iM /' A X Il THE 3 NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW: ^uartdg Journal of liolo0ial ^ima, EDITED BY G. BUSK, F.R.S., Sec. L.S. W. B. CARPENTER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. E. CURREY, F.R.S., F.L.S. J. REAY GREENE, A.B. T. H. HUXLEY, F.R.S., F.L.S. J. LUBBOCK, F.R.S., F.L.S. R. M'DONNELL, M.D., M.R.I.A. D. OLIVER, F.L.S. P. L. SCLATER, A.M., Sec. Z.S., F.L.S. WYVTLLE THOMSON, LL.D., F.R.S.E. E. P. WRIGHT, A.M., M.D., F.L.S. 1862. WILLIAMS AND NOEGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON ; AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1862. '.<._.. J^ '^ / CONTENTS OF VOL. II. No. v.— JANUAEY, 1862. REVIEWS. PAGE. St. Hilaire on the Systematic Position of Man. Histoire Natnrelle Gene- rale des Regnes Organiques, par M. Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire. Tome II. lepartie. 1856. ....... 1 The Collections of the Novara Expedition. Die Ausbeute der Ocster- reichischen Naturforscher an Saugethieren und Rei)tilien wahrend der Weltumsegelung Sr Majestat Fregatte Novara, Von Dr. L. J. Fitzinger 9 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. 3. On the Cedars of Lebanon, Taurus, Algeria, and India. By J. D. Hooker, M.D., F.R.S. (With three Plates) . . . .11 4. On the Morphology of the Female Flower of the Abietineje. By Pro- fessor Robert Caspary . . . . . . .19 5. On the Ancient Lake Habitations of Switzerland. By John Lubbock, Esq., F.R.S 26 6. New Researches respecting the Co-Existence of Man with the Great Fossil Mammals, regarded as Characteristic of the hitest Geological Period. By M. Edward Lartet . . . . .53 7. The Sumatran Elephant. By Prof H. Schlegel . . .72 8. Observations on some Australian and Feegeean Heterocyathi and their Parasitical Sipunculus. By John Denis Macdouald, R.N., F.R.S., Surgeon of H.M.S. " Icarus" . . . . . .78 9. On the Myology of the Orang-Utang. By William Selby Church, B.A., Lee's Reader in Anatomy, Christ Church, Oxford, (conti/nted) . 82 10. Anatomical Notes. By Professor Hyrtl of the University of Vienna, (contmned) . . . . . . . .95 11. Upon a non-Striped Muscle connected with the Orbital Pei-iosteum of Man and Mammals, and on the Musculus Keratocricoideus. By Wm. Turner, M.B. (Lond.) F.R.S. E., Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy, Umversity of Edinburgh . . . , . .106 12. Note sur I'Encephale de I'Orang-outang, par J. L. C. Schroeder van der Kolk et W. Vrolik, (With Plate IV.) . . . .111 IV CONTENTS. MISCELLANEA. PAGE On Dimorphism in Pi-imula . . . . , .lis Botanical Information . . . . . . .118 Note on the Habits of Vipers . . . . . . .lis No. VI.— APEIL, 1862. REVIEWS. 13. The Writings of M. Fabre: — Observations sur les mcenrs des Cerceris. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome IV. Ser. 4. — Etude sur I'instinct et les Meta- morphoses des Sphegiens. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome VI. Ser. 4. — Memoire sur I'Hypermetamorphose et les mceurs des M^loides. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome VII. Ser. 4. — Eecherches sur I'Anatomie des Oranges Reproducteurs et sm- le Developpement des Myriapodes. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome III. Ser. 4. . . . . .121 14. A Histoiy of British Sessile-eyed Crustacea. By C. Spence Bate, Esq., F.E.S., E.L.S., and J. O. Westwood, Esq. M.A., E.L.S., Hope Pro- fessor of Zoology at Oxford. (J. Van Voorst.) — Recherches sur la Faune Littorale de Belgique. Crustaces. Par P. J. Van Beneden, Pro- fesseur a I'Universite Catholique de Louvain .... 130 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. 15. On the Desirability of an English Translation of Aristotle's History of Animals. By Rev. W. Houghton, M.A., F.L.S. . . .136 16. The Atlantis Hypothesis in its botanical aspect. By Professor OHver . 149 17. On the Anatomy of the Short Sun-fish (Orthragoriscus mola). By John Cleland, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, University of Glasgow . 170 ^ 18. On the Structure and Composition of the Integument of the Orthrago- riscus mola. By William Turner, M.B. (Lond.) F.R.S.E., Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh (with Plates V, VI.) 185 )s BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 19. Periodicals (Additions to former Lists) . . . . , jgg 20. Zoological Bibliography : — General and Mixed Works on Zoology, Geo- graphical Distribution, &c. . . . • . .190 21. Vcrtebrata ••...... 194 22. Annulosa ........ 212 MISCELLANEA. 24. Note on the Habits of the Viper ...... 231 25, On Collecting and Preserving Specimens of Fishes and Reptiles . .233 CONTENTS. No. VII.— JULY, 1862. REVIEWS. PAGE. 25. On the two Forms, or Dimorphic Conditions, in the Species oi Primula, and on their remarkable Sexual Relations. By Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S. 235 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. 26. On the Evidence of the Antiquity of Man, afforded by the Physical Stmctm-e of the Somme Valley. By John Lubbock, Esq., F.R.S. (with Plate VII.) 244 27. On the Mammals, Birds, &c. of the Mackenzie River District. By Ber- nard Ross, Esq. ........ 269 28. Note on the Distortions which present themselves in the Crania of the Ancient Britons. Bv Joseph Barnard Davis, M.R.C.S. Engl. F.S.A. &c. . . ' 290 29. The Structure of the Stem in Dicotyledons; being References to the Literature of the Subject. By Professor Oliver, F.L.S. . . 298 30. Remarks on the Translation of the first chapter of Aristotle's History of Animals.. By John Scouler, M.D., F.L.S. . . . .329 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 31. Zoological. — Mollusca — Ccelenterata — Protozoa . . . 333 MISCELLANEA. 32. Note on the Co-existence of Man with the Dinomis in New Zealand . 343 Paithenogenesis in the Silk-worm Moth ..... 345 Botanical InfoiTaation ....... 346 Common Ling in Massachusetts ..... 346 No. VIII. -OCTOBER, 1862. REVIEWS. 33. 1. Bericht iiber die Zusammenkunft einiger Anthropologen, in September 1861, in Gottingen. Leipzig, 1861. — 2. Ziir Morphologic der Rassen- Schiidel. Von Dr. J. C. G. Luc^. Frankftu-t, 1861.— 3. The Mensu- ration of the Human Skull. By J. Aitkin Meigs, M.D. Philadelphia, 1861. — 4. Le Kephalographe. Nouvel Instrument destine a determiner la Figure et les Dimensions du Crane ou de la Tete Humaine. Par P. Harting. Utrecht, 1861.— 5. Essai sur les Defonnations Artificielles du Crane. Par. L. A. Gosse. Paris, 1855. — 6. Craniometrie of onder- zoek van den Menschelijken Schedel bij verschillende Volken, in Ver- gelijking met dien van den Orang Oetan. Door J. A. Kool. Amster- dam, 1852. — 7. Untersuchimgen iiber Schadelfonnen. Von Dr. Joseph Engel. Prague, 1851. — 8. Observations on the Human Crania con- tained in the Museum of the Army Medical Department, Fort Pitt, Chatham. Crania Britannica. By J. Thurnam and J. B, Davis, 1858- 62, (with Plate VIII.) . . . . . .347 VI COJCtENTS. PAGK. 34. Selecta Fungorum Carpologia, ea docuniema et iconcs ]iuiissiiuujn exlii-,_, bens qu£e vaiia fnictiium et seminuin genera in eodeni fiuigo simul aut vicissim adesse denionsti'ent. — Junctis stndiis edidcrunt Lnduviciis-Ke- natns Tulasne et Carolus Tulasne. Tomus primus. Eiysijihei. Vrx- mittuntur prolegomena de fungorum conditione naturali crescendi modo et propagatione. Parisiis, 1861. 4to. .... 361 35. On the various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are fertilized by Insects, and on the good eft'ects of Intercrossing. By Charles Darwin, M. A., F.R.S. With Illusti-ations . . .371 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. 36. A Report on recent Researches into the Minute Anatomy of the SjDinal Cord. By W. B. Kesteven, F.R.C.S., (with Plates IX., X., XI.) . 377 37. On Distorted Human Skulls. By Professor Wyville Thomson . ,397 38. On the Germination of Reticulaiia umbrina, Fr. By Frederick Currey, M.A., F.R.S. Sec. L.S. . . . . . .406 39. Reply to the Remarks on the Translation of the First Chapter of Aris- totle's History of Animals. By the Rev. W. Houghton, M.A., F.L.S. 408 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 40. Botanical. — Phancrogamia ...... 416 41. Ciyptogamia ...... 470 MISCELLANEA. The Pile Dwellings on Lake Prasias . ..... 486 On the Genus Cynips ........ 486 THE NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW: A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. I. — St. Hilaiee on the Systematic Position of Man. HiSTOIRE NaTURELLE GrENERALE DES EeONES OrGANIQTJES, par M. Isidore GreofFroy St. Hilaire. Tome II. le partie. 1856. The author of tliia elaborate work, wTiose comparatively early deatli lias so recently been deplored by the scientific world, devotes a long and carefully vsritten chapter to the consideration of the place and dignity of man in the universe — and more especially to the dis- cussion of the proposition, that mankind should be regarded as a distinct kingdom of nature, the " Regne humain," equal in rank to the mineral, the vegetable, or the animal kingdom — a proposal which, singularly enough, appears to have originated with the great scoffer, Voltaire. One might be disposed to distrust the sincerity of a vindication of the dignity of man from the author of "La Pucelle" — but no such suspicion can attach to the similar conclusion of a pains-taking zoologist, and as the chapter which M. St. Hilaire wrote upon this subject appeared in 1856 — in the pre-Darwiuian epoch in short — it may be instructive to consider both the data and the deductions of an author whose studies had been especially directed to the apes, and who pubHshed his conclusions before the din of recent battles arose. We therefore propose to give a brief summary of M. St. Hilaire's views, interpolating here and there, perhaps, a commentary of our own, but, for the most part, leaving the distinguished French Zoologist to speak for himself. After enumerating the opinions of the various authors who up to 1855 had ventured to assign to man his place in the Systema Naturae, M. St. Hilaire says : — " We have seen successive naturalists regarding Man as one of the kingdoms of nature ; as one of tlie principal divisions or sub-kingdoms (Embraucliemens) of N. H. R.--1862. B 22 EETIEWS. the animal kingdom; as one of its classes; as an order of the class Mammalia; as a sub-order; a family; a subfamily; a mere genus of Primates; nay, if we go back to Linnteus, as a species of a genus in which man does not stand alone ! The same group therefore has received all imaginable positions in our system of classifi- cation— a world apai't, according to some ; a unit imiong the myriads of animals, aceoriling to othei-s ! The measure of human contradictions is full and no room is Jeft for another." Oiir author is here, lio-werer, more epigi-ammatic than accurate; for the '' tableau des contradictious" was not really completed until an accomplished osteologist — proposing, in 1857, the system whose basis has been discussed and refitted in earlier niunbers of this Eenew — seized upon the one vacant niche and proposed to make of " Homo" a sub-class. But M. St. Hilaire's remarks upon the estabhshment of the order Bimana by Blumenbach, and its adoption by Cuvier, apply "with redoubled force to this last of all possible innovations : — " And how could this di-\-ision stand, repudiated as it was by the anthropoloo-ists in the name of the moral and intellectual supremacy of man ? and by the zoolo xvi. f. L. t Organogenie, t. xxxi. f. 39. § 1. c. t. xxix. f. 31, 37. II Organogenie, p. 701, et scq. 24 OEIGIKAL ARTICLES. other. Tliis I have noticed in Berteroa ineana and Thlaspi arvensis^ in whose ovnles the lower part of the cylindrical nucleus is thicker than the ujiper, and the two integuments arise seemingly both at once from the lower thickened part, at one time all round and at the same height, at another time unilaterally. As in these cases, true ovule-coats are developed on one side first, and not equally all round, it does not seem unfair to infer the possibility of their appearance in two distinct places or by two gibbi. The alternation of the two lips of the o\T,ile-eoat of Taxus, with the two uppermost bracts, may be understood to depend on the existence of more ample room for de- velopment on the two sides where there are no bracts, than on the other two, where the bracts come in contact with the ovule. It is well known, that organs increase most in size and vigour in those parts which are free and not interfered with by other organs, while they are weaker and smaller, where they are pressed on by neighbouring organs and deprived of nutriment. In the Abietineae this may be th& cause of the bilobation of the ovule-coat, as the two teeth in. Ahies excelsa, for instance, are on those sides of the ovule wliich are not pressed on either by the axis or the scale. The second pai't of Baillon's proposition, regarding the flowers of Conifers, is that they always arise from the axis and never from a leaf or bract, or rather cai-pel. This is sho^^Ti to be erroneous as to Abietinefe, at least by the monstrous larch described above. It is- also excellently refuted by Baillon and Payer's own observations on Pimis resinosa. As described by Baillon, the scales of Pinus pssinosa are develoi)ed in the following manner. The scale appears first as a small, dorsally compressed, broad boss in the axil of the bract. From the first boss sj)ring three others, one central and two lateral. The lateral bosses become broader, assume the form of auricles, cohere externally, and, increasing mainly in width, are gradually converted into an obliquely ascending lamina, the scale itself, which bears a little above the middle in the median line, the subcentral boss, " the organic apex of the axis," which axis produces no more appendages, increases very little in size, and in the adult state, presents the forn> of a hook bent inwards and downwards. On the upper surface of the lateral -wings, towards their lower margin, which is turned towards the primary axis, the ovules are, according to BaiUon, produced at a later period. From this description it is evident that three distinct organs, all differing in period of origin, can be distinguished, each of which i» developed from that immediately preceding it. 1. The axis which originates in the axil of the bract. 2. The ear-shaped organs, which spring laterally from this axis, and are called by Baillon the two lateral lobes. These ascend obliquely and form the greater part of the scale, but are so situated with respect to the minute axis, as manifestly to exhibit the character of appendicular organs. They form two nearly i-ight angles Avith the ascending axis, and spread out laterally and almoot horizontally,. CASPARY ON TnE MORPHOLOGY OF THE ABIETINEJ3. 25 HO that no one who has learned even the elements of morphological botany, can help recognising them as leaves, and as the primary and only leaves prodnced on the evanescent axis. 3. From the two lateral organs spring those third in order, namely, the ovules. Nowit is certainly wonderful, but it is not the less true, that Baillon and Payer, failing to distingidsh the second organs (the lateral leaves) from the first, though Baillon's description is sufficiently accurate, have confounded both together, and considered them to be a single organ, called by Payer a flattened form of the peduncle ; thus rashly following Schleiden, (who, more than twenty years before fell into the same mistake, of describing the axis and its primordial leaves as a simple axis), and Mirbel,* who 46 years before confounded these three very distinct kinds of organs under the common name of peduncle. Payer further says,t that " this flattened form of peduncle does not surprise those who are aware of its existence in the branches of se ^ eral plants, such as Suscus, X^IopJiyJI a, Phyllocladus, &c." No one, however, but a tjro in morphology, would confound the scale of Pinus resinosa, on whose upper surface, almost in its middle, the growing point rises as the hooked apex of an evanescent axis, utterly distinct both in position and direction, from the morphological apex of the lamina of the proper scale, with the flattened branches of Puscus, &c., whose withered growing point occiipies the very apex of the lamina, and in which no trace of appendicular organs is found below the growing point. Baillon, in a somewhat impressive manner observes, after stating some opinions of others on the structure of the flowers of Conifers, that " the new modes of observation afibrded by the study of organogeny, may with propriety be applied to the verification of these opinions." M. Baillon may learn, from the mistakes into which he has been led by the employment of a method which he and Payer alone imagine to be new, that the different grades of evolution of an organ, caunot be understood -vvdthout an accurate knowledge of the nature of the axis and its appendages, and of the relations which exist between them. M. Baillon, however, hardly knows the elements of morphology. How, for instance, does it happen, that, at the present day, he uses the term alternate,^ which was thus applied a century ago, to describe the arrangement of the bracts of the female flowers of Conifers ? Dr. Lindley,§ who considers the scales of pine cones to be carpels, (that is, leaves), refers to a cone-like gall oi Pinus ahies, figm-ed by Iiichard,|| which he mistakes for a cone, and in which he regards the scales as being changed into the form of the acicular leaves of Pinus ahies. Baillon has been led by Lindley into the same mistake, of regarding this gall as a cone, and only differs from Lindley, so far, that he thinks it is not the scales but the bracts which are changed * Elemens de physiol, vegetale, 1815, i. p. 347. f In Baillon's paper, p. 20. t 1. c. p. 6. § Veg. Kingd. p. 227. |i Mem. t. xii. 26 OEIGnfAL ARTICLES. into leaves.* Had Baillon read the passage in Eieliard, to wliicK he refers, he would have seen that Richard correctly regarded the gall as a leafy branch, changed by the attacks of some insect into a false cone. Degeei't describes the insect by which these galls are made, {Chermes o&ie^2>, Linn.), and figures it and its gall. J He says, " those who have no accurate botanical knowledge, may readily mistake the galls for fir-cones and fruit." Kaltenbach§ says, in like manner, "that these galls closely resemble fir-cones, and may readily be confounded with them by ignorant people." || From the observations given above, it is certain that the flowers of AbietineaB, consist of naked ovules rising from a carpel, and not of pistils springing from an axis. It has been almost universally acknowledged by authors, from the time of Richard down to that of Baillon,^ that the flowers of Conifers and Cycads, are almost uniform in structure, following the same laws, with very trifling difierences. It appears, therefore, probable that the ovules of all Conifers, Taxiis included, are borne on carpels and not on the axis, though at first sight this appears incredible. I shall return to this subject elsewhere. V. — Osr THE Ancient Lake Habitations of Switzeeland, By John Lubbock, Esq., F.E.S. Archeology forms the link between Geology and History — the past and the present. If in its more recent portions it is scarcely distin- guishable from History, yet when we pass back to its commencement, we find ourselves to have imperceptibly glided into the domain of Geology, without noticing any boundary to sejDarate the one from the other. The beginning of Archseology being, in fact, but the end of Geology, it is not surprising that they should, in the course of their development, have presented some remarkable analogies. M. Morlot has well pointed these out in his " Le^on d'ouverture d'un cours sur la haute antiquite, fait a I'Academie de Lausanne." Even, indeed, as the remains of extinct animals were at first sup- posed to be few and far between, whereas, in fact, the surface of the earth is made up of the dust and skeletons of our predecessors, so the relics of man, long looked upon as rare and exceptional in their occurrence, are gradually presenting themselves in unexpected pro- fusion. Loth, however, to distrust the existing chronology, our antiquaries long referred all the most beautiful and well-made wea- pons to the Romans, just as all fossils were attributed to the action of the Deluge. Passing on, then, with a graceful compliment to * 1. c. p. 1 1. \ Geschichte von Insckten, deutsch von Gbtze, iii. p. 66, et seq. X T. viii. f. 1 — 29. § Monographic dcr Familie der Pflanzenlause, p. 202. II I may further refer, for information about these galls and the insect which produces thein, to Burmcister, Handbuch der Entomologie, ii. 1. abtheil, p. 90, and Koch, die Pllanzcnlause (aphider), p. .317, where the insect is well figrnxd at f. 387 and 388. ^ 1. c. p. 11. LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLAND. 27 two of our most eminent contemporaries, M. Morlot points out that as Lyell, the reformer of Zoology, by studying the changes now taking place on the earth's surface, has explained the results which Greology brings before us, and thus arguing from the known to the unknown, has used the Present as a key to unlock the Past ; so M. Thomsen, by collectiug the implements and recording the habits of existing savages, has thrown much light xipon the manners and cus- toms of ancient times. Fully recognising the imperfection of the re- cord in the one case as well as ia the other, we must guard ourselves against any hasty conclusions and generalisations, but it seems now to be well established that a considerable elongation of the received chronology is required in Arch&eology as decidedly, though not of course to such an extent, as in Greology. Perhaps, also, we may regard it as, to say the least, highly probable, that in Northern Em'ope there have been three great epochs in the history of man — primary, secondary, and tertiary — the first of Stone, the second of Bronze,* and the third of Iron. This conclusion, which we owe in the first instance to the Northern and especially to the Danish Archaeologists, has been much strengthened by the recent researches in the lakes of Switzerland. It is however probable, as was mentioned in our last number, that the Stone period will require much sub-division. In all classi- fications we are apt, at first, to take the apparent, for the real dimen- sions of the more distant portions, and it is only as we obtain a closer acquaintance with them, that we discover their real propor- tions. Thus, it would appear, that the Stone age must be divided into at least two periods ; that of the drift on the one hand, and on the other hand, that to which the Danish Kjokkenmoddings and the Swiss Lake Habitations appear to belong. These Lake-dwellings or " Pfahlbauten," — a term whose nearest English equivalent is " Pile-works" — were made known to us in the following manner. In consequence of the extraordinary dryness and coldness of the weather during the winter months of 1853 and 1854, the rivers of Switzerland did not receive their usual supplies, and the water in the lakes fell much below its ordinary level, so that in some places a broad strand was left uncovered along the margin, while in others shallow banks were converted into islands. Tlie water level of this season was, indeed, the lowest upon record. Tlie lowest level marked on the so- called stone of Stafa was that of 1674, but in 1854 the water sank a foot lower. These unusual conditions, though very imfavourable to navigation, enabled the Swiss Archaeologists to make the important discoveries which we are about to bring before our readers. * In a grave at Mare Hill in Staffordshire, Mr. Carrington found " a piece of " lead, having the appearance of wire, which subsequent researches prove to have " been accidentally fused from metalliferous gravel present upon the spot." May not copper have been first obtained from some bright piece of ore, used as an orna- ment, and burnt with its wearer ? The coincidence of a knowledge of metal with the practice of burning the dead is at least significant. 28 OEIGrS'AL AETICIES. M. Aeppli of Meilen, on the Lake of Zuricli, appears to Kave been tlie first to observe, in the bed of the lake, certain indications of human activity, ^hich he jnstly supposed might throw some light on the history and condition of the earliest inhabitants of tiie Swiss valleys. In a small bay between Ober Meilen and Dollikon, the inhabitants took advantage of the lowness of the water to increase their gardens, by building a wall along the new water-line, and slightly raising the level of the piece thus reclaimed, by mud dredged from the lake. In the course of this dredging they found great numbers of piles, of deer-horns, and also some implements. The re- searches at this place conducted and described by Dr. F. Keller, have been followed by similar investigations in other lakes, and have proved that the early inhabitants of Switzerland consti'ucted some, at least, of their dwellings above the surface of the water, as is done in the present day by savages in various countries, as for instance the Papons of Xew Guinea, whose huts, circular or square in form, are grouped on wooden platforms, elevated a few feet above the level of the water, supported by numerous piles driven into the mud, and connected with the land by a narrow bridge. This method of construction, indications of which are found in various parts of Europe, was especially mentioned by Herodotus,* who describes the Pceonians of Lake Prasias, in Thrace, as li\'ing in cabins situated on a platlbrm, supported above the water by great piles. Each cabin had a trap-door opening on to the lake, and the whole settlement communicated with the main land by a bridge. The Swiss " PfaJilhaufen,''' or lake habitations, have been described by M. Keller, in three memoirs presented to the Antiquarian Society of Zurich, in 1S51, 1S5S, and 1860, and by M. Troyon, in a special work, " Sur les Habitation Lacustres," 1860, in which the author gives a general account of what has been done in Switzerland, and compares the results obtained in his native land, with the lake- dwellings of other coimtries and times. The discoveries in Lake Moosseedorf have been described in a special paper by MM. Jahn and Uhlmann (Die Pfahlbaualterthumer von Moosseedorf. Bern, 1857.) ; and we owe to M. Eiitimeyer two works on the animal remains from the Pfahlbauten, the first " IJntersuchimg der Thierreste aus den PfaUbauten der Schweiz," published by the Antiquarian Society of Zmich, in 1860 ; and still more recently a larger work — " Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten in der Schweiz." Collections of objects fi*om these localities have also been made by many Swiss Archasologists. The Flora has been studied by M. Heer, whose results are con- tained in the last memoir published by M, Keller. Nor must we omit to mention M. Morlot's short paper in the " Bulletin de la Societe Yau- doise," and his more recent " LeQon d'Ouverture d'un cours sur la haute Antiquite fait a I'Academie de Lausanne." From the conclusion of this lecture, indeed, I must express my dissent : not that I would • Her. Book V. ch. 16, LUBBOCK OX THE A^'CLEaTT T.^KT. HABITATIONS OF S-WTTZEELANT). 29 undervalue ^vliat M. Morlot calls the Practical Utility of Geology, nor that I am less sanguine as to the fature advantages of Arcliseology. Science, however, is like virtue, its o^vn reward, and the improvement of the mind must be regarded as the highest object of study. How- ever this may be, M. Morlot is, to use his own metaphor, labouring earnestly in the vineyard, and is improving the soil, though, as in the old fable, it may be in the false hopes of finding a concealed treasure. The Swiss Archaeologists have, indeed, made the most of a golden op- portunity. Not only in Lake Zurich, but also in Lakes Constance, G-eneva, Xeufehatel,'^ Bieime, Morat, Sempach, in fact in most of the large Swiss lakes, as well as in several of the smaller ones (Likwyl, Pfaffikon, Moosseedorf, Luissel), similar lake-habitations have been discovered. In the larger lakes, indeed, not one, but many of these settlements existed ; thus, M. Keller mentions, in Lake Bienue, eleven; in Lake Xeufchatel, twenty-six; in the Lake of Greneva, twenty-four ; in that of Constance, sixteen ; and many more, doubt- less, remain to be discovered. Tlie dwellings of the Grauls are described as having been circular huts, built of wood and lined with mud. The huts of the Pileworks were probably of a similar nature. This supposition is not a mere hypothesis, but is confirmed by the preservation of pieces of the clay used for the lining. Their preservation is evidently due to the building having been destroyed by fibre, which has hardened the clay and enabled it to resist the dissolving action of the water. These frag- ments bear, on one side, the marks of interlaced branches, while on the other, which apparently formed the iiuier wall of the cabin, they are qvdte smooth. Some of those which have been found at Wangen are so large and so regular that the Swiss Archa?ologists feel justified in concluding that the cabins were circular, and from ten to fifteen feet in diameter. Though, therefore, the architecture of this period was very simple, still the weight to be sustained on the wooden platforms must have been considerable, and their construc- tion, which must have required no small labotir,* indicates a con- siderable popvdation. It would, indeed, be most interesting if we coidd construct a retrospective census for these eai'ly periods, and M. Troyon has made an attempt to do so, though the results must, naturally, be somewhat vague. The settlement at Merges, which is one of the larirest in the Lake of Geneva, is 1200 feet long and 150 broad, which would give a suiface of 180,000 square feet. Taking the cabins as being 15 feet in diameter, and supposing that they occupied half the siuiace, leaving the rest for gangways, we may esti- mate the number of cabins at 311, and if we suppose that, on an average, each was inhabited by four persons, we shall have, for the whole, a population of 1244. Starting from the same data, we should obtain for the Lake of Neufchatel, a population of about 5000. Alto- * '"Increasing density of population is equivalent to increasing facility of produc- tion." Bastiat, Hannonies of Political (Economy, p. 12. 30 OEiaiNAL ARTICLES. getter, 68 villages, belonging to tlie Bronze xlge, have been discovered in Western Switzei'land, and by the same process of reasoning tliey may be supposed to have contained 42,500 persons ; while for the preceding epoch, the population may, in the same manner, be esti- mated at 31,875. Por a moment it may surprise us that a people so uncivilised should have constructed their dwellings with immense labour on the water, when it would have been so much more easy to have built them on dry land. The first settlers in Switzerland, however, had to contend with the Boar, the "Wolf, the Bear, and the TJrus ; and sub- sequently, when the population increased, and disputes arose, the lake habitations, no doubt, acted as a fortification, and protected man from man, as they had before preserved him from wild beasts. Switzerland is not, by any means, the only country in which lake dwellings have been used as fortresses. In Ireland, a number of more or less artificial islands, called " Crannoges,"* are known his- torically, to have been used as strongholds by the petty chiefs. They are composed of earth and stones, strengthened by numerous piles, and have supplied the Irish Archaeologists with numerous weapons and bones. From the Crannoge at Dunshauglin, indeed, more than 150 cart-loads of bones were obtained, and were used as manure ! These lake dwellings of Ireland, however, come down to a much later period than those of Switzerland, and are frequently mentioned in early history. Thus, according to Shirley, " One Thomas Phelliplace, " in his answer to an inquiry from the Government, as to what castles " or forts O'Neil hath, and of what strength they be, states (May 18, " 1567) : ' For castles, I think it be not unknown unto your honors, " he trusteth no point thereunto for his safety, as appeareth by the *' raising of the strongest castles of all his countreys, and that fortifi- " cation that he only dependeth upon is in sartin ffresliwater loghes " in his country, which from the sea there come neither ship nor " boat to approach them : it is thought that there in the said forti- " fied islands lyeth all his plate, which is much, and money, prisoners " and gages : which islands, hath in wars to fore been attempted, and " now of late again by the Lord Deputy there. Sir Harry Sydney, " which for want of means for safe conducts upon the water it hath " not prevailed.' " Again, the map of the escheated territories, made for the Govern- ment, A.D. 1591, by Francis Jobson, or the " Piatt of the County of Monaghan," preserved in the State Paper Oifice, contains rough sketches of the dwellings of the petty chiefs of Monaghan, which "are in all cases surrounded by water."t In the "Aiuials of the Four Masters," and other records of early Irish history, we meet with numerous instances in which the Crannoges are mentioned, and some in which their position has not preserved them from robbery and * See Wilde's Catalogue, V. i. p. 220. t Ibid. p. 23L LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZEELAND. 31 destruction ; so that we need not be surprised to find that most of the Swiss Lake-habitations appear to have been destroyed by lire. Though, however, these latter resemble the Irish Crannoges in their position and use, they differ considerably from them in their construc- tion. In one or two places, indeed, as for instance at the Steinberg, in the Lake of Bienne, it is possible that an island may have been formed, the bottom of the lake having been artificially raised. It is curi- ous that a canoe laden with stones, was actually found near this spot, it having, apparently, sunk with its load, at the time whenthe Steinberg was in process of construction. After all, however, it seems probable that even in this case, the object was only to obtain a firmer founda- tion for the piles. At the present time the highest part is eight feet below the surface of the water, and nothing justifies us in looking back to any such alteration of level. Moreover, even now the piles project two or tln-eefeet above the surface, upon which.therefore, the cabins cannot have been intended to stand. A small island in Lake Inkwyl, however, reproduces almost exactly the Irish Crannoge. After having chosen a favourable situation, the first step in the con- struction of the Lake-habitations was to obtain the necessary timber. To cut down a tree with a stone hatchet must have been no slight undertakmg. It is, indeed, most probable that they made use of fire, in the same manner as is done by existing savages in felling trees and making canoes. Burning the wood and then scraping away the charred portion, renders, indeed, the task far more easy, and the men of the Stone period appear to have avoided the use of large trees, except in making their canoes. Their piles were imbedded in the mud for from one to five feet, and must also have projected Jfrom four to six feet above the water level, which cannot have been very different from at present. They must, therefore, have had a length of from 1-5 to 30 feet, and they were from 3 to 9 inches in diameter. The pointed extremity which entered into the mud still bears the marks of the fire, and the rude cuts made by the stone hatchets. The piles belonging to the Bronze period being prepared with metal axes, were much more regularly pointed, and the differences between the two have been ingeniously compared to those shown by lead pencils well and badly cut. Dragging the piles to the lake, and fixing them firmly, must have required much labour, especially when their number is considered. At Wangen alone M. Lolile has calculated that 40,000 piles have been used ; but we must remember that these were probably not all ]jlanted at one time, nor by one generation. Wangen, indeed, was certainly not built in a day, but was, no doubt, gradually added to as the population increased. Herodotus informs us that the Pceoniaus made the first platform at the pubHc expense, but that subsequently at every marriage (and polygamy was permitted), the bridegroom was expected to add a certain number of piles to the common support. In some localities, as at Eobenhausen, on Lake Pfeffikon, the piles were strengthened by cross beams. The Pile- works of subsequent periods differ little from those of the Stone age, except, perhaps, that they are more solidly constructed. The piles, S2 OEIGINAL AETICLES. also, are less? decayed, and project above tlie mud farther than those of the preceding epoch. M. Morlot considers that the horizontal plat- form rested upon the top of these piles, at such a height as to allow for all ordinary variations in the level of the water. M. Suter, however, supposes that in some cases, at least, the platform was not attached to the perpendicular piles, but rested upon the water, rising and sinking with it. The structure of the Pileworks at TVauwyl, in the Canton of Lucerne, certainly seems to lavour this view. It was composed of four rectangular divisions, separated by narrow channels, over which, no doubt, bridges were thrown, and through which canoes might pass. The piles were less numerous than usual, and were grouped principally round the outer edge of the platforms. In this case they have been preserved by peat ; they are from three to four and a half inches in diameter, all rounded, and not formed of split timber. In order to ascertain their length, M. Suter dug up two of them ; the longest penetrated four feet through the peat, and ten feet six inches into the ancient bed of the lake ; the other, also four feet through the peat, but only four feet six inches lower. M. Suter examined the piles carefully, but fruitlessly, to ascertain any manner in which the platform can have been attached to them. Tlie platform itself consisted of five layers of trees, curiously and carefully fastened together by clay and interlaced branches of trees, but like the perpendicular piles they were examined in vain for any traces of notches, mortises, holes, ligatures, bolts, or any other contrivance, by which the upright pUes and the platforms could have been fas- tened together. Not only were the debris of their rej^asts, and other rubbish thrown into the water, but more or less valuable weapons and instru- ments must have been sometimes lost in this manner, especially as children formed, of course, the usual proportion of the population. Many of the articles presently to be mentioned, were however, in all probability, engulphed at the destruction of the Pfahlbauten, some of which were perhaps burnt and rebuilt more than once. The number of stone implements which have been abeady found is quite astonishing ; at Wangen, in Lake Constance, many hiuidred weapons of various sorts have been discovered, and a great number also at Moosseedorf,'Wau^vyl and Eobenhausen,in none of which places has a single piece of metal been as yet met Avith, a fact which, taken in connexion with the great number of bronze implements which have been collected from other Pileworks, clearly indicates that the settlements above mentioned, belonged to the age of Stone. Not only, hoY^'evcr, is metal absent, and not only, as we have already seen, does the Fauna indicate a greater antiquity, but the stone weapons themselvess are less varied and less skilfully made. Most of them are made from rocks which occur in Switzerland, though it is pro- bable that the flint was brought from Prance. The absence of any great blocks of this valuable material in Switzerland accounts for our not finding any of the large, flat axes which are so characteristic of northern JEurope, and especially of Denmark. At Wangen, the LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLAND. 33 stone implements resemble those of Moosseedorf, and are principally formed of indigenous rocks, wliicli to judge from the fragments scattered about, were evidently worked up at these two places. One or two bits, however, consisted of Oriental Nephrite, which is green, transparent, and of remarkable hardness, and if these really belonged to the Stone age, the fact is very remarkable, as this substance, according to Swiss mineralogists, does not naturally occur in Swit- zerland, and must have been brought from Egypt or Asia. On this point, however, it would be desirable to have more information ; since, if we are to suppose that any such extended commerce existed, it is difficult to understand why bronze and iron were not also introduced. Weapons of Nephrite have also been found at one or two other places, belonging to the Bronze age, and where therefore its presence is less inexplicable. The stone implements found in the settlements belonging to this earliest period consist of hammers, axes, knives, saws, lance-heads, arrow-heads, corn-crushers, and polishing blocks. Some of the hammers were made of serpentine with a hole pierced through one end, and are, like aU pierced stones, of very great rarity, belonging perhaps only to the end of the Stone period . Some of them are cylindrical, others more cubical in shape. The axe was preeminently the im])lement of antiquity. It was used in war and in the chase, as well as for domestic purposes, and great numbers have been found, especially at Wangen, (Lake of Constance) aud Concise (Lake of Neufchatel). With a few excep- tions they were surprisingly small, especially when compared with the magnificent specimens from Denmark ; in length they varied from six inches down even as low as one, whUe the cutting edge had generally a width of from 15 to 20 lines. Mint was sometimes used, and nephrite, or jade, in a few cases, but serpentine was the principal material. Most of the larger settlements were evidently manufacturing places, and many spoilt pieces and half finished specimens have been found. The process of manufacture is thus described by M. Troyon. After having chosen a stone, the first step was to reduce it by blows with a hammer to a suitable size. Then grooves were made artificially, which must have been a very tedious and difficult opera- tion, when flint knives, sand, a little water, and an unlimited amount of patience, were the only available iustruments. Having carried the grooves to the required depths, the projecting portions were re- moved by a skilful blow with a hammer, and the implement was then sharpened and polished on blocks of sandstone. Sometimes the hatchet thus obtained was simply fixed in a handle of horn or wood. Generally, however, the whole instrument con- sisted of three parts. A piece of horn, two or three inches in length, received the stone at one end and was squared at the other, so as to fit into a longer handle either of wood or horn. These intermediate pieces present several variations, some are simply squared, others have a projecting wing which rested against the handle, some few are forked as if to I'eceive a wedge, and one had a small transverse hole apparently for the insertion of a peg. N. H. R.— 1862. D 34 OKI GIN AL ARTICLES. The knives may be considered as of t\vo sorts. Some differ from the axes, principally in having their width greater than their length. In other cases they were made of flint flakes. In this manner also were obtained the saws, which in addition had their edges someAvhat rudely dentated ; they were fixed into handles of wood by some sort of cement ; but we do not find in Switzerland any of the semilunar saws, which are frequent in Denmark. The arrow-heads were made of flint, or in some cases of rock crystal, and were, as in Ireland, of tliree principal sorts, between which how- ever, there were a great many varieties. The fii'st sort had a diamond shape, the posterior half of which was, in some specimens, shorter and rounded ofl". Tlie second sort had the posterior margin more or less excavated, so that the angles being produced, as it were, into wings, clasped the shaft and enabled the arrow-head to be more firmly fixed. In the third sort, the middle part of the posterior side had a projection which sunk into the shaft. There are also found rounded stones, pierced with one, or sometimes with two holes. The use of these is uncertain, but they may perhaps have been used to sink fishing lines. "Waste not, want not," is a proverb which the Lalie- dwellers thoroughly appreciated. Ha\'iug caught any vrild animal, except the hare, they ate the flesh, used the skin for clotliing, picked every fragment of marrow out of the bones, and then in many cases, fashioned the bones themselves into weapons. The larger and more compact ones served as hammers, and, as well as horns of the deer, were used for the handles of hatchets. In some cases pieces of bone were worked to a sharp edge, but they can only have been used to cut soft substances.* Bone harpoons, poig- nards, arrow-heads, and javelin heads also occur, and pins and needles of this material are very common. Teeth also, and par- ticularly those of the wild boar, were used for cutting, and were also, in some cases, worn as ornaments or armlets. There can be little doubt that wood was also extensively used for different pur- poses, but unfortunately most of the implements of this material have perished. A wooden mallet, however, was found at Concise. For our knowledge of the animal remains from the Pileworks we are almost entirely indebted to Prof. Eiitimeyer, who has pul)- lished two memoirs on the subject. (Mittheiluugen des Antiq. Ge- sellschaft in Zurich, Bd. xiii. Abth. 2, ISGO ; and, more recently, a separate work. Die Eauna des Pfahlbauten in der Schweiz, 1861.) The bones are in the same fragmentary condition as those from the Kjokkennioddings, and have been opened in the same manner for the sake of the marrow. There is also the same ab.^ence of certain bones and parts of bones, so that it is impossible to reconstruct a perfect skeleton even of the commonest animals. The total number of species amounts to about 66, of which 10 are * According to Sir E. Belcher, however, shaipenccl pieces of horn are used by the Esquimaux in the preparation of flint -weapons. LUBBOCK OS THE ANCIEXT LAKE UABITATlOXS OP SWITZEBLAND. 35 fishes, 3 reptiles, 17 bii'ds, aud the remainder quadrupeds. Of the latter, eight species may be considered as having been domesticated, namely, the Dog, Pig, Horse, Ass, Goat, Sheep, and at least two species of Oxen. The bones very seldom occur in a natural condition, but those of domestic and wild animals are mixed together, and the state in Avhich they are found, the marks of knives upon them, and their having been almost always broken open for the sake of the marrow, are all evidences of human interference. Two species, the one wild, the other domestic, are especially nu- merous,— the Stag and the Ox. The remains of these two indeed equal tliose of all the others together. It is, however, interesting, that in the older settlements, as Moosseedorf, Wauwyl, and Sobenhauseu, (Lake Pfeffikon,) the Stag exceeds the Ox in the number of speci- mens indicated, while the reverse is the case in the more modern settlements of the western lakes, as, for instance, those at Wangen aud Meilen. Next to these in order of abundance is the Hog. More sparing again, and generally represented by single specimens where the pre- ceding occur by dozens, are the Roe, the Goat, and the Sheep, which is most numerous in the latter settlements. With these rank the Fox and the Martens. The Pox indeed, appears, whether fi'om choice or necessity, to have been eaten during the Stone period. Thi ^ A \ t*i a i-^ at o GO -S 3 0) "?. C3 .a i , q5 d GO ^ c 8) c a .2 o pi Qj a '3 o ^ •S 'l> 2 a 2 ^ o 2 + X n 3 (X) + 2 2 ' .... • ■ • • 2 3 (X) (X) 2 3 * • • • 1 • • • • • • • • 2 2 '+' • • • « 2 1 • • • • + • • • ■ 1 + (X) x • • • • + 3 3 1 1 (X) 2 2 2 2 3 3 (2) 2 2 + 1 + + 3 2 (X) 2 2 • * a • 1 5 5 5 5 5 2 (X) 2 2 2 • • • • ? 1 ?1 2 3 3 + 1 2 1 1 2 • • • • 2 1 (X) 5 5 5 5 5 5 (X) 4 2 2 2 2 .... (X) • • • • • • « • e . • . x? x .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 2 2 2 3-4 (X) (X) 2 1 2 • • • • '(x)' 3-4 1 + 2 • • • • • • • • • • • -f .. . . 1 s 5 5 5 1 5 .') 5 (X) 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 • . • . 1 1 3 2 + 1 3 2 2 * + * 1 ITJBBOCK ON THE AITCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF 8WITZEELAND. 37 The additional species added since tliis table was published are : — 42. The Mouse, M. sylvaticus. A single specimen, from Eo- benhausen. Our common house-mice and rats seem to have been un- known, and even this species is at present represented by but a sLugle specimen. 43. The Hare, Lepus timidus. Of this species only a single bone has yet occurred. It was found at Moosseedorf. It is very remarkable that any nation should have eaten the Fox and spared the Hare, and nothing but a feeling of superstition can account for such an anomaly, which, however, accords weU with the entire absence of the Hare from the Kj5kkenmoddings of Denmark. 44. The Chamois, Antilope rupicapra. This species is represented by a piece of skull from Eobenhausen. 45. A second race of domestic Oxen. 46. The Ass. The additional birds which have been discovered are : — Aquila fulva, Meyer. The Golden Eagle. At Eobenhausen. Aquila haliaetus. A single bone found at Moosseedorf is rather doubtfully referred to this species by M. Eutimeyer. Strix alves. From Concise. Sturnus vulgaris. „ Eobenhausen. Cinclus aquatinus „ Tetrao bonasia „ Ciconia alba. Not unfrequent at Moosseedorf and Eobenhausen. Fulica atra. Eobenhausen. Larus. Sp. in „ Cygnus musicus. „ Ajiser segetum. „ Tlie additional species of fish are : — Perca fluviatilis. Eobenhausen. Scardinius erythropthalmus. „ Chondrostoma nasus. „ Lota vidgaris. „ And one or two species belonging to the genus Squaliua. The common Mouse and our two House-rats, as well as the domestic Cat and the Barndoor-fowl are absent from the Lake-habitations of Switzerland as from the Kjokkenmoddings of Denmark; at least Prof. Eiitimeyer attributes to a later period a single bone of the latter which was found at Merges, a settlement belonging to the Bronze period. The bones of the Stag and the Wild Boar often indicate animals of an unusual magnitude, whUe on the other hand the Fox appears to have been somewhat smaller than at present. The Dogs varied less than at present, in fact they aU belong to one variety, which was of middle size, and appears to have resembled our present Beagles. (M. Eiitimeyer describes it as " resembling the Jagd- hund" and the " "Wachtelhund.") The Sheep of the Stone period differed from the ordinary form, in its small size, fine legs, and short, goat-like horns : particulars, in which it is nearly resembled by, some northern, and mountaia S8 OIIIGIKAL ARTICLES. varieties at tlie present day, as for instance by the small sheep of the Slietlands, Orkneys, Welsh liills, and parts of the Alps. At Wamvyl, however, M. Eii'timeyer found traces of an individual with large horns. Tlie number of wild species of Sheep is so great, and our know- lodge of Ihem is so deficient, that M. Eiitimeyer does not venture to express any opinion concerning the origin of our domestic varieties, except that he is inclined to trace them up to several wild races. It is singular, tliat though remains of the Horse have yet been found in all the Pileworks, they are so rare tliat their presence may a] be considered accidental: thus Wangen has only produced a single tooth, Moosseedorf, a metatarsal bone, which has been polished on one side, Eobenhausen, a single Os naviculare tarsi, and Wauwyl, only a fcAv bones, v.'hich may all have belonged to a single specimen. On the other hand, when we come to the Bronze period, we find at Steinberg, numerous remains of this species, so that, as far as these sliglit indications go, the Horse, though undoubtedly present in the Stone age, seems to have been rarer than it became at subsequent periods. All the remains of the Horse belonged undoubtedly to the domestic species. . Though he refers some bones to the Wild Boar, and others to the Domestic Hog, yet he considers that the greatest number of the remains of this genus belong to a diiferent race, which he calls Sus scrofa palustris. This variety Avas, in his opinion, less powerful and dangerous than the Wild Boar, the tusks being much smaller in pro- ])orti<)n ; in fact he describes it as having with the molar teeth of an ordinary full grown Wild Boar, the premolars, canines, andincisives of a young Domestic Hog. He considers that all the bones of tliis variety from Moosseedoif, belonged to wild individuals, while of those from Nidau- Steinberg, Eobenhausen, Wauwyl, and Concise, some bore in his opinion evidences of domestication. It has been supposed by some naturabsts that this variety was founded only on female specimens, but in his last work, M. Eiitimeyer combats this opinion at some length, and gives copious descriptions and measurements of the diflevcnt parts. He also points out numerous sexual difterences in the S. palustris, of the same nature, but not so well marked, as tliose of tlie Wild Boar. Eelying also on its well defined geographical and historical range, lie denies that it can be considerd as a cross be- tween the Wild Boar and Domestic Hog, or that the difterences which He|>arate it from the former, can be looked upon as mere individual pecidiarilies. He considers, indeed, that as a wild animal it became extinct at a very early period, though the tame S^\•ine of India whicli agi-ee clo.^ely with this race may perhaps have been descended from it. Our Domestic Hog fii-st makes its appearance in the later Pile- works, as for instance at Concise. M. Eiitimeyer does not, however, consider lliat it can have been derived from the Wild Boar (Sus scrota), nor does he think that it was tamed by the inhabitants of Swii/ei-laud, but is rather dis])osed to look "upon it as having been introduced, and the more so, as he finds at Concise traces LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLANI). 39 of an Ox (-B. trochoceros) wliich does not occur in tlie earlier Pileworks. In considering whether a given animal was wild or domesticated, we must be guided by the folloTvdng considera- tions : the number of individuals represented ; the relative propor- tions of young and old ; the absence or presence of very old individuals, at least of species that served for food ; the traces of long, though indirect, selection, in diminishing the size of any natural weapons which might be injurious to man ; the direct action of man dining the lile of the animal ; and finally the texture and condition of the bones. Applying these considerations to the Sus palustris from Moos- seedorf, it is evident, firstly, that the argument derivable from the number of young specunens loses much of its force on account of the great fertility of the Sow, and the ease with which the yoimg can be found and"^ destroyed ; secondly, in the number of individuals represented, it is equalled by the S'tag, vvhich certainly was never domesticated ; thirdly, some bones of very old individuals have been found and some of very young, even of unborn pigs ; the small- ness of the tusks is, according to M. Eiitimeyer, a characteristic of the race and not an evidence of domestication ; the bones are of a firm and close texture, and the only cases of decay have arisen from an extreme degradation of the teeth, which would certainly be unlikely to occur in a domestic animal, finally, none of the teeth show traces of any filing or other preparation, except such as may have taken place after the death of the animal, from all of which reasons M. Eiitimeyer infers that the inhabitants of Moosseedorf had not yet succeeded in taming either the Sus scrofa palustris or the Sus scrota ferus. M. Eiitimeyer has paid great attention to the texture and condi- tion of the bones themselves, and in many cases can from these alone distinguish the species, and even determine whether the bone belonged to a wild or a domesticated animal. In wild animals the bones are of a firmer and closer texture, there is an indescribable, but to the accustomed eye very characteristic, scvdpturing of the external surface, produced by the sharj^er and more numerous impressions of vessels, and the greater roughness of the surfaces for the attachment of muscles. There is also an exaggeration of all projections and ridges, and a diminution of all indilferent surfaces. In the consideration of the remains of Oxen, these distinctions have proved of the greatest importance. By their assist- ance, and this is in some respects the most interesting part of the work, M. Eiitimeyer has convinced himself that besides the two wild species of Bos, namely the Urus (B. primigenhis) and the Aurochs {B. bison or Bison Europeus), three domestic races of Oxen occur in PileworlvS. The first of these is allied to, and in his opinion descended from, the Urus, and he therefore calls it the Primigenius race. This variety occurs in aR the Pileworks of the Stone period. The second or Trochoceros race, he correlates with a fossil species described luider 40 OEiaiNAL AETICLES. this name by F. von Meyer, from the Diluvium of Arezzo and Siena, This variety has hitherto only been found at Concise. The third, or Longifrons race, is by far the most common of the three. It occurs in all the Pileworks, and at Moosseedorf and "Wangen — that is to say, in the settlements which are supposed to be the oldest, ahuost to the exclusion of the Primigenius race. M. Eutimeyer considers that it is the domesticated form of B. longifrons of Owen, but as the word " longifrons " seems to him to be inappro- priate and incorrect, he uses the name " braehyceros," which was ori- ginally proposed in manuscript by Owen for this species, but which has also been used by Gray for an African species, and ought not therefore to be adopted. A subsequent portion of the work is devoted to the examination of the existing races of Eurojjean Oxen. The old Trochoceros race he considers to be extinct, but he sees in the great Oxen of Fries- land, Jutland, and Holstein, the descendants of the Bos primigenius. This race does not now occur in Switzerland, but he considers that there are at present in that country two distinct varieties of Domestic Oxen. Tlie one of various shades between light grey and dark brown, but without spots, and prevailing in Schwyz, tJri, Wallis, &c., in fact, in the whole country south of a line dra^vTi from the Lake of Constance to WaUis, agrees in its general osteological characters with the Bos longifrons of Owen. The other or spotted variety, which is generally of smaller size, and prevails in Isorthern Switzerland, is considered by M. Eiitimeyer to be descended from the B. frontosus, a species found fossil in Sweden and described by Nillson. I wiU not express any opinion of my own as to these conclusions. The subject is one no less dilhcult than important, and our space does not permit us to lay before our readers the details given by M. Elitimeyer, to whose work therefore we mvist refer all those who wish for more information on the subject. All naturalists must feel much indebted to M. Eiitimeyer for the labour he has spent, and the light he lias thrown upon the subject, whether we eventually adopt his conclusions or not. In six woodcuts at the termination of this memoir, I give representations of the skulls of these three races, and those of the corresponding fossil species. Human bones occur in the Pileworks but very seldom, and may no doubt be referred to accidents, especially as we fmd that those of children are most numerous. One mature skull was, however, dis- covered at Meilen, and has been described by Professor His, Avho considers that it does not diiFer much from the ordinary S^sviss type. And while his work was in the press, M. Riitimeyer received from M. Schwab four more skulls, two of which were obtained at Nidan- Steinberg, one at Sutz, and one from Biel. M. Troyon has a very interesting chapter on the different modes of burial ; he points oiit that the disposition of the corpse after death, had a deep meaning and is perhaps of greater importance than tiie nature of the tomb, which must in many cases have depended upon tliat of the materials which came to hand. The Greeks gener- LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLAND. 4fi ally burnt their dead ; considering fire as the means of purification, while the Persians, shrank from such an act, regarding fire, according to Herodotus, as a deity. Other nations, looldng upon the earth as the universal mother, returned into her bosom the remains of their dead, fortunately ignorant of the deduction that as we brought nothing into the world so we can take nothing out of it, and re- garding it therefore as a sacred duty to bury with the departed his most useful weapons and most beautiful ornaments. Tliis belief seems to have been almost as general as the hope of a resurrection, and even among the Jews we find a trace of it in the words of Eze- kiel (ch. xxxii. p. 27). "And they shall not lie with the mighty " that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell " with their weapons of war." In tombs of the Stone age the corpse appears to have been almost always, if not always, buried in a sitting position, with the knees brought up imder the chin, and the hands crossed over the breast.* This attitude occurs also in many Asiatic, African, and American tombs. M. Troyon, quotes the following passage from a work published by Andre Thevet, in 1575 ; " Quand done (speak- ing of the Brazilian aborigines), leurs parents sont morts, ils les courbent dans un bloc et monceau dans la lict oh. ils sont decedes, tout ainsi que les enfants sont au ventre de la mere, puis ainsi enve- loppes, lies et garrottes de cordes, ils les mettent dans une grande vase de terre." M. Troyon adds, " Chez certains Indiens, les meres, apres avoir donne a I'homme, avant de I'inhumer, I'attitude qu'il avait dans le sein maternel, epanchent leur lait sur la tombe. Cet usage dea meres, qui assimile I'homme apres sa mort au petit enfant qu'elles nom*rissent de leur lait, s'est conserve, sauf I'attitude, il est ATai, jusqu'au commencement de ce siecle, dans le centre de I'Europe, dans la vallee alpestre des Ormonts ;" making this last statement on the authority of M. Terrise, Avho was himself an eye-witness of this extraordinary custom. Making allowance for the marine animals, such as the seals and oysters, the cockles, whelks, &c., the fauna thus indicated by the remains found in the Swiss lakes, agrees remarkably with that which characterises the Danish Kjokkenmoddings, and belongs evidently to a far later age than that of the celebrated stone hatchets, which were first made known to us by the genius and perseverance of M. Boucher de Perthes.f ^om qib n , 'Lii, .V . IL< * See for Denmark, Worsaae's Antiquities, Eng. Edit. p. 89. To jndge from Mr. Bateman's excellent volmne just published, " Ten years diggings in Celtic and Saxon Gravehills," the same position was, to say the least of it, very common iu early British Tombs, in which also the corpse was generally deposited on its left side. It woidd be very interesting if some Archajologist would tabulate all the ac- counts of ancient graves, showing the ornaments and weapons which have been found with ditferent methods of interment. t Whether the Drift race of men were really the aboriginal inhabitants of Europe, still remains to be ascertained. M. Riitimeyer hints, that our geographical distribution imlicates a still greater antiquity for the human race. 42 ORIGINAL AETICLES. Instead of the Elepliaut and Eliuioceros we find in the later or f«eeond stone period, in that namely of the Kjokkenmbdding and " Pfahlbauten," the Urns and Bison, the Elk and the Eed deer already installed as monarchs of the forests. The latter indeed, with the Boar, appears to have been very frequent, and to have formed a most important article of food to the Lake-dwellers. The Urns, or great fossil Ox is now altogether extinct. It was mentioned by Caesar, who describes it as being little smaller than an elephant. (Hi sunt magnitudiue panlo inti-a elephantos, specie et colore et figura tauri.) According to Herberstem, it stUl existed in Switzerland during the sixteenth centuiy, soon after which, however, it must have become extinct. The Aurochs, or European Bison seems to have disappeared from Western Europe even earHer than the Urus. There is no liistorical record of its existence in England or Scandinavia. In Switzerland we cannot trace it later than the tenth centui'y, but it is men- tioned in the " Niebelungen Lied," of the twelfth century, as occur- ring in the Forest of Worms, and ia Prussia the last was killed iu the year 1775. At one period indeed, it appears to have inhabited almost the whole of Europe, much of Asia, and part even of Ame- rica, but at present it is confined in Europe, to the imperial forests in Lithuania, where it is preserved by the Emperor of Kussia, while, according to Nordmann and Yon Baer, it still exists in some parts of Western Asia. We have no notice of the existence of the Elk in Switzerland during the historical period, but it is mentioned by Ca?sar as exist- ing in the great Hercynian forest ; and even in the twelfth century it was to be met with in Sclav onia and Hungary, according to Albertus Magnus and Gresner. In Saxony, the death of the last is recorded as having occurred in 1746. At present it inhabits Prussia and Lithuania, Einland and Eussia, Scandinavia and Siberia, to the shores of the Amoor. Tlie Ibex disappeared from most of the Swiss Alps, perhaps not much later than the Elk. It lingered longest iu the West. In Grlarus the last one perished in 1550, though near Chiavenna it existed until the commencement of the 17th century, and in the Tyrol until the second half of the 18th, while it still maintains itself in the mountains surrounding Mont Iseran. The extermination of the Bear, like that of the Ibex, seems to have begun in the East, and not yet to be complete, since this animal stni occm'S in the Jura, in Wallis, and in the South-Eastern parts of Switzerland. The Eox, the Otter, and the different species of Weasels, are si ill the common carnivora of Switzerland, and the Wild Cat, the Badger, and the Wolf still occur in the Jura and the Alps, the latter in cold winters venturing even into the plains. The Beaver on the contrary has at last disappeared. It has long been very rare in Switzerland, but a few survived until the beginning of the present century, in Lucerne and Wallis. Eed deer LUBBOCK OX THE ANCIENT LASE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLAND. 43 were abuudaut in the Jura and Black Forest iu tiie twelfth and thir- teenth centuries, though they do not apjiear to have been so large as those which lived in earlier times. The last was shot in Basle, at the close of the eighteenth century, v/hile in Western Swdtzerland and WaUis they lingered somewhat longer. The Eoedeer still occurs in some places. The Fauna thus indicated is certainly very much what might have been expected. We find most of the species which characterise the post-tertiary epoch in Europe. Some of the larger ones have since iallen avv-ay in the struggle for existence, and others are becoming rarer and rarer every year, while some maintain themselves even now, thanks only to the inclemency and inaccessibility of the mountainous regions Avhich they inhabit. Tlie gradual process of extermination, which has continued ever since, had however even then begun. Taken as a whole, therefore, the animals of the Swiss Pileworks belong evidently to the Fauna, which commenced in post-tertiary times with the Mammoth, the Rhinoceros tichorhinus, the Cave Bear, and the -Fossil Hya?]ia. These extinct species appear to have co-existed in Europe with aU of its present indigenous inhabitants ; it was, indeed, long supposed that man belonged to a subsequent period, but recent investigations have shown, that he is no exception to the rule. While, however, we must regard tlie Fauna of the Stone age as belonging to the same Zoological epoch with that of the later drifts on the one hand, and the present time on the other ; we cannot forget that the immense time which has elapsed since the end of the Tertiary period, has produced great changes in the Fauna of Europe. In this Post-tertiary era the Pileworks occupy, so to say, a middle ]30sition. Distmguished from the present Fauna of Switzerland in the possession of the Urus, the Bison, the Elk, the Stag, and the Wild Boar, as well as by the more general distribution of the Beaver, the Bear, the Wolf, the Ibex, the Roe, &c., they diifer equally from tlie drift gravels in the absence of the Mammoth, the Rhinoceros, the Cave Bear, and the Cave Hyaena. M. Riitimeyer, however, thinks that we may carry this division far- ther, and he considers that some of the Pileworks presenting a more archaic character than others, they may be arranged as follows : — Istly, Moosseedorf 2ndly, As being somewhat more recent, Wauwyl, Robenhauseu, Wangen, and Meilen. Srdly, The Lake-habitations of Western Switzerland. It is of course unnecessary to point out the interest and impor- tance of such a distinction, which accords so well with that indicated by the study of the weapons and tlie state of pi*eservation of the piles. Thus, the Urus has only occurred at Moosseedorf and Robenhausen ; the Aurochs only at Wauwyl ; the Bear only at Moosseedorf and Meilen. A glance at the table given at page 250, will show that several other species have as yet only occurred at Moosseedorf and Roben- hauseu, a fact however whidi indicates rather the richness than the 44 OEiaiKAIi ABTICLES. antiquity of these localities. Possibly indeed we may consider tlie presence of these larger species as an indication of their greater abun- dance in the oldest period ; but we must not forget that not only the Bear and the Elk, but also the Aurochs and Urus come down to a much later period. On the other hand, the abundance of wUd animals, and the fact tliat at Moosseedorf and Wauwyl the Fox was more abundant than the Dog, while elsewhere the reverse is the case, certainly speaks in favour of the greater antiquity of these two settlements. The evidence derived from the distribution of the domestic animals is perhaps more satisfactory. The Sheep is present even at Moossee- dorf, though not so numerous as at the Steinberg. On the other hand, the Horse is frequent at the Steinberg, while at Moosseedorf only a single tooth was discovered, and even this had been worn as an amulet or an ornament, and may have been brought from a distance. Finally, the domestic Hog of the present race is absent from all the Pileworks of the Stone period, excepting perhaps the one at "W^.u- wyl, and becomes frequent only at the Steinberg. If succeeding investigations confirm the conclusions thus indicated, we may perhaps conclude that the domestic animals, which were com- paratively rare in the Stone period, became more frequent after the introduction of bronze, a change indicating and perhaps producing an alteration of habits on the part of the inhabitants. Eare, indeed, as they may have been, Oxen, Horses, Sheep, and Groats could not be successfully kept through the winter in the cli- mate of Switzerland, without stores of provisions and some sort of shelter. A pastoral people, therefore, must have reached a higher grade than a mere nation of hunters. We know, moreover, in another man- ner, that at this period agriculture was not entirely imknown. Thia is proved in the most unexpected manner, by the discovery of car- bonised Cereals at various points. Wheat is most common, ha\'ing been found at Meilen, Moosseedorf, and Wangen. At the latter place, indeed, many bushels were found, the grains being united in large thick lumps. At other times the grains are free, and without chalF, resembling our present wheat in size and form, while more rarely they are still in the ear. Ears of the Hordeum hexastichon L. (the six rowed Barley) are somewhat numerous. This species differs from the H. vulgare L. in the number of rows and in the smaller size of the grains. According to De CandoUe, it was the species gene- rally cultivated by the ancient Eomans, Grreeks, and Egyptians. In the ears from Wangen, each row has generally ten or eleven grains, which however are smaller and shorter than those now grown. StiU more unexpected was the discovery of bread, or rather cakes, for leaven does not appear to have been used. They were flat and round, from an inch to 15 lines in thickness, and, to judge from one specimen, had a diameter of four or five inches. In other cases the grains seem to have been roasted, coarsely ground between stones, and then either stored up in large earthenware pots, or eaten after being slightly moistened. A similar mode of preparing grain was used in the Canary Islands at the time they were conquered by Spain, LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZEELAND. 45 and even now constitutes the principal food of the poorer classes. In what manner the ground was prepared for the cultivation of corn we know not, as no agricultural implements have as yet been found except sickles : it is probable however that bent stakes supplied the place of the plough. Carbonised Apples and Pears have also been found at Wangen, sometimes whole, sometimes cut into two, or more rarely into four pieces, which had evidently been dried and put aside for winter use. The apples are more frequent than the pears, and have been found not only at "Wangen, but also at Eobenhauseu in Lake Pfeffikon, and at Concise in Lake Neufchatel. Both apples and pears are small and resemble those which still grow wild in the Swiss forests. No traces of the Vine, the Cherry, or the Damson have yet been met with, but stones of the Wild Plum and the Prunus padus have been found. Seeds of the Easpberry and Blackberry and shells of the Hazel nuts and beechnuts occur plentifully in the mud. From aU this, therefore, it is evident that the nourishment of the dwellers in the Pileworks consisted of corn and wild fruits, of fish, and the flesh of wild and domestic animals. Doubtless also milk waa an important article of their diet. The list of plants found in the Pileworks stands as follows : — Pinus abies. „ picea. „ sylvestris. Quercus Eobur. Fagus sylvaticus. Populus tremula. Betula alba. Alnus glutinosa. Corylus avellana. Prunus spinosa. „ padus. Eubus idasus. „ fruticosus. Wlieat. Hordeum distichum. „ hexastichon. Trapa natans.— This species was supposed to be extinct in Switzerland ; but, as M. Troyon informs me by letter, it has recently been discovered in a living condition. It has, however, become very rare. Plax. Hemp. Juncus. Arundo. Neither Oats nor Rye have yet been found. Small pieces of twine and bits of matting made of hemp and flax may have been parts of some article of clothing. Por the latter purpose also there can be 46 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. little doubt tliat the skins of animals were used, and some of tlie stone implements seem well adapted to assist in their preparation, Wilde the bone pins, and the needles made from the teeth of boars, may have served to fasten them together. The Pottery of the Stone a^e presents nearly the same charac- ters in all the settlements. Very rude and coarse, it is generally found in broken pieces, and few entire vessels have been obtained. The potter's wheel seems to have been unknown, and the baking was very imperfect. The form was frequently cylindrical, but several of the jars were rounded at the base, and without feet. The rings of pottery, which at a later epoch were used as stands for these earthen tumblers, are not found in the Lake habitations of the Stone period, but some of the vessels had small projections which were pierced in such a manner that strings might be passed through them, and the vessels might in this manner be suspended. Some of them were also pierced by small holes at different levels. Professor Heer suggests that these may have been used in the prejDaration of curds, the small holes being intended to permit the escape of the milk. Several of the vessels are ornamented with simple marliings, generally mere impressions of the finger or of the nail. Neitl;er in the Stone, nor in the Bronze period, do we ever find either in the pottery, or on the bronze weapons, any representation, however rude, of a7i animal ; the ox'namentation being generally confined to straight or curved lines, forming in many cases a very elegant ornament. One vase, however, which was foimd at Wangen, is distinguished by more elaborate ornaments, the lines being evidently intended to re- present leaves. The lakes on which Pileworks of the Stone era have as yet been foiuid, are Constance, Zurich, Bienne, Neufchatel, Geneva, Inkwyl, Nussbaumen, Pfeffikon, Moosseedorf, and Wauwyl. Settle- ments of the Bronze period existed on the Lakes of Geneva, Luissel, Neufchatel, Morat, Bienne, and Sempach, but none have as yet been found on Lake Constance. It has been supposed from this that the age of Stone lasted longer in Eastern than in "Western Switzerland, and that flint and serpentine were in use on Lake Constance long after Bronze had replaced them on the Western Lakes. We can hardly suppose that the inliabitants of Inkwyl and Moosseedorf in Berne, who imported flint from France, can have been iguorant of the neighbouring civilization on the Lake of Bienne. Perhaps, however, settlements of the Bronze age may yet be found on the Lake of Constance ; but as the question noAV stands, Pileworks of tlie Metallic period are pecidiar to Western and Central Switzerland. The constructions of the latter period are more solidly built, but do not otherwise appear to have differed materially from those of the Stone age. They are often, however, situated farther from the laud and in deeper water, partly no doubt on account of the greater facility of working timber, but partly also, perhaps, because more protection was needed as the means of attack were improved. The principal implements of Bronze are, swords. LUBBOCK 0?r THE ANCIENT LAKE UABITATIONS OF SWITZEELAND. 47 daggers, axes, spear heads, knives, arrow heads, pins, and ornaments. TiicTnumber of these weapons wliich have been discovered is already verv great. From the settlement at Estavayer, in Lake Neufchatel, the follow- ing collection of bronze implements has been obtained : — • Pius with large spherical and ornamented heads 36 „ ordinary heads - - • • .9^ Knives Bracelets Sickles Axe Hook . Chisel . Small rings Buttons Dagger blade Arrow head . Pieces of spiral wire 26 15 5 1 1 1 27 2 1 1 6 Maldng altogether .... 214 objects of bronze. Again at Merges (Lake of Greneva) forty -two bronze hatchets and thirteen pins have been fomid. From the Steinberg M. Schwab has obtained five hundred bronze hair-pins, besides other instruments of the same metal. Tliese are of the same type as those found in other parts of Europe, and the swords are characterised, as usual, by the small space alloAved for the hand. They were, however, made in Switzerland, as is shown by the discovery at Merges of a mould for celts, and at Estavayer of a bar of tin. The pottery of this period was more varied and more skilfully made than that of the Stone age, and the potter's wheel was already in use. Eings of earthenware are common, and appear to have been used as supports for the round bottomed vases. As neither copper nor tin occur in Switzerland, the possession of bronze implies the existence of commerce. It is difficult to say from whence the copper was obtained, but Saxony and Cornwall are the only parts of Europe which produce tin. It is, however, possible that Asia may have supplied both the one and the other. The presence of amber shows that there must have been a certain amount of conuiiunication with Xorthern Europe. The Pileworks of Switzerland appear to have become gi'adually less numerous. During the Stone age they were spread over the whole coimtry. Confined during the Bronze era to the Lakes of AVestern Switzerland, during that of Iron, we find them only on the Lakes of Bienne and Neufchatel. In these settlements not only has a new substance made its appearance, but the forms of the imple- ments are different. We have indeed copies of the bronze axes made in iron, just as we found before that the early bron^.e celts were copies of the still earlier stone axe, but these are exceptional cases. 48 OEIGIKAL AETICLES. The swords have larger handles and are more richly ornamented ; the knives have straight edges ; the sickles are larger ; the pottery is more skilfully made and is ornamented with various colours ; the personal ornaments are also more varied, and glass for the first time makes its appearance. Col. Schwab has found at the Steinberg more than twenty cres- cents, made of earthenware, and with the convex side flattened, to serve as a foot. They are compressed at the sides, sometimes plain, sometimes ornamented, from eight to twelve inches from one horn to the other, and from six to eight inches in height. They are con- sidered by Dr. Keller to be religious emblems, and are taken as evi- dence of moon- worship. He refers to Pliny, xvi. 95 ; " Est autem id " (viscum) rarum admodum iuventu et repertum magna religione peti- " tur et ante omnia sexta luna, quae principia mensum annorumque his " facit, et sseculi post tricesimum annum, quia jam virium abunde " habeat nee sit sui dimidia ; omnia sanantem appelaides suo vocabulo.^' Tliis passage he translates as follows : " The misletoe is however very rare, but when it is found it is gathered with great religious ceremony, especially on the sixth day of the moon, at which epoch begin their months, years, and divisions of thirty years, because it has then suffi- cient force, and yet is not in the middle of its course ; calling it Heal- all in their language." This name has generally been referred to the misletoe. (See The Celt, Eoman and Saxon, p. 48.) But the S^-iss archaeologists consider that this is a mistake, and that it propei'ly refers to the moon. A field of battle at Tiefenau, near Berne, is remarkable for the great number of iron weapons and implements which have been found on it. Pieces of chariots, about a hundred swords, pieces of coat of mail, lance heads, rings, fibulse, ornaments, utensils, pieces of pottery and of glass, accompanied by more than thirty pieces of Gaulish and Massaliote money anterior to our era, enable us to refer this battle- field to the Eoman era. After this period we find no more evidences of Lake habitations on a large scale. Here and there indeed a few fishermen may have lingered on the half-destroyed platforms, but the wants and habits of the people had changed, and the age of Pileworks was at an end. We have, however, traced them through the Stone and Bronze dowai to the beginning of the Iron period. We have seen evidences of a gradual progress in civilization, and improvement in tlie arts, an increase in the domestic animals, and proofs at last of the existence of an extended commerce. We found the country inhabited only by rude savages and we leave it the seat of a powerful nation. Changes so important as these are not effected in a day ; the progress of the human mind is but slow ; and the gradual additions to human know- ledge and power, like the rings in trees, enable us to form some idea how distant must be the date of their commencement. So varied however are the conditions of the human mind, so much are all na- tions affected by the influence of others, that when we attempt to LUBBOCK ON THE AKCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF SWITZERLAND. 49 express our impressions, so to say, in terms of years, we are bafSed by the complexity of tlie problem, 'aud cau but confess our ignorance. Occasionally indeed we obtain a faint glimmer of light, but the result is only to show us obscurely a long vista, without enabling us to de- fine any well-marked points of time. Thus in Denmark we found three periods of arborescent vegetation, corresponding to the three epochs of human development, and we know that the extermination of one species of forest tree and its replacement by another is not the work of a day. The Swiss archaeologists, however, have attempted to make an estimate somewhat more definite than this. Tlie torrent of the Tiniere* at the point where it falls into the Lake of Greneva, near Villeneuve, has gradually built up a cone of gravel and alluvium. In the formation of the railway this cone has been bisected for a length of one thousand feet, and to a depth in the cen- tral part, of about thirty-two feet six inches above the level of the rails. Tlie section of the cone thus obtained shows a very regular structure, which proves that its formation was gradual. It is composed of the game materials (sand, gravel, and larger blocks) as are even now brought down by the stream. The detritus does indeed difter slightly from year to year, but in the long run the differences compensate for one another, so that when considering long periods and the struc- ture of the whole mass, the influences of these temporary variations, which arise from meteorological causes, altogether disappear, and need not therefore be taken into account. Documents preserved in the archives of Yilleneuve show that in the year 1710 the stream was dammed up and its course a little altered, which makes the present cone slightly ii-regnlar. That the change was not of any great antiquity is also shown by the fact that on the side where the cone was protected by the dykes, the vegetable soil, where it has been affected by cultivation, does not exceed two to three inches in thickness. On this side, thus protected by the dykes, the railway cutting has exj)osed three layers of vegetable soil, each of which must, at one time, have formed the surface of the cone. They are regularly intercalated among the gravel, and exactly parallel to one another, as well as to the present surface of the cone, which itself follows a very regular curve. The first of these ancient surfaces was followed on the south side of the cone, over a surface of 15,000 square feet ; it had a thickness of four to six inches, and occurred at a depth of about four feet (1.14 metre measured to the base of the layer) below the present surface of the cone. Tliis layer belonged to the Eoman period, and contained lioman tiles, and also a coin. The second layer was followed over a siu'face of 25,000 square feet ; it was six inches in thickness and lay at a depth of 10 feet (2.97 metres, also measured to the bottom of the layer). In it have been found several fragments of unvarnished pottery, and a pair of tweezers in bronze, which to judge from the style belonged to the * See IMoiiot, Le^on d'OuvcrUirc, &c. N. H. E.— 1862. E 50 OT?TGTNAL ATITTCLES. Bronze epoch. The third layer has been followed for 3500 square feet ; it was six or seven inches in thickness, and lay at a depth of 19 feet (5.69 metres) below the present surface : in it were found some fragments of very rude pottery, some pieces of charcoal, some bro- ken bones, and a human skeleton with a small, round, and very thick skull. Fragments of charcoal were even found a foot deeper, and it is also worthy of notice that no trace of tiles was found below the upper layer of earth. Towards the centre of the cone, the three layers disappear, since, at this part, the torrent has most force, and has deposited the coarsest materials, even some blocks as much as three feet in diameter. The farther we go from this central region the smaller are the inateriala deposited, and the more easily might a layer of eai-th, formed since the last great inundations, be covered over by fresh deposits. Thus, at a depth of ten feet, in the gravel on the south of the cone, at a part where the laj^er of earth belonging to the bronze age had already disappeared, two unrolled bronze implements were dis- covered. They had probably been retained by their weight, when the earth, which once covered them, was washed away by the torreiit. After disappearing towards the centre of the cone, the three layers reappear on the north side, at slightly greater depth, but with the same regularity and the same relative position. The layer of the Stone age was but slightly interrupted, while that of the Bronze era was easily distinguishable by its peculiar character and colour. Here, therefore, we have phenomena so regular, and so well marked that we may apply to them a calculation, with some little confidence of at least approximate accuracy. Making then some allowances, for instance, admitting three hundred years instead of one hundred and fifty, for the period since the embankment, and taking the Eoman period as representing an antiquity of from sixteen to eighteen cen- turies, we should have for the age of Bronze an antiquity of from 2900 to 4200 years, for that of the Stone period from 4700 to 7000 years, and for the whole cone an age of from 7400 to 11,000 years. M. Morlot thinks that we should be most nearly correct in deducting two hundred years only for the action of the dykes, and in attri- buting to the Eoman layer an antiquity of sixteen centuries, that is to say, in referring it to the middle of the third century. This would give an age of 3800 years for the Bronze age and 6400 jeam for that of Stone, but on the whole he is inclined to suppose for the former an antiquity of from 3000 to 4000 years, and for the latter of from 5000 to 7000 years. In the settlement at the foot of Mt. Chamblon we have, according to M. Troyon, a second instance in which we obtain at least some approximation to a date. The intei'est which attaches to this case Arises from the fact that Pileworks have been found in the peat at a considerable distance from the lake, whereas it is evident that at the time of their construction the spot in which they occur must have been under water, as this mode of building would have been quite LUBBOCK ON THE ANCIENT LAKE HABITATIONS OF 8WITZEELAND. 51 out of place on dry laud. This however indicates a very consider- able antiquity, since the site of the ancient city Eburodunum must have been, at tliat time, entirely covered by the lake, and yet the name, which is of Celtic origin, denotes that there was a town here even before the Eoman period. In order, however, to form an idea of the time at which the dwellings at Chamblon were left dry by the retirement of the lake, we must have in the valley a point of deter- mined age, to serve as a term of comparison, and such a point we find in the ancient city of Eburodunum (Tverdon), which was built on a dune extending from Jorat to the Thiele. Between this dune and the lake, on the site at present occupied by the city of Tverdon no traces of Eoman antiquities have ever been dis- covered, from which it is concluded that it was at that period under water. If then we admit that at the close of the fourth century the lake washed the walls of the Castrum Eburodense, we shall have fifteen centuries as the period requned to eftect this change. The zone thus luicovered in fifteen hundred years is 2500 feet in breadth, and as the piles at Chamblon are at least 5500 feet from the water, it may be in- ferred that three thousand three hundred years must have elapsed since they were left diy. This Lake-dwelling belonged to the Bronze period, and the date thus obtained, agrees pretty well with that obtained from the examination of the Cone de la Tiniere. M. Troyon adds that " rien ne fait soup^onner, pendant I'epoque humaine et anterieurement " a notre ere, des conditions d'accroisement difterentes de celles qiu ont " eu lieu posterieurement aux Eomains; le resultat obtenu est meme un " minimum, vu que la vallee va se retrecissant du cote du lac et que " nous avons admis la presence de celui-ci au pied meme d'Eburodunum " dans le JY^ siecle de I'ere chretienne, tandis qu'il est probable que " la retraite des eaux n'a pas ete insensible depuis le moment ou les " Eomains se sont fixes sur ce point." However this may be, and while freely admitting in how many respects this calculation is open to objection, we may stiU observe that the result agrees in some measure "wdth that given by the Cone de la Tiniere. The ancient history of Greece and Eome, as far as it goes, tends to confirm these dates, since we know that at the time of Homer and Hesiod, arms were, in part at least, made of iron, and as we Ivnow that, at a very early period, there was a certain amount of commerce between Helvetia and the shores of the Mediterranean, we can hardly suppose that a metal so immensely important as iron, can have remained unknown in the former country, long after it was gene- rally used throughout the latter. Still, though we must not conceal from ourselves the imperfection of the archaeological record, we need not despair of eventually obtaining some more definite chronology. Our knowledge of primitive anti- quity has made an enormous stride in the last ten years, and the future is full of hope. I am glad to hear from M. Troyon that the Swiss archjpologists are continuing their labours. They may feel assured that we in England await with interest the results of their investigations. e2 52 OEiaiNAL ABTTCLES. Bos PRiMiGENius. A. Skiill of tlic existing Race, after RUtimeycr. — B. Fossil skull. Owen's British Fossil Mammals and Birds. B. LONGIFRONS. A. Skull of the existing Racc, after Eiitimejer, — B. Fossil skull. Owen's British Fossil Mammals and Bu'ds. B. FRONTOSUS. A. Skull of the existing Race, after Riitimcyer. — B. Fossil skull, after Nillson. 53 YI._]SrEw Eeseaeches respecting the Co-existence oe Man WITH THE Great Fossil Mammals, regarded as Charac- teristic OF THE LATEST GrEOLOGiCAL PERIOD. By M. Edward Lartet. (Ann, des Sc. Nat. 4me Serie. Tom. XV.) The town of Auriguac, situated in the arrondissement of St. Gaudens (Haute Garonne), is placed nearly on the summit of one of five eminences, constituting a hiUy range, whose geognostic formation and upheaved strata manifest its relations with the dislocated spurs of the Pyrenean system. The contour of this oreographic projection, in which the strata of the chalk and of the uummulitic or supracretaceous rock are not always incHned in the same direction, differs but little from that of the tertiary hiUs which rise below it to the west. The confused and miinformed traveller, consequently, approaching Aurig- uac from that side, would not perceive the transition which is manifested under his feet, were not his attention awakened by a sudden change in the nature of the rocks and by the evidences of dislocation presented in the road-cuttings. The road leading from Aurignac to the little town of Boulogne in the same arrondissement, runs pretty nearly from east to west, on the southern flank of the mountain of Portel. On the opposite side, to the south, rises the mountain of Fajoles,* forming an_ elongated, saddle- shaped ridge, which runs in pretty nearly the same direction, and which, though of lower elevation, and nowhere precipitous, is nevertheless completely isolated from all the hydrogra])hic influences of the district. Between these two eminences, or mountains, is a contracted valley along whose bottom runs the brook of Eodes or Arrodes, which, on reaching, a little more to the west, the foot of the mountain of Portel, turns sharply round to the north, and after running a few kilometres to the north-west joins the Louge, a small river which takes its rise on the plateau of Lanemezan. * In the patois of the cotmtry : 3[ountagno de las Najoles, mountain of Beeches. But at the present time not a single beech tree is to be fomid either on this moun- tain or in the surrounding country, nor does there exist any rememljrancc or tradition even of their formerly having flourished there. The arboreal vegetation of any region is subject to great variations in the progress of time, even indepen- dently of any change in the climatal conditions. The valuable researches of Professor J. Steenstrup on the Skovmosses, or Forest Turf-bogs of Denmark, have shown, that in that coimtry there have been three distinct periods of arboreal vegetation since the existence of man : 1, that of the Pine ; 2, that of the OaJi; and 3, that of the Beech, which continues to the present day. The soil, in process of time, becomes exhausted of the elements more especially adapted to the nutrition of forests of one kind or another. The disappearance of this vegetation involves that of the species of animals which feed upon the foliage. The Cock of the Woods, which was common in Denmark in the Pine-period, no longer exists there. The discoveries of M. Tournal in the caverns of the Aude shows that at a certain epoch in the pre-historic period, man consumed for food the Stag, Reindeer, Wild Goat, Eelix nemoralis, Sj-c. At the present day the Stag is no longer found in the south of France, the Reindeer has retired to the Arctic regions of Europe, the Wild Goat is scarcely represented by rare descendants on the lofty peaks of the Alps and Pyrenees, whilst Helix nemoralis has entirely disappeared with the forests from that part of the country. 54 ORIGINAL AETICLES. Following the rapid descent of the road from Aurignac to Bou- logne for about a mile, (1600 metres), the traveller reaches a point whence, on the opposite side of the valley, the low ridge of the mountain of Fajoles does not rise more than about twenty metres above the stream of the Eodes. On the northern slope of this eminence may be seen an escarpment, more or less natural, of the nummulitic rock (calcaire a melonies of M. Leymerie), and on the side of this a sort of niche, or shallow gi-otto, whose arched entrance looks to the N.W. The floor of this excavation, which is now completely cleared out, is not more than 2i metres in horizontal depth, with an extreme width of 3 metres at the en- trance. It is situated about 13 or 14 metres above the level of the stream. Outside the grotto, and a little below it, the calcareous soil forms a sort of platform, some metres in extent, slightly inclined towards the brook, and leaning on the south against the escarpment of the rock, the perpendicularity of which had, probably, originally been in part produced by the hand of man. Ten years ago the existence of this cavern was unknown. Its approaches were concealed under a heap, or talus, formed of frag- ments of the rock and vegetable soil, probably throvsm down solely by atmospheric agency. The place, nevertheless, was often resorted to by the sportsmen of the neighbourhood, owing to the circumstance that at a point in the outer heap of earth, pretty nearly on a level with the vault of the grotto, there was a hole, into which the rabbits, when hotly pursued, were accustomed to take refuge. A labouring man, J. B. Bomiemaison, employed in the breaking of stones for the repair of the neighbouring road, was led to intro- duce his hand and arm into this hole, whence, to his great surprise, he brought out a bone of considerable size. At once suspecting the existence of a subterranean cavity, and cm'ious to find out what it contained, he dug away part of the talus below the opening. At the end of some hours he came upon a large slab of stone, of no great thickness, and placed vertically in front of an arched opening, wbich it closed completely, leaving only a hole, resorted to by the rabbits, imcovered. Wlien tliis slab was removed, he noticed a cer- tain quantity of bones and skulls, whicli he at once recognized as human. The bones, which belonged to several skeletons, were found partly imbedded in a loose soil, whicli might have been introduced into the sepulchre at the time of interment. This discovery of Bonnemaison's was quicldy noised abroad ; the curious in sucli matters flocked to the place, and various conjectures were formed to explain the occiuTence of sucb an abundance of human remains in a situation so remote from any actual habitation. The older inhabitants of the district recalled the circumstance that at a remote period, a band of coiners had been surprised in the exercise of their nefarious industry, in a solitary house at no great distance from the spot. This was held sufficient to justify the popular impres- sion that tliesc gentry had been also guilty of numerous murders, LAETET ON HUMAN BEMAINS. 55 tlie traces of which they had concealed by depositing the bodies of theii' victims in this cavity, whose existence was known only to themselves. In order to put a stop to all these conjectures, Dr. Amiel, at that time Mayor of Aurignac, caused all the human remains to be col- lected, and re-interred in the parish burial-ground. But previous to this translation of the relics, he ascertained, to his own satisfaction, by counting the number of certain homologous portions of the skeletons, that they must have belonged to 17 individuals. Some of the characteristic forms found among them appeared to him refer- rible to females ; whilst other portions, from their incomplete ossilica-^ tion, denoted the presence of young subjects below the age of puberty.* It should also be remarked, that among the human bones taken from the interior of the cavern, J. B. Bonnemaison distin- guished several teeth of large mammals, both carnivorous and her- bivorous. He also collected in the same situation, eighteen small discs, pierced in the centre, doubtless that they might be strmig together as a necklace or bracelet. These discs, which were of a whitish compact substance, fell iuto various hands; some w^ere sent, with some mammalian teeth, to IM. Leymerie, by M. Vieu, superin- tendent of roads and bridges at Aurignac, whose researches in this district of the department have afforded numerous and useful mate- rials for the study of the paleontology of the Haute- Garonne. Shortly afterwards M. Leymerie ti-ansmitted to me the mamma- lian teeth, with the information respecting them with which he had himself been furnished, viz., that they had been foiuid on the moun- tain of Pajoles. Amongst them I recognized the molars of the Horse, Ox, (Aurochs ?) a canine tooth of the Hyena, another canine which appeared to me to belong the gi'eat cave Felis, two other teeth of a smaller carnivore, probably a Fox, and, lastly, the point of a Stages antler. Subsequently, on my journey to Toulouse, M. Leymerie showed me the small perforated discoid bodies, which had been sent to him at the same time A\dth the above teeth. The hurried examiuation that we made of these objects, whose origin had not then been indi- * According to the report of Bonnemaison, the mass of human bones, at the time they were removed from the cavern, included two enth'e crania, but when M. Amiel reached the spot these were no longer so. The operations of removal, trans- port, and second iulimnation, would necessarily occasion other alterations in bones rendered so fragile from their antiquity; but nevertheless the examination of these remains, such as they were, appeared to be very desirable. Measurements taken fi-om the bones of so many individuals, would have afforded, to some extent, the means of deducing the average stature and proportions of this unknown race ; and from the fragments of the face and skull, indications of some value, respecting the general form of the head, might also have been obtained. But unfortunately no one at Aurignac, not even the sexton, after an interval of eight years, retained any recollection of the precise spot at which these human remains had been deposited in a common trench. 56 OBIGINAL ARTICLES. cated with sufficient precision, did not allow of our ascertaining tlie material of which they were composed, nor of forming any opinion with respect to the pui'poses for which they might be intended. But M. Leymerie having been so obliging as to forward them to me at Paris, through our common friend M. Collomb, I have been enabled to determine their structure, which appears to me to be analogous with that of certain marine shells. The slightly convex face of some of the discs, though worn and half polished by artificial rubbing, still affords some traces of the projecting cost(B of the shell of a species of Cardium. My first surmise to this effect has since been confirmed by the stricter examination, which M. Deshayes, at my request, has been good enough to make of one of these bodies.* * M. de Vibrayc has recently obtained twenty -four s)nall perforated discs of tlie same material and form. These were found in a cromlech in the dejiartment of the Lozere about five miles from Meude ; tlii.s cromlech, which had probably been used as a sepulchre, contained human remains, together with some bones of animals of existing species. There were also found, at the same time and place, a long flint- knife, with some spear- and arrow-heads of the same material. These latter olijccts, from the finish of their manufacture, and the other accessories of the burial jilace, indicated an epoch far more recent than that of the Aurignac cavern. Perforated beads of the same form but in different materials, are not rare in the necklaces and other ornaments found amongst the Assyrian antiquities. It is well known, that at St. Achcul near Amiens, in the same diluvial beds that have furnished so many flint implements, there have also been collected a consider- able number of beads, mostly formed of the poly]iaries of Coscinopora (jlohdaris Beads of this kind, many of which are pierced artificially, are not rare in collections, and they may be seen in the Louvre, the Cluny Museum, and at tlie Jardin des Plantcs, alongside the flint implements bronglit from St. Achcul. I had noticed in the Assyrian Museum in the Louvre, similar beads which had been found in the excavations at Khorsabad, on the supposed site of the ancient Nineveh. Having obtained from M. Barbet de Jouy, one of the keepers of the Louvre, permission to make a closer comparison between the Khorsabad beads and others recently brought by M. de Vibraye from St. Acheul, we thought it better, in order to give an authoritative support to the surmise we had entertained, to refer the matter to M. ]VIilne-Ed wards, Member of the Institute and Dean of the Faculty of Sciences. The resxdt of the examination made by this competent judge was to show an identity of form and species between at least one of the perforated corals brought from the ruins of Nineveh, and those found in the (Hluvium at St. Achcul. [These bead-like Foraminifera, Orhitollnn concava, according to Mr. Frcstwicli, (Phil. Trans. Vol. 150, p 290), occur abundantly in the Chalk, and they are found some whole and some perforated, so that the latter condition can no longer be regarded as artificial. — Eds.] M. de Longperricr had also pointed out to me a complete identity of form between the obsidian-knives of Mexico, and those of the same material found by M. Place in the foundations of Nineveh, where they had probably been deposited as a kind of votive offering. At the time of the conquest of Mexico, Fernando Cortcz obseiTcd that the native barbers cut the hair and beards of their customers with razors made of obsidian. Fragments of the same mineral and fashioned in a similar manner, have been collected on the field of Marathon, and may be seen in the Museum of Artillery, in the same glass cases with the flint arms of ancient Gaul. Thus wo perceive the same form cmploj'cd in the same manner, at extreme geographical distances apart, and at very considerable chronological intervals. " Man," says M. Troyon, (Habitations lacustres, &c.) " placed under analogous circumstances, acts in an analogous manner, irrespective of time or place." LAETET O^ HUMAN REMAINS. 57 All remembrance of Boimemaisou's discovery was nearly lost, when, passing through Anrignae in October, 1860, the circumstances attending it were related to me by M. Vieu, with details not before given, and which led me to decide upon visiting the place. I went there, accompanied by three workmen, one of whom was the original discoverer of the cave. The sepulchral vault, in the partially cleared state it had been left by him, was at that time, on the level of the floor, 2J metres deep, and 2| metres high, measured at the centre of the arched entrance, which, as has been before stated, looked towards the N.W. The accompanying wood-cut represents a section of this cavity, or grotto, as it was at the time of my visit, and before the removal of the layer B, composed of loose earth and fragments of rock, in which I still found several human bones imbedded, together with flint implements, worked portions of Reindeer's horn, and a consider- able number of mammalian bones, in a state, comparatively speaking, of remarkable nreservation. In the figure, the layer £ in the interior of the grotto is represented as continuous with the external layer C, in which the very numerous mammaUan bones were all found broken, or even comminuted, and moreover sometimes burnt or gnawed by cai'nivorous animals. When I inquired of Bonnemaison whether, at the time he discovered the cave, the continuity of the interior layer B with that on the exterior marked C, were not interrupted by the vertical stone slab, by which the entrance was closed, he was unable to give any positive reply. The two parallel dotted Hues therefore, indicating in F the place occupied by the slab, have been continued only to the siu'face of the layer as it existed at the time of my visit. If the stone slab had been preserved, it would have been sufiicient to put it in its original place to ascertain whether it extended below the level of the bone layer, but unfortimately Bonnemaison had found it convenient to break it up for road material. However this may be, the perfect state of preservation of the bones imbedded in the interior layer of the grotto, denotes that the carnivorous animals, the Hj'enas amongst 68 OEIOINAL ARTICLES, others, had at no time beeu able to get iu. It may be supposed that at each occasiou of a burial the slab was removed for the moment, and replaced as soon as the ceremony Avas finished. The most rational explanation that can be oflered of the presence of the remains of animals within the sepulchre is, that they had been introduced as part of the funeral rites, — a proceeding of which analogous instances may be found in many of the sepulchres of primordial times.* As regards the posture of the skeletons, and the direction in which they lay, I was imable to obtain any information from their discoverer. It is evident that the floor of the grotto was not wide enough to allow the bodies of seventeen indi\'iduals to be placed side by side in the extended posture, and that its height was insufficient to admit of their being heaped one upon another. But the semi- circular configuration of the sepulchre aftbrds good ground for the supposition that the attitude given to the bodies was that which is well known to have been adopted in many of the sepulchres of primi- tive times ; that is to say, with the body in a sitting or crouching posture, and bent downwards upon itself. This practice would not only economize the space occupied by each individual, but woidd also, according to some archaeologists, realize the symbolic thought of restoring to the earth, — our common mother, — the body of the man who had ceased to live, in the same^postiire that it had before his birth, in the bosom of his individual mother.f It is for this reason, that in the figure of the cavern I have represented three skeletons iu the crouching posture, warning the reader, at the same time, that the representation is altogether hypothetical. Having noted these particulars respecting the circumstances con- nected with the first discovery of the sepxdchre, I proceeded to the examination of the disturbed layer of loose earth remaining in it. The first strokes of the pickaxe disclosed a tooth and sevei-al human bones, after which was tui*ned up an implement or weapon, made of Stag's or Reindeer's horn, in the form of a slender tapering spike, about 9 inches long, and carefully rounded. The lower extreun'ty was about half-an-inch wide, and bevelled off on each side, as if in- tended to be fitted uito a handle ; the point was broken off and could not be recovered. Close to this were found half of a Horse's jaw- bone, some teeth of the Aurochs, the lower jaw of a lieindeer, and * This kind of votive oflerinp; is rcniarkcil in the sepulchral monuments of the so-temied Dniidical, or Celtic type, as well as in the more reccut tumuli of Gaul, both before and after its subjugatitni by Kome. I have even been able to trace, in a sepulchre evidently not more ancient than tlie 10th century of our era, a continu- ation of this ancient custom of burying witli the defunct his horse, arms, objects of att'cction, broken earthenware, trophies of the chase, and the bones of animals botli wild and domesticated. t This attitude of the body bent upon itself, has been noticed in most of the primordial sepultures of the north and centre of Europe, and it has been also observed in the foundations of Babylon. Diodorus Sicnlus informs us that it was ]iractised by the Troglodytes, a pastoral people of Ethiopia. In more recent times it is seen iu use among various peoples iu America, and some of the youth Sea Islauds. LAETET ON HUMAN EEMAINS, 59 gome entire bones of the great cave Bear, (Ursus spelwus),Yox, &e., &c. Outside the cave, where the heap of fallen earth D still re- mained, and whose upper border is indicated by a dotted line, I noticed, at the base, at E, a blackish layer, evidently composed of ashes, and of fragments of charcoal and of earth like the surrounding vegetable sod. On breaking with a hammer the surface of this layer of ashes and charcoal, I detached some taurine teeth (Aurochs), teeth of the lieindeer, and some fragments of bone, blackened by the action of fire. Upon this, the methodical and complete exploration of all the layers, more or less compact or loose, and both within and without the cave, was at once undertaken. The work, which was performed by intelligent men, and constantly under my own superintendence, was completed on two occasions, with an interval of several days. The following are the results obtained : — The lower layer E, composed of ashes and charcoal, taken as a start- ing point among such a complexity of circumstances as are evidenced in this locality, iudicates in reality the presence of man and the existence of a fire-place or hearth, around which it must be supposed he made his repasts. This hearth was several square metres in extent, and consti- tuted a sort of platform formed of the nummulitic rock, fi'agments of which had been laid so as to level the natural inequalities of the surface ; which here and there presented a good many ^•ery thin plates of fissile sandstone, most of which were reddened by the action of fire. The nearest locality at the present day, where this fissile stone is found, is a distance of some hundreds of metres on the other side of the valley, at the foot of the mountain of Portel. The layer of ashes and charcoal, whose proportionate thickness is exaggerated in the figure, was not in reaHty more than from six to eight inches thick, and it gradually thinned off towards the entrance of the grotto, into which it did not extend. There were found in it a very great number of teeth, principally of herbivorous animals, together Avith many hundi-eds of fragments of their bones. Some of the bones were carbonized, and others simply reddened from having been exposed to a low heat. The greater uiunber did not appear to have been subjected to the action of fire. The majority of the frag- ments were those of long bones having medullary cavities, and of tliese, almost aU appeared to have been broken in a uniform manner. A great many of those which had not been exposed to fire bore the marked impress of the teeth of a carnivorous beast, which had left only the thick and compact shafts of the great bones of the Aurochs and Rhinoceros. The discovery, among the very ashes of the fire, of the coprolites of the Hyaena showed that it was that powerful carnivore which had doubtless taken advantage of the absence of man to devour the remains of his repasts. It is also to the voracity of the Hyenas that we may attribute the almost complete absence, either on the hearth or in the ossiferous deposit about it, of the vertebras and other spongy portions of the herbivorous bones. 60 ORiaiNAL ARTICLES. Besides the peculiar mode in wliicli they are broken, denoting that it had been done for the piu'pose of extracting the marrow,* there may- be sometimes observed, on the siu'face of the bones, scratches and shallow cuts, which appear to have been caused by the edge of some instrument employed to remove the flesh. In fact, we collected among the very ashes on the hearth a hun- dred pieces of silex, some of no definite form, but the greater number fashioned after the type so imiversally met with and designated by archaeologists under the name of " knives." It would appear that a portion at least of these implements had been manufactured on the spot, as we found, in the neighbourhood of the hearth, the nuclei of the blocks from which splinters of various dimensions had been struck off. We also found, in the same situation, a stone of a circular form, flattened on two sides with a central depression on each, and constituted of a rock not found in this region of the Pyrenees, and which, from the explanation of its object given me by M. Steiuhauer, Conservator of the Ethnographic Museum at Cojienhagen, was used for renewing, by skilful blows, the edges of the flint knives. Tlie central depression on each flat side was intended for the fingers and thumb in the required manoeuvre.f We also procured from among the ashes two portions of silex broken so as to have niimerous facets, which have been regarded by archaeologists as missiles [sling- stones], and which are rendered more destructive by the numerous angles presented on the surface. Besides these flint arms and knives there were also found, both in the ashes and in the superjacent ossiferous layer, many other instruments of divers forms, and made for the most part of the more compact portion of the Reindeer's horn. Some of these are in the form of arrow-heads, simply lanceolate, and without vdngs or recur- rent barbs, such as are found in arrow-heads of a more recent period. All are broken immediately below the widened base of the lance-shaped portion. Some of these arrows appear to have been reddened by the action of fire, as if they had been left in the flesh of the animal when it Avas cookeni. One of the largest among them exhibits, on its two opjiosite surfices, some impressions in the form of a cross, which, though with some hesitation, may be regarded as having been caused by the teeth of a carnivorous animal in its endea- vours to draw the arrow from the wound (? ?). One of these bone- * Travellers relate that among people who live chiefly on the products of the chase, the maiTow of the bones of the Ilcrbivora is highly appreciated and sometimes reserved for the chiefs. Among the Laps and Grcenlauders the maiTow taken warm from the animal is held one of the greatest dehcacies, and is presented as a mark of honour, according to M. Morlot, to the \Tsitor and Government ofhccrs. — Morlot, Etudes geologico-archeologiqnes en Dancmarch et en Suisse- t lm])lemcnts for the same pui-j)ose have been figured in the " Atlas of Anti- quities of the Stone Age of Denmark," by M. Worsaae. M. Alphonse Milne- Ed\\ai-ds has also informed me that' he saw similar implements m one of the museums iu Holland recently viaitcd by him. LARTET ON KUMAlSr REMATlSrS. 61- implements, in the form of a very slender and sharp-pointed bodkin, appears to have been made from the horn of the Roebuck, which is far more compact and harder, than the horn of the Stag or the Eein- deer. It is in a very good state of preservation, and would still serve to make holes in the skins of animals for the purpose of joining them together vnth a coarse kind of suture. This implement was found in the ossiferous layer above the ashes. Another instrument, also of Eoebuck horn, has an equally sharp point, but is not so tapering that it could serve for a needle or awl, and it might be asked whether it could not have been employed for the piu^pose of tatooing (?). Other implements of various dimensions and in the form of a thinnish blade, represent, according to M. Steinhauer, the polishers, made of Keindeer-horn, used by the Laplanders to smooth the coarse sutures of their skin garments. In support of this supposition it may be noticed that on one of these instruments, the marks of repeated friction may be observed on both sides. Another instrument, of pretty nearly the same shape, appeared to me intended for quite a difterent purpose. On one side, the surface presents all the roughness of the Reindeer's horn, but it has neverthe- less been carefully polished, and it is sensibly cui'ved and concave in a longitudinal direction. The ojjposite side is convex and poHshed throughout. Another blade of Eeindeer horn which is unfortunately broken at each end, exhibits, on one side which is carefully polished, two series of equidistant transverse lines, separated by an interval in the middle of the fragment. On each edge, also, may be observed a series of shallow notches at pretty regular distances apart. Tliese marks and notches suggest the notion that they might be intended to represent numeral signs expressive .of various values, or perhaps belonging to distinct objects. Another portion, of which I am unable to explain the use, is a por- tion of Eeindeer's horn, in the middle of which, at the point where an antler sprang from the stem, is an oval hole or perforation, whose side is marked with grooves resembling, except that they do not run in a spiral direction, the worm of a screw. This fragment was found in the layer of ashes. The handle of some imjjlement made of Eeindeer's horn was found in the interior of the cave, beneath the space where the bodies had been deposited, and in close juxtaposition with several flint imple- ments, worked Avith more care than those left in the fireplace ; a circumstance leading to the supposition that aU these choicer objects had formed a sort of votive offering. The handle in qviestion pre- sents, near the base, the mark of the place whence the lowest, or brow antler had been removed, in order to render the gi'asp more convenient; higher up, is the truncated base of the second antler, which is hollowed out, for some luiknown purpose ; and at the end of the stem portion, is the principal opening for the fixing of the 62 OKTOryAL AETICLES. weapon into the handle, and which is continued to the base of the horn. One of the flint implements above alluded to is a knife manufactured with particular care, and appearing never to have been used. One of the most curious of the relics discovered in this exploration is the canine tooth of a young Great Cave Jiear (JJrsiis s^elceus). Tlie cro'5\"n has been entirely deprived of enamel, afterwards thinned on the two sides, and a groove running along the concave border simulates a sort of buccal commissure, or the opening of a bird's beak ; an oblong fossette visible above and a little behind this, in the situation that would have been occupied by the eve, and surmounted by a superciliary line, completed an ill-defined resemblance to some animal fonn, perhaps a bird's head. The maker, or, as one might say, the artist, who certaijily had at his disposal large canines of the same species of Bear, chose that of a young individual, no doubt because the still existing pulp cavity enabled him to complete the perforation with less trouble. The tooth, in fact, is perforated ft-om end to end, so as to admit of its being suspended by some means. It was foimd very near the entrance of the cave, and exactly at the spot where Bonnemaison, after the removal of the stone slab, had subsequently collected the rubbish from the interior. It had probably been originally interred with one of the bodies as a token of afiection, or as an amulet, and was overlooked when all the human remains were removed byM. Amiel.* It has been remarked that some of the flint implements must have been manufactured on the spot. The same may be said of some articles in Eeindeer horn ; for we collected, partly among the ashes, partly in the superjacent layer of rubbish, the remains of the horns of that animal, from which the antlers and other portions, likely to be made useful as implements, had been removed. The experience acquired by this primitive people had even thus eariy taught them that the shed horns, which at the present day are preferred by cutlers, are better nourished and more compact than those taken in the growing state from the head of the liring animal. A single horn of a yoimg indi^ idual was found, which had been cut off immediately after the death of the animal, doubtless that its soHtaiy point might be used. It was still attached by the base to the frontal bone, and at and below the seat of fracture the striped lines of numerous cuts made with the blunt edge of a flint tool may readily be perceived. ^ijnong the asihes we also found the disjointed laminae of the molars of the Elephant (S. primigenius). In these laminae, from which the enamel is detached, the ivory appears to have been very much al- tered by the action of fii'e. It is impossible to sui-mise the purpose for * In the sepulchres of the ancient Livonians, we are infonncd bv M. Frederick Troyon, that pierced teeth of the Bear are found, which had been worn no doubt as charms or amulets. LAETET O^' nrilAN BEMArN'S. 63 wliicli these were luteudecl ; but tliere can be no doubt tbat tlie teeth had been thus disjointed piu-posely, for in the rubbish above the ashes we found the basal portions of two molars of the Elephant from which it was clear that the upper portion, in which the laminae are longer and ^-ider, had been detached. Particles of charcoal are still adhe- rent to one of these fragments. This is all that we discovered of Elephant's remains.* The portion of the ossiferous rubbish B, comprised between the fii'e- place, or inferior layer of ashes and charcoal, and the rubbly mass of vegetable earth above, which, before Bonnemaison's discovery, con- cealed the entrance of the cave, was nearly a metre in thickness. In it were found, as in the ash-layer, many bones of Herbivora, always broken and comminuted in the same manner, and some also gnawed bv Hvjenas. In the same sitiiation, likewise, we met with scattered particles of charcoal ; the bones of the Carnivora were tolerably abundant. These were often entire, and, when broken, the fracture did not present the uniform character so remarkable in the herbivorous bone ; and none of the carnivorous remains were gnawed, or exhibited any marks of the teeth of the Hyfena.f ISTor on these bones could any of the scratches or incisions made with cutting instruments be perceived, which are so often noticed in the herbivorous bones. J In explanation also of the presence in this situation of a considerable quantity of the remains of Carnivora of different sizes, it may be suggested that these animals served prmcipaUy to furnish skius and furs for clothing and the protection of man against the weather. Nevertheless it should not be forgotten that in the interior of the cave, among the human skeletons and in the soil beneath them, the * It may be asked, -nhy, if Elephants existed at that period at the foot of the Pyrenees, arrows or other implements made of the ivory of then- tusks are not met with. " The Ethiopians in the army of Xerxes," says Herodotus, " used long arrows made of cane, pointed, instead of iron, with a sharp stone. They had also javelins armed with the horns of the Koc-deer (?) pointed and fashioned Hke the head of a lance." Elephants nevertheless existed in Ethiopia, as is proved by the circumstance that ceitain nations in that country were termed Elephantophagi. The Phoenicians, moreover, fetched ivory fiora Ethiopia, with which they traded amongst other nations. But the Ethiopians, like the sub-pyrenean people, had the common sense to perceive that ivory was more difficult to work, more brittle, and less durable than the horns of the various species of Cci-viis. t This circumstance, made me think that in the wild state the Hyena might have a repugnance lo feeding on the tlesh of Carnivora ; but M. Jules VeiTcaux who, when at the Cape of Good Hope, fed domesticated Hyienas with the flesh of the dog, has assured me that llyajnas when retiring in troops into caverns, sometimes devour that of their comrades who may fall sick. Mr. Brown, in his journey to Darfour, relates that when an individual in a troop of Hyaenas is wounded, the rest fall upon and devour him. Dr. Buckknd also was of opinion that in the ossiferous caverns in England, even the bones of the Hytena had been gnawed by their congeners. t In this respect, however, an exception must be made in the case of two frag- ments of a young Ursus spelaus, on one of which more especially (part of the pelvis) may be seen numeroiis streaks, which it might be supposed had been produced by the repeated action of a tool employed to remove the flesh. 64 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. bones of Carnivora were tlie most numerous ; whence it may be supposed tliat tliese animals entered largely into the funeral rites, of which analogous instances may be seen in sepiilchres of a more recent period.* One cii'cumstance struck me as remarkable : that although we collected a gi-eat many lower jaws, almost entire, of Carnivora, and, in the interior of the cave, some of herbivorous animals, not a single upper jaw in the entire state, nor any considerable portion of the cranium of any of these animals were met with. Must we conclude that the crania in general had been broken to pieces for the extraction of the brain ? The North American Indians, accordmg to Hearne, as quoted by M. Morlot, prepared the skins of animals with a lye composed of the brain and marrow. " The Samoiedes," says PaUas, " split up the bones of the Eeindeer, in order to devoiir the marrow quite fresh and raw. Their favourite food consists of the brain taken raw and steaming from the skull ; and they also devour in the raw state, the young horna of the Eeindeer, when they are beginning to sprout." In the soil within the cave at JB, were discovered, as has been said, several human bones which had been left buried in it, after the removal which had been effected, several years before, of the skeletons interred in the burial ground of Aurignac. It was in the same situation that were found the most highly finished flint implements and the finest specimen of worked Eeindeer's horn, as well as an almost entire horn of that animal. The only bones of Herbivora that we obtained in a good state of preservation, were also procured in the same deposit. The carnivorous bones constituted the majority, and amongst these, those of the Fox were the most numerous, after which came those of the Great Cave Bear ( Ursus spelesus). Of this species, one specimen must have been introduced entire, since we found in very close contiguity, the various bones of its skeleton. Amongst the individuals of this great species of Bear whose remains had been conveyed into the cave by the hand of man, one must have been a female in an advanced stage of gestation, for in the loose earth out- side the cave we met with several remains of a foetus nearly at the period of birth. "Whilst the bones of the Herbivora found outside the cave were all broken and comminuted, burnt and gnawed, both those found in the ashes, as Avell as tliose lying in the layer of earth above the ash-layer, the bones found in the interior had, on the contrary, been well preserved, and, in particular, showed no mark of their having been attacked by the teeth of Carnivora. "Whence it may be concluded that these parts of animals had been introduced into the sepulchre for a special purpose ; and, at the same time, that the entrance had been constantly closed against the Hyaenas. * Tlie Laplanders of the ])resent day are not so dainty as we may suppose the aborigmos of Aqiiitainc to have been, for, according to J. Acerbi, (Voyage au C;ip Nord) they cat inditi'crcntly the Bear, Wolf, Fox, Otter, and Seal. LARTET 0?r nTTMA?T EE1MATK9. 65 Tlie general assemblage of the Mammalian remains collected at Aurignac, shows that the Carnivora, in number of species, were almost equal to the Herbivora. Subjoined are lists of both, with an approximate valuation of the number of individuals referrible to each species. 1. TJrsus spelceu9 2. TJrsus Arctos ? 3. Heles Taxus 4. Putoriiis vulgaris 5. Felis spelcsa 6. Felis Catus ferus 7. Hi/cena spelcea 8. Canis Lupus 9. Canis Vulpes 1. Caeitivgra. Number of individuals. 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 18 — 6 — 2 — 6 — 20 1 12 — 15 1 1 1 3 — 4 10 — 15 1? 15 2. Heebiyoba. 1. FlepJias primigenius, two molars. 2. Rhinoceros f ichor inus 3. Equu^ Gaballus 4. Equus Asinus? 5. Sus Scrqfa, two incisors. 6. Cervus Elephas 7. Meg ac eras hihernicus 8. C. Capreolus 9. C. Tarandus 10. Bison europceus Among the Carnivora, Felis spcslea was represented only by a single canine and a premolar bearing the mark of a fracture caused by some violence. From this it may be presumed that the body of the animal was never conveyed to the spot, and that the teeth had been brought with a special intention, and the rather so because both were collected within the sepulchre, and one of them (the canine sent to M. Leymerie) beyond (a travers) the human bones at the first discovery of the place by Bonnemaison. As the two molars of the Elephant are also the only relics of that species, their being brought by man to the place where they were found, may also be referred to some customary purpose. And the same may be said of the two incisors of the Wild Boar, likewise the only relics of that species discoverable among such a considerable heap of bones.* * In the lower grotto of Massat, another ancient station, where man has left mmierous relics of his feasts, the Boar is also represented only by a single molar. Certain nations of antiquity had, at an early epoch, a marked repiignance to the N. H. K.— 1862. F 66 ORIGINAL ARTICLES.. I have omitted to enumerate in the list of Herbivora two half- jaws of a Field Mouse (Campagnol), and the calcaneum of a Hare, which may hare been accidentally introduced independently of human agency. It is well known that an aversion to the flesh of the Hare, is still more general than that against pork. The Hare was regarded as impure by several of the nations of antiquity. Caesar (Z)e Bell. Gallic, lib. V. c. 12) states that among the inhabitants of Britain the use of its flesh as food was forbidden.* The Laplanders at the present day always regard it with horror, and among several nations of our part of Europe the flesh of the Hare is still despised. The remains of the Hare and Eabbit are very abundant in the ossi- ferous breccias and in many of the caves in the Pyrenees ; but I have met with no traces of their existence in the lower grotto of Massat, nor have their remains been noticed in other caverns which appear to have been inhabited exclusively by man. The bones of the Hare are not mentioned among those of the numerous animals recognized in the Danish Kitchen-middens,t nor have any been found below the lacustrine habitations of Switzerland belonging to the various ages of Stone, Bronze, and Iron. With respect to the Horse, it appears from the broken and comminuted state of his bones, resembling that in which those of the ruminants are found, that his flesh entered largely into the food of the aborigines of Aurignac. Nevertheless, at Massat, a station a little less ancient, the bones of the Horse are entirely ab- sent, Avhilst in the cavern of Bise, which was used as a habitation by man at a period when the iieindeer still lived in the south of Trance, the broken bones of the Horse were, according to M. Tournal, equally abundant with those of the rimiinants. The Sarmatians, says an ancient historian, Avere distinguished from other nations, and in particular from the Celts, by their taste and predilection for the blood and flesh of the Horse, and for Mare's milk. The Horse is wanting in the Stone age in Switzerland and in Denmark. Never- theless, in Switzerland, in the 10th century of oiu' era, horse-flesh was served at the table of the monks of St. Gall, at a period, when amongst other European nations its use as food was forbidden under pain of excommunication. flesh of the Wild Boai- or of the Pig. Their flesh, it is well known, was excluded from the diet of the Egyptians and of the Jews, who, nevertheless, had domesti- cated the species. The Scythians, according to Herodotus, abstained fi-om the flesh of the Hog, and the Gallo-Greeks held it in equal aversion. How can the fact be explained, then, that the ancient Gauls, who had affinities with both those people, used pork as a considerable part of their food? Observations made in the ancient stations of the aborigines of Denmark, and beneath the lacustrine habitations of the Stone period in Switzerland, have shown that those primitive races also fed largely upon the flesh of the Wild Boar. [• Though he states, nevertheless, that the Britons bred the Hare, Fowl, and Goose, though forbidden to use them as food, " animi, voluptatisquo causa."] [f Vid. Nat. Hist. Rev. 1861, p. 489.] LAKTET O'S HUMAN EEMAINS, 67 The Ehinoceros appears also to have been eaten by the Pyrenean aborigines. Some molar teeth, and a certain number of bones belonging to a young individual, were found at Aurignac in the layer of earth above the ashes. All the vertebrae and the spongy parts of the long bones had disappeared, devoured without doubt by the Hyaenas ; but the thick and compact portions of the shafts of the long bones were left. They are broken in the same manner as those of the other Herbivora, and several fragments still bear the traces of cutting instruments. Another proof, moreover, that when the carcase of this young Ehinoceros was brought there, it had been recently slain, is afforded by the circumstance that its bones, after they had been broken by man, had afterwards been gnawed by the Hyffinas, which would not have been the case had they not been still fresh and filled with theii' gelatinous juices.* The rarity of the common Deer and of the Irish Elk, represented at Aurignac, each by the remains of a single individual, might be explained perhaps by the great abundance of those of the Eeindeer. We know that in a wild state, antijjathies exist between certain closely allied species, or sometimes between species belonging to the same genus, which lead them to inhabit perfectly distinct districts. The Aurochs and the Eeindeer, then, are the species which have figured the most often in the feasts of whose relics we find only what was spared by the Hysenas. The situation of the hearth, on a plat- form overlooking the valley and stream of the Eode, allow also of the supposition that a great part of the bones might have been thrown to the bottom of the valley, whence they wovild afterwards be removed by the current of water, or decomposed by atmospheric agencies. The long bones of these ruminants, so rich in marrow, have all been broken for its extraction. Not one has been forgotten ; every bone, down to the first phalanges of the Stags and Eeindeer, which, like the long bones, contain a medullary cavity, has been carefully opened. But the way in which this has been done is neither so methodical nor so elegant as that noticed in the Danish kitchen- middens, the bones in which have aU been split with remarkable dexterity, in such a way as to expose, at a single blow, the whole of the marrow they contained: as may be seen for instance in the cannon-bone, or metatarsus, of the Aurochs, and of the Deer. At Aurignac, as well as at Massat, this mode of fracture is rather rare, * Several African nations eat the flesh of the Ehinoceros, and amongst others the Hottentots. " The ShangaUas," says Bruce, " are very fond of its tiesh, although it is veiy hard, almost tasteless, and witli a strong musky smell; tlie most delicate part in their estimation is the sole of the foot, which like that of the Elephant and Camel, is of a cartilaginous and soft substance." According to M. Boitard (Diet. Univ. d'Hist. Nat) the Indians hunt the Rhinoceros for their horns, and to eat their flesh. The Chinese are of opinion that after swallows-nests, the eggs of the lizard, and puppies, there is nothing so delicate as the tail of the Ehinoceros, and a kind of jelly made from the skin of its belly. 58 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. and, in general, badly executed. This may be ovring perhaps to the want of appropriate tools, which have not been found at either place, whilst the Danish aborigines were provided with them in abundance. At Aurignac, therefore, and also at Massat, the long bones are rarely split longitudinally ; sometimes the ends have been broken off, but more often the bones appear in some way to have been broken and reduced to fragments by blows from a stone ; and in these two situations we have found, in the neighbourhood of the remains of the banquet, the blocks and pebbles, which may have served for this operation. It may be asked, how is it, that with arms in appearance so in- efficient as those we have described, the aborigines of ancient Aqui- tania ventured to attack animals of the size of the Great Cave Bear, Ehinoceros, &c. ?* It may be presumed, that, like the ancient Grermani spoken of by Cfesar, the primiti\e inhabitants of the Pyrenees were acquainted with the art of constructing snares for these great animals, and of catching them in pits, concealed under the leaves and branches of trees. And besides this, their accurate knowledge of the most vul- nerable points in the bodies of the animals, and the precision of their aim, either with the arrow or dart, might to a certain extent com- pensate for the imperfection of their rude weapons.f Such is the general statement of the observations it was possible to make during the complete and careful exploration of the Aurignac station. The circumstances to which they relate are complex ; and their succession also indicates a considerable lapse of time. The first traces of living creatures met with in the loose and, speaking geologically, comparatively recent deposits, are those of man, proving that he had made a fireplace on the platform outside the little cave, whilst the thickness of the layer of ashes upon this site shows that it was inhabited for a long tune, or, at any rate, that it was frequently visited. The complete absence of any trace of fire in the interior of the grotto, and the state of comparative preservation of the bones found * In spite of all the attention which I have devoted to the examination of the bones found at Am-i<;iiac, and to the other circnnistantial evidences afforded at that place, I have failed to delect the faintest indication of the existence of the JJog, that habitual companion of man in the chase, in all climates and in cveiy state of bar- barism. Under the piles belonging to the stone age in Switzerland, the remains of a diminutive race of Dogs have'been met with. In studying the fauna of the Danish kitchen-middens, Prof Stcenstruj) lias satisfied himself, from the way in which certain bones have been gnawed, that tlic Dog must have been the latest companion of the aborigines, and he has even fuund reason to believe it may sometimes have been eaten by them. At Massat (Ariege), a station far more recent than that of Aurio-nac, I have myself fancied that I could perceive indications of the presence of the Dog, from the wav in which some of the herbivorous Ixmes had been gnawed. t The Shangallas, 'according to Bruce, kill tlie Rhinoceros with the worst arrows it is jiossible for a people making use of arms at all to have; and they flay it after- wards with knives no better than their arrows. LARTET ON HUMAN REMAINS . 69 tliereiu, denote that the cave, closed against all access from the ex- terior, must have been consecrated to human burials. The fragmentary condition of the bones of certain animals, the modeia winch they are broken, the marks of the teeth of the Hy.Tna on bones necessarily broken in their recent condition, even the dis- tribution of the bones and their significant consecration, lead to the conclusion that the presence of these animals, and the deposition of all these remains, are due solely to human agency. Neither the inclination of the ground, nor the surrounding hydrographical condi- tions, allow us to suppose that the remains could have been brought where they are found by natiu^al causes. The large amount of the remains of animals which had served as human food, and their presence at different levels, would indicate that successive assemblages had gathered at this spot. These assemblages probably took place on each occasion of the burial of the various indivi- duals interred ui the grotto. And it is highly probable also that the station ceased to be frequented when the sepulchral cave, being fuUy tenanted, would no longer afford space for further inhumations. The gentle and prolonged action of simple atmospheric agencies, would be sufficient, in course of time, to account for the detachment of fragments from the escarpment of the adjacent rock, and the gradual accumulation of loose fallen earth, by which the site of the fire-place outside, and the slab closing the opening of the sepulchral cave, would be entu-ely covered. The antiquity of the sepulchre cannot be ascertained either from tradition or liistory, nor from numismatic data, no document of this kind relating to it having been met with. Regarding the svibject archseologically, we perceive, in the ab- sence of any kind of metal, and the common employment of imple- ments and weapons of flint and bone, sufficient indications that the station of Aurignac should be referred to that ancient period of pre- historic times, denominated by antiquaries of the present day, — the age of Stone. Palseontologically, the human race of Aurignac belongs to the remotest antiquity, to which, up to the present time, the existence of man or the vestiges of his industry have been traced. This race, in fact, was e^ddently contemporary with the Aurochs, Reindeer, Grigantic Elk, Eliinoceros, Hyaena, &c. ; and, what is more, with the Great Cave Bear (17. spelcBus), which would appear to have been the ear- liest to disappear in the group of great mammals, generally regarded a-s characteristic of the last geological period.* But, it will be said, how does it happen, if the sepulchre of * The chemical examination by M. Delesse of the Anrignac bones, fiimishes a further excellent means for determining the question of contemporaneity. The respective analyses wliich he has made demonstrate that the bones of the Reindeer, Rhinoceros, Aurochs, &c. have retained precisely the same proportion of nitrogen, as the human bones from the same locality. 70 Oeioinal aeticles. Aurignac is to be referred to a period, coeval with the most ancient geological deposits in which the products of human industry have been foiuid, — the diluvial beds of St. Acheul and of Abbeville, — that the violent phenomena of that diluvian period, and the great cataclysm* connected with those beds, have not affected the original conditions of this cavern ? It is obvious, in fact, that nothing has been disturbed, and that, not only have a simple slab of stone a few centimetres in thickness, and a thin covering of loose earth, sufficed to preserve intact the sepulchre itself, but also that outside the cave, the relics of the funeral repasts and the various implements and arms left by the human inliabitants have not been disturbed. It has been observed above that, from its isolated position in the mountain range of Aurignac, the mountain of Fajoles is completely protected from the streams and torrents of the surroimding country. Nevertheless, upon looking at the geological map of Trance, we find tliat the colour indicating the great alluvial deposits of the Garonne, Adour, &c.,t is wanting in the interval between the little valleys which connuence on tlie plateau of Lanemezan. A very slight elevation of the borders of this plateau has been sufilcient to protect the whole of the intermediate region, (more than 200 square leagues.) within which are comprised tiie district of Aui-ignac, from the invasion of this diluvium or Pyrenean drift. * I am here obliged to repeat what I have ah-cady said elsewhere: viz., that the grand words, revolution of the (/lobe, catachjum, iiniversal pirturhation, yeneral ca- tastrophes, S,-c., have been introduced by a sort of abuse into tlie technical language of Science, seeing that they tend to give an exaggerated significance to phenomena, ■which geographically have been very limited in extent. These phenomena, how- ever stupendous they may appear to us, as manifested witliin the limits of our sensible horizon, are reduced to very little when brought down by actual calculation to their relative importance as regards the whole surface of the globe. Evciything, moreover, indicates tliat the successive production of these partial accidents forms part of the nonual conditions of the course of nature, and that the great harmony seen in the ))hysical and organic evolutions on the surface of the eai'th, has in no case been aifected by them. Aristotle full\' comi)rchended those alternating movements of the land, which at several intervals have changed the relations of continents and seas. He also reduced to its regional projiortions tlie deluge of Deucalion, so embelhshcd and magnified by the fictions of poetry. This great naturalist appears to have been obliged to combat the fantastic conceptions of the revolutionist philosophers of his time; and the rude apostrophe which he addressed to them, " ridiculum cnim est, ]iroptcr parvas et moinentaneas pernnitationes, moverc ipsum totum." (Meteorol. 1. i. c 2.), might well, after tAvo thousand years, be applied to some among us, geologists and paleontologists of the present day. f These alluvial beds or diluvium occupying the bottom of the valleys of the Garonne and of the Adour, should not be confounded with the pebbles and argillaceous deposits, lying at a higher level on terraces more or less continuous, ordinarily on the left s'ide of the course of the rivers. These deposits, in which the granitic, ophitic, and other feldspathic pebbles, are almost always in a decomposed fr'tatc, belong to a more ancient period, or that of the original excavation of the valleys. At the l)Ottom of the valleys of the Garonne and of the Adour, the granitic, and other pebbles of the Pyrenean drift, are numerous and perfectly preserved. None of the kind arc met with in the little valleys descending from the plateau of Lanemezan. LAETET ON HUMAN EEMAINS. 71 In the valley of the G-aronne, the Pyrenean drift is the geological or synchronal equivalent of the diluvium, of the Seine and of the diluvial deposits of Amiens, Abbeville, &c., because it is in these alluvial beds, that are found the remains of Eleplias primigenius, Bliino- ceros tichorinus, and other species regarded as characteristic of the diluvimn. But tliis phenomenon of torrential recrudescence, which has pro- duced the diluvium, and whose cause must be sought in a sudden return to regional conditions of extreme temperature, has been manifested, only to a comparatively very trifling extent, in all the valleys descending from the plateau of Lanemezan. It is not astonish- ing therefore, to find that the sepulchre of Aurignac, if it existed at that time, should not have suifered any damage from the efiect of the great floods of the period, seeing that, from its com^jarative altitude, it was placed beyond their reach. I would, nevertheless, go farther, and say that viewed simply under the palseontological relations manifested in it, the sepulchre of Aurignac claims a very high comparative antiquity. In fact, the Great Cave Bear, which we there behold evidently cotemporary with man, has not, so far as I know, yet been found in France in the diluvium. It is true, that it has been mentioned in a list which has several times been reproduced, of the fossil Mammals discovered in the diluvial beds of Abbeville ; but I have in vain tried to get at the source of the methodical determination upon which this statement rests, and from all that I have seen of its fossil remains the Bear, either from the valley of the Somme, or from the environs of Paris, belongs to a species, or to more than one species, very certainly distinct from Ursus spelijeus. In the centre of Prance, and in England, all the 'remains of the latter species, not foimd in caverns, come from deposits, regarded by geologists as more ancient than the diluvium. It will, doubtless, be objected to this, that the remains of Ursus spelcBus occur very abundantly in most of the caverns of the con- tinent, and even in some of those in England ; but, at the same time, it must not be forgotten that the date of the filling of these caverns is evidently to be placed beyond the epoch assigned by geologists to the diluvial phenomena, because in several of these caverns, at any rate, the remains of Mammals are met with, which are sometimes included in the lists of species referred to the latter phases of the tertiary period. We see then, that if we rely solely upon the consideration of the palseontological concomitances, the result we should arrive at would be, that the sepulchre of Aurignac should be referred, together with all the circumstances accompanying it, to an epoch anterior to the diluvium properly so termed. In confining the force of this remark simply within the limits of its inductive value, I do not think I am losing sight of the reserve with which new propositions should be introduced, when they as yet repose only on negative observations. 72 OKiaiNAL AETICLES. YII._The Sumatean Elephant. By Prof. H. Sclilegel. [The following translation from tlie Dutch, of a pa])er read by Prof. H. Sehlegcl, before the Eoyal Academy of Sciences of Holland,* gives some fui-ther details re.^ipecting the Sumatran Elephant. This species was distinguished by Temminck some years ago, from the Elephant of Continental India, and proposed to be called U I epJi as sumatranus,-\ but is hardly known to Naturalists of this country, except from the short notice of it communicated by the late Prince Charles Bona- parte, to one of the meetings of the Zoological Society of London, in 18i9.:— P. L. S.] It is well known that Sumatra is the only island of the Indian Archipelago, where Elephants are found "udld. Magelhaens has in- formed us, that the Elephants which he saw in Borneo, were intro- duced there, and that the animal is as little indigenous to that island as to Java. So long as all living Elephants were treated of as belonging to one species, no one thought of comparing them together ; and even after Cuvier had pointed out that the Elephant of Africa was ^-ery different from that of India, yet the opinion remained that all the Asiatic Elephants constituted but one sj^ecies, though, as we shall presently show, the examples on which Cuvier established his Weplias africamis, differed specifically inter se. This idea, indeed, had gone so far that no one took the trouble to examine further the Elephants, which were brought alive from time to time from Sumatra to Java, and there kept in a half-domestic state, but people were content to refer them to the so-called Indian or Asiatic Elephant, to which also, according to Cuvier, the Ceylonese Elephant belongs. As, however, nothing is proved by a negative, and it is of great importance in a large Museum to obtain illustrations of the Eaunas of different countries, I never ceased to urge my predecessor, Heer Temminck, to obtain specimens of the Sumatran Elephant for the Eoyal Museum. In August, 1845, I was fortunate enough to be gratified in this respect, several examples of Elephants from the dis- trict of Palembang in Sumatra, having been liberally forwarded to the Museum, by his Excellency the Baron J. C. Baud— at that time Governor of the Dutch possessions in India. As I was unpacking lliom it appeared to me that they differed in several respects from the Elephant of Bengal. I occupied myself, therefore, with draAv- ing up tlie characters of these two animals, compared with those of the African Elephant, and gave the results to Heer Temminck ; * Sec Vcrslagen en ^Mcdedeclingen der Koninlilijke Academie van Weteu- scliappcn, Afd. Niituiirkundc, 1861, p. 101. •[• See his " Coup d'ocil sur les possesions Nederlandaises dans les Indes Ori- cntales." Vol. II. p 91. % See I'loc. Zool. Soc. 1849, p. 144. THE SUMATRAN ELEPU.VXT. 73 wliich lie afterwards piiblislied,* calling the new species by the name Elephas sumatramis. Since that period, several other examples of the Elephant h'ving in Sumatra have been brought to the Netherlands, so that I have had the opportunity of examining them. Amongst these were seven skele- tons, of which throe are still in the Royal Museum, several skulls, a young specimen of about three feet high also now in the Museum, and a living animal about six feet high now in the Zoological Grardeus, at Amsterdam. All these specimens exhibited alike the characters, in which they differed from such examples of the so-called Indian Ele- phant, as I have examined. I say the so-called Indian Elephant, because it has not yet been settled to which species we should apply this name. The name is generally given to that species of Elephant which has been brought from Continental India, and particularly, as it appears, from Bengal to Europe. This practice we have followed, but we must never- theless guard ourselves from believing that this was exactly the species which Cuvier described under the name JEleplias indicus. Cuvier assigns to his E. indicus twenty dorsal vertebrje, and conse- quently a like number of pairs of ribs. This would lead us to believe that Cuvier's determination was made upon a skeleton of the species which lives in Sumatra, and not upon one of the Bengalese species, which has only nineteen dorsal vertebrae and a like number of pairs of ribs.f The under jaw figured by Cuvier, pi. 5, fig. 3, seems, judging from the width of the laminre of the teeth, to belong also to the Suma- tran species. The figure, pi. 1, fig. 1, is on the other hand apparently taken ■from a skeleton of the Bengalese Elephant, since it has only nineteen dorsal vertebrae and as many pairs of ribs, and this is perhaps also the case with the figure of the skull, pi. 4, fig. 1, and that of the under jaw, pi. 5, fig. 2. The supposition that both the other skeletons, examined by Cmaer, belonged to the second Asiatic sort is fully established by what he says, pp. 60, 67. He says here, that he has examined three skeletons of the Indian * Coup cl'oeil, II. p. 91. f It is very curious that Cuvier seems to have quite overlooked the differences in the uumher of dorsal vertebra; and ribs, not only in both the Asiatic but also in the African Elephant, for otherwise he could hardly have avoided alluding to tliem. The chapter of his Osseniensfossiles (I. p. 12), in which he speaks of the skeleton of the Elephant, has the heading " Description gcncrale de I'osteologie de I'Ele- phant, priucipalement d'apres I'Elephant des Indes,"' and it seems from the parti- culars here mentioned, that his principal object was the comparison of the skulls of the African and Indian Elephants; on the other hand that he confined himself to the consideration of the skeleton of Elephas sumatranus of Ceylon, while his figm'e of the skeleton represents that of the Bengalese Elephant. Again, (p. 241) he says, V Elephant (thus speaking generally), a uiie vertebre dorsale c* une paire des coU'sa plus, i. c. than the Mastodon, which, according to him, has only nineteen. t4t OEiaiNAX AETICLES. Elephant. One of these, which, according to Cuvier, belongs to the variety called Dauiitelah by Corse, was sent to the Museum at Leyden, in 1815, six years before the appearance of the second edition of the " Ossemens Fossiies," (see that ed. p. 66), where it exists at the present day. This skeleton agrees in all particulars with the Elephant of Bengal, having only nineteen dorsal vertebrae and the like number of ribs. The description which Cuvier gives of his Elephas indicus seems, therefore, to have been based exclusively upon his two other skeletons. Both of these, as he himself informs us, were from Ceylon. He tells us this, in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, (1806, p. 148), speaking of the male which he identifies with the variety, MooJcnah of Corse ; and he says the same (Oss. Poss. p. 67) of the female, which he considers as belonging to the variety Komarea of Corse, adding that these were the skeletons of two Elephants brought from Ceylon to the Netherlands in 17S6, and afterwards taken from thence to Paris.* Hence it appears very clear that Cuvier described his ElepTias indicus from specimens of two different species, one of which agrees with the Elephant of Bengal, whilst the others have all the charac- ters of the Elephant of Sumatra. Since, therefore, both the latter skeletons attributed by Cuvier to Ceylon, presented the characters of the Elephant of Sumatra, it appeared to me to be probable that the Ceylonese Elephant belonged to the Sumatran species, and not to that of Bengal — the so-called Elephas indicv^. This conjecture has been now wholly unexpectedly confirmed through a fortunate con- junction of circumstances, in a manner which leaves no further doubt on the subject. Tlie celebrated traveller Diaed, advanced in years, but still endued with that untiring zeal and youthful activity by which science and our National Museum have profited so largely, during his long service under the government of the Netherlands, passed three months in Ceylon, in 1838, on a journey undertaken with the object of investigating the system of cultivation, and em- ployed his leisure time in collecting the animals of the island. During some Elephant-shooting expeditions, he obtained a male and female Elephant from seven to eight feet high, and besides these two young specimens, which he placed entire in casks filled with arrack. The • In the Paris Museum at the present moment, as I learn by a fiiendly com- munication of Dr. Pucheran, there are, besides the skeletons of the two Ceylonese Elephants, brought from Holland to Paris in 1795, and examined by Cuvier, a thii-d sent by Duvaucel from Bengal. M. Pucheran confirms the fact, that both the Ceylonese clephant-jkeletons have twenty dorsal vertebrae and twenty pairs of ribs. He finds, however, the same number in the skeleton from Bengal. From this one might be led to suppose, that the Ceylonese Elephant Ls also found in Bengal. But I think it would be rash to consider' this fact established by a single observation, as all the skeletons of Bengalese Elephants which I have examined have had, with- out exception, only nineteen dorsal vertebrce and nineteen ribs. It is more likely that Duvauccl's skeleton was taken from a Ceylonese Elephant; examples of this sort being, as we shall afterwards show on the authority ef Hcer Diard, often brought living to Bengal. THE SUMATBA.N ELEPHANT. 75 ship in which most of H. Diard's specimens were sent to Europe, received so much damage at sea near the Mauritius, that the goods were mostly trans-sliipped, and sent in another vessel to Europe. It thus happened that she did not arrive in the Netherlands until two years after she had quitted Ceylon, and then with the news that the cask containing one of the young Elephants had been obliged to be thrown overboard, having become decomposed. A better fate awaited the second cask, containing the other young individual, which had been destined for Professor Owen of London ; and this and the skin and skeleton of the old male Elephant, as also the skull of the old female reached us well preserved. Tliese are now in the National Museum at Leyden, and, as an accm-ate investigation has convinced me, differ iu no respect from our examples of the Suma- tran Elephant, thus belonging to this species, and differing in the following particulars from ElepTias indicus. The Elephant of Sumatra and Ceylon, {ElepJias sumatranus) has small ears like E. indicus, and approaches this species also in the form of its skull, and the number of the caudal vertebras ; but the laminfe of its teeth are wider, and in the number of its dorsal verte- brae and pairs of ribs it differs from both the other known species. As far as we know, there are seven cervdcal, three lumbar and four Bacral vertebrae in all the species of Elephas alike. E. sumatranus and E. indicus agree in the ninnbcr of caudal vertebrje, winch is usually thirty- thi-ee, but in very yoimg examples sometimes only thirty. In E. africanus, on the other hand, the taU never contains more than twenty-six vertebrae. Einally, the numbers of dorsal vertebrae and pairs of ribs are different in each of the three living species of Elephant, being in E. africanus twenty-one, in E. suma- tranus twenty, and in E. indicus nineteen. It is also remarkable, that the number of true ribs is alike in all the species, that is, only five ; whilst in the three species, as above given, the corresponding numbers of false ribs are fifteen, foui'teen and thirteen. Hence it follows that the augmentation of these parts in the different species, takes place in the direction of the hindermost dorsal vertebra and pair of ribs. The laminae of the teeth afford another distinction, which, how- ever, is less apparent to the eye than that taken from the number of the vertebrae. These laminae, or bands, in E. sumatranus are -wider (or if one may so say, broader in the dii-ection of the long axis of the teeth) than in E. indicus. In making this comparison one must remark that the distinction is less evident in yomiger individuals, and that there are met with in all species of Elephants, within certain definite limits, remarkable individual differences in respect of the width of these laminas.* * The difFerences wluch we pointed out as existing between the skulls of the two sorts of Asiatic Elephants, in Teniminck's Coup d'oeil, (II. p. 9, note), seem, now that we have examined a greater number of examples, not to be constant. 76 OEIGINAL AETICLES. In their external form also the two Asiatic Elephants appear to present some differences. Heer Westerman, Director of the Gardens of the Zoological Society of Amsterdam, which has for several years possessed two female elephants of middling age, one from Calcutta and the other from Sumatra, informs me, on this subject, that the Suma- ti-an example is more slender and more finely built than the Benga- lese, that it has a longer and thinner snout, and that the rump at the end is more broadened and covered with longer and stronger hairs, in which respect it reminds one rather of the African than the Indian Elephant, and lastly that the Sumatran animal is more remarkable for its intellectual development than the Indian. The last mentioned observation agrees in a remarkable way with w^hat Heer Diard has lately wi-itten concerning the Elephant of Ceylon. He says, on this matter, " I'Elephant de Ceylon se dis- " tingue de celui des Indes par une aptitude d'intelligence instinc- " tive, celle de facile educabihte : aussi ces elephaus de Ceylon, de " tout temps recherches par les Princes de I'lnde se trouvent I'etre " encore aujourdhui plus qu' aucun autre par les Anglais pour les " differens services auxquels on les employe. J'ai eu I'occasiou " d' observer plusieursgrandes troupes de ces animaux et une parti- " culierement, qui avait fiui par se laisser prendre dans ime gi-ande " enceinte etablie par les ordres du Grouvernement, qui a cette " epoque oii la guerre de I'lnde etait encore loin d'etre terminee " faisait tout ce qu'il est possible pour recruter un certain nombre de " ces animaux afin de les dirigervers le Bengale." When we collect Avhat is known respecting the distribution of both species of Asiatic Elephants, it seems that this animal is met with eastward of the Indus throughout the whole of Hindostan, Bengal, and the wade districts of Em-ther India to Siam and Cochin- Chiua, and also on the islands of Ceylon and Sumatra ; that one of the species, U. sumafranus, has only yet been met with on the islands of Ceylon and Sumatra,* whilst the so-called Indian Elephant has been brought to Europe exclusively from Continental India. So far as I can discover, tlie greater number of Elephants brought to Europe from Continental India, have been obtained from Bengal. It remains therefore a question, whether all the Elephants of Continental India belong really to one species, or whether, in tliese widely extended regions, there may not be different species of Ele- phants, and the Elephant of Trans-gangetic India may not perhaps belong to U. sumatramis. A similar question may be asked with respect to the Elephant of Southern India, compared with the E. smnatranus of Ceylon, since these districts approach one ano- ther very nearly. We have, it is true, no more reasons for answer- • The whole area of tlie distribution of the Asiatic Elephants is, on the globe, eml)race(l in a district of the form of an elongated quadrangle of 40 degrees in length and 25 in breadth, of which about half is taken up by sea. It lies between 65» and 1U5" E. L. and irom IS. to fcj. extends from about 35"" and 25" N. to 5°S. THE STJMATBAN ELEPHAlfT, 77 ing tliese questions in the affirmative than the negative, but they must be determined by ascertaining the facts, in order to know the exact boundaries of the range of E. indicus* K, as we have reason to believe is the case, the Elephant of Southern India agrees with that of Bengal, then the phenomenon that the Ceylonese animal belongs to another species, and that species the Sumatran, is certainly very remarkable. The Fauna of Ceylon shows, it is true, in some respects, differences from that of Southern India ; one of the most noticeal^le of which is, that not one of the Monkeys living upon this island is identical with those of India. Nevertheless the Fauna of Ceylon agrees much better with that of India than with that of Sumatra, where not only entirely different species, but even other forms of Monkeys occur {e. g. the Orang- outang, severtil Gibbons, amongst which is the abnormal Hylobcdes syndacti/lus, the Galeopithecus, Sfc.) and wliich island besides pro- duces, to mention some of the larger species, a Rhinoceros, the Indian Tapir, a very different species of Bos and of Moschus, an Antelope, the Argus, Folyphctroti, several very peculiar species of Hornbill, (-G. 88 MeTrMiiaie* mentions, on tLe authority of Gantzer. a fascicle going from the Flexor FoUicis to the tendon of the index. It is remarkable also that the Falmaris Longus, which is so frequently absent iu man, should be pres^ent in most of the Quadrumana.f The Abductor Longiis FoUicis or Extensor Ossis JTet-acarpi was present, as also the Fxtensor Secundi Internodii FoUicis, but the Fxtensor Frimi internodii was abse-nt. The tendon of the Extensor Ossis ITetacarpi FoUicis was split into two portions, the larger being inserted into the os trapezium, and the smaller into the metacarpal bone. In man a small slip of the tendon normally goes to the os trapezium. % As no portion of the tendon went to the first phalanx, I see no reason for considering the anterior portion of the tendon as the homologue of the Ext. Frimi Internodii, as is stated by YroHk in the article " Quadrumana," in the Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. Exactly the same arrangement was found in the Celus ; but in the ^Slagot, the anterior portion was the larger, and the smaller portion was inserted into a sesamoid bone, and not into the trapezium. Both muscles exist in the Chimpanzee (Trolik, p. 20), and in the GoriUa (Duv. p. 97). The Extensor secundi internodii was very weak : it arose from the ulna and the interosseous ligament in front of the Extensor indicis. Duvemoy mentions finding it proportionately as large in the Chim- panzee as in man, and as being smaller and weaker in the Grorilla. The Alductor PoUicis Brevis consisted of three distinct thin muscular layers, which were inserted together into the base of the first phalanx. The innermost layer arose fr'om the os trapezium, the other tno from the annular ligament. The Opponens FoUicis and Flexor Frevis FoUicis presented no points of interest ; the Opponens was very weak and small, the Flexor of tolerable size. The Adductor FoUicis was very large, arose from the palmar ligament, which was prolonged down the whole length of the metacarpal bones of the third and fourth digits, and was inserted into the under side of the first phalanx of the thumb. The Adductor was with difficulty divisible into two portions, one coming fi'om the palmar ligament, the other from its metacarpal prolonga- tions ; the division between the two was not nearly so evident as in the adductor of the hallux. In the Magot the Adductor possessed two distinct heads, the longer of which came from the external palmar fascia, the shorter from the os trapezium. The Opponens was relatively stronger than in the Orang. The Abductor was formed on the same plan. In both the Cebus and ]\Ligot I found a thin * Mr. McWhinnie, Yariedes of ihe Musenkr Svstem. London Medical Gazette, Januarv 1S46. •j- Henle, 1. a, p. 196, mentions the following important varietr of the muscle in man, " Instead of the Fhxor polUeis lonpus, the indicator portion of the Flexor digiiorum prcfwuiti^ receires a slender head from the common origin of the SHper- ficial muscles." — [Eds.] { Ellis, Demonstration of Anatomv, p. 3-3, 5th edition. g2 8J- ORTGIXAL RETICLES. muscular layei', arising fi'om the palmar ligament wliicli formed three small muscular digitations, which were inserted into the radial side of the first phalanx of the fourth and fifth digits, and the third into the ulnar side of the first phalanx of the index. A similar muscular expansion was found in the feet of these monkeys. The Pahnnris Brevis was, I think, absent, but as the animal had been skinned before I examined it, the muscle may have been cut away. Dr. Traill found none in the one he dissected. In the Chim- panzee it is present (Vrohk, 1. c. p. 20). It was remarkably large in the Magot, arching over the whole of the carpal portion of the hand, reaching from the external side of the little finger to the internal side of the thumb ; it was present also in the Cebus. The Abductor, Flexor Brevis and Opponens Minimi Digiti pre- sented no peculiarities worth notice. The Dorsal Inte^rossei presented the same general appearance as in man, only differing in the greater development of the Abductor Indicis ; but the palmar set differed considerably, being seven in num- ber ; the index possessed two, the radial one being a broad flattened muscle, which arose from almost the whole length of the metacarpal bone of that finger, and was inserted into the upper and inner side of the metacarpal of the pollex ;t the one on the ulnar side arose from the under and inner surface of the metacarpal of the index, and was in- serted into the first phalanx of the sam.e finger ; the middle and ring fingers had each two and the little finger one, similar muscles. In both the Cebus and Magot the dorsal muscles resembled man's, but the palmar ones closely resembled those of the Carnivora; they were also seven in number, and arose from the pahnar ligament, as well as from the metacarpal bones, which they completely hid from view. The hand of the Orang and of the Chimpanzee appears at first sight to be less perfectly organized than that of some of the other Qua- drumana, owing to the total absence of any long flexor of the thumb ; the absence of this muscle permits of a greater independence of motion in their thumbs than in any of the other monkeys, in which the long- flexor exists as a portion of the Profundus. In the Orang and Chim- panzee the great development of the Abductor, and the well marked Flexor Brevis in some degree make up for the absence of the long flexor. The double adductor has been observed in man (M'Whinnie). Wagner, when speaking of the hand of the Quadrumana, says : " The individual mobility of the fingers is much more limited than in man, and this is more particularly the case with the thumb."* This is perfectly true of lower Quadrumana, as is shown in the case of the Cebus, but I think in the Baboons and Magots the greater develop- ment of the muscles of the thumbf proves that they can move the * Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals. 11. Wagner, p. 18. Translated by Talk. •f This appears to conespond with the Musculus interosseus volaris primns — (a fourth palmar interosseus) described by Henle, 1. c., p. 228, as constant in the himian liund. — [Eds.] CHFRCH ON THE MYOLOGY OF THE OEANG UTANG. 85 thumb independeutly, and are capable of seizing an object in the same way as the Oraugs and Man, i.e. with the fingers on one side and the thumb on the other. In the Chimpanzee and the Orang this freedom of motion has been obtained at the expense of the sti'ength of the thumb, in which point they are Tery inferior to Man or the other Quadrumana. The hand of the Orang contrasts unfavourably with that of the Chimpanzee, owing to the absence of the Extensor Frioni Internodii Pollicis and the Extensor Froprius Indicls. In the rudimental thumb of the Ateles aU. these muscles exist, showing that its development is merely arrested and not suppressed. The Muscles of the Posterior Extremity. The Iliacus, Fsoas Magnus and Fsoas Parvus presented much the same appearance as in man ; they are flatter, and in accordance with the elongated shape of the pelvis, longer ; beneath these muscles a small one was found, mentioned by Professor Owen,* as present in the Orang, but not in the Chimpanzee, which arose from the ileum in close coiuiection with the Fectus Femoris, passed over and was attached to the capsular ligament of the femur, and was inserted into the trochanter minor. The Tensor Vaginmur ; it was remarkably broad and thick, having a uniform breadth of two inches ; and was inserted partly into the head of the fibvila, but chiefly into the fascia of the leg. The short head of the Biceps is often wanting in man,* in which * Eiicyd. Aiiat. Tom. iii. ^. 305. CHURCH ON THE MTOLOOY OF THE OKANO UTANO. 87 case tlie Biceps would closely resemble that of the bulk of the Qua- drumaua. Mr. M'Whiiiuie ineutions, on the authority of Saltzmauu, a muscular slip given oif from the Biceps, and having a tendinous insertion on the outer part of the leg between the Gastrocnemius and Soleus. The low insertion of the Biceps and of the Gracilis, Semitendi- nosus and Semimembranosus, together with the greater size and the presence of fleshy fibres throughout the whole length of the two latter muscles, point directly to scausorial habits of the Quadrumana, and must tend to relieve the strain caused by the weight of the body on the knee during climbing ; and in the Orang, where the insertion of these muscles was remarkably low, they must prevent the knee from being straightened, and so incapacitate the animal for assimiing the erect posture. The Glutceus Maximits was weak, and had a small origin ; it did not reach to the spine of the ilium, and it was inserted into the fascia lata and the linea aspera, Avitliout sending any fibres to the great trochanter. The Glutceus Medius was largely developed, as appears to be the case generally among Quadrumana. The Glutceus Minimus appears to be differently described by various writers. Professor Owen* mentions its presence, but does, not describe its origin ; while the muscle described as the Glutceus- Minimus by Dr. Traill, I have regarded as the Gemellus superior, which arose not only from the spine of the ischium, but from the posterior edge of that bone as well. In the Cehus, the Glutceus Mi- nimus is large, and arises from the dorsum and posterior edge of the ihum. The muscle described by Dr. Traill as the Musculus Scan- sorius, and mentioned by Professor Owenf as the Invertor Femoris, was very well developed in the Orang, but appeared to be wanting or merged into the Glutceus Minimus in the Cebus ; it arose, in the Orang, from the whole of the anterior edge of the ilium to within three-fourths of an inch of the acetabulum, and was inserted into the front of the great trochanter: the same disposition of this muscle, was found in the Magot. The Piriformis was large and well developed, but narrower than in man ; in both the Magot and Cebus it had begun to be fused with Glutceus Medius ; this is occasionally the case in man, when the Pyri- f or mis is largely developed. J The Gemelli were large, especially the Gemellus Superior, which arose not only from the tuberosity of the ischium, but from the elongated ilium, also covering a space of one inch and a quarter ; its tendon was quite distinct from that of the Obturator internus, which was also of large size. In the Magot the Gemelli and the Obturatores internus and exter- nus Avere present, but rather small ; the large size of these muscles in the Orang, together Avith the presence of the small muscle * Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Vol. i. p. 68. f Ibid. X Mr. Hallett, Ed. Med. and Surgical Journal, 1848. 88 OEiaiNAL ARTICLES. described ^^^tll the Iliacus and the Invertor femoris may perhaps be owing to the freedom allovred the hip joint by the absence of the ligamentum teres, which the Orang alone of the Quadrumana wants. The Adductor muscles were of coarse textm'e, and split into numerous bundles. In the Magot the Adductor Longiis formed a distinct belly, partly inserted into the tibia (Yid. Cm-ier, 1. c, PI. e31-32). The Tibialis Anticus was relatively stronger than in man ; it arose from the tuberosity and anterior surface of the tibia, for a space of three inches and a half, and its tendon was split into two portions, the posterior and larger, being inserted into the cimeiform bone, the anterior and smaller, into the base of the metatarsal bone of the hallux. In this instance there was no dirision of the muscle into fascicles, as described in Article Quadrumana in the Cyclopa-dia of Anatomy and Physiology, and in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, therefore I think there is no reason to consider the anterior division of the tendon as belonging to the Abductor Sallucis Zongus, especially when we observed a similar arrangement in the Abductor PolUcis, and that, in man, a small slip of tendon normally passes on to the metatarsal of the great toe.* In the Chimpanzee, Professor Owen states that the tendon is inserted into the scaphoid. In the Cebus the muscular belly is divided into two fascicles, which may be regarded as the Abductor Sallucis Longus and Tibialis Anticus. In the Magot the same arrangement is found. The Extensor Froprius Hallucis was remarkably w'eak and slen- der ; it arose from the upper part of the fibula and the interosseous ligament, and was inserted as in man. Cuvier has figiu-ed, 1. c. PL 19, an extensor of the index distinct from the Extensor coimnunis ; it was absent in this instance, and neither Professor Owen nor Duvernoy mention it. The Extensor Communis Digit orum resembled man's. The Pero- noBUs Longior arose from the head of the fibida, the outer and back part of that bone and the intermuscular septum, for a space of three inches, and was inserted into the m^etatarsal bone of the hallux, acting as a powerful flexor of that digit. The Peronceus Brevior arose toge- ther with the preceding muscle, and was inserted into the metatarsal bone of the fifth digit ; it was a much more fleshy muscle than the Peronceus Longior, and remained fleshy on the posterior surface almost to the point of its insertion. The Peronceus Tertius was absent. In the Magot and Cebus the Peroncei Longior and Brevior re- sembled those of the Orang, only diftering in their greater relative size, but both of them possessed a Peronaeus Tertius, which consisted of a thin muscular layer lying beneath the Peronceus Brevior, and terminating in a very fine tendon, which passed through a slit in the tendon of the Peronceus Brevior on a level with the cuboid bone, and • Ellis's Demonstration of Aiiiitom}^, Edit. 5, p 754. CHURCH OK THE MYOLOGY OF THE OEANG UTAXG. 89 ran along the superior surface of tlie metatarsal of the little finger, to be mserted with that of the Extensor Communis Digitorum. In the Magot the Feronceiis Tertius became tendinous very high up the leg, passed down, closely applied to the posterior part of the PeroncBus Brevior, accompanying the tendon of the latter muscle until its insertion, and did not pass through a slit in it as in the Cebus. The Gastrocnemius was remarkably thin and weak, causing the absence of any calf to the leg ; this muscle is stated by Duvernoy to have remained distinct from the Soleus in three specimens dissected by him, but in this instance the two became fused, three inches above the point of insertion. The Soleus was intimately connected with the external head of the Gastrocnemius, and arose from the head of fibula, by a very narrow tendon, receiving no fibres from the tibia and not even encroaching on the FopUteus or Flexor digitorum. In the Cebus the Soleus was much larger, but had only a single origin from the head of the fibula. In the Magot both these muscles were, much larger, forming qidte a calf to the leg. The Soleus remained distinct for a much longer period than in the Orang, and it arose by two heads, one from the fibula, the other from the external condyle of the femur. The Plantaris was wanting ; as stated by Duvernoy and Dr. Traill, it is present in the Chimpanzee and wanting in the Grorilla, (Duvernoy, 1. c. p. 93). It was well developed in the Magot, arising in conjunction with the external head of the Gastrocnemius ; it was absent in the Cebus. This muscle appears not to be as often absent as it is usually supposed, not one case being met with by Mr. Hallett. The FopUteus, which was not found by Dr. Traill, was present in the Orang, and also in the Cebus and Magot, being very large in the latter animal. The most striking points in the muscles of the posterior extremity were the weakness of the Glutcei muscles, and the striking development of the Gracilis, Semi-membranosus and Semi-tendinosus. The abductors were very similar to man's, but were, perhaps, slightly stronger, while the Quadriceps extensor was much weaker. The leg of the Orang contrasted with that of the Magot most strikingly. In the latter animal the muscles of the poste- rior region were developed so as to form a large and well-shaped calf, while the excessive development of the Tihialis Anticus gave quite a deformed appearance to the anterior region, the large development of these muscles seeming to point to the terrestrial habits of this animal. The Feronceus tertius was absent in the Orang, and is fre- quently wanting in the human subject ; and the Feronceus Brevis is subject to many variations in man, presenting abnormal conditions once in every five subjects examined by Mr. Hallett. The Flexor Lonc/us Figitorum had not such a large origin as in man, it extended dowTi the tibia to within 2\ inches of the lower end of that bone, while in man it reached to within 3 inches. The mus- cular fibres did not terminate in a tendon until the muycle had 90 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. passed the inner malleolus ; consequently instead of occupying the groove together with the Tibialis posticus, it lay on the external surface of the groove. It broke up into three tendons distributed to the second, the fourth, and little toes. The portion for the second toe was supplied with two Lumhricalis muscles, inserted into the tibial side of the first phalanx of the second and third toes ; the tendon of the little toe was also supplied with a Lumhricalis muscle inserted into the tibial side of the first phalanx of that toe. The tendon of the fourth toe is perforated by the Flexor haUucis* while those of the second and little toes perforate the tendons of the Flexor brevis. In the Orang it sent no slip to the tendon of the deep Flexor (Flexor hallucis). In the Cehus this muscle is small, the largest portion of its tendon going to the little toe, and forming a perforat- ing tendon ; the smaller portion mainly joins the slip of the Flexor hallucis, which goes to the hallux, and it also sends small tendinous slips to the other divisions of the deep flexor, as the Flexor hallucis might well be called. In the Magot this muscle is of considerable size, and is largely supplied with Lumhricales, which form a fleshy mass on the surface of the tendon, and are inserted into the inner and dorsal surface of the first phalanx of the second, third and fourth toes on the tibial side ; the one going to the little toe usurps the ofl&ce of the Flexor brevis pedis, and is perforated by the tendon of the Flexor communis. This muscle sends a small tendinous slip to the tendon of the Flexor hallucis which supplies the hallux, and has also other tendinous connections with that muscle, but does not fuse with it as completely as the Flexor pollicis does ^v-ith the Flexor pro- fundus, in the hand. The Flexor Lonr/us Hallucis, arose by two heads, the long head arising from the external condyle of tlie femur, together with the external head of the Gastrocnemius ; the short head arose from the posterior and inner surface of the tibia to mthin an inch and a half of its distal end. It formed a large tendon which bifurcated and went to the last phalanx of the middle and fourth toes, the tendon of the latter perforating a branch of the Flexor communis, and that of the middle toe a branch of the Flexor brevis. Both of the tendons were supplied with a good sized Lumhricalis muscle, which was in- serted into the tibial side of the first phalanx of the respective toes. No slip whatever went to the hallux. In the Gorilla a very strong tendon goes to the hallux as Avell as to the third and fourth digits (Duvernoy, 1. c. p. iii). In the Cebus it supplies the second toe, as well as the third and foui'th, and sends a strong branch to the haUux. In the Magot the same arrangement obtains. The Tibialis Posticus was remarkably weak in the Cebus : in the Orang it did not present much difference from the corres])onding muscle in man. A^ery great weight has been laid upon the great development of '* And therefore probably represents a division of the Flexor brevis. — [Eds.] CHURCH ON THE MTOLOOY OP THE OEANG TJTANQ. 91 tlie Flexor Hallucis in man, and the absence of any slips to tlie other toes, but many instances are recorded, in which the tendinous band which unites the Flexor hallucis to the Flexor communis, was pro- longed, forming two tendons accompanying, but distinct from, the tendons of the Flexor Digitorum which supply the second and third digits ; in fact, so common is this, that Vesalius has figured it, (PI. 14), and mentions it as no rare occurrence (p. 295), as also does Theile.* NoAV this distribution of the tendons is exactly what is met with in the bulk of the Quadrumana, excepting that in them, the branches usually go to the third and fourth digits. Another point in which the foot of the Quadrumana resembles man, is in the course taken by the Peronceus lonc/ns, and I might add, also, the distribution in gome of them (the Inuus and Cehus for instance) of the Peronceus tertius. The portion of the Extensor Brevis Pedis which went to the hallux might almost be regarded as a distinct muscle, for, owing to the position of the hallux, its fibres scarcely mix at their origin with those of the rest of the muscle. In the Cehus and Magot, owing to the hallux being almost in the same plane with the other digits, the hallucal portion resembled the other digitations of this muscle. The dorsal Interossei diftered in no respect from the correspond- ing muscles in man, excepting that one on the tibial side of the index had a second head attached to the hallux, exactly corresponding to the Abductor indicis in the hand. This head from the hallux Avas not present in either the Cehus or Magot, and accords with the greater freedom permitted to the hal- lux in the Orang, for in the Orang the hallux can be flexed inde- pendently of the other digits, and, in fact, it presents the closest resemblance to the poUex. The Ahductor Hallucis arose from the calcaneum and the internal aiuiular ligament, and chiefly diftered from that of man in the large size of its origin from the annular ligament. In the Cehus and Magot it arose by two distinct heads from the calcanemn and the plantar fascia. In the Orang it had an insertion into the metatarsal bone as well as into the first phalanx. djiw boiiqqw The Flexor Brevis Pedis arose by two distinct heads, separated by the plantar nerves ; the upper and smaller head arose from the ligament covering the astragalus, and fi'om the inner margin of the groove on that bone which transmits the Flexor Lonc/us Hallucis ; the lower and larger head arose from the calcaneum. This muscle di- vided into two portions, and was inserted by tendons which gave passage to the deep flexor, into the second phalanges of the second and third toes. Dr. Traill describes it as going to all four digits. In the Chimpanzee and Grorilla it goes to the second and thii-d digits only (Duvernoy, 1. c). In the Cehus and Magot it arose by a single * Encyc. Anat. Tom. iii. p. 323. 92 OEIGmAL AETICLES. liead from tlie calcaneum, and supplied the index only, being a Flexor proprius of that digit. The portion of this muscle going to the little toe in ui?.n is not unfrequently wanting, and its absence is compensated by either a branch from the Jblexor communis, or by a muscle resembling a lumiricalis,* just as in the Magot. The Abductor Mminii Digiti arose from the calcaneum, and formed a strong tendon inserted into the proximal end of the first phalanx of the fifth digit. In the Magot this muscle was inserted into the proximal end of the fifth metatarsal bone, its oflice being usurped by the strongly developed Peronceus tertius ; in the Cebus, however, in Avhich the Perojiasus tertius is developed, this muscle was of considerable size, and was inserted in the visual manner. The Flexor accessorius arose by a single fleshy head from the under surface of the calcaneum, and broke up into a broad tendinous ex- pansion, which was inserted into the tendon of the Flexor communis which supplied the little finger, and into a very fine tendon which accompanied the tendon of the Flexor communis, and after giving passage to it by a slit, was inserted into the second phalanx of the fifth digit, thus usurping the office of the Flexor brevis, and acting instead of the LumbricuUs described in the Magot. In the Cebus and Magot the Flexor accessorius clutched on to the tendon of the Flexor communis as in man. The Flexor Brevis Hallucis arose from the internal cuneiform bone and the plantar fascia, and possessed two small bellies, the ex- ternal of which was inserted into the first phalanx, the internal into the metatarsal of the haUux. In the Magot the inner belly formed a separate muscle, very much resembling an interosseous muscle ; it arose from the external cuneiform bone and was inserted into the sesamoid bone of the fibular side of the hallux. The Adductor Hallucis was very large, and divisible into two muscles. (Vide Cuvier, 1. c, PI. 16, where he considers the Flexor Brevis as a third adductor.) Beneath what Cuvier terms the Adducteur oblique, which I have described as the Flexor brevis, a strong fleshy muscle is found, arising from the anterior border of the peroneal sheath, from the head of the metatarsals of the third digit, and from the upper part of a strong band of ligament, which stretched across from the head of the third digit to be inserted into the distal end of the metatarsal and proximal end of the first phalanx of the second digit. This portion is called by Cuvier Adducteur opi^osant des quatrieme et cinquieme doigts. Arising from the lower portion of the ligament just described is a thinner muscular layer, inserted over nearly the whole length of the metatarsal bone of the hallux : this is described by Cuvier as the Adducteur transverse. In the Magot the Adductor was very powerful, especially the upper portion, which arose as in the Orang, but gave off" a slip to the metatarsal of the hallux. The inferior portion was also strong, though • Enc. Anat Tom. iii. p. 439. CHURCn ON THE MYOLOGY OF TUE OK.OTG UTANG. 93 tlie ligament which stretched across the plantar space Avas not so strong as in the Orang, and thinned ont at its lower edge into a thin fascia. Arising from this ligament, in the Magot and Cehis, were three muscular slips, which were inserted by short and flattened tendons into the tibial side of the first phalanx of the foiu'th and fifth digits, and into the fibular side of the same bone in the second digit ; thus exactly paralleling the arrangement found in the hand of these monkeys. The Transversal is Pedis did not exist in any of the three monkeys. It is mentioned by Duvernoy as being represented by ligament in the Orang. It has been noticed to be wanting in man.* The Plantar Interossei presented a wide difterence from those in the human subject. The first digit has one on the fibular side ; the third and fourth digits, one on each side ; and the fifth digit, one on the tibial side. They are large muscles, and not only occupy the space between the bones, but also lie beneath them, covering them in on the plantar surface ; each muscle is inserted into the upper part of the bone of the first phalanx of its respective digit. In the Magot, the Interossei differ from the Orang, none of them having any dorsal origin ; they therefore appear all to belong to the plantar group. They are eight in number, and arise from the sheath of the PeroncBUs Lonc/us. The fifth digit has one, the rest two. The muscles are inserted into the sesamoid bones and head of the first phalanx of the digits. The middle digit has a third, which, perhaps, ought to be regarded as coming from the under part of the fascia, sending the muscular slips before described to the second, fourth and fiftli digits, rather than from the sheath of the Peronceus. Its in- sertion is also different from the others, being inserted into the upper and outer side of the first phalanx of the third digit. The second, fourth and sixth interossei are the largest, and are visible on the dorsal surface between the metatarsal bones. If now we briefly review the chief points of difference between the muscular systems of the Quadrumana and of Man, we find in the muscles of the trunk few points of interest. The abdominal muscles are much thicker and stronger, to support the weight of the intestines when the animal is on all fours. The cervical muscles also are stronger ; but, with the exception of the digastric, differ very little from man's. The digastric presents an intermediate condition in the Orang, the chief insertion being into the angle and inner surface of the jaw, corresponding to the usual insertion in the Quadrumana and lower animals ; but it sends forwards a slender tendon lying on the inferior surface of the mycohyoid muscle to be inserted, as in man, at the symphysis of the jaw. The presence of the Clavio-troclielien appears to be almost equalled in man by the division of the Levator Anguli Scapulcs into several distinct portions, and their occasional insertion into the spine instead of the angle of the scapula. • Mr. M'Whinnie, on the authority' of Bochmer. 94 OEiaiNAL ARTICLES. I was unable to find any record of a slip being given ofT in man from tlie Latissimus dorsi* to the Olecranon, tbough. it frequently sends one to the Pectoralis major on its posterior surface, or to fuse with the Coraco-brackialis at its origin.f In man, tlie Pectoralis major occa- sionally sends a slip downwards to the internal condyle of the humerus. The variations of the extensor and flexor muscles of the hand have been already described ; but I cannot agree with Wagner in saying " that the Flexor Brevis is fused -svith the Abductor, and that the Flexor Lonyus PoJlicis is only a tendon of the Flexor Profundus ;"| as in all three of the Apes dissected the origin of the Flexor Longus PoUicis was distinct from that of the Profundus. In the posterior extremity, the Biceps appears the most svibject to variation of any of the muscles, with the exception of the Perouaeus Tertius, both in man aaid the Quadrumana. In the foot of the Quadrumana, which is too often regarded as approaching more nearly to the structure of the hand than of the foot in man, owing, I think, to too great stress having been laid on the opposability of the hallux and the length of the phalangeal bones, we find that in the Orang alone is the hallux independent in its motions ; in all the rest, even the Chimpanzee, § it is supplied with a flexor tendon in common with some of the other toes, thus approaching nearer to the organization of the foot in man. The other muscles of the foot are strictly homologous with those in the human foot, and only analogous to those in the hand. The PeroncBus Longior, the Extensor and Flexor Brevis, and the Flexor accessorius are foimd in the Quadrumana as in man, modified in their distribution so as to suit the habits of the animals, but performing similar functions, and having the same homological relations. In the Interosseous muscles we see an approach to the Carnivora ; more espe- cially in the Magot, which has sesamoid bones developed on all its toes. "Wagner (1. c.) states that the interosseous muscles of the posterior extremity are arranged like those of the same name in the human hand ; but I tliink, from the descriptions before given, they will be seen in all instances to resemble rather the Carnivora. The anatomy of the Quadrumana, as mentioned by Vrolik, forms a most interesting connection between the Bimana and the lower animals, especially the Carnivora, as they possess so many points of resem- blance to both orders. * Vide Editor'.s Note on the Latissimus dorsi, p. 542 of the preceding Niunber of this Review. t Encyc. Anat. Tom. iii. p. 124. . J h c. p. 19. § Vrolik, p. 20. 95 X. — Anatomical Notes. — By Professor Hyrtl, of the University of Vienna. (Continued from Nat. Hist. Rev. for 1861, p. 324.) 5. Pneumatic Processes of the Occipital Pone. Some time since I directed the attention of anatomists to a very interesting and anomalous process of the condyloid portion of the occipital bone (Wiener. Medic. AVochenschrift, 1860, N. 45). This process is sitviated between the articular process of the occipital bone and the mastoid process of the temporal. It pre- sents an elliptical form, the long axis of which is vertical, and its circumference is about that of the tip of one of the fingers. The process is not solid, but consists of many cells, which are in direct comminiication with the " air-containing" cells of the mastoid pro- cess. Hence I have called these processes " Pnemnatic." Since the notice above referred to was written, two additional instances of the occurrence of this process have presented themselves to me. One was given me by a student, who found the skull in a large bonehouse in a burying place, in his native town in Bohemia. The other was observed in a female skull, from my dissecting room. In both of them the processes are as large as a hazel-nut, and they are covered by so thin a- layer of compact osseous structure, that the internal arrangement of the air-containing cells can be easily dis- tinguished. In the female skull refen-ed to, the cells of the pneu- matic process extend as far as the condyloid process of the occipital bone, where they lose their partition walls and unite to form a single rather large cavity. It is a curious fact, that the cells of the pneumatic process commu- nicate with those of the mastoid, passing, as they do, across the mastoid suture ; but there are many similar cases in Comparative Anatomy, where the pneumatic cavity of the frontal bone extends (across the coronal and lamhdoid suture) to the occipital bone {Elej^lias and almost all other Pachydermata). These pneumatic processes have been since observed by several of my fellow-anatomists, who have, in sundiy communications to me, confirmed my observations in this matter; and I doubt not but that every Craniological Collection of any extent will likewise afford evidence of their existence. I can boast of the possession of a very large series of crania, as for a long time past all the skulls of the subjects of my dissecting rooms are carefully prepared by maceration, and the number so pre- pared varies each year from 200 to 300, yielding thus an abundant supply for the hunting out of anatomical curiosities. A careful investigator will not confound the new process with the paramastoid process, which is very often present in skulls. This latter is a strong process, with a thick layer of compact substance, 96 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. containing no cells (simply common reticular substance), and is most commonly united to the lateral part of the Atlas by synostosis. I cannot give a better proof of the difference between the two processes, than by stating that both these processes are to be seen in a skull in my collection (No. 711). These processes are of no practical interest, but they are worthy of notice in a morphological point of view. Some of the older anato- mists tell us of " a double mastoid process" — mistaking, I think, the pneumatic process for a secondary mastoid. 6. 0)1 " Endless" Nerves. There has been of late years a very great excitement among physi- ologists, in reference to experiments as to the functions of nerves. Careful anatomical investigation as to their origin and distribution has, I fear, been thrown somewhat into the back ground. I do not speak of the svibject of the microscopical investigation of nerves, but of then' origin and distribution, such as can be determined by simple dissections. JSTow-a-days many are inclined to regard human descriptive ana- tomy as a science abeady completed, and fancy that to it only trifling details can be added ; but this is far from the case, and I would that the scalpels of the anatomist would work a little closer and finer, and that they would try to emulate, as it were, some of those high powers of our microscopes ; for, in the minute anatomy of parts, very much remains to be done. To proceed, however, to the subject matter of this note. I think the commonly used term, anastomosis, is capable of a stricter interpretation than is generally given to it. As when a nerve A, as the text-books say, anastomises with B, we want to know whether a branch of -4 goes to B, or a branch of B to A. In a great number of anastomoses, it is true, we have clear evidence on this subject. Others will, doubtless, follow. But we would further inquire : What does a branch, coming from A to B do, wJie?i united with B ? The text-books tell us that the branch coming from A to B will remain with B, or will separate from it, and go to nerve C. " That, in some cases, the branch coming from the nerve AtoB wiU, passing along B, 7'eturn to its nervous centre," is the newly established fact, which I wish to call attention to noAV. Wlien a nerve returns to its origin, it has no peripherical end, and it may, perhaps with convenience, be called o-eXtjc, just as engineers and iiicchanies call a circular cord " ein Seil ohue Ende." Such nerves oceiu* in the ansa hypoglossi, in the anastomoses between the branches of the spinal-nerves in the upper and inferior extremities. When an accessory obturator* nerve exists, the greater part of its fibres will be found to return with the true obturator nerve, with which it anastomoses, to the spinal marrow. The palmar * Adam Schmidt, Ncrvi Lumbales. PROFESSOR HTRTL S jVNATOMICAL NOTES. 97 and plantar nervous arches afford also opportunities of witnessing these nerves Avithont end. They are likewise met with in the loops of the anterior branches of the spinal nerves ; in the anastomoses of the right and left Hypoglossus ; in the fleshy portion of the Grenio- hyoid muscles. That is to say, I have found such returning nerves in the localities referred to. It will be the labour of years, if not of a life, to discover all the anastomoses which possess or are destitute of these " regressive" fibres. These nerves not being lost in the substance of muscles, nor in sensorial surfaces, may merit the paradoxical appellation of ' endless nerves.' To thoroughly investigate this very important fact in anatomy, I should suggest the co-operation of a number of practical anatomists, who would undertake to investigate* such and such anastomoses, and who would give in an annual report of the result of their joint labours. I will, in the course of this winter, take my share. The returning branches are sometimes in such thick bundles that they can, by a careful dissection, be easily traced onward. It may be the case, indeed is so, in some of the instances alluded to, that a few of the returning fibres from B pass toward G, and continue onwards to the periphery ; but even then a certain amount of nerve fibre does undoubtedly run backward to the nervous centre from which they emanated. In the Chiasma opticum, fibres have been observed by Hannover, Mayo, and others, running from one nerve bundle to another, and forming a loop, which is ' a nerve without end.' These instances show that the thing is not quite new. The annexed woodcut exhibits this form of recurrent anastomoses in a Hypoglossus. h, branch from a, meeting the first cervical and proceeding back again. l- PHOFESSOU nYETl/s ANATOMICAL NOTES. Q9 The aorta contains mixed blood ; when this blood, therefore, is so brought to the lungs, the venous portion of it is oxygenated, and then this ox3^genated product goes to the vena porta?. This is an extraordinary fact, and cannot, I think, be physiologically understood, so long as we loiow so little of the chemistiy of the production of bile in reptiles. In all those genera of short-bodied snakes, where the pulmonary branches of the aorta are wanting, there are, in addition to the pul- monary vein to the aviricle, three to five small pulmonary veins going direct to the vena portse. The necesKsity for arterialized blood in the organ supplied by this vein is therefore placed beyond a doubt. 8. 0)1 tlie Hadial Artery in the Cheiroptera. A very curious anatomical fact, and one not devoid of physiological interest, is to be found in the membranous expansion of the ' wing' of the bat. It consists in the immediate transmission of arterial blood into a. venous trunk, without the intervention of capillary vessels. This I have found to be the case in the following genera: — Plecotus, Vespertilio, Hhinolophus, Pteropus, Noctula. Inject a bat, through the aorta, with a coarse injection material (specimens from abroad, which have been long preserved in spirits, reqviire a somevv'hat finer material), which you are siu-e will not too easily enter the capillary system. The wings ought to be extended, so as to facilitate the passage of the fluid through the brachial artery into the arteries of the arm and hand. Even should the injection meet with but a very second-rate success, still it will be found that a large vein will be also filled. This vein imns along the free margin of the fold of the integument, and extends from the shoulder joint to the carpus. This vein is the somewhat modified vena cephalica of man and the other mammalia. A very careful investigation as to where the artery ends and the ^'ein begins, shows us that the radial artery, whicli tends towards the metacarpal bone of the thumb, describes a circle round the base of the thumb, from its palmar to the dorsal side, and is, on reaching the back of the hand, reflected towards the forearm, as a vein (vena cephalica) which takes its way between the two layers of the before alluded to fold of the integument to the arm-pit, where it terminates in the vena axillaris. Before becoming a vein, the radial artery sends off the requisite branches for the nutrition of the parts in connection with the elon- gated metacarpal and phalangeal bones ; but, at the same time, its real termination is not to be sought for in the capillary system, but in the peculiar manner I have just referred to ; for, owing to having used a coarse injection, no capillary vessels have been filled, and yet, notwithstanding, a venous trunk (larger than the vena brachialis itself) is filled up with the injection material, throughout eitlier the whole or entire of its length (reckoning from the thumb). h2 100 ORIGINAL ABTICLES. K the arm be alloAvecl to remain folded, tlie result will not be satisfactory, as many of the arteries of the arm will probably be bent on themselves, there bein^; articulations in the osseous system of the extremity ; but if the unfolded wing be tied down to a slip of wood, the more favourable position of the trunk and branches of the bra- chial artery wdll cause the injection seldom or never to fail. The immortal discoverer of the circulation of the blood, in whose lifetime the existence of the capillary system was not known, sur- mised that part of the arterial blood passed to the veins " per porosi- tates carnis," and part by a direct " anastomosis" between arteries and veins. His spirit may, perhaps, rejoice that the latter of these suppositions has now, at last, been proved to have been not a merely arbiti-ary surmise. Microscopic observers of the circulation in the transparent mem- branous web of the bat's wing have mentioned, that the veins in certain distinct localities of the wing may be seen to pulsate like arteries. I shall feel happy if this short note of my researches may explain the true reason of this hitherto unexplained phenomenon. Though pulsation extends not to the capillary vessels, yet physiolo- gists will admit that it must extend to a vein, when that vein is the immediate prolongation of an artery, and the ti'unk of a vein pulsating will, in all probability, cause some of its smaller branches to do the same. 0. On tlie Ophthalmic Veinjoitiing the Po7'tal System. In the tailless Batrachians a very considerable addition to the number of vessels going to the vena portae is to be met with. Among others, the ophthalmic vein sends its blood to the portal system. If the main trunk of the vena portse of a frog or toad be injected — (it is better to open the vein where it passes through the pancreas ; the attachment to this gland serving to keep the vein open ; the injection must be thrown towards the intestines, not towards the liver) — it will be found that all the veins of the pharnyx and of the roof of the mouth have been filled, and hence must, therefore, have belonged to the portal system. These veins form a most complicated network, the main trunks of which are of considerable diameter, so that one might fancy they saw a cavernous structure. The capillary vessels of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx join these venous trunks without any sensible diminution of their calibre (as is the case in other organs), and in addition, they are joined by two large veins, which come out of the floor of the orljital cavities, and are the true ophthalmic veins. The injection, if successful, has entered them, and has filled, likewise, the choroid, iris, and the vascvJar hyaloid. It may be mentioned here, that the above alluded to insertion of capillary Acssels into large venous trunks is by no means restricted to the mouth and pharynx. In the testes and ovaries the same thing occurs, for the capillaries of these organs meet large venous blood-vessels which surround the germinal follicles in the ovary, or piiOFESsoE iitetl's ajtatomical kotes. 101 tlie perfectly closed spermato-genetic cells in the testicle, and this is not only the case among tlie Progs, but prevails, without exception, throughout the whole classes of the Eeptilia and Amphibia. 10, Oil some additions to our Jcnoioledge of Retia mirahilia. I have just concluded a memoir on recently discovered " Eetia mirabilia " in Mammals and Birds, which is for presentation to the Imperial Academy of Science, and which will probably be published in the Transactions of that learned Society. But as I cannot hope that its publication will take place for some time, I give the follow- ing brief epitome of its contents, but refrain from giving the descrip- tive particulars in detail. In Birds these Eetia mirabilia occur only in the Tibial artery (Tibio-tarsal artery) of long-legged species — they are not found in any of the short-legged species — this con- clusion is the result of the investigation by means of injection of more than fifty genei'a. The rareness of injected preparations of birds, wiU add somewhat to the value of my memoir ; one great merit of which will consist in a series of splendid drawings from nature. It may be of interest to append the names of some of the more remark- able. Among the Cursores, I foimd the most complicated and richest Uete mirabile in the Apteryx awstralis, where it extends from the foreleg to the middle of the elongated tarsus ; it covers the main trunk of the tibial and tarsal artery, crossing and recrossing it, so that, to the casual observer, it would appear as if the artery split up into so many branches, and that these composed the rete, but on closer examination the tibio-tarsal artery will be seen threading its way underneath the densely compact mass of the rete, and emerging, undiminished in its size, from its inferior end. In the Ostrich (^Struthio); Rhea ; Dromaius ; Casuarius; Leptoptilus ; Plioenicopterus ; Ardea; Ibis o'eligiosa (Sacred Ibis), and many others belonging to the ArdeidfB, the rete is found only in the foreleg. In the Ostrich and its congeners the rete is very small, consistiug of a few (2-4) elongated and very slender branches, which are so closely applied to the chief trunk of the tibial artery, that their discovery and isolation require a good eye and sharp instruments. In the Apteryx the numerous vessels that enter to form the rete never return to unite with the tibio-tarsal artery, from which they originally sprung. "When they cease to surround and accompany that artery, they imite to newly formed arteries, providing for the deficiency of the colla- teral branches of the main artery, which latter are totally wanting from the commencement of the rete. I lay some stress on the fact that the main trunk of the anterior tibial* artery and its prolonga- tion as tarsal is only destined to supply the toes, the rest of the soft parts of the foot receive their blood from the various newly formed arteries, into which the rete mirabile branches off" at its inferior * The posterior tibial is wanting. 102 ORIGINAL AllTICLES. bouuclary. The tibio-tarsal rete niirabile of this wingless bird is therefore unipolar. In tlie iwWj developed rete of Struthio and its congeners it is however bipolar ; each of its few constituent branches, inserts itself into the trimk of the tibialis some inches above the tarsal point. I ha^e also recorded the attempt at formation of rete mirabile in short-legged birds, and among them a very singular case in Apteno- di/tes {Spheniscus). Among the mammalia the number of hitherto kno^vn* retia mirabilia and plexuses has been considerably increased ; the arteries of the anterior and posterior extremities of many Pachyderms are provided with them, as I have observed in the Peccary, Tajacu, Phacochoerus, Tapir, Hyrax {cnpensis and syriacus), and in the com- mon pig. I have little doubt but that anatomists, who are so very fortunate as to live near the Zoological Gardens, London, or the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, will be able in time to include among the number, the names of such grand animals as JElephas, Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus, which, like many other prodigies of ' fei^ax mon- strorum Africa' (Plin.) will never come within my reach. Among the true Quadrumana, there is no rete mirabile, but a strange tendency towards the formation of one is to be found among the thumbless apes, as in Afeles, where it manifests itself in the divided aspect of the elsewhere single and undivided arteries. In the Prosimii, the collateral branches of all the main trunks jut out like a series of rays, so that a number of them have quite the appearance of tufts of tassels, a disposition which was discovered by Johannes Miiller in other animals, and denominated by him, ' Eete mirabile unipolare diffusum,' (as in Thjnnus) ; this curious origin of numerous side branches in the form of tufts or tassels, occurs in Lemur, Galago, Lichanotus, whilst in Tarsius spectrum and Stenops gracilis, true plexiform retia mirabilia occiu' in the brachial and the crural arteries. Ilitlierto retia have not been found among the Carnivora ; the first instance I saw was in the genus Viverra, where it occurs in the cutaneous branches of the crural artery ; it accompanies the saphenous nerves, and forms a very slender and pretty rete saphemun, which extends through the leg as far as the ankle. In the Marsupials plexiform retia mirabilia are deficient in the limbs, but they are found well developed in the palatin and inferior maxillary arteries. The special function of these retia appears still to be buried in obscurity, but still it may not be useless to collect thus a larger series of facts : some day or other, doubtless, they will be weighed in the balance of physiological reason. * Since tlie time of Carlisle (Pliil. Trans. 1800), who discovered them in the arm of the 81oth, they have been ol)sorvcd (by Vrolik) in Sicnops ; (by Baer) among the Whales; (by Koscnmullcr) in the Senl ; (by Allman, Kept. Brit, Afpoc. 1844) in Dasypus, and (by myself, Proceed. Imp. Acad. Vienna, vols. v. vi.) in Myi'inecophoga, Mnnis, Chlumijdophorus, Ornitlwrh>j7ichus, and 2'richecus. PEOFESSOE HYETL's ANATOMICAL KOTES. 103 11. On intervertebral Synostoses and Suturce in JFish. I have collected together from almost every quarter of the world, a large series of fish skeletons, numbering several hundi^eds. When siu-veyiug from time to time my treasures, I have been struck by the many examples occurring among them, of what, if it occurred in the human subject, would be considered a disease : I I'efer to the osseous union of a greater or lesser number of vertebra? into a solid mass, with the total disappearance of all intervertebral articulations, and of every vestige of cartilage or articular cavity, so that every ti'ace of mobility has gone. rfteiitzs TOiTOt^oq birB 'f The number of coalesced vertebrae is from two to six, and this synostosis takes place more frequently in the tail than in the trunk of the fish. When one remembers that the locomotive powers of a fish chiefly depend on the extreme flexibility of its vertebral colimm, one would think that the diminution of this flexibility by the abolition of the intervertebral articulations, would not only cause some inconveniences to the creatm-e, but even endanger its existencei^ This is, however, obviated by the fact that the confluent vertebrae are not larger than the non-confluent ones, their length being so much reduced, that the five coalesced vertebrae are not longer than one ; and a slight fraction of a non-coalesced one. It is a very remark- able sight to see such a synostotic series of vertebrae in the tail of some powerful fish; and this too, not by any means the result of pathological deformity, there being no callosity present to suggest' g,, mechanical injury, and no deposits of calcareous matter to induce us to regard the synostoses as a senile metamorphosis; for it occurs iu both old and yoiuig individuals, and in those of both sexes. The union is oftentimes so perfect that it is only by the presence of the two superior or inferior spinous processes, that we perceive that it has taken place; the intervertebral foramena appear never to be perfectly obliterated, though they are exceedingly diminished iu size. The synostosis is, without doubt, of a physiological character, and it must take place very early in life, when the length of the bodies of the vertebrae is so short, that two, three, four, or five such lengths is equal to the length of a single vertebra of a fully grown-up individual. When the increase in length is stopped, the increase in circumference continues, as in the non-synostosied vertebral bodies. This synostosis does not appear to occur in any of the short-bodied fishes. It does not occur in the short-bodied Sparoid, Moenoid, nor Squamipennate fish, nor in any Labyrinthoid, but in most of the other families it occurs the oftener, the longer the fish. In the Eel tribe (especially Gymnoius), iu the Mormi/rus {kut £^oxr]y Gymnarchus'), two, three, and even four portions of the vertebral column are affected with this vertebral synostosis. Another instance of solid and immovable vertebral imion is to be found iu the genus Ostracion, the body of these curious fish being 104 ORIGINAL ABTICLES. walled-iu by sucli a thick and almost enamelled carapace of solidly wedged plates, that it is only tlie end of the tail that appears heyond this strong coat of armour. The vertebral column has no mobility whatever, and is quite destitute of muscles ; the bodies of the vertebrae are not anchylosed, but they and their superior arches are so firmly united by sutui'es, that flexion or extension between them, or throughout the whole length of the column, is perfectly impossible. This is, perhaps, the only instance of true suturse between vertebrsB to be met with in the animal kingdom, 12, On the Arteria mediana lingiice. There is a small artery of this name, which has been overlooked by all anatomists. Ordinary injection materials will not be fine enough to demonstrate it, but the material which I make use of in my microscopic injections, answers however admirably, Diu'ing the many years I have been engaged in the preparation of anatomical injections, I have met with this artery so often, as to be able to exhibit a series (niunbering some dozens) of specimens, in which it may be seen in its difterent stages of evolution. From this little troop of human tongues we derive the following information: — The Arteria dorsalis linguae supplies the basal portion of the superior svu'face of the tongue, that portion between the papillae circumvallatae and the epiglottis, it then spreads itself into a number of branches, each of which is very fine and superficial; the posterior branches of the one side, meet with the branches from the other in the median line, at the base of the tongue; a median artery is formed after the same manner, as the two vertebral arteries unite to form the basilar artery in the cavity of the skull. The Arteria mediana linguae runs forward to the point of the angle formed by the two comerging lines of the papillae vallatae — here it either ends or divides, and surrounds the larger papillae, and is then continued on as a single vessel, which continues its onward course to the top of the tongue. This artery is of very small size, but it is situated so superficially, as to be easily seen without any preparation. It is contained in the mucous membrane of the tongue, not below it, as in all the other arteries of this organ. When the artery, in a well injected tongue, is not at once apparent, a little manipulation will soon reveal it. There are tongues whose siu-face is not very rich in filiform papillae, and tliese too, very short, so that the tongue resembles a close cut-velvet ; such tongues will show this artery without any help from the scalpel; but when the filiform papilUe are very long and densely set (such tongues are called in German, " pelzige Zungen"), the artery may be best seen and dissected out by dividing the papiUae in the middle Hue of the tongue by a pin, or better by shaving the surface of the tongue with a razor. Perhaps I have dwelt too long on a vessel, which, if wounded, would not yield three drops of blood ; but every anatomist likes to PROFESSOE HTRTl's ANATOMICAL NOTES. 105 deal sometimes in trifles, and the smaller the organ discovered by our ap])lication, the more satisfaction have we. Should science attend only to discoveries that may be saleable in the market of practical life, where would she be standing in the present day ? Among my anatomical preparations of tongues, there is one of Cynocephalus Hmnadryas, and one of Tapirus Americanus, in which the arteria mediana linguae is of very considerable size, and extends throughout the length of the tongue to apes. In Cynocephalus, it here divides into two branches, which connect themselves with the foremost twigs of the arteria profunda linguse. I find this vessel also in the tongue of Aquila ftdva. O -Sii 13. On the Rami perferantes of the anterior Tibial mid Feroneal Arteries. AYlien an isolated injection of the anterior tibial artery is made (the trunk on the dorsum pedis must be ligatured, to prevent the filling of the tibialis posterior by the large anastomosis between these two vessels, in the first intermetatarsal interspace) some small arteries will be discovered filled in the deep layer of the calf of the leg. According to the ordinary ideas, the anterior tibial artery is only destined for the muscles, &c. on the forepart of the leg, but on a closer examination, some four or five small branches ■wall be found, which perforate the interosseous ligament at almost equal distances, and reach the posterior part of the leg; they keep close to the periosteum, along which membrane they ramify, and they are joined by ofli"sets of the posterior tibial, coming to the same fibrous membrane. Tbe peroneal artery is injected with the same results ; its perfo- rating branches go across, through the interosseous ligament, to the periosteum of the anterior aspect of the tibia, and iiltimately anastomise with the periosteal branches of the tibialis antica ; the tibialis postica does not send off" perforating branches. Tliese communicating branches may be of some practical use in cases of ligature of either of the above-mentioned arteries : there is in my anatomical collection a preparation of the arteries of the fore- leg, where a communication is kept up between the trunks of the tibialis antica and peronea, by a very stout-looking vessel of about the calibre of a raven's quill. The anastomosis takes place about half-way down the leg, and the peroneal artery is suddenly augmented in volume at the sjDot where the communicating branch joins the peroneal. 106 XI. — Upon a koj^-steiped Mi'scle coisTfECTED WITH THE Orbital Periosteum of Majs^ and Mammals, and on the Musculus Kerato-ceicoideus. By Wm. Turner, M.B. (Lond.), F.RS.E., Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy, Uniyersity of Edinburgli.* "Whilst engaged in making a dissection, ia the hnman subject, during the winter session of last year, of the superior maxillary, or second division of the fifth cranial nerve, my attention was attracted to a pale-reddish, soft, mass, filling up the narrow chink of the spheno-maxillary fissure, and extending, from the sphenoidal fissure in the sphenoid bone, to the infra-orbital canal in the superior maxil- lary bone. It was evidently connected to the superior (ocular) as- pect of the periosteum of the orbit, and it was pierced by the orbital branch of the superior maxillary nerve, from which, as well as from the ascending branches of the spheno-palatine ganglion, it appeared to receive its supply of nerves.t It completely shut ofi" the superior maxillary nerve, with its infra-orbital continuation, from the cavity of the orbit. Since the period of making the above observation, I have availed myself of several opportunities of examiniag the same region in other subjects, and have constantly observed appearances, of a nature simi- lar to those just described. The amount of the reddish mass and the depth of its tint vai-ied slightly in difi'erent instances. Frequently, it was so pale as scarcely to attract attention, which may perhaps be the reason why it has so long been neglected by anatomists. AVhen carefully examined with the nalved eye, or, still better, with a single lens, it was seen to exhibit a fibi-ous appearance. A small portion snipped ofi" with scissors, teazed out with needles, and placed on the stage of the microscope, under a quarter inch objective, was observed to ibe composed of pale, flattened, band-like fibres, having a faintly granular aspect, and presenting indications of elongated nuclei at iatervals. From these characters I had little doubt that the struc- ture in question consisted of the non-striped form of muscular fibre. As considerable difficulty is alw^ays experienced in obtaining for examination the contents of the hxnnan orbit, in a perfectly fresh condition, I, in the next instance, proceeded to dissect the orbits of some of the more readily obtained mammals, Avith a xiew of ascertain- ing if a similar structure existed iu them. In the orbit of the sheej), I have most satisfactorily observed appearances which have fidly con- firmed the opinion of the structure already expressed. The orbit of this animal difters from that of man in possessing much less perfect walls. As a consequence of this, the orbital membrane, or periosteum, is a structure of much impoi'tance, for it stretches across the floor of * Read before the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, Dec. 19th, 1861. t That jMcckel's ganghou sends brandies to the periosteum of tlic orbit is a fact that has long been known to anatomists, though there have been difficulties in the way of giving a satisfactory reason why such an arrangement prevails. The exis- tence of the small muscle uow described, accounts for the distribution. TFKNER ON THE ORBITAL AISTD KEEATOCEICOID MUSCLES. 107 the orbit from its outer to its inner wall, extends backwards to the optic foramen, and comj)letes the boundary of the cavity at the spot where the bony wall is wanting. If the contents of the orbit be carefully removed, and the orbital membrane examined from above, it will be seen to be a well defined structure, distinctly fibrous, and in many places having an almost tendinous-like aspect. Intimately connected with, and forming an essential part of it, is a thin layer of a pale reddish substance, which extends across the greater part of the floor of the orbit, passing back- wards to the optic foramen and sphenoidal fissure. In close contact with this structure, especially at the posterior part of the orbit, is a well-marked vascular net-work, sufficiently injected with blood to be distinctly visible. This vascular plexus constitutes a small rete mira- bile, connected with the ophthalmic artery. By removing a small por- tion of the reddish mass, teazing it out with needles luider water, and examining it with a quarter inch objective, it may be seen to be com- posed for the most part of flat, pale, non-striped fibres, collected together in bundles, having a faintly granular aspect and exhibiting decided indications of nuclei in their intei'ior. These bundles of flat fibres are mingled Tvath ordinary fibrous tissue, both white and yellow, the latter becoming more distinct after the addition of acetic acid. The pale, non-striped fibres have aU the characters of the involuntary muscular fibre. Being desirous however of ascertaining if these fibres could be resolved into their constituent fibro-cells, I adopted the plan which has been recommended by Belchert, and macerated a portion of the orbital membrane for forty-eight hours in dilute hydro- chloric acid. I then found that, by the aid of a very slight dissection, the fibres readily resolved themselves into the elongated fusiform cells of which they were composed. In no tissue which I have ever examined, consisting of the non-striped muscle, have I succeeded in obtaining more beautiful and more perfect specimens of the contrac- tile fibre-cell than in this muscle of the orbital membrane. The fusi- form shape of the cells, their size, and the elongated rod-like nucleus in the centre of each cell, gave to the texture a most characteristic appearance. I may also mention, that when the orbital muscle in the sheep Avas examined without the addition of any re-agent, besides distilled water, a number of elongated rod-like nuclei were always met with, lying free in the water surrounding the preparation, which had evidently been loosened and detached during the dissection with the needles. These nuclei corresponded in their characters to those met with in the interior of the fibro-cells. The characters which I have now enumerated render the muscular nature of the reddish tex- ture connected with the orbital membrane sufficiently clear. On referring to the authorities who have written on the structure of the orbital membrane I find that the following opinions have been expressed concerning it. Bendz* in a paper " On the orbital membrane in the domestic Mammals," describes it as distinctly fibrous, but possessing a consi- * Miiller's Archiv, 1841, p. 196. 108 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. derable quantity of a yellowish tissue, wliicli lie considers to be elastic, interpolated with it. He regards the opinion, which had been previ- ously advanced by GurJt, that the tissue was muscular, to be erroneous. Stannius* states that in those animals, in which the bony wall of the orbit is incomplete, the separation between the orbital cavity and the temj^oral fossa is mostly effected by a fibrous membrane, containing also abundant elastic tissue. He states that Sucloljjhi regarded these elastic fibres to be muscular in Bears, and that Meckel described a muscle in the orbital membrane of Ornithorynchus. Chauvemif speaks of the fibrous membrane which completes the cavity of the orbit as entirely composed of white inextensile fibres. GurltX con- siders it to be a strong fibrous membrane, with yellow elastic fibres interpolated. S. Ji£uUer,§ in a very brief communication, states that he has found flat muscular fibres in the inferior orbital fissure in man, and corresjD ending structures connected to the membrana orbitalis of mammalia. It was supposed by those, who held that the membrana orbitalis was a highly elastic and not a muscular structure, that it was through its elastic recoil that the eye-ball was re-protruded in those animals which retracted the ball through the contraction of a retractor muscle. H. Muller, again, who speaks more positively than any who have preceded him, not only of the existence of a muscle, but also of the kind of fibre of which it is composed, considers that it antago- nizes those muscles which retract the eye-ball into the socket, and that thus, the rejjrotrusion of the globe is produced, not by a mere elastic recoil but by a muscidar contraction. If this hypothesis be correct, an arrangement exists in this locality, which is certainly to be regarded as an unusual one, viz. : an involun- tary muscle acting as a direct antagonist to a vohmtary muscle. AVlie- ther the hypothesis be correct, or not, I am disposed to consider that the muscle has some especial relation to the vascidar arrangements in the orbit. Its extension backwards to the foramina through which the orbital vessels proceed, and with which it is in immediate relation, and the very abundant vascular network found in connection with it, point, I think, to some special relation between the muscle and the vessels, a relation which is not at all inconsistent with what is known of the function of non-striped muscle in other localities. Occurrence of the Musculus lyerato-cricoidews. — In a paper, entitled " Remarks on the Musculus Kerato-cricoideus (Merkel's muscle)," published in the Edinburgh Medical Journal, February, 1860, I directed attention to an account, which had been given by Dr. Carl Merkel of Leipsic (Stimm und Sprach-Organ, 1857), of a hitherto imdescribed muscle of the humau larynx. Merkel described this muscle as arising from the posterior surface of the cricoid cartilage, and extending obliquely upwards and outwards to • Lehrbuch der verglcichenden Anatomic, 1846, p. 401. •f Traite d' Anatomic Comparee, 18.57, p. 753. j Handbuch der Vcrgleicli. Auat. der Haus. Saugethierc. 1860, p. 733. § Siebold and Kollikers Zcitschrift, 1858, p. 541. TURNER ON TUE ORBITAL AND KERATOCRICOTD MUSCLES. 109 be attached to the posterior margin of the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage. He stated that the muscle was not found in every larynx, and tliat when present it existed only on one side. In my remarks, I supplemented the description of Merkel with some additional particulars, more especially pointing out, that, al- though, as a rule, the muscle only occurred on one side, right or left as the case might be, jet that a double muscle might exist. I figm-ed an example of such a bilateral muscle, which at that time was the only one I had seen. Since then I have met with two additional cases in which a double kerato- cricoid muscle was present. One of these was especially noteworthy, for the muscle, on both sides, was more largely developed than in any previous example that had fallen under my notice. The great size of the kerato-cricoid muscle was combined with a general laryngeal muscularity. The occurrence of three examples of a double kerato-cricoid muscle, during the last tw^o years, within my o^vn ex]5erience, shows that the bilateral arrange- ment is not so imusual as was in the first instance supposed. JVote. — Since the above paper was in type, my attention has been directed, by Professor Huxley, to a communication by H. Miiller, dated Dec. 15th, 1860, entitled " On the influence of the sympathetic upon some muscles, and on the extensive occurrence of unstriped muscles in the skin in the mammalia."* As this paper throws some additional light upon the probable action of the orbital muscle I append a short abstract of it : — H. Miiller, after referring to the many puzzling questions which have arisen respecting the function of the sympathetic nerve, and its relations to the muscles supplied by it, proceeds to ask two questions : 1st. Whether and which unstriped muscles are supplied by other nerves than the sjrmpathetic ? 2nd. Wliether and which transversely-striped muscles are under the influence of the sympathetic ? In answer to the first, the action of the oculo-motor nerve upon the unstriped fibres of the iris cannot be doubted : the vagus also acts upon unstriped muscles, and the experiments of Schifl" have shown that the greater part of the vascular nerves are not connected with the sympathetic. The second question may be most effectively answered by consi- dering the effect produced upon the eye-ball by division or irritation of the cervical sympathetic. Miiller, for this purpose, refers to the experiments of Bernard, E. Wagner, and Brown- Sequard ; the general tendency of which is to show, that division of the cervical sympathetic produces narrowing of the paljiebral fissure, retraction of the bidb, projection of the nictitating membrane and narrowing of the anterior nares and the mouth. Irritation of the nerve by gal- vanization, on the other hand, produces increase of the opening of * Uebcr den Einfluss des Sympathicus auf einige Muskeln, &c. Von H, Miiller, " Vevliandlungeu der Phys. Med. Gesellschaft in WiJrzburg." 110 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. the lids, projection of the bulb, retraction of the nictitating mem- brane, relaxation of several facial muscles. Respecting the causes which produced these changes there was some difference of opinion. R.Wagner could scarcely conceive that any force, save the contraction of the two obliqui, could produce projection of the eye-ball, and yet he asks, "how could these transversely-striped muscles receive excito-motory fibres from the sympathetic?" Brown- Sequard, again, considered that retraction of the bulb, after section of the nerve, was produced by the active contraction of the retractor and recti, and that its reprojection by subsequent irritation was a reposition. Schiff regarded the projection of the bulb as due to the action of the obliqui : the movements of the lids he considered to be passi-\e, and due to those of the bulb. Eemak, on the other hand, believed that the narrowing of the palpebral fissure was due to a relaxation of the levator palpebra? supe- rioris, accompanied by a spasmodic contraction of the orbicularis. Moreover, he conceived that the sympathetic acted upon the volun- tary muscles of the Hds about the eye. Muller considers that it is now no longer necessary to discuss the various probabilities respecting the influence of the sympathetic upon the voluntary muscles of the eye, as a complete series of unstriped muscles have now been observed, which will serve as a foundation for explaining the movements in question. These muscles consist of three divisions : — 1st. In the oi'bital cavity of mammals, a membrane (membrana orbitalis), consisting of imstriped muscles with elastic tendons, exists, which, by irritation of the cervical sympathetic, projects the contents of the orbit, especially the bulb, forwards. Eetraction is produced by the transversely-striped retractor. In man, the orbital muscle is much reduced in size, and the retractor is wanting, so that a distiuct projection of tlie bulb does not follow irritation of the symj)athetic, as Wagner and H. Muller himself have observed. 2nd. The projection of the nictitating membrane in mammals is mostly due to the retractor bulbi under the influence of the N. abducens. Its withdrawal depends on some unstriped muscles which are under the influence of the sympathetic. In hares, how- ever, the withdrawal is due to a transversely strij^ed muscle, which is not supplied by the spnpathetic but by the oculo-motorius. In man, the lid and its muscles are rudimentaiy. 3rd. The upper and lower lid possess in man, and ia very many mammals, unstriped muscles, which have the power of drawing them back. They are more feeble in the upper thai) the lower lid, so that by irritation of the sympathetic the latter is drawn back in a more marked manner than the former. Narrowing of the palpebral fissure, after section of the cervical syuipathetic, depends upon relaxation of these nmscles. Yet recession of the eye-ball may depend upon relaxation of the orbital muscle. Muller, then, concludes that the movements occasioned by experimenting on the cervical sympatlietic, are not such as to entitle us to infer an influence of that nerve upon voluntary striped muscle. lie also considers that the movements TUENEE ON THE OEBITAL AND KEKATOCETCOID MUSCLES. Ill about the nose and mouth, said by Bernard to be produced by section of the sympathetic, if they do take place, are owing to the presence of unstriped cutaneous muscles. Miiller next inquires into the existence of unstriped muscles in the skin of the ear. He has occasionally found, on galvanizing the cervical sympathetic in cats, that a movement of the hairs growing upon the skin at the entrance of the concha, has taken place. Tliis experiment has, how^ever, frequently failed both in cats and other animals. A careful examination of the skin of the part did not giA'e any indications of unstriped muscles, but very distinct muscles were seen connected to the hair follicles. He considers these experiments of interest, as they appear to indicate whence the muscles of the hair follicles receive their nerves. Owing to the movement of the hairs being limited to a very small locality, during the irritation of the sympathetic, one must suppose that only a very small part of the unstriped muscular apparatus of the skin of the cat can be regulated by the cervical sympathetic. XII. — Note sue l'E]S"cepe:ale de e'Ceakg-outakg, par J. L. C. Schroeder van der Kolk et W. Yrolik.* [By the kindness of the distingnished authors of tliis essay, we are enabled to lay it before the readers of the present number of the Natural History Review ; wherein it fitly takes its jjlace, as an important link in the chain of evidence by which the baselessness of the three assertions, that the " posterior lobe," the " posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle," and the "hippocampus minor," are structures " peculiar to " or " characteristic of" the human brain, has been placed beyond the possibility of cavil. The statements in the paper to which MM. Schroeder van der Kolk and Vrolik refer in theu' opening sentence, were sub- stantially refuted in the essay " On the Zoological Relations of Man to the Lower Animals," published in the number of this Review for Jamian', 1861 ; and v/ere so obviousl}', either irrelevant or incompatible with fact, that we deemed them undeserving of further criticism. But, for MM. Schroeder van der Kolk and "Vrolik, this singular brochure had an importance, which its scientific contents could not confer upon it. For though these eminent anatomists declare them- selves decided opponents of all forms of the doctrine of progressive development, they are above all, lovers of truth ; and therefore, at whatever risk of seeming to lend support to views which they dislike, when, in that paper and elsewhere, they found their facts denied, their words misquoted, and their very figures mis- interpreted, they felt it their duty to take the first opportunity of pubhcly repu- diating the abuse of their authoritj^, iu a formal note addressed to the learned Academy of which they are members. 3ijf^i>> As none of our readers, who are interested in the question, are likely to be unacquainted with French, we content ourselves with accurately reproducing the text and its accompanying plate ; a course, which in such a case as this, has its obvious recommendations. — T. H. H.] Monsieur Eichard Owenf vient de publier un memoire sur les caracteres anatomiques du cerveau de I'homme et des singes. Pre- * Extrait des comptes rendus de 1' Academic Roj'ale des Sciences, Sectiou Sciences Exactes, Vol. XIII. Amsterdam. t R. Owen. On the Cerebral characters of Man and the Ape in Annals and ilagaziiie of Natural History, 3d Series, Vol. VII. No. 42, July 1861, p. 456. 112 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. occupe dc la question remise sur le tapis par les aiiteurs des Vestiges of Creation et de la Natural Selection, et anime peut-etre par la poleniiqiie, qui en a ete le resultat, cet eminent naturaliste a voulu prouver par des faits anatomiques, que I'espece Homme n'a pas pu provenir de I'espece Singe. Chercliant ces faits principalement dans la sti'ucture du eer\^eau, notre honorable confrere a cru de son devoir de reproduire les dessius de feu Tiedemann pour le cerveau d'un negre* et les notres pour le cerveau du Chinipansef, afin de fairs voir qu'il y a une difference prononcee entre rencephale de I'homme le moins developpe et celui de ces singes superieurs, que Ton nomme anthropomorphes. — Ces faits, ajoute-t-il, gagnent en im- portance, si Ton considere qu'ils ont ete publies bien avant que la transmutation des especes fut devene une question scientifique, par consequent sans y avoir egard, et probablement aussi sans que les auteurs aient songe a la possibilite qu'une telle liypotliese put etre emise imjour. Monsieur Owen nous fait I'lionneur d'y joindre quelques paroles bienveillantes sur I'exactitude de nos dessins, qu'il a pu apprecier en les comparant avec les dissections qu'il a faites du cerveau du Chimpanse, de I'Orang-outang et du Grorille ; le cervelet du Gorille, que nous n'avons pas disseque, lui parait proportionelle- ment plus gi'and que celui des deux autres anthropomorplies, et il en deduit I'etonnante force muscnlaire de cet animal. Jusque la nous n'avons qn'a nous feliciter d'un accord scientiSque, dont nous sommes heureux et fiers. Malheureusement im pen plus loin, notre illustre confrere parait s'etre laisse enti'ainer par son desir de combattre la theorie de M. Darwin, et, si nous ne nous trompons fortement, il s'est fourvoye. Pour prouver que le cerveau du negre s'eleve sans transition et d'xuie maniere brusque avidessus de celui des singes anthropomorphes, M. Owen affirme que le lobe posterieur de I'hemisphere, la corne postcrieure du ventricule lateral, et dans celle- ci I'eminence, que Ton nomme pes Hippocampi minor, qui existent tons dans le cerveau du negre, manquent chez ces singes. II ajoute que I'absence de ces parties offre un caractere bien tranche et meme des plus importants, pour distinguer le cerveau des quadrumanes de celui de I'homme. Afin de bien preciser, il se sert des jiaroles sui- vantes, que nous avons cru devoir traduire. " Pour les definitions concises, dont on se sert dans les systemes zoologiques pour caracteriser les groupes, il est avant tout necessaire de bien definir les termes. J'ai en soin delafaire dans mon memoire sur la classification primaire des mammiferes+ d'apres les difterences * 'V. Tiedemann. On the Brain of the Negro compared with that of the Euro- pean and the Orang-outan in Philoso/Mc. Trans, year 1836. t Schroeder van der Kolk en W. Vrolik. Ontleedkundige Vcrhandeling over dc gedaantc en hct maakscl der herscnen van den, in Verl). der Eerste Klnsse vim hct. Kvninklijk Nedvrl. lastituut, 3e llccks, Ecrstc Dccl, LI. 2C3. Amstenhuu, 1849. % V. On the Characters, Principles of Division and Primary Groups of the class Mammalia in Jonriiul of' the Proceedintjs of the Linnaun iiocitty. Vol. II. No. 5, June 21, Ao. 1857. KOTE SUE l'eNC^PHALE DE l'oRANQ-OUTANG. 113 specialea du cerveau. Le terme du lobe posterieur y avait primitive- ment uu sens uu peu vague. Avec M.M. Cruveilhier, Todd et d'autres, je ne recounaissais pas de lianite naturelle entre le lobe moyen ou temporal et le lobe posterieur ou occipital de I'hemispliere du cerveau humain. Par consequent, je ine vis force de prendre mon point de depart tant de la structure interne, que de la position relative des parties. D'apres cela j'ai nomrae lobe posterieur celui qui recouvre le tiers posterieur du cervelet et se prolonge au dela de celui-ci." Suivant ce raisonnement nous serious coupables d'une fausse in- terpretation, en nommant lobe posterieur une partie du cerveau, qui ne se prolonge pas autanc et qui ne contiendrait pas de corne ventri- culaire posterieure. M. Owen le dit d'une maniere implicite, en ajoutant : " neanmoins " je n'ai aucvui doute, que mes confreres faillibles n'aient dit la verite, " telle quails Ventendent, en aiBrmant que les singes d'un ordre supe- " rieur out uu lobe posteriem* a I'hemisphere de leur cerveau, une " corne posterieur dans leur ventricule lateral et dans celle ci un pes " Hippocampi minor ; mais de mon cote, je crois aussi prononcer une " verite strictement scientifique d'accord avec les definitions de ces *' parties, en affirmant qu'elles ne sont propres {peculiar) qu'a I'espece " liumaine." Ces paroles, publiees au mois de Juin 1861, paraissent etre une reponse a uu memoire, publie au mois de Janvier de la meme annee, par M. Huxley.*) Ce savant, qui nous fait I'lionneur de nommer uotre travail de 1849, one of the most valuable memoirs on the cerebral organisation of the higher Apes that has been yet written, deduit de nos observations et de nos planches justement le contraire de ce que M. Owen y a vu. M. John Marshall, qui vient apres M.M. Huxley et Owen, insiste sur cette singuliere controverse, en citant nos planches " so " differently interpreted just now, being equally quoted to shoiv the " PRESENCE and the absence in the quadrumanous brain, of the same " parts, viz. the posterior lobes, the posterior cornu and the hippocampus " minor.'' f H fait quelques reflexions sur nos dessins, sur lesquelles nous revieudrons plus tard, mais il y reconnait toutes les parties, dont M. Owen nie I'existence chez les singes. Outre cela, il donne une belle photographie du cerveau du Chimpanse, dans laquelle U les montre toutes. Nous devons encore citer M. Gleorge Eolleston,^ veuu apres * Huxley. On the Zoological Relations of Man with the Lower Animals, in Natural History Review, No. I. January, 1861, p. 69. London. f On the Brain of a young Chimpanzee. By John Marshall. In Natural History Review, No. III. July, 1861. London. X G. Eolleston. On the Affinities of the Brain of the OrangUtang, in Natural History Review, No. II, April, 1861. N. H. R.— 1862. I 114 OBIOINAL ARTICLES. M. Huxley et avant M. Marshall, qui recoimait ces parties et les decrit chez I'Orang-outang. II parait que rannee 1861 a ete funeste en Angleterre aux Cliim- panses et aux Orangs, et que la question meme de leur organisation cerebrale a bien vivemeut emu les esprits. L'accord d'opiuion qui reoTie entre nous et ces trois auteurs nous flatte et nous liouore. Nous nous rejouissons de la faeilite qu'offrent les Jardins Zoologiques etablis partout aujourd'hui, et de I'excellent esprit qui anime leurs directeurs. Une erreur, qui se serait perpetuee autrefois, est mainte- nant bien vite eclaircie. En comparant les paroles de M. Owen avec I'appui unanime donne a nos travaux pas trois iiommes eminents, nous ne nions j)as que nous en sommes extremement frapp es et profoudement affliges. D'aprea les louanges, donnees a I'exactitude de nos dessins, nous ne nous attendions pas au reproclie d'avoir meconnu le caractere ana- tomique du cerveau des singes superieiu's ou antliroponiorplies. Nous avons represente dans nos planches les parties que M. Owen refuse au cerveau du Chimpanse ; nous les avons decrites dans le texte de notre memoire. M. Owen nous loue de notre exactitude, et par une contradiction in adjecto, d uie chez les singes I'existence des parties memes, que de son aveu, nous y axu-ions si bien decrites et ei bien representees. Si nous avons bien compris la phrase, dans laquelle il enveloppe un dementi un pen voile, c'est sur I'uiterpreta- tion qu'il nous attaque. II s'agit d'eclaircir celle-ci et de la defendre. Cette defense est devcnue d'une certaine importance, depuis que la pretendue absence du lobe posterieur aux hemispheres du cerveau des singes est devenue im des arguments, que Ton oppose a I'hypo- these de la transformation des especes, theorie que Ton doit a M. Darwin, et qui, quoique connue seulement depuis environ deux ans, jette deja un eclat plus vif que sa soeur afnee, vieillie sous le nom de Vestiges of Creation. II y a entre elles un trait de famille ; mais la cadette se glorifie d'un nom univerfsellement respecte, I'ainee se cache sous le voile de Tanonyme. L'histoire nous apprend que de telles theories fi-appent et seduiseut surtout les esprits jeimes et pleins d'avenir. Elles reparaissent de temps a autre et accompagnent prcsque toujours les tourmentes politiques ct religieuses. line fatalite, qui s'explique par la nature meme de la lutte, lui donne toujours un caractere d'animosite tres vive et presque toujours personelle. Un desir trop ardent de vaincre enleve aux antagonistes I'esprit calme, qui lea dirige dans leurs autres ti'avaux. lis ne se donnent pas le temps de delier le noeud ; leur impatience leur fait croire qu'ils n'ont qu'^ le couper. Une phrase trcs forte, par la- quelle M. Agassiz definit la theorie Darwinicnue en fait preuve ; il la nomme une erreur scientifique, fausse dans les faits, non scientifique dans sa methode et peraicieuse (mischievous^ dans sa tendance. M. Darwin est un homme trop eminent pour meritcr une accusation teUement formidee. On pent regretter qu'une imagination trop vivo, une faeilite de conception qui eblouit plutot qu'elle n'eclaire, en NOTE SUE l'ETTCEPHALE DE l'oRANO-OUTAKO. 115 le poussant clans le labyrluthe des hypotlieses, lui ait fait quitter le champ des observations oCi I'on aimait taut a le suivre, mais on ne lui contestera jamais im talent hors de Hgne, ni un savoir aussi profond qu'etendu. Cette digression fait voir que nous ne sommes pas partisans d& la tlieorie qvii porte le nom de son auteur. Mais s'il faut la combattre, nous desirous que ce soit par des arguments a I'abri de tout reproebe et par des faits clairs, evidents, irrecusables. Sans cela on court risque de faire tort au systeme meme, que Ton Teut defendre. Nous craignons que M. Owen ne soit tombe dans cette faute. — Si nous avions commis une erreur, soit d' observation, soit d'interpre- tation, nous serious heureux de pou\ar I'avouer, en cbercbaut notre excuse dans ce qu'il nomme ime faillibilite que nous admettons et reconnaissons en toute bumilite, et nous trouverions en meme temps notre consolation dans Tidee, que cette errem- eut procure un argu- ment de plus contre une hypothese qui nous deplait. Mais, a notre regret, nous ne pouvons nous executer avec cette bonne grace. Nous avons revu nos dessins et nos preparations de I'annee 18-19. Nous reconnaissons avec M. Ovren, que les dessins sont exacts. Non satisfaits de cette approbation, nous avons repete, au mois d'Aout dernier, la dissection d'un cerveau d'Orang-outang, mort au Jardiu Zoologique d' Amsterdam, que nous devons a la generosite de M. "Westerman et a la courtoisie de notre collegue M. Van Geuna. Nous soumettons a votre appreciation, messieurs, la dissection du ventricule lateral gaucbe de ce cerveau, et nous osous esperer, que les anatomistes qui assistent a cette seance, n'y meconnai trout ni un lobe posterieur a I'bemisphere, ni une corne posterieure au ventricule lateral, ni une eminence dans cette corne, eminence que nons croyons avoir le droit de uommer un indice de pes Hippocampi minor.* Quant a la definition du lobe posterieur, nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec notre honorable confrere sur I'absence de limite entre le lobe moyen et le lobe posterieur de I'bemisphere. Nous trouvons entre ceux-ci un sillon transversal, formant une ligne de demarcation, tout aussi distiucte chez le Chimpanse et I'Orang, que chez I'homme. Pour voir ce sillon, il s'agit de bien enlever la pie mere, ce qui n'est pas toujours facile. A vrai dire, ce lobe posterieur ou occipital ne se prolonge pas autant que chez I'homme ; il ne recouvre pas si bien le cervelet, du moins il ne le cache pas completement, surtout vers les cotes : mais il n'y a rien la dedans, qui nous empeche de lui donner le nom qui * En parcourant le proces-verbal de la seance du 28 Sept. 1861, public dans nos Comptes rerulus, on ven-a que la presence des parties contestees y a ete uiiiversello- ment recoiuiue par les anatomistes presents a la seance. Le seul doute, qui soit reste, se rapporte au pes Hippocampi minor. La preparation etait deja conservee depuis deux mois environ dans de I'esprit de vin et Ton sait que cette liqueur conser- vatrice raccornit toujours la siibstance cerebrale. A I'etat frais I'indice du petit pied d'Hippocampc etait plus prononce que main- tenant. 116 OBIGINAL AKTICLES. lui est du. D'ailleurs il ne faut pas oublier, que lorsqu'on retire Ic cerveau du crane, il ne garde pas ses proportions normales. II s'afFaisse par le poids des hemispheres qui, en s'ecartant, decouvrent en partie le cervelet. M. G-ratiolet et les auteurs Anglais, que nous venous de citer a la page 113, font ce reproche k nos planclies de I'anuee 1849. — Ce reproche est merite. On devrait maintenir ou remettre le cerveau dans le crane, pour le dessiner et, en tout cas, corriger les proportions du dessin d'apres un moule pris de la surface interne du crane, methode nouvelle, que nous devons a M.M. Wagner et LucAE et dont nous nous servirons a I'avenir. Par rapport au developpement du cervelet, nous ne croyons pas faire une chose inutile en rappelant que, d'apres les mesures que nous avons publiees en 1819, le cervelet du Chimpanse et de I'Oraug-outang est propor- tionellement plus grand que celui de rhomme. Cela doit avoir une certaine influence sur la maniere dont il se trouve pour une partie a decouvert chez ces animaux, qui ont les lobes occipitaux moius etendus que ceux de I'homme. L'existeuce de ce lobe occipital chez les singes n'est pas une decouverte nouvelle dont nous puissious nous attribuer le merite ; Tiedemann I'a deja represente en 1821 chez le maimon {Macacus nemesfrimis* Cuvier dit que chez les singes, les hemispheres se prolongeiit en arriere, comme chez I'homme, pour y former les lobes posterieurs, qui posent sur le cervelet. Nous avons indi(jue un lobe posterieur dans le cerveau presque lisse du Stenops. f D'ailleurs ce lobe ne manque pas toujours chez d'autres mammiferes. Tiedemann decrit de petits lobes occipitaux chez le Phoque, et, ce qui est plus frappaut eiicore, il les indique et il les depeint chez le Dauphin, J M. G-ratiolet dont personne ne meconnaitra I'autorite, dit§ " que " dans I'homme et dans les singes, se detache de la partie posterieure " de I'arc du ventricule lateral, un prolongement un peu recourbe en " dedans, comme la corne d'ux Rhinoceros ou comme une grift'e. Ce " prolongement est la corne posterieure ou occipitale du ventricule " lateral. Ce prolongement est fort remarquable ; dans les singes, il " a une grandeur enorme, eu egard a I'ensemble du ventricule lateral, " dont Tare est fort petit." Ainsi il est e\ident, que nous ne sommes pas les seuls qui attri- buent un lobe posterieur aux hemispheres du cerveau des singes. Si dans le regne des faits I'erreur est possible, il est heureusement tout aussi facile de la refuter. Nous avons cm de notre devoir de defendre la science contre une interpretation fausse, dont I'invasiou • Iconcs cerebri simiarum et qnonindam animalium rariorum. Hcidelbergae, 1821. t Schrocder van der Kolk et W. Vrolik. Keeherches d'anatomie compareo snr le genre Stenops d'llliger, dans Bijdrafien tot de Dicrhunde, uitgegeven door het Koninklijk Gcnootschap Natura Artis Manigtra, I. D. Amsterdam," 1848 — 18.54. X UiUersuchuiKjen ilhfr die Natur des Memehen, der Thiere und der PJlanzen B. II. S. 258. J);u-m.sta(lt, 1827. § Anatomie comparee du systeme nerveux. Tome II. p. 74et75, Paris, 1839—1857. NOTE SUE l'eNCEPHALE DE l'oRANG-OUTANG. 117 la menacjait sous le patronage d'un nom justement celebre. Mais que Ton ne s'y trompe pas. C'est a tort qu'on ira clierclier dans notre refutation un argument pour la transmutation des especes. n y a sans donte, avec une grande diversite dans les details, p. e. I'ordre et la forme des circonvolutious, la proportion des hemispheres, la largeur des lobes frojitaux etc., il y a, disons nous, une certaine conformite generale entre I'homnie et les singes ; leur cerveau se rapproche du cerveau humain ; I'homme n'a rien dans son encephale qui manque absolument aux singes, mais en tout cela nous ne voyons aucune raison pour nous faire admettre que I'homme soit un singe perfectionne. Plus nous etudions I'organisation des animaux et plus nous nous sentons affermis dans notre conviction, qu'il y a parmi eux des types fixes, representes, quoique dans beau- coup de nuances bieu A'ariees, par des animaux, qui se ressemblent sous certains rapports. Mais nous n'y ti'ouvons jamais I'image d'une eehelle ascendante, continue, non interrompue, mais plutot celle d'un reseau. Nous ne connaissons aucune espece de singe forinant une transition directe a I'homme. Si on voulait a toute force faire naitre I'espece homme de I'espece singe, il faudrait cliercher sa tete dies ces petits singes, qui se groupent autour des Sajous et des Ouistitis, sa main chez le Chimpanse, son squelette chez le Siamang, son cerveau chez I'Orang. Si on n'a pas egard a la difterence des dents, il est evident que I'aspect general du crane d'un Sajou, d'un Ouistiti, ou de quelqu'autre espece congenere ressemble bien plus, quoique en miniatiu'e, au crane de I'homme, que celui d'un Gordle, d'un Chimpanse ou d'lm Orang adultes ; le carpe du Chimpanse a la meme nombre d'os que celui de I'homme, celui de I'Orang au contraire se distingue par ce singulier os intermediaire, que Ton retrouve chez tons les autre singes ; le squelette du Siamang par le sternum, par la forme du thorax, par les cotes et le bassin, ressemble bien plus au squelette humain, que celui du Grorille, du Chimpanse et de I'Orang ; nos recherches ont montre que le cerveau de I'Orang se rapproche plus du cerveau humain que celui du Chimpanse. II faudrait done clier- cher les traits de la famille humaine chez quatre Primates difterents, dont un d'Amerique, deux d'Afrique, un troisieme de Borneo, un quatricnie de Sumatra ; les parents ]iriniitifs de I'homme seraient par consequent tellement disperses, qu'il devient par la bien difficile de croii'e a une telle souche. En terminant, nous prions 1' Academic de vouloir nous accorder la faveur de publier dans ses comptes-rendus le memoire et la planche que nous avons eu riiouneiu" de lui soumettre. Tltreclit et Amsterdam, le 28 Septembre 1861. 118 On DimorpTiism in Prmmla. — Mr. C. Darwin has examined tlie sexual relations of the two forms in the Cowslip, Primrose and other species of Primula, called by florists ' pin-eyed ' and ' thrum-eyed.' The one (pin-eyed) mth the style reaching beyond the anthers to the mouth of the corolla-tube, which is slightly widened above, stigma globular and rough, the pollen-grains small and oblong in form, and perfecting comparatively few seeds : the other (thrinu-eyed) with a short style, and smooth, depressed stigma, falling short of the anthers, pollen-grains spherical, corolla-tube of uniform diameter, and per- fecting a larger number of seeds than the former. Between these forms four crosses can be tried : — viz. the stigma of the long-styled form, fertilized by its own pollen and by that of the short-styled, — and the stigma of the short-styled by its own pollen and that of the long-styled form. Fertilization by own-form pollen Mr. Darwin calls ' homomorphic,' by pollen of dissimilar form ' heteromor- phic' Experiment showed the heteromorphie (in which insect agency is absolutely essential) to be much more fertile than the homomorpliic union, in which the forms were as sterile as are many distinct species when crossed. The object of the dimorphic condition Mr. Darwin considers to be to favour the sexual union of distinct individuals of the same species. Other similar cases of dimorphism were named in five distinct Natui-al Orders.— i>irtw. Soc. Proc. Nov. 21, 1861. A letter, dated Sept. 12, 1861, has been received from Mr. Mann, Botanical Collector to the Eoyal Gardens, Kew, giving an account of his ascent of the Peak of St. Thomas, (7,500 ft.) in the island of that name in the Gulf of Guinea. The ascent is described as extremely diflicult. Mr. Maim found a tropical forest vegetation ascending to the very summit. Glei- cheina dichotoma, a shore plant at Fernando Po groAvs upon the top, and Eluis growing in that island only to 1000 ft. was found in St. Thomas to 3000. A Conifer {Fodocarpus) and an Anthocleista were also collected, On Clarence Peak, Fernando Po (10,700 ft.) 55 tem- perate plants were collected by Mr. Mann at and above an elevation of 5000 ft. This indefatigable collector expects shortly to ascend the Cameroon Mountain on the main land (13,000 ft.) Note on tlie Hahits of Vipers.— 1\iQ parental instincts of most cold-blooded_ Vertebrata lead them no farther than to deposit their eggs in a suitable locality. As a general rule, we may say of them, in the beautiful words of Job, " She leavcth her eggs in the ciirth,— And warmcth them in the dust, Porgetting that the foot may crush them,— Or tliat the wild beast may break them. blieis hardened against Her young ones,— A,'? tliougli thcv were not liers." NOTE ON THE HABITS OF VIPERS. 119 But this rule, though geueral, is not without exception. The males of the genus Oasterosteus (Stickleback) build a nest, watch over the eggs, take care that they shall have frequent supplies of fresh water, and do not leave the young ones till they are able to take care of themselves.* Several species of Toads and Erogs attach their eggs to their bodies and so carry them about ; while the fishes of the genus Bagrtis\ have a still more curious habit, for in this case the males carry the eggs about in their mouth, and retain them there till the yoimg obtain some size. It is supposed that the eggs are disgorged when the fish is about to feed, and then are taken in again, because in the mass of eggs, one or two belougiug to different species have oc- casionally been Ibund, In the common Viper the young remain with their mother some time after birth, and it has been frequently asserted that on any alarm they run into her mouth for safety. Though not altogether without analogy, this habit is so extraordi- nary, that the statement has always been regarded with some suspi- cion, and the question is summed up by Dr. Bell, as follows : — " Tliere are on record numerous statements, of various degrees of " credibility, of the cm'ious fact that the female Viper allows her " young ones to retreat into her stomach for safety, when alarmed by " any sudden danger. These statements generally declare that the " mother, on the occurrence of any such emergency, opens her mouth, " and that the young immediately enter it, and pass into the sto- " mach, where they remain protected until the danger be passed, or " the Viper has gained a place of safety : it is added, in many cases, " that, on killing tlie mother, the youug have been found within the " stomach, and on being liberated, have at once resumed all their " former activity. The question has been re-opened of late by the " publication of several communications in a most respectable peri- " odical, to which the reader is referred. J It will be observed, that " with one exception, the writers have given their statements only on " hearsay, and that in the one case which is given from personal ob- " servation, the circumstance is stated to have occurred when the " writer was a boy. The first impression made on the mind of one " accustomed to compare evidence with probability, and to weigh " the value of assertions by the rules of analogy, is, that the mis- " take, if it be one, may have arisen from the viviparous character of " the animal ; but the opinion is so general, the mass of evidence so " considerable, and the details in many cases so minute, as scarcely " to allow of the question being thus summarily disposed of; and in " this state of doubt upon so interesting a subject, it is pei'haps " better to await the results of direct experiments, which might be " readily made in any locality where these reptiles abound." — Bell's British Be^tiles, p. G9. • See Mr. Wariiigton's very interesting papers iu the Aiui. and Mag. of Nat. Hist, for 1852 and 1855. •j- Wyman, American Journal, 1859. t See several Nos. of the Gardener's Chronicle, in April 1848, &c. 120" MISCELLANEA. , TLougli twelve years have elajisecl since the above passage was written, the subject remains as doubtful as ever ; fear of their poisou having probably been the means of sa\ang the Vipers from the " direct experiment" here suggested. The following letter will there- fore, I feel sure, be read with interest. The writer is a gi'eat friend of mine : he is a son of Mr. Greorge Warde Norman, one of our greatest political economists, and in his testimony the utmost re- liance may be placed. He writes to me as follows : — " Bromley Common, 23rcl Oct. 1861. " Dear Lubbock, — The following are the particulars which you requested me to send to you. On the 2nd of September I was out shooting with our game- keeper. In walking through a wood, the keeper, who was a shori, dis- tance behind me, noticed a viper on the ground. It was a little over two feet long, but was not accurately measured. The keeper affirms that directly the viper was disturbed, he saw two young ones run into its mouth ; he is convinced that he saw two, and thinks, but is not certain, that he saw three. He put his foot on it, cut its head off, and brought the body to me. We commenced skinning it by turning the skin inside out, and drawing it off from head to tail. On partially removing the skin, we could see several young ones inside, which were all moving about and seemed as lively as possible. In order to preserve them in the con- dition in which they then were, we drew the skin on again and tied up the orifice of the neck. On arriving at home, I opened the body and found that all the young vipers, 11 in number, were dead, as I imagined from suffocation. The keeper says, that he has several times before seen young vipers when alarmed run into their mother's mouth for safety. Yours sincerely, PuiLiP Norman." Assuming, as I feel no hesitation in doing, that Mr. Norman's statement is thoroughly correct, the only remaining question would be whether the young vipers thus found in the body of their mother, were the same which the keeper saw, or supposes that he saw, run- ning into her mouth. My friend, not being an anatomist, does not venture to state that the young were in the stomach, but he feels no doubt that this was the case ; and, if they had been in the ovidiict some traces of the foetal membranes would probably have been perceived. I shall be happy to forward the specimens to any Na- turalist who may wish to examine them. The young ones themselves are eleven in number ; between six and seven inches in length ; and were about to moult, a new layer of scales being fully formed under the outer skin. I am unaware what is the condition and size of young Anpurs, when they first see the light, but I do not imagine that Ibhey could be of so large a size. I cannot but express a hope that Mr. Norman, having thus sho^vn his interest in Natiu-al History, and his power of observing, will not allow this to be his last contribution to our science. THE NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. %f^VUlVS. XIII. — The Writings of M. Pabre. Obseetattons sur les mceijrs des Cerceris. Aim. des Sci. Nat. Tome IV. Ser. 4. Etude sur l'insttjStct et les Metamorphoses des SraEGiEisrs. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome VI. Ser. 4. Memoire sur l'IItpermetamouphose et les mceurs des Meloi'des. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome Vll. Ser. 4. Eeciierches sur l'Anatomie des Organes Eeproducteurs et SUR LE Deyeloppement DES Mtriapodes. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Tome III. Ser. 4. Miss Martineau in lier " Eastern Life" expresses lier wonder that after a co-existence of GOOO years or more we cannot understand the language of a single animal. But how few men are there who make any effort to do so. Even among naturalists, how large a pro- portion catch but to hill, and study only the dead. In Entomology we have had but two liubers, nor can we be said yet to understand thorougMy the habits of a single insect. The most startling dis- covery of the last few years relates to a species which has been domesticated from time immemorial. Gladly, therefore, do we wel- come an Entomologist who steps boldly out of the common path; in some cases, indeed, we may feel disposed to think that M. Fabre's enthusiasm leads him to attribute to his favourites, feelings of which we can hardly suppose them capable ; but we cannot criticise what we have enjoyed so much, and the error, if it be one, throws an additional charm over his writings. Out of the many species whose manners and customs are described by M. Eabre, we must confine ourselves to three ; and even then we cannot in so short an abstract do anything like jvistice to the wit and brilliancy of the original. N. H. R — 1862. K 122 EEVIEWS. In the mefQoir which we have placed at the head of this article, M. Fabre devotes himself to the genus Cerceris. In the latter part of September, this insect, which is one of the solitary wasps, begins to hollow out a sort of gallery in the earth — horizontal or vertical, according to the species— and to enclose therein her progeny, together with the food destined for their future support. She shews herself in no wise particular as to the nature of the soil in which she works, provided it be pei'fectly dry, and exposed during a great part of the day to the heat of the sim. She takes ingenious advantage of any projection in the ground, or bimch of weeds, under the shelter of which she can pierce her gallery, and thus add as it were a peristyle to her dwelling. Though the Cercerides do not form themselves into communities, M. Fabre observes that they generally choose to live near each other, and the nests lie close together, to the number of eight or ten. It is curious to watch the labours of these insects in forming their habitations, and the patience with which they drag up successive heavy loads of sand, and eject it from the entrance of their holes. The sight of their tiny jets of sand constantly recurring attracted the attention of M. Pabre, in the first instance, to these Little excavators. He watched them, resting from their labours and basking in the sun, the females often flying to the surrounding trees, pursued by the males, who hover about, idle spec- tators of the toil carried on before their eyes. Fights frequently ensue between them for the possession of some particular female, who sits an apparently unconcerned beholder of the struggle for supremacy, and, when the victory is decided, quietly flies away in company with the conqueror. The males, which are only half the size of the females, do not condescend even to enter the galleries which are in course of excavation ; and neither by carrying a single grain of sand, nor by assisting in the subsequent troublesome task of collecting provisions for the young, do they share in the industry around them. Having completed the nests for the reception of her eggs, it now remains for the thoughtful parent to provide the nourish- ment requisite for her young, when they shall emerge from the shell. The victim chosen for this pmposeis a large Curculio (Cleomis optJial' miens). On her return from a foraging expedition, the Cerceris may be seen flying homewards, heavily weighed down by her prey, which fche embraces, the underside of her body opposed to that of her victim. Alighting at a short distance from her hole, she proceeds to drag the Cleonus painfully up to the entrance of its prison, often slipping back, and rolling with it down among the loose grains of sand, only to recommence undauntedly her toilsome ascent. M. Fabre had the curiosity to weigh both the Cerceris and her prey ; the first averaged 1.50 milligi'ammes, the second 255 ; a fact which would render the flight of the Cerceris a matter of considerable surprise to any one not aware of the great muscular power possessed by insects. Either by robbing her nest of the prey, or by attacking the Cerceris at the moment when she arrived with her booty, and forcing THE WEITIXGS OF M. FABRE. 123 her by means of a straw to relinqiiisli it, M. Faljre succeeded in possessing himself of about 100 Cu-rculios. Tlie insect to which he dii-ected his attention is not the Cerceris Bupresticida, which attacks indiscriminately all the Buprestes, but one of its congeners, and more exclusive, apparently, in its tastes ; as all the Cui'culios he examined belonged, vdila. one single exception, to the same species. It is difficult to see why, of four kinds of Cerceris, two should make choice exclusively of Curculios, two of Buprestes ; thus restrict- ing their chance of finding \dctims within such narrow limits : and the total want of outward resemblance between Curculios and Bu- prestes also raises the question why these two groups especially are selected. As, however, we shall see hereafter, this problem has been satisfactorily solved by M. Fabre. After what has been written on the subject by M. Dufour, it is needless to state that the Curculios examined by M. Fabre, tliough deprived absolutely and entirely of aU power of motion, were still not dead. In fact, from their freshness of colour, suppleness of mem- brane, and general internal condition, it was almost impossible to realize their being utterly incapable of the least movement. Througli heat sufficient to have di*ied up any animal which had suffered ordi- nary death, through damp wliich would have caused rapid decomposi- tion, M. Fabre preserved these beetles in paper cornets or in glass tubes : and after a fortnight the viscera were as fresh, the act of dis- section was as easy, as they would have been in the case of a living creature. In the face of facts like these, we cainiot possibly attribute this immoveable state to antiseptic agency alone. Life is there, but numbed, as it were, and paralysed : a miracle beyond the power of chloroform or aether to perform, having its origin in the mysterious laws of the nervous system. In this state of vegetation the animal functions still faintly exert themselves : digestion continues as long as the stomach contains food. By the aid of benzine vapour and of a voltaic battery, M. Fabre succeeded in obtaining some feeble movements of the legs and antennae, even up to the fifteenth day after this extraordinary suspension of muscular power had taken place ; whereas, the same experiments, when made upon beetles dead, in the true sense of the word, only two liours, were productive of no result whatever. These facts, indeed, militate strongly against the supposition that the Curculios are dead, and merely preserved by some means from natural decay. The weapon with which they are overcome is of course the venomous sting of the Cerceris : but how can this pene- trate througli the coat of mail worn by the Curcuho ? in which, more- over, there is no trace of injury or wound to be discovered after the combat is over. The key to this mystery has been obtained by M. Fabre, after an amount of patient investigation which would have wearied out a less persevering and intelligent observer. With great difficulty, and after a long search in fields and hedges, he succeeded in captiu-ing several live specimens of Ciu'culio, which K 2 124 BETIEWS. he placed at the enti'auce of their cuemies' abode, in the ho])e of tempting the Cercerides to attack the prey thus brouglit to tlieir very doors, and to perform under his eyes the act of which he had already in many cases mtnessed the marvellous results. But the victims thus offered were scornfully rejected : the inglorious booty treated with disdain. The experiment of putting a Cerceris and a Cur- culio together in a bottle was attended with no better success. Their positions seemedreversed: the Cerceris, too overcome by fear to attempt resistance, tried vainly to escape, while her antagonist fiercely seized one of her legs between its jaws. Thus baffled, M. Fabre was struck with the ingenious idea of waylaying a Cerceris retumuig with her booty, and contriving to substitute for it a living Curculio. This experiment succeeded to admiration. As soon as the Cerceris per- ceived her prey to have slipped from her grasp, she struck the earth with her feet, and turned impatiently hither and thither : then, sud- denly perceiving the living Curculio placed close to her by M. Fabre, pouuced upon it, and proceeded to carry it off. Instantly, how- es'cr, discovering it to be still uninjured, she placed herself face to face with it, seized its rostrum between her powerful mandibles, and pressed her forelegs heavily upon its back, as if to cause the opening of sonie ventral articulation. Quickly then she slid her abdomen beneath the Curculio, and struck her venomous dart sharply twice or thrice into the joint of the prothorax, between the first and second pair of legs. In one second, without a convulsive movement, without those twitches of the limbs which generally accompany the death agony of any animal, the victim dropped motionless, struck as if by lightning. The Cerceris then, turning the apparently lifeless insect on its back, embraced it as before described, and bore it away in triumph. Three times did M. Fabre repeat this interesting expe- riment, each time with precisely similar results. It must be clearly understood, that on each occcasion he restored to the Cerceris her original captive, and took possession of that which he had himself pro\ided, in order to examine it at his leisure. Greatly did he mar- vel at the dexterity with which the fatal stroke had been dealt. Not the slightest trace of a wound was to be found : not the least drop of vital liquid spilt. The puncture made by the sting of the Cerceris is indeed so microscopic, that chemistry can furnish no poison suffi- ciently powerful to produce with so small a quantity so startling an effect : and it is, in fact, not so much to the venom of the dart as to the physiological importance of the exact point at which it entei's, that we must ascribe the cessation, so complete, so instantaneous, of all active life. In most insects there are three ganglia, which furnish the nerves of the Anngs and legs, and on which the power of movement jjrinci- pally depends. The first, that of the prothorax, is distinct from the others in aU Coleoptera ; but the two last, those of the meso- and meta- thorax, though generally separate, are in some species united together. Now, it is a well-known fact, that, in most cases, the more THE WKITINOS OP M. FAEEE. 125 closely the nervous system is united, centralized as it were, tBe more perfect are the animal functions, and also, of course, the more easily vulnerable. Therefore the Cerceris, whose instinct teaches her at one stroke to annihilate these functions, chooses her victims precisely from the species in Avhich tliis centralization is most complete : the Buprestes, namely, of which the nervous centres of the meso- and met a- thorax are confounded in one large mass ; the Curculicnidre, of whicli the three thoracic ganglia lie near together, the two last quite contiguous to each other. The green larvae found by Ecaumur in the nests of his solitary wasps {Ochjnerus spinipes) w^erefullof life, though apparently plunged by some mysterious means into a state of lethargy: the simple expla- nation of which is, that, in these creatures, the nervous system is more cliftused over the body and consequently loss ail^cted by an attack at any given point. It is, we must remember, of the greatest importance to the Cerceris that her prey should be completely numbed and inca- pable of the least movement : otherwise, what would become of the precious egg laid among struggling Coleojitera ? what of the ten- der little grub, which should emerge in the midst of their great horny claws, writhing convulsively about in a narrow cell ? If she attacked feeble and apathetic larvae, one can imagine that a less complete anni- hilation of muscular action would suffice ; but in the case of beetles twice her own size it woidd be worse than useless ; and she therefore picks out, with imerring precision, from the numerous tribes of Co- leoptera, two of those i)est calculated by the peculiarities of their nervous system to be rendered thoroughly powerless. In order completely to establish his opinion, it remained for M. Fabre to prove that he could by similar means produce a similar result. And this he found himself able to perform with perfect ease, by punctviring the insect with a needle dipped in ammonia at the prothoracic joint, behind the first pair of legs. Any corrosive liquid applied to the thoracic medullary centre Avould have the same effect. His experiments were made in the first instance upon LameUicorns (Scarabceus sacer, S, laticoUls) ; on Buprestes {B. cenea), and on Curculionida?, especially on the particular species so often previously examined by him. He afterwards tried his skill upon Carabidte {Oarabus, Procustes, ChlcBiiius, SpJiodrus, Nehria, &c.) ; upon Longicorns (^SaiJerda, Lamia), and upon Melasomas {Blaps, Scaurus, Asida). In the case of Scarabrei, Buprestes, and Ciu'culionidsp, the effect of his experiments was instantaneous: alb motion ceased suddenly, without a single convulsion, at the instant the fatal drop touched the medullary centre. Not the dart of the Cerceris herself could have a more prompt or lasting effect. Not- withstanding their complete immobility, M. Fabre's victims re- mained alive for three weeks or a month, preserving the flexibility of all theii" joints, and normal freshness of viscera. Digestion proceeded for the first few days, and movements could be provoked by a voltaic current. In the case of IScarabaJus, however, this state cannot always 126 EEVIEWS. be produced. If the wound made by the needle be too deep, or the drop of ammonia too large, the victim really dies, as is speedily pro^'ed by its decomposition. If, on the contrary, the puncture be too slight, the insect recovers, after a shorter or longer period of profound lethargy, and regains, at any rate partially, its pristine vigom'. On those Coleoptera, the thoracic medullary centres of which are distant from each other, the effect produced by ammonia is very different. A wound which would have completely and permanently stumied a vigorous Scaraboeus sacer causes only violent convulsions in a Carabus of moderate size. Gradually the insect becomes calm, and slowly regains its original condition. If the experiment be repeated several times on the same individual the same results ensue, until the wound becomes too severe, and the poor animal expires. Melasomas and Longicorns are more sensitive. The corrosive liquid plimges them instantly into a stupor, which is however only temporary ; and the next day they are lively as ever. Thus, by the process so perfectly successful in the case of Scarabtei, Curculionidae, and Buprestes, it is impossible to produce the same state of paralysis in those Cole- optera of which the three thoracic ganglia are situated at a distance from each other, M. Tab re's second paper is as interesting as the first : it relates to the habits and metamorphoses of the Sphex in general, and of Sphex Jlavipennis in particular. He opens the subject in his own inimitable style, with a beautiful description of insect hfe, an abridgment of which would give no adequate idea of the richuess of colouring, and felicitous arrangement of epithets which invest all the writings of this author with a peculiar charm. Towards the end of July, the Sphex Jlavipennis, tearing open the cocoon which has hitherto enveloped her, takes flight from her subter- ranean abode: and during the month of August she may be observed, enjoying her brief holiday, flying gaily from plant to plant, and basking in the bright rays of the summer sun. But the preservation of her race exacts from her the sacrifice of the few remaining days of her short life, and from the beginning of September she devotes herself to la- bour for the good of her posterity. She is not more fastidious than the Cerceris in the choice of a site for her operations : a loose sandy soil and plenty of sun being the only desiderata. She takes no pre- cautions for sheltering her work during its progress, and it is pitiable to observe the destruction often caused by a shower of rain, by which many a half-finished nest is washed into a heap of imdistinguishable ruins. The Sphex Jlavipennis rarely works alone : from ten to twenty individuals generally combine to excavate a gallery; accompanying their labours with a species of song, sharp and intermittent, modula- ted by the vibration of their wings and body. A keen enjoyment of their task seems to animate these little sappers and miners : they spring here and there with delighted activity, and in the course of a few hours a gallery is completed. AVheu examined it is Ibimd to con- sist of a horizontal corridor, serving as an a\enue to the hidden cells THE WRITINGS OP M. FABKE. 127 destined for the larvae. After proceeding for a distance of two or three inches, this corridor takes an abrupt curve, and tends for a cor- responding depth more or less obliquely downwards, terminating in an oval cell, placed horizontally. Tlie sides of this cell have not been in any way cemented or plastered together : but it is easy to perceive that they have been fashioned with peculiar care, and the sand dili- gently smoothed and planed down, so that the tender grub shall incur no danger from the crumbling of its prison walls. On the completion of one of these little chambers, it has to be provisioned: and then the Sphex, closing it up, proceeds to hollow out another of the same dimensions alongside it. This process she repeats twice or thrice before finally filling up the entrance to her subterraneous nursery, and effacing all outward trace of its existence by smoothing and patting down the outside sand. There are thus three, sometimes four cells connected with each corridor : and as the number of eggs laid by every female Sphex is about thirty, it follows that from seven to ten galleries are required by each. And as the energetic little insect has finished her labours before the end of September, it is evident that only two or three days can be devoted to the excavation of a gallery, to the task of furnishing the separate cells Avith provisions, laying an egg in each, closing the door, and in fact winding up the whole establishment. If we con- sider from how great a distance the Sphex often has to bring the captives of her bow and spear, and also how often rainy days must intervene to prevent her from following the chase, it is easy to see that she must toil hard to make the best of her time, and cannot pretend to give to her nest that solidity and finish which charac- terize the abode of the young Cercerides. For the nest of the Cerceris is the work of years, transmitted from one generation to another, added to and improved by each ; while that of the Sphex resembles a tent, pitched hastily by the belated traveller, and in- tended only to serve as shelter for a single night. A slight varia- tion is observable in the excavations of Sphex alhisecta and the Ammopliila ; they dispense altogether with the horizontal corridor, digging merely a vertical passage, two or three inches in depth, con- nected with a single ceU. Pursuing their labom'S apart from each other, they have obtained the name of " Solitary wasps." Let us now, in company with M. Fabre, watch for the return of a Sphex flavipennis to her nest ; she carries her booty, a grass- hopper many degrees heavier than herself Alighting at some dis- tance from her nest, she proceeds to drag her victim along with her powerful mandibles. After much exertion on her part, he is placed in such a position as to touch the door of his future prison with the ends of his antennae. The Sphex then relinquishes her hold, descends into her nest, and immediately reappearing, seizes her prey, according to M. Fabre, with a little joyful cry, and drags him down into the cell prepared to receive him. Other Hpnenoptera dispense with this preliminary visit to the interior of their strongholds ; the 128 EEVIEWS. Cerceris merely relinquishes her captive for an instant at the en- trance, in order to turn round and crawl backwards — thus more conveniently pulling him after her. "Wliy then should the Sphex ]5ersist in paying this domiciliary visit before introducing her victim ? Pcrhajjs through apprehension lest one of the Tachytes, who make use of the same kind of cells for their offspring, and are accustomed to provision them in like manner, should have taken advantage of the lawful owner's absence, to deposit an egg in the cell ready scooped out. But however this may be, the manoeuvres of the Sphex are in- variably the same. M. Fabre's experiments on this head are very curious. He took advantage of her momentary absence to remove the grasshopper, and place it at a few inches distance. Tlie pro- prietor returned, uttering her usual cry, looked anxiously about, and finally, perceiving her prey, dragged it back to her door, and ■i)laced it again in precisely its former position ; then leaving it, descended as before into her nest. The same process was repeated by M. Fabre thirty or forty times, in the hope that the Sphex, taught by expe- rience, would cease to lose sight for a moment of her captive and convey it at once into the earth. But the perseverance of the insect triumphed over that of the philosopher; or rather, her acts not being dictated by reason, she knew not how to leave the path marked out for her by instinct. In the case also of a Sphex alhisecta, an inflexible adherence to settled laws in this respect was strikingly manifest, presenting a still more curious instance of the rigidity of instinct and its inapplicability to imusual conditions. Having, in the course of one^ of his experiments, removed her victim from the sight of a Sphex albisecta, M. Fabre observed the insect, after seeking vainly in all directions, descend for a few instants into her cell, and then emerging, proceed to cover up the entrance, as if her task were now satisfactorily accomplished ; a striking exemplification of the manner in which acts of instinct depend one upon another, and admit of no variation, notwithstanding that their object may be entirely defeated by the alteration of siu'rounding circumstances. In the normal state of things, observes M. Fabre, the Sphex pur- sues her prey, lays an egg and closes her nest ; an accident deprives her of her booty ; no matter — that part of her duty is over, she there- fore performs the remainder, and shuts up the unlucky egg quite unprovided for. Tliink of the melancholy fate entailed by maternal stii])idity upon the helpless little new-born lai'va— fancy it emerging from the shell, in the full expectation of a satisfactory meal, and tlie miserable disappointment awaiting it, ending in despaii' and a lin- gei'ing death. Many larvc'e must so perish; for the case above- mentioned is by no means exceptional. M. Fabre repeated the experiment several times, meeting almost invariably with the same results; aiul on o])ening the nests he frequently found cells either su])])]icd inadetpiately with provisions, or containing none at all. The rest of this paper is chiefly anatomical, and devoted to an THE WKITINOS OF M. PABRE. 129 nccouut of the metamorphoses undergone by those larvae which are fortunate enough on leaving the shell to find their larders weU supplied ; but we must pass on to give a short summary of M. Fabre's paper on the habits and metamorphoses of Sitaris humeralis. This interesting beetle is parasitic on Anthopliora, in the galleries of which it lays its eggs. These are hatched at the end of September or beginning of October ; and M. Fabre not umiaturally expected that the young larvae, which are active little creatures with six serviceable legs, would at once eat their way into the cells of the Anthopliora. No such thing: till the month of April following they remain without leaving their birthplace, and consequently without food ; nor do they in this long time change either in form or size. M. Fabi'e ascertained this, not only by examining the burrows of the Anthophoras, but also by direct observation of some young larvfe kept in captivity. In April, however, his specimens at last threw oft' their long lethargy, and hurried anxiously about then prisons. Naturally inferring that they were in search of food, M. Fabre sup- posed that this Avould consist either of the larvae or pupae of the Anthophora, or of the honey with which it stores its cell. All three were tried without success. The two first were neglected, and when placed on the latter they hurried away, or perished in the attempt, being evidently unable to deal with this sticky substance. M. Fabre was in despair : " Jamais experience," he says, " n'a eprouve pareille deconfiture. Larves, nymphes, cellules, miel, je vous ai tout ofiert ; que voulez-vous done, bestioles maudites ?" The first ray of light came to him from our countryman, New- port, who ascertained that a small parasite found by Leon Dufour on one of the wild bees, and named by him Triungulinus, was, in fact, the larva of the Meloe. The larvae of Sitaris much resem- bled Dufour's Triungulinus, and acting on this hint, M. Fabre exa- mined many specimens of Anthophora, and found on them the larvae of his Sitaris. The males of Anthophora emerge from the pupae before the females, and as they come out of their galleries, the little larvae fasten upon them. Not, however, for long : their instinct teaches them that they are not yet in the straight path of develop- ment ; and watching their opportunity they pass from the male to the female Bee. Guided by these indications, M. Fabre examined several cells of Anthophora : in some, the egg floated by itself on the surface of the honey ; in others, on the egg of the Anthophora, as on a raft, sat the still more minute larva of the Sitaris. The mystery was solved. By a process of reasoning too long for us to insert, M. Fabre convinced himself that at the moment when the egg is laid, the Sitaris larva springs upon it. Even while the poor mother is carefully fastening up her cell, her mortal enemy is beginning to devour her oft'spring. For the egg of the Anthophora serves not only as a raft, but as a repast. The honey, which is enough for either, would be too little for both ; and tlie Sitaris, therefore, in its first meal, relieves itself from its only rival. After eight days the egg is 130 liETIEWS. consumed, and on the empty shell the Sitaris undergoes its first trans- formation. The life of almost all insects is divided iuto four stages ; the Egg, Larva, Pupa, and Imago: the larva, indeed, may moult several times, but the conditions of life being unaltered, the form is generally the same, and the change is only in size. Very different is the case with our Sitaris : the honey v^'hich was before fatal is now necessary; the activity which before was necessary, is now useless; consequently, with the change of skin the active, sHm larva changes into a white, fleshy grub, so organised as to float on the surface of the honey, Avith the mouth below, and the spiracles above the surface ; " grace a I'em- bonpoint du ventre, la larve est a I'abri de I'asphyxie." In this state it remains till the honey is consumed ; then the animal contracts, and detaches itself from its skin, within which the other transforma- tions take place. In the next stage, which M. Fabre calls the Pseudo- chrysalis, the larva has a solid corneous envelope, and an oval shape, and in its colour, consistence, and immobility reminds one of a Dip- terous Pupa. The time passed in that condition varies much. When it has elapsed, the animal moults again, and once more resembles the second stage (?). After this it becomes a pupa without any remark- able peculiarities ; and finally, after these wonderful changes and adventures, in the month of August the perfect Sitaris makes its appearance. We wish that we could have done M. Tabre's paper more justice; that we could have given some specimens of his peculiar raciness of style, his wonderful power of description. But already we have been tempted beyond our limits. "We can do no more than mention his observations on Meloe, and his excellent paper on the Myi^iapodes. All lovers of nature, however, should read what he has written, and we think we can promise them that they will not be disappointed. Por oursehes, we offer our cordial thanks to M. Fabre for the pleasure which his writings have given us. XIV. — A History of British Sessile-etek Crustacea. By C. Spence Bate, Esq., F.E.S., E.L.S., and J. O. Westwood, Esq., M.A., E.L.S., Hope Professor of Zoology at Oxford. (J. Van Voorst.) EECHERCnES SUR LA EaUNE LiTTORALE DE BeLGIQUE ; CRUSTAcfes. Par p. J. Van Beneden, Professor a rUniversite Catholique de Louvain. The work which we have placed at the head of the present article, and of which three nmnbers only have as yet appeared, will be a very valuable addition to our knowledge of the British Crustacea. The classification proposed by Messrs. Spence Bate and Westwood is as follows : — CnUSTACEA. 131 AMPniPODA. Group. Division. Subdivision. Tribe. Family. Subfamily. Saltatoria=Orchestii(lse Nor- malia. "a rina. r Natatoria= Gammaridte Vacantia. "^ Stegocephalklcs Lysianassidcs Ampeliscides Phoxides Gamma- ^ < L Gammaridcs Domicola •{ I I Corophiidae t Podocerides Coropliiides Abcr- S \^ Chcluridte TT • S Hyperiidfe HyiiermaJ Phronimidaj . . . Dulichiidse Caprellidse r-^"'!'*- 1 Cyamid£e Talitras, Orchcstia, Al- lorcliestcs, Nicrea. Montagua, Danaia, Lysianassa, Callisoma, Auonyx. Ampelisca. Plioxus, Sulcator, Ki-oi- yira,Wcstwoodia,Gray- ia, iVIonoculodes, Am- philocliiis, Darwiuia, Urotlioe, Lilgeborgia, Phajdra, Istea, Iphime- dia, Otus, Acanthono- tus. Gammaras, Dexamine, Atj-lus, Phenisa, Cal- liope, Eusii-us, Leuco- tlioe, Aora, Stimpsonia, Protomedia, Bathypo- reia, Niphargus, Cran- gonyx, Gammarella, Melita, MiBra, Mega- lutera, Eurysthcus, A- matilia, &c. Podocenis, C)Ttopliium, Amphitoe, Sunamphi- toe, Cerapus, Sipliouo- ccetus, &c. Corophium,Drj'opc,Cra- tippus. Chelura. Hyperia, Lestrigonus. Phi'onima. Dulichia. Proto? ProtelIa,CaprelIa. Cyamus. Tlie tliree principal divisions of tlie body they call Cephalon, Pereion, and Pleon ; for tlie parts of the mouth they propose the new name " Siagonopods," a term, however, which seems to us unnecessary ; the appendages of the Pereion are with them pereiojiods, and those of the Pleon, pleopods, in addition to which they give to the three posterior pairs the designation of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd uropods. The internal anatomy of the Amphipoda does not come within the scope of their work, but in addition to an excellent outline slvetch of each species, they give magnified representations of the more charac- teristic organs. On the whole the work will be a most valuable contribution to our knowledge of the British Pauna ; but we must defer any farther consideration of it till it is completed. Tlie volume for which we are indebted to the learned Professor of Louvain is rather a series of monographs than a complete work on the Ci'ustacea of Belgium. The first chapters are devoted to the 132 REVIEWS. MysidfiD. Tlie development of the embryo in this abnormal family had already been shortly described, but Professor Van Beneden has here worked it out in detail, and has pointed out several interesting facts in addition to those already knowTi. The MysidiB have no true branchiae ; but in connection with the heart there are, on each side, five small lateral blood-vessels, and according to Professor Van Beneden, " Ces canaux correspondent " exactement aux vaisseaux brauchiaux des crustaces plus eleves, et " e'est sur leur trajet que se developpent les lamelles branchiales des " decapodes en general. II existe ainsi une petite circulation ; le " sang sort du coeur et, apres avoir, parcouru la place qu'occupent " les brancliies dans les autres decapodes et surtout apres avoir regu " un confluent veineux des appendices cephaliques, retoiu-ne rapide- " ment au meme coeur pour en etre chasse de nouveau." Professor Van Beneden considers that Mysis difters from the other Crustacea in the curvature of the body of the embryo. " II est inutile," he says, " de faire remarquer que les Mysis s'eloignent des crustaces, tant par " les premiers rudiments de Tapparition blastodermique que par la " maniere dont le corps se replie sur lui meme. En general I'abdomen " et la queue se plieut sous le thorax et se croisent avec les appendices " cephalothoraciques. Dans les Mysis, le corps se replie en sens " inverse vers le dos, et tous les aj^pendices, depuis ceux de la tete " jusqu'a ceux dela queue, au lieu de secroiser, sont couches dans le " meme sens." Not only, however, is this the case, as he admits in the allied genera Idothea and Ligia, but we find the same thing also in Oniscus and Asellus (Rathke Abhandlungen zur bildungs- und entwickelungs — Geschichte des menschen und der Tliiere. Leipsig, 1832-1833). And it is also well shown in Zaddach's beautiful memoir on the embryology of Phryganea (Untersuchungen liber die Entwickelung und den Ban der Grliederthiere. Berlin, 1854). In the Diptera and Coleoptera, namely in Donacia crassipes among beetles, in Chironomus,* Simvilia (see Kolliker's " Observationes de prima inscctorum genesi"), and Melophagus (Die Portpflanzung und Entwickelung der Pupiparen, Leuckart), among flies, the same phenomenon holds good; so that far from regarding it as exceptional and peculiar to Mysis, we are rather disposed to look upon it as the normal disposition of the embryo among the Articulata. The condition and embryonic development of the organs of sensa- tion in Mysis are especially interesting. With reference to the ocular peduncles, indeed. Professor Van Beneden says, p. 62, " Ce pedicule " (le pedicule oculaire) n' apparait aucunement comme les autres appen- " dices,et semble avoir une autre valeur morphologique ; " an assertion, however, which appears scarcely reconcileable with his, almost imme- * With reference to Chironomus, Kollikcr expressly says : — " Qiiando primum " corporis articuhvtio expressa cerni jiotost, primus ad octavum us(pic articuhim in " parte abdoniinah, nonus ad tertium dccimum in ori dorso siti huut" — a position which is well shown in the plate. CRUSTACEA. 133 diately following, statement, that " dans le honiard ies " pedicnlcs oculaires se developpent plus tot et indiquent plus claire- " ment que cliez les Mysis leur communaute d'origine avec les " organes appendiculaires." It appears, therefore, as is indeed directly stated in p. 29, that in spite of some confusion of expression in p. 62, Professor Van Beneden does, in fact, consider the ocular pedicule as the appendage of the anterior segment. He also regards the " telson" as representing a posterior segment, and adopts, there- fore, Milne Edwards' view, that the body of a Crustacean consists of twenty-one segments, in opposition to those naturalists who see only twenty. So accustomed are we to see the organs of sensation located in the head that we cannot but feel astonished to find that the ear of Mysis is not in its head, but in its tail. This curious fact, which was discovered by Leuckart, has been confirmed by several distin- guished naturalists, and last, not least, by M. Van Beneden, who moreover, like Kroyer, has traced a nerve from the last ganglion to the otolithe. We may find a parallel case in the little worm described by Quatrefages, under the name of Polyojihthalmus, which has eyes on every segment of the body. Amphicora Sahella also, another ■worm, has, according to O. Schmidt, eyes in its tail. Moreover, among insects, the Crickets and Grrasshoppers have an organ in the anterior pair of legs, which is considered by some good observers to be an ear, but which certainly is, like the remarkable organ at the base of the halteres of Flies, an organ of some special sense, though what that sense may be it is not so easy to decide. The Professor does not always do justice to his predecessors. Thus under the Cetoehilidae he refers only to Roussel de A^auzeme and Groodsir, entirely ignoring all that has since been written on this family. He mentions only one species belonging to the group, and this one he attempts to identify with the Cetochilus septentrionalis. His description of it, however, clearly shows that it does not belong to this family of Entomostraca at all, but is one of the Calanidse, and belongs probably to the genus Calaniis, which may at once be distinguished from Cetochilus by the position of the eyes. Many of the Calanoidea have at the anterior extremity of the cephalothorax two curious horns, which were mistaken by Groodsir for anteimse. Professor Van Beneden corrects this error, which, however, was pointed out long ago by Baird, and has been adopted by no subse- quent writer. The description which he gives of the difierent parts is almost useless for identification, as the characters mentioned are those which are common to many species: take away the extremities of the antennae (antennules of V. Beneden), those of the abdomen, and the posterior pair of legs ; half the species of Calanus would be undistinguishable from one another. Of this our author was e\'i- dently not aware, and his attention has not been particularly draT\Ti to the characteristic organs. Moreover, we cannot supply the de- ficiencies from the plate. He gives thi'ee very dissimilar represen- tations of the antennae ; two of them, however, are small, and perhaps, 134! EEVIEWS. therefore, not intended to be strictly accurate. Unfortunately, however, this is not the only error. In his two figures of the animal the proportions of the segments are different, the anterior cephalo- thoracic segment being absolutely longer in the smaller figure. It is, indeed, djfiicult to believe that the two drawings have been taken from the same species, as the abdominal segments differ not only in proportion but in number, and the length of the antennae is by no means the same. Again, the abdomen, as represented in figure 5, differs from that either in figures 1 or 7, agreeing, indeed, with figure 7 in the number of segments, but differing in their proportion as well as in the form of the caudal lamellae and the number of the caudal setae. Still, the drawings are good, and apparently truthful. Some of the differences above alluded to (and which are by no means all that might have been pointed out) may be sexual cha- racters; some may be the result of mutilation; but there are others which cannot be accounted for in this manner ; and as there are many species of this group which are at first sight very similar to one another, we suspect that in Professor Van Beneden's Plate sviii., and in his description, two or more species have been eon- founded together. The pretty little Isopod, originally described by Slabber under the name of Agaat-Pissebet, has been rediscovered by Van Beneden, and named by him Slabberina, after its first observer. The sperma- tozoa of this species (Plate XV. figure 10) are, according to the figure given, in the form of a long seta with a bundle of shorter hairs at one end. If, however, we may judge from the parallel case of Asellus, these bodies are not simple spermatozoa, but we have here another case of bimorphism in the seminal elements. In our com- mon fresh- water Asellus aquaticm, the spermatozoa are of two sorts. The first are oval, or more or less elongated bodies diverging in the form of a brush from a common point of attachment. Pi'om the same point arise several long and slender setae, which, however, are often attached together along their whole length so as to look like a single filament. We presume that the same is the case with Slab- berina, and that we may add this genus, therefore, to the small but gradually increasing number of species in which the spermatozoa are of two sorts, and which are, perhaps, destined, ere long, to throw a new light on the whole subject of generation. An interesting chapter is devoted to the Sacculinidae. Tliey are parasitic on higher Crustacea, and are the most degraded of their class. The sandy shores of Ostend are inhabited by great numbers of common Crabs. Three-quarters of these carry on the underside of the abdomen a little yellow ball, which is sometimes as large as a nut, and which, of course, prevents the abdomen from fitting into its furrow. This yellow globule, at first sight like nothing less than the active lively Crab, belongs nevertheless to the same great group of animals, and forms the genus Sacculina of Tliompson. A secoiTd member of the same family, the Peltoyaster Pacjuri, attaches itself, as its name denotes, to the Hermit Crab, whose name is, indeed. CBUSTACEA. 135 a very misnomer. The so-called happy families, which we sometimes see in our streets, offer no such odd assemblages as we may often find in and on the shell of a dead whelk. First we have the Hermit Crab himself ; the margin of the shell is often tenanted by a species of Anemone {Adamsiapalliata), while the rest of its surface is covered by a growth of the curious and pretty little polyp, known as Hydrac- tinia ecliinata. Nor is the Pagurus the only occupant of the shell. ]Mi\ Grosse tells us of a co-tenant in the form of a beautiful Nereid worm, which, like the preceding species, feeds on the crumbs which fall from the rich man's table. " The soft and serpent-like Annelide," Ave quote from Mr. Spence Bate (Zoologist, 1859, p. 6687), " smells " the repast that the master of the house is enjoying, and, like a wily " guest, takes care to be present at the meal, even though unbidden. " See ! beneath the Crab the beautiful head glides out. While the " self-confident owner is devouring one piece, and in his full enjoy- " ment looking round and, perhaps, admiring the submarine scenery, " the worm attaclis that which is in the other hand, and by little and " little the Crab feels it going, and makes an eflbrt to stop it on the " way ; but it evidently can be seen, by his manner, that he caiuiot " believe that any one woidd be so rude as to steal his dinner out of " his very mouth, and does not think much about the undevoiu'ed " food, but which, nevertheless, is slowly, gradually, and surely taken " away." To this interesting group must be added the Feltogaster Fagiiri, wliich, when mature, has a regular oval form, and a reddish colour, due to the numerous eggs it contains. So little does it, indeed, resemble a Crustacean that we cannot wonder at the mistakes which have been made concerning its true nature. Cavolini regarded it aa a sort of animal-gall, not recognizing it as an entire animal, but supposing that some other Crustacean deposited its eggs in the Pagurus. Thompson first described it correctly, and recognized its afiinities with the Lerneidae. Eathke at first placed it among the Ti'ematodes, in which he was followed by Diesing and Dujardin, though the latter, indeed, says that it " parait etre toute auti'e chose " qu'un trematode." KJroyer expresses no opinion as to its afiinities. Steenstrup classes it with Bopyrus, among the Isopods. Lilgeborg looks upon it as a Cirrhiped. Professor Van Beneden places the Sacculinidpe in his list of Crustacea, observed on the shores of Belgium, immediately alter Lerneonema, and explains their homologies as follows : — " Que Ton se figure, en cffet, des Nicothoe, dont les deux poches s'etendraient tout autour du segment qui leur donne naissance, en d'autres termes, dont le segment tout entier se prolongerait en arriere de manitere a enveloppcr I'abdomen et la queue ; il y aura un orifice posterieur d'evacuation, un veritable cloaque d'oiseau ; en supposant ensuite que la tete s' allonge comme dans les Lcrnea bran- chialis et plonge de la menie maniere dans les chair, que les segments en arriere et en avant s'eflacent pour ne plus laisser place qu'cn segment scxuci, nous aurons ime idee de cctte transformation siugulierc d'un animal regulier ct symetriquc en sac informe et gaine a ceufs." 13G >riKl«:tl ^riidtn. XV. — On the Desirability of an English Translation op Aristotle's History op Animals : by Eev. W. Houghton, MA., r.L.s. •! Op all the great intellectual luminaries that have enlightened the different departments of human learning, it would be difficult if not impossible to name one that can justly claim to rival Aristotle in the extent and depth and philosopMc value of his writings. The Zoo- logist may well feel a degree of pride when he remembers that this great man was the founder of his science ; for it is to Aristotle that he is indebted for the birth of Zoology ; it is he who fii-st attempted to reduce to a system the various and diversified forms of animal life which even the limited geogra]ihical knowledge of the ancients served to make them acquainted mth. Truly one stands aghast when one contemplates over hov/ wide a field of human thought the vast mind of Aristotle wandered, and how ably and comprehensively each subject is treated. The modern zoologist, knowing well how exten- sive an area his own particular science occupies, devotes his time and study to acquire, as perfectly as he is able, a general knowledge of the laws of the animal kingdom, and afterwards is fain content for the most part to confine himself mthin some circum- scribed bomidary, and to give his attention towards the full and exact elucidation of some particular group; but when we think of Aristotle's labours, whether in the field of Natural Science or in that of Dialec- tics and Logic, we can only wonder and admire, but cannot attemjit to imitate. " Had this extraordinary man," Swainson* well observes, " left us no other memorial of his talents than his researches in Zoo- " logy, he would still be looked upon as one of the greatest philoso- " pliers of ancient Greece, even in its highest and brightest age. But ^' when it is considered that his eloquence and his depth of thought " gave laws to orators and poets, that he was almost equally great " in moral as in physical science, we might almost be tempted to " think that the powers of the human mind had retrograded, and that *' originality of thought and philosophic combination existed in a far *' higher degree among the heathen philosophers than in those Avho " followed them." But though all the encomiums that have been passed upon Aris- totle, from the time of Cicero to our own day, are justly due, when we reflect on the time in which the philosopher lived, when Science was unaided by the modern mechanical appliances which the ingenuity and skill of man has planned and executed, we must not be led into • Dhcourse on the Study of Natural History, p. 6. HOUGHTON ON ARTSTOTLE's HISTORY OF ANIMALS. 137 the error of su2)posiug that Zoologicul science has made but little progress since the days of the Stagyrite, nor must we be unprepared to meet, in the Physical writings of our author, with many errors and fables, — much chalf mingled with the grain. The following remark of Buffon can not certainly be regarded as unimpeachable now, though it serves to show how rapid a stride Zoology has made since the days of the IVench naturalist : — " Aristotle's History of Animals is perhaps even now the best work of its kind i he probably knew animals better and under more general views than mc do now- Although moderns have added their discoveries to those of the ancients, I do not believe that we have many works on Natural History that we can place above ihosc of Aristotle and PUny."— (J^m-^. Nat. i. p. 62.) Still though it would now properly be regarded as a mark of ig- norance to compare the state of Zoological science as first promul- gated by Aristotle, with its more developed though still imperfect form as it has been handed do^vn to us by Cuvier, Milne-Edwards, Owen, and a hundred other patient workers in the same inexhaustible mine, it is nevertheless true that it was Aristotle who first taught us to look to the internal structure as the only safe guide to a natural system of classification, and who by his own anatomical investigations, to which he frequently refers, led the way in which Cuvier afterwards so successfully followed. But there is no need for me to enlarge at all on a topic with which every zoologist is familiar ; the object of this paper is to call the at- tention of English naturalists to the desirability of having such a faithful translation of the Trepl Zwwv 'laroplag as shall present in an accurate form the contents of that great book. The utility of such a translation must I think be evident to every student ; he wiU find in the Treatises on Animals that some of the same problems which have engaged the attention of modern naturalists presented themselves ages before in a somewhat similar form to the enquiries of Empedocles and other ancient philosophers. Who, for instance, can fail to discern in the following passage from the De Partihus Animalium the question on the theory of development, as advocated by Lamarck and the author of the "Vestiges of Creation:" — "Similarly some philosophers assert, with respect to the generation of animals and plants, that from water flowing in the body the stomach was produced, and every organ re- cipient of food or excrement, and that by the passage of the breath the nostrils were burst open." (Yol. i. p. 640, ed. Bekker.) The reader will find, again, in Aristotle, matter relating to " Spontaneous Gene- ration," a theory which has recently been advocated by M. Pouchet* with considerable ability, and supported by many curious, though at present inconclusive results. It is desirable to have an English translation of the " History of * Hcterogcnie, oil I'raile de la generation spontanee, Paris, 18.59, and Genese ties pro1 o-organismcs dans I'air calcine et a I'aide de corps puirescible pvrtes a la temperature de 1.50 degres. in Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, 1860. N. H. R.— 1862. L 138 ORIGINxVL ARTICLES. Animals," because no available good one at present exists. Tlie whole works of Aristotle were translated into English by Mr. Thomas Taylor in 1812 ; but this work, which was executed for a gentleman in London of the name of Mereditli, at whose expense it was printed, is so rare that few persons have ever seen it even in public libraries.* But the translation of the Natural History portion in a scientific point of view is almost worthless ; a few instances taken merely from the first chapter of the History of Animals will suffice as a sample, — ralra Se. tU fxkv ulu ToJv fiopicjv lariv is ren- dered, " but some of the parts are the same in species.''^ Again, \f yw ?£ yivoQ o'lov opvida /cat lxdvy,is, rendered by this translator to express the exact opposite to what Aristotle means : thus — " I speak of those whose genus is the same as birds and fisliei' ! Although it is perfectly true that Aristotle uses the term yivoQ in a very in- definite sense, sometimes to denote a " class," sometimes a " genus," and any division between the two, yet he would never have asserted that a fish and a bird were to be comprehended in the same yivoQ. In the passage in question, he intended to express the ytVog of bii-ds as one division, and the yivog of fish as another. (§ 2.) Again, avuirvtiv Kui tfCTTj'iO', " inspiration and expiration," is rendered " respi- ration and expu'ation." The note to explain the word oXodovpia conveys the following explicit piece of information, " a kind of spongy and marine excrescence ;" the KapafooL are translated " locusts," without a word of warning not to confuse the locusta {Palinurus locusta ?) the Crustacean, with the Orthopterous insect of that name. And to sum up may be added the following passage in ch. 5, § 4 — Tibv Zi. Trrrjvwy ra jxtv nrepwrd kaTW, oloi' aeroc kcil lepa^' to. Se TrrtXwrct, oiov HiXiTTU Kid iiriXoXovdrj' ra ^f ZtpfjiOTrrepa, o'lOV a.Xw7rr]L, Kal vvKrepic- " But of birds some are winged, as the eagle and the hawk ; others have a dry membrane for feathers, as bees and beetles ; and others have leathern wings as the bird called alopex [or the flying fox] and tlie bat." These specimens are sufficient to show that Taylor's trans- lation cannot be regarded zoologically in any sense as expressing the meaning of his author ; at the same time we have no intention to pass any judgment at all on the whole work, but these instances are cited in order to prove that a translator of a work on Natural History should have some zoological knowledge. "With respect to other translations I am only able to speak of the French one by M. Camus.f This seems to be a most creditable pro- duction ; and the translator, who has taken infinite pains to get at the meaning of his author, appears, as far as my slight knowledge of his work goes, to have been successful. Perhajjs to the matter-of-fact English mind, M. Camus occasionally leads one to fear he is giving us * I believe only 50 copies were printed ; a set was sold in London a few weeks ago by Mr. Hodgson for £14. 14«. f Histoire des Animaux (TAridote, avec la Traduction Fraiigoine, par M. Camus, A Paris, 1783. • HOUGHTON ON AEISTOTLE's HISTORY OF ANIMALS. 139 a little more than Aristotle intends, but this is all. Tlie first volume contains the G-reek and the Prench on opposite pages ; the second Aolume contains a Dictionary of Notes. No doubt the translator would frequently find himself utterly at a loss to identify the names of many of the animals mentioned by Aristotle ; this arises partly fi-om paucity of description, — several animals weU known to the ancients, from the very fact of their being weU-knowTi, are with much dilficulty identifiable, — partly from our ignorance of the extent of the countries from which Aristotle may have received specimens ; for our author, singularly enough, does not give us much information on this point. His great desire apparently was, to form a system of classification ; this was just the task suited to his generalising mind, he cared more for comparative anatomy than for a laiowledge of the geographical distribution of, or tlie par- ticular localities inhabited by, the animals of which he speaks. Stahr, in his admirable article on Aristotle (in Dr. Smith's Diet, of Gr. and 'Bom. Biog.), has drawn attention to some passages in the writings of the KStagyrite, in which it appears that " he is fond of noticing physicians and their operations, in his explanatory comparisons." Aristotle's father was a physician to one of the kings of Macedon, and author of several works on natural science, whence can readily be traced Aristotle's fondness for subjects of this nature. Pliny appears to be the great authority for the story that Aris- totle received much help from Alexander the Great, who, says the lioman naturalist, " having a strong desire to learn the nature of " animals, entrusted the prosecution of the design to Aristotle, a man " who held the highest place in every department of learning ; he " placed then under his control several thousand men in every region " of Grreece and Asia, Inmters, fowlers, fishers, or men who had the " superintendence of parks, of cattle, of the rearing of bees, of fish- " ponds and a\^aries, so that no existing animal might escape his " notice. He obtained such information from these persons, that he " was enabled to write some fifty volumes on the subject of animals, " which deservedly hold a high repute." {H. N. viii. 16.) Athenseus (ix. p. 398,) asserts that according to report, Aristotle received 800 talents from Alexander to enable him to produce his work.* Now it certainly does strike one as a strange thing that there is no mention of, nor any allusion whatever to such assistance from Alexander, and there is nothing in his own writings to lead one to suppose that Aristotle had ever received any assistance at all from the King for the prosecution of this work. I camiot, therefore, help thinking that the whole story is an exaggeration, and that the greater * The Attic talent being equivalent to £243. 15s, the required sum would amount to £195,000 ! Well may Schu'z remark "that it would be easy to show that an assessment of the whole kingdom of Macedon, even su])i.'0,sing that Alexander had presented Aristotle with the returns of many years, coulil not have supplied the sum." L 2 140 ORIGINAL AETICLES. part of the animals Aristotle describes, which have come under his own observation, were inhabitants of no veiy distant lands. Schneider {Epimetr. i.) says on this subject, " I do not remember " to ha^'e discovered any trace in the History of Animals which could " induce me to believe that Aristotle was acquainted with any of the " animals from the interior of Asia and of India, which are supposed " to have been made known to him by those who accompanied Alex- " ander in his expedition." (See also the arguments of Schulz quoted by Schneider. Epemetr. i. p. xlv.) Of course a question of this kind is of great importance, because its satisfactory solution wovdd seem to determine to some extent the countries, portions of whose Fauna Aristotle describes. Hence, as was observed, the translator will often be much per- plexed in his attempts to identify very many names ; and it appears to me that where he is not certain of his identification, it is desirable to put the Greek word in Roman letters, and to leave the note to supply other information. Another caution to be observed should be mentioned. The translator should be extremely careful not to over interpret his author ; not to use sentences or terms which mo- dern science has stamped with some definite technical meaning, as the equivalents of the Greek, imless it can fairly be demonstrated that the expressions or terms are strictly identical in signification. The use of a modern scientific term wiU often be found to convey a wrong impression, if applied for the purpose of translation. But in order to render the proposed work of real utility to the Natviralist, the translator must be able to ensure the cordial co-ojie- ration of Zoologists — the various branches of Zoology which require elucidation in the notes can hardly be ever expected to receive this adequately from one man, unless he can depend on assistance from those who have paid particular attention to the diflerent departments. Again, the work must be done by degrees ; the translation should fi.rst be made, then carefully corrected after a patient study of all that Aristotle has written on the subject of animals ; for it is quite unreasonable to suppose that even a small portion of the ' History of Animals ' can be fully understood and accurately interpreted until all that Aristotle has written which bears on the subject has been thoughtfully digested ; the notes should be the last thing to be done. The following translation of the first chapter of the History of Animals must therefore be regarded as provisional, and this is especially the case with respect to the notes, because there can be little doubt that a competent knowledge of the other treatises which bear on Zoology would serve to make clearer many of the names which are therein considered. The text of Schneider has been fol- lowed.* * Aristotelis de Anivudihus Ilistorice, Libri x. Ed. Jo. G. Schneider. 4 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1811, This is far the best edition of this work. Schneider studied Zoology, and has pidilished some papers on the Reptilia. HOUGHTON ON ARISTOTLE's HISTORY OF ANIMALS. 141 It appears to me that it is desirable in the attempts at identifica- tion of the various names of animals to interpret Aristotle by Aris- totle as far as possible ; for when we wander off into the Zoological mazes of Pliny or Aelian, we enter a field full of fable, and one therefore from operations in which little solid aid is to be antici- pated. I should be glad to learn that this short paper is deemed of suffi- cient importance to stir up in the minds of Naturalists a desire to possess an English Translation of the History of Animals. Aristotle's History of Animals. Chapter I. Of the parts of animals some are simple, as many, namely, as are divided into similar parts, as flesh into flesh ; others are compoimd, as many, namely, as are divided into dissimilar parts, for the hand is not divided into hands, nor the face into faces ; of these latter, some are called not merely parts but members, as is the case with all those which being of themselves entire have within them other parts, as the head and the leg, the whole of the arm and the trunk,* for these of themselves constitute entire members and contain different parts ; all the dissimilar parts, moreover, are composed of similar ones, as the hand of flesh, nerves, and bones. Now some animals have all the parts the same one with another, others different. Some parts are the same in form ; as, for instance, the nose and the eye of one man are identical with the nose and the eye of another, and flesh is identical with flesh, and bone A\'ith bone. Similarly in the ease of horses, and as many other animals as in form we say are the same one wdth another, for the parts stand in the same relation each to each as the whole to the whole. Again, some parts are the same, but difler in excess and defect, as in the case of those animals whose kind is the same ; by kind I mean such a differ- ence as there is betM^een a bird and a fish,t for of these animals each differs in its kind and in relation to its kiud,:f: and there are * Gwpo?, Aristotle in this place and in ch. 7, uses this term to denote the " ti-unk" of the body; in ch. 10, he applies it in a more limited sense, to signity the breast or thorax. f ykvoQ, in this passage, will thus be identical with the ' class' of modern zoolo- gists, but the term is employed by Aristotle in no definite sense; y'tvoQ may denote either a r/emis, an order, or a class. In ch. 6, § 1. the Cephalopodous molluscs are regarded as one of the yh/t] jxiyioTa, comprising the Classes of Bkds, Pish, &c. ; the Cetacea are similarly classified. \ Kara to ytf og Kai vpog to ykvoQ. Aristotle asserts that the differences which exist between animals, as for instance between a bird and a fish, may be viewed under two aspects ; there are differences between the various families, genera, or species which comprise the class, and there are differences between the classes them- selves, when viewed relatively to each other. Some MSS. omit Kai 7rj)6t,' r. y.; see Camus, Animanx (VAri^tote, i. p. 487. 142 OEIOINAL ARTICLES. many fonns* of fishes and of birds. Almost all tlie parts of animals differ one from another, according to their various capabilities of dis- tinction, as, for instance, in colour or in shape, — in which respect some are more aftected than others, some less, — or with reference to the question of many or few, large or small size, in shorty in point of excess and defect ; for some animals are crustaceous, others are testaceous ;t some ha\'e a long beak, as Cranes, others a short one ; some have many feathers, others only few ; moreover, even in these last-named animals some ]>arts are different from others, for some are furnished with spurs while others are not so provided; and some possess a crest, others do not ; but to sum up, most of the parts of which the whole body is composed are either the same or they differ in their conti'arie- ties, according to excess and defect, for one may refer the terms 'more' or 'less,' to what we understand by 'excess' or 'defect.' Again, some parts of animals are the same neither in form, nor in respect of excess and defect, but by analogy; as a bone when compared with a (fish's) spine, a nail with a hoof, a hand with a claw, and a scale Avith a feather, for what a feather is to the bird, that a scale is to a fish. AVith respect then to the parts which each living thing possesses, tliey may be in this way both different and the same. Similarly also with regard to the position of the parts ; for many animals possess the same parts, but they are differently situated ; some, lor instance, have the mamma3 on the breast, others near the thighs. Again, of similar parts, some are soft and moist, others diy and hard ; by moist I mean that which is either altogether so, or such as continues moist so long only as its nature admits, as blood, serum, fat, suet, marrow, the generative fluid, gall, milk in those ani- mals which possess it, flesh, and whatever is analogous to these things ; one may also mention excrementitious matters, as phlegm, and the sediments from the belly and the bladder. Dry and hard parts are such as nerves, skin, veins, hair, bone, cartilage, nail, horn, (for the part which has the same form has the same name, and in a Avord, is called " horn "), and as many substances as are analogous to these things. Now, the differences which exist between living things are in 7'eference to their modes of life, their actions, their dispositions, and their parts. We will, first of all, speak of these things in a general way, and subsequently attentively consider each particular kind. The differences in reference to their modes of life, their actions, and their dispositions are such as these,— some are aquatic animals, others are terrestrial in their habits. The aquatic animals are so in a twofold manner, some inasmuch as they spend their life and gain * tUoi; means literally " tliat which is seen," the " form or shape," like the Latin Species; it must not be restricted to denote what zoologists understand by the term xpccies ; Aristotle uses it in a more extensive sense. t (xaXaKosTQaKa is clearly the representative of the Crustacea ; offrpaKoSefi/ia of the tcdoceous viollusc.i, which arc occasionally mentioned under the simple term oarpioy. Scc ch. C § 1 ; und Ilk. V. 13. § 9. HOTJGHTON ON AETSTOTLe's niSTOUT OF ANIMALS. 1-13 their food in the water, aud admit and eject the water, of which if they are deprived, they die, as is the case with most of the fishes ; others, inasmuch as they get their food and spend their time in the water, but do not admit water, but air, and produce their young out of the water. There are many footed animals of this kind, as tlie otter and the latax* and the erocodile,t and winged animals, as the aiihyiaX and the diver,§ and footless animals, as the water-ser- * kvvdplg K. Xcira^. Most commentators understand by ivvSpig, the otter, (Lutra vnlgaris) ; the word occurs again only in Bk. viii. 7. § 5. wliere it is men- tioned with the KCKJTiop, (*' beaver"), the aaQkiJiov, the aarvpiov, and the Xdra^, as a wild quadruped which gets its food about lakes and rivers ; it is described as an animal that will bite a man, aud will not let go its hold till it hears the bone crack. Herodotus (\\. 109) mentions tvvcpieg with "bcavevs and other square-faced animals," as being taken about a large lake in the country of the Geloni or Budeni, (a Scythian race, who dwelt east of the Tanais ( Don). He adds that their skins were sewn to- gether as borders to cloaks. There can be no doubt that the h/vSplg of Aristotle denotes the otter, for besides the general agreement of its description with this animal, an additional proof may be seen in the figures of two water animals, resem- bling otters, with a fish in the mouth of each, preserved iu the Lithostrotum Brixjnes- tinum, or the Mosaic pavement at I'nienesti, and which have inscribed over them the Greek word ENHYAPI2. The reader may see an engraving of this Mosaic pavement in Shaw's Travels, 8vo. ed. ii. p. 294 ; or in the folio ed. 1738, p 2.5. This writer has also [Siippl. p. 84 (fol.)] a Dissertation on this pavement, for the history of which the reader may consult Montfaucon's Antiquities, vol. xiv. As to the Xc'iTci^, it is impossible to come to any satisfactory conclusion with regard to its iden- tity; it is mentioned again in the above-named i)assage, and is described as being thicker than the kwvpig, and as having larger teeth, with which it cuts the branches by the river's banks; the hair of the ^a^aa? is said to be in appearance something between that of the seal and the stag. It is possible, as Pallas (Specileg. Zoolog. xiv. p. 42.) has conjectured, that the latuoc has been named from an ill-observed or ill- described specimen of beaver ; but may we not conjecture that some species distinct from the Castor Jibcr existed in the time of Aristotle (about 2,200 years ago) which has since become extinct ? This supposition is in some measure perhaps supported by the circumstance that a large extinct species of Beaver coexisted at a comparatively late period with the Castor Jiher, at one time a very abundant European species, though now, we believe, found with modified habits, only on the banks of the DaniTbe and in the neighbom-hood of the Black Sea. Remains of its gigantic con- gener ((?. Trognntheritm, C\n. Tror/o)itherium Cuvicri, Fisdi.)ha\e been found at Bacton and other places in Norfolk, associated in lacustrine deposits with the remains of the Manmioth, Rhinoceros, Ox, Horse, Roebuck and other Deer, &c. But its existence was first made known by the discoveiy of its fossil cranium on the borders of the Sea of Azof. Is it therefore too extravagant to surmise that it might have existed, together with the Common Beaver, in that and the neighbouring re- gions of Asia down even to the time of Aristotle, and might have come within his ken, either by actual observation, or, it might be, by recent traditional repute ? The word XdraK etymologically points to some animal that plunges into the water with a splash. f See note on Crocodiles, v. 27. § 2. % aWvin, a word of very uncertain meaning. See note on v. 8. § 4. § KoXyju/3ic, may denote some species of 'grebe'; the term as employed by Athenojus (ix. p. 39.5.) with the epithet t) ixiKpd, points apparently to the ' httle grebe' or " dabchick," {Podiceps minor), but Aiistotle (viii. 5. § 8.) mentions the probable that it is used iu no very restricted sense to denote either of the genera, Poiliceps or Colymbus. 144 OEIGINAL AETICLES. pent.* Some creatures, on the other hand, get their food in the water, and are unable to li\'e out of it, and yet admit neither air nor water, as the jelly-fish and the testaceous molluscs. Of aquatic animals, some belong to the sea, some to rivers, some to salt-water marshes, and some to fresh-water marshes, as the frog and the cordylus.'f Of marine animals, some belong to the deep sea, others to the shores, others to the rocks. Of terrestrial animals, some admit and eject the air, which is called inspiring and expiring, as man, and all the land animals which possess lungs ; others do not admit the air,]; although they live and get their food on the land, as the wasp and the bee and other insects. By insects I mean such animals that have incisions on the body, whether on the upper parts alone, or ou * vSpoQ, perhaps the common ringed snake, Natrix torqnata, which has a wide geographical range, and was doubtless known to Aristotle, tliough other water-loving opliidians may be comprised under the term, (see ii. 12. § 12.) f Kop^D/Xog. Commentators and naturalists have long been in doubt as to what animal the Cordijlus rcjiresents. Its characters as given by Aristotle arc the follow- ing— It is a quadraped both aquatic and terrestrial in its habits, possessed of gills, but destitute of lungs, and is the only known instance of an animal having at the same time feet and gills [De resplrat. x.) ; it swims with its feet and tail, which latter organ is somewhat like that of the glonis, (^Silurus f/laiiis?) see Hist. Aiiitn. i. 5. § 3 ; it takes its food on the land, (viii. 2. § 5.) Schneider {Ainwt. ail Hist. An. i. .5.) thinks Aristotle alludes to some genus of amj>hibia allied to the Siren lacer- Una, Lin., the mud eel of the U. S. of America, or to the Proteus angninus. Cuvier seems to have entertained the same opinion ; it must be confessed, however, that there are difficulties in the way of this explanation, for all the i?/rc««/read over insects that have been in oil they immediately revive, the passages being thereby opened. {Homil. 8 in Hexcem.^ HOTJGHTON O^ AEISTOTLE's HISTOET OF ANIMALS. 145 these as well as on the lower parts. Of land animals, many, as was said before, obtain their food from the water, but of aquatic animals which admit sea-water not one gets its food from the land. There are some animals which, for the first part of their existence, live in the water, and then assume other forms, and live out of it, as is the case with the gnats in the streams and the oistroi.* Again, some animals are stationary, others locomotive; the stationary animals are in the water, but of land animals not one is stationary. Now, in the water many animals li\^e in the condition of being fixed to something, as many kinds of testaceous molluscs ; and even the sponge appears to possess some sensation, evidence of which is to be seen in the fact that, as people say, it is with more difficulty torn away unless its removal be effected by stealth.f 8ome animals are both fixed and free, as is the case ^^dth a certain kind of acalephce so-called, J for some of these get free by night and take their food ; and many animals are free but motionless, as oysters and the holo- thuria§ so-called. Some are swimming animals, as fish, and those {cejjhalopodous) molluscs, which are soft externally, || and Crustacea, as the Carahoi*\ others are walking animals, as the race of crabs, for these, though water animals in their nature, go on their feet. Of land animals, some are winged, as birds and bees, and those differ in some respects one from the other; others are footed animals, of which some are Avalking, some creeping, some wriggling ; but there is no animal which is solely capable of flying in the same * This passage is regarded by Schneider as coriiipt. As to the ifiitiQ and olffrpof, see notes on i. 5. § 5. f For the different kinds of sponges mentioned by Ai-istotle, see v. 14, and note. It is interesting to find Aristotle asserting the animal nature of sponges, though the evidence given as a proof thereof may not recommend itself to the zoologist ; he expresses a doubt, however, in his ti'eatise {De partibus Animulium, iv. 5.) whether sponges ought to be classed with animals or plants. J aKaXi](pr). The fixed acaleph is represented by our sea anemone, ^cfm/a; the wandering acaleph by the Mcdusidcs, see iv. 7, and Pliny, N. //. ix. 45. § 6\o9ovpia, which occurs nowhere else in the Hist. A?iivi., is mentioned again in the Depart. Anim. iv. 5, with sponges, Pulmograde Medusaj, i-KvtviiovtQ) " and other marine things of a like nature." It is probable that the Echinoderm of that name {Ilolothuria) may be intended, though perhaps the asteroid polype Alcf/onium, may be included. With respect to the incapability of moving ascribed by Aristotle to the holothuria and some of the testaceous molluscs, it must be remembered that our author lived in days when aquai-iums were xmknown, and that he judged pro- bably from the almost lifeless appearance which certain marine animals exhibit when examined out of the water. II TCI fiaXc'iKia denote those genera of the Cephalopoda which have no externai shells, such as Sepia, LoUgo, and Octopua. See iv. 1. § 1. ^ KupajSoi. It is uncertain what crustacean this tenn signifies. The descrip- tion as given by Aristotle (iv. 2.) agrees in some respects with the 2^alinnrid<£. Schneider says " de Carabo arniotandum cum minime congruere cum cancro homaro Linn, quorum compararunt hucusque viri docti." He is inchncd rather to refer the Kcipa^oQ to the Cancer ehphas, Herbst. and has a dissertation on the subject in Dcr Gese.lhchoft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin Maijazin. Vol. I. P. iii, p. 163. seqq. 146 OEIGINAL AETICLES. way in wliich a fisli is solely capable of swimming, for the skin- winged animals walk, for a bat has feet, and a seal imperfect feet.* Of birds, some are weak-footed, which on this account are called footless (cLTTo^eg) ; but this little bird (airovc) is strong-winged, and nearly all the birds that are like it are strong-winged, but weak- footed, as the swallow and the drepanis, for all these birds are similar in their habits and in their wings, and in general appearance. Now, the apoiis makes its appearance at all seasons, but the drepanis only when it is wet during the summer, at which time it is both seen and caught, but on the whole the bird is rare.f Many animals too are capable of both walking and summing. There are also the following diflerences with regard to their modes of life and their actions ; some animals are gregarious, others solitary, both of footed, winged, and swimming animals ; and some are both gre- garious and solitary, and of these some live in political communities, others are not so united ; as instances of gregarious animals may be mentioned, amongst birds, the family of pigeons, the crane and the swan, but of birds with crooked talons not one kind is gregarious, — * KiKo\o[3o)iiivoQ," imperfect," or "truncated." The notion conveyed has been applied by Cuvier to one of his sub-classes, Bluttlata, forming the order Cetacea. + It is impossible to determine with satisfaction the Hirundinidte of Aristotle, or to refer the Greek terms anovg and SpsTravic to their resi^ective species; the ysXiSwv from its being described as destitute of down or feathers on the legs, as well as from other indications, seems to denote the Hirundo riistica ; but although many writers have identified the dirovg with the common Swift, (Cypselus apus); there is, as M. Camus has well obsei-ved, some grave objections to this opinion ; for Aristotle (ix. 21.) thus speaks of the olttovq. " Now the apodes, vahxch. some csll cijpselli, resemble swallows (^f^'^ovfe), as was before observed, for it is not easy to dis- tinguish them from swallows, except fi-om the fact of their having rough legs ; they make their nest in long hollows made of clay, (iv kv^eWktiv Ik tt/jXou TmrXafffxivaii; fiaKpalc.) wliich have just sufficient entrance for them. They build their nests in narrow places, luider rocks and caves, so as to avoid the observation both of man and animals." In some respects this passage would suit the House Martin, (i/. «/'Z'/c«,) but not in all; this bird, if it is safe to draw conclusions from what we see in this country, is by no means in the habit of avoiding men, on the contrary it courts their society ; nor can the nest be properly described as being ' louo-.' Again, the description quoted above will not allow us to identify the dTrovg with the common Swift, which neither avoids men nor builds nollow nests of clay. As to the drepanis (SpsTravie) which word occurs nowhere else in Aristotle, so far as we have been able to ascertain; it is etymologically highly descriptive of the su:kk-sha])cd wings of the ' Swift,' but it is difficult to believe that the bird should have been so rarely seen in Greece as stated by Aristotle. Is it possible that the SpEiravig may denote the Alpine Swift, {Cypselus aljiinus,) which, as Latham {Ge- neral Hut. of Birds, y'li. p. 324, 4to ed. 18-23) says, frequents ponds and marshes for fifteen or twenty days, after which it retires to the mountainous parts to breed; " which flies so high as to be out of sight, and is known only by being heard." M. Camus identilies the drojiuvis with the Sand Martin, (II. r/paria) and quotes the authority of M. de Monlbeillard for believing these birds were taken for tl)e sake of food which is fiit and good. There can be no doubt that Aristotle was acquainted with all the above named Eirundinida;, though we are unable to reconcile all liis statements with the known halnts of the diflcrcnt species. The proverb we often use, '' one swallow docs not nuike a sunnncr," is as old as our author ; see Eth. Mc. i. 6. ed. Bckker. HOUGHTON ON ARISTOTLE's HISTOKT OP ANIMALS. 147 amongst swimming animals many kinds of fish, as those which they call runners,* such as tunnies, paJamydes, and amice ;t man is both gregarious and solitary. Political animals are those amongst whom the work of all is some one common thing, which is not the case with all the gregarious animals ; such is man, the bee, the wasp, the ant, the crane ; and of these some are under rulers others are with- out any ruler ; the crane and the whole family of bees are under a ruler, but ants and an immense number of other animals are with- out a ruler. Some, both of the gregarious and solitary ammals^t''vi'e resident in one spot, others are migratory ; again some are carnivo- rous, others frugivorous, others omnivorous, others feed on particular things, as the family of bees and of spiders, for the former feed on honey and a few other things of a sweet nature, but spiders by chasing flies ; and other animals feed on fish ; some animals hunt ; some are accustomed to lay up their food in store, others do not so ; some ha^'e dwellings, others have none ; of those which have dwellings, the mole, the mouse, the ant, and the bee are examj)les ; of those which have none are many kinds of insects and quadrupeds. Again, with respect to their localities, some animals live in holes, as the lizard and the snake ; others above ground, as the horse and the dog ; some burrow holes, others do not ; some are nocturnal, as the owl and the bat, and others are diurnal in their habits. Again, with respect to tame and wild animals, some are always tame, as man and the mule, others are wild as the leopard and the wolf, while others can * dpofiddfc, a term of very questionable import, which is appHcd in a general sense to different fish ; another division is characterised by an equally unintelligible name, pvdhg (see iv. 8, § 13 ; v. 9, § 6 ; vi. 16. § 2; viii. 15, § 2, .5, 6), Aristotle gives us no clue whereby we may be able to comprehend the meaning of these terms. Whether ^pofiaStg may denote the swiftness at which some fish swim, or whether it has reference to their migratory habits it is dilficult to say ; and again, whether pvuStQ, is meant to express fish that go with the current, or what else, we cannot determine. M. Camus (ii. 667) says, " Cette expression (pvdSii;) vient d'un A^erbe grec, qui signifie fluere, couler ; or que peut-on entendre par des Poissons qui coulent, sinon des poissons qiii forment win bande qui passe prompfcment ? " Both the SpofiaSeg and the pvdStQ are gregarious and this is all that is positively known. Neither Gesner's explanation nor that of M. Camus is at all satisfactory that pvcidiQ denotes " fish that remain in great numbers in one place." — (See M. Camus' note, lower down). t There seems no reason to doubt that the Qvwoq of Aristotle is identical with the Tlujnnus vulgaris, Cuv. et Valenc The turmy fishery of the Mediterranean is of great antiquity. The 7r»jXo/xwe which (vi. 16, § 4,) is said to be in appear- ance a year younger than the Qvvvoq may perhaps denote the Bonito, {Thyn- ■iius pelawys) for which fish this term has been employed as the specific name by Cuvier and Valenciennes. As to the ajuia, it may be represented by the Pelamys sn-da, Cuv. et Valenc. Rondelet {L'Histoire des Poiss. p. 193) has figured this fish, and with much reason has identified it with the amia ; the P. sarda having long and strong teeth, by which character it is distinguished fi-om its immediate congeners, will suit Aristotle's description of the amia, winch he mentions as attacking large fish. The same author, says Cuvier, had observed the length of the gall bladder which is greater than in most other fishes. It must, however, be confessed that there is some uncertainty respecting the precise identification of the two latter Greek terms. 143 OEIGIN^AL ARTICLES. speedily be rendered tame, as the elepliaut for instance. Again, (ani- mals may be divided) in another way, for all tame races are also wild, as horses, oxen, pigs, sheep, goats and dogs. Some animals are able to make a loud noise, some are mute, others are possessed with a voice, and of these latter some have a language, others are incapable of uttering distinct sounds ; some are garrulous, others are silent, some are songsters, others are unable to sing ; but to sing and talk most at the season of copulation is common to all birds. Some animals fre- quent the fields as the wood-pigeon, others the hills as the hoopoe, others live with man as the pigeon. Again, some are very prone to venery, as the tribe of partridges and cocks, others preserve chastity, as the crow family which seldom copulate. Again, some animals are given to defend themselves, others to keeji watch against the approach of danger ; in the first class I include such as either attack other animals or defend themselves when injured ; by the second class I mean those which have in themselves something which serves as a means of avoiding suffering. In disposition animals differ in the follomng particulars ; some are gentle and demure and not stubborn, as the ox, while others are passionate, stubborn, and stupid, like the wild boar; others are sagacious and timid like the stag and the hare ; others mean and insidious like serpents ; others liberal, brave, and noble, like the lion ;* others generous, fierce, and insidious, like the wolf; by noble I mean that Avhich is descended from a good race, by generous that which does not degenerate from its own nature. And some animals are cunning and full of mischief, like the fox ; others lull of spirit, loving, and fawning, like the dog ; others gentle, and readily tamed, like the elephant ; others are modest, and always on the watch like the goose ; others are envious and fond of display, like the peacock. But of living things man alone is capable of deliberating ; many animals share in memory and ability to learn, but no other being except man is capable of reminiscence. Of each particidar kind of animals, both with respect to then' * The Lion is saifl to be ivytvr]g,the WoW ytwaiog. The former tenn may be properly rendered "noble;" it is not so easy to give a suitable translation of the latter Greek word. In the Rhetoric (ii. 15, § S), Aristotle makes again the same distinction between these two terms — ivytvi'ig is " that which refers to excellence of birth," yivvcuog "that which does not degenerate from its natiu'e" — the English word ' generons,' though now not used in the sense attributed to ytvvaloc, appears originally to have been sometimes so understood ; its opposite quality 'degencrous' or "degenerate," implies a falling from the original healthy and vigorous qualities that belong to the genus, [tie, oenvs) and in this sense the expression ' degenerate ' continues to be used ; and while we can speak of a ' degenerate' breed of cattle, are unable, b}^ the employment of the simple term ' generate,' or ' generous,' to express the opposite quahty of an animal perpetuating its own vigorous characteristics to succeeding generations ; JM. Camus renders yivvaioQhy "vigoureux;" it may be rcjuarked that the word "generous" has by some writers been applied to animals, as " a generous pack of hounds " — or " a fjencrous stud " ; we licar too " of (jcnerovs wine." Does not this epithet imply what Ai-istotlc means by ytwalog, viz. "that which will not degenerate." HOuanTON ON aeistotle's history of animals. 149 dispositions and modes of life we intend to speak hereafter with more precision.* XVI. — The Atlantis Hypothesis in its botanical aspect. — By Professor Oliver. A PEBirsAL, some few months ago, of certain passages in Professor Heer's important essay on the climate and vegetation of the Tertiary period,t induced me to investigate rather carefully the relations between the Tertiary and some existing Floras, especially with refer- ence to the hypothesis advanced by Professors Heer and Unger, that during the Miocene period there existed an Atlantic junction between * Although English Naturalists appear to have given little attention to the study of Aristotle and the Natural History of the ancients generally, the suhject has not escaped the notice of our Gennan friends ; on the contrary, careful enquiry would no doubt disclose much valuable pertinent matter. There are several published treatises which bear on the subject of Aristotle's Zoological Works, the titles of some of which are here added, though we confess we have only been able to consult a very few of them. Beckmann, J., De Mstoina naturali veterum lihcllus. Petrop. et Gotting. 1766. Gallisch, Fr. And., de Arhfotele rei naturalis scriptore. Lips. 1776. Schneider, J. G., Icthjolootfe Veten/m Specimhia. Franc, ad Viad. 1782. Probcn von der Fischkunde der Alton, in Leipz. Mag. Jalirg. 1783, p. 62. Petri Artedi SijiionijmJa Piscium Greeca et Latiiia emendafa, ^-c. Lips. 1789. Ucber die von Aristoteles lieifchrichencn Gaftungen uiid Arten von Krebsen. Rerl. Mag. 1807, p. 163.— Z^/*, 1818, iv. p. 1453. Billcrbeck, H. L. Jul. De Strigibus ah Aristotele, Plinio, cateraque Scriptorum Veterum grcge Commemorafis. Hildeshem. 1809. Kohlcr, J. Herm Aq, Aristotele>t, de Molluscis Cephalopodibiis (■Trepl rwi> na\aKiu)i'^ Comment. Rig. 1821. Werber, W. J. A., Arhtoteles um die wissenschnffUche Bcarheitung der Zoologie und. scin Eitijluido, ^Sparganium, ^Potmnogeton, Smilax, Sabal, ^Gli/ptostrohus, *Taxodium, * Sequoia, Myrica, Carpimis, *Populus, ^Salix, *Quercus, *Ulmus, * Planera, * Platanus, ^Liquidambar, * This is Professor Heer's estimate, and I have not the means of analysing it. Dr. Hooker has directed my attention to the importance of ascertaining satis- factorily the exact proportions generally prevailing between ligneous and herbaceous plants, and the proportion of evergreens in tnily tropical floras. I presume all the Lauracece to have been reckoned among evergreens by Professor Heer. He says (Recherches, &c., p. 60) " * * • les Lam-iers et les Camphriers gardaient sans interruption leur verdoyante panire." — In th-e South United States, of the six species of Lauracese which occur there, four are deciduous, and in the Himalaya Dr. Hooker informs me some of the oi-der are commonly bare in winter. To the absolute numbers given by Professor Heer, I think comparatively little value can be attached, though probably the relative proportions in, for example, his table of the sequence of orders, may be sustained, t Recherches sur le Climat, &c. p. 5.5, N. H. K— 1862. M 11 35 10 17 1 2 2 20 6 25 10 35 5 25 26 131 3 16 154 OKTGIJfAL ARTICLES. ^Polygonum, *Salsola, *Laurus, Persea, *Cinnamomum, '^Emho- thrium, Drijandra, Ficus, *Leptoineria, *Diosp>/ros, *Acerates, Fraximis, *LirioJendron, *Acer, Ilex, Zizyphus, Berchemki, *Jihatnnics, *Paliurus, Pirns, *Juglans, Plerocarya, *Colutea, *Pobinia, *Gleditsckia, Caesalpinia, * Cassia. In discussing tlie cliaracter of the Swiss Tertiary Plora,* its general relations to existing Floras are indicated. The methods of comparision employed, Prof. Heer says " incontestably prove that, at the Tertiary period Switzerland was inhabited by types which are now scattered over every part of the world, but of which the ma- jority correspond to American species ; Europe ranks only second, Asia third, Africa fourth, and New Holland fifth. In Europe it is the Mediterranean region ; in America, the Southern United States ; in Asia, Japan, the region of the Caucasus and Asia Minor ; in Africa, in proportion to their area, the small islands of the Atlantic, which support the gi'eatest number of analogous species." Speaking of the distribution in the Tertiary, as compared with the present period, of generic types, he selects Juglandese as offering a marked contrast between their present wide, and former restricted area. Prof. Heer limits the present distribution of Pterocarya to the Caucasus, Juglans to Persia and North America, and JEngelhardtia to the Sunda Islands. Two species of Pterocarya, however, grow in Japan, three species of Juglans are recorded from the same region, where also another generic type is met with in Platycarya {Portuncea, Lindl.), and Engelhardtia occurs in the Himalaya. Carya is not held to be generically distinct from Juglans by Messrs. Hooker and Bentham. Viewed in respect of the sjoecies which contributed most largely to the mass and physiognomy of the tertiary vegetation, he says, "The Elora of Japan with its abundance of Camphor-trees and its Cflyptos- trohi, that of the Atlantic islands with its Laurels, the American Flora with its numerous evergreen Oaks, Maples, Poplars, Plane-trees, Liqiiidavihar, Pohinia, Sequoia, Taxodium, and ternate- leaved Pines, and finally that of Asia Minor with its Planera and Populus miita- lilis occupy the first place." Without distinction of stage in the Swiss deposits, the first rank, in respect to abundance of indi- viduals, Prof. Heer assigns to Lauraceae, second, Cupidiferae. In the first stage, Proteaceae, Khamnaceae and Cupressiueae predominated; in the second, Ehamnaceae and Palmaceae; third Proteaceae; fourth, Salicaceae, Aceraceae, Papilionaceae, Juglandeae and Sapindaceae. The climate of Europe he believes to have been, during the lower miocene, about 13°, and the upper miocene 16° Fahr. warmer than at present, while the large relative proportion of ligneous, evergreen and aquatic species, with layers of lignite, bear testimony to its ample humidity. With a view to avoid imnecessary repetition in the following paragraphs, and to save space, I have drawn up the subjoined table, showing the distribution of existing genera of the Swiss Tertiary in the recent Floras of Europe, Japan, of Europe and Asia (including Japan), taken together, and the Southern States of America. * Becherches sur le Climat, &c. p. 58. OLIYER ON THE ATLANTIS HYPOTHESIS. 155 1 c3* d a ca Genera of Swiss fl3 P. o 03 £.2 55 a ^1 Genera of Swiss q5 P. 2 3 33 to o at *ri ^1 Tertiary. 'r-t p3 & LJ .3 Tertiary. w •-s ti3 .S "2hJ w 1-5 < Iz; < 'A Monocoti/ledons. Anxiido Sassafras'*^ 1? I Phragmites . 1 Cinnamomum 1 1 Paniciiiu 1 Pimelca . Oryza . Ela;agnus'" . 1 1 1 Cyperus 1 Protea . Scirpus . 1 Persoonia Carex . 1 Grevillea Juncus . 1 Hakca . Smilax . 1 Dry and ra Cliamserops'^" . 1 Embothrium . Sabal . 1 Banksia Manicaria llhopala Geonoma Lomatia Typha . 1 Leptonieria . Sparganium . 1 Aristolochia . 1 1 Potamogeton . 1 1 Erica 1 Naias 1 Andromeda 1 1 Butomus^ Clethra'7 1 Hydrocharis . Monotropa 1 1 Iris 1 1 Vaccinium I 1 Puya Diospyros Macreightia'^ . 1 1? 1 Dieotylcdons. Styrax'^ . 1 1 Libocediiis-* . Bumelia'^ 1 Widdriugtonia Myrsine 1 Taxodiimi^ . 1 Porana . Glyptostrobus 1 Mcnyanthes . 1 Podocarpus . 1 Acerates" Sequoia Fraxinus 1 1 Pinus . 1 1 Lonicera 1 1 Liquid ambar'^ 1 Vibm-num 1 1 Populus 1 Gardenia Salix . 1 1 Hedera . 1 \ Myrica . 1 Panax . 1 Alnus . 1 Cornus . 1 1 Betula . 1 Vitis . 1 Carpinus 1 Weinmannia^^ Ostrya . Ranunculus . 1 I Corylus'' 1 Clematis 1 1 Quercus 1 Liriodendron . 1 Ulmus=' 1 Berberis 1 I Plaiiera Nymphaea 1 1 Ficus 1 Nelunibium . 1 Ai-tocai-pus"^ . Lepidium 1 1 Platanus^ . Clypeola 1 Polygonum . 1 Samyda' Salsola . 1 Tcrminalia'' . 1 Pisoma='<* Combretum" . Laui-us . 1 Myrtus . 1 Persea . Eugenia' } Benzoin I 1 Metrosideros . 1 M 2 156 ORIGINAL AETICLES. C d C C3 -03 >» H , rt <« a O P. (s-E -> < •a Eucaly]3tus . Ptcrocaiya 1 Sterculia^ 1 Prunus . 1 1 1 Grewia Amygdalus . 1 Acei" 1 1 1 Crataegus 1 1 1 Negiiiiclo'' 1 1 Spirjsa . 1 1 1 Sapindus 1 1 Cytisus^. I Koelreuteria 1 Medicago 1 Dodonaea 1 1 Trigonella 1 Baiiisteria* Robiuia . 1 1 Hirsea* . Psoralea 1 1 Coriaria • 1 Indigofera 1 1 Euphorbia^* 1 1 Tephrosia I Pittosporum'' Glycyrrhiza . 1 Celastrus 1 1 Colutea . 1 1 El£eodendi-on Phaseolus 1 1 1 Ilex 1 1 Pterocaipus . Zizyphus 1 Dalberma Paliurus 1 Sophora 1 1 1 Ccanothus'^ 1 Edwardsia Berchemia 1 Cercis . 1 1 Rhamnus 1 1 Gleditschia . 1 Khus . 1 1 Bauhiiiia Zantlioxylum 1 Ceratonia 1 Ptelea^ . 1 Coesalpinia 1 1 Ailanthus Cassia . 1 Juglans . 1 1 Acacia . 1 Carya . 1 Mimosa . 1 The Tertiary and existing Mora of Europe. — The genera common to the Tertiary Flora of Switzerland, and the recent Flora of Europe, as shown in the above table, are about 76 in number ; (Dicots. 60 ; Monocots. 16) or 12 fewer than are common to the Tertiary beds and the South United States Flora, and but 1 fewer than are common to the same and Japan. Of the characteristic orders and groups of the Swiss Tertiary the constituents in the existing Flora of Europe are — Gen. Species. Gen. Species PalmaD 1 1 fLauracese 1 1 fConifersB 7 40 fProteaceae 0 Populus . 7 Ehamuacese '. 3 21 Salix 60-70 Juglandese 0 Myrica . 1 fLeguminosfe 55 852 Quercus . 12-15 fAceraceae 1 8 Ulmus 3 tAmentacese • 11 130 Planera . 1 tCyperacesB . 13 257 Ficus 1? fGramineaj . 91 554 Platanus . 1-3 fCompositse 138 1400 Liquidambar 0 OLIVEE ON THE ATLANTIS nTPOTHESIS. 157 The nine largest orders of the Swiss Tertiary are marked f iu the above list. According to Professor Heer,* the recent Flora of Switzerland includes 24 natural orders with ligneous species,t of which IS are common to the Tertiary beds. J These latter are — Coniferae, Amen- taceae, TJlmaceae, Elaeagnese, Aristolochiaceae, Thymelese, Apocyneje, Oleacese, Ericaceae, Caprifoliaceos, Araliacese, Cornaceae, Tiliace;©, Iliciuese, Ehamnaceae, Celastraceae, Acerinese, Berberidea). Tliese orders include in the recent Flora 152 species, in the Tertiary 253. In Britain there are about 1230 Phanerogamia (Dicots. 923, Monocots. 307) referred to 479 genera (Dicots. 3(35, Monocots. 114), and 88 natural orders (Dicots. 73, Monocots. 15). About 116 species (9 per cent.) are ligneous. Of Bi'itish genera about 48 are common to the Swiss Tertiary (Dicots. 37, Monocots. 11). The Bovey Tracey fossil remains Professor Heer has shown to be pre-eminently characterized by Miocene species. § Out of 49 species which have been discovered, 20 occur iu Miocene beds on the Continent. The Bovey Flora includes the following recent genera : Phragmites Laurus \ Nyssa\\ Gardenia'^ Sequoia Eucalyptus ? j Fterocarya ? Vitis Ficus Eugenia \ Vaccinium Anona\\ Quercus Celastnis j Andromeda Nymipli^a. Professor Heer points out that none of the Bovey species are common to the Miocene of Iceland, and that, excepting Sequoia and Quercus, the genera are also distinct. In Iceland there are, according to Dr. Lindsay's list (1860J, 426 Phanerogams (Dicots. 290, Monocots. 136) belonging to 159 genera (Dicots. 119, Monocots. 40), and about 48 natural orders (Dicots. 39-40, Monocots. 8). The only woody plants are birch, willow, juniper, and rose. Common to the Swiss Tertiary there are in Iceland Gen. Orders. Dicots. . . . . 12 . . 19-20 Monocots. . . . ij . . Q The following genera occur in Tertiary beds in Iceland : — Spar- qanium,Pinus, Sequoia, Betula, Alnus, Salix (rare), Corylus, Quercus, Ulmus, Platanus, Acer {A. otopterix, being the commonest Tertiary tree), Vitis, Liriodendron, Rhamnvs, Rhus, Juglans. The Tertiary and Japanese Floras, ^ifra,p. 181.) 160 ORIGINAL AETICLES. Tlie largest Orders are in the S. States. N. STATEi9. Gen. Species. Gen. Species. t ComjiositaB . 81 354 83 273 t Cyperacese . 21 216 16 213 t Grraminese . 52 176 65 162 t Leguminosae . 49 145 m 91 Labiatse . 23 64 33 49 Scrophnlariacese . 23 61 26 54 Ericaceae* . 19 55 37 62 Eosaceae , . 17 54 18 71 Orcliidaceae . 19 51 24 111 Eanunculaceae . . 17 50 21 49 In the Northern States Eanunculacese is the ninth order, Labiata^ the tenth. The Orders marked f are included in the nine largest of the Swiss- Tertiary. It has been observed above that out of the nine largest Japanese Orders, six were thus marked (ante, p. 178). The groups which especially characterize United States forest vegetation, are Taxodium, Magnolias, Hickories, "Walnuts, Planeray Negundo, Liriodendron, Maples, Oaks, &c. The largest Orders (besides the four marked above) and characteristic Groups of the Swiss Tertiary in the States are — S. States. N. States. Gen. SpecieSi Gen. Species. Amentaceae 10 41 12 62 Proteaceae 0 0 0 0 LaurineaB 4 6 4 5 Conifera3 8 19 8 20 Aceraceae . 2 16 2 6 Palmas . 2 4 0 0 Popvilus . 3 6 Sahx 6 19 MyricaJ 2 2 Quercus 20 18 Ulmua . 4 4 Planera . 1 1 Picus 3 0 Platanus 1 1 Liquidambar . 1 1 Ehamnaceae . '. 8 10 4 6 Leguminosae . . 49 145 36 91 Juglandeae . 2 11 2 9 * Includes Vaccinicte, Monotropeae, Pyroleae. X Myiicacese in Southern States, 3 gen. 4 species. „ Northern „ 2 „ 3 „ OllVEE ON THE ATLANTIS HYPOTHESIS. 16l In the Northern States, according -to Dr. Gray,* 218 (10-3 per cent.) are shrubs or woody vines, and 130 (6'2 per cent.) trees. ]VIr. Lesquereux mentions the folloAving genera as having been identified in North American Tertiary beds.f Probably Miocene plants, from Vancouver and BeDingham Bay, "Washington Territory — Populus Sahx Quercus Planera Picus ? Cinnamomum Persoonia Diospyros Acer Platanus ? Salisburia Chamserops Sequoia. From Pleiocene beds, Tennessee : — Laurus, Prunus, Quercus, Fagus, identified with recent species of South Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico : and from Pleistocene beds, Kentucky, — Quercus, Castanea, XJlmus, Planera, Prinos, Geanothus, Carya, Gleditschia, Acorus, all recent forms now found along the Atlantic coast. In the Vancouver beds Proteaceae are dominant. Prof Goeppert mentions the following genera as having been found in the Miocene beds in Alaska and the neighbouring Aleutian Islands,! Gaulinia, Salix, Alnus, Taxodium dubium, (probably also found in Kamtschatka), Sequoia, Juglans ?, Populus. Belation of the Japanese Flora, also that of the Old World generally, to the Flora of the Eastern States of North America. — The general relations of the Plora of Japan and also those of the Plora of the Northern States have been most ably discussed by Prof Asa Gray. Theformerinapaperinthe Memoirsof the American Academy,§ the latter in Silliman's Joui-nal. || For much interesting detail I must refer to these valuable essays, from the last-named of which I borrow the following facts referring to the Flora of the Northern States, not having, myself, tabulated the recent European and American Floras with a view to bring out their analogies and difierences farther than is noticed under previous heads. According to Dr. Gray there are 321 species (Dicots. 180, Monocots. 141) common to the Northern States and Europe out of a total phanerogamous Flora in the former of 2091 species (Dicots. 1490, Monocots. 601). If closely representative be added to identical species, this number would be raised to about 435, or over one-fifth of the whole, while, on the other hand, but about 114 species (of 92 genera) are represented by identical or strictly analogous species on the Oregon and Californian side. 326 Northern United States genera belong to Europe, but of these 284 are difiused over the greater part of the Northern Hemisphere. Compared with Europe the Northern States are rich in ordinal * Sill. Journ., Ser. ii., xxiii. 374. f Sill. Joiivn. 1859, i. 359. % Bull. Ac. Imp. St. Petersburg, iii. 448. § N. Ser. vi. 377. II Ser. ii. xxii. Sept. 1856. 162 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. types, possessing 26 Nat. Orders uot in Europe, while Europe lias only 7 to 10 orders absent from the States. Nevertheless the Euro- pean families give character to the vegetation. Dr. G-ray says farther, that of these 26 orders 20 have their principal development in troi^ical regions, while 3 of the remaining orders have tropical or sub-tropical representatives.* This circumstance is noteworthy when we consider that the mean annual temperature of the Northern States is lower than that of "Western Europe. I find about 300 genera (Dicots. 21'2, Monocots. 00) are common to the Southern States and Japan. To this number the Northern States add 33 (Dicots. 24, Monocots. 9), making a total of 330—340 in Eastern North America. The Japanese orders not represented in the Eastern States are as follow, with the number of their genera and species. Lardizabaleae 2 gen . 5 species. Alangiaceae 1 gen. , 2 species, Bixaceae 1 )) 1 55 Dipsaceae 1 55 1 Pittosporaceae 1 >5 1 5) Jasmineae 1 55 5? Stercudiaceae 1 ?> 1 55 Myoporineae 1 55 1 Elseocarpeae 1 J> 2 55 Gi-esneraceae 1 55 1 Aurautiaceae 1? J> 2? 55 Helwingiaceae 1 55 1 Coriarieae 1 5» 1 55 Proteaceae 1 55 1 Meliosmeae 1 55 2 55 Chloranthaceae 3 55 4 Meliaceae 1 » 3? 55 Piperaceae 1 5) 1 Tamaricineae 1 55 1 55 Antidesmeae 1 55 1 Begoniaceae 1 55 1 55 Ophiopogoneae 2 55 2 About 320 Japanese genera (Dicots. 274, Monocots. 50) are absent from the States ; of these the most remarkable and characteristic of the Japan Flora seem to belong to Berberideae and Lardizabaleae, Ternstrcemiaceae, Zanthoxylaceae and allies, Eosaceae, Laiu'aceae, and Coniferae. A marked difference has been indicated (supra) between the Floras of the East and West Coasts of North America in the relatively small number of species common to these Floras as compared with the number common to the Eastern States and Europe. Dr. G-ray, in his memoir on the Japanese Flora,t points out that there are fewer Japanese species represented in West North America than in Europe, while there are more in East North America than in either. If strictly identical species alone be regarded, however, the European proportion is favoiu-ed. In his table, including 580 Japanese entries, * The same botanist points out tlie almost complete deficiency of forms peculiar to West Europe in Temperate America ; a deficiency remarkably contrasting with the large niunber of East American forms repeated or represented in Eastern Asia. The only genera divided between East North America and Europe which Dr. A. Gray can find are Ostrya, Narthecium, Psamma, Cakilc, Scolopciulr'mm ? t 1. c. p. 437. OLIVEE ON THE ATLAKTIS HYPOTHESIS. 163 there are, having corresponding representative species, in Europe, over 48 per cent., identical species 27 per cent. "West North America, about 37 „ „ 20 „ East „ „ „ 61 „ „ 23 „ Moreover of 353 extra- European genera in the Northern States 130 are common to East Temperate Asia, while but 87 occur in AVest North America. About 90 genera are represented in North America and Japan which are absent from Europe, and of these 65 do not occur in extra-tropical "Western North America,* where farther, no order is represented wanting in the Northern States of East America, excepting Grarryaceae and Hydroleaceae, and these both occur in the Southern States. The Atlantic Islands Flora.f — The American element in the Flora of the Atlantic Islands is very subordinate, while Mediterranean, with a proportion of peculiar or Macaronesian types, greatly pre- dominate, the former very remarkably. The African element is, as is well known, singularly deficient. Prof. Heer points out as a trace of the connection which he conceives to have existed formerly between these Islands and the New "World, the American genera Clethra, Bystropogon, Cedronella and Oreodaphne, species of which occur in the Madeiras and Canaries. With regard to these, however, it may be observed that Clethra is not exclusively a New "World type. One species is Japanese and one or two grow in the Philippines and Borneo. The present focus of the genus appears to be in South America. But one species, C arborea, grows in the Atlantic Islands, in some of which it is very abundant. As to Bystropogon, Messrs. "Webb and Berthelot limit the genus to Macaronesian species, excluding the section Mintliostacliys, under which Mr. Bentham groups the American forms in the Prodromus. At best, this genus, as Ml-. Bentham informs me, scarcely differs in technical characters from Mentha, though the habit of the island species is very different. Of Cedronella, another Labiate plant, but one species grows in the Islands, G. canariensis. Hasskarl describes a species from Japan. Oreodaphne prevails in the West Indian Islands and South America; it is unrepresented in the States ; species occur, also, in South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius. Recently Mr. Mann, botanical collector to the Royal Gardens at Kew, has sent to Sir W. J. Hooker two or three species of Laurel from the mainland of West Tropical Africa, wdiich, although not yet determined, form a connecting link, relieving the isolation of the Atlantic species, both of Oreodaphne and Fersea. I have examined the Elora of Webb and Berthelot and can find scarcely any evidence to add to that noted by Prof. Heer. The genus Messerschnidtia, limited by these authors to Canarian and * Gray, 1. c. 441. t For some excellent obsei-vations upon the general relations of the Madeira and Canary Flora, see a paper by Sir C. J. F. Bunbury, Linn. Proc. Bot. i. 1. 164 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. Tropical American forms is, according to De Candolle, but a section of Tournefortia, including in one subsection the Canarian plant, while other subsections include two African and an Indian species. Of the genus Persea, of which one species (P. indicd) is a domi- nant tree in the Canaries, Madeira, and Azores, two species grow in the Southern States, while others are found in New Grenada, Peru, and as far South as Chili. Commelyna agraria, Euphorhia tenella, and Bidens pilosa cannot be accepted as indigenous to the Atlantic Islands. We may"gather from the above paragi'aphs that a close and very peculiar analogy subsists between the Flora of Tertiary Central Eu- rope and the recent Eloras of the American States and of the Japanese region ; an analogy much closer and more intimate than is to be traced between the Tertiary and recent Floras of Europe. We find the Tertiary element of the Old World to be intensified towards its extreme eastern margin, if not in numerical preponderance of genera, yet in features which especially gave a character to the Fossil Flora. I have taken occasion to show, in the above notices, that this accession of the Tertiary element is rather gradual and not abruptly assumed in the Japan islands only. Although it there attains a maximum, we may trace it from the Mediterranean, Levant, Caucasus, and Persia, in Chamcerops, Platanus, Liquidamhar, Ptero- carya, Juglans, ^c, then along the Himalaya and through China ; the Eastern Himalaya and China, indeed, forming with Japan one great botanical region. The table given at p. 175 shows that about 120 Tertiary genera are represented in Europe and Asia, including Japan, taken together, while, as stated already, but 88 are represented in the Southern American States. We learn also that during the Tertiary epoch, counterparts of Central European Miocene genera certainly grew in North-west America, amongst them, one marked genus now limited to the Japanese region (Salisburia). We note, further, that the present Atlantic Islands Flora affords no substantial evidence of a former direct communication with the main land of the New World, though the cu'cumstance of an extraordinary predominance in it of the Mediterranean element tends to countenance the probability of the hy[)othesis of E. Forbes and others that a coimection formerly existed between these Islands and some part of Western Europe. The consideration of these facts leads me to the opinion that botanical evidence does not fiivour the hypothesis of an Atlantis. On the other hand, it strongly favom's the view that at some period of the Tertiary epoch. North-eastern Asia was united to North-western America, perhaps by the line where the Aleutian chain of islands now extends, since there is sufficient ground to belie\'e that the temperature in that latitude was liigh enough to allow the migra- tion of types, which at the present period, are characteristic of lower OLITEE ON THE ATLATfTIS HYPOTHESIS. 1G5 latitudes.* Professor Heer himself says,t " Comme les types japon- nais occupent line place importante dans notre flore tertiare, il est permis de supposer qu'a I'epoque tertiare le Japon etait joint an contiaent Americain." — Tlie general character of the Tertiary Flora appears to me to be almost as conspicuous,— in some respects more conspicuous — in Japan than in the American States. We have shown that of the nine largest orders numerically of the Tertiary, six are included in the nine largest of Japan, and but four in the nine largest of the Southern States ; while, farther, the remaining three of the nine largest Tertiary orders are much more developed in Japan than in the Southern States. They are Lauracese, in Japan 11 gen. 25 species. In So. States 4 gen. 6 species. Aceraceae „ 2 „ 15 „ „ 2 „ 6 „ Proteacese „ 1 „ 1 „ „ 0 „ 0 „ The Japanese flora is the only one which I have found presenting such close correspondence in this respect with that of the Tertiary period. In Australia 5, India 4, Europe 3, and in the New World 4, J of the largest orders of each respectively, are included in the cor- responding nine of the Tertiary. Nor must the large percentage of ligneous species in the Japanese (40 per cent.) as compared with the Southern United States flora (22 per cent.) be overlooked. That the Tertiary element should be more decidedly expressed in a comparison of the genera in Eastern Asia than in the American States, is by no means required unless we can show that its development and persistence have been equally favoured by climatal and other conditions in both regions since the Tertiary period. It might have been fairly expected, moreover, that on Professor Heer's hypothesis, the North American element in the Flora of the Atlantic islands should have been more decided, favourable as would appear to be their climate to the growth of the plants of the Southern States ; but we do not find in these Islands more of this element than they might have derived from Eiu'ope during a connection with it in, or subsequent to, the Tertiary period. With regard to the few American species mentioned by Dr. A. Grray§ as occurring in Western Europe, and opposed to the view that the inter- • Prof. Goeppert says, (Bull. Ac. Imp. St. Petersburg, iii. 460, 1861), " Wenn vvir nun die ausgedehnte Verbreitung der schon jctzt im Polarkreise auf den Aleuten, in Gronland, Island, Kamtschatka nachgewiesenen Flora der Miocenen formation betrachten, die sich vielleicht auch noch iiber das nordlichste Amerika auf Nord- Siberien und die luseln des Eismeeres erstreckt * * * * so diirfen wir wohl annebmen, dass in jenen jetzt so unwirthlichen Gegenden zur zeit der Miocen periode ein milderes Klima, etwa eine mittlere Temperatur von mindestens 8-9" dort herrschte, um eine Vegetation zu fdrdeni, wir sie gegenwartig in mittleren und siidlicheren Nordamerika und Europa angetroifen wird." t Recherches, &c., p. 216. t The principal orders of these four areas I have taken from Dr. Hooker's " Introductoiy Essay to the Flora of Tasmania," p. xxxv. § 1. c. 442. 166 OEIGINAL AETICLES. . cliange of European and New "World forms had taken place via Asia, viz. Eriocaulon septangulare, Betula alba, Spartina and Suhu- Inria, — to wliicli I may add Naias Jlexilis (a common North Ame- rican plant, but extremely rare in Europe, which I discovered in Connemara some twelve years ago), it may be observed that all of these, save the common birch, are aquatic or littoral salt-marsh plants. Wlieu we recall the observation of Mr. Darwin relative to the number of seeds often contained in the mud of ponds, &c., the wandering habits of wading birds, and the chances favoiiring the dispersal of aquatic sjjecies,* no argument can be based upon them of any weight compared with the preponderance of evidence in favour of an Asiatic migration aflbrded by the relatively large number of existing types peculiar to E. America and the eastern margin of the Old World, as compared with the few peculiar to America and Europe. Why Betula alba should be included among the above species I am at a loss to understand. It grows across Europe, in the Altai and Amoorland. Subularia also extends eastward to the Altai, according to Ledebour. 1. Samyda. One species of Unger's occurs in the Swiss beds. I have not seen any true Samyda with the lateral veins nearly so numerous and approximate : it may be a Casearia, but this is ex- tremely doubtful. 2. Banisteria and Hircea rest u2)on very imjjerfect materials. They cannot be satisfactorily determined from Professor Heer's figures. The same is also true of Coriaria. 3. PifeZea— resting upon single foliolae or indeed single leaves, cannot be satisfactorily accepted in the absence of the dry and easily preserved fi-uits. The leaflet figured as P. Weberi certainly much resembles a lateral one of P. trifoliata. The genus is placed in ZantJtoxylece by Dr. Hooker. 4. Sterculia tenuinervis, Heer, stated to resemble S. Labrusca, Ung., and compared as to form and direction of the leaf-lobes with S. (Firmiana) platanifolia, L. resembles the trilobate form of this species very fairly. S. platanifolia, however, is not an American, but a Chinese and Japanese plant. S. modesta is very doubtful. 5. Apeibopsis. With fruits 5 to 16-valved, and leaves described as palmiuerved ; but none have been certainly identified with the fruits. Notwithstanding Professor Heer's observations, I consider the affinity of these remarkable fruits yet imsettled. Probably imder this generic term two or more genera may be included. Tab. cxviii., 23, resembles Hura ; fig. 27 an Aristolochia. 6. Neyundo, rests upon an uncertain identification 7. Pittosporum. — A determination of Ettingshausen's ; very dubious, as Prof Heer observes, as to the Swiss specimen. Judging * Origin of Species, p. .386. Vide, also De Candollc, Gcog. Bot. Kais. p. 519. OLIVER ON THE ATLANTIS HYPOTHESIS. 1G7 from Heer's figures it differs from Pittosjiorum in the absence of the persistent base of the style, and perhaps also, of the lines of septa on the dehisced valves. 8. LeguminoscB. — Many of the genera must be received with much caution. I am not prepared to make any definite observation upon them just now. 9. ^^<S'. Bensoin (with which Prof Heer compares a leaf which he refers to the same species as that affording his fruit) in fruit, but certainly the leaves of Malacca specimens differ considerably from Heer's fig. 11 c. Tab. ciii. in that they are not narrowed to the base, but are generally more or less ovate or ovate-lanceolate. The transverse veins connecting the secondary ones are remarkable in 8. Benzoin ; these are not re- presented in the fossil leaf The fruit almost as nearly resembles that of some species of Tilia as of Sty rax. 17. Clethra. — Foiuided, -udth doubt, on a portion of a leaf I see nothing in C. alnifolia corresponding to the markiugs figured on 168 OEIGTNAL ARTICLES. the fossil fragment. In some species the upper surface of the leaves is beset with tufted or stellate hairs. 18. Apocynacece and AsclepiadecB. — Evidence does not appear suffi- cient to show that both orders have been met with. 19. Liquid amhar. — Prof Heer's figs, h, c, d, Tab. Ixxxvii answer very well to Liquidamhar fruits ; figs. 2 a and h, of Tab. li. however jnay be something quite different, the carpels appearing to be almost free and superior. The figure which Prof. Heer copies, with proper acknowledgment, from Schnitzlein is worse than useless. Schnitz- lein's figure seems to me to be copied or adapted from Hayne (Gewachse, xi. 25). Both botanists figure the ovules, moreover, as attached to the dorsal suture. The fruit is fairly represented by Gaertner {De Fruct. xc. e.) and Lamarck (copied from the former), Tab. 783, 2. Tlie fruits of four species are in the Kew Herbarium. 20. Pisonia. — This appears extremely doubtful. Tlie slender object, fig. 48, Tab. cliii. borrowed from Ettingshausen, can scarcely be a young fruit of Pisonia, tapered to so fine a point, without trace of the upper part of the perianth. 21. Sassafras ^sculapii. — A doubtful member of the genus. Apart from its entire outline, the leaf (Tab. xc. 14) seems too acute. 22. Persea Braimii, if a Laurel, I think as likely to find its analogue in Asia as in America. P. Carolinejtsis, has proportionally narrower leaves, and the secondary veins are hardly prominent enough. P. Gratissima is, in some respects, more like P. Praunii, but its petioles are longer. P. costata, Nees. is perhaps as near to it as either. I do not find the same tendency to obovate outline in P. indica. 23. ElceagnecB rest upon very insufficient data ; only leaf remains. 24. Euphorbia is extremely doubtful, also Eupliorhiophyllum, a genus of Ettingshausen's. 25. Plataneae. — Prof. Heer, speaking of the Tertiary forms of Platanus, (PI. Tert. ii. 74) says that if we refer existing forms to the two species of Linnaeus, that found in the middle Miocene of Radoboj (Croatia) may be compared to P. orientalis, while that of the upper Miocene of Schossnitz (Silesia) and of the Swiss deposits, be- longs to the P. occidentalis series. Dr. Hooker called my attention to an observation of Miller in his " Grardener's Dictionary" (1731), which it may be worth while copying. Of P. orientalis aceris folio, he says, " * * although by some supposed to be a distinct species from either of the former (P. orientalis and P. occidentalis) yet is no more but a seminal variety of the first, for I have had many plants which came up from the seeds of the first sort, which ripened in the Physick Grarden (at Chelsea), which do most of them degenerate to this third sort, which, in the manner of its leaves, seems to be difterent from either, and might reasonably be supposed a distinct sort by those who have not traced its original." 26. Artocarpus. {A. oeningensis.) This seems rather a Ficus than an Artocarpus. Unger's Artocarpiditim would seem a very doubtful member of the same order. OLITEE OlSr THE ATLAKTIS HTPOTHESTS. 1G9 27. Ttrxodiiim.—Trof. Heei*'s T. duhium appears to me as near to Olypfostrobus as to Taxodium, especially in the reduced squamreform leaves, wliicli Taxodium (excepting T. distichum var. imhricaria , Natt.) generally wants. The fragment, Tab. xvii. 1 and 4 (Flora Tert.) of T. Fischeri is exceedingly like Glyptostrobus, as Heer observes. In the Eoyal Grardens at Kew is a fine tree which I think may be the Cwpressus disticha j3. nutans ; " foliis remotioribus subsparsis" of Alton's " Hortus Kewensis." This tree is traditionally reported to be of Japanese origin, though on no positive authority. It difters conspicuously in the leaves, usually one-third to one-half longer than in T. distichum, being irregularly disposed along the deciduous branchlets, which are often G — 9 inches in length. The leaves are not at all distichous.* 28. Libocedms. — In the absence of the strobili this genus must be received with doubt. 29. Butomus. — Extremely ambiguous, resting on two opposite carpels, each bearing a style. The only Aroid (Aronifes) is also very doubtful, as Prof. Hecr admits. 30. Chamcerops and Sabal. — Tertiary fan-leaved species are re- ferred to these recent genera, which are characterised thus (Flora Tertiaria, p. 85). Chamcerops. — " Folia flabelliformia, palmato-mul- tifida, radiis induplicativis ; omnibus e rhachide abbreviata, rotunda exeuntibus ; petioli aculeati v. dentati." Sabal. — ^" Folia flabelli- formia, palmato-multifida, n^diis induplicativis rhachis elongata, infra cuspidata, supra cristata." Professor Heer says further, in the genus Sabal we have an unarmed petiole, and the rhachis prolonged into the laniina, on the upper side of which it terminates in a crest, wanting in Chamcerops. In reference to these points, I have examined several species in cultivation at Kew, and feel satisfied that Professor Heer's distinctions are not of generic value. In Ghamcerops excelsa and gracilis the petioles are unarmed. The rhachis on the upper side of the fan is strongly crested in Ch. Fortunei and Ch. gracilis. In the latter sjDecies the crest projects from one half to five-eighths of an inch, perpendicular to the lamina. The petiole of Ch. Fortunei is scarcely armed, being serrate along the margins above. I do not find ChamcBrops to have the rhachis much prolonged into the lamina on the underside, while in some species of Sabal the prolongation is very marked. But this is the case in Old World palms, which may be as nearly related to the Tertiary plant as Sabal ; for example, a palm-leaf from the Grambia, "West Africa, in the Kew Museum, has the rhachis bearing a small triangidar crest above, while below it is prolonged some six inches. In Hyphaena I have seen the rhachis in a young plant to be much prolonged both above and below, and destitute of a crest. * The GlyptoKtrolius of " Flora TerfAaria" appears near to G. hetei'ophtjllus. "^'his species, however, has the squam£e of its stroboli bearing a triangular dorsal apicuhis, patent or slightly reciu-ved, and the suleiof the margin alternate with wart- like elevations. I do not observe these characters m Prof. Heer's figures. N. H. R.— 1862. N 170 0EIC4TNAL AETICLES. 31. I observe tliat tlic Rev. M. Lowe in his excellent Manual " Flora of Madeira" (pp. 249, 251), states it as his opinion that the leaves figured by Prof. Heer in his Memoir on the Fossil Plants of S. Jorge (Zurich, 1855), p. 28, t. ii. fig. 1, 2, under the name Corylus australis, are impressions of terminal leaflets of Hub us discolor : Fig. 3 appears to be a leaflet of JR. gi'andifolius, and Heer's " JJlmu% Saherosa, Moench,'''' t. i. f. 24, he regards as the impression of a lateral leaflet of the same species. Tab. ii. f. 3, Corylus australis and f. 28, Psoralea dentata, Dec. ? Mr. Lowe thinks most probably are also Buhi. XVII. — On the Anatomy of the Short Sun-fisii (Ortiika- ooRiscus mola). By John Clelaud, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, University of Glasgow. [Read at the Meeting of the British Association at Manchester, September 1861."| The singular external configuration of the Short Sun-fish naturally leads one to expect that the internal structure will present great deviation fron the ordinary arrangements of parts in fishes ; and such an expectation is more than fulfilled on dissection, by the disclosure of peculiarities which extend to every system in the economy. It is now a number of years since Professor Goodsir read a communication to the Wernerian Society on the anatomy of this curious fish ; * and since then he has, at various times, had speci- mens dissected under his superintendance, preparations of parts preserved, and notes and di-awings taken. I had the good fortune, while a demonstrator in his rooms, to make one of these dissections in 1860, and on that occasion had the opportunity of examining particularly the skeleton in the recent condition, the muscles and the viscera. In prepai'ing the following description, drawn princi- pally from that dissection, I have been indebted to Professor Goodsir for placing at my disposal a series of notes on the arrangement of the muscles, taken by Mr. Tm*ner, ou a former occasion, as well as a number of drawings. External Measurements. The specimen dissected in ISGO measured 38 inches, from the mouth to the tip of the tail. Of this distance, 7 inches belonged to the caudal fin, and 12 wore in front of the pectoral ; so that the trunk, behind the shoulder girdle, was only 19 inches long ; * Read in 1840, and pul)lishcd in the Edinburgli New Philosophical Journal, Vol. 30, p. 188. CLELAISD OTT THE ANATOMY OP THE SHORT STTN-PISH. 171 while, Oil the other hand, the greatest height, exclusive of fins?, was 24 inches. The pointed dorsal and anal fins, which stood out nearly at right angles to the body, nieasiu'ed each 16 inches in length, and, at their broadest parts, near their bases, 8 inches, from before backwards. Dermal Structures. The structure of the integument, which was about an inch thick over the trunk, has been specially studied by Mr. Tiu'ner, whose description will be found below. It is separated from the muscles, and from the abdominal cavity, by a strong aponeurosis. At the origins of all the fins it becomes soft and loose, so as to allow of their free movement. On the dorsal, anal, and pectoral fins, it is reduced to a thin membrane, very difficult to detach ; but on the caudal fin it retains a considerable thickness, and the caudal fin rays must be dissected out from the dense matrix of integument in which they are imbedded, before their course can be displayed. Besides the little spinous tubercles studded all over the skin, there are several much larger sclerous tegumentary formations. Arming the prominence which projects above the mouth, are one large, and several smaller hard plates, as much as half an inch in thickness ; and at the extremity of each caudal fin ray, is a half- moon-shaped plate of the same kind, thick on the deep aspect, and coming to an edge at the free margin. The deep asj^ects of all these plates exhibit perforations of considerable size for vessels, and an iiTegular arrangement of minute rounded projections. The superficial aspect of those from the head is divided into little areas, corresponding to the tubercles of the skin ; that of the caudal plates presents tubercles, or sjiines, more irregular and prominent than those on the general surface of the body. Tliere is exhibited, by a vertical section of one of these plates, a closely set vertical series of large, irregular, and on all sides inter- communicating tubes, whose outlines are visible even to the naked eye, and which are imbedded in a hyaline matrix.— (Pt. V. fig. 3). These tubes are most regularly disposed towards the deep aspects of the caudal plates, and most irregularly toward the free extremities of the same. In the latter situation they are seen frequently expanding into large irregular dilatations, into which several of them open from difterent directions. The spines upon the surfaces of the caudal plates are composed of the same translucent structure as those projecting from the tubercles on the surface of the general integument, and show in section the same striated appearance. Toward the deep aspects of these spines, the tubes in the neighbourhood tend to converge by free extremities ; and isolated portions of the same structure as that of which the tubes are composed, are seen like large cells, or strings of cells, of various N 2 172 OEIGINAL AETICLES. size, in tlie substance of a number of tlie spines. In water, or in spirit, tlie tubes stand out with a rounded opaque appearance from tlie clear matrix. They become clearer on the addition of liquor l^otassce ; but when a diy section is placed in turpentine or Canada balsam, they are rendered quite transparent \ so much so, that it is advisable, before adding turpentine, to steep the specimen in a potash solution of carmine, which dies the tubes, and leaves the matrix uncoloured, save only at the part bounding the deep aspect, where, there being less mineral deposition, and consequently a softer texture, the staining is nearly uniform. The clearing up of the tubes, on addition of turpentine, brings into view in their interior, a great number of long, and generally somewhat pointed crystals, lying for the most part transversely in them, or nearly so. They are usually broader in the middle than at their extremities, are not always perfectly straight, and are always distinct from one another. Probably they are composed of carbonate of lime. There are also some dark opaque masses, of irregidar size and shape, scattered in both matrix a3±d'tuT)es. That the tubes are to a certain extent hollow, is shown by the great abundance of small bells of air which remain in them on addition of turpentine. "While, on the other hand, that they are not altogether hollow is certain, not merely from the small size of the air bells, which remain distinct even when crowded thickly together, are with difficulty expelled, and do not move about ; but also, because transverse sections exhibit only some irregular perfora- tions, while the cut ends of the tubes stain uniformly with carmine. The large dilatations, above alluded to, however, are hollow in the centre. When sections of the plates are calcined, the contents of the tubes are burned entirely away, and only the matrix remains, having suffered just sufficient change to render it less transparent, and caj^able of readily imbibing the carmine die. The tubes have a somewhat irregularly nodulated outline, as if composed of large cells placed end to end. Their contents have an obscurely granular appearance, which becomes more distinct towards the deep aspects of the plates, where one can even distinguish in them bodies like small cells. In sections steeped in nitric acid, which removes the mineral matter with effervescence, the granular appearance of the contents of the tubes comes out much more strongly, while the matrix and superficial spines appear structureless. In turpentine the matrix exliibits, at many places, a number of irregularly matted fine black lines, somewhat resembling those which may be seen in calcifications of fibrous tumours. They are found most abundantly ami closely felted beneath the bases of the super- ficial spines. "When the structure of the dermal plates, now described, is compared with that of the general integumeut it becomes apparent, I think, that the former structm*e is derived from the latter, by CLELAND ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SHOET SUN-FISIT. 173 altered aiTangemont of its parts, deposition of mineral matter, and increased A-ascularity. To say that the tubes in the plates are developed from series of communicating cells, is only to hazard a conjectui-e ; but their granular contents, no doubt, correspond to tho abundant interstitial substance in the meshes of the integument ; while the fibrous element composing these meshes is fully repre- sented in the matrix of the dermal plates. A minute injection of a recent specimen is greatly to be desired to show the arrangement of that great vascularity Avhich is indicated by the large canals for vessels. We might then be able to form a comparison of the relations of the dermal plates to the integument of the sun-fish on the one hand, A\ith those of boue to cartilage on the other. Anatomy of the Trunk. The skeleton of the sun-fish can only be properly examined in the recent state, on account of the important part played in its formation by large masses of cartilage (Pt. V. fig. 1.) The osseous part consists of a peculiar fibrous modification of bone, for the most part soft and spongy. It is composed of a network of fibrous laminae, liardened by deposition of mineral matter, and imbedded in car- tilage remarkable for the small size of its coi'puscles. It has been described by Leydig.* The osseous vertebrae are 16 in number, 8 abdominal and 8 caudal. I say the osseous vertebrse, because beyond the sixteenth there is, at least in some specimens, a cartilaginous element, of somewhat ambiguous morphological value. The basioccipital bone projects so far behind the other bones of the skull, that it is liable on a cursory glance to be mistaken for the fii-st vertebra, a mistake into which Wellenbergh has fallen.f The neural arch of the fii'st vertebra pro- jects forward and overlaps the basioccipital bone, while those of the third and fourth vertebrae slope almost directly backwards ; that of the second is therefore prolonged into two processes, one passing horizontally forwards over the first, and the other horizontally back- wards, over the third. The first dorsal interspinous bone lies in front of the iifth vertebra. The neural arches of the succeeding vertebrae, as far as the foiu:'teenth, become more and more vertical, and have intercalated between them, so as to fill up the intervening spaces, the expanded extremities of huge interspinous bones. The neural arch of the fifteenth vertebra is prolonged into a cylindi'ical process, which incKnes forward, and abuts against the corresponding process of the vertebra in front. The sixteenth vertebra is a simple bone which gives ofl" no processes whatever. The haemal arches of the caudal vertebrae are all prolonged into * Leydig, Lehrbuch d. Histologic, § 151. t Wellenbergh, Observationcs Aiiatomicac de Orthragorisco mola. Lugd. Bat. 1840. 174 OEiaiNAL ABTICLES. long cylindrical processes, striking nearly vertically downwards. The first is in contact, at its extremity, with the second. There are no traces of any transverse processes, nor are there any ribs. Along the middle lateral line a strong fibrous septum runs, attached, on the one hand, to the vertebral column, on the other, to the subcutaneous aponeurosis. The dorsal interspinous bones are fourteen in number, and, except the first, are flattened out, and in mutual contact at their vertebral extremities, cylindrical and free in the distal half of their extent. Their distal extremities are inserted into a large bolster-like mass of cartilage, deeply grooved on its sides for the tendons of the fin muscles. The first of the series is closely articulated to the second, is pointed at both extremities, and projects a process forwards which gi\es attachment to the tendon of a muscle coming from the occiput. The interspinous bones of the anal fin, eleven in number, are most of them shaped similarly to those of the dorsal fin, but are much longer, and not prolonged so much between the vertebral processes. Their distal extremities, which are inserted into a large mass of cartilage, similar to those of the dorsal fin, are twice as far removed as they from the vertebral column. The first of the series is a huge shafted bone, connected at its proximal end with the ha-nial spines of the first and second caudal vertebra^, and at its distal end bifui'cated ; evidently, therefore, to be looked on as equivalent to two interspinous bones run together. The tenth and eleventh are very small, and abut against the ninth. There are seventeen rays in the dorsal fin, sixteen in the anal. The two fins are as like one another as possible. One description will suffice for both. Each ray is composed of a pair of slender bones, placed one on each side of a block of cartilage. The most anterior of these blocks is shoi-t and very thick, the succeeding four or five get rapidly longer and are not so stout, and the remaining ones dwindle quickly both in length and thickness. They are closely compacted together in one firm mass. The fin rays that enter into the formation of the anterior edge of the fin, end in stout points, so as to make that edge unyielding ; biit the bony elements of the remaining rays are prolonged beyond the cartilaginous foundations, and split up into fibres which bend backwards and spread in a thin fold of integument which forms the yielding posterior edge of the fin. The structure of the tail is more remarkable still. It has eleven fin rays, and as many corresponding interspinous bones, viz., five superior and six inferior. The proximal extremities of the inter- spinous bones approach one another, and abut on the posterior edges of the ascending and descending processes of the fifteenth vertebra : their distal extremities diverge, and, at the two ends of the series, are in continuation with those of tlie dorsal and anal fins ; while, in the middle of the series, they are in a line with the tip of the sixteenth CLELAND ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SHORT SUN-FISH. 175 vertebra, wliicli itself looks like an interspinous bone. Each iuterspiuous bone is connected distally with a little mass of cartilage marked by a groove for a tendon; and these masses are joined together by a thin cartilaginous thread : the uppermost and lower- most are also joined, in the same way, to the great cartilages suj)- portiug the dorsal and anal fins ; and the chain is completed by a similar little mass coiTcsponding to the tip of the last vertebra, joined to the masses above and below it, and differing from the others only in not being gi-ooved for any tendon. Each caudal ray consists of a broad conical cartilage in contact wdth the cartilage terminating the corresponding interspinous bone, on each side of which springs a slender osseous sli^), which comes in contact with its neighbour of the opposite side, and pursues its way through the dense integument, to terminate opposite one of those hard plates w^hose structure has been already described. As the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins are continuous, this mode of termination of the rays of the latter affords the only definite line of distinction between them and those of the former. Either from neglecting this circumstance, or from a variation of the number in different specimens, Welleu- bergh has allotted thirteen rays to the tail. Lying in the same range as the cartilaginous bases of the fin rays, and differing from them only in being broader at the point, and having no osseous ray, there is, in the specimen from w^hich I describe, a cartdage corresponding to the end of the vertebral column (Pt. V. fig. 1, i.) ; and notwithstanding that it has no osseous ray, there is a small hard plate opposite it in the margin of the tail. This cartilage and the smaller one which supports it are not placed quite opposite the extremity of the sixteenth vertebra, but are displaced sHghtly upwards, resembling, in this respect, the upwardly inclined last vertebra of other osseous fishes. The claims of these two cartilages to be grouped with the chain of vertebrae, ajjpear to me to be indisputable. In that case the smaller cartilage must be looked on as an intervertebral disc. However we may theorize on the matter, the facts are these : that if we pass the eye backwards along the vertebral coliunn, we find the two cartilages in question continuous with the series of bodies of vertebrae ; while if we pass the eye from the dorsal, round by the caudal, to the anal fin, we find that the sixteenth vertebra lies in the series of interspinous bones, that the succeeding cartilage forms part of the continuous cartilage on which the interspinous bones abut, and that the terminal cartilage Kes in the series of cartilaginous bases of fin rays. The importance of these peculiar arrangements, as tending to throAV light upon the structiu'e of the fan-shaped bone which terminates the spinal column of most fishes, is noted by Professor GoodsLr, in his paper already referred to. But perhaps the most curious and important point, as exhibiting how great is the amount of variation possible among individuals of one s])ecies, is the inconstancy of the cartilages terminating the spinal 176 ORiaiNAL AETICLES. column. They were present in the specimen described by Mr. Groodsir, who mentions tliem as seventeenth and eighteenth vertebrae ; and, in that instance, they appear to have been both in a dii'cct line with the vertebral column. On the other hand, in another specimen, of the tail of which Mr. Groodsir has preserved a cast, the eleven caudal fin rays are placed exactly opposite the corresponding interspinous bones, but in their series there is no cartilage corres- ponding to the end of the vertebral column. In an additional specimen, from which a driii'd skeleton has been, this winter, pre- pared for Mr. Goodsir, by his former pupil, Mr. Eamsay Traquair, who has taken particular care with reference to this point, the caudal rays are of the same number as the interspinous Ijones, but are not placed opposite to their extremities : that which corres- ponds to the interspinous bone immediately below the sixteenth vertebra is placed opposite the extremity of the vertebral column, and its two osseous slips separate, one to join the ray above, the other to join the ray below ; while the extremities of these rays con- verge to a common dermal plate, which obviously consists of at least two fused together. Lastly, Wellenbergh's sketch, taken from a di'ied skeleton, exhibits two fin rays placed closely together opposite the end of the vertebral column, their extremities converging to two dermal plates closely united. Muscles of tie Trunk.— {7t. VI. fig. 2). The peculiarity of the develo])mcnt of the muscles of the trunk, consists in the almost total disappearance of all except those of the fins, which are of enormous size. This was first pointed out by Professor Goodsir. Meckel, indeed, describes the muscles of the sun-fish,* but his description is not at all accurate. The muscular masses which move the dorsal and anal fins extend upwards and do\vnwards from the middle lateral line. They are both very much stronger at the fore j^art than behind. That belonging to the dorsal fin is prolonged forwards along the whole length of the trimk to the back of the skull ; while that belonging to the anal fin presents an abrupt anterior margin at the back of the abdominal ca\ity. As the middle lateral line is only half as far removed from the dorsal as from the anal fin, and as the two fins are of equal size, the greater vertical space available for muscles of the latter is compensated for by the greater antero-posterior space occupied by those of the former. Behind and in contact with those two sets of muscles, is a fim-shaped arrangement of distinct muscles, ending in tendons, one going to each caudal ray. Here, also, we find that, on account of the position of the middle lateral line, the muscles to the superior caudal rays, take origin diflerently from those of the inferior rays : for, while the latter arise only from the corresponding interspinous bones, and that part of the penultimate * Meckel, Comparative Anatomy. French Edition. Vol. v, p. 184. CLELAISTD ON TUE ANATOMY OF THE SllOUT SUN-FISH. 177 ossseous vertebra, against which each abuts, aa well as from the superficial aponeurosis; the former arise, in addition, for some distance along the fibrous septum of the middle lateral line, and overlap the posterior muscles of the dorsal fin. The muscles of the dorsal and anal fins demand a more detailed description. The individual muscles of which they are composed are not entirely distinct ; they run into one another to a certain extent ; but they are arranged on a definite plan ; and this plan is the same in both. The typical arrangement is this : each muscle consists of two triangular laminfe, a superficial and a deep, con- nected anteriorly by a tendon directed obliquely backwards, and incloses between its layers the succeeding muscle, Avhile it is itself similarly surrounded by the muscle in front. Its posterior fibres are longest and most vertical, and form the base of the triangle ; the most anterior fibres are short and oblique, forming the apex. (Pt. VI. fig. 3), The superficial lamina arises principally from the fibrous septum of the lateral line ; but, at its posterior part, where it extends beyond the muscle in front, it arises also from the superficial aponeurosis. The deep lamina arises from the interspi- nous bones and intervening processes of vertebrae. The tendons after quitting the muscles become more vertical, and lie in very loose watery areolar tissue till they reach the cartilaginous piUows at the extremities of the interspinous ranges. They are then received into deep perpendicular grooves which are completed into tubes by the tough integumentary tissue. Mr. Turner, in his notes, describes an arrangement by which the tendons are lubricated in these tubes : viz. a very loose and watery areolar tissue confined in sittt, by a thin but dense layer of membrane which lines the tube, extends beyond it, and is reflected thence to the surface of the tendon, like the theca of a tendon in the human subject, for example. Of course the most an- terior muscles, especially of the dorsal fin, deviate a good deal from what is here given as the characteristic arrangement, but generally there is the same pennate disposition of fibres, and the same sheath- ing of one muscle within another. To the joints and movements of the dorsal and anal fins Mr. Groodsir particularly directs my attention. He points out that, while in fishes generally there is a distinct joint for each interspinous bone and fin ray, and each of the latter moves independently ; in the ■sun-fish the cartilaginous bases of the dorsal and anal fin rays respectively are compacted together to form a single body, trans- versely convex, which moves in one mass in a corresponding concavity of the cartilaginous pillow, the surfaces being lubricated by watery connective tissue, such as has already been referred to. Instead of beiag compound organs whose motions are the result of the harmonious movements of the constituent simple organs, the dorsal and anal fins of the sun-fish are each a single organ, moving on a single joint. As regards the method of their movements : — the sun-fish being destitute of a great lateral muscle 178 ORIGINAL ATtflCLES. by whicli to wield its vertebral column as an instrument of pro- gression, is, apart from the undulatory movements of its short tail, which probably acts principally as a rudder, entirely dependent on its dorsal and anal fins. But a mere lateral movement of these, caused by the contraction of a whole muscular mass first on one side and then on the other, would not produce progression ; and indeed (as it appears to me) the integument is too unpliable to admit of such contraction. The movement is doubtless a feathering one, a combination of flexion and rotation ; and, that Avhich determines the movements so as to produce progression is the greater strength of the muscular masses anteriorly. It may be conceived thus : let the most posterior muscles of the dorsal fin on one side be contracted, and at the same time the anterior muscles of the opposite side : the former will fix the hinder angle of the fin to their own side of the joint ; while the latter, being much stronger, will not only drag the anterior angle of the fin to the other side, but will also flex it, so that the fin will strike the Avater backwards. Let us now suppose that the muscular contraction passes forwards in a wave on one side, and at the same time backwards on the other, and so round and round : the fin will administer a series of strokes backwards, alternately on one side and the other. If the anal fin be moved in the same manner so as always to be vertical to the dorsal, the action will be a very regular one. Wlien we understand that the fins are thus moved by a continuous wave of contraction travelling along their muscles, we are also enabled to see the advantage of the individual muscles being expanded and sheathed each one within that in front : for, by this an'angement, the fibres contracted at any one moment are scattered over as great a space as possible ; the muscular mass will therefore midergo but little change in form as the wave passes along it, and will so accommodate itself to the imyielding limits of the space in which it is contained. There is an additional small muscle in connexion with the dorsal fin, so small that its action nuist be very slight. (Pt. V. fig. 1, e.) It is so closely in contact, in the middle line, with its fellow of the opposite side as to be in appearance one with it, and stretches from the tip of the supraoccipital to the first dorsal interspinous bone. Mr, Tiu-ner pointed it out to me : he had described it in his notes. It consists of a small muscular belly, prolonged back into a long tendon, like the plantaris in man, and exists with the same attach- ments in other fishes, only in them it is muscular throughout. There are only two small vestiges of the abdominal muscles, so small that they have been hitherto ujidetected. One of them, (Pt. VI. fig. 2, e) arises on the lower half of the shoulder-girdle from the " idna : " its fibres were, in the specimen now described, less than two inches long ; and the majority terminated abruptly on the mem- brane over the abdominal cavity ; only a very few of the superior ones being continued into meagre tendons which passed up to the " clavicle." The other abdominal muscle (Pt. VI. fig. 2, d), CLELAND ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SHORT SUN-FISH. 179 tendiuously from the tip of tho " clavicle :" its musciilar fibres are very sparse, about three or four inches loii^, and are directed downwards and bacliAvards, and prolonged into scattered tendinous fibres Avhich are lost on the subcutaneous aponeurosis at the lower and back part of the abdominal cavity. Besides these two insignificant muscles which cover only a trifling part of its extent, there is nothing but a membrane betAveen the abdominal cavity and the integument. Superficial iympTiatic and veins. — A very large lymphatic vessel was observed in the subcutaneous aponeurosis, in the middle lateral line. It extended nearly as far back as the posterior margin of the dorsal fin, and there received a branch from above, and another from behind, and continued its course directly dowTiwards till within a little distance of the anal fin, then passed forwards, always becoming broader, flatter, and weaker in the Avails, till, at the posterior margin of the abdominal cavity, it was lost sight of, and probably poured its contents into some of the lymphatic lacunae surrounding the viscera, to be afterAvards described. The blood from the neighbourhood of the dorsal and anal fins was returned principally by two superficial veins from each, AA'hich continued superficial until near the middle lateral line. Each of these veins received its branches from precisely the same district as its neighbour, so that there was much crossing of branches, and even the main trunks of the ascending pair crossed one another ia contact, but always AAathout anastomosis, as far as was observed. Nervous system. — The brain and spinal cord of the sun-fish have been described and figured by Arsaky {Be Piscium cerelro et medulla spinalis. Salle, 1813, p. 5), whose work I have not as yet seen; but his description is referred to, and a sketch given from his drawing, in Cams' Comparative Anatomy. I have had an oppor- tunity of verifying Arsaky's description as regards the extreme shortness of the spinal cord. The spinal canal is occupied only by a Cauda equina, which is made up of nerves Avhich can be traced up all the way to within the cranial cavity, behind which there is no spinal cord. On the other hand, as if to supply, to some extent, the gan- glionic functions of the sj)inal cord, there is a pecuHar arrangement outside the spinal canal, tln-oughout the whole length of tho abdo- minal cavity. As each nerve emerges from the canal, it mallctcIy jicrforated by the optic nerve. — See Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, October, 1858. CLELAKD ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SnORT SUN-FISH. ISl by the olfactory nerves, which almost immediately afterwards pierce the skin to supply the extremely minute nostrils, situated about an inch in front of the eyes. The osseous texture of the bones behind the trigeminal nerve extends inwards to the cranial cavity. Both on the external and internal aspect they have regular edges which come almost in contact, but in the thickness of the wall there is a greater quantity of persistent cartilage than bone. On inspecting the interior of the cranium, I find, strange to say, that there are no otoliths at all, and that each ear has only two semicircular canals, which ai'e, however, of great length.* The small vestibulary sacs of opposite sides are united by a slender tube. Thus it appears that, of the three principal organs of special sense in the sun-fish, two are very imperfectly developed, while the re- maining one — the eye — is very large, its globe being, in the specimen described, more than an inch and a half in diameter. Concerning the face bones little need be said. On account of the small size and projecting position of the jaws, the palatals and pterygoids are very short, while the tympanic series (of Owen) and the preoperculum are very elongated. The palatals send backwards long processes on the sides of the basisphenoid, which supj)ort them against the pressure of the maxillaries. The epitympanic articulates not only with the mastoid and postfrontal, but also with the alisphenoid. The bones of the opercular range are three in number. "Wellen- bergh could find only two, and contradicts Meckel who describes three ; but Meckel is right. The operculum is very small ; its breadth does not exceed that of the joint on which it moves. The interoperculum is slightly dilated above to lay hold of tlie operculum, and is prolonged down as a linear process, which is continued into a ligament which, concealed by the preoperculum, is directed toward the angle of the lower jaw. The suboperculum is a mere linear ossification contained in this ligament. The shoulder-girdle is very large in proportion to the head. There is no suprascapular bone. The elongated scapula articulates im- mediately with the mastoid. To the lower half of the coracoid is attached the " ulna ;" and against the upper border of this abuts a roAv of small bones which support the pectoral fin. These bones are four in number ; they lie in a row, are similarly related to the fin, and are very like each other in general appearance, especially the most anterior two of them. Tet, the first of them is related to the coracoid and " ulna " exactly as is the " radius " in the cod, and, like * Professor Goodsir has pointed out to me that the ear in Petromyzon has like- wise only two semicircular canals. In Bddlostoma and Mya-inc the membranous vestibule is reduced to a ring. In none of these genera are any otoliths found. See Miiller " Ucbcr den eigenth. Bau des Gchbrorganes bei den Cyclostonien.' Berlin, 1838. 182 OEIOINAL ARTICLES. it, allows passage to a large nerve for the depressors of the fin, by the space between it and the " nlna." (I merely make this obser- vation without endeavouring to draw any morphological conclusion.) The " clavicle " is very remarkable. It articulates mth the coracoid and scapula, and passes downwards and backwards in continuation of the direction of the latter to a point a little beyond the carpal range. There it terminates in a joint, and sends back a barb-like process which lies outside the two last carpal bones, so as completely to fix that range in the plane from before backwards. The pectoral fin has twelve rays, which are based on cartilages, on the same principle as the other fins. It is worked by four muscles, two of whicli, arising one from the external, the other from the internal surface of the " ulna," respectively depress and elevate it ; while the other two, arising, one from the lower part of the coracoid, to be inserted along with the tendons of the depressor, the other from the upper part of the coracoid, to be inserted with the tendons of the extensor, more especially serve to rotate it. A]S"ATOMT OP THE ViSCEEA. The Abdominal cavity. — There is a general peritoneal cavity. Tlie intestines are coiled closely together, and the coiled mass is sur- rounded by one tight in\'estment of peritoneum with an appearance of muscular fibres in its substance. The general arrangement of the peritoneum is very simple. A mesenteric fold arises along the whole length of the superior and posterior margins of the abdominal cavity, beginning in front where the oesophagus enters the abdomen, and suspending it and the stomach by their dorsal margin from the superior wall, and the coil of intestines from the posterior. The right and left layer of peritoneum, after iuA'csting the stomach, meet beneath it, and pass down to the liver and invest it, and again beneath the liver a fold of peritoneum surrounds the vessels which pass between it and the intestines. The intestinal coil is in addition connected with the right edge of the liver by a special short stout ligament of peritoneum. (Pt. VI. fig. 2, /!) A distinct and free funnel of pex'itoneum surrounds the vessels entering the cardiac cavity from the li^'er. The liver occupies about half the bulk of the abdomen. It con- sists principally of left lobe ; but in front it passes imder the stomach, and slightly to its right side, so as to form a small right lobe. From the two lobes, two hepatic veins pass directly from the liver into the auricle of the heart : they enter side by side, with about an inch between them, and the left is three or four times the diameter of the right. There is a large gall bladder with a long gall duct which opens into the cavity of the stomach itself (Ft. V. fig. 2.) The spleen is small and compact ; it lies between the liver and stomach. Tlie stomach and intestines have very strong muscular walls like a turtle's, in compensation for the absence of muscular abdominal CLETtAOT) ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SHORT SUN-FTSH. 183 walls. On cutting into tlie investing bag of the intestinal coils, a bloody looking fluid pours out, and the interstices between the coils are seen to be occupied by numerous loculi varying in size and in the consistence of their walls. These were traced upwards on the stomach, and found to pour their contents into an arrangement of very large sinuses on the sides of the cesophagus as it entered the abdomen, — the sinuses of Monro. In the fluid contained in these loculi, Mr. Turner, after ex- amining it microscopically, notes that he observed " numerous small pale corpuscles about the size of and a little smaller than the white blood corpuscles of man. Each of these corpuscles exhibited finely granular contents. No decided nucleus was visible. The outlines of the corpuscles were irregular." The stomach extends the greater part of the length of the abdo- minal cavity. It is merely a slightly dilated part of the alimentary canaL (Pt. V. fig. 2.) At its pyloric extremity there is a slight curvature and a momentary constriction, followed by a thick part of the intestine which soon enters the common sac. The intestine makes about six coils forward and back again, these coils being of various length and rolled on one another. The first coils are on the left side. The upper part of the intestine is most dilated ; in the middle of its course it becomes small ; and again it is dilated above the rectum. Throughou.t its whole extent its membrane is finely reticulated ; but this appearance is in some parts concealed by the length of the villi. The villi are longest in the part immediately following the stomach, in the middle of the course of the intestine, and in the rectum. The commencement of Avhat I call the rectum is marked, about seven inches from the anus, by a circular fold or valve of the mucous membrane, one and a half lines deep. There are longitudiual rugse above this; below it the rugas are transverse. The arteries of the stomach and intestine are derived from a trunk Avhich comes ofi' from the aorta before entering the abdominal cavity. The veins fall into the liver. The urinary bladder and the single ovary receive their blood by an artery given off" from the aorta immediately before lea\iug the abdomen and which accompanies the ureter. They return it by a A^ein which runs along the whole length of the abdomen in the fold of peritoneum above the stomach. The ureter enters the bladder near the upper end, on the anterior aspect, by an elongated slit. (Pt. V. fig. 2, e.) It arises by two branches, one from each kidney. The kidneys lie in contact behind, but are quite distinct ; they are most bulky behind ; in front they are each prolonged forwards above a fibrous septum which attaches the scapula and the branchial pouch to the vertebrae. The great vein returning the blood from the tail divides, immediately on reaching the abdomen, into two branches, which enter the kidneys, and ramify within them. It was not satisfactorily ascertained whether or not there was any direct communication between the veins entering the kidneys and those leaving them. The 184 OEIGrN-AL ARTICLES. latter pass in front of the fibrous septvim above mentioned, and run down, one on each side of the commencement of the Q3So])hagiis, being joined, doubtless, by the veins from the head, and fall into the heart side by side. The heart is veiy perfectly supplied with valves. Wellenbergh has described those of the bulbus arteriosus, viz., four in niunber, two of them large, and two small ones intercalated between them ; and also the four semilunar valves which prevent regurgitation into the auricle. The latter he describes as equal : in my specimen there are two of them large, and the intervening ones not half the size. Besides these there are other three semilunar valves guarding the openings of the veins into the aiu-icle, and joined edge to edge Avith one another, viz., one for each hepatic vein, and a very large and muscular one over the entrance of the two systemic veins. Branchial cavity. — The gills on each side are enclosed in a large pouch, opening on the outside by an opercular ajoertui-e only two inches long; and internally by five apertures about the same length, of which the first is in front of the first branchial arch, and the last between the fourth branchial arch and the pharyngeal bone. The pouch extends down to the middle line, and upwards almost to the ver- tebral column, and is surrounded almost comj)letely by strong muscles. From the preceding sketch of the anatomy of the sun-fish, it will be observed that the leading characteristic of its structiu'e is concentration. Thus the head and shoulders are greatly developed, while the trunk is cut short : of lateral fins it has only one pair, the pectorals : of the mesial fins it only depends upon two for progression, and each of these is compacted into a single organ. Thus also as regards its nervous system, the origins of its spinal nerves arc acumu- lated behind the brain ; and as regards its organs of sense, the olfiietory organ and the ear are very imperfect, while the eye is extremely large. ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate V. — Fig. \. View of the skeleton of tlic short snn-fish t-alien from a cast. a, is placed under the first vertebra, the bone in front of which is the basioccipital: h, the cartilage corresponding t(j the extremity of the vertebral colnmn; -while aliovc and l)elow it are arranged the caudal fin rays, each consisting of a cartilage, osseous slip and dermal plate: c, cartilaginous ])illow on which the dorsal fin moves: //, that on which the anal fin moves: e, attrahent muscles of tiie dorsal lin: f, muscles of the o]iposite side of the dorsal fin: g, muscles of the opjwsite side of the anal fin. Fig. 2. View of the intestines lying in their natural coils, but divested of tlie covering of peritoneum which encloses them, a, tha stomach: b, the gall-bladder: c, the urinary bladder, partially opened to exhibit the longitudinal slit by which d, the ureter, ojiens into it : e, the ovary. Fig. 3. Longitudinal section of a portion of one of the dermal phites which terminate the caudal fin rays. The inferior margin of the figure rejiresents the aspect which is imbedded in the integument, showing the elevations on its surface ; while, toward the left side, is a jiortion of the free margin, with the section carriecl through a .spine ; and at the upper part of the same margin is shown the felted CLELAND ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SHOUT SFN-ETSH. 185' arrangcniciit of fibres, mentioned in the text. The manner in which tlie crj'stals lie in the tubes is exhibited. Plate VI — Fig. 1. Skeleton of the head and shoulder, a, supraoccipital bone ; h, paroccipital ; e, fi-ontal ; d, nasal ; e, prefrontal ; ./', bone of the interorbital septum; r/, orbitosphcnoid ; /, alisiihenoid ; li, postfrontal ; /, mastoid ; wj, scapula ; n, coracoid; o, ulna; j), the bone described ui the text as belonging to the row of cari)al bones, yet corresponding to the radius in its relations to the coracoid and idna ; q, the bone called clavicle ; r, intermaxillaiy ; s, maxillary ; t, palatal ; V, dental, articular, and angular portions of the lower jaw; w, entopterygoid ; x^ hy]iotympanic ; y, mesotym])anic ; z, epitympanic ; 1, operculum ; 2, prcoper- culum, beyond whose posterior and anterior margins are seen projecting the intero]>erculum and suboperculum. Fig. 2. View of the muscles a, muscles of dorsal fin ; h, muscles of anal fin; c,c, are placed opposite the most su]ierior and most inferior muscles of the caudal fin; rl, small abdominal muscle, arising from the tip of the clavicle, and resting on the jieritoneum; e, the other small abdominal muscle, arising from the ulna, and likewise resting on the peritoneum. The peritoneum is torn open inferiorly, so as to exhibit the inferior margin of the liver, and the intestines sur- rounded by their common investment, together with, y, the peritoneal ligament con- necting the liver and intestines; rj, the vent. Fig. 3. A few of the individual muscles of the left side of the anal fin, showing how each muscle is sheathed by that in front, and how the tendons pass into the grooves, and are there invested with sheaths. XVIII.— On the Structure and Composition of the Integu- ment OF the Oetheagoriscus mola. By William Turner, M.B. (LoncL), r.E..S.E., Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh. Seteral noteworthy peculiarities, both structural and chemical, are presented hy the integument of the short sun-fish. These I had an opportunity of examining, not only in the specimen dissected by Dr. Cleland, but in one dissected a few years ago by Professor Goodsir and myself The skin of the latter varied in its thickness in different parts of the body of the animal, from not more than a quarter of an inch to four or five inches. In one examined many years ago by Mr. Groodsir, which was a remarkably large fish, it reached in places as much as six inches.* The great thickness of the slun was produced by an opaque, white, tough and resisting structm-e, which extended from the tubercle-covered surface of the integument to the loose areolar tissue lying between it and the muscles. WTien blocks of this white structure were cut off, and set on one side for a short time, a considerable quantity of a pale straw-coloured, serous- looking fluid drained off" from them, so as greatly to diminish their * In the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, vol. 30, p. 188, Mr. Goodsir gives an account of the microscopic characters of the skin of this specimen, which he"son, Henet. — Ornithological Notes from Norfolk during the late severe Weather. Zool. 1861, p. 7389. Stone, Stephen. — Hints which may be useful to Egg Collectors. Zool. 1861, p. 7420. Sucklet, G. — Description of a new species of North American Grouse. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 361. 206 BIBLIOaEAPHT. SwiNHOE, E. — Notes on the Ornithology of Hong Kong, Macao, and Canton, made during tlie latter end of February, March, April, and the beginning of May, 1860. Ibis, 1861, p. 23. Notes on the Birds observed about Talien Bay (North China) from June 21 to July 25, 1860. Ibid. p. 251. On the Ornithology of Amoy and Foochow. Ibid. p. 262. Notes on Ornithology taken between Takoo and Pekin, in the neighboui^hood of the Peiho Eiver, Province of Chelee, North China, from August to December, 1860. Ibid. p. 323. Vennok, H. Gr. — A Short Eeview of the Sylviadae, or "Wood- "Warblers foiuid in the vicinity of Montreal. Can. Nat. \i. 1861, p. 319. Wallace, A. E. — On the Ornithology of Ceram and Waigiou. Ibis, 1861, p. 283. Notes on the Ornithology of Timor. Ibid. p. 847. AVheaton, J. M. — Catalogue of the Birds of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio, 1860. "Williams, E. P. — On the Occurrence of the Spoonbill in the County Cork. DubL Q. J. 1861, p. 179. 8. JReptilia and Amphibia. Cope, E. D. — On the Iguana of Andros island (Cyclura hceolopha). Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 123. On Amblystoma microstomiim, n. sp. Ibid. p. 123. • Notes and Descriptions of Anoles. Phil. Proc. p. 208. — Contributions to the Ophiology of Lower California, Mexico, and Central America. Ibid. p. 292. • On the Eeptilia of Sombrero and Bermuda. Ibid. p. 312. DuM^RiL, A.— Eeptiles et Poissons de I'Afrique occidentale. 11 plates. Arch. d. Mus. x. p. 137. Gegenbatjb, C— Ueber Ban u. Entwickelung d. Wirbelsaide bei Amphibien. Plate. Hall. Abh. vi. p. 179 ; and 4to. Halle, 1861. Gervais, p. — Note sur I'osteologie du Moloch, genre de Sauriens propre a la Nouvelle HoUande. Ann. d. S. N. xy. p. 36. Gbat, J. E. — On the Genus Manouria and its Affinities. Zool. Proc. 1860, p. 395. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 215. , — Note on Aspidochelys Living stonii. Zool. Soc. Proc. 1860, p. 430. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 226. . Description of a Soft Tortoise from Camboja (Trionyx or- tiatus.) Zool. Soc. Proc. 1861, p. 41. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 422. On a new Species of "Water Tortoise ( Geoclemmys melanos- terna) from Darien. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 204. List of Mammalia, Tortoises and Crocodiles collected by M. Mouhot in Camboja. Ibid. p. 135. GuNTHEE, A. — On the dentition of Rerpeton tentaculatum. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 195. , Qua West- African Genus of Snakes (Meizodon) {CoronellaJ. Zool. Proc. 1860, p. 427. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 223. (Figs.) PISCES. 207 GuNTHER, A. — Ou the Opliidiau Genus Helicops. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 425. Second List of Siamese Eeptiles. Ibid. p. 266. Account of the Eeptiles sent by Dr. Wucherer from Bahia. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 12. Ann. K H. ser. 3. vii. p. 412. On the Anatomy of S,egenia ocellata. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 60. On the Anatomy of Monitor nlloticus from "Western Africa, and of Begenia albojularis.. Ibid. 1861, p. 109 On a new Species of the Family Boidae. Ibid. p. 142 Second List of Siamese Eeptiles. Ibid. p. 187. List of the Cold-blooded Yertebrata collected by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. in Nepal. Ibid. p. 213. Jan. — Iconographie generale des Ophidiens. Livr. 1. 6 plates. 4to. Milan, 1860. Bemerkungen iiber die Typhlopiden. Wiegm. Arch. 1861, p. 1. Ueber die Familie Homalopsidse. lb. p. 87. Jacquaet, H. — Memoire sur le coeur de la Tortue tranche. Ann. d. Sc. Nat. (Zool.) xvi. p. 303. KJENNicoTT, E. — On tln-ee new forms of Eattlesnakes. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 206. Key, Ernst. Axel. — Ueber die Endigungsweise der Geschmacksner- ven in der Zunge des Erosches. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 329. Mitchell, S. Weir. — Eesearches upon the Venom of the Eattle- snake : with an Investigation of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs concerned. Smiths. Contr. xiii. 1860. Muller, H. — Ueber Muskeln in den Lungen von Triion. "Wiu-z. Zeitsch. ii. 1861, p. 131. NiLssoN, S. — Skandinavisk Eaima. Tredje Delen. Amfibierna. Andra Upplagan. Lund. 1860. Pagenstecher, Arnold. — Ueber das ausgedehnte Vorkommen von Gallensgangsuetzen bie Eeptilien. Wurz. Zeitsch. i. 1860, p. 248. Peters,W. C. H. — Beschreibuug von zwei neuen Schlangen, Mizodon variegatus, aus West-Afrika, und Bothaopsis quadriscutata. Berl. Mon. 1861, p. 357. Ueber eine neue Gattung von Eidechsen aus der Eamilie der Scincoiden, Sepomorphus caffer. Ibid. p. 423. Ueber eine neue Gattung von Eidechsen aus Mexiko, Xeno- sauriis fasciatus. Ibid. p. 454. Ueber eine Sammluug von Schlangen aus Huanasco in Mex- ico. Ibid. p. 462. Ueber die Schlangengattung Opisthiodon. Ibid. p. 618. On the Asiatic Snake called Taphrometopon Uneolatum, by Prof. Brandt. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 47. A. N. H. 3 ser. \il p. 481. (With figures.) De Serpentum familia Uropeltaceorum. Commentatio zoo- logica. 4to. Berlin, 1861. (2 plates.) Eathke, H. — Untersuchungen iiber d. Arterien d. Yerdauungs- werkzeuge d. Saurier. Mun. Abh. ix. p. 125. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Eeichert, C. B. — Der Paltenkranz an den beiden ersten !Purclmngs — Kugeln des Erosclidotters und seine Bedeutung fiir die Lehre von der Zelle. Areliiv. Anat. 1861, p. 133. Heinhaedt, J. — TJeber einige kleine Gruben an d. Sebuppen man- cher Scblangen. AViegm. Arcb. xxvii. p. 127. Saltik, O. — On a Collection of Eeptiles from Guatemala. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 227. On Two new Eeptiles from Guatemala (Thamnocenchris aurifer, et Hyla liolochlora, Salv.) A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 326. Steickeb, S. — Untersucbungen iiber die ersten Aulagen in Batra- cbier— Eiern. Z. w. Zool. xi. p. 315. "WucHEREE, Dr. O. — On tbe Opbidians of tbe Province of Babia, Brazil. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 322. ' Description of a new Species of Elapomorjiyhus from Brazil. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 325. 4. Pisces. Abbott, Chas. C. — Observations on Cottus Copei, Abb. Pbil. Proc. 1861, p. 15. ■ Notes on tbe Habits of ApJiredoderus say amis. Ibid. 1861, p. 95. On Cyprinus corporaJis, Mitch. ; referring it to tbe genus Semotilus, Eaiinesqvie. Pbil. Proc. 1861, p. 154. Andeews, W. — On tbe Cod and Ling Pisberies of Ireland. Dubl. E. S. 1861, p. 382. Bleeker, p. — Bijdrage tot de Ivennis der Viscbfauna van Nieuw- Guinea. Acta Ind. Keerl. Batav. N.S. Tom. I. Enumeratio Specierum Piscium bucusque in Arcbipelago Indico observatarum, adjectis habitationibus relationibusque ubi descriptiones earum recentiores reperiuntur, nee non speciebus Mus. Bleeker. Bengal. Japon. Capens. Tamanicisque. Acta Ind. Neerl. Bat. N.S. Tom. I. - Mededeelino; omti-ent viscbsoorten nieuw voor de Kermis der Eaima van Singapoer, &c. Amst. Versl. 1861, p. 28. Tets over de Visch fauna van bet eiland Pinang. Ibid. 1861 P 81. Tets wer de geslacbten der Scaroiden en bunue Indisce Arcbi- pelagiscbe soorten. Ibid. 1861, p. 228. Conspectus generum Labroideormn analyticus. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 40S. Bruch, C. — TJeber eigentbiimlicbe Fortsatze der Piscbwirbel. Z. w. Zool. xi. p. 170. Ueber die Mittelband der Piscbe. Ibid. p. 165. Ueber osteologiscbe Gattungscbaractere beim Karpfenge- scblecbt. Wurz. Zeitscb. ii. 1861, p. 86. Vergleicbende Osteologie d. Ebeinlacbses {Sahno salar L.) m. besond. Beriicksicbt. der Myologie nebst einleiteuden Bemerkgn. PISCES. 209 iib. die skelettbildenden Gewebe der Wirbelthiere. 7 coloured plates. Eolio. Mayence. Canestrini, J.— Zur Systematik der Percoiden. Yien. Z. B. Yerh, X. p. 291. S. Pleuronettidi del Golfo di Geneva. 4 plates. Genoa, Arch. 1861, i. p. 1. luteruo alio sviluppo del Dactylopterus voUtans, G. V. ed al geuere CepJial acanthus. Figure. Genoa, Arcli. 1861, i_. p. 45, Sopra ima nuova specie di OpJiicephalus seuza ventrali {Ophi- cephalus apus.) Figure. Genoa Arch. 1861, ii. p. 77. Castelnau. — Memoire sur les Poissons de TAfrique australe. 8vo. Paris, 1861. • Memoire sur les Poissons de lAfrique centrale. Svo. Paris, 1861. CosTE. — Voyage d'exploration sur le littoral de la Prance et de ritalie, 2e edition, suivie de nouveaux documents sur les pecbes fluviales et marines. 4to. Paris. Datt, De. J. — Fragmentary Notes on the Generative Organs of some cartilaginous Fisbes. Plate. E. S. E. Trans, xxii. p. 491. DoLEscHALL, C. L. — On Oxijheles gracilis, Bleeker (A fisb residing in the stomachal cavity of Echinoderms, {Calcita discoidea, Tri- pang edidis and T. anaoias). A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 340. Trans- lated from Natuurk. Tijdsch. v. Ned. Ind. Deel. xv. p. 163 ; and Wiegm. Arch. 1860, p. 819. Dow, J. M.— Notice of Viviparous Fish {Analleps Boioii) from the Bay of La Union, State of San Salvador. Zool. Proc. Jan. 22, 1861. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 420. DuMEML, Aug. — Lettres relatives au Catalogue des Poissons de la Collection du Museum d'Histoire Nat. de Paris ; et au Catalogue de la Menagerie des Eeptiles, &c. Arch. d. Mus. x. 429. ' Eeptiles et poissons de I'Afrique occidentale. Axchiv. d, Mus. X. p. 1. FiLippi, F. D'E.—Lehistes. Nuovo genere di Pesci della Famiglia dei Ciprinodonti. Figures. Gen. Ai'cb. 1861, p. 69. Sid genere Dichelaspis e su di una nuova specie di esso propria al Mediterraneo. Genoa Arch. 1861, i. p. 71. Nota sopra il genere Leptopterygius di Troschel. Genoa Arch. 1861, i. p. 79. Gill, Theodore. — Catalogue of the Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North America, from Greenland to Georgia. PhU. Proc. Jan. 1861. Description of a new Species of the Genus Anahlcps of Gronovius. A. Doivei. Ibid. p. 3. On the Classification of the Eventognathi or Cyprini, a Suborder of Teleocephali. Ibid. p. 6. Appendix to the Monograph of the Philypni, and description of the genus Lembus, Glinth. Ibid. p. 16. Synopsis of the Subfamily of Clupeinse, with Descriptions of new Species. Ibid. p. 33. 210 BIBLIOGEAl-nT. Gill, Theod.— Synopsis of the Subfamily of Perciuse. Ibid. p. 44. Synopsis generum Phyptici et Affinium. Ibid. p. 52. Revision of the Grenera of North American Scifeniuse. Ibid. p. 79. On the LiostominpB. Ibid. p. 89. On the identity of the G-euera Neomcenis of Girard, and Lutjanus of Bloch. Ibid. p. 93. On two new species of Marine Pishes. Ibid. p. 98. On the HaploidonotinfB. Ibid. p. 100. On the genus Anisotremus. Ibid. p. 105. Synopsis of the Uranoscopoids. Ibid. p. 108. Notes on some Genera of Pishes of the Western Coast of North America. Ibid. p. 164. On a new type of Aulostomatoids, found in Washington territory. Ibid. p. 168. On the genus Podothecus. Ibid. p. 258. — — Descrij)tion of a new generic type of Blennoids. Ibid. p. 261. Monograph of the Tridigitate Uranoscopoids. Ibid. p. 263. Synopsis of the Polynematoids. Ibid. p. 271. Observations on the Genus Coitus, and Descriptions of two new Species (abridged from the forthcoming Report of Capt. J. H. Simpson). Post. Proc. viii. 40. 1861. Descriptions of New Species of Pimelodinse. {Ictahirus Simpsonil, Gill. Amiurus obesus, Gill. Noturus occidentalis, Gill.) Ibid. p. 42. 1861. Description of a new Species of the Genus Tigoma, Girard. Ibid. p. 42, 1861. Synopsis of the Genera of the Subfamily of the Pimelodinse. Ibid. 46. 1861. Gray, J. E. — On the Habits of the Pipe-Pish and other Pishes. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 238. GtjNTHEB, A. — Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian Pishes in the collection of the British Museum. Vol. III. Loudon, 1861. 8vo. • On a new Species of Pish belonging to the genus Fagrus. Zool. Proc. 1860, p. 491. Ann. N. H. n. s. viii. p. 80. On a new Genus of Australian Preshwater Pishes. ( Nanno- perca.) Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 116. Ann. N. H. ser. 3. A^ii. p. 490. On a new Species of Pish of the Genus Oerres. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 142. Ann. N. H. ser. 3, vii. p. 189. On a Collection of Fishes sent by Capt. Dow from the Pacific Coast of Central America. Ibid. 1861, p. 370. On a new Species of Pleetropoma, from Australia. Ibid. p. 392. On three new Trachinoid Pishes. Ann. N. H. ser. 3. vii. p. 85. On the immature state of the Sea-Devil {Lophius piscatorius) A. N. H. ibid. p. 190. On the British Species of Mu(jil, or Grey Mullets. Ibid. p. 345. PISCES. 21i GijNTiTER, A. — A Preliminary Synopsis of the Labroiu uenera. Ann. N. H. ser. 3, viii. p. 382. Habtmakn, Egbert. — Bemerknngen iiber die elektrischen Organe der Fische. Arch. Anat. 1861; p. 646. HoLMBEEG, H. J. — TJeber Eischkultur in Finnland. Mosc. Bull. 1860, 2, p. 321. Kaup. — Eine neue Art des Genus Pegasus, Linn. "Wiegm. Arch. 1861, p. 116. Knee, Eud. — Ichthyologische Berichtigungen. Wiegm. Arch. 1861, p. 57, 152, 232, 807. IJeber den Flossenbau der Fische. Woodcuts. Wein Sitz. xliii. 1, p. 123. KETSERLiNa, E. — Neue Cypriniden aus Persieu. 9 plates, roy. Svo. Berlin. Lee, J. E. — Structure of the Scales of Lepidotus and Lepidosteus. Plate. Geol. iii. p. 458. Lerebotjllet, M, — Eecherches d'Embryologie coniparee sur le developpement de la Truite. Aim. d. Sc. Nat. Zool. xvi. p. 113. McDonnell, E. — On the Organs which in the Common Eay are homologous with the Electric Organs of the Torpedo. Dubl. Q. J. i p. 1. Martens. — Ueber einen neuen Polyodon aus dem Tantsekiang und iiber die sogenannten Glaspolypen, mitgetheilt von Peters. Berl. Mon. 1861, i. p. 480. Mordecai. — Note on the Food of the Shad. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 2. MuLLER, H. — TJeber die Einwerkung der "VVarme auf die PupiUe des Aals. Wurz. Zeitsch. ii. 1861, p. 133. NiLSsoN, F. — Ueber einen Gymnetrus GrilU an d. Bermudainseln. Z. Nat. 1860, p. 334. NoRRis, Thadd. — Eemarks on a Species of Osmerus taken in the Schuylkill below Fairmount Dam. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 58. Salm, Horstmar. — TJeber eine Monstrose Forelle. Wiegm. Arch. 1861, p. 100. ScnuLTzE, Max. — Die Kolbenformigen Gebilde in der Haut von Fetromyzon und ihr Verhalten im polarisirten Lichte. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 228, 281. ScHULZE, Franz Eilhard. — TJeber die Nervenendigung in den sogenannten Schleimkanalen der Fische und iiber entsprechende organe der durch Kiemen athmenden Amphibien. Ibid. 1861, p. 759. Steindacher. — Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Gobioiden. Vien. Sitz. xlii. p. 284. Thompson, W. — Notice of the Capture of the Long-finned Tunny on the Chesil Beach. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 340. Thoron, O. de. — Sur les poissons musiciens de I'Amerique du Sud. Compt. rend. Ixiii. p. 1073. Yalatour, Martial. — Eecherches sur les glandes gastriques et les tuniques Musculaires du tube digestif dans les Poissons osseus et les Batraciens. Ann. d. Sc. N. xvi. p. 217. 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Vajs-Beneden,M. — Note sur le developpement dela queue des Poissons plagiostomes. Aim. d. S. N. xv. p. 124. "Wyman. — Notice of a peculiarity in the Eye of Anahleps, by which it is enabled to see as well iu the air as in the water. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 56. XXII. — Antstjlosa. 1. General and Mixed Works. CANTo:fir, Edwin — An account of some Parasitic Ova found attached to the Conjimctivse of the Tmile's Eyes. Q. J. M. Sc. New Ser. i. p. 40. Hicks, J. BRAXTON.^On the Homologies of the Eye and of its parts in the Invertebrata. E. Soc. Proc. xi. p. 81. Laxgee, K. — Ueber den Gelenksbau bei den Arthrozoen. 4. Beitrag zvir vergleichenden Anatomie u. Mechanik der Grelenke. 3 plates. Imp. 4to. "Wien, 1860. Lawson, H. — On the affinities of the groups Trematode, Planarii©, Hirudinei ; and on the formation (»f a new class of Annuloida for the reception of these Animals. Dubl. E. S. 1861, p. 374. Lubbock, John. — Notes on the Generative Organs, and on the Forma- tion of the Egg in the Annulosa. Part I. E. Soc. Proc. xi. p. 117. A. N. H. 3 ser. viii. p. 407. 2. ArtJiropoda. (a) Crustacea. — (h) Arachnida. — (/o^e och Peltogaster. Upsala Arsskrift i. p. 137. Liriope et Peltogaster, H. Eathke. 3 plates. Ups. N. A. iii. p. 1. Supplement au meme Memoire. 4 plates, ib. p. 73. Supplementary Memoir on the genera Liriope and Pelto- gaster (abstract). A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 47. MACiNTOsn, W. Carmichael. — Observations and Experiments on Carcinus Mcenas (Prize Thesis). 8vo. London, 1861. Milne-Edwards, Alph. — Etudes Zoologiques sur lea Crustaces recents de la famille des Portuiiiens. Arch. d. Mus. x. 309. 214 BIBLTOOKAPnT. NoEMAN, AlfbedMeble.— On species of Osfracoda found in N'orthum- berlancl and Durham, new to Britain. Tynes. Trans, v. 143. Contributions to British Carcinology. I. Characters of unde- • scribed Podophthalmia and Entomostraca. A. N. H. 3 ser. viii. p. 273. Oppel, a. — Die Arten der Grattungen My ma, Pseudastacus, Magila, und Etallonia. "Wurt. Jahr. xvii. p. 355. OwsjAKNiKow, P. — Eecherches sur la structure intime du Systeme Nerveux des Crustaces et pi'incipalement du Homard. An. d. Sc. N. XV. p. 129. Comp. rend. lii. p. 378. Pagekstecheh, H. a. — Phronima sedentaria. Ein beitrag zur Ana- tomic u. Physiologic dieses Krebzes. AViegm. Arch. 1861, p. 15. Thersites Gasterostei u. Leptodera Nicothoce. Eine neue Gat- tung parasit. Crustac. u. eine neue Nematodenart. Plate. Wiegm. Arch, xxvii. p. 118. Zur Anatomic von Argas refiexus. 7i. w. Zool. xi. p. 142. Smitt, P. A, — Suj" les Ephippies des Daphnies, 2 plates. Tips. N. A. iii. p. 37. Steenstrup, J. J. Sm. and Lutken, C. F. — Bidrag til Kundskab det aabne Havs Snyltekrebs og Lernaeer, &c. 4to. Copenhagen, 1861. Stbahl, C. — Carcinologische Beitrage. A. d. Dekapodengattung Euxanthus Dana. B. C«??cer Pawo/je Herbst. Wiegm. Arch, xxvii. p. 101. Vaj^ Beneden, p. J. — Eecherches sur la Eaune littorale de Belgique (Crustaces). 4to. Bruxelles, 1861. Plates. "White, Adam. — Description of two species of Crustacea belonging to the families Callianassidae and SquillidaB {Cullianassa Turnerana, Oonodactylus Ouerinii). Zool. Proc. Jan. 22, 1861, p. 42. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 479. (h ^' c.) Ai'aclmida and Myria^oda. Adams, Abthur. — On the Habits of a Chinese Myriapod. Zool. 1861, p. 7660. Belval, Tii. — Note sur V Ixodes Poortrnani, Lucas, Brux. Bull. 1861, p. 97. Beegh, E. — Beitrag zur Kemituiss der Kratzmilbe des Menschen, (^Sarcoptes hominis) plate, L. Nat. xvii. p. 230. Descriptions of several recently discovered Spiders. An. N. H. 3 Ser. viii. p. 441. Cambridge, O. P. — Descriptions often new species of Spiders lately discovered in England. A. N. H. 3 Ser. vii. p. 428. Notes on Spiders captured in 1860. Zool. 1861, p. 7553. DouMERC. — Notice sur la Teigne des Toiles d'Araignees T. egenaire et Segestrie. Soc. Entom. Ann. W. i. 1. p. 24. EiLiPPT, P. de. — Hypodectes, nuovo genere di Acaridi proprio degli uccelli (figure.) Genoa Arch. 1861, i. p. 52. Sul Pteromalino parassito delle uova del Bhynchites Vetnleti (figure.) Genoa Arcli. 1861, i. p. 60. ANNULOSA. 215 FuRSTENBERG, M. H. ¥. — Die Kriitzmilben cler Mensclien u. Tliiere. 15 plates. Folio. Leipzig. GuDDEN, Dr. — Beitrag zur Lehre von der Scabies. (Anatomy of Cheese, and Itch Acari, with excellent figures.) Wurz. Med. Zeitsch, ii. 301. HoDOE, George. — OhserTations on a Species of Pycnogon, (PJioxi- chilidiiim coccineum, Johnst.) with an Attempt to explain the Order of its Development. Tynes. Trans, v. 124. Lucas, H. — Ixodes trachysauri, n. sp. Soc. Ent. Ann. 1861, p. 225. Meade, E. H. — Description of a new Species of Spider lately dis- covered in England. A. N. H. 3 Ser. vii. p. 20. Supplement to a Monograph on the British Species of Phalangiidffi, or Harvest Men. A. N. H. 3 Ser. vii. p. 353 Contains Notes on Fhalanr/him cornutum, minutum, Ophilio His- trix, and Leiohunus BlacTawallii, n. sp. MoRisoN, David P. — On a Spider {Neriene errans) inhabiting Coal Mines. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 49. Pagenstechee, H. a. — Ueber das Ei von Gale erminea. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 625. Ueber das Ei von Atlierina hep':etiis. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 331. ' Listrophorus Leuclcarti. Ein neues Milbengeschlecht. Z. w. Z. xi. p. 109. Einiges zur Anatomie von Tyroghjphiis siro. Z. w. Z. xi. p. 120. Listrophorus gibhus, nebst nachtraglichen Bemerkungen iiber ListropJioriis Leuclcarti. Ti. w. Zool. xi. p. 156. Zur Kenntniss des Ixodes Hicinus. Z. w. Zool. xi. p. 162. Beitriige zur Anatomie der Milben (ii. Lief) {Ixodes rid- nus.) fol. 1861. Peters, W. — Ueber eine none Untergattung von Skorpionen, Hemi- scorpion leptmnis. Berlin Mon. 1861, p. 426. -— — Ueber eine neue Eintheilung der Skorpione imd fiber die von ihm in INIossambique gesammelten Arten von Skorpionen. Berl. Mon. 1861, i. p. 516. ScHULTZE, C. A. SiGiSM. — EcMniscus Creplini, Animalculnm e familia Arctiscoidum. (Inaugural Thesis.) 4to. Gryphiae, 1861. EoBiN, C. — Memoire Zoologique et Anatomique sur diverses especes d'Acariens de la Eamille des Sarcoptes, (with 8 plates.) Mosc. BuU. 1860, i. p. 184. "Wood, Horatio C. — Description of [20] new Species of Scolopen- dra in the Collection of the Academy. Pliil. Proc. 1861, p. 10. (", E. E. — Observations on the Eamilies Agaristidce and Mela- meridee. Zool. 1861, p. 7406. XiTJCAS, H. — Pachydema Lethierryi. Soc. Entom. Ann. iv. i. 1. p. 101. Mallaspis Moreletii $ . Ibid. 1, i. p. 104. Sur le geni'e Eiigastei' de la Eamille des Locustinen. Ibid. 1861, p. 213. Sur la mnniere de \\\re du Mellinvs sabulost's. lb. p. 119. M'Lachlan, R — Notes on British Trichoptera, with Descriptions of New Species, &e. Ent. Ann. 1862, p. 21. Eemarks on the suj^posed influence of the Eood of the Larvae in cauj^ing variations in Lepidoptera. Ent. AV. Int. x. n. 157. A^NULOSA. 223 Makn, J. — Zur Lcpidopteren-Fauua von Amasia. 2 plates. Ent. Mon. Wien. 18G1, v. p. 155. Marseul, S. a. be. — Supplement a la Monographie des Histerides. 2 plates. Soc. Eutom. Ann. iv. i, 1, p. 141. Massalokgo, a. — Catagraphia nonnullarum Graphidearmn brasili- ensium. 2 plates. A'ien Z. B. Verh. x. p. 675. Matthews, A. — Discovery of two new Species of Ptilium, new to the British Eauna, and the description of a new Species of that Genus. Zool. 1861, p. 7409. Mat, J. W. — Translated Life-Histories of Sawllies, from the Dutch of M. SneUen von VoUenhoven. Zool. 1861, p. 7522, 7571, 7718. Mate, Gr. L. — Die europaischen Eormiciden. Nach der analyt. Methode bearb. Plate. 8vo. Wien. 1861. Mengelbie, W. — Eeiseskizzen aus den Alpen. St. E. Z. 1861, pp. 93, 118, 153. MicKLiTZ, F.— Beitrag zur Bastardfrage. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 295. MiLLEE, L.— Neue Grottenkafer. Ent. Mon. Wien. 1861, 9. MiLLEE, C. — Habit of the Lana of Orchestes Fagi. Ent. W. Int. X. p. 101. Neue Kafer aus Kindermann's Vorrathen (conclusion). 2 plates. Ibid. v. 7, p. 201. Anophtliahnus dalmatinus, n. sp. Ibid. v. 8, p. 255. Mink, W.— Entomologische Notizen. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 128. MoKTEorziEE. — Hemipteres de la Nouvelle Caledonie. Soc. Entom. Ann. iv. i. 1, p. 59. ■ — Coleopteres de la Nouvelle Caledonie (conclusion). Ibid. 1861, p. 265. MoEAWiTZ, De. E. — Beschreibung einiger neuen Chrysomelidse aus der Umgegend von Sarepta. Mosc. Bull, 1860, i. p. 298. MoEEis, F. O.— A Natural History of British Moths. Part ix. 15. 2 col. plates. London, 1861. MoEEis, J. G. — Catalogue of the described Lepidoptera of North America (Smithsonian Institution). Washington, 1860. MoTSCHOULSKT, M. ViCTOE. — Enumeration des nouvelles especes de Coleopteres rapportees de ses voyages. Mosc. Bull. 1860, ii. p. 539. Enumeration des Coleopteres rapportes en 1859, par M. Severtsof des Steppes meridionales des Kirghises. Peters. Bull. ii. 513. 1860. Etudes Entomologiques. Neuvieme annee. Helsingfors, 1860. Mtjlsant, E. — Opuscules entomologiques. ll^cahier. 8vo. Plate. Paris, 1860. Mtjeeat, A>'de. — On the Pediculi infesting the different Eaces of Man. 2 plates. E. S. E. Tru. xxii. p. 567. Newman, Edwaed. — Interesting fact in the Economy of the genus Colias. Zool. 1861, p. 7359. Occurrence of Zygcena AcJii/Iece in Ireland. Zool. 1861, p. 7565, 7676. 224 BIBLIOGEAPHT. NowicKi, M. — Enumeratio lepidopterorum Haliciae orieutalis". 8vo. Plate. Leopoli, 1860. Oste]S'-Sacken.— Entomologisclie Notizen. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 5l! Ueber die Gallen undandere durch Insecteu hervorgebraclite Pflanzen-deformationen in ]S^ord- America. Ibid. p. 405. Ott, a. — Die Eagara-Seidenraupe {Bomhyx cynthia Drury) aus China. Hire Geschichte, iln-e Zucbt u. ihre Eutterpflanze. Plate. Sto. Zurich, 1861. Paiva. — Barao do Castello de. Description of two new species of Coleoptera from the Canary Islands. A. N. H. 3 Ser. A'iii. p. 210. Parfitt, Ed wahd. — Notes on the Eamily Plin/rumidce. Zool. 1861, p. 7370. ^ ^ JJ Pascoe, E. p. — Notices of new or little-known genera and species of Coleoptera. 6 plates. Journ. Ent. 1860, i. 1, p. 36 ; 2, p. 98. PERKUfS, V. R. — Some Eemarks on the common Glowworm {Lam- pyria noctilucd) and its larva. Tynes. Trans, v. 85. Philippi. — Catalog der chilenischen Arten des genus TeJephorus. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 20. PowEE, J. A. — Description oi Pliilontlius jyrolLvus. Zool. 1S61, p. 7325. rEAi;>', S. V. — Abbildung. u. Beschreibimg. europaischer Schmetter- linge in systematischer Eeiheufolge. Pt. 20, 21, 22. Hov. 4to. Niirnberg, 1860-61. Peellee, C. H. — Beitrage zu einem natiirliehen System der Coleop- teren. 8vo. Jena. Peest, W. — Description of the Larva of JEpione vespertaria. Zool. 1861, p. 7322. Peittwik. — Die Generationen und dieWinterformen der in Schlesieu beobachteten Palter. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 191. Eathke, H. — Studien zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Insekten. St. E. Z. 1861, pp. 169, 229. Eeiche, L.— Coleopteres nouveaux du Nord de I'Afrique. Soe. Entom. Arn. iv. i. 1, p. 87. ■ Description de Coleopteres nouveaux recueillis en Corse par B. de Chavigtierie. Ibid. p. 201. Notes synonpniques sur divers Coleopteres. Ibid. p. 211. liEJNnoLD, E.— Eauna Hannoverana. Abth. i. Yerzeichniss der bei Hannover vorkommenden Schmetterlinge. Zusammengestellt unter Mitwirkg. der H.H. Lehr. Ki'oessmann u. Eevisor Glitz. 4to. Hanover, 1860. EossLEE. — Saturnia Cyntliia,'¥. — Wiesb. Jahrb. Yer. Nat. xiv. p. 420. Ueber die Zurichtung von Kleinschmetterliugen fur Samm- luugen. Ent. Mon. Wieu. 1861, v. 3. Zur Naturgeschichte von Geometra Fohjgrammaria. Ibid. 1861, V. 3. Gedanken iiber die Bedentung der Malerei auf den Schmet- terlingsfliigeln. Ibid. v. p. 168. EoGE.NiiofEE, A..~-CuculUa formosa, n. sp. Yien, Z. B. Ycrh. x. p. 775. ANNULOSA. 225 EoGER, J. — Die Powem-artigeu Aineiseu. Berl. E. Z. 18G1, p. 1. Myrmicologische Naelilei^e. Ibid. p. 163. EoNDxVNi. — Del Greuere Bertea. Plate. INIil. Att. ii. p. 56. Sugli Insetti che concorrono alia feeoudazioue del semi neUe Aristolocliie. Plate. Mil. Att. ii. p. 133. Nova Species italiea generis Dipterorum Sphixiinorpliae. Plate. Mil. Att. ii. p. 144. Siille abbitudiui della Fhora fasciata. Plate. Mil. Att. ii. p. 165. De genere dipteroriim Neera. lb. p. 185. Stirpis ceeidomyarum genera revisa. Ibid. p. 286. EuspiA'i, H.— Entomological Notes. Ent. "W. Int. x. p. 133. KuTiiE, J. F. — Deutsche Braconiden. Aus desseuNaehlass veroffeut- licht von H. Eeinliard. (Zweites Stiick.) Berl. E. Z. 1861, p. 132. Saktorius, a. — Besclireibuug einiger Monstrositiiten von Kafern. Wien. E. Mon. 1861, i. Ueber Euryommatus Mariae, Eog. Ent. Mon. AVien. 1861, V. 10. ScHALiKOFF, J. u. J. BoESENKOW. — Mittlieilungen iiber die A\^an- derungen der Gryllus migratorius auf der Tauriscbeu Halbinsel im Jalire 1859 u. iiber das Yorkommen einer Species von Gordi- aceen in den Bauchholilen derselben. Mosc. Bull. 1860, i. p. 294. ScHAuruss, L. W. — Die europaisclien ungefiiigelteu Arten der Gat- tung Sphodrus. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 240. Anthicus vittahis, Lucas. Ibid. p. 324. Zwei neue Silphiden-Gattungen. Plate. Ibid. p. 423. ScHAUM, H. — Eiue Decade neuer CicindeUden aus dem tropisclien Asien. Plate. Berl. E. Z. 1861, p. 68. Die Bedeutung der Paraglossen. Ibid. p. 81. ScHEKCK, A. — Die Nassauisclien Bienen, Wiesb. Jahrb. Ver. Nat. xiv. p. 1. Die deutsclien Gattimgsnamen d. Bienen. lb. xiv. p. 415. . Die Honigbiene v. Hymettus. lb. xiv. p. 417. ScuiNEK, J. E. — Vorlaufiger Commentar zum dipterologisclicu Tbeile der " Eauna Austriaca." Part iii. Ent. Mon. Wien. 1861, V. p. 137. Eauna austriaca. Die Eliegen. (Diptera.) Nacli der analyt. Methode bearb. Mit der Characteristik siimmtl. eiu-op. Gattgn.,der Beschreibg. aller in Deutsclilandvorkommen den Arten u. dem Verzeichnisse der bescliriebenen europ. Arten. Parts vii. viii. 8vo. Yienna, 1862. Schmidt, E. — Heterogynis diikia. Yien. Z. B. Yerb. p. 659. Drei neue Hohlenkiifer aus Krain (witb 3 figures). Ibid. X. p. 669. ScHEENCK, L. V. — Eeisen im Amur-Lande. Yol. ii. part 2. Coleop- teren. 6 col. plates, ^to. Petersb. 1861. Scott, .1. — The Larva of Micropteryx. Ent. W. Int. x. p. 3. 226 BIBLIOGEAPnT. Scott, J. — On Hemiptera, commonly called Bugs. Ent. Ami, 1862, p. 150. ScuDDER, H. S. — Eemarks on the American Wliite Ant. (Termea frontalis, Haldeman.) Bost. Proc. 1860, yii. p. 287. On tlie Grenus Baphiclopho7'a, Serv. ; with Descriptions of four species from tlie Caves of Kentucky, and from the Pacific Coast. Ibid. \\\\. p. 6. 1861. Sepp, J. C. — Nederlandsche Insecten. Ser. ii. Nos. 5-16. Plates. Leyden, 1861. Shipstone, W. — On the Habits of JBomhi/x Callunw. Zool. 1861, p. 7359. SiEBOLD, Y. — Ueber Agriotypus armatus. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 59. SiGisroRET, V. — Hemipteres exotiques nouveaux. Plate 2, fig. 2-5. Soc. Entom. Ann. iv. i, 1, p. 55. Smith, F. — Descriptions of new genera and species of Exotic Hymenoptera. Plate. Joiirn. Ent. 1860, i. ii. p. 65 ; 1861, i. iii. p. 146. Notes on Hymenoptera observed during the past Season ; some Observations on Hymeiiopterous Parasites, and a Mono- gi-aph of the Eamily Chrysididae. Ent. Ann. 1862, p. 69. Descriptions of some new species of Ants from the Holy Land, with a Synonymic List of others previously described. Linn. Jouru. 1861, vi. p. 31. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects collected by Mr. A. E. Wallace in the Islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and GUolo. Ibid. p. 36._ A few Observations on Cynips lignicola and G. radicis. Zool. 1861, p. 7330. A Contribution to the Natural History of Ants. Zool. 1861, p. 7612. Snellen, P. C. T. — Mededeelingen over Nederlandsche Lepidop- tera. Part 2nd. Ent. Tijds. iv. 2. p. 88. Stainton, H. T. — A Chapter on Zygcena Minos. Ent. Ann. 1862, p. 50. New British Species of Lepidoptera in 1861. Ibid. p. 105. . ■ ..i Observations on British and Continental Tineina. Ibid. p. 119. Larva of Micropteryx. Ent. W. Int. x. p. 15. A Notice of Gelechia siibdeeiirtella and its larva. Ibid. p. 22 Natural History of the Tineina, the Genus Gracilaria. Ent. W. Int. X. pp. 23, 31. Natural History of the Tineina, The Genera Coriscium and Orinx. Ibid. p. 54. — On the Lai'va of Gelechia Caulige7iella, Schmid. N. S. Ibid. p. 100. Essai Monographique stir le genre Coleopliora. (Notes on M. B. D' UzeUe's paper in the Annales de la Societe. Ent. de Prance 1859). Ibid. p. 192. ANNULOSA. 227 Staintox, H. T. — Micropteryx Sparmanni. Ibid. p. 233. Prof. Zellee and J. "W. Douglas. — Tlie Natural History of the Tineina. Vol, 6, containing Depressaria, pt. 1. 8 col. plates. London, 1861. Stal, C. — Miscellanea homopterologica. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 129. Staudlngek, O. u. M. Wocke. — Catalog der Lej)idopteren Europa's u. der angrenzenden Lander. Catalogue des lepidop- teres d'Eiu-ope et des pays limitropLes. Dresden. Catalogus lepidopterorum europaeorum. 8vo. lb. Alpliabetisclies Verzeichniss. der Arten der Lepidopteren. Eoy. 8vo. lb. Ueber einige neue und bisher verwecbselte Lepidopteren. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 287. Stieelin, Gt. — Beitrag zur. Lisekten Fauna von Epirus. Coleop- tera and Hemiptera. Ent. Mon. Wien. 1861, v. 7, p. 216. Kevision der europaisclien Otiorynchus. Arten. Berl. E. Z. 1861, Becbeft. Strauch, a. — Catalogue systematique de tous les Coleopt^res decrits dans les annales de la societe entomologique de France depuis 1832 jusqu'a 1859. 8vo. Halle, 1861. Thomson, C. Gr. — Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade. Tom. i.-ii. 8vo. Lund, 1859-60. TiscHBEiN. — Ichneumon liictatorius $ L. mit zweifachen Tarsen am recbten Hinterbeine. Plate. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 428. Van Westjiaas (F. A. de Eoo). — Een Hermaplirodiet van Te- phrosia ct'epusctilaria, AV. V. pi. 12, fig. 3. ViNER, Hart. — Description of a curious Form of Dipterous Larva, Linn. Proc. vi. 1, 1861. VoLLENHOVEN, S. C. S. — De Inlaudsclie Bladwespen en hare gedaantewisseling en levenswijze beschreven, (with 4 plates). Ent. Tijds. iv. 2, p. 65, v. p. 49. Beschrijvig van einige nieuwe soorten van Lucanidas, 3 plates, 1 coL) Ibid. 3-4, p. 101. Description de qiielques especes nouvelles Lepidopteres. 3 col. plates. Ibid, deel p. 156. Walker, Francis. — Catalogue of the Dipterous Insects collected at Gilolo, Ternate, and Ceram by Mr. A E. Wallace. Linn. Journ. 1861, vi. p. 4. Characters of undescribed Species of the Genus Leucopsis. Journ. Ent. 1860, i. 1, p. 16. Characters of undescribed Species of the Family Chalcida3. Ibid. i. 3, p. 172. Waterhouse, Gr. E. — Notice of an unrecorded British Species of Fhilonthus — P. scutatus of Erichson, Kraatz, etc. Ent. W. Int. 1861, 232. Wernebtjrg. — Ueber die scheckensaiimigen Arten des Grenus Hes- peria. St. E. Z. 1861, p. 62. Zur Natui'geschichte der Geom. Fomonaria. Ibid. p. 322. 228 BIBLIOQEAPHT. AVest, Tuffen. — On certain Appendages to the Feet of Insects subservient to holding or climbing. Liini. Journ. 1861, vi. p. 26. Linn. Trans. 1861. Westwood, J. O. — Catalogue of the Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part 1, Phasmida. 48 plates. Eoy. 8yo. 1859. AViLDE, O.— Zur Palterfaima v. Zeitz a. d. Elster. Z. Nat. 1860, p. 301. ■ Pie Pflanzen und Eaupen Deutschlands. Versuch einer lepidopterologischen Botanik. Vol. ii. Systematische Beschrei- bung der Eaupen. 10 plates, 8vo. Berlin, 1861. "Wockeu. Statjdinger. — Eeise nach Finnarken. St. E.Z. 1861, p. 325. AVoLLASTON, P. V. — On certain Coleoptera from the Island of St. Aancent. A. N. H. 3 Ser. yii. p. 246, viii. p. 90-197. < On certain Coleopterous Insects from the Island of Ascen- sion. A. N. H. 3 Ser. viii. p. 299. On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera. A. N. H. 3 Ser. viii. p. 99. ■ On the Halticida? of the Canary Islands. Journ. Ent. p. 1. On the Coleoptera of the Salvages. Ibid. i. 2, p. 84. On certain Coleopterous Insects from the Cape of Good Hope. Ibid. 1861, i. 3, p. 133. AVoEMALD, Percy C. — List of Trichoptera and ]S"europtera captured near London in 1861. Zool. 1861, p. 7803. AVtman, Jeffries. — Observations on the Habits of a species of Hornet (Vespa) which builds its nest in the ground. Bost. Proc. vii. 411, 1861. Zellee. — The Larva of Fmnphila Actceon. Ent. AV. Int. x. p. 163. 3. Anarthropoda. Annelida. — Suctoria. — Anniiloida. Batllet, C. — Experiences sur le Cysticercus tenuicollis et sur le Tenia qui resulte de sa transformation dans I'estomae du Chien. Ann. d. S. Nat. xvi. 99. Baird, Dr. AV. — Note on the Occurrence of Mlaria sanguinea in the body of Galaxlas Scriba, a fresh-water Fish from Australia. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 207. Description of some new species of Intestinal AVorms (En- tozoa) in the Collection of the British Museum, {Ascaris ; Oor- dius; Tetralothrium.) Zool. Soc. Proc. Dec. 11, 1860. A. N". H. 3 Ser. vii. p. 229. Notice of the occurrence of Sclerostoma equinum ? in the Testicle of the Horse. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 271. A. N. H. 3 Ser. viii. p. 502. Note on Lerncea cyc?o/>^mw« occurring in the Gills of Cyclop- terinus spinosus, a fish from Greenland. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 239. Caeteb, II. J. — On a Bisexual Nematoid AVorm, which infests the connnon House-Flv {Musca domestka) in Bombay. A. N". H. 3 Ser. vii. p. 29. AKNUI.OSA. 229 CLAPA-RiDT:, Ed. — Beltrag zur Kenntniss der OepTiyrea. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 537. TJeber Pohjdora cornuta, Bosc. Ibid. p. 542. CoBBOLD, T. S.— On the Cystic Entazoa from the "Wart-Hog and Eed Eiver Hog. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 93. List of Entozoa, including Pentastomes, from Animals dying at the Zoological Society's Menagerie, between the years 1857-60 inclusive, with Descriptions of several new species. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 117. Colin, G-.— Sur la presence d'vme Linguatule dans les ganglions mesenteriques du Mouton ; et sur sa transformation dans le nez du Chien en Pentastome tenioide ; (Extract.) Comp. rend. lii. p. 1311. CoemajS^e. — Hirndoculture : Memoire relatif aux plans du marais convert pour I'education des sangsues, par A. Germane, eleveui*. 4-to. Montelimart ; (Paris, P. Asselin.) Sur le meme sujet : a. Essai medical sur les sangsues, par Eochette. Paris, 1803. 8vo, b. Histoire natui-elle et medicale des sangsues, contenant la descrip- tion anatomique des organes de la sangsue officinale, avec des considerations physiologiques sur ces organes, des notions tres ettudues sur la conservation domestique de ce ver, sa reproduction, ses maladies, son application, etc., par J. L. Derheims. Paris, 1825. 8vo. 168 pp. avec 6 pi. c. Eecherches sur le genre Hirudo, par MM. Pelletier et Huzard fils. 8vo. 4-23 pp. avec 3 pi. col. Jovirnal de Pharmacie, 1825, t. xi. p. 105. d. Monographie des sangsues medicinales et officinales, par A. Char- pentier. Paris, 1838. 8vo 64 pp. e. Sur la multiplication des sangsues, par M. Huzard fils. Paris, 1841, In-8, 43 p., avec 1 pi. 1 fr. 50. f. Monographie de la iamille des Hirudinees, par M. Moquin-Tan- don, professeur d'histoire naturelle medicale a la Eaculte de medecine de Paris, membre de I'lnstitut de France. JSTouvelle edition revue et augmentee. Paris, 1846, in 8 de 445 p. avec atlas de 14 pi. gravees et coloriees. 15 fr. Dataine, M. — Traite des Entozoaires et des Maladies vermineuses de r Homme et des Animaux. 8vo ? Paris, 1861. DiEsiNO. — Eevision d. Nematoden. Plate. Vieu. Sitz. vol. 42.p. 595. Eberth. — Ueber Strongyhis tenuis, (Mehlis.) "Wurz. Zeitsch. ii. 1861, p. 47. Ueber die Muskeln und Seitenlinien des Trichocejyhalus dispar. Ti. w. Z. xi. p. 96. Ehlers, E. — Ueber die Grattiuig Priapulus Lam. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Grephyreen. Z. w. Zool. xi. p. 205. EiLipPT, E. DE. — Troisieme Memoire pour servir a I'histoire genetique des Trematodes. Tur. Mem. xviii. p. Grube, E. — Beschi-eibungen neuer oder wenig bekannter Seesterne und Seeigel. In-4 avec 3 pi. color. Jena, Frommann. 5 fr. 50. Acta Academife naturge curiosorum. 230 BIELrOGEAPHY, Hodge, G. — On tlie Commou Brittle Star (Opkioeoma rosulu), witli some Eemarks on the Growth of the Rays and their Aj)pendage8. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 41. ' On the Occurrence of Uraster glacialis at Seaham Harbour. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 62. HoughtOjST, W. — Eemarks on the Glossiphonid^e, a Family of dis- cophorous Annulata. Q. J. M. Sc. New Ser. i. p. 33. HowsE, EiCHAED. — On the Occurrence of Goniaster eqiiestris on the coast of Northumberland. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 59. KJerEESTEiN, "W. — Ueber parasitische Pilze aus Ascaris Mystax. Z. w. Z. xi. p. 135. Einige Bemerkungen iiber Tomopteris. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 360. AJS^D Ehlees. — On the Anatomy of the SipuncuU. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 486. (From. G5tt. Nachr. Nov. 13, 1860 ; Bibl. Univer. (Bull. Scient.) p. 387. KcEBEELE. — Des cysticcrques de tenias chez I'homme. 8vo. Paris, 1861. Gazette hebdomadaii*e. Lawson, Heney. — On the Affinities of the Groups Trematoda Pla- nariao and Hii'udinei ; and on the Pormation of a new class of Annulosa for the Reception of these Animals. Eoy. Dubl. Soc. Journ. Juty, 1861. Leydig, Peakz. — Die Augen und neue Sinnesorgane der Egel. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 588. Haben die Nematoden ein Nervensystem ? Bemerkungen zu dieser Prage. Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 606. Lymajs", Theodoeb. — Descriptions of new Ophiuridse, belonging to the Smithsonian Institution, and to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. Best. Proc. 1860, p. 193, 252. Description of a new Star Pish. {Astrophyton Caryi, I^J^-) Best. Proc. vii. p. 424, 1861. MoLiN, R. — Prodromus Paunae Helminthologicae Venetae adj , dis- quis. anat. et crit. 15 plates. Vien. Denk. xix. p. 189, and 4to. Vienna, 1861. On the Retrograde Metamorphosis of certain Nematode Worms. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 491. (From Wien. Sitzungsb. xxxviii. p. 706. NoEMAN, Alp. Meele. — On an Echinoderm new to Science, from Ireland, {Strephenterus claviger.) A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 112. RouiN, C. — 0\\ i\\e Spermatophora oi ^orae Hirudinei. (Compt. rend. Aug. 1861.) A. N. H. 3 ser. viii. p. 431. Saltee, S. .1. A. — On the Structure and Growth of the Tooth of the Echinus. R. Soc. Proc. xi. p. 166. Salzmann, Dr. — Einige Notizen iiber Taenien. Wurtz. Jahrb. xvii. p. 102. ScuMiDT, Oscae. — Ueber Planaria torva Autor. Z. w. Z. xi. p. 87. Untersuchungen iiber Turbellarien von Corfu und Cepha- lonia nebst Nachtrjigen zu frijheren Arbeiten. lb. p. 1. AOTfULOSA. 231 Schneider, A. — Einige Bemerkungen zu 0. Schmidt's " TJnter- ' sueliuiigen iiber Turbellarien vou Corfu und Cephalonia." Arch. Anat. 1861, p. 783. Stewart, J. A. — Description of Asteronyx loveni, Mull, et Trosch., a new British Starfish. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 96. Stewart, T. H. — Observations on the Anatomy of the Echinoderms. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 53. Wallich, Gr. C— Eemarks on some novel Phases of Organic Life, and on the Boring Powers of minute Annelids at great depths in the Sea. A. N. H. 3 ser. viii. p. 52. Welnland, D. p. — Beschreibuug zweier Taenioiden aus dem Mens- chen ; TJeber die Bandwiirmer der Indianer u. JSTeger ; Monstro- sitat -von Taenia solium L. u. Versuch einer systematik der Taenien. 5 plates. Nov. Act. xxviii. and 4to. Jena, 1861. "White. — Description of a new Species of Gordius. (G. trifurcatus?) Bost. Proc. 1860, p. 175. Wyville-Tiiomson, J. — On the Embryology of Asteracanthion violaceus. Q. J. Mic. Sc. New. Ser. i. p. 99. Ili.'ic^llainiit Note on the Habits of the Yipee. In reference to the " Note" on this subject in our last number (p. 118) we have received several interesting communications from Dr. J. Davy, to whom specimens of the young vipers reported to have taken refuge in the maternal mouth, were forwarded for examination. Dr. Davy remarks that, if, as Mr. Norman appears to be sure, the eleven young Yij^ers were all found in the same situation (in the interior of the mother) he has little doubt that that place was the uterus and not the stomach. His reasons for coming to this conclusion will be found in the following observations, consisting for the most part of extracts from his letters. " Neither of the three sj)ecimens," he says, " examined by me bore any marks of having breathed, or of being in a state sufiiciently advanced, as I imagine, for independent existence. The poison fangs were not fully developed, though whether at the time of birth these organs are fully formed or not, I do not know. Probably, considering how small and feeble the young snakes would then be, those organs would then be little more than rudimentary, and if so that may accoimt for Vipers, which are so prolific, not being more common, defenceless as they would thus be, and exposed to the attacks of so many enemies." " The lungs again were perfectly collapsed. If respiration had taken place, I should not have expected this ; and I do not think that there would be a complete absorption of the air by the spirit. The 232 MTSCELLAXEA. stomacli was quite empty, as also the intestine, with the exception of the lower portion, which contained some yelk from the included viteUus." " The circumstance that in some of the specimens a portion of \'itelline sac was still external to the body, is, I think, adverse to the conclusion that any of them had left the uterine cavity. For were the young ones born with the vitellus thus exposed to the rough friction unavoidable in locomotion, on land, such a delicate structure could hardly but suifer injury." AVith reference to the circumstance that the yoimg vipers ap- peai'ed to be moulting, Dr. Davy remarks : — " That this was very distinctly the case in two specimens, the fine cuticle readily separating and exposing a surface of a brighter hue." But this moulting he apprehends is not incompatible with their ha\-ing been taken from the abdominal (or uterine) cavity. " May it not be supposed," he observes, " that the yoimg of the snake before birth are subject to several moults, necessary as they increase in size after the integument has been fully formed." In some foetal vipers dissected by him less advanced than those in question such was the condition of the skin ; the colouring and markings were distinct and precisely similar to those of their parent. In these instances also the poison fangs though formed could not be detected until the specimens were dried, when, the soft enveloping tissue shrinking, their points came into view. On the supposition that JVIi*. Norman's gamekeeper was not de- ceived in what he saw, but that he really witnessed the swallo'^'ing of two or three of its brood by the parent Yiper, may it not probably be assumed that she actually devoiu-ed them ? A primd facie objec- tion to this supposition, lies in the fact above pointed out by Dr. Davy, that the specimens of yoimg examined by him were in an immature condition and had not breathed, and consequently that they had not been born at all. To this it may be answered, that it is by no means certain that the Yiper produces the whole of its brood at once. The young may be issued one or two at a time as they reach maturity, the rest remaining in the uterine cavity. Those which were swal- lowed might have been more perfect than the individuals examined by Dr. Davy. That excellent observer, considers it not at all improbable that the parent snake may occasionally devour its own young when pressed by hunger, and if so, that the seeing it in the act may have led to tlie popular notion. In order to show the occasionally stupid and blind voracity manifested by Reptilian animals, Dr. Davy relates an instance, in Ceylon, of one snake in confinement with another swallowing his companion though about the same size as itself. And an incident in the same island was related to him by the person who witnessed it of a Python owing its death to an attempt to swallow a Deer, the horns sticking in its throat. Other instances of the same kind might be cited, and amongst these, as noticed by Dr. Davy, one which occurred in the Zoological Gardens a few years since of a Python MISCELLAN-EA, 233 swallowing its blanket. He also relates an anecdote, for tlie acenracy of which he can vouch, of a large Frog, in Ceylon, which, reversing the usual order of things, attempted to avenge the wrongs of its race by trying to swallow a Duck. Both were found dead, the head of the Duck in the gullet of the too ambitious Frog. In further support of the opinion that the Yiper may on occasion commit infanticide, Dr. Davy notices an interesting account of the Slow Worm {A. frarjiJis) given by D. Eankin, Esq. in the 5th volume of the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. In speaking of the food of this Reptile, Mr. Eankin remarks ; " I have good grounds for belie^dng that its own young are not rejected." and gives an instance of his having witnessed the deed. " Of a brood," he says, " during tlie first day one was no doubt devoured by its parent, for I found half the tail unconsimied, which the little creatiu'e had, in all probability, wriggled olf in an instinctive struggle. The parent and young ones were confined in a box." Now, if the Slow- Worm, Dr. Davy pertinently asks, " occasionally devours its young, why should not the Yiper ?" On Collecting and PKESEuyiNG Specimens or Fishes AND Eeptiles. Through the zealous efibrts of the present able head of the Zoolo- gical department at the British Museum, the series of specimens of cold-blooded Yertebrata preserved in spirits has of late years re- ceived very considerable accessions. From one of the most indiffe- rent in Europe, our national collection is, as regards this class of zoological preparations, now become one of the finest, if not the very best, in the world, embracing as it does about 7000 specimens of Eeptiles and 20,000 of Fishes. A well known and accomplished Grerman naturalist. Dr. A. Gilnther, has been engaged for these last three years in arranging and cataloguing this vast mass of materials. Dr. Giiuther has abeady prepared and published catalogues of the SatracMa saJientia and the Colubrine Snakes, and is now engaged in working; out the extensive series of Fishes, of which he has already issued three thick volumes, relating to the Acauthopterygians. But although so much has ah'eady been done towards the investigation of these exteusive departments of the Animal Kingdom, still more, we may safely say, remains to be done. The Eej)tilian Faunas of many parts of the globe are as yet comparatively but little known, and in the class of Fishes still larger discoveries remain to be made. So little trouble is involved in the preparation of this class of Zoolo- gical Specimens, that it is easy for any person resident abroad, how- ever little leisure he may have, to give imjiortant assistance to science in this matter. For the following directions how to set about this in the most simple way, we have to thank the kindness of one of our correspondents who is greatly interested in the subject. We N. H. K.— 1862. R 234 MISCELLAl*fEA. may remark fhat as regards fislies, tliougli at the present moment the fresh- water species of the inner waters and mountain-streams of extra- European countries are the most important desiderata ; yet, those from the low lands and marine fishes are also very valuable. Directions for Collecting and Preserving Fishes and B,eptiles. 1. Collect fishes of every size. The eel-like fishes ought not to exceed thirty-six inches in length ; the broad kinds not eighteen. Six specimens of each species will be quite sufficient. 2. Tie to each specimen a label of parchment or of tin foil, on which the name of the exact locality where the specimen is procured, is written, or a number referring to a list of localities. 3. Cut a small slit in the belly of the specimens, so as to admit the spii'it, but do not remove the intestines. 4. Put the specimens into a large jar or tub containing spirit to extract the water, mucus, etc. This spirit may be used for any number of specimens as long as it is strong enough to preserve them from earlij putrefaction. Leave the specimens in this spiint for from 8 to 10 days. 5. Transfer the specimens into other spirit, stronger than the former, and leave them there for another fortnight. 6. Pack, finally, the specimens in spirit which is strong enough to be inflammable with a lighted match. In spirit, like this, the specimens may be shipped, and will keep for 6 or 8 months. Eum of the strength indicated, answers very well for this purpose. 7. The best way of sending specimens is in a square tin box fitted into a wooden case. "Wrap each specimen in a piece of linen to pre- vent the rubbing off of the scales and other injuries. Pack the speci- mens as close as herrings, and do not leave any free space at the top or on the sides of the box. Fill the box with spirit, taking care to drive out the air which may remain between the specimens, and close it hermetically by soldering do-wn the cover. The best Avay of closing the box is to make a small round hole in the cover of the box. First fix dov\ n the cover of the box, then pour spirit through the small hole, until the box is quite full. This hole may then be easily closed by another small square lid of tin. 8. Tiu-n the box upside down and see whether it keeps in the spirit perfectly. 9. E jptiles of every description may be preserved in the same way. However, as they naturally contain less fluid, it will be sufficient, to change the spirits once. 10. It frequently happens in very hot climates, that tlie specimens begin to decompose even in very sti'ong spii'its ; in such cases, it will be better to add arsenic or corrosive sublimate to the spirit. This ought to be mentioned to the party who receives or opens the box. 11. It may be advisable to prevent sailors, servants, etc' from tasting the spirits. This may be done by adding some nauseous substance to the mixture. P. L. S. THE NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE. %ivnxv^. XXV. — On the Tavo Forms, or Dimorphic Conditions, in the Species op Pritnula, and on their remarkable Sexual Ke- LATiONS. By Charles Darwin. Linnean Society's Journal, \I. (Botany), pjj. 77-96. We do not wisli to attach an undue importance to the observations which have been here recorded by Mr. Darwin upon the remarkable sexual relations which he has proved to exist between individuals of that very commonest and most familiar of our spring favourites, the Primrose ; yet we may say, with all sincerity, that Botanical Science has, of late years, been enriched with few of equal value. And this impresses us as especially the case if we regard the impulse and direction which these obsei'vations must necessarily give to future investigation. The simj)le fact that, in one set of primroses or cow- slips, the stigma reaches to the mouth of the corolla-tube, the anthers being externally invisible, while in the other set the anthers surround and close its mouth while the stigma is far down the tube, is not, of course, advanced by Mr. Darwin as novel. As he says, gardeners speak of the two forms as the " pin-eyed " (with stigma at the mouth of tube) and "thumb-eyed" (with anthers at mouth of tube). Child- ren too, he tells us, select the former for their necklaces ; the upper part of the corolla-tube being wider, and not closed by sessile anthers, they more easily slip them over each other. It is the satisfactory explanation which, with characteristic sagacity, this distinguished zoologist oifers of the (botanical) fact that primarily concerns us, and it is this that we so greatly admire. We feel that we are yet far from being in a position to enter upon a discussion of the general question of sexuality in plants : it is a very large subject, and the basis upon which we can rest an argu- ment is much too slender for useful application. We shall be content, N. H. R.— 1862. 8 236 REVIEWS. therefore, to devote the short space at our disposal to a review of the facts and conclusions established by Mr. Darwin, directing attention to other instances of dimorphism iu other and very different species of flowering plants. We may, after a certain fashion, rudely group the kinds of di- morphism exhibited in the flower under two heads. First, a dimor- phism, apparently favourable to variation, marked primarily by a partial or complete separation of the sexes, which may be accom- panied or not by alteration iu the form or arrangement of the parts of the perianth surrounding them ; and, second, a dimorphism, conservative, and unfavourable to variation, marked prunarily by an alteration in the form or arrangement (frequently a reduction) of the outer whorls of the flower, which more or less completely enclose and seal up the sexual organs, which are never wholly separated.* Such grouping we may well designate as rude, but there do cer- tainly appear to be two classes or kinds of dimorphism, which even in the present state of our knowledge — feeling as it were our uncertain way — it may be well to distinguish, and we do not see how better to define them thau as above. It is to the first group that we may refer the primroses, and with them a very numerous company indeed of trees, and shrubs, and herbs. There are comparatively few natural orders of flowering plants out of the 200 or 300 which are generally recognized, in which we do not find more or less of a diclinous condition — a condition which necessarily involves " dimorphism " in respect of the sexual organs. There are numerous Orders invai'iably, or almost invariably, characterized by luiisexual flowers. There are others again in which a tendency to this condition is more or less conspicuously manifest in many of their members. A large proportion of the trees of tem- perate Europe bear only flowers thus dimorphic. In the oak, beech, chestnut, and pine, for example, this dimorphism is extreme. In the stamen-bearing flowers, we find no rudiment of a pistil — in the pistil- bearing, no rudiment of stamens. But between plants which we may regard as wholly homomorphic, and consequently witli flowers completely hermaphrodite, and the extremes just cited, Ave have an infinity of intermediate conditions. Parting from the hypothetical truly homomorphic hermaphrodite, we find in the case of Sir. Darwin's Primulas one of the first grades of incipient dimorphism of which cognizance can be taken. Hence one peculiar interest of his observations, to which we recur. Besides the difterences abeady mentioned in the relative length of the style and height of the anthers in the corolla-tube of these plants, Mr. Darwin points out that in the long-styled form the stigma is globular and rough with minute papilla?, and the poUen-grains about * This second f!;ronp we have not framed to indnde a dimorphic condition of the male flower, or of the female flower, of a unisexual plant. We arc not aware, how- ever, that such exist. If there he none, the circumstance is worth noticing. DAEWIN OK PEIMULA. 237 7/7000ths of an inch In diameter, while in the short-styled form the stigma is depressed and nearly smooth, the pollen-gi-ahis ranging from 10/-to-ll/-7000ths of an inch in diameter. Our own observations entirely confirm the minute accuracy of these statements, though of the relative sizes of the pollen-grains we have only judged by com- parison of them by the eye, on the same slip of glass under the microscope. To these differences between the two forms, we may add another, noticed while dissecting the flowers. The ovules of the long-styled Primula, which Mr. Darwin states to produce a smaller number of seeds, are considerably larger (and probably less numerous) even before the flower expands, than in the short-stj^led form, which he finds to produce the larger number of seeds. These two forms — the long-styled and short-styled —occur in nature in about equal pro- portions. It is not yet satisfactorily shown that the same plant can produce both forms, though this is a point to which we think further attention might be directed, especially m those species which have occasionally a second or autumn flowering. Now the carefully conducted experiments of Mr. Darwin, which are described in detail in his paper, show a remarkable difference in the influence exercised by the pollen upon the stigma of its own flower and upon the stigma of a flower of the other form. Fertilisa- tion of a flower by pollen of its own form he terms ' homomorphic,' by the pollen of the other form ' heteromorphic' And it is the hete- romorphic unions which he shows to be pre-eminently fertile. If, therefore, the abundant production of good seed be advantageous to the species, so must be heteromorphic fertilisation, a process de- pendent however upon circumstances, which we may call accidental, though they are nevertheless certain and ever-acting. The agency ot insects is absolutely necessary for the crossing of the different forms, and there can be no question but that the part they play in this economy is of the very highest importance. Having explained the provision which nature has made to favour the crossing of distinct individuals, Mr. Darwin suggests the possibility that the species of Primula may possibly be tending to a dioicous condition. In their present condition they are, as he observes, ' subdioicous hermaphro- dites.' "We are not in possession of corresponding facts relative to any other species in either of the groups which are distinguishable of dimorphic flowers ; so that, unable to institute a single comparison, we are reduced to the necessity of specidating upon very meagre mate- rials. AV^e have referred the case of the Primulas to one category with imisexual or diclinous flowers, whether of monoicous or dioicous plants does not immediately affect the question. We have done so simply because between the comparatively trivial amount of dielinism in Primula and the more extreme instances which are at hand on every side in overwhelming number, we are utterly unable to draw the line. Before we proceed to give a few instances from our second 238 RETIEWS. category we would just recall a difficulty wliicli constantly presents itself when we contemplate this subject from — so far as we can ap- prehend it — Mr. Darwin's point of view. If these plants be tending to a diclinous condition, if such a condition advantage the species, how and wliy did they ever become hermaphrodite ? We cannot help conjecturing that there may be in plants two counter- agencies at work, the one acting as a constant check upon the other ; the one conservative, favouring the persistence of unaltered forms, indicated in the general barreimess of hybrids and the difficulty of crossing many nearly allied g|)ecies as well as in other and special arrange- ments which we shall afterwards advert to, the other favouring, it may be ever so slightly, a tendency to vary, indicated by the various grades of diclinism, as also by special obstacles contrived absolutely to prevent self- fertilisation in hermaphrodite flowers.* "While we may, with perhaps the greater shew of reason suggest that certain species are tendmg to a separation of the sexes, we must not forget that arguments may be advanced to shew that it is not impossible but that they may be striving towards more perfect hermaphroditism, especially if we bring to mind the evidence (to which indeed we arc scarcely hardy enough to attach a particle of weight) furnished by the ' Greological Eecord.' This evidence does certainly appear in favour of a greater predominance of unisexual forms at an early period than obtains at the present day. A consideration of instances referred to our second kind of dimorphism may perhaps enable us to appreciate better the phenomenon, and further illustrate the remark that there may possibly be two coimter agencies at work manifesting themselves in various dimorphic conditions. Linnaeus in the ' Praelectiones Botanicae'f remarks of Viola mira- hilisihsbt the eaz'ly flowers provided with a corolla are often barren, while others appearing subsequently and destitute of a corolla are fertile. This observation was extended by Gingins who published a Memoir on the Violaceae in 1823. He shewed that violets presented the singular peculiarity of producing imperfect flowers, more or less destitute of petals, but with perfect fruits, which fruits he adds are " quelquefois meme plus pai'faits que ceux qui succedent aus fleurs completes." M. Monnier of Nancy, yet further extended our know- ledge of this dimorphic condition in the violets. J He says of Viola hirta that none of the early spring flowers yield fruit, " they all abort and wither up ; " after the first flowering the leaves assume a fuller development, they become more hairy and bear in their axils flowers destitute of corolla and with the five stamens almost always free and shorter than the ovary. The peduncles bearing these flowers curve downward and bury the ovaries under the sut^face of the soil where the seeds are ripened. M. Monnier found the sweet-scented * Conf. Hooker Introd. E.ssay to Tasmanian Fk)ra, x. t Ed. 1792, ].. 401. j Guilleniin's Archives dc Botanique, 1833, i. 412. DARWIN ON PRIMULA. 239 flowers of V. odorata to be quite infertile. In this sj)ecies, as in V. hirta (which some botanists unite with it) it is the later flowers, without corolla and with stamens of variable length, which give the fertile capsules. Plants of the double violet he showed also bore apetalous flowers. V. ericetorum was found to exhibit the same phenomenon. This botanist concluded from his observations that the species of the section Nominium* of the genus Viola have two flowerings, the first vernal with well-developed petaloid flowers not maturing seeds, the second aestival, with abortive corollas but always fertile. The dimorphism in Viola has been more recently examined by M. Michaletf and M. Miiller.J The former says that the earlier of the ' apetalous' flowers ofler transitional forms between the two states, which, however, he did not sufiiciently follow. The second flowering lasts from the close of the first through part of the summer even until autumn ; the May and June flowers being scarcely one- fourth the size of the earlier ones. In these he finds the calyx to be hermetically closed over the flower, leaving a large and empty space above the ovary, which he considers may favour fecondation. The sepals are afterwards burst open by the enlargement of the capsule. The petals are not entirely absent but fall considerably short of the sepals ; they are membranous and hyaline, occasionally they are re- duced to one or two, hence the summer flowers are not correctly described as truly apetalous. M. Michalet observes that he never found the anthers open, even in flowers the ovary of wliich was cer- tainly fertilized. The style is much shorter than in the ' petaloid' flowers, the stigma truncate and funnel-shaped at top, the cavity opening into the ovary. The stigmatic siu-face seems smooth and not papillose. How fecondation is effected in these flowers he is unable to say. A case parallel to the above is described by M. Michalet in the Wood-sorrel {Oxalis Acetosella), with the difference that the early and beautiful petaloid flowers are regularly fertilized, and produce perfect seeds. In the second or summer flowers, the sepals are closely applied and hermetically closed over the essential organs as in the violet. The petals, usually of the normal number, are much shorter than the sepals ; they are rarely all wanting. There are ten stamens, of which five are smaller and appear quite barren ; the five larger ones are fertile, and incline over the stigmas, with which they are described as being aj^parently united by delicate filaments. The part which these J)lay, M. Michalet is unable to explain. The anthers appear to remain closed, and the pollen seems as it were deliquescent. The seeds of the smaller flowers, which are rij^ened luider the surrounding moss and detritus, offer no apparent differ- ence from those of the normal ones. The same observer finds * Messrs, Hooker and Beutham in their " Genera Plantariim" attribute dimor- phous flowers to all the sections excepting Mdaniuni, t Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vii. 465. J Bot. Zeit. 1857, 729. 2X0 KEVIEWS. hypogean flowers of Linaria spuria which ripen seed, but these flowers offer no notable difference from the rest. We have ourselves examined the dimorphic flowers both of Viola and Oxalis, but have nothing to add to M. Michalet's detailed account. Another case of similar character, however, in a far removed natiu'al order, has recently been closely under our notice ; and as it is one which we believe is not widely knowTi, although it has been carefully investigated by M. Brongniart, and is described by M. Ad. de Jussieu in his " Monographie des Malpighiacees," and by Torrey in his 'Flora of New York' (i. 428), vce may be permitted to give some account of it here. Our observations have been made solely upon dried specimens, so tliat we can only speak to structural facts. The most important problems which these phenomena suggest, it is needless to say, can only be solved by study and carefully watching of the living plant, and this we have not yet had the opportunity of doing. Linnaeus long ago* wrote of Campanula perfoliata— " flores laterales raro corollo instructos pro- ducit, sed tantum calycem semen continentem ; flores vero terminales perfecti sunt." This species we have not examined, though, from M. Jussieu's accountjt it would appear to have been the same that M. Brongniart observed. This excellent botanist found, in the smaller flowers, a 'tympanimi' covering the base of the calyx-tube. This is the rudiment of the corolla. On removing it he found the stigma and stamens with well-formed pollen. Our attention has been devoted to two Indian species (C. canescens) alluded to by Messrs. Hooker and Thomson in their Prsecursores ad Floram Indicam,! and G. coforata. We find the smaller and apparently apetalous flowers to be usually lateral, often borne on short racemes springing from the lower leaves of the stem, though sometimes they abound along the branches of the principal inflorescence. They are various in size, from that of a coriander seed to a pea. The ovary is inferior, as in the normal flowers, though occasionally only two-celled. The limb of the calyx is not always regularly five-lobed, but often, and especially in the smallest flowers, three-lobed or irregularly divided. The disc of the flower is covered by a completely closed hairy membrane, with a slight mammilliform elevation in the centre. This membrane is the rudimentary corolla, and the number of petals composing it is indicated by converging lines. On dissection, this elevation is found to cover a pentagonal or five-lobed body which at first sight resembles a stigma, but examination shows that each lobe is opposite to a corresponding lobe of the calyx-limb, and that each lobe of the pentagonal process is united to the base of the opposed calyx-lobe by a delicate cord, the filament in fact of the stamen, of which the lobe of the central body to which it is imited is tlie anther. The stamens are extended horizontally between the upper mem- * rrtclcctioiics Botauicw, 'J99. f Op. ell. 84. :j: .Jouni. Liuu. Soc. ii. 7. DAEWm OK PEIMULA. 241'. braiie and the lower, which separates them from the ovary, aud the anthers, closely applied, are apparently quite connate and together adnate to the stigma. We have observed in soaked specimens what we have every reason to believe are true pollen granules, with their tubes penetrating the tissue of t]ie stigma. "', The contents of the ovary do not appear to differ in the normal and abnormal flowers. In Campanula colorata we have seen flowers intermediate in character between those above described, and normal ones, in which the corolla, instead of being imperforate, opened by teeth in the centre, though, falling short of the calyx- lobes in length, — the style considerably lengthened and the anthers free. In con- nection with the occurrence of dimorphous flowers in Campauulaceae, it may be well to bear in mind that the method of fertilization of the noi'mal flowers was long a puzzle to botanists. For a detailed notice of the vai'ious hypotheses suggested to explain it we must refer to M. A. de Candolle's Monographic des Campanulees (1830) and especially to M.M. Brongniart* and Tulasne'sf Papers in " Amiales des Sciences Naturelles." In these flowers the anthers open and discharge their pollen before the expansion of the corolla. M. Du Petit-Thouars conjectured that the stigmas were fertilized before it opened. He found that the stigmatic lobes were slightly divergent in the bud at a time when the anthers might be supposed to open and that they again close shortly before the corolla expands : after its expansion they are once more divergent. This view was considered to be supported by the case of the allied Goodeniete and Scaevolae in -which the pollen is received into a capsule or indusium terminating the style before the flower opens. AVhen the corolla ex- pands the indusium in these plants is closed. Again, much attention has been directed to what have been termed the ' coUecting-hairs ' with which the style in the Bell-flowers is so frequently clothed. A function has been attributed to them in the fertilisation of the flower, but this, as Brongniart showed was due to imperfect observa- tion. These hairs, which brush ofi' the remaining pollen from the anthers as the style shoots up through them, frequently become invaginated, like the finger of a glove drawn back half way up : the sheathing portion entangles a few of the grains so that they appear actually drawTi into the tissue of the style : hence the mistake. M. Tulasne, whose observations are of the highest authenticity, finds that pollen received upon the stigma produces the tubes which ferti- lize the ovules. How the pollen reaches the stigma must be more fully settled by careful observation. It is highly probable that insects play an important part in its conveyance, as various observers have suggested. There are other plants belonging to difterent Natural Orders to those above noticed, which oflfer like dimorphism. In Caryophyllaceae, Maximowicz,J describes a Stellaria (dis- * 2e Ser. xii. 244. f 3e Ser. xii. 71. X Primitiae Fl. Amurensis, 57. 212 EEVIEWS. tinguishecl geuerically under the name o^ Krasclienihoivid), "floribus superioribus sterilibvis, infimis (radicalibus) anantheris fertilibus carnosulis." The flowers from the axils of the lower leaves become buried in the soil and are described as " floribus * * clausis * * * petalis staminibus stylisque nullis, capsulae rotiindatae parietibus carnosis, seminibus fuscis * * * embryone peripherico arcuato albumineque normali ! donatis." The normal flowers are petaloid with the stamens nearly equalling the sepals. He says, " verosi- millime capsulae intra imniculam steriles." M. Weddell* and Asa Gray,t describe dimorphism in the genus Impatiens : M. Weddell in the common I. Noli-me-tangere. In this plant some of the fruits ripen Avithout the previous expansion of the flowers to which they belong. All the whorls of the flower exist, but excepting the ovary, they are extremely small and rudimentary, uniting into a little hood, which the fruit, in elongating, bears up with it and wears as a cap. These abnormal flowers arise near the normal ones, but usually in lateral peduncles. Dr. Grray gives some interesting parti- culars respecting the structure of the normal flowers of the American species, in which certain membranaceous appendages of the filaments are connivent and more or less coherent over the summit of the pistil, entirely preventing the access of pollen in the greater propor- tion of even fully developed flowers, which, consequently, fall away unfertilized. In some, however, the growing ovary pushes the stigma through the cap, thus securing its fertilization. M. Jussieu records dimorphous flowers in the section Meioste- mones of the Natural order Malpighiaceae. In Acanthaceae {BueUid) it was long ago observed by Dillenius. And we might adduce other instances, but these must sufiice, for we possess no instance of this kind of dimorphism, referred to our second category, which has been fully and satisfactorily described, much less explained ; indeed the examples which Ave have given are amongst the most marked and the best observed. The main feature and that to which we would wish to direct attention in, at least some, of these cases, is the occurrence of a second kind of flower in which it would seem that nature has espe- cially contrived to exclude the possibility of fertilization by other thau own-flower stamens. It is true that the anthers in the closed flowers of Viola and Oxalis are stated never to have been found open, but in the Campanula observed by us the pollen evidently had access to the stigma ; and indeed, M. Michalet points out, as we have said, the existence of fijie threads coimecting the anthers with the stigmas in the " hermetically closed " flowers of Oxalis. These fine threads, there can be no doubt, are the pollen-tubes. It is impossible that we should here enter upon the role of these remark- able flowers in the economy of the species to which they belong. We do not possess, as we have already said, a sufiicient basis of * Jussieu, ilalpighiaccesi, 85. f Gcu. United Statet-, ii. lol. DARWIN ON PRIMULA. 243 facts to work upon. It must suffice to suggest coujecturally that a conservative agency, if we may so term it, is at work in the vegetable kingdom, over and above the inherent check of a hke tendency possessed in a high degree by the great majority of species, which absolutely prevents miscellaneous or Avide hybridization or crossing. We do not forget that the question of hybridization of distinct species may be entered upon, to a certain extent, apart from that of the crossing of different individuals of the same species, and that a most important distinction may be drawn between them, but facts fail to show how far the check which prevents a crossing of species operates in preventing too wide a crossing of individuals of any one species, if indeed it operate in the latter case at all. "We have alluded to what have seemed to be special contrivances in certain flowers to prevent self-fertilization. Several familiar cases might be quoted but we have already exceeded a reasonable limit, and until some more careful observers, with a measure of that earnest diligence in an unprejudiced search after truth, which so pre-eminently characterizes Mr. Darwin, shall have described to iis the true character and end of some of these anomalous structures it would be useless to offer any blind speculations with regard to them. Einally, let us beg those who have opportunity, — and but a short time each day, if perseveringly devoted to the purpose, Avill suffice for important results, — let us beg that they will select for careful watching and study either one of the common cases of dimorphism mentioned above, or some of the plants which we have adverted to as offering obstacles to self-fertilization. Either class promises well to be resultful. Let us just observe that it is by no means essential that the observer should be a " botanist." Mr. Darwin is not a botanist, nor did he ever pretend to be such, yet his observations prove of the very highest value to botanical science. [In the above paper we have not referred to the phenomenon of dimorphism exhibited by various Orchidaceae. AYe hope to return to the subject, in connection with Mr. Darwin's new work on the ' Fertilisation of Orchidaceae ' in a future number.] 2U irfjginjtl ^rticU^. XXYI. — Ok the Evidence or the Antiquity op Man, aefoeded BY the Physical Steuctuke op the Somme Valley. By John Lubbock, Esq., F.E.S. "While we have been straining our eyes to the East, and eagerly watching excavations in Egypt and Assyria, suddenly a new light has arisen in the midst of us ; and the oldest relics of man yet discovered, have occurred, not among the ruins of Nineveh or Heliopolis, not in the sandy plains of the Nile or the Euphrates, but in the pleasant valleys of England and France, along the banks of the Seine and the Somme, the Thames and the Waveney. So unexpected were these discoveries, so irreconcileable with even the greatest antiquity then assigned to the human race, that they were long regarded with neglect and suspicion. M. Boucher de Perthes to whom we are primarily indebted for this great step in the history of mankind, published his first work on the subject, " De I'industrie primitive, on les arts et leur origine," in the year 1846. In this he announced that he had found human implements in beds immistake- ably belonging to the age of the drift. In his " Antiquites Celtiques et Antediluviennes " (1847), he also gave numerous illustrations of these stone weapons, but unfortunately the figures were so small and rude, as scarcely to do justice to the originals. For seven years M. Boucher de Perthes made few converts ; he was looked upon as an enthusiast, almost as a madman. At length, in 1853, Dr. EigoUot, till then sceptical, examined for himself the drift at the now cele- brated St. Acheul, found several weapons, and believed. _ Still the new creed met with but little favour ; prophets are proverbially with- out honour in their own country, and M. Boucher de Perthes was no exception to the rule. At last, however, the tide turned in his favour. Dr. Falconer, passing through Abbe%alle, visited his col- lection, and made known the result of his visit to Mr. Joseph Prestmch, who, accompanied by Mr. John Evans, immediately pro- ceeded to Abbeville and examined carefully not only the flint weapons, but also the beds in which they were found. For such an investigation our two countrymen were especially qualified: Mr. Prestwich from his long examination and great knowledge of the more recent strata ; and Mr. Evans as having devoted much study to the stone implements belonging to what we must now consider as the second, or at least the more recent, stone-period. On their return to England Mr. Prestwich communicated the results of his visit to the Eoyal Society,* (On the Occurrence of Flint Implements associated * Phil. Transiict. 1860. LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 245 with the remains of extinct species, in beds of a late Geological Period, May 19, 1859), while Mr. Evans described the implements themselves in the Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries (1860). Shortly afterwards Mr. Prestwich returned to Amiens and Abbe- ville, accompanied by Messrs. Godwin Austen, J. W. Flower, and E. "W. Mylne. In the same year Sir Charles Lyell, whose opinion on the subject was naturally expected with great interest, visited the now celebrated localities. In 1860, I made my first visit with Mr. Busk and Captain Galton, under the guidance of IMr. Prestwich, while SirEodericli Murchison, Professors Henslow, Eamsay, Eogers, Messrs. H. Christy, Eupert Jones, James Wyatt, and other geologists, followed on the same errand. M. L'Abbe Cochet, therefore ,_ in his " Eapport adresse a Monsieur le Senateur Prefet de la Seine-In- ferieure," (1860) does no more than justice to our countrymen, when after a well-merited tribute of praise to M. Boucher de Perthes, and Dr. Eigollot, he adds, " Mais ce sont les Geologues Anglais, en tete " desquels il faut placer d'abord M.M. Prestwich et Evans, puis M. " M. Flower, Mylne, et Godwin Austen, et enfin Sir C. Lyell .... " qui .... out fini par elever a la dignite de fait scientifique la " decouverte de M. Boucher de Perthes." Soon after his return, Mr. Prestwich addressed a communication to the Academy of Sciences through M. Elie de Beaumont, in which he urged the importance of these discoveries, and expressed a hope that they would stimulate "les geologues de tons les pays a une " etude encore plus approfondie des terrains quaternaires." The subject being thus brought prominently before the geologists of Paris, M. Gaudiy, well known for his interesting researches in Greece, was sent to examine the weapons themselves, and the lo- calities in which they were found. M. Gaudry was so fortunate as to find several flint weapons in situ, and his report, which entirely confirmed the state- ments made by M. Boucher de Perthes, led others to visit the valley of the Somme, among whom I may mention M.M. de Quatre- fages, Lartet, Collomb, Hebert, de Yerneuil, and G. Pouchet. In the " Antiquites Celtiques," M. Boucher de Perthes suggested some gravel pits near Grenelle at Paris, as being, from their position and appearance, likely places to contain flint implements. M. Gosse of Geneva has actually found flint implements in these pits, being, I believe, the first discovery of this nature in the valley of the Seine.* In that of the Oise a small hatchet has been found by M. Peigne Delaeourt at Precj', near Creil. Dr. Noulet has also found flint Aveapons with remains of extinct animals at Clermont, near Toulouse. * M. L'Abbe Cochet states (1. c. p. 8) that similar weapons have been found at Sotteville, near Rouen, and are deposited in the Musee d' Antiquites. There seems, however, to be some mistake about these specimens, at least M. Pouchet, who received us at Rouen with the greatest courtesy, was quite unaware of any such discovery. 246 ORIUI>'AL ARTICLES. Nor have these discoveries been confined to France. There has long been in the British Mnseum a rude stone weapon, described as follows : — " No. 246. A British weapon, found with elephant" s tooth, " opposite to black Mary's, near Grayes inn lane. Conyers. It is a " large black flint, shaped into the figure of a spear's point." Mr. Evans tells us, moreover, (1. c. p. 22) " that a rude engraving of it " illustrates a letter on the Antiquities of London, by JNIr. Bagford, " dated 1715, printed in Hearne's edition of Leland's Collectanea, " Vol. I. 6. p. Ixiii. iVom his account it seems to have been found with " a skeleton of an elephant in the presence of Mr. Conyers." This most interesting weapon agrees exactly with those foimd in the valley of the Sonime. Li the museum belonging to the Society of Antiquaries, Mr. Evans found, on his return from Abbeville, some specimens exactly like those in the collection of M. Boucher de Perthes. On examina- tion it proved that they had been presented by Mr. Frere, who found them with bones of extinct animals in a gravel pit at Hoxne in Suff"oIk, and had well described and figured them in the Archseologia for the year 1800. Again, twenty-five years ago, Mr. Whitburn of Godalming, (See Prestwich, Ggol. Jour. August 1861), examining the gravel pits be- tween Guildford and Godalming, remarked a peculiar flint, which he carried away and has since preserved in his collection. It belongs to the " drift " type, but is very rude. Thus this peculiar type of flint implement has been actually foixnd in association with the bones of the mammoth on various occasions during nearly a hundred and fifty years ! While, however, these instances remarkably corroborate the statements made by M. Boucher de Perthes, they in no way de- tract from the credit due to that gentleman. In addition to the aboN'e mentioned, similar hatchets have been found in Suflblk, Kent, Bedfordshire, and Hertfordshire. In the first of these counties Mr. Warren of Ixworth obtained one from a workman in a gravel pit near Icklingham, and he subsequently found another himself. This specimen closely resembles the one figured in this E/Cview (Vol. I. PI. VII. fig. 10), which was given to me by M. Marcotte of Abbeville, who obtained it from Moulin Quignon. The next discovery was made by Mr. Leech, on the shore between Heme Bay and Eeculvers, whence altogether eleven specimens have been obtained, six found by Mr. Leech, and five subsequently by Messrs. Evans and Prestwich and Wyatt.* In the gravel near Bed- ford, again associated with remains of the mammoth, rhinoceros, hip- popotamus (?), ox, horse, and deer, Mr. Wyatt has foimd implements * " Another implement of the round pointed form has been discovered in Kent (Nov. 18G1), on the surface of the ground at the top of the liill on the east side of the Darcnt, about a mile E.S.E. of Ilorton Ivirby, by Mr. Whitakcr, F.G.S., of the Gcok)gical Siu-vey." — (Evans' Archa;ologia, 1861, p 18.) LUBBOCK ON TTTK ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 247 i-esembling botli of the two princij^al types found at Abbeville and A miens. Finally, Mr. Evans himself, near Abbots Langley in Hertford- shire, has picked up on the surface of a field a weathered hatchet with the top broken off, but otherwise identical in form A\'ith the spear- head-shaped specimens from Amiens and Heme Bay. But why, it may be asked, should the history of this question be so recounted? Why should it be treated differently from any other scientific discovery ? The answer is not difficult. That the statement by Mr. Frere has been forgotten for half a century ; that the weapon found by Mr. Conyers should have lain unnoticed for more than double that time ; that the discoveries by M. Boucher de Perthes have been ignored for fifteen years ; that the numerous cases in which caves have contained the remains of men together with those of extinct animals, have been explained away ; are facts which show how deeply rooted was the conviction that man belonged altogether to a more recent order of things, and, whatever other accusation may be brought against them, geologists can at least not be said to have hastily accepted the theory of the coexistence of the human race with the now extinct Pachydermata of Northern Europe. Though, however, the distinguished geologists to whom I have referred, have all, with one exception, expressed themselves more or less strongly as to the great antiquity of these curious weapons, still, I do not wish that they should be received as judges ; I only claim the right to summon them as witnesses. The questions to be decided may be stated as follows : — 1st. Are the so-called flint implements of human workmanship, or the results of physical agencies ? 2ndly. Are the flint implements of the same age as the bones of the extinct animals mth which they occur ? 3rdly. Are we entitled to impute a high antiquity to the beds in which these remains occur ? 4thly. What are the conditions under which they were deposited ? To the first three of these questions an affirmative answer would be given, almost unanimously, by those geologists who have given any special attention to the subject. Fortunately, however, there is one exception to this rule ; Blackwood's Magazine for October, 1860, con- tains an article in which the last two questions are maintained to be still unanswered, and in which therefore a verdict of " Not Proven" is demanded. Not indeed that there is any difference of opinion as to the weapons themselves. " For more than twenty years," says Prof. Eamsay, " I have daily handled stones, whether fashioned by nature •' or art, and the flint hatchets of Amiens and Abbeville seem to me as " clearly works of art as any Sheffield whittle."* It will be better however to quote from the candid sceptic in Blackwood. " They bear," he admits (p. 438), " unmistakeably the indications of having * Atlicnajiim, July 16, 1859, 248 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. been sTiaped by the skill of man." Bnt best of all, an hour or two spent in a pit, examining the forms of ordinary flint gi'avel would, we are sure, convince any man that these stones, rude though they be, are undeniably fashioned by the hand of man. Still, it might be supposed that they were forgeries, made by the workmen to entrap unwary geologists. They have however been found by Messrs. Boucher de Perthes, Henslow, Christy, Flower, Gaudiy, Pouchet, Wyatt, and others. One seen, though not found in situ, is thus described by Mr. Prestwich. " It was " lying flat in the gravel at a depth of 17 feet from the original " surface, and 65 from the chalk. One side slightly projected. The " gravel around was undisturbed, and presented its usual perpendi- " cular face. I carefully examined the specimen, and saw no reason " to doubt that it was in its natural position, for the gravel is " generally so loose, that a blow with a pick disturbs and brings " it doA\Ti for some way around ; and the matrix is too little ad- " hesive to admit of its being built up again as before with the same " materials I found also afterwards, on taking out the " flint, that it was the thinnest side which projected, the other side " being less finished and much thicker."* Neither in my first visit, nor this spring, when with Mr. Prestwich and Mr. Evans, I made another careful examination of these localities, was I so fortunate as find any implement in situ. But evidence of this nature, though interesting, is unnecessary ; the flints speak for themselves. Origi- nally of a dull black, they have been more or less discolored and their surfaces are generally stained yellow or wliite, according to the nature of the beds in which they have been lying. As this discolora- tion follows the contours of the present surfaces, it is evident that the alteration of color has been subsequent to the manufacture, as I have attempted to show in the first Volume of this Eeview. (PL VII. fig. 11.) Even when, as is the case in some strata, the color is unaltered, the weapons have a glossy surface, and a lustre very unlike newly broken flints. In many cases also they have an incrustation of carbonate of lime and small dendritic markings. Moreover, it must be remembered, that when M. Boucher de Perthes' work was pubhshed, the weapons therein described were totally unlike anything then known Since that time, however, not only have similar implements been found in various parts of England and France, but as already mentioned it has since come to light that similar weapons were in two cases actually described and figured in England many years ago, and that in both these instances they were found in association wdth the bones of ex- tinct animals. On this point, therefore, no evidence could be more conclusive. It has, however, been suggested that though the worked flints are really found by the workmen in the mammaliferous gravel, they may perhaps be comparatively recent, and have gradually inserted » Phil. Trans. 1860, p. 292. LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 249 themselves fi-om above by tlae force of gravity. Here however, again, I cannot do better than quote from the writer in Blackwood, " that " a few minutes' inspection of the beds containing and overlying the " flint implements of the Somme will assure any observer that they " are entirely destitute of the imagined crevices, and are moreover " altogether too compact and immoveable to admit of any such insi- " nuation or percolation of surface objects." Taking all these circumstances into consideration, it cannot be doubted that the flint implements really belong to the same age as the sands and gravels in which they occur. Perhaps the most striking peculiarity of these weapons is, that they are never polished, not a single specimen having presented a trace of grinding ; while, on the other hand, the implements of the later stone period, those which occur in burial-places, river beds, &c., are always carefully polished. As regards their form, they are grouped by Mr. Evans under three heads : " 1. Flint flakes, apparently intended for arrowheads, or knives." " 2. Pointed weapons, analogous to lance or spear heads." " 3. Oval or almond-shaped implements, presenting a cutting edge all round." The flakes ofi'er no special peculiarities, Tlie mode of their manufacture has already been described and illustrated (Nat. Hist. Eev. Oct. 1861),* and similar articles have been used by savages in aU ages and countries, where flint or obsidian was obtainable. The implements of the other two forms, which, however, pass almost imperceptibly into one another, are on the contrary quite unlike any of those belonging to the last or polished stone-period. The nearest approach to them is made by the small and rude implements found in the Danish Kjokkenm6ddings,t but these again have a peculiar form, and would be at once distinguished by any experienced observer. During my last -sasit to Abbeville, I was much interested by finding, in the museum of M. Boucher de Perthes, a few small hatchets, which, both in shape and size, very closely resembled those which are found in the Danish Kjbkkenmoddings, but all of these belonged to the later or post-elephantine period. It is, I think, probable that similar axes will be foimd in other countries, but that they have generally escaped notice hitherto on account of their rudeness. Up to the present time no bones of men have been found in the strata containing the flint implements. This, though it has appeared to some so inexplicable as to throw a doubt on the whole question, is, on consideration, less extraordinary than it might at first sight appear to be. If, for instance, we tiu-n to other remains of human settlements, we shall find a repetition of the same phenomenon. Thus • See also Sir E. Belcher, British Ass. T. I860, p. 154, and Mr. Tylor's " Anahuac," p. 331. t Nat. Hist. Review, Vol. 1, PJ. VII. figs. 8 and 9. 250 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. in the Danisli refuse-heaps, where worked flints are a thonsancl times more plentiful than in the St. Acheul gravel, human bones are of the greatest rarity. In this case, as in the Drift age, mankind lived by hunting and fishing, and could not therefore be very nu- merous. In the era however of the Swiss lake habitations, the case was different. M. Troyon estimates the population of the " Pfahl- bauten" during the Stone age as about 32,000 ; in the Bronze era, 42,000. On these calculations, indeed, even their ingenious author would not probably place much reliance : still, the number of the Lake villages already known is very considerable ; in four of the Swiss lakes only, more than 70 have been discovered, and some of them were of great extent : "Wangen, for instance, being, according to M. Lohle, supported on more than 40,000 piles. Yet, if we exclude a few bones of children, only five skeletons have been obtained from all these settle- ments taken together. The number of flint implements obtained hitherto from the drift of the Somme valley, is not estimated at more than 3000 ; the settlement at Concise alone (Lake of Neufchatel) has supplied about 24,000, and yet has not produced a single human skeleton. (Rapport a la Commission des Musees, October 1861, p. 16). Probably this absence of bones is almost entu'ely attributable to the habit of burying ; the instinct of man has long been in most cases to bury his dead out of his sight ; still, so far as the drift of St. Acheul is concerned, the difficulty will altogether disappear if we remember that no trace has ever yet been found of any animal as small as a vian. The larger and more solid bones of the elephant and rhi- noceros, the hippopotamus, ox and stag * remain, but every vestige of the smaller bones has perished. Till we find the remains of the dog, boar, roedeer, badger, and other animals which existed during the drift period, we camiot much wonder at the entire absence of human skeletons. In all the other places where flint implements have occurred they have been very rare (except perhaps at Hoxne), and though the as- certained mammahan famia is not everywhere quite so restricted as at St. Acheul, still very few small animals have as yet occurred. It is useless to speculate as to the use made of these venerable weapons. Almost as well might we ask to what would they not be applied. Infinite as are our instruments, who wovdd attempt even at present to say what was the use of a knife. But the primitive * The bones of the stag owe their preservation perhaps to another canse. Prof. Kiitimeyer tells us tliat among the bones from the Pfahlbauten none are in better condition than those of the stag ; this is the consequence, he says, " ihrem dichten Gefiige, ihrer lliirte und Sprodigkeit, so wie der grossen Fettlosigkeit," pecuharities which recommended them so strongly to the men of the stone age, that tliey used them in preference to all others, nay almost exclusively, in the manufacture of those instruments wliich could be made of bone — (Famia der Pfahlbauten, ]). 12). How common the bones of the stag are in quaternaiy strata, geologists know, and wc liave here perhaps an explanation of the fact. The antler of this animal is also pre- ferred at the present day by the Esquimaux in the maiuifiicturc of their stone weapons. (Sir E. Ik'lchcr, 1. c. p. 154.) LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN". 251 savage had no j^vich choice of tools ; we see before us perhaps the whole contents of his workshop ; and with these weapons, rude as they seem to us, he may have cut down trees, scooped them out into canoes, grubbed up roots, killed animals and enemies, cut up his food, made holes in winter through the ice, prepared firewood, built huts, and in some cases at least they may have served as slingstones. When, however, we shall have considered the physical evidence as to the then condition of the country, and the contemporary animals, Ave shall better be able to form a conception of the habits of these our long lost progenitors. For I have as yet but partly answered the second of the two questions with which we started. Even admitting that the flint hatchets are coeval with the gravel in which they occur, it remains to be shown that the bones of the extinct animals belong also to the same period. With reference indeed to two of those ordinarily quoted as belonging to this group, there may still be some little doubt. It seems very questionable whether any remains really be- longing to the cave-bear have ever occurred in these beds, as will presently be mentioned, and though a few tusks of the hippoj)otamus have been found, yet (as this genus never occurs in the corres- ponding beds of Germany) it is possible that they may have been washed out of some older stratum. But as regards the elephant and the rhinoceros the case is differ- ent. There is not the slightest reason to doubt that they really belong to this period and, in the case of the rhinoceros, we have the evidence of M. Baillon that the bones of the hind leg of a rhinoceros were found, at Menchecourt, in their relative situations, while the rest of the skeleton was discovered at a little distance. In this case, therefore, the body must have been entombed before the decay of the ligaments. Sir Cornewall Lewis, however, iu his interesting and able, even if unsatisfactory work, on the Astronomy of the Ancients, argues that even if we must give an afiirmative answer to the two first questions, and admit the coexistence of man in Western Europe with the mammoth and tichorine rhinoceros ; still we may do this by bringing these animals down to a later period, as weU as by carrying man back to an earlier one. Fairly admitting this, let us now, therefore, turn to the physical evidence in the case, and see how far this will enable us to give any, and if so what, answer, to the third of the above questions. In this part of the subject I shall be principally indebted for my facts to Mr. Prestwich, who has long studied the quaternary beds, and has done more than any other man to render them intelligible. In most of his conclusions I entirely concur, but I may perhaps be per- mitted to mention that though the following statements are given on his authority, I have verified almost the whole of them for myself, having had the ad\antage of visiting, with him and Mr. Evans, many localities not only in the valley of the Somme, but also along the banks of the Seine and its tributaries. N. H. R.— 1862. T 252 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. Fig. 4, gives a section across the valley of the Somme at Abbeville, taken from Mr. Prestwich's first paper.* "We shonkl get almost the same arrangement and position of the different beds, not only at St. Acheul, but elsewhere along the valley of the Somme, wherever the upper beds have not been removed by subsequent action of the river. Even at St. Valery, at the present mouth of the river, we found a bed of gravel at a considerable height above the level of the sea. This would seem to show that at the period of these high level gravels, the channel was narrower than it is at present, as indeed we know to have been the case even in historical times. So early as 1605 our countryman Versteganf pointed out that the waves and tides were eating away our coasts. Sir C. Lyell gives much information on this subject, and it appears that even as lately as the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the town of Brighton was situated on the site now occupied by the Chain Pier. Mr. Prestwich has showai+ that a section, similar to that of the Somme, is presented by the Lark, Waveney, Ouse, &c. while it is well shown also along the banks of the Seine. Probably, indeed, it holds good of most of our rivers, that along the sides of their valleys are patches of old gi-avels left by the stream at various heights, before they had excavated the channels to their present depth. Mr. Prest- wich considers that the beds of sand and gravel can generally be divided into two more or less distinct series, one continuous along the bottom of the valleys and rising little above the water level ; the other occurring in detached masses at an elevation of 50 to 200 feet above the valley. Eather, perhaps, these are the two extremes of a series, once continuous, but now almost always pre- senting some interruption. A more magnified view of the strata at St. Acheul, near Amiens, is shoA^ai in Fig. 2. The upper layer of vegetable soil ha\Tng been removed, 1. A bed of brick earth from four to five feet in thickness, and containing a few angular flints. 2. Below this is a thin layer of angular gravel, one to two feet in thickness. 3. Still lower is a bed of sandy marl, five to six feet thick, with land and fresh water shells, which though very delicate, are in most cases perfect. 4. At the bottom of all, and immediately overlying the chalk, is the bed of subangular gravel in which the flint imj)lements are found. In the eai'ly Christian period this spot was used as a cemetery : the graves generally descend into the marly sand, and their limits are very distinctly marked, Fig. 2 ; an important fact, as showing that the rest of the strata have lain undisturbed for 1500 years. The coffins used were sometimes made of hard chalk, sometimes of wood, in which latter case the nails and clamps only remain, every * Phil. Trans. 1800. f See Principles of Geologv, p. 315. t Proc. Roj. Soc. 1862. LUBBOCK; ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 253 particle of wood lla^'ing perished, without leaving even a stain behind. Passing down the hill towards the river, all these strata are seen to die out, and we find ourselves on the bare chalk ; but again at a lower level occurs another bed of gravel, resembling the first, and cappetl also by the bed of brick earth which is generally known as loess. These strata, therefore, are witnesses ; but of what ? Are they older than the valley, or the valley than they ? are they the result of causes still in operation, or the offspring of cataclysms now, happily, at an end. According to the accomplished writer in Blackwood their testimony is but unsatisfactory. Examined they tell one tale; cross-examined they contradict themselves, until the jury falls back hoi:)elessly on a verdict of " not proven." If, indeed, we can show that the present river, somewhat swollen perhaps, owing to the greater extension of forests in ancient times, and by au alteration of climate, has excavated the present valley, and produced the strata above enumerated ; theu " the suggestion of an " antiquity for the human family so remote as is here implied, in the " length of ages required by the gentle rivers and small streams of " eastern France to erode its whole plain to the depths at which " they now flow, acquires, it must be confessed, a fascinating gran- " deur, when, by similitude of feature and geology, we extend the " hypothesis to the whole north-west frontiers of the continent, " and assume, that from the estuary of the Seine to the eastern " shores of the Baltic, every internal feature of valley, dale and " ravine — in short, the entire intaglio of the surface — has been " moulded by running Avaters, since the advent of the human race." But, on the other hand, it has been maintained that the pliant facts may be read as " expressions of violent and sudden mutations, only compatible with altogether briefer periods." The argument of the Paroxysmist, I still quote from Blackwood, would probably be something like the following : — " Assuming the pre-existing relief, or excavation rather, of the " surface to have approximated to that now prevailmg, he will ac- " count for the gravel by supposing a sudden rocking movement of " the lands and the bottom of the sea of the nature of an earthquake, " or a succession of them, to have launched a portion of the tempo- " rarily uplifted waters upon the surface of the land." Having thus heard the arguments of Counsel, let us now call the witnesses to speak for themselves. Taking the section at St. Acheul and commencing at the bottom, we have first of all the subangular gravel throughout Avliich, though especially at the lower part, the flint implements occur. A similar bed may be found here and there all along the valley of the Somme ; at St. Acheul it is about 90 ft. above the pi-esent river level ; at Moulin Quignon, near Abbeville, the same ; while at Picquigny and at Cai'sar's Camp near Liercourt, we found it at a height of 150 feet. Though only occurring in places, this gravel is so 254 OEIGINAL AETICLES. similar in composition and contents, that we seem justified in assuming it to have been at one time continuous ; and we may almost take the section, Pig. 4, as representing generally a section taken anywhere across the valley, only bearing in mind that through the action of subsequent causes, the gravel and the beds covering it have been in most cases removed. Nor is this a phenomenon peculiar to the Somme. During our last excursion we visited many gravel pits liolding a similar relation to the Seine, while Mr. Prestwich in his recent communication to the Eoyal Society,* extends the same state- ment to many other rivers in England and Prance, the greatest height of the gravel above the present river level, varying however in different cases. At St. Acheul and in several other places this bed of gravel, Avhich for the future we "onll call the liigh level gravel, is separated from the loio level gravel by a bare tract of the underlying rock. We do, however, sometimes find beds at inter- mediate levels, and must therefore consider the upper level, and lower level gravels as the extremes of a continuous series, rather than as strata separated by an intermediate and difterent condition of the valley. The mammalia found in this upper level gravel are but few ; the Mamuioth, the Hhinoceros tichorhinus, with species of Hos, Cervus, and Eqnus are almost the only ones which have yet occurred at St. Acheul, but beds of the same age in other parts of Prance have, in addition, supplied us with remains of the Bear, of a species of Tiger, of the Hycena spelcea, Cervus tarandus priscus, of a species of Dog, of the Musk Ox, and the Jlipfopotmmis. The Mollusca however are more numerous ; they have been identified by ]\ii'. J. Gr. Jeffreys, who finds in the upper level gravel 43 species, all of them land or freshwater fonns, and all belonging to existing species. It is hardly necessary to add that these shells are not found in the coarse gravel, but only here and there, where quieter conditions, indicated by a seam of finer materials, have preserved them from destruction. Here, therefore, Ave have a conclusive answer to the siiggestion that the gravel may have been heaped up to its present height by a sudden irruption of the sea. In that case we should find some marine re- mains ; but as we do not, as all the fossils belong to animals which live on the land, or inhabit fresh waters, it is at once evident that this stratum not being subaerial, must be a freshwater deposit. But the gravel itself tells its even more than this: the river Somme flows through a country in which there are no rocks older than the chalk, and the gravel in its valley consists entirely of chalk flints and tertiary debris.-f The Seine, on the other hand, receives tributaries which drain other formations. In the valley of the Tonne we find fragments of the crystalline rocks brought from the Morvan. J The val- ley of the Oise is in this respect particularly instructive : " de Ma- * rroccedings. 1862. f Buteux, 1. c, p. 98. X D'Archiac, rrogres de la Geologic, p. 163. LUBBOCK ON THE iJS^TIQUITT OF MAJS-. 255 quenoise a Hirson* la vallee en preseute que des fragmeuts plus ou luoins roiiles des roclies de trausition que traverse le eours de la riviere. Eu descendant a Etreaupont, on y trouve des calcaires juras- siques et des silex de la craie, formations qui ont suceede aux roches aneiennes. A Guise, le depot erratique est com- pose de quartzites et de schistes de transition de quelques grucs plus recent, de silex de la craie, et surtout de quartz laiteux, dont le volume varie depuis celui de la tete jusqu'a celui de grain de sable .... Au dela les fragments de roches aneiennes diminuent graduellement en volume et en nombre." At Paris we found the granitic debris brought down by the Tonne to form a notable proportion of the gravel; and at Precy, near Creil on the Oise, the fragments of the ancient rocks were abundant ; but lower down the Seine at Mantes, they had both diminished -very much in quantity, and at Eouen and Pont de I'Arche we saw none, though a longer search would doubtless have shown us fragments of them. This case of the Oise is however interesting, not only on account of the valu- able evidence contained in the above quotation, but because, though it flows, as a glance at the map wiU show, immediately across and at right angles to the Somme, yet none of the ancient rocks which form the valley of the Oise, have supplied any debris to the valley of the Somme : and this though the two rivers are at one point within six miles of one another, and separated by a ridge of only 80 feet in height. The same division occurs between the Seine and the Loire : "bien " que la ligne de partage des eaux de la Loire et de la Seine, " entre St. Amand (Nievre) et Artenay, au nord d' Orleans, soit a " peine sensible, aucun debris de roches venant du centre de la France, " par la vallee de la Loire n'est passe dans le bassin de la Seine. "f In the Vivarais near Auvergne, " Les depots diluviens, sont com- " poses des memes roches que celles que les I'ivieres actuelles entrai- " nent dans les vallees, et sont les debris des seules montagnes de la " Lozin, du Tanargue et du Mezene, qui entourent le bassin du *' Vivarais.]: Again, " Le diluvium des vallees de I'Aisne et de I'Aire ne renferme que " les debris plus ou moins roules des terrains que ces rivieres coupent " dans leur cours."§ Other instances of the same law may be quoted ; Mr. Prestwich has found it to hold good in England, but as it is an important link in the chain of evidence on which his views depend, it seemed better to take the facts from other observers. The conclusion deduced by M. D'Archiac from the consideration of these observations, and spe- cially from those concerning the valley of the Seine, was " que les " courants diluviens ne venaient jDoint d'une direction unique mais * D'Archiac, 1. c. p. 155. J D'Archiac, 1. c. p. 160. t D'Archiac, 1 c. p. 1G4. ^ Malbos. Bull Geol. Vol. III. p. 631. 256 OBIGINAL AETICLE9. " qu'ils convergaient des bords du bassin vers sou centre, suivant les " depressions preexistantes, et qne leur elevation ou leiir force de " transjwrt ne suffisait j)(is pour f aire passer les debris qu'ils charriaient " d'une de ces valUes dans C autre.''''* Coiisideriug, however, all these facts, reinembering that the con- stituents of the upper level gravels are, in all cases, derived from beds now in situ along the valley, that they have not only foUoAved the lines of these valleys, but have done so in the direction of the present waterflow, and without in any case passing across from one river system to another, Ave may surely, I think, follow Mr. Prestwich in his conclusion that these gi-avels have been brought down, and deposited by the present rivers. The sandstone blocks which occur in the gravel appear indeed at first sight to be irreconcileable with any such hypothesis. In some pits they occur frequently, and are of considerable size ; the largest I have myself seen is represented in the section, Eig. 1, taken close to the railway station at Joinville. It was 8 ft. 6 inches in length, with a width of 2 ft. 8 in., and a thickness of 3 ft. 4 in. Even when we remember that at the time of its deposition the valley was not excavated to its present depth, we must still feel that a body of water with power to move such masses as these must have been very different from any floods now occurring in those valleys, and might fairly per- haps deserve the name of a cataclysm. But whence could we obtain so great a quantity of water ? AVe have already seen that the gravel of the Oise, thovigh so close, is entirely different from that of the Somme, w^hile tliat of the Seine again is quite different from that of any of the neighbouring rivers. These rivers therefore cannot have drained a larger area than at present ; the river systems must have been the same as now. Nor would the supposition after all account for the phenomena. We should but fall from Scylla into Charybdis. Around the blocks we see no eAddence of violent action ; in the section at Joinville, the grey subangular gravel passed under the large block abovementioned, with scarcely any alteration. But a flood which could bring down so great a mass would certaiidy have swept away the comparatively light and moveable gravel beloAv. "We cannot therefore account for the phenomena by aqueous action, because a flood whicli would deposit the sandstone blocks would remove the underlying gravel, and a flood which would deposit the gravel Avould not move the blocks. The Deus ex machina has not only been called in most unnecessarily, but Avheu examined turns out to be but an idol after all. Driven, then, to seek some other explanation of the difficulty, Mr. Prestwich falls back on that of floating ice. Here we have an agency wdiich would satisfactorily explain all the difliculties of the case. The " packing" and propelling action of ice would also ac- coimt for some irregularities in the arrangement of the beds which • L.c, p. 163. LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 257 are very difficult otherwise to imderstaiid. We are, iudeed, irresisti- bly reminded of the figure given by 8ir Charles Lj^ell* from a view taken by Lieut. Bowen, of the boulders drifted by ice on the shores of the St. Lawrence. I wish that I could transfer this view to our pages ; but Sir C. Lyell's work must be in the hands of almost every geologist, and it will, perhaps, therefore, be unnecessary for me to quote the accompanying description, accurately as it portrays what must, I think, have been taliing place in the valley of the Somme thou- sands of years ago, just as it does in the St. LawTence at the present time. Nor does the physical evidence only, point to a more arctic cli- mate during the period now under consideration ; the fauna also tells the same tale. The moUusca, indeed, do not afford much evidence, but though mainly the same as those now living in the country, they have rather northern tendencies, 35 out of the 43 species being at pre- sent found in Finland.f With the mammalia the case is difterent. The Reindeer, the Musk Ox, the Norwegian Lemming, and the still more ^Arctic Myodes torquatus, all of which occur in the drift, are decidedly indications of a cold climate. The circumstances attending the discovery of the Tichorhine rhinoceros in Siberia, the fact of the Mammoth of the Lena being enveloped in ice so soon after death that the flesh had not had time to decay, as well as the manner in which these extinct Pachydermata were provided against cold, all tend to show that the ^lephas primigenius and the Rhino- ceros ticliorhinus, unlike their congeners of to-day, were inhabitants rather of Arctic than Tropical climates. That there are in this argu- ment two weak points, I must frankly admit. In the first place, it may be objected that the Hippopotamus major, of which bones occur in the drift, could scarcely have existed in a cold country. Mr. Prestwich, indeed, suggests that this species may, perhaps, like its gigantic relatives, have been fitted to flourish in an arctic climate. But there is some difference of opinion as to its occurrence ; it has not yet been found in the " diluvium" of Germany, (Sir C. Lyell, Supplement to Manual, 1857, p. 8), and though remains of it have undoubtedly occurred in the drift gravel of the Somme, there is some reason to believe that they are not in quite the same condi- tion as the bones of the Elephant and Rhinoceros ; it is possible, there- fore, that they may belong, as Dr. Falconer suggests, to an anterior period. Secondly, it might also be argued, that the animals above- mentioned, though at present confined to the colder regions, may once have lived in temperate countries. Lentil lately we should have regarded the Tiger as an essentially tropical animal ; yet it is now known to be common in the neighbourhood of Lake Aral, in the forty-fifth degree of north latitude ; and " the last Tiger killed, in " 1828, on the Lena, in lat. 521", was in a climate colder than that " of St. Petersburg and Stockholm. "J • Principles, 1853, p. 220. f Proc. Roy. Soc. 1862, p. 44. X Lyell, Principles, p. 77. 258 OKIGINAL AETICLES. While, however, admitting these two possible objections, it is still, I think, felt by most Palaeontologists, that though the presence of one Arctic S2:)ecies would scarcely perhaps justify any very decided inference as to climate, still that the co-existence of such a group as this ; the musk ox, the reindeer, the lemming, the Mi/odes tor- qitatus, the Siberian mammoth, and its faithful companion the woolly haired rhinoceros, decidedly indicates, even though it may not prove, the existence of a climate unlike that now prevailing in Western Europe. But when, in addition, we get the physical evidence brought forward by Mr. Prestwich, the disturbed condition of the beds, and the presence of the large blocks, the inference is much strengthened. The amount of diflereuce still remains to be ascertained. Taking the present range of the Musk ox and Reindeer as his guides, Mr. Prest- wich assumes a difterence in the mean winter temperature of 19° to 29°. While, however, admitting the probability of a somewhat greater winter cold, we are not, I think, yet in a position to estimate the amount of change. It must always be borne in mind that the temperature of Western Europe is at present exceptionally mild ; if we go either to the east or west, to Canada or Siberia, we find countries under the same latitude as London and Paris suflering under a far more severe climate. The river St. Lawrence, to which I have pointed as throwing so much light on the transport of the blocks now in question, is actually in a lower latitude than the Seine or the Somme. Moreover, geologists are agreed that at the period of the boulder clay, a period imme- diately preceding that now vuider consideration, the cold in Western Europe must have been far more intense than it is at present. The subject is treated at length in an excellent paper by Mr. Hopkins* (then President of the Geological Society), and it is admitted (p. 61) that many of our rivers have probably followed their present direc- tions " ever since the glacial period." Mr. Prestwich's hypothesis involves therefore in reality no cliancje of climate. He only supposes that, in this early period of our rivers, the temperature of Western Europe agreed with that which had i)receded, rather than with that which now prevails ; or rather, perhaps, that, in this intermediate period, the temperature had neither the extreme severity of the glacial era, nor the exceptional mildness of modern times. But though diminishing the imjjrobability of the suggestion, these considerations throw no light on the alteration of the condi- tions which must have taken place to produce an alteration of climate so great as that inferred by IVIr. Prestwich. The principal causes which have been suggested are the fol- lowing : — Istly. A possible variation in the intensity of solar radiation. * Geol, Journal, 1852, p. .56. LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 259 To this Mr. Hopkins sees no a priori objection ; but lie does not feel disposed to attach much weight to it, because it is " a " mere hypothesis framed to account for a single and limited " class of facts, and unsupported by the testimony of any other " class of allied, but independent phenomena." 2ndly. Admitting the proper motion of the sun, it has been sug- gested that we may have recently passed from a colder into a warmer region of space. I must refer to Mr. Hopkins' paper for his objections to this suggestion, which certainly appear to " render the theory " utterly inapplicable to the explanation of the changes of " temperature at the more recent geological epochs." (L c. p. 62.) Srdly. The eflect of an altered position of land and water. This cause, which has been advocated by Sir C. Lyell with so much ability, would no doubt have the effect attributed to it, but it seems scarcely applicable to the present difficvilty, because the geography of Western Europe must have been nearly the same during the period under consideration, as it is at present. The existence of a continent north of Scandinavia and Scotland, might indeed go far towards accounting for the phenomena; but to this suggestion we must make the same answer as to the first. 4tlily. An alteration in the earth's axis. The possibility of such a change has indeed been denied by many astronomers. My father, on the contrary, in a letter to Sir C. Lyell,* has maintained that it woidd necessarily follow from upheavals and depressions of the earth's surface, if only they were of sufficient magnitude. This suggestion, however, like the preceding, involves immense geographical changes, and would therefore necessarily have required an enormous lapse of time. Sthly. IMi". Hopkins, in the paper to which I have ah-eady alluded, inclines to find another solution of the difficulty in the suppo- sition that the Gulf Stream did not at this period warm the shores of Europe " A depression of 2000 feet would," he says, " convert the Mississippi into a great arm of the sea, of which " the present Gulf of Mexico would form the southern ex- " tremity, and which would communicate at its northern " extremity with the waters occupying the great " valley now occupied by the chain of lakes." In this case the Gulf Stream would no longer be deflected by the Ame- rican coast, but would pass directly up this channel into the Arctic Sea ; and as eveiy gi"eat ocean current must have its counter cvirrent, it is probable that there woidd be a flow of * Gcol. Jour., Vol. V. p. 4. 2G0 ORIGINAL AETICLES. cold water from the north, between the coasts of Norway and Greenland. The absence of the gulf stream would probably lower the January temperature of Western Europe 10 degrees, while the presence of a cold cm-rent from the North would make a farther difference of about three or four degrees ;* an alteration of the climate which would apparently be sufficient to account for all the phenomena. This theory, Mr. Hopkins considers as no mere h3^othesis, but as necessarily following from the submergence of North America, which has been in- ferred from evidence of a different nature. In this case, of course, the periods of great cold in Europe and in America must have been successive and not synchronous ; and it must also be observed, that in this suggested deflection of the Gulf Stream Mr. Hopldns was contemplating a period anterior to that of the present rivers. For if we are to adopt this solution of the diffi- culty, what an immense time would be required. K, when the gravels and loess of the Somme and the Seine were being deposited, the Gulf Stream w'as passing up what is now the Valley of the Mis- sissippi, then it follows that the formation of the loess in that valley and its delta, an accumulation which Sir C. Lyell has shown to require a period of about 100,000 years, would be subsequent to the excavation of the Somme Yalley, and to the j)resence of man in Western Europe. Thus, therefore, though the alteration of climate apparently in- dicated by the zoological contents and the physical condition of the beds, might by increasing the power of the floods, add to the erosive action of the river, and thus diminish on the one hand the time required for the excavation of the valley, still the very alteration itself appears, on the other hand, to require an even gi-eater lapse of time. But even if the presence of the sandstone blocks, and the occa- sional contortions of the strata, far from being objections to Mr. Prestwich's views, seem rather to speak strongly in their favour, still the height which the gravels sometimes attain above the pre- sent water-level, is at first sight a great difficulty, and we cannot wonder therefore that these beds have generally been attributed to violent cataclysms, owing to the emergence of the land, to astrono- mical causes, and even to the elevation of the Andes. M. Boucher de Perthes has always been of this opinion. " Ce " Cflquillage, cet elephant, cette hache, on la main qui la fabriqua, " furent done temoins du cataclysme qui donna a notre pays sa con- " figuration presente."t M. C. D'Orbigny, observing that the fossils found in these quater- nary beds are all either of land or freshwater animals, correctly dis- misses the theory of any marine action, and expresses himself as * Hopkins, 1. c, p. 8.5. f M*-'". Soc. d'Em. rAbbcvillc, 1861, p. 475. LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 261 follows : — " Ell efFet ropinion tie la plupart des geologues est que les " cataclysmes diluviens ont eu pour causes predominantes de fortes " oscillations de I'ecorce terrestre, des soulevements de montagnes " au milieu de I'ocean, d'ou seraient resultees de grandes erosions. " Par consequent les puissants courants d'eau marine, auxquels on " attribue ces erosions diluviennes, auraient du laisser sur les conti- " neiits des traces autlieutiques de leur passage, tels que de nombreux " debris de coquilles, de poissons et autres animaux marins analogues " a ceux qui vivent actuellement dans la mer. Or, aiiisi que M. " Cordier I'a fait remarquer depuis longtemps a son cours de geologic, " rien de semblable ii'a ete constate. Sur tons les points du globe " oil Ton a etudie les depots diluviens, on a recoiinu que, sauf quelques " rares exceptions tres contestables, il n'existe dans ces depots aucun " fossile marin : ou bien ce sont des fossiles arraches aux terrains " preexistants, dont la denudation a fouriii les materiaux qui com- " posent le diluvium. En sorte que les depots diluviens semblent " avoir eu pour cause des plienomenes meteorologiques, et paraissent " etre le resultat d'immenses inondations (Teaio douce, et uoii d'eau " marine, qui, se precipitant des points eleves vers la mer, auraient " denude luie graiide partie de la surface du sol, balaye la generalite " des etres organises et pour aiiisi dire iiivele, coordonne les bassins " liydrographiques actuels."* (See also D'Arcliiac, 1. c. passim). It is unnecessary for me to point out how entirely these views difter from the one here advocated, and which we owe mainly to the persevering researches of Mr. Prestwich. Such cataclysms as those supposed by Mr. D'Orbigny, and many other French Greologists, even if admitted, would not account for the results before us. "We have seen that the transport of materials has not followed any single direction, but has in all cases followed the lines of the present valleys, and the direction of the present waterflow ; that the rocks of one valley are never transported into another ; that the condition of the loess is irreconcileable with a great rush of water ; that the mammals and molluscs are the same throughout the period ; while, finally, the perfect preservation of many of the most delicate shells is clear proof that they have not been subjected to any violent action. We must, moreover, bear in mind that the gravels and sands are themselves both the proof and the results of an immense denudation. In a chalk country, such as that through which the Sonime flows, each cubic foot of flint, gravel or sand, represents the removal of at the very least twenty cubic feet of chalk, all of which, as we have already seen, must have been removed from the present area of drainage. In considering, therefore, the formation of these upper and older gi'avels, we must not picture to ourselves the original valley as it now is, but must, in imaguiation, restore all that immense mass of chalk which has been destroyed in the formation of the lower level gravels and sands. Mr. Prestwich has endeavoured to illustrate this by a dia- * C. D'Orbigny, Bui. Geo. 2nd ser. V. xvii. p. 66. 262 ORIGINAL AETICLES. gram,* and I must once more repeat that this is no mere hypo- thesis, since tlie mass of sand and gravel cannot have been produced wdthout an immense removal of the chalk. Far, therefore, from requiring an immense flood of water, two hundred feet in depth, the accumulation of the gravel may have been effected by an annual volume of water, differing little from that of the present river. A given quantity of water will, however, produce very different effects, according to the manner in which it passes. " We learn " from observation, that a velocity of three inches per second at the " bottom will just begin to work upon fine clay fit for pottery, and " however firm and compact it may be, it will tear it up. Yet no beds " are more stable than clay when the velocities do not exceed this : for " the water even takes away the impalpable jiarticles of the superficial " clay, leaving the particles of sand sticking by their lower half in the " rest of the clay, which they now protect, making a very ^^ermanent " bottom, if the stream does not bring down gravel or coarse sand, " which A^dll rub off" this very thin crust, and allow another layer to " be worn off'. A velocity of six inches will lift fine sand, eight " inches will lift sand as coarse as linseed, twelve inches will sweep " along fine gravel, twenty- four inches will roll along rounded peb- " bles an inch diameter, and it requires three feet per second at the " bottom to sweep along shivery angular stones of the size of an egg."t If, therefore, we are justified in assuming a colder . climate than that now existing, we should much increase the erosive action of the riA^er, not only because the rains would fall on a frozen surfiice, but because the rainfall of the winter months would accumulate on the high grounds in the form of ice and snow, and would every spring prodiice floods much greater than any which now occur. We now come to the light-coloured sandy maid (Fig. 2). It is described by Mr. Prestwich as follows, " White siliceous sand " and light-coloured marl, mixed with fine chalk grit, a few large sub- " angular flints, and an occasional sandstone block, irregular patches " of flint gravel, bedding waved and contorted, here and there layers " with diagonal seams, a few ochreous bands, portions concreted. " Sand and freshwater shells common, some mammalian remains." In the pits at Amiens this bed is generally distinct from the un- derlying gravels, owing perhaps to the upper portion of the gravel having been removed ; but in several places (Precy, Ivry, Bicetre, &c.) we saw this section complete, the gravel coarser below becoming finer and finer, and at length passing above into siliceous sand. These sections evidently indicate a loss of power in the water at these par- ticular spots, rapid enough at first to bring down large pebbles, its force became less and less until at length it Avas only able to deposit fine sand. This, therefore, appears to indicate a change in the course • Proceed. Roy Soc. 1862, p. 41. t Cyc. Brit. Article " Rivers," p. 274. LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF MAN. 263 of tlie river, and gradual excavation of the valley, which, by supplying the floods vnth a lower bed, left the waters at this height with a gra- dually diminishing force and velocity. The upper part of the section at St. Acheul consists of brick earth, passing below into angvdar gi^avel, while between this and the underlying sandy marl is sometimes a small layer of darker brick earth. These beds, however, vary much even in adjoining sections. Tiikcn as a whole they are regarded by Mr. Prestwich as the repre- sentatives of that remarkableloamy deposit which is found overlying the gravels in all these valleys of Northern France, and which, as the celebrated " loess" of the Eliine, attains a thickness of 300 feet. The greatest development of it which I have seen was in a pit in the Eue de la Chevalerie, near IvTy, where it was twenty-two feet thick, some of which however may have been reconstructed loess brought down by rain from the higher ground in the immediate neigh- bourhood. Assuming that this loess is composed of fine particles deposited from standing or slowly moving waters, we might be disposed to wonder at not finding in it any traces of vegetable remains. We know, however, from the arrangement of the nails and hasps that in some of the St. Acheul tombs wooden coffins were used, while the size of the nails shows that the planks must have been tolerably thick ; yet in these cases every trace of wood has been removed, and not even a stain is left to indicate its presence. Such is a general account of those gravel pits which lie at a height of from 80 to 150 feet abo^e the present water level of the valleys, and which along the Somme are found in some places even at a height of 200 leet. Let us now visit some of the pits at the lower levels. At about thirty feet lower, as for instance at Menchecourt, near Abbeville, and at St. Eoch, near Amiens, Avhere the gi-avels slope from a height of about sixty feet down to the valley, we find almost a repetition of the same succession ; coarse subangular gravel below, finer ma- terials above. So similar, indeed, are these beds to those already described, both in constitution and in the animal remains they contain, that it Avill be unnecessary for me to give any farther description of them. Finally, the lowest portion of the valley is at present occupied by a bed of gravel, covered by silt and peat, which latter is in some places more than twenty feet thick, and is extensively worked for fuel. These strata have afforded to the antiquaries of the neighbourhood, and especially to M. Boucher de Perthes, a rich harvest of interesting relics belonging to various periods. The depth at which these objects are fomid has been carelully noted by M. Boucher de Perthes. " Prenant," he says, " pour terme moyen du sol de la vallee, une " hauteur de 2 metres audessus du niveau de la Somme, c'est a 30 a " 40 centimetres de la surface qu'on rencontre le plus abondamment 204 ORIGINAL AETICLES. " les traces du moyen-age. Cinquaute centimetres plus bas, ou " commence a trouver des debris remains, puis gaUo-romains. Ou " continue a suivre ces dernicrs pendant un metre, c'est a dire "jusqu'au niveau de la Somme. Apres eux, Adennent les A^estiges " gaulois purs qui descendent sans interruption jusqu'a pres de " 2 metres audessous de ce niveau, preuve de la tongue habitation " de ces peuples dans la vallee. C'est a un metre plus bas, ou a 4 " metres environ audessous de ce meme niveau, qu'on arrive au " centre du sol que nous avons nomme Celtique, celui qui fbulerent " les Gaulois primitives ou les peuples qui les precederent ;" and which belonged therefore to the ordinary stone period. It is, how- ever, hardly necessary to add that these thicknesses are only given by M. I3oucher de Perthes " comme terme appro ximatif." The " Antiquites Celtiques " was published several years before the Swiss Archaeologists had made us acquainted wath the nature of the Pfahlbauten ; but, from some indications given by M. Boucher de Perthes, it would appear that there must have been, at one time, lake-habitations in the neighboui"hood of Abbeville. He found con- siderable platforms of wood, with large quantities of bones, stone implements, and handles closely resembling those which come from the Swiss lakes. These weapons cannot for an instant be confounded with the ruder ones from the drift gravel. They are ground to a smooth surface and a cutting edge, while the more ancient ones are merely chipped, not one of the many hundreds already found having shown the slightest trace of grinding. Yet though the former belong to the stone age, to a time so remote that the use of metal was apparently still imknown in Western Europe, they are separated from the earlier weapons of the upper level drift by the whole period necessary for the excavation of the Somme Valley, to a depth of moi'e than 100 feet. If, thei'efore, we get no definite date for the arrival of man in these countries, we can at least form a vivid idea of his antiquity. He must have seen the Somme rumiing at a height of, in round numbers, a h\indred and fifty feet above its present level. From finding the hatchets in the gravel up to a level of a hundred feet, it is probable that he dates back in Northern France almost, if not quite, as long as the rivers themselves. The face of the country must have been indeed unlike what it is now. Along the banks of the rivers ranged a savage race of hvmters and fishermen, and in the forests wandered the mammoth, the two-horned, woolly, rhinoceros, a species of tiger, the musk ox, the reindeer, and the urus. Yet the geography of France cannot have been verj difierent from what it is at present. The present rivers ran in their present directions, and the -sea even then lay between the Somme and the Adur, though the channel was not so wide as it is at present. Gi'adually the river deepened its valley ; inetfective, or even per- haps constructive, in autumn and winter, the melting of the snows LUBBOCK ON THE ANTIQriTT OP MAX. 265 turned it every spring into a, roaring torrent. These floods were pro- bably more destructive to animals even tlian man himself ; while, however rude they may have been, our predecessors can hardly be supposed to have been incapable of foreseeing and consequently es- caping the danger. While the water, at an elevation of 150 feet above its present level, as for instance at Liercoiu't, had sufficient force to deposit coarse gravel ; at a still higher level it would part with finer particles, and would thus form the loess which, at the same time, would here and there receive angular flints a,nd shells brought down from the hills in a more or less transverse direction by the rivulets after heavy rains. As the valley became deeper and deeper the gravel would be deposited at lower and lower levels, the loess always following it ;* thus we must not consider the loess as a distinct bed, but as one which was being formed during the same time, though never at the same place as the beds of gravel. Fig. 3, I have given an imagi- nary diagram, the better to illustrate my meaning ; the loess is indicated by letters with a dash and is dotted, while the gravels are represented as rudely stratified. In this case I suppose the river to have run originally on the level («), and to have deposited the gravel (a) and the loess (a) ; after a certain amount of erosion which would reduce the level to (b), the gravel woidd be spread out at b, and loess at (b'). Similarly the loess (c') would be contem- poraneous with the gravel (c). Thus while in each section the lower beds would of course be the oldest, still the upper-level gravels as a Avhole would be the most ancient, and the beds lying on the lower parts of the valley the most modern. For convenience I have represented the sides of the valley as forming a series of terraces ; and though this is not actually the case, there are several places in which such terraces do occur.f It is, however, well known that rivers continually tend to shift their courses ; nor is the Somme any exception to the rule ; the valley itself indeed may be comparatively straight, but within it the river winds considerably, and when in one of its curves, the current crosses " its general line of descent, it eats out a curve in the opposite bank, " or in the side of the hills bounding the valley, from which curve it " is turned back again at an equal angle, so that it reci-osses the line " of descent, and gradually hollows out another curve lower down in " the opposite bank, till the whole sides of the valley, or river-bed, * See Mr. Prestwich's paper read before the Royal Society, June 19th, 1862. ■f While attributing the excavation of these valleys to the action of the existing rivers, Mr, Prcstwich doubts wliether they could have produced such an eftect without an elevation of the land. INIarine shells occur at Abbeville about 25 feet above the sea-level ; this bed Mr. Prestwich coiTclates with some of the raised beaches round our coasts, and with the lower level valley gravels. The higher level valley gravels correspond in his opinion witli tlic raised beaches which occur at a higher level. 266 ORIGINAL AKTICLES. " present a succession of salient and retiring angles." (Lyell, Princi- ples, p. 206.) During these wanderings from one side of the valley to the other, the river continually undermines, and removes the gravels which at an earlier period it had deposited. Thus the upper-level gravels are now only to be found here and there, as it were in patches, while in many parts they have altogether disappeared, as, for instance, on the right side of the valley between Amiens and Pont Eemy, where hardly a trace of the high level gravels is to be seen. At length the excavation of the valley was completed ; the cli- mate must have aj)proached what it is now, and whether from this change, or whether pei'haps yielding to the irresistible power of man, the great Pachydermata had become extinct. Under new conditions, the river, unable to carry out to sea the finer particles brought down from the higher levels, deposited them in the valley, and thus raised somewhat its genei'al level, checking the velocity of the stream, and producing extensive marshes, in which a thick deposit of peat was gradually formed. "We have, unfoi'tunately, no reliable estimate as to the rate of formation of this svibstauce, but on any supposition the production of a mass more than 20 feet in thickness must have acquired a very considerable period. Yet it is in these beds that we find the remains of the stone period. Prom the tombs at St. Acheul, from the Eoman remains found in the peat near the surface of the ground, at about the present level of the river, we know that fifteen hundred years have produced scarcely any change in the configuration of the valley. In the peat, and at a depth of about 15 feet in the alluvium at Abbeville, are the remains of the stone period,* which we know from the researches in Denmark and Switzerland to be of an age so great that it can only be expressed in thousands of years. Yet all these are subsequent to the excavation of the valley ; what antiquity then are we to ascribe to the men who lived when the Somme was but beginning its great taslc ? No one can properly ap- preciate the time requu'ed who has not stood on the heights of Lier- court, Picquigny, or on one of the other points overlooking the valley : nor, I am sure, could any geologist return from such a visit without an overpowering sense of the change which has taken place, and the enor- mous time which must have elapsed since the first appearance of man in Western Europe. * We shall probably ere long be able to divide this era into several divisions. Already we have two well marked epochs, the elephantine and the post-elephantine. But Prof. Worsaac proposes, and not withont reason, to subdivide this latter into the period of the " Kjdkkenmijddings " on the one hand, and that of the " Pfalilbautcn " on tlie other. The contents of the Danish tumuli belonging to the Stone period, agree ratlicr with tliose from the lake habitations of Switzerland, than with those which occur in tlic Refuse-heaps of Denmark, and though we could not expect to find numy well-worked implements in the kjokkenmoddings, we ought otherwise surely to have obtained ere now at least some broken pieces of the beautiful Hint weapons which were so common in Denmark during the later part of the stone period. xubbock: ox the axtiquitt or mak. 2G7 We cannot but ask what manner of men they were who lived in these distant times : did they resemble the present inhabitants of Arctic Europe, who were regarded by a quaint old "n-riter of the last century as beino; even lower than Apes,* or did the celebrated Nean- derthal skull (Nat. Hist. Review, Yol. I. p. 155) belong to this race of men ? We may hope that the discovery of a skeleton will ere long enable us to answer this question ; may the veteran antiquary of Abbeville himself be the fortunate finder of the first human bones in the drift ! But were these the first settlers in Europe? M. Lartet answers in the negative, and ingeniously attempts to construct a Palseontological Chronology. (Ann. Sci. Nat. iv. ; Ser. V. xv. 6217.) The great cave-bear ( Ursus sjjeJceus) has been frequently found associated with man in caves, but its remains have, according to M. Lartet, not yet been found in the river drifts. The species is indeed quoted by Messrs. Buteux and Ravin, on whose authority it is also given by Messrs. Prestwich and Evans ; but M. Lartet, after careful exami- nation, not having been able to find the specimen originally attributed to this species, concludes that the Ursus spelceus perished at an earlier period, and that the Hyaena spelcea and the Felis spelcea belong only to the earliest beds of the drift. The caves, therefore, in which these animals have been found associated with the remains of men, indicate, he thinks, a stiU greater antiquity for the human race. Negative evidence in Palaeontology must indeed always be re- garded with suspicion, but I may at least be permitted to repeat the opinion that it is not in a northern country and in a cold climate that we shall find the first traces of man. No nation would choose such an abode ; civilised man, indeed, may prefer a temperate region, favom-able to the exercise both of mind and body ; but the savage wiU go where he can most readily satisfy savage wants ; he will not therefore betake himself to temperate, still less to Arctic regions, until driven there by increasing density of popidation. But are we justified in concluding that even the cave men were the earliest human settlers in Western Europe ? Surely not. The whole history of Palaeontology is a standing protest against such an assumption. We have not indeed as yet the materials to decide the question, but if we were to express any opinion on the subject, it would seem more philosophical to imagine that the genus Homo dates back to a period as ancient as the other widely-spread genera of Mammalia; and that wherever the bones of Deer, Elephants, Horses, Oxen and Dogs are to be found, there we may fairly expect ere long to discover also the remaias of Man. * " Such is the description of this little animal, called a Laplander; and it may " be said, that, after the Monkey, he approaches nearest to ^la.i\:'—Regnard'& Journey to Lapland, p. 164. N. II. R.— 1862. U 268 OKiaiNAL ARTICLES. '^ I: ■■.;«» . ? . ■:\0 c ~, VO I to ~ • vk « -91?^ .;^•: -,';c)i9 O ; 'u' b Q-. LFBBOCK ON THE ANTIQUITY OF AT AN. 269 DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES. Plate VII. — A flint instmment found near Abbeville; slightly reduced. Our artist has been so careful to present a faithful imao-e of this interesting specimen, that he has even copied exactly my memorandum as to the place and date of its discovery. Wood Engravings. — Fig. 1. Section taken in a pit close to the Joinville Station. b. Red angular gravel, containing a very large sandstone block. d. Grey subangular gravel. Fig. 2. Section at St. Acheul near Amiens. a. Brick earth, with a few angular flints. b. Red angular gravel. c. Marly sand, with land and freshwater shells. d. Grey subangular gravel, in which the flint implements are found. e. Coffin. /. Tomb. Fig. 3. Diagram to illustrate deposit of loess and gravel. a' Loess corresponding to a contemporaneous with gravel a 2-' Loess „ „ „ b c' Loess „ „ „ c 1. Level of valley at period a 2. „ „ b 3. „ present. Fig. 4. Section across the valley of the Somme at Abbe\-ille, after Prestwich ; the length is however reduced to one-third. XXVII. — On the IVIammals, Birbs, etc., of the Mackenzie EivER DiSTEiCT. By Bernard H. Eoss, Esq. Fort Simpson, McKensie's River District. 10th November, 1861. Mt r>EAR Sir John,— I am happy to acquaint you that I have procvtred from the Toueon, through the kindness of Mr. Lockhart, who is in charge of that establislnneut, two teeth and three tusks of the Elephas primigenius, or what Prof. Leidy calls, in his " Ancient Fauna of Nebraska," Elephas americanus. Two of the tusks are moderately-sized portions ; but they show clearly the great cuiwe that distinguishes the fossil from the existing species of elejohants. The third tusk is of much larger dimensions, not much decayed, and nearly straight. It possibly may belong to some other animal. How curious it is that a tradition exists up the Peace Eiver of some immense animal. If you do not require the specimens, after examination, might I suggest the British Museum as a proper place to deposit them in ? 270 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. Should you have any particular destination in view, do witli tliem as you think fit. I enclose to your address an amended list of the mammals, birds, and eggs collected in this district up to the present date. This, however, excludes more than 300 specimens from various posts, which I have not yet had time to arrange ; and among which some additional species will doubtless be found. At present, the list contains about 50 sjjecies of mammals and 190 of birds. A considerable portion of the names has been corrected by Professor Baird, and the remainder I am responsible for ; and I do not think there are many errors, as I am now becoming tolerably au fait at identifications. If you think the list would be of interest, as showing the progress of Zoological investigation in the Arctic regions, might I ask you to forward it, after perusal, to some scien- tific journal. You will find, on reading, that the Coli/mbf^s Adamsii is of frequent occmrence on Great Slave Lake ; and I have received about a dozen specimens fii'om the Big-Island. Two specimens of the Somateria V. nigra ha\e also been procm^ed on the same sheet of water, which is the richest field for rare birds of any place in the district. My o-mi Fort Simpson collection you will recognise by a (II) placed after the species obtained here; and from the number thus marked you can form an idea of my labours. The number of specimens collected by myself is about 1000. I procured one nest of the Nyctale Micliardaonii containing three eggs, but I expect four "nnll prove to be the complete number. The bird had built in a Avood- pecker's deserted hole. Two nests of the Surnia ulula were procured for me, one at Lapierre's House and one at Salt Eiver. They were built some height up pine trees, and contained each four eggs. One set is for the British Museum, for which Institution I am forming a general collection. I am surprised that a specimen of the Sialia arctica has not come in yet. Ton will see that the advance in Oology is considerable. Could a full series of the eggs of all birds be obtained, I think that they would lead to the most easy and natmal classification for the Aves. The conformation and position of the nests is so much influenced by the natural features of the locality in which they nest, that, though of secondary value, they could not be much depended upon. IVom overlooking this fact, the great ornithologist, Andubon, has in some instances doubted the correctness of other writers' identification of eggs, because the construction of the nests did not absolutely agree with those which fell under his own observation. A post has been established this year among the Eskimos. It is built on the Anderson or Inconnue River, a stream rising at some distance eastward of Foi"t Good Hope and falling into Liverpool Bay. I am not very sanguine of the sxiccess of the speculation, in a commercial point of view. I hope to obtain leave of absence next year. I have now been fifteen years in this district, and think I deserve a holiday. Tlie EOSa ON MAMMALS, ETC. OP THE MACKENZIE EIYER DISTRICT. 271 District is now greatly improved. I have nice carpeted rooms, and a library of above 700 volumes, besides the use of a public one of about the same size. With best wishes, I remain, my dear Sir John, Eespectfully and truly yours, Bebnaed H. Eoss. Sir John Richardson, C.B. &c. &c. A List of Mammals, Birds, and Eeas observed in the McKenzie's Eitee District, with Notices. By Bernard E. Eoss, Corresponding Member N. H. Society, Montreal. MAMI^IALS. I. — Order Eapacia. (Insectivora.) Family Soricidce. No. of Species. 1. Sorex Fosteri (?)\\ (Ei char dson) .") This genus is abundant 2. Sorex pahostris (/JW (Bachm). ) throughout the District, as far North as the Arctic coast. I cannot speak confi- dently as to either the names or the number of the species. (Carnivora. ) Family Felidce, G-enus Lynx. 3. Lynx canadensis \\ (Eafin.). Canada Lynx. Loup Cervier, of the Canadians ; Cat, of the Hudson's Bay residents ; Picheu, of the Cree Indians and Eed Eiver Half-Breeds ; Che-say, of the Chipewyan Indians. This animal is nu- merous some years, but is migratory, following the hares (Lep. Amer.), its principal food. It ranges to the Arctic coast in summer. In the winter, it does not leave the shelter of the woods. Family Canidce. (Lupinse.) Grenus Canis. 4. Canis griseo-alhiis (Eich.). Strong-wood Wolf. Loup-gris, of the Canadians; Ma-hee-can, of the Cree Indians;^ Nun-dei-yah, of the Chipewyans; Yess, of the Copper Indians ; and Mah-nuckh of the Anderson Eiver Eskimos. Of this species I consider that there are two varieties, — one of which is of a dark colour and large size, inhabiting the wooded portions of the District as far North as the 272 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. No. of Species. Youcoii Eiver. The other is usually of a dirty white tint, with, in general, a dark stripe down the back, and frequents the barren grounds northwards to the Arctic coast. It is of smaller size than the first-mentioned variety, and lives in much larger bands ; indeed, it may possibly be a distinct species. (Vulpiuae.) Grenus Vulpes. 5. Vulpes fulvus *\ Red, Silver, and Cross Foxes. Ma-kay-sis, var. fulvus\\ /of the Cree Indians; Naw-kee-thay, Vulpes decussatus\\ C of the Chipewyan Indians; Pee-sdot-eh, Vulpes argentatus\\ J of the Anderson River Eskimos. This species, in all its varieties, is found all over this District to the Arctic coast. They are most numerous around the shores of the lakes, and in swampy tracts on the banks of the larger rivers. In the mountain ranges they are rare. The proportions of the various colours killed in the McKenzie District are as follow: — Eed, -A-; Cross, -rV; Silver, -^. 6. Vulpes lagopus , AVhite and Blue Poxes. Both these var. lagopus \ varieties inhabit the barren grounds Vulpes fuliginosus \ and shores of the Arctic Sea. The latter is exceedingly rare, much more so than the Silver Fox is in the Fulvus species. Wliite Foxes have been killed on the south shore of Grreat Slave Lake, and one Blue one on the north shore. Family Mustelidce. Martinse. Genus Mustela. 7. Mustela americana\\ (Turton). American Sable Marten. Tlia, of the Chipewyan Indaans ; Naw'-they, or Naw'-fey, of the Slave Indians. Common wherever there are woods ; but migratory. The farther North that the skin is obtained, the darker the tint of the pelage. On the Toucon River they strongly resemble the Siberian Sable. 8. Mustela Pennantii (EvsXebew). Fisher. Pecan, of the Cana- dians ; Tha-cho, or Big Marten, of the Chipewyan Indians : rare. Range, up to 62° North. Genus Putorius. 9. Putorius pimlhis (And. and Back.). Least Weasel. New York to Big Island, Great Slave Lake. 10. Putorius Cicognani (Bonap ). Small Brown Weasel. Boston to 62° North : common. ROSS ON MAMMALS, ETC. OF THE MACKENZIE BIVEB DTSTEICT. 273 No. of Species. 11. Piitorius RicTiardsonii ? (Bonap.). Little Ermine. Boston to Lapierre's House : ratlier rare. 12. Putorius noveboracensis ?\\ (De Kay). Ermine. Northern New York to 62° North : rare. 13. Putorius Joni]iccmda?\\ (Richards). Long-tailed Weasel. Upper Missouri to 62° North : rare. I am far from certain of the identities of the three last species. All the Ermines which are killed in this District have the white of the winter coat slightly tinged with sulphur yellow. 14. Putorius vison\\ (Richards.). Brown Mink. Teth-gew-say, of the Chipewyan Lidians ; Trai-ek-puck, of the Eastern Eskimos. Range, from Florida to the Arctic coast : common. 15. Putorius nigrescens \\ (Aud. and Back.). Little Black Mink. N orthern New York to 62° North. This supposed species is nothing more than the young of the P. Vison. Genus Gulo. 16. Giilo luseus II (Sabine). Wolverine. Carcajou. N6-gah, of the Chipewyan Indians ; Kha-vig, of the Eastern Eskimos. Northern New York to Arctic coast : common. Lutringe. Genus Lutra. 17. Lutra canadensis \\ (Sabine). Otter. Naw-pee-ah, of the Chipewyan Indians. Florida to Ai'ctic coast: not un- common. (Melius.) Genus Mephitis. 18. Mephitis mephitica (Shaw). Common Skunk. Texas to Port Resolution, Great Slave Lake. I have never seen a living specimen of this animal in McKenzie's River ; but I found the bones and a part of the skin of one a short distance from the shores of Great Slave Lake. Family TJrsidcs. Genus Ursus. 19. Tlrsus Iwribilis (Ord.). Grizzly Bear. Sas-tel-kie, of the Chipewyan Indians. Plains of Upper Missouri to Youcon River : not rare in the moimtain ranges. 20. Ursus americanus\\ ^ (Aud. and Back.). Black and Brown var. americanus > Bears. Sas, of the Chipewyan In- Vrstcs cinnamoneus ) dians. Common throughout to the Arctic Circle, and beyond : the brown variety is very rare. 21. Ursus arctos ? Barren-groimd Bear. Inhabits the barren- grounds and Arctic coasts. Distmguished from the U. Jiorihilis by its smaller size and reddish coloration. 274 ORIOINAL AETI0LE8. No. of Species. 22. Ursus maritimus (Linn.). Polai' Bear. Nait'-suck of the Eastern Eskijiios. Common along tlie Arctic coasts. II. — OeDER KODENTLi. Family Sciuridce. (Sciurinse.) Grenus Sciurus. 23. Sciurus hudsonius \\ (Pallas). Cliickaree. Throughout to within the Arctic circle. Genus Pteromys. 24. Fteromys alpinus (Eichs.). Eocky Moimtains Plying Squirrel. Pound on the mountain ranges of the Liard Eiver : rather rare. Genus Tamias. 25. Tamias quadrivittatus || (Eichs.). Missouri Striped Squirrel. Prom lat. 33° 30' to 67° North : very abundant on the Liard Eiver. Genus Arctomys. 26. Arctomys monax || (Gnielin). Ground Hog. South Carolina to 62° North : rare. 27. Arctomys pruinosus (Gmelin). North to Arctic circle: abun- dant on the mountain ranges. 28 Arctomys Kennieottii (Eoss). This I consider to be a new species ; but I may be wTong. It is of small size, and inhabits the Northernmost ranges of the Eocky Mountains. (Castorin89.) Genus Castor. 29. Castor canadensis |1 (Kuhl). Beaver. Isa, of the Chipewyan Indians. Throughout North. America to within the Arctic circle : very abimdant. Family Muridce. (MurinsD.) Genus Jaculus. 30. Jaculus hudsonius \\ (Wagler). Jumping Mouse. Pennsyl- vania to Youcon Eiver. Common at Portage-la-loclie : rare, in McKeuzie's Eiver. Gen VIS Hesperomys. 81. Hesperomys myoides \\ (Gapper). Hamster Mouse. New York to Arctic Sea. Very abundant, east of the Eocky Mountains : not found westward, on the Youcon Eiver. This species is very annopng in dwellings, as it carries off quantities of sugar, rice, &c., in its cheek-pouches, to store for its winter consumption. BOSS ON MAMMALS, ETC. OP THE MACKENZIE RITEE DISTKICT. 275 No. of Species. Genus Arvicola. 32. Arvicola riparia H (Ord.). JMiddle States to tlie Arctic Sea : common. 33. Arvicola BicliardsoniiW (De Kay). 620X0^11: rare. 34. Arvicola xantliognathus (Leach). Eed-clieeked Arvicole. North to the Arctic Sea : common. Grenus Piber. 35. Fiber zihetMcus \\ (Cnvier). Musk Eat. Dzin, of the Chipe- wyan Indians. North America to Arctic Sea : abundant. Family Hystricidce. Genus Erithezon. 36. Frithison dorsatus \\ (Cuvier). Wliite-haired Porcupine. From Pennsylvania to within the Arctic Circle : common. 37. FritMzon epixantlms (Brandt). Yellow-haired Porcupine. Prom Upper Missouri to Liard's Eiver. Family Leporidce. Genus Lepus. 38. Lepus americanus \\ (Errl). Wliite Eabbit. _ Kha, of the Chipe- wyan Indians. Prom Virginia to within the Arctic Circle : migratory. 39. Lepus glacialis (Leach). Arctic Hare. Newfoimdland, North, to Arctic Sea : not common. Genus Lagomys. 40. Lagomys princeps (Eichs.). Little Chief Hare: common among mountain ranges of the Liard's Eiver. III. — OkDEB EtJMIN ANT I A. Family Cervida. (Cervinse.) Genus Alee. 41. Aloes americanus \\ (Jardine). Moose. Tin-der'-yah, of the Chipewyan Indians. New York to within the Arctic Circle : abundant. Genus Eangifer. 42. Eangifer carihou\\ (Aud. and Bach.). Strong-wood Caribou. Prom Maine to the Youcon Eiver : abundant. 43. Fangifer groenlandicus. Barren-ground Caribou. Barren grounds and Arctic coasts in spring, summer, and autumn ; fringes of the woods, in A^dnter. Chipewyan name for both species, Et-thin'. Family Cavicornia. Antilopinse. Genus Aplocerus. 44. Aplocerus montanus \\ (Eichs.). Mountain Goat. Prom Northern Cascade Mountains to the Arctic Sea : not uncommon. 276 ORIGLNAL ARTICLES. No. of Species. (Ovinae.) Grenus Ovis. 45. Ovis montana (Cuvier). From the Upper Missouri to witLin the Arctic Circle. (Bovinae.) Genus Ovibos. 46. Ovibos moschatus (Blainville). Musk-Ox, Eh-gir-ray-yaz-ze (Little Bvxffalo) of the Chipewyan Indians, barren grounds and Arctic coast : not rare. Grenus Bos. 47. Bos americanus (Gmelin). Bison. North to Little Buffalo Eiver, Grreat Slave Lake. IV. — Order Cheiroptera. 48. Vespertilio sululatus (Say). Korth to Salt Eiyer : very rare. BIEDS. Those marked thus * are winterers ; thus f , the eggs have been procured. I. — Order Eaptores. Family Falconidce. Genus Falco. 1. Falco anatum (Bonap.). Duck Hawk. North to Slave Lake: rare. t2. Falco columharius\\(h\m\.). Pigeon Hawk. North to Lapierre's House : common. t3. Falco s^yarveriusW (Linn.). Sparrow Hawk. North to La- pierre's House : rather rare. Genus Astur. 4. Astur atricapillus (Bonap.). North to Fort Good Hope: rare. Genus Archibuteo. 5. Archibuteo Sancti-Johannis (Gray). Black Hawk. North to Salt Eiver : rare. 6. Archibuteo lagopus\\ (Gmelin). Eough-legged Hawk. North to Lapierre's House : common. 7. Archibuteo fennigineus ? \\ (Gray). Squirrel Hawk. North to Fort Simpson (uncertain) : rare. Genus Buteo. fS. Buteo Swainsonii (Bonap.) Swainson's Buzzard. North to Slave Lake : rare. Genua Accipiter. t9. Accipiter fusciis\\ (Gmelin). Sharp-skinned Hawk. North to Fort Simpson : rare. BOSS ON MAMMALS, ETC. OF THE MACKENZIE RIVER DISTRICT. 277 No. of Species. Genus Circus. 10. Circtis hudsonicus (Lacej)). Marsli Harrier. North to Slave Lake : rather common. Genus Aquila. 11. Aquila canadensis\\ (Linn.). Goklen Eagle. North to Arctic coast: rare. Genus Haliaetus. tl2. Haliaetus leucocephalus\\ (Linn.). Bald Eagle. North to Arctic coast : common. Genus Pandion. tl3. Pandion carolinensis (Gmelin). Osprey. North to Arctic coast : common. Family 8trigid(S. Genus Bubo. *14. Buho virginianus\\ (Swain.). Horned Owl. North to Arctic Circle and beyond. Genus Otus. *15. Otus Wilsonianus\\ (Lesson). Long-eared Owl. North to Fort Simpson : rare. Genus Br achy otus. *16. Brachyotus Cassi7iii\\ (Brewer). Short-eared Owl. North to Eort Simpson: common. Genus Nyctale. *tl7. Nyctale Bicliardsonii\\ (Bonap.). Sparrow Owl. North to Eort Simpson : rather rare. Genus Nyclea. *18. Nyctea nivea (Daudin). White Owl. North to Eort Nor- man : rare. Genus Surnia. *tl9. Surnia ulula\\ (Linn.). Hawk-Owl. North to Arctic coast: common. II. — Order Scansores. Family Ficidce. Genus Pieus. *20. Ficus villosus\\ (Linn.). Hairy Woodpecker. North to Eort Simpson : common. *21 Ficus pubescens (Linn.). Downy Woodpecker. North to Eort Liards : not rare. Genus Picoides. *22. Ficoides arcticus\\ (Swain.). Black-backed Woodpecker. North to Simpson : rare. *23. Ficoides hirsutus\\ (Vieillot). Banded Woodpecker. North to Good Hope. 278 ORIGINAL AKTICLES. No. of Species. *24. Ficoides dorsalis \\ (Baird). Striped "Woodpecker. North to Simpson. But one specimen of what I am disposed to consider to be this very rare bird has been secured. It resembles the P. hirsutus, except that the white is marked on the back in longitudinal instead of lateral lines. Genus Sphyi-apicus. t25. Sphyrapicus varius\\ (Baird). Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. North to Fort Simpson : common. Genus Colaptes. t26. Colaptes auratus\\ (Swain.). Golden Woodpecker. North to Peel's Eiver : common. Genvis Hylatomus. 27. Hylatomus pileatus (Baird?) Black "Woodcock. North to Port Liards : rare. III. — Ordee Inses sorbs. Family Caprimulgidce. Genus Chordeiles. t28. Cliordeilespopetue\\(YieVL.). Night Hawk. North to Lapierre's House : rather rare. Family Alcedinidce. Genus Ceryle. t29. Ceryle alcyon\\ (Boie). Kingfisher. North to Peel's Eiver : common. Family ClopteridcB. (Tyranninse.) Genus Tyrannus. 30. Tyrannus caroUnensis\\ (Baird). King Bird. North to Simp- son: rare. Genus Sayornus. 31. Sayornus Saytis\\ (Baird). Says' Flycatcher. North to Simp- son : rare. 132. Sayornus fuscus\\ (Baird). Pewee. North to Simpson: rare. Genus Contopus. 33. Contopus horealis\\ (Baird). Olive-sided Flycatcher. North to Simpson : rare. Genus Empidonax. t34. Emindonax pusillus\\ (Swain.) North to Fort Simpson : rare. t35. Fmpidonax Trailii. Traill's Flycatcher. North to Fort Eesolu- tion : rare. t36. Fmpidonax minimus \\ (Baird). Least Flycatcher. North to Fort Simpson : common. ROSS ON MAMMALS, ETC. OF THE MACKENZIE RIVER DISTRICT. 279 No. of Species. Family TurdidcB. (O seines.) Genus Turdus. t37. Turdus PallasiiW? (Cabanis). Hermit Thrush. North to Simpson : identity uncertain. t38. Turdus Swainsonii\\ (Cabanis). Olive-backed Thrush. North to Lapierre's House : abundant. t39. Tu7'diis AlicicB (Bain). North to Toucon Eiver ; only found west of Eocky Mountains. t40. Ttirdus migratorius\\ (Linn.). Robin. North to Lapierre's House: abundant. (Eegulinse.) Genus Eegulus. 41. Begulus calendula (Licht.). Euby-crowned "Wren. Fort Ee- solution : rare. Family St/vicolidce. (Motacillinse.) Genus Anthus. 42. Anthus ludovicianus\\ (Licht.) Tit-Lark. North to Fort Simpson : not common. (Sylvicolinse.) Genus Mniotilta. 43. Mniotilta varia ? \\ (Vieill.). Black and white Creeper. North to Simpson : very rare. Genus Oporornis. 44. Oporornis agilis?\\ Connecticut Warbler. Fort Simpson: identity doubtful. Genus Helmiutophaga. f45. Helmintopliaga peregrina\\ (Cabanis). Tennessee "Warbler. North to Fort Simpson. fiG. Helmintopliaga celata (Baird). Orange - crowned AVarbler. North to Eesolution : rare. 47. Helmintopliaga ruficapilla ("Wilson). Nashville "Warbler. North to Eesolution ; rare. Genus Seiurus. f48. Seiifrus novehoracensis\\ (Gmelin). "Water Thrush. North to Lapierre's House : common. Genus Dendroica. |49. Bendroica coronata \\ (Linn.). Myrtle End. North to La- pierre's House : rare. f.50. Dendroica striata (Forster). Black-poll "Warbler. North to Lapierre's House : common. 280 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. No. of Species. tSl. Dendroica aestiva\\ (Gmelin). Yellow "Warbler. North to Lapierre's House : abundant. t52. Dendroica maculosa\\ (Gmelin). Black and yellow "Warbler. North to Fort Simpson : rather rare. •f-53. Dendroica palmaruiri\\ (Grmelin). Yellow red-poll "Warbler. North to Eesolution : rare. Genus IVCyiodioctes. 54. Myiodioctes pusillus (AYilson). Green black-cap Fly-catcher. North to Lapierre's House : very rare. Genus Setophaga. fSS. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). Eed-start. North to Fort Good Hope : common. Family Ilirundinidce. Genus Hirundo. 56. Hirundo horreorum (Barton). Barn Swallow. North to Fort Eesolution: rare. t57. Hirundo lunifrons\\ (Say.). Cliff Swallow. North to Eat Eiver: common. 58. Hirundo hicolor^^ (Vieill.) "White-bellied Swallow. North to Good Hope : rare. Genus Cotyle. t59. Coiyle riparia \\ (Linn.). Bank Swallow. North to the Arctic sea : abundant. Family Do^nbycillidce. Genus Ampelis. |60. Ampelis garrulus \\ (Linn.). "Wax-wing. North to Youcon Eiver : not rare. An egg of this bird has been obtained on the Youcon by Mr. E. Kennicott. I have been in- formed by Mr. J. Hope, schoolmaster of the Church Mis- sionary Society, resident at Fort Franklin, on Great Bear Lake, that these birds nest in numbers in that vicmity ; but biiild so high up the trees as to render it difficult to obtain the eggs. A specimen was shot at Fort Liards in February, which causes me to mark the species as a winter resident. Family Laniidce. Genus Collyris. 61. Collyris horealis j] (Bon.). Northern Shrike. North to Good Hope : not rare. 62. Collyris I udovicianus ? \\ (Linn.). Logger-head Shrike. Fort Simpson : rare ; doubtful. (Vieroninse.) Genus Vireo. 63. Vireo olivaceus \\ (Vieill). Eed-eyed Fly-catcher, North to Fort Simpson : rare. BOSS ON MAMMALS, ETC. OF THE MACKENZIE RIVER DISTRICT. 281 No. of Species. 64. Vireo ffilvus\\ (Bou.). Warbling Fly-catcher. North to Fort Simpson : rare. Family ParidcB. Genus Parus. *65 Parus septentrionalis\\ (Harris). Chickadee. North to Fort Simpson : not rare. *QQ. Parus atricapillus\\ (Linn.). Black-cap^ Tit, North to Fort Simpson: rare. *67. Parus hudsonicus \\ (Forster). Hudson's Bay Tit. North to Fort Simpson : not rare. Family Fringillidce. (Coccothraustinse.) Genus Pinicola. *68. Pinicola canadensis \\ (Brisson). Pine Grosbeak. North to Fort Good Hope : not rare. Genus Curvirostra. *69. Curvirostra leucoptera \\ (Gmelin). North to Fort Good Hope. Genus Aegiothus. *f70. Aegiothus linaria\\ (Linn.). Lesser Eed-poll. North to Fort Good Hope : abundant. *f71. Aegiothus canescens\\ (Gould). Mealy Eed-poll. North to Lapierre's: common. Genus Plectrophanes. (Plectrophanes.) 72. Plectrophanes nivalis \\ (Meyer) . Snow Bunting. North to Good Hope : abimdant. (Ceutrophanes.) 73. Plectroijlianes lapponicus\\ (Selby). Long-spur. North to Fort Simpson. 74. Plectrophanes pictusW (Swain.). Painted Bunting. North to Fort Simpson. (SpizelHnae.) Genus Passerculus. f75. Passerculus savanna \\ (Bon.). Swamp Sparrow. North to Fort Simpson : abundant around Slave Lake. 76. Passerculus sandwichensis\\ (Baird). North to Fort Simpson rare. 77. Passerculus antMnus ? (Baird). Great Bear Lake: uncertain. Genus Zonotrichia. t78. Zonotrichia leucojjhf'gs (Forster). North to Eesolution: rare. 179. Zonotrichia Gambelii\\ (Nuttal). North to Lapierre's House : abundant. 2S2 OEIGiyAL AETICLES. No. of Species. f80. ZonofricTiia ambicoUis\\ (G-meliii). Xorth to Fort Simpson: ratlier rare. Genus Junco. 81. Junco oregoneus\\ (Towns.). Oregon Snow Bird. Xorth to Fort Simpson : rare. |S2. Junco hi/emaUs\ (Sclater). Snow-bird. Xorth to Good Hope. Genus Spizella. tS3. Spizella monticola\\ (Baird). Tree Sparrow. Xorth to La- pierre's House : abundant. fS4. Spizella sociaIis\\ (a) (Wilson.) Social Sparrow. Korth to Fort Simpson : abundant. •fSo. Spizella socialis\\ (5) (Wilson). Striped-crown variety. Xorth to Fort Simpson : common. f86. Spizella pallida (BonaT^.). Xorth to Fort Eesolution : rare. Genus Melospiza. fS". Melospiza Lincolnii] (Baird). Lincoln's Finch. N'orth to Fort Simpson : not rare. 88. Melospiza palustris (Baird). Swamp Finch. Xortb to Fort Eesolution: rare. (PassereUinse.) Genus PassereUa. ■j"89. PassereUa iliaca\\ (Swain.). Fox Sparrow. XortK to Lapierre's House : common. Family Icteridce. Genus Melotkrus. 90. Melothrus pecoris\\ (Swain.). Cow-bird. Xortli to Fort Simpson : very rare. Genus Asrelaius. fOl. Afjelaius phceniceus\\ (VieiU) Swamp Blackbird. jS^orth to Fort Xorman. 92. Agelaius gulernator\\ (Bon.). Eed-shouldered Blackbird. Xortb to Fort Simpson : common. 93. Agelaius tricolor\\ (Xutt). Bed and wbite-sbouldered Black- bird. Xorth to Fort Simpson : rare. Gentis Xantbocepbalus. 94. Xantlioceplialus icferocephalus (Baird). Tellow-beaded Black- bird. Though no specimen of this bird has been procured I observed it once at Fort Simpson. (Icterinse.) Genus Scolecophagus. 95. ScolecopJiagus feri'ugineus\\ (Swain). Eusty Blackbird. Xorth to Good Hope : common. EOSS Oy MAMilAXS, ETC. OF THE MACKE>'ZIE EITEB DISTBICT. 283 No. of Species. 96. ScoJecopTiaqiis cyanocephalus\\ (Cab.). Brewer's Blackbird Xortb to Fort Simpson : not rare. (Quiscalinae.) Grenus Quiscalus. 97. Quiscalus versicolor\\ (Yieill). Crow Blackbird. Xorth to Fort Simpson : rare. (^Family Corvidce.) Grenus Comis. *98. Corvus earntrorus\\ (Bartram). Eaven. North to Arctic coast : abundant. 99. Corvus americanus (Aud.). Common Crow, to 61° north lati^ tude : abundant. (Grarrulinee.) Grenus Pica. *100. Pica hudsonica (Bon.). Magpie. On west of the mountaiDsi north to Lewis and Pelly Eivers. Genus Perisoreus, *101. Perisoreus canadensis\\ (Bon.). Canada Jay. Xorth to La- pierre's House : abundant. IT. — Oedeb Easobes. (Columbae.) Family Columhidae. (Columbinae.) Grenus Ectopistes. 102. Fctopistes migratoria\\ (Swain). "Wdd Pigeon. Xorth to Fort Norman : not common, (GaUinae.) Family Tetraonidae. Genus Tetrao. *103. Tetrao Eichardsonii (Doug.). Black Partridge. North to Fort Halkett : only in the movmtains. *tlOl!. Tetrao canadensis\\ (Linn.). Spruce Partridge. North to the Arctic coa^t : abundant. Genus Pedicecetes. *tl05. Pedicecetes pliasianeJlus (Baird). Sharp-tailed Grouse. North to Fort Good Hope. Genus Bonasa. *ti08. Bonasa umhellus\\ (a) (Steph.). Euffled Grouse. North to Fort Simpson : common. *tl06. Bonasa u?nbellus\\ (6) (Baird). Yar. TJmbeUoides. Grev Mountain Grouse. North to Lapierre's House : common, N. H. R.— 1862. X 284 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. No. of Species. Genus Lagopus. *107. Lagopus alhis\\ (And.). White Ptarmigan. North to Arctic coast : common. *108. Lagopus rupestris (Leach). Ptarmigan. North to Arctic coast : rather rare. *109. Lagopus leucii/rus\\ (Swain). White-tailed Ptarmigan. North to Lapierre's House in the mountains. V. — Order Grallatores. (Herodiones.) Fa7nily Oruidae. Grenus Grrus. 110. Orus americanus\\ (Ord). White Crane. North to Eort Simpson: rare, fill. Grus canade7tsiis\\ (Temm.). Brown Crane. North to Arctic coast : common. 112. Grus fraterculus (Cassia). North to Toucon Eiver: only west of Eocky Mountains. Grenus Botaurua. 113. JSofaurus lentiginosus (Steph.). Bittern. North to Arctic coast : rare northward. (Grallae.) Family CliaradriidcB. Genus Charadrius. 114. Charadrius virginiciis\\ (Borck.). Golden Plover. North to Arctic Coast : abundant. Genus ^Egialitis. 115. jFgialitis semipalmatiis\\ (Cab.). Semipalmated Plover. North to Port Simpson : common. Genus Squaterola. 116. Squaterola helvetica (Cuv.). Black-bellied Plover. North to Port Simpson : rare. Family ScematopodidcB. Genus Strepsilas. 117. Strepsilas intcf'pres (Illig.). Turnstone. North to Big Island : rare. Family FecurvirostridcB. Genus Eecurvirostra. 118. Becurvirostra americana (Gmelin). American Avoset. North to Port Eae : rare. Family Phalaropodidce. Genus Phalaropus. tll9. Phalaropus h yperhoreiis (Temm.). North to Port Eae : rare. OSS ON MAMMALS, ETC. OF THE MACKENZIE RIYER DISTRICT. 285 No. of Species. Family ScolopacidcB. Genus Gallinago. 120 Gallinago Wilsonii \\ (Bou.). Euglisli Snipe. North to Fort Simpson: rare. Genus Macrorliamphus. tl21. MacTorliamplms griseus^ (Leacli), Ked-breasted Suipe. North to Fort Norman : rare. 122. Macrorhamplius scolopaceus\\ (Laur.). North to Lapierre's House: rare. Genus Tringa. 123. Tringa maeulata\\ (Vieill). Ja'S. 323 pith of B. repanda. Introd. Botany, i. 192, also in Penny Cy- clop. X. Exogens. — Mirahilis. Bernliardi. Ueber Pfl. Grefasse,lS05, 12, 20, tab. 1. fig. 1. — BischofF, Lehrbuch, ii. Q^.—Fisonia, S(c. Sclileiden, "Wiegmann's Arcbiv. 1839, 223. — Lindlev, J. Introd. Botany, i. 215. witb fig.-Criiger, H. Bot. Zeit. 1850. p. 164 Observations on Structure of Fisonia. — Eegnault, Ann. So. Xat. Ser. iv. xiv. 144. Pisoniafragrans. Witbiu the double, cellular, cortical layer, is a fibrous circle, often interrupted, however, and eometimes concealed by the crystalline concretions which abound in this part. The wood is divided by a few medullary rays, each consisting of a single row of cells "with dotted walls. The wood prosenchyma is thick- walled and finely dotted ; its mass present- ing, in cross- section, a series of rounded spaces, elongated parallel to the circumference, and disposed so as to form interrupted con- centric circles around the pith. In each of these islets in the wood are found two layers — the outer (towards the bark) of tolerably large and rather long cells ; the inner, elongated, fibroid, and closely packed — together recalling the arrangement of tissue in the generative zone. The vessels are always disposed on the inner face of these islets, where they form irregular, radiating trains, plunged in the wood-prosenchyma. Isolated fibro-vascular bundles, corresponding to those found scattered through the wood, aro found in the pith. Their structure is described in detail. Oxy- haphus viscosus and Mirabilis present essentially the same struc- tiu'e ; the liber-fibres, however, seem absent in the former. CHEyoPODiACEAE. — Chenopodium. Link, H. F. Ann. du Museum, 1812, xix. 339. Note on.— Elementa, Phil. Bot. 1837, i. 245.— Bischoff, Lehrbuch, ii. 57. — Unger, Fr. Ueber d. Ban, &c. de^ Dicotyledonen-Stammes. St. Petersburg, 1840, with plates. — Link, Jahresb. 1840. Absch. atI. Structure and growth of Chenopodia- eeae (and Amaranthaceae). As in Nyctajineae, there occurs a double vascular system. An interior in the pith and immediately around it, continuous through the entire stem, and supplying the appendicular organs with vessels : and an exterior system, essen- tially distinct from the former in its composition, likewise con- tinuous through and proper to the stem, especially forming the wood-mass. — Beta. G-audichaud, Eecherchessurrorganograpliie, &c. des Yegetaux, tab. xii. 1-4 — Schacht, H. PflanzeuzeDe, 2^3, t. XT. — Brongniart, A. and others. Eej)ort on Mem. of M. De- caisne ' Eecherches sur I'organisation anatomique de la Betterave,' Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. ii. 11, 49. — Liudley, J. \e^. Kingdom, 512-3. Schacht, H. Pflanzenzelle, 283. — Anohasis {Haloxi/lon), Ammoden- dron. M. Basiner, iiber. — in ' Eeise durch die Kirgisensteppe,' in Baer und Helmersen's Beitrage, z. Eenntniss d. Euss. Eeiches. XV. 93. — C. A. V. Grernet. Notizen iiber den Bau des Holzkor- pers einiger Chenopodiaceen. Moscow Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. 1859, 164, with 1 plate. — Chenopodium album and Sahola Kali agree in the absence of liber and of medullary rays, in the presence 324 OEIGINAL AETICXES. of continuoua woody zones, and of cambium tissue between its several layers. The wood of the Salsola appears, in cross section, to be spirally continuous, unlbldiug itself from the pith outwards, so that a line drawn radially crosses several (five are figured) of its folds. The coils are separated by a continuous cambium-layer, Avhich, on approaching the periphery, divides, enclosing several scattered vascular bundles. The vessels are chiefly disposed to- wards the exterior margin (towards the bark) of the Avood-spiral. Modifications of a structure, essentially the same as in the above species, presented by JELaloxylon, Ammodendron, Atriplex, Halimus, and Halostachys caspia, are described. (In the Atriplex, M. Eegnault states M. Gernet to have found thirty alternating zones of wood and generative tissue. I do not find him saying so : he figures a smaller number. But in speaking of the structure of the 'false' medullary rays of this species he points out that these con- sist of as many as thirty vertically superimposed cells, which appa- rently confirms their character as medullary rays, but as they are absent in the inner layers of the wood he cannot accept them as such. D. 0.) In Halostachys, the parenchymatous rays, resembling medullary plates, found in Atriplex are absent. The wood occurs in concentric zones, apparently answering to years of growth, al- ternating with corresponding parenchymatous rings Im- portant general observations are aifixed, and attention called to the manifold variety in the arrangement of the cambium system in the various types of structure exhibited by the difierent genera. M. Gernet calls wood in which the alburnum and duramen are readily distinguishable 'heteroxylous,' — those in which the distinc- tion is not apparent ' homoxylous.' — Hartig, Th. Eot. Zeit. 1859, 108. Wood of — Eegnault, Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. iv. xiv. 133. Closely resemble Amarantaceae in respect of the arrangement of parts. They tend to differ in the structiu^e of the epiderm and suberous layers. Medullary rays are absent. Campliorosma monspeliaca is said to differ remarkably from the rest of the family ; its struc- ture is not detailed. Amaeantaceae. Link, H. F. Ann. du Museum, 1812, xix. 339. Note on. — Amarantus. Link, H. P. Icoues Anat. Bot. 1837, Paso. ii. X. 4-5. — linger, Fr. vide Chenopodiaceae, (linger) supra. — Lindley, J. Veg. Kingdom, 510.— Ilartig, Th. Bot. Zeit. 1859. 108. Wood of — Eegnault, Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. iv. xiv. 127. Lestihudetia syphilitica offers an luiinterrupted liber- circle of thin cells in groups of two or three : wood distributed into more or less completely concentric zones, separated by belts of a com- position identical with that of the outer generative layer and des- titute of vessels. The vessels, marked by delicate punctuations disposed in transverse lines, are arranged in radiating series amongst the wood-prosenchyma, the cells of which are slightly dotted. The structure oi Amarantus spinosa, and of an unknown Mexican Amarantacea, is described. They all agree in the presence OLIVER ON TUE STEM OF DICOTYLEDONS. 325 of liber ; of a generative layer composed of two kinds of elements, masses of whicli ai'e also variously disposed in tlie wood ; of me- dullary rays, and intra-medullary, fibro-vascular fascicles. Dee- ringia difters remarkably in some respects, tlie wood consisting of isolated, fibro-vascular bundles, completely surrounded by pa- renchyma, in wliich they are arranged in concentric circles. These bundles are separated radially by the broad medullary rays, con- centrically by layers of cells apparently proceeding from them and identical with them in structure. Phttolaccaceae. — Phytolacca dioica. Martins, C. Dela Croissance du Bel Sombra. Eev. Hort. 1855, 122. Noting the formation of seven ligneous layers in five months, in the stem. — Treviranus, L. C. Noch Etwas iiber den Stammbau der Phytolacca dioica. Bot. Zeit. 1856, 833. The spongy wood consists of concentric, unequal fibrous layers, separated by intermediate zones of cellular tissue. Vascular bundles occur in the pith. Tlie structure of the wood- zones, &c. is briefly described, and compared with that of allied orders. — Nageli, C. Beitrage z. Wissenschaft. Botanik, i. 14. Tlie structure of the stem is minutely described ; it is selected as the type of those Dicotyledons which possess successively limited rings of cambium tissue ia ' Epenchyma.' — Regnaidt, Ann. Sc.Nat. Ser. iv. xiv. 139. Phytolacca icosandra. The fibres of the corti- cal zone exterior to the 'couche generatice' terminate abruptly by plane surfaces . The wood consists of fibro-vascular masses, which regularly alternate with the medullary rays ; these are nearly equal to them in size, composed of thickened cells pierced with numerous minute canals. The woody bundles are formed of much thickened and very minutely dotted parenchyma. Young stems have but one wood zone ; in older stems another is superimposed, with this remarkable alternation that the fibro-vascular bundles of the external zone continue the medullary rays of the inner. P. escu- lenta presents a similar structure. Rivina laevis is also described. EuPHORBiACEAE. — Euphovhia. Schultz, C. H. Die Cyklose, Nova Acta, 184'1, xviii. Suppl. ii. tab. v. vi. — E. erosa. Link. H. F. Anatomia Plantarum, 1843, tab. ix. 4, x. xi. — Schacht, H. Die Sogenannten MUchsaft-Gefasse der Euphorbiaceen u. s. w. sind Milchsaft fiihrende, nicht selten verzweigte Bastzellen. Bot. Zeit. 1851, 513. Bast-cells of.— Criiger, H. Bot. Zeit. 1850, 126. Observation on Structure of Omphalea. — Buxus. Baillon, H. Monographic des Buxacees, 1859, 8. The relation of the quadrangular form of the stem to the development of woody fascicles in the cortical layers from each pair of leaves. The structure of the adult wood is described and figiu'cd. — Pachy- sandra, p. 10. Structure of the rhizome. — Buxus. Schacht, H. Der Baum, 195. — Sarcococca, Baillon, H. Monographic des Buxacees et des Stylocerees, 1859. Structure des rameaux, p. 7. The stem presents the usual anatomical structure of Dicotyledons. Garryaceae. Lindley, J. Bot. Register, xx. 1686. also Ann. Sc. 326 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. Nat. ii. Ser. ii. 157. The wood is destitute of concentric zones, con- sisting chiefly of dotted tubes, traversed by a few annular or reticulated vessels, and disposed in plates separated by broad, radial, medidlary processes. — Lindley, J. Veg. Kingdom, 295. Phytoceekeai;. — P. gigantea. Griffith, W., in Wallich's ' Plantae Asiaticae Eariores,' iii. 11, pL 216, and in Grriffith's ' Icones,' ccccxc. No description farther than references to plates. The 'medullary rays,' so-called, are represented as symmetrically disposed, enormously thick, and at equal distances apart ; in a young stem about 9 in number. They are composed of elon- gated, tapering cells, traversed by barred vessels. The wood is very porous, from numerous, wide, slit-marked ducts immersed in its dotted prosenchyma. Distinct concentric zones form in the wood, each with its own ' rays,' which are independent of those of the adjoining zones. — P. macrocarpa. Grriffith, Notulae, iv. 324.— Treviranus Bet. Zeit. 1847, 400. Ann. Nat. Hist. Ser. ii. i. 131. (Report by Henfrey.) Jvissieu's arguments do not dis- prove the view that the plates projecting inwards from the bark- layers originate in the liber. — P. palmata. A. de Jussieu. Monog. des Malpighiacees, 122. The soHd, radially-disposed plates (regarded by Griffith as medullary rays) M. Jussieu considers to belong to the wood system, and that they form the innermost portion of a second ligneous ring which would develop concen- trically, exterior to the first. — Lindley, J. Introd. Botany, i. 211. with fig. — Mettenius, on Structure of Fhytocrene. Beitrage zur Botanik, 1850, p. 50. — Mohl. H. v. Einige Andeutungen iiber den Ban des Bastes. Bot. Zeit. 1855. Referring to the vertical plates traversing the wood, which the author considers to corre- spond to the liber-plates of Bignonia. — Eadlkofer, L. TJeber das anomale Wachsthum des Stammes bei Menispermeen. Flora, 1858, 206. Lacistemaceae. Schnitzlein in Martins, ' Flora Brasil.' p. 280. Platanaceae. Link, H. P. Pecherches sur 1' Anatomic des Plantes. Ann. du Museum, 1812, xix. 340, with figs. — Platanus orientalis. B. Mirbel. Elemens de Physiologie Vegetale, 1815, tab. ix. 1. — P.occidentalis. Gray, A. Introd. Botany, 1858,37 (figs.) — Henfrey, A. Micr. Diet. ' Wood,' and Elements of Botany, 534 and fig.— Schacht, H. Der Baum, 200. Coeylacea-E. — Quercus. Kieser. Mem. sur TOrganisation des Plantes, 1814, tab. xiv.— Mirbel. Mem. du Museum, 1828, xvi. (fig.) — Buzareingues. Ann. Sc. Nat. xxx. tab. vii. 1, viii. & ix. — Mohl, H.v.Ueber die EntA\dckel. des Korkes, &c., 1836.— Du- trochet, I'lnstitut. No. 192.— Bischoft; Lehrbuch, tab. ii.— Mohl. H. V. Ueber den Wieder-ersatz des Korkes bei Q. Suher. Bot. Zeit. 1848, 361. — Hoftinann, H. Zur Kenntniss des Eichenholzes, Flora, 1848, 369, 1 pi. A detailed account of the general and minute structure of the pith, wood, medullary rays, and cortical layers of Q. pedunculata. — Fagus. Mirbel. Mem. du Museum OLIVEE ON THE STEM OF DICOTYLEDONS. 327 1828, xvi. 31 (fig.)— Ti-evir anus, L. C. Pliyslol. d. Gcwachse, 1835, i. tab. iii. 34-6.— Mohl. H. v. Bot. Zeit. 1855, 880. On liber of. — Fagus, Carpitnis, Quercus. Hartig. Bot. Zeit. 1859, 94, Ql. — Fagus Porsteri. J. D, Hooker, ilora Antarctica, i. 300, t. cvii. 1 L and 12.— Corijlus. Carpenter. The Microscope, 1856, 434 (fig.) — Corylaceae, several genera. Scliacht, H. Der Bauin, 191-8. — Henfrey, A. Micr. Diet. ' Wood.' {Fagus, Carpimis, Quercus). Betulaceae. — Betula. Link, H. T. Elementa Phil. Bot. 1837, tab. iv. 1. — Betula alba. Link, H. P. Icones Anat. Bot. 1837, fasc. i. vi. 4-15. — Schulz, C. H. Die Cyklose. Nova Acta. 1841. xviii. Suppl. ii. tab. xxxiii.— Mohl. H. v. Bot. Zeit. 1855, 880. On liber of. — Henfrey, A.Microg. Diet. (Salix, Populus, Hazel, Alder) ' Wood,' — also Schacht, H. Der Baum, 198. — Salix (vide note p. 25.) Unger, Fr. TJeber d. Ban, &c. des Dicotyiedonen-Stammes, St. Petersbiu-gh, 1840, Absch. viii. Lafbaceab. Nees v. Esenbeck. Systema Laurinearum, 1836. Brief mention of wood structure, p. 6. — Laurus Sassafras. Kieser. Mem. surl'Organisation des Plantes, 1814, tab. xiii. — Hernandia. Schacht, H. IJeber eigenthiimliche * * * Erscheinungen in den Verdickungs-schichten gewisser Holz-zellen. Bot. Zeit. 1850, 697. On the wood cells ot— Cassyta. Mohl, H. v. Ueber d. Ban * * * der Eanken- und Schlingpflanzen. Tubingen, 1827, § 75. — Chatin, A. Compt. Eend. 1856, tab. 42, 329, Anatomie Comp. des Vegetaux, Livr. iii. 27, with figs. Modifications of structure are described in Cassgtha hrasiliensis, C. casuarinae, C. filiformis, C. glabella and C. trijlora. UnroUable spiral vessels appear to be wanting, except in the last two species. Medullary rays and liber are absent. MoNiMiACEAE. Tidasne, L. E. Monographia Monimiacearum. Ai'ch. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. viii. 1855, 282. The slender prosen- chyma cells are irregularly dotted, and traversed by vessels of very variable diameter, slit-marked or dotted. Santalaceae. — Thesiacees. Chatin, Anatomie. Comp. d. Yegetaux, Li^r. 9% 297 (with plates). The stem-structure is described in detail in Thesium Immifusum and 8 other species, in Comandra, Fusanus, Leptomeria, Arjona, Quinchamalium, Choreirum, JVa- nodea, Osyris, Henslovia, 5 spp., Santalum, 4 spp., Mida, Plioi- acarpos, Pyrularia {Sphoerocarya), Myoscliylos, Suchleya, An- thobolus, Exocarpus. Nanodea differs anatomically from other Santalaceae. Its ligneous system does not form a continuous zone, but is usually very irregularly broken up into segments by interposed parenchymatous processes. It consists (1) of dotted prosenchyma radially disposed ; of (2) other fibrous cells, some square, some compressed in section, also radially disposed, and separating the former ; and (3) a few dotted vessels. Spirals are absent (?) In BucMeya the fibro-cortical bundles, in an annual stem forming almost a continuous circle, subsequently become 328 OEIGIKAL ARTICLES. broken up into isolated portions, vnth increase of the stem in diameter. The annual (?) wood formations are regularly formed of two broad, concentric belts, the inner vascular, the outer prosen- chymatous. Medullary rays are numerous. (The conclusion of the Santalaceae has not yet reached us.) — Chatin, A. Sur 1' Ana- tomic des. Bull. Soc. Bot. iv. 978. The stem structure of the following genera is described — Arjona, Quinchamalium, Naywdea, Osyris, vol. v. 39. — Cervantesia. Anat. Comj). d. Yegetaux (Parasites), tab. Ixxiii. 7, 8. Tlie text has not reached us. — Osp'is. — Planchon. Bull. Soc. Bot. v. 289, 446, also in Compt. Eend. July 20, 1858 and Ann. Nat. Hist. Ser. iii. 2, 225.— Henslovia. Lindley, J. Bot. Eegister xx. 1686. The wood is regularly zoned, filled with dotted ducts like those of JJlmus. — Thesium. Pitra, A. ilber d. Anheftungsweise einiger phanerog. Parasiten. Bot. Zeit. 1861, 69, with figs. Thtmelaceae. — Daphne. Link, H. F. Anatomia Plantarum, 1843. Tab. viii. 6. A'arious forms of liber-cells. — Aquilaria AgaUocha? 'Aquila Wood.' Certain scattered cords of tissue, in section elongated transversely to radius, traverse the wood (which ia other respects agrees with the ordinary structure of Dicotyledons.) Their muiute structure requires further examination. (D. 0.) Peoteaceae. — Dryandra, Hakea. Link, H. P. Icones Selectee, 1839. Fasc i. vii. 3-10.— Criiger, H. Bot. Zeit. 1851. 471. Observations on structure of Rhopala. Aeistolochiaceae. Mohl, H. v. Ueber d. Bau * * der Eanken- und Schliugpflanzen. Tubingen. 1827. § 75. — Aristolochia lahiosa. Graudichaud, in Guillemin's Ai'chives, ii., 501, pi. 19. 1833. — J. Decaisne. Sin* les Lardizabalees. Arch, du Museum, 1839, i. 143, with figures. A. Labiosa, p. 152. The woody bundles are formed of porous tubes of various diameter, irregu- larly intermixed. Each bundle divides like the rays of a fan. There is no trace of concentric zones. The liber occurs in iso- lated fascicles, immersed in the cortical parenchyma, each corres- ponding to a division of the wood mass. — .4. SipJio, p. 153. Annual zones are obvious, owing to the formation of the wider vessels in the early growth of wood of each year. The medullary rays are numerous. The liber, at first continuous, becomes broken up into bundles and isolated with age in the cortical cellular tissue. — A. Clematitis exhibits an arrangement of woody bundles, similar to that presented by A. lahiosa. — Lindley, J. Yeg. Kingdom, 793, fig. — JSchleiden. Principles, 253. — Duchartre, P. Compt. Rend. 1854, t. 38, 1141. — Asarum (1142), Bragantia (114i2), Aristolochia (1143). The stem of -4. cgtnbifera, presents a compressed inth, surrounded by a fibro-vascular zone, in the fascicles of which the large vessels are irregularly scattered. The liber-zone, at first continuous, is progressively divided into numerous small bmidles, which do not stand in any relation of number or position to the wood-bundles. — In A. Sipho the large OLIVEB ON THE STEM OF DICOTYLEDOXS. 329 dotted vessels are arranged in concentric circles, resembling annual zones, but corresponding to different periods of vegetation. — Asarum. Yaupell, C. iiber d. peripherische Wachstbum d. Gefassbiiudel, &c. Leipsic, 1855, 25. — Asij)Jionia. Griffith, Linn. Trans, xix. 334. Nepenthaceae. Kortbals, P. "W. Over bet Geslacbt NepentJies, in Temminck's A'erbandel. 1839-42, witb numerous figs, tabb. XX, xxi. The anatomy of JSf. ampidlaria is minutely described. The adult stem presents a tolerably "wide, parenchymatous pith, traversed vertically by isolated spiral vessels, woody bundles, with primary medullary rays, and a series of inosculating secondary plates, one cell in thickness, forming an irregular net- work between the primary rays. Tlie wood-bundles consist of dotted prosench}Tna with, especially towards the periphery, rather wide, dotted vessels ; towards the pith spiral vessels occur scat- tered through the prosenchyma. Exterior to the cambimn-layer is a rather thick belt of spiral vessels; others are found scattered through the cortical parenchyma. — Treviranus. Ueber einiger Arten anomalischer Holzbildung bei Dicotyledonen. Bot. Zeit. 1S17. 400.— Henfrey. On Progress of Physiol. Bot. A. N. H. 2 ser. i. 131. Bark, Avood, liber, and pith are full of spiral-fibrous cells. — Lindley, J. Introd. Botany, i. 211. J^. distillatoria. The pith abounds in spiral vessels ; a dense layer of Ligneous tissue occupies the place of the medullary sheath. There are no me- dullaiy rays, and the wood has no concentric zones. Between the wood and bark is a thicb parenchymatous layer, " in which an immense quantity of very large spiral vessels is found." Veg. Kingd. 287.— Miquel, P. A. W. Joum. Bot. Ned. 1861. p. 278. (To be concluded in, our next.) XXX. — Eemaeks on the Teanslation of the fiest chaptee OF Aeistotle's Histoey of Animals. By John Scouler, M.D. F.L.S. It is to be regretted that we have no English translation of the History of Animals, and that a work which should be studied by every naturalist, is inaccessible to all Avho are not acquainted with the original language.* The French translation of Camus is as good as an excellent scholar could render it who was ignorant of Natural History. The Germans possess not only a translation of the Natural History, but also one of the treatise on comparative Anatomy (De Partibus). The translation of the Natural History is * This article was written before the appearance of Sir. Cresswell's Translation, recently published Ijy Mr. Bohn. — (Ed N. H. E.) 830 OEIGETAL AETICLES. by Dr. Strack, and is a faithful version of the text, but with very few notes. The English version, by Taylor, we have not seen, and if the Stagyrite has not met with better usage at his hands than Plato and Plotinus have done, our loss is small. As Lobeck savs of him, "saepe grammaticam, saepissime sensmn pervertit." The qualifications required on the part of a translator of the Natural Historv of Aristotle, are much more varied than those which suffice for rendering an ordinary classic into a modem tongue. In translating such a work, the scholarship is the smallest difficulty, as the language is the easiest to master of any Greek author, and the text is now nearly as perfect as it ever can be. In executing a translation, the edition by Schneider should be chosen, as being the one naturalists are in the habit of consulting, and because it is followed by a Latin translation, and a valuable apparatus of notes and dissertations, and we may add, because the editor was both an able naturalist, and a learned scholar. But while Schneider should ser\'e as the basis, a constant reference should be had to the more recent and amended text of Eitter. An indispensable requisite on the part of a translator is, that he should possess the most familiar acquaintance with the other Aris- totelian treatises on the physical sciences. He must know not merely the Greek language, but the Aristotelic language, and be master of his philosophy of nature. In the History of Animals there are many things which are but briefly indicated, and apparently out of all natural connection with the subject, which can only be understood by the more copious illustrations to be found in other works. To understand the natural history, we must consult the long series of treatises from the Meteorology to the De Atdma. Of the danger of neglecting this we shall soon have to give examples. In addition to this, an extensive knowledge of zoology and comparative anatomy is essential. In this respect such knowledge as is drawn from books alone is insufficient ; the translator must be a practical anatomist, and from long experience, skilful in the diagnosis of species. "With this preliminary discipline, even a moderate amount of scholarship will enable a naturalist to overcome difficulties which would perplex a Scaliger or a Bentley. Unless he know the structure of the ovum of the cuttle-fish, the history of the Hectocotyle, the envelopes of the embryo in the different classes, he will find great difficiilties in mastering the text of Aristotle. It is time to apply these remarks to the translation of the first chapter of the History of Animals, which appeared in the number of the Eeview. We are surprised to find the word ravpa translated 7ierve. Xow in Aristotle and all authors before him up to Homer, this word is never used in the sense of our English word nerve, it always means ligament or tendon. This is a serious error ; for a knowledge of the nervous system was the weakest point in the anatomy of the Stagyi-ite. Of the nerves he knew almost nothing ; and it was Erasistratus, said to have been the grandson of our philo- SCOULER OX TEAXSLATIXG ARISTOTLE. 331 sopher, who first recognised the character of the nerves, and traced their origin to the brain and spinal marrow. A gain, p. 144. lleview, we have in the translation " salt-water and fresh-water marshes." Now there is not a word about salt-water in the original ; the proper rendering is lakes and marshes. If the translator had turned to YI. 13, he would have found that if salt-water marshes be correct, then the Perch, the Carp, and the Silurus are marine fishes. At p. 145, the Greek word IkvcnrairriKa, is, strangely enough, translated wriggling. Aristotle is classifying the different modes of locomotion as flying, walking, and swimming, and then adds the ilyspastic as a species of the genus. This error is suq^rising, as the precise meaning of the term is given by Aristotle himself. If we consult the treatise de Incessu, we find it signifies to crawl like an earth-worm, and expresses the mode of progression of gasteropods, caterpillars, and worms. It is surpi-ising that the translator should find any difficulty respecting the two well-known words tlcoc and yiroc, of such frequent employment in the ^\Titijigs of Aristotle, and so familiar to both naturalists and metaphysicians. It is true they are sometimes used rather loosely in the History of Animals, but this seldom gives rise to any difficulty. The Avord dloc, in the language of Aristotle, signifies not merely form but species, and also the essence of a thing, that which constitutes it what it is. As to yivoc, there is no difficulty whatever. Aristotle knew as well as we what classes and orders mean, though he did not use our phraseology; but he speaks of a summum genus and subaltern genera. Thus, birds form an order, or simimum genus, and palmipeds are a subaltern genus. We are told by the translator, p. 112, that parts differ according to their capabilities of distinction. If the Stagyrite had expressed himself in this wav, he would never have been *' II maestro di color che sanno." The sense is very obvious, that he means to express their qualities, and in the categories he tells us that qualities admit of contraries (black and Avhite), and differ in degree, or more and less. The whole of the passage respecting analogous parts is completely misimder- stood, although a most important part of our author's doctrine. The analogy between a scale, a feather, and a hair, was first mentioned by Empedokles, as quoted by Aristotle in the treatise de Anima. Tlie passage is iuterestiiig, but too long for insertion. Although the facts were admitted by both philosophers, the difference between Empedokles and Aristotle is as gi-eat as that between Oken and Cuvier. According to Empedokles, animals are modified by ex- ternal agents, and the scales and fins of a fish might be changed into feathers and wings of a bird. Aristotle, on the other hand, resting on final causes, asserts that the function determines the organ, and that different structiu'es may perform the same function. When he says parts are different and the same, the words have a very N. H. R.-I1862. 2 A 332 ORIQIKAL ARTICLES. different meaning from that which Goethe would affix to them. When the translator has the rendering " a hand with a claw," he has lost the meaning of the passage ; it should be, a hand and the forceps of a crab, both analogous as to function. The akalephe or Actinia has been a stumblingblock to the translator. In one place, 144, he translates it the jelly-fish, he then correctly renders it by Actinia, and again the rendering akalephe is a Medusa. Now akalephe always signifies the Actinia, and never the Medusa ; it was also called kvi^u, and was used as food. The description of Archistratus leaves no doubt as to this ; he mentions them in the same verse, and compares their feelers to leaves. Kvi^ag 6\p(i)i'uy rag anvtoIc, viii. 1. 3. When he speaks of their shrinking when laid hold of, he subjoins his usual sceptical ale (pafxt, as they say. He also says their contractility is denied by the people of Torone, where he himself must have examined the sponges in his youth. On the other hand, however, he mentions another kind of sponge, called Aphjsia, because it could not be cleaned. This kind has great ducts or pores, but their tissue is compact, and when cut up their substance is found to be more dense and glutinous than that of other sponges, and resembles lung. It is agreed on all hands that this kind lives for a long time, v. 14. 6. I'his kind, although called a sponge, is obviously the Alci/onhcm digitabim, or some allied species. When it is remembered that the Alcyonium is endowed Avith motion and sensation, Aristotle's dis- cussion respecting the nature of rhe sponge becomes intelligible. 333 Sibliouiiaplm. (1861, continued.) XXXI.— Z OOLOGICAL. MOLLUSCA. 1. General and Mixed. Adams, Abthub. — On some new Species of Mollusca from the North of China and Japan. A. K H. 3 ser. viii. p. 135, 239, 299. Adams, H. — Descriptions of a new Grenns and some new Species of Shells from the Collection of Mr. Gumming. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 143, 383. Bell, Egbert. — List of Eecent Land and TVesh water Shells collected around Lakes Superior and Huron in 1859-60. Can. Nat. vi. 1861, p. 268. Bernardi. — Description des especes nouvelles. J. Con. i. p. 46. Bland, J and Cooper, J. G-. — Notice of Land and Fresh-water Shells collected by Dr. J. Gr. Cooper in the Rocky Mountains, etc., in 1860. New York. Lye. vii. p. 362. BouRGUiGNAT, J.R. — Malacologie terrestre et fluviatile de la Bretagne. 8vo. Plates. Paris, 1861. Broun, H. G. — Die Classen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Dritter Band, Weichthiere: Malacozoa. Lief. 1 — 14. 44 plates. Royal 8vo. Leipz. 1861. Bielz, E. a. — Vorarbeiten zur Eauna der Land- und Siisswasser- MoUusken Siebenbiirgens. — Herraannst. Siebenb. Ver. xi. p. 49. Carpenter, Philip P. — Lectures on Mollusca, or Shell-Fish and their Allies. Prepared for the Smithsonian Listitution. 8vo. Washington, 1861. • Check Lists of the Shells of North America, prepared for the Smithsonian Listitution, by Isaac Lea, P. P. Carpenter, W. Gr. Binney, and Tem])le Prime. 8vo. Washington, Smith- sonian Institution (1860). DoHRN, Dr. II. — Descriptions of new Shells from the Collection of H. Cumming, Esq. Zool. Proc. 1861. p. 205. DuNKER, W. Gr. — Mollusca Japonica descripta et tabulis tribus Iconum illustrata. 3 col. plates. 4to. Stuttgart. - Beschreibung neuer MoMusken. Malak. Blatt. Vol. viii. p. 35. Beschreibung einiger von v. Hochstetter auf Neuseeland gesammelten Siisswasser-Mollusken. Ibid. p. 150. Gabb, AV. M. — List of the Mollusca inhabiting the neighbourhood of Philadelphia. PhH. Proc. 1861. p. 306. 334 BLBLIOGBAPHT. GroriJ), A. A. — Description of IS^ew Shells collected by the "Tnited States yorth Pacific Exploring Expedition. Bost. Proc. vii. p. 161, 828. 8S2. 400, and viii. p^ 14. Geedlee. Y.— Conciivliologisches aus dem Xordosten Tirol's. Yien. Z. B. Yerh. x. p. 803. HiGGEvs. Eev. H. H. — On some Specimens of Shells from the Liver- pool Museum. ori£:inally from the Patholosrical collection formed bv the late ^b-. G^skoin. B. Ass. Eep. 1860. p. 116. Jeefeets. J. GwT>-. — Eeport of the Eesults of Deep-sea Dredging in Zetland, with a Xotice of several Species of MoUusca new to Science or to the British Isles. A. X. H. 3 ser. viii. p. 297. Sui Testacei marini delle Coste del Piemonte, traduzione con note ed un catalogo speciale per il golfo della Spezia del prof Gr. Capellini, dottore in scienze naturali. 8vo. Genova. 1861. McAsDEEW, EoBEET. — On the Division of the European Seas into Provinces, with reference to the Distribution of MoUusca. X.'S. H. 3 ser. riii. p. 433. MoBELET, AETHrs. — Series conchyHologiques comprenant I'enumera- tion des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles recueillis pendant le cours de differents voyages ainsi que la description de plusieurs especes nouvelles. Livr. 2«. 3 plates. Svo. Paris, 1861. Coquilles nouvelles des iles orientales de I'Afrique. J. Con. i. p. 45. MoBTiLLET, Gabbiel DE.— Annexion a la Eaune malacologique de Prance. Svo. Paris, 1861. Pease. "SV. H. — Descriptions of a Xew Species of Mollusca from the Pacific Inlands. Zool. Proc. 1861. p. 242. Petit de la Saessate. — Notice sur les Mollusques marins des iles Acores. J. Con. i. p. 28. '- Decouverte faite p. M. Jeffreys d'opercules doubles dans des individus du Buccinum tmdatum. Ibid. p. 36. Pfeieeeb, L.— Xovitates conchologicae. Abbildung u. Beschreibg, neuer Conchvlien. Eiarures et descriptions des coquiUes nouveUes. Part 15. 3 col. plates. 4to. CasseL 1861. PowEB, .Jea>->t:tte. — Observations et Experiences physiques sur la Bulla lignaria, TAsterias, V Octopus vulgaris et la Pinna nohilis ; La Eeproduction des Testaces univalves marins ; Moeurs du Crustace Powerii: Mceurs de la Mart re commune. Eaits curieux d'uneTortue; VArgonauta Argo ; Plan d'Etude pour les Ani- maux marins ; Faits curieux d"une Chenille. Svo. Paris, 1860. Eeete, L.— Elements of Conchology ; an introduction to the Xatural History of Shells and of the Animals which form them. 2 vols. Eoyal Svo. col. plates. London, 1861. Eatexel, EDMr>-D.— Description of New Eecent Shells from the Coast of South Carolina. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 41. Sebbes, M.*iCEL DE. — Des alterations que les Coqudles eprouvent pendant la \-\e des animaux qui les habitent et meme apres leur mort. Mont. Mem. iv. p. 183. MOLLUSCA. 335 Stkobel. — Sulla distribuzione oro-geografica dei Molluschi in Lom- bardia. Mil. A. H. ii. p. 39. Stiatpsox, "Wm. — On the Marine Shells brought bv Mr. Drexler from Hudson's Bar, and on the occurrence of a Pleistocene deposit on the Southern shore of James' Bav. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 97. Teisteam, Eev. H. B. — Catalogue of a collection of Mollusks from Bermuda. Zool. Proc. 1S61, p Catalogue of a collection of Terrestrial and Pluviatile Mollusks made by M. C. Salvia, in Gruatemala. Ibid. p. 229. TfiTox. G. "W. — On the Mollusca of Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Phil, Proc. 1^61, p. 396. "WiLLULMSoy, A. E. — Xote on Land and Fresh-water Shells collected in the environs of Toronto. Can. Journ. X. S. vi. p. 327. "Willis, T. E. — Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Xova Scotia. Bost. Proc. viii. 61. 1S61. 2. CeplialopTiora. Adams, Abthue. — On some additional new Species of PyramideUidcs from the Islands of Japan. A. X. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 41. On some new Species of £uUma, Leiostraca, and Cerithiopsis, from Japan. Ibid. p. 125. On the Animal of Alycceus, and some other Cyclophoroid Genera. Ibid. p. 196. On a new Genus and some new Species of Pyramidellidce from the Xorth of China. Ibid. p. 29o. On a proposed new Genus, and on some new Species of Pelagic Mollusca. Ibid, ^^ii. p. 401. On the ScaJidce or '• "V\'entletraps " of the Sea of Japan ; vaxh. Descriptions of some new Species. Ibid. viii. p. 479. BEXSoy, W. H. — Xotes on the Pteropodous Gemis Hyalaa, and Description of a new Species. A. X. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 21. ' Description of a new Alycceus, from the Andaman Islands ; with Xotes on other Indian Cyclostomacea. Ibid. p. 28. Characters of a sriffantic Selix from Southern India, and of other Species from Xorthem India, the Midayan Coast, and the Andaman Islands. Ibid. p. 81. Beexabdi, a. — Monographie du genre Conns ; faisant suite aux Mouosraphies de Eeeve, Elener et Sowerbv, 2 col. plates, 4to. Paris.^ Bi>">'ET, "V\". G. — Catalogue of Land and Freshwater Univalve Mollusks. collected in British America by Messrs. Eoss, Kenni- cott, and Drexler, PhU. Proc. 1S61, p. 330. — ^ Xotes on the Terrestrial MoUusks of the Peninsula of Cali- fornia. AVoodcuts. Ibid. p. 331. Blakd, J. — On the Geographical Distribution of the Genera and Species of Land Shells of the West India Islands ; with a Catalogue of the Species of each Island. Xew York Lye. vii. p. 33o. 336 BIBLIOGEAPHT. Blanford, W. J.— Note on a Species of Flectopylis, Benson, occur- ring in Southern India. A. N. H. 3 ser. Aii. p. 244. Bouchard- Chantebeaux, M. — Observations sur les Helices saxicaves du Boulonnais. Plate. Ann. S. N. 4 ser. xvi. p. 197. ,BoTTTER, M. — Eapport sur un Poulpe geant observe entre Madere et Tenerifte ; with additional communications by Moquin-Tandon and Milne Edwards. C. rend. liii. p. 1263. (Abstract in A. N. H. 3 ser. ix. p. 187). Bbadt, Gr. S. — On the Occurrence oi Alderia modest a, near Sunder* land. Tynes. Trans, v. 151. Brown, A. D. — Descriptions of two new Species of Helix. "Wood- cuts. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 333. Collin GWOOD, C— Eemarks upon some points in the Economy of the Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Plate. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 33. Eemarks on the Eespiration of the Nudibranchiate Mollusca. B. Ass. Eep. 1860, p. 113. On the Nudibranchiate Mollusca of the Mersey and Dee. Ibid. Dalton, James. — On the New British Phijsa. Zool. 1861, p. 7318. DoHRN, H.— Zur Kenntniss von 3Iitra. Mai. B. 1861, viii. p. 133. Hancock, Albany.— On certain points in the Anatomy and Physi- ology of the Dibranchiate Cephalopoda. N. H. E. 1861, p. 473. Note on the Occurrence of Acmcea testudinalis at Culler- coats. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 68. Hetnemann, r. D. — Die nackten Schnecken des Erankfurter Gebiets, vornehmlich aua der Gattung Limax. Mai. B. 1861, viii. p. 85. Ueber Amalia marginata {Limax marginatus, Drap.) 3 figs. Ibid. p. 154. Die alteste Eigur des Limax cinereus. Lister. Ibid. p. 163. HowsEjEich.- — On the Migration Southwards oi Acmcea testudinalis. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 58. Krohn, a. — Beitrage z. Entwickelungsgeschichte d. Pteropoden u. Heteropoden. 2 plates. 4to. Leipz. 1861. Lawson, Henry. — On the Generative Sj'^stem of Helix aspersa and hortensis. Woodcuts. Q. J. M. S. Oct. 1861, p. 264. (x\ud Dub. Q. J. of Science, i. p. 172.) Lea, Isaac, — Descriptions of new Species of ScTiizostoma, Anculosa, and Lithasia. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 54. Description of a new Species of Neritina from Coosa Eiver, Alabama. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 55. Descriptions of Eorty-nine new Species of the Genus Melania. Ibid. p. 117. Description of a new Genus (Strephobasis) of the family Melanidce, and of three new Species. Ibid. p. 96. Descriptions of Seven new Species of the Genus lo. Ibid. p. 393. Lewis. — On Species of Pa7Mr//«a found in the Erie Canal and Mo- hawk Eiver. Phil. Proc. 1861, p. 2. MOLLUSCA. 337 Lowe, Rev. E. J. — Diaoiioses of new Canarian Laud-Mollusca. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 104. Lubbock, John. — On the Development of Buccinum. B. Ass. Hep. 1860, p. 139. Maecel de Sehees. — Sur la troncature normale des Coqiiilles des Mollusques gasteropodes, etc. Soc. Greol. Bull. 1861, p. 87. Mennell, H. T. — On the occurrence of several Species of Nudi- branchiate MoUusks, at CuUercoats. Tynes. Ti-aus. v. 1S61, p. 61. Moore, Thomas J. — On tlie Eecent Cephalopoda. Liv. Proc. xv. 1860, 1861, p. 197. Moquin-Tandon. — Observations sur les Prostates des Gasteropodes androgpies. J. Con. i. p. 9. MoECH, Otto A. L. — Review of the Fennetidce, Part I. Zool. Proc. 1861, p. 145. And Part II, Ibid. p. 326. Norman, A. M. — On the Discovery of Fhysa acuta (Drap.) in England. Plate. A. N. II. 3 ser. vii. p. 114. j3i(jirus punctilucens (D'Orbigny) and Eolis northumhrica (Aid. and Han.) at CuUercoats. Tynes. Trans, v. 1861, p. 61. Pfeifper, L. — Descriptions of Porty-seven New Species of Land Shells, from the Collection of H. Cumming, Esq. 2 plates. Zool. Proc. 1861, pp. 20, 190, 386. Diagnosen neuer Heliceen. Malak. Blatt. viii. pp. 16, 77. Helix Codrimjtoni Gray, guttata Oliv. und deren nachstver- waudte Arten. Ibid. p. 105. Diagnosen einiger Landschnecken von Neuseeland. Ibid. p. 146. Diagnosen ueu eutdeckter Landschnecken. Ibid. p. 167. PiETTE, E. — Sin- un nouveau geni'e de Gasteropodes {Exelissd). Soc. Geol. Bull. 1861, p. 14. Eeeve, Lovell. — A Revision of the Synonymy of the Boat and Melon Volutes, "Les Gondolieres" of Lamarck. A. N. H. 3 ser. vii. p. 268. RowELL, J. — Description of a New Species oi Pu'pa from California. New York Lye. vii. p. 287. Sandbeeger, G. — Kurze Betrachtungen liber Sipho und Siphonaldute sowie iiber UrzeUe und andere aussere und inuere Merkmale der Schale des Gemeineu SchifFsbootes {Nautilus Pompilius, Lin.) ; nebst eiuigen Vergleichungen mit analogen Stiicken der Gattun- gen : Clymenia, Goniatites und Ammonites j with Plate. Ber. Giess. Oberh. Ges. 1859, p. 75. Saes, Michael. — Om Siplwnodentalium vitreum, en ny Slsegt og tot af Denialidernes Familie. 3 plates. 4to. Christiania, 1861. Schwaetz von Mohrensteen, G.— Ueber die Pamilie der Rissoiden und insbesondere die Gattung Bissoina. 11 plates. Vien. Denk. xix. p. 71. Tate, George. — Notes on the Distribution of Acmusly worded that it could not be objected to at the present day. " Quatenus sporidia septata, etc., ad genera dis- tinguenda sufficiant, dubium sane videatur, cum hie character a mrdtis generibus iisque naturalissimis vilipendatur." In fact, so far as regards the Sphseriacei, which is the family to which Fresenius and de Notaris specially allude, the remarks of the latter writer seem to go too far. That the shape and structure of the sporidia are of im- mense importance in the distinction of species no one wiU deny, but the value of these characters as generic distinctions is far less mani- fest. Those genera of the Sphseriacei, which might be defined by their sporidia, exliibit other features by which, mthout any assist- ance from the fruit, they might be separated from their nearest allies. In the fifth chapter, mention is made of a point which is stiU in dispute with regard to those spores which mycologists call basidio- sporous. If we understand this question rightly, the MM. Tu- lasne are of opinion that the sterigmata or stalks of these spores are simply prolongations of the basidial cell, the spore itself being the swollen apex of the sterigma cut off by a septum from the lower por- tion, whereas, according to the views of Schacht and Hoffmann, the spore is formed within the dilated apex of the sterigma, as in a true ascus, the ascus being adnate to the spore. The question is of some systematic importance,* because if Schacht and Hoffmann are right, the fructification of the basidiosporous fungi differs from that of the ascigerous ones only in the fact of the ascus being adnate to the spore. The determination of the question would seem to be capable of solution if we could ascertain the number of membranes of which the spore consists. Although it would be difficult, if not impossible, to do this in most species, on account of the small size of the spores, it might perhaps be effected with the assistance of proper chemical reagents in some of the large-spored Coprini. If the views of the MM. Tulasne be correct, the spore would have two membranes only, whereas, if Schacht and Hoffmann are right, there must be four * IfDeBary's obsei'vations on Agaricus mcllcus (Botanische Zeitung, Dec. 2, 1859), are correct, normal asci may exist in the same plant with normal basiUia. N. H. R.— 1862. 2 C 364 EETIEWS. membranes, viz. the outer and inner membrane of the spore Itself, and the outer and inner membrane of the ascus or basidium, within which it is produced, and to which it is adnate. If the numbers of membranes covihl not be ascertained when the spores are first shed, it is possible that, by inducing them to germinate, the obseryation might be rendered easier.* In speaking of the manner in which the spores of fungi are dis- persed, the authors refer to the observations of the Messrs. Crouan, with regard to the opening of the asci of Ascobolus. In this genus the tip of the ascus sometimes sphts at the top in a circumscissile manner, and bends backwards, exhibiting the appearance of a little cap or helmet thrown back and adhering by a hinge. The Messrs. Crouan give figures of this mode of dehiscence in several species of Ascobolus figured by them (see Annales des Sc. NatiireUes, 4th series, Vol. vii. PL 4, and Vol. x. PI. 13), and they state that the cap, or operculum as they call it, is often entirely detached by the rapid and instantaneous escape of the spores. The MM. Crouan appear to think this dehiscence worthy of special notice, as they suggest that it aff'ords an additional generic character to distinguish the Ascoboli from the Pezizse, and the MM. Tulasne speak of it as occurring only in Ascobolus saying " Ascoboli solius, quautiun sciamus, theca ex- trema rescisum dimittit galeolum." "We are incHned to think, however, that the fact is not of much importance, for the same thing occurs in Sphasria herbarum, where the asci have been seen to open in a manner precisely similar to that observed by the Messrs. Crouan in Ascobolus. A figure of the fruit of this Sphsoria, sho\\ang the peculiar dehiscence of the asci is to be found in the Quarterly Jour- nal of Microscopical Science, Vol. iv. PI. xi. fi". 32, 33. f The thick gelatinous envelope of the spores of certain Pyrenomy- cetes forms the subject of a few remarks at p. 44 and 45, and refer- ence is there made to a note in Nylander's " Synopsis methodica Li- chenum," where that author, after speaking of the existence of this envelope in Lichens, says, " Parmi les champignons c'est surtout * Vittadini's explanation of the formation of basidiospores would seem to be intermediate between that of the MM. Tulasne and that of Schacht and Hoffmann. According to Vittadini, the spore is formed within the ascus or basi- dium, and is carried outwards by the protrusion of the inner membrane only of the basidium. f With regard to the question as to whether the asci of Ascobolus are (as its name would imply), really ejected, the authors say (note, p. 32), " Omnes apud Ascobolos quos novimus, thecffi equidem supra discum hymeninum, singulse saltern sua vice debitoque tempore, vertice emerso prominent et paraphyses plus minus excedunt, strato autem supposito cui ab oiigine imponuntur semper quodam modo hserent, nee secus evacu- antur atque Pczizanmi et cseterorum Discomycetum asci, nisi quod ita lailgo pr^re- scindantur seu decaeuminentur, ut galericulus tintinnabuUformis amoveatur." Mons. Coemans, in his recent able monograph of the genus Pilobolus in the " Memoires couronnes," of the Belgian Academy, also expresses doubts as to the emission of the asci in Ascobolus, a fact whicli, he says, has been rather assumed than proved. TtriASKE, SELECTA PFNOORTTM CARPOLOGIA. 3G5 chez le Sphgeria scoriadea Fr. qu'elle est d'uue epaisseur remarquable." We do not think that Sphaeria Bcoriadea is more remarkable than several other species iu the thickness of this envelope, which as far as our observation goes is as well if not more fully developed in SphcBria Tilice Fr., Sphceria profusa Fr., Sphceria putaminuon, Schwein. and several others. A striking instance of a similar envelope is figured by the MM. Crouan in the spores of Ascobolus macrospo- rus Cr.* In the sixth chapter of the present work, a good deal of space is devoted to an attack upon the oj)inions of Fries as to the fructifica- tion of Cytispora, and some analogous genera. Fries supjDoses (or did suppose at the time when the Summa Vegetabilium Scandi- navia? was written), that all Pyrenomycetes with simple naked spores were abnormal or atypical, and that the conversion of asci into spores was a circumstance of common occurrence. The MM. Tulasne, on the other hand, contend that the Cytisporse and the analogous kinds of fungi are normal but transitory forms, constituting a peculiar re- productive apparatus, and being, as it were, a primary sort of fructifi- cation. It is probable that the latter view may be the correct one, but we doubt if sufficient consideration has been given to the other side of the question. The argument from the supposed age of the great Swedish observer, savours somewhat of an anachronism, for although now " in crepusculo vitse susB,"t it must be remembered that the observations in question were written 14 years ago. Nor do the remarks at p. 54 appear to us very convincing, where it is said, " Quis non miraretur tot fungillorum millia fera semjjer atypica et " abortiva occurrere." And again, " In harmonia naturae et nos ipsi, " Linnsei exemplo, maxime confidimus, quare tot monstra tot abortivos " foetus exstare negamus." We thinlc it might be objected that atypical and abortive forms are not so uncommon amongst fungi as to make Fi'ies' suggestion so unnatu.ral as it is argued io be. With regard also to the possibility of the reduction of asci to spores, we thmk that the observations of Messrs. Berkeley and Broome on Stil- lospora macrosperma (supported as they are by what has been since noticed in Sphcsria Cryptosporii (which seems identical with Sph. suffma^v.), Steganosporium cellulosum, and Fatellaria atrata,)X are rather too summarily dismissed. In the Botanische Zeitung for 1854, Dr. De Bary brought forward some observations to show that the common Eurotium herbariorum, and Penicillium glaucum are two forms of fruit of the same fungus. The difficulty of ascertaining this satisfactorily can only be appre- * Annales des Sc. Nat. 4tli Series, Vol. vii. PI. 4, fig. 8. t " Sub vitse meae crepnsciilo meminisse juvat, quantas voluptates perfectiorum fungorum studium per quinquaginta et quod excurrit annos continuatum, mihi paraverit." Fries, in Preface to the " Monographia Hymenomycetum Suecise." p. xi. X Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Vol. iii. p. 272, Vol. iv. p. 197, and Vol. vii. p. 228. 2C2 366 EEVTEWS. elated by those who have attempted to trace the two forms of fruit from the same mycelium. The late Professor Henfrey had com- menced some observations on the subject not long before his lamented decease, and was disposed to doubt the correctness of De Bary's con- clusions. We find, however, that the MM. Tulasne appear satisfied upon the point, for they say (note 2, p. 63), "Novissimis his tempo- ribus propria experientia percepimus mira ilia ab oculatissimo Baryo observata cum vero ni fallimus quadrare." They add that the conidiiferous fruit varies to a great extent, so much so as to pass from the form of Aspergillus glaucus to that of JPenicilUum glaucum. In connection with the question of the double fi'uctification of moulds, we find some important remarks upon the Genus Azygites of Fries. The authors have observed that the flocci produce simple or forked stems, each surmounted by a whitish vesicle filled with minute spores, and that upon the same mycelium fruit occurs of a more imposing appearance, globose, pyriform, or elongated and lage- riform in shape, consisting of a dark membrane, which is sometimes very minutely tuberculate, and which encloses a number of dark spherical spores. " His omnibus perpensis (they add), nonne vide- bitur vesicxilam solitam unde fimgilli mucorini dicti principem suam notam hactenug traxerunt minoris esse dignitatis quam vulgo sesti- matur ?" This question, which, if answered in the affirmative, involves the abolitioti of the order of Physomycetes, must be left for the consi- deration of mycologists, but it may be observed that the fact of the occurrence of two sorts of vesicles containing different kinds of sporidia has not escaped the notice of Mr. Berkeley, who, neverthe- less, retains the order which was first established by himself.* The eighth chapter of the work is devoted to the consideration of the mode of germination of the spores of fungi and the different kinds of mycelium. It is strange that after the niunbers of observa- tions which have been made upon germination, it should still be a disputed question whether that process takes place by extension of the outer membrane of the spore, or by the protrusion of the inner one. Gaertuer, Eichard, Ehi-enberg, Corda, Schmitz and Schacht maintained the former view, but notwithstanding this array of au- thorities, the MM. Tulasne remark, " Suadet autem analogia germen semper ex endosporio oriri." No one can, we think, dispute that in the cases cited, viz., Puccinia, Hypoxylon and Xylaria, there is no extension of the outer coat, and to these might have been added Helminthosporium, Coniothecium, Steganosporium, and others, in wliich the germ-filament is certainly a prolongation of the endo- sporium. It is difficult to suppose that the mode of germination is not uniform throughout the fungi, and yet Mens. Coemans, in his recent monograph of the genus Pilobolus, states that the germi- • See Introduction to Ciyptogamic Botany, p. 297. TITLASNE, SELECTA FUNGORUM CAEPOLOaiA. 367 nation of spores in P. crystallinus takes place, or at least commences, by enlargement of the outer membrane.* Judging also by the figiu-es only, it would seem that Bail supposes the same to be the case ill the germination of the spores of Sphceria typhina Pers.,t but we cannot assert positively that such is his opinion. Spliceria thelebola is alluded to by the authors as emitting terminal and usually oblique germs. We have not ourselves seen the germination in this species, but it may be observed that the spores are furnished at each extremity with an extremely delicate ciliary appendage, which is not easily visible without careful illimiination. These ap- pendages might easily be taken for germ-filaments, but they are exactly terminal, not oblique, and would seem to be of the same na- ture as the appendages to the spores of Sphceria taleola Er., which are ranked by the authors with other setiform processes, such as those which occur in Pestalozzia, Dilophosphora, &c. One of the subjects discussed at some length in this work is the nature of those numerous fungi which, although in reality belonging to different genera, and even families, have got classified together under the general name of Sclerotium. "We have only space to no- tice one or two of special interest ; those mycologists whose atten- tion is directed towards solving the difficulties which still exist upon many points in the economy of those productions, will find a mine of information in the MM. Tulasne's pages. The general nature of Sclero- tia is so well described by Mr. Berkeley in his Outlines of British Mycology, that we quote his words here. At p. 57 he says, " Not only do many fungi remain long in the state of spawn without form- ing fruit, but they give rise occasionally to productions quite at variance with the characters of the perfect plant ;" and after noticing instances where the spawn assumes a root-like form, he adds, " Scle- rotium, on the contrary, is formed by the concentration of threads into solid wart-like bodies or nuggets, entirely devoid of fruit, but which on occasion give rise to various kinds of fungi, as Agarics, Pistillarise, Pezizse, &c. . . ." One question of difficulty connected with Sclerotia, and upon which the MM. Tulasne are at issue with other authors, is as to the pro- duction of different kinds of fungi from the same Sclerotium, or of the same fungi from different Sclerotia. Agaricus tuber osus is an in- stance of this. — Pries has stated in the Syst. Mycologicum % that this Agaric is produced from Sclerotium cornutum, 8. Fungoruvi, S. muscorum, and others indiscriminately, upon which the MM. Tulasne remark (p. 108, note), " Verbis his, nota niuic vera Sclerotiorum natura, non minus offendimur, quam si quis, nobis adstantibus, uvas de spinis aut de tribulis ficus collegisse contenderet," and they ex- * It would seem that the MM. Tulasne have themselves noticed something of this kind, for they say at p. 94, " Semina plurima sub germinationem, solitam mo- lem non mutant ; e minimis vero pleraquc tunc plus minus augeutiir." t Sec Bail m Nova Acta, Vol. xxLx. % Syst. Myc, Vol. i. p. 133. 368 EETIEWS. press the lite surprise with regard to Mr. Berkeley, who has said that the same species of Pistillaria is produced by Sclerotium com- planattitn, Tod., and Sclerotium scutellatum, A. and S. Here it may be observed that the first volume of the Systema Mycologicum was wTitten more than 40 years ago, and Fries cannot fairly be assumed to retain all the opinions expressed in that work. Indeed, upon turning to the account of Agaricus tuherosus given in his latest work, the " Hymenomycetes Suecias," we find no mention of the several Sclerotia alluded to in the Systema Mycologicum ; the plant is there described as " semper innatus tuberi solido, glabro, sclerotioideo, lutescenti." Whether the authors or their opponents are right is a matter upon which it is very difficult to form an opinion. We cannot think the matter is so clear as the former consider it to be. Tries and Berkeley may have been mistaken ; it may be that Ag. tuherosus* is never produced except from Sclerotium cornutum, and that the Pistillaria of Sclerotium scutellatum is more delicate and branching than that of Sclerotium complanatum ; but the instances alluded to in a former number of this Eeview, f of the apparent production of two diflerent sorts of Claviceps by the ergot of Phragmites, and of Agaricus papillatus by the ergot of rye, still remain quite unex- plained. Before parting with the Sclerotia we must notice the case of the Peziza which is produced from Sclerotium sulcatum. This Sclerotium inhabits the pith of the stems of Carices, and has been observed by Mons. Diu-ieu de Maisonneuve to produce a small brown Peziza, which is described at length at pp. 103 and 104 of the present work, and to which the authors have given the name of Peziza Duriseana. The account communicated by Mons. D. de Maisonneuve to the MM. Tulasne, is so interesting that we have been induced to translate that part of the note in which it occurs. He says, " Carex arenaria of Linnscus occupies " a well-defined space % of about 100 acres, forming a dense mass. " When it has commenced forming spikes it all at once becomes with- " ered and lank from the effects of the fungus of wliich it has long " been the nidus. In this state it bears a wonderful resemblance to * Vol. i. p. 11. f We would call attention here to a paper by St. Schulzer v. Miiggenburg, in the 10th vol. of the Transactions of the " Zoologisch-hotanische Gcsellschaft " of Vienna, on the Sclerotium of Ag. tuherosus. The autlior seems to be of opinion that the Sclerotium and the Agaric are independent organisms, and tliat the growth of tlie Agaric from the Sclerotium is analogous to that of Hyduum aiu-iscalpium from fir-cones. X We do not know how to translate the expression for the exact locality of this plant. The words used are, " in jirato Fargensi." In a previous part of the note the locality is spoken of as " ad Garumiuc ripas in pratis arcnosis aridisque agri " Sirionensis, hand ])r()ciil a Vasatum tinihus, ct antique Fargarum castello, nunc " funditns everso." The " Ager Sirionensis " must be the country round the ancient Sirio, which stood at or near to the conllucuce of the Ciron and the Garonne. TULASNE, SELECTA FTJNaOEITM CAEPOLOOIA. 369 " Carex ligerica Gay, and it usually dries up entirely before the " flowers are fully developed. This whole mass of Carex is so entirely *' occupied by the propagula, or rather the mycelium of the stranger, " that it is difficult, to find even a single cuhn withia the limits above " defined which is free from the parasite. It follows that it would " remain barren unless propagated by rhizomata, and I can easily " imagine that the whole mass has originated from a single Carex " which in the first instance admitted the fungus, and then in suc- " ceeding years crept far and wide in every direction. For Carex " arenaria L. abounds everywhere in the country about Bourdeaux, *' but bears the Peziza only at " Fargse," in the particular spot above "mentioned. You should know also that a single Sclerotiiun, or " more rarely two or three are produced in each cidm above the base, " and that the culms are at the same time almost invariably marked *' above the middle by from ten to fifteen punctate distinct rings, *' placed almost at equal distances and formed by the very minute " Epidochium ambiens Desm. May we not conclude that some rela- *' tion exists between this phoma-like pyrenomycete and the co-existent " Sclerotium of the Peziza ?" Upon this latter suggestion of M. Du- rieu de Maisonneuve, the authors remark that they have found Epido- cJiium affine Desm. (a plant hardly difiering from Epidoclimm am- biens) in Schoenus nigricans L., and in some Carices, and they con- sider it possible that the Epidochium and the Peziza are different forms of fruit of the same fungus, although the question as to their production by the very same mycelium is not yet settled. The point is very interesting, and one which may be recommended for the con- sideration of those botanists who have the opportunity of watching Carex arenaria. The authors did not succeed in their attempts to produce the perfect fruit of Sclerotium varium. They sowed it in the summer of 1860, and in the February following, numerous smooth delicate " cauliculi" were produced, which afterwards assumed the form of very acute funnels, but they all died long before arriving at perfection. Mons. Muenter of Greifswald, who has lately given an account of his experiments in the Xlth Vol. of the second series of the Eeports of the Belgian Academy,* was more successful. He sowed some speci- mens of Sclerotium varium in the month of December, 1857, and after the lapse of a year and a half, viz. in July, 1859, the Sclero- tium produced a Peziza, apparently a Ibed to, but distinct from, P. tuberosa Bulliard. M. Muenter has given figures of his Peziza in the volume above referred to. Sclerotium sulcatum Desm. and the Sclerotium of Typhula have also been observed to lie dormant for more than a year, as is men\.ioned at p. 106, (note 2) and p. 110, (note 1) of the MM. Tulasne's work. We have not space to notice the interesting remarks upon Ehizo- morpha and other forms of mycelium, which the reader will find dis- * Bull, de I'Acad. Royale dcs Sciences, &c. de Bruxelles, Vol. xi. p. 215. 370 EEVIEWS. cussed in the concluding portion of the 8th chapter, where there will also be found some comments upon the questions, whether Fungi have true roots, and whether such a thing as a unicellular fungus exists. To both of these questions the authors incline to give a nega- tive answer, qualifying the latter however with the remark, " merito qu»rat quispiam cur Fungi quum'AIgis indubia, imo proxima conjungantur necessitudine, parem structurse simpHcitatem quando- que etiam non exliibeant." ^ The controversy with regard to the existence of sexes in fungi may be dismissed in a few words. Although the recent observa- tions of Hofmeister and De Bary point to the probability of the occurrence of some process such as that which takes place in Achlya and the allied Algse, it is premature to speak, as Bail has lately done, of the discovery of sexuality in the Tuberacei, ks if it were a fait acco7npli. With regard to Hofmeister' s observations they really amount to little more than the suggestion of a probability, and although De Bary's go somewhat further, much remains to be done for the solution of this great mycological problem. In fact, the opinion (as old as the time of Micheli) which attributes male func- tions to the cystidia of the Agaricini, and Klotzsch's more recent sug- gestioos as to the paraphyses of the Discomycetes, can hardly be yet said to be displaced. No prudent mycologist will be disposed to quarrel with the authors' conclusions when they say, " Ideo ad hoc sevi non longe processit notitia nostra de Fxmgorum organis sexualibus, si qua sunt ;" nor mth their further argument, that inasmuch as no one doubts the existence of sexes in AlgaB, there are therefore legitimate reasons for suspecting their presence in Fimgi, a suspicion which is confirmed by a well-groxmded confidence in the manifest harmony of nature. The concluding chapter of the " Prolegomena" consists only of a few remarks on the present condition of mycology and the most desirable means of advancing the science. The systematic portion (occupying only about a sixth part of the present voliune) is limited to the Erysiphei, and contains copious descriptions, accompanied by exquisite figures, of the typical species. The plates are five in num- ber, and surpass if possible in beauty even those in the " Fungi hypogsei." That the authors may have health and leisure for the speedy pro- duction of the concluding volumes of this remarkable work will, we are sure, be the earnest wish of all mycologists. 371 XXXV. — On the vaeiotts Conteiyances ut which Beitish. AKD Foreign Oechids aee teetilized by Insects, and on THE GOOD EFFECTS OP iNTEECEOSSiNG. By Cliarles Darwin, M.A., F.E.S., &c. With illustrations. Amongst the prominent diiferences between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, there is one which, though never taught in schools and seldom alluded to in books, cannot fail to occur to the reflecting Naturalist ; it is this, that whereas imisexuality is the rule amongst the highest orders of animals, and hermaphroditism becomes more frequent as we descend in the scale, the contrary is the case with plants. It is not our purpose here to discuss this curious contrast, of the significance of which in a scientific point of view we have hitherto been absolutely ignorant ; it is enough to say that the results arrived at in the work whose title heads this article, show that amongst many plants apparent and real hermaphroditism are totally difierent things, and that before reasoning further on the subject, we must begin again not only to observe, but also to experiment. But our future observations will be of very little use if they are to comprise nothing more than the circumstances of the presence of both sexes in one plant, or on one individual ; observations, to lead to any good results, must not only be systematically and carefuUy, but intelligently made ; they must, in fact, be suggested by some pre- vious idea, and collected for the support or the contrary, of some possible or probable truth ; and the wider the application of that truth, the more fruitful and suggestive will be the accumulated ob- servations directed to its elucidation. In the present work Mr. Darwin has given the results of obser- vations made for the purpose of trying his theory, " that no herma- phrodite fertilizes itself for a perpetuity of generations ;" his ulterior hypothesis, of the origin of species by natural selection, is, as enim- ciated by himself, untenable if the contrary were demonstrable. Now one of the most obvious objections to this position Hes in the fact that the higher plants are structurally hermaphrodite, and that not only is it the apparent design of that condition to ensure the fertilization of each flower by its own pollen, but that a multitude of minor points in the structure of the flower appear to be as many contrivances to render self-fecundation doubly sure. To controvert this view was a bold idea, under any circumstances ; and to show, as Mr. Darwin has done, that in one very large Natural Order of plants, and in that very Order in which the contrivances seemed most directed to ensure self-fertilization, all our previous notions were wrong, and most of our observations faulty, is a great triumph, that cannot fail to secure to its author a more attentive hearing for his ulterior views than these have hitherto gained. Nay further, had Mr. Darwin not investigated this point he would have had no secure foundation for his great hypothesis, for, as we have observed already. 372 • EETTEWS. tliis question of structural hermaphroditism is a fundamental one ; and the rule that the more perfect plants are so constructed must occur to every one as a notable and insuperable objection to cross- fertiUzatiou, in default of its being shown that first impressions are in this, as in so many other cases, utterly fallacious ; or, in other words, that we have utterly misinterpreted the phenomena we have hitherto recorded. In his introductory pages the author indeed states that the pri- mary object of his work is " to show that the contrivances by which " Orchids are fertilized are as varied and almost as perfect as any of *' the most beautiful adaptations of the animal kingdom ;" and such, no doubt, was his primary object in publishing his observations in^the form of a separate treatise, addressed to the general reader ; but the real primary object of the investigation, and therefore, in its best sense, of the work too, is involved in his secondary object, " to show "that these contrivances have for their main object the ferti- "lization of each flower by the pollen of another flower." It is under this last point of view that we shall notice its contents, con- fining oiu-selves mainly to an endeavour to make them and their importance clear to the readers of the Natural Sistory Review, as- suming that they, like ourselves, were previously very iusufiiciently acquainted with the whole subject of the structure of Orchid flowers and the functions of their parts. We must however, in limine say, that without an accurate knowledge of many Orchids, the whole sub- ject is not intelligible, and that to understand it thoroughly requires a practised botanist. The key to the whole lies in the right compre- hension of the exact structure, position, and relations of the ros- teUum to the other parts of the flower in every species commented on : and when we add that this rostellmn is usually a very minute organ ; that it is a compound and highly differentiated body ; that the figures it assumes are seldom comprehensible from descriptions ; that it alters much in form during develoj)ment and suddenly changes its aspect after fertilization ; that its homologies are obscure and its functions often intricate and always dependent on external agencies for their exercise ; — it will be obvious that Mr. Darwin's is no work for the general reader and our task one of unusual difficulty. To put the matter more plainly, we do not believe that any student can, after his three months course of botany as usually taught in Europe, describe accurately the rosteUum of any British genus of Orchids ; and yet we must assume that our readers can. Such being the case, it may be wondered why Mr. Darwin chose the popular form for his treatise ; for his many and good reasons we must refer to his intro- duction, adding, that for other reasons we are glad that he has done so, amongst them, because Mr. Darwin's wT^itings afford the best specimen in English biological literature, of rigidly accurate descrip- tions expressed in perfectly simple language ; of a style and language, in short, that are equally admirable and charming ; we are glad too that the public should have in an available form the means of seeing DAEWIN ON PEBTILIZATION OF ORCHIDS. 373 how varied are the accomplishments, how laborious the investigations, and how sharpened become the faculties of a working naturalist with a theory to establish, and how subservient the latter may always be kept to the sternest demands of facts and their teachings. The book opens with a brief description of the structure of Orchid flowers, and of the terms applied to their organs, and is divi- sible into three parts, of which the first is devoted to British Orchids, the second to exotic forms, and the third to general considerations on the structure, morphology and physiology of Orchids. Such at least would be our division of the work, but the author has disposed of the whole matter in seven chapters, without concise headings, some- what arbitrarily, as if the conception of putting forth the treatise as a separate work were an after- thought ; an arrangement that does not recommend itself to the general reader, who thus loses sight of the grand divisions of the Order as well as of the subject. The general results obtained from all Orchids then are — 1. Tliat the structural obstacles to self-fertilization are almost insuperable. 2. That the adaptation of all parts of Orchid flowers is for cross impreg- nation of one flower by the pollen of another of the same species o^^ 3. That insects are the agents of fertilization almost invariaWy." 4. That the labeUum is the landing place of the insects, and contains the object of attraction to them in the shape of a honey-bearing spur, or sweet pulpy excrescences, or nectar-distilling hairs. 5. That the relative position of the labeUum to the reproductive organs is such, that an insect to reach the attractive object in the former, places head or thorax in contact with the latter. 6. That an insect on its first visit to a hitherto unvisited flower, must in its search for honey usually so place itself as to close the stigmatic cavity, while at the same time it removes the pollen. 7. That in numerous cases, so long as the insect remains on the plant whose flowers it has sucked, the pollen retains such a direction as that it cannot reach the stigma of any flower it visits ; and that, as owing to its unerring in- stinct it never visits the same flower twice, it cannot reach the stigma of that from which the pollen was taken. 8. That in many cases, after a certain period, generally longer than that spent by the insect in one flower or plant, the pollen spontaneously assumes such a direction that it is infallibly applied by the insect to the stigma of another flower of the same species as that from which it took the pollen. Bearing these points in mind we shall now very briefly review the principal modifications in structure and method of fertilization pre- sented by the British genera of Orchids examined by Mr. Darwin. Orchis mascida, morio,fusca,maculata, latifolia, and Aceras anthro- pophora. In these an insect alights on the labellum, and pushing its head into the cavity at the base of the labellum, the rosteUum is touched, its membranes ruptured along definite lines, and the viscid balls at the base of the pollinia consequently cement themselves to the insect's head or proboscis, with the poUinia erect. In this posi- tion the pollinia cannot touch the stigma of a flower subsequently §74 EEVIEWS. visited ; but they do not retain this position, they gradually become depressed and point forwards, and assume such a position that they infallibly strike the stigma of the next flower visited. The viscid stigmatic surface is not adhesive enough to overcome the attachment of the whole poUinium to the insect's head, but is adhesive enough to overcome the cohesion of the pollen grains, inter se, which are conse- quently detached in masses, and one poDinium may therefore fertilize many flowers. There are many other beautiful little contrivances noticed by Mr. Darwin which are brought into play in this operation, of which we have given an outline only. Orchis pyramidalis difiers considerably from its allies ; the most cmious point connected with it being the union of the viscid balls of the pollinia into the form of a siugle saddle-shaped disc, which clasps the autennse of moths in a most rapid and remarkable manner, causing a divergence of the pollinia : but for this divergence, and their suc- ceeding depression, they could not reach the stigmatic sm'faces of subsequently visited flowers. O. ustulata presents many points in common with O. pyramidalis. A catalogue is given of twenty-three sdecios of Lepidoptera which were fovmd to have pollinia of O. pyra- midalis attached to their probosces, one of which bore seven pair. Oplirys mwscifera. In this plant the pollinia have doubly-bent caudicles, the eflect of which seems to be the same as that of the movement of depression in Orchis. Ophrys aranifera. The caudicles here are nearly straight, and a movement of depression is hence necessitated. In O. apifera the method of fertilization differs, not only from all others of its genus, but from all other Orchids. The greatest structural difference is in the caudicles, which are so slender as to be flexible with the weight of the poUen itself. The consequence is, that the pol- linia hang out of their pouches, and are blown by the wind against the stigmatic surface, and self-impregnation ensues almost infalUhly. Mr. Darwin finds it almost impossible to escape the conclusion that self-fecundation is here absolute : his discussion of the case is most ingenious, but he can do no more than show that crossing is possible. O. arachnites. The priucipal point established regarding this is, that it is certainly not, as supposed by some, a variety of O. apifera, but more closely allied to O. aranifera, with which it agrees in its method of fecundation. Herminium Monorchis has floAvers highly attractive to bisects, and seems adapted to a similar mode of fertilization as Orchis. Hahenaria viridis. There is no movement of depression in the -pollinia, and it is not apparent at first how the latter can strike the stigma. The explanation is most curious and unique. There are three nectarial spots, and an insect bearing the pollen must, to reach the two lateral of these, so move its head that the pollinia strike tlie stigmata ; the supplementary nectaries thus replacing the power of movement of the caudicles and disc. DARWIN ON FERTTLTZATTON OF ORCHIDS. 875 Gymnadenia eonopsea and alhida differ iu detail only from Orchis. Habenaria clilorantha has a drum-like viscid disc of great func- tional importance, but its structure and action are far too complicated to be abridged here. H. hifolia is found to differ in so many characters from H. chlo- rantha as to be considered an undoubtedly good species, and further it is fertilized in a totally different maimer. ^pipactis palustris. The labelliun is of peculiar structure, the distal half being hinged on the other so lightly that a fly depresses it. An insect entering the flower depresses the distal portion (which closes after it), and reaches the nectarial cayity without touching the rostellum ; but, in backing out, the action of raising the said distal portion forces the insect against the rostellum, when it removes the pollen. There is no movement of depression required ; for, on the entrance of the insect in another flower, the polhnia it bears are brought into immediate contact with its stigmatic surface. In E. latifolia, the distal portion of the lip is not flexible, and the operation is more simple. Geplialantliera grandijlora presents the all but unique case of an Orchid wanting the rostellum {Cypripedium being the only other); its pollen grains are separate and spherical. Here perpetual self- fertiKzation is imperfectly secured by the friable pollen grains reach- ing the stigma at a very early period indeed ; but the structure of the flower and relations of the parts are such that insects must help, so that the flowers are partially fertilized by their own poUen and partly by that of other flowers. The details are very intricate, and the discussion highly interesting and curious. Goodytra repens is one of the most interesting British Orchids, as connecting several distinct forms ; iu the development of a caudicle and cohesion of the pollen grains, it approaches the tribe Ophrece; in other respects it is allied to JEpipactis, Spiranthes, and Orchis, Spiranthes autumnalis. The rostellum here bears an erect boat- shaped disc, filled with a viscid fluid, and decked with a membrane endowed with the power of fissiu-ing on the slightest stimulus (but not spontaneously). The poUinia consist each of two brittle, leaf- like laminae, and are exposed by a contraction of the anther case. The lip, at an early period, moves away from the rostellum, leaving a narrow passage to the nectary. The flowers are visited by bees, which touch the rostellum with their proboscis, causing the boat's deck to burst and expose the viscid fluid which attaches the pollinia to their proboscis. But at the period when the flower is open enough to allow of bees removing the pollinia, the aperture is not sufiiciently wide to allow this to be applied to the stigma. The flower thereafter opens wider by the further movement of the la- bellum ; hence it happens that fully expanded flowers are fertilized by newly expanded ones. The analysis of the whole operation is most graphically given by Mr. Darwin. Malaxis paludosa has flowers with the lip turned upwards, owing 37G REYTEWS. to a greater than usual twist of the ovary, and the upper sepal and petal are reflexed instead of protecting the flower. The pollen- masses are almost wholly exposed, and so placed that an insect must withdraw tliem on visiting the flower, and carry them off" lying parallel to its proboscis, and in the proper position for being applied to the stigmatic cavity of the next flower visited. Listera ovata. The rostellum is here exceedingly curious, being divided internally into loculi, a structure found in no other Orchid but Neottia. It is exquisitely sensitive, rupturing suddenly with a touch of the finest human hair, and ejecting a ball of viscid matter at its apex. The pollinia, wliich lie free and are very friable, have their bases so close to the apex of the rostellum, as to be invariably entangled in the expelled viscid mass. The long lip presents a lon- gitudinal nectarial ridge. Insects visit this, crawl upwards, touch the apex of the rostellum, when the viscid matter shoots out, carry- ing the pollen masses by tlieir entangled lower ends, and glueing them to the insect's head The insect visits other flowers, and masses of the friable pollen are left on their stigmatic surfaces. Listera cordata and Neottia nidus-avis present essentially the same structure and method of fertilization as L. ovata. To complete this extremely brief and incomplete account of the phenomena in British Orchids we should by right aUude to Cypri- pedium, of which genus however only exotic species were examined. This genus, as is well known, differs from all other Orchids in having three confluent stigmata (hence no rosteUum), the anther of other Orchids represented by a shield-like body, two fertile anthers, and in the pollen grains being glutinous. Fertilization seems here to take place by insects visiting the flower to extract the sweet fluid from the glandular hairs within the labellum ; to effect this they insert their proboscis into a narrow chink which leads to the anthers, the sticky grains of which attach themselves to their proboscis, and are ■ conveyed to other flowers. Oypripedium is thus the only genus in which the pollen grains attach themselves not only to the insect's proboscis but to the stigmatic surface, which is not viscid. We have preferred thus giving a rather extended resume of Mr. Darwin's observations on British Orchids to reviewing the very ex- tensive and intricate chapters devoted to foreign Orchids, tlie homo- logies of Orchid flowers, and general considerations ; both because they may be repeated by any observer and extended by many, and because this procedure of ours gives a better idea of the completeness of the work than a more sporadic selection of his observations and experi- ments, results and conclusions, could have. Those other chapters are however by far the more interesting and important, and to them we shall at some future time recvu", if opportunity offer. It remains to add that the work is copiovisly illustrated with most useful and in general very clear woodcuts, which would, however, have been greatly increased in value had the insects been introduced, in position, on the flowers. 377 •rtrjinal glrtirUs* XXXVI. — A E-EPOET 01!^ RECENT EeSEARCHES INTO THE MeSTIITE Anatomy of the Spinal Cord. By "W. B. Kesteven, F.E.C.S. [With Plates IX. X. XI.] The object of the writer lias been to collect in brief compass, from various essays and monographs, the principal results of recent re- searches into the microscopic anatomy of the spinal cord, embracing, on the present occasion, that portion only of the cord which extends from below the medulla oblongata. The several essays by Mr. Lockhart Clarke have been followed as the basis of the following remarks, and the information is conveyed for the most part as nearly as possible in the words of Mr. Clarke. Lest it should appear that an undue prominence is thus given to the observations of that anatomist, it shoiild be borne in mind that the advances recently made towards an accurate insight into the rela- tions of the elements of nervous structiu^es, are mainly due to the method of preparing transparent sections, wliich was introduced by Mr. Clarke, and which with some slight modifications has been followed by subsequent investigators, who have all more or less confirmed the accuracy of his observations. Stilling's magnificent and voluminous treatises having been founded upon the results of the examination by reflected light, of thin sections of simply hardened cord, aflbrded conclusions which have been shown by later observers to be in many points obscure and erroneous. The great diversity of opinion that, until very lately, existed on almost every point of the anatomy of the nervous centres, may be learnt from the historical sections of Schroe- der van der Kolk's, Stilling's, and other essays — while a notable approach towards agreement in observations and inferences, has been perceptible since the examination of transparent sections by means of transmitted light. The following Bibliography embraces all essays or works having reference to the microscopic anatomy of the spinal cord, of which the writer has been able to avail himself. It is from no want of appreciation of the value of the labours of Grrainger, Solly, Bowman, Todd, and other previous anatomists, that this subject has been taken up at a late point in its history. To have done otherwise would have been to occiipy the pages of this journal with an historical disquisition foreign to its objects and superfluous to its readers. J. Lockhart Clarke. — 1. Eesearches into the Structure of the Spinal Chord. Philosophical Transactions, 1851. — 2. On certain Functions of the Spinal Chord, with further investigations into its Structure. Fhilosophical Transactions, 1853. — 3. Further 378 OETGnTAL AETICLES. Eesearches on the Grey Substance of the Spinal Chord. Philo- sopliical Transactions, 1859. -; B. Stfllen'g. — 1. Xeue TJntersuchtmgen iiber den Bau des Eacken- marks. Fiinf Lieferunc/en, FranJcfurt, 1S56-1S59. — 2. Atlas ^Miki'oskopisch-Ajiatomischer Abbildungeu. Vie-r Lieferungen, 1S56-1S59. KoLLiKEE. — Manual of Human Histology. London (Sydenham Society), 1853. Ph. Ows.iAy>'iKO"w. — Disquisitiones IMicroscopicse de MedulljD Spinalis textura, imprimis in piscibus facitatas. Dorpat. 1854. !R. Wag>t:e.. — Xeurologische TJntersuchiingen. Gottingen, 1854. J. Le>*ho3SEK. — Xeue TJntersuchungen iiber den feineren Ban des Centralen Xerven systems des Mensehen. Wien, 1858. ScHEOEDEE TAX DEE KoLK. — On the Minuto Structure of the Spinal Cord, etc. London, 1859 {Neio Sydenliam Society). Beow^t-Seqeaed. — Lectures on the Physiology and Pathology of the Central Xervous System. Philadelphia, 1860. Fe. GrOLL. — Denkschi'iften der Mediz.-Chir. Gesellschaft d. Kanton Zurich. 1860. J. B. Tease. — Contributions to the Anatomy of the Spinal Cord. San Francisco, 1860. E. Eeissxee. — Beitrage zur Kentniss von Bau des Eiickenmarkes von Petromyson fluviatilis. Dorpat. 1860. L. Steeda. — Ueber das Eiickenmark imd Einzelne Tlieile des Gehims Ton Esox Lucius. Dorpat. 1861. J. DEA^f. — [Microscopic AnatomT of the Lumbar Enlargement of the Spinal Cord. Cambridge, U.S. 1861. J. TEAroOTT. — Contribution a I'Anatomie ]\Iicroscopique de la moelle epiniere de la Grenouille. Quoted from the German, in Brown-Sequard's Journal de Physiologie, Janvier, 1862. The subject will be treated under the three heads of : — 1. The structure of the white columns. 2. The form and structure of the grey matter. 3. The origin and course of the nerve roots. I. SxErCTUBE OF THE WhITE COLE3J3fS. The anatomical elements of the white columns present different appearances, according as they are examined ia longitudinal or ia transverse sections. A longitudinal section exhibits the general aspect of a structure consisting of parallel fibres running lengthwise. A minute examina- tion shows them, as described by IVIr. Lockhart Clarke, to consist of nerve-fibres taking different directions, — transversely, olliqv.ely, and longitudinally, together with blood-vessels and connective tissue. On tracing the transverse fibres, these are found to proceed from the grey matter, or from the nerve-roots, and to form a kind of plexus between bundles of the longitudinal fibres, with many of which they EESTEVEN 0>' THE ANATOMY OF THE SPLS'AL CORD 379 may also be seen to become continuous after alterijig tbeir course. A large number of these transverse fibres approach the surface in fissiires which contain connective tissue, and admit the passage of vessels from the pia mater of the surface. Within the grey substance they may be ti'aced in connection with the roots of nerves, with the processes of the multipolar ceEs, and with the fibres which form the commissures. The oblique fibres may be regarded as intermediate between the transverse and the longitudinal ; they form the deeper strata of the cord, lying nearer to the grey matter from which they proceed up- wards and downwards, becoming longitudinal after running a variable distance. The longitudinal fibres constitute the greater portion of the mass of the white columns ; they are the more superficial, and run nearly parallel to each other. Dean describes four principal courses of the longitudinal fibres : — 1st, obliquely upwards and inwards, penetrating sooner or later into the grey substance : 2nd, fibres which may be slightly oblique at starting, but soon assume a directly transverse course, sometimes varying this by slightly a-scending or descending ; these fibres ajre mostly of the finest sort : 3rd, fibres which enter the posterior column at various angles, but very soon bend roimd, often at quite a sharp angle, descending in a coiirse more or less oblique : -Ith, fibres which are looped or recurrent, seeming to unite both ascending and descend- ing fibres. Besides these four classes, the first three of which have ah'eady been noticed by Stilling, Dean observes, " every variety of in- termediate course will be fovmd, the bimdles of fibres being braided together in most complex manner." " The anterior and lateral columns, apart from the anterior roots, are only partially derived from the cells of the anterior and posterior cornua, soine of the white longitudinal fibres seeming to be direct continuations of the posterior roots, after these have passed through the grey substance ; the poste- rior columns are composed almost exclusively of the posterior roots, a few fibres appearing to be derived from cell processes coming from the large cells, situated on the margin of the posterior cornu : what coui'se these fibres take after lea\Tug the grev substance, I have been luiable to determine definitely." — p. 10. Stilling also points out that the longitudinal fibres do not all follow a parallel course, but that many, after a longer or shorter extent, bend in other dii'ections ; but whether all or only some are thus diverted, and whether others continue to follow the v^hole length of the cord, he has not determined. Sometimes horizontal fibres are traceable into the roots of the nerves. The oblique fibres he describes, simi- larly with ]\Ii'. Lockhart Clarke, as passing upwards and downwards, and in one of his plates gives an illustration of their crossing one another. The transverse fibres. Stilling remarks, ai'e more numerous where the larger nerve roots arise. Their course is not always in exactly the same plane, neither are they always straight, but present N. H. K.— 1S62. 2 D 380 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. frequently a bowed outline as they traverse the bundles of longitu- dinal fibres, to form the roots of the spinal nerves. The white columns (Strange), Goll observes,* consist principally of longitudinal fibres running parallel to each other, forming the medium of communication of single portions of the cord with the brain, and intersected by radiating bundles (Balkensfrahlen) of nerve- fibre, which he describes as branching off like the veins of leaves for the most part dichotomously, then again subdividing and con- nected with each other. Coarser radiating bundles may be noticed to divide the fibres into clusters of from twelve to fifteen districts of radiations. Finer bundles subdivide these again into trapezoid or rhomboid shaped clusters of the cut ends of the horizontal fibres. These radiating bimdles are the medium of the passage of vessels and nerve fibres from the centre to the surface. The periphery and borders of the anterior fissures are covered with a layer of fine con- nective tissue, which latter sends inwards processes connecting it with the radiating bundles and the neuroglia. Grail also delineates, in a somewhat exaggerated diagram, two wedge-shaped tracts of the posterior white columns bounding iaternally the posterior middle line, and on their outer sides being in contact with the posterior roots of the nerves as they pass from the posterior horns of the grey sub- stance. These tracts are not always distinctly marked. Kollikert distinguishes in the Avhite substance only horizontal and longitudinal fibres, " running parallel to each other, never interlacing nor constituting small fixsciculi. The number diminishes from above dowTiwards, because they successively pass inwards towards the grey substance, presenting the general characters of the central nerve- fibres." The transverse fibres are found in those portions of the columns which adjoin the horns, and at the points of entrance of the nerves, and in the white commissui'e. Schroeder van der Kolk| describes the course of longitudinal fibres in the anterior and posterior columns, and the passage of some of these fibres into the transverse rays connected with the cells in the grey matter. These contain, according to this author, separate filaments for the several fimctions of sensation, motion, and reflex action, and exist in greater numbers in the cervical and lumbar ex- pansions, where the majority of reflex actions and movements are excited and combined. A transparent section at right angles to the axis of the cord ex- hibits very clearly the arrangement of the longitudinal and transverse fibres. (Plate IX. fig. 1.) The latter are seen passing among the cut ends of the former, and, as it were, majjping these out into circum- scribed districts of bundles. Stilling has devoted one fasciculus of his folio atlas to the delineation of the divers forms presented by these blocks, or districts, as exhibited in opaque sections. By the employ- ment of colouring matter (e. g. carmine or archil), the cut ends of the • P. 135. t Vol i. p. 408. X P. 56. KliSTEVEN ON THE A2TAT0MT OF THE SPINAL CORD. 381 longitudinal fibres are subjected to anatomical demonstration by- transparent sections. The axis-cylinder of the nerve-tube becomes tinged with the colouring matter, while its surrounding sheath remains untinged. In this way the transverse fibres become distinguishable as they traverse the bundles of longitudinal fibres, the dyed ends of which thickly dot the field of the object glass of the microscope, (fig. 1.) By gentle pressure of a fresh nerve the solid cylinder may be protruded, and thus demonstrated in its recent state. This is readily efiected in the nerves of fishes {e.g. Cod). The author of an elaborate essay on " General Nerve Physiology," in a late No. of the British and Foreign Medico- Chirui-gical Eeview,* observes: — "As to the tubular nature of the axis- cylinder, we once thought that we had convinced ourselves of this in the anterior nerve-roots of the ox. But on examining our preparations, in which the axis cylinder gave the appearance of having a double contour, with a finer microscope, the tubular appearance cannot be made out, and the axis cylinder, under a very high power, appeared to consist of a finely granular homogene- ous substance. We have now little doubt that the axis cylinder is a solid or semi-solid fibre, continuous with the contents of the nerve-cell." The same writer expresses his concurrence in Mr. Lockhart Clarke's opinion that Stilling was, in his examinations of nerve structure, misled by his mode of making his preparations. A transverse section exhibits also the relations of tlie fissures of the cord — the anterior and posterior median, and several lateral or radiating fissures which admit the passage of vessels. The general distribution of the latter is beautifully shown by the use of trans- parent injections.t The principal source of supply is by one or, sometimes, two arterial trunks passing down the anterior fissure, piercing the anterior commissure to send a branch on each side of the central canal, then rapidly dividing and subdividing into almost as many and as minute branches as there are nerve processes. So nu- merous are their ramifications and anastomoses, that a network of minute meshes is formed in the grey matter, and its superior vascu- larity strongly marked, (fig. 2.) A second source of vascular supply is from the pia mater of the aurface. Vessels may be seen traversing the white columns, and passing inwards to the grey matter, giving ofl" branches to their connective tissue and fibres in their course inwards. In the Boa the size of the vessels of the grey matter is, relatively to that of the higher animals, large, and their course distinct. The connective tissue consists of a fine net- work between the fibres and blood-vessels of the columns. In the calf this tissue may readily be seen to be interspersed with a multitude of minute cells or nuclei, which send out processes or fibres in different directions to assist in forming the net-work of areolar tissue. The smallest cells of the * July 1862, p. 3. t The writer has traced the vessels in many exquisite specimens of injected cord, prepared by C. M. Topping, 7, Haverstock Street, City Road. 2 D 2 382 OEIGiyAL AETICLES. substantia gelatinosa of the caput cornu posterioris are considered by Clarke as belonging to tlie connective tissue. The outer ends of the epithelial cells which surround the central canal send out delicate processes which radiate in all directions, and by their peripheral ends are always in connection with the areolar or connective tissue. Some processes may be traced to the blood-vessels and pia mater through the grey substance and columns, at right angles to the axis of the cord, joining the connective tissue. We have ourselves seen this connection of the epithelial cells of the canal -^-ith the pia mater of the anterior fissure, in a beautiful preparation by IVIr. Lockhart Clarke, of the cord of a foetus of a sheep three inches only in length — leaving no longer any possibility of doubt on the existence of the connection. Dean* observes — " My own observations are entirely in agree- ment with the description which J. L. Clarke has given of the con- nective tissue." " Tlie view which Clarke has taken of the possible relation between connective and true nerse tissue seems very valuable ; for I have long been satisfied of the impossibility of fully distinguish- ing with our present means, between these two tissues, which seem to run into each other so closely as to suggest very strongly the im- portant question, whether there is any actual and essential difier- ence between them, or whether the connective tissue of the cord be intermediate in its natm-e, passing on the one hand into nerve tissue, and on the other into pia mater." Groll (p. 136) describes the interstitial substance or Neuroglia of the white columns as being identical with the finest fibres, forming the sheaths of the nerve fibres, and as continuous throughout the entire length of the spinal cord. This is also shown by Mr. Clarke, Phil. Trans, pi. xxii. fig. 48. At the edges of very thin sections Goll has seen the short sections of axis cylinders fallen out, leaving a honey- comb structure distinctly perceptible. At the borders of the anterior fissure this neuroglia is continuous, with a fine fibrdlated texture, which is interposed between the white column and the pia mater. n. FOEM AITD StEIICTTJEE OF THE GrEET SrBSTAIfCE. 1. Form. The general outlines of the grey matter are well known, as are also its division into anterior and posterior horns. It may be no- ticed that these outlines are not so clearly defined as the cord tapers towards its lower extremity. At the lower part of the conus medul- laris, or conical extremity, the posterior grey substance forms a single broad mass, consisting behind of a softer, paler and more transparent lamina or baud (the gelatinous substance). The anterior portion of the grey substance of the conus, however, retains more of the form of the cornua, being divided into two parts by the anterior fissure, near the base of which fibres are seen crossing and decussating to form the * P. 2. KESTEVEN ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL COED. 383 anterior commissure. In ascending towards the lumbar region the two lateral cornua, and the ijosterior commissure begin to appear. In the conus medullaris the central canal is larger than in any other region of the cord. It continues to enlarge through the lower part of the coiius, nearly reaches the anterior fissure, and extends backwards to the gelatinous substance, in front of which it dilates in a lateral direc- tion. The grey substance gradually decreases in quantity, and is encroached upon by the antero-lateral columns. Numerous small cells are scattered throughout it. The Jilum terminale, in its natural state, appears to be a nearly cylindrical tubule, but, when hardened in spirit, or chromic acid, is more or less flattened at the sides, so that the canal becomes com- pressed and sometimes completely coUapsed. The grey substance is at last reduced to a mere fringe from the edges of which a series of processes extend through the white substance to the pia mater at the surface. On examining the cord upwards from the conus towards the lum- bar enlargement, certain modifications are found to take place in the form and disposition of the grey masses. The two halves of the posterior mass begin to separate from each other at the middle line. The rudiments of the posterior cornua begin to be marked out by the separation of the grey matter, and the first appearance of the pos- terior vesicular columns is an increasing mass of caudate cells a little behind the spinal canal. The changes continue to increase from below upwards, and reach their greatest extent in the middle of the lumbar region, where the posterior cornua are broad and long, and widely separated, while the posterior commissure is reduced in breadth, ^©i'^g T3^ of ^^ ^^h instead of -^-^ as at the lower end of the cord. A similar series of alterations takes place also in the form and arrangement of the anterior grey horns, whereby they assume a shape the opposite of what they presented lower down. They now turn rather outwards than inwards, and have a large irregularly clubshaped extremity. The caudate vesicles have become exceedingly numerous, and are grouped together in several large masses, chiefly on the outer and middle parts of the cornua. In the dorsal region the arrangements of the grey substance are again reversed. The posterior grey substance again consists of a single mass extending uninterruptedly and nearly horizontally across from side to side — on the other hand, the anterior cornua are long, straight and narrow, projecting directly forward. Its caudate vesicles are less numerous and collected in one or two small groups towards their extremities. From the middle of the dorsal region to the cervical enlargement of the cord, the alterations in the form of the grey substance are again reversed, being nearly similar to those found to take place on proceediug upwards from its lower extremity. The process of division of the posterior mass is renewed, the commissural bands are pressed forward, marking the posterior cornua — the anterior become broader 384 ORIGINAL AETICLES. and longer and contain a larger number of vesicles. The general arrangement of the grey substance has a striking resemblance to that .of the lumbar region. In the spinal cord of Man the form of the grey substance differs somewhat from that of Mammalia. Throughout, the posterior cornua stand completely apart, and are joined only at their bases by a narrow transverse commissure. Each posterior vesicular column occupies the whole inner half of the cervix, and in appearance resembles that of mammaha in the upper part of the lumbar enlargement. Dr. J. Traugott states that before and behind the central canal in the cord of the frog, the grey matter consists of a gelatinous con- nective tissue and differs notably from its characters in other parts — a difference which is not found in the cord of man or other vertebrates. In other parts the grey substance consists of the cellular and fibrous elements. Its radiated character is due to the processes extending from the epitheHum of the central canal, and which belong probably to the connective tissue. The cells are large and small, the larger are more abundant in the anterior horns, the smaller in the posterior — both varieties of the nerve cells are met with scattered together throughout the grey substance. The anterior commissure is formed of fibres passing across from one side to the other and enclosing longitudinal fibres. The posterior commissure is very slight and is even sometimes w^anting. The pos- terior nerve-roots send processes to the anterior commissure. The fibres of both commissures are described by Schroeder van der Kolk as consisting of white fibres not in immediate connection with nerve roots, although probably indirectly connected with the anterior roots by means of ganglionic filaments. (Plates X, XT. figs. 4 and G, L and M.) The cells of the grey matter present great variation in form, size, (fig. 1 c), and number of processes, depending much, as observed by Dean, " on the direction of the plane of section with respect to the situation of the cell." A distinction foimded on the size of the cells has been attempted, dividing them into motor, sensitive, and sympathetic, but this is a purely hypothetical and unfomided distinction, since there are many cells, wiiich as Dean justly remarks, should be sensitive in the anterior cornu, and motor in the posterior. Dean regards the cells as simply an enlargement of the axis cylinder containing a granular substance and a nucleus. The cells however possess such clearly distinctive characters as to justify their being regarded as altogether independent structures giving off pro- longations of their outer membrane. Dean defines the distinctive characters of grey and white matter, or vesicular and fibrous, as consisting in the presence of true nerve cells in the grey or vesicular, v.hily they are absent in the white or fibrou^t substance. " The so-called cells of the wliite substance, de- .Bcribed by Stilling and others," Dean adds, " are nothing more than KESTETEN ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL COED. 385 the cells belonging to the connective tissue, or as sometimes occurs, true nerve cells which have been isolated from the grey substance by the plane of section." With reference to the connections of nerve-cells one with the other, the following summary of various opinions may be quoted from Dean. " Schroeder van der Kolk describes and figures, for the most part very truthfully, the communications between cells by means of longer or shorter fibres. He states that two cells are often united by more than one fibre, but so far as my own observations reach, this is exceedingly rare. He seems to infer that cells of the pos- terior cornua are also connected, though he does not mention ever having seen this. Lenliossek speaks of the cells as being multipolar, and connected together in a continuous chain from the apex of the conus medullaris to the brain, and figures the union of several cells from the cervical enlargement of the human cord.* Bidder and Kupffer notice the same fact ; they were also able to make out cell connections in longitudinal sections. Stilling agrees with the authors cited above, considering these cell connections, however, as independent of those he believes established between all the cells of the elementary tuhuli. Both Stilling and Schroeder van der Kolk describe the cell-process as bifurcating, distant cells being connected together by this first divisioji, or by means of still fur- ther ramifications. Stilling carries this division of the cell-process much further than Van der Kolk, making the branches split again and again, till they are reduced to the finest elementary tuhuli. My own observations agree in this respect much more nearly with the figure and description of Clarke ; his statement that the cell-pro- cesses divide and subdivide into smaller branches, so that the space between them appears to be occupied by a minute network of the most delicate fibrils, is entirely correct. I have uniformly seen the cells connected by fibres never smaller than the axis cylinder of the finest nerve fibres of the white substance, being usually (measured at a sufilcieut distance from the cell for the diameter to be uniform), about -0001 -00025" in diameter." These connections of the ceU processes, indicated by Lockhart Clarke in 1851, may with care and patience be traced in very thin and transparent longitudinal sections of the horns. As the fibres change their plane, a frequent adjustment of the focus is required under the use of the higher powers of the microscope. The analogy of the relations of the fibres proceeding from unipolar cells in lower classes of animals strengthens the conclusions which have been founded upon the careful examination of the apparently inextricable net-work of cell-processes, nerve-fibres, blood-vessels, and connective tissue. The anterior and posterior cornua are divided by an imaginary line drawn across from either side of the central canal outwards to This statement must be taken subject to ftiture confirmation. 386 ORIGINAL ARTICLES. the lateral white column. From the upper part of the lumbar to the lower part of the cervical regions of the cord, the lateral portion of the grey substance between the anterior and posterior cornua con- sists of a peculiar vesicular tract, paler and more transparent than the rest, and which has been named by Lockhart Clarke the tractus mtermedio-lateralis. (Plate X. figs. 3 and 4.) This tract consists, for the most part, of oval, fusiform, and pyi'iform cells sending processes to the lateral columns and to the transverse commissures. The tractus mtermedio-lateralis was first shown by Mr. Clarke, to be in intimate connection with the lower roots of the spinal accessory nerve in the cervical region. It constitutes the motor column of the respiratory muscles of the abdomen and thorax. " The tractus intermedio-lateralis, in Man, closely resembles that of Mammalia, and contains cells of the same kind, but rather smaller. In the upper part of the cervical region, a similar, but somewhat larger, tract reappears in the same situation, and projects in the same way into the lateral column. It increases in ascending to the third pair of nerves, where the form of the entire grey substance presents a very striking resemblance to that in the upper part of the dorsal region. This tract is traversed by several roots of the spinal acces- sory nerve, in their course forwards to the anterior cornu, and con- tributes, with the edge of the posterior cornu, to form a beautiful network in the lateral column, through which the nerve enters. Its cells are triangular, oval, and fusiform in different directions : some of them are elongated in the direction of the transverse commissure, and towards the front of the posterior vesicular column ; others ex- tend outwards with radiating fibres through fissures of the lateral column. Tliere is reason, therefore, to believe that this tract forms a part of the tractus intermedio-lateralis. In the Sheep and Ox, and probably in all Mammalia, a peculiar group of cells, which is tra- versed by the roots of the spinal accessory nerve, is found in the same situation ; and this group, in ascending the medulla oblongata, retires inwards to the s])ace behind the canal, and there contributes to form the nucleus which gives origin to the highest roots of the nerve. The cells ol» the tractus intermedio-lateralis are elongated with their processes in a longitudinal direction, and reached by both the posterior and anterior roots of the spinal oierves, and perhaj)s by the spinal-accessory. ■ The latter nerve extends fonoards to the ceUs of the anterior cornu, which also send some of their processes longi- tudinally, and are reached by the posterior roots. Mr. Clarke has shown that while one portion of the upper roots of the spinal-accessory nerve, and one portion of the vagus roots pro- ceed inwards to their respective nuclei beJiind tJie canal, other portions of both bend forwards to the vesicular network into which the anterior cornu has become resolved, and that some of the roots of the trifacial nerve descend lonyitvdinaUy throvr/h the caput eornio, between the transverse roots of the vagus. In this course they are probably brought into connexion with the respiratory centres, and perhajjs also, EESTEVEN ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL COBD. 387 like the vagus, with the anterior grey substance of the medulla. These extensive and intimate connexions seem to afford an explana- tion of the mechanism by which impressions made on the vagus and on the incident fibres of the trifacial and spinal nerves, may call into action the whole class of respiratory muscles ; and if the tract just described in the upper part of the cervical region be continu- ous, as it probably is, with the tractus intermedio- lateralis, which is reached by the dorsal nerves supplying the intercostal and other respiratory muscles of the trunk, the explanation in question wiU be stni more complete. The tractus intermedio-lateralis is larger at the upper part than in the middle of the dorsal region. On the one hand it projects further into the lateral columns, and on the other tapers inwards, across the grey substance, to near the front of the vesicidar cylinder. As it ascends through the cervical enlargement it gradually disap- pears. In the region of the upper cervical nerves there appears a vesicular tract in the same position as the tractus intermedio-lateralis, composed of the same kind of cells, which send their processes out- wards through the lateral column, and inwards to join the fibres of the transverse commissure behind the central canal. It is traversed by the fibres of the spinal accessory nerve as they bend forwards on their way to the anterior cornu. (fig. 3.) To insure accuracy of description Mr. Clarke has further divided each posterior cornu into its caput and its cervix. Tlie capict is its broad expanded extremity, the cervix is the remainder of the cornu as far forwards as the imaginary line above described. This dis- tinction is founded on the facts : 1. That the caput differs in struc- ture from the cervix ; and 2. that in the medulla oblongata it is thrown aside from the cervix and after being traversed in succession by the roots of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves, becomes the principal nucleus of the trifacial. The caput cornu posterioris consists of, 1. an outer and compara- tively transparent portion — the gelatinous substance, and 2, the inner, more opaque portion, or base. The gelatinous substance (fig. 4. g.) consists of, A. Nerve fibres. B. Nerve cells. G. Blood-vessels. D. Connective tissue. A. The nerve fibres are transverse, longitudinal and oblique. Tlie transverse fibres run out through the posterior border of the gela- tinous substance through the posterior columns towards the posterior fissure, to form the posterior roots of nerves. The primitive fibres composing these bundles are not grey fibres, but tubules of small average size, the larger possessing double con- tours. They vary from y^^^o to -sToTo^^^ ^^ ^^ mch. in diameter, intermixed with some of ^i^q-q of an inch within the posterior border of the gelatinous substance. The oblique fibres are inter- mediate between the transverse and horizontal, of which they are continuations, as well as with some fibres of the posterior roots. B. Nerve cells — these vary much both in shape and size. They are 388 OEIGINAL AETICLES. round, oval, fusiform, pyriform, cx'escentic, triangular, stellate, or otherwise irregular, and have from at least two to eight processes which extend in different directions — transversely, obliquely, and longitudinally — forming part of the longitudinal bundles, the com- missures, and roots of nerves. Nearly the whole inner half of the cervix cornu is occupied by the remarkable and important column of cells, the posterior vesicular column, (see M. fig. 3 and 4) extending throughout the whole length of the cord, but varying somewhat in size and appearance in different regions. Both in man and mammalia its diameter is greatest in the upper third of the lumbar enlargement. The processes of these cells are prolonged in every direction — transversely, longitudinally, and obliquely : transversely they are continuous on the one hand with the roots of the nerves, and on the other with the posterior com- missure. The smallest cells doubtless belong to the connective tissue. The anterior, or more opaque portion, of the posterior cornu, con- tinuous with the cervix, presents a large proportion of longitudinal fibres, to which indeed its opacity is owing. Its transverse fibres are continuous Avith the roots of nerves, and with the longitudinal columns. The cells are of small size, for the most part fusiform or oval, having their long axes in the direction of the opaque or longi- tudinal nerve roots. Schroeder van der Kolk, while he does not recognize the indepen- dent existence of the posterior vesicular columns, nevertheless speaks of several distinct columns of multipolar cells. In like manner Len- hossek speaks of the cells in the posterior horn being accumulated laterally, but asserts that the existence of Clarke's posterior vesicu- lar column is not established. In the filum terminale a fringe only of grey substance is found surrounding the dilated canal except in front, at the bottom of the anterior fissure. This fringe contains a number of cells which re- semble those of the connective tissue. As it ascends, the grey sub- stance increases in quantity and projects forward to form the anterior cornu, at the extremity of which a few large cells are grouped to- gether. Through the lumbar region these large cells increase in number, in projiortion to the size of the anterior roots of the nerves and form several large groups, chiefly in the outer half of the cornu. These cells are round, oval, fusiform, triangular, or stellate ; their delicate processes are from two to eight or more in number, extend in different directions and divide into numerous branches— some pro- longed into the antero-lateral white columns, others into the anterior roots of nerves. B. Nerve cells of the gelatinous substance (g. fig. 4). These are, a. large, h. small, and c. intermediate ; the large cells are found among the semi-circular fibres which run within the external border of the gelatinous substance, and never extend beyond the middle of its depth. They are more or less oval, fusiform, crescentic and ii-regu- lar, containing distinct nuclei, and giving off ii'om two to six processes. KIESTEVEN ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL COED, 389 extending in different directions ; many of the finest pass out with the posterior nerve roots into the posterior columns. The small cells, many of which are nearly as small as blood discs, abound in every part — they are round or oval, somewhat pyrifonn and give off two or more processes. The intermediate cells are found chiefly near the verge of the posterior columns ; some, although they are still true cells, are so fusiform as to appear like gradual dilatations of the fibres. 2. The anterior, or more opaque, portion of the caput cornu posteri- oris is continuous with the grey substance of the cervix, and is sur- rounded by the arched lamina of the gelatinous substance. In some parts of the cord, as seen in a transverse section, it has the form of a cone, in other regions it is more or less angular or rounded. It con-, sists of longitudinal, transverse, or oblique fibres and ceUs. The longitudinal fibres are collected into bimdles and are the principal cause of the opacity of this portion of the caput. The transverse fibres are continuous with the posterior roots of the nerves and the longitudinal cells, and cross each other in a great variety of ways. The oblique fibres are continuations of the transverse and longitu- dinal at different angles and in different planes. The cells are mostly of the smallest and intermediate size — the majority are oval and fusiform and have their long axes chiefly in the direction of the oblique and horizontal nerve roots, and of the longi- tudinal fibres with which they appear to be continuous. A few larger cells are scattered at unequal intervals. The cervix cornu posterioris (fig. 4) is described by Mr. Lockhart Clarke in considerable detail, " not only on accoiuit of its great in- terest and apparent importance, but in order that we may recognize its parts as the same during the changes which they undergo in pass- ing through other regions." The cervix is thus defined by the author : — " The caput cornu posterioris on each side, would be marked off by an imaginary line extending across from the antero-lateral ex- tremity of the gelatinous substance to the bottom of the posterior median fissure ; while the cervix is included between this line and another drawn nearly horizontally across from the anterior border of the transverse commissure which arches over the pellucid space surrounding the central canal." On the inner or median half is found the remarkable longitudinal columns, the columnw vesiculoscs posteriores (figs. 3 and 4). Each consists of a somewhat dark cylinder of fibres interspersed and sur- rounded by cells and their processes. The fibres are in great part derived from the posterior roots of the nerves, and are much finer than those of the white columns. These fibres interlace each other in bundles in the most intricate manner. The cells are oval, fusiform, and stellate, diftering in size, some being as large as those of the anterior cornu. The processes of the cells intersect the cylinder in various directions, sometimes suddenly changing their course to become 390 OEIGINAL AETICLES. longitudinal, sometimes escaping directly to surrounding parts. The cells around the cylinder send off their processes into the anterior and posterior cornua, and contribute to form the commissure behind the central canal. In the inner side of the cervix of the middle of the cervical and lumbar enlargements the cells are larger than in any other region — in man and mammalia they are here reduced in size. These columns do not exist in birds. The posterior roots are intimately connected with the vesicular columns, as will be shown farther on. Van der Kolk, as already stated, doubts the independent existence of this particular column (p. 37), " As Clarke has correctly stated, several columns of multipolar ganglionic cells extend through the entire length of the spinal cord, those in the anterior being the principal ; next in importance, those at the side of the posterior commissure ; then those in the middle of the grey matter, between the anterior and posterior horns ; and, lastly, those in the posterior horns themselves, as the smallest. These columns, however, are not to be regarded as qiiite independent ; on the contrary, they are all more or less connected." A band of fibres from the posterior transverse commissure after curving round the front of the vesicular cylinder, runs longitudinally outwards to the tractus intermedio-lateralis. Between the latter tractus and the caput cornu, fibres descend from the roots of the nerves, and run partly outwards to the lateral column, and partly forward to the anterior cornu passing through the intermediate tract. Near the outer border of the vesicular columns, at the base of the caput, and near the edge of the cervix, the longitudinal fibres are formed iuto thi'ee or more bundles among, and sometimes embraced by, cells and their processes. In receding from the middle of the dorsal region towards either extremity of the cord, the posterior cornua gi'aduaUy separate from behind forwards, receiving between them the deep encroaching layers of the posterior columns, until in the middle of the cervical and lumbar enlargements they are joined by a narrow band of the trans- verse commissure, immediately behiud the canal. The posterior vesicular columns simultaneously undergo changes in form, size, and structure. As they approach the cervical enlargement the cylinder or opaque portion of each is gradually reduced in size. Sometimes the cylinder is intersected by fibres of the transverse commissure ; other fibres of the commissure in their passage outwards enclose it, reunite and run backwards through the caput cornu, diverge and traverse the gelatinous substance as posterior roots of nerves. At the upper part of the cervical region, near the origin of the third pair of nerves, a darker mass of cells is found at the base of the cervix on its median border, (fig. 3.) It gradually diminishes upwards, and disappears near the first jjair of nerves. In descending the cord from the dorsal to the lumbar region, the posterior grey substance undergoes a series of changes nearly similar EESTEVEN ON THE ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL COED. 391 to those which are observed in ascending to the cervical enlargement. The posterior cornua become separated in a direction obliquely backwards. At the upper part of the lumbar enlargement the posterior vesicular columns are decidedly larger than in any other part of the cord. Its larger cells are more numerous, and do not form a circumscribed group, but lie scattered through the whole inner half of the cervix which their processes traverse in different direc- tions and planes. Through the remaining half of the lumbar enlarge- ment, the posterior vesicidar columns are gradually less encircled by their processes, which are also fewer in number, but are still traversed by the divergent fibre of the transverse commissure, and by a plexus of the posterior roots which sweep round on their outer sides. In descending the lower portion of the lumbar enlargement, the border of the grey substance between the posterior cornua is gradually drawn backwards, so that in the same proportion the space behind the canal, containing the transverse commissure becomes deeper. Near the level of the second pair of sacral nerves is a pecuMar group of cells, which was pointed out by Clarke in 1851, and was regarded by him as the commencement of the posterior vesicidar column, but that anatomist now couciu"s with Stilling in regarding it as a distinct group. It is more or less oval, but is not entirely isolated from surrounding cells. The principal part of the group is intimately connected with the anterior roots of the nerves. Dean, who had independently examined the cells of the horns in the lumbar region before he had seen Clarke's paper (1859), observes, that his "observations are entirely in agreement with his state- ments iu all important particulars." Tlie central canal, as first exactly described by Clarke ia 1851, is lined with columnar epithelium, and ia the ox, with fusiform cells also. Between these two kinds of epitheKum there are different grades of transition. They are aU beautifully packed in close apposition, so that the convexity of each is applied to the concavity of those which surround it. In the human cord the canal is often filled with what would appear to be the debris of epithelium, for nothing is to be seen but a confused heap of nuclei ; but sometimes in the midst of this heap there remains a small opening or canal, and sometimes two such secondary canals, each being lined by a regular layer of columnar cells. The cilia of the epithelium are coarser and less numerous than those in the larnyx and trachea. The light coloured space surrounding the canal is interspersed with nuclei, or minute cells. Some of them are oval or round, finely granular, and exactly resemble those in the connective tissue of the white columns. KoUiker formerly denied the existence of a central canal, but is quoted by Lenhossek as having admitted its existence. " Hannover," observes Clarke, " regards the cells which line the cerebral ventricles as true nerve-cells, and Bidder takes the same view 392 OBIGINAL ARTICLES. of those round tlie spinal canal ; while Stilling considers them ad epithelium, but nevertheless, believes that the fibres vrhich they give off form elementary parts of the primitive nerve-Shrea and nerve-ceUs, with both of which, according to him, they are directly continuous. He professes to have seen the peripheral ends of two epithelial-cells unite with each other after a shorter or longer coiu-se, and then enter a nerve-ceU. ; or the process of a nerve-cell divides into two or three branches, which end in two or three epithelium-cells. By the most careful examination of some hundreds of preparations, I have never been able to perceive that the epithelial processes are connected with any other than the small cells or nuclei which I have already described. I have sometimes seen the process of a large nerve-ceU extend close up to the epithelium, but I have gene- rally succeeded in tracing it round the canal to the opposite side of the cord. If the processes of the epithelial cells were directly con- tinuous with, and formed elementary parts of, nerve-ceUs and nerve- fibres we might reasonably expect to find the number of the former always in pro])ortion to that of the latter ; but the very reverse is the case ; for, as we have just seen, in the Jilum terminale, where both nerve-cell^ and ?^er^Je-fibres have entirely disappeared, the canal is much larger, and the epithelial-cells are consequently much more numerous than in any other region ; while, as I have already shown, their processes may be traced through the surrovmding white sub- stance as far as the surface of the cord." Dr. Eeissner describes the spinal cord of the Lamprey as being colourless, and devoid of fibres having the characteristics of nerve- fibres in other vertebrata. It presents neither anterior nor posterior fissure, but simply a septum proceeding from the coimective tissue around the central canal. The central canal itself is also divided by the septum into two halves. The grey matter consists of fibres and cells. The smallest cells belonging to the connective tissue. Three kinds of larger cells are distinguished by M. Eeissner, viz. — a. Large inner cells — which are found towards the middle line of the upper or posterior columns, have the form of flattened nuclei, sending processes upwards and downwards, and some to the surface. /3. The large outer cells — have various forms, mostly elongated, beginning at the external border of the grey matter — they send nu- merous processes, as many as six from one cell — which form the axis cylinder of the fibres going to the nerve roots, anterior commissure, and longitudinal columns. y. ISmaller cells— tl\e9>e are scattered among the larger cells - then* finer processes go to the posterior roots and to the radiating fibres of the posterior commissure. Owsjannikow states that in fishes all the fibres of the spinal nerves entering into the spinal marrow are connected with nerve cells. (Omnes cum cellulis gangliosis esse conjunctas) ; and that, in every coll, processes meet from the anterior root, from the posterior root, and from the commissiu-es. That the white substance KESTEVEN OJf THE ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL COED. 393 is formed of processes of the cells going upwards towards the brain ; that these are united by connective tissue. Dr. Stieda divides the cells of the grey matter, in the Pike, into large and small, the former have generally about five processes, the latter only two. He has never seen the processes of the cells on one side of the cord communicate with those of the opposite side. The processes of the cells are traceable to the nerve roots and into the longitudinal fibres. The nuclei of the white and grey substance be- long to the connective tissue. III. The Oeigin and Connection of the Nerve Eoots. That the posterior roots of the spinal nerves are attached to the posterior columns, and the anterior roots to the anterior columns, only — was the statement made by Mr. Clarke in 1851. This state- ment was repeated by him in 1853, and with the additional statement that the lateral columns are in immediate connection with the spinal accessory. In his last communication to the Eoyal Society, 1858, Mr. Clarke reiterates the same account in opposition to the denial of Stilling, who maintains that a few fibres traverse the posterior part of the antero-lateral columns, having, Mr. Clarke suggests, probably mistaken vessels for nerve-fibres. Posterior roots. The bundles which compose these are larger than those of the anterior ; but their component fibrils are mostly finer and more delicate. In a longitudinal section of the cervical enlargement of the cord of a Cat (fig. 5), the bundles are described as being seen to be of tlu'ee kinds. The first kind enter the cord transversely, and pursue a very remarkable course. Each bimdle after traversing the longitudinal fibres of the posterior column, in a compact form and at a right angle, continues in the same direction to a considerable, but variable, depth within the grey substance, dilat- ing and again contracting in a fusiform manner ; it then bends round nearly at a right angle, and rimuing for a considerable distance in a longitudinal direction dowji the cord, sends forward, at short intervals, into the anterior grey substance a number of fibres like those issuing from the roots of plants. " The fibres projecting into the anterior grey substance have the following distribution. Part of them form loops with each other within the grey substance, ^particularly near its border ; others extend directly into the anterior white column A, C, and bending round both upwards and downwards, are seen sometimes to re-enter the grey substance and form with each other a series of loops, and sometimes to continue a longitudinal course within the anterior white columns, amongst the fibres of which they become lost. AVhether the latter, also, ultimately form broader loops with corresponding fibres of the grey substance, it is impossible to ascertain. But even if those which ascend in the anterior columns are continued upwards to the brain, one can scarcely avoid inferring that those which descend re-enter the grey 394 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. substance, either to form loops, or to become continuous with the fibres of the anterior roots, since the whole of the latter, as we shall presently see, proceed directly to the grey substance. Indeed, (adds Mr. Clarke), I have sometimes felt almost persuaded that a great number of the fibres of these posterior roots are directly continuous, in the grey substance, with those of the anterior roots ; but I caiuiot make this statement with absolute certainty ; and as the question is one of extreme difficulty, I shall hereafter endeavour to make it a subject of special attention." The second kind of bundles which form the posterior roots tra- verse the posterior columns transversely, and with different degrees of obliquity from without inwards, extending nearly as far as the posterior median fissure. They enter and pass through the grey substance at various angles, and in compact bundles which decussate and interlace each other in the most complicated manner. Some of their fibres cross over to the opposite side through the posterior commissure, behind the spinal canal ; others extend into the posterior and lateral white columns ; and the rest may be traced deeply into the anterior grey substance, where they separate in various directions and are ultimately lost to view. The bimdles which compose the third kind of posterior roots enter the cord obliquely. A few of their fibres proceed near the surface both upwards and downwards, and pass out again with the roots above and below them. The rest cross the posterior white columns obliquely and chiefly upivards, a small number only passing downwards. Interlacing with each other, and the other roots already described, they diverge and reach the grey substance at points suc- cessively more distant from their en trance in proportion to the obli- quity of their course. The remainder, or most divergent, take a longitudinal course with the fibres of the white columns, among which tliey are lost. It is impossible to say whether any of these longitudinal fibres are continued as far as the brain, or whether they ultimately reach the grey substance of the cord. It is also extremely difficult to trace the other fibres of these roots after they have reached the grey substance. In the preceding account of the distribution of the posterior nerve roots it will be seen that Mi'. Clarke anticipated the statements of Brown-Sequard on the same point. (Grazette Medicale, 1855). Of the Anterior Roots, (fig. 6. a, a, a.) The anterior roots of the spinal nerves, as Clarke formerly described them, traverse the anterior part of the antero-lateral columns in distinct and nearly straight bundles. They form no interlacement with each other, like the posterior roots, until they reach the grey sulistance. Here their fibres diverge in every direction, like the expanded hairs of a brush. Some, near the margin, are easily seen to form loops with those of contiguous buufUes ; others run outwards to the lateral columns, and inwards to the antei-ior columns after decussating in the anterior commissure with corresponding fibres from the opposite side. A KESTEVEN ON THE ANATOMY OP THE SPINAL COED. 395 large number diverge equally dowmoards and upwards, for some distance in the grey substance, while the remainder pass more deeply backwards and are lost. In no single instance has the author seen any portion of these roots take a longitudinal course on directly entering the anterior white cohnnns. " But besides the transverse bundles which form the anterior roots, a continuous system of exceedingly fine transverse fibres may be seen to issue from the anterior grey substance. They pass through, nearly aH at right angles to, the anterior white columns, and disappear as thoy proceed towards the surface of the chord ; but as many of them may be observed to turn round and take a longitudinal direction, it is probable that at the points where they disappear they all follow the same course. Within the grey substance they wind about and are gradually lost, mingling with the fibres of the anterior roots, and with those proceeding from the fine bundles of the posterior roots, which, perhaps, are continuous with them. " It may then, Mr. Clarke adds, be fairly laid down as a well established fact, that nearly all, if not the whole of, the fibres com- posing the roots of the spinal nerves, after passing through the anterior and posterior white columns of the chord, proceed at once to its grey substance ; and that if any of them ascend direct It/ to the brain, it must be tJiose only of the posterior roots which run longitu- dinally in the posterior columns." The connection of the nerve roots with the cells is established uj repeated observations of the majority of observers, although it is not equally certain that all the nerve roots are derived from cells ; many fibres of the anterior roots, for instance, being continuations of fibres from posterior roots. *" It appears that there are probably, as regards origin, the three following classes of nerve roots, viz :— 1st. (a) Anterior roots which arise from or terminate in anterior cells. (b) Posterior roots which arise from or terminate in posterior cells. 2nd. Anterior and Posterior roots which meet in cells in the central part of the chord. 3rd. Anterior and Posterior roots which are directly continuous, i.e. unconnected with any cells in the chord. " The first class consists of nerve roots which are united, if at all, through medium of deeper lying cell-groups, those of the last two . classes being more directly continuous. I am, however, very far from intending to imply any supposed diflference of function between these classes, for I am very strongly convinced that the function of cell anrl fibre is every where the same ; and one of the principal objeeti I have had in view in the above classification has been to • Dean, p. 10. N. H. R.— 1862. 2 E 396 OKIGIKAX ABTICLES. show how closely anterior and posterior roots are connected, and how nearly they come to having a common origin." Van der Kolk gives drawings of the connections of the fibres of nerve roots with the multipolar cells, which, he says, he has repeatedly succeeded in tracing, although owing to the fibres not pursuing a perfectly straight course, they are often cut through in making sections of the cord. " There can be no doubt," he remarks, " that the roots of the motor nerves arise from the spinal cord, and more particularly from the ganglionic cells of the anterior horns," The investigation of the connection of posterior roots with the cells. Van der Kolk has found more difficult ; he has traced them into the horn proceeding towards the cells, but their minuteness has prevented his seeing whether they absolutely pass into the cell. A portion of the posterior roots, viz : those for sensation, are however subsequently described by Van der Kolk as passing, immediately after their entrance into the spinal cord, upwards along the posterior columns in order to repair to the brain, or seat of perception. They do not penetrate the grey matter, while the rest of the posterior roots, or those for reflex action, are said by him to go to ganglionic ceUs of the posterior iiorns. These distinctions however are theoretical, not anatomical. Stilling lays it down as the general role that the nerve-roots pursue an apparently unbroken course of nerve fibrils from the cord, but not always preserving the same plane. Spaces entirely free from fibres between two neighbouring nerve-roots are rarely met with. Dr. Brown-S^quard (of whose philosophical researches a lucid exposition was given in a previous number of this journal) also expressly states that he has fomid the " nerve-fibres of the spinal nerves, after they have entered the grey matter, attaching them- selves to the nerve-cells." Measueements. Cells in grey matter Width f ^^ to -j^ In. f -JL_ ^ , J 2 90 Length ? ^4-^ to ^- JNuclei 01 cells . . _j._ to v-r--^ Processes of ceUs . . -^^ to j^l- Nerve-fibres in longit. cols. -g\\ to -g^-^ in roots - J^^ to ^^^ Gelatmous subst. ^-i^- to -j^^^ Commissural gJ-,^ to -^^-^ Blood-vessels . . _i- to ^oioo The above measurements represent the average dimensions of the several structures, but do not affect to indicate their minimum or maximum. 397 XXXVII. — On Distoeted Human Skulls. By Professor WyviUe Thomson. It seems to have hitherto been generally admitted that the bones of men and of the lower animals found in a fossil or subfossil state retain precisely or with an inappreciable amount of contraction, the form which they possessed during life, and that therefore their mea- surements form as valid a basis for argument or for speculation, as if we had had an oj^porturdty of deriving them from the recent bones. Several singular cases have been observed during the last few years, showing that bones may undergo a very decided change in form, after burial, without being wholly disintegrated. These distortions are comparatively slight, rarely, if ever, altering the bone sufficiently to obscure its distinctive characters : they only occur as a rule in thin flat bones, they appear never to affect the teeth ; they are therefore of little importance in the case of the lower animals. One congeries of bones, the human skuU, seems to be specially Hable to such posthumous alterations. This liability depends doubt- less upon the great size of the brain-cavity in proportion to the thickness of its walls, and to the extreme closeness and frequent partial anchylosis of the sutxires, resisting the separation of the bones under slow pressure, in cases where slight softening has ren- dered the skull in mass to a certain extent plastic. Now that the proportions and measurements of skulls found in old sepulchres, and in connection with ancient habitations are believed to throw so much light upon the distribution of human races, it becomes of importance to ascertain generally the frequency of such distortions, their extent and description, and the circumstances under which they usually or unusually occur. Opportunities of observation seem to be frequent, and the pheno- mena are usually well marked. Since I first thought of the matter towards the close of last summer, and with but little time to devote to such questions, I have seen, I should think, more than thirty skidls more or less distorted ; and I have little doubt that there already exist, scattered in antiquarian collections, materials which might add greatly to our stock of information. All the distorted skulls which I have had an opportunity of examining, have been twisted nearly in the same way, though in a greater or less degree. This uniformity of malformation is so evident, that ia cases where a number of such skulls have been found together, it has led to the idea that the form was a hereditary malformation, or that the skulls belonged to a family of idiots. Messrs. Davis and Thurnam (" Crania Bi-itan- nica,'.' plates 15, 16 and 27), figure skulls from cists at Juniper Grreen, near Edinburgh, at Lesmm'die, Banffshire, and in Orkney, all of which are slightly distorted. In reference to these skulls, Mr. Davis suggests the question, " whether a slight distorting jjrocess may not have influenced the cranial conformation of the Britons, at least of 2 E 2 398 OEIGINAL AETICLES. the Northern tribes." I had an opportunity last summer, through the kindness of Mr. Oeorge Petrie ol" Earkwall, of examining one of the Orkney twisted skulls. Mr. Petrie, who has paid great attention to Archaeology, was perfectly acquainted with the phenomenon. He kindly furnished me with a photograph of a well-marked example, and informed me that he had met with many skulls in the cists and barrows of Orkney, showing the same form of obliquity. The present short notice is meant merely to direct more general attention to this curious subject, and to indicate certain conclusions which appear to be applicable at all events to one great group of cases. "Whatever explanation we may accept, so uniform a result clearly points to an equally uniform cause. As ah-eady indicated, my own observations have led me to conclude with Professor Owen, Dr. Johnson of Shrews- bury, and others who have had an opportunity of examining good specimens, such as the Wroxeter twisted skvills, that the distortions are due to what has been termed by Professor Owen, " tomb pres- sure," a cause of posthumous change, which was, I believe, first sug- gested in a definite form by Dr. Thurnam, and whose importance in certain cases is fully admitted by Mr. Davis in the work already cited. Before entering more fully into this question, I shall briefly describe three skiills, selected because they have been procured fi'om distant localities in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and are to be referred in all probability to widely diflferent periods and tribes ; and because the distortion in all three cases, though highly characteristic, is slight, and slight distortions only can give rise to any serious mis- conception as to their cause. During the recent explorations at Wroxeter, a number of skeletons were disinterred in a piece of ground called the Orchard, witliin the walls of the Eoman city of Uriconium. The skeletons had evidently been buried. They were however simply imbedded, without any appearance of protection, in soil richly impregnated with vegetable matter. Although there is no tradition of the place where they were found ever having been used as a graveyard, I am by no means sa- tisfied with the evidence which refers these skeletons to the Eoman Seriod. The dead were rarely, if ever, interred within the walls of toman towns, and the true cemetery, containing abundance of cine- rary urns, with bm'nt bones, has been discovered in its usual site, outside the walls of Uriconium. Among a rude people, a certain reverence always attaches to ruins, and it is by no means impossible that this site was chosen for the burial of their dead, after the des- truction of the Eoman city, by some British tribe. Of nineteen skulls found in the Orchard, twehe were more or less distorted, and the character of the distortion was so uniibrm that it was the general impression that the remains were those of a race afilicted with some peculiar congenital malfoi-matiou, or of an aboriginal tribe, slaves possibly to the Eomans, and whose fashion it was to squeeze the heads of their infants, after the manner of the Caribs and Platheads, only to t]ie production of au iiiliiiitcly more grotesque deformity. PEOFESSOR THOMSON ON DISTORTED HUMAN SKULLS. 399 Eig. 1. is a view of the base of one of the most characteristic of these deformed skulls. The bones of the face, with the right temporal, and a part of the right side of the occipital bone are wanting. The form of the posterior portion of the cranium is nearly normal, perhaps it may be slightly compressed laterally. All the twisting is in front of a line joining the zygomatic processes of the temporal bones. The right external angular process of the frontal bone, and the right orbit are forced downwards and inwards, carrying the orbit on the opposite side, upwards and outwards, and displacing the eyes nearly an iach on either side. The congeries of bones is bent in mass, the sutures remaiuiag perfectly close. Along a liue passing from the upper and outer angle of the left orbit, through the upper portion of the temporal fossa, across the coronal suture, and for about an iach and a half iuto the sphenoidal angle of the left parietal, the bones are somewhat abruptly bent. Lines of minute cracks with perfectly sharp edges traverse this line of flexure, the cracks are widest and most e\ddent where the bending is most abrupt. The Orchard skulls generally are rather long, with a weU marked occipital protuberance. Were it not for the doubt caused by the peculiar circumstances of their interment, I should be inclined to refer them to the Celtic tjrpe, For an opportunity of examining and figiu-ing the next example (Fig. 2.) I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Grrattan of Belfast. It is one of a series disinterred by Mr. Grrattan in May, 1853, from a sepulchral mound at Mount Wilson in King's County, and des- cribed by him in the 1st Vol. of the Ulster Journal of Archaeology. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 400 oeighstal articles. These remains are undoubtedly extremely ancient. The skulls ex- amined, about fifteen in number, form an interesting group, somewhat intermediate in form between the true Celtic and the roimd types. The skuU figured is that of a child about eight years of age. The bones are thin and delicate, and many of the sutures are slightly separated. As in the former case, the posterior portion of this skull is nearly normal, but the frontal region is greatly distorted. The right external angular process of the frontal, and the right orbit are forced downwards and inwards, and the left upwards and outwards. The whole frontal bone is twisted round to almost exactly the same degree, only in this case to the right, and in the other to the left. The twist commences in both from the same line of comparative weakness in the cranial arch, a line nearly coincident with, but not involving the integrity of, the coronal suture. As shown in the wood- cut, the physiognomy of the change in form in these two skulls is almost precisely the same. For Fig. 3* I am indebted to a photograph taken by Mr. Petrie Fig. 3. * Explanation of the woodcuts. Fig. i. Skull from the " Orchard," Uriconium. Fig. 2. Skull Ironi a sepulchral mound at Mount Wilson, Iving's County, Ireland, Fig. 3. Skull from a cist, Pomona, Orkney, a. A line joining a point in tlie centre of the glabella with the external occipital ridge, and forming the present axis of the base of the skull, b. Axis of distortion of the frontal region, found by drawing a line perpendicular to a straiglit line cutting symmetrically tlic two orbital arches. c. Axis of vertical tomb-pressure. PEOFESSOE THOMSON ON DISTORTED HUMAN SKULLS. 401 of a skull from a cist in Orkney. The distortion is not so strongly marked in this as in the two former cases, and the character of the distortion is slightly different. In most cases of skull twisting the bones of the face have escaped distortion, by separating from the bones of the head — in this they have remained attached and have become involved in the change of form. In the two former cases, the crania posterior to the coronal sutures remained nearly normal, in this case the whole of one side of the skuU has been forced sUghtly inwards, forcing out and bulging the opposite side to a corresponding degree. Erom the difference in position, the twist in the frontal bone is not so evident, but the axis of distortion of that bone, when projected, follows almost exactly the same course as in the two former occasions. From these three, and from many other examples of skuUs, whose distortions present essentially and closely the same features, out- numbering by ten to one the cases in which there is the slightest difficulty in referring the distortion to this common type, I conclude that a peculiar and definite form of distortion of the human skull, varying in degree, but constant in essential characters and physiogno- mic effect, is extremely common in connection with ancient burial, and that it is totally independent of period, and of race, and nearly so of the original form of the head. The first question which sug- gests itself is whether this distortion was caused by a system of artificial pressure and bandaging during life, or by posthumous changes. That the distortion was posthumous I believe we have ample proof In the three cases described the change is com- paratively slight. The distortion is frequently carried further, though still in the same direction, till the deformity produced is evidently inconsistent with life ; before this occurs, however, the sutures most usually give way, and the skuU fttlls to pieces. When this has been the case, it has often been found that still fm-ther changes have taken place in the form of the individual bones, and that they will not fit at the sutures, when put in position. This circmnstance has already been adduced by Mr. Davis as an argument in favour of posthu- mous changes in the form of bones. To my mind, however, we have the most absolute proof in the systems of cracks traversing the bends. These cracks have perfectly sharp edges, so that they could not pos- sibly have been produced by slow pressure during life. They are almost microscopic where the curve is slight, increasing in width and depth with the abruptness of the bend, and in some cases the bone has given way along their course, breaking short off". They are evi- dently the result of unequally supported pressure, on dead bone, reduced to an imperfectly plastic condition. The change in form was then posthumous, due to tomb-pressure, and the range of inquiry is narrowed to the two questions : What circixmstances reduce the thin, bones of the skull to that peculiar plastic condition in which they are softened without being disintegrated, and bent without giving, way at the sutures ? And wliat cause has given the subsequently 402 ORIGINAL AKTICLES. applied pressure, this uniformly oblique direction, producing under the most diverse circumstances the same regular irregularity ? The first question need not detain us long. It is well known that thin bones when long macerated become quite soft, and can of course be bent. Still, as the posthumous distortion of bones is im- doubtedly an exceptional process, it may be well to glance at the physical and chemical circumstances which seem favourable to its occurrence. To give a distorted skull, the bones must clearly be reduced to a certain condition of plasticity, and yet they must retain enough of their original character to harden and set when dried. To produce this result a certain amount of the organic matter must still remain in the bone, and the bone may be altered in one or in both of two ways ; either the whole bone may be partially decomposed, a part of the mineral and a part of the animal matter being replaced by water, and the bone thus softened, a process which will render the b6ne more and more friable until it is thoroughly disintegrated, or, imder exceptional circumstances, a large part, or the whole, of the mineral matter may be dissolved out, and the animal matter at the same time preserved, the bones thus become light and flexible and yet they retain their integrity. The first of these is the ordinary case of the rotting of bones in a damp churchyard. I shall give one extreme case of the second, to show, not only that the process occurs, but that it may be carried to an almost indefinite extent. The late liev. Prof. Fleming of Edinburgh had in his possession a head of Bos longifrons (Owen) taken from a bog in the south of Scotland, only weighing a few oimces, and, when damped, as flexible as a piece of leather. In this case the mineral matter had been almost entirely removed by some acid produced probably by the fermentation and heat- ing of a portion of the moss, while the animal matter remained tanned and preserved by the antiseptic principles in solution in the bog water. The condition of the distorted skulls may probably be frequently produced by a compromise between these two processes. The bones are imbedded in mould, frequently peat or virgin soil, containing a large proportion of vegetable matter, and probably enough of tannin to retard the decomposition of the chondrine — while the fluids perco- lating through the soil, highly charged with carbonic acid, the product of the decomposition of the vegetable matter, and containing various salts in solution, must gradually decompose and remove the inorganic constituents, thus increasing the flexibility of the bone. My friend Dr. Henry Johnson of Shrewsbury, who has carefully analysed the bone of the Orchard skulls, puts gi'eat faith in the peculiar properties of humic acid.* I find the information on this point somewhat ob- scure. It may be sufilcient at present to indicate the general results, without attempting to trace the actions of the several re-agents. Notwithstanding theii- undoubtedly great age, the Orchard skulls • Dr. Johnson, in a paper lately read before the Royal Society, and of which a notice will be found in the Royal Society Proceedings, for 1862, states that he be- lieves that free iiitric acid also exists in the soil of the Wroxeter cemetery. PROFESSOR THOMSON ON DISTORTED HUMAN SKULLS. 403 do not differ much in chemical composition from recent bone. The inori^anic matter (73.243)* is apparently greatly in excess, but its proportion is increased by a considerable quantity of fine silicious sand, which has sifted into the cancelli. Allowing for this infiltrate, we may regard the amount of organic matter (26.757) as little below the average. It is most likely that all the constituents of a given portion of bone have been slowly and pretty equally reduced. The relative amount of organic matter in these bones from the Orchard ; in a bone of the short-horned ox, in the ordinary state of preservation from the marl at the bottom of an Irish bog (Postpleis- tocene) (37.221) ; in a bone of the same species, domesticated by the Eomans (a.d. 300) at Uriconium (20.172) ; in the bone of an Irish elk (Postpleistocene) (37,2) — seems clearly to show the extremely limited value of a theory such as that of M. Couerbe (quoted in the Lancet, Feb. 22nd, 1862), that bones lose 3 per cent, of organic matter in a century. Possibly such a generalization may apply to bonfes slowly decaying in dry air in a stone coffin, but in the case of buried bones the proportion of their organic to their inorganic constituents, at the end of a hundred or at the end of ten thousand years, would depend entirely upon the circumstances of their burial. In this discussion I have purposely omitted the possible case of bones being first distorted and then fossilized. This double change occurs in some mammalian remains from the French tertiaries, but no cases have as yet been met with which bring it within the scope of the present inquiry. The question as to the cause of the constancy in the style of deformity is one of rather greater difficulty. As I have stated above, the skulls presenting this peculiar distortion have all, so far as I am aware, been found surrounded, supported, and filled with vegetable mould. Some of them — for example, those from the Orchard at Uriconium — had undoubtedly been buiied at once in the soil without any coffin or external defence, and it is very probable that all may have been interred either in this most simple way or in rude stone chambers, which were either filled up with earth at the time of burial, or into which the soil shortly afterwards drifted. We may then conclude that in all, before the body was thoroughly decom- posed, the head was supported in the position which it had assumed at the time of burial. A glance at the position of the heads on the slate slabs of a dissecting-room will show at once, not only that it is a matter of some delicacy to poise and support the head vertically on the apex of the occipital protuberance, on a plane surface, a delicacy which our ancestors were little likely to attend to in their ruder forms of burial, but that the heads tend to fall over to either side, and to remain * For careful and valuable analyses of these and other bones, fossil and sub- fossil, I am indebted to my friend Dr. McCrea, chemical assistant in Queen's College, Belfast. As Dr. McCrea means to continue his researches, I shall leave the details of his results to be given by himself in a future paper. 404 OEIGENAL AETICLE3, inclined at something like a definite angle varying from 25° to 30®, The articulations of the neck, from their structure, only yield to a certain extent, thus defining the angle of inclination, which may be modified, however, within certain narrow limits by the state of the soft parts of the individual, and by the form of the occipital bone. It may possibly reach its maximum in the Celtic head, in which the occipital protuberance is usually conical and strongly marked. The vertical point of a skull resting carelessly in this natui'al position Avould be removed from the centre of the frontal bone to a point above and somewhat within the outer angle of the orbit, and midway between the superciliary ridge and the coronal suture. Pressiu-e is principally applied vertically to bones buried in loose soil, and the tendency is for bones and soil together to be compressed and to set downwards. The common form of distortion illustrated by the three above examples is exactly what would be produced were vertical pressure apjDlied to the spheroidal skull, rendered somewhat flexible, and its walls supported by a yielding mass within, were the skull slightly weak along a Une nearly coinciding with the coronal suture, and were the axis of vertical pressure to be repre- sented by a line joining the lateral point indicated, on the frontal bone, right or left, with a point a little above the outer end of the superior curved line of the occipital, on the opposite side. Such are the circumstances which seem to me to account suffi- ciently satisfactorily for this remarJiable form of distortion. One or two further considerations suggest themselves. Another form of distortion, much more calculated to embarrass the ethnologist, and much less easily detected, probably exists more generally than we at present imagine. Frequently in ancient graves we have evidence that the head had been carefully propped in a vertical position. Heads so placed, and surrounded with soil, would be in exactly the same circiimstances as to the effect of pressure as in the former case, only the axis of vertical pressiu'e would pass through the centre of the frontal bone. The effect of pressure in this direction would be to flatten the frontal and the occipital bones, to bulge the parietals regularly out, and to shorten the skull. The head might be very considerably shortened by extremely slow and well-supported vertical pressure, especially after the separation of the maxillary bones and tlie rupture of the basi-occipital by the cervical vertebrae, frequently an early effect of pressure ; without materially affecting the symmetry of the cranium. A force acting in this direction, however, would take the squamous sutures at great disadvantage, and might probably be much more effective than oblique pressure in breaking up the head. Distorted skulls are frequent in connection with ancient sepul- ture ; they are certainly not common in modern churchyards. The reason is obvious. Certain conditions are favourable to steady regular distortion. The head ought to be at once surrounded and supported by soil, and fine soil should sift into the cavity as the soft parts are decomposed. Tlie soil sliould be spongy and moist, and the moisture PEOFESSOB THOMSON" ON DISTOKTED UUMAJf SKULIS. 405 should contain some antiseptic vegetable principle in solution, to prevent tlie too rapid decay of the animal matter. I do not say that distortions might not occur under other circumstances, but all these evidently favoiu'able conditions exist specially in the peaty virgin soil which forms most barrows, and which fills most cists. The plan of modern burial is very unfavourable to any such chronic changes in form. The head receives no support in the cofl&n during the progress of decay. The moisture soaking through the rank earth of a grave- yard promotes instead of checking decomposition. There is no drainage or absorption, and bones and braiu sink into one softening putrifying mass; and, finally, the head is relieved from all vertical pressure by the coffin lid, until either the bones have become thoroughly disintegrated, or until they are so dry and carious as to break rather than to yield. Of course, the undeformed skulls in vaults and catacombs do not enter into the question, as they have been subjected to no vertical pressure. I am weU aware that this shoi^t notice is anything but exhaustive. I believe, however, that the subject is worthy of some investigation, and I mean to take every opportunity of extending observation and of increasing our meagre stock of facts. It is my present conviction that many, most probably all, of the old skulls which have been found in Europe, and whose distortions have been referred to artificial compression during life, will be found to owe their deformity to some variety of tomb-pressure. P.S. — The above communication was in the hands of the pub- lishers before the appearance of the last number of the " Review," but too late for publication. I, therefore, had not the advantage of Mr. Davis' ingenious paper, a paper which derives additional value from the author's great experience. Mr. Davis believes that he can thoroughly eliminate the results of posthumous pressure ; it is remarkable, however, that the parieto- occipital flatness referred by him to the use of cradle boards, should correspond so perfectly with a form of distortion which I had not had an opportunity of studying, but whose frequent occurrence I had anticipated from a totally different cause. In discussiug the subject of posthumous distortion, the question has frequently arisen — Wliy is the distortion usually so sHght ? Why, when the depressing force has been sufficient to alter the form of a series of bones, individually so strong, and so firmly united together, has it not gone on to its complete disruption? It must always be remembered that, inmost cases, the head has been completely surrounded and fiUed, supported from within and from without by soil; that, therefore, no compressing force was applied to the skull alone, but that the compression or subsidence acted equally upon the whole mass, skuU and soU. Sand, or soil consisting entirely of inorganic matter, is capable of but little compression. Vegetable soU, on the other hand, and especially peaty or virgin soil, may be considerably 406 OBIGINAL AETICLES. compressed, but the process is a slow one, depending upon the gradual decomposition of a part of the vegetable matter, and has a very definite limit. A grave is naturally frequently sunk till the digger reaches a harder layer of soil, which forms a point d'appui for the back of the skull, or, in a cist, the occiput rests upon a stone. Resistance is thus offered to the forcing of the whole head downwards, and the com- pression of the skull is limited by the amount to which the bed of loose soil thrown or drifted in, immediately round it, is capable of subsidence. I have lately been assured, however, that some of the Orkney skulls in which this characteristic obliquity is clearly marked, have been found in cists which have not been filled up with soil or sand. Such instances, if authenticated, would suggest the solution, that in the ease of a body slowly decomposing in a damp situation, the bones of the head may become so thoroughly softened during the putrefaction of the soft parts as to subside slightly. The subsidence would of course be vertical, and its direction in reference to the form of the skull would depend as before upon the position of the head at burial. The process would be limited by the total decomposition and removal of the soft parts, the skiill being left comparatively dry. XXXVIII. — On the G-eemikation" op Eeticulaeia itmbeina, Er. By Frederick Currey, M.A., r.E.S. Sec. L.S. JReticularia umbrina is a fungus too well-known in this country to require any introductory description or comment. It belongs to the Myxogastres, a family which has lately attracted considerable interest on account of the attempt of Dr. De Bary to transfer the plants belonging to it to the animal kingdom. One of the most striking peculiarities observed by that author was the peculiar mode of ger- mination of the spores of many of the species. Instead of protrud- ing in the first instance colourless filaments, as is the case with almost all fungi in which germination has been observed, De Bary noticed that in several of the Myxogastres, the contents of each spore escaped in the form of a single zoospore. The plants men- tioned by De Bary as those in which he had observed these zoospores are the following, JEthalium septicum, Physarum albipes, Stemonitis fusca and ohtusata, Arcyria punicea, Trichia ruhiformis, pyriformis, and varia, Lycogala epidendron, and Beticularia umbrina. There seems, however, some little doubt about the latter species, for in his introductory notice in the Botanische Zeitung (1S5S), the plant was called Beticularia maxima, and moreover the description of the spores at p. 158 of the paper in Siebold and Kolliker's Zeitschrift does not accord with the spores of Beticularia umbrina, as I have observed CUEEET ON GEKMINATION OF RETICULAEIA UMBEINA. 407 them in this country. The writer there says that in the spores of this species, one half (or nearly so) of the membrane is much more delicate than the remaining portion, the line of demarcation between the two portions being sharply defined. In all the spores of Beticu- laria umbrina which I have examined, I find the membrane of one uniform thickness. At the time when De Bary's observations were made, the exist- ence of zoospores in fungi had not been ascertained, but they have since been found to occur in the common white rust of the Cruciferse (^Cystopus candidtis IjOy.), and hxFero)iospor a. Of course the discovery of zoospores in other fungi diminishes the importance- of the fact of their existence in the Myxogastres, but it is still a matter of considerable interest to ascertain whether the phenomenon is general, for out of about 250 species of which the tribe consists, the zoospores have as yet not been observed in more than a dozen, a number hardly sufliciently large to justify the general inference of uniformity in germination which De Bary seems inclined to draw. I have lately had the opportunity of examining fresh specimens oi Beticularia U7nbrina, and. of experimenting upon their germina- tion. The spores are of a brown colour and globular shape, they are very small, their diameter beiag only 0.0003 inch. The oiiter mem- brane is echinulate, but the prominences are exceedingly minute, and can only be clearly made out under a high power of the microscope. I placed some spores in a drop of water on a glass slide over night, protecting the latter from evaporation by a bell-glass. On the fol- lowing morning the contents of many of the spores had escaped in the form of colourless globular vesicles without motion, but when exposed to the sun the shape of the vesicles changed, and they as- sumed the form of the zoospores figured by De Bary in his PI. vii. fig. 3 d d', and PI. viii. fig. 7 d, as occurring in ^thalium septicum and A.rcyria punicea. Their size varied but little, the average length being about 0.0005 inch. After becoming elongated, they exhibited an active vn:'iggling motion, but no motion of rotation, such as is mentioned by De Bary. Their movements were confined to a very limited space ; they did not travel about over the field of the microscope like the zoospores of Algae. I am doubtful whether they possessed one or two ciha ; it is possible the number varies. Sunlight and warmth appear to have a strong effect in hastening the germination, for a few days after the above experiment I took some spores from another specimen of Iteticularia umbrina, and placed them at once in full sunshine protected as before. In very little more than three hours the zoospores were produced in the greatest profusion. Their number was much greater than on the former occasion ; by far the greater part of them agreed exactly in form and motion with those which I had previously observed. A few however were of irregular ama?boid shape, similar to those shown 408 OEIGINAL ARTICLES. in De Bary's Plate vii. fig. 7 and 8. I did not ascertain whether these latter ever resumed their ordinary outline. Although most of the zoospores had become quiescent, a few were still active after the lapse of 48 hours : beyond which time I was unable to carry on my obser- vations. Many, if not most, of the zoosj)ores exhibited a vacuole at the tliicker end, but owing to their constant motion it was impossi- ble to ascertain whether this vacuole was contractile or not. XXXIX. — Eeplt to the Eemakks on the Translation of THE First Chapter of Aristotle's History of Animals. By the Eev. W. Houghton, M.A., F.L.S. The critical observations that appeared in the last number of this Journal on the translation of the first chapter of the History of Animals are an admirable commentary on the truth of my remark, (No. VI. p. 140) that " it is unreasonable to suppose that even a small portion of the History of Animals can be fully understood and accurately interpreted, until all that Aristotle has written, which bears on the subject, has been thoughtfully digested." They are so in a two-fold manner; in the first place because the "Remarks" very justly and deservedly censure one or two undoubted errors in my translation, and in the second, because they contain not a few themselves. Without then attempting to offer any excuse for " nerve" being given as the rendering of vevpov, — for it is an error I frankly own, — and acknowledging also the vague and un- Aristotelian trans- lation of Tzupa Tcie Twv TraOiifiaTwy havriuxxeic by " according to their capabilities of distinction," I proceed to make a few comments on the other criticisms of the Reviewer. The rendering of Xt^vala by " salt-water marshes" is condemned as an error ; " there is not," says the writer, " a word about salt-water in the original; the proper rendering is ' lakes' ; if the translator had turned to vi. 13, he would have found that if salt-water marshes be correct then the Perch, the Carp and the Silurus are marine fishes," (p. 331). Now, if such an argument be allowed, it follows by parity of reasoning, that the oysters which were kept in Xifivai and termed Xi/jLvofTTpea (iv. 4. § 3 ; v. 13. § 9,) are freshwater animals.* The fact of the matter is that Xifirrf may mean either, " a salt-water," or " a fresh-water marsh or pond ;" the former is pro- * Since this paper was written I have had access to Spratt and Forbes' valu- al)le work on Lycia, and jiccordin<;ly insert the following extracts, which bear on some of the Greek names of animals under discussion. " The Xinvoarpta, fixed and s]iiny and of the oyster kind, was the Spondylus common cnouiih in the Greek seas," {Travels,i\. p. 112). The Keviewcr is welcome to either opinion. nOTJOHTON ON THE TEANSLATION OF ARISTOTLE. 409 bably the original signification of the term, as from \tju>>, like the Latin cesfuarium : at any rate there is no inaccuracy in the rendering, even though Aristotle be understood to be speaking of " ponds" or " lakes," as the Eeviewer ought to have known. The next complaint is, that " the Grreek word IXvcnraffriKd is strangely enough translated '-wTigghng' ;_if we consult _ the treatise de Incessu," it is added, " we find it signifies to crawl like an earth- worm, and expresses the mode of progression of gasteropods, cater- pillars and worms." Not being acquainted \nih the term, I was content to take the meaning given in Liddell and Scott's Lexicon. There should not be any thing to excite surprise in the mind of an ordinary individual, in the fact that I did not know that the Greek word occurs in the Treatise de Incessu, seeing that I made no pretence to any profound acquaintance with all Aristotle's physical works. It is worthy of note, that when the Eeviewer mentions other treatises besides the Historia Aiiimalium, he omits to give the refer- ences.* However, I have gone carefully through the de Incessto, and find the Greek word in question mentioned once, viz., in cap. ix. Vol. i. p. 709, Ed. Bekker. Aristotle is speaking of the mode of progression in footless animals ; I give the passage itself in full, — TO. 3' airoca ra /xei' KVfiaivovra irpoepxerai (rovro Ca ^lttux; ?X>/ of a bird. In the de Partibus (iv. 12. p. 692), Aristotle com- pares the proboscis (fxvKTyp) of the Elephant vdth a hand. See also Hist. An. ii. 1, § 2. Again, in the de Partibus (iv. 8. p. 685), the arms of some of the Cephalopoda that are furnished with suckiag discs (KorvXridoveo), are regarded by Aristotle as analogous to hands ; and there is a passage in the Hist. Anim. (ii. 1. § 2) which it is a pitv the Eeviewer had not seen, where Aristotle compares the divided fore-feet of quadrupeds to hands. "Ex^i ^e rd TETpairola y' ■yjpriTai yap irpbq •KoXXh b}Q x£p(Ti- From this it is quite clear that the analogy be- tween x««|0 and xr]Xv must not be restricted to such as exists between a hand and the forceps of a crab ; perhaps the crab's claw is the best type to be taken ia illustration of the simile, but the analogy is evi- dently one of " more or less ;" the manner in which the rapacious birds use their claws must also not be entirely left out of the ques- * De Part. Anim. iv. 8. i. p. 683. Ed. Bekker. •f There is reason, however, to believe, that Aristotle was not personally ac- quainted with any kind of Parrot. Fi-om the manner in which he speaks of " the Indian Bird" {Hist. Anim. viii. 14. § 6), it would appear that his knowledge was derived from hearsay. With the later Greeks and Romans, it is well known, pan'ots were great favourites. The kinds with which they were acquainted belonged chiefly to the genus Pal<2ornis,Y\g.,oi which the P. Alexandri and P. torquatus were perhaps the best known species. See Mr. "Vigor's interesting paper " On a group of Psittacidee known to the Ancients " in Sowerby's Zool. Journal, ii. p. 37. Strack, Kiilb and Cresswell identify Aristotle's 'Indian Bird' with the Grey Parrot {Psit- tacus erythaeus), a species strictly confined to Western Africa ! N. H. R.— 1862. 2 F 412 OBIGINAL AHTICLE3. tion, though I do not remember that Aristotle draws tliis compari- son in their case ; though their x*/-^"' are in every sense to them avTi ytipCjv TrpoQ to \afte~iv ical KaTaaj^^elv. I must not omit to notice another rendering ^-hich, though not mentioned in the 'Eemarks,' was condemned by a writer in the Saturday Review, when Mr. Cresswell's recent translation was cri- ticised ; the rendering in question was that of Aristotle's octtovv Trpoc uKuvdav by " a bone when compared with a spine." " Tliere is no analogy," it was said, " between a bone and a spine." I confess that my idea of ' spine ' was that of a ' spinous bone ' of a fish, and that the Greek aKavQa had this meaning rather than that of " a back bone," or " spinal column." I was in error, however, and so was the writer in the Saturday Review, as I shall demonstrate. The Grreek uKavda does properly denote the backbone of a fish (or a ser- pent), and not an isolated spinous bone. I have referred to various passages in Greek authors where the word occurs, and find the above statement is correct ; but we must confine our attention to Aristotle, who says (iii. 7. § 6), ra 2' woTOKOvvra atcavBav t'x^i, >/ i-ffTW &Girep toIq rerpairocny i/ paj^ic, — " oviparous fish have a sjoinal column like the backbone of quadrupeds," i.e. they have an osseous vertebral column (Teleostia), and not a cartilaginous one like the viviparous fish {Selachia) ; the small disconnected bones of fish (Kara riiv o-ap/ca Ktyjii)picfiiiva) are called aKavdLa ; now, in order to express the analogy, we must understand oaTow to denote not a disconnected bone, (in- deed Aristotle says the bones depend on one bone and are connected, there is no such thing as a separate bone (iii. 7. § 1,) but the con- nected series of vertebrae which form the spinal column, or baclcbone. Aristotle draws the analogy from living animals, and the comparison lies between the whole vertebral column, and not any separate bone, and oarovv must be imderstood in this sense, in order to render the analogy intelligible and the translation accurate.* As to the difficulty attending the satisfactory solution of what the u.Ka\r](pr] denotes, I have to observe that I am only one amongst many who have been unable to arrive at the conclusion that some Actinia is always denoted, and never a Medusa. Over the same " stumbHng- block" even Cuvier tripped. As to the quotation from Archestratus, it merely proves that the Acalepha; he was speaking of were Actiniae, which nobody ever denied ; but it does not prove that the Acalepha? of Aristotle and other Greek and Latin writers can never denote any of the Medusfe. The uniform manner in which ancient authors speak of the stinging properties of the animal, and the very etymology of the term, may well incline us to believe that in some instances the Medusa) must be intended, for stinging properties, as far as relates * Sec also Poster. Analyt. ii. 14, where Aristotle mentions the analogy between oOTOvv, uKavda and the ai'j-n-eiov, "bone of the cuttle-fish." L nOUOHTON ON THE TnAKSLATtON OF ARISTOTLE. 413 to tlieir being handled, are scarcely appreciable in the case of the Actiniae, unless it be to a few tender-skinned ladies.* Tlie following piece, of criticism is interesting on account of its curiosity. " The Holothuria has also been misunderstood by the translator. It is a Medusoid animal, and has no relation to the animals which have obtained that name in modern times The free Holothuria and the adherent sponge agree in this, that they are incapable of locomotion. If this is not strictly true of the Medusa, it holds good of some other animals!'''' In other words, the Holothurion is a Medusoid animal, but it is not, because this latter creature is capable of locomotion ; therefore it must be something else ! There was nothing extraordinary in my suggesting that the b\o- QovpLov might signify either the Echinoderm of that name, or the Aleyonium digitatum. I am more inclined to the latter opinion, be- cause the possible etymology of the term (from oXog, " whole," and dvpioy, " a little door,") may be of some smaU value in helping us to refer it to the Aleyonium^ with its numerous little polygonal depressions.f The Reviewer then proceeds to notice "two other mistakes :" he gives us, however, only one (?) " The gnat and the oistros are not different animals, but different states of the same animal." Why, then, does Aristotle name both the gnat (efxirig) and the olarpog together as dipterous insects which have a sting in their head? (i.v. §5.) Scarcely less satisfactory is the Reviewer's attempt to explain Aristotle's opinion with regard to the animal nature of the sponge ; * " The ancient Greeks inclticled nncler the name oi Aoalepha both the Medusa and the Actinea ; and, indeed, they closely approach in organization. When, how- ever, we are told by Aristotle, after he has distinctly described the common rock- m\\ohiimgActineeE, that there is a kind which detaches itself at night from the rocks, we must not suppose (as has been hitherto conjectured) that he confounded the two animals — the floating 3Iednsa and the fixed Actinea — and had mistaken the fonner for a state of the latter. In the Greek seas, and especially on the coast of Lycia, there are true Aciineee, which are equally at home fixed to the rock and swimming about the sea, even far from land." (Trav. in Lycia, ii. p. 120.) The authors have figured some species of floating Actinea, of which also an interesting account is given (p. 121). f " The Holothurias are exceedingly sluggish creatm-es, but scarcely so much so as to pennit our considering them to be identical with the creatm-es called Holo- thurice by the ancients, which are said by Aristotle to be motionless and of a nature between the anhnal and the plant, and to differ from sponges only in their being detached. May he not have had in view the large, round, sponge-like S-pongodium, li\'ing free on the sea-bed, and abundant in the Greek seas ? This is the more likely, since (in the fourth book and eighth chapter of the ' History of Animals,') he mentions the Holothuria of modern naturalists distinctly, when he states that experienced fishennen assert they have speared, when fishing, black, round, cylin- drical animals like pieces of wood ; a description which cannot be mistaken, since it exactly appUes to the common Greek sea-cucumbers." — L>jria, pp. 117, 11 8. 2F2 414 OEIQINAL AETICLE8. indeed, utterly untenable is his theory that the Aplysias is the Alcyonium digitatum or some allied species, as I shall show by-and-by. " With respect to the sponges properly so called," the Reviewer remarks, " we think Aristotle's opinion is that they are truly plants, TravTiKCjQ 'ioiKe toIq (pvToic."* Now, first of all, I submit that eoike denotes " resemblance," and not " identity ;" and in the second place, that it is quite evident, from a comparison of the diiferent passages where Aristotle speaks of the sponge, that he could not say to which kingdom it belonged, because he thought there were living things which did not belong exclusively to either the animal or the vegetable kingdom, but which partook as it were of the nature of both, — >; yap (pvaig [leTafiatPEi eTvv£\u)e airo twv ai^v^wi' dg to. i^Ja did riji' ^bjyrwy fxtv ovK ovT(i)v Zk C<^(i)v, ovTixiQ (1)071 "hoKtiv TTa/xxttv fJiKpov Siae Part. iv. 11. cd. Bek) uses a still stronger expression than the above ; ovtol yap TrdfiTrav txovcn ^vtou ^vvafiiv. But even this cannot be inter- preted, when taken in connection with his other remarks, to mean, that sponges are plants. t De Partibus, iv. 5. p. 681. ed. Bek. X " The sponge-fisheries were probably conducted among the ancient Greeks as they are now. Hence, information being obtainable with facility, we find a full account of the sponge in the writings of Aristotle. He appears to have been deeply interested in his history, on account of the link it seemed to present between the aiiimal and vegetable natures. Therefore the question whether sponrjes possessed sensatio?i is discussed by hiin more than once, and left undecided." — Lycia, ii. p. 126. HOUGHTON ON THE TBANSLATION OF AEISTOTLE. 415 dense internal structure, (2.) Because being mentioned with sponges the meaning of the term airXvmaQ, " that which cannot be washed," is a strong argument that some sponge, useless perhaps in a com- mercial point of view, is indicated. It is absurd to suppose that the black Aplysias can be represented by the white or cream coloured Alcyonium digitatum, or that the Greek name should ever have been given to any species of Alcyonium ; neither can the large pores attri- buted to the Aplysias be supposed to indicate the small depressions of the asteroid polype, thus so erroneously sought to be identified with it.* I have only one more remark to notice. " When it is remem- bered," we are told, " that the Alcyonium is endowed vdth motion and sensation, Aristotle's discussion respecting the nature of the sponge becomes intelligible." I do not see the force of this argu- ment, because the " motion" attributed to the Alcyonitim must refer, of course, to the movement of the Polypes within the cells, and not to the entire mass, which is no more endowed with locomotion than the sponge ; unless Aristotle had observed the Alcyonium in a vessel of sea water or shallow rock pool, he could not have vdtnessed the movements of the polypes here spoken of; and if he had seen the curious spectacle he would have had no doubt of the animal nature of the substance, and would probably have made some mention of the interesting sight afforded. Aristotle's treatises on Natural History are to be understood only after long and pains-taking research ; my object in publishing a paper on the subject was, as I stated, to stir up in the minds of Naturalists a desire to possess an English translation, (which, thanks to Mr. Bohn and Mr. Cresswell, we now possess), the translation and notes were expressly admitted to be provisional, and they, with the " Remarks" in the last " Eeview," are a striking illustration of the real difficulties a translator must experience who cautiously and honestly sets about the work.f * " Aristotle distinguishes sponges under two heads, those that might be cleaned and those which could not. Of the last, he states that their substance was compact, but perforated by large canals. They were more viscous than other sponges, and when dried remained black, llie description exactly apj^Ues to the common coast line sponges of the Aegean, useless for economic purposes." — Lycia, ii. p. 127. t I may state that the whole of this paper was written before I had seen either Strack's or Kiilb's Gemiau translation, or the " Travels in Lycia " by Spratt and Forbes. 41G XL. — Phaneeogamia. Alefeld, Dr.— Feber Vicieen. Bonpl. 1861. pp. 66, 99, 116, 139. With a proposed distribution of tlie group into tribes and sub-tribes and a Synopsis of the Species, with descriptions in German. Observations upon the germination of the Vicieae precede the descriptive portion of the paper. — Ueber die beiden Orobus venosus (Miihlenb. und Al. Braun.) Bonpl. 1861, p. 211. Ueber Pisumfrigidum, Alf. Bonpl. 1861. 236. Now P. formosum, the author ha\'ing identified his plant with Orobus formosus of Steven. Ueber Juglans, L. Bonpl. 1861. p. 434. The American species {J. nigra, J. clnerea, &c.) constitute a dis- tinct genus — Wallia, based upon shght differences in the pericarp. Ueber Cicer Soongoricum, Ste])h. p. 348. Die»Embryolage einiger Papilionaceen. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 129. Ueber Hibiscus Lampas, Cav. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 297. Hibiscus Lampas, and two allied species, are raised to generic . rank under the name Azanza. The author considers his new genus nearer to Thespesia and Gossypium than to Hibiscus. Ueber die Stellimg der Gattung Gossypium und mehrer andrer. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 299. Gossypium, Mtgosia, Thespesia, Sturtia, and Azanza constitute a Tribe ( Gossypiidae) referred to Bombaceae. Amo, M. del. — Sobre la distribucion geografica de las familias de las plantas ci'uciferas, leguminosas, rosaceas, salsolaceas, amenta- ceas, couiferas y gramineas de la Peninsula Iberica. Mem. Ac. Cien. Madi'id. V. 223. AscHERsoN, P. — Die Zweifelhaften Gefiisspflanzen des Vereius- gebiets. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 124. Die Wichtigeren im Jahre 1860 entdeckten und bekannt gewordenen Fundorte in der Plora des Vereinsgebiets. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 159. Einise Ortsnamen im Grossherzo^thum Posen die von Pflau- zennamen abgeleitet sind. Bonpl. 1861. p. 35. AsHFiELD, C. J. — On the Botany of the Borders of Suffolk and Nor- folk, near the source of the river Waveney. Phytol. 1861. 321. Baker, J. G.— Curator's Report for 1860 on Botanical Exchange Club. Thirsk, 8vo. pp. 20. "With remarks upon various critical British Species, and de- siderata of the Club for 1861. PHANEEOGAMIA. 417 BABmOTOiT, Chas. C. — Discovery of Isoetes Hystrix in Guernsey, announced in a Letter addressed to tlie Secretary of the Linnean Society. Linn. Soc. Proc. V. p. 188. Grrows in " damp spots on L'Ancresse Common." On tlie Discovery of Garex ericetorum, Poll, as a native of Britain. Linn. Journ. vi. 30. Gathered by Mr. Ball on the Gogmagog HiUs, Cambridge. Baenitz C. — Flora der ostHchen Niederlausitz. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Umgebungen von Neuzelle, Guben, Som- merfeld und Soran, zum Gebrauche auf Excursionen. Gorlitz, 1861, 12mo. pp. 162. Baillon, H. — Recherches organogeniques sur la Flexu* femeUe des Coniferes. Ann. S. N. Ser. iv. xiv. p. 186. (Vide Vol. I. N.H.E. p. 92.) ■ Organogenic Researches on the Female Flower of the Coni- ferae (trans.) Ed. Phil. Journ. N.S. xiii. p. 181, with 1 plate. — — — Genera Euphorbiacea tria nova. Eec. d'Obs. Bot. i. p. 50. Payeria, HassJcarlia, and Sagotia are the genera described. Species Euphorbiacearum. A. EujDhorbiacees Africaines, pp. 58, 139, 251. Bureava and Mareya are the new genera described. Some remarks are added upon the African sj)ecies of Grotoy^ Sur le Nectar secrete par les glaudes septales d'une Brome- liacee. p. 87. With treatment, by re-agents, of the nectar. No analysis is given. Memoire sur le Developpement des Fleurs a Couronne. p. 90. The genera treated of are Peliosanthes, Narcissus, and Pan- cratium. In opposition to the view of M. Gay, the author states that the corona at its first appearance is totally indepen- dent of the androecium, and that it is an expansion of the recep- tacle.^ Enumeration des Euphorbiacees cultivees dans les jardins botaniques de Paris, pp. 104, 340. Organogenie florale de Xanthium. p. 117. Description d'vme Flacourtianee nouvelle. p. 120. Eriudaphus Closianus — the Sapium Driimmondi of gardens. Considerations sur la Partlienogenese dans le regne vegetal. p. 124. With observations on the fecundation, &c. of Ilercurialis, Pryonia, and Goelebogyne, which the author does not consider to offer true Parthenogenesis. Observations organogeniques pour servir a I'histoire des Polygalees. p. 174. Eeferring to the Organogeny of Monnina and Muraltia. — — Experiences sur des Boutures des Fleurs. p. 181. Eeferring to the buds borue upon the inferior ovary of Gacta- 418 BIBLIOGEAPnT. ceae, the autlior suggests whether horticulture might not imitate what in the case of this group occurs spontaneously. Dr. Baillon obtained young plants from the axils of the " ovarian " leaves from cross sections of the ovary of a Jussiaea placed under glass. Baillon, H. — Generum novorum quatuor descriptio. p. 184. The genera are Tandonia, Gavarretia, Wurtzia, and Begnaldia; — all Euphorbiaceous. "' Eecherches siu" I'organisation et le Developpement des Eri- coidees. p. 189. Including Monotropeae, Pyrolaceae, Ei'icineae, Cyrilleae, Upacrideae, Humiriaceae, and Sarraceniaceae. ' Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Sorocea. p. 212. S. KlotzscTiiana, Spruce's No. 3794. — — — — Memoire sur le developpement du Fruit des Morees. p. 214. Sur une Bruyere a Gynecee monstrueux et sur le Placenta normal de quelques Ericinees. p. 287. Note sur un Paradoxe de regularite dans les fleurs de la Limoselle. 305. The occurrence of regular tetramerous flowers in Limosella aquatica, the posterior sepal being aborted and the two posterior lobes of the corolla connate. Me^joire sur la SjTnetrie et I'organogenie florale des Maran- tees. p. 306. With an account of the floral organogeny of Thalia dealbata ; the development of the flower in Calathea, Stromanthe and 3fa- ranta is described as agreeing with it in essential points. The author regards the Marantaceae as ha\ang a regular double perianth, and three stamens in one verticil, each opposed to a segment of the corolla. Of these stamens, usually two, some- times one, or exceptionally all three, split above, in the part cor- responding to the anther, one division ordy becoming fertile and pollen-bearing. The arilliform thickening of the ovules of Ma- rantaceae is due to a swelling of the primine. Experiences relatives a I'absorption des Liquides par les Eeuilles. p. 328. With statements of the quantity of water absorbed by the leaves, plunged into vessels containing it while still attached to the tree. Observations sur les Ovules des Anemones et de quelques autre Eenonculacees. p. 334. 1. On the occurrence of ovides, abortive at an early stage in the development of the pistil, in Anemone and Adonis. 2. M. Baillon believes the Hellebores to have ovules with but a single coat, in opposition to M. Barneoud's opinion that iu all Eanim- cidaceae there are two. 3. The relative position of the micro- pyle, aftbrdiug a character distinguishing Eanimculaceae from Ddleuiaccae. 4. Memorandum on the two minute lateral glands at the base of the connective in Anemone and some Berberideae PHAlfEEOGAMIA. 419 suggesting that they may represent leaflets of a (compound) staminal leaf. Baillok, H. — Note sur im Lys et un Oeillet Monstrueux. p. 838. In each case the floral axis had elongated bearing numerous leaflets, the sexual organs being abortive. ■ Organogenie florale des Roxburghiees. p. 245. With brief observations on the afiinities of the group. • Observations sur VEuphorhia paucifolia, Kl. p. 291. No. 1208 of Preiss's New Holland Collection, regarded as a new generic type. Etudes sur 1' Anatomic, la Physiologic et le Developpement des Tiges et des Eacines. p. 298 1. Lemna minor, showing its entirely cellular structure. 2. Asparagus officinalis, detail of the anatomy of the stem and root. -Eecherches sur 1' organisation, le developpement et I'anatomie des Caprifoliacees. p. 353. The genera are grouped under 6 types, viz. — With regular flowers : 1. Leycesterieae, stamens 5 : cells of ovary pluri-ovu- late. 2. Samhucineae, stamens 5 : cells of ovary 1-ovulate. 3. Symphoricarpeae, stamens 5 : cells of ovary 4, 2 1-ovulate, 2 pluri-ovulate. With irregular flowers : 1. Lonicereae, stamens 5 : cells of ovary pluri-ovulate. 2. Triosteae, stamens 5 : cells of ovary 1-ovulate. 3. Linnceece, stamens 4: ovary cells 3, 2 pliu-i- and 1 1-ovulate. The wood structure of the Honeysuckle is described. Organogenie florale du Sesame. Eec. d'Obs. Bot. ii. 1. This is described in detail, • Monographic des PJiyllanthus (continued), ii. 13. Observations sur V Antholoma, Labill. p. 21. The structure of the flower is described. The author agrees with Planchon in referring the genus to Elasocarpeae. Analyses are figured. Species Euphorbiacearum. — A. EuphorhiacSes Africaines. 2"^^ pai'tie (suite), p. 27. An enumeration, with descriptions of novelties. Sur remission des tubes polliniques des Selianthemum, p. 56. Pointing out the development of pollen-tubes, from grains of pollen remaining on the surface of the anthers after dehiscence. These tubes are directed toward the stigma, and bridging over the intervening space, curve and find their way into the stigmatic papillae. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre 3Ienarda, p. 60. Balfgue, J. H. — Observations on Temperature in connection with Vegetation, having special reference to the Frost of December, 1860. With a Eeport on the effects of the late Frost on the Plants in the Eoyal Botanic Grarden of Edinburgh, by J. McNab. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 58. 420 BIBLIOGEAPHT. Baifofe, J. H.— The Calabar Ordeal Bean. E. S. E, T. xxii. p. 305. With 2 plates. The plant affording this ordeal poison is described as a new genus {Physostigmd) of the Tribe Phaseoleae. It is allied to JPhaseolus ; the legumes resemble those of Mucuna, the hilum and calyx those of Canavalia. The obtuse stigma is covered by a "ventricular sac or hood which extends along the upper part of the convexity of the style." Description of Asafoetida Plants, {NartJiex Asafoetida, Falc.) which have recently borne flowers and fruit in the Eoyal Bo- tanical Garden of Edinburgh. With 2 plates, p. 361. Beddome, E. H. — Contributions to the Botany of Southern India. Madras Journ. N. Ser. vi. 70. The new genera described are Tetraglossa (Euphorbiaceae near Trewia) and Laneasagum {Antidesmeae). Bentham, Geoege. — Elora Hongkongensis : a Description of the Elowering Plants and Ferns of the Island of Hong Kong. 8vo. pp. 481. (Introd. li.) London, 1861. The preface contains a brief account of the Island, its phy- sical aspect and climate, the materials upon which the work is based, and observations on the geographical relations of the Hongkong Flora. The total number of species described is 1056 (including some which have probably been introduced), referred to 591 Genera, and 125 Nat. Orders. The native species are dis- tributed imder seven geographical t3rpes or floras, of which the Tropical Asiatic includes the largest proportion (398). 159 species have not, as yet, been found out of the island ; most of these, however, are to be expected in Southern China. The Hongkong Flora is compared with those of Aden and Ischia, which are both similarly situated as to proximity to the main- land and of about equal size, but widely different in soil and climate. Hongkong affords of native species 1003, belonging to 125 N. orders. Aden „ 95 „ 42 „ Ischia „ 792 „ 82 The Introduction consists of outlines of Botany framed with special reference to local Floras, and an analytical key to the Orders and anomalous Genera of the Hongkong Flora. Under the respective heads of the several orders, genera, and species described is given ui brief their general geographical distribu- tion. A new genus of Hamamelideae is described under the name Tetrathyrium. • — On Fissicahjx and Prioria ; two recently published Genera of Leguminosae. Linn. Trans, xxiii. 389. AVith 2 plates. In Fissicahjx (Dalbergieae) a Venezuelan tree, the broad wings of the fruit do not arise from the sutures, as in Dalber- gieae generally, but from the centre of the valves. The embryo PHAJ!JEEOGAMIA. 421 is perfectly straight. Prioria (near Copaifera) is described by Grisebach, in ' i'lora of British West Indies.' Tlie fruit, un- known to him, is figured by Mr. Bentham. Bentham, George. — Notes on Menispermaceae. Linn. Proe. Suppl. Vol. V. (Bot.) p. 45. The apparent opposition of the stamens to the petals in the trimerous, dimerous, and tetramerous species of the Order (as also in Berlerideae) is due to the circumstance that the petals and stamens are each usually in two whorls, — the outer stamens being opposite to the outer petals, the inner stamens to the inner petals. A synopsis of the sufficiently known genera of American, tropical, cocculoid Menispermaceae is given, followed by general observations upon each genus. ■ Notes on Tiliaceae. p. 52. Mr. Bentham, with Dr. Hooker, adopt 37 genera, which are disposed vmder 6 tribes, grouped into 2 suborders, — JSolopetalae, characterized by the petals, which are always of petaloid nature, being always present (except in one or two Grewias), narrowed at the base and deciduous ; and Heteropetalae, marked by petals when present being more or less sepaloid, attached by a broad base and usually persistent. A synopsis of the Tribes is given, followed by critical obser- vations upon the Genera. New species of Liihea and Mollia are described from Spruce. The species of Sloanea are diagnosed, some new species of Spruce's being described at length. Of the genus EcJnnocarpus, Bl. five new species are described from N. E. India, and one from Australia. Notes on JBixaceae and Samydaceae. p. 75. Tlie authors of the new ' Genera Plantarum ' propose to unite Decandolle's Orders Bixaceae and FlacourtiacecB, Samydeae and Homalineae into two Orders, viz., Bixaceae with hypogy- nous, and Samydaceae with perigynous stamens. Baiiera is referred to the latter Order. A synopsis of the Tribes of each Order is given with anenumerationof their included genera, upon many of which critical observations are added, with descriptions of new and imperfectly known species. Beetoloni, a. — Miscellanea Botanica, Fasc. xxi. 1861, pp. 18. With 5 plates. •— — — Come si comporta il midoUo delle piante dicotiledonali dopo il suo compiuto sviluppo. Bologna, 1861. (Mem. Ac. Sc. Istituto. xi.) pp. 16. Bell, li. — List of Plants collected on the South and East shores of Lake Superior, and on the North shore of Lake Hiiron in 1860. Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada, i. 67. Bejsttlet, Eobt. — A Manual of Botany : including the Structure, Eunction, Classification, Properties, and Uses of Plants. Lon- don, 1861. 422 BIBLIOOEAPHT. Beeo, 0.— Cortex Quillajae. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 140. The structure of the bark is described at length. Mexicanische Sarsa2)arille aus ManzaniUa. With 1 plate. Flora, 1861. p. 373. "With the microscopic character of the rhizome. Mantissa ii. ad. Kevisionem Myrtacearum Americae. Lin- naea xxx. p. 647. Temu, n. g., near Blepliarocalyx and Myrtus, is described. BiCCHi, C. — Descrizione di una nuova specie del genere Tulipa. I. Giard. Augt. 1861, 50. T, Beccariana of the section Tulipanum. Bizio (D. G.) Sopra I'olio deUa camomilla (M. ChamomiUa). Sitz. d. Kais. Akad. Wiss. xHii. 2. p. 292. Black, A. A. — Catalogue of Japan Plants. An Appendix to Hodgson's Japan. Including " the great bulk of the plants described or noted as having been found in Japan since the publication of Thun- berg's ' Mora Japonica.' " It is based upon the enumerations of Siebold and Zuccarini, and Asa Gray, including also the Japanese plants of Blume, Mor- ren and Decaisne, and Kunze, with the addition of species collected by Wilford, Alcock, and Hodgson. About 1600 species of phaenogamous plants and ferns are catalogued. There are 18 genera of Eanunculaceae, 8 of Ternstromiaceae, 14 spp. Maple, 25 genera Eosaceae, 15 spp. Hydrangea, 4 spp. Hamamelideae, 11 gen. Lauraceae, 23 Oaks, 16 gen. (of 47 spp.) Coniferae, 5 spp. Palmae, 45 Carices, 8 Bamboos, 11 spp. Viburnum, including V. opulus. Blackie, G. S. — On the Cornus Jlorida of the United States. Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada. Vol. i. p. 22, also in Canad. Nat. and Geol. vi. 1, Blaese, G. — Die natiirlichen PamiHen der wildwachsenden Pha- nerogamen Kur-, Liv- imd Esthlands. Mitau. 1861. 12mo. pp. 75. Blytt, M. N.— Norges Plora. Porste Deel. Christiania, 1861. Svo. pp. 386. Vascular Cryptogams to Sparffanium. BocQUiLLON, H. T. — Observations sur le genre OfHia, Adans. Baillon, Pec. d'Obs. Bot. ii. 4. ■' Eevue du Groupe des Verbenacees. Baill. Eec. d'Obs. Bot. ii. 81. The author discusses the intergeneric relations of the Verben- aceae, the organogeny of several genera, the general character of the inflorescence, floral and fruit structure and symmetry, the - vegetative organs and natural affinities of the group. BoCKELEB. — Ueber eine zweite Species der Gattung Courtoisia, Nees, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung imd die ihr uahe- stehenden Genera. Plora, 1861, p. 331. BoisDUVAL et DuHAMEL, MM. — Une Herborisation a Notre-Dame- de-la-Ti-appe (Ornc) faite en Aout 1861. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 534, PnANEROGAMIA. 423 BoLLE, C. — Ueber Formen von Vicia Craeea, L. Verb. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. ii. p. 76. — Der Weinstock in der Mark verwildert gefunden. Yerh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 153. — Ueber Triticum caesiwn, p. 156. Die Serofularien der Canariscbeu Insebi, ein Beitrag zur Florenkenntniss dieses Arcbipels. Act. Soc. Zool. Bot. Vienna, 1861. 1. Wien Verhandl. xi. 193. Eight Canarian species of ScropJmlaria are described. Addenda ad Floram Atlantidis, praecipue insularum Canari- ensium Gorgadumque. Bonpl. 1861, p. 50. Bo30«ET, M. — Snr un caractere variable des especes du genre Iheris. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861, p. 158. Eeferring to the divergence of the lobes terminating the wings of the fruit above, which, in some species, varies in the same corymb. BoENET, Ed. — Note sur le Fhycagrostis major. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 456. With a minute description of the male and female flowers, and the development of the embryo. BoRszczow, El. — Die Pharmaeeutisch-wichtigen Eerulaceen der Aralo-caspischen Wiiste, nebst allgemeinen IJntersuchungen iiber die Abstammung der im Handel vorkommenden Gummiharze, — Asa-Eoetida, Ammoniacum und Galbanum. Mem. Ac. So. Petersbg. vii. ser. iii. No. 8. With 8 plates. Brady, H. B. — On the Seed of Dictyoloma j)eruviana, DC. Trans. Micr. Soc. 1861, p. 65. With 1 plate. Eeferring to the microscopic structure of the seed- wing. The radiating fibres, connected at their outer margin, of which each of the concentric wings consists, Mr. Brady believes to be the thickened lateral walls of the elongated cells, persisting after the rupture of the front and back. Beaun, a. — Zuriickfiiln^ung der Gattimg Leersia, Sw. zur Gattung Oryza, L. With fig. Verb. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 195. Ueber die Wirkung der Spiitfroste auf die Blatter von JEsculus Hippocastanum. Berlin. 1861. Aus Monatsber. K. Ak. d. W. p. 691. > Memoire sur les Graines charnues des Amaryllidees ; la Viviparite et les Transformations de 1' Ovule Vegetale. Ann. S. N. Ser. iv. xiv. p. 5. With 1 plate. (Trans.) The original memoir appeared as an aj)pendix to the author's Essay on Polyembryony, &c. in the Transactions of the BerHn Academy (1859). I. In respect to the fleshy seeds of Ama- ryllideae, Prof Braun distinguishes, with M. PrUlieux, two essen- tially different kinds, which he calls, respectively, bulbous and tubercular seeds. The bulbous seeds result from an anatropous ovule having two integuments, of which the outer is formed of a 424 BIBLIOGRAPHY. thick fleshy mass traversed by vascular bundles. The embryo is not developed in these prior to the fall of the seed from the fruit. The tubercular seeds are produced by a more or less campylo- tropous ovule destitute of integuments, of vfhich the endosperm forms a fleshy mass vdthout vessels. The embryo develops at an early period, and before the fall of the seed. A detailed account is given of the ovules and seeds of Symenocallis, Amaryllis Bella- donna, and species of Crinum. II. The various conditions in- cluded under the general term Viviparity are enumerated, and the question of the morphological signification of the ovule and its parts discussed. Apropos of the latter subject, the author states the only example known to him of the formation of a foliaceous bud replacing the nucleus in the interior of an ovule. In this case, observed by Schimper, the ovules (of Nigella Dama- seend), although enlarged and elongated, retained their anatropous form and two integuments, of which the inner projected beyond the outer one, which was more or less open. The inner coat pre- sented a micropyle, sometimes very minute, sometimes widened. In the former case, the leafy bud broke through the side of the coat ; in the latter, it projected from the micropyle. Upon one of the small leaflets borne by these ovular buds, M . Schimper found a rudimentary ovule, consisting of a conical nucleus and basal annulus, from which it projected. .BRAUisr, A. — TJeber eine Sonderbare "Wirkung der diesjahrigen Spat- froste auf die Blatter der gemeinen Eosskastanie {JEsculus hippo- castanuiii) und einiger anderer Baume. Berlin Monatsb. 1861, 691. Brononiaet, Ad. — Note sur le Sommeil des Peuilles dans line Plante des Grraminees, le Strepliiurn Guianense. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 470. During ' sleep ' the distichous leaves overlap each other closely, the upper surface of the limb of each being applied against the sheath and lower face of the leaf immediately above. The sleep movement commences long before nightfall, between 4 and 6 p.m. in the long days of summer. Beongniart, Ad. et A. GtRis. — Observations sur I'Ovule et la Grraine du Posidonia Caulini. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 472. In reference to the debated structure of the seeds, the authors find the 'canal' of elongated cells traversing the interior longi- tudinally to constitute the single vascular bundle of the tigellus of the embryo. The true micropyle is hardly discoverable in the seed, owing to the integuments being usually desti-oyed. The brown spot which may have been taken for such is the point of origin of the radicle, thus corresponding, however, with the micro- pylar extremity. Brongniart, Ad. — Observations sur un genre remarquable de Yio- lacees de la NouveUe-Caledonie. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1S61, p. 77. Agatea of Asa Gray (for which name M. Brongniart proposes PHANEEOGAMIA. 425 to substitute Agation, owing to its pronunciation, wliicli he con- siders, as pronounced on the Continent, identical with that of Agatliaea, Cass.) A specimen sent from New Caledonia re- quires modification of the generic character. A description is given of the ripe fruit. BRONGisriART, Ad. et A. Gris. — Note sur un genre nouveau d'Om- belliferes de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. p. 121. Myodocarpus, of which two species are described. Both are arborescent or shrubby, one species with simple leaves. Vittae are absent, but numerous spherical glandular reservoirs are im- mersed in the pericarp. Description de quelques Eleocarpees de la Nouvelle-Cale- donie. BuU. Soc. Bot. viii. 198. With descriptions of six New Caledonian species of Ulao- carpus and of the new genus Dtiboiizetia, Panch. Characterized by entire petals, 5-locular ovary, and capsular 5-celled fruit, with septicidal dehiscence. Note sur le genre Joinvillea de G-audichaud, et sur la famille des FlageUariees. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. p. 264. The authors recognise in a plant of the Sandwich Islands, the Joinvillea elegans of Gaudichaud ; the structure of which is described in detail. This genus, with Flagellaria, constitutes the family Elagellarieae, characterized by solitary, suspended, ortho- tropous ovules and embryonary structure analogous to that of Eestiaceae and its allies. The above characters remove it from Juncaceae, to wliich order Flagellaria was doubtfully appended by E. Brown. Sur un nouveau genre de Nyctaginees de la Nouvelle-Cale- donie. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 374. Vieillardia, an arborescent plant, remarkable in the order from its straight embryo and the almost complete absence of albumen. Sur quelques cas de transformation des etamines en car- pelles. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii 453. In Sempervivum, Gheiranthus (the stamens transformed into carpellary leaves), and Polemonium cosruleiim. In the latter plant the petals were represented by free, green foliolae nearly equalling the calyx, between these and the pistil was a circle of carpels re- placing the stamens ; these were united laterally to each other, enveloping the central ovary and forming five flattened cells, each usually enclosing two rows of ovules. By artificial fertilization M. Brongniart obtained fertile seeds from both the central normal ovary and the surrounding metamorphosed stamens. BucHEKATi, F. — Morphologische Bemerkungen iiber einige Acerineen. Bot. Zeit. 1861, 265, 273, 281. With 1 plate. Bemerkungen uber die AVachsthumsweise der Corydalis clmiculata. With figs. Bot. Z. 1861, 321. Describing the germination and development of the leaves. 42G BIBLIOGBAPHT. Caeeii^ee, M. — Considerations generales sur I'espece. (Suite.) Eev. Hort. 1861, pp. 46, 76, 98, 118, 138, 157, 178, 198, 218, 298, 337, 355. Caeeuthees, W. — On some Species of Oaks from ISTorthem China, collected by "W. F. Daniell, M.D. Linn. Journ. vi. 31. Caspaet, E. — Einige Pelorien. Sclirift. K. Gesell. Konigsberg, 1860, i. 59. With figs. Orchis latifolia, Columnea ScMedeana, Digitalis purjmrea. Bulliarda aquatica, p. 66. With plates. A detailed account of the morphology, anatomy, distribution, &c. of the species. TIeber Beschadigung holziger Pflanzen durch den Erost. Konigsb. Sitzbericht. 1860. 3. Ueber einige Pflanzen-Bastarde. p. 12. Ueber die Stellung der Aeste und Bliithen und die Eichtuns: der Blattstellung an Ast und Stamen bei der gelben Mummel. p. 23. Ueber die Cacteen Nordamerikas. p. 23. Ueber das Yorkommen der Hydrilla verticillata, Casp. in Preussen, die Bliithe derselben in Preussen imd Pommern, und das Wachsthum ihres Stammes. Verh. 35. Vers. Nat. Konigsb. 1860. 293. With 4 plates. Including observations upon this plant made subsequent to the publication of the author's work on the Hydrilleae. The anatomy, general structure, and development of the species are described in minute detail. Sur le Bulliarda aquatica, DC. Ext. Act. Soc. Phys.-econ. Konigsberg. 4to. pp. 25. 2 plates. An account of the structure and development of the plant, its geographical distribution, &c. The question as to whether fer- tilization of the flower takes place under water the author leaves undetermiued. De Abietinearum, Carr. Eloris feminei structura morpho- logica. 4to. pp. 12. Eegiomonti Pr. vide also Ann. S. Nat. Ser. iv. xiv. 200, and N. H. E. ii. 19. Berichtigung einiger Irrthiimer des Herrn Nitschke. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 182. Eeferring to Herr Nitschke's comparison of the stipulary appendages found on the upper side of the leaf-stalk of Brosera rutundifolia vnth the setae on the petiole of Aldrovanda in re- spect of morphological import. Caspakt, E. — Aufix)rderung an H. Dr. Nitschke und noch einige Worte liber dessen Arbeit iiber Brosera rotundifolia. Bot. Zeit. 1861. 278 Ueber das Yerhalten von Pflanzen zu Verwundungcn. Konigsb. Sitzungsb. Jahrg. ii. 11. PHANEKOGAMIA. 427 Cauvet, M. — Notice organographique sur quelques plantes de la famille des Cactees. Eec. Mem. de Med. Ser. iii. v. 67. (Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 641). Observations on the structure of the ligneous system, leaves, epiderm, the fruit, &c. of Opuntia. Etudes sur le role des raciaes dans I'absorption et I'excretion. Strasburg, 1861. M. Cauvet is of opinion that rootlets in perfect health do not excrete poisons absorbed by the plant; it is through the leaves, by their death and fall that poisons are eliminated. With regard to the elective power of the so-called spongioles, he behoves that if salts be absorbed in unequal proportions it is owing to their special action on the tissue of the absorbing extremity. Chapmajs-, a. "W. — Flora of the Southern United States. 1860. Leitneria (Myricaceae, gen. uov.) is described. Chatln", Ad. — Sur la Structure anatomique des Petales comparee a celle des Feuilles; une consequence physiologique des faits ob- serves. Bull. Soc. Botan. viii. p. 22. The colouring matter of petals is stated to be contained in epidermal cells {Calendula, Dahlia, &c.) ; and with regard to its condition, whether liquid or granular, as well as seat, it may be generally affirmed that what is the rule in the case of leaves is exceptional in petals. Excursion botanique dirigee en Savoie et en Suisse. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. viii. pp. 127, 210, 302, 333. A list is given of the species collected. Sur un cas extraordinaire de monstrosite (?) offert par le Cytinus hypocistis. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 196. The ovaries, destitute of parietal placentas, were almost entirely occupied by a pendulous, pedicellate, cellular mass, the import of which is left doubtful. Sur les plantes des vieux Chateaux. Bull. Sqc. Bot. viii. 359. Of the plants naturalized on and about old edifices, M. Chatin distinguishes at least two principal groups. The one, and older, represented by Diantlms Caryophyllus and Salvia Sclarea he terms the group of the Middle- Age period ; the other, charac- terized by Aegopodium Podagraria and Eruca sativa, the group of the Eenaissance period. Under the former he includes Fceni- culum vulgare, Silyhum Marianum, Leonurus Cardiaca, Satureia montana, Sfc; as additional species under the latter, Petasites officinalis. Iris foetidissima, Corydalis lutea, Ruta graveolens, Sedum dasyphyllum, Atropa, ^c. The Thorn Apple and Henbane apparently characterize a more recent epoch, as also JJrtica pilulifera, Aspemgo procum- bens, Sfc. Notes are added upon the localities of the species and the uses to which they were applied, N. H. R.— 1862. 2 G 428 BIBLIOOEAPHT. Chatin, Ad. — Sur I'Androcee des Cruciferes. Biill. Soc. Bot. viii. 370. 471. EeferriBg specially to the doctrine of " dedoublemeBt." M. Chatin adopts the \ae\v of Dr. Lindley, that the outer whorl of stamens is incomplete owing to the abortion of those opposite to the anterior and posterior sepals. The pistil he considers as consisting of four carpels alternating with the inner stamens (opposite to the sepals), the anterior and posterior carpels being constantly aborted. Clarke, Joshua. — On a New British Plant. Linn. Proc. v. p. 187* JjatliijTUS tuberosus, from near Ongar, Essex. Cleghorn, De. — List of Plants growing in the Bangalore Garden, Mysore. Ti\ans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 223. Notes upon the Coco-Nut Tree and its Uses. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 155. Clos, D. — Cladodes et axes ailes. Mem. Ac. Toul. (Ext. 8vo. pp.31). A detailed study of the foliaceous branches, termed Cladodia, of Huscus, Euphorbia, Ojmntia, ^c. The leafy peduncle of Tilia, M. Clos considers due to a branching of the axis, one portion ex- panding into a sterile cladodium, the other elongating to bear the flowers. He distinguishes three forms of winged stem, — with the wing an epidermal development, destitute of veins, — with veined wings, and wings which physiologically replace the leaf, termed pseudo- phyllodia as in Acacia platyptera and some species of Statice. • Nouvel apergu sur la Theorie de I'lnflorescence. BuU. Soc. Botan. viii. pp. 11. 36. Des caracter^s pistillaires du genrg Euscus. BuU. Soc. Bot. viii. p. 280. Relating chiefly to the fleshy covering of the ovary (which from analogy, the author considers to represent the androecium in the female flower), and the internal structure of the latter, which M. Clos tinds in B. aculeatus and M. HypogJossum constantly unilocular. Eemarques sur la germination du Cocotier et sur la Clandes- tine. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. p. 294. Upon the uatm-e of the " Pomme-de-Coco" developed in the pericarp during germination, which the author appears to regard as tigellus ; and the parasitism of Glandestina upon Crifhmum. Discussion de quclques points de glossologie botanique. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 615. In continuation of previous papers. The terms commented on are Lohum, Lacinia (foHi), Folium compositum, laciniata, de- composita (folia). CoHN, Feed. — Ueber d. Ursprung der schlesischen Plora. Schles. Gres. Bot. Bericht. 1860. p. 48. PHANEROGAMIA. 429 CoHN, F. — Ueber Contractile Grewebe im Pflauzeiireicbe. Schlesisch. Abhand. 1861. p. 1. CoLMEifio, M. — Observaciones j reflexiones liecbas sobre los Movi- mientos de las hojas y flores de algimas plautas, con motivo del eclipse de sol del 18 de juHo de 1860. Mem. Ac. Cien. Madrid. V. 193. Lychnis vespertina opened its flowers during the eclipse. CoMMAiLE ET Lambeht. — Sur le fruit du Pin-a-pignons et sur la pre- sence du cuivre dans plusieurs vegetaux, notamment dans ceux de la famille des Coniferes. Eec. Mem. de Med. Ser. iii. v. 331. Cooke, M. C. — A Manual of Structural Botany. London, 1861. Coeenwindee, B. — Etudes sur la Migration du Phospliore dans les Vegetaux. Ann. S. N. Ser. iv. xiv. p. 39. In a previous memoir in tbe Transactions of tbe Society of Sciences at Lille (1857), the author showed that at the time when the seeds of the Beet reach maturity phosphoric acid was no longer present in the root. This essay contains the result of further observations relative to the " migration" of phosphorus ; important as the element accompanying nitrogenous matter in all phases of plant life. The cotyledons of seeds exhausted by the development of young shoots are found to be destitute of phosphoric acid, the ashes consisting in great measure of silica and lime. Substances excreted by plants as gum and manna contain no phosphorus. The author remarks the presence in notable quantity of phosphoric acid in marine Algae and Zost,era, while analyses of sea-water aiford no trace of it and conjectures the possibility that in the sea the phosphates may exist in com- bination with animal matter, as in the unctuous film found float- ting upon its surface. In pollen (of the White Lily) M. Coren- winder states that a larger proportion of phosphoric acid was found than in the seed of wheat. The acid was also found in the spores oi Lycopodium clavatum. CoENALiA. — Sui caratteri del seme sano dei bachi da seta. Plate. Mil. AU. ii. p. 255. CossoN, E. et Germain de Saint-Pierre.— Flore des environs de Paris. Ed. ii. Paris, 1861. pp. 962. CossoN, E. — Listes des plautes observees aux environs de Thurelles (Loiret), sur les deblais et les remblais recents du Chemin de fer de Moret Ti Montargis. — Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 479. Sur les Voyages Botaniques, &c. de H. de la Perraudiere. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 591 CouTBJEAN, M. — Un fait de geographic botanique a Fappui de la theorie de I'iufluence physique du sol sur la dispersion des plantes. L'Instit. xxix an. 231. A resume of a.n article by this author, referring to the floras of gneiss and arkose regions in the Jura. Dalzell, H. a. and A. Gibson. The Bombay Flora, or short de- scriptions of all the Indigenous Plants hitherto discovered in or near the Bombay Presidency ; together with a Supplement of 2G2 430 BIBLIOGRAPET. Introduced and Naturalized species. Bombay, 1861. 1 vol. 8vo. pp. 332. Suppl. pp. 112. With brief descriptions of the species, but none of Genera and Natural Orders. Dattbei^t, C. — On the Power ascribed to the Eoots of Plants of rejecting poisonous or abnormal substances presented to them. Chem. Soc. Quart. Journ. xv. 209. On the Physical Forces concerned in the phenomena of Vegetation, and especially on those which form the subject of the Memoirs " On Colloid Bodies," contributed by the Master of the Mint. Gard. Chiton. 1074. 1098. 1861. Debeaux, O. — Catalogues des Plantes observees dans le territoire de Boghar (Algerie.) Ext. Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. 1861. Svo. pp. 121. • Sur la vegetation de quelques localites du littoral de la Chine. Eec. Mem. Med. Ser. iii. vi. 334. 1861. Some account of the vegetation of Amoy, Shanghai, and Tchefou. Decaisne, J. — Sur I'origine organique des vrilles de Cucurbitacees. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 461. Observations upon an anomalous melon flower, in which one of the calycine segments was prolonged into an ordinary curled tendril, — confirmatory of M. Naudin's view that the tendril results from the nerves of a leaf deprived of parenchyma, pro- ceeding from an axillary atrophied branch, and opposed to Dr. Clos' interpretation, that it is due to a collateral ' dedoublement' of its adjacent normal leaf. DeCandolle, Alph. — Flora Brasiliensis. Pasc. xxviii. Pars-Bego- niaceae. pp. 337. With 11 plates. All the species, 83 in number, are referred to the typical genus Begonia. DeCandolle, C. — De la production naturelle et artificielle du Liege ^dans le chene-liege. Ext. Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve, xvi. 1860. pp. 15. 3 plates. Cork of commerce is obtained from Quercus ocddentalis. Gay, in S. W. Prance and Portugal, and Q. Suber in S. E. Prance, Italy, Algeria, and the Mediterranean Islands. M. DeCandolle de- scribes the first formation of true cork in the cortical layers. It is formed of polyhedric cells, square ia section, deposited in annual layers alternating with one or two rows of tabular cells, with rather thicker walls. The square cells constitute the true cork, the tabular ones Periderm. The cork formed prior to the first decortication of the oak is valueless : it is termed ' male,' and the operation of its removal ' demasclage.' The cellular tissue, with its subjacent liber laid bare by the process, the workmen call ' la mere,' and it is in this tissue at a variable distance from the surface, that the new cork {liege femelle) first forms, increasing by the addition of annual layers in PHANEEOGAMIA. 431 its inner face. After an interval of from seven to eight years the tree undergoes a second ' demasclage.' The anatomical relations of the ' liege male' and the ' liege femelle,' the structure of the periderm and of the zones, alternating ia density, of the cork, are treated of and illustrated by figures. DELA.VAUD, C. — Etude teratologique sur des feuilles de I'Orme cham- petre. BuU. Soc. Bot. 18G1. p. 104. Observations upon abnormal leaves of an Elm ( Ulmus eampes- tris), apparently resulting from the incomplete union of a pair of leaves free towards their summits ; due, however, to a hypertrophy of single leaves. Note sur une Eleur tetramere de Tigridia Pavonia. p. 146. De Melicocq, Le Baron. — Pliysiologie vegetale aux xiv^, xv® et xvi^ Siecles. BuU. Soc. Bot. viii. p. 288. Des Moulins, Ch. — Sur la pelorie anectariee du Linaria vulgaris. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 504. Memorandum of two spurless-flowered specimens in the author's herbarium, collected in the South of France. De VisiANr, R. — Plantarum Serbicarum Pemptas, ossia Descrizione di cinque Piante serbiane. Mem. deUIst. Venetoix. 165. Opiates. With detailed description and figure of JPanqicia, a new genus of UmbeUiferae, noted in Sem. Hort. Bot. Patav. cat. 1857. Other new species are described and figured. Dewet, C. — Caricography. Am. Journ. Sc. xxxi. 23. xxxii. 38. Descriptions of new and imperfectly known species of Garex. DiCKSOK, Alexander. — Note on Baillon's Organogenic Researches on the Female Flower of the Coniferae. Ed. Phil. Journ. N. S. xiii p. 193. " The small scale-like body situated near the apex of the ap- parent scale ia most of the species of Araucaria" the author regards as the representative of the cone-scale of Abies. In Dmn- onara the axillary scales are incorporated with the bracts of the cone, as in Araucaria hrasiliensis : a imion to a greater or less extent of the base of the bract and that of the 'scale' is usual, if not universal, in Abies and Pinus. On some of the Stages of Development in the Female Flower of Dammara australis. Ed. Ph. Journ. 1861. Ext. pp. 8. With 1 plate. Also Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 207. Showing that the cone-scales of Dammara are, as in Araucaria, * the leaves of the cone-shoot.' The author's observations confirm BaiUon's view of the primitive duality of the envelopes of the " nucleus" or ovule. Dickson, A. — Observations upon the Morphological Constitution of certain Abietiaeous Cones. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 47. DouMET, FUs. — Souvenir d'lme herborisation au mont Viso faite pendant la session extraordinaire de la Societe botanique de France. 8vo. 22 pp. Ann. Soc. d'Hort. de I'Herault. 432 BIBLIOGRAPHY. DowDEN, Prof.— On a Plant poisoning a Plant. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1860. 110. Deessee, C. — On abnormal forms of Passijlora ccBrulea. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1160. 110. On the Morphological Laws in Plants. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1860. 110. Deummond, a. T. jun. — Contributions to the Local Mora of King- ston. Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada, Yol. i. pp. 33 — 40. A list of species with their localities. DucnAETEE, P. — Note sur deux particiilarites observees dans une Jacinthe. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. p. 158. Two flowers had contracted an adhesion by the outer surface of one lobe of the perianth of each : the flowers were both com- plete. A slender scape, bearing a simple, terminal flower, sprung from the plant bearing the above. Note siu" ime particularite qui s'est montree, en 1860, dans la vegetation de la pomme-de-terre Marjolin. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 456. Noting a tendency in this variety of the potato to form sub- terranean branches and tubers without throwing up aerial stems. This anomaly usually occurs in winter, and M. Decaisne attri- butes it to defective warmth and hght. • Note sur une Tulipe a tige tripartie. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 462. Each division of the scape bearing well developed flowers of nearly equal size. Sur une Monstruosite de DelpJiinium AJacis. Bull. Soc. Botan. Aii. p. 483. The entire inflorescence was transformed into successively super-imposed whorls of sepals and carpellary leaves. Towards the summit of the stem were four or five concentric circles of free oval-lanceolate sepals — apparently resulting from the superior and lateral sepals of several flowers. Immediately within these, without the interposition of petals or stamens, were numerous distiuct carpels, mostly of normal structure, and enclosing ovules. The interior were iisually more or less open, and passing into simple leaves. Upon the margin of the open carpels were imper- fectly developed ovules. Above the carpellary whorl was a second series of leaflets, less coloured and petaloid than the lowermost ; then a second circle of carpels, most of which were imperfect. Above these, and terminating the axis, was a compact mass of small linear greenish leaflets. Note sur trois fleurs monstreuses. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 450. These were — 1. A prohferous variety of Sosa gallica — the flowers with eight sepals and thirteen spirally arranged petals, upon a torus in no degree elongated. 2. A tetramerous flower of Iris Xi;pliium ; and 3. Decandrous flowers of ISolanum tuber- osum. PnANEBOOAMIA, 433 DucHARTBE, P. — Note BUT la secretion salee du Tamarix gallica au bord de la mer. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 614. Showing that the saline deposit observed upon the leaves of the Tamarix is due to a glandular secretion formed when the plant grows in a soil containing more or less salt. rioraison et Fecondation de V Agave potatorum. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 629. Tertilization was effected by a swarm of flies after carefully applied artificial means had failed. DupouE, Leon. — Diagnoses et observations critiques sur quelques plantes d'Espagne mal connues ou nouvelles (suite). Bull. Soc, Botan. vii. pp. 426, 441. DuYAii- JouvE, J. — Sur la Synonymic d'une espece d'Equisetum. Bull. Soc. Bot, viii, 637. EicHLEE, A, W.— Zur Entwickelungsgeschicbte des Blattes, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Nebenblattbildungen. Mar- burg. 1861. 8vo. pp. 60. Witli 2 plates. ENGELMA]ST*f, Dr. — On three hybrid Verbenas. Trans, Ac. Sc. St. Louis, i. 675. Eenzl, Ed. — Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium et Observationes botanicae (in Tcliihatcbfeff", Asie mineure, iii^ partie). A new genus of Cruciferae (Physalidiu'ni) is described. Eebmokd, Ch. — Note sur la Germination du Sapindus divaricatus. Bull. Soc, Botan. vii. p. 494. Sur xuie Tige fasciee du Oucurhita JPepo. 1. c. p. 496. EiscHER, J. C. — Verzeichniss d. Gefasspflanzen Neu- Vorpommerns und Eligens. 4to. pp. 56. Stralsund, 1861. This catalogue, arranged alphabetically, includes 1070 species, EouEinEE, E. — Mimoseae and Acacieae. — These pour le Doctorat. (Des Tenifuges employes en Abyssinie.) Paris, 1861. With a synopsis of the species of Alhizzia, Dur., of the genera of Acacieae, and tribes of Mimoseae. Vide also A. Sc. N, iv^, Ser. xiv. 368, Eeitsch, el — Eesvdtate mehrjahriger Beobachtungen iiber d. Belau- bung und Entlaubung der Baume und Strauche im "Wiener botanischen Garten. "With 1 pi. "Wien. Sitzungsb, 1861. 81, — Begriff der Phanologie und iiber Belaubung und Entlau- bung der Baume und Strauche. "Wien. Verhandl. xi. 261. ■ Thermische Constanten fiir die Bliithe und Pruchtreife von 889 Pflanzenarten, abgeleitet aus zehnjiihrigen Beobachtungen im K. K. botanischen Garten zu "Wien. Wien Sitzungsb. xliv. 711. Gaecke, a. — Die Gattung Goethea. Bonpl. 1861, p, 17. "With one-celled anthers and warted poUen, the author refers it, with Endlicher, to Malvaceae ; he upholds the genus as dis- tinct from Favonia. 434 BIBLIOQEAPHY. Gaecke, a. — Die Stellung der Gattung Morina im naturlicheu Sys- tem. Bonpl. 1861. p. 49. Confirming tlie received view, in opposition to that of the late Dr. Klotzsch, that Morina is Dipsaceous, not Acanthaceous. Ueber Die Gattung Triclianthera. Ehrenb. Bonpl. 1861. p. 115. Stating the genus Trichantliera, Ehrenb. to be identical with Sermannia, L. Gaeeeau, L. — Eecherches sur la distribution des matieres minerales fixes dans les divers organes des plantes. Ann. S.N. Ser. iv. xiii. p. 145. With 1 plate. An account of experiments instituted with a view to ascer- tain the chief causes determining the distribution of mineral sub- stances in the various organs of plants, their comparative quan- tity, and the part they play in the plant economy. The memoir is divided into two portions ; the first treating of the inorganic constituents of plants, the second devoted to the function of the azotised ceU-contents, and the circidation of ceU-sap. Tables are given of — (1) Tlie percentage of inorganic constituents in various organs gathered at different periods ; also (2) in radicles and fibrils which have vegetated at the expense of their seed in dis- tilled water solely ; (3) in fibrils of aquatic and terrestrial plants ; (4) in stems of various ages ; (5) in the pith and cambium -layer of the elder ; (G) in the axes and fronds of cryptogams ; (7) in leaves ; (8) in ripe seeds, as compared with ovules ; (9) analyses of the ashes of seeds ; (10) of the axes and youngest leaves of buds; (11) of the stems of trees, terrestrial and aquatic herbs, the leaves of ligneous plants, of cryptogams, &c. The author shows the very unequal distribution of inorganic constituents, and the remarkable variation in respect to their amount in the different organs of plants. That while their pro- portion in the axial organs of ligneous plants decreases vnth lignification, in herbaceous species it increases with age. The same accumidation takes place, as a rule, in leaves, with the ex- ception of those specially modified, forming calyx, pericarp, &c. The contrast is pointed out between the analysis of the seed, deprived of episperm, and that of other parts of the matured (monocarpic) plant. The former containing but the elements constituting the phosphates of lime, potash, soda, magnesia ; the latter oxides of iron, manganese, carbonates of lime and mag- nesia, sulphates, chlorides, silica, &c. — phosphates having almost entirely disappeared. In reference to the azotised contents of cells, M. Garreau is of opinion that the threads (or canaux) of protoplasm, which radiate from the nucleus, are in direct com- munication mth the corresponding processes of adjacent cells, and that thus the active formative matter, which possesses a similar composition and fulfils Like essential functions with that of animals, may remove itself from old or thickening cells. PHANEROGAMIA. 435 Gat, J. — Note sui* I'Histoire du Bidens radiata, Tliuill. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. p. 153. With the syuonjmy of the plant. ' Observations sur le travail de M. Grenierrelatif auPosiWoM2a Caulini. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 453. Nouvelles observations sur une Anomalie bulbaire du Leu- cojum aestivum. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 457. A form presenting two or three bulbs superimposed on the same axis, and separated by long internodes. Le Chamcerops excelsa, Thunb., sa patrie, le climat qui lui convient, son introduction dans I'Europe occidentale, les changes qu'il a d'y etre naturalise, son Jlbrillitiiwi, les usages economiques auxquels il pent servir, &c. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 410. In a postscript are given Wendland's characters of his genus Trac hi/ carpus, based upon the Eastern species of Chamcerops, (C. excelsus, O. Fortunei, C. Martianus, and G. Khasianus). Siu* la plante designee sous le nom de Fyrethrum Wtllemoti. p. 459. According to M. Gay, P. cinerariaefolium, Trev. Une Excursion botanique a I'Aubrac et au Mont-Dore, principalement pour la recherche des Isoetes du plateau central de la France. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 508, 541, 619. Germain de Saint- Pierre. — Nouvelles observations sur le Posi- donia Caulini. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 474. With detailed account of the reproductive organs and ger- mination. GoDRON, A. — Observations sur les Bourgeons et sur les Eeuilles du Liriodendron tulipifera. Bull. Soc. Botan. viii. p. 33, With 1 plate. Explaining the occasion of the truncate summit of the leaf. Graells, M. de la Paz. — Eamilletes de Plantas Espafiolas escogi- das. Mem. Ac. Cien. Madrid, iv. 459. With 9 plates. Gras, Aug. — Note sur quelques rectifications de Synonymic. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. p. 270. Eeferring to names of Allioni's. Sur le Cardamine granulosa. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 463. Gray, Asa. — Note on the Genus Orapheplwrum, Pesv., and its Synonymy. Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada, 1861. p. 55. also Am. Ac. Proc. V. 190. Announcing the re-discovery of the Dupontia Cooleyi of the author's " Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States," and its identification with Graphephorum melicoides, Beauv. An. enumeration of the species of Orapliephoriim is appended. ■ Characters of some Compositae in the Collection of the United States South Pacific Exploring Expedition, under Captain Wilkes, with Observations, &c. Am. Ac. Proc. v. p. 115. With amended characters of WilJcesia and Arf/yroxipJiiiim, and description of new species. 436 BIBLIOGRAPUY. Oeat, Asa. — Notes on Lobeliaceae, Goodeniaceae, &c. of the Collec- tion of the Uuited States South Pacific Exploring Expedition, p. 146. The neAv species are described. Enumeration of a Collection of Dried Plants made by L. J, Xantus, at Cape San Lucas, &c. in Lower California, between August, 1859, and February, I860, and communicated to the Smithsonian Institution, p. 153. A small collection made by Mr. Xantus at San Lucas and vicinity, containing a considerable proportion of new species. The distribution numbers are quoted. A Ciu-sory Examination of a Collection of Dried Plants made by L. C. Ervendberg around "Wartenberg, near Tantoyuca, in the Ancient Province Huasteca, Mexico, in 1858 and 1859. p. 174. G-BENiEB, Ch. — Eecherches sur le Posidonia Caulini, Konig. (Suite). Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. pp. 419, 448. A minute account of its structure, together with technical descriptions of the genus and species. Observations are intro- duced upon typical forms, species, and genera — the author pre- ferring the comprehensive Linnean genera, with brief diagnoses and subdivisions, to those of fragmentary character with long diagnoses which have multiplied so fast in recent times. Gbindon^, L. H. — A Manual of British and Foreign Plants, vsath their Latin and English Names. London, 1861. A Catalogue of upwards of 5000 species, either in cultivation, indigenous to Britain, or of economic or literary interest. The native country of each is given. GrEis, Aethue. — Du Developpement de la Fecule et en particulier de sa Resorption dans I'albumen des graines en Germination, Ann. S. N. Ser. iv. xiii. p. 106. With 6 plates. M. Gris' observations refer chiefly to the dissolution of the starch granules ia the albumen of the seeds of wheat, barley, maize, and other Gramineae, Arum, Polygonum, Rivina, and a few other genera. Resorption takes place after two modes; either by a local action of the dissolving agent, attacking the granule irregularly, or uniformly diminishiug its bulk insensibly. Tlie simple starch granules examined, with the exception of those of Promus, were subject to the former, and compound granules (also those of Promus) to the latter mode of dissolution. Sur le developpement de la graine du Eicin. A. S. N. iv. Ser. XV. (Bot.) 5. Tlie author directs attention to the adhesion between the secundine and lower portion of the nucleus, and the idtimate disappearance of the free portion of the latter, with the increase in size of the embryo sac, within which the albumen is formed. Sur le genre Crossostylis de Forster. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 379. Including a description of the fruit and seed unknown to Dr. Gray (U. States Expl. Exped. 610, t. 77). PnAJS^EEOGAMIA. 437 Gets, Arthur. — Sur le developpemeut de la graine de Eicin. C. Eend. 21 Oct. 1861. — Essai sur la mesiire du degre d'elevation ou de perfection organique des especes vegetales. Paris, 1861. 8vo. pp. 32. GrEisEBACH, A. H. E. — Flora of the British West Indian Islands. Pt. iv. (Caprifoliaceae to Apocynaceae). JPhialanthus (Eubiaceae, near ScolosantJms), Monanthemv/m (Vernoniaceae), and ChcEnocephalus {Senecionideae), are the new genera described. Stryclinos is included under Apocynaceae, sect. Hautvolfieae. Bemerkungen zu Willkomm's Monographie der europais- chen Krummholzldefern. Plora, 1861. 593. "With a synopis of the eight, geminate-leaved, European Pines. Zur Systematilv der Birken. Flora, 1861. 625. GrROENLAND, J. — Sur les hybrides du genre jEgilops. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 612. Hybrids obtained from the artificial fertilization of JEgilops ovata and -M. ventricosa by different varieties of wheat were found rarely to retain theii' hybrid character, but to return almost in- variably to the type of the male parent, and ultimately die out. A natural 'hybrid,' however, (Imown to be such from the circum- stance that its produce was, in part, sterile, with all the character of a Triticum, and in part, true ^gilops triticoides) has jDcrpetuated itself since 1858 ■with a rapid increase of fertility, the last gene- ration, retaining all the hybrid character, having been as fertile as ordinary cultivated wheat. Geosse, Ernst. — Flora von Aschersleben. Die im umkreise von einer Meile um Aschersleben wachsenden Phanerogamen, nach dem Liiuie'schen System geordnet und mit den zum Selbstbe- stimmen nothigen characteren verseheu. Aschersleben, 1861. 8vo. pp. 74. GuBLER, A. — Observations sur la flore du departement des AJpes- maritimes. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 237. — De la mer comme source de calcaire pour les plantes du littoral. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 431. — = Etude teratologique sur une anomalie du Pinus Pinea, con- stituee par la permanence de la foliation primordiale, transitoire. BuU. Soc. Bot. viii. 527. GuiBOUET, M. — Observations sur le duvet des Chatons de Peupliers. Journ. Pharm. et Chem. 1861. p. 81. Showing the down of the seed to be arilloid and not a coma or corona as described by some authors. GuiLLARD, A. — La Famille des Urticees. Presse Scient. iii. p. 305. With observations on the structure of the stem, the charac- ter of the inflorescence, &c. Gulliver, Geo. — On the Eaphides of Lemnaceae. A. N. H. 3 ser, vol. vii. p. 423. Noting their occurrence in all British species of Lemna. 438 BIBLIOGEAPUT. Hall, H. C. tan. — Bijdrage tot de Organograpliie der Planten, in- zonderheid over Stipulae en Bracteae. With 3 plates. Yer. Med. K. Ak. Wet. Amsterd. 1861, 245. Halliee, Eris'st. — Die Vegetation auf Helgoland. Ein Eiilirer fiir den Naturfrennd am Eelsen und am Seestrand. Zugleicli als fxrundlage zu einer Elora von Helgoland. With 4 plates. Ham- burg, 1861, pp. 48. The Elora includes 150 Phanerogamia, 17 of which are stray plants in gardens or naturalized, and 13 more or less doubtful. Die Flora der Insel Helgoland. Bonpl. 1861, p. 227. With catalogue of native Phanerogamia. Haetingee, a. — Oesterreich's u. Deutschland's wildwachsende od. in Garten gezogene Griftpflanzen, in naturgetreueu Abbildgn. Parts 1 to 3. 12 col. plates. Folio. Vienna, 1861. Hasskael, J. E. — Horti malabarici clavis nova (cont.) Flora, 1861. 401, 481, 545, 577, 609, 737. Hectoe, J. — Physical Features of the central part of British North America, with special reference to its Botanical Physiognomy. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 168. Helbeeich, Th. de. — Descriptio specierum novarum. Ann. Soc. Nat. iv. ser. xiii. p. 379. Species of Cavipanula, Centaurea, and Mattia. Henslow, J. — On the supposed Grermination of Mummy Wheat. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1860. 110. Hildebeajst), F. — Die verbreitung der Coniferen in der Jetztzeit und in den friiheren geologischen Peiioden. Bonn. Verb. 1861. 199. ■ Einige Beobachtungen aus dem GTebiete der Pflanzen-Ana- tomie. 1861. Bonn. 4to. pp. 28. 2 plates. Upon (1) the occurrence of stomata upon petals; (2) the pollen of Morinq elegans ; (3) anatomical sti'ucture of certain capsules with circumscissile dehiscence, &c. ; (4) the position of the embryo, with respect to the axes of the flower and stem, in Cruciferae and other Dicotyledons ; (5) the anatomy of the win- ter buds of Potamogeton crispus ; and (6) the occurrence of superimposed buds in the leaf-axils of Lonicera, Passiflora coeru- lea, Cornus ^nascula, Sambucus nigra, the Ash, and other species. (Ext. Bot. Zeit.) AuatomiHche untersuchunffen iiber die Farben der Bliithen. o^ Pringsh. Jahrb. iii. 59. AVith 1 plate. lieferring to the forms vmder which various colouring matters are found in flowers and their distribution in the tissue of the several organs. The author's observations warrant the following general conclusions : — (1.) That the colour of flowers is in con- stant connection with cell-contents, never with the cell- wall ; (2.) Blue, violet, rose and, if there be no yellow in the flower, deep red, ai'e due, with little exception, to a cell-sap of corresponding colour; (3.) Yellow, orange and green are usually associated PHANEROaAMIA. 439 with solid, granular or vesicular substances in the cells. (4.) Brown and grey, and in many cases bright red and orange, appa- rently uniform to the unaided eye, are found to be compounded of other colours, as yellow, green or orange with violet, or green and red ; bright red and orange, in like manner, of blue-red with yellow or orange ; (5.) Black, excepting in the Bean, is due to a very deeply coloured cell-sap ; (6.) All the cells of an organ are rarely uniformly coloured. (7.) The colour usually resides in one, or in a few, of the outer cell-layers. (8.) The coloured cells are but exceptionally covered by a layer of imcoloured ones. (9.) Combinations of colour are occasioned by diversely coloured matters in the same, or in adjacent cells. HiNCKS, W. — An Attempt at an unproved Classification of Fruits. Canad. Journ. ISGl. 495. Exhibited in a tabular form, which does not admit of material abridgement. Haetig, Th. — Ueber die Bewegung des Saftes in den Holzpflanzen. Bot. Z. 1861. p. 17. With the results of investigations subsequent to the publication of the author's previous paper on the same subject (Bot. Z. 1858). 1. The Bleeding of the Hornbeam (Carpinus). When the stem is tapped in April, the flow of sap varies at different hours of the day ; beginning to flow about 9 p.m., it finds a maximum between 2 and 4 a.m., continues till about midday, and then ceases imtil evening. Dr. Hartig found, during the hours of the after- noon, that not only does the flow of sap cease, but that it is re- absorbed by the wound from the chamber of his apparatus. He describes the means employed to ascertain the force of this suction, which was found equivalent to a column of mercury 17 1 inches in height, although at the time of the expeViment it is probable the time of most active bleeding had ah-eady passed. The insufficiency of the endosmose hypothesis to explain the phenomenon is pointed out, and attention directed to the influence upon the ascent of sap of the varying relations of the fluid and gaseous contents of the conducting tissues, due to the increased or diminished density of the latter. 2. Liber Sap. Flowing in spring from incisions cut -with the point of a knife obliquely or horizontally through the bark-layers of several trees (as the Maple, Beech, Oak, Lime, &c ) and usually abounding in sugar. If incisions be made from below upwards on the same side of the tree, sap flows from each wound ; if cut from above downwards, from the uppermost only : hence the conclusion that Bast-sap descends. This is constant, however, only in Rohinia pseudacacia. Li the Maple, sap will flow from the lower woimds if they be cut more deeply than the upper. 3. Cambium Sap. By scraping the newly-formed wood-cells of the cambium-layer from the svu-face of the alburnum attei' the removal of the bark in spring, and separating their fluid contents 440 BIBLIOOBAPHT. hj pressure, tlie author obtained a sap differing from that formed ia the wood and liber in the presence of phosphorus (phosphate of magnesia). Comparative examinations of the three saps are given. Phosphoric acid was found only in combination with magnesia. 4. Summer Evaporation. With table of estimated proportion of evaporation per square foot of leaf surface in nine species. This projDortion was found to vary in different species iadependently of the number of leaves and extent of their surface. 5. Evaporation from the Pine in winter. Excepting during a period of frost (in the winter 1859-60), the amount of loss from evaporation was such that it could only be sustained by the ab- sorption and ascent of fresh sap. The daily maximum of evapo- ration through the warmer season, from a fir 3 feet high, was ^Ib., the minimum, y'-olb. 6. The Economy of Evaporation. In the beginning of March, branches of two adjoining Weymouth Pines, the trunk of one of which had been 'ringed' some four years previously, were intro- duced into sej)arate glass globes. The evaporation from the im- injured tree was sufficient to cover the surface of the glass with moisture in the coui'se of half an hour, while, after an exposure of three days, no trace was deposited in the other. 7. On the difference in the soluble contents of the sap in the root and upper jjart of the tree. 8. Experiments on the absorption (aufsaugung) of coloured fluids by wounded sm'ftices. The result of several experiments is detailed. Water or tree-sap was found to be absorbed less rapidly than poisonous solutions. Herbich, Eb. — Ueber die Verbreitung der in Galizien und der Bukowina wildwachsenden Pflanzen. Wien Verhandl. xi. 33. Bemerkungen liber den bei Kj-akau wildwachsenden Saro- thamnus vulgaris. Wien Verhandl. xi. 399. HoELZL, K. — Botanische Beitrage aus Galizien. Wien Verhandl. xi. 433. On the botanical observations made by Hacquet on his Car- pathian journey. HoFFMANF, Herjiajstn. — ZuT Konntniss der Vegetations-normalen. Bot. Zeit. 18G1. pp. 177, 185. HoFMEisTER, W. — IJeber durch die Schwerkraft bestimmten Eich- tungen von Pfianzentheilen. Pringsh. Jahrb. iii. 77. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Embryobildung der Pha- nerogamen. II. Monocotyledonen. Abh. K. Sachs. Gres. Wiss. vii. (1861). 631. The author points out the remarkable general analogy obtain- ing in Monocotyledons in the mode of develojjment of the sexual organs. The embryogeny, &c. of numerous species belonging to upwards of twenty Natural Orders is described and illustrated by figures. PHAXEEOOAMIA. 441 HoOKEE, J. D. — Introductory Essay to the Elora of Tasmania. (German Trans., Ext. from Bot. Zeitsch.) Wien. 1861. pp. 39. Also resume of above, Flora, 1861. 417-425. et T. Thomsok. — Praeeursores ad Eloram Indicam. Cruci- ferae. Linn. Proc. v. p. 128. "With a Clavis generum by Dr. Hooker. The genera are grouped according to tlie arrangement to be adopted by Mr. Bentham and Dr. Hooker in their forthcoming ' Genera Plantarinn.' The new genera described are—Allocerathim, foiinded.oiiChoris2)orastricta, DC; Atelanthera (Arabideae, Hk. f. ); Loxostemon, founded upon a little plant near Cardamine, with the longer stamens geniculately divaricate above (doubtfully included in Arabideae) ; and Lepidostemon (Sisymbrieae), from an elevation of 14,000 to 16,000 feet in the Sikkim Himalaya. HooKEE, J. D. — On the A^egetation of Clarence Peak, Fernando Po ; with Descriptions of the Plants collected by Mr. Gustav Mami on the higher parts of that Mountain. Linn. Journ. vi. 1. Dr. Hooker's notes refer chiefly to the temperate plants, 56 in number, collected, ^vith one exception, at or above 5000 feet ele- vation. Twenty additional species, ascending a little over this height, belong to tropical types, and are excluded from the tem- perate Flora. Of the 56 species, 32 are natives of Abyssinian mountains, and 13 others are closely allied to plants of that country. Of the total 76 Clarence Peak plants, 16 inhabit Mauritius, Bourbon or Madagascar, 8 more being closely allied to species from these islands. Only 12 of the 76 are known to be South African, and of these all but Liizula have been also fomid in Abyssinia. Peddiea is the only peculiarly South African genus, and this is not temperate at Fernando Po. Dr. Hooker's com- parisons establish (1) an intimate relationship between the Flora of Clarence Peak and that of Abyssinia ; (2) a curious relation- ship with the East African Islands ; and (3) its almost total dis- similarity from the Cape Flora. The species are enimierated and the new ones described. ■ On the Distribution of Arctic Plants. Linn. Trans, xxiii. 251. With a North-circum-polar Map illustrating the Regions of Vege- tation. Vide Nat. Hist. Eev. vol. i. Bibliog. p. 101. On Three Oaks of Palestine. Linn. Trans, xxiii. 381. Quercus pseud o-coccif era, Desf. (a portrait of an example of which, ' Abraham's Oak,' at Mamre, is given), Q. cegilops, and Q. infectoria. Their synonymy and distribution is given. Q. pseudo-coccifera is the most abundant tree throughput Syria, covering the rocky hills with a dense brush-wood. Q. infectoria was met with on the eastern slopes of Lebanon, to the south of Safed, and on the summit of Carmel. It is rendered conspicuous by an abundance of red-brown, shining galls. Q. (sgilops, the Vallonea Oak, is gregarious in Syria, though never forming a brush-wood. It rises to the height oi 20 to 30 feet. Two plates M2 BIBLIOGEAPIIT. are given, exhibiting the variety in form, &c. of the acorn and cup of Q. pseudo-coccifera and Q. agilops. Howard, J. E. — Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon, mth coloiu-ed plates by W. Fitch, and Observations on the Barks described. Part 7 to end. London, 1861. Ikmisch, Th. — Beitrage zur Morphologic der Amaryllideen. Halle, 1860. 4to. pp. 76. 12 plates. Forming the first part of the author's " Beitrage zur Morpho- logic der Monocotylischen Grewachse." ' Einige Bemerkuugeu iiber Poteriwn sanguisorba and poly- gamum. Bot. Z. 1861. p. 45. A monstrous inflorescence of the former species is described, in v^rhich twenty -two long-stalked spikes were produced from the top of the peduncle. The aestivation of Poteriuoii and Sanguis- orba is stated to be imbricate, not valvate, as described in some works. Ein neuer thuringischer Standort der Diplotaxis muralis. Bot. Z. 1861. p. 46. TJeber Polygonum ampliihium, Lysimacliia vulgaris, Comarum 2)alustre und 3fenyanthes trifoliata. Bot. Zeit. 1861, p. 105, 121. With plate. A minute account of the germination of these species. TJeber zwei varietaten der Brunnenkresse. Bot. Zeit. 1861. 316. On two forms of Nasturtium officinale, water cress, differing in the fruit. They are named vars. longi- and brevi-siliqua, Noch einige Beobachtungen iiber die Stipulae bei Lotus, Tetragonolohus und Bonjeania. Bot. Z. 1861. 329. With figures. Erne monstrose Hyacinthe. Bot. Z. 1861. p. 342. In the axil of two opposite lobes of the perigone double flowers had originated, while other smaller ones were inclosed in the envelopes of the central flower. TJeber die Adventivknospen auf den Wurzeln von Asclepias syriaca, L. Verb. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hffc. ii. p. 122. Jaubekt, M. le Comte. — Note sur quelques plantes du haut Perou. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861, p. 114. With descriptions of two new species discovered by the MM. Grandidier in the Mountains of Peru, Salpicliroma J)i- dieranum and Alstroemeria Didierana. Note sur VAttalea fimifera. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861, p. 156. Jessen, C. — Ueber Alopecurus rutheivicus, Weinm. Bot. Z. 1861. p. 49.* TJeber die Lilie der Bibel. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 77. JoBDAJS', A. — Quelques mots siu* le Geranium purpureum, Vill. Suivis de la description de deux plantes nouvelles des environs de Gre- noble. Paris. 8vo. IvABScn, W. — Anatomische und Physiologische Beobachtungen PHANEROQAMIA. 443 ixber die Eoizbarkcit dor Geschlechts-organe. Bot. Z. 1861. pp. 25, 33. With 1 plate. Eelating to observations upon the irritable organs of Ber- heris and Mahonia, Cynareae, Rata grcweolens, Pnrnassia and the stigma of 3Iimulus. The minute structure of the filaments of Ber- ber is and Mahonia is described and compared in young and mature stamens. The structure of the stamens also and the nature of their irritability in the Cynareae is explained. Herr Kabsch states the stigma to be fully developed subsequent to the shedding of the pollen by its surroimding anther-tube, consequently fertilization must require insect or foreign agency. Kabsch, W. — Anatomische und Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber einige Bewegungserscheinungen im Pflanzenreiche. Bot. Zeit. 1861. pp. 345, 353, 362, 369. With 2 plates. With detailed account of the structure of the irritable organs in Stylidium, Heliantliemum, Sedysaruni gyrans, and other species; the influence of an electric current upon their movements, &c. In the common Rock-rose the author considers the minute hairs which surround the base of the stamens to be the irritable organs, the stamens themselves being passive. Ueber contractile und irritabile Gewebe der Pflanzen. Schles. Ges. Bot. Bericht. 1860, p. 4. With observations on the contraction, through irritation, of the stamens of Centaur eae. Kaesten, Hermann. — Der unterstandige Eruchtknoten. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 153. With 1 plate. Considered with special reference to Pomaceae and Cactaceae. Ueber die Wirkung plotzlicher, bedeutender Temperatur- veriinderungen auf die Pflanzenwelt. Bot. Zeit. 1861. 289. The author's observations are based upon the stems of tree- ferns {Balantium and Cyathea) which he had forwarded from Venezuela to Berlin, and which had been exposed to a very low temperature during the transit from Hamburg. Some placed in a warm house never recovered, others {Balantium) immersed in cold water were saved, though their temperature was so low that they were coated thickly with ice after some hours immersion. None of the Cyatliean lived. De la Vie sexuelle des Plantes et de la Parthenogencse. Ann, Sc. Nat. iv. Ser. xiii. p. 252. Preceded by a historical introduction recounting from the earliest observations upon the sexuality of plants to the recent experiments of Braun and Eadlkofer. The author claims priority of the discovery of the mode of fructification in Vauclieria, and criticises M. Pringsheim's remarks upon it. A detailed account of the structure of Coenogonium and of the pollen and formation of the embryo in Coelehogyne is given. In this plant the author states that in the Botaaic Gardens of Berlin he finds a fifth part N. H. R.— 1862. 2 H 444 BIBLIOaEAPHT. of the flowers to be hermaphrodite. In conclusion Parthenogenesis in the vegetable kingdom is definitively stated not to occur. Karsten, H. — Elorae Columbiae Terrarumque adjacentium Speci- mina Selecta. Tom. i. fasc. iv. Craepaloj)rumnon,Si section of thegenus Macourtia of Endlicher, the author regards of generic rank. Two new species of Cin- chona are described. Sterculia Cola figures as the type of a new genus of Terebinthaceae, Siphoniopsis, Karsten. Talpinaria, n.g. is founded upon a Pleurothalloid Orchid from the upper Cordil- lera. Fasc. V. (completing Vol. i.) includes the following new genera: — Tammisia (Eubiaceae) near Sommera; ScJimar- dcsa (Swieteniae) — this is Mutheria, Eoem. ; Trimeranthus (Me- lastomaceae), near Cficetolepis, DC. Blumenentwickelung aus der "Wurzelspitze. Flora, 18G1. p. 232. Notice of the development of a flower at the extremity of an adventitious root of a Balsam. On the Sexual Life of Plants and Parthenogenesis. A. N. H. iii. viii. ser. v. 7, 81. 200. (Trans.) Plantarum Pamiliae secundum ordines naturales dispositae. Pol. 1 sheet. Berlin, 1861. Phanerogamae are divided between the sections Teleocarpae {Angiospermae, Lindl.) and Notliocarpae ; the latter grouped under Ecarpidiatae (JBalanophoraceae, Cynomorieae, LorantJiaceae) and Carpelligerae, (including Coniferae, Juss. and immediate al- lies.) Burmanniaceae, Bafflesiaceae and Cytineae form the alliance Aphyllae, in Monocotyledones. The Natural Orders generally are grouped under the Alliances of Endlicher, Bartling and Linnseus. Keddie, W. — Notice of a Botanical Trip to Ben Lawers and Schie- hallion. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 202. Keeneb, a. — Die Wiilder des ungarischen Tieflandes. Bonpl. 1861. pp. 31, 55, 78. Kebnee, J. — Salix Erdingeri, eine neue Weidenbastart. Wien Ver- handl. xi. 243. A hybrid between 8. daphnoides and 8. Caprea. KiCKX. — Eapport sur une hybride de Cirsium, decrite par "Wes- mael. Brux. Bull. xii. p. 240. Eapport sur quelques plantes recueillies dans les environs de Bruxelles, par L. Pire. Ibid. p. 290. KiRCHHOEP, Alf. — De Labiatarum organis vegetati\as commenta- rium anatomico-morphologicum. Erfurti. 1861. 8vo. 31 pp. KiBSCHLEGER, Ee.— Observations sur la derniere livraison des anno- tations a la Elore de France et d'Allemagne. Bull. Soc. Bot. vii. pp. 435. KLiNaoEAEFE, V. — Zur Flora der Provinz Preussen. Verb. Bot. Yer. Brand. Hft. ii. p. 103. _ Ueber die Verbreitung eiuiger Holzpflanzeu in der Provinz Preussen. Konigsb. Schrift. Jahrg. ii. 119. PHANEEOOAMIA. 4i5 Klinsmnan, E. F. — Clavis Dilleniana ad Hortum Elthainensem. 4to. Danzig. KoTSCHT, Th. — Der westliche Elbrus bei Teheran in Nord-persien. Wien. 1861. 8vo. pp. -46. Griving an extended account of the botany of the region. Umrisse von Siidpalastina iin Kleide der Friihlingsflora. V. Z.-B. Ges. Wien. 1861. pp. 16. Notes on the Spring-botany of Southern Palestine, visited by the author in 1855. KoTSCHT, Th. — Die Eichen Europa's und des Orients. Liefg. vi. With 5 plates. Lacroix, S. De. — Des Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench, O. rubella, Eeut. G. rubescens, Pers. C. gracilis, Gren. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. p. 258. Landeueb, X. — Zusammenstellung der Forstgewachse in Griechen- land. Bonpl. 1861. p. 192. Lassiis, a. de. — Analyse du Memoire de Gaetan Monti sur VAldro- vandia, suivie de quelques observations sur I'irritabilite Aq^/oIU- cules de cette plante. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 519. Noting the irritability of the terminal appendages of the leaves. Lecoq. — Botanique populaire, contenant I'histoire complete de toutea les parties des plantes et I'expose des regies a suivre pour decrii'e et classer les vegetaux, avec application a I'agricultiu'e et a I'hor- ticulture. In-18 jesus, 408 p. Paris. Lepevbe, Ed. — Aper^u sur la flore de I'arrondissement de Chartrea, Supplement. Chartres. 8vo. 1860. pp. 8. Lemaiee, C. — Genre nouveau de la Famille des Asparagacees. (Ext. de I'lUust. Hort. 1861.) With 1 plate. Beaucarnea founded on three Mexican species. Lepine, Jules. — Note sur le Veppamarum Vembou (Azadirachta indica, Juss.) Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. p. 95. On the medicinal properties of the plant, and characters of an oil extracted from the seeds, &c. Letourneux, T. — Sur la Distinbution Geographique des Plantes dans le Departement de la Vendee et les Regions voisines. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. pp. 91, 124, 160. LiNDLET, John. — On Japanese Coniferae. Gard. Chron. 1861, p. 265. With a description of Veifchia, n. g. Lindsay, W. L.— The Flora of Iceland. 40 pp. 8vo. Ext. Phil. Ed. 1861, and Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 114. With a revised catalogue of species hitherto found in the island. The total number of Phanerogams is stated at 426, of which 1S6 are Monocotyledons. Of Cryptogams 437 species are enumerated. Livingston, John S. —Experiences sur les effets des Gaz narcotiques et caustiquea sur les Plantes. Ann. Sc. Nat. iv. Ser. xiii. p. 297. Translated from the " Transactions of the Edinburgh Botanical Society." 2H 2 446 BIBLIOaEAPHT. Llanos, Fr. A. — Nuevo apendice 6 suplemcnto a la Flora de Fili- piBas del P. Fr. M. Blanco. Mem. Ac. Cien. Madrid, iv. 495. Including descriptions of the genera Zarcoa (apparently a Brieclelia,rQievve^ to Sterculiaceae), Baranda (Barringtoniaceae), Castanola (Terebintliaceae). Lloyd, John. — Isatis tinctoria. Phytol. 1861. p. 151. On the occurrence of the plant near New Wandsworth. (The Isatis was sown by Mr. Hanbury, Ed.) LoGiE, Alex.— List of Plants found growing in the Neighbourhood of Hamilton, during the years 1859 and 1860. Aim. Bot. Soc. Canada, Vol. i. p. 90. Lothian, J. — Botany of Argyleshire. Phytol. 1861. 331. Lowe, John. — On the Homologies of the Floral Organs of Phanero- gamia and the Higher Cryptogamia. Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. vii. 215. Lucas, C— Flora der Insel Wollin. Verb. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 25. Macvicae, Dr. — The Tlieory of Terminal Fructification in the Simple Plant, of Ovules and Pollen, and of Spores. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 13, and Ed. Phil. Journ. 1861. Mann, G-. — Account of the Ascent of Clarence Peak, Fernando Po ; altitude 10,700 feet. Linn. Journ. vi. 27. Shrubs grow to between 400 to 500 ft. of the top, amongst them a taU Erica. A large Hypericum forms the greatest part of the bush at a high elevation. Maechand, Leon. — Du Croton Tiglium. Eecherches botaniques et therapeutiques. Paris, 1861. 4to. pp. 94. 2 plates. Eecherches botaniques sur le Croton Tiglium. Baill. Eec, d'Obs. Bot. i. 232. With 2 plates. A minute account of the structure of the plant. Maesson, Th. — TJeber Corydalis pumila, Echb. Verb. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. ii. p. 72. Martens, C. — Des cii'constances qui peuvent determiner la floraison de V Agave americana. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 575. M. Martins suggests that the flowering of the Aloe may, in certain cases, be the result of ' debilitating causes,' as a recent transplanting or mutilation. Maetius, C. F. Ph. von.— Flora Brasiliensis. Fasc. xxvii. pars. Antidesmeae (vide Tulasne), Begoniaceae (v. A. De CandoUe), Celastrineae, Iliciiieae, et Ehamneae (v. Eeissek). Ueber den Charakter und die Systematisclie Stellung der beiden Pflanzengattuiigen Lahatia, Swartz, und Pouteria, Aubl. Mimch. Sitzb. 1861. 571. Fouteria is a spurious genus, based upon flowering specimens of a Lahatia and fruits of a Tiliacea, near Sloanea. Mourouca, Aubl., eine iichte Convolvulaceen-Gattung. p. 578. A detailed description founded on Surinam specimens of Split- gerber's. The genus is shown to be truly Convolvulaceous ; the stamens alternating with the corolla-lobes, not opposite to them, as stated by Aublet. PHANEKOGAMIA. 447 Mason, F. — Burmah, its People and Natural Productions, &c. In- cluding a Catalogue of Plants, with their vernacular names and native uses. Rangoon, 18G0. 1 vol. 8vo. Masters, M. T. — On the Normal and Abnormal Variations from an assumed Type in Plants. Eep. Brit. Ass. 1860. 112. Remarks on the Theory of the Metamorphosis of Plants. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 54. Note on an imusual mode of Germination in the Mango. Linn. Journ. vi. 24. With cuts. Eeferring to two specimens in the Kew Museum. One of the cotyledons is absent in both : the plumide, in one case, gives oif no shoot at all ; in the other, it gives rise to three shoots from its side : adventitious roots, moreover, spring from one of the cotyledons. On Prolification in Flowers, and especially on that Form termed Median Prolification. Linn. Trans, xxiii. 359. European Natural Orders most frequently affected by Median Prolification (the development of an adventitious bud from the centre of the flower) are Ranunculaceae, Caryophyllaceae, and Mosaceae : it is also commonly met with in Sci'ophulariaceae, Primulaceae, and Umbelliferae. Mr. Masters considers plants having an 'indefinite' inflorescence to be more subject to it than those with a ' definite' one. The relation is pointed out between this deviation and the normal prolongation of the axis occurring between the whorls of the flower, or in the carpellary cavity. Instances of prolification are figured from Geum rivale, Phlomis fruticosa (in which a sessile adventitious flower-bud and a single carpel with a basilar style occupy the place of the 4-lobed ovary). Digitalis purpurea, Aquilegia, Campan,ula (with a free calyx, and a bud replacing the pistil), and Fuchsia. MiCHALET, Eugene. — Sur la Floraison des Viola de la section NoMiMiTJM, de VOxalis acetosella et du Linaria spuria. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 465. The structure of the so-caUed 'apetalous' flowers of Viola alba, Bess, is described. These are found to have minute hyaline petals, sometimes reduced to one or two in number. The anthers were never foimd open, even in flowers the ovary of which had been fecundated. The stigma is described as obliquely truncate and hoUowed into a funnel, the lower part of which communicated directly with the cavity of the ovary. After fecundation, the canal becomes obliterated. The mode of fertilization of the ovules remains obscure. F. hirta and V. odorata present a similar structure in their ' apetalous flowers.' In Oxalis acetosella, M. Michalet finds the ordinary pedun- cidate spring flowers to be succeeded by others about the size of a pin's head, very shortly pedunculate and often hypogean. The structure of these is described. The emission of pollen from the anthers has not been observed. The seeds produced by these flowers do not appear to difter from those of the first 448 BIBLIOGEAPHT. flowering. In Linaria Elatine axes are found to develop from the lower leaf-axils which bury themselves beneath the surface, bearing flowers imperfectly developed, but not offering any re- markable structiu-al peculiarity. Fertilization takes place as in ordinary flowers. MiEGEviLLE, l'Abbe de. — Trisetum agrostideum, Tr. in the Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 448. MiEKS, John. — Observations on the Bignoniaceas. A. N. H. 1861. Ser. 3, vol. vii. p. 153. A minute description is given of the structure of the seeds and fruit in several genera of the Order. The former are usually provided with three distinct integuments — the outermost often expanding into a broad wing, showTi to be the true testa by the passage through it of the raphe, — and an intermediate coriaceous layer, probably a development of the secimdine, and a third, pro- vided with distinct chaiaza, attributed to the tercine. In reference to the carpellary structiu'e of Bignoniaceae, Mr. Miers advances the hypothesis that the pistil (in EuhlgnoniecB) is composed of four plicate carpellary leaves bearing ovules, not on their margins but midribs, and confluent by the sterile margins and adjacent faces of each pair, — thus constituting a bilocular ovary. The bilobate stigma is assumed as composed of four stigmata con- fluent in pairs, as, according to the author, is constant in BoraginacesB, Labiatse, &c. In Catalpece, with the dissepiment of the fruit transverse to its faces, a quadricarpellary origin is also maintained, — the arrangement of the carpels and the placentation being different. In the tribe Platycarpecc (Miers) the pistil is normally bi-carpellary. Amphicoma Mr. Miers considers to belong to CyrtandracsfB. A description is added of a Bignoniaceous fruit (referred to Tanaecium allvftorum, DC.) in the British Museum collection, remarkable from the parietal attachment of the seeds. — ibid. pp. 255-268. In Crescentiaceae, Mr. Miers regards the ovary as made up of two carpels, placeutiierous on their midribs and conjoined by their thickened sterile margins. In Cyrian- dreae, held of Ordinal rank, and Pedaliaceae, a similar structure of the ovary obtains. Sesameae, having an ovary normally com- posed of four carpels, placentiferous on their inflected margins which form a central column, the author would exclude from Bignoniales. A placenta-bearing midrib of the carpels he be- lieves to be universal among Bignoniaceae, Crescentiaceae, Cyrtandraceae, Pedaliaceae, and Gesneraceae. Observations upon the relative position, &c. of the anther-lobes in certain genera of Bignoniaceae are given. — ibid. pp. 386 to 396. An amended de- scription of Adenocalymna, and descriptions of five new species. — Vol. viii. pp. Ill to 120. Tanaecium is referred to Eubignonieae, near to Adenocalymna. In the remodelled diagnosis of this genus the ovary and fruit are descril)C(l as bi-locular. T. parasiticum., Sw. is considered to be a Schlet/elia, and truly Cresceutiaceous. PHAKEROaAMIA. 449 Mters, John.— On the History of the * Mate' Plant, and the clifFerent species of Ilex employed in the Preparation of the ' Yerba de Mate,' or Paraguay Tea. A. N. H. 3. Ser. viii. 219, 389. Mr. Miers points out that several species are theiniferous, and furnish Mate tea. The Ilex Paragimyensis described by Eeissek in Martius' ' Flora Brasiliensis ' is not the plant of St. Hilaire, but made up of two species, discriminated by Bonpland, and published by Mr. Miers under his M. S. names. Several other Mate Ilices are described. MiK, Joseph. — Flora derUmgebung von Olmiltz. Olmiltz. pp. 148. 12mo. MiLDE, Dr. — Mittheilungen iiber die schlesische Flora. Schles. Ges. Bot. Bericht. 1860. p. 9. MiQUEL, F. A. W. — Flora Indiae Batavae. Supplementum ii. Am- sterdam, 1861. With 1 plate. With a continuation of the list of Sumatra plants and sta- tistical summary of the Flora. The total number of species enumerated is 2642, of which 1409 have not yet been found in Java. Monocotyledons form over one-seventh of the Phanero- gamous vegetation. Tlie catalogue is followed by descriptions of plants new to the first volume of the author's ' Flora Indiae Batavae.' The new genera described are Parapanax (Araliaceae), Gono- cari/um (Phytocreneae?), Skaphium, InodapJinis (Thymeleaceae). Parartabotrys (Anonaceae), Trigoniastrum (Malpighiaceae), Gar- pophyllwn, Ptychopyxis (Sterculiaceae), Anaua (Elaeocarpeae), Microsepala, Aiostrohuxus, Leiopyxis, Coccoceras, Tetrayyne, Sa- maropyxis (Euphorbiaceae et all".), Galyptroon (Aporoseae), RJii- nostigma (Gruttiferae), Faranephelium (Sapindaceae), NotJwpro- tium (Amyrideae?), Nothocnestis, Trooshvt/hia (Connaraceae), Tetramerista (Ochnaceae?), Strobidia (Scitamineae). Prodromus systematis Cycadearum. 4to. Utrecht, 1861. Eemarques sur la flore du sud de la Chine. Jour. Bot. Ned. 1861. 84. With descriptions of new species. Eevue des Palmiers de I'ile de Sumatra. Journ. Bot. Neer- land. i. p. 1. An enumeration of species, including novelties collected by M. Teysmann. Eeferring to the important differences subsisting between the Flora of Sumatra and that of Java, and the relations between the former and that of the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Celebes, and the Moluccas, Prof. Miquel observes that species and genera of Palmaceae are found in Sumatra which have not yet been discovered in Java (Bentinchia, Iguanura, Calyptrocalyx, Pholidocarpus, Teysmannia), while some of them are represented at Malacca and in the Moluccas. Elodea canadensis, Eich. acclimatee dans les Eaux d'Utrecht. p. 29. With nn analysis of the ash of this plant by M. Bisdom. 450 BIELIOGEAPHT. MiQUEL, F. A. "W. — Plantes noiivelles cultivees dans le Jardin Botanique de I'Universite d'Utreclit. p. 33. ■ Eemarques sur la Flore du Sud de la Chine, p. 84. An enumeration of plants, with description of novelties, col- lected by B. Krone in the S. E. of China, principally in the province of Canton. Bourgeons developpes sur les racines des Fougeres. Jour. Bot. Ned. 1861. 134. Directing attention to buds which form on the adventitious roots of a Dlplazium. These separate, forming independent plants. Note sur quelques esp^ces de Cinchona. Jour. Bot. Ned. 1861. 139. Descriptions of two species collected by Lechler in Peru. Temperature elevee du Spadice d'un Fhilodendron Selloum, C. K. dans le jardin botanique de I'universite d'Utrecht. Journ. Bot. Ned. p. 144. With a register of hourly observations. The maximum dif- ference between the temperature of the spadix (the poUeniferous surface) and that of the conservatory, was 36° J\ Note sur les Piguiers de la Nouvelle-HoUande. Jour. Bot. Ned. 1861, 230. New species are described. All the sections of the genus Urostiffma are represented in New Holland. Eemarques sur quelques especes de JV^epenihes. With 2 l^lates. Journ. Bot. Ned. 1861. 272. With an account of species collected by Teysmann. General observations are added upon the distribution of Nepenthes, and the structure of the stem. Most of the species occupy a limited area, but one ranges in S. E. Asia from the Khasia Mountains, Cochin China, and Macao on the North, to New Guinea, Java, and the Louisiade Archipelago. Species occur from the sea-level to the summits of the volcanic mountains, grovidng upon calca- reous and syenitic rocks, sandy plains, and the vegetable soil of the forests. MoHL, H. TON — Ueber das Kieselskelett lebender Pflanzenzellen. Bot. Zeit. 1861. pp. 209, 217, 225. The results of the author's own investigations are preceded by a review of previous observations on the occurrence of silica in plants, the methods employed for the removal of organic matter and isolation of the siliceous framework, general remarks on the distribution through Phanerogamous Orders of plants abounding in silica, and the relation of the amoimt of silica in an organ, as the leaf, to its external appearance — in respect of which Herr von Mohl states that, as a rule, its aspect does not deter- mine whether or not it would leave a siliceous skeleton on being burnt. With regard to the relation of the silica to the cell- membrane, — whether it occur in a kind of organic union with the cellulose wall, or, as suggested by several observers, in the form PHAJ^EKOGAMIA. 451 of minute laminae, gi'anules, or spiculae embedded in its sub- stance, or as an encrusting layer on the outer or inner side of the cell, — the author's observations establish the first condition ; the question, however, as to the precise mode of union of the silica with the membrane, whether there is a chemical combination between them, or a mechanical deposition of silex between the molecules of cellulose, is left for chemists to determine. It is shown that the deposition of silica certainly takes place in liviug and even growing organs, contrary to Criiger's opinion that tissues do not become siliceous during active life. From the shields of Diatomaceae, which Kiitzing believed to consist of pure silica, H. V. Mohl finds an organic membrane, retaining the foi*m and markings of the valve, to remaia after removal of the silica by fluoric acid. The cells of the mesophyllum and also the vascular bundles of leaves are found sometimes to be more or less silicified ; yet, between the siliceous character of the epidermis and that of these inner tissues, there is no constant relation. In many plants with a strongly silicified epiderm, no trace of silica is found in the veins and midrib, while on the other hand, the vascular bundles may have a large deposit of silica, as in the Oak, Beech, &c., while the epidermis is but very slightly silicified. Observations are added on the occurrence of siliceous masses or nuclei in the cavity of the cells, as observed by Criiger. Mohl, H. von. — Eiu Beitrag zur G-eschichte der Keimuug. Bot. Z, 1861. p. 257. The author finds in the albumen of Pinus Pinea, and Ricinus communis during germination, a change of the oily cell-contents into sugar, through an intermediate stage of starch formation, as in the case of embryos had been previously remarked by Dr. Sachs, who, however, failed to observe this sequence of change in the albumen of Ricinus, The exceptional character of starch formation as a transi- tional stage in the formation of sugar from the fatty oil of the albumen, suggested the probability that it might stand in con- nection with a growth of the albumen, which measurements of germinatuig seeds of Ricinus showed to be the case. The in- crease in bulk is shown not to be dependent on the hygroscopicity of the albumen cells, but to be due to an actual growth. H. v. Mohl confirms Dr. Sachs' observation of the formation of Chloro- phyll in the cotyledons and upper part of the axis of germinating plants of Pines notwithstanding complete exclusion of light. — — — Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatze iiber des Kieselskelett lebender Pflanzenzellen. Bot. Zeit. 1861. 305. The author finds siliceous deposits in 42 Natm-al Orders. Species are enumerated in which both the epiderm and vascvdar bundles of leaves were silicified, also those in which silex was found in the e])iderm only. In connection -with the unequal distribution in the epidermis of sUex and its deposit in more 452 BIBLIOGRAPHY. marked degree iu the cells forming the boss or shield around the base of the hairs, the occurrence is remarked in these of cysto- lith-like, white bodies, penetrated with carbonate of lime ; after the removal of the latter by muriatic acid, excentrically stTatified processes remain, projecting from a corner of the cell, analogous to the pedxmcles of cystoliths. Tliese exhibit cellulose reaction with chloride of zinc and iodine. MooBE, Alex. G. — On the occurrence of Festuca ambigua, Le Grail, in the Isle of Wight. Linn. Proc. v. p. 189. A description is furnished from fresh Isle of "Wight speci- mens. The plant is contrasted with its allies F. (Vuljjia) ciliata and F. (V.) pseudo-mi/urus. MiJLLEB, K. (Berol.) — Annales Botanices Systematicae. ("Walpers.) vi. Fasc. i. ii. Fluviales to Orchidaceae. MiiLLEE, C. — De Graminibus novis vel minus cognitis. Bot. Zeit. 1861. pp. 313, 323, 338. Description of species from various quarters, including seve- ral of Griffith's East Indian plants. MuELLEE, r. — Observations on some hitherto undescribed Plants from New Zealand. Trans. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 153. Indigenous Vegetable products of the Colony of Victoria. Technol. ii. 120. MuLLEB, Ph. J. — Eubologische Ergebnisse einer dreitagigen Ex- cursion in die granitisehen Hoch-Vogesen der Umgegend von Gerardmer (Vogesen-Depart. Erankreich). Bonpl. 1816. 276. The author found on his three-days' tour 43 'species' of Hubus of which 31 are said to be new ! German descriptions of these are given. Munch, Ppaeeee. — Mittheilungen liber einige Nelkenarteu. Elora, 1861. p. 385. Critical, &c., observations on four species of Bianthus. MuNBO, W. — On the Identiiication of the Grasses of Linnaeus's Herbarium, now in the possession of the Linnean Society of London. Linn. Journ. vi. 33. Naegeli, C. — TJeber die Siebrohren von Cucurbita. Miinch. Sitz. Ber. 1861. 212. With 2 plates. Siebrohren was the term applied by Hartig to certain verti- cally superimposed series of cells, the septa of which he believed to be perforated, foiuid in the bast-layers of various plants. These apparent perforations v. Mohl regarded as thinner por- tions of the membrane, and proposed to substitute the name ' Gitterzellen ' for Siebrohren. The author's investigations apply chiefly to the minute structure of the transverse septa of the ' Siebrohren ' and their influence on the transmission of fluids. Ueber die Verdunstung an der durch Korksubstanz ge- schiitzten Oberfliiche von lebenden und todten Pflanzentheilen. p. 238. With tabulated results of numerous experiments upon peeled PHAITEROaAMIA. 453 and unpeeled potatoes and apples, instituted with a view to de- tex'miue whether living and dead tissues are alike aiFected when exposed to evaporation, or diversely, and to what extent. In order to kill the tissues they were exposed to frost ; the kinds of apple, however, submitted to experiment were not affected by it. Potatoes and apples were selected on account of the cork- cells of their superficial layers, which prevent rapid evaporation and enable the tissues to retain vitality some time after separation from the parent plant. Naegeli, C. — Ueber die "VVirkung des Erostes auf die Pflanzenzellen. p. 246. Upon the questions (1), Are there cells the fluids of which may be frozen without detriment to vitality?, and (2), Wliat alterations does frost occasion in the cell-membrane and contents ? Naudin, M. — Sur les Plantes hybrides. Kev. Hort. 1861. 396. M. Naudin considers hybrid plants more frequently fertile than sterile. Petunia violacea and P. nyctaginiflora two species which are perfectly stable when fertilized by their own pollen, may be easily hybridized, yielding intermediate forms, closely resembling each other, and as fertile as theii* parents. Naudiu's experiments generally establish the fact that hybrids of the first generation are very uniform ; the second and subsequent gene- rations show, however, great inconstancy. Of 47 plants raised from a hybrid between the above species of Petunia, but one repeated its parent. NiTSCHKE, Th. — Morphologie des Blattes von Drosera rotundifolia, L. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 145. Einige Bemerkungen zu meinem Aufsatze : " Morphologie des Blattes von Drosera rotundifolia, L." uud des Herrn Prof. Caspary Beurtheilung desselben. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 221. Anatomie des Sonnenthau-blattes {Drosera rotundifolia, L.) Bot. Zeit. 1861. pp. 233, 241, 252. With 1 plate. Wider des H. Prof. Caspary neuste Polemik gegen meine Aufsatze iiber Drosera rotundifolia, L. Bot. Zeit. 1861. 308. NoEMAJT, A. M. — Notes on the Botany of the South Durham Bal- last Hills in the year 1861. Trans. Tyneside Nat. Club. v. 136. — — — On the Species into which the Linnean Polygonum avicu- lare has been divided by Continental Botanists, ibid. 140. CErsted, a. S. — Til Belysning af Slaegten Viburnum. Vidensk. Medd. 1860. Ext. pp. 38. With 2 plates. A monograph of the Linnean genus Viburnum, here treated as a tribe of Sambuceae, and broken up into five genera, Oi'eino- tinus (America), Microtinus (Himalaya, China), Solenotinus (India), Fiburnum and Times. Oliyee, Daniel. — The Natural Order Aurantiaeeae, with a Synopsis of the Indian Species. Linn. Proc. Suppl. Vol. v. (Bot.) p. 1. The species of Sclerostylis of Dr. Wight and Triphasia mono- pylla are referred to Atalantia, Sclerostylis being suppressed. 454 BIBLIOGEAPHT. Bergera is included iu Murraya : Piptostylis of Dalzell, and Cookia iu Clauseiia : Arthromischus, Thwaites, is reduced to JParamignya. A synopsis of the genera is given, with an enume- ration of Indian species, many of which are described at length. A few extra- Indian species are also described within brackets. Oliver, Dai^iel. — Official Guide to the Ivew Museums. A Hand- book to the Museums of Economic Botany of the Eoyal Gardens. London, 1861. pp. 82. Ondaatje, W. C. — On the Sack-tree of Ceylon (Antiaris saccidora). Technol. ii. 105. OuDEMAifs, C. A. J. A. — Notice sur un Pnndmms spiralis, B. "Br. (^), quia fleuri dans le Jardin botanique d' Amsterdam. 4to. pp. 6. 2 plates. ■ Ueber den Sitz der Oberhaut bei den Luftwurzeln der Orchideen. Amst. A^erh. 1861. p. 32. Note preHminaii-e siu" quelques Cupuliferes de Java. Joiu*n. Bot. Ned. 1861. 241. Critical Notes on Blume's species, &c. Voorloopige mededeeling aangaande de uitkomsten verkregen bij eene herziening van eenige Javaausche Cupuliferen. (Ext. K. Ak. Wet. Amst. xii. 1861). OzAKON, Ch. — Note sur les Plantes les plus remarquables du versant meridional de la Montagne-noire, recueillies en Juin 1860, dans le Canton de Mas-Cabardes, ArroncUssement de Carcassomie (Aude). BuU. Soc. Bot. 1861. pp. 119. 165. Pablatoee, Ph. — Deuxieme note sm la composition du cone des Coniferes. 5 pp. 4to. Paris, 1861. The author regards the cone of Coniferae as a branch, the leaves of which are reduced to bracts, the flower-bearing branches frequently abbreviated, with scaly, more or less connate brac- teoles, and the female flowers reduced to a pistil, consisting of a imiovvdate ovary with style and two short stigmata. The form and arrangement of the bracteoles, &c., in Abietineae, Cupres- sineae, Taxineae, Podocarpeae and Guetaceae are described, and the relation of their structure to that of Amentaceous Dicotyle- dons indicated. ■ Note sur VAraucaria brasiliensis, et sur une nouvelle espece d'Araucaria d'Amerique. Bidl. Soc. Bot. 1861. p. 84. With a description of A. Saviana, sp. no v. cultivated in the Botanic Garden at Pisa, and believed to be from Bolivia. Description de trois especes nouvelles de Cypres cidtivees dans le Jardin botanique du Museum de Elorence. Ann. Sc. Nat. iv. Ser. xiii. p. 377. All probably of Eastern origin, and species which have been liitherto confused wdth Ci(,pressus pyramidalis and G. horizontalis. Note sur la Composition du cone des Coniferes. Comptes liend. iii. p. 164. Upon the coue-scale, which the author regards as a modified PnAJ^EEOaAMTA. 455 flower-bearing axis, borne by a bract or bracts with which it is adnate. The envelopes of the nucleus M. Parlatore believes to be carpellary. Pauckert, C a. — Elora von Treuenbrietzen (Schluss). Ver. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 1. PATEiir, M. — ■Amidon des fruits verts. Relations entre ce prmeipe immediat, ses transformations, et le developpement ou la, matura- tion de ces fruits. C. Eend. viii. 814. Showing the presence of starch in ripe fruits. Peegee, a. E. von. — Ueber den Grebrauch unserer heimisehen Pflanzen bei kirchHchen und weltlichen Pesten. Wien Ver- handl. xi. 279. Peesonnat, V. — Sur une forme inedite du Capsella bursa-pastoris. Bull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 511. C. ruhescens, V. P. distinguished at sight from C. bursa-pastoris by the red and white flowers and red coloration of upper part of fruit. Sur quelques Plantes des Alpes de Savoie. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 461. Petee, Heem. — TJntersuchungen iib. den Ban u. die Entwickelungs- geschichte der dicotyledonischen Brutknospen. Inaugural-Dis- sertation. Mit 2. Taf gr. 8. Hameln. PniLippi, E. A. — Ueber Ocymum salinum, Molina. Bot. Z. 1861. p. 259. This plant described by Molina in " Saggio sulla storia na- turale del Chili," as being found every morning covered with small particles of salt glittering like dew drops, Dr. Philippi shows to be FranTcenia Bertceroana, Gray. An analysis is given of the salt. O. salim^n is quoted as a synonym of 0. minwium, L. by Mr. Bentham in the Prodromus (xii. 33). Molina's mistake the author explains in the same way that he would his describing an JErodium as a Scandix, a stag as a horse, &c. &c. ! Botanische Excursion in die Provinz Aconcagua. Bot. Zeit. 1861. 377. Zwei neue Gattungen der Taxineen aus Chile. Linnaea. XXX. p. 730. Lepidothammis and Frumnopitys. The author remarks the very limited distribution of most of the Chilian Coniferae. Lihocednis andina and a Fodocarpus appear to be the only species universally distributed. PiTBA, Aj)Olph. — TJeber die Anheftungsweise einiger phanerogamen Parasiteu an ihre Njihrpfianzen. Bot. Zeit. 1861. pp. 53, 61, 69. With 1 plate. An account of the parasitism of Viscum albwn, Lathraea, MJiinantheae, Thesiiira ramosum, Fhelipcea ramosa, Cuscuta. PLANCHoif, J. E. ET J. Teiana. — Sur la Pamille des Guttiferes. Bull. Soc. Botan. viii. p. 26. The authors attribute much importance, in classification, to the 456 BIBLIOGEAPHT. characters of the seed and embryo. The Ti-ibes Calophylleae and Quiineae have a small tigellus wdth large, free, or connate coty- ledons. Observations are recorded on the varied structure of the episperm of the Clusieae, the position of the raphe, aestivation of the floral whorls, and symmetry of the flowers. Planchon, J. E. et J. Teiana. — La \Taie Nature de la Fleur des Eu- phorbes expliquee par ^xn. nouveau genre d'Euphorbiacees. p. 39. Confirming the view of R. Brown and others as opposed to the Linnean view and recent arguments of Payer and Baillon, fomided on organogenic study, that each stamen is a monandrous male flower, &c. With description of Calycopeplus, gen. nov. : per- haps the undescribed genus alluded to by E. Brown in Remarks on Botany of Flinders' Voyage, as possessing, at the point of articulation of the several male and female flowers, a true calyx. — — • — Sur la Pamille des Guttiferes. Conspectus Diagnosticus. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. pp. 66, 96. The new genera are Oxystemon (New Grenada), Folythecandra (Amazon and Guiana), Balboa (New Grenada), Oeclematopus (Brazil), Pilospervia (New Grenada). Memoire sur la Famille des Guttiferes. A. S. Nat. Ser. iv. xiii. 306, xiv. 226, xv. 240. The first section of this important monograph is devoted to the systematic treatment of the Order — the classification, syno- nymy, and affinities of the genera. The authors attach a primary importance to the characters of the embryo for the distribution of the genera. Three marked types of its structure are recognized : viz. — 1. "With a very large tigellus, and small but distinct cotyle- dons (constant in all Guttiferae with capsular fruit and axile placentation). 2. With a very large, more or less tuberiform tigellus, presenting a pith which has been sometimes taken for the embryo, and sometimes described as the commissure of united cotyledons, or as an internal radicle. The cotyledons are absent, or represented by superficial folds on the seed. And 3. With a very small tigellus and large cotyledons, free or united. Besides reforming the characters of published genera, the following, in addition to those mentioned above, are described as new: — C/usiella, Havetiopsis, Tovomitopsis, and Montrouziera (Pancher). Many new and imperfectly known species are described. Ples, M. — Examen d'une matiere blanche inorganique, deposee dans I'interieur du tronc de I'arbre Djati (Tectona grandis), a Java. Jour. Bot. Ned. IS'ol. 135. The concretion was formed of phosphate of lime. PoKORNY, A. — Untersuchungen liber die Torfmoore Ungarns. Wien. Sitzungsb. xliii. 57. With 1 map. PoLONio, A. F. — Osservazioni di botanica diagnostica, tratte dall' erbario Gasparrini esistente nell' orto botanico di Pavia. A. Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. iii. 344. PjiiLLiEUX, El). — Observations sur la Germmation du Miltonia PHANEEOGAMIA. 457 spectalilis et de diverses autres Orchidees. Ann. Se. Nat. iv. Ser. siii. p. 288. With 1 plate. And Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 19. In Miltonia, tlie ovoid embryo contained within the testa pre- sents neither cotyledon, plumule, nor radicle. On the side next to the foramen (?) (I'ouverture du sac (testa)), is a cellular pro- cess commonly found in the ripe seed of a considerable number of species : it consists of cells placed end to end, and disposed either in one or two rows. With germination, the embryonary body (of Miltonia spectahilis) becomes green, enlarges, and bursts the testa ; then develop, at various points on its lower surface, papillae similar to the hairs borne on the roots of Phanerogamia. These papillae, which originate in groups of from two to foiu", are destined to derive the needful food for the growing plant from the soil. When the embryo has acquired the size of a poppy-seed, the apex flattens and becomes rather depressed towards the centre. At the bottom of the depression originates the first leaf of the plant. Finally, after very various intervals, roots appear : their absence in the earlier stages of germination the author couples with the rudimentary, arrested condition of the embryo. Prillieux, Ed. — Note sur des Fleurs monstrueuses dimeres et mono- meres d' Epidendrum Stamfordianum. Bull. Soc. Bot. 1861. p. 149. These monstrous flowers, which occurred under three forms, were scattered here and there upon the branches of an inflo- rescence. The departure from the normal condition consisted in a reduction in the number of parts of the perianth. These forms were — (1.) With each verticil of the perianth consisting of two segments, viz. two sepals, a petal, and labellum — the parts of the perianth decussating. (2.) The inner verticil, instead of a petal and labellum, presented two labella opposed to each other, and each united to the base of the column ; the flower being both regular and symmetrical. (3.) In two flowers the verticils were reduced each to a single segment, the outer being represented by a sepal, the inner by a labellum — these being opposite to each other. Note sur des Fleurs monstrueuses de Fuchsia. BuU. Soc. Bot. viii. 194. In Avhich the petals w^ere provided with a long claw, often adnate to the opposing stamen. PUEL, T.— Note sur I'herbier de feu M. Chaubard. Bull. Soc. Bot. vii. p. 499. Note sur le Clypeola Jonthlaspi. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 229. Its occurrence in the Departement Du Lot. Eevue critique de la Flore du Departement Du Lot. (Suite.) BuU. Soc. Bot. viii. pp. 291, 300, 331, 445, 467, 538, 584, 630. Hand, E. S., jun.— The Heather (Calluna vulgaris), a native of the United States. Am. Journ. Soc. xxxiii. 22. Foimd near Tewkesbury, about twenty miles N. W. of Boston. -i58 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ri-TZEBrEG. — Anfrage, ob TJeberwallung abgehauener Fiebten und Tannen (StockiiberwaUung) auch an ganz isolirten Stammen, oder nur an verwacbsenen yorkommt. Verb. Bot. Yer. Braudenb. Hl"t. ii. p. 69. Baytn", E. — Catalogue metbodique et raisonne des plantes qui crois- sent naturellement dans le departement de I'Tonne. Extr. — Bull. Soc. Sc. de I'Tonne, 1S61. xiv. 39. Eegel, E. — Catalogus Plantarum quae in borto Aksakoviano eolun- tier. 1 vol. 8vo. 1860. Some novelties are described. Kegel, E. — Uebersicbt der Arten der Gattung Thalictriim, welebe im russiscben Eeicbe und den angraenzenden Landern wacbsen. Moskau, 1861. 1 vol. 8vo. Witb 3 plates. Preceded by observations on tbe peculiar difficulties of tbe study of tbis group, in wbicb tbe more abundant and complete tbe material, and tbe more closely it is studied, tbe more difficult it becomes to define tbe various forms, wbetber as species or varieties. Tbe species treated of are 19. Tbey are grouped under sections in tbe autbor's C'lavis according to tbe lengtb or absence of a stipes to tbe carpels. Tbe sub-sections rest upon tbe form of tbe filament. jN^o new species are described. T. saxa- tile, Scbl. and T. flextiosum, Bemb. are treated as varieties of T. minus, L. Xacbtrage zur Mora der Grebiete des Eussiscben Eeicbs ostlicb vom Altai bis Kamtscbatka und Sitka. Being tbe Botany of Eadde's Expedition in Eastern Siberia, 1858-9. Yol. i. pp. 211. Moskau. 1861. Witb 5 plates. Tbis enumeration, wbicb extends from Eanuncidaceae to Cruciferae {Brassica), includes, besides Eadde's Baikal, Dahurian and Amur plants, tbose collected by StubendorfF, Eieder and otbers in Kamtscbatka, or on tbe route tbitber. Some critical genera, as Aconitinn, Pulsatilla, &c., are elaborated in mucb detail. Xo new genera are publisbed. Monograpbia Betulacearum bucusque cognitarum. Mos- quae. 1861. 4to. pp. 129. Witb 17 plates. A monograpb of tbe Betulaceae of Bartling, including tbe genera Betula and Alnus. Of tbe former genus 19, of tbe latter 14, species are described. A Clavis specieruin is prefixed to tbe detailed Latin descriptions of tbe species of eacb genus ; tbe extended observations are in German. Betula glutinosa. Fries (Summa Yeg.), and B. pubeseens, Ebrb. are treated as varieties of B. alba. Eegel, E. et F. AB Heedee. — Annotationes botanicae. Appended to Index Seminum Hort. Betrop. 1861. Including a ' Conspectus specierum generis Aconiti, quae in Flora Eossica et in regionibus adjacentibus inveniuntur.' Eegnault. — Eecbercbes sur les Affiiiites de Structure des Tiges des PHANEROGAMIA. 459 Plautes du Groupe des Cjcloapermees. Anu. S. N. Ser. iv. xiv. p. 73. Witli G plates. Preceded by a brief general review, in respect of anatomical structure, of various Xatural Orders investigated by previous observers. M. Eegnault includes under Cyclospermeae the following Orders: Crassulaceae, Mesembryaceae, Tetragonieae, Portulaceae, Paronycbeae, Caryophylleae, Amarantaceae, Cheno- podiaceae, Phytolaccaceae, and Xyctagiueae, — a more or less extended account being given of the stem-structure in each. Two conspicuous characters prevail throughout these Orders, distm- guishiug them from the majority of Dicotyledons, viz. — The pre- sence in the wood of a generating tissue, and the absence of concentric annual zones. The thin-walled cells of this generative tissue are variously disposed through the ligneous mass, — some- times as isolated cords iu the midst of compact wood, sometimes forming complete or partial zones separating corresponding ligneous zones concentrically. Attention is drawn to the relation subsisting between tliis intraligneous generative tissue and the vessels of the stem as a point upon which further research is re- quired. Minor characteristics of the anatomy of Cyclospermeae consist iu (1) the frequency with which vascular bundles con- taining vspu"al vessels are foimd isolated in the pith ; (2) the absence of medullary rays ; (3) the absence in several Orders of liber, its partial or abnormal character in others ; and (4) the abundance of crystalline concretions in the parenchyma of the stem. Viewed in a classificatory point of view, the author con- eludes — (1) that in each Family of the Cyclospermeae the stem presents special characters, which establish a type around which the various genera may be arranged with but secondary variations. Campliorosma is the sole exception knoAvn to this rule. (2) The entire group oflers, at least when fully developed plants are examined, certain general structural characters, which impress on its members the stamp of affinity. Heichaedt, H. — Einige Nachtriige zu Garcke's Flora von Halle. Verb. Bot. Yer. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. IIG. Eeichaedt, H. W. — Ueber eine Monstrositat der Carex praecox. Wieu Yerhandl. xi. 237. Affording evidence in fivoiu' of Kunth's view of the structure of the female flower in Carex. Forms occui'red intermediate between the normal flower of Carex and others apparently quite analogous to those of Schoenoxiphium. • Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Cirsien Steiermarks. Wieu Verhandl. xi. 379. — Verhascum pseudo-phoeniceum (Y. Blattai'ia- pJweniceum) ein ueuer Blendling. 403. Beitrag zur Flora von Niederosterreich. Wieu Yerhandl. xi. 337 and 371. — Verhascum Neilreickii (Y. spccioso-phlumoiJes), ein neuer Blendling. 3G7. N. H. R.— 1SG2. 2 1 460 BIBLTOaEAPHT. EEicHEiTBAcn, L. et H. G. (fil.)— Icones Florae Germauicae et Hel- veticae. Tom. xx. Dec. 1. Including 8olaneae and Scrophularineae (Linaria). Eeiciienbacii, fil. — Ueber Carex obtusata, Lilj. Bot. Z. 1S6L p. 246. — Orohanche minor, Sutt. p. 255. REiNscn, Paul. — Bemerkungen ilber einige Bastardformen der Gattung Cirsium. Bonpl. 1861. p. 73. Reissek, S. — Flora Brasiliensis. Fasc. xxviii. Celastrineae, Ilici- neae et Ehamneae, pp. 115. "With 41 plates. Celastrineae : the genus JPlenckia is founded upon a single species of the Central Provinces. Of Maytenus 59 species are described. llicineae : the genus Ilex includes 63 species. Rhamneae : Rhamnidium, a new genus, with the habits of Berchemia, is described. Eemt, E. a. — Essai d'une nouvelle classification de la Famille des Graininees. Premiere partie — Les genres. Paris, 1861. 8vo. pp.308. The Graminaceae are grouped under five principal classes. 1. Hermaphroditees voerees, with complete flowers, all herma- phrodite. 2. Hermaphroditees incompletes. Hermaphrodite flowers ac- companied by rudimentary ones without apparent sex and always sterile. 3. Polygamies. Tlie same spike or panicle bearing male, female and hermaphrodite flowers. 4. Mondicees. With but male and female flowers on the same plant. 5. Diocees. Male and female flowers on separate plants. Descriptions (in French) are given of all the genera, with the distribution of the species and an estimate of their number. EiTsciiL, G. — Neuigkeiten der Posener Flora aus dem Jahre 1860. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 105. EociiEBETJNE, A. DE. — Observations sur le Ruscus aculeatus. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 523. Tlie author agrees with Kirschleger and others, in opposition to the view of M. Clos that the urceolus sm*rounding the ovary in the female flowers of Ruscus answers to the tubus stamineus of the male. He considers the plant to be monoecious — Sur le Uracocephalum iiirginianum, p. 547. EoDET, J. A. — Note sur 1' Anatomic et sur la Physiologie d'un cone de Pin. C. Eend. liii. 535. Eclating to the structure of the scales and bracts and the hjfgroscopicity of the latter. ScuENK, A. — Botanische Notizen. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Saamenschale. Wiirzb. Zeitschr. ii. 216. On the structure of the testa and hairs of the seed of Bichius purpurascens, and observations on the epidermal cells of the testa of seeds swelling up in water. PnAKEROOAMIA. 461 ScHLEonTENDAL, D. !F. L. V-— Abiiorme Pflanzen-Bildungen. Bot. - Z. 1861. p. 4. Notice of tlie observation, by C. Lemaire, of leaf-like appen- dages developed upon the midrib of the under surfoce of the leaf in Caladium miritum and Gesneria spicata. Similar irregulari- ties were observed in the leaves of Heterocentron macrodon and on the summit of the petiole of a Begonia. Herr Schlechtendal notices the occurrence of Stachys excelsa with the lower lip of the corolla having a double median lobe and a fifth stamen deve- loped. Stachys coccinea is stated sometimes to have the upper corolla-lobe more or less divided. -■■■ Ueber den Quebracho der Argentinischen staaten nacli Prof Burmeister's Mittheilmigen. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 137. Tliere are two species of Quebracho, called Q. bianco and Q. Colorado. These are referred to the genus Aspidosperma, M. and Z. A detailed account is given of the fruit and seed of A. Quebracho bianco. • Geschichte der Gattung Zizania. Linnaea xxx. p. 714. Bemerkune;en ueber Pontederia azurea und die Pamilien- verwandten. (Ext. Abh. Nat. Gesell. HaUe) 1861. 4to. pp. 30. With 1 plate. Descriptions of the six genera of Pontederiaceae are appended .to this memoir. ScHLEiDEN, M. J. — Grundzlige der wissenschaffclichen Botanik nebst methodologischen Einleitung. Ed. 4. Leipsic, 1861. ScHLOTTHAUBEB, A. F. — Phjsiologische und Systematische Beitrage zur Botanik, (Eortsetzung) xii. Eiige einiger Mangel neuerer naturlicher Pllanzen-systeme, A. Kritik. B. TJebersicht der Hauptgruppen und ELlassen des natiirlichen Systems des Gewachs- oder Pflanzenreiches. Boupl. 1861. pp. 23-31. Bliithenbau von ^Wj?/wr62a. Bonpl. 1861. p. 370. ScnNiTZLEiN. — Botanische Beobachtungen. Abh, Nat. Ges. Niirnb. 1861. Bd. ii. 1. On the nature of the aculei of the section Grossularia of the genus Ribes. 2. On the scales in the flowers of some species of Sedum. ScnoTT, H. G. — Aroideologisches. Bonpl. 1861. 367. Descriptions of new Aroids from the Fijis, Central America, &c. ScnuLTZ, J. C. — On the Botany of the Eed Eiver Settlement and the Old Eed Eiver Trail. Ann. Bot. Soc. Canada, vol. i. p. 22. With list of species collected near Port Garry and the Trail to St. Paul. SciiULfz-BiPOKT, C. H. — Ueber die Hieracien Amerika's. Bonpl. 1861. p. 172. Eine neue Mikania. p. 175. Hieracioi'um Americanorum descriptiones. Bonpl. 1861. 325. 212 402 BIBLIOGEAPHT. ScHULTZ-BiPONT, C. H. — HamuUum Cassini. Bonpl, 1861, 365. Ueber die Gattung Zaluzania, Pers., eineliistorisch-kritische Untersuchung. Flora, 1861. 553, 561. ScHULTZ, F. — Feber einige Arten und Bastarde von Sieracium und einige Laiibmoose. Flora, 1861. p. 33. With a table of Synonymy of German Piloselloideae. Hie- racium stoloniferum, W. et Kit. is stated to be a hybrid between H. pilosella and H, pratense. ScHULT^-ScHULTZENSTEnsr. — Ueber riickschreitende Metamorphose und Hemmungabildung der Blumen. Flora, 1861. p. 65. — — — Die Bedeutnng der Verzweigung im Pflanzenreich. Flora, 1861. pp. 273, 297. Schumacher, W. — Die Diffusion in ihrer Beziehung zur Pflanze. — Theorie der Aufnahme, Vertheilung und Wauderung der Stoffe in der Pflanze, &c. Leipzig, 1861. 8vo. pp. 288. ScHWARZENBACH, V. — Untersuchung der Blattstiele von BJieum undulatum. Wurz. Zeitseh. ii. 97. Eeferriug to the chemical composition of the sap. ScHWEESTPURTH, G. — Ueber Bidens radiatus, Thl. With 2 plates. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 142. Ueber eine neue Pflanzenbastard, Dianthus Carthusianorum arenarius. Verh. Brand. Bot. Vereins. Hft. ii. p. 205. 1 plate. Seehaus, C. — Hydrilla verticillata. Gasp. var. pomeranica. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. ii. j). 95. Seemann, B. — Podocarpus ? dulcamara, sp. nov. Bonpl. 1861, 253. A tree of unknown origin cultivated in the Palm-stove at Kew. Plantae Vitienses. Bonpl. 1861. 253. A prehminary catalogue of Fiji plants collected in 1860. A few new genera are indicated (in Ehamneae, Legimiinosfe, Tern- stroemiaceae,Eubiaceae, Asclepiadeae, Pahneae) but not described. Eight new Cyrtandreae are mentioned. Storckiella Vitiensis. Bonpl. 1861. 363, Description and figure of this new genus of Caesalpinieae. Cyrtandra Pritcliardii, also from the Fijis, is described in the same number. Selin, G.— Ett bidrag till Nordvestra Ny lands Flora. Notiser Sallsk. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica Forhand. Ny. Ser. Tredj. Hiift. Helsingf. 1861. p. 123. Seubert, M. — Lehrbuch der gesammten Pflanzenkunde. Leipsic, 1861. Ed. iii. Die Pflanzenkunde in popularer Darstellung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der forstlich, cikonomisch, &c. Pflanzen, Leip- zig. 1861. Svo. 592. SiMiNG, Tn., P. A. Kaksten, et A. J. Malmgren. — Botanisk resa till Satakunta och Sodra osterbotten, med uuderstod af Siills- kapet pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, verstalld sommaren 1859. — Notiser ur Sallskapets Pro Fauna ct Flora Fennica Forhandliugar. Ny. Ser. Tredj. ITaft. Helsingfors, 1861. PHANEBOaAMIA. 463 SouRD-DussiPLES, E. C. — Note sur une finomalie presentee par una fleur d' Orchis mascula. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 227. A pollen-mass had been projected upon the labellum. SouBD-DussiPLES, C. E. ET G. Beegeron. — Note sur un cas de metamorphose ascendante. Transformation des etamines en feuilles earpellaires. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 3-18. Showing the development of the anomalous carpels to be, to a considerable extent, at the expense of the filaments of the transformed stamens, and not as, according to the authors, M. von Mold maintains, of the connective and anther-cells. SiOHMAJsns", F. — Versuche iiber die vegetation von Maispflanzen in Wasserigen Losungen ihrer Nahrstoife. Flora. 1861. 679. Also Gott. Nachr. 1861. 137. An account of experiments, yet in progress, instituted with a view to ascertain how far the development of a plant was pos- sible, removed from the soil ; and further, the influence upon vegetation of the abstraction of any element of its food, and the extent to which one element might be substituted for another. The author's experiments thus far warrant the following general conclusions : — 1. That, in the case of maize, normal vegetation is - quite possible without contact with soil, provided its mineral constituents be supplied to it in proper amount in a weak acid solution, 1000 parts of which hold not more than 3 parts of the solid. 2. The plant derives its organic matter from the carbonic acid of the air, taken up by the leaves. 3. Nitrogen must be supplied in the form of nitric acid and ammonia. The plant will not succeed if, with the mineral constituents, either of these be given alone. 4. Maize requires both lime and magnesia. The one cannot supply the place of the other. 5. At first soda is not essential, though without it vegetation soon slackens. Stub, D. — Beitrage zur Monographie des Genus Draha in den Ear- paten: Ungarus, Galiziens, Siebenbiirgens, und des Banates nordlich der Donau. Wien, 1861. 8vo. 46 pp. 3 plates. (Ext. Oest. Bot. Zeitsch. No. 5.) Tassi, a. — Esame d'una singularita di struttura dell flore dell' Aqui- legia vulgaris. I. Giardini, vii. 295. The carpels were transformed into small lobulate leaves, bearing leaflets answering to the ovules. Tatnall, Edw. — Catalogue of the Pha^nogamous and Eilicoid Plants of Newcastle County, Delawai-e, U.S. arranged according to the Natural System, with the Synonyms of Modern Authors, pp. 112. Thienemantst, H. W. — Skizze der Flora Masurens. Flora, 1861. 689,725,756. Masurenis a tract of varied surface in S. E. Prussia, including about 600 Phanerogamia, a catalogue of which is given. Thavaites, G. H. K. — Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylanise. Pt, iv. p. 241-320. New genera described are Podadenia, Bimorpliocalyx, Des- 464 BIBLIOORAPHT. mostemon (Euphorbiaceac), Octarrhena, Ct/lindrochilus (Orclii- daceae). Timbal-Lageave, Ed. — Etude sur quelques Cistes de Narbonne. Toulouse, 1861. Mem. Ac. Sc. Toulouse, Ser. v. t. v. 8vo. pp. 33, Mvi. A monogi'apli of the species of Cistus growing in the South of France. The author remarks a character serving to distin- guish hybi'id from true species. According to his observations, the leaves of the branches of hybrids put out in spring, assume the form of those of the male parent, while those borne by the summer branches resemble the leaves of the female. In true species, the leaves are alike in both seasons. M. T.-Lagrave is of opinion that hybrid plants are more com- mon than has been generally believed, and that many of these are fertile, reproducing themselves, though not without more or less of a return to one of the parent species, tln-ough several generations. His observations rest chiefly upon Cistus Monspe- liensis, L., C. laurifolius, L., and O. salviaefolius, L. Minute descriptions are given, with synonymy of the various forms, groiiped under the heads of — 1. Plants reproducing themselves precisely from seed ; and, 2. Plants which do not exactly repro- duce themselves from seed — crossed or hybrid species. Of these latter are Cistus albido-crispus, C. crispo-albidus, C. salviaefoHo- popuUfolius, C. populifolio-salviaefolius, G. Monspeliensi-popvli- folius, C. salviaefolio-Monspeliensis, C. Monspeliensi-salviaefolius, G. laurifolio-monspeliensis, G alhido-monspeliensis. Other hybrid Cistuses are formed between G. laurifolius, C. ladaniferus, and species crossing with them. In concluding, the author groups the forms of Cistus under species and hybrid-species. The former he states to be common, and represented by numerous individuals ; the latter rare, scattered, and always in few examples. That the first reproduce themselves precisely in every mode, especially by seed ; while the latter vary with each evolution, presenting a tendency towards one of the parents. Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Linum. Eull. Soc. Botan. vii. p. 509. Linum ruscinonense, T.-L. Confounded with L. alpinum by authors. ToMMASiNi, M. E. v.— Ueber zwei zweifelhafte Pflanzen Wulff'en's, Ilypecoum litorale und Fumaria acaulis. Wien. Verhandl. 331. Teeviiianus, L. C. — Ueber das Eiuschliessen jeder Pflanzenspecies in eine Papierhulse als Mittel Herbarien gegen Insekten zu sichern. Bonn. Verb. 1861. 391. In Hypcrici genus eiusque species animadversiones. Bonn. 1861. 4to. pp. 15. . Ueber Fruchtbau und einige Gattungen der Doldengewachse. Bot. Z. 1S61. p. 9. 1. Observations on the adhesion of the calyx and ovary in some PHANEKOGAMIA. 4iG5 genera of UmhelUferae (^JPleurosperrmim, JEcliinopliora, Bowlesia lohata). (2.) The abortion or imperfect development of one of tlie carpels of the fruit in various genera. Unequal wings or ribs. (3.) Critical notes on the genus i?eM^era. (4:.) AtJiamanta verticillata, Sm. (5.) Fruit of Thapsia scahra, Trev. {Meliocarpus, Boiss.). (6.) Conioselinum. (7.) Callisace. (8.) Dorema and Di- serneston, Jaub. and Sp. (9.) Arcliangelica G-melini, DC. {Goelo- pleuruvi, Led.) identical with Ligusticum scoticum, L. (10.) Gachrys eriantha, DC. and C. involucrata, Pall. (11.) Exoacantha, Lab. (12.) Grammosciadiwn. TuEViEAJfUS, L. C. — Lychnis praecox. Bonpl. 1861. p. 205. A new species, of doubtful origin, cultivated by the author, in habit resembling L. diurna, in characters L. declinis, Lag. Observations are added on Lychnis Viscaria and L. alpina, and the weakness of the characters depended upon for their discrimi- nation. TuLASNE, L. E,. — Flora Brasilieusis. Antidesmeae, p. 330. With 4 plates. Hieronymia of F. Allemao supersedes Stilaginella of Tulasne. It is the only Brazilian genus of the group. But three species are described. IJjs^aEE, F. — Beitriige zur Anatomie und Physiologic der Pflanzen. Wien. Sitzungsb. xliv, 181, 327. Eecent investigations on the Transpiration of plants. The author's chief results are: — 1. Transpiration is a purely physical process modified by the condition of the plant and dependent on the temperature, humidity and motion of the aii', the character of the soil, and the surface adapted for exhalation. 2. Transpiration undergoes a periodical alternation, the maximum and minimum depending upon the daily temperature. 3. The two leaf-surfacea bear different relations to Transpiration : generally, the under- side exhales more than the upper. 4. Although the Stomata may be regarded as the organs best suited for Transpiration, yet the Epiderm also permits it. 5. During Transpiration the crescentic cells of the Stomata are turgescent and tense according to the extent to which they are open. 6. As the amount of evaporation is in proportion to the evaporating surface, so the amount of water evaporated from a surface covered with vegetation is much greater than, imder like conditions, from a surface of water of equal area : the influence of Transpiration on the condition of the atmosphere is consequently not unimportant in countries covered with meadows, grass, and woods. 7. In Water-plants, an elimination of water takes place corresponding to tran- spiration. 8. The absorption of water by the root under normal conditions exceeds the loss by exhalation but very little. Veblot, B.— Sur quelques Arbres remarquables plantes daus le De- - partement du Loiret. Bull. Soc. Bot. viii. 354. 466 BIBLIOGEAPHT. Verlot, B. — Sur deux EpiloUum et sur un Feshica cultivees au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Bull. Soc. Botau. vii. p. 507. The JEpilohia are J?, tetragonum and Tl. Lamyi, Fr. Sch. The sole diiference between which the author finds to be in the mode in which the leaves are decurrent. Seeds of Festuca ciliata. Dauth,, were found to produce F. llyurus, L. VisiANi, li. DE. — Plantarum Serbicarum Pemptas ossia Descrizione di cinque Piante Serbiane. Extr. Vol. ix. Mem. Istit. Yenezia, 1860. pp. 11. With 6 plates. One new genus of Umbelliferae is described, Fanqiqia. Veiese, "W. H. de. — Remarques sur les arbres qui produisent le Oetah-perfja. Nat. Tijdsch. Neerl. Ned. xxi. 299, and Journ. Bot. Ned. 1861. 254. With description of new species collected by the late Mr. Motley. VcJLPius, Pb. — Noch ein Wort iiber Fragaria Hagenhachiana. Plora, 1S61. p. 393. Wacker, H. — Uebersicht der Phanerogamen flora von Culm. Culm, 1861. p. 24. Walpees, vide C. Mueller. Walser, Dr.— Die grosse Linde in Leutkirch mit Beziehungen zu den Wachsthumsverhaltnissen sehr alter Linden unseres clima'a iiberhaupt. Wilrtt. Jalireshefte, 1861. 57. Eleven Linden-trees are enumerated to wliich ages are as- signed as under " with more or less probability." Linden at Leutkirch . . 346 years. do. (T.parmfolia) . 364 „ Fribui'g, Switzerland . 384 „ Leutkirch (T. grandifolid) . 405 „ Niirnberg . . . 500 „ Leutkirch (T. grandifoUa) . 660 „ Norwich . . . 815 „ Neustadt . . .892 „ Villars en Moing . . 961 „ Donndorf . . . 1235 „ ChaiUe (nr. Melles) . . 1252 „ Waetmann, Prof — Botanische Notizen. (St. Grail. Nat. Gesellsch. 1860-61). Svo. pp. 16. Referring to monstrous and hybrid forma. (1.) JBlechnum spicant, dichotomy of; (2.) Marigold, with proliferous capitulum ; (3.) Geum intermedium ; (4.) G^. nyo/e, sepals reduced to leaves ; (5.) Frunus avium, with several carpels in the flower ; (6.) Fyrus communis, persisting petals of; (6.) Samhncus nigra, variety in symmetry and relative position of stamens and corolla-lobes ; (8.) Veronica Anagallis, various abnormal flowers. (Ext. Bot. Zeit.) Weddell, II. A. — Memoire sur Ic Cynomorium coccineum, parasite PHANEEOGAMIA. 467 de rOrdre des Balanophorees. (Ext. Arch. Mus. t. x.) Paris, p. 39. With 4 plates. Embracing a detailed consideration of (1.) The geographical distribution of the Ci/nomorimn ; (2.) Its nurse-plants, mode of vegetation, duration; (3.) Organography and anatomy of the rhizome and its appendages, the organs of attachment; (4.) Scape, scales, inflorescence and the reproductive organs, with the result of experiments on its germination. In respect to the latter a remarkable circumstance was the ascending du'ection always taken by the radicle, a direction which it resumed, if in- verted, with a sharp curve. M. Weddell partially succeeded in observing the first stage of its parasitism, upon which further observations are required. The seed is described as being pro- vided with a testa, consisting of from five to ten layers of cells containing resinous matter. This is opposed to the view of Dr. Hooker who regards the covering of the seed as the adherent inner layer of the ovary. Weddell, H. A. — Chloris Andina. Essai d'une Elore de la Eegion Alpine des Cordilleres de I'Amerique du Sud. Vol. ii. p. 185 to end of Vol. Including Umbelliferae, Araliaceae, Saxifragaceae, Cactaceae, Eibesiaceae, Passifloraceae, Loasaceae, Onagrariaceae, Halora- geae, Melastomaceae, Eosaceae, Leguminosae, Polygaleae, Hy- pericineae, Malvaceae, Geraniaceae, Hypseocliarideae, OxaHdeae, Berberideae, Eanimculaceae, Frankeniaceae, and additions to vol. ii. The section Oreosciadium of Apium (DC. Prodromus, iv. 101) is raised to generic rank. The species of tliis genus are confined to the Andes where some of them reach the level of perpetual snow. No other new genera are described. The species of Malvastrum with involucrate flowers and free axillary or radical peduncles are restored to the genus Malva : the true Malvastra being limited to acaulescent plants having the pe- duncles more or less adnate to the petiole subtending them, and the carpels dehiscent as in Sida. They are confined to the alpine region of the Andes. M. Weddell proposes Syp- seocharis of Eemy as the type of a new natural order. Tlie fruit of this plant is unkno\vn. Oxalis tuherosa is very largely culti- vated in some of the upper valleys of Peru and Bolivia, where it replaces to a certain extent the potato. Wegener, E.— Zur Flora von Pommern. Verb. Bot. Brand. Hft. ii. p. 102. Weiss, A. und J. Wiesner.— Beitrage zur kenntniss der chemi- schen und Physikalischen Natur des Milchsaftes der Pflanzen. Bot. Z. 1861, p. 41. Observations upon the microscopical character, chemical analysis, density and physical relations of the milk-sap of Mu- pJiorbia Cyparissias, L. 468 BIBLIOOEAPnT. "Welwitsch, F.— Sur la Vegetation du Plateau de Huilla dang le Benguela. Bibliotlieque Univ. July, 1861. Ext, With observations by M. De Candolle. Extract fi-om a Letter, addressed to Sir William J. Hooker, on the Botany of Benguela, Mossamedes, &e. in Western Africa. Linn. Proc. v. p. 182. Dr. Welwitscli notices the medley of species cidtivated at Mossamedes (Little Fish Bay), Bananas and Potatoes, Man- diocca and AVlieat, Sugar-cane and Elax, Hordeum distichum and Batatas paniculata, &c. An extraordinary ti'ee of doubtful affinity, growing on the table-land near Cape Negro, is described in brief. It is said to attain 1 foot in height with a diameter of 4 feet ; the pair of leaves thrown up at germination persist through the lifetime of the tree, no others being produced. The flowers are described as amentaceous, hexandrous, and mono- gynous. A Bafflesiacea was found upon the branches of a Le- guminosa. Wesmael, a. — Nouvel hybride de Girsiiim. Ac. Belg. 2 Nov. 1861. Between C. arvense and C. lanceolatum. It is described in much detail. White, E. B. W. — List of some of the rarer plants observed in the \dcinity of Perth. Ti\ius. Ed. Bot. Soc. vii. 235. Botany of Methven, Perthshire. Phytol. 1861. 330. WiCKE, WiLii. — TIeber das Vorkommen und die physiologische A^ei'wendung der Kieselsiiure bei den Dicotyledonen. Bot. Zeit. 1861. p. 97. WiESifEE, J. — Untersuchimgen iiber den Bogenwerth der Blatt- basen, Sitzungsbericht. K. Ak. Wien. xlii. 1-17. WiGAND, A.— Beleuchtimg von Schacht's Behandlung der Erage ■iiber die Intercellularsubstanz und die Cuticula. Flora, 1861, pp. 81, 97. Ueber die Deorganisation der Pflanzenzelle, insbesondere iiber die physiologische Bedeutung von Grummi und Harz. Pruigsh. Jalu'b. iii. 115. With 3 plates. The author is of opinion that gums frequently if not gene- rally originate moi-e or less as Tragacanth, which has been shown by von Mohl to result from a change in the character of the cell-walls of the pith and medullary rays in certain species of Astrarjalus. In the first section of this paper the mode of origin of cherry-gum is minutely detailed. It is a mixture of gum arable and cerasin, the latter allied to bassorin, from which it diflers in its solubility in boiling water. It originates both in the wood and cortical layers, in the latter especially from a transformation of the cells associated with the fibres of liber, Avhich II. Wigand terms Hofoiprosenchym or Hornbast. Nu- merous species belonging to various orders are named in which ^ this tissue is conspicuous. It is suggested that in some cases Sugar may be foruaed by a similar change jn the cell-waU, as, e.g. PIIANEKOGAMIA. 469 in Manna. The second section is devoted to resins and balsams which are shown in part to be of similar origin. The third to intercellular substance and cuticle. WiiiLEBKAifD, p. V. — Jakttagelser rorande verkan af Secale cornu- tiom. Act. Soc. Fen. vii. p. 1. WiLLKOMM, M. und J. Lange. — Prodromus Florae Hispanicae, Vol. i. part 1. Stuttgardt, 1861. Filices to Melanthaceae {Ery- throstictus). No new genera appear to be described. AViMMEE, F. — SaHcologische Beitriige. Bresl. Abh. 1861. i. 2. WiNKLEE, A. ~ Nachtrage und Bemerkuugen ziu* schlesischen Flora. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. Hft. ii. p. 107. WossiDLO, P. — Ueber die Structiir der Juhaea sjiectabUis. Ein Beitrag zm- Anatomie der Palmen. Nova Acta, 1861. xxviii. Abh. V. With 5 plates. The author appends the following conclusions : — 1. The form of the terminal bud in Palms with undeveloped internodes is never convex, though often flattened, and indeed concave, according to the greater or less intensity of growth. 2. The structure of Jubaea spectahllis essentially agrees with that which H. v. Mohl has represented as characteristic of the Cocos type of stem structure. 3. There is distinguishable in the stem of J. spectabilis, as also more especially in the Cocos type, a so-called bast-layer mider the rind which surrounds the proper woody-mass or pith. 4. The vascular bundles of the bast-layer consist solely of prosenchyma. 5. They do not enter the interior of the stem, but rim through their entire length, to their entrance into the leaf, within the bast-layer. 6. They form the principal portion of all the vascidar bundles entering the leaf. 7. Between the woody-mass and the bast-layer under the terminal bud is a Cambium zone in which the formation of new tissues of the stem takes place. 8. All the vascular bundles originate in this Cambium-layer, including the fascicles of the bast-layer, which are consequently not, as Schacht maintained, branches of the vascular bundles of the adventitious roots. 9. The difterence in the course and anatomical composition of the liber-layer and the central vascular bundles is explained by the origin of the former on the outer side and of the latter on the inner side of the Cambium zone. 10. Moreover the bast-fascicles on their entrance into a leaf are transformed in great measure into complete vascular bundles- Zollinger, H. — Quelques observations sur I'Histoire naturelle de File de Madoura. (To the east of Java.) Journ. Bot. Ned, , 1861. 130. 470 BIBLIOOEAPHT. XLI. — Cetptogamia. 1. Filicales. BoLLE, Gael. — Zur Vegetations gescliiclite der Asplenium Seelosiu Bonpl. 1861. pp. 2-4. Bosch, R. B. VAi>f den. — Hymen ophyllaceae Javanicae, sive descriptio Hymenophyllaceariim Archipelagi Indici, iconibus illustrata. Edidit academia regia scientiarum. 52 plates. 4to. Amstelae- dami, 1861. Hymenophyllaceae Novae Caledonise Auct. Vandenboseh. A. S. N. XV. p. 88. An account of some new species of Hymenopliyllacese, by the same author, will be found in the Nederlandsch Ej-uidkundig Archief V. (1861). pp. 135-186. Beaijn. — Ueber eine neue Art der Gattung Isoetes. Berl. Mon. 1861. p. 460. Dr. Braun describes a new species of Isoetes from Japan, resembling in some respects I. riparia, Engelm. Betdgeman, W. EIencely. — On the Influence of the Venation in the Reproduction of Monstrosities among Ferns. An. N. H, 3 ser. viii. p. 490. DuEiEu, DE Maisonneuye. — A note relative to three new species of Isoetes, presented to the Botanical Society of France — one being a variety of I. Hystrix, the two others new species. Bull. Soc. Bot. Vol. viii. p. 164. Duval- JouvE. — JNote sur 1' acumen qui termine I'epi de quelques especes d'Equisetmn par M. J. Duval- Jouve. Bull. Soc. Bot. VoL viii. p. 368. Note sur la Synonymie d'une espece d'Equisetum par M. Duval-Jouve. Bull. Soc. Bot. Vol. viii. p. 637. This note relates to the synonymy of the plant usually called Equisetum Telmateia, Ehrh. which M. Duval-Jouve, identifies with Eq. maximimi of Lamarck and JHquisetum Jluviatile of Smith and other authors, but not of Linnaeus. GoTTSCKB.— Hepaticologische Notizen von Dr. C. M. Gottsche in Altona. Bot. Zeit. January 4, 1861, Vol. xix. p. 1. The contents of this paper are as follows : — 1. Observations upon Symphyogena flabellata, in which are discussed the characters of the several plants described under this name by Labillardiere (Nov. Holl. Plant, spec. t. ii. p. 109, tab. 254, fig. 1) ; Hooker (Musci Exotici, Tab. 13) ; Montague (Voy. an Pole Sud. 1, p. 216) ; and Mitten (Flora Novae Zeelandiae and Flora Tasmania)). These characters the author cannot reconcile, and he proposes a new genus, " Umbraculum," to take in the two former, in which he thinks it probable Montague's and Mitten's plants might also be included. 2. Observations on the inflorescence oiBadula complanata. 3. On Biccia Klinggrceffii (Bot. Zeit. 1859, p. 88), which. CBTPTOOAMTA. 471 tlie author states, is now proved to be only a variety of Biccia fiuitans. Hansteik. — ErlaiJterung des Nardoo genannten Nahrungsmittel der TJrbewoliner Australiens, einer Marsilea-ivvLoSxt, nebst Bemer- kungen zur Entwickelung dieser Gattung. Berl. Mon. Eeb., 1862. Dr. Hanstein describes the structure of the fruit of a species of Marsilea, called Nardoo by the aborigines of Australia. It is eaten by the natives, and was used as food for some time by King, the survivor of the late unfortunate Australian exploring expedi- tion. The species appears to be new — so far, at least, as can be judged from fruit alone. Some remarks upon other species of the genus are also given. The paper is illustrated by a plate con- taining a number of well-executed figures. HooKEE. — Species Filicum, being descriptions of all known Ferns, illustrated with plates. By Sir "William Jackson Hooker, K.H., &c. This work has reached the 14th Part, or Vol. iv.. Part ii. The 15tli Part is promised shortly. Part xiv. concludes with the commencement of the genus Onoclea. The British Ferns ; or. Coloured Figures and Descriptions, with the Needful Analyses of the Fructification and Venation of the Ferns of the British Isles, systematically arranged. By Sir W. J. Hooker, K.H., D.C.L., &c. With 66 plates, by W. Fitch. Grarden Ferns ; or, Coloured Figures and Descriptions, with the Needful Analyses of the Fructification and Venation of the Ferns best adapted for Cultivation in the G-arden, Hotliouse, and Conservatory. By Sir W. J. Hooker, K.H., D.C.L , &c. With 64 plates, by W. Fitch. Lasch (W.) — Aspidimn spinulosuvi mit seinen TJnterarten u. varie- tiiten. Brand. Bot. Ver. ii. p. 77. Mettenius. — Filices Novse Caledoniae a CI. Viellard collectse. Ela- boravit G. Mettenius. A. S. N. xv. p. 55. MiLDE (J.) — Neue Beitrage zur Systematik der Equiseten. Bresl. Abh. 1861. I. 2. Ueber exotische Equiseten von Dr. J. Milde. Wien Z. V. B. Vol. xi. p. 345. Dr. Milde describes at length five species of Equiseta, some of which have been previously shortly noticed by other authors. At the end of the paper are some remarks upon the importance of the position of the stomata in classifying Equiseta, and on the assistance in distinguishing species which is afforded by the differ- ences exhibited under the compound microscope by the siliceous coverings of the furrows of the branches. Dr. Milde divides Equiseta into " phaneropora " and " cryptopora," the former having the stomata in the same plane with the epidermis, and the latter having the stomata underneath the epidermis, which is ruptured transversel3^ The cryptopora are again divided into " monosticha" where the stomata are in a single row, and pleios- 472 BTBLIOQEAPnT. ticha where they form two or more rows. Dr. Milde considers that a vast deal of trouble and uncertainty in distinguishing species will be avoided by attention to the above characters. MiQiJEi,. — Boiu'geons developpes sur les racines des Fougeres, par i\ A. W. Miquel. Journ. de Bot. Neerlandaise, 1861. p. 134. Moore. — Index Filicum. Tliis work has reached the 18th part, which closes in the middle of the Genus Elaphoglossum. MuLLER. — Zur Kenntniss des Lycopodium cernuum L. von Karl Miiller. Bot. Zeit. June 14, 1861. Vol. xix. p. 161. The object of the author in the present paper is to show that an entire group of species has hitherto been included under the common name of Lycopodmm cernuum. He divides the group into seven species, placing in it a Sikkim-Himalaya plant, found by Dr. Hooker, and a doubtful one from Cuming's collection called Lycopodium Marianmn. Stenzel (K. Cx.) — Untersuchungen iiber Ban und Wachsthum der Fame. II. Ueber Verjungungserschemungen bei den Farnen. Von Karl Gustav Stenzel, M.D. K.L.C. D.A. Nov. Act. Vol. xxviii. 2. Muscales. Areschottg (F. W. C.) Torfula papillosa "Wils. ein neuer Burger der deutschen Flora. Brand. Bot. Ver. ii. p. 141. Dozy, Molkei^boer, van den Boscn et van der Sande Lacoste. — Bryologia Javauica seu descriptio muscorum frodosorum archi- pelagi Indici. Fasc. 21 a 26. In. 4. Lugduni Batavorum. Paris, J. B. Bailliei^e et fils. Gerber. — Die Laubmoose Oberbayerns. Von G. Gerber. Eeg. Fl. pp. 305, 321, 337. Heueleb. — JSTachtrag zu den " Untersuchungen iiber die Hypneen Tirols," von Ludwig Eitter v. Heufler. Bonplandia, 1861. p. 191. Ueber die Siidgrenze einiger Laubmoose, von Ludwig Eitter v. Heufler. Bonplandia, 1861. p. 190. JuRATZKA. — Zur'Moosflora Oestereichs, von J. Juratzka. "VVien. Z. V. B. Vol. xi. p. 121 and pp. 235 and 431. Ueber ein noues Laubmoos, von J. Juratzka. "Wien. Z. V. B. Vol. xi. p. 267. _ A description of a new Ilypnum called H.faUaciosum, nearly allied to H. polygamum. Le Dien. — Sur im phenomene teratologique observe chez quelques mousses par M. Emile Le Dien. Bull. Soc. Bot. Vol. 8 (1861), p. 73. The monstrosity observed by Mons. Le Dien was the produc- tion of two capsides upon a single pedicel in three plants of Trichostomum riyididum collected at the great waterfall of Mont Dore. A letter on the subject by Mons. Durieu de Maisoimeuve is published in the same volume, p. 297. CRTPTOGAMIA. 473 MiLDE. — Febersiclit ilber die Schlesische Laubmoos-Plora, von Dr. J. MHde. This account of the Silesian Moss-Flora forms an Appendix to the Botanische Zeitung for 1861. It contains a list (with locali- ties and comments) of the species, and this is followed by a short account of the published works on Silesian mosses. The author then speaks of their distribution with respect to altitude and soil, and of the relation of the Silesian Moss-Flora to that of other countries. As the result of his observations he states that Silesia produces 389 mosses, beiug far more than half of those which occur in Europe, and he notices a number of species which find their northern and southern limits within the province. Die Verbreitung der Schlesischen Laubmoose nach der Hoheu und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Beurtheilung der Schlesischen Flora von Dr. J. Milde. Nov. Act. Vol. xxix. Hypmom insigne Milde, nov. spec, von Dr. J. Milde. Bot. Zeit. 6 Sept. 1861. Vol. xix. p. 260. This new species of Hypnum is described at length by Dr. Mnde. He found it in August, 1861, near Ludwigsbad by Salzburg. Pajjcic. — Zur Moosflora des nordostlichen Banates von Dr. Josef Pancic. Wien. Z. V. B. Vol. xi. p. 93. PoKOENT. — Untersuchungen iiber die Torfinoose TJngarns V. Sitz. 1861. xliii. iii. 1. p. 123. E.EICHAIIDT. — Beitrag zur Moosflora des Wechsels in ISTiederoster- reich von Dr. H. W. Eeichardt. Wien. Z. V. B. Vol. xi. p. 161. Eeinsch (P. F.) Ueber einige EigenthumHchkeiten der Sporen und Fruchtbildung von JBryum caespiticium und Funaria liygrome- trica. Linn. 1861. xv. p. 216. EosE ET Bescherelle. — Deuxieme note sur quelques mousses rares ou nouvelles, recemment trouvees aux environs de Paris par M. M. Ernest Eoze et Emile Bescherelle. Bull. Soc. Bot. Vol. viii. 1861. p. 82. Schtmpee. — Observations sur quelques cas de Teratologie Bryologique par M. W. Ph. Schimper. Bull. Soc. Bot. Vol. viii. p. 351. These observations relate to some monstrosities observed in the fruit of certain mosses, and arose out of the communication made to the same Society by Mens. Le Dien, to which we have referred above. ScHdLTZ.^ — Ueber einige Arten und Bastarde von Hieracium und einige Laubmoose, von Dr. F. Schultz. Eeg. Fl. 1861. p. 33. Zetteestedt. — Eevisio Grrimmiearum Scandinaviae ; auct. Joh. Em. Zetterstedt, phil. doct. 8vo. p. 139. Upsala. 1861. 3. Lichens. Arnold. — Die Lichenen des Friinkischen Jura, von F. Arnold. Eeg. Flora, 1861. pp. 241 and 257. 474 BTBLIOGRAPnT. Fries.— Genera Heterolicliciium Europfese recognita ; auct. Th. M. Fries. 8vo. pp. 116. Upsala, 1861. Dr. Fries uses the term " Heterolichenes " to include the Lichenaces of Dr. Ny lander or the Lichenes heteromerici of Wallroth and Koerber. ,__ — Lichenes arctoi Europae Groenlandiseque hactenus cogniti, Collegit, examinavit, disposuit Th. M. Fries. Not. Act. Eegise Soc. Scientiarum Upsaliensis. 3 ser. Vol. 3, p. 103. .«__ — Miscellanea Lichenologica. Scripsit Dr. Th. M. Fries. Eeg. Fl. 1861, p. 409. Hepp. — Further fascicles of Dr. Philip Hepp's European Lichens have appeared. An account of them is given in the Eegensburg Flora for 1861. pp. 414, 426, 446. KoERBEE. — Parerga Lichenologica von Dr. G. "W. Koerber. Dritte Lieferung. Breslau, Verlag von Edward Trewendt. 1861. Keempelhuber. — Die Lichenen Baierns, oder Aufzjihlung der bisher ia Baiern aufgefundenen Lichenen, von M. A. Krem- pelhuber. Eat. Denk. Vol. iv. Lindsay, Lauder. — What to observe in Canadian Lichens. Can. Nat. vi. 1861, p. 282. Nylajstder. — Espositio Lichenum Wovse Caledonise scripsit "William Nylander. A. S. N. Vol. xv. p. 37. An account of some further collections of Lichens from Nevsr Caledonia, examined since the publication of the author's former paper in Vol. xii. of the A. S. N. Eighteen new species are now described ; the whole number of New Caledonian species now amounts to 105. Additamentum ad Lichenographiam Andiinn Boliviensium scripsit "William Nylander. A. S. N. xv. p. 365. Animadversiones quaedam circa A. von Krempelhuber, die Lichenen- Flora Bayerns, Eegensb. 1861, scripsit W. Nylander. Bot. Zeit. XV. November, 1861. Vol. xix. p. 337. Lichenes Scandinavia; sive Prodi-omus Lichenographias Scandinavise. Scripsit W. Nylander. Helsingforsito, 1861. This work (which forms the 5th part of the Society for in- vestigating the natural history of Finland) embraces the Lichen Flora of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, extending into the Arctic regions. It contains some prefatory remarks upon Lichens in general, a list of the ])rinoipal published works and collections of specimens, and a detailed account (with synonyms and critical remarks) of 494 Scandinavian species. The whole number of known Lichens is estimated by the author at 1499. Of tlie 494 Scandinavian species 27 are new. The author had access to the herbarium of Acharius, which renders the synonymy very valua- ])\v. There is an appendix relative to nine species which came to lunul during the ])rinting of the book. There is one plate, containing figures by tlm autlior of the spores of diflerent species, amongst which those of Varicellaria, Nvl, are remarkable for their CRTPTOGAMIA. 475 size, being about 0.3 mm. long by 0.1. mm. wide. The single species of this genus occurs in Southern Lapland, Arctic Ame- rica, and in Switzerland, on the bark of trees. Circa historiam Lichenographije observatiuncula. Scripsit W. Nylander. Eeg. Fl. 1861. p. 513. Conspectus Squamariarum. Exposuit breviter W. Nylander. Eeg. Fl. 1861. p. 716. NoBMAN.— Descriptio speciei novae Lichenis, quam detexit et sub nomine Tholurna dismnilis proponit J. M. ^Norman. Eeg. Fl. 1861. p. 409. Stizenbeegeb.— Anzia, eine neue Flechten-gattimg, aufgestellt von Dr. Ernst Stizenberger. Eeg. Fl. 1861, p. 390. Aetinopelte, eine neue Flechten-Sippe beschrieben von Dr. Ernst Stizenberger. Eegensburg Flora, 1861. p. 1. Tbevisan. — TJeber Atestia, eine neue gattung der Eamalineen aus Mittel- Amerika, Von Victor Gr. Trevisan, K. K. wirkKchem Kammerer. Eeg. Fl. 1861. p. 17. Synopsis generum Trypethelinarum, auctore V. Trevisan. Eeg. Fl. 1861. p. 17. 4. Fungi. Apzelitjs. — Eeliquise Afzelianse, sistentes Icones Fungorum, quos in Guinea collegit et in aere incisas excudi curavit Adamus Aize- lius. Interpretatur E. Fbies. 4to. TJpsaliae, 1860. This work consists of 12 plates, printed in brown, and 4 pages of text, giving definitions, &c. of the 30 species figured. Eail. — Mykologische Studien besonders iiber die Entwicklung der Sphceria typhina Pers. von Dr. Th. Bail. Nov. Act. Vol. xxix. Dr. Bail states that Sph. typhina is strictly epiphytal. He describes the perithecia as produced by the germination and growth of the conidia after the latter have fallen upon the under- lying stratum or conidial layer ; and he suggests, as a probability, that the perithecia in Ehytisma, Polystigma, Hypoxylon, Nectria and other allied genera are produced by the germination of the conidia. He discusses the nature of the so-called spermatia of fungi in general, and contends that they are not distinct from conidia. As far as he could count, each ascus contains four sporidia,* each sporidum being divided by transverse septa into numerous cells. The systematic position of the plant Dr. Bail considers to be in the genus Claviceps. At the end of the paper are a few remarks upon the early state of Poronia punctata. Baby, De. — Die gegenwartig herrschende Kartoffelkrankheit, ihre Ursache und ihre Verhiitung. Eine pflanzen-physiologische Un- tersuchung in allgemein verstandlicher Form dargestellt von Dr. A. de Bary, Prof. d. Bot. zu Freiburg, i. B. Mit. 1 Stein- * The figures (PI. 2, figs. 8 and 9) appear inconsistent with this supposition. N. H, li.— 1862. 2 K 47G BTBLIOGEAPHT. drucktafel. Leipzig, A. Forstnersche Buclihandlung (Arthur Felix), 1861. This treatise, as its title shows, relates to the well-known potato disease, which the author, in couimon with other writers, attributes to the action of Peronospora infestans, a mould which Dr. de Bary states to be peculiar to the potato, and the allied species of Solanum. Suggestions are given with regard to the mode of cultivation, and other precautions which should be adopted to ward off the disease, Baut, a. de.— Ueber die Geschlechtsorgane von Peronospora. Bot. Zeit. 5 April, .1861. Vol. xix. p. 89. The author states that he has observed in P. calofheca and P. Alsinearum small curved clavate cells, springing from the mycelium, which press with their upper end against the wall of the large vescicular spore cells observed by Tulasne and Caspary. He considers these latter cells to be 1-spored oogonia, and the small clavate cells to be antheridia. The spore-cells in their early stage exhibit an accumulation of granular matter in their interior, not at first clothed by a membrane. As soon as this ball of granular matter is formed, the antheridium emits a delicate prolongation (similar to those of the antheridia of Saprolegnia), which pierces through the wall of the oogonium, and reaches the granular ball. The latter then becomes immediately clothed vnth a delicate colourless membrane, and thus forms an oospore. The contents of the prolongation are similar to those of the main body of the antheridia, and no traces of spermatozoa are visible. The forma- tion of the outer membrane of the oospore of P. Alsinearum from the surrounding plasma within the oogonium is then described. The ripe oospore is stated to possess a firm colourless cellulose membrane inside the dark-brown outer one. The author con- siders that his observations prove the possibility of the formation of a cell-membrane directly out of proteine matter, and otherwise than by secretion from the contents which it surrounds. BoNORDEN.— Beitrage zur Mykologie. Bot. Zeit. July 12 and 19, 1861. Vol. xix. pp. 193, 201. Dr. Bouorden's papers contain descriptions of a number of fungi considered by the author as new species. There are some remarks upon the genus Cystopus, and upon the sj^ecific distinc- tions of G. cuhicus and C. candidus, and a doubtful new Cystopus occurring upon Alisma. He states that the plant figured as Oidium Tuckeri by von Mohl, in Bot. Zeit. Vol. xi. No. 33, plate 11, and as Oidium leucoconium by Preuss, in Sturm's Deutschlaud's Flora, III. Heft. 29-30, Tab. 34, are both identi- cal with his species Croeysporium fallax. Two new genera are proposed, " Phacellium " (published in Eabenhorst's Fungi EuropiiM, Cent. III. 288), belonging to the Isarieee, and distin- guishable by its septate spores ; and " Polythecium," which is a compound Cryptosporiiun. The new species described include CRTPTOGAMIA. 477 an Alysidiuin, a Fusidium, a Fusisporium, four Torulas, an Oidium, a Hormodondron, two Crocysporiums, a Cephalosporium, au Aspergillus, a Cylindrophora and a Boletus. Berkeley aud Broome. — Notices of British Fungi. By the Eev. M. J. Berkeley, M.A. F.L.S. and C. E. Broome, Esq., A. N. H. 3d Ser. Vol. vii. pp. 373 and 449. Broome. — See Berkeley. Cienkowski. — Ueber parasitische Sclilauche auf Crustaceen und einigen Insektenlarven (Amwbidium para^iticum, m.) von Pro£ L. Cienkowski. Bot. Zeit. 21 June, 18G1. Vol. xix. p. 168. Lieberkuhn (MiJller's Arcliir. 1856. p. 494) and Schenk (Verh. der ph. med. Ges. in Wvirzburg, 1858) have described certain organisms parasitic upon the gills of the larvae of Phry- ganea, Aselhts aquaticus, and Gammarus pulex. These organ- isms have been since examined by Prof Cienkowski, who consi- ders them to be forms of a unicellular plant, to which, from the amoeboid character of its oospores, and its parasitic habit, he has given the name of Anwebidium parasiticum. Cienkowski found the plant on Phryganea and Gammarus pulex, and also very plentifully upon the larvae of gnats. It is tubular or sac-shaped, unicellidar, and variable in form ; the largest plants were 0.5™°^ long by 0.01™™ broad; the smallest 0.015™™ long. In the spring they produce in their interior spindle or sac- shaped bodies which escape tlirough the cell-wallof the mother plant, being sometimes projected by the elastic contraction of that cell- wall. Pear-shaped zoospores are afterwards formed, which when free exhibit amoe- boid expansions aud contractions, but are distinguishable from Amoeba diffluens, which they much resemble, by the absence of a contractile cavity. These zoospores eventually become motion- less, and at once produce spindle-shaped bodies (young Amoebidia) in their interior, or they become transformed into resting spores which, after a time, also produce young Amoebidia. The author concludes that Amoebidium is a plant belonging to the lower algae or fungi. He then proceeds to describe a very singular growth as to which he was long in doubt whether it belonged to, or was parasitic upon, the Amoebidium. He describes the stages of development of this growth, which is attached to the sides of the Amoebidium, and when perfect consists of a large obovate or pear-shaped cell, crowned with moniliform rows of cells like the head of an xlspergillus. He concludes that it is a fungus, but of doubtful affinity, and calls it Basidiolum fimbriatum. CoEMANS. — Eugene, contra Bonorden. Bot. Zeit. 6 Sept. 1861. Bonorden, in the paper noticed above, had objected that the plants No. 232 aud 233, in liabenhorst's third Century, had been wrongly described by Coemans as the pycnidiferous and spermo- goniferous forms of Dermatea Cerasi. Coemans here states that the name given to No. 232 has been confirmed by Tulasne ; but with regai-d to No. 233, he now considers it a spermogoniferous 47^ BTBTilOGHAPnT, form of Valsa leucostoma, Fr. He objects tliat Bonorden's proposed genus, Polythecium, does not differ from Leveille's Micropera. CoEMANS. — Monographie du genre Pilobolus, Tode, Specialement etudie au point de vue anatomique et physiologique, par Eugene Coemans. Memoires couronnes et memoires des savants etran- gers publics par rAeademie royale des Sciences, des lettres, et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Tom. xxx. This monograph is divided into four parts. The first contains a concise account of the different works which have from time to time appeared on the genus Pilobolus, commencing with Henry Baker's essay in 174!4, and concluding with Mons. Coeman's own paper in the 8th vol. of the Bull, de F Acad, royale de Belgique. The second part relates to the anatomy of the plants, and treats separately of the root-like rliizome, the stem or fruit- bearing cellule, and the globule or sj)orange. The author observes that one rhizome may produce as many as fifty fructifying cel- lules. The stem with its membrane and septa is then described ; after that the sporangium, the structure of which is somewhat ■complicated ; and lastly, the spores. The third part relates to the physiology, commencing with the germination of the spores, wliicli is stated to commence by expansion and ramification of the outer membrane. A mycelium is formed after from 4 to 8 days, and from this the fructification Tirises. The author considers that the pearly drops of moisture so common on the stem of Pilobolus, are produced from the sap of the plants by the pressure of a gentle endosmotic current passing into the stem through the basal septum. M. Coemans observed that the sporangum was projected to different distances, the greatest being 1 metre 5 centimetres, or more than 300 times the height of the plant. This pi'ojectiou is supposed by the author to be caused by the force of the ascending endosmotic current, assisted probably by the contraction of the " cellule fructifere," lander the influence of light. The different " habitants " of Pilo- bolus, and the curious oscillations in the dewdrops, are noticed and explained. The plant is said to have its proper place amongst the Mucorinea?, next to Ascophora. We have not space to notice the fourth (or systematic) part of this paper beyond saying that after a careful re^^ew of the five kno^\Ti supposed species, M. Coe- mans reduces them to two certain ones, P. crystallinus and P. cedipus, and one very doubtful one, viz. P. roridiis Tavre, L. — Tuber bnmiale (truffe d'hiver). — Morchella conica (morille conique). Bull, de la Soc. d. Sc. Nat. de Neuchatel, Vol. V. p 522. Fries. — Note sur la distribution geographique des Champignons, par M. Elie™ Pierre Fries. A. S. N. 4 Ser. Vol. xv. Fries, E. — Sveriges atliga och giftiga svampar tecknade efter natu- rcn, utgitha af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademien. 8 plates, folio. Stockholm, 1860. CRYPTO OAMIA. 479 FucKEL. — Enumeratio fungorum Nassovise, collectorum a Leopoldo Fuckel, Series I. cum tabula lithographica (Figuree ab auctore ipso coloratse). Ex Anual. Soc. Nass. Nat. scrut. F. xv. p. 1. Wiesbaden, Julius Niedner, 1861. A Collection of dried Fungi has been published by this author. It contains 800 of the species referred to in the above " Enumeratio." Mykologisches, von L. Fuckel. Bot. Zeit. 30 Aug. 18G1. Vol. xix. p. 249. This paper contains some detached observations on different fungi (accompanied by figures), of which the following is a sum- mary : — 1. Sclerotium compactum, D. C. b. Helianthi Eabh. This Sclerotium, sown in March, produced at the beginning of June a new Peziza, called by the author P. Sclerotii. It is nearly allied to P. Caucus, Fr. 2. A new species of Actinothyrium (called A. Ci/tisi), on Cytisus sagittalis, Kch. 3. Remarks on the double fructification of Uredo Alchemillce, proposing a new genus for its reception under the name of Trachyspora. Unless there is some error of observation, which we strongly suspect, the genus seems admissible. 4. Remarks on the destructive effects of Cytispora riihescens, Fr. upon living plants of Primus Armeniaca. 5. 6, 7, and 8. Descriptions of new species of Ceratostoma, Dilophospora, Peziza, and Fusidium. The Peziza seems a fine species. It is considered by the author to be allied to P. vogesiaca, M. and N., and P. rhizopus, A. and S. 9. A new genus, Byssothecium circinans, highly destructive to Medicago sativa. An interesting plant, classed by the author with the Perisporiacei, but apparently more nearly allied to Hendersonia. HoPFMiVJ^N. — Icones analyticse Fungorum. Abbildungen undBeschrei- buugen von Pilzen mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte von Hermann Hoftmann, Professor der Botanik in Griessen. Heft. I, und II, Giessen. 18G1 und 18G2. 12 plates. Kepekstein, "W. — Ueber parasitische Pilze aus Ascaris mystax. Z. W. Z. 1861. xi. p. 135. MuENTER. — Sur I'ergot du Seigle et sur les Sclerotium en general, consideres au point de vue morphologique, par M. J. Muenter, professeur de botauique a I'Universite de Grreifswald. Bruss. Bull. 2me Ser. vol. xi. p. 215. M. Muenter saved some specimens of Sclerotium varium in the month of December 1857 ; after the lapse of a year and a half — viz. in July 1859 — the Sclerotium gave rise to a Peziza dift'ering from Feziza tuherosa, Bull, in its pedicel and disk, as 480 BrBLIOGEA-PHT. ■vvell as ill Its size and colour. The author lias named the plant Penza Antzii, iu memorT of the late Dr. Antz. Otth, G.— TJeber die Brand- und Eostpilze. Bern. ISIitth. 1S61. p. 57. PASTErB. — De rinfluence de la Temperature sur la fecondite des spores de Mucedinees, par M. L. Pasteur. C. Eend. 7 Jan. 1861. Sur k fermentation acetique, par M. Louis Pasteur. This note relates to some properties of plants belonging to the genus Mycoderma, with regard to the acetification of alcoholic liquids. PoKOR>T. — Ueber die angeblich thierische !Xatur der Schleimpilze (Myxomycetes), von Dr. A. Pokomy. This paper consists of a short argument against De Bary's pro- posal to transfer the Myxomycetous fungi to the animal kingdom. De Bary's views will be found in Siebold and Kolliker's Zeit- Bchrift far wiss. Zool. vol." x. p. 88. Eemt. — Champignons et ti'uifes. par Jules Eemy. Avee 12 planches. Paris, Libraire Agricole. ISmo. 179 pp. EorssoL. — Des Champignons comestibles et veneneux qui croissent dans les environs de Paris, par Ernest Eoussel. 8vo. pp. 68. Eouen, Paris, Y. Masson et fils. Saile. — Culture des champignons, avec Tindication d'une methode nouvelle pour en obtenir en tons lieux par I'emploi de la mousse. 2me edition, IS, 51 pp. Paris. ScHLECTE^TDAii. — Eine neue Phalloidee, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die ganze FamiHe derselben, von D. F. L. v. Schlectendal. Linnsea, vol. xxxi. p. 101. This paper commences with some account of the literature relating to the Phalloideae, including Oschatz's observations of the germination of the spores of Fhallus impudiciis. The author then proceeds to a rearrangement of the family, retaining the genus Phallus, vdih. which he unites Dictyophallus of Corda, Next to Phallus is placed Simblum ; and it is ia this genus that the new plant referred to in the title of the paper occurs. It is called by Prof. Schlectendal Simblum sphcEmcephalum, and is the first of the genus which has occurred ui South America. A coloured figure is given at the end of the paper. Simblum is followed by Pcetidaria of St. Hilaire (a genus nowhere figured and only imperfectly known, but which the author considers to have much resemblance to Simblum ) ; then comes Colus, Cav. and Sech. ; then Latemea of Turpin, and then Clathrus, iti which latter genus is placed Berkeley's Heodiciyon gracile, — the genua lleodietyon (which follows Clathrus) being confined to /. ciharium of Tulasne. Staurophallus, Mont., Aserophallus, Lap. and ;Mont., Lysurus, Fr., and Aseroe, La Bill., foi-m the group of Lysoroideae, Calathiseus of Montague being united with the latter genus in a separate section. The paper concludes with a notice of two plants observed by Loureiro iu Cochin China, and called CETPTOOAMTA. 481 by him respectively PJialhis impudictis and Clathrus Campana. The author is of opinion that both these plants belong to the genus Phallus, but that the former is not identical with P. impudicus. "We may add that the accoiint of the growth of the spores in Phallus given at the head of that genus is probably incorrect, resting as it would seem to do solely upon Oschatz's observations. Tulasne, in his " JSelecta Fungorum Carpologia," recently pub- lished, states that the cellular body supposed by Oschatz to have been produced by the germination of Fhalhis impiidicus was, ia fact, the spore of some Sporidesmium. Steeisz. — IS^omenclator Fxmgorum exhibens ordine alphabetico nomina tarn generica quam specifica ac synonyma a scriptoribus de scientia botanica fungis imposita auctore "Wenzeslao Matemo Streinz. Karl Gorischek, AVien. This work goes beyond its title in containing a Bibliography of Mycology, in addition to the catalogue of genera and species. "\YiGA>T).— Ziu" Morphologic und Systematik der Gattungen Trichia und Arcvria von A. "Wigand. Pringsheiin's Jahrbiicher fiir wiss. Bot. voL 3. p. 1. Tliis paper treats of the anatomy of the genera Trichia and Arcyria, and contains a systematic accoimt of the species. At the end are some remarks as to the position of the Myxomycetes with regard to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, in which the author disputes De Bary's views. The paper is illustrated with three plates. 5. Algce. AEEOJrDEAU.— Essai sur les conferves des Environs de Toulouse; par M. Arrondeau. Act. Soc. Linn, de Bordeaux. 3e Serie, t. iv. p. 27. Beadt, G-. S.— Algological !Xotes. Tynes. Trans, v. 74. CiEyKOWSKi. — (See under the head " Fungi.") Do>'ki:n*, AEinrE Scott. — On the Marine Diatomacese of Xorthum- berland, with a description of several new species. Q. J. M. Sc. New Ser. I. p. 1. DrcHi;s>'E-DrPAEC, L.V. — 'Dufucus vesiculosus (chene marin, laitue marine), de ses proprietes fondantes et de sou emploi contre I'obesite, etc. Paris. Fleischee. — Ueber JProtococciis roseo-persicinus, Kq. Wurt. Jahrb. xvii. p. 55. FEESE:sirs. — Ueber einige Diatomeen von G. Fresenius, Senckenb. Proc. Yol. iv. p. 63. Dr. Fresenius describes and figures four species of JTaWcula, one being new, Finnidaria Silesiaca, Bleisch. and Amphora Sa~ Una, W. Smith. In his introductory remarks he proposes the adoption of the terms " frons" and '' latus," to express what Eng- lish observers call the " front view" and " side ^dew." 482 BIBLIOGEAPHT. Geay, J. E. — On tlie Arrangement of tlie Families and Genera of Chlorospermous Algae. An. N. H. 3 Ser. viii. p. 404 Geesslt. — Plantes marines du genre des Ulves. Bull, de la Soc. d. So. Nat. de Neuchatel. Vol. v- p. 522. Gbeville, R. K. — Descriptions of New and Eare Diatoms. Ser. I. London Mic. Trans. Vol. ix. p. 39. Ser. II. „ „ „ p. 67. Ser. III. „ „ „ p. 73. Ser. IV. „ „ „ p. 79. Harvey. — Phycologia Australica ; a History of Australian Sea- weeds, by William Henry Harvey, M.D., F.E.S. Vol. iv. Hendey, W. — On Hyalodkcus stihtilis {Craspedodiscus Franhlini). Q. J. M. S. New Ser. I. p. 179. ■ On AmpMpleura peUiinda. Q. J. M. S. New Ser. I. p. 87. On Navicula rJwmboides. Q. J. M. S. New Ser. I. p. 231. Hicks, J. B. — On the Motionless Species {stato-spores) of Volvox globator. Q. J. M. S. New Ser. I. p. 2S1. ■ Contributions to the Knowledge of tlie Develoj^ment of the Gonidia of Lichens, in relation to the Unicellular Algse. Q. J. M. S. New Ser. I. pp. 15, 90. On the Diamorphosis of Lynghya, Schlzogonuim, and Pra- siola, and their connection with so-called Palmellaceaj. Q. J. Mic. Sc. New Ser. I. p. 157. HiLDEBEAND. — Uebcr ein Chroolepus mit Zoosporenbildung, von Dr. Hildebrand. Bot. Zeit. 29 March, 1S61. Vol. xix. p. 81. Dr. Hildebrand gives an account of a species of Chroolepus considered by the author to be new, but which he states to have been pronounced by Kiitzing to be a form of the protean Chroo- lepus aureum. The author gives an account of the production of zoospores from flask-shaped cells which appear to be some- times terminal, sometimes lateral. The zoospores do not difter materially from those described by Caspary in the Flora for 1858 as produced by 0. aureum var. tomentosum. The author's experiments tend to show that warmth and moisture are neces- sary for the production of the zoospores, but that the presence of light is not essential. He observed that as a rule the number of zoospores is always either 32 or 61;. He observed the com- mencement of their germination by self-division. Tlie author proposes " lageniferum" as the specific name on account of the shape of the zoosporangia. The plant occurred on the bark of climbing plants in the Palm House of the Botanical Garden at Bonn. Jakiscu, C. — Zur Charakteristik des Guano's von Verschiedenen Fandorten. (Figures of Diatomaceae.) Schlcsisch. Abhand. ISGl. p. 150. KUtzing, F. T. — Tabulae phycologicae od. Abbildgu. der Tauge. A^ol. 12, pts. 1 to 5. 8vo. 50 plates. CBTPTOQAMIA. 483 Lambeet ct BuRGTJE. — Etudes sur les Algues dans le departement de I'Aisne ; par M. M. Ed. Lambert et Burgue, in 8vo. pp. 109. (Extr. du Bulletin de la Societe litteraire et scientifique de Chauny (Aisne). Paris, F. Savy. Lespinasse. — Les Zoospores et les Antherozoides des Algues, Mstoire de la decouverte, du mouvement et des fonctions pliysiologiques de ces organes ; par M. Gr. Lespinasse. Bourd. Soc, Linn. 1861. Lewis, F. W. — Notes on new and rare species of DiatomacefB of the United States Sea Board. Phil. Proc. 1861. p. 61. LoBB. — On the self-division of Micrasterias denticulata. Lond. Mic. Trans. 1861. p. 1. NaGELi. — Beitriige zur Morphologie und Systematik der Ceramiaceae- Sitzungsberichte der konigl. bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Miinchen. Vol. ii. p. 297. Tlie reputation of the author will ensure the attention of Botanists to this paper on the structure, reproduction, and classi- fication of the Ceramiacese. Its length precludes any detailed account of it ia this place. Nate. — Algologische Notizen von J. Nave in Briinn. Bot. Zeit. 17 May, 1861. Vol. xix. p. 131. In this paper the author in the first instance endeavours to show that Microhaloa originates from the discharged contents of the cells of the threads of Tolypothrix. The formation of Merismopaedia by division of the cells of Microhaloa, is after- wards noticed, and he then mentions the occurrence of a Micro- cystis very like Microcystis ceruginosa, Ktzg. which appeared to arise from the irregular division and subsequent disintegration of the Merismo])a3diae. He considers the connection between Toly- pothrix and Microhaloa exti^emely probable, that the connection between Microhaloa and Merismopaedia is beyond doubt, and the connection betAveen the latter and Microcystis a very probable one. NoEMAN, Geoege. — On some uudescribed species of Diatomacese. Lond. Mic. Trans. 1861. p. 3. Ntlandee. — Diatomaceis Fenniae fossilibus additamentum ; auct. M. W. Ny Ian der. Saellskapets pro Fauna et Flora fennica Notiser. Vol. vi. N. S. p. 147. (Published separately in 8vo. pp.12). ■ Notula circa Spermosiram et Nodulariam Algarum genera, scripsit William Nylander. A. S. N. Vol. xv. p. 34. In this note Dr. Nylander expresses an opinion that Nodu- laria Suhriana, Klitz. Tab. Phyc. is probably only a young state of Spermosira littoralis, Harv., and that possibly Spermosira Vrieseona, and litorea Kiltz. may be also only states of S. lit- toralis. Sciienk. — Zur Kenntniss der geschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung der Gattung Vaucheria, von Schenk. Wiirz. N. Z. Vol. ii. p. 201. The first portion of this paper contains a very short account of the development of the male and female organs of Vaucheria 4iS4i BIBLIOGRAPHY. terrestris find V. coespitosa, and of the act of impregnation. Tlie rest is devoted to a discussion of Karsten's opinions on the sub- ject of Vaucheria, which the author (adopting Pringsheim's views) considers to be erroneous. Stodder, Charles. — Eeport on Slides of Diatomacefe, mounted by E. Samuels, for Boston (U. S.) Society of Natural History. Lou. Mic. Trans. 1861. p. 25. 6. Miscellanea of Cryptogamic Botany . Berg. — Charakteristik der fiir die Arzneikunde und Tecknik wich- tigsten Pflanzen-Gattungen, oder Atlas zur pharmazeutischen Botanik, von Dr. Otto Berg, Zweite Auflage. Berlin. 1861. Gaertner. Tliis volume relates principally to phsenogams ; but contains also figures of a few species of Fungi, Algae, Lichens, Mosses, and Ferns. Comment ario della Societa crittogamologica Italiana. N. 1. Feb- brajo, 1861. Geneva co' tipi del E. J. de' Sordo-Muti. A spese degli Editori dell Erbario crittogamico Italiano. 1861. pp. 45 and 2 lith. plates. This work is a companion to a collection of Italian cryp- togamic plants in course of publication. The following are the contents of the present part: — 1. Cesati on the crypto- gamic vegetation in the neighbourhood of Vercelli and Biella. 2. Baglietto on some new lichens. 3. De Notaris and Bag- Hetto on Opegrapha poetarum. 4. De Notaris on Stereopeltis, a new genus of lichens. 5. De Notaris on a new Octaviana. C. De Notaris on a new species of Coccosporium. 7. Dufour on some marine Algse. 8. Caldesi on Sphceria Petrucciana. 9. Gennari on a new species of Isoetes. The part concludes with an account of the works on cryptogamic botany published in 1860 ; from which it appears that Ease. VII. VIII. and IX. of the " Erbario ci'ittogamico Italiano" appeared in that year. Hedwioia. — Ein Notizblatt fiir kryptogamische Studien. This publication appears very irregularly at considerable in- tervals of time. We have not been able to meet with all the parts for 1861. Those which we have seen contain a paper on Pseudogonidia by Nave, and one on Sphceria Hoffmanni, Er. by Hofl'mami. Montaune. — Elorula Gorgonea seu Enumeratio plantarum cellu- larium quas in Promontorio Viridi (Cap Vei-t) insulisque adja- ceutibus a divcrsis botanicis et imprimis CI. Bolle, berolinieiisi, hucusque coUectas, recognovit descripsitque C. Montague, D. M. A. S. N. 4 Ser. xiv. p. 211. Neuvi^me centurie de plantes cellulaires nouvelles tant indi- CRTPTOOAMIA. 485 genes qu"" exotiques. Par Camille Montagne, D. M. Decades I et II. A. S. N. xiv. p. 167. This paper contains descriptions of some new Algse, Lichens, Fungi, and Hepaticse. There is one new genus, an Alga, called Trichosolen, belonging to the Valoniese, and allied to Ascotham- nion and Valonia. Nylajstder. — Grrana qusedam botanica parva oftert "W. Nylander. Bot. Zeit. 24< May, 1861. vol. xix. p. 142. Dr. Nylander suggests some alterations in cryptogamic terminology with regard, 1st, to the fruit, and 2ndly, to the mode of cell-division. Eabbniioest. — Additional fascicles have appeared of the following: — Bryotheca Europaea. — Die Algen Evu'opa's. — Lichenes Europsei exsiccati. — Hepaticse Europsese. — Eungi Europsei exsiccati. Specimen Elorse cryptogamse septem insularum editum juxta plantas Mazziarianas herbarii Heufleriani et speciatim quoad Filices her- barii Tommasiniani : 1. Cryptogamas vasculares recensuit Dr. H. W. Eeichardt. 2. Muscos frondosos recensuit J. Juratzka. 3. Hepaticas recensuit Dr. C. M. Gottsche. 4. Algas recensuit A. Grunow. Wien. Z. V. B. vol. xi. p. 411. Jack, Lentee, and Stitzenbergee. — Ivryptogamen Badens. The tenth fascicle of this collection has been published. MiTTEis^. — Musci et Hepaticae Vitieuses. Auctore W. Mitten. Bon- plandia, 1861, p. 365. Stizenbergee. — Versuch zur Bereinigung der Terminologie fur die Eortpflanzvmgsorgane der bliithen-losen Pflanzen, von Dr. Ernst Stizenberger, Arzt in Constance. Eeg. El. 1861. pp. 193, 208, 225. Ulotu. — Beitrage zur Elora der Laubmoose und Elechten in Kur- hessen. Von Wilh. Ulott, Chemiker in Nanheim. Eeg. El. 1861, passim. WestejSTDoep. — Sur quelques Cryptogames nouvelles ou inedites pour la flore beige, septi^me notice; par G. D. "Westendorp, medecin de bataillon au 12me regiment de ligue. Brass. Bull. 2me Ser. vol. xi. p. 644. 486 Mistdlanca* (Vjl The Pile Dwellings on Lake Prasias. Our readers will remember the passage in which Herodotus describes the Lake dwellings on L. Prasias. We learn from the " Eevue de rinstruction Publique" that these have been re-discovered by M. Deville. . " L'auteur," it is said, " determine I'emplacement de 1 ancien lac Prasias, decrit ses habitations lacustres sur pHotis, analogues a celles qu'avait decrites Herodote, et fixe avec plus de precision qu'on ne I'avait fait jusqu'ici les situations d'CEsyme, de Dates et de Neapolis. Enfin quelques inscriptions qu'il a recueillies sur les marbres antiques nous apportent aussi d'interessantes notions particulierement sur les mceurs des peuples thraces." "We shall read with much interest the detailed account of M. Deville's discovery. On the Genus Ctnips. The genus Cynips is specially interesting to physiologists because, though the species are numerous and the individuals innumerable, no Entomologist has yet found any male representative of the group. In the Phil. Trans, for 1858, Mr. Lubbock has described and figured the development of the ova in Ci/nips KoUari, then known (though as it appears erroneously) imder the name of C. lignicola, a species which lives on the oak, and makes round hard galls about as large as a nut. It presents in addition an interesting example of a change in geographical distribution. Unknown in this country until Avithin the last few years, it then appeared in the south-west of England, whence it gradually spread eastward. Mr. Frederick Smith, Presi- dent of the Entomological Society, at the July meeting of the Society, stated that about three years ago it appeared in the woods near Lon- don, especially on the north side, in very large numbers ; but in the second year of its appearance the tomtits had discovered that each gall contained a fine fat grub, and the result was that it was now difficult to obtain a perfect gall. Mr. Walker corroborated Mr. Smith's account, both of the appearance and the approximate exter- mination of the species in the woods near Highgate ; and Prof Ayest- wood expressed a hope that the fact would be made known as widely as possible, since it attbrded an additional argument to the many al- ready produced in opposition to the indiscriminate slaughter of small birds- INDEX. Abietinece, Dr. Eobert Caspaiy on the Morphology of the Female Flower of the, 19 Acephala, Bibliography of the (1861), 338 Actinozoa, Bibhogi-aphy of the (1861), 340 Algse, Bibliography of the (1861), 481 Amphibia, Bibliography of (1861), 206 Anartliropoda, Bibliography of (1861), 228 Annelida, Bibliography of, 228. Annuloida, Bibliography of, (1861), 228 Annulosa, Bibliography of (1861), 212 Anthocleista, 118 Apteryx Australis, Sj-c, Prof Hyrtl on a Rete Mii-abile in the leg of, 101 Arachiiida and Myriapoda, Bibliography of the (1861), 214 Aristotle's History of Animals, W. Houghton on the Desirability of an English Translation of, 136 „ Eemarks on the Translation of the Fu-st Chapter of, 329 Arteria viediana linguee, Prof. HjTtI on the, 104 Arteries, Tibial and Peroneal, Prof Hyrtl on the Rami perforantes of the, 105 Artery, Radial, in the Cheiroptera, Prof. Hyrtl on the, 99 Aiihropoda, Bibliography of the (1861), 212 Atlantic Islands, Flora of the, 163 Atlantis, H}']3othesis, in its Botanical aspect. Professor Oliver on the, 149 Aves, Bibliography of (1861), 199 Bate, C, Spence and J. O. Westwood — History of British SessUc-eyed Cnis- tacea, Review of, 130 Batrachia, Prof. Hyrtl on the Veins in the, 100 Bibliography (1861) of— Acephala, 338 „ Actinozoa, 340 „ Algffi, 481 „ Anarthropoda, 228 „ Annulosa, 212 „ Arachnida, 214 „ Arthropoda, 212 „ Aves, 199 „ Botanical, 416 „ Brachiopoda, 339 N. H. E.— 1862. J) >5 Bibliography (1861) of— Coelenterata,34G „ Crustacea, 212 „ Ciyptogamia, 470 „ „ (Miscellanea), 484 „ Filicales, 470 „ Fungi, 475 „ General and Mixed (Zoolo- gical), 190 „ Hydrozoa, 341 „ Insecta, 215 „ Lichens, 473 „ Mammalia, 194 Mollusca, 333 MoUuscoida, 340 Muscales, 472 Periodicals (Additional List), 189 Phanerogamia, 416 Pisces, 208 Protozoa, 342 Reptilia and Amphibia, 206 Bimana, I. Geofifroy St. Hilaire on the Order, 2 Birds of the Mackenzie Eiver District, List of the, 276 Bone, Occipital, Prof. Hyrtl on the Pneumatic Processes of the, 95 Brachiopoda, Bibliography of the (1861), 339 Brain of Apes and Man, I. Geofiroy St. Hilaire on the, 6 Britons, Ancient, Note by J. B. Davis on the Distortions which present them- selves in the Crania of the, 290 Calluna vulgaris, in Massachusetts, 346 Camivora of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 271 Caspary, Eobt., on the Morphology of the Female Flower of the Abietineas, 19 Cedars, of Lebanon, Taurus, Algeria, and India, Dr. Hooker on the, 1 1 Cedrus Atlantica, 15 „ Deodar a, 16 Cephalophora, Bibliography of the (1861), 335 Cerceris, Notice of M. Fabre's Memoir on the Genus, 122 Cheiroptera of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 276 2 L 488 TNDE5. Cheiroptera, Prof. Hyrtl on the Radial Artery in the, 99 Chnrch, W. S., on the Myology of the Orang-Utang, 82 Cleland, John, on the Anatomy of the Short Sun-Yish. {Orthaooriscus Mola), 170 Ccelenterata, Bibliography of the (1861), 340 Cord, Spinal, W. B. Kesteven's Report on Recent Researches into the Mi- nute Anatomy of the, 377 Crania of the Ancient Britons, Note by J. B. Davis on the Distortions which present themselves in the, 290 Craniometiy and Craniology, Review of various works on, 347 Crustacea, Bibliography of (1861), 212 „ A History of British Sessile- eyed, by C. S. Bate and J. O. West- wood, Review of, 130 Cryptogamia, Bibliography of the (1861), 470 Currey, Fred., on the Germination of Iltticularia umbrina, 406 Ct/nips, Note on the Genus, 486 Darwin, C, on Dimorphism in Frimula, 118 „ " On the Two Forms or Dimor- phic Conditions in the Species of Pri- mula, and on their remarkable Sexual Relations," Review of, 235 „ " On the various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilized by Insects, and on the good effects of Intercrossing," Review of, 371 Davis, Jos. Barnard, Note on the Dis- toi-tions which present themselves in the Crania of the Ancient Britons, 290 Dicotyledons, Prof. Oliver on the Stnic- turc of the Stem in, 298 Elephant, Sumatran, Prof. II. Schlegel on the, 72 Fabre,M., Notice of the Writings of, 121 Fihcales, Bibliography ofthe (1861), 470 Fish, Prof. Hyrtl, on Intervertebral Synostoses and Sutures in, 103 Fishes and Reptiles, on Collecting and Preserving Specimens of, 233. Fitzinger, L. J., " Die Ausbeute der Oesterreichischen Naturfurscher an Siiugtehiereu und Reptilien wahrend der Weltumsegelung Sr. Majestats Fregatte Novara," Notice of, 9 Flora ofthe Atlantic Islands, 163 Flora, European, Relations to the Ter- tiary Flora, 154 „ of Japan, Relations of, to that of N. America, 159 „ Tertiary, Relations to the existing Flora of America, 159 „ „ Europe, 156 Fungi, Bibliography ofthe (1861), 475 Geoffi'oy, Hilaire St. Isidore, " Histoire Naturelle Generale des Regnes Orga- niques," Tom. II., Review of, 1 Gleichiina dichotoma , 118 Grallatores of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 284 Heterocyathi, and their Parasitical Si- punciilus, J. D. Macdonald on the Australian and Feegeean, 78 Hooker, J. D., on the Cedars of Lebanon, Taurus, Algeria, and India, 1 1 Houghton, W., on the Desirability of an English Translation of Aristotle's History of Animals, 136 „ Reply to the Remarks on the Translation ofthe First Chapter of Aristotle's History of Animals, 408 Hydrozoa, Bibliogi-aphyof the (1861), 341 Hyrtl,Professor, Anatomical Notes by, 95 Insecta, Bibliography of (1861 ), 215 Insectivora, of the Mackenzie River District, List of the, 271 Insessores, of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 278 Kestevcn, W. B., a Report on Recent Researches into the Minute Anatomy of the Spinal Cord, 377 Lake-Habitations of Switzerland, J. Lubbock on the Ancient, 26 Lake Prasias, on Pile Dwellings on, 486 Lartet, E. New Researches respecting the Co-existence of Man with the Great Fossil INIammals, regarded as characteristic of the latest Geological Period, (Translation), 53 Leiopelmn Ilochstettcri, 10 Lichens, Bibliography of the (1861), 473 Lubbock, John, on the Ancient Lake Ha- bitations of Switzerland, 26 „ Note on the Co-existence of Man, with the Dlnornis in New Zealand, 343 „ On the Evidence of the Antiquity of Man, afforded by the Phvsical Structure of the Somme Vallev, 244 INDEX. 489 Lubbock, Jolin, on Parthenogenesis in the Silk- Worm Moth, 345 Macdonald, J. D., Observations on some Australian and Feegeean Heterocyathi and their parasitical Sipunculus, 78 Mackenzie River District, Bernard H. Ross on the Mammals, Birds, &c. of the, 269 Mammalia, Bibliography of (1861), 194 Mammals in the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 271. Mann, G., Ascent of the Peak of St. Thomas, 118 Man, Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire on the Systematic Position of, 1 „ M. Lartet on his Co-existence with the Great Fossil Animals regarded as characteristic of the latest Geological Period, 53 „ J. Lubbock on the Evidence of the Antiquity of, 244 „ Note by J. Lubbock, on the Co- existence of Man with the Dinoimis in New Zealand, 343 MoUusca, Bibliography of the (1861), 333 Molluscoida, Bibliography of the (1861), 340 Muscales, Bibliography of the (1861), 472 Natatores of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 286 Nei-ves, " Endless," Prof. Hyrtl on, 96 Novara Expedition, Notice respecting the Collections of the, 2 Oliver, Professor, on the Atlantis Hypo- thesis in its Botanical Aspect, 149 „ On the Structure of the Stem in Dicotyledons; being Refer- ences to the Literature of the Subject, 298 Orang-Utang, W. S. Church on the My- ology of the, 82 „ J. L. C. Schroeder van der Kolk and W. Vrolik, Note sur I'Encephale de r, 111 Orchids, Review of Mr. Dai-win's "Work on the Fertilization of, 371 Orthafforisciis Mola, (Short Sun-Fish), J. Cleland on the Anatomy of, 170 „ W. Turner on the Stracture and Composition of the In- tegument of, 185 Parthenogenesis in the Silk-Worm Moth, 345 Periodicals, Bibliography of, (Additions to former Lists), 189 Periosteum Orl)ital, W. Turner, upon a non-striped Muscle connected with the, 106 Phanerogamia, Bibliography of (1861), 416 Pilc-Dwellings, on Lake Prasias, dis- covery of, 486 Pisces, Bibliography of (1861), 208 Podocarpus, 118 Primula, C Darwin on Dimorphism in, 118 „ Review of Mr. Darwin's Ob- servations on the Two Foitos, or Di- morphic Conditions in the Species of, 235 Protozoa, Bibliography "of (1861), 342 Raptores of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 276 Rasores of the Mackenzie River Disti'ict, List of the, 283 Reptilia and Amphibia, Bibliography of (1861), 206 Retia mirabilia, Prof. Hyrtl on some Additions to our knowledge of, 101 Beticnlaria uvthrina, Fred. CuiTcy on the Germination of, 406 Rodentia of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, 274 Ross, Bernard H., on the Mammals, Birds, &c. of the Mackenzie River District, 269 Ruminantia of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, 275 Scansores of the Mackenzie River Dis- trict, List of the, 277 Schlegel, Prof. H., on the Sumati'an Elephant, 72 Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. and W. Vrolik, Note sur I'Encephale de I'Orang-Outang, 111 Scouler, John, Remarks on the Trans- lation of the First Chapter of Aristotle's History of Animals, 329 Silk-Worm Moth, J. Lubbock on Par- thenogenesis in the, 345 Sifunculus Heterocyathi, Figure and Description of, 81 Sitaris hu7neraUs, M. Fabre's Observa- tions on, 129 Skidls, Wyville Thomson on Distorted Human, 397 Somme Valley, J. Lubbock on the Evi- dences of the Antiquity of Man af- forded by the Phvsical Stnicture of the, 244 490 n^DEX. Spliex, Notice of M. Fabre's Observa- tions on the Genus, 126 St. Thomas, Mr. Mann's Ascent of the Peak of, 118 Suctoria, Bibliography of, 228 Sim-Fish, J. Cleland on the Anatomy of, 170 Switzerland, John Lubbock on the An- cient Lake Habitations of, 26 Thomson, Wyville, on Distorted Human Skulls, 397 Tulasne, L. E. and C, " Selecta Fun- gonim Carpologia," Review of, 361 Tumhoa, 346 Turner, W., upon a non-striped Muscle connected with the Orbital Periosteum of Man and Mammals, and on the Musculus Kcrato-cricoideus, 106 „ On the Structure and Composi- tion of the Integument of Orthagoris- cus viola, 185 Viper, Note on the Habits of the, 118, 231 Vein, Ophthalmic, joining the Portal System, Prof. Hyrtl on the, 100 i NAT.HISi.H^V. Yol.ILPUtel Ktch-dd.etliftL " "VY.Westimp. Ceclru5 Lib am, LaacL. NAT.HIST.RtV. Ktcb del.etlitli. W "We St imp' Cedriis atLantica, Man. NAT HIST. REV. VolJI. PlaicIIl. PitctdeLetlitl W.West imp. Cednis Deodar a, XoiioL, 1 NAT HIST REV 1862. i? S^t '^^w^&^^^^^^''S^ SCER .rd. KOLK & m OV^ Aahbee & Daugertidd Plal& IV n ^^u>^hjalj& dj& V oTxvi^ - outang . ledferi S!^ Covent Garden - NAT. HIST. RCV 1862. Plate V. Rg:2 / ' ^. AsHbee ,S^ Dangerfield.TiQi 27 SeifcrA 3* Cbveah C-prf'?- NAT HIST REV 1867. -Plate VI. ;■•■•••' V Kr : 6 . --*>- ^y ■'i^^i Yii- 4 H^. 3 . AMes k Dapfflrfiflia Mi 22 .Bedlori S* Owsot. Gaod^ /VAT H/sr »£V Inez Fla/^. VJI v^S^^^^-^-^i^i^^SBB^i' NAT. HIST. REV. 1862 . pia^vm. I G.BTjak.TJeL. Aabbee &Daigar£aia,li11i.Beifcira S^ CovheJ. Gar.Jen NAT HIST REV. /862 Plate JX. TRANiSVEKSE SECTION OF THE CAPUT CORNU POSTERIORIS AND PARI OF THE CERVIX CORNU, WITH A PORTION OF THE SURROUNDING ' :;UERIUR AND LATERAL WHITE COIUMNS. FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE CERVICAL ENLARGEMENT OF THE OX. Magtiitied- 50 Diametjers (JJm- J.l . aarke ) A Po!iteru/r- whitx'y (hlzoTuu, \ Lateral Cc/lio-nrze .■ (His. TTie netwark- of blood' vessels & rterve- ft tree ?nzu/- bey seerty tncversififf {h&aTTey siobstxai/X' mid nuiff>irig mUy the' i/u^idZes ofciyO& en3m , Ij ^CENTRAL PARK, ^ ; 1^ NEW YORK, A"^ NAT. Hisr REV 1862. Flato X. fig. 3 If SECTION AT UPPER PART OF THIRD CERVICAL NERVES Maignified. 60 DLaine"ters. 'J/tBT (Zxr7c?y, E Traduce mtenruxiwr lateralis 0. Jihree of an.tenxrr roots . W. Posterior veszada/- column/. ~E . Spinal/ acceesoTy Tlerveroote . TRANSVERSE SECTION OF GREY SUBSTANCE- FROM DORSAL REGION OF OX . 60 Diameters fAfberOafke') Fi^. 4 ~0.' F (Fastener Corrvica/. tfie^ }^l \ eatrmivtiee ofwhick are/ cut' off. a The/ flelcdiTWws suistarice'. E The' arvterCot' comzoa/. ±. Trtvcdu^ ijvtermedxc lateraZos. G-. Ceftiral' OxnaZ. H. Fostefior transverse C'yrn7nissur&: E. Anten'cr D" X . Anterior 2&dzan/ -f/ssure'. X. FcstxTibr vesicular cx^umns. -Ailiee & Jangflrfiela-iift- IZSaiihri- S^ "••vms J-srien.. NAT. HIST. REV. 1862 Fl^lfyXI LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE LUMBAR ENLARGEMENT OF THE 0X.__30 Disoneters Fi^-. 5 P. C Pcste/wr.r Cclumne, sham/uf intedac&7i0^JkS ^vmted hy posteruyr roots. P. FasCencr rooiis . A..Qj .Anterior Colu/.nns . A Arvteriar' roots . a SuistoTitia' GelcUuuisa\ Or . Anterior OTid, poetericr ^^ siobstoTic-: < — -^~, — .^^—^ — .^^ , I traver^e/H/ by -nirss of anterior & pooterior root<$. Hg. 6 to H cn n I I m o y -z. Sr o m (rt y Tl ^ < O rt m o '-U C/l c CO > ^ 2 w —1 n m X -1 o 3 o > — 1 la ^ X m cn m -c < m ~n 5l C 03 CO —I > en m o o s CD m en O * o £. -n ^_ Ml en c -1 X rn !* m -n 1! O —1 C) § X H 33 M §; O C O «. AsKbee dt Bam^etfiaLilifii 22 BeS&rd S"^ Coraca; yardfln UH IfiTS T .y \/ ■\ "*\. X