CELEBERRIMJE ACADEMIA. OXONIENSI, QUICQUID EST ARTIUM ET SCIENTIA, RELIGIONIS ET LITERARUM, BENIGNISSIME FOVENTI, SEXTUM HUNC NATURA VIVARII FASCICULUM, D. D. D. GEORGIUS SHAW, FREDERICUS P. NODDER: THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, THE FRIEND OF SCIENCE, THE GUARDIAN OF RELIGION AND LITERATURE, THIS SIXTH VOLUME OF das NATURALISTS's MISCELLAN Y MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY GEORGE SHAW, FREDERICK P. NODDER. A ; RAMPHAST OS ERYTHRORHYN- CHOS. «pdoteiotodolotoleteieitieteteieteteteteleiiere CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rofrum maximum, inane, convexum, -extrorfum ferratum: mandibula utraque apice incurva. ares pone roftri bafin. Lingua pennacea. Pedes {canforii plerifque. | Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 150. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. RAMPHASTOS nigricans, genis colloque fub- tus albis, fafcia pectoris "deiode Corcinels, uropygio fulphureo. — Lath. ind. orn. p. 136. TUCANA cayanenfis gutture albo. Bri]: 4. BHAI. 4. 9d. fiot Licet avibus qua in hoc genere continentur mon- ftrofa videatur et quafi incongrua effe roftri magni- tudo, cum tamen leviflima fit fubftantia, non pon- dere iis officit, fed commode fatis fuftinetur. In- | | B fiene figne praeterea eft in roftro ferraturas omnes antror- fum fitas effe, ad retinendum | quicquid arripitur minus idoneas. Vefcitur Ramphaftorum genus ve- getabilibus, nec ut falfo opinati funt nonnulli, rapax eft et praedatorium. Species quam defcribimus co- lumbee fere equalis eft. Nafcitur, ut et aliae con- generes, in America Auftrali. Digna porro eft lin- gua que penitius examinetur ob miram et fere am- biguam penne fimilitudinem. Hujus veram mag- nitudinem cernere eft in tabula. 283 SSS SS SESE - SSS SSSR ees =“ [( «6 »pEFEECE—6V EL. SSS SSS SSS 227 DLL D JD LLL a 2. z7- 4f, ¢ FP Node 4 eg I toga cu ps 2 ET / ? Zeneon E AC 2 D S | adi THE RED-BEAKED TOUCAN. —————— GENERIC CHARACTER. Bil exceffively large, convex, bending towards the tip, light, hollow, ferrated. Tongue long, narrow, feathered on the edges, Feet formed for climbing. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, (c. GREENISH-BLACK TOUCAN, with cheeks and lower part of the neck white, pectoral band and vent crimfon, the upper tail. coverts yellow. RED-BEAKED TOUCAN. Y Lath. Syn. 1. p. 328. um TOUCAN a gorge blanche de Cayenne. 2d A 416. n 4. pl. 3t. iod. The feemingly monftrous and difproportionate fize of the beak in the birds of this genus is fuch as to excite our wonder at fo incongruous an ap- pearance. We are to confider, however, that the P2 | fubftance fubitance of the beak in the Toucans is extremely flight, fo that no inconvenience refults to the « rd from its weight. It is remarkable that the ferratures of the beak in thefe birds are placed forwards, and are confequently not particularly calculated for holding any object which the bird may happen to feize. It may alfo be obferved that the Toucahs in general feed only on fruits and vegetable fubftances, and are not (as has fometimes been erroneoufly ima- gined) of a predacious nature. The fize of the pre- fent fpecies is nearly that of a pigeon. Like the reft of its congeners, it is a native of South Ame- rica. It fhould be added that the ftru&ure of the tongue in the birds of this genus is fo extremely curious as to be well worthy of particular attention; fo exactly refembling a feather that at firft fight it might be regarded as fuch. It is reprefented on the plate of ithe fize of nature. PHYSETER MACROCEPHALUS. FS alb Me A ata Me CHARACTER GENERICUS. Dentes in maxilla inferiore. Fifiula in capite s. fronte. hire Li svft. Nat. p. 107. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. PHYSETER dorfo impinni gibbofo. BAL/ENA MAJOR, in inferiore tantum max- illa dentata macrocephala bipinnis. Sibb. | Raj. pifc. p. 11. 15. CETUS DENTATUS. ! Muf. Worm. p. 280. Animalium cetariorum characteres generales antea in hoc opere denotatos, cum fcilicet de balena Myfticeto differebamus, fupervacaneum foret in hac fpecie defcribenda repetere. Maximus eft Phyfeter - Macrocephalus fui generis; nec pretiofior eft alter, ex hoc enim proveniunt fpermaceti et ambarum. Deformior eft vel ipfo Myfticeto. Caput enorme, fi cum corpore comparetur. Maxilla fuperior ca- rens tens dentibus recipit in cavis, ore claufo, quos plu- rimos continet maxilla inferior. Color fufco-pal- , lefcit, dorfo obfcuriore. Extrahitur fpermaceti e cellulis offeis quz in capite, recens fere liquidum, ab aere vero concrefcit et coagulatur. Qui amba- rum in deliciis habent segre forfan fibi perfuadeant nihil aliud effe quam faces animalis morbo labo- rantis. Szepius accidit ut tempeftatibus agantur in littora Europea, nonnunquam in Britannica, varie ' cetorum fpecies. Hanc ipfam de qua jam loquimur, centum abhinc annis Norfolciz appulfam memorat doctifimus Thomas Brown, quam mire cupidus erat examinandi fi modo ambarum inveniret, de. cujus origine paululum videtur dubitaffe. Deftitit autem ab incepto intolerabili foetore repulfus carnis qua jam aliquot dies in littore jacuerat, nec quod nunc dierum certiffimum eft fuo potuit experimento comprobare. Differit de hac re, ut folet, fortiter et nervofe. i | “© Quod audacter afferunt Arctici pifcatores, ba- .]enas nempe ambarum deglutire, fruftaque ejus in vifceribus fzpius reperiri, vetuit me pro certo cog- nofcere qui fe undique effudit nefandus foetor. At fi verum fit quod docet Paracelfus, mofchum odora- tiffimum e ftercore extrahi poffe, et e fubftantiis foediffime olentibus elici quod naribus fit jucundiffi- mum, confidentur jurarent omnes quibus non effet nafus Vefpafianus, e nulla aptiori materia telieega laboris exitum poffe expectari." Ty eit ia ii ay n CE Ü 4 Ve VOT THE SPERMACETI WHALE. »otetotetetetetetotetetet|tetotetetetetepetetete GENERIC CHARACTER. Teetb in the lower jaw only. Fiftula or refpiratory pipe feated either on the head or the top of the fnout. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €$c. PHYSETER with gibbofe back without fin. THE SPERMACETI WHALE. BLUNT-HEADED CACHALOT. Pennant. Brit. Zool. 3. p. 55. The general characters of the cetaceous animals having already been given in the prefent work under the article of Balaena Myfticetus, it is unneceffary to recapitulate them in the defcription of the pre- fent fpecies, which is the largeft of its genus, and is one of the moft interefting of the whole tribe; affording not only the well-known concrete called fpermaceti, but likewife the valuable fubftance known by the name of ambergreafe. This fpecies is of an appearance ftill more uncouth than the great great Northern Whale or Batena Myfticetus; the head being of an enormous magnitude in proportion - to the body. The upper jaw is deftitute of teeth: in the lower they are very numerous, and are re- ceived, when the mouth is clofed, into correfpond- ing cavities in the upper. The colour of this whale is a pale or whitifh brown; darkeft above. The fubftance called fpermaceti is contained in peculiar cavities or bony cells in the head, and when récent is nearly liquid, but foon concretes on expofure to air. Ambergreafe is (what perhaps few who are ad- mirers of that perfume would eafily imagine,) no- thing more than the excrement of the animal ina difeafed ftate. This fpecies of whale, like others, is fometimes caft by tempefts on the European coafts, and has been feen on our own. In the laft century a very large one was ftranded on the coaft of Norfolk, which is particularly commemorated by Sir Thomas Brown, who feems to have been willing to have difcovered ambergreafe in it, but was re- pelled by the intolerable fzetor of the animal, which had lain feveral days in a {tate of putrefaction. Sir Thomas recites the anecdote 1n his ufual forcible ftyle, and appears to have been rather in doubt of what is now well afcertained, viz. that the perfume above mentioned has really the origin before de- Ícribed. * In vain it was to rake for ambergriefe in the panch of this Leviathan, as Greenland difcoverers, and attefts of experience dictate, that they fome- times fwallow great lumps thereof in the fea; in-. fufferable fufferable feetor denying that enquiry; and yet if, as Paracelfus encourageth, ordure makes the beft mufk, and from the moft fetid fubftances may be drawn the moft odoriferous effences, all that had not . Vefpafian's nofe, might boldly fwear, here was a fit - fubject for fuch extractions.'* ase * SCOLOPENDRA MICROSCOPICA. DIEPPE EEO POPPED CHARACTER GENERICUS. Pedes numerofi, totidem utrinque quot corporis fegmenta. Antenne fetaceze. Pa/pi duo articulati. Corpus depreffum. | Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1062. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. SCOLOPENDRA PELLUCIDA PUNC- TATA, margine laterali, firia dorfali, cau- daque forficata aureis. Cum ego paucis abhinc annis in accurata infecto- rum plurium aquaticorum examinatione effem ver- fatus, animalculum hoc rariffimum menfe maio in ftagno fubturbido primum detexi. Nunquam antea aut defcripta aut depicta eft fpecies hac tum aqua- tica tum omnino microfcopia. Equidem ad rigidam fcientiae entomologice normam, nefcio annon novum huic genus inftituiffe fatius fuiffet, quam ad {colo- pendras referre : quibus tamen ut annumeretur ani- malculum hoc noftrum magis placet, non modo ob magnam magnam affinitatem, fed quod in infecto adeo mi- nuto ut quinquagefimam uncia partem paulo exce- dat, characterum difcrimina vix ac ne vix poffunt accurate inveftigari. Magnitudinem naturalem plus centies auctam reprefentat tabula. Lentius incedit fcolopendra microfcopica, membris tamen utitur. prompte fatis, et fine impedimento. IBS ix THE “MICROSCOPIC SCOLOPENDRA. Coxeteitetpotetetedetdeteteetetetetetttt e GENERIC CHARACTER. Feet numerous ; equal in nnmber on each fide to the fegments of the body. | Antenne Íetaceous. | Palpi two, jointed. Body deprefled. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. PELLUCID DOTTED SCOLOPENDRA, with lateral margin, dorfal ftripe, and forked tail gold-coloured. On examining a great variety of aquatic infects a few years ago, I firft difcovered this very curious animalcule in the water of a foft pond in the month of May. It has never before been either defcribed or figured, and is here reprefented very highly mag- nified; being entirely a: microfcopic fpecies as well as an aquatic one. It might perhaps, ftrictly fpeak- ing, rather conftitute a new genus than be referred to that of Scolopendra; but as this is a matter which which in an animalcule of fcarce more than the | fiftieth part of an inch in length can never be in- - veftigated with fufficient certainty, it is perhaps | moft advifable to place it under the genus Scolo- pendra, to which its appearance proves it fo very nearly allied. The figure reprefents it magnified more than an hundred times in length. Its motions are rather flow, but accompanied with great freee dom, | £N | PSITTACUS ‘FUNEREUS. a ae a ie i a i a a es Se a CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roftrwm aduncum: mandibula fuperiore mobili ; cera inftructa, Wares in roftri bafi. | Lingua carnofa, obtufa, integra. Pedes Ícanforii. Lin. Syfl. Nar. p. 139. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. PSITTACUS BRACHYURUS NIGER, cauda medio melina nigro irrorata. In eo precipue differre videtur hzc avis a pfit- taco magnifico five illo Bankfii nomine infignito, quod media cauda non fit coccinea nigro fafciata, fed melina, punctulis parvulis nigris creberrime - irrorata. Superat quoque magnitudine pfittacum Bankfii, nec, re bene perpenía, reftat dubium quin fpecies fit vere diftincta. Nunquam antehac phyfi- cis Europzis innotuit; attulerunt nempe eum ad nos cum aliis nonnullis prius. incognitis naves ab Auftralia nuperrime reverfe. C THE ~FUNEREAL COCKATOO. QPP EEE EOE EEE EE EEO e GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill hooked. Upper mandible moveable. Noftrils round, placed in the bafe of the bill. Tongue flefhy, broad, blunt at the end. Legs íhort. ‘Toes formed for climbing, viz. two _ toes forward, and two backward. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. EVEN-TAILED BLACK COCKATOO, with the middle of the tail ftraw-coloured, freck- led with black. ‘The general appearance of this bird is fo very fimilar to that of the magnificent or Bankfian Cock- © atoo, that the chief circumftance in which it differs is the colour of the middle part of the tail; which inftead of being red barred with black, as in that bird, is of a dull ftraw-colour, thickly fprinkled with fmall fpecks of black. The fize of the bird is alfo fuperior to that of the Bankfian, and upon the whole there can be no doubt of its conftituting a diftin& fpecies. It is perfectly new, having been imported with other recently difcovered birds .in the laft veffels from New Holland. wali I7 [77 9A dp 7 2 by o 7 € Nodder Hy - "S. ? Ay 15 VELA ber: t ewe 150 es " ACARUS LEPIDOPTERORUM. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Pedes octo. | Ocul: duo ad latera capitis. Tentacula duo articulata, pediformia. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1022. CHARACTER. SPECIFICUS. ACARUS ovatus fubferrugineus, antice acumina- tus, abdomine femoribufque fetis fparfis in- craffatis, tarfis adactylis longiffimis fetaceis. Infectum, nunquam fortaffe antea defcriptum, quodque microfcopio auctum, depingitur, detectum eft cum multis ejufmodi parti inferiori alarum pha- Iznz arcte adeo adhazrentibus, ut puncta potius ip- fius alee quam aliquid ab ea diftinctum putares; nec nifi attento oculo propius adducto patebat ea acaros effe. Ope microfcopii facto examine, comperi fpe- ciem non antea vifam, quaque dubito an totum genus contineat mirabiliorem. Magnitudine vix acarum fironem feu vulgarem fuperat. Corpus ova- tum, depreffum, parte antica acuminatum. Crura : gracil- gracillima; primo et fecundo articulo fetis craffis obfito, que gradatim dilatantur verfus extremitates, auctaeque admodum microfcopio per totam longitu- dinem ferratz videntur more ariftarum hordeacea- rum. Ceteri articuli fetis longiffimis acuminatis veftiuntur; ultimi autem feu tarfi non muniuntur uncis ungulis, quod plerifque acaris commune eft, fed in tres longiffimos, rectos et acutos pilos defi- nunt, ut in tabula exprimitur. Corpus afpergitur variis pilis craffis, quales funt ii in articulis crurum primoribus. Palpi, feu partes cheliformes juxta caput craífiffimze et validae terminantur fingule un- gue longo, curvo, acuto, et fetigero. Crura antes riora ceteris longiora. Mire comparatum eft a na- tura hoc infectum ad vivendum fub alis Lepidopte- rorum ; longa enim et gracilia crura facile inter ala- rum f{quamas infinuantur, efficiuntque fetz ferratee ut arctius adherere poffit, et a cafu fit fecurius, cum alis celerrime vibratis volet phalaena. Militat pha- ‘lana fuper quam inventus eft acarus inter illas quas Linneus rufticas vocavit ; videtur tamen effe inter. fpecies ab illo non defcriptas:. Magnitudinis eft modicz, alis fuperioribus e cinereo albentibus, in- ferioribus lacteis, fufco marginatis. * THE. LEPIDOPTERINE MITE. ee etie eb HetitH bb Hebel GENERIC CHARACTER. Eight Legs. Two Eyes, fituated on the fides of the head. . Two Tentacula, jointed, and fhaped like teet. SPEC IFIC CHARACTER, OVATE SHARP-FRONTED SUBFERRU- GINOUS ACARUS, with incraffated brif- tles on the body and thighs, and extremely long fetiform feet. This very remarkable infect, which has probably never before been defcribed, and of which a micro- {copical figure is here given, was difcovered, toge- ther with feveral others of the fame fpecies on the lower furface of the wings of a moth. They were affixed fo clofely as to appear rather like natural fpecks than extraneous objects, and it was not with- gut a near and attentive furvey that they were dif- ^ .£overed to be acari. Their colour was a reddifh brown brown and their furface fomewhat lucid. ‘On ex- amination by the microfcope, I found that the fpe- cies was different from any I had before examined. It is perhaps one of the moft curious of the whole genus. In fize it fcarce exceeds the acarus firo or common mite. The body is oval, depreffed, and acuminated forwards. The legs are remarkably flender, and are befet on the firft and fecond joints with ftrong briftles, gradually thickening towards their extremities, and which, when very much mag- nified, appear ferrated throughout their whole length in the manner of the awns of barley, while the re- maining joints are furnifhed with very long fharp- pointed ones; and the tarfi or ultimate joints, in- ftead of being terminated by hooked claws, as in moft other fpecies, run out into three very long, {trait, and fharp briftles, as reprefented in the figure. On the body are placed feveral briftles of the fame form with thofe on the upper joints of the legs. The palpi or cheliform parts near the head are very thick and ftrong, each being terminated by a fharp, long, incurved claw or proceís, accompa- nied by feveral briftles. The fore legs exceed the others in length. This infect feems admirably cal- . culated for its peculiar habitat on the wings of lepi- dopterous infects; its long and flender legs readily infinuating themfelves amongft the fcales of the wings, and the ferrated briftles undoubtedly contri- buting to its clofer adhefion, and fecuring it from being fhaken off the wing during the infect's flight. The moth on which this curious acarus was dif- covered is amongft the phalenz ruftic& of Lin- nexus, nzeus, but is probably not a Linnean fpecies. It is of a middling fize, with the upper wings of a cine- - reous whitifh colour, and the lower ones milk white, bordered with brown. SERPULA PERFORATA. CAd A EHE HH CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Terebella. Tefta univalvis, tubulofa, adherens, (fepe ifthmis integris paffim intercepta.) Lin. "yt Nat. p. tuum CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. SERPULA tefta tereti recta, extremitate radiata ; difco poris cylindricis. Lin. Syf Nat. p. 1267. Lift. conch. t. 548. f; 9. Rumpf. muf. t. 41. f. 7. Gnalt. tefl. t. 10. f. M. Mort. conch 3. t. a. f£. 7. Teftam mire conformatam reprefentavimus, Ser- pule perforate nomine diftinctam. Cum nefciatur quodnam eam animal incolat, difficile ideo eft dicere cui ufui inferviant foramina plurima in fumma feu convexa parte fita, quam cingit et aliorum tubula- torum circulus. Oceanum incolit Indicum Serpula | D perforata, perforata, eadem plerumque magnitudine, quam oftendit tabula. Color eburneo-candidus in non- nullis fpeciminibus levem quandam habet rubedinis mifturam. * " dos Brewe eee : Ua e der, et Lo. E do ep d D Lindow; Published THE PERFORATED SERPULA. »lotettotetetdotetotetetetototetetepeteredetet oo | GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal yefembling a 'l'erebella. Shell univalve, tubular, adhering commonly to other fubftances, {in many fpecies intercepted internally by diffepiments at uncertain dif- tances.) SPECIFIC CHARACTER, (Sc. STRAIT CYLINDRIC SERPULA, with radi- ated extremity: the difk perforated by cylin- dric pores. - L'ARROSOIR ou le Pinceau de mer. Argen. t. 3. fig. G. Knorr. 4. t. 28. & 6. t. 40. ‘THE WATER-POT SERPULA. J— The very fingular ftructure and appearance of the prefent fhell juftly rank it amongft the more curious productions of ‘nature. The inhabiting animal is unknown, and we are confequently unacquainted with with the particular ufe of the numerous foramina on the convex furface of the upper part, as well as of the circle of tubular ones which furround it. t is a native of the Indian ocean, and is generally of the fize reprefented on the plate. Its colour is an ivory white, with a flight tinge of reddifh in fome indivi- duals. MOTACILLA TROCHILUS. Gopojoloteterototepotetetetetetjteletteieiieie . CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roftrum fubulatum, rectum: mandibulis fubz- qualibus. | Nares ovate. Lingua lacero-emarginata. | Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 328. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. MOTACILLA cinereo-virens, alis fubtus tectri- cibus flavefcentibus, fuperciliis luteis. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 338. ASILUS. | ! Brif. 3. p. 479- 45. Raz. fyn. p. 80. A. 10. Wil. orn. p. 164. REGULUS non criftatus. Aldr. orn. p. 653. . Quod inter falices ut plurimum verfetur Mota- cilla Trochilus, ea de caufa a quibufdam Anglice . nominata eft Willow-Wren. ^ Moribus modoque vivendi regulos communes et aureo-criftatos imi- tatur. Colore interdum variat: nonnulla fcilicet. fpecimina longe nitidius flavent. E THE YELLOW WREN. GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill fabulate (or awl-fhaped) ; ftrait: the man- dibles nearly equal. Noftrils nearly oval. Tongue jagged, or lacerated towards the tip. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, C. ASH-GREEN MOTACILLA, with the wings beneath the coverts yellowifh, and a ftreak of yellow over each eye. YELLOW WARBLER. Lath. fyn. 2. p. 512. THE GREEN WREN, YELLOW WREN, ox WILLOW WREN. The Motacilla Trochilus or Yellow-Wren, ig moftly feen on willows, from which circumftance it has been fometimes called the willow-wren. In its : manners and way of life it refembles the common and gold-crefted wrens. It is fubject to vary in - point of colour, the yellow in fome fpecimens being far brighter than in others. Ee WADE H ‘4 Hya- a LEPAS ANATIFERA. eoieletototototetotetotetotetetetetetefetetetetetet« o, CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Triton. Lefta Bold inequivalvis, bafi affixa. Lin. Syft Nat. p. ee CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, 8c. LEPAS tefta compreffa quinquevalvi levi, in- tefüno infidente. Lin, Syfl. Nat. p. 1109. CONCHA ANATIFERA. . Aldr. orn. c. 20. TELLINA PEDATA. Bonann. recr. 2. f. 2. CONCHA PEDATA. Imper. bifl. nat. 904. Inter errores antiquos qui hiftoriam naturalem plurimi obfcurabant, paffim credi folitum eft anfe- rem Bernacle vulgo dictum, non ut aliz aves ab ovo, fed ~ fed a conchylio, in tabula annexa depicto, origi- nem ducere, Huic errori, ingenti certe et mani- fefto, atfenferunt varii auctores, quos ab anili credu- litate prorfus immunes credere par effet. Putabant fane phyfici, illis temporibus, animal hanc teftam incolens, avis fupra memoratz pullum effe implu- mem; elapfoque aliquo tempore, poftquam plumis veftitus fuerit, e tefta fe liberaffe, et in aquam fub- jacentem decidiffe. Numerofa brachia feu tentacula velut plumofa et fimbriata, ordine femicirculari ca- put animalis cingentia, folum videntur fuiffe funda- mentum cul tam prava opinio et ridenda fabula pof- fent inniti. Inter alios qui de concha hac anferifera fcripferunt, fuam ita fententiam profert Gerardus noftras, herbarii Anglicani auctor notiffimus. * Quod autem propriis oculis vidimus, et pro- priis manibus tetigimus, id dicere pergimus. Eft in Lancaftria infula quadam parva cui nomen The Pile of Fowlders; circa quam ;navium exefarum et naufragarum fruftula diffracta inveniuntur, fimul cum truncis et ramis arborum antiquarum ibidem - jactatarum. Supra hec fruftula fpuma qusdam poteft videri, quae gradatim in formam teftarum mufculos referentium accrefcit: he tamen tefta funt magis quam mufculi acuminate, et coloris al- befcentis. Intra teftam invenitur fubftantia ferico fimbriato et albido non abfimilis, fibris inter fe in- tertextis et complicatis. Hujus fubftantiz pars una mediz tefte innititur, velut corpus oftree feu my- tili; pars autem reliqua ventri feu gibbz parti maflze rudis et' imperfecte affixa eft, que progreffu tem- à; poris \poris in formam avis efingitur. Cum plenam avis formam adepta fit, tunc concha hiat, primoque con- fpicitur fimbria quafi ferica quam fupra memoravi- mus: paulo poft crura aviculae dependentia cernun- tur, quz, mole fenfim aucta, concham paulatim aperit, donec pleno corpore egrefífa, a roftro folo pendeat; elapfoque parvo tempore cum ad integram maturitatem jam pervenerit, in mare decidit, plu- mafque nacta, ad magnitudinem anate majorem, anfere minorem crefcit; roftro pedibufque nigris, plumifque nigro alboque, more Picz vulgaris no- ftratis, maculatis. Hanc avem Lancaftriz incola anferem arboreum conftanter appellant. Infula prze- di&a, nec non alia loca vicina adeo his avibus fca- tent, ut tribus denariis monetze Anglicane una ex optimis facile ematur. Si qui fint qui de hac re ad- huc dubitant, ad me, fi placet, veniant, et teftimo- nio hominum digniflimorum illis fatisfaciam.’’ Corpus Lepadis ad ovalem accedit formam, ani- mali quod nomine Tritonis defcribit Linnzus, fi- millimum. Triton ifte in foraminibus rupium habi- tat: Lepas igitur velut Triton concham incolens cenfenda eft. Os Lepadis e probofcide incurva, longa conftat; duodecim plumofis feu fimbriatis tentaculis vel brachiis cin&a, que, ut fupra dictum eft, ab orificio tefte dependent. Cauda hujus ani- malis cum tubulo teftze congungitur, et hoc modo afhgitur fubftantize cui adhzret ; feu potius pars ifta tubulata eft pars ipfius animalis; nam pro arbitrio, ut videtur, contrahi poteft. Hzec Lepadis fpecies fere in omnibus maris Mediterranei littoribus, in noftris noftris etiam eft frequentiffima, imis navibus, nec non aliis rebus adherens. Interdum unica tantum, interdum plures coacervatz reperiuntur. Hujus generis alice varize extant fpecies, quarum aliz Bri- tannig indigena funt, ali; tranfmarinz. N meni" z ip f, GP. hobs 0 Ae 7 PAPA) 7 ^ CEL G4 AR No: LA: C v lreer- 776 r^ er . AG THE DUCK BARNACLE. roble eH He GENERIC. CHARACTER. Animal refembling a ‘Triton. Shell confifting of pmi prea) valves; affixed by its bafe. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €e. PEDUNCULATED BARNACLE, with com- prefled fhell confifting of five valves. Tue ANATIFEROUS LEPAS, og DUCK- BEARING BARNACLE. | Tut COMMON DUCK-BEARING BAR- NACLE. Ellis. Pb. Tragf.. Amongft the numerous errors with which natural | hiftory was formerly incumbered, there prevailed an idea that the bird called the Bernacle-Goofe was not produced like other birds from an egg, but that it derived- derived its origin from the fhell reprefented in the annexed plate. This error, grofs and abfurd as it was, feems to have met with credit from aüthors who fhould have viewed objects of this nature with other eyes than thofe of the vulgar. It was fuppofed. by thefe philofophers that the inhabitant of this Íhell was an immature bird, or young of the above- mentioned goofe, which, after having attained its plumage, liberated itfelf from the confinement of its fhell, and dropped into the water below. The numerous arms or tentacula of the inhabiting ani- mal, which are difpofed in a femicircular form, and are of a feathery appearance, feem to have been all that could reafonably be alledged in favor of this extraordinary hypothefis. Amongft others who have mentioned this fuppofed goofe-bearing fhell, is Ge- rard, the author of the well-known herbal. His account runs thus. * But what our eyes have feene, and hands have touched we fhall declare. There is a fmall ifland in Lancafhire called the Pile of Fowlders, wherein are found the broken pieces of old and bruifed fhips, fome whereof have been caft thither by fhipwrake, and alfo the trunks and bodies, with the branches of old and rotten trees, caft up there likewife; whereon is found a certain fpume or froth that in time breedeth unto certaine fhells, in fhape like o thofe of the mufkle, but fharper pointed, and of a whitifh colour; wherein is contained a thing in . form like a lace of filk finely woven as it were to- gether, of a whitifh colour; one end whereof is faftened faftened uito the infide of the fhell, evén as the fifh of oifters and mufkles are; the other end is made - faft unto the belly of a rude maffe or lumpe, which . in time commeth unto the fhape and form of a bird: when it is perfectly formed, the fhell gapeth open, and the firft thing that appeareth, is the forefaid lace or ftring; next come the legs of the bird, hanging out, and as it groweth greater it openeth the fhell by degrees, till at length it is all come forth, and hangeth onely by the bill: in a fhort fpace after it commeth to full maturitie and falleth into the fea, where it gathereth feathers, and groweth to fowle bigger than a mallard and leffer than a goofe, having blacke legs and bill or beake, and feathers blacke and white, fpotted in fuch manner as is our Mag- Pie, called in fome places a Pie-Annet, which the people of Lancafhire call by no other name than a tree goofe: which place aforefaid, and all thofe parts adjoining, do fo much abound therewith, that one of the beft is bought for three pence. For the truth hereof if any do doubt, may it pleafe them to repaire unto me, and I fhall fatisfie them by the teftimonie of good witneffes.”’ The body of the Lepas is of a form approaching to that of an oval, and extremely refembles the ani- mal called by Linnzus a Triton, which is an in- habitant of the cavities of rocks. The Lepas may therefore be confidered as a Triton inhabiting a fhell. The mouth confifts of a long probofcis, or bent tube, and is furrounded by twelve long, feathery tentacula, which, as before obferved, hang. out of the the mouth of the fhell.. The tail of the animal has a communication with the tubular part by which it is affixed to the fubftance on which it adheres; or rather the tubular part may be faid to conftitute a part of the animal, fince it has a contractile power at the pleafure of the creature. This fpecies of Lepas is common on moft of the coafts of the Me- diterranean, and is frequently found on our own. It adheres to the bottoms of fhips, and other fub- ftances, and is fometimes found fingle, and fome- . times in clufters or groupes. | CORALLINA TUNA. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal ? crefcens habitu plante. Sterps fixa. Rami articulati, ramulofi. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, 9c. | CORALLINA trichotoma articulata, articulis | compreflis planis fubrotundis. Soland. et. Ellis. corall. p. 111. t. 20. fie. OPUNTIA MARINA. Park. theat. p. 1294. fig. 12. Mare DEA Mae. POR. to Fria 91. Evenit in nonnullis Corallinis ut geniculi, longe admodum progreffi, totius lithophyti menfure male refpondere videantur. Inter has eft ea quae Coral- lina Opuntia nominatur, dup fcilicet crefcat for- meturque modo non longe alfimili Cacto Opuntie Linnezi. Speciem autem quam depinximus diftin- guunt geniculi infigniter | lati fubrotundi, fere com- planati, planati, fingulo ramulo plerumque in tres minores divifo. Corallina hac raro paucis unciis longior, videturque prodire a radice feu fafciculo fibrarum more vegetabili. Profert eam mare Mediterra- neum, TUNA CORALLINE. GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal? growing in the form of a plant. Stem fixed. Branches jointed and fubdivided. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. CORALLINE with trichotomous branches, and fmooth, compreffed, roundifh joints. - ROUND-LEAVED CORALLINE. ROUND-LEAVED OISTER-WEED. Ger. Herb. p. 1567. TUNA CORALLINE. - Soland, et Ells. Zoopb. p. 111. Some fpecies of Coralline are remarkable for the very great fize of their jointed proceffes in propor- ; tion to the whole. Amongft thefe fpecies is that . called Corallina Opuntia, from fome fimilarity be- tween its mode of growth and habit to that of the Cactus Opuntia of. Linnzus. The fpecies here figured is however füll more remarkable for the difpro- difproportioned fize of its geniculations, which are of a roundifh fhape, nearly flat, and grow in fuch a manner that each branch is commonly divided into three fmaller ones. ‘This coralline feldom exceeds 2 very few inches in height, and feems to proceed from a root or collection of filaments exactly in the. manner of a vegetable. It is a native of the Medi. terranean. MOTACILLA PHOENICURUS. | d CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roftrum fubulatum, rectum: mandibulis fubz- qualibus. Nares obovatz. Lingua lacero-emarginata. | Lin. Syft. Nat. p.339. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. MOTACILLA gula nigra, abdomine caudaque rufis, capite dorfoque canis. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 335. RUTICILLA. —. Gefn. av. 729. deant fyi. puro. Ne 5. Will, p. 159. t. 39. Ver noftrum et zítatem amans. formofa hec avi- cula non brumam expectat, fed terras petit alio fole calentes. Indole effe creditur cauta admodum et meticulofa, fidemque hominum adeo fufpectam ha- bere, ut fimul atque non fatis celari viderit, nidum ftatim deferat femina, precipue fi quis ova vel le- viffime tetigerit. Rem tamen fe non ita femper ha- . lg bere bere certifimum eft: probe enim memini egomet exemplum prorfus contrarium ; cum fcilicet pullos imperturbate fatis et tranquille aluerunt aves, licet in cafula hortenfi nidificaffent ubi plurima erat huc illuc concurfantium frequentia, ipfaque ova abfente femina, plus femel manu fuiffent contrectata. 492 E Le hl e lou. ga.by FL Nodder Lf AN is, Brewer: oreet. . THE REDS TART. dolpetototeetotoetetdetel-tettttaeo GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill fubulate, ftrait;; mandibles nearly equal. Noftrils nearly oval. Longue jagged, or lacerated towards the tip. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gc. MOTACILLA, with black thaoat, white front, rufous tail and abdomen, lead-coloured head and back. — i THE REDSTART. LE ROSSIGNOL DE MURAILLE. dust o. $0409. ING. T5. Buff ep. 170, pl. Of. a. pecu pd T. 1.9. This elegant bird, tho? common in England du- ring the fpring and fummer, is of a migratory na- ture, and leaves the ifland before the commencement of the winter feafon. The Redftart is generally fuppofed to be of a peculiarly fhy and unfocial dif- . pofition, and it has been faid that the flighteft obfervation or intrufion, efpecially if the eggs are R3 merely merely touched, will caufe the female to forfake the neft. I recollect, however, one inftance of an en- tirely different nature; in which a redftart’s neft was built in a fmall fummer-houfe immediately ad~_ joining to a dwelling-houfe, and where many of the family frequently came during the greater part of the day: yet the birds continued their operations without any apparent embarraffment, and reared their offspring with perfect compofure. 1 might alfo add that the eggs were more than once examined and difplaced during the abfence of the female. CYPRJEA PARDALIS. DIEPPE PEEPS CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefa univalvis, involuta, fubovata, obtufa, levis. Apertura utrinque effufa, linearis, utrinque den- tata, longitudinalis. Lin. $yfl. Nat. p. 1172. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €9c. CYPR/EA FERRUGINEA, fufco guttata, linea dorfi teftacea, fubtus alba. CYPRJEA tefta ovata, poftice obtufa, antice ro- tundata, linea longitudinali teftacea. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1176. PORCELLANA GUTTATA. Rumpb. muf. t. 38. £. A. CYPRJEA TIGRIS. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1176. CYPR/EA TIGRIS. Lin. Syfl. Nat. Gmel. p. 3408. Licet conche pretium augeat raritas, hac tamen. zegre reperies pulchriorem que fere abundat in mu- feorum fcriniis. Variat color, qui plus minus vivi- | | dus, dus, et incertus admodum eft macularum nufnerus ad fpeciei. vero diftinétionem notz funt fatis charac-: teriftice. Nomen Cyprea huic generi datum eft, quod antiquitus vocatum fit concha Veneris, quem titulum tranftulerunt hodierni phyfici ad aliam pe- nitus diverfam, bivalvem nempe, que Venus Dione Linnzi, quamque in hoc opere jam defcripfimus. Concham de qua jam tractamus, infigniverunt anti- qui fcriptores nomine conche Veneris, quod graviter indignata Venus inftructam inimiciffime a Periandro navem contra Cnidi incolas, his ipfis conchis man- daffe fertur ut adhaerentes navi morarentur curfum. Notandum porro eft epidermide carere, ut pluri- mum, teftas quas continet hoc genus, et ab ipfa natura eximium nitorem ducere, qui aliis plurimis non nifi labore artificis comparatur. | | ! THE LEOPARD COWRY. FCT ees UIN GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax. Shell univalve, involute, obtufe, ovate. Aperture linear, longitudinal, toothed on both | fides, ? SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gc, FERRUGINOUS CYPR/EA, fpotted with deep- brown, with a yellowifh dorfalline; white beneath. THE COMMON SPOTTED COWRY. THE TIGER OR LEOPARD COWRY. Common as is this fhell in every collection, and for that very reafon confidered as of little value, there fcarcely exifts a more beautiful fpecies. It varies much in intenfity of colour, as well as in the . number of the fpots with which it is fo elegantly adorned, but the characteriftic marks of the fpecies are always readily Pierrungen The name Cyprea is : ; given ccu ue cer a Mm RR A m Seed given to this genus in compliance with its ancient title of Concha Veneris or Venus's^ Shell ; which in modern conchyliology belongs to a bivalve fhell which has already made its appearance in the prefent work, viz. the Venus Dione of Linneus. The name Concha Veneris applied to the prefent fhell by the ancient writers originated from its fuppofed efficacy in expediting the commands of the goddefs Venus, . who, difpleafed at a voyage undertaken by order of the tyrant Periander againft the natives of Gnidos, is faid to have made ufe of this fhell to ftop the progrefs of the veffel. I fhould obferve that the Cyprez in general are unfurnifhed with any epi- dermis or exterior cuticle, and are found naturally adorned with that beautiful polifh which is given to many other fhells by artificial means. MADREPORA RAMEA. L———— CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Medufa. Corallium cavitatibus lamellofo-ftellatis. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1272. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €S9c. MADREPORA fubpinnata ferruginea, ramis cy- lindraceis truncatis, apice ftellatis.. MADREPORA fruticulofa ferruginea, ramulis obliquis fubpinnatis adfcendentibus cylindra- ceis ftella terminatis. Soland. et Ellis. Zoopb. p. 155. t. 38. MADREPORA caulefcens pinnata undulato-ftri- ata, ftellis terminalibus. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1280. MADREPORA maxima ramofa. Tourn. inft. t. 340. CORALLIUM maximum truncatum. Beff. muf. t. 26. Coralliorum omnium .longe numerofiffimum eft genus Madrepora, fpeciefque inter fe invicem lon- giffime diftant. Nonnullis forma eft fpherica feu pr G | fere feré fpherica, fuperficie fignis rotundis et quafi ftellatis denfe gemmata., Undulantur alix fulcis . gyrantibus et labyrinthi more flexuofis. Quibufdam facies eft plana et expanfa, radiata tamen ftellis, vel finuofe ftriata ad inftar Madreporarum globofarum. Sunt denique nonnullae ramez, fitu vero numeroque ramorum longe diverfz. E maximis hujufmodi eft que in tabula depingitur, alta fzepe duos pedes; frequentius tamen minor. Color generalis eft fer- rugineo-pallidus, feu cinnameus. Singulus ramulus quafi truncatus feu diffractus videtur, et in uniuf- cujufque apice cavitas eft ftellata, qua, recente ad- huc corallio, fedes erat incolae animalis, Medufam quodammodo referentis. Externa Madrepore rameze fuperficies paululum eft fcabra, totaque ftriis longi- tudinalibus fulcatur. In India Orientali nafcitur. —— ——— — m T ——— PETS * rm CINNAMON MADREPORE. | Se a ee eo ke ek rad GENERIC CHARACTER. | Hitnal aned to a Medufa. Coral marked with lamellar ftar-fhaped impreflions or cavities. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. GREAT FERRUGINOUS BRANCHED MA- DREPORE, with ftriated cylindric, fubpin- nated branches, terminating abruptly and marked at the top by a ftar-fhaped cavity. _ CINNAMON MADREPORE., | CINNAMON or MAY-BLOSSOM CORAL. The genus Madrepora is by far the moft nume- rous of all the Corals, and the fpecies differ moft widely from each other in their habit or general ap- pearance. Some are of globular, or nearly globular forms, with the furface thickly befet with round radiated or ftar-fhaped impreffions: others are un- - dulated with ferpentine channels in the manner of a labyrinth: fome are of a flat expanded form, and decorated decorated either with ftarry impreffions, or with undulations in the manner of the globular ones: others again are of a rarnified figure, and vary greatly in the difpofition and form of the branches of which they confift. Among{ft the branched Madrepores the fpecies here figured is one of the largeft, and is often feen of the height of nearly two feet. The ‘generality of fpecimens are however much lefs. Its general colour is a very pale ferruginous, or cinna- . mon-colour. Each of the branches terminates in an abrupt manner, as if broken, or cut off, and is marked at the top with a ftar-fhaped impreffion, in each of which, in the recent coral, refided an ani- mal fomewhat allied to a Medufa. The external furface of this. coral is roughifh, and marked throughout its whole length with fine longitudinal itri& or furrows. It is a native of the Eaft Indies. cw M NP CHARADRIUS HIMANTOPUS, OPEP PPHPRHH HAMO CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roftrum teretiufculum, obtufum. Nares lineares. Pedes curforii, tridactyli. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 253. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, C3c. CHARADRIUS ALBUS, alis dorfoque nigris, roftro acuto capite longiore, pedibus rubris longiffimis. . | CHARADRIUS ALBUS, dorfo nigro, roftro nigro capite longiore, pedibus rubris lon- giffimis. Roftrum nigrum apice crafius. | Oculi rubrz pupilla alba. Corpus album, fed nigri- Cans ees occipite, tectricibus alarum. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 255. CHARADRIUS ALBUS, dorfo nigro, roftre nigro capite longiore, pedibus thse Mens Roftrum mgrum apice craffius: corpus album, Jed migricams dorfo, occipite, tectricibus alarum. Sexus alter albus, alis dorfogue ufque ad uropygium nigris. | Lath. ind. orn. 5. 741. H CHARA- CHARADRIUS ALBUS, dorfo nigro, roftro nigro capite longer; pedibus rubris lon- giflimis. Roftrum gracile, apice craffius; irides ru- bre y frons, orbite, uropygium, cauda et corpus fubtus alba; vertex, dorfum et ale nitenti-nigre ; cervix maculis obfcu- "i5 Varia. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 690... HIMANTOPUS. Gefn. av. 547. In. ora. Ge Pi AOR to vus 31 Rar. fyn. p. 106. n. g. p. 199. t. 1. f. 1. Will. orn. p. 219. t. 54. OO, SCOr. B VD tO. 6. TA Mea Charadrium Himantopum, in Anglia rariffimum, in locis tamen aquofis interdum confpectum, a reli- quo genere facillime diftinguit mira crurum longi- tudo; quz fi Phoenicopterum excipiamus, major fortaffe illi pro corpore, quam alii ulli avi quam ad- huc novimus. Lubentiffime de illo Jam differimus, ut lucidius appareat quod in charactere fpecifico vel neglexiffe vel non fatis intellexiffe videntur plurimi auctores; et corrigatur non levis error in Syftemate Nature Linnezano. Fluic autem emendando plene fufficiunt obfervationes quas nobifcum amiciffime | ! commu- communicavit vir reverendus Hugo Davies, de der in Cambria boreali quem phyfice generatim peritum, avium vero noftratium apprime callentem, non fe- mel merito collaudavit Pennantus in Zoologia Bri- tannica. Literas a folerti hoc viro receptas lestagi- bus proponimus. ] GEORGIO SHAW, M. D. Apud Mufeum Britannicum, Londini. DowINE, Mirum fortaffe videatur me avem tibi depictam mififfe,. quam defcripferunt et delinearunt plurimi auctores; Charadrium nempe Himantopum Linnei: qui tamen in eleganti tuo et erudito Nature Vivario ( NaturalifP s Mifcellany) merito fibi locum vindicat; non modo quod pedes cruraque pulcherrime rubra nigro roftro, alae tergumque fulgido-nigrantia niveo pectori belle opponantur, miraque omnino fit par- tium inzequalitas; fet ut detur tibi occafio errorem amovendi qui apud phyficos de forma roftri lo- quentes diu invaluit: error enim certe eft, nifi mira" fit variorum fpeciminum difcrepantia. In Syftemate Nature Linnzano dicitur rofirum apice craffus ; cui definitioni affentitur Gmelinius qui idem edidit opus, et nihil mutat, licet in aliis defcriptionem auctiorem et meliorem reddiderit. Nec aliter depingitur rof- trum in plerifque avis exemplaribus; feu fides habita fit auctorum defcriptionibus, feu ipfa fpecimina manca fuerint, difficile eft dicere. Sape etiam re- preefentatur roftrum a bafi ad apicem incurvum, H.3 quod quod in noftro fpecimine otnnino rectum, longum duas uncias cum fex uncize decimis, et a bafi grada- tim ad tenue extremum decrefcens, mandibula fupe- riori paulo longiori quam inferior, cui fuperincur- vatur. E recentioribus in mentem mihi venit Sco- poli* folus, qui hoc re&e notavit, et aptis verbis accurate definivit. '* Roffrum re&um, mandibula fu~ periore longiore, apice deflexa." | Laxior licet fit Wil- loughbeii defcriptio, quam forfan ab Aldrovando mutuatus eft, ad quem lectores relegat, (nunquam enim ipfe avem viderat) fere eadem tamen eft verbo- rem fignificatio. ‘ Roffrum gracile, iufe&iis lancinan- ‘dis aptum." At nullibi hujus avis delineationem vidimus quae magis conveniat cum Willoughbeii et Scopoli defcriptionibus, nec non cum hoc noftro {pecimine, quam illa, que rudis fane, fed non infida reperitur in Sibbaldi et Gefneri f operibus. Liceat vero mihi conjicere ortum fortaffe efle . errorem Linnzanum a mero calami lapfu: habuiffe nimirum illum in animo duo hzc verba, craffus et acutus, alterumque loco alterius inopinato fubfti- tuifie: vix enim putem acutum illum Nature inda- gatorem fpecificam differentiam defignare voluiffe termino qui in charactere generico includitur; pra- fertim cum ** roftrum apice acutius,’’ obtufo contra- rium, quod eft characteris generici, fpeciei diftinc- tionem adeo infigniter denotet, ut primo fufpicatus fim ipfum genus diverfum. * Annus I. Hiftorico-naturalis, 1769. t Icones Animalium, 1560. Oculi . Oculi pupillam dicit Linnzus albam, que in hoc . noftro fpecimine nigra erat, iride rubra. In animo habui ipfum roftrum tibi mittere, ut de eo certior fieres; fed illud fervare neceffe erat, ut integra et perfecta effet figura, quam effinxit prope nos degens ingeniofa femina, que, pennis apte juxta ipfam Na- turam difpofitis, vitam avi quafi fecundam donavit, prima certe Ee ip tantum non pulchritudine | parem. | Mafculini erat generis Charadrius Himantopus de quo fcripfimus, in Mona fcloppeto confectus anno millefimo feptingentefimo nonagefimo tertio. Sum, Domine, &c. &c. &c. HUGO DAVIES. 1 IN LU 1 , TM : f "n yore THE LONG-LEGGED PLOVER. SHH eee GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill ftrait, fomewhat cylindric, obtufe, and (in general) not longer than the head. Feet curforial: with three toes all placed forward. WNoftrils linear. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. WHITE PLOVER with black back and wings, flender fharp-pointed black bill and extremely long red legs. . "THE LONG-LEGGED PLOVER. Pennant. Brit. Zool. No. 209. - edit. fol. p. 128. t. e, add. pl. LONG-LEGS. ; Ray. fyn. p. 19o. 7. HIMANTOPUS. , Wil. orn. p. 997. pl. 54. LONG-LEGGED PLOVER. Lath. Syn, 2. p. 195. L'ECHASSE. ' | | Buf. off. 8. p. 114. pl. 8. s Pl, enl. 878. | LONG- LONG-LEGGED PLOVER. ; Pennant. Zool. Caledon. pref. to Lightf, Flor. Scot. p. 35. pl. 4. White Hifl. Selb. p. 259. pl. 4. The Charadrius Himantopus, fo remarkable for the extraordinary length of its legs, which, except thofe of the Flamingo, are perhaps longer in pro- portion than in any other bird yet difcovered, is ex- tremely rare in England; it is however fometimes obferved in watery places, and is eafily recognifed from any other of the plover kind by the particular character above mentioned. I now introduce it into the prefent work in order that a particular of fome — importance in its fpecific character, and which hi- therto appears to have been either miftaken or over- looked by moft authors, may be clearly underftood, and an important error in the Syftema Nature of Linnzus be placed in its proper light. This I am enabled to do in the completeft manner by the ob- fervations of the Rev. Mr. Hugh Davies, of Aber in North Wales, a gentleman whofe merits as an obfervant naturalift, and particularly with refpect to the birds of. our own iíland, are fo often and fo _juftly commemorated by Mr. Pennant in his Britifh Zoology. : Mr. Davis's letter to me on the prefent occafion is as follows: do VUE TES Ea Dritifo Mufeum, London. Dear SIR, It may perhaps feem ftrange that I fhould fend for your perufal a drawing of a fubject defcribed and. figured by fo many different authors; I mean the Charadius Himantopus of Linnzus, the Long-Leg- ged Plover of Mr, Pennant and Mr. Latham. This bird, on account of its beautifully red feet and legs contrafted with its black bill; the glofly blacknefs of its wings and back, with the fhowy whitenefs of its breaft; but particularly the fingular proportion of its parts, is exceedingly curious, and feems to claim a place in your highly elegant and learned Work, the Naturalif’s Mifcellany; but. that is not the only reafon of this addrefs; you will have an opportunity of obviating what feems to me (after an attentive examination of one of this fpecies) a mif- take, that hath prevailed among authors refpecting the form of the bill of this bird; unlefs it varies unaccountably in different individuals. Linnzus in his Syftema Natura gives it rofrum (pice craffrus ; Gmelin, in his edition of that work, repeats the fame words, though he has improved the defcription in other particulars. Moft of the figures I have feen reprefent it in the fame manner; whether taken from defcription, or mutilated fpecimens, I fhall not pretend to determine. In many figures the bill is likewife incurved from the bafe to the end, which is by nq means the cafe in the fubject from which which the prefent drawing is made: here it is per-- fectly ftraight, two inches and fix tenths of an inch long, and tapers gradually from the bafe to a fine point, the upper mandible being a little longer than the lower, and bent over it. Scopoli* is the only modern author I know who has obferved this; and thus accurately exprefled it, Roffrum redfum, mandi- bula fuperiore lougiore apice deflexa; Willoughby’s defcription, though not fo particular, implies nearly the fame, Roffrum gracile infectis lancinandis aptum, probably taken from. Aldrovandus, whom he refers to, not having himfelf feen the bird. The rude, but not ill proportioned figures of Sibhald and Gef- ner T correfpond, in this particular, with the de- fcriptions of Scopoli and Willoughby, as well as with my fpecimen, better than any others I have feen. May I prefume to offer a conjecture how a miftake in defcription might have been firft produced by a flip of the pen of the great Naturalift? He probably had the two words craffus and acutus, in idea, and accidently inferted the one inftead of the other; for I cannot conceive that the accurate Linneus could have intended that as a fpecific difference, which was part of the Generic character; whereas the de- viation of roffrum apice acutius, from, the Generic character, oD/ufum, affords a moft ftriking fpecific * Annus I. Hiftorico-naturalis, 1769. * Icones Animalium, 1560. diftinc- - ta hom diftinction: I at firft fight, indeed, thought it fo remarkable, as to point out a diftinct genus. Linneus fays the pupil is white; in my fubject it was black, the iris red. I wifhed to have fent the part in queftion of the bird for your fatisfaction, but it was neceflary to preferve it, to complete a figure made by an ingeni- ous Lady in this neighbourhood, who, by a judicious and accurate arrangement of the feathers in their natural order, has conferred on the fubject a fecond exiftence, more permanent, and fcarce lefs beautiful than its firft. This was a male bird, and fhot in Anglefea in the year 1793. — Tam, &c. &c. HUGH DAVIES. | MEDUSA CAMPANELLA. | PEPE PPE SD CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus gelatinofum, orbiculatum, depreffum. Os fubtus, centrale. - Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1096. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. MEDUSA hyalina campanulata, fubtus tentaculis quatuor corpus cingentibus, cirris marginali- bus filiformibus fedecim. MEDUSA CYMBALOIDES. Slabb. Nat. Verl. t. 19. f. 1.79. 9. MEDUSA HEMISPHJERICA ? Mull. Zool. Dan. p. 25. t. 7. f. Toto Medufz genere vix ulla protulit mare ani- .. malia fubftantize tenerioris et ad repellendas injurias minus apte: conftat quippe e mafia gelata, in di- verfis fpeciebus plus minus denfa varieque formata, | e qua fubtus brachia aliquot feu tentacula excre- fÍcunt; Ob fummam hanc mollitiem vix aliquo modo affervari poffunt Medufze fine membrorum et figure detrimento : unde fit ut in diftinguendis fpe- ciebus ciebus fzepiffime erretur; nec ad veram illarum no- titiam poffit perveniri nifi ope iconum ab ipfiffimis animalibus recentibus et in aqua natali accurate effic- tarum. Medufarum myriades fuper litora ar&ica longe lateque natantium confpiciuntur; et ex his magna ex parte conftare creditur cibus balznarum, pifciumque cetaceorum. Plurimz etiam fpecies circa litora noftra videndz funt. Plerifque induci- tur non mediocris colorum elegantia. Alize viride pallent: alia rubro, caeruleo, reliquifque coloribus pulcherrime tinguntur. Sunt etiam que hyalina funt, feu velut vitrez. Inter tales militat fpecies in tabula, que non folum magnitudine naturali, fed etiam vitro optico aucta depingitur. In mari Arc- tico przecipue nafcitur; Medufarum fpecies majores . cuti admotz levem inflammationem et rubedinem ciere dicuntur, et inde nomine urticarum marinarum, a quibufdam diftincte funt; quod tamen et aliis multis animalibus, Actiniis fcilicet, reliquifque a Medufis longe differentibus datum eft. BELL MEDUSA. BHO REE EOP EI ES GENERIC CHARACTER. Body gelatinous, orbicular, (commonly) deprefied. Mouth central, beneath. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HYALINE BELL-SHAPED MEDUSA, with four tentacula annexed to the body, and about fixteen marginal filiform cirri. The genus Medufa is of all other marine animals the moft tender, and feemingly the moft defencelefs confifting of a gelatinous mafs of different figure and denfity in the different fpecies, and furnifhed with a certain number of arms or tentacular proceffes pro- | ceeding from its under furface. In confequence of this extreme delicacy, the fpecies of Medufz are fcarce capable of being preferved in fpirits, or any other way, without fuffering fuch a derangement in their figure as to prevent them from being accurately afcertained. Hence this genus of all others feems the leaft accurately known; fince nothing but figures, | executed from the living animals in their native wa- ters, can convey a juft idea of their real and natural appearance. They are animals which are by no means means uncommon: feveral fpecies {warm by myriads on the furface of the northern feas, and are fuppofed to make a principal part of the food of whales and other cetaceous fifh. Several fpecies are alfo found near our own coafts. The Medufe in general are animals of confiderable beauty of colour; fome be- ing of an elegant pale green; others tinged with blue, red, and other colours; and fome are nearly colourlefs, or of a glafs-like appearance. In this latter tribe ranks the fpecies reprefented in the pre- fent plate, which is figured both in its natural fize and magnified: it is principally found in the nor- | thern ocean. The larger Medufz, when applied to the fkin, are faid to excite a flight degree of inflammation and rednefs; from which circumítance they have ob- tained the appellation of urtice marine, or fea-net- tles; a title which has alfo been applied to fome very different marine animals, as the Actinie and - fome others. PAPILIO ANTENOR. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne apicem verfus craffiores, feepius clavato- | capitate. | Ale (fedentis) erecte furfumque conniventes, (volatu diurno.) Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 774. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. -. PAPILIO alis concoloribus nigris albido macu- latis; pofterioribus lunulis marginalibus ru- bris. PAPILIO ANTENOR. Drury Infio. t; 9p f. 3. | j Eg: Troes. Foor i-o. pa. nuoc Lin, Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 2227. Paucis papilionibus exoticis auguftior eft vultus - quam Antenori. Color imus fufco-nigricat, macu- lis notifque plurimis, magnis, gilvis ornatus. Ala- rum inferiorum pars media atomis innumeris feu I {quamie fquamis nitidis virefcit. Ima fuperficies alarum no- tas habet prope carneas, inferiorum praecipue; tin- gunturque in medio fingule macula in marginibus Aitee nubecula lete miniata. ee a eel Nw S AN TENOR, OFS EES GENERIC CHARACTER. "Antenna thickening towards the upper part, and generally terminating in a clavated tip. Wings (when fitting) erect, and meeting nouns. (Flight diurnal.) | SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gc. BLACK BUTTERFLY SPOTTED WITH WHITISH: with a marginal row of lunu- - lated red fpots on the lower wings: both furfaces nearly fimilar. Few ofthe exotic Butterflies have an air of greater magnificence than the prefent. | Its general colour isa rich blackifh brown, ornamented by numerous large clay-colour'd fpots and patches. The difk or middle part of the lower wings has a greenifh caft; owing to innumerable fhining fcales or fpecks of that colour. On the under furface the fpots incline to flefh-colour, particularly thofe of the lower wings, while the marginal ones are very ftrongly tinged with a cloud of vermilion-red in the middle of each, RAMPHASTOS ARACARI. Lege UR CRNRCTOHIRUN URSUS CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roflrum maximum, inane, convexum, extrorfum . ferratum: mandibula utraque apice incurva. Nares pone roftri bafin. Lingua pennacea. Pedes {canforii plerifque. | Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 150. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €9c. 7 RAMPHASTOS NIGRO-VIRIDIS, mandibula fuperiore albida carina nigra, abdomine flavo fafcia rubra. RAMPHASTOS ARACARI. DESEE Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 151. ARACARI. Rar. fyn. p. 44. Wil. orn. p. 96. t. 22. In numero eft fpecierum majorum Ramphaftos Aracari, longus fcilicet quafi fedecim feu feptende- cim pollices a roftri apice ad extremum caude. Amat precipue, ut et alii congeneres, regiones ca- - lidiores Americe Auftralis. Habent nonnulla fpe- . cimina maculam parvulam ferrugineam, utrinque pone oculos fitam. K eee a ae Tov D b = os : ; i mp ae Ve : 2 I , zy: Ar Lv "1 x n d rem LE TIT RED-BANDED TOUCAN. OPE EEO GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill exceffively large, convex, bending towards the tip, light, hollow, ferrated. Tongue long, narrow, feathered on the edges. Feet formed for climbing. SPECIFIC ‘CHARACTER, Sc. BLACKISH-GREEN TOUCAN, with the up- per mandible white with a black carina; the abdomen yellow with a red band. LE TOUCAN verd du Brefil. | Briff. orn. 4. p. 426. n. 9. pl. 33. f. 2. LE GRIGRI. . Buf. oy. 7. 9.396. PA en 166. ARACARI. Will. orn. p. 140. pl. 22. The Ramphaftos Aracari or red-banded Toucan ranks amongft the larger fpecies of this genus, and - meafures about fixteen or feventeen inches from the tip of the bill to the extremity of the tail. Like the | | K 2 reft reft of its tribe ii it is principally (olli in jud warmer “parts of South America. / In fome fpecimens a {mall | patch or fpot of a ferruginous colour i is fituated be- hind each eye. "VORTICELLA CIRCULARIS. »dstotetetotototeteteteteteotetetetetetetetetetetetete CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus contractile, aliis nudum, alis tefta inclu- fum. Cilia rotatoria caput cingentia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, $c. VORTICELLA tefta orbiculari pellucida, organo rotatorio duplici. BRACHIONUS PATINA. P» Mull. anim. inf. p. 397. t. 48. f..6—10. Animalculum reprefentavimus ope microfcopii fummopere auctum, quodque inter rariores vorticel- as haberi poffit. Reperitur in aquis ftagnantibus, menfe maio. Oftendit figura fuperior organa, (ut vocantur) rotationis, caudamque exerta, que in in- feriore intra teftam pellucidam et orbiculatam con- trahuntur. Bella eft veficulae quafi triloba in medio fite, feu cordis (fi modo revera fit cor) quz clare confpici poffit valida et certa pulfatio. CIRCULAR VORTICELLA. odo cee oe ee Ce eee ey GENERIC CHARACTER. Body contractile: in fome {pecies naked; in others included in a fhell, Cilia or rotatory fibrils furrounding the head or upper part. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. VORTICELLA with circular pellucid fhell and double rotatory organ. This moft curious animalcule, which the plate reprefents very highly magnified, may be confidered as one of the rarer fpecies of Vorticella. It is found in ftagnant waters in the month of may. The upper figure fhews its appearance when the rotatory organs and tail are extended ; the lower as it appears when thefe parts are contracted within the circumference of the circular tranfparent fhell. The {trong and regular pulfation of thetriple veficle in the middle, or heart, (if it really be fuch,) is fingularly confpi- cuous in this animalcule. yn P RANA AUSTRALIACA. Gdetleteteepteteteteietelejtetetetejetdetot- o CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus tetrapodum, ecaudatum, nudum, Lin, Syft. Nat. p. 354. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. RANA FUSCA, fubtus cerulefcens, lateribus gil- vo punctatis, digitis anterioribus fpinofis. Digna fane depingi eft hzc fpecies, non modo quod deformitatem excufet quodammodo raritas, fed quod in remoto orbe generata, in Auftralia fcilicet, unde mufeis Europeis mirum acceflit incrementum, jam primo defcribatur. THE AUSTRALIAN FROG. DEEPEN o -GENERIC CHARACTER. Body four-footed, naked, without tail. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. BROWN FROG, blueifh beneath; with the fides fpeckled with ochre-colour, and the toes of the fore-feet fpiny. This animal certainly cannot be numbered amongft the moft beautiful of its genus: it is a fpecies, how- ever, which has never before been defcribed, and is more peculiarly interefting from the circumftance of its being a native of the diftant region of New Hol- land, which has added fo many zoological treafures to the cabinets of natural hiftory. Its rarity muft therefore apologize for its deformity. 200 E IMPR. ee E 4 2 Phe ia de Lm p ( PARUS MAJOR. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roftrum integerrimum, bafi fetis tectum. Lingua truncata, fetis terminata. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 340. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. PARUS OLIVACEUS, fubtus flavefcens fafcia longitudinali nigra, capite nigro, temporibus albis. PARUS CAPITE NIGRO, temporibus albis, nucha lutea, | Lin, S$yfl. Nat. p. 841. PARUS MAJOR. | ; Gefn. av. 640. Will. orn. 174. Parorum quos generat Britannia maximus eft qui in tabula depingitur, aviculis multis noftratibus longe fplendidior. Hortos frequentat et pomaria, et licet infectis praecipue vefcatur, more tamen Pari cerulei, tenellis arborum fructiferarum gemmis non leve' damnum folet inferre. L * e C * oy "THE GREAT TITMOUSE. HSPs GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill ftrait, a little compreffed, ftrong, hard, and fharp-pointed. io Noffrils round, and covered with reflex briftles. Tongue as if cut off at the end, and terminated by three or four briftles. Toes divided to their origin; back toe large and ftrong. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. OLIVACEOUS TITMOUSE, yellowifh be-' neath with a longitudinal black band; the head black ; the temples white. "GREAT TITMOUSE, or OX-EYE. Will. orn. p. 240. pl. 43. Br. Zool. 1. No. 162. LA GROSSE MESANGE, ou la CHARBON. - NIERE. Briff. ora. 3. p. 539: No. 1. Buff. oif. 5. p. 392. pl. 17. Piensa ke fi i, The Parus Major is the largeft of the Britifh Pari, . and from the livelinefs of its colors, makes a more confpicuous _confpicuous appearance than many other of the En. glifh fmall-birds. It is extremely frequent in or. chards and gardens, and, like the blue titmoufe or Parus ceruleus, is confidered as injurious to fruit- trees, by deftroying the young buds. It feeds how= ever principally on infects, | : Andon al Jeg net ty KE Mor tI Paver Ieee « 5 à RN WE iy, LOPHIUS MONOPTERYGIUS. Caput (corpufque plerifque) Pepe. Dentes plurimi, acuti. Ocul: verticales. Corpus {quamis nudum, informe. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS.. LOPHIUS? DEPRESSUS NIGRICANS, fubtus capiteque albidus, pinna fupracaudali fube- recta ramofa. Inter Lophios reponendum cenfuimus novum: hoc animal et adhuc incognitum, non quod iis plene re— fpondeat character genericus, fed quod idem fere fit oris habitus, et forma generalis. Depingitur in ta-. bula vera et naturalis magnitudo, fitu ter variato, ut: de corporis partibus melius. poffit judicari. In maribus Auftraliacis innafcitur Lophius mo- nopterygius: in quem quo arctius inquirimus, eo ' magis pergimus dubitare, fitne foetus feu pullus tri-. chechi alicujus, an pifcis cetacei; an ipfum genus: fit novum omnino, etab aliis omnibus diverfum.. + Dens magnitudine auctus. TEE ded Yir ddr CLR H Po n à RN WE iy, SINGLE-FINNED LOPHIUS. | «ootpoteototetoteteteletetetetetetetetetetetete o : GENERIC CHARACTER. Head (and body in moft fpecies) depreffed, Eyes vertical. Teeth numerous, minute, fharp. Body deftitute of fcales. Shape uncouth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. DEPRESSED BLACKISH LOPHIUS? with the head and body beneath whitifh; fin above the tail fuberect and ramofe. It is rather from its general habit than from. an exact agreement in point of generic characters, that I have confidered this curious animal as a fpecies of Lophius. It is figured of the fize of nature, and - in order to convey as diftin& an idea as poflible of an animal not only in the higheft degree fingular, but which is alfo entirely new, it is reprefented in three different views. It is a native of the Auftralian feas. The more clofely this object is confidered, the more dubious it appears. Can it be the young or the foetus of any of the Trichechi? or any of the cetaceous tribe? or does it rather form a new genus. diftinct from every other? " — 1: À magnified tooth, pi yw Urs FALCO FURCATUS, CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rofirum aduncum, bafi cera inftructum, | Caput pennis arcte tectum, Lingua bifida. | Lan. Syff. Nat. p. 124, CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €. FALCO ALBUS, alis dorfo caudaque purpureo« nigricantibus, roftro nigro, pedibus ffavis, . FALCO FURCATUS. ' Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 129. FALCO PERUVIANUS cauda furcata. Klein. av. p. 51. No. 14. ACCIPITER cauda furcata. í Catefb. Carol. 1. p. 4. t. 4. Non veftivit natura falconum genus venufta plu- marum varietate, fed corpus dedit vegetum et ro- buftum, ignitam aciem oculorum, bellicam vultus audaciam. At aliquibus nec deeffe vel colorum ele- gantiam fatis teftatur fpecies de qua jam tractamus, pulcherrime lactea, dorfo alis caudaque pro variata luce magis minufve purpureo-nigricantibus, non M : fine fine mutabili quodam viroris nitore. Roftrum ni. gricat; pedes flavent. Generatur Falco furcatus in ‘America Boreali: in utraque Carolina, Georgia, et Florida fepiffime, necnon in partibus magis ad fep- - tentrionem verfis. Magnitudine milvo Europes paulo inferior eft. | THE SWALLOW-TAILED FALCON. exddttotttdeltetetettoteteptittede GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill hooked; with a cere or naked fkin at the bafe. Head thickly befet bog feathers. Tongue generally bifi SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sec. WHITE FALCON, with the back, wings, and tail purplifh black ; the bill black, the legs yellow. The SWALLOW-TAILED FALCON. Lath. fyn. 1. p. 60. Le MILAN de la CAROLINE. | idi Brifl. av. 1. p. 418. No. 36. Buf. oif. p. 921. SWALLOW-TAILED HAWK. Qn Carol. 3 ped. pl. ^ The birds of this genus are in general much more remarkable for their bold and fpirited afpect, and their fuperior degree of ftrength and courage than for elegance of plumage. The prefent fpecies how- M 2 ever utrinque adítant totidem pedes breves craffique feu. papille, quarum utraque fafciculo fetarum nigrarum terminatur. Color fupra fuícus, fubtus obfcure carneus. Corpus veftitur fetis plurimis feu potius fpinulis acutis, duplicem quafi fafciam ducentibus, et affurgentibus fupra pilum illum mollem et delica- tulum qui in lateribus afpicitur, Diftinguitur hic pilus quafi fericus lateralis colorum nitore pro lucis ratione variantium, ut in pavonum pennis. Dorfum medium plerumque aculeis caret, obtegiturque villo denfo qui brevior longe quam in lateribus. In ple- rifque Europe Septentrionalis litoribus reperitur Aphrodita aculeata, raro quinque feu fex unciis lon- gior, plerumque multo minor. | AAC ANG , Dee reet. 70 vw FD d af € dom, Lablished e tril Higby 2 en. - ACULEATED APHRODITA. ——— GENERIC CHARACTER. Body repent, oval; with numerous briftly fafci- culated feet on each fide. Mouth terminal, cylindric, retractile. Tentacula at the mouth, two, fetaceous. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. OVAL APHRODITA, brown above, flefh- coloured beneath, with long filky changeable hair on each fide the body. ACULEATED APHRODITA. Penn. Brit. Zool. 4. p. 37. t. 29. f. 25, SEA MOUSE. Dales Harwich, 304. From a general refemblance which this creature bears to fome of the larger caterpillars, it has been - fometimes called by the name of eruca marina. Its outline is oval, with fomewhat fharpened extremi. ties. The back is extremely convex, and the belly nearly flat. The body is divided into about thirty fegments, on each fide of which ftand fo many fhort thick feet or papille, each terminated by by a fafciculus of black fpines or briftles. The co.- lor of this animal is brownifh above, and of a dull flefh-color beneath. The back is furnifhed with a great number of very fharp and moderately ftrong prickles, forming a fort of double fafcia, and rifing above the foft and delicate hair which ornaments the fides. This hair is diftinguifhed by a varying glofs . of colors fimilar to thofe which appear in the fea- thers of a peacock. The middle of the back is generally deftitute of prickles, and is coated by a fort of villus confiderably fhorter than that which grows on the fides. The Aphrodita aculeata is by no means uncommon, and is found on moft of the fhores of the northern parts of Europe. It feldom exceeds the length of five or fix inches, and is ge- nerally found of a much fmaller fize, CLIO PYRAMIDATA. Ee Ee eee CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus natans, oblongum: A/is duabus, mem- branaceis, oppofitis. Lin. Sy. Nat. p. 1094. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. CLIO VAGINA TRIQUETRA PYRAMI- DATA, ore oblique truncato. - Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1094. Brown. "fam. 386. t. 49. f. 1. Lin, Syft, Nat. Gmel. p. 3148. A congeneribus precipue differt Clio pyramidata -corpore quafi vagina triquetra compreffa inclufo. Coloribus variat; plerumque tamen plus minus ca-~ rulea, corpore fubfufco, oculis pulchre virentibus. In oceano Americano invenitur. Tabula magnitu- dine naturali depictam exhibet, xt p £M eden 20h P en ^ (CR MIU REC OM UR, ET. C VATER Sao co RS M | | ro PYRAMIDAL CLIO. PRR TONG tc eee em GENERIC CHARACTER. Body nayant, oblong, with two oppofite membra- naceous wing-like proceffes. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cr. PALE-BLUE CLIO with green eyes, the fheath of the body compreffed and triangular; the mouth obliquely truncated. PYRAMIDAL CLIO. 'The Clio pyramidata principally differs from the reft of its congeners in having the body included in a fort of compreffed triangular fheath. In color it varies, but is generally more or lefs blue, with the body brownifh, and the eyes bright green. It isa native of the American ocean, and is reprefented in its natural fize. celu ^ "EY a E UL ELM Sead gano f - MOTACILLA ALBA. SPHERES CHARACTER GENERICUS. - Roftrum fubulatum, re&um: mandibulis fube- qualibus. Nares obovate. Lingua lacero-emarginata. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 328. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. - -MOTACILLA albo nigroque varia, rectricibus exterioribus latere exteriore albis. | MOTACILLA pectore nigro, rectricibus duabus . lateralibus dimidiato oblique albis. Lin, Syft, Nat. p. 331. Lin. Syft, Nat. Gmel. p. 960. Lath. ind. orn. p. 501. Amat, ut plurimum, margines aquarum, et in- fectis precipue vefcitur bella et concinna hec avi- cula, pagorum et villarum notiffima habitatrix, ver- . nique temporis imprimis preenuncia. vel gaa ir Taf hoe Ay TERT a M T AUNT , opp op nt Bp EIS. PEELE a PED T M : = * am Loz THE WHITE WAGTAIL. HEREOF EEO GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill fubulate. Noftrils nearly oval. Tongue jagged or lacerated towards the tip. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. BLACK and WHITE WAG'TAIL, ‘with’ the two exterior tail-feathers white on the outfide. The WHITE WAGTAIL. Penn. Brit. Zool. 1. p. 305. The WHITE WATER-WAGTAIL. | Ray. fyn. 75. Will. orn. p. 237. LA LAVANDIERE. Buff. oif. 5. p. 251. This bird, the conftant frequenter of villages, and one of the earlieft harbingers of fpring, is re- markable for the peculiar neatnefs of its appearance. dit is generally feen near the margins of watery - places, and feeds almoft entirely on infects. O 2 | pi + eine . oie ate ey A Y t i PEDICULUS VULGARIS. doletoletetepetetetotepetetepeteteteteteteteteto CHARACTER. GENERICUS. Os hauftello retractili; Pedes fex, ambulatorii. Antenne longitudine thoracis. Abdomen depreffum, fublobatum. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. PEDICULUS abdomine oblongo, lobato, cinereo. PEDICULUS humanus, : Lin. Syft. Nar. p. 1016. Faun. Suec. No. 1939. PEDICULUS. Swammerd. bibl, Nar. t. 1. £. 3. 6. Mouff. inf. p. 259. | Licet fortaffe offenfionis aliquid in fe habeat hoc animalculum, et ob vilitatem foeditatemque ipfi ti- tulo hujus operis fere videatur contradicere; multa tamen funt ad ejus hiftoriam, conformationem, et - fubtilem deformitatem fpectantia, quz attentius ex- aminare vel philofopho. non fit injucundum. Puli- cem quoque, quem non ita pridem defcripfimus, apte fatis comitari poffit pediculus, licet careat certe lepidi iftius infecti concinno corpore. "0. 3 | Per Per omne cvum habitus eft pediculus in zrumnis et miferiis humani generis. Ab hoc nempe vexati homines turpiter defidiofi meritas {qualoris et for- dium poenas luunt; ab hoc etiam cruciantur inter- dum principes, et domini terrarum, haud amplius invidiam fed faftidium commoventes. Quod ut omittam confirmare certiffimo facrarum fcriptura- rum teftimonio, memorant antiqui auctores viros magni nominis, qui foediffima horum animalculorum cohorte obruti, miferrime occubuerunt. Morbum tamen qui pbbiriafís dicitur, a mera negligentia pri- mitus oriri magis quam ab ipfo corporis habitu pu- tem :, abhorret enim a natura pediculi cutim fubire, quod vulgo exiftimatur, nec facile mihi perfuadeam refiftere poffe aliquid hujufmodi hydrargyro probe fublimato, aliifque pollentibus remediis. Immo fas fit mihi omnino dubitare annon unquam extite- rit vera et genuina phibiriafis, (de morbo loquor . primario) licet ab hac ipfa interemptos Pherecyden Sirium, Syllam dictatorem, et alios rionnullos nar- ret Plinius. De Sylla ita cecinit Quintus Serenus. *€ Sylla quoque infelix, tali languore perefus ‘© Corruit, et foedo fe vidit ab agmine vinci." Non fubit pediculus, more pulicis, forme muta- tiones, fed ab ovo perfectus et integer evadit, a pa- fentibus non nifi exiguitate diferepans. Specimina -hac exigua potiora funt quae microfcopice exami- nentur, nam pellucidiora funt adultis, et in iis cla- rius cernuntur mufculorum, vifcerum, reliquarum- que partium fitus et difpofitio. | Microf- Microfcopii ope precipue notatu digna funt qua fequuntur. Probofcidis peracutz, in theca plerum- que latentis, pars fuperior aculeis feu fpinulis ali- quot recurvis inftruitur. Oculi laeves, magni, ni- gri. In ventriculo et inteftinis, quae magnam ab- dominis partem occupant, evidenter admodum con- fpici poffit motus qui periflalticus dicitur. Trachee ramuli, per corpus bellé varieque difperfi, precipue notabiles funt juxta latera abdominis. Crura fingula chela duplici, aftaci chele non abfimili, nifi quod longe fit acutior, terminantur. Veftitur totum ani~ mal cute rugofa, granata, pellucida. 4 Huic defcriptioni liceat mihi fubjicere verfus ali- quot Quinti Sereni, quibus explicare conatur poeta, quonam confilio turpia hac animalcula crearit pater omnipotens, creatifque tantam foecunditatem in^ dulferit. E. <¢ Noxia corporibus quzdam de corpore noftra ** Produxit natura, volens abrumpere fomnos | ** Senfibus, et monitis vigiles inducere curas." Nec poffum non Linnzi opinionem lectoribus pro= ponere, qui fedulus pediculi defenfor, graviter fen- tentiam fuam fert, verifimile nempe effe ut a varie- tate morborum, quibus aliter laborarent, immunes ferventer pueri, quorum capita pediculis infeftantur., ^ EMT MISER,O us LOUSE. PEEP PEPE EES GENERIC CHARACTER. Head furnifhed with a reraktile tube fox fuction. Antenne of the length of thorax. Feet fix, formed for walking. Abdomen depreffed and fublobated. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, C. LOUSE with oblong cinereous lobated abdomen. The COMMON LOUSE. To introduce an animal of an appearance fo inele- gant as the prefent into a work of this nature, might almoft feem a violation of the plan announced in its title: there are however circumftances in its hiftory, and particulars in its conformation, which are well worthy the attention of philofophic enquirers ; and if it cannot be confidered as beautiful, it may at leaft be numbered amongft the more curious produc- tions of nature: it may alfo be added, that it has from time immemorial been confidered as a kind of companion (though furely of a far lefs elegant cha- | racter ^racter than that cleanly animal) to the flea, already defcribed in the prefent work. The Loufe, in all ages enumerated amongft the pefts of mankind, has been fometimes reprefented as the mere punifhment of perfonal negligence, and fometimes commemorated as one of the moft humi- liating concomitants of degraded pride; fince, ex- clufive of the memorable and impreffive defcriptions on this fubject in the facred writings, we meet with Various examples of characters of no {mall degree of eminence who have fuffered from the attacks of this odious infect. ‘The diforder, however, com- monly termed phtbiriafis, is probably more owing to want of early attention during the firft ftages of its appearance, than to any real conftitutional caufe in the patient; it being entirely contrary to the na- ture of this infect to get under the cuticle, as com- monly fuppofed; and utterly incenceivable that a complaint merely external fhould be able to refift mercurial or other;preparations outwardly ufed; and there can be little doubt but that fuch cafes, when- ever they occur, would be effectually removed by a proper application of a dilute folution of mercury fublimate. I muft even venture to exprefs my doubts whether a real and genuine phibiriafis, (con- fidered as a primary difeafe) has ever appeared. Notwithftanding this, we are told by Pliny that Pherecydes Sirius, Sylla the dictator, and others, have died of this diforder. Quintus Serenus fpeaks thus of the latter: . © Sylla * Sylla quoque infelix tali languore perefus ** Corruit, et foedo fe vidit ab agmine vinci.” Great Sylla too the fatal fcourge hath known ; Slain by a hoft far mightier than his own! The Loufe does not, like the flea, undergo a change of form, but is hatched from the egg com- plete in all its parts, and differing only from the pa- rent infect in its fmaller fize. Such diminutive fpe- cimens are far preferable for microfcopical exami- nation to the full-grown ones, being much more tranfparent, and fhewing in a more elegant manner the difpofition of the mufcles, vifcera, &c. When examined by the microfcope the principal appearances are as follow: viz. the trunk or pro- — bofcis, which is generally concealed in its fheath or tube, is of a very fharp form, and is furnifhed to- wards its upper part with a few reverfed aculei or prickles.. The eyes are fmooth, large, and black. The ftomach and inteftines, which poffefs the greater part of the abdominal cavity, afford an extremely diftinct and curious view of the periftaltic motion. The ramifications of the trachea, or refpiratory tube, appear difperfed in a moft beautiful manner through- out various parts of the animal, and are particularly obfervable towards their orifices on the fides of the abdomen. ‘The legs are each terminated by a double claw, not greatly unlike that of a lobfter, but of a much fharper form. The whole animal is every where covered by a ftrong and granulated fkin, To To what I have faid refpécting this animal I thall beg leave to add the lines of Serenus, as an attempt towards difcovering an apparent intention of provi- dence in permitting the frequency of fuch unpleafing animals. ** Noxia corporibus quaedam de corpore noftro ** Produxit natura, volens abrumpere fomnos * © Senfibus, et monitis vigiles inducere curas." See nature, kindly provident, ordain Her gentle ftimulants to harmlefs pain ; Left man, the flave of reft, fhould wafte away In torpid flumber life's important day! Nor can*I omit the obfervation of Linnzus ori this fübje&, who, feemingly anxious to become an apologift for the Loufe, has gravely obferved that it probably preferves children who are troubled with it, from a variety of complaints to which they would otherwife be liable!!! - T4 COLUBER AHATULLA, OHMS eho oben epe CHARACTER GENERICUS. Scuta abdominalia, Sguame fubcaudales. | Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 275. Li CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €. COLUBER VIRIDI-C/ERULEUS, :fubtus au- reo-virefcens, fafcia tranfoculari nigra. - Scut. abdom, circiter 164. Squam. fubcaud. 150. SERPENS ORNATISSIMA AMBOINENSIS ... BOIGUATRARA. i pee Muf Oat. 02, ede Ripe In ferpentibus examinandis noto illo adagio prz- cipue opus eft, ** zimium ne crede colori." . kluic enim generi adeo difcolor eft varietas, ut certioribus fignis opus fit, quibus inter fpecies facilius et tutius poffit dijudicari. Serpentes tamen nonnulli funt quibus color fatis conftans fufficit characteri fpeci- fico. Hujufmodi eft coluber pulcherrimus in ta- bula depictus, cujus color fere femper fui eft fimilis, et rariffime immutatur. Afiam et Americam? in- colit, carens veneno; nec pertingit ad certam ali- quam longitudinem ; raro tamen tres pedes fuperat. 20 ey OTD Rigi cd c dE AN Zo 45 A Lob biked m y^ rv qat LP ooo AAA e Whe [P EA THE -GILDED SNAKE : Obi bi Hep epp po GENERIC CHARACTER. 'Tranfverfe Lame/le under the abdomen. | Broad alternate Sca/es under the tail. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. GREENISH-BLUE SNAKE, gold-green be- neath ; with a black ftreak acrofs the eyes. Abdominal lamelle about 164. Subcaudal Jcales about 150. The GILDED SNAKE, or BOIGA. The IRIDESCENT SNAKE. Never, perhaps, can the well-known maxim * nimium ne crede colori? be more juftly applied than to the animals of the ferpent tribe; which, in general, exhibit fo many variations in point of color, - as to make it neceffary to fix on fome more certain marks of diftinction, in order to afcertain with pre- cifion the refpective fpecies. There are, however, fome ferpents which feem lefs liable to this uncer- tainty than others, and which difplay a tinge fuffi- — ciently ciently uniform to declare their fpecific character. Amongft thefe may be reckoned the beautiful fnake figured on the prefent plate, which is pretty con- ftantly found of the color reprefented. It is a na-- tive both of Afia and America? and is not of a poifonous nature. It 1s feen of various fizes, but feldom exceeds the length of about three feet. CERTHIA CROCATA. © LQUIBR) do qub oben LA UE, CHARACTER GENERICUS. Roflrum arcuatum, tenuc, fubtrigonum, acutum, Lingua acuta. 2 Pedes ambulatorii. Lin. Syl. Nar. p. 184. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. CERTHIA OLIVACEO-FUSCA, capite aureo- viridi, gula violaceo-chalybeia, pectore abdo- mineque croceis, rectricibus duabus inter- mediis elongatis. CERTHIA rectricibus intermediis duabus longif- fimis, corpore violaceo-nitente, pectore ab- domineque luteis. ! Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 188. CERTHIA longicauda minor capitis Bone Spei. diras Pp. O49. t S6: Cum in generibus Certhiz Trochilique plurimae contineantur fpecies, eo fit ut unamquamque fpeciem non femper fatis denotet triviale nomen ; przcipue fi notabilis aliqua fuerit colorum immutatio. Avi. culam nempe quam depinximus, triviali nomine, P parum faufte felecto, violaceam nuncupavit Lin- nzus; licet caput cum collo humerifque coloris fit aureo-viridis faturatioris, fafcia tantum violacea feu ceruleo-chalybeia trans pectus fuperius ducta. Cum autem infignis et confpicua diftinctionis nota fit co- lor pectoris et abdominis croceo-luteus, non dubi- tavi avem novo nomine crocatam dicere. Africam incolit Certhia crocata, amans precipue promonto- rium euelpidis. Naturalem magnitudinem oftendit tabula. J 210 : 268. ACis D, ANS THE SAFFRON CREEPER. e 4oteteteletddetepetetetetetetetetetetedetetetete GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill flender, incurvated, and fharp-pointed. Tongue either fharp-pointed, ciliated, or tubular. . Legs moderately ftout: toes three before and one behind: back toe large: claws hooked and . long. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. OLIVE-BROWN CREEPER, with gold-green head, fteel-blue throat, faffron breaft and abdomen, and long middle tail-feathers. VIOLET-HEADED CREEPER.. Lath. Syn, 2. ve 178. ^ Le SOUI-MANGA à longue queue et à capuchon violet. Buff. otf: 5. p. 517. PETIT GRIMPEREAU àlongue queue du Cap. de. B.E. PI eno re 2. In the numerous genera of Trochilus and Certhia, is not always that the moft appofite and proper titles have have been given to the refpe&ive fpecies; efpecially - where they are.in any degree fubject to vary in point of color. The trivial name violacea applied by Linneus to the bird at prefent reprefented, -feems peculiarly unfortunate; the head, neck, and fhould- ers being generally of a deep gold-green, with a band only of fhining violet or chalybean-blue acrofs the upper part of the breaft. "lhe.moft ftriking characteriftic mark of the bird is the bright orange- yellow of the breaft and abdomen, for which reafon I have applied to it the new name by which it is here difünguifhed. “The Certhia crocata is a'natlve of Africa, and is principally found at the Cape of Good Hope. It is reprefented in its natural fize. E" CONUS MARMOREUS. ^ detptotetetdeeleletdetleteeteleteletet CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefia univalvis, convoluta, turbinata, Apertura effufa, longitudinalis, linearis, edentula, bafi integra. Columella levis, CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. - CONUS tefta conica fufca vel atra, maculis ova- tis feu trigono-ovatis albis. CONUS tefta conica fufca, maculis ovatis our {pire anfractibus canaliculatis. . Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1165. STROMBUS PYRAMIDALIS, &c. Seb. Muf. 3. t AG? T. 1.—315. Exuberat, ut plurimum, fplendidorum colorum varietate Conorum genus: avidiflime arreptum a con- charum ftudiofis. Perrare enim funt multe [fpe- cies, et pretiofiffimze : Conus. fcilicet araxfacus, C. Ammiralis, praetertim Ammiralis fummus, A. occi- dentalis, pree ceeteris autem lauta illa et magnifica varietas, (ni fpecies diverfa fit) titulo gaudens Cedo nulls ; nulli; cujus fpecimen conftitit interdum emptori - centum aureis nummis. His omnibus cedit longe fpecies quam jam defcri- bimus: habet tamen fuam nec mediocrem elegan- tiam. Innafcitur in oceano Americano. Ante publicatum Syftema Linneanum vocari fo- litum eft hoc genus nomine Volute ; quod Linneus rectius, ut opinor, titulo Cozi diftinxit: fimilis enim eft major pars generis cono mathematico. - i Hy o ere RAN Of di, ll hod han 4; 5, dp P Ze Ae i» CONS, Pre He hy E 7 J 79 V2 aaa ^ Aer. WHEE zu THE MARBLED CONE. —— PHÓ GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Shell more or lefs conic or pyramidal. "Aperture longitudinal, linear, without teeth, en- tire at the bafe. | Pillar fmooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cr. PYRAMIDAL BROWN or BLACK CONE, with ovate or trigonal-ovate white fpots. LE CORNET des COEURS. Fart m oe TG hail The BLACK and WHITE MARBLED CONE. " : "COWON SL " The fhells of this genus are in general highly dif- tinguifhed by the richnefs and variety of their co- Jors, and are confidered as conftituting the principal beauties of conchyliological cabinets. Many fpe- cles are alfo extremely rare and valuable, as the C. araufiacus, the C. Ammiralis, and its refpective varleties ; varieties; particularly the Ammiralis fummus, A. oc- cidentalis, and above all the fuperb variety, if not diftinct fpecies, known by the title of Cedo nulli, of which a fpecimen has been fometimes valued at the price of an hundred guineas. The prefent fpecies, though not comparable either in point of beauty or rarity to many others, is yet poffefled of a very high degree of elegance. It is a native of the American ocean. It fhould be obferved that this genus, before the Syftema Nature of Linnaeus made its appearance, was diftinguifhed by the name of Voluta or Volute ; but Linnzus, with greater propriety, has applied the title of Conus; the outline of the fhell, in moft fpecies, approaching very nearly to the mathemati-- cal figure of a cone. LACERTA LUMBRICOIDES. Seles tEAM RS CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus tetrapodum, caudatum, nudum. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 275. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ©&c. LACERTA BIPES, cylindrica, ferruginea, fub- tus pallida, {triis quadratis teffelata, pedibus tetradactylis breviffimis. Ob nimiam quz eft inter genera azguis et lacerta af- finitatem, difficile admodum eft fpecies nonnullas, ni pauloattentius in characteres inquiratur, ad verum et fibi proprium genus relegare. Rem fe ita habere fatis: probant /acerta Chalcides, lacerta anguina, anguis qua- drupes, et anguis bipes. Speciei quoque de qua jam agi- tur, quzeque non ita pridem phyficis innotuit, eadem eft obfcuri difcriminis ambiguitas. Generat eam regio Mexicana. Hanc primus defcripfit Dominus Cepede, Summa ei generalis fimilitudo eft cum lacerta Chal- cide, nifi quod caudam habeat breviffimam, cum Chalcidis fit longiffima; fulceturque corpus utrinque linea in longitudinem ducta que dividit abdomen a dorfo; qua caret Chalcides, cujus fquam:ze non in- terrupte et annulate per totum corporis truncum Q 2 conti- continuantur. Color /acerte lumbricoidis eft ferrugi- neo-fufco-pallidifimus. Squame quafi oblongo- quadrate. Caput laminis magnis fquamofis veluti fcutatum. Oculi minimi. Specimen quod defcripfit Dominus Cepede, octo uncias fuperabat; noftrum, quod in Mufeo Britannico affervatur, vix quatuor. ali THE LUMBRICIFORM LIZARD. DIEPPE FEO GENERIC CHARACTER. Body (in moft fpecies) four-footed, tailed, naked. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. TWO-FOOTED CYLINDRIC FERRUGI- NOUS LIZARD, pale beneath ; teffelated with {quare ftreaks, and furnifhed with very fhort tetradactylous feet. LA CANNELE. Cepede Quadr. Ovip. 1. p. 613. Between the genera of Anguis and Lacerta there is fo clofe an alliance, that fome fpecies exift which at firft view have a doubtful appearance, and might feem with equal propriety to be referred to either. Of this the Lacerta Chalcides, . Lacerta anguina, Anguis bipes, and Anguis quadrupes, may be ad- duced as remarkable examples. The fpecies now reprefented is alfo of a fimilar caft, and bears the - fame ambiguous appearance. It isa nativeof Mex- ico, and has but lately been introduced to the know- ledge of European Naturalifts. It was firft defcribed by by the Count de Cepede. It bears a great general refemblance to the Lacerta Chalcides, but differs in having a very fhort tail; whereas that of the Chalcides is extremely long. Each fide of the body is alfo marked by a longitudinal fulcus or line of divifion feparating the upper part or back from the under furface. In the Chalcides there is no fuch divifion, but the fcales are continued in complete annular feries round the trunk. The color of this curious animal is a very pale ferruginous brown. The fcales are of a lengthened fquare form. The head 1s covered by large fcaly plates. The eyes are extremely fmall. The fpecimen defcribed by the. Count de Cepede was upwards of eight inches in length; but the individual here reprefented, and which is now in the Britifh Mufeum, is fcarcely more than half that length. CORVUS PERUVIANUS. — | CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rofirum convexum, cultratum. Nares pennis fetaceis recumbentibus obtectze, Lingua cartilaginea, bifida. Pedes ambulatori. Lin. Sy. Nat. p. 155, CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. CORVUS VIRIDIS, fronte czrulea, vertice albo, gula pectoreque fuperiore atris, abdomine re&ricibufque lateralibus flavis. CORVUS. PERUVIANUS. Lath. ind. orn. p. 161. Lin, Syft. Nar. Gmel. 1. p. 373. Magnitudine corvo criftato Linnzi fere zqualis inter aves pulcherrimas jure fibi locum vindicat Cor- vus Peruvianus; qui maxima ex parte late viret, fronte colloque poftico ceruleis; longe tamen fatu- ratiore colore frontis. Occiput albet. Gula pec- tufque fuperius holoferico-nigra. Abdomen totum cum tribus rectricibus exterioribus nitidiffime flavum. Roftrum pedefque nigricant. R » X 5 ha "uv Ae See. " 5T n ni SEHR. 4g MO THE PERUVIAN JAY. Seeder Herik GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill convex, cultrated. Noftrils covered by fetaceous recumbent feathers. Tongue cartilaginous, bifid. Feet formed for walking. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. GREEN JAY, with blue front, white crown ; - throat and upper part of the breaít black; ab- . domen and lateral tail-feathers yellow. The PERUVIAN JAY. Lath, Syn. 1.'p. 391. Le GEAI du PEROU. Buff. oif. 3. p. 116. PI. enl. 625. 'The Peruvian Jay is one of the moft beautiful of birds. Its fize is nearly that of the corvus crifta- tus or blue jay of America. ‘The general color of the bird is an elegant light green: the frontlet and E back | back part of the neck are blue; the former much deeper than the latter. The back part of the head is white; the throat and upper part of the breaft deep velvet-black ; the whole abdomen and the three exterior rectrices or tail-feathers on each fide of a - rich jonquil yellow; the beak and legs are blackifh. ASCIDIA FASCICULATA. nn———— CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus fixum, teretiufculum, vaginans. Apertura bine, ad fummitatem ; altera humiliore. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1087. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, C. ASCIDIA ? pyriformis fubferruginea fubpilofa, apertura tentacülis decem apice frondofo-faf- ciculatis. Caret Syftema Linneanum pereleganti hac ani- malis marini fpecie, quam generant maria Indica et Americana. Reti illaqueatum eft fpecimen quod depinximus juxta litora parvule cujufdam infule non longe a Borneo diftantis. Oftendit tabula fe- cunda afcidiam fafciculatam aquam ab ore emitten- tem, contracto corpore; quod commune ei eft cum reliquo genere, fi turbetur aut irritetur. Paucis ab- hinc annis prodiit figura hujus animalis miro artifi- cio exfculpta aufpiciis Domini Martyn, qui prae- claro fuo opere, iconas concharum auftralium conti- nente, merito inclaruit, 2/4. enar, Haenel Iv (4 va. V Adag M45, Boren Sitar à RN WE iy, ; 3 3 T HE FASCICULATED ASCIDIA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Body fixed, more or lefs cylindric, vaginant. Apertures two, commonly feated. near the top: one lower than the other. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. PYRIFORM SUBFERRUGINOUS and SUE- PILOSE ASCIDIA ? with the aperture fur- rounded by ten fafciculated tentacula. | The elegant marine animal reprefented in the an- nexed plates, feems to be one of thofe fpecies which. have not yet been introduced into the Syftema Na- ture of Linneus. It is a native of the Indian and American feas. The individual fpecimen now figured was drawn up by a net in fifhing off the coafts of a fmall ifland at no great diftance from: Borneo. Like others of its genus, when difturbed, it contracts the body, as reprefented on the laft plate, and ejects the contained fluid from the fuperior orifice or mouth. It remains to be obferved, that a highly-elegant engraving engraving of this animal was fome years - fince Leestiv & executed under. the care of Mr. Martyn, ^[o w known for his exquifitely conducted wot on re South-fea fhells. e veli Foo SIMIA HAMADRYAS. Qld dodeteteteiieieteieieteteltoteteteiee eo CHARACTER GENERICUS. Dentes Primores utrinque quatuor, approximati, Lantary Íolitari longiores, hinc remoti. Molares obtufi. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 34, CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. SIMIA cinerea, capite humerifque comofis, na- tibus calvis, cauda elongata apice floccofa. SIMIA caudata cinerea, auribus comofis, ungui- | bus acutiufculis, natibus calvis. | Lin. Syfi. Nat. p. 36. SIMIA cynocephalus ad utramque aurem magna coma. Alp. ZEgypt. p. 284. Simiam oftendit tabula vultu fupra modum ridi- culo, ingenio feroci; Generant eum calidiores Africe regiones, fuperantem interdum altitudine quinque pedes. Depingi curavimus ipfiffimam viyi animalis fimilitudinem. THE GREY BABOON. See bee GENERIC CHARACTER. Front-Teeth in each jaw four, approximated. Canine-Teeth folitary, long, diftant. Grinders obtufe. "SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. GREY BABOON, with long flowing hair on the head and fhoulders, and elongated tufted tail. | DOG-FACED BABOON. nnt Penn. Quadr, 1. p. In this remarkable animal, to the moft highly gxotefque appearance-is fuperadded a great degree of ferocity. It is a native of the warmer parts of Africa, and attains the height of more than five feet. The prefent figure isa very exact portrait from the living animal. | 276 I I l oT yix ax S Ve PNE HN ime dM CA a MEL "ON tu ^ » T vf d rx Dti "uam ee ee ee E Qn bero xil crar eM T HIRUDO MEDICINALIS. HIMES Et o CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus oblongum, promovens fe ore caudaque in orbiculum dilatandis. | Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1079. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. HIRUDO .olivario-nigricans, - fupra lineis fex flavo-ferrugineis, fubtus nigro flavoque varia. HIRUDO depreffa nigricans, fupra lineis flavis fex; intermediis nigro arcuatis, fubtus cine- rea nigro maculata. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1079. HIRUDO elongata nigricans: fupra lineis verfi- coloribus, fubtis maculis flavis. Lin. Syfl. Nar. Gmel. 1. p. 3095. HIRUDO SANGUISUG A. eetetiletpeteteteletetetietete ett dee Ceo CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. mede depreffa fufca; margine laterali flavo. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1079. HIRUDO. maxime valent Raj. inf. 3. S 2 | Hirudinum duas précipuas fpecies geherat Bri. tannia, fanguifugam fcilicet feu majorem, et medi- cinalem feu ftriatam. | Licet interdum confundantur; facile tamen inter eas eft difcrimen, fi notis. fpecifi- cis fatis attendimus. Sanguifuga fuperficiem fupe- riorem femper habet olivario-nigricantem, colore magis minufve faturato; inferiorem fordide ochra- ceam; quo etiam colore tinguntur latera, adeo ut margo utrinque anguftiffima efficiatur. Vulgatiffima eft hac fpecies in foffis aquifque ftagnantibus per totam z{tatem, crefcitque fzepe in longitudinem fex vel feptem unciarum. Striate autem, quz rariffime ad hanc magnitudinem pertingit, major eft colorum elegantia. Supra nigrat leviffime olivaria, lineifque feu fafciis fex longitudinalibus ochraceis et interdum ferrugineis notatur, quarum duas utrinque exteriores interrumpit feries macularum oblongarum nigrarum, cum reliquae due maculis plane careant. Infra ni- gerrima maculis magnis ochraceis inzequalibus du- plici ferie in longitudinem ductis diftinguitur. Motibus corporis moribufque ambz fpecies conve- niunt. Ambze quoque vivipare funt, foetufque. autumno edunt. Dentes hirudinibus funt tres levi- ter cartilagei, cumaue fiti fint ut inter mordendum invicem convergant, vulnus fere triangulum cuti imprimunt. Conftat cauda ex mufculo orbiculato feu fphinctere, cujus ope facillime et fecure fe affigunt corpori omni cui volunt adherere. Hirudines diffe&z tantum non renafcuntur. San- euifugam non femel mediarn divifi, vidique partes exectas, etiam elapfis aliquot feptimanis, adhuc vi- —— nlii vas valentefque, nullo alio adhibito nutrimento prze- ter quod ab aqua abforpferant. Extremitates vul- neratee magis magifque rotundate indies videban- tur, et ad redintegrationem properantes; quam tamen nunquam attingebant, fed paulo poft gradatim morientes contabuerunt. Minoribus autem fpecie- bus eadem fere eft renovationis facultas cum ipfis hydris, poffuntque illz facillime et certiffime divi- dendo multiplicari. TT Edd ; MON Re Ce sa ieee senibtiey 13 3) Jah A zh = am “es! Wt rod as E IS oe v. aoa cae un E coon i p 8 XQ 30: Paes Labbissicct i à RN WE iy, ae | PELO sir cep sh n4 vt THE MEDICINAL LEECH. Odette to GENERIC CHARACTER. Body oblong, more or lefs depreffed ; ae: by dilatation and contraction. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. OLIVE-BLACK LEECH with fix yellow-fer- ruginous lines on the upper furface; the lower variegated with black and yellow. 'The MEDICINAL LEECH. THE HORSE LEECH. debebit te bie SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. OLIVE- BROWN LEECH with an -ochre-co- loured marginal band, The HORSE-LEECH. The two principal fpecies of this genus which our own country produces are the Hirudo fanguifuga or Horfe-leech, and the Hirudo medicinalis or ftriped leech, which is ufed with fo much fuccefs in the practice of phyfic. Thefe two fpecies are fome- times confounded with each other, but may be rea- dily diftinguifhed by proper attention to their re- fpective characters. The Hirudo fanguifuga or Horfe-leech is always of an olivaceous-black, more or lefs deep on its upper furface, and of a dull ochre- color beneath, and the edges or fides of the body are of the fame ochre-color as the lower parts ; giving the appearance of a very narrow margin on each fide. “This fpecies is very common in ftagnant waters, ponds, ditches, &c. during the whole warmer parts of the year, and frequently grows to the length of fix or feven inches. The Hirudo medicinalis or officinal fpecies fcarce ever attains to fo large a fize, and in point of color is far more elegant than the former. It is of a deepith black above, with a flight tinge of olive, and is marked by fix longitudinal ochre-colored and fometimes reddifh bands or ftripes: of which the two exterior ones on each fide are interrupted by a chain of longifh black fpots, while the two middle ones are perfectly free from fpots. The lower furface of the animalis deep-black, marked in a fomewhat irre- gular manner with a double longitudinal feries of large ochre-colored fpots — Ín their general motions and difpofitions both fpecies agree. They are both viviparous, and produce their young in Autumn. 'The teeth of the leech are three in number, and of a flightly cartilaginous fubftance ; and, being fituated fo as to converge when the animal bites, leave a fomewhat triangular mark on the fkin. The tail | of the leech is a curious fphincter, or circular mufcle, by which the creature has the power of faftening itfelf with eafe and fecurity to any object by which it chufes to adhere. | Leeches have a very ftrong tendency to reproduc- tion when cut: the Hirudo fanguifuga I have more than once divided towards the middle, and have found that the two parts continued perfectly vigo- rous for fome weeks, though receiving no other nourifhment than what they abforbed from the water. The wounded ends appeared more and more rounded, and daily tending to complete reproduction ; which however they did not attain to, but after fome far- ther time gradually grew weaker and died. The fmaller fpecies, however, of this genus almoft equal the Polype in reproductive power, and may be multiplied by cutting with great eafe and certainty. etek’ SEM EN j^ op ete ek teh Jv ; s FÉ Pi 205 214. 187. 195. 193. 206. 209. 210. 2UI 190. 213. 204. qu, 218. TOY. 202. 212. 189. 102. | 194. 196. 207. 184. 186. 197. 201. 208. 183. 198. 200. 216. 185. 188. 199. ; PN iT. baad! LS INDEX. leata. 21g. Afcidia fafciculata. Acarus lepidopterorum. Charadrius Himantopus: Cyprza Pardalis. Clio pyramidata. Cóluber Ahztulla. Certhia crocata. Conus marmoreus. Corallina Tuna. Corvus Peruvianus. Falco furcatus. Hirudo medicinalis. Hirudo fanguifuga. Lepas anatifera. 203. Lophius monopte- rygius. Lacerta lumbricoides. Motacilla Trochilus. Motacilla Phoenicurus. Madrepora ramea. Medufa Campanella. Motacilla alba. Phyfeter macrocephalus. Plittacus funereus. Papilio Antenor. Parus major. Pediculus vulgaris. | Ramphaítos erythrorhyn- chos. Ramphaftos Aracari. Rana Auftraliaca. Simia Hamadryas. Serpula perforata. Vorticella circularis. ! He eo ended eta ce leo abd eek ae eh ee ated ead de ahd hee beth hele potoit ioebdetepHetidededetetepetopeletjeqetetepptetetetotete Scolopendra microfcopica. INDEX... . dX cuRODITA iu eated. Afcidia fafciculated. Barnacle duck. . Butterfly Antenor. . Baboon grey. . Cockatoo funereal. » Coralline Tuna. - Cowry Leopard. . Clio pyramidal. . Creeper faffron. . Cone marbled. . Falcon fwallow-tailed. | . Frog Auftralian. . Jay Peruvian. . 203. Lophius fingle-fin- ned. . Lizard tumbriciform. . Loufe common. . Leech medicinal. . Leech horfe, - Madrepore cinnamon. - Mite lepidopterine. . Medufa bell . Plover long-legged. . Redftart. . Scolopendra microfcopic. . Sérpula perforated. . Snake gilded. - Toucan red-beaked. - Toucan red-banded. . Titmoufe great . Vorticella circular. . Wagtail white. . Whale fpermaceti. . Wren willow. a = M à RN WE iy, Seal , Qm uo. Role - ; 3 = { js - (ae C " t e 5 : 2g me ! 4 ?j ZR p 5 P, [. b ; f ji [ 1 7 [ = E] D : t 3 | r é 2 E 2: NM , [ ^ x : 2 [ shy 2 : [ zl ia | ; [ = | 1 * | ! E 14 [ i