Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ae seen Dee ake melee Be) OEE epee tga OTN e* re = anna cig ee eraettacaate? a ool ale Pang mips NA a nt AON GP PP SS “ia “ ° iced Pee TP OPIN LE AEA LEP am LS Wt Se PE PEW c PEARLS wees er LAY BOB2i © User a Sale: psd te Om tie me, ‘ tern Sal clr—tintonti “se belinda # etre © : Pant. ~ —ige tai Rig at a icin in NS oe Sees Pe perenne SS ee nd ie ae one! a a ny ree ee es ees tee ae ea Pm, Sonn of et a Se erry a . a ae | * United States Department of Agriculture me AE National Agricultural Library (664m | USDA, National Agricultural | _ibrary NAL Bldg 10301 Baltimore Blvd Beltsville, MD 20705-2351 |” Native Woody Plants of the United States Their Erosion-Control and Wildlife Values Ey = WILLIAM R. VAN DERSAL Biologist = Division of Conservation Operations:-. Soil Conservation Service UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1938 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. - = - Price $1.75 (Buckram) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Since the initial appearance of this work in preliminary mimeo- — graphed form in 1936, a great many people have contributed original information and suggestions without which the present publication would be much less complete. To all of these people, the author wishes to express his sincere thanks. He is particularly indebted to Ernest G. Holt for his advice, sug- gestions, and criticism, as well as his very considerable assistance dur- ing the preparation of the manuscript; to T. H. Kearney, for permis- sion to use his manuscript on the flora of Arizona; to V. L. Cory and H. B. Parks for the use of their manuscript catalog of the Texas flora, and Mr. Parks’ manuscript on the useful properties of Texas plants; to F. L. Mulford for the plant-growth region map, together with his chapter on its development; to C. W. Thornthwaite for the map of the climatic regions; to Clarence Cottam and his assistants, Phoebe Knappen, F. M. Uhler, Neil Hotchkiss, and A. L. Nelson, for their very great help in making available considerable data from the Section of Food Habits Research of the Bureau of Biological Survey; to E. P. Killip for advice on the taxonomic problems; to E. L. Crandall for his help with some of the photographs and to C. R. Ball, who assisted materially in the preparation of the section on Salix. Suggestions and criticisms concerning the botanical material have been offered by E. J. Alexander, M. L. Fernald, EK. J. Palmer, H. M. Raup, H. A. Gleason, W. H. Camp, H. E. McMinn, F. J. Crider, C. V. Morton, M. Van Rensselaer, E. H. Graham, Mildred Mathias, H. UL. Shantz, E. V. Komarek, Hilda Cunniff, Fred Gibson, and his assistant, J. Whitehead, H. S. Yates, M. G. Netting, P. B. Sears, H. L. Whitaker, C. F. Swingle, and Russell Albright. Suggestions and criticisms concerning the wildlife material were received from W. L. McAtee, H. L. Stoddard, Aldo Leopold, D. M. Gorsuch, F, N. Hamerstrom, Jr., C. B. Terrell, R. T. King, Gardiner Bump, R. O. Stevens, A. M. Pearson, Logan Bennett, P. D. Dalke, VY. EK. Davison, N. W. Hosley, W. E. C. Todd, R. E. Yeatter, and Hi. D. Ruhl. IRE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION No. 303 Washington, D. C. June 1938 NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES, THEIR EROSION-CONTROL AND WILDLIFE VALUES By WiuutaAmM R. Van Dersat, biologist, Division of Conservation Operations, Soil Conservation Service CONTENTS Page Page TET O GUI CTI OMS sae ee SOL cet Mant tI 1| Plant-growth regions—Continued. The relation of vegetation to soil conservation_ 2 Length of the growing season________--____-- 20 Evaluation of plants for erosion control and SNOWeACOVeLss ses eu al We Sec ey 20 NVR G DUG eh a aE ay al le aa on aa GI 4 Climates of growth regions_____________--_- 21 Planting for soil and wildlife conservation____ 5 | Nitrogen-fixing bacteria_____.._.______________ 27 Blantineforswaldlite ss. see ae 6 | Explanation of the list____.___________________- 28 Lahilyahy joe vaunbovys fet se ORE 7 CO PC ee AB a ee ST OA ANN dn 28 Plants of objectionable characteristics___-_____ 8 Latin names and synonyms-_-_-______--_-_--- 28 LO OVMO WR) Oey AS = ee 9 Vernacular names of plants_________-_______ 29 AISOTESSIVGHDIAN LSE ae 2s ree ee Ee 9 TREN aed y= ila Ten focal Nea alae Ne ee aS aS Rp a 30 Plants harboring fungi or insect pests_____- 10 SITE esis a TOMS eee sae ee eee 30 Selection of species for planting_________-______ 11 Growth bhalbits see eee ee OS NREL 31 IE TIM ATV ASTICCCSS1O Mier a es on ee 11 SUAS oC lin ese ee ING CE ss SS eS 31 Secondary succession and pioneer species___ 12 BRODASAE TOME aes SUN Say MN AAPOR as 32 Native versus introduced species__________- 13 Utilization by wildlife_2__..___._..________- 34 EUG ONO Ci CULO Te re ey eae TAN MEISH Of wOOdyAp lam tSels sueiee eae nea eae 35 The correlation of soils and plant growth__- TUG ICTS OW Keys etsy a) alee ee a ei ese Rae ea ad 293 Development of the plant-growth region map_ 16 Mimeographed and unpublished refer- Plant-growth regions____________________-____ 17 CTU ES Sevan aves a NN RN MET CLAT I SIGH 2 321 Factors in plant distribution______________- 17 | List of common names of woody plants._____ 322 Thornthwaite’s climatic provinces__________ 19 INTRODUCTION At no time has the need for conservation of our natural resources been as apparent as it is at present. We have seen the wasteful de- struction of our most basic resource, the soil, take place at an ever- increasing rate within a comparatively short span of years. The original vegetation of the country has in large part been removed, and as a consequence of this, not only has soil become increasingly subject to erosion, but wildlife, being dependent on vegetation for existence, has also become severely depleted. The same forces that cause soil losses have destroyed wildlife habi- tats. ‘The removal of the vegetative cover has permitted washing away of topsoil, and this in turn has prevented the return of vegeta- tion and the consequent restoration of wildlife. It is only natural, therefore, that revegetation should be relied upon to conserve soil, and since the same vegetation can be made to provide more wildlife habitats, 1t is possible to conserve two resources with one operation. It becomes apparent that soil conservation, if properly managed, can mean wildlife conservation. 1 9 MISC. PUBLICATION 363, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE But to carry out a program of soil and wildlife conservation vege- tation must be utilized intelligently. Where considerable numbers of plants are to be employed, it is essential to know as much as pos- sible about. every species of tree, shrub, or herb we propose for planting. We should know where and on what soils a species will grow, what degree of drought or moisture it can endure, the nature - and extent of its root system, its susceptibility to insects and disease, its aggressiveness, its relation to other species, its value to the land- owner as a crop-producing plant, and its use as food or cover by wildlife. In other words, the time is opportune to take inventory of the stock on hand; not to show how much has been lost, but to determine what is left to build with, and how most wisely to employ it. There exists a widely distributed mass of information concerning plants, which, if assembled and properly classified, may assist materially in dealing with soil and wildlife conservation. This publication presents an indexed list of woody plants growing in the United States, naming each species as unmistakably as possi- ble, and giving all available data pertinent to its use in erosion control and wildlife conservation. Such an inventory as this shows not only what is known about each species of plant but by inference what is not known. Every species is potentially a valuable resource in itself. The development of each plant resource eventually may disclose a crop as yet unsuspected. Tt may be noted that this indexed list is not intended for use in the identification of plants, although characters listed here may assist in making determinations. There are manuals to cover the entire coun- try, with the exception of Arizona and Texas. After identification is certain, this publication may be consulted for data on the use of any given woody plant. THE RELATION OF VEGETATION TO SOIL CONSERVATION Under our present agricultural system we are concerned with the manipulation of cultivated crops in such a manner as to keep the maximum of cover on the soil as much of the time as is possible. Such manipulated, cultivable crops may be classed as temporary vegetation. The permanent class will include plants that are per- mitted to remain on the ground without disturbance, except that incident to gathering from them such periodic crops as they may pro- duce. It is with the permanent class that this publication deals. As every soil conservationist knows, there is a very definite relation between the density of the plant cover on the soil, the amount of soil lost through erosion, and the productivity of that soil. These three functions vary in a regular and direct manner, and there is no reason to believe that they have not always done so. Soil is formed partly by vegetation, and vegetation is in good part a product of the soil. Reasoning from our observation of natural conditions, we must expect to direct our efforts to control erosion toward revegetation, since it is known that erosion starts with the destruction of the plant cover and that the kind and density of vegetation is more important in influenc- ing putson and erosion than is steepness of slope or intensity of rainfall. 1 Data from the U. S. Forest Service, Intermountain Station, Ogden, Utah. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 3 Many workers are of the opinion that a plant with a large root system is necessarily the best one to hold soil in place. This idea is so universally held that it may not be amiss to review briefly just what takes place when a soil is eroded, especially by water. In doing this we may come to understand more clearly how erosion can be pre- vented by restoring vegetation. In exceptional and rare instances, washing may take place below the surface, but under ordinary conditions the washing away of soil occurs at the surface. It is the movement of soil particles downhill in water or into the air as dust that we wish to prevent. Since such movements start in the very uppermost layer of the soil, our efforts must of necessity be directed to holding topsoil in position. Roots of woody plants do not, in themselves, offer much help in the top inch or so of soil; they penetrate deeper and may be said to be holding the soil in place below but not necessarily at the surface. Observations in the field show that soil easily washes away from roots and that the better the surface of the soil is covered, the less the soil washes. Experimental evidence has confirmed such’ observa- tions. Kramer and Weaver (346)? conducted a series of tests on many kinds of plants, mostly grains and other herbs. In their experi- ments they discovered that it was not the soil-binding effect of roots that produced the best protection, but the plant cover, which pre- vented most of the water from coming in direct contact with the soil. When the plant cover was intact its effectiveness in controlling erosion exceeded that of underground parts alone many times, and com- paratively little relation was found between the quantity of under- ground parts and resistance to erosion. They found also that cover need not be living to be effective; any kind of cover protects the soil. In the course of their experiments they noticed accidentally that a single elm leaf protected the soil below it until a column over 3 inches high, capped by the leaf, remained after the surrounding soil had been washed away. Undercutting eventually toppled the column. These experiments would appear to justify the use of a mulch in planting on eroded lands. It is clear that since erosion is greatest at the surface the roots of woody plants have comparatively little to do with its prevention. As a matter of fact, when water washes the covering soil off and begins cascading over roots, they may only aggravate soil washing. The surface layer of the soil can best be held in place by some sort of protective cover. This may consist of close-growing plants, litter, or a combination of the two. An efiective protection for soil is afforded by a mat of grasses, which are among the best of all plants for erosion control. An equally good cover consists of an established forest and the duff produced by it. A third type might be made up of close-growing, thicket-forming shrubs and the litter produced by them or of a mat of entangled vines. Run-off and removal of soil are reduced to a minimum under such covers as these. It is almost un- necessary to mention that grass sod can be formed more quickly than can a thicket of shrubbery and that the establishment of a forest and forest litter takes longer than either of these. 2 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Bibliography, p. 293. 4 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE EVALUATION OF PLANTS FOR EROSION CONTROL AND WILDLIFE Knowing that it is the surface layer of the soil that is susceptible to erosion and that root systems may therefore be largely neglected except as they serve to hold plants in place, the plant characteristics that are useful in erosion control may be indicated. In considering these it should be kept in mind that as land on which planting is to be done may have a certain value, species that produce a valuable crop as well as furnish erosion control should be used whenever possible. The qualifications of plants valuable in erosion control may be sum- marized as follows: 1. Such plants must be able to thrive under the climatic conditions and in the soil in which they are to be grown; and they must be able to hold their own in competition with other plants. 2. The farther their stolons, suckers, or rhizomes spread, or the more matted the condition of their growth, the greater space they will cover and the more soil they may be expected to hold in place. Thicket-forming or mat-forming plants or those that root from decumbent or declined branches, or that. form suckers or root shoots are of this class. 3. With tall-growing plants, the more litter they produce and the greater the water-holding capacity of the litter, the more effectively will the plants control erosion. 4, The bushier the plants, the denser their foliage, and the nearer evergreen they are, the more protection from wind and rain they will offer to the soil. 5. The plants should be comparatively easy to propagate. If they can be purchased on the open market they are often easier to obtain for planting. 6. The more rapid-growing species will provide protection sooner than slower-growing species. 7. If plants furnish food and cover for wildlife, their usefulness is increased through the aid they give in conserving the valuable wild- life resource. 8. The possession of such characteristics as resistance to grazing, drought, insect damage, and diseases, and the ability to grow rapidly on and to tolerate many kinds of soil, particularly alkaline, acid, saline, barren, or sterile soil, is valuable. 9. The production of some crop, as timber, pulpwood, tannin, sugar, dye, comestible or ornamental fruit, or ornamental flowers enhances the value of erosion-control plants. 10. Resistance to fire or ability to coppice after burning or cutting enables plants to maintain a cover othewise easily destroyed. Leopold (356) has discussed the properties that make plants valu- able as winter cover for game. The first and most important char- acter is dense winter foliage or thorns, preferably close to the ground Second, species easily propagated, and hence easy to establish, are those that can be propagated by stem or root cuttings. This gives, he says, a great advantage to such plants as Osage-orange, willows, grapes, plum, and roses. The third important property is vigor. This includes ability to reproduce by sprouts if cut or burned, ability to spread by means of root sprouts, and ability to make quick growth. Next comes resistance to grazing, drought, shade, and fire. Finally, NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 5 cover plants should be unobjectionable from the agricultural stand- point. The striking similarity of Leopold’s criteria for game-cover plants and the characters valuable in erosion control is at once apparent. It has been pointed out that the restoration of cover, important alike for soils and for wildlife, is the objective sought in soil conservation as well as in wildlife conservation. The correlation of erosion control with wildlife planting, therefore, 1s obviously an easy one to make. Furthermore, the utilization for wildlife production of submarginal lands upon which man-made erosion is unusually severe is a sound economic practice. PLANTING FOR SOIL AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION It is obvious to those who have had experience in landscaping or forestry that the old maxim about putting all of the eggs in one basket applies very well to the planting of woody species. The most important rule to follow, whether planting for timber, pulpwood, ero- sion control, wildlife, or any combination of these, 1s that the species used must be varied—that the planting must be a mixture, not a pure stand. This is true for several reasons (486), namely: 1. Solid stands of plants favor the rapid spread of disease and insect pests. Fungi, as well as insects, find it easy to travel from one plant to another of the same kind. In mixed plantings spread is slower and control is consequently easier. Isolation of individuals and groups from others of their own kind is the natural safeguard. against infection. 2. Solid plantations of one species have for some time been known to result in depletion of the soil. Further, pure stands do not repre- sent the maximum productive capacity of the soil. 3. Maximum interspersion of species ensures that all ecological niches will be filled. This results in a greater utilization of space and better erosion control. Competition between individuals, and therefore waste of energy, is at its highest in pure stands. 4. In planting for wildlife, variety is essential. What one species of plant may lack, another may possess. The effort should be made to attain a well-balanced habitat, approaching as nearly as possible the “orderly confusion of nature.” Insectivorous birds are generally discouraged by pure stands, but encouraged by mixtures. The en- couragement of such birds leads to greater control of injurious insects. In several European countries it has been found an economically justifiable practice to put up bird houses in forest plantations to attract insectivorous birds and thereby to ensure some control of insects. The idea is extending even to this country, but proper mix- ing of species in planting should make such a practice unnecessary. It is very essential that careful planning precede actual field opera- tions. Press of work and the need that considerable planting be done in a short time are often advanced as excuses for improper spacing, poor selection of site and species, and faulty organization of the work. Actually such excuses are never valid, for the planting seasons are preceded by periods sufficiently long to permit of careful planning. Because of the impossibility of obtaining sufficient plant- ing stock of the kind desired, it may often be necessary to substitute 6 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE other species, but this should be done most carefully. If the proper species for the required job are lacking, the planting should be par- tially or entirely deferred until the next season. PLANTING FOR WILDLIFE eS * * In planting for wildlife the aim is the creation of such an environment that the maximum of food and cover is available at all seasons of the year for the particular birds or mammals consid- ered” (138, py. 16). It follows that considerable care is called for in the selection of proper plant species. This is not a simple matter. Many species may be adapted for planting in a given area. Discard- ing those that are of little value in the control of erosion, we are left with a list of plants that have diverse values as food for wildlife. To date, recommendations of a species for planting have rested upon the utilization of its fruit by birds or mammals. There is a difference between the importance of a certain item of food in the diet of a given bird and the value of a species of plant for wildlife in general. The one relates to the welfare of a particular species of bird, the other to the extent to which a plant is used by mammals as well as various species of birds. When the welfare of wildlife in general is to be considered we can scarcely limit our choice to a species of importance to the bobwhite alone, for example, although such use will naturally influence our choice. Furthermore, we can scarcely ignore other forms of wildlife even if we wish to encourage the pro- duction of only one. McAtee (369) has said the importance of food items in the diet of a bird is not indicated by statements as to the frequency with which the items are taken. It is only under the percentage-by-bulk system (the proportion of one food taken to the total amount of all foods taken) combined with the counting of individuals, insofar as this is possible, that the nearest approximation to the truth can be made. Under the percentage-by-bulk system, he explains, comparison of one part of the diet with another or of the food of one species or group of species with that of another is possible. But he goes on to say (369, p. 464), “* * *™ statements of the frequency of occurrence of food items in bird stomachs may perhaps be taken as rough indices of availability of the food or relish for it.” And in the publications so well known to biologists engaged in wild- life management, he employs as his criterion of use the number of birds known to have eaten the fruits, buds, catkins, or other parts. Examination of the record of the species of plants listed in this publication will show some to have been utilized by a great many species of birds and mammals. Such species should undoubtedly be given priority in making planting lists. Other species may have very poor records. This may be true often because they are actually not used by wildlife. On the other hand, they may occur in a region from which only a few bird stomachs have been examined. They may bear fruits difficult to identify by ordinary methods of stomach analysis. The fleshy fruit of Prunus americana, for instance, has been found only once, in the stomach of a pine grosbeak, but observers have noted that many birds eat this fruit. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. 7 Tt seems clear that records showing a given species to be much utilized can be accepted by technicians as proof of the value of the plant for wildlife. Poor records indicate either that a plant is worth- less or that we do not know enough about it. If a species is found to have a very poor or limited record, recourse should be had to the records of the genus as a whole, exclusive of specific records, or to records of very similar species, for assistance in determining its value. Certainly, when in a genus of many species, such as Chrysothamnus or Aplopappus, few or no records of utilization by wildlife appear, it is not unreasonable to exclude the species from planting programs. There are two available sources of information relative to the use of a plant by wildlife—stomach analyses and field observations. In most instances, the more reliable is a stomach analysis made by the Bureau of Biological Survey or other responsible agency. The lack of stomach records necessitates using reports of field observations. These are open to some criticism since accurate determination of the birds or mammals and plants involved is often not made, and since interpretation of the common names in which the records are so often made is neither easy nor certain. In this publication if the names were not thought to be clear, they have been referred to the genus. Cottam (738) has mentioned also that in an actual instance field observations alone were much less than 50-percent accurate in appraising food values in the diet of a bird. The exact nutritive value of any given plant food has not yet been determined. We are yet scarcely far enough along to examine the chemical composition of various fruits and seeds of wild plants and, their place in the diet of any animal. Hosley (290) has considered the chemical composition of some, and has noted the obvious fact that fruits may furnish vitamins. The staple value of acorns and the seed of conifers, such as pines, is well known. This field of investigation should indeed be a valuable one. HIGHWAY PLANTING The increasing use of vegetation for the beautification of highways makes it of interest here to mention that such work can be turned to the benefit of wildlife as well as to the control of erosion. Indeed, the conservation of soil on highway cuts can very profitably be planned with a view to beautifying the road. Certain fundamental principles relating to highway planting have been clearly enunciated by Simonson, senior landscape architect of the Bureau of Public Roads. In the following statement he sets forth the basic ideas to be kept in mind in such work (4/3, pp. 172- 174): The primary purpose of highway planting is to enhance the peculiar qualities in the views and scenery of the surroundings through which a highway passes so that the development within the highway limits will be properly consistent and appropriate to that which lies over the fence or beyond the highway borders, and will, therefore, present to the motorist the best of the landscape qualities inherent in it. The creation of landscape effects on the usually limited highway areas with little or almost no attention to the surroundings is not the correct approach and cannot be considered satisfactory roadside improvement. A systematic study of the native flora along and immediately adjacent to the highway will indicate 8 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE the most appropriate plant materials to be used, and such an analytical process should develop selective appreciation of natural plantings upon the highways. The ecological or natural landscape approach to the highway planting pro- gram aims to avoid the typical static, or garden-estate type of plantation design in favor of fitness with the more dynamic requirements of highway travel. Nature is to be followed as closely as possible with fullest utilization of native materials or harmonizing types if the landscape development of highways is to proceed * * *, It is imperative, therefore, that the landscape technician adopt the broadest ecological viewpoint concerning the planting phases of the land- scape development of highways. The use of shrubs bearing beautiful fruits automatically provides food for wildhfe. As Howard (293, p. 103) has mentioned, if road- side improvement designed primarily to improve the scenery is made with “due regard * *“ * to ecological associations and as much diversity as is consistent with natural groupings * * *” in the plantings, it will in all probability contribute materially to the increase of bird life in the immediate vicinity. Plantings of species effective in erosion control provide excellent cover for wildlife. The danger of luring birds and mammals to high- ways where wildlife mortality is undoubtedly great can be obviated by placing plantings made for the production of wildlife food well back from the roadway. This is ordinarily done since on highway rights-of-way, plantings made too close to the road may easily become a hazard for motorists. Highway plantings are generally given more than ordinary care. Fertilizers are often used to ensure that the plants start; and water- ing, pruning, and cultivating are commonly employed to assist them in growing and producing flowers or seed. Under such conditions the remarks on plant competition and succession in the section treating of the selection of species for planting may apply only partially or not at all. The utilization of vegetation in highway planting is comparatively new, but is rapidly increasing in importance. A recent report for one State (7) mentions, for instance, that 700 miles of planting on main highway rights-of-way have nearly been completed. Future work may well be directed along the lines so clearly drawn by Simonson. PLANTS OF OBJECTIONABLE CHARACTERISTICS Certain species of plants possess characters that may partially or entirely preclude their use in many kinds of planting. A list of these would include plants that are: _ 1. Poisonous to man, either when taken internally or through skin irritations. 2. Poisonous to livestock, usually internally. 3. Secondary hosts to economically injurious fungi or insects. 4. Susceptible to the ravages of insects the control of which is difficult. 5. So exceedingly vigorous and aggressive as to crowd out more valuable or useful species. It is rare to find a situation in which plants possessing one or several of the above characteristics cannot be used. However, it may often be advantageous to substitute forms less objectionable, a procedure which is usually easy since the site is very unusual upon which at least two species of good character cannot be grown. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 9 POISONOUS PLANTS Plants dermatitically poisonous to man ordinarily will not be planted, because collection of seed or cuttings cannot be made with- out exposure to the irritants. In many places such plants may be spontaneous. If they are of value in erosion control or as wildlife food or cover and particularly if they are sufficiently removed from habitations, they may often be left to perform a useful function. The subject of livestock poisoning has been admirably treated by Chesnut and Wilcox (19) and by Marsh (392). Their authoritative generalizations are paraphrased here. It may be stated as a general fact that the popular idea that range animals will voluntarily seek out poisonous plants and eat them from preference is not true. Animals seldom eat poisonous plants except as they are driven to do so by lack of other food. Almost all poison- ous plants are distasteful to lvestock and under ordinary circum- stances will be avoided. Loco plants, which are herbaceous, are an exception to this rule. The state of the local vegetation as affected by weather conditions ordinarily exercises considerable influence on the occurrence or non- occurrence of poisoning. In the early spring certain poisonous plants may start to grow before the native grasses. If these poisonous plants are at all conspicuous or offer any considerable amount of succulent material, livestock may be tempted to eat them. The acrid, bitter, or otherwise disagreeable taste of such plants seems not to deter livestock. Sheep and cattle may often eat large quantities of plants that are extremely distasteful to the human palate. In seasons of unusual drought, grasses on the range may become thoroughly dry while other plants remain green and tempting. It is obvious that livestock will be more apt to eat poisonous plants when such plants offer more tempting forage than the grasses. It is equally obvious that when grasses and other harmless forage plants are present in abundance and in good condition, sheep and cattle less often make the mistake of eating poisonous plants. To prevent poisoning of livestock, reliance should be placed on preventicn rather than remedies. Animals must be so well cared for that they will not be tempted to eat poisonous plants. They must be prevented from eating such plants by careful handling of the herds. Jt must always be borne in mind that animals seldom eat poisonous plants by preference, but that under starvation conditions they may be driven to do so with disastrous results. Usually, in selecting stock for planting, nontoxic species can be chosen. In rare instances, however, certain toxic forms may be the only ones capable of doing the job. In such event, great care should be exercised to see that plantings will not be available to livestock. ae a ye accomplished either by fencing or by proper management of the nerd, AGGRESSIVE PLANTS Whether to include or exclude a species that may become a pest is often a difficult decision to make. Extreme aggressiveness may be the character necessary for successfully controlling a given site, but if such aggressive species spread and become a nuisance because they ae difficult to eradicate, the planter may often regret having used them. | 10 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE No species of woody plant is a pest throughout the country, and native species are far less troublesome than introduced ones. Sympho- ricarpos is considered a weed in places and a boon in others. Rubus and Smilaw are a nuisance where they cover large areas. Lonicera japonica is a very pernicious weed in woodlands, Campsis radicans and Potentilla fruticosa in pastures. Ailanthus aliissema has been known to supplant native forest trees, and Cytisus scoparius may run wild on sandy soil. Such plants as these form cover for soil and some produce a sec- ondary crop. Again, as with poisonous plants, common sense and caution should be used. If a species is really pernicious in a given region, if it easily escapes and quickly becomes widespread, and par- ticularly if other species can be used, the better decision would be to discard it. PLANTS HARBORING FUNGI OR INSECT PESTS At the present time there are nine Federal domestic quarantines affecting interstate movement of plants and plant products. These quarantines have been established to protect crops and forests from pests of major importance. Most regulations permit movement after inspection or treatment of the material to ensure freedom from infestation. The recognition by planting technicians of the fact that certain plants may assist In spreading diseases or insects that may cause serious loss of farm crops or forest trees as well as the plant- ings themselves, is essential. Familiarity with State and Federal regulations before plans are made is very necessary, and the techni- cian should cooperate in preventing the spread of pests. The recognition of rust hosts is of particular importance. Among the rust fungi the separate development of spore forms on unrelated hosts has taken place. Approximately one-twelfth of the species of rust fungi exhibits this character of heteroecism. ‘The completion of their life cycle depends on two host species, either or both of which may be an important or valued crop. It is thus evident that certain secondary hosts to economically important fungi must be eliminated from plans for planting woody species if the agricultural crop at- tacked by the fungus is of any importance in the vicinity of the planting. The more important woody species that act as secondary hosts are indicated in the list of woody plants. One of the measures taken to prevent the spread of rusts is the eradication of the secondary host that is of less importance eco- nomically. Such eradication programs are now in effect under vari- ous State agencies and the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran- tine. Any technician engaged in planting operations should consult with State and Federal plant quarantine officials before making actual plantings whenever there is any doubt as to the legality of the operations. Hradication measures intended for the destruction of wild species known to harbor insect pests are also being carried on. Plants known to harbor a serious insect pest during that portion of the year in which nearby crops are materially damaged by that insect should be used with great discretion. Authorities of agencies engaged in con- trol and eradication of pests should always be consulted. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 11 SELECTION OF SPECIES FOR PLANTING PRIMARY SUCCESSION The factors governing survival must be recognized when a plant, is placed among others to compete with them for a place in the sun. These factors or survival values are measured in terms of species requirements, although we often state them by speaking of the toler- ance of a plant for shade, sun, acid or alkaline soil, drought, and moisture. Because no experiments have been conducted, it has been assumed by some technicians that there is no scientific basis on which to judge the ability of one species to compete on the same ground and under the same conditions with another species. This is by no means true. For at least 20,000 years in the northern United States, and for a much longer time in the southern part, the species comprising the flora of the country have been. competing for position, settling them- selves little by little into their respective ecological niches and asso- ciations. On any given area of ground there has grown a succession of associations of plants which, as they have contributed to the gradual modification of the soil (or rock) on which they grew, have eventually been replaced by plants of a different association. After sufficient time, an association of plants has appeared which, under the existing environmental conditions appears to be the best adapted to the area. This group is often known as a climax, and although it is recognized that a completely stabilized environment never exists, the climax regions for the country have been more or less accurately mapped. Associations of grasses are considered to be the climax for the Plains region; certain climax associations of deciduous trees appear in the eastern part of the country; evergreen trees constitute a climax for the western coastal region; and there is a xerophilous association of succulents and leathery species that forms the climax in the deserts of the Southwest. It should be kept clearly in mind that every plant association, whether climax or preclimax, is the out- come of long ages of natural selection. Enough work has been done to enable us to predict the climax for most areas with some confidence, but it may be many years before the date of the climax can be predicted, if that ever becomes possible. In a general way we know what species tend to occur together, and on what sites they are to be expected, in any given succession in any part of the country. Careful observation of a species in its native, un- disturbed (or disturbed) habitat will usually demonstrate where how it fits into its environment. According to Shantz (504, p. 3OV): A thorough understanding of the natural vegetation climax and of the second- ary stages leading to its re-establishment when it is once destroyed is the best basis for a revegetation and erosion-control program. For many years plant ecologists have been engaged in determining the fundamental principles concerned with the initiation, develop- ment, and maturity of plant associations on given sites. The slow encroachment of lichens and mosses on bare rock, followed by gradual appearance of higher plants, the development of soil, and the inva- sion and succession of later associations tending toward a stable inter- 12 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE relation between soil, vegetation, and climate has long been known. Similarly, the accumulation of debris causing submerged water plants eventually to give way before the advancing shore plants, and these in turn before the successful competition of swamp forests and later dry land forests, has been studied in considerable detail. SECONDARY SUCCESSION AND PIONEER SPECIES In primary successions, as delineated above, the orderly and slow process of replacement of one association by another proceeds under natural conditions. As a consequence of the activities of man, how- ever, these successions are often violently interrupted for shorter or longer periods, and new plant associations very different in composi- tion from the original ones may initiate secondary successions. These may be started as a result of fire, overgrazing, logging, cultivation, road building, coal stripping or other digging operations, blowing of sand, and even the activities of mound-building animals. The climax toward which they develop, however, is the same as would have been developed by the original vegetation. It is with these secondary successions that technicians have most to deal. It is no longer new to point out that we are now dealing not with biologic areas as they were, but as man’s activities have changed them. Students of plant ecology and geography have long recognized that existing vegetation and fauna do not represent original condi- tions. As time goes on, studies of original vegetation must deal more and more with old records, historical documents, travel sketches of earlier periods, early surveys, and consideration of the few remaining virgin areas. Original faunal and floral areas can be determined only in this manner. Man has been relocating species of animals and plants to suit himself from the time the first settlers arrived in the country. Brief consideration of the changing face of the land surface of the country shows this very clearly. Furthermore, it is obvious that because most vegetation has been disturbed by man, associations comprising secondary successions are the rule rather than the exception. Tt is regrettable but true that it 1s not known with certainty just why one association gives way to another. It seems probable that changes in the substratum play a considerable part, but those changes cannot be measured accurately enough to say that at one time certain plants wiil succeed; at another, different plants will thrive. So far it has simply been noted that in any type of succession a series of what appears to be preparatory stages must precede the climax. It may also be noted that as a consequence, or perhaps as a parallel phenomenon, the food of wildlife and the fauna itself changes. Cer- tain pioneer plants lead the way and very rarely persist through all stages to the climax. Conversely, climax species almost never act as pioneers. Edaphic factors appear to be very important in the pre- Iiminary stages of secondary successions. In applying these facts to planting, where no further care is to be given to the plants, one may with reason select for use pioneer species that have demonstrated their ability to succeed on areas variously dis- turbed by man. This is of great importance. We see that under natural conditions the preparation of an area for occupation by climax species 1s undertaken by pioneer species. They do not last long, con- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 13 sidering the length of time required for the appearance of the climax stages; if they are planted, we can rely upon their being replaced, sooner or later, by other species. But the initiation of a secondary succession will ensure the control of erosion on a given area and the production of habitats useful for wildlife. A list of pioneer species for various areas throughout the United States could easily be drawn up here. A much more certain manner of determining them, however, is to examine eroded areas where pio- neers have already begun to grow. The identification of the species informs the technician what to plant. And, it may be emphasized that the pioneers observed on such places are the results of long ages of natural selection of a sort that permits the survival of only those best adapted to initiate successions. With proper interpretation of the results of such long-time, natural “experimental plantings” the recla- mation of eroded land can be carried out with confidence. With these ideas in mind a principle may be stated that any techni- cian who wishes to plant woody species to control erosion would do well to remember; namely, that careful observation of local vegeta- tional successions, coupled with accurate determination of the species involved, will often indicate the best means to employ. As Shantz (504, p. 855) has said: “Wherever one looks, nature has pointed the way to recovery.” We have in this country one vast testing ground, comprising many kinds of climate, soil, and site, wherein species have failed or suc- ceeded for significantly long periods. As long as a species is planted within its known range of occurrence, in its proper site as determined by observation of its so-called preferences, and is intermingled with other species in a ratio and position approaching natural condi- tions, we may be satisfied that except for failures attributable to seri- ous local variations in environment our plants will grow and thrive. Aldous and Shantz (9) point out that the natural or normal plant cover is a result of all the growing conditions of the area wherein it is produced. It is, therefore, an index or measure of the factors influenc- ing its growth, and it serves as an indicator of the possibilities of producing other plants on the same land. NATIVE VERSUS INTRODUCED SPECIES A clear distinction should be made between crop plants that must be planted and cultivated each year, or every several years, and woody plants, which are untended and uncultivated (if planted in the wild) and which must depend for their existence upon any ability they may have to compete successfully with the native species that will eventu- ally grow around them or that are already there. In planting species on sites where they must be able to survive competition, it is hazard- ous to select plants other than those that have already shown them- selves capable of succeeding in similar sites. If all competition is to be removed through cultivation, then such an argument would neces- sarily be invalid. Erosion cannot be controlled by cultivation alone, however, and most sites needing revegetation with woody plants are those that are being retired from cultivation, not those on which culti- vation is still to be practiced. Many technicians engaged in planting apparently do not under- stand that our first choice of species for planting on a given site 14 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE should be those that have already been tested for such a site; that is, species native to the region in question. Our second choice should be species that are not native; that is, exotic or introduced plants. If it is certainly known that there is no native species that can grow on a chosen site, then we are justified in turning to exotic forms. Clements (121, ». 360) summarized this: “* * * nature is to be followed as closely as possible, and hence native materials alone are to be employed, preferably from the outset, but invariably in the final composition.” Chapman (7/8) claims further that until additional data can be ob- tained we are justified in making large-scale plantings only on the basis of ecological principles apphed to the native species of the region. This should not be interpreted to mean that the introduction of a foreign species is inherently undesirable. It is recognized, of course, that the introduction of some non-native woody species has already been successfully accomplished, and these are excepted from the pre- ceding statements. But large-scale plantings should be limited to species proved to be adaptable to a given area and known to be able to compete with plants that now largely occupy the territory. In forest planting, Toumey and Korstian (573) characterize the selec- tion of exotics and species from widely diiferent regions as very hazardous. In ornamental planting, where each plant is protected and given special protection, the use of exotics may be justified, but unless actual experimental plantings have been made or unless site factors can definitely be shown to be similar to those of the region from which the species is introduced, exotic species should be ex- cluded from forest crops. The extensive use of Scotch pine and Norway spruce for instance, in the eastern United States is much to be regretted in the opinion of these workers, since results from such use are still problematical. FRUIT PRODUCTION Wherever dioecious species are used, if fruit production is desired, a few staminate (pollen-bearing) plants must be included in the planting. Monoecious plants, on the other hand, since both staminate and pistillate fiowers are present on each bush, necessitate no such precaution. Examples of dioecious plants include Baccharis, Ilex, Maclura, Myrica, Shepherdia, Taxus, and some species of Juniperus. There are, in addition, some species that are partly dioecious, that is, some of the plants may be entirely staminate and some slightly polygamous. In the latter, sufficient staminate flowers are present on pistillate plants to ensure reasonably complete fertilization. The genera Celastrus, Ailanthus, Morus, Rhus, and Vitis, furnish species of this sort (679). With these, the addition of staminate forms to a planting may often be advantageous although not always necessary. At present there is no way to distinguish readily the seeds that will produce staminate from those that will produce pistillate plants. Therefore, to ensure getting fruit-bearing plants it may be necessary to use cuttings only, selecting them mainly from pistillate plants. In reproducing such plants from seed, the proportion of staminate to pistillate plants is often unknown. Other sorts of dioecism are known. Perfect flowers may often produce pollen that for various reasons may be more or less incapable NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 15 of fertilization of the pistil in the same flower or even of those on the same plant. An instance of such a condition is found in the wild plums where one plant often gives rise vegetatively to a colony. The pollen in the flowers of the whole colony may be unable to effect fertilization, and it is thus necessary in planting for wildlife food, to ensure that stock planted is collected from at least several different: colonies and well mixed before using. According to Paul B. Sears, who has experimented with plums, it is nearly always possible to induce better fruit production in one colony by introducing a few plants from a neighboring colony, or even by throwing fiowering branches from a different colony into the first. Production of fruit depends also on such environmental factors as temperature or cloudiness and precipitation during flowering. These conditions may very often be local, and certainly account in part for the patchy distribution of fruit production of the same species. Also, many plants that produce fruit freely in the sun will produce very little in the shade, as Corylus, Symphoricarpos, and Parthenocissus. For this reason where fruit for wildlife is desired, a variety of species, blooming at different times, is necessary for ultimate production. THE CORRELATION OF SOILS AND PLANT GROWTH Many statements that a given species will grow on a certain kind of soil will be found herein. These statements are based for the most part on observations of plants in their native habitats, made by many different workers. They are extremely general, the correlation of vegetation with soils being by no means certain. Soil studies that have been made deal with factors that are not directly related to plants, or else the relation of plants to such factors is not yet clear JI69 ). The distribution of some plants appears to depend directly on certain edaphic characters. Many species are almost entirely con- fined to acid or to alkaline soils. The near absence of legumes from very acid soils may be attributed to the inability of their symbiotic bacteria to succeed under acid conditions. Similarly, the ability of certain fungi to succeed under varying degrees of hydrogen-ion con- centration may condition the ecesis of woody plants on the roots of which they form mycorrhiza. The presence of toxic substances, the release of which may depend also on acidity, may prevent a plant from growing on a soil that under different local conditions might easily support that plant. The break-down of litter, for example, is not at all understood. For such reasons as these, and for many others, we are far from having identified the factors in soil whose variations are responsible for the local variations in plant distribu- tion. Certain physical factors of soil, however, are worth mentioning here. Shallow soils on an impervious subsoil may endanger the sta- bility of trees by restricting root growth. Heavy soils may act in the same way. Soils of spring-fed swamps and northern slopes are gen- erally colder than other soils, and sandy soils and soils of southern slopes are generally warmer (573). Higher and lower soil tempera- tures have respectively a stimulating and retarding effect on plant metabolism. 33772°—38——2 16 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLANT-GROWTH REGION MAP* The need for a map that designates zones or areas having fairly uniform growing conditions for plants was recognized when an at- tempt was made to discuss where in the United States different roses could be grown and also when recommendations for the planting of trees on city streets throughout the country were desired. : To show regions where the different types of roses could be grown with a minimum of attention a rose zone map was prepared and was published in the Atlas of American Agriculture (45) and in the Amer- ican Rose Annual (77). It raised a storm of protest by growers and occasioned much discussion among them because roses were being suc- cessfully grown far beyond the zones indicated for each group. This success was due to the fact that special attention had been given to their culture, particularly to winter protection. Eventually it was generally conceded that the map showed what it purported to show. A map was made as a basis for recommending street trees and was published in a Department Bulletin, Street Trees (417), and again in a Farmers’ Bulletin, Trees for Town and City Streets (478). This map divided the country into 13 zones. The zoning was based on a combination of field studies in different parts of the country and a re- view of the literature of tree planting. Before the tree lists to ac- company the map were completed it became evident that more zones would have been desirable but this limited number was what seemed, practicable at the time. The aim in preparing these maps, and the later one appearing in this publication (fig. 1), is to delimit areas with growing conditions sufficiently similar so that a. large proportion of the plants that will grow in any one part of each zone will grow reasonably well in all of it. This makes it possible to draw up lsts of plants that can be recommended for growing in each region. Factors influencing growing conditions are latitude and altitude, which have a direct bearing on temperature, frosts, and length of growing season as well as extremes of temperature; rainfall, totals and distribution through the year; humidity as influenced by rain- fall and winds; soil type and character; and amount and intensity of sunshine. Often these factors change very gradually so that there is no sharp natural line of demarcation. In such instances almost arbi- trary limits must be established in order that the regions shall not be too large to have reasonably uniform conditions throughout. Ex- amples of areas thus delineated are those included in regions 15 and 16 and in regions 18, 19, and 20. In each of these two groups of regions the changes are so gradual from north to south that it is difficult to know where to draw the separating line or lines, but the total differ- ence between the northern parts and the southern appears to call for separation. In the absence of other marked factors the north and south limits of these regions have been determined by the character- istic farm crops of each. It is seldom that the range of natural distribution of any two plants is exactly the same; nor is the range of successful cultivation of any two plants more likely to coincide. Although the lines on the growth- region map give the approximate limit of distribution of plants it 8 This section was written by Furman Lloyd Mulford, associate horticulturist, Bureau of Plant Industry. E SOIL CONSERVATION SERVIC U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE \ ROR REEKRK 8 Piedmont. = x a : [o) oO - o a o ~ Q (= s oa % o o oO a § h (e) | South-Central Florida. 2 subtropical Florida. | Map prepared by Cartographic Drafting Unit Bure Plant Growth Regions by Furman Lloyd Mulford SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PLANT GROWTH REGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Tet 75° Tape 79° 83° ° © ° (e2) y © eS ee aE are EE GS a eco eas AS eee ERS s ~ NN . NS % N ,_— Re \ ° y N \ < — \ Siw page ~ CRN aROTS oe a 4 gS x \ .j Ae) 4 ie x hy oN N ay iN LGN nena Cras ‘ ! 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RENO EPI UNTTR STATES =a DS Se ay ANA eres seamen at aarp, tes. gliomas ig een el A REE ha ee Snip ent vat een + | ' te 1 ; it “ te ‘ - 4 +) 4 p> s Serene ARES: Se eeee eee Oe ee | ee tos br oa “OG 4 5 "Ot ad = qw ey wend temo E! # ALY Rowe’: eoucie® ¥ ucthamedepe (1 “erar Selle cuetigat went -& -* exon of o_o at ere & tamed amméa OU quae epoemmucd Ci hot areagitaod yi ‘ Sen mated +] ose Gees mathot ot NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 17 will be found that the natural distribution, or the area of usual culti- vation, often does not coincide with the area that is shown on the map to be adapted to them. As a matter of fact, the growing of the plants may often occur beyond the area designated for them, or they may not be known over all the area suggested for them even though conditions are apparently satisfactory for their success. This over- lapping of adjacent areas may be only slight, but again it may extend much beyond the zone lines. It must also be recognized, however, that some plants will grow only under special conditions and that only in areas providing these con- ditions can they be expected to thrive. Bog, marsh, and water plants will grow only near or in water in whatever region they are found. Likewise plants adapted to dry knolls, ridges, or to sandy areas grow only in such locations, and those needing acid soils, alkaline soils, shade, or full sunlight can be expected to thrive only when those con- ditions are provided. Recommendations of plants having special re- quirements can be made for the different regions in the same way that plants thriving under more general conditions are listed, with nota- tions concerning their special requirements. When the 13-zone map was published it was recognized that some of the regions were too inclusive but for various reasons it was not. deemed desirable to subdivide them at that time. Studies were imme- diately begun, however, looking toward making the regions smaller and more informing without going into too much detail. The number of regions was doubled, but as the study progressed it became obvious that important differences in plant reaction and plant associations would be ignored unless more regions were included, so the number was increased to 29 zones, then to 30, and eventually to 32. The subdivision was begun by combining the known natural distri- bution of plants with regions of successful cultivation of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials. Careful consideration was given to Weather Bureau maps of rainfall totals and distribution through the year and of temperatures, not only maximum and minimum but frost dates and length of growing season. These results were carefully checked with O. E. Baker, of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, in relation to his crop-geography studies, and the resulting modifica- tions were later made in the growth-region limits. Subsequently the map was checked with the late Curtis F. Marbut, of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, and the zone lines were made to conform to the outline of soil types where there were no apparent discrepancies between the field studies and these modified outlines. Since the original publication of the 32-zone map in 1922 there have been many opportunities to consult with students having inti- mate knowledge of relatively local areas and all such opportunities have been utilized to check the accuracy of details. This has resulted in a few slight modifications. PLANT-GROWTH REGIONS FACTORS IN PLANT DISTRIBUTION There are three factors of great importance in the distribution of any given plant. Each may act separately, although they commonly operate in combination, They are climate, soil, and time. 18 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. CF AGRICULTURE Climate, which is an expression of temperature and moisture con- ditions, is without question of first importance. It is, in fact, a summary of factors pertaining to water and to heat. Such factors may be further subdivided into amount and distribution of water or heat; or where the two interact the terms of the analysis are evaporation, kind of precipitation, and humidity. Soil, which involves both chemical and physical structure, is un- doubtedly of second importance. Plant distribution within areas of uniform climate may be modified within each area by soil factors, but it seems obvious that the climate plays the major role in pre- venting vegetation from spreading. ‘The interaction of soil and climate (the latter is often a contributing factor in the formation or modification of the former) may be of great importance. With sufficient rainfall, for instance, the leaching out of certain bases may produce an acid or neutral soil; with insufficient rainfall the soil may be alkaline. Both the preceding factors may operate provided sufficient time has elapsed. A newigatenned species must have time to spread before its range can be delimited by changes in climate or soil. If a species 1s young, its climatic and edaphic boundaries may not yet be operat- ing. In its distribution, time is still a very important factor. If a species is old enough so that its further distribution is limited by factors of climate or soil, time has ceased to be an important factor in its present distribution. ; Tt is true that climatic and soil factors may be uniform or may change very slightly over a given area of country, as in any of Mul- ford’s plant-growth regions. Knowing empiricaily that a number of cultivated plants succeeded about equally well throughout such a growth region, we are reasonably safe in assuming that in general the range of a native species can coincide with boundaries of such growth regions provided it has had the necessary time to spread. it is Aan itent that where there is a large number of endemics and where great variation in characters is evident the growth-region boundaries do not coincide at ali well with limits of distribution, but where there are few endemics and variation is much less, the bounda- ries coincide much better. The correlation of Mulford’s plant-growth regions with natural vegetation areas has as yet not appeared in print. The present author has been interested in the idea for the last 5 or 6 years, has checked a few species with care, and a great many in a general man- ner. The subject cannot be dealt with adequately here, but it can be said that in a general way correspondence of the hnes bounding the range of a given woody species with the lines bounding Mulford’s plant-growth regions is very close. Correspondence of the growth- region lines with climatic and soil boundary lines is also close, where either the temperature, precipitation, or soil condition, or any com- bination of them, acts as a limiting factor in plant distribution. A line bounding a growth region may be considered to consist of series of attached shorter lines, each representing a change in soil condition, in average precipitation, in average temperature, or some other change displayed by plant distribution. On the map (fig. 1), the lines must be considered not as sharply delimiting one region, but as being drawn to separate two regions differing in one or more NATIVH WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 19 factors of the environment. They take no cognizance of local physio- graphic areas, which may themselves cause a change in soil, tempera- ture, or rainfall. Major physiographic areas only are recognized. In other words, the map is generalized. Vegetation areas, as they can be delineated from the notes of old surveyors and travelers, are more or less understood, but growth areas must be better and better known as we proceed to apply ecological principles to land use. Anyone thoroughly familiar with local con- ditions in a smaller area, such as a county or even a State, can point at once to places on Mulford’s map where the conditions are not as represented. Mountain tops in region 11, for instance, should all be characterized as 14, with the growing conditions of which they more nearly coincide. But the expression of more or less average condi- tions over the whole country is fairly accurate. In the following characterizations of conditions in the growth regions, three main items are included for each: (1) The climate, expressed in terms of Thornthwaite’s climatic provinces (570), (2) the length of the growing season, that is, the average number of days between the last killing frost in the spring and the first killing frost in the fall, and (3) the average annual number of days with snow cover. All three items have a considerable influence upon the growth of plants. THORNTHWAITE’S CLIMATIC PROVINCES Consideration of the map showing climatic regions superimposed on plant-growth region (fig. 2, in pocket) or of Thornthwaite’s orig- inal work (570) will show the climatic provinces to be characterized. by three factors; humidity, temperature, and seasonal distribution of precipitation. The combination of these three forms a climatic province. The five major humidity provinces are characterized as A (wet), B (humid), C (subhumid), D (semiarid), and E (arid). To deter- mine them, the procedure was as follows: The total monthly precipi- tation divided by the total evaporation was determined for every station whose temperature and precipitation records extended through a range of 10 years or more, The sum of the 12 monthly P_E ratios was called the P—E index, or the precipitation effective- ness of the station. Through field observation and study of vegeta- tion maps and monographs the five major humidity provinces were recognized and defined. Where the P-E index was 128 and above, the humidity province was designated as A (wet). Similarly, P-E index 64-127 defines B (humid); 32-63, C (subhumid); 16-31, D (semiarid) ; and less than 16, E (arid). Characteristic vegetation for A is rain forest; for B, forest; for C, grassland; for D, steppe; and for H, desert. Four subtypes were recognized : r—moisture abundant at all seasons. S=moisture deficient in summer. w=moisture deficient in winter. d=moisture deficient at all seasons. The determination of the four subtypes depends upon the relation existing between the P—E index and the sum of the P-E ratios of summer or winter, depending upon which is greater. 20 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE The limiting effect of temperature on plants was expressed in the same manner. The coefficient for temperature efficiency Thorn- thwaite called the T—E ratio. The sum of the 12 monthly ratios for any station he calied the T-K index. Determining by empirical means an equation that gave the poleward limit of tundra a T-E index of zero and the poleward limit of the tropical rain forest and savannah a T—E index of 128 (which was the same as the P—EK index of the arid margin of the rain forest), six temperature provinces were defined as follows: A’ (tropical), T—E index 128 and above. B’ (mesothermal), T-H index 64-127. C’ (microthermal), T-—E index 382-68. D’ (taiga), T-E index 16-31. HE’ (tundra), T-E index 1-15. F’ (frost), T-E index 0. The sixth province rarely occurs in the United States. Where temperature efficiency is adequate, variations in precipita- tion effectiveness establish the primary climatic boundaries; other- wise temperature efficiency is the limiting factor and determines the boundaries. The combination of the two produces a climatic prov- ince, in which various combinations of temperature effectiveness, precipitation effectiveness, and seasonal distribution of precipitation are possible, as shown in figure 2. LENGTH OF THE GROWING SEASON The figures for the length of growing season are taken from the Atlas of American Agriculture (45). Reference to the map showing average annual frost-free season will show any portion of the country to be included between lines that indicate the average length of growing season. Between any two such lines is an area wherein the average annual frost-free season changes with the distance from any designated line. It is obvious that an average or mean cannot vary, but 1t is equally plain that it may be different in one place from what it is in another. Therefore, in the characterizations under each region when the statement is made, for instance, that the average is irom 10 to 20 in the northern portion and from 40 to 50 in the southern, it is meant that in the northern portion of the region in question the average of the extreme north may be 10, but at a short distance south it may be 20. In the southern portion likewise, the average may be 50 in the extreme south and a certain number of miles north only 40. But it should be clear from this example that the growing season in the northern portion, changing in length from one place to another, varies from 10 to 20 and that the growing sea- son of the southern portion varies likewise from 40 to 50. SNOW COVER The figures for number of days with snow cover are taken from the Atlas of American Agriculture (45). Here, as in the discussion of the growing season, the average annual figure is said to vary. Again it is obvious that averages do not vary, but may change with distance. When it is sald, for instance, that the average annual number of days with snow cover is from 1 to 10, it is to be under- stood that the average figure changes with distance; that somewhere NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. 21 in between the lines expressing 1 and 10 will be places where the average may be 2, 3, 4, or any number between 1 and 10. With this explanation, the climatic characters of each region may now be considered very briefly, bearing in mind that the values given are averages, not absolute figures. Study of the two maps (figs. 2 and 3, in the pocket) may assist in a better understanding of the climate and soil in any given plant growth region. In figure 2 the climatic regions of Thornthwaite (in color) are superimposed on Mulford’s plant-growth regions (hachured). In figure 3 the impor- tant soil regions (in color) are superimposed upon Mulford’s plant- growth regions (hachured). CLIMATES OF GROWTH REGIONS REGION 1, NORTH PACIFIC COAST Climate wet, microthermal, with adequate precipitation at all sea- sons in all portions, except for two areas with a summer deficiency, one extending for 100 miles south of the Oregon-California line, the other extending the same distance north from San Francisco Bay. Between these two areas is a mesothermal area of some 150 miles in north-south extent. Fogs are frequent and winter rainfall is heavy. The lowest temperatures are 22° to 24° F. in the north, to about 32° in the south. The average annual growing season is from 210 days to less than 90 days in the higher northern portions and more than 240 days in the extreme south. The average annual number of days with snow cover ranges from 1 to 10 over most of the region, increasing to as many as 60 in the central portion. REGION 2, WILLAMETTE VALLEY-PUGET SOUND A humid, microtherma! climate throughout, with adequate precipi- tation at all seasons in the north, but with a summer deficiency south of the Columbia River. Summers warmer and drier than those of region 1. Commonest low temperatures range from 10° to 20° F. The average growing season is 210 days in the south and 150 days in the north. Average annual number of days with snow cover ranges from 1 to 10. REGION 3, CENTRAL CALIFORNIA VALLEYS A subhumid, mesothermal climate throughout except for the semi- arid to arid southwestern third. Precipitation is deficient in the summer through the northern two-thirds but deficient at all seasons in the semiarid to arid third. Winters mild; lowest temperature 22° to 24° F., with slightly higher temperatures on the hillsides. Average annual frost-free season more than 240 days. Number of days with snow cover less than 1 annually. REGION 4, CASCADE-SIERRA NEVADA A mountainous region where conditions vary with elevation and slope, the eastern side being drier than the western side. South- ward the eastern side is decidedly arid; northward less so. The yy) MISC. PUBLICATION 308, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE western side varies from wet to humid. Precipitation is adequate at all seasons in the northern portion but deficient in summer from central Oregon southward. The climate is microthermal in the northern portion, varying to mesothermal in the more southern part. Average annual number of days with snow cover ranges from 10 to 60, increasing with altitude; more than 60 at very high elevations. Average growing season is less than 90 to 150 days, somewhat shorter northward and on the eastern side and decreasing with altitude. REGION 5, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Climate subhumid, mesothermal, with a summer deficiency of rain- fall northward. Southward the climate becomes semiarid with a rainfall deficiency at all seasons. Average growing season 210 to more than 240 days. Snow cover is rare. REGION 6, COLUMBIA RIVER VALLEY Tn the north subhumid; in the south semiarid; or arid in the south- east corner. A microthermal climate with a deficiency of rainfall at all seasons. Average annual number of days with snow cover 10 to 60, lowest southward; highest, northward. Average annual growing season, 120 to 150 days. REGION 7, PALOUSE-BITTERROOT VALLEY A microthermal climate, varying from semiarid on the extreme west to subhumid in the central portion, humid in the central part of the narrowest portion, and subhumid in the extreme eastern por- tion. Rainfall deficient at all seasons except in the very center of the area where it is deficient during the summer only. Average annual number of days with snow cover 10 to 90, the southern half with 10 to 30, but with the number increasing north- ward. Average annual growing season 180 days in the south to 90 days in the north or at higher elevations. REGION 8, SNAKE RIVER PLAIN-UTAH VALLEY Northward generally subhumid, passing to semiarid and arid southward; microthermal and with a deficiency of rainfall at all seasons. Average annual number of days with snow cover 10 to 30 in the northwestern portion, 30 to 60 most common, especially southward. Average annual frost-free season 90 to more than 180 days, shorter with altitude, longer near large bodies of water and in the northern portion. REGION 9, GREAT BASIN-INTERMONTANE Generally semiarid, microthermal, with a deficiency of rainfall at all seasons, but with local arid portions, especially in the south- western part. Average annual number of days with snow cover, 30 to 60 in the larger western and southern portions; 60 to 90 days in the northern half of the eastern portion. Average annual frost-free season less than 90 days in the northwestern portion; between 90 and 120 in cen- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 23 tral and western Nevada, and between 120 and 150 on the east side of the Sierras; in the southernmost portion more than 240 days along the Colorado River, increasingly shorter farther from the river to less than 90 days, depending upon elevation. REGION 10, SOUTHWESTERN DESERT Arid, mesothermal, with a deficiency of rainfall at all seasons. Growing season averages more than 240 days annually, locally some- what less with high altitude. REGION 11, SOUTHERN PLATEAU Climate semiarid in the northern and southwestern portions to arid in the south-central and southeastern portions; microthermal in the northern portion, elsewhere mesothermal; rainfall deficient throughout. Annual number of days with snow cover averages less than 1 in the southern and western portions, but ranges from 10 to 30 in the northern part. Proximity to mountains increases the figure locally. Annual growing seasons range from 90 to 150 days in the north, or with altitude, to more than 240 days in the south. REGION 12, NORTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Great variation because of elevation and exposure. Generally sub- humid except for the semiarid western extension and extreme east- ern and south-central portions; microthermal and with an all-season deficiency of precipitation except in the extreme northwest where rainfall is adequate at all seasons. Annual number of days with snow cover ranges from 30 to over 120, the number increasing with altitude. Somewhat less in south- central Idaho and the Blue Mountains. Average frost-free season generally less than 90 days; or with decreasing altitude, longer. REGION 13, CENTRAL ROCKY MOUNTAINS Climate similar to that of region 12, but temperatures for the same elevation about 7° warmer. Generally arid to semiarid at lower elevations, approaching subhumid to humid climate at higher elevations; microthermal, with rainfall adequacy at all seasons reached with altitude. Annual number of days with snow cover, 30 to 120, increasing with altitude. Average annual growing season less than 90 days; or at much lower elevations, longer. REGION 14, SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Climate similar to that of region 13, but temperatures for the same elevation about 6° warmer. Arid or semiarid at low elevations to subhumid or humid at higher ones; microthermal except for the mesothermal southeastern portion. Precipitation deficient at all, seasons except at very high altitudes. _ Average annual number of days with snow cover, 10 to 60, increas- ing with altitude, but fewer southward. Average frost-free season 94. MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE in the western section 210 to less than 120 with altitude; in the east- ern section from 180 in the south to less than 90 in the higher parts of the extreme northern portion. REGION 15, NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS Except for the subhumid eastern portion and the Black Hills, semiarid throughout; microthermal and with a deficiency of rainfall at all seasons. In the Black Hills, with altitude a humid micro- thermal climate occurs, with adequate precipitation at all seasons. Average annual number of days with snow cover 30 to 60 in the south, but 60 to more than 120 over most of the central and northern portions, increasing northward. Average growing season 110 to 126 days in the extreme north, 120 to 150 in the south and southwest, and 90 to 120 in Wyoming, northwestern South Dakota, southwest- ern North Dakota, and southeastern Montana. Extremely cold in winter, usually —80° to —40° F, REGION 16, CENTRAL GREAT PLAINS Climate warmer than that of region 15 and with greater evapora- tion. Generally semiarid except for the subhumid northeastern and southeastern portions; microthermal in the northern fringe and in the northeastern and southeastern portions, elsewhere mesothermal ; precipitation generally deficient at all seasons except in the northeast and southeast where there is a summer deficiency only. Average annual number of days with snow cover from less than 1 in the extreme southern portion to 30 to 60 in the extreme north. Average growing season 150 days in the north to 210 days in the south. REGION 17, SOUTHERN PLAINS. Semiarid, except for a small arid area west of the mouth of the Pecos River; mesothermal, with rainfall deficient at all seasons. Average annual growing season 210 to more than 260 days, the longer season southward. Evaporation high throughout. REGION 18, NORTHERN BLACK SOILS Subhumid, except for the extreme semiarid northwestern portion; microthermal, rainfall deficient at all seasons. Intermediate in mois- ture between regions 15 and 21. Average annual number of days with snow cover from 30 to 60 in the south to over 120 in the north. Average annual growing season 110 to 150 days, or slightly more in the extreme southern portion. REGION 19, CENTRAL BLACK SOILS Subhumid throughout; microthermal in the western portions, mesothermal in the eastern; precipitation deficient at all seasons in the northern portion, in summer in the southwestern and west-central portions, but adequate at all seasons in the eastern portion. Sudden variations common in winter; hot winds often blowing in summer; moisture conditions intermediate between those of regions 16 and 22. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 25 Average annual number of days with snow cover from 1 to 10 in the extreme south to 30 to 60 in the extreme north. Average annual frost-free season from 150 days northward to 220 days southward. REGION 20, SOUTHERN BLACK SOILS Subhumid and mesothermal throughout; precipitation deficient at all seasons in the northwestern portion, adequate at all seasons im the eastern fringe and southeastern portion. Intermediate in mois- ture conditions between regions 16, 25, and 29. Average annual number of days with snow cover, 1 to 10 in the north to less than 1 in the south. Average frost-free season, 220 to more than 260 days, longest southward. REGION 21, NORTHERN PRAIRIES Subhumid, microthermal; precipitation deficient at all seasons in the north, changing to adequate at all seasons southward; drying) winds and frequent droughts of more than 30 days occur in the western portion. Average annual number of days with snow cover from 60 to 90 in the south to more than 120 in the north. Average annual frost-free season from 100 days in the north to 160 in the south. REGION 22, CENTRAL PRAIRIES) Northwestern portion and western fringe subhumid, remaining’ portions humid; northern portion microthermal, southern mesother- mal; precipitation adequate at all seasons throughout. Average annual number of days with snow cover 30 to 60 except in the southern part of the western portion, where it decreases south- ward, ranging from i to 10. Average growing season 150 to 160 days in the northern portion to 180 in the southeastern portion and 230 in the extreme southwestern portion. REGION 23, WESTERN GREAT LAKES Western portion subhumid, eastern portion humid; microthermal; rainfall adequate at all seasons. Average annual number of days with snow cover, 60 to 90 in the southern and southwestern portions to more than 120 in the northern and northeastern portions. Average annual growing season 100 days in the north to 150 days in the south, or in the southwest, i70 days. Upper Peninsula of Michigan, 110 to 140 days. REGION 24, CENTRAL GREAT LAKHS Humid, microthermal, with adequate precipitation at all seasons. Winter temperatures more moderate than in region 23. Average annual number of days with snow cover from 60 to 90 in the southern half, from 90 to 120 in the northern half. Frost-free season averaging 110 days in the north to over 150 in the south longest close to the lakes. 26 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE REGION 25, OZARK-OHIO-TENNESSEE RIVER VALLEYS Humid, mesothermal, with adequate precipitation at all seasons. In the extreme southwestern portion subhumid. Much alternate freezing and thawing in winter. Average annual number of days with snow cover, 10 to 30 in the north, 1 to 10 in the south. Average annual frost-free season 160 days in the north to 200 in the southeast and 240 in the southwest. REGION 26, NORTHERN GREAT LAKES-ST. LAWRENCE Humid, microthermal, with adequate precipitation at all seasons. There are two local portions in northern and southern New York that are wet rather than humid. Average annual number of days with snow cover, 90 to 120 in the southern portions to more than 120 northward. Average annual growing season less than 100 days in the north and at higher eleva- tions to about 130 in the south. REGION 27, APPALACHIAN Northern portion humid, microthermal; southwestern and south- central portions humid, mesothermal. Local areas of wet micro- thermal climates are distributed along the backbone of the mountains, and there is a wet mesothermal area in the southeastern portion. Average annual number of days with snow cover 1 to 10 in the extreme southern portion to as much as 90 in the extreme north. In the central portion 30 to 60 days is commonest. Average annual frost-free season 130 days in the north, especially at higher eleva- tions, to 210 days in the extreme southern portion. Throughout, the season is shorter with increasing altitude. REGION 28, PIEDMONT Generally humid, mesothermal, but microthermal in the extreme northern portion, with adequate precipitation at all seasons. Warmer than region 27. Average annual number of days with snow cover 1 to 10, decreasing southward to less than 1, increasing northward from 10 to 30. Aver- age annual growing season from 170 days in the north to 220 or more in the south, longer coastward. REGION 29, UPPER COASTAL PLAIN Humid, mesothermal, rainfall adequate at all seasons, Average annual number of days with snow cover less than 1 in the southern half, 1 to 10 in the northern half. Growing season 200 days in the north to 260 days in the south, longer coastward. REGION 380, SWAMPY COASTAL PLAIN Humid, mesothermal, with adequate precipitation at all seasons except in the extreme west where it gradually diminishes to a de- ficiency at all seasons. In central Florida the climate is subhumid, rather than humid. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 27 Average annual frost-free season 230 days in the extreme north- east to more than 260 days in the south-central and southwestern portions. Snow cover rare. REGION 31, SOUTH CENTRAL FLORIDA Subhumid, mesothermal, with rainfall adequate at all seasons. Killing frost likely on the average in half the years; frost-free season well over 260 days. Snow cover extremely rare. REGION 32, SUBTROPICAL FLORIDA Humid, tropical, with adequate rainfall at all seasons. In the north, killing frosts are apt to occur in half the years; in the south there is no record of a killing frost. NITROGEN-FIXING BACTERIA Technicians engaged in planting for erosion control often very wisely choose species that are able, by means of a symbiotic relation- ship with a species of Rhizobium to enrich the soil by the addition of certain nitrogen compounds. With some exceptions, such plants belong to the Leguminosae. Because the soils left after considerable washing has taken place are often poor and unproductive, the in- corporation of nitrogen is of great importance in their reclamation. Lespedezas, alfalfa, vetch, clover, acacias, black locust, and Scotch broom are legumes and have been advocated for use particularly on account of their root associations with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The decay of various parts of the legume as well as of the root nodules housing the bacteria results in the addition of nitrogen com- pounds to the soul. Vetch, peas, beans, clover, and other annual plants, or those on which nodules are produced each spring to develop through the season and decay in the autumn enrich the soil to the extent of about 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre annually if the crop is plowed under. In black locust, Sophora, some species of Acacia, and, others, the nodules may last for more than one growing period, and often become woody. Part of the time during the life of the nodules the nitrogenous compounds may be used by the plant. Not only do members of the Leguminosae form these symbiotic relationships, but they are formed also by shrubs and trees of the genera Alnus, Ceanothus, Hlaeagnus, Shepherdia, and Myrica, besides members of the Cycadaceae and Podocarpaceae. Members of the lat- ter two families will, of course, rarely be used to any great extent in planting in the United States. The nodules formed in nonleguminous plant roots are by some be- heved to be caused by species of Rhizobium, although this is denied by others. But that the nodules of nonlegumes play a part in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen very similar to that performed by legume nodules appears to be fairly well established. Cross-inocula- tion of legumes with strains from Alnus and EHlaeagnus is claimed to have been accomplished successfully, but ordinarily certain strains or races are specific for the host-plant species. Inoculation of plant- ing sites with the proper strain is an established farm practice although the bacteria are probably distributed as wind-borne dust 98 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE under natural conditions. The rotation of legumes with nonlegumes for soil enrichment is also a common practice. In Taiwan (For- mosa), according to R. Kent Beattie, alders are included in the rota- tion of rice fields in much the same manner, presumably for the bene- fit derived from the nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the shrub’s roots. In general, plants producing such nodules are able to live in very poor soils, since lack of nitrogen is not as great a factor in their success as it may be for other plants. For this reason the leguminous plants are particularly satisfactory for planting on poor, eroded land, the soil of which will with difficulty support other plants. Many legumes are unsuccessful on acid soils, doing better on neutral or alkaline soils, where calctum appears to be of importance in the nutrition of the bacteria of the nodules. This is not always true, however, as in Lupinus. There are a number of exceptions to the rule that nodule forma- tion caused by RAizobium occurs in all leguminous plants. Those of interest here are Cercis canadensis, Gleditsia triaéanthos, and Gymnocladus dioica (13). The question at once arises whether these species enrich the soil since they bear no nodules. According to L. T. Leonard, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, as well as other authorities, they probably do not. The synonymity of legumes and nitrogen fixers 1s by no means certain; possibly there are many more legumes that do not fix nitrogen. EXPLANATION OF THE LIST SCOPE Tn the alphabetical list are considered all species of woody plants known to grow in the continental United States and on the Cali- fornia islands, with the following exceptions: 1. Plants of the southern, Subtropical portion of Florida. 2. In general, species not woody throughout; that is, woody only at the base. 3. Species not native to the United States, unless definitely known to have become naturalized to such an extent as to prove their ability to compete ith native species. 4, The cacti, since, as Britton and Schafer (71) have said, stem structure is such that no criterion other than size is availabie to determine which to include as trees or shrubs and which to regard as herbs.‘ 5. Species of parasitic or partially parasitic habit, as Phoradendron, Razoum- ofskya, Pyrularia, since growing or uSing them presents difficulties that in effect exclude them from planting programs. 6. Hybrid forms, except for occasional mention under the parent species. LATIN NAMES AND SYNONYMS The species making up the list of woody plants have been selected from two sources: (1) Regional and local floras, and (2) monographs of families or genera. But from whatever manual or monograph the names were taken, a decision had to be made regarding the proper name to use, since taxonomists are not always agreed on the correct technical name. Furthermore, manuais published earlier in the century, but still in common use, employ names not in accepted 4 Cacti, especially the opuntias, have been used with considerable success in controlling gully heads. The stem sections are simply dumped into the eroding gully, and on taking root they form thickets that contribute materially to the control of the eroding soil. Many species are very important as a source of food and water for desert animals. As some 20 species of mammals and a like number of birds have been observed to eat cacti, their importance to wildlife appears to be considerable. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 29 use under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. To avoid confusion, all important synonyms are included in the list in their proper alphabetical order with a cross reference to the current preferred name. The species in this list may readily be found, therefore, no matter with what code or manual one may be most familiar. It might be mentioned that synonyms often show relationships otherwise hidden. As anexample: Vitis helleri, the roundleaf grape, was first described as a variety of V. rotundifolia, the muscadine grape. In the synonymy under Vitis helleri one finds V. rotunds- jolia var. helleri, which indicates that V. helleri is close enough to V. rotundifolia to have been considered a variety of it. Other ex- amples could be cited to show the same thing, but this will suffice to indicate that records of utilization by wildlife may often have been applied, especially in earlier days, to both the original species and its variety. Thus 28 species of birds are recorded as having eaten V. rotundifolia. None is recorded for V. helleri. But that the bird- stomach record should apply partially to the latter species, changed recently from its varietal rank, is fairly certain. In examining plant characterizations, particularly with respect to wildlife foods, tech- nicians will do well to remember the possible interrelationships ex- pressed in the synonymy. VERNACULAR NAMES OF PLANTS The problem of choosing vernacular names for species of plants is a difficult one. The very old prejudice against the use of a Latin name is as pronounced as ever, and technicians are universally faced with the necessity of using a so-called “common name” in order to be understood. And yet no exact or careful work can ever be done unless a name is used that applies to one species of plant and no other. The tremendous numbers of vernacular names of plants in common use do not satisfy this requirement. If they could be stand- ardized, as the names of birds have been so that there would be no question of the identity impled by a name, there would be less confusion. Very laudable attempts to standardize vernacular names have been made, but we are still a great way from completeness. Not the least reason for this is that no committee having the sanction of botanists throughout the country has ever been organized to deal with the matter. If the botanists of the United States were to deal with common names somewhat after the manner in which the botanical congresses have dealt with Latin nomenclature, perhaps in time definite and complete understanding might be achieved. Standardized Plant Names (/5) treats horticultural plants for the most part. This and Sudworth’s Checklist of the Forest Trees of the United States (554) are the best attempts made so far to choose standard vernacular names for woody plants. Although in each there are names that could be much improved, yet by and large the names presented in them have much to recommend them. Many names of woody plants from these two sources have been used in this publication. A great many names have been taken from Dayton’s Important Western Browse Plants (258). The various manuals of the flora 30 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE of different sections of the country have supplied others. A few names have been collected by the author, more notably in the South- west where, incidentally, a great many plants as well as towns, rivers, and mountains, are called by Mexican or Spanish names. Nevertheless, there yet remain several hundred species that do not bear distinctive vernacular names. They appear in the list with no other than a Latin name, the author believing that one person is not armed with sufficient authority to coin names for them. Many species appear under a number of different vernacular names, some of which may also be applied indiscriminately to various other species. In this work the selection of the most descriptive name has been made after careful consideration of the characters of the plant. The common name is placed opposite the Latin name; the remaining synonymous vernacular names may be found in the lst of common and scientific names of woody plants (p. 322). The more commonly used vernacular names are there referred to the species that often bears them. Incidentally, this discussion should inform those less familiar with plant names that the use of a common name, where ex- actitude is desired, is never as satisfactory as the use of the correct Latin name. RANGE The user of the woody plant list will find a series of numbers under each species after Range. Each number refers to a plant-growth region shown on Mulford’s map (fig. 1). The series of numbers under any given species expresses its approximate geographic range. To determine the plant-growth regions in which a plant can be planted with most confidence, the geographic range of the particular species was superimposed upon a map of Mulford’s growth regions. The numbers were then read off. In many instances a plant may be found growing naturally in only a portion of a growth region, but as- suming conditions within a given region to be reasonably constant, the plant is stated to be able to grow anywhere in the entire growth region. For this reason, it is cbvious that the actual geographic range of any native species is not necessarily expressed with exactitude. Interpretation of distribution with respect to the plant-growth re- gions has been conservative. The range of each species has been checked against records in local floras and published citations of spec- imens. Where a question exists, the growth region involved has been omitted. The growth regions herein published, therefore, depend in no way upon any belief the author may have that the planting of a given species will probably be safe in adjacent growth regions. If a growth region is listed for a species it has been ascertained that the plant actually does grow there. Comparison of climatic and soil conditions in one growth region with those in others may point the way to the introduction of a species from one region to another. Here as with other considera- tions, in this work the facts only are presented: any conclusions drawn from them must be those of the user of the list, SITE DESIGNATIONS Plants grow in dry soil, moist soil, or in fresh or well-drained soil. They are to be found in the sun, or in the shade, or in both, or some- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 31 times in half shade. In the list under Site these facts are designated by the single words “dry,” “moist,” “well-drained,” “sun,” “Shade,” and “half shade.” Certain species of sagebrush, ordinarily occurring on plains, for instance, would be characterized as “dry, sun.” Cer- tain species of osiers, ordinarily growing along streams, would be noted as “Moist, sun.” Species of spice-bush, ordinarily occurring in rich woodlands, would be noted as “Well-drained, moist, shade.” Designation of a soil as dry, well-drained, or moist, depends to some extent on the opinion of the worker and the region in which he may be. Dry soil in the Great Plains or Piedmont is presumably much drier than dry soil in New England or western Oregon. Even moist soil might be considered wetter in New England than in Arizona. For this reason, only general designations are placed under each spe- cies in the list. Some common sense and a good deal of additional information about a plant may be needed, or further observation of its native habitat, especially when an unusually difficult position is to be its site. GROWTH HABITS Woody plants are here considered under growth-habit categories characterized as small shrubs, large shrubs, small trees, large trees, or vines. Small shrubs do not grow higher than 5 feet; large shrubs are 5 feet or more in height; small trees grow to 20 feet; large trees are more than 20 feet in height. The intermingling of such types must be done with care, since taller forms easily overshadow and repress smaller ones. The habit of a plant may be materially altered by its habitat. Some grapes, for instance, are definitely shrubs on poor, dry soil while on better, more moist soil they may become vines. Certain shrubs become trees if plenty of moisture and good soil is available. Many species that are ordinarily large trees, may be only small ones or large shrubs in poor soils. Some species are shrubby in the northern part of their range and treelike in the southern part, or vice versa. The ability of species to change habit should be considered in planting. Consideration of the general habit of a plant may assist the tech- nician in selecting species to suit his needs. If he desires a cover on the soil during the winter, he will necessarily choose an ever- green species. If escape cover for wildlife is desired, his choice will be a plant with thorns, dense foliage, or one intricately branched. He may want a species that will permit the growth of herbaceous vegetation beneath it, in which case he will look for a sparsely branched type with thin foliage. Tn the list, unless a plant is stated to be evergreen, it is understood to be deciduous. If it is not mentioned as spiny or thorny, it is understood to be free of any sort of spines or thorns. Otherwise characteristics are definitely stated for each plant. FRUITING Under each species in the list will be found the designation, “Fruit.” Here the kind of fruit is indicated, as pome (applelike), drupe (cherrylike), berry (drupelike but with more than one seed), achene (seedlike), capsule, nut. Immediately after the kind of fruit is designated the time of availability, very often expressed by 2 S37g22 es 32 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE months, as August-April. The first month indicates when the fruit ripens and is available for collection either by man or wildlife; the second month shows approximately how long the fruit persists on the plant. The data in this publication concerned with time of availability of fruit must be used with caution. The average dates of ripening of the fruit of a species with a considerable north-south range may have a range of several months, beginning earliest in the south and occurring later in the north. Furthermore, local weather conditions or other factors may delay or hasten the usual period of ripening. Therefore, when fruit is said to be available from August to April, it is meant that this appears to be the usual time. It does not mean that fruit always occurs on a particular bush during all that time. Only local field studies can discover when fruits are usually avail- able in any given region. Seed collectors know also that fruits particularly attractive to birds may not remain on the plant for any length of time if birds are plentiful. The seeds of Juniperus ashei, for instance, ordinarily per- sist like most other juniper fruits, but in 1936 the ripe fruits in the Ozarks were nearly cleaned off by immense flocks of robins. PROPAGATION A work of this sort can hardly deal in detail with methods of propagation, but certain fundamental principles should be stated that may contribute to a better understanding of propagation. Occa- sional notes indicating usual methods will be found under genera; if methods vary with species, under the species. In general, propagation of plants from seed produces more vig- orous plants. Because of, this, plants intended for use on difficult, eroded sites should preferably be grown from seed. Reproduction in this manner involves determination of species and collection, stor- age, and planting. roper collection of good, viable seed demands care and a knowl- edge of the fruiting period of the plant. Seed falling earliest is usually of poorest quality. In the list of woody plants the date of seed ripening is indicated first, but it may vary considerably from one place to another. In fact, as far as seed collection is concerned, it would be sufficient to say that the fruit of a species ripens in early or late spring, summer, or fall. A seed collector wisely gets to the plants at the earliest date of ripening to be sure that he, instead of birds, squirrels, or other rodents, gets the major share of the crop. Even so, when seed is retained well into the winter, collection may often be deferred until later. But in any event, before seed is col- lected its soundness and worth should always be determined by cut- ting tests. The fruit should be mature, as slightly unripe seed has a decidedly poorer keeping quality than fully ripe seed. Storage of seed depends on the species of plant. Some seed must be sown at once for best results; others must be stratified. Seed with fleshy parts usually must be cleaned by fermentation, washing, and drying before being stored dry. Preservation of the moisture con- tent of seed is of great importance during handling and storing. Some seed, such as that of red and silver maples, willows, and poplars, is killed if the water content drops below 35 percent. Seed of many NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 33 species of the rose family will germinate readily if planted at once, but if dried will fall into a state of secondary dormancy necessitating stratification to assure germination (313). Seed of birches and bass- wood germinates much more poorly when permitted to dry out after maturity. Temperature greatly influences the keeping quality of seed (357). For most woody plant seed, 35°-40° F. is considered the best tem- perature. At these levels the moisture content may vary somewhat without harm to the seed. Freezing should be guarded against. Low oxygen content can be obtained by storage in airtight contain- ers; this should be watched, since high oxygen content reduces keep- ing quality. “Stratifying,” as here used, means placing the seed in layers of peat and holding them at 35°-40° F. or, in specific instances, at the temperature noted in the list under the species. If seed is to be stratified, it should first be treated with a disinfectant. Potassium permanganate in 5 to 10 percent solution is useful for this purpose. All of these operations and also those that follow are treated ad- mirably in The Modern Nursery (357). Seeding and Planting in the Practice of Forestry (573) treats particularly of tree species. Seed may fail to germinate because of incompletely organized embryos or hard seed coats, or because certain internal chemical changes that must take place before germination have not occurred. Additional food in the form of a dilute sugar solution may assist embryo organization during stratification. Seeds with hard seed coats are treated with hot water or agitated with sharp sand to assist them in germinating. Seed requiring a rest period must be stratified in the manner described. Such of these practices as are known to apply are indicated for each species or genus in the list. In addition, data on the number of seeds per pound, the germination percentage, and the approxi- mate number of usable plants to be expected from each pound of seed are given. These notes are intended to assist the technician in large-scale operations by giving him some idea of the nursery space he may require. Obviously, they can be only approximate. The number of seeds per pound depends on individual variation in size of seed. This in turn depends on the age and vigor of the plant, the fullness of the crop, differences in site of the individual plants, and place of collection. Trees on good sites produce larger seeds than those on poor ones, and seeds collected at the northern extension of the tree range or from higher elevations are usually smaller than those collected from the southern part of the range or from lower altitudes (573). This is probably true also of shrubs. it can thus be seen that the reported number of seeds per pound may vary tremendously. However, some indication is better than none at all. Theoretically, the number of seeds per pound multiplied by the percentage of germination should give the number of usable plants to be expected per pound of seed. Actually, this is rarely true. Too many other factors are involved and the number of usable plants is often only one-third to one-fifth or less of the theoretical figure. For several hundred species the actual approximate number of usable plants per pound of seed, determined empirically in the Section of 24 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURH Nurseries of the Soil Conservation Service, is given, but all figures of this sort must be used with caution. In large-scale operations, planting stock is most often propagated from seed, but other methods of obtaining plants, such as lifting wild stock, propagation by cuttings, or direct seeding, are all useful. Transplanting wild stock has little to recommend it. It is costly, especially from a labor standpoint, and the percentage of survival is all too often low. The practice of direct seeding over all or part of a given area would seem to merit more investigation. The elimination of all storage and nursery operations has much appeal, but too little is known of direct seeding either to recommend or to discourage it. Toumey and Korstian (573) note that when an area is seeded prop- erly, the cost is usually high. They claim that in direct seeding, as might be expected, germination is usually lower and more uneven than in nurseries. Proper preparation and protection of the site is no small item in the cost. They give a table showing the number of pounds of seed required for planting an acre with each of 23 species of trees, including black cherry, which requires 10 to 25 pounds; black locust, 6 to 8 pounds; white oak, 600 to 800; beech, 50 to 150; and white pine, 5 to 9. Examples of successful direct seeding of woody plants are rare, but with increasing demand for large-scale planting, perhaps methods may be developed to overcome present obstacles. If it is known that direct seeding is successful, the information is included in the present list. UTILIZATION BY WILDLIFE The first paragraph under each species after the designation of fruit deals with characters directly or indirectly related to erosion control; the second deals wholly with utilization of the species by wildlife, livestock, and bees. The latter paragraph is divided into two portions headed “Stomach records” and “Observations.” Under Stomach records are placed all records of utilization based on examination of stomach contents. Most of such records are taken from the files of the Bureau of Biological Survey. A few are from identifications of stomach materials made by other agencies. It has not seemed advisable to name all the species of birds known to have eaten the fruit. The total number of birds utilizing the species of plant is listed, and a statement is added indicating which game birds are included. Under each genus characterization the paragraph dealing with wildlife utilization lists stomach records and observations in addition to those listed under species. They are not summaries. Identification of plant parts found in stomachs is often possible only as far as the genus. ‘These must hence be recorded only for the genus. The same may be true of observations, where identification is uncertain or pos- sibly inaccurate. Therefore, genus records in this publication are used only because such records cannot be referred to a particular species. PA records of woody-plant utilization known to the author are included. The Biological Survey records, the literature, and many, field workers have supplied information for this work. It is, how- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 35 ever, very clearly recognized that there may be other records extant, and corrections and additional material are earnestly solicited by the author. Under Observations are placed all records obtained from the litera- ture. These cannot be considered as reliable as stomach records; but as indicated in the section Planting for Wildlife (p. 6), considerable care has been exercised to see that those stated actually do apply to the species under which they are placed. The animals listed under Stomach records and Observations should not be added to give the total number of animals feeding upon the plant since they are two separate and distinct items, and since the same species of animal may often have been observed to eat a part of the plant as well as to have had a portion of the plant found in its stomach or crop. LIST OF WOODY PLANTS Abies spp. Firs. About 23 species of firs are known, of which 10 occur in the United States. All are evergreen forest trees producing soft perishable wood of great importance commercially, and balsamic exudations; the seeds at each end of the cone are usually not fertile; cones break up at maturity; seed germination is usually under 50 percent and viability endures no longer than one season; propagation is entirely by seed sown in spring after stratifying at 32°-41° F. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : 10 species of birds includ- ing dusky and ruffed grouse; elk, Coeur d’Alene chipmunk, black-tailed deer. Observations (in addition to the specific records) : Four species of birds includ- ing spruce and dusky grouse; Fremont pine squirrel, Arizona porcupine. Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes Silver fir. Picea amabilis Doug. Range: 1, 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; ripe in September, breaks up in October. A very large, long-lived evergeen tree; slow growing; susceptible to fire damage because of its thin bark; somewhat attacked by rot; wood of impor- tance commercially, especially as pulp; grows poorly in cultivation; seeds borne heavily every 2 or 3 years, vitality transient, germination low; 11,000 seeds per pound. Abies arizonica Merr. Corkbark fir. A. lasiocarpa arizonica Lemm., Range: 138, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone, ripe in September. A large evergreen tree; wood of no importance commercially; good seed years every third year; germination rate low, 25,000—45,000 seeds per pound. Observations: Porcupine, squirrels, and other rodents. Abies aromatica, see Abies grandis. Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Balsam fir. Range: 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Cone; ripe in September, breaks up soon afterwards. A large, fairly rapid-growing evergreen tree with a very shallow root system; intolerant of shade except for the first 6 to 8 years; age limit about 150 years; easily wind-thrown and damaged by fire and rot; short-lived and generally not satisfactory in cultivation; some 10 varieties distinguished in cultivation, one bearing larger cones; wood important for pulp, rarely lumber; seed borne abundantly at intervals of 2 to 4 years, shaded trees generally not bearing; 55,000 seeds per pound, germination 25 percent. Stomach records: Five species of birds, including spruce and ruffed grouse. Observations: Six species of birds including ruffed, spruce and prairie sharp- tailed grouse; porcupine, snowshoe hare; highly important winter food of moose, white-tailed deer; rarely cut for building material, not food, by beaver. 26 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Abies concolor Lindl. and Gord. White fir. A. lowiana (Gord.) Murr., A concolor lowiana Lemm. Range: 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Cone; mature in September, soon breaks up. A very large evergreen tree with a shallow root system; at first rapid grow- ing; later slower; long-lived; resistant to fire, heat, and drought; wood used commercially; good seed years every 2 to 4 years, seed vitality transient; 10,000-15,000 seeds per pound, germination 22-42 percent; five varieties dis- tinguished in cultivation. Stomach records: Mount Pinos grouse; Inyo chipmunk, black-tailed deer. Observations: Sooty grouse; porcupine; of outstanding importance for mule deer, California pine squirrel; much eaten by squirrels and other rodents. Abies fraseri (Pursh.) Poir. Southern balsam fir. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Cone; mature in September, soons breaks up. A large evergreen tree, growth rate at first rapid, later slower; wood some- what used for pulp, rarely lumber; seed produced annually but heavy crops only at long intervals; short-lived both in the wild and in cultivation; 44,000 seeds per pound, germination about 68 percent. Abies grandis Lindl. Lowland white fir, A. aromatica Raf. Range: 1, 2, 4,6, 7, 12. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; mature September—October, soon breaks up. A very large evergreen tree with a deep root system; rapid growing at first, later slower; long-lived; intolerant of shade; wood of little importance com- mercially, potentially of greater value; ornamental; seed produced abundantly every 2 or 3 years; 20,000-34,000 seeds per pound, germination about 50 percent. Stomach records: Plains white-tailed deer. Observations: Richardson’s pine squirrel. Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. Alpine fir. Pinus lasiocarpa Hook. Range: 4, 9 (at higher elevations only), 12, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone, mature in September. A very large evergreen tree; slow growing, moderately long-lived; wood little used commercially; lower branches may root, but new trees seldom develop from them; not successfully cultivated in the Eastern States; seed pro- duced abundantly every 3 years; seed vitality transient; 50,000 seeds per pound, germination 24 percent; about 5,000 usable plants per pound of seed. Stomach records: Three species of birds, including Richardson’s grouse; mountain sheep, black-tailed deer. Observations: Cascade pine squirrel. Abies lowiana, see Abies concolor. Abies magnifica Murr. California red fir. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; mature in August, breaks up in September. A very large evergreen tree; slow growing, especially with age; long-lived; intolerant of shade, but more resistant with age; ornamental; wood little used commercially, potentially of greater use; good seed crops produced every 2 or 3 years; Seed vitality transient; 67,000 seeds per pound. Observations: Sooty grouse, California pine grosbeak; of slight importance for mule deer. Var. shastensis Lemmon, Shasta red fir; very similar to the species and oc- curring within its range, but less common. Abies nobilis Lindl. Noble fir. Range: 1, 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; ripe in September, begins to break up by October. A very large evergreen tree with a shallow or deep root system; long-lived, fairly rapid growing; intolerant of shade; easily fire-damaged because of its NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 37 thin bark; insect damage very rare; wood little used commercially, potentially of greater value; does well in cultivation in the Eastern States; good seed years infrequent and at long intervals; vitality of seed transient; 16,000 seeds per pound, germination 40—50 percent. Abies venusta (Dougl.) Koch. Bristlecone fir. Pinus venusta Dougl. Range: 5. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Cone; ripe in August, breaks up in September. A large evergreen tree not used commercially; seed produced abundantly at intervals of 3 to 5 or more years, of low and transient vitality. Abutilon newberryi, see Horsfordia newberryi Acacia spp. Some 450 species are known, most of them tropical; majority rapid growing and short-lived ; propagation is by seeds or cuttings from half-ripe wood taken with a heel; the seeds are treated with hot water and sown in March or April. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : Mearn’s quail. Observa- tions (in addition to specific records): Texas antelope squirrel, cedar-belt cottontail. Acacia amentacea DC. Blackbrush. Acaciopsis amentacea (DC.) Britt. and Rose. mange: 10 1G, 1%, 20) Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub to small tree, bearing spines; often found on sandy or other sous. Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze. Prairie acacia. Mimosa angustissima Mill, M. filiculoides (Cav.) Trel., A. filicina Willd., A, filiculoides Trel., A. hirta (Nutt.) Robins., Acaciella hirta (Nutt.) Britt. and Rose., Acaciella filiculoides (Cav.) Britt. and Rose. Rance 91, AG, 17, 20; 22, 25. 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available July—August. A small to usually large shrub or rarely a small fen unarmed; blooms May-July and often grows in sandy and other soils. Stomach records: Masked bobwhite. Somewhat browsed, pods relished by cattle and horses. Acacia berlandieri Benth. Guajillo. Senegalia berlandieri (Benth.) Britt. and Rose. Range: 11, 16, 17. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume, available June—July. A small to large spiny shrub, occasionally unarmed; flowers November-— March ; root system very deep; wood used for fuel locally; an important source of honey. Acacia constricta Benth. Mescat acacia. Acaciopsis constricta (Benth.) Britt. and Rose. Range: 10, 11, 14, 16, 17. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume, available July-September. A small to large, spiny shrub, often with sticky foilage, adapted to a wide range of soil conditions but often found in sand; seed germination about 45 percent ; about 400 usable plants per pound of seed. Var. paucispina Woot. and Standl., is a larger and less spiny form usually found at higher elevations than the species. Stomach records: Masked bobwhite, Gambel quail. Observations: Jack rabbit. pee to worthless forage for livestock, except that pods are taken. A source of honey. Acacia cuspidata Schlecht. Range: 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume, available in June. 38 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Acacia emoryana Benth. Senegalia emoryana (Benth.) Britt. and Rose. Range: 17. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available in July. A large shrub to small or large tree, unarmed, or with few prickles; flowers in March. Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. Huisache. Mimosa farnesiana L., Vachellia farnesiana (L.). Wight and Arnott.. Range: 5.102 brad 6120.29 230: Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume, available July—August. A small shrub to large tree, depending on the degree of moisture; spiny; flowers February—March ; will withstand several degrees of frost; drought and heat-resistant; wood very durable, used commercially; very common and orna- mental in cuitivation; naturalized from the Gulf coast region to southern Cali- fornia; seed germination about 30 percent. Considered a valuable stock forage, especially in winter; said to impart a bad flavor to cattle flesh. An important honey plant. Acacia filicina, see Acacia angustissima. Acacia filiculoides, see Acacia angustissima. Acacia flexicaulis, see Pithecolobium fiericaule. Acacia greggii Gray. Long-flowered catclaw. Senegalia greggii (Gray) Britt. and Rose. Range: 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available July—spring. A small to large shrub or small tree, short-spined, straggling, and thicket forming; flowers April—October; very drought resistant: wood very durable, used locally; furnishes a gum similar to gum arabic; seed germination about 60 percent; about 200 usable plants per pound of seed. Stomach records: Gambel quail. Observations: Sometimes used as roosts by Gambel quail and a favorite hiding place for jack rabbits and other animals; eaten by jack rabbits especially in drier seasons. A useful bee plant; furnishes much browse to livestock on depleted range; less used on range covered with good stand of grass: pods of low palatability to livestock; when of tree habit much value for shade; withstands heavy grazing. Acacia hirta, see Acacia angustisssima. Acacia lemmonii Rose. Lemmon acacia. Acaciella lemmonii (Rose) Britt. and Rose. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume, ripe in September. A small shrub, browsed to some extent; pods relished by cattle and horses. Acacia millefolia Wats. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large, short-spined shrub. Acacia pulverulenta, see Leucaena pulverulenta. Acacia reticulata Willd. Netvein acacia, Range: 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small shrub, considered good browse for cattle. Acacia roemeriana Scheele. Round-fiowered catclaw. Senegalia roemeriana (Scheele) Britt. and Rose. Range’: hh 46. oL¢, 20: Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATHS. 39 A small to large, spiny shrub, generally rather stout. Stomach records: Scaled quail. Observations: Sonora deer, Considered a valuable honey plant in western Texas. Acacia subtortuosa, see Acacia tortuosa. Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd. Catclaw. A. subtortuosa Shafer, Popanax tortuosa (L.) Raf., P. schaffneri (Wats.) Britt. and Rose. Range: 11, 17, 20. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small shrub to small tree; spiny; blooms in March. Acacia vernicosa Standl. Acaciopsis vernicosa, (Standl.) Britt. and Rose. Range: 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small to rarely large shrub. Stomach records: Sealed quail. Acacia wrightii Benth. Texas catclaw. Senegalia wrightii (Benth.) Britt. and Rose. Range: 10, 11, 16, 17, 20. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, ripe June—September. A large shrub to small or large tree; short-spined and with dense foliage; blooms March—May; wood used locally for fuel. A good honey plant. Acaciella filicoides, see Acacia angustissima. Acaciella hirta, see Acacia angustissima. Acaciella lemmonii, see Acacia lemmonii. Acaciopsis amentacea, see Acacia amentacea. Acaciopsis constricta, see Acacia constricta. Acaciopsis vernicosa, see Acacia vernicosa. Acalypha californica Benth. California copperleaf. Range: 5 Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small monoecious shrub. Acalypha pringlei Wats. Range: 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit : Capsule. A small shrub. Acamptopappus microcephalus, see Aplopappus cooperi. Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (Harv. and Gray) Gray. Range: 10 Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small, many-stemmed shrub. Acamptopappus schockleyi Gray. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Hruit: Achene. A small shrub. Acer spp. Maples. About 110 species of trees or shrubs, of which 12 occur in the United States; many in cultivation; most with fine autumn coloration; the majority grow in neutral soil; propagation by seeds sown as soon as ripe, or stratified at 41° F. and sown in spring; vitality of seeds transient. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : White-tailed deer, opossum. Observations (in addition to specific records) : Thirteen species of birds; an AO MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE emergency food of pinnated grouse; brown mountain beaver, fox squirrel, moose; species other than A. pennsylvanicum and A. spicatum (qa. Vv.) in times of necessity are cut for food and building materials by beaver. Eaten to some extent by muskrat. The western species furnish good browse for livestock. Acer barbatum, see Acer saccharum. Acer bernardinum, see Acer glabrum. Acer brachypterum, see Acer floridanum. Acer californicum, see Acer negundo. Acer circinatum Pursh. Vine maple. Range: 1, 2, 4. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Samara, available in September. A large shrub to a small or rarely large tree; branches commonly rest on the ground, where they may root; slow growing, lives 80 to 90 years; wood used to some extent locally; will not furnish maple sugar; about 5,000 seeds per pound. Observations: Considered to rank with A. macrophyllum as third in im- portance as browse for Olympic wapiti; Pacific mountain beaver. Of some importance as livestock browse. Acer dasycarpum, see Acer saccharinum. Acer douglasii, see Acer glabrum. Acer floridanum (Chapm.) Pax. Southern sugar maple. A. saccharinum floridanum Chapm., Saccharodendron fioridanum (Chapm.) Nieuwl. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Samara. A large tree closely related to A. saccharum. Var. villipes Rehder (A. brachypterum Woot. and Standl.), occurs also in region 11. Acer glabrum Torr. Dwarf maple. A. tripartitum Nutt., A. bernardinum Abrams, A. neomexicanum Greene. Range: 4, 9, 12, 18, 14, 15. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Samara; available in late autumn. Rarely a large shrub, commonly a small to large tree; usually dioecious and growing in poor soils; 18,000-20,000 seeds per pound. Var. douglasii (Hook.) Dippel, (A. douglasii Hook.) occurs with the species in regions 4 and 12. Stomach records: Mountain sheep, plains white-tailed deer. Observations: Fair browse for mule deer. Acer grandidentatum Nutt. Bigtooth maple. A. saccharum grandidentatum (Nutt.) Sudw. Range? 7,8) 9, 11, 12, 13; 14, 416, 19: Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Samara; available in September. A large shrub to large tree; flowers April—May. Acer interior, see Acer negundo. Acer kingii, see Acer negundo. Acer leucoderme Small. Whitebark maple. Saccharodendron leucoderme (Small) Nieuwl. Range: 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, shade. Fruit: Samara, available in September. A large shrub to small or large tree often with a crooked trunk; flowers in April. Acer macrophyllum Pursh. Bigleaf maple. Ranves 4: 23. 4.0: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Samara, available July-September or persistent until winter. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Al A large tree; usually occurs only on good soils; root system shallow; long- lived; wood strong, not durable, much used commercially; not successfully cul- tivated in the eastern United States; will produce maple sugar in nearly exactly as good quality and as great quantity as the eastern sugar maple; 2,700 seeds per pound, germination 90 percent, about 2,000 usuable plants per pound of seed. Observations: Western evening grosbeak ; listed with the vine maple as third in importance as browse for Olympic wapiti; California mule deer. Acer negundo L. Boxelder. Negundo negundo (L.) Karst., Rulac negundo Small, Negundo aceroides Moench. hansen St O20" Oi 22 23) 24 2a 20s 2a eo, eoU. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Samara, available September—October and persistent until spring. A large shrub, or more commonly, a small to large tree; dioecious; root sys- tem generally shallow, deeper in deep soils; rapid growing; short-lived; easily storm-damaged, injured by heart rot, fire, and insects; wood soft, weak, used commercially ; shoots appear on exposed or injured roots; 10,000—-14,000 seeds per pound, germination 40-60 percent; about 2,000 usable plants per pound of seed; easily transplanted when young. The justification for separating this species from the genus Acer and placing it in a Separate genus, Negundo, is very good. ‘The species is placed here merely for convenience but further study will very likely show this species to be generically different from the maples. Var. violaceum Kirchner. (Negundo nuttallii (Nieuwl.) Rydb., Rulac nuttal- lit Nieuwl.) occurs in regions 8, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 27. Var. teranum Pax. (Rulac texana (Pax) Small, Acer texanum Pax, Negundo texanum (Pax) Rydb.) oceurs in regions 19, 20, 25, and 29. Var. interius (Britt.) Sarg. (Acer interior Britt., Rulac interior (Britt.) Nieuwl., Negundo interius (Britt.) Rydb., A kingii Britt.) occurs in regions 8, 9, 11,42, 13, 14, and 22. Var. arizonicum Sarg. occurs in region 11. Var. californicum (Torr. and Gray) Sarg. (Negundo californicum Torr. and Gray, Acer californicum Dietr., Negundo aceroides californicum Sarg., Rulac californicum (Torr. and Gray) Nieuwl.) occurs in regions 3, 4, and 5. Observations: Four species of birds, including ring-necked pheasant ; fox squir- rels; many additional squirrels and birds; California mule deer. Acer neomexicanum, see Acer glabrum. Acer nigrum Michx. f. Black maple. A. saccharum nigrum (Michx. f.) Small, Saccharodendron nigrum (Michx. f.) Small, A. barbaium nigrum Sarg. Range: 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Samara, available in September. A large tree, resembling and very closely related to A. saccharum, and inter- grading with it; often considered with good reason merely a variety of the sugar maple; grows in rich soils; wood of importance commercially; produces maple sugar. Wildlife records for the sugar maple may apply equally well to this species. Acer pennsylvanicum L. Striped maple. Range: 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, shade. Fruit: Samara, available in September. A large shrub to small or large tree, usually found in acid soil; wood some- times used commercially. Observations: Cottontail rabbit ; beaver food where Populus is lacking; moose, white-tailed deer. Acer rubrum I. Red maple. Rufacer rubrum (L.) Small, A. stenocarpum Britt. and Shafner. Range: 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Samara, available March—April. A large dioecious or monoecious tree; occurs on a variety of soils; root sys- tem shallow on moist sites, deeper on dry sites; rapid growing, short-lived; not seriously injured by insects but subject to heart rot; severely injured by fire; 4? MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE coppices freely, especially when young; very brilliant red in autumn: wood much used commercially ; 18,000 seeds per pound, germination 70 percent, about 2,000 usable plants per pound of seed; vitality of seeds transient; easily transplanted. Several varieties have been described, all occurring within the range of the species. Stomach records: Palm warbler; eastern chipmunk, white-tailed deer. Ob- servations Ten species of birds; cottontail rabbit; considered the fifth most important winter food of white-tailed deer in Massachusetts. Acer saccharinum L. Silver maple. A. dasycarpum Ehrh., Argentacer saccharinum (L.) Small. Range =213195°20; 20,22) 23,24, (25,2621, 28, 29,750: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Samara, available April—June. A large monoecious or dioecious tree; taproot small, lateral roots well de- veloped; grows in a variety of soils; at first rapid growing, later slower; short- lived; much subject to fungus diseases; wind-firm, but easily storm-damaged; easily damaged by fire; coppices freely when young; grows successfully on coal- stripped land in Illinois; wood hard, strong, not durable, of importance com- mercially; much cultivated, with some six outstanding varieties known; seed vitality transient; about 2,400 seeds per pound, germination 50 percent, about 400 usable plants per pound of seed. Stomach records: Gray eastern chipmunk, eastern chipmunk. Observations: Four species of birds; cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, red squirrel, white- tailed deer. Acer saccharum Marsh. Sugar maple. A. barbatum (Michx.) Nieuwl., Saccharodendron barbatum (Michx.) Nieuwl. Range: 15, 18521222324. 25, 26; 27, 28; 29: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Samara, available July—December. A large monoecious or dioecious tree; usually occurs on rich soil; root system shallow, wide spreading; slow growing, long-lived; seriously injured by fire; wind-firm; attacked by numerous insects; wood hard, strong, not very durable, much used commercially ; produces maple sugar; easily transplanted when small; 7,000 seeds per pound, germination 50-60 percent, about 1,500 usable plants per pound of seed. Four varieties are listed, varying among other things in the amount of hair- iness of the leaves. All occur within the range of the species except var. sinuosum (Rehd.) Sarg., (A. sinuosum Rehd.), which occurs in regions 17 and 20. Stomach records: White-tailed deer. Observations: Four species of birds in- cluding ring-necked pheasant; porcupine, red squirrel, cottontail rabbit; heavily utilized by moose on Isle Royale; white-tailed deer. Acer sinuosum, see Acer saccharum. Acer spicatum Lam. Mountain maple. Range: 2324-126, 2. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Samara, available August—November. A large shrub to small or large tree; ordinarily occurs on acid soil; clump forming; wood used to some extent commercially. Stomach records: White-tailed deer. Observations: Cottontail rabbit, moose; beaver, where Populus is lacking. Acer stenocarpum, see Acer rubrum. Acer texanum, see Acer negundo. Acer tripartitum, see Acer glabrum. Adelia acuminata, see Forestiera acuminata. Adelia angustifolia, see Forestiera angustifolia. Adelia ligustrina, see Foresticra ligustrina. Adelia neomexicana, see Forestiera neomexicana. Adelia parvifolia, see Forestiera neomezxicana. Adelia pubescens, see Forestiera pubescens, NATIVH WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 43 Adelia vaseyi, see Ricinella vaseyt. Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. and Arn. Chamiso. Range: 5. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A large, spreading shrub with small fasicled leaves; branches very close to the ground, and stems are practically without permanent branches; produces little shade and does not protect the ground from hot or dry winds; very in- flammable; colony forming; root system consists of deep taproot and well developed laterals; heavy root crown developed, which when large enough enables plant to survive fire; common chaparral dominant on dry slopes and ridges, invading and occupying burns quickly; generally regarded as a pest; worthless on the range; propagation by seeds or green-wood cuttings taken in spring. Observations: California mule deer. Adenostoma sparsifolium Torr. Shankbush. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A large, very inflammable shrub; flowers July-August; propagated by seeds or green-wood cuttings taken in spring. Of no value as stock forage. Observations: California mule deer. Adolphia californica Wats. Range: 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large, spiny shrub without forage value; generally considered a local range pest. Adoiphia infesta (H. B. K.) Meisn. Ceanothus infesta H. B. K., Colletia multifiora DC. Range: 11. site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large, extremely spiny, densely branched shrub without forage value. Aesculus spp. Buckeyes. Most species grow in neutral soil; propagation is by seed sown in the fall or, after stratifying, in the spring. Aesculus arguta, see Aesculus glabra. Aesculus austrina, see Aesculus discolor. Aesculus californica (Spach) Nutt. California buckeye. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available September—October. A large shrub to small or rarely large tree; very broad-headed; coppices freely when cut; foliage early burning brown, falling or persistent; very orna- mental, flowers during May—August ; wood used for fuel to some extent; reputed to be very durable for fence posts. Observations: Redwood chipmunk, many squirrels; dead leaves fair forage for mule deer. Poisonous to stock; not eaten by swine; bees poisoned by the nectar. Aesculus discolor Pursh. Woolly buckeye. Range: 16, 17, 20, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule; available in October, seeds fall at once. A large shrub to a small or rarely large tree, ordinarily growing in rich soil; flowers April—June. Var. mollis (Raf.) Sarg., (A. austrina Small) the searlet buckeye, is a small tree with red flowers, occurring within the range of the species. Aesculus flava, see Aesculus ociandra. Aesculus georgiana, see Aesculus neglecta. 44. MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Aesculus glabra Willd. Ohio buckeye. Range: 22, 24 25, 27, 29. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule, available in September. A large, rapid-growing tree; fiowers April-May; short-lived; wood sometimes used commercially; flowers not showy. Young shoots poisonous to cattle and if forage is poor in spring cattle will eat them; later not attractive to livestock; hogs poisoned by the seeds. Several varieties have been described, a white-barked form, one with more pubescent leaves, and one with more leafiets. All are of more or less local occurrence within the range of the species except var. arguta (Buckl.) Robin- son, (A. arguta Buckl.), the shrubby buckeye, found also in region 30. Aesculus humilis, see Aesculus neglecta. Aesculus michauxii, see Aesculus neglecta. Aesculus neglecta Lindl. Range: 28. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available in September. A large, very rare tree; flowers April—May. Var. georgiana Sarg. (A. georgiana Sarg.) Georgia buckeye; usually shrubby; occurs in regions 28, 29, and 380. Var. tomentosa Sarg. (A. michaurii Hort., not Spach, A. humilis Hort., not Lindl., A. rubra carnea superba Hort., and A. rubra carnea pubescens Hort.) in region 28 has very showy flowers. Aesculus octandra Marsh. Yellow buckeye. A. fiava Ait. Range: 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available in September. A large shrub to small or large tree; root system shallow; rapid growing, short-lived; wood used commercially; subject to dry rot and stem borers; blooms April-May; a red-flowered form is known. Aesculus parviflora Walt. Bottlebrush buckeye. Range: 29), 30. Site: Well-drained, shade. Fruit: Capsule, available in October. A large spreading shrub, very showy during the July flowering period; com- monly occurs on rich soil. Aesculus pavia L. Red buckeye. Range: 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Capsule, available in September. A large shrub to small or rarely large tree; ordinarily occurs on slightly acid soil; flowers April-May; very handsome in cultivation; a form with dark-red fiowers is known. Poisonous to livestock. Aesculus rubra vars., see Aesculus neglecta. Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle. Ailanthus. A. glandulosa Desf. Range 2 2a 0-.Ono kk i 20D toa Ota Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Samara; ripe in September, long persistent. A large tree introduced from China but aggressively spontaneous and well- established in the range indicated; easily storm-damaged; rapid growing: cop- pices freely ; immune to the effects of smoke, dust, or insect pests; 14,000-22,000 seeds per pound, germination 60 percent, about 3,000 usable plants per pound of seed; withstands considerable abuse in handling; staminate plant odoriferous in flower. This species produces wood even on poor soil more than twice as fast as any native tree having wood of anything like the same fuel value; wood ranked with that of black walnut or oak for fuel, excellent for cabinetmaking. Observations: Pine grosbeak, crossbill; white-tailed deer. Ailanthus glandulosa, see Ailanthus altissima. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES A5 Albizzia julubrissin Duraz. Silktree. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Legume, available September—November. A large tree introduced from Asia and Africa; 11,000 seeds per pound, 3,000 usable plants per pound of seed. Alhagi camelorum Fisch. Camelthorn. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available August-September. A small, spiny shrub naturalized from Asia Minor; rapid growing; aggressive and thicket forming; root system deep and extensive; eradication operations for this species have been in progress. Allenrolfea occidentalis (Wats.) Kuntze. Inkweed. Spirostachys occidentalis Wats. Range: 8, 9, 10, 11, 16. Site: Well-draingd, moist, sun. Fruit: Achenelike. A small to large, succulent, almost leafless shrub, usually confined to and an indicator of alkaline soil. Sparingly eaten by livestock. Alnus spp. Alders. Generally rapid growing; commonly occurring in neutral soil; wood durable in water; nitrogen-fixing bacteria form nodules on the roots of alder in some- what the same manner as on the legumes; propagated by seeds sown in fall or spring; or in the shrubby species, by hard-wood cuttings and layers. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : 20 species of birds, includ- ing sharp-tailed grouse, ruffed grouse, bobwhite, woodcock, and ptarmigan. Composed 2.5 percent of the food of northern sharp-tailed grouse in winter in Quebee and Ontario; Lilinois skunk, opossum. Obdservations (in addition to specific records) : Sixteen species of birds; an emergency food of prairie Sharp- tailed grouse, northern sharp-tailed grouse; snowshoe hare, Pacific mountain beaver, brown mountain beaver, porcupine, Olympic wapiti; beaver, where Populus is lacking; moose, white-tailed deer. Palatability to livestock not high but considered an important secondary forage, especially for cattle. A source of pollen for bees. Alnus alnobetula, see Alnus crispa. Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh. Green alder. A. alnobetula of Amer. auth., not Koch. Range: 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, Sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone. A large shrub with somewhat decumbent branches. Var. mollis (Fern.) Rehd., (A. mollis Fern.) is a small tree occurring in regions 23, 24, 26, and 27. Observations: Redpoll; an important summer browse of moose on Isle Royale. Alnus fruticosa, see Alnus sinuata. Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. European black alder. A. vulgaris Hill, A. rotundifolia Mill. Range: 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone. A small tree introduced from Hurope, with many varieties known in cultiva- tion; about 10,000 usable plants per pound of seed. Observations: Much eaten by ruffed grouse in New York. Alnus incana (L.) Moench. Speckled alder. Ranges 21) 22.23. 24.26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone, available August-September. A large shrub to small tree with very thick and dense foliage; rapid growing; thicket forming; a naturally occurring stream-hbank protector; 256,000-625,000 ae ae pound, about 10,000 usable plants per pound of seed; easily trans- planted. 46 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Stomach records: Three species of birds, including ptarmigan and sharp- tailed grouse; muskrat. Observations: Redpoll; cottontail rabbit; ignored by deer in Massachusetts; summer but not winter food of moose on Isle Royale; casually browsed by northern white-tailed deer. Alnus maritima (Marsh.) Muhl. Seaside alder. Range: 25, 28. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone, available October-November. A large shrub to small or large tree; sometimes forms thickets. Alnus mollis, see Alnus crispa. Alnus oblongifolia Torr. Mexican alder. Range: 11, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone. A small to large tree; usually occurs at higher elevations. Alnus occidentalis, see Alnus tenuifolia. Alnus oregona, see Alnus rubra. Alnus rhombifolia Nutt. White alder. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12. Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone that remains until spring. A large tree, often thicket forming; wood rots quickly in soil and is of very little value commercially. Observations: Of slight importance as food for mule deer. Alnus rotundifolia, see Alnus glutinosa. Alnus rubra Bong. Red alder, A. oregona Nutt. Range: 1, 2, 5, 6. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone; seeds shed in autumn, cones persistent. A large tree; rapid growing, especially the first 10 to 15 years; short-lived; root system shallow, superficial; wood of increasing value commercially ; 363,000 seeds per pound, germination 40 percent; about 10,000 usabie plants per pound of seed. Stomach records; Four species of birds; California mule deer. Observations: Pine siskin. Fair browse for cattle and sheep. Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. Smooth alder. A. serrulata Willd. Range: (20.22. 23-24 25,26, 26, 28, 29: Site: Weill-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone. A large, thicket-forming shrub with very thick foliage; 400,000 seeds per pound, about 40,000 usable plants per pound of seed. Observations: Four species of birds, including mourning dove; white-tailed deer. Alnus serrulata, see Alnus rugosa. Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydb. Sitka alder, A. viridis sinuata Regel., A. sitchensis Sarg., A. fruticosa auths. not Rupr. Range: 2, 4, 6, 7, 12. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone. A small to large shrub, or northward a small to large tree. Considered fair browse for sheep. Alnus sitchensis, see Alnus sinuata. Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. Mountain alder. A. occidentalis Dippel. Range: 4, 7, 11, 12, 138, 14. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Nutlet, borne in a cone. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES AT A large, thicket-forming shrub to small or large trees; about 10,000 usable plants per pound of seed. Observations: Captive Columbian sharp-tailed grouse; of slight importance for mule deer. A fair sheep browse of high palatability. Alnus vulgaris, see Alnus glutinosa. Aloysia ligustrina, see Lippia ligustrina. Amarolea americana, see Osmanthus americana. Amelanchier spp. Serviceberries. Between 20-25 species are known, most of them occurring in North America ; in slightly acid soil; many are very closely related and often difficult to dis- tinguish; very ornamental; generally irregular in time of ripening of the berries; propagated by seeds sown as soon as ripe or in the spring after stratifying 90 days at 32°-50° F., or the stoloniferous types by suckers; seed- lings should remain in seedbeds 3 to 4 years before planting in the field. All are alternate hosts for the cedar apple fungus. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : 86 species of birds, includ- ing ruffed grouse, dusky grouse, turkey; composed 0.16 percent of vegetable food of eastern skunk in Michigan; gray-tailed chipmunk, gray-necked chip- munk, golden-mantled marmot, black-tailed deer, white-tailed deer; mountain sheep. Observations (in addition to specific records): Highteen species of birds, including mountain quail, dusky grouse, and prairie sharp-tailed grouse; skunk; heavily browsed by moose; of first importance for red fox; golden- mantled ground squirrel, Arizona chipmunk, Say chipmunk, Wasatch chip- munk ; favorite food of pale chipmunk; raccoon, black bear, cottontailed rabbit, pica, beaver; an important food of white-tailed deer. Amelanchier alnifolia Nuit. Western serviceberry. A. oreophila Nels. Range: 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 28, 24, 26. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, Sun. Fruit: Pome, available July-September. A large shrub to small tree or rarely a large tree with a deep and spreading root system; blooms April-June; very variable, and the complex of forms not yet clear botanically. .Among others, var. pallida (Greene) Jeps. (A. pallida Greene), var. venulosa (Greene) Jeps. (A. venulosa, Greene), var. covillei (Greene) Jeps. (A. covillei Standl.) and var. cuyamacensis Munz, have been described. Stomach records: Six species of birds, including sooty grouse, Richardson’s grouse; plains white-tailed deer, Bitterroot valley chipmunk, black-tailed deer. Observations: Mountain quail, captive Columbian sharp-tailed grouse, blue grouse; California mule deer. A forage species of the first rank; younger foilage more palatable; of great importance to stock on the range. Amelanchier amabilis Wieg. A. sanguinea grandiflora Rehd. Range: 24, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome, available July—August. : A small to large shrub, heretofore probably confused with A. sanguinea. Probably a calciphile. Amelanchier bakeri Greene. A, purpusii Koehne. Range: 11, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome. A small to large shrub; flowers in May; about 31,000 seeds per pound. Amelanchier bartramiana (Tausch.) Roem. Bartram serviceberry. A. oligocarpa (Michx.) Roem. Range: 28, 24, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Pome, available July-August. A large shrub; flowers in May. Amelanchier botryapium, see Amelanchier canadensis and A. oblongifolia. 331 §2°—38—_—4 AS MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic (pi. 1, A). Serviceberry. A. botryapium Borkh., A. ovalis subcordata DC., A. canadensis botryapium Torr. and Gray, A. canadensis oblongifolia Gray’s Man. A. canadensis obovalis Sarg., in part, A. canadensis pomentula Sarg., A. canadensis Britt. Range: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Pone, available June-August. A small, or usually large shrub or smail tree; rarely a large tree; usually occurs in rich soil; flowers before the leaves form, March—May; about 50,000 seeds per pound; germination about 70 percent, about 10,000 usuable plants per pound of seed. Stomach records: Twenty-seven species of birds including ruffed grouse; white-tailed deer. Observations: Hight species of birds, including bobwhite and mourning dove; cottontail rabbit, white-tailed deer. Amelanchier covillei, see Amelanchier ainifolia. Amelanchier crenata Greene. Range: 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Pome. A small to large shrub or small tree with dense foilage; flowers in April. Amelanchier cusickii Fern. Cusick serviceberry. Range: 6, 7, 8, 12. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Pome. A large shrub; flowers April—June. Observations: Sooty grouse. Amelanchier elliptica, see Amelanchier florida. Amelanchier florida Lindl. Western serviceberry. A. elliptica, Nels. Range: 1, 2, 4, 7. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Pome, available July-September. Usually a large shrub, occasionally a small tree or rarely a large tree; blooms April-June; often forms extensive thickets; sprouts promptly when browsed; very fire resistant; reproduces mainly by sprouts; leaves fall comparatively early. Stomach records: Three species of birds. Observations: Sooty grouse; of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer. Very valuable stock forage. Amelanchier goldmanii Woot. and Stand. Goldman serviceberry. Range: 9, 11, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome. A large shrub to small tree. Amelanchier humilis Wieg. Small serviceberry, A, spicata Amer. auths. not (Lam.) Koch. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome, available July—August. A small steloniferous shrub; forms extensive patches; usually occurs in sandy soil; flowers May—June; flowering and fruiting generally earlier northward; about 63,000 seeds per pound Amelanchier huronensis Wieg. Range: 23, 24. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome, available Juiy—August. A large shrub or smail tree; usually occurs on sandy and limestone soil. Amelanchier intermedia, see also Amelanchier oblongifolia. Amelanchier intermedia Spach. Range: 28, 24. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Pome, available June—July. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES AO A large shrub or rarely a small tree; clump-forming or widely branched near the ground. This species has formerly been confused with either A. oblongi- folia or A. canadensis and records of wildlife utilization for these last species probably apply to this one as well. Amelanchier laevis Wieg. Smooth serviceberry. Ranesed2i. 22, 235245 25. 20n2t 20: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Pome, available June—July. A small to large shrub or usually a small tree, less commonly a large tree; shrubbier northward; may occur on calcareous or noncalcareous soil; very handsome in cultivation; fruit very irregular in time of ripening. Observations: Generally attractive to birds. Amelanchier macrocarpa Lunell. Range: 18, 21. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome. A small shrub; flowers April—June. Amelanchier mormonica Schneid. Range: 11, 18, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome. A small to large shrub or small tree; flowers May—June. Amelanchier oblongifolia, see also Amelanchier stolonifera. Amelanchier oblongifolia (Torr. and Gray) Roem. Serviceberry. A. canadensis oblongifolia Torr. and Gray, A. botryapium Britt. and Brown, in part, A. obovalis Ashe, in part, A. intermedia Blanchard, in part, not Spach. Range: 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Pome, available June—July. A Jarge shrub to a small, or rarely large, tree; not stoloniferous, but often clump-forming. Var. micropetala Robins., is a dwarf on exposed ledges or dry sandy soil near the coast in region 27. Amelanchier obovalis, see Amelanchier oblongifolia. Amelanchier oligocarpa, see Amelanchier bartramiana. Amelanchier oreophila, see Amelanchier alnifolia. Amelanchier ovalis, see Amelanchier stolonifera. Amelanchier pallida, see Amelanchier alnifolia. Amelanchier polycarpa Greene. Cluster serviceberry. Range: 11, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, moist, shade. Fruit: Pome, available in August. A small to large shrub or small tree; flowers in May-July and bears an abundance of fruit. : Browse value for livestock varies in different localities and at different sea- sons; excellent in southwestern Utah; inferior in southeastern Utah. Amelanchier prunifolia Greene. Redbud serviceberry. A. rubescens Greene. Range: 9, 11, 18, 14. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Pome. ' A small to large shrub or small tree, reported to be evergreen; flowers April— une. Generally worthless forage for livestock in summer but of some value te sheep and goats in the spring; not injured by as much as 25 percent grazing. Amelanchier pumila Nutt. Range: 13. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome. A small shrub with depressed branches; flowers June—July. 50 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Amelanchier purpusii, see Amelanchier bakeri. Amelanchier rotundifolia, see Amelanchier sanguinea. Amelanchier rubescens, see Amelanchier prunifolia. Amelanchier sanguinea (Pursh) DC. Serviceberry. A, spicata, Robins. and Fern., A. rotundifolia (Michx.) Roem., A. canadensis rotundifolia Torr. and Gray, A. canadensis spicata Sarg., A. spicata (Lam.) Koch. Range: 28, 24, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Pome, available July—August. A small to large shrub; flowers May—June; not stoloniferous and not colony- forming. Observations: Red squirrel. Amelanchier spicata, see Amelanchier humilis, A. sanguinea and A. stolonifera. Amelanchier stolonifera Wieg. ; Creeping shadbushk. A. spicata Britt. and Brown, in part, A. ovalis of European auths., in part, A. oblongifolia Robins. and Fern. Range: 23, 24, 26, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Pome, available in July. A small stoloniferous shrub; flowers in May; colony forming; often oceurs on sand or nonecaleareous soil or gravel; foliage dense. Observations: Cottontail rabbit. Amelanchier utahensis Koehne. tah serviceberry. Ranger:G,.G 6, Ose Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Pome. A small to large shrub; flowers May—June. Observations:: Black-tailed deer. Good to excellent forage for sheep and goats; grazed moderately to heavily by cattle, especially in early spring. Amelanchier venulesa, see Amelanchier alnifolia. Amoreuxia wrightii Gray. Range: 10, 11, 17, 30. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available August-September. A small shrub. Amorpha spp. Indigobushes. Propagation of all species is by seeds sown as soon as ripe, greenwood cut- tings made in early summer, hardwood cuttings made in fall, or by layers and suckers. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : Antelope jack rabbit, Texas jack rabbit. Amorpha angustifolia, see Amorpha fruticosa. Amorpha ealifornica Nutt. California indigobush. A. hispidula Greene. Range: 3, 5, 10, 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large, rapid-growing shrub with thick foliage; flewers May—July. Observations: Particularly palatable to captive deer. Not used by livestock. Amorpha canescens Pursh. Leadplant. Range: 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 238, 24, 25, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available August-September. A small shrub, leafy to the base; roots 6-16 feet deep; behaves as an herb under annual mowing; flowers July—August; occurs in sandy or in other soils; very handsome in cultivation; often considered a weed in pastures; about 105,000 seeds per pound, germination about 30 percent. Sparingly grazed by livestock. Amorpha fragrans, see Amorpha fruticosa. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 51 Amorpha fruticosa L. Indigobush. A. occidentalis Abrams, A. fragrans Sweet, A. fruticosa angustifolia Pursh, A. angustifolia (Pursh) Boynton. Range on Ovi dy Gn S LO 20) 2122) 2324 2 Qin 28. 29) Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Legume, available in August. A small to large shrub with rather sparse foliage; flowers May—July; often grows in clumps; rarely attacked by insects or disease; often occurs on calea- reous soil; very variable and with a number of varieties in cultivation; grows on coal-stripped lands in Illinois; 55,000-60,000 seeds per pound, germination 60-70 percent, about 10,000 usable plants per pound of seed. Stomach records: Bobwhite. Possibly poisonous to livestock. Amorpha glabra Desf. Mountain-indigo. A. montana Boynton. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small to large shrub; flowers May—June. Amorpha herbacea Walt. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small shrub; flowers June—July; ordinarily occurs on sandy or sterile soil Amorpha hispidula, see Amorpha californica. Amorpha laevigata Nutt. Range: 20, 25, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub; pods one-seeded. Amorpha microphylla Pursh. Dwarf indigobush. A. nana Nutt. Range: 14, 15, 18, 22, 23. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Legume, available in July. A small shrub; flowers May—June; about 60,000 seeds per pound; germina- tion about 50 percent. Amorpha montana, see Amorpha glabra. Amorpha nana, see Amorpha microphylla. Amorpha nitens Boynton. Range: 29. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small to large shrub; flowers in July. Amorpha occidentalis, see Amorpha fruticosa. Amorpha paniculata Torr. and Gray. Range: 11, 20, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub; often occurs in salt marshes. Amorpha schwerinii Schneid. Schwerin-indigo. Range: 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub. Amorpha tennesseensis Shuttlew. Tennessee-indigo. Range: 25, 27, 29. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub, 52 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Amorpha texana Buckl. Range: 16, 17, 20. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small to large shrub. Amorpha virgata Small. Mountain-indigo. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, shade. Fruit: Legume. A small to large, very rare shrub. Ampelopsis arborea, see Cissus arborea. Ampelopsis cordata, see Cissus ampelopsis. Ampelopsis heptaphylla, see Parthenocissus heptaphylta. Ampelopsis quinquefolia, see Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Amphiachyris fremontii, see Amphipappus fremontii. Amphipappus fremontii (Gray) Torr. and Gray. Fremont chaffbush. Amphiachyris fremontii Gray. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub with rigid branches; occurs in gravel or rocky soil. Amygdalus andersonii, see Prunus andersonii. Amygdalus fasciculata, see Prunus fasciculata. Amyzdalus fremontii, see Prunus eriogyna. Amygdalus glandulosa, see Prunus texana. Amygdalus minutiflora, see Prunus minutifiora. Amygdalus texana, see Prunus texana. Amyris madrensis Wats. Range: 17%. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large, very leafy shrub. Amyris parvifolia, see Amyris texana. Amyris texana (Buckl.) Wilson. Chapatillo. Xanthoxrylum texanum Buckl., Amyris parvifolia Gray. Range: 17. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large shrub. Andrachne phyllanthoides (Nutt.) Couit. Lepidanthus phyllanthoides Nutt., Savia phyllanthoides (Nutt.) Pax. and Hoffm. Range: 16, 17, 20, 25. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available September—October. A small, straggling, much-branched shrub; flowers July—August. Andrachne reverchonii Coult. Savia phyllanthoides reverchoniit (Coult.), Pax and Hoffm. Range: 16, 25. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, densely leafy shrub. Andromeda acuminata, see Leuwcothoe acuminata. Andromeda arboreum, see Oxydendrum arborewm. Andromeda axillaris, see Leuwcothoé axillaris. Andromeda baccata, see Gaylussacia baccata. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 53 Andromeda caerulea, see Phyllodoce caerulea. Andromeda calyculata, see Chamaedaphne calyculata. Andromeda canescens, see Andromeda glaucophylla. Andromeda cassinefolia, see Zenobia cassinefolia. Andromeda catesbaei, see Leucothoé catesbaet. Andromeda floribunda, see Pieris floribunda. Andromeda glaucophylla Link. Downy bog-rosemary. A. canescens Smail. Range: 28, 24, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available September—November. A small, evergreen shrub; ordinarily occurs in very acid peat; flowers May- July. Andromeda ligustrina, see Xolisma ligustrina. Andromeda mertensiana, see Cassiope mertensiand. Andromeda polifolia L. Bog-rosemary, Range: 4, 12, 23, 24, 26, 27. Suite: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large evergreen shrub; flowers May—July ; possesses creeping root- stocks; occurs on acid peat; rarely attacked by insects or disease. Stomach records: Ptarmigan. Normally rejected by grazing animals; but poisonous to stock, especially in spring. Andromeda pulverulenta, see Zenobia pulverulenta. Andromeda racemosa, see Leucothoé racemosa. Andromeda recurva, see Leucothoé recurva. Anisacanthus insignis Gray. A. pumilus Wats. Range: 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub, palatable to stock but not as much so as A. thurberi. Anisacanthus pumilus, see Anisacanthus insignis. Anisacanthus thurberi (Torr.) Gray. Taparosa. Drejera thurberi Torr. Range: 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub with fairly good to very good palatability as stock forage; often closely browsed by sheep and cattle. Anisacanthus wrightii (Torr.) Gray. Drejera wright’ (Torr.) Gray. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub; palatable to stock but not as much so as the preceding. Anisostichus capreolata, see Bignonia capreolata. Anneslia eriophylla, see Calliandra eriophylla. Anona triloba, see Asimina triloba. Apinus albicaulis, see Pinus albicaulis. Apinus flexilis, see Pinus flexilis. Aplopappus acradenius (Greene) Blake. Goldenbush. Bigelovia acradenius Greene, Isocoma acradenius Greene. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small, tufted shrub; flowers September—October. 54 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Aplopappus arborescens Hall. Goldenfieece. Bigelovia arborescens Gray, Chrysoma arborescens Greene, Hricameria arborescens Greene. Range: 1, 4, 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small or usually large evergreen shrub; flowers September—November. Grazing value nil. Aplopappus bloomeri Greene. Bloomer goldenbush. Chrysothamnus bloomeri (Gray) Greene. Range: 4. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub; flowers August-September ; grazing value small. Aplopappus brachylepis, see Aplopappus propinquus. Aplopappus canus (Gray) Blake. Diplostephium canum Gray, Corethrogyne detonsa Greene, C. cana Greene, Hazardia cana Greene, H. detonsa, Greene, H. serrata Greene. Range: 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub; flowers July-August; very handsome; somewhat cultivated. Aplopappus cooperi (Gray) Hall. Cooper goldenbush. Ericameria monactis (Gray) McClatch., Acamptopappus mécrocephalus Jones, Chrysothamnus corymbosus Elmer, Tumionella monactis Greene. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small, very leafy shrub. Aplopappus cuneatus Gray. Wedgeleaf goldenbush. Ericameria cuneatus McClatch., Bigelovia cuneata spathulata (Gray) Hall, Bigelovia spathulata Gray. Range: 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub. Aplopappus ericoides (Less.) Hook. and Arn. (pl. 2, A). Mock-heather. Ericameria ericoides (Less.) Jeps. Range: 5, 9. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub; flowers August-September; usually occurs on sand dunes; stems decumbent. Aplopappus interior, see A. linearifolius. Aplopappus laricifolius Gray. Chrysoma laricifolius (Gray) Greene, Bigelovia nelsonii Fern., Ericameria nelsonii Blake. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub, exceedingly handsome in flower. Aplopappus linearifolius DC. Narrowleaf goldenbush. Stenotopsis linearifolius (DC.) Rydb., Stenotus linearifolius Torr. and Gray. Range: 5, 9, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small to large shrub; flowers March—May. Var. interior (Coy.) Jones (Aplopappus interior Coy., Stenotopsis interior Rydb.) extends the range to regions 9 and 10. i PLATE 1 Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture i irds yoodland borders where it often ie ensis. The pomes of this plant attract many birds to woodlar ) oh en eS bite The thicket-forming habit of this species even under the sha ee ae : Heri of trees suggests its possible use as a woodland ground cover. Its wildlife value is probably greater t recorded. | Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 2 A, Aplopappus ericoides, a species well adapted to sand-dune planting. B, Aralia spinosa. The great flower sprays, followed by equally large fruit clusters, suggest the use of this species in highway planting; HOWENC!. it provides poor cover for soil unless thickly planted. (Photograph by Department of the nterior.) r NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 55 Aplopappus nanus Haton. Dwarf goldenbush. A. resinosus Gray, Hricameria nana Nutt., H. resinosa Nutt., Chrysoma nana Greene. Range: 4, 6, 7, 8, 12. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub. Aplopappus palmeri Gray. Palmer goldenbush, Ericameria palmeri (Gray) Hall, Chrysoma palmeri Greene. Range: 5. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A large, much-branched, bushy, evergreen shrub. Aplopappus parishii (Greene) Blake. Parish goldenbush. Ericameria parishii Hall, Bigelovia parishii Greene, Chrysoma parishii Greene. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A large, resinous, densely leafy shrub. Aplopappus pinifolius Gray. Pineleaf goldenbush, Hricameria pinifolia (Gray) Hall. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small to large, bushy shrub. Aplopappus propinquus Blake . Chaparral goldenbush. Ericameria brachylepis Hall, Bigelovia brachylepis Gray, Chrysema, brachy- lepis Greene, Haplopappus brachylepis brachylepis Hall. Range: 5, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A large, very leafy, brittle-stemmed shrub. Aplopappus resinosus, see Aplopappus nanus. Aplopappus scopulorum (Jones) Blake. Bigelovia menziesii scopulorum Jones, [socoma scopulorum (Jones) Rydb., Hesperodoria scopulorum Greene. Range: 9. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub; flowers August-September. Aplopappus squarrosus Hook. and Arn. Coast goldenbush. Hazardia squarrosa Greene. Range: 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub; flowers freely September—October; openly branched; occa- sionally somewhat herbaceous. Aralia humilis Cav. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small to large shrub. Aralia spinosa L. (pl. 2, B). Range: 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-deained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available August—November. Usually a large shrub or a small tree or rarely large tree; flowers June- August; very spiny; leaves very large; suckers freely if killed above ground; Hercules-club. 56 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Seriously attacked in cultivation by the lilac borer; propagation is by seed sown as soon as ripe or stratified and sown in spring, or by root cuttings. Stomach records: Turkey. Observations: Much eaten by birds; white-tailed deer. Arbutus spp. Madrones. Propagation is by Seeds sown under glass in fall or spring. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : Mearn’s quail. Observa- tions (in addition to specific records) : Band-tailed pigeon. Arbutus arizonica (Gray) Sarg. Arizona madrone. A, galapensis arizonica Gray. Range: 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry, available July—December. A large evergreen tree; flowers in May. Not grazed, except rarely by goats. Arbutus menziesii Pursh. Madrone. Range: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry, available July—January. A small to generaily large and widely-branched tree; flowers March—May; commonly shrubby southward; stump sprouts after injury; wood somewhat used commercially; bark used for tanning; seeds 25-30 per berry; about 1,000 usable plants per pound of seed; difficult te transplant; very handsome and commonly cultivated. Stomach records: Two species of birds. Observations: Five species of birds including dove, band-tailed pigeons, and turkey; extensively eaten by deer; of slight importance as browse for mule deer; raccoon, ring-tailed cat. Lightly grazed by cattle or heavily grazed by goats. 25.27: Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available June—July. A small to large tree; flowers April-May; introduced from southern Europe and more or less naturalized in the regions indicated. Stomach records: Three species of birds, including bobwhite. Observations: Seven species of birds. Prunus chicasa, see Prunus angustifolia. Prunus corymbulosa Rydb. Rocky Mountain red cherry. P. pennsylwanica corymbulosa (Rydb.) Wight, Cerasus trichovetala Greene. Range: 12. site: Dry, sun. Hruit: Drupe. A small to large shrub; flowers May-June; commonly occurs in stony places. Prunus cuneata, see Prunus susquenhande. Prunus cuthbertii Small. Cuthbert cherry. Padus cuthbertii Small. Range: 28. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July—August. A large shrub to small tree. Prunus demissa (Nutt.) Walp. (pl. 26, B). Western chokecherry. P. virginiana demissa Sarg., Cerasus demissa Nutt., Padus demissa, Roem. Ranges. 2) 4.6.79. 12) 15. 1401516, 18.021. Site: Dry. well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July—October. A large shrub to small tree; flowers April-May; thicket forming. Var. melanocarpa Nels. (Padus melanocarpa (Nels.) Shaf., Prunus melano- carpa (Nels.) Rydb.), the black western chokecherry, occurs with the species; thicket forming; spreads by rhizomes; root system shallow with occasional deep-feeding roots; 3,000-5,C00 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Six species of birds; black-tailed deer, plains white-tailed deer. Observations: Three species of birds, including ring-necked pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse; of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer; pica; eaten avidly by many birds. Commonly lightly to moderately browsed by stock; overgrazing of this species commonly leads to poisoning, notably in the spring; not harmful in the fall. Prunus depressa, see Prunus pumila. Prunus emarginata (Dougl.) Walp. Bitter cherry. Cerasus emarginata Dougl., C. glandulosa Kellogg., C. californica Greene, C. crenulata Greene, C. arida Greene, C. rhamnoides Greene, C. kellog- giana Greene, C. padifolia Greene, C. obliqua Greene, C. parvifolia Greene, C. obtusata Greene. Range: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available May—September. A large shrub to small or large tree; flowers April-May; densely thicket forming; flowers and fruit appear earliest near the Coast. Var. villosa Sudw., (P. mollis Walp., P. emarginata mollis Brew., Cerasus prunifolia Greene, P. prunifolia (Greene) Shaf.), the plumleaf cherry, occurs within the range of the species, NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 203 Stomach records: Six species of birds, including ruffed grouse; Mono chip- munk. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer; much eaten by Allen’s chipmunk; alpine chipmunk. Of most value as stock forage toward the end of the season; has been frequently ciaimed to be poisonous, but probably because it has been confused with the chokecherries. Prunus eriogyna Mason. Desert apricot. P. fremontii Wats., Amygdalus fremontii (Wats.) Abrams. Range: 5, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available in May. A large, spiny shrub; flowers February—March; heat and drought resistant; germination of seed rapid, from 8 to 10 days after planting. Furnishes a small amount of forage for sheep and goats. Prunus eximia Small. Padus eximia Small. Range: 17. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A large tree. Prunus fasciculata Gray. Desert almond. Hmplectocladus fasciculatus Torr., Lyciwm spencerae MacBr., Amygdalus fasciculata Gray. Range: 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 18. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available April—May. A small to large shrub or small tree; dioecious, thorny; occurs in gravelly and sandy soil; densely branched; ferms dense thickets. Furnishes some browse for sheep and goats. Prunus fremontii, see Prunus eriogynd. Prunus fultonensis, see Prunus mexicana. Prunus glandulosa, see Prunus terand. Prunus gracilis Engelm. and Gray. Oklahoma plum. P. normalis Rydb., P. normalis Small, P. chicasa normalis Torr. and Gray. Range: 16, 22, 25. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available June-August. A small, straggling shrub; commonly occurs in sandy soil; thicket forming; especially susceptible to the black knot fungus. Prunus havardii (Wight) Mason. Range: 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available in July. A large, rigidly-branched, spinescent shrub. Prunus hookeri, see Prunus texanda. Prunus hortulana, see also Prunus munsoniana. Prunus hortulana Bailey. Wild goose plum. Range: 22, 25, 27, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist. Fruit: Drupe, available July—October. A large shrub to small or large tree; flowers April-May; commonly occurs in rich soils; does not produce suckers but often oceurs in groves; fruit pro- duced abundantly ; 34 named varieties are known. Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt.) Walp. (pi. 26, C). Hollyleaf cherry. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available October-December. A large shrub to small or large tree; evergreen; foliage dense and compact; flowers March-May ; occurs in sand, loam, clay, and other soils; clump forming ; 904. MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE casts a heavy shade; coppices vigorously after fire; tolerant of alkali; drought resistant; will withstand considerable abuse in handling; 240 seeds per pound. Observations: Hairy woodpecker; eaten by songbirds; California mule deer. Prunus incana, see Prunus pumila. Prunus injucunda, see Prunus mitis. Prunus integrifolia, see Prunus lyonii. Prunus lanata (Sudw.) Mack and Bush. Wild plum. P. americana lanata Sudw., P. palmeri Sarg. Range: 22, 25, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July—October. A large shrub to small tree; thicket forming, suckering; 16 named varieties known. Prunus lyonii (EHastw.) Sarg. (pl. 27, A). Catalina cherry. P. ilicifolia integrifolia Sudw., P. integrifolia Sarg., not Walp., P. ilicifelia occidentalis Brandeg. Range: 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A large shrub to small or large tree; evergreen; flowers March—June; more robust and rapid growing than P. ilicifolia, even when planted on the mainland ; drought resistant. Observations: Fruit much sought after by birds which commonly eat off the flesh and leave the seed hanging on the bush. Prunus mahaleb L. Mahaleb cherry. Cerasus mahaleb (l.) Mill. Range: 22, 25, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, availiable in July. A large shrub to small tree; flowers April-May; introduced from Europe and more or less naturalized in the regions indicated. Prunus maritima Wang. (pl. 25, C). Beach plum, P. pygmaea Willd., P. sphaerocarpa Michx., P. acuminata Michx., P. sphaerica Willd., P. pubescens Pursh, P. littoralis Bigel., P. pubigera Steud. Range: 26, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August—March. A small to large, straggling shrub; flowers April-May; lower branches often decumbent or prostrate; more or less thorny; occurs only on sandy soils but will grow on clay. Stomach records: Starling. Prunus melanocarpa, see Prunus demissa. Prunus mexicana Wats. Mexican plum. P. australis Muns., P. reticulata Sarg., P. tenuifolia Sarg., P. polyandra Sarg., P. arkansana Sarg. Range: 19, 20, 22, 25, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available September—November. A small to large tree; flowers in March; does not sucker or form thickets; somewhat drought resistant; occasionally injured by frost; has been success- fully used as grafting stock; numerous varieties occur within the range of the species. Var. fultonensis Sarg. (P. fultonensis Sarg.), has fruits which ripen in June. Prunus minutiflora Engelm. Texas almond. Cerasus minutifiora (Engelm.) Gray, Amygdalus minutifiora (Engelm.) Wight. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Drupe. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 205 A small to large, intricately-branched, dioecious shrub; forms dense thickets ; staminate plants much more numerous than pistillate plants in the field; prob- ably occurs most commonly on limestone soil. Furnishes a small amount of browse for sheep and goats. Prunus mitis Beadle. Georgia sloe. P. injucunda Small, P. umbellata injucunda (Small) Sarg. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available June-August. A large shrub to small tree; occurs in sandy and other soils. Prunus mollis, see Prunus emarginata and P. nigra. Prunus munsoniana Wight and Hedr. Wild goose plum. P. hortulana Bailey in part, P. hortulana Waugh, not Bailey. Range: 20, 22, 25, 29. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July-September. A large shrub to small or large tree; flowers March—May; forms dense thickets; about 67 named varieties are known. Prunus nana, see Prunus virginiana. Prunus nigra Ait. Canada plum. P. mollis Torr., P. borealis Poir., P. americana nigra Waugh, Cerasus borealis Michx., C. nigra Loisel. Range: 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available August—October. A large shrub to small tree; flowers in May; forms root sprouts; thicket forming; branches often spinescent; may occur on limestone soils; does not break or damage in severe snow and storms; about 20 named varieties are known. Prunus normalis, see Prunus gracilis. Prunus palmeri, see Prunus lanata. Prunus pennsylvanica L.f. Pin cherry. P. perscifolia Desf., P. montana Marsh., P. lanceolata Willd. Range: 18, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August—October. A small to large tree; flowers April-June; root system shallow; rapid grow- ing, short-lived; particularly bushy northward; thicket forming; occasionally seriously damaged by the cherry-leaf beetle; commonly a shrub on poor soils; occurs on many kinds of soil including sand; has been used as grafting stock for sour cherry; 8,000 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Twenty-three species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bobwhite, ptarmigan, sharp-tailed grouse, ring-necked pheasant and greater prairie chicken; this and P. serotina composed 2.3 percent of winter food of northern sharp-tailed grouse in Quebec and Ontario; composed 0.64 percent of fall food of prairie chicken in Wisconsin; Lyster chipmunk, white-tailed deer; chipmunk. Observations: Five species of birds; an emergency food of prairie sharp-tailed grouse; cottontail rabbit, moose; of importance as food for beaver where Populus is lacking. Poisonous to livestock. Prunus prunella, see Prunus besseyi. Prunus prunifolia, see Prunus emarginata. Prunus pumila L. Sand cherry. fe ELEC SSG Pursh, P. incana Schwein., Cerasus canadensis Mill. C. glauca oench. Range: 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available June-August. A small shrub; flowers April-May; spreading and creeping; commonly pros- trate with growing branches erect; suckers abundantly produced where stems touch the ground; occurs commonly in sandy soil; 4,000 seeds per pound. ; Se Three species of birds; casually browsed by northern white- ailed deer, 206 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Prunus pygma, see Prunus reverchonii. Prunus reverchonii Sarg. P. pygma, Muns. Hog plum. Range: 16, 20. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July—September. A small to large shrub; flowers March-April; forms dense thickets; with- stands severe drought; will grow on limestone soils. Prunus rivularis Scheele. Creek plum. P. texana Scheele, not Dietr. Range: 17%, 25. 29; 30: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available in June. A large shrub. Prunus rufula, see Prunus virens. Prunus salicifolia, see Prunus serotina. Prunus sempervirens, see Prunis caroliniana. Prunus serotina ° Ehrh. Black cherry. Range: 11518, 19, 20, 21.522) 23; 24, 25,26, 20,.28.029..30: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. - Fruit: Drupe, available June—-November. A small to large tree; root system deep; wind-firm; much attacked by insects and fungi; easily injured by fire; wood of importance commercially ; 4,000-5,000 seeds per pound, germination 70-90 percent. Stomach records: Thirty-three species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bob- white, and sharp-tailed grouse; composed 0.47 percent of fall food of prairie chicken in Wisconsin; this and P. pennsylvanica composed 2.3 percent of winter food of northern sharp-tailed grouse in Quebec and Ontario; white-tailed deer. Observations: Twenty-one species of birds including bobwhite, ring-necked pheasant; an important food of red fox; sixth most important preferred food of white-tailed deer in Massachusetts; raccoon; cottontail rabbit; squirrel; black bear. The most poisonous species to livestock of all cherries. Prunus subcordata Benth. Pacific plum. P. subcordata kelloggii Lemmon. Range: 2, 3, 4, 12. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A large shrub or rarely a small tree: fiowers March—May; thicket forming; leaves commonly shed just before fruit is ripe; fruit commonly borne only every 2 years; in the central portion of its range the fruit often develops into a bladdery structure caused by a fungus; propagates not only by seed but by buds formed on the roots; occurs in sand, gravel, loam, and other soils. Observations: Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Heavily browsed by sheep; often killed by overgrazing. Prunus susquehanae Willd. Appalachian cherry. P. cuneata Raf., P. pumila cuneata (Raf.) Bailey. Range: 23, 24, 26, 27, 28: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July—August. A small shrub; occurs in sandy and rocky barrens; roots long and stocky. Stomach records: Prairie chicken. Prunus tarda Sarg. Texan sloe. P. umbellata tarda (Sarg.) Wight. Range: 16-17, 20; 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available October-November. A small to large tree; flowers in April; often more or less thorny; flowers abundantly produced. 6 Var. salicifolia (H. B. K.) Koehne, (P. salicifelia H. B. K., P. capuli Cav. P. capollin Koehne), is a Mexican species apparently outside the United States. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 27 A, Prunus lyonii. The naked pits at the left have been stripped of their flesh by songbirds. The species is an excellent soil cover and should prove of great value in conservation plantings. 6B, Rhamnus cali- fornica var. tomentella. More robust and bushier than the species, this variety affords better cover for soil and wildlife. In the records of considerable utilization as wildlife food no distinction is made between the fruits of the variety and of the species. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 28 Prunus virginiana. This thicket-forming, profusely fruiting cherry appears to have great value in a program involving soil and wildlife conservation. Its stock-poisoning character prevents any use of it except in fenced areas, NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 207 Prunus tenuifolia, see Prunus mexicana. Prunus texana, see also Prunus rivularis. Prunus texana Dietr. Wild peach. P. glandulosa (Hook.) Torr. and Gray, P. hookeri Schneid., Amygdalus glandulosa Hook., A. texana (Dietr.) Wight. Range: 17, 20, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available April-May. A small to large almost evergreen shrub; somewhat thorny; found on sand or sandy loam; apparently does not occur on limestone; root system deep ; drought resistant. Furnishes a small amount of forage for sheep and goats. Prunus umbellata Elliott. Black sloe. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available July-September. A small tree; occurs in sandy and other soils. Prunus valida (Woot. and Standl.) Rydb. Padus valida Woot. and Standl. Range: 9, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small tree; flowers in June. Prunus virens Shreve. Southwestern black cherry. Padus virens Woot. and Standl. Range: 10, 11, 14. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A large shrub to small or large tree; more or less evergreen; flowers in May; fruit sometimes borne in great profusion; attempts to use this as grafting stock have been unsuccessful. Var. rufula Sarg. (P. rufula Tidest., Padus rufula Woot. and Standl.) is more pubescent than the species. Observations: Eagerly eaten by bears and other wild animals. Fair to good winter browse for livestock. Prunus virginiana L. (pl. 28). Choke cherry. P. nana (Du Roi) Roem., Padus nana Du Roi, P. virginiana (.) Mill. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available July-September. A large shrub to small tree; forms dense thickets by sending out long roots which sprout at intervals; fruit abundantly produced; 3,000-5,000 seeds per pound. Var. pumicea (Woot. and Standl.) Palmer, (Padus pumicea Woot. and Standl.) occurs in regions 11 and 14. Stomach records: 31 species of birds including ruffed grouse, bob-white, ring-necked pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, and greater prairie chicken. Obd- servations: Fourteen species of birds including bobwhite, ring-necked pheasant, cottontail rabbit, black bear. Prunus watsonii, see Prunus angustifolia. Fsedera heptaphylla, see Parthenocissus heptaphylla. Psedera quinquefolia, see Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Psedera vitacea, see Parthenocissus vitacea. Pseudotsuga spp. Douglas fir. Evergreen, monoecious trees of the greatest importance as timber. Stomach records (in addition to specific records): Black-tailed deer. Ob- servations (in addition to specific records) : Spruce squirrel. 33772°—38——_14 208 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Pseudotsuga douglasii, see Pseudotsuga tazvifolia. Pseudotsuga glauca Mayr.’ Colorado Douglas fir. P. douglasii glauca Mayr. Range: 9, 11, 18, 14, 16. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone, available September—October. A large evergreen tree; resistant to winter cold; susceptible to spring frost; grows well on dry, sandy soil and moist loamy soil but not clay, gravel or poorly drained sites; slow growing; wood much less valuable commercially than that of P. taxifolia; does not pioneer in burns; shorter lived than P. tazifolia. Stomach records: Richardson’s grouse; plains white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, mountain sheep. Observations: Captive sharp-tailed grouse, dusky grouse; red squirrel, chestnut-mantled ground squirrel, porcupine, bighorn. Pseudotsuga macrocarpa (Torr.) Mayr. Bigcone spruce. Range: 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; mature in August, seeds shed August-September, some cones persistent the year round. A large evergreen tree; Slow growing; wood not used commercially; seed vitality low but persistent. Observations: Seeds eaten by rodents and birds. Pseudotsuga mucronata, see Pseudotsuga tavifolia. Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Lam.) Britt. Oregon Douglas fir. P. douglasii Carr., P. mucronata (Raf.) Sudw., P. douglasii caesia Schwerin. mansesle 324: Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; mature September—October, seeds shed at once. A very large evergreen tree; demands high relative humidity for best growth; cannot withstand severe cold or drying winds; grows best on well-drained, sandy loam; absent from poorly drained areas; growth rate rapid; an ex- tremely important timber tree; often a pioneer in burns; much larger and longer lived tree than P. glauca. (See footnote under P. glauca.) Var. caesia Schwerin is a form more or less intermediate between this species and P. glauca; it occurs in regions 6, 7, and 12; makes no summer growth and is slower growing than the species. Observations: Dusky and Franklin grouse; browsed as a last resort by Olym- pic wapiti: porcupine; much eaten by Douglas squirrel, Sierra chickaree, red spruce squirrel, and Magdalena chipmunk; of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Psilostrophe cooperi (Gray) Greene. Riddelia cooperi Gray. Range: 9, 10, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small, clump-forming shrub. 7 The separation of the Rocky Mountain from the western form of the Douglas fir has not commonly been made in this country, but there appears to be such a good basis for this separation, not only ecologically but taxonomically, that it is here made. Reference to Henry and Flood (278) and Frothingham (204) will show the following characteristics to separate the two species: P. tazifolia—(1) Rapid growing; (2) wide crown: (3) produces a second ieading shoot in summer and this late growth makes it susceptible to injury by late frosts; (4) foliage more regularly disposed in two ranks, soft to touch; (5) leaves thin, under surface flat, no idioblasts present; (6) leaves contain geraniol, and, consequently, smeil like pineapple; (7) young cones green to pink, bracts erect; (8) cones 3 to 4 inches long; (9) wood straight, light, durable, excellent timber; (10) torus of bordered pits centrally placed, wood readily permeated by creosote; (11) germination of seed poor; (12) attacked by Chermes; (13) growth rate twice that _of the other species, timber yield 4 to 10 times that of the other; (14) will grow in England but not New England. P. glawca—(1) Less rapid growing; (2) crown narrow, compact, pyramidal ; (3) does not produce a second leading shoot, growth completed early in the season, and, consequently, not susceptible to frost; (4) foliage less regularly disposed in two ranks; (5) leaves thick, under surface convex, idioblasts present: (6) leaves contain bornyl ace- tate and, consequently, smell like turpentine; (7) young cones brilliant red, bracts spreading and reflexed; (8) cones 2 to 3 inches long; (9) wood irregular in structure, strong and durable, rough timber; (10) torus of bordered pits pressed to one side, wood not readily permeated by creosote: (11) germination of seed much better and sooner than the other species; (12) not attacked by Chermes; (13) growth rate about haif that of the other species, timber yield much less than that of the other species; (14) will not grow in England, but will grow in New England. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 209 Psorodendron arborescens, see Parosela arborescens. Psorodendron californicum, see Parosela fremontit. Psorodendron fremontii, see Parosela fremontii. Psorodendron johnsonii, see Parosela fremontii. Psorodendron puberulum, see Parosela schottii. Psorodendron schottii, see Parosela schottii. Psorodendron spinosum, see Parosela spinosa. Psorcthamnus emoryi, see Parosela emoryt. Psorothamnus polyadenia, see Parosela polyadenia. Psorothamnus scoparius, see Parosela scoparia. Psorothamnus subnudus, see Parosela polyadenia. Ptelea spp. The species of this genus are apparently not well understood at present. The reduction of all to two species is without doubt open to question but since authorities do not agree on what is to be done with the P. trifoliata complex, it is offered here as one species. None is eaten by livestock. Ptelea angustifolia, see Ptelea baldwinii. Ptelea baldwinii Torr. and Gray. California hoptree. P. baldwinii crenulata Jeps., P. crenulata Greene, P. angustifolia Benth. Range: 3, 5, 9, 17. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Samara. A large shrub to small tree; flowers April-May; about 7,000 seeds per pound. Ptelea crenulata, see Ptelea baldwinii. Ptelea microcarpa, see Ptelea trifoliata. Ptelea parvifolia, see Helietia parvifolia. Ptelea rhombifolia, see Ptelea trifoliata. Ptelea serrata, see Ptelea trifoliata. FPtelea tomentosa, see Ptelea trifoliata. Ptelea trifoliata L. Hoptree. P. microcarpa Small, P. tomentosa Raf., P. serraia Small, P. rhombifolia Heller. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20, 22, 28, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Samara; available in September, persistent until spring. A large shrub to small or very rarely a large tree; flowers in June; 18,350 seeds per pound. Ptilocalyx greggii Torr. Coldenia greggti Gray. Range: 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small, much-branched shrub. Purshia glandulosa Curran. Antelope brush. Kunzia glandulosa Greene, P. tridentata glandulosa Jones. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene, available August-September. A small to large evergreen shrub; flowers April—July. Observations: Hagerly eaten by California mule deer, Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC. Antelope brush, Kunzia tridentata Spreng. Range: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 14, 16. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Achene, available in August. 210 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE A small to large shrub; flowers May—August. Intricately branched, often many-stemmed; occurs in clay, sand, and other soils; root system fairly deep, scarcely spreading. Stomach records: Columbian chipmunk, black-tailed deer. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer; pica, painted chipmunk, sage brush chipmunk; one of the chief browse plants for deer and antelope. A very important browse plant seldom touched by horses but extensively cropped by goats, cattle, and especially sheep; palatability appears greatest in spring, winter, and late fall. Pyracantha coccinea, see Cotoneaster pyracantha. Pyrus americana, see Sorbus americana. Pyrus angustifolia, see Malus angustifolia. Pyrus arbutifolia, see Aronia arbutifolia. Pyrus bracteata, see Malus bracteata. Pyrus coronaria, see Malus coronaria. Pyrus diversifolia, see Malus fusca. Pyrus fusca, see Malus fusca. Pyrus glabrata, see Malus glabrata. Pyrus glaucescens, see Malus glaucescens. Pyrus ioensis, see Malus ioensis. Pyrus lancifolia, see Malus lancifolia. Pyrus malus, see Malus pumila. Pyrus melanocarpa, see Aronia melanocarpa. Pyrus nigra, see Aronia melanocarpa. Pyrus occidentalis, see Sorbus occidentalis. Pyrus platycarpa, see Malus platycarpa. Pyrus rivularis, see Malus fusca. Pyrus sambucifolia, see Sorbus americana. Pyrus sitchensis, see Sorbus americana and BS. sitchensis. Pyrus soulardii, see Malus soulardii. Quercus spp. Oaks. There are two classes of oaks; the black oak group and the white oak group. The acorns of the white oaks mature in a single season. Those of the black oaks ordinarily take 2 years to mature. It seems possible to insure a consistent crop of acorns by planting oaks of the two groups in mixtures when a con- sistent food supply is assured to wildlife. Where one type may fail to produce seed, the other may supplement. White and black oaks occur in about equal numbers in the eastern United States and in the Mexican Sierras, Cordillera, and tableland. The total number of species of white oaks in the United States amounts to about 54; of black oaks 26, and cf an intermediate class 4, making a total of approximately 84 species. The timber produced by the white oaks is heavier, harder and more durable than that of the black oaks. Together they produce about half the hardwood lumber of the United States. As a class the oaks are slow growing, long-lived, disease-resistant, very little Subject to insect attacks. One thinks immediately of oak galls or oak apples, but these malformations are seldom of sufficient importance to make much difference to the general vigor and health of the species involved. The poisonous properties of oaks should be considered in making any exten- sive plantings of them. It is known that concentrated feeding of stock on oak forage may result in tannic acid poisoning. This is true especially in the spring. However, cattle losses are apt to occur when other forage is scarce, as in the spring, in dry years, and on overgrazed range. Proper management of livestock should preclude any serious effects from the oaks. The best prac- tices would include grazing cattle in summer and fall on oak, not grazing them before grass has had a chance to become lush, and in general, seeing to NATIVH WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Dita it that there is variety in forage. Chemical analyses show that the leaves are not a balanced ration for livestock and accordingly, they must be supplemented by grass or other feed. The deciduous species are more nutritive than the evergreen, and are more readily eaten by livestock. While most tree oaks are recognized as having timber value, there are many shrubby species that may be profitably utilized for erosion-control planting and wildlife food and cover. These are the species ordinarily classed as scrub oaks. Certain of these are always shrubby, no matter in what site they may be grow- ing. The tree oaks, however, may gradually become reduced in size in moun- tainous or arid regions. So far as known, there are no oaks which can be classed as weeds, although they are occasionally considered to be so in certain localities. Eradication, however, is not difficult. Many of the species of scrub oaks are thicket forming and some reproduce by stoions. Their growth is generally vigorous, many are evergreen, and as a group are comparatively fast growing. The ability on the part of scrub oaks to form a dense cover rapidly is one which is well known. Altogether there would appear to be few plants that are more admirably adapted for erosion control, coupled with value to livestock, wild mammals, and birds, than the oaks. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : Sixty-three species of birds including ruffed grouse (1 stomach with 24 acorns and many with 10 to 20), bobwhite (386 acorns in 1 stomach), Mearn’s quail, California quail, Gambel quail, wild turkey, plumed quail, sharp-tailed grouse, ring-necked pheasant, greater prairie chicken, lesser prairie chicken (50 acorns in 1 stomach), and mourning dove; ground squirrel, armadillo, opossum, black-tailed deer; Louisi- ana white-tailed deer, muskrat, raccoon, gray squirrel, eastern chipmunk, black bear, gray fox, white-tailed deer, ring-tailed cat, eastern skunk. Composed 4.5 percent of the entire fall food eaten by prairie chicken in Wisconsin; com- posed 5.0 percent of the winter food of ruffed grouse in the northeastern United States; composed 2.3 percent of food of 1,725 mallards. It may be noted here that stomach records show such birds as wrens and sparrows to have taken at least one complete acorn and that the comparatively large size of acorns apparently does not prevent even small birds from eating them. Observations (in addition to specific records): Forty-nine species of birds including turkeys, ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, doves; acorns heavily utilized by lesser prairie chicken in the fall, and oak flowers an important, food of the same bird in spring in Oklahoma, ranks sixth on the list of quail food plants of the Southeast; Merriam turkey; preferred fall food of prairie sharp- tailed grouse, ruffed grouse, and pinnated grouse; Mearn’s quail; an important food of band-tailed pigeons; constituted a larger percentage of food of mule deer in the Kaibab National Forest than any other food; Rocky Mountain black- tailed deer; Texas white-tailed deer; red fox; raccoon, porcupine, Mexican raec- coon, peccary, Virginia opossum, snowshoe hare, New Mexico black bear, Olympic black bear, Townsend’s chipmunk, Siskiyou chipmunk, Allen’s chip- munk, larger Colorado chipmunk, Arizona chipmunk, gray-footed chipmunk, cliff chipmunk, golden-mantled ground squirrel, chestnut-mantled ground squirrel, Douglas ground squirrel, southwestern chipmunk, little northern chipmunk, pale chipmunk, gray chipmunk; cut for food and building material in times of searc- ity by beaver; Merriam’s chipmunk; Douglas’ squirrel, Sierra chickaree, digger squirrel, Abert’s squirrel, Arizona gray squirrel, rock squirrel, gray squirrel, Carolina fox squirrel, Couch rock squirrel, black-backed rock squirrel, flying squirrels, California gray squirrel. Without doubt there is a much greater number of animals, particularly squirrels and chipmunks, than here listed that feed on acorns. That they have not been recorded in the literature is evidence that acorns are so generally accepted as being food for squirrels and chipmunks that many workers have felt it unnecessary to record utilization. Quercus acuminata, see Quercus muhlenbergii. Quercus agrifolia. Née. California live oak. Range: 1, 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to large tree; evergreen; occurs in sand, loam, gravel, and other Soils; attacked by tent caterpillars; wood of some value as fuel; a shrub in dry hills (Var. frutescens Engelm.). Observations: California quail; California mule deer. 212 MISC. PUBLICATION 3038, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Quercus alba L. White cak. Range: 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A large tree, or rarely a low shrub with altitude; root system deep, taproot well developed; slow growing, very long-lived; not seriously injured by insects or fungi; not very fire resistant; difficult to transplant even as seedling; wood durable, of great importance commercially ; bark a source of tannin; fruit borne when trees are 20 to 40 years old; full crops borne at intervals of 8 to 10 years, but some seed produced almost annually; 100-150 seeds per pound, germination 75-95 percent; coppice shorter lived and more tolerant of shade than seed-grown stock. Several varieties have been described, all of which occur within the range of the species. Stomach records: Ruffed grouse. Observations: Ring-necked pheasant, bob- white, ruffed grouse, wild turkey ; an important food of white-tailed deer ; cotton- tail rabbit; forms a considerable proportion of the food of the red squirrel. Quercus alvordiana, see Quercus dumosa. Quercus andromeda, see Quercus virginiana. Quercus annulata, see Quercus breviloba. Quercus aquatica, see Quercus nigra. Quercus arizonica Sarg. Arizona white oak. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—November. A small to large shrub or small tree; fruit ripens very irregularly; a small shrub at higher elevations. Observations: Thick-billed parrots; highly palatable to captive deer. Quercus arkansana Sarg. Arkansas oak. Range: 29. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial. A large tree; occurs in sandy and other soils; has been considered a hybrid between Q. nigra and Q. marilandica. Quercus austrina, see Quercus durandii. Quercus bicolor Willd. Swamp white oak. Q. platanoides (La Marck) Sudw. Range: 21, 22; 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A large tree; root system somewhat shallow; free from insects and diseases, fire-damaged especially when young; produces stump sprouts; wood durable, of commercial value; 80-125 seeds per pound, germination 80 percent. Quercus borealis Michx. f. Northern red oak. Q. rubra of auths., not L. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available October-November. A very large tree; rapid growing when young, long-lived; taproot deep; pro- duces a denser shade than most oaks; severely injured by fire; much attacked by borers and subject to fungus attack, especially heart rot; apparently not drought resistant; coppices freely when young; wood of great importance com- mercially ; 80-100 seeds per pound, germination 80-95 percent. Var. borealis maxima (Marsh.) Ashe, (Q. mazvima Ashe) is a large-fruited form occurring within the range of the species. Stomach records: White-tailed deer. Observations: Ruffed grouse; tenth most important food of white-tailed deer in Massachusetts; forms 2 considerable portion of the food of red squirrels; cottontail rabbit; heavily browsed by moose on Isle Royal. Observations: Bobwhite; eaten by white-tailed deer in Missouri, and northern white-tailed deer in Michigan. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 213 Quercus boyntonii Beadle. Boynton oak. Q. stellata boyntonii (Beadle) Sarg. Range: 27. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large, thicket-forming shrub. Quercus brayi Small. Bray’s oak. Q. muhlenbergit brayt (Small) Sarg. Range: 11, 16. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large tree. Acorns much sought after by livestock, including domesticated turkeys. Quercus brevifolia, see Quercus cinerea. Quercus breviloba, see also Quercus durandii. Quercus breviloba (Torr.) Sarg. Q. obtusifolia breviloba Torr., Q. annulata Buckl. Range: 11, 16, 20. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. Commonly a large shrub, or a small to large tree; thicket forming; occurs on limestone and other soils. Var. laceyi (Small) Trel., (Q. laceyi Small), the Lacey oak, is a particularly rapid-growing form. A valuable browse for liyestock. Quercus brewerl, see Quercus garryanda. Quercus californica, see Quercus kelloggii. Quercus canbyi Trel. Range: 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large tree. G@uercus catesbaei, see Quercus laevis. Quercus chapmanii Sarg. Chapman white oak. Range: 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. Commonly a small shrub or a large shrub to large tree; semievergreen ; occurs in sandy and other soils. Quercus chisosensis, see Quercus gravesii. Quercus chrysolepis Liebm. Canyon live oak. Range: 1, 4, 10, 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large shrub, or small to large tree; evergreen; commonly shrubby on exposed sites; occurs in sand, loam, and other soils; forms a dense ground cover; long lived; stump sprouts abundantly produced, somewhat spiny; wood of some value commercially; the most ancient existing American oak; acorns much attacked by grubs. Observations: California woodpecker ; of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Quercus cinerea Michx. Bluejack oak. Q. brevifolia (Lam.) Sarg. Range: 16, 20, 25, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial, available in November. A small to large tree; occurs in sand, loam, and other soils; fruit produced in great profusion. Quercus coccinea Muench. Scarlet oak. Ranger Zine 2oaectn 20, 202%, oS Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial, available September—October. 914 #£xMISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE A large tree; root system shallow; rapid growing, short-lived; much attacked by dry rot; coppices produced by young trees only; wood of importance com- mercially; much cultivated; apparently not drought resistant; 156-400 seeds per pound, germination 75 percent. Var. twberculata Sarg. has larger acorns and occurs within the range of the species southward. Observations: Bluejay, Sharp-tailed grouse; white-tailed deer. Quercus confusa Woot. and Standl. Range: 11, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. — Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small, somewhat evergreen tree. Quercus densiflora, see Lithocarpus densiflora. Quercus digitata, see Quercus rubra. Guercus diversicolor Trel. Netleaf oak. Q. reticulata of auths., not H. B. K. Range: 10, 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large shrub or small to large tree; evergreen. Observations: Thick-billed parrot. Fair summer browse for stock. Quercus douglasii Hook. and Arn. California blue oak, Range: 1, 374; 5510. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large tree; Slow growing; stump sprouts produced; subject to dry rot; wood much used locally for fuel; seed produced abundantly. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Acorns much used for livestock feeding. Quercus dumosa Nutt. California scrub oak. Range: 1, 8, 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small, or rarely large tree; evergreen; root system deep, taproot well developed, especially in Seedling stages; commonly occurs in sterile soils; branches numerous, closely tangled, starting near from the ground; acorn crop ordinarily light and very uncertain; grows on all kinds of soils; killed by severe fires, but if not too severely burned, coppices and within 3 years again produces good cover; a Small tree only on the California islands. Var. macdonaldii (Greene) Jeps., (Q. macdonaldii Greene), the MacDonald oak, is in region 5, and has been claimed to be a hybrid between Q. dumosa and Q. engelmannii. Var. bullata Engelm. (Q. durata Jeps.), the leather oak, is a spreading, thicket-forming shrub occurring in regions 1 and 5. Var. alvordiana (Hastw.) Jeps. (0. aivordiana HBastw.) occurs in region 5. Var. turbinella (Greene) Jeps. (Q. turdinella Greene), occurring in regions 5, 9, 11 and 14, is a small to large shrub considered a valuable winter browse plant for livestock. lt has been observed to be eaten by Mearns, Gambel, and scaled quail. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer. Im- portant as a sheep and goat browse but distinctly inferior for cattle. The high tannin content of the plant necessitates careful handling of lambs where it occurs. Quercus durandii Buckl. Durand white oak. Q. breviloba (Torr.) Sarg., in part., Q. sinuata Walt., Q. austrina Small. Range: 20, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to large tree; thicket forming and shrubby westward; occurs on limestone and other soils. Quercus durata, see Quercus dumosa. Quercus eastwoodiae Rydb. Range: 11, 18. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub; not thicket forming. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 215 Quercus ellipsoidalis Hill. Jack oak. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large shrub or small to large tree; often occurs on clay soils. Quercus emoryi Torr. Emory oak. Q. hastata Liebm. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available July-August, or ripening irregularly from June—September. A small to large shrub or small to large tree; evergreen; wood somewhat used commercially. Observations: Mearn’s Gambel, and scaled quail; Mexican mule deer; Couch rock squirrel; much eaten by Gila chipmunk; highly palatable the year round to captive deer. Quercus engelmannii Greene. Evergreen white oak. Range: 5 Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large evergreen tree; occurs on loam, sand, gravel, and other soils; wood useful only for fuel. Observations: California mule deer. Quercus falcata, see Quercus rubra. Quercus fendleri Liebm. Fendler oak. Q. undulata pedunculata DC. Range: 11, 13, 14, 16. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub; not thicket forming. Considered fair browse for cattle. Quercus fusiformis, see Quercus virginiana. Guercus gambelii, see also Quercus leptophyila. Quercus gambelii Nutt. Gambel oak. Q. douglasit gambelii DC., Q. undulata gambelii Engelm. Range: 9, 11, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small tree; resistant to heavy grazing. Observations: Turkey. When associated with more palatable species, lightly grazed by cattle, sheep and horses; acorns sweet, relished by swine and other stock and with high fattening qualities; of moderately high palatability to goats; shoots contain 4-10 percent of tannic acid. Quercus garryana Dougl. : Oregon white oak. Range: 1, 2. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to large tree; wood durable, valuable commercially. Var. brewert (Hngelm.) Jeps. (Q. breweri Engelm., Q. oerstediana Brown), the Brewer oak, is a smail to large, spreading shrub occurring in region 4. It is much browsed by Rocky Mountain mule deer and much eaten by stock, the protein content of the foliage being almost equal to that of alfalfa hay. War. semota Jeps., the Kaweah oak, is a shrub occurring in region 4. i Observations: Band-tailed pigeon, Lewis’ woodpecker, ring-necked pheasant; ear. Quercus geminata, see Quercus virginiana. Quercus georgiana Curtis. Georgia oak. Range: 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial, A large, rare tree. 216 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Quercus gravesii Sudw. Grave’s oak. Q. texana chisosensis Sarg., Q. chisosensis Sarg. Range: 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large tree. Quercus grisea Liebm. Gray oak. Range: 11, 14, 16, 17. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub or rarely a small tree; partially evergreen; clump forming, bears great quantities of nut galls; wood useful only for fuel; very resistant to drought. Observations: Viosca’s pigeon, thick-billed parrot; Sonora deer, Arizona porcu- pine. An important local browse for livestock. Quercus gunnisonii (Torr.) Rydb. Q. alba gunnisonii Torr., Q. gambelii gunnisonii Wenz. Range: 11, 138, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large shrub or small tree. Guercus hastata, see Quercus emoryi. Quercus havardii Rydb. Shinnery oak. Range: 11, 16. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small shrub; thicket forming; grows in sandy soil; spreads by underground stems, the bulk of the species being underground; propagation is by separation of the root stocks as well as by acorns. Observations: Bobwhite, prairie chicken; pececary. The large and sweet acorns are relished by livestock but this species has caused much poisoning. Quercus humilis, see Quercus pumila. Quercus hypoleuca Engelm. Whiteleaf oak. Range: 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual, although often maturing the second season. A large shrub to small or large tree; semievergreen; wood used locally. Observations: Thick-billed parrot; favorite food of the Apache squirrel. Quercus ilicifolia Wang. Bear oak. Q@. pumila (Marsh) Sudw., Q. nana Sarg. Range: 22, 25, 26, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn biennial, available September—October. A large shrub to small tree; thicket forming; often forms a nearly complete ground cover; fruit produced very prolifically; suckers freely; not evergreen, but dead leaves often persistent through the winter; often occurs in extremely sterile soils. Stomach records: Ruffed grouse. Observations: Wild turkey; white-tailed deer. Quercus imbricaria Michx. Shingle oak. Range: 22, 28, 24, 25, 27, 28. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available September—October. A large tree; wood used commercially; somewhat cultivated; 450-S00 seeds per pound. Observations: Red-headed woodpeckers. Quercus intricata Trel. Range: 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small, intricately branched shrub. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES P17 Quercus kelloggii Newb. California black oak. Q. californica (Torr.) Cooper. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small shrub to large tree; occurs in sandy and other soils; root system deep; slow growing, long-lived; shrubbier at higher elevations; wood much used for fuel; stump sprouts freely produced, of rapid growth, often prostrate; subject to mistletoe. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer. Quercus laceyi, see Quercus breviloba. Quercus laevis Walt. Turkey oak. Q. catesbaet Michx. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A large tree; commonly occurs in sandy soil; root system deep; rather rapid growing, generally short-lived; free from insects and disease. Quercus laurifolia Michx. Laurel oak. Range: 20, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available September—October. A large tree; occurs in sand, loam, and other soils; somewhat cultivated ; 540-690 seeds per pound. Var. rhombica (Sarg.) Trel., (Q. rhombica Sarg., Q. obtusa Ashe) occurs within the range of the species. Quercus leiodermis, see Quercus velutina. Quercus leptophylla Rydb. Rocky Mountain white oak. Q. gambelii Nutt., in part. Range: 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large tree; commonly occurs in groups; wood hard, strong, used for fuel. Quercus lobata Née. Valley white oak. Range: 3, 4, 5. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large tree; ordinarily occurs in richer soils; rapid growing; wood cf some value commercially ; taproot well developed; long-lived ; produces very abundant crops of acorns; weeping trees confined to fertile loam soils. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Quercus lyrata Walt. Overcup oak. Range: 20, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A small to large tree; commonly does not occur on poor soils; root system deep, taproots and deep-seated laterals well-developed; slow growing, long-lived ; generally free from insects and disease; resistant to fire; wood durabie, of importance commercially ; 150 seeds per pound, commonly produced abundantly every 3 or 4 years. Young plants browsed by cattle. Quercus macdonaldii, see Quercus dumosa. Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Bur oak. Range: 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. Rarely a large shrub to small tree, or more commonly a large tree; root system deep, especially on dry sites; commonly occurs on rich, not poor soils, although often found in sand; slow growing, long-lived; not seriously injured by fungi or insects, except rarely June beetles; more resistant to smoke than most oaks; wood durable, much used commercially ; 380-400 seeds per pound, germina- tion 60-75 percent, vitality 6 to 12 months. Observations: Wood duck; acorns form a considerable portion of food of red squirrel; white-tailed deer. Young plants browsed by stock. 218 MISC. PUBLICATION 803, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Quercus margaretta Ashe. Small post oak. Q. stellata margaretia Sarg. Range: 20, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small tree; occurs on sandy and other soils. Var. stolonifera Ashe forms dense thickets by means of stolons. Quercus marilandica Muench. Blackjack oak. Range: 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available in October. In the north, a large shrub; in the south, a large tree; commonly occurs on sand, clay, loam, and other soils; wood rarely used commercially. Var. ashei Sudw. occurs in regions 19, 20, and 29. Stomach records: Wild turkey; white-tailed deer. Observations: A greatly preferred food of wild turkey, white-tailed deer. Quercus maxima, see Quercus borealis. Quercus media Woot. and Standl. Range: 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small tree; thicket forming. Quercus michauxii, see Quercus prinus. Quercus microcarya, see Quercus nigra. Quercus minima, see Quercus virginiana. Quercus minor, see Quercus stellata. Quercus mohriana Buckl. Shin oak. Range: 11, 16, 17, 19, 20. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. Usually a small shrub, more rarely a small tree; thicket forming; occurs on limestone, sandy, and other soils; becomes a tree only in deep ravines and on steep hillsides where protected. Quercus montana Willd. Chestnut oak. Q. prinus of auths., not L. Range: 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available October—November. A large tree; root system deep; oceurs on rich or poor soils; fairly rapid growing, long-lived; seedlings tolerant of shade; very fire resistant; coppices freely when young; wood durable, much used commercially; bark contains more tannin than any other eastern oak; 60-150 seeds per pound. Quercus muhlenbergii Engelm. Chinquapin oak. Q. acuminata Sarg. Ranges 16.20) 219 2293.24) 2020, 2 aoe OU: Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available October-November. Commonly a small, or more rarely, a large tree; may occur on limestone soil; taproot well developed; rather rapid growing; becomes more intolerant of shade with age; free from insects and disease; young growth easily damaged by fire; stump sprouts produced; wood durable, used commercially ; 520 seeds per pound. Quercus myrtifolia Wilid. Myrtle oak. Range: 17, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Pruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large shrub or small tree; thicket forming; commonly occurs on sandy soil. Quercus nana, see Quercus ilicifolia. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES P19 Quercus nigra L. Water oak. Q. aquatica Walt. Range: 17, 20, 25, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available October-November. A large tree; rapid growing in good soils; occurs in sand, loam and other soils; wood somewhat used commercially ; much cultivated; very susceptible to mistletoe; 400-600 seeds per pound. A form described as Q. microcarya Small occurs on Stone Mountain, Ga. Quercus nitescens, see Quercus novomecxicanda. Quercus novomexicana (DC.) Rydb. New Mexican shinnery. Q. douglasii novomexicana DC., Q. nitescens Rydb. Range: 11, 13, 14, 16. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small or large tree. Quercus oblongifolia Torr. Mexican blue oak. Range: 10) 11, 17. Site: dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small or large trees; evergreen; often thicket forming, especially at the heads of canyons; produces fruit even as a shrub. Observations: Highly palatable to captive deer. Quercus obtusa, see Quercus laurifolia. Quercus obtusifolia (DC.) Rydb. Q. undulata obtusifolia DC. Range: 14, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small tree. Quercus oerstediana, see Quercus garryana. Quercus pagoda, see Quercus rubra. Quercus pagodaefolia, see Quercus rubra. Quercus palmeri Engelm. Paimer oak. Q. chrysolepis palmeri Engelm. Range: 5, 10, 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A large, divaricately-branched, evergreen shrub. Quercus palustris Muench. Pin oak, Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available September—October. A large tree; root system well developed laterally ; rather rapid growing and short-lived; resistant to dust and smoke; free from insects and disease; cop- pices fairly well; much cultivated; wood used commercially; 600 seeds per pound. Observations: Bobwhite, mourning dove; cottontail rabbit. Quercus pauciloba Rydb. MacDougal oak. Range: 18, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub, or more commonly a small to large tree. Quercus phellos L. Willow oak. Range: 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available in October. A large tree; occurs in sandy and other soils; wood used commercially ; much cultivated ; 600 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Gray fox. Observations: Wild turkey, mourning dove, bobwhite. 9209 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Quercus platanoides, see Quercus bicolor. Quercus pricei Sudw. Coast live oak. Range: 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large evergreen tree; occurs in gravelly and other soils. Hardly separable from Q. agrifolia. Quercus prinoides Willd. Dwarf chinquapin oak. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A large shrub to small tree; thicket forming; occurs on sandy, limestone and other soils; 400 seeds per pound. Observations: Ruffed grouse, cottontail rabbit. Quercus prinus, see also Quercus montana. Quercus prinus L. Swamp chestnut oak. Q. michaucit Nutt. Range: 20, 25, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A large tree; taproot and deep laterals well developed; long-lived; generaliy free from insects and diseases; easily fire-damaged when young; stump sprouts never large; Wood durable, much used commercially; a fertile-soil species; 70-150 seeds per pound, germination 86 percent. Stomach records: Mourning dove; white-tailed deer. Observations: Cotton- tail rabbit. Quercus pumila, see also Quercus ilicifolia. Quercus pumila Walt. Running oak. Q. humilis Walt. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small evergreen shrub; often forms small sparse thickets by means of root stocks; not a pioneer species. Stomach records: Bobwhite. Quercus pungens, see Quercus undulata. Quercus reticulata, see Quercus diversicolor. Quercus rhombica, see Quercus laurifolia. Quercus rubra, see also Quercus borealis. Quercus rubra L. Southern red oak. Q. falcata (Michx.) of Amer. auths., Q. digitata (Marsh.) Sudw. Range: 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available September—October. A large tree; root system deep as well as Shallow on the same tree; occurs on sandy or heavy soils; rapid growing, rather short-lived; very sensitive to late frosts; much attacked by heart rot; coppices freely, especially when young; much cultivated; wood not durable, somewhat used commercially. Var. pogodaefolia (Ell.) Ashe, (Q. pogedacfolia (Ell.) Ashe, QG. pagoda Raf.), and var. leuwcophylla Ashe, both occur within the range of the species. Quercus rydbergiana Cockerell. Rydberg oak. Q. undulata rydbergiane Cockerell. Range: 18, 14. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual, A small evergreen shrub. Quercus sadleriana Brown. Sadler oak. Range: 4. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large evergreen shrub; forms dense thickets; occurs at altitudes of from 5,000-7,000 feet. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 291 Observations: Acorns relished by deer and bear. Poor to fair browse for livestock, but acorns relished. Quercus schneckii, see Quercus shumardii. Quercus shumardii Buckl. Shumard red oak. Q. texana Sarg. Range: 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available in October. A very large tree; occurs on limestone and other soils; root system shallow ; free from insects and diseases; wood of value commercially. Var. schneckii (Britt.) Sarg., (Q. schneckii Britt.), the Schneck red oak, oc- curs alSo in region 17. Quercus sinuata, see Quercus durandii. Quercus stellata Wang. Post oak. Q. minor (Marsh.) Sarg. Range: 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A large tree; commonly occurs in poor soil such as sand and gravel; root system deep; slow growing; long-lived; tolerant of shade only when young; fruit produced abundantly every 2 or 3 years; wood durable, difficult to season, much used commercially ; 35-686 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Wild turkey. Observations: A preferred food of wild tur- key ; white-tailed deer. Quercus submolis Rydb. Q. utahensis submollis (Rydb.) Sarg. Range: 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small tree. Quercus subturbinella Trel. Range: 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to small tree. Quercus texana Buckl. Texas red oak. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large tree; occurs on limestone and other soils. Var. stellapila Sarg., occurs within the range of the species; by some it is considered specifi- cally distinct. Quercus texana, see Quercus shumardii. Quercus tomentella Engelm. Island live oak Range: 5. ; Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A large evergreen tree; moderately long-lived; occurs in gravelly and other soils. Possibly only a variety of Q. chrypolepis. Quercus toumeyi Sarg. age Toumey oak, Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large shrub to large tree; more or less evergreen. Quercus turbinella, see Quercus dumosa. Quercus undulata Torr. Rocky Mountain shin oak. Q. vaseyana Rydb., Q. vaseyana Buckl., Q. undulata vaseyana Rydb. Range: 9, 11, 13, 14, 16) 17, 20: Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. 299 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE A small to large shrub or small to large tree; somewhat evergreen; forms thickets of vast extent; bears great quantities of nut galls. Var. pungens Engelm, (Q. pungens Liebm.), the holly oak, occurs in regions 9 and 11. Stomach records: Prairie chicken. Fair to fairly good cattle feed in winter and spring; good goat feed, especially in spring. Quercus utahensis (DC.) Rydb. Rocky Mountain white oak. Q. stellata utahensis DC. Range: 9, 11, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A large tree; root system shallow with occasional deep-feeding branches, or sometimes altogether deep; wood used to some extent for fuel. Stomach records: Porcupine, black-tailed deer. Quercus vaccinifolia Kellogg. Huckleberry oak. Q. chrysolepis vaccinifolia (Kellogg) Hngelm. Range: 4. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small, thicket-forming evergreen shrub. Stomach records: Sooty grouse. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer. Acorns readily eaten by livestock, but foliage of low palatability. Quercus vaseyana, see Quercus undulata. Quercus velutina Lam. Black oak. Range: 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28, 29; 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; biennial, available October-November. A large tree; commonly occurs on poor soil; taproot at first well developed, later superficial; seedlings slow growing; long-lived; coppice freely produced, rapid growing, short-lived; wind-firm; rarely injured by insects, except when fire-damaged; susceptible to drought injury; easily fire-damaged; wood used commercially; usually attacked by heart rot; 180-300 seeds per pound, germi- nation 80 percent or more. Var. missouriensis Sarg., (Q. leiodermis Ashe), the smooth-bark oak, occurs with the species westward. Cbservations: Cottontail rabbit, white-tailed deer. Quercus venustula Greene. Range: 138, 14. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large shrub; acorns commonly produced abundantly. Quercus virginiana Mill. Live oak. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20,, 25, .29;:30:7 3: Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn; annual, available September—October. A small to large shrub or small to large, evergreen tree; occurs on sand, clay, and alluvial soils; root system deep, spreading; fruit often produced by plants 12 inches in height; able to grow very close to the sea, where roots may be covered with salt water at high tide; rapid growing at first, later slower; long-lived; free from insects and diseases; produces stump sprouts; branches very wide-spreading ; wood durable, of little importance commercially. Var. geminata (Small) Sarg., (Q. geminata Small) occurs in regions 29 and 30. Var. virescens Sarg. occurs in Florida. Var. macrophylla Sarg., with larger leaves, occurs in southeastern Texas. Var. evimea Sarg., (Q. andromeda Ridd.) of eastern Louisiana, has smaller leaves and acorns. Var. fusiformis (Small) Sarg., (Q. fusiformis Small) occurs in regions 16 and 20 and is generally shrubby. Var. minima (Small) Sarg., (Q. minima Small, Q. virginiana dentata Chapm.) occurs in region 30, is usually less than 3 feet high, and has under- ground stems. Var. maritima (Michx.) Small occurs in regions 29 and 30 and is shrubby. Var. pygmaea Sarg. has smaller acorns, is a shrub, and occurs in region 30. NATIVH WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 223 Quercus vreelandii Rydb. Range: 11, 18, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, annual. A small to large shrub. Quercus wilcoxii Rydb. Wilcox oak. Range: 9, 11, 14. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A small to large shrub or rarely a small tree; evergreen; thicket forming. Not eaten to any extent by cattle. Quercus wislizensii DC. Highland live oak. Range: 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Acorn, biennial. A large shrub to small or large tree; evergreen; not as tolerant of shade as formerly supposed; coppices quickly after fires, but such growth is slow; attacked by mistletoe; makes good soil cover; acorns not produced in very great quantities; wood not durable, locally valuable as fuel; occurs in loam, gravel, and other soils; near the coast and on the California islands generally shrubby. Observations: Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Ramona incana, see Salvia carnosa. Ramona polystachya, see Salvia apianda. Ramona stachyoides, see Salvia mellifera. Raphis acaulis, see Sabal minor. Rhamnus spp. Buckthorns. Most species occur on neutral soil; some species are secondary hosts for the crown rust of oats; propagation is by seeds stratified and sown in spring or by soft or hardwood cuttings made at the nodes. Observations (in addition to specific records) : Three species of birds; gen- erally relished by birds. Evergreen species have a limited value as browse for livestock in winter. Rhamuus alnifolia L’ Her. Alder-leaved buckthorn. Range: 4, 12, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available July—September. A small shrub; flowers May-June; branches decumbent, rooting; thicket forming. Of no value as browse for cattle; poor to fair browse for sheep. Rhamuus betulaefolia Greene. Birchleaf buckthorn. R. californica betulaefolia (Greene) Trel., R. confinis Greene, R. ellipsoidea Greene, R. revoluta Rose. Range: 9, 11, 14. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available, September—October. A small to large shrub; flowers May-June; not a secondary host for oat crown rust. Rhamnus californica Hsch. California buckthorn. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A large evergreen shrub; flowers March-April; a secondary host for the rust of velvet grass but not oats. Var. tomentella (Benth.) Brewer and Wats. (R. tomentella Benth., R. ursina Greene) (pl. 27, B), commonly more compact, bushy, and robust than the species, occurs in regions 38, 4, 5, 10, and 11. Var. viridis Jeps. (R. cuspidata Greene) occurs in regions 4, 5, 9, and 10. Var. obtusissima (Greene) Jeps., (2. obtusissima Greene) occurs in region 4. Var. occidentalis (Howell) Jeps. (R. occidentalis Howell), occurs in region 1. Stomach records: Seven species of birds. Observations: Four species of birds, including band-tailed pigeon; California mule deer, black bear. Of some im- 33772°—38-—_15 D4 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE portance as a honey plant. Of no value as forage for cattle; poor to fair for sheep. Rhamnus caroliniana Walt. Yellow buckthorn. Ranger L7 205 22.25.28, 297730: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Hruit: Drupe, available September—November. A large shrub to small or large tree; flowers May—June; occurs on limestone, ioam, and other soils; susceptible to the crown rust of oats. Stomach records: Catbird. Rhamnus catalinae, see Rhamnus crocea. Rhamnus confinis, see Rhamnus betulaefolia. Rhamnus crocea Nutt. (pl. 29, A, B). Hollyleaf buckthorn. Range: 3, 5, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A small to large shrub, or rarely a small to large tree; partially evergreen; flowers February—May; densely branched; experimentally susceptible to the crown rust of oats. Var. insularis Sarg. (R. insularis Greene, R. pirifolia Greene, R. catalinae, Davids.) has larger berries, and occurs in region 5. Var. ilicifolia (Kellogg) Greene (R. ilicifolia Kellogg) has spiny leaves, is more commonly treelike, and occurs in regions 4, 5, and 10. Var. pilosa Trel. (R. pilosa Abrams) occurs in region 5. Stomach records: Mountain sheep. Observations: California mule deer. Rhamnus cuspidata, see Rhamnus californica. Rhamnus ellipsoidea, see Rhamnus betulaefolia. Rhamnus fasciculata, see Rhamnus smithii. Rhamnus humboldtiana, see Karwinskia humboldtiana. Rhamnus ilicifolia, see Rhamnus crocea. Rhamnus insularis, see Rhamnus crocea. Rhamnus lanceolata Pursh. Lance-leaved buckthorn. Range: 22, 25, 27, 29. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Kruit: Drupe, available August-September. A small to large shrub; flowers in May; commonly occurs on calcareous soils; susceptible to crown rust of oats. Stomach records: Three species of birds. Rhamnus maculata, see Karwinskia humboldtiana. Rhamnus obtusifolia, see Condalia obtusifolia. Rhamnus obtusissima, see Rhamnus californica. Rhamnus occidentalis, see Rhamnus californica. Rhamnus pilosa, see Rhamnus croced. Rhamnus pirifolia, see Rhamnus crocea. Rhamnus purshiana DC. (pl. 30, A, B). Cascara. Range? 1:52, 3:94. 6,¢:29) steak, ii2s Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available July-September. A small to large shrub or a small to large tree; occurs on sand, gravel, loam, and other soils; experimentally susceptible to the crown rust of oats; coppices freely after cutting ; bark of impertance commercially ; commonly smaller south- ward; 4,735 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Seven species of birds. Observations: Five species of birds, including Oregon ruffed grouse, band-tailed pigeon; New Mexico black bear; of fair importance as browse for mule deer; Olympic black bear, Oregon gray fox, raccoon, ring-tailed cat. Without forage value for livestock. Rhamunus revoluta, see Rhamnus betulaefolia. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 29 Rhamnus crocea: A, A large specimen of hollyleaf buckthorn forming an effective cover on poor soil; B, a close view of the dense foliage and fruit. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 30 Rhamnus purshiana: A, The shrubby southern form of cascara may prove a more valuable cover plant than the treelike northern form. #8, The drupes are cathartic to man. Their physiologic effect on wildlife species is not known, NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THH UNITED STATES D225 Rhamnus rubra Greene. Redstem buckthorn. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A small shrub; flowers in June; susceptibility to crown rust of oats not known. Rhamnus smithii Greene. Simith buckthorn. Rk. fasciculata Greene. Range: 11, 18, 14. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large, dioecious, densely leafy shrub; susceptible to the crown rust of oats. Rhamnus texensis, see Colubrina texensis. Rhamnus tomentella, see Rhamnus californica. Rhamnus ursina, see Rhamnus californica. Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Fraser) Wendl. and Drude. Needle palm. Chamaerops hystriz Fraser, Corypha hystriv (Fraser) Desf., Sabal hystriz Desf. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large evergreen shrub; rootstocks creeping and rooting. Rhododendron spp. This genus has often been divided into several separate genera or genus sections. The most notable for the United States are rhododendron and azalea. It is generally agreed among botanists that these two cannot be maintained as separate genera although they may well appear to be separable as far as the species in this country are concerned. They are here treated as one. The species popularly known as azaleas are largely deciduous, at ieast in North America. Those known as rhododencdrons are mostly evergreen. The azaleas are generally to be found growing in the sun; the rhododendrons make their best growth in the shade. Nevertheless, there are no constant botanical char- acters to separate them. Rhododendron alabamense Rehd. Alabama azalea. Azalea alabamense (Rehd.) Small. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub; flowers April—May. Rhododendron albiflorum Hook. White-flowered azalea. Azaleastrum albiflorum (Hook.) Rydb., Azalea albiflora Kuntze., Cladotham- nus campanulatus Greene. Range: 4, 12. Site: Well-drained, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; fiowers June-July. While under normal range con- ditions it is not palatable to livestock, it is nevertheless poisonous. Rhododendron arborescens (Pursh) Torr. Smooth azalea. Azalea arborescens Pursh. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub or rarely a small tree; flowers June—July. Rhododendron atianticum (Ashe) Rehd. Azalea atlantica Ashe. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, half shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub; flowers April-May; mat forming; aggressive; spreads by means of stolons; many often invade fields. 296 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Rhododendron austrinum (Small) Rehd. Azalea austrina Small. Range: 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub; flowers April-May; commonly occurs on sandy soil. Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr. Flame azalea. Azalea calendulacea Michx., A. lutea L. Range: 27, 28. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; flowers May-June; branches erect or spreading; very ornamental. Rhododendron californicum Hock. California rose-bay. R. macrophyllum Don. Range: 1, 2. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub or rarely a smail tree; evergreen; flowers May-June; considered poisonous to sheep. Rhododendron canadense (L.) B. S. P. Rhodora. R. canadense Torr., R. rhodera Gmel., Rhodora canadensis UL. Range: 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A smail, much-branched shrub; flowers in May. Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) Sweet. Hoary azalea. Azalea canescens Michx, not Small. Range: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A large sparingly-branched shrub, flowers April-May; occurs in sandy and other soils. Rhododendron carolinianum Rehd. Carolina rhododendron. Range: 27%. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large, much-branched evergreen shrub; flowers April—May. Rhododendron catawbiense Michx. (pl. 31). Catawba rhododendron. Range: 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large evergreen shrub; flowers May—June; often forms thickets covering extensive tracts of land; poisonous to livestock either fresh or dry. Rhododendron cuthbertii, see Rhododendron minus. Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahl. Lapland rose-bay. Azalea lapponica Ti. Range: 26. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, prostrate evergreen shrub, commonly occurring on alpine summits. Rhododendron macrophyllum, see Rhododendron californicum. Rhododendron maximum L. Rhododendron. Range: 24, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree; evergreen; flowers June—July; thicket forming ; much cultivated. Stomach records: Sharp-tailed grouse; white-tailed deer. Observations: Eaten by deer but poisonous to them if taken in large quantities. Poisonous to stock, which avoid it unless very hungry. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES DOG Rhododendron minus Michx. Piedmont rhododendron. R. cuthbertii Small., R. punctatum Ander. Range: 28, 29. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large, straggling evergreen shrub; commonly occurs on sandy soil. Rhododendron nudiflorum (L.) Torr. Pinxter flower. Azalea nudifiora L. Range: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; flowers April-May; commonly occurs in sandy soil. Rhododendron oblongifolium (Small) Mill. Azalea oblongifolia Small. Range: 25, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; commonly occurs in sand or limestone soils. Rhododendron occidentale (Torr. and Gray) Gray. Western azalea. Azalea occidentalis Torr. and Gray, A. californica Torr. and Gray. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit : Capsule. A large shrub; flowers June-July; rarely occurs in sunny positions. Observations: Much used by mountain beaver. An important livestock-poison- ing plant. Rhododendron prinophyllum, see Rhododendron roseum. Rhododendron prunifolium (Small) Mill. Azalea prunifolia Small. Range: 29. Site: Well-drained, moist, shade. Fruit: Capsule, A large shrub. Rhododendron punctatum, see Rhododendron minus. Rhododendron rhedora, see Rhododendron canadense. Rhododendron roseum (Loisel.) Rehd. R. prinophyliwm (Small) Mill., Azalea rosea Loisel., A. prinophylla Small, A. canescens Porter, not Torr., and of Small, not Michx. Range: 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit : Capsule. A large shrub; often dominant and thicket forming in old clearings; very ornamental. Rhododendron serrulatum (Small) Mill. Azalea serrulata Small. Range: 30. Site: Moist, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, A large shrub. Rhododendron speciosum (Willd.) Sweet. Azalea speciosa Willd. Range: 27, 28, 29. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; flowers April—May ; thicket forming; commonly occurs on sandy soil. Rhododendron vaseyi Gray. Pinkshell azalea. Azalea vaseyi (Gray) Rehd., Biltia vaseyi (Gray) Small. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; occurs in sandy and other soils; in cultivation. 998 Misc. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT, OF AGRICULTURE Rhododendron viscosum (L.) Torr. Swamp azalea. Azalea viscosa L. Range: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub; flowers June-July ; stoloniferous forms are often found. Rhodora canadensis, see Rhododendron canadense. Rhoeidium cinereum, see Rhus microphylla. Rhoeidium microphyllum, see Rhus microphylla. Rhoeidium potosinum, see Rhus microphylla. Rhus spp. This genus has been variously divided. One section in particular, (Lobadium (Raf.) DC.), has been much separated as Schmalizia. The group Venenatae Engelm. has been much separated as Toxricodendron. Most species grow on neutral soil; nearly all species are comparatively free from insects and diseases; propagation is by stem or root cuttings, or by seed sown as soon as ripe or stratified and sown in spring. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : Seventy-one species of birds including ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, lesser prairie chickens, bobwhite, California quail, plumed quail, wild turkey, and mourning dove; composed 3.17 percent of winter food of ruffed grouse in New York, and 3.8 percent of winter food of the same bird for the northeastern United States; opossum. Obdserva- tions (in addition to specific records) : Thirty-three species of birds, including ruffed grouse. An important food of bobwhite in Oklahoma; ranks tenth in the list of quail food plants in the Southeast; Mearn’s quail; rock squirrel, cedar- belt ecttontail; preferred food of cottontail rabbit. Rhus albida, see Rhus glabra. Rhus angustiarum, see Rhus glabra. Rhus arbuscula, see Rhus glabra. Rhus arguta, see Rhus glabra. Rhus aromatica Ait. (pls. 32 A, B: 33). Fragrant sumac. FR. canadensis Marsh., R. crenata (Mill.) Rybd., R. nortonii (Greene) Rydb., Schmaltzia aromatica Desy., 8. arenaria Greene, S. illinoensis Greene. Range: 20222" 23-524. 25. 26720 co co: Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe; available July—August, persistent the year round. A small to large shrub; adapted to many kinds of soil including limestone; thicket forming. Stomach records: Western flicker, ruffed grouse. Observations: Preferred food of wild turkey; white-tailed Geer. Rhus ashei (Small) Greene. R. caroliniana Ashe, not Mill., Schmaltzia ashei Small. Range: 28. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small shrub; commonly occurs in sandy soil. Rhus asplenifolia, see Rhus glabra. Rhus canadensis, see Rhus aromatica. Rhus choriophylla Woot. and Standl. Range: 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available through winter. A small to large evergreen shrub. Rhus cismontana, see Rhus glabra. Rhus copallina L. Bwarf sumac. Schmaltzia copallina (L.) Small. Ranges 20,214 22.523, 24. 25.2%, 28:, 29: 550,62. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe; available September—October, persistent the year round. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 31 Rhododendron catawbiense. The ornamental. value of the catawba rhododendron, its pnicket ormne tendency, and the cover it provides for soil, combine to make it of value in highway plantings. (Photo graph by U.S. Forest Service.) Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 32 Rhus aromatica: A, The fragrant sumacinsummer. The dense foliage provides excellent cover for soil and wildlife. B., The winter aspect of fragrant sumac, showing the spreading, semiprostrate habit, and indicating the cover afforded the soil even when leaves are gone. PLATE 33 Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture the control of eros in The ornamental fruit, useful for wildlife, enhances the value of fragrant sumac plantings ion. Rhus aromatica. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 34 A, Rhus glabra. A typical sumac thicket furnishing food the year round for wildlife. Adaptable to poor soils, this plant may well aid in the control of erosion. B, A fruiting branch of R. trilobata, a species with great possibilities for planting in the arid parts of the country. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 220, vw) A small to large shrub or small to large tree; commonly forms thickets; oc- curs in slightly acid soils; trunks sometimes used for fence posts; 13,000-70,000 seeds per pound. Var. lanceolata Gray, (Rhus lanceolata Gray, Schmaltzia lanceolata Small) occurs in region 11 where it commonly grows on dry, limestone soil. Stomach records: Twenty species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bobwhite, sharp-tailed grouse, and lesser prairie chicken. Observations: Ring-necked pheasant; white-tailed deer. Rhus cotinoides, see Cotinus americanus. Rhus crenata, see Rhus aromatica. Rhus crenatifolia, see Rhus trilobata. Rhus desertorum, see Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus diversiloba Torr. and Gray. Poison oak. R. diversiloba radicans (Torr. and Gray) McNair, R. lobata Hook., Tea- icodendron diversilobum (Torr. and Gray) Greene, 7’. comarophyllum Greene, 7. isophyllum Greene. Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe; available September—October, commonly persistent. A small to large shrub or occasionally a vine; often forms extensive thickets ; somewhat aggressive; poisonous. Stomach records: Thirty-three species of birds, including California quail. Observations: Three species of birds; of slight importance as browse for mule deer; black bear. Of importance as a honey plant. Not poisonous to live- stock, fair cattle feed, especially in dry seasons. Rhus emoryi, see Rhus trilobata. Rhus eximia, see Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus glabra L. (pl. 34, A). Smooth sumac. R. albida Greene, R. angustiarum Lunell, R. arbuscula Greene, R. arguta Greene, Rk. asplenifolia Greene, R. cismontana Greene, R. media Greene, Rk. nitens Greene, FR. occidentalis (Torr.) Blankenship, R. sambucina Greene, R. sandbergii (Vasey and Holz.) Greene, R. tesselata Greene, Schmaltzia glabra (L.) Small. Range: G4, So) Oy Lida beds. 19.205 20 22) 23) 24, 25, 26,27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe; available September—October persistent the year round. A small to large straggling shrub; little branched; commonly thicket form- ing; grows on coal-stripped land in Illinois; commonly occurs in slightly acid soil; 27,000-32,000 seeds (with coats) per pound. Stomach records: Thirty-two species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bob- white, prairie chicken, mourning dove, and wild turkey. Obdservations: Seven species of birds including bobwhite, Hungarian partridge, ring-necked pheasant; a preferred food of wild turkey; white-tailed deer; a preferred food of cotton-tail rabbit. Rhus hirta, see Rhus typhina. Rhus integrifolia (Nutt.) Benth. and Hook. Mahogany sumac. Neostyphonia integrifolia Shaf., Styphonia integrifolia Nutt. Range: 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe; available August-September. A small to large evergreen shrub; forms remarkably dense thickets; tolerant of saline conditions; very drought resistant; will grow on extremely poor soils including sand and clay; lower procumbent branches root where they touch the ground; taproot and secondaries well developed and often extending 10 feet beyond the periphery of aerial portions; 6,800 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Five species of birds; composed 8.4 percent of food of 84 road runners, being found in 31 percent of stomachs examined. Observations: California mule deer. Poor or worthless forage for livestock except occa- sionally goats. é : 930 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Rhus kearneyi Barkl. Range: 10. Site: Dry, well-drained. sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small evergreen tree. Rhus lanceolata, see Rhus conellina. Rhus laurina Nutt. Laurel sumac. Malosma laurina (Nutt.) Nutt. Range: 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available in September, persistent. A large evergreen shrub; root system spreading; produces a very dense shade; endures extreme heat and drought; seeds produced abundantly; coppices vigorously after fire; extremely sensitive to frost; 129,600 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Six species of birds, including quail. Observations: Pallid wren tit; California mule deer. Rhus lobata, see Rhus diversiloba. Rhus longipes, see Rhus toxicodendren. Rhus media, see Rhus glabra. Rhus michauxii Sarg. Michaux sumac. R. pumila Michx. Schmalizia michauzii (Sarg.) Small. Range: 28. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September. A small stoloniferous shrub; commonly occurs on sandy soil; has been con- sidered poisonous but recent manuals do not list it as such. Rhus microcarpa, see Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus microphylla Hngelm. Rhoeidium micrephyllum Greene, Rh. cinereum Greene, Rh. potosinum Greene. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available May—July. A small or rarely a large shrub; densely branched; somewhat spinescent. Stomach records: Cliff chipmunk. Cbservations: Sonora deer. Palatabillity to livestock low. Rhus nitens, see Rhus glabra. Rhus nortonii, see Rhus aromatica. Rhus occidentalis, see Rhus glabra. Rhus osterhoutii, see Rius trilobata. Rhus ovata Wats. (pl. 35). Sugar sumac. Neosiyphonia ovata (Wats.) Abrams. Range: 5, 10, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available August-September, persistent. A large evergreen shrub: casts a dense shade; coppices rapidly after burning; thicket forming; 18.700 seeds per pound. Observations: California mule deer. Worthless or poor browse for livestock, except oceasionally for goats. Rhus oxyacanthoides, see Rhus trilobata. Rhus pulvinata, see Rhus typhina. Rhus pumila, see Rhus michauvit. Rhus guereifolia (Michx.) Steud. R. toxicodendron quercifolia Michx., Toxricodendron quercifolium (Michx.) Greene. Range: 20, 25, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe. A small poisonous shrub. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 35 Rhus ovata, a species of great importance as protection for soil and cover for wildlife. The utilization of the fruit is as yet unrecorded. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 36 A, Rhustyphina. Thestaghorn sumac fruit, while eaten by numerous birds, is probably a last resort. The thickets it forms recommend it for erosion-control planting. B, Rubus laciniatus. The large, thorny hummocks formed by this species are of outstanding value as wildlife cover. In the Northwest its relative freedom from disease will permit its use in erosion-control planting. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 231 Rhus radicans, see Rhus toxvicodendron. Rhus rydbergii, see Rhus toxicodendron. Rhus sambucina, see Rhus giabra. Rhus sandbergii, see Rhus glabra. Rhus tesselata, see Rhus glabra. Rhus toxicodendron L. Poison-ivy R. desertorum Lunell, Rk. eximia Standl., R. longipes Greene, R. microcarpa Steud., R. radicans L., R. rydbergit Small, R. toxicodendron radicans Dippel, Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze, T. biternatum Greene, T. eximium Greene, 7’. fothergilloides Lunell, T. hesperinum Greene, T. macrocarpum Greene, T. negundo Greene, T. punciatum Greene, T. rufes- cens Greene, T. rydbergii (Small) Greene. RABEL Otomo o lon oO Gum IS TO D0) 20 2) 23.) 24: 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available September—November. A small to large poisonous shrub or vine; very variable in habit, from a small, nearly herbaceous shrub te a vigorous, high-climbing vine. This species has been much broken up as the synonomy indicates, but good botanical char- acters Separating the forms as species do not appear to be satisfactory. A study of the forms in Indiana by Dream (162) showed that the low, erect forms are branches of underground stems; that the thick-leaved forms are always found in places exposed to heavy winds and direct sunlight; and that the hairy-fruited forms are rare, distributed throughout the area, and without other characters to distinguish them. Stomach records: Sixty species of birds including ruffed grouse, bobwhite, wild turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, ring-necked pheasant, and greater prairie chicken; composed 0.8 percent of fall food of prairie chicken in Wisconsin. Observations: Nineteen species of birds including ring-necked pheasant; white- tailed deer; leaves refused by captive marsh rabbits. Rhus trilobata Nutt. (pl. 34, B). Lemonade sumac. R. canadensis trilobata (Nutt.) Gray, R. crenatifolia Schlecht., R. emoryi Woot., R. osterhoutui Rydb., R. oxyacanthoides (Greene) Rydb., R. tri- lobata mollis Greene, R. utahensis Good., Schmalizia trilobata (Nutt.) Small, §. ajffinis Greene, S. anisophylla Greene, 8. bakeri Greene, 8. cognata Greene, S. cruciata Greene, S. emoryi Greene, S. glabrata Greene, S. glauca Greene, S. glomerata Greene, S. leiocarpa Greene, S. malaco- phylla. Greene, S. oxyacanihoides Greene, S. pulcheila Greene, S. querci- folia Greene, 8S. ribifolia Greene, S. scaberula Greene, S. simplicifolia Greene, S. straminea Greene, S. subpinnata Greene. Rangel (3,45.0)o,. 9; 10, 1 12 ts T4015, 16, 19. 20,22... 24.7,.95. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe, available the year round. A small shrub; roots very long; sometimes thicket forming; under natural conditions endures extreme drought; 10,000-25,0000 seeds per pound. This species has been much broken up, and the segregates recombined as the syn- onomy indicates. Stomach records: Nineteen species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bobwhite, valley, Gambel and western quail, greater prairie chicken and lesser prairie chicken. Observations: Ring-neck pheasant, sage hen, scaled quail; moun- tain sheep; of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Worthless to good forage for stock; of most value in Arizona and Colorado, less so in Utah. Rhus typhina Torner (pl. 36, A). Staghorn sumac. Rf. hirta (L.) Sudw., Datisca hirta L., Schmalizia hirta (L.) Small. Range: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe; available in September, persistent the year round. A large shrub to small tree; sprouts persistently from the roots after cutting or injury; forms loose thickets; 50,000 seeds per pound. A plant more or less intermediate between this and R. glabra has been de. scribed as R. pulwinata Greene. 939 MISC. PUBLICATION 3038, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Stomach records: Fourteen species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bob- white, ring-necked pheasant and mourning dove; eastern skunk. Observations: Four species of birds including sharp-tailed grouse; important food of ring- necked pheasant in southern Michigan; closely browsed by moose on Isle Royale; white-tailed deer, cottontail rabbit; ninth most important preferred winter food of deer in Massachusetts. Resistant to grazing. Rhus utahensis, see Rhus trilobata. Rhus venenata, see Rhus vernia«. Rhus vernix L. Poison sumac. R. venenata DC., Toxicodendron vernie (L.) Kuntze, T. pinnatum Mill. Range: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe; available in September, persistent. A large shrub to small or large tree; foliage not dense; rather loosely branched; poisonous. Stomach records: Sixteen species of birds, including ruffed grouse and ring- necked pheasant. Observations: Five species of birds; an important food of ring-necked pheasant and bobwhite; cottontail rabbit. Rhus virens Lindh. Evergreen sumac. Schmaltzia virens (Lindh.) Small. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Drupe, available in September. A small to large shrub or small tree; evergreen; commonly occurs on lime- stone soils; grows in extremely difficult positions; may often be prostrate. Ribes spp. Gooseberry, currant. These species are alternate hosts of the white-pine blister rust. Various State and Federal laws restrict or prohibit the movement of Ribes as well as the five- leaved pines, and any operators interested in planting these should get in touch with the United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, as well as with the officers in their particular State who are concerned with the move- ment of the shrubs and trees (State entomologists, plant-quarantine officers, and horticulturists ). At the present time, while all species have not been tested, no native species is known to be resistant to the blister rust. Nine hundred feet is a safe dis- tance to plant Ribes (except the cultivated black currant) away from the pines. The spores of the rust have been known to infect cultivated black currant 150 miles or more from the pines, and the statement has been made (154) that if there were no cultivated black currants, the disease would not be as widespread as itis. Reference to Pinus will Show which of those species have five needles. The genus is often divided into two, Ribes and Grossularia, currants and gooseberries, respectively. ‘There appears yet to be considerable difference of opinion as to whether the two should be combined or separated. Stomach records (in addition to specific records) : Thirty-three species of birds, including dusky grouse, mourning dove, and Richardson’s grouse; moun- tain sheep, black-tailed deer, coyote, northern chipmunk, pale chipmunk, and rufous-tailed chipmunk. Observations (in addition to specific records) : Seven species of birds including dusky grouse, prairie sharp-tailed grouse, Gambel quail; Say chipmunk, painted chipmunk, gray-footed chipmunk, lesser Colorado chipmunk, Arizona chipmunk, cliff squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, alpine chipinunk, eastern chipmunk, western chipmunk, Allen’s chipmunk, Siski- you chipmunk, pica, and porcupine; formed a prominent share of the midsum- mer food of skunks in New York. Fairly to moderately palatable to livestock, except goats, and of considerable forage significance on some ranges. Ribes acerifolium Howell R. howellii Greene. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small shrub, Ribes affine, see Ribes laxiflorum. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 233 Ribes amarum McClatch. Bitter gooseberry. Grossularia, amara (McClatch.) Cov. and Britt. Range: 4. Site: Dry, well-drained, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, spiny shrub; flowers March—April. Ribes americanum, see also Ribes laxiflorwm. Ribes americanum Mill. Black currant. R. floridum LU Her, Range: 12, 18, 14, 15, 18, 21, 22, 28, 24, 25, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July—August. A small, unarmed shrub; flowers April—May; closely related to R. nigrum of Europe, the most dangerous host of the white-pine blister rust. Observations: Ring-necked pheasant; eagerly eaten by songbirds. Ribes ascendens, see Ribes nevadense. Ribes aureum Pursh. Golden currant. Chrysobotrya aurea (Pursh) Rydb. Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 22, 23. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available June—July. A small to large shrub; flowers April—May. Observations: Ring-necked pheasant; of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Poor to fair browse for livestock. Ribes binominatum Heller. Ground gooseberry. Grossularia binominata (Heller) Cov. and Britt. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, trailing, spiny shrub; flowers in June. Ribes bracteosum Doug]. Stink currant. Range: 1, 2, 4. Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large shrub; flowers May-June. Ribes californicum Hook. and Arn. Hillside gooseberry. Grossularia californica (Hook. and Arn.) Coy. and Britt. Range: 1, 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Berry. Commonly a small shrub, rarely a large shrub; spiny and compact; flowers January—April; berry small and usually single. Ribes cereum Dougl. Wax currant. R. inebrians Lindl., R. pumilum Nutt., R. churchii Nels. Range: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 16. - Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Berry, available June—August. A small to large, unarmed, much-branched shrub; flowers June-August. Observations: Blue, spruce, and Richardson’s grouse, chickadee; eaten by many songbirds; an important food of chipmunks in California; California mule deer. Of some importance as forage for livestock. Ribes churchii, see Ribes cereum. Ribes ciliosum, see Ribes triste. Ribes cognatum Greene. Grossularia cognata (Greene) Coy. and Britt. Range: 7, 8, 9. Site: Moist, sun, Fruit: Berry. A large, spiny shrub, 334 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Ribes coloradense Cov. Colorado currant. Range: 138, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, unarmed shrub; branches decumbent or prostrate. Ribes curvatum Small. Georgia gooseberry. Grossularia curvata (Small) Cov. and Britt. Range: 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry, available in July. A small, spiny shrub. Ribes cynosbatii L. Pasture gooseberry. R. gracile Michx., Grossularia cynosbatii (L.) Mill. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available April—-August. A small, spiny shrub; flowers April—June. Observations: Red squirrel, cottontail rabbit. Ribes divaricatum Dougl. Straggly gooseberry. R. sucksdorfii Heller, Grossularia divaricaia (Dougl.) Cov. and Britt., G. parishit Cov. and Britt. Range: 1, 2, 4, 5. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry. A large, spiny, straggling shrub; flowers in April. Ribes erythrocarpum Cov. and Leiberg. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, unarmed shrub; branches trailing and rooting. Ribes floridum, see Ribes americanum. Ribes glandulosum Grauer. Skunk currant. R. prostretum L’Her. Range: 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small shrub; flowers May—June ; decumbent or spreading; spiny or unarmed. Ribes glaucescens, see Ribes nevadense. Ribes gracile, see Ribes cynosbatii. Ribes grantii, see Ribes nevadense. Ribes hallii, see Ribes viscosissimum. Ribes hesperium McClatch. Grossularia hesperia (McClatch.) Coy. and Britt. Range: 5 Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small to large spreading, spiny shrub. Ribes hirtellum Michx. Low wild gooseberry. R. saxesum Hook., Grossularia hirtella (Michx.) Spach. Ranges 15508, 21, 23024526. 27 Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Berry, available in July. A small, spiny shrub. Ribes hittellianum, see Ribes nevadense. Ribes howellii, see Ribes acerifolium. Ribes hudsonianum Rich. Hudson Bay currant, Range: 23, 24. Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July—August. A small to large, unarmed shrub; flowers May—June. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 2935 Ribes indecorum Hastw. Range: 5. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A large, loosely-branched, unarmed shrub. Ribes inebrians, see Rides cerewm. Ribes inerme Rydb. Whitestem gooseberry. Grossularia inermis (Rydb.) Cov. and Britt. Range: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry, available August-September. A small to large shrub; flowers in May; spiny or unarmed. Forage value for sheep, fair. Rites irriguum Dougl. Grossularia irrigua (Dougl.) Cov. and Britt. Range: 6, 7, 12. Site: Moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, spiny shrub. Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. Swamp currant. R. parvulum Rydb., Lymnobotrya parvula Rydb., L. lacustris (Pers.) Rydb. Range: 4, 12, 18, 14, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available in August. A small, spiny shrub; flowers May—June; stems prostrate or ascending. Ribes lasiantha, see Ribes leptanthus. Ribes laxiflorum, see also Ribes odoratum. Ribes laxifiorum Pursh. Western black currant. R. americanum Pall., not Mill., R. affine Dougl. Range: 1, 4, 12, 138. Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small, unarmed shrub; flowers in April; often decumbent and covering large areas. Ribes lentum, see Ribes montigenum. Ribes leptanthum Gray. Alpine gooseberry. Grossularia leptantha (Gray) Cov. and Britt. Range: 9, 11, 13, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large spiny shrub. Var. lasiantha (Greene) Jeps. (R&R. lasiantha Greene, Grossularia lasianthum (Greene) Cov. and Britt.) occurs in region 4 and is smaller than the species. Stomach records: Black-tailed deer. Ribes lobbii Gray. Gummy gooseberry. Grossularia lobbii (Gray) Cov. and Britt. Range: 1, 2. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A large, spiny shrub; flowers in June. Stomach recorés: Lewis woodpecker (?} Rites longiflorum, see Ribes odoratum. Ribes malvaceum Smith. California black currant. R. purpurascens Heller. Range: 8, 4, 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A large unarmed, many-stemmed shrub; flowers December—April. Observations; California mule deer. 236 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Ribes marshallii Greene. Hupa gooseberry. Grossularia marshaliit (Greene) Cov. and Britt. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, spiny shrub; flewers in July; iow and spreading; forms matlike colonies. Ribes menziesii Pursh. Menzies gooseberry. Grossularia menziesii (Pursh) Cov. and Britt. Range: 1. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A large, spiny, loosely branched shrub; flowers February—April. Stomach records: Sooty grouse. Observations: Blue grouse. Ribes mescalerium Coy. Range: 11, 14. Site: Dry, weil-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, unarmed shrub, with insipid fruit. Ribes missouriense Nuit. Missouri gooseberry. Grossularia missouriensis (Nutt.) Cov. and Britt. Range>21, 22, 23, 25. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July-September. A small to large, spiny shrub; flowers in May; berries very large. Ribes mogolionicum, see Ribes wolfii. Ribes molle, see Ribes montigenum. Ribes montigenum McClatch. Mountain gooseberry. R. lentum (Jones) C. and R., R. molle Howell, not Poepp., Lymnobotrya montigena (McCiatch.) Rydb. Range: 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, spiny shrub; flowers in July; straggling and much-branched. Of more than average palatability to livestock. Ribes nevadense Kellogg. Nevada currant. R. variegatum Nels., R. ascendens Eastw., R. hittellianum Eastw., R. glau- cescens Eastw., &. grantii Heller. Range: 4, 10, 12, 13. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, diffusely branched, unarmed shrub; fiowers May-July. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer; mountain beaver. Scmewhat browsed by sheep in California. Ribes niveum Lindl. Snow gooseberry. Gressularia nivea (Lindl.) Cov. and Britt. Ranve = S. Oteeds. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, spiny shrub. Ribes odoratum Wendl. Golden currant. R. larijfiorum Nutt., BR. longiflorum Nutt., Chrysobotrya odorata (Wendl.) Rycb. Range2 15, 16, 18-19" 20222 223 25: Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, unarmed shrub; flowers April—May. Ribes oxyacanthoides L. Northern gooseberry. Grossularia oxryacanthcides (i.) Mill. Range: 4, 12, 15, 18, 21, 28, 24, 26, 27. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Berry, available in August, A small, spiny shrub. Stomach records: Bobwhite. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES D327 Ribes parvulum, see Ribes lacustre. Ribes petiolare Dougl. Range: 4, 12, 13. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, unarmed shrub. Ribes pinetorum Greene. Orange gooseberry. Grossularia pinetorum (Greene) Cov. and Britt. Range: 10, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, spiny shrub; very ornamental in bloom. Ribes prostratus, see also Ribes glandulosum. Ribes prostratum L’Her. Skunk currant. Range: 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Moist, shade. Fruit: Berry, available in July. A small shrub with reclining stems. Ribes pumilum, see Ribés cereuwm. Ribes purpurascens, see Wibes malvaceum. Ribes quercetorum Greene. Rock gooseberry. Grossularia quercetorum (Greene) Cov. and Britt. Range: 3, 4, 5, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, spiny shrub; flowers February—March. Ribes reniforme Nutt. Range: 12. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small or, more generally, a large shrub. Ribes roezlii Regel. Sierra gooseberry. R. wilsoniannum Greene, Grossularia, roezlii (Regel) Cov. and Britt. Range: 4, 5, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Hruit: Berry. A small, spiny shrub; flowers May-July; loosely branched; fruit produced abundantly. Observations: Of outstanding importance as browse for mule deer. A fair sheep and cattle browse. Ribes rotundifolium Michx. Roundleaf gooseberry. Grossularia rotundifolia (Michx.) Cov. and Britt. Range: 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry, available June-August. A small shrub; flowers May—July ; spiny or unarmed. Ribes sanguineum Pursh. Red-flowered currant. Range: 1, 2, 4. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July—August. A large, unarmed shrub; flowers April-June; several varieties are in cultiva- tion. Stomach records: Sooty grouse. Observations: Three species of birds, includ- ing blue grouse. Good sheep and fair cattle browse. Ribes saxosum, see Ribes hirtelium. Ribes sericeum Hastw. Lucia gooseberry. Grossularia sericea (Hastw.) Cov. and Britt. Range: 1. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, prickly shrub; flowers February—March; berries large. 228 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Ribes setosum Lindl. (pl. 37, A). Missouri gooseberry. Grossularia setose (Lindl.) Cov. and Britt. Range: 12, 15, 18. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry, available June-August. A small, spiny shrub; flowers in May. Observations: Moose. Ribes speciosum Pursh. Garnet gooseberry. Grossularia speciosa (Pursh) Coy. and Britt. Range: 1, 5. Site: Well-drained, shade. Fruit: Berry. A large, spiny shrub; flowers April-May; nearly or quite evergreen; very ornamental in bloom. Observations: California mule deer. Ribes stanfordii, see Ribes velutinum. Ribes suksdorfii, see Ribes divaricatum. Ribes triste Pall. _ American red currant. FR. ciliosum Howell. Range 3-45 12) 715 Ss 2023) 244 26512 Gas: Site: Moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small unarmed shrub; flowers June-July; the prostrate or ascending branches root. Ribes variegatum, see Ribes nevadense. Ribes velutinum Greene. Plateau gooseberry. R. stanfordii Elmer, Grossularia, velutina (Greene) Coy. and Britt. Range: 4, $, 10, 18, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large shrub; flowers May—June; spiny or unarmed. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Ribes viburnifolium Gray. Tsiand gooseberry. Range: 5. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, evergreen, straggling shrub; flowers in January. Ribes victoris Greene. Victor gooseberry Grossularia vietoris (Greene) Coy. and Britt. Range: 1, 8. Site: Well-drained, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, spiny shrub; fiowers in March. Ribes viscosissimum Pursh. ticky currant. R. hallii Janez. Range 2459.49 12-13 14: Site: Well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry. A small, unarmed shrub; flowers June-July; root system as much as 4 feet deep, not fibrous. Stomach records: Ruffed grouse, Richardson’s grouse. Odservations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer; mountain beaver. Palatability good, as browse for livestock. Ribes watsonianum Koehne. Watson gooseberry. Grossularia watsoniana (Koehne) Coy. and Britt. Range: 4. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small to large, spiny shrub. Highly palatable to livestock. Ribes wilsonianum, see Ribes roeclii. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 939 Ribes wolfii Rothr. Rothrock currant. R. mogollonicum Greene. Range: 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry, available in August. A small to large shrub. Fairly good cattle browse in Utah. Ricinella vaseyi (Coult.) Coult. and Fish. Adelia vaseyi Coult. Range: 17. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large dioecious shrub; sometimes spiny; leaves few. Ricinophyllum horridum, see Oplopanag horridum. Ricinus communis L. Castor-bean. Range: 3. 5, 10; 1 20.30: Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available August-September. A large shrub or rarely a small tree; probably introduced from Africa, but more or less naturalized in the regions indicated; herbaceous, and not escaping northwards. tomach records: Bobwhite, mourning dove. Riddelia cooperi, see Psilostrophe cooperi. Robinia spp. Locusts. Stomach records (in addition to specific records): Seven species of birds including ruffed grouse, bobwhite, western quail, and mourning dove. Robinia boyntonii Ashe. R. hispida rosea Hort. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub or rarely a large tree; flowers May—June; probably does not produce fruit; very handsome when in flower. Robinia elliottii (Chapm.) Ashe. R. hispida elliottii Chapm. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large, spiny shrub; flowers May—June; occurs on sandy and other Soils. Robinia fertilis Ashe. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small to large, stoloniferous shrub; fruit freely produced; spiny or unarmed. Robinia grandifiora Ashe. Range: 27. _ Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available in July. A small to large shrub; flowers April-May; rarely spiny; easily propagated by root suckers which are extensively produced; occurs in sandy and other soils. Robinia hartwigii Koehne. R. viscosa hartwigii (Koehne) Ashe. Range: 27, 28, Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large, spiny shrub; flowers in June. Robinia hispida L. Rose-acacia. Range: 25, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Legume, available in September. A small to large, stoloniferous shrub; spiny, or more commonly unarmed ; foliage not dense; tolerant of arid conditions; commonly produces little fruit; propagates extensively by suckering. ie 28 1G P40 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Robinia kelseyi Cowell. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small to large, spreading, spiny shrub; flowers May—June; 80,640 seeds per pound. Robinia longiloba Ashe. Range: 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small shrub; flowers in May; spiny or unarmed; seldom produces fruit, propagates extensively by suckering, but never forms extensive thickets. Pos- sibly a hybrid between R. boyntonii and R. grandiflora. Robinia luxurians, see Robinia neomericana. Robinia nana Ell. R. hispida nana (Ell.) Torr. and Gray. Range: 28, 29, 80. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small shrub; occurs in sandy and other soils; spiny or unarmed; usually little branched. Robinia neoméxicana Gray. New Mexican locust. Range: 9, 10, 11, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume, available September—October. A smali to large, spiny shrub; thicket forming on drier, rockier slopes; hardy as far northward as New England; in cultivation in the Eastern States and western Europe; 21,800 seeds per pound. Var. luxurians Dieck, (R. luzurians (Dieck) Rydb.) is a small tree oceurring within the range of the species. Stomach records: Gambel quail (?); mountain sheep, porcupine, black-tailed deer; Coeur d’Alene chipmunk. Obdservations: Porcupine, mule deer. An im- portant goat browse; somewhat cropped by horses and cattle without harmful effects. Robinia pallida Ashe. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. More commonly a small, or sometimes a large Shrub; reproduces by suckers. Robinia pedunculata Ashe. Range: 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A jiarge shrub; spiny or unarmed. Possibly a hybrid between R. hispida and R. boyntonii. Robinia pseudoacacia L. Black locust. Range? 152.73, 4, 5,6, 7, 8,12; 15) a6 20h 1 22 2325s 26nd oto: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Legume, available September—April. A large, short-lived tree; somewhat tolerant of alkali; much attacked by locust borer, but apparently the greater the growth rate the less borer trouble; wood of importance commercially, particularly for fence posts; root system extremely shallow; easily transplanted when young; makes its best growth on fertile soil; on very poor soils makes poor growth and does not reach large size; rapid grow- ing on good soils, slow growing on poor soils; seriously injured by fungi; not resistant to fire; coppices freely; 20,000-26,000 seeds per pound. Range much extended by cultivation; original range not clear, Var. rectissima Raber, the shipmast locust, is a tree to 100 feet, occurring on the richer soils of the northern and western parts of Long Island, and locally in New York and Massachusetts. The trunk is columnar, very straight and yields a wood which is harder and more durable than that of the species. It is longer lived than the species, produces almost no seed, and propagation is by root cuttings and root sprouts. May possibly be more resistant to the attacks of the NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES PAI borer, and the damage is confined to branches rather than trunks. Some 16 other varieties are known in cultivation. Stomach records: Five species of birds, including bobwhite, and mourning dove; gray fox, opossum, white-tailed deer. Observations: Four species of birds; ranks thirteenth on the list of quail food plants in the Southeast; an important food of the bobwhite in Oklahoma; ring-necked pheasant; cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, white-tailed deer. Young shoots and bark poisonous to all livestock ; leaves not poisonous; poisoning cases not infrequent. Robinia rusbyi Woot. and Standl. Range: 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A large shrub to small tree. Robinia speciosa Ashe. Range: 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. Commonly a small shrub, rarely a large one; much branched; unarmed ; propagates by root suckers. Robinia subvelutina Rydb. Range: il. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume. A small spiny shrub. Robinia viscosa Vent. Clammy locust. Range: 27, 28, 29. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Legume, available in September, persistent through the winter. A small to large, spreading tree; extensively naturalized in the eastern United States. Rosa spp. Wild roses. Because of the difficulty of identifying the various species and the fact that at present there appears to be considerable confusion in the taxonomy of roses, the species are here omitted except for the general characterization of the genus. Their erosion-control value lies in the fact that many are climbing, sprawl- ing, or thicket-forming species, often making a rather dense cover on the sur- face of the soil, with the branches usually rooting where they touch the ground. Nonclimbing species may produce suckers at various distances from the crown. Some species have dense foliage, but others have open foliage. Some may eften be weedy in fields. The best procedure, in working with roses, as with the hawthorns and blackberries, is to choose for planting those species in any given region which seem to be doing the best job of erosion control under natural conditions. Among the thicket-forming species may be mentioned R. californica C. and S., R. carolina L., R. laevigata (the Cherokee rose), R. nutkana Presl, and R. pisocarpa Gray. Species with more or less outstanding livestock browse records include R. acicularis Lindl., &. californica C. and S., R. eglanteria L. (R. rubiginosa L.), R. fendleri Crep. (probably the most important browse species of the genus), R. gymnocarpa Nutt., R. macounit Greene, R. macrantha Greene, R. manca Greene, R. melina Greene, R. nutkana Presl, R. pisocarpa Gray, R. sayi Schwein., R. spaldingit Crep., R. spithamea Wats., and R. woodsii Lindl. Stomach records (summary): Thirty-eight species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bobwhite, sharp-tailed grouse, and prairie chicken; composed 1.7 percent of fall food of prairie chicken in Wisconsin; composed 5.6 percent of fall food of sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin; composed 3.0 percent of winter food of northern sharp-tailed grouse in Quebec and Ontario; composed 1.5 percent of winter food of ruffed grouse in the northeastern United States; mountain sheep, pale chipmunk, black-tailed deer; plains white-tailed deer, opossum, white-tailed deer, coyote. Observations (summary): Sixteen species of birds; of considerable importance as food for greater prairie chicken, sharp-tailed grouse and ring-necked pheasant; a greatly preferred food of wild turkey; fur- nishes grit for prairie sharp-tailed grouse, northern sharp-tailed grouse, pin- QAP MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE nated grouse, and ruffed grouse; Merriam’s turkey; red squirrel, pale chip- munk, mule deer, porcupine; relished by Olympic wapiti. Rocky Mountain mule deer, Rocky Mountain black-tailed deer, Rocky Mountain snowshoe rabbit, New Mexico black bear, moose, snowshoe hare, cottontail rabbit, pica. in view of the involved synonomy of the species it is quite certain that iden- tifications and reports of utilization by wildlife are probably very often in error, and that some of the species names listed above may be misunderstood by users of this list. Perhaps the safest statement to make would be that since most of the roses hold their fruit the year round and have been fairly well demonstrated to act either as a reserve food or grit or both, that utilization of the wild roses in planting for wildlife may often be of value. Rubus spp. Blackberries, dewberries. Because of the difficulty of identifying species of Rubus, which are in the same general taxonomic confusion as Crataegus, they are treated only as a genus. The erosion-control value of the blackberries or dewberries lies in the fact that many species form dense thickets comparatively rapidly, and that many form dense mats on the ground. ‘The branches of most species are either pros- trate or with the tips bent down, and wherever they touch the ground they take root. Most species will grow satisfactorily in very barren and infertile scils and most of them require sunlight for their best growth and for fruit production. Many are considered troublesome weeds in fields. The greater number ordi- narily invade and rapidly occupy burns, eroded areas, old fields, and logged areas. Many produce biennial canes which fruit and perish. Numerous species harbor rusts which also attack cultivated blackberries and raspberries. They are subject as well to anthracnose leaf spot, mosaic, and double blossom, all diseases which affect cultivated species of Rubus. For this reason considerable care needs to be exercised in planting them. Among those most free cf disease should be listed the Himalaya blackberry (R. procerus Muell., R. thyrsanthus of Am, Auths.) which is susceptible to orange rust, but fairly free from other diseases and safe to plant. The second species is the evergreen blackberry (R. laciniatus Willd.) (Pl. 36, B) which, outside of the Northwest, is generally subject to double blossom but otherwise is comparatively free from disease. Both of these introduced species are more or iess natural- ized in various parts of the country. Mowing brambles usually results in an increase in the number of shoots and enhanced vigor of growth. If this is practiced two to three time a season for 2 years or longer, eradication may be accomplished. Burning generally favors brambles unless additional brush is piled on them to make a hotter fire. Stomach records (summary): One hundred and forty-six species of birds, including bobwhite. ruffed grouse, dusky grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, Richard- son’s grouse, California quail, ring-necked pheasant, and greater prairie chicken ; composed 3.1 percent of fall food of prairie chicken in Wisconsin; composed 8.1 percent of fall food of sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin; mountain sheep, coyote, opossum, Townsend’s chipmunk, chipmunk, dusky marmot, Florida skunk, black-tailed deer, red fox, gray fox, plains white-tailed deer, white- tailed deer; composed 10.8 percent of fruit food of the eastern skunk in Mich- igan. Observations (summary): Sixty-three species of birds; ranks eighteenth on the list of guail food plants of the Southeast; an important food of ring- necked pheasants; blue grouse, ruffed grouse, Hungarian partridge, relished by scaled quail, band-tailed pigeon; form a prominent share of midsummer food of skunks in New York; of considerable importance as food and cover for rab- bits; pica, red squirrel, black bear, beaver; second most preferred winter food of deer in Massachusetts (especially R. hispidus); R. parviflorus is of outstand- ing importance as browse for mule deer, R. lewcodermis of slight importance; red fox, captive marsh rabbit, porcupine; relished by Olympic wapiti; an im- portant food of Roosevelt elk; Rocky Mountain black-tailed deer, Rocky Moun- tain mule deer, ring-tailed cat, Townsend’s chipmunk, Allen’s chipmunk, golden- mantied ground squirrel, brown mountain beaver, Pacific mountain beaver, lympic black bear, snowshoe hare; squirrels, moose. Of some small value as forage for livestock; as a whole the group is of secondary palatability to livestock. Rufacer rubrum, see Acer rubrum. Rulac californicum, see Acer negundo. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES P43 Rulac interior, see Acer negundo. Rulac negundo, see Acer negundo. Rulac nuttalii, see Acer negundo. Rulac texana, see Acer negundo. Ryncholeucaena greggii, see Leucaena greggii. Sabal spp. Stomach records (in addition to specific records): Two species of birds. Sabal adansonii, see Sabal louisiana, and S. minor. Sabal caroliniana, see Sabel minor. Sabal deeringiana, see Sabal louisiana. Sabal glabra, see Sabal minor. Sabal hystrix, see Rhapidophyllum hystria. Sabal louisiana (Darby) Bomhard. Delta palmetto. S. adansonii Raf., not Guers., S. deeringiana Small, Chamaerops louisiana Darby. Range: 30. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large evergreen tree. Sabal mexicana, see Sabal texana. Sabal minima, see Sabal minor. Sabal minor (Jacq.) Pers. Dwarf palmetto. S. adansonii Guers., not Raf., S. caroliniana Sehult., 8. glabra (Mill.) Sarg., S. minima (Nutt.) Wendl, S. nitida Hart., S. pumila (Walt.) EIL, S. taurina Lodd., Brahea minima (Nutt.) Wendl., Chamaerops glabra Mill., C. acaulis Michx., Corypha minor Jaca., U. pumila Walt., Raphis acaulis Walt. Range: 20, 29, 30. Site: Weil-drained, moist. Fruit: Drupe, persistent. A large evergreen shrub; stems subterranean; often considered a _ trouble- some plant in cultivated fields. Much browsed by cattle. Sabal nitida, see Sabal minor. Sabal palmetto (Walt.) Lodd. Cabbage palmetto. - S. Schwearziit (Cook) Beec., Corypha palmetto Walt. Range: 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, moist. Fruit: Drupe, available October—November. A large evergreen tree. Stomach records: Four species of birds. Observations: Five species of birds including bobwhite. Sabal pumila, see Sabai minor. Sabal schwarzii, see Sabal palmetto. Sabal taurina, see Sabal minor. Sabal texana (Cook) Becc. Texas palm. S. mexicana Wats., not Mart., Inodes texana Cook. Range: 11, 17. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A large evergreen tree; commonly occurs in sand; grows readily from seed; slow growing; difficult to transplant. Sabina barbadensis, see Juniperus lucayana. Sabina flaccida, see Juniperus flaccida. Sabina monosperma, see Juniperus monosperma. Sabina occidentalis, see Juniperus occidentalis. DAA MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Sabina pachyphloea, see Juniperus pachyphloea. Sabina pinchotii, see Juniperus pinchotii. Sabina sabinoides, see Juniperus mexicana. Sabina scopulorum, see Juniperus scopulorum. Sabina utahensis, see Juniperus utahensis. Sabina virginiana, see Juniperus virginiana. Saccharodendron barbatum, see Acer saccharum. Saccharodendron floridanum, see Acer floridanum. Saccharodendron leucoderme, see Acer leucoderme. Saccharodendron nigrum, see Acer nigrum. Sageretia minutifiora (Michx.) Trel. Buckthorn. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Drupe. A small or large, trailing or straggling shrub, or occasionally a yine; spines- cent; flowers April-May; commonly occurs on calcareous soil. Sageretia wrightii Wats. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Drupe. A small to large, spiny shrub. Without forage value for livestock as far as known. Salazaria mexicana Torr. Bladder-sage. Range: 9, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small or rarely a large shrub; intricately branched and spinescent. Salix spp. Willows. The willows are generally rapid growing; tolerant of moisture; adaptable to a great variety of soils and situations; gregarious because of the ease with which they grow from suckers and their vitality and free formation of shoots and seeds; most willows commonly produce root shoots and shoot roots; generally intolerant of shade and hence usually replaced by other trees in forests; relatively short-lived; seed vitality transient; often much wind- damaged; many of the species are very difficult of separation. Attention should be called to the willow scab. This disease, caused by the attacks of two fungi (Fwusicladium saliciperdium and Physalospora miyabeana), occurs through most of New England and in New York and Pennsylvania. It has recently been found in the mountains of North Carolina. Willows of the Salig alba, S. nigra, and S. cordata types seem most susceptible. In the sus- ceptible region at least, willows used for extensive planting should be grown from cuttings taken from resistant trees. Stomach records (in addition to specific records): Twenty-three species of birds, including ptarmigan, ruffed grouse, dusky grouse, California quail, sharp- tailed grouse, and Richardson’s grouse; composed 3.9 percent of winter food of northern sharp-tailed grouse in Ontario and Quebec; mountain sheep, moose, northern white-tailed deer, brush rabbit, grizzly, plains white-tailed deer, black- tailed deer. Observations (in addition to specific records) : Thirteen species of birds, mostly upland game birds, as ptarmigan, ruffed grouse, Gambel quail, sharp-tailed grouse; willow, rock and white-tailed ptarmigan; staple winter food of prairie sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin; emergency food of greater prairie chicken in Wisconsin and Iowa; somewhat eaten by muskrats in times of scarcity; snowshoe hare; much eaten by beaver; much eaten in the spring by rock squirrels in the Southeast; principal food of golden beaver; important food of snowshoe rabbits in northern Minnesota; Olympic wapiti; important food of moose; porcupine, Rocky Mountain black-tailed deer; important food of Pacific coast beaver, Shasta beaver and brown mountain beaver; Rocky Mountain snowshoe rabbit, broad-tailed beaver, Rio Grande beaver, bighorn. The majority of species have value as browse for livestock. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES YA5 Salix adenophylla Hook. S. syrticola Fern. Range: 23, 24, 26. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large, straggling shrub. Salix alba L. European white willow. Range: 9, 15, 16, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large tree introduced from Europe and more or less naturalized in the regions indicated. Salix ambigua, see Salix longipes. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Peachleaf willow. Range: 4) 6.18. ods Alo ISO 1G tS. 19) 2057216225 23024 2b: 26,20. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree; dioecious; rapid growing; short- lived. Salix argophylla Nutt. Silverleaf willow. S. macrostachya Nutt. Range: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 14. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Of value as browse for cattle and sheep. Salix argyrocarpa Anders. Range: 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub. Salix austinae, see Salix lemmonii. Salix bakeri, see Salix lasiolepis. Salix balsamifera (Hook.) Barr. Balsam willow. S. pyrifolia Anders. Range: 28, 24, 26. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub or rarely a small tree. Salix barclayi Anders. Barclay willow. S. conjuncta Bebb. Range: 4, 12, 13. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large, thicket-forming shrub. Stomach records: Mountatin sheep. An especially good browse for sheep. Salix bebbiana Sarg. Bebb willow. S. perrostrata Rydb., S. rostrata Rich. Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 28, 24, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree; does not form suckers. Observations: Cottontail rabbit. Relished by livestock in the West. Salix bella Piper. Range: 7, 12. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub. 246 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Salix bigelovii, see Saliz lasiolepis. Salix boiseana, see Saligz lasiolepis. Salix bolanderiana, see Saliz melanopsis. Salix bonplandiana H. B. K. S. pallida H. B. K., 8S. bonplandiana toumeyi Schneid. Range: 16, 11, Site: Weil-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A ljiarge tree. Eaten by livestock when young. Salix brachycarpa Nutt. S. stricta (Anders.) Rydb. Range: 4, 12, 138. Site: Moist, sun. Kruit: Capsule. A small shrub. Salix brachystachys, see Salix scouleriana. Salix breweri Bebb. Brewer willow. Range: 4. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, spreading shrub. Salix caespitosa, see Salix petrophila. Salix californica, see Salix eastwoodiae. Salix candida Fluegge. Sage willow. Range = 12,°13,°15, 18521; 22, 2357 24°26: - 27. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub. Salix capreoides, see Saliz scouleriana. Salix cascadensis Cockerell. S. tenera Anders. Range: 4, 12, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, prostrate shrub. Stomach records: Mountain sheep. Observations: Of slight importance as brewse for muie deer. Haten by sheep. Salix caudata (Nutt.) Heller. Caudate willow. S. lasiandra caudata (Nutt.) Sudw. Range: 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Black Hills). Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub. Salix chapmanii, see Salix longipes. Salix chiorophylla, see Salixv planifolia. Salix coactilis Fern. Range: 26. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub. Salix columbiae, see Salirz pseudomyrsinites. Salix commutata Bebb. Range: 4, 12. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. An important browse for livestock. NATIVH WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES QAT Salix conjuncta, see Salix barclayi. Salix cordata Muhl. Range: 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to large tree. Salix coulteri Anders. Range: 1, 2. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub. Salix covillei, see Salix subcoerulea. Salix cuneata, see Salix sitchensis. Salix discolor Muhl. S. eriocephala Michx., 8S. prinoides Pursh. Range: 15, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. Observations: Cottontail rabbit. Salix dodgeana Rydb. Range: 12. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A prostrate, tiny shrub of mountain peaks. Salix eastwoodiae Cockerell. S. californica Bebb, not Lesq. Range: 4, 12. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A smal! shrub. Salix eriocephala, see Salix discolor. Salix exigua Nutt. Heartleaf willow. Pussy willow. Sandbar willow. S. fiwiatilis exigua (Nutt.) Sarg., S. lutosericea Rydb., S. nevadensis Wats., S. stenophylia Rydb. Range: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree; commonly occurs in sand and other soils. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Relished by livestock. Salix farrae Ball. Range: 12. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, alpine shrub. Salix fendleriana, see Salix lasiandra. Salix fernaldii, see Salix vestita. Salix flava, see Saliz lutea. Salix flavescens, see Salix scouwleriana. Salix fiuviatilis, see also Salix interior. Salix fluviatilis Nutt. Farr willow. River willow. S. longifolia of auths, not Muhl., S. sessifolia of auths., not Nutt. Range: 1, 2, 6. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. 248 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Salix fragilis L. Crack willow. Range: 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Canvsule. A small to large tree; twigs very brittle at base (abcission layer), easily breaking off and rooting. Observations: Cottontail rabbit. Salix franciscana, see Saliz lasiolepis. Salix geyeriana Anders. Geyer willow. S. macrocarpa Nutt. hance: 2; 412. 135, 142 15. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Relished by livestock. Salix glaucophylla Bebb. Range: 22, 23, 24, 26. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; forms extensive thickets; occurs in sand. Salix glaucops Anders. S. glauca glabrescens of auths., S. nudescens Rydb., S. pseudolapponum v. Seem., S. seemanii Rydb., S. wyomingensis Rydb. Range: 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Black Hills). Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub. An especially important stock-browse plant of the highest summer ranges. Salix gooddingii Ball. S. nigra of Jeps., not Marsh., 8. vallicola (Dudl.) Britt. Ranves3 24.529 Oe 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub to large tree; apparently not tolerant of alkaline conditions; commonly occurs in patches or clumps. Observations Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Salix gracilis, see Salix petiolaris. Salix harbisonii Schneid. Harbison willow. Range: 28, 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large tree. Salix herbacea L. Range: 26. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A creeping plant of mountain peaks. Salix hindsiana Benth. Valley willow. S. parishiana Rowl., S. sessilifolia of Calif. auths. Range: 1: 3, 4,5, 10. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to large tree. Salix hookeriana Barr. Coast willow. Range: 1. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large, bushy shrub to small or large tree; may occur on or near salt marshes; commonly occurs in sand, gravel, or muck; may be buried by sand although often continuing to grow. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 249 Salix humilis Marsh. Prairie willow. Ranges) 15.18) 19. 20; 21, 225,23) 24) 255 26; 27, 28, 29: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; thicket forming. Salix interior Rowl. Sandbar willow. S. fluviatilis of auths., not Nutt., in part, 8S. linearifolia Rydb., in part, S. longifolia Muhl., S. thurberi Rowl., S. wheeleri (Rowl.) Rydb. Range: 15, 16, 17) 18, 20, 205220235) 24.) 25,) 26, 27,28, 29, 30: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available in April. A large shrub to small or rarely a large tree; forms thickets by stolons. Observations: White-tailed deer. Salix irrorata Anders. Bluestem willow. Range: 11, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. Commonly a small shrub, more rarely a large shrub to small tree. Salix laevigata Bebb. Red willow. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to large tree; rapid growing when young; short lived; coimn- monly occurs in sandy or gravelly soil. Observations: Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Salix lancifolia, see Salix lasiandra. Salix lasiandra Benth. S. fendleriana Anders., S. lancifolia Anaers., S. lyallii (Sarg.) Heller. Ranges 203, 4. 5 ats, Ae Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree; commonly occurs in sandy and other soils. Observations: Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Salix lasiolepis Benth. Arroyo willow. S. bakeri v. Seem., 8. boiseana Nels., S. sandbergii Rydb. Range: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree. Var. bigelovii (Torr.) Bebb, (8S. bigelovit Torr., 8. franciscana vy. Seem.) occurs in the central northern portions of the range. The form described as S. sandbergii is perhaps better considered a variety of the species. It occurs in regions 8 and 12, and is able to grow in dry sites. Observations: Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. Salix lemmonii Bebb. Lemmon’s willow. S. austinae Bebb. Range: 4, 10. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Salix ligulifolia Ball. Range: 4, 13, 14. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small or large shrub to small tree. Salix linearifolia, see Salix interior. Salix longifolia, see Salix fluviatilis, S. interior, and S. melanopsis. 950 MISC. PUBLICATION 303. U. 8: DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Salix longipes Shuittlew. S. ambigua Small, S. chapmanii Small, S. occidentalis Koch, S. iardii Bebb. Range :-19)° 20, 22, 25, 27; 28-28.°30"s1;-32: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large tree. Observations: Captive marsh rabbit. Salix lucida Muhl. Shining willow. Range 182 (2 23. 242 26a Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or rarely a large tree. Observations: Cottontail rabbit. Salix lutea Nuit. Yellow willow. S. flava Rydb., &. watsonii (Bebb) Rydb. Range: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18, 14, 15, 18. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small or large shrub to smail tree, universally browsed by livestock. Salix lutesericea, see Salix exigua. Salix lyallii, see Salix lasiandra. Salix mackenziana (Hook.) Barr. Mackenzie willow. S. cordata mackenziana Hook. mance: t24° GU 7.8. ID oS. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or rarely a large tree; occurs in rocky and gravelly soil. Salix macrocarpa, see Saligz geyeriana. Salix macrostachya, see Saliz argopnylla. Salix marginata, see Salix nigra. Salix melanopsis Nutt. Dusky willow. Range: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree. Var. bolanderiana (Rowl.) Schneid. (S. bolanderiana Rowl., S. longifolia Jeps.) occurs within the range of the species. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Salix microphylla, see Saliz tazvifolia. Salix missouriensis Bebb. Range: 15, 18, 21, 22, 23. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. Salix monochroma Ball. S. pyrifolia Anders., as used by Ball. Range: 6, 8, 12. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; relished by livestock, especially in the fall. Salix monticola Bebb. S. padophylla Rydb. Range: 9, 12, 13, 14. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Salix myrtilloides, see Salix pedicellaris. Salix nelsonii, see Salix planifolia. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 251 Salix nevadensis, see Salix exigua. Salix nigra, see also Salix gooddingit. Salix nigra Marsh. Black willow. S. marginata Wimm. Range: 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available April—June. A large shrub to small or large tree; root system spreading; rapid growing, especially when young; short-lived; much injured by fire, wind, and fungi; seed germination percentage high, vitality transient; wood used to some extent com- mercially. Observations: White-tailed deer, cottontail rabbit. Salix nivalis Hook. Range: 4, 12, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, prostrate shrub. Salix nudescens, see Salivz glaucops. Salix nuttallii, see Salix scouleriana. Salix occidentalis, see Salix longipes. Salix orestera Schneid. Sierra willow. S. glauca orestera Jeps., S. glauca villosa Bebb (Jeps. et al.). Range: 4. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large, spreading shrub. Salix pachnophora, see Saliz subcoeruiea. Salix padophylla, see Salix monticola. Salix pallida, see Salix bonplandiana. Salix parishiana, see Salix hindsiana. Salix parksiana Ball. Range: 1. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Salix pedicellaris Pursh. Bog willow. S. myrtilloides of auths., not L. Range: 26, 27. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub. Var. hypoglauca Fern., is in regions 1, 2, 4, 12, 21, 23, and 24. Salix pellita Anders. Range: 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. Salix pennata Ball. Range: 4, 12. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule, available in August. A small, spreading shrub. Salix perrostrata, see Salix bebbiana. Salix petiolaris Smith. S. gracilis Anders. Range: 18, 15 (Black Hills), 18, 21, 22, 28, 24, 25, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. DD MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Salix petrophila Rydb. S. caespitosa Kenn. Range: 4, 12, 18, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub with creeping stems; occurs on alpine summits. Salix phylicifolia, see Saliz planifolia. Salix piperi Bebb. Piper willow. Range: 1, 2. Site: Dry, weil-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree, commonly occurs in sand. Salix planifolia Pursh. S. chlorophylla Anders., S. monica Bebb, S. nelsonii Ball, S. phylicifolia of Amer. auths., not L. Range: 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Black Hills), -23, 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Observations: Of slight importance as browse for mule deer. Salix prinoides, see Saliz discolor. Salix pseudolapponum, see Salix glaucops. Salix pseudomonticola Ball. Range: 4, 12, 15 (Black Hills). Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Salix pseudomyrsinites Anders. Saliz columbiae Mac Br and Nels. Range: 4, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub. Salix purpurea L. Basket willow. Range: 225 25. 21.28.2290: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. Salix pyrifolia, see Saliz balsamifera, and S. monochroma. Salix rostrata, see Salix bibbiana. Salix sandbergii, see Salix lasiolepis. Salix saximontana Rydb. Range: 12, 18, 14. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A prostrate shrub; branches occasionally rooting. Salix scouleriana Barr. Fire willow. S. brachystachys Nutt., 8S. capreoides Anders., S. flavescens Nutt., S. nut- tallii Sarg., S. scouleriana crassijulis Anders. Ranges 23, 46. 15.5, 9, 10,12, 13" 7415: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree: rapid growing; easily recovers from grazing; thicket forming; a pioneer in burned-over areas. Observations: Of fair importance as browse for mule deer. One of the best species of native western range willows as browse for livestock. Salix seemanii, see Saliz glaucops. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 253 Salix sericea Marsh. Silky willow. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Site: Moist, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub. Observations: Cottontail rabbit. Salix serissima (Bail.) Fern. Autumn willow. S. pallescens hirtisquama Anders. Range: 12, 138, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub; commonly occurs on caleareous soil. Salix sessilifolia, see also Salix fluviatilis and S. hindsiana. Salix sessilifolia Nutt. Sandbar willow. Range: 1, 2, 4. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree, of some importance as a honey plant in California. Salix sitchensis Sans. Silky willow. S. cuneata Nutt. Range: 1, 2, 4, 7, 12. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small or large tree. Salix stenophylla, see Salix exigua. Salix stricta, see Salix brachycarpa. Salix subcoerulea Piper. Blue willow. S. covillei Eastw., S. pachnophora Rydb. Range: 4, 12, 13, 14. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small to large shrub; relished by livestock. Salix syrticola, see Salix adenophylla. Salix taxifolia H. B. K. Yewleaf willow. S. microphylla Schlecht. and Cham. Range: 9, 11. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to large tree. Salix tenera, see Salix cascadensis. Salix thurberi, see Salix interior. Salix tracyi Ball. Range: 1, 4. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree. Salix tristis Ait. Dwarf gray willow. Range: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub; commonly occurs in sandy soil. Salix tweedyi (Bebb) Ball. S. berrattiana tweedyi Bebb. Range: 12. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub. 254 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Salix uva-ursi Pursh. Bearberry willow. Range: 26, 27. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small, prostrate, mat-forming, alpine shrub, with a central root. Salix vallicola, see Salix gooddingii. Salix vestita Pursh. S. fernaldii Blankinship. Range: 12, 26. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. Salix wardli, see Salix longipes. Salix watsonii, see Salix lutea. Salix wheeleri, see Salix interior. Salix wolfii Bebb. Range: 12, 13. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub. Var. idahoensis Ball, is considered a very good sheep browse in Idaho. Salix wrightii Anders. Wright willow. S. amygdaloides wrightii Anders. Range: 11, 14, 16. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to large tree, eaten by livestock when young. Salix wyomingensis, see Salix glaucops. Salvia spp. Sage. Stomach records ‘(in addition to specific records) : Gambel and scaled quail. These records may apply to herbaceous as well as woody species. In general, the species rival clover and linden as honey plants. Salvia apiana Jeps. White sage. Audibertia polystachya Benth., Ramona polystachya (Benth.) Greene. Range: 5, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A large shrub. An apparent hybrid between this and P. clevelandii is called S. palmeri (Gray) Greene. Furnishes some winter browse for livestock. An important honey plant. Saivia ballotaeflora Benth. Shrubby blue sage. Range: 11, 16, 17, 20. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A small shrub; flowers throughout the summer; drops its leaves in times of drought, regains them with rain. Salvia carnosa Dougl. Desert sage. Audibertia incana Benth., Audibertiella incana Briq., Ramona incana (Benth.) Dougl. Range: 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small, compact, much-branched shrub; flowers May—June; a variety which is woody at the base only occurs in region 5. Generally of low palatability but somewhat useful as browse for livestock. Salvia clevelandii Gray. Range: 5. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub; flowers May—August. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THH UNITED STATEHS 255 Salvia confinis Fern. Range: 10, 11. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub. Salvia eremostachya Jeps. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub. Salvia funmerea Jones. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small, densely branched, compact, densely leafy shrub; fiowers April-May. Salvia greatae Brandeg. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub; flowers in April. Salvia greggii Gray. Autumn sage. Range: 11, 17%. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub; flowers throughout the summer. Salvia mellifera Greene. Black sage. Audibertia stachyoides Benth., Ramona stachyoides (Benth.) Brig. Range: 5, 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small to large, openly branched shrub; flowers April-May; inflammable; somewhat loosely branched. More or less browsed by sheep and goats. Has been said to be the best honey plant of the Pacific coast. Salvia mohavensis Greene. Audibertia capitata Gray. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small, much-branched, compact shrub; flowers May—June. Salvia pachyphylla Mopling. Audibertia pachystachya Gray. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nuilet. A small shrub. Salvia palmeri, see Salvia apiana. Salvia pinguifolia (Fern.) Woot, and Standl. Range: 11 Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub. Salvia vaseyi (Porter) Parish. S. vaseyi (Porter) Jeps. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Nutlet. A small shrub. Samanea flexicaulis, see Pithecolebium flexicaule, 33772°—38—_—17 956 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Sambucus spp. Elders. The blue- or biack-fruited species are edible at least when cocked; some red berries have poisoned human beings; most species grow on slightly acid soil. Stomach records (in addition to specific records): One hundred and eleven species of birds, including ruffed grouse, dusky grouse, California quail, and Gambel quail; opossum. Observations (in addition to specific records) : Thirty- four species of birds, including bana-tailed pigeon, porcupine, Clympic black bear. Sambucus caerulea Raf. (pl. 37, B). Blueberry elder. S. glauca Nutt., S. neomexicana Woot. Ranges d,-2-4,-5, 6, 7,8, 9, 11, 12, 13) 14, Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry; available August—October, or rarely to December. Usually a large shrub, more rarely a small to large tree; flowers April—July; not gregarious; coppices freely, the sprouts growing as much as 15 feet in a single year; berries produced abundantly; wood durable in contact with the soil. Var. velutina (Dur.) Schwer., (S. velutina Dur.), the velvet-leaf elder, occurs in regions 4, 5, and 10. It has a limited value as browse for livestock and is of outstanding importance as browse for muie deer. A form of the species occurring in region 14 has been described as S. vestita Woot. and Standl. Stomach records: Nine species of birds, including ruffed grouse, California quail, valley quail, and Gambel quail. Observations: Ring-necked pheasant; much eaten by birds generally; Rocky Mountain mule deer; California mule deer. Worthless to poor forage for sheep; worthless for cattle in the spring and summer, but in the fall good to excellent. Sambucus callicarpa Greene. Redberry elder. Range: 1, 2, 4. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry; available June-September, occasionally persistent until December. Commonly a large shrub or rarely a smail to large tree; flowers April-May; somewhat loosely-branched; coppices freely; sprouts may grow as much as 13 feet in one season; clump forming. Stomach records: Three species of birds, including sooty grouse. Observa- tions: Sooty grouse, band-tailed pigeon. Good sheep and fairly good cattle browse in the fall. Sambucus canadensis L. (pl. 38). American elder. Ranves 116. 0, 1S. 20" Ot 2 23 42 WOO ebeos aoc: Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available August—October. A large stoloniferous shrub; flowers June—July; produces seed 4 years after sowing; the fresh leaves, berries, flowers, and roots yield hydrocyanie acid; eooking breaks up the cyanogenetie glucosides; grows on coal-stripped lands in Illinois: 175,000468,000 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Forty-three species cf birds, including ruffed grouse, bob- white, and ring-necked pheasant; composed 0.2 percent of total annudl food, and 2.8 percent of fruit food of ring-necked pheasant in Michigan. Observations: Sixteen species of birds, including mourning Gove, wild turkey; an important food of ring-necked pheasant in Michigan; red squirrel, captive marsh rabbit, white-tailed deer. Highly palatable in the fall to livestock. Sambucus glauca, see Sambucus caerulea. Sambucus melanocarpa Gray. Black elder. Range: 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14. Site: Moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July-September. A large shrub with comparatively thick foliage; flowers May—June; may occur on rocky sites. Locally valuable as a fall forage for livestock. Sambucus mexicana Presl. Mexican elder. S. caerulea arizonica Sarg. Ranges 52107 tie 1G) af. Site: Moist, sun. Fruit: Berry, said to be available the year around. A large shrub to small tree, said to be evergreen; fruit rarely matures in New Mexico. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 37 A, Ribes setosum. A typical wild gooseberry, susceptible to whitepine blister rust, but valuable for soil- and wildlife-conservation plantings in regions where five-needled pines are not grown. B, Sambucus caerulea. A very large specimen of an elder that more commonly attains only shrub stature. A note- worthy species for erosion-control and wildlife plantings. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture “YS SuRodde SoqIS WsTour e4oUL UO SsuyyUL[d UT Sofoeds sit]} JO onyeA OAL, ‘Spalq JO SpuUry EF JO SYORUIOIS OY} UT PUNO] UdEd VARY Soloed OL en Cae “SISLIPDUDI SNONGULDS! NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES DASHA Sambucus microbotrys Rydb. Bunchberry elder. Range: 9, 18, 14, 15 (Black Hills). Site: Well-drained, moist, sun, shade. “ruit: Berry, available July—September. A smei. shrub or rarely a large shrub; flowers May—July. Stomac.. records: Richardson’s grouse. Observations: Dusky grouse. Ex- tensively srowsed in summer, even more in the fall, by livestock. Sambucus neomexicana, see Sambucus caerulea. Sambucus pubens Michx. Red elder. S. racemosa of auths., not L. Range: 15 (Black Hills), 21, 22, 28, 24, 26, 27, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available June-November, sometimes persistent until January. A large shrub; flowers April-May; 48,800 seeds per pound. Records of this species on the West Coast probably refer to S. callicarpa (q. v.). Stomach records: Twenty-three species of birds, including ruffed grouse, bob- white, and ring-necked pheasant. Observations: Moose, red squirrel, white-tailed deer. Sambucus racemosa, see Sambucus pubens. Sambucus simpsonii Rehd. Southern elder. Range: 29, 30, 31. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry. A large shrub to small tree; flowers throughout the year; forms vast thickets. Sambucus velutina, see Sambucus caerulea. Sambucus vestita, see Sambucus caerulea. Sanvinicna assurgentiflora, see Lavatera assurgentifolia. Sapindus drummondii Hook, and Arn. Western soapberry. Ranges it 06. 17, 19, 20, 22,25, 29, 30: Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry; available September—October, commenly persistent until spring. A large shrub or small to large tree with dense foliage; flowers May—June; occurs on clay, limestone and other soils; wood used to some extent commer- cially; 1,500-1,700 seeds per pound; contains large quantities of saponin, a severe poison which is objectionable to the taste. Not browsed by livestock. Sapindus manatensis, see Sapindus marginatus. Sapindus marginatus Willd. Florida soapberry. S. manatensis Radek, Range: 29, 30. Site: Well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Berry; available in October. A small to large tree; flowers in May; commonly occurs in sand. Sapium biloculare (Wats.) Pax. S. bilocularis amplum Johust., Sebastiania bilecularis Wats. Range: 10. Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Capsule. A large shrub to small tree; a fish poison; produces jumping beans. Sarcobatus baileyi Cov. Range: 10. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small shrub. Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr. Greasewood. Range: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Achene. A small to large, spiny shrub; occurs in alkaline soil, withstanding a hydrogen- ion concentration to pH 8.0. 258 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Observations: Porcupine, jack rabbit, Zuni prairie dog, painted chipmunk; Cary San Luis chipmunk, western chipmunk. A valuable fall and winter browse for livestock provided it is eaten with other forage in ordinary amounts; young stems and fresh leaves in the spring have caused livestock poisoning. Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees. Sassafras. S. variifolium (Salisb.) Kuntze., S. sassafras (LL) Karst., S. officinale Nees and Eberm., Laurus albida Nutt. Rangec:20) 22723. 24-220 26.52(— 28, 29: 30: Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Drupe; available August—October. Usually a large shrub, less commonly a small to large tree; occurs on many kinds of soils including sand; reproduces extensively by means of root stocks; densely thicket forming; dioecious; coppices freely after cutting; wood very durable, somewhat used commercially; a pioneer species in old fields; often a troublesome weed. Stomach records: Highteen species of birds including bobwhite; woodchuck. Observations: Ten species of birds; ranks twenty-sixth on the list of quail food plants in the Southeast; marsh rabbit, woodchuck, wild turkey; black bear, white-tailed deer. Sassafras officinale, see Sassafras albidum. Sassafras sassafras, see Sassafras aibidum. Sassafras variifolium, see Sassafras albidwm. Savia phylianthoides, see Andrachne phyllanthoides. Schaefferia cuneifolia Gray. Desert yaupon. Range: 11, 17; 20. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Dry drupe; available in May. A small, densely-branched, spinose shrub; slow growing; easily transplanted. Schinus fagara, see Xanthozylum fagara. Schizonotus discolor, see Holodiscus discolor. Schmaltzia affinis, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia anisophylla, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia arenaria, see Rhus aromatica. Schmaltzia aromatica, see Rhus aromatica. Schmaltzia ashei, see Rhus ashei. Schmaltzia bakeri, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia cognata, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia copallina, see Rhus copailina. Schmaltzia cruciata, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia emoryi, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia glabra, see Rhus glabra. Schmaltzia glabrata, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia glauca, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia glomerata, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia hirta, see Rhus typhina. Schmalizia illinoensis, see Rhus aromatica. Schmaltzia lanceolata, see Rhus copallina. Schmaltzia leiocarpa, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia malacophylla, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia michauxii, see Rhus michaucii. NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 259 Schmaltzia oxyacanthoides, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia pulchella, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia quercifolia, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia ribifolia, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia scaberula, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia simplicifolia, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia straminea, see Rhus trilobata. Schmalizia subpinnata, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia trilobata, see Rhus trilobata. Schmaltzia virens, see Rhus virens. Sebastiania bilocularis, see Sapium biloculare. Securingea fasciculata, see Halliophyium hallii. Senegalia berlandieri, see Acacia berlandieri. Senegalia emoryana, see Acacia emoryana. Senegalia greggii, see Acacia greggii. Senegalia malacophylia, see Mimosa malacophylla. Senegalia roemeriana, see Acacia roemeriana. Senegalia wrightii, see Acacia wrightit. Sequoia spp. Two species of trees attaining tremendous size and age, and producing fine timber; wood very resistant to decay. ‘The tallest, most massive, and oldest of United States forest trees; bark very thick; range of both species very restricted; finest specimens often protected; reproduce freely and abundantly. Observations (in addition to specific records): Crossbill; much eaten by squirrels. Sequoia gigantea, see Sequoia washingioniana. Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb.) Hndl. Redwood. Range: 1 Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; ripe in September, seeds shed at once, cones persistent a few months. A very large, evergreen tree; root system deep or shallow; rapid growing when young, later slower; extremely long-lived; forms very dense forests; reproduces commonly by root and stump sprouts which grow faster than seed- lings; wood of great importance commercially ; 82,000-115,000 seeds per pound. Observations: Sierra chickaree. Sequoia washingtoniana (Winsl.) Sudw. Bigtree. S. gigantea Decne., S. wellingtoniona v. Seem. Range: 4 Site: Dry, well-drained, sun. Fruit: Cone; mature at the end of the second summer, seeds shed slowly, cones soon falling. A very large, evergreen tree; extremely long-lived; at first rapid growing, later slower; resistant to fire, insects, and fungi; wood of great importance commercially ; 93,800 seeds per pound, germination 24 percent, vitality persistent. Observations: Much eaten by the California pine squirrel. Sequoia wellingtoniana, see Sequoia washingtoniana. Serenoa repens (Bart.) Small. Saw palmetto. S. serrulata (Michx.) Hook. f., Corypha repens Bart. Range: 29, 30. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun. Fruit: Drupe; available June—November. 260 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE A small to large shrub or small tree; evergreen; stems erect, or often creep- ing and rooting, or subterranean ; forms extensive, dense colonies. Stomach records: Five species of birds, including bobwhite. Observatiens: Captive marsh rabbit; gray squirrel. An important source of honey. Serenoa serrulata, see Serenoa. repens. Sericotheca discolor, see Holodiscus discolor. Sericotheca dumosa, see Holodiscus dumosus. Sericotheca glabrescens, see Holodiscus discolor. Sericotheca microphylla, see Holodiscus discolor. Sericotheca obovata, see Holodiscus discolor. Sericotheca schaffneri, see Holodiscus schafjneri. Serjania brachycarpa Gray. Range: 17. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Samara. A vine. Serjania incisa Torr. Range: 17%. Site: Well-drained, sun. Fruit: Samara. A vine. Shepherdia spp. Stomach records (in addition to specific records): 7 species of birds, includ- ing ruffed grouse; buff-bellied chipmunk, black-tailed deer. Observations (in addition to specific records) : Three species of birds, including prairie chicken ; much eaten by pale chipmunk; porcupine, western chipmunk. Shepherdia argentea Nutt. (pl. 49, B). Silver buffaloberry. Lepargyrea argentea (Nutt.) Greene, Hlaeagnus utilis Nelson. Range: 4, 9, 11, 12, 18, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 28. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July—August. A large, somewhat thorny, dicecious shrub; flowers April-May; edible fruit borne in great profusion; difficult to transplant from the wild; staminate plants in winter have dense clusters of rounded flower buds, while the fruit-bearing, pistillate plants have smaller, flattened, fewer, more slender buds; 386,000-48,000 seeds per pound. Stomach records: Twelve species of birds; pale chipmunk. Cbservations: Western robin, sharp-tailed grouse. Of slight importance as browse for mule deer ; porcupine, Wasatch chipmunk. Worthless as browse for livestock. Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt. Canadian buffaloberry. Lepargyrea canadensis (L.) Greene, Hlaeagnus canadensis (L.) Nelson. Range: 2, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Black Hills), 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. Site: Dry, well-drained, moist, sun, shade. Fruit: Berry, available July-September. A small to large, dioecious shrub; flowers April—June; typical of moist, open, wooded slopes; root system compact, fibrous, rather shallow; commonly occurs on calcareous soil. Stomach records: Seven species of birds, including dusky grouse. Observa- tions: Bohemian and cedar waxwings, sharp-tailed grouse; Alpine chipmunk; casually browsed by northern white-tailed deer. Without browse value for cattle; of limited value for sheep before frost. Shepherdia rotundifolia Parry. Lepargyrea rotundifolia (Parry) Greene, Hlaeagnus rotundifolia (Parry) Nelson. Range: 9, 11. Site: Dry, sun. Fruit: Berry. A small, densely branched evergreen shrub; fiowers in March; commonly sprawling; often occurs in clay soil. Considered a valuable winter food for live- stock in southeastern Utah. Misc. Pub. 303, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 39 Smilaz glauca. aw is (448) (444) (445) (446) (447) (448) (449) (450) (451) (452) (453) (454) (455) NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 313 Parmer, H. J. 1921. FOREST FLORA OF THE OZARK REGION. Arnold Arboretum Jour. 2: 216-232. 1927. ON NUTTALL’S TRAIL THROUGH ARKANSAS. Jour. Arnold Arboretum 8: 24-55. 1929. THE LIGNEOUS FLORA OF THE DAVIS MOUNTAINS, TEXAS. Arnold Ar- boretum Jour. 10: 845. 1937. NOTES ON NORTH AMERICAN TREES AND SHRUBS. Jour. Arnold Ar- boretum 18: 133-140. —— and STEYERMARK, J. A. 1935. AN ANNOTATED CATALOGUE OF THE FLOWERING PLANTS OF MISSOURI. Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. 22: 375-758, illus. PAMMEL, L. H. 1915. NATIVE SHRUBS OF IOWA. Iowa State Hort. Soc. Trans. (1914) 49: 34-48. , MacDonatp, G. B., and CLarxK, H. B 1916. THE NATIVE AND CULTIVATED FOREST TREES AND SHRUBS OF THE MIS- SCURI RIVER BASIN. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc. (1915) 22: 238-56, illus. PaTRAw, P. M. 1936. CHECK-LIST OF PLANTS OF GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK. Revised by A. C. Hawbecker, Grand Canyon Nat. Hist. Assoc. Bull. 6, 7S pp. PrarsE, C. K., and Wooi.ey, S. B. 1986. THE INFLUENCE OF RANGE PLANT COVER ON THE RATE OF ABSORPTION OF SURFACE WATER BY SOILS. Jour. Forestry 34: 844-847. PELEETT, Hee: 1913. FooD HABITS OF THE SKUNK. Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc. 20: 307-309. 1930. AMERICAN HONEY PLANTS, TOGETHER WITH THOSE WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL VALUE TO THE BEEKEEPER AS SOURCES OF POLLEN. Ed. 3 rev. and enl., 419 pp., illus. Hamilton, Il. Perry, G. BS. 1932. THE COMMON TREES AND SHRUBS OF PENNSYLVANIA, NATIVE AND IN- TRODUCED. Pa. Dept. Forests and Waters Bull. 38, rev., 127 pp., illus. PETERSEN, N. F. 1923. FLORA OF NEBRASKA; A LIST OF THE FERNS, CONIFERS, AND FLOWER- ING PLANTS OF THE STATE, WITH KEYS FOR THEIR DETERMINATION. Ed. 3, 220 pp. [Lincoln, Nebr.] Prprr, C. V. 1906. FLORA OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. U. S. Natl. Mus. Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herbarium 11, 637 pp., illus. and BEATTIR£, R. K. 1914. FLORA OF SOUTHEASTERN WASHINGTON AND ADJACENT IDAHO. 296 pp., illus., Lancaster, Pa. and BEATTIE, R. K. 1915, FLORA OF THE NORTHWEST COAST, INCLUDING THE AREA WEST OF THR SUMMIT OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS, FROM THE FORTY-NINTH PAR- ALLEL SOUTH TO THE CALAPOOIA MOUNTAINS ON THE SOUTH BORDER OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON. 418 pp. Lancaster, Pa. Pirrnigz, M. D. 19385. MICHIGAN WATERFOWL MANAGEMENT. 828 pp., illus. Lansing, Mich. PLUMMER, F. G. 1911. cHAPARRAL. U. S. Forest Serv. Bull. 85, 48 pp., illus. POLLARD, C. L. 1908. CALYCANTHACEAE. North Amer. Flora 22: 237-238. Powers, W. H. 1927. FLORA OF THE UPPER MISSOURI VALLEY. S. Dak. Acad. Sci. Proc. 11: 85-100. ol4 (463) (464) (465) (466) (467) (468) (469) (476) (471) (472) (473) (474) (475) (476) (477) (478) (479) (480) (481) (482) (483) (484) (485) MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Purr, KH. A. 1936. STUDIES OF CERTAIN COASTAL SAND DUNE PLANTS OF SOUTHERN CALI- FoRNIA. Heol. Monog. 6: 1-87. QuIcK, ©. R. 1935. NOTES ON THE GERMINATION OF CEANOTHUS SEED. Madrofio 3; 1385-140. RABER, O. 1928. PRINCIPLES OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 377 pp., illus. New York. RaMSEY, F#. T. 1921. THE SWAZEY BARBERRBY. Jour. Heredity 12: 426-427, illus. RATHBUN, S. F. 1920. BOHEMIAN WAXWING AT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, DURING THE WINTER 1919-20. Auk. 37: 458-460. Ray, M. S. 1912. THE DISCOVERY OF THE NEST AND EGGS OF THE CALIFORNIA PINE GROS- BEAK. Condor 14: 157-187, illus. ReeEpD, EH. L. 1935. A NEW SPECIES OF EPHEDRA FROM WESTERN TEXAS. Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 62: 43. 1936. EPHEDRA coRYr. ‘Torrey Bot. Club Bull. 63: 351-853, illus. Reuper, A. 1917. THE GENUS FRAXINUS IN NEW MEXICO AND ARTzZONA. Amer. Acad. Proe. 538: [197]-212. 1934. MANUAL OF CULTIVATED TREES AND SHRUBS HARDY IN NORTH AMER- ICA, EXCLUSIVE OF THE SUBTROPICAL AND WARMER TEMPERATE REGIONS. 930 pp., ilius., New York. RIDLEY, H. N. 1930. THE DISPERSAL OF PLANTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 744 p., illus., Ashford, Kent, England. RImDceway, R. 1877. onnIrHOoLoGY. U.S. Geol. Survey, 40th Parallel 4, pt. 3, pp. 305-— 669. 1889-95. THE ORNITHOLOGY OF ILLinors. In Natural Histery Survey of fliinois, 2 v., illus. Springfield, ill. Roeinson, B. L., and FERNALD, M. L. 1908. GRAY’S NEW MANUAL OF BOTANY... Hd. 7, rearranged and ex- tensively rev., 926 pp., illus. New York and Cincinnati. RoBInson, C. S.- 1931. FEEDING HABITS AND FORAGE REQUIREMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN MULE DEER IN THE SIERRA NEVADA MOUNTAINS. Jour. Forestry 29: 557-564. 1937. PLANTS EATEN BY CALIFORNIA MULE DEER ON THE LOS PADRES NA- TIONAL FOREST. Jour. Forestry 35: 285-292. Rost, J. N. 1911. BURSERACEAE. North Amer. Flora 25: 241-261. ROSENDAHL, C. O., and Butrers, &. K. 1928. TREES AND SHRUBS OF MINNESOTA. 385 pp., illus. Minneapolis. RYDBERG, P. A. 1906. FLORA OF COLORADO. Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 100, 448 pp. 1908. RoSAcEAE. North Amer. Flora 22: 239-533. 1919. FABACEAE, North Amer. Fiora 24: 1-462. 1922. FLORA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS AND ADJACENT PLAINS, COLORADO, UTAH, WYOMING, IDAHO, MONTANA, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERTA, AND NEIGHBORING PARTS OF NEBRASKA, SOUTH DAKOTA, NORTH DAKOTA, AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Hid. 2, 1144 pp. New York. 1932. FLORA OF THE PRAIRIES AND PLAINS OF CENTRAL NORTH AMERICA. 969 pp., illus. New York. (486) (487) (488) (489) (490) (491) (482) (483) (494) (495) (496) (497) (498) (499) (500) (501) (502) (563) (504) (505) (506) (507) (508) NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 315 St. CLAtR-THOMPSON, C. W. 1928. THE PROTECTION OF WOODLANDS BY NATURAL AS OPPOSED TO ARTI- FICIAL METHODS. 223 pp., illus. London. St. JouHNn, H., and Janes, G. N. 1928. AN ANNOTATED CATALOGUE OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF BENTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Northwest Sci. 2: 73-98. SAMPSON, A. W. 1924. NATIVE AMERICAN FORAGE PLANTS. 435 pp., illus. New York. and MALMSTEN, H. EH. 1935. STOCK-POISONING PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 5938, 90 pp., illus. SAMUELS, HE. A. 1883. OUR NORTHERN AND EASTERN BIRDS. 600 pp., ilius. New York. SancentT, C. S. 1916. THE NAME OF THE RED OAK. Rhodora 18: 45-48. 1920. NOTES ON NORTH AMERICAN TREES. yi. Arnold Arboretum Jour. 1: 245-254. 1922. MANUAL OF THE TREES OF NORTH AMERICA (EXCLUSIVE OIF MEXICO). 910 pp., illus. Boston and New York. SAUNDERS, A. A. 1911. A PRELIMINARY LIST OF BIRDS OF GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA, Auk 28: 26-49. 1911, A STUDY OF THE NESTING OF THE CEDAR WAXWING. Auk 28: 323-— 3829. 1912. THE PROBABLE BREEDING OF THE BOLIEMIAN WAXWING IN MONTATA. Condor 14: 224. ScLATER, W. L. 1912. A HISTORY OF THH BIRDS OF COLORADO., 576 pp., illus. London. SELES, L. &. 1937. FOOD HABITS OF IOWA SKUNKS IN THE FALL OF 1936. Jour. Wildlife Management 1: 70—%6, illus. SENNETT, G. B. 1880. FURTHER NOTES ON THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE LOWER RIO GRANDE OF TEXAS FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE DURING THE SPRING OF 1878. Bull. U. 8. Geol. and Geogr. Survey of the Territories, 1879-80, 5: 3871-440. Seton, H. T. 1929. LIVES OF GAME ANIMALS... 4v.in8, illus. Garden City, N. Y. Scumint, EF. J. W. 1936. WINTER FOOD OF THE SHARP-TAILED GROUSE AND PINNATED GROUSE IN WISCONSIN. Wiison Bull. 43: 186-203, illus. SCHNEIDER, C. . 1921. NOTES ON AMERICAN WILLOWS. x1I. Arnold Arboretum Jour. 8: [61 ]—125. SHANNON, C. W. - 1913. THE TREES AND SHRUBS OF OKLAHOMA. Okla. Geol. Survey Cir. 4, 41 pp., illus. SHANTZ, H. L. 1935. CHALLENGE OF EROSION TO BOTANISTS. Iowa State Col. Jour. Sci. 9: 358-863. SHAW, G. R. 1914. THE GENUS PINUS. Arnold Arboretum Pub. 5, 96 pp., illus. SHAw, W. T. 1936. MOISTURE AND ITS RELATION TO THE CONE-STORING HABIT OF THE WESTERN PINE SQUIRREL. Jour. Mammal. 17: 337-349, illus. SHELFORD, V. H. 1926. NATURALISTS GUIDE TO THE AMERICAS... 761 pp., illus. Balti- more. SHIMEK, B. 1935. THE IMPORTANCE OF OUTDOOR PLANT STUDIES. Iowa State Col. Jour. Sci. 9: 325-327. 316 (509) (510) (511) (512) (513) (514) (515) (516) (517) (518) (519) (520) (521) (522) (523) MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. 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ANNOTATED LIST OF THE BIRDS OF HARDING COUNTY, NORTHWESTERN SOUTH DAKOTA. Auk 28: 5-16. (583) Vorutes, C. T., and Taytor, W. P. 1933. THE LIFE HISTORIES AND ECOLOGY OF JACK RABBITS LEPUS ALLENI AND LEPUS CALIFORNICUS SSP., IN RELATION TO GRAZING IN ARIZONA. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 49, pp. 471-587, illus. (584) Waker, R. S. 1917. WILD FRUITS OF TENNESSEE. Tenn, Acad. Sci. Trans. 2: 69-77. (585) Warn, L. M. 1985. THE BLACK LOCUST IN ALABAMA. Ala. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 78, 15 pp., illus. (586) WARREN, B. H. 1890. BEPORT ON THE BIRDS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Ed. 2, 484 pp., illus., Harrisburg. (587) WARREN, J. A. 1910. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF NATIVE LEGUMES IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS. U.S. Bur. Plant Indus Cir. 70, 8 pp. (588) WAyNE, A. T. 1906. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ORNITHOLOGY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHIEFLY THE COAST REGION. Auk 23: 56-68. (589) 1910. BIRDS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 255 pp. Charleston, S. C. (590) Weaver, J. E., and CLemenrts, F. H. 1929. PLANT ECOLOGY. 520 pp., illus. New York. and Fitzpatrick, T. J. 1934. THE PRAIRIE. Ecol. Monog. 4: 113-295, illus. (592) Weep, C. M., and DrarsorN, N. 1901. A STUDY OF THE AUTUMN FOOD OF THE MYRTLE WARBLER. N. H. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bull. 8: 117-128, illus. and DEARBORN, N. s 1916. BIRDS IN THEIR RELATIONS TO MAN. 390 pp., illus. Philadelphia and London. (594) WERTHNER, W. B. 1935. SOME AMERICAN TREES; AN INTIMATE STUDY OF NATIVE OHIO TREES. 398 pp., illus. New York. (595) WESTVELD, R. H. 19386. SOIL CHARACTERISTICS IN RELATION TO THE OCCURRENCE AND GROWTH OF BLACK SPRUCE. Amer. Soil Survey Assoc. Bull. 17 (Rept. Ann. Meeting 16) : 45-47. and BENNETT, R. 1936. IMPROVING FOOD AND COVER FOR WILDLIFE ON MISSOURI FARMS. Mo. Agr. Col. Ext. Cir. 348, 8 pp., illus. (597) Wetmore, A. 1935. THE THICK-BILLED PARROT IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA. Condor 37: 18-21. 33772 °—38——21 (591) (593) (596) 320 (598) (599) (600) (601) (602) (603) (604) (605) (606 ) (607) (608) (609) (610) (611) (612) (613) (614) (615) (616) (617) (618) (619) (620) (621) MISC. PUBLICATION 3038, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE WHEATON, J. M. 1875. THE FOOD OF BIRDS AS RELATED TO AGRICULTURE. Ohio State Bd. Agr. Ann. Rept. (1874) 29: 561-578. 1879. BEPORT ON THE BIRDS OF OHIO. Ohio Geol. Survey 4 (sec. 2): 189-612. WHEELER, L. C. 1937. BERBERIS AMPLECTANS (EASTW). COMB. NOV. Rhodora 39: 376. WHerry, E. T. 1937. CLEMATIS ADDISONII BRITTON. Claytonia 3: 42-43. WIEGAND, K. M. 1912. THE GENUS AMELANCHIER IN EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Rhodora 14: 117-161, illus. 1920. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON AMELANCHIER. Rhodora 22: 146-151. WicnutT, H. M. 1933. SUGGESTIONS FOR PHEASANT MANAGEMENT IN SOUTHERN MICHIGAN. Mich. Dept. Conservation. .25 pp., illus. Lansing, Mich. WIGHT, W. F. 1915. THE VARIETIES OF PLUMS DERIVED FROM NATIVE AMERICAN SPECIES. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 172, 44 pp. 1915. NATIVE AMERICAN SPECIES OF PRUNUS. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 179, 75 pp., illus. WILLETT, G. 1912. BIRDS OF THE PACIFIC SLOPE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 7, 122 pp. WILLIAMS, R. W. 1904. A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE BIRDS OF LEON COUNTY, FLORIDA. Auk. 21: 449462. Witson, A., and BoNAPARTE, C. L. 1831. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY. 4 v., illus. Edinburgh. WIson, C. P. 1931. THE ARTIFICIAL RESEEDING OF NEW MEXICO RANGES. N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 189, 37 pp., illus. WItson, E. H., and REHDER, A. 1921. A MONOGRAPH OF AZALEAS; RHODODENDRON SUBGENUS ANTERODEN- pRON. Arnold Arboretum Pub. 9, 219 pp. WILSON, F. G. 1928. FOREST TREES OF WISCONSIN; HOW TO KNOW THEM. A POCKET MANUAL. Wis. Conserv. Comn. 64 pp., illus. WILson, P. 1905. ALTINGIACEAE. North Amer. Flora 22: 189. 1911. RUTACEAE. North Amer. Flora 25: 173-224. 1924. MELIACEAE. North Amer. Flora 25: 263-296. Woopcock, A. R. 1902. ANNOTATED LIST OF THE BIRDS OF OREGON. Oreg. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 68, 118 pp., illus. Wooton, E. O. 1913. TREES AND SHRUBS OF NEW MEXICO. N. Mex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 87, 159 pp., illus. and STANDLEY, P. C. 1915. FLORA OF NEW MExiIco. U. S. Natl. Mus., Contrib. U. S. Natl. Herbarium 19, 794 pp. Wyman, D. 1936. Woopy PLANTS WITH ORNAMENTAL FRUITS. Arnold Arboretum Bull. Pop. Inform. 4: 71-82. WyrmMan, L. 1920. TREE PLANTING IN TEXAS TOWNS AND CITIES, Tex. Agr. Col. Bull. 11, 37 pp., illus. YEAGER, A. F., LatzxKe, E., and Berrigan, D. 1935. THE NATIVE FRUITS OF NORTH DAKOTA AND THEIR USE, N. Dak. Agr, Expt. Sta, Bull. 281, 26 pp., illus, (622) (623) (624) (625) (626) (627) (628) (629) (630) (631) (632) (633) (634) (635) (636) (637) (638) (639) NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 321 YEATTER, R. E. 19384. THE HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION. Mich. Univ. School Forestry and Conserv. Bull. 5, 92 pp., illus. Youne, M. 8. 1925. THE SEED PLANTS, FERNS, AND FERN ALLIES OF THE AUSTIN REGION. Tex. Univ. Bull. 2065, 98 pp. MIMEOGRAPHED AND UNPUBLISHED REFERENCES Atwoop, E. L., and STEYERMARK, J. A. 1937. THE WHITE-TAILED DEER IN MISSOURI. (PRELIMINARY REPORT). Clark Natl. Forest, U. S. Dept. Agr., 34 pp., illus. St. Louis, Mo. [Mimeographed. ] BuAKEyY, H. L. 1937. THE WILD TURKEY ON THE MISSOURI OZARK RANGE. (PRELIMINARY REPORT). U.S. Bur. Biol. Survey Wildlife Research and Man- agement Leaflet BS-77, 31 pp. [Mimeographed. ] DALKE, P. D. 1934. FOOD HABITS OF THE PHEASANT IN SOUTHERN MICHIGAN. Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Mich. [Pub. in part.] (n.d.) FRUIT-BEARING SHRUBS VALUABLE AS FOOD FOR GAME, SONG, AND INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO WINTER Foop. Conn. State Bd. Fish and Game. Game Management Cir. 1, 4 pp. [Mimeographed.] DAVISON, V. 1935. THE DAVISON RANCH, ELLIS COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, GAME BIRD PROJECT FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1932, TO JUNB 1, 1935. Unpub. Report. 19386. REPORT ON THE ARNETT, OKLAHOMA, EXPERIMENTAL QUAIL AND PRAIRIE CHICKEN MANAGEMENT PROJECT. U.S. Bur. Biol. Survey Wildlife and Management Leaflet BS-39, 6 pp. [Mimeo- graphed. ] FisHErR, P. L., Brices, A. H., ELKINS, W. A., Rok, H. I., and Aupous, C. M. 1935. PROPAGATION OF GAME FOOD AND COVER PLANTS OF THE LAKE STATES. Lake States Forest Expt. Sta. 81 pp. [Mimeographed. ] GIRARD, G. L. 1935. LIFE HISTORY, HABITS AND FOOD OF THE SAGE GROUSE, CENTROCERCUS UROPHASIANUS. Unpublished M. A. Thesis, Univ. Wyo. Lar- amie, Wyo. HAcgE, H. P. 1929. FLORA OF NORTHEASTERN I0WA AND SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN. 337 pp. Unpublished M. 8. Thesis, lowa State College. HERSHEY, J. W. 1933. SUPPLEMENT TO FOREST TREE CROPS AND THEIR PART IN THE TENNES- SEE VALLEY. TVA Div. Forestry Tree Crop Research. 9 pp. Knoxville, Tenn. [Mimeographed.] Hos ey, N. W. 1935. A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON 104 SPECIES OF WOODY PLANTS GIVING PROMISE OF USE BY WILDLIFE. 87 pp.- Unpublished report. Ketso, L. H. 1933. WINTER FOOD OF THE RUFFED GROUSE IN THE NORTHEAST. U. S. Bur. Biol. Survey Bull. Bi-1297, 2 pp. [Mimeographed. ] 1935. WINTER FOOD OF RUFFED GROUSE IN NEW YORK. U. S. Biol. Survey Bull. BS-1, 3 pp. [Mimeographed. ] 1936. QUANTITY AND KINDS OF RABBIT, SQUIRREL, AND PRAIRIE DOG FOODS. U. S. Bur. Biol. Survey, unpublished report. 1937. FOOD OF THE SCALED QUAIL. PRELIMINARY REPORT. U. S. Bur. Biol. Survey Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-84, 9 pp. [Mimeographed. ] LEFFINGWELL, D. J. 1926. A STUDY OF THE PHEASANT, PHASIANUS COLCHICUS L., WITH NOTES ON ITS ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION. 389 pp., illus. (Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Cornell Univ.). 322 (640) (641) (642) (643) (644) (645) (646) (647) (648) (649) MISC. PUBLICATION 3038, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Locre, S. B. 1931. STUDIES OF FOOD HABITS OF MULE DEER IN. THE INTERMOUNTALN REGION. Intermountain Forest and Range Expt. Sta. unpublished report. McAteer, W. L. 19385. PLANTS VALUABLE FOR WILDLIFE UTILIZATION AND FOR EROSION controt. U.S. Bur. Biol. Survey Wildlife Research and Man- agement Leaflet BS-19, 11 pp. [Mimeographed.] 1936. FRUITS ATTRACTIVE TO BIRDS. U. 8. Bur. Biol. Survey Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-41-50. [Mimeographed. | Morris, N. A. 1933. NATIVE SHRUBS COMMON TO WISCONSIN. Wis. Agr. Col. Ext. Serv. Stencil Cir. 188, 17 pp., illus. [Mimeographed.] Ostrom, ©. HE. 1937. DEER AND RABBIT INJURY TO NORTHERN HARDWOOD REPRODUCTION. Allegheny Forest Expt. Sta. Tech. Notes 15, 2 pp. [Mimeo- graphed. | SmitH, C. F. 1936. FOOD HABITS OF KANGAROO RATS. U.S. Bur. Biol. Survey, unpub- lished report. UNITED STATES Forest EXPERIMENT STATION, LAKE STATES. 1936. WooDY FOOD PREFERENCES OF THE SNOWSHOE RABBIT IN THE LAKE states. U. S. Lake States Forest Expt. Sta. Tech. Notes 109, 1p. [Mimeographed. ] 1937. DAMAGE FROM RABBITS—A CONSIDERATION IN SHELTERBELT PLANTING. U. 8S. Forest Expt. Sta. Tech. Notes 121. 2 pp. [Mimeo- graphed. ] WISCONSIN CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT. 1935. PHEASANT CROP CONTENT REPORT. Unpublished report. Wrkorr, S. N. 1937. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1936 AND PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1938. Northern Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Expt. Sta. 77 pp. Missoula, Mont. [Mimeographed. ] LIST OF COMMON NAMES OF WOODY PLANTS Acacia, (Albizzia julibrissin). Albaricoque (Prunus texana). Dwarf (Robinia nana). Alberta spruce (Picea albertiana). False- (Robinia pseudoacacia). Alder, Fernleaf (Acacia angustissima). Black (Ilex verticillata). Green-barked (Cercidium floridum Lemmon (Acacia lemmonii). Mesceat (Acacia constricia). California (Alnus rhombifolia). HKuropean black (Alnus glutinosa). Green (Alnus crispa). Hazel (Alnus rugosa). Cercidium torreya- num). Netvein (Acacia reticulata). Hoary (Alnus incana). Prairie (Acacia angustissima). Lanceleaf (Alnus oblongifolia). Rose- (Robinia hispida). Mexican (Alnus oblongifolia). Sweet (Acacia farnesiana). Mountain (Alnus crispa, Acequia willow (Salix exigua). Alnus rhombifolia, Adelia (Forestiera acwminata). Alnus sinuata, Adobe-land grape (Vitis champinii). Alnus tenuifolia). Agarita (Berberis trifoliolata). Northern (Alnus sinuata). Agrito (Berberis trifoliolata). Oregon (Alnus rubra). Ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima). Paperleaf (Alnus tenuifolia). Alabama, Red (Alnus rubra). azalea (Rhododendron alabamense). cherry (Prunus alabamensis). chinquapin (Castanea alabamensis). croton (Croton alabamensis). ninebark (Physocarpus alabamensis). Alaska, cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis). cypress (Chamaecyparis nootkaten- Sis). Russet (Alnus crispa). Seaside (Alnus maritima). Sitka (Alnus sinuata). Smooth (Alnus rugosa). Speckled (Alnus incana). Tag (Alnus tenuifolia). Thinleaf (Alnus sinuata, Alnus tenuifolia). Western (Alnus rubra). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS Alder—Continued. White (Alnus rhombifolia, Clethra acuminata, Clethra alnifolia). Alder buckthorn (Rhamnus carolini- and). Alderleaf mountain-mahogany (Cerco- carpus alnifolius). Alder-leaved buckthorn (Rhamnus al- nifolia). Algaroba (Prosopis glandulosa). Algerita (Berberis haematocarpa). Allegheny, barberry (Berberis canadensis). mountain-spurge (Pachysandra pro- cumbens). plum (Prunus allegheniensis). Alligator, juniper (Juniperus pachyphloea). wood (Liquidambar styraciflua). Allseale (Atriplex polycarpa). Allthorn (Koeberlinia spinosa). Almond, Texas (Prunus minutifiora). Alpine, fir (Abies lasiocarpa). gooseberry (Rives lepthanthum). larch (laria lyallii). mountain-ash (Sorbus occidentalis). Ambrosia bur-sage (Franseria, ambro- sioides). American, arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis). aspen (Populus tremuloides). barberry (Berberis canadensis). bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia). chestnut (Castanea dentata). china-root (Smilax pseudo-china). crab apple (Malus coronaria). cranberry-bush (Virburnum bum). dogberry (Cornus stolonifera). elder (Sambucus canadensis). elm (Ulmus americana). fly honeysuckle (Lonicera, canaden- Sis). hazelnut (Corylus americana). holly (Jlex opaca). ivy (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). larch (Lariz laricina). linden (Tilia glabra). mountain-ash (Sorbus americana). olive (Osmanthus americana). red currant (Ribes triste). snowbell (Styrax americana). storax (Styrax americana). trixis (Trizis californica). wisteria (Wisteria frutescens). Anacahuita (Cordia boissieri). Anacua (Hhretia anacua). trilo- Anderson, desert-thorn (Lycium andersonii). manzanita (Arciostaphylos ander- sont). Angelica tree (Aralia spinosa). Anise, purple (Illicium floridanum). OF THE UNITED STATHS 323 Antelope-brush (Purshia glandulosa, Purshia tridentata). Apache, pine (Pinus apacheca). plume (Fallugia paradoza). Appalachian cherry (Prunus pumila, Prunus susque- hanae). Apple, Squaw (Peraphyllum ramosissimum). Wild (Peraphyllum ramosissimum). Arborvitae (Thuja, occidentalis, Thuja plicata). American (Thuja occidentalis). Arizona, ash (Frazinus velutina). buckthorn (Bumelia lanuginosa). cottonwood (Populus arizonica). cypress (Cupressus arizonica). fir (Abies arizonica). grape (Vitis arizonica). honeysuckle (Lonicera arizonica). madrone (Arbutus arizonica). mesquite (Prosopis chilensis). mountain-mahogany (Cerococarpus arizonicus). pine (Pinus arizonica). sycamore (Platanus wrightii). walnut (Juglans major). white oak (Quercus arizonica). wild cotton (Thurberia triloba). Arrowwood (Pluchea sericea, Viburnum acerifolium, Viburnum dentatum). Mapleleaf (Viburnum acerifolium). Rough (Viburnum scabrellum). Soft (Viburnum molle). Soft-leaved (Viburnum molle). Veiny (Viburnum venosum). Arroyo, grape (Vitis vulpina). willow (Salig lasiolepis). Ash, Alpine mountain (Sorbus _ occiden- talis). American mountain (Sorbus ameri- cana). Arizona (Fragvinus velutina). Biltmore white (fMrazinus bilimore- ana). Black (Fravinus nigra). Blue (Fravinus quudrangulata). Brown (Fravinus nigra). Carolina (Fravinus caroliniana). Desert (Frazvinus velutina). Dwarf (Frazinus anomala). Huropean mountain (Sorbus aucu- paria). Flowering (Frazinus cuspidata, Fraxinus dipetala). Foothill (FPraxinus dipetala). Fragrant (Frazinus cuspidata). Greene mountain (Sorbus scovu- lina). Hoop (frazinus nigra) 324 Ash—Continued. Leatherleaf (Fragvinus velutina). Littleleaf (Fravinus greggii). Mexican (Fravinus berlandieriana). Mountain (Frazvinus texensis, Sorbus americana). Oregon (Fravinus oregona). Pacific mountain (Sorbus sitchen- Sis). Prickley (Xanthoxrylum spp.). Pumpkin (Fragvinus profunda). Red (Fravinus pennsylwanica). Swamp (Frazvinus caroliniana). Texas (Frazinus terensis). Thorny (Aralia spinosa). Velvet (Fragvinus velutina). Water (Frazinus caroliniana, Frazinus paucifiora). Western mountain (Sorbus sitchen- Sis). White (Fragvinus americana). Yellow (Cladrastis lutea). Ashe magnolia (Magnolia ashei). Ashes (Frazinus spp.) Ash-leaved maple (Acer negundo). Ashy, grape (Vitis cinerea). hydrangea (Hydrangea cinerea). Asimina, Low (Asimina pygmaea). Aspen (Populus tremuloides). American (Populus tremuloides). Largetooth (Populus grandiden- tata). Quaking (Populus tremuloides). Trembling (Populus tremuloides). Autumn, sage (Salvia greggii). willow (Saliz serissima). Azalea, Alabama (Rhododendron ala- bamense). California (Rhododendron occiden- tale). Early (Rhododendron canescens). False (Rhododendron albifiorum). Flame (Rhododendron calendula- ceum). Hoary (Rhododendron canescens). Pinkshell (Rhododendron vaseyi). Purple (Rhododendron nudifiorum). Smooth (Rhododendron arbores- cens). Swamp (Rhododendron viscosum). Sweet (Rhododendron arborescens). Western (Rhododendron occiden- tale). White (Rhododendron viscosum). White-flowered (Khododendron albi- florum). Yellow (Rhododendron ceum). Bailey, eornel (Cornus baileyi). grape (Vitis baileyana). hop-hornbeam (Ostrya baileyi). osier (Cornus baileyi). Baldcypress (Tagvodium distichum). calendula- MISC. PUBLICATION 308, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Balloon bush, California bolanderi). Balm-of-gilead (Populus balsamifera). fir (Abies balsamea). Balsam, (Abies balsamea, Abies concolor, Abies fraseri, Abies lasiocarpa). Single spruce (Abies balsamea). Balsam, cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa). fir (Adies balsamea, Abies concolor). poplar (Populus balsamifera). willow (Saliz balsamifera). Bamboo, (Smilax bona-noz). Red-berry (Smilax walteri). Wild (Smilaw auriculaia). Bamboo vine (Smilax laurifolia). Banks pine (Pinus banksiana). Barbados cherry (Malpighia glabra). Barberry, Allegheny (Berberis canadensis). American (Berberis canadensis). California (Berberis californicum, Berberis pinnata). Cliff (Berberis canadensis). Common (Berteris vulgaris). Creeping (Berberis repens). Desert (Berberis fremontii). Dwarf (Berberis pumila). European (Berberis vulgaris). Fendler (Berberis fendleri). Fremont (Berberis fremontit). Thunberg (Berberis thunbergii). Barclay willow (Saliz barelayi). Baretta (Helietta parvifolia). Barranca bush (Ceanothus verrucosus). Barren oak (Quercus ilicifolia. Quercus marilandica). (Staphylea Bartram serviceberry (Amelanchier bartramiana). Basin sagebrush (Artemisia itriden- tata) Basket, oak (Quercus durandii, Quercus prinus). willow (Salix purpurea). Basswood, (Tilia spp.) White (Tilia heterophylla). Bastard, cedar (Libocedrus decurrens). oak (Quercus coccinea, Quercus durandii). Bay, Lapland rose (Rhododendron ponicum). Loblolly (Gordonia lasianthus). Mountain rose (Rhododendron catawbiense). Poison (Illicium floridanum). Red (Gordonia lasianthus, (Persea borbonia). Silkk (Persea humilis). Smooth red (Persea borbonia). Swamp (Persea pubescens). Swamp red (Persea pubescens). lap- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Bay—Continued. Sweet (Persea borbonia). Tan (Gordonia lasianthus). Bay, laurel (Umbellularia californica). tree (Umbellularia californica). Bayberry (Myrica carolinensis). Beach, heather (Hudsonia tomentosa). plum (Prunus maritima). Beadtree (Melia azedarach). Beaked, hazelnut (Corylus rostrata). willow (Salix bebbiana). Bean, Coral (Sophora affinis). Evergreen coral (Sophora secundi- jiora). Meseal (Sophora secundifiora). Bear brush (Garrya fremontii). huckleberry (Gaylussacia, ursina). oak (Quercus ilicifolia, Quercus sadlerina). Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). holly (llex decidua). honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata). willow (Saliv uva-ursi). Bearmat (Chamaebatia foliolosa). Beaver tree (Magnolia virginiana). Beaverwood (Celtis occidentalis). Bebb willow (Salix bebbiana). Bee-sage (Hyptis emoryi). White (Salvia apiana). Beech (Fagus grandifolia). Blue (Carpinus caroliniana). Water (Carpinus caroliniana). Bell-rue (Clematis verticillaris). Belltree (Halesia carolina). Benjamin bush (Benzoin aestivale). Bennie bush (Ceanothus papillosus). Bessey cherry (Prunus besseyi). Big buckeye (Aesculus octandra). laurel (Magnolia grandiflora). sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). saltbush (Atriplex lentiformis). shellbark hickory (Carya laciniosa). summer grape (Vitis lincecumii). whortleberry (Vaccinium membra- naceum). Bigberry juniper (Juniperus megalo- carpa). Bigbud hickory (Carya alba). Bigcone pine (Pinus coulteri). spruce (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa). Bigelow sagebrush (Artemisia bigelo- vii). Bigleaf magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla). maple (Acer macrophyllum). mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus traskiae). shagbark hickory (Carya laciniosa). Bigpod ceanothus (Ceanothus macro- carpus). 320 Bigtooth maple (Acer grandidentatum). Bigtree (Sequoia washingtoniana). plum (Prunus mexicana). Bilberry, Bog (Vaccinium uliginosum). Dwarf (Vaccinium caespitosum). Red (Vaccinium parvifolium). Tall (Vaccinium ovalifolium). Biltmore white ash (Frazinus biltmo- reana). Birch, Black (Betula fontinalis, Betula lenta, Betula nigra). Blue (Betula nigra). Blueleaf (Betula coerulea). Bog (Betula glandulosa). Canoe (Betula papyrifera). Cherry (Betula lenta). Dwarf (Betula glandulosa). Gray (Betula lutea, Betula populifolia). Low (Betula pumila). Mountain (Betula fontinalis). Old field (Betula populifolia). Paper (Betula papyrifera, Betula populifolia). Poverty (Betula populifolia). Red (Betula fontinalis, Betula nigra). River (Betula nigra). Scrub (Betula glandulosa). Silver (Betula lutea). Swamp (Betula fontinalis, Betula pumila). Sweet (Betula lenta). Water (Betula fontinalis, Betula nigra). Western paper (Betula papyrifera). White (Betula papyrifera, Betula populifolia). Yellow (Betula lutea). Birchleaf, buckthorn (Rhamnus betulaefolia). mahogany (Cercocarpus montanus). mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides). Bird cherry (Osmaronia cerasiformis, Prunus avium, “Prunus pennsylwanica). Bishop pine (Pinus muricata). Bitter buffaloberry (Shepherdia canaden- SiS). cherry (Prunus emarginata). gooseberry (Ribes amarum). nightshade (Solanum dulcamara). orange (Citrus trifoliata). pecan (Carya aquatica, Carya cordiformis, Carya texana). Bitter-bark (Rhamnus purshiana). Bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata). Bitterbush (Cowania stansburiana). Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis, Carya glabra). 326 Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara). Climbing (Celastrus scandens). False (Celastrus scandens). Black, alder (Ilex verticillata). ash (Fravinus nigra). birch (Betula fontinalis, Betula lenta, Betula nigra). blueberry (Vaccinium atrococcum). cherry (Prunus serotina). cherry, southwestern (Prunus virens). chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa). chokeberry, western (Prunus de- Missa). cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa). currant (Ribes americanum). cypress (Laxodium distichum). elder (Sambucus melanocarpa). gum (Nyssa sylwatica). gum, highland (Nyssa sylwatica). gum, southern (Nyssa bijfiora). gum, swamp (Nyssa biflora). haw, southern (Viburnum rufidu- lum). hickory (Carya alba, Carya glabra). highbush blueberry (Vaccinium atro- coccum). huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata). laurel (Gordonia lasianthus, Leucothoé davisiae). tocust (Gleditsia triacanthos, Robinia pseudoacacia). maple (Acer saccharum). mulberry (Morus nigra). cak (Quercus coccinea, Quercus emoryi. Quercus velutina). persimmon (Diospyros texana). pine (Pinus serotina, Pinus taeda). sage (Artemisia arbuscula, Salvia mellifera). scrub oak (Quercus ilicifolia). sloe (Prunus umbellata). spruce (Picea mariana). sugar maple (Acer nigrum). titi (Cliftonia monophylta, Cyrilla racemiflora). walnut (Juglans nigra). walnut, California (Juglans hindsii). walnut, Southern California (Juwg- lans californica). western chokecherry (Prunus de- missa). willow (Salix nigra). willow, western (Sali# lasiandra). Blackbead elder (Sambucus melano- carpa). Blackberries (Rubus spp.). Blackbruch (Acacia amentacea). (Coleogyne ramosissima, Flourensia cernua). Blackbush (Coleogyne ramosissima). MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Blackhaw (Bumelia lanuginosa, Bumelia tenaz, Viburnum prunifolium). Rusty (Viburnum rufidulum). Blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica). Blackthorn (Viburnum lentago). Bladder, bush (Salazaria mezicana). sage (Salazaria mexicana). Bladdernut, American (Staphylea trifolia). California (Staphylea bolanderi). Sierra (Staphylea bolanderi). Bladderpod (Isomeris arborea). Blaspheme-vine (Smilax laurifolia). Blood currant (Rites sanguineum). Bloomer goldenbush (Aplopappus bloomeri). Blue, agarita (Berberis swaseyi). ash (Fravinus quadrangulaia). beech (Carpinus caroliniana). birch (Betula nigra). blossom (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus). cornel (Cornus alternifolia). dogwood (Cornus alternifolia). elder (Sambucus coerulea). fly-honeysuckle (Lonicera villosa). jasmine (Clematis crispa). myrtle (Ceanothus thyrsijflorus). oak (Quercus douglasii). palmetto (Rhapidophyllum hystriz). poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). sage, shrubby (Salvia ballotaefiora). spruce (Picea pungens). tangle (Gaylussacia frondosa). whortleberry (Vaccinium folium). willow (Salix swbcoerulea). Biueback willow (Saliz glaucops). Blueberry, Black (Vaccinium atrococcum). Black highbush (Vaccinium atro- coccum). Bog (Vaccinium uliginosum). Box (Vaccinium ovatum). Canada (Vaccinium canadense). Common (Vaccinium corymbosum). Creeping (Vaccinium crassifolium). Downy swamp (Vaccinium atro4 coccum). Dryland (Vaccinium vacillans). Dwarf (Vaccinium angustifolium). Elliott (Vaccinium elliottii). Hivergreen (Vaccinium myrsinites). Highbush (Vaccinium corymbosum). Low (Vaccinium vacillans). Low sweet (Vaccinium angustifo- lium). Lowbush (Vaccinium angustifoliuiz). Rabbiteye (Vaccinium virgatum). Sour-top (Vaccinium canadense). Sugar (Vaccinium angustifolium). Swamp (Vaccinium corymbosum). Velvetleaf (Vaccinium canadense). ovalt- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATHS Blueberry—Continued. Western (Vaccinium occidentale). Western bog (Vaccinium occiden- tale). Blueberry elder (Sambucus caerulea). Blueblossom (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus). Bluebrush (Ceanothus integerrimus, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus). Bluecurls (Trichostema arizonicum) . Bluejack oak (Quercus cinerea). Blueleaf, birch (Betula coerulea). grape (Vitis argentifolia). willow (Salia glaucophylia). Bluestem willow (Sdali# irrorata). Bluewood (Condalia obovata). Mexican (Condalia meavicana). Bog, bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum). birch (Betula glandulosa). blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum). rosemary (Andromeda polifolia). rosemary, downy (Andromeda glau- cophylla). spruce (Picea mariana). wortleberry (Vaccinium uliginesum). willow (Salix pedicellaris). Bois @are (Maclura pomifera). inconnu (Celtis mississippiensis) . Bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parvi- flora). Bottom hickory (Carya carolinde-sep- tenirionalis). Box blueberry (Vaccinium ovatum). huckleberry (Gaylussacia brachy- cera). sandmyrtle (Leiophyllum buri- folium). thorn (Lycium halimifolium). thorn, California (Lycium catiforni- cum). white oak (Quercus stellata). Boxelder (Acer negundo). Boxwood (Cornus fiorida). false (Gyminda latifolia). Boynton oak (Quercus boyntonii). Brasil (Condalia obovata). Bray oak (Quercus bray). Brewer oak (Quercus garryana). saltbush (Atriplex breweri). spruce (Picea breweriuna). willow (Salix breweri). Brickellbush, Desert (Brickeilia desertorum). Littleleaf (Brickellia microphylla). Rigid (Brickellia frutescens). Bristlecone, fir (Abies venusta). pine (Pinus aristanta). Bristly. greenbrier (Smilax auriculata, Smilax hispida). locust (Robinia hispida). 327 Broadleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). Broadscale broom (Lepidospartum la- tisquamum). Brook feather (Xanthorriza simplicis- sima). Broom, Broadscale quamum). Seoteh (Cytisus scoparius). Broom, brush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus). crowberry (Corema conradii). hickory (Carya glabra). Brown, ash (fFravinus nigra). crowberry (Corema conradii). dogwood (Cornus glabrata). Brown’s hickory (Carya pecan). Brush, Black (Acacia amentacea). Blue (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus). Buck (Ceanothus cuneatus, Ceanothus sanguineus). Coyote (Baccharis pilularis). Deer (Ceanothus crassifolius, Ceanothus fendleri, Ceanothus integerrimus, Ceanothus leucodermis, Ceanothus tomentosus). Douglas rabbit (Chrysothamnus vis- cidiflorius). Javelin (Microrhamnus ericoides). Jim (Ceanothus sorediatus). Musk (Ceanothus jepsonit). Red (Lippia berlandieri). Rosin (Baccharis sarothroides). Rubber rabbit (Chrysothamnus nau- Se€OSUs). Snow (Ceanothus cordulatus, Ceanothus velutinus). Tobacco (Ceanothus velutinus). Varnish (Ceanothus velutinus). White (Lippia ligustrina). Bubby-blossoms (Calycanthus floridus). Buck, oak (Quercus coccinea). vine (Brunnichia cirrhosa). Buckberry (Gaylussacia ursina). Buckbrush (Ceanothus cuneatus, Ceanothus fendleri, Ceanothus sanguwineus, Symphoricarpos orbicula- tus). (Lepidosparium _ latis- Buckeye, Big (Aesculus octandra). Bottlebrush (Aesculus parviflora). California (Aesculus californica). Fetid (Aesculus glabra). Georgia (Aesculus neglecta). Large (Aesculus octandra). Mexican (Ungnadia speciosa). New Mexico (Ungnadia speciosa). Ohio (Aesculus glabra). Red (Aesculus pavia). Searlet (Aesculus discolor, Aesculus pavia). 328 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Buckeye—Continued. Shrubby (Aesculus glabra). Spanish (Ungnadia speciosa). Sweet (Aesculus octandra). Western (Aesculus glabra). Woolly (Aesculus discolor). Yellow (Aesculus octandra). Buckthorn (Bumelia cassinifolia, Rhamnus smithii, Sageretia minutaeflora). Alder (Rhamnus caroliniana). Alder-leaved, (Rhamnus alnifolia). Arizona (Bumelia lanuginosa). Birchleaf (Rhamnus betulaeefolia). California (Rhamnus californica). Carolina (Bumelia lycioides, Rhamnus caroliniana). Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana). Dwarf (Rhamnus alnifolia). False (Bumelia lanuginosa). Hollyleaf (Rhammnus crocea). Lance-leaved (Rhammnus lanceolata). Mountain (Bumelia monticola). Narrow-leaved (Rhamnus_ lanceo- lata). Redstem (Rhamnus rubra). Smith (Rhamnus smithii). Southern (Bumelia lycioides). Tough (Bumelia tenaz). Woolly (Bumelia lanuginosa). Yellow (Rhamnus caroliniana). Buckthorn bumelia (Bumelia lycioi- des). Buckwheat, California (Friegonum fasciculatum). Buckwheat vine (Brunnichia cirrhosa). Buckwheatbrush, Slender (Hriogonum microthecum). Wright’s (Hriogonum wrightii). Bud sagebrush (Artemisia spinescens). Budbrush (Artemisia spinescens). Buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea). Bitter (Shepherdia canadensis). Canadian (Shepherdia canadensis). Russet (Shepherdia canadensis). Sour (Shepherdia argentea). Buffalo currant (Ribes odoratum). Bull, bay (Magnolia grandiflora). grape (Vitis rotundifolia). pine (Pinus ponderosa). Bullace, grape (Vitis rotundifolia). plum (Prunus umbellata). Bullbrier (Smilax bona-noz). Bullet grape (Vitis rotundifolia). Bullnut hickory (Carya alba). Bumelia, buckthorn (Bumelia lyci- oides). Bunehberry elder (Sambucus micro- botrys). Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa). Bur, sand (Franseria dumosa). Burningbush (Hvonymus atropurpu- reus). Western (Hvonymus occidentalis). ‘Burrobrush (Hymenoclea monogyra). White (Hymenoclea salsola). Burro-fat (Jsomeris arborea). Burro-weed (Allenrolfea occidentalis, Franseria dumosa). Bur-sage, Ambrosia (Franseria ambrosioides). Hollyleaf (franseria ilicifolia). White (Franserta dumosa). Woolly (Franseria eriocentra). Bush, Barranca (Ceanothus verrucosus). Benjamin (Benzoin aestivale). Bennie (Ceanothus papillosus). Buttonball (Cephalanthus ccciden- talis). Cattle (Ceanothus parvifolius). Creosote (Covillea tridentata). Cuyamaca (Ceanothus palmeri). Explorers (Ceanothus oliganthus). Fern (Chamaebatia foliolosa, Chamaebatiaria millefolium). Fetter (Xolisma lucida). Fever (Benzoin aestivale). Iodine (Allenrolfea occidentalis). Ione (Ceanothus tomentosus). Pine (Aplopappus pinifolius). Quinine (Cowania stansburiane). Ramona (Ceanothus tomentosus). Stagger (Xolisma mariana). Tansy (Chamaebatiaria milefolium). Tar (Chameaebatia foliolesa). Bush, beardtoungue (Pentstemon lem- monii.) chinquapin (Castanepsis semper- virens). cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa). grape (Vitis longii). honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera). monkey flower (Mimulus aurantia- cus). paint-brush (Castilleja hololewca). poppy (Dendromecon rigida). wintergreen (Gaultheria ovatifolia). Bushmallow (Malvastrum fascicula- tum). San Gabriel (Malvasirum gabdrie- lense). Bushmint, Emory (Hyptis emoryi). Bushy samphire (Allenrolfea occiden- talis). Butternut (Juglans cinerea). Button, alder (Fothergilla major). hazel (Fothergilla major). Buttonball (Platanus occidentalis). bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). tree (Platanus occidentalis). Buttonwood (Platanus occidentalis). Cabbage palmetto (Sabal palmetto). Cabradora (Lippia ligustrina). Cachanilla (Pluchea sericea). Caleaire grape (Vitis champinii). Calico-bush (Kalmia latifolia). Calico-wood (Halesia carolina), NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES California, alder (Alnus rhombifolia). azalea (Rhodendron occidentale). balloon bush (Staphylea bolanderi). barberry (Berberis californicum, Berberis pinnata). bayberry (JJyrica californica). black currant (Ribes malvaceum). black oak (Quercus kellogii). black walnut (Juglans californica, Juglans hindsit). bladdernut (Staphylea bolandert). blue oak (Quercus douglasii). box thorn (Lycium californicum). buckeye (Aesculus californica). buckthorn (Rhamnus californica). buckwheat (Hriogonum fascicula- tum). chestnut (Castanopsis chrysophylla). chinquapin (Castanopsis sempervir- ens). coffee berry (Rhamnus californica). desert-thorn (Lycium californicum). dutchman’s pipe-vine (Aristolochia californica). fremontia (Fremontia californica). grape (Vitis californica). greenbrier (Smilax. californica). hardtack (Cercocarpus betuloides). hazelnut (Corylus californica). holly (Photinia arbutifelia). holilygrape (Berberis californicum). hoptree (Ptelea baldwinit). huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum). indigobush (Amorpha californica). jointfir (Hphedra californica). juniper (Juniperus californica). laurel (Umbellularia californica). lilac (Ceanothus integerrimus, Ceanothus thyrsifiorus). live oak (Quercus agrifolia). mahogany (Rhus integrifolia). nutmeg (T'umion californicum). redbud (Cercis occidentalis). red fir (Abies magnifica). redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). rose bay (Rhododendron californi- cum). sagebrush (Artemisia californica). scrub oak (Quercus dumosa). slippery elm (Fremontia californica). spicebush (Calycanthus occidentalis). sweetshrub (Calycanthus occiden- talis). sycamore (Platanus racemosa). tanbark oak (Quercus densiflora). treemallow (Lavatera assurgenti- folia). walnut (Juglans californica). white oak (Quercus lobata). wild grape (Vitis californica). yerba santa (Hriodictyon califor- nicum). Camellia, Mountain (Stuartia pentagyna). Silky (Stuartia malachodendron). 329 Camelthorn (Alhagi camelorum). Canada, hemlock (7'suga canadensis). plum (Prunus nigra). serviceberry (Amelanchier canaden- Sis). yew (Taavus brevifolia). Canadian buffaloberry canadensis ). Canatilla (Hphedra antisyphilitica). Candleberry, (Myrica carolinensis, Myrica cerifera). Dwarf (Myrica pumila). Swamp (Myrica carolinensis). Candlewood (Fouquieria splendens). Can-hoop (llex laevigata). Canoe, birch (Betula papyrifera). cedar (Thuja plicata). Canyatilla (Hphedra trifurca). Canyon, gooseberry (Ribes menziesii). grape (Vitis arizonica). live oak (Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus wislizenii). tassel bush (Garrya veatchii). Capillaire (Chiogenes hispidula). Capul (Schaefferia cuneifolia, Celtis pallida). negro (Condalia obovata). Carolina, allspice (Calycanthus floridus). ash (Fragvinus caroliniana). buckthorn (Bumelia lycioides, Rhamnus caroliniana). cherry (Prunus caroliniana). cherry-laurel (Prunus caroliniana). hemlock (T'suga caroliniana). moonseed (Cebatha carolina). rhododendron (Rhododendron caro- linianum). Carribean pine (Pinus caribaea). Cascara (Rhamnus purshiana). Cascara buckthorn (Rhamnus purshi- ana). Cassandra (Chamaedaphne calyculata) . Cassena (Ilex vomitoria). Cassie (Acacia farnesiana). Cassioberry bush (Ilex vomitoria). Castor-bean (Ricinus communis). Cat, grape (Vitis palmata). spruce (Picea canadensis). Catalina, cherry (Prunus lyonii). hard-tack (Cercocarpus traskiac). ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribun- dus). Catawba rhododendron (Rhododendron catawbiense). Catbird grape (Vitis palmata). Catbrier (Smilax rotundifolia). Catclaw (Acacia emoryana, Acacia tortuosa, Mimosa borealis, Mimosa biuncifera). (Shepherdia 330 MISC. PUBLICATION 308, U. Catclaw—Continued. Long-flowered (Acacia greggii). Round-flowered (Acacia roemeriana). Texas (Acacia wrightii). Tree (Acacia wrightit). Cattle, bush (Ceanothus parvifolius). spinach (Atriplex polycarpa). Caudate willow (Saliv caudaia). Ceanothus, Bigpod (Ceanothus macrocarpus). Fendler (Ceanothus fenéleri). Greenbark (Ceanothus spinosus). Gregg (Ceanothus greggit). Hairy (Ceanothus oliganthus). Hoary-leaf (Ceanothus crassifolius). Hollyleaf (Ceanothus jepsonit). Jepson (Ceanothus jepsonii). Littleleaf (Ceanothus parvifolius). Martin (Ceanothus martinii). Redstem (Ceanothus sanguineus). Rigid (Ceanothus rigidus). Trailing (Ceanothus diversifotius). Wartystem (Ceanothus verrucosus). Wavyleaf (Ceanothus foliosus). Wedgeleaf (Ceanothus cuneatus). Woolyleaf (Ceanothus tomentosus). Cedar (Libocedrus decurrens, Thuja occidentalis, Thuja plicata). Alaska (Chamaecyparis sis). Bastard (Libocedrus decurrens). Canoe (Thuja piicata). Eastern red (Juniperus virginiana). Incense (Libocedrus decurrens). Mountain (Juniperus mexicana). Mountain red (Juniperus scopulo- rum). Northern white (Thuja occidentalis). Port Orford (Chamaecyparis Taw- soniana). Post (Libocedrus decurrens). Red (Juniperus scopulorum, Juniperus viriginana, Thuja plicaia). Southern red (Juniperus lucayana). Southern white (Chamaecyparis thy- oides). Stinking (Vumion taxvifolium). Western, red (Thuja plicata). White (Chameaecyparis Ttawsoniana, Libocedrus decurrens, Thuja occidentalis). elm (Ulmus crassifolia). pine (Pinus glabra). Cenizo (Leucophylium frutescens), Chacate (Krameria grayi). Chalk maple (Acer leucoderme). Chalky leucaena (Zeucaena pulveru-: lenta). Chamis (Atripler canescens). Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum, Atripler canescens). (Adenostoma _ fassiculatum, Atriplex canescens). nootkaten- Chamiso S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Chamisso lupine (Lupinus chamisso- nis). Chamiza (Atriplex canescens). Chaparral (Ceanothus cuneatus). broom (Baccharis pilwiaris). goldenbush (Aplopappus quus). honeysuckle (Lonicera interrupta). pea (Pickeringia montana). whitethorn (Ceanothus leucodermis). Champin grape (Vitis champinii). Chapman, oak (Quercus champanii). white oak (Quercus chapmanii). Chapotillo (Amyris terana). Chayote (Diospyros terana). Checkerberry (Gaultheria bens). Cherry, Alabama (Prunus alabamensis). Appalachian (Prunus susquehanae, Prunus pumila). Barbados (Malpighia glabra). Bessey (Prunus besseyi). Bird (Prunus avium, Prunus pennsylvanica). Bitter (Prunus emarginata). Black (Prunus serotina). Carolina (Prunus caroliniana). Catalina (Prunus lyonii). Crab (Prunus avium). Cuthbert’s (Prunus cuthbertii). Dwarf (Prunus pumila). Evergreen (Prunus ilicifolia). Fire (Prunus pennsylwanica). Island (Prunus lyonii). Laurel (Prunus caroliniane). Littleleaf (Prunus minutifiora). Mahaleb (Prunus manhaleb). May (Amelanchier canadensis). Morello (Prunus cerasus). Mountain (Prunus angustifolia). Munson (Prunus munsoniana). Perfumed (Prunus maheleb). Pigeon (Prunus pennsylwanica). Pin (Prunus pennsylvanica). Plumleaf (Prunus emarginata). Quinine (Prunus emarginata). Rocky Mountain red (Prunus corym- bulosa). Rum (Prunus serotina). Sand (Prunus pumila). Sour (Prunus cerasus). Southern wild (Prunus australis). Southwestern black (Prunus virens). Sweet (Prunus avium). Western choke (Prunus demissa). Western sand (Prunus besseyi). Wild (Prunus emarginata, Prunus serotina). Wild black (Prunus serotina). Wild red (Prunus pennsylWwanica). Cherry, birch (Betula lenta). willow (Salix monticola). propin- procum- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS Cherry-laurel, Carolina (Prunus caro- liniana) . Cherrystone juniper (Juniperus mono- sperma). Chestnut oak (Quercus montana). Chickasaw plum (Prunus angustifolia, Prunus umbellata). Chicken grape (Vitis cordifolia). Chico (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). bush (Sarcobatus vermiculatus). Chihuahua pine (Pinus leiophylla). China-tree (Melia azedarach). Chinaberry (Melia azedarach). Chinabrier (Smilax pseudo-china, Smilax bona-nov). Chinquapin (Castanea pumila, Castanopsis chrysophylla) . Alabama (Castanea alabamensis). Bush (Castanopsis sempervirens). California (Castanopsis sempervi- rens). Coastal (Castanea ashet). Dwarf (Castanea alnifolia). Goldleaf (Castanopsis chrysophylla, Castanopsis sempervirens). Giant (Castanopsis chrysophylla). Ozark (Castanea ozarkensis). Chinquapin oak (Quercus muehlen- bergii). Chisos red oak (Quercus gravesii). Chittim-bark (Rhamnus purshiana). Chokeberry, Black (Aronia melanocarpa). Purple (Aronia arbutifolia). Red (Aronia arbutifolia). Chokecherry (Prunus virgimiana). Western black (Prunus demissa). Christmas holly (Jlex opaca). Christmasberry (Lycium californicum, Lycium carolinianum, Photinia arbutifolia). Chuperosa (Beloperone californica). Cinnamon wood (Sassafras albidum). Clammy locust (Robinia viscosa). Clematis, Curly (Clematis crispa). Drummond (Clematis drummondii). Mountain (Clematis verticillaris). New Mexico (Clematis neomezi- cana). Red-flowered (Clematis pitcheri). Smooth (Clematis addisonii). Virginia (Clematis virginiana). Cliff, barberry (Berberis canadensis). elm (Ulmus racemosa). Cliffbush (Jamesia americana). Cliff-green (Pachistima canbyi). Cliffrose (Cowania stansburiana). Climbing, bittersweet (Celastrus scandens). hydrangea (Decumaria barbara). nightshade (Solanum dulcamara). Cloud-cap gooseberry (Ribes montige- num). OF THE UNITED STATES 331 Cluster serviceberry (Amelanchier poly- carpa). Coachwhip (Fouquieria splendens). Coast, ceanothus (Ceanothus rigidus). goldenbush (Aplopappus squarrosus). juniper (Juniperus lucayana). live oak (Quercus agrifolia, Quercus pricet). rhododendron (Rhododendron fornicum). silktassel (Garrya elliptica). whitethorn (Ceanothus incanus). willow (Salix hookeriana). Coastal, chinquapin (Castanea ashei). sagebrush (Artemisia californica). Coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica). Coffeetree (Rhamnus purshiana). Kentucky (Gymnocladus dioica). Colima (Xanthoxylum fagara). Colorado, blue spruce (Picea pungens). currant (Ribes coloradense). Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga glauca). juniper (Juniperus scopulorum). sage (Artemisia tridentata). white fir (Abies concolor). white oak (Quercus leptophylia). Coma (Bumelia lanuginosa). Common, barberry (Berberis vulgaris). blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum). greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia). cali- manzanita (Arctostaphylos manza- nita). papaw (Asimina triloba). Cooper, desert-thorn (Lyciwm cooperi). goldenbush (Aplopappus cooperi). Coral, greenbrier (Similar lanceolata, Smilax walteri). honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervi- rens). Coralbeads (Cebatha carolina). Coralbean (Hrythrina fiabeiliformis, Sophora, affinis) . Hvergreen (Sophora secundifiora). Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbicula- tus). Cork elm (Ulmus alata, Ulmus racemosa). Corkbark fir (Abies arizonica). Corkwood (Stillingia aquatica, Leitneria floridana). Cornel, Bailey (Cornus baileyi). Rough-leaved (Cornus asperifolia, Cornus circinata). Silky (Cornus amomum). Stiff (Cornus foemina). White (Cornus foemina). Corona del Cristo (Dalea spinosa). 332 Correosa (Rhus microphylla, Aanthorylum fagara). Cotton, Arizona wild (Thurberia triloba). Cotton, gum (Nyssa aquatica). thorn (Tetradymia spinosa). Cottonwood (Popuius deltoides, Populus trichocarpa). rizona (Populus arizonica). Balsam (Populus trichocarpa). Black (Populus trichocarpa). Eastern (Populus deltoides). Fremont (Populus fremontii). Lanceleaf (Populus acuminata). Narrowleaf (Populus angustifolia). Palmer (Populus palmeri). River (Populus sargentii). Sargent (Populus sargentii). Smooth (Populus acuminata). Smoothbark (Populus acuminaia). Swamp (Populus heterophylla). Texas (Populus texana). Tweedy’s (Populus tweedyi). Valley (Populus wislizenii). Western (Populus sargentii). Willow (Populus angustifolia). Wislizenius (Populus wislizenii). Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri). Cow oak (Quercus prinius). Cow-itch (Campsis radicans, Cissus arborea). vine (Decumaria barbara). Cowlicks (Halesia diptera). Coyote, brush (Baccharis pilularis). willow (Saliz exigua). Coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana). Crab apple (Malus glabrata, Malus glaucescens, Malus platycarpa). American (Malus coronaria). Iowa (Malus ioensis). Lanceleaf (Malus lancifolia). Narrowleaf (Malus angustifolia). Oregon (Malus fusca). Prairie (Malus ioensis). Soulard (Malus soulardii). Sweet (Malus coronaria). Western (Malus fusca, Malus ioensis). Crab cherry (Prunus avium). Crack willow (Saliz fragilis). Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon). Highbush (Viburnum trilobum). Mountain (Hugeria erythrocarpa, Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Small (Vaccinium ovycoccus). Cranberrybush American (Viburnum trilobum). Cream bush (Holodiscus discolor). ‘Creosote bush (Covilica tridentata). Creek, dogwood (Cornus californica). plum (Prunus rivularis). MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Creeping, barberry (Berberis repens). blueberry (Vaccinium crassifolium). hollygrape (Berberis repens). shadbush (Amelanchier stolonifera). snowberry (Chiogenes hispiduia). witch alder (Fothergilla parvifolia). Crimson monkeyflower (Mimulus pu- niceus). Crooked bush (Forestiera acuminata). Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata). Croton, Alabama (Croton alabamensis). Shrubby (Croton fruticulosus). Crowberry, (Empetrum nigrum). Broom (Corema conradii). Brown (Corema conradii). Plymouth (Corema conradii). Crown-of-thorns (Koeberlinia spinosa). Crucifixion thorn (Canotia holacantha, Holacantha emoryi). Cucumber magnolia (Magnolia acumi- nata). Cucumbertree (Magnolia acuminata). Lakee leone (Magnolia macrophyl- a). Long-leaved (Magnolia fraseri). Yellow (Magnolia cordata). Cupseed (Calycocarpum tyonii). Curly clematis (Clematis crispa). Curl-lower (Clematis crispa). Curlleaf mountain-mahogany (Cerco- carpus ledifolius). Currant, American red (Ribes triste), Black (Ribes americanum). Blood (Ribes sanguineum). Buffalo (Ribes odoraium). California black (Ribes malvaceum). Colorado (Ribes coloradense). Fetid (Ribes glandulosum). Golden (Ribes aureum, Ribes odoraitum). Gooseberry (Ribes montigenum). Hudson Bay (Rives hudsonianum). Missouri (Ribes odoratum). Mountain (Ribes viscosissimum). Nevada (Ribes nevadense). Red-flowered (Ribes sanguineum). Rothrock (Ribes wolfii). Sheep (Ribes cereum). Sierra (Ribes nevadense). Skunk (Ribes bracteosum, Ribes glandulosum, Ribes prostratum). Squaw (Ribes cereum). Sticky (Ribes viscosissimum). Stink (Ribes bracteosum). Swamp (Ribes lacustre). Viscid (Ribes viscosissimum). Wax (Ribes cereum). Western black (Ribes laziflorum). Winter (Ribes sanguineum). Wolf (Ribes wolfii). Currant grape (Vitis simpsonii). Curtiss grape (Vitis sola). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS Cusick serviceberry (Amelanchier cusickit). Custard-apple (Asimina triloba). Cuthbert’s cherry (Prunus cuthbertit). Cuyamaca bush (Ceanothus palmeri). Cypress, (Taxodium distichum). Alaska (Chamaecyparis nootkaten- sis). Arizona (Cupressus arizonica). Bald (Tazodium distichum). Black (Tazvodium distichum). Forbe’s (Cupressus gaudeloupensis). Gowen (Ouwpressus goveniana). Guadeloupe (Cupressus guadeloupen- Sis). Lawson (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). Macnab (Cupressus madcnabiana). Monterey (Cupressus macrocarpa) . Pond (Taxodium ascendens). Red (Tazodium distichum). Sargent (Cupressus sargentti). Sitka (Chamaecyparis nootkaiensis). Smooth (Cupressus glabra). Southern (Tazodium distichum). Tecate (Cupressus guadeloupensis). White (Tagodium distichum). Dahoon holly (Ilex cassine). Dalea, Fremont (Dalea fremontii). Mesa (Dalea schottii). Mohave (Dalea arborescens). Nevada (Dalea polyadenia). White (Dalea emoryi). Damianita (Chrysactinia mexicana). Dangleberry (Gaylussacia frondosa). Davidson globemallow (Malwastrum davidsonit). Deciduous holly (Jlex decidua). Deer, brush (Ceanothus crassifolwus, Ceanothus fendleri, Caencthus integerrimus, Ceanothus leucodermis, Ceanothus tomentosus). oak (Quercus sadleriana). plum (Chrysobalanus oblongifolius). Deerberry (Vaccinium stamineum). Deerweed (Ceanothus papillosus). Delta palmetto (Sabal lowisiana). Desert, almond (Prunus fasciculata). apricot (Prunus eriogyna). ash (Frazrinus velutina). barberry (Berberis fremontii). brickellbush (Brickellia desertorum). ceanothus (Ceanothus greggii). grape (Vitis girdiana). hackberry (Celtis pallida). holly (Atriplex hymenelytra). ironwood (Olneya tesoia). lavender (Hyptis emoryi). mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius). peach (Prunus andersonii). polygala (Polygala acanthoclada). sage (Salvia carnosa). OF THE UNITED STATES 332 Desert—Continued. silver-bush (Shepherdia folia). walnut (Juglans rupestris). willow (Chilopsis linearis). yaupon (Schaefferia cuneifolia). Desert-rue, Mohave (Thamnosma mon- tana) Desert-sweet (Chamaebatiaria miilefo- lium). Desert-thorn, Anderson (Lyciwm andersonii). California (Lycium californicum). Cooper (Lycium cooper). Fremont (Lycium fremontii). Pale (Lycium pallidum). Parish (Lycium parishii). Squaw (Lycium torreyi). Desertwillow (Chilopsis linearis). Devil’s claw (Acacia greggii). Devilsclub (Oplopanaz horridum). Devils-walking stick (Aralia spinosa). Devilwood (Osmanthus armericana). Dewberries (Rubus spp.). Diamond willow (Salix mackenziana). Digger pine (Pinus sabiniana). Doan grape (Vitis doaniana). Dockmackie (Viburnum acerifolium). Dogberry (Ribes cynosbatii). Dog-hobble (Leucothoé catesbaei). Dogwood, Blue (Cornus alternifolia). Brown (Cornus glabrata). Creek (Cornus californica). Florida (Cornus florida). Flowering (Cornus florida, Cornus nuttallii). Gray (Cornus paniculata). Gray-stemmed (Cornus paniculata). Miner’s (Cornus sessilis). Mountain (Cornus nuttallii). Pale (Cornus obliqua). Panicled (Cornus paniculata). Purple (Cornus alternifolia). Rough-leaved (Cornus asperifolia). Stiff (Cornus foemina). Western (Cornus nuttallii). Double spruce (Picea mariana). Douglas, fir, Colorado (Pseudotsuga glauca). fir, Oregon (Pseudotsuga tavifolia). hackberry (Celtis douglasii). honeysuckle (Lonicera glaucescens). rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidi-- florus). Spiraea (Spiraea douglasii). spruce (Pseudotsuga glauca, Pseudotsuga taavifolia). Downward plum (Bumelia spinifiora). Downy, bog rosemary (Andromeda glauco- phyla.) grape (Vitis cinerea). poplar (Populus heterophylla). serviceberry (Amelanchier canaden- sis). rotundi- 334 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. Downy—Continued. storax (Styrax pulverulenta). swamp blueberry (Vaccinium atrococ- cum). viburnum (Viburnum pubescens). Drago, sangre de (Jatropha spath- ulata). Drooping juniper (Juniperus flaccida). Drummond clematis (Clematis drummondit). Soapberry (Sapindus drummondii). waxmallow (lalvavisceus drum- mondit). Dryland blueberry (Vaccinium vacil- lans). Duck oak (Quercus nigra). Dudley willow (Salix goodingit). Dunbar crab (Malus glaucescens). Dune, lupine (Lupinus chamissonis). willow (Sali# piperi). Durand, oak (Quercus durandit). white oak (Quercus durandii). Durasnillo (Prunus terana). Dusky willow (Saliz melanopsis). Dutchmans pipe (Aristolochia durior). Dutchman’s pipe-vine (Aristolochia durior). Dwarf, acacia (Robinia nana). ash (Fravinus anomala). barberry (Berberis pumila). bilberry (Vacciniwm caespitosum). birch (Betula glandulosa). blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium). buckthorn (Rhamnus alvifolia). candleberry (Jyrica pumila). cherry (Prunus pumila). chinquapin (Castanea alnifolia). chinquapin oak (Quercus prinoides) . goldenbush (Aplopappus nanus). gray willow (Salix tristis). greasebush (F'orsellesia pungens). hollygrape (Berberis pumila). huckleberry (Gaylussacia dumosa). indigobush (Amorpha microphylla). juniper (Juniperus communis). maple (Acer glabrum). mesquite (Acacia reticulata). ninebark (Physocarpus alternans). papaw (Asimina parvifiora). palmetto (Sabal minor). pussy willow (Saliz tristis). red huckleberry (Vaccinium scopa- rium). serviceberry (Amelanchier folia). spiraea (Spiraea corymbosa, Spirea caespitosa). sumac (Rhus copallina). tassel bush (Garrya flavescens). wax myrtle (Myrica pumila). witch-alder (F'othergilia gardenit). whortleberry (Vaccinium caespito- sum). oblongi- S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Dwarf-acacia (Robinia nana). Dyer’s greenweed (Genista tinctoria). oak (Quercus velutina). Kardrop (Brunnichia cirrhosa). Ear-leaved umbrella tree (Magnolia fraseri). Harly azalea (Rhododendron cens). Eastern, cottonwood (Populus deltoides). hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). redcedar (Juniperus virginiana). Eastwood manzanita (Arctostaphylos glandulosa). Elbow bush (Forestiera pubescens). Elder (Sambucus canadensis). American (Sambucus canadensis). Black (Sambucus melanocarpa). Blackbead (Sambucus melanocarpa). Blue (Sambucus coerulea). Blueberry (Sambucus coerulea). Box (Acer negundo). Bunchberry (Sambucus microbotrys). Mexican (Sambucus mevicana). Mountain (Sambucus coerulea). Red (Sambucus callicarpa, » Sambucus pubens). Redberry (Sambucus callicarpa). Velvetleaf (Sambucus caerulea). Yellow (Zecoma stans). Klderberry, pale (Sambucus coerulea). Hlephant tree (Bursera microphylla). Flliott’s blueberry (Vaccinium elliottit). Elm, American (Ulmus americana). California slippery (F'remontia cali- fornica) Cedar (Ulinus crassifolia). Cliff (Ulmus racemosa). Cork (Ulmus alata, Ulmus racemosa). Gray (Ulmus americana). Red (Ulmus alata, Ulmus fulva, Ulmus serotina). Rock (Ulmus racemosa). September (Ulmus serotina). Slippery (Ulimus fulva). Texas( Ulmus crassifolia). Water (Ulmus americana). White (Ulmus americana). Winged (Ulmus alata). Kmory, bushmint (Hyptis emoryi). oak (Quercus emoryi). Encina (Quercus agrifelia). Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii). Estafiata (Artemisia frigida). Turopean, barberry (Berberis vulgaris). black alder (Alnus glutinosa). mountain-ash (Sorbus aucuparia). white willow (Sali# alba). canes- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Evergreen, blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites). ~eherry (Prunus ilicifolia). coralbean (Sophora secundiflora). huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum). magnolia (Magnolia grandifiora). oak (Quercus engelmannit). sumac (Rhus virens). white oak (Quercus engelmannii). winterberry (Ilex glabra). Explorers’ bush (Ceanothus thus). Tall grape (Vitis berlandiert). False acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia). bittersweet (Celastrus scandens). boxwood (Gyminda latifolia). buckthorn (Bumelia lanuginosa). greasewood (Amorpha canescens). jesSamine (Gelsemium sempervirens). mountain willow (Salix pseudomon- ticola). willow (Baccharis angustifolia). False-azalea (Rhododendron albiflo- rum). False-indigo (Amorpha californica, Amorpha fruticosa). newberry (Horsfordia oligan- falsemallow, newberryt). False-mesquite (Calliandra eriophylla). Fan palm (Washingtonia robusta). Farkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum). Farr willow (Salix farrae). Fat pine (Pinus australis). Feather peabush (Dalea formosa). Fendler, barberry (Berberis fendleri). ceanothus (Ceanothus fendleri). eak (Quercus fendleri). soapbloom (Ceanothus fendleri). Fern-bush (Chamaebatia folioiosa, Chamaebatriaria mille- folium). Fernleaf acacia (Acacia angustissima). Fetid, buckeye (Aesculus glabra). currant (Ribes glandulosum). Fetter-bush (Leucothoé catesbaei, Xolisma lucida). Feverbush (Benzion aestivale, Ilex verticillata.) Fever-tree (Pinckneya pubens). Fiddlewood (Citharezylum fruticosum). Fir, Alpine (Abies lasiocarpa). Arizona (Abies arizonica). Balm-of-gilead (Abies balsamea). Balsam (Abies balsamea, Abies concolor). Bristlecone (Abies venusta). California (Abies magnifica). Colorado Douglas (Pseudotsuga glauca). Colorado white (Abies concolor). Corkbark (Abies arizonica). Lovely (Abies amabiis). 33772 °—38——22 300 Fir—Continued. Lowland white (Abies grandis). Noble (Abies nobilis). Oregon Douglas (Pseudotsuga taxi- folia). Red (Abies magnifica, Abies nobilis, Pseudotsuga glauca, Pseudotsuga taxifolia). Santa Lucia (Abies venusta). Shasta red (Abies magnifica). Silver (Abies ambilis, Abies concolor, Abies grandis). Southern balsam (Abies fraseri). Stinking (Abies grandis). White (Abies grandis, Abies lasiocarpa). Yellow (Abies grandis, Pseudotsuga glauca, Pseudotsuga tavifolia). Fire, cherry (Prunus pennsylwanica). willow (Salix scouleriana). Firecracker plant (Aesculus pavia). Firethorn (Cotoneaster pyracantha). Firmleaf willow (Saliz pseudomyrsini- tes). Flag papaw (Asimina incana). Flame azalea (Rhododendron calendu- laceum). Flannelbush (Fremontia californica). Flat sagebrush (Artemisia bigelovii). Fiat-top (Hriogonum fasciculatum). Florida, mahogany (Persea borbonia). maple (Acer floridanum). soapberry (Sapindus marginatus). yew (Taxus floridana). Flowering, ash (Chionanthus virginica, Frazvinus cuspidata, Fragvinus dipetala). dogwood (Cornus florida, Cornus nuttallii). Flyeatcher (Befaria racemosa). Fly honeysuckle, (Lonicera ciliosa). Swamp (Lonicera oblongifolia). Foothill ash (Frazvinus dipetala). Forbes’ cypress (Cupressus guadelou- pensis ). Fox grape (Vitis labrusca). Northern (Vitis labrusca). Southern (Vitis rotundifolia). Foxtail pine (Pinus aristata, Pinus balfouriana). Fragile willow (Saliz fragilis). Fragrant, ash (Fravinus cuspidata). sumae (Rhus aromatica). Frangipani (Acacia farnesiana). Fraser magnolia (Magnolia fraseri). Fremont, barberry (Berberis fremontii). chaffbush (Amphipappus fremontii). cottonwood (Populus fremontii). 326 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Fremont—Continued. dalea (Dalea fremontii). desert-thorn (Lycium fremontii). hollygrape (Berberis fremoniii). silktassel (Garrya fremontit). wolfberry (Lycium fremontii). Fremontia, California (Fremontia cali- fornica). French mulberry (Callicarpa ameri- cana). Frijolillo (Sophora secundiflora). Fringetree (Chionanthus virginica). Fringed, greenbrier (Smilax bona-noz). wormwood (Artemisia frigida). Frost grape (Vitis cordifolia, Vitis vulpina). Frutilla (Lycium richii). Fuchsia-fiowered gooseberry (Ribes spe- ciosum). Gallberry (Ilex glabra). Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii). Gander vine (Clematis virginiana). Garden wild plum (Prunus hortuiana). Garland tree (Malus coronaria). Garnet gooseberry (Ribes speciosum). Garrumbullo (Lycium torrey). Garry oak (Quercus garryana). Georgia, bark (Pinckneya pubens). buckeye (Aesculus neglecta). zooseberry (Ribes curvatum). hackberry (Celtis georgiana). oak (Quercus georgiana). pine (Pinus australis). sloe (Prunus mitis). Geyer willow (Salix geyeriana). Giant chinquapin (Castanopsis chryso- phylla). Gigante (Nicotiana glauca). Glaucous willow (Saliz discolor). Globemallow, Davidson (Malvasitrum davidsonii). Nuttall (Malvastrum nuttaliii). Goat-nut (Simmondsia chinensis). Goatbrush (Pachistima myrsinites). Goatbush (Casteia nicholsonii, Castela terana). Golden, currant (Ribes aureum, Ribes odoratum). hardhack (Potentilla fruticosa). Goldenbush (Aplopappus acradenius). Bloomer (Aplopappus bloomeri). Chaparral (Aplopappus propinquus). Coast (Aplopappus squarrosus). Cooper (Aplopappus cooperi). Dwart (Aplopappus nanus). Heatherleaf (Aplopappus ericoides). Narrowleaf (Aplopappus lineari- folius). Palmer (Aplopappus palmeri). Parish (Aplopappus parishii). Pineleaf (Aplopappus pinifolius). Wedgeleaf (Aplopappus cuneatus). Goldenfleece cens). Goldenhead (Acamptopappus sphaero- cephalus). Goldleaf chinquapin (Castanopsis chry- sophylla, Castanopsis sem- pervirens). Gold heather (Hudsonia, ericoides). Goldman = serviceberry (Amelanchier goldmanii). Goodding willow (Salix gooddingit). Gooseberry, Alpine (Ribes lepthanthum). Canyon (Ribes menziesii). Cloud-cap (Ribes montigenum). Fuchsia-flowered (Ribes speciosum). Garnet (Ribes speciosum). Georgia (Ribes curvatum). Granite (Ribes curvatum). Gummy (Ribes lobbii). Hawthorn (Ribes oxvyacanthoides). Hill (Ribes californicum). Hupa (Ribes marshallii). Island (Rides viburnifolium). Low wild (Ribes hirtellum). Lucia (Ribes sericeum). Menzies (Ribes menziesii). Missouri (Ribes missouriense, Ribes setosum). Mountain (Ribes montigenum, Ribes rotundifolium). Northern (Ribes oxyacanthoides). Orange (Rides pinetorum). Oregon (Ribes lobbii). Pasture (Ribes cynosbatii). Prickly (Ribes cynosbatii). Rock (Ribes quercetorum). Round (Ribes rotundifolium). Sierra (Ribes roezlii). Smooth (Ribes oxryacanthoides, Ribes rotundifolium). Southern (Vaccinium melanocarpum). Stragely (Ribes divaricatum). Swamp (Ribes lacustre). Watson (Ribes watsonianum). White (Ribes inerme). Whitestem (Ribes inerme). Wine (Ribes inerme). Gooseberry currant genum). Gopher berry (Gaylussacia dumosa). Gopher-wood (Cladrastis lutea). Gorse (Ulex europaeus). Gowen cypress (Cupressus goveniana). Granite-gooseberry (Ribes curvatum). Granjeno (Celtis pallida). Grape, Adobe-land (Vitis champini). Arizona (Vitis arizonica). Arroyo (Vitis vulpina). Ashy (Vitis cinerea). Bailey (Vitis baileyana). Big summer (Vitis lincecumi). Blueleaf (Vitis argentifolia). Bull (Vitis rotundifolia). (Aplopappus arbores- (Ribes montt- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Grape—Continued. Bullace (Vitis rotundifolia). Bullet (Vitis rotundifolia). Bush (Vitis longi). Caleaire (Vitis champinii). California (Vitis californica). California wild (Vitis californica). Canyon (Vitis arizonica). Cat (Vitis palmata). Catbird (Vitis palmata). Champin (Vitis champinit). Chicken (Vitis cordifolia). Currant (Vitis simpsonii). Curtiss (Vitis sola). Desert (Vitis girdiana). Doan (Vitis doaniana). Downy (Vitis cinerea). Fall (Vitis berlandieri). Fox (Vitis labrusca). Frost (Vitis cordifolia, Vitis vulpina). Gulch (Vitis longii, Vitis treleasei). Little mountain (Vitis berlandieri). Little museadine (Vitis munsoniana). Missouri (Vitis palmaia). Mountain (Berberis aquifolium, Vitis berlandieri, Vitis rupestris). Museadine (Vitis rotundifolia). Mustang (Vitis candicans). Northern fox (Vitis labrusca). Oregon (Berberis aquifolium, Berberis nervosa, Berberis repens). Pacific (Vitis californica). Panhandle (Vitis doaniana). Pilgrim (Vitis novae-angliae). Plum (Vitis labrusca). Possum (Vitis baileyana). Post-oak (Vitis lincecumit). Red (Vitis palmata). Redshank (Vitis rufotomentosa). Riverbank (Vitis vulpina). Rock (Vitis rupestris). Roundleaf (Vitis helleri). Sand (Vitis lincecumii, Vitis rupestris). Solonis (Vitis longii). Southern fox (Vitis rotundifolia). Spanish (Vitis berlandieri). Sugar (Vitis monticola, Vitis rupestris). Summer (Vitis argentifolia). Sweet mountain (Vitis monticola). Sweet winter (Vitis cinerea). Turkey (Vitis lincecumii). Western wild (Vitis californica). Wild (Vitis girdiana). Winter (Vitis cordifolia, Vitis berlandieri). Grape honeysuckle (Lonicera proli- fera). Grave’s oak (Quercus gravesii). Gray, beard (Hydrangea quercifolia). 337 Gray—Continued. birch (Betula lutea, Betula populifolia). dogwood (Cornus paniculata), elm (Ulmus americana). horsebrush (Tetradymia canescens). oak (Quercus grisea). pine (Pinus banksiana). willow, dwarf (Salix tristis). Gray-stemmed dogwood (Cornus pani- culata). Greasebush (Forsellesia spinescens). Dwarf (Forsellesia pungens). Spiny (Forsellesia spinescens). Grease-thorn (Forsellesia spinescens). Greasewood (Adenostoma fasciculatum, Ceanothus velutinus, Covillea tridentata, Sarcobatus vermicula- tus). Great, laurel (Rhododendron maximum). whortleberry (Vaccinium corymbo- sum). Great-berried manzanita (Arctostaphy- los glauca). Great-ieaved magnolia (Magnolia mac- rophylla). Green, alder (Alnus crispa). locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). osier (Cornus alternifolia). Greenbark ceanothus (Ceanothus spino- SUS). Green-barked acacia (Cercidium flori- dum, Cercidium tor- reyanum). Greenbrier, Bristly (Smilax auriculata, Smilax hispida). California (Smilawv californica). Common (Smilazv rotundifolia). Coral (Smilax lanceolata, Smilagz walteri). Fringed (Smilax bona-nozr). Laurel (Smilaz laurifolia). Long-stalked (Smilaw pseudo-china). Greene mountain-ash (Sorbus scopu- lina). Greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula). Greensides willow (Saliv monochroma). Greenweed, dyers (Genista tinctoria). Gregg, ceanothus (Ceanothus greggii). hornbrush (Ceanothus greggit). lead tree (Leucaena greggii). sage (Salvia greggii). Ground, hemlock (Tazus canadensis). gooseberry (Ribes binominatum). Groundsel tree (Baccharis halimifolia). Grouse whortleberry (Vaccinium sco- parium). 338 MISC. PUBLICATION 308, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Grouseberry (Gaultheria procumbens, | Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) Vaccinium scoparium). gooseberry (Ribes oxryacanthoides). Guadeloupe cypress (Cupressus guade-| Hazel, wild (Simmondsia chinensis). loupensis). Guajillo (Acacia berlandieri). Guard lupine (Lupinus excubitus). Guayacan (Porlieria angustifolia). guajillo (Pithecolobium brevifolium). willow (Saliz nigra). Gum, Black (Nyssa sylvatica). Cotton (Nyssa aquatica). Highland black (Nyssa sylvatica). Large tupelo (Nyssa aquatica). Sour (Nyssa sylvatica). Sour tupelo (Nyssa ogeche). Southern black (Nyssa biflora). Swamp black (Nyssa biflora). Tupelo (Vyssa aquatica). Water (Nyssa biflora). Gum elastic (Bumelia lanuginosa). Gummy gooseberry (Ribes lobbii). Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis). Desert (Celtis pallida). Douglas (Celtis douglasii). Georgia (Celtis georgiana). Small’s (Celtis smallii). Southern (Celtis mississippiensis). Spiny (Celtis pallida). Thick-leaved (Celtis reticulata). Western (Celtis reticulata). Hackmatack (Larig laricina). Hagbrier (Smilax hispida). Hairy, ceanothus (Ceanothus oliganthus). honeysuckle (Lonicera hirsuta). horsebrush (TVetradymia comosa). huckleberry (Vaccinium hirsutum). manzanita (Arctostaphylos colum- biana). nanny-berry (Viburnum pubescens). Harbison willow (Salig harbisonii). Hardhack (Spiraea douglasii, Spiraea tomentosa). Hard maple (Acer saccharum). Hardtack, (Cercocarpus betuloides). California (Cercocarpus betuloides). Catalina (Cercocarpus traskiae). Mesa (Cercocarpus minutifiorus). Havard shinnery oak (Quercus ha- vardii). Haw (Viburnum prunifolium). Black (Bumelia lanuginosa, Bumelia tenaz, Viburnum prunifolium). Possum (Ilex decidua, Viburnum nudum). Purple (Condalia obovata). Southern black (Viburnum rufidu- lum). Swamp (Viburnum cassinoides, Viburnum nudum). Sweet (Viburnum prunifolium). Western black (Viburnum ellipti- cum.) Hazel alder (Alnus rugosa). Hazelnut, American (Corylus americana). Beaked (Corylus rostrata). Heartleaf, ampelopsis (Cissus ampelopsis). manzanita (Arctostaphylos ander- sonii). pentstemon (Pentstemon cordi- folius). willow (Salix cordata). Heartnut (Krameria glandulosa). Heath cliffrose (Cowania ericaefolia). Heather, Beach (Hudsonia tomentosa). Gold (Hudsonia ericoides). Mountain (Phyllodoce caerulea). Red (Phyllodoce breweri, Phyllodoce empetriformis). Yellow (Phyilodoce glandulifiora). Heatherleaf goldenbush (Aplopappus ericoides). Hedge (Maclura pomifera). Hedgehog oak (Lithocarpus densiflora). Hediondilla (Covillea tridentata). Hediondo (Covillea tridentata). He-huckleberry (Cyrilla racemiflora). Hellefetter (Smilar hispida). Hell-vine (Campsis radicans). Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Canada (Tsuga canadensis). Carolina (Tsuga caroliniana). Eastern (Tsuga canadensis). Ground (Taxus canadensis). Mountain (Tsuga mertensiana). Western (7'suga heterophylla). Hemlock spruce (Tsuga@ canadensis). Hercules-club (Aralia spinosa, Xanthorylum herculis). clava- Hickory, Big-bud (Carya alba). Big shellbark (Carya laciniosa). Bigleaf shagbark (Carya laciniosa). Bitternut (Carya cordiformis, Carya glabra). Black (Carya alba, Carya glabra). Bottom (Carya carolinae-septentrio- nalis). Bullnut (Carya alba). Hognut (Carya alba). King nut (Carya laciniosa). Little shagbark (Carya microcarpa). Littlenut shagbark (Carya wmicro- carpa). Lowland (Carya aquatica). Mockernut (Carya alba). Nutmeg (Carya myristicaeformis). Pignut (Carya cordiformis, Carya glabra, Carya leiodermis, NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Hickory—Continued. Pignut—Continued. Carya pallida, Carya villosa). Serub (Carya floridana). Shagbark (Carya ovata). Shellbark (Carya ovata). Small-fruited (Carya microcarpa). Small pignut (Carya ovalis). Southern shagbark (Carya carolinae- septentrionalis ). Swamp (Carya cordiformis). Texas (Carya buckleyi). Water (Carya aquatica). White (Carya alba). Whiteheart (Carya alba). Hickory, pine (Pinus aristata). poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). Highbush, blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum). cranberry (Viburnum trilobum). Highland, black gum (Nyssa sylvatica). live oak (Quercus wislizenit). Hill, gooseberry (Ribes californicum). oak (Quercus douglasii). Hillside gooseberry (Ribes californi- cum). Hinds walnut (Juglans hindsii). Hoary, alder (Alnus incana). azalea (Rhododendron canescens). sagebrush (Artemisia cana). willow (Salix candida). Hoary-leaf ceanothus (Ceanothus cras- sifolius). Hobblebush (Viburnum alnifolium). Hog plum (Prunus reverchonii, Colubrina texensis, Prunus umbellata). Hognut hickory (Carya alba). Holly, American (Jlex opaca). Bearberry (Ilex decidua). Christmas (Illex opaca). Deciduous (Ilex decidua). Largeleaf (Jlex longipes). Large-leaved (Nemopanthus mucro- nata). Michigan (Ilex verticillata). Mountain (Ilex montana, Nemopanthus mucro- nata). Holly oak (Quercus undulata). Hollybush (Tetracoccus ilicifolius). Hollygrape, California (Berberis californicum). Creeping (Berberis repens). Dwarf (Berberis repens). Fremont (Berberis fremontii). Netleaf (Berberis californicum). Nevin (Berberis nevinii). Oregon (Berberis aquifolium, Berberis nervosa). 339 Hollygrape—Continued. Red (Berberis haematocarpa). Veinyleaf (Berberis nervosa). Wavyleaf (Berberis pinnata). Hollyleaf, buckthorn (Rhamnus crocea). bur-sage (Franseria ilicifolia). ceanothus (Ceanothus jepsonit). cherry (Prunus ilicifolia). Hollyseale (Atriplex hymenelytra). Honey, mesquite (Prosopis chilensis). shucks (Gleditsia triacanthos). Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos, Prosopis glandulosa, Prosopis chilensis, Robini pseudoacacia). Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa, Rhododendron cens). American fly (Lonicera canadensis). Arizona (Lonicera arizonica). Bearberry (Lonicera involucrata). Blue fly (Lonicera villosa). Bush (Diervilla lonicera). Chaparral (Lonicera interrupta). Coral (Lonicera sempervirens). Douglas (Lonicera glaucescens). Fly (Lonicera ciliesa). Grape (Lonicera prolifera). Hairy (Lonicera hirsuta). Japanese (Lonicera japonica). Mountain (Lonicera dioica). Mountain fly (Lonicera cauriana, Lonicera villosa). Orange (Lonicera ciliosa). Pink (Lonicera hispidula). Swamp fly (Lonicera oblongifolia). Trumpet (Lonicera sempervirens). Twinberry (Lonicera involucrata). Utah (Lonicera utahensis). Yellow (Lonicera flava). Hoop ash (Fravinus nigra). Hopbush (Dodonaea arizonica). Hophornbeam, (Ostrya virginiana). Bailey (Ostrya baileyi). Western (Ostrya knowltonii). Hop-sage, - Spineless (Grayia brandegei). Spiny (Grayia spinosa). Hoptree (Ptelea trifoliata). Hornbeam, (Carpinus caroliniana). Bailey hop (Ostrya baileyi). Western hop (Ostrya knowltonii). Horse, plum (Prunus americana, Prunus nigra). sugar (Symplocos tinctoria). Horsebean, (Parkinsonian aculeata). CaNES- Little-leaf (Parkinsonia micro- phylla). Small-leaved (Parkinsonia micro- phylia). Horsebrier (Smilax rotundifolia). 340 Horsebrush (Partheneium incanum). Gray (Tetradymia canescens). Hairy (Tetradymia comosa). Littleleaf (Tetradymia glabrata). Longspine (Tetradymia spinosa). Mohave (Tetradymia stenolepis). Nuttall (Tetradymia nuttallii). Shortspine (Tetradymia spinosa). Hortulan plum (Prunus hortulana). Huajillo (Pithecolobium brevifolium). Huckleberry, Bear (Gaylussacia ursina). Black (Gaylussacia baccata). Box (Gaylussacia brachycera). California (Vaccinium ovatum). Dwarf (Gaylussacia dumosa). Dwarf red (Vaccinium scoparium). Evergreen (Vaccinium ovatum). Hairy (Vaccinium hirsutum). Lowbush (Vaccinium vacillans). Red (Vaccinium parvifolium). Squaw (Vaccinium stamineum). Tall red (Vaccinium parvifolium). Thinleaf (Vaccinium membrana- ceum). Tree (Vaccinium arboreum). Western (Vaccinium occidentale). Huckleberry oak (Quercus vaccinifo- lia). Hudson Bay currant (Ribes hudsonia- num). Huisache (Acacia farnesiana). Huisachillo (Acacia tortuosa). Hupa gooseberry (Ribes marshallii). Hydrangea, Ashy (Hydrangea cinerea). Climbing (Decumaria barbara). Mountain (Hydrangea arborescens). Oakleaf (Hydrangear quercifolia). Silverleaf (Hydrangea radiata). Smooth (Hydrangea arborescens). Snowy (Hydrangea radiata). Wild (Hydrangee arborescens). Incense cedar (Libecedrus decurrens). Indigo, False (Amorpha fruticosa). Mountain (Amorpha glabra, Amorpha virgata). Schwerin’s (Amorpha schwerinii). Tennessee (Amorpha tennesseensis). Indigobush, (Amorpha fruticosa, Dalea spinosa). California (Amorpha californica). Dwarf (Amorpha microphylia). Indian, cherry (Rhamnus caroliniana). currant (Symphoricarpos orbdicula- tus). plum (Osmaronia cerasiformis). Inkberry, (Jbez glabra, Ilex verticillata). tall (flex coriacea). Inkweed (Allenrolfea occidentalis). Inland Jersey-tea (Ceanothus ovatus). Interior live oak (Quercus wislizenii). Iodine bush (Allenrolfea occidentalis). MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Ione bush (Ceanothus tomentosus). Iowa crab apple (Malus ioensis). Iron oak (Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus stellata). Ironwood, (Bumelia lycioides, Bumelia tenaz, Carpinus caroliniana, Cliftonia monophylla, Ostrya knowltonii, Ostrya virginiana, Prosopis chilensis). Catalina (Lyonothamnus floribun- dus). Santa Cruz (Lyonothamnus flori- bundus). Swamp (Cyrilla racemiflora). Island, ceanothus (Ceanothus arboreus). cherry (Prunus lyonii). gooseberry (Ribes viburnifolium). live oak (Quercus tomentella). myrtle (Ceanothus arboreus). Islay (Prunus ilicifolia). Ivy, (Kalmia latifolia, Leucothoé catesbaet). American (Parthenocissus quinque- folia). Marine (Cissus incisa). Sevenleaf (Parthenocissus hepta- phylla). Jack, oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis, Quercus marilandica). pine (Pinus banksiana). Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japo- nica). Jara (Baccharis glutinosa). dulee (Baccharis glutinosa). Javelin brush (Microrhamnus coides). Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi). Jepson ceanothus (Ceanothus jepsonii). Jersey pine (Pinus virginiane). Jerusalem-thorn (Parkinsonia acule- ata). Jessamine, False (Gelsemium sempervirens). Yellow (Gelsemium sempervirens). Jim brush (Ceanothus sorediatus). Jointfir, California (Ephedra californica). Nevada (Hphedra nevadensis). Texas (Ephedra terana). Torrey (Ephedra torreyana). Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis). Joshua tree (Yucca brevifelia). Judas-tree (Cercis canadensis). Julibrissin (Albizzia julubrissin). Juneberry, (Amelanchier canadensis). Low (Amelanchier humilis, Amelanchier stotonifera). Junebud (Cercis canadensis). Juniper, Alligator (Juniperus pachyphloea). Big berry (Juniperus megalocarpa). eri- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Juniper—Continued. California (Juniperus californica). Coast (Juniperus lucayana). Colorado (Juniperus scopulorum). Dwarf (Juniperus communis). One-seed (Juniperus monosperma). Pinchot (Juniperus pinchotii). Red-berry (Juniperus pinchotii). Red-fruited (Juniperus erythro- carpa). Utah (Juniperus utahensis). Western (Juniperus occidentalis). Kentucky, coffeetree (Gymnocladus dioica). viburnum (Viburnum molle). wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya). yellow wood (Cladrastis lutea). Kern ceanothus (Ceanothus pineto- rum). Kidneywood (Hysenhardtia polysta- chya). Kidneywort (Baccharis pilularis). King nut hickory (Carya laciniosa). Kinnikinnik (Arctostaphylus uva-ursi, Cornus amomum). Klamath plum (Prunus subcordata). Knackaway (Hhretia anacua). Knobeone pine (Pinus attenuata). Labrador, tea (Ledum groenlandicum). tea, smooth (Ledum glandulosum). willow (Salix argyrocarpa). Labrusca (Vitis labrusca). Lacey oak (Quercus breviloba). Lady-bloom (Ceanothus parryi). Lady-bush (Ceanothus parryi). Lambkill (Kalmia angustifolia). Lanceleaf, alder (Alnus oblongifolia). cottonwood (Populus acuminata). erab apple (Malus lancifolia). Lance-leaved buckthorn (Rhamnus lanceolata). Lantana (Lantana camara). White flowered (Lantana _ involu- crata). Lapland, rhododendron (Rhododendron lap- ponicum). rose bay (Rhododendron lapponi- cum). Larch (Lariz laricina, Larig tlyallii, Laria occidentalis). American (Larigz laricina). Alpine (Lariz lyallii). Western (Lariz occidentalis). Large, buckeye (Aesculus octandra). tupelo gum (Nyssa aquatica). Largeleaf holly (Ilex longipes). Largetooth aspen (Populus grandiden- tata). Large-leaved, cucumbertree (Magnolia macro- phylia), 341 Large-leaved—Continued. holly (Nemopanthus mucronata). umbrella-tree (Magnolia macro- phylia). Laurel, Big (Magnolia grandiflora). Black (Gordonia lasianthus, Leucothaé davisiae). California (Umbellularia califor- nica). Carolina cherry (Prunus carolini- ana). Mountain (Kalmia latifolia). Narrow-leaved (Kalmia angusti- folia). Pale (Kalmia polifolia). Sheep (Kalmia angustifolia). Sticky (Ceanothus velutinus). Swamp(Kalmia polifolia, Magnolia virginiana). Sweet ([1licium fioridanum). Laurel, cherry (Prunus caroliniana). greenbrier (Smilax laurifolia). oak (Quercus imbricaria, Quercus laurifolia, Quercus phellos). sumac (Rhus laurina). iree (Persea borbonia). Lavender, desert (Hyptis emoryi). Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis law- soniana). Leadplant (Amorpha canescens). Leather oak (Quercus dumosa). Leatherbark (Dirca palustris). Leatherleaf ash (Fravinus velutina). Leatherwood (Cyrilla racemiflora, Dirca palustris). Mountain (Fremontia californica). Western (Direa occidentalis). Leatherfiower (Clematis vierna). Leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne caliycu- lata). Lemmen, acacia (Acacia lemmonii). willow (Salix lemmonii). Lemonade, berry (Rhus integrifolia). sumac (Rhus triiobata). Lenscale (Atriplex lentiformis). Lentisco (Rhus integrifolia). Leverwood (Ostrya virginiana). Limber pine (Pinus flewilis). Lime-tree (Tilia glabra). Linden (Tilia glabra). American (Tilia glabra). Linn (Tilia glabra). Liquidambar (liquidambar — styraci- flua). Little, mountain grape (Vitis berlandieri). muscadine grape (Vitis munsoniana). pignut hickory (Carya microcarpa). sage (Artemisia nova). shagbark hickory (Carya carpa). micro- 042 Little—Continued. Silverbell (Halesia parviflora). walnut (Juglans rupestris). witch-hazel (Hamamelis vernalis). Littleleaf, ash (Fravinus greggii). brickellbush (Brickellia microphylla). ceanothus (Ceanothus parvifolius). cherry (Prunus minutiflora). horsebean (Parkinsonia microphylla) . horsebrush (Tetradymia glabrata). Littlenut shagbark hickory (Carya microcarpa). Live oak (Quercus virginiana). Loblolly, bay (Gordonia lasianthus). pine (Pinus taeda). Locust, Black (Gleditsia triacanthos, Robinia pseudoacacia). Brostly (Robinia hispida). Clammy (Robinia viscosa). Green (Robinia pseudoacacia). Honey (Gleditsia triacanthos, Prosopis glandulosa, Prosopis chilensis, Robinia pseudoacacia). Mock (Amorpha californica). New Mexico (Robinia neomexicana). Peaflower (Robinia pseudoacacia). Post (Robinia peudoacacia). Red (Robinia pseudoacacia). Shipmast (Robinia pseudoacacia). Water (Gleditsia aquatica) - White (Robinia pseudoacacia). Yellow (Cladrastis lutea, Robinia pseudoacacia). Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta, Pinus murreyana). Logwood (Condalia obevata). Long monkeyflower (Mimulus longifio- rus). Long-flowered catclaw (Acacia greggii). Longleaf, pine (Pinus australis). willow (Salia fiuviatilis, Salia interior). Long-leaved cucumbertree fraseri). Longspine horsebrush (Tetradymia spi- nosa). Long-stalked greenbrier (Smilav pseu- dochina). Lotebush (Condalia lycioides, Condalia obtustfolia) . Lovely fir (Abies amabilis). Low, asimina (Asimina pygmaea). birch (Betula pumila). blueberry (Vaccinium vacillans). juneberry (Amelanchier humilis, Amelanchier stolonifera). sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula). sweet blueberry (Vaccinium angusti- folium). wild gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum). (Magnolia MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Lowbush, blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium). huckleberry (Vaccinium vacillans). Lowland, hickory (Carya aquatica). white fir (Abies grandis). Lucia gooseberry (Ribes sericeum). Lupine, Chamisso (Lupinus chamissonis). Dune (Lupinus chamissonis). Guard (Lupinus excubitus). Mat (Lupinus breweri). Silver (Lupinus albifrons). Tree (Lupinus arboreus). Lyall willow (Salig lasiandra). Lyonia-vine (Calycocarpum lyonii). MacDonald oak (Quercus dumosa). MacDougal oak (Quercus pauciloba). Mackenzie willow (Salix mackenzi- ana). Macnab cypress (Cupressus macnabi- ana). Madrone (Arbutus menziesii). Arizona (Arbutus arizonica), Texas (Arbutus texvana). Magnolia, Ashe (Magnolia ashei). Bigleaf (Magnolia macrophylla). Cucumber (Magnolia acuminata). Evergreen (Magnolia grendifiora). Fraser (Magnolia fraseri). Great-leaved (Magnotia phylia). Mountain (Magnolia acuminata, Magnolia fraseri, Magnolia pyramidata). Pyramid (Magnolia pyramidata). Southern (Magnolia grandifora). Swamp (Magnolia virginiana). Sweet (Magnolia virginiana). Umbrella (Magnolia tripetala). Yellow-flower (Magnolia cordata). Mahala mat (Ceanothus prostratus). Mahaleb cherry (Prunus mechaleb). Mahogany, Alderleaf mountain (Cercocarpus al- nifolius). Arizona mountain (Cercocarpus ari- macro- zonicus ). Bigleaf mountain (Cercocarpus tras- kiae). Birchleaf (Cercocarpus montanus). Birchleaf mountain (Cercocarpus betuloides). Curlleaf mountain (Cercocarpus ledi- folius). Desert (Cercocarpus ledifolius). Mountain (Cercocarpus montanus). Silver mountain (Cercecarpus argen- teus). Small-flowered mountain (Cercocar- pus minutifiorus). Small-leaf (Cercocarpus intricatus). Trask (Cercocarpus traskiae). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Mahogany—Continued. birch (Betula lenta). sumae (Rhus integrifolia). Male, berry (Xolisma ligustrina). paloverde (Parkinsonia microphylla). Mallow ninebark (Physocarpus malva- ceus, Malva rosa (Lavatera assurgentiflora). Mangla (Rhus laurina). Manzanita, Anderson sonii). Common (Arctostaphylos manzani- ta). EKastwood losa). Great-berried (Arctostaphylos glau- ca). Greenleaf (Arctostaphylos patula). Hairy (Arctostaphylos columbiana). Heartleaf (Arctostaphylos ander- sonit). Mariposa (Arctostaphylos mariposa). Parry (Arctostaphylos manzanita). Pine-mat (Arctostaphylos nevaden- Sis). Pointleaf (Arctostaphylos pungens). - Roughleaf (Arctostaphylos drupa- cea). Sandmat (Arctostaphylos pumila). Whiteleaf (Arctostaphylos viscida). Maple, Ash-leaved (Acer negundo). Bigleaf (Acer macrophyllum). Bigtooth (Acer grandidentaiwm). Biack (Acer nigrum, Acer saccharum). Black sugar (Acer nigrum). Broadleaf (Acer macrophyllum). Chalk (Acer leucoderme). Dwarf (Acer glabrum). Florida (Acer floridanum). Hard (Acer saccharum). Mountain (Acer glabrum, Acer spicatum). Oregon (Acer macrophyllum). Red (Acer rubrum). River (Acer saccharinum). Rock (Acer saccharum). Sierra (Acer glabrum). Silver (Acer saccharinum). Soft (Acer rubrum, Acer saccharinum). Southern sugar (Acer floridanum). Sugar (Acer saccharum). Swamp (Acer rubrum). Vine (Acer circinatum). Water (Acer rubrum). Western sugar (Acer grandidenta- tum). White (Acer saccharinum). Whitebark (Acer leucoderme). (Arctostaphylos ander- (Arctostaphylos glandu- 343 Mapleleaf, arrowwood (Viburnum acerifolium). viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium). Marine ivy (Cissus incisa). Mariola (Partheniwm incanum). Mariposa manzanita (Arctostaphylos mariposa). Marsh pine (Pinus serotina). Martin, ceanothus (Ceanothus martinii). soapbloom (Ceanothus martinii). Mat, Mahala (Ceanothus prostratus). Squaw (Ceanothus prostratus). Mat lupine (Lupinus breweri). Matrimony-vine (Lycium halimi- folium). Maul oak (Quercus chrysolepis). Mayapple (Malvaviscus drummondii). Maycherry (Amelanchier canadensis). Mayplum (Prunus terana). Mazzard (Prunus aviwn). Meadow, queen (Spiraea latifolia). spiraea (Spiraea alba). sweet (Spiraea alba, Spiraea, tatifolia, Spiraea salicifolia). Mearn’s mockorange (Philadelphus mearnsit) . Medaddy-bush (Lonicera canadensis). Mendocino whitethorn (Ceanothus in- canus). Menodora (Menodora spinescens). Menzies, gooseberry (Ribes menziesit). spiraea (Spiraea menziesii). Mesa, dalea (Dalea schottit). hard-tack (Cercocarpus Tus). oak (Quercus engelmannii). Mescalbean (Sophora secundiflora). Meseat acacia (Acacia constricta). Mesquite, (Prosopis chilensis)- Arizona (Prosopis chilensis). Dwarf (Acacia reticulata). False (Calliandra eriophylla). Honey (Prosopis chilensis). Mock (Calliandra eriophylla). Screwpod (Prosopis pubescens). Velvet (Prosopis odorata). Mexican, alder (Alnus oblongifolia). ash (Fravinus berlandieriana). blue oak (Quercus oblongifolia). bluewood (Condalia mexicana). buckeye (Ungnadia, speciosa). cherry (Prunus mexicana). elder (Sambucus mexicana). lead tree (Leucaena pulverulenta). mulberry (Morus microphylla). orange (Choisya dwmosa). persimmon (Diospyros terana). pifion (Pinus cembroides). plum (Prunus mevicana). minutiflo- 344 Mexican—Continued. stone pine (Pinus cembroides). white pine (Pinus strobiformis). Mezereum (Daphne mezereum). Michigan holly (llexz verticillata). Michaux sumac (Rhus michauwvii). Miners’ dogwood (Cornus sessilis). Mimosa (Albizzia julubrissin, Leucaena pulverulenta). Pink (Mimosa borealis). Velvetpod (Mimosa dysocarpa). Minnie-bush (Menziesia pilosa). Missouri, currant (Ribes odoratum). gooseberry (Ribes missouriense, Ribes setosum). grape (Vitis palmata). river willow (Saliz cordata). viburnum (Viburnum ajfine). Mock, mesquite (Calliandra eriophylla). heather (Aplopappus ericoides). locust (Amorpha californica). Mockorange (Bumelia lycioides, Philadelphus spp.). Mearn’s (Philadelphus mearnsii). Small-leaf (Philadelphus microphyl- lus). Mockernut hickory (Carya aiba). Mohave, dalea (Dalea arborescens). desert-rue (Thamnosma montana). horsebrush (Tetradymia stenolepis). thorn (Canotia holacantha). A1SC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Mountain—Continued. clematis (Clematis verticillaris). cranberry (Hugeria erythrocarpa, Vaccinium vitisidaea). currant (Ribes viscosissimum). dogwood (Cornus nuttallit). elder (Sambucus caerulea). false-indigs (Amorpha virgata). fetterbush (Pieris floribunda). fly-honeysuckle (Lonicera cauriana, Lonicera villosa). fringe (Artemisia frigida). gooseberry (Ribes montigenum, Ribes rotundifolium). grape (Berteris acquifolium, Vitis beriandieri, Vitis rupestris). grape, little (Vitis berlandieri). grape, sweet (Vitis monticola). heather (Phyllodoce caerulea). hemlock (7'suga mertensiana). holly (Ilex montana). honeysuckle (Lenicera dioica). hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). indigo (Amorpha glabra, Amorpha virgata). ironwood (Cercocarpus dbetuloides). leatherwood (Fremonitia californica). Mountain-lover (Pachistima canbyi). Mountain magnolia (Magnolia acumi- nata, Magnolia fraseri, Magnolia pyrami- data). Mohr’s shinnery oak (Quercus mohri- | Mountain, ana). Monkeyfiower, Crimson (Mimulus puniceus). Long (Mimulus longifiorus). Monterey, cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa). pine (Pinus radiata). Moonseed (Menispermum canadense). Mooseberry (Viburnum alnifolium). Moosewood (Acer pennsyivanicum, Dirca palustris). Morello cherry (Prunus cerasus). Mormon tea (Hphedra viridis). Moronel (Lonicera subspicata). Mortonia (Mortonia utahensis). Moss locust (Robinia hispida). Mossyeup oak (Quercus macrocarpe). Mountain, alder (Alnus crispa, Alnus rhombifolia, Alnus sinuata, Alnus tenuifolia). ash (Frawvinus texensis). balm (Ceanothus velutinus, Hriodictyon californicum). balsam (Abies lasiocarpa). birch (Betula fontinalis). buckthorn (Bumelia monticola). camellia (Stuartia pentagyna). cedar (Juniperus mexicana). cherry (Prumus angustifolia). maple (Acer giabrum, Acer spicatum). misery (Chamaebatia foliolosa). oak (Quercus kelloggii, Quercus montana). oread (Magnolia pyramidata). pine (Pinus pungens). privet (flex moniana). meadowsweet (Spiraea virginiana). mulberry (Morus microphylla). redcedar (Juniperus scopulorum). rose bay (Rhododendron catawbi- ense). silverbell (Hdalesia, monticola). snowberry (Symphoricarpos oreophi- lus). sweet pepperbush (Clethra acumi- nata). spicewood (Calycanthus fertilis). sumac (Rhus copallina). tea (Gauliheria procubens). white oak (Quercus douglasii, Quercus grisea). whitethorn (Ceanothus cordulatus). willow (Saliz scouleriana). willow, false (Salix pseudomonti- cola). Mountain winterberry (Ilex montana). Mountain-ash, (Sorbus americana). Alpine (Sorbus occidentalis). American (Sorbus americana). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES 345 Mountain-ash—Continued. Narrowleaf yerba santa (Hriodictyon European (Sorbus aucuparia). angustifolium) Greene (Sorbus scopulina). Necklace poplar (Populus deltoides, Pacific (Sorbus sitchensis). Populus sargentii). Western (Sorbus sitchensis). Needle palm (Rhapidophyllum hystriz). Mountain-holly (Nemopanthus mucro-| Nerango (Prunus texana). nata). Netleaf, Mountain-laurel (Kalmia latifolia). hollygrape (Berberis californicum). Mountain-mahogany, (Cercocarpus oak (Quercus diversicolor). montanus). _ |Nettle-tree (Celtis occidentalis). Alderleaf (Cercocarpus alnifolius). Netvein acacia (Acacia reticulata). Arizona (Cercocarpus arizonicus). Nevada, Bigleaf (Cercocarpus traskiae). currant (Ribes nevadense). Birchleaf (Cercocarpus betuloides). dalea (Parosela polyadenia). Curl-leaf (Cercocarpus ledifolius). jointfir (Hphedra nevadensis). Small-flowered (Cercocarpus minuti- wild almond (Prunus andersonii). florus). Nevin hollygrape (Berberis nevinii). Silver (Cercocarpus argenteus). Newberry falsemallow (Horsfordia Moxie plum (Chiogenes hispidula). newberryi). Mulberry, New Jersey-tea (Ceanothus ameri- Black (Morus nigra). canus). Mexican (Morus microphylla). New Mexican, Mountain (Morus microphylla). — locust (Robinia neomezxicana). Red (Morus rubra). rubberbush (Parthenium incanum). Texas (Morus microphylla). shinnery oak (Quercus novomezi- White (Morus alba). cana). Mulefat (Baccharis viminea). New Mexico, Munson cherry (Prunus munsoniana).| buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa). Murray pine (Pinus murrayana). clematis (Clematis neomexicana). Muscadine grape, (Vitis rotundifolia). Nightshade, bitter (Solanum dul- Little (Vitis munsoniana). _camara). Musk brush (Ceanothus jepsonii). Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus, Mustang grape (Vitis candicans). Physocarpus opulifolius). Mustard, sacred (Nicotiana glauca). Alabama (Physocarpus alabamensis). Dwarf (Physocarpus aiternans). Mallow (Physocarpus malvaceus, Prairie (Physocarpus intermedius). Myrtle, (Cyrilla racemifiora). California wax (Myrica californica). Wax (Myrica cerifera). Wild crape (Malpighia glabra). eee me bei nobilis). Myrtle boxleaf (Pachistima myrsi- | ~08? (Juglans major). nites). ieee ee di . s alder nus simuata). Meee (Bernardia myricaefo fom erapeCVaTeMnibiiscay: Myrtleleaf gooseberry (Ribes oxyacanthoides). pin oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis). prickly-ash (Xanthoxrylum ameri- canum) . red oak (Quercus borealis). sloe (Prunus alleghaniensis). croton (Bernardia myricaefolia). oak (Quercus myrtifolia). Myrtle oak (Quercus murtifolia). Naked withe rod (Viburnum nudum). Nanny plum (Viburnum lentago). white cedar (Thuja occidentalis). Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago, white pine (Pinus strobus). Viburnum prunifolium). Norway pine (Pinus resinosa). Hairy (Viburnum pubescens). Nut pine (Pinus cembroides, Rusty (Viburnum rufidulum). Pinus edulis, Narrowleaf, Pinus monophylla, buckthorn (Rhamnus lanceolata). Pinus parryana). cottonwood (Populus angustifolia). Nutbrush (Simmondsia chinensis). crab apple (Malus angustifolia). Nutmeg, California (Tumion californi- goldenbush (Aplopappus linearifo- cum). lius). Nutmeg, hickory (Carya myristicae- laurel (Kalmia angustifolia). formis). papaw (Asimina angustifolia). Nuttall, redroot (Ceanothus ovatus). globemallow (Malvasirum nuttallii). willow (Saliz exigua, horsebrush (Tetradymia nuttallir). Saliz longifolia). willow (Saliv scouleriana). 246 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Oak, Arizona white (Quercus arizonica). Barren (Quercus ilicifolia, Quercus marilandica). Basket (Quercus durandii, Quercus prinus). Bastard (Quercus coccinea, Quercus durandii). Bastard white (Quercus austrina). Bear (Quercus ilicifolia, Quercus sadleriana). Black (Quercus coccinea,) Quercus emoryit). Black scrub (Quercus ilicifolia). Blackjack (Quercus marilandica). Blue (Quercus douglasii). Bluejack (Quercus cinerea). Box white (Quercus stellata). Boynton (Quercus boyntonit). Bray (Quercus brayi). Brewer (Quercus garryana). Buck (Quercus coccinea). Bur (Quercus macrocarpa). California black (Quercus kelloggii). California blue (Quercus douglasii). California live (Quercus agrifolia). California scrub (Quercus dumosa). California tanbark (Quercus densi- flora). California white (Quercus lobata). Canyon live (Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus wislizenii). Chapman (Quercus chapmanii). Chapman white (Quercus chapmanii). Chestnut (Quercus montana). Chinquapin (Quercus muehlenbergii). Chisos red (Quercus gravesii). Coast live (Quercus agrifolia, Quercus pricei). Colorado white (Quercus phyla). Cow (Quercus prinus). Deer (Quercus sadleriana). Duck (Quercus nigra). Durand (Quercus durandii). Durand white (Quercus durandii). Dwarf chinquapin (Quercus prinoi- des). Dyer (Quercus velutina). Hmory (Quercus emoryi). Evergreen (Quercus engelmannii). Evergreen white (Quercus engel- manit). Fendler (Quercus fendleri). Gambel (Quercus gambelii). Garry (Quercus garryana). Georgia (Quercus georgiana). Grave’s (Quercus gravesit). Gray (Quercus grisea). Havard’s shinnery (Quercus havar- dii). Hedgehog (Lithocarpus densiflora). Highland live (Quercus wislizenit). Holly (Quercus undulata). Huckleberry (Quercus vaccinifolia), Interior live (Quercus wislizenii). lepto- Oak—Continued. Iron (Quercus chrysolepis, Quercus stellata). Island live (Quercus tomentelia). Jack (Quercus ellipsoidalis, Quercus marilandica). Lacey (Qwercus laceyi). Laurel (Quercus imbricaria, Quercus laurifolia, Quercus phellos). Laurelleaf (Quercus laurifolia). Leather (Quercus dumosa). Live (Quercus virginiana). MacDonald (Quercus dumosa). Mesa (Quercus engelnannii). Mexican blue (Quercus oblongifolia). Mohr’s shinnery (Quercus mohriana). Mossycup (Quercus macrocarpa). Mountain (Quercus kelloggii, Quercus montana). Mountain white (Quercus douglasii, Quercus grisea). Myrtle (Quercus myrtifolia). Myrtleleaf (Quercus myrtifolia). Netleaf (Quercus diversicolor). New Mexican shinnery (Quercus novomexricana). Northern pin (Quercus ellipsoidalis). Northern red (Quercus borealis). Oregon white (Quercus garryana). Overcup (Quercus lyrata, Quercus macrocarpa). Palmer (Quercus palmeri). Pin (Quercus laurifolia, Quercus palustris, Quercus phellos). Possum (Quercus nigra). Post (Quercus stellata). Punk (Quercus nigra). Quercitron (Quercus velutina). Red (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra, Quercus velutina). Rock (Quercus douglassii, Quercus montana). Rock chestnut (Quercus montana). Rocky Mountain shin (Quercus un- dulata). Rocky Mountain white (Quercus lep- tophylla, Quercus utahensis). Running (Quercus pumila). Rydberg (Quercus rydbergiana). Sadler (Quercus sadleriana). Searlet (Quercus coccinea). Schneck red (Quercus shumardit). Scrub (Quercus catesbei, Quercus macrocarpa, Quercus maritiandica, Quercus prinoides). Scrub chestnut (Quercus princides). Shin (Quercus mohriana, Quercus undulata). Shingle (Quercus imbricaria). Shinnery (Quercus havardii). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Oak—Continued. Shumard red (Quercus shumardii). Silver (Quercus hypoleuca). Slick (Quercus velutina). Slickbark (Quercus velutina). Small chestnut (Quercus prinoides). Small post (Quercus margaretta). Smoothbark (Quercus velutina). Southern red (Quercus rubra). Spanish (Quercus coccinea, Quercus digitata, Quercus rubra). Spotted (Quercus coccined, Quercus nigra, Quercus shumardit, Quercus texana) Swamp (Quercus bicolor, Quercus palustris). Swamp chestnut (Quercus prinus). Swamp post (Quercus lyrata). Swamp Spanish (Quercus palustris). Swamp white (Qwercus bicolor, Quercus prinus). Switeh (Quercus undulata). Tan (Lithocarpus densiflora). Tanbark (Lithocarpus densiflora, Quercus montana, Quercus velutina). Texas red (Quercus texrana). Toumey (Quercus toumeyt). Turkey (Quercus cinerea, Quercus ilicifolia, Quercus rubra). Upland willow (Quercus cinerea). Valley white (Quercus lobata). Vasey (Quercus undulata). Water (Quercus arkansana, Quercus imobricaria, Quercus laurifolia, Quercus nigra, Quercus palustris, Quercus phellos). Wavyleaf (Quercus undulata). White (Quercus alba, Quercus durandii, Quercus oblongifolia, Quercus stellata). White water (Quercus lyrata). Whiteleaf (Quercus hypoleuca). Wilcox (Quercus wilcozii). Willow (Quercus phellos). Willowleaf (Quercus phellos). Wislizenius (Quercus wislizenii). Yellow (Quercus veiutina). Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea querci- folia). Oceanspray (Holediscus discolor). Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens). Ogeche, lime (Nyssa ogeche). plum (Nyssa ogeche). Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra). Oklahoma plum (Prunus gracilis). Old-field, birch (Betula populifolia). pine (Pinus taeda). plum (Prunus umbellata). 347 paste beard (Hydrangea quercifo- ia). aes Russian (Hlaeagnus angustifo- lia). Olive tree, wild (#alesia carolina). One-berry (Celtis occidentalis). One-color willow (Salix menochroma). One-seed juniper (Juniperus mono- sperma). Opopanax (Acacia farnesiana). Yellow (Acacia farnesiana). Opossum-wood (Halesia carolina). Orange, Bitter (Citrus trifoliata). Mexican (Choisya dumosa). Mock (Prunus caroliniana). Osage (Maclura pomifera). Wild (Prunus caroliniana). Orange, gooseberry (Ribes pinetorum). honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa). Oregon, alder (Alnus rubra). ash (Fraxvinus oregona). box-bush (Pachistima myrsinites). crab apple (Malus fusca). Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga tasvifolia). gooseberry (Ribes lobbii). hollygrape (Berberis aquifolium, Berberis nervosa). maple (Acer macrophyllum). myrtle (Umbellularia californica). pine (Pseudotsuga taxifolia). tea-tree (Ceanothus sanguineus). viburnum (Viburnum ellipticum). white oak (Quercus garryanea). Oregon-grape (Berberis aquifolium, Berberis nervosa, Berberis repens). Osage-orange (Maclura pomifera). Osier, Red (Cornus stolonifera). Western (Cornus occidentalis). Oso berry (Osmaronia cerasiformis). Overcup, oak (Quercus lyrata, Quercus macrocarpa). Oxeye, sea (Borrichia frutescens). Ozark chinquapin (Castanea ozarken- Sis). Pachysandra bens). Pacific, grape (Vitis californica). mountain-ash (Sorbus sitchensis). plum (Prunus subcordata). waxmyrtle (Myrica californica). yew (Tazus brevifolia). Paintbrush, bush (Castilleja hololeuca). Palaverde (Canotia holacantha). Pale, desert-thorn (Lycium pallidum). dogwood (Cornus obliqua). elderberry (Sambucus coerulea). laurel (Kalmia polifolia). silktassel (Garrya flavescens). wolfberry (Lycium pallidum). (Pachysandra procum- 348 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Palm, Texas (Sabal tezana). Palmer, clematis (Clematis palmeri). cottonwood (Populus palmeri). goldenbush (Aplopappus palmeri). oak (Quercus palmert). Palmetto, cabbage (Sabal palmetto). Paloblanco (Celtis lindheimeri, Celtis reticulata, Forestiera neomexicana). Paloduro (Celtis reticulata). Paloverde (Cercidium macrum, Cercidium torreyanum). Panhandle grape (Vitis doaniana). Panicled dogwood (Cornus paniculata). Papaw, Common (Asimina triloba). Dwarf (Asimina parvifiora). Narrowleaf (Asimina angustifolia). Small-flowered (Asimina parviflora). Small-fruited (Asimina parviflora). Paper, birch (Betula papyrifera, Betula populifolia). mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera). Paperleaf alder (Alnus tenwifolia). Paradise flower (Acacia greggi). Parish, desert-thorn (Lycium parishii). goldenbush (Aplopappus parishii). Parry, lenscale (Atriplex parryi). manzanita (Arctostaphylos manza- nita). pion (Pinus parryana). saltbush (Atriplex parryi). Partridge berry (Mitchella repens). Pasture gooseberry (Ribes cynosbatii). Pavonia (Pavenia lasiopetala). Peach, Desert (Prunus andersonii). Wild (Prunus carolinia, Prunus texana). Peach, oak (Quercus phellos). thorn (Lyciwm coope7i). Peachleaf willow (Saliz amygdaloides). Peaflower locust (Robinia pseudo- acacia). Pecan (Carya pecan) . Pencil-tree (Baccharis halimifolia). Pentstemon, Heartleaf (Pentstemon cordifolius). Rothrock (Pentstemon rothroekii). Shortflower (Pentstemon brevi- florus). Snapdragon (Pentstemon antirrhi- noides). Pepperbush, Mountain sweet (Clethra acuminata). Sweet (Clethra alnifolia). Pepperidge (Cissus arborea, Nyssa sylvatica). Peppervine (Cissus arborea). Pepperwood (Umbellularia californica, Xanthoczylum clava-her- culis). Perfumed cherry (Prunus mahaleb). Fersimmon (Diospyros virginiana). Black (Diospyros tezana), Mexican (Diospyros texana). Pickleweed (Allenrolfea occidentalis). Piedmont rhododendron (Rhododen- dron minus). Pigeon cherry (Prunus pennsylwanica). Pigeonberry (Amelanchier alnifolia, Amelanchier florida, Cornus alternifolia, Rhamnus californica). Pigmy-cedar (Peucephyllum schottii). Pignut, (Simmondsia chinensis). hickory (Carya cordiformis, Carya glabra, Carya leiodermis, Carya pallida, Carya villosa). Pilgrim grape (Vitis novae-angliae). Pima ratany (Krameria parvifolia). Pin cherry (Prunus pennsylwanica). Pinchot juniper (Juniperus pinchottii). Pine, Apache (Pinus apacheca). Arizona (Pinus arizonica). Banks (Pinus banksiana). Bigcone (Pinus coulteri). Bishop (Pinus muricata). Black (Pinus serotina, Pinus taeda). Bristlecone (Pinus aristata). Carribean (Pinus caribaea). Chihuahua (Pinus leiophylia). Coulter (Pinus coulteri). Digger (Pinus sabiniana). Kat (Pinus australis). Foxtail (Pinus aristata, Pinus balfouriana). Georgia (Pinus australis). Gray (Pinus banksiana). Hickory (Pinus aristata). Jack (Pinus banksiana). Jeffrey (Pinus jeffreyi). Jersey (Pinus virginiana). Knobeone (Pinus attenuata). Limber (Pinus flezrilis). Loblolly (Pinus taeda). Lodgepole (Pinus contorta, Pinus murrayana). Longleaf (Pinus australis). Marsh (Pinus serotina). Mexican stone (Pinus cembroides). Mexican white (Pinus strobiformis). Monterey (Pinus radiata). Mountain (Pinus pungens). Murray (Pinus murrayana). Northern white (Pinus strobus). Norway (Pinus resinosa). Nut (Pinus cembroides, Pinus edulis, Pinus monophyila, Pinus parryana). Oldfield (Pinus taeda). . Oregon (Pseudotsuga tavifolia). Pitch (Pinus rigida). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Pine—Continued. Pond (Pinus serotina). Prickle-cone (Pinus muricata). Red (Pinus resinosa, Pseudotsuga glauca). Rocky mountain yellow (Pinus bra- chyptera). Rosemary (Pinus taeda). Sabine (Pinus sabiniana). Sand (Pinus clausa). Santa Cruz Island (Pinus remo- rata). Scrub (Pinus banksiana, Pinus virginiana). Shore (Pinus contorta). Shortleaf (Pinus echinata, Pinus taeda). Singleleaf (Pinus monophylla). Slash (Pinus caribaea). Southern (Pinus australis). Southern hard (Pinus australis). Southern yellow (Pinus echinata). Spruce (Picea mariana, Pinus contorta, Pinus glabra, Tsuga canadensis). Sugar (Pinus lambertiana). Swamp (Pinus caribaea, Pinus palustris). Table-mountain (Pinus pungens). Tamarac (Pinus murrayana). Torrey (Pinus torreyana). Virginia (Pinus virginiana). Western white (Pinus monticola). Western yellow (Pinus ponderosa). White (Picea engeimannii, Pinus flecilis, Pinus glabra, Pinus strobus). Whitebark (Pinus albicaulis). Yellow (Pinus australis, Pinus echinata, Pinus ponderosa). bush (Aplopappus pinifolius). Pineleaf goldenbush (Aplopappus pini- folius). Pine-mat (Ceanothus diversifolius). manzanita (Arctostaphylos nevaden- sis). Pink, honeysuckle (Lonicera hispidula). meadow spiraea (Spiraea latifolia). mimosa (Mimosa borealis). sophora (Sophora, affinis). Pinkshell azalea (Rhododendron va- seyi). Pin oak, (Quercus laurifolia, Quercus palustris, — Quercus phellos). Northern (Quercus ellipsoidalis). Pifion (Pinus edulis, Pinus monophylla). Pinxter flower (Rhododendron cens, Caneés- 349 Piper willow (Salix piperi). Pipestem (Clematis lasiantha). Pipe-vine, (Aristolochia durior, Aristolochia tomentosa). Dutehman’s (Aristolochia durior). California Dutchman’s (Aristolochia californica). Woolly (Aristolochia tomentosa). Pitch pine (Pinus rigida). Planetree (Platanus occidentalis). Planer-tree (Planera aquatica). Plateau gooseberry (Ribes velutinum). Plum, Allegheny (Prunus allegheniensis). Beach (Prunus maritima). Big-tree (Prunus mexicana). Bullace (Prunus umbellata). Canada (Prunus nigra). Chickasaw (Prunus angustifolia, Prunus umbellata). Creek (Prunus rivularis). Deer (Chrysobalanus oblongifolius) . Downward (Bumelia spinifiora). Hog (Colubrina texensis, Prunus reverchonii, Prunus umbellata). Horse (Prunus americana, Prunus nigra). Hortulan (Prunus hortulana). Klamath (Prunus subcordata). May (Prunus texana). Mexican (Prunus meawicana). Moxie (Chiogenes hispidula). Nanny (Viburnum lentago). Ogeche (Nyssa ogeche). Oklahoma (Prunus gracilis). Oldfield (Prunus umbellata). Pacific (Prunus subcordata). Porter’s (Prunus allegheniensis). Prairie (Prunus umbellata). Saffron (Bumelia spinifiora). Sand (Prunus texana). Shore (Prunus maritima). Sierra (Prunus subcordata). Western wild (Prunus subcordata). Wild (Prunus americana, Prunus tanata, Prunus nigra). Wild garden (Prunus hortulana). Wild goose (Prunus hortulano, Prunus munsoniana). Wild red (Prunus americana). Wild yellow (Prunus americana). Plum grape (Vitis labrusca). Plumas bush (Ceanothus lemmonii). Plumleaf cherry (Prunus emarginata). Plymouth crowberry (Corema conradit). Pointleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens). Poison, ash (Rhus verniz). bay (Illicium floridanum). dogwood (Rhus vernia). elder (Rhus verniz). sumac (Rhus vernix). Rhododendron nudi-| Poisonbean (Daubenbonia drummon- florum). dit). 350 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. Poison-ivy (Rhus toxicodendron). Poison-oak (Rhus diversiloba, Rhus toxicodendron, Rhus vermiz). Polecat tree (Rhamnus caroliniena). Polished willow (Saliz laevigata). Polygala, Desert (Polygala acanthoclada). Thorn (Polygala acanthoclada). Pond, brush (fForestiera acuminata). pine (Pinus serotina). spice (Glabraria geniculata). Pondbush (Glabraria geniculata). Pondcypress (Taxodium ascendens). Ponil (Fallugia paradoaa). Popinack (Acacia farnesiana). Poplar, Balsam (Populus balsamifera). Blue (Liriodendron tulipifera). Downy (Populus heterophylia). Hickory (Liriedendron tulipifera). Necklace (Populus deltoides, Populus sargentii). Rydberg (Populus acuminata). Silver (Populus alba). White (Liriodendron tulipifera, Populus alba). Yellow (Liriodendron tulipfera. Popotillo (Hphedra antisyphilitica, Ephedra trifurca). Poppy, Bush (Dendromecon rigida). Tree (Dendromecon rigida). Porter’s plum (Prunus allegheniensis). Port Orford cedar (Chamaecyparis law- soniana). Possum, grape (Vitis baileyana). oak (Quercus nigra). wood (Diospyros virginiana). Possumhaw (Ilex decidua, Viburnum nudum). Post, cedar (Libocedrus decurrens). locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). oak (Quercus stellata). Post-oak grape (Vitis lincecumii). Poverty birch (Betula populifolia). Powdery storax (Styraz pulverulenta). Prairie, acacia (Acacia angustissima). crab apple (Malus ioensis). guajillo (Acacia angustissima). ninebark (Physocarpus intermedius). plum (Prunus umbellata). weed (Potentilla, fruticosa). willow (Salig humilis). Pretty willow (Saliz bella). Prickle-cone pine (Pinus muricata). Prickly, ash (Aralia spinosa). gooseberry (Ribes cynosbatii). Pride of China (Melia azedarach). S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Privet, (Forestiera acuminata, Ilex decidua, Ilex longipes, Ligustrum vulgare). Mountain (Jlex montana). Swamp (Forestiera acuminata). andromeda (Xolisma ligustrina). lippia (Lippia ligustrina). Punk oak (Quercus nigra). Purple, anise (Illicium floridanum). azalea (Rhododendron nudiflorum). chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia). dogwood (Cornus alternifolia). haw (Condalia obovata). virgins-bower (Clematis verticillaris). Pumpkin ash (Frazvinus profunda). Pussy. willow (Salizv discolor). dwarf (Saliz tristis). Pyramid magnolia (Magnolia pyrami- data). Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Quarter-vine (Bignonia capreolata). Quercitron oak (Quercus velutina). Quinine, bush (Cowania stansburiana, Garrya elliptica, Garrya flavescens). cherry (Prunus emarginata). plant (Simmondsia chinensis). Quinsy berry (Ribes hudsonianum). Rabbit thorn (Lycium pallidum). Rabbitberry (Shepherdia argentea). Rabbitbrush, Douglas (Chrysothamnus viscidifio- TUS). Rubber (Chrysothamnus nawsecsus). Spring (Tetradymia glabrata). Sticky (Chrysothamnus paniculatus). Sticky flower (Chrysothamnus Visci- diflorus). Rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium virga- tum). Raisin, wild (Viburnum cassinoides, Viburnum lentago). Ramoceniza (Parosela spinosa). Ramona bush (Ceanothus tomentosus). Ramshorn (Acacia greggit). Range ratany (Krameria glandulosa). Ratany, Pima (Krameria parvifolia). Range (Krameria glandulosa). White (Krameria grayi). Rat-stripper (Pachistima canbyi). Rattan vine (Berchemia scandens). Rattlebox (Halesia carolina). Red, alder (Alnus rubra). ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). bilberry (Vacciniwm parvifolium). birch (Betula. fontinalis, Betula nigra). brush (Lippia berlandieri, Quercus ilicifolia) . buckeye (Aesculus pavia). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Red—Continued. chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia). cypress (Taxvodium distichum). elder (Sambucus callicarpa, Sambucus pubens). elm (Ulmus alata, Ulmus fulva, Ulmus serotina). fir (Abies magnifica, Pseudotsuga glauca, Abies nobilis, Pseudotsuga taxifolia). fir, California (Abies magnifica). fir, Shasta (Abies magnifica) . grape (Vitis polmaia). gum (Liquidambar styracijfiua). heart (Ceanothus spinosus). heather (Phyllodoce breweri, Phyllodoce empetriformis). hollygrape (Berberis haematocarpa). huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium). locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). mapie (Acer rubrum). moonseed (Cebatha carolina). mulberry (Morus rubra). oak (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra, Quercus velutina). pine (Pinus resinosa, Pseudotsuga@ glauca). spruce (Picea ruora). sage (Trixis californica). soapbloom (Ceanothus sanguineus). twinberry (Lonicera utahensis). whortleberry (Vaccinium parvifoli- um). willow (Saliz laevigata, Saliz lasiandra). Redbay, (Gordonia lasianthus, Persea borbonia). Smooth (Persea borbonia). Swamp (Persea pubescens). Redberry, (Rhamnus crocea) bamboo (Smilax walteri). elder (Sambucus callicarpa). juniper (Juniperus pinchotii). Redbud, (Cercis canadensis). California (Cercis occidentalis). Redbud = serviceberry (Amelanchier prunifolia). Redbud, Texas (Cercis reniformis). _ Western (Cercis occidentalis). Red-cardinal (Hrythrina arborea). Red cedar, (Juniperus scopulorum, Thuja plicata). Hastern (Jwniperus virginiana). Mountain (Juniperus scopulorum). Rocky mountain (Juniperus scopu- lorum). Southern (Juniperus lucayana). Western (Thuja plicata). Red-flowered, | clematis (Clematis pitcheri). currant (Ribes sanguineum). 33772°—38 23 ool Red-fruited juniper (Juniperus erythro- carpa). Red-osier (Cornus stolonifera). Redroot, (Ceanothus americanus, Ceanothus intermedius, Ceanothus ovatus). Redshank (Adenostoma sparsifolium). grape (Vitis rufotomentosa). Redstem, buckthorn (Rhamnus rubra). ceanothus (Ceanothus sanguineus). Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). California (Sequoia sempervirens). Rhododendron, (Rhododendron mazi- mum). Carolina (Rhododendron carolinia- num). Catawba (Rhododendron cataw- biense). Coast (Rhododendron californicum). Lapland (Rhododendron lapponi- cum). Piedmont (Rhododendron minus). Rocky mountain (/thododendron al- biflorum). Rosebay (Rhododendron maximum). Rhodora (Rhododendron canadense). Ribbonwocd (Adenostoma sparsifo- lium). Rigid, brickelibush ( Brickeilia frutescens). ceanothus (Ceanothus rigidus). River, birch (Betula nigra). cottonwood (Populus sargentii). maple (Acer saccharinum). willow (Salix fluviatiilis). River willow, Missouri (Salix cordata, Salizxv mis- souriense). ie baal grape (Vitis vulpina). Rock, chestnut oak (Quercus montana). clematis (Clematis verticillaris) . elm (Ulmus racemesa). gooseberry (Ribes quercetorum). grape (Vitis rupestris). maple (Acer saccharum). nettle (Hucnide urens). oak (Quercus douglasii, Quercus montana). Rockbrush (Hysenhardatia polystachya). Rocky mountain, redcedar (Juniperus scopulorum). rhododendron (Rhododendron albi- jlorum) . red cherry (Prunus corymbulosa). Shin oak (Quercus undulata). white oak (Quercus leptophylla, Quercus utahensis). whortleberry (Vacciniumoreophilum). yellow pine (Pinus brachyptera). Romero (Trichostema lanatum). Rope-vine (Clematis paucifiora). Rosa, malva (Lavatera assurgenti flora). 302 Rose-acacia (Robinia lispida). Rosebay, (Rhododendron mazrimum). Lapland (Rhododendron lapponicum). Mountain (Rhododendron caiaw- biense). Rosebay rhododendron (Rhododendron manimum). Rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides). pine (Pinus taeda). willow (Salix petiolaris). Roses (Rosa@ spp.). Rosin brush (Baccharis sarothroides). Rothrock, currant (Ribes woifii). pentstemon (Pentstemon rothrockit). MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. 8. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Sage—Continued. Gregg (Salvia greggii). Hollyleaf bur (Franceria ilicifolia). Little (Artemisia nova). Red (Trigis californica). Salt (Atriplex canescens). Sheep (Hriogonum microthecum). Shrubby blue (Salvia baliotaefiora). Water (Atriplex torreyi). White (EZurotia lanata, Salvia apiana). White bee (Salvia apiana) . Wolly bur (franseria erioscentra). Sage willow (Salix candida, Salig tristis). Rough arrowwood (Viburnum scabrel-| Sagebrush, lum). Roughish arrowwood (Viburnum sca- brellum). Roughleaf, eornel (Cornus asperifolia). manzanita (Arctostaphylos cea). Rough-leaved, cornel (Cornus asperifolia, Cornus circinata). dogwood (Cornus asperifolia). Round - flowered cateclaw (Acacia roemeriana). Roundleaf, gooseberry (Ribes rotundifolium). grape (Vitis helieri). snowberry (Symphoricarpos rotundi- folius). Rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus NQAUSEOSUS). Rum cherry (Prunus serotina). Running, oak (Quercus pumila). strawberrybush (Hvonymus tus). Russet, alder (Alnus crispa). buffaloberry (Shepherdia canaden- Sis). Russian-olive (Hlaeagnus angustifolia). Rusty, blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum). nannyberry (Viburnum rufidulum). Rustyleaf (Menziesia ferruginea). Rydberg, oak (Quercus rydbergiana). poplar (Populus acuminata). Sabine pine (Pinus sabiniana). Sacred mustard (Nicotiana glauca). Sadler oak (Quercus sadleriana). Sage, Ambrosia bur siodes). Autumn (Salvia greggii). Bee (Hyptis emoryi). Black (Artemisia arbuscula, Salvia mellifera). Bladder (Salazaria mezicana). Colorado (Artemisia tridentata). Desert (Salvia carnosa). drupa- obova- (Franceria ambdro- Sandmat manzanita Basin (Artemisia tridentata). Big (Artemisia. tridentata). Bigelow (Artemisia bigelovii). Bud (Artemisia spinescens). Coastal (Artemisia californica). Flat (Artemisia bigelovii). Hoary (Artemisia cana). Low (Artemisia arbuscula). Sand (Artemisia filifolia). Seabland (Artemisia arbuscula, Artemisia rigida). Silver (Artemisia cana). Small (Artemisia nova). Stiff (Artemisia rigida). Threetip (Artemisia tripartita). St.-Andrews’-eross (Aseyrum hypericoi- des, Ascyrum linifolium). St. Johnswort, shrubby (Hypericum prolificum). St.-Peter’s-wort (Ascyrum sians). Salad tree (Cercis canadensis). Salal, (Gaultheria shallon). berry (Gaultheria shallon). Saloop (Sassafras albidum). Salt sage (Atriplex canescens). Saltbush, Big (Atriplez lentiformis). Parry (Atriplex parryi). Saltcedar (Tamariz gallica). San Gabriel globemallow (Malvastrum gabrielense). and, cherry (Prunus pumila). grape (Vitus lincecumii, Vitus rupestris). jack (Quercus cinerea). pine (Pinus clausa). plum (Prunus texana). sagebrush (Artemisia filifolia). scrub (Ceanothus dentatus). Sandbar willow (Salix exigua, Salix interior, Salix sessilifolia). Sandbur (Franseria dumosa). (Arctostaphylos pumila). Sandmyrtle, box (Leiophyllum buzifo- lium). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Sangre de drago lata). Santa Cruz, Island pine (Pinus remorata). ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribun- dus). Santa Lucia fir (Abies venusta). Sargent, cottonwood (Populus sargentiz). cypress (Cupressus sargentii). Sarsaparilla (Smilax lanceolata, Smilax walteri). Wild (Smilax glauca). Sarsaparilla vine (Smilax pumila). Sarvisberry (Amelanchier alnifolia, Amelanchier canadensis, Amelanchier florida). Sassafras (Sassafras albidum). Satin willow (Salix sitchensis). Satin-curls (Clematis catesbyana). Saw, brier (Smilax glauca). palmetto (Serenoa repens). Seabland sagebrush (Artemisia arbus- cula, Artemisia ri- gida). Seale broom (Lepidospartum squama- tum). Scarlet, buckeye (Aesculus discolor, Aesculus pavia). oak (Quercus coccinea). Scentless syringa (Philadelphus in- odorus). Schneck red oak (Quercus shumardii). Schwerin’s indigo (Amorpha_ schwer- init). Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius). Screwhean (Prosopis cinerascens, Prosopis pubescens). Serewpod mesquite (Prosopis pubes- cens). Serub, birch (Betula glandulosa). ceanothus (Ceanothus foliosus). chestnut oak (Quercus prinoides). hickory (Carya floridana). oak (Quercus macrocarpa, Quercus marilandica, Quercus prinoides). pine (Pinus banksiana, Pinus virginiana). Sea oxeye (Borrichia frutescens). Sea-ash (Xanthoaylum clara-herculis). Seaside alder (Alnus maritima). Seepwillow (Baccharis glutinosa). Senna (Cassia armata, Cassia covesii). September elm (Ulmus serotina). Sequoia (Sequoia washingtoniana). Serviceberry, (Amelanchier oblongi- folia, Amelanchier sangui- nea). Canada (Amelanchier canadensis). 30d (Jatropha spathu-| Serviceberry—Continued. Cluster (Amelanchier polycarpa). Cusick (Amelanchier cusickii). Downy (Amelanchier canadensis). Dwarf (Amelanchier oblongifolia). Goldman (Amelanchier goldmanii). Small (Amelanchier humilis). Smooth (Amelanchier laevis). Utah (Amelanchier utahensis). Western (Amelanchier alnifolia, Amelanchier florida). Seven-bark (Hydrangea arborescens, Hydrangea quercifolia). Sevenleaf ivy (Parthenocissus hepta- phyla). Shadblow (Amelanchier canadensis). Shadbush (Amelanchier canadensis). Shadscale (Atriplex canescens, Atriplex confertifolia). Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata). Shankbush (Adenostoma sparsifolium). Shasta red fir (Abies magnifica). She-balsam (Abies fraseri). Sheepberry (Viburnum lentago, Viburnum prunifolium). Sheep-currant (Ribes cereum). Sheep laurel (Kalmia angustifolia). Sheep-nut (Simmondsia chinensis). Sheep-sage (Hriogonum microthecum). Shellbark hickory (Carya ovata). Shin oak (Quercus mohriana, Quercus undulata). Shingle oak (Quercus imbricaria). Shining, bumelia (Bumelia lucida). sumac (Rhus copallina). willow (Salix lucida). withe-rod (Viburnum nitidum). Shinnery oak (Quercus havardii). Shiny willow (Salix lucida). Shipmast locust (Robinia acacia). Shittimwood (Bumelia lanuginosa, Bumelia lycioides). Shoestrings (Amorpha canescens, Campsis radicans). pseudo- Shore, pine (Pinus contorta). plum (Prunus maritima). Short shucks (Pinus virginiana). Shortflower pentstemon (Pentstemon brevifiorus). Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata, Pinus taeda). Shortspine horsebrush (Tetradymia spinosa). Shrub, (Calycanthus floridus). yellow-root (Xanthorriza simplicis- sima). Shrubby, blue sage (Salvia ballotaefiora). buckeye (Aesculus glabra). cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa). eroton (Croton fruticulosus). St. Johnswort (Hypericum prolifi- cum). 354 Shumard red oak (Quercus shumar- adit). Sierra, bearberry (Arctostaphylos nevaden- sis). bladdernut (Staphylea bolanderi). cotteeberry (Rhamnus rubra). currant (Ribes nevadense). gooseberry (Ribes roezlii). maple (Acer glabrum). plum (Prunus subcordaia). sweet bay (Myrica hartwegii). willow (Salix commuiata, Salia orestera). Silkbay (Persea humiiis). Silktassel, Coast (Garrya eliiptica). Fremont (Garrya fremontii). Pale (Garrya fiavescens). Veatch (Garrya veatchii). Yellowleaf (Garrya flavescens). Silktassel bush (Garrya elliptica, Garrya lindheimeri). Silktree (Albizzia julubrissin). Silky, camellia (Stuartia malachodendron). cornel (Cornus amomum). willow (Salix sericea, Saliva sitchensis). Silver, bireh (Betula lutea, Elaeagnus argentea). push (Hlaeagnus argentea). bush, desert (Shepherdia rotundi- folia). chain (Robinia pseudoacacia). fir (Abies amabilis, Abies concolor, Abies grandis). lupine (Lupinus albifrons). mapie (Acer saccharinum). mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus argenteus). o2k (Quercus hypoieuca). poplar (Populus alba). sagebrush (Artemisia cana). willow (Salix argyrccarpa, Salix discolor, Saliz geyeriana). Silverbell, (Halesia carolina). Little (Halesia parviflora). Mountain (Halesia monticola). Two-wing (Halesia diptera). Silverbell tree (Halesia carolina). Silverberry (Hlaeagnus argentea). Silverleaf, hydrangea (Hydrangea radiata). willow (Saliz argophylla). Silverling (Baccharis halimifolia). Silvery wormwood (Artemisia filifolia). Single spruce (Picea canadensis). Singleleaf pine (Pinus monophylla). Sitka, alder (Alnus sinuata). oa (Chamaecyparis nootkaten- Sis). MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Sitka—Continued. spruce (Picea sitchensis). willow (Saliz sitchensis). Skunk, bush (Rhus trilobaia). currant (Ribes bracteosum, Rites glandulosum, Rites prostratum). spruce (Picea canadensis). Slash pine (Pinus caribaea, Pinus palustris). Slender, buckwheatbrush (Hriogonum micro- thecum). poreleaf (Porophyllum gracile). willow (Salia exrigua). Slick oak (Quercus velutina). Slickbark oak (Quercus velutina). Slippery elm, (Ulmus fulva). California (Fremontia californica). loe (Prunus umbellaia, Viburnum prunifotium). Sinall, chestnut oak (Quercus prinoides). cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus). pignut hickory (Carya microcarpa, Carya ovalis). post oak (Quercus margaretta). sagebrush (Artemisia nova). serviceberry (Amelanchier humilis). viburnum (Viburnum obovatum). Small’s hackberry (Celtis smallii). Small-flowered, mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus minutifiorus). papaw (Asimina parvifiora). Small-fruited, hickory (Carya microcarpa). papaw (Asimina parviflora). Smail-leaf, mahogany (Cercocarpus iniricatus). mockorange (Philadelphus micro- phyllus). Small-leaved horsebean (Parkinsonia microphylla). Smilax (Smilaxvz lanceolata). Smith buckthorn (Rhannus smithii)- Smoketree (Cotinus americanus, Parosela spinosa). Smooth, alder (Alnus rugosa). ash (Fragvinus velutina). azalea (Rhododendron arborescens). clematis (Clematis addisonii). cottonwood (Populus acuminata). cypress (Cupressus glabra). gooseberry (Rides oxyacanthoides, Ribes rotundifelium). hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). labrador tea (Ledum glandulosum). redbay (Persea borbenia). serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis). sumae (Rhus glabra). willow (Saliz laevigata). winterberry (Ilex laevigata). withe rod (Viburnum nudum). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Smoothbark, cottonwood (Populus acuminata). oak (Quercus velutina). Snailseed (Cebatha carolina, Cocculus diversifolius). Snap willow (Saliz fragilis). Snapdragon pentstemon (Pentstemon antirrhinoides). Snow gooseberry (Rives niveum). Snowbell (Styragv grandifolia). Snowberry, (Symphoricarpos albus). Mountain (Symphoricarpos oreo- philus). Roundleaf (Symphcricarpos rotundi- folius). Utah (Symphoricarpos utahensis ). Western (Symphoricarpos occiden- talis). Whortleleaft tundifolius). Snowbrush (Ceanothus cordulatus, Ceanothus velutinus). Snowdrop, (Halesia carolina). tree (Halesia diptera). Snowfiower tree (Chionanthus Nica) . Snowy hydrangea ata). Soapberry, Drummond (Sapindus drummondii). Florida (Sapindus marginatus). Western (Sapindus drummondii). Soapbush (Porlieria angustifolia). Soft, arrowweod (Viburnum molle). maple (Acer rubrum, Acer saccharinum). (Symphoricarpos ro- virgi- (Hydrangea radi- Softleaf, arrowwood (Viburnum molle). willow (Salia sessilifolia). Soldier berry (Ribes aureum). Solonis grape (Vitis longi). Sonora ironwood (Olneya tesota). Sophora, pink (Sophora affinis). Sorrel-tree (Oxydendrum arboreum). Soulard crab apple (Malus soulardii). Sour, berry (Rhus integrifolia). buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea). cherry (Prunus cerasus). gum (Nyssa sylwatica). oak (Rhus integrifolia). tupelo (Nyssa@ ogeche). tupelo gum (Nyssa ogeche). Sour-top blueberry (Vaccinium cana- dense). Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreuwn). Southern, balsam fir (Abies fraseri). black gum (Nyssa biflora). blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum). buckthorn (Bumelia lycioides). California black walnut (Juglans californica). cypress (Taxodium distichum). fox grape (Vitis rotundifolia). 300 Southern—Continued. gooseberry (Vaccinium melano- carpum). hackberry (Celtis mississippiensis). hard pine (Pinus australis). magnolia (Magnolia grandifiora). pine (Pinus australis). prickly-ash (Xanthozsylum clava-her- culis). redcedar (Juniperus lucayana). red oak (Quercus rubra). Shagbark hickory (Carya carolinae- septentrionalis ) . spicebush (Benzoin melissaefolium). spruce (Picea australis). Sugar maple (Acer floridanum). white cedar (Chamaecyparis oides). wild cherry (Prunus australis). Say ea (Hamamelis macrophyl- a). yellow pine (Pinus echinata). Southwestern black cherry (Prunus vi- rens). Spanish, bayonet (Yucca spp.). buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa). dagger (Yucca spp.). grape (Vitis berlandieri). oak (Quercus coccinea, Quercus digitata, Quercus rubra). Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum). Speckled alder (Alnus incana). Spicebush (Benzoin aestivale, Myrica cerifera). areas hop sage (Graysia brande- gei). Spineseale (Atriplex spinifera). Spiny, greasebush (Forsellesia spinescens). hackberry (Celtis pallida). hop-sage (Grayia spinosa). myrtle (Caenothus spinosus). saltbush (Atriplex confertifolia). Spiraea, Douglas (Spiraea douglasii). Dwarf (Spiraea caespitosa). Meadow (Spiraea alba). Virginia (Spiraea virginiana). Willowleaf (Spiraea salicifolia). Sponge wood (Acacia farnesiana). Spoonwood (Kalmia latifolia). Spotted, bark (Quercus shumardii). oak (Quercus coccinea, Quercus nigra, Quercus shumardii, Quercus texana). Spring rabbitbrush (Tetradymia gla- brata). Spruce (Tsuga canadensis). Alberta (Picea albertiana). Bigcone (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa). Black (Picea mariana). Blue (Picea pungens). thy- 356 MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. Spruce—Continued. Bog (Picea mariana). Brewer (Picea breweriana). Cat (Picea canadensis). Colorado blue (Picea pungens). Double (Picea mariana). Douglas (Pseudotsuga glauca, Pseudotsuga tazvifolia). Engelmann (Picea engelmannii). Lemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Red (Picea rubra). Single (Picea canadensis). Sitka (Picea sitchensis). Skunk (Picea canadensis). Southern (Picea australis). Tideland (Picea sitchensis). Weeping (Picea brewerianda). Western white (Picea albertiana). White (Picea canadensis, Picea engelmannit). Spruce pine (Picea mariana, Pinus contorta, Pinus glabra, Tsuga canadensis). Squashberry (Viburnum acerifolium, Viburnum paucifiorum). Squaw, apple (Peraphyllum ramosissimum). bush (Rhus trilobata). earpet (Ceanothus prostratis). currant (Ribes cereum). Gesert-thorn (Lycium torreyi). huckleberry (Vaccinium stamineum). mat (Ceanothus prostratus). thorn (Lycium torreyi). Stagbush (Viburnum prunifolium). Stagger bush (Xolisma mariana). Staghorn sumac (Rhus glabra, Rhus hyphina). Starleaf (Choisya dumosa). Steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa). Sticky, currant (Ribes viscosissimum). laurel (Ceanothus velutinus). rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus panicu- latus). Stickyflower rabbitbrush (Chrysotham- nus viscidifiorus) . Stiff, cornel (Cornus foemina). dogwood (Cornus femina). sagebrush (Artemisia rigida). Stink currant (Ribes bracteosum). Stinking, buckeye (Aesculus glabra). cedar (Tumion taxifolium). fir (Abies grandis). willow (Amorpha californica). Stinkwood (Nyssa sylvatica). Stone pine, Mexican (Pinus cembrot- des). Storax, (Styrax officinalis). American (Styrax americana). Downy (Styrazr pulverulenta). Powdery (Styrax puiverulenta). Sycamoreleaf (Styraxr platanifolia). S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Straggle bush (Ribes divaricatum). Straggly gooseberry (Ribes divarica- tum). Strawberry, bush (Hvonymus americanus). bush, running (Hvonymus obovatus). shrub (Calycanthus floridus). Stretch-berry (Smilax bona-nez). Striped maple (Acer pennsylvanicum). Styrax (Styrax americana). Sugar, blueberry um). bush (Rhus ovata). grape (Vitis monticola, Vitis rupestris). maple (Acer saccharum). maple, black (Acer nigrum). pine (Pinus lambertiana). sumae (Rhus ovata). tree (Acer saccharum). Sugarberry (Celtis mississippiensis, Celtis occidentalis, Ehretia anacua). (Vaccinium angustifoli- Sumac, Dwarf (Rhus copallina). Hvergreen (Rhus virens). Fragrant (Rhus aromatica). Laurel (Rhus laurina). Lemonade (Rhus trilobata). Mahogany (Rhus integrifolia). Michaux (Rhus michauczii). Mountain (Rhus copallina). Poison (Rhus vernix). Shining (Rhus copallina). Smooth (Rhus giabra). Staghorn (Rhus glabra, Rhus typhina). Sugar (Rhus ovata). Swamp (Rhus vernizr). Utah (Rhus trilobata). Winged (Rhus copallina). Yellow (Rhus glabra). Summer grape (Vitis argentifolia). Supplejack (Berchemia, scandens). Suterberry (Xanthoxrylum amervica- num). Swamp, ash (Frazinus caroliniana). azalea (Rhododendron viscosum). bay (Persea pubescens). birch (Betula fontinalis, Betula pumiia). black gum (Nyssa bifiera). blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum). blueberry, downy (Vaccinium atro- coccum). candleberry (Myrica carolinensis). chestnut oak (Quercus prinus). cottonwood (Populus heterophyila). currant (Ribes lacustre). fly-honeysuckle (Lonicera oblongi- folia). gooseberry (Ribes lacusire). haw (Viburnum cassinoides, Viburnum nudum). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS Swamp—Continued. hickory (Carya cordiformis). jronwood (Cyrilla racemijlora). laurel (Kalmia polifolia, Magnolia virginiana). magnolia (Magnolia virginiana). maple (Acer rubrum), oak (Quercus bicolor, Quercus palustris). pine (Pinus caribaea, Pinus palustris). post oak (Quercus lyrata). privet (Forestiera acuminata). redbay (Persea pubescens). sassafras (Magnolia virginiana). Spanish oak (Quercus palustris). sumac (Rhus verniz). white oak (Quercus bicolor, Quercus prinus). willow (Salix nigra). wood (Dirca palustris). Sweet, acacia (Acacia farnesiana). azalea (Rhododendron erborescens). birch (Betula lenta, Ceanothus parvifolius). buekeye (Aesculus Octandra). cherry (Prunus avium). crab apple (Malus coronaria). haw (Viburnum prunifotium). laurel (lllicium floridanum). magnolia (Magnolia virginiana). mountain grape (Vitis moniticola). pepperbush (Ciethra alnifolia). pepperbush, mountain (Clethra acu- minata). viburnum (Viburnum lentago). winter grape (Vitis cinerea). Sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana, Persea borbonia, Symplocos tinctoria). Sweet-bush (Cercocarpus betuloides). Sweetfern (Myrica asplenifolia). Sweetgale (Myrica gale). Sweetgum (Liquidambar styracifiua). Sweetleaf (Symplocos tinctoria). Sweetspire (Jtea virginica). Switeh oak (Quercus undulata). Switch-ivy (Leucothoé catesbaei). Switch-sorrel (Dodonaea arizonica). Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). Arizona (Platanus wrightii). California (Platanus racemosa). Western (Platanus racemosa). Sycamoreleaf storax (Styrae platani- folia). Syringa (Philadelphus lewisii, Philadelphus serpyllifolius). Table-mountain pine (Pinus pungens). Tacamahae (Populus balsamifera). Tag alder (Alnus tenuifolia). Tall, bilberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium). inkberry (Jlex coriacea). red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvi- folium). OF THE UNITED STATES 307 Tamarack (Lariz laricina, Lariz lyalli). pine (Pinus murrayana). Tamarisk (Tamariz gallica). Tanbark oak (Lithocarpus densiflora, Quercus montana, Quercus velutina). Tan bay (Gordonia lasianthus). Tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflora). Tansy-bush (Chamaebdatiaria folium). Taparosa (Anisacanthus thurberi). Taray (Salix tavifolia). Tarbush (Chamaebatia foliolosa, Flourensia cernua). Tarflower (Befaria racemosa). Tarweed (Chamaebatia foliolosa). Tassel bush, Canyon (Garrya veatchii). Dwarf (Garrya flavescens). Utah (Garrya flavescens). Tasseltree (Garrya elliptica). Tassel-white (Itea virginica). Tea, Mormon (F£phedra viridis). Teaberry (Gaultheria procumbens). Tealeaf willow (Salix planifolia). Tecate cypress (Cupressus guadelou- pensis ). Tennessee-indigo Seensis). Tepopote (Ephedra antisyphilitica, Ephedra trifurca). Tesota (Olneya tesota). Texan, pecan (Carya terana). Sloe (Prunus tarda). Texas, almond (Prunus minutijlora). ash (Frasvinus texensis). catclaw (Acacia wrightii). cottonwood (Populus terana), ebony (Pithecolobium flexicaule). elm (Ulmus crassifolia). hickory (Carya buckleyi). jointfir (Hphedra tezxana). madrone (Arbutus texana). mallow (Malwaviscus drummondii). mulberry (Morus microphylia). palm (Sabal texana). redbud (Cercis reniformis). red oak (Quercus texana). sarsaparilla (Wenispermum cana- dense). virgins-bower mondit). walnut (Juglans rupestris). Thick-leaved hackberry (Celtis reticu- lata). Thinleaf, alder (Alnus sinuata, Alnus tenuifolia). huckleberry (Vaccinium membrana- ceum). Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunber- mille- (Amorpha tennes- (Clematis drum- git). Thunderwood (Rhus verniz). 308 Thurberia (Thurberia triloba). Thorn, Box (Lycium halimifolium). California box (Lyciwm californi- cum). Fire (Cotoneaster pyracantiia). Rabbit (Lycium pallidum). Squaw (Lycium torreyi). Thorn, polygala (Polygala acanthoclada). tree (Gleditsia triacanthos). Thorny ash (Aralia spinosa). Threetip sagebrush (Artemisia tripar- tita). Tideland spruce (Picea sitchensis). Tight-eye (Cyrilla racemifiora). Tisswood (Halesia carolina, Persea borbonia). Titi, (Cliftonia monophylla). Black (Cliftonia monophylla, Cyrilla racemiflora). Tobacco, tree (Nicotiana glauca). Tobbaco brush (Ceanothus velutinus). Tomatilla (Lycium pallidum, Lycium torreyi). Toothache tree (Aralia spinosa). Torchwood (Amyris texana). Tornillo (Prosopis pubescens). Torote (Bursera microphylla). Torrey, jointfir (Hphedra torreyana). lenseale (Atriplex torreyi). pine (Pinus torreyana). Tough buckthorn (Bumelia tenaz). Toumey oak (Quercus touwmecy?). Toyon (Photinia arbutifolia). Trailing, bluebrush (Ceanothus diversifolius). ceanothus (Ceanothus diversifolius). Tramp’s trouble (Smilax bona-noz). Trask mahogany (Cercocarpus tras- kiae). Tree, catclaw (Acacia wrightit). huckleberry (Vaccinium arboreum). lupine (Lupinus arboreus). pea (Parosela spinosa). tobaceo (Nicotiana glauca). Treebine (Cissus incisa). Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima). Treemallow, California (Lavatera assurgentifolia). Treepoppy (Dendromecon rigida). Trembling aspen (Populus tremu- loides). Trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sem- pervirens ). Trumpetcreeper (Campsis radicans). Trumpetflower (Bignonia capreolata, Campsis radicans, Tecoma stans). Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera). Tupelo, (Nyssa aquatica, Nyssa sylwatica). gum (Nyssa aquatica). gum, large (Nyssa aquatica). MISC. PUBLICATION 308, U. 8S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Tupelo—Continued. gum, sour (Nyssa ogeche). Sour (Nyssa ogeche). Water (Nyssa diflora, Nyssa ogeche). Turkey, grape (Vitis lincecumii). oak (Quercus cinerea, Quercus ilicifolia, Quercus rubra). shed (Forestiera pubescens). Turpentine broom (Thamnosma mon- tana). Turpentineweed (Gutierrezia linearis, Gutierrezia, longifo- lia). Tweedy cottonwceod (Populus tweedyi). Twinberry, (Miichella repens). Red (Lonicera utahensis). Twinberry honeysuckle (Lonicera in- volucrata). Twinflower (Linnaea borealis). Two-wing silverbell (Halesia diptera). Umbrella magnolia (Magnolia tripe- tala). Umbrella tree, (Cornus alternifolia, Magnolia tripetala). Har-leaved (Magnolia fraseri). Bie (Magnolia macrophyl- a). Una de gato (Acacia greggii). Undergreen willow (Salix commutata). Unknown tree (Celtis occidentalis). Upland willow oak (Quercus cinerea). Utah, buddleia (Buddieia utahensis). honeysuckle (Lonicera utahensis). juniper (Juniperus utahensis). serviceberry (Ameianchier utahen- Sis): Snowberry (Symphoricarpos uteh- ensis). sumac (Rhus trilobata). tassel bush (Garrya flavescens). Valley, cottonwood (Populus wislizenii). white oak (Quercus lobata). willow (Salix hindsiana). Varnish-brush (Ceanothus vetutinus). Vase-vine (Clematis viorna). Vasey oak (Quercus undulata). Vauquelinia (Vauquelinia californica). Veatch silktassel (Garrya veatchii). Veiny arrowwood (Virburnum veno- sum). Veinyleaf hollygrape (Berberis ner- VOSa). Velvet, ash (Frazinus velutina). mesquite (Prosopis odorata). Velvetleaf, blueberry (Vaccinium canadense). elder (Sambucus coerulea). Velvetpod mimosa (Mimosa carpa), ayso- NATIVE WOODY PLANTS Viburnum, Downy (Viburnum pubescens). Kentucky (Viburnum molle). Maple-leaf (Viburnum acerifolium). Missouri (Viburnum affine). Oregon (Viburnum ellipticum) . Small (Viburnum obovatum). Sweet (Viburnum tentago). Victor gooseberry (Ribes victoris). Vine maple (Acer circinatum). Virginia, clematis (Clematis virginiana). creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefo- lia, Parthenocissus vitacea). pine (Pinus virginiana). spiraea (Spiraea virginiana). willow (/tea virginica). Virgins-bower, (Clematis ligusticifolia). Purple (Clematis verticillaris). Texas (Clematis drummondit). Viscid currant (Ribes viscosissimum). Wacopy (Dirca palustris). Wafer-ash (Ptelea trifoliata). Wahoo (Hvonymus occidentalis, Ulmus alata). Walnut, Arizona (Juglans major). Black (Juglans nigra). California (Juglans californica). California black (Juglans hindsii). Desert (Juglans rupestris). Hinds (Juglans hindsii). Little (Jugians rupestris). Southern California black (Juglans californica). Texas (Juglans rupestris). Western (Juglans rupestris). White (Juglans cinerea). Ward willow (Salia# longipes). Wartystem ceanothus (Ceanothus ver- rucosus). Water, ash (Frawvinus caroliniana, Fravinus paucifiora). beech (Carpinus caroliniana). birch (Betula fontinalis, Betula nigra). bitternut (Carya aquatica). elm (Ulmus americana). gum (Nyssa biflora). hickory (Carya aquatica). jacket (Lycium andersonii). maple (Acer rubrum). oak (Quercus arkansana, Quercus imbricaria, Quercus laurifolia, Quercus nigra, Quercus palustris, Quercus phellos). sage (Atriplex torreyi). tupelo (Nyssa _ biflora, Nyssa ogeche). white oak (Quercus lyrata). Water-elm (Planera aquatica). Waterlocust (Gleditsia aquatica). OF THE UNITED STATES 359 Water-wally (Baccharis glutinosa). Waterwillow (Baccharis emoryi). Watson gooseberry (Rides watsoni- anum). Wavyleaf, ceanothus (Ceanothus foliosus). hollygrape (Berberis pinnata). oak (Quercus undulata). Wax currant (Ribes cereum). Waxberry (Myrica cerifera). Waxmyrtle, (Myrica cerifera). Pacific (Myrica californica). Wedgeleaf, ceanothus (Ceanothus cuneatus). goldenbush (Aplopappus cuneatus). hornbrush (Ceanothus cuneatus). Weeping, oak (Quercus lobata). spruce (Picea breweriana). Western, alder (Alnus rubra). azalea (Rhododendron occidentale). black currant (Ribes laxviflorum). blackhaw (Viburnum ellipticum). black willow (Salix# lasiandra). blueberry (Vacciniwm occidentale). bog blueberry (Vaccinium occiden- tale). buckeye (Aesculus glabra). burningbush (Hvonymus occidenta- lis). catalpa (Catalpa speciosa). chokeecherry (Prunus demissa). chokecherry, black (Prunus Missa). eottonwood (Populus sargentii). crab apple (Malus fusca, Malus ioensis). dogwood (Cornus nutiallii). hackberry (Celtis reticulata). hemlock (7T'suga heterophylla). hophornbeam (Ostrya knowltonii). huckleberry (Vaccinium occidentale). juneberry (Amelanchier alnifolia). juniper (Juniperus occidentalis). larch (Larix occidentalis). leatherwood (Dirca occidentalis). mountain-ash (Sorbus sitchensis). osier (Cornus occidentalis) . paper birch (Betula papyrifera). redbud (Cercis occidentalis). redcedar (Thuja plicata). sand cherry (Prunus besseyi). serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia, Amelanchier florida). snowberry (Symphoricarpos occiden- talis). soapberry (Sapindus drummondii). sugar maple (Acer grandidentatum). sycamore (Platanus racemosa). walnut (Juglans rupestris). white pine (Pinus monticola). white spruce (Picea albertiana). wild grape (Vitis californica). wild plum (Prunus subcordata). de- 360 Western—Continued. yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa). yew (Tacus brevifolia). Wheatbrush (Cliftonia monophylla). Whin (Genista tinctoria). White, alder (Alnus rhombifolia, Clethra acuminata, Clethra alnifolia). ash (Frazvinus americana). ash, Biltmore (Frazvinus biltmore- ana). azalea (Rhododendron viscosum). basswood (Tilia heterophylla). bee-sage (Salvia apiana). birch (Betula papyrifera, Betula populifolia). brush (Lippia ligustrina). burrobrush (Hymenoclea salsola). bur-sage (Franseria dumosa). cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Libocedrus decurrens, Thuja occidentalis). cedar, northern (Thuja occidentalis). cedar, southern (Chamaecyparis thy- oides). cornel (Cornus foemina). cypress (Tazodium distichum). dalea (Paresela emoryi). elm (Ulmus americana). fir (Abies concolor, Abies grandis, Abies lasiocarpa). fir, Colorado (Abies concolor). fringe (Chionanthus virginica). gooseberry (Ribes inerme). hickory (Carya alba). laburnum (Robinia pseudoacacia). lilac (Ceanothus integerrimus). locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). maple (Acer saccharinum). mulberry (Morus alba). oak (Quercus alba, Quercus durandii, Quercus oblongifolia, Quercus stellata). pine (Pinus flezilis, Pinus glabra, Pinus strobus). poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera, Populus alba). ratany (Krameria grayi). sage (EHurotia lanata, Salvia apiana). spruce (Picea canadensis, Picea engelmannii). swamp honeysuckle (Rhododendron viscosum). walnut (Juglans cinerea). willow (Saliz lasiolepis). willow, European (Salix alba). White-back ceanothus (Ceanothus cras- Sifolius). Whitebark, maple (Acer leucoderme). pine (Pinus albicaulis). soapbloom (Ceanothus leucodermis). MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE White-bay (Magnolia virginiana). White-flowered, azalea (Rhododendron albifiorum). lantana (Lantana involucrata). Whiteheart hickory (Carya alba). Whiteleaf. manzanita (Arctostaphylos viscida). oak (Quercus hypoleuca). Whitestem, gooseberry (Ribes inerme). pine (Pinus albicaulis). Whitethorn, (Ceanothus cordulatus, Ceanothus incanus). Chaparral (Ceanothus leucodermis). Coast (Ceanothus incanus). Mountain (Ceanothus cordulatus). White-wicky (Kalmia cuneata). Whitewood (Liriodendron tulipifera). Whortleberry, Big (Vaccinium membranaceum). Blue (Vaccinium ovalifolium). Bog (Vaccinium uliginosum). Dwarf (Vaccinium caespitosum). Great (Vaccinium corymbosum). Grouse (Vaccinium scoparium). Red (Vaccinium parvifolium). Rocky mountain (Vaccinium oreo- philum). Whortleleaf snowberry (Symphoricar- pos rotundifolius). Wicky (Kalmia angustifolia, Kalmia carolina, Kalmia hirsuta). Wilcox oak (Quercus wilcozit). Wild, allspice (Benzoin aestivale). apple (Malus pumila, Peraphyllum ramosissimum). bamboo (Smilagz auriculata). black cherry (Prunus serotina). black currant (Ribes floridum). box (Gyminda latifolia). cherry (Prunus emarginata, Prunus serotina). china (Sapindus marginatus). cotton, Arizona (Thurberia triloba). crapemyrtle (Malpighia glabra). grape (Vitis girdiana). grape, California (Vitis californica). grape, western (Vitis californica). hazel (Simmondsia chinensis). hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). laurel (Symplocos tinctoria). lilac (Ceanothus leucodermis). lime (Xanthozrylum fagara). olive (Osmanthus americana). olive tree (Halesia carolina). orange (Prunus caroliniana). peach (Prunus caroliniana, Prunus texana). pepper (Ceanothus americanus). plum (Prunus americana, Prunus lanata, Prunus nigra). plum, garden (Prunus hortulana). raisin (Viburnum cassinoides, Viburnum lentago). NATIVE WOODY PLANTS OF THE UNITED STATES Wild—Continued. red cherry (Prunus pennsylwanica). red plum (Prunus americana). sarsaparilla (Calycocarpum lyoni, Smilag glauca). snowball (Ceanothus americanus). tea (Amorpha canescens). yellow plum (Prunus americana). Wild Goose plum (Prunus hortulana, Prunus munsoniana) Willow, Acequia (Salix exigua). Arroyo (Salix lasiolepis). Autumn (Salix serissima). Balsam (Salizv balsa vifera). Barclay (Salix barclayi). Basket (Saliv purpurea). Beaked (Salix bebbiana). Bearberry (Salix uva-ursi) Bebb (Salix bebbiana). Black (Saliz nigra). Blue (Salix subcoerulea). Blueback (Salix glaucops). Blueleaf (Salix glaucophylia). Bluestem (Salix irrorata). Bog (Salix pedicellaris). Brewer (Saliz breweri). Caudate (Salix caudata). Cherry (Saliz monticola). Coast (Salix hookeriana). Coyote (Salix exigua). Crack (Salix fragilis). Diamond (Sali#z mackenziana). Dudley (Salix gooddingit). Dune (Salix piperi). Dusky (Salix melanopsis). Dwarf gray (Salix tristis). Dwarf pussy (Salix tristis). European white (Salix alba). False (Baccharis angustifolia). False mountain (Salix pseudomonti- cola). Farr (Salia farrae). Fire (Saliz scouleriana). Firmleaf (Saliz pseudomyrsinites). Fragile (Salia fragilis). Geyer (Salix geyeriana). Glaucous (Saliz discolor). Goodding (Salix gooddingii). Greensides (Salix monochroma). Gulf (Salix nigra). Harbison (Saliz harbisonii). Heartleaf (Salix cordata). Hoary (Salix candida). Labrador (Salix argyrocarpa). Lemmon’s (Saliz lemmonii). Longleaf (Salix fluviatilis, Salix longifolia). Lyall (Saliz lasiandra). Mackenzie (Salix mackenziana). Missouri river (Salig cordata). Mountain (Saliz scouleriana). Narrowleaf (Salix exigua, Saliaz interior) . Nuttall (Saliz scouleriana). One color (Saliz monochroma). Peachleaf (Saliva amygdaloides). 361 Willow—Continued. Piper (Salix piperi). Polished (Salix laevigata). Prairie (Salix humilis). Pretty (Sali# bella). Pussy (Salix discolor). Red (Saliz laevigata, Salix lasiandra). River (Salix fluviatilis). Rosemary (Salix petiolaris). Sage (Saliz' candida, Salix tristis). Sandbar (Salix exigua, Salia interior, Salig sessilifolia). Satin (Salix sitchensis). Shining (Salix lucida). Shiny (Salix lucida). Sierra (Salix commutata, Salix orestera). Silky (Salix sericea, Salix sitchensis). Silver (Salia# argyrocarpa, Saliz discolor, Salix geyeriana). Silverleaf (Salix argophylla). Sitka (Saliz sitchensis). Slender (Saliz exigua). Smooth (Sali# laevigata). Snap (Sali« fragilis). Soft-leaved (Salix sessilifolia). Swamp (Salie nigra). Tealeaf (Salix planifolia). Undergreen (Salix commutata). Valley (Salig hindsiana). Virginia (ltea virginica). Ward (Sali# longipes). Water (Baccharis emoryi). Western black (Salix lasiandra). White (Salia lasiolepis). Wright (Sali2 wrightii). Yellow (Salia lasiandra, Salia lutea). Yewleaf (Salix taxvifolia). Willow, baccharis (Baccharis salicina). cottonwood (Populus angustifolia). oak (Quercus phellos). Willowleaf, cherry (Prunus salicifolia). oak (Quercus phellos). Spiraea (Spiraea salicifolia). Wine gooseberry (Ribes inerme). Winged, elm (Ulmus alata). sumac (Rhus copallina). Wingscale (Atriplex canescens). Winter, currant (Ribes sanguineum). grape (Vitis berlandieri, Vitis cordifolia). grape, sweet (Vitis cinerea). Winterberry, (Jlex decidua). Evergreen (Ilex glabra). Mountain (Ilex montana). Smooth (Ilex laevigata). Winterfat (Hurotia lanaia). 362 Wintergreen (Gauitheria procumbens). Bush (Gaultheria ovatifolia). Wislizenius, cottonwood (Populus wislizenii). oak (Quercus wislizenii). Wisteria, Kentucky (Wisteria macro- stoachya). Witch-alder (fothergilla major). Creeping (fothergilla parvifolia). Dwarf (Fethergilia gardenii). Witch hazel, (Hamamelis virginiana). Little (Hamamelis vernalis). Southern (Hamamelis mecrophylia). Witeh hobble (Viburnum alnifolium). Withe rod, (Viburnum cassinoides). Naked (Viburnum nudum). Shining (Viburnum nitidum). Smooth (Viburnum nudum). Wolf, currant (Ribes wolfii). Shed (forestiera pubescens). Wolfberry, (Symphoricarpos ecciden- talis). Fremont (Lycium fremontii). Pale (Lycium pallidum). Wood vamp (Decumaria darbara). Woodbine (Lonicera sempervirens). Wood-waxen (Genista tinctoria). Woolly, buckeye (Aesculus discolor). buckthorn (Bumelia lanuginosa). bur-sage (Franseria eriocentra). butterflybush (Buddleia marrubii- folia). pignut (Carya villosa). pipe-vine (Aristolochia tomentosa). Woollyleaf ceanothus (Ceanothus to- mentosus). Wormwood, silvery (Artemisia ili- folia). Wright, buckwheatbrush (Hriogonum wrightit). silktassel (Garrya wrightii). willow (Salig wrightii). Yaupon, (lex cassine, Ilex vomiioria). Desert (Scheefferia cunefolia). Yellow, ash (Cladrastis lutea). azalea (Rhododendron caiendula- ceum). birch (Betula lutea). buckeye (Aesculus octandra). buckthorn (Rhamnus caroliniana). ‘Yellowleaf silktassel MISC. PUBLICATION 803, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Yellow—Continued. cucumbertree (Magnolia cordata). elder (Tecoma stans). fir (Abies grandis, Pseudotsuga glauca, Pseudotsuga tavifolia). heather (Phyillodoce glandulifiora). honeysuckle (Lonicera flava). jessamine (Gelsemium sempervi- rens). linn (Magnolia acuminata). locust (Cladrasitis lutea, Robinia pseudoacacia). oak (Quercus velutina). opopanax (Acacia farnesiana). parilla (Menispermum canadense). pine (Pinus australis, Pinus echinata, Pinus ponderosa). Yellow, poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). sumae (Rius giabra). willow (Saliz lasiandra, Salix lutea). woodbine (Lonicera flava). Yellow-flower magnolia (Magnolia cor- data). (Garrya flaves- cens). Yellowroot (Xanthorriza simplicis- Sim) . Yeliow-wood (Rhamnus caroliniana, Symplocos tinctoria). Yerba de chivata (Clematis ligustici- folia). Yerba del oso (Rhamnus california). Yerba del pasmo (Adenostoma sparsi- jolium). Yerba-de-pasmo (Baccharis ramulosa). Yerba de selva (Whipplea modesta). Yerba reuma (Frankenia palmeri). Yerba-santa, (Hriodictyon trichocalyz). California (Hriodictyon californi- cum). Narrowleaf (Hriodictyon angusti- folium). Yew, Canada (Tarus canadensis). Florida (Tazus floridana). Pacific (Tarus brevifolia). Western (Tazus brevifolia). Yewleaf willow (Salix tavifolia). Zorrillo (Choisya dumosa). Zenobia (Zenobia pulverulenta). O - Me ee U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CLIMATIG PROVINCES AND 129° 12% 125° 123° V 121° 2M) = a Y 7 Sev = y 0S eS A, Fi Cb ; Yi, OX yf Cal ee 25° (GS ea 20 | EB’ 21 _JeEC’d bea] Mize PLANT GROWTH REGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES Od NWN * CLIMATIC PROVINCES y ps AC'r [ee EB ec: GW ec's wy co'r 11] Cc’s [44 ]ccra HUMIDITY PROVINCE A Wel B Humid C Sub-Humid D Semiarid E Arid KEY TO SYMBOLS TEMPERATURE PROVINCE A’ Tropical B’ Mesothermal C D E Microthermal " Taiga ’ Tundra ' adequate at all seasons Ss summer deficiency d deficiency at all seasons SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION alle OF PRECIPITATION Examples: 121° 119° 117° 15° 113° We era Wet, Mesothermal, Adequate at all seasons. {2 ] Wet, Microthermal, Adequate at all seasons. P| Humid, Tropical, Adequate at all seasons. Humid, Mesothermal, Adequate at all seasons. Humid, Microthermal, Adequate at all seasons, North Pacific Coast. Central California Valleys. Cascade - Sierra Nevada. Southern California. Columbia River Valley. BENal| On how _— Climatic Provinces by C. W. Thornthwaite. Soil Conservation Service, U. S. D. A. Plant growth Regions by Furman Lloyd Mulford, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. D. A. Humid, Mesothermal, Summer deficiency Humid, Microthermal, Summer deficiency. Subhumid, Mesothermal, Adequate at all seasons. Subhumid, Microthermal, Adequate at all seasons. Subhumid, Mesothermal, Summer deficiency. Palouse - Bitterroot Valley. Snake River Plain- Utah Valley. Great Basin - Intermontane. Willamette Valley -- Puget Sound. Southwestern Desert. Southern Plateau. Northern Rocky Mountains. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 147° 45° EB’d—arid, mesothermal, moisture deficient _— at all seasons (El Paso) DB’s—semiarid, mesothermal, summer dry climate (Los Angeles) Scale in Miles 100 50 25 0 50 100 LEGEND FOR CLIMATIC PROVINCES {a7} Subhumid, Microthermal, Summer deficiency. [£53259]: Subhumid, Tropical, Deficiency at all seasons. Subhumid, Mesothermal, Deficiency at all seasons. 300 Subhumid, Microthermal, Deficiency at all seasons. Semiarid, Mesothermal, Summer deficiency. LEGEND FOR PLANT GROWTH REGIONS Central Rocky Mountains ISS 18 Northern Black Soils. Southern Rocky Mountains. 19 Central Black Soils. Northern Great Plains. 20 Southern Black Soils. Central Great Plains. 21 Northern Prairies. Southern Plains. Ss 22 Central Prairies. Sita 95° 93° gI° AS 28) 10 24 (a25 WZ 26 Rees] 27 Semiarid, Microthermal, Summer deficiency. Semiarid, Mesothermal, Deticiency at all seasons. Semiarid, Microthermal, Deficiency at all seasons. Arid, Tropical, Deficiency at all seasons. Western Great Lakes. Central Great Lakes. Ozark - Ohio - Tennessee River Valleys Northern Great Lakes -St. Lawrence. Appalachian. Arid, Mesothermal, Deficiency at all seasons. Arid, Microthermal, deficiency at all seasons. Taiga. Tundra. Piedmont. Upper Coastal Plain. Swampy Coastal Plain. South - Central Florida. Subtropical Florida. Lith, A, Hoen & Co. \J TS. 43° 39° Siva Sou 33° 31° _—| 29° 255 Map prepared by Cartographic Drafting Unit 362 Wintergreen (Gauitheria procumbens). Bush (Gaultheria ovatifolia). Wislizenius, cottonwood (Populus wislizenii). oak (Quercus wislizenii). Wisteria, Kentucky (Wisteria smacro- stoachya). Witch-alder (Fothergilla major). Creeping (fothergilla parvifolia). Dwarf (Fothergillia gardenii). Witch hazel, (Hamamelis virginiana). Little (Hamamelis vernalis). Southern (Hamamelis mecrophylia). Witch hobble (Viburnum alnifolium). Withe rod, (Viburnum cassinoides). Naked (Viburnum nudum). Shining (Viburnum nitidum). Smooth (Viburnum nudum). Wolf, currant (Ribes wolfii). shed (forestiera pubescens). Wolfberry, (Symphoricarpos ecciden- talis). Fremont (Lycium fremontii). Pale (Lyciwn pallidum). Wood vamp (Decumaria barbara). Woodbine (Lonicera sempervirens). Wood-waxen (Genista tinctoria). Woolly, buckeye (Aesculus discolor). buckthorn (Bumelia lanuginosa). bur-sage (Franseria eriocentra). butterflybush (Buddleia marrubdii- folia). pignut (Carya villosa). pipe-vine (Aristolochia Woollyleaf ceanothus mentosus). Wormwood, folia). Wright, buckwheatbrush wrightit). silktassel (Garrya wrightii). willow (Salix wrightii). Yaupon, (llex cassine, Ilex vomitoria). Desert (Scheaefferia cuncfolia). Yellow, ash (Oladrastis lutea). tomentosa). (Ceanothus to- Silvery (Artemisia ili- (Hriogonum azalea (Rhododendron caiendula- ceum). birch (Betula lutea). buckeye (Aesculus octandra). buckthorn (Rhamnus caroliniana). ‘Yellowleaf silktassel MISC. PUBLICATION 303, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Yellow—Continued. cucumbertree (Magnolia cordata). elder (Tecoma stans). fir (Abies grandis, Pseudotsuga glauca, Pseudotsuga taxifolia). heather (Phyllodoce glandulifiora). honeysuckle (Lonicera flava). jessamine (Gelsemium sempervi- rens). linn (Magnolia acuminata). locust (Cladrastis lutea, Robinia pseudoacacia). oak (Quercus velutina). opopanax (Acacia farnesiana). parilla (Menispermum canadense). pine (Pinus australis, Pinus echinata, Pinus ponderosa). Yellow, poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). sumae (Rius glabra). willow (Saliz lasiandra, Salix lutea). woodbine (Lonicera flava). Yellow-flower magnolia (Magnolia cor- data). (Garrya flaves- cens). Yellowroot (Xanthorriza simplicis- Sima). Yeliow-wood (Rhamnus caroliniana, Symplocos tinctoria). Yerba de chivata (Clematis ligustici- folia). Yerba del oso (Rhamnus california). Yerba del pasmo (Adenostoma sparsi- jolium). Yerba-de-pasmo (Baccharis ramulosa). Yerba de selva (Whipplea modesta). Yerba reuma (Frankenia palmeri). Yerba-santa, (Hriodictyon trichocalyz). California (Hriodictyon californi- cum). Narrowleaf (Hriodictyon angusti- folium). Yew, Canada (Taxus canadensis). Florida (Taxrus floridana). Pacific (Tazrus brevifolia). Western (Taxus brevifolia). Yewleaf willow (Salix tavifolia). Zorrillo (Choisya dumosa). Zenobia (Zenobia pulverulenta). O U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 127° 4i° 39° 258 119° Ilia IMPORTANT SOIL REGIONS AND PLANT GROWTH REGIONS OF THE UNITED STATES Figure 3 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE ; SS SESH RS PSST RS LER PIS een eens C0 SSNS SS ~~ NI SRA ASW’ RNR SAS yi 47° 45° 43° 39° STq 35 33° PIS 26x (Southern) light brown to gray fine sandy loams to silty clay loams, de- veloped on limestone or unconsolidated sands, silts, and clays. (Uvalde, SIEROZEM AND DESERT SOILS (Northern) gray and grayish-brown soils, developed on loess and alluvial fans. (Ritzville, Portneuf,) (Southern) gray, brown, and reddish soils, developed on alluvial fans. SOILS OF THE PACIFIC VALLEYS Soils too intimately associated to separate on a schematic map. (San- Joaquin, Fresno, Hanford.) INTRAZONAL AND AZONAL SOILS Rough and mountainous. Largely sands, some of which are associated with bogs. (Valentine sand, Black (or brown) friable soil underlain by chalky materials. These soils develop under a prairie vegetation and are known as Rendzinas (Houston, Shallow stony soils from limestone. (Valera, Ector.) Marsh, Swamp and Bog. (Carlisle, Pamlico, Rifle.) Soils developed upon lake plains. (Brookston, Maumee, Vergennes.) Alluvial soils. (Huntington, Sharkey, Columbia, Cass.) Rough broken land, including Pierre soils. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° a sea = 5 els = 121 119 17 115 3 Wl 109 107 105° 103 101° 99° 97° 95 93° Scale in Miles 100 50 25 0 50 100 200 300 LEGEND FOR IMPORTANT SOIL REGIONS The names in parentheses refer to the more extensive or representative soil series in the respective regions. | PODZOLS 15 Silt loams, developed largely from loess. (Clinton, Fayette.) 28 Dark brown silt loams with yellowish-brown subsoils, developed on glacial 39 | 1 Rough stony land. 76 \|mperfectly drained grayish silt loams developed from acid glacial drift. drift and loess. (Carrington, Tama, Clarion, Marshall.) | 2 Loams and silt loams, developed from sandstones and shales. (Leetonia, (Spencer.) 2 Dark brown to reddish-brown silt loams and clay loams, developed from Reagan.) j De Kalb.) ‘7 Loams and silt loams developed from sandstones and shales. (Melbourne.) limestone and calcareous shales. (Summit, Crawford.) | 3 Sands and loamy sands, developed on glacial drift. (Roselawn, Kalkaska.) 18 Grayish-yellow to reddish silt loams, developed from cherty limestones. 2o bas bow or See Say alt loams, having heavy subsoils or claypans. Ae 4 Loams and clay loams, developed on glacial drift. (Hermon, Ontonagon.) SR a ee ae AOSHI EERE Eien y, Putnam.) i GRAY-BROWN PODZOLIC SOILS F | : é 4 en 19 Brownish-red clay loams and gray sandy loams, developed from crystalline 31 Black loams, silt loams and clay loams, developed on calcareous glacial (Reeves, Mohave. ; cee ee eee a le ely Cale inset lin: Muah rocks of the southern Piedrnont. (Cecil, Durham, Appling, Georgeville, drift or lacustrine deposits. (Barnes, Bearden, Fargo.) 6 Silty | asa d leced d Peter ire Davidson.) 32 Dark grayish-brown loams and silt loams, developed from loess. (Moody, 42 rae vast ae OU ats eveloped on sandstones and shales. 20 Yellow to light brown silt loams, developed on loess. (Memphis, Grenada.) Holdrege.) ! ‘ ‘ 21 i i 33 Dark. ish- i ith cl ; m loess. (Crete, 7 Loams and silt loams, developed on acid glacial drift, sandstone and shale ah reecpeuieeee A aeaueaamee developed from Coastal Plain Heed brown silt loams with claypans, developed fro! (Crete ie 6 Habis CA Sea i rues (Gloucester Trey) 22 Brownish-red to red silt loams and clay loams, developed from limestone. SOUTHERN CHERNOZEM -- DARK BROWN SOILS 44 5 v cf Z x ee wie ‘ (Dewey, Decatur, Fullerton.) 34 Heavy or moderately heavy dark brown soils, developed from calcareous Dune sand, etc.) Se as on mons aevezed on the crystalline rocks of the northern 23 Grayish-yellow to light brown sands and fine sands of the Coastal Plain. materials. (Pullman, Abilene, Victoria.) 45 43 A Pie hie a anor) : 4 S (Norfolk sands.) : 35 Predominantly red and brown sandy loams and sands, developed largely ze ee Bair eve pees on northern Coastal Plain sands and clays. (Sas- 24 Grayish fine sandy loams with some gray or black loams, in the Flatwoods from unconsolidated calcareous materials. (Amarillo, Miles, Duval.) Sumiter,) ; palras: ve ington. ; ick.) area of the Coastal Plain. (Coxville, Leon, Portsmouth.) NORTHERN DARK BROWN (CHESTNUT) SOILS 46 zg crown slit teams, developedicg limestenes ilaverswuen Maury shradedel 2°" Grayish-yellow to reddish fine sandy loams and silt loams, developed from 36 Dark brown soils developed on unconsolidated, calcareous sands, silts, and 47 i2 Shallow soils developed on interbedded limestone and calcareous shales. sandstones and shales. (Hartselis, Hanceville, Conway.) clays. (Scobey, Rosebud, Keith, Walla Walla.) Fe (felrmont, Lowell) dor cer eee ; 2° Red soils of the Pacific slopes. (Aiken, Sierra, Sites.) 37 Dark brown soils, developed on heterogeneous material. 49 13 Loams and stony loams from granitic material with hilly to mountainous PRAIRIE SOILS BROWN SOILS iA HOUSE NGS lean e) 27 Reddish-brown soils, developed on sandstones, shales clays and sands. 38 Silt loams with heavy clay subsoils, developed on Illinoian glacial till. (Gibson, Cory, Clermont, Rossmoyne.) North Pacific Coast. Willamette Valley -- Puget Sound. Central California Valleys. Cascade - Sierra Nevada. Southern California. MEE NEIII On HOM _ NEE N=OowMN Columbia River Valley. Palouse - Bitterroot Valley. Snake River Plain Utah Valley. Great Basin - Intermontane. Southwestern Desert. Southern Plateau. (Zaneis, Renfrew.) (Northern) brown loams, developed on unconsolidated sands, silts and Clays. (Joplin, Weld.) LEGEND FOR PLANT GROWTH REGIONS FH 13 Central Rocky Mountains. “Cy 16 ZZ) \7 Central Great Plains. Southern Plains. Northern Rocky Mountains. ISSJ 18 14 Southern Rocky Mountains. 19 — 15. Northern Great Plains. 20 [ZA 2 KS 22 A) (1 24 Tit] 25 ZZ 26 Eee 27 Northern Black Soils. Central Black Soils. Southern Black Soils. Western Great Lakes. Central Great Lakes. Northern Prairies. Central Prairies. Appalachian. Ozark - Ohio - Tennessee River Valleys Northern Great Lakes -St. Lawrence. 28 Piedmont. “fs VEL s ASS RASS Upper Coastal Plain. (Ll 30 Fy 3! [22s] 32 Swampy Coastal Plain. South - Central Florida. Subtropical Florida. ae oO 1937 Important Soils Regions by Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, U. S. D. A. Plant growth Regions by Furman Lloyd Mulford, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. D. A. Map prepared by Cartographic Drafting Unit oe = 6 3 r * ¥