol. xni. — 23 L78 THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. M. LIMATDS, Wood, Joutd. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1803, p. 42. The alcohol in which the specimens were preserved having evaporated, they are in such a condition thai I can only guess at the original color of the body and feet. The scuto-episcutal sutures are very distinct, as well as the subsegmental sutures of each fully- tunned segment. The sterna are furnished with a median sulcus, deeply marked on the posterior, but obsolescent on the anterior portion of most of them. Length, 2i inches. IIi'li. California. — Smithsonian Collection. Genus GEOPHILUS, Leach* tegmentum cephalieuro subquadratum. Segmentum prebasale baud sejunctuiu, sed basali absolute coalituin. Segment! basalis margo posticus antico multo longior. Segmentum subbasale sejunctum. Mandibular modicse, interdum denticulatae. Antenna? eapite multo longiores, subapproximatae, artieulis inaequalibus. Labium ple- rumque emarginatum. (Fig. 19.) Cephalic segment subquadrate. Prebasal segment not separate, but entirely eoaleseent with the basal. Posterior margin of the -basal segment much longer than the anterior. Subbasal segment separate. Man- dibles moderate, sometimes denticulate. Antennae much longer than the head, subapproximate, their joints unequal. Labium generally emarginate. Geophilus lonqicornes, Gervais, Apt. iv, p. 313. Necropiil/Eopiiacus, Newport, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1842, p. 180. Arthronomalus, Newport, Linn. Trans., six, p. 430 ; et Catal. Brit. Mus. Myriap., p. 83; baud Geophilus Newport et imitatores. • Since Geophihis carpop7tayus is the type of the original genus as instituted by Dr. Leach, the name Geophilus must be used for this section, to which G. carpqphagua belongs, and not for that to which Mr. Newport applies it. Air. Gervais does not adopt any of these genera, much to my surprise, for they appear to me as clearly and even beautifully defined as almost any that 1 have ever seen. (J. OEPHALICU8. \ Mr. Gray, his THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 1<)1 family Craspedosomidae includes both the subfamilies Lysiopetalidae and Craspedosomidae of Newport, although these are placed by the latter in different families. Whether these two groups belong together or not I cannot say, since 1 have never seen a specimen of the Craspedosomidae of Newport. The Lysiopetalidae, as defined in this memoir, includes that of Mr. Newport, but whether it reaches still further I cannot certainly say, on account of the differences in the characters used. The distinguishing mark of the Polydesmidae is commonly supposed to be the possession of lateral lamina or side plates. Now, on glancing over a selected series of specimens, it will be seen that there is a regular grada- tion in size, from the largest lateral lamina to those which are merely rudimentary. Further, in some species of Lysiopetalida?, the whole surface is strongly keeled, and the keel corresponding in position to the lateral lamina is so enlarged as to equal in size the smaller lateral lamina. The groups thus coming, as regards this character, in contact, or at least very close proximity. If a segment of a species of each of the three groups is examined, it will be found that fixed characters can be drawn from the varying development of the sterna of the subseg- ments. In the Polydesmidae both of the sterna are thoroughly developed, so that the segment constitutes a perfect ring. In the Julidae the sterna of the posterior subsegments are atrophied, so that each segment is emarginate posteriorly. In the Craspedosomidae both sterna are reduced to their minimum, and not consolidated with the scuta, so that the ring is left altogether incomplete. I have placed the Polydesmidae below instead of above the other families, because they have both the organs of special sense and the loco- motory apparatus least developed. . Ord. LYSIOPETALID. E. Sterna minima, cum scutis haud conjuncta. Sterna very small, not conjoined with the scuta. There is much obscurity hanging around the genera of this family ; so much that, in the absence of known representatives and types, it is impossible to clear it up. Genera, with precisely opposite characters, families widely separated, have been tor- tured out of what claims to be one species. In " Europe Meridionale," M. Risso described a genus under the name of Calipus, the type of which is a European species, which, M. Gervais says, belongs to the genus Lysiopetalum. Pisso's generic characters apply nearly equally well to any ( hilognath. Yet, if Gervais is right, his name should have the preference. In Recueil (p. 42), M. Brandt indicated the genus Lysiopetalum, and afterwards (p. 90), the g(mus Spirostre- plion. The description of the former is mostly made up of what 1 consider family cha- 192 THE MYKIAl'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. meters ; that of the latter is founded on an entirely distinct set — is. in truth, a description comparative not with the allied genera, but with those of the Iulidse. In "Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist,," Mr. Newport described a genus Platops. His description has appa- rently not the slighted relation to that of M. Brandt; but Platops seems to be the same as Spirostrephon, from the fact that the type of the latter is one of Mr. Newport's new speeies. Mr. Gervais unites Lysiopctalum and Platops together, whether correctly or not I cannot say, not having seen enough specimens. Although with my present light it appears probable that they are one, yet, out of deference to the opinions of Messrs. Brandt and Newport, they are in this paper considered distinct. Genus SPIROSTEEPH< >N. > S. LACTARIUS. S. brunneus, lineis rufo-brunneis tribus ornatus; scutis valde et arete carinatis; segmentis 59. Brown, ornamented with three reddish brown lines; scuta closely and strongly keeled ; segments 59. Var. Nigro brunneus, haud lineatus. Var. Blackish brown, not lineatc. Julus i.actarius, Sal/, Journ. A. N. S., 1st series, vol. ii, p. 104. 1'latops lineatus, Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 267. Spirostrephon lactarius, Brandt, Recueil, p. 90. Lysiopetalum lineatum, Gervais, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 133. Cambala lactarius, " " " p. 134; Exped. L'Aiuer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriap., p. 17. Reasia spinosa, Swijci; Proe. A. N. S., 1856, p. 109. " Heana ciiinosa, Sceyer," Gervais, Exped. L'Amer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriap., p. 14. Haud. "Julus lactarius, Sat/;" Gray et Newport. Cambala lactarius, Gray, Griff., Animal Kingdom Ins., pi. 135, fig. 2. " " Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 2tit5. The color in this speeies varies from a very light to a very dark brown. The ornamental lines are generally very distinct, but may be entirely absent, especially in those specimens which have a blackish tint. The head is somewhat omarginate in its superior posterior border. The vertex is dark colored, convex, medianly obsoletely canaliculate, and copiously minutely distinctly punc- tate. The anterior aspect is rather narrow, lighter colored, and provided with numerous '• Brandt. THE MYRIAl'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 193 short hairs. Its border is rather deeply emarginate. The eyes are in triangular patches, and are quite prominent. The antennas are rather long, filiform, pilose, and not at all clavate. The first scutum has its transverse diameter scarcely equal to that of the head. The anterior portion of its surface is smooth, the posterior strongly carinatc. The surface of the other scuta is divisible into three regions. The anterior of these is the broader, and is strongly and closely keeled. The middle is the least in size, and is ornamented with closely set small keels, entirely evanescent on the sides. The posterior is not at all keeled, but is chased with curved, impressed lines. The keels at the position of the lateral pores are much enlarged and thickened. On the surface above them there are about seventeen keels to a segment. The last scutum is not at all pointed. The posterior por- tion of the body is more or less pilose. The preanal scale is broadly triangular. The female appendages appear to consist of a pair of somewhat conical flattened bodies, with rounded summits, surmounted by a curved, rather thick, process, which springs from the base. The male appendages (Fig. 25) consist of two basal, irregular pieces, closely conjoined, and two processes arising from each of them. The smaller of these is short, broad, rather straight and acute at its end. The larger is composed of two parts. The shaft is irregular and proximally curved at right angles to itself; from its distal end proceeds at a sharp angle a curiously curved, somewhat spoon- shaped, portion ; from near the point of junction of these arise a pair of subcylindrical, nearly parallel, curved processes. One of these is frequently distallv bifid. Mr. Say, in his description of lulus lactarius, uses the following expression : " Eyes tri- angular, granulated, deep black." In the Annals and Magazine Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 266, Mr. Newport states that there were in the British Museum the original specimens sent by Mr. Say to Dr. Leach as lulus lactarius, and that their eyes were arranged in linear patches. He there indicates a new genus, under the name of Cambala, with lulus lactarius, Say, for its type, and characterizes it by its linear eye-patches. On the other hand, Mr. Brandt (Recueil) identifies certain specimens with triangular eye-patches in the Museum at Berlin as I. lactarius of Say. M. Gervais, reviewing this, concludes that Mr. Newport must have been mistaken, that his Cambala lactarius is not I. lactarius of Say. I have seen very numerous specimens from different localities agreeing in all respects with Mr. Say's description, but never one with linear eye-patches. Again, I find that Mr. Newport's description of Platops lineatus coincides with the specimens which I identify as I. lactarius of Say. Now, can there be any doubt that, through the carelessness of some one, the label had been transferred to the bottle of specimens which Mr. Newport studied, and that really his P. lineatus was founded on the type specimens of Say's spe- 1!)4 TOE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. cics { I have examined the types of Reasia spinosa, and there can be no doubt as to its identity. I have seen a single specimen, a female, labelled as coming from New Grenada, which apparently belongs to this species. Hub. Eastern United States. S. C.ESIOANNULATI S. S. brunneus, caesioannulatus ; segmentis 32, singulo serie punctorum distantuui ornato. S. brown, annulate with gray; segments 32, each with a series of distant puncta. The general color of this curious Myriapod is light brown, but (In each scutum is a broad gray annulus. The anterior surface of the head is hollowed out at the position of the ocelli; in front of these the sides are straight and converging. The inferior margin is rather deeply emarginate. The basal portion of the mandibles on each side project, so that if a vertical section of the head through the middle were taken it would be an oval with its greater diameter transverse. The eyes are in strictly triangular patches, with remarkably straight sides. The scuta are so deeply canaliculate along their dorsal centre as to be almost divided into two parts. The dorsum is not perfectly rounded, but there is somewhat of a ridge or angle in the centre. Each scutum is furnished with a regular series of distant large puncta, or perhaps more properly, pores. Three cylindrical, transparent spinules, project from the posterior border of the last scutum. There is a single specimen, a female, in the Smithsonian Museum, — it measures about an inch in length, and was found by Mr. Robert J. Walker in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania. This species ought perhaps to be the type of a new genus; but, as I am unable to make out the generic characters in this family, it seems preferable to retain it in this for the present. Pam. U. ll'LIDJv Subsegmentorum posticorum sterna subnulla, subsegmentorum anticorum sterna raodica et ilia ethaec cum seutis arete conjuncta Scuta laminis latcralibus haud instructa. Sterna of the posterior subsegments almost absent, of the anterior moderate, both closely conjoined with the ata. Scuta not furnished with lateral lamina. The head in this family is moderately large, and generally has the organs of special sense well developed. The eyes arc present in all our American species, arranged in variously shaped patches, near to the base of the antenna'. The latter are sometimes THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 195 long and filiform ; but in the genus Spirobolus they are generally short and massive. The body is cylindrical and composed of very numerous segments, which are more or less imbri- cated. The line of conjunction of the two subsegments is almost, if not quite, always well marked. The organization of this family is more fitted for activity and their habits less sluggish than in the Polydesmida?, although less so than in the Spirostrephonidse. The coloration varies, some species being ornamented with annuli, others with stripes. The only surface markings, in our American species at least, consist of longitudinal channels, or flutings and punctations. The American species are comprised in two genera, lulus, .Spirobolus. Some authors recognize a third genus, Uncigera, founded on the presence of a mucro or point on the posterior scutum. Now a suite of specimens shows this at once to be such a gradually developed character that it is almost impossible to say where the last scutum is simply acuminate, and where it is slightly mucronate. Besides, species which appear in every other respect to be very closely allied would be thrown into different genera, were this Uncigera to be recognized as such. The specfic characters are drawn: 1. From the number of segments composing the body. 2. From the coloration and surface markings. 3. From the last scutum. 4. From the genital appendages, besides other minor points, such as differences in the antenna?, shape of the head, &c. The number of segments is apparently confined within a small limit in the adult of each species; but in applying this character, it must be remembered, that the young have less than the normal number. Where there is anything peculiar in the pattern of coloration, it appears to be persistent in the species. Surface markings more generally characterize small groups than individual species, yet are sometimes available even in closely allied forms. The possession of a mucro characterizes groups ; whilst its size and its shape are often specific. As in all the other Diplopoda, each species has a peculiar and persistent form of the Genitalia, more marked in the male than in the female. Indeed a certain type of arrangement seems in this group to characterize a genus. Genus lULUS. Scutum priniuin magnum, lateribus in femina nonnihil productis. Scuti secundi latera baud producta. Sides of the first scutum somewhat produced in the female. Sides of the second scutum not produced. None of the North American species of this genus approach at all in size to the Spiro- in i li. The body is always slender, and seldom more than three inches in length. The head is distinct, and has the antennae always more or less elongate and filiform, apparently 196 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. well adapted for active service. The second scutum is never produced forwards at the sides so as to abut against the head, as in Spirobolus. In all the species in winch I have had an opportunity of examining sexes, the form of the first scutum distinguishes them with certainty. In the male its antero-posterior diameter is large, and there are well- marked lateral margins running nearly at right angles to the others. In the female the anterior posterior diameter is much less, but laterally the scutum is so produced that the anterior and posterior margins may in most eases he said to meet one another at an .angle. The males are further distinguished by a peculiar alteration of the first pair of feet, which are transformed into a pair of very large, thick organs. The function of these is obscure, hut possibly it may be connected with the union of the sexes, analogous to that of the "claspus" in some reptiles. I. IMPRESSES. I. rubro-castaneus, linea dorsale nigra et macnlae nigne seriebus Iateralibus (interdum obsoletis) ornatus; anten- nis Iongis, h'liformibus, pilosis, baud clavatis ; scutorum latevibus canaliculars; segmentis 52; mucrone parvo. Reddish chestnut, ornamented with a black dorsal line, and a lateral series of black clots (sometimes obsolete) ; antenna; long, filifurm, pilose, not clavate; sides of the scuta canaliculate; segments 52; nuicro small. I. impressus, Suy, Journ. A. N. S , 1st series, vol ii, p 102. Gervais, Apteres, vol iv, p. 176; Exped. L'Auicr. du Sud (, Tabl. Myriap., p. IS ; Brandt, Recueil, p. 81. I. venustus, Wood, Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci., lstjl, p. 10. The general color of this species is reddish chestnut; frequently the red predominates so much that the individual is really flesh-colored, but occasionally the chestnut over- comes the other tint. The dorsal stripe is generally very distinct, especially on the poste- rior portion of the scuta. The eyes are triangular, and are connected by a dark band, which is often rather obscure. The anterior cephalic aspect is long and narrow, with its sides converging inferiorly. Its inferior border is fringed with a double row of short, distant hairs, and is medianly deeply emarginate, and 2 — 4 dentate. The scuta are orna- mented, rarely with a white blotch on each side of the mesial line, but generally with two lateral black dots. The first scutum in the female has the anterior margin oblique as to the main axis of the body, and is prolonged laterally so as to firm processes, mostly canali- culate, with a. rounded border. In the male the anterior margin is at right angles to the axis of the body, and the lateral parallel to it, so that there are no processes. The male appendages consist of two main portions on each side. The outer and more conspicuous ol these ( Figs. 27, 28) is formed of a thin, very irregular plate, from whose base springs a short, clavate, cylindrical, distally pilose process. The inner portion (Fig. 26) is composed THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 197 of a long, very slender, almost setiform process, and a shorter straighter one. The former at its hase is bent at right angles to itself; and distallyit is somewhat spirally arched over the other. The female (Fig. 29) appendages consist of two broad, robust, pilose processes, with a pair of very slender, almost filiform, feet-like bodies, springing from their conjunction and equalling them in length. The major por- tion of each appendage is composed of a Fig. 28. Fig. 29. single plate. This is folded on itself, so as to constitute an irregular, flattened cylinder, which is open at its end and along the outer edge. It presents on one aspect an unbroken, tolerably regular surface, but on the other is proximally abbreviated. Through the opening thus afforded projects a pair of subcir- cular, somewhat globose plates, fitting together much as the shells of a bivalve. The fili- form processes are on the former surface. Length, 2 inches. lhih. Illinois. Smithsonian Institution. — R Kennicott. Georgia. Coll. A. N. S. — Dr. J. L. Le Conte, U. S. A. Fipr. 30 In the Kennicott collection I have seen a male lulus very closely resembling the for- mer, but differing so much in its genital appendages that it probably represents a dis- tinct species. The outer of the two parts, forming each appendage, consists of a thin, flat, crooked, very irregular process, and a shorter, robust, pilose, and strongly clavate one. The former, proximally, is quite broad, and narrows from the base, but distally is but at a right angle to itself, and is rapidly contracted, so as to terminate in a nearly cylindrical crooked point. The main process (Fig. 30) of the inner portion is somewhat cylindrical proxi- mally, but is distally expanded. At first bent at a right angle to itself, it next has the swan-neck curve, and is then bent at an acute angle to itself to be straight the remainder of its length. At this angle there is a minute sharp spine. Shielded, as it were, by this process, there is another, very slender and acute. It is most probable that /. venustus, Wood, is the species intended to be indicated by Mr. Say under the name of impressus, although his description is so meagre that it could be applied to other species. The locality would seem to fix it, however. Mr. Say's de- scription is given below in full. " Brown, a series of lateral black dots, beneath yellowish white ; ultimate segments mucronate." " Body cylindrical, emarginate, above brownish, beneath yellowish white, appearing glabrous; segments each with a lateral black spot, whitish lines and dots sometimes obso- 198 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. letc, a transverse series of longitudinal, abbreviated, obsolete, impressed lines; and beneath the stigmata with impressed, more distinct ones, ultimate segment mucronate, spiracles not prominent ; eyes rather large, conspicuous, black ; labrum yellowish white ; antennae brownish." " A common species inhabiting under stones, and in humid situations ; a variety occurs with a very distinct, acute, longitudinal, dorsal line, and variegated head." I. I-ILOSISCUTA. I. castaneo-brunneus macula; nigra; (interdum obsolete) seriebus lateralibus ornatus ; antennis longe pubescen- tibus ; capitis margine antico modice emarginato, denticulate ; seginentis 58 ; uiucrone parvissimo ; scutis pilosis, singulo punctoruni disjunctorum serie impresso. Chestnut brown, ornamented with a lateral series of black dots (sometimes obsolete) ; antenna; pubescent ; ante- rior margin of the head moderately emarginate, denticulate ; segments 58 ; mucro very small ; scuta pilose, each impressed with a series of distant dots. I. pilosiscuta, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 11. The color of this species is a chestnut brown, sometimes mottled with light brown. The anterior aspect is beautifully but irregularly areolated with the latter color. The antenna; are moderately long, and have their dark joints tipped with white. There is a pair of coarse punctations on the vertex. Each scutum has a series of distinct punctations ex- tending entirely around it ; from these dots proceed little channels, obsolete on the fore- part of the body, but gradually becoming strongly pronounced. The anterior portion of the body is sparsely, but the posterior densely, pilose. The anal scales are Very rough. I have never seen a male, neither can I give a detailed account of the female appendages, but one portion of them consists of a pair of short, subcylindrical, rather robust and dis- tally clavate processes. Hub. Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. — E. 1). Cope, Esq. I. EX1GUUS. Corporis segmenta cum anali 31 ad:):;. Pedum paria 51 ad 55. Oculi subrotundi. Antenna; pilosse, sub- breves, articulis apicalibus approximatis, subincrassatis, quoad colorem fusco nigricantes, articulorum apicibus albidis. Cinguli primi supra epunctati processus lateralis trigonus, modice acutus, subelongatus, apice incurvato, striis aliquot impressis notatOj abdomen attingens. Segmenta reliqua dorsalia parte posteriore subtumida, convexa, quare corpus Bubmoniliforme, striis subremotiusculis, grossiusculis, in dorso subobsoletis, in lateribus distinctis iinpicssa. IViiultimuin cinguluni satis insigne, in posterioris marginis medio breviter mucronatum, mucronis apice pallide brunneo, anum vix superante. Valvulae anales laterales pilosse. Squama analis infi rior triangularis postice i ronata. Capul nigrum, antice fuscescens, margine labial i fiavicante-albido. Labium iuferius fuscescens, margine anteriore fiavicante-albido Corpus tot u in fusco-nigrum, nitidum, nbdomine pallidiore. In dorso medio, THE MYRIAl'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 199 exceptis cingulis anterioribus, fascia longitudinals subfuscente-flava, linea puncta subfuscente-atra divisa. Pedes albido et fusco-variegati. Longitude 31 ad 4'"; latitudo &'".* T. exiguus, Brandt, Recueil, p. 85. " Gervais, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 177; Exp. Amer. du Sud (Castel.), Tabl. Myriap., p. 18. Species mihi ignota. I. OREOONENSIS. I. laste castaneus, albido-brunneo annulatus, et linea dorsale nigra et macular nigrpe seriebus lateralibus ornatus ; antennis filifonuibus, longis, pilosis, subclavatis; capitis margine antico valde einarginato, denticulato; segmentis 44 — 45 ; scutorum lateribus canaliculatis ; mucrone parvo, robusto ; squama preanali triangulare. Bright chestnut, annulate with whitish brown, and ornamented with both a black dorsal line and a lateral series of black dots; antenna; filiform, long, pilose, subclavate; anterior margin of the head strongly emarginate, den- ticulate; segments 44 — 45; sides of the scuta canaliculate ; mucro small, robust ; preanal scale triangular. I. OREGONENSIS, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 18(34, p. 11. The color of this elegant species is a bright chestnut, ornamented with rings of a very light brown and a dorsal black line, as well as a black spot on the side of each scutum. In some individuals there is on the anterior portion of the first scutum a black crescentic blotch, and on the posterior a border of the same tint. The anterior aspect of the vertex is long and narrow and deeply emarginate inferiorly, where it is denticulate and fringed with two rows of distant hairs. The eyes are somewhat elliptical, and are connected by an illy denned black band. The posterior portion of the body is not pubescent. The outer piece of the male appendages (Fig. 31) is rather long, straight, and somewhat clavate, and distally pilose. The inner process is large, and is formed of a plate so folded longitudinally as to form a groove on the inner edge. From the base of the appendage springs a slender process, which soon bifurcates ; the more slender of the divisions is the longer. They both soon enter the groove, before spoken of, the shorter and more robust being distal as to the other, and emerging from the groove on the other side of the main process, whilst the longer comes out on the same side as it enters. The female appen- dages are composed of a broad, thin piece, from which arise a pair of filiform, feet-like processes, besides two other very robust ones. These last are sparsely pilose, and about as long as broad. They Fig. 31. * This is copied from Mr. Brandt's description in Recueil, &c. 2<)<> THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. reach about to the base of the filiform bodies, and have a slit-like orifice in their sum- mit. Length of body. 24 inches. Ilil. Oregon. — Smithsonian Museum. I. CANADENSIS. I. brunneo-castaneus, linca nigra dorsali et puuetorum nigrorum seriebus lateralibus ornatus; segraentis 53; mucrone niaximo, robusto, acuto, uncinato. Brownish chestnut, ornamented with a black dorsal line and lateral series of black dots; segments 53; mucro very large, robust, acute, uncinate. I. CANADENSIS, Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 268. " Gervais, Apteres, vol iv, p. ITS; Exped. L'Amer. du Sud, Tab. Myr., p. 18. I have seen specimens of this species and written a detailed description, which was destroyed at the Smithsonian fire. At present T am unable to obtain any specimens, and therefore am forced to give only a specific diagnosis from memory. Length, 2 inches. Fig. 32 is a drawing of the female organs. Hah. Northeastern United States, Canada. I. IMMACULATUS. I. saturate rubido-brunneus, baud maeulatus; antennis modiee longis, filif'orinibus, vix sub- clavatis, pilosis ; capitis marginc antico modiee emarginato; segtuentis 48 — 51 ; scutis intra canaliculatis; mucrone magno, uncinato, robusto, acuto. Deep reddish brown, not maculate; antennae rather long, filiform, scarcely subclavate, pilose; anterior marjriii ol' the bead cmarginate ; segments 4K — 51; scuta inferior])' canaliculate; mucro large, uncinate, robust, acute. I. immaculatus, Wood, Proc. A. N. S , 18G4, p. 12. The color of all our specimens is a very dark reddish brown, unrelieved by any other tint. On the vertex is a pair of coarse punctations, as in /. Canadensis. The lateral processes of the first scutum in the female, although small, are somewhat canaliculate. The mucro is certainly smaller than that of /. Canadensis. The male appen- dages are composed of two parts. The outer of these consists of a somewhat clavate and pilose process, with a curiously folded and contorted plate on its inner side. The other portion is formed of a straight process, which has several minute, spine-like bodies on its free extremity, and is proximally suddenly con- tracted, and then expand somewhat, so as to give an appearance of emargination. from the base of this springs another, almost filamentous process. THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 201 The female (Fig. 33) appendages consist of two bodies conjoined at their bases, and blunt at their free extremity. When viewed from one aspect they appear cylindrical, but, from the other, flattened or even concave ; opposite to the latter face there is a broad, irregular piece, which has its free extremity scolloped. Ihib. Catskill Mountains, New York.— Dr. H. C. Wood, Jr. L Pennsylvanicus. 1. brunneus; antennis filiformibus, modicis, pilosis, vix subclavatis, articulis nigricantibus apicibus albidis; seg- mentis 63; mucrone recto, nonnihil breve; corpore postremo piloso. Brown; antennae filiform, moderate, pilose, scarcely subclavate, their articles blackish with whitish apices; segments 63 ; mucro straight, rather short ; body posteriorly pilose. I. Pennsylvanicus, Brandt, Recueil, p. 85. " Geroah (Suit a Buffon), Apteres, vol. iv, p. 179. The general color of this species is brown, but there is a series of lateral black dots around which the color is often much lighter. There is a pair of punctations on the ver- tex, which is traversed by a broad blackish band. The inferior portion of the head is light brown, often mottled. The labium is moderately emanrinate. Each scutum is furnished with a series of rather distant puncta, from each of which proceeds a more or less obsolete superficial groove. The male appendages (Tig. 34) are composed on each side of two parts attached to the basal piece. The outer Wk ffchiii* of these is nearly straight, though somewhat rolled on itself, and is distally enlarged and pilose. The inner part is formed chiefly of a thin, straight piece, very much rolled and twisted. Distally it is expanded into a very thin, transverse, diaphanous, alar process, with serrated edges. Ilab. Pennsylvania. I. CANALICULARS. I. brunneus, interdum creruleo tinctus; antennis filiformibus, pilosis, nonnihil elavatis; segmentis 51; scutis supra et infra arete canaliculatis, singulo pilorum longorum distantium serie unica instructo ; mucrone longo, recto; squamis analibus longe pilosis; squama preanali triangula, acuminata. vol. xiii. — 26 202 THE MVIUAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Brown, sometimes with a bluish tinge ; antennae filiform, pilose, somewhat clavate; segments 51; scuta both above and below closely canaliculate, each furnished with a single series of long distant hairs ; mucro long, straight; anal scales with long hairs; preanal scale triangular, acuminate. I. canaliculars, Wood, Proc. A. N. S., 18G3, p. 1-2. The color of this species is a dark brown, with sometimes a bluish tint, and very generally mottled with light brown. The triangular eyes are connected by an obscure black band. The labial margin is broadly cmarginate, and is furnished with two or three denticules, as well as a double row of distant rigid hairs. The joints of the antennae are tipped with white. The first scutum is, in the female, slightly prolonged laterally, where it is rounded off; on its anterior surface there is a dark, somewhat crescentic, blotch. The anterior of the two subscuta, forming each scutum, is closely and deeply canaliculate through its whole circumference ; it is broader than the posterior, and very slightly eleva- ted, so as to give the body somewhat of a moniliform appearance. The ring of hairs surrounding each scutum is frequently imperfect ; it may be from the handling of the specimen. The posterior subscutum is smooth above, and distantly and shallowly canali- culate below. The posterior portion of the body is very pilose. I have never seen a male. Length, H inches. Hah. Chester County, Pennsylvania. — Dr. II. C. Wood, Jr. I. LAQUEATUS. I. brunneus, interdum cjeruleo tinctus; antennis filiform ibus, pilosis, nonnihil clavatis; segmentis 49; scutis et supra et infra valde arcteque canaliculars ; muerone longo et recto; squama preanali triangula, vix acuminata. Brown, sometimes with a bluish tint; antenna; filiform, pilose, somewhat clavate; segments 49; scuta both above and below deeply and closely canaliculate; mucro long and straight; preanal scale triangular, scarcely acuminate. I. laqueatus, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 1:1. The color of this species is brown, sometimes bluish, mottled, almost areolated, with light brown. The eyes an^ triangular, and are united by a dark band. The head has i t -. anterior margin broadly emarginate, denticulate, and furnished with two rows of distant rigid hairs. The antenna' have their proximal joints nearly cylindrical, and are light colored, with their articles indistinctly tipped with white. The first scutum has rather small lateral processes, and is ornamented on its anterior border with a dark band. The anterior subscuta are deeply and closely canaliculate over the whole of their surface. The anal scales are furnished with a series of long hairs along their valvular margin. The posterior portion of the body is generally adorned with a very lew scattered hairs, but I have never seen it pilose. Length. I of an inch. THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 203 This species differs from 1. canaliculatus in it's smaller size, the absence of hairs on the anterior, and their paucity on the posterior portion of the body, and in the mucro being larger in proportion to the rest of the animal. Hub. Chester County, Pennsylvania. — Dr. H. C. Wood, Jr. I. CINEREERONS. I. brunneus, cinereo annulatus; capitis superfieie antica cinerea; inucrone nullo; squama preanali triangula, haud acuminata. Deep brown; antennae filiform, long, pilose, clavate; scuta below deeply and closely canaliculate, above some- times obsoletely so; segments 33 ; mucro none. I. cinerefrons, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 13. The color of this species is dark brown. The anterior surface of the head is an ob- scure gray color, with a dark band. There is between the upper and anterior surface of the head a well-marked angle, almost an elevated ridge. The lower margin is fringed with a few hairs, and is emarginate and armed with a few denticules. The triangular eyes are connected by a distinct, impressed line. On the upper portion of the anterior surface of the head are two round, light dots, surrounded by a darker tint, The antenna? are wanting in the only specimen, a female, that I have seen, Avhich is so mutilated that 1 cannot say certainly of how many segments it was composed ; the number, however, was probably either thirty-four or forty-five. The first scutum has very small, lateral processes. It is light brown, bordered with a dark band, edged with a grayish tint. The anterior portion of the body is of a lighter shade than the posterior, and has the grayish annuli more distinctly pronounced. The anal scutum is not mucronate. The anal scales are not pilose. Hab. Oregon. — Smithsonian Institution. I. Milesii. I. saturate brunneus; antennis filiformibus, longis, pilosis, clavatis ; scutis infra arete et valde, supra iuterdum obsolete, canaliculars ; segmentis 33 ; mucrone nullo. Brown, annulate with ash color; auterior surface of the head cinereous; uiucro absent; preanal scale triangu- lar, not acuminate. I. MiLEsir, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1861, p. 13. '204 THE MYKIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. The color of this species is a very dark, almost black brown; but the anterior portion of the body, and especially the head, is lighter. The antennae are very pilose, and quite strongly clavate. The eyes are connected together by a black band. The anterior scuta have their lateral surfaces closely and deeply canaliculate, but are almost smooth on their upper surface. The posterior are everywhere deeply channelled, although more so below than above. There are a few hairs on the anal scales. The anal scutum is not mucro- nate. It affords me pleasure to dedicate this species to Professor Miles, who is laboring so assiduously and successfully to develop the zoology of Michigan. Hah. Michigan. — Collection State Agricultural College. Professor Miles. I. C.ERULEO CINCTDS. I. brunneus, saturate cwruleo annulatus; segnientis 42 ; antennis parvis; scutis infra et supra modice canali- culars; mucrone nullo. Brown, annulate with deep blue; segments 42; antennas small; scuta both below and above moderately canali- culate. I. c.eruleo-cinctus, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 14. The color of this species is brown, with a dark, sometimes obsolete ring of blue to each segment, except the most anterior. The lower portion of the anterior surface of the head is light brown. The labial margin is scarcely emarginate, but is rounded and fringed with rigid hairs. The eyes are arranged in subtriangular patches, with their transverse diameter much the greater. They are connected by a black band, which is much broader in the middle than at the ends. The first scutum is large, with very small lateral pro- cesses even in the female. There is on its anterior edge a very obscure light border, and a little posterior to this a black, more or less obsolete, band. The scuta are regularly, although rather lightly and distantly canaliculate over their whole surface. The last scutum is distinctly but minutely punctate, has its edge whitish, and is not at all mucro- nate. The anal scales are not at till pilose. The specimens from which this description is taken are in so bad a condition that I have hesitated to notice them. But probably the description will lie found to be sufficiently accurate for the identification of the spe- cies. Length of body about 1J inches. THE MYKIAl'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 205 I. HORTENSIS. I. brunneus, lateribus niaeulis nigris ornatis ; antennis modice brevibus, pilosis, filif'ormibus, clavatis ; segmentis 42 ; scutis arete canaliculatis et infra ct supra ; mucrone nullo; squama preanali triangula, apice rotundato. Brown, ornamented with black spots on the sides; antennre rather short, pilose, filiform, clavate; segments 42; scuta closely canaliculate both above and below; mucro absent; preanal scale triangular, with its apex rounded. I iiortensis, Wood, Proc. A. N. S., 1864, p. 14. The general color of this species is rather dark brown in the adult. When an indi- vidual is examined with a magnifier, it is seen to be beautifully areolated with light brown. In young specimens and adults, which have recently shed their exuvia?, the color often verges on white, whilst the side spots are black, contrasting strongly with the general tint. The head is rather broad inferiorly, and has its lower margin shallowly emarginate, and distinctly, though minutely, denticulate. The triangular eyes are connected by a broad, dark band. The first scutum is ornamented on its anterior portion by a dark, transverse band. The lateral processes are almost wanting, even in the female. There is on each side a series of large, black dots, one to a scutum, commencing rather abruptly at about the fifth or sixth segment, and ending in the same way at about the thirty-ninth. The subscuta on which they are situated are scarcely canaliculate. The anal scutum is about equal in length to the two preceding it. Length, s to 1 inch. Hub. Philadelphia.— Dr. H. C. Wood, Jr. I. VIRGATUS. I. saturate brunneus; dorso luteolo, medio linea nigra instructo; antennis modice longis, pilosis, clavatis; seg- mentis 35; scutis copiose distincte canaliculatis; mucrone subnullo; squamis analibus sparse pilosis; squama preanali lata, subtriangula, apice rotundato. Deep brown; dorsum yellowish, furnished with a median black line; antennae moderately long, pilose, clavate; segments 35; scuta copiously distinctly canaliculate; mucro almost wanting; anal scales sparsely pilose; preanal scale broad, subtriangular, with rounded apex. I. viroatus, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 14. The sides of the body are deep brown, almost black, whilst the dorsum approaches a yellowish fawn color, and has a strongly pronounced, black median line. The lower margin of the head is broadly emarginate, denticulate, and fringed with a series of hairs. The anterior surface is mottled with light brown, and has a dark median band, termina- ting in a transverse one low down. The under surface of the body is light-colored, and is often somewhat areolated. There are some specimens whose pattern of coloration is light brown or fawn colored, with two lateral and one median dark stripe. Are these 206 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. individuals which have recently cast oft' their exuviae % The eye-patches are somewhat parabolic. The joints of the antennae are obconical, dark colored, and tipped with white. The lateral processes are small. The grooving of the scuta is in some specimens some- what obsolete on the dorsum. The posterior scutum is light colored. 1 have never identified a male. Length, i to I of an inch. Sab. Philadelphia.— Dr. Joseph Leidy, Dr. H. G. Wood, Jr. Washington, D. C— F. W. Putnam.— Collec- tion Museum Com p. Zoology. I. STIGMATOSUS. " Body brownish, with an impressed dorsal line, impressed white dots and spots ; ulti- mate segments unarmed. " Body cylindrical, eraarginate, above dark brown, glabrous, an obsolete, dorsal, whitish, slightly impressed, acute line ; segments each with a white dot on either side above, and a larger transversely oblong lateral one, which is gradually more completely bisected on the posterior segments into two distinct clots, which on the terminal segments resemble the dorsal ones ; ultimate one abruptly narrower than the preceding and truncated ; anterior segments attenuated to the head, Avhich is wider than the anterior one ; anterior segment as long as the second and third ones conjointly ; spiracles somewhat prominent ; eyes very distinctly granulated, subtriangular, black ; head dark brown ; labrum white." Iulus punctatus, Sin/, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. ii, p. 102. I. stigmatosus, Brandt, Reeueil, p. 88. " Gervais, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 179; Exp. L'Amer. du Sud, Tabl. Myriap., p. 18. Species mihi ignota. I. MINUTUS. " Body with a lateral series of black dots, terminal segments unarmed." " Body cylindrical, emarginate, above pale, obsoletely reticulate, and varied with red- dish ; a lateral scries of large black spots, numerous longitudinal impressed acute lines beneath the stigmata becoming gradually shorter to the origin of the feet, beneath whitish ; head white beneath the antennae ; antenna? two joints preceding the last, somewhat dilated, not attenuated at their bases, nor separated by a contraction; eyes black, longitudinally sublimate ; ultimate segments unarmed longer than the penultimate one, rounded at tip and blackish. Length nearly half an inch. Common on the Eastern Shore of Virginia." I. pusillus, Say, Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. ii, p. 105. I. minutus, Brandt, Reeueil, p. 89. Gervais, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 178; Exp. L'Amer. du Sud, Tabl. .Myriap , y. Is. I SAYII, Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.., veil, xiii, p. 268. aperies mihi ignota THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 207 Genus SPIROBOLUS. Scuti priini Iatera brevia, haud producta. Souti secundi latera longe prodncta, cum superficiebus anticis tri- angulis. Sides of the first scutum short, not produced. Sides of the second scuta very much produced, with anterior triangular surfaces. Sl'lROBOLUS, Brandt, Recueil, p. 114. The form and general appearance of this genus is very different from that of the true lulus. The great size and thickness of the body, and the peculiar way in which the head is set into it, so to speak, attract the first glance of the observer. The head is generally not proportionally very large. The antenna? in our American species (except angusticeps ]) are very short, and often lie almost hidden in a groove in the side of the head, bent so as to form a right-angled " knee," with their free end directed downwards. The eye-patches are of various shapes, and, though large, are generally not very promi- nent. The first scutum is broad, antero-posteriorly, with its sides more or less obliquely truncate. The second scutum has its sides much produced and bent forwards, so as in a measure to embrace the first scutum. Where it abuts against the head there is on each side a triangular surface. In all the species which I have examined, the male appendages are formed after one very peculiar type, with marked specific differences in the minutiae of their forms. This may prove to be generic. In the true lulus no appendages have as yet been described agreeing with this pattern. S. MARGINATUS. S. saturate brunneus, rubeo annulatus ; capite copiose minute punctato, antico punetorum maximorum serie instructo; segmentis 53 — 57; scutis copiose minute punctatis; squama anale triangula. Deep brown, annulate with red; head copiously minutely punctate, furnished anteriorly with a series of large puncta ; segments 53 — 57; scuta copiously minutely punctate ; anal scale triangular. Iulus marginatus, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st series, vol. ii, p. 105. " " Gervais, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 180; Exped. L'Amer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriap., p. 19. " " Brandt, Recueil, p. 89. S. MARGINATUS, Newport. ? Iulus Americanus, Pal. Beauvois, Insect. Afrq. et Amer., p. 155, ? Iulus incertus, Brandt, Recueil, p. 121. Iulus ornatus, Girard. ? Iulus Atratits Girard, Marcy's Report, Expl. Red River of the South, p. "271. 208 THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. The color of this species is a very dark brown, sometimes with a reddish, sometimes with an olive or even bluish tint. The head is quite deeply emarginate. The vertex furrow is pronounced. The first scutum is margined with deep red both anteriorly and posteriorly. The posterior borders of the other scuta are furnished with a narrow, dark brownish, red margination. The male appendages (Fig. 35) are formed of two outer parts and the yoke-like piece which connects them. The former are composed of the following parts : First. A thin plate bent around the inner portion ; this is deeply notched laterally, but presents on one aspect a long, low, smooth sur- face ; on the other it is produced into a broad process, rapidly narrow- ing and terminating distally in a very narrow, blunt portion, which is abruptly bent on itself, but does not form a hook. Next within this is a large, thick, blunt, curved process, composed of a plate so bent on itself as to make a sort of sheath, in which lies a thin, flat, blunt, slightly falciform process. ILih. United States. M. Girard has described two species of lulus from the Southwest, atratus and ornatus. His description of the latter applies to 1. marginatus. I have seen the type of I. atratus, but unfortunately in such a bad state of preservation that I am unable to decide with cer- tainty its claims to rank as a species ; it is, probably, however, nothing more than a variety. The descriptions of M. Girard are given below in full. I. ORNATUS. " Spec. Char. — Ground-color bluish black ; segments narrowly margined posteriorly with reddish; anterior margin of segments rather blue, whilst the middle is rather black, thus giving the appearance of three rings of color. The anterior portion, which is covered by the articulation, is fulvous. Feet deep chestnut-brown. Antenna' rufous at base, blackish at tip. Stigmata not conspicuous, marked by a series of small obsolete blackish spots." " Remarks. — This species is allied to lulus marginatus of Say, but the body is propor- tionally much stouter. The ocelli are disposed upon a subtriangular space quite different in shape. The antennae themselves are slenderer in proportions. The Labrurn (upper lip) i-. also le^s emarginated than in lulus marginatus. and the marginal punctures much less conspicuous." I. oenatus, Girard, Marcy's Report, Exploration lied River of die South, p. 274. T. ATltATl , ■■ Spec, f liar. — Body, feet, and antenna', uniform deep blackish brown ; antennas and feel THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 209 occasionally reddish, as also the labrum and anterior margin of first segment. Posterior third of each segment of a shining black. Stigmata and lateral stria; beneath quite con- spicuous." "Remarks. — Resembles more Mus ornaius than 7". marginatus in the general proportions of the body, but in the structure of the antennae and labrum comes nearer to /. margi- HUttlS." I. atratus, Girard, Marcy's Report, p. 274. S. UNCIQERUS. S. lsete brunneus, saturate-rubeo-brunneo annulatus ; capite sparse minute punetato et corrugato, antico puncto- rum maximorum serie instructo; segmentis 50 — 53; scutis supra et eopiose punctatis et corrugatis; squama anale triangula. Bright brown, annulated with deep reddish brown ; head sparsely minutely punctate and corrugate, anteriorly furnished with a series of large puncta ; segments 50 — 53; scuta above both copiously punctate and corrugate; anal scale triangular. S. uncigerus, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 15. Fij;. 36. The color of this species is a bright brown, with an annulus of dark reddish brown on the posterior border of each segment. The head is distinctly medianly canaliculate, except in the centre, and has the row of dots on its anterior face, as in S. marginatus, but is not as decidedly punctate elsewhere as in that species. The eyes are triangular. The antenna1 closely resemble those of S. marginatus, but are, perhaps, rather shorter and more compressed. The first scutum is banded, both anteriorly and posteriorly. The lateral processes, even the female, are almost wanting. The second scutum is produced forwards as in S. marginatus. The male appendages (Fig. 36) are composed of a yoke- like piece and two outer parts, which it connects. The central piece may be described as formed by two plates (although but really one) meeting at an angle in the centre and attached to the outer parts at their other extremities. These outer articles are formed each as follows: First. There is a large plate which is bent around an inner basal piece, and is deeply notched late- rally, but is produced anteriorly into a broad, almost rudely punctate plate, and posteriorly into a short, slender process, terminating in an imperfect hook. This last process is sometimes obsolete. Second. Articulating with the vol. xin. — 27 210 THE MYKIAl'ODA OF NORTH AMERICA. inner basal piece, alluded to, there exists a large, strongly-curved, acute hook or claw, whose distal extremity is subcylindrical. The female appendages are small, and are com- posed on each side of a very thin plate and a process about a line in length, proximally irregularly prismatic in shape1 ; but distally excavated suddenly, so as to be flattened for the remainder of its course. Ilul,. California. — Smithsonian Institution. S. ANGUSTICEPS. S. niger, lateribus brunneo maculatis; capitis supcrficic antica angusta, longa, supra nigra, infra albido-brunnea ; antennis ? ; segmentis 75; scutis et infra et supra distincte canaliculatis ; squama anali triangula. Black, with the sides maculate with brown ; anterior surface of the head narrow, long, above black, below whitish brown; antennas ? ; segments 75; scuta both above and below distinctly canaliculate; anal scale trian- gular. S. angusticeps, Wooil, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei., 1 S 04 , p. 16. The color of this species is black, with a brown band on the sides, in which is a black dot marking the position of the lateral pores. The lower portion of the head is very light-brown, and is rather deeply emarginate. Along the posterior cephalic border is a somewhat crescentic area, which is nearly smooth and is medianly canaliculate ; adjoining this the surface suddenly is rudely punctate, but gradually becomes smoother. The eyes are arranged in three transverse rows, the posterior being much the longer. The first sent urn is copiously coarsely punctate, and is posteriorly slightly canaliculate on the dor- sum, but distinctly so on the sides. The lateral processes, even in the female, are obsolete, the second scutum being produced forwards so as to abut on the head. The posterior subscuta are on the dorsum closely, rather deeply, and more or less obliquely canali- culate, but on the sides less distinctly and more distantly so. The anterior subscuta are very distantly and much more lightly and obliquely canaliculate, and are also pore closely channelled below tlitui above. The surface of the anal scutum is irregularly and minutely cor- rugate. I have seen but one imperfect specimen — a female. The female (Fig. 37) appendages appear to consist of two conoidal bodies coalescing at their bases and united together towards their apices by a broad plate, so placed as to present towards them an inclined surface. Into the base of these pyramidal processes fit other somewhat prismatic bodies (Fig. 37 n), with their thin edge formed of several pieces. Length, 4iS inches. Uab. San Francisco. — Smithsonian Institution.^!!. I'. Cutis. Fig. :;: THE MYIilAPODA OF NORTn AMERICA. 'ill S. SPINIGERUS. S. fulvus, maculis saturate viridis maximis ornatus ; capite minute punctato, infra rwnctorum magnoruni serie instructo; oculis suborbieulatis; antennis longis; segmentis 48 ; seutis leviter sparse punctatis; squama preanali trian"ula. o . Fulvous, ornamented with very large deep-green macule; bead minutely punctate, furnished inferiorly with a series of large puncta; eyes suborbieular; antennae long; segments 48 ; scuta sparsely lightly punctate; preanal scale triangular. S. spinigerus, WooJ, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 186 I, p. 15. Fig. 38. Fig. 39. The color of this species is fulvous, often varying towards orange. On each scutum there is a large dark-green transverse crescentic blotch. This is often so wide superiorly as to involve the whole of the dorsum. In some individuals there are lateral series of white blotches, and occasionally a black line on each side. These are, however, not com- mon. The head has a strongly pronounced median furrow, and is greenish superiorly. The eye-spots are somewhat orbicular, with occasionally a tendency to bec'Sme tetragonal or polygonal. The antenna; are longer than in S. rnarginatus. The scuta are not rough, and are very lightly or even obsoletely furrowed beneath. The spines on the inferior sur- face of the legs are very numerous and acute. The male (Fig. 38) appendages are formed of two main portions joined together, as in S. rnarginatus. The large plate of the main process is broad. The upper border of its face has a wavy outline. Externally it is produced into an alar portion, which ends in a blunt process at right angles to it. The inner piece is composed of a basilar and superior joint. The basilar is very long. The other (Fig. 39) is curved, and presents on one aspect a strongly convex, on the other a strongly concave surface. It ends in a blunt point, and is armed with a large blunt process and an acute spine. The female appendage? appear to consist on each side of a process deeply placed within the body, — this is thin on its free margin, which is rounded, though somewhat acuminate ; below it is contracted and thickened. The three pairs of feet immediately in front of the genital aperture in the male have their coxa? produced into long processes. These are often of a curious form, but do not seem constant in this. The fourth and even fifth coxa? have small processes. Hub. Florida. South Carolina. — Smithsonian Institution. 212 THE MYKIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. S. ANNULATUS. " Body with numerous, elevated, obtuse lines, of which four are above the stigmata ; ultimate segment glabrous, unarmed."' " Body cylindrical, emarginate, above brownish with a slight tint of red, immaculate, beneath yellowish white ; segments each with about fifteen elevated obtuse lines, of which four are equal dorsal, a pyriform larger oblique one on the stigmata, and about ten decreasing in size to the feet, anterior segment as long as the three succeeding ones con- junctly and glabrous, posterior one glabrous reddish brown, as long as the two preceding ones, united and obtusely rounded at tip; head whitish before; antennae white; eyes transverse linear, black ; vertex not distinctly impressed." I. annulatus, Shi/, Joum. A. N. S., 1st scries, vol. ii, p. 103. S. ANNULATUS, Newport. Species mihi ignota. Fam. POLYDESMIDJE. Sterna et scuta arete conjuncta; scuta laminis lateralibus instructs. Sterna and scuta closely cemented together; scuta furnished with lateral lamina. (Fig. 40.) The head in the Polydesmidse is large and massive. The absence of eyes and the small antenna" point to a state of low development of the special senses. The female genitalia are placed in the third seg- ment, just posterior. to the second pair of legs. They are generally more or less hidden within the body. The male organs are situated in the seventh segment, replacing the eighth pair of legs. They generally project from the body so as to be very prominent. Authors generally have divided this family into genera, founded upon the size and form of the lateral lamina. But, as II. De» Saussure (Joe. cit.) lias remarked, these characters are relative, and the differences so merge into one another that the groups cannot be well defined or separated by distinct border lines, lie there- fore has very properly adopted these groups as subgenera. Fontaria, he thinks, has more claims as a distinct genus than the others, but even this is scarcely worthy of the higher rank. He takes for his generic characters the position and numbers of the lateral pores. In this 1 have followed without feeling sure but that at some future time si ill better cha- racters will be elucidated. Two forms herein described apparently do not belong in the THE MYRIAP00A OF NORTH AMERICA. 213 genus Polydesmus, as defined by H. De Saussure ; but, not being entirely certain tbat my specimens are adults, I have refrained from indicating a new genus. When surface markings exist on the scuta, they are very useful in defining species. The color is also a good character in some groups. Where one of these fails us the other very generally assists. The form of the last scutum is sometimes distinctive. The best characters, however, are those derived from the genital organs. The form, &c, of the antennae and head often afford some clue. Genus POLYDESMUS, Latrdlle* Meatus laterales in scutis 5— 7— 9— 10— 12— 13— 15— 10— 17— 18— 19— positus. Lateral pores situated upon the 5 — 7 — 9 — 10 — 12 — 13 — 15 — 10 — 17 — 18 — 19 — scuta. Polydesmus, II. De Saussure, Mem. Soe. Nat. Hist., Geneva, vol. xv, p. 292. Subgenus POLYDESMUS. Dorsum eomplanatum. Laminae laterales magna;, horizonti ad libellam respondentes. Dorsum complanate. Lateral lamina large, horizontal. P. setiger, sp. nov. P. brunneus; scutis squamis obtusis parvissimis (interduin obsoletis) ornatis; laminis lateralibus marginibus acute valdissime serratis. Brown; scuta ornamented with very small, obtuse (sometimes obsolete) scales; lateral lamina with their margins acutely and very strongly serrate. The head is broad, and has its anterior surface pubescent. The antennae are rather long, filiform, pubescent, and strongly clavate. The first scutum is transversely oval. It is narrower than the head. The surface of the scuta is covered with minute flattened tubercles. On the more anterior these are quite distinct and arranged somewhat regu- larly in a fourfold series. On the more posterior they become less and less distinct, so that in some individuals these scuta have scarcely more than a rough appearance. Many of these tubercles are seta-tipped, and on the posterior borders of the scuta they become conical and acute, each with its rigid hair forming a sort of fringe. The lateral laminae are broad and not widely separated. The serrations are less strongly pronounced on the * As Latreille was the original describer of the genus Polydesmus, of course his name must be connected with it. But the genus, as here adopted, was first defined by II. De Saussure. 214 THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. posterior than the anterior. The last scutum is triangular with its apex prolonged and decurvate. The specimens which I have examined have only eighteen segments each, exclusive of the head, and of these there are lateral pores on only the 5 — 7 — 9 — 10 — 12 — 13 — 15 — l(i — 17 — as in the following species. The more obvious specific differences between this species and P. granulatus, Say, are the following : The side plates are broader and closer together, and much more deeply serrate on their margins. Whilst in P. granulatus the squama on the scuta are more pronounced, less conical and acuminate, and never seta- tipped. llah. Pennsylvania. — Dr. II. C. Wood, Jr. P. GRANULATUS. P. brunneus; scutis squamis obtusis convexis in serie quadruplici dispositis ornatis. Brown, scuta ornamented with a fourfold series of obtuse, convex scales. P. granulatus, Scii/, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st series, vol. ii, p. 107. " Gervais, Suit, a Buffon, Aptercs, vol. iv. p. 104. The head has its anterior surface covered with numerous short rigid hairs, causing it to appear pubescent. The antenna1 are rather long, pubescent, and clavate. The first scutum is transversely oval, narrower than the head. The lateral lamina are not very large, and are separated from one another by broad intervening spaces. The anterior are deeply and acutely serrate ; the others slightly serrulate. The oval surfaces of the Fi". 41. scuta are covered with convex, obtuse tuberculoid scales, arranged in four more or less regular transverse rows. The last scutum is triangu- lar, with its apex somewhat prolonged and decurvate ; it is shortly pilose. 1 dissected the sexual organs of the only male which has come under my notice, but unfortunately the detailed description was lost at the Smithsonian fire. If my memory serves me right, the proximal portion of the spine is robust and very nearly straight ; its distal extremity (Fig. 41) is swollen into a sort of knob-like process, from which arise two slender curved processes, one of which is slightly bifid, whilst the other is remarkable for being articulated by means of a movable joint. All of (lie specimens examined have1 only nineteen segments, exclusive of the head, and of these the eighteenth and nineteenth are without lateral pores. This .would remove the specie,-, from tiie genus r.ily.lesmus (as here defined) were it certain that the specimens are adults. They have been collected at different localities, but still may not be fully de- veloped, although they have the appearance of being so. Mr. Say's description will apply THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 215 very readily to the preceding species, but it seems to me to fit this one rather more closely, and as the choice must be somewhat arbitrarily made in the absence of proof as to which he intended, I think the name should be allowed to rest here. Length, & inch. Hub. Pennsylvania. — II. C. Wood, Jr., M.D. Michigan. — Prof. Miles. Canada. — Prof. Dawson. P. SERRATUS. P. saturate brunneus; antennis pubescentibus, elavatis ; seutis, singulo squamarum seriebus duabus et altera obsoleta ornato, marginibus lateralibus serratis ; appendieibus niasculis pilosis, spina terminate duplica. (Fig. 42.) Deep brown ; antenna; pubescent, clavate ; scuta each with two rows of squama and a third obsolete series, their lateral margins serrate; male appendages pilose, their terminal spine double. P. serratus, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1st series, vol. ii, p. 10G. " Gervais, Suit, a Buffon, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 105; Exped. L'Amer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriap., p. 6. " Newport, Cat. Brit. Mus. ? The pilose anterior aspect of the head is quite broad and triangular, with the vertex furrows strongly pronounced. The first scutum is transversely oval, Fig. 42 with three rows of elevated, obtuse, minute scales. On most of the other scuta there are two series of similar larger scales, with an obso- lete series of very broad ones in front of them. The posterior row is generally composed of six, the next of four. The lateral lamina are large, and have their margins much more serrulate than in P. Cana- densis. The last scutum is triangular and decurvate. The prominent knob-like portion of the male appendages is very hairy. The terminal spine is double, one portion being much more robust than the other, blunt and nearly straight. The longer piece is distally very slender and bent over the other. Length i of an inch. It will be seen, on comparison of my description with the original one of Mr. Say, that it differs somewhat. The fact of Say's not mentioning the existence of the obsolete series of scales on the anterior surface of the scuta, has been the cause of M. Saussure's error. After carefully going over the whole ground, there is but little doubt in my mind that this is the species meant to be indicated by Say. If not, it is an undescribed species, and the real P. serratus has not yet come to light. It is an unfortunate fact that the earlier descriptions of Myriapoda are by no means exact, the authorities not appearing to have had any definite idea as to what constituted specific characters. If we interpret their records too closely, we may be led to false deductions. Hub. Pennsylvania, &u. 216 THE MYKIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. " Stenmia Mmida. Body composed of seventeen double segments, distinctly divided on the dorsal mesial line. Body depressed, margins of segments quite prominent and curved forwards near the head, in the middle and posteriorly transverse or curved slightly back- wards. Surface of each segment covered with five rows of distinct tubercles, arranged somewhat in quiucuncial order. From the direction of the tubercles the lateral and posterior margins of each segment appear serrated. First cervical segment smaller than the next, rounded anteriorly, straight and narrower behind, and obliquely truncated on the sides. The posterior segment about equal to the next in length, is triangular, the apex armed with a stiff hair. Color pale red above, feet and ventral surface flesh colored. Length 6". Under decayed logs." Sager, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1856, vol. viii, p. 109. I have never seen a specimen corresponding entirely with this description. Is it possi- ble that Mr. Sager's species is either P. serratus, Say, or P. setiger, Wood I P. Canadensis. 1'. saturate brunneus; antennis pubesccntibus, vix clavatis; scutis, singula- squaniis 8 in seric duplici dis- posilis ornato, ruarginibus lateralibus obsolete serratis ; appendiuibus masculis (Fig. 43) pilosis, spina terminalc modica, curvata. Deep brown; antennae pubescent, scarcely clavate; scuta eacb ornamented with 8 squama, arranged in a twofold series; lateral margins obsoletely serrate; male appendages hairy, their terminal spine moderate, curved. 1'. Canadensis, Newport, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 265; Catal. Brit. Mus., Myriap. " Gervais, Suit, a Buffon, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 106; Exp. L'Amer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriap., p. 6. " P. serratus, Soy," II. De Suvssure, Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Geneva, vol. xv, p. 325. The color of this species is a dark brown, verging somewhat towards a chestnut, with, in some individuals, still more of the red. The median fur- row of the1 vertex is strongly pronounced. In other respects the head agrees with that of P. cerasinus. The antenna' are rather more pubescent than in that species. The scuta are ornamented with a double row of scales on their posterior sur- face. These rows are composed each of four broad rectangular scales. There is frequently on each side1 a raised convexity or umbo Lying outside of these. The serratures in the lateral margins of the side plates are very minute and frequently en- tirelj obsolete. The last scutum is triangular, with its obtuse apex decimate. The male Fig. 43. Fig. II THE MYRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 217 appendages (Fig. 43) are moderate. They have a small falciform spinule placed close to their side. The terminal spine springs from a knob-like portion, which is quite hairy and regularly curved. Its margin is irregularly notched near its middle, and its distal por- tion is curiously fringed. The female appendages (Fig. 4-i) consist of a pair of bodies shaped somewhat like the crest of a helmet. Along their free margin is an opening sur- mounted by a double series of teeth-like processes. I think a careful examination will convince any one that M. Saussure (loo. cit.) has described this species, under the name of P. serratus, thinking it was the one indicated by Mr. Say. Length li inches. Hub. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois, &c. P. CERASINUS. P. dilute cerasinus; dorso complanato ; antennis modice pubescentibus, nonnihil clavatis, nonnihil brevibus; scutis squamis obsoletis ornatis, inarginibus Iateralibus serratisj appendicibus masculis spina terminate lata, oblique truncata, utrinque processu longo setaeeo curvato instructa. (Fig. 45.) Light-cherry red ; dorsum complanate; antennae moderately pubescent, somewhat clavate, rather short; scuta ornamented with obsolete squamce, their lateral margins serrate; terminal spine of the male appendages broad, obliquely truncate, furnished on each side with a long, curved, setaceous process. P. cerasinus, Wood, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1864, p. 8. The head has the median furrow on its vertex illy pronounced. The anterior face is sparsely pilose, and has its lower margin broadly but shallowly emarginate. The scuta have a double row of scales, obsolete, but otherwise similar to those of the Fig. 45. following species ; sometimes these are entirely lost. The lateral margins of the side plates are rounded slightly and minutely serrulate. They seldom have more than three serratures on each side. The terminal scutum is trian- gular, with its obtuse apex bent downwards. It is sparsely pilose. The legs are quite hairy and light-colored. Their second joint is tumid. The appen- dages (Fig. 45) in the male are peculiar. The terminal spines are broad and short, and superiorly very obliquely truncated, with two small hamular processes. On each side a long, seta-like process springs from the base. The outer, much the longer of the two, throws an arch entirely over the short spines. The inner is straighter. They both have one or two thorn-like excrescences. Hub. Oregon. — Museum of Smithsonian Institution. vol xin — 28 218 THE MYRIAFODA OF NORTH AMERICA. Si bgenus PARADESMUS. Dorsum modice convexum. Laminae laterales magnae,— horizonti ad libellam respondentes. Dorsum convex. Lateral lamina; largo, horizontal. P. ERYTI1ROPVGUS. P. olivaceo-castaneus ; scutis postice aurantiaco maculatis ; laminis lateralibus aurantiaeis; seuto anale vix tri- angulare; appendicibus masculis modice robustis, spina terminale gradatim curvata, spinulo breve lato acuto armata, ultima bifida. (Fig. 46.) Olive-chestnut ; scuta posteriorly maculate with orange ; lateral laminae orange ; anal scutum scarcely triangular ; male appendages moderately robust ; their terminal spine gradually curved, distally bifid, armed with a short, broad, acute spine. P. erythropygus, Brandt, Itecueil, p. 134. u Gervais, Suit, a Buffon, Apteres, vol. iv, p. 106; Exped. L'Amer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriapoda, p. 6. « Saussiirc, Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Geneva, vol. xv, p. 296. P. Carolinensis, Savssure, Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Geneva, vol. xv, p. 295. " Gervais, Exped. L'Amer. du Sud (Castelneau), Myriap., p. 14. The general color of this elegant species is an olive-chestnut; in some individuals the olive overpowering the other tint, and approaching some- times to a slate color ; in others the chestnut predomi- nating. The color is not uniform, it shading darker and darker towards the maculae. The latter are somewhat semicircular, bright orange, and placed on the posterior margin of the scuta. In most specimens there is a well- marked, black dorsal line. The vertex: furrow is strongly pronounced. The anterior surface of the head has a pair of almost obsolete punctiform impressions, and is scarcely emarginate. The antennae are coarsely pubescent, and not clavate. The first scutum frequently has an orange spot on its anterior margin. The last scutum has its posterior portion very broad. thin, and of an orange hue. The lateral lamina' arc larger than in P. hispidipes ; and their edges, though thickened, are not so much so as in that species. They are bright both on their upper and under surfaces. The feet are somewhat hairy, and, with the under surface of the body, of a dull-yellow color. Tin- terminal spine of the male appen- dages lias something of the swan-neck curve; on one of its surfaces there is a thorn-like spinule; distallj ;l is shortly bifid. The female appendages (Fig. 47) are composed of a THE MTRIAPODA OF NORTH AMERICA. 219 basal portion supporting a reniform piece. This is hairy, especially along its free margin, where there is a linear opening. I think there is not much doubt of the correctness of the surmise of H. De Saussure, that his Carolinensis is merely Brandt's erythropygus with the color altered by drying, &c. ; but, that no mistake may be made, I append the description of Saussure. Hah. Western Pennsylvania. — R. J. Walker, Esq. Illinois. — R. Kennicott, Esq. Smithsonian Collection. P. Carolinensis. " Depressus, politus, fuscus (albidus) ; dorsi niedii maculis et carinis carneis; carina} subcontinuse, truncatura quadrangula, marginatas; anguli antici dentc minuto; pori laterales. Saussure, Linnasa Entomologica, xiii, 1N59, p. 325. ?. Forme grele, allcingee. Carenes peu longuement separees dans l'etat de contraction. Corps lisse, luisant Antennes assez longues, pouvant atteindre (ou presque) le bord posterieur du troisietne segment. Chaperon ayant son bord inferieur cili<5, subechancre. Au dessus de ce bord est un sillon angulaire, qu'on prendrait volon- tiers pour l'echancrure du chaperon, ou seulement un espace rugueux ; et sur les angles latero superieurs on voit une bosselure oblique en forme de bourrelet, placee en dehors de l'insertion de chaque antenne. Front partage par un sillon simple. Corps deprime, moins haut que large (meme sans les carenes). Dos modiocrement eonvexe (transversalement). Surface dorsale des anneaux, Iuisante, finement plissee, mais les carenes assez fortement burinees, surtout dans la portion anterieure du corps. La ligne de separation de la portion cylindrique de chaque segment et de sa portion carenifere offrant une zone de petites stries longitudinales visibles a la loupe. Premier segment un peu moins large que le deuxieme; ses lobes lateraux larges et arrondis. Segments suivants ayant tous leurs carenes tronquees a, angle droit, bordees anterieurement par un petit cordon et lateralement par un bour- relet saillant qui en occupe toute la longueur. Bord anterieur des carenes faiblement arque et se terminant par une tres-petite dent, placee en avant du bourrelet lateral. Bord posterieur des anneaux legerement concave, sur- tout dans la partie posterieure du coi'ps, ou Tangle posterieure des carenes est prolonge en arriere. Segment pre- anal en palmette subquadraDgulaire, tronque posterieurement. Plaque sous-anale arondie. Valves anales lisses, offrant pres du bord un sillon prononce. Pores repugnatoires tout h fait lateraux et tres-petits. Couleur de l'animal desseche, d'un gris-blauc de porcelaine, ou cendree, avec une tache couleur de chair au milieu du bord posterieur de chaque segment. Carenes surtout leurs aDgles posterieurs et le bout du dernier seg- ment, ainsi que le bord anterieur du premier, couleur de chair. Dessous du corps, pattes, antennes et front, fauves ou de couleur pale. Vivant, l'animal a sans doute une couleur brune. Longueur 0m,030 ; largeur 0,0045.