Actx^ssioiis FROM THE Accessions Fl!C).\l TlIK Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Public Library A NATUEAL HISTORY OF THE DUCKS IN FOUR VOLUMES VOLUME I THE DUCK MARSH A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE DUCKS BY JOHN C. PHILLIPS ASSOCIATE CUBATOR OF BIRDS EST THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE WITH PLATES IN COLOR AND IN BLACK AND WHITE FROM DRAWINGS BY FRANK W. BENSON, ALLAN BROOKS AND LOUIS AGASSIZ FUERTES VOLUME I PLECTROPTERINM, DENDROCYGNINM, ANATINM (m part) BOSTON AND NEW TOEK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY @D|)e Eitiereilie l^xtm CamiiTtlisc 1922 COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY JOHN C. PHILLIPS ALL EIGHTS RESERVED 16 CAMBRIDGE • MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. ACKNOWLEDGMENT To Mr. William L. Langer, whose knowledge of languages and bibliography- has been indispensable, I owe a lasting debt for many summers of faithful work. Major Allan Brooks and Louis Agassiz Fuertes have given much time and thought to their drawings and have helped me with their gen- eral knowledge of the Duck Tribe. Dr. Glover M. Allen has devoted val- uable time to checking references, and his advice has served to smooth out many wrinkles. To Frank W. Benson, who has done so much in teaching us the decorative value of water-fowl, I owe the frontispiece of this first volume. Lastly I must say a word for the patient and painstaking manner in which many naturalists and sportsmen have answered hun- dreds of long and tedious letters. John C. Phillips Wenham, Massachusetts November, 1922 ■ COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY JOHN C. PHILLIPS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Vfit jKibetsitie 9n