oe Ww A THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Die Lome D7?In wate IATO Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library Pe : rg i S A Digitized by the Internet Archive _ in 2010 with funding from Jniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign a ven - ‘ u ; =f , 3 y om nd 4 i f ' bey rial i ‘ \ st Futno — 5 , _— Oat aie a \e FE eat i eli) 2. ee —— . THE NATURAL HISTORY or BRITISH INSECTS. eee ee Law and Gilbert, Printers, St. John’s-Square, London, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH INSECTS; EXPLAINING THEM IN THEIR SEVERAL STATES, WITH THE PERIODS OF THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, THEIR FOOD, @©CONOMY, &c. HISTORY OF SUCH MINUTE INSECTS AS REQUIRE INVESTIGATION BY THE MICROSCOPE. Pao. O Uk Ek DF IG U' Rae DESIGNED AND EXECUTED FROM LIVING SPECIMENS. By E, DONOVAN, F.L.S.; W.S., &c. VOL. XV. LONDON: PRINTED FoR THE AUTHOR, And for F, C. and J. Rivineton, N° 62. Pauu’s Cuourcu-Yarp. MDCCCXI.a a ad be eS CM ae ; PaaS RNY ee ee fey NAN ee Pere ) : \ Wy SA donna my een BN VAS Nee 8 a Ts aX 4 ae fs at nae ae br ee . ; é : G aie A | re TAIUTAY aed jae ni Heures pig e ani sez a ‘ee. , : : es wae igaavac ve ies Saks | eco Amnon ‘BIZHT 20. aqoimad . oa TM OLORD 90t A aur i PS d ae “rate ar unr Hote. 10. : | .axdjgg oun 4uT Bia Wovvaprrectvas an 3 4 i a A 4 et ae anal wow ane we ae 7. ee ee “2a aU Of ey: * ‘amamargase oni ‘Mat GITEGaeT TAA ¢ P = j a eon : a ~ ; | feat | ‘ vl oe a ‘ 4. ipl Ds eV I POMQT a ; ; ee 10" ‘ . * ce y n = 5 ay, “ y . ® ? * * + . oa . f lave Peery ite y \ ? b, ¥ a A 4 7 eps P - re? fi ray | AN abe s whe : 2 ' ; t PSA LS Ao 16. go lon . 1 ss -_ » > " a, at i Pi avs: Uh y 4 rl ad . ; i ‘ » vray * . . ‘ . =, \ Taey t ry * , + 4, ’ ‘ vt ha ~ : ¢ ; ; ss _' yi huryt *?) . ‘ pte RAG 7 9 - a ap, . sey 4 am «4 Ss 1) THE NATURAL HISTORY oF BRITISH INSECTS. PIA Th) gpy, PHALZENA TYPICOIDES. SCARCE GOTHIC MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Antenne taper from the bafe: tongue fpiral: wings mn general defleGted when at reft. Fly by night. VOL. Xv. B SPECIFIC 73099 r co) ’ > tn rE DY. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. PHALZEZNA TYPICOIDES. Wings incumbent, varied fufcous and reddifh, with white ftreaks: pofterior pair whitith with fufcous border. . : This is an infect of large fize, and elegant appearance, and is generally efteemed among collectors in Britain on account of its rarity. It neverthelefs occurs fometimes in abundance in particular fituations, as for example in fome parts of Yorkfhire, and alfo in Devonfhire. In the latter County at Knowle near Kingsbridge Mr. Montagu takes it in confiderable-pleaty, in bis-own garden throughout the fummer. The fanie fpecies inhabits Germany. The transformations of this curious Moth are altogether unknown, 506 oe Go uy PLA 'EE . Dy. CARABUS GLABRATUS. SMOOTH CARABUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform: feelers generally fix, the laft jot obtufe and truncated ; thorax flat and margined: wing-cafes margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Apterous, black: wing-cafes very fmooth, and uniformly black. CaraBus GLABRATUS. Apterus, ater elytris laviffimis unicoloribus. Fabr. Ent. Syji. T. 2. 125. 4.—Carabus gla- bratus Panz. A rare fpecies defcribed by Fabricius as a native of Germany. It was firft difcovered in this country by Mr. W. G. Hooker of Norwich, who found it in great plenty on a mountain in Yorkthire ; and fince that period it has been met with in the rocks near Killarney in Ireland. Be PLATE be | Wee: ed's ay 7 St Re ; ; 1*~ 2 \ 7 Z s - i 5 ae . a Seer t u we . 4° er > “TAC ‘ Pie Pee ING Sh.) CGR SRrEtES / $y : s ty : st é st ; ia | z ’ *% « 4 . - . ~ y oes P bb SHE Tabetane a ent gl LOB d badeagp aly aa ‘ 2 PP a nies ai a bilihe Aw eg whe ae Neen ee Pe ie , . 2g 4 | * é APR i ee ie ee oP POaE WO - . ; i ‘ j fia ¥ ‘A . ae iy 4 oF 3 ' Yin ee } A i By ie 507 [5] PLATE DVI. MUSCA MORTUORUM. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Mouth with a foft exferted flefhy probofcis and two equal lips : ‘fucker furnifhed with briftles: feelers two, very fhort (or none) antennz fhort, BPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Antenne feathered: thorax black: abdomen brafly green: legs black. Musca mMorTvoRUM: antennis plumatis, thorace nigro, abdomine viridi zneo, pedibus nigris. Linn. Syf. Nat. 2. 986, 66.—EFn. Sv. 1830.—Fabr. Ent. Sy. LT. 40 $18, 2; 23. ’ Pere ener erence A native of Sweden, and other parts of Europe; it is to be efteemed alfo a britifh fpecies, a fpecimen having been lately taken by 6 PILATE DVI. by Mr. W. E. Leach, in Scotland: this was met with on the bog in which the battle of Bannockbourn was fought, a wafte in the vicinity of Stirling, and is the fole authority within our recolleétion upon which we could venture to confider it a native of thefe kingdoms. It is a moft interefting acquifition, and is reprefented in its natural fize with all poflible fidelity, in two different pofitions. In addition to the charaéter affigned to this {pecies by Linneus, we ought to obferve that the thorax is lmeated with black, and greyifh, a circumftance to which Fabricius refers in the exprefiion “ thorax fub- lineatus ;’ in the fpecimen above defcribed, thefe lmes are prett Pp pretly diftinét, PLATE @ ng ee ) ; | ar a 6a w 5g > 0 =) he tad POAT EB VIL Fol Aa Es aL ELATER SANGUINEUS. SANGUINEOUS ELATER, OR SKIPPER BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform, lodged in a groove under the head and thorax : under-fide of the thorax terminating in an elaftic fpime, placed in a cavity of the abdomen, by which means when placed on the back if fprings up, and recovers its natural pofition, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Deep black: wing-cafes fanguineous, and without fpots. ELATER SANGUINEUS: ater elytris ftriatis fanguineis immaculatis. Linn. Syjt. Nat. 2. 654. 21.—/n. So. 731.— Gmel. 1906. 21. Elater nigris elytris rubris,—Le taupia 4 étuis i. 24 Geoff. Inf. £, 131.2 : Elater > ) PLATE DvIiiil. Elater melanocephalus ruber Panz.Voet. ii.117.21. t. 44. f. Ze ELATER sANGUINEUS. Mar/h. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 383. n. 20. Very rare in Britain. The fpecies is found in Sweden, Germany and France. FIGSIF If: ELATER CUPREUS. COPPERY ELATER, or SKIPPER BEETLE, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Coppery : wing-cafes half yellow: antenne of the male pe€tinated. ELarer CUPREUS: cupreus, elytris dimidiato-flavis : antennis maris pectinatis. Marjh. Ent. Syfi. T. I. p. 384. 23. Evarer cupreus. Fubr. Sy/t. Ent. 15.—Spec. Inf. 1. 268. 90. —Ent. Syjt. 1. b. 225.87. ELATER CASTANEUS. Scop. 286. A very beautiful and rare f{pecies: its fize equal to that of Elater peCtinicornis: dull coppery or brafly rufous; antenne black. PLATE oe « ye ' Pair ’ em ae: ays i ce oi dE alan a ; ’ 7 ; ; my. ‘ > 4 . t t , ; + 7 a | ay as Fy ‘” 9 ‘ ‘ be ‘ A w y 5 ¥ t ; st * 0) r > a (a vce : 7. KS i he eo] PLATE DIX, CURCULIO SULCIROSTRIS. SULCATED-SNOUT CURCULIO, oz WEEVIL BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, and feated on the fnout which is horny and prominent: feelers four and filiform. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Oblong, cinereous, clouded with black: fnout with three furrows. CuRcuULIO suLeIROSTRIs: oblongus cmereus fubnebulofus roftro trifuleato. Fabr. Inf. 1. p. 187. n. 143.— Mant. Inf. 1. p. 114.0. 185. Curcvutio sutcinostris. Gmel. Linn. Syfi. Nat. 1787. 85.— Paykull Monogr. 100.—Panz. Ent. Germ. 321. 128.— Marjfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 308. n. 204. Found on plants in Europe; it is a fpecies of large fize, and is rare in Britain, VOL. XY. Cc PLATE pe io CLS SOE a een i> an “4 ul inte : ares Cs oe ag -. LES ree j rims” ee s pe tees ar » yale me ig a: Ret AW f+ rt < A & S * ’ = 4. . ; my — "a i i - ui, ; ; Ay : ; any Babar me uit be Nd, ae al atinve 1- iy , = 7 é ~ y Ane y . r) " Fy Mg Se a Pity % . eas ak f - } 7 ‘ 4 ! val @ ey rm ; > wes “Sa - 2 a J : . . 4 M4 T as | Ta: Ae Ne See 4 2 kd) HF Bitar ff ANTES pate © i sane ashi a gut shen ey ; ee . ees ; sith ia . GATOR: AY MIARGNY Laide geoit ok iichne ‘Suc ao ef Beith. Sir gh al ree: hea ' yr ovubt dive ton died ditw Srmuols m- ofa peerage beste” ES ed Aust 9 oy W oberiitits ae S.*: at ig ¥ Mr ubT i git whe a nde tats ae rw.) Sey Syn gra tede ou ' <4gre- AWE: ee 00F eben aah Ree ; EBERT Ae ae ie 4 ae oe ete) weds be * 544 f 13 ] PLATE DXI. MUSCA FESTIVA. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with a foft exferted flefhy probofcis, and two equal lips: fucker furnifhed with briftles: feelers two, very fhort (or none) antenne fhort. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green and golden, gloffed with red, and cinereous: thorax lineated with yellow: abdomen banded with black. Musca FESTIVA. An infeé& of peculiar beauty, extremely rare, and which does not appear to be defcribed by any author. The natural fize of this very curious fpecies is denoted by the fmaller figure in the upper part of the plate: when magnitied, as is fhewn beneath, its appearance is remarkable for its fingularity. ‘The head is rather fmall and green, with eyes of a deep fufcous colour : the thorax green gloffed with blue, with a double golden yellow line in the 14 PLATE \DXI.* the middle, and a fingle one on each fide: the abdomen greenith, and partaking more of the rich metallic hues of gold, yellow, and tints of red, than the other parts. ‘The whole of the body is of a fomewhat flender form; the wings large, and the legs long and flender in proportion PLATE PLATE DXil. ; CURCULIO CARDUI. THISTLE CURCULIO, OR WEEVIL BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, and feated on the fnout which is horny and prominent: feelers four and filiform. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. CurRevLio CARDUI. Oblong: green, black with numerous dots and broken linear bands of yellowifh down: wing-cafes ftriated with impreffed dots. A new infeé lately difcovered by Mr. W. E. Leach, from whom it received the fpecific appellation of Cardui: it occurs on the thiftle, but is rare. PLATE ‘ ' . al | fee * Pee fb A fv * ast 7 ¥ ag ’ hbd eel aly kick “iso St 00. favo feces Leite i itnob Hrvolieg , ie ; * AM ETIORIOS ae JOPPasags CAHAD a OM ng uerclila “Bae wil ee A ‘4 SAR RORRTES “oe one mh enatiniun ‘agent ‘fog: pualee?, Abe ~ 6 seni’ alow bo. at feiss ote cad sate iol ‘lon a. We aM i sobionibeaie é a HO’, avinyo" ih i sinbte ton ponetni ed : yt i he aad ‘ ‘ . ’ ‘ . te \ ental . . + . ‘ “! , ‘ ~~ ) ¥ rs ‘ > chs tt < : . 9 ‘ * 4 « > "i = ‘ a ° \ - APA tT: : * ’ . * , bs al = r i ’ > oo rial me ' . ’ les . . Pig i Nhl. ve : ‘ - 7 - Ds ’ . pr ree - Ly ab Ch ee ; 2 y * ae? vii oe US ete Le . ry <<) a adh ope - Z in fn! : ’ ee , ~ ee fale e ¥ ee oe a iy nhl jtae ‘ v aia ry 7 he. > pe ia nih ed Pa é hoy 513 e 8 4 PLATE DAXIII, ATTELABUS MELANUROS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne moniliform, thicker towards the tip, and feated on the gnout: head pointed behind and inclined. - SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black : wing-cafes teftaceous, the tip black. ATTELABUS MELANUROS: niger, elytris teftaceis apice nigris. Gmel. Linn. Syji. Nat. 1810. 6. OpacANTHA MELANURA, Paykull. Fn. Sv. I. 169.—Fabr. Syft, Eleut. 1. 228.—Latr. Gen. Inf. I. 194.—Tab,. . meth. 164. Carabe retréce. Oliv. Entom. 3. 35. | This is a fpecies rather exceeding, in point of fize, fuch infeéts as may with propriety be termed diminutive ; its length, as fhewn by VOL. XV, D the 18 PLATE DXItt. the fmalleft figure, exceeding one third of an inch, and including the antenne confiderably more: its form is peculiar, and the colours which are gay, in fome degree remarkable for their brilliancy. Its singularity confifts in the very curious form of the thorax, a kind of elongated cylinder, conneéting the head with the body, as if the former were placed on a flender pedicle; the thorax being narrower by one half than the head, and not above one third the breadth of the wing-cafes. Notwithftanding this difproportion of its parts, the appearance is not devoid of elegance, and to this the beauty of its colours contribute materially. The head and thorax of this infeét are green and biue, changeable into each other, and highly glofly: the contraft between the colours of thefe and the wing-cafes is ftriking, the latter being fine orange, with the exception of a large common fpot of the fame fhming blue and green, as on the head and thorax, or rather inclining more to azure, that is, difpofed at the pofterior extremity. It is no lefs worthy of remark, that the lower furface is in like manner varied with blueifh fhining green, and orange, the head, thorax and pofterior part of the abdomen, being of the former colour, and the intervening fpace of the abdomen, orange. The antenne are orange from the bafe to the middle, beyond which they are dufky: the legs alfo are of two colours, the thigh and firft joint being orange, the remainder dufky ; and befides this the thighs are black at the tips. . Gmelin defcribes this fpecies as a native of Upfal. In Britain it is a very local fpecies, but does not appear uncommon in the places it inhabits: it occurs abundantly in Cromllyn bog, in Gla- morganfbire, near Swanfea, and alfo in a bog near Norwich. PLATE wey MN Iy Oe 9 3 “ Ts oS +O NPY S hey Ame 4 Regains. i a [' 9 4 PLATE DIV. PHALHENA CONVERSARIA. LARGE BANDED CARPET MOTH, LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. ~ Antenne taper from the bafe: tongue fpiral: wings in general defleGted when at reft. Fly by night. Geometra. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings pale brown, with dark fufcous middle band, and greyifh indented common band behind : pofterior legs deeply ciliated. GEOMETRA CONVERSARIA. JHiuibn. Schmet. 62. 321? D2 This 20 PLATE DXW. This interefting acquifition to the Britifh Entomologift was dif- covered by Mr. W. E. Leach, the latter end of Auguft, about the year 1807, in Warley-wood, at Tamerton, near Plymouth, Devon- fhire. The fize of this infeét is confiderable, the colour above pale brown; with a rich dark fufcous band acrofs the middle, and immediately behind it, a broad and very pale common band, circumfcribed aboye by an angulated, and beneath by an indented palith line. ‘The whole furface is fprinkled with fpecks of brown. ‘The under furface is paler, with more obfolete fpeckling, and fome blotches of fafcous, forming an interrupted common band in the middle. The four anterior legs are naked as ulual, the two pofterior deeply fringed with fine hairs. PLATE £ Th Ze , . heat p Se ee eR Pe OS SIS [ 21 F PEAT DEY. DERMESTES MURINUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, the club perfoliated, and three of the joints thicker: thorax convex and {lightly margined : head infleéted, and concealed under the thorax. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Oblong, black, clouded with whitifh down: abdomen and breaft white. DERMESTES MURINUS: oblongus tomentofus nigro alboque, abdo~ mine niveo Linn. Syfi. Nat. 2.156. 3. 18.— In. Sv. 426. Dermestes murinus. Fabr. Ent. Sy. T. I. p. I. 280. 14. DERMESTES MURINUS: tomentoius fulco cinereoque nebulofus, feutello fulvo. Marsh. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 61. 2. Dermestres NEBuLosus. De Geer. Inf. 4. 197. 2. Feeds on putrid carcafes. PLATE | rae lla js on asetiadg dls st ban ; aa bsaiguin “¢bdgih bas Reord San wae ove ~obda sayodia ovyin ailotasavst wegmoido_: a0 ee a ee ‘et Sw Dee ad daria sping! : ; aa XG i) \ ot wh - Bi 7 P «fl ont NV gd Re ort : neds pi “ie. . F aree me eh ~ i > a 4 -_- y y y i | { a mie - mal : . * ~ P : . ‘ f 4 " * a ; . ry os * = < _ ‘ 4 a . ~< . -? ‘ > _ : LP) (eed a's . ps hg J — 7? a, © atid : - fi 7 a » ~~ » ae i + —“ a a * | od a o. . ve > bg 4 id ie - A , SOP cae vic WT ARE + ic a ee Be ok Meee WL ye 16 . { 23 ] PLATE. DXVI. CARABUS BIPUSTULATUS. BIPUSTULATED CARABUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz filiform: feelers generally fix, the laft joint obtufe and truncated ; thorax flat and margined: wing-cafes margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Winged : thorax orbicular, and with the anterior part of the wing- cafes rufous, pofterior part black, with a common rufous fpot. CaraBus BIPUSTULATUS: alatus, thorace orbiculato rufo, coleop- tris apice nigris: macula rufa. Fabr. Ent. Sy. T. 7.161. n. 164.—Paykull. Fn. Sv. I. 138. 54.—Marh. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 454. 88. A fmall, but elegant fpecies, and which appears to peculiar ad- vantage when magnified; the ground colour varies from rufous to paler, 24 PLATE DXVI. paler, yellowifh, and teftaceous in different fpecimens ; and fome little variation is perceptible alfo in the form of the common fpot at the pofterior part of the wing-cafes. The antenne are fufcous at the bafe, the extremity pale or yellowifh, aud the legs of the latter colour, The fmalleft figure reprefents this pretty little mfeét in its natural fize. PLATE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINoIs By 5 - s r 1 ae Sg a ee “i >. ‘ - x > ¥ * ~~ t x he eS a he § ae, 4 * oe vv 5 >is \ “At ~~ . A + > 7 ayer! i. pe = of od 4 ; 7 — a - ghee rae) ’ ; ; ; i : ’ er : f *; ity - a 3 ' a ‘7 [ 25 J PLATE DXVII. PHALZENA INSCRIPTATA. LETTERED MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA, GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne taper from the bafe: tongue fpiral: wings in general deflected when at reft. Fly by night. * * ® Geometra. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. PHALENA INSCRIPTATA. Pale, anterior wings banded and lineated : with two dufky charaéters, and a whitifh A in the difk of the middle band : pofterior wings with fcalloped lines. ad The two moths reprefented in this plate, are beyond difpute, varie- ties of the fame fpecies, that delineated in the upper part of the plate differing only in having the anterior wings and bands darker than the other: the charaéters on both are the fame, being two fmall dufky letter-like marks, one of which remotely refembles the hebrew kametz (*) and a little behind thefe is a pale or whitifh greek A VOL. XY, E (lambda.) 26 PLATE DXvf. (lambda.) The whole of thefe marks are difpofed near the center — of the broad pale band that paffes acrofs the middle of the anterior | wings, and thefe conftitute the principal charaéter of the fpecies. In - the darkett coloured fpecimen of this infeét, there is a fmall and — pretty diftinét dot in the middle of the pofterior wings. This is a very rare and apparently undefcribed fpecies of the Geo- metra tribe. PLATE ; re ‘ ; a } sa “e am i A eae ane i a “ _ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS © x f x e ; 0 ‘ ay ; " 5 EME Hy, PAL) ts Be, 4! el . 4 . J - a we ; t 8 Se id PLATE DXVIII. ELATER RUFICOLLIS. ‘RUFOUS-NECKED ELATER, or SPRINGER BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz filiform and lodged in a groove under the head and thorax : fides of the thorax terminated in an elattic fpine placed in a cavity of the abdomen, by means of which the infeét, when on its back, recovers its natural pofition. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black and polifhed, anterior part of the thorax red ELATER RUFICOLLIS: niger, thorace pofterius rubro nitido. Linn. En, Suec. 724.—Fabr. Sp. Inf: I. p. 270. n- 33 —Mant. inf. I. p. 173. n. 37.—Ent. Syfi. I. 6. 227. 52. ELATER RUFICOLLIS: thorace rubro nitido antice nigro, elytris corporeque nigris. Marjh. Ent. Brit. T. I. 876. n. 2. _ Ayvare and very pretty fpecies. Its habits are unknown. Linneus defcribes it as a native of Sweden. . E2 PL A Te 4 ‘Dyan Ok BN sae a oh VAANTAOGA? x yf » by 4) % PB tid z, Pod ‘ hes ee! 2 ‘ tas eNtOe ee I MOT RA HD: Prt ee” ‘ % J ‘i / “i hs M +9 ee See sy MOD | gd fF satiety ate [ra a) ‘elie are Uae poy) er a Oe . ah Poe xi ha a iain i | Ae Oy ed te U x ~ Na : t it > : Ne i‘ = Pe eal Sera a 1. SOVEDF i oe ~ 7 os t un ; ‘ : 7 i a = y ae ; ofa ay ak ON a | b Soba ha aT é , cs A Aagld ey vA “rein aay Ba a, hee ee tT Wen. ab ae p sntieots ape ipa hii ‘ A A at Aa Writ eres AL Te wer. hs , j » : \? WF x a hits 4 D ae? ee ie i os mer » pe a Nt Nt Nake © ee hit ; Me Ae . : ys aoe : i i 8 Mae age: tim A ca ey LT ie oR Gee TS . tha 3 ‘ : ar “ nee + Tn a < ™ < ee s <2 > , a i * *e - 4: = ¢ z f s Zz al ; y ae ’ * 7 as Rs coy — 5G [ 29 7 PLATE DXIX, FIG. I. It. MUSCA ULIGINOSA. = DIPTERA, GENERIC CHARACTER, Mouth with a foft exferted flefhy probofcis, and two equal lips: fuckers furnifhed with briftles: feelers two, very fhort, or none: antenne generally fhort. * Nemotelus Sucker with a fingle recurved briftle without fheath : feelers none: antennz moniliform, the tip fetaceous, and inferted at the bafe of the probotcis. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Male black: abdomen whitith, with black bands at the fip. Female dark with a dorfal line of pale fpots on the abdomen. FIG, Na Ora, Sees OU) ath Meme ae ee, 8 mat oe ri + a i ta DiS ta Oe aes ray RAD NP Be eke “ ws ’ ~ * ian Ya Area! oat 34 ts * By are G Biv’ Var ie tay - r, nt Se RS ‘ Fa , Pr ae Se . a oy 1? a) - al Sree t oe o Sy i oe 8 a” an ; he la s a Rats agile satin blugn ae aasi yl Wi aly ate vaile Liele > wat oly Det itade yeti? per ON RT « Paphgenai aids vy itizar Aue: a aly Bo i Dash yea ni gine o FT 4 atts groii lyres( a eto aied ob £4 Aas IME Tee alten seh nehints aide ia) ‘eoasuibay 4 wee ape Bel - ‘gpendt ol salt gay, Sah. b eo otf esi re ett At? OF Iagegiy Yawdo drew dims, elicg megabit ¢ » “i x tales ‘spent fei ogls A | , ep td’ odlt-te Joukd Fea, ae “Sussgr). d hued) sclivenp tad? ¢feandly atin: dati ah koa 6d ay pie WA tl) bo ane fT Os | 6 TS ed hme olnteed atte tilotps Bo bea pint dnd Ya. worn Sat Be city «: aya it Ye ‘afbipite ae Bic " =H > = 24 Re rise Wath < is am Read ny ¢ ) 7 ae i 4 , & £ y . ’ ‘ 7 ’ * ‘ . : -” % ‘ ‘ a 7 - } + \ “E, . ne { ' A eT i ; ‘ ‘ 2 s ~ 4 A i] ‘ Wie - ~ : , , andl POY fs Vas “~ m5 - . ‘ = Xx t - 4 y y * $ * yaa ) PLATE DXX, CHRYSOMELA LONGIPES. LONG-LEGGED CHRYSOMELA. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Antenne tnoniliform : feelers fix; larger towards the end: thorat inarginate: wing-cafes immarginate: body generally oval. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. CHrysoMELA LoNGiPEs. Oblong: black: wing-cafes orange with a black fpot at the bafe, and two near the middle: anterior legs of the male very long. "A very curious infect taken about the month of May, by W. E. Leach, Efg. near Sidmouth, in Devonthire. Fig. I. I. exemplifies the upper and lower furface of the male infeét, which is diftinguifhed by the difproportionate length of the anterior legs: fig. II. the female in which the anterior legs are about the fame length as the others. Both are reprefented in their natural fize. VOL, XV. P -s.. »~ 6?) } elvbion od) swotr ov fae, a 172 \n Tt) a) ee te) oe ROL ee, |! : ql ¥ f "e. an sc Ma? * AF he eh +g) x r ‘ yas + ym, 4 4 sles ' s ree iy ome ihe, veh ' a i ee nM ar wy y ii ai \ x a A * <'' AXE STALL . ETRE atone - ie 4 ne - bas orl thinevos vogid. nit y : slave ppations thud ; enone f ‘ DNs ee Se Git cigntat eins-gaile : : Lola Bago KOs L eid 8 ‘atel cent am ‘ a 4 9 ; “s Lg id : - : é 7 - « 7 may a ; , ‘ Ls’ i oo va att to savers sity fuode gpa Gat wong singe, at demhi2 most biacy of to Missi tarot Lard epg” ont pee was to Wi owal oinewitrosgnred ib sh apt hoe inner i yds yon egal vomiting sll Eat aber, iy shoes, gis SE ah jubvines Aydin beiaptecys: ove He, SMO fd co ¢ . f J - a a a 3 = | ‘ é . 7) ban * . * sli ae j24 { 35 ] PLAT EH @xXxt. ACRYDIUM SUBULATUM. SUBULATE ACRYDIUM, ¢ HEMIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform, and inferted under the eyes: feelers filiform and equal: lip ovate, and cleft at the tip: head ovate and inferted : thorax carinated; {cutel produced behind to the end of the abdomen, and covering the wings : wing-cafes none, or only lamina: legs fhert : pofterior pair long, and formed for leaping, the tarfi compofed of three jomts. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Dark brown: {cutel longer than the abdomen. AcRYDIUM sUBULATUM: thoracis feutello abdomine longiore Fabr. Ent. Syjt. T. 2. 26. GryLius susuLatus. Linn. Syjt. Nat. 2.693. 8.—IL'n. Succe 865. An interefting, and very curious little fpecies, and which is alfo rare in Britain, The fmaller figure denotes the natural fize. F2 PLATE | " Sad . ’ 7 , 7 We “ae 2. MCAS a : Wats rr Beis ‘. hoe atv tel eins! sand ivan : h Siies Ps AG . = eT ‘ iat - re ' See yi phi epee f steeped Ge i “equ tt! ‘ ’ = * 1 : ; ’ ¢ ‘y 7 5 ‘ v An $s. : en » sSeehen t ft Pra, i) 4 hae en, joi ve igtual ¢ Gaga@nrian evo?» 7 be ‘wwe “aeTe sie y ¢' ie-hubrddeka ‘sities 522 . rm PLATE, DXXII, ICHNEUMON PERSUASORIUS, HYMENOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Mouth with a ftraight horny membranaceous bifid jaw, the tip rounded, and ciliated: mandibles curved and fharp: lip cylindrical, membranaceous at the tip, and emarginate; feelers four unequal and filiform, and feated in the middle of the lip: antennz fetaceous, of more than thirty joints: fting exferted, inclofed in a cylindrical fheath, compofed of two valves, and not pungent. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Scute] white; thorax fpotted: all the fegments of the abdomen with two white dots on each fide. IcHNEUMON PERSUASORIUS: {cutello albo, thorace maculato, abs dominis fegmentis omnidus utrinque punéctis duo- bus albis Linn. Syfi. Nat. 2. 932. 16.—In. Sv. 1593.—Fabr, Ent. Syjt. T. 2. 145. 2. 49. This 38 PLATE DXXII. This curious fpecies is a native of the North of Europe, and Germany. Linneus defcribes it as a Swedifh infeét; Panzer and Schaeffer as an inhabitant of Germany; and Walckenzr as being found in the environs of Paris. In Britain it is very rare: we have only heard of three Britifh fpecimens, one of which was taken by Mr. W. J. Hooker of Norwich.—lIts transformations are not defcribed by any writer. The figures in the annexed plate reprefent the fpecies in its natural fize. PLATE —? 523 [ 89 J PLATE DXXIIl LIBELLULA SCOTICA. SCOTCH LIBELLULA, NEUROPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth armed with more than two jaws: lip trifid: antenne very thin, filiform, and fhorter than the thorax: wings expanded : tail of the male furnifhed with a forked procefs. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. LreELtuLa scotica. Thorax with two oblique yellow bands. Male. Wings tranfparent with deep black ftigma: abdomen blackith. Female. Wings tranfparent with deep black ftigma, and yellow bafe : abdomen yellow, with two black lines on each fegment. ‘We have been recently favoured with fpecimens of this new fpecies of Libellula by W. E. Leach, Efg. from whom it received the trivial name of Scotica, in reference to the country in which it appears only to have been hitherto difcovered. This gentleman informs us it is common in the bogs of Scotland: he firft obferved it near Lock-awe, real 40 PLATE DXXIII. in Argylefhire, and afterwards in the bog of Bannock-bourn, in which latter place it occurs in great abundance. Libellula Scotica is an infeét of the middle fize, in general appear- ance refembling the fpecies vu/gata. The male is uniformly dutky, except the wings, which are tranfparent : the female is more remark- able for its gaiety, the head, thorax, and abdomen being yellowith, varied with brown, and little lines of biack; and the wings tranfparent, with the bafe yellow. PLAT# et Ay ¥ pat ror vay | yeh LAAN ies J24 i ae PBA Ro DARE CURCULIO BITZNIATUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, and feated on the fnout which is horny and prominent: feelers four and filiform. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Thorax brown, with a pale ftreak each fide: wing-cafes cinereous fprinkled with fufcous, ftriated with impreffed dots, and marked between the {triz with numerous blackifh points. CurcuLio sirmntaTus: thorace fufco: linea utrinque pallida, elytris cinereis fufco-confperfis punétato-ftriatis. Marh. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 268.93 *. * Roftrum nigricans, thorace brevius. Thorax fufcus, ex ovato rotundus, linea utrin. que pallida, Elytra fufco cinerea, ftriata; ftrie punctis impreffis: inter ftrias punétula plurima nigticantia. 10, VOL. XV. G This olen 42 P.LAT © DXB. This remarkable fpecies of Curculio appears to be defcribed only by Mr. Marfham, to whofe fpecific and general defcription nothing material can be added. Its habitat was not apparently known till after the publication of Entomologia Britannica, as that work is filent in this particular: it is now afcertained that the fpecies is not uncommon among grafs, in the winged ftate, and that the grafs affords the larva its natural, and favorite food. 'The neft or reticulated open work cone which it confiruéts previoufly to becoming a pupa, and in which it remains while in that ftate, is extremely delicate and curious in its fabric, though not in thefe refpeéts fingular, for many of the Curculiones form fimilar cafes in which they remain enveloped while in the fiate of pupa. The pupa cafe of Curculio biteniatus, is reprefented in the annexed plate. PLATE : 173, 4 wt 7 BSR, Pe Pye. Re, PT iey aoa OPCAw i) oe aon ue Rips he a, t* ba. ws a ¥ 4 £ Y © od i ey ‘ b SRD RN Na ER Ah te hale o 7 5 wif (ri mee , \ Ah a s = ie) jp a ihc > aaa a St nee ott TU eS eS ae 3 ionth og 7 , aN fe Teds fie vr Ay fy) A oor ' » ite ‘ / 7 ~ ly tae S oy" “ : ' “ aie, Fr [ 43 ] PLATE DXXV. HISTER QUADRIMACULATUS. FOUR-SPOTTED HISTER. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, the club folid: the laft joint compreffed, and curved: head retraétile within the body: mouth forcipated: wing cafes fhorter than the body, and truncated: anterior fhanks denticu-. lated, the hind fhanks fpinous. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black: wing-cafes fub-ftriated, with two red fpots. HIsTER QUADRIMACULATUs: ater, elytris fubftriatis, maculis dua= bus rubris. Linn. Syft. Nat. 567. 6.—Fn. Su, 443.—Paykull. F'n. Suec, 36. 2.—_Marh. T. I. D. 94. fig. 6. G2 A rare 44 PLATE Dxxy. A fearce Britifh fpecies, found in the dung of animals: it alfo in- habits Germany and other parts of Europe. Its fize furpaffes that of Hifter unicolor; the colour black, with a large lunated fpot of red on each of the wing-cafes. Sometimes thefe fpots are interrupted in the middle, and in fuch fpecimens the wing-cafes exhibit the four diftmét red {pots which the {pecific name implies. The lower furface is entirely black, and both the upper and lower furfaces are remarkably gloffly. The appearance of this infect, when the wing-cafes and wings are expanded, is very fingular: this is reprefented in the annexed plate, together with its afpect in a quiefcent ftate. PLATE J26 Wi 4,9 P Loa EB, DX SVL CARABUS INTRICATUS. INTRICATE-DOTTED CARABUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform: feelers generally fix, the laft joint obtufe and truncated ; thorax flat and margined: wing-cafes margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Apterous, violet-black: wing-cafes with raifed intricate ftrie and dots. CaRABUS INTRICATUS. Apterus violaceo-niger, elytris intricatis elevato-firiatis punétulatifque. Linn. Fn. Suec. 780. Xe. CaraBus cyaNneEus. Apterus niger violaceo nitens, elytris punétis intricatis rugofis Paykull. Monogr. 10. 2— Fabr. Ent. Syfi. T. I. p. 126. n. 9.—Buprettis nigroviolaceus. Geoffr. Inf. I, 144. 4. It 46 _ PLATE DXXVk It appears Fabricius was aware the carabus he defcribed under the fpecific name of cyaneus, muft be in all refpeéts the fame as the Linnean Carabus intricatus, fince he inferts the reference to that fpecies in Fauna Suecica, among his fynonyms: Paykull called it cyaneus, and this name Fabricius was induced to retain, though certainly lefs appli- cable than that it had previoufly obtained from Linnzeus.—Fabricius defcribes it as a native of woods in Europe. Panzer includes it among the infeéts of Germany: in England it is very rare, and indeed appears not to have been difcovered in the latter country till very lately. The figure reprefents this curious infe&t in its natural fize. PLATE a w \ eet OMe: (a « ; - § i , ; F Pie ‘ ei ue fa 1g wy ie es. ae OL Bla ‘ | 7 f + . ' . . ' . * sd ‘ ‘ + 4 tans 7 a ' . * a 4 -” _ P ‘ o f : ‘ no ¢ ‘ * j * y ow . . > ‘ Md ‘ > yas és ms 4 r ‘ Jat nite a ro ; Bhs: ‘) A 3. “ oh: aed pele at | eee Fae oN Lv ae } 7 PL ee ee ee ar Soa Geek | s ‘> ae ap alaeae: ta a " ¢ a ‘ . 4 i “ head’ : “i, isew Fhe ‘ a ¥ "he ne oe * ) giturnds vie aa Te: eS at 527 { 47 J] PLATE DXXVII. PHALENA ROBORARIA. GREAT OAK BEAUTY MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne taper from the bafe: tongue fpiral: wings in general deflected when at reft. Fly by night. Geometra. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Wings indented, grey with numerous brown ftreaks and fpecks : beneath whitifh, lower wings, with a fufcous lunule in the middle. ' PHALENA RoBORARIA: peétinicornis alis dentatis grifeis: atomis firigifque numerofis fufcis. Faubr. Ent. Sy. T. 3. p, 2.137. n. 2.—Ejfp. T. 5. fe 2 Several 48 ; PLATE DXXVIL. Several very beautiful, and rather diftinét varieties of this fine fpecies occur in Auftria: that which we have delineated is the only variety, © however, we believe found in England, where it appears to be extremely uncommon. The fpecies we apprehend to be rare on the Continent, as well as in England, Fabricius referring exprefly to the cabinet of Mr. Scieffermyller, for the example he defcribes. Phalena roboraria is nearly allied to the fpecies of geometra, deno- minated by Englifh collectors the “ mottled beauty,” (Phalena repan- daria) from which it is distinguifhed by the fuperiority of its fize, and fome little variation in the form and difpofition of the fufcous lines on the wings: the diffimilarity is evident on an accurate comparifon, but is not fo obvious at the firft view. Fabricius defcribes the larva as being of a grey brown colour, with a darker dorfal line, and curves on the fegments, and according alfo to this writer the larva feeds on the oak, whence it obtains the trivial appellation of the great oak beauty. PLATE Fe 2 a ell 5 eaeea. f nfl — ~~ ia eo ._ ve i] am 528 ” ASI ie f 49 } PLATE DXXVIIL EGO TSE : CANTHARIS FASCIATA. FASCIATED CANTHABIS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Antenne filiform: thorax generally margined, and fhorter than the head: wing-cafes flexile: fides of the abdomen edged with folded papillz, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Thorax greenifh: wing-cafes blackith, with two red bands, CANTHARIs FAscIATA. Linn. Sy/t. Nat, 648. 10.—Fn. Sv.711. —Gmel. 1899. 10, YOL, Xv. Hi Maza- 50 PLATE DXXVMIl. MALACHIUS FASCIATUS: elytris nigris: fafciis duabus rufis. Fab. Sy. Ent. 208. 4.—Sp. Inf. I. 262. 5.—Mant. IL, 169. 8.— Ent. Syft. I. a. 224. 13. Malachius fafciatus. Oliv. Inf. 27.10. 12. tab. I. fig. 2. CANTHARIS FASCIATA: thorace virefcente, elytris nigris: fafciis duabus rubris. Marsh. Ent. Brit. T. 371. 11. TrELEPHoRUs FASCIATUS, De Geer. 4. 76. 9. La cicidele a bandes rouges. Geoff. I. 177. 12. This is a very gay and pretty infet: the antenne and legs are black: the head blackifh, gloffed with fhining green, as is likewife the thorax: the wing-cafes are dufky purple with a broad band of , red acrofs the middle, and another behind formed by the junétion of the tips of the wing-cafes, the latter being of the fame red colour as the band in the middle. The abdomen at the fides are red. The fmalleft figure denotes the natural fize. This fpecies is found among mols. FIG. PLATE DXXVIIL 54 EEG, 1 BE CANTHARIS BIPUSTULATA. BIPUSTULATED CANTHARIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Braffy green: front yellowifh : wing-cafes red at the tip. CANTHARIS BIPUSTULATA: aeneo-viridis, fronte flavicante elytris apice rubris. ALaz/h. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 369. 9. CaNTHARIS BIPUSTULATA. Aeneo-viridis, elytris apice rubris. Linn. It. oel. 127.—En. Suec. 709.—Gmel. Linn. Syft. Nat. 1898. 8. Matacnivs sipustuLatus. Oliv. Inf. 27. 5. 3. t. Lf. [— Fabr. Syft. Ent. 208. 2.—Sp. Inf: I. 262. 2. Mant. I. 169. 2.—Ent. Syjt. 2. a. 222. 2. TELEPHORUs BIPUsTULATUS. De Geer. 4. 75. 7. Donacta Asparacorum. Panz. Voel. ii. th. 198. 6. t. 46.f. 6, La cicindele verte 4 points rouges. Geoff. Inf. I. 175.8. Frequent among grafs: the larva rapacious, feeding on fmaller infects, and even the grubs of its own tribe and {pecies. n2 PLATE é 4 ® : ves to ' » ff i s LA * ‘Se 4 » ‘ ‘ “ue 4s ; ' iy « j , ie. : > ne 4 } na, ‘ whl ’ Te 2 ; be gis iy * 96 , ‘ y Ate , Us. u wi] Rye hy - oe 45" " \ ? ~~ . bs ‘ \ 7 a A + r mt ; . r « 5 ‘ * F a ® . : PP. +e > ‘ A, s C : i : _ yt "e % ‘any, yd ath ' : es » | - 2 J i * - ‘ A - oe ee [ 3" 5 “2 ‘ Mr . if pal 4 : 4 ‘ * bed Sars ihe RYRLD hye . 1°42 - «% . > ey tape + Hie 4 ‘ Gat - * ~ig af ee | a nt 1 rake t at rT? ue eu a hes wi aii a5. 4 eh % hi ee + gdane « tj 4 ; e ) % wh) 440 + tO :? + ate 4( , Be ats ~4Ree ’ ; h K P + : . . ws y . _ * = ay , 2 1) er ‘ « ih oot as = ’ =? re , oe ee ee & be tay pea . : J ‘ ~ ; a >< aoe F 6 by ‘ “i . ¢ apahage © eee ee ap ih t? aleig: Huo ai, lo “ee te ait we ty ah ain a #0 ° ‘ ak me ‘ dx j ewe cas “= i ’ iz b ~ Brie 3S bok * | lo Se. ¥ ; A fs - jf Mian: patorda tigi fics, io digi “ a P 4m ; F M = j ¥ \ 7 4 al cy Py 3 mi x. wi a: A pel - = re A Pe ¢ 4 ‘ HK % | err |, in iota om 4 wd 4 vie % a > moe aK ei , R, , » } A - os ' ap wm ede To * ‘ e*%, A , ) & ¥ . EN RR goat “ff r fa? ;, “Ase (to ridad. bslaiols ay } hae arkgolt ( ‘ sd . > ; , he, ‘ , tt _ i a 2 F i ‘ y = ‘ . a ef ty? ai ith =. ailotucion adpopy Pi fel Ryne te ie Ob eH 4 aN ey tlaer ss Thy wt BOD . tit NES Cae gg Av A ga FyMi-r CL i fi a? “ie 7 ; — 27a ' [> M pe" we “a ma adit faegn Sgyntnao® a EdeO. rod +g 4. & hae, { noha of dager ail i dueneind, Er | hedosned i . Ruwdslivth ty re ads aPipe i os ab = at ae +" Me URIVERSIT_ Le ERO | vay E aa | iin a <9 ae ” mh ; 30 { 55 ] PLATE: DKSX CARABES LUNATUS. | LUNATED CARABUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform: feelers generally fix, the laft jot obtufe and truncated; thorax flat and margimed: wing-cafes margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. a Thorax orbicular and rufous: wing-cafes yellow, with three black | fpots. -CarRAgsus LUNATUS. Thorace orbiculato rufo, elytris flavis: ma- culistribus nigris. Fabr. Ent. Syft. I. 163.172. —Sy/t. Ent. 247. 60.—Panz. Ent. Germ. 63. 98.—Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 466. 1. Carabus eques. Schranck. Beytr. (cemrcmscae This very elegant little fpecies is defcribed by Fabricius as an inhabitant of Britain, on the authority of a fpecimen in the collection of 56 PLATE DXXX. of Mr. Lee: the fpecies occurs likewife in Germany, and Italy. Whether it is common in thefe latter mentioned countries is uncer- tain, we fufpeét not: in Britain it is rare. The appearance of this infect when magnified is interefting; the natural fize is denoted by the fmalleft figure. PLATE 331 DP pen" tg OE ee a ee ee “* PLATE): DXXAL SPHEX SPIRIFEX. HYMENOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with an entire jaw: mandibles horny, incurved, and den- ticulated : lip horny and membranaceous at the tip: feelers four: antenne with ten articulations: wings in each fex incumbent and flat: fting pungent and concealed within the abdomen. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Black: thorax hairy, immaculate: petiole of one joimt, yellow, and as long as the abdomen. SpHEX sPIRIFEX: atra thorace hirto immaculato, petiolo uniarticu- lato flavo longitudine abdominis. abr. Lut. Sy ft. T. 2. 204. 24.—Scheff. Icon. tab. 38. fig. I. We poffefs an example of this curious infest in the Britith cabi- net of the late Mr. Drury. The fpecimen does not exaétly feem to _ accord with the Linnzan Spbex Spirifex, but rather with the ac- q VOL. XY. I knowledged 58 PLATE DXKXI. knowledged variety of that fpecies defcribed by Linnzus under the name of AZgyptia; and is clearly the variety found by Scheffer in _ the environs of Ratifbon (Ichneumon decimus feptimus) to which Fabricius refers for his fpecies {pirifex. This infeét is chiefly an inhabitant of the fouth of Europe, where it lives in focieties: the nefts are conftruéted in the fides of the mud-walls of cottages and other convenient fituations; their form cylindrical, and the interior in fome degree refembling a honey-comb. It preys on infeéts of every kind, and is in particular a great enemy to the fpider, which it eafily overcomes, and feems to prefer to moft other food.—-The fize of this fpecies is confiderable. PLATE 532 (xae. 3 PLATE DXXXII. Bre. ‘TT. STAPHYLINUS LUNULATUS. LUNULATED ROVE-BEERILE. COLEOPTERA, GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne moniliform: feelers four: wing-cafes half as long as the body : wings folded up under the wing-cafes : tail armed with a forceps, -and furnifhed with two exfertile veficles. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Thorax and abdomen orange: wing-cafes black with two orange fublunate fpots at the bafe: extremity of the abdomen black, with a pale band. STAPHYLINUS LUNULATUS: rufus, capite abdominis elytrorumque potticis nigris, femoribus totis rufis. Linn. Fn. Sv. 845.—Gmel. 2037. 7.—Paykull. Monogr. 41. 12 OxyPorvs 60 PLATE DXX™MI. Oxyrorus LuNuLAtus: flavus elytris nigris bafi apiceque pallidiz. Fabr. Syji. Ent. 268. 2.—Sp. Inf: i. 338. 2.— Mant. 7. 219. °.—Ent. Syjt. L. b. 532. 3. STAPHYLINUS LUNULATUS. Maz/h. Ent. Brit: T. I. 523.72. A minute and very beautiful fpecies, found in the dung of cattle.— The natural fize of this, and the other two interefting little fpecies reprelented in the annexed plate, is denoted by the fmaller figures. Staphylinus lunulatus is a native of the northern parts of Europe, being found in Sweden and Denmark, as well as Britain, and extends likewafe as far fouthwaid as Germany and France. ote. Ii, Ty, STAPHYLINUS MARGINATUS, MARGINATED ROVE-BEETLE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Black: fides of the thorax, two dots on the anterior part of the wing-cafes, wih the pofterior margin, and the legs rufous. STAPHYLINUS PLATE DXXXI. 61 STAPHYLINUS MARGINATUS: ater thoracis lateribus pedibufque flavis. Fubr. Sy. Ent. 266. 8.—Sp. Inf. i. 336. 9.—Mant. 2. 22. 15.—Ent. Sy/i. i. 6. 526. 30. Paykull. Monogr. 32.— Fn. Suec. iti. 392. 32. Gmel. Syft. Nat. 2028. 36. OxyYPoRUS MARGINELLUS. Panz. Ent. Germ. 355. 21. STAPHYLINUS MARGINATUS: ater, thoracis lateribus pedibufque rufis. MMJarfh. Ent. Brit. 512. 40. Fabricius defcribes this fpecies as a native of England and Norway. FIG. LE:: LER STAPHYLINUS BIPUSTULATUS. BIPUSTULATED ROVE-BEETLE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Black :; wing-cafes with two ferruginous dots, STAPHYLINUS BIPUSTULATUs: niger, elytris punéto ferrugineo. Marjh. Ent. Brit. T. I. 527. STAPHYLINUS 62 © PLATE DXXXIL STAPHYLINUS BIPUsTULATUS. JFabr. Syjft. Ent. 266. 1L-—Sp. Inf. i. 336. 12.—Mant. 2. 221. 18.—Ent, Syfh 2. 6. 526. 34. Oxyporus BIpusTULATUS. Panz. Faun. Germ. 27.t. 10. Tnhabits various parts of Europe. PLATE q H ; A « zs ? ' E ¢ dan i re wt ." OF THE | AP aes ERSITY OF ILLINO'S ¢ € \ ¥ 4 r . ’ ‘ < fe " 4 - at . ‘) padi ‘ . ow e i - v / x ‘ ‘ ” eae | —_ p 1 4 i cat ‘ + . oy 2 z + = § eh , 4 ; af Pre via SE | : det Qty a: 4 a 2 : a) bea Ha Be ie Veer if Whe sate) 5S [ 63 ] PLATE DXXXIII. CURCULIO MARITIMUS. MARITIME CURCULIO. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clevated, and feated on the fnout which is horny and prominent: feelers four and filiform. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. CuRCULIO MARITIMUS. Body fomewhat ovate, black, rather glofly and minutely punctured, with obfolete ftriz on the wing-cales, An interefiing infect very nearly allied to Curculio niger of Ento- mologia Britannica, but is ftill fufficiently diftinét, and fhould moft probably be confidered as a new fpecies. It was found by W. E. Leach, Efq. on Arenaria maritima and peploides, and might hence have borne the fignificant appellative of arenarius, had not that name been previoufly given by Herbft to a very different infect difcovered in Pruffia, and which is alfo retained by Gmelin under the fame name in Syjflema Nature. A matcrial 64 PLATE DXXXIII. > A material difference is perceptible in the two infe&ts at prefent under confideration, notwith{tanding which, they are, however, pre- fumed to conftitute the two fexes of the fame fpecies. One 1s fmaller and more ovate than the other, the ftrie of punctures on the wing- cafes lefs obvioufly defined, and the thighs blackifh, while in the other the thighs incline to ferrugimous red. ‘The fmaller delineations at fig. I. and II. exemplify the natural fize a little enlarged, the other reprefentations exhibit the fame infects confiderably magnified. PLATE , PEN le, as a? Oo Ne a ; 1 ‘att i) pe, ee ils j { ’ an ry as eal Pes a ‘ 5 , ; a ® 4 a en 534 PLATE DXXXIV. LYTTA VESICATORIA. BLISTER-BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform: head gibbous, infleéted, and broader than the thorax: thorax in general cylindrical: wing-cafes foft, flexile, and . linear: body elongated. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Bright glofly golden green: antennz black. LYTTA VESICATORIA: viridiflima nitens, antennis nigris. Maz/h. Ent. Brit. T, I. 484. n. I.—Fabr. Sp. Inf: I. p. $28. n.—I. Mant. Inf. I. p. 215. n. IL—Syfi. Ent. 260. [,—Ent. Syjt. I. b. 83.1. MELoE vesicaTorivs. Linn. Sy, Nat. 679. 3. Fu. Suec. 827. Cantharis veficatoria De Geer, 5. 12. ¢. I. f. 9. La cautharide des boutiques. Geoff. I. $41.1.t.6,f. 5. VOL. xv. ik The 66 PLATE DXXXIV. The Lytta veficatoria is a very uncommon infeét in this country though abundant in many other parts of Europe, the fouthern efpecially ; and is in particular found in fuch plenty in Spain as to have obtained from that circumftance the popular appellation of Spanifh Cantharis, or blifter-fly. Mr. Marfham deferibes it as a Britifh fpecies, and we poffefs a fpecimen in the cabinet of the late Mr, Drury, which is admitted to have been taken alive in this country. We have befides another fpecimen which differs only from the former in being entirely of a blue inftead of green colour, and this we are induced to reprefent likewife from the perfuafion of its being a Britifh infeét. In a natural ftate the Lytta veficatoria is found on the privet and the elder, and alfo on the afh; its ufes in the pharmacy are fufficiently underftood, and thefe alone, independently of its beauty, muft doubtlefs entitle this elegant little infect to our immediate confideration. PLATE y “uxvensitY OF { penis oh =) ; 4 s eal pubis: te sae ee e. sche uae fee iene val sail ak 535 fs or] PLATE DXXXV. FIG. 1. ELATER CYANEUS. CYANEOUS SKIPPER-BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform, lodged in a groove beneath the head and thorax : under-fide of the thorax terminating in an elaftic fpine, lodged in a cavity of the abdomen, by which means when placed on the back it {prings up, and recovers its natural pofition. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Entirely purplifh blue and dotted: wing-cafes firiated. ELATER CYANEUS: totus purpureo-caeruleus punétulatus, elytris ftriatis. Marsh. Ent. Brit. T. I. 388. 32. ae A rare infe&t, and which appears hitherto to have been defcribed only as a Britith fpecies. Some collectors have conceived it to be a fexual difference of the following kind. K2 FIG. 68 PLATE DXXXvV. FIG. II. ELATER IMPRESSUS. TMPRESSED SKIPPER-BEETLE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYUMS. Blue-black, and glofly: wing-cafes with an impreffed dorfal line, and two dots: legs pitchy. ELATER IMPRESSUs: atro-ceruleus niditus, thorace linea dorfali punétifque duobus impreflis, pedibus piceis. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. I. 387.29. Rather larger than the preceding. . PLATE 1 : = 4 ee we ” ty hh BOT R SY, EeTe toptad ce el ’ -, eran, 2 Abid fa Ce i ae Ag agg re; [ 69 J PLATE DXXXVI. BOMBYLIUS MINOR. SMALL HUMBLE BEE FLY. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with a very long ftraight fetaceous fucker, formed of two unequal horizontal valves, and containing fetaceous ftings. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings immaculate: body yellowifh, hairy: legs teftaceous- * BomByYLivs MtINor: alis immaculatis, corpore flavefcente hirto, pedibus teftaceis. Linn. Sy/t. Nat. 1009. 4.— Fn. Sv. 1920.—Fabr. Ent. Syft. ‘1. 4. 409. n.Q. This is the laft of the Bombylius tribe we have to defcribe in the prefent work ; three fpecies only being found in Britain and of thefe two are already included. The 70 PLATE DXXHXVI. The three fpecies of Britifh Bombylii bear the names of major, medius, and minor; and thefe are fufficiently expreffive of the com- parative fize of each, major being the largeft, minor lefs by one half ; and medius of an intermediate fize between the other two. The latter appears to be more rare than either: it is found im fpring, hover- ing over flowers the ne&tareous juices of which, afford its favourite food. ‘The figure reprefents this little fpecies in its natural fize. PLATE 537 bi7h 4 PLATE DXXXVII. FIG. 1. SILPHA HUMATOR. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, the club perfoliated: wing-cafes margined : head prominent: thorax fomewhat flattened and margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Oblong, entirely black, except the rufous tip of the antennz. SILPHA HUMATOR:; oblonga tota atra, antennis apice rufis exceptis. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. I. 114. 2. NicropHorus HuMATOR. Olivier. Inf. 2. 10. 8. 4. tab. I. fig. 2. —Fabr. Ent. Syf. T. I. p. 247. n. 2. DermesteEs. Geoff. Inf. I. 99. 2. Rare in Britain. This mfeé& is fimilar to the fpecies Germanica, but differs in being fmaller, and in having the whole of the clavated part 79 PLATE DXXXVIL part of the antenne except the firft joint rufous. The prevailing colour is black inclining to chocolate ; the head, thorax, wing-cafes, extremity of the abdomen and legs, and alfo the whole of the under furface being of this colour. That part of the abdomen above which is covered by the wings and wing-cafes when the infect is at reft is teftaceous, and the tip of the abdomen, or tail, the fame but rather darker. FIG, IL SILPHA MORTUORUM. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Oblong, black ; wing-cafes with a band and fpot of ferruginous : club of the antennez black. SILPHA MORTUORUM: oblonga atra, elytris fafcia maculaque fer- rugineis. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. I. 115. 4. Nicropuorus Mortuokum. J abr. Ent. Sy/t. I. a. 248. 5. Nicrkopuorus VESPILLOIDEs. J uefl. Archiv. 89. I. PollinGtor vulgaris minor. Voet. Coleopt. t. 30. 3. Similar to Silpha vefpillo, from which it differs in the following material particulars: it is fmaller than vefpillo: the clavated part of the antennz is black inftead of ferrugmous: the rufous orange fpaces on : BRATE DXXXVIE 78 on the wing-cafes inftead of being difpofed in two diftinét tranfverfe bands form a fingle common band acrofs the middle, and a detached fpot behind on each of the wing-cafes. Sometimes the anterior band is in like manner divided by the furrounding {pace of black into two diftinct reddith fpots, one on each wing-cafe as in the potterior part before defcribed, and by that means exhibits altogether four orange fpots, two on each fide.—It may be lafily added, that the legs are naked in the fpecies mortuorum, while in S. Vefpillo thefe are belet with fulvous down. This infect feeds on carrion and dung, like the other fpecies to which it is clofely allied: Panzer has alfo found it in Fungi, yYoL. XY. L PLATE i ~. Ae "Veveme 4 4 “a, ee © | rs vere a ites xR ‘ Pe a er “EWE ge ; f I oa ne ' i? A tal Ai Nae f i, 6 . . dal ial 7 3 5 A > . Ms . Sine oe iqeds Ae Sarit; ae et ee oe bias A} te ie ae are S - its ie wy Ht eed ‘ ‘elt: iar yt We “§ oc oa at ifpegs Paap rat +a ae ue hs Dl bagh ee Y ity 98 haha mt ee Lee TES x “ieee oy mt inti syst ie amit aie HOME athe ah ~ hgh sities hi; Tat ae > ‘| a fail s Ph a ryeiyg yi “vicky , me >. hoe +s a ad A . ‘ tp ; A oa ima ’ is y - fi AY P 4? ‘ ‘s Mes " a os pale - se Co ; 7 i G2 eget ere tf, nit eda ine tee ci we > : 5 ? [we 2’ , « 4 * : Kets Oi 1 ae me: Mee BRE SY hal ® } TY . or =2 j , Ge hy x, a Se RE a ) > 1 , d - o4 . ' ’ ‘ s . 4 oP r €y ay ¥ “, yé*Y ‘ * om ¥ . > A Md , ' y ‘ U . * at eA . Sell . or 4 rt : iy ai 4 * md x , 1 . ow v. y Pity * - 5 ‘ ’ on bs ert af Nae rs — 7 a el » | < . . ? <5 As 2 es rts . ‘ 11 RDNA TI Tt IE pds MI gala ae > “ gf ’ . > ¢ ‘ ) ee res & rh; i oh ' rt t i ~ 4 e a bd © wed * a ¢ iy ’ . ~ . : a; é ey S ? ‘ashe ee ey ee fe ann. ad We ab) ‘tues 7d aie ae ae , . P . ; arity Le a oe Nie: ite “ft au ‘ain Wee yes HEA Stee SPs adegibees ae soll y 4 F , 4 ¥ : » a f ‘ A es , ‘ . mi ah. ’ vil 1 .- . Ma | % ‘ if *. A r Lat — - oe , ad > ¢ 7 . y \ F . ‘ - « 538 [ 7 ] PLATE DXXXVIIL BOLETARIA MULTIPUNCTATA. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne perfoliated, and thicker towards the end: thorax mar- gined, with three hollows behind, the middle one obfolete: wing- cafes margined : body ovate. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black : wing-cafes finely firiated, varied with black and ferruginous. BoLeTARIA MULTIPUNCTATA: nigra, elytris minuté ftriatis, ferru- gineo nigroque variis. Marjh. Ent. Brit. T. I. p- 139. 3. Mycetornacus muttipunctatus. abr. Ent. Syft. i. b. 498. 5. Panz. Ent. Germ. 337. 4. DeRMESTES MULTIPUNCTATUs. Thunb. Inf. Suec. 79. 6. Found on fungi, of the Boletus genus. Length two lines. 2 FIG. "6 PLATE DXXXVII. FIG. IL IL BOLETARIA ATOMARIA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black, with dots and band behind fulvous. BoLeTARIA ATOMARIA: nigra, clytris punétis fafciaque poftica fulvis. Afarjh. Ent. Brit. T. I. p. 141.0. 7. Ies aromaria. Fubr. Mant. I. 46. 9. Mycetophagus atomarius. adr. Lint. Sy/i. i. b. 498. 4. ‘This is about the fize of the former: the general colour black gloffed with blue: the head and thorax immaculate: wing-cafes varied with dots, and an irregular waved pofterior line: antennz and legs dufky. It is found like the laft, and fucceeding fpecies on fungi of the Boletus kind. . PLATE DXXXVIII. 77 PUG. TIT DEL BOLETARIA PUNCTATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Pitchy : wing-cafes fomewhat pun¢tated and black, band at the bafe and two fpots at the end of the wing-cafes ferruginous. MyYcrTOPHAGUS PUNCTATUS: piceus elytris fubpunftatis nigris bafi ferrugineis. Fabr. Ent. Syft. T. I. 6. 499. n. 10. Panz. Ent. Germ. : Rare, and rather larger than the two preceding. PLATE . an 4 Ae = . * so ? . * . ¥ ‘ pe ol * «4 iy ¢ ia lal «gi ie ot iy ” Wand _—_*. : i ~% ' a rid Earrteag eae ghia attalSenseet bed Saas ¥% ‘ — . seedy) in 3 wld) te a ae > ‘is ‘ F : : .. at . fy , ’ 5 . iy? » “ ‘ i Be or ae = . *. - Nee - ' ; ‘= a - a. CaF ty haat Cd bath babies aaa : ’ it he er Lae ¥ Riu iif RIN AU tae te 4 ris’ é.).* jar A os » - p- tn be SAT ' A . Be ° > 4 i © 7 oe t , ay - wey vl By Ae a 4 ' nears ott Wt OM VR *x Fir ayosieg : eC LL the en rh oe ete fs thud Pt we te). cle Pe = . Hy ; om Ky “a ai ineery To “ipl van a iwi git ar Pa ’ - hd . a a ‘ , ' , .* va ‘ < + a —* 4 al a , -/ , «a . . a? qe ‘ ant 1 . ‘ y i. . ', ae a en” SS A z a . 7 d ‘ > by ee , 7 Mg a" led 7 . « ante - fa vi a, ha sete ale i X, € nl tieg'§ | ie we yd veer Sehr hago’ MR ha : ‘ ay Datars 4 i ay A Pra {79 ] PLATE DXXXIX. FIG. I. TE SILPHA SINUATA. SINUATE SILPHA. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, the club perfoliated: wing-cafes margined : head prominent: thorax fomewhat flattened and margined. SPECIFI€ CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Thorax emarginate and very rough: wing-cafes with three raifed Imes, and the tip finuate. SILPHA SINUATA: thorace emarginate rugofiflimo: elytris lineis elevatis tribus apice finuatis. Mar/h. Ent. Brit. Lod. 1205 VA. SinpHa sinuata. Fabr. Sy. Ent. 75. 13.—Sp. Inf: I. 88. 16. —Lnt. Syji. I. a. 252. 18.—Gmel. 1622. 56. Le Bouclier noir a corcelet raboteux. Geoff. I, 119. 2. This 80 PLAT E DXXXIX. This is a fpecies of moderate fize, allied in habit to Silpha obfeura. The prevailing colour is blackith, inclining to grey, dull and without glofs: the thorax is brownith and rugofe, with a filky hue and fome- what filvery. The two fexes are diftinguifhed by the termination of the wing-cafes, this in one being much finuated, and forming a diftinét lobe, the other nearly entire. —This laft mentioned infect is the Silpha opaca of fome writers. PLATE JIAO f si Jj PLATE DXL. DYSTISCUS PUNCTULATUS, DOTTED BOAT-BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne fetaceous: feelers fix, filiform: hind-legs formed for fwimming, fringed on the inner fide, and nearly unarmed witb claws, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, _ Black: wing-cafes with three rows of dots: fhield of the head, fnargin of the thorax, and wing-cafes yellow. DyTiscus PUNCTULATUS. niger clypeo thoracis elytrorumque margine albis, elytris ftriis tribus punétatis. Geoffr. Inf. I. 185. £—Le Ditique brun a bordure. 20. Dytiscus punctuatus, Fabr. Ent. Syf. I. a. 188. 4. VoL. XV. M Dyxtiscus 64 PLATE BAL. 4 DytisctUs LATERALI-MARGINATUS. Degeer. T. 4. p. 396. n. 3. Dytiscus virens. Miuill. zool dan. prodr. p. 70. n. 664. Dyriscus punctatus. Oliv. 8. 40. 22. 4.t. I. f.6. b. and f. 2.8 Dytiscus punctuntatus. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 412. n,Q. — ewes This in common with the. other fpecies of the Dytifcus genus is found in marfhes, ponds, and other waters, particularly thofe of the ftagnant kind, and which abound moft with the refufe of animal fubftances, and aquatic plants. The larva, like the reft of its tribe, is a€tive, fierce, and vigorous ; entirely aquatic and fubfifts on the other {mall inhabitants of the regions in which it lives, fuch as the larva of the Ephemera, the Phry- ganz and many other creatures of the infeét race that fpend the earlier {tage of their exiftence in the watery element ; and alfo on the vermes which in fuch fituations occur invariably, and in confiderable numbers. In their turn the larve of the Dytifci become the food of fithes, and aquatic birds, but rarely fall a prey to the infect race, as their natural firength, and the powerful armament of their jaws, at leaft in the larger fpecies, enables them to maintain a decided fuperiority over thefe puny enemies. Previous to its paffing into the pupa ftate, the larva of this fpecies emerges from the bottom of the water, and forms a convenient receptacle for the purpofe in fome adjacent bank, or fpot of ground near the water’s edge; this accomplifhed, it changes to the pupa, and after a while appears in the winged itate—Having aflumed this form PEA T EB DXL. 83 form it becomes in all refpeGts an amphibious creature, refiding alternately in the water, or on the land. When in the water, however, which appears to be its moft congenial element, it is frequently obferved to rife upon the furface to take in air, and on the contrary when on land, or in flight, it does not willingly remain a long time before it again plunges into the aquatic element. Dytifcus punétulatus is found in the ditches of Batterfea meadows. ue LINNZAN we pen a9 aay Ma nies a , iy ae bea ah w: trv | . of Sermnaty (hithryend Aber oe 4 Wink ps ‘lh ih n tin ai “ial ‘Godt Set he ae fol % yeas b oa "tng! ait" My Sadat” af r f (nit “7 Sn hs srtciasaps rh n ssn red re Uae a A Awe “ope rho & sh of wi i brim nm ai st , - ’ ’ r ; , ‘ A “a } isa. ae 7 = i ‘ ‘ e 4 7 ; ‘ Pa HOP we SAK ER ( , , a , 1 ‘ ~ + & ‘ ‘eae ‘ ; ’ ! re ; } yt wit : , ’ . J J d . of iv d iF y * 4 " - zp ‘ r ’ s \ ‘< 4 - 4 * 4 Ay y ee a : Z ‘ E54 Ged ole | wv ‘iy oi, & 4 ae es ee. 4 : ‘ Fh i ; “ae ‘7 Pee t a ay Z ! ae thy de oea ey! hy ary <8 ie fe) pet — \4 5 | f 4 ? ’ bs ¥ es. Ta a if ' : m } f " ‘ ae ou i high | re r) ny do US RO Ne Sey ag Me a th bite, ae er a5? : or; *, ; 1 » : or, el i ae al he ‘vee 4) oe i a ‘ é ' 4 f E das i” od iY save & . ~ . 4 ‘ ay 4 ae _ omy ms a %j ‘ , t ’ " ? ‘ oy 4 +S > LINNHAN INDEX To VOL. AY. COLEOPTERA. Plate Dermeftes murinus - - - ~ - 515 Hifter bimaculatus - ~ = - - 528 Silpha humator - a - PRE 537 mortuorum - - - + - - 537 finuata ss = - - - - - 539 Boletaria multipunétatus - = - 6 es 538 atomarius - a - - - . 538 punétatus - r - > - 533 Chryfomela longipes Sie DN Oe) mee Curculio biteniatus - - - - - 524 cardui = - ‘ - - - 512 ——_ maritimus : - - - * 533 —— pini - = - - - - 529 fulciroftris s = B = “ 50a Attelabus melanuros - ° - - - 513 Cantharis fafciata - - . . = - 528 bipuftulata - = = «» - 528 Elater fanguineus'- - = - - - - §08 cupreus - - - ° - = 508 cyaneus 2 - - - . - 535 -— impreflus a a Fig. Elater rufcollis Dstifcus punétulatus Carabus glabratus intricatus lunatus Lytta veficatoria Staphylinus lunulatus marginatus bipuftulatus bipustulatus Acrydium fubulatum Phalena typicoides roboraria converiaria omicronata contriftata inferiptata I] I Libellula Scotica HEMIPTERA. LEPIDOPTERA. NEUROPTERA. a Plate — Fig. - 518 - 540 - 506 - 516 - 526 - 530 - 534 - 532 1. - 532 2. . 532 3. - 521 - 505 - 527 - 514 ~ 510 I, - 310 2. - 517 - 528 HYMENOPTERA, INDEX. HYMENOPTERA. Plate Fig, - - - 522 - - 531 Ichneumon perfuaforius - Sphex fpirifex - DIPTERA. Mufca feftiva ° = = - $l 1 mortuorum = - al = $07 ° ~ - = 519 |B marginatus = - - - 519 2. Bombylius minor - - * - 536 Nemotelus uliginosus ALPHA- is >.) wah) € es i Tee ~ ae “ : os i Ul . i ike ye ote ' ‘ ¥ ’ y tae i 1 ‘ : 7 Te be ; ARNTIUIG y : ute » i 5 ‘aa oaks yaar ee 1) a F Ty . f | d : 4 a ‘ - ‘ , : / ey bs i een ¥ ) ’ ‘. s ‘ { " me A QE4.;, ri B he Rd { ;, ’ ; M 1 ie ene aS ; y y nee nM 9 aH A , sf : s ‘ pe fees (ee a ‘ te ‘ . , J ‘t : : / 5 i’ . ‘ sy af Y } - . ea ’ ‘ ai ‘ . em wt Ce ae 5 } bP iliac puree 4 5 ¢ F Fla et i ; rc , ” * 2 Poy a . 2 i pear ray 4 oe , ‘ ’ F . . ai” ; y ¥ < .” : ; VOTRE ; / a . _ ‘7 ; , . nn? aim oe ae: 2" \ i \ » , ' ( * | ; * Te? gi ’ Duik?: a iy x oc * - : 4 \ , hal a Y A wae - P 5 ; ; ‘ » Wee oy ayy é o. t ' n SL . , Ay j - t . / : ALPHABETICAL INDEX Atomarius, Boletaria bimaculatus, Hifter bipufiulata, Cantharis bipufiulatus Carabus bipuftulatus Staphylinus biteniatus, Curculio cardui, Curculio ~ contristata Phalena convertaria, Phalena cupreus, Elater - cyaneus, later - fafciata, Cantharis - feftiva, Mufca - glabratus, Carabus humator, Silphas = imprefius, Elater - infcriptata, Phalena intricatus, Carabus longipes, Chryfomela lunatus, Carabus - lunatus, Staphylinus marginatus, Nemotelus marginatus, Staphylinus maritimus, Curculio VOL, XY; To 0 i) i Plate Fig. melanuros, INDEX. . Plate Fig. melanuros, Attelabus 3 - - - - 513 i minor, Bombylius at fe ~ | eel *» 1 S86 mortuorum, Silpha - - - - - 537 2. mortuorum, Mufca - - os - - 507 multipunctatus, Boletaria - - - - 538 : murinus, Dermeftes - E E - - 515 omicronata, Phalena - - - - - 510 perfuasorius, Ichneumon - - - - 522 Pini, Curculio : e . Saas, - 529 punctulatus, Dytifcus - . - - 540 roboraria, Phalena “ t = - ~ 527 ruficollis Elater - = - s - = 518 fanguineus, Elater = « - - = 508 Scotica, Libellula - - . = - 523 finuata, Silpha = - - = - = 539 fpirifex, Sphex - ~ - - - 531 fubulatum, Acrydium = - - - 521 fulciroftris, Curculio by = : ee e 509 typicoides, Phalana . > - - - 505 veficatoria, Lytta - - “ . - 534 uhigilofus, Nemotelus - - “ - - 519 !. Lew and Gubert, Printers St. John’s Square, London. ¥ $ * PAs i ex : ‘ Pe | ia , a? ie j ai a a8 iy Te aa Lt ay ss us + ) ; i, ; a." Wik Le ate ’ 5 ay ue \ ey , = & r : at Cul 4 . a a : \ ¥ ' 4 ite . 1 fehge Peg} * 5) ‘ AN es 4 i. i OA aia hho a ie i a iat ao at at fc Seth’ i | ba yah ws) “tay. OYA Poy aay unt if nH an dae ANE fo , he