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MDCCCXIII.2A IHF ma Ee O, 0 Vi The te, a De TARR eas ati as ‘, a try Bre), Buortyus otha iy ALE 40: aighir a wa ‘ cll re MOROID. COSe RA REY, ie f yar a6 aw wap nae, erwsevet & COVE Lah, Mpg: MO. ¥. ETO abr Te 40% va otrenrina Yt CAT patel Bom eet, j wWaavart oe ao 5 NOL Re: OMIT sia cas anh av ; 3 Ae W. # ia % Ma YOKOd P o | | 4 pee hy an ale noanow a va gMeOieis ‘gts HOT, BU bn sts te «ae! fk i Cad wa Of a a) 1 rie saletdah bak 6 r 4 » ¥ = — eat eas eee: — THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BelTisH INSECTS. PLATE DXLILI. PAPILIO ARTAXERXES. ARTAXERXES BUTTERFLY. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated at the tip: wings ere¢t when at reft: fly by dlay. ' SPECIFIC CHACACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings entire, black, with a white dot in the middle of the anterior pair, and rufous lunules on the pofterior ones: margin beneath white, with rufous dots. VOL. XVI. B Pariio feires, ad £°%°G yr PERS 17h ' PR; Ss > 2m 2 PLATE DXLI. PaPiILto ARTAXERXES. Jon. Ms S.—Piét. 6. tab. 44. fig. %. Hesperta ARTAXERXES: alis integerrimis nigris: anticis puntto . medio albo, pofiicis rufis, fubtus margine albo rufo punétato. Fabr. Ent. Syjft. T. 3. p. 1. 297. 199. Lycuna Artaxerxes. Fabr. Sy/t. Glofat. To the great aftonifhment of our Englifh Colleétors of Naturaj Tliftory in the vicinity of the metropolis, Papilio Artaxerxes, an infeét heretofore efteemed of the higheft poffible rarity, has been lately found in no very inconfiderable plenty in Britain: for this interefting difcovery we are indebted to the fortunate refearches of our young and very worthy friend, W. E. Leach, Efq. who met with it common on Arthur’s Seat near Edinburgh, and alfo on the Pentland Hills. A difcovery fo interefting in the annals of Entomolegy deferves efpecial notice, because Papilio Artaxerxes was not merely efteemed rare in this country; on the continent it appears to be totally un- known: their Entomologifts, ll the time of Fabricius, have not men- tioned it, nor had Fabricius himfelf ever feen an example of the fpecies ; he derived his information folely from a drawing by the hand of W. Jones, Efq. of Chelfea. The extreme accuracy of that deli- neation, it muft be indeed allowed, would render it unneceffary for Fabricius to confult the infect from which it was pourtrayed, but the circumfiance is mentioned in order to prove the rarity of the fpecies as an European infe¢t ; and we cannot, it is prefumed, afford a more decifive teftimony of its intereft in this refpe&t than im ftating Fabricius, its original defcriber, had never feen it. Papilio Artaxerxes is by no means striking m appearance ; it be- comes important from the general eftimation of its fearcity, and its claim to confideration in this view is indubitable. In the beit of the Englifh cabinets, PLATE! DLE 3 cabinets, with the exception of that of our fincere friend A. M‘Leay, Efq. we have often lamented to obferve a deception inteaded to fupply the deficiency of this fpecies; namely, a little painting of the infeét, carefully configned on a pin, to the moft obfcure corner of the drawer, amongft the Britifh Papiliones, and which, from its fpecious afpect and ingenious fimilitude, has oftentimes, we fufpect, been mifiaken for the original: this is a general fault, arifing undoubtedly from a very pardonable motive, and therefore, we apprehend, fhould not be re- prehended in terms of unufual feverity; yet we cannot think the cuftom wholly blamelefs—We have alluded to the cabinet of Mr. M‘Leay, and it will be therefore right to add in explanation, that his valuable and extenfive colleCtion contained a very fine fpecimen of Papilio Artaxerxes, that had been taken im Scotland previoufly to the difcovery made by Mr. Leach, as before related. Though we are not difpofed to concede this little Butterfly any confiderable portion of praife on account of its beauty, it is not alto- gether devoid of claim in this refpett: the upper furface differs little from feveral analogous fpecies, the females of feveral of “ the blues,” as they are ufually termed, at the fame time that the afpect of the lower furface is entirely diflimilar from moft others; and exhibits a very delicate, fpotted, and prettily diverfified appearance. As thefe infeéts fly in the day-time there can be little doubt they may be fought for by the Colleétor with fuccefs on the Billy fpot called Avrthur’s Seat, near Edinburgh. Be PLAT £E Vide. omdide: » bits. “ead 1) pent angen yh ashe danttve sol te e ae: Ae" A'S | ent YG he hea aeoaiwe) la rn Vs rel gacva be. wists a ateuly’ >) areny isd ott Wo ea mer re potas i Ph aati Vivo ie) Wee hee fete allt oF dlp fa hype. aghe esotoen(t uel Heist aidithir haw exaqdligull t HGH gio Amilcee med y heedguurt ne, wneliaatly pid . ‘C1 Simo elbstdimlns palites vlad Wee do -o0 ad toa bined af vittoria oye ita si bvabte 4 odd Aina Hbeiiteuk, we kad “SiPard: las er bes ft Yo fonties ab of batotiy. sph. 5! i akeeh E need ai fo Unga ded 2s ple OB tebsi Gamer wade'ncd BW | la- auch soy aie seta Sige Godbe bie 3 OF Quarry, Lpultaaet st%4l ide! Mitribbad Pelt eat vba ine é Aas uct’ st. . aa niu whe i ‘ rae : see lattes yi all “, ential ofitil aw) spe Minti Oh Red is se i , «tate: dynes Mth, Ree 8. tee Maa Ae a el il oye wisi ate rete SHE hideq : ald nd evita: eed “sound att wl fags ish, bv eihesnelen 7 dieoeyt onli iy asht, bu Kugtc ahh | sake ate tdi vi fw, nog bsi't ounsoipey. Wablygvily tabby tinea rails, slisoks yltall whi stay’ erpeteiabtenia-dely ocd. wit’ vit bw belles sot AUN ay oc. dbase iw BRoliol} abt vet ophrdy 7 jae pea tga « he 7 tel he 8B ie ul A : eH a: “wer 4! eb ' J Me | é wy q ‘ vii be! . ie nw ié we ¥ Pu, i) ee ee ee a het Hie Tica ine Ga eel. THI no A Wess 2 ay cermin jnrcoray tay Sel Hele) Te ee el sy neon ty a bd es | | y a} > iy iy \// ’ rf NASD A I : al a at vy eee by a ri ae A ‘ pe One y ¥ he 542 bay PLATE DXLII. COCCINELLA 4-PUNCTATA. FOUR-SPOT RED LADY-COW. COLEOPETERA. Antenne clavated, club folid: anterior feelers femicordated: thorax and wing-cafes margined: body hemifpherical: abdomen beneath black. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wing-cafes red with four black dots. CoccINELLA 4-PUNCTATA: coleopteris flavis: punétis nigris qua- tuor. Linn. Syjt. Nat. 2.580.590. Fabr. Sp. Inf. 1. p.95.n. 16.—Mant. Inf. 1. p. 56. n. 28, CoccINELLA QUADRIPUNCTATA. Gmel. Linn. Syft. Nat 1647. 9. CocciNELLA 4-PpuncTATA. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T.1.p. 151.7. Profeffor Gmelin, in defcribing this fpecies of Coccinella, refers fo: its name and character exclufively to the Fabrician Species Infeciorum; and Mantijja, and hence it might be concluded that Fabricius was its firfi 6 PLATE DXLII. firft defcriber, which is not the fa&t, as it was previoufly noticed in the Linnean Syftema Nature; this overfight would be deemed of fome importance in any work, but muft be of ftill greater moment in a pro- duction profeflediy defigned as an improved edition of the Linnean publication: nor is the circumftance the lefs remarkable, fince Fabri- cius, in the work quoted, affords a reference to the defeription pre- vioully given by Linneus. Linneus, and alfo Fabricius, fpeak of it in general terms as an inha- bitant of Europe: the fpecies does not, however, appear, to be by any means frequent like many others of the fame genus; for, with the exception of the works of Villers, and thofe abovementioned, it does not occur in any of the continental publications on Kutomology. ‘The author of Entomologia Britannica, T. Marfham, Efg. introduces this {pecies for the firft time to notice as a Britifh infeét: the fpecimen he defcribes is in the cabinet of Dr. Shaw. Another was taken in the town of Plymouth on the 18th of September, 1512, and is now in the poffeflion of W. E. Leach, Efg.—'The reader will pardon the minutenefs of this detail when the rarity of the fpecies is duly eftimated. In its general afpeét this uncommon infeét differs little from feveral others of the fame tribe that are very abundant, and in which the wing-cafes are red, with dots of black, and the thorax yellow with an irregular fpot or fplafh of black im the middle: it is alfo like thofe of the middle fize ; the body beneath is black. PLATE ee PLATE DXLIII. PHALASNA MARGARITARIA: LIGHT EMERALD MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne taper from the bafe: wings in general defle&ted when at reft. Fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings angular, whitifh green with a deeper band terminating in a white ftreak. PuaLte/na Marecaritaria. Linn. Sy. Nat. 5. 865. 231. PuaLe£na ManrGariTARia: alis angulatis albidis: faturatiore ftriga ‘ alba terminata. Fab. Ent. Syft. 3. 131. 10. GEOMETRA MarGaRiTARIA. Hubn. Schmett Geom. 3. 13. Inhabits England and Germany in woods, and feeds principally on the Carpinus and Betula. The Moth appears in July and Auguft Its Jarva is defcribed: the form is elongated, with two white dots on the laft fegments: tail bifid, and feet twelve in number. Both fexes of this Moth are reprefented in the annexed plate; that with the antenne larger or more deeply peétinated is the male. PLATE wh » ana rE A +e) ha i Gok MR BIUCH KLE K |" ¢ i ‘ : F » ite Ja) 4 2 ¢ 0 ¥ . h , . z e ry J « Sat { L s PA Vy Se | “1 AMANDA FES Bat ‘ i E ae H i ¥ Aa! ' , Oe awe ey a An . ho am a ee Ee « wit Aye, AL, od UE f, tikaod aly ayia ee. wital, callie ee Att eae init OF. Feta Ayn Fay a win, j aleatics ae is it Ut ) : 4 ae. em 3 home ; OF 8 ee Ninety % + ni vad an Cth AME: rt i ee ' i ue . ae he rt} ‘ wae: o a, at a“ oF ; Be He , tial VaR . ao y maya ning Pe & Bi dhaew: i" Vernet i> ha J cuphandl #33 oA biti, ulin ab tty 5 mone 9 i eine % vii mt es (od ee Stith ave? dpe histayinls ® wh oka: meet? ; Sadtand ab sbiens tert bate ietidl al “ead , Sot ootnbed: Soptnagen alt cit beta Dance aie Seal lif ™ audi , bah HM ab bistro ag woes Swe Bey Tg wrt .» | } : Foe & i fk as 3 f i + Riot ay a RAAT Ast Swe Cl SF [i 943 PLATE DXLIV. LAMPYRIS FESTIVA. FESTIVE LAMPYRIS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform: feelers four: wing-cafes flexile: thorax flat, femi-orbicular, furrounding and concealing the head; fegments of the abdomen terminating in folded papillz: female ufually apterous. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lampyris Festiva. Sublinear, tawny orange: wing-cases with four raifed lines, and pofterior end black: disk of the thorax black. An infe& of more ftriking afpeét, notwithftanding the inferiority of its fize, can fearcely prefent itfelf. It appears to be extremely rare; indeed, we have not feen it in any other cabinet than that of the late Mr. Drury, now in our own pofleffion; nor does it feem to be defcribed by any author; we prefume, therefore, it may be new to Entomologifts in general. VOL. XVI. C Tn 10 PLATE DXLIV. In the Linnean Syftem this infe€t muft fall under fome one of the feveral families into which modern Naturalists divide the Lampyrides of that author. Neverthelefs, it fhould not be concealed that its characters are in certain refpeGls remote from that of the true Laim- pyrides, and might, without any degice of impropriety, remove it entirely from that genus. ‘The Entomologit need fearcely to be ap- prized of the families to which we allude; the genus Lampyris, as establithed by Linneus, it muft be known, are divided into many fetions, without which it would be impoffible to retain the whole of the Lampyrides under one generic appellation, Even Gmelin, in editing the laft edition of Syftema Nature, feems fenfible of this, as lie forms no lefs than five distinct families for their reception. ‘The whole of thefe, according to Fabricius, from whom they are adopted, are generically diftinét, and are fo conftituted by him under the re- {fpeétive names Lampyris, Omalyfjus, Coffjphus, Pyrochroa, and Lycus :—this is the order in which they fiand in the lateft works of that writer: fome further alterations have been again made by writers fubfequent to Fabricius, but generally, it may be obferved, the example of Fabricius is almoft implicitly followed in the divifion of the Lin- Lean genus of Lampyrices, throughout ihe continent of Europe. That the prefent mfe&t is a genuine Lampyris of Linneus admits of no doubt; but in referring it to either of the fe€ticns, we fhould exprefs ourfelves with greater caution; fer perhaps it ought rather,to conftitute a diftinét genus than be configned to cither. It has the characters of Py- rochroa, and yet is allied to Lycus. As afpecies it feems to approaeh the Pyrochroa, called by Herbtt Aurora, a native of Pomerania; but fhould it be the fame, there mutibe a deticiency in the character affigned to it by that author, which creates uncertainty; neither the black fot in the difk of the thorax, nor thofe at the extremity of the wing- cafes, bemg there described: we conclude for thefe reafons it cannot be the fame. ‘the highly beautiful form of the pe€tinated antenne im this elegant little inf € contributes to render its general appearance attraétive : the PLATE DXLEIV. 1] the form is graceful, and the colours pleafing,—a fine tawny orange diverfified with characteriftic marks and fpots of black. The an- tenne are brown except the extreme joint, which is tawny: on the upper furface it will be obferved, that in the centra part of the plack difk of the thorax is a raifed acute line, and on the wing-cafes four diftinctly promipent ftrie, with the interftices deeply punétured. It is perceptible beneath that all the thighs gt the bafe are tawny. 12 PLATE - . ” id i | Aa tM £¢ Be rn FRAAIO LUEW F sud a »silhiighg bien hi be § Sid sti a céyphit to wre ‘Baws tid iia | Sh wh Peeing eh Niele eal wp Wt Figo fll Wp mee ne Ci St fe ndh "ds rt : HNL OD) oe ad wits tidy hen bi lit DAR 4 at 4e + f ; Lhe ial re ee pinnbes acu aed WP GH nkrd tame a mrt 1G cos “ire ps4! vba aly M3 adnate ai) Ny sist | - N\ a ’ , ( i e : = ' . * ; i Me iJ 1 5 ‘ = ‘ ~ Y ’ 7 r ’ vk 7 "* ae . 4 ‘ f , é - ’ : } « ‘ i , ‘ . } . Pn - j i” - 4 r, ¥ i = Y ’ > 5 = ; ; } ist 7 4 ce é 4 , Se i . . * ‘ 4 re Ls y ' Sui mein ‘ol wit \ 4 : Wie \y } ue LUA EVE #% 4" ' ‘ I j Fs ; 4 : ¢ ‘4 ie ’ ! ‘ me i ’ f , Te geen © VRAIN IA (00), '/ bib ‘ ak De as va AL teak nae Piva ? pee), Veacah ig vax | v ot5 Oe Sa PLATE DXLY. ELATER 4-PUSTULATUS. FOUR-SPOT SPRINGER BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform, lodged in a groove under the head and thorax: under fide of the thorax terminating in an elaftic fpine, placed in a cavity of the abdomen; by which means the body, when placed on the back, fprings up and recovers its natural pofture. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black wing-cafes ftriated, with two teftaceous dots. ELATER 4-PUSTULATUS: niger elytris ftriatis: punétis duobus teftaceis. Fabr. Ent. Sy. T. 1. p.2. p. 235, fp. 89.—Paykull, &c. A diminutive infeét, of very uncommon rarity, originally defcribed by Fabricius from a fpecimen in the cabinet of Hybner: this was found in Saxony: it has been fince defcribed as a native of Sweden, and was lately discovered on the banks of the Tavy river. The fmaileft figure denotes the natural fize; the prevailing colour is black, the fpots on the wing-cafes with the legs teftaceous. “ha, a ; fy te , A, ’ ay Vth ae | ae Bh, es fogre a TA 14 vee aU rrratia.s aT Re SU RRS TOA IG % Laea PPO TOD . : Tae A i zt a § ato “asta 1 kentirlt-oid ture ae splyte milo is a bah 9 a ieee canis Sebeke Fox 4, sitytdieweesy x rico baat delve bah! ali enakgath iBoisk yd B gS aes) bia cites sie etavoos baa NN SUROANAIeD Sade | Gta ; Sworn. Sa wiacetns over Attn Retain Saori Ait) ee ae sitio eitio aie : RRA tag YO, Eee SS ah Sa ded. .leoadiel : f 4, 7. eo ; i } al : Cae hag otieee, Mande 2 ah. % > ro q ’ ia. patiaryh ‘ese. eae anetatbaont ries Sa ge oiolt aU Sa inten, oy, ice el . it PD print 9 bop whirl onde ii | . eae ane Te wt 1g sia en s Ra yas nny able. Hain att isis sins eke aA “serpin wid ahi oT Sal ” ae pal 7 ia vos py ai ’ at cals ate ae cu tb oo” Hh Pale % w Bop) ty io ont SS, Oe a "i sag wey i d Or Ly : ; fi ; Seith ali ee de a ily “) rr ¥ ' PLATE DXLVI. CERAMBYX LITERATUS. LETTERED CERAMBYX. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne fetaceous: feelers four: thorax fpinousor gibbous: wing- t 5 be} cafes linear. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. CeraAMBYX LiTERATUS. Cinereous: bafe of the wing-cafes with raifed black dots: exterior margin brown, with two confluent fpots, the posterior one branching into a letter-form band. A new Britifh fpecies of the Cerambyx tribe, lately found in the vicinity of Manchester by John King, Efq. and kindly communicated to the Author. It is an infect of confiderable fize, im appearance remarkable for its elegance, and does not appear to have been de- fcribed or figured in any other publication, PLATE 5 y ce REAL WAVES PARR Le Aye eihed-pitia Pe Rel Lenorian td: areas “shite arnt eBrnste evant) ee idswakel, aie Pee Study sei at anagh dunindtcowy adel -abrteaed’: a) sale! iniioth 6 Ot. ere “al ws Bet , Fr iy Séaiyene suntv eogga ite “ty hed vem OF = aa aa Ovi apes. | ys | ips 4 ‘ 547 { 17 ] PLATE DXLVII. FIG. I. SCARABAUS VERNALIS. SPRING SCARABAUS. COLEOPTERAe GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, the club fiffile: thanks of the anterior legs gene- rally dentated. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wing-cafes glabrous and very fmooth; fhield of the head rhom- boidal: crown flightly prominent. ScaRab&uUs VERNALIS: elytris glabris leviflimis, capitis clypeo rhembeo: vertice prominulo. Linn. Sy/i. Nat. 551. 43.—L'n. Suec. 389.—Paykull Fn. Suec. 1.6.6.—Fabr. Syjt. Ent. 17. 61.—Sp. Inj. 1. 19. 75.—Mant. 1. 10. 82.—Ent. Syst. 1. a. 31. 98.—Gmel. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1549. 43.—Geoffr. 1.77. 10.—Fourc. 1. 7. 10.—Herbji. Arch. 1. VOL. XVI, D 7 19; 18 PLATE DXLVII. 7. 19.—Panz. Faun. Germ. 49. t. 2.—Sulz. Hit. t. 1. f. 6—Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 23. n. 37. GEOTRUPES VERNALIS. Latr, Gen. Cruft. et Inf. T. 2. p. 94 Allied to Scarabeus ftercorarius, from which it differs chiefly in being fmaller, and in having the wing-cafes fmooth inftead of being furrowed. There is a variety of this fpecies, in which the violefcence is not very perceptible, and which has been occasionally mistaken, on that account, for a diftinét fpecies. PAG. ik. SCARABZUS SYLVATICUS. SYLVAN SCARABZUS, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Gloffy violaceus: thorax at each fide imprefied: wing-cafes fome- what firiated: feet pitchy. ScCARABEUS SYLVATICUS: violaceus nitidus, thorace utrinque im- preflo, elytris fubfiriatis, tarfis piceis. Mavjh. Ent. PLATE DXLVII, 19 Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 23. 388.—Paykull. Fn. Suec. 1.55.—-Panz. Ent. Germ. 8.31.—Scriba Ephem. 3. 250. Grogrupes Syztvaticus. Latr. Gen. Crujt. et Inf. Vol. 2. p- 93. ——————— About the fize of the former. Found in dung. D2 PLATE aa Wh died ae ee ne r oF taeadiag i ates ee ave ‘Mah atta" =, 0 tig O84 POs 2 WE a8 si ay avowraih a a *, ; ‘is Pe ere: Re ps ise ait 7” nab ha “mah at 1 “a 3 ce 7 vote! Glew ; (hi . ‘ , r Sat tel wher an ft i S . ' i +8. ‘ x ad 7 ° ; _ . H — 4 ‘ ) ‘ } Mt rh | ) ‘ “rh ak 4 Lae cl a . { ; vy F + Bi Pt ' *%, i met ay Wi ; ' i= , wits is : } ‘ E i 4 rei : , <7 5 ! 4 pyyyly ie ive Testy i Aey if , 4j 2) pee Th, rn el fh: aa at ama exude ayes vis z Baap WP age rides UREA ATALGD | ghelie, a Bu ai 6 RE ys iy ana) kag RES 9 Co ) ae] C21] PLATE DXLVIII. PRG. / i. PHRYGANEA MONTANA. MOUNTAIN SPRING-FLY. NEUROPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with a horny fhort curved mandible: feelers four: ftem- mata three: antenne fetaceous, longer than the thorax: wings equal, incumbent, and the lower ones folded. 3PECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, PuryYGANeEA Montana. Anterior wings teftaceous with daubs and confluents tranfverfe marks of fufcous: pofte- rior wings pale, border with alternate fufcous and pale fpots. Found abundant on the borders of rocky mountain ftreams in Wales, and fimilar fituations in Ireland and other parts of Britain. The fmalleft figure, as in the following fpecies, denotes the natural fize. F 5 G. ‘3 tS PLATE DXLVIII. PG, ££. TL PHRYGANEA MACULATA. SPOTTED SPRING-FLY. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. PHRYGANEA MACULATA: Anterior wings pale teftaceous towards the bafe, and faintly reticulated with dusky : dor- fal edge with four diftinct dark fpots, and a feries of dark dots next the border at the apex. A new fpecies, found in tolerable plenty on the rivers of Cumber~ Jand and Devonthire. PLATE [ 23 ] PLATE DXLIX. MUSCA ATHERIX. ATHERIXINE MUSCA. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Mouth with a foft exferted flefhy probofcis, and two unequal lips: ucker befet with briftles: feelers fhort and two in number, or fome- times none: antenne ufually fhort. * Antenne moniliform, with a terminal briftle. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Black: body with a grey fpot on each fide of all the fegments: in the middle of the coftal margin of the wings a dufky {pot furrounded by a crefcent of hyaline dots, and a dufky {pot at the bafe. ATHERIX MACULATA (mas) Meig. Clafs. und. Befch. t. 1. p. 274. This infeét, which is clearly of the Mufca tribe in the fyftem of Linneus, conftitutes a new genus in the work of Meigel, under the name of Atherix.—The laft-mentioned genus has been recently adopted by Latreille in his fubdivifions of the Mufce. There 24 PLATE DXLIX. There is an appearance of novelty and fimple elegance in this little infe& that ftrongly demands attention, though the colours are merely black and dusky, with a diverfity of the grey,—fuch in faét as in the more emphatic language of prattical colleGtors might be called the widow’s weeds, or half-mourning. ‘The fpecies is very rare. PLATE \) . ' ‘ \ ( i ou 4 a f al . . | . ee ack Reena alien e er Beet © Di. OESTRUS OVIS. SHEEP BOT-FLY, GAD-FLY, er BREEZE-FLY. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with a fimple aperture, and not exferted: feelers two, each confifting of two articulations, with the tip orbicular, and feated on each. fide in a depreffion of the mouth: antennz of three joints, the laft fubglobular, and furnifhed-at the anterior part with a brittle, placed in two hollows of the front. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Oxstrus Ovis. Wings tranfparent, with fpots at the bafe and dotted nerves: abdomen filky white, varied with black dots and fpots. Reaum. Inf. t. 36. fig. 22.—Larva. 8, 9. OestRis Ovis. Wings tranfparent, with fmall {pots at the bafe: abdomen chequered with black and white. Clarke, Linn. Tranf. V. 3. p. 318. tab. 23. fig: 14—17. This is one of thofe deftructive creatures which infeft quadrupeds, and are known under the general appellation of the Bot-flies. The particular fpecies now before us is that peculiar to the Sheep tribe. VOL, XVI. i Every 26 PLATE Di. Every hufbandman is acquainted with the direful effeéts produced by the ravages of thofe intruders im the vital economy of that ufeful race of creatures, though few are correétly acquainted with their hiftory. The Bots, mdeed, have never been fufficiently or properly deferibed till within the laft few years, when the fubjeét was invettigated by Bracy Clarke, Efq. and it muft be added, with a degree of accuracy highly creditable to himfelf and fatisfaétory to the public. ‘The refult of his remarks appeared firft in a Memoir pubhifhed m the third Volume of the Linnean ‘Tranfaétions, and fubfequently in other pub- Jications. ‘Thefe obfervations may be truly faid to form the bafis of our prefent knowledge of the Oeftri tribe, than which no race of infeéts whatever, can be more ftri¢tly deferving the attention of the Entomologift or the obfervation of the Agriculturit. In defcribing the individual fpecies of Oeftrus at prefent under con- fideration Mr. Clarke obferves, that about the middle of June he procured fome full-grown larve from the infide of the cavity of the bone which fupports the horns of the Sheep. ‘They were nearly as big as thofe of the large Horfe-bot, of a delicate white colour, flat on the under fide and convex on the upper, having no {pines at the divifions of the fegments, though provided with two curved hooks at the {mall end: the other extremity is truncated, with a fmall prominent ring or margin, which feems to ferve the fame purpofe, though in an inferior degree, as the lips of the Oeftrus equi and hemorrhoidalis, by occafionally clofing over and cleaning the horny plate of refpiration. ' The larve are perfeétly white and tranfparent when young, except the horny plates, which are black: as they increafe in fize the fegments of the upper fide become marked with two brown tranfverfe lines, and fome {pots are obfervable at the fides. ‘They move with confi- derable quicknefs, holding with the tentacula as a fixed pomt, and drawing up the body towards them. The under-fide of the body is marked with a broad line of dots, which, on examination with glaffes, appear to be rough points, ferving perhaps the double purpofe of aflifting their paflage over the fmooth and lubricated faces of thefe membranes, PLATE DL. 27 membranes, and of exciting alfo a degree of inflammation in them where they reft, fo as to caufe a fecretion of lymphor pus for their food. Mr. Clarke obferves, that he has moftly found thefe animals in the horns and frontal finufes, though he has remarked that the membranes lining thefe cavities were liardly at all inflamed, while thofe of the maxillary finufes were highly fo; and hence he was led to fufpect that they inhabit the maxillary finufes, and crawl, on the death of the ani- mal, into those fituations in the horns and frontal finufes. The breeds, he prefumes, are not confined to any particular feafon, as the young and full-grown larve are found together at the fame time. The larve, when full grown, fall through the noftrils to the ground, and change to the pupa ftate, lying on the earth or adhering by the fde to a blade of grafs: m this ftate it remains about two months, when the fly appears—The manner in which this fpecies depofits its eggs is difficult to obferve, owing to the obfeure colour and rapid motions of the fly, and the extreme agitation of the theep; but from the mode of defence the fheep takes to avoid it, and its manners afterwards, there can be little doubt that the eggs are de- pofited in the inner margin of the nofiril. The moment the fly touches the noftril of the fheep, the latter fhake their heads violently, and beat the ground with their feet, hold- ing their nofes at the fame time clofe to the earth, and running away, earneftly looking on every fide to fee if the fly purfues: they alfo may fometimes be feen fmelling to the grafs as they go, left one fhould be lying in wait for them; which if they obferve, they gallop back, or take fome other direction, as they cannot, like horfes, take refuge in the water. ‘To defend themfelves againtt its attacks they have recourfe to a rut, or dry dufty road, or gravel-pits, where they crowd together during the heat of the day, with their nofes held clofe to the ground, which renders it difficult for the fly, who attacks on the wing, to get at the noftril. EQ Perhaps, 28 - PLATE DL. Perhaps, fays Mr. Clarke, (in concluding his general obferva- tions,) the removal of the fheep to a diftant pafture during the months of June aud July, whilft the greater number of the Bots are yet on the ground in the ftate of pupa, and not bringing them again on fuch ground till the fetting in of winter, would be the means of deftroying them moft effeGtually; and this procefs, repeated for two or three years fucceflively, in places where the Oeftri are particularly trouble- fome, might prove eventually ufeful to the farmer. A highly-magnified figure of this fpecies in the winged ftate is fhewn in the annexed Plate, from which it will appear an infect of fingular character, and no very inconfiderable beauty. The fmall figure denotes the natural fize. PLATE OF THE. Ay wee. 4] eo % | y= vy ‘ im ils & 1 re ns th ae 2 oe uP nm ‘ 1 ree at © < oe, Hs i Me * . os A ua Fy) Gof Ey Skt t ‘ ie * ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 = ; ahh - ‘ , * 7 UBRARY 7” a UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - her. ed? \ + n \ . - / O31 3 eg] PLATE DLI. PHRYGANEA INTERRUPTA. BROKEN-BAR PHRYGANEA, NEUROPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Mouth with a horny fhort curved mandible: feelers four: ftemmata three: antennz fetaceous, longer than the thorax: wings equal, in- cumbent, lower ones folded. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings black, with an interrupted white band of dots near the middle, and white dot on the anterior margin nearer the tip. PHRYGANZA INTERRUPTA: nigra alis nigris: fafciis quatuor niveis ; anticis interruptis, pofteriori marginali punétata. Fabr. Ent. Sy. T. 2. p. 79. 25. Common among willows on the banks of rivers and rivulets in various parts of Britain. Frequent about Plymouth, and on the banks of the Dee. Fabricius defcribes it as a native of England. PLATE ie Lie iue te Pa ue a tg Sas i) oy ee OS ToD } ye BY y ip, J See G ‘ a i i ee . A TAG 4 23 Rew 77 } - ie Of .: a f | flpateanreyit 3 ane ria ot Sms ott Jane dial ‘Saciods ‘ati ae ' fs -, ; aiavice rontagp aisha. caitgite eify Seeiah | peRaug Uauigians iwiteitey sighed 88 Siti Bye ee Ria Nd q ' 7 ai wobec bite aravit 70 edad’ of a0 swollive, 3 XK 8 . od} a9 baw vouch yoda SaaupetL: itd oe a . hea 0 shes 6 8 oh ee, bad ae . : oe ° * ' : r ; me «x ree yar way, erat are ’ ‘ . “ae eo) Pee ae ’ a | *. 2 a y i: 8 U \ uy ‘ 4 = . : Tt , ‘s a ri ® we 4 ~ bi ea a. . a ae ie as z a ile Larne VA Se PL ALO n ge eS ae ay wert ae ees. | y Vyas y) Le uu Pre i shh, } Wheres Wale =~ » 552 [ 31 J PLATE DLII. STAPHYLINUS HIRTUS. HAIRY STAPHYLINUS, or ROVE-BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne moniliform: feelers four: wing-cafes half as long as the body: wings folded up under the wing-cafes: tail armed with a pair of forceps, and furnifhed with two exfertile veficles. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. AND SYNONYMS. Hairy, black: thorax and pofterior part of the abdomen yellow. STAPHYLINUS HIRTUS: hirfutus niger, thorace abdomineque pof- tice flavis. Linn. Syjt. Nat. 683. 1—Fn. Suec. 839.—Gmel. Linn. Syfi. 2025. 217. 1. Fabr. fp. inf. 1. p. 334. n. 1.— Mant. Inf: 1. p. 219..2. Ent. Sy/fi. 1. 6. 519. 2. Staphylinus niger villofus, &c.—Le Staphylin bourdon. Geof'r. Inf: par. 1. p. 363. n. 7. Staphylinus bombylius. Degeer 4. 20. 5. STAPHYLINUs HIRTUS. Maz/h. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 496. 1. The largeft and moft interefting fpecies of the Staphylinus genus found in this country, and alfo one of the moft uncommon, In $2 PLATE DLII. In Entomologia Britannica it ftands recorded as a Britith fpecies, and though esteemed rare, it ufually occurs in the beft cabinets. It is faid to inhabit fandy places, and is also found among mofs concealed or lying under ftones. Mr. Comyns has met with it in Devonthire. We once faw it on the wing in a thicket in Coombe Wood, Surrey. PLATE ik om. De | Seiya est UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS - F Diy. 43 table, and ftarve the cattle in the fields. From thefe alarming mif- reprefentations, almoft every cne ignorant of their hiftory has been under difmal apprehenfions concerning them; and even prayers have been offered up in fome churches to deliver us from the apprehended approaching calamity.”—“‘ Some idea may be formed (fays the fame author in a note on the above paflage) of their numbers from the following circumftances. In many parifhes about London f{ib- - feriptions have been opened, and the poor employed to cut off and colleét the webs at one fhilling per bufhel, which had been burned under the infpection of the churchwardens, overfeers, or beadles of the parifh; at the firft onfet of this bufinefs, fourfcorce buthels, _as 1 was moft credibly informed, were collecied in one day in the parith of Clapham.” One object in writing this tract was to fhew, that the infe&t was not new in this country, the fpecies being found every year, and in fome abundance, though not im plenty fufficient to excite the public attention. It was then known, as the author obferves, by thofe who colleéted infeéts as the caterpillar of the Brown-tail Moth. Nor is it peculiar to this country, being found in many parts of Europe. Albin, who publifhed in 1720, fays, the caterpillars lay themfelves up in webs all the winter, and as foon as the buds open they come forth and devour them in fuch a manner that whole trees, and fome- times hedges, for a great way together, are abfolutely bare. Geoffroy defcribes it as the moft common of all infeéts about Paris, where it is found on moft of the trees, which it often ftrips entirely of their foliage in the fpring. Our great naturalift Ray defcribes it likewife. With refpeét to the caterpillars of the Brown-tail Moth in the year 1782, and alfo in the year preceding, Mr. Curtis obferves | their numbers were uncommonly great and unufually extenfive, though he does not pretend to ftate the precife track in which they are found, having had no opportunity of obferving it, remarking only in this particular, that when infeéts are multiplied in this extraor- 62 dinary 44 PLATE DLV. dinary manner it is feldom that they extend through a whole coun- try. “ On the Kingfton road I traced them (fays this author) as far as Putney Common, on the farther part of which, on the trees about Coombe Wood and Richmond Park, a web was not to be feen. — I remarked, that they were extremely numerous at the diftance of about eight miles on the Uxbridge road.. On the great weftern road they terminated about the Star and Garter leading to Kew; from whence to Alton in Hampfhire not one was vifible; and I have received undoubted information from other quarters, that the de- firuction they occafioned is by no means general.” Our remarks on the partiality fhewn by thefe infects for fome ve- getables in preference to others will be eafily perceived from the following ftatement: during the feafon mentioned (and in this they are invariably conftant) they occurred on the &awthorn moft plen- tifully, oak the fame, e/im very plentifully, mot fruit-trees the fame, blackthorn plentifully, rose-trees the fame, and bramble the fame: on the willow and poplar fearce, and none were noticed on the elder, the waluut, afh, fir, or herbaceous plants. Thus it appears, that the principal injuries fuftained are in the orchard, the cater- pillars deftroying the bloffoms as well as the leaves, and thereby the fruit in embryo; the lofs of the leaves merely in many other trees, fhould it happen in the fpring, being of {mall importance, as thefe are reftored before the end of fummer. Thefe caterpillars have happily many enemies; they are delec- table food for moft birds, who eagerly devour them; they are alfo victims to the Ichneumon fly, which deftroys them by myriads, and it is fuppofed the abfence of the latter, from fome unknown caufe, might have contributed, for one or two feafons, to their immenfe mcreafe. The young caterpillars are hatched early in autumn. As foon as they quit the egg they begin fpinning the web, and having formed a fmall one, they proceed to feed on the foliage by eatimg, like moft other larve, the upper furface and flefhy part of the leaf. In thefe webs, which are progreflively increafed in fize as necef- 9 ; fity PLATE DLY. 45 fity requires, they live in focieties till they attain their laft fkin, when each fpins a feparate web or cocoon for itfelf: in this it paifes to the pupa form about the beginning of May, and after remaining a fhort time the Moth is produced *. There is more than one brood in a year, the fpecies being found in a winged in July aud Auguft. _* It remains in the chryfalis about three weeks. Qurtis. RLATE tN Bask iv ct? atin hi aed Weer obi Sr end” tt: 2 habe wrt “shart hi ever tliat varia bass ate Vise. a7) Jon! ee Me ee i Re ae i serve ol) vovys p » ‘ ’ 1 Pee . " da ’ a») : fa ’ ’ hab o- Ae. ae at ‘ agree... °F * i = sf a wh, Sc fs ay a) f = ; ‘ ; 5 ee = {. : 3 — ie PIeATE DLVI. PHALZNA VERTICALIS. MOTHER-OF-PEARL MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Antenne taper from the bafe: wings in general deflefted when at reft. Fly by night. , * Seétion PyRAuis. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Wings glabrous pale and fomewhat fafciated: beneath waved with fufcous. PHAL@ZNA VERTICALIS: alis glabris pallidis fubfafciatis, fubtus fufco undatis. Linn. Fn. Suec. 1353.—Gmel. 2522. 335. Phalena Verticalis. Fabr. Sp. Inf. 2. p. 272. n. 180.—Mant. Inf, * 2. p. 219. n. 285. Geoffr. inf. Par. 2. p. 166. n. 112. Abundant in the month of July, when it appears in the winged ftate: the larva, which is of a delicate green colour, feeds on the com- mon nettle: the pupa is diftinguifhed by having each of the three laft ferments armed or furnifhed with a tooth-like procefs. PLATE A ai a. ni | ae ‘j ike Vu v . 2 , iI. Aw q ‘ LEADITHAT + rs ha s ay aoe ame peer RON ‘ oa t; au AMMERS AAT = \ / SATOMNRS SL420 é ip mad befinfoh Danaoy af eypiee + est 3 avi Vad ba : tan wae © ' AATOSAARMS, OATS = CEN Y Fey?) & AD drbe hover inea@et ¢feepacite’) tudeeanbl, bea wag , a a : ! ; . autdsk .ertnt sindehad aifird ileeg seulaty vile Tantaorrmny Sete —5 y Br enue WA ome hae non of V 5 = ; ‘* és ie Sal tee OBE 10 OTS .h..2tn go eT : 5 er ol x“ L ¢ | + a : RES 90 BOE ay Reh anh ord / ‘3 , x pe Lown eset] - eerie oft ce eee af nod oll to dino oat at? , x ‘ a3 oft Ao abest oajules useng stasliot a to et doiriw prints bee” esult aft to dowd girved yd bodbisgettitih ab ns actuate: ; Merorg oiif. dread e dew inodiceut rapes ; ' ~ a T A J ; er a " , _ : f - . LA, ) t \ a ” uJ Pay Pa a me se) eddy: a re 7. oe Shear -) re alk 5 il Sees. a . { aly on hold ae rae ayes oy i 7 ah bite eg ae A’ ‘A 4 : F y ‘ - > é b ¢ y A % i . a a i ld dt in j oe al | 7 aig j ui, W.. ' | ; s ’ 49 4 P PARE DEVI, LEPTURA SANGUINOLENTA. SANGUINEOUS LEPTURA. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne fetaceous: feelers four, filiform: wing-cafes tapering to- wards the tip: thorax flender and round. * Jaw with a fingle tooth, lip membranaceous and bifid. Fubr. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black: wing-cafes fanguineous. LEPTURA SANGUINOLENTA: nigra elytris fanguineis. Linn. Sy. Nat. 2. 638. 4,.—Fn. Suec. 679.—Fabr. Ent. Syjt. T. 1. p. 2. 341. 10. Schaeff. Icon. tab. 39. fig. 9. Rarely met with in Britain. Linneus defcribes it as a native of Sweden, Schaeffer includes it among the infeéts found in the environs of Ratifbon, and we have feen it from Portugal. Fabricius {peaks VOL. XVI. H in 50 P LAT Ee DLVIL. in general terms of the fpecies as an inhabitant of Europe. It is found on flowers about the end of June or in the Month of July. There is a variety of this infeét, having the wing-cafes margined with black; in the male, the wing-cafes are fometimes tinged with teftaceous, and at the tip with black. PLATE —” SS ——s — — ———— PEATE’); DEVEL, NECYDALIS CZERU LEA. BLUE NECYDALIS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Anteme fetaceous or filiform: feelers four, filiform: wing-cafes lefs than the wings, and either narrower or fhorter than the abdomen: tail fimple. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Wing-cafes fubulate: body blue: pofterior thighs clavated and arched. NeEcyDALIS CERULEA: elytris fubulatis caerulea femoribus pofticis | clavatis arcuatis. abr. Ent. Sy. T. 1. p. 2 | 354. 19. Necytauis ceruiea. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 642. 4. : ECYDALIS CERULEA: cerulea, femoribus pofticis clavatis arcua- tis. Mark. Ent. Brit. T.1. 359. 4. Donov. Tour South Wales and Monmouth- Jhire. I’. 1. Glamorg. H Q La 52 PLATE DLVIII. Telephorus ceruleus. Degeer. 4. 76. 8. Cantharis nobilis. Scop. La Cantharide verte 4 groffes cuifles. Geoff. 1. 342. 3. FEdemera cerulea. Oliv. 3. p. 50. 13. 16. f. 2. f. 16. a. b. One of the moft fingular as well as beautiful fpecies of the infeét tribe found in this country: it occurs on flowers of various kinds in in the middle of fummer: moft frequent on the golden cup, on the bramble and the dandelion, and perhaps we may fay generally, on um- belliferous flowers. In England it is rather a local infect; on the continent, and efpecially towards the South, it is obferved to be more abundant than im northern counties. The moft material difference in the general appearance of the two fexes of this fpecies confifts in the firu€ture of the pofterior legs; thefe in the female are fimple, but in the male are confiderably arched, while the thigh itfelf is fo remarkably large, in proportion to the reft of the legs and body, as to render its afpett particularly firiking: the thigh is curved, and very globofe. ) This difference in the ftructure of the thighs did not efcape the ; obfervation of Geoffroy, and after him of Fabricius; the latter of | whom confiders the one with fimple legs merely as a variety of the other, “ Variat pedibus jimplicibus.” Among the number of thofe who diffent from this idea we fhould, however, name that refpeétable Naturalift, John Reinhold Forfter: he confidered it as a new fpecies, and deferibes it as fuch, under the appellation of Necydalis Ceram- boides: ‘ Elytris fubulatis, viridi-enea pedibus fimplicibus,” in his tra&t of One Hundred new Species of Infeéts. Fabricius, who wrote after the time of Foifter, refers to this among his fynonyms, and feems therefore convinced it can be no-other than a variety of | Carulea. Ip PLATE DLVII. 53 In Entomologia Britannica we find the opinion of Forfter preferred to that of Fabricius, the fuppofed fpecies bemg included under the name of Ceramboides, as in “ Nove Species Infetorum.” Mr. Marfham, neverthelefs, with that degree of caution which fo eminently diftinguifhes his valuable work, expreffes a doubt whether 1t ought to be confidered as a diftinét fpecies or a fexual difference, “ 4n {pecies difiincla? An fexis differentia ?” The fmaller figures denote the natural fize; the variation that pre- vails in colour from a blue to bright brafly green is fhewn in the larger figures. PLATE . j ae ; ' o 2 PoP y —— i — ae mo > BTA . borsstarq. afte: (ly noiuigg aif Bint ye winuethll 9 ? ; odi titge fiabutont ° scttoe! pay ces tlt, ; 4 ae” thir rofsctal + agg are, boda «| t) 8@ey be qinfsntnes a ilStasir 21a O ganged) tec daw olabamlle ‘of hig If yoeteaule ) deeds iow oF leu ot iiyf| ak © asuwustil lagayl Waar ramon & iS wo Ripe, iy. wine * =a tart aobemer ail ssid Hietante.: atl} otadahy a ; royal ody tik i aia a eetibghd ot onl aa s. oy ¥ ux} Co ‘ gam s 6. Be ' z , y may Ct! - ar a , obs ap ty ‘ tapers ‘ al é io Ld ~ : by eed ou Ti! on / 0 vy i + * ' =! i) > ry ‘ o 7 a * Se ‘ ~ = —— MS a —— . 4 i é ; - qf “ ce ? q é a ~ ‘ . R Al j ': ‘ ; i ' so . 5 "ti ° e ay / Py "eee Pei a ‘ ; . r ae 7 « ‘ 2 7) > , . . , 3 eo AU Se ; a a 4 y t a ‘ ‘ ‘ . » A 4 ' ‘ a * ry ? * 1 re: aa ‘ BS 2 iy. AM 1 } S . ~ , 5 t Li '*. oredr es ot) Ua + . ao ‘ze + ee ee ,’ oe oe 4 Feet ee a 'S t ? = * | r Le a i = re tw ; 42, 2 OPN 8. Peed 405539 14D + i 2 . Y) 4 ‘ S 7 t Le .. . DOR 11 SESS Dil PA ae > Pare i ’ ‘ | eet ee cisOLey ee MRM dis Seo | a Sei DE eae ht AS ema tae - — , , ry. : wn + ss) @vis tute gine i EET: Seid Oa = = ¥ 4 Tey veypa e- 3 ewer eX Pee 2 eo / “ae * 1 Be het i eras ‘ tam ®t al? t i .eQan a 2th OF 4 PS ¥ ted a A: “4 ' ~ 3 : : 2 BB Fie ao reds ets a , « ie > = © - « t * ‘ (es “ eid phe pe Be on4 ee ae a: L % A a 5 if f } : k wan B SG: Wet Sa eo GAR. BT: Pea ; f wet 3 ; : ¢ : ; x P f c A 4 f < et eh ve, “ire ’ ia . by © +74 : SR Se 2 ~ CRSA TE x” i per dy at a? 35 MAAS - 4 ‘ Mi os :? on = ane : Hine \ ee ee te a) De yh 1 7 5 ne f ’ ; ; : ‘ $ ~ , ao PHS $3 oY - i iss ' 7 i ¥ ‘ 4 a¢ Wy « r) Ff ‘ , At peeee oa f » Tes 2 j hal ’ ‘ tf ’ by a ‘tn ’ a sh, . ; Ria) ’ i, ; ' fA ' s , A+ J a0 ; sae iP bY - ae d : 7 Lea + * ) Se i te nate AAT, | ee eo ‘ I)! ee Manner Oe a ns ee we 565 PLATE, DLXV, CARABUS DIMIDIATUS. KUGELANNIAN CARABUS. » COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform: feelers fix, the exterior joint obtufe and trun- eated: thorax obcordated, truncated behind, and margined: wing- cafes margined: abdomen ovate. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Braffy green: head, thorax, and outer margin of the wing-cafes generally purple: wing-cafes fomewhiat convex firie: legs black. CARABUS DIMIDIATUS: e#neo-virens, elytris firiatis: interftitiis con- . vexiufculis, pedibus nigris, Mazj/h. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 445. Sp. 35. Oliv. Inf. 111. 35272. 94. t. 11. f. 121. Carasus Kucerannit. Panz. Faun. Germ. 39. t. 8. Illiger. Kugel. Kaf. Preuj. 166. 30. A very f{carce infe&t, and one of the moft beautiful of the Britith Carabi. Its fize is moderate, or rather f{mall, fomewhat exceeding the length of half au inch, the colours on the fuperior furface vivid, beneath black with a faint glofs of violet. The antenne are black K 2 with 68 PLAT EY DELXV. with the bafe rufous, the legs entirely black. The head and thorax fmooth, polifhed, and gloffy, and the wing-cafes ftriated; the inter- ftices deep, and marked with impreffed dots in a fingle feries. The colours in this fpecies are not conftant, the head and thorax in fome inftances being greenifh and deftitute of the fine purple tinge, fo confpicuous in the fpecimen we have reprefented. PLATE a) , CHES h ae ; B15 (ne A = ‘ - y oo Xs ‘ > | Alin F, ~ his - J H i = - -? me J 2 a" e i eh, ~ ad ae ,) * — a a i AN ol f Tes - me 3 . 4 + oe = ble a : 3 ve & 3 ra, Ls ' 1 : 4 » of f ¢ ba st 7 Wh, ae | +: > a 4 - Fa Z é a ° 4 : ’ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ‘ a Wr x 5 nef = + c, a 1 4 € it — ‘ % 2 ri , ' < ‘ ‘ ~ < E front \ ( vy i; Py . " i ‘ f, ~ ale _ ; rie te 7 . y : ¢ Pa 4 : “ ia a ‘ = 7. bet ’ 2 Ba, § S : +4 . ra a a i Th. (x } ce ead ' * 5 2 > : v - é - : < q vi a A “ ms ‘ = . id * we ) : . . } ana ‘4 ; e ad a ‘ a - - Pi a)'s We — i 4 ; é r ie ie OPA me) io wee - ihr’ . a) Gon ' - 7 aes ; ow “> u@ ee r VVAs ' ‘ 5 oe ow } q - ie A ie \ i 1, al ta ; 4 ‘ . Tae 2 ie evs ca 4 } als : hee ? ie i Prey LY wit , ten a a yi is! ‘ ‘: Viuas War ¢ aa } nA iL 1 é ARC Th Cans Aa M iw 4 - % , if f>: te 4 id 566 [ 69 ] Be Ate DLXVE CHRYSOMELA ATRICILLA. BLACK-HEADED CHRYSOMELA. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Antenne moniliform: feelers fix, growing larger towards the end : thorax marginate: wing-cafes immarginate: body oval. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Head black: thorax, wing-cafes, and fhanks teftaceous. CurRYSOMELA ATRICILLA: nigra, thorace elytris tibiifque teftaceis, futura nigra. Marjh. Ent. Brit. T’. 1. 200. 74¢ —Linn. Syjt. Nat. 594. 55.—Gmel. 1693. 55. ALTICA ATRICILLA. Jab. Sy. Ent. 115. 17. GaLLervca atricitita. Fab. Ent. Syft. 1. 6. 51. 89. A fmall fpecies: the breaft, abdomen, and pofterior thighs are black. PLATE \ Pi ¥ , ve st (s 4 a ¥ ha jue te aaiiasato coca a) i Be AMT shake nat POMC? hi. burial rowel ee Nee iy “ rare ne ied ide tan ‘ arya “Na hae? cee opel anny lia ius chenlelshea aS i eytep eS ilk: Ack nee usp ohh Bes “Ae ACCU 2s SA ay ish ee % : oth sbi i hod ite oh Ah: Oe fal ra mre ts sik 4 thot W's Sb eh eae ] neh eee . ss : x F ) 4 « f i i : M p 7 . 2 gr : , 4 ¥ J F ’ . : : , y ae ‘ Wa S i ‘ ' & aba Pe FS o>, : a, ’ Ue * / - 1 i f , SRR a ee =! ‘ - NaS (* ‘e a , és j= y a ‘ aa iy Lana” eee ~ ¥ J q “ ' ft 7 ae kis ‘ ‘ Aes a LIBRARY A a ; he ah aD Pay ee tHE. 6) us, Mme tay | “nea OE MAINS segs bs 0 3) 3 eer y ad ‘ ' . = " ‘ aN = e i x ' ali zt : . A. § Ps b ’ y is * be : A oT WAN iJ = if = a ‘a t * ' ¥ *, , 2 oe ) - : a j ay ae 4 ' i ’ *y s * tags , ! , \ ? ' ) be 1 = \ 1 ' i ; «< ‘ a) . J j ’ i “ Bi ‘ k { a ome : ‘ x * wat ‘ \ a b I f, . i y ‘ 1 4 5.0 é 5 c ; : 7 is F *4/ . | ; oe Ob at he re i 4 . ‘ s —¥ ¥ i” os Gl “ ] & . ; . \ ry \ ret ‘ ' a P ii ‘ J | rs i : j ' j > 's} ( i . r cre | } , if A - : : i * a , os , p 4 . 15 J ‘ i : ‘ j ive ‘ } ‘ 4 f } ’ r ‘ Te Pe 4 ’ 7 ¢ 1 Ps oe fi ¥ | AY, nl A i q ' ¥ n a ‘s 7 I : a a 4 hl — ¢ , % si . i « i . 4 é ‘4 es * 4 sax ‘Que ioe | : [ sc lig lee! Sih ad Sage a i eee + AER RMN i RAI RED AL SER REI 7 rr PLATE DEXWM: PAPILIO MALVE. MALLOW, OR GRIZZLED SKIPPER BUTTERFLY. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Antenne clavated at the Up: wings ereét when at re@. Fly by day. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONY SIS, Wines indented divaricate, brown waved with cinerecus: anterior pair with hyaline dots: poferior with white dots beneath. Papitio Many: alis dentatis divaricatis fufcis cinereo undatis: anticis punctis fenettratis, pofticis fubtus punétis albis. Linn. Syjt. Nat. 2. 993. 297.—Fn. Su, 1651. Hesperia Matvaz. Fabr. Ent. Sy. 3. 350. 333. —Syft. Ent. 535. $896. Sp. Inf. 137. 638. F The larva of this Butterfly feeds on the mallow: the colour is greyith or yellowith, with the head black, and a black collar marked with four fulphur-coloured fpots. ‘The pupa is fomewhat gibbous and blucish. This PLATE DLXVIL sf ts This infe& is common in many parts of Britain in the fly ftate; the larva, though known, by no means common. The Butterfly appears on the wing in May. Some colleGtors admit two or more varieties of the Grizzled Skipper Butterfly, while others confider them as fo many diftinét fpecies: the male alfo differs a little from the female in being fome- what fmaller. PLATE : i, po eo ey ee Pelee ie Oey i wey a ied eee Ce rents is) wr ; i} 7 7" 568 Ree es, af at E DLXVIL, PHALENA LUBRICIPEDA. SPOTTED BUFF MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne taper from the bafe: wings in general deflected when at rest; fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Wings yellowith, with black dots generally in an oblique tranfverfe row. “PHALENA LuBRicIPEDA. Marfh. Linn. Tran. T.1. p. 71. tab. . 1. fig, 2. Bomsyx LuBRicIPEDA. Linn. Fn. Sv. 1138. mas, fabr. Syji. Ent. 576. 68. The larva of this kind is hairy and brownifh, with a lateral white firipe: it feeds on herbaceous plants, and is found in Auguft. ‘The fly appears in June. VOL. XVI. X PLATE x ae Warcoite 4 sal giuvtone ANTE ING IRA . a ~ ee We SRA rode lePatiak larocen ub ent rae Po 4 is . Resi. orate ay k ae 9 ; ea LRSM tz, "4 me i e P hy » ah | a A Pais mits S ** sy i i 7 C | iM orks Vee es. PE A - i ets ure tata As afeival Bows cued. ex tnd sails ‘ { ¢ . b i ' BSS ol: ieee te lauotaaa nda ingeintiad: a" : 7 ‘ “ \a L¥* 4 ' § = w s + f F i , { | ' OAT. , uf 4 Q < ¢ = ah : wv ne =< n se ~ 3, re i he - a = : “ = hive? Sie as 569 PLATE DLXIX. FIG. I. CHRYSOMELA NEMORUM. . COLEOPTERA, GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne moniliform: feelers fix, growing larger towards the end: thorax marginate: body in general oval. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SY NONY MS. Black: ftripe down the middle of the wing-cafes, and the legs yellow. CHRYSOMELA NEMORUM: atra, elytris linea flava, pedibus flavis, Linn. Syji. Nat. 595. 62.—Fn. Suec. 543.— Gmel. 1695. 62.—Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. 197. 65. AutTica Nemorum. Fabr. Syft. Ent. 115. 20.—Panz. Ent. Germ. 181. 27. GALLERUCA NEMORUM. Fuabr. Ent. Syft. 1. b. 34. 104, LAltife 4 bandes jaunes. Geoff. 1. 247. 9. This minute {pecies is extremely common In fome fituations. The body is of an oblong fhape, and the legs formed for leaping. LQ FIG: “A 76 PLATE (DLXIX. FIG Ih CHRYSOMELA MODEERI. MODEER’S CHRYSOMELA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Brafly black: wing-cafes at the tip yellow: four anterior legs, with the fhanks of the pofterior ones yellow. CuRYSOMELA MODEERI: enea nitida, elytris apice flavis pedibus anterioribus tibifque pofticis luteis. Linn. Sy. Nat. 594.57.—Fn. Su. 539.—Marsh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 194. 56. Altica Modeeri. Panz. Ent. Germ. 177. i Galleruca Modeeri. S’abr. Ent. Syft. 1. b. 30. 85. Size of the former. PLATE PT Oe % ‘s ' TAN anand ASK: AS) A as 1 ao J° ee | PLATE DLXxX. CURCULIO DIDYMUS. DOUBLE-SPOTTED CURCULIO, or WEEVIL-BEETLE. COLEOPTERAe GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, and feated on the fnout, which is horny and prominent: feelers four, filiform. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. CurcvuLio pipyMus. Cinereous, thorax with a longitudinal dorfal carnation: wing-cafes with raifed ftrie, and a feries of double or confluent fpots between each. ar eee ae A new fpecies, allied in appearance to C. carinatus of Fabriciys. It was firft difecovered by Mr. Rope, who communicated the fpecimen to the author of Entomologia Britannica, T. Marfham, Efq. and fince that period the fame fpecies has been taken in Coombe Wood. Dr. Leach has a fpecimen, found in the place laft mentioned. When magnified the appearance of this infect is very remarkable. The general colour is cinereous inclining to blackifh: down the middle of the thorax is a diftinét longitudinal carinated or raifed line; the wing-cafes are marked with a few raifed longitudinal lines, and the interftices imprefled with a feries of double punétures or dots, or rather two feries of dots placed nearly parallel, and every pair fo clofely approximating down the middle of the interftices as to appear like a double dot. PLATE ‘gilt; anil botins 1 Rotaciven lontbatighot Pei a, ti alt bev xanil hinihintigeol ities veal a diy bowinne s . , einai OLE 3 val. Ira eH w pisuomyo’e aman wiht ramen ih ciel wre ‘M a § soil bre pli civaeltalil.T coieitia daa digotosaor eal Yo ud hoot seco D ak abst mand, od Gio van ot hots hectoitavere Apl osalg gdh ui bay Ca we | asthma Ta a Baku vids Yo soaeeenmtvegepe a id et ohibind sdt-eraot ¢ @tntacld oF sete vd anosiwets ai 4 wi % ob wW exnrfewq oldueb To. pina a diiw 6 das dag ore ben folly erase byonly tof, Ty win @ oF Teg of as estiibnndd bai Wo allininee act copoly gunna | PLATE DLXXI. PHAL/ENA PAPYRATIA. WATER ERMINE-MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. * Bombyz. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne taper from the bafe: wings in general defleGted when at at reft. Fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings fnowy white with black dots at the tip: abdomen with five rows of black dots. Bomsyx Paryratta. Marfh. Linn. Tranf. 1. p. 72. tab. 1. fig. 4. Refembies the large or common Ermine Moth, and feems to have been very frequently confounded with that fpecies till its fpecifical diftinétion was pointed out by our worthy friend Thomas Marfham, Efq. in a memoir printed in the firft volume of the Tranfactions of the Limnzan Society. It differs principally in having black dots at the tip of the wings only, except one or two reaching in a line towards * B. Menthraftri of Fabricius. the 80 PLATE DLXXI. the bafe: the abdomen fulvous, and the tip white. In P. Erminea the black dots on the wings are more numerous.—We' muft, however, _ add, that, in fome inftances, the wings of Bombyx papyratla occurs with fearcely any black dots, ‘The female has alfo, in general, fewer — fpots than the male. This fpecies in the larva ftate feeds on aquatic plants, and, as the trivial name implies, is ufually found in watery places in the winged state. The larva is fufcous and hairy; pupa black. PLATE " € + Li pied ay \ ‘ . ‘ yh ork ee Voy vy j : Pi ; “et, Gitte Tea ea r oan we - © , . * » PLATE > DEXXII. FT Ge al. COCCINELLA 5-PUNCTATA. FIVE-DOT RED COCCINELLA, or COW-LADY. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated, the club folid: anterior feelers hatchet-fhaped, pofterior filiform: thorax and wing-cales margined: bedy hemilphe- rical: abdomen flat. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wing-cafes fanguineous with five black dots. CoceINELLA 5-PUNCTATA: coleoptris fanguineis: punctis nigris- quingue. Linn. Sy/?. Nat. 580. 11.—£n. Suce. 474.—Fabr. Syji. Ent. 80. 11.—Sp. Inf. 1. 96. 17.—Mant. 1. 56. 31.—Ent. Syft. 1. a 278. 36. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. 151. 5. The wing-cafes in this fpecies are red, with two black dots on each, and one common black dot at the bafe. ‘The thorax is black, with the anterior angle white. VOL. XVI, M F1G. 82 PLATE DLXXII, FIG. I. COCCINELLA 11-PUNCTATA. 41-DOT COCCINELLA, or COW-LADY. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Red, with eleven black dots. CoeciNELLA 11-PUNCTATA: coleoptris rubris: punétis nigris un- decim, Linn. Syfi. Nat. 581. 15.—Fn. Suee. 480.—Gmel. 1561. 18.—Fab. Syft. Ent. 82. 19.—Sp. Inf. 1. 98. 31.—Mant. 1. 57. 46.— Ent. Sufi. 1. a 277. 53.—Marfh. Ent. Brit. F. J. p. 155. 16. Considered by Paykull as a variety of Coccinella collaris. , PLATE was 4 v pet : hy atin via ear vi is eat ie re a eu sh) ae « < 4 - . ". mf. Ve a a —) ae a J /2 [ 83 ] PLATE DLXXII. FiGe da. 1. STAPHYLINUS ANGUSTATUS. NARROW ROVE-BEETLE, COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER: _ Antenne moniliform: feelers four: wing-cafes half as long as the body: wings folded up under the cafes: tail not armed with a forceps, furnifhed with two exfertile veficles. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Filiform, black: tip of the wing-cafes and legs teftaceous. STAPHYLINUS ANGUSTATUS: filiformis ater elytris apice pedibuf- que teftaceis. Paykull. Monogr. 36.27.—Fabr. Ent. Syft. T.1. p. 2. p. 528. Panz. Ent. Germ. 356. 31. STAPHYLINUS ANGusTaTuUs. Marfh. Ent. Brit. T, 527. 83. A {mall fpecies. Mu 2 FIG. 84 PLAT ESDIXXHI. Peal ST. TE: STAPHYLINUS BIGUTTATUS BIGUITATE ROVE-BEETLE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black: wing-cafes with a yellow dot. STAPHYLINUS BIGUTTATUS: niger, elytris pun&to flavo. Linn. Syfi. Nat. 685. 15.— Fn. Su. 851.—Gmel. 2029. 15.—Fab. Ent. Syfi. 1. b. 527. 36.—Sp. Inf. 1. 336. 13.—Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 526. 81. STAPHYLINUS JUNO var 8. Paykull Monogr. 25. Le SrapuyLin JuNon. Geoffr. 1. 371. 24. Twice the fize of the former. STAPHYLINUS ELONGATUS. ELONGATED ROVE-BEETLE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black: wing-cafes behind, with the legs, aud antenne ferruginous. STAPHYLINUS PLATE DLXXII. es STAPHYLINUS ELONGATUS: niger, elytris poftice pedibus anten- nifque ferrugineis. Linn. Sy/t. Nat. 685. 14.— Marfh. Ent. Brit. T. 1. p. 515. 52. Paederus elongatus. abr. Sy. Ent. 268. 2. Oblong, and glabrous; found im dung. PLATE .§ “er a Ae j ivi 7 bs i id ‘ ' . i. « . : An . f . ' : . fs : Ph ° ~ ( W oS 4 3 ~unalin. seein! hil : Reet ats Cue per foment ; Peo en a aaa . ¢ 2 mp ' ~ : i é ‘ ’ bw ’ ‘ y 4 a “ ‘ ; 3 ‘ ; Rae ’ ae ERT ae aed ee YP ay Rha hat Sap, WHY RR els pes “ A ony TA ony Wes ete rl CAP * et = fo - ‘ ; pt ey, fe Py we Le dfs h, P i . } : ey hy , 5 - q “ ~! n a ‘am Vir f * , « a) 7 Wilk vs + bl hs Pa. ft i Say | ay wy ue v , f } : } SOO a ee Saab / ; ; i sei he a es a a tee: pala ‘ - ’ ’ - bo | al 7 am ‘A hae ‘ee r i ’ ' ‘ ' ; SS hy =e, Le. ; 1. i. ys Je. % tip a ¢ . 7 - 4 avi Pa f ’ . : . . P * a ’ ~ ; Le) 4 a) $< > P nu ee ‘Sige ne Skit be ey) 7 . ' =) ! J ' A | PPALD. t , ioe > Th oe a eee te PS 1 4 PLATE DLXXIV. MUSCA TENAX. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with a foft exferted flefhy probofcis with two equal lips: fucker furnifhed with briftles: feelers two, very fhort or none: an- tenne ufually fhort, * Syrphus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Downy: thorax grey: abdomen brown: hind-fhanks compreffed and gibbous. . Musca TENAX. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 984. 32.—Fn. Su. 1799. SyYRPHUS TENAX: antennis fetarlis tomenofus thorace grifeo, abdo- mine fufco, tibiis pofticis compreflo gibbis. Fabr. Ent. Sy/t. T. 4. 288. 36. Found in dung and putrid fubftances. PLATE * eaeare A eis ‘ : 12 ’ + | : ae largo” owt sib # sl 74bD batritxs ask et ‘te 2 sane Ww nom pv’ ows aaledt seabitinad stiw halougatur> qdeseel-Bisiap. 5 teen on ee i et ay r Tid Fs cay 2 ud / i ; ROVE, we aflauihe 60.0 B Ruut Age oe, ett: = i chide: omer sootodd elomemot winnish panei + H8 eH rT am het. atid wilsnq ano? sige, adixtit oad onvien eat ire). : Re 8 dT Ae y 7 peere fF 7 ree | ayy dyes (erat 4 ih 3 rad pity Dien re hy 575 io { 89 J Pea TE. DEAK. HISPA MUTICA. HAIRY UNARMED HISPA. COLEOPTERA, GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne cylindrical, approximated at the bafe, and feated between the eyes: feelers fuciform: thorax and wing-cafes ufuaily {pious or toothed at the tip. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Unarmed, black: antenne hairy: wing-cafes ftriated. Hisra MUTICA; inermis, nigra, antennis pilofis, elytris ftriatis— Linn. Syft. Nat. 604. 4.—Fill. 1. 170. 3.— Gmel. 1752. 4.—Fabr. Syji. Ent. 71. 6.—Sp, Inf. 1.83. 9.— Mant. 1.477.—Maryjh. Ent. Brit. Vs ps Se Pulinus muticus. /ub, Ent. Syjt, IV. App. 443. Dermeftes clavicornis. Linn. Fn. Su. 413, Tenebrio hirticornis, Degeer. v. 47. t. 3. f. 1. A minute fpecies; in its manners faid to refemble the Dermeftes tribe, being like that infeét found among fur, leather, clothes, &c.. to which ig proves injurious. ‘The head is exferted, the thorax angu- Jated; antenna filiform, and thickeft in the middle. VOL. XVI. N PLATE ce dem oe aye: et “eaten . aie aan 10") au + ee v a a a et oo. ae ra, | ssamtod bogalt fi herd oy pe 7H be whee ge spd i anager ‘tia talus». Alon hatin, gk OUT cla oA ates haan 's nae ori a katona meron ie : hic sata ‘aiid sacl ane i eee saab aM ‘eit Cs erg ee ye ee ue we a A mine, 5 7B peer a Buide est ae Eh oa Sivnj 4 me : 4c a aah aly ni Bi atl Aba Siok A ie con A) aa a yak at A ee G ae) ts , " Tae ate Ae i) vier if Shy SRM eg ee A is a pion De ae Noe | Aly) Aten? wit” ie of, ee teppei #t a a adam piled ga yee bewiok Ratet’ 6 fe pam yell ali sbatvlien ie Vinod ott Recor | ae & if i "wu. i Be see a +> « Cook ae Y eae of if | oe . : > ry ar er S7¢ il, Qiiv 6 | H \ mill ee Prot PLATE DLXXVL PHALAENA FASCELINA, DARK TUSSOCK MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne taper from the bafe: wings in general defleGted when at rest: fly by might. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings defle&ed, cinereous, fprinkled with black points, and tra- verfed by two flexuous fulvous ftreaks. PHAL£ZNA FASCELINA: alis deflexis cinereis: atomis ftrigifque duabus repandis. Linn. Sy/i. Nat. 2. 825. 55. Fn. Su. 1119.—Fabr. Ent. Sy. T. 3. p. 1. p. 439. 98, The larva of this Moth is hairy arid tufted, the pupa folliculate. The larva is found (chiefly on the oak) in the month of May; the Moth appears in July. A local fpecies, common in fome parts of the country, but not frequent near London. N@ LINN-EAN eT ck Se ae” wihaings audeih oN a vist. ae - ‘ “igen” ‘Ours AAD in elle boat ine ati, Ris a pan iligitit ined | ne Faden red - am | Ps ee ie “init nai: ChE, wi, att wn , P aa mw on st ah ca at iho, aid : i f ie ~ LiN NAAN INDEX TO "MOTE RVL COLEOPTERA. Scarabzus vernalis 4 a z, = fylvaticus + - 2 vacca - - a ss Coccinella 4-punétata 5-punétata - - - ° 11-punéctata - - ¥ Chryfomelanemoruam - - — - - Modeeri - - - - - atricilla - = - Hifpa mutica = - - 2 - Curculio didymus a 4 - = Cerambyx fangumeus - - ~— - minutus - - si litteratus + . = a Leptura fanguinolenta - - = = Necydalis cerulea . 4 Z Lampyris feftiva -- . - - Elater 4-puftulatus - se Carabus dimidiatus —- = - - -cupreus- = -— = Plate ‘Fig. S ioe) io = 554 Staphylinus INDEX. Staphylinus hirtus - Be meat thea - anguftatus : “ as - biguttatus - 2 “ - elongatus” - - “ . ——_—-- hybridus__- - - = HEMIPTERA. Notone€ta maculata - : “ * — furcata - « = a LEPIDOPTERA. Papilio Artaxerxes Se EHR as Wht Malve - - “ « “s Phalena fafcelina - a ie rn Phoeeorrheus - - * 2 lubricipeda = BS aR Ps papyratia = - - “ eae figma - - * = * margaritaria = - “ ‘ verticalis - - « “ NEUROPTERA. Phryganea montana = - = - e maculata = Ps 2 a interrupta = - a Plate Figs 552 573 1. 575 a, 573 3. 563 560 ~ +1. 560 2. 54k 567 576 555 568 571 562 543 556 548 i. 548 2. 55k DIPTERA INDE, DIPTERA. Plate _ Fig, Tabanus niger = - - * - - ° 564 Oefirus ovis - : - = - - 550 Mutca tenax = ~ & = - 4 574 -—- atherix - r - - - - 549 e--—- ephippium eae tue Wind nape fe ALPHABETICAL o ii) 7 ba i a a ia omy i, ‘ ws at n Ki fr) / “hk | eta ys isin Vy iy Sk ONS: Sty tin hae ae ce ae ‘ el. 4 GRY pa « A - r - P or De ee i SNE oo SEE mf by ——- = » ‘ a 1 * ‘- 7 . > 4 * TT. eas We . ‘ r er Ls 4 A ae . 7 } ie “ek rr \ sp eo ay Rese al ‘ y) . . ’ art i ; = 1 or 4\ pA a4 ) ( - ] ; = ¥int 2 1 ' b , eka ie , y aioe in , h My yf ~ F a my . bt s 2 . 4 a XN f . ‘ r ‘ ie ‘ ‘4 ‘ =i ( 1 . + ‘ et A ie cy ! ae i ri, f ‘ + / pres r : sy ' ‘ A 4 a ie os { : a ; ! Uae } a om é i ‘ enero en edi net Ts \ + 14 5] e a penises NL gi ee ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO MGR. RVI. Anguftatus, Staphylinus; Narrow Rove-Beetle Artaxerxes, Papilio; Artaxerxes Butterfly - atherix, Mufca ss - - - £ = a atricilla, Chryfomela = - - t zs biguttatus, Staphylinus; Biguttate Rove-Beetle cerulea, Necydalis; Blue Necydalis * - - cupreus, Carabus; Coppery Carabus 2 didymus, Curculio; Double-fpot Weevil-Beetle dimidiatus, Carabus = - - = = 2 elongatus, Staphylinus; Elongated Rove-Beetle ephippium, Mufca - - 2 s fafcelina, Phalena; Dark Tuffock Moth - feftiva, Lampyris; Feftive Glow-worm - furcata, Notoneéta; Furcate Boat-Beetle = hirtus, Staphylinus ; Hairy Staphylinus - hybridus, Staphylinus; Hybrid Rove-Beetle — - interrupta, Phryganea; Interrupted Phryganea - literatus, Cerambyx ; Lettered Cerambyx - lubricipeda, Phalena; Spotted Buff Moth - maculata, Notoneéta; Spotted Boat-Beetle = - -maculata, Phryganea; Spotted Phryganea - malye, Papilio, Mallow Butterfly - - margaritaria, Phalena; Common Emerald Moth minutus, Cerambyx : - - - . VOL. XVI. O Or 2 Z. montana, IN DEX. montana, Phryganea, Mountain Phryganea Mooderi, Chryfomela; Mooder's Chryfomela mutica, Hifpa; Unarmed Hifpa - - - nemorum, Chryfomela ibe - - niger, Tabanus; Black Tabanus = - - - ovis, Oeftris; Sheep-Bot = - - - - papyratia, Phalena, Water Ermme Moth - pheorrheus, Phalena; Brown-tail Moth ~ 4-punétata, Coccinella; Four-dot Cow-Lady 4-puftulatus, Elater ; Four-{pot Springer E, 5-punétata, Coccinella; Five-dot Cow-Lady - fanguineus, Cerambyx ; Sanguineous Cerambyx fanguinolenta, Leptura; Red and black Leptura figma, Noétua; Square-fpot Moth Se §ylvaticus, Scarabeus; Wood Dor Beetle = tenax, Mufca - one ati oO ite ae vacea, Scarabaus; Cow Dor-Beetle : - vernalis, Scarabaeus ; Spring Dor-Beetle verticalis, Pyralis; Mother-of-Pearl Moth - 3]-punctata, Coccinella; Eleven-dot Cow-Lady Plate ‘Fig. 547 1. a2) NI 7s = X>) ALPHBA- ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS: VORS*XE' TO VOLi~ XVI. Plate. Appr, Papilio --++--+++448 Aegeria, Papilio +se+++++++ +481 Aenea, Libellula--.... eievelereta dels Agricola, Scarabeus + albidana; Phalena -+++-+++++-377 angulata, Velpa------+ ee anguftatus, Staphylinus--.-.é 573 Apollo, Papilio ------ 00002433 +364 arcuata, Mufca --...+-+2.+ «494 arcuana, Phalena -++see-++- arenaria, Ammophila -+++++--468 argiolus, Papilio---..- Artaxerxes, Papilio---.-+--- Afiliformis, Sphinx-++++++---+ses-. cuneata, Phalena +.++--.-.-+487 eupreus, Blater ----.--...-- 508 cupreus, Carabus-«.+e..-..-. 554 cyaneus, Elater -.+++-25++46535 cylindricum, Synodendrum - -368 10-maculata, Velpa ---+0. 66376 10-notata, Chryfomela «.+..-373 didymus, Curculio --.-e++++-570 dimidiana, Phaleana....---. 564 dimidiatus, Carabus «+ +++ + +2565 disjuncta, Apiseo+.s+.see.-e- 410 domefiicns, Gryllus.-+..--... 409 dorfalis, Leptura.-...0...... 395 Dromedarius, Sirex-.......-. 485 Drorei, Sphinx ..-..2.....- 469 Druriella, Apis Ce ee 0008399 12-pultulatus, Dytifcus -- +++ -496 se 573 enarginella, Phalena-.+e++- +399 elongatus, Staphylinus.-- ephippinm, Mufca-sses.see. 559 exaratus, Curcullo--+eeseees4lh CONTENTS. Fig. s . ~ Plate. fafcelina, Phaleenass«eeee+++576 fafciata, Cantharis: ++++++++-598 fafciata, Tenthredo «++++++«398 fafciatus, Curculioesee+ee02 +414 fafciella, Phalaena-+++++++++452 feftiva, Lampyris- occccocceh hh feftiva, Mufca fimetarius, Scarabeus --+++--404 flavipes, Philanthus +-++++++462 flavipes, Gryllus -++++++++«391 flavo-ftrigata, Phalena------ 392 flexuofa, Phalana-+++++e+2+412 ee ies bf floralis, Apis ++++eeeeee++0+376 forcipata, Libellula ---.--+++423 foflor, Scarabeeus -++-eeeee e417 Frifchii, Scarabeus ------+-390 Fur, Ptinus ----- ccceeree e499 furcata, Notonecta e+eee+++360 fufco-undata, Phalana-----+386 geminana, Phalena--++-+++370 Geoffroyella, Apis-+++ee-++++376 gigantea, Forficula ---+-+-+500 glabratus, Carabus --+-+- -» 506 globofus, Scarabeus--+--+-- «470 °365 Var. coeecccesess 365 graminis, Chryfomela ----- graminis, Phalena--++--- grammica, Phalena ---- Greenii, Scarabzeus --++- AZ groflificationis, Mufca ...++-419 hemipterus, Mufca +«+---+-429 Hermanni, Dytifcus------ +°501 hirfuta, Mufca eeeeseee eee 490 hirtus, Staphylinus -------- 552 hortenfis, Scolopendra -- «+ ++475 hottentotta, Mufca..-.-- +4904 Hubnerella, Phalzna «+--+ ++382 humator, Silpha-eeeee++eee +537 hybridus, Staphylinus -+ ++ ++563 hypocheridis, Chryfomela +-373 1. 4. 2. CONTENTS. Pjate. inanis, Mufca-+++seee++ +++ +490 impreffus, Elater>+++++++++++535 inermis, Lucanus-+++++++++++400 inquifitor, Carabus -+++++++++504 esters la *551 infcriptata, Phalena >-- interrupta, Phryganea--++-- intricatus, Carabus -+ +++ e%+++526 iricolor, Apis +++++e+ee+++++403 Jacobea, Apis: pectececeses ch4(§ Juvencus, Sirex ++eeee+++ ++ +396 levigata, Apise++ese+e+e eee 0421 lagopoda, Apis -++++++++- + 449 lamed, Cerambyx ++++++++++395 Japidaria, Apis-+++++++++++++385 leuconota, Phalena+-+++++++ +453 ~Jeucorheus, Ichneumon---++ +476 lineataria, Phalena--++++++++435 lineatus, Curculio --«++++++-389 literatus, Cerambux: ---++++++546 literata, Phalena ------ 2026499 livida, Araneas-++ee+seeeeee 497 longipes, Chryfomela++-+++- +520 lubricipeda, Phalzena-+++++++568 Junatus, Carabus:+« ++ +s+eee +530 lunatus, Staphylinus ----+++-552 lundana, Phalzena -++++++++*S74 maculata, Mufca+-e+eee++ +20 2455 inaculata, Notoneéta---+--++-563 maculata, Phryganea-.-+++++548 maculatus, Dytifcus ---+---- 50L madere, Blatta----+---+-- Malve, Papilio --+++++-++++++567 manicate, Apis margaritaria, Phalena------ 543 marginata, Arenea +++++5++++427 marginatus, Nemotelus ---.-- 519 marginatus, Staphylius-----+-£ maritimus, Curculio +-++++++53% mediopunétaria, Phalena-+-- melanocephalus, Cardbus - - melanocephalus, Cimex---+--- Fig. aS ze 1. ale 2. i. 2. 9 2. Plate. melanurus, Attelabus -++++-513 mellifica, Apis ++++¢e++++++492 mendica, Phalena «++++-.+388 meridiana, Mufca---+-++++e-471 meridianus, Cerambyx-+++++435 miata, Phalena--.--. ve eee 0472 miniftrana, Phalena-.-++.-- 380 minor, Bombylius--++++++ +536 minutus, Cerambyx -+++++++553 +548 mollis, Clerus sees eseeeee4ld Mooderi, Chryfomela -++-- +569 mortuorum, Mufca montana, Phryganea++++-++ Sorsitestole 507. mortuorum, Silpha---++---+ 537 multipunétatus, Boletariae + ««558 xealaeagas +585 mutica, Hifpa esseeeee ee S75 +471 murinus, Dermeftes + + mufcorum, Apis-+++seee+e- myftacea, Mufca-++--.... nebulana, Phalena...++-++364 nebulofus, Cerambyx «++++ +394 + +569 niger, Tabanus ------..-. +564 Neroreisin Aur notana, Phalena -.+-+++++++369 nemorum, Chryfomela-.-- nigro-lineatus, Cimex oblongo-guttata, Coccinella- -362 obfcurana, Phalena-- «20.ee374 ochrofioma, Apis ----+-+++ +2491 octo-punctata, Bembex--.+. +474 wcs's SedGO omicronta, Phalena-.+.----510 +550 Oleagina, Phalena -- ovis, Oeftrus --..-.ee0. see Papyratia, Phalena.-+++++-+57 pectinataria, Phalena...... 47 pennipes, Apis seeeeesee ee 434 perfuatorius, [chneumone+«.52 petiolata, Conops »+-++.-. Pheorrheus, Phalanaes+e..5: Phleas, Papilioes+.-+-.. 000: 4.66 picipes, Apiseess+e+e----+.410 Figs ae 1. 1. 3. CONTENTS Plate. pictus, Apis +++ Stetere wcceeeee 413 pilicornis, Carabus+++s0e++++467 pilofella, Papilio --++++e+* -405 -599 2 ee STD pompiliformis, Larra «+++++++420 Pini, Curculio-+++--- pluvialis, Mufca-+++++++: profanana, Phalwna «++e++s* ey if Pruni, Papilio-+++++seeerss °437 pulchella, Mulca-++++e+e+*- +366 punttata, Apis-++++- aie sjoien2 OO punctulatus, Dytifcus-++++++-540 Pyratin, Mulca --esesereee A401 guadrata, Velpa seeeeees eee ed 9d quadrafatciata, Libellula ----425 quadrimaculata, Libellula +++ +407 quadripunctata, Phalena ----495 quadripuftulata, Phalena -+++463 guadriltrigata, Mufca-------- 467 4-punctata, Coccinella «-+++-542 4-pultulatus, Elater- ++ 0220000545 Quercus, Papilios+++++++++* -460 5-punctata, Coccinella «+++ +*57% quinqueguttata, Apis ++++++++438 Rhediella, Phalana --+-++++377 Ribefcii, Mufca -++++e+ +e 401 Roboraria, Phalena --+-++++527 roftratus, Carabus »++e+++e+* S04 DP ey sie 389 rotundata, Mufca ruber, Curculio «+++-+r Rubi, Papilio rubra, Formica -- rubra, Pyrochroa++++++++++- +383 rubro-viridata, Phalena+++-- +485 “497 oe «518 rufipes, Scarabaus «++++e+ *417 ee eeeene eevee rufa, Formica ruficollis, Elater +++++eee- ruficornis, Chryfomela ------ 365 tufipes, Chryfomela -++++-- -365 rufus, Curculio «++«:- rufus, Gryllus akelo legs a (ateletate rumigerata, Phalena---+++s 493 3. 2. 1. 2 Je 3: ruptay Phalena++seseeesses 479 ruricola, Scarabeus + +++++++378 fanguineus, Elater+++++++++: 508 -553 fanguinolenta, Lepturas- ++ - +557 fanguineus, Cerambyx-++:- {calaris, Cerambyx **+++*"* 393 Scotica, Libellula------ 00+ 0593 femipunétatus, Carabus --+- +367 feptemnotata, Coccinella: + +» 362 fericea, Mufca eee eseecee 445 fericea, Tenthredo -++++++-402 fex-cincta, Vefpa eseeeees + -455 figma, Nottua e+sessssses- 562 fignata, Apiserseses eveceee 421 finuata, Silpha «-++rressss 2539 fordidus, Scarabaus eee+-++* 404 — var. eeseee 404 Sphacelatus, Scarabeus +++ 417 Sphecoides, Apis ---+++-+--376 {pirifex, Sphex ++++++re+** «551 ftagnata, Phalena-«++++e+ °363 fubocellana, Phalena -+-+++380 fubulatum, Acrydium «+++ ++521 fuccinéta, Tenthredo ++-++- 441 fulciroftris, Curculios+ ++: +*+509 futor, Cerambyx ++++eese +455 Sycophanta, Carabus --+»+-477 fylvaticus, Scarabzus «+++ “474 tenax, Mufca-+se+seeeses e074 teftaceata, Phal@na-+---+-++487 tredecimpunétata, Coccinella 562 13-maculata, Coccinella -+-+428 sae S70 triguttella, Phalena-+++ +++ +382 trimaculana, Phalena ---+++369 tripunétella, Phalena -+-+++382 sferatete +409) -°461 typicoides, Phalena-+++ +++ 503 trifafciana, Phalena---- trinotata, Phalena---> triftrigaria, Phalena-++++> Vacca, Scarabeus-++++e-++e561 V albana, Phalena-+>-++--374 Plate. Fig. 2s 1, variegatis, Plate. Fig. yariegatis, Apis secsseee e220 9399 +414 venator, Cimex «++eeesseees 375 -547 verticalis, Pyralis -+++++++++556 vau, Curculio-+-++e+rceeees vernalis, Scarabaus- +++ e+.-- veficatoria, Lytta++-+++++++++534 veftalis, Apis s++e++esereees 464 yibrans, Multa o+eeeseese + 467 CONTENTS. 9 “ae 1. 1. Plate. Fig. viridis, Tenthredo++++e++++-444 +519 “574 24-punétata, Coccinella +++-+362 urfularia, Phaleana e+eer+++447 uliginofus, Nemotelus «-+--- 11-punctata, Coccinella «- + Zebu, Phalenacresevereres 397 1, 2. 4, 1. ee ge me TT Printed Ly Law and Gilbert, St. Joln's-Square, Londen. Tans © Dat Area: 4 Cyn ins Pit stint anni ‘dsdttialgd drnwini’ Mev soe, , ls