Hele ph akat — TH0! BASKERFEILD EAS _ ee eee VIRGO ORNATISSIMO SAMUELI GOODENOUGH, EPISCOPO CARLIENSI, A =x CARLIOLENST, CI MUM QUARTUM NATURZ VIVARII gS ppp. GEORGIUS SHAW, E. NODDER. Z£-). TO \ oon pee aoe | SAMUEL GOODENOUGH, LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE, THIS TWENTY-FOURTH VOLUME NATURALIST’S MISCELLANY BY GEORGE SHAW, KE. NODDER. PARADISEA SUPERBA. JORIS SHISISSSS eee CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum capistri plumis tomentosis tectum. Penne hypochondriorum plerisque longiores. Pedes validi, ambulatorii. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Paradisea nigra, corpore utrinque fasciculo ali- formi, pennis pectoralibus splendide viren- tibus, utrinque elongato-divergentibus. Gen. Zool. 7. p. 494. Paradisea superba. P. fronte cristata, capite cervice abdomineque viridibus, gula viola- cea sericea, cauda mediocri czrulescenti- atra. Lath. ind. orn. Insulas Moluccenses incolit Paradisea superba. Ele- gantissimam hujus avis iconem publicavit Dominus Levaillant, in splendido suo opere de Paradiseis. Juxta illam effigiem fideliter delineata est hac nostra simili- tudo. Vera avis magnitudo est quasi turdi vulgaris sive musici. SH, Mm, _ THE. ¥ SUPERB PARADISE-BIRD. JadSEeeeHeeereeeroees GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill covered at the base by velvet-like plumes. Side-Feathers beneath the wings, in most spe- cies, extending far beyond the rest of the plumage. a aia. 3, feet formed for r walking . SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Black Paradise-Bird, with a wing-like set of feathers on each side of the body, and bright-green pectoral plumes eres and Series on each side. , Gen. Zoo}. 7« p-. 494. Le Manucode dit le Superbe. ‘Sonner. voy. p. 157. pl. 06. Le Manucode noir de la Nouvelle Guinée dit le Superbe. | Buff. ois. Pl. Eul, 632. - ‘Le Superbe. gt Viellot Parad. Levaill. Parad. The Superb Paradise-Bird is a native of the Molucca islands. It has been figured with peculiar elegance in the splendid publication of Mons. Levaillant on the genus Paradisea; and the representation here given is a faithful copy. The size of the bird equals that of a common Thrush, 702/ SU NAN Rich? ? Nadder Pautya* ; ka ., ' Fees hoienmiin - z wit 6rd De SL%4; " ee tere enice! hl a 60S Oh Ube ARN MUREX TULIPA. _ SHR HS ORS H Sere an CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. | Testa univalvis, spiralis, exasperata suturis membranaceis. Apertura desinens in canalem integrum, rectum, seu subascendentem. | Lin. Syst. Nat. p».1213. # CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &e. Murex testa ventricosa oblonga levi albida, fasciis longitudinalibus fulvis, anfractibus rotundatis, sutura geminata. | Murex Tulipa. M. testa ventricosa oblonga levi, anfractibus rotundatis sutura gemi- mata, apertura uniplicata, cauda patula striata. ) | Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1228. Maria Indica et Americana incolit Murex Tulipa, sepius major specimine quod in tabula monstratur. THE TULIP MUREX. mance wrens GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal allied to a Limax or Slug. Shell univalve, ee by membranaceous sutures. Aperture ending in a strait or subascending chan- nel. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Murex with ventricose oblong smooth whitish shell, with longitudinal fulvous bands, rounded whirls, and double suture. “The Tulip Murex. La’ Tulipe. : Mies pk. 120. £58. Die Aga viiene. Martini 4. £. 1286-1291. . The Tulip Murex is an inhabitant of the Indianand American seas, and is frequently much larger than the specimen exhibited on the present plate. RPE Det. fartyu %, SPARUS ABILGARDI. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Dentes validi: primores ordine simplici, duplici, triplici, vel quadruplici dispositi. Molares (plerisque) validi, convexi, leaves, in series dispositi, et quasi pavimentum in ore efformantes. ve Labia crassa; opercula mutica, squamosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ce. Sparus albidus dorso subfusco, squamis magnis hexagonis. : | Gen. Zool. 4. p. 412. Sparus Abilgardi. 5S. squamis hexagonis. Bloch. ichth. 8. p.1Q. t. 259. In mari Americano precipue repertus hic piscis in longitudinem sesquipedalem vel bipedalem crescit. CEOs THE ABILGARDIAN SPARUS. SERIO EE RIE GENERIC CHARACTER. Teeth strong: front-teeth in some species dis- posed in a single row, in others in a double, treble, or quadruple row. Grinders (in most species) convex, smooth, and forming a kind of pavement in the mouth. Lips thick: gz/l-covers unarmed, scaly. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Whitish Sparus, with dusky back, and large hexagonal scales. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 412, Sparus Abilgardi. | | Bloch. pl. 259. This fish is principally observed in the American seas, and grows to the length of eighteen inches or two feet. £7; , = H me y i i he 4 TRS art ir tpl es HR gyal ape Hoy fy fhe ee : ee) PAPILIO AJAX. SEER KEK EE EB 8 EE CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne apicem versus Crassiores, szpius clas vato-capitatz. 3 Al@ (sedentis) erectz sursumque conniventes, (Volatu diurno.) Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ce. Papilio alis caudatis concoloribus flavescentibus, fasciis nigris geminatis; posticis subtus striga diffracta anguloque ani sanguineis. Smith. Abbot Ins. Amer. t. 4. Papilio Ajax. P. alis obtuse caudatis concolo- ribus fuscis; fasciis flavescentibus, angulo ani fulvo. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 750. Georgiam et Virginiam incolit Papilio Ajax, cujus Jarva Annonz palustris folia preecipue depascitur. 7024 R p Nesrer Det Sucty me AJAX. KEELER EERE EERE GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne thickening towards the end, and gene- rally terminating in a clavated tip. Wings (when at rest) meeting upwards. Flight diurnal. : SPECIFIC CHARACTER, We. Butterfly with yellowish-white tailed wings, marked in a similar manner on both sur- faces with double black bands; the lower pair marked beneath and at the inner tips by a broken red stripe. The Black-Barred Swallow-Tail Butterfly. Abbot’s N. American Insects, pl. 4. P. Marcellus. Cramer Pap. pl. 89. f. G. H. Edwards, pl. 34. This insect is an inhabitant of Georgia and Virgi- nia; the caterpillar feeding principally on the leaves of the Annona palustris of Linneus, or Swamp Papaw. f PARADISEA VAILLANTIL. CHARACTER GENERICUS, Rostrum capistri plumis tomentosis tectum. Penne hyochondriorum plerisque longiores. Pedes validi, ambulatoril. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. Paradisea nigro-viclacea, pennis lateralibus de- compositis niveis apice filiformibus longis- simis nudis. 7 Le Nebuleux. | | Levaill, Parad. Pulchre depicta est perelegans hec avis in splendido epere quod conscripsit Levaillantus: quem tamen in specimen incidisse crediderim cujus rostium, casu aliquo leviter recurvum, nature minus convenerit ; idque in tabula nostra emendavimus. In insulis Mo- luccis generatur. 1025 me hl ? i THE VAILLANTIAN PARADISE-BIRD. EERE ERIE Reb GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill covered at the base by velvet-like plumes. Side-Feathers beneath the wings, in most spe- cies, extending far beyond the rest of the plumage. . Legs strong : feet formed for walking. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Violet-Black Paradise-Bird, with loose-webbed snow-white side-feathers terminating in very long naked filiform shafts. Le Nebuleux. : | Levaill. Parad. The present species of Paradise-Bird is beautifully figured in the splendid work on that genus published by Mons. Levaillant, whose specimen however seems to have had the bill a little injured by being warped upwards; a particular which is corrected in the pre- “sent plate. ‘This bird, like the rest of its congeners, is an inhabitant of the Molucca islands. C2 CERAMBYX VIRENS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne attenuate. Thorax spinosus aut gibbus. Elytra \inearia. : Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €&c. Cerambyx viridis, thorace utrinque unispinoso, femoribus subferrugineis unidentatis. Cerambyx virens. C.. thorace spinoso, elytris obtusis, corpore viridi, antennis longiori- bus, femoribus unidentatis. Lin. Syst. Nat. In insula Jamaica generatur Cerambyx virens, et habitu corporis ad similitudinem proxime accedit Ce- rambycis moschate Britannice. Tabula monstrat veram magnitudinem. t Peele Wir QoG rie == 7028 THE GREEN JAMAICA GOATCHAFFER. OE EK IR KK SE RIK SER REE GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne attenuated. Thorax either spinous or gibbous. Elytra linear. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green Cerambyx, with a single spine on each side the thorax, and subferruginous single- spined thighs. Cerambyx virens. | Oliv. Ins. Ceramb. Pl iif. 78: Cerambyx virens. Drgry InsJiX p. 80. pl. 40. f. 1- The Lady Capricorn. Browne's ‘famaica, p. 430. pl. 43. f. 8. This insect is a native of Jamaica, and is very nearly allied to the British species known by the name of the Musk Goatchaffer. tue plate represents it in its natu- ral size. POLYPTERUS NILOTICUS. Se TSR SR SRSICR SIGS IGI I a SK CHARACTER GENERICUS. Membr. branch. wniradiata. Pinne dorsales numerose. | : Gen. Zool. 5. p. 122. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Polypterus viridis, abdomine nigro maculato. Gen. Zool. 5. p. 122. Polyptere Bichir. Geoffroy Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. vol.1. p. 57. pl. 5. Polypterum Niloticum primus technice et accurate descripsit Dominus Geoffroy ; qui auctor est, medium quoddam esse vinculum inter pisces osseos et cartila- geos. Si faciem universam spectes, ad genus Esox videtur accedere ; ad illas precipue species que squa- mis preduris et veluti osseis instruuntur. Forma longa est et quasi serpentina, capite Jongis laminis munito, corpore fere cylindrico, squamis duris cooperto. Lon- gus est piscis circiter octodecim uncias. Color thalas- sinus, abdomine pallidiore. In flumine Nilo genera- tur, ibique molli sub limo latere solet. In optimis habetur piscibus Niloticis; caro quippe sapida est et tenera. Cutem egre cultro penetrabilem mos est totam evertere, pisce prius cocto. — a WR -09LEN CY YN 7 Lto/ THE NILOTIC POLYPTERUS. JESSE IORI GENERIC CHARACTER. Gill-membrane sing\e-rayed. Dorsal fins numerous. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. Green Polypterus, with the abdomen spotted with black. Polyptere Bichir. | Geoffroy. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. VOLT Iaap. 57: pl. db. This remarkable fish seems to have been first scien- tifically described by Mons. Geoffroy, who considers it as forming a kind of connecting link between the osseous and cartilaginous fishes. In point of general affinity, it seems most allied to the genus Esox or Pike, and especially to such species as are furnished with strong or bony scaies. Its shape is long and serpentiform, the body nearly cylindrical, the head defended by !engthened bony plates, and the body covered with large and strong scales. Its usual length is about eighteen inches, and its colour sea-gTeen, | paler, or whitish on the abdomen. It is an inhabitant of the river Nile, where it is observed to reside in the soft mud, and is considered as one of the best of the Nilotic fishes, having a tender and savoury flesh ; and as it is difficult to open the skin with a knife, it is usual to boii the fish first, and afterwards draw off the skin whole. nw ain) egsvenrateth rh isa nahh ™ = DELPHINUS VENTRICOSUS. ee eT CHARACTER GENERICUS. Dentes in maxilla utraque. Fistula in capite. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Delphinus nigricans, subtus albus, rostro ro- | tundato, corpore ventricoso. Epaulard ventru. | Bonaterre, pl. del’ Encycl. Meth. Le Dauphin ventru. : Cepede cétacées, p. 311. Speciem hanc primus descripsit Joannes Hunterus in Actis Anglicis. Crescit interdum in longitudinem octodecim pedum; habitu generali Orce quam alit alicui Delphini similior. FeV ey ie Rick 7 Hever Sit @ THE VENTRICOSE DOLPHIN. SSIES ISIS SSSI SSSI GENERIC CHARACTER. Teeth in both jaws. Spiracle on the head. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Blackish Dolphin, white beneath, with rounded snout and very large abdomen. A species of Grampus. Hunter Phil. Trans. vol. 77. pl.17. Le Dauphin ventru. Mepcde cefacees, p. 311. pl. 15. f. 3. This species was first described by Mr. Hunter in the Philosophical Transactions. It has been observed of the length of eighteen feet, and in general appear- ance is more nearly allied to the Grampus than to any other kind of Dolphin. th Pa ve aan ged era Oy beedioetice c ’ a é CUCULUS AURATUS. KERRIER EERE ERE BEER ERE / CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum teretiusculum. | Nares margine prominule: Lmgua sagittata, plana, integra. Pedes scansorii. Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Cuculus viridi-aureus, subtus albus, capite albo striato, remigibus rectricibusque exterior!- bus albo maculatis. Cuculus auratus. C. cauda cuneiformi, cor- pore supra viridi-aureo subtus albo, capite striis quinque albis, rectricibus duabus ex- timis latere exteriore omnibus apice albis. Lath. ind. ora. -Cuculus auratus magnitudine fere alaude commu- nis, in Africa generatur interiori. Nomen habet a splendore plumarum : gui tamen plus minusve aureus. Pee * ae eas ta. amped: Rule ?AMomMer Luly t THE GILDED CUCKOW. ISSO IO ISIS GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill somewhat bending. _ Nostri/s bounded by a small rim. Tongue short, sagittated. Feet scansorial. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. Gold-green Cuckow, white beneath; with the head striped and the exterior quill and tail-feathers spotted with white. Coucou vert doré et blanc. Buf. ots. 6. p. 385. Coucou verd du Cap de bonne-Esperance. Pl. Enl. 657. Gilded Cuckow. Lath. syn, This beautiful bird is about the size of a Lark, and is an inhabitant of the lower parts of Africa. In its colours it occasionally varies, exhibiting more or less of the golden brilliancy of plumage from which it de- rives its name. D2 > 4 i : Dy © til) & Oa ras Gab BAD 8 we pn: SCARABAEUS TORQUATUS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. © Antenne clavate, capitulo fissill. Tibie anticz szepius dentate. : | | Lin. Syst. Nat. iol CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Scarabzus scutellatus levis viridis, thorace an- tice fulvo-ferrugineo, abdomine postice macula duplici argentea. Scarabzus torquatus. ae Dyury ins. 3. t. 44, f.1. Scarabeum torquatum, in Africa superiori genera- tum, primus, ni fallor, descripsit Dominus Drury. - Tabula monstrat veram magnitydinem. 1030 Z Menor oe tel > Rutt, THE COLLARED BEETLE. JERSE EE GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated with a fissile or laminated tip. Middle joints of the fore-legs toothed. = SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Scutellated, smooth, green Beetle; with the front of the thorax fulvo-ferruginous, and the abdomen marked at the tip by a double silvery spot. Scarabzeus torquatus. : Drury ims. 3. pl. 44. f. 1. This insect seems to have been first described in the elegant work of the late ingenious Mr. Drury. It isa native of the upper parts of Abies and i is represented jn its natural size. = PERE hes ‘% a nS Ne)! fe Me Stee PENS WTS ites te May eck? ao gad Oe of ea ee Sr en BAe) na us 4 \ LACERTA SCINCUS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus tetrapodum, elongatum, caudatum, nu- dum. : CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ec. Lacerta fusco-flavescens, supra fasciis transver- sis fuscis, cauda brevi, apice compressa, maxilla superiore longiore. | Gen. “ool, 3. 1). 281. Lacerta Scincus. L. cauda tereti mediocri apice compressa, digitis muticis marginatis. Lin. Syst. Nat. Lacerta Scincus, que et officinalis dicitur, in varliis innascitur orientalibus regionibus; in Atgypto, Ara- bia, Lybia, Syria satis nota. Amat precipue loca arida et arenosa, Jonga septem, octo, vel etiam decem uncias. . Totum animal flavo-fusco-pallidum, fasciis plurimis latis, tenebrosis, inter se distantibus, trans- verse notatum, contegitur modicis squamis levibus giabrisque, quales fere sunt pisctum. Nulla est e1 no- cendi vis. Insectis vescitur. Olim creditum est Scin- cum variis morbis mederi; quod utpote fabulosum et ineptum respuit hodierna therapeutice. Vere i ei Bp Th THE OFFICINAL SCINK. ECORI IR MOR RII GENERIC CHARACTER. Body elongated, four-footed, tailed; without any secondary integument. : SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Yellowish-brown Lizard, with transverse brown bands on the upper part, short tail with compressed tip, and upper jaw longer than the lower. The Common or Officine! Scink. The Common or Officine! Scink 1s a native of many of the Eastern parts of the world, and is common in Egypt, Arabia, Lybia, and Syria. It is usually found in dry sandy soils, and grows to the length of seven, eight, or even ten inches; the whole animal is of a pale yellowish-brown colour, marked by several broad, distant, transverse dusky stripes or bands, and is covered with middle-sized fish-like scales of a smooth and glossy surface. it 1s an animal of a harmless na- ture, and supports itself on the various insects which wander about the regions it inhabits. The Scink was once celebrated for its medicinal powers 1n various dis- orders ; but the more illuminated cast of modern prac- tice seems to have utterly eee these imaginary virtues, ne a fae Soda A CORYPH/ANA PENTADACTYLA. SER RI SOIR Ree CHARACTER GENERICUS, Caput maxime truncato-declive. Membr. branch. radiis quinque. Pinna dorsalis longitutine dorsi. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, 8c. Coryphzna quinque-maculata. C. subfusca, subtus argentea, maculis utrinque versus caput quinque nigris. : | Gen. Zool. 4. p. 218. Coryphzna pentadactyla. C. maculis quinis nigris versus caput longitudinalibus. Lyn. Syst. Nat. -Coryphena cauda equali, pinne dorsi radiis 21. Bloch. tchth. t. 173. In maribus Indicis innascitur Coryphena pentadac- tyla, in pedalem vel sesquipedalem crescens longitudi- nem. | ae % my cy : ap a . ania aa» SE ae ' aS 4 +e eee ' > vt eS tee *“_ —-. x . . Oe ee Se ee eC bi en aati ; on age i eee 4037 VUMN Wy 7 / R Aig MN THE FIVE-SPOTTED CORYPHENE. GENERIC CHARACTER, Head sloping suddenly downwards. Gill-membrane five-rayed. — : Dorsal fin the length of the back. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ec. Brownish Coryphene, silvery beneath, with five. black ets on each side towards the head. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 218. Das Sechsauge. | Bloch. ichth. pl. 173. This species is an inhabitant of the Indian seas, where jit grows to the length of twelve or eighteen inches. ere he fa PERDIX RUFA. SII IIR SORT ATOR TRI CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum convexum, validiusculum. Nares margine prominule. Orbite papillosz. ae Pedes nudi, plerisque calcaratt. Lath. ind. orn, CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, és’. Perdix griseo-cinerea, gula alba lunula nigra, hypochondriis nigro-lunulatis, rostro pe- dibusque sanguineis. Perdix pedibus calcaratis rostroque sanguineis, gula alba cincta fascia nigra albo-punc- tata. \ Lath. ind. ovn. Tetrao rufus. Lin. Syst. Nat. Perdix rufa, major paulo perdice cinerea seu vul- garl, per varias orbis antiqul partes late sparsa, loca, ut plurimum, incolit sicca, scopulosa, sylvesiria, mon- tana. Elegantis hujyus avis nullibi major est copia quam in Grecia, Grecisque insulis: nec carerft ea, pro diversitate tamen coelt solique aliquatenus variata, Furope partes que ad septentrionem spectant. In Britannia non generatur. Gregatim incedit ; in non- nullis locis etiam catervatim. ER retci. aru "posh mascara pbetinconis! ay Pe i aaa ‘. fossa, DF he ee —_, THE RED PARTRIDGE. IR EAR SEK EK RIESE ERE EER ER AE GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill convex, moderately stout. Nostrils surrounded by a rising margin. Orbits papillose. Legs naked, and generally spurred. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €c. Ash-grey Partridge, with white throat bounded by a black crescent ; the sides of the body barred with black crescents, and red bill and legs. Greek or red Partridge. : o-, Lath. syn. Red-legged Partridge. This elegant bird, which is somewhat larger than the common or grey Partridge, 1s a pretty general in- habitant of the Old Continent, and is principally ob- served in diy, rocky, woody, and mountainous regions. It is particularly common in Greece and the Grecian islands; and occurs, with some variations, in many of the more northern parts of Europe, but is not a native of our own isiand. It is of a gregarions nature, and is often seen in vast numbers on the same spot. E 2 a ‘te neste nm 3s & v 7 Sa aN Ee eee Me aes Sg Oe! aa oe ee ee en # Riga SE a eas gS Ne 3, i 7034 RPN- THE PEACOCK SPARUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Feeth strong : Front-teeth in some species dis- posed in a single row, in others in a double, treble, or quadruple row. Grinders (in most species) convex, smooth, and disposed in ranges, forming a kind of pavement in the mouth. Lips thick: Gil/-covers unarmed, smooth, scaly. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Whitish Sparus, with brownish back, and an - ocellated. black spot on each side the shoul- ders and base of the tail. Peacock Sparus. | ae Gen. Zool. 4. p. 449. This fish is a native of the South-American rivers, arriving at the length of about twelve inches. It is in considerable esteem as an article of food. jeia j D A LI A 9 KEEN CEE BHR BREE GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne generally thickening towards the ex- tremities, and terminating in a clavated tip. : ue : | Wings (when sitting) erect, and meeting up- wards. Flight diurnal. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. — Butterfly with orange upper-wings spotted with black, and blackish-blue under-wings spotted with cream-colour, with silvery spots beneath. Papilio Idalia. | Far. sp. ims. 2. Pp» 109. Papilio Idalia. | | Drury ms. 1. pl. 13. £.1. 2. 3. This insect is a native of many parts of North Ame- rica, and is represented on the plate in its natural SIZe. -SIMIA LEONINA. SHIEH ISS RI CHARACTER GENERICUS. Dentes primores utrinque quatuor, approximati. Laniarii solitarii, longiores, hinc remot. Molares obtusi. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Simia fusco-olivacea, albido undulata, humeris floccosis, facie auribus pedibusque atris, naso albo. Simia leonina. S. ex olivaceo fuscescens, facie atra, ore albo, dorso striis albo flavescen- tibus notato. . Humb. Voy. Obs. Zool. Se. Simiam leoninam, in America australi inferiore et calidiore generatami, primus descripsit celeberrimus Humboldt. A rostri apice ad initium caudz longitu- do est quasi septuncialis, Eodem fere utitur vivendi modo quo cztere parvule simiz. Color ex olivaceo fuscescit ; variantur tamen superiores partes striis seu undulis albescentibus. Cauda totius animalis longitu- dini zqualis est. peor ~~ THE LEONINE MONKEY. HK KEKE EK KE KEK EEE GENERIC CHARACTER. Front-Teeth in each jaw four, placed near to- gether. Canine-Teeth solitary, longer than the others, distant from the grinders. Grinders obtuse. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &&e. Brownish-olive Monkey, - with whitish undula- tions, with long-haired shoulders, black face, ears and feet, and white nose. Le Leoncito. , Humb. et Bonpl. Voy. Obs. Zool. Se. This very small species of Monkey, which measures about seven inches from the tip of the nose to the be- ginning of the tail, is an inhabitant of the lower and hotter parts of South America, and was first described by the celebrated traveller Mons. Humdoldt. In its manners it resembles the rest of the smaller Monkies. Its colour is a brownish-olive, slightly waved or varied with whitish streaks on the upper parts; and the tail is of equal length with the rest of the animal. | penal." 5 7 § a oust ANAS SPONSA. SEKI KEE KEE EER ER EE CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum \amelloso-dentatum, convexum, obtu- sum. : Ligue ciliata, obtusa. Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Anas crista variegata dependente, pectore cas- taneo albo-maculato, pponondn aibo nigroque lunulatis. _Anas Sponsa. A. crista dependente duplici viridi czruleo alboque varia. Lin. Syst. Nat. In America tam septentrionali quam australi gene- ratur formosissima hec species; nec non in insulis nonnullis Indiz occidentalis. Migrat huc illuc, mu- tata coeli temperie. Femina mare minor, fusca, sub- tus albida, nullo plumarum splendore superbit. go - Cae Gen | omy (hata a 1 Viet} INO, iN) i\ Ny AN THE SUMMER DUCK. JSS RIGHI SSRI eae kek GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill broad and flattened; the edges marked with sharp lameilz. Tongue broad, and ciliated at the edges. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ec. Duck with pendent variegated crest, chesnut breast spotted with white, and side-feathers lunulated with black and white. . The Summer Duck of Catesby. Edw. pl. 101. This most beautiful species 1s an inhabitant of many parts both of North and South America, migrating, according to the diversity of seasons, from one region toanother. It is also found in some of the West In- dian islands. The female is smaller, of a brown colour, and without any of that gaiety of plumage which so elegantly distinguishes the male. F2 LABRUS ANNULATUS. KR EKER EES RRR EK CHARACTER GENERICUS, -Dentes robusti, subacuti: molares interdum, ut in Sparis, conferti, convexi: /abia crassa, duplicata: pimne dorsalis radii in certis spe- ciebus ramento elongati. p Opercula mutica, squamosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &&c. Labrus annulatus. L. pallidus, squamis minu- tis, fasciis utrinque novendecim fuscis, cauda subtriloba. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 497. a Labre annele. Cepede. Maria incolit Indica Labrus annulatus, longitudine quasi pedali. — iy asl wins ip \\ \W = MUM * geos THE ANNULATED LABRUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Teeth strong and subacute: the grinders some- times convex and crowded: “ips thick and doubled: rays of the dorsal fiz, in some species, elongated into soft processes. Gill-Covers unarmed, and scaly. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Pale Labrus, with minute scales, about nine- teen dusky bands on each side, and sub- trilobate tail. Annulated Labrus. | Gen. Zool. 4. p. 497- Labre annelé. Cepede. The annulated Labrus is a native of the Indian seas, and measures about twelve inches in length. Noted Vater ae nine st! nein ceca es e 2 SPHINX PANDION. KKKKKEE EKER EERE KEE EE CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne subprismatice, utroque fine attenuata. Lingua exserta (plerisque). -Palpi duo reflexi. Ale deflexz. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ec. Sphinx alis integris, superioribus olivaceis cano lineatis, infertoribus luteis nigro maculatis. Sphinx Pandion. Cram. t./32). f. A. Surinamiam incolit Sphinx Pandion, et magnitu- dine vera in tabula depingitur. t ae ae A 2 ie abt phe Loken as ef ". oe STON Nae 6¢0/ PANDION. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne subprismatic, attenuated at each ex- tremity. Tongue (generally) exserted. Feelers two, reflex. Wings deflected. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Sphinx with entire wings, the upper pair olive-green, lineated with grey; the lower yellow, spotted with black. Sphinx Pandion. . 7 : Cram, Dl. 321. f. a, This insect is a native of Surinam, and is repre- sented on the plate in its natural size. ASTERIAS SCOLOPENDROIDES. KKEKKEKERE ERE BER EEK EEE CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus depressum ; crusta subcoriacea, tenta- culis muricata. Os subtus, centrale, quinquevalve. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Asterias ferruginea, corpore orbiculari, radiis quinque gracilibus spinosis, spinis asperis diametro radii longioribus. Asterias ciliaris? A. radiata imbricata, radiis ’ utrinque ciliatis. | Lin. Syst. Nat. Link t. 34. £. 56. & t. 37. £. 65. 66. Magna est Asterie scolopendroidis copia in variis litoribus septentrionalis Europe; nullibi major quam in oris Britannicis. In numero est minorum specie- rum. Color generalis fusco-ruber seu ferrugineus, interdum, quod et aliis congeneribus accidit, in fus- cum, violaceum, seu virescentem convertitur. Asteriz aculeate conjunctior videtur quam alii alicui; ab hac tamen facile dignosci possit spinis longioribus et asperis. ie i ty ‘ ae ae te a ie" Se a eee 3 He 7 fr a By Pe ae * Pata i ip 4B 4 \ f rad page pees! UCU BANS » Pe ae ; OR ats ee Ya pe ie ay ei i” i hi A eich » ys Sew bo < ee > eee r se aye ges MA pathein 0 he pie ielbogetn sc ys = = ~~ THE SCOLOPENDROID STAR-FISH. KEKKKEK ERE EER ER EKG * GENERIC CHARACTER, Body depressed, covered with a sub-coriaceous crust muricated with tentacula. - Mouth beneath, central, five-valved. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ce. Ferruginous Star-Fish, with orbicular body and five slender spiny rays; the spines rough, and longer than the diameter of the ray. i Slender-Limbed Spiny Star-Fish. This, which is among the smaller species of the genus Asterias, is by no means uncommon about the coasts of the northern parts of Europe, and of our own island in particular. Its general colour is dusky red or ferruginous, but, like most others of the genus, it va~ ries; being sometimes brown, violet-coloured, or greenish. It seems most allied to the Asterias acu- leata, from which it may easily be distinguished by the length and roughness of its spines. i As ats os Aplee is aT ae: antiga. aed ARDEA VIRGO. CHARACTER GENERICUS. . Rostrum rectum, longum, acutum. Nares \ineares. : Lingua acuminata. Pedes tetradactyli. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Ardea cinereo-czrulescens, capite collo pecto- reque nigris, crista utrinque postoculari recurvata nivea. _ Ardea Virgo. A. superciliis albis postice retror- sumque longe cristatis. J | | Lin, Syst. Nat. Asiana et Africana est species de qua jam loguimur, ciconia paulo gracilior, nec tamen multo minor. In Britanniam non raro defertur: cito mansuescit, et cum custodibus init familiaritatem et amicitiam. Eleganter incedit, mire variatis gestibus. Merito numeranda est Ardea Virgo in pulcherrimis congene- rum. a “ns gerd unis tet Mae 9 RW): 4 a @ le soa sigs ahh yApsovds) eae april eee ‘icons ides = oma the . itt NE sa) RE Nag 124/ THE N UMIDIAN CRANE. “Hee? EMRE EE EERE GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill strait, jong, sharp- sacar Nostrils linear. Tongue pointed. Feet tetradactylous. | : SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. Blueish- -orey Heron, with black head, neck, and breast, and a snow-white recurved crest behind each eye. ‘Demoiselle Heron. | Lath. syne The Demoiselle of Numidia. Edw. pl. 134. Dancing, or Numidian Crane. The present species of Heron is a native of many parts of Asia and Africa, and is about the size of a Crane, but of a somewhat more slender shape: it is not unfrequently brought into this country, where it is easily tamed, and exhibits a considerable degree of attachment to its possessor. It is remarkable for the variety and singular elégance of its attitudes, and may be justly considered as one of the most beautiful birds of the genus to which it belongs. G 2 SCLENA MACROLEPIDOTA. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Caput squamosum. Pinne dorsales duz, in fossula recondendz. Membr. branch. radiis sex. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Scizna flava, fasciis transversis fusco-violaceis, : pinnis maculatis. ae Gen. Zool. 4. p. 543. Scizna macrolepidota. S. squamis magnis. | Bloch. ichth.Q. p. 35. t. 298. Maria incolit Indica Sciena macrolepidota, magni- tudine quasi Perce communis fluviatilis. 1042 ap HYadrven- Pst SPuaatje* THE LARGE-SCALED SCLENA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Head scaly. Dorsal fins two, seated in a furrow, into which they may occasionally be withdrawn. Gill-membrane six-rayed. - SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €&c. Yellow Scizna, with transverse brownish-violet bands, and spotted fins. _Large-scaled Scizna. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 543. The. large-scaled Sciena is a native of the Indian seas, and grows to the size of the common or river Perch. : * ; FOGG) Ae year nes he AAP PAPILIO POLYCHLOROS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. _Antenne apicem versus a sepius cla- vato-capitate. _ Ale (sedentis) erectze sursumque conniventes. _(Volatu diurno.) Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ec. Papilio alis denticulatis aurantiis, primoribus maculis tribus punctisque quatuor nigris. Papilio Polychloros. P. alis angulatis fulvis nigro maculatis, primoribus supra punctis quatuor nigris. Lin. Syst. Nat. Folia ulmi salicisque precipue depascitur larva hujus papilionis, et in chrysalidem mense Junio convertitur, unde mense Julio erumpit insectum piene formatum. RY TRY, cists By iat hy gate Pell ae Ce ue a Oe eT hehe | wok MPR ain us sig 5 . ty i Wb ae mirth: Caer tae Aa oy = : ¥ iy at 1043 a WVojrer RP. THE . GREAT TORTOISE-SHELL BUTTERFLY. SRA IR ER EER RES GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne thickening towards the end, and ge- nerally terminating in a clavated tip. Wings (when at rest) meeting upwards. Flight diurnal. : SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Ses Butterfly with denticulated_ orange-coloured. wings; the upper pair marked with three large and four small black spots. Great Tortoise-sheil Butterfly. Alp. M5, Dis 55. iags..1. pl. 2. Merian ins. Eur. pl. 52. The caterpillar of this insect feeds principally on the leaves of elm and willow, and changes to a chrysalis in the month of June, from which in July proceeds the Butterfly. = | i. "bye yi | Ps ins ~ ‘ y sy i yn a eens Bin Lee, Eo aR ee at a SA ety Nee ee i: x Cabernet Tage nr a AR ag CONUS AMADIS. Var. JR OIE IORI I RI IED CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Testa univalvis, convoluta, turbinata. Apertura effusa, longitudinalis, linearis, eden- tula, basi integra. Columella levis. Lyn. Syst. Nat. p. 1165. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, '&c. Conus testa pyramidata aurantio-fusca, fasciis jatis saturatioribus albo variatis puncta- tisque. Conus Amadis. C. testa dilute fusca, &c. &c. Lin. Giel. Chenin. 10. t. 142. f. 1322. E325. Var. C. testa pyramidata lutea albo varia, fasciis dvabus saturatioribus. Pulcherrimum hoe conchylium, cujus imo colori albo superinjicitur saturatior luteus, varietatem esse crediderim Cont Amadis. Verisimile est incolam esse -maris Indici. , ESR ANO AD “cata pr 10.44. RP MEW Del Seely ® | THE AMADIS CONE. V ar. EES SHES ISE GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal resembling a Limax or Slug. Shell more or less conic or pyramidal. Aperture longitudinal, linear, without teeth, entire at the base. Pillar smooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Cone with pyramidal orange-brown shell, with - two broad deeper bands variegated and speckled with white. ~The Amadis Cone. Cowmus, oc. &ec.- : Chemn. 10. t. 142. £. 1322.1323. Var. Cone with pyramidal gold-yellow shell | variceated with white, and with two deeper coloured bands. 2 The Yellow Admi iral. DL’ Amadis jaune. CE AN eee iS , Knorr. 0; pled. 1. 3. TS TLS ENS RT IRS END. aT This beautiful, shell seems to be a variety of the Conus Amadis, es is distinguished by the peculiar richness of its deep-yellow variegations on a white ground, It is prebably a native of the Indian seas. . — CAPRIMULGUS CAYANUS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum modice incurvum, minimum, subula- tum, basi depressum. | Vibrisse. ad os serie ciliari. Rictus amplissimus. Lingua acuta, integerrima. Lin, Syst. Nat. p. 118. - CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &&e. Caprimulgus albido-ferrugineus nigro lineatus, ‘ guia alba, remigibus caudaque albo nigro- que variis. - Caprimulgus Cayanus. C.rufo griseoque va- rius nigro undulato-lineatus, gula fascia- que alarum alba, temporibus rufis striis quinque nigris. Lath. ind. orn. ar: Habenda est hac avis in elegantioribus sui generis. In America australi generatur, sepissime in Cayenna. Idem fere est ei ingenium quod caprimulgo Europzo. Vescitur variis insectis, et nocte sola ad volandum utitur. EH 10485 THE WHITE-NECKED GOATSUCKER. BREE ER EKER EEE ER GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill very small, slightly hooked, depressed at the base, and ciliated with bristles. Gape very wide. Ti tee entire, and sharp- pointed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. “Whitish. ~ferruginous Goatsucker, with black. | lineations, white throat, and black and white wings and tail. L aoe de Cayenne. : Buff. 02s. 6. p. 545. Ci apaud-volant varié de Cayenne. Pl. bal, 7 60. White- necked Goatsucker. Lath. wn, 2..p.599. This bird, which, in point of plumage, may be considered as one of the most elegant of its tribe, 1s an inhabitant of South America, and particularly of Cayenne. In its manners it resembles the European species, flying only by night, and feeding on various Insects. bOD. aga) ae b \ Tine : AY ils : Ped i ae i ; Wea ¥ : ! He ie es A ce t Me : tee mh eh) ee ee a t PAPILIO C-AUREUM. CHARACTER GENERICUS, Antenne apicem versus crassiores, szepius cla- vato-capltate. Ale (sedentis) erectz, sursumque conniventes. (Volatu diurno.) | CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. - Papilio alis angulato-dentatis subcaudatis fulvis _ nigro maculatis; posticis nigricantibus, subtus C aureo notatis. Papilio C-aureum. P. alis angulatis fulvis ni- gro maculatis; posticis subtus C-aureo notatis. : Lin. Syst. Nat. Papilio alis dentatis fulvis nigro maculatis ; : posticis subtus C-aureo notatis. Smith. Ins. Amer. t. 11. In Georgia et Virginia generatur Americana hac species. Larva folia depascitur tilia albe, et in chry- salidem Maio convertitur, unde insequente Junio erumpit ipse papilio. ‘a - % aa) it 1s bat AWRY Geni rab Near “ 5 re 1046 t—- THE AMERICAN COMMA BUTTERELY. KEKE KK MEE MACE RE EE GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne thickening towards the end, and ter- minating in a clavated tip. Wings (when at rest) meeting upwards. Flight diurnal. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Butterfly with angularly-indented fulvous wings spotted with black; the lower pair black- ish, and marked beneath with a golden C, or comma-shaped spot. The American Comma Butterfly. Smuth and Abbot N. Amer. ins, pl. 1: The Papilio C-aureum or American Comma But- terfly inhabits Georgia and Virginia, where its cater- pillar feeds on the leaves of the white lime-tree, and changes to a chrysalis in the month of May, from | which in that of June emerges the complete insect. ‘ : Pt, - t ni +. ( de 4 = ¥ : e Hee ln Ny Cee cy ; sii’ Ss Rn aes a 4 a Se ie al Ke eos 4 i ee oe ‘ed cane Silanes ’ 2 ithe D» 7 v 5 ie f “ aah Me pee oN oat, aeons a. 33 , 5 Nae pla Dans 5 Ey , ’ . ' gi j ge ANUS HB as a Oe ee ak. Ne RG ee ; 1 NES 9 wy he iS ka Re I Ht 5 he it Ee eA ae lee, 3 By hth: Cth nd a r ’ \44 AT was é He, A f ‘ Pb Sale! SLAM ie ; * 1 ae ; « its t G Re yon " ; , Png (OEE ales ss r aie Gul ‘ ee aa ") ; rhe Nae Bd VOR Aa Nu ‘ = P ® ’ ) RE SSG ‘i Bi) oy ian 2 \ ; y eres ae 2 He EB a PO were : rs oy o f fy a eset | . EN z 4 ; ho Abe Eh Of \ ay . sae Fe + ane Uh, ' kd. i ; 6 Woy 85 FN Teoh tie ” ih A heer F D { Whe yd ea teh per dccarsgtian ener tataae ie semana ~ sie * PAA dan Di pee Hs | SCIZANA CORO. JHB SSG SOR ekki CHARACTER GENERICUS. Caput squamosum. Pinne dorsales duze, in fossula recondendz. Membr. branch. radiis sex. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Scizna argenteo-czrulescens, dorso subfusco, corpore utrinque striis octo transversis - fuscis. a : Gen. Zool. 4. p. 538. Scizna Coro. 5. capite nudo, striis octo trans- : versalibus. Bloch ichth. 9. t. 307. f. 2. Corocoro Brasiliensibus. y Marcgr. Brass, p. 177. Will. ichth. p. 801. t. 18. f. 4, Maria incolit Brasiliana Scizna Coro, longa ple- rumque duodecim vel quindecim uncids. a ht cee. sala cian Om wT hs it x ie eats | THE CORO SCLANA. GENERIC CHARACTER, Head scaly. Dorsal fins two, seated in a furrow, into which they may occasionally withdraw. Gill- Membrane six-rayed. ’ SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Wc. Silvery -blueish Sciena, with brownish back, and body marked on each side with eight transverse brown bands. -Scizena Coro. Bloch ichth. pl. 307. f. 2. The Corocoro of the Brasilians. The present species of Scizna is an inhabitant of the Brasilian seas, where it grows to the length of twelve or fifteen inches. pee NERO PAW wr ¥ a snd. laters e SERTULARIA CEREOIDES. CHARACTER GENERICUS, _ Animal crescens plantz habitu. Stirps emittens e cellulis vel denticulis calyci- formibus hydras. Lin. Syst. Nat. Gmel. p. 3844. _— CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Sertularia ramosa prolifcra, ramulis subcylin- dricis obtusiusculis. : Cellaria cereoides. CC. articulata ramosa, arti- culis subcylindricis, osculis cellularum un- dique promiunulis. Soland. et Ellis Zooph. p. 20. tr. 5.18 Demet. Ste. Sertularia cereoides. Lin. Gmel. Circa litora Africana precipue conspicitur Sertula- tla cereoides, altitudine tres vel quatuor uncias equans. ~~ ———————— «°* nel - cite AMR Sem ie a | 1048 A, RPVaror T el Seu qn THE CEREOID SERTULARIA. ERE EAAK RAI R RE oe GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal growing with the appearance of a plant. Stem emitting polypes from calycular cells or _denticles. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &Fe, Rainified proliferous Sertularia, with subcylin- drical subobtuse ramifications. Torch-Thistle Cell- Coralline. Sol. et Elts Zooph. p. 26. Be 5. Torch-Thistle or Cereoid Sertularia. The cereoid Sertularia is principally observed about the coasts of Africa, rising to the height of three or four inches. ey » ; PET es pss Pepe to AON gal we ; De ee as Aas ripe 4 ube! Agee NO ¥ ath 428 Bee 4 me digit Dem & i COLYMBUS GLACIALIS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum rectum, acutum, mandibulis lateribus coarctatis. : Nares \ineares. Lingua longa, acuta, basi lateribus denticulata. Crura compressa. Pedes tetradactyli, compe- des, palmati, digito exteriore longuiore, postico parvo interiori membranula coa- dunato. Cauda brevis, viginti pennis constans. Lath. ind. orn. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &e. Colymbus niger nitens, maculis quadratis albis ; ) subtus abus; collar albo nigro lineato. | Colymbus glacialis. C. pedibus palmatis tetra- | dactylis, capite colloque nigro-violaceo, fascia gulz cervicisque alba interrupta. | | Lin. Syst. Nat. | Colymbus maximus Ferroensis seu Arcticus. | Clus. exot. 102. Worm. | | | MUS. 303.6 Congenerum maximus Colymbus glacialis alitur _ fere in omnibus Europz septentrionalis partibus ; bre- | vium, stagnorum majorum, et fluviorum incola. Ves- '| citur piscibus et insectis aquaticis. Anserem superat Magnitudine, longus quasi tres pedes cum dimidio 2 BM pals: into goigstol ater Tres ARS 2 elisipidmacsi 1044 THE NORTHERN DIVER. SHIGE SSS HEREK I GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill strong, strait, pointed: upper rnandible the longest; the edges of each bending in- wards. _Nostrils linear; the upper part divided by a small cutaneous appendage. Tongue long and pointed ; serrated on each side near the base. _ : Legs thin and flat; toes four in number, the ex- terior longest, the back toe very small, and joined to the interior bya IS mem- brane. Lai short, consisting of twelve feathers. Lath. Syn. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Glossy-black Diver with square white spots ; beneath white; with white collar streaked by black lines. : The Northern Diver. : Penn Brit. Zool. Lath. synops. Greatest Speckled Diver or Loon. _ Will. ort. _ This species, the largest hitherto discovered, is an inhabitant of almost all the northern regions of Eu- I2 ¢ as rope, frequenting shallow seas, large lakes, and rivers, ~ and feeding on fish and water-insects. Its size is su- perior to that of a Goose, measuring near three feet and a half in length. ; “- - e* ~~ ; a ai Ms ns _ y ae ve 2 4 ee } ‘ . . 4 ; + i ’ ul 4 es A a re Ly 2 \ : = tA ale 2 ; x ae # ean { Te 1 ¢ i ~*~ : Shs , ? * ~ ae aye te Kp Te SR Nh Ne A i EE eS ae ~ 4 i iE a4 ws > Nv e re it Ny } 6 A Bed sl \ 4 i, E ; \ we We es or ‘ shee thant pes ij by a) Lah ca Ei ‘ Yyaxi witiy eR Wie) fe 5 Ca > wl * sa PAPILIO HUNTERA. SEK EEK KR KEE EBA RRB CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne apicem versus crassiores, szpius cla- vato-capitate. Ale (sedentis) erectz sursumque conniventes. (Volatu diurno.) Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Papilio Huntera. P. alis angulatis fulvis albo nigroque varils ; posticis subtus albo reti- culatis ocellisque duobus. Smith. Abbot ins. Amer. t. Q. Papilio Huntera. | : Fabr. Entom. emend. 5. 4,104. Ob nimiam que est inter hunc papilionem et Eu- ropeum illum cardu7 nomine distinctum, non dubi-— tavere Linneus et alii plurim1 physici unam eandam- que speciem pronunciare. Aliter tamen censuit Fa- bricius ; et accurate collatis inter se speciminibus, sen- tentiam ejus facile comprobaveris ; Americanum enim ab Europzo evidenter discriminant ale latiores et bre- viores. In Georgia et Carolina generatur Papilio Huntera ; Jarva vescitur foliis variarum herbarum quibus nomen Guaphalium. by 4 Te ie ! 4050 | THE AMERICAN PAINTED LADY BUTTERFLY. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne pieccame at the end, and generally terminating in a clavated tip. Wings (when at rest) meeting bee Flight diurnal. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e- . Butterfly with angulated fulvous wings, varie- gated with black and white; the lower pair reticulated with white beneath, and marked with two ocellated spots. American Painted Lady Butterfly. | Smith. Abbot. N. Amer. das. pl... So great is the general similarity between this and the European Butterfly, called Papilio cardui, or Painted Lady, that Linnzus and most other natura- lists seem to have considered it as the same species. It has however been regarded as distinct by Fabricius, whose opinion is justified by an accurate collation of the European and American specimens; and, as a general or obvious mark of distinction, it may be ob- served, that the wings in the American insect are shorter and broader in proportion than in the Euro- pean kind. It is found in the provinces of Georgia and Carolina, where its caterpillar feeds on different species of Gnaphalium. uy ti > Wa oe ey iy « | 10 5/ THE THICK-LEAVED CORALLINE, SKIKE EK EE EE GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal? growing in the form of a Plant. Stem fixed: branches jointed and subdivided. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. Trichotomous jointed Coralline, with com- pressed, plano-convex cuneiform joints. Fleshy Coralline. : Solander et Ellis Zooph. Pp. 111.6 “pl. .20., Td. p. Ellis Corall. p. 53. f. A. a. This species of Coralline is by no means uncommon on the shores of the American islands, and is repre- sented in its natural size. 4 Py Hin: sda pal enten Mercia iaieeade Agath: ee Mh Aah Be eRe ie ote we er at ne PATELLA TESTUDINARIA. SISTER I TOI RIOR CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. : Testa univalvis, subconica, absque spira. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 4257. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &e. Patella testa integerrima ovata levi, luteo fus- coque varia, intus subargentea. | Patella testudinaria. P. testa integerrima ovata levi glaberrima. : Lim, Syst. Nat. p. 1260. Patella testudinaria. P. testa integerrima acuta levi glaberrima. Lig. dyst. Nat. Gmel. p. 37176 PATELLA PLICARIA. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Patella testa imbricato-radiata alba fusco-nebu- losa, margine denticulato, intus alba. Patella plicaria? P. testa ovata dentata ; striis elevatis obtusis triginta undulatis transver- sim rugosis. | | Lin. Syst. Nat. Gmel. p. 3768, Espece de Patelles doubles étoilées. Knorr 3. t..a0. 4. 1. Inter lJautissimas hujus generis species numerantur Patella testudinaria et Patella plicaria, quas ambas nu- triunt maria Indica et Americana, / eh Ap cs ily Sinateeaaing A We pipet ne | is f 4e a hn . 4 : i e ; ai sii issanagcan aun fal (ey oy: ia * a ah ey Sy se sche Ba Ae Psy aah s - eth, ete oe eam oh G fa tas Seige nels’ sm eR CR Man + Nae edaes be ay i Mi aN, OM KS ‘ /052 / ar (Gane Del fo / THE TORTOISE-SHELL LIMPET. [SESE GENERIC CHARACTE... Animal allied to a Limax or Slug. — Shell univalve, subconic, without spine. SPE Cl. FIC CHARACTER, Fe. Limpet with perfectly entire, ovate, smooth shell, with brown and yellow va.iegations, and slightly silvery i internal: surface. The Great Tortoisé- Sheil I Le ‘mpet. Bouclier de couleur d'écauie de Tortué. a ple 2: fF. Horr. 1. pl. 21.8. 1. THE PLEATED LIMPET. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ‘Sc. Imbricate-rayed white Limpet, clouded with brown, with toothed margin a white ‘inside. Brown and white ribived Limpet. Espece de Patelles double étoilces. : Korn. 3. pl. 30. £.%. Among the most elegant shells of the present genus may be numbered those represented on the present plate, which are natives of the Indian and American seas. 3 ~ wile eS) f ; = ; Pr Ae ae eae CAPRIMULGUS VOCIFERANS. ROSIER CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum modice incurvum, minimum, subula- tum, basi depressum. Vibrisse ad os serie Ciliari. Rictus amplissimus. Emgua acuta integerrima. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Caprimulgus vociferans. C. griseus, lunula gu- Jari albida, subtus ochraceus fusco lineatus, alis ferrugineis nigro nebulosis. Caprimulgus vociferus. : Wilson Amer. Orn. 5. pli 4. Americe septentrionalis plerasque regiones xstivo tempore incolit Caprimulgus vociferans. Hunc cum specie diversa confudisse videntur ornithologi. Vocem emittit insigniter resonam, quam montibus et sylvis re- -percussam si audierint novi advene, somnos adimere dicitur nimius et insolitus cantus. Speciem accurate descripsit ingeniosus Wilsonus, a quo discimus interdiu Tarissime et non nisi fortuito conspici, vescique, alio- um more congenerum, phalenis majoribus, gryllis, formicis, et insectis que plurima reperiuntur in pu- tridis et effoetis arboribus. Admonet porro Wilsonus feminam mari esse minorem seu breviorem, coloribus paulo pallidioribus. K regi ated pane Sate v 7033 ie ee THE VOCIFEROUS GOATSUCKER. JERSE EIR ER GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill very small, slightly hooked, depressed at the base, and ciliated with bristles. Gape very wide. _ Tongue entire, and sharp-pointed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &&c. Grey Goatsucker, with whitish gular crescent, beneath ochre-coloured with brown linea- tions, and ferruginous wings clouded with black. Caprimulgus vociferus, or Whip-Poor-Will. Wilson Amer. Zool. 5. pl. 4. The present bird, hitherto confounded by ornitho- logists with a different species, is an inhabitant, dur- ing the summer months, of most of the United States of North America, and is remarkable for the loud- ness of its notes, which, echoing from the woods and mountains, are said to prevent those from sleeping who have not been accustomed to the sound. The ingenious Mr. Wilson, in his work entitled American Ornithology, has accurately described this species, and observes, that it is never seen in the day-time, except in particular circumstances; and that its food, like that of the rest of this genus, consists of large moths, srasshoppers and ants, as well as of other insects fre- quenting old and decaying trees. Mr. Wilson adds, that the female is rather smaller or shorter than the male, and of somewhat paler colours. K 2 ures’ pve ee Bt puveate hin as Wma. eth g scab , . Th, wut yi bi Te thera, SCARABAUS FULLO. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne elavate capitulo fissili. Tibie antic szpius dentatz. Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Scarabzus fusco-castaneus, subtus albidus, ely- tris maculis punctisque irregularibus albis. ‘Scarabeus Fulle. S. scutellatus muticus, an- tennis heptaphyllis, corpore nigro pilis albis, scutello macula duplici alba. | Lin. Syst. Nat. Melolontha Fullo. M. testacea albo maculata, scutello macula duplici, antennis hepta- phyllis. Fab. spec. ms. 1. p. 35. Varias Europe partes, quibus modica est coeli tem- peries, frequentat Scarabzeus Fullo, in Britannia raris- simus. ‘Tabula ostendit veram magnitudinem. Mas a femina dignoscitur antennis lamellatis multo majo- ribus. rg i ancigeals Oy ae aubidis acide | aieem 1 ‘ fe Yy . a t nes ‘gett old PhS , a wt | a Ul A were Es rae Ro. ‘ale i [054 RP rer Pl Sa. f* | THE FULLER BEETLE. © SEARS IESE EK ETE EK MEE GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne clavated with a fissile or laminated tip. Middle joints of the fore-legs toothed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. Chesnut-brown Beetle, whitish beneath, with the wing-sheaths irregularly varied and speckled with white. The Great Dor, or Fuller Beetle. The Marbled Beetle. This elegant insect 1s a native of many of the tem- perate parts of Europe, but is very rarely seen in our own island. The plate represents it in its natural size. The male is distinguished from the female by the far larger size of its laminated antenne. 7 ae rf : : | Bo ¥h es ‘eytse cae f baie bina | ie wk GORGONIA LEPADIFERA. CHARACTER GENERICUS, Anima crescens plantze facie. Hydre sparse e poris lateralibus. Stirps radicata, cornea, continua, ramosa, basi explanata, cortice obducta. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Gorgonia dichotoma, floribus confertis campa- - nulatis squamosis albis. Gorgonia dichotoma, floribus sparsis confertis reflexis companulatis imbricatis. : Lin. Syst. Nat. Gmel. Mull. Zool. Dan. Gorgonia dichotoma, osculis confertis reflexis campanulatis imbricatis, carne squamulis albis obducta, osse in ramulis majoribus testaceo, in minoribus corneo. Soland. et Ellis Zooph. p. 84. fo. UST 2s _ Super rupes maris Norvegici precipue conspicitur Gorgonia lepadifera, altitudine interdum pedali vel etiam bipedali. ; ; i ae pate tp. "res pS bl Bay r b a aw aie od eee es if Po. hay SB? POIOR : , : ‘S "| ‘ Re * ti r ise + “ae 2 : pepe ait nee Vee OES A hash Baton Non Aa ear Hib de i Ey eae. ime | 1055 L 1, Ay, eed ve no y nee Vv “Ci THE BARNACLE-BEARING GORGONIA. KEKE ERLE EEKEE EEK GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal growing with the habit of a Plant. Polypes scattered from the lateral pores. Stem fixed, horny, branched, covered with a soft bark. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Dichotomous Gorgonia, with crowded bell- shaped scaly heads or flowers. The Barnacle-bearing Gorgon. Soland. et Ellis Zooph. p. 84. pl. We 8,1. 2. Scaly-flowered Gorgonia. This species of -Gorgonia is principally seen on the rocks of the Norwegian sea, where it grows to the height of twelve inches, or even two fees, 4, shy jy 4 ‘ i siete aon baen wAibinnlgdbyedgsies Ea ih merrm yt age) tipo ‘ah Stieieserdies OD oat A I KURTUS INDICUS. | De ec Se Se oS CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus latum, utrinque carinatum, dorso ele- vato. Membr. branch. radiis duobus. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 185. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €&c. Kurtus Indicus. K. argenteus, dorso aureo. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 185. Kurtus Indicus. Bloch. t. 169. Maria incolit Indica piscis in tabula depictus, et in longitudinem pedalem vel sesquipedalem crescit. % fF RoR ay me Or ROR Os TOV (OR EORE whi ai ‘aly autvicpab ab righibs eo tt top i ey, a. RAO WEE | APTERYX AUSTRALIS. RAK KKK KEKE EE KERR CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum longum, gracile, rectiusculum, basi cera tectum, sulco tubulato laterali utrin- que exaratum, apice subtumido subin- curvo. Nares? \imeares, inconspicuz, prope apicem rostri, ad finem sulci tubulati. Ale rudimenta tantum, monodactyla, subun- cialia, unguiculo terminali. Pedes compedes, breves, validi, gallinacei, te- tradactyli, digito postico subinteriore, bre- VISSIN10. Cauda nulla. \ CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. Apteryx griseo- -ferruginea, rostro pedibusque fusco-flavescentibus. Novum omnino genus in tabula depingitur, nec ad ordinem aliquem ornithologicum, quem novimus, facile referendum. Nullis certe similius est quam Struthtonibus et Galiinis; rostrum. tamen ab ils diver- sum alium vivendi modum indicat. Prope accedit hec avis ad anseris magnitudinem ; longaque est ab apice rostri ad extremum corporis quasi duos pedes cum semisse. Rostrum ipsum, si ab angulis orts me~ tiris ad extremitatem mandibule superiotis, sex uncias Ek, _ et tres quadrantes zequat: si ab initio frontis fiat men- sura, quinque uncias et tres quadrantes. Habitu seu facie generali ad Pinguinarias quodammodo accedit, vestitu Casuarium australem magnopere refert. Caput parvum. Collum modicum. Crura, non aliter quam in Pinguinariis sita, brevia et valida, sex uncias a genu ad extremum unguis medii sunt longa. Pedes digitis tribus anticis instruuntur, unicoque brevissimo subin- terlore postico; quorum omnes ungue muniuntur va- lido et acuto, fere unciali illo qui digiti est medil. Tota pedum conformatio gallinacea est. Nullum est caude vestigium ; et alarum loco (si fraus absit, nul- lam enim detegere possum) parvulus utrinque est arti- culus quasi uncialis, subtus plumis rarissimis margina- tus, cujus apex unguem gerit parvulum et subacutum vix quadrante uncie longiorem. Tota avis ferrugineo- pallet, pennarum omnium marginibus obscuricribus, quo fit ut fusco commiste videantur; queque elon- gate sunt et acuminate. Rostrum pedesque fusco- flavescunt ; rostrum tamen pallidius. In Nova Zelandia generatur hec avis, cujus ab australi ora specimen quod depiximus in Angliam in- tulit Dominus Barcley, navis Providentie dux, et sua- dente amicissimo Domino Evans, mihi ipsi pane maniter donavit. In tabula secunda depinguntur rostrum, ala, pes, penna, juxta naturalem magnitudinem. 10387 F q THE SOUTHERN APTERYX. Seok HSE eRe Rese Retest sh sb se te steaks GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill long, slender, nearly strait, covered at the base by a cere, marked on each side by a - tubular furrow, slightly swelled and bent at the tip. : Nostrils? linear, inconspicuous, near the tip of the bill, at the end of the tubular furrow. Wings rudiments only, consisting of a single joint or finger, about an inch in length, and terminated by a small claw or spur. Feet comped, short, strong, gallinaceous, and tetradactyle ; the hinder or. subinterior toe very short. Tail none. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferruginous- grey Apteryx, with yellowish brown bill and legs. he bird represented on the present plate consti- tutes a perfectly new genus, which it is not easy to re- _ fer to any of the established ornithological orders. It “seems however to approach more nearly to the Struthi- ous and the Gallinaceous tribes than to any other, though the very different form of the beak implies a L 2 different manner of life. The size of this bird is nearly that of a goose, and its length, from the tip of the bill to the extremity of the body, about two feet and a half. The bill, if measured from the corners of the mouth to the tip of the upper mandible, is about six inches and three quarters in length; but if measured from the beginning of the forehead to the tip, about five inches and three quarters. The general habit or appearance of the bird approaches to that of the Pen- guins; while the plumage bears a strong alliance to that of the brown or New Holland Cassowary. The head is rather small, and the neck of moderate length: the legs, which are situated as in the Penguins, are short and strong, measuring about six inches from the knee to the extremity of the middle claw: the feet have three toes in front, and a very short hind or sub- interior toe; and all are furnished with very strong and sharp claws ; that of the middle toe measuring nearly un inch in length. The whole structure of the feet is gallinaceous. There 1s no appearance of a tail, and in place of wings (unless any art of deception has been practised, of which 1 cannot discover the least appear- ance), can only be perceived a small single joint on each side, measuring about an inch in length, slightly fringed on its lower edge by a few straggling plumes, and terminated by a small and sharpish claw or spur, scarcely a quarter of an inch in length. The colour of the whole bird is pale ferruginous, the edges of the feathers, which on all parts are of a lengthened and pointed shape, being of a more dusky cast, and thus giving the appearance of a mixture of brown in the plumage. The bill and legs are of a yellowish-brown colour, the bill rather paler than the legs. This curious bird is a native of New Zealand, from the south coast of which it was brought by Captain Barcley of the Previdence, by whom, through the kind interposition of my friend W. Evans, Esq. it was pre- sented to myself. The second plate represents, in their natural size, the bill, wing, leg, and a feather of this bird. a 0a 4 f ol a nm i oe ailleurs ae 4 ¥ x ath ot pias: ee ‘ 3 i f ; a i 4 Bi 1059 THE FRINGE-TREE SPHINX. FEE EIR ISR GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne thickest in the middle, subprismatic, __ and attenuated at each extremity. Wings deflected. (Flight strong, and commonly in the evening or morning). SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. Grey Sphinx, with dusky variegations, a white central spot on the upper wings, and the body marked on each side by three orange-yellow spots edged with black. ‘The Fringe-Tree Hawk-Moth. Smith and Abbot's Amer. Ins. pl. 34. The Sphinx Chionanthi or Fringe-Tree Hawk- Moth, is a native of several parts of America. The larva is observed to feed principally on the leaves of the Chionanthus Virginica or Fringe-Tree. Vide BUPRESTIS CHRYSIS. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Antenne setaceze, subserratz. Caput dimidium intra thoracem feeroctun Corpus crassum, postice subacuminatum. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. Buprestis aureo- viridis nitidissima, thorace punctis numerosis impressis, sterno por- recto, elytris castaneis. Buprestis Chrysis. B. elytris serrato-tridentatis castaneis, sterno conico porrecto. | Fabr. sp. ins. p. 275. Confundi non raro solet elegans hac species cum Buprestide steruzcorni, seu aureo-viridi; a qua tamen insigniter discrepat, non modo majori mole, verum etiam colore elytrorum, non aureo-viridium, sed e castaneo lete rubentium. ‘Tabula ostendit veram in- secti magnitudinem. In India generatur Buprestis Chrysis. , nanan a8 nip abtodth, # donut itt psaechisg: Mir hae --ottag raved o inca 1 ebiar ¢ else NY Hex "™ 1960 D rann bn gensed UPL Lhd Ory RPA ar: THE CHESNUT-SHELLED INDIAN BUPRESTIS. HK KEK BACK BE HM EE EE ER GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne setaceous, slightly serrated. Head half withdrawn beneath the thorax. Body thick, slightly pointed behind. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &e. Brilliant gold-green Buprestis, with the thorax marked by numerous impressed points, porrected sternum, and chesnut wing- sheaths. Chesnut-shelled Green-gold Buprestis. The present most elegant species has sometimes been confounded with the Buprestis sternicornis or smaller - green-gold Buprestis, from which however it strikingly differs, not only in superior size, but also in the co- lour of the elytra or wing-sheaths, which in the pre- sent insect are of a beautiful reddish chesnut instead of gold-green. It is a native of India, and is represented in its natural size. ee ce vit 2 mien ks wh oy y thy “ ee te e pe eee om ies; OS PSITTACUS SQUAMOSUS. ASSESS nSiiieiabiekseiekae CHARACTER GENERICUS. Rostrum aduncum, mandibula superiore mobili, plerisque cera instructa. \Nares 1n rostri basi. Lingua plerisque carnosa, obtusa, integra. Pedes scansoril. | CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. Psittacus macrourus viridis, humeris coccineis, abdomine uropygioque rubropurpureis, pectore squamatim variato. Psittacus squammosus. P. macrourus viridis, capite collo pectoreque marginibus penna- rum aurantiis, humeris coccineis, uropygio abdomineque medio sanguineis. Lath. ind. orn. De Surinamia, (bi enim generatur elegans hzc spe- cies) specimen quod depinximus in Britanniam intulit Dominus Sack, et nobiscum perhumaniter communi- cavit. Miro superbicbat plumarum nitore et varie- tate. 4 : e % : .% Aa 1061 7 ; = KP Aggder Prnn& moran? KPLSNE Gy — THE SCALY-BREASTED PARRAKEET. KEKKKKRKKERE KY KEE KKK GENERIC CHARACTER, - Bill hooked, with the upper mandible move- able, and generally furnished with a cere. Nostrils in the base of the bill. Tongue, in most species, fleshy, obtuse, entire. Feet scansorial. — | SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. Long-tailed green Parrakeet, with scarlet shoul- | ders, purple-red belly and rump, and breast marked by scale-shaped variega- tions. ge Wave-Breasted Parrakeet. Var. Gen. Zool. 8. p. 405. This elegant species is a native of Surinam: the specimen figured on the present plate, exhibited a greater richness and variety of. plumage than is usually seen, and was brought from Surinam by Baron Sack, by whom it was politely communicated. vo My td inte ih eee at An k Dag a Fo % i om, é ; : ae bd - ¥ Ne : ie buh ae Sas ia ee ho, oy 4 ao Ne ia ay , Dele a Bat ae nid 3 Se ee ee : a fee wi TESTUDO SERPENTINA. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus caudatum, lorica ossea aut coriacea su-< perne et inferne, vel squamis superne ob- tectum. Oris mandibula superiore inferiorem pyxidum instar claudens. . CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ec. Testudo serpentina. T. testa ovali depressa, trifariam convexa, squamis acuminatis, margine postico rotundato acute serrato. Schoepf. Test. p. 28. t. 6. Testudo serpentina. T. pedibus digitatis, testa subcarinata, postice obtusa, acute quinque- dentata. Lin. Syst. Nat. 'p. 354. Testudinem serpentinam alunt plurime regiones Americe tam septentrionalis quam australis, aquas stagnantes incolentem, pisces et animalia aquatica predantem ; libras viginti vel plures pondere zquan- tem. Color generalis est sordide fusco-castaneus, sub= tus pallidior. ‘ a tite a v 40 62 Wet ade sham Gr wens P 0% Pub-Lis Zz Anghed EZ ; = 7 RPA Neer THE SNAKE TORTOISE. ERIE EE KI EK RK GENERIC CHARACTER. Body defended by a bony covering coated by a horny, scaly, or coriaceous integument. Mouth without distinct or proper teeth; the upper mandible closing over the lower. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gc. Tortoise with ovate, depressed, triply cari- nated, sharp-scaled shell, rounded and acutely serrated at the posterior margin. Snake Tortoise. Gen. Zool. 3. p. 72. ~ Serrated Tortoise. | Penn. Arct. Zool. suppl. p. 97. This species is a native of many parts both of North and South America, inhabiting stagnant waters, grow- Ing to the we'ght of twenty pounds or more, and prey- ing on fish and various other aquatic animals. Its ge- neral colour is a dull chesnut brown, lighter or paler beneath. + | an x x ME hd Xr ’ mi ‘ - a ‘d 4) 7 Ay 3 i wer ie ‘Y ‘ Re Y m i } Auke iis eda Mary mY Gus uy ae ‘\ F a & e k X mk Yoke ‘ 1% y Pad xs J PP ea Ry, S iii \ . be a hE ; al € ‘ ri Ie a ‘¢ . el a EB a ora LACERTA BICARINATA, WEEE KER HE ERE EEE EK KK CHARACTER,.GENERICUS. Corpus tetrapodum, elongatum, caudatum, nudum. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &5c. Lacerta bicarinata. L.cauda compressa, supra bicarinata mediocri, dorso quadrifariam carinato-striata. | Lin. Syst. Nat. p..361. Gen, Zool. 3. p. 212. Lacertam bicarinatam primus accurate depinxisse videtur Comes de Cepede in opere suo de Amphibiis ; qui tamen male eam retulit ad lacertam Dracenam Linnzi. In America australi generatur, sesquipedalis, seu bipedalis. La | Bee f *) ee Sabie on) pate, i a e os - ailaba ip “ PONE wT HED DY peonaby 9) £90L THE BICARINATED LIZARD. HEGRE KK RR IEEE RER KEKER GENERIC CHARACTER. Body four-footed, elongated, tailed; without any secondary integument. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, tc. Lizard with four rows of strong carinated scales on the back, and tail of moderate length. Bicarinated Lizard. Gen. Zool. 3. p. 212. This species appears to have been first fizured with any degree of accuracy in the work of Count de Cepede on the Amphibia, who however mistook it for the Lacerta Dracena of Linnzus. It is a native of South America, and arrives at the length of eighteen inches or two feet. SCOMBER SCOMBER. SEI IER RH EE IIR RE AE CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus oblongum, lve, linea laterali interdum carinatum. Pinnule sepius supra infraque caudam. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ec. Scomber czruleus, lineis numerosis transversis nigris, abdomine argenteo, pinnulis supra infraque quinque. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 577. scomber Scomber. | Lin. Syst. Nat. Scombrum Scombrum seu communem, jn piscium pulcherrimorum numero habendum, generant maria Europea et Americana. Certa, ut pluiimum, observat reditus tempora, et circa certa catervatim ¢lomeratur litora ; arctica precipue; major ibi quam alibi. De longis itineribus que peragere Scombrum_ narrant nonnulli auctores, dubitare saltem tutius est, si non in fabulis reponere; multoque verisimilius est ims mensa agmina, que verno tempore oras Europzas modice tepentes frequentant, per hiemem nunquam revera procul a litore aberrasse, sed in molli luto de- mersa latuisse, et exacto frigore, aperto se pelago ite- rum commississe. fay fi bie en, oh oe” | i . ¥ A 200 K B YA ‘ +7, we, Z / 7 * pget THE , COMMON MACKREL. SEEK MEE AEE FE RAE HE KE GENERIC CHARACTER. Body oblong, smooth, sometimes carinated by the lateral line. Finlets (in most species) above and below, to- wards the tail. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Blue Mackrel, with numerous transverse black lines, silvery abdomen, and five finlets — above and below. Common Mackrel. Penn. Brit. Zool. Gen. Zool. 4. p. 577. The Common Mackrel, which may be considered as one of the most beautiful of fishes, is a native of the European and American seas; generally appearing at stated seasons, and swarming round particular coasts. It is most plentiful in the northern seas, where it grows to a larger size than elsewhere. The _ long migrations of the Mackrel, described by some wri- ters, seem at present to be considered as extremely doubtful; and it is rather supposed that the shoals which appear in such vast abundance round the more temy erate coasts of Europe in the spring season, were in ‘ealitv at no great distance during the winter ; having merely immersed themselves in the deep and soft mud; from which they arise in a state of restored activity when the frosts are passed. NSYy We —=— LEAL P No ddr U7 gaat : Vol.LPlate 18- | = Vide 7673. GENERAL INDEXES, | IN LATIN AND ENGLISH, OF sa. SUBJECTS TWENTY-FOUR VOLUMES NATURALISY’S MISCELLANY: BY THE LATE ; GEORGE SHAW, M.D. F.R.S. AND j 7, RICH. P. NODDER. LONDON: . PRINTED FOR, AND PUBLISHED BY, ELIZABETH NODDER & SON, 34, TAVISTOCK-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN; — BY B. M°MILLAN, BOW-STREET, COVENT-GARDENe Y 1813. {Price Two Shillings and Sixpence.) - GENERAL LATIN INDEX or THE PLATES CONTAINED IN THE TWENTY-FOUR VOLUMES on THE NATURALIST’S MISCELLANY, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. A \ VOL. PL. Alcyonium alboreum 19 © 802._—Ss Acanthurus Chirurgus arenosum 14. 547. ————— . velifer botryoides 4 128 Acarus auratus —————— digitatum 2 42 autumnalis ~_——— €x0S 11 440 —— + coleoptratus ~ Schlosseri 17 = 712 —— exulcerans Ampelis Cotinga 6 187. —— lepidopterorum . Garrulus 18 764 —— pectinatus ~ Naynana @ 335 —— rhombeatus —— phoenicea’ 2 64 vegetans Pompadora 5 148 Acrochordus Javanicus | ————~- superba - umbellata be. 4 Actinia Anemone ; ; Amphisbzena rosea Jl 6423 Cereus Amphitrite Ventila- 9 330 -— crassicornis brum 13% 539 Dianthus Anableps tetropthal- 11 417 Alca impennis mus 12 465 Alcedo atricapilla Anatrhichus pantheris 8 2090 cerulea nus 13° §25 ——— chlorocephala Anas Aigyptiaca 1 13. —— cristata fasciata 9 317 —— Erithaca ——— galericulata 21 8890 Inda ——— histrionica 4 129 —— Ispida lobata 19 §=6793 leucocephala melanotus Oe 1590 —— pusilla —— Meriane 19 825 -—— Smyrnensis occidua -—— Plutonia ~——— Sponsa 16 681 —— tribrachys ultramarina 2 VOL. 1 JO 11 12 10 9 10 6 19 12 21 13 16 17 24 24 1 9 0 23 16 15 24 15 3 BO. 13 bet ba we OON A GENERAL LATIN INDEX. PL. 5 Anguis Scytale 355 Anthias Argus 402 Diagramma 487 formosus 371 sacer 320 Antipathes Cupressus S52 7 myriophylla 205 Aphrodita aculeata Qe. a CITENOBA 454 Apis lapidaria G02 Aplysia Camelus 507 depilans 038 punctata 706 Peroniana were Apteryx Australis 12 Aranea avicularia 308 Diadema 336 nobilis 983, -———~ Occidua | 614 -———— venatoria 602 Tarantula 1041 Ardea Virgo 621 tigrina 101 Argonauta Argo 995 tuberculatus | 532 Ascidia Aurantium 154 clavata a3 } fasciculata 239 pedunculata 103 Asterias Caput Me- dusz he : echinites - 620 — oligacies 418 papposa 1040 —- scolopen- ’ droides A475 Toreuma B 133. Balena Mysticetus 720 musculus 304 rostrata 535 Boa antarctita 24 — canina 51. =» Constrictor VOL. 18 19 1 14 19 1 18 10 j Bodianus Apua Aya pentacanthus Brachionus aculeatus galeatus —_——- urceolatus Bradypus tridactylus ursinus Buceros albirostris Rhinoceros Buccinum Harpa inflatum Rumphii subulatum tuberosum Bucco bidentatus Maynanensis Bulla achatina Bulla? Occidua : virginea Buphaga Africana Buprestis Chrysis — gigantea, C Caligus piscinus Cancer Bernarduas. brachiatus cristatus Diogenes Grapsus ——— linearis longimanus Mantis Norvegicus Phalangium Scyliarus Sebanus strigosus Uca Cancroma Cochlearia Caprimulgus Cayanus longipennis vociferans Casuarius Australis galeatus - ol tenet = hace wm OF fect € hy ,O CHO KHwk RD EHO ha Ko NOMOWNNHONAROUCDOHYON cn end GENERAL LATIN INDEX. Cataphractus costatus Centriscus Scolopax Cephalus brevis Cerambysx cervicornis giganteus ViTENS Cercaria mutabilis Certhia Cardinalis coccinea cyabea chaly bea crocata erythrogastra formosa gutturalis muraria superba venusta Chetodon armatus Chetodon aureus ——— Hneceladus setifer LITT TT squamulosus Teira tricolor Chama Cor. a Gigas Charadrius Himanto- ? ‘ F 2 B2 pus Cheetadon glaucus Chiton squamosus Cicada piebeia Clio limacina “—- pyranidata Clupea atherinoides Coceus cataphractus’ Coluber Abizetuila m——-——_ Cerastes doliatus fasciatus —— Naja ——~ Naja nascicornis picatus Russelii Columba aromatica australis 22 mm WW DIN WO VOL. 12 18 12 B O4 ——-——— longimanus § 19 t= te O) Or a ] ro PL. 457 929 177 449 1049 1044 AQ5 5Q2 8906 305 O70 2161 523 AOl 273 509 73] 1016. O42 058 1031 158 1900 508 561 553 313 820 540 213 506 242 we bOSt a1e16) V7 707 1029 G05 845 277 310 648 619 648 103 619 734 9 Columba coronata — undulata are Mclanopte rosea Colymbus glacialis Conus Amadis Var, Ammiralis et var -——— arausiacus et arachr, Augur —— Aulicus —— gloria maris —— marmoreus Tulipa Coracias Africana ———=— Indica ——-— Sinensis wm Varia Corallina dilatata fasciculata ——— Flabellum incrassata otticinalis Tuna Cornucopia helicina Corvus caudatus ———— brachyurus cristatus ————- cyaneus ——-— glandarius -——--- Peruvianus Corypheena czrulea Hippurus ———— pentadacty la Cottus scaber Crax Alector Crenatula avicularis Cuculus auratus — curvirostris ——— discolor Sinensis Cyclopterus pavoninus Cyprea Arabica —w—— Arcus ———— fragilis ——— Pardalis ——-— leucopis ———— testudinaria Baer Gb iS OHKYSANYO aR 741 1017 465 204 389 303 Draco volans GENERAL LATIN INDEX. Cyprea Zebra Cyprinus buphthalmus — Carpio var. —— Orfus | —— Rondeletii —— Tincavrea ——— Vimba D Delphinus Gangéticus ventricosus Dentalium elephanti- num 'Didelphis obesula Didi caput Didus ineptus Diodon Hystrix —— orbicularis Dionza Muscipula Doris Argo palmifera radiata Dytiscus piceus E Echeneis Remora Echinus esculentus Emberiza Ciris ——-— quadricolor — Schoeniclus Epinephelus Merra Eques Americanus Erpeton tentaculatus Esox Stomias Exocoetus evolans mesogaster. F Falco communis» —— fastosus formosus —— furcatus —— Ponticerianus Fasciola clavata - PL. 790 Fistularia Chinensis 518 — Tabacaria 391 Flustra foliacea 150 Friugilla Bengalensis 329 — domestica 505 ——--— elegans a — tristis 749 y31 Fulgora candelaria 37 — Lauternatia G 833 Galbula Jacamaciri 362 Gastrobranchuscoecus 121 Gordius aquaticas 6¢4 Gorgonia Briareus 671 — ceratophyta 674 ——— crassa 14. —— Flabellum 1055 -——— Lepadifera g16 patula 708 ——~— pinnata 263 — sanguinolenta 659 Gracula calva 884 Gryllus cerulescens 136 ——— citrifolius 251 — cristatus 472 —-— Dux 835 ——— ELlephas ice laurifolius 62 migratorius 7470 ————— monstrosus 763 morbillosus 784 nasutus 843 ——— Pupus' S66 =———— serratus . 738 —~——— squarrosus 879 verrucivorus 743 viridissimus 307 Gymnothorax catena- . j ates tus 322 — Zebra 130 Gymnotus electricus 586 rostratus ae }Gyrinus Mexicanus & bt © Os GENERAL LATIN INDEX. be) H Haliotis tuberculata Hedysarum gyrans Helix ampullacea Carocolla citrina —— hortensis —— pellis serpentis —— ringens nis Hirudo medicinalis sanguisuga Hirundo Capensis Holocentrus auratus Sogo Suriname - ensis tigrinus ——_———_ virescens Holcthuria inherens tremula Hyale tridentata Hydraclina coccinea geographi- ca Hydra longimana —— viridis I Isis Hippuris — nobilis Julus maximus Junx Torguilla | K Kurtus Indicus L Labrus anaulatus bifasciatus —— Brasiliensis e=—= cyanocephalus Hippobosca Hirundi- | es) NwPOwWeGBhaAN HY CGH 13 Labrus guttulatus Tinca? —— trimaculatus undulatus Lacerta Amboinensis Ameiva ——— Apus aquatica aurita Basiliscus Bicarinata Crocodilus furcifrons Hispaniolica Ignana ———— lepidopus lumbricoides Monitor ———— monodactyla palustris platura Salamandra scincoides Scincus unistriata | varia vulgaris Langaya nasuta Lanius Barbarus bicolor Collurio cutturalis jocosus mystaceus Larva Australasize Lemur Calago minutus var. Tardigradus Lepas anatifera anserina aurita trachealis Lerneze Libellula cerulata depressa grandis Lucretia @CNERAL LATIN INDEX. Libellula Virgo Limax ater & max. Lonchiurus barbatus Lophius Cocinsinensis ———— Histrio miarnioratus mopopiery- ? gius ——— pictus piscatorius striatus Vespertiiio Loricatia Plecostomus Loxia Cardinalis cerulea =—— cuculiata —— Enucleator —— juguilaris —— Ludoviciana Orix Lucanus Alces Lucernaria quadriloba Lutianus Chrysops Lycoperdon — fornica- tum M \ Macropus giganteus Macrourus rupestris Madrepora abdita anoularis astroites -—_—_———— arxillaris Carduus Cerebrum ————= cincinnata eee CUCUIata - fastigiata —— flexuosa Fungites Lactuca ——_——— muricata musicalis ——— pezizoides ‘phrygia Pileus ames FAMEA - retepora : PSP wo a GOWwWnnNbs YH On AN OO © hON NO = = — eel 10 PL. 383 754 a | 36 323 A3 223 327 119 05 250 166 224 12 249 043 » 956 209 250 445 162 613 Madrepora rose@ seriata Manis pentadactyla ; tetradactyla Mantis bispinosa Gigas gongylodes precaria siccifolia strumaria Medusa Andromeda Campanella —— Cephea —— Intundibulum -—_— Navicula ——— Numrmularia pellueens Pulmo ——— Velella Mergus Castor “Merops Apiaster coerulocepha- lus —— Erythrocepha- -! lig ——-— gularis - ——— Malimbicus- — superbus Miilepora alcicornis — cerulea - cellulosar lichenoides reticulata . violacea Momota Brasiliensis Monocults Apus concha- ceus cy prinaceus Polyphemus Pulex quadricornis Moschus pygmzeus Motacilla alba —- Calliope —— diophrys ——— dubia , hirundinacea i | y° ra bo fend bere Oa wb td BS bet C2 i) 12 10 8 957 905 649 201 661 237 969 189 7AG BOL 631 559 488 1020 Quad 527 927 690 AGO 479 1Q22 509: 147 629 63 73 38 4609 601 109 676 315 1015 831 315 452 379 270 GENERAL LATIN INDEX, Motaeilla oxura - pectoralis Pheenicurus Regulus Rossica Sialis Suecica superba sutoria thoracica Trochilus Mullus maculatus Murena Meieagris Murex Brandaris © ~ #emorale Haustellum Lampas Jyratus ramosus saxatilis Trapezium Tribulus Tritonis ——— tulipa Muscicapa coronata erythrogas- ira melanoleu- ca a porphyto: broucha HT ere ———— Mus striatus — saliens Mycteria Americana — Australis Myrmecophaga l€aia : Myrmeleon grande Mytilus Camellit ———-— Hirundo var. ——— margaritifer Rostrum N Nais digitata -—— proboscidea e-em serpentina aCK- L160 F 12 ie © 18 se VO I 13 14 : io fi4 9 PL. 515 579 580 370 543 at 678 406 705 757 Qe OOo Rhodope 776 sable 903 r=—= scarlet Tiger 618. —— Strix 699 —— Sylla 640 — Tarquinia 288 —— Tiger 928 Venus 73 Mouse striped 527 Murex branched h— Persimon 924 -— corded 5909 -——- femoral 1020. —— Lamp 495 > —=—= pipe 927 =m rock GENERAL ENGLISH INDEX. ‘Motex Snipe —<« thorny —— trapezial —— Tritonian —=— tulip Muscle Camellian ——— Duck’s-bill pearl = winged, var. Musk pygmy Myrmeleon great Mysticete under-jaw- ed N Nais digitated — rostrated —- serpentiform Nautilus great paper Pompil. ani- mal Nepa great Seem linear Nereis lamellated Nerite glossy and fea- thered Newt commoii —<== warted -—- water _ Notocanthus nasal O - Onchidium limacine Oniscus sharp-tailed Opah, or imperial Zeus 2, rl ge punctat- ile porculine Orchis Bee Oriole Eckihbnded: ——— golden ——— red-rumped red-shtoulder- ed ic ieoind eared Ostracion speckled Ostrich American Ouzel rose-coloured Owl African —— Cayenne — clouded —— least-horned —— masked —— snowy, var. — white-bfrowed - white-fronted Oyster denticulated long P Paradisea magnificent Paradise-Bird Gorget orange - Parkin- sofian ———_———_ superb —-————. Vaillan- tian Preitaee black back- ed ————- black-wing- ed — - Cape - crimson~ fronted Friditutah ~ grey-headed Lory ——_——— pale ——_-L. red-breast= ed — red-naped ———- scaly-breast- ed — turkosine undulated Vaillantian Parrot blue-green dusky great-billed —— ground one Guinea — 529 520 347 348 321 353 688 592 785 717 449 457 709 929 344 483 757 714 424 GENERAL ENGLISH INDEX. Parrot nonpareil Paradise —— Pennantian —— purple-headed — ——— purple-tailed violet-blue zoned Partridge red sand violaceous Patella brown Peacock spike-crested : Thibetian Pegasus Dragon , Pelican Chinese Penguin crested Patagonian Pennatula finger- shaped kidney- shaped phosphoric silver Perch red-spotted o=— sanguine Petaurus southern Phalangium doubtfnl cancroid reniform Phalzna Agrippina long-tailed Phasma dilated Pheasant fire-backed variegated Phyllidia trilineated Phytolithus Fern Pigeon aromatic black-capped crimson crowned Madagascar undulated Pike viper mouthed Pinna muricated Pintado crested Pipe-Fish biaculeated Planaria white PLe 925 432 559 385 195 470 20 979 1027 985 gs 328 415 662 345 173 261 661 192 511 AO1 504 273 781 45 G71 923 236 232 639 978 087 993 492 794 380 23 Plant-Cutter Abyssini« an Platystacus acetabulat- ed eel-shaped Platypus Duck-billed Plover long-legged Polynemus Paradise Polype green long-armed Polypterus nilotic Promerops blue superb Pterotrachea coronated Puff-Ball turret Pyrosoma phosphoric Q Quail Californian R Ray rostrated Red-Breast blue Swedish Redstart Remora fork-tailed Roller African Chinese Indian pied S Salamander Salmon rhomboid Tumbil — Salpa democratic Salpa great Scallop Jacobzan -——~ Iceland =| var. varies gated e—=- Mantle Scarus Cretan PL. 286 482 $66 1047 1042 990 1007 1031 185 a J zs 683 GENERAL ENGLISH INDEX: Scarus gtéen red Sciéna bearded Coro —— large-scaled single-spotted yellow-striped Scink officinal Scolopendra great microscopic Scorptena flying S¢orpion African Screamer horned Scyllaa pelagic Serpula anguine muricated perforated w——— vermicular Sertularia Cereoid ieee contortéd _operculated Pine . Sea Pen Shark Angel appendiculated banded | “ocellated —_——< tentaculated Zebra Sheath-Bill Southern Sheep Canadian Shrew water Shrike Barbary blue -- yed-bacKed red-vented = whiskered ~ Silurus military wandering: ~ Siren Skiminer black - Sloth three-toed ursine . Slug black and spotted ‘Snail citron b> aad CDORNOWO®DO = hammer-headed VOL. 14 Bl! os ue PL. 576 Snail dilated 30 garden — Lam sa af ‘iageut 950 - snake-skin 24 Snake dog-headed 857 Eater, African 266 -—— fasciated 209 ==— gilded O4 : horn-nose 254 —— Magpie 5 +— painted 340 pied 2901 -——— Russelian oe —— spectacle 148 warted 745. Snipe Caurale 729 Chinese 538 Soldier-fish-ribbed 890 Sole Zebra ~ 622 Solpuga poisonous 329 Sparrow common 1023 Sparus Abilgardian 878 = — anchor-toothed 31 —— ? beautiful 652 «— black-finned 810 boar-tusked 807 —— falcated 755 fasciated 842 —— great-eyed © 979 —— green-finned 910 -—— green-tailed O75 Juba. 750 —— Pagre 1034. —— Peacock 995 ted tailed 834 “=— Tose 347. —=— semifasciated 919 —— silver-eyed sis Surinam 859 —— trimaculated 939 —— Vosmerian 458 —— yellow-striped 534 ‘Sphagebranchus rc rose _ trated aa hing Annona — GENERAL ENGLISH INDEX. Sphinx Bindweed ——— Cassava —-— Celerio Cluentius -—— Crantor ~—-—— double-pointed —— Elpenor : —— Vig-tree —=— Fringe-tree —— Humming-bird —— Jasmine _——— Jatropha — larva —— lineated | —— ocellated —— Oleander -—— Pandion —— Panopus —— poplar —— Privet —— spurge —— wild vine —— wild vine larva Spider bird-catching —— Diadem —— golden Western _ Spondylus subauricu- lated > _ Sponge Fan —— Funnel — palmated - Spoon-bill rose-cos loured Stag-Chaffer elk- horned Stapelia fetid Stare subrosaceous Star-fish scolopendroid ; slender limbed Starling Crescent —— shining Strombus ear Spindle Wing Stylephorus chordated Sun-Fish short seven-clawed § is t 746 Surmullet spotted 108 Swan black 665 Swallow Cape 88 Sword-fish broad-fin- ned 503 Synbranchus marbled T ; Pea Tadpole Mexican 343 § 4. Yanagra Paradise 609 ‘Tanagerblackcrowned ° 234 Brasilian 537 collared 581 ——— Malimbic 693 Mississippi 252 red-shouldered 701 silent 305 — violaceous’ 241 ‘Tape-Worm broad- jointed 602 ‘Tarentula G6i4 —————_ American 885 Leal Chinese 838 Tench golden 290 Terebella Madrepore 339 ————— rostrated 235 ———— yellow- baired 510 Tethys crenulated 832 ‘Tetrodon lneated 1013 Thrush Australasian 557) ——-—= Cochinchina 485. ——— lunulated 617. ———-— blue-tailed — watchful 733 Tinamou variegated 138 Titmouse blue 201 = great 999 Toad mephitic - Surinam 405 Tody crested 287 ‘Tortoise imbricated 907 t__ nilotic 306 ——— radiated eee SAKE oe . GENERAL ENGLISH INDEX. YOL. PL: VOL. PL. 4 144 Tortoise speckled 22 -941. Vulture Pondicherry . 17. 717 Toucan green : ’ 6 198 red-banded W G6: 4k8e red-beaked 10 378 Trachichthys Southern § 6 . 207 Wagtail white 22 .930 Trichiure silver 8 276 Walrus Arctic © 12° 453 ‘Trichoda Sun 23 973 Warbier double- 18 766 — three-bristled streaked ‘5° 177 ‘Tropic-bird red-tailed § 22 949 doubtful 21 882 ‘Trout Salvelin {23 907 minute 3 98 ‘Tubipore crimson 5 Yes ruby-throat- 14. 562 Turbo Magpie ed 93... O64 nautiloid 22° Oia rufous-breast- 10. 359 variegated ed 21 g00 waved 16 649 —-— Russian 10 354 Tubulariacampanulat- § 22 957 ——— sharp-tailed ed 1 10 —+— superb 12 450 ——— great 4 114 —— Swallow 19. 798 twisted 7 237. ———— Tailor 10 392 ———— undivided 22 969 thoracic 15 3 Wasp campanular ¥, 4 133 Whale great Northern 5 163 Venus occidental | 9 304 rostrated Ih s' 43h, Vibrio Fel 6 184 spermaceti 11 436 festucine 5 180 Woodpecker great 4 122 Viper. horned spotted » 34 558 Volute Bat’s-wing 225 —————— lesser 7 13:( 508 —— Ethiopian spotted 20 8306 - Ethiopic A 2 44. ———— minute 19 B27 Indian f13 493 ——— pileated 19 {845 Juponian 122 953 —— Portorico. 19 812 ——— magnific Flt 413 -——— red 2 52 ,——— orange-striped } 4 126 ————— red-head- 22 O44 ——— Pacific { ed 21 912 ———snow-flake {18 753 ————— rufous 14/4, 55D. veined ‘£13 497. -——— White- IZ jee : undulated billed 7. 244 WVolutes Mitre f 11 426 Wrasse variegated 8 278 Vorticella arborescent # 5 105 Wren golden-crested 6 199 Vorticella.ciccular § 6 189 willow 9 3 Convallari- # 5 156 Wryneck “an 18) 7g Ae Cup Z : 4 141 Vulture Alpine oRaue 9 301 Californian 7 229 Zygzna round-headed. Ey i MUS mn, $$$ TUR London: Printed by B. M‘Millany 9° tin hs aN \ Bow Strcet, Covent Garden, ly Bre ig B x Ze). ale uaa ¢ Yi } MG . i: ae 1 | ae sayy Ai? ‘ | iy (ree Uk xh \*