Sees rahe Sats SF ap tae Mee rome. oe re —"- = Se i * = > ? + ~ a) , - f ¥ < a aan. ; igh kA ay ; Ss . ‘ : ss & 6 . E a i? te sew pad oS ee att: nas Sig eee eae ad ry em ms Le we ye et NATURE A WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF SCIENCE VOLUME VII. NOVEMBER 1872 to APRIL 1873 “* To the solid ground O Nature trusts the mind that builds for aye.”—WorDswoRrtH Fondon and Hety Pork : MACMILLAN AND CoO. 1873 BOWIE TO TARATOL airy J eae. LONDON, SAF Ha R, CLAY, SONS, AND ‘FAYLOR, PRINTERS BREAD SYREEY HILL —————————— -_ A WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF SCIENCE "© To the solid ground Of Nature trusts the mind which builds for aye.” —WoRDSWORTH THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1872 THE LAST ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS HE scientific results of the late eruption of Vesuvius promise to be as important to science as the phe- nomena were grand and awe-inspiring to the spectator. Not only has Prof. Palmieri published an account of the observations from his dangerous standpoint, in Italian and German, which will shortly make its appearance here in the English translation by Mr. Mallet, but M. Henri ‘Saussure has also published in the Geneva Bibliothégue Universelle an account of an excursion made by him to Vesuvius about the middle of last May, shortly after the violent eruption of April. This account, given by such a competent observer, is so interesting and valuable, from all points of view, that it must be regarded as a most valuable addition to the literature of one of the most popularly-known volcanoes on our planet. For the better understanding of the geographical features we may refer our readers to the article in NATURE, vol. vi. p. 2. Vesuvius, as Prof. Phillips has taught us, was formerly a mountain forming a vast circle, whose central part, occupied partly by a crater—which, without doubt, has been often displaced within the limits of the circumference—was not less than three kilometres in diameter, and the projecting part of which, occupied at present by the cone, formed then only a kind of plateau. The famous eruption of A.D. 79, which happened unexpectedly after a very long period of repose, entirely changed the form of the mountain. Very little lava seems to have been given forth during that eruption, which was characterised by tremendous showers of stones and ashes, and by rivers of mud. This it was that buried Pompeii and Herculaneum, the former being covered by fifteen feet, the latter by thirty or forty feet of débris, and which, at the same time, appears to have formed, by accumulation, the presentmountain of Vesuvius, - placed in the centre of the ancient circle, the work having been completed by innumerable successive eruptions. The Vesuvius group, then, is at present composed of No. 158—vo., vit. = two distinct mountains—namely, the cone of Vesuvius, and the rest of the ancient circle which form, to the north and west, a vast amphitheatre, named Za Somma, Between the two mountains is an elevated horse-shoe shaped valley, the middle part of which bears the name of Aério del Ca- vaillo, and the upper extremity, towards the east, that of Canale del Inferno. This elevated valley is depressed and widened towards the west, where it takes the name of Gli Atri, and ends by being lost upon the slopes of the Piano which form the buttresses of the two mountains, and which emerge by various ravines into the plains which stretch from San Sebastiano to Torre del Greco. This description would be incomplete if we did not mention a knoll or hillock, apparently insignificant, but in reality of great importance from the part it plays in giving direction tothe lava. This little eminence, named Monte de Canteroni, has the form of an elongated saddle- back ; it runs east and west, parallel with the western ex- tremity of the crest of La Somma, rising towards Vesuvius. It divides, as it were, in the direction of its length, the outlet of the elevated valley, and as it does not reach the foot of the cone of Vesuvius, it forms only an incomplete partition which divides the currents of lava flowing out of Atrio del Cavallo. At the lower or western extremity of this saddleback is situated the Observatory. The greatest overflows are always those which make their way across the mass of the mountain; for when a volcano has acquired a certain height, the weight of the liquid column which issues from the vent becomes so considerable that the incandescent matter must rush from the fissures at a lowerlevel. But, for a certain number of years, the centre of eruption of lava seems to have shifted towards Atrio del Cavallo, in the elevated valley situated between the two mountains, In 1855 and the following years, eruptions made their way or had been thrown upon this point, and have trans- formed the elevated ‘valley into a sort of sea of lava, which at present may be about 1,000 metres in breadth, The burning torrent makes its way to the west, but on leaving the valley of Atrio, it very soon encounters Mente de Canteroni, which divides the current into two unequal parts, giving to each a different direction, throwing back B _ already quite cooled on the surface. 2 NATURE | Noo. 71 872 the principal stream on the left into Fosso Vetrana, and the small part on the right, upon the slopes of the Piano. The lava does not scoop out but only rolls along the ground, the eroded ravines which furrow the sides of the mountain becoming necessarily their natural channels. Thus the successive currents have followed very nearly the same channel, being superimposed on each other through a great part of their course. When the lava streams are of considerable depth, they often pass over small inequalities of ground, and leap to right and left when they strike against any considerable obstacle. A good carriage road leads from Resina as far as the Observatory, across the cultivated slopes which are covered with houses. At less than a kilometre from the Observatory, the road traverses the lava of 1858, which has covered up the old route, and through which it has become necessary to reopen the way. Almost imme- diately after having passed the lava, the Observatory is reached, where Prof. Palmieri sojourned during the ter- rible days of the last eruption. This building, situated at a height of 600 metres, is a substantial freestone struc- ture of two stories, surrounded by beautiful terraces which overlook the lava field on all sides, and the edges of which are enclosed by a handsome railing not much in keeping with the desolate aspect of the place. M. Pal- mieri has been compelled, from the want of trained assistants, to set up registering apparatus, and can obtain certain connected observations only during the time of his occasional stay at the Observatory. But for this cir- cumstance, the last eruption would probably have been foreseen for some time.* From the Observatory, the summit of Mount Vesuvius can be reached in two hours. The road skirts the im- mense fields of black lava which stretch between Monte Canteroni and the foot of Vesuvius, and which have been formed by the recent eruptions as they escaped from Atrio del Cavallo. The lava of April 26 M. de Saussure found There would not appear to be a greater amount of incandescence at the ‘bottom of any crevasse, although the matter certainly preserves its heat under the superficial stratum, as was attested by the great number of fumaroles encoun- tered almost everywhere, These emanations escaped for the most part from little kilns, or swollen crevasses, which communicate by clefts with the deeper lava. Around some of these fires there prevailed a strong odour of hydrochloric acid, while other vents did not emit anything but steam or warm air. These are, indeed, the successive phases which mark these emanations of lava until they reach complete coolness. At first, the whole surface of the lava-streams seems to exhale steam and hydrochloric acid, and the atmosphere is filled with a disagreeable odour which makes breathing uncomfortable, But very quickly the exhalations are localised around the little centres of fire, whose activity continues for many months, and emanations from which are gradually modified. Thus, as seen from Naples at the time of the visit, the whole of the lava appeared to be smoking, and it was possible clearly to distinguish the tracks of the whitish vapours which appeared to wander over the surface ; but close at hand there was nothing to be seen but the fumaroles, between each of which there is plenty of * See description ot the Observatory, NaTuRE, vol. vi. p. 145. space. The gas and the hot vapours which the lava emits are charged with numerous substances, and become the source of mineral deposits which fill the tourist with wonder, One of the most curious phenomena observed — is the power of burning lava fo retain an enormous quantity of water and salt, which it does not allow to escape until it begins to cool. The formation of salt is shown generally over the whole stretch of lava emitted in 1872. Soon after the surface cools it is covered with a light crust of salt, which forms in similar flowery patterns on the beds of cinders that cover the plains, the cinders themselves emitting everywhere hydrochloric acid. The first showers caused this deposit rapidly to disappear, and there remained on the 12th of May only scanty traces, except on the lower surface of the blocks, where — the rain had not the power to dissolve it. But the salt continued to be deposited in the vents, from which were detached beautiful crystals and graceful concretions ; it continued also to be formed upon the great deposits of cinders on the cone of Vesuvius, and, even on May 19, the summit of the mountain, as seen from the Ob- servatory, appeared from this cause as if sprinkled with snow. Next to salt, the substance which is formed in greatest abundance upon the lava is chloride of iron, which assumes the most varied tints according to its sur- roundings, but is in general of a beautiful yellow, often orange, and is easily mistaken for sulphur. A multitude of other substances are deposited around the smoke-vents, besides those which have been named. These are for the most part metallic compounds, espe- cially chlorides, and more rarely sulphur compounds. There are chlorides of copper and lead, hematite and magnetic iron ore, gypsum, &c. The peroxide of iron, in particular, plays an important part in the life of these fumaroles ; it appears to be formed by the decomposi- tion of chloride of iron ; the protuberances of the scorize are often covered with the substance, which gives them the richest and-most brilliant variegated appearance. The origin of these many substances has considerably occupied the attention of chemists, and has not yet been satisfactorily explained ; but the form of the concretions, as much as the accumulation of substance, apparently foreign to laya, indicate that theyareformedby sublimation. — When the summit of the cone was approached, fine ashes were found scattered about the transverse rents that are apt'to be taken for ruptures caused by the concussions accompanying the’ eruptions. rather have formed radiating or longitudinal rents, while these are perhaps only the effect of the settlement of - the cinders which naturally tend to act in the direction of But violent fissures would — ~* 4 the greatest slope,’and to give rise to fissures analogous to. . those which are observed in the centre of the Alps. It is to this same phenomenon that must be attributed the step-like structure, traces of which are met with on the external face of the summit of the mountain, and which is probably owing to the fact that the lower edge of the rents must be elevated by the settlement, while the upper edge remains unaffected, or is itself lowered in supplying _ the matter which afterwards fills the rents. On the outside face of the cone, these steps are scarcely more than three or four inches in height, but on the margin of the internal face of the south-west side of the crater are — o% ~~ ae é ‘Noo. 7, 1872] four large sharp-edged steps of more than a metre high, arranged stair-wise, the formation of which can scarcely be explained otherwise than bya deposit or a flow of ashes accumulated at the end of the last erup- _ tion, 4 A vast transverse funnel, much larger than it is broad, occupies the south-west part of the summit of the cone, and this gulf is itself divided at the bottom by a partition of rocks which divides it intotwo compartments. A third crater occupies the north part, and is separated from the first by a considerable wall of rocks. This latter crater opens into the great north fissure which descends into Atrio del Cavallo ; it was opened during the last eruption at the expense of an adventitious cone raised in 1855, and appears to have been the most active, since it is upon its side that the mountain is rent as far as the base _of the cone ; however, it has not ejected any lava, this having found its way out by the bottom of the fissure. During the eruption the lava was raised as far as the summit of the mountain—it has filled to the brim the _ double crater on the south-west—yet two days after this the lava had escaped by the south side ; for on the 24th of April it overflowed the crater and formed three streams on the south, the west, and the north-east, which flowed down the slopes of the cone, and lost themselves among the fields of lava underneath. After this event the lava fell _ back to the bottom of the craters. __ The depth of the crater may be estimated at about 130 metres. The bottom appears to be full of dééris and ashes, but shows no sign of incandescence, nor of any - adventitious cone ; no smoke ascends, and the volcano, after its convulsion, has apparently fallen into a complete sleep. The only signs of activity are seen in the nume- _ rous unimportant jets of white vapour which escape either from the bottom or from various points in the walls, and which appear to dissolve in the atmosphere. Neverthe- less, as seen from Naples, Vesuvius always appears with a light smoke hanging over it, which is invisible on the _mountainitself. On the side next Pompeii only, to the east and north-east the slopes are macadamised by bomb- like blocks of the size of the head. The crater mus have projected from all sides a shower of such blocks but over all the other parts of the mountain this de, “posit must have been covered by a thick bed of ashes ; and since these blocks are seen only on the east, it is evi- dent that at the time of the last eruption of cinders a violent wind must have blown them to the opposite side. The large _ blocks, if they have been thrown up to the height of 1,500 _ metres, appear to have fallen back at a short distance from the crater. Shot vertically, they fell so, while the ashes, on account of their greater lightness, have been carried to a greater distance. The crater on the south-west is divided through and through by a narrow rent, which is doubtless the pro- longation of that which on the 24th emitted, half way up, the lava which went in the direction of Torre del Greco. This rent divides the south'crest, and may be traced upon the walls of the crater, where it looks only like a simple fissure ; itre-appears more distinctly on the opposite side, Another disappears among the cracks of the rocks. This _ rent exhaled at the summit of the crater burning gases, _ which formed upon the sides abundant deposits. The _ south crest was sufficiently filled up by sand to enable a . or. oP. " a NATURE gaiee : one to cross it, but such a quantity of sulphurous vapours was emitted, that to escape being asphyxiated it was necessary to make several rapid leaps. On the west side of the crater the rent still gapes, and has not been filled up, notwithstanding the heat which escaped. The eruption of April 26 which followed the rending of Vesuvius, reopening the same vent, suddenly made its way to the same point, shattering the manifold bed of lava, and ejecting to the surface immense blocks, probably torn from their beds far below. Of this débris, mixed with in- candescent lava, there is formed an elongated ridge of about 50 metres high, from the base of which there sprung an enormous mass of lava that swept over the little cone of Atrio, The lava burst forth at first in all directions, even a little behind in ascending the valley. It filled all Atrio, without, however, encrusting anywhere the sides of the rocks of the Amphitheatre of La Somma, and flowed along the valley in the form of a current of about 1,000 metres broad. Subsequently encountering the ridge of Canteroni, it was turned to the right, though a part of it was separated by the upper extremity of this knoll, and diverted to the left on to the slopes of Piano, where it contorted somewhat the foot of the mountain, thanks to the lava of 1858, which, having changed the slope of the ground, prevented it from continuingits route. The prin- cipal stream continued to follow the valley of the Fosso de la Ventrana, running at the rate of about one kilometre and a half in two hours, passing under the Observatory, where the lava was seen to boil up at places and shoot forth into little eruptions, projecting jets of steam and scoriz ; then it was precipitated in a cascade of fire over a wall of rock, and continued its course by the same ravine as the stream of 1855, and for the greater part of its course overrunning the lava of that year. It passed, exactly as its predecessor did, between the villages of Massa and San Sebastiano, sweeping away likewise a portion of the houses, part of it at last lodging itself on the south of Cercola, while a branch of the current con- tinued in the direction of San Giorgio. The imagination is unable to comprehend how such a mass of matter could escape in a single day from a single fire, and spread itself over an area of seven kilometres. The elongated ridge formed in the Atrio, at the time of the eruption, upon the site of the centre of the outbreak, appears at present only like a huge bubble on the sea of lava. It is composed of recent black lava, strewed with enormous blocks of old bleached lava encased in the new. These blocks are, without doubt, the débris of subjacent beds which have been broken and driven back by the lava at the time of its outbreak ; the mass of them en- crusted with the same lava having formed a whole so solid that it could not be swept away by the general current. This ridge does not now overtop the surface of the lava more than fifteen to twenty metres, from which we may conclude that the bed of lava at this point has an enormous depth. The general effects of the eruption of 1872 have been somewhat as follows, according to M. de Saussure :— 1, The mountain of Vesuvius has been divided by a rent running nearly from north to south-south-west. 2. The lava, rising in the rent, has rushed along the two sides, on the north tothe very foot of the cone, on the south half-way down in much less abundance. 3. The summit of the mountain has been lowered and flattened. An examination of the lava of 1872 does not appear likely to lead to any new results. Its mineralogical nature is essentially the same as that of the other lavas of all ages that have been found both on Vesuvius and in La Somma. It is composed of a leucitic rock strewn with crystals of augite, and destitute of vitreous felspar; whence the names of leucitiferous or augitiferous, as one or other substance prevails. The most ancient lava which forms the body and crevices of La Somma, is in general very pale; it often contains an abundance of leucite crystals of the size of a foot ; but its composition is, quali- tatively, essentially analogous to that of the actual black lava. The lava of 1872 differs considerably in its physical appearance from that of 1858, The last is much less scoriated; it has a fleecy surface formed of round embossments, shining and comparatively little roughened. We might liken it to black whipped cream, which has flowed along, forming arches, fibrous stalactites twisted cords, which look at places as if vitrified. The lava of 1872, on the contrary, is extremely scoriaceous, and assumes a form almost like madrepore. On account of the great shrinking of the material, it has been broken up into blocks, entirely separated from each other, and roundish, because the mass was as yet vitreous ; porous, in consequence of the quantity of gas it enclosed, and full of the most curious irregularities resembling coral and vegetation, which render progress infinitely dif- ficult. The difference of appearance, combined with a thin layer of gray cinders which adheres to the lava of 1872, enables one to distinguish at once between it and those of preceding years, It will be noticed also to the north of the Observatory that the current has filled all the bottom of the valley of Ventrana, while on the south it has only run into the crevices of the old lava, surrounding the knolls, separating, re-uniting, leaving here and there inlets, as rivers without any determinate bed do at low water. This difference of structure of the two lavas seems to result from the very rapid cooling of that of ‘1872. It is not easy to form a notion of the depth of this lava. In the lower parts the bed is about eight metres deep, with a breadth of about 800 metres; its borders form moraines of 45°, which indicate the: small fluidity of the matter at the time it reached the place. In Atrio del Cavallo the moraine of the bed of lava which leans against the foot of the rocks of La Somma is less elevated, but the enormous waves in the middle of this surface argue in some places a considerable thickness. The successive eruptions which have taken place in Atrio and which have piled up layer on layer, have enor- mously raised the level of the ground. A German geo- logist has conceived the idea of counting the layers which form the vertical dykes on the rocks of La Somma. At present the number would be hidden beneath more than a hundred feet of lava. The stream which debouches from Atrio has ended by considerably overtopping the Observatory ; and that the latter has not been threatened this year results from the fact that the saddleback of Monte Canteroni, upon which it stands, rises in the direc- tion of Vesuvius in such a manner that its eastern ex- tremity (Croce del Salvatore) has hitherto performed the NATURE part ofa buttress in dividing the burning stream and divert- ing the two currents into the ravines which slope rapidly to the right and left of the height. But a new outbreak will, without doubt, sweep away the eastern extremity of this crest, and a succeeding one would easily be able to send a stream of lava flowing as far as the Observatory. Foreseeing this danger, M. Palmieri has raised above the building a redan of a'very sharp angle. This will form but a weak barrier, though it may be able to retard for a little the progress of the devastating element. Since several of more or less in danger. Let us hope, however, that when that time arrives a worthy successor of Palmieri may safely chronicle what is going on, and that another De Saussure may be there to see. WAGNER'S HANDBOOK OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY A Handbook of Chemical Technology. By Rudolph Wagner, Ph.D. Translated and edited from the eighth German edition, with extensive additions by William Crookes, F.R.S. (London; J. and A, Churchill, 1872.) VERY one who has studied chemistry from a scien- tific point of view must have been more or less struck with the fact that nearly all our manuals of chemistry have much of their space occupied with de- tailed descriptions fof various manufacturing processes, and many must have asked why this is. It is not easy to see what utility there is in describing, in works professedly devoted to a scientific subject, such processes as those for the manufacture of chamois leather, wine, vinegar, china and earthenware, &c. &c.; and yet our largest and most ambitious manual, in common with its smaller com- panions, devotes scores of its pages to the consideration of such subjects. This fashion is much to be deprecated for many reasons: in the first place, these processes are utterly useless to the student, as, in the majority of cases, they illustrate no rule, elucidate no reaction. In the second, it is utterly impossible to do full justice to them in the space to which they must perforce be confined ; and in the last, much valuable matter about the rarer elements and reactions is squeezed out of place altogether, or passed over with a mere mention. This system has borne its natural fruit in the numberless questions bearing on manufactures which are to be found in all our chemical examination papers ; and the result is, that many a man passes with credit on the marks gained by answering such questions, while others who, perhaps, have a much better knowledge of the science, fall behind in the race, because they have not devoted their time to Technology. It is not difficult to see how this state of things arose, It is not so many years (we were almost going to say months), since chemistry was regarded by the public much in the same way that they now look upon the ‘ the recent eruptions have happened on the Atrio side, it would seem as if the chief centre of volcanic action was tending towards that point, and there seems little doubt that one of the next eruptions will place the Observatory higher mathematics, as something very mysterious, very good for a learned man to know—but utterly useless and “unpractical” for all ordinary purposes. Such being the ~ 1-4 writers of manuals no doubt felt it incumbent on hem to gild the pill by introducing such matter as tended o show that there was such a thing as/a practical appli- cation of chemistry to the Arts. However, that time has passed. Perhaps no science as of late become so widely popular, and certainly none hhas advanced so rapidly towards accuracy as chemistry. It is, therefore, time for it to throw aside the crutches upon which it was bound to support itself whilst struggling for recognition and public favour, and to march boldly forward, depending on itself alone. As a means to this end, it is with great pleasure that we welcome Mr. ‘Crookes’s translation of Dr. Wagner’s work. He has given us, in the form of a handbook, what could only before have been obtained either by searching in special treatises, or by reading much more cumbersome diction- aries ; and the existence of this book cannot but have its influence in setting free much of the space hitherto occupied in educational works on chemistry, by perfunc- _ tory descriptions of technological processes. We most heartily join with Mr. Crookes in the hope he _ expresses at the end of his preface—“ We cannot let this work pass out of our hands without expressing the hope that, at no distant date, chairs of Technology will be founded in all our universities, and that the subject will be included in the curriculum of every large school.” _ Such an event could not fail to have the happiest effects _ onall; for, while it would set free the scientific student - from a subject he does not require, it would enable those -wishing to become managers of works or manufacturers, to study their special subjects in the best possible way.” _ The work consists of 745 closely-printed pages, with _ 336 illustrations, and a copious index. The subjects are treated at considerable length, and with extreme lucidity ; this is especially the case with the portions devoted to metallurgical processes, where every step is carefully traced, and all the latest forms of furnaces, &c., are repre- sented by woodcuts. We notice, however, that the section on electro-metallurgy is shorter than could have been wished, and that no mention is made of the process of depositing nickel upon iron, &c. In the section on explosive compounds, we have full _ details for the preparation of picrates, nitro-glycerin, gun- _ cotton, &c., ; though the author, perhaps led away by his chemical enthusiasm for these bodies, has treated gun- powder somewhat shortly, and the very interesting results obtained by the use of pebble, pellet, and prismatic powders, we do not see noticed at all; in fact, this article is decidedly behind the times. The preparation of salt, sulphur, soda, ash, bleaching-powder, &c., are well and fully treated, though we do not see Deacon’s process for the preparation of chlorine mentioned. _ The articles on glass and earthenware are remarkably - good and full, as are those on cements and fime, paper, _ sugar, and spirit. Since March 1868, two editions of the work have been issued, making eight in all. Of the eighth, and last, translations have been made into French and Dutch, and everyone will thank Mr. Crookes for the quan- - tity of new matter he has added, In conclusion, it need ~ onlybe said that the formule: are throughout molecular,and that the metric system of weights and measures is used,'ex- _ cept where English quantities were indispensable. We feel $ure that this book will permanently take its place among “5, oe es 5 Ee tae ee Ot ese Pere pe Pm pany, cara oem ae Pahl ics Bite aY 2: . a rat . s ’ 2 f ie : + “NATURE : our manuals, and that the editor and translator will, in future editions, correct any little faults and errors which are, in so large a work, unavoidable ; while he will keep it fully abreast of the times. R. F, OUR BOOK SHELF Ueber die Bedeutung der Entwichelung in der Natur- geschichte. Von Dr. A, Braun, Berlin. Ueber die Auflosung der Arten nach natiirliche r Zucht- wah?, Von einem Ungenannten, Hanover. (London : Williams and Norgate.) THESE are two of the most recent of the numerous con- tributions which Germany has made to the literature of Darwinism. The first is an address delivered on the an- niversary of the medical and surgical Frederick-William Institute in Berlin, and is a tribute to the enormous im- petus given to physiological research by the promulgation of Mr. Darwin’s theories. The writer, however, while fully adopting the principle of Evolution, leans to the views which have during the last few years greatly spread among naturalists, that any theory like that of natural selection, which does not recognise an inherent law of progress, is insufficient to account for the phenomena of the transmutation of species. The second of these pamphlets is a more noteworthy production. The anonymous author also admits the prin- ciple of Descent by Evolution, but contends that the'carry- ing out of this principle, so far from leading, as is generally supposed, to a multiplication of species and to a graduay rise to more and more perfect organic forms, must neces sarily result in a gradual diminution in the number o- species, a fusing together of form after form, and a def scent to more lowly, instead of an ascent to more highly organised structures. With the origin of life he does not concern himself, but only with its future ; and the succes- sion of organised beings he compares not to a tree branch- ing out into infinite ramifications, but to a river uniting in itself an infinitude of smaller streams. Whether the propo- sition is a serious one, or whether it is put forward as a reductio ad absurdum by a furtive opponent of Evolution, it is difficult to say ; but the argument is carried out with considerable ability, and a strong point is made of the acknowledged degeneracy of many races of men from the condition of their ancestors, and of the gradual dying out of tribes and the consolidation of the human family into an ever decreasing number of types. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR [The Editor does not hold himself responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents, No notice is taken of anonymous communications. | The National Herbarium You will, perhaps, give admission to a few remarks on Dr, Hooker's instructive ‘‘Reply ”* to my ‘‘Statement” of 16th May, 1872, bearing in mind that;this ‘‘ Statement” was called for in explanation of the grounds of my requirements and assignment of space in the Museum of Natural History, to be built at South’ Kensington, for the reception, uses, ‘and applications of the National Herbarium, on the conviction that such would be con- tinued and maintained in the metropolis. Dr. Hooker had put in the van of his evidence,} and recom- mendations bearing on the reduction, limited applications,s and subordination to Kew ||, of the Herbarium at the British Museum * See Nature, vol. vi. p 516. + Minutes of Evidence of Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction. t Ans. to Q. 6,683. § Ans. to Q. 6,684 and 6,685 NATURE as regards supply,* nomenclature, and government, a summary of the amount of botanical work represented by the 140 volumes having the Herbarium at Kew as their cause or conditions, Seeing that—were this summary to be held as decisive, ad- ministratively, for carrying out his urgent desires—a Government impressed with its responsibilities for the application of public money, would place on retiring allowances the proportion of the staff no longer needed in the Metropolitan Herbarium—there was a motive in addition to my duty in response to the inquiry of the First Commissioner of Works, to sift the grounds of Dr. Hooker’s attack on the Department of Botany in the British Museum. The anxieties of its officers were too well founded. The argument from the amount of herbarium work at Kew since the practice of transferring there the dried plants collected in Government expeditions would be valid if such work could not be done elsewhere, or if such work had not been done in the Metropolitan Herbarium prior to the diversion therefrom of its legitimate supplies. But the ‘*Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandiz,” the «¢ Observations Systematical and Geographical on the Herbarium collected in the Vicinity of the Congo,” not to cite other works of Robert Brown, well known to botanists— and I may add the “‘ Plante Javanicze Rariores” of his successor, John Joseph Bennett, F.R.S.—are examples of ‘‘ scientific work ” at the London Herbarium, in relation to its legitimate supplies, which will bear comparison with the “scientific work which is turned out from the Herbarium at Kew.” The circtimstance which, in the emergency threatening a Department of Natural History in the British Museum I was bound to submit to the consideration of Government, was that the works added to Botanical Science, for which before its supplies were intercepted by a “‘competing establishment” the National Herbarium in London furnished the materials for publication, were works of assigned duty. The officers of such Herbarium had no trusts or responsibilities in relation to the Royal Gardens, but gave their aid in naming the living Plants at Kew ; leaving the officers in charge of those gardens free for the works and applications for which a Nation ‘provides and supports its collections of living plants. Had Robert Brown been the director of such establishment, those who had the inestimable pleasure and benefit of his intimacy know that his devotion to the experimental and physiological duties of his office would have been the prime and paramount subject of his time and labours at Kew. Permit me to exemplify my argument. In the “‘ Report of the Royal Garden at Calcutta for 1870” (No. 585, 14th May, 1872) it is stated :—‘‘At the beginning of the year the total stock of Ipecacuanha amounted to five plants in Sikkim and seven in this garden. These represented the’ only surviving offspring of a single plant received from Dr. Hooker of the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1866.—At the request of the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for India, attention has for some years past been given in Edinburgh to the propagation of Tpecacuanha plants for this country, and during the past year the supplies raised there began toarrive. Five ‘ Wardian Cases’ containing about 100 plants were received from Dr. Balfour of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Edinburgh.” The Curator of these gardens, Mr. McNab, referring to the earlier intro- duction of living plants of Cephaelis [pecacuanha into the Kew Gardens, and alluding to the slow and difficult method of its propagation by the adopted methods of cuttings, proceeds to describe the better method to which his experiments on living specimens led.+ ‘‘ The roots or rather rhizomes of the Cephaelis * Ans. to Q. 6,785, ‘‘ That the British Museum Herbarium and that at Kew should be under one control, and the former be continuously added to from Kew.” Inhis Ans. to Q 6,732, Dr. H. says—“‘ The trouble of supply- ing the South Kensington Museum would be very trifling,”—which I think robable. B + McNab “ On the Propagation of the Ipecacuanha plant,” Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, vol. x. p, 318. are peculiarly annulated (PI. iv. fig. 2). A few of them were taken from one of the plants in the Botanic Garden during the month of August, 1869, and, after being cut into transverse sec- tions of different lengths, were inserted in a horizontal position over the surface of a pot prepared with drainage and white sand. This pot was placed under a hand-glass ina warm propagating bed, and kept moist. A few weeks afterwards the root-cuttings began to swell, and showed signs of budding, chiefly on the upper cut surface, as in Pl. iv. fig. 3. In most cases only one bud was developed, but in some instances two or more were produced. When several growing plants are observed the root can be cut through so as to form independent plants.” If this” has not before found a place in the columns of NATURE it may be deemed worthy of one, for, as the physiological botanist in charge of the Edinburgh Gardens observes—‘‘ Understanding that the Government intend to introduce the cultivation of this plant in India,” and ‘‘in order to meet the demand which in all likelihood will be made on nurserymen for plants of Cephaelis, it is well to know how it can be propagated independently of cuttings ” (Zé. p. 318). To give another instance. In an obituary notice of Dr. Fred. Welwitsch, the editor of a horticultural journal refers to the species of a plant which bears his name as follows :—‘‘ The [Woo. 7, 1872 7 Welwitschia mirabilis is about as remarkable a plant as the — Rafflesia Arnoldi itself, and equally uncultivatable.’* simple fact is, the ill success at Kew, Edinburgh has had its chance. As a popular premier once defined dirt, so a weed is a plant multiplying in a wrong place. We may hope for a reversion of the sentence on Wé/witschia when ‘‘ cones with ripe seeds ” and * fine young plants ” have found their way to a botanic garden whose officers are not diverted from experimental work, not trammelled and obstructed by that wasteful weed—an overgrown herbarium, The native conditions of existence of the Tumboa may then and there be imitated so truly, with ample provision for the descent of the tap-root, as to enable visitors to see the plant alive, and Mr. McNab may even succeed in giving other horti- culturists the opportunity of multiplying specimens, From such instances—and they might be multiplied—of legiti- mate successes, where a botanic garden is content to use the herbarium in the contiguous metropolis, and has not the low ambition of setting up a’ competing one in‘ the garden itself, I infer an administrative advantage in maintaining the division of labour, which worked well in the days when the Government collections of live plants went to Kew, and those of dead plants to London. I do not merely suggest, but affirm, that the nation loses part, perhaps much, of the benefit of the liberal grants and aids it affords to its garden of living plants through the uncalled-for and unnecessary accumulations there of collections of dead plants and the resulting herbarian work. Dr. Hooker evades the concluding argument of my statement, takes a personal stand- point, assumes the tone of an injured individual, and deems it unfitting to notice what he is pleased to call an ‘*insinuation.” He who is most sensitive as to himself is often least mindful of the feelings of others. If Dr. Hooker will read his answer to Q. 6661 (op. cit., p. 434), he may, at least ought to, have some sense of the pain he inflicted on fellow-servants of the State and collaborators in science, on men at least his equals, and one of > whom, in a recondite botanical problem, has shown himself his superior, The One cannot be sure till ——-—- Statements of a,certain character may be made by one — careless as to cost in few words and at small loss of time. It , required the evidence occupying pp. 530, 531, of the published ‘*Minutes” of the Scientific Commission to show the ground. lessness of the insinuation conveyed in the answer to Q. 6661, — I will not now trespass further on your valuable space, Bat * The Garden, Oct. 26, 1872, 1 A er quences, meriting for it a thorough ventilation ; and I per- mit myself to believe that you may not be unwilling to receive further remarks on those points in my “Statement” to which Dr. Hooker has condescended to reply. _ Sheen Lodge, Oct. 30 RICHARD OWEN S Physics for Medical Students _ I AM and have been a “medical student” for many years, and hope to live in that capacity for some years more. I admit that Tought to know “ the relation between the surface temperature _ of the body, the quantity of heat passing away from it, and the amount of heat generated in the body by the food given to a patient,” but I do not know all this, and I have never discovered anyone who can tell me where I can learn it or how I can find it out by any efforts of my own, __ Moreover, I have been unable to get a clear and satisfactory -answer to the following simple questions, and haye failed to find _ anyone who will explain to me accurately how I am to set to work to get the information so much desired :—‘‘ What is the quantity of heat generated in the body by the food, and how is it to be determined? How is the quantity of heat that passes way from the body in a given time to be estimated with any- thing approaching to accuracy?” If my friend and colleague Prof. Adams will be so kind as to give answers to these ques- tions in NaTuRE, I can assure him he will confer a great favour upon many workers and thinkers in my profession, besides prov- ing the value of such questions as that objected to by Mr. Heath - for medical students. At this time we doctors are much in need of physical help. I haye no doubt that physicists will be much _ astonished at our ignorance, but never mind that; we are quite _ ready to learn, and don’t mind being laughed at or even spoken of with slight contempt by our physical friends if they will only help us. Nay, we will suffer anything from those who will in- struct us so that we may be able to set to work upon living people who are ‘‘ generating ” and giving off heat, and determine with accuracy the different rate at which heat is ‘‘ generated” and given off under different circumstances. __ Prof. Adams asks whether ‘‘the production of heat in the human body by the consumption of food’ is ‘‘ carried on on principles entirely different from those of the production of steam ina boiler,” and seems to regard it as one of the “mildest of _ questions,” in heat that can be proposed for a medical student to ‘answer, Will he answer his own question by asserting that the _ principles are the same in the two cases? WHeat in the body, steam in the boiler—heat, steam ; body, boiler !—or shall the question be revised before it is proposed to the student ? __ Lhave not the slightest doubt about the usefulness of a know- ledge of physics to those who are working at medicine, and quite agree that the rising generation of medical students should be ‘taught physics. But this is a very different thing from teaching _ people to fancy that living things are mechanisms, machines, galyanic batteries, or molecular apparatuses. I venture to think ‘that some of the most distinguished? physicists are too fond of deserting their own department for the purpose of trying to make ople believe that there is an analogy between steam-boilers and Rass bodies, when no one has yet succeeded in proving that _ there is any true analogy whatever. __ King’s College, London LIonEL S, BEALE —— _ Ty the last number of Nature Mr. Adams, of King’s College, criticised the remarks made by Mr. Heath in his introductory address upon the character of the London University medical ex- -aminations, and of the first, the preliminary scientific, more especially. It scarcely needed a column and a quarter of close type for Mr. Adams to tell us that a medical man should be ac- quainted with physical laws and phenomena, and that in his Opinion the mathematical question quoted by Mr. Heath was not too difficult to be fittingly placed in the examination paper. ‘The former point is beyond question, and the latter is not to be settled by declaring the statement of the editor of the Zawcet to be ‘‘shallow.” As to the view that a medical man should be able to estimate precisely ‘‘the amount of heat lost through a blanket or a seal-skin coat,” I will only say that it seems to me _ that a slight ‘consideration of the physical and physiological con- ditions involved, and their variations in different instances, will : ss the hope that he will not waste his time in attempting uch feats, simple as they may be deemed in physical laboratories. T will not take up space in commenting upon Mr. Adams’ argu- ments and illustrations in support of his position, since they‘do but go to show that a medical man should have some knowledge of natural philosophy and its applications to the conditions with which he has to deal, and not that he should be driven to expend his time, already overcharged with much more that is of no pos- sible use to him, upon mathematical processes which concern astro- nomers, chemists, and engineers. Thereis no doubt that to give a scientific character to medicine, exact quantitative methods must be applied to physiology and pathology, but it should be the work of men specially trained and devoted to the purpose. It has for some time past been commonly agreed that the medical student’s education is such that he is urged to acquire a quantity of information with little regard to its use and digestibility. He has a great deal to learn ina short time. The chief part of his education consists, or should consist, in observing and compar- ing morbid conditions, and in learning or devising means for their relief and cure. Whatever time he spends upon what is not requisite, or has little direct bearing upon his art, implies time mis-spent and injury to the sufferers he will later attend. Prof. Huxley did not go too far in saying that the conduct of hose who impose useless knowledge upon medical students is mply criminal. F. Lynpon ATTWooD Junior Athenzeum Club NORTH POLAR EXPLORATION N the last number of the Witthei/ungex Dr. Petermann publishes his 67th paper on the Geography and Dis- coveries of the Polar Regions, in which he gives an abstract of what has been done during the last three or four months, The two projected Norwegian expeditions into the Siberian Seas, under the guidance of Captains Jensen and Mack, have at present been unfortunately frustrated ; the former from a damage to the screw of the steamer, the latter from inability to penetrate the masses of ice. However, a projected scientific expedition for next year is exciting much interest at Tromsé. The French Expedition, under Ambert and Mack, has not yet put to sea, having been detained by the delay in settling the estate of Lambert, who left a large sum to be devoted to this purpose. This is much to be regretted, as Captain Mack has already distinguished himself by penetrating farther than any other discoverer into the Siberian Sea. However, the much-talked-of and bold expedition under M. Octave Pavy, has, it is understood, at last left San Francisco, with what results remains to be seen. He expects to reach Wrangell Land by September 1, making his way farther northward in sledges, and hoping to come to open sea about May 1873. He will then proceed towards the Pole by means of a raft of somewhat novel construction, consisting of four hollow cylinders provided with a deck, and capable of holding all necessary provisions for Pavy and his small party for two years, by which time he expects to have reached the Pole, and re- turned to San Francisco. His companions are Dr. Chesmore, who has travelled much in Alaska; Captain Mike, who a few years ago attempted to cross the Atlantic in a vessel of somewhat similar construction to Pavy’s; Watkins, a renowned Rocky Mountain hunter ; and two sailors of whaling experience: in all, the expe- dition will consist of six men. The latest news from the North American Expedition is contained in a letter from Dr. Bessels to Dr. Peter- mann, dated August 23, 1871, at which time the expe. dition had reached Tessinsak, the most northerly Danish settlement in Greenland, in lat. 73° 24° N., and long. 56° 12’ W. Further details as to this expedition will be found in NATURE for September 19, ‘ One of the most important and best fitted out ex- peditions is the Austrian one under Payer and Wey- precht, which left Tromsé in July, for the purpose of exploring the unknown region north of Siberia, to which they are prepared to devote three years. By the latest advices, about the end of July, the expedition was fairly on the road to its field of labour, and Count Wiltschek _the Hague. 8 NATURE was to follow with a store of provisions, to be deposited near the Ice Cape, on the north of Nova Zembla, in case the expedition should be compelled to turn back. Of the outfit and plan of the Swedish expedition we gave an account in NATURE for August 29. It left Troms6 on the 31st of July, and when last heard of was off the north-west point of Spitzbergen. We are also favoured with a letter from Dr. Petermann, dated Gotha, October 11, from which we learn that the land on the east of Spitzbergen, which for the last 355 years has had a varying position on the map, has this year for the first time been reached by Captain Altmann of Hammerfest, and again on August 16 last by Captain Nils Johnsen of Tromsd, in his little sailing yacht the Lydeana, who landed and explored it. Captain Johnsen saw the island first when in N. lat. 78° 18’ 46,'and E, long. 30°; in the maps of 1617 it was marked as Wiche Land, between 784° and 753° N. lat. On the 17th of August he anchored near to the north point in 79° 8’ N. lat. and 30° 15’ E. long., for the purpose of landing and exploring the place. What Captain Altmann, looking from a distance, took to be three islands, Johnsen found in reality one, the high hills being connected by low lying land, with several outlying islets. On no part of the land has he found extensive snow-fields, and saw only one small glacier on the south-east coast, while, on the contrary, there are many large streams entirely free from ice. The greatest length of the land Captain Johnsen has found to be 44 geographical mfles. Large quantities of driftwood extended here and there to about 100 feet from the coast, and rose to the height of at least 20 feet. The island abounds in the usual Polar fauna, the plentifulness of seals, especially Phoca Groenlandica, being noted by Johnsen. The reindeer on the island are spoken of as the largest and fattest which anyone on board the Lydeana had ever seen. The rocks seem to be princi- pally of the quartz and argillaceous kind, and some fossils have been sent to Sweden and to Zurich. ‘Captain Johnsen explored the east, south-east, and north-east coasts, and so far as his observations went, ice is to be found only on the north coast. The fact of greatest significance in this latest news from these quarters is that for many months in the year the sea around Spitzbergen is almost entirely free from ice ; a position long and sagaciously maintained by Dr. Petermann. ; “ Of interest,” says the Academy,} in connection with ‘this subject is an account of the finding of the relics of Barents’ expedition of 1597 to Novaia Zemlia, by Captain Carlsen in 1871, prepared by M. de Jonge, and newly published under the auspices of the Dutch government at The pamphlet contains the journal kept by Carlsen, and a minute description of the relics, accom- panied by a photograph of these in a group, and charts comparing the Novaia Zemlia of Barents with the island as mapped from our present knowledge of it,” RESEARCHES IN GREENLAND* Wake I wrote to you last from Copenhagen, I antici- pated that my season would be very short ; and my anticipations were correct. The season, however, in Greenland has been long and brilliant. In the middle of May floe ice disappeared in Umenak Fiord, which was fully six weeks earlier than usual; and in April, in God- havn men went about in summer attire. When I arrived (on July 6) the land was covered with flowers, the butter- flies were beginning to appear, and almost all snow had vanished from the sea-level up to 2,o00ft. Since then, with the exception of a bad week in the Waigat, I have enjoyed the most exquisite weather that it is possible to imagine. In this arctic region it has only frozen on two nights, and during the daytime the thermometer has * Copy of a letter addressed to Mr. R. H. Scott, F.R.S., and kindly forwarded by him to us,—Ep. rangedffrom 50° to 70°. Until recently we have also had a high barometer ; and, upon the whole, very little wind. — I have been upon Hare Island for three'days, and have also been to Umenak, but the chief part of my time has been spent in the Waigat, where you would be surprised, perhaps, to find that a great deal remains to be done. I have found a great valley leading into the interior of Disco, and have gone up it a hard day’s march. ascended one of the highest of the peaks on the Nour- soak side of the Waigat, and looked down upon the great valley which occupies almost the whole of its interior. The lakes, as given upon Rink’s map from reports of Eskimo, do not exist, but there is one very large lake which has a glacier or glaciers coming into it at perhaps 2,000 ft. above the sea. This valley is the most important one hitherto discovered in North |Greenland, The river flowing down it has the character of a river, and not of a torrent ; and, after descending through many windings a — course of at least 100 miles, it pours into the sea a volume of water equal to that of the Rhone at the Lake of Geneva. At half a mile from the shore I found the water fresh. In Umenak Fiord I ascended a mountain of about 7,000 ft. with five Greenlanders, and took my theodolite to the top. As you know the weight of the instrument, you will be partly able to appreciate this performance. The ascent, first over swamp, then over basalt dé477s which reposed insecurely upon solid basalt, and finally, at the top, up columnar basalt, was a sweet thing of its kind, The picture of your humble servant being lowered by a rope, dangling like a bundle from a crane, will, perhaps, to some people, be more interesting than the results ob- tained by the theodolite. These, however, were not unim- portant. almost the whole of the Umenak district (which contains the highest mountains of Greenland proper), and a mag- nificent ‘view of the “inland-ice.” I found the general elevation of the mountains exceeded by about 2,000 ft, the © height previously assigned to them. Of the altitude of the “inland ice” I shall write on a subsequent occasion, A large part of my time in the Waigat was occupied by © the measurement of a base line. This was the most im- portant piece of work that I undertook, and it was suc- cessfully executed. find its mountains to be about double the altitude that they have been supposed to be; and Hare Island I find to be twice the length represented upon the Admiralty — Chart ; Hare Island has some points of particular interest. I got from it a rather large collection of fossil plants, and went to its top (1,800ft.). From the summit, at midnight, I distinctly recognised the mountain called Sanderson’s Hope, near Upernavik, which was distant from me 140 miles ! I have made an excellent journey, full of interest. My — collections are at least as valuable as those of 1867 though, as far as I know, they do not contain anything of the importance of the Magnolia. I have, however, even — larger collections of fossil plants than before, and from — localities which I did not visit in 1867. My stone imple- ments are very numerous, and of good quality, and the natural history specimens are not few in number, gether I am very well content. EDWARD WHYMPER Written on board the brig ¥Hvalfisken as it proceeded out of the harbour of Godhavn, Sept. 10, 1872. THE HELVETIC SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES Pps 55th Session of this Society was held at the ancient city of Fribourg on the 19th, 20th, and 21st of August last, and of it we have again to tell of an overwhelmingly hospitable reception by “our hosts — of Fribourg;” a well-attended opening address by the President, Dr. Thurler; sectional séances, at which T have > My peak, an isolated one, commanded a view of — I find the Waigat to have in some © places scarcely half the width which our maps give it. I _ Alto- Ss a N, Wow. 7, 1872) sr many valuable papers were read, followed by fruitful dis- " cussions ; a final general meeting to listen to something that would interest all, and then the dispersion. This _ Society appears to be satisfactorily accomplishing its pro- _ fessed aim of increasing the interests of the people gene- rally in scientific studies of establishing intimate and familiar relations between men of science engaged upon ‘the same subject, and of fostering a harmonious spirit of ~ labour all over the country. We give an abstract of the report contained in the Bibliothégue Universelle. _ Prof. Volpicelli gave a paper on Atmospheric Electricity and the best method of studying it. Having made ex- periments, in calm weather, according to the methods both of Franklin and of Peltier (in the former of which a fixed uninsulated rod is used, connected with an electro- meter by a wire, while in the latter a moveable metallic _ point with similar connection is sent up into the atmo- sphere), he found the results always contradictory as re- _ gards the quantity, and sometimes also as regards the _ quality, of electricity indicated. ’ On all the days in which the air was not much agitated, ‘the time and circumstances being the same, the moving _ rod gave a greater quantity of electricity than the fixed ; and the former often showed positive electricity, while the latter showed negative. It has been shown that the earth is a body negatively electrified. It follows that any conducting substance is electrified positively when it rises in the atmosphere, and becomes negative, on the other hand, asit descends. The indications of the metallic rod shot into the air are there- fore modified by the influence of the earth, and do not _ give a means of determining the electricity of the sur- ‘rounding atmosphere. Franklin’s fixed rod, on the other hand, is free from these disturbing influences. __ That aconductor gives positive electricity as it rises in _ the atmosphere, and negative as it descends, may be _ proved by experiment. Suppose, e.g., the fixed rod gives negative electricity ; if a flame be applied to the point of it, the apparatus will indicate positive electricity, The _ flame produces an upward current of air, which, by its motion, and under the influence of the earth, gives a neutralising positive electricity, so that the point of the fixed rod becomes positively charged. (It is necessary that the flame should have a high calorific power.) If the flame be now brought down to the ground, one or other of three effects will occur :—if the flame is not very strong, negative electricity will be indicated ; if _ somewhat hotter, there will be no electricity at all ; if very intense, the electricity will be positive. These effects are readily explained as the resultants of two opposing actions, the production of positive electricity by the as- cending current of air, and the production of negative through the influence of the earth on the descending flame. The general inference Prof. Volpicelli draws is the preferability of Franklin’s method to the other. [ M. Miiller, professor at Fribourg, gave an account of _ experiments on the lower Glacier of the Grindelwald, with ‘reference to the optical properties of glacial ice. His experiments partly confirm the results obtained by MM, Grad and Dupré, that thin lamellz of ice cut horizon- tally at the base of the glacier, give, in Norremberg’s _ apparatus, systems of coloured rings with a dark cross, This property, moreover, appears only at certain separate ‘parts of the lamella, and the system of rings is always ‘more or less incomplete, which is sufficiently explained by the irregular structure of the ice of glaciers, in which, “necessarily, there are only distant traces of the mode of _ original formation, Vertical sections gave no coloured rings. NL Louis Dufour described some important researches on the Diffusion of Gases across diaphragms and the vari- ations of temperature accompanying it. He studied the _ cases (among others) of hydrogen and air, of air and car- bonic acid. : o (TURE A He distinguishes the diffusion at constant pressure, and the diffusion with change of pressure, The porous vessel containing the gas with slower diffusion contains also a very sensitive thermometer, and is enclosed in another vessel, in which the other gas circulates. A glass tube, passing through the stopper of the porous vessel, can be put in communication either with external air (pressure constant) or with a manometer, The whole is enclosed in an envelope of cotton. The thermometer is observed with a cathetometer. 1. Diffusion at constant pressure.—First of all, taking as example hydrogen and air, equilibrium of temperature is established between the air outside of the porous vessel and that inside; then hydrogen is made to circulate, and it is seen that the thermometer in the interior falls, A large number of experiments showed that there is always a rise of temperature on the ‘side of the entering gas, and a fall of temperature on the side of the escaping gas. M. Dufour believes this change of temperature does not take place throughout the gaseous mass, but only at the surface of the diaphragm, He conceives that at the part where the gas enters there is condensation and compres- sion, causing development of heat. In the opposite case vices is expansion of the gas, and hence absorption of eat, 2. Diffusion with change of pressure,—In this case the phenomenon is complicated by variations in the tempera- ture according to the pressure. When the diffusing gas enters the porous vessel, the thermometer indicates first a slight rise of temperature resulting from rapid increase of pressure ; it then falls, and to a much greater extent (jj of a degree e.g.) commences again to rise gradually, falls a little again, in consequence of the escape of the other gas and the rarefaction produced ; then continually rises. The effects are represented by a curve. M. Dufour also studied the case of diffusion between dry air and moist air. He observed there was always diffusion between two quantities of air having different degrees of humidity; and, contrary to what one might expect from Graham’s law (the vapour of water being lighter than air), the diffusion takes place from the dry to the humid. The laws of variation of temperature in this case conform to what M. Dufour ob- served in the case of two gases. The diffusion is readily indicated by a water manometer, and M. Dufour thinks the principle might be applied in hygrometry. It is evident that the general principle must have numerous applica- tions in the organic world. M. Reichert described a thermo-regulator, in which the mercury of a thermometer which was placed in a heated liquid interrupted, on rising to a certain point, the passage of the heat-producing gas. M. Mousson described a method for measuring the dispersion in the different parts of the spectrum furnished by a prism or any spectroscope whatever. The dispersion varies, it is known, in the different portions of the spectrum obtained with a prism, it is believed much less rapidly in the red, much more rapidly in the violet. The law according to which it varies changes according to the different prisms and different substances used. M. Mousson proposes a new simple process by means of which the law can be directly determined for each spectro- scope. It consists in observing with the spectroscope the spectrum given by a network (réseau) of diffrac- tion, of which the lines ought to be perpendicular if the edges of the prism are horizontal. There is thus obtained a curved spectrum, which is the graphic repre- sentation of the law sought. : Other papers in the section were by M. de la Rive on the rotation of the electric discharge in rarified gases under the influence of a magnet, and particularlyupon the mechanical action which this discharge could exercise in its rotating movement. M. E. Hagenbach expounded the principal results of his beautiful researches upon Fluorescence : re i See 8 ee Ny STs pele” # a a tetera ee} ’ : : ‘ I0- and M. Volpicelli concluded the work of the section by a communication on Electrostatic Induction. Geology is the branch of Natural History which is most cultivated in Switzerland. Notwithstanding its small extent, that country has the most varied field for ob- servation in the mountain-chains of the Jura and the Alps; there are few important questions whose solution ‘cannot be found in these mountains; and many Swiss names are found among those who have done most to advance that science. During the last year geological studies have received a great impulse in Switzerland by the subsidies which the Confederation vote for that pur- pose ; each year the State grants a sum in aid of the researches of a certain number of geologists, and for the study of a new part of the territory. The works which result are published under the care of a special commis- sioner of the Society of Natural Science. As might be expected then, the Geological Section was very numerously attended, and the papers read on the subject were many and valuable. We learn from M. A. Fauzes’ general lecture that the Society have taken similar steps for the study and preservation of Swiss boulders to those taken by the Royal Society of Scotland, whose report we gave in a recent number. M. V. Gross brought under the notice of the members a series of objects belonging to the lacustrine! dwellings of the Lake of Bienne, worthy of the attention even of - those who have seen the richest collections of this kind. There was the bit of a bridle almost complete belonging to the station of Mérigen, which belongs to the age of bronze ; at the present time only one similar fragment is known. Incrustations of iron upon a bronze knife tend to confirm what has already been conjectured, that at the first appearance of iron it was regarded as a most precious metal. The station of Liischersz, of the stone age, has been discovered by M. Gross, and has furnished axes of nephrite and jade of a size not hitherto met with in lacustrine dwellings. It is known that these rocks are not found in Europe ; and it is a question whether these lake-dwellers obtained them by commercial intercourse - with Asia, or whether these rare articles were preserved as heirlooms in families from the period of their emi- gration from their ancient Asiatic home. M. Ch. Vogt communicated to the section the results of his microscopic study of rocks. One of the questions which he wished to resolve is whether the microscope can enable us to know whether or not a rock has ever been in “an igneous state. M. Vogelsang has discovered that the volcanic rocks present what has been called the “ fluidal structure,” a structure resulting from the disposition of minute crystals disseminated throughout the vitreous mass, and surrounding the larger crystals which have been previously formed in the lava. This fluidal structure is found in the porphyries, and proves their igneous origin. But on examining the siliceous deposits of the Geyser, M. Vogt found this same structure, and thus it does not belong exclusively to the igneous rocks, but also to those of aqueous origin, provided that they have been in a viscous state. In his study of volcanic rocks, M. Vogt has discovered that the trachytes, the basalts, and the lavas, present common characteristics. M. Lebert brought under the notice of the section a magnificent series of specimens of amber, and expounded the results of his researches on that substance, The fluorescence of petroleum may be taken as a type of the same phenomenon in amber. For naturalists the most interesting of M. Lebert’s specimens are fragments of the conifers which produced the amber, a piece enclosing a movable air-bubble in a drop of water, and a great number of other pieces enclosing insects in a perfect state of preservation. M. Frangois Forel exhibited a photograph of the fossil man of Mentone, which represents him in the position in which he was found. It would appear that this man was not buried under a landslip, but that he must have been interred by those who survived him, It is argued that, because it is very unusual to inter the dead in a dwelling for the living, we may conclude that this individual be- longed to a nomad horde of the age of the reindeer, who did not inhabit the cavern, but passed it from time to time, and who buried this man in the place where he died. We may mention here that in the Zoological sec- tion Dr. Vonga read a paper on the same subject, he having been present at the exhumation of the body. He described the caves, and pointed out their probable mode of formation. The body lay upon its left side in the posi- — tion of sleep. It showed a circular crack at the base of the skull, the thorax being broken at one place; the re- mainder is in perfect preservation. The cranium is very fine, all the teeth being preserved ; the lower jaw is long, but the angle between the horizontal and the ascending branches isaright angle. Dr. Vonga attributed the re- markable preservation of the body to the properties of the pulverised earth which covered it. Several members presented to the section their studies of various parts of the Alps, and M. E. Favre read a paper on a section of the Caucasus. In the centre of the latter chain a granitic formation is found. On the two sides palzeozoic schists are presented, analogous to those of Gratz, and connected by veins of crystalline schist. They are less developed on the north side than on the other. Upon the northern slope the Secondary and Tertiary formations are in a very normal position, and have but little inclination ; upon the other slope, on the contrary, there are many zones of eruptive rocks, and the Secondary formations are less disturbed. M. Favre also - spoke to the section on the lower limit of eternal snow and the glacial phenomena which he has observed in this chain. ; In the section of Zoology Prof. C. Vogt presented the results of his researches upon the Phy//ofodes, especially the Branchiopods and the Artemia. M. Vogt confirmed the observation of M. Joly, that among the Arfemie collected at Cette during the months of July and August, no males were found, and that the females reproduced by parthenogenesis. much the more singular that large numbers of males are found in other salt marshes inhabited by the same or analogous species. M. Auguste Forel presented to the section some curious and interesting results of his researches into the nature and habits of ants. Different communities of ants, even when they are of the same species, are enemies to each other. A single community of ants may possess many nests, which are connected with each other by galleries and tunnels. A community of ants may be either simple or mixed ; it is simple when it belongs toa single species, mixed when it belongs to two or more species living on good terms among themselves. There are in each com- munity, at one time at least, workers, some males and females. the workers of one species pillaging the ant-hills of another species, and carrying off the cocoons. These, when This fact is so If we consider the mixed communities, we — can distinguish, amongst others, slave-ants, obtained by eel et once hatched, become the auxiliary workers and friends of their captors, doubtless believing that they are of the same origin. The mixed community contains the three sexes of the species who plundered, but only the workers of the species pillaged, The only paper apparently of importance in the Bota- : nical Section was by Dr. Miiller, of Geneva, on a new species of Loranthus from the Philippine Islands, which, _ from the position of the flowers, presents some very extra- _ ordinary but not yet well-established peculiarities, Other papers of value were read in the various sections, — and, considering that the meeting lasted only three days, the amount of work gone through appears extraordinary; _ but then no mention is made of any excursions. F 4 ses -, THE WYANDOTTE CAVE AND ITS —. fC FAUNA * ' ‘T'HE Wyandotte Cave traverses the St. Louis + Limestone of the Carboniferous formation in Craw- ford County, in South-Western Indiana. I do not know whether its length has ever been accurately determined, t t the proprietors say that they have explored its gal- leries for twenty-two miles, and it is probable that its ex- tent is equal to that of the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. Numerous galleries which diverge from its known courses in all directions have been left unexplored. The Wyandotte Cave is as well worthy of popular favour as the Mammoth. It lacks the large bodies of water which diversify the scene in the latter, but is fully equal to it in the beauty of its stalactites and other orna- ments of calcyte and gypsum. The stalactites and sta- — Fic. 1.—Orconectes inermis Cope, natural size. gmites are more numerous than in the Mammoth, and former frequently have a worn, or maccaroni-like form, which is very peculiar. They twist and wind in masses like the locks of Medusa, and often extend in slender runners to a remarkable length. The gypsum tosettes occur in the remote regions of the cave, and are very beautiful. There are also masses of amorphous gypsum of much purity. The floor in many places is ‘covered with curved branches, and, what is more beauti- ful, of perfectly transparent acicular crystals, sometimes mingled with imperfect twin-crystals. The loose crystals in one place are in such quantity as to give the name of “Snow Banks” to it. In other places it takes the form of japanning on the roof and wall rock. _ In one respect the cave is superior to the Mammoth— n its vast rooms, with step-like domes, and often huge stalagmites on central hills, In these localities the rock Shey from the American Naturalist, to the kindness of the editor y journal we are also indebted for the loan of the cuts. q 7 *s Suan ee ek _ NATURE II has been originally more fractured or fragile than else- where, and has given way at times of disturbance, piling masses on the floor. The destruction having reached the thin-bedded strata above, the breaking down has pro- ceeded with greater rapidity, each bed breaking away over a narrower area than that below it. When the heavily-bedded rock has been again reached, the breakage has ceased, and the stratum remains as a heavy coping stone to the hollow dome. Of course the process piles a hill beneath, and the access of water being rendered more ec WG Fic. 2. Fic. 3. Cacidotea microcephala Cope.—Fig. 2: The mandible and palpi of right side more enlarged. The outer palpus lies above the lateral plate, and its origin was not seen. Fig. 3: The same; magnified 6'5 times. easy by the approach to the surface, great stalactites and stalagmites are the result. In one place this product forms a mass extending from floor to ceiling, a distance of thirty or forty feet, with a diameter of twenty-five feet, eal i ee Fic. 4.—Cauloxenus styeius in position on the lip of Amdlyopsis spelaus, enlarged. and a beautifully fluted circumference. The walls of the room are encrusted with cataract-like masses, and stalag- mites are numerous. The largest room is stated to be 245 feet high, and 350 feet long, and to contain a hill of % Neca ) Fic. 5. Fic. 6. Cauloxenus stygius.—Fig. 5: Antennal processes and muzzle more enlarged. fig. 6: The animal viewed from below, with an infero-lateral view of the cephalothorag, 175 feet in height. On the summit are three large stalag- mites, one of them pure white. When this scene is lit up it is peculiarly grand to the eye of an observer at the foot of the long hill, while it is not less beautiful to those on Fic. 7. Fic. 8. Erebomaster flavescens.—Fig. 7: Male organ from below. Fig. 8: The same ; magnified 7°6 times. the summit. There is no room in the Mammoth Cave equal to these two. An examination into the life of the cave shows it to have much resemblance to that of the Mammoth, The following is a list of sixteen species of animals which I obtained, and by its side is placed a corresponding list of the species obtained by Mr. Cooke and others, at the Mammoth Cave. These number seventeen species. As the Mammoth has been more frequently explored, while two days only were devoted to the Wyandotte, the large - . we ¢ 12 number of species obtained in the latter suggests that it is the richer in life. This I suspect will prove to be the case, as it is situated in a fertile region. Some of the animals were also procured from caves immediately ad- joining, which are no doubt connected with the principal one. Of the out-door fauna which find shelter in the cave, bats are, of course, most numerous. They are probably followed into their retreat by the eagle and other large owls. The floors of some of the chambers were covered to a considerable depth by the castings of these birds, which consisted of bats’ fur and bones. It would be worth while to determine whether any of the owls winter there. LIST OF LIVING SPECIES IN THE TWO CAVES. WYANDOTTE. Mammoru. Vertebrata. Amblyopsis speleus DeKay. Typhlichthys subterraneus Girard. Arachnida. Acanthocheir armata Tellk. Phrixis longipes Cope. Anthrobia monmouthia Tellk, Crustacea. Orconectes pellucidus Tellk. Czecidotea stygia Pack. Stygobromus vitreus Cope. Insecta. Anophthalmus Menetriesii Motsch. Anophthalmus Tellkampfii Erichs. Adelops hirtus Tellk, Amblyopsis spelzcus DeKay. Erebomaster flavescens Cope. Anthrobia. Orconectes inermis Cope. Czcidotea microcephala Cope. Cauloxenus stygius Cope. Anophthalmus tenuis Horn. Anophthalmus eremita Horn. Quedius spelzeus Horn. Lesteva sp. nov. Raphidophora. orn. Raphidophora subterranea Scudd. Phora. hora. Anthomyia. Anthomyia. Machilis, Machilis. Campodea sp. Campodea Cookei Pack. Tipulid Myriopoda. Pirostrephon cavernarum Cope. Scoterpes Copei (Pack.). The blind fish of the Wyandotte Cave is the same as that of the Mammoth, the Amdlyopsis speleus DeKay. Tt must have considerable subterranean distribution, as it has undoubtedly been drawn up from four wells in the neighbourhood of the cave. Indeed, it was from one of these, which derives its water from the cave, that we pro- cured our specimens. We descended a well to the water, some twenty feet below the surface, and found it to com- municate by a side opening with a long low channel, through which flowed a lively stream of very cold water. Wading up the current in a stooping posture, we soon reached a shallow expansion or pool. Here a blind craw- fish was detected crawling round the margin, and was promptly consigned to the alcohol bottle. A little farther beyond, deeper water was reached, and an erect position became possible. We drew the seine in a narrow channel, and after an exploration under the bordering rocks, secured two fishes. A second haul secured another. Another was seen, but we failed to catch it, and on emerging from the cave I had a fifth securely in my hand, as I thought, but found my fingers too numb to prevent its freeing itself by its active struggles. If these Amblyopses be not alarmed, they come to the surface to feed, and swim in full sight like white aquatic ghosts. They are then easily taken by the hand or net, if perfect silence is preserved, for they are unconscious of the presence of an enemy except through the medium of hearing. This sense is, however, evidently very acute, for at any noise they turn suddenly downward and hide be- neath stones, &c., on the bottom. They must take much of their food near the surface, as the life of the depths is apparently very sparse. This habit is rendered easy by the structure of the fish, for the mouth is directed partly upwards, and the head is yery flat above, thus allowing the mouth to be at the surface. It thus takes food with less difficulty than other surface feeders, as the perch, &c., where the mouth is terminal or even inferior ; for these require a definite effort to elevate the mouth to the object floating on the surface. This could rarely be done with accuracy by a fish with defective or atrophied visual organs. It is therefore probable that fishes of the type of WATURE 9° oe ' r [Wou. 7, 1872 the Cyprinodontide, the nearest allies of the Hypscide, and such Aypswide as the eyed Chologaster, would possess in the position of the mouth a slight advantage in the - struggle for existence. “ The blind crawfish above mentioned is specifically dis- tinct from that of the Mammoth Cave, though nearly related to it. I callit Orconectes gnermis, separating it gene- rically from Caméarus, or the true crawfishes, on account of the absence of visual organs. The genus Orconectes, then, is established to include the blind crawfishes of the Mammoth and Wyandotte Caves. Dr. Packard has described an interesting genus of Iso- poda allied to the marine form /do/ea, which Mr. Cooke discovered in a pool in the Mammoth Cave. He called it Cecidotea. 1 obtained a second species in a cave ad- joining the Wyandotte which differs in several important respects. I call it Cecidotea microcephala. Both species are blind. The new species is pure white. It was quite active, and the females carried a pair of egg-pouches- full of eggs. The situation in which we found it was” peculiar. It was only seen in and near an empty log trough used to collect water from a spring dripping from the roof of one of the chambers. 1 The Lernazan, Canloxenus stygius Cope, is a remarkable creature. It is a parasite on the blind fish, precisely as numerous species near of kin attach themselves to various species of marine fishes. The Wyandotte species is not so very unlike some of these. It is attached by a pair of altered fore-limbs, which are plunged into the skin of the host, and held securely in that position by the barbed or recurved claws, No parasitic male was observed in the neighbourhood of the female, and it is probable that, as in the other Lerneopfodide, he is a free swimmer, and extremely small. The difficulty of finding his mate on an active host-fish must be augmented by the total darkness of his abode, and many must be isolated owing to the infrequent and irregular occurrence of the fish, to say nothing of the scarceness of its own species. on The allied genera, Achtheres and Lern@opoda, present very distinct distributions, the former being fresh wate and the latter marine. Zern@opoda is found in the most varied types of fishes and in several seas ; Achtheres has been observed on perch from Asia and Europe, and on a South American Pimelodus. It is to the latter that Cau- Zoxenus is most nearly allied, and from such a. form we may, perhaps, trace its descent ; modification being con- sequent on its wandering into subterranean streams. The character which distinguishes it from its allies is one which especially adapts it for maintaining a firm hold on its host, z.e., the fusion of its jaw-arms into a single stem. ‘ f Whether the present species shared with the AmébZyopsis its history and changes, or whether it seized upon the fish as a host at some subsequent period, is a curious specula- tion. Its location at the mouth of the fish could scarcely be maintained on a species having sight ; for if the host © did not remove it, other individuals would be apt to. ; I may here allude to another blind Crustacean which — took in the Mammoth Cave, and which has been already mentioned in the Annals and Magazine of Natural His- tory asa Gammaroid. Mr, Cooke and myself descended a hole, and found, a short distance along a gallery, a clear spring, covering, perhaps, an area ten feet across. Here Mr. Cooke was so fortunate as to procure the Cecidotea siygia, while I took the species just mentioned, and which Iname Stygobromus vitreus, ‘The genus is new, and re- presents in a measure the Wzphargus of Schiédte found in the caves of Southern Europe. This genus has several — species in fresh waters, which are of small size, and swim actively, turning on one side or the other. un te Of Insects I took four species of beetles, all new to science ; two of them of a blind carnivorous genus” Anopthhalmus, and two Staphylinida, known by their — very short wing-cases and long, flexible abdomen, Dr. George H, Horn has kindly determined them for me. | ne of them, the Quedius speleus, Horn, is half an inchin ngth, and has rather small eyes; it was found not far from the mouth of the cave. Dr. Horn furnishes me with the following list of Coleoptera from the two caves in question :— Anophthalmus Tellkampfii Erichs. Mammoth Cave. . a enetriesi Motsch, angu- ‘ latus Lec. Mammoth Cave. 4 eremita Horn. Wyandotte Cave. tenuis Horn, Wyandotte Cave. striatus Motsch. Mammoth Cave, Unknown to me. < = ventricosus Motsch, Mammoth Cave. Unknown to me. delops hirta Tellk. Mammoth Cave. _ These are the only true cave insects at present known in these faunze. Other species were collected within the mouths of the caves, but which cannot be classed with the preceding, as cave insects proper. 5 ” Be Catops n. sp.? Wyandotte Cave. ." teen spelzeus Horn, Wyandotte Cave. estev n. spa, Wyandotte Cave. And another Alzeocharyde Staphylinide, allied to Zachy- usa, also from Wyandotte Cave. No names have as yet been given to any of these, excepting the second. A ionograph of Catops has already appeared containing ‘many species from our fauna ; and as the work is inacces- sible at present, I have hesitated to do more than indicate the presence of the above species. _ The cricket of the Wyandotte Cave is stouter than that _ of the Mammoth, and thus more like the Raphidophora _lapidicola of the forest. There were three species of flies, one or more species of Poduride, and a Campodea not determined. : Centipedes are much more abundant in the Wyandotte than in the Mammoth Cave. They especially abounded on the high stalagmites which crown the hill beneath the Mammoth dome, which is three miles from the mouth of the cave. The species is quite distinct from that of the Mammoth Cave, and is the one I described some years ago from caves in Virginia and Tennessee. I call it Spirostrephon cavernarum, agreeing with Dr. Packard that the genus Pseudotremia, to which it was originally referred, is of doubtful validity. The allied form found by ‘Mr. Cooke in the Mammoth Cave has been described by Dr. Packard as Sfirostrephon Copet. It is eyeless, and is, on this account alone, worthy of being distinguished _ generically from Spzrostrephon. This genus may be then named Scoterpes. narum in the Mammoth Cave. _ Two species of Arachnidans were observed, one a true spider, the other related to the “long-legs” of the woods. _ A species similar to the former is found in the Mammoth Cave, and others in other caves, but in every instance _ where I have obtained them they have been lost by the _ dissolution of their delicate tissues in the impure alcohol. _ The other forms are more completely chitinised, and are easily preserved ; they are related to the genus Gony/eptes, found under stones in various portions of the country. _ Dr. Wood describes a species from Texas, and I have _taken them in Tennessee and Kansas. In the Wyandotte ‘Cave I found a number of individuals of a new species, at _ aplace called the screw-hole. Though living at a dis- ‘tance of four or five miles from the mouth of the cave, this species is furnished with eyes. This species is described as Evebomaster flavescens Cope. In its rela- tionships it may be said to stand between Acanthocheir _ and Gonylepies. Besides Acanthocheiy, another blind Gonyleptid exists in the Mammoth Cave, which I found several miles from ‘the mouth. It is blind like the former, but differs in _ having many more joints to the tarsi, approaching thus the true Pialangia, or long-legs. __ Dr. Packard and Mr, Putnam have already discussed _ the question of the probability of the origin of these blind cave animals by descent from out-door species having eyes. I have already expressed myself in favour of such _ view, and deem that in order to prove it we need only ¥ I look for the discovery of S. caver-~ establish two or three propositions. First, that there are eyed genera corresponding closely in other general cha- racters with the blind ones ; second, that the condition of the visual organs is in some cave type variable ; third, if the abortion of the visual organs can be shown to take place coincidently with general growth to maturity, an important point is gained in explanation of the modus operandi of the process. First, as to corresponding forms; the 7yphlichthys of the Mammoth is identical with Cho/ogaster, except in its lack of eyes. Ovconectes bears the same relation to Cam- barus ; Stygobromus bears nearly the same to Gammarus ; and Scoterpes is Spirostrephon without eyes and no pores. Secondly, as to variability. I have already shown that in Gronias nigrilagris, the blind Silurid from the Cones- . toga in Pennsylvania, while all of several specimens observed were blind, the degree of atrophy of the visual organs varies materially, not only in different fishes, but on different sides of the same fish. In some the corium is imperforate, in others perforate on one side, in others on both sides, a rudimental cornea being thus present. In some the ball of the eye is oval, and in others col- lapsed. This fish is related specifically to the Asmzurus nebulosus of the same waters, more nearly than the latter is to certain other Amiuri of the Susquehanna river basin to which the Conestoga belongs, as for instance the A, lynx; it may be supposed to have been enclosed in a subterranean lake for a shorter time than the blind fishes of the Western Caves, not only on account of the less degree of loss of visual organs, but also in view of its very dark colours. Thirdly, it is asserted that the young Orconectes possess eyes, and that perhaps those of the 7yphdichthys do also. If these statements be accurate, we have here an example of what is known to occur elsewhere, for instance, in the whalebone whales. In a feetal stage these animals pos- sess rudimentary teeth like other Cetacea, which are sub- sequently absorbed. This disappearance of the eyes is regarded with reason by Prof. Wyman as evidence of the descent of the blind forms from those with visual organs. I would suggest that the process of reduction illustrates the law of “retardation,” accompanied by another phe- nomenon. Where characters which appear latest in em- bryonic history are lost, we have simple retardation— that is, the animal in successive generations fails to grow up to the highest point, falling farther and farther back, thus presenting an increasingly slower growth in this special respect. Where, asin the presence of eyes, we have a character early assumed in embryonic life, the re- tardation presents a somewhat different phase. Each successive generation, it is true, fails to come up to the completeness of its predecessor at maturity, and thus ex- hibits “retardation ;” but this process of reduction of rate of growth is followed by its termination in the part long before growth has ceased in other organs. This is an exaggeration of retardation. Thus the eyes in the Or- conectes probably once exhibited at maturity the incom- plete characters now found in the young, for a long time a retarded growth continuing to adult age before its ter- mination was gradually withdrawn to earlier stages. Growth ceasing entirely, the phase of atrophy succeeded, the organ became stationary at an early period of general growth, being removed, and its contents transferred to the use of other parts by the activity of “ growth force.’ Thus, for the loss of lateassumed organs we have < retard- ation,” but for that of early assumed ones, “retardation and atrophy.” I ; The mutual relations of this cave life form an interest- ing subject. In the first place, two of the beetles, the crickets, the centipede, the small crustaceans (food of the blind fish) are more or less herbivorous. They furnish food for the spiders, crawfish, Anophthalmus, and the fish. The vegetable food supporting them is in the first place fungi which, in various small forms, grow in damp ed — ~ NO Ge. NEN aia oie elt ek A bh * > given by Wm. Spottiswoode, F.R.S., the Rev. Prof. T. R. irks, Edward Dannreuther, Esq., Rafert Sabine, Sir H. Rawlinson, F.R.S., Prof. Clerk Maxwell, F.R.S., James Dewar, UE. J. Reed, C.B., . Emerson-Reynolds, Prof. W. K. Clifford ' - Prof. Tyndall, F, R S., Lord Lindsay, Prof, Odling, F,R.S. eal waTURE 15 and others. After Easter:—Three Lectures on the Limits of the Historic Method, by John Morley; Four Lectures on the Evidence for the History of Rome from Existing Architectural Remains, by J. H. Parker, C.B. ; Six Lectures by Prof. Tyndall, F.R.S. ; Four Lectures by Prof. Odling, F.R.S. ; Three Lec- tures on the Development of Music in connection with the Drama, by Edward Dannreuther. In January the New Labo- ratories for research will be open for the inspection of the Members of the Institution. THE following lectures are arranged to be delivered during the ensuing season at the London Institution, Finsbury Circus :— Educational Lectures, first course commencing Tuesday, Nov. 12; a lecture on the Nutrition of the Body, by Prof. Rutherford ; second course commencing Jan, 27, 1873, eight lectures on Phy- sical Geography, by Prof. Duncan, F.R.S. ; third course com- mencing Monday, April 7, six lectures on Elementary Botany, by Prof. Bentley ; two lectures on Fungoid Organisms in their relation to Mankind, by Prof, Thiselton’Dyer, Mondays, March 24 and 31. Evening Lectures: Cavern Researches, by W. Pengelly, F.R.S.; Kent’s Cavern, Torquay, Nov. 6; and The Cave Men of Mentone, Nov. 13 ; on Spontaneous Movements in Plants, by Alfred W. Bennett, Nov. 27; on the Paraffin In- dustry, by F. Field, F.R.S., Dec. 14; on Ancient Science, by G. J. Rodwell, Jan. 15, 1873 ; on Fresco and Siliceous Paint- ings, by Prof. Barff, Feb. 5 and 12; on the Result of recent Meteorological Inquiry, by Robt. H. Scott, F.R.S., Feb. 26. On Dec, 11, 1872, Mr. Austen will read a paper, to be followed by discussion, on Peat as a Substitute for Coal. Prof. H. E. Arm- strong will deliver a holiday course of four lectures, adapted to a juvenile auditory, on Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, commencing Dec. 30th. Mr, J. JENNER WEIR, F.L.S., delivered a lecture last even- ing at the Crystal Palace, on the Aquarium and its Contents. The West Kent Microscopical Society exhibited their instruments on the occasion. THE following lectures will be delivered before the Bolton Literary and Scientific Society (Subject not fixed):—J. Glaisher, F.R.S., Nov. 19. On Coal and Coal Plants, by Prof. W. C. Williamson, F.R.S., Dec. to, Where are the ‘Bones of the Men who made the Flint Implements? by Wm. Pengelly, F.R.S. The Gulf Stream ; what it does, and what it does not, by Dr.'Wm. B. Carpenter, F.R.S., Feb. (day not fixed), An ele- mentary course of six lectures on astronomy has been delivered by the Rev. J. Freeston ; to be followed by one of eight lectures on geology and physical geography, by J. Collins, Tue birth of a hippopotamus is again announced to have taken place at the Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park, on Tuesday last. A MDLLE, JAcozs is mentioned in the Dutch papers as having successfully passed her examination in physics and mathematics at the University of Groningen. This lady will be the first female medical student in the Netherlands. Dr. Druitt, well known as an author of standard surgical works, as a leading Jabourer in the cause of sanitary progress, and as the Editor of the Medical Times and Gazette, is compelled by ill health to retire for two years to a more genial climate. At a meeting attended by many of the leading members of the profession-on October 31, it was resolved to initiate a subscrip- tion with a view to the public recognition of his eminent services. THE Persian Government, the School Board Chronicle tells us, has engaged, through its representative at Paris, forty tutors fo a Lyceum to be established in Persia on the ‘‘ model system” of France. a 16 THE meeting of Abbe Moigno’s Salle du Progrés of October 25 was so crowded that great numbers could not obtain admis- sion. He commenced on Monday last a series of scientific sotrées, which he hopes may prove permanent. Pror, C, A. WuiTE informs us that the report of his paper on the Geology of Iowa, read before the American Association for the Advancement of Science which we*took from the Wew York Tribune, was incorrect in several particulars. There is no quartzite in the north-eastern part of fhe State, the Sioux quartzite occurring in the north-western corner ; and the stoneless area of drift should have been stated at 13,000 to 14,000, instead of 20,000 square miles. ON the night of July 8 last, the object-glass of the Equatoria of the Alleghany Observatory was stolen, as also a few eye- pieces belonging to the Transit. It is thought that the object of the thief is to try to extort a large reward for its return, but Mr. Langley, the director of the Observatory, has resolved not to offer a reward, nor guarantee immunity from punishment to the culprit. This he deems a duty to others who may have the charge of similar instruments. THE fifty-sixth session of the members of the Institution of Civil Engineers will be commenced on Tuesday, November 12, and will be continued thereafter on each succeeding Tuesday, with the exception of a short interval at Christmas, till the end of May. During the recess, the premises occupied by the Insti- tution in Great George Street, Westminster—which were rebuilt and greatly enlarged in 1868 —have been elaborately decorated. especially the theatre, and additions have been made to the - library. The members have been specially urged to contribute, for reading and discussion at the evening meetings, well-authen- ticated accounts descriptive of executed works in foreign coun- tries, in which it is thought British engineering literature is at present somewhat deficient. With regard to candidates seeking admission into the Institution, the members of all classes have been reminded that personal knowledge of the career and antece- dents of every candidate is requisite, and only such “should be recommended for election as are believed to be in every way worthy of the distinction, and willing and able to advance the interests of the society. Amonc Messrs. Longmans’ annouftcements for the present season are the following :—Electricity and Magnetism, by Fleeming Jenkins, F.R.SS. L. and E, Professor of Engineering in the University of Edinburgh, small 8vo. ; Geometric Turning, comprising a Description of the New Geometric Chuck con- structed by Mr. Plant, with Directions for its Use, and a Series of Patterns cut by it, by H. S. Savory, 1 vol. 8vo., with nu- merous illustrations ; Notes on the River Basins of the British Isles, by Robert A. Williams, 16mo. ; Physical Geography for Beginners, by William Hughes, 18mo. ; Catechism of Zoology, by the Rev. J. F. Blake, M.A., fceap. Svo. ; Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, by Prof. Helmholtz, translated by E, Atkinson, 1 yol. 8vo. ; Introduction to Experimental Physics, by Prof. Adolf F. Weinhold, translated and edited by Benjamin Loewy, F.R.A.S., with a Preface by G. C. Foster, F.R.S., I vol. 8vo. ; Handbook of flardy Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants, based on the French work of Messrs. Decaisne and Naudin, and including the original woodcuts by Riocreux and Leblanc, iby W. B. Hemsley, 1 vol. 8vo. ; A General System of Descriptive and Analytical Botany, translated from the French of E. Le Maout, M.D., and J. Decaisne, by Mrs. Hooker, edited and arranged according to the English botafical system, by J. D. Hooker, M.D., with 5,500 woodcuts, from designs by L, Stenheil and A. Riocreux, 1 vol. medium 8vo. Tue tenth part of the illustrated quarto publication upon the butterflies of North America, by Mr. William H. Edwards, has just made its appearance, ‘This should have completed the first NATURE a . | volume, but as better specimens have been obtained of several species heretofore figured, it ‘is Mr. Edwards’s intention to furnish these in a new supplemental ‘number, with title-page and indices. This work, in addition to the numerous coloured figures and the elaborate descriptions of various species and their varieties, contains a synoptic list of North American butterflies, embracing 509 species, of which, previous to 1852, only 137 were known as belonging to North America. Sixty-one species were added between 1852 and 1860, and 311 since the latter year. There is every reason to believe that, with a thorough exploration of other regions of North America, many more will be found and added to this number. fe, Tue formation in Manchester of a. Society for Promoting Scientific Industry is advocated by Mr. Frank Spence, of the Pendleton Iron Works. He says, in a letter to the A/anchester Guardian, that the proposed society ‘‘ will deal only with science in its practical applications—in the selection and perfec: tion of all the instruments of production, not excluding the most important, and, just now, to many a manufacturer, most em- barrassing of them all, the worker.” He refers, as a precedent, to the Société Industrielle de Mulhouse, organised, in 1825, for **the advancement and propagation of industry, by the assem- blage in a central situation of a great number of the elements of instruction, by the communication of discoveries and of remark- able facts, as well as by the initiation of original investigations, : and by all the means which shall suggest themselves to the members in order to insure its prosperity and the happy results to which it may give rise.” This is an attempt at a movement in the right direction. ‘ | Pror. MarsH, having completed the determination of the new species of fossil mammals and birds obtained during the Yale College expeditions of the summers of 1870 and 1871, has begun upon the reptiles, and has described five new species of new genus, which he calls Zéinosaurus. These were large carnivorous lizards; resembling the Varanide, or monitors, bt differing in certain features pointed out by the professor. are all from the tertiary bedsof Wyoming. Other species belong to two new genera, Oreosaurus and Tinosaurus, together with a q new species of a genus, G/y/osaurus, previously indicated. 4 Dr. Hooker states that the rainfall for October amounted, at the Royal Gardens, Kew, to 6°46 inches. Of this no less than 309 inches was recorded in theflast seven days of the month. The rainfall for October registered at the Royal Botanic Gardens, — Regent’s Park, seven miles distant from Kew, was 5°25 inches. Les Mondes describes a curious experiment of M. R. P. Lafond, Take a chameleon top, and place on the centre one of the prismatic discs which can be bought with the article, and instead of producing the singular optical illusions usually ob tained from these discs by means of the fingers (in the same way as the ‘‘checked action” of Wheatstone is produced), illumine the table with a large Geissler tube. The result is described as charming ; the most varied combinations of colours and desig succeed each other, without any necessity for touching the and consequently destroying the movement of the top. Mo over—and this makes the plaything a veritable scientific instru ment—we have here a beautiful demonstration that the light of the Geissler tubes is intermittent. = Ps Harper's Weekly announces the early publication of an im-— portant work on American Natural History—the investigation of | the Cetaceans of the western coast of North America, by Capt. C. M. Scammon of the United States Revenue Marine. This gentleman has for many years been directing his attention to the subject, and has collected a large amount of material in reference to the various species of whales and porpoises of the western coast, together with their zoological peculiarities and their habits. : ‘ALOGUE OF BRIGHT LINES IN THE SPEC- TRUM OF THE SOLAR ATMOSPHERE * \\/ITHOUT waiting to complete my entire report of the spec- *™* troscopic work at Sherman, I send for immediate publica- m, should you think proper, a list of the bright lines observed in the spectrum of the chromosphere during the past summer. _ The great altitude of the station (nearly 8,300 ft.), and the consequent atmospheric conditions, were attended with even advantages for my special work than had been really ex- ed, although I was never quite able to realise my /ofe of seeing all the Fraunhofer lines reversed ; unless once or twice or a moment, during some unusual disturbances of the solar sur- face. Everything I saw, however, confirmed my belief that the origin of the dark lines is at the base of the chromosphere, and at the ability to see them all reversed at any moment depends erely upon instrumental power and atmospheric conditions. In this view, a catalogue of the bright lines actually observed 5 of course less important than it would be otherwise ; still it is not without interest and scientific value, since the lines seen are urally those which are really most conspicuous in the chro- spectrum, and this conspicuousness stands in important, y no means obvious or even entirely simple, relations to the intensity of the corresponding dark lines, when such exist. ‘There can be no doubt that a careful study of these bright lines ‘and their behaviour would yield much valuable information as to the constitution and habitudes of the solar atmosphere. In the catalogue, the first column contains simply a reference number : a { refers to a note at the end of the catalogue. The numbers in the second column refer to my ‘‘ Preliminary Catalogue,” containing 103 lines, which was published a year ago in the American Fournal of Science. In this column a + indicates that some other observer has anticipated me in the determination and publication of the line. As I have depended for my information almost solely upon the Comples Rendus d the Proceedings of the Royal Society (which give the ob- ervations of Lockyer, Janssen, Rayet, and Secchi), it is quite possible that some other lines ought to be marked in the same manner. _ The third column, headed K, gives the position of the lines on chhoff’s scale, the numbersabove G being derived from Thalen’s mtinuation of Kirchhoff’s maps. In this column an asterisk de- notes that the map shows no corresponding dark line, a ? that the exact position, not the existence, of the line is for some reason ightly uncertain, The fourth column, headed A, gives the wave-length’of the line in ten millionths of a millimetre according to Angstrém’s atlas. he numbers in this and the preceding column were; taken, not from the maps themselves, which present slight inaccuracies on account of the shrinking and swelling of the paper during the operation of printing, but from the numerical catalogues of Kirchhoff and Angstrom which accompany their respective tlases. In the preliminary catalogue the numbers were derived from the maps; hence some slight discrepancies in the tenths of division. _ The fifth column, marked F, contains a rough estimate of the percentage of frequency with which the lines were seen during six weeks of observation ; and the sixth column, B, a similar estimate of their maximum brightness compared with that of the hydrogen line C. _ The variations of brilliance, however, when the chromosphere as much disturbed, were so considerable and so sudden, that no very great weight can be assigned to the numbers given. Nor is it to be inferred that lines which have in the table the same index f brightness were always equally bright. On some occasions one of lines would be particularly conspicuous, on others, another. With two or three exceptions, indicated in the notes, no lines have been catalogued which were not seen on at least two dif- ferent days. In the few cases where lines observed only on one Occa,ion have been admitted to the list, the observations were tt the time carefully verified by my assistant, Prof. Emerson, 50 as to place their correctness beyond a doubt. Many other lines were “ glimpsed” at one time and another, but not seen teadily enough or long enough to admit of satisfactory deter- ation. The last column of the catalogue contains the symbols of the chemical elements corresponding to the respective lines. The 0 u ~ * Letter to the Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey, containing a Catalogue of Bright Lines in the Gar of the Solar Atmosphere, observed ‘at Sherman, Wyoming Territory, U. S. A., during July and August, 1872 ; by Prof. C. A. Young, of Dartmouth College. Reprinted from advance ‘sheets of the American Yournal of Science and Art. materials at my disposal are the maps of Kirchhoffand Angstrém, Thalen’s map of the portion of the solar spectrum above G, and “ Watts’s Index of Spectra.” Since’the positions of the lines in the latter work are given only to the nearest unit of ‘‘ Ang- strom’s scale,” I have marked the coincidences indicated by it with a(w), considering them less certain than those_shown by the maps. In addition to the elements before demonstrated to exist in the chromosphere, the following seem to be pretty positively indi- cated—sulphur, cerium, and strontium; and the following with a somewhat less degree of probability, zinc, erbium, and yttrium, lanthanum and didymium. There are some coincidences also with the spectra of oxygen, nitrogen, and bromine, but not enough, considering the total number of lines in the spectra of these ele- ments, or of a character to warrant any conclusion. One line points to the presence of iridium or ruthenium, and only three lines are known in the whole spectrum of these metals. The reversal of the H’s deserves also especial notice. No one, of course, can fail to be struck with the number of cases in which lines have associated with them the symbols of two or more elements. The coincidences are too many and too close to be all the result of accident, as for instance in the case of iron and calcium, or iron and titanium, Two explanations suggest themselves. The first, which seems rather the most probable, is that the metals operated upon by the observer who mapped their spectra, were not absolutely pure—either the iron contained traces of calcium and titanium, or vice vers@. If this supposition is excluded, then we seem to be driven to the conclusion that there is some such similarity between the molecules of the different metals as renders them susceptible of certain synchronous periods of vibrations—a re- semblance, as regards the manner in which the molecules are built up out of the constituent atoms, sufficient to establish between them an important physical (and probably chemical) relationship. I have prefixed to the catalogue a table showing the number of lines of each substance, or combination of sub- stances, observed in the chromosphere spectrum, omitting, how- ever, oxygen, and nitrogen, and bromine, since with one excep- tion (line 230), neither of them ever stands alone, or accounts for any lines not otherwise explained. The instruments and methods of observation were the same as those employed in the construction of the Preliminary Catalogue. Telescope, 9 x4; inches aperture—spectroscope automatic, with dispersive force of 12 prisms. The approximate geographical position of Sherman is long. th, 53'2m. west of Washington, 'lat. 41° 07’ ; altitude above sea- level 8,280 feet ; mean height of barometer about 22°1 inches, Table showing the number of coincidences between the bright lines observed in the spectrum of the chromosphere, and those of the spectra of the chemical elements, Fe, Ti,’ Siwy | 1 Ti, Sw) 3 |\Unknown.| 52 [ fetal. So Bay Stay | ¥ ce Ga 2 |————! © Sew) Znqw)| I Sein: I Fe, 64 | IIo ** ‘Go, Ce I > Ge; I Ti, 23 43 bec Fs OF Sh a Ca, | To 2 Gay. Cx; Ce; I eis) Ba, 8 13 > Ly. Zu, I a Et. I Siw) i) 14 Ti, Ba, Siw) I Mn, 6 12 Ba, La, E(w) I Ca, Cd, I Ce, 5 II “* Ce, I H, 4 4 Fe, Ca, | 10 Ca, Co, I Na, 4 6 iuf 9 -Cr a Cs 4 | Io “~Mn,| 4 “Sr, I Mg, 3 4 “Cr, 5 Sr, 3 6 “ Ni, | 3 | Sw Eqy | 2 Zn, 3 9 se es a hae Ew) 2 9, Sa Frat e a Mn, Zn, I Ni, 2 6 “ Eq) | 2 Co, I 5 Cr, E(w) I Cu, I 2 in Ge; I | _ La, I 3 &> Co; I Ce, Co, I Ru, Ir, I It § Mg, I Cd, I Sa I Na, Cu, I Li, I “ Sim I j : “ La, | 1. {lines marked | with an * | 14 | The numbers in the last column denote the whole number of times that the symbol of each element appears in the catalogue, either singly or combined with others. Laas * Aosta NP a NATURE . Catalogue of Bright Lines in the Spectrum of the Chromosphere. F. |B. 1872. a es eee 8 Bit (a2 . ay 4m No | PC. ‘ni K. A Sa. E rere PON aa 4 rr) Tt 534'0" 7055°? |100 | 12 a he 2 eae 654°3 6676’9 | 25 | 50] Fe, Ba(,) Bovng 1 3 3t | C.694°1 6561°8 |100 |100 ; rye hae - 4 7114 6515°5 | 15) 4 2) 1 5 4 718°7 6496'°0 | 18] 5 Ba, 4/2 6 7307 6461°7 tale Ca. Zin aloes 7340 64538 | 10] 6 3| 2 8 740°9 6438°1 5| 2] Ca, Cd, 86 | 25+ 1421°5 5370°5 | 10] 3 ot} 6 744°3 642999 | 20| 4 87 1423'0 53690 | I] I 10 750°1 6415'6 So er 88 1425°4 5306'5 I I II 756°9 6399'0 5| 2 Fe, 89 1428°2 53640 r; 1 12 759°3 6392°6 Sy ae Fe, go |. 26+ 1430°1 530t'9 | 20! 10 13 67°?" 6373°? | 5| 2 91 1438°9 53524 | 4] 2 1 W082. A B37t 5 103 92 1446°7 | 53450 | I] 1 ra 15 978 °3 6346'r 10} 4} Ruth, Ir, 93 1450°S | ~ 5340°2 r 2 Fe, Mn, O(,) 16f; 8 823°5 | 62454 | 8) 5 & 94| 27 1454°7 5335°9 | 5 | 2) Ti, ZnGQ) 17t} 9 $27°6 6237'3 | 8] 2 95 1461°5 | 5329°1 6) 4 ae 18 830°2 6231°5 Se ibet Fe, 96 | 28 14628 53271 Cie ee) Ee; 5 - 19 836°5 6218°3 3.) 1 i, 97 | 29 1463°3. | 5327°6 5} 2 Fe, +53 20 839°2 | 6214°I A ee pyr 98 1464'8 | 53251 6} 2 21 845°7 6199°6 Sal ey? Fe, 99 | 1471°9* 5315'0 I I 22 849°7 6190°5 | 10] 2 Fe, toot] 31+ 1473°9 53159 | 99 | 50} Fe? O(,)R 23 859°7 6168°3 Ps a Ca, IOI 1476'8 5313°1 3 I % 24 863°9 | 6161°2 tty ae Ga; 102 1497°3. | 5292°0 I 1 | Ca, Breyer 25 870°9 6148'1 3) 2 Fe, Es) 103 | 32 1505°3 5283°4. | 20 | 10 its) 4 26 871°4 6146'8 ett ee 104 | 33% 1515'5 52750 | 30} 15 . é 27| 10 874°3 6140°6 | 25 10 Ba, 105 | 34 E,1522°7 5269°5 5 | 4 28 876°5 | 613671 Fg hah | 106 | 35 Eg1523°7 5268'5 Wig Y 29 8770 61356 Zr Fe, 107 | 36% 1527°7 5265°8 | 10| 4 30 8849 6121'2 ish ake Ca, Co, 108 1530°2 5263°3 I I 31 890°2 61099 Py ae Ba, 109 1538°5* 52562 2) % 32 894°9 6101'7 3| 2|Ca, Li, Zn(,) 110 1541'9 | 5254°1 I 2 33 9031 6083 | 3] 2 Ti, Il 1547°7 52497 | 3| 1 i 34 g12'1 6064°5 4 ta Fe, Ti, 112 1551°6 5246°3 3h : 35 933'8 60180 Za Na Ba, 113 | 37 T50L'0 52390 4 |"2 Me 363 949°4 5990°0 | 10| 4 14 | 38 1564°2 52363 | 4} 2 37 9920 5913 ‘2 “Sul a Fe, 115 | 39+ 1567°5 §233'6 | 10} 8 38 | x1t | D,1002°8 5895°0 | 50 | 30 Na, 116 | 40 1569°6 52321 ri 3 * 39 | 12t | D,1006°8 5889'0 | 50 | 30 Na, 117 1575'4 5227'°5 I I S 4ot + IOII'2 5883°0 Zane iy Fe, 118 | 41 1577'4 §226'2 10} 3 e Att 13+ | Dg1016-5* 5874°9 |100 | 90 119 1578‘! 5225°5 2 Wee ty 42 1031°5 5852°7 et 2 Ba, 120 | 42 1580°1 52243 2| 2 ie 43 j 1135'1 5708°3 | eo Fe 121 1589°I 5216'5 ee 44 II51'I 5687 °2 PP AWE Na, 122 1590°7 5215°5 3 tele : 45 1154°2 5683°5 | 5] 3 123 1592°3 52144 | 2] 2 46 11558 50815 | 2/| 1}|Na,Fe, N(,) | 124 1597°9* | 5210°5 rj} 1 47 | 1165°7 5667°8 2} 2 a 125 15989 5209°5 L jae 48 | 1167/0 56660 At eer 126! 43 1601 °5 52076 | 10} 6 49 | 1170°6 5661°5 | 15] 2] Fe, Ti, E(,) 127 | 44 1604°4 5205'2 | 10}| 6 50 | 1175/0 5656°7 | 8} 3] SW) NW 128 | 45 1606"4 | 5203°7 | 10} 6 51 11766 5654°4 a ee Fe, 129 | 46 1609°2 5201°5 Byers ~ 52 1187°I 5640°2 I I S(,) 130] 47 1611°3 5199°7 4) 2 53 1189°3 Ck Ac a ae aa 131 16139 51979 | I} 1 54 1200°6 5623°2 Bae x Fe, 132 | 48t 1615'6 51970 15 | 10 55 1207°3 5614°5 OH Fe, 133 1617'4 5195'0 I I 50 1229'6 5587°6 2| 2 Ca, 134 1618'9 5194°1 2h ee 57 1231°3 5585'5 Bi hx Fe 135 1627°2 51882 | 10} 5 58} rat 1274'2 55341 | 50 | 12 | Ba, Fe, Sr, 136 1628°2 5187°3 I I 5O):| sans 1281°3 5525'9 | 40} 5 e, 137 163175 5185°1 5} 2 60 1287°5 5518°7 | 15] 2 Ba, 138 | 49t| b,1634"1 51830 | 50 61 1298'9 55058 2 ee Fe, 139 | 5ot| b,1648'8 5172°0 | 50 62 1303°5 5500°5 2 ultak Fe, La, 140} 5i1t | b,1653°7 5108°3 | 40 63 1306°7 5496 | 2] 1] Fe, E(,) 141 | 52f | b,1655°6 5166'7 | 30 64 1320°6 5480°2 2 ix ion 142 1666"? 5160"? pg 65 1324'8 54759 |r| 1 i, 143 1671" 51548 | 3] 1 66 1328°7 54723 | 3] 1 144| 53 1673°7 BP52i5 }. Subs tat 67 | | | 433770 5462°3 1} rj Fe, N(,) 145 | 34 1677°9 5150°1 2 || 68 | 16 13435 5454°7 | 10| 4 Fe, 146 1689°5 5142'2 ry} 2! - COZ «| 1351" 544599 | 10] 4 | Fe, Ti, Br(,) | 147 | 17018 51330 rj) 1 5 70 1360°9 5435°'4 | 5 | 2) Zn, Br(,) 148 | 1704°7 5130°8 rj 1 m1 | 1362°9 54330 Biel az Fe, 149 1707°9 5128°6 ae) ee y2t} 18 | 1364°3 5431°8 S05 150 1710°7 5126°7 Hint 731 19 | 136770 5428'8 Sry Fe, Ti, 151 1712°2 5125'5 Tae 3 74.| 20 13723 5424'5 | 25 | 6} Ba, Ti, S(,) 1524; 1713"4 5124°4 be ie: ae aN b Op SR Ae ON E + On wn (3) Lawl ie] fos i ° K. BRYN NRR RD SMD ee ow Omrn 0 OW z w& Nw oSu 8S Suu 8 Ww O mW OM PUN RH NUN NWD He 10 15 be ea ™ om PAKW CON CON HOM RW NN DD MR RD ee oo DON HF HWNRUN A OHNE NUAWE NAN HN NOAA NAN HNN DOM Fe, S(,) Zn(,) Ss Ww. NOH SN UT NO 19 K. A. Boot By | E. 2665°9 4417°5 a Ti, 2670°0 4414°7 1] 1 {| Fe, Mn, O(,) 2680°0 4407°7 I I Fe, Ca, 2686'8 4404°2 es | Fe, 2696'0 4398°5 1{ 1 } Ti, Ce, O(,) 2698°2 4396°5 Pu eee 2702°5 439046 | 15| 3 27152 4388°5 BEC Be; 2718°5 4384°7 8:| 2 Ca, Ce; 2720°2 4383'5 I I 2721°6 4382'8 Be ee Fe, Cr, 2725'8 4380°4 Ey it 2728'0 4379°1 I I Ca, 27337 43755 el ed Fe, 27369 43742 | 8) 3 E(,,) 27620 43591 a Cr, 27757 | 43518 | 3] 1 Cr, 27957 | 4340° |100 | 65 Hi, 2798'0 4338°2 | 10} 2 Cr, gop | aggpt | at ty Le, 251 28234 4324'0 Ti hp 252 2830°7 4320°1 Bolo Wy lt otey 253 28430 4313'5 I I aye 254 | 94 G.2854°2 4307°2 Jk a2 Ca, Fe, 255 | 95 2867°7 4302'1 3| 2 Ca, Fe, 256 | 96 2874°2 4298'0 Eyed Ca, Fe, 257 | 97 2894°5 4289°4 rj} 1 } Cr, Ca, Ce(,) 258 | 98 2928'5 4274°6 2, yee Cr, Ga; 259 | 99 2961°2 4260'0 AS | Fe, 260 | 100 2996'2 4245°2 | 30| 3 Fe, 261 30180 4235°5 | 30] 5§ Rey 262 3022'8 42330 | 15! § Fe, Ca; 263 | IOI 3040°0 4220°3 er ieee Ca, Sr, 264 | 102 3061°8 42153 | 40! 7 Ca, Sr, 265 3155°5 4173'8 ee 266 3187°0 4166°7 Eps Ga; 267 | 103t | h.3363°5 4101'2 |100 | 50 Hy 268 34310 40770 | 25) 2 3; 269 35260 4045'0 Fe Fe, 270 3793°3 3990"? 2) 1 271 3769 5 3970? 2\ 1 Fe, 272% 437785 39679 |75| 3} Fe, Ca, 2731 1H,3882'5 39328 | 50} 1 | Fe, Ca, Notes 1. The position assigned to this line, first observed by Respighi (a fact of which I was ignorant when the Preliminary Catalogue was published), rests upon two series of micrometric measure- ments, referring it to four neighbouring dark lines—the probable error is about 3th of a division of Kirchhoff’s scale. g. No. 6in PC. Position there given, 743? 16 and 17. Nos. 8andg of PC. Position given as 8168 and 827°6, by a mistake in identifying lines upon the map. 40. I have never myself seen this line reversed. Prof. Emerson, however, saw it several times. It was first reported by Rev. S. J. Perry, in NATURE, vol. iii. p. 67. 41. The position of this line has been independently deter- mined by three series of micrometric comparisons with neigh- bouring lines. My result agrees exactly with that of Huggins. 72. Erroneously given in PC, as 1363°1, which line does not reverse, or at least was never seen reversed at Sherman. 100. The principal line in the spectrum of the corona. The corresponding line in the spectrum of iron is rather feeble, and on several occasions when the neighbouring lines of iron (1463, &c.) have been greatly disturbed, this has wholly failed to sym- pathise. Hence I have marked the Fe witha? Watts indi- cates a strong line of oxygen at 5315 A. 152 and 156. Observed only on one day, but verified by Prof, Emerson. 172. Called little C by Mr. Stoney. 179. Given by Lockyer as K 2054. Its position is a little uncertain ; it seems to coincide with neither of the dark lines at 2051 and 2054, but lies between them, a little nearer to 2051. 189. Rather a band than a line. 222, The position of this line, which, however, like 189, is rather a band, was determined by two series of careful micro- metrical measurements. * ath 4 20 It was first discovered in 1869 ‘by Rayet, and has’ since been named “f” by Lorenzoni, who, ignorant of the previous work of several other observers, has claimed its discovery. 272 and 273. These lines were both reversed (by a narrow bright stripe running down the centre of the hroad hazy band) as constantly, whenever the seeing was good, as % or C itself; The observation was difficult, however, and required the most scrupulous exclusion of foreign light, and a careful adjustment of the slit in the plane of the solar image formed by these particular rays. They were also found, to be regularly reversed upon the body in the Zenumbra and immediate neighbourhood of the sun itself, of every important spot. eee SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES CAMBRIDGE Philosophical Society, Oct. 18.—The following were elected officers of the Society :—President : Prof. Humphry. Vice- Presidents: Prof. Cayley, Prof. Adams, Prof. Liveing. Trea- Secretaries, Messrs. Bonney, J. W. Clark, New Members of Council: Prof. Babington, Prof. The following communica - tions were made to the Society :—“On the form suggested by M. Tresca, and adopted by the Commission Internationale du surer: Dr. Campion. and Trotter. Stokes, Mr. Hort, Dr. M. Foster. systéme meétrique, for the Métres Internationaux,” by Prof. Miller, F.R.S. “A Method for Levelling” (communicated), by Mr. J. C. W. Ellis. The nature of these papers does not admit ofa brief abstract. Paris Academy of Sciences, October 21.—M. Faye, president. In opening the meeting the President announced the death on that morning of M. Babinet, Member of the Academy, Physical Section.—M. Yvon Villarceau then read a note relative to a letter from M. Magnac on the use of chronometers at sea which he presented to the Academy. The note and letter related to the compensation and rating of chronometers, and in conclusion drew attention to the great and continuous care which ought to be devoted to this subject by the Transit of Venus Expedition of 1874.—M. Pasteur then read an answer to M. Fremy’s two notes read at the meeting of the 7th October. M. Pasteur’s observa- tions were in support of his theory of the wine ferment coming from the husk of~ the grape. He concluded his observation as follows:—‘‘I declare both the theory of the transformation of albuminous matters into ferment cells by contact with atmospheric oxygen, and that of hemeor- ganism, or the generation of ferment cells from fruit cells, to be erroneous.”—Next came a vigorous reply from M. Chevreul to certain ‘‘allegations contained in a report, by M. A. Gruyer, on the International Exhibition of London, 1871.” At the conclu- sion of the reply MM. E. Bequerel and Milne-Edwards made some remarks on the subject, when the matter dropped. —A note from M. R. Clausius, on the mechanical equa- tion from which the ‘viriel’ theorem results was then read, and was followed by a note from M. A, de Caligny on the theory of the several systems of navigation locks, a long paper relating to various kinds of locks, sluices, floodgates, &c,.—This was followed by the continuation of M. P. A. Favre and C, A, Valson’s paper on crystalline dissoci- ation. The authors find that potassium and ammonium alum are partially dissociated when rendered anhydrous, and that chromium-potassium alum, when rendered anhydrous and then washed, loses potassic sulphate. They also attribute the change from violet to green of solutions of chrome alum, when heated, to this cause, and state that there is nothing to prove that this is not the case with all alums.—M. C. Sédillot then presented a note on the phenomena of fermentation and their connection with pathological physiology. The note related to certain re- cent studies on zymology by M. F. Monoyer.—M. Tresca then asked the Academy to open a sealed packet deposited by him with it on September 9, 1870, and which contained the particu- lars of the secret place where he and General Morin had de- posited the standard metre and kilogramme during the events of that time. He wished the Academy to open the depositary, and to place the standards in the hands of the Government.—M. Ed. Bureau then read a note on the value of characteristics deduced from the structure of the stem for the classification of the Bigno- niacee.—The concluding portion of M. Max Marie’s paper on the extension of the method of Cauchy to the study of double in- tegrals, &c., followed. —A note from Ed. Jannettaz on the coloured NATURE ‘* A Method for Drawing in Perspective ;” and [Woo. 7, 187 rings produced in gypsum by pressure, and their connection ¥ the ellipsoid of thermal conduction and with cleavage, was refe tothe physical section, and M. C. Dareste’s studies on the ost logical types of osseous fishes was sent to the section of zoolo The commission for the Montyon prize for medicine and su received a memoir on the three ‘‘psoric acariens” of the Horse M. P. J. Mégnin.—A communication from MM. Chevallier the manufacture of amorphous phosphorous matches was sen | the commission on the unhealthy arts, —A suggestion for the useo the tension of liquid ammonia as a source of motive power in aeri navigation by M. Pollard was submitted to the commission of aerostation ; and the PAy//oxera commission received a note rel: tive toa remedy for that pest from M. Chatelain.—M. Yvon Vil larceau then communicated a letter on the elements and co-ordi nates of the planet No. 123 from M. Stephan, and also an extra from aletter from M. de Magnac onthe determination of lonsituc by chronometers.—M. Chasles presented a note from M. Hi. GC. Zeuthen on quartic equations, of which one part is reduced to | direct double.—A letter from M. P. Volpicelli on the probable ) nature of the Saturnian rings, and ona meteor observed at Romeon | the 31st of August, was then read.—M. Th. du Moncel read a) note on the accidental currents which arise in telegraphic wires | one end of which remains isolated in the air, after which M. ) | | | ! ct }) F | Pasteur presented a note, by M. Feltz, on the action of t lisable sugar on Barreswil’s cupro-tartaric reagent. The author experiments tend to show that cane sugar acts on the t i the presence of an excess of alkali ; hence he distrusts deter: minations made where both sugars are present. This paper wa followed by a note from MM. Béchamp and Estor on the role of the microzymes during embryonic development.—M. Tarry then read a note on the aurora and magnetic storm of the 14 and 15th October.—M. E. Fournié demanded the openin| of a sealed packet relating to cerebral physiology deposited him on the 22nd of July, 1872, and after a note from M. e Bandiera on a means of separating essence of citron from turpen- tine had been submitted to M. Dumas, the session adjourned. f . BOOKS RECEIVED. EncLisu.—The Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals: C. Darwin (Murray).—The Causation of Sleep : James Capper, M.D. (Thin, Edinboro’).—Underground Treasures ; how and where to find them; James Orton (Worthington and Co.). Foreicn.—(Through Williams and Norgate.)—Ueber die Auflésung der Arten durch natiirliche Zuchtwahl.—Ueber die Bedeutung der Entwickelung in der Naturgeschichte: Dr. A. Braun.—Sachs-reglster zu dem Reper- torium: J. Schotte. 7 DIARY T.7UL SDAY, November 7. Linnean Society, at 8.—On the “Piopio” of New Zealand crassivostris Gmel): T. H. Potts.—On the buds developed on Malaxis:; George Dickie, M.D. SUNDAY, November 10. Sunpay Lecrurg Society, at 4.—On A Bar of Iron: John Hopkinson D.Sc, ‘ , + (