% oe Pee rahe yt seme ae , * > Es : * (ite ES a « G * ; Py , pdm logy, * * “_ = Hibrary of the Museum oF Son COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, ‘ B | AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Founded by private subscription, in 1861. . DADDY II HE ih Pre-—pitimef LOUIS AGASSIZ. a No.ddhee’ = TEE NATURAL HISTORY PREV ISH INS EC RS: EXPLAINING THEM : IN THEIR SEVERAL STATES, WITH THE PERIODS OF THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, THEIR FOOD, OECONOMY, &e. TOGETHER WITH THE HISTORY OF SUCH MINUTE INSECTS * AS REQUIRE INVESTIGATION BY THE MICROSCOPE. | THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED BY Ceo Oi RE DoF ICG UR Es DESIGNED AND EXECUTED FROM LIVING SPECIMENS. By’ ER D(O NOV ALN. LON DOWN: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, And for F. and C, Rivincron, N° 62, St. Pauu’s Cour cH-YaRb. MDCCXCVIII. § TL Gt TK yi ‘y we i ane ay 8 A eal THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BRELLISH LNSE GTS. FLATE CCXVIEL BAP toto HErPP OT HOE: Great Copper BurTreEeRFLy. EPIDOPTERA. GENERIC. CHARACTER. ' Antennz clubbed. Wings erect when at reft. Fly by day, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings intire, margin white. Underfide afh colour, with nume- rous black eye-fhaped fpots. Papitio Hreroruoe alis integris: margine albo, fubtus cinereis: punétis ocellaribus numerofis. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 193-, 254° Ba Fab. va RLATE cOXxvit Fab. Spec. Inf.—Ent. Syft. 2. T. 3. p. 1. 309. 172, -Degeer Inf..2. tab. 2. — Reef. Inf. 3. tab. 37. fig. 6. 7- Ejp. pap: tab. 38. fig. 1. Ernft, Inf. Europ. 1. fab. 44. fig. 92. 93. Papilio Hippothoe is the largeft and rareft of that kind of Butter, flies called Coppers, by Englith collefors of Infe&ts. We have not - heard that it has been taken in this country for fome years paft: our fpecimens were met with in Scotland. _ The female is larger than the male ; it has alfoa greater number of black fpots on the wings. PL Ae " w ‘ oh ei é) fc wey $A 213 Pos 2 PLATE CCXVIII. iinDaahidinenile CIMEX GONYMELAS. BLACK-KNEE Firextp Buc. HEMIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Roftrum infleted. Antennz longer than the thorax. Back flat. Thorax margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. - Brown. Abdomenred. Antenne annulated with black. Knees of the fame colour. We confider this asa nondefcript Infect. It was taken at Darent Wood, Kent, early in May. EtG. Fir CIMEX HAEMORRHOIDALIS. HEMIPTERA. CIMEX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, AND SYNONYMS. Greenifh. Spines of the Thorax obtufe. Breaft-piece terminate in a long fpine, Antenne black. CIMEX. 6 Pol ATE yCGu vil. Cimex HAEMORRHOIDALIS: thorace obtufe, {pinofo fubvirefcens, - antennis nigris, fterno porrecto. Linn. Sy/?. Nat.— Fn. Sv.—Fab. Ent. Syft."4. p- 98. 76. This Infe& was found at the fame time and place as the pre> ceding fpecies. It is the moft elegantly coloured creature of its tribe we have hitherto found. Cimex Luridus is more beautiful in the larva, but not in the winged ftate. i b>] ~$ PLAS pa a A AS ae ; a5 SOY ey iy uC 219 otin y | 3 PD ATR: LOCKER PHALEHENA PRODROMARIA. OaKk-BEAUTY. Morn. LEPIDOPTERA. 2 F y GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne fetaceous. Wings in general deflexed, when at reft. Fly by night. ‘ SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND sYNONrMS. Antennz feathered. Wings white, fpeckled with numerous black fpots. “Iwo irregular, and nearly tranfverfe bars of dark brown, on the upper wings. PHALZNA PRODROMARIA, pectinicornis alis albis nigro punctatis ; fafciis duabus latis fufcis. ad. Ent. Sy/t. T. 3. p. 1. 159. 10S. -Phalzna Prodromaria. Wien. Verz. 99.1. The larva of this Moth, like others of the geometre, raifes itfelf when walking, into the form of an arch or loop: it is of an ob- fcure grey and brown colour, faintly mottled: the head is red. 4 Phis larva is feldom taken, and when taken, is reared to the fly ftate with the utmoft difficulty. It feems a local fpecies; for we have + / 2 " ; : 3 PL A. TE CCxI. have never heard that it has been found, except on the Oak trees * | in Richmond Park. It feeds on the higheft branches of the trees, but defcends into the earth to become a pupa. It appears in the fly ftate in March. The male Infe@ is confiderably {maller than the female. Its horns, or antennz, are alfo larger, and more feathered. This is a fcarce Infect. It is found in Germany ; and a variety of it has been received from North America. . ee * It feeds alfo on Lime trees. PLATE f "y i ( CA) ‘ ’ i ‘ 1 » i y; Ld « Vas 7 " Woes i a ‘ ae . AD / a f 9 q 4 q | | OF pe LF. Aa eae Oy ph gap PRoRyYGANEA\RHOMBIC A, SPRING Fy, NEUROPTERA. | GENERIC: CHARACTER. _ Mouth furnifhed with four palpi. Antenne longer than the Thorax. Firft Wings lay horizontally on the body. Under | Wings folded, and concealed beneath. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings greyifh brown. Firft pair marked with rhombic whitifh {pots. ‘ PHRYGANEA RuomBiICaA alis grifeis: macula laterali rhombica alba. Linn. Syft. Nat.—Fab. Ent. Syft. T.4.p- 77+ 13: Reef. Inf. 2. Aqu. 2. tab. 16. } Scheff. Icon. tab. 99. fig. 5. 6. The Phryganea undergo their transformations in the water: in the larva ftate they are taken by the fifhermen for bait; and, in fome parts of Holland, are found fo abundant, that they are ufed -as a cheap manure for the land. In the larva ftate, they gene- C rall ¥ 10 PLAT & \eCxe. rally form a fort of covering, or tube, for their defencelefs bodies. Jt is open only at one end, at which its head and fore legs are pro- truded, to take its prey. Some fpecies form thefe coverings of weeds and fmall fhells, gravel, fand, &c. That of our prefent fpecies, is compofed of little pieces of the ftalks of grafs, cut into an even form, and laid tranfverfely on each other. It attaches this tube to the roots of fome aquatic plants, and undergoes its transfor- mations in it. Jn the annexed plate, we have reprefented the larva taken from the tube, and the pupa having the tube opened to exhibit its fituation therein. . The Fly is very common about ponds, rivers, and marfhy places. PLATE Z24 PLATE CCXXI. PHALENA MYRTILUI. Scarce BroaD BorpER YELLOW Unperwinc Morn. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when at reft. Fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER © AND SYNONYMS. Thorax crefted. Wings deflexed, brown, fpotted with white. Anterior wings yellow, with a deep black border. Puatana MyrTILLicriftata alis deflexis ferrugineis albo maculatis: ) pofticis luteis, fafcia lata fubmarginali nigra. Lin. Syf?, Nat.—Fab. Ent. Syft. T. 3. p. 2. 126. 379. A {mall Infe&, but-of fingular beauty ; it feeds on the whortle — berry and floe. This fpecies has been taken by Mr. Crow, of Faverfham. The _ only fpecimen we ever met with, was found in the caterpillar ftate, in Kent, in the month of May. The Fly came forth in June. PLAT E ts pa ie on) uy yh f ee ; ee a r Ta Cig i tM edie} ce, asattoartad | “aan md \ CANO ‘ots ys a Ae “Ae pi at "died ie ait Dans "sa “eek - \ me a nsitonahina auisaa, ibe e Ley eta, iy ie if | aeenow oe site Diw beaveu: meeccryeh aes eqn We “pol 19, a atobied Moa! dig tive wa hick a ) ‘saicmlitoect odie: aiantyy ait al ¢afish tife atefiire ceornacMaa ve ae cee iets tac dul tik ab Lat eStoesit Hoifleg AE. et 2 i e Fe Neh Ak di sien} von A A eat oniedhoved. +i: eel : byt ceodet gao3 ses 28 OeggedY wad! q's oo oft th GAGE dae Utter aber rove a fa {9 wail, ai dict sep had - = te ai aac, ad ab , N + PTAs 5 -MCZ peasy eae HARVARD UNivenairy. fo. MBRIDGE. MA USA - Fe 7a P Lows bo COMI PG. CARABUS VIOLACEUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne fetaceous. Thorax fomewhat heart fhaped, margined. Elytra margined alfo. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYrMS. Apterous, blacks Margin of the Thorax and Wing cafes, glofly violet. Edges {mooth. Carazus VIOLACEUS apterus niger thorace elytrorumque margi- nibus violaceis, elytris levibus~—Fab. Ent. Sy/. 1. 19n 025. Carabus Violaceus. Paykull Monogr. 12. 4. | Frifch Inf. 13. tah. 23. — eee The larva of fome Carabi live in the ground, others in decayed wood. ‘They prey on the fmaller kinds of Infects. Fabricius de- fcribes one hundred and ninety-five { Ipecies ; a confiderable number of thefe are natives of Europe. Carabus Violaceus is found in fields. ; we.) PL Ae ee FIG. iI. | CARABUS GEMMATUS. Cortdertec. CARABUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER - AND SYNONYMS. Apterous, black. Wing cafes marked with ftrie; and three rows of indented double fpots, bronzed. CARABUS GEMMATUS apterus niger elytris ftriatis: punctis zneis ' bilobis excavatis triplice ferie.—Fad. Ext. Syft. 1. 19. 127. Carabus ftriatus.—Daegeer Inf. 4. 90. 5. tab. 3. fig. £. Carabus gemmatus.—Paykull Monogr. 15. 6. This fpecies has commonly been miftaken for Carabus hortenfis : the difference, however, between the two Infects, is confiderable. The colour of the Beetle is black; but when not damaged, is en- tirely covered with a rich bronze, partaking of a green and golden hue on the wing cafes, and a fine purple on the thorax: the under- fide is plain black. -E I G, POAT © CCC. rs Pos Gey Te CARABUS GRANULATUS. CoLeoprera. CARABUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER ? AND SYNONTMS. Apterous, black, bronzed. Wing cafes ftriated; three rows of elevated, or convexed-oblong fpots, with an intermediate elevateg line on each. | CARABUS GRANULATUS apterus nigricans elytris zneis ftriatis in- terieCtis punctis elevatis longitudinalibus.—Lin. Sy/t. Nat.—Fab. Ent. Syft. t. 130. 28. Carabus granulatus.—Paykull Monogr. 19. 9. Degeer Inf. 4. 88. 2. Sulz. Hift. Inf. tab. 7. fig. 2. Schaff. Icon. tab. 18. fig. 6. &F tab. 15. 6. fig. I+ Some authors fay, this fpecies is very common in the fields near London. It is often found in Batterfea meadows ; and we have not found it elfewhere. PLAT r ey; ee , } ,. 7 i ait ‘ee ! ; i? emp Oe le? slong t at 6D ai . Dom: a tat ut Pets . ae : aiertin 2 i ie iat ; : caps & a y } Fa] waweD-+ : ri a ee amie | aid 3 ied bi ' T?.° fi al te x ale) isi > : Foe! r ‘ , es: £ hits + api tar beret fy ae) ae OLwest: PLATE CCXXIII. ox ae Gy Pe PHALZENA DERASA. Burr arcHes Mornu. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. ‘Antenne taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when at reft. Fly by night. .. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. AND SYNONYMS. | Crefted. Wings deflexed. Anterior pair buff colour, with {mall arched markings. $ Nocrva DERASA: criftata, alis deflexis, anticis fupra decorticatis: Fab. Syft. Ent. 609 80.—Spec. Inf. 2. 229. 103. Ent. Syft. 3. ps 2. 85. 250. Phalzna derafa. Linn. Sy/ft. Nat. 2.851. 158. Phalena pyritoides. Naturf. 2. tab. 1. fig. 7. (mas)e Borkhaufen, enr. Schmett. 4. T. n. 281. p. 657. Die Himbeereule. Der Wifchfliigel. Panz. Faun. Inf. Germ. ‘A rare fpecies, is found in the Fly ftate early in Auguft. E The 13 PL A TIE (COOL The larva of this phalzna is unknown to us, and has neither been figured or defcribed in any of the entomological works recently publifhed. The notes of Harris are not altogether fatisfattory ; he mentions the time of its changing from the caterpillar to the pupa, but has given no figure or defcription of either. The ento- mologifts of Germany, where the phalena is not fcarce, feem unacquainted with its metamorphofis. Fabricius, the lateft writer on the fubjeé, has not defcribed it. aN Wie Page PHALENA TRAGOPOGINIS. GoatT’s-Bearp Moru. LEPIDOPTERA. PHALANA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Anterior wings dark brown, with three black points or fpots in the centre, pofterior pair livid. Nocrua Tracoeinis: crifta, alis deflexis, anticis fufcis, punc- tis nigris tribus approximatis, pofticis lividus. Fad. Syft. Ent. 615. 107-—Spec. Inf. 2. 237.—Ent. Syft. 2. f. 2. LL 2: 230. : Phalena Tragopoginis. Lin. Syft. Nat. 2, 855. 177.—Jn. Sv. ® LE8Qe Phalena PLATE CCXXIL tg Phalenaantennis filiformibus, alis deflexis fufcis nitidis, - punctis tribus centralibus nigris, capite flavo. Degeer Info Verf. Germ. 2. 1. 303. 10. tab. 7. fig. 15. " - ‘ NL Found on the Goat’s beard, Spinach, and Docks.—Our fpecimen was taken in June. F 1G,. HE PHALANA LECHENES: Liver-wort Mors. LEPIDOPTERAe PHALANA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Thorax crefted. Anterior wings green, with black marks. Pofte- tior pair brown. Underfide brown. Nocrtva Licuenes: criftata, alis deflexis: anticis viridibus, macu- lis variis atris, fubtus fufcis. Fab. Spf. Ent. 614. .102.—Spee. Inf. 2. 235. 127-—Lnt. Syff. 3. pr. Be p» 104. 312. Noétua glandifera. Wien. Verz. 70. 2. E32 We Pe) PLATE. Cc¥xXm- We have found this fpecies againft walls on which the Lichen fufeo-ater was growing. The larva is fuppofed to feed on plants of that genus.’ One fpecimen was found in Oftober, another early in the {pring, from which we coneiade there muft be two broods of them in the yor. PLATE ee eee: Ry NAVAN A aes NEY 224, [, 2% 4 PAT Bec kk IVs 5 PHALHNA NUPT A. Rep UNnDERWING Morag, LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when at reft. Fly by night. - SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Thorax crefted. Anteriox wings greyifh, varied with brown. _ Pofterior pair red, with two broad black waves acrofs. Abdomen hoary above, white beneath. Puatana Nupta criitata alis planis cinerafcentibus: pofticis rubris 3 fafciis nigris, abdomine cano fubtus albo. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 841. 119. Wilks pap. 33. tab. 1. a. 1%. Roef. Inf. 1. phal. 2. tab. 15. The larva of the Red Underwing Moth feeds on the willow: it is found in that ftate in June and July. The Fly appears in Augutt, after having remained in the pupa {tate about twenty-one days. E3 Collecto 22 PLAT FE COM, Coile&tors of Englifh Infeéts enumerate near twenty f{pecies of Phalena under the trivial diftin@tions of yellow underwing, copper - underwing, orange underwing, pink underwing, &c. &c. ‘Among thefe the moft confpicuous both for beauty and magnitude, are the red underwing, and crimfon underwing. The firft is by no means uncom- mon in the winged ftate. The latter is very rare, or at leaft a local fpecies.: it is found in the larva ftate on the tops of the higheft oaks in Richmond Park, and was formerly found in fimilar fituations in Burnt Wood, Effex. We are not informed that it has been taken in any other part of this kingdom. Thefe two fpecies have been confounded with a third fort that is found in fome parts of Europe, but does not, we have every reafon to conclude, inhabit-this country. This is the Noétva Pa&a of Linneus and Fabiicius. Linnzus himfelf, in the firft editions of the Sy{tema Natura, cenfidered the Red Underwinag Moth, figured by Roefel, tab. 15, as the Phalana Pacta, and adds it in his Syno- nyms ; but it appears corrected in the later editions *. After that time, Harris, in his Aurelian, and other works, called the Red Underwing Phalena Pagta, and the Crimfon Underwing Pha- lena Nupta. And Dr. Berkenhout, following Harris, or inattentive to the exprefs language of the author he tranflated, has made the fame error in his Synopfjs of the Natural Hiftory of Great Britain T, Indeed, it may be doubted, whether any later Englifh work on Infeéts has deteGted the error; for, examining a little tra of Mr, Matthew Martin, of the Bath Society, publithed in 1785, we find the Red Underwing called therein Phalena Padia. To place our remarks in a clear point of view, we need only quote the defcriptions of Linnzus:—‘‘ Nocrua Pac7a Criftata alis grifefcentibus fubundatis: pofticis rubris; fafciis duabus nigris. flbdomine fupra rubra.” And again in the general defcription : * Corrected after 1759, + Not corrected in the laft edition. * Abdomen PE AT Er CCAR. 23 &€ Abdomen fupra rofeum.” Without adverting.to the other charac- teriftic marks, this proves that the Linnzan fpecies of Padéfa cannot be the fame with that of the authors before quoted, becaufe in their fpecies the upper part of the abdomen is hoary, inclining to brown, and not red *. Their Phalena Paéta can be no other than the Phalzna Nupta of Linneus and Fabricius; the precife - fpecies reprefented in our plate; of which Linnzus and Fabricius fay : ‘‘ Habitat in Europe Salice Vitellina;” and of the Phalzena Pacta and Sponfa, ‘* Habitat in Europe Quereu.” The firf lives on willows, the two others on oaks. We clofe our remarks with obferving, that the above quoted .Englifh authors have been no lefs miflaken as to Phalena Nupta, which they have made the Crimfon Underwing Moth. We have before exprefled our doubt whether Phalana Padta has ever been found in this country ;—we add, that the Infect, known to Englith collefors by the trivial name of Crimfon Underwing, is the Phalena Sponfa of Linnzus and Fabricius ¢, and confequently not conneéted in the leaft with Phalana Nupta. The readers of the works of Harris, Berkenhout, &c. are requefted to read For Phalana Nupta, Phalana Sponfa, Crimfon Under- wing Moth. For Phalana Pa&ta, Phalena Nupta, Willow Red Under- wing Moth. And finally, remove Phalena Padta from the lift of Britifh fpecies, till it is proved to be a native of this country. * Berkenhout fays the abdomen is reddifh above; but by this he only encreafes the miftake 3 for his {pecies agrees in every other refpe& with the Willow Moth, on whic plant he alfo fays it isfound. Page 140. Vol. 3. + Vide Entomologia Syftematica. Vol. 171: ps2! py §3. 147. E4 PLA auth ich } Tavis F Ay - + es 5 en, af , Kates’ ‘ © Aik td x VF Se4a od D Waa P See te eee a oe ek J - “ae Rit aes Be we he, > wou a on vi 7 ‘ 4 rom " ' ak . “e) P 4 ee a eb Ve. ’ “t c 44 a 3 ae Spf ENTE \ ie , . + " - 4 ‘ ; “3 i 2 h ig Ha Ae te i . ‘ ‘ . é ‘ s ' my F ‘ *% ee B Fe pene = Ah Fe eh ae, ta , ‘ A i” 4 bai Sais, Ft , ties aes wR APY ee | es ‘ “~ ; , i j * ' aa ‘ Wl fete } Ca | aulte a, BARNS ba Dit eee eee ee ‘ ttyper We Vs S A \ ® The $ J 4 ri . 2 oo 4 5, . ‘ ie " 4 i M ey is } sre ' ; F 4 ¥ ; sa ciekaine teldeeentaneinedneniet niece nialehads ieee niealinen sear iedeniant ae Te ace hey ‘ tet tare ry oy } ar tys ‘ter ar ) 7 : , AAT ie ; y pecs 4 } } (E308 tomy ian watipie? Wh fad a ia are Mee ave, GO AIOE aOR A ehh i ye Boney waite Diak Totee ies wih | oft fisted tes | °4 7m ie ptnmitiee 7 : Be “ers iy ee, inno [ 5 J Picky: A kToR i “COCKE. SIREX SPECTRUM BLAacCK-BODIED TAILED Wasp. HyMENOPTERA. Wings four, membraneous in general. Tail of the females armed with a fting. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth armed with ftrong jaws. Palpi two, truncated. Antennz filiform, containing upwards of twenty-four articulations. Sting projected, f{trong, and ferrated. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNON?YMS. Abdomen black. Thorax rather hairy, a yellow ftripe on each fide, next the bafe of the wing. Strgx Spectrum: abdomine atro, thorace villofo, litura ante alas lutea. Fab. Sy/t. Ent. 3. 26.—Spec. Inf. 1. p. 419. 109g. 6. ap Sirex fpeGtrum. Lin. Sy/t. Nat. 2.929. 3.—Fn. Su. 1574.—Degeer. Inf. 1. tab. 36. fig. 6.—Schaff. Icon. tab. 4. fig. 9. 10. This fpecies bears much refemblance to fome Infeéts of the Ich- fleumon genus. We have found it among the leaves of the Horfe- nadifh in June. 26 PLA TE -CCKKYV. All the firices are rare in England. Sjrex fpectrum is an active _ and vigorous creature, and which cannot be taken without danger of jts flinging. The fting is fmall, and fine as a needle, but formed of fuch hard er horny fubftance, that it will pierce the finger to the bone. | PLATE Sipe Ses RVARD UNIVERSITY nh wee Bh f , 127] ae PLATE CCXXVE VESPA VULGARIS, at abi Wasp, HYMENOPTERA. _ ‘Wings 4, membranous in general. Tail of the female armed with a fting. . GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth armed with jaws. ‘The fting tharp-pointed and concealed within the abdomen. Body fmooth, without hair. The upper wings folded, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. A yellow line on each fide of the thorax : four yellow fpots on the fcutellum, a black belt, and two black {pots on each fegment of the abdomen. Vespa Vuicaris : thorace utrinque lineola interrupta, Scutello qua _quadrimaculato, abdominis incifuris punétis nigris diftinctis, Fab. Sy. Ent. 364, 9.—Spec. Inf. 1. 460. 9.—Lin. Syft. Nat.2. 949. 4.—Fn. Su. 1671, Vefpa nigra luteaque, antennis totis nigris. Degeer Inf. 2. 2. 111, tab. 26. fig. 7. ¥efpa thorace lineolis trium parium differentiym fauves centium. Groff. Inf. 2. 369, 2. Scheff. 28 PLATE CCXXVL Scheff. Elem. tab. 130. Icon. tab. 35. fiz: 4A. Reaum Inf. 6. tab. 12. fig. 7.8. Moft kinds of Wafps live in focieties ; and, like the bees, conftruc® combs, in which they depofit their eggs, and rear their young. Some fpecies are folitary, and each individual forms a neft for . itfelf. : The common Wafp lives in focieties : they collect the juices of fruits, infects, &c. and make honey, but it is inferior to that of bees. ‘The metamorphofis of che wafps and bees are fimilar. ‘ P UATE _ MO7 LieRaRY HARVARD UNIVERIITY ~: CAMBRIDGE. MA USA 22/7 ihe gal PLATE CCXXVIL. PHALEZNA MONACHA. Brack Arcues Mord. Hola GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when _ atreft. Fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings deflexed, white, with black arches. Abdomen red. Puatzna Monacua: alis deflexis albis atro undatis, abdominis incifuris fanguineis. Lin. Syft. Nat. 2. 821. 43.— Fn. Sv. 1130.—Fab. Ent. Syft. T. 3. p. 1. 446. 119. Wren. Verz. §2. 5. Wilks pap. 19. tab. 3. as 4. Scheff. Icon. tab. 68. fig. 25 3. We have in few inftances been able to prefent a fpecies of Pha- lena, with all its metamorphofis, more deferving attention than the Black Arches Moth. It is uncommonly rare in the winged ftate, and its larva and pupa‘is, we prefume, unknown to the Englifh Entomologifts at this time. "We imagine Harris met with, and bred this 30 PLATE. CCXXVI. - this Infeét, though he has not figured it: he fays it fed on the Oak, that it changed into chryfalis June gth, and appeared in the winged {tate July 9th, which is very near the time of our fpectmen changing. The larva is rather a general feeder ; for though Harris mentions only Oak, we found that it would not refufe the leaves of fruit-trees, fuch as Apples, Pears, &c.; it feeds alfo on the Willow and Sallow. The female is larger than the male, and has antennz like briftles. ) PLATE L228 tgs 0 PLATE CCXXVIL SPHIN xX CONVOLVULL Binp-Weep Hawk Moru. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne thickeft in the fodaie. Wings, when at et deflexed. Fly flow, morning and evening only. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Wings entire, clouded. Pofterior pair marked with zigzag tranfverfe bands. Abdomen belted with alternate marks of red, black and white. SPHINX ConvoLvutt: alis integris nebulofis: pofticis fubfafcia- tis, abdomine cingulis rubris atris albifque. Lins. Syft, Nat. 2. 798. 6.—Fab. Ent. Syft. In 2. po te 374: 54+ Geoff. In. 2. 86. 9. Reef. Phal. t. tab. 7. “Sepp. Inf. 3.19. tab. 4. Merian. Europ. 39. tab. 75. 2 Cramer Inf. 19. tab. 225. fig. D. Welks pap. 10. tab. 1. 6. 2. Ejp. Inf. 2. tab...5. Drury Inf. 1. tab. 25. fig. 4. ti This 42 PLATE CCXXVII. This is the largeft of the Hawk Moths that inhabits Great-Bri« tain, except Sphinx ligufiri and Sphinx Atropos. It is rarely taken in this country ; the curious in Englifh Infeéts have them from Ger- many, where they are more common than with us. A beautiful variety of this Infect is found in North-America: the wings are more richly varied with different fhades of bright browns than the European kind; the pofterior wings are of a fine rofe- colour. It has all the charaéteriftic marks of Sphinx Convolvuli, or we fhould hefitate to admit it as the fame fpecies. We received it from Mr. Abbot, in whofe folio work it is alfo figured ; he found it on the Wild Vine. Mr. Drury had the fame variety fent to him from St. Chriftopher’s. PLATE Ss al al 4 Gaal PLA WE CexXxIx. | THE LARVA ann PUPA ‘OF Speier: Cowvorvurt, | OR a Hina Weep Hawk Morn. wr _ After much refearch, we have not been fo fortunate as to meet with the Larva of this rare Infe& ; nor can we learn that it has been taken by any Collector of Englifh Infects for many years. In _ the winged ftate one Specimen was faid to be taken in the fields near Hoxton about two years ago. To perfec the Hiftory of this fpecies, we have copied the Figures of the Caterpillar and Pupa, from N° 7, Der Nacht-Voegel, &c. &c. of Roefel’s Infecten Belluftigung, Vol. I. Our readers will obferve that the Fly produced from the Cater= pillars reprefented by Roefel is nearly one-third larger than the f{pecimens fuppofed to be bred in England; the Caterpillars mutt therefore be larger in the fame proportion in the fpecimens found in Germany.—The Caterpillars are of two colours, one green with ftripes of yellow and fpots of black; The other dull brown with ochre coloured ftripes, and fides of the fame. The Caterpillar figured by Abbot has a rofe-coloured band on the fide. F PLATE . ‘ Wk , UTE SIBN Wharvdoaapiiocebind rt ae 4 ‘ Vanes och inthe DH lltar i piri) ects ti son eer ao nk + ti a a * Sil Maik: fey} ; ‘ore | aye ie: ue ey vipa aie a PARED ode creed bactibayecy HiT) gg Pat oe sony: ents ort) > ani tt Pagan has 2 ti ra f Pe aul b bso a ve Sr man ely seme nt Ap its Mpa sein! on Le yest ey 6 ‘viene Me th. ios a oT me o nit: habaeyh Tine arg ‘ Mila rts ott | ty oy | ! Ye. oii lags: gaqil: ‘ a ia ah fe obey iN wi) bad ae d Rouble actor s : Pius * ) rien " me eS ; ean AA a : u i aL oct TE Mh dae ~ vere Be 9 [ cen PLATE CCXxXxX. " iFU.G.AR PHALZNA MAURA. he OLD LADY Moru. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when at reft. Fly by night. 3 SPECIFIC CHARACTER ai ee m4 Thorax crefted, Wings incumbent, exterior margins dentated, afh- colour, varied ish large {paces of black. On the underfide a deep whitifh border. M ¢ ait Noctua Maura criftata, afet ciimbentibis dentatis, cinereo nigroque variis, fubtus margine albo. Fab. Syft. Ent. 604. 61.—Spec. Inf. 2. 2.24. 81.—Ent. Syft. 3. p- 2. 63. 174. Phalena maura {pirilinguis criftata, alis depreflis dentatis, fafciis duabus_ nigris, inferioribus nigris, fafcia alba. Linn. Syft, Nat. 2. 843. 124. * Phalena Lemur Naturf. 6. tab. 5. fig. 1. Sheff. Icon. tab. t., fig. 5. 6. This grave Moth appears in the month of Auguits it frequents old houfes in evenings.—From its dingy appearance it is yfually called the Old Lady. Fa FIG. 36 , PLAT BE Cigms. FY Gy PHALENA LUCIPARA. Scarce ANGLE SHapzs Morn. LEPIDOPTERA. PHALANA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Crefted. Wings deflexed, greyifh, with angular dark marks. An angular light coloured fpace on the exterior part of the Wing, and a pale band acrofs the middle of each. Nocrua LuciparA criftata, alis deflexis cinereo nitidis, fafcia media lata fufca. Fad. Spe. Inf. 2. 233+ 121-— Ent. Syft. 3. p. % p. 99. 244. Phalena lucipara {pirilinguis criftata, alis purpurafcentibus lucidis, fafcia nigra, ftigmate poftico flavo. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 857. 187.—Fn. Sv. 1201. The common Angle-fhades Moth, (Phalena Meticulofa) is figured in a former part of this Work. Phalena Lucipara is an Infect nearly allied to it, but is far more fearce ; we have only met with the Specimen figured in the annexed Plate.—The Larva is fuppofed to feed on the internal fubftance of Willows. The Fly has alfo been obferved among thofe trees. PLATE * gay i ny AS 23) W ey 4 1) 322 Poe er # ACCK XXL Po Ga yt.) Fy, '‘ATTELABUS APIARIUS. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne thickeft towards the apex. Head protruded, broad, tapering towards the thorax. Four joints in each foot. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYrMS. Bright blue: rather hairy. Wing cafes red, with three bars of blue: the third, at the termination of the apex. Arrerasus Ariarius: Lin. Sy. Nat. 2. 620. 10, Crerus Aprarius: fubnudus cyaneus elytris rubris: fafciis tribus coerulefcentibus: tertia terminali.—Geoff. Inf. 3 304. 1. tab. 5. fig. 4.—Fab. Ent. Syft. 1. 209. 14+ Degeer. Inf. 5.157. 1. tab. 5. fig. 3. Sulz. Inf. tab. 4. fig. ©. . A very local fpecigs: we learn that it has been found near Manchelter, F3 FIG. 38 PUR Be Chae. Pb Gen Me ATTELABUS FORMICARIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black. Thorax red. Wing cafes, with two bars of white: bafe red. ArtTELaBus Formicarius: Linn. Sy/t. Nat. 2. 620. 8. Clerus formicarius. Fab. Ent. Syff. 1. p. 207. 27. 5. niger thorace rufo, elytris fafcia duplici alba bafique rubris. Degeer. Inf. 5. 160. 3.2.5. f. 8. Only a few fpecies of this genus have been difcovered in this ~ country; and neither of thofe are very common. We apprehend Attelabus Formicarius is rare, having only met with one fpecimen of it. It was found in May, on a fand-bank, near Coome Wood, Surry. Pee Aes DERMESTES “PELLIO. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz terminated ina perfoliated club: the three extreme arti- culations thicker than the reft. “Thorax convex: fcarcely margined, Head bent in ; and almoft concealed under the thorax. SPECIFIC : PaAT BH CORN. - 39 SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Black.’ A white fpot on each wing-cafe. Dermestes PeLuio: niger elytris punto albo. Lin. Sy. Nat. 2. 563.—Fn. Sv. 411. Ris. Dermestes Pecrio. Fab. Ent. Sy. 1. p. 228. 5, Oliv. Inf. 2.9. 11. 10. tab. 2. fig. 11, Scheff. Icon. tab. 42. fig. 4. er A verycommon and deftructive creature. It infinuates itfelf into all kinds of fur, or the dried fkins uf animals ; and in the ftate of © larva, injures them confiderably. ‘The larvz of this tribe of Infe@s are numerous where they are fuffered to breed: they enter into and deftroy furniture, cloathing, and even food. Some fpecies are found upon the carcafes of animals ; while others, more tenacious of ‘ life, penetrate harder fubftances, and refift the camphor, verdigreafe, mufk, arfenic, and other drying or corroding fubftances, that prevent the depredations of moft Infe@ts. One or two fpecies are in particular much to be dreaded by Colle@tors of Natural Curiofities: they per- forate the cabinet, or cafe, and when the larva is hatched, effect their deftruction. In collections of animals, birds, infects, and plants, they do great mifchief. 40 PLT b €CXXM. Bo Oy EY. DERMESTES SCARABZOIDES. SPECIFIC. GHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Ovated, Black. Two red fpots on the wing-cafes. DeERMESTES SCARABZOIDES. Linn. Sy/ft. Nat..2. 563. 17.— Fn. Sv. 428. ; SPHEZRIDIUM SCARABAOIDES: ovatum atrum elytris maculis duabus ferrugineis. Fab. Ent. Sy. 1. 77. CS ene og rs me Found in dung. Fabricius feparates this fpecies from the Der- meftides, and places it ina new genus Spheridium. PLATE mes aa | aval’ Art PL Aveh, E CCXXXIL, i. 7 PHALENA. QuERCIFOLIA GENERIC cHar ACTER. Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings, in gensral, Scand when at reft. Fly by night. Wings reverfed, Sallinped, red brown Pik lines. PHALENA QUERCIFOLIA: alis reverfis dentatis - we — Bombyx—Alis reverfi iS. IC CHARACTER tibiifque nigris. Linn. Sif. Nat. 2 Fn, Sv. .110. : Bomeyx querciFroLia. Fab. Ent. Syft. T. 3. oo 1.4 0. 42. Reef. Inf. 1, Phal. 2, tab. 41. : ae os e° Phalena ot PLAT © GXxxm Phalena Quercifolia is a rare and interefting Infect, and is the largeft of the Englifh bombyces, if we follow the arrangement of the Entomologia Syftemaitca of Fabricius, and remove the Linnzan Bombyx Coffus* to a new genus f. The trivial name Lappet Moth has been given to this fpecies by fome early Colleétors of Englith Infects, becaufe they obferved, when the creature was at reft, and the wings expanded in a natural pofition, the anterior part of the fecond pair /apped over the firlt, inftead of the firft pair laying on the fecond, as in many other fpe- cies of Phalena. This appearance is very ftriking, but not pecu- liar to Phalzena Quercifolia. Bombyces, with fimilar reverfed wings, are numerous, and féveral of them natives of this country ; as Phal. ' Quercus, and Potatoria, In a former volume we have given The Pine Lappet Moth; an Infect that is extremely uncommon in Great-Britain ; that, with the prefent fpecies, are the only two Britifh Phalana called Lappet Moths ; another Infect, clofely allied to P. Quercifolia, and fup- pofed to be the Phal. Populifolia, is faid to be an Englith Infe&, but om what authority, we are not informed. The very different appear- ances of the larva of Phal. Quercifolia in different ftages of its growth, may poffibly have caufed fome miftake ; for in one fkin they are brown, with whitifh marks; in another greyith, with dark _ brown marks; and when of a full fize, are more inclined to brown and grey in fome fpecimens than in cthers, Notwithftanding, however, the variation of colours, in all its changes, we find that the two oval blue marks on the fecond and third fegment of the body are conftant, and fufficient to determine the f{pecies. The larva of Bombyx Populifolia i is very fi fimilar to that of B. Quercifolia, when young, if we may judge by the only figure of it extant, but the mark acrofs the fecond fegment is narrow and black ; that on the third fegment broader, with two femi- lunated red {pots. —Vide Kleeman’s Beytraege, Sc. Val. 3. tab. 14. # Goat Moth. + Coffs ligniperda.—Fub. The BPE APT Bh COME 43 The larva of P. Quercifolia we have taken in Darent Wood, Kent, on the grafs; it feeds alfo on Willow, Blackthorn, and Whitethorn. At the end of April, or not later than May, it forms a large and loofe fpinning interwoven with its hairs, of black, reddith, and grey colours. The pupa is black, but appears perfectly _ white, being covered with a fine white pollen, or powder ; each feg- ment is encircled by a belt, of a red colour. In July and Auguft it is found in the Fly ftate, ET Ag er eerste Baie) * f Lap ee 4 ‘ “ ‘eo de phen ah 4@ ed Me 4 " f a Tehry | R el & wick = os * " : \ ee ote : ‘ i i 5 2 ’ ‘ s ste ' . - Z , 4 Y ee i ate ‘* TS : - aa ee, + ; - * ‘ 7 ts we aii f : i 4 ; Me ox) x " ( ‘ ih PS a fe i ‘ 4 ®) as , [Ay Ls Pd Dias i met i ¢ Pd 1 i f | 2 i. ee i ‘et : { , a \ ° a) ‘ ’ 7 A “I 4 & wt TE rm ’ ‘ * he i+; J ‘ . »-5 t- \ A r : Fe yk ‘ A ‘ x bs r ‘ Ns y ‘” a sett j ' ) el. a y ' f * TOS es i a 4 ‘ a i f ’ p> r el PAR : A a ; al bo D i” +e ; es. Ly £9! ' * es : ee Paul ey 4 ae Sie) Tame? 4 ‘ Seen Ae 29 na oe ee) ‘ ek . y : eh me Ba, @ : ; ’ a at Nv : | ral eakelsea nee Url indouboens ein! hs koto erie nigh (ot dh Neen 4 5 ] . < ‘ag a z ray q ' . 2 » . ‘ > 4 7 ‘ j ; ¥ , \ f ‘ ey: Pho " 7 i - / we , x : ¥ ' és, f 7 if af wy “ J r At te rast 2s Sgt 2 MCz LIDRARY CRARVARD UNIVERSITY —- CAMBRIDGE. MA USA _ 2 ' iS os os ar f 45] PLATE CCXXXxIi. PHALENA PRUNARIA. PyHorenitx Morn. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. _ Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when at reft. Fly in the night. Gegmetra. SPECI£ETG CHARACTER . ; AND SYNONYMS. Antennz like a briftle. Firft pair of wings brown and grey, with two broad pale waved marks acrofs. Second pair, with waves on the pofterior part. — cat PHacana Prunaria: feticornis alis grifeo fufcis: fafciis duabus pallidis repandis: poftica femiterminali. Linn. Sy/?, Nat. 2. 869. 250.—Fu. Sv. 1267.—Fab. Ent. Syft. 3: pi Be Po VIBONELTS: Wien. Verz. 113. 19. Clerk. Phal. tab. 7. fig.3- Ammiral Inf. tab. 23. fig. 1. 4+ Fabricius defcribes the larva of this rare Moth :—It is afh-coloured, with a black collar or mark on the neck: feet reddifh brown, and the back {potted with the fame colour. . The se PLATE. CCXXXII. The trivial Englifh name, Phoenix Moth, has been given to this Infe&t from a circumftance little known, and fcarcely deferving notice, except as it proves the impropriety of naming Infeéts from local circumftances, when any other can be well applied. A {mall part of a wood near London had been cut down, arid a quantity of charcoal made on the fpot. This place had been often vifited by Aurelians, but the Phalzna Prunaria had never been difcovered there, nor indeed was then known as a Britifh Infe&. On the following year, when the ground was cleared, and the underwood grown up, this Moth was found, it continued to be taken conftantly in the months of June and July for many years, in this place, and then totally difappeared. The late Mr. Bentley, known as a colleétor of Englifh Infe&ts, difcovered a breeding-place of this Moth on Epping Foreft, and commonly: found three or four {pecimens every feafon. Weare not certain that it has been found in any other part of the kingdom. It feeds on the thorn, plumb and currant. Kyl Greg lhkit, Ih PrHALENA DUPLICAD SA SPECIFIC CHARACTER | AND SYNONYMS. Firft wings grey, with three tranf{verfe waved lines. PHaLtzna Dupticata: feticornis, alis grifeis, fafciis duabus trilineatis fufcis. Fab. Ent. Syft. 3. ps 2. p. 193- 2.34. PuaLtzna PuraciaTA : feticornis, alis anticis canis: fafciis tribus trilineatis nigricantibus repandis. Linn. Syft. Nat.— Fn. Sv. p. 334. n. 1271. Phal. PLA TE. CCXXXIn. 47) Phal. Plagiata. Das doppelte Band. Berlin. Mag. 4. B. p. 522. n. 38. Scheff. Icon..tab. 12. fig. 1. 4. Clerk. Icon. tab. 6. fig. 1. Rofft Faun. Etr. T. 2% p. 1Aen 1170 Found in June. It is rare, and we believe has not been met with in the ftate of Jarva in this country. Foreign authors fay the larva is brown, variegated with red, and has a yellow line on each fide. Kleemann has not figured the larva with the Moth in his Supplement of the rare Infe&ts found in Germany. Perce! Tr PHALANA VESPERTARIA. SPECIFIC CHOARACRER AND SYNONYMS. Antenne feathered. Wings yellowifh: two dark waved ftreaks acrofs the firft pair ; one on the fecond pair: the fpace between the ftreaks and margins of the wings, dark. Poarana VESPERTARIA pectinicornis alis flavefcentibus: ftrigis duabus; pofteriore limbum obfcurum difterminante. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 864. 224. Fab. Ent. Sy/?. 3. p. 2. 149. 74. Phalena parallelaria. Wien. Verz. 104. 15. - Found in Hornfey-Wood in July, and alfo in Norwood. ; : FIG. 48 PLATE: CCXXxi. Bl Gisr IV: PHALENA CHEROPHYLLATA. ~ Great CHIMNEY-SWEEPER. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Antennz like a briftle: Wings black erect: firft pair white at the tips. PHALANA CH#ROPHYLLATA feticornis atra alis erectis: anticis apice albis. Linn. Syf?. Nat. 866. 237.—Fab. Ent. Syft. [. 3. p. 2. 184. 200. Wien. Verz. 116. 1. a Appears in the Winged ftate late in July. Is produced from a reen capillar, which feeds on Cherophyllum Siluefire, or wild cicely. PLATE fe 234 i bso P. yA TE, CCXXXIV.. TENTHREDO LUTEA. ~ YELLow Saw-F ty. HyMENOPTERA. Wings four, generally membraneous. ‘Tail of the females armed with a fting. GENERIC CHARACTER. _ Without probofcis. Mouth armed with jaws. Sting compofed of two lamin, dentated, like a faw, and almoft concealed within the abdomen. ‘Two tubercles on the fcutellum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SPN ON T Be S. Antenne clubbed, yellow. Abdomen yellow, except the fecond fegment, which is black. TENTHREDO LUTEA: antennis clavatis luteis, abdominis fegmentis plerifque flavis. Linn. Syf?. Nat. 2. 921. 3.—Fn. Su. 1534. Fab. Ent. Syff. 1.2. p. 105. 138. 3. Roef. Inf. 2. Vefp. tab. 13. Schaff. Icon. tab. 103. fig. 2+ 3. Degeer Inf. 2.2. 223.7. tab. 33. fiz. 8. 16, G tee emg ce PLAT © Sexxy. ‘Very uncommon in this country. The larva has been found on the Willow, but unlefs taken when ready to become a pupa, it is impoffible to rear it to the winged ftate. We are little acquainted with the peculiar habits of thefe Infects, and cannot therefore feed | them in a proper manner. Moft of the Tenthredines enfhroud themfelves in a net-work covering, and remain in the earth till the Fly burft forth; others faften the web againft the branches of trees, or on the trunk near the earth. ‘The habits of ‘Tenthredo lutea are very fimilar to thofe of T. Vitelline ; the winged Infe& appears in June, PLATE ae: 4 PR oe A he ane Snes a Sas ie ER MICE LIBRARYIRS > OMARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE. MA USA = £ Bao: ey Sa | PLA F EC “CCX ERY, CHRYSIS CYANEA, Hymenoprera. Wings four: generally membraneous. Tail of the females armed with a fting. : ‘ GENERIC CHARACTER. No probofcis. Armed with jaws. Antennz filiform. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND = SYNONYMS. a Very glofly blue green. End of the abdomen furnifhed with three teeth. — Curysis CYANEA: glabra nitens thorace abdominifque cceruleis, ano tridentato. Linn. Syft. Nat. 2. 948. 5.—Fn. Sv. 1667. Fab. Ent, Syfts 2. 147+ p. 243. 20. } “Vefpa coerulea nitens. Geoff. Inf. 2. 484. 23.—Scheff. Icon. tab, 81. fig. 5. The natural fize of this Infe& is given at Fig. I. in the annexed plate. It is far inferior in beauty to either Chrylis ignita or bidentata, figured in the early part of this work ; but as the genus is very limited, we have a given figure of this fpecies. It is very abundant on all k nds of fruit-trees in the fummer. PL AGS ah BS “ot ANG eek me? ‘ fae i, ; f ' ve ag: A oe cea he PON MOREE ‘ abiiw. beter? - ewrnohda otk tote ine phalereos sigs kiacen ad dis atpeyert> Breidiie ‘ idishy ; ‘aeuA ane Ph) Sect poe r “we Qu? ett emuiinie! a8 4 z ae om aah Reet. Hi oy, P ers ‘ af 8 i hexane ats at Lid ) : enbistcts) id re uiiree : wie away sik hh te BN > dapbaovsle que Ce) ae) atom 8 ies ; WS) ¥ hi <> 7 > “a hinge ys PLATE CCXXXVI. BE Gs bk PAPILIO CORYDON. CHALK-HILL Bive BurTerFty. > GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz clubbed. Wings ereét when at acl Fly by ma SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND Ss YN ONYMS. Wires entire, above filvery or - pale blue, with a » birch margin. Beneath grey, with eye-fhaped {pots. Hesperia Corypon: alis integris coeruleo argenteis: margine nigro, fubtus cinereis: punctis ocellaribus, pofticis macula centrali alba. Fad. Ent. Syf. 3. p. 1. p. 298. 133. Parizio Corypon. Wien. Verz. 184, 10. Parritio Corypon. Efp. pap. tab. 33. fig. 4 Papitio Tipuys. Efp. pap. tab. 51. fig. 4. Found on the chalk-hills between Dartford and Rochefter ; pare ticularly on a long range of hillocks leading from Dartford to the wood of Darent. Hence the Butterfly has been called the Chalk- hill blue. We believe it has not been found in any other part near London. The larva is unknown, it appears in the winged fiate, the firft and fecond week in July. 7 H FIG. 54 HEAT Beier Og Br AG El ye AF. PAPILIO LINEA. SMALL SKIPPER BUTTERFLY. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND | SYNONYMS. Wings entire, brown, divaricated, margin black.—An oblique black mark cn the anterior wings. Hesrerta Linea: alis integerrimis divaricatis fulvis: margine nigro. Fab. Ent. Syf. 3. p. 1. 326. Papitio Linea. Wien. Verz. 159. 5. Parizio THaumas. E/p. pap. tab. 36. fig. 2. 3. Papitio Sytvestris. Pod. Mu/. ee A very generally diffufed {pecies, but not common ; it is fimilar to the Papilio Sylvanus of Linnzus, or Hefperia Sylvanus of Fabricius, which is found in the greateft abundance in the fkirts of woods in fummer.' Its metamorphofe is unknown. PLATE MCZ LIBRARY FARVARD UNIVERSEY CAMBRIDGE. MA USA | 287 E2587 Poy AvP ee CORK XVI PHALZENA BETULARIA. PerrerepD Morn. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz taper from the bafe. Wings in general deflexed when at reft. Fly by night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Antennz feathered. Wings entirely ek fpeckled with black ; a black bar acrofs the thorax. PHALZNA BETULARIA: pectinicornis, alis omnibus albis, thorace fafcia nigra, antennis apice fetaceis. Linn. Sy/ft. Nat. 2. 862. 217. Fn. Sv. 1287. _ Fab. Spec. Inf. 2. 252. 56. PHAL#NA antennis pectinatis, alis horizontalibus albis nigro punc- tatis ge a, thorace fafciato. Degeer. Inf. Verz. Germ. 2. 1. 250. 1 tab. 5. fig. 18. Ammiral. om ak 2k. Scheff. Icon. tab. 88. fig. 4. 5+ Albin. Inf. tab. 91, 92 Kleman. Inf. t. tab. 39. fig. 6. H 2 Found 56 PLA T 8) CExxKE Found on the Lime, Willow, and Elm in the ftate of Larva, | changes to the Pupa in September ; and the Moth appears ‘in May. — | The Larva of this creature differ very much in their fhades of colour; they are generally blackifh or dark olive with a few obfcure red i {pots. a ee ' | - : woh PLATE 266 ne ate PLATE CCXXXVIII. 2 1G. 1... PAPILIO HYALE. | CiLoupep YEeLLow ButTrTerF ty. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennz clubbed. Wings erect when atreft. Fly by day. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND / a SYNONYMS. Wings rounded, yellow: an orange fpot on the pofterior wings: “beneath, a large filver fpot, with a {mall contigucus fpot of the fame. : Papitio Hyate: ane is avis: pofticis macula fulva ; fubtus punéto or. argentes. Linn. Syft. Nat. eo 100. ba all Though we cannot but admire the Linnean definitions, for their perfpicuity in general; we muft in fome inftances blame him for oa inattention which has betrayed fucceeding naturalifts into errors, H 3 and ae ‘PL APE: sCOXRKXVIE. -and even abfurdities. The force of this remark, however harfh it may appear, will apply in a particular degree to the fpecific defini- tion and quoted Synonyms of Papilio Hyale, and confequently to two other fimilar {pecies involved in the fame error. Linnzus wave the defcription of Papilio Hyale, as above quoted in the Sy{tema Natura, froth an infe&t in‘ his own cabinet, and quotes, in the Synonyms, the ‘Butterfly ficured by Reefel, Val. 3. tab, 46. fig. 4. 5. The works of that author being known in every part of Europe, the entomologifts of that time received the figure as that of the true Hyale; and relying on the accuracy of the Lin- nzan references, the miftake has been overlooked to the prefent period. Fabricius, who is the lateft fyftematic writer on this fci- ence, quotes the figures in Roefel, as Linnzus had himfelf in the firft inftance ; and he alfo refers to figures of the fame infe& in the works.of Cramer and Scheffer. An error of fuch {pecious appear- ance could only be detected by a reference to. the fpecimen in the Linnean Cabinet, at this time in the poffeffion of Dr. Smith, and by this it appears that every author has miftaken the fpecies of Lin- nus, and that Linnzus was himfelf miftaken in fuppofing the infe@ defcribed was the fame as that figured by Roefel, and to which he refers: that the Linnean Pap/lio Hyale is what later authors have confidered Papilio Paleno, and that the true Papilio Paleno is not a Britifh fpecies. Thefe errors are fo complicated that we muft examine the cha- racters afligned to each fpecies with the utmoft attention, and we fhall then find his defcriptions correét, but the fynonyms erroneous. Papilio Hyale is defcribed with yellow wings ; the colour of the wings in the fuppofed Hyale is not of that kind which Linnzus would have called yellow, (/lauis,) but fulvis, being of a deep orange colour, much inclining to red. Either of thefe expreffions will certainly admit of great latitude, but we muft not therefore confound one with the other. The two filver {pots are not conftant, though it forms a part of the fpecific character; we have feen in both the clouded yellow and clouded orange butterflies, fometimes only one fpot, though in general it has two. On the whole, the Linnzan defcrip- PLATE CCXXXIX. 59 defcription of Papilio Hyale feems to agree with the fictitious P. Paleno of our collections, and the fpecimen in the Linnean cabinet places it beyond conjeCture. Fabricius has not attended to the errors of former authors on. this fubject ; even in his laft work, Sy/. Ent. he adds to the fpecific de- fcription of his P. Hyale, Mas margine alarum nigro immacu- lato, foemina maculato*, by this it is evident he alludes to the clouded orange, for it is not fo in the Linnean infect; the broad bar of black being conftantly fpotted in both fexes. We have alfo obferved that the rare variety with white wings is only the female ; that which is yellow is the male: the fame is obferved alfo of Papilio Rhamni, or Brimftone Butterfly; and as the males of all infects are more abundant than the females, and the males of P. Hyale are rare, the variety, or fex with white wings muft be extremely fo. Thefe have been taken in a clover field in the month of Auguft, in company with the clouded orange. It may be proper to clofe this defcription with a few obfervations on the true Papilio Palzno, as the fubjeét before us has hitherto paffed under that name. Linnzus fays, alis integerrimis flavis apice nigris margineque fulvis: pofticis fubtus puncto argenteo ; this does not agree with, or at leaft exprefs the Infect generally called Paleno, and the fpecimen in the Linnzan cabinet proves it to be a different {pecies ; the P. Palzno has no yellow fpots on the black margins of the wings, and the fpot in the center of the anterior pair is {mall and fhaped like a fhuttle ; its native place is unknown. A variety of the pale clouded yellow is found in America, and by miftake is fometimes placed in cabinets as a Britifh fpecies. * The wings in the males have a broad black bar on the exterior margin 5 3 in the female the : bars are fpotted. it 4 FIG 60 — PLATE CCXXXVIII. FIG. U. PAPILIO EDUSA., Croupep ORANGE BurrerFLy. LEPIDOPTERA. PAPILIO. SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS. Wings entire, fulvous, or orange, with a black {pot and margin of the fame colour. On the under fide greenith ; a black {pot on the anterior wings; filver on the pofterior wings. Pariitio Epusa: alisintegerrimis fulvis: punto margineque nigris, fubtus virefcentibus: anticis puncto nigro, pofticis argenteo. Fab. Ent. Syf?. 3. p. 2. 206. 643. < fetaceous. L 4 Cimex 96 PLATE, CUT Cimex Poru tt: oblongus albo fufcoque nebulofus antennis fetaceis. Linn. Faun. Suec. 963. ) Very common againft the trunks of trees, the Poplar in parti- cular. LINNAZAN LENNAAN INDEX TO Vr eer ON iT. COLEOPTERA. Plate Fig, Dermeftes Pellio - - - UR eh ake Scaraboeides - - - ib. 4. Coccinella Annulata _ ~ - - QAMay De De 14 guttata . - - = ib. I. Caffidoides ~ = - ib. 2. Curculio Rufus - = - - pv w as - Alni - - ~ - ib. a —- Tenuiroftris - ae hie ib. a Attelabus Apiarius - - - 16 NN - Formicarius - = - ib. 2. Carabus Violaceus - - - PDO TRS 5 Gemmatus - - - ib. 2. — Granulatus - pa ann ae TDs yah) Be Meloe Teéta - - - — 240. HEMIPTERA. Cimex Gonymelas - AN a BUG. ov De -- Hzmorrhoidalis - - - ib. 2 ——- Vittatus - - - - 252. - ——- Populi - - - - ib. Qo ——- Flavo marginatus - - ~ digarltomig: NEU ROP- Len SO. DSME vax. LEPIDOPTERA. Papilio Hyale fa — Edufa “i eho 2 Cama) || y= ——— Paphia = Cinxia - ——— + Lucina - —— Betulze 2 ——— Hippothoe ? Corydon - Sphinx Convolvult Larva et Pupa — Populi = Phalzena Monacha — Vidua - ——— Comprefla —— Trepida ——_— Nupta - —— Maura - = Lucipata es Vemle ~ - pee Wviehenes ———- Tragopoginis ——— Myrtilli ___—=~° Prodomaria uy Betularia a Praga © = ——— Duplicata Vefpertaria —— Chezrophyllata ——~+— Dubitata Atomaria we—— Clathrata Suberaria __—— Lacertinaria ——— Maculata Plate Fig. L 2386 ml. = ib. 2. = 2440 - 247 - J. by ee = ib. 2. - 250. - Q57~ - 226... Epa. - 228. - 2.29. - 241. - 227, - 246. 1. - + ae = ib. T. ~ DIN - 230q.\\ ag - ib. 2. - 0: DaRO - ib. a: : iD. oe - 221. - 219, - 237 - 220), ae - ib. 2. - ib. 2 Es ib. 4. - 240. Bs = BAe) } LiBe - ib. 2 - 25i- Ie - ib. Qe - ib. 3. NEUROPTERA. Fo nel Tenthredo Lutea Sirex Spectrum Chryfis Cyanea Vefpa Vulgaris iW Di Bvxye NEUROPTERA, ' Phryganea Rhombica - Z = Plate Fig. 220. 234. 227. 235: 226, ALPHABETICAL _ MIA BE LUCA LassliN Ee Alni, Curculio - Annulata, Coccinella Apiarius, Attelabus Atomaria, Phalzna Betularia, Phalzena — Betulz, Papilio - Camilla, Papilio - Caffidoides, Coccinella Chzrophyllata, Phalzna Cinxia, Papilio = - - Clathrata, Phalzna Compreffla, Phalzna Convolvuli, Sphinx ————— Pupa, ditto Corydon, Papilio Cyanea, Chryfis Derafa, Phalzna . Dubitata, Phalzna Duplicata, Phalzna Edufa, Papilio a Plate 249 243 231 248 237 250 244. 243 233 242 248 239 228 229 236 235 2223 246 233 238 = mM N pp iS) NH Woe & W& pops » Flavo- iN D 2 OR, Flavo-marginatus, Cimex Formicarius, Attelabus Gemmatus, Carabus ~ Gonymelas, Cimex Granulatus, Carabus} Hemorrhoidalis, Cimex Hippothoe? Papilio Hyale, Papilio - Lacertinaria, Phalena Lichenes, Phalzna Lucina, Papilio - Lucipara, Phalena Lutea, Tenthredo Maculata, Phalena - Maura, Phalzna Myrtilla, Phalena Nupta, Phalena - Paphia, Papilio 4 Pellio, Dermeftes Populi, Sphinx - Populi, Cimex - Prodromaria, Phalzena Prunaria, Phalena 14-guitata, Coccinella Rhombica, Phryganea Rufus, Curculio - Scaraboeides, Dermefies SpeCtrum, Sirex = - Suberaria, Phalzna 4 Plate 245 231 2.2.2, 218 222, 218 217 2.38 251 2.23 2A% 230 234 251 230 221 224. 247 231 241 252 219 233 243 220 249 231 nee 251 Figs Tedcta, } Plate Fig. Tea, Meloe = 4 = - 240 Tenuiroftris, Curculio - = - QB \..'Bia Tragopoginis, Phalena — - - - yl ee 3 Trepida, Phalzna - - - W3Qi.. Te Vefpertaria, Phalzna - - - Zeige Vidua, Phalena - = - - QAB jhe Violaceus, Carabus - = - PLLA Vittatus, Cimex - - = = OO. Bae Vulgaris, Vefpa ss - “ - - 226 bat Anis Ta , baad ba ba al eS = * | | ™ é 4 . 4 ? *]