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ur THE

{ture,Properties,Bles- iNGs^aiid SavingGraces,


O VENA NT of GRACE, Opened and Applied,


I S E R M O x> S,

On 2 Samuel xxiii. 5. cached at New-Mills in Loudon.

that zealous and faithful Minilter of the Gofpel*

JO HN NE VA Y, Miniiter there,

n the Time of Scotland's pureft Reformation.

., lr; the Author's own Hand, in a very fair A )t9 from which this is printed. Never before pul

To which is added, ) Letters, written by the Author to his

Parifhoners when he was in Hoii.

- -

{ lv. \. Incline y:ur Ear, and come unto me j bear, and your 'ball live j and I ivill make an everlajiing Covenant ivitb you, iefuri Meagre t of David.

\xv. 14. The Secret of the Lord is witlj them that fear 'illjhevj them bis Covenant.


f Price Bound Eighteen Pence. ]




THAT there is in the Hands of tli usher, Thirty-nine excellent Sefti upon ChrifPs Temptations, preached fiir )R, at fills : The

if the Publifher finds fuitnbJc Encourac. in what he hath already publifhc willing to communicate to the Uk 1 Publick alfo.

To the Right Honourable,


Earl of Loudon, Lord Maitchline, &c.

Right Honourable,

SINCE the following Sermons upon the Covenant of Grace, were preached in your Lordfhip's own Parifh Church of Loudon at New-Mills, at that Time when your noble and honourable Great-G rand-Fa- ther, the Earl of Lou don, not only as a princi- pal Peer of the Nation, but alio as Lord high Chancellor of Scotland, was fuch an eminent Inilrument, in the Lord's Hand, toeilablifh in ation, both in Church and State,- the pur- veformation that ever was eftabliihed in any particular Nation under the •lent Difpenfation; and that the fervent /


vi T*o the Read:r.

with him, no Fountain opened to the Houfe of David, and Inhabitants of Jerufalem, for Sin and for Unclean- nefs, Zech. 13. i. no Sanflificatioi of the Spirit, no Be- lief of the Truth, 2 Theff. 2. 13. no regenerating Grace, no Victory over Satan, the World, and indwelling Sin, no Reftoration to the Likenefs ana* Image of God, no Communion and Fellowfhip with God in Time, nor En- joyment of him to Eternity : For, if the Covenant of Redemption, or, Suretiftiip, had not been entered into betwixt the Father and the Son from Eternity, God had never entered into a Covenant of free Grace and Recon- ciliation with Man, thro' Chriit Jefus ; fmce the firit is the Foundation and Eilabrifhment of the lait ; and then, the World had never known the great Myflery of Godlinefs, God manifefled in the Flefb, juftified in the Spirit, feen of I Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the World, received up into Glory, 1 Tim. 3. 16. and the wonderful great Love that the Father hath bellowed upon the elect World, that they fhould be called the Sons of God, \John 3. 1. And fince this new and living Way (in the Cove- nant of Grace) whereby God brings many Sons into Glo- ry, is wholly out of free Grace and undeferved Favour, it may juftly be the Wonder of all the Godly in Time^ and the Admiration of the general Ailembly and Church of the Firft-born in Heaven, to all Eternity.

Many excellent Treatifes have been written upon the Covenant of Grace; yet there are fo many great Myfte- ries to be found therein, that there is Hill need of a fur- ther Difcovery thereof; and therefore, all that hath been faid on this excellent Subject by others, doth not in the leaft make what is treated on by the reverendAuthor, in the following Sermons upon the Covenant of Grace, the lefs ufeful ; elpecially confidering that manyThingsin them are in a more plain, eafy, diltincl, and edifying Method, and more adapted to weak Capacities (whofe Knowledge can- not comprehend and take up what is written in learned Treatifes on this Subject) than any that I know of: And, befides this,there is fuch a great Depth of the infinite Wifdom, , Lo*e, and Mercy df God to fallen Man, in the Covenant of Grace, that no Man can find out the fame to Per fee /


Ta the Reader. xil

tion, Job vi. y. For, altho' all that ever hath been writ- ten upon this pleafant Subject were put in one Volume, it might juftly be hid of it, as the Queen of Sbeba faid of the Wjfdom and Rfches of Solomon, that the one Half was not to!d, i Kings 10. 7.

As rhe folio v ing Sermons are very plain and ea(y, {o they are very found, folid, and edifying; not with the in- ticing Word's of M n\< Wiidom, but in Demor»ilrat!on of the spirit and Powc, zCor. 2 4 and the Doctrines th&eiij advancedVery clearly proven from the Word of God.

T^he famous Author is of the fame Judgment with other orthodox Divines, in afle ting that the Covenant of Grace is conditional, and that Faith is the alone Thing required as the Condition thereof: This makes the pubtilhing of thefe excellent Sermons the more neceffary at this Time, when thefe two old Ant in tnt an Errors, viz. That Faith is fiot the Condition of t')e Co-vcnant of ' Grac, and that /ffhance is of the EJJencc of Fat! h, aie revived by fome Preachers, and too well believed by fome People, who it appears by their Practice) do not, with the noble Bercans, Ails 17. 10, 11. try thefe Tenets by trie Rule of holy Scripture, but take them as Truths upon the Au- thority of their Preachers : Now, fince thefe Errors are pubhckly taught and defended, I muit crave the Reader's Patience, till I (hew m> Opinion in Oppcfition to them both :

I. Concerning Faith being the Condition of the Co-v, of Grace : L~ft f mould be miilaken, as a Favourer of that legal Doctrine of -Papiih and Arm tribes Salvation, in Whole or in Part, to Man's Frce-wiil or Good-works, I do cheariully own, chat f'aiih. is nei- ther the efficient nor meritorious Cau*e of Man'* Salvati- on ; for, (1.) The efficient Cnu-e or ivJan's Salvation is only the Free-Gr.ice of God alone, who lov^ 14. 2. jultifie^ K and giv :er of

Liie freely, without Money, an J ivichoat 6. and 22. 17. If a. 55. 1. (2.) The formal Condition of the Covenant of Grace, as it is the Covenant of Sureti- fhip, made betwixt the Father 2

concerning the Son's ranfoming, redeeming, purchafmg, and baying cf the -Elect World, to be a peculiar Pe

b 2 tn

iut the certain Affui of the Mind, a^ I the Spirit of God, that

w hat the Lord hath promikd to Believers in general, ilia 11 Jbe made out to the Perfon% felf in particular, P/a/. ] > 4. 16. Da?:. , And this I

Which is called, by ibme, the Faith of Adherence, is ac- ceptable with the Lord, where the Faith of Afiuraoce is wanting; which appears from the following Initr.ces of il, who had Faith but not AfTirance; as, (x.) Thefe who hid the we.ik Handi, the feeble Kne^s, and the . fearful Hear: j who were exhorted to be ilrong, and en- couraged with Ctod's Purpofe concerning it he wou'g come and fjve them, If a. 353. (2 ) Th./e, v%ho, :hev walked in Darknefs, and hid no Li^hr, were exhorted to truft in the Lord, and to (lay upon their God,

life, who was under Darknefs and '['error, thro' the wnoie Tract of his Time, Pfa/m 88. throughout. (4.) >'ira}b\ who Cried to th'c Yj. rd in the Lime of his Trouble, reefed to be carafo t i .as troubled ; io that his Spirit was overwhelmed ; yes kecped waking, and was made to complain,

and would be favour- able no more, &rV. P/al. -12. (5.) The Le- per, that came to Chrilt., and worfhipped him, faying, Lord, if thou Ttilt tl;pu canft make me clean, M atth. 8. 2. (6.) The Man who brought his Son to Chrilt, to be dif- poifefTed of the dumb Devil, who cried out, and faid with Tears, Lor J, I believe, help tbou mine Unt Mark 9 24. (7.) We read that Chrift delivers fome, who, /or Fear of Death, were all their Life ti t;> Bondage, Hib. z. 1 5. This puts it out o.* Doubt, tnat fome thai! obtain eternal Life at the F.nd of Time, who , in all tfielr Life time, had the Aflurance

r thefe Inltancef, are a pUin C of this Antinomian Error, that AlTurar.ee is of the ::h : And, it the Expedience of the

:his Matter, upon due J be found, that it is with many

Cafe, with the four

e of the great Famine of


To the Reader. xi

Samaria, refolved to enter upon the moil poflible Way of . faving their Lives, without the Aflurance of the Event, till Time evidenced it, 2 Kings 7. 3, 4. And, as it was with Ejiber, when fhe faid, Efiber 4. 16. So will I go in unto the King, and if I perijh, I perijb : And as it was with Jcbt when he faid, Chap, 13. 15. Though be Hay me, yet will I ttuli in him.

As this Doctrine, That AJfurance is of theEJJence of Faith, is falfe, being contrary to the Word of God, fo it is very dangerous ; for, thereby, every Perfon, tho' never fo godly, who wants Aflurance of Salvation, muft be judged to be in a State of black Nature, fince every Perfon is in a natural State, till once they have faving Faith in Being : And this is a mod harfh and unwarrantable Cenfure, to pafs upon fuch as are exerciied unto Godlinefs, yet toffed with I empefts and not comforted, Ifa. 54 11. becaufe they are under various Doubts and Fears, concerning their Intereft in Chrift ; and fuch as are vainly puffed up , by their flefhiy Mind, with an imaginary Aflurance, which, according to this Doctrine, they attained unto at the very firft breathing of Faith upon their Souls; which is neither according to the Law and the Teflimony, nor yet builded upon the Foundation of the Apoftles and Pro- phets, Jefus Chrift himfelf being the chief Corner-Stone, Ifa. 8. 20. Eph. 2. 20. mud be judged the only Saints upon Earth ; and the Doctrine that denys that Faith in any Senfe is the Condition of the Covenant of Grace, is no lefs dangerous; for, if this were granted, it would undeniably follow, that People may be faved without Faith, tho' they never believe in the Lord Jefus Chriil ; and that the Condemnation of fuch as perilh under the Light of the Gofpel, is not founded upon their dying in L:. belief, and not believing upon the only begotten Son of God : I heartily wifh, that fuch as belong to the Lord, may be delivered from fuch dangerous and falfe Doctrine. Bui, good Reader, to detain thee no longer, I muft tell thee, That the Reverend Author of the following Ser- mons, was Minifter at New- Mills in Loudon; where thefe Sermons were preached, in the Time of Scotland pureft Reformation ; where his Name and Memory is yet fa- b 4 voury,

.t to be ; for, befides his Sou ndru

n his Conversation, .literial Function, he was alfo very zea- fediofl, which were con- trary to S. led Work of Reformation; of which, thefe following are a few Inllanccs : (i.) \. the Earl of CaUpdery and Major General Middltlon, cru-' elly perftcuted the well-afteited People in the Weft of

ciences, becaufe 'they would not j^n in the Duke of Hamilton* unlawful Engagement ot War againll E feft Breach of the 5ol< i'everal ocr. S and wt

h of ecution o1 .enant Eng (2 ) When, in ^ ting up th(

Malignant . Throne, as iupreme

and St '651, did ratify and ap-

prove the publu of bringing tfiejcflly ex-

cluded Malignant* again, into o.^er

and Trull, in Judicatories and Armies, he was one of

who faithfully witnei lad Courfe | 3 ) After

kedTyrram, Cba les II. broke Covenant with Man, by overturning the whole covenanted Work 0 formation, and impofed the Oath of Allegiance, in \\ the Snprerr: eluded, h<

unlawful Oath, wa5 banifhed I nions 1

After he was g the Pla , he it'll n

ftor to his which

muns up;,

.1 written wjjh bi

5t$ the Read xiii

As it is hoped, that the following Sermons will he very acceptable to all the Godly into whofe Hafrds they come, fo, more efpecrally, to the Pariihoners of Loudon, ir. . Parim Church they were preached, and for whole Ule they were lent from another Nation, by as faithiu' \ nifter as ever laboured among them ; frcm Hand- write and original Manufcript they are pri and the Lord's Providence of preserving them, and bring- ing them to the Publick, after they were for a longTime, loft from the Parifh of Loudon, ought to be acknowledged with Thankfulnefs.

That the Lord by his BlefTing may make the following Sermons uleful for the Information, Strengthning, Edifi- cation, and Comfort of many of the Lord's People, is tne earned Deiiie of,

Ghrtfiian Reader,

pland, J an. ")

Vb, 17+8. $

Thripland, Jan. 1 ftncere FrienJ,


Wi lliam Young.

croftick upon theName ofMr.]o\\

MOST famous and renowned Seer, A Pallor, who cid Burden bear : S uch Zeal for Truth inflamed thee, To wr.nefs for ithfully ;

E nduring unjuft Banifhment, R acher tnan pie-ife iii Government,

I n what was unlawful for thee, ding to Supremacy ;

t dead, doth raife tb;

rant now can banifh thee; 3.0'xt from fuch Monfters free, vur'd thy all to win the Prize, >

Earth delpij C

/here true Comfort lies.


JOHN' tjlorton B

James Brown Baillie. Jamei Richmond Bailiie. John Ma Ton jun Wtra

s Smith jun. Weaver.

{; Smith Weaver. Richmond inn. Weaver. Ja'v,fs R.chmond We3\

John Brown Maltman. n Taylor, mg Shoe-maker.


I ter.

Allan nth.

Archibald Jamiel'on Portioner.

^el Smith. James Mncltel Portioner. Aird Merchant.

.ierchant. Portioner.

odburn Shoe- maker, Dee Carrier. ! chran Fle/her. Richmond Shoe-maker, b Servant.

! rber.

ht. -on Shoe-maker, right.

ell Officer.

kor Tanner.

John ' t

j.,hn John P Thorn

Stephen Tom nee. Janet Boi U John FinJay I\r t Jam<

John Borland Ten John Fin i

John Thorn fon T : J >hn Morton T n J tmes Morif-m Tenant. I Morton M nder N'fbet Tenant, ioirer. , Hugh Campbe;l Servant. ah Tenant.

Tenant. Robert Nifbet Tenant. Hugh Aird T Hugh Mair Tenant. Hugh Camp' John Walker Portioner. Jarrus Small Servant.

m Millar Tenant.

Thomas Mu> U J4mes Adam Wr'ght. Brown Sen

}imec ' -int.



aid Guthry Weaver. i N'.fbet Millar. Mfbet Smith. i Mafon Wright.


Robert Wood burn Shot-maker. Elizabeth Nilbct. John Young Weaver. Thomas Lejmont Wright. Robert Tod Weaver. Hugh Paton Tenant- Robert Paton Tenant. | Alexander Thoml'on Weaver* John J^ckfon Tenant. John Campbell Tenant. William Muckle Tenant. William Wilfon Tenant. James Mitchel. James Brown Tenant. John Smith. Archibald Campbell. John Thomfon. John Lambie Servant. Thomas Morton Portioner. Andrew Aird.

Parijh of Galjlon.

GEORGE Nifet Portioner. George Hunter. Miller, es Campbell Portior.er. Hugh Mair Tenant. Jonn Lambie Maltman. William Lambie Weaver. John Leacock Portioner. William Leacock Portioner. John Richmond Portioner. John Nifbet Coupar. George Mair Merchant. Alexander Mitchel Portioner. Alexander Morton Smith. Mair Merchant. nderfon Portioner. J hn Hodge.

h Muir Tenant. Law Portioner.

Patifo ©f Finnic k.

1 OHN Howie Tenant. «' St \ !.en Torrence.

ner, 12 Cop.

i Alexander Marfhal

Parifo of Maucbiine.

OHN Adam W Alexander Brow .. Matthew R Alexander Richmond.

Parijb of Sorn.

\ OHN Henry Portio. J J 'hn Cowan Servant. John Henry.

J hn Richmond Portioner. William Henry Weaver. Barbara MfGechen. James Richmond Portioner. George Richmond.

Parijh of Evandale,

ANDREW Hamilton P Michael Cochran Portion, J hn P.ryfon Shoe-maker, j

John Borland. ohnFjirieM-rchant inu5/j n Coo.

Parij7j of Eaglcjharr.,

I OHN Young Tenant. J J tmes Orr Ten Kobe! Orr.

J .hn Barn^ Workman. Janet Paterl

And re v. ;ant.

Alexander Young. James Young jun. James Young Robert P3tet: John Andrew

RefcL Michael Reid jo<,

. >ung. John Orr. William Young.

S U I E S.

Margaret Young jgn.

M.ii£arrt I

Andrew (



Arthu- -.int.

John int.

Hugh M >nt£omerie '1

|ohn Orr S Robert Voi

William \' int.

William Gilmor Tenant. William Bryfon Tenant. Peter Wa'l

Andrew Wflfon T.-nant. Andrew Young Tenant. Mafgare' Young. James Parle Servant. Andrew Young Tenant. John Turner Servant. James Young Tenant, ung.

\vm Tenant.

nor Tenant. Williai

James ' James A.

i Tenant. John Reid T

-!:nt. rt Montgomi i



Ifafd P '

. 1 jun.

Rr)bert Fult'urd Fl John Clark. Weaver.



ylor. Andrew Faulds i Robert Howie. William M Robert Reid.

^ner, is Co;


John R John R Robt

Rob-rt Grai|

Andrew Cra'g T.nrtnt.

John Brown Shoe -maker, 12

Con I Andrew Bi John Faui.

Alexander ^ lot,


Andrew Gilmor Tenant. Jam en Oilm John I

Connel Weaver. iM Craig M

ipar. int.


r Weaver in .

Coal-grieve ,C


Parijh of Kitbryde.

JOHN Granger. Andrew Lindfay Tenant. John Pvu fief Tenant. Janet Struthers. John P.iterfon Tenant. James Granger Portioner. James Dalgleilh Tenant. n Tenant. ant. Chriltopher Ruffel Servant. William Riddel Weaver. Rob.rr

James Strutherb Tenant. James A Tame

William Lindfay Farmer. William Lindfay

ifqn. John Crawrurd Portioner. William Wilfon Weaver. James Strang Portioner.

Warnock Tenant. Gavin Semple jun.

ler Lindfay Tenant. ruthers Servant. William Park Poitioner. John Park.

Alexander Lindfay Servant. Robert Fleming Portioner. John Orr Tenant. William Burns Workman, John Arneil Weaver. John Lindfay Miller. Robert Young Tenant. Chriflcpher Crawfurd. James Wilfon Portioner. John Bruning Portioner. Alexander Dalgleifh Servant. Robert Strang Merchant. William Strang Portioner. James Young Tenant. John Struthers Shoe-maker. Andrew Strang. Andrew Lindfay Portioner. James Strang Tenant, i Craig Tenant.

Robert Sudderland. John Allan Weaker. William Hood Weaver. Andrew Gilmor Portioner. James Hamilton Shoe-maksr. James Smith Weaver. John Ruffel. William Strang. Robert Naifmith. John Fleming Mafon. John Paterfon Portioner. John Reid Merchant. Robert Dalgleifli Taylor. James Dykes jun. Robert Wardrop Tenant. William Graham Portioner. James Alexander Portioner. Alexander Aikenhead Tenant. Agnes Craig Servant. Archibald Park Portioner. John Jackfon Weaver.

Reid Tenant. Andrew Allan Tenant. William Barr Tenant. James Smith Tenant. John Marshal. Alexander Young Portioner. James Jackfon. James Pollock Portioner. John Wilfon Portioner. Thomas Watt Mafon. Alexander Pollock Weaver, n Jean Pollock. Katharine M'Alafter. John Bows Tenant. John Mather. Stephen Ruilel Portioner. John Wilfon Tenr.nt. Andrew Ruflel Si

.th. John Wat! John Lyon John Sham

WUliam W


and G or bah.

ADERCookT hal.



d Wright.

. m Thomfon Porti \ander Secular Mafon. Cordiner. William Shiels Land -labourer. Chapman, in Land- labourer. Jamts W/lfon Ma ion.

m Currie Land-labourer. Thomas Graham. John Campbell Hammer-man. John Reid T

Cunningham Weaver.

City of G/jfgow.

ANDREW LockhartMtrcht James WaUon Stay-maker, B >yd Stay-maker. s Porter Heel -maker. John Vv*ilf>n Servant. Patrick M'Adam Servant. James Provan Servant. David Stiang Merchant. Thorn a :ng-makcr.

iiner. iiner. John Wright Indw

Her. •her. . Andrt

George ( Joh» Ca


Tmvn and P i


William M:llar W John Naifmi'.h Shoe-maker. Torrence Sh>e-maker. John Warn

William B -;er.

James Naifmith Sh I Robert Coupar Wright. John Robertion Weaver. Urns Wood-cutter. William B-own Smith. Francis Dividfon Weaver. Jean Wilfon. Thomas Paterfon Shoe-n,

William Adam.

Parijh of Leadhillu

THOMAS Telfer Miner. John liner.

Miner. William Gemnw!. James Rowan M Lauren

William Dcnholm M James S William Lot

John Richard Portioner in M. kirk.

Tinnahill Stationer in ^ nock. Robert Armour Bonnct-mekcr


( < )


O N 2 S A Mil E L xxiii. i, 2, 3, 4, 5.

2 Sam. xrxlii. 1.

5 ^ f A*/* be the laft Words of David : David the Son of Jej/e fa id, and the Man who was raifed up on high, the anointed of the God of *Jacob% and the fweet Pfalmijl of Ifrael^ faid, &c0

DA V I D 1 in hh Time was fn many and va- rious Cafes; fometimes, in the Depths, and crying out of them, Pfal. exxx. 1. other- whiles Deep calling unto Decf, bu: he r^ot able to call ; for all the Waves aid Billows

>■ him, Pfal. xlii. 7. at another Time, fet on a Rock, and bis Goings eftablijhed, PfaL xl. 2. but while he thought that bis Mountain p , God hid

Facf, aid be was troubled, PfaL xxx. 7. lornetimrs, he wa> forely ftraitned, fear <w

I ancther 1 lme, the lor

8. of that fame Pfalm the Wilde me fs, and Oivi ; ctherv. .


liverance from all his Enemies, Plat, xviii. Title of the , foinetimes, refolving to <ivalk in his Houfe w

ci. 2. a: another Time, he findeth his Houfe not fo with God : Now; he Cometh to his laft Reckoning, about iiis publick Calling, and about his peribnal and domeilick Carriage alfo, he is feeking the Shore, and out of his Sea of Troubles, and Depths of fad Excrcife, he cometh to Land upon the Plank of the fure and everlafting Covenant, and maketh a Song for altogether, once for all, he fingeth a fweet Requiem to bis Soul.

In this Scripture, we have, firft, the Preface, in which we have, i. This holy Man defcribing himlelf, ver. I. 2. His Warrand, for what he fpeaketh and fingeth, z, 3. 3. He reflecteth upon his publick Admi- niltration, and readeth a Lecture to Rulers, ver. 3, 4. 4. He reflecleth rfjbon his Houfe, Court, and Family, and rinde:h them not fuch as they mould have been ; fo he rolleth himfelf upon, and taketh hold upon the well-ordered Covenant, that fo he might come to 2. Soul ver. 5. 5. He taketh notice of the Sons of Be- /in/, who lived without Yoke; who either would never enter in Covenant, or made no Bones to break it ; he defcribeth their wretched Manners, and woeful End, v/r. 6, 7.

Doer. t. From the Preface, <ver. 1. where thefe Words

are called the I a (I Words of David \ it is this, That the

Words nf holy Men are to be obferved and remembered.

The Spirit doth record the lalt Words of David, and

lie fingctn iwcetly in them ; the laft Words of Jacob, in

dix. and of Mofes, in Deut. xxxiii. Stephens, in

v .1 . particularly in -ver. 59, 60. efpecially, ChrilVs

vVords before his Death, Luke xxiii. 34. praying

for his Enemies, and in <ver. 43. on the Crofs giving a

Kingdom, J olm xix. 26, 27. taking Care of his near

thirfting more to have the Work

of Redemption perfected, than for bodily Refrefhing ;

50. of that chap, that precious Word, It is

nd that Word, in Matth. xxvii. 46. My God,

1 forjakenme? and that laft Word of


bit i S a m u E L fcxiii. i.

all, fpcken with a loud Voice, in Luke xxiii. 46. Father, into t by Hands 1 command m\ Spirit; he went not away in a Cloud; and then his 'all Words afcer h:^ Relurreclion, ard before his Afcer.fion, Luke xxiv. from ver. 4 a. till near the End of that chap, and hi oui Hea- ven afcer bis Aictrrfior., Re<o. xxii. 1 6? H. The lalt

f boly Men are mofb Becaufe

jv are near and have a quick Seen: of Kea\ -djtjfjyi- '5- with vii. 5 j, -6. 2^'. L«fl Words leave beft n, //£j xx. 33. 5//. Then, :VIen may fpeak moil . impartial felrimonies. :. Agninlt. thoie who are nothing moved with th* rds of holy iVlen, either firit, or lalt; even Jc(epb*s r.ren were fuch once, in (ten. xxxvii. 19. IJbmael oft* ner, though but once rtcoded, Gen. xxi. 9. Such were the Epicureans, and Stoich, Acts xvii. 18.

Ufe 2. Study the Golpel, and Iiilen to it ; lay if up in the Heart, and obey it from the Heart, Rom. vi. 17. There you have the lail Words of Chriit, Htb. i. 1. and his confirmed Teihment, Kb. ix. 16, 17.

Doct. 2. From David": Parentage reported by him- felf, God/y Men neither are, nor need to d of their

poor Beginnings.

The Son of JeJJe was of fmall Accounr with T I Sam. xx. 30, 31. fo was he alfo with Doevy 1 9. and with Nabal, 1 Sam. xxv. 10. Da*vid himfetf ^to, when he came to reckon wi;h God, thought little of .Houfe or Kindred, 1 CI ron.w'w. 16. So did Gid vi. 15. Vet David here fingexh of hi: c a rife, he was of the holy Patriarchal Seed, his Rile was, there was in it the higher Commcndai of the LordTs free Favour, I Cforon.xt'iX. 14. 3. Hi not in Danger to be puffed up bj uie to be; fee it in Saul, comparing * xx. 30. but David knew it well, at his heji Eft ate, is ai

1 new that Chriit wis to ip. i Root, I/a. xi. 1,— 10. liii. 2.

4 S E R M O N T.

gatoR Pride in thole that cannot hear of their iings and Extractions ; Pride breeds For- . it breeds Dildain. z. It may be of profitable Ufe, often to remem- ber our poor Beginnings; the Holy Ghoft calleth us often /' tbe Syrian ready to perijh, Deut. xxvi. ^. to the Pit iv bene e ive are digged, 1/ai. li. I. our wretched natural Etlate, in the Similitude of a wretched Infant, Ezek. xvi. 3. 4.

DoCT. 3. The Godly take notice of raifing Mercies, from

gber* So did Hannah in her Song, 1 Sam. ii. 8. fo doth Mary in her's, Luke i. 48. and this fame David, P/al. ex'ui. 7,8, they do, I. Becaufe, fuch are higheii Favours. 2. In the Thought of thefe raifing Favours, they remem- ber their fometime low Eitate, which make them the more fweet. 3. The Meditation on thefc, is an Help to that holy lifting up of Heart, fuch as J tbcjhapbat had, 2 Cbron.xv\'\. 5, 6. 4. The not obferving of thefe, ma- keth the worie Men, Deut. xxxii. 15. Jejhurun toaxed xnd kiciedi not only Uzziab, after he was helped to be llrong, bis Heart was lifted up, 2 Cbron xxvi. 15, 16. bat even good Hezekiab, forgetting how the Lord r him up, bfs Heart alfo came to be lifted up, 2 Chen, xxxii. 25. U/e 1. We hive had many raifing Mercies, fuch as //: .id, in Deut. xxvi. 19. God made us bigb above all Na- ime and Praife ; from a very low Eftate ; we have reafon to blame our unsuitable Walking, for any Tiling which hath, or fhall befa} us.

Ufe 2. VV ho would duly prize raifing Mercies of what- r kind, would be frequent in the Meditation of the tate from which they have been raifed ; it will keep c Mercy high in Eftimation. r. 4. From the Defignation which David taketh inted of the God of Jacob; 4 if tbe true Melfiah, tbe great anointed One ; it is, godly Men when upon their Reckoning, hould t.ike nopce of their Calling, and . ir Station i as well as, how thej


on 2 Samuel xxiii, i. 5

ried in it: This Anointing was the Way how Kings were fet apart for that Office, fo it was a Ceremony by which Prieits and Prophets were fet apart. It is of good Ad- vantage befide the Duty, to remember how we entered in a Station and came by it; fo did Solomon, 2 Cbron. i. 8. Jeremy in <bap. i. 5, II. Paul, Gal. i. I. For,

1. God expecleth Service of us, not only as Men, but .as Men of fuch a Calling, 2 Sam. xii. 7. Ezek. iii. 17.

2. The Thought of our being culled of God, if ferious, it will both engage and encourage us the more in the Service. 3. The takir.g of fome Callings, and Way of being engaged in them, doth ferve much to the Com- mendation of him that calleth.

^ U/e 1. Some may hive a Challenge (or little remem- bering how they were called to be Chriitians ; other-, how called to be Ministers, when there hath been little Suitablenefs in the one or other, to iome lingular Appear- ing* of God in thefe Callings.

Ufe 2. Learn we one ana other, to remember our Cal- ling, how we came to be drawn out of the common M and to be fet apart for Gcd : Remember how even a^ Cnri- ftians, we are called with a holy Calling, 2 Jim. i. 9, how we ought to ix a Ik war I by cf it, 2 Theff. i. I I hard to the r.lark, for the P/iz of this high Calli'.g, P iii. 14. -

DoCT. 5. Godly Men look upon all their fignal and : ' Faz':urs, as coming from God as in Covenant w/th tlym.

So much in the Expreffion, the Gcd of Jacob\ Co

hlofes giveth Aflurance of Help and Conduct to I/>\

\ i. 30, 31. from this, the Lord your G>;d ; (o doth

ua commend the Favours (hewed to ffraelt rt was

Lord your God that did fo and f 0 ; and Nehemiah i. c.

plcadeth upon this Score, that he was a 6

"int. h is £ood both pleading for, and Holding our Mercies fo by Covenant. 1. So they are ^rct:y coming from the Promife, the Covenant is ci Proiniie. 2. So they are made moft fure, even fworn by him for wp.oin it js impofiiDle to lie, Heb. vi. 18. 3. They are 1 bundant, the Lord himfelf is firlt given; where any Gift is received by Covenant, he is the Reward, A 1

S E R M () N L

Ufe I. Hence is feen the Sin and Mifery of thofc, that never look to God, as a God in Covenant with them ; they cannot expect that which is promifed in Hag. to be free of Fear, or to nave the Spirit remaining in them; they may grip after, or receive a Mercy, but cm plead no Intertii in Jehovah as the God of the Pjal lix. 10.

Ufe 3. Let all who profefs rhemfelves Chrifti ther in Recognition of the olJ, or Merc: r looking unto, ;ng for C

their God by Covenant, <»ccofding to the - Lord's People in Ifai. xxv. 9.

Doct. 6. tie caiieth hirnielf the fv , the Pon." nd'ing cf tJ

/ Man to ft arc Glory, is 90

7tne commend bit.- So ootn Paul hirnielf, 1 Cor. xv. 10. but it mult be, 1. To fct forth the L( more, t the Grace of G

are called to far™ forth lis Virtues and Prat ii. 9. 2. In tne C\:lc of Vindication, Paul to glory. 3. For the encouraging of others, io in Ia'vl 16. Cutne and bear all ye that fca>

^t the'Lo/d hmth done for my Sou/. j this fometimes, will help to engage our I both more unto Praii'e, and to all Chriftian Performances. 1. Againit bailard Humility, which cat. ulnefs to God in thofe who have Favour.-, but do conceal them, contrary to the Practice of the Saints, --who ?nake mention of t: Praxes "f the Lord, according to ail a:, Jxni. 7.

: raih to cenfure either a5 witlcfe or vain- : .cannot conceal the £reat and >gs of God be tf owed on them,

ces which they have found ; ; Dot hut

Job xxxii. 1 ho make (

on 2 Samuel xxiii. i. 7

Doct. 7. From fweet Pfalmiit, not fo much for the Singing and Mufick in them, though David was good of that Art, 2 Chron. vii. 6. Amos vi. 55 as for the Matter.

So the Pfalms are a fweet Scripture, in Pfal. xcv. 2. it is, make a jo\ful Xoife with Pfalms ; when he is (peak- ing of the Days of the Gofpel, as ma£ be gathered by comparing <ver. 7. of the PfaJm, with Heb. iii. 7. and in Jam. v. 13. Is any Man merry , or of a right Frame of Spirit, let him fing Ffalms. 1. There is much of Chriit in them, particularly in Pfal. ii, xvi, xxii, xlv, lxxii, ex, 2. There are many fweet Experiences in them, fomething for every Cafe. 3. The \ery Stile and Phrafe is pleafant. 4. More Teilimonies cited out of the Pfalms in the New Teftament, than almoft out of any other ok ; and Chrifl coth cite the Book of the Pfalms twice,

xxix. 42. and xxiv. 44. U/'e 1. Againft thofe who have Pfalms fweet for nothing : for the Tune in Singing, and their Shortnefs in Reading.

Ufe 2. Search this Scripture, and delight more in it ; the iweet Singer made many of thefe fweet Songs, and there is much fweet Matter in them, (1.) For Contem- plation. (2.) For Practice. (3.) There is a Glafs in them of Saints Cafes and Experiences, Temptations, Wreft- lings, Victories.

Doct. 8. He is called the Jweet PfalmiH of Ifrael, the Obfervation is, That Pjalms were made both then, ar.d are now to le ufed for the publick Edification of the Church, 1 Chron. xv. 19. and xvi. 4, 5. with Eph. v. 19. and Col. iii. 1 6. yea in Pfal. c. 1 2. the Gentiles are commanded, to come before his Pre fence with Singing.

Now, that Singing of Pfalms is a Gofpel Ordinance, may be further proved thus, 1. In the Places cited to the Epbe- fans, and Col-jfians, the very Titles of the Pfalm* in the Bao'c of Pfalms, and other fcriptural Songs are exprelTed ; Pfalms are Mit/morim; Hymns are Tebillrm ; and fpi ritu- al Songs are Shirim. 2. Chrifl after he had inftituted the Supper, and fo put an End to the legal Supper,' yet put he not an End to Singing, but with his Difciples, he fung an Hymn before he 'went out to the Mzunt of Oh

A 4 uth.

8 S b K M O N I.

Matth. xxvi. 30. and Mark xiv. 26. 3. The Pfalm ilru&ion and Admonition, and Singing, Col. iij the firit two Ends a:\d Ufes are moral and perpetual,

not the third? in Epb. v. 19. there is in the Or:, ral binging, and Pfalming it with Grace in the tfeart doth quality the Singing as to its Principle and prin- cipal Qualification, but not exclude vocal Singing

xcv. |, 2. which prophefieth of the Djvs of the Gc'oel, we are appointed in ail our folemri to come before him with Singing; either then \vc mutf ling the Pfalms, and other fcriptural"Songs or the D mutt be altogether negleftcd ; we have not Men dinary, and of the extemporary Gift in that Thing ; nor may we admit Songs made by Men in the VVorlhip of God, more than their Homilies or Sermons; neither is it like, that the Spirit cf the Lord would take us ctf from infallible Scriptures, fuch as Pfalms and other fpiriul Songs, rind fend us to wait on the Gifts of fallible * erring Men. 5. The Singing of Pfalms i the pure$ Times of the Church; it is recorded in - xvi. 25. that Paul and Silas Jang Praifes to GW in Prifon ; the Word may be better rendered, theyfzng Hymns to Cod: And in all the Times of Persecution under Heathen Emperors, their great and frequent Exercife was Singing of Pfalms, who were moll zealous Chriftians.

U/e 1. This is for the eliablifhing you in the Faith of this Truch, that Pfalms-Singing is a Gofpel Ordinance, and to be continued in the Church for publick Edificati- on of the fame: It was both prophefied of in the Old iment ; beifde the Places cited, compare J/'ai. Ivtf. 7, 8. wi:ii Rom. x. 14, 15. it fpeaketh clearly of rhe i' of iiie Gofpcl, and it is faid there, n</ub tht J

: ; and is commanded an<J pradifed in tie New.

2. This is then for Confutation of thofe who are nganitf Singing 0f Pfalms in the Days of the but upon leveral Accounts; fome for the U lhof%with whom tl;ey are to join: To tb< . 1. That as in :; and Drinking at the Lc

Supper, who eat and drink unworthily, do eat and drink


on 2 Samuel xxiii. i . 9

to themfelves, not to the Prejudice of their fellow Com- municants, and fo they fuffer for it, i Cor. xi. 29, 30. So it is of thofe that fing not with Underflanding, nor with Grace in their Hearts. 2. Others, for that they think that Singing of Pfalms, and other Scriptural Songs, isnot a Gofpel Ordinance: To thofe I fhall endeavour to give Satisfaction, by fome brief Anfwers to their Objections, or Exceptions. (1.) Some fay, they are not the Word of ill exprefly required in Col. iii. 16. Anfnv. They e endued by the Spirit of Chrift, as by the Spirit he preached in the Days of the Old Teftament, 1 Pet. iii. 18, 19. fo he penned Scripture alfo. (2) They fay, L)avia\ Pfalms are not named. Anfw. Ail the Pfalms were not his, and we affirm, that other fcriptural Songs are to be fung as well as they ; and further we fay as to that, that neither Chrift nor his Apoftles, citing either the Bool^ of Pfalms, or naming particular Pfalms, 60 cite them by (his Name always; oftner not fo, compare Luke xx. 4*. with xxiv. 44. and Acls xiii. 33. (3.) This Singing re- quireth that the Singer be filled with the Spirit, Epb. v. 18. what Need of that if we have our Words taught: Anf-w. \lt. They are spiritual Songs, id. There are fpi- ritual Ends in Singing, Teaching, and Admonifhing, and fpiritual Rejoicing. (4.) All the Word is required there to dwell, fo not fcriptural Songs only. Anpw. All the Word, it is true, but in its feveral Ufes. 2d. Every Word not fo titled. (5.) Pfalms were annexed to the Temple, committed to the chief Mufician. An/hv. \ft. All ot them ha^e not that Tide, not the half of them. zd. Some clearly belong unto the Gofpel, Pfal. Ixxiv. 7. and xliv. 17,— 23. compared with Rem. viii. 36. which (peak of a Time when there was ao Temple. 3d. They are not to be rejected now, for that the inftrumental Mufick which was pedagogical then, more than Prayer, becaufe of the Incenfe. (6 ) Why (tinted Pfalms more than dint- ed Prayers? Anf<w. They are dinted by the Lord, and hie Ordinance dorh not ftraiten. (7.} The Pfalms are old, and thefe Songs mull be new, Re*v. xiv. 3. Anjhv. New Songs in the Revelation, are much of them taken out of the Pfalms, Rev. iv. 1 1 . and v. 9, 1 2. and xv. 3, 4 and *ix.


io S E R M O N II.

5. 2/ The nc , and the new Creature,

make the new S< . that are in Chrijl are nru

tuns, 2 Cor. v. 17.


2 Samuel xxiii. 2, ;, 4.

7^<r Spirit of the Lord /pake by mi , 6 bw* fjf

my Tor. : The God of Ifrael fa'id, the fpah tn

He that ruleth muft be j;i : : the Fear

of L And he /bail be as the Light of the Morning, when the -c

rifethy even a Morning without Clouds ; as the tt

Grafs /fringing out of the Edi


"ITT E have now this holy -Man, after he hath defcribed * * himfelf as beth Prophet and King, <uer. 1. bring- ing forth his Warrand which he had to be a Prophet, in vcr. 2. The Spirit of the Lord fp^ rd

tvas in my Tongue : He was rai fed up on high and appoint- ed of God unto this, as well as to the other Office.

Doct. I. The Spirit of God f poke b, f o/d, *

<wbo 'were cither Prophets or Penmen of Script u

So we read, that this David fpake by the HolyGhoft, Mark xii. 36. and Ef:iast in Arts xxviii. 25. and all that wrote Scripture, did it as they were moved or earned by the Holy Gholt, 2 Pet. i. 21. This is clear, 1. They fpoke of the Things of God, which none could know but the Spirit of God, 1 Cor. ii. 11. 2. From that Pow- er which the Word hath upon the Spirits of Men, Heb. iv. 12. a piercing Power, to the dividing afunder cf Scul end Spit it. Joints a v; and that it is a Difcerner

of the thoughts and Intents of the Heart : It is evident th?.t it is of divine infpiration, according to 2 Tim. iii. 16.

3. .From

on 2 S a M DEL xxiii. 2,3,4. It

5. From this, that they are impartial, and write down tneir own Faults, as well as of others, Mofes, David, 4. The very Stile of what is fpoken in Scrip- tare, fpeaketh it to be divine.

\ all thofe \* ho receive the Word as the Word of Man, and not as the Word of God, contrary "to 1 "TbcJ. ii. 15. And againil all that call in quefiictfi the Authority of the Scriptures.

c Spirit from God, for he is

\o gi-ie the Hoij Ghofl to thofe that ajk him, Luke xi.

1 ;. that >ou may read, htar and believe the holy Scrip-

with the fame Spirit by which they were enditedi

ached and fpoken, is the Word

bile it is nuritten ; Jo it is

z Mouth of

Mouth of all

Is iii. 18.

\\. Becaufe it was infpired to be communicated ; Chrift

evealed in Paul% that he might preacn him. 2- He

nfpireth giveth Utterance, ASs ii. 4. Preaching is

by Demohitr'ation of the Spirit, 1 Cor. ii. 4. and fuch a

. the Spirit is given, that others may be


;. Againft thofe who profefs Refpedl to the Word

n, but have none oc but little Refptcr. for the Word

preached. Let them remember and confider that Scrip-

Ifa. Jix. 21. where the Covenant is, for putting

.' departing from the Mouth.

Z. Learn to receive the Word preached, as the

of God. It ii io, f Faith, R:m. x. 8.

/rd of the Spirit, 1 Pei. iii. 1 9. a Piece of th<

' God/in rfs, I Tim. iii. 16.

.ateth h»s Call and Comaiiition to be ael /aid, at. J the Rock of lfrael ftake to me; and then his LtiTon as a King ; He that Sing in the Fear of God. Doer. I. From the Firli, / and a

ready at which 1



So Mofes, to perfuade the Obedience of the Covenant, in Dtut.v. 12. doth preface thus, Hear, O Lord our God made the Covenant : and Aiaph, in I. 7. bringeth God fpeaking thus; Hear, O my People, and 1 will /peak, O Ifrael, and 1 will tejiify againft thee, J am God, even thy God: This twofold Confideration may well prevail, 1. Becaufe he is Supreme, and of fun Authority. 2. He is juft and right in all that which he requireth, or for which he chargeth, Demi, xxx\'\. 4. 3. As our God, and in Covenant with us, he hnth bought us with a dear Price, and, he careth fv>r, ?.n^\ will own us.

Ufe I. Againft thofe that flight any CLarge which they have given them from the preached Word ; not receiv- ing, or not regarding it; they fay r.s much, as that either the Lord is not God, or not theirs, or both. He that is of G§d hearetb God's Words, John viii. 47.

Vfi 2. As often as we come before the Lord to hear his Word, and to receive Commandments from him, let the Thought of thefe two imprefs us greatly, that he is God who fpeaketh, and the God of lft at I.

Doct. 2. This alfo Jbould weigh much with us, in per- fuading us to arfixer the Lord's Call, that he is the Rock of Ifrael.

God is a Rock indeed ; He is the Rock, Deut.xxxn. 4. but Chrift was the Rock of Ifrael, 1 Cor. x. 4. in feveral Re- fpcels, I. For a Foundation, Ifa. xxviii. 16. with Rom. ix. 33. 2. For Refuge, Ifa. iv. 6. with Heh. vi. 18. 3. For Shadow, Ifa. xxxii. 2. 4. For Defence xxxiii. 16. 5. He is the everlaiting Rock, tbi F jfges, as fome read that Word, in Ifa. xxvi. 4. / Lord Jehovah is evo la fling Strength. 6. He is the Rock of the Heart and Portion for ever, even when Heart and Strength faileth, Pfal. Ixxiii. 26. 7. A Rock to follow his People in the Wildernefs, 1 Cor. x. 4. 8. A Rock to his People, againfl which the Gates of Hell Jh all not pre- njail, Mat. xvi. 1 8. Ought not the Confideration of thofe make us willingly nc^tpt of his Charge, and go under the Bond of the Covenant with him ?

Ufe 1. Againft thofe who either fetch their Waters of Confolatipn, or build their Hopes upon any Rock befides


on 2 Samuel xxiii. 2, 3, 4. 15

this Rock of Ifrael ; no Rock is like him, 1 Sam. ii. 2* 2. It is againlt thofe who come not to his Charge, not- withstanding all the Advantages which they may have in and from, and with hiin, as a Rock.

Vie 2. Study to know him fo to be the Rock of his People, as to improve and make ufe of him as i'uch ; letl he come to be unto you that Rock of Offence and Stone of Stumbling, Rom. ix. 33. and l Pet. ii. 8.

Doct. 1. From the Leffon and Law prefcribed to him, Woo give 4ui Lefjons to others, muft take out Leffons for them- /elves; vabo give Orders to others under them, mull be ready to take Orders frcm him thai is fbovt them.

Such a Prophet and King was David: See the Watch- man's Leffon, Ezek. iii. 17. and the King's, Deut. xvii. 16. to the End of the chap. The Reaions are, 1. All Power and Authority is under Authority ; and they may fo do with better Reafon than rhe Centurion did, Mat. viii. 9. 2. Power ordinarily breedeth Forgetfulnefs of the fuprerrre Power. 3. It is a Shame for any to teach others their Duty, and not to teach themfelves, Rom. ii. 21. 4. Mini ft era of che Gofpel have themfelves to fave as well as others, 1 Tim. iv. 16. and Kings had need to live Chriftians, who muft die as Men, Pfal.lxxxn. 7.

V/e 1 . This reprovech all thofe who are fet over others, and are not as buiy to take out and leara their own Lef- fon, as to give out and teach Leffons unto others.

Vfe 2. Let Superiors be as buiy to pay Duty to God their Superior, and to the pubiick Ituerefr, as they are b fy to exact Duty from their Inferiors, who yet are their Brethren, over whom they ought not to exalt themfelves, according to that Law, in Oeut. xvii. And M millers would be as bufy to preach the Word in, a^ :o preach it out; to print it within, before they vent it abroad.

Doct. 2. In this Party that mult take out the Ltffoa

and the Defcription which the Holy Ghoft giveth him*

He that luleth over Men, we have this Obiervacion, That

the H:lf Gboft is no Leveller, be is for one above another,

Ruler over

■■h is made Ruler, liding in the fecond Chariot, •ver all the Land of Eg t , Gzn. xiL ^z, 43. and So,

*~~ 'Mill '

i.| S E K M O N IT.

Imd chief Officers, that hire rule "eopV:

i.'i. 10. ar.d Duty is to be payed bv Infer Super

This is cleared thus i. Even in the State of Inn';cency. ie Man bad continued therein, there w a natural Dependence of the Wife on her i-Lffhind, and of Children upon their Parents, though ho -us. 2. Even Difparity of A rience, would probably have bred Rererence to one than to others. 3. Societies could not Hand by mere Parity ; Man is born a focial Creature. 4. Amongtt even good Angels there appeareth fome Order, Col. i. 16: as well as amongft evil, Mat. y j. Sup;

periority and Subjeclion not fo fuitable to innocei. ture. Sin hath made it necefTary, as Medicines are. 1. Againft Anaha^tiilical Fancies of levelling: is nothing to the Proof of it, that where mention is made of Man's Dominion over the Creatures, no mention of his ruling over Men, Gen. 1. 26. For (1.) There is Do- minion for a Man's private good only ; ruling over Men is not fo. (2.) Though all Men have Reafon, all have. not the like Meafure. (3.) It is not cro's to Nature, to be under Subjeclion by Choice for our good. (4.) Servi- tude had its Rife from Sin, not all Subjeclion.

Ufe 2. Be inrtructed unto cheerful Subjection to lawful Powers, from this, as the Ordinance of God, Rom. xiii. 1, 2. Magiftracy is the Ordinance of God, not Tyran- ny : And next, Jet all learn to be fatisfied with their Lot and State in the World, be it bond or free, of Degree higher or lower, 1 CV. vii. 20, 21.

Doct. 3. To Rulers here is a Laiv given ; fo Rulers mufl be ruled by Law, and not rule their Brethren ivitb Rigour,

Lev it. xxv. 43,-46.

Judges mult judge right eoufly, not only hetivixt a ' and his Brother, but btt-jjixt a Man and a Stranger, Deuf. i. 16. He mutt make the Law of God his Rule, ar.d njt exalt bimfelf above his Brethren, Dut. xvii. 18, 1 9, 20. So Rulers mull not be abiolute, (J us) For, 1.

Such a Sovereignty is one of God's Attrioutes, 1 am is his Name ; Cod, and none elf. 2. As Princes rei^n by


on 2 Samuel xxiii. 2, g, 4. 15

Chrift, Pr<?<L\ viii. 15. fo they fhould reign for him, not themfclves. 3. Princes are by People, Man's Cre?ture, I Pet, ii. 1 3. fo fhould be for the People, not themfe.ves : They were made for People, not People for them. 4. The End of Magiliracy is not to fet up a Creature to rule at will, but to be a Minifter of God for good to People ; to be a Terror, not to gor.d Works , but to evil, Ro?n. xiii. 3. 5. U Man's Will were the Rule, then fhould we have no certain Ruleat all, nor yet a known Rule.

1. Againfl that Turtfb, abfolute, and arbitrary Power, to which moil of Potentates do now pretend and exerce.

Ufe 2. O pray for fuch Rulers as may be content to be ruled, and not be like the Princes, that removed the Bawd, Hrf. v. 10. God will pour out his Wrath on fuch like Water.

Doct. 4. The ejfential and a bf a lately neceffary Property of a Ruler, is, that he be jufl.

He muft decree Juftice, Prc<v. viii. 15. He muft tho- roughly execute Judgment betwixt a ?>'ian and his Neighbour, .Jer. vii. c;. He mull: execute the Judgment of Truth and ' Peace in the Gates, Zech. viii. 16. Injultice is condemned, Pfal.\x^jJ\\. 2. by the Lord, and the unjuft Man is an A- bomination to the jufl, Prcv. xxix. 27. That Rulers mud be jult, appeareih thus, 1. The Nature of his Office, and of that Ordinance, is, to give unto every Man his Due. 2. They are called Gods, fo fhould remember they judge for God, 2 Cbron. xix. 6. 3. Who fee not to the Rights of others, do betray their own. 4. To d?Jujlict and Judgment, is more acceptable to God than Sacrifice, Prov. xxi. 3. 5. Judging faithfully is that which efta- blifheth Thrones, Prov. xxix. 14. and the Land too, ver. 4. gf that chap.

1. Hence the Reafon of fo many Thrones and States overturned becaufe of Injuftice, and that Throne of Iniquity, Pfal. xciv. 20. and Seat of Violence, Amos vi. 3.

Ufe 2. As Rulers fhould learn their Duty from this, fo Peo- ple fhould pray to the Lord, that he woald raife up fuch Ruler!, as may rule in Righteoufnefs and Equity ; fo as they are called Gods, they may be like him, Pjal. xcviii. 9.



Doct. 5. Magijlrates and Rulers fhould rule in the Fear bf God.

So they fhould be fuch as fear God, Men of T,ufh, ha- ting ( , Excd. xviii. 21. The Fear of fhould be upon them, 2 Chron. xix. 7. they fhou' Lord in their Station *wiib Fear, Pjal. ii. 11. 1. Becaufe the Fear of God fliould rule and reign in every Ci 2. Very hardly can a Judge be jufl becwixt ivlan and Man, rendering to every one their Dues, if he be not holy, and one that rendereth to the Lord his Due. 3. N<;ne can be a qualified Judge without Wifdom, and // of the Lord is the Beginning of true Wifd.m. 4. The true Fear of God would eat up all the Fears and Hopes, which ordinarily make Judges partial; and it would curb and cure corrupt ArFections.

Ufe I. This is againlr the Election and Admifiion of profane Men to be Magi ft ra tea. Holinefs in the Scrip- tures is required, as the neceflary Qualification of a Ma- giftrate, as well as of a Minifter.

Ufe 2. Rulers fhould regulate their Laws, and all other Rules, with this one Rule, the Fear of the Lord. This fhould be to them the all-ruling Law.

In <ver. 4. We have two Encouragements to the jufl and holy Ruler: one is, That he mall have a clear and comfortable Condition, He /hall he as the Light of the Morning iv hen the Sun rtj.:>jy a Morning without Clouds. 2d. That he fhall be of a growing prolperous Condition, as the tinder (rmfs9 fpringing out of the Earth, hy clear /fi- ning after Ruin.

.0 the Firft, The juft and holy Ruler, he hath it prumifed unto him a very clear and comfortable Life. Such had SoLmon : He judged the People with Rightecuf/:rjj9 and in his Days there ivas /Ibundanct oj Peace, Pjal. Ltxii. It is true, that Pfalm is fpecially underllood of Chrilt and his Kingdom, but it had no fmall Accomplifh- ment in Sohmcn and his Kingdom: That it may be well fo, take thele Grounds, (1.) A clear Confcience. (2.) In- feriors doing Reverence to them as to Fathers. (3.) Ju- ftice puts Things in Order, fo cleareth : But Injuftice doth jumbie, fo puts Thingi in Confufion. (4.) Light 1.

' for

on 2 Samuel xxiii. 2, ?, 4.

for thofe that are righteous, BfaL xcvii. I I. (5.) Where Righteouihefs and Holinefsare, there the Lord command' eth a Blefling. In ^*a\ xxxi. Z3. when the Lord bringeth back the Captivity, it is promiled, that this Speech (hall be ufed, 7 he Lord blcfs thee, O Habitation of Juftice, and 'a in of Ho line fs!

U/e i. The Reafon of the cloudy and unclear Con- dition of the Land ; the Reafon is, amongli other Things, from this, that Rulers have not been juft and holy ; many leaping on the Threfhold, and filling their Matters Houfes with Violence and Deceit: This makelh the Day of Wrath, a Day of Trouble and Diftrefs, a Day of Wafte- nefs and Defolation, a Day of Darknefs and Glocminefs, a Das of Clouds and thick Darknefs, Zepb. i. 9, 15.

Ufe 2. Who defire a bright Morning upon this King- dom, let them pray for fuch Rulers, as may entitle and enjoy this Promife: Alas! good Men are rare, more pre- cious than fine Gold ; even a Man is more precious than the goldtn Wedge of Ophir, Jja. xiii. 12. No Wonder that good Rulers be rare.

As to the Second, The juft and holy Rulers have this Promife, that they mall be of a growing profperous Con- dition ; as the tender Grafs fpringing out of the Eart' clear Jhining after Rain. So Solomon keeping the Charge of the Loro his God, and walking in his Ways, ojc. hath the Promife to profper in all that which he ihpuld do, and whitherfoever he turned him, 1 Kings ii. 3, 4. f<3 in 1 Chron. xxii. i 3. fo Afay becaufe he fought the Lord, The Lord ga<ve him Reft on every Side, and he built arc. pered: and in Prov. iv. 18. The Path of the juft is / Jhining Light. Reafons of this are, (1.) It is a jutf 1 with God, that it mould be fo, and it is promifed it be fo, 2 Chron. xv. 2. The Lord will be with ti. •with him. (2.) Though Innocency be often preyed upon, yet by the Promife of God it is the belt Guard againft Violence; the Innocent Jhall ftir up himfelf againft the Hy- pocrite, Job xvn. 8. and in Job xxii. 19. The Innocent laugh the wicked to font 9 becaufe their own Subftance is not cut but the Remnant of the wicked the Fire con/umeth, ver. 20. and in ver. 30. of that fame chap* it is promifed, That the B

1 8 S E R M O N III.

Lord <u - d of the Innocent. (3.) RightC-

ouinels and Holinels doth put States in a right Complexi- on ; To lie ^row. (4.) Ruling and Judg- ing for the Lord, doth engage the Lord to be for thofe that do io.

Uft 1. Hence may be judged, on what to charge bad SucccfTes, which this Land hath had now of a long Time, in a great part upon this, that Governors have not been as at the firft, not holy and juil as they mould have been; vea we would needs have vlen in Places of Power and Truit, who were notorioufly profane : This we have to mourn for.

2. What we want of Comfort from the Govern- ment of Men, make it out by Faith, from the Govern- ment of Chrift. He guideth all well, and will do all Things well in his Covenant Adminiftrations : He will ride prolperoufly, P/al.xlv. 4. In his Da>s fhall the righ- teous flourifh, Pfal. Ixxtf. 7. He reigning will be a hi- ding Place, If a. xxxii. 1,2. He will reign and profper, Je>. xxiii. 5- and execute Judgment on the Earth.


I M u E L xxiii. 5.

th God\ yet he bath made h me an evetiajiing C

TH E Kirg and Prophet David hath been with Thankrulnefs rtmemberiog the high Dignities the Lord had railed him unto ; both to be a Prophet and King, and the Orders of Heaven given unto him, for his age in the fame, in the Verfes preceding. In this he falleth upon Search and Enquiry into his Ellatt ; and he findtth his Houfe not in a Condition or Carriage Tunable to his eithe- Rtceits or Engagements; upon which, to get fon;e Stajfc to h;s Heart, he turneth in to the ever-


on 2 Samuel xxiii. y. 19

lading Covenant, and againft both Sins and Troubles pre- sented unto him, he comforteth himfelf, that God had made with him an everlafting Covenant, ordered in all Things and fure : He taketh ic for all his Dcfire and Sal- vation, though his Houfe fhouid not grow: He is trie lefs troubled, if the main Anchor hold, the Covenant Inte- reft be made, and ft a rid fure.

Intending by the Lord's Help, to fpeak from this Text, to the Covenant of Grace, I fhaii firft fpeak to David*s Cafe and Carriage in the general, as it may be gathered from the Text, and after come to fpeak of that well-ordered Covenant, to which he hath Refuge. As to the firft, we have thefe two, i. His Search of his Condition and Cafe. 2. The Verdict which he pafTeth, or that which he find- eth upon cesrch.

As to the firft, His Search into his State and Conditi- on, he hath been confidering how highly the Lord had honoured him; and now he cometh to examine, what Suitablenefs, or Unfuitablenefs to (o high Favours, was to be found in him and his Houfe before the Lord.

Doct. I. Believers, in their Search of their State ana Condition, Jhould compare their prefent Caje and Carriage, with their former Receipts.

So Jacob remembereth all the Mercies and the Truth which the Lord had fhewed unto him, and findeth him- felf unworthy, Gen. xxxii. 10. And Ezra, in chap. ix. 13. he reckoneth both the Lord^ Rods and the great Deliver- ance : And there is good Reafori for this, 1. The Lord, when he reckoneth with his People, he doth reckon with, them principally upon the Score and Account of Mercies, fo in Ezek. xvi. 5, 6. None Eye pitied thee, and when I pafjtd b i thee, and jaw thee polluted in thine oven Blood, I J aid unto thee, when thou waft in thy Blood, live ; faid unto thee, when thou waft in thy Blood, It 2 Sam. xii. 8, 9. with the fame David, 1 gate thee thy MafteSs Houfe, and thy Mafter s Wives iai mt and

gave thee the Houfe of Ifrael and J udah, and if that had been too little, 1 would have moreover given unto ihet and fuch Things ; wherefore haft thou dejf:, :.mand-

merit of the Lord. 2. Who re^d their Obligation. B 2


Col. i. io. to 'walk worthy of tie Lord^ will find this fpe* daily included, to walk worthy of his Mercies. 3. Sin- nitig, even againft common Mercy, is a great Aggrava- tion of Sin, againlt the Riches of common Goodnefs, Rom. ii. 4. 5. and fuch Sinning doth bring on the more fh.ip and lc vere Judgments, Amos iii. 2 Y,u ottlj have I Families of the Earthy therefore 1 will pu- nifh \:u for ali your Iniquities.

i. Reproof to tnofe that level not their Walk to the Rule of Mercies which they have received ; they have not u ilked of Love, and of their large Receipts: They may have juft Challenges from Deut. xxxii 6. Do ye thus requite and, frcm Je>\ ii. 5. W 'hat Iniquity have

you fund in mc? An J we will rind a threefold Plague at- tending that Way, (1.) A fhamelefs and defperate Oppo- fing of God ; and how dangerous that is, let any j jdge. (2.) A growing Hardnefs of Heart. (3 ) Treafuring up Wrath.

2. Be exhorted to be much in the fearching out and pondering of your Mercies, that the Wrongs in your Walk m>v be the better taken up: Begin even at that, how God at firtf. made Man but a little lower than angels, Pfa. viii. $. and m iketh him fearfully and wonderfully, from Day to Day, Pfal. exxxix. 1 4. how he bringeth Food out of irth, and Wine' which maketh glad the Heart of Man, Pfal.zw. 14, 15. how he grantcth Life and Fa- vour, and by his Vifitation prefervetti our Spirits, Job x. 12. how in him we live, move and have our Being, Ajls xvii. 2$. Then remember all his good Providences, and above all, his Covenant Mercies, and all the fpiritual herewith he hath blefTed us in Chrilt Jefus. Then lit down and reckon what Meeting you have given .

% in their Search, would bring their Ruh ••, iv Aether all be conform to what ,hen to us. I fearcheth whether it was fo witrf himfelf and /here he profeflcth that he would medi- tate on God's Precepts, and fo have Refpect unto his and in ver. 59. that he thought on


on 2 Samuel xxiii. fi 2 r

his Ways, and turned his Feet unto his Tejlimonies. In Jam. i. 25. there is commanded the looking Into the perfect Law of Liberty, and continuing therein ; and in IJa. villi 20. lfrael is commanded to go to the Law and to the 7e- ftimony: Believers would look unto this, for, i. If they will not judge themfelves, God will judge them by it, Rom. ii, 12. 2. It is a true and perfect Glafs, as it is compared to it, Jam. i. 2f. 3. Ail other Rules are ei- ther imperfedl or crooked; fuch as, Reafon, Cuilom, Example. 4. If we do not draw up our Charge fully, according to Law,, how fruli we have a full and Con- fcience-fatisfying Difcharge ?

Ufe I. Hence it if rnanifeft what the Caufe is, why many do never come to a true and clear Eilimate of their Eitate ; they do either reckon wilhout the Law, or not punctually with it.

bfe 2. All you who look to give an Account of your Srewardfhip, (and you know not when it may be faid un- to you, as to the Man in Luke xvi. 2. Give an Account of thy Steward/hi p> for thou mujt be no longer Steward) La- bour (1.) To know the Law in all its Dimenfions. O it is exceeding broad, Pfal. cxix. 36. (2.) Exan ine fir ici- ly all thy Ways according to the itrict Rule, confidering ferioufly whether thy Life doth exa&ly quadrate and a- gree with the fame.

Doct. 3. The right Eflimate of our Ell ate, is, to take it up, not as it is in the World, or before Men, but as it ii <uith and before the Lord. My Hou/t is not fo with thet, faith David.

We would examine, whether our Walk hath been with God, as Enoch and Noah their Walk was, Gen. v. 24. and vi. 9. whether before God, as Abraham his Walk was. Gen. xxiv. ^.o. compared with Gen. xvii. I. whether we have walked after the Lord, as the Commandment is, Deut. xiii. 4. There is fpecial good Reafon for thus doing. 1. We are only countable to him, Rom. xiv. 12. and we mull every one give Account of himfelf. 2. Jf we have no better than Man's Tellimony and Ablblution, it may beguile us: They know not our fecret Sins, and Cannot know our Hearts; and Affections may blind and £ 3 niiflcad


miflead them in their Judgment. 3. If we be right with and before God, we cannot readily be wrong befon who are truly godly, ana have the right Decerning: But though we be right in the Eyes of the bell difcerning Men, we ma) be wrong in the Eyes of the Lord. 4. Our eternal Eltate will be meafurtd according to that which is here ; and it is to be with him for ever, 1 The/T. iv. 1 7. So it is necefTary, both that we be with him here, and that we know ho»w we are with him.

Ufe I. Hence is dilcovered their Madnefs, who in the a and Care of their Eltate, never either get, or la- boured to get, above that, to have thejr State and Cai'c here judged, and approved before Men, and of Men.

Uje 2. Let all wile Chriftians try how it is between them and God; and not truit their own Hearts in this Search ; for it is deceitful above all

[Hall know it (1.) By the Word ; what the Word faith of ic, fuch it is. (2.) Know it in three Particulars, i/L What of Chriii is in it. zd. What and how there is in it for God. 3./. How it is with us as to er ? Doct. 4. A Cbriflimn that hath a Family in the Search- ought to fearcb boiv it is ninth his H'u.'e. ua did 100k to and engage his Houfe to the Lord, 15. fo did Abraham before him, Gen. xvrii. io. and David after him, Pfal.ci. 2, 7. So much was particularly commanded, Dent. x\. 20. David here hath fcarching, how it was with his Houfe. The fame Duty doth ly on all Mailers of Families, I. Becaufe of the general Obligations which \y upon us, both to God and our Neighbour. 2. Becaufe or" the nearer Re- lation, and fpecial Truft. 3. U the Work and Worfhip of God be .: to in Families, how can it go well

with the Chu;^

1. Kcpioof to thofe, who if they do any Thing, in the Point of Search and Care, for fecunng their own fpiritual State, lit down fatisfied, as it there were no other Thirg to be done ; and nevrr look after the State of their Family or Pofteritj, how it is or ihall be with them. It is a bad Token of a Man's own Eitate, to be


on 2 Samuel xxiii. 5^ 23

negleclive of thofe, with whom the Lord hath truflcd them.

Ufe 2. All who defire to fecure their own fpiritual and eternal Filate, wouhi look carefully into their Houfes and Families, and take care of all thofe under their Charge and Trull ; remembering and considering that Word, in Prov. xxvii. 23. Be thou ddige-it to knoiv the State of thy Flocks, and u, look well to thy Herds.

Come we now to the Verdiel, which he pafTeth upon the Search, even that Things were not right vn his Houfe, Although my Houfe be not Jo with Cod.

Doct. I. Moll perfcl Men, upon ferfcus Search, will find that Matters are not p right betwixt tbejn ahd Gcd as they ought to be.

David upon Search fometimes flnderh innumerable E- vils compaifir.g him, iniquities taking hold on him, and moe than the Hairs of his Head, P/aL xl. 1 2. at another Time, he fincleth the Iniquity of hi* Heeis CGmpaffing him about, Pfal. xlix. 5. That Bejievers upon Search will find much wrong, it cometh from this, 1. From the vSpi- rituality and Perfection of the Law, and too much of that which is carnal in them, Rom. vii. 14. 2. From that of Sin which doth dill dwell in them, Rom. vii. 17. 3. From the many and divers Ways how Things may be wrong, either in the Defecl and fhort coming, or in the •over-reaching and Superfluity, or by Daubings and Di- ftempers, or by manifold Temptations, readily in the belt Works.

Ufe 1. If it be thus, where is Merit of which the Pa- pijl doth boaft, where are the Works of Supererogation?

Ufe 2. Believers may not ever call in queition, much lefs cait their Intereft, becaufe of Unaniwerablenefs, fhort-comings, or any Difcovery of Sin and manifold Infirmities : The belt of the Saints have upon Search found it no better with them ; yet have not call, away their Confidence for all that.

Doct. 2. Even in befl ordered Families many Things may :metimes ami,s ; yea, and it may be, fome grcjjer Itiinas than in ether Families not fo well looked to.

B 4 Here


>k well to his

Ci I. i nere he

eel Heart :

I h thifl I ext

n his Mily, I m\ in Ab >acyS%


The Re :. is a gre

Dcmj to gbi .non may curb

an^ reil rain Sin, it cannot cure it;

i that. 3. Even that which remained of Corrup- tion m pan when 'hey come together, may kmoje a Flame. 4. A Difordcr in the Head o! a Fa- mily, may be punifhed by the Permifiion of oth

be, greater Diforders in the Family, 2 Sam. xii. IP, 11, 12.

Ufe I. VVe may not rafhly caft Families out of our Charity an J Prayer©, though iome foul and fearful Things fall out in them : Such Things have fallen out in goaly Families.

Ujc 2 \s it is the Duty of Heads of Families to fee to thtniiuvt-b, that they walk orderly, and examplary in that w.ic. is good; fo there is Reafofl €0 pray much for gedly Families, efpeciaily the Heads of them, that DOthicg v:iihonourabie to God may be found in them, in theic looie Ti

Doer. 3. "There muft be found and cl< Hon of

Wrongs done , or oj that nubicb is nvrofr^. e can

uke Hold on the Covenant, or improve it to our Com-

fort. Daiid fonna I hings wrong here with his Houfe,

befor d in to the Covenant: So in Ztcb, ix. 1 1.

muft find themfelves P Pit, where

is tn Water, before they hive Benefit by the Bl^d of the

Cown^it ; in . lutth. xi. 28. They mult be labouring^ as

is heavy / iden; and, in Luke xix. 10. Tney muft

be ft\f loit The Reafons of this are, 1. There

coming to Chrilt, until a ivlan be weary of felf, and

willing to come out of him felf: And this cannot

wunout Conviction that he is in the wrong Clofe.

2. There

on 2 Samuel xxiii. 5. 25

2. There is no coming to the Covenant, without a com- ing to Jefus; and there will be no coming to him, until he be prized; and there will be no prizing of him, till the Soul be humbled, Prov. xxvii. 7. 3. There can be. no clofing with Chrift in a Covenant, until there be a WilJingnefs to give a Bill of Divorce to every Sin ; and Sin muft be made bitter to the Soul, before it part with it. 4. It is natural to Men to blels themfelves in their Way, and to dream of Self-fufficiency ; this being, they will not look towards a Covenant; but found Conviction of their Wrongs will beat them thro' thofe vain Confi- dences, and make them glad to turn in to the Cove- nant.

i'fe 1. This is againft unhumbled Sinners coming to take Hold of the Covenant; they who are not fuffici- et.tly convinced of their Wrongs, and yet dare, and do prefun.ptuoufly, pretend to an Jntereil in the Covenant, they but deceive their own Souls.

life. 2. Lex all who are fufficiently convinced of their Wrongs, do, as David doth here, turn in to the Cove- nant, as to a ilrong Hold. But fome have their Doubt, that they were never duly humbled: To fuch I anfwer, (1.) God calleth for Sincere Humiliation, but hath not let a Mcaf re. (2.) The Lord humbleth greatly fome; fuch as thofe that are naturally proud, fuch as have been notorious Sinners, fuch as he defigneth for great Services ; ^«ot fo others. (3.) Satan raifeth the Storm, and iu- creafeth Fears with fome, more than with others ; which maketh the Humiliation feem to be greater. (4) The Lord knoweth the Strengh of every one : So all are not tempted alike, nor any above Meafure. (5.) That Mea- fure of Humiliation is fufficient, which obtaineth the Ends ; which are, 1/?, Sin loathed and left. 2V, An abfolute Need of Chrift feen. $d, Chriit highly eiteemed, and the Soul made willing to receive him.

Doct. 4. From this, that notwithflanding he found Things all wrong, yet he refolveth to fhelter and fave himfelf ip and by the Covenant, the Point is, Sin ought not to kinder J elf -loft Creatures from taking Hold of the Cove- nant.


2f> k> r, k .u u in in. err.

So doth Samuel teach the People, in I Sam. xii. 20. Te have d^e all dnrfs, yet turn not away f om

he Lord: And, in <uer. 22. a very encourag- ing Reafon is g'ven, The Lord <-jj ill not for fake his People, is great Nameys Sab* btcaufe it hath p:eafed the Lord to make you his People: And, in I/a. lvi. 3. neither the Son of the Stranger, nor the Eunuch, are excluded from taking Hold on the Covenant; the Rea- fons are, 1. The Covenant was not made to (hut out, but to take in, humbled Sinners. 2. The Covenant Righ- teoirnefs is a gifted, not wrought for, Righteoufnefs. 3. Tnere are two great Articles, or Claufes in the Cove- nant, which may anUer all Objections to the contrary ; One is in la. lv. 1, 7. Qome, buy without Money, and

without Price, and the Lord nxi/l abundantly pardon.

The other is in Ho/, xiv. 4. hwill beal their Backflidings, and hvt them freely. 4. The Faith of God mult not be of none Effecl, Rom. iii. 3. And Chrift is an Advocate for Six, 1 John ii. I.

Ufe I. Reproof to thofe, who, becaufe of Sin feen, wijl not, they fay that they dare not come : See that pretended Un worth inefs be not Pride : Suppofe never any was fo great a Sinner, God can make new Patterns, 1 Tim. i. 16.

Ufe 2. See your Refuge, who have your Souls in Dis- order: Let not not Sin hinder you: Believe, and take Hold: Hearts fixed on Chrift, will find Virtue from Chrift, both to kill Corruption, and to quicken unto Ho- linefs.

S E R-

( *7 ) SERMON I.



Which is of a Covenant in G;:neral; and of the Two Covenants, the Covenant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5*. j4l though my ffou/i be n:t fo with Cod; vet he hath made with vie an evert afling Covenant, welt ordered in ait Things and Jure ; for this is ail my Salvation, and all my Dejire, although he make it not to grow.

IN this fad Time, wherein Foundations are either de- ftroyed, as in PfaL xi. 3. or out of Courfe, as in Pfai. lxxxii. 5. when Difpenfations do threaten, as in Jer. xvii. 3, 4. that the Subftance and Treafures of the Lord's Mountain fhall be given to the Spoil, andZion to be madetodifcontinue from her Heritage ; and the Lord him- felf doth threaten, as in EzeLxx'i. 27. 1 <w ill overturn, over- turn, overturn, until he come ivho/e Right it i s ; that is, until MeJJiah the Prince get Poficrffion, and have Right done to him : In this reeling Time, wherein nothing is certain, it were good, and tor the great Advantage of the People of God, to make one Thing certain, even Intereft in him who is laid in Zion for a Foundation, a Stone, a tried Stone, a precious Corner-Stone, a fure Foundation, I fa. xxviii. 16. The Father hath laid this Foundation, this Stone, in a Covenant : He hath given him for a Co- venant

28 S E T

menant > \ if] fcven

Eyes upon it, It is

fuchar! -

I] laid

in a Covenant, this


I , Pro v. vui.

J2. Htrt is the //'<?•?£ fl '// the Pnfoners

pe are to tur*% in t ie itor.ri'. h. ix. II, 12.

It is Chriit in a Covenant, <zu^ ;j / j en the Af-

Lam\ who wiil never want /even

Shepherds, end eight principal Men, to be raijed againd

him, Mic v. 5.

It is of this Covenant I intend to fpeak from this Text; A Covenant i&elf or dered, to which David turned in, when the Th:ngs of his Houfe were in Diforder, and to which we fhould turn in, in the Difordersof the lime. Of t. i; Covenant I propound and purpoie to lpeak, if the Lord wiji, to thefe ten tic

I. VVhat a Covenant, and this Covenant is.

II. How it is a Covenant, that is rnade, and well made, concluded and ended.

III. Who made if.

IV. The Parties engaging and engaged, and all that have Interetf in this Covenant.

V Of the Condition of it.

VI. Of the Properties

VII. Of the Bltflligs of the fame.

VIII. Of the Way and Means liow thefe Bleffings are conveyed.

IX. Of the great Duties required in and by it.

X. Of the Danger and deiperate Eftate of thofe who lay not Hold on it.

The I. Thing to be fpoken to, is, what a Covenant is, and whar this Covenant is. As to the Firfl of thefe, a Covenant is an Agreement betwixt Parties, by Promife and Engagement, upon certain Conditions and Articles: 60 there be civil Covenants, fuch as that betwixt J a cob and Laban, Gen. xvii. 44. betwixt Zcdekiab and the


On the C Covenant. 29

King of Babylon, Ezek. xvii. 16. But this Covenant facred, a Covenant made by Sacrifice, Pfal. 1. 5. There are two Words which chiefly expreis the Nature of this j Qovenant, in ics Name : One is, its Old Teltament Name, Beritb, coming from a Word v.hich iignifieth to chooTe or cut in Pieces ; for in making Covenants they ufed to cut the Sacrifice in Twain, and to pais between the Pieces; which did exprefs a Curfe upon the Covenant Breaker : . See for this, Gen.xv. 10. iS. and Jer. xxxiv. 18. The other is the New Teitanicnt Name, where it is called a Teftament, Ajdmn, in Luke xxii. 20. where the New Telfament is the New Covenant, and Heb. vii. 12. the better Teftament is the better Covenant : The Word figBifieth a bii'pofnion or Legacy ; it holdeth forth an Agreement betwixt God and Man, wherein the Riches of Cnriii, and the great Things of Salvation and eternal Life, are difponed to Man upon Condition of believing and receiving Chrift for Righteoufnefs.

U/e 1. Of this; fith this Covenant, from its Name, is a Bargain of free Choice, upon certain Articles, all who have a Mind to it, mull choofe it upon the Terms in which it itandeth j they muft enter in it, fo as they bind themielves with a Curfe not to break it : The Curfe by Confent is to the Breaker: To enter into a Covenant, and into a Curfe, in that reiptcl, is ore Thing, Neb. x. 29. And making of a Covenant, is the cucting of a Covenant, P/al. lxxxix. 3. who break it, fhali, accord- ing to the Curfe, be cut in Pieces, cut afunder, in Luke xii. 46. cut in Twain.

Ufe 2. Is the Name and Nature of this Covenant a Difpofition by Will ? Seek to have and hold it of free Wiil and good Pleafure : Seek to have and hold it, as ratified by Teftament, by the Deathv of the Teita.or, Heb. ix. 16. Take all the Legacy, from Remiflion of Sins to eternal Life ; and be content to be at the great Le- gator's Difpofal. This Covenant then is by the firiiNaine a Bargain, the beft Bargain ; and by the fecond it is a fure Bargain, ratified in a Teftamenc, and by the better Teilament. Further, that you may know what this Co- venant is, know this, that the Lord hath made two Co- ve i.-


venants with Man : The fir It in the State of Innocency, Gen. ii. 16, 17. wherein Life was promifed to Man, upon Condition of Obedience, and Death threatened upon his Difobedience. This may be called the Law, or Cove- nant of Nature; by Nature written on the He^rt, Rom. ii. 15. or the Law fimply : Ye are nai widtr the Law, in Rom. vi. 14. is, ye are not under the Co- venant of Works, or the Law and Covenant of Works; becaufc the Condition of this Covenant is Doing, Rom. x. 5. and Gal. iii. 12. There be five Things in it, 1. A Man is perlunally bound in it, as Adam The Soul thatfinneth (hall die, Ezek. xviii. 4. 2. It re- quireth perfect Obedience, fo in Deut. xviii. 13. Thou Jbalt be per f eft with the Lord thy *->od. 3. It mull be with all the Heart and Strength, Mark. xii. 30. 4. Jt niUil be perpetual, all the Days of a Man's Life, Deut. v. 29. 5. It is taken on, and to be performed in a Man's own Strength, under the Pain of a Curfe, and eternal Death. This is not the Covenant which is David's Re- fuge in my Text : Of it now it cannot be faid, as Heze- hah faid of the Promifes, By thefe 'Things Men five, and in thefe is the Life of Mens Souls, Ifa. xxxviii. I 6. Nay, this Law now worketh Wrah, and is found unto Death, Rom. iv. 15. and vii. 10. Yet the Law if. holy, and the Commandment is holy, and jujl and good, Rom. vii. 12. The other Covenant is the Gofpel Covenant, called the Gofpel, Rom. I. 16. The Covenant of Grace, called /£* Grace cf God which bringeth Salvation, Tit. ii. II. The Covenant of Peace, Jfa. liv. 10. and Ezek. xxxvii. 26. The Wo; d of Reconciliation, 2 Cor. v. 19. Ch rift's Teftament, his New Tellament in his Blood, Luke xxii. 20. The Condition of this Covenant is Believing, John iii. 16. It is of this Covenant that the Text is meant ; An everla- fling Covenant, well ordered in all Things and jure ; which was nude with David as a Type of Chrilt, and yet made with Chriit before it was made with David; for he was t'rte Root as well as the Offspring of David, Rev. xxii. 1 6. Thefe two Covenants were typified by Sarah and Agar, Gal. iv. 22,» 23, 24. the one gendreth unto Bondage, tne other to Liberty. More particalarly, let us confider thefe two


On the Gospel Covenant. 31

Covenants in thefe Things wherein they agree, and then in thefe Things wherein they differ.

As to the fir ft y they agree in feveral Things, 1. Tn the fame Author; the fame Lord Jehovah made both: This is againft an old Herefy of the Manickees, who made two Beginnings, one good, another evil ; this iait they made the Author of the firft Covenant, and the firft of the fecond. Now there cannot be two Beginnings more than two Gods: And the Covenant of Works was good, and the Law is ftiil holy and good. 2. The Par- ties are the fame, God and Man*. 3. The high and laft End of both is the fame, the glorifying of God. 4. The Reward is and was for Subilance the fame, eternal Bief- fednefs. 5. Both conditional; Conditions were and are required in them. Life was never promifed, fo as that Men mould live at Pleafure : No Covenant leaveth either of the Parties free. 6. Both did require a per feci Righ- tcoufnefs, Rem. iii. 31. with 1 Cor. vi. 9. where all un- righteous Perfons are excluded Heaven. Man is requi- red in both to be perfeel; compare Gen. xvii. 1, with Deut. xviii. 13. 7. Both were made unchangeable in this, they mull be fulfilled; cpmpare Jer. xxxiii. 20. with Matth. v. 17. and they" are damned that fulfil it not, Rom. viii. 3. 8. Both bind under a Curfe, Deut+ xxvii. 26. 1 Cor. xvi. 22.

Ufe 1. There is need that all (ludy to know thefe Co- venants; and under which of them they are; for though they agree in many Things, yet the one of them now is Only unto Life, having in it that Law of the Spirit of Life which is in Chriit Jefus, Rom. viii. 2. the other is unto Death.

JJfe 2. Matter of Rejoicing to thofe who have not now to come to Mount Sinai, which genderetn unco Bondage, but are come unto MouBt Zion; as is txpref- fed in Hcb. xii. 22. to that EUate wherein the Spirits oi jufl Men are made perfeel, ver. 23. that is, to this new and better Covenant, wherein there is perfeel Righteouf- I indeed that Righteoufnefs of God, Rom. in. ii, 22.

Come we now to confider the Differences of the two Covenants, 1. They differ in the Condition vvhic^



require ; the one requireth Doing, Gal. iii. 12. the other Believing, Ads xvi. 31. yet Faith is commanded in the Law, (1.) As to the Act 6i 'Fruiting and Dependence on God: The Light of Nature doth teach all Creatures this Dependence, PfaL cxlv. 1 5. The Eyes of all <wait up- on thee. (2 ) As to the Act of Perfuafion, that God will be plea led if his Will be done. (3.) As to the A 61 of AfTurance of the pro mi leu Life, upon the Performance of the Condition. But Faith of a Redeemer and of his Love, was neither revealed, nor required in the Cove- nant of Works. Faith as a Piece of Holinefs was requi- red in the Covenant of Works, not as an Inftrument re- ceiving and applying Chrilt for Rightejufneb : Yea, though Works be required in the Goipel, as in Mai. v. 16. that our Light mould fhine before Men, and in Tit. ii. 12. that we fhould live foberl,, righteouJly\ and gidfy, in this prejent World: but Works are not required in the Gofpel for Righteoufnefs, as in Deut. vi. 25. but for e- videncing the Truth and Reality of Believing, Jam. ii. Ijr, 18. they are not required to be performed in our own Strength, but through Chrift ftrengthening us, PhiL iv. 13. Nor in the fan*? Order as in the Covenant of Works; there they were' to be fijft performed, then the Promile to be looked for ; but in the Covenant of Grace, Believing muit go firft, and good Works follow after; the Obedience is of Faith, Rom. xvi. 26. And they who firft believe, muft in the next Place be careful to main- tain good Works, Tit. iii. 8. The frcond Difference in the Covenant of Grace, there is a Mediator, and Jefus is he, Heb. ix. 15. and xii. 24. not fo in the Covenant of Works: As to that Place, in Gal. iii. 19. where the Law is faid to be ordained by Angels in' the Hand of a Me- diator ; by the Mediator was meant Mcfts ; or if Chrilt, then it is to be remembred that the Covenant published on Mount Sinai was not a Covenant of Works, but a Cove- nant of Grace, difpenied in Types and with legal Ter- rors: So the Law was made a Schoolmafter to lead us to Chrift, Gal. iii. 24. and that Book of the Covenant had ' the Blood of the Covenant with it in a Sign, Excd. xxiv. as (0 that which is faid in Htb. viii. 7, 8. that the


On the Gospel Covenant. 33

Covenant on Mount Sinai is faid not to be fauldefs; it is meant, not every Way fo clear and perfect as the fecond and better Covenant. Third Difference, in the one, Man is left to -his own Strength, in the other, Help is laid for him upon one that is mighty, Pfal. Ixxxix. 19. Fourth Difference, In the one, the Reward would have been given of Works, but in this other, the Reward is given of mere Grace, Rom. iv. 4. Fifth Difference, Jn the one, ihould have been but a Righteouf.efs inherent, and of a Mao ; bin in the other, is the Righteoufneis of God, and that imputed. Sixth Difference, The Covenant of Works was to be bro- ken, but this Covenant of Grace is to Hand for ever.

Ufe 1. The Mifery of thofe who are not yet entered in this new and better Covenant: It may be known from that \^hich hath been faid of the Differences; they are left qjfc themfelves, they have no Mediator nor Helper, they ara|pnder the Curfe, and muft both count and pay to the utmoit Farthing.

Ufe 1. Encouragement to thofe that are within this fecond Covenant: They are under the better Covenant, and they have every Way tr.e belt Advantage, as will be feen in the Progrefs. ChrihVs imputed Righteoulnefs is a fair and white Covering ; his Fulnefs is a rich Trea- fure; he is made Wifdom, Righteoufneh,Sanclificationand Redemption, 1 Cor. i. 3c. He is made all Things to the Believer.

Here the Queftion may be moved, feeing the two Co- venants are fo different, can any be under them both? Anjkv. By no Means; for they who are under Grace are not under the Law, Rom. vi. 14. It is further urged, if Believers be not under the Law but under Grace, what have they then to do with the Law, what Need have they to regard Works, or to care how they live ? Chrift is made San&ihxation unto them : Thus doth the Libertine and Antimmian fay.

To thefe I anfwer ; and fo to the Queition, 1. Believ- ers are not fo under the Law, as the Hand writing or Or- dinances againft them ; fo it is nailed to the Crols of Chrift, Col. ii. 24. 2. Not under the Law, fo as to count with it to the utmoit Farthing; a willing Mir. C *nd


and, according to that which a Man hath, is accepted in the Golpel Obedience, 2 CV. viii. 12. 3. They are not under the Curfe of the Law: Chriit was made a Curfe for them, to deliver them from that Curfe, Gal. iii. 10, 13. 4. They are not under it, as a Covenant to get Righteoufnefs thereby, but as a holy Commandment and Rule of Obedience ; for it is an everlailing Rule of Righ- teoufnefs: It is yet the Rule to the new Creature, Gal. vi. 15, 16. as well as it was to Adum in the State of In- nocency : Believers are ftill under Law to Chriil, 1 Cor. ix. 21. under him, as King and Lawgiver, Jam. iv. 12. For the Proof of this, that under the Gofpel, we are obliged to the Obedience of the Law, as it is a Com- mandment: Confider, (1.) That in Mattb.xv. 17. Cbrift came not to deftroy the Law, but to fulfil it. (2) In his Conflict with Satan, he made ufe of the Law, Iflatth. iv. 7, 10. {3 ) He did keep the fame Rule in Obedience, which he prefcribed to others ; fo the Exhortation to Ho- linefs is propounded in thele Terms, that the fame Mind mould be in Believers which was in Chriit., Phil. ii. £. If it be laid for our Juitification, I anfwer, not only fo, but for Example alfo, Johnx'm. 14, 15. 1 Pet. ii. 2r, 22, 23. both in Doing and Suffering. (4.) Under the Law, is one Thing ; Conformity to it is another : Not to itudy this lait, were to go crofs to the Light of Nature. (5.) Paul doth profefb himfelf to be under Law to Chriit, 1 Cor. ix. 21. even his inner Man to be under it, Rom, vii. 22, 25. (6.) To take away the Law were to un- king Chrilt; no Law no King, Luke xix. 14. (7.) The keeping of the Law is preferred to all external Preroga tives : Circumcifion is nothing, and Uncircumcifion ii nothing, but the keeping of the Commandments of God. 1 Cor. vii. 19. (8.) Duties in the New Teftament arc prefled from the Authority of the Law, 1 Cor. ix. 8, 9. and xiv. 34. and in Epb. vi. 2. as a royal Law, Jam. ii 8. (9) Paul by the Spirit calleth the Law ipiritual. Rom. vii. 14. good, holy and juil, in the 12. *ver. of thai fame chap, that it is good if a Man ufe it lawfully, 1 Jim i, S. (10.) It is Antichrifi^s Name, that he is a Jawlef; Man 2 Thejff. ii. 3. No Chriitian then fhouk


On the Gospel Covenant. 35*

pretend to be without Law. (n.) Not to be fubjedt to the Law, it goeth under a bad Character in the Phrafe of the Holy Ghoft; it is only the carnal Mind, and Wif- dom of the Flefh, that is not fubjec* to Law; it is En- mity againlt God, Rom. viii. 7. If it be faid, that they walk after the Law, as it is written in the Heart, not as in the Book of Scriptures, I anfwer, if}. The Law writ- :en in the Heart, if not according to that which is writ- :en in the Book, it mult not be looked unto, I/a. viii.- 20. :here is no Light in it. 2d. Chrift maketh no fuch Di- [tinftion : The Law written in the Volume of the Book, ind upon the Heart, are one, Pfal. xl. 7," 8. 3d. What is upon the Heart, can be no perfect Rule: The Heart is cieceitrul, fo hath need of a Touch ftone, Jer. xvii. 9.

Ufe 1. Again it Antinomianiftn and Lihertinijm : It m..y juickly come .0 that, to make Sons of Belial', which is without a Yoke; it were becaufc Grace aboundeth, to make Sin abound much more; contrary to Rem. vi. 1, 2.

U t 2. Let as many a? believe, follow after Holinefs; knowing that the Law now is the Law of Chrift, fo ful- fil it, Gal vi. 2. that it is the perfect Law of Liberty, Jam. i. 25. yet fo as it is Chilli's Yoke, Luc a vwy cuy ifoke.

C 2 S E P

i ; S E R M O N II



As the Old and New Covenant; how the fame, and how they differ.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5.

Although my Houfc be not fo with God; yet he hath made

rlajhng Covenant y well ordered in all Things

I hre ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire,

although he make it not to grow.

WE have heard of the two Covenants, the Cove- nant of Works, and the Covenant of Grace, and wherein they agree, and how they differ. Now the Covenant of Grace, albeit it be one and the fame it falJeth into or under a twofold Consideration, as the Old, and as the New Covenant, by reafon of the old and new Difpenfationsof the fame. Of thefe two Difpen- iations we read in Jcr. xxxi. 31, 35. Behold the Day* ccmc, faith the Lord* that 1 11 ill make a New Covenant with the Houfe of Ifrael, and <with the Houfe of J udah, not a. the Covenant that 1 made with their Fa

in the Day that J took them by the Hand, to bring out of the Land of Egypt ', which my Covenant they ugh I was an Hi f band unto them, faith the Lord Covenant that 1 will make with tin ft Days, faith the Lord, I wil pu

On the Gospel Covenant. 37

put my Law) in their inward Parts, and write it in their Hearts, and will be their God, and they jhali be my People ; and they Jball teach no more every Man his Neighbour, and every Man his Brother, faying, know the Lord, for they Jhali all know me, from the leaf} of them to the greatefl of them, faith the Lord, for I will forgive their Iv.iquity, and remember their Sin no more. Of theie two Covenants doth the Apoille reafon, Heb. viii. from <uer. 6. to the End of that chap, citing the fame Scripture.

Of thefe two Covenants, fo called, New and Old, becaufe of the divers Diipenfations, we propound thefe two Things, 1. To clear unto you, how thefe two are but one and the fame Covenant of Grace, 2. How and in what Refpeft they are different Dffpenfations.

As to the firji, we lay down this as a certain Truth, that the Covenant of Grace was one .and the fame in Subltance ; that from Adam, and the Promife made to him in Paradife, unto Noah, from Noah to Abraham,, from Abraham to Mofes, from Mofes to David, from Da- *<id to Chrifl, with that Covenant made with Chrifl in Eternity, and declared by him and his Apoilles to the World's End : This fnall appear if we compare I/a. xlii. 6. where Chrifl is given for a Covenant to the People, and for a Light to the Ge?itiles, with Eph, ii, 12, 13. where the fometimes far- oft People are made near by the Biood of Chrift: And the Apoille Paul, in Jcls xxvi. 22. profefTeth he preached no other Thing in preaching the Gofpel, but that which the Prophets and Mofes laid ihould come; and, in Eph. ii. 20.*bcrh Jew and Ge?:tile is built upon the fame Foundation of tne Prophets and Apoitles, Jefus Chrifl himfelf being the chief Corner Stone; and the Apoille John, in his 1 Eftji. i. chap, and i.ver. faith of Chrill and the Gofpel Covenant. Thar which was from the Beginning. For further Proof of this, confide r firfl, How the fame fubftantial Things are common to both, 1. The fame Original and Fountain, God's free Love and Choice, in Dent. vii. 7, 8. with Eph. i. 5. 2. The fame great Promifes ?nd Eleflings, 3od their God^ and ours, Lenjit. xxvi. 12. with 2 Cor. n. 16. Forgivenefs of Sin theirs and ours, Pfat. xxxii. C a 1,— c.

30 O H, IV JV1 V ]N 11.

1,-5. with £c<w. iv. 6. the fame Adoption, Jtr, iii. 19. with Gal. iv. 5. the fame Condition of the Covenant, 1/fK. Faith, /&/£. ii. 4. with Rom. iv. II. where the Kigh- teoufnefs is by Faith : Unbelief did of old cut them off as well as now, Rom. xi. 20. 3. The fame Spirit then and now, the Tame Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. iv. 13. that of John vii. 39. is either meant of the extraor.. Gifts of the Spirit, or more than ordinal c pou-

red forth. 4. The fame Rule of Life, an . Reward, I/a. xxxiii. 2. with Jam. iv. 12. the giver, and the fame Salvation, Luke ii. 30, 32 el Life was then prom i fed as well as now, an t Salvation, Ifa. xlv. 17. God was their God after | then, as well as now, JMattb. xxii. 32. 2. Conhaer, and it (hall be found that there was the fame CJ then and now; they the Jfrael of God, and lo we, vi. 16. they our Fathers, and we their Children, x. 1. being of the fame Faich, we are the Children of Abraham, Gal. iii. 7. 3. They had the fame I -

ched unto them, which we have pi i:u us,

Heb. iv. 2. 1 Pit. iii. 18, 19, 20. wnere the GoJjX preached by the Spirit of Chriir. in the Days or As to that, in Rom. i. <ver. 2. where the Gofpel i to have been promifed by the Prophets, it is meant, only in Reipect of the more full Declaration of it ; but the Do&rine of free Grace was, as to the Subitance, the fame. 4. It will be found that there was and is but the fame Covenant, from Acls iii. 25. where the Jt dealt with to embi^ce the Gofpel Covenant, by this Ar- gument, becaufe they were the Children of that Cove- nant which God made with Abraham. As to that which may be objecled, from Heb. viii. the new Covenant is only another Covenant, in the Manner of Adminiftra- tion; as we may hear further, when the Difference! come to be opened : Only now we fay, The Old an^ New Covenant are like Rebecca veiled, and the lame unveiled. The former is vuiihed, only in Ret Shadows; it ftandeth in the Subitance : ^re it i:

, that it was broken, as it was broken by Unbelief fo may the New Covenant be broken: So there


On the (jospel Covenant. 39

Difference as to that, more than in this, that both then and now, many were in it externally only. As to that which fome have dreamed, that the Fathers in the old Difpenfation had a mixed Covenant ; it is manifell, that neither was nor could be. ifl. It is clear, they had no Mixture of the Works of the Law in the Point of Ju- ftification ; for to Abraham Faith was imputed for Righ- teoufnefs, Rom. iv. 9, 11. id. As the temporary Pro- miles were to them Types of better Things; fo the Land of Promife, a Type of that Reit prepared for the People of God, Htb. iv. 9. 3:/. Temporal Bief&ngs then promised do not prove either another Covenant in Sub- nance, or a mixed Covenant ; becaufe the New Cove- hath temporal Bie (Tings alfo covenanted in it, Mat. vi. 33. and 1 Tim. iv. 8.

LJ' 1. This is againit thofe who put the Fathers, and thole who lived under the old Difpenfation of the Cove- nant, only under a Covenant for temporal Things: The Happineis of the Gentiles will be no other, than to fie dototti with Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. viii. 11. and in 1 Cor. x. 1, 2, 3, 4. they did eat the fame fpiritual Meat, and did all drink the fame fpiritual Drink with us.

2. If the Old Covenant and New be the fame, then the Scriptures of the Old Teilament are not to be rejected, but to be fearched and improved, to the End for which they were written, Rom. xv. 4. for our Learning; confidering how they were alfo written all by the fame Spirit, 2 Tim iii. 15, 16. who is but one and the fame: Confidering alfo, in the third Place, how they are noc only profitable, as other Scriptures, but necefTary for con- vincing of the Jewi\ and laftly, How not only the Do- ctrine of the Gofpel was confirmed from chence by Chrift and his Apollles, but they are a great Part of that Foun- dation, on which Chriitians mult be built to the World's End ; for the Fo indition is of the Prophets, as well as of the Apollles, Eph. ii. 20.

life 3. It is the Wifdom then of Chriitians ; to hoi J faft old Truths, the old Path, and the good for one, Jer. vi. 16. Stumhling from the ancient Paths, C4 to

4o SERMON n.

Ik in Paths, a Way not caft up, is condemned, in 15. In 2 Pet. i. 12. is commended Eliablifh- ment in th< i'ruth ; and in the Rpilt. of J ude%

vir. 3 there is recommended to thefe who have I in the common Salvation, an earneit Contending tot the delivered to the S >ew Opinions do

not nuke new Men, but nounfh old Corruptions.

Let us go now and fearch into the Differences of this old and new Difpenfation ot the Covenant : Though this Old and New Covenant be the fame in Subllanc .

fFerer.ccs: F'vji Difference, '^d by God th . or by the

at the New was begun to be p'lbiifh- ed" by the I coming in the Fie(h ; an

confirmed' by thole that heard nun, Heb. ii. 3. the Me- diator in the GL Difpenfation was by the Man and Ser- . Deut. v. 27. and. lieb. iii. 5. .But in the New, we have our o.'eiTed Lord Mediator, Hcb. ix. 15. and xii. 24 >ue Sc/r over his orivn Houfe% ILb. iii. 6.

>od for the bette. Covenant, in this Re- fpect : We have had the Son eclaring the De-

7. O blels him, tha't we have been refej J imes, and to the Fulnefs of

Time, wherein Chritt bimfelf came to be Meifenger of the Covenant, according as was prophefied, Mai. iii. I. .c been referved to the Times of the 1 a it Dil- lon of the Covenant; after which there will be no neA ' ;. 1 .

fed the Lord to try ft us,

both with the better Difpenfation and Di e had

need neglect not fo great a Salvation,

nd the better Difptnfations we have,

the grea:. our Sin in neglecting tlum.

The nee is, that the old Difpenfation was

more bardenfome than the new: So, 10. calletk^

it a Yoke, which neither they nor their Father? were able to bear: It put choie who lived under it, as Chil-> dren under Tut yea, in Bondage, under ;

ements «. f the World, Ga/' iv. 2, 3. They h id coft-J ly Sacrifices, as is to be ken in the Book of Leviticus ;\

On the Gospel Covenant. 41

1 and tedious Journeys, from the utmoft Parts of the Land, every Male thrice in the Year to Jerufalem, Deut. xvi. 16. They were under Reftraints as to Meats, tied to the Obfervation of Days and Months, Col. ii. 16, 20, 21. But in the New, the Yoke is eafy, and the Burthen light; the Service not fo toilfome, and the Help fuiHcient ; few- er Sacraments, and thefe not coftly ; no Days but the LordVday Sabbath ; and fuch as Providence and our Ne- ceflity (hall call for, no carnal but fpiritual Ordinances.

U/e 1. We ought then fo to notice and acknowledge this our dearly purchafed Liberty, by Handing faft in it, refilling all Temptations which may draw us back again to carnal Ordinances, or to the Ordinances of Men; for if the Lord hath fet us free of his own Law of Ceremo- nies, it were molt abfurd for us to think of being fubjedt to a new ceremonial Law, deviled by Men, remember- ing that Word, in Matth. xv. 9. In <vain do they kvorfhip me, teaching for Do8rir.es the Commandments of Men.

life 2. beeing thus the Lord hath removed the heavy Yoke, and fet us at Liberty, we mould evidence our Li- berty in being a more free-hearted and willing People, in the offering up of fpiritual Sacrifices, as in 1 Pet. ii. 5. and in ver. 16. of that chap. As free, and not ufing cur- Liberty as a Cloak of Malicicufnefs; doing Service to God with Gladnefs and Singlenefs of Heart, as in Acls ii. 46. If we do not fo, we may be charged, as Ephraim was, Hof xi. 3, 4. 1 taught Ephraim to go, taking them by their Arms, but tbey knew not that I healed them, I drew them <with the Cods of a Man, and nxith Bands of Love.

The third Difference, The old Difpenfation was more dark, but the new is more clear : There were the Sha- dows, but here we have the Body, Heb . i. 5. The Light is now as of the Sun, a marvellous Light, 1 Pet. ii. o. The Gofpel is a bright Revelation of the Myftery, which, was kept fecret, Rom. xvi. 25. now revealed to his holy Apoftles and Prophets by the Spirit, Eph. iii. 5. Eternal Life in the old Difpenfation was but rarely hinted, Pfa. Xvi. 11. and xvii. 15. and Dan. xii. 2. It was fhadowed by Reit in Canaan, and eternal Death by Exclufion from thence, Fjal. xcv. 11. Chrift's Perfon and Offices were


^2 O i^ IV 1V1 W .N 11.

not To fully fet torch in Prophecies, lfa. ix. 6. and in, : So his i ,-/. xiv. 18.

His Kingdom by D i. 31- H>s

prophetical Office by ut. xviii. 18. J

by the Sprinkling of Biood, Exod. xxiv. 7, 8. Sanctih- cation by many

thefe Points of precious and iv. ill ..re made

fo plain, as they who run may read them: 1. Be< all that which was to be done is finifhed by Ghr> ferirg up himfelf. 2. The Church was the) in Minori-

al. iv. I, 2. but now it is come to more perfe* 1 3. This Honour was referved to Chrilt, as the great Pro- phet, and the Light of the VVorid, John i. 9.

Ufe 1. Take notici vjercy, this unfpeakable

Mercy, which is in the fo clear and oright M .mfcltation of the Gofpel; remembering th it Word in I 7. That many Prophets an us Men have defired fa

jee thofe "Things which ixe fee, and have n w, anj

to hear the Thing: r have heard, and have not

; and that, in Jdbn xiv. 22. how the Lord is pie 1- fed to manifeit himfelf to us and not to the World : Abraham himfelf has no more but a far off Sight, and yet he rejoiced, John viii. 56. The Performance of the greater Promifes all were referved for, our Time; iuch a* that, in lfa. xi. 9. The Earth to be filled ledge of the Lord, as the Waters eo<ver the Sea ; that, il

26. When the Light of the Moon fhali be .. - of the Sun, ana f the Sun /ball be (even fold* as

the Light of fe*ut in the Day that the L

ch cf his l e $ti oke c

•, and that, in Jer. xxxi. 34. when there lhall be lefs need of teaching fundamental Truths; but all jball Lot d from the haft to the g yea 2 Is t fie New Covenant To clearly difpenfed ? ■11 and diilircl Knowledge of C in tb< r, and of all Covenant Truths ; we ihould

not b< n in Underlranding, 1 C

1 and fro nvith ever) cf Doe? tine ; which is forbidden in Eph. iv. 14. If we do not itudy to be rooted and fettled in the Kaowledge of


On the Gospel Covenant. 43

Truth, we will be reckoned an ongft cl-ofe that love Darknefs rather than Light, John iii. 19. Ignorant and unfettled Souls are in a very dangerous Eicate, the God o; this World hath blinded them, 2 Cor. iv. 4. The un- learned and unliable ivreft the Scriptures to their own De- :izny 2 Pet. iii. 16.

3. The greater the Light, and the brighter the Manifeitation be, it calieth /or more exadt Walking as ildren of Light, and of the Day, 1 TbeJJ. v. 5, 6. ; xiii. 1 3.

nee, There is a more effeclual Working in the New th n was in the Old : There was .kneis in the O'J ; it made nothing perfeel, Meb. vii. iS, 19. but the bringing in of" a bet:er Hope doth, ibid. lure of the Spirit then which is new, ■1 vii. 39. Jefs of the Spirit of Adoption, of that Spi- rit of Sons, Gal. iv. 6, 7. a lure of Faith alfo then than now, Gal. iii. 23. and iefs of Comfort and Joy, xvi. 24.

:here is no Ground of pleading Excufe, from the Saints Fallings and in the old Difpen-

n of the Covenant.

2. We flbbuld leek to be more filled with the Spi- rit, as in Eph* v. 18. 2 Tim. i. 7. that Spirit of Power, Love, and of a found Mind, to open your Mouths wide, t he may fill you with Grace more abundantly, as is promifed, Pjal. Ixxxi. 10. that you may be the more a- bundantly fruitful : To tl lorn much is gz<ven of him much U be nqu'ued, Luke xii 48. More efpecially exprefs the Power, 1 //. In fubduing Corruptions, zd. In bearing Afflictions, yi. in Growth to a perfect Man, to the Meafure of tne Stature, of the Fuinefs of Chriit, Bpb. iv. 13.

T; e fifth Difference, The Old Difpenfatio*i was only to one People ; the New is unco all. He is not now the

d of the Jews only, but of the Gentt iii. 29. For the Space of near two Thoui s the'

was only jn Jfrael: The Lord did not enlarge ihe J ent and itretch out the Cords at rlrit, 1. Etc of his good Pleafure, Matth. xi. 26. 2. To make his



Grace the more glorious, Rom. xi. 32. and Chrift the more eminent, Jfa. Jxvi. 1 9.

Ufe 1. We may not for this be high-minded; remem- bering that of Rom. xi. 18. we may not boaft againft the Branches, fometimes as evil as any, 1 Cor. vi. 11.

Ufe 2. Give up yourfelyes to Gofpel Grace, Jit. iit 11, 12. or fee the Hazard, Vengeance in Aiming Fire againft them that obey not the Gofpel, 2 Jhijf.\.%. and then be thankful, and glorify this Word of the Gofpel, as they did, in A/Is xiii. 48.

The Jixth Difference, The one was for a Time, until the Time of Reformation, Heb. ix. iq. the other is e- verlafting, Rev. xiv. 6. and the Ordinances of it ever- lafting, Mattb. xxviii. 19, 20. 1 Cor. xi. 26.

Ufe 1. 'Againft thofe who dream of another Gofpel-way, and that above Ordinances: Let them remember, how, after the Coming down of the Holy Ghoft, Ordinances were continued ; and confider that Threatning, Gal. i. 8. againft them- that would bring another Gofpel. Ordinan- ces will be ever needful, while we are here a People of fo much Infirmity, and fo many Necefiities: Needful alfo for the Performance of that great Duty, the honouring of the Son, John v. 23.


( 45 )

■'■■■■ ■■- I II I . I -.




How the Covenant is made, and of the Author of the fame.

i Samuel xxiii. 5*. Although my Houfc be not fo with God; yet he hath made with me an everlajling Covenant, well ordered in all Things and fure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, although he make it not to grow.

HAVING fpoken of the Covenant in general, of the two Covenants alfo, both of Works and Grace, and of this lail, both as Old and New ; I come now to the II. Head propounded, that the Covenant is not now to be made, but is already made, ended and concluded : He hath made with me an ever la ft hg Covenant ; That which I mail fay to this, I fhall deliver it in two Doclrines.

Doct. r. All the Good which Believers do receive '., it is all conveyed to them by Covenant.

So God made his Covenant with Noab, Gen. vi. 18. and remembered him, Gen. viii. 1. He eftablifhed a Co- nant with I/rael, to heard their Groaning, and redeem- ed them, Exod. vi. 4, 5, 6. He redeemed them alfo from the Babylonijb Captivity, out of the Pit wherein w-s no Water, by the Blood of the Covenant, Zech. ix. 11. And all that Good which is in the Goipei Redemption,


4<5 S E R M O N III.

is in Performance of the Promife and Remembrance of the holy Covenant, in Luke i. 72. The Reafons why th« Lord would deal thus with Men, to give all Things idler and greater co them by Covenant, were, 1 might be the better known, efpecially in his Faithful- nefs : It is a Part of his Name in Re-v. xix. 11. Il- ls faithful and true, who in Righteoufnefs makctii Now, it is belt known in keeping of Covenant: So in Deut. vii. 9. Know the Lord thy God, he is God, the faith- ful God, iv ho kcepeth Covenant ; fo, in Rom. xv. 8. Cnnft was a Minifter of Circumcifion for the Truth of God, to Confirm the Promifes made to the Fathers. 2. To feparate his People for himfelf : He doth fet apirt his People for himfelf, Pfal. iv. 3. He became the Lord their God by Covenant, and fo did feparate tht m from other People, Lev. xx. 24. He^made them fo, a peculiar Treafure to himfelf, Exzd. xix. 5 A People near him, Pfal. cxlviii. 14 3. He doth thus bring tiiem under a Bond, the Bond of a Covenant, Ezek. xx. 37. to enfure and keep them firmly adhering to himfelf, and to make them abide with him, Hof iii. 3. for he knows how un- ftedfaft, and bent to Backfliding we are, Hof. xi. 7. 4. To minifter to all that take hold on his Covenant the ftronger Confolation, Heb. vi. 17, 18. by two immutable 'Things in vuhich it is impojjible that God fhould lie. 5. That it might be much every Way to the Glory of God, 1 Chron. xvii. 24. David prayeth^ that it may be elta- blilhed; that the Lord of Holh be the God of / even a God to lfrael, for this End, tnat his Name may be magnified for ever : And, in 2 Cor. i. 20. All the Pro- mijes are Tea and Amen in Chrifi Jefus, to the Glory of God by us. 6. He will have his People to be in Covenant with him, that he may put high Honour on them : So-, in Deut. iv. 7. No Nation fo great as his People, by hav- ing God fo nigh unto them : And, in Deut. xxvi. 18, 19. the Lord, by avouching them to be his covenanted Peo- ple, made them high above all Nations which he had made, in Praife, and in Name, and in Honour. 7. That fo he might honour the Son, who is the Mediator and Mefienger of the Covenant: The Father hath a great


On the Gospel Covenant. 47

£)efign in the Covenant, for the honouring of the Son, John v. 23. 8. So to loofe and difengage us from all other Covenants, whether made with oid Lovers, Hjf. ii. 5, 19, 20. or with Heil and Dtath, Ifai.xxviu. 18.

XJfe I. Magnify Mercy in this, that the Lord hath been pleafed to communicate every good Thing to us, in this gracious Way of a Covenant: Salvation, and all that which leadeth unto it, is by Covenant; the Lord might have cafl fome Kindnefs to us, in Way of common Pro- vidence, as to other Creatures; but "he would not do fo, but give his People every Thing by a fpeciai Covenant : In this a fourfold Mercy, each of them more wonderful than another, (i.) The Condefcendence of Love. (2.) The fexuring an Intertft in God to poor wretched Sin- ners. (3.) Abundant Confolation. (4.) The Freenefs of the Grace by which all is difpenfed.

life 2. Is all difpenfed by Covenant ? We muil fee to this, that we be in Covenant: If we would have any Thing difpenfed, we mult confent to the Bargain, where- in, (1.) The Lord bccometh our God. (2.) He giveth Chrift, and then, (3.) With him all Things freely, Rom. viii. 32.

Ufe 3. Labour to be fenfible of our Loofenefs and Un- fledfaltnefs : The Lord faw a Neceflity of binding us in the ftraiteit Bcrnd with him, (1.) Wre have need to be drawn, John vi. 44. and, (2.) To be bound by ftraitefl Bonds, Jer. xiii. I, 11.

U/e 4. Is all good to be communicated to a Believer by Covenant? Ex peel all good only in that Way, in the Way of the Promife: Call for every good in that Way, from the Lord, upon the Bo:;d which he hath given thee; and then itudy to know this Covenant aright, and to walk worthy of it: They that fear the Lord, the Lord will mew them his Covenant, Pfal. xxv. 14. All the Paths of the Lord will be Mercy and Truth to them that keep his Covenant, ver. 10. of that Pfalm. David prayed by the Covenant, that the Lord would have Re- fpecl unto it, when the dark Places of the Earth are full of the Habitations of Cruelty, Pfal. Ixxiv. 20. To clofe tkis, all you that have clofed in Covenant with God, and



know that all your good cometh unto you by a Covenant of Grace, Let your Cmverfation be as becometh the G of pel of our Lord Jefus Chri/I, according to Phil. i. 27.

Doct. 2. From this Head: 7 hi s Coven ant ', by which every good is conveyed unto us, it is a Covenant already made, agreed upon, concluded and ended in Eternity, in the well-ordered Decree.

The Word is fettled in Heaven, Pfal. cxix.fc89- Arid it fball be as the Dass of Heaven, Pfal. Ixxxix. 28, 29. But as it is revealed to Man, it is To made, that it is eltablifh- ed, Gen. x/'ii. 7. and it is confirmed, Dan. ix. 26, 27. It is not now to be made, but to be declared, Pfal. ii. 7. to be remembered, Pfal. iii. 7. and to be kept, Neb. i. 5. The great Grant of Heaven and Happinefs is drawn up and written, yea, and pailed the Seals too. That it is not now to be made, I do demonilrate thus, 1. It is in the Text, an everlafting Covenant ; and, in Pfal. ciii. 17, 18. from everlatting to everlalting is that Mercy, which is held forth and offered therein. 2. It was made with Chrift in Eternity, as may be gathered from Prov. viii. 22, 23. where Chrift, under the Name of Wifdom, is brought in faying, The Lard poffeffed me in the Beginning of bis Ways, before his Works of old : I was fet up from everla/iing : And from Mic. v. 2. where Chrift is defcri- bed to be the Ruler, whofe Goings forth were of old, even from everlafling: And the Father faith of him, long before he came in the Fleih, that he had given him for a Covenant, Ifai. xlii. 6. 3. He who was and is the true and faithful Witnefs, faid fo much on the Crofs, It is f- tiifbed : All is now done and ended, John xix. 30. The Forerunner is already entred into Heaven for us, Heb. vi. 20. O ! this blefled Bargain is fo made, that it could not | have been better made : Men neither mould nor cad ei^ ther add unto it, or take any Thing from it. It is fo \ made, as it cannot be ranverfed again.

Ufe 1. Hence Comfort and Stay to fainting and per- plexed Souls; there is a precious Cordial in this, the Covenant is not now to be made, it is well made, and made ready alio, (1.) It is a Cordial for thole who tra- vel with the Senfe of Unworthmcfs : The Covenant is


On the Gospel Covenant. 49

made, and when it was made, it was made without Re- fpect either to Worthinefs or Unworthinefs. (2.) For thofe who are forely ihaken with frequent Doubtings and Unbelief: The Covenant is made, may heai thofe Di- flempers: It is made in Faithfuinefs ; and he that made it will not fuffer his Faithfulnefs to fail, Pfal. Ixxxix. 33. If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful, he cannot de- ny himfelf,#2 Tim. ii. 13. (3.) Againft Backflidings : The Covenant was a Bond made; p.tfl lofing or loofing, before that we could forfeit it ; yea, there is an ever finding Article of this Covenant, for healing of Back- flidings, Hof. xiv. 4. (|.) As of Comfort, fo of Caution to every Chriftian: The Covenant was made without them, yet not ii> every Refpect to be made good without them.

V/e 2. Seeing the Covenant is fo made, as it cannot

be made void in itfelf, every one mould look well to it,

that it be not made void as to them; or that by their

Carriage they declare it was never made with or for them.

Now, there are feveral Ways, whereby People make this

Covenant as not made, or made void to them. ijl. If

they do not willingly receive it, and write their Name

down in it: As many as receive it, they have a rich and

fair Privilege and Power, even to become the Sons of God,

John i. 12. id. Much more if they reject it: It was a

dreadful Guilt of the Pbarifces, in Luke vii. 30. They

rejected the Counfel of God againft themfelves. 3^. All

they who undervalue it, who eltecm it not of worth, how

can they have Ufe of it? Who fee not' a Treafure in it/

will never dig for it ; fo it cannot be but void to them.

$th. They that reft not fatisfied with it as it is made, but

ire picking Quarrels with it, upon Search it will be

found, that all the Errors and Herefres of this Time are

b many Quarrellings with and Contradictions to th'i

tenant, as it is made, and well made; but they would

lave it made otherwife. But who are they that find

7ault, as the Apoitle chaflengeth all Difputer;

O. IV bo art thou that replieji again jl God, take

pon them to amend any Thing of this witty L

0 much to ihe II. Head, That the Covenant li




The II I. Head propounded to be fpoken to, was, The Author of this gracious Covenant : David faith, he hath made a Covenant: The God of lfrael, the Rock of lf- rael, in ver. 3. and in this, 5. iter. Although my H

with God, yet he, that is, God, hath made the Co- nt. Doct. I. That God is the Author of this bleffed Cove- nant.

It is of divine Extraction, and doth not favour of the Earth at all: It is a divine Plot ; there was never any like unto it -, all the three rerfons of the blefiTed Trinity were about the making of it : They all held the Counlel in Eternity, in eternal Wifdom, did draw up the Agree- ment in the Draughts 6f everlalting Love, and did de- fign the flowing forth of everlafling Mercy and infinite Goodnefs:. The Father fo loved the World, that he de- creed to fend the Son: The Son fo loved the Father and loll Man, that he agreed to be fent : The Love of the eternal Spirit was fuch, that he engaged to anoint and abundantly to furnifh him that was fent : The Father pre- pared a Body for the Son; the Son put on that Body, and took it in, into the Unity of his Perfon, the fame Per- fon with his Godhead ; and the Spirit did pour upon him the Oil of Gladnefs above his Fellows. The Fatner faid, \e9 O Sword, againft the b*an that is my Fellrw: The Son faith, Behold 1 come, I delight to d) thy Will', and the Spirit did write this Law within his Heart. O My- itery of Mylleries! This is a molt divine Myltery, how- ever we cannot wade through this Deep, this is a Truth paffrd and beyond all queilion, that the God of ail Grace is the Author of this Covenant of Grace: He made it at firii, or rather revealed it, as it was made in Eternity, it one Promife, that is, The Seed 0/ the Woman Jhall thy Head, that is, thy Head, O Satan, who hided If in the Serpent, Gen. iii. 15. Who but God could have made it fo, that the Seed of the weak and now van- oman fhouid overcome fo mighty and fo craf- )ev\\ ? Who but God, upon the Breach of one Co venant, would have made another witl broken Man, anc ovenant, which never Ihould be broken? Whc

On the Gospel Covenant. 51

but God would have prevented his backward and broken Enemy, with the Offer of fo Uefied a Bargain ? He made the Covenant with Noab% Qtn. vi. iS. with xikrabam^ Gen. xvii: I. with Ifaae, uer. 2!. of that chap. with J a- cd, Gen. xxv. 10. and with Dawid and Sole vxxix.

3- 3 5 j 3 6- aRd it is he who maketh the new Covenant with . xxxi. 31. and, Ez.t h z6- Now, that

Cod is tne Author, and only Author of rhis Cove appeareth thus, 1. It is of Things which Fieih and Blood -h. xvx. 17. 2. We were, and by re ftill are, Enemies in <yur Mind, £V. i. 21. and would never thought of Reconciliation and Means of 3. God, as his Name is, fo is he. He is firft and Jail, Ren;, i. II. He loveth firit, 1 ^^ iv. io. and ,t, John xv. 16. 4. There is fuch a Depth . Jom in the Contrivance, that ro creared Skill could ever have reached it; Angels ftoopi.ig down defire fo look into it, 2 Pet. i. 12. 5. The Bond of the Co- venant is fuch, as none could bring a Soul under, but God alone: It is the Bond of the Spirit, Epb. iv. 3. and then a Bond upon the Spirit and Confcience or* I 6. God was fo offended, that the Offence was in fome fort infiniTe, again ft an infinite Majefty : And who could have found out the Meiin of Satisfaction, if himielf had toot done it? So, in Job xxiii. 34. he faith to his Meflen- gers, the Interpreters, deliver fuch a Soul from going down to the Pit, for I have found a Ranfom.

Ufi 1. If God alone made the Covenant, and he was the flrft Mover in it, and the whole Devifer of ir, then, ift. The Covenant is free; it v/as and is of free Favour: Man's Moyen or Merit, neither any Thing that could be forefeen in Man, can challenge any Part of a procuring Caul'e in it: He that doth all Things of and ior hi I did this great Thing : So alfo,

U/e 2. If God unchangeable be the Author of this Covenant, then it is unchangeable: There is no Variable* lefs in God, no more than in that his eterr. 1, nor

n that which is gone out of his Mouth ; n al-

er it, Pfal. Ixxxix. 34. The Principles on \ r'verlaftmg Covenant is founded, are immutable Thi D x


3. If God be the Author of the Covenant of Grace* it may Hay the Heart of the doubting Chriitian ; who, becaufe both of Sin and l<rowardne(s, thinketh with himfdf, that he can never have any Part in that precious Covenant, becaufe of utter both Unworthinefs and Unwillingnels fo to take hold on it, as to fubmit to the Terms of it: Let fuch confider, that as the Lord did move firil in and for a Covenant with Man, it bred in his Breaft, fo they may expect he will through it: He will caufc them draw near whom he choofeth ; and, who ,hoofe him he hath firfl chofen them ; and further, let them look in what State, wretched Sinners when he^en- tereth into Covenant with them, were.

4. Wonder and praife for this, that the Lord Je- hovah made the Covenant, the Party offended, fo great a Party, that flood in no need of Man : It is he that de- vifed the Covenant of Peace, and fueth for Peace ; and when one Covenant is broken, he maketh a better: Go to him with all the broken Covenant Work, he can beA amend it.


On the Gospel Govenant. 5*




Of the Parties in the Covfn ant : And, ,i; of Christ the chief Party, Believers a Party with Him.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5.

Although my Houfe be not Jo ivith God; yet he i

with me an everlajling Covenant, well orde

!ure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my D although he make it not to grow.

I Proceed now to fpeak of the Parties engaged, and of all that have Interelt in this Covenant: And the fnir. Party engaging with God, and engaged unto him i : Covenant, is Chrift the eternal Son of God : This Cove- nant for the Redemption of loll Man did begin vvil Beginning, betwixt the Father and him: So in 1/h. *!ii. 6. The Father faith to the Son, / have calid t Right toufn eft, and will hold thine Hand, thee, and gin;e thee for a Covenant of the People. Father by Covenant hath fet him as King, as his Inpon Zion, his holy Hill, and hath covenanted to give mm the Heathen for his inheritance, and I of the

jEarth for his PoiTeflion, Ffal. ii. 6, 8. Chriit is the prin- :ipal Seed, with whom the Father entereth in Covenant,

i. ver. 13, 14, 16, ij. That this may i >ear, confider, 1. Chriit hath the Prerogative of the mit D 3 burn,

54 S E R M O N IV.

bom, Htb. i. 5. and .x. 26, 27. And the Cover

nam was and is chiefly with the firil-born. 2. The Cure Mercies or .re his, and with him, ASls xiii. 34

35. and thefe are the Covenant Mercies I/a. lv. 3 3. As the hrit ,£/*/« was the chief Party in trfe Covenant orfcs, i: was made with him frit, and in him with his Seed, Rom. v. 12. To with the lafl Adam, (o called,

1 Cor. xv. with him, and in him with all hi? fpiritu*! Seed. 4. All that w r can be re

in a Covt \: the Father a

Sen. in Ifu. liii. 10, |i. t

an Offering for Sin, and the Fata

he ill a i 1 fee his See J, and the Travel of hi and that the Pleaiure of the Lord ih ul profper

. have 1 r, ou

with the^Sacrifice of he boreth I

jt is r : . He prepare; h a Body far

;n anfwere

ibt to do t . G d. 5. All the Pro nufes arf The Lor. lis God, and then our C > >d , \.

nd then, cur Father: So ne teacheth us, in Jc xx. 17. All the Promifes are Yea and Amen 1

2 Cor. i. 20. And chief Promifes are only no fuch as that, Pfui. ex. 2. Phil. i\. 9, 10, 11. H

lers, firft to nim, and tlien to us, ace .:ljre, that of his Fulnefs we may receive, 16. The Mother Promife, Chat God will be his G made to him, P/'al. lxxxix. 26. and J

to u-

his Undertaking, full made to him, / in him the Redemption and For^iveneis o( £;./.'. i. 17. The fame may be laid o\ fes of Dominion and Victory, P xvi. 11. of Kingdom and Glory, Phil. n. 9, i( : Luk .\id of the bleflld Refurrc

th John xi.

. .ring of this Mat:er, it i criptures, that there were ar.d are ftanding^^B . betwixt th(

On the Gospel Covenant. 55

ther giveth fo many to the Son, and he draweth them . tLat they may come, and the Son maketh them welcome, and in no wife will call them out, y^/vi.37,44. The Fa- ther giveth them to the Son, and the Son giveth to them his Words, John xvii. 6, 8. The Son never parts with them until he raife them up at the Jail Day, John vi. 39, 40. But come we to the Articles of Agreement hetwixc the Father and the Son, in the Covenant of Redemption : More particularly, the 1. Chrift is appointed unto this Work, anointed to it, Ifa. Ixi. 1. fent and fealed unto it, John vi. 27. ordained unto it before the Foundation of the World, 1 Pet. i. 20. and he did accept and engage, Heb. r. 4, 5. anp! x. 7. 2. A fpecial ConunirTion from God to r.im, to execute and bear a threefold Oftke, in order to this Work ; that of a Prophet, J+lm xii. 49. or a Prieil, John x. 18. and of a King, Pfol. li. 6. And he fubmiuetii to all that which is laid on him, and un- dertaketh all: The Lord opened his E not

JJious, neither turned he away back, but gave hi* k to the Sm;ters, {ffc. I/a. 1. 5, 6. He laid down his Life freely, when none couid take it from him, John x. 17, 18. Being found in fajbion as a Man, he humbled him- feif\ a fid became obedient unto Death , even the Death of the Cift Phil. \\. 8. 3. I< of great Promifes made to the Sou. \ft. Of the Spirit for Furniture and fufiicienc'Qua- vtions, I/a. xi. 1, 2. zd. For all neceilary Help, Ifa. . 4, 6. 3</. For good Succefs and Speed, Ifa, Iv. 5. 4th. Particularly, that he fhould be an all-conquer 1 King, Pjal. ex. t, 2. and Mic. iv. 3. $th. The Promife that both he and thofe given him mould be glorifu xvii. 5, 24. thefe Prayers are according to Prom: e 4. Article is of Covenant relations, eltablifhcd be- twixt God the Father and the 9on. ill. God not only eiL tially, or rather personally, is a Father, but by Cover a Father to Chrift, Eph. i. 3. idly, He is in fame Seofc :he Covenant, Ifa. xlix. 8. Mic. v. 5. He itandeth tor God to Man, and for M;;n to God, an Umpire betwi.ee bo:h. 1. He is the Meifenger of the Covenant, 1. 2. He is the Witnefi in it, given for a Wuhl lv. 4. The faithful awi irue Witncfs, Re<u. rie

D 4


tvitnelTeth to all the Truths of Scripture, particularly t& theie Truths which he fealcd with his Blood, to his the Son of Gcd, and King of his Church. 3. He it the Surety, tie Surety or the better Covenant, vii. 22. He is Surety for God, and for that Kingdom

1 it is his Pleasure to give to Believers, Lukexw. 32. and he is Surety for us to the Father, (1.) To p our Debt. (2.) To anfvver for our Behaviour. (3.) So to give us new Hearts, and to write his Law in

xxxvi. 20. with Jtr. xxxi. 33. to caufe us walk in the Lords Statutes, £ -. and to put bis

in our Hearts that we (hall not depirt from him, xxxii. 40. (4.) He is Mediator, Heb. xii. 24. that can lay Hands upon both ; in fume fort, he can engage both ; he is the Fellow of God, Zecb. xiii. 7. and Man' or Kinfman, Job xix. 25. He is the great Kecc who bringeth the Lord down to a Treaty, and Man up to the Terms of it ; and in that Work he is a Serv both, lfu?x\iu 1. and lii. 13. and .. 28. (5.)

He is a Tellator, Heb. ix. 16, 17. No Biood cou.c firm the Covenant but his, Heb. x. 4. compared wit xiii. 20. (6 ) He is a common and puoiic;*: Peri. a Reprefentative of many, and, in lome Senfe, ail the Pai ty ; for fee how he cotneth in, Heb. ii. 13. Bi and the Children njuhicb God bath given me : where he i% he will have his Servant to be alio, Jo He is the princely Leader and Commander of his 1'

v. 4. (8.) It cannot be told in how many Cove- nant-relations Chrift ltandeth for God and for his Peopic, the Light of the World, the Life of Men, the Rcm

', the Sun of Righteoufnefs, the Head, the Hui- Father and Brother, £sV. Ufe I. Is Ci.rilt the great Party in the Covenant, and the great Undertaker; put him to do what he hath un- lay help on him, as the Father hath laid it, ix 19. Lay all on him, and employ him in all tenant relations, under which he ltandeth both to God and us.

2. la Chrift Undertaker and Surety ; put him not

.me in his Engagement, either by not receiving, or .

On the Gospel Covenant. 57

refufing his MefTage, or not admitting of his Treaty; who do fo, make him no true Witnef3, and the Gofpel no real Thing; but eiteem of it, as in 2 Pet. i. 16. a cunningly devifed Fable: But the Truth is, the greateft Things that ever were, or fhall be, are all in this his Gofpel Covenant : The Glory of Juftice and Mercy, Hell and Heaven, all the good Things in Time, and all the great Things of Eternity.

Uje 3. Eiteem highly of this Treaty of Peace, above all the Treaties which ever were, that could neither be begun or perfe&ed but by fuch and fo great a Mediator. O ! the Redemption of Souls is precious, and it had ceaied for ever, had lie not undertaken it, PjaL xlix. 8.

Ufe 4. Comfort : The Bargain tranfafted betwixt the Father and the Son, it is not of Yefterday, but ar. e nity Bufiqefs: So, the Changes of Time will make no Alteration in it: And further, however Matters i\ and betwixt tiie Believer and God, to his Apprehenfion ; if he plead Right and Intereft in Chriit, all will be well ; for the Covenant betwixt the Father and Chriit cannot DC broken; and Chriit taketh in all his Party with him.

But now, though Chriit be the principal Party, and Chriit myitical the whole Party ; yet the Elecl alio are, in molt proper Senfe, a Party irf the Covenant, and are both feen and engaged as fuch, how foon they come to believe: They were g;ven to Chriit in Eternity, but are not actually entered into Covenant, fuch as are come to Years, until ti.ey believe: As to Infants Covenant Inte- reit, we intend to i'peak afterwards. Our Point now to be opened unto you>Js, not only Chriit is a Party in the Covenant, but his People alfo. 1 he Lord made this Co- venant, in the old Difpenfation thereof, with his People, Deut. iv. 23. The People are warned not to forget the Covenant which he made with them ; and his Peopie are faid to enter in Covenant with him, Dcut. xxix. 10, 12. and, in Pfal. 1. 5. the Lord doth call his People :.-.. him, as thcfe who have made a Covenant with him by Sacrifice: He covenanteth, in the vifible Cow

at make vjfible Profeflion ; but, with his chok a more particular Way. Now, that this Covenant is



made not only with Chriil, but with his People alfo, ap peareth from thefe Grounds, i. The Covenant made with Chriil was froii : The Grace given by tliat in

Jefus Ciirilt, was before the World be n. i. 9.

But there i* a Covenant made in Time, of which it is faid, ye Jland this Day, l)eut. xxix. 10. 2. ChrifJ is a Teftator in the Covenant; fo ihtre mull be a Party in the Covenant, to which the I ch ne d

queath by his De.ith is left, Heb. ix. 16. 3. The Cove nant is made with fuch as ihirll and have no Money, ]fa. Iv.w. 1, 2, 3. Thefe n

Chriil ; for he had a Price in his H c dowr.

in the Bargain, when he boug pith a Price,

1 Cor. vii. 23. 4. The Covenant of Grace is mad;; With the fame Party, with whom tJ mt of Wo;

made; the firit was ma.de wit > was the fecond

compare Gen. ii. 16, 17. with Gen. iii. 15. And it couic be no other ways ; when ic of Peace, it muf

be v\ith one that was at Enmity. 5. It is .. ade witr thoic that receive the Seals of it ; are Believ

ers, Rom. iv. 1 !. they are Seals of the Righteoufnefs o Faith,. 6. We are bour; Qaut ; t: ere fori

it was nude with us, Pfal. xxv. 10. So breaking of Co venant is charged upen the People of Ccd as their Sn Lenj. xxvi. 15. 7. if i: . .th us

then no promife were mace o as ; fo Unbelief in us wen no Sin ; but Unbelief is charged a^ a Sin on tho;. delpifcd the pleafant Land : Jt is laid, they believed no his Word, Pfal. CVf. 24. anJ, in Rom. xi. 20. ic us, that becaufe of Unbelief they w< n off.

From Gal. iii. 16. The C not to thi s of many, but as of one ;

thy Seed, v.

Seeds, doth only exclude th can;ai, not th< Sted, Rot \ 3. not th

Children of the Promifc are c -cd. 2/. In that very Scripture th

\m% fo not with Ciirilt only ed, ILb. ii. 13. in an* her with hi a.


On the Gospel Covenant. 59

Ufe 1. This may raife in the World, efpecially beget in us, great Wonder and Admiration, that the King of Glory mould ever have made with as, who dwell in Houfes of Clay, iuch a Covenant, with bafe and guilty us, fo unwortny and unprofitable Wretches as we are. There was great Love in Jonathan to David, I Sam. xx. 17. and in David to Jonathan, 1 Sam. i. 26. winch laid the Fecundation of" a Covenant betwixt them. But great- er Love in this Covenant: David looked on it as a Pre- ;t too high for him, to be a Kind's Son m Law, t How much hrgher ii it to be made of God, and joint Heirs with Chriii ? As in Rem. 7. to be made Kings and Pn rod, Rev. u

5, 6. that when we are :noit vile, the Lord fhojld (pread irt of his Covenant over us, and cover our i\a- Is, Jo as we become his, Exck. xvi.^8. and he ouxs.

tscendence of Love An that! Poor to be made a Bride, the Lamb's, Wire f Rev. x Abraham was itrange;\ ith tr,eie Things wh<

Lord I q iiim concerning them, in Gen. xvii. 3.

Ik fill on in which his Carriage theie

Things might be expr< <Xcd, 1 . ng Aftonifbi

2.- Mucn pf Seif-abalement. _reat Thankful-

nefs. 4. His Subrnifiion and ; i himielr to be

at the Lord's Diipoial : So rred up to great

Wondering, in the Confi.

in 2 Sam. v ii. 18, 19, 20. ) Lv>d God, and

is my Hmfe that ? And

.as, yet a final I Thi^r I God; but

Ifo of thy : to come: And is / :? &c.

.: we cou'd fit down and wou.de Digni-

ty and fair c by this * ( \ )

Going to the Throne, Heb. x. 22. (2 ) Infirinints born witn, Numb, xxiii. 21. (3 ) Di as are followed \

: rotection, Pfal. xci. in all , 1 to God, with

( v) ^ '

, De-


vils, and to the lift Enemy D . xvi. 20. Pfa.

xxvii. 1. and, 1 Cor. xv. 55, ^6.

Ufe 2. All who define Salvation, and have not yet come under the Bond of this Covenant, let them haite to do it: Be no more Stranger ;hcre be too ma-

ny of that Sort, wL break

thefe Bands af under t and cap 'V Cords j .

And they be but few, if any, that can fay wi:h the Church, as in Pfa!. xliv. - upon us, yet

have <ivc not forgo! ten thee, ' i//ly in

thy Covenant ; However, now, let all «vho love Bieifed- nefs, yield themfelves, and give the Hand, as the Word is, in 2 Chrov. xxx. 8. Give themfelves up to God in a Covenant. (1.) J'~dge yourfelves, with the Prodigal, in Luke xv. 19. unworthy of ec the leait Room in

the Lord's Houfe. {2 ) Break Covenant with old Lulls and Lovers ; for no Man can fenue two Maflers, Matth. vi. 24. Old Things ?r: 'ay* #"d all Things become

new, 2 Cir. v. 17. (3 ) Yieid to the Terms of the Co- venant: We mull take Laws, not give them; deny our- selves and take up our Crofs daily, Luke ix. 23. (4 } We muft make this Covenant bv Sacrifice, and tne Sacrifice is Chrilt, Pfal 1. 5. with Ht&.ix. 16. (5.) We mult come u\ and enter cheerfully, liflening to the free Offer, Jfa. lv. 23. and be quickened with that good Entertain- ment promifed, in John vi. 37. and never go out again ; for it is a Marriage Covenant, and the Be:rothing is for ever, Hof. ii. 19.

Ufe 3. Keep this Covenant; fo (hall you be a peculiar Treafure unto God, Exod. xi>:. 5. In other Thin iee to Covenant Rights, much more in this: For keep- ing it, (1.) Know it well. (2.) Improve it in all Plead- ings; in the Cafe of Diftrefs and Danger, Gen. xxxii. 8, 9. 2 Cbron. xx. 6, 7. (3.) In the Cafe of Repentance, i. 6. (4) Of Defertion, Pful xxii. 1. and, (5.) Even in the Gale of Soul Defection, Jer* iii. 3, 4. (6 ) AggravateSin by it ; and when tempted, ufe it as a Curb; Breach of Covenant the worli of Adulteries, Ezek. xvi. 38. (7.) J£tnploy the Cautioner; deiire him, with He-


On the Gospel Covenant. 61

xekiab, If a. xxxviii. 14. to undertake ; and, with David, in PjaL cxix. 2 2; to he Surety for thee.

JJfe 4. Comfort and AfTurance : He who hath thus ta- ken us in, will not turn us out: Free Love did take us in, and Faithfulnefs will keep us in, 1 Cor. i. 8, 9. Tho' Things of this Covenant be great, above our Worth, yet feeing they are promifed, they are not fo great as to be above our Hope.




How it is particular with some, and not generally, with all.

2 S a M uel xxiii. 5-. 'Although my Houfe be not fo with God", yet he hath with me an everlaflingCoveiiant, well ordered in all Things and Jure ; for this is all my Salvationy and all ?ny Defire, although he make it net to gr:

TH A T I may yet more fuUy open and declare the Party with whom this Covenant is made, David in the Text faith, *Ihe Lord hath made He

looketh upon it as a fpecial Favour, that the Lord had made the Covenant with him ; importing that he had no-, dealt fo with^every one. The Point is, the Covenant of Grace is not made generally with all and every one, nor indefinitely with any, but it is a particular Covenant,


made with fome. It was made with Abraham and his made with Zs'on, and thofe td be born in fa v was

called and r silica by : u art

miney I unes written in

tlieth his own Sheep by N t. 3- He hath fome, whom he from Eternity lov- ed i ouilis, whom he hated, Rem. ix. i amb hath a ln>-.k of Life, in v. Inch all then were and arc written, rhat are given him or the Pal xiii

lay, i . Tl>at God hath an univerfal and like Goodwill to all at there was an univerfal At-

tonement mude for all. 3. An universal Covenant made 4. Once an univerfal Reconciliation of all. 11 have fufficient Means and Power to re; accepr Chrift offered in the Gufpel. 6. They dilunguifh betwixt Chriit's purchafing of Redemption, and the Ap- plication ol ; (o as they make that more large, and of greater Extent than this. They make his Pur- chafe to be of a poflible Salvation only of all ,• which might well ftand with the perilling of all : VVe hold the contrary in all thefe; and particularly, that the proper* Party in the Covenant of Grace, is not generally all, nor indefinitely any, but fome particular Perfons, on whom the Lord hath been pleafed to (hew fome fpecial Love ; and wiiom particularly he hath committed to the Son, that he might fave them.

And we prove this our AfFertion by thefe Reafons, ift. The Party covenanting with God, are eyprefly faid to be given to Chrift, as they are diftinguifhed from others; they are thofe whom the Father hath given him, John vi. 37. given them out of the World, John xvii. 6. to whom he giveth the Words which the Father gave unto him, and they receive them, and know fureiy that Chriit is the Saviour, fent and come forth from God, <ver. for whom he prayeth, and not for others, <w. 9. that fhall not be loft, but be with Chrift for ever, beholding his Glory, <vrr. 12, 24. Chrift is trufted with them, with particular Sheep, who infallibly fhall believe, Job

x. 11

On the Gospel Covenant. 63

.11. And the Caufe of their not believing is particu- arly exprefTed, for chat they were none of his Sheep, >cr. zG. 2d. They whom Chriit h.iteth, as he did Ejau9 ^lom ix. II, 12. Thefe whom he <w ill not know, Matth. vii. ,ofe whom he will lepirate from the Sheep, and et at the left Hand as Goats one Day, Mattb. xxv. 32. With thofe God or Chrift did never enter in Covenant; oil he knoweth his own, Jeb* x. 1 1, 14. He ioveth ther*,, J ' jhn Xiii. I. and will not lofe them, 'John vi. 37, 39. yi. Many do never fo much as hear or the Covenant of Lrrace, and it were nor fuitable to the Wifdom and Ju- [lice of God, to purchafe a Redemption for ali, and >et to fufFcr many Thoufands to die ignorant of it. 4th. Such an Opinion doth indeed. make void and null, yea, ind thick dead ali the Covenant-relations of Chnft: 1c would be a ftrange thing, a King, and no Subjects; an Hufbind, and no Wife; a VVitnefs, and no AHurance; a Shepi erd, and no Sheep; a ^Waiter, and no Scholars; a Teftator and Teirament, confirmed with the Biood of God, and nene to receive the Legacy ; an Advocate, and none to plead for to any Purpoie, Cffr. This were, be- fide other Abfurdities, to fallen upon Chriil a blind Bar- gain. 5/tf. Jt were againft all Reafon and Juitire that the Ranfom fhould be payed, and the Capnve not loofed; it is againft both Law and Gotpei:' When tne Sum of Money is given for the Ranfom of Life, Exod. xxi. 30. the Pcrfon is to go free: The ranfomed of the Lord mult be let go, that tney may return, and come to Zion with iSongs, If a. xxxv. 10. They that are redeemed with the precious Blood of Chriit, 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. they are re- deemed, fo that they have their Faith and Hope in God, wr. 21. of that chap. 6tb. This Opinion of the Arme- nians is contrary to the lind of Chr fit's Death, anc cacy of the fame by his Biood confirming the He is not only made Wifoom and Rig San&ification and compleat Redemption, 1 Qr. i. 30 gave him del f for the Church, that he might (41 leanfe it, with the Warning of Water by t that he might prefen: it to lumfelf a glonou

.ving Spot or Wrinkle, or any fuch Thing, 1

64 S E R M O N V.

Ihould be holy and without Blemifh, Epb. v. 25, :. The Redemption which is through his Biood bringeth Forgivenefs of Sins, Col. I. 14. and, in Tit. u. 14. / gave himfelf for us, tbat be might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purify unto himjelf a peculiar People, zea- lous of giod Works. -]th. Thefe only are redeemed, who were typified by IfraePs Redemption; and they in Ifa. li. 11. are only they who (hall come to Zion with Ting- ing, and everlaiting Joy upon their Head. Stb. All they whom Chriil redeemeth, he redeemeth from S:n and a vain Converfation, 1 Pet. i. 18. that they being dead to Sin might live unto Righteoufnefs, 1 Pet. n. 24. And he redeemeth them from an evil World alfo, GaL i. 4. gib. The very Words, Reconciliation, Redempti- on, and Surety, do fpeak aloud againir, and condemn this their Opinion ; for none of thofe who are reconciled, re deemed, and for whom Chriil ftandeth Surety, can pe. ri(h. They cannot then fay that the Reconciliation was univerfal. lotb. The whole Difpenfation of Grace is to particular Perfons ; fo the Covenant of Grace cannot be but to particular and definite Perfons: If Election, effe- ctual Calling, Juftification, Adoption, San&ification, auo! Glorification, be all of particular and certain Perfons, how can Redemption be general and indefinite ?

U/e 1. Againit the Arminian Error of univerfal Re- demption, which is grounded upon the milinterpreted Words, All, and, the World. For clearing the Miitakes which Men raife to themfelves from thefe Words, confi- der, (1.) It is acknowledged that there is an infinite Worth in the Blood of Chrift, infinitely more than of Gold and Silver, or fuch corruptible Things ; it is very precious, 1 Pet. i. 18. His Blood is in fome Refpedl the Blood of God, ASs xx. 28. The Blood of him who was and is God blelfed for ever: It was worthy to be a Price for all and every one, if it had been made fo ; and upon this Ground the Gofpel is preached to every Creature, Mark xv\. 16. (2.) The Arrogance and Pre- emption of the Jews, who pleaded a fole Intereft iii the Mefliah, gave Occafion to thofe general Expreflions, not to Jews only, but to all others whom he Ihould call.


On the Gospel Covenant. 6c-

{3,} It would be carefully diuinguilned, betwixt Man's Duty and God's Purpofe: Exhortations, Commandment* Threatnings, do (peak our Duty, and the neceffary Con- nexion betwixt Faith and Obedience, with Salvation, and

ail ; YPf/,0V,Xof the fame- (-»•) This Particle, All, and the Word, World, are taken divers Ways in Scriptures. The World is gone af:er him, in John *ii 19. is meant of none but the Generality of the P of Judea In Luke xvii. 27. dcftrbyed them all, i meant of all and every one, for eight Perfons were fa- red; the World and whole World is fometimes put for the Centre, only, 1 John li. 2. fometimes, for the wick- ed only ; Be not conformed to this World. Rom xii 2 The whole World lieth in Wickednefs, 1. John v. 10. Sometimes for the MeJTtah his World, John fii. ,6. An! 1 (Til do th fignify all Sorts of Men : Of hi, Fulnefs have (all) <& receded; it is we of all Sorts, John i. 16. (r ) If we compare Prophecies and Predictions with the fulfilling of <nem, we (hall find that by the general Expreflion (AM none were meant or intended but the Elect : So in Joel I. 28 / -will pour out my Spirit on all FleJI, ; in Ads »., T 18. It is but upon Men of divers Tongues and Languages

Z ™9',.OnlKr0f -hUCchap- {6) Th« Scripture fpeaketh he moral Obligation of all that live under the Gofpe! bnd according to the Judgment of Chanty, as Paul do^ -ray for dlPhi. i. 4. and perfuadeth himfelf of the :Jea.on of the Thgalonians, , Theff. i. 4. and in 2 »3- So is that Word to be expounded, in 2 Pet »me are faid in that Place to have denied the Lord that ought them when they were only, in the Judgment of

£ Vi^M* bC °Vhe Number cf £hc " Wd 'nes. (7.) Ail Men are bound to believe the infailibl- oonexion of he^ two> v.z Qf Faitfc an/s ; 'b-

cording to the Tenor and Channel in which the V il runneth, JaJXVl. %l. Believe on , he lord J efu.O.

oveth of this Connexion, which doth occanon many >mes fuch general Expreffions. (8.) The MivtuTe Tf J good and bad, Ele£ and Reprobate i, 7fuffiS»r round for the general Propofal unto all '

66 S E R M O N V.

As to particular Scriptures, on which they build their Opinion, I (hall name but fome few ; in difcufling where- of, their other Arguments may be the more eafily an (we red.

The Firft is that in John iii. 16. God fo loved the World: The World, fay they, is all the World; bat we fay, it is only the iVIeiliah his World ; and that Love is no general or conditional Love. i. It is a non-fuch Love, John xv. 13. 2. There is no Love of Chrift in Scripture, but that which is effectual : In Ho/ ii. 19. it betrotheih for ever; it is a Love which maketh them whom he loveth more than Conquerors, Rom. viii. 37. fuch as wafheth and cleanfeth his Church, fo that he prefenteth it a glorious Church, Eph. v. 25, 26, 27. Such a Love as giveth everlafting Confolation, and good Hope through Grace, 2 Tbef. ii. 16. Such a Love as maketh them all whom he loveth, Kings and Priefts, Rev. i. 5, 6.

As to that, taken from v. chap, of the Romans, I an- fwer, in that chap, it is fometimes (all) and by it is meant, all Believers; and fometimes many are the all: Many is put for all ; Death patted on all Men by the firft Adam, ver. 12. And yet through the Offence of one, in ver. 15. it is only faid that many are dead: And though in <ver. 18. it be faid, that the free Gift came upon all Men to Ju-> Jlifi cation of Life; yet it is meant only of thofe who re- ceive the Abundance of Grace, and Gift of Righteoufnefs, <v?r. 17. And they who are called (all Men) in <ver. 18 are called only many, in ver. 19. 2. From the whole Parallel, of the fecond Adam with the firft, it cannot be denied, but the Righteoufnefs of the fecond Adam muf be as effectual unto that to which it is appointed, as thi1 Sin of the firft Adam was to its End ; and feeing Chrift' Righteoufnefs is not of Effect to all and every one, vf may certainly conclude it was not intended for all.

As to that, in 1 Cor. xv. 22. As in Adam all die, f Chrijl /ball all be made alive ; thefe all are fuch as havj iiot their Faifh in vain, ver. 17. and who fhall not rift, ver. 18. So not all and everyone; for they a 1 v. who \\Ave. not their Hone in this Life alone.

iv f

On the Gospel Covenant. 6j

As to that Scripture, i John ii. i. the whole World, is

, meant of fuch a World as have Chrifl an Advocate; and

fo an IntercefTor for them in Heaven ; and they for whom

he is Ir/terceffor, He favetb to the uttermofi, Heb. vii. 25.

As to that of 1 Tim. iv. 10. where it is faid, that the jiving God is the Saviour of all Men, efpecially of them that believe; the Anfwer is, the Place is not meant of Chrifl the Mediator; but of God in external Providen- ces and Salvations; unto which Believers have the better Right and Ground of Expectation.

To conclude this, as (all) is often put for many ; fo' fometimes many is put for all the Eleft, Mattb. xx. 28. where we have it told us, that Chriit came ineo the World to give his Life a Ranfom for many.

Ufe 2. Seeing the Covenant is a particular Covenant,' we mould try whether our Names be particularly within it; whether our Names are to be read within it. O! it is a happy Thing to be fo particularly within it : Happy is that People whofe God is the Lord, Pfa. cxliv. 15. Such Jhall dwell on high, their Place of Defence /ball ' be the Munition of Rocks, Bread /ball be given them, and their Waters /ball be fure, Ifa. xxxiii. 1 6. Many never try whether they be under the old Hufbar.d, the Law, or efpoufed to the new, to Jefus Chrilt, who are got within this particular Covenant: They have good Ground and fair Advantages of pleading ; fo, as in Jer. xiv. 20, 21, 22. We acknowledge, O Lord, our Wickednefs, and the Ini- quity of our Fathers, for ave have finned again/} thee ; do not abhor us, for thy Name^s Sake, do not difgrace the Throne f thy Glory ; remember, break not thy Covenant fwith us, Sec. £nd, as in Ifa. Ixiv. 8, 9. But now, O Lord, thou art our father, <we are the Clay and thou our Potter, and ive all %re the Work of thy Hand: Be not wroth very fore, O Lord% uither remember Iniquity for ever ; behold, fee, we befeech hee, we are all thy People; they have one on whom they pay hang their VefTels of greater and fmaller Quantity, ^ Nail in a Jure Place, Ifa. xxii. 23. Try now whether 'ou be within this particular Covenant, by tfcefe Marks. Tirfl fure Mark is, U in the Faith, then are we within he Covenant; and this may be known, that we are in E z the

the Faith, as in 2 Cor. xiii. >. i. If we have believed ion is not in ourielves, and have been content to have Ri^titeoufncts from another, a gifted and impu- ted Righteouine.fs, not being iike thefe, Rom. x. 3, 4. who would nut be fubjed to the Rigiiteoufnefs of (Jod. t. U after fome fore Ljw work we came at Jail to be- lieve Salvation to be poflible, and that God had provided the Way. 3. That this Way was by Jefus Chrilt, and there was no other Name under Heaven to be faved by, but his A&siv. 12. 4. If thou haft* come to Jefus, to reft upon him, as a iufficient Saviour. 5. U thou be- iieveil the Efficacy of ChnrTs Blood for thy particular Redemption. 6. Thou mayit try thy being within this ular Covenant by Faith, if thy Faith be purifying thy Heart, Ads xix. 9. and working by Love, Gal. v. 5. cond Aire Mark that we are within this particular Covenant; if we be careful to keep Covenant with him, who is ever mindful of his Covenant, made with his Peo- ple, Pfal. ciii. 17, 18. with Pfal. iii. 5, 9. A third, \i our Covenants with. Sin be broken, the Bill of Di- vorcement be given to our Idols; if we have renounced all the hidden Things of Difhoneity, 2 Cor. iv. 2. A fourth, If we have chofen him, in our Opinion, as high above all, the chiefelt of Ten Thoufand ; counting all Things but Dung, compared to him, Phil. iii. 8. and then choTen him as our Beloved ; to give him the Flower of ail our belt Affections : He is the only One whom our Soul ioveth, Can. i. 7. And chofen him as Lord alfo, to obey him in all his Ways, as in P/al. cxix. 106. fworn ourfeJves particularly to him and his Ways. A fifth, if we be much in making Die of him as a Mediator; afk- :ng and pleading for that which we want in his Name; and that by Covenant.

Ujc 3. They who after Search fhall find themfelves to

be within this particular Covenant, they have Reafon to

ice much, and to be very thankful to the Lord, that

he hath maoe a Difference betwixt them and many of

the Worlu her know him not, or have but verjr

t with nim ; yea, put ^Difference

nd many, who otherwise were of better;


On the Gospel C - nt. 69

Quality and Qualifications: Chriii did give Thanks for this, in behalf of his Difcipies, Matt:, xi. 25, 26. / thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, becatife thou haft hid the fe Things from the Wife and pmdiv.i baft revealed them unto Babes ; . Father, hecauft it

fh feemed good in thy Sight: And lliould we. net then give Thanks for ourfelvt

S E R M O : VI



And of Children a Party v,

Parents in the Coy?

rre ; for this is

it not t: g

IT7E have fhewed you, how Chrift i-s a prir W Party in the Covenant, and how Believers alio e a proper Party in the Covenant ; foi vd Place, tha: we fpeak of the C )w they are a Purt^

:, and their Jntereft in the fame, b 1 particular Covenant, and the 1 tenant.

70 btJIMUN VI,

DoCT. I. Infants, at \eaft fome of them, not only may be, but are within //" t of Grace and Redemption ;

they, as fitch, are amongfl thofi that were from all Eterni- ty ginjix :

en in Jeroboam's Child there was fome good Thing found towards the Lord, * Kings xiv. 13. Of Jeremiah the Lord f itn, chap. i. 5. of that Book, Before J

.' in the Belly, .1 knew thee, and before thou came ft forth of the Womb, 1 fanclified thee : And our blefled Lord faith of little Ones, in Matth. xviii. 10. that their Angels do alwiys behold the Face of his Father in Heaven; and, in Luke i. 15. it is faid of John the Baptiit, that he jb?uld be filed with the Holy Ghoft, even from his I ' Womb; and, in Rom. ix. II. the Lord faith of Jacob, before he was born, that he loved him, <ver. 13. Now, that young Children may be, and fome of them are, within the Covenant of Redemption, may further appear from thefe Reafons, 1. Mercy is promifed to CI in Oppofition to the vifiting their Sins; Mercy to fands of them that love him, Exod. xx. 6. 2. The Seed of the righteous are pronounced blefTed, Pfal. xxxvii. 26 No mourning for the dead, without Hope; not for dying Chiidien then, 1 Thejff. iv. 13. David faid of his dying Child, 1 fhall go to him: It is like he had Hope of his eternal well-being ; and it were hard on the one Part, to condemn all thefe Children whom Herod cauied to be kiTeJ. Matth, ii. 17. Rachel weeping for thefe Children, and not comforted, is comforted and command- e to refrain from weeding, in Jer. xxxi. 15, 16. which pphed as well in Matth. to the bringing back at leaft of fome of them by a blefled Refurre&ion, as o; the Children from Captivity in Jer. 4. The Lord com th his Love often to that Love which Parents bea. to Chiidren, Pfal ciii. 13. And to that tender Lovi which a Mo' her beartth to heT lucking Child, If 15. So it is like that fome Children come under his ipe cial Love. See alfo how he fets himfelf forth as a irj dandling the Child on her Knee, Jfa.lxvi 12, 13. A\ 1 Hen which gathereth her Chickens under her Wings, Mm xxiii. 37. 5.; He commandetl* that Children be : c:>


On the Gospel Covenant. 71

cd in his Name; compare Matth. xviii. 5. with Mark ix. 41. 6. He faith, of fuch is the Kingdom of God; which Kingdom, in Mark x. 14. though it be meant of the vifible Kingdom in the vifible Chuich, yet Chnit's taking them in his Arms, and bietfing them, in <ver, 16. of that chap, doth give good Ground to think that they did belong to the invifible Kingdom aifo. 7. There are Promises of Salvation made to whole Hou!esy as to Za- cbeus his Houfe, Luke xix. 9. And to the Jaylor his Houfe, in dels xvi. 34. And there is no Reafon why Children fhouid be excluded from thefe Promifes, when often they are the greater Part of the Houfe. 8. While the Covenant is made with Man and his Seed, under tnat Expreluon, and not under the ExprefEon of Sons and Daughters, both in Gen. iii. 15. and xvii. 7. it were ir- rational to exclude little Children from being a Part of that Seed.

U/e 1. From this, there is Ground of Comfort to be- lieving Parents, concerning their Children dying Infants; though they may not dive into the Deeps of Election, yet or>ce they have it clear from Scriptures, that Children may be, and not a few are, of the Election ; and then they have Grounds of better Hope concerning their Children fo dying, than Unbelievers have; the Cove- nant being made in a more fpecial Way with them and their Seed.

U/e 2. If fome Infants may be, have been, and are of the invifible Body, then it mull be a Sin to exclude and cut them off from the viiibie Communion with the Body ; the Door of the vifible Church and Kingdom be- ing wider than that of the invifible. Qkjeti. It cannot be known who are thefe individual Tnfants: It isanfwer- ed, that no more can Men at Age be certainly known : It becometh us to hold the Promifes, and to edhere to the Tenor of the Covenant ; and the Lord will gire as much Clearnefs in that Secret, as he leeth good and neccflary ; and in Experience it hath been found, that rare Evioen- ces of the Grace of God have appeared in L efpecially at Death, before they have come to th which commonly are accounted and called of E &4


'>oct. 2. From the other Branch ; Infants, if any look j gently into the Scriptures, will una undoubtedly to be wider the external and infible Gof v/, fo a Pa -y will clearly be found

>bers of the vifble Church, The Covenant with his People, as even to the external Difpenfatiun of it, not only of the Spirit within, but the rds put in the Mouth ; it is promifed that they fhall mi depart out'of the Mouth of the rlrft Preachers or Pa- . nor out of the Mouth of their Seed, or their Seeds Hk. si. The perpetual Covenant in ♦.hat Mace, as it could not be without their Seed, fo it bclongeth I ua as well as to themfelves: Now,

(his Pr©trii en to the Gentiles alio and their Seed ;

-ntre is no D ffcrence :.o.v betwixt Jew and I ;

[ cfbt iv .'/sever calleth on the Name of tie , R:m. x. II, 12 There is now neither '■ Uncircumcijion, Barbarian, nor free ; but Chrifl is all and in all9 Col. lii. II. Tiie Biefling of Abraham is clearly ours, if ue compare 'yen. xvii. 7, 19. with Gal. in. 14, 17. And it itirmed to u* in Chriil, fo as it cannot be difanulled, xv. 8. 2 Cor. i. 20. The Covenant made with ahamt was made with Refpecl to his fpiritual Seed, Gen. xvii. 4, 5. compared with Rom. iv. 16, 17. , More particularly, tiom this, that the Covenant was made with David SlvA his Houfe, we prove thdt Infants were ever, at d ftill are, within the external vifible Covenant; and id . to this, we would remember, 1. That the Scrip- tures are not alike full and clear in every Point or* Tiuth. ta of Doctrine may be difficile to be under- and yet true: So much is faid of the e Order of Melchizedeck, v. 11, 12, 15, 14. and oi Things in PauPs

Pet. iii. 16. 3. In queftior.ed Cafes it is bell and that is followed with leaft, lice < v of God, and the Believer's

JnterelL 4. C< arly drawn from Scnpturel

1 be recko and one fingle Tcilimony

On the Gospel Covenant. 73

c. The Queftion is not fo considerable, about the Age at which Perfons are to be baptized, as is of this, the Church Memberfhip of Infants, whether they have an Intereit in the vifible or external Covenant, or not ?

Thefe Things being premifed, our AfTertion is, that Infants are within the Covenant, and Members of the vifible Church ; and we prove it thus, 1/?, They are in the Scriptures called, and pafs under the Name of Difci- ples: So we read, in Acls xv. when the Queition is about Circumciiion, <ver. i. this Yoke may not be laid on the Difciples, wr. 10. thefe were young Ones of eight Days old. in Le<v. xxv. 41, 42. the Man and his Children, they are called the Lord'* Servants; and they are Sub- jects too ; they cannot be excluded from being a Part of thefe Kingdoms of the World that fhali become, and in a great Part have become Chriit's, Rev. xi. i£. The Lord iloth not only reckon Children under thefe Relations, but can make them capable of the fame, zdiy, It Infants were once Members of the vifible Church, tney mull be *ver fuch : That they were once fo, is clear,- from Deut. .. <uer. 10, 11, 12. where little Ones are numbered ngft the Pany covenanting with God ; and, in 1 Cor. \ 1, 2, 3. the fame Baptifm and Communion fpiritual then, wiuch we have now. The Church of the 1 not taken down in the ElTemials of a Church ; fuch as Church Memberihip is, Rom. xi. 17, 19, 22, 24. Church Membership doth not belong to the Covenant of Works, which knoweth no Mercy to Sinners; nor to the ceremonial Law ; it was before Circumciiion, which is but a Seal of that Covenant which maketh one a Mem- ber of trie Church. 3 <//>-, Were Infants no Church Mem- bers now, then the Children of the Jews now mould be fliort of thefe Privileges which they had in the old Dif- penfation of the Covenant; for, in Gen. xvii. 12, 1 }. the Child of eight Days old was reckoned within the Cove- nant, and received the Sacrament and Seal of Circumci- fion . juld be a great Scar unto them from turn-

ii CJ Jtuns; but the Lord hath put no fuch Bar in li - r '• v : ' , To be a Member of the Church, is uo carnal but fpiritual Privilcdge, Rom. iii .1, 2. It hath



much Advantage every Way, the Adoption and the Glo- ry doth pertain to that, Rom. ix. 4. and to be without the Pale of the Church, is a molt dreadful Cafe : It is to be without God, and without Hope, in Eph. iv. n, w. 26. 5 '£/)', When Infants in the oki Teftament had their uuqueltionable Right to Church Memberfhjp, it was upon tne Account of the Covenant of Grace ; the Circunicifion of the Heart was even then promifed, Deut. xx'x. b. aftd in <vtri 11, 12, 13, 14. compared with Rom. x. 5, 10. doth clearly ihew that it wa;i the fame Covenant then and now: And, in Rom. iv. 11. Circumciiion is a Seal of the fame Righteouinefs by Faith, which is now preached in the Gofpei. 6:b/y, Mercy is entailed by a moral perpetual Law, to Thousands of them that love God : So then, Children cannoc be exclu- ded from that Mercy, which is expreiled to be more large than his Severity : In his Severity of Jultice he would have every Male killed, Numb. xxxi. 17. but, in Pfalm cxii. 2. ^he Generation of the upright Jball be bleffed* jtb/y, Either it muft be faid that Infants belong to the World, and to Satan's vifible Kingdom, or to Chrilfs} Kingdom ; there is not a third State : Satan is the Prince of this World, Johnxu. 31. the wicked are there; but Chnft hath chofen his own out of the World, John xv.» 19. who are not wirhin, they are lb without, as Go<} judgeth them, 1 Cor. v. 12, 13. Ail that are converted,, they are turned from the Ponxer cf Satan unto God, Ad} xxvi. 18. All who are tranfhted, are tranjlated from tbq Power of Darkn.fs into the Kingdom of the dear Son of Godl Col. i. 1 3. 8:/A, The old and new Covenant are eflen* tially the fame; fo the efiential Privileges mull be th* fame. There is nothing that can now be pleaded againffl Children, as to their Incapacity of the Meaning of Bapl tifm, which might not have been pleaded againit them as to tneir Incapacity of Circumcifion, and the fpiritual Meaning thereof, gtb/y, The denying of Church Mem- berfhip now to Infanrs, were not only to put a Stumbling] Block in the Way of the Jeivs, but of unconverted Gem tilts alio ; when it (ha.ll be told them, that though the^ themfclvts be taken in into Covenant, their Chiidrel


On the GospeL Covenant. 75

mud be looked upon flill as Pagans. lothly, They cannot be denied to be Church Members, to whom the Prorai- fes belong ; but the Promifts Belong to the Children of Believers : So doth Peter preach, Acts ii- 39. The Promife is unto you and your Children; and upon this he groundeth rheir being baptized ; compare <ver. 38. with 39. 1 itbjy, If the Children be holy, then are they within the Cove- nant; but it is fo, in 1 Cor. vii. 14. they are federally holy. It is objected, it is meant there a legitimate Seed : It is anfwered, 1. A holy Seed is never fo taken in Scrip- tures: It cannot be proved that it is fo taken, in Mai. ii. 1 5. 2. It is in the Place held forth as a fpecial Privilege ; but that were but a common Privilege. 3. If the Holi- neis were meant there only as to a legitimate Seed, then amongit Unbelievers there were no legitimate Seed. izthly, Chrift was angry at thofe that kept back little Ones from him : So no queftion, he pleadeth a Covenant Intereft in them, in Matth. xix. 14. Jefus faid, fuffer little Children, and forbid them not to come unto me, for of Jueb is the Kingdom of Heaven ; and, in ver. 15. He laid bis Hands on them; and, in Mark ix. 36, 37. Having ta- ken a little Child and fet him in the midfl of them, be laid, vubofever /ball receive one of jueb Children in my Name, receive! b me: There he profelTeth great Refpedl to Chil- dren; and, in Mark x. 13. when the Difciples rebuked thofe that brought young Children to Chriit, to be touch- ed by him, it is faid, in ver. 14. that when Jefus faw it, he was much difpleafed, and faid unto them, Suffer little Children to come to me, and forbid them not, for of fuch is the Kingdom of God : So it is alfo reported, in Luke xviii. 15, 16. and he addeth, in ver. 17. That vjkofcever jhall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little Child, fiall in no vuife enter therein: From thefe Things it may be gather- ed, \fl. Seeing he took .them in his Arms, and would have them received in his Name, and did account the receiving of them a receiving of himfelf ; and he would have all that received the Kingdom of God, receiving it as little Children, being docibie and humble; who can think but Chriit allowed them a Place in his Hou/e and viable Kingdom ? It is ihamelefs Boldnefs, to aflert that




Chriit took Children in his Arms, and did all the things mentioned, only to make Lmblems of them. 2J. If my will reafon, that all that which is faid, doth only evince that they belong to C brill's invifible Kingdom, to that which is above . >yeth nothing as to their Church

Membership in Chrift's viiible Kingdom, it is anfwered, {1.) If the Kingdom of Heaven doth belong to them, much more aie they to be allowed a Place in tiie viiible Kingdom of Omit. (2.) Theft" very being known to belong to cne invifible Kingdom, doth in itfelf give Right, and make them Members of the viiible Kingdom. {5.) Chriil reproveth the Difciples forbkiJing them to come to him iore, it v. \ J is a Duty now, to

admit them. If it h m not been a Truth revealed, that they did belong to Chnit ingdom, it had not been

the Difciples Duty to admit them ; nor had tbey been re- buked for the Neglect of that Duty ; and it is not to'be. fuppofed that he would have rebuked them, for that which they were not bound to know, %ri%. that they were Members of his invifible Kingdom, and belonged . to h'is fecrec Election, before all J ime. 1 Lord never took a Privilege from his Church, cy from his beloved People, unlefs he put fome better in the Place of it : Now, if cannot be denied but the Church Memberfhip of Infant?, in the old Difpenfation of the Covenant, was a fpee o fmall Mercy;

and it cannot be fhewed what is g'ven to the Children of Believers under the Gofpel, in the Place of it : Chrift was Head of his Church in the old Dilpenfation, as well as in the new ; an ceconomical as well as a fpiritual Head ; and in both Refpe&s, he had the Members both of his viiible and myitrcal Body : So, if this Infant Church Mem- berfhip hath no better thing which can be inltructed to be come into the Place of it, it may be concluded that it is not abrogated, but doth, rtill continue. \+tblyt They who were Members of the Jciuijb viiible Church, were Members alio of the catholick vifibie Church: In were Members of the one ; fo then they were Members alfo of the other : Now, what did ever belong to the Members of the catholick I hutch, a> fuch, doth


On the Gospel Covenant. 77

belong to them in all Ages ; To in this Age alfo : For the catholick vifible Church is the fame in all Ages, the fame as to its Eflentials ; for by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body ; as faith the Apoftle, 1 Cor. xii. 13. whe- ther we be yews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and h are been all made to drink in one Spirit; and, in ver. 20. There are many Member S\ but one Bod,. I The Commandment for Education of their Children doth bind Parents now, as well as of old; compare Gen. xviii. 19. with Eph* vi. 4. where they,. are forbidden to provoke their Children, but to bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord : Now, whether we look to the Commandment given to the Fathers, it is not without the Promife; and C fubmitting

themfelves to that Commandment, are thereby entitled to the Promife; and fubjecling themfelves to the Disci- pline of the Houfe, they do thereby declare them to be of the Houfhold, fo to have the external CI Memberfhip. \6tbly9 To conclude this Point, o: Certainty of Infants Church Memberfhip, and Interest in the Gofpel Covenant, now in the Days of the Gof- pel : The Church Privileges now were narrower than in the old Difpenfation of the Covenant ; which is contrary to the Nature of the Gofpel Difpenfation, and to the Tenor of the Prophecies of the laft Days

3 E R-

C 78 )




Wherein, by Way of Inference and Ufe, fhort Vindication and Plea for Infant Baptism.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5:.

Although my Houfe be not fo with Cod\ yet he hath made

with me an everlafting Covenant, well ordered in all Thing.

and fit re ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Dejire\

although he make it not to grow.

HA V I N G at fome length, in our laft Sermon, proved unto you, that Infants are Members o: the Church, under the new as well as under the old Dif- penfation of the Covenant ; and fo, that they have Inte- reft in the Covenant, as a Party together with their Pa rents, 1 go now to the Application and Ufe of this greai Point.

Ufe 1. If Infants, as hath been proved, have a Cove nant Right to Church Memberfhip, then have they Right to be entered and pofleffed of this Privilege ; and fo, a Right to Baptifm; for under the Gofpel there i no other lifting, initiating, and engaging Sign appointei of God; the Anabaptijls themfelves cannot refufe, i Children by Covenant be Members of the vifible Church but they mud be received and declared to be fuch ; an< there is no other Way of declaring this, but by Baptifm


On the Gospel Govenant. 79

rhe Covenant in the old Teftament and new is the ame ; Children have (he fame Relation to the Covenant ow, which they had then ; why then mould they no; >e efteeemed to have the fame Relation to the Seal of he Covenant ?

It is objected, 1. From Rom. ix. S. They which arc he Children of the Flefh, thefe are not the Children of jod; but the Children of the Promife are counted for he Seed ; and, Epb. ii. 3. by Nature all are the Children >f Wrath. An) wo. ift. It is not by Nature that infants ire Church Members, but as Children of the Promife. id. The Objection from thefe Places, if it had any Ground, were as ftrong againft thofe that are come to Age, as well as againil Infants.

It is objected, 2. That Children are not capable of tfie Ends of Baptifm, fuch as Repentance and Remiffion jf Sins, which is by Faith. Anfw. ift. They are capa- ble of the lifting Sign. zd. Capable of being engaged by the Parent who had Power fo to do. $d. Capable at' much as due Child circumcifed was of Circumcifion. wfr. Capable of the Signification, afterwards: It was Sa- tisfaction to Peter, in John xiii, 7. What I do thou know eft tot now, but thou Jbalt know hereafter ; A Right lealed of. mi Inheritance to a Child, though it be not of prefent Ufe to him,' yet it is for his Advantage that his Name i>e in it ; fo in Baptifm there is the Right to the Inheri- tance fealed ; the Parent hath the prefent Comfort, the Child mall have it afterward; in the mean Time, hi* Name is as it were in the Writ : Though the Child: en' which were brought to Chriil underftood not what good there was in Chriit's laying his Hands on them and blef- Gng them, yet none will think it was ufelefs to bring them to Chrift for that End; yea, he can iandlify from the Womb, hath Ways of teaching little Ones, which we know not.

It is objected, 3. Baptifm is a Sacrament, wherein the Party baptized cometh to be engaged to the Lord ; the Infant cannot engage himfelf, and the Parent cannot engage for another; every one mud anfwer for his own Soul ; The Soul that fi>.*.rth /bail die, not the Child for


8o S E R M O N VII.

the Father, nor the Father for the Child, Ezek. xviii. ii 3, 4. Anfiv. ifi, Circumcifion was an engaging Sacra- ment alio ; the Child now can do n# much in being bap- tized, as to Self and Soul-engaging, as the Child of old could do when circumcii'ed. id. The Parent may very lawfully engage his Child to God ; he hath Power to do it, 1. From the Light of Nature he hath fuch Interctt in and Power over the Child, that he can make Covenants for them, efpecially when it is for their good and after- Advantage: He can engage the Child to Men that are lawful Superiors; how much more to God as only fu- preme, and that for their ipiritual and eternal Good ? 2. The Parents Power over the Child is clear from Scrip- ture Light, (1.) Take an Inftance of Parents Power over their Children, in the Matter of Vows, Numb. xxx. 5. if the Father difallow, none of the Vows or Bonds where- with the Soul is bound (hall (land. (2.) And more par- ticularly, to this Purpofe of engaging their Children in Covenant with God, fee Deut. xxix. 10, 1 1, 12, 13. you find there Parents engaging for their little Ones.

It is objected, 4. That Parents cannot either them- felves perform their Chiidrens Duty, nor can they make' their Children perform the Duty themfelves: Who can1 make a Soul engaged to take the Lord for their God ? I

Jt is anfwered, ifl. The Promife and Engagement in in the Infants Name, which he is bound to perform when he cometh to Age: Parents are to employ and ufe the Power and Authority of a Parent, and all their bed Endeavours, by teaching and nurturing, tffr. id. Parents do promife in the Child's Name, that he (hall do, under Pain of forfeiting the Mercy which is promifed ; i'o nei- ther is the Miniiter nor Parent binding the Vow upon the Child, binding him to Perjury, while both do but engage him to his Duty.

It is objected, 5. If a Child may receive the Sacra- ment of Baprifm, why not the Sacrament of the Lord't Supper r Is not the one as neceflary as the other ? And may not Chrift fecretly convey Grace by the one, as well as bv the other ?

On the Gospel Covenant. 81

Anfuo. ifi. God hath appointed the one to be received by Infants, not fo the other, zd. Infants are capable of being warned, not fo of eating and drinking, $d. The tffe of Baptifm is once to enter ; an Infant can be entered ; but the Ufe of the other is to remember Chriit's Death: An Infant is not capable of that. q.th. There is. a fpecial Law againft Infants partaking of the one, r Cor.&\. 28. Let a Man examine himflf and fo let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup ; there is not fuch a Law or Baf againll their partaking of the other. *

It is objected, 6. If it was the Will of Chrift that Children (hould be baptized, how came he to leave fo great a Point of Truth fo exceedingly dark ? It he had minded any fuch Thing, it is more than probable, that he would have fet it down more clearly in the Scriptures. It is anfwered, ift. It is only dark to thole that cannot or Will not draw Concluiions from clear PremiiTes. Ana- baptifls do fay that all Church-members mould be admit ted by Baptifm : And the Scriptures fay, that all the In- fants of proffcffing Believers are Church- members. Again, all Difciples ought to be baptized ; but Infants are Dif- ciples,. as we cited from Ads xv. 10. It was then out of Controverfy : There was a great Stir and Controverfy amongft the Jezvs turned Chriltians, for the W..nt of Circumcifion, Acls xxi. 21. But if Church- rDembenhip bad been taken from them, we wouid have heard more }f it. zd. Aibeit fome Points of Truth be hard to be inderftood, they are not the lefs true for thac, fuch as, he Doctrine of the blefTed Trinity, and of the Saobath. j</. Church-raemberfhip of Infants was fixed for many ^ges, by a ftanding Ordinance not repealed ; fo it needed lot new Explanations.

It is objected, 7. That grofs Ignorance, and much l,oofeneis and Profanenefs, are the Consequents of Infant Japtifm ; whereas if they were not baptized until they ould render a Confefiion of their Faith themfelvts, and >e of a convincing Carriage to the whole Church, both hefe might be much evited.

It is anfwered, 1//. It was foretold by old Simeon, thac

efus (hould be for the Fall, as well as for the Riling of

F many,

82 S E R f[ O X VTT.

ii. 34. So we fhould think no flrange Thing of it, to fee it To. zd. All this might have been

ed with as great Shew of Reafon againlt Circum- '

cilion. 3 /. What Hurt can there be imagined to be in

to be in ChrilVs School even from our Infancy ?

of Profelvtes, though c i re umci fed, was

lo good as the Cafe ot Children, though they

were not a until they came to be able to engage

5//;. There may be afterward a perional

■\ Children, and folemn too; which may be

p both to Ignorance and Profanenefs : The Scrip

turc j'oth allow that, though no Re-baptization. 6tb.

< private Baptiim (which they allow) will

neither be lo engaging to the Perfon, nor fuch a Curb

10 Profanenefs^ tipecially when Perfons of Age are dip

ped, and fo baptized naked : Thefe are fome or the chief

Exceptions which the Anabaptijh have againit our Infant

Bjptifm. ^

But, that we may more fully vindicate this precious Truth, I fhalJ bung forth iome Arguments againft their Way. (1 ) They cannot produce one Word of Scripture that can clearly prove this Ailertion, that believing Pa rents Ihould delay the Baptifm of their Children until they come to iuch an Age. (2.) The Scripture is' clear for this, that tVJen are 10 be baptized, how loon they be- Difciples, Atattb. xxviii. 19, 20. Go teacb, is go inaLc hem Difciples; and then baptize. In Ads ii. 38,1 41. Tkey that gladh received the Word nxere baptized the\ , in Acts viii. 12, 13, 14, 36. How foom ^cd, that is, profeffed their Believing, theyi baptized, both Men and Women, and SI too, and the Eur.ucb alio, <ver. 37, 38. PauP not delayed, in Aits ix. 18. immediately one Preaching, and the Scales falling from his Eyes, he was baptized: So the Jaylor's Baptifm was not delay- ed, in that i ;me Hour of the Night he and all his were v;iitway, A&s xvi. 33. And who can fay re were no Children there, or that the) come to Age made long Confeffions of theii . not to delay either our own or Children:


On the Gospel Covenant. 83

Baptifm, uotil we be fettled in fome particular Church State: Who are baptized, they are entered Members of the catholick vifible Church, all baptized into one Body, whether J ' enx> or Greeky bond or free, i Cor, xii. 13. (3.) By tiieir Way all comech to' an Uncertainty ; it is not known whe^ Wen (hall be full Difciples, and firft converted, and effeclually called ; and then it cannot be known whether trie Work hath been real; and then it will be long, may be, before the Profeflion be fatisfying . to all the Members of their little Church, and it may not be received until it be fuch as may fatisfy all. (4.) They wrefl that Scripture, in Matth. xxviii. while they fay that none muit be baptized but they who are convert- ed by publick Preaching; for chough the ordinary Mean of 'Conversion of thofe that are c6*me to Age, be the Preaching of the Word ; yet holy Education, and Read- -ipiures, and Praying, are Means fanchfied of God for Converfion ; and Infants are mnde Difciples by a Covenant Right and Interett, before they can either hear or underltand Preaching. (5.) Again it their Dipping we fav, 1. It is a palpable Tranigreffion both of rhe fecond Com .andment, it being an Ordinance without a War- rant ; and fixth and feventh, endangering Health, and difcovering Nakednefs : As to that which they bring for their Ground, ASis viii. that Philip with the Eunuch went down into the Water ; it is'eafily anfwered, they went down from the Chariot into the Valley where the Water was. 2. Enon was but a little Brook, though in John iii. 23. it be faid, theie was much Water: It was Out touch in companfon of other more dry Places. 3. As to that which they ground upon the Word Baptizing, as if it fi^nified Dipping only i the contrary is clear from Scriptures: The Word fignifieth W'afhing, in Mark vii- 4., 8. the Wafhing of Cups, Pots, brazi and

Tables; and the Thing fignified by Baptifm, which is Forgivenefs of Sin, and cieanfing from all Iniquity, it is expreffed in Scriptures by waiting and U moil

frequently. In I/a. xTi'v. 3. we have pouring forth of iter. In Ezek. xxxvi. 25. 1 will [prink And, in \ Cor. vi. 11. Such

F 2 ' h*


{bed. In Tit. iii. 5. we have the ocvt/^ ' . . x. 22. we have the Heart. .7 Confcience : And, in 1 P*/. i. 2. we have the V 2?iW 0/ 7efi*s. 4. Suppofe

Dipping there, it was but occafional, by the Heat, not to be followed in colder Climates. 5. Who will think that one Man, John Baptift, would be able to dip ic Multitudes th it came to him to be baptized ol him in JorJ*n% or that the Apoltles could have dipped the Thoufands whom they converted in one Day ? 6 Chrift hath not appointed the Meafure of Water in Bap more than the Meafure of Bread and Wine at the Communion: Men mull not eat themfelves full, and drink themfelves drunk, to expreis their Faith of the Fulnefs of Chrift: No more mult they drown themfelves in Water, to expreis their Faith of their Burial with Chrift. ft is neither God's Way to contradict his moral Commandments with Ordinances, nor to tie himfelf to work Miracles for Self-prefervation : We (hall not need to reckon forth all the woful Opinions which are involv ed in that Opinion of Anabaptifm^ nor the woful Confe queots which follow on Dipping or Delay of Baptifm bu: this is found a Truth, Error doth never go alone; hardly will there be found any one Anabaptiji% who tainted with no more Error, than the Delaying of the ifm of Children till they come to Age. So much to the Jirft Application and Vindication of Infant Baptifm. 1 have a Covenant Right to Church- membenh;p, and be a Party in the Covenant, jointly with ihen Parents fhould bring up their Chil fur God, and canfecratc them to him. The Lord 1 would do fo, fo teach them as hi I command them, and his Houfhold after him, to i. 19. And the Lord chargeth Sons, and their Sons Sons, Deut. iv 7. ic is laid upon them, that they tly, fet them on, and bear them id pon them, all the Words which the Lord limit be diligent Intruding Ircn in their breeding for Go J, a bringing of


On the Gospel Covenant. 85

them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord,

Eph. vi. 4. Doclrines fhould be dropped on them, as the

final! Rain upon the tender Grafs, as in Dent, xxxii. 4.

Parents mull do their Duty, though it be not in Parents

Pains, as to this, more than in the Succefs of the publick

Miniftry, i Cor. iii. 6, 7. Planting and Watering will

not do it, if God give not the Increafe ; yet in doing

the Duty the Bleffing is to be expected. It h the greateit

^Honour of Children, to be brought up for God ; it is

both their Honour, and, many Times, their Happinefs,

that they be not like wild Gourds, as degenerate Plants

of a ftrange Vine, like them in Jer. ii. 21. nor like

AiTes Colts, Afles ufed to the Wilderoefs, -jer. 24. of

that chap. Ah ! what a Torment will it be to Parents,

L at the great Day, or in Hell, to hear cheir Children cur-

liing them for their bad Education? And, on the contra-

j ry, what a Joy and Crown unto them, when they .

be able to Jay in fome Sort to God, Behold J and the

Children whom thou haft given ?ne ; when they can bring

their Children in their Hand to Chriit, as thefe whom

they had confecrated unto him, and brought them up |

from being Children ? Parents fhall do well to engage

their Children early, according to that in Pro*v. xxii. 6.

ylrain up a Child in the Way wherein he fhould go, and

when he is old, he will not depart from it.

;. Children, whom Parents have, according to theirPlace and Power, engaged to the Lord, would ftudy by all Means to improve that Covenant mice by their Parents for their Good : It hath been the Way of the Children of believing Parents in former Time.- : See J a- "s Prayer, in Gen. xxxii. 9. O God of my Father Abra- ham, and God of my Father Ifaac. He raaketh XJCe, for lengthening of his Faith, of the Covenant made with lis Fathers; in which he did p'ead Jntereft ; and the Lord doth allow Cnildren to do io. Hear what A nent the Lord uieth with J acoh, to perfuade him to go lown into Fgypt, Gen. xlvi. 3. J am the God ear not to go dzwn to Egypt. Confider alio that Place in r/a, li. 1, 2. where the Lord'* People are called up, to look nto the Rock whence they were hewen, and to the Hole cf the F 3 Pit

86 S E R M O \" VI II.

Pitv digged \ to Ijdk to Abraham their F

Children thus looking may have a double Claim ; one, by their own Faith, which cleareth up unto them Covenant-Right; another, by and fiom the Cc . made with their Fathers.

To conclude this, let Children of Believers, in n on to this their Covenant inu o that

which was done by Parents in their ;./. Improve

all that which is in the Covenant, for walking z ably and fuitably to that Engagement. 3^. Look \ themfeives, that they for lake r.ot the Covenant cf thcii fathers, as they did, in Deut. xix. 25. So they mighi with Efauy in lib. xii. 16. brinci; a double Curie on themfeives.




How the Co t of Grace i


2 Samuel \

WE come now to the V. Thing propounds cerning this Covenant, and on of this Covenant : and in fpeakm^ to

On the Gospel Covenant. 87

fpeak to thefe two, 1/?. That it is conditional, id. What ,that Condition is. Firft then, we fay, as the Covenant of Works was conditional, Hjppineis covenanted, upon fome Condition to be performed by Man, viz. Perfect Obedience to the holy Commandement ,* fo the Cove- nant of Grace is conditional : in it the more fure, ^nd great Salvation is promifed, upon Condition of Believe- ing, and Receiving Chrift for Righteoufnefs.

WThile we call the Covenant of Grace conditional, we may not underlland it in the moil Uriel Senfe, Condition, as of Parties alike able to perform the Condition each for their own part; but conditional, fo as the Bargain cannot Hand, unlefs the Condition be performed. It is as if a Parent uiLde the Covenant with the Child, upon the do- ing of fuch a Thing, to gi\e him fuch a Reward, yer the Father performeth the Condition in and by the Child ; yet the Bargain holdeth not unlefs the Condition be perfor- med : Yet fince the Father doth perform the Condition, no Ground of pleading Merit ; all is fsee : So that is true, lit. That the Lord laveth us, not without our feivts; we are to work out our Salvation in Fear and Trembling, Pbil. ii. 12. And yet, id. We are fo faved, as all Boaii- ing is excluded, Rom. iii. 27. The Lord doth both work Faith and all our other W orks in us ; he that ordaineth the peace, I/a. xxvi. 12.

This Gofpei Covenant is fo propounded, as it appear- eth clearly to be thus conditional : fo, in Matt. xi. 28. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden , and 1 will give you Reft ; that which \s promifed is Soul Reil; the Condition" is clear, come all that labour arid are hea- vy laden : coming to Chnfl is the Condition, and fo coming as molt fenfible of our Need of him. In If a. lv i. Ih every one that thirtieth, come ; come and kiiy nx . Money ; and 1 vjill make the eveylajltng Covenant ik: even the fure Mercies of David, ver. 3. There muft not only be a lillening to the Bargain, but a coming to Jefus, the buying up of his Ware, the Receiving, Fating, Drinking, and (o Partaking of his Fuln,eis, in Rev. xxii. 17. Theie is both Coming and Taking called for; and Men muft be willing to the Bargain, and thiriting after ir.



For the more full Under/landing of this Point, thef* : 'ninos mull be opened and proved, i//. That the Covenant of Grace is conditional, fo as no Good promif- ed in it can be exp.eled, unlets the Condition be per- formed. 2d. That the Covenant of Grace b^ing thu$ conditional, doth not hinder it from oeing a Covenant of orace. that is, a free Covenant: all is given in it molt freely; Chrift, and with him all things Pom. viii. 32. Whojoever will, may take of the Hater of i Aei . xx;i 17.

As to tnc F fit That the Covenant of Grace is conditi- onal, it is proved thus, \ft. The Lord did never promife Life abfoluiely to any Creature : Some Froruifts are in- ok e abfolute, fuch as that, in I/a. xliii. 25. /, ev- en I am He tl~at blotieth out thy T a"fg> cjjions fo>- mine ouun S.ike, a>:d will not rrmmhc \ a. id that, in Ezek.

21, 2 2 I bad »;ine Holy Name: 1 do not

this for your Sakesy O Houfe of Ifrael, but for my Holy Name's Sake: Yet ever, in thefe both Chrift: and Faith are inclu- ded. God hatn fet forth Chrift for a Propitiation through Faith in his Bloud, to declare his Righteoufneis, for the Remillion of bins which are p,ift, Rom. iii. 25. And in Heb. ix. 22. Jefus is Surety of the better Teftament, fo for all that which is left in Legacy, and Remiflion of Sins with tne firifc. 2d. The very Name and" Nature of a Covenant doth fignify an Agreement upon Conditions : confider Gen. xxi. 23, 24, 31, 32. betwixt Abraham and Abimelecb\ and in Gen. xxxi. 48. to 54. betwixt La* ban and Jacob. And in the Covenant made with Abra- ham by the Lord, from <ver. 7. to 15. There are very clear Conditions expreflld, efpecially that he receive the Promife in that Seal, and he and his Seed be confecrated to the Lord. 3/ The Covenanted mercy is promifed up- on Condition, in Deu'. vii. 12. And as the Covenant is a Covenant of Promifes, Epb. ii. 12. fo it is of Com- mandments: The Loid hath commanded his Covenant for ever, PfaL cxi. 9. What is that, but that he hath ppmmauded the Conditions to be performed ? 4/0. We read oi the Bond or the Coven nr, 1 will bring you into fhe Bond of the Covenant; £z:.k. xx. 37. The Lord


On the Gospel Covenant. 89

caufeth his People to cleave to him as a Girdle, that they be to him for a People, that is, keeping Touches wich him, and for a Name, and for a Praife, and for a Glory, Jer. xiii. 11. $th. While we read either of keeping of Covenant, as in Pfal. xxv. 10. or of breaking Cove* nant, as in Jfa. xxiv. 5. They have broken the everlafling Covenant ; it is meant of the Conditions of the Covenant. $th. The word Covenant is, not only in the Scripture Phrafe, to be underftood of that which God promifeth, as in Gen. xvii. 7. but of that which God requireth alfo, wer. 9. of that Chap. Yea, in this lafi Consideration, it is moll earneffjy urged, and affented to, Excd. xxiv. 3, 7. Thus we have proved that the Covenant of Grace is conditional. If it be further afked, why it was that the Lord would make it fo ? I anfwer, 1/?. It was for the Glorifying of Grace before we enter into Glory, <hat we might fhew forth his Virtues or Praiies, who hath called us out of Darknefs into his marvellous Light, J. Pet. ii. 9. id. To juftify the way of free Grace, and to flop the Mouth of Murmurers, when, how free foever it be, yet it is fo difpenfed, as God may reckon with Men upon the Point of keeping or breaking Condition; fo in EzeL xviii. 25. the Lord proveth his Ways equal, and the Way of thofe that contend with him unequal; and in, Matt. xx. 13. he can well plead that he doth no Man wrong, when he ftandeth to and keepeth his Agree- ment. %d. The Condition wrought in the Saints, is the better and fhonger Ground of Confolation, concerning the Certainty of the Bargain.

life 1. All who have entered this Covenant, would firil remember that it is conditional, and then labour to keep Condition, as they defire to partake afluredly of the Blefling ; For, fee in what Lhannel it runneth, 2 Chron. xv. 2. The Lord is with you while ye are with him ; And, in 2 Tim. iv. 7. 8. There is, firft, the Fight- ing of the good Fight of Faith, finilhingof the Courfe, and the keeping of the Faith ; and then the Crown of Righteoufnefs is to be given. All Believers are warned to look well to themfelves, and to fear left a Promife be- ing left unto thejn of entring into the Lord's Reft, left any



of them fhould item to come fliort, H6.iv. i. And, in* 2 Pet. ii. 10, they are charged the rather to give Dili- gence to make their Calling and Election fure.

It is objected againit this Doctrine, I. This Covenant is a Tcilamert,in IJcL ix. 15, 1 6, 17. What Condition is there, or can there be in a Ttilament ? 1 anfwer, that it is called, and is a Teftament ; from thence is proved its inviolable Surenefs ; but it doth not exclude the Con- dition ; for, in <ver. 15. the Condition is exprefled, the Promife of the Inheritance, as it is by means of Death ; fo there mult be a receiving of the Redemption of the Tranfgrefions. Chriil's Will or Teftament, that they whom the Father hath given him mould be with nim to be- hold his Glory, John. xvii. 24. is, no otiier than a With and Prayer for thofe vvnich believe on him, wr, 20.

It is objected, 2. There are abloKite Promifes made to us in this Covenant; fuch as that, in Ezek. xi. 19. / twill put a new Spirit within you, and I will take the flony Heart out of their Fhjhy and will give them an Heart of Flelb ; and, in Ezek. xxxvi. 25. A new Heart alfo iv ill J give you, and a neiv Spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the J tony Heart out of your Flfo, and I will give you an Heart of FLfh. I anfwer, I . Even thefe, as they are made to us, are made in Chriil ; All the Promifes are Yea and Amen in Cnriit Jefus, 2 Cor. i. 20. 2. The Covenant is of Lite and Petce, Mai. ii. 5. fo it mull be conditional : See the Qualifications and Conditions required in the Perfon, Mat. v. from <ver. 3, to 10. Whodefire Life mutt mortify the Deeds of the Bo- dy through the Spirit, Rom. \\. icre mull be a Believing with the Heart unto Righteoufnefs, and Con- feflion made with the Mouth unto Salvation, Rom. x. 10. and in wr. 13. there is neceflarily required of all that would be faved, a calling upon the Name of the Lord. 3. The Condition is the Lord's Work, it is rather properly in the Covenanter, than in the Covenant; the Lord doth firft fit the Party, and then engage them.

It is objecled, 3. Even from this, that the Lord doth take all on himfelf, and leaveth us nothing to do ; as appearcth from the Place above-cited, Ezek. xxxvi. 25,

26, :

On the Gospel Covenant. 91

26, 27. where, not only the new Heart ispromifed, but new Obedience alio ; for it is promifed, that he will caufe them walk in his Statutes ; and, in Heb, viii. 10. This is the Covenant that I will make with the Houfe of Ifrael in thefe Days, I will put my Laws in their Mind, and write them in their Hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they fhall be to me a People.

It is anfwered, I. The Condition is not antecedent to God's making of the Covenant, but to the Believer's being actually within it. 2. The Lord doth fo undertake all, as he will both have us doing our Part, and caufe us do it ; whence we have thefe Commandment*, Jer. iv. 4. Cir- cumcife you ft Ives to the Lord; and that, in Ezek. xviii. 31. Cali away all your Tran/greJ/ions, and make you a new Heart, and a new Spirit; and that, in Eph. iv. 23. Be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind. 3d. Sinful Inability doth not take away moral Obligations ; Believers are under Gofpel Ties to Obedience : The Goipei doth indeed grant Pardons, but not Difpenfations to Sin; yea, and as Gof- pel Commands give Strength to obey, fo they lay orr Bonds for Obedience.

It is objected, ^th. When the Covenant of Grace is made conditional, what eife is it but to confo;und, and make it the fame with the Covenant of Works ?

It is anfwered, the being conditional will not make it the fame, unlefs it were the fame Condition. But it is urged further, to believe, in Confcience of a Command- ment, is legal, fo to believe, becaufe and as it is com- manded. Anf. There be evengelical Commandments, as well as legal ; iuch as that great one, Mark. i. 2J. Repent and believe the Go/pel; and that, in Rom. vi. 12. compared with <ver. 14. Let not Sin reign in Bodies, that ye/hiuldobey it in the Lulls thereof, for ye are >ier the Law but under Grace ; and in Phil. ii. 12 13. Work out your Salvation in Fear and Trembling ; for it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do. It is further urged, to make the Covenant of Grace thus con- ditional, were to bring the free Spirit of Jefus Bonds. It is anfwered, Not under any Bond of Coi.ilrainr, but of a Uta Promife ; by which he is not fo u



Debtor to us, as to himfelf ; yet, concerning his Sons, and the works of his Hands, the Lord doth allow Believ- ers to command him, I/a. 45. 11.

It is obje&ed, §tb. If the Covenant of Grace be con- ditional, how can it be everlafting ? the breaking of tfae Condition makes it fail. Atif. 2d. The Condition is not always required to be in aclual Performance, and lb ex- plicit, id. It is not (aid, the itrongert Faith muit be, or none at all : Abraham'.* Faith is not a Foot of Mealure for every Believer. 3^. Chritl's Faithfulnefs is Surety for our being faithful ; io the Covenant will not Fail.

2. Go to now, and try your Eftate by conditional Promifes : fo ar#yoa commanded to examine, try, and prove your ftlvts, whether you be in the Fwith or not, 2 Cor. xiii. ^. So, wheiber you have the Condition or not, whether we have the right Love or not ; which is not in Word and in Tongue, but in Deed and in Truth ; fo we may know ourfelves to be of the Truth, and af- fure our Hearts before God, 1 John. iii. 18, 19. Seek out the conditional promifes, and be rtill examining whe- ther you have the Condition : abioluce Promifes do hold forth the Caufes of Salvation, the conditional Promifes do fhew us the Perfons that ihall be laved. The abfolute Promifes give good Ground for Clofing and Adherence, and for constant Dependance ; but the conditional Pro- mife,when the Condition is found, doth beget and itrength- ea AiTurance: when the Lord faith, I will do it for my own Sake, that is abfolute : Believe, and thou fhalt be faved, that is conditional. But it may be afked, Doth not the Lord both call us to believe, and minitier Com- fort to us by abfolute Promifes? I anfwer, it is true, we may caft ourfelves fometimes upon abfolute Promife?, when we are dark, as to finding in our felves the Con, dition required in the Covenant. Bur, id. The true and folid Comfort from thefe abfolute Promifes, is only where Faith and other Graces are wrought. 3/ We would not feparate thefe two; when Temptations drive us from conditional Promifes, the others may ferve for a fafe Re- treat. Now, this Trial we have been preffing, is no legal way of Trying, ifweconfider that Scripture, in

1 Pet.

On the Gospel Covenant. 93

z Pet. i. 5, to 9. The trying by Marks, adding to Faith Virtue, and to Virtue Knowledge, &c. in <ver.8. It is faid, If thefe things be in you and abound, they make you that ye fhail neirher be barren nor unfruitful in the Knowledge of theLord Jeius Chnit ; that is Gofpel Work indeed.

As to the fecond, The making of the Gofpel Covenant conditional, it doth no way prejudge that free Grace which is held forth in the Covenant: this is clearly af- ferted in Epb. ii. 8, 9. Where it is faid, by Grace ye are faved, and not of your felves, not of Works, leit any man mould boaft ; and yet it is told us there, that it is through Faith. It may be further cleared by Reaicu thus, id. Both the Condition, and aJl that is in the Co- venant, do flow from the lame Purpofe of free Grace given in Chrift Jefus, before the World began. 2 Tim. i, 9. All promiies are but fo many Manifeftations of nis purpofe of Grace, Tit. i. 2. So the Lord did purpofe to give Faith firft, and then Life. The Condition then doth only fhew us in what Order and Channel we may expect the flowings out of free Grace, 2d. All the conditional Promiies are Promifes of the Gofpel, fo of Grace : the Law is not of Faith, Gal. iii. 12. So not of Grace. The Law doth not command this Faith ; for then it fhould hold forth Chrift : the Commandments of the Law are now a killing Letter, 2 Cor. iii. 6. They kill and cure mt. The moral Law is a School- Matter to Chrift, oc- casionally onelv. The ceremonial Law had the Gofpel in it ; the Words of Faith give Life, they are Spirit Life, John. vi. 63. 3^. Faith, which is the Condition, it doth receive all from Grace moft freely, and without Price ; both Juftification, Sanctification, and Glorifica- tion, ^th. This Condition is not, nor ever was, a Caufe Influencing God to give either Grace or Glory ; it is re- quired as antecedent to Life. 5//^. Evangeiick Con- ditions wrought by Grace, and Gofpel Free-Grace, do well agree, 'and are confiltent one with another, as miy appear, in John. v. 24. Hearing of the Word, and Be- lieving on God, are well confident with the free Gift of eternal Life; and, in Acls, xiii. 38, 39, Free I


94 S h K M O N VIII.

givenefs, and free Juitification, are fo confident with Relieving, that they could not be without it ; and, jn Rom. iii. from ver. 27. to 3 1 . We will find the Law of i;h working fo, to the fetting up of free Grace, that it excludeth all Bo. tiling. 6th. All the Ads of Grace are in God but one fimple Acl of that Good-will towards Man; {o one of them cannot be prejudicial to another: It is an acl of Grace, that it pleafed him to make the Covenant conditional, and upon fo eafy a Condition ; and then a- nother aft of Grace, that he himfelf (h juIJ work the Condition ; this can be no Hindrance to other Ads of Grace which follow after.

Vfe 1. Let this confute the Antinomians and others, who under Pretext of making the Covenant free, do break the Condition, and fo the Bond of the Covenant : They cry up (lill free Grace ; but, fhall they under Pretext of that, fet themfelves free from Righteoufnefs, which is the woful Eltate of thofe under the Law? If we believe the Apottle Paul, Rom. vi. 20. For faith he, while ye were Servants to Sin, that was under the Law, ye were free from Righteoufnefs; we have told you, and proved it, that the Do&rine of the conditional Covenant is molt confident, and doth well agree with the Doctrine of free Grace.

Vfe 2. Magnify the Grace of God in this conditional Covenant ; There is much Grace of God appearing in the now Condition of the Covenant. 1 //. If we compare it with the Condition of the fir ft Covenant, Doing, even Doing all and every Jot, under the pain of a Curfe ; Believing is more eafy ; for that alfo was to be done in a Man's own Strength, this by the Strength of that mighty One, on whom all the Help is laid, idly, There is much Grace in the Condition that now is. [ mean, Faith; becauie it both draweth all from free Grace, and holdeth all of it, and it fetteth all that which is in the Man on Work, to fet forth the Glory of free Grace, both in putting every Grace to work, and gathering a Rent of Praiie from the fame. $<lly9 It lets a man fee a daily Need of Grace, both for maintaining it felf, and inabling a man to keep Con- m and Covenant with God : Thefe Things will be more clear when we come to (hew what this Condition

S E R-

( 95 )




Of Faith, the Condition of the Covenant of Grace.

2 S a M u E L xxiii. 5-. Although my Houfe be not fo with God; yet he hath made with me an c^erhfingCovcnzrA. red in all 7

and jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, although he make it not to gr n

WE have fpoken to that point, how this Gofpel Co- venant is conditional : followeth now to be fpoken of that which is the Condition of this Covenant, even Faith. So the Doclrine is, Faitb is the Condition cf the Ncn.u Covenant, or Covenant of Grace : So it h put down in that Comjpend of the Gotpel Covenant, John. in. 15. God fo loved the World, that he gave his only t Son, that vjhofoever helieveth on him fhc-uld not p<rijh but have everlajling Life : Believing, there, is the Con- dition on which everlafting Uife is to be given ; and in Rom. iv. 16. Therefore it is of Faith, that it might be by Grace ; and in Rom. x. 9, 10. If thou (halt confefs with thy mouth the Lord Jefus, and (halt believe in thine heart that God hath raifed him from the Dead, thou flialt be faved ; for with the Heart iWan bclieveth unto Righteoufuefs, and with the Mouth Confeflion is


unto Salvation : So the Preaching of the GofpeJ, in ASls xiv. 27. is called the opening of the Door of Faith ; and in Rom. xvi. 26. Obedience to the Golpel is called the' Obedience of Faith ; and in 1 Pet. i. 9. the Salvation of oar Souls is called the End of Faith : So Faith is the aldne Thing required as the Condition of the Covenantof Grace. This may be further cleared by thele Reafons. 1/?. The Bleflings promifed in this Covenant are not at- tainable in our ielves, but in Chrift Jefus ; and Faith is that which fetcheth all from him : In him is Life, and the Life is the Light of Men, John. i. 4. In him is that' Fulnefs which we mud receive, <ver. 16. And the receiv-j ing is by Believing, <vcr. 1 2. of that Chap. The great I Privilege: And fo leiTer Privileges alio are given to as ma-! ny as believe on his Name : and, in 1 John. 5. qjer. 12, 13. He that hath the Son hath Life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not Life : Thefe "Things have I written to you that believe on the Name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal Life, and that ye may believe on the Name of the Son of God : So for fetching Life, and all that is in the Son, Faith i great Engine. 2c//>. Faith was made the Condition of the Gofpel-Covenant, becaufe that of Works was now* impoffibie ; it is now made weak through the Flelh, Rom. I viii. 3. The Law now cannot give Life, Gal. iii. 21. Works are now dead and corrupt Things; from which the Conscience is to be purged, before we can ferve the Li- ving God, Heb. ix. 14. But Faith is poffible, becaufe God can give it, and he giveth it freely, Phil. i. 29. And there is a Spirit of it given alfo, 2 Cor. iv. 13. 3^/y. Faith is and was made the Condition of this Covenant, that it might be by Grace : It was and is God's End, in this Covenant, to manifeit Grace, to get the Praife and Glory of his Grace, Ejsb. i. 6. And to take away all Glorying from Flefh; that no Flefh mould glory in his Prefence ; but he that glorieth ihojld glory in the Lord. i. 29, 31. Now, the only fitted Thing to advance this Dcfign, is Faith ; fo, in Rom. iv. 16. It was by Faith that it might be by Grace ; and if by Grace, it is then no more of Works, otherwiie Grace is no more Grace,

Rom. xi'«

On the Gospel Covenant. 97

'Rom, xi. 6. \thly, Faith was made the Condition of the Covenant, for this End, that all the Bit flings of the Co- venant might be made fure, fure to ail the Seed, even to all that mould have the Faith of Abraham, Rom. iv. 16. Believing giveth Eilabliihment, 2 Chron. xx. 20. $thly, Faith doth not only make all the Bieffings of the Cove- nant lure, but it hatn a iufficient Aptneis to make us Par- takers of all the Bleflings of the Covenant; fo, in Afls x. 43. Through Believing Remiflion of Sins is receiv- ed, in Rom. iii. 29, 30. Juftiflcation is by and through "Faith; and, in Rom. iv. 13. Abraham was, and Believ- ers are, made Heirs of the World, through Faith ; and in Rem. viii. 32. together with Chriit ail Things are given fredy ; and Faith alone is for receiving of free Gifts. In 2 Cor. i. 24. Stability, which is no fmall Blef-- fing, is by Faith : By Faith, faith the Apoftle, ye fland; andf in Gal. rri: "14. The Prumife of the Spirit alfo is received by Faith : So Faith receiveth all the great Things which are in the Covenant.

Ufe 1 . Blefs the Lord for his marvellous Kindnefs, in that he hath appointed fuch a Condition of the new and, better Covenant ; io fweet and poffible, the Birth of Hea- ven, the Eftabiifher of. the Heart, Director of the Way.

Ufe 2. Make Vie of this Faith, both in making and improving of this Covenant: As to the Grit, the making of this Covenant, Faith doch, (1.) Difcover as a Beam of olivine Light, on the one Hand, the happy Eitate of thofe that are in Covenant with God ; as in PfaL cxliv. 15. Happy is that People <whoft Cod is the Lord: And then, on ;he other Hand, it difcovereth the Mifery of thofe thac ire not in Covenant with him, without Chrift, Strangers rrom the Covenants of Promtfe, having no Hope, and with- jut God in the World, Eph. ii. 12. not a People of God, Tuch as have not obtained Mercy, 1 Pet. ii. 10. (2 ) Faith ►vorktth Senle of the loft Condition, and lets a Man on Work, as for his Life, to break his Covenant with Sin, Satan, and Self, and all his Covenants made with Hcli ind Death. (3.) Faith revealeth nr(t to the Ear, and ifter to the Heart, the Offers of Righteoufnefs in the JufpeJ, Senfe of the poor Creature'* Condition, in much G Ncceflity


Neceflity and Want ; and then, the joyful Sound of Gtf- fpcl Peace begets an Eftimation of tne Grace which is ' offered ; and then, Eiieem breeds earned Defires ; like that of the Hart panting after the Water Brooks, PfaL ;i 2. The Spirit of Faith fcattereth tome Seeds then; fo the Defire of the Soul is to the Lord's Name; the Soul's Defire will be working by Night and Day in feek- ing God, as in I/a. xxvi. 8, 9. (4.) Faith having De- fires kindled in the Soul, it doth reveal the Lord's Wil- lingnefs to enter in Covenant with ielf-loit Sinners; hold- ing forth fuch Scriptures as thefe, Prov. i. 22, 23. How long, ye Jimple Ones, wilf ye love Simplicity ? Turn you at my Reproof ; behold, I at/7/ pour out my Spirit unto you, I w ill make known my Words unto you ; and, I/a. lv. 1. Ho f every one that tbirjletb, come ye to the Waters, and be that bath no Money, come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price ; and that, in Matt b. xi. 2S. Come all ye that labour and are heavy I a den y tome unto me, and I will give you Re]} ; and that, in Jer. iii. 4. Wilt thou not from this Time cry unto me, my Father ? Ami that, in Ezek. xxxiii. 11. As I live 4 faith the Lord God, I have no Pleafure in the Death cf the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his Way and live ; turn ye} turn ye from your *vit Ways, for why will ye die, O Hou/e of IfraelP and, (c.) Together with thefe Scriptures, in hear- ing the Word preached, it amufeth the Creature, whert it heareth Minifters, as Ambaffadors of Chrift, befeech- ing them in ChriU'b Stead to be reconciled to God, 2 Cor. V. 20. (6.) It puts the Soul to a moil ferious Confuje- ration of the Invitations and Encouragements ; fo, a Man- to lit alone, as it were, and Hell and Judgment in his Sight, Death and Life fet before him; and then to liiten to t»ia; which is faid, and to him that fpeaketh from Heaven ; and whether there be any Word for him, a fell loll Sinner; whether there be a Call for him to that Marriage of the King's Son, Mattb. xxii. 2, 3. And he fmdeth nothing in himfelf, that any Way is fuitable co io honourable a Match : Faith, in this Cafe, telieth the I, that the Bridegroom feeketh no Tocher, but bring- eth with him the Dowry, bringeth with him all Riches,


Oh the Gospel Covenant. 9$

II neceflary Ornaments, yea, and all Things, which may ire Satisfaction, Solace and Security. In this Cafe, it *]] make a Man ponder and deeply meditate on fuch a enpture as that, in HrJ. n. 19, 20. / <v:ili betroth thee nto me for e*ver , yea, J ivlti betroth thee unto me in Rigb- r, and in Judgment, and in loving Kindnefi, and in Mercia 3 / vciil c*vtn betroth thee unto me in Faithfulnefs. j.) Now, the Soul finding NecelTity prtfting on the one Jand, Chrift inviting on the other, and the Marriage nd-Terms- thereof every Way anfwering its Neecs and )efires; and Faith alfo reveajir g how Believing is all Tat which is required, and how it is commanded undef le higi.eit Pain ; how the covenant is conditional, and aith tiie Condition, it maketh oit after Chrift, receiv- th, embraceth, refleth on him, is fa listed with him ; and acn rehgneth itfeit to him, and to his Dominion and )ifpofal : It findeth his Yoke eafy, his Dominion fweet, is Service realonable, Matth.xi.zg. Rom. xii. I. 1 John . 3. (8.) Upon this the Bargain is clofed, the Cordi- on is fulfilled, and who do fo come into' JeK»s, he nvtff 1 no tuifi cafl out, John vi. 37.

As to the Second, we muir make Ufe of this Faith in le improving of this Covenant; ar d Faith is of mar- ellous Use in this Work: 1. It will put a iVLn not fter a doling in Covenant, to fearch whether the cj ath been right and full, but upon a Work, how to fe- ure and enfure it more and more, ay ana uiuii the Heart e aflured before God, as in John, 1 Epifl. chap. iii. v&. 9. until the Sou! come to tnat lull Ailuraiice, Heb. x. 2. 2. It improveth this biclled Bargain, by taking the oul to the Throne, that it may get Grace .or Htip in "ime of Need, HA), iv. 16. And it will make a hat hath now taken on with Jefus, 00:= what

infwer cometh from its Beloved, P/al, lxxxv. S. And if o Anlwer, it will enable to wait o;;, as a Servant on hii Handmaid looking to the hand ef her Mi- reb, PfaL exxiu. 2. If ihe Anlwer be dark, it will ut ti.e >up|;]icant to feek Light, that in the Lord's Light

) lee Light, according to Pjal. xxxvi, o. 1: khlwer be a ieeming Slight, or flianiciul i G


not fuffer the Soul to take a Denial, but put it to wreftle r in the Pra&ice of the Cavaa- \ from <ver. 21, 29. 3. TKe k of Faith, after that it bath engaged Soul: J, will be to teach Men that great Leflbn, how to walk with God. \ft. It will (hew chat all Duties arc .'e to thole that believe, Mark ix. 33. zd. It turn- he By€ to covenanted Strength, to that Spirit ol >th in Chi ill, lfa. xi. 2. and Grace iufficient, 2 Cor. <r;t promiied, and ready to be given iim, Luke xi. 13. 3/ It fets the Kye tc cxix. 66. \th. It fets up God and his Glory for the Ejad, 1 LVr. x. 3 1 . fo God ever in the Eye. cfb. It is a Buckler againll Temptations, the Sbit/d of 16. 6/A. It encourageth the Man in the Ways of God, as either enlarging the Heart, PfaL . or holding out the Reward, thb. xi. 25. Comfort of H<;pij, to all thofe who have this :i:ion; they may be fure of that which the Lord mifed, eternal Life. 4. Is Faith the Condition of the Covenant of e ? Then woe to them that have no Faith ; . already, John iii. 18. Hell is their . Luke xii. 46.

of Faith always, efpecially in thefe

Cafe?/ 1 Of Sin, for Reconciliation, 1 John ii. 1. 2

Want of Grace, Gal. iii. 14. 3. In the

; away, 2 f/w. iv. 18. 4. For every Du«

i ;; :ii Fajch, as the Condition of the Covenant ,od over us ? Let it be our Defire and daily - . to fit him up and honour him: He bath J j-

t JJjenjj forth his Prmi/t, lfa* xliii. on high in your Eftimation, Jet him Praife ; he is fo in him (elf,

xv. i 1 (2) Cviunt ic highest Honour to be ins,

j's Servant, PfaL cxvi

m the Things of God greateit, his publick

5. (4 ) Stand for him in declining Times ;


On the Gospel Covenant. ioc

fuch are well noticed of him, Ezek. xliv. 15, 16. They that kept the Charge of the Sanctuary, when tte People of Ifrael went aitray from the Lord, are allowed to come near him^and to minilter nnto him. (5.) Rett on him in ail greateit Straits; fo did David; wriat Time, faith he, I am afraid, ] tull trufi in thee, Pjal. Ivi. 3. A^ain, in Pjal. lix. 9. Becaufe of his Strength will 1 thee, for God is my Defence. (6.) Pat vounelves under the Authority of every Word of his, until you t.-envb'e at it; fo (hall the Lord regard ycu, Ifa. I*vi Look

well to the keeping of you : God will deal with

them, as they have dealt with hi:*!, who defpife the 1 in breaking the Covenant, Esuk. xvi. 59. [S.) Li

:• r.ijbie pfUnwortfeinefs, and ing it before the Lor. /did, 1 (

Bat for further and better {Jndtrt\av. : Myitery, how Faith is the Condition of the Covei 1 uld be remembered, that thoagh Faith be not an-

tecedent in the Decree, forefeen Faith, it s they call it, , in that Confederation, no Motive to Go.u to make the Covenant ; yet it isanteceJent to our adlual in Covenant with God : This is manireii, for, 1. If 1 Were confequent to the Covenant made witn us, then Ju- stification fhould be before our effectual Calling, cor- to that Order fet down by the Holy Ghoit, in Row. vin. 30. Whom be did prede/finate, them be call called, them l>e a-, 2. It is apparent from !

ture, that Faith muit go before our being ad.. ged in Covenant with God : Do bu: conlider theie Pi Rom. iii. 22. Tie Rigbteoufnefs of Gcd ii unto all, and upon all tht ana, in ver. 25. Cbrifi is Jet forth to be a I > through Faith in bis Blood ; and, Phil. iii. 9. we con have Righteoufnefs through the Faith

} njuhicb is of God by Faith; and, Gal. ii. i

the Faith cf J ejus ( i in 'J efus Cbriji, that :v.e might hi 3. The brazen Serpent thrill, in John iii. 14, 15. none were healed tili ooked to it, Numb. x.xi. 9. So in / G 3


unto mr, all \e Ends of the Earth, and be ye faved. 4, By that Opinion, which maketh Faith cor.fequent to oiir being in Covenant with God, Chritt ihould be actually ours before we be juitif.ed, which cannot be. 5. Oar Righteuuinefs is by Imputation, whiie the Righteoutnefs of Chriil is imputed to u^ ; new, thi^ Imputation before Believing ; fo, in Rom. iv. 3. the Scripture faith, Abraham believed God, a>id it «u r Rigb-

tejj ; and Gal iii. 6. the mg is re. .

E-ven as Abraham believed God, and it nxas con for Right cufn(fs. 6. Ir .

actually before the. , then v. id. cut I jf

fhould ple.fe G< d ; but that is impoiTibie, as wuntlLth the ApolUe, in Htb. xi. 5, 6.

I. A^ain.t the Ar:tinomiansy who affirm, th t we

tuaiiy in Covenant before we believe: And they

Chriil is not ours but by an Act of God imputing

lighteoufnefs unto u>. It is anfwered, this Act i<

neither prior in 'i jme, nor ieparaced from tn.it Ac: of

Grace which worketn Faith ii

Faith to ac.fr. They location were by

Faith, antecedent and not comeuuent, then as Faith in: ciealeth, Intereil in Chnlt fhouid be increased. I: i arifuereo. 00 the Intereit indeed comet b to be more and more cleared, but not increafed ; for Faith doth not ju- ftify, as an Act itronger or weaker, but as an Inilrumenl apprehending the Oujecl Ghrilt. They lay furta. JuiHfication were fo by Faith, then Fakh ceafirtg, Juiti jication ihould ceaie. It is anfwereu, That there is never a total Ccilation of Faith, in that Perfon who hath beet once julliiied. 2. Though Faith doth ceafe as to fom< Aft*, yd c^e Marriage Knot is not iookd.

Uj'e 2. Who defire to have their Intereil fecured, mul

not reft in the Covenant as made with Chriit in Eternity

but labour once to have Faith, and then to ad u; oj

aey can never be actually pofftfled of and in thi

Covenant, and great Things wnich are in it.

And, to cloie and conclude all thi?, it would be fur ther remembered, that it is not the Habit of Faith tha juflifieth the Sinaer, nor is'it the Condition of the [


On the Gospel Govenant. 103

riant ; but Faith, as acting, and as an Inftrument appre- hending Chrift: So, in Gal, ii. 20. there is a Jiving by the Faith of the Son of God : So are Acls of Life ex- erted and brought forth ; and, 1 Thefl. i. 3. we have the Work of Faith ; and, in 2 Cor. v. 7. walking by Faith. This is and mult be, iff. Becaufe Faith by acting doth receive the Promife, and Privileges in it, John'x. 12. receiveth and embraceth them, Hch. xi. 13. Faith is the Hand which is put forth, zdly, Habitual Righteoufnefs was not the Condition of the Covenant of Works; nei- ther is habitual Faith the Condition of the Covenant of Grace. 3^, Living by Faith the Life of Jullificaticn ; and that cannot be without acting Faith. 4/^/y, No Qualification in ourfelves is the Condition : Habits are Qualifications within.

Ufe 1. This isagainft thefe who make Faith fo a Con- dition, as not an Jnftrument ; as it is a Habit within the Man, and not acling upon Chrift: They turn the Cove- nant legal, who make any Thing within the Man, jufti- iy the Man, or any Thing proceeding from the Man or performed by him: Faith doth neither juftify as a Habit, or as any Aft or Work of ours, but as an Inftrument ap- prehending Chrift and his kighteoufnefs.,

Ufe 2. Let all then who defire once to be, and for ever to abide in Covenant with God, actually and comfortably, not only act Faith at firft for Juftificaticn, which is paf- fed in one Act, but be acling it daily, for cleaning up and fecuring their Intereft ; for Life is in thefe Actings.

S E -R-

( io4 )

S E R M 0 N X.



Firft Property of the Covenant, it is free.

2 S A M U E L XXlfi. 5".

Ai 'though my Hoafi be not fo with Goi riant, well and 'vation, and all my D

ail :ake it not to grow.

\\T E come now to the V[. Thing propounded concer- * * ning this Covenant of Grace ; it is concerning the Properties thereof: Some are in the Text, an wet i

\nt} ordered in all Things, and Jure \ but comparing this with other Scriptures, this Covenant, in ail h*th feven Properties ; each whereof doth commend it more than another : The firft Property thereof is, that it is a free Covenant. The fecond, it is a mod uniting Covenant, and maketh the Parties joined therein of neareit Rela- tions. The third, it is an everlafting Covenant. The , it is a well-ordered Covenant. The fifth, it is a molt fure Covenant. The fixtb, it is a holy Covenant. The (comtby it is a mod full Covenant.

Let us bt*in at the firft, on which we lay down this Affertion, that the Gotpti Covenant is a moll fret Cove- nant: This is not the fmalleft Excellency of it, that it ig /ree, and whofoever will, is or may be free to enter into ir. The Covenants amongtt Men are not fo free ; Par- ties

On the Gospel Covenant. 103:

ties do make them, each with others, for their own Be- nefit ; whether they be Covenants of indemnity, as that was betwixt Abimekch and Iiaac, Gen. xxvi. 28, 32. or of pofitive Advantage, as that betwixt the Sons of Ja- cob and Hamor, Gen. xxxiv. 20, 24. But the Covenant which the Lord maketh with his People, is mod htt : So, in Gen. xvii. 2. the Covenant of God with Abraham is molt free: / will make it, faith the Lord, between me and thee, and 1 will multiply thee exceedingly : Behold, how it is free, and :or Abraham\ Advantage, no Price is fought; and, in Deut. vii. 7, 8. the Lord fheweth to his* People, that he did not fet his Love upon them, nor chufe them, becauie they were moe in Number than any Peo- ple, nor becaufe they were feweft of all People, but be - caufe the Lord loved them ; and, in 1 Sam. xii. 22. The Lo?d -a; ill not for Jake his People, for his great Name's Sake, becaufe it had pit a fed the Lord to make them his People ; and, in Job xxi i. 2. Can a Man be profitable unto God, as he tb«t is wife may be prof table to himfelf? By which it is e- vident, that the Lord doth not make his Covenant for felf Advantage. In Ifa. xlii. 6. the entering in Covenant with Chnll was an Acl of free Favour ; ht called him in Righteoufnefs, and molt freely did engage himfelf to hold his Hand, and to keep him, and to give him for a Covenant of the People, and for a Light to the Gentiles : And when the Decree is declared, and the Covenant is preached, the Offer of the Mercy, and of all the Riches that are in it, is made mofl free ; fo runs the Invitation, in Re<v. xxii. 17. Let him that is athirfl come, and whofo- ever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely ; and, in Jfa.lv. 1, 2. the Mercat is proclaimed molt free: Ho f every one that thirfteth, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath ?.o Money, come ye, buy and eat ; yea, come, buy ffine and Milk without Money, and without Price : IV here fore do ye fpend Money for that which is not Bread ? And, in ver. 3. Encline your Ear, and come unto me, hear and your Soul Jhall live ; and 1 will make an e*uer lofting Covenant with you. You fee the Propofal of it is molt free : More par- ticularly, if we go through all the great Tilings of the Covenant, we will find them all diipenfed molt freely.

1. That


I. That firft great Bleffing of the Covenant, oar Election, that is moil free ; fo, we arc faid to be cbofen in Cbrijl before the Foundation of the World, fo, before we could merit any Thing, Epb. i. 4. fo, that Work is free, and in Re- ipeft thereof the Covenant is moft free. 2. The effectual Calling of thofe that come to Jefus is molt free ; no Re- ipeft of Perfons in it, no Worth :ncfs in the Party, 1 Cor, i. 26, 27, 28. Ye fee your Callings Bret brer, how that mt many wife Men after the Fffb, not many mighty, not many nobie are called : But God hath cbofen the fool;//? Things of {be World y to confound the wife : And God hath cboftn the weak Things of the World, to con fund the mighty ; and baft things of the World, and Things which are defpifed, hath God chofen ; yea, and Things which are notf to hning to nought Things that are. 3. J unification is moll free; rwe are jullificd freely by his Grace, thro* .emption that

is in Jefus Chrijl, Rem. iii. 24. 4. Both it and Sanclifi- cation is free, Rev. xxi. 6. / will give unto him that is athirjl of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. 5. Adoption is moft free, fo according to that in Ho fa, cited in Rom. ix. 25. he calleth them his People which were not his People, end her beloved which was not beloved; and in Epb. ii. 19. it is of free Grace that we are of the Houf- hold of God, if we look to the Thread of that chop. especially from the 8. ver. downward, where aJl our Sal- vation is of Grace: Chrift and all Things are freely gi- ven us of God, Rom. viii. 32. and 1 Cor. ii. 12.

For the more full clearing of this Truth, tha: the Co- venant of Grace is a moll free Covenant, it appeareth thus, \(i. In refpeel of the Parties taken in into Covenant, fallen Men, not fallen Angels : He took not on him the Nature of Angels, but he took on him the Seed of Abra- bam, Heb. ii. 1 6. Then fome Nation, not others Pfal. clxvii. io, 20. Then fome of a Nation, fome of a City, of a Family, and not all, Jer. iii. 14. Poor, and weak and foolim, &c. And not the rich, migh- ty, and the wife : Sometimes the Child, and not the Parent ; the Wife, and not the Hufbind ; one Neigh- bour, and not another : See for all this the above cited Pkce to the Ctnintbians, and Mattb. xxi v. 40, 41. the


On the Gospel Covenant. 107

blind and halt, and Beggars from the Streets, Maftb. xxii. 10. Publicans and Harlots, Mattb. xxi. 31. Chief finners, 1 Tim. i. 15, Even Perfons out of whom have been call feven Dcviis, Mark, xvi. 9. There is by Na- ture no Difference, Rom. iii. 23. We ba<ve all fitmtd and come jhsrt of the Glory of Gcd : Yet the Lord, by his free Choice, or difptnfing his Favours, doth wrong to no Man, Matth. xx. 13. zd. This Covenant is frct9 in Refpeft of its Fountain and Caufe; it dorh not rife from either Worth or Will in us, but from the good Pleafure and free Love of God ; confider E%ek. xvi. from *ver. 1, to 15. and there wiil appear twelve Ads or Articles of free Love, all melt freeiy flowing out from God. {1.) We were bu: | gs, many paffing by, and none pi-

tying ; he did not fo. (2.) We were in mod vile and wretched Condition, in which none would have regarded ■s. (3) He Hood ftill and looked on us : O ! marveiloos Look, wonderful Condefcenfion, much Tendernefs, Heat of Love : He was overcome with Love then, as in Can. vi. 5. He will have the Love wherewith the Father hath loved him to be in his beloved Ones, and himfclf to be in them ; fo endeth his Prayer in Jobnxvii. 26. (4.) A Time of Loathfomneis of the Perlon is made a Time of Love ; fo it was in thofe that were called, in Acls ii. 13, 37. Mockers converted, and, in A8s ix. 1, 2, 3. xhe Man breathing out Threatning and Slaughter againit the Di(- ciples of the Lord. (5.) It is made a Time not of /ingle but multiplied Love, a Time of Loves; a marveilous Word, it giveth Ground and Matter to the converted Sinner to fing :hat Song of Loves, P/a. xiv. fo called in the Title of it. O ! it is a great Love, wherewith God, <v:bo is rich in Mercy, bath loved us, Epb. ii. 4.. (6.) He covereth our Nakednefs, our filthy Nakednefs, that it ap- pear not, Rev. iii. 18. He bringeth forth the bell Robe, Luke xv. 22. (7.) He entereth in Covenant with the poor wretched Creature. (8.) He maketh this wretched Creature his own ; fo thou becamejl mine : He foundeth a particular Intereft in the felf-lott Sinner by this Cove- nant. (9.) He not only covereth the Nakednefs in Ju- ration, Lut he waiheth in the Laver of Regeneration,


108 S E R M () N X.

and in a daily Work of Santtification. (10.) tie anoint- eth, poureth forth his Spirit, fo en ibleth to Duty, and maketh Services favoury and acceptable, (ir ) He deck- cth the poor Creature, as a Bride with rich Ornaments, and maketh her perfect in Beauty, through the Comelinefs which he puts upon her. (i 2.) He procured Renown, and a Name to this Foundling, through this Beauty which he did impart and communicate. 3<//y, This Covenant is difcovered to be mod free, if we cor.fider who did full move in it ; he choofed, loved, fought us firit, not we him, /fa. Ixv. 1. / am found if v not. John

XV. 1 6 Ye ha*vt not c bo fen me, but I have bo fen you ; and, in 1 John iv. 19. He loved us f-ff not u he loved us fijft, fo he l&vttb to the End, John xiii. I. and will make it appear that he is not the hrit Loather, /fa. 1. I. and Jer. iii. 1. \tbly, It will appear to be a free Covenant, from the Manner how it is adminiitred : The Gofpel, and Means of Salvation, are fent to fonr*, and not to others; fome, where the Gofpel corneth, ns called, and not others; and all the Conveyance of in a free Gift, betwixt the Father and the Son : It is fo, in Pfal. ii. 7, 8. AJk, and I ixill give thee; and, in v. 15. all the Redemption-work is a free Gift, call Grace of God, and tbe Gift by Grace.

The Condition is fuch as hindereth not the Freenefs ; yea, there is aClauie put in, whereby the Breach on the Believer's Part is made a Trefpais, and not a Forfeiture, Pfal. lxxxix. 28,-38. And another, for healing Back- flidings, and loving freely, after backflidings, as well as before, Hrf xiv. 4. $ttly9 The Freenefs of this Cove- nant appeareth alfo, from the Meafure and Grcatnefs of the Price and Mercy: There is as much laid out for a few Perfons, as might have faved a thoufand Worlds if it had been fo intended. To give Egypt for a Ranfom, and Ethiopia and Seba for a People, as in I fa. xliii. 3. ia nothing to be compared with the great Price of Re- demption, 1 Pet. i. 19. there is an over plus of Love, in fome Refpeft ; though, 111 another Refpecl, nothing lefs could do it. 6///y, The Freenefs of this Covenant ap- peareth in the Performance, in pardoning freely all Sort


On the Gospel Covenant. 109

of Sin, Mic. vii. 18. Iniquity, Tranfgreffion ; and in performing Truth and Mercy to thofe who do not keep ' Covenant with him ; with thofe who many Times be- lieve not, 2 Tim. ii. 13. giving eternal Life freely, Rom. vi. 23. which is called the Grace of Life, 1 Pet. iii. 7. If now the Reafons be afked, why the Lord would have his Covenant thus free, and all Things free in it ? 1 anfwer, 1. For the greater Door of Hope to thofe, who are much preiTed and born down with the Senfe of their own Unworthinefs : If they had not a free Covenant to come unto, they might readily defpair ; but this, that Grace is not only abundant, but abundantly free, and that the Covenant is hee, and Ch.iit, and all in it a free Gift, it will make fuch as deiire Union and Communion with God in Jefus Chrill liilen r.nd look up, though they were giving up the Gholt. 2. It is the Glory of Grace, that it be freely communicated : The Favours of Men are but mercenary, but the Favour of God is i'o free, as no Fie fli may glory before it, 1 Cor. i. 39. The Lord doth all Things for his Name : He did lead his People^ to make to him/elf a glorious Name, I/a. Ixiii. 14. He doth all Things to the Praije of the Glory, of his Grace ; Now, no- thing ferveth more to the Glory of Grace, than that i% is free, and diipenfed without Price. 3. The Lord would have it free, that it might be fure to the Seed, to keep them, as is fajd, from a Forfeiture, Rem. iv. 16. 4. He would have it free, that they might be the more inexcu- fahle for ever that reject it, when their Confcienccs thrill tell them, they had the Offer of Mercy, as freely made to them, as to others ; Chrift would have gathered them, but they would not : Ah! how deep mall the Challenges of free Grace, of free Love, and of a free Covenant <>o ? The Defpifers of the Gofpel will never be able to aniwer them.

U/e i. Here is the Fountain opened, from which we may and muft draw and fetch all the Good of which we Hand in need: A free Covenant, this rnaketh tne WtrlJ, even all the Wells of Salvation fo open, the * is rolled away : All who will may come to th and drink of the Water of Life freely j free L



free Mercy, in a free Covenant. How frc* a Mercat is that, a throng Mercat for a Life Time, and Jailing till a Man's Jaft Day ? It will make him find Mercy in that /f, 2 Tim. i. 18. It will lait Through- out al! Eternity: O! look upon this C \ Iree, and come unto it as fuch ; Tney but hfrVoiu Chrift, who bring their Penny hire or black Money to him or to his Mercat: All his Ware may be had free, and without Price: There will be much Debt in Heaven, but no Me- rit ; all the Debt will be of free Grace : Grace is and will be ever the Sinner's Gain, but no Gain to Chrilt ; Chrilt through Grace (tor he is the firil and great Gift of Grace) he will be the Believer's Gain and Advantage, in Life and Death, and throughout all Eternity : All they have, or fhall have, is and ihall be from free Grace, from a moil free Covenant of Gr;ce. This Grace, whe- ther we look upon it as the Father's, who hath begotten us to a lively Hope through Grace and abundant Mercy, 2 Pet. i. 3. and calleth Men through Grace, Gal. i. 15. or whether we look upon it as the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chriit, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. or as ihe Grace of the Spi- rit; for he alio is the Spirit of Grace, Heb. x. 29. the Grace is always free, elfe it could not be Grace; all that the beft of Chriftians are, it is by Grace ; fo faid Paul of himfelf, in I Cor. xv. 10. By the Grace of God 1 am nvbat I am.

Vfe 2. Hence may arife great Comfort, and good En- couragement to Souls, that are call down wit un them- felves, in and from the deep Senfe of their Unworthi- nefs : The great and good Things of tne Covenant, con- pared with our fmali and bad Drlervtngs, may ieem to be above their Hope; but the Freenefs of the Covenant doth bring them down, and near unto their Sig.it: The Freenefs of a Covenant, ;»rjd more ablolute Proiniies, are' for Souls that are deeply humbled; but conditional Pro- mi fes are for thole that are lecure and lazy, and for the Joofe and carnal Heart : It is no fmaJl Skill to divide the Word of God, the Word of Truth aright, 2 Tim. li. 15. Who do raifapply, whether Preachers or Hearers, they poifon and kill: However, this Freenefs of a Covenant


On the Gospel Covenant. iii

is like good News from a far Country to a fick ami fink- ing Soul.

Ufe 3. Is the Covenant of Grace a Covenant of free Grace ? Let all who do profefs themfelves to be within the Covenant, exalt free Gr*ce : We have heard how the Lord's great Defign in this World, and in the World to come, is, that he may have the Glory of free Grace : Should it not then be the Studv and great Work of Be- lievers, to give him the Glory of the fame, and to be- ever finging that Song, in Pfui. cxv. 1. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Na?ne give the Praife and Calory, for thy Mercy and thy Truth's fake ? Many have reafon to acknowledge with Paul, t Tim. i. 14. that the Grace and free Mercy of their Lord hath been exceed- ing abundant unto them, with Faith and Love which is in Chrift Jefus ; why then fhould he not have the Glory of rich and tree Grace? All that which Men or Angels have found of it, are but fome Drops or Bedew- ings, caft abroad from that fair and full River in Chrift Jefus; O! the Robes, the Crowns, the Glory of Grace?

Ufe 4. Is this Covenant, a Covenant of freeft Grace, the Freenefs of it may ferve exceedingly to humble us: The Freenefs of Gr^ce made that poor Woman, in Luke Vii. 44, 45, 46. fit very low, and in much Love at the Feet of Chrift ; and the Freenefs of Grace, made Paul keep a watchful Eye over Self, and ever cry it down, while he laid, / live, net I, Gal ii. 20. / laboured, but not I, but the Grace of God which was with me, I Cor. xv. 10. TheKindnefs of free Love kiileth high Thoughts: How lovely and humbling fhould free Love be to us, which doth notice us who are bat as Dogs, and dead Dogs, and, many Times, Dogs returning to their Vomit f

Ufe 5. Would we be like God in Freenefs, liberal Souls devifing liberal Things, as in I/a. xxxviii. 8. love him freely, the Saints alfo, and all Men freely ; mew Love to chofe that cannot recompense us, as we are taught by Chrift, in Luke xiv. 12, 13, 14.

U/e 6. Let the Freenels of the Covenant, and of the Mercy in it, engage us deeply in Love tc n in-

genuous or honeit lpixiced Man will be much taken



fret- Kindnefs, efpecially if it be great Kindnefs ; he will not know how to requite ; and ihall not then the non- iuch ana f re til Love of Jelus draw many Lovers to hi.*, when this free Love is immediate, freih from the Foun- tain, yea, and iuch as nothing can itup it? Ah! this

be a cold World, that cannot be won with the and free and warm Love of Jelus.




Of the fecond Property of it, a moft ftrait and uniting Covenant.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Houfe he not fo with God; yet he hath made with me aneverlafling Covenant % well ordered in all 'Things and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Dejirc, although he make it not to grow.

WE proceed now to open to you the Excellencies of this Covenant: rl he Excellencies of it may be feen in its Properties; we have tpjken to one, the Free- nefs of it, an^of Grace in it; now foiloweth the fecond. Tne fecond Property of the Gofpel Covenant, it is a moil Itraitly bound and molt compact Covenant, a moil ilriclly binding and nearly uniting Cpvenant : It is fo itraitly bound and compact, one Piece of it with another, that nothing can come .between, nothing can ieparate or jooie the Knot, Rom. viii. 35. WU% or what, jhtll fepa*


On the Gospel Covenant. 113

rate us from the Love of Chrift? It is as ftraitly bound as jthe Wifdom of God could devife Promifes, deep Engage- ments, Oaths, Suretyfhip: More to this, when we come to fpeak to the Firmnefs and Surenefs of the Covenant : That which we have before us now, is to fpeak to this, How it is a ftrongly and nearly uniting Covenant: It doth fo unite the Parties engaged in it, that it bringeth them to the greateft Nearnefs, and under neareft Rela- tions : This Covenant maketh a People near God ; fo they are faid ro be, in an eminent Way, Pfal. cxlvjii. 14. and maketh God near them, fo nigh as cannot be exprefled, Deut. iv. 7. fo nigh unto them in all Things they call unto him for. There is no Covenant, nor Co- venant-relation amongft Men, that can make fuch Near- nefs: Not that Covenant of Peace amongft Men can make fuch Nearnefs; like that in Gen. xxxi. 51, 52. be- twixt Jacob and Laban there were Heaps, and Pillars be- twixt them, and they were now to be removed far one from another; nor can any Covenant of Peace with Man be fo nearly uniting as this Covenant of Peace is, which maketh both the Covenant inviolable, and each of the Parties in within another's Bofom. There are Covenants alfo of Commerce, as that betwixt Solomon and Hiram King of Tyre, i Kingsix.2j, 28. that did unite but Ships, and Men only in fome common earthly Employment} but this Covenant doth drive fuch a Trade with Heaven, that it uniteth, in a manner. Heaven and Earth, bring- eth down Heaven in;o he Heart of a Man, and taketh up the Heart of a Man into Heaven, and maketh him fit to- gether in heavenly Piace? with Chrift Jefus. There is alfo a Covenant of Amity and Friendihip amongft Men; but often it is ill founded, as that of Jeho/bafhat with Ahab% 2 Cbron. xviii. 3. What was the mod of it, fuppdfe the Profeffion real, but, I am as thou art, and my Horfesas thy Horfes, one Creature joined with another for a little Time ? But quickly both Men and Horfes are fcattered, and they are parted by Death : But here is a Handing Friendihip* which Death itfelf cannot diflbive. There is alfo a very folemn Covenant betwixt a King and Peo- ple, 2 Kings xi. 17. in Joafh his Days, but there was not H fo


fo itrait Union and Nearnefs in that Covenant as made it !ait an Age ; by the Counfel of his Princes or Nobles he broke Covenant, i. With God, falling away to Idolatry, and 2. With the People, in caufing itone an innocent the Son of him who fet the Crown on his Head, on. xxiv. 17, i3, 20, 21, 22. But this Covenant is of fo near Bonds, as rime will not abolilh the Relation; ok fuch Bit dings, as Eternity itfelf will not wear out the Remembrance of them. There is, laltly, a Marriage nant, that maketh the nearelt Bond amongtt Crea- ture?; it is called the Covenant of God, Pro<v. ii. 17. by the Wife is made the neareft Companion, Mai. rv tvua'tn btcome one Fhfo, Matth. xix. 5. but even there may be a loofing of that Bond, by For- nication or Death: But there is a Marriage here, of nearer Conjunction, which admitteth of no Divorce or DiiTolution : There is here a (trailer Bond and nearer n than in any, yea^ and all Relations. Union with Chriit in this Covenant hath the Relation of a Friend, molt eminently: Tits is my Friend, faith the Spoufe of Chrill her Hufband, Cant. v. 16. And there is a Friend that witl /tick clojjer than a Brother, Pr&v. xviii. ver. ult. The Relation of a near Kinfman, who had the Right of Redemption : My Redeemer, Goel, in the Hebrew, Job 25. is my near Kinfman : The Relation of a Feather ; he is the ever la fling Father, I/a. ix. 6. The Relation of a Brother ; he is not ajhamed to call us Brethren, Heb. ii. 11. The Relations of Hufband and Wife, Bridegroom and Bride, Eph. v. 25. Rev. xxi. 9. of Head and Mem- bers, Eph. w^o. not only one L* dy, but one Soul, Chrift, a> it were, the Soul or" our Souls, living within us, Gal. ii. 2C. There are two marvellous Expreflions, holding mels of this Covenant Union; the one is ii 1 Cor. vi. 17. He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit ; he other is that in John xvii. 21, 22. fuch an One- nefs as is betwixt the Father and the Son; fo thrift and the Believers come to have but one Name; his Name it r, and their Name is the fame, 1 . 6. compared with Jer. xxxiii. 16. Yea, the of Believers is called Chrift, 1 6V. xii. 12. There


On the Gospel Covenant. 115

are many Similitudes in Scripture, which do exprefs this near Union; fuch as is of the Building and the Founda- tion, I Pet. ii. 4, 5. To njjkom coming as to a living Stone, p alfo as lively Stones are built up a spiritual Hcu/e; and more lively, by the Similitude oi a Graff with a Tree ; fo we read of the Gentiles, a wild Oiive Tree graffed, in Rom. xi. 17. (o, in Rom. vi. 5. there is a Planting toge- ther in the Likenefs of ChriiVs Death and Refurre&ion ; and our bleffed Lord faith of himfelf in John xv. 1. / am the true Vine, and m; Father is the Hujbandman ; Every Branch in me, cjfr. Let us confider the Nearnefs in this Refeinblance; and firft, in D.ffimilitudes, 1. In the na- tural Graffing, the better Graff is put in the worfer Stock, contrary in this Ccverjant Grafting. 2. Living Graffs are planted in the ordinary GrafEng, in a living Stock; but here dead Branches in a Life-giving Stcck. 3. The Graff bring- cth forth Fruit after its firft and old Kind ; not fo in the Spiritual; Fruit is brought forth after the Kind of the Stock; yea, the Stock doth quite change the Kind of the Graff: They who were dead are quickened, Eph. ii. 1. By being in Chrift they come to be new Creatures-, 2 Cor. v. 17. and to be filled with the Fruits of Righte- oufnefs, which are by Jefus Chrift, unto the Glory and Praife of God, Phil. i. 1 1. But now come we to the Si- militudes, \fl. In both thefe Graftings, the Graff or JBranch, is cut off from one Stock, and planted in ano- ther. 2dly, In neither can the Branch bear any Fruit, if it be not, and abide not in the Stock ; there is neither Life nor Fruit out of the Stock ; fo it is in this, ^n John xv. 4, 5. Our Lord iaith to his Difciples, Abide in me, and I in you ; as the Branch cannot bear Fruit of . except it abide in the Vine, no more can ye except \e abide in me : I am the Vine, ye are the Branches ; he that abi- deth in me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much Fruit, yily, Neither of the Graffs can graff cnemfelvea in ; the Hufbandman or Gardiner muft do it : So, in Ram v. 6. they do not plant therr.ielves, but are planted, la 2 Cor. iv. 13. there is a Spirit of Faith neceffary for this Work. 4^/y, In both there is an Union ; .he GisfTs is made one with the Stock ; fo the Branch be in



Chrift, John xv. 2. yea, Chrift cometh to dwell in them, and they in him, that are made fo one with him, John vi. 56. }tbfy9 In both, the Branch hath Communion with the Stock ; fee it in the fpiritual Engrafting, Epb.*\. 3. where we have the Believer blefted with all fpiritual Bleflings in Jefus Chrift: They have Nourishment and Growth in him, Col. ii. 19. and Epb. ii. 21. by the Sup- ply of his Spirit, PM} i. 19. And from this Communi- on and Nourifhment, they have their Fruit alfo, as ap- ptareth from the Place cited, John xv. 5. their Support and Subfilknce, Rem. xi. 18 yea, and FeIlow(hip with him, both in his Death and Refurreclion, Rom. vi. 5. and Phil. iii. 10. 6/Z7y, The like Things do hinder Growth in both, and Thriving, (1.) Unfixednefs and Wind-waving, Epb iv. 14, 15. when Men are toiTed and carried about with every Wind, they cannot tnrive in their Stock. (2 ) Unfoundnefs in the Graff, Guile and Hypocrifies, 1 Pet. ii. 1, 2. (3.) Suckers growing up at the Root, which fpend the Sap, when, what Men have, they fpend it upon their Lufts, Jam. iv. 3. (4 ) Mofs-over- growing, either of Slothfuirefs, contrary to Heb. vi. 12. or Earth on the Boll And Branches, earthly-mindednefs. (5.) A barren Soil, when the Believer liveth under dead Ordinances.

But, more plainly to exprefs this Covenant union and Nearnefs, I (hall lay it before you in thefe two, 1. It is the Nearnefs of a Marriage Covenant. 2. It is a fpiri- tual Nearnefs, and of one Spirit. As to the 1. That there is a Marriage Nearnefs in it, is clear from Hof. ii. 19, 20. where the Marriage is fuch, as taketh away all Impediments; for it is in Righteoufnefs, to give it to raofe that have Need of it : It is in Judgment ,well ad- vifed ; there will be no Rueing of the Match: It is in loving Kindneib, great both Condefcenfion and Bounty; and then it is in Mercy , ForgivenefTes aie with him, that :ay be both feared and loved : And it is in Faithful* nefs ; all Prornifes will be kept ; and then all fpiritual ings, even the great Blcfling, to know the Lord \ Bleflings alfo will be given in Dowry. union, yet further, to commend


On the Gospel Covenant. 117

the Neamefs of that Bond, there be thefe four Things, iff. Great Neamefs, two are made one Fiefh, Gen. ii. 24. {zd. The moft fall Communion that can be of one Crea- tine with another in this Life: They are Fellow-helpers indeed ; his Body and his Fulnefs are Believers, Epb. i. 23. And his Fulnefs is theirs, John i. 12. 3^. There is entire Love, 1. To the Perfon. 2. Love in all Con- ditions and Changes; fo, in Deut. xxxii. 10. Defarts and wafte howling WildernefTes do not abate but increafe this Love. 3. It is fuch a Love, as will be fatisfied with no- thing but Love again : Let him kifs me with the Ki/fis of his Mouth, Cant. i. 1. And he refts in his Love, and joy- eth over hi- Bride with finging, Zeph. iii. 17. 4. There L mutual Delight; where neareft Communion, there will be the greateft Delight; (laying with Flaggons, and com- forting with Apples, Cant. ii. 5. and a lifting under his Shadow with great Delight, ver. 3. of that chap. There is Heart ravifhing in it, Cant. iv. 9. holy Wondering : Hozu excellent is thy losing Kindnefs ! P/al. xxxvi. 7. Sa- tisfaction as with Marrow and Fatnefs, Pfal. Ixiii. 5.

As to the fecond, this Covenant Neamefs it is fpintual, it maketh thofe that are joined to the Lord, one Spiric with him, 1 Cor. vi. 17. thus, iff. The Soul is united to Chriit by his Spirit, zdiy, The Soul doth exercife all its Spirits and Faculties upon him ; Defire longeth, Hope looketh out after him, Will clofeth with him, and Love and Joy embrace him. 3 <//>•, The Soul is fatisfied with him, and her Breafls fatisfy him at all Times, ac- cording to Prw. v. 19. qjhly, The Heart cometh to be bound to him, and to live upon him and his Prom.fes. $/£/?, This near Conjunction, though it be fpiritua), it is mod real ; it is not in Thought and Apprehenfion, but of real Effects, Life and Growth. Cthly, Jt is a total Union, the whole Believer with whole Chnft, and this made and maintained by the Spirit; for, lit. He work- eth by the Word, efpecially the Word of Promife, fo as it hath Effects upon Mens Spirits, fuch as it could not have without the Spirit of God. zd. The Spirit of God doth work fo, as he worketh and taketh Men ofF the old Root, and fwayeth them towards Cnriit id. He in- H 3 clineth


clineth fweetly yet forcibly, or rather effe&ually, the Will to clofe with the' Promile. Now, the Reafens of this ilrait Bond and Neamefs, this near Conjunction in ' the Covenant, are, (i ) The Lord's Love doth fet hiui on to ihib. (2 ) He knowcth that Believers could noc well fubiilt without this Nearnefs, that they could not have any comfortable Life or Being without it. (3.) Chriil having married fir ft our Nature, and taken it in into the neareft Union, even into one Perfon with hirnfeif, it doth engage him to iiudy the ne .n cwry

Other Way.

Uf- 1. If this Covenant bringerh thofe engaged in it in- to the neuitii {o very ne.-.r them; then the'r Sin mult be very gn

;h is the Brea< the Breav

yei, of a near God by

Cov- rjiiic fo DC

: a ipintu ever) wilful Sin is fpintu which the Lord's

holy Spirit is vexe >. Jt is a provoking of

the Lord to his Rxe, t n :o Jeaiou-

fy, 1 Kifigs xiv. 22. the provoking of the L>es of his

i. 8. Even the Sin of bodiiy VVhoiedom a gr it is every Way againft this near Conjunc-

tion, while the Body which mould be fo one with the Lord, as that it mould be a Temple to the Holy Gholt, is m.ie one with a Harlot; the Members of Chriit are made Members of a Harlot, 1 Cor. vi. 15, 16, 19. And then Whoredom doth aifo take away the Heart from the Lord, according to that in Hof.xw. 11. Whoredom and ■c do take . f. How un-

natural and abominable would tiiey be to Men, who did all Relations? How much more abominable may we think are many, who by Baptifm were feaied, as in Covenant with God, but break ail Bonds, even the Bonds of all the belt Relations we have told you?

Ufe 2. Is this Covenant of Grace, a Covenant of is with God ? then you who have not yet en- tered in it, make JLJfe of this as a Motive and Argument


On the Gospel Covenant. ii)

to quicken your Refolution to engage in it: Jt is a Co- venant which maketh a People near Gcd, and God neur iftem : It maketh Souls to be in the neareil Conjunction w^h Chrift that can be imagined, yea, more than can be thought ; none tan know it but they that come to be within it: Who then would not be ambitious to be v. in it? On the other Hand, they who are come t-_ within it, would never reit latisried with themfeives, un- til they get into this Nearnefs, and (traitelt Con j unci with Chriit.: To be in Chriit, is ro be of the Blood roy- al of Heaven; to grow up in him, is to grow up to Glory: And to be ever vsich him, is He.. Joy and Happinefs, i Th

Ufe 3. Is this Covenant a Covenant of fo many near Relations? then ail who are engaged in it, ihouid ti a fuitably and anfwerabiy unto thefe Relations, as c Children, Brethren, Servants, Subj\c"b; then as a loving Wife, as dear Friends: They mould read and confider the Duties of all the belt and neareil: Relations, gather them all together, and ilretch themielves to the yondmotfc in them, and ware all tneir Love and Labour in them on Chriit, and think all but too little for him.

Ufe 4. Is the Covenant that which maketh Believers of fixh Nearnefs to God, and to his Son Jefus Chrj and to be under all, even nearell Relations to him? then their Sin muft be very great, and their Attempt very bold, who do perfecute the Saints, Perfons (landing in fo near Relation to God : What, will they touch the Ap- pie of the Lord's Eye? Zech. ii. 8. Will they pluck the Lambs from his Bofom, If a. xl. 11. and pull tne Crown from his Head, lfa. Ix i. 3. and rent the Seal from his Heart? Cant. viii. 6. Ah! the mad Perfecuters of the Saints on Earth do not think upon their Relation to thdr Head now crowned in Heaven, who doth reckon him- felf perfecated when his Saints are perkcuttd, in Acls 4. Precious in his Sight is the Death and Sufferings Saints, PJaL cxvi. 1 5.

5. This, that the Covenant doth bring Believers to luch Nearnefs with Chriit, and under the Dond of ib y Relations, then, their Reading of their Relati

H 4 to

i2o S E R M O N XL

to him may comfort them againft all the World's under- valuing of thtm, againft all the Contempt and Scorn call upon them by proud Men, yea, and againft all th<j Threatnings of the Powers of this World ; all that th*y can do unto them will not break one of thefe mod ho- nourable Relations: They are made Kings and Priejls unto God, Ren), i. 5, 6.

U/e 6. Believers alfo, from this, that they ftand in Co near and many Relations to the Lord, and his Chrift, by frequent Thoughts on thefe Relatione, they may be kept from many Temptations: They may (a.y within thein- felves, Shall I break fo many Bonds? And they muft break all Relations, before they break thefe, Maith.

x. 37.

U/e 7. They are fearfully far from God, who are

not within this Covenant, gone to a far Country, Luke

xv. 13. and being far off, they mail perifli, Pfa. lxxiii.

37, 28.


( 121 )




And on the third Property, the Eternity thereof.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5*. Although my Houfe be not Jo with God ; yet he hath made with me an ever I a/ling Covenant, well ordered in all Things and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, although he make it not to grow.

FOLLOWETH now to be opened and laid before you, the third Property of this Covenant, the Eter- nity of it : David faith concerning it in this Text, The Lord hath made vcith me an everlafting Covenant. The Point is, This gracious and glorious Covenant of Grace is an everlafting Covenant. So, when the Lord doth in- vite Souls to engage in it, he calleth it an everlafting Co- venant, in lfa. Iv. 3. Incline your Ear and come unto me , hear and your Soul Jh all Hue, and I will make an ever- lafting Covenant with you, even the Jure Mercies of David : -And when he fpeaketh of the Renewing of the Covenant with them, after the Captivity, he faith, I voill make an everlafting Covenant vcith them, that I will not turn avjay from them to do thtm good, but I vuill put my Fear in t Hearts, that they Jhall not depart from me : And fpeaking clearly of the Days of the Gofpel, he promifeth unto


lit S E R M O N XII.

his People, that David his Servant Anil be King over them, his Servant Daiid ih;»li be tneir Prince for ever; no other can be meant by David their King and Prince,/" Ezek. xxxvii. 24. 25. but tj Prince, Dad.

ix. 25, 26. -iiid in wr. 26. of tnat xxxvii. of Ezekiel, the Lord laith, moreo i been promising them,

that he would bring the m ,0 t..eir own Land again; and he iddeth a Moreover, tliat he would make a Covenant of Peace with them, ar d that it mould be an everialting Covenant, and that he would let his Sanctuary amonglt them lor evermore. In the New leilamenc alfo, in hieb. xiii. 20. it is callea the everlaltmg Covenant, where the God of Peace Dringeth Chrift back from the dead, thro* the Blood of the everlalling Cover

Furthermore, the Eterniry of this Covenant is expref- fed in the Scriptures, comparatively with the Covenant made with Noah, that the Waters fhould never drown the Earth a^ain : So, in /fa. liv. 9, 10. the Lord faith, Ibis is as the Wat ess of \ me ; for as I have f'vjom

that the Waters of Noah Jball no more go over the Earth, fo have I /kvorn that I would net be wroth with thee, njr rebuke thee : For the Mountains Jball depart, and the Hills be removed, but my Kindnefs /halt not depart from thee, net' ther jhall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, faith the Lord that hath Mercy on thee : And, in Jer. xxxiii. 20, 21. it is compared with the Covenant made with the Day and with the Night ; where he iaith, If you can break my Covenant of the Day, and my Covenant of the Night, a fid that there Jbzuld not be Da) and Night in their Sea [on, t may alfo my Covenant be broken vuith David my Servant, and vuith the Levites the Priefis my Minijltrs : And posi- tively, the Covenant made with David for ever, which hath its Accomplifhment in Chriit, as is clear, Luke i. 32, 33. is called a Covenant of Salt, 2 Chron. xni. 5. that i.s, upon the Matter, an everlaltmg Covenant, iuch as cannot be corrupted or fail.

This Covenant is called everlafting, 1. In Rcfpccl of the Decree, and as it wab rn<ide with Chriit; io :;.e Co- .int Mercy is from everlaiting to everlalting, Pfal. ciii. 17, 18. So, in Jit. i. 2. eternal Life was prom;U


On the Gospel Covenant. 123

by God that cannot lie, before the World began, z. This Covenant is eternal and everlaiting, in Reipec~t of its fountain, the Kindnefs and Mercy of God, I/a. liv, 10. and that everlafting Love, Jer. xxxi. 3. 3. In Refpecl of the certain and conflant Propagation to the Seed ; fo, Jn Gen. xvii. 7. the Lord faith to Abraham, 1 nmll blifo my Covenant between me and thee, and thy Seed after thee in their Generations, to be an ever lading Covenant ; and to the fpiritual Seed alfo, in Ifa. lix. 21. As for me9 ant vsith them, fo'uh the Lord, my Spirit that is upon thee, and my Words 1 have put in thy ' i jball not depart out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of

d, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed^s Seed, fat Lord, from henceforth and for ever ; The Words contain a Promife from the Father to the Son. 4. It is everlait- ing, in Refptft of its Continaar.ee, Pjal. xc. 1. Led thou hall been our Dwelling-place in all Generations : Who ever do truly enter, and give up themieives to God in a Covenant, taking him to be their God, and giving them-

away to h;m; that Covenant will never be 1 ken, as the Covenanter to be turned off: Once in this Co- venant, and for ever in it : Other Covenants hive an End, wherher they be betwixt Nations or Men, in their particular Relations; but Death, which puts an End ty other Relations, {hall not put an End to this.

In the next Place, if it be afkeo, how if cometh to pafs; and what may be tjie Realons, that this Coven anc is and cannot but be everlaiting. It is anfweied, \fl. Be- caufe the Author of it is unchangeable : So doth the Lord reafon, in Mai. iii. 6. I am not changes ye Sons of Jacob are not confirmed: So often to the ( nant Promiles is fubjoined, Saich the Lord, that is, Jeho- vah: So, in Jer. xxxi. where he fpeaketh of the Cove- nant, from vcr. 30, 38. in every Verie, and to every Article, you have. Saith the Lord, or, Thus faith the Lord': And, in Rem. xi. 29. The Gifts and Calling of God art

At Repentance. The Covenant of Grace is buil: up- on the Lords unchangeab;e Purpoie, which ue hau with- in himfeif from all Eternity, not upon the Libe:

9t of him thi m that



runneth, but of God that /bewitb Mercy, Rom. ix. 16. The Lord faveth us, and calleth us with an holy Calling, not according to our Works, but according to his own Purpofe and Grace, which was given us in Chrift Jefus before the World began : Now, that Purpofe is unchange- able ; yea, the Covenant of Works is unchangeable to thofe who abide under it ; the Breach of it condemneth all thofe that are condemned, though none that are fav- ed are faved by it ; for, in the Covenant of Works, Life was promifed upon Condition of Obedience to be perfor- med by the changeable Creature in his own Strength ; but it is not fo here: This Covenant was made by the Lord with his chofen, ?fd. lxxxix. 3. with David as a Type, but with Chrift a> the proper Party; for he is the mighty One, on whom all the Help is laid, in <ver. 19. of that PfaJm. 2d. Chrift hath purchafed an eternal Re- demption, Heb. ix. 12. by his own Biood entering but once into the holy Place, he hath obtained eternal Re- demption for u^ ; and, in Dan. ix. 24. Chriit's Errand in- to the World was to finifh Tranfgreflion, to make an End of Sin, to make Reconciliation for Iniquity, and to bring in everlafting Righteoufnefs ; fo the Covenant could not but be everlafting. 3^. Chrift is a Prieft for ever, after the Order of Melchi&deck, Heb. v. 6. And he liv- eth for ever, to make Interceffion for all that believe on his Name, and fo to ir.ve them to the uttermoft, Heb. vii. 25. This maketh thofe for whom he interceedeth, to con- tinue ever in Favour with God ; fo the Covenant to be everlafting and unchangeable to them. \th. The Cove- nant is everlafting and unchangeable to Believers, becaufe they have the eternal Spirit, daily working in them, and renewing them by Repentance, repairing Breaches, and recovering Decays, bringing them back, and reclaiming them from their Wanderings; fo cauiing them of new to take hold of Repentance. O! they are in a dreadful Cafe, who being once enlightned, and have tafted of the heavenly Gift,, and have been made Partakers of the Holy Ghoft, and have tailed the good Word of God, and the Powers of the World to come ; it will be impof- fible for them, if they ia\\ away, to renew them by Re- pentance,

On the Gospel Covenant. 125*

pcntance, feeing they crucify to themfelves afrefh the Son of God ; thefe were never within the everlafting Co- venant. $tb. The Things.which are covenanted are ever- lafting; fuch as Mercy, ifenduretn for ever, Pfa. cxxxvi. i> 2, j, &c. Forgivenefs of Sin j- that which is once for- given* he remembereth no more, Jer. xxxi. 34. And Peace, it is to be given always to thofe that aflc it, 2 Thejf. lii. 16. And Conization alfo is everlafting, 2 ^keff li. 16. And Joy alfo; it is fuch as no Man (hall take from them, John xvi. 22. And then the Life which is promi- fed is eternal Life, A&s xiii. 48. 6th. It is everlafting on our Part alfo, as to our Engagement ; we take on for no lefs than a perpetual Covenant : See Jer. ]. 5. Come, and let us join ourfehes unto the Lord in a perpetual Cove- nant, that jhall not be forgotten, jth. Both the Freenefs of the Covenant, and the near Conjunction with Chrift therein, do give good AiTurance for the Eternity of it.

Ufe 1. Hence a Ground of everlafting Confolation to all who are really within this Covenant : Let the World change never fo much, let them be robbed and fpoiled never fo much, they cannot be poor, nor of an uncer- tain Lot and Inheritance; the Lord is unchangeably theirs, by an everlafting Covenant : Abraham is dead, yet God is the God of Abraham, he liveth with God, for he is the God of the living, Matth. xxii. 32. And the Chil- dren of Abraham, even as many as are the Children of Faith, as the Apoftle calleth them, Gal. iii. 7. they may plead by Virtue of the everlafting Covenant, as thefe in lfa. Ixiii. 16. Dwbtlefi thou art our Father, though Abra- ham be ignorant of us, and Ijrael acknowledge us not ; thou, O Lord, art our Father, our Redeemer, thy Name is from everlafting : His Name is in his Covenant, he is mani- fefted in it. There is exceeding Comfort to dead and de- ferted Souls ; neither Defertion, nor Death, nor often In- firmities will iiffolve the Bond of this everlafting Cove- nant ; yea, nor Sin itfelf : It is not fo old as this Cove- nant, nor as that Wifdora that devifed this witty Inven- tion, which was fet up from everlafting, Prov. viii. 12, 23. Thefe Words may quicken the dead, in Pfa. lxxxix. 2$. My Mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my



Covenant Jhall Jland fad with him ; a nd, in <uer. 29. His Seed alfo at;// I make to endure for ever, and his Throne as the Days of Heave*; and that* in Pfal. cili. 17, 18. The

>>g to ever lading upon them that far him, and his Righteoufnefs unto Childrens Children \ and then, thefe Words may quicken, in the Ca(e of Defer tion, in P/al ciii. 9. The Lord avill not chide fir ever ; and that, in Lam. iii. 31. The Lord will not cad off for e-j 1

Ufe 2. There is from this, in the next Place, Matter of high Praife, and hearty Thankfulnefs to God ; not only for that after we had broken Covenant, he was plea- fed to enter in Covenant, yet once more with us; but that he would make fuch a Covenant with us, as might not be fo broken as nulled by us, even an everlaiting Co- venant, that the Lord mould be to his People an everlaft* ing Light, in If a, Ix. 19. that 'is Praife worthy indeed; Mercy, and Covenant Mercy, to the third and fourth Generation, is much; to a thoufand Generations, that is more: O! but that, in Pfal. Jxxxix. 2. Mercy /ball be huilt u/> for ever ; that is Mercy that cannot be prized or praiied enough : Who can duly efteem or think upon that Word, everlafting Covenant? There are in it not only Wells of Confolation, but Wells of Salvation, from which the Believer now and eternally may draw with ex- ceeding Joy ; when the Lord Jehovah is and becometh our Strength and Song, when he becometh our Salvation, as he doth by this everlaiting Covenant, then may we with Joy draw Water out of the Wells of Salvation, and fay, Praife the Lord, call upon his Name, declare his Doings among the People, make mention that his Name is exalted, If*, xii. 2, 3, 4.

Ufe 3. Believe this, that this Covenant is everlafting: It is not eafy to get it believed; there is fuch feeming Delay of Promiies, fo many Changes of Difpenfations; and then, we are fo ready to meafure God by ourfelves: It is not eafily believed that, in Ifa. Iv. 8, 9. that the Lord's Thoughts are not our Thoughts, nor his Ways our Ways', and that, as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, fo his Ways are higher than our Ways, and his Thoughts


On the Gospel Covenant. 127

than our Thoughts: If this were believed, we would not njeafure the Lord's everlafting Covenant by our Time- turning and variable Thoughts: Let us give all Diligence then, to maintain the Faith of the everlafting Covenant, by looking to its Rife, everlafting Love ; to its Founda- tion, a Rock of Ages ; to its AfTurance, F^ichfulnefs that cannot fail ; and to its End, the Glory of the ever- lafting King, and eternal Life with the King of Glory: If we did maintain well the Faith of this Point, it would maintain, yea, and revive our Hope and Comforts.

Uje 4. Is the Lord's Covenant of Grace made with iis, an everlafting Covenant ? We would learn after his Example to |?e conftant and perpetual in our Covenants, both with God and Man : We have been honoured above many Nations, to be engaged folemnly with God; and •with our Neignbour Nations, in Leagues and Covenants: In this Hour of Temptation, we would fee to the keep- ing of them ; no Authority on Earth can loofe thefe Bonds; we would look upon Covenant breaking as a great Sin, the Sin of Heathens, into which they are on- ly found, when they are given up to a reprobate Mind, Rom. i. zS, 31. It is a Sin for which the Lord doth often plague People molt fignally : Remember the Breach of Covenant with the Gibtonites, z Sam. xxi. i. 10. com- pared with Jojb. ix. <ver. 3. to the End of that chap. And that of Zedekiah with the King of Babylon, EzeL xvii. 1 1,-22.

Ufe 5. All who are not yet engaged in this Covenant^ let this Confideration quicken your Refolution to engage in it, it is an everlafting Covenant, and bringeih eve lading BJeflings and BlelTedneis with it : In the Thing-; of this Covenant is Continuance, and we (hall be faved. If a. Ixiv. 5. Men ieek Liferent Tacks, aod long Leafes, but here is an everlafting Inheritance: Things of Eter- nity are only worthy the Thought of a rational, much more of a Chriftian Man ; luch as is the Meat which en dureth to evelalting Life, which the Son of Man giveth 1 for him hath the Father fealed, John vi. zy the better and enduring Subftance, Heb. x. 34. That Inheritance in- corruptible, undefiled, and that fadetb not awaiy l Pti. i. 4.


All thefe arc in this everlafting Covenant : Make hafte then to enter into it, you that have not yet entered it, and you that hate entered it, mind much everlafting Things.

Ufe 6. There is Matter of Fear and Trembling to all that engage in this Covenant : The Bargain is not of Time Things, but of Things everlafting; the Matter i* of everlafting Concernment; it is either of everlafting Life, or everlafting Death. On the one Hand, if we do not engage in it, or do not engage rightly, there are for Hypocrites everlafting Burnings, lfa. xxxiii. 14. On the other Hand, to thofe that give themfelves up in the Integrity of their Hearts, to this Covenant, there is e- verlafting Kindnefs, lfa. liv. 8. And when by Covenant they are made free from Sin, and become Servants of God, they have their Fruit unto Holinefs, and the End everlafting Life, Rom. vi. 22. If our Thoughts be feri- ous of and upon our everlafting Concernments, which do ly in this everlafting Covenant, there will be fo much Fear of God, as will make us little regard the Fear of Man ; it will make us ftudy with David, both to have God on our Side, and to take our Part with them that help us; and then we will not fear; for what can Man do unto us ? Pfal. cxviii. ver. 6, 7. In the Son of Man there is no Help, for his Breath goeth forth, and his Thoughts perifh, Pfal. cxlvi. 3, 4. And there is not great Hurt, either if we confider how the Lord pleadeth in that Scripture, lfa. Y\. 12, 13. /, rJen 1 am be that comfortetb you, who art thou that fbould be afraid of a Man that fhall die, and of the Son of Man which fhall bi made as the Grafs, andforgettefl tbe Lord thy Maker, that hath ftretcbed forth the Heavens, and laid the Foundation of the Earth, and baft feared continually every Day, becaufe of the Fury of the Opprefjor, as if he vjere ready to dejiroy ? And vuhere is tbe Fury of the Oppreffor?

Ufe 7. Are we taken in into an everlafting Covenant ? We (hould not be much troubled with Things which fall unto us in our Time and Lot: We fhould not reckon Time fo much to be ours as Eternity ; our Days are but as a Shadow chat declineth ; but the Lord in Covenant


On //v^ Gospel Covenant. 125^

with us endureth for ever, PfaL cii. 11, 12. He is the jjnme, And his Ytars baue no End, <ver. 27. Neither yet (hould Promiies delayed perplex us; our God in Eterni- ty, and in tnis cverJaiting Covenant, ti^th Time enough to perform them, as apptareth irom I/a. xl. 27, 2S.




On its fourth Property, the well-ordered


"EL xxiii. 5. Although my Houfe be not Jo with Cod % yet he hat' with me an ever Things

although he make ;.

WE proceed in this krge Field, the Excellency of this new ard better Covenant ; and it appeareth yet more in its fourth Property, which is expreiied i Text, in thefe Wcr ;

The'Point is, This everLlhng Cc a well-or-

dered Coven, nr, well and rightly ordered in every He- lped ; To well, a! or ever (hall be able, jultly to find Fault wi i: n)a. 1 be force v the. Lord in the whole Device, Parts, and Prog- the inure clear Procedure upon t hi . you chut it is fo. Secondly, Why it \i I


As to the fi>flt the Covenant is well-ordered, as to it* being ordained and decreed : The Lord's Counlel deter-, m.neth all Things, and hath determined all Things which n.late to tnis Covenant, A8i jv. 28. For, I. It was decried in Eternity ; nothing there to byafs the Couniel decreed in God, and wichin himfelf ; there was no itrange God with him in that Work: He was alone in the con- triving or this Covenant for his People, who was alone in leading of his People, Deist, xxxii. 1 2. it was, 2. Of Things prepared; (o, Things well advifed: So the Pi'al- miit, in Ravifhment of Spirit, cryeth out, in Pfal. xxxi. 19. Of hoiv great is the Goodnefs which thou hafi laid up for them that fear thee? In I/a. lxiv. 4. ^ince the Begin- ning of the Hrorldy Men have not heard9 nor perceived by the Ear, neither hath the Eye feent O God, befides thee> what he hath prepared for him that ivaiteth for him ; and, in Luke ii. 30, 31. Chnit the Salvation is prepared. 3. It is well ordered as to the Decree, whether as to the particular Perfons, which were of free Choice, or to the Ipecial Ends, the Manifeftation of his Glory, both in IViercy and Juftice; though the Lord be not bound to give account of any of his Matters, Job xxxiii. 13. leit of all his Decrees; yet his Covenant is fo well ordered, as to Perfons and Ends, as God fhj.ll be jultified by the now greateft Wranglers, in that Day when the Decree fhall be more folly declared. 4. Jt is well-ordered a*s to the Decree, in Refpecl that by it, all Things belonging. to thi: Covenant are rightly ranked and mart"halleo>. It is the Prefumption of fome, that they take upon them to murfhal the Decrees of God at their Pleafure; and fometimes contrary to that which is revealed in the^ Word ; but not only one Day it ftnll be fully known that the Decree is well-ordered ; but all who will not wil- fully /hut their Eyes, may fee all Things lie in their Or- der and Rank well digeited: The Ftther hath his Place and Power ; the Son his Place and Office ; and the Holy Spirit his Place and Work ; the Law its Place, and the Gofpel its Place.

Seconder, It is well-ordered, as to the Parties engaging and engaged in this Covenant: As to that Counlel con- cerning

On the Gospel Covenant. 131

cerning.it, in and amongft the Perfons of the bleiTcd Trinity ; the Father (tnde:h, the Son is fenc, the Holy Ghoft fafaJeth. The Father calieth, the Son obeyeth, aid the Holy Ghcit enablech : The Father prepareth a Body, the Spirit anoinreth : The Father fitft covenant- th with ChriR, > and then with the Elect in him ; and the Elect give up themfelves to God in Chrift : God co- ven .intern with Chrift and his fpirituai Seed ; and Believ- ers do covenant for themselves and their Se^d. God m:-.de the Covenant with Man, a broken Debtor; and thrift is Cautioner, and the Holy Ghoit writeth the Law in 'the Heart. Man in his loft Condition, the fit tell Par- ty for God, as the Objecl of free Grace, for tne Mani- feftanon of his Glory : God the moil and only fit for Man, to raiie and recover him from his broken State; and Chrirt alone che only Btteft Party to be trufted with fo great an Undertaking : God and Man, thro1 Breach of the firft Covenant at infinite D [lance : Chrift, God and Man in one Penan, oily the fit Party to make the Peace : So none can fay but as to the Parties, this is a well-ordered Covenant.

Thirdly, As to the Bieflings covenanted, it is well- or- dered aifo ; for, i . Chrift is given, and then together with him all Things are given freely, Eo?n. viii. 32. 2. The Holy Spirit is firft given, and then the Fruits of the Spirit. 3. To one mis lVleaiure is given, to another that. 4. Firft, Rerniffion of Sin, then Renovation. 5. Firft, Grace, and then Glory. 6. The Promife firft, and then the Duty. 7. Firft given to Chrift, and then given back by Chrift; for he giveth a good Account of all thofe who the Father giveth into him. 8. Firft that, the comprehenfive BleiOng, that the Lord will be our God ; next, that honourable Bleftedneis, that we fhall be his People.

Fourthly, It is well ordered, as to its Manifcftation and Way how it is m de known. 1. Chrift is the great Meffenger of the Covenant; he decJareih the Decree: He did of old by his Spirit in the Days 0 after-

ward by the Prophets. %2 He came h*m!elf in proper Peri on, and made theMyftery more plain. 3. He mdtfe 1 2 Men,

132 5 h K M U N Alll.

Men, not Angels, to be his ordinary AmbafTadors: H< would have the Treafure in earthen Veffels, that the Ex- cellency of the Power might be of God^nd not of" Man iv. 7. He would give Pallors after his own Heart, which mould feed them, not with Wind but with found Knowledge and Underilanding, Jer. in. 15. He hath committed to M-:n like ourfelves, the Word of Recon- ciliation, 1 Cor. v. 19. as molt fit Inilruments to deal with Men. 4. He hath appointed the Spirit as princi- pal Teacher, the Anointing that teacheth all Things, 11. 27. He teachetn by the Word, and fealeth* both the Initruclions, and ail the true Difciples to thr of Redemption, Eph. iv. 30.

Fifthly, It is well ordered as to the Ends of it : The two chief Ends of it, 1. The Glory of God ; he made all Things for himfelf and for his Glory ; for the Praife and Glory of his Grace was this Covenant made, Eftk i. 6. It was fuft made for his Glory, and that in ho- nouring the Son ; for he willeth all Men to honour the Son, John v. 23. But, 2. He made it for fiving us from our Sins, and then for the working out to us a great Salvation. Now, if his fir ft End had been to fave hi* People, there might have been more Ground of Fear and Doubting; once, becaufe of Unworthinefs ; and} next, becaufe of unanfwerable Carriage: But when the* firft and chief End is the Glorifying of his Grace, andj our Salvation is only in Subordination to that, we r.ted not fear that the Lord will fail of either: Chriit the fi:(H Party, and we in him, and God's Glory the chief End ;1 and our Salvation in it maketh hopeful Work tor a weak! Believer^ and a well-ordered Covenant, as to all Accounts;!

Sixthly, It is a well-ordered Covenant, as to the Se-^ curity : Even Balaam did think God's Word Security- good enough, Numb, xxiii. 19. God is not a faan, faith; he, that he Jhou d lie, nor the bon of Man, that he jhould repent', hath he faid and fh all he not do it, or hath hi , and jhall he not make it good? But here there i* than a Word, as is clear from Heb. vi. 13,-19.; there is a Promiic, and an Oath; and when God could

On the Gospel Covenant.


fwear by no greater, he fware by himfelf; and together with this Oath, there is the Immutability of his Coun- fd ; fo, two immutable Things, in either of which it was impoflible that he fhould lie. Further, as to the Se- curity, it is well-ordered; for, i. The Party that broke the firlt Covenant is not trailed with this ; there is a Re- fponfal Party found, who is to be burdened both with Debt and Duty, the eternal Son of God ; fo Help is laid upon one that is mighty. 2. There are mutual Bonds given by the Father to tne Son, Ifa. xli. 10. Fear thou not, for I am njjitb thee ; be not difmayed, for I am thy Cod, I will flrengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I tvtU uphold thee with the right Hand of my KigLtecu and by the Son to the Father, that be wfll make his Soul an Offering for Sin, Ifa. iiii. 10. and undergo much b^ul Travel, ibid, fo as be fhall not fail mr be difc cur aged, La. xhi. 4. 3. The Holy Ghoft giveth the Earneil- Penny of the Bargain ; he is the Earneli which feaieth the Bargain in the He^rt, 2 Cor. i. 22. and v. 5. He is the Hoi) Spirit of Promife, which feaieth Believers, and is to them the Earned of the Inheritance, Eph. i. 13, 14. More of this in the next Property.

Seventhly, It is well ordere3 as to the Rewards of it,

I. They are very rich ; fo we have the great Recom-

pence of Reward, Heb. x. 35. and it cannotbut be fcreat,

when the great God himfelf is it, Gen xv. 1. But chey

are very free, they are all of Grace, it is given upon.

the Account of Believing, not Working, Rom. iv. 4, 5.

2 They are fure; to him that foweth Righteoufnefa fliail

be a fure Reward, Prov. xi. 18. 3. There be Rewards

of all Sorts, temporal, fpiritual, and eternal. 4. They

[are very wifely diipenfed; fomuch in Hand as may keep

Ifrorn Difcouragement ; and then fo much laid up, as

Inuy keep ail Grace in Exerciie, efpecially Faith, Hope,

land Patience, and quicken Endeavour. So much to the

|fir;t Point, that the Covenant is well ordc

As to the fecond Point, how it cometh to pafs that ft lis i'o, and why it cannot be otherwife, you may take and ponder thefe Reafons, \(l. Becaufe of infinite did both find it out, and order it: Difo; . 1 3


iroin Wart of Wi felon to order Things, fo as Men c?q rot fet up rigat Ends, do not chufe nor follow right Means, do not manage rightly all Advantages; but none of thefe Things were or could be incident to infinite Wifdoro, which did make and order this Covenint ; the only wile God doth order all Things, and to the beil Advantage, 2d. Becauie ol infinite Power ; fome Things, albeit tnev be woJl-advifed, and well ordered in Counsel, fall in Diiorder, bec.ufe of Want of Power to Tilings t.i pafs in th:ii Order in which they have been deviled ; but there is ho luch 'l hing incident to him, as he is wonderful inCounfe), To ne :nt in work-

ing, I/a. xxvni. 29. So, he is mod able to bring ail Things to pafs, in that Order in whicn h ed them : His Coun/el jhall ft a /id, and tin Heat to all Generations. $d. Bee changeable^

nek ; there- J*, an Imrnatabiljy of his CounfeJ : The Kea- fon of manifold Unorder: often, n> ih« L.giuneis and In- conitancy of thoie that h.i lanageinent of them 3

they ac of one Mind to Ddy, and of another To row; but, to the eternal and unchangeable God, therd is no fuch T:»ing incident, there is no Va - wittt

him, nor Shadow of turnirg, in Jam. 1. 17. He ind, and <who can tun bim? and what bis SeitS reth even i. 9 Job xxiii. I3. \th. t\\\ I

were known to him from the Beginning, ACisw. 1 S.

I could well order them: Diforders in Affairs do Jl often come from this, that Thing, do often tall iq which I could not be forefeen ; nothing of that Sort could berafji the noble Conrnver of this Covenant ; he is a God of I Knowledge, 1 Satn. ii. 3. 5/A. He futech, and die tvel reft in great Tranquillity ; he hath, and ever had, lo per-1 feet a Peace within himielf, as nothing could d him in his Thoughts or Counfei* ; The great Dilorderj whicli are Teen and fall out in Counieis and c flow from the Pillions and Perturbations which are Creatures; but there was do fuch Thing in this h< flayed Contriver of this Covenant of Peace, btb I |

;int could not be but a well ordered Cove cauie infinite Love and Aicicy, and molt leader £1 *

On the Gospel Covenant. 135

fion, had the Management of it: Thefe could not but order all in it to the beit. Advantage of the flirty, in whofe Behalf it was contrived ; and if any Diforders fhouid fall out in finful Man, Love that covereth a Mul- titude of Sins, even amongft Men, 1 Pet. iv. 8. would much more cover them, when God who is Love, 1 John iv. 16. doth hide them ; his Mercy and Companion would compofe and cure them.

Ufe 1. It the Covenant be thus ordered and well or- dered in all Things, in the Caufes and LfFecls of >t, in its Contrivance aiid carr)jng on, in its Invention and Execution, in the Author and Parties, and Things in i;, both a* promiied and performed ; then we mould In down and admire this witty Invention; Man hath fo.ind many Inventions, wicked Inventions, Eccl. vii. 29. with which they nave provoked God to Anger, and after which they have gone a whoring, Pjal. cvi. 29, 39. and for which tr.e Lord hath taken Vengeance, Pjal. xcix. 8. But tr.is witty Invention of divine Wifoom, Prov. viii, 12. into which the Angels dehre to look, and itooping down do look, 1 Pet. i. 12. and of which the Man, that was caught up to the third Heavens, cryeth out, in Rom. x\. 33. Of the Depth of the Riches, both of the W'ifdom and Knowledge of God ! Hoiv wifearchahle are his Judgments^ and his Ways fafi finding out ! O Lftind and admire, one while the Author, another while the Party, and then the Bargain; wonder one while at the VVifdom, another while at the Love; and in every Relpect at its goodly Order.

Ufe 2. If it be thus ordered in all Things, then is ic high Preemption in any to change its Order ; efprcially in the gre--t Things of the Ccuuiel and Decrees of it, which they do, who make Election to hang upon fore- feen Faith and Works: The Rife of it was nothing in the Creature, but ibvercign good Pleafure in God, and abfoiute Power; fuch as the Potter hath over the Clay; he hath Mercy on whom he will, Rom. ix. 18, 21. Infi nite Mercy confidereth notning in the Object but Mifery ; and it isagainit both thefe that cry up Nature, and decry Grace; and thofe who under Pretext of advancing free 1 4 Grace,

ut I

S E R M O N tltl.

Grace, do loofe the Bond of this Covenant which is to l rice ; and all who fet up Min's free Will, fo as they i in power it, upon the Matter, to break and did ail trm goodly Order.

manifold Comfort this, that the ever- lafting Covenant is fo well-ordrrtd in all Ihings; once, the good Order of it doth fpeak the Eternity of it, D.f- order bnngeth DiiToIution: Next; theie is no Objei from Unwoj Inefs, or turning again to Fol-

ly; no Dou from rhei *ht oe .inlwercd

:ng up che Covenant in its due Order: The ordi- nary Dif^uietings of Chri.; e in vert in Order of the Covenant; they would put that whicn is lait firft, Sandification before Justification, and Peace be- fore Believing, a nd Si^ht before Faith, contra- ry to i Cor. i. 30. and v. 7.

.irion to ail who are Chriftians indeed, ij: to the Order of it, (1 ) That Repentance, in fome Refped, go bel though they cannot

be well leparated one hem the bthe'g in Time, in the Or- der of Nature the out goc other; not only the Law-work before the Gofpel-work, and the Spirit of Bondage before the Spirit of Adoption come, uu: fome- thing of fenfibie Gofpe! repentance before. Felt believing. (2 ) Suffering mud go before Reigning; it was fo witu Chrift himfelf, and he would have all his Difciplts know- ing that it mull be fo with thetn, Luke xxiv. 46 Matth. x. 24 There mull be firft the Fighting of trie good Fight of Faith, 1 Tim. vi. 12. and 2 Tim.iv. 7, 8. life 5. Seek all to be within this well ordered Cove- nant; and then feek the Things which "re promifrd, in the right Order, and by .dfing the Means which are com- manded therein.

But if ai:y defire to be within, and to know chem- feh'e3 to be within this well-ordered Covenant, (1.) None that remain and refolve to be filthy, either are, or are like to be within it. (2 ) There is but one Way of in- fallible knowing of ourfelves to be within, the Witnefs of the Spirit, Uom. vii;. 15. his immediate Witneffing; yet, (3) There is a Way more ordinary of kne


On the Gospel Covenant. j^j

this by Effects and Marks, the Holy Ghoft mining on them, i. Generally, who ever iludy to order their CW verfation arigut, according : in PfaL J. 23. i"

they do it ferioufly and fincerely, they are within well-ordered Covenant. 2. If the Lord hath made good unto us any Article of the Covenant of Grace, then are we within, and it was mace with us : Tne Covenant is fo ordered, that all the Articles are linked together; fo, who ever truly hath one of them, hath all of them : . then, 1//, Hall thou been taught fo to know the Lord, ab to loath thyielf, EzeL xvi. 60, 61, 62. and chap, xxxvi. 25, 26, 27, 31. zdly9 Halt thou the true Fear of his'Name, Pjahxxv. 14. or a Defire unto it, . i. 11. . ju .iave ic given thee to take

hold of the Cov in If a. Ivi. <uer. 4, js t

Pjal. lxv. 5. and ii >afure to live by Faith, Hab.

i. 4. 4'-;,, [f the Lord hath made thee his Servant, as David makctb hio Claim, PfaL cxvi. 16. providing in this Service, we walk fo before the Lord, as we be perfect, Gen. xvii. 1. that is, \ti. Our. Hearts given i:p to him. 2/ Jf they be hoc in the Service, Aumb. xxv. 11, 12. pure Zeal. 3/. tt we be conltant in it, Jer. xxxii. 40. 4/v. If v\e have a waning Heart in Service, as in Hcb. vi. 15. we may conclude ourfelves to be within cms well oidered Covenant.


( '33 )




On the fifth Property, the Sureness of the Covenant,

2 Samuel xxiii. 5-.

Although my Houfe be not fo wii ,; ma ie

with me an ever I aj}ing Covenant, well irdtred in all 1 and jure ; for. this is all my Salvation, and all my Defirc% nit hough he make it not to grow.

WE come now to a fifth Property of this Covenant, it is in this Text alfo ; it is a (utt Covenant, *Tbe Lird hath made nvhb me an ever/ailing Covenant, or* tiered in all Things and jure : All that is in it is made very fure; in J/a. Iv. 3. this everhfting Covenant is ex- pounded ro be the fare Mercies of David ; and thefc are expounded, in Ads xiii. 4. holy, fure, as the Word bear- eth. in Pfal. xix. 7. it is called the Teilimony of the Lord ; and the Holy Ghoil there dotn bear witnefs to it, that it is very fure. In I fa. liv. 9, 10. it is as fure ai the fvvorn Covenant with Noah, that the Waters ihall ne- ver drown tne World again ; more firm and fure than .ind Mountains; and, in Jer. xxxiii. 25, 26. it is as iuie as the Covenant made with the Day and N even tlm Covenant made with Dniid% the Lord's Ser- vant, that i:, with Cunit, and with jhe Seed of Abra-

ham, I

On the Gospel Covenant. 139

}>am, Ifaac, and Jacob, that is, aii Believers : All the Promiles of this Covenant, they are molt fare; they are Yea and Amen in Chrift jeios, 2 CV. i. 20.

The great Point of Truth then, which is now to be opened unto you, is this, That the Covenant is a moil iue Covenant.

1. It ib moil fnre, as it i: a Bargain: It is both the belt and iurtrft Bargain that ever v> . s : ift. It i? of molt certain, fure, fubfoaitnaJ Things, in Heb. xi. I. Faith is et or ^ubfr^er.ce, of Things hoped for, and the Evidence, a convincing Evidence, cf 'Things not Faith feeth Subuar.ce a real Being and Sub-

G (fence, of tj.e Thing promifed \ io it hath and h ali the Things of tue Covenant as molt lure, zd/y, ft is a Bargain molt free; mm to

1 his own, Matth. xx. 15. It was by Grace, tor mis very Kr:d, that it might be fure to all the Seed, kern. iv. 16. Jt dependeth on nctiiing in or any Creature, to make ir changeable. 3*7)', It js made io fure, a> it cat nor be altered; it cannot but be a iianding and immutable Bargain; for it fta:.deth upon two in. mutable Things, in which it was and is fmpoiiibie that God mould lie, Htb. vi. 1 5. */*a. the Immutability of his Couniel, and tnat confirmed by an O.un, uer. 17. j^thl., It is the keMt of infii iom upon eternal

Deliberation, lo it cannot bu: be i.ire: Ti

.'d flandith for eier, and the Thoughts of his Heart to all Generations, F [fa/. xxx:ii. 11. $My, B^tn the near Union, which is made by this Covt . i the Eter-

nity of it, and its being well ordered in ail I theie do certaialy conclude the Ftrmneft and Stability of this Covenant. 6t!:L, JuQice, Truth and Merc all agreed together, and jointly engaged to: ven and Salvation; the Bargain then mult be very fure: . ers may plead for De.iverance novv, upon the Ac- count of the L< /. xxxi. 1. See the Gronnd, 1 John i. 9. If <we confefs our Sins, he is juit and faithful ft forgi-ve us cur Sins, und to t us from nil Unt . «.o. 1 1 . he pkudeth upw»n the Account oi Irucn, n ...1 as o



tender Mercy : With 'Jerries f>om

me, O Lord : Let thy

me: See ti ' Ixxxv. 9,

u'h arc p. ufnefs and Peace have

i Rigbteouf- fiefs /hi svholePro-

grefs or this Cov v and Sure-

nefs of it. 1. It was a Word ipoktn, a Wurd gone out of the Lord's Li ver alter, Pfal.

Jxxxix. 34. 2. it is a Word written, ; itten to

r gteat 1 as a /• l. Now it is that more

fure Word of Prophecy, 2 Ptt. i. 19. And if Pilate itood to his Writ, and woi. . (for he faid, «t

/* / hanjc tat the Lord

%viIJ pais from his larter, the Covenant of

Grace ? fife Join x:x. 22. 3 He hath not only fpoken

and written ir, orn unto ic; io, in Pfal.

K. 35. He

HHo0/ lie unto David : His Shearing once- by his Hoi i-

nce for ever: And, in Htb. vi. 17. it i

t abundant 1 . /0 the

Heirs of Promife the Immu

it by aft Qath ; aj&d, in ver. 1 3 when Uod made Promife to Abraham, becaui'e he couid fwear by no greater, he by jiimfclf: l\o*t it being thus fwofn, who can doubt of its Sureneh r 4. This Bargain, and all in ic, it is ie.led wiih Sacraments, which are Seals of that Righteouinefs which is by Fa iv. 11. Ic is a

Law now iealed among the Dilciples, Ifa. viii. 16. Chrift the Mediator was lea led, when he was fent to perfeel this Bargain, John vi. 27. and B. iev*rs in it are iealed unto the Day of I iv. 30. it is

row fealed and confi.med with Blood, H.-b. ix. 16, 17,18. and with that Blood he hath entered within tne \ Now, can a Bargain fo iealed and confirmed fail but it muft be fure? 5. I he-e is an Earaeit of this Bargain given and received ; and this Earneft is the Earneit of the Spirit in the Hearts of Believe; 1. 22. and

this Earoett is too great to be ioied, the Lord will not,



On the Gospel Covenant. 14 r

nay, cannot lofe it ; fo the Bargaiu cannot fail but be a fare Bargain.

venant is mcft fure, as to all the Articles and Conditions of it. C is one engaged for

n all before us; there is Hep iaid upon one that is . hey, Pjal. IxxxiX. 19. 2 per-

formed bv us, tl ere : e of thi^ Covenant, that

it fha!I be wrougl s pre mi fed, that tr.e

Law (hail be written in our Hearts, yea, it is e.\pr<.(ly told .us, that be wotketh a n us, Ija. xxvi.

12. ytt), Thee is no Ciauie of Forfeiure in this new Covenant againit a Believer, in the failing of the Con- dition ; fee and con Oder, Pjal. Irxxix. from <ver. 28, to 38. where it is laid, that the Lord will .. ^y for

i for evermore, and, that his Covenant (hall . fait with him: It is faid indeed. If bis Children foeak ■Covenant, be tvi/J utfit their 'TratifgnJJijns with the Red,

liquifies nuitb Stripe: ; KinUr.efs he will not utterly take aujay, nor fulnefs to fail; yea, there is an exprefs Article in it, for healing Backflidings, Hof. xiv. 4. and that if we fin we have an Advocate v.ith the Father, 1 John. ii. 1.

3. It is mod fure, in Refpecl of hnn that made the in ; what can be required in a Party, to make him ♦Refpoofal, that is not abundantly and infi ve ail

that we can. think, in him who mnketh this iure Cove- nant, and giveth all the beft AfTurance that ne will keep it? 1 ft. He ha:n Power enough, he is God almighty, God all-fuffjcient, as tne-W0rd importeth, ^»en. xvii. 1. zdl,% He hath Truth and Fail

true and faithful God, and he bringeth out this Attri- bute often, to found AfTurance, that he vwil keep Pro- mise, 1 C,r. i. 9. and x. M. 1 Yl 13. and titb. x. 23. Ai.d ChniVs Name is, Hi faithful and true, Rev. xix. II. $dl\f He h

ce of it, GooJ-will towards Man; lo did the Angels fmg, Luke ii. 14. Man kind' Apoifle, 7/7, ni. 4. yej, God is Love, r felf, b%t in his Covenant-relation to loft Sium iv. 8.

4 It

14* S E R M O N XIV.

4. U is iure aifo, in RefpecVof unworthy us the Party taken Jtr. xxxii. 40. the Proinne 1

ik ill ma ,/ / n.vi It,

1 ivifl put hey /ball not depart f> ,m me : ri he Lord not only makes all his owr; . bjt on

our /: vi. 39, 40. Thi$ is the

Fat >r>'s Will% ov/ \t me% that >jj - he

I /b,uld ai/e it up

rn at the 1 is the If ill f him that

every one - tb the Son, and be-

lit veib on him g Life, and J will t ai/e

bim laft Da ; ..rid, in vfr, 44. So Man can come

un.'j m1 t draw him, and I iviil raife him

fall Daj; and, in <ver. 54. IVhofo eatetb my Fhjb and diinketb my Blood, hath eternal Life, and I 'will r.ii/'e : By ail which it appeaieth, that Chrilt will never part with that Party that is given hira of the Father, until he rna'r'e their Part go-ju, and raife them up at the I aft Day; and, J ud: 24. he will never part with the.». until he prefent them before the Prefence of his Father's Glory, with exceeding Joy ; and thence- forth, they Jh all be for ever with I r. iv. 17.

bfe t. Tnis is againil the Unbelief of many, who may be dear to Geo, ye: a L>oubtings, 'being

of iittle Faith, when the Wind is boiilerous, Mat. xiv. 3 1 . is not tre Covenant .enani? Js it not a lad

i hing, that fo few do believe the Report of the Gof- pel ? as the Complaint is, in lfa. /hen :ne Pro-

miles are fo lure, how is it that Chri&ians ic'this Time can forbear to embrace them, no: rejoice in the Hope of them, and not be comforted in nice of

them ? It faith no le:s, than that miny in iheir Hearts do call in question the Truth and Certainty of them : Though the Lord hath fpoken, fworn, written, and feal- ed them, this is to put the Lord out of all Credit, and fo to dishonour him exceedingly. But it may be objec- ted againit this Sureneis of the Covenant, that which is faid 1:1 Numb. xiv. 34. where kvoiv my

Breach of Promt fe> and EziL XV i. 59. / 'will deal <u\-

thet ;

On the Gospel Covenant. 143

ihee even as thou had done, which ha(i dej 'piled the Oath,- in, breaking the Covenant, and, in 7,ech. xi. IO. / took my_ Stajfy even Beauty, and cut it a/under, that J may break toy Covenant vj.hich I had made with all the PeoiL. I ne Anfwer, Ail Uiat which is hid in thefe bcriptures, i" no- thing againfl thefewho are realty within the Covenant: Hypocrites would have God bound, and themfeives look-; the Lord tedeth them, that the Covenant wa~ conditional ; fo they breal^ng he was not bo and ; he might well deal with them as they had dealt with him ; and that which id call and account Breacn of Promife, was none at all, on his Part, tut*an Act of holy juitice.

Ufe 2. Hence doth arife fweet Comfort and ftrong Coniolation to Believers : The Covenant is moil lure, cA\ I the Promifes are lure: Though they be of great Things, and we moll unworthy, yet they arc jftfre: Though they be of good Things, and we evil and unthanktui, yet they are free, and io moil fure ; they are as fure as the Wif- dom, Power and Fcuchfulnels of God can make them x though the greater! and bed Things of this eveil .iLng Covenant be far off, yet they are moft iure.

Ufe 3. Let Believers make it their Work then, to build ftrongly on this fure Covenant: It is a ilrong and fure Foundation, when all other Things do fa.i, even Heart and Strength do fail, PjaL lxxiii. 26. (t will be a Rock to the Heart, God in a fure Covenant. It is ut- terly a Fault in Believers, who have this lure Covenant,- to faint when they fall under croio I)j , aoiht

not become them to fay, as Gideon did, - i. 1 3.

Jf the Lord be with us ; why then is all this befallen us P It doth not become them to Fay in their Hafte, anu in the Senfe that David Lid it, in PjaL cxvi. 1 : Men are Liars', much lefs to lay o'.ap.

XV. 18. Wilt thou be altogether unto me as a Liar, at Waters that fail? The forgetting that the Covenant is fure, maketh fuch ill advifed Thoughts', and unac Speeches: We ought not to jacige or God's Puipofe, by prefent Difpenfatioio, but by h.s Promiies; the ugh we cannot anfwer ali Objections, we fhould hold fait tins GoncJufion, that the Covenant rs moil fure, and be\



which is faid, in Z3/,*//. cxix. 89, I jtr, C

.leilion and Doubt be, m the Hearts oi , How lhall wc be Covenant and

ire iu c: Amiuft io m.iny not only Uncertainties, ty Appearances, now c .n we Lave a firm Be lict in tin.- . 1. Such Di,| are no

I lung, 1 Cor. x. 1 j. The Saints in f> mer limes, ^uc to the fc.xercile of F lore ever they were put in P

twr' *>* / af, 1 lJtt.

v. 9. 2. The .teem we have of the iVomifes,

e ever the lurcr of them: U the Promi exceeding great and precious in our Accounr,

, given us, 2 Pet. i. 4. 3. Hi near, at luch a Time, ihe King fr.ting ble, as in Cant. i. 1 2. Bring him into I ioufe,

1. Chrift in thee will be of Glory,

4. .Be uie to keep the Oil of Grace burning, and the Lamps trimmed ; Ci to confirm

Mi, and to perform his Promifes, in an n we arc not expecting him and his Salvation.

4. Is the Covenant thus molt lure? Then we I the Things of the Covenant above ail the un- n \'a in ties of a deceitful World, in 1 Tim. vi. 17. : the World are called u. are caiieu, ib they are: Great Hopes or thole Things uncertain, fo c!id Balaam find tnem ; yea, and the Poffeffion or tliL Things is very uncertain ; fo did

Human fir:, ream of the King 1 his fup-

: Dream : As theie is a Wneel ;r Boolo, the Courfe ; 1.1. 6. 10 a.l lobiun^ry and worldlv i hin tunu tithing is ;

, d by Covenant ;

.-»/, Pro<v. xi. iS. Anu how . be iure, but oy this fure .ith of God

e made of none Effect, even Unbe-

lief, Rim. iii. 3. nor by the Law i'romife be


On the Gospel Covenant. 145"

made of none EfTccl, Gal. hi. 17. Why then fhould Vve be like thole, in Jtr. ii. 8. who obferve lying Vanities and forfake their own Me rev r

Covenant a lure Covenant, and of the fure iricrc.es of David? Then the Surenefs thereof ftiould lay an Ooiigitioii on all mat are within it, to en- iare aii and their belt Services to God in it. Areour Hearts thereby allured before God? as in 1 John in. 19. then we ought to en fure our Hands to Goa, firit wa(h ihem in louucency, PfaL xxvi. 6. anu then make thein ready to every good V\ ork, lit. \\\. 1. and to enlure our Feet (o to him, by turning our Feet unto his Testimonies, Pjal cx;x. 59. praying to him always, as in Pfal. xvii. hold up our Goings in his Paths, that , not ; yea, and to e.;fure our whole Man io him, as in Horn. xii. 1. we are jequircd to 00: Ve fhould prefect our Bodies a living Sacr 6ce, boiy and ac- ceptable unto God, which ia cui jeafonabie Service: Yet, while we are devoting and enfuring ourielvcs, alt we can unto tUt Lord, we mufl remember that w^ do nothing without a Surety ; (owe are to emplc fus to be Surety for us. The great Surety of the better mefit, Hib. vii. 22. who inaketh all fure, will make ut> lure alios even lie who is himfeif fattened a$ a in a furjjtflace, I/a. \ .-. .i. 23.

o. Is this Covenant a fure Covenant ? Then, as it conden:;.. .eptick Seeker:, and tne

Indifrerencv, and ail who turn Religion into an Uncer- . and make this Covenant looh qj fo

it mould put evciy protefnng Believer to enueavour fureiy within it, and to make it affuredi 1, and

to h^e his Aifurances weli groundcu .; p well

cieare^by cert . .:es.

U/t J . ovenant luce to every true Believei ? much

more H it lure with Chi

See w: ;e Lord hath g en rne

Ixii. 8, 9. 7*he Lor*. by the Arm of 1 thy Corn to be Meat ,



Stranger Jball not drink thy Wine, for which thou haft la- boured', bu: they that have gathered it Jball eat it, and toe Lord; and, Jer. xxxii. 41, 42. Tea, 1 <iv ill re- joice over them to do them good, and I will plant them af- juredly in this Land with my whole Heart, and my -whole Soul; for, thus faith the Lord, like as I have brought all this great Evil upon this People, fo will 1 bring upon them all the good which I have promt fed; and, in Mic. ii. 1 2, I 3. I will furely affcmble, O Jacob, all of thee Breaker is come up before them, their King Jball pafs before them, and the Lord on the Head of them : Sure, thete Pro- mifes iook to the Gofpel Church.

Ufe 8. Is the Covenant and Promifes thus fure ? Be- lieve them afiuredly, and weary not in waiting for them; be not fecure, tor no fccure Soul can be fure that theyfare within this Covenant; but wait patiently, and keep his Way, P/a. xxxvii. 7, 34. yet groan earnellly, Rom. viii. 23.




On the fixth Property thereof, the Hon of the Covenant.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5*. Although ?ny Houfe be not fo with God\ yet he hath made ' me an everlafling Covenant, well ordered in ail Things and fure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Dejire, although he make it not to grow.


M O N G S T other Excellencies of the Covenant, the Holinefs thereof is none of the leaft ; fo we


On the Gospel Covenant. 147

ome to fpeak of it as the fixth Property of the Cove-

:ch a? will commend it much to every holy Heart.

The Point is, This Gofpel Covenant, or Covenant of

■enant : It is not only (o called by

:ne old Dispensation of it, in chap. xi. 28.

vhen he fj f ih?.t great Periecuter .

ie faith of iiim, that his Hi art /ball be

nt ; and, in <ver. 30. that he Jhall haze indignation

int, frnd have Intelligence with them

hat for Jake the holy Covenant ; bat it is io called by Za-

1 alio, in the new Teftamenr, Lukex. 72, 73. while

keth the railing up of Chnft, as an Horn of Sal-

. to be the performing of the Mercy promifc^: to

•hers, and the remembering of ihe holy Cove-

fware to Abraham.

Covenant is a holy Covenant, 1. In Reipecl of

he Author of it, he that hath contrived and commanded

hi- C< his i\amc, P/a.cxi.

lights about the Throne, when they

im the Loi e the Lo;d God al-

igbt, fay-

ly : O! 1 e Lord, and the Co-

:' his Hoiinefs

loiom oi i :n the Son

<er, John xvii, 11. It is from him,

Pfal. xvi.

the Holy Ghoft, and I As Grace

olineis are united in God, lo are trey in this Co- of Grace, z. J: i

. they mud

ne(s unto them, ou: he 1- 1 30. They con

crifice, Pi ,

i are eibblithed a yea, hLlineji to the Lot J,



is holy, in Refpett of the Promiles ; they are holy Pro- mifes, fo they are called, in Pfal. cv. 42. where it is (aid, He remembered his holy Promt (e, and Abraham his Servant: The Lord, when he promifeth, he fpeaketh in his Holinefs, P/al. Ix. 6. and he fweareth by his Hoii- nefs, Pfal. lxxxix. 35. So, his Holinefs is deeply enga- ged in his Word of Promife, and fo in the Covenant of Promifes. 4. The Covenant is holy, in Refped of its Con- dition, which is Faith : It is not only called holy, but rnolt holy Faith, in Jude 20. Faith is both a pure and pu- rifying Grace, Aclsxv. 9. and it is very holily appoint- ed to be the Condition of the Covenant. 5. It is a ho- ly Covenant, in Refped of the holy Commandments: The Gofpel Covenant hath its Commandments, and they are holy Commandments, 2 Pet. ii. 21. both thefe which.* are more properly Gofpel Commandments, luch as are the Commandments for Believing and Repenting, for Loving and Honouring of the Son, and all other Com- mandments, which are now made Gofpel Command- ments: So the old Commandment is made a new one, John xiii. 34. to love one another, a new Motive, as* Chrift hath loved you: See alio, 2 John 5. and the Pie- cept and Motive to Holinefs is the fame in the new I tament which was urged in the old ; which we may find, by comparing Lev. xx. 7. with 1 Pet. i. 15. In tne onei Place it is faid, Be ye holy, for I am the Lord your God\ \ in the other, Be %c holy9 for 1 am holy. 6. It is a holy Covenant, becaufe of the holy Calling in which we are flated thereby? we are holy Brethren, when made Par- 1 takers of the heavenly Calling, Heb. iii. 1. God hath! not called us to Uncleannefs, but unto Holineis, 1 Thejf. iv. 7. and, in 2 Tim. i. 9. we are called with an holy (Calling ; and by this Calling we muft be feparate, and touch no unclean Thing, 2 Cor. vi. 1 7. 7. It is a holy Co- venant, in Refped of its holy Effects, and its ErTed Ho- linefs; it maketh a People, the People of God's Holi-.i nefs, Ifa. lxiii. 18. It is a cleanfing Covenant; fo it is promifed, in Exek. xxxvi. 25. Them will I fprinkU clean Water upon you, and ye /hall be clean, from all your Fil-. t hi nefs and from all your Idols will 1 cUanfe you.; Promi-


On the Gospel Covenant. 149

fesare very ufeful for Cleaning, 2 Cor. vii. 1. Having the/e Fromifes, let us cleanfe ourfehes from all Filthinefsof the Tlejh and Spirit, per feeling Holinefs in the Fear of God; and by the great and precious Promifes vce are made Partakers of the divine Nature, having efcaped the Corruption that is in the World through Luft, 2 Pet. i. 4. 8. The Covenant is proved to be holy, from the twofold End of it; one is, that thereby we may have a Right to partake of the ho- ly Things of God : None under the Law could partake of the holy Things, but they who were feparated unto God by a Covenant, feparated from Heathens, Ezra vi. 21. And under the Gofpel, holy Things are not to be given unto Dgs> Matth. vii. 6. The Man who prefuined to eat of the Supper, and had not the Wedding Garment, Matth. xxii. 12. he is bound Hand and Foot, and call into utter Darknef?, ver. 13. of that chap. The other is, that we may have FeJlowfhip with God and his Church ; the Gofpel is preached and the Covenant decla- red for that End, 1 John i. 3. and there can be ro Pep lowfhip had with God without Holinefs; for without Holinefs none (hall fee him, here or hereafter, Heb. xii. 14. By all thefe it may appear, both that this Covenant is, and cannot but be a holy Covenant.

Uje 1. Hence we may know the Reafon why many are unwilling to enter into this Covenant, though it be a Covenant of fo many and rare Excellencies, and hath \ many great and unfpeakable Things in it: There is one at which they fear, and it is, the Holinefs of it : The Heart of the Sons of Men, by Nature, beareth an Enmi- ty at Holinefs; it is no Wonder then, if they do malign this holy Covenant : It is indeed of many great and pre- cious Promifes; yet becaufc there is a Yoke in it, albeit it be a very eafy one, they cannot digeil nor fubmit unto it. It is Itrange, that Men ihould fear fo much at Holi- nefs: If the Beauties of it were feen, and the Bleflednefs to which it leadeth were believed, Men would think a Man blind and mad, that would not run after it; but for Antipathy there can be given no Reafon but Will: Men will not come under the Bond of the Covenant, who yet think to part|,ke of the Bleffings of the

K 3 but


1 5o S E R M 0 N XV.

buc they will be deceived ; none ever fh.sll tafte of {he better Bleflings of it, who come not and Bond of it.

2. Let as m iiiy as defire to be cleared, wh they be within this Covenant, try it by tfiib Mark: If they have engaged in it as a holy Covenant, a I nant which doili engage them to Holint. Tove the Holinefs of the Covenant as well as the pinefs of it: They would go

is in themfelves, or whether ch og of it at

all in them : For Trial of this, required in Covenant Holinefs, fuitabie to this he venant. (i ) In Holinefs there is a Sv . Lord doth fet apart the godly Man for h 3. Tne Man that enrtreth into tf alt fet

fcimfelf apart for God, and look upon I ;

the Commandment, ,r 2 Cor. vi. 17. is for r Jeparatc, and t^uch

and, in <ver. I 8 / will be a Father w.: ye Jkall be my Sons and l)aug'r.tevs,Jiii (2.) In Holinefs there mult be up of ol

unto the Lord, a devoting and conlecrating of ou to him ; fo we read, in 2 Chron. xxx. 8. Be not but y':eld yew/rives to the Lord; and of the Con ens, that firlt they give themfelves to the Lord, and then to the Apollles his Servants, by the Will of God, 1 viii. 5. And David, rn rial. cxix. 38. maketh his Pro- fefiion, that ne was devoted to the Lord's Fear; and, in AJic. iv. 13. in that Gain confecrated to the Lord, is un- >od Ptrfons as v. ell as Things: So, in Holinefs, Chri-

muft yield their Necks to the Yoke, ard give up

theini Jves to his Command, who is King of this Cove- ,

hant, and to the Rule of the holy Commandments of

the Lord (3 ) In Holinefs, there mult be Habits of

Grac* [ Lr.rcd in the Soul; fo, there mull be a receiving

which is in Chnft, Grace for Gr-ce,

the pouring forth of the Spirit: Chriiti-

... : ns indeed, that is, the anoint-

.21. and this Anointing abideth in

and teacheth them all | 1 John ii. 27.


On the Gospel Covenant. 151

Thence cometh that entire Sandtification, for which the Apoftle prayeth, i Theft, v. 23. (4.) Thofe Habits of Grace, which are the Root of Holinefs, mull be exercifed, *hey mud appear in Practice, and fo be- come Fruits of the Spirit, as they are called, Gal. v. 22, 23. As he who hath called them is holy, fo they mail be holy in all Manner of Converfation, 1 Pet. i. 15. They mud fet themfelves in, and fet forward in i Way, which is called a Way, and a Way, the moft excellent Way, that Way of Holinefs, I/a. xxxv. 8. and their S;udy mull be, to be undented in that Way, PfaL More particularly, this Covenant Holinefc, v.h the holy Covenant requireth, this Holinefs of all , is, and ought to be, 1. In Duties of Re- ligion, and all fpiritual Exercifes, and that in a holy ner, with holy Fear, holy Defires, holy and pure Zeal, high and holy Rejoicing. 2. This Holinefs mud appear alio in more common Aflions ; the Merchandize anu tae Hire mufi be Holinefs to the Lord, I/a. xxiii. 18. upon the EdJs of the Horfes there mull be Holinefs to the Lcra ; and the Pots of the Lord's Houfe mult be the Bowls of tne Altar; yea, every Pot in J ' eru/a- lem and J udab muit be Holinefs to the Lord, Zecb. xiv. 20, 21. Andy m a Word, whether we eat or drink, or whatfoever we do, all mull be done to the Glory of God, 1 Cor. x. 31. It is not every Shew of Holinefs which will amount to this Covenant Holinefs. You may further try Covenant Holinefsby theie Marks, i/L It is the Ho- linefs of Truth, in Epb. iv. 24. you read it true Holi- nefs ; but it is Holinefs of Truth, fuch as is joined with Truth, and found in the Way of Truth. 2. It is fuch as fetteth up God, both as the Pattern and Meafure j who mind it, they will ftudy to be holy as he is holy, 1 Pet. i. 16. to purify themfelves as he is pure, 1 John iii. 3. $d. It will not be only for Religion and Duties of the firit Table, but for Righteouinefs in dealing with Men, and for all the Duties of the fecond Table : So the Apoftles, when they go about to juitify themfelves in their Carriage amongit the TbeJ/alonians, 1 Efiti. chap. ii. vcr. 10. they fay, Te are Witnejfes, and God al/o, bow K 4 bo/i/j,


i5'2 S E R M O N XV.

and jufily and unb lame ably % nve b:

liolily, but juJtr ly ; and, in Tit. ii. iit 12. Golpel Grace, which bring- cth Salvation, doth not only teach to live godly towards God, but righteouflv towards Man. 4//;. Golpel Holi- nefs, it hath right and holy Ends before it, I the Glory of God, 1 Cor. x. 31. and fuch a profiting of many, as may conduce unto, and help (ojward vation, wr. 35. oj char eh

ing of the boclrine of God our Sftviom in ell i Tit. ii. 10. Our doing, in all Things, Ibould be fuch, God in all 1 hingi may be glorified thiough Jefus Chnlt, 1 Pet. iv. 11. 5// Covenant Holm \ in

and with it, born fanctified Light and holy Feelings; it difcovereth the Lojtthfomnefs of Sin, the and

other Excellencies of Gra£e; and then it makech the Body of Death aru} Burthen o.' Corruption ti L-n-

libly, as the A pottle Paul doth evidence in his own Ex- perience, Rem. vu. 24. Contraries are fo cleared up jy their Contraries.

Ufe 3. There is Ground of fo'id Comfort to thofe, who have* or labour to have this Covenant liomeis, in many Refpe&s, (1 ) They have an Evidence that they are within this holy Covenant, while they bear the Badge, and wear the Livery of it. (2.) Thereby they are in the Way which cieareih up a Titie to all the great Things which are in this Covenant of f'romiles; for though tue Promifes be free, yet they are performed to thole who have performed the Condition, Faith, ihewing it bv their Works, as in James ji. 18. Who hath the right Know- ledge of Faith, mult ihew out of a good ConvcHation his Works, with Meeknefs of Wifdom, James iii. 13. Who walk before God, itudying to be perfect, they have eir Title cleared up, to that Al!-fufficiency which is in God, Gen. xvii. 1. even as many as are going on to Per- fection ; which is all the Saints can reacn here, H.-b. vi. It Things which are behind^ and tea ic'i are before, and

pr. ii. 12, 13- (3.) In tnat

U wiefs, the^ have thatgrt:at anv

On the Gospel Covenant. 155

Thing, Communion with God, even thru Fellow fhip with the Father, and with the Son, i Jobni. 3. Com- munion cannot be but where there is Conformity ; in Ho- line Is there is Conformity with God.

1. Hence is discovered the Madnefs of thofe, who are loofe and profane in their Principles and Practi- ces; they have no Part nor Portion in this holy Cove- nant; they have no Title or Right to the great or good Thwg> in it: How can they exped the Bit-flings ot the Covenant, who not only (land aloof from the Way in which theie BiefTings come down, but er/pole, hate, and perfecute all thole that walk in it? There is a Genera- tor, it is in Mattb.xx'm. \ 3. Jhut up the Kirgd^n of Heave* agai»>i Men, for they neither go in thtmjel<oes% at are tntrittg to go in ; Theie are other 5 aho, w . their pernicious Way, who be reckoned with as Haters of th !s holy Covenant, and of the Way of Holinrfs that is in it ; they may expect setter Word from God, than thofe Men had, who excufed themielves from coming to the Wedding, and mace light of it, Matrh. xxii. 3, 5. than that, in Luke xiv. 24. None of tbffe Men Jhi.Ii tafie of my Supper ; and no better Dealing, thnn that in \ia*t-\ xxii. 7. Deflroy thefe Murderers, and burn up their City ; the Lord Will deal with them as with Murderer ^^Hta^Js this Covenant holy ? then there is the greater Sin to break it : It wili prove a Snare to a Man who de- voureth that which is holy, Pro*&. xk. 25. The Lord looketh upon it as treacherous Dealing, and as an Abo- mination, to profane the Hoiinefs which ne loveih, Mai. ii. 11. And what is the Hoiinefs in that Place, but the Covenant Hoiinefs, the Relations of a holy Covenant ? U/e 6. Is it a holy Covenant? then it is inviolable: Man ought not to violate it; but Lnough he fhould, the Lord will not ; he will as loon violate tfnd quit his Ilo- linels, as he will violate and quit his holy Covenant: He hath ipoken in his Hofinels, and iworn in his Holineis, and will net pah from his Word, nor fuffer that to fail, which hath grne\jr>rth out of his Lips, Pjal. lxxxix. 33, 34. He will not b;eak his Covenant.



Ufe 7. Ib the Covenant holy? then, (1.) Fetch all Holinefs from it ; f

tion, and tfcere is the Spine or Holii -Inch

Fountains 1 \\\ make Rivers flo% forth

out of our Be.! '39- (2 ) Let it be our

great Work to praciife Uolioefs, even to I in the

Fear of God, as in 2 Cot .\u. 1 . And take ti.de «ju ing Motives to the u

neis is and was the End for which we were taken in inio Covenant; fo, in Ifa. xJiii. 21. / /int-

$d for myjelf, they (hall Jl , 1 /V/.

ii. 9. we are by Covenant made a cbefen General i //, a royal Priefibood, an holy Nation, a peculiar Peojle^ that we may jbe<w forth the Praifes of him «n called us out

of Darknefs into his -is Light: And how (hall

thefe Praifes be fhevved forth, but by the mining Light of Holinefc ? Mattb. v. 16. our Light fo mining be/ore Men, as they may lee our good Works, and glorify our Fatner which is in Heave::. 2. Holinefs is thcChrifljan1 ry, and Perfection : V 27. but a holy Church, as it is there,

Me? What doth the A pottle wifli to the C*nn/biam+ when he wifheth Perfedron to them, 2 EpiA. xiii. 9. but their perfecting of Hoiinefo? 2 CV. vii. I. 3. Ho- linefs is our Evidence that we are the Children ot God: is Chrift declared to be the Son of God, by the Spi- rit of Holinefs, Rom. i. 4. And fo mail we alio when we are renewed ; our new Man is created in Ri^hte- oufnefs a. id Holinei^, Eph. iv. 24. 4. Hplinefs is the Life of God, Eph. iv. 18. and the Life of Chriit, 2 Cor. iv. 10. 5. Covenant Holinefs is a walking witn God, and in great Nearnefs with him: The Covenant makerh a People ne ir God ; and the Lord will be fanclified of all that come near him, Lev. x. 3. 6. The great Light and Grace c: thefe Time, mould engage us to Holinefs, Rom. xiii. 1 1. yea, and tne Profaneneis of many ihould do fo . ii. 1 y. 7. The Separation which will

be at the iait L>>.\ , fhould perfuade Holinefs now, Mattb.


S E R M.

( '55 )



G 0 S P K L C O V E X A NT:

On the (eteptl rrv thereof, the Fulness

or the Covenant.

2 S A M TJ E L XX Hi. >.

rjh my Hwfe be not Jo wit/? God ',•• yet he hat' inant% id el and this is all my Salvation, at. . Defn et

although be make it not to grow*

WE proceed to the feventh and laft Property of the Covenant, which is, that it is a full ar^ perfect Covenant: All Things are in it ; there is nothing want- ing that may compleat it ; David calleth it all his Salva- tion, and all his Deiire. For clearing of this Truth, I. h appeareth from Scripture Expreilions ; in Jer. xxxi. 14. it is that which fatiateth the Soul of the Prielis with Fatnefs, and the Souls of God's People with Goodnefs and, in *ver. 2$. it fatiateth the weary Soul, and re;. eth every forrowful Soul ; it is that by which Nakedneis is covered, and they come to he tJ Ezek. xviii. 8. and that which in <vtr* 14. mak Beauty perfect, through a Cornel inc: rd

putteth upon the mained Soul : It is that whereby Grace is made to abound, fo as the Chrii ,ys

having all >y in ail Things, may abound in every

good M

\j6 S E R M O N XVI.

good Work, 2 Cqt. ix. 8. It is that which miketh a Man compleat in him, who is the Head of aii Principality and Power, Co/, ii. 10. So there is in it, Per feci ion. Sa- tisfaction, Compleatnefs, All fuffiu^ncy : Moreover, m it grow eth that Free of Li KM.ii. 2. In it do fpring

up thefe Wells of Salvation, in Ifn. xii. 3. In it ) Feait of fat Things, a Kealt of Wines on the Lees, of fat Things full or Marrow, and of Wines on the Lees# well rtfined, lfa. xxv. 6. In and from it is that River, "which maketh glad with its Streams the City of God,

xlvi. 4. In it there are not only the Fviches of common Goodnefs, which fhould lead to Repentance, Rom. ii. 4. but tne Riches of Grace, Eph. i. 7. the Rich- es of Glorv, <u9r. 18. tne exceeding Riches of the Grace of God, in his Kindnefs towards us in Chnit J?fu>, ii. 7. the unfearchable Riches of Chrirt, Epb. \'\\. 8. In it is that Treafure hid in the Field, for Joy whereof a Man felleth all that which he hath, in Mattb. xiii. 44. that Pearl o{ great Price, <ier. 46. In a Word, it is that which m: keth ail Th ngs curs, whether Paul, Cephas, or the World, or Life, or Death, or Things pre- fent, or Things to com?; and it maketh us Chrili\ and Chriit is Goo's, 1 Cor. iii. 21, 22, 23. 2. Compare thrs Covenant, and the Thing* then of, with ail other Cove- nants and Things; all Things are empty Nothings in Comp?rifon, Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity, Cove- n n.s amongfl Men are of no more Worth than them- felves; Men in their beif. Elhte are Altogether Vanity, Pjal. xxxix. 5. The Covenant of Works is fo far from being full, as now being weak through the Fiefh, it can

or give no Satisfaction, Rom. viii. 3. and the old JDirpenfation of this Covenant was nothing fo full as the new : There was then a Figure for tne lime, in which were offered both Gifts and Sacrifice?, which couid not nuke him that did the Service perfect, as pertaining to the Confcierce, heh. ix. 9. the Law then was butu Sna-

f the good Things to come, llih. x. I. but Chriit rig in the Fulnefs of Time, made the Difpenfation v. 4. and Epb. i. 10. 3. The Fulnefs of this Covenant appeareth from the other Properties of the Co- ven

On the Gospel Covenant. 157

venant ; for, if it be a moil nearly uniting Covenant, that which bringeth a Soul in neareit Conjunction with God ; and then an everlaiiing Covenant, and a moil free Covenant, not depending on Worthiness or Unworthinefs in Man ; and if it b~- a holy Covenant, welt-ordered in all Things, and fure, as we have proved it to be ; then it cannot but be a full, perfect, and mod complea; C nant. 4. It we coniider the Original and Rile of this * .Covenant, we will eafily conclude that it is a very full Covenant ; for it did fpring from an eternal and infinite Love, which neither hath Btim nor Bottom: None is able to meafure the Dimenfions thereof, the Height, the Breadth, the Depth, the Length of it, p-illeth Knowledge, Eph. iii. 18. yet fo much of it may be known, as may help a Man forward to be filled with all the Fulnefs of God, wr, 19. And another Fountain and Spring, from which this Covenant did flow, was a full Fountain indeed, an infinite Wifdom : It hath fuch a Depth in it, that it nude hiin \ caught up to the third Heaven, and

he;,rd unfpeakable Woid , which it i? not lawful for a Man to utter, 2 Ccr. xii. 2, 4. cry out with much Ad- miration and Aftonifhinent, in Rom. xi. 33, 34, 35, 36. O / the Depth of the Riches both of the Wifdom and Know- ledge of God ! Hoi*: unfe arc habit ate his Judgments, his Ways paft finding out ! for who hath known the Mind of the Lord, or nxho hath been his Counfeihr, or ivho hath fir 0 given unto him, and it /hall be recompenfed to him a- gain ! For of him, and though him, and to him are all Things. Ii that be not a full Covenant, and Cuj>pieatly perfect Covenant, which hath been contrived by the in- finite Wifdom of God, what Covenant can be perfeel ? 5. It muft be granted ro Le a full Covenant, i: we con- iider that which is engaged on Goo's Part, even All-fuffi- ciency, in Gen. xvii. 1. God is all fufficient, and his All fufncJency is in this Co\enant to tl < 3eiiever enga- ged particularly, \fi. For his enabling to the perform: ing ot every Duty ; fo, in Ex.ek. xxxv*. 27. jut my Spirit ^within you, and cat *y Sta-

tutes: This Prornife performed wii! make ihe Lhnftian able to do all Things, through Cfcriit itiengthning him,


.v. 13. 2/. His A1J fufiiciency 13 engaged to

up, becaufe the Loid is Vole to hold hi.n up; for his

Covenant engaged to hold him u| fficiency is alio engaged to the

8. tor .1 to be ti

trd, Gen. xv. 1. 6. It is a full that Chrill is given unto us for this ( 3. he is given t

inherit defolate Heritages: H

trill ; it hath p should

, Col. i. 19. even that < . Inefs of

. Id dzvril in him boa i. 9. And

ced in hii d Ufe,


ch we for Sancti- rs have both hu ~tanon un-

i. 30. and ar^ d in him, 1 Cor.

i. 2. and he f , Biood

e Conscience from dead \ 0 ferve the

b. ix. 14. There is a Fulnefs a .To in ion : He i enant

our Redemption, 1 Cor. i. 30. And he , the utterm ' erne to God by him. Heb vn. 25.

And lallly, all the Fulnefs th t is for

Communication, it, by

Virtue of his Headthip, Eph. iv. 15, 16. and Col. ii. 19. jtk. It is a full Covenant, in Refpecl of the Prom they are full Be may fuck

and be fatisfied with, :ed with

ifes are full of Chriit, am in them, the Mother Promife, as y

Promife ; be expref-

IV full it is: So is the Promife of Pardon in

I ny/z ice vjosPhL v^ovlmami. i^y

Ir. 7. / wr// abundantly pardon, or multiply to par-

1 : And the Promife cf Righreouiuefs is full, I/a. xxxiii.

He fi]leth'Z/^» with Righteoutnefs ; hegivetn himic.f

be our Righteoufnefc, j er. xxiii. 6. And Tor Kno?v-

ge, it (hail iill the Earth, as Waters cover the Sea,

1. *i. 9. and for Life, in John x. 10. Chriii came,

it his ov\n might have Life, and that they might have

more abundantly ; and the Promiie for Gr^ce, it is

y ful there is botfT Abundance cf it,

d of the Gift of kightooufnefs ; and, in 2 Cor. ix. 8.

; and the Pre •:.

alio, to be ex. a River, If a. xJvijf. 18.

d Ixvi. 12. and in J 6. ;he i:

bundance, both of Peace and 1 ru h; and the Promiie

r Joy is full alio, in Jc -• it is pr

ciples, that . vers, that they (ball be filled with Joy and Peace in

. iv. 1 3.

n them, they fhall be gJ iy : And for tei fficien 1 we confider thefe Scriptures, 1

8. G i/es of is to

me: And there art 1 icular

romifef concerning fucn erd Jball give t

of good 16. the i j nd

Joney cut 0/ th*

rid Healing cf V $■/?. Full, in to its

)apacu on of Fen on s and Things,

irace and Glory, and every good 1 it, P/aL 1

txxiv. 11. aJ

3- And t 1 are

Wthin it \\. 39 j r€ek9

'arban ian are in ,r is

uly wi be in and within it.

ulnels in this Covenant, a and free,

Cor. xii. 13. for rich and poor, blind, h



^> h K M () IS XVI. \iv. 21 . This Coven. m: i> the ChriiHan's Cat hoi ton ; k ferveth fur ail Cu ; ic is for

Darki i. 1. 10. Comfort in Afflictions,

6. Si

out ol i Cor. X. 13. 1 o:/;. It is lull, as to

(Jon 1. It ib full is a Grace ; it bring

lith. x. zi. z. b uli »n its Wo, . live by 11, mt lame chap, it j

anks, and vvritt.ii down Limit for all. 3. i .11 be molt full, A/1ilh it lhall be tunvd into h is full, in kelpeti of that Obedient.

26. It makeih Ooedience evangelica.ll) io the Doer perfect, and compleat in all I God, Co/, iv. 12. 12/3. It is lull, in Rcipect o; Heart i faction; it anfwereth all the De fires ol the BeiitveM ab here, of which more in the next: The ivlouch e be opened lo wide, but there is in this Covenant to fill ir. 13/^. Jt is full, in Refped of theRewaid which it bringefh ; it giveth good Meat u re, preilca uown, iha-J ken together, and punning over, as tne Exprcllion is, ioj Luke vt. 3S. a lull Reward, 2 John 8. where it (hail be given, bou!s will be filled ; then will be a full bightfl Fuinefs of Joy, and Enjoyment to the full: Every \ ef-j fel will be full, yet lull a Filling at the Weii-head t whence will be molt refrefliing and ravilhing Deiightsj flowing forth for ever from him, who liiieth all in all,1 liph. i. 23.

Ufe 1. Would you know why many are fo bent andj bufy about and upon other Bargains, and fo exceedingly- .dive of this fo full and ali-fuflicient Bargain? Aht tney know it not; they are Merchants, with tne Ballan-; ces of Deceit in their Hand, like them, in IL/. xii. 7. tins maketh them foliovv after Vanity and Lies, P 2. If they knew what Fuinefs and Sutbiuctiun were in this Bargain, they would quit all other Bargains, and en- gage in this: O that Men were Jiitening tu that Word, in If a. Iv. 2. IVbdtfore di r for that

ii not Bread, and your Labour for that <whicb Jatisfiitb mt ? Ah ! it is not only abfurd and unreafonabie, but a fenflefs Fradicc.


On the Gospel "Covenant. \6\

JJfe 2. Is this Covenant fo full a Covenant ? Minifters tould iludy to know its _ fulnefs, that they may preach md' commend it as luch to People; and People fhould tudy to know and believe it to be fuch: it was Paufs Matter of humble Gioriation, that he had. fully preached he Gofpel of Chrilt, by tne Power of the Spirit of Ooa, Rom. xv. 19. and as it was his Deiire, fo he was JIured, in <ver. 29- of that chap, that when he fhould :ome to Rome, he mould come in the Fulnefs of the Blef- fing of the Gofpel of CbriH : Alas ! the little Knowledge >f the Fulnefs of the Covenant ; the not Preaching, and lot Knowing it fully, doth make both this, and other Reformed Churches cry out, my Leannefs, my Leannefs! Vliniilers ot the Letter, and not of the Spirit; and Peo- Die reiling in the Letter, and not feeking in to know that Fulnefs which is in Chrifl and his Gofpel Covenant, nake a fad Vifage of the vifible Churches. Ufe 3. If this Covenant be fo full, and all Fulnefs be it, wnat a Sin and Madnefs muit there be in thofe, vho care not for it, do not fufneiently prize it ; whether hey be of the Sort, who are or think themielve?, full without it, as the Corinthiaus thought themfelves to be vitnout Paul and his Preaching, 1 C,r. iv. 8. Many do atisfy themfelves, with that any Good, Pjal. iv. 6. and ?rize not that only and chief Good, which is in the Light jf God's Countenance ; or of that Sort who have wiiful- y refufed :o enter to it ; chufmg rather to feed on Hufks vith Swine, than upon the hidden Manna, or of thofe >vho have formally entered into it, but fhamefully flip- ped from it ; triey have drawn back ; and the Lord hath no Pleafure in them, who ever they be, who flight this rull Covenant ; they mew a Madnefs in forfaking their Dwn fo great a Mercy.

4. If this be a full Covenant, then we fhould la- bour to improve it to tne full ; and that (hall be, if we abour to be filled with ail the Fulnefs of God, accord- ng to that, in Eph. iii. 19. and it we come in the Uni- :y of the Faith, and ot the Knowledge of the Sou of God, unto peneft Men, unto the Meuiure of the Sta- :ure of the Fulnefs of Chrift, according to Eph. iv. 15. L And

\62 S E R M O N XVI.

And then if wc walk fuitably to a fall Covenant, the fall Furniture and the full Reward that ii in it: TTffc we (hall do, if we be like unto Caleb, of whom it h faid, in Numb. xiv. 24 that he had another Spirit than the Men of his Generation ; which he did evidence by this, he followed the Lord fully: And if we be full oi Mercy and good Fruit?, without Partiality and Hypo* crify, Jam. iii. 17. filled with the Fruits of Righteouf nefs, Phil. i. 1 T.

5. Is this Covenant every Way fo full ? then it is worthy to be fufTered for, even to the Lois of al! Things; for, all Lofles are abundantly made up in its FuJneis: Paul thought and found it fo ; for to him to live Chrift was, and to die all his Gain ; and, in Phil. iii. 7, 8. what Things were Gain to him, thefe he count- ed Lofs for Chrift ; yea, doubt left, faith he, and I count all Things hut Lofs, for the Excellency of the Knowledge oj Chrift J ejus my Lord, for whom I have fujfered the Lofs oj all Things, and do count them but Dung, that 1 may win Cbri/t : He thought Godlinefs with Contentment great Gain, 1 Tim. vi. 6. What can a Chriilian lofe, that thall not abundantly be made up unto him in Jefus Chrift ?

Ufe 6. Is the Covenant of Promifes fo full a Cove- nant, and all the Promifes fo full ? then we mull loofc upon the Promifes as abundantly full, and fuck out of them abundantly of that Life and Peace which is in them. There be fome that enlarge Promifes, and ftraic- en Precepts; they make the Promife to have more in ft than ever God put in it, a Liberty to fin ; and the Pre- cepts to have iefs in them than that which the Lord hath pi. iced in them, as if they did only bind to fome gene- ral and free Performances : There be others, in the Hour of Temptation, liraiten the Promifes, and enlarge the Precepts; but the Lord approveth of neither: The Precept is full, and mult have the Promife for Perform- ance ; mife is molt full to all that do mind the Condi.*

Lie 7. If the Covenant be thus full, then it mini-

flreth to us Ground of full Afmrance, and next of full

fort, and abounding Confolation ; and then, in the


On the Gospel Covenant. 163

third Place, for full Furniture and abundant Provifion* Whereby we may be furnifhed to every good Work ; there is no Want to them that fear God ; the young Lions do lack and fuffer Hunger ', but they that feek the Lord Jball not want any good Thing, Pfal. xxxiv. 9, 10. There is a Rock in it, for allured Confidence; Wells of Salvation for Joy; Treafures that cannot be exhausted, for Pro- vifion ; and covenanted Help and Strength, for every Duty.

But it is objected, If the Covenant be To full, how is it that they who are within it have fo many Wants? The Saints had them, 2 Cor. ix. 12. And Paul, Phil. ii. 25. And then, how is it that there is fuch Weaknefs as to fpiritual Performances in the Saints ?

Jnfw. to the firlt, ifl. They want no goofi Thing. id. They want often, becaufe they afk not in Faith, Matth. xxi. 22. 3^. They want, that they may not want Exercife. 4/0. That they may the better experi- mentally know the Fulnefs of Chrift and his Covenant. As to the fecond, I fay, (1.) Here is not the State of Perfection, 1 Cor. xiii. 9. (2.) Weaknefs is not from any Defect in the Covenant/ but from the not acting Faith fully on it.

L 2 S E

( i*4 )





And of the Fulness of the Covenant, in David's Eltimation.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. jlh hough my Houfe be not Jo with God; yet he hat/;

ig Covenant, well ordered in all Things hire ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, although he make it not to grow.

WE have been fpeaking of the Fulnefs of the Co- venant in general : And now we (hall fpeak to the Fulnefs of it in David's Apprehenfion, as it is ex- prefled by him in the Text, where he faith of it, For ^ this is all my Sahvatizn, and ail my Defere, though he make it net to grow ; He found himfelf in no good Condition ; but he fatis'ficd himfelf with this everlafting Covenant, ordered in all Thing.- and fure ; as having in it all his Salvatien and all his Defire; though as to his outward Condition Matters fhould not grow to be better. From this Eltimation which David had,

Doct. 1. IV ho ivou/d give a right Vtrdi£i of the Co- venant, muh r great and good Things in it, even all jation, and all Dejtres, and Things deferable. It cannot be told how great, and how good, and how .blc Things there are in it ; as may appear from that


On the Gospel Covenant. 165

which hath been faid, and further from thefe Scriptures, Pfai. xxxi. 19. Of how great is thy Goodnefs which thou haft laid up for them that fear thee, which thou hap ugbt for them that truft in thee before the Sons of Men f This Goodnefs will be bed known by Tailing, PfalS xxxiy. 8. In Pfai. xxxvi. 7. David cryeth out, IJ zu excellent is thy loving Kindnefs, O God, therefore the Chil- dren of Men put their Tru/i in the Shadow of thy Wi?igs : And, in Jfa. Ixiii. there are loving Kindnefles, great Goodnefs, Mercies, and Multitude© of loving Kind- nefTes, ver. 7. And in Jfa. Ixiv. 4. there be Things of which Men have not heard fince the Beginning of the World, and which the Eye hath not feen ; and, in 1 Cor. ii. 9. Things which never have entred into the Heart of Man: And here it is, all Salvation, and all Defires : The Point is, That they who defire either to enter, or to abide in this Covenant, or to give a right Vcrdidi of it, mull take a full View, as David doth here, of ail the great Things in it. 1. That they may the befter know the Things freely given them of God, and fo im- prove them, 1 Cor. ii. 12. 2. That they may be the more able to commend it to others, and draw them to the right View and pondering of the fame ,- to draw in the Sons of Strangers, to buiid up the Walls of Jerufa- lem, and their Kings to minifter to her, /fa. ix. 10; and to heip forward that great Work, in Zech. viii. 23. when ten Men Jhall take hold, out of ail Languages, even Jhall take hold of the Skirt of him that is a few, faying, we will go with you, far we have heard that God is with ycu ; yea, and to invite one another, as in Cant. iii. 11. Co forth, O ye Daughters of Zion, and behold King Salo- mon with the Crown, v)herewith his Mother crowned him in the Day of his Efpoufals, and in the Day of the Gladnefs of his Heart. 3. Such viewing of the great and good Things of the Covenant, will make the Yoke of the Covenant very eafy : And it is indeed fo, if we believe our Lord's TelHmony of it, Matth. xi. 29. and his "; mony who lay in his Bofom, 1 John v. 3. and Da who was his Type, he faith, that in keeping of th

L 3 great1



great Reward, Pfal. xix. 1 1. Yea, it will make the greater! CrofTes, and moft bitter Reproaches, to be moil eafily digefted, Hcb. xi. 26. Who fay with thofe in Mai. iii. 14. // is vain to ferve God, have not viewed nor pon- dered the great Things of the Covenant. 4. The fre- quent viewing aud deep Confideration of this Fulnefs of the Covenant, and cf all the great Things in it, keepeth the Fountain in fight, fo the Soul humble, and the Lord in good Refpccl. 5. The ferious Thought of thefe is an excellent Support to Faith, even then when the Soul is brought very low, if we btlieve that Promife made to Jacob, and in him to all the Sons of the Covenant, in Gen. xxxii. 12. that the Lord will furely do us good, and that well experienced Truth, in Rom. viii. 28. that all Things vuork together for good to them that love God. 6. By fuch viewing often, we do in Part enjoy, and have great Encouragement, to every Duty : To flight fuch Confiderations, and Reprefentations of the Fulneft of Gocdnefi which is in the Covenant, is a wearying of God, which is no fmall Sin, I/a. vii. 13.

Ufe I. It is no Wonder that many ltand aloof from this Covenant, and are my to engage in it ; and after they feem to have engaged, they flip off from it. They never did take one ienous Look of the great Things which are in it ; they have never thought that all Things were in it, or that which is more than all Things die.

Ufe 2. We would do with the Covenant of Promifes, as Abraham did with the Land of Promife, in Gen. xiii. 17. walk through it in the Length, and in the Breadth of it; we fhould not fatisfy ourfelves with far off Sights, like that which Mofes had of the Land from the Top of Pijgah, Deut. xxxiv. 1, 2. but labour to have near Hand Sights, deep and narrow, molt earneflly prying and fearching Looks; fo fhall we be able to know it ourfelves, and to give a right Verdift of it to others; for com- mending it to them, as David doth in this.

Doct. 2. The Covenant thus made and vievued by Da- it vuas fo him all his Salvation, and all his Defire.

He did fee Salvation in it, his Salvation in it ; and then, ail his Salvation in "it, yea, and all his Dcfite in it.


On the Gospel Covenant. 167

So, Believers fhould, i. See Salvation in the Covenant, the great Salvation, Heb. ii. 3. Strength of Salvation, Pful. cxl. 7. the Grace which is in the Gofpel bringeth Salvation, Tit. ii. 11. Chrift in the Gofpel is called by old Simeon, in Luke ii. 30. God's Salvation. Zechary calleth him the Horn of Salvation, Luke i. 69. He is fo a Saviour, that he is Salvation : He maketh a thorough Work of it : And then, the Believer fhould make the Covenant his Salvation ; he fhould plead particular Inte- reft in it, take hold of it, as holding out Salvation par- ticularly to himfeif ; but the third is the fpecial Thing, to make it ail his Salvation. The Covenant to the Be- liever is his one Thing, and his all Things. Firfi, His one Thing, on which he pitcheth and reiletn. \jL There is but one God and Lord ; and fo, but one latisfying Por- tion, idly, The Soul is but one, and it mull have one / Thing to reft upon: When it is divided amongft many Things, it is neither Mailer of itfelf, nor of them ; it Cometh to be like a River cut out into many Channels, which runneth dry. $d/y, The Nature of Grr.ce alfo is, to confine the Soul to one Thing ; it is from one, and \ turneth about the Soul to that one again ; where Grace ruleth not, there will be a feeking out of miny Inven- tions, Eccl. vii. 29. And then, th* fame Covenant to the Believer is his all Things, i/r*. In God made his. id. He feeth all Things in Ch;iit, ana under his Hand. $d. He feeth all Things made fure in the Promi'e, even all Sal- vations, whether they be external, ipiritu \]9 or eternal. And, lailly, the Covenant to the Believer is ail his De- fire. (1.) His Defire is afrer no other Thing, either in- tcnkly, or any Way but in Subordination. (2 ) There is nothing commenfurate, or commenfurable, to the De- fire of a Man, but that which is in this full Covenant. (3.) The Believer hath his Defires moderated and mould- ed to the Tenor of the Covenant, and to the good Will cf God therein. (4.) There is really all Good in the Covenant, which a Man can rationally defire, as well as the chief Good j there is that which the Lord ittth good, and that fhould fatisiy us ; for the Lord knoweth bell what is good.

L 4 V/e

FS E R M O N XVII. Ufe I. Againft thoft who neither make this Covenant, nor Chrift in it, cither theirone Thing, or their all Things: Their Heart is divided, and is poured out upon many Things, like Water fpilc upon the Ground, that cannot be gathered up again : They have many Dcfires, but few or none here away ; their Defire is not to the Name of God, or his Salvation.

Ule 2. Learn to make this Covenant, you that are Believers, to make it all your Salvations, all the great Salvation, the Beginning of it ; for therein you have the Author of it, Hc6. v. 9. the Progrefs of it ; for tnerein alfo is the Way of Salvation ; tne Devils do know and acknowledge fo much, though no whit the better of it, Atts xvi. 17. And then, in the End and Perfection of it, which is both kept for you, and you are kept for it, by the Power of God, 1 Pet. i. 5. And then, all your other Salvations, from Fears, or from real Danger?, from ' Sin and Temptations, from Wants, Persecutions, and all Sorts of Tribulations; from an evil World, and from him that ruleth in the Darknefs of this World, from, your predominant Evil, and all our other Evils, and from Death, our kit Enemy.

3. Learn to make this Covenant all your Defires; for there are in it all defi-able Things: Chrift is in it, and he is altogether lovely, Cant. v. 16. it may be ex- pounded as well, he is all Defires. He is the Peace alfo, every Way our Peace, Eph. ii. 14. and fo, the Peace of Defires: He giveth Satisfaction, and fo puts them to a Kelt. It is no eafy Work, to make Chrift all our De- fires. (1.) Chrift mud be well known, even that he is all in all, Col. iii. if. nnd that all Fulnefs dwelleth in him. (2) Our Defires muft be regulated according to thatwh.cn is written in'the Word. (3.} We muft know the Way of Faith, whereby we may fetch all our De- fires from that covenanted Fulnefs which is in him. (4 ) We muft reft fatisfied with all that which he dif- penfeth, as believing it to be belt.

Doct. 3. Datid maketb the Covenant all his Defire and Sa/va.'ion, in Relation either to his JHoufe, -though he make it not fo grow to any better Condition than it was ; or. though


On the Gospel Covenant. 169

he make not the. Covenant grc~x\ in the Effects more favour- able to him, and his Houfe i both thofe turn all to one and the fame Thing and Meaning.

The Point is, How ill foever it be with a Believer in his outward Condition, and though it fhould not grew better ; yet he fhould make the Covenant all his Salva- tion, and all his Defire. We fhall take up this in two Branches, i. A Believer, when it goeth worft with his Houfe, and worldly Eftate, he mould reft fatisfied with the well ordered Covenant. 2. Though after Prayer, and the Ufe of other Means, whether fpiritual or exter- n.l, Things ihould not come to a better Condition, yet he mould make the everlailing Covenant all his Salvation, and all his Defire.

As to the flrft, It is very probably thought, at this Time, David's Houfe and Family was in no good Con- dition, when he uttered thefe Words: Interpreters do re- * fer them to that fad Time, wherein Amnon did defile his Sifter Thamar, and Abjahm for this did kill his Brother Amnon, 2 Sam. xiii. tower. 15. and from ver. 2 1, to 30, But rather, they being amongft his laft Words, they take in all the Diforders which had been in his Houfe ; fo, /ib/ahm\ Rebellion, and his other Villanies, and Adonijah his Rebellion alfo : He knew he was bound by Covenant to look to his Family, that it fhould have been well ordered, according to the well ordered Covenant, and he had engaged to do his beft, Pfal. ci. ver. 2, 6, 7. Now, while he doth reflect upon all that had been done in his Houfe, he findeth Things in his Houfe not fo as they mould have been ; yet he will not part with nor pafs from his Interell in the Covenant for all this : Ah my Hou/e, faith he, be not fo nxitb God, yet he hath made ivith me an enjerlr.f: it* g Covenant. The Point is, Although Things either in our Houfe and Cafe, do not anfwer ei- ther our Engagements or Expectations, yet we muft not quit our Intereft in the well-ordered Covenant; though tnere be both finful Diforders, and domeftic

Believers are even in that Cafe allowed to make the Covenant all their Salvation and all their D

cauie Duty may be done by Parents and Heads of



Families, and yet thefeDiforders and crofs Things fall out. 2. Though by fome too palpable Negletts many fuch Things come to pafs, every Failing of Duty doth not make a Forfeiture in the Covenant. 3. Though even thefe Diforders in a Family come as Punifhments for other Sins, yet Repentance being, the Rod laid on for fuch Sins doth not take away the Covenant Right. 4. If the Covenant at any Time (hould be made all the Salva- tion of the Believer, more efpecially it (hould be then made fo, when there is no Salvation feen, but that which is in it, nothing but Dtftruction cryed upon Dtftrudtion ; and then made all his Delire, when his Defires, as to other Things, are much croflVd and crufhed. 5. Becaufe in the worit Times and Cafe that a Believer can be in, if he can but turn, in a right Way, to this well-ordered and everlafting Covenant, (here will be found abundant- ly enough for the working out of all Salvations, and fa- tisfying of all Defires.

As to the fecond, It is out of queftion, David had many Prayers to God, and ufed every lawful Mean and Expedient, to have Things growing to a better Condi - r tion in his Houfe, yet could not get them to the right Order that he defired ; yet, notwithftanding of this, l.e ftill pleadeth his Covenant Right: So, the Point is, Chri- ftians, after they have ufed Means, and continued long in the fame, with very little or no Succefs, fo as the Houle doth not grow to any better Condition ; yet they may not for that pafs from their Covenant Intereft in God; but, even in that Ca.e, and lb much the rather, place all their Salvation, and all their Defire, in the well-ordered Covenant, \fl. Becaufe there is no other Way, in which we can expeft any Thing; there is no other Door to go to. idly, Though we be tied to ufe Means, the Lord cannot be tied unto them, but of Plea- fure and good Will; efpecially as to the Time and Manner how he dial) be pleafed to anfwer and blefsour Endeavours. It nay be our Duty, according to the revealed Will of God, which God in his fecret Will hath decreed never to grant; yet, feeking of God in that Thing, is not, will not be in vain: 1c is enough, the Lord accept


On the Gospel Covenant. 171

bpth the Perfon and Prayer made with Submiffion and Sin- cerity, and gratify the Petitioner another Way. 4";(y> Although there be growing Succefs, in following the Means for a long Time; yet, when it cometh, it will a- bundantly over-balance all the W refilings, Griefs and Sorrows: The Lord delayeth fometimes, that he may pay with Intereft.

Ufe i. We may not think it lirange to fee in the Fa- milies of faithful Men, who make Confcienee to teach their Children, and thofe of their Houfe, as Abraham did, Gen. xviii. 19. yet fometimes great Diforders falling out: How fad an Example have we of this, in David's Family here, and Jacob**} (1.) Envy amongll his Sons, which grew to fuch an Height, that they firit. would have i, and then fold him, who was their Brother, and the dearly beloved of their Father, Jofeph-, after that, Reuben going up to his Father's Bed ; and before that, Simeon and Levi their Soul Treachery, Covenant break- ing, and Murder. The Reafons are, partly, from that, Grace is not from Education, but from a higher Rife aud Fountain; and partly alfo, from Satan's Malice againft good Men ; for thefe Patriarchs were holy Men*

U/e 2. This reproveth thofe Chriftiam, who, upon Things not anfwering their Undertakings, and Covenant Engagements to God, in themfelves or their Relations, fit down as difcouraged ; yea, and begin to call in que- stion their Covenant Intereft, efpeci ;liy in thefe two or three Cafes, (1 ) If Sins, againlt which they have deep- ly engaged themfelves, break out in themfelves or Fa- milies, and Relations, under their Power. (2.) If, upon thefe Sins, other Sins which they have formerly commit- ted, be read by them in legible Characters. (3.) \i% ' after the Ufe of allowed Means ; there is little or no Ap- pearance, that Things (hall come to be better with them ; was it not fo with David and his Houfe? Had he not engaged for his Houfe and Family ? And, can it be nt, but he who fo folemnly dedicated his Hcufe, as he made a Pfalm at the Dedication thereof, witnefs, Pjal. xxx. in the Title thereof, but that he prayed often for us Houfe ? And, did he not read his own Sin, and'



the Lord's Threading by Nathan the Prophet, upon all Diforders ? z Sam. xii. <ver. 10, 1 1, yet, for ail tfys, he doth not turn away, but turn into the Covenant, and hath his Plight anchor oft there : There is no Rea- son then, why Believers in the like Cafe ftv;uid do other- wife, though Engagements be broken, and they are vifi- ted with a Rod, on which they re"ad their Sin, and Means have not the wifhed Succefs.

3. Let all true Believers, in their hardeft and Jeaft promifiiig Cafe, even then when ail is in Diforder,and there is little or no Hope of Things growing to the better ; yec turn in to the everJailing Covenant, and make it even all their Salvation then, and all their Defire then ; for, then there is nv ft Need, and there is no better Way can be ima- gined ; and we know not when it may pleafe the Lord to the promiied Succefs. It is our Part, to turn in by Re- ifcce, and to take hold on the Covenant by Faith, and both to tiult Goc, and to wait for the Succefs.




On the Blessings of the Covenant, how

they are all in Promises.

* el xxiii. j.

/{[though my H

: all Things and , Dtfire%

alt: it not to gn


E have fpoken to the Properties of the Covenant, and the iaft was, that it was a full Coven


On the. Gospel Covenant.

oft full in David's Senfe and Experience: Now, I in- nd to (hew you, if the Lord will, that it is full of leffings.

So, I come to fpeak of the VII. Head propounded f this Covenant, and it is, of the Bleifings of the Co- enant, the great and good Things which come by it; e are blefled with all fpiritual Blellings in Chnit Jefus ; nd fo, by this Covenant, Epb. i. 3. And Godlineis hath he Promifes of the Life that now is, as well as of that vhich is to come, 1 Tim. iv. 8. So, the Covenant doth tot only give a Right unto, but it doth actually blefs hofe that are within it, with temporal Bleffings alfo. The flrft Thing I intend to fpeak of, in Relation to thefc 31eiTmgs, is, concerning where they lie, and the Channel n which they are conveyed, and that is, the Promife.

The Point of Dcftrine is this, that all thcBiefSn,. :he new Covenant, they are lodged within, and they come down unto us, by the Promife : So the Covenant is cal- led the Covenant of Promife, Epb. ii. 12. and ft is or- dinarily expreffed, in the old and new Teilament, by the Name of Promife, or Promifes; fo, in ?jal cv. 42. He remembred bis boly Promife, and Abraham his he remembred his Covenant made with Abraham: Chn . of the Promife, Rom. ix. 8. are the fame with the Chil- dren of the Covenant, A£ls iii. 25. lot Rom. ix. 4. the Covenants and the Prcinifes the fame. In fpeak:. this Way of the Promife in which all Covenant Bieffings do come unto us, Fir ft, I fhall fhew you a little of tne Excellency of this Way. Secondly, Why the Lord was pleafed to convey all the Bleilir.gs of the Covenant in this Way. Thirdly, The great Advantages which are by having our Mercies thus in the Promife. Fourthly, Our Duties which ought to be minded and followed upon this

* I A

Account. j

As to fir ft ', The Excellency of the Promife, we gather

it, 1. From the Titles and Epithets which the Holy Gholt giveth unto it in the Scripture ; fo we have it cal- led a good Promife ; fo doth Solomon call it, in 1 I

"viii. 56. while he blefl~th the Congregation, and . Thanks, faying, B left d be the Lord, that bar

174 S E R M O ^ mil.

unto >rg to all that he promifei

hath not fai. his good Promij

pr ami led by the Hand of M vant ; evei

Word of God is good: So Hexekiah did elteem the Woi of Threatning good, in If a. xxxix. 8. but the Word i the Promife hath thofe good and comfortable Words : it, Zech. i. 13. 2. It is called a holy Promife, in th, above cited Place, Pfal. cv. 42. It is fo holy, as nor can find any Fault with it ; it is of thefe Words, whici in Pfal. xii. 6. are called pure Words, as Silver tried il a Furnace of Earth purified feven Times, holy and ir violable ; it is both pure and purifying : Promifes are c a very cleaning Virtue. 3. It is called gracious; whe eife were thefe gracious Words, which proceeded froi the Mouth of Chriit, in Luke iv. 22. but Words of Pre mile ? The Text he was preaching upon, has a Bundle 0 Promifes in it; compare <ver. 18. of that chap, with lfc )xi. I. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, becaufe th Lord hath anointed me to preach good Tidings unto the meek ■'. feut me to bind up the br»L:n heart edf to yroclair.

Libtrty to the Captives, and the opening cf the Prifon t them that are bound ; and, in <ver. 2. to proclaim the accep table Tear of the Lord, and the Day of Vengeance qf ou> God, to comfort them that mourn, &c. That which is faic of him, in Pfal. xlv. 2. that Grace -was poured into hi Lips; how came it to be poured forth, but in graciou Promifes, and gracious Workings of the fame ? 4. Th« Promife is free ; all that which cometh by it, is a free Gift, a free Pardon, Rom. v. 15, 16. the Promife ma keth us Children of the free Woman, Gal. iv. 23. and in uer. 26. ferufalem which is from abonje is free, <whicl is the Mother of us all; God is Debtor to none, but al his Promifes are free. 5. This Promife is fure ; and fun to all the Seed, Rom. iv. 16. fo it is often called the Oatl which was made to the Fathers, the Oath to the Father? Deut. vii. 8. the Outh to lfaact Pjal. cv. 9. the Oatr which he fware to our Father Abraham, Luke 173. Thi: fure Promife is no other than thek Mercies oi Ds

Iv. 3. 6. The Promifes are rich 1 gi Chrift's Riches which he giveth, the Riches of Grace


On the Gospel Covenant.' 175

Epb. i. 7. are they not the Riches of the Promife ? The

Riches of his Glory, Rom. ix. 23. and his Riches in

Glory, Phil. iv. 19. are they not all by the Promife ?

nd who are they, who are rich in Faith, Jam. ii. 5.

but they who are enriched by thefe Promifes? 7. In

1 2 Pa. i. 4. they are called exceeding great and precious

i Promifes; they are great, and exceeding great, even the

I greateit and moil precious Promifes : They rouft then be

tnoft excellent Things: They have the greateft Things

1 of Heaven and Earth, of Time and Eternity in them,

;j and one of the Lord's Promifes is of more Worth, and

j much more precious, than whole Heaven and Earth is,

I Natth. v. 18. He hath magnified kii Word above all .

r Name; fo faith tire Pfaimilf, in PfaL exxxviii. 2. what

I is chat Word, buc the Wprd of Promife? It is the Word

I of Truth in that Place, ajd fo, of the Promife. 8. They

are faithful and true Promifes ; they are all Yea arid

Amen in Chriil Jefus, 2 Cor. i. 20. Never one of thefe

Promifes, but they fhall come to pafs; they are mace

by him who is the true God, Jer. x. 10. and he who

is the Undertaker for them, is the true and faithful Wit-

nefs, "Rev. iii. 14. If any of thefe, much mere if all

the£e be confidered, none will deny but there is an Ex-

celiency in the Promife.

As to the Jecond, Why the Lord hath been pfeafed to convey all the Bleflings of the Covenant by the Promife, 1. He would put no more Trull in Man after the Breach, of the firft Covenant; he had appointed (his to be an everlalting Covenant; fo, he would have it built upon an everlalting Foundation ; fuch is the Promife, the lure Promife. 2. He would have the Covenant a molt en- gaging Covenant, and molt ample; fo it is by the Pro- mife ; for it is of free Love, and to all who will take hold in it. 3. He would have it fo drawn up, and dif- penfed, as no Flelh might glory in his Prefence : So, it by the Promiie, they come unto it as broken Debters, by Real ft of Sin; and they are made by it everlalting Debters of free Love. 4. He would have all the Blei- fings conveyed in and coming along thereby ; to kee; •wn in a perpetual Dependance on him, waiting upon



rromifes. 5. I Jc would have them coming all along in thl Promife, for the Glory and greater Manifeitation of his If el Grace; when thereby it is made evident, that nothinJ can be challenged as due by Debt. 6. He would havJ all by the Promife, that the Communication of all theicl good Things might be the more Tweet; for the Lore loveth well both to endear himfelf to his People, and tcl endear them to him. 7. He would riave all the Blefiingal coming by the Promife, for the exercifing of Faith and Patience; for it is by Faith and Patience that the Pro- mifes are inherited. 8. He would have it by the Pro- mife, that thereby he might manifeft. both his VVifdom and Power, Goodnefs, and Truth : O ! what Wifdom doth there appear in the Way found out for Vent of Promifes,' and in the Order in which they are perform- ed? How great Power is feen in performing them, much gi eater than that which appeared in making of the World ; and, what and how great Goodnefs is feen flow- ing out from temporal, fpiritual, and eternal Bieifings! How many Sorts of KindnefTes, how manifold Mercies, preventing, pardoning, renewing, relieving, comforting, and confirming KindntfTe.^! And then, how much of his Tiuth is feen co be performed, in the performing of his Prom iles ! The performing of them is called tne perfor- ming of his Truth and iVlercj, Mic. vii. 20. By them, Truths have been performed, which were kept fecret from the Foundation of tne World ; Truths which have been looked upon as buried ; Truths, which have feem- cd very impoffible to be fulfilled ; Truths, againft which, both Senfe and Reafon have pleaded ftrongly ; Truths, which have lufFcreu much Contradiction from tne World ; Truths, ag.unlt wmch Satan hath raifed many Times much' Unocuef, even in the Heart of true Believers; and Truths at fuch a Time, when it hath been leail ex- pected. .: in the moil feafonable Time. 9. He would have it by "romife, to manifeft ail the Excellen- cies of the Promife of which we have fpoken, and ex- cellent Ufe of them; fo to the third.

As to the third, The Advantages which Believers have or may have by this, that all the Bl. . . f the Cov<


On' the Gospel Covenant. 177

rant come in the Way of the Promife, they are very ny ; fuch as, i. Receiving Covenant Blefiings by Pro-

] mile, Chnir. is firit received ; for he is the Rrft promifed rift. 2. He is the Root of all the Promifes. 3. He is the Performer of them all. 4. Receiving Covenant Blefiings in the Way of the Promife, the Spirit is receiv- ed aMb, for he is the Spirit of Promife, Epb. i. 13. 5. Bieflings coming in the Way of Promife, there is the more ready Accefs to them, specially it being propound- ed indefinitely, and in the Nature of it free. 6. The Promife is not to him that worketh, for then it fhould be reckoned as Debt; but it is of Grace, Rom. iv. 4.

7. In this Way of Promife, the, furniture and Strength is put in ohe Believer's Hand, before any Duty is called for at his Hand ; it is not fo in the Covenant erf Works.

8. In the Way of Promife, the Believer may plead, not only at Mercy's Bar, but at the Bar of Juitice alio ; for, t-hough the Believer cannot make God a Debtor, yet God can make himfelf a Debtor to a Believer by his Promile ; yet fo as the. Lord is rather a Debtor to him- felf than to u* : bee 1 John i. 9. He is faithful and jufl to forgive us cur Sins. 9. That the Bleflings come in the Way of the fworn Promile, it maketh them assure as any Thing. 10. That they come in the Way of God's Promife, every BiefTing we receive, here, is an Earneft-penny of all that is in the Promife; for, though there be many particular Promifes, yet they are all but . as one Promife: Promifes have every Way as near Con- nexion as Commandments. 11. The Promifes make a Man Partaker of the divine Nature, and to efcape the Pollutions of the World through Lull, 2 Ptt. i. 4. 12. The Promifes are for every Cafe; All-fufficiency, and Grace fufficient, will help even in worft and moll difficil Cafes. 13. Even the hilt Promife will make a Man Conqueror of Hell, Death, and the Devil ; even that, in Gen. iii. 1-. Many Duties will help a Man little, if the Confcience tell him, one Duty be neglected, or one nfcefTary Circumitance of a Duty: But, one Pronv rightly apprehended, may take a Man to Heiven, r

he have no more: Abel had no more Promifes but one, M


yet by Faith he pleafed God ; and unfpeakablfl /Advantage ? Bleilings are by Way of Promife, they are of free Grace, not only to undeferving bat ill deferving Creatures; and how great Advantage may they have from this Confide- ration, who are ready todefpair? 15. That they are by Promite, thev come in the molt alluring Way, and fo are molt acceptable, and, in a Sort, double Favours. 1. Are the Promifes To excellent Things? How blamt-worthy are they who undervalue them, who think them neither good nor gracious, great nor precious, nei- ther fure nor irue, neither rich nor free ? How many are they, who neither believe God's Word nor Oath? So much they declare, by their not receiving Proriiifes, not retting on them, nor fatisfied with them; they believe no more of Gcd than they fee; they do not reckon themielves the richer for having never fo many Promi- fes ; it is fomething in Hand they feck; and ytt% that fomething is nothing, no fare or abiding Thing.

Vie 2. How dreadful is their Cafe wno are yet under the Covenant -of Works! as to any Blefling which they can -ex peel they can have no Ground upon which they can alTuredly look for any real fpiritual Bleffing, not be- ing the Children of the Promife ; they are at all the con- trary Difadvantages, contrary to the Advantages which Believers have; for, with the Blefiing they can neither receive Chriii nor his Spirit: Though the Promife* be generally propounjjpd, none have Accefs to them, but they who are willing to quit the old Hufband, the Law. and to be married to the new, even to Jefus, in the Pro- mife, to quit that Righteouineis whicn is of the Law, and to be fubjecl to the Righceoumefs of God. He hath nothing to enable him to do, and the Law is a fore C raver ; and all his Duties, not wrought by the Promife, will prove naught, and of no Profit to him at all; they are not performed in Chnft.

U/e 3. Are all the Bleffings of the Covenant brought home to us by the Promife ? How thankful (h6uld we be to God, that hath chofen for us in every Refpedt fo good a" Way of conveying Bleflings to us; that by fo u


On the Gospel Covenant. iyy

he would have*he Blefling'i more fweet and more fure to us ? He would To the more engage himfelf to us, and us to be more engaged to him ; that ne wouid»Co give all, that we (hould be ioie Debtors to him for alj-; Vlh^t he would dif- penfe them fo, as ever to keep us in Dependence and Ex- pectation of more : He would have all our Mercies in a Friend\Hand, ready to be given upon Demand, io a& it mould be no more but aflc and thou (ha.lt have ; a(k and I will give thee; fo with Chriif., the Prince of the Covenant, Pfal. ii. 8. and fo with all within this Cove- nant, Matth.vn. 7. O! how thankful ftould we be, that the Biefiings of the everlafting Covenant do nGt de-: pend on Things to be done in Time, or to be perform- ed by Man ! They are aiJ of them the Iflue and Product of a Tree Prbmife, of great and precious Promifei> : They come to U5, all of them, as preventing Mercies, and as fo many. Evidences of the precious Thoughts, which God in his free Love had of us in Eternity, as fo many Manifeitations of his Wifdom^ Power, Holiness, Good* nefs, and Truth.

XJft 4. This is for Confutation of that Doctrine, which maketh all the Biefiings of the Covenant to come and run in another Channel, even in that of forefeen Faith or Works ; fo as theie mould have fome cafual In- fluence on him that promifeth : h is of Faith, that it might be by Grace, Rom. iv. 16. And it is by the Pro- mife, that it might be by Faith ; for Faith hath no other Thing to take hold on but the Promife. Such Doctrine as maketh Covenant Biefiings hang upon any Thin^ in the Creature, would rob the Chnitian of all the fair Advantages, which the Believer hath by the Promifes, and Bleffings coming in their Way.

Ufe 5. It is for Reproof of many weak Chriftians, who, though they believe that all the Biefiings of the Cove- nant come, and mud be conveyed unto them by the Pro- mife ; yet they often feek their Peace, as it were, by the Works of the Law ; while they many Times fufpend their Comfort, and fometimes even their coming to the Promife, until they find fomething in thcmfeJves, as they call it, fuitable to the Mercy ; but it is, in effect, M 2


:pon the matter, themfelvcs worthy of the Mercy :| So they will net come to the Promife.without a Price in their Hand: Ah! this were to change the Tenor and e of the Covenant of Grace, in fome Sort, into | a Covenant of Works again.

U/e 6. Arc all the Blellings of the Covenant convey- ed unto us by Promifes ? Then it (hall be our Wifdom to provide ourfdves well, and to 'treafure up unto our- felves good Start of thefe rich and free,^ both great and precious Promifes: So we may come to be more rich than if we had all the Gold, and precious Things of both the Indies. There will be Need of much Care in this, and of no little Art alio, I mean, the Art of Faith, (i.) There would be rreafured up general Pro- mi ie?, fuch as thefe, / 'will be thy Shield, and exceeding treat Re~vard, Gen. xv. i. / aw God all-fujficienty Gen, fure/y do thee gtod9 Gen. xxxii. 12. with that, in Rom. viii. 28. All Things work together for good t God-, and that, in Heb. xiii. 5. / ivill never forfake ; and before all thefe, that Promife, of which 1 intend to fpeak, as the Sum of all Promifes, / ivill be thy God. (2.) Treafure up thefe Promifes, which are for fecuring our fpiritual Eitare, fuch as thefe for the Pardon of Sin, for Sanclification, and Perfeverknce; particularly thefe three great and new Covenant Texts, Jer. xxxi. froiri >ver. 31, to 38. xxxii. from <ver. 37, to :xxvi. from trir. 24, to 31. And you may

r and add to thefe, the many great and precious

, i fes made to Chrift and his Church, which are fcat- tetcd in lfaiab\ and other Prophets. (3.) Treafare up

< uiar Promifes made to particular Cafes, more fpe- cially to the Cafes of Affliction or Temptations, inward or outward. (4.) You may treafure up, in the latt Place, PWfeiUfcs fur temporal BlefTin

E.R M.

( i8i )




On the Sum of Cov r Blessings in

. Mother Promiie, / e your God.

i Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Hovfe be not fo with God\ yet he hat

with me an ever tufting Covenant . Things

an 3 far? for this is alt my Solvation, an although he make it not to grow.

WE have told you, that all the Bleflings of the new Covenant do lie in, and are conveyed unto us, by Promifes: Now, before I come to fpeak more parti- cularly of the Bleflings of the Covenant, in their parti- cular Promifes, I pre fen t unto you, in one Promiie, the Sum of all the Bleflings of the Covenant: It is in a fhort but moll yea aJi-compreheniive Word, / vcill be your God. This is our great Charter, and our Lord's great and h\\f but moil free Obligation: All Bleflings are in it ; as, on the other Part, and ye Jhall he my Peo- \\ the Christian his Duties are fummed up in that. The Doctrine is, This. if i BLJJing of the Come-

and alt the Blejjitigi of the Covenant are comprized in it, that the great Lord hath been f lea/cd U a to his Pt So, in Exod. vi. 7. / iuill take you to m and 1 will be to you m God. In Jer. xxxii. 38

VI n


Jball be my People , and I will be their God', and, in EzeO. xxxvii. 27. My Tabernacle alfo /hall be with them \ J will be their God, and they Jball be my People ; and, in 2 Cor, vi. 16. / iv ill dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they Jball be my People ; The great Enagagement, and greatell BiefGng is this, J will be their God.

For clearing this, I (lull, Firit, more generally open this great Treafure unto you; and after, more particu- larly ihevv you, how great Things are in it.

As to the Firit, This is the great Promife, the Mother Promife, which hath all other Promifes and BieiBfigs, as it were, in its Womb : It is the Promile of Promife I. Becaufe of All-iufficiency in it; if the Lord be God , to a People, he will be all Things to them : Thefe are but poor Promifes, in companion-, that of Balach "to Ba- laam, Numb. xxii. 17. I will promote thee to -very great Honour, and I will do what/oe-ver thou fayft unto me \ and that of Herod to the Damfel, in Mark vi. 23. and that of the Devil to Chriit, in Matth. iv. 9. half a King- dom ! yea, and all the Kingdoms of the World, what are they to this? There is much in that of Exod. xxxiii. 1 9. 1 will make all my GoodmJ's pafs before thee. O ! bu; there is much more in this, the Father ours, 2 Ccr. vi. 18. the Son ours, Hcf. ii. 19, 20. the Spirit ours, 1 John iii. 24. all Things ours, 1 Cor. iii. 21. 2. There is Propriety in this Word, a Propriety in God. O! there is much in that Word, my Lord and my God, 'John xx. zS. My Beloved is mine, Cant. ii. 16. God e<vcn oar on.: J)j all bit Js us, Pial. Ixvi. 7. 3. There is infinite Good- will in it, I will be your God: What Expreflion of Good- will is there, or can there be, like unto that? jt hath all Goodwill in it, it hath the Engaging of all that is in God to be ours. 4. There is no Promife th;. give Satisfaction to a Believer ; nay, nor all the Promi- fes together, without this one,' that God will be his *God : Nothing will fill his Heart or Eye but this, the :er could lay, in Jud± t away

On the Gospel Covenant. 183

As to the Second, more particularly, to Hie w you what there is in this great Promife, / will be your God; take it thus, I. Who have him their God, they have one God : It is the Proclamation, in Dtut. vi. 4. Hear, O J/rael, the Lord our G:d is one Lord: He is (o one, as there is none befide him, lfa. xliv. 8. Ibtrt it none elfe, and none like him, lfa. xlvi. 9. There is no other G>jd that can deliver as he doth, Dan. iii. 29. Many Benefits in this, Mi. So he is the true God, Dtut. iv. 35. id. As fuch, he is one Fountain of all our Good. 3^. He is but one Lord and Mailer ; and none is able to lerve two Mailers. >\th. As one, he is the alone Soul's Rock, called the Hock of ljrael, 2 Sam. xxiii. 3. none hrjtd** him, and no Rock like him, I Sam. ii. 2. And the Soul's Reit, PfaL cxvi. 7. yh. The only macchlefo Ore in keeping Covenant, 1 Kings viii. 23. and terrible to Co- venant Breakers, in Deut. xxxii. 39, 40, 41.

2- He is an all-fufficient God, Gtn. xvii. 1. He giv- cth to eat l'ufficiently, and durable Cloathing, lfa. xxiii. rS. He fatiateth the Scul with Fatnefs, and his People with Goodne/s, Jer. xxxi. 14. Our Sufficiency is not only of and from him, 2 Cor. iii. 5. but Aii-firfnciency i. Things, 2 Cor. ix. 8. And it cannot be otherwife ; tor, 1//. He is felt- fufficient ; fo, he may eafiiy i'ufrice us. All Good which is fcattered in the Creatures, is eminently in him, and infinitely mo/e, and all united.

Lie is and hath to difper.fe all fpiriiual Good, I ble to immortal Souls, t^hlj, The Mappinefs de/igned tenant, requireth no iefs than an all fufficient Good. $tbty, h is his Cole Prerogative, to be an uni- verfal Good, anfwering all Needs, VVine, Bread, Miik, and Honey, lfa. Iv. 1, 2. and communicating all Good, Gtn. xv. 1. and Deut. xxviii. 11, 12. And, to make up all LofTes, 2 Chron. xxv. 9. And to do, and work what- ever he pleafeth, to the perfecting of his Work ; not can oppofe him in his Way, Zech. iv. 7.

3. Th»s is a wonderful and rich Advantage, that all they, to whom the Lord communis All (utiici-

ency, he doth it wonderfully ; He giveth Grace And withhaldetb no good Thing, PfaL lxxxiv. 11. M 4


and doth gocd, Pjal. cx\x. 68. His Name is, that h] doth fiill givi mote Grace, James iv. 6. ifl. He glVQtil freely, Rom. viii. 32. idly, Moil liberally, and upbraid | cth not, James i. 5. ^dl\t Conttantly, as an ever flow- ing Fountain, and Well of living Waters, Jer. ii. 13] And if any afk, how he cometh thus to communicate iol freely and fo fully, 1 anlwer, \H. His good Pleafure, itl pleaieth him fo to do. 2d. So he feeketh to ihew forth! his own Praife, and to advance the gie«it Defign of glo-l rifying his Grace, J/a. xliii.^21, and xliv. 23. 3^. In the Covenant the Lord hath promiied to communicate of his Goodne^. 4/^. AH true GGodnefs is in it ture communicative of itfelf.

4. To whom the Lord is God, he communicate his Goodn-jf* mpft certainly, becauie he doth it in dently, and from himfelf ; for >J him, and throug

veil as to him, Rom. xi. 36. This he lifett, in many and divers V\ ]n the

lb, in Deut. xxxii. 10. H :\ and in ( howling, Wilde rnifsx in

I 2. The Lord alone did L ivas no

d<witbhim\ an* xli. 17, 18. If

e.e is none, and :

del will not fu. )en Risers in high

Places, and Fountains in i

make the /•' .t Pool of t dry Lands

, Means, all is from iiim, for without h can do nothing; it is

his Bleiiing that roaketh them w Hag* 1 6.

without him, much loan ana little brought in; eating, and hot enough: The pro'; :d, and th<

giving Fruit, the Heavens their Dew, and the Ground its Increafe, is all from him.

traordinary Means do evidently prove tins, Biead from Heaven, Exod. xvi. 12, 15. ans, iuch as

Priefts Rams Mono, J oft. vl

with his three hundred Men, Juig. v>i not lb\c

to reach the End. 4/".., 1

ncan£dorat}Ie Ti&ir.g in : &a/rel gf


On the Gospel Covenant. 185

Meal, and Cruize of Oil, 1 Kings xvii 14. the Pot of kOil, 2 Kings iv. 2. to 8. $thlyy When the fame Mean, (hall have divers Eftecls ; the fame Bread, one mall eat and not have enough, Hof. iv. 10. others eat and are fa,- tisfied, Joel ii. 26. If it be afked, why he worketh fo independently ? I anfwer, \(l. When he wotketh by Means, many Times either his Glory is vailed, or he is robbed of it, and he will have none (baring with him ir\ that, I/a. xlii. 8. zd. He will have it known th:it he is not tied to ivieans. 3*/. lie woaJd have the Bleiflngs the more comfortable, by making them immediate, all as Gifts from the Prince's own Hand, Ezek. xvi. 11. Sal- vations brought forth by his own Hand, Deui. xxxiii. 26. 5. As the Lord is a God unto all whole God he is; fo r.e is a God over them, to rule them ; and there are manifold Advantages and Bieffings, in that they are weil ru.ed, over whom and to whom God is Governor, P/'a. xxii. 28, 29, 30, 31. Chnit God over all, Rom. ix. 5. maketh a blefTed Condition : He will fo make thofe who are his People high above all Nations, in Name, in Praife, and in Honour, Deut. xxvi. 19. and will be above their Enemies, even in that wherein they deal molt proud- ly, Exod. xviii. 11. The Lord's People have many Be- nefits, by having God over them : iff. They have him fo, a Deliverer from other Lords, Ifa. xxvi. 13. and from all their Enemies, Luke i. 74, zd/j, One fubduing them to himfelf, their Will to his Will. O! it is well when it is fo ; and fubdaing all their Iniquities, Micab vii. 19. idly, In guiding, directing, and leading, them, P/'a. xxv. 9, 12. Ifa. xxx. 21. and .ilviii. 17. He lead- eth with much Companion, I/a. xl. it. Now, it is a blefTed Thing to be thus under his Co.unfel and Conducl: \ft. If it be otherwife, Men are in a wotul and cu;: Cafe, under the Power and Guiding of Satan, A* 18. ftr<ving divers Luffs, Tit. iii. 3. or, which is the woiifc of Curfes, given up and over of God, Rom. i. zd. The;y are under an Impoifibility 0/ ruling ana guid- ing themielves ; they can go ailray .like Sheep, but can- not return unleft the Lord fcek them, f,., 176. . ir Way is not in themttlve. ; it is not in M


reft his own Steps, Jer. \. 23. ^d. If God quit the Guiding, there will be none elfe to guide, lfa. ii. 1 *. 4/A. A* in following his Couniel and Conducl, they may find Reft for their Souls, Jer. vi. j6. So in not follow- ing it, no Peace at all ; to Peace to the :• Ija. xlviii. 22. and Ivu. 21.

6. There are manifold Bleflings and great BleiTednefs in this, that People have the Lord to be their God , he- will be a God ftill owning and pleading Intereft in tiiem ; fo, in lfa. xliii. 1. i , thou

art mine ; and, in EztL xvi. 8 Y. and ent red into a Coia \th the Lora

and thou becamed mine ; and, in G*rht. viii. < 2. he la it h, My Vineyard which is mine is before me : O! there be rich Bleflings in this: ill. There >nc to own us as

he doth ; noce bur their own Advantage, and our Hurt. zdly, None will own us to particularly, and with io much Refpeft: He owneth his People as his Inheritance, I/a. xix. 25. his Church as his Vineyard, lfa. xx\ as his peculiar Treafure, Exod. xix. j. $dly, He cth fo,. as that he will piead the Caufe or' his People thoroughly, in Jer. I. 34. 4^/y, He owneth fo, as never to difown again, never to give a Bill of Divorce- ment, lfa. 1. 1 . his Betrothing is for ever, Hcf. ii. >ver. 20, 21.

Ufe 1. Comfort from this, that the Lord communicat- ee his All-fufficiency to all thofe to whom he is God. O! it is a rich Advantage, that the covenanted All-fuffi- ciency is made comm anicable to Creatures ; it is but lictie that is here communicated, to that which (hall be: (1.) Here, by Creatures and Senies, there, immediately the Lord to the Soul. (2 ) Here, the Oojeci, if com- municated to the full, would d ftlty, not fo there. (3} Here, Senfe or V otnech Mr there Fuinefs breeds Delight,

Here, Graces do not act ever fully ; there, no

Ceffanon, Interruption, nor ihort conn: Good

here is but in the Promiie and the Seed; there, in Ju!l Communication. (6) H^r^, Thoughts are hardly raif- i ..:o good ; there, all will be city Wo Here,


On the Gospel Covenant. 187

I M/rrcics are neither fully known nor improved; therc^' known, enjoyed, and worn as Crowns. (8.) Here, all Defires have not Things proportioned unto them 5 there, Defires fhall be fully aniwered and proportioned, fo as a 'Man (hall defire nothing but what he hath, and want no- thing of that which he defireth. (9 ) Here, nothing focer- tain but it may be lofed, in whole or in part ; there, no Lofc at all. (io.-) Here, Communication is by Creatures and Ordinances; there, all immediately from God himfelt. U/e 2. The Mifery of thole that have not the LorJj

<o be their God ; they have not one God to feuie upon ; their Heart is divided amongft many Things ; and fo is their Lot call as uncertain amongfl thefe many Things; but the Believer's Lot is both more certain and more fweet ; he hath but one God, as one Rock to reft upon, out of which, he fucketh Honey, Deut. xxxii. 13. one and ever running Well, from which he may ever fetch

t both his Necefiaries and all his refreshing Comforts; he hath but one Heart, Jer. xxxii. 39. looking to one Ob- ject, that ne may be faved, I/a. xlv. 22, he pleadeth, and may well plead forth all his Mercy from God, as the one and only God, Jfa. xxxvii. 20. (1.) They who have not the Lord to be their God, they can never have Contentment, becaufe they never can have Sufficiency ; their many gods are fo far from being fufHcient for all Things, that chey can be fufficient for nothing ; but, O ! the fweet Contentment and Satisfaction the Soul hath, which hath the Lord to be their God ; they may chide their Souls from all difquieting Thoughts; why ? God is their God, they fhall yet praife him, PfaL xlii. 11. They may be ns iorrowful, yet always rejoicing ; as poor, yet making many rich ; as having nothing, and yet poflefling all Things, 2 Cor. vi. 10. They have learned, or may come to learn, that great Lei{bn, in iv. 11. in every Eftate to be content : They are the happy'People indeed, whofe God the Lord is, Pfit. xxxiii. 12. But, if any th;n!< it is not feen fo, let fuch remem- ber, 1. The Time of full Enjoyment is not come. z. They muit not judge the Saints by the outward Eftate only, but by the inward -alfo. 3. Believers have more


188 S E.R MO N MX.

Satibfa&ion in littie, than others in much, l\ . .

1 6- 4. When they are under greatdt Neceflity, the)

ye it to be the only bell. (2.) They who have noi tilfi Lord their God, as they ufe to depend on Mean: iind Internments, Co whin, thefe are away, their Hope is £one; but, who have the Lord to be their God, they are. not diicouraged in the .disappearing of Mean*: See Jbrabam in his great Strait, Gen. xxii. J 4. He called the I lace Jebovabjireh, from (lis Experience of the Lord's Ending out the Means ; In tbt Mount of the Lord, faid he, it Jhall be jeen : See Habakkuk alfo, in chap. Hi. 17. I §. Jlth^ugh the Fig Tree bhjjbm not, and there be no Fruit in the Vine, )et I nvill rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my Sahation: The Believer knoweth that the Lord can fave by himfelf, Ho/', i. 7. he feeth God in every Mean, and taketh all as coming from himfelf; yea, as he expe&eth aH from him, fo he taketh him for all, faying and finging with the Pfalmift, in Pfal. Jxxiii. 25. IV bom have I in Heaven but thee? and in Earth I have de fired none be fide thee. (3.) Woful is their Cafe, that have not the Lord to be their God ; thty are under ill Guiding, like matlerlefs Men, or ill ferved for a Mailer. O ! but Believers that know how weak and foolifh they are; and, together with this, know all the Evils, of their Heart, they will prize the Tutory of the Covenant as much as all the Bleiiings of the Covenant, to have Chrift ruling and reigning over them. (4.) Dreadful is and (hall their Cafe be, who have not the Lord to be their God, fo as to own them in their greateit Diftrefs ; nay, which is worfe, even then to difown them when they plead moil an lnteretl, Mattb. xxv. 12. and Luke xiii. 2$> 26, 27. O ! but it will be well with thofe that have the Lord their God; God will know their Souls in Adverfmes, Pfal. xxxi. 17. and own them in that Day when he mail make up his Jewc

3. Are all Covenant BlefFngb fummed u]

10 have u,e Lord 10 be our Goj? then,'(i., would fi/ive w .re of this one B -effing fur ar.d this yie m^y do, I. Jf we put away iirange gods, 9, 2.1. . , . v altered

# On the Gospel Covenant. !8$

in the Covenant, and will but kifs the Son, i Cor. i. 30.' with Pfal. ii. 12. 3. If we will but yield oiMe^ves to God, as in 2 Chron. xxx. 8. 4. If in our Carriage we will ftiil remember that, in \ Cor. vi. 19, zo.-thar ye ure not your &ivn, but bought tv'ttb a Pricey and thftt, n* 2 Cor. vi. 17, 1 8. to touch no unclean Thing, (2) And more particularly, we would try and fearch whether the Lord be our God, and we taken him to be f 0 ; know it, I. By taking him as he offereth himfelf upon his own Terms. 2. If we come to apprehend him with much Senfe of Emptinefs, Unworthinefs, and Sinfuinefs. 3. If we have taken him to be our God, of free Choice, and with a very willing Heart. 4. If all our Portion and Stock be in him, and all is but as Dung to mm, Phil. iii. 8. 5. If there be a cleaving to him with Pur- pole of Heart, Acls xi. 23. and we purpofe to abide with him, Hof. iii. 3. 6. If there be a Throne for him in the Heart, nniverfal and unlimited Obedience. - ii there be a Spirit of Grace and Supplication, Zech. xii. 10. that Spirit of Adoptioa, which teacheth Men to cry, -Jbba Father, Rom. viii. 15. 8. If there be fancVififcd Crofles. 9. If fpiritual. Comforts be chiefly of Price. .io. If we be on the Lamb's Side, Rev. xiv. 1. efpecially know if the Lord be your God, by this, whether you have fubmitted to him as Governor ; this may be known, */?. If you have come;7 to ^ willing Subjection : N -grieve that are ijnder his Scepter, unlets it be for this, *bat they are not more under it. id. If thou believe, that not only to doing of Service, but in doing if, there is great Reward, Pfal. xix. 11. you love not io much the Service for the Reward, but the Reward for the Service, yi. If the Obedience be universal, if the jPleature, Profit, or Life of any Sin be flood for, he is not acknowledged as Lord. 4/^. If the Heart go be- yond the Reach of Flefh and Blood* and be fwayed far beyond its own Inclination, as in Exek. iii. 14. the Pro- phet goeth in Bitternefs and Heat of his Spirit, the Hand -of the Lord is ilrong on him. $th. If Peace be com- aianded, x. In crois Difpenfations, Lev. x. 3. 2. in


delayed Prom Jfcs, Mic vii. of thriving Adverfaries, Pfi xxxviii. 13, 19.




On Repentance, the firft: Blessing of th< Coven ant.

1 Samuel xxiii. 5.

Although my Hcufe be not fo> with God; yet he hath matk

with me an ezvrla/tingCwenaiit, well ordered in all Thing:

and fnre ; for this is ail mx Salvation*, and all my Defire

although he make it not to grow.

HAVING fpoken tothe Bleflings of the Covenant in general, as they are fummarily comprehended in tnat great and Mother Promife, / nvill be your God ; 1 proceed unto the particular Blefftngs thereof. And I begin at Repentance, for it is the firft gracious Work and EfFed of free Grace which appeareth in the felf-Ioft Sinner; in this is Converfion, and effectual Calling: Repentance is the firft Thing called for in the Gofpol Call, Mark i. i c. and it is the firft Gofpel Blelfing which the exalted Prince giveth, Acls v. 31. It was that which John preached, Nlattb. iii. 1, 2. and it was that which the Apoftles firft took notice of in the Converfion of the Gentiles, Acls xi. 1 8. that the Lord had gixen them Re- pentance unto Life, It is prophefied of and promifed in the old Teftament, as a Spirit of Mourning, Zech. xii. 10.

I in-

On the Gospel Covenant. 191

I intend not to fpeak either of this, or any other Covenant Bleffing, directly and to the full, but onJy as they are excellent Bit-flings, and covenanted B !e flings : \fi, Of their precious Worih. zdl , Of our Right by

^Promife, and io by Covenant unto them.

As to this Repentance, you know it is a precious Grace, which the Covenant of Works cannot give : It is a Gofpel Grace, a Gift from the exalted Prince, whereby, a Soul made fenfible of Sin and Mifery, upon fome Difcovery of the Mercy of God in the Mediator,

, turneth from Sin, with a holy Hatred and Indignation

' againft it, and godly Sorrow for it, unto all Righteouinefs. I In all fpeak of it only under the Notion of Goipel- mourning for Sin ; which will bring neceifarily with it, Gofpel-turning from it.

1. Then, this Gofpel mourning,, or, Repentance, is an excellent Covenant Blemng ; yea, there is a Bleiied- nefs in it, in Mattk. v. 4. Bl-JJed are they that mown:

No mournful Condition will make a Man happy, unieis he have this Gofpel mourning. The Excellency of it is

!: feen, tfl. In the gracious and bieffed Eitate into which it bringeth a SouJ, by a marvellous Change from the worfe to the better, as, Fir/1, It bringeth a Man from a State of Darknefs into a State of Lignt, of marvellous Light, 1 Pet. ii. 9. Secondly, From the Power of Satan unto God, A8sxxv\. 18. And, Thirdly, From the Power of Darknefs into the Kingdom of the dear Son of God^. Col. i. 13. 2. The whole biefled Trinity hath a Hand irr this Work, and a gracious Dealing about this re pe cit- ing and mourning Soul: God giveth Repentance unto Lite; the exalted Prince giveth it, and the Holy Spirit worketh it : And then, while a Soul is under this Lxer- cife, God is very near with his Comforts ; lo, in Iia. xl. 1,2. Comfort ye, comfort ye my People, fpeak comfortably to J erufaUm: And, in lfa. Ixi. 1, 3. Chriit is anointed to preach good Tidings to the meek, to bind up the h hearted, to proclaim Liberty to the Captives, and the opin- ing of the*Prifon to them that are bound, to appoint uuts $hetn that mourn in Zion, to ginje unto them Beaut \ for /ljbes+ the OH of Joy for mourning, r/j varment of Pruife for a



it is one of God's Names, andl

be comforted* \ donunA

rocy of this Blefling, the!

nd mourning Frame, tppearcth in tins, that]

the Loid ioveth to dweli with lueh; To, in Ifa. Ivii. i^.l

igh and h) at inhabitetb E'

in the high and hcly Place A is of a contrite and humble Sp: of the humble % an i to tfuiitt tie Heart of\ the e 4. In this, that the Lord promillth |

unto it great Joy; fo, in Pfal. exxvi. 5, 6. 'They that ' Jo<w in Tears /hall reap in Joy: He that th aml\

<U>eepetbt bearing previous Seed, Jhall doubt /e/s come again ing his Shi th him; and, in Ifa.

IO. The ranfomed of the Lord Jhall return, and come to Zion witb Songs, and everla/fing Joy upon their Heads, rail obtain Joy aid Gladnefs, and Sorrofiv and Sigh- ing Jhall fly away : The Place hath Reference to the Days of the Gofpel, and to Gofpel Work ; and, in Luke vi. 21 . Biffed are ye who weep now, for ye Jhall langh 3 and, in John x\'\. 20, 24. it is promifed unto fuch, that their Sorrow Jhall be turned into Joy, and that their Joy Jhall be Jull : Beiides, Knowledge is promifed to fuch as are meekned by Repentance, Pfal. xxxv. 9. and Protec- tion: When there is a decreed Deitruftion, who figh and cry for the Abominations are marked and preferved, E%ek. ix. 4. The Hearing of Prayer is alio promifed to iuch us humble tnemfelves, and turn from their wick- ed Ways, 2 Chron. vii. 14. and, in Pfal. xxxiv. 17, 18. iuch cry and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their Troubles: The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a oroken Heart, and faveth fuch as be of a con- Spiric. 5. The Excellency of this BJcfling may be ieen and taken up, from the Plague and Mifery of mxrary, that woful and curfed Impenitency : Ah f fc-hat a i'L-gue is there in that impenitent Heart, which trealureth up Wrath, Rem. ii. 5. a Heart that cannot re- as the Word beareth, a Heart hardned from God's Ifa. Ixiii. 17. 6. The Excellency of it may ap- pear from the Rarity of it, and Difficulty richer to attain


On the Gospel Covenant. 193

or maintain it, and Satan's great Malice againft it, either ping Men altogether from it, or teaching them to feign and counterfeit it. 7. Its Excellency is feen from the excellent Fruits of it, fuch as, \ji. Soft&efs and Ten- dernefs of Heart, fuch was in Jofiah. 2d. Precious Com- munion with God : Tne Lord can have no Communion th Souls, how long they abide in Darkncfs ; bit when I they come to the Light, he that dwelleth n Light doth dwell with them, 1 John i. 5, 6, 7. 3^. Burden bear- t ing with others, who have felt the Pangs of the new \ B-rth, will be very companionate towards thofe that tra- vel of the like Pain. \ib. Watchfulnefs againli Sin for afterwards.

U/e 1. Hence may appear the Folly and Mifery of thole who will chafe to abide rather in the State of Sin and Impenitency, than to come under this rare Covenant Blefling, Repentance unto Life; they chufe rather that Laughter which is Madnefs, Ecci ii. 2. than that Repen- tance which is unto Salvation, AQs iii. 19.

U/e 2. Ye would fet about to get this Grace, who may know that you never had it ; and to have the live- ly Exercife of it, you that have it : To the firft I Jay, they mull labour, (1.) To fee a Need of Repentance, and not be like thefe, in Luke xv. 7. (2.) They would fuffer the Word pafs upon them, both in the Law- work unto Conviction and Terror, and in the Goipcl-work unto Heart piercing and melting : They would liften to the Preaching of Repentance, and improve their Bap- tifm unto Repentance ; for it is the Baptiim of Repen- tance, Mark i. 4. (3 ) They would efpecially go to Chriit , who is the exalted Prince for the fame End that he may give Repentance. To the fecond Sort I lay, you that defire to maintain a lively Exercife of Repen- tance, (1.) You fhall do well to meditate much, and exercife Faith upon the Death of Chriit, that \ou may have Fellowfhip with him in his Death, iq.

fo, mourn, for him whom you have pierced, Zccb. xii. 10. (2.) You would join yourfelves much in Company with thofe that walk mournfully before the Lord, 14. though fometimes the Temptation may (dy, ic is in N vain.

194 S E R M O N XX.

vain. // is better to go into the Houfe of Mourning, than f*c

aft in g, Eccl. vii. 2. faith Solomon. If'eef

p, faith Paul, Rom. xii. 15. (3

Mourn with and for Zicn, I/a. Ixvi. 10. That will not

only bring forth Joy in its Seafon, but maintain within

-oul a mournful and tender Frame of Heart.

er of Thankfulnefs, to thofe that have the mourning and tender Heart, though they cannot command always a weeping Eye. (1.) 'lean are no ne- cefUry Part of Repentance. (2.) In many, they are rather compiexional than from Grace; fo, they are to be found molt in thefe of moil tender Complexions, Chil- dren, Women, old Perfons. (3.) Who are recorded in Scriptures to have had moil ot Tears, had more than ordinary Exercife ; fo it was with Datid, Peter, Mary Magdalen, or in extraordinary Times, Judg. ii. 4, 5.

Ufe 4. If Repentance be fo rare a Gift, and mourn- ing for Sin be fo rich a Bleffing, and Work of the Spi- rit ; then, they are worthy to be reproved, who look upon Mourners for Sin as Men of no Spirit, ot of bafe Spirit, and yet will count them Perfons of great and good Spirit, who fljed Tears of Defpite and Revenge : Sure the Righteous are of an excellent Spirit; and in this mourning Spirit there is Excellency ; for, in it, 1. A Man exalteth God highly in his Mercy, and in the Riches of his Grace. 2. He exercifeth much of the precious Graces of Faith and Love: In it, 3. He over- cometh much Sin and Corruption. 4. He is Mailer of himfelf, and converfeth with God in it. 5. He purifi- eth himfelf thereby. 6. He is (Irongeft fo, againfl Sa- tan and his Temptations.

As to the Second, That this Repentance and Gofpel- mourning is a covenanted Blefling, and promiled in the, new Covenant, I prove it thus, 1. From Scripture, it is prophefied and promifed, in Jer. 1. 4, 5. in the Gofpel Days, it h faid of the Children of Ipael, and Children of J udah, that they mail go and weep, go and feek the Lord their God; and this they fhall do, when they are to join themfelves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant. In Ezek. xx. 43. it is prophefied and promifed, that


. ' On the Gospel Covenant. 195

they fhall remember their Ways and Doings, and loath themfeives; and, in Ezek. xxxvi. 26. it is promifed, that the Lord will take away the iiony Heart out of their Flefh, and give them an Heart of Flefh; and, in Zecb. xii. 10. a Spirit of mourning is promifed in and with that Spirit of Grace and Supplication; and, in Acls xi. l8. Repentance is by a Gift and Grant: And, though k will be found of iome, that they fhall never get Re- pentance ; and it may be laid of others, it will be a great peradventure, if God ever give it unto them, 2 Tim. ii. 25. yet the Lord will keep it back from none that lee a Nted of it, and are earneil to have it. 2. It is a certain and furely covenanted BitfTing, becaufe it is the great Defign of the Covenant, and the End of ChrifVs Exaltation, in Acts v. 31. 3. This Repentance cannot come any other Way but by Grace, and a free Promife ; fo, by the Covenant of Grace : There is nothing for it in the Covenant of Works, Exek. xx. 11. and xviii. 1. And next, who are yet abiding in black Nature, they will never think upon it; iuch are all Fools, and they make a Mock of Sin, Prov. xiv. 9. And Hypocrites may well howl likeBeaits for Corn and Wine; but they will be dill rebelling againft the Lord, Ho/, vii. 14. they may well be cut to the Heart, Ads v. 33. but they will never be pricked and pierced in a kindly Way, until the Gofpel come with the Spirit of Promife. 4. It is promif«d, that, under the Gofpel, there fhall be a pure Offering offered up unto God, from the riling of the Sun even to the going down thereof, Mai. i. 1 1. and a contrite and broken Heart is amongft the firlt in thefe Oblations and Sacrifices, Pfal. Ii. 17. 5. The great B!ef- fing of Conversion is promifed, in lja. i. 27. Zion Jhall be redeemed with J udg?nent^ and her Converts <ivitb Rigb- Yecu/hefs : And the Work of Repentance is not only that jch advanceth the Work of Converfion, but the whole almoft of it ; at lealt, it endeth in it, liepent and be *vtrted, AclsYu. 19. 6. Looking on Chriit as pierced by us, and ■> pierced for us, is promifed, in Zecb. xii. iq» and that caufeth bitter Mourning ; fo, Gofpel Repen- tance, and that Sorrow which is afier a godly Sort, 2 Or. N 2 vii- i

1 5 6 S E R M O N XX.

vii. 9 7- Multiplied Pardons are promifed, in lfi. Iv.l ■\ is, I will multiply to pardon :] bat much is forgiven! Soul, will make abund.nt Weeping, as in that! the Sinner who wafhcvi Ch rift's Feet with herl Tears, and \uped tr.em with the Hairs of her Head,] , to 47. 8. Comforts are promifed ;[ j'pL-1-mournir.n ; for it is the only Subjccl capable of I ling, and Relioring of Comforts,] ts pre i. 18. \e?., chritt was anointed and

(em inco the World to comfort fuch, Ifa. Ixi, 3. If there I none inch as had Need of his Confolations, he fhould want a great Part of his Errand into the World. Ufe 1. Terror to thole that live without this Cove- nant, and are not (o much as thinking to take hold on it : They, abiding fuch, cannot rationally expeel to have any Thing of this great Bletfing of Repentance given unto them, to have any Thing of this Gofpel mourning : They can do nothing but harden their own Hearts, as Pharaoh did, ExoJ. vii. 13, 22, iyc. both harden their Hearts, and lliffea their Necks, as did Zedekiah, from turning unto the Lord, 2 Chron. xxxvi. 1 3. yea, they will make their Hearts as an Adamant-ilone, left thejt mould hear the Law, and the Words which the Lord fendeth unto them, Zrch. vii. 12. Though the Word be like as a Fire, and like a Hammer which breaketh the Rock in Pieces Jer. xxiii. 39. it hath no Power with fuch Men, neitner (hill it prevail with them, fo much as to fee a Need of Repentance.

2. Be inftrucled from this, to fetch all your Mourn- ing tor Ski, and Gofpel- repentance, from the Covenant ot Grace: If we know it aright, we will never think to have it another Way, or to fetch it from another larcer: And that you may know it, take it thus, (1.) Jt is. a godly Sorrow; it is after a godly Manner, and er a tfodly Sore, 2 Cor. vii. 9, 11. a Sorrow, chiefly >unt, that God is wronged and difhonoured. (2 ) It muft be a Sorrow, looking at Chrilr. ; u Mourn- ii g, which anfeth from ferioos looking at him, and the ongi which we have done to him, hrlt and lall, 1.


On the Gospel Covenant. 197

For our undervaluing of his Blood and Perfon. 2 cadfe of our finning againft the Word of his Grace, (o : called in A3s xx. 32. How often hath he theieby moil companion at ely and tenderly invited us to his Grace, Mercy, and Peace, and we have flighted the Offers? O! this fhouid wound us deeply. 3. Becaufe of our finning againft the Seals of his Grace: Did he not engage and 1 meet us early with his Love ? Hath he not often admit- ted us unto his Table as Friends ? and that we mould i have lifted up our Heel againft him, how mould it grieve ; us! 4. For that we have finned againft the Imereft of I Chrift, which he hath in his Church and Members, in lb Appearing for him and nis Peop.'e; and fome per- ,<g him in his Members, as Paul did, ASis ix. *ver.

4, 5, 6. 5. For that we have finned againft his kind

Lherly Chaftifements ; lb did Ephraimbemaan him- felf, that he (hould have been as a Bullock unaccuilorned I to the Yoke, when the Lord chaftifed him, jer. xxxi. .18. 6. For that we fhouid have finned fo much, and (o miferably requited and rewarded bim for hi* manifold BieiTings bellowed on us, and the great Things which he hath both done and fuffered for us. (3.) Our Gofpei- mourning (hall be known to be true, if it be a great and bitter Mourning, i. For the Bitternefs of Sin, Jer. n*. 19. 2. Under the Bicternefs of Wrath, as hiding God writing bitter Things againft us, y^xiii. 26. 3. Bitter, as for the greater! Lofs, more than of an only Son. 4. Bitter, becaule of the bitter Cup which our Sin maoe Chrift to drink, PfulAxxx. 21. 4. Right Gofpel-mourning hath much of that Brokennefs of Spirit in it, which maketh us fit Patients for Chrift the Phyfician, Pju-I. cxlvii. 3.

5. I: mull have, not only a Dillike, but a perfect Ha- tred of Sin, a Hatred of it, more than or the Devil; and no Hatred of the Devil, or of any Thing elfe, but for it ; fuch a Hatred as may have joined with it a Self- loathing. 6. There mull be a kindly parting, or rather, a departing from it, with a holy Indignation, and a turn ng to the Ways of God, with great Delire, and moll earned Delight.

Vje 3. Comfort to weak and much tempted Chriftians,

who have Satan, while he tempteth them to defpair,

N \ iueeeitinor

198 SERMON'-

fuggefting this unto them, you fhall never get Repen- tance: May not Chriftians, from that which is faici, re- ply unto him, N n, thou art a Liar, [ take hold on the everlalting Covenant ; and Repentance is a cove nanted Bleiiing ; why may I not be as free to exped a free Gift as others ? Is not Chriil an exalted Prince for this very End, to give Repentance to fuch an one as 1 am ? Ufe 4. Reproof to thole, who think to fetch Repen tance, and Golpel mourning, from their own weak and vain, yea, and unclean Hcirts ; and that they can do this when they will, anJ upon this do delay it: Ah ! it is not in their Power, nor can they have of ther a Heart unto it, though it were in their Offer, and fo, as it were, in their Hand, Prov. xvii. 16. Ah! there is no Strength nor Skill in us to compafs or command fuch a Blefling ; and therefore we fhould be fo far from delaying* Repentance, that we fhould halten to it, upon thefe Confiderations, (1 ) We are commanded fo to do, and to do it infiantly and peremptorily ; To Day if we bear his Voice \ we mult not harden our Hearts, Pfai. xcv. 7. but we muft feek the Lord while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near, Ija. Iv. 6. (2.1 There it too much Time fpent already ; we mould be now reck- oning, as in I Pet. iv. 3. The Time pad of our Life may fuffice us to have wrought the Will of the Gentiles. (3.) Delay doth make it both difficil and dangerous, Prov. i. 24, 27. and Rom. ii. 4, 5. (4.) Repentance is a fo it fhould be taken, when it is offered. (5.) Repen- tance would be not only embraced, but carefully exerci- fed, becaufe it would make all our other Works the more eafy.


( 199 )




On Forgiveness of Sin, the feconcl Blessing of the Covenant.

2 S a if u E L xxiii. 5. \^h my Honfe be not fo with God; yet he hath

with me an ever I afeing Covenant, well ordered in all Things and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defer e^ although he make it not to grow.

WE go now to the feconcl Blefling, and great Blef- fing of the Covenant, Forgivenefs of Sin: Re- pentance is unto Remiflion of Sins, Mark i. 4.

In fpeaking to this, I propound thefe three Things, Firft, To mew you what this Forgivenefs of Sin is. Secondly, How great and excellent a Blefling it is. Thirdly, How it is a promifed and covenanted Blefling.

As to the flrft, What this Forgivenefs of Sin is ; know it, 1/?, By the Names which the Holy Ghoft giveth unto it : The Hebrew Name beareth, the taking orf of a heavy Burden ; and who come to be fenfible of Sin, will find it a heavy Burden, until it be lifted off: The Greek Name of it beareth, the difmifHng or letting of a guilty Man go, Jetting him pafs free ; and is not that a Mercy and Blefling indeed ? idly, Look to the Scripture Phra- fes which do exprefs it. 1. Pardoned Sin is laid to be covered : BleJJed is the Man <whofe Sin is covered, P/aI. N 4. xxxii.

2oo 5LKMUN X\I.

XXXii. i . Sin maketh naked ; but Forgivenefs of Sin dotll.' cover both the Sin and the Sinner. 2. It is faid to b«l (0 blotied out: Sin is a Debt, running upon the (core ; bul

jvenefs doth b'ot it out; fo, in 7/a.xIiii. 25. /, *<wM>

/ am hiy thai hLttetb out thy Tranfgrfjfions for mine 0<ii»l*>:

3. It is faid not to be imputed nor charged upor.l \

the Sinner, when it is once pardoned, Pfal. xxxii. 2l:.iC

4. It is faid to be fcattered as a thick Cloud, I/a. xliv.lk

but oin unrepented cove.e'h and darkneth the Soul,lv

ck Cloud, and coverall, as it were, God withli

a Cioud, that Praye* cannot ah, Lyn. iii. 44.!^

but Sin, when it is once pardoned, the Cloud is dillipated.lc

5. it is u\d to be caft behind the Lord's Back ; io, He-\\ zeiiab, in I/a. xxxvijj 17. doth profefs io much, tnatl the Lord had call all hi, Sins behind his Back: It is! dreadful, [C Lord doth let the Iniquities of Men!

re his Face, and their fecret Sins in the Lghtof hisf Countenance, as in Pjal. xc. 8. but when Sin is for it is t-ien as if it were oil behind nis B^ck. 6. It is to be caft in the Depths of the St a, Mic. vii. 19. fo it is put far away out of fight, and no more to be looked after. 7. It is faid not to be feen by the Lord ; neii it is, as if it were not at all, Numb, xxiii. 21. 8. It is faid to be taken away, as, if they were ioaght for never fo much, there mall be none of them ; by molt diligent Search, they fhal] not be found, J er. 1. 20. 5 >7i, You may kno^v what Forgivenefs of Sin is, by ChriJfs Work about it, r. They are laid and charg- | eo upoa him, and he beareih them, La. liii 6, 1 1 . and I Pet. ii. 24. 2. He payed for them, and laid down a Price, 1 Cor. vi. 20. fo, he came to be a Propitiation for them, 1 John ii. 2. 3. He did purge and cleanfe us from them, He/>.\.$. with Rev. i. J, 4. He took thtm av\ 1. 29. and 1 John iii. 5. and put them away :

. i thefc do but amount to the taking awjy of the Guilt and Dominion, but not of the Indwelling of Sin.

U/et I. Againft Papifls, who aflert a Forgivenefs of

the Fault, and not of the Punifhment: If the Guilt be

fully taken away by a free Pardon, the Soul is not, can-

I any more be liable to Punjfhnient. 2. Againft Lhe

" On the Gospel Covenant, 201

4 vomzans, who afiert fuch a Forgivenefs, as that Man-

* tht ieby (hall neither be any more under Wrath, nor yet

; able to fin : Pau/f after he was juftifled, fo had his Sin

pardoned, knew well that Sin dwelt in him, and a whole 1 Body of Death, Rom. vii. 17, 24.

Ufe 2. Comfort to the doubting Chriilian : Free For- givenefs doth take Sin away, fo as if it had never been, in Refped of any Obligation to eternal Wrath : It is fo J blotted out, and not imputed, as it fhall not condemn : I There is no Condemnation to thofe that have their Sins j once pardoned ; once pardoned is for ever pardoned j j once put out of fight is never to be looked after by the j Lcro, fo as to be punifhed.

A3 to the fecond, This Forgivenefs of Sin is fo rich and rare a Biefling, that it is called the BlerTednefs of a Man, Rom. iv. 6, 7, 8. The Excellency of it may be taken up thus, 1. Fron> its Author, Jefus, the fame that giveth Repentance, giveth Remiflion of Sins alio; he was exalted to give both. 2. From its Fountain, Grace. \ft. Mere Grace, Tit. ii. 11. zd. Rich Grace, Epb. i. 7. id. Free Grace j for he hath Power to take Ven- geance : He is ftrong, the ftrong God, and yet gracious, Exod. xxxiv. 6. 4//?. Favour lhewed unto us, and we are fpared ; but Chrift was not fpared, He /pared not his own Son, Rom. viii. 32. 3. From its Comprehenfivenefs: It is fo compreheniive a Biefiing, as all Blefiings in it: It is the firft and great Biefling of the Covenant, which bringeth on and foi ward all the reft, E%ek. xxxvi. from wr. 25,— -3 1. the Knowledge of Salvation cometh by Remiflion of Sins, Luke i. <uer. 77. and in Luke xxiv. 47. Repentance and Remiflion of Sins are put down as the whole Sum of the Gofpel : And, in Jfls x. 43. all the good which Chriitians get by believing, is put down un- der that one Word, Remiflion of Sins. 4. If the Evil Sin, from which free Forgivenefs doth deliver a Man, be weli confidered, Remiflion of Sin will be found, and acknowledged to be, a rich and excellent Biefling: Sin is a grc^t Evil, Hi. M it be confidered how it is againft God, the greateft Good ; againft his Being, Attributes, and Image ; and againft his Ordinances and Friends ;


202 S E R M O N XXL

and of a very provokin. even of the Lord tol

Jealoufy, Dtut. xxxri. 2; | it did Lie!

upon Chrift. 3V. how in itfelf it is moH. evil, only! tvil, and inclining the e in which it il, tol

every Evil : All its evil ; no:ning is evil but]

by it; whether evil I XX viii. 49.

or evil Men, 2 Tim. iii. 13. It is Co evil, that it maketji the whole Creation to gruan under it, Rom. viii. 21, 22. 4th. How evil it is, and how much Evil it doth to Man, (1.) It defileth him. (2.) It debifeth him. (3.) It fe- parateth him from God, I/a. Jix. r, 2. which no other Thing can do to a Believer, Rom. viii. 35. (4.) It keep th back many good Thing? is the Inlet

of all Woes, Dcut. xxviii. 26, : ea, and the very

Founder of Hell. (6.) It maki :jns evil, which,

when it is taken out of the way, may prove very goodl Pfal. 119. 71. yea, it maketh j ^gs evil, a Table

a Snare, and that which mould have been for Mens Wel- fare a Trap, Pfal. lxviii. 22. yea, it maketh Bleffings to be curfed, Mai. ii. 2. O tnen, if Sin every way be to evil and curfed a Thing, Forgivenefs of Sin mud be a rich and excellent Bleifing. 5. If we confidsr the Qua- lities of this Forgivenefs, we will yet find fomeching fur- ther to commend it to us in its Worth. 1//. It is moft free ; fee lfa. xlviii. 9,11. For m\ Name's Sake will 1 defer mine Anger t for mine own Sake> even for my own Saie, I will do it ; fo, in Rom. v. 16. the free Gift, <vi*. of For- givenefs, is of many Offences unto Juihfication. zd. It is a full Forgivenefs ; when the Lord forgiveth one Ini- quity, he forgiveth all Iniquities: The Lord is good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in Mercy, full of Companion, and plenteous both in Mercy and Truth, Pfal. lxxxvi. c, 15. He forgiveth all Iniquicies, and healeth all Difeafes, Pfal. ciii. 3. 3^. There is in this Forgivenefs, Mercy and Pardun, even to Backfliders ; fo, in J er. iii. 22. Return, O backfiding Children, and / ivi II heal your Backflidings ; and, in EzeA. xxxiv. j6. The Lord will feek that which was loft, and bring again that which was driven aw<iy, and will bind up that wbicb 'was broken^ and fliengtben that which was Jick ; and, in


On the Gospel Covenant. 223

lpf. xiv. 4. / will heal their Backflidings, and love t ffeely ; and, in P/'a. cxlv. 14. The Lcrd upholdetb all that fall , and raifetb up thofe that are bouved dozvn.

Vie 1. Is Forgivenefs of Sin the great Bieffing, fuch as bringeth along all other Bleffings with it ? then, they are in a woful and curled Eitate, that have nothing of k; yea, have their Iniquity fewed up and fealed up in a Bag againit them, in worie Senfe than Job had them, $bap. xiv. 17. Without Reconciliation, there can be no Bieffing, and without Remiflion no Reconciliation : The HeArt condemning, Sin reigning, Bleflings curfed, and Curies multiplied ; fuch is or may be, the Cafe of thole who have nut their Sins forgiven : O dreadful State !

2. Is Forgivenefs fo excellent a Bieffing r let us all leek it eameitly, with all our Delire : They are but Fools, who think to have or hold any Bieffing without it, to have it a Bieffing indeed : We would feek this For- givenefs, not only before, and in o^der to Juftiiication, but after we are juftified; for, (i.) Though Forgivenefs of Sin put us in J unification, into a Cafe of Non-con^- demnation, yet it doth not put us in a Cafe of Impecca- bility, thai is, of not beirig able to fin. (2.) Though Pardon of all Sin be meritorioufly purchafed by ChrifTs Death, and though it lland virtually in the fure Promife; yet no Sin can be a&^ally pardoned before it be com- mitted, nor until it be repented. (3.) Remiflion may be confidered, either as to Obligation to eternal Wrath, or as to freeing from temporary Rods : Though Pardon free altogether from the firir., not fo from the lair.: So, there will be need of feeking new Pardon, that we may be freed or kept free of thefe. (4.) There will be need of the renewed Senfe of the Pardon of old Sins, becaufe even the Remembrance of thefe may be bitter ; yea, they may rife up upon us, like Ghofts of dead Men, to fright us, and become terrible.

U/e 3. Be thankful for this excellent Bieffing, you that hajye it : The Lord's Name and Glory is proclaim- ed in it, Excd. xxxiv. 6. and defigned in it, Epb. i. 6. and for it the Soul and all that which is within the Saint*, hath bleffed God, P/a.cii'uz, 3. Knowthat Sin is pardoned,

(1.) By


(i.) By keeping of and walking in his Covenant, mi. 17, 18. (2 ) By much Love to Jefus, and a high! Elttern of him, Luke vii. 47. as having found botn pu-f nfving and Peace to their Conferences by hig BloodJ 13 ) Ey dying to Sin, and its Mortification, Rom. viii. 1 3. and xi. 26, 27. (4) Mourning for Chrilt pierced, ZecbA 'O. (5 ) Wiliiugneis to forgive, Mattb. vi. 14. andl 32, 33. (6.) Fret, full, and not forma! Confeilion, 1 John i. 9. even of moil fecret and bell beloved Sin^ ; particularly, of fclf-jatUfying, fecret Unbelief, and fpi- ritual Pride. (7 ) A boly i ear, the cleanfing from all ' Fiithincis, ;:nd pc.-fe£ting Holinefs in tne Fear of dod, go together, 2 Cor. vii. 1.

Uje 4. Is Pardon of Sin the greateft good ? then be- ware of Sin, a.1 u»d oi every Degree 0/ Sin, which looktth toward the unpardonable Sin, iuch as finning agamit great Light, and wilful and malicious fining.

As to the third Thing propounded, as this Forgivenefs of Sin is a rich and excellent Blefling, io it is promifed and enfured by Covenant ; fo, it is a covenanted Blelfing : We have this very ciear, 1. From Scriptures; it is writ- ten mod amply in his Covenant Name, wherein he pro- claimed his Goodnefs tc Moles, in Exod. xxxiv. 7. He keepeth Mercy for Thoufands, and forgiveth Iniquity, 7>anfgreflion, Sin; fo, in Mir. vii. 18. Wno is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth Iniquity, and pafleth by the Tranfgreflion of tne Remnant of his Heritage? He retaineth not Anger for ever, becaufe Jie delighteth in Mercy : it is promiied clearly, while the Lord promifeto. to heal Backfiidjngs, Jer. iii. 22. tnat is a compleat For- givenefs: But, molt clearly it is put down amongtl the hrfl and chief Articles of the Covenant, in Jer. xxxi. 34. 1 <ix ill forgive their Iniquity, and remember tbeir Sin no more ; and, in Jer. xxxiii. 8. 1 will cleaufe them from all tbeir Iniquity nv hereby t jey have finned again/} me, and I nvi 11 pardon all their Iniquities vj hereby they have finned, and by tbey have tranlgreffcd again/} me ; and, in Ezei. xxx vi. 25. Then <u,ill 1 fprinkle clean Water upon you, and ye f ball be clean, f?jm all your Filtbinefs, and from all your idoh will I cUanfe you; and, in <ver. 29. of that


' On the Gospel Covenant. ' 205

c bap. I will alfo fa<ve you from, all your UncleanneJ/es ; There is a Pardon of Sin in thefe Promifes, as well as purifying. 2. It appeareth that Forgivenefs of Sin is and mult be a covenanted Mercy, from thefe Reaions, \fl. The Covenant is a Covenant of Mercy, and it is the Flower of Mercy : God in the Covenant is the Fa- ther of Mercies, 2 Cor. i. 3. and pardoning Merc} is the firft Mercy- 2^/y, The Covenant is a Covenant of Grace, wherein tne Lord lecketh the Praife of his Grace ; and there is nothing to commend free Grace more, than a tree Pardon to rebel Sinners: This is it which will make Chrift to be admired in the Saints throughout all Eternity, 2 TbeJ/l i. 10. $JJyt The Lord hath found a Ranfom, Job xxxiii. 24. He hath get Payment and Satisfaction, therefore he mufl let the Debtor go free. £tbly9 The Covenant is for Salvation ; and there was i a Way to fave Sinners, but by Forgiveneis of Sin : If Sin be not taken away, who can be laved ? $tbty% It w and is Chrill's Office, to put Pardons to Sale, in the great Proclamations, I/a.h. 1. and Johnwix. 37. He felieth without Money; and it is the Minifter's Work to invite People to come and receive Pardons, while they are to befeech them to be reconciled to God, in 2 Cor. ; v. 20. 6thly> There is both enough of Mercy in God ; he is rich in Mercy, Epb. ii. 4. and infinite Love, Eph. iii. <ver. 17, 18, 19. fo, Goodwill to fhew it; and then, in Chriit a Power and Capacity to bellow it on whom he will: The Son quickeneth whom he will ; and the flvR Quickening is in pardoning Mercy, John v. 21. The Saints may evenreafon from the Power of Chrift, as well as his Goodwill; fo, in Rom. xi. 23. they fhall be graf- fed in, for God is able to graff them in again ; and, in Rom. xiv. 4. they fhall be holden up, for God is ab'e to hold them up : This is the new Covenant Realoning, have we once a Promife, then may we reafon from hss Power. Jtbfy, Grounds of allured Hope of pardoning Mercy, are held forth in the Lord's mod earneft Ways of cxpreffing hirafelf, in his Defire to have Peop.e re- conciled and pardoned, i/i. His free Promife. zH. His fure Oath, Emk. xxxiii. 1 1# 16. 3/ Wc find him plead- ing


ing, lju. v. 4. Mic. vi. 3. and appealing bo:h to them

fclvi>, and to «J1 th< Places. +tb. Af

- a Man wifiiioj . ixxxi

1 3. $th. kim> .ii. 17

'Quarrelling for Unknulr.els, f obn v. 40. yta, foi

Seli-murJe? r Sinners,

not fir, ding ;n t to deiboy

them >all 1 gi^t Hof. xi. 8

Lavir.g out his Name, all lull of Meicy, in Exoa\ jcxxiv. 6, 7. And then, waiting to be gracious, //a 18. tyb. It is good Ground of Aflurance of Forgivc- neis from God, when ne layeth fo great a Burden on us, to forgive one another, even until ieventy Times ievtn, hlatth. xviii. 22.

Ufe 1. Is Forgivenefs of Sin a covenanted Blefling, proinifed and enfured by Covenant is Comior*

and (lay to thofe doubting Souls, who can hardly be per fuaded t6 thin^ that the Lord is or will be their God, becaufe of their many and great Sins: Let iuch confider what hath been faid of this free Forgivenefs, how it is promifed, and enfured by the Oath of God in a fealed Covenant, and confider ierioufly thefe two Scriptures^ that in La. i. t 8. Come now and let us reafon together y though your Sins be as Scarlet, they Jhall be as white as Snow ; though they be red as Crim/on, they Jhall be as Wool\ and that other Place, in Amos v. 12. / know your mani- fold Tran/grcjfions, and your mighty Sins, &c. yet, in <ver. 15. If Men will but hate the evil, and love the good, there is a may be that the Lord will be gracious; and then, let fuch confider further thefe Grounds of Encou- ragements, (1.) God doth make his Plantations in Wil- der nefies, lja. xli. 19. fo, Grace is often poured forth on thofe, that are moil gracelefs. (2.) The belt are by Nature, and as to the Seeds of Bvil in them, as evil as they ; they have that Body of Deatn in them, Rom. vii. *4~ (3-) Free Love is infinite and boundiefs ; the Apo- itle, in Rom. xi. 33. cryeth out, O the Depth of the Riches! And, in Eph. in. 17. he givcth unto it, a "Height, a Depth, and a Breadth, and Length, which pafleth Knowledge. If old Things which the Lord hath done


On the Gospel Covenant. 207

Mil not found Aflurance, the Lord hath promifed to do 1 new Thing, lfa. xliii. 18, 19. So, it is no good Rea- soning, Never Mercy hath been fhewed to To gieat a Sin- jner, therefore it (hall never1 be. (4.) Free Love hath as- much Reafon for the worft of Sinners, as for the ieiVevii, t,hat is, none at all bat good Pleaiure : He blotteth out Tranfgrej/ions for his ovun Sake, lfa. xliii. 25. Chrift doth not marry a Soul, either for its Worth, or for a Portion. (5.) The greater the Sinners, the Lord hath the greater Glory, the more defper ite-like the Dileafe, the greater Commendation to the Phyfician ; and Jo, there is Advan- tage for the Glory of God by the Patterns and Copies I ca it in fuch Cures ; as may be gathered from Pja. xxxiv. c, 6. and 1 Tim. i. 16. O ! this is the greaceft Ground of Comfort: So doth the Hcly Ghoiliio^cl it furUa, this Forgivenefs of Sin; fo, in lfa. xl. I,. 2. Comfort ye % comfort ye, fpeak comfortably: What is the great Matter? fhevj jferuialttn, and my People ', that they Aave received double for all their Sivs; and, in Luke vii. 48. And he faid unto her that wept abundantly, Thy Sins are for- given thee; and, in Nlatth. ix. 2. Scn% be of good cheer , thy Sins be forgiven thee.

JJfe 2. Is Forgivenefs of Sin the great Bleffing of the Covenant of Peace? then, there is no Peace without it: Not by hiding of Sin ; there is no hiding from God, though Men dream fo, yob xxii. 13, 14. with Pfa. xciv. 7. much iefs by denying of Sin ; Gehazi could not efcape fo, 2 Kings v. 25, 27. nor by excufing of Sin, Adam and Eve could not efcape fo, much Jejs by fatisfying- God for it : Thoufands of Rams, ten thoufands of Rivers of Oil, nay, ncr the giving of the firil born, will do it, A//V. vi. 7.

Ufe 3. Seeing it is promifed and enfured by Covenant, we fhould ftrive to be made Partakers of it: Thus, (1.) By fearching and acknowledging Sin, Lam. iii. 40. and yer. iii. 12, 12. (2.) By confefiing and judging our- felves for it ; fo did Ezra in Name of the People, chap.' ik. 6. and' the Prodigal Son, in Luke xv. 18, 19. (3.) By bringing Chrift as an Undertaker, and the Price of Redemption,- to the Father. (4) By quiting both all



Purpofe to Sim, with repenting Epbraim, Ho/, xiv. 4, q|

/hall not fa*ve us, and Epbraim jhall ba<ve I to do any more'nuith Idols? And alio all reg :.rd tcl Sin il Ixvh 18.

Vie 4. Seek it by Covenant, and hold it, by holdingl fait the Covenant : It is a Covenant Blefling, and all who! delire to partake of the Bit-flings of the Covenant, mufti hold fail the Bond of it : The one cannot be without che| other, the Prom if e and the Duty; fo, in Gen. xvii. I. am God all fuflicicnt, nva< U ard be thou ferfeSl ;|

and, in Exek. xx. 37. we hr.ve the People brought intol the Bond of the Covenant ; and from ver. 40, 45. wel have very rich and abundant Bieilings.




On the third Blessing of the Covenant,


7 Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Hnufe be not fo with God\ yet he hath made with me an everlaftin^ : , well ordered in all Things

and fure ; for thh is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, although he make it not to grow,

FO L L O W E T H, in the third Place, thec third and great Blefling of the Covenant, the Righteoufnefi oi Chrilt imputed unto us: There are two Scriptures


On the Gospel Covenant. 209

Ivhich da mod plainly exprefs it; the firil is of that, in I Cor. i. 30. where it is told us, that Chriit Jefus of iCJo'd is made unto us Wifdom, Righteoufnefs, £ffr. while it is laid, he is made unto us Righteoufnefs, the Mean- ing is, that his Righteoufnefs is by Covenant made over unto us, and fo imputed unto us. The other PJace is that, in 2 Cor. v. 21. where it is faid, that God made Chriit who knew no Sin, to be Sin for us, that we might be made the Righteoufnefs of God in him : Where we have thefe two Tilings,, one, That Chnil willingly came, as he vvas appointed of the Father in the Sinner's Room; fo, all the Sins of the Eleci were charged on him, and impuced to him, that fo the Righteoufnefs of God which is in him, that i^, his own Rjgbteoufnefs, might be im- puted and made over unto, us.

In opening this M> itery, Ipropound thefe three Things to be fpoken to. Firjl, What this imputed Righteouf- nefs is, and how it is carried on. Secondly, Of the Ex- cellency of this great Bleffing, the having of the Righ- teoufnefs of Chriit. imputed unto us. Thirdly, How this is promifed, and fo is a covenanted Bleffing.

As to the Jtrft, know, 1. That in this imputed Righ- teoufnefb of Chriit doth formally Hand the J unification of a Sinner, as it doth inftrumentally (land in Faith ; for Faith doth receive the Gift of Righteoufnefs, as it is called, in Rom. v. 17. and fo receiving it, cometh to be imputed, or, reckoned, the Receiver's Righteoufnefs ; fo, while it is faid, in Rom. iv. 9. that Faith was reckon- ed to Abraham for Righteoufnefs, it is to be underitood of the Righteoufnefs of Chriit, received by Faith; fo, Chriit is nv«de our Juftification with God. 2. Know, that this Juftification, or, to be juftihed, is- a Law Word, proper unto and ufed in a judicial Procefs, whtm a Judge in the Place or Judgment giving Sentence, pronounceth the Party tree: So, here, the Sinner is empannelied be- fore the Lord as Judge : He pleads, firft, guilty ; after, he bringeth in the Hand of Faith a Raniom, which the Lord receiving, he doth abfolve the Sinner, and pronounce him free: So, by Chrifl and hit Righteoutneis, which is the Ranfom, all lhat believe, they are juftihed from all O Things


which they could not be juftified by the Lawl 39. Now, this Juititication of the Sinrarl n of Sins, of which! we have fpoken, and in this imputed Righteoufnefs orl Chriit ; which Righteoufnefs, as it is his, it doth Jlandl both in his fulfilling of the Law, and in his fufTering ofl all that which was due to us for the Breach of the fame;! both which make up but one complete Obedience, evenl that Obedience unto Death, in Phil. ii. 8. all <"hich imputed to the believing Soul. 3. Know and confider.l particularly, How this great Matter is brought] about, in and by thefe Steps, ift. The Sinner is fuppo- \cd to be a felf-condemning Sinner ; wicked and unre- ng Sinners, that believe not, they are condemned I :v, John'xw. 18. yea, all that come ever to have .n this imputed Righteoufnefs, mud once judge and | condemn thcmlelves ; they mull fee themfelves condemn- \y the Word and Law of God. zdly, By the Lght of their own Confcience. 3^/v, By the Offer ofl the Gofpel, which they ha^e for a long or fhorter Time led. ^tbl)\ By the Example of all thofe who have more readily run unto and received the Promife. id. This felf judging and felf-condemning Sinner cometh to ifibie, that he cannot pofftbly help himlelf, and' appeareth no Help from Heaven, but that h'cu .1 to do with a Sin-revenging God. 3^. The N< a Covenant, with a refponfal Cautioner, come and prize him, in which it is told, that the Sins of felf loit Sinners are all charged upon Chrifl, even of as many as ill believe on his Name; that he hath come into the mer's Room, and hath been made Sin, and a Sacrifice for It is revealed to the fame Sinne'r, that af-

tKat Chrift came in his Room, the Law patted upon m, which he fausfied to the full, and fo payed all the Di ' the Hand- writing of Ordinances that

.\rcii--naili?:g it to his Crofs, Col. ii. 1 4. $tb. ) him in the Gofpel, ti\at by Co- il and the Father, it was agreed, \.i he mould offer up his Soul for Sin (and in ion thereof) he ihould fee bis Seed, and Tra-

On the Gospel Covenant. 212

his Sou/, and fo he fatisfied, I/a. Yin. 10, 1 1. Thar whofoever by Faith fhould confenc to this Bar- his Payment fhould be ccunred theirs, and his pur- J Righteoufnefs made over unto them. jth. The poor Sinner, taking notice of all this, and of the well jd Covenant, in all the Articles thereof, and of j Chrift in the Heart of it,, as Mediator and Surety, he jtaketh hold on it by Faith, and cafteth himfelf on Chrift for Righteoufnefs ; then his Defire is to write down his -, as Confenter' to the weli-contnved Covenant, and j up himfelf to Chrift, not only as jefus, but as Lord aifo. %tb. When it is, the Father as Judge pro- ribunceth the Sinner frtet feeth no Iniquity in him, for he hath pardoned it, and accepteth him in the beloved, Eph. i. 6. for he findeth him in him, wholly and com- pletely'covered with hie eider Brother's Garment, the . fair Robe and white Linnen of his Righteoufnefs, who is now made qf God Righteoufnefs, to the repenting and believing Sinner : He is now found of God in Chrift, not having his own Righteoufnefs, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chrift, the Righte- oufnefs which is of God by Faith, Phil. iii. 9. And lb, the Righteoufnefs of God, fo called in Rom. iii. 5, 21, 22. doth become that Righteoufnefs of the Saints, Rev. fcix. 8. thus ChrifVs Righteoufnefs imputed, makcth us in Covenant fenfe, the Righieoufnefs of God.

Ufe 1. Terror to thofe that are without the Covenant of Grace, who have not fo much as entered into it: They have no Interett in this gifted and imputed Righ- efs of Chrift ; their Sins, for any Thing that ap- peareth, have not been charged upon Chrift, he did not bear them upon himfelf and upon his Body for them, as he doth for Believers, 1 Pet. ii. 24. They muft bear them for themfelves, and yet will never I bear

them: O intolerable Burden! they I und naked

in that Day of their appearing before God, naving no- thing of that pjre and white, of that fine linnen, which •is the Righteoufnefs of the Saints.

nere is ftrong and exceeding great Confolation

lor Believers, that ChriiVs Rightcoutneis is imputed

O 2 unto


unto them : They are thereby juitified before God ; and if he juftify, wno then can condemn them ? Rom. vfii. Mich as are fo juilified, need not fear to be judged of Ni:.n, or of Man's Day, i Cor. iv. 3. For, (1.) All the Law fuitf, which a Believer is bound to an Utr, they mull be at God's Initance; and if he pafs from the Purfuit, who can follow it ? (2.) No Court in this World can alter or reduce a Decreet which is paf- fed in the Court of Juilification, which is held by the iHoit High : There is no higher Court, unto which any may appeal. (3.) The Sentence pronounced in this Court, both as to itfelf, it is fo juit, and as to the Judge, it is irrevocable: It is an abfolutory Sentence, upon good Payment and Satisfaction made ; and it is a Sen tence pronounced by that Mercy which endureth for ever. 3. Is it of God this imputed Righteoufneis ? And, is Jem* Chriit made to be all our Righteoufneis by Co- venant ? Then, Believers would learn to go to God, in the Order prefcribed in the Word, as hath been fhewed you; not only at the firit, but in all their Heart-con- demning Cafes ; and they would learn to expect the Sen- tence from him alone; for he is the alone Judge ; who is that one Lawgiver, able to fave and to deiiroy, Jam iv. 12. we mult not liiten fo much to what Men fay or judge of our State or Cafe, yea, nor that which our owo much darkened and often mailed Heart doth fay, but to that which theLord thejudge doth fay and judge ; now, he faith and judgeth, as he hath declared himfelf in his Word. As to the fecond Thing propounded, The Excellency of this Covenant Bleffing, the imputed Righteoufneis of Chriit, you may take it up, l. Comparatively, there is no Righteoufnefs like it ; for, i/i. All that moral Righ- teoufnefs, of which we read fo much in fome civilized Heathens, it was nothing but a Shew and Shell of R'igh- teouinefs, and, as one faith of them, their bell Works were but glittering Sins, zd/y, That Righteoufnefs which Adam had in the State of Innocency, and might have itill kept, if he had kept the Covenant of Works, it was and could be no other but the Righteouinefs of a Creature, and that very changeable ; but this is an unchangeable


On the Gospel Covenant. 213

Jffcighteoufnefs. idly, That Righteoufnefs of Angels, Uhjch they had in their firft Creation, was nothing corn- sparable to this; it was but the Righteoufnefs of a Crea- . |:bre ; but this is the Righteoufnefs of God, as you (hall Jbear. \tbly, Much lefs is that inherent Righteoufnefs Jivhich is in us comparable to it; for it is both impure and imperfect; all our Right eoufnejfes are as filthy Rags, and an unclean Thing, efpecially being compared with this imputed Righteoufnefs, Jfa. Ixiv. tier. 6. O! this Righ- teoufnefs is a moil perfect Righteoufnefs, and unfpotted, jit being the Righteoufnefs of him who is the Lamb with- out Spot, i Pet. i. 19. Come we, 2. To confider the pofitive Excellencies of this great Covenant Blefling, the imputed Righteoufnefs of Chrift. 1/?. From the Names of it, it is called the Righteoufnefs of God, 2 Cor. v. 21. the Righteoufnefs of Faith, Rom. ix. 30. the Righ- teoufnefs which is by Faith of Chrift, Phil. iii. 9. and jointly, the Righteoufnefs of God and our Saviour Je- fus Chrift, 2 Pet. i. 1. It is not the Righteoufnefs of a mere Creature, but the Righteoufnefs of him, who is the eternal Son of God, of him who is God-man in one Perfon : O! that mud be an excellent Righteoufnefs: And then, it is a Righteoufnefs received, applied by that mod excellent and precious Thing, Faith; and then, it is the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, a Righteoufnefs of his purchafing and preparing: O! excellent Righteoufnefs. zd. From the Qualities of this Righteoufnefs, 1. It is a pure and unfpotted Righteoufnefs, the pure and fine Lin- nen. 2. This Righteoufnefs, if any may be fo called, is like the great Mountains ; it is infinitely great ; it can neither be meafured in its Dimenfions, nor weighed in its Worth. 3. It is a healing Righteoufnefs, that Sun of Righteoufnefs, arifing with Healing under his Wings, Mai. iv. 2. 4. It is the bed Part of that Armour of Righteoufnefs, 2 Cor. vi. 7. 5. It is an everlafting Righ- teoufnefs, Dan. ix. 24. ^d. The Excellency of this Righ- teoufnefs appeareth in its Effects, 1. It is the Propitiati- on for our Sins, 1 John ii. 1. It is that which maketh our Peace with God ; it is to us, our elder Brother's Garment, which maketh his and our Father favour a O 3 Savour

a 1 4 E R M O N XXII.

r of Rell in us. 2. It is that wbich breedeth thai: inward Peace and Quiemefs within ; the Work of RigK

Righteoufnefs %

it Word be ft was that which on1 ]y makcth theje Anfwers of a good Confcience toward God, "1 Pet. iii. 21. 3. This Righteoufn'vfs bringet forth Joy, for where Righteoufnefs and Peace go before Joy doth undoubtedly follow, Rom.x'w. 17. 4 Righteoufnefs is unto L: 17. who receive th'

Gift of Righteouinefs, (hall reign in Life by one Jefu Chrift: It is that which bringetij forth that Crown ol' Righteoufnefs, which the Lord the' righteous Judge fhal give at th Tim. iv. 8. 4//'. The Excellency oil

this Righteoufnefs appeareth in Satan's Malice again it it:' There is no Point of Truth more contradicted than this, of free Judication by the imputed Righteoufnefs of Chrili: 1 , Artninian^ Socinian, Quaker, and al-

moit every other Herctiekt is againil it, one Way or other.

jllency of it appeareth in this, made the Suhitance of the whole Gofpel ; for, in 1

ed the Min exceedeth i

imputed Rig! ot Chrift fo ex-

cellent a Blefling, as it is that, which only will make us (land in Judgment, when th<. (hall not be able

to (land? Pial. i. 5, 6. It is that only which will cover us, fo as our Nakednefs may not appear before God, Rev. iii. 1 3. Then, how fool ifh .are they who feek to patch up a. Righteoufnefs to themfelves, of fomethmg from themfelves ? It was a poor Shift, that of our flrft Parents for covering of Nal rig-tree Leaves:

Any Covering without this will be no better ; yea, it will be much worfe, now, in the Days of the Gofpel, to go about to eflablifh our own Righteoufnefs, with the Days, who had Zeal without Knowledge, Rom. x. z. 3. Much more fooliili and mad are the; thin iiew of Righteoikiu.

pocr rdly appear

.1 of IJyj

' ' On the Gospel Covenant. -15C

_• J Iniquity, Matth. xxiii. 28. They juftifythemfilves before i :«, but God knoweth their Hearts ; and that which is bly efleemed amongfl Men, is Abomination in the Sight of IE*, Luke xvi; 15.

Ufe 2. Is this lb excellent a Bleffing? then, defire it :h : Blejfed are toey who hunger and thirfl after this hteoufnefs, for they /hall bm filled, Matth. v. 6. i on this Robe, this Armour ; put on the Lord Jefus for \ Righteoufnefs ; fo is that Word to be ur.deiftood, in Ri .14. Defire to be found in him, with Paul, in P 9. not having your own Righteoufnefs, which is of the w, but that which is through Faith of him; yea, 1 in him, and have no Confidence in the Fltfi, ver. 3. of the Tame chap. Yea, with David, in Pfal. lxxi. 16. you would make mention of his Righteouinefs, and of his only : Make uie of it in all your Appearings before God ; it is your elder Brother's Gamier;:, the pure and white, the fine Linnen, which is the Righteouinefs of the Saints, Rev. xix. 8.

As to the third Thing, That this imputed Righteouf- nefs is a promifed and covenanted Righteouinefs, appear- eth thus, \fl. Becaufe it is called the Gift of Righteouf- nefs, in Rom. iii. 17. Now, all fpirituai Gifts are efpe- cially by the Promife; this gifted Righteoufnefs is efpe- cially meant, in that Place, John iv. 10. If thou knewe/l the Gift of God, Chrift and his Righteoufnefs is that Gift ; and, in that Place, 1 Tim. vi. 2. where the faith- ful are faid to be Partakers of the Benefit : This is the firii and great Benefit, which was in the Promife made to the Fathers, zd. This Righteoufnefs is promifed in that Name which he taketh to himfelf, in Jer. xxiii. 6. it is enunciate Promife-wife : This is his Name whereby he Jball be called, the Lord our Righteoufnefs ; which Name is alfo promifed to the Church, to the Lord's Jerufalem, in the Days of the Gofpel, This is the Name wherewith Jhe Jball be called, the Lord our Righteoufnefs : So, this high and happy Name is fo Chriit's, as it is imputed to Churth ,* he fpreadeth it as his Banner, and fhe wear- eth it as.her Crown, in Jer. xxxiii. 16. ^d. Chnft him- is given for a Covenant to his People, lja. xiix. 8. O 4 He


He is promifed to be given fo, as to eftablim the Earth; and the People of God on the Earth are only erhblrfhed| 'by this Righteoufnefs. ^tb. It is promifed directly, in Dan. ix. 2 (hall bring in an ever lading Right e*

oujnefsy fo make an End of Sin and Reconciliation t

$th. Chrift is by Covenant made our Righteouf- nefs, and we are made tie Righteoufnefs of God in bims I Cor. i. 30. and 2 Cor. v. 21. So this Righteoufnefs is njnade fure by Covenant on both Hands. 6/ ' we proved unto you, and are yet fur her to (hew you, it is covenanted, and the Righteoufnefs is by Faith.

Ufe 1. Againft thofe who feek Righteoufnefs by Works, or as by the Works of the Law : They are in the wrong Way ; Righreouinefs is a gifted Righteoufnefs, and by the Promife ; and it is every Way the better that it is fo ; it is the more free, the more fure, the more perfect, and the more perpetual : It it is utterly a Fault in many true Chriftian.% who, by their Carriage and Ext do declare that they would ftill have fomething of their own to be mixed in, as a Price with this pure and un- :ed Righteoufnefs of Chrift.

i here is from hence ftrong Confolation and good Hcpe to Believers, as to Aifurance of Righteouf- nefs, and JuliifiC.ition before God : It is promhed afTu- redly; it is a fpecial Article of the everlalting Cove- nant, which is ordered in all Things and fure, that the ccoufnefs of Chrift is theirs, and fhali be made forthcoining to them: How m :y they rejoice in this, ^e R;ghteoafnefs? So, he is and will be made Redemption, even complete Redemption, and every Thil oeedful and conducible thereunto.

Ufe 3. If the imputed Righteoufnefs of Chrift be a covenanted Biefting, then all who delire to have it, and to wear it as a Garment, which may hide the Shame of their Nakednefs that it appear not, they mull go to Chrift in a Covenant, that they may have it: And, in order to this, (1.) Tney mult judge and condenyi them- fclves, as urworthy of Mercy and Favour. (2) Flying out of the: ,ey muft fly to Jefus for Refuge, for

which is fet before them, lUb. vi. iS. (3)


On the Gospel Covenant. 217

icy muft accept of a free Gift. (4.) They mail be

fabject to this gifted Righteoufnefs, to which 7/rWwouid

not iubmit, Ram. x. 3. (5) They ought to improve

this imputed Righteoufnefs, not only as their ftrongeft

Defence againtt Temptations, which would ieparatc

them from the Love of God, but for their bold Accefs

to God, for all Things of which they lland in Need:

When they have put on Chrifl and his Righteoufnefs,

how boldly may they rtep forward? for, 1. There is no-

that can be laid to their Charge, for God hath ju-

d them, Rom. viii. 33. 2. If there be any after

ings; they have an Advocate with the Father,

I John II. I.



G 0 S P E L C O V E N A N T:

On the fourth Blessing of the Covenant, Sanctification. 1. In general.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. e he not fo with Gzd; yet he hath with rl afl in g Covenant, well ordered in all Things

hire ; for this is all n, and all my J J

: Sough he make it not to grow,

FO L L O W E T H now the fourth and great Bleffing, of the Covenant, even our San&ification. For the more fuli and clear opening of this, 1 propound thefe



three Things, Firfi\ Wh.i: .ficdtion is. Secondly.

How excellent and great a BJefling -rdi'y, Hpw

it is promiLd, and To i

to the fi it is of our

Concernment to know it ; f<. I ha J g look likt

tificalion, which are not it : There are many who are like whited Sep. «d appear beauti-

ful outward, b ..'lens Bones,

and of all Unclean: '. xxiii. 27. Sanclification

is a rare Piece 10. The Work-

man/hip of GoJ% ere a: U is ii verily ex-

prefled in Scripcuu . may ^ell gather what

it is. i. It is called a new C 2 Cor, v. \y. Jf

any Man ke in Chrift% he is 2. Jt is cal-

led the new Birth, ? n be born a-

gain, he cannot fee the Kr cJ ; fo faid our blef-

led Lord to Nicodemus ; xtion ; To, in Tit. iii.

5. Baptifm is calleJ er of Regeneration; it is

the Seal of San&ification, as well as of J unification. 3. It is exprelTed by Renewing, and moil inward as well as outward Renovation ; fo the Commandment is, in Rom. xii. 2. Be ye transformed by the renewing of .our Mind ; and Obedience is given to that Commandment by thofe, who, as it is in Col. Hi. 10. haw put on the new Man, which is renewed in Knowledge, after the Image of him that created him ; and the Commandment, in Eph. iv. 23. is, Be ye renewed in the spirit of your Mind. 4. It is expreflcd by the greatell Changes ; fo, from Dark- nefs to Light, from the Power of Satan unto God, Aelsxxvi. I 8. from the Power of Darknefs into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Col. i. 13. by fuch a Chang*, as cbangeth us into the fame Image of the GL r.ord, from Glory

to Glory, in 2 Cor. iii. 1 8. 5. The EfTett of this blefTed Change and new Workmanihip, is new Obedience; Obe- dience to the Fait.1, . to the Doctrine of Faith, Rem. i. 5. and the Obedience of Faith, fet forward by the Spirit and Grace of Faith, Rom. xvi. 26. Obedience unto Righteoufnefs, 16. So the Law ctometh to be written in the Heart, whereas before there was an Enmity to the Law, Rom. viii. 7. in Place thereof, there


' On the Gospel Covenant. 219 \

^ometh to be a Delight in the Law as to the inner Manr Rem. vii. 22. and the outward Man is alfo yielded to G*6d ; yea, the whole Man, as. of thofe who are alive 4rom the dead, Rom. vi. 13. By this Work of San&i- lication, there is a Difpofition and Inclination in the Heart, Mind, and Will, to do what is commanded ; and the Heart thus ftamped, doth fway and turn about the whole M^n to the Work and Ways of Obedience and cation; fo as all who fee the Man, may clearly difcern him to be a changed Man, by his Life and Con- yerfation.

Ufe 1. By this fhort and general Defcription of San- <fti heat ion, manyy may, if they will be at the Pains to fearch, find themfelves very far fhort, both of that Affe- ction and Perfedlion, which is required in it: Ah! how many are they who have nothing to be feen upon them, but the rude Draughts of old Nature ? which is, upon the Matter, no better than the Image of the Devil: Ah ! there is no iuch Change to be feen in them, as we have been fpeaking of; old Things are not paffed away.

Uje 2. If Sandtification be fuch a Work as hath been defenbed, what mean we that we look fo lightly upon it ? AlTure youdelves, it is no eafy Work; let us go fet up then, and make earneft Work of it. (1.) Search and try, what v\e have or want of it; or if we have any Tning of it at all. (2.) Make it our Work and Bufinefs to have it, and to encreafe it: The Way of it is light- fome, if it were once well entered into : The Entrance of the Commandment giueth Light, PfaL cxix. 1 30. All the Ways of Vrifiqtn are Pkajantneffts, and all her Paths are Peace y Prov. iii. 17.

As to the fecond, Sanclifkation is a great and a molt ex- cellent Bleffing; it will make a holy Man not only bleffed in himfelf, but a Bleffing to others, Gen. xii. 2. The Pour- ing forth of the Spirit or Sanclifkation is laid to be the Pouring forth of a Bleffing, fuch a Bleffing, as fhali make thofe on whom it cometh down, to grow up as Grafs, and as Wiilo*ws by the Water Ccur/es, Ifa. xliv. 3, 4. It is fuch a Bleffing, as is the blcffed Fruit of ChriirA Refur- n ; according tc that, in Acts iii. 26. God ha


22o S E R M O N Will.

d up his Son Jefus, \ , in turning

■\ fverx one of you ties : It harh, in iome

eel, all chefe fpiritual Bleifings in it, Eph. i. U wherewith God hath Welled as in Chrift Jefus: More particularly, the Excellency of Holinefs, and how ex- cellent a BlelTing it is to thofe that have it, may appear from thele Tilings, i. It doth conform us to God, re- newing U5 to hi Jin ige ; and that puts a great Excellen- cy upon the Saints ; it maketh them the excellent of the Eartn, P/al. xvi. 3. and the Glory of thrift; 2 Cor. viii. 23. not only Preachers are llch. but all chat are fancli- fied in Chrift Jefus. 2. Holinefs is that which maketh God delight in a Soul, with the Love of Complacency. The Lord taketh Pleafure in t fear him, P/al.

cxlvii. II. He taketh Pleafure in his People, and will beau- tify the meek with Salvation, P/al. cxlix. 4. And it ma- keth the fandified Soul delight in God, from a felt and feen Suitableneis in itfelf to God ; this maketh the Soul go to God with exceeding Joy, as in Pfal. xliii. 4. It maketh the Law of God the renewed Soul's not only De- light but Delights, Pfal. cxix. 92. and in <ver. 143. of that Pfalm, it maketh not only Pro miles but Command- ments the Sinner's Delight. 3. This Holinefs, efpecial- Jy if it be a thorow Sancufication, it will breed Peace ; it is the Work of the God of Peace, 1 Thejf. v. 23. It is he that fanclifieth wholly, and doth preferve the whole. Spirit, Soul and Body blamelefs, unto the coming of our Lord Jefus Cnriit. 4. It will make Souls live the Life of God ; before, they are alienated from it, Eph. iv. 18. And they fay unto God, as in J oh xxi. 14. depart from us, ive will not ha<ve the Knowledge of thy IVaxs. 5. The Excellency of it may be known, from the little Worth of thofe that want it; the Heart of the wicked is little Worth, Prov. x. 20. And from the many fad Hours which the godly have, for their Want of it, and in their Wreftlings with the Body of Death, Rom. vii. 24. 6. They who are holy are fo blefled, that they are a Blef- fing to all round about them : The lfrael of God is a BlefTmg in the midft of Lands, where ever it is, were it in Egypt or /iffyria, Ifa. xix. 24. and, in Ezek. xxxiv.

On the Gospel Covenant. 221

6. the Lord hath promifed to make his People, and all he^Places round about his Hill, a Blefling ;• and he vs- ill :aufe the Shower to come down in his Seafon , there, aith the Lord, (hall be the Showers of Blefling : Thefe ft-ho have not this Holinefs, are not fo ; their Throats are open Sepulchres, Pfal, v. 9. \hey are Children that are Corrupters, Jfa. i. 4. they are like that Girdle mar- red, which was profitable for nothing, Jer. xiii. 7. De- struction and Mifery is in their Ways, Rim. iii. 16. ail are the worfe of them that are in their Company. 7. To the holy and clean all Things are clean ; unto the pure all Things are pure, Tit. i. 1 5. 8. Holinefs is the moil ex- cellent Blefling, becaufe all Promifes, which have all the Bleffings in them, are annexed to it : Bodily E x ere ife pro- fit etb little, but Godlinefs is profitable unto all Things, hav- ing the Prom if s of toe Life that now is, and of thai which is to come, 1 'Jim. iv. 8. 9. In Holinefs there is Perfec- tion, and where that is, there cannot but be very great Excellency : Compare thefe two Scriptures together, Mat. V. 48. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is per feci ; and l Pet. ). 16. Be ye holy, for I am holy \ and you may eaiily perceive how Holinefs and Perfection pafs for one. 10. The Excellency 6f Ho- linefs may appear from the Excellency of the Fountain from which it ipringeth, moft excellent Grace : That fame Grace which bringeth Salvation, teacheth Men to deny Ungodlinefs, and worldly Lulls, and to walk and live foberly, righteouily, and godly, lit. ii. 11, 12. Con- fider a little, how excellently this Grace hath wrought Sanclification, in bringing about Salvation. » if. Man had wilfully lott himfelf ; he forfook God that made him, fo I may apply that Word, in Deut. xxxii. 15. and light- ly efteemed the Rock of his Salvation : God made Man righteous, but he fought out many Inventions, Eccl. vii. 29. The Lord might have then faid concerning loft Man, as in Rev. xxii. 11. He that is unjuft, let him be unjuit Hill ; and, he that is filthy, let him be jilt hi fiill; but his Grace would not fuffer him lo to do. zd. Sin made Man loath- fom, Prov. xiii. 5. it made him fo loathfom, as no Eye would have pitied him, Ezik. xvi. 5. yet Grace had Re-



fpecl unto him. ^d. No Man could ever have cleanfed himfelf ; as he was ungodly, fo was he without "all Strength, in Rom. v. 6. and there was no other could clean fe him : ( :cd the Fountain, both for Sin1

and Uncleannefs, Zech. xiii. i. and fo it did bring in Ho-' Iinefs, by that Blood which cieanfeth from all bin, I John i. -.

U/e l. Hence the Happinefs of thofe which are in 'Covenant with God ; they are a holy People, and fo, a People of great Excellency ; they are a moil bleficd Peo- ple, for they have Hoiinefs, the moll excellent Bleffing ; they are Partakers of God's Hoiinefs, and fo, of the ci- vine Natyre; compare Heb. xii. 10. with 2 Pet. i. 4. they bear the Image of the fecond Man, who is Lord from Heaven, 1 Cor. xv. 47, 49.

Vfe 2. Hence alfo may be feen the curfed and mifera- ble Ettate of thofe who are profane: If Hoiinefs be a rare and excellent Bleffing, what a curfed Thing mutt Profariencfs and Ungodlinefs be? It is Satan's black Image, HelPs Livery ; not only a moil filthy Thing, but Filthinefs it/elf. Hoiinefs hath Beautie>, Pfal. ex. 3. O ! but Sin hath an ill favoured Face to a fpiritual and rightly difcerning Eye ; Purity bringeth Peace, but there is no Peace to the wicked ; they are like the troubled Sea, when it cannot reit, whofe Waters calf, up Mire and Dirt, I fa. Ivii. <ver. 20, 21. Hoiinefs is its own Re- ward ; but Profanenefs, when the Confcience cometh to kentd, will be a Torment, and Hell enough to

have it. 3. If Hoiinefs be fo excellent, and the mod ex- cellent Blemng ; then, all who defire to be blefled, would follow after this Hoiinefs ; even though it leem to fly from them ; they mull purfue hard after it, fuch is the Import of that Word, Heb. xii. 14. the Soul that over- takes it, will not complain, albeit for a Time he be kept out cf Heaven ; yea, nor yet though he mould be flript naked of outward Bleflings : They are well cloathed who arecloathed with Humility and Hoiinefs ; and they are wejl fed, who have it their Meat and Drink to do the Will of their heavenly Father.


On the Gospel Covenant. 223

'life 4. If Holinefs be of iuch Excellency, chat it is !ie<jlory of the World, how mefchant Wretches mod hey be that perfecute Holinefs? Sach labour to rob the vtforld of all its Excellency ; thzy would be ei:temed Enemies of Mankind, and unworthy to behoid the Light, [Rat would endeavour to darken the Sun, and to pull ft out of Heaven ; but they are greater Enemies to Man- kind, that would banilh Holinefs out of the Earth : None but will think it was a norrid Sin, to fpic in the Face of the holy one Jefus, when he was found as a Man : O f but it is v.orie to call Reproaches upon, and to fpU in the Face of Holinefs itieif, and to do what Men can to deface the Image of God in every Place; this do the Perfecuiers of Holinefs.

As to the third, This Holinefs, as it is an excellent Bleffing, fo it is promifed, and a covenanted Blefli neither the Herb of Grace nor of Holinefs gro-.vech in Man's Garden, but it cometh from above, from the ther of Lights, Jam. i. 17. The Point I am now to clear unto you, is, That Holinefs ;s a covenanted Blef- fing. There are many fair and fure Promifes for I fee that Promife, in Exod. xix. 6. Ye Jhall be unto me a Kingdom of Prieffs, and an hoi; Nation: The People, even when they were called unto and moft engaged unto Holi- nefs, it was promifed and told unto them, / am the Lord which fanSlify you, Lev. xx. 7, 8. So in Lev. xxii. 32. thefe two are joined together, / will be hallowed among the Chil- dren of Ifrael, I am the Lord which hallow you ; yea, it is A promifed, in Dtut. xxviii. 9. that the Lord Jhall a. a holy People to himfelf \ and, in I/a. iv. 3, 4. all tn; written among the living in Jerufalem, (hall be called holy, and fnall be really made fo, and how the Lord himfelf will wafh away the Filth of the Daughters of Zion : Then compare y^r.xxxi. 33. and xxxii. 40. Hib. viii. ' jo. and x. 16. It is promifed, chat the Law ihall be put in the Heart and inward Parts, and written there; apd that the Fear of God (hail be put in the Hearts of his People; and m Ezek. xi. 19. . put a new Spirit within them; and in Exek. xxxv; he will fprinkle clean Water on them, and they (1



clean, and that from all their Idols he will cleanfe them, r. 25. that he will give them a new Heart, and pui a new Spirit within them; yea, and he will put his Spirit within them, and caufe them walk in his Statuces ; i/*r. 26, 27- And in Zeph. iii. *ver. 9, 13. it is prornifed, that,; he will turn to the People a pure Language, and that they (hall not do Iniquity, nor fpeak Lies; and, in Zecbl xiv. 20, 21. it is prornifed, that there is a Time coming, that it (hall be written on the Bells of Horfes, Holinefs to the Lord ; and that every Pot in J erufalcm and J u- dab mall be, Holinefs to the Lord. For further Clear- ing of this, remember, 1. How we were redeemed from all our Enemies, that we might ferve God with Holinefs, Luke i. 7 j. 2. We were both chofen and called unto this, Epb. i. 4. and 1 Tbejf. iv. 7. 3. If all Things which pertain to Life and Godlinefs be prornifed, thea undoubcedly Holinefs is prornifed ; fo, it is not only pro- rnifed, but the Things are given, 2 Pet. i. 3. 4. It is for the Honour of God, that his People be holy ; he will fee to hi> own Honour, that his Name be not polluted, Ezek. xxxvi. 20, 21. the glorifying of himfelf is his great Defign with his People, lfa. xliii. 21. 5. The next End of the Covenant, is, Communion with his Peo- ple; and if he will have that, they muft be made holy ; there is no Communion without that. 6. God hath fworn to this Holinefs; it is an Article of the fworn Co- venant, fworn to the Fathers. Luke i. 73, 74, 75. and he hath engaged his Holinefs, in that Outi or the Cove- nant, Pfa. Jxxxix. 35. and our God is faithful, as to this very Work of Sanclification, 1 Tbejf. v. 23, 24. 7. Chrift did give himfelf for us, for this End, to redeem us from all Iniquity, Tit. ii. 14. and by Covenant he is made Sanclifkatiou to us, the Fountain of it, 1 Cor. i. 30. with Zecb. xiii. 1. 8. It was both for our Sakes, that he fan&ified himfelf, John xvii. 19. that of his Ful- nefs we might receive, and Grace for Grace, John i. 16. and he hath prayed for our Santtification, John xvii. 17. and continueth both to pray for this Thing to us, and to offer up our Prayers with much Incenfe, Heb. vii. 25.* andTcW viii. 3. 9. Sanctification is all that Work which

On the Gospel Covenant. 225

i- the Covenant he is to perform ; and we may be fure e v^ill not neglecl his Work. As he is the Holy Spirit, >he is the Spirit of Holinefs, Rom. i. 4. And Sanclifi- ation is the Work of the Spirit, 2 Thejf. ii. 13. 10. \y the Covenant, we ihall be a People made ready for yod' Luke i. 17. and a Bride, adorned for our Ha/band thrift, Re*v. xxi. 2. and none of tfj »e without

holinefs; fo, if the one be promiied, the other is alfo >romifed.

U/e 1. This may comfort the Hearts of the Lord's People exceedingly, when they are . :ch with

:he Commandment: Holinefs is p^c: Ho'inefs

>f God is engaged for the perfeel > in every

Believer: It is our Millake, many Time?, and the Ground of many difquieting Thoughts, we trunk the Reward is ihe Lord's ; but Holineis is our WTork : It is true, it mult be our Work; yet fo as it is to be wrought in us by a higher Hand, I/a. xxvi. 1 2. O Lord, thou haft <zv fill our Works in us : Holinefs is promiied, and the S of Holinefs: He is alfo the Spirit of Promife, L 13. all our Strength for Duties lieth in the Promife; and the Promife will make coven ameg! Strength i coming : When our Strength faileth, we may ever run * in to that Promife, in EzeL xxx rit within yr>ny nr.d cr.ufe you to \y Statutes.

U/e 2. This is againit finking Diicoumgerrie.its, when no Goodnels nor Holinefs is feen ; le: > the Pro-

mifo : The Lord hath not only promiied to pour out r on the thirity, but Flo :und,

v. 3. and to make WiidernefTes O'oiTom abun ly, I fa, xxxv. 2. There be three Encour foments The Largenefs of Grace in this pouring forth, upon all Flefh, Sons and Daughters, old and young, \, (2.) The Freenefs of it ; all is to be had and Price, I/a. lv. 1, 2. (3.) ChriiPs Re it out, as out of a full and ever giveth even the Well with the W the Holy Spirit like a Well of 1 of their Delly, John vii. 38, 39. B ed by the doubting Chriitian, Thefe P


long to thofe that are actually within the Covenant But the Anfwer, (i.) It is true, the full Performance a thefe Things will only be found by them who come un der the Bond of the Covenant; but, (2.) The Promif. in Jcel, is not only to thofe that are called already, bu to as many as the Lord mall call ; and effectual Calling is alfo promifed, as you heard in the Doctrine of Re pentance.

Life 3. Is Holinefs and Sanetification promifed ? then we mould take hold on the Promifes, both for the Be ginning, Progrefs, and Perfecting of this Work : Take hold on Chrilt, as by Covenant made Sanetification to us and on the holy and blefled Spirit, as the Worker o: Sanetification : Make ufe of Pomifes for cleanfing your felves from all Fikhinefs, 2 Cor. vii. I. Ad Faith on the Promifes for Heart-purifying, Ails xv. 9. employ the Lord, according to his Promife, in Deut. xxx. 6. to circumcife your Heart to Jove himfelf ; and Love will make you delight in doing his Will ; and this is his Will, our Sanetification. Employ him alfo to fubdue Iniquities under you, according to the Promife, in Mic. vii. 19 Employ him alfo for renewed Strength, according to the Promife, in Ifa. xl. 31. the Caufe why we have lb little Holinefs, we are too little in fetching it from the Pro- mife ; we pump dry Citterns.

S E R.

( 227 ) ■y ' ' * '




•Q3n the Parts of Sanctificati ok; and i. of


2 Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Houfe be not fo with God; yet he hath made with me aneverlafting Covenant, well ordered in all Things and fure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, although he make it not to grow.

SA N C T I F I C A T I O N is our great and daily Work ; but, blefled be our God, it is fo ours, as it is firft his own in us: We have fpoken to it in general ; we intend now to fpeak more particularly to it ; and, firft, to the Parts of it, which are thefe two, Mortifica- tion, and new Obedience : Of the firft at this Time : For opening and giving you fome Light in this alfo, we (hall, Firft, Shew you what this Mortification is. Secondly, How excellent a Work it is; and fo, what a rich Bleffing they have who have it. thirdly, How this Part of San&ification is promifed ; and fo, how it is a covenanted Bleffing.

As to the firft, for underftanding of it, I premife thefe

Things, I. fn the firit Converfion, though the Change

be of the whole Man, a Change of all the Parts and

Powers of a Man, fo as it goeth through them all ; yet

P 2 it


it is not of the whole Man wholly ; there remaineth i every Part and Power of the Man, an unrenewed Par there arifeth a daily Strife and Comba betwixt the renewed and unrenewed Part, which are ca led Flefh and Spirit ; and it is, becaufe thefe two ar contrary one to the other, that they do lull one again the other, Gal. v. 17. 3. This Work of Mortification then, is to take the Spirit or the renewed Man's Part andno beat down, not fo much the Body, as the Bod# of Death in us; to fight againit it, and to be fubduinj it, till our dying Day. More particularly, ) ou may knov what this Mortification is, by the feveral fcriptural Expref fions concerning it: It is, i/L The deftroying of thi Body of Sin, in Rom. vi. 6. which is called the Body o Death, Rum. vii. 24. id. It is expreffed by putting on the old Man; fo, in Eph. i v. 2. we are commanded tc put off, concerning the former Converfation, the old Man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful Lulls to put off the old Man with his Deeds, Col. iii. 9. 3*/. It is expreffed by mortifying the Members on Earth every Sin, fuch as Fornication and Uncleannefs, isfc which are as fo many Members of the old Man, Col. iii. 5. ^th. It is expreffed by crucifying; fo, in Gal. v. 24 it is told us, that they who are Chriit's, have crucified the Flefh, that is, the unrenewed Part, with the Affec tions and Lufts thereof, yh. It is expreffed by burying labouring to have the old Man not only crucificc], but buried, by Chrift, and with him; fo, in Rom. \\. 4. Be- lievers are faid to be buried with Chrift, by Baptifm in his Death: The like Expreflion we have, in Col. ii. 12. 6th. It is expreffed by a Companion of purging of Trees, and lopping off of luxuriant Branches, 'John xv\ 1, 2. ytb. It is expreffed in rougher Terms, in Matth. v. 29, 30. by the plucking ou.t of the right Eye, and cutting off of our Right-hand, and calling them from us. $th. It is expreffed fo, as it mult be a daily Work, until we come to the Race's End; by laying afide evesy Weight, and the Sin which doth fo eafily befet us, Hcb. xii. 1. we mufl kep a fpecial Eye on it : Whence we may ga- ther, that this Work of Mortification is no eafy Work;


On the Gospel Covenant. 229

ad that it is not done all at once ; but that Sin, \fi. As were, hath a Wound, in the Love of it, which is its

ife; fo as that which Men do they allow not, Rom. vii.

t. zdly, It cometh to be weakned in the Strength of

, which is the Law; when the Believer feeth the Law litisfied, fo as it cannot flrike on hjm, 1 Cor. xv. 56.

dly, When it hath prevailed long, it cometh at laft to '|>e much fubdued ; and fo the Believer to be much freed,

1.) From that Law and Dominion of Sin, Rom. viii. 2.

nd vi. 14. (2.) From the prevailing Practice of it, fo

s tr.ev begin to ceaie from Sin, 1 Pet. iv. 1.

Vie i. Againit thofe who give themfelves cut as Stu-

lents of Hoiinefs and Sanctiflcation ; but think little or

lothing of this Work of Mortification; which itandeth

% the crucifying of the Flefh, and keeping under the

of Deatn ; fo, in the flaying of Sin at "the Root,

:.ve not to this Day itudied that great Leffon, of

jying to Sin, and to live no longer therein, Rom. vi. 2.

[they have not made it their Work to put out the Life of

Srin, which ftandeth in the Love of Sin.

Ufe 2. It is of all our Concernment, to try whether we have any Thing of this Work in us : And, for your Clearing in this, I ilia.ll propound to you, firft, Marks of unlound Mortification, and after of the found. As to the firft, you may take thefe as Marks of unfound Mortification: (1.) They have little or no Mortification, who eiteem highly of worldly Excellencies: He was no mortified Man, who eiteemed highly of his Babylonf% which he had built for the Houfe of the Kingdom; of which he faid, that he had built it by the Might of his Power, and for the Honour of his Majefty, Dan. iv. 30. Nor yet were the Difciples well mortified, when there was a Strife amongft them, which mould be greateft, Luke xxii. 24. Ah ! this were to know Things after the Flelh, which Paul would not do, 2 Cor. v. 16. (2.) Where there is much Difcontentment with their Lot, though they be provided of Thmgs necefTary : So it was with IfraeJin the Wildemefs ; they had Manna, called the Corn of Fieaven, and Angels Food, Pfal. lxxviii. 24, 25. yet they were not fatisfied \ they murmured and P 3 wept,


wept, faying, IV ho Jhall give us Fle/b to eat ; we remem^^ ber the Fijb which we did eat in Egypt \ the CucumbeMf".

\ebns% and the Leeks, &c. But now our Soul is <iW.|« ' away, and I her} is nothing left but this Manna, AWr1-1' xi 4, 5, 6. Many, again, think the ftollen Waters fweel* [ Prov ix. 17. (3) Where there is a Heart cleaving i|W the World, there is little or no Mortification ; fuch Jl:'e;c make Gold their Confidence, which Job would not dlt^ chap. xxxi. 24. who are like the Horfe-leech's twl^-J i; Daughters, which cry, give, give, Prov. xxx. 15. thil^! fwallow down Riches, Job xx. 15. It is" juil that trl-^ Lord caufe fuch Men vomit them up again, as is threal*110 ned in that Place. (4.) When Men are immoderate i|^: their Affections, ftill in Diftemper, or confufed ; neither they themlcives nor others can well know whs they would be at; they are like the troubled Sea; an far from that Moderation which is commanded, in Phi iv. 5. when they have not learned that great Leffor which Paul proielTcth he had learned, in the 12. ver. o that chap, while he faith, / know both bow to be abafed and bow to abound ; every where, and in all Things, I at\ infirufied, both to be full and to ke > ungry, both to abound and to juffer Need. (5.) They have no right Mortifica tion, who have Confidence in the Flefh, that is, in Self, o Nature's Strength, in Gifts, or Parts, external and carnal or common Privileges: There isnotrue Mortification, bu where all Boafting is excluded, and all Glorying a fee the Flefh : The Lord will have all the Saints brought ft low, they muit rejoice in Chritt Jefus, and have no Con fidence in the Flelh, Phil. iii. 3. (6 ) There is little Mortification, where there is much Envying and Strife fu uo Paul reafon, 1 Cor. iii. 1, 3. he could noi .. unto them, as unto Men fpiritual but carnal ./ carnal, faitii he, < as there is among

vvu Envying, and Strife, and Divijicns, are ye noi carnal and walk as Men? (3 ) It is great Sign ol little or no Mortification, when People or Perfons can- not bear a Reproof ,* the) not with Meek ne is the ingrafted Word, which is able to iave their Souls, J am. i. 21. (8.) It is a Token or little or no Mortification,


On the Gospel Covenant. 231

- when a Temptation taketh fpeedily ; fo it is faid of the

1 foolifh young Man, He goeth flraigbtvjay after the Whore,

; as a Fool to the CorreBion of the Stocks* till a Dart (trick

th rough his Liver , and as a Bird baftetb to the Snare, and

^tknovueth mt that it is for bis Life, Prov. vii. 2 2, 23.

1 hen the Remembrance of old Sins, doth fet Men on

-. Fire to luft after them of new; fo, in Ezek. xxiii. 19. it

i faid of Ifrael, that Jbe multiplied her Whoredoms, in cat-

. Kg to Remembrance" the Days of her Youth, vjherein fbg

J had playd the Harlot in the Land of Egypt. (9.) It is a

::: Token of little Mortification, when our Lufts are ftrong,

at and do ordinarily difturb us, while we go about hoiy

a Duties : It is true, Satan doth envy hoiy Duties much,

1 and he will be at Jofhua his Right hand, when he is a-

W bout them ; yet, if Men be ferious about holy Duties, it

:i will be a very unmodified, and ftrongly flirring Corrup-

:.. tion, which will or can ordinarily difturb and impede

I the Soul in the Exercife of Worfhip. Take, on the other

II Hand, fome Marks of found Mortification. (1.) If the ( more of Corruption difcovered, doth increafe the Con- flict, and ftriving againft it ; efpeciaily, if there be al- ways an Eye kept upon the Idol and predominant Sin, and the Strength of Battle be, as it were, poured forth againft it. (2) If there be much of full and free Self- denial ; ib Paul, when he knew by the Holy Ghoft, that in every City Bonds and Afflictions did abide him : he Came to fo much Self-denial, that he faid, but none of t ho fe Things move me, neither count I my Life dear to myfelf fo that I might finifh my Courfe with Joy, Acls XX. 23, 24. And, in Phil. iii. 7, 8. he faith, But what Things were Gain to me I counted Lojs for Cbrid ; yea, doubtlefs, and I count all Things but Lojs for the Excellency of the Know- ledge of Chrifi J efus my Lord, for whom I have fuffered tbe Lof of all Things, and do count them but Dung, that I may vein drift; and, in 2 Tim. iv. 6. he prorefTeth a Readinefs to be offered up ; that was, to teal the Truth with his Blood: But, in one Place he is marvelloufly down in Self-denial ; it is in Rem. ix. 3. where he pro- fefieth he would wilh himfelf accurfed from Chrift, for his Brethren, his Kinfmen according to the Flefh ; where

P 4 he


he preferred the publick Good of the Church, and Glo- ry of God, to his own Confolation and Salvation, if Other wife it a e advanced. (3 \ )i there be a

conftant holy Frame of Heart, and Evennefs in our Chrilban Walk ; if there be a. walking in the Spirit, and no Fulfilling of the Lulls or tne Fklh,' Gal. v. 16. And then, that fixed Ht cviii. 1. (4) When

a great Love and Defire after the Word ; fo, a good Sto- mach to our Meat, 1 Pet. ii. 1. a Defire of the fincere Milk, the moil fpiritual Food. (5.) If a Chriitian ccmc ' to be aihamed, not only of inameful Ways, but of (hort-comings; when he thinketh that he knoweth no- thing as he ought to know, 1 Cor. viii. 2. and is aiham- ed, that when tor the Time he had been at Schou might have been a Treacher, he had need that one teacn him which be the firil Principles of the Oracles of God, Htb. v. 12. (6.) When the Stirrings of Corruption are not fo iirong in and under Temptation, as fometimes they have been ; or, if after the Temptation is over, the Stirring cometh to be lefs than ever it was. (7.) \i there be nothing of that Longing, and Heart hankering after the Objects which were wont to be Snares to us, when we are dead as to the Remembrance of them, or the re- membering of them aoth net affect us, mucn leis infect us; we are not Lke thefe who in Amos viii. 5. do fay, ne<w Moon be g ve may fell Corn,

and the Sabbat b> that we may if heat? (8.) If

we have fweet and quiet Contentment in evdry Cafe, fo have Le rned Pau!\ Lefibn, Phil. iv. 1 1.

The pcond Thing propounded, was, That" Mortifica- tion was a rare, rich, and excellent Bxihng : It ii of kin,

Dt of cr.e fame Frame a: with the

are poor of Spirit, and mourn, i

all or ti.it Sort are pronounced bleifed by our bJeifed Lord: But, that it is an excellent lileliing, this M cation, it cioth appear further thus, 1. From the wofui

e of Souis that want it ; ueir Iniquities t agaioft them, as in Pfal. lxv. 3. S

which is a very dangerous Cafe, Rom. vi.

^^ev are jn Satan's Snare, taken and held captive

^ of

On the Gospel Covenant. 233

JfTnm at his Will, 2 Tim. ii. 26. 2. In Mortification thftre is the Exchange for the better ; the new is given, and the old taken away. 3. There is in Mortification a Victory, and there is a Joy in that, 1 Cor. xv. 57. there is a Joy, as in dividing of the Spoil, Jfa. ix. 3. 4. Such as are much in the Work of Mortification, have much precious Communion with God ; the Lord dwel-< leth with fuch contrite ones, Jfa. Ivii. 15. 5. This hath the Promife of Life ; if through the Spirit we do mortify the Deeds of the Bcdy <we jhall li<ve, Rom. viii. 13. 6. In Mortification we fight the Lord's Battles ; fo, are with him, and Hand tor him ; and the Promife is, if we be with him he will be with us, 2 Chron. xv. 2. 7. Mor- tifiqation, by cutting off Superfluities, and moulding our Defires to our Eitates, it caufeth Christian Contentment, which is a rare and rich Jewel of the Chriilian. 8. Ic h the pruning Knife to the Vine, which caufeth the greater Fruiu'ulnefs, John xv. 2.

Uje 1. Hence is difcovered their Folly and Mifery, who do not fet about this b!efled Work of Mortification ; thty nourifh their Hearts, as in a Day of Slaughter, J am. v. 5. they fpare their Sin, and are cruel to their o.vn Souls; it is worfe in their Choice, than with thofe m Mat. xviii. 8. for there, there feemeth at lead fome Lofs, which yet is none at all, to enter into Life halt and maimed ; but here it is a MadneG, not to part with that whicn is worft, and will prove our worft, that we may partake of Heaven.

Ufe 2, All who love excellent Things and Works, Jet them love this Work much: It is hard to Flem and Blood ; but Fleili and Blood will not enter into the King- dom of God : It is painful, but profitable ; the peaceable Fruit of Righteoufncis doth come thereby : It is ilrange to fee fome fo much taken with outward Mortifications, in that voluntary and iuperllitious Humility, neglecting ciy, foretold by the Apollle, in Cal. ii. 23. and will not, do not, fall in Love with true Mortification.

third Thing propounded, was, That Monificacicn

was promifed, and fo was a covenanted BlefSng; This

:, 1. From Scriptures, in which, Heart circumci-


lion is promifed, Deut. xxx. 6. The purely purging away of the Droi's, and taking away of our Tin, If a. i. 25 The purging away of Blood, by the Spirit of Judgment and Burning, Ifa. iv. 4. Saving us from all our Un- cleanneiTes, Ezek. xxxvi. 29. In the Promife, to fubduc our Iniquities, Mic. vii. 19. Jn the Promife of Chriil's faving from and taking away of Sin, Matth. i. 21. John i. 29. In the Promife, that Sin fhall not have Dominion over us, Rom. vi. 14. 2. This appeareth from the Sym- bols and Sacraments thereof in the old and new Teila- ment, Circumcifion and Baptifm : Circumcifion is annex- ed to the Promifes, fo is Baptifm. 3. From that Oath made to the Fathers, of being delivered from all our Enemies; and that cannot be without Mortification. 4. From the End of Chriil's Death, which was to redeem from all Iniquity, and to purify unto himielf a peculiar People zealous of good Works, TiL ii. 14. 5. From his Vidlory and Conqueil ; all his Enemies mult be fubducd under him, Pfa. ex. 1 . and Rev. vi. 2. and his greateft Enemies are and muil be fubdued, in this Work of Mortification. 6. From the Power of the Gofpel, and Nature of the Word ; fo, in 2 Cor. x. 4, 5. // is mighty through God, to the pulling down of firing Holds, calling down Imaginations, and every high Thing, which exalteth it/elf againli the Knowledge of God, and bringing into Captivity every Thought to the Obedience of Chrift : And of the Word it is laid, in Heb. iv. 12. that it is quick and powerful, and /harper than any two edged Sword, piercing even to the dividing a f under of Soul and Spirit, and of the Joints and Marrow ; and that it JS a Difcerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart ; fo, very much fitted for this Work of Mortification.

Ufe 1. Matter of Terror to thofe that are not within this Covenant: They being under the Power of Dark- nefs, and of Sin and Satan, are like to die in that Prifon, and Bondage, as the greateft Slaves under Heaven ; they are like to take all that their Superfluity of Naughtinefs with them unto Hell, Jam. i.#iz. They have no Title. to the Promife for Heart-circumcifion, or any Thing of this gracious and precious Work of Mortification.


On the Gospell Covenant. 235

Uje 2. Hence, Matter of unfpeakable Comfort to thofe who have entered in, and given up themfelves unto, this Covenant of Grace: Though they find a Body of Death ftirring mightily within them, and their Corrup- tions too flrong for them, as David faid of the Sons of Zeruiab ; there i^ no Caufe of Difcouragement, how long there are fo many Promifes of Mortification, whereby Viclory is allured unto them: This was the Triumph of Chriit. in his Afcenfion, He led Captivity captive, PfaL Ixviii. 18. with Epb. iv. 8. and what were the chief Cap •tivities, which he led captive ? were they not Sin, and Death, and Satan ? The chief Captivity is Sin, fo as Be- lievers are held captive mod by it: Though it were no more but the Iniquity of their Heels, it doth even compafs them. Pfa. xlix. 5. O! but Chrift hath led that Captivity captive, and is daily a leading it in the Work of Mortifica- tion : Believers, in their ftriving againft Sin, though they fliould refill unto Blood, need not be difcouraged ; Vic- tory over Sin is promifed by the Father, undertaken by the Son, and wrought by the Spirit.

Ufe 3. Seeing Mortification is a covenanted Bleffing, and it both cometh and is wrought by, and in the Strength of the Promife ; hence appeareth the Folly of thofe, who know no otner Mortification, but by outward Penances, in not fparing the Body of Fleih, and the Body of Death nourilhed thereby, in the Opinion of Merit and Self- Righteoufr.efs.

Ufe 4. So then, when we find ourfelves of fmall and little'Strength to debate with our ftrong and mighty Cor- ruptions, we mould turn in to the Promifes, by which Mortification is promifed, and Victory afiured unto Be- lievers, Grace fufficient in the Conflid, 2 Cor. xii. 9. and complete Viclory in the End : Yet, after a partial Viclory, or Viclory in Part, Sin may rife again ; but it will be deiboyed by little and little ; the Lord doth by them, as he did promife to do with the Canaanites, Exod. 1. 30. dri>ze thtm cut by little and little.

S E R M.



On the lecond Part of


yet he hat1 and J ail my D

WE come now to fpeak of the other Part of Sali- fication, commonly called new Obedience, or, the Vivifkation of the new Man : Of cms I (hill fpeak briefly in thefe Three, ifi, What it is. zd/y, How excellent a Blefling it is. $d?yy How it is a promifed, and a fpecial covenanted Blefling.

As to the itf, fn Scripture this is varioufly exprefled, and from thefe Exprcflions we may gather what it By walking with, before, or after God, Gen. vi. 9. and 1. Deut. xiii. 4. By walking in the Ways, Paths, and in the Law and Commandments of God, Deut. xxiv. 9. Ifa. ii. 3. Luke i. 6. 2. By ferving the Lord with the whole Heart, Deut. x. 12. and in Newnefs of Spirit, Rom. vii. 6. 3. It is exprdTed by fearing the Lord/* 1 Sam. xii. 14, 24 the fearing of him and his Goodnefs,A ... 5. 4. By living to God, and Newnefs of Life/


On. the Gospel Covenant. 237

Gal. ii. 19. and Rom. vi. 4. 5. By putting on the new Man, which after God is created in Righteoufriefs and true Holinefs, Eph. iv. 24. 6. Very frequently, by obey- ing of the Lord and his Commandments, Doit. xi. 27. and Obedience to Chriit, 2 Cor. x. 5. 7. Ordinarily, it paffeth under the Name of Sanclification, 1 1he/f. iv. 3. and 1 Pet. i 2. and Holinefs, Luke i. 75,. perfecting rlo:- linefs in the Fear of God, 2 Cor. vii. 1. So this Obedience is a bringing forth of Fruit unto Gov , unto HolineG, Rom. vi. 22. and vii. 4. Fruits of R aufnefs, Phil. i. 11. More particularly, there is lequi- red unto it, \(l. The new Creature, 2 Cor. v. 17. If any Man be in Chrift% he is a new Creature. 21. There muft be new1 Principles of Motion and Working, the Spirit of Chrift,. the Spirit of Life which is in him, Rom. viii. 2. and that Faith and Love which are in him, 2 Tim. i. 13. id. There muft be freih and daily Supply of the - Phil. i. 19. ^th. A Gofpel-like Converfation, fuch as becometh the Gofpel, Plil. i. 27. O! there is much required unto this;, more Exactnefs than the now dim Light of Natuie doth teach, thoiigk that which may be known of God, .Rom. i. 19. even that he is a Spirit, and muft he worjhipped in spirit, and that which remairfeth of that other Principle of common Equity, in Luke vi. 31. As ye would that Men Jhould do to you, do ye alio to ibcm Ukeivife, may Jead a Man a very great Length ; yea, more of lively Obedience than in the Co- venant of Works is required ; and more than could be required of Men who lived under the old Difpenfation of the Covenant, by Reafon of the now greater Light, and more of the Spirit poured forth : The ExprtiTio i.% as to the Exalt nefs of this Obedience required, go very Jn Eph. v. 1 5 . walking circumfpedtiy, it is to the lop ot a Duty ; and then, the Fruits of the Chriitirin it . only be meet for, or worthy all the moil real Repentance, Luke iii. 8, worthy of hia iv. 1. byt worthy of the Lord unto all pleafing, 1 10. In 1 Pet. i. 1$. Holinefs is required, as ly, and 1 John iii. 3. the Purifying of ourit \ is pure, not only all muft be new, but a daily I and there in a ferious Endeavour to come up to the Pat- tern,


tern, in the moft exacl Conformity, that is attainable in this Life.

Ufe i. Hence it may be eafily difcerned in how great Miitake many who bear the Name of Chrittians are, as to this Holinefs and new Obedience : It cometh in by a new Creation, much more excellent than the firii, and is carried on by Omnipotency, and rare and rich Com- munications; and it groweth up with its Top to Heaven ; yea, it doth come from Heaven, and travelieth thither every, D<ay, Phil. iii. 20.

Ufe 2. Let us learn then to make this Sanclification. (1.) Our great Study, that we may know it. (a.) Our great Work, to praclife it. (3.) Our greateft Ambition, to reach Perfection in it: Let old Things pa is away, 2 Cor. v. 17. and all Things become new; every Day new Warnings, new Purpoies, new Endeavours; and in all thefe, new Drawings at the Well, and Fetchings of Grace from that Fulnefs which is in Jefus Chnft, John i. 16. that ic-f may gronjo up to be an holy Temple in the Lord, Epb. ii. 21. a Habitation of God through the Spirit, ver. 22. of that chap.

As to the id. ThisSan&ification or new Obedience, is a rare and excellent Blefling ; fo, in P/al. cxii. 1. the Man is pronounced blefled that feareth the Lord, and de- l.'ghteth greatly in his Commandments, and in Pfa. cxix. I . Blejjed are the undefiled in the V/ayy and in Matth. v. 8. Bltffed are the pure in Heart \ for they Jh all fee God: O! walking with God is a moft excellent Thing; to bear the Image and Impreflions of God, and Chrift, and to walk in the Spirit, Gal. v. 25. and in the Newnefs of the Spirit, Rom. vii. 6. it cannot be told what Happinefs there is in it: For demonftrating this, confider, 1. The many general Promifes which arc made to it, Deut. xxviii. from ver. 1, to 1 4. Bleflings in the City, and in the Field, in the Fruit of the Body, and Fruit of the Ground, Bleflings in all our Ways, Victories over Ene- mies, Eltablifhment as a holy People to the Lord him- felf, and fetting us up above Enemies. 2. Particular Promifes, fuch as, 1/?. A holy fecure and fafe Condition; fo doth Zophar preach unto Job, chap. xi. of that Book,


On the Gospel Covenant. 239

Jf Iniquity be put far away, and Wickednefs dive// not in the Tabernacle, then Jhall thy Face be /if ted up without Spot', there Jhall be Stedfa/lne/j and no Fear, <ver. 15, 15.

and m <ver. 18, 19. Security, becaufe then is Hope, a

Reft in Safety, lying down, and none to make1 afraid, many Suiters, fffr. id. The Promife, not only of Suffi- ciency, but of a plentiful Condition, Lev. xxv. 19, 2 1 . The Land Jhall yieid her Fruit, and ye /ha// eat your Fill,—* Bleffing in one Year that mould Jail for .thres Years; and, in Ma/, iii. 10. the Pouring forth qf a Blef- Jing is promifed, more than there was Room to receive it. $d. The Promife of a Bleffing to the Seed and OfF- fpring ; the Mercy is to Thoufands of them who Jove God, and keep his Commandments, in Deut. v. 10. and in Ifa. xlviii. 19. the Seed to be as the Sand, and the Off-fpring like theGravel thereof, theirName not to be cut off,nor to be deftroyed from before the Lord. ^th. Freedom from Difeafes and Plagues, Exod. xv. 26. and great De- liverances from Tribulation, in the remembering of nis Covenant, Deut. iv. 30, 31. and remarkable and com- plete Victories over Enemies, the driving out of all their Enemies, Deut. xi. 22, 23. $th. Promifes of fpiritual Bleffings, fuch as, 1. The Love of God, and Fellowfhip with him; to be a peculiar Treafure and Kingdom of Priefts unto him, Exod. xix. 5, 6. 2. True fpiritual Li berty ; where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty ; and fuch is this Spirit of Sanftification, 2 Cor. iii. 17.

5. Sound Peace and fpiritual Joy, great Peace have thty which love God^s Lav:, and nothing Jhall offend them ; and David rejoiced at the Word, as one that findeth a great Spoil, PJal. cxix. 162, 165. 4. A great Reward, even in doing of the Commandments, Pja. xix. II. 5. There is Hearing of Prayer promifed to fuch; If ye abide in me, and my Words abide in you, faith Chrill, ye Jhall ajk what ye will, and it Jhall be done unto you, John xv. 7.

6. There is Perfeverance promifed ; fuch are fo ordain- ed to br^ng forth Fruit, as their Fruit may remain. 7. All Happinefs is promifed to fuch ; yea, and that great Happinefs of eternal Life : B/eJfed are they that keep J wig ment, and he that doth Rigbteoufntfs at all Times, Pja/.



240 S E R M O tV.

cvi. 3. The Happinefs is not in knowing, but in doing of the Will of God ; if ye know tbefe Things , happy art ye if xe do them, If a. xiii. 17. Chriii is the .< ternal Salvation to all that obey him, Heb. v. 9. and, in Rev. XXii. 14. Th.y are blcjfed that do his Commandment s ; fo, they have a Right unto the Tree of Life, and ma in through the Gates into the City. 6. The great Excel- lency ot this Sandificaiion, is in that threefold and great- eft Good, \(l, The glorifying of God; Let your Light fo Jhine before Men, faith our Saviour, in Matth. v. 16. that th?y may fee your good Works, and glorify your Fa which is in Heaven, idly. The profiting and edifying of our Neighbour ; fo our Neighbour is pleaied for his Good to Edification, Rom. xv. 2. $dly, The edifying of our- felves, both in Faith and Love, Eph. iv. 16. Judever. 20. Ufe 1. The Madnefs and VoWy of thofe, who, as they have chofen, fo they reit fatisfied, with the old puddle Way of Sin ; they do not only prejudge themfelves of manifold Blefiings, but of Bleflednefs itfelf ; it is to be found in no other Way in this Life, but in the Way of Holinef*, in this Way of new Obedience: This is that Way, and a Way, the mod excellent of Ways, Ifa. xxxv. 8. It is a walking with God, like Enoch, Gen. v. 22. a walking in Chrifl, Col. ii. 6. and in the Comforts cf the Holy Gholt, Acls'w. 31. and in the Way of Beace, Luke i. 79.

2. Chule then this new and living Way, which is once fprinkled with the Blood of Chritt, confecrated through che Vail, that is, his Flefh, Heb. x. 20. and then paved with Love ; for indeed, it is ChrilVs Chariot*

. ich he manifeileth much Love, Cant. iii. 10. and

decked with many thining Ornaments: There are many

rwuch nd ravifhing Beauties in Holinefs, Pfal.

! chufe this Obedience of Faith, Rom. xvi. 26.

this Obedience unto Righteoufnefs, Rom. vi. 16. it is

la Sacrifice, 1 Sam. xv. 22. Blind Obe-

:c to God (I mean in regard of Succefs or Reward) is better than to obey. Man without G6d's Warrant, upon ali fe ^ges: Obedience is our Life, Deut. xxx.

ic, 10. fhju'd it not be our Love, then ?

On the Gospel Covenant. 241

! life 3. All then, that deilre not Snares and Judgments > be rained down upon them, but manifold Bteffings, t them choofe the way wherein Bleiungs do fall ; it is 1 the gracious Street of Obedience, the beautiful Ways f Holinefs : All who love Excellency, love Holinefs ; be Righteous is more excellent than his Neighbour, Prov. ii. 26. but the Heart of the Wicked is little worth, Prov. . 20.

As to the third Thing propounded, this San&iflcntion nd new Obedience is promifed, it is a covenanted Blef- tng ; fo, in I/a. lviii. i i. it is promiftd to the Believer, hat the Lord Jh a II guide him continually % and that he kail be like a watered Garden, and like a Spring of Wa- er, whofe Waters fail net ; It" is pi omifed to the People )f God, in Jer. xxx. 9. that they Jball fer-ve the Lord their ^od, and Dawd their King ; whom the Lord was to raife up unto them, that is, Chrifl: And, in Ezek. xi. 19, 20. it is promifed, that he wilfi^ut a new Spirit in his Pec- tie, and that he will take the ftony Heart out of their FJsjbt and give them an Heart of flejb ; that they may walk in his Statutes, &c. And, in Ezek. xxxvi. 27. it is promifed, that he will put his Spirit within them, and caufe them, walk in his Statutes, and that they (hall keep his Judgments and do them : Further, for demonftrating of this, confidcr thefe grounds, 1. As hath been (hewed, theSpiiit is pro- fmifed, even the pouring forth of the Spirit, Pro<v. i. 23, and Ifa. xliv. 3. and this is to San&ifi 'cation and Obedience, I Pet. i. 2. 2. Faith is promifed ; and it is unto Obe- dience, Rom. xvi. 26. 3. By the Covenant we are plant- ed in Chrift ; and he is a flippy Vine, John xv. 5. and a quickening Spirit, 1 Cor. xv. 45. 4. It is promifed, in that great Promife, whereby the Law is to be. written in the Heart. 5. It is fwern, in the Covenant nvide with the Fathers; for, the end of that deliverance, is, ferving of God without Fear, in Holinefs and Righteou/nefs, Luke i. 73, 74, 75. 6. if it were not promifed, it could not be; for, without Chrift we are able to do nothing, John 15. 5. we are not fujficient of our fe I've s to think any thing as of ourfelves, 2 Cor. 3.5. It is God which work- tth in us, both to will and to do, Phil. 2. I 3. 7. The great d. End


End of Redemption, and of ChrifTs Purchafe is, to make us a People zealous of good Works, Tit. 2. 14. 8. The great Thing which the Lord feeketh and promifeth him- felf in the Covenant, is, Praife, and Glory, and Honour, Jer. 13. 1 1. And this his End cannot be attained but by the Hoiinefs of his People ; (o it is they (hew forth the Praifes, or Virtues of him who hath called them out of Darkncfs into his marvellous Light, 1 Pet. 2. 9. and this t muft be by the Promife, or it cannot be.

Ule l. Is Hoiinefs and new Obedience a covenanted Blefiing ? Then they who defire to practife Holincfst mult not go to tiie Covenant of Works to pradlife it, to fetch their Help from thence : Hoiinefs cannot be fetched now from that Fountain or Quarter j for, 1. Though Actions good for the Matter may be done, from that which remaineth cf that Covenant written upon the Heart by Nature ; yet no Action formally good can proceed from thence, for it cannot ^ome but from a corrupt t Fountain, and cannot but have fome crooked Defign in " it. (2.) Kohnefs is by the hearing of Faith, not by the Works of the Law, Gal. 3. 2. the Promife of the Spirit is received through Faith, ver. 14. 0f that chap. And the Gofpel only is the Miniftration of the Spirit, a Cor. iii. 8. (3.) We are Saints only by calling, 1 Cor. i. 2. and our calling is by the Gofpel, 2 Tbeff. li. 14. we are fenctified in Chrift Jefus, in that fame 1 Cor. i. 2. it is he that fanclificth and cleanfeth his Church, with the wajbing of Water, by the Word, that ht may prefent it to himfelf a glorious Churchy not having Spot or Wrinkle, or any fuch Thing, that it Jbould be holy and without filemifi, Eph. v. 26, 27. (4.) San&ifkation is a new Creation and Workmanfhip, Eph. ii. 10. and iv. 24. fo it is not, nor can now be, by any Thing of the old Work; the Law now is weak through the Flefh, Rom. viii. 3. (5.) Who are under the Law, and remain fuch, cannot re- ceive the Spirit : The World cannot receive the Spirit of Hoiinefs, more than that Spirit of Truth, John xiv. 17. for he is one and the fame Spirit. (6.) The Covenant of Works, even while it was in its Strength, did rather fuppoie Hoiinefs than work it : Man was farit made holy


On the Gospel Covenant. 243

titer God's Image ; and then the Covenant for Holinefs as made with him. (7.) The Ho;y Ghoft, who is now e only Worker of Holinefs, is a Spirit of Grace, Zecb. 10. Outward Reformation, without him, is rather int than Renovation: The Law is now for Re- raint of Trarjfgrtulon, Gal.iii 19. As to that, in Heb. 29. that of being fanclified by the Blood of the Cove- nant, is to be underflood only of being fanclified facra- hentally, as in Exod. 24. 7, 8. And, to clofe this, if esipw Obedience and Holinefs be not by the Covenant of •Jyorks, but by the Promife ; then there can be no Merit MBit: We may, of all that we do, or can do, fay, as bDavid iaith, in 1 Chron. xxix. 16. all cometh of the iiLord's Hand, all is his own; and, as Paul reafoneth, t ; Cor. 4. 7. <wbo maketh thee to differ, what hajl thou, what thou didjl not receive ?

I Ufe 2. Try our Juftihcation by our Sanclification : Salvation is known by the wajhing of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghojl, Tit. iii. 4, 5. Some deny all :ertain Evidences but by Revelation; but, (1.) We have Scripture to the contrary ; David taketh that for a fure evidence, that he fhall not be alhamed, when he hath refpedt to all the Commandments, Pfal. cxix. 6. Chrift giveth this as a fure Evidence that Men sre his Difciples, if they love him, and keep his Commandments, John xiv. 15. and if they love one another, John xiii. 35. and John, in his 1 Epiit. ch. v. ver. 13. doth give ground to think that Men may afiuredly kne bave eternal

Life, and that they believe on the Sc (2.) To

hold this opinion were to blafphenn >rk of the

Spirit as dark, contrary to 1 Cor. ii. 1 2. the Spirit of God is given us, that we may knew the Tivngs which are free- ly given us of Gcd : It is true, Election is lit Re- demption is more clear, and Sanclii. yet more clear, being a Work within us : The C Chrift, the Father of Glory, giveth the Spirit of U . and Revelation in the Knowledge of him, Eph. i. 17.

Take riien thefe Marks of true Sanctifkation, 1. If it be univerfal, if one exercifeth himiclf always Confcience void of Offence toward God ana toward men,



244 s E R M O N XXV.

Aft. 24. 16. If entire Satisfaction be their Study, as was the A pottle's Prayer, 1 Theft v.* 23. 2. If there 1 a driving in, and Handing it out, as the woi

beareth, Heb. xii. 4. 3. It there be a watching, n only againft Sins, which ilain the proieflion, fuch as d ingagainit the Truth, 2 Cor. xiii. 8. but more fecret Sin Pfal. xix. 1 2. 4. If our Works be all wrought in Go< John iii. 21. and for him, and to his Glory, Rom. xi

6. and 1 Cor. x. 31. 5. It loveth not only God-fellov (hip, fuch as that, in 1 John i. 3. but Saint-fellowih alio, Pfal. cxix. 65. 6. It is very fenfible of War,; Weaknefles, and I in perfections : There will be 'many Wifll, like that, in VfaL cxix. 5. Of that my Wa

3 fap th\ Statutes : It maketh a man poc of Spirit, A/rf/. v. 3. it will make a Man far from tr Conceit of his own Perfection, Phil. iii. 12, 13

7. It will choofe all Afilidlions rather than Sin, Heb. x 2;, 26. 8. It wih (eek the Things of Chrift more tha

>n, even the Honour of the Son, whom the Fath< defireth to have honoured, John v. 23. 9. True Hoi nefs will be jealous of itfelf ; fo, bringing the Soul t frequent Examination, P/a/\\v. 4. 10. It will be pre voked, not only to Duty, by the forwardnefs of other: as fometimes the Zeal of fome will provoke many, 2 Coy ix. 2. but alfo by the ilownefs of others ; there will be i a holy Heart a holy Shame at the mort-coming of other* which wili quicken them.

3. Seek, all that love life, this Newnefs of Life

fo the new Way, in new Principles, for new Ends, am

unto new Degrees, from Holinefs to Holinefs, as well a

from Faith to Faith, Rom. i. 17. If it be afted, Hov

mail true Holinefs be known from Changes wrought ii

moral Men ? Anf<w. 1. Changes in fuch are not wrough

but by a long Progrefs : True Holinefs may -be botl

truely and quickly wrought. 2. Moral Men work no

cither from the Faith of Commandment or Promife

contrary is in Believers. 3. In fuch Men^no Change

e, only fome general Change. 4. Such do al

let up themfelves to be their own End. 5. Tho

do fome good Things, they do them not with De


On the Gospel Covenant. 245

ighc ; though fometimes they may feem to do them free- y, in the Strength of a Gift, or from a Habit and




"3 0 S P E L C 0 V E N A N T :

pf fanclifying and laving Graces, i. Of Knowledge.



I 1 Samuel xxin. 5-.

gh my Houfe be not fo with Cod ; yet be hath with me an ever I a fling Covenant, well ordered in all Things and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defiret Wplthcugh he make it not to grow.

WE have fpoken to the Parts of Sanclifkation : Let us now confider the Graces which are exercifed in it ; which are as fo many Diamonds and precious fStones, fhining in the fame with a glorious Luitre to a discerning and fpiritual Eye: As San&ification, in the general, is a great and covenanted Bit (Mug, fo is every e that appeareth and is exercifed in it. I begin at Knowledge, not that which is natural, which diilinguifheth a Man irom a Beait, and hath its own Ex- cellency ; but that fpiritual Knowledge, which comcth down from the Father of Lights, Jam. i. 5, 17. which is called trfe Knowledge of the holy, Pro. xkx. 3. which hath this Exccliency, it giveth Life to them that have it,

a 3 em.


Eccl.\\\. 12. I dge of Salvation, Luki

-opound thefc two T :y of this Biefling. zdh> How prom; Biefling.

; Knowledge is a rare and ineft mabl

firable and excellent T. .:an knew no rt

Temptation for Mm, than to be as God, knowing goo and evil, Gen. iii. 5. This Knowledge is to be receive rather than choice Gold ; it is better than Ruok all Things that can be defired, Prov. v.ii. 9, 10. 7*< Knowledge of the htly is Undei and only .

the Name of it, Prov. ix. 10. // is the Light I dge of the Glory of the Lord, which jhincth in i of Jefus ChrilK 3 Cor. iv. 4. More particularly, up the Excellency of this Knowledge, in ihtfo Thing I. It is the mod 0 omprehcnfive K;ioule ge, of all the \v hich is mod needful to be known, that is, the Knowlcdg i's Self. It is true, God onl doth btjtt know what is in Man, John ii. 25. He '.art, and trieth the Reins, Jcr. vil 10. i. >,n of the Ai tth them i So the Spirit 1

is the Candle or the Lord, i ill the Jn.v

thefieily, Prov. xx vhen enlightened wit

this divine Ki th both the Things c

the Spirit of < .Vi^n's own Spirit, 1 Co.

ii. 10, 11, .2. This is an excellent Knowledge, and a Kno\v.'rdy,e ti. ul, to know God and ouriclve

to knovv bitri, 10 as we may admire and adore h*m; an

Ives, fo as to abhor ourielves, with [,

Dull ant! vccllency of this Knowledg

ge of God; 10, when we .ire laid c

be r< v* of God, we are faid to be r<

ed in Knowled 1. 10. 3. Jt is indeed th

ul, and the Light of the Body ; it maket

1 the Lye tingle, and Soul and Body full of Ligh

which is a blefied I d the contrary pats a Ma

in a woful btate, Luke ii. 54, 4. Othe* Knowledge

of God, and hath its own XJle; were it but that Know


On the Gospel Covenant. 247

ledge in all Manner of Workmanfhip, Exod. xxxi. 2, 3. much more the Knowledge of thefe which are called li- beral Arts and Sciences ; but all that is nothing to this, which giveth and is eternal Life, J oh. xvii. 3. 5. There is nothing but Mifery without this; the Man that hath not this Light, cannot but (tumble, J oh. xi. 10. Ht walketb in Darknefs, and knoweth not whither ht goeth ; yea, there is a Horror that attendeth even this common Darknefs, Gen. xv. 12. much more this fpiritual Dark- nefs. 6. The Excellency of this Knowledge is, that it fatisfieth ; there is no other Knowledge that can give a Man Satisfaction ; for he that increaieth Knowledge in- creafeth Sorrow, Eccl. i. 18. A Sight of God as a Fa- ther, in this, it will fuflice us, John xiv. 8. 7, It is the moil inward penetrating Knowledge into that which is within the Veil, and that which is at the right Hand of God, where Chrift is; it is of the Truth as it is in Je- fus, Eph. iv. 21. 8. This Knowledge iayeth the Foun- dation for Faith; fo, in 2 Cor. iv. 13, 14. the Spirit and Acting of Faith, is founded upon Knowledge, that he which raifed up the Lord Jefus, (hall raife us up alfo by Jefus. 9. Tftere are great Things promifed to this Knowledge, which do greatly commend it in its Excel- lency :# i/A Temporal Things; fo, in Prov.iii. 13, 16. Wifdom and Underftanding being the fame with the Knowledge I fpeak of : It is faid of her, Le?:gth of Days is in her right Hand, and in her left Hand Riches and Honour; and, in Pro<v. xxiv. 14. The Knowledge of W%f- dom fhall have a Reward when it is fund ; and the Ex- peclation /hall not be cut off'; and, in Pfal. xci. 1 4. Tht Lord will fet them on high, that have known his Name, id. Spiritual Bleflings are promifed unto it, Grace and Peace is multiplied through the Knowledge of Ccd, and of our Lord Jefus, 2 Pet. i. 2. yl. Eternal Life and Hap- pinefs: It is faid of Wifdom, or, Knowledge, that fhe is a Tree of Life to them that lay hold on her, and that happy are they who find her, Prov. iii. 18. and, in John xvii. 3. . 4 Life eternal, to know the Lord to be the only true Cod, and Jefus Chrift whom he hath fent. 0.4

a48 S E R M O VI.

i. If there be fuch an Excellency, an All-excel-

in thu Knowledge ; then, how miierable are hey

who want iti (i ) They want that of God's Image,

e none of it at all ; tney . '.eugc of God, they may quit their Part of God, for they lav in their Hearts, there is no xiv. i, 2, 4. (2 ) They have nothing of the Lite of God in them ; fo, the Undertlanding darkened, om the Life of God, go together, ~re itill under the Power of S; who are in Dai. fj xxvi. 18. there is a Power of

Darknefs, u well as of Satan, Col. i. 13. both 1

(4.) Want of this Knowledge is a fpe- ciai Groana of God'* Controverfy, Hoj. iv. 1. especially iD a Land where the Ligiit fhineth, in J udab God mould be known, Pja. lxxvi. 1. (5.) Want of this Knowledge a down as a Mark or Reprobation, 2 Cor. iii. z. Tnty are of t...' Number of thoie that are loit, to whom the Gofpel is hid; The God of this World bath blinded th'ir Eyes. (6 ) buch are Men, for whom the Venge-

of eternal f-ire is appointed ; fo, in 2 Ihcjf. 1 When Jefus Chrijt Jhall be repeal d from Heaven ivitb bis mighty Angels, he will take Vengeance in flaming tire un 1 that knoiv not G <d.

. Knowledge be fo excellent a Thing, how great mult their Sin be, who make it their Work to deprive ti»e People of the Means of Knowledge? not only in Popery, where the Bible is made a lealed Book, in an unknown Language, and Ignorance is made the Tvi o\ potion; but in fome leformed Churches,

at ti fo called, either, (i.) By ketpkng in an ig

j ; like thclV in lfa. hi. 10. 1 i. or, (2.) up a not fent Miniftry, like thete, 1 Kin.

3i.contrai x. 15. (3.) Crying down the

try. (4.) Cutting oft Minifters nee b a great Part of Ju-

ac his Perfecunon. (5.) By a vail Tole- ration 01 fcrror and damnable Herefies. (6)« By bear- ing down the Oramance ol Discipline, which is of iln- 'gular Ufe for the IncreaUng of Knowleoge. {7} By


On the Gospel Covenant. 249

the bearing down the Office of Teachers, Catechifts, or Lecturers. (8 ) By foofe Reins given to carnal Libert/ ana Profanenefs.

Ufe 3. It is the Duty then, and fhould be the Study, of ai! who love rare Bieflings and Bleffednefs, to feek carneiily after this Knowledge ; we fhould cry after Knowledge, and life up our Voice for Undemanding, leek her as Silver, and fearch for her as for hid Trea^ feres, Proa;, ii. 3, 4. O! feek this Knowledge, which only doth put the true Difference betwixt Men and Beafts, Pial. xxxii. 9. the Want of it maketh Men more brutifh than tne unreafonable Creatures, Ifa. i. 3. To help you in this Study, ufe thefe Means, (1 ) Study Holinefs, fo Knowledge (hall be eafy, Prov. viii. 9. and xiv. 6. it is too high for a Fool, Prov. xxiv. 7. (2.) Deny carnal VVifdom : There is more Hope of a Fool, than of a Man wife in his own Conceit, Prov. xxvi. 12. The VVif- dom of God faith, If any >'• an feemeth to be wife in this World, let him become d Pool that he may be wife, 2 Cor. iii. 1 3, (3 ) This mud be fought from God in Prayer, and fearching of Scrprares; they are.profitabie for Do- ctrine, cjfe. 2 77m. iii. 16. (4) We fhould go to Teach- ers, and to thofe who are wife, and of belt Underrtarrd- ing : The Prieit's Lips fhould keep Knowledge, and Men fhould feek the Law at his Mouth, Mai. ii. 7. He is a Scorner, who will not go to the wife, in Proof, xv. 12. (5) We mull ftidy Humility and Sobernefs ; with the lowly is WiiUom, Prov. xi. 2. Every Man ought to think foberly of himfelf, according to his Meafure, Rom. xii. 3. (6 ) Pradbfe what we know ; and that is the Way to in- creafe Knowledge ; fo, in John vii. 17. If any Ma . do his Will, he /hall know of the DoSlrine. Take alio tneie Evidences or fgund and Paving Knowledge, t. There be a Care to have it increatea, by Hearing, Read- ing, Prayer, and Meditation, Prov. i. 5. Pfal. 1. 2. 2- To have it experimental, Htb.x.z^. bringing all home to ^art, Commandments, Promiles, Threatnings. 3. - Dcties, but of them as the Will of God, to be 1 . John xiii. 17. with 1 Thejf. iv 3. 4. It


250 S E R M () N XXVI.

will be a humbling Knowledge, Prou. xxx. 2. Augur was ' very humble, though he had iiigh KnowIeJge ; but (he Knowledge that is not laving puffjth up, 2 Cor. viii. 1.

5. It is of Things necefLry, of wholefom or healing Words, even of ihe Words of our Lord Jefus Chnit, and of the Doclrine which is according to Godlineis, I Tim. vi. 3. not of profane and vain Siblings, Oppofi- tions of Science falily lo calied, <ver. 20. of th it chap.

6. True Knowledge is of a changing Faculty and Powtv ; it changeth a Man into the fame Image, from Glory to Glory, as by the Spirit of thr Lord, 2 Cor. lii. iS.

As to the tecond Thing propounded, This excellent Knowledge is a covenant* : ft is prom i fed as a

fpecial new Covenant Bicfiing. 1. We have general, but very clear Promjfes concerning it; fo, in lfa. xi. 9. The Earth Jball be full of the ge of the Lord, as the

Waters cover the Sea: The like \> promifed, in Hub. ii. 14. The Earth Jball be filled njuith the Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord', and, in lfa. 11. 2, 3. in the Gofpel Days it is promifed, that many (hall encourage one an- other to go up to th ui of the Lord, upon aflu- red Confidence of fuch a Teaching, as (hall bring forth fui table Practice: 1 is promifed, in Mic. iv. 2. And in lfa. liv. 13. it is promifed that all the Children of Zion fhall be taught of the Lord ; and in lfa. liii. 1 1. fuch a Knowledge is promifed, as by which the Lord Je- fus, who is the Father's ri Servant, (hail juftify many; and, in Jer. xxiv. rJ promifeth to give his redeemed art to know him ; ano, in Jer. 3TXXJ. 34. that the, Jball teach no won ' :-ihis Neigh- hour, and 1 u his Brother, faying, knouu the Lord ; for they Jball all kkonu me, from the lead of them to the greate/t cj thtm, faith the Lord une is repeated and made ufe of by the A pottle, in tLb. viii. 11. 2. We have particular Prom rning particular Per- sons, whom nc will U xxv. 8. and the week, Ant. 9. and the fimpie, Prov. ix. 4. 2d. Concern- ing the Things which he will teach them, his Covenant, Pjal. xxv. 12, 14. his Fear, a Heart to fear him, Jer. xxxii. 59. all Truth, John xvi. J 3. and all Things,

1 John

On the Gospel Covenant.. 251

1 John v. 20. the Scriptures, and Chrift's Voic l in them, John x. 4. $d. Concerning the Manner of his Teach- ing, by writing his Law in the Heart, Jer. xxxi. 33. pouring forth of his Spirit, Prov. i. 23. by the Spirit abiding, 1 John li. 27. and bringing all Things to Re- membrance, John xiv. 26. \th. Concerning the Effect of his Teaching, it lhall be fuch a Teaching, as it fhall guide his own in the Way in which they mould go, Pja. xxxii. 8. and have an eafy Work of it, Prt*v. xiv. 6. For further Confirmation of this Truth, that Knowledge is a covenanted Blefling, and that it fhall be certainly given to all thefe that will afk after it, take thefe Grounds of AiTurance, \ftt It is a Part of God's Image which we have loll, unto which we muft be renewed, if God will have us, Epb. iv. 23. Col. iii. 10. idly, If it come not from the Promife, we cannot have it at all; being not v in our Uncierltandings darkned, but Darknefs kfelf, v. 8. $J/yt By Covenant v\e are Children of Light ; fo Light mult be given us, as may be gathered from the fame Scripture. \thly, The Covenant is a Marriage Co- venant ; and fo, there will be revealing of Secrets be- twixt Chrift and his Bride; fo, in Jobnxv. 15. Chrift faith to his Difciples, Henceforth 1 call you not Servants, f'jr the Servant knmveth not vjhat his Lord doth ; but 1 have called ycu Friends ; for all Things that I have heard of my Father I have made knovun unto you. $tbly, Know- ledge is the Feud of the Soul, and Pallors are promifed to diftribute this fo neceflary Food ; it was to Job more 'than fo, chap, xxiii. 12. 6r^lyt Heaven is promifed ; and this Knowledge is one of the necefTiry Keys by which it is opened, Luke xi. 52. Jtbly, Sanguification cannot be without it ; for, it is by the Truth, John xvii. 17. without it the Heart cannot be good, Prov. xix. 2 The Want of it, maketh great Boldnefs of Sin, even to the crucifying of the Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. ii. 8. even Zeal without it is naught, Rom. x. 2. Stbly, Chriit was anointed to be a Prophet for this End, that he might teach his People Knowledge, Deut. xviii. 15. I/a. Jxi. 1. 1. Reproof and Terror to thefe. who have the Means of Knowledge, but have none of the Knowledge



of this Sort: (i.) Thefe unworthy Perfons, who f v unto the Lord, as in Job xx\. 14. Depart from us, for Jr n»4 defire not the Knowledge of thy Ways ; thefe are ivife <wt to do e<viJ> but to do good they have no Knowledge, Jer. 1 22. (2.) Thofe who fnit gather, and then utter vain Knowledge, and fhen fill their Bellies with the eait Wind, whofpenri their Time and Wits in fearching after Things which will not profit, but increafe to more Ungodlineis, 2 Tim. ii. «6. Such alio as intrude into thole Things which they have not feen, being vainly puft up by their flemiy Minds, Col. ii. 18. (3.) Thofe who fatisfy them- felves with Book and Head knowledge, but have nothing of that Heart-knowledge, which lheweth itfelf in a ho- ly Conv\trfation : Books are to be made ufe of; it feem- eth that the Apoftles did fo, 2 Tim. iv. 13. but Men, whether Minifters or Chriitians, wouid not reft there; leatt increasing Knowledge they increafe Sorrow, Ecci. i. 18. remembering withal, that which is in Eccl. xi. 12, I 3. Of making many Books there is no End; and, much Study is a Wearinefs of the Flejb ; but the Sum of all is, to fear God \ and keep his Commandments ; All Knowledge which is not directed to the Practice of Holinefs, is naught.

Ufe 2. Is Knowledge fo excellent a Thing ? then it is deferable ; and who delire it not, they are brutith ; Men are naturally carried out towards a Defire of Knowledge, much more after the excellent Things of Wifdom and Knowledge, Prov. viii. 5, 6. and xxii. 20. And moll of all we Ihould be ambitious to know thefe Things which are the greateft Secrets, even thefe Mylleries which were hid from the Beginning of the World, and are re- vealed to us, in thefe lair. Times, Col. i. 26. Myfteries which were hidden from the wife and prudent, and are now revealed unto Babes, Mat. xi. 25. Yea, and fuch, which many Kings and Prophets defired to fee, but did not fee them, Luke x. 24. but, moil of all, that Know- ledge is dcfirnble, which is eternal Life, and worketh up a Man unro a Conformity with God, and his Son Jefus Chrilt.

Ufe 3. Is all faving Knowledge promifed ? Hence, a Stay of Heart to tbote who have Ignorance of God and


On the Gospel Covenant. 25-3

nChrift, their greateft Grief, and are like to fink under tKe Burden of it: There is Hope in their Cafe ; Know- ledge is promifed, the Knowledge of God, of Chrift, and of ourfelves, even the Knowledge of all Things ne- ceiTary unto Salvation ; they have an high Prieft, who knoweth well how to have Companion on the ignorant, and of thefe who are out of the. Way, better than thoie who were of Aaron $ Order, Heb. v. 2. All the Trea- sures of Wifdom and Knowledge, are laid up in Chrift, for them that believe, Col. ii. 3. Why then ihould they be difquieted, when all that which they need may be had, if they will only afk, and afk in Faith?

Ufe 4. Is Knowledge thus promifed in the Covenant ? then, all who fee Need of it, and would have it of the bed Sort, they muft firft be within this Covenant, and in Covenant relation with God, and fo fetch it from thence, the Knowledge of the holy, which is the only beft Underftanding, Pro<v. ix. 10. mult come from the holy Covenant; Now, for right fetching of this faving Knowledge from the Covenant, thefe Things would be done: (1.) The Lord mult be looked upon, not only as the Father of Lights, from whom every good and per- fect Gift cometh down, Jam. i. 15, 17. bpt as the Fa- ther of Mercies, in a fpecial Way. (2.) He muit. be taken up as the Father of our Lord Jefus, and then Fa- ther of Mercies, 2 Cor. i. 3. (3.) Chriu mutt be looked upon as the firft Gift; yea, and received as fuch ; then may other Gifts aflujedly be expected, according to that, in Rom. viii. 32. He that /pared net his o<wn Son, but deli- <vered him up for us all, bo<w Jhall he not 'with him qIjq free- ly give us all Things? (4.) We mull look upon him as Me- diator, and Moyener to us of every Mercy ; we muft afk in his Name, John xvi. 24. (5.} Fetch it from the Pro- mife ; for, *11 in the Covenant cometh from the Promife ; and when you come to the Promife for receiving of this Knowledge, you muft come empty, neither having it, nor a Price in your Hand to buy it up; it muft be re- ceived as a free Gift ; yea, if we come to feek Knowledge increafed, we muft come lo to the Prdmife, knowing no- thing as we ought to know, t Cor. viii. 2.



U/e 5. 7'error to thofe that live without the Covenant : If laving Knowledge, as hath been (hewed you, be only by Covenant and Promiie; then, they can have none of it at all : What then will all Knowledge avail them with- out this? They have no more of it in this Life but Dif- fatisfaftion, and Sorrow iccreafed ; and when they come to th;tir End, they die without Wifdom : . Such cannot obey God ; fo, they muft die without Knowledge, as Elihu faith, in Job xxxvi. 1 2. And Solomon faith, in Prwv* X. 2 I . that the Lips of the righteous feed many, it is meant, by their Knowledge, but Fools die for Want of Wi,'dora.




Of Faith, the fecond fan&ifying and faving Grace.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Houfe be not fo with God\ yet he hath made with me an ever la/ting Covenant, well ordered in all Things and fur e ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire% although he make it not to grow,

TH E fecond fanclifying and faving Grace, is mod precious Faith : We fpoke of it before, as the Condition of the Covenant: I intend now to fpeak of it, as a Gift of Grace, exercifed and (hewing itfelf migh- tily in the Work of Sanclificatian, and mining therein.


On the Gospel Covenant. 255

5 a Star of the firft Magnitude: Of it, as of the I ie*, I propound thefe two Things, ifl, That Fai:

raoft precious Grace, and molt excellent Blefiing. dly, That Faith is promiied in the new Covenant, and o a covenanted BieiTing.

As to the firlt, Faitn is a fair and moil fruitful Blef- mg : It is like the Sun in the Firmament of Grace, vhich giveth Light to all the reft of the Stars: They ire in Scripture Account, blefled that believe : If God be ingry they are blefled that put their Truii in him : When ne is good, and ready to communicate his Goodnefs, the Man is blefled that trufteth in him, Pfa. xxxiv. 8. As he

the Lord of Hoih, the Man is blelTed that trufteth in him, Pfa. 1 xxxiv. I 2. And bleffid ii the Man that tru in God, and wbofe Hope the Lord is and not Man, Jer. xvii.6, 7. And Elizabeth by the Holy Ghoft pronoun- ced Mary blefled, upon this Account, that the believed, Luke i. 45. Faith in the Exercife of it, is an excellent Gjrace; u is the Root, as it were, of all our excellent Mercies, and of all o:her good Things, fuch as, 1. By it we are brought into and kept in Favour with God; we are juflified by it, Rom. v. 1. and by it become the Children of God, Gal. iii. 26. it is true, not as it is a Grace or Work, or any Part or Piece of Sanclification ; yet the fame Faith which jultifieth but once, maintain- ed the Chriftian in that State; fo the juft Man liveth by Faith, Hah. ii. 4. 2. By Faith Chriii cometh to dwell in the Heart, exercifing his Offices, and rooting and grounding the Soul in Love, Eph. iii. 17. 3 It doth in a fpecial Way purify the Heart, AJis xv. 9. and that by drawing Life and Virtue from the Pronules, 2 Cor. vii. 1. 4. By it we live fpiritually in every ^tate of Life, and in every Cafe and Change of Life, Heb. x. 3*. 5. By it we are made to ftand, and fo to be el by Faith we Hand, Rom. xi. 20. 6. By it we make Pro- grefs in the Work of Sanctification ; we walk by I 2 Cor. v.j. 7. By it we are kept, it doth engat Power ot God, to keep us unto Salvation, 1 Pet. i. c;. 8. It fighteth all our Battles, until we have a complete Victory, not only over the World, 1 John v. 4. but

a i n ll

all I


and w


againfl all Enemies; fo it is called the Fight of Faith, fl I lim.\\.(iz. q. Faith is the common Ciilern - 1 Grace : it is fi. led from the Fountain, and from it a the reifc come to be fupplied. io. The Acls of Fa are noble and excellent, \(l. They are inward and i) ritual, zd. Sweet, not burdenfom ; feeding upon, a drinking up, the Delights of Heaven ; putting on the Robes of Grace and Glory, ^d. It worketh vVonders, making impoffible Things poflible, Things not done as done, great Sufferings of no Account, A:ls xx. 24. and meanett Mercies of great Account, Gen. xxxii. 10. 11. All the precious and excellent Promiies are made to Faith, Gal. iii. 14, 16 even, i/t, The Promife of the Spirit, as well as of Forgivenefs of Sin, Ads xiii. 39. of the Spirit for Santtification, John vii. 38. to be like a River flowing out of the Belly: And, idly, The Hear- ing of Prayer, Mattb. xxi. 2 2. All Things ivbat/bever ye ajk in Prayer, believing ye /ball receive it ; and, in Mark xi. 24. W bat Things foever ye dejire ivben ye pray, believe' " that ye receive them, and ye Jhall have them, idly, Peace ' I and Safety is promifed to it, perfect Peace, J fa. xxvi. 3. » affured Safety, to be made as Mount uion which cannot iJ be removed, but abideth for ever, Pfal. exxv. 1. ^tbly, 'i Joy and Comfort ; Joy Cometh by believing, Rom. xv. 13. So doth Confolation ; it is by Chriil, 2 Cor. i. 5. and fo by Faith. 5^/y, Ail Profperky and EftabliuV ment, 2 Cbron. xx. 20. 6thly, Mercy compafling while we are here, Pfal. xxxii. 10. and eternal Life hereafter,

iii. 16, 36. and v. 24. In a Word, Faith is a fc great Courtier with God ; at any Time it may come It unto him for any Thing. t

JJfe 1. If Believing be fo excellent a Blcfling, then wo to Unbelievers ; they are a curfed Generation; they are reckoned among abominable Perfons, Murderers, Whore- mongers, Sorceiers, Idolaters, Rev. xxi. 8. and Hell is ij their Portion, Luke xii. 46. |J

Ufe%2. U Faith be fo excellent, how unworthy a n Thing mult it be, to deny the Do&rine and P;ofeflion of R it, and not earneitly to contend for it? Jude iii. It is( pr the high Commendation of the Angel of the Church of l



On the Gospel Covenant. 257

rgamus, that he denied not the Faith, In a Place where uan had his Seat, Rev. ii. 12, 13. Ufe 3. If Faith be of fo excellent Ufe, as to our fpi- tual Warfare, and fo ntceiTary, as that the Man who anteth it is naked; how unwiie are they, who will not rovide themfelves of, and learn to handle this Piece of rmour in the Field of io many and great Temptations, lis Shield of Faith ? fo called, in Epb. vi. 16. which is >ecially commended to Chriitians, while 1: is laid, above 1 taking tbe Shield of Faith, by vokich ye flail bs able to 'iench all tbe fiery Darts of tbe Devil.

Ufe 4 Our Exhortation is to you all, to feek to have lis Faith; and, to perfuade you to this Puriuit, do but, I.) Confider how, woful your Eitate fhall be without it: tudy to be fenfible, iirft, of the Want of it, then of the Jeceflity of it; fo, defire it earneftly. (2.) Confider ae Promifes, and how they belong to it, and how it can nprove them ; how the Promifes are excellent, and it an improve them to excellent Ufe. (3.) Conilder how thrift is the great Objedt of Faith, and, Gift which it eceiveth, and how he is all in all, Col. iii. 11. (4.) low Faith both meafureth and maintaineth Life in all ther Graces.

Ufe 5. Be thankful, all you who have any Meafure f found Believing : Even the weakeft Faith, if found, ; veryprecious; for, (1.) It hath the Promife of Perfe- erance; it is from Faith to Faith, Rom. i. 17. (2.) It lath the Promife of more, To bim tbat batb, it fhall be itth even to have more Abundance, Mattb. xiii. I 2. (3.) t is enough for Salvation ; God regardeth not Meafures, >ut Sincerity. (4.) To refufe Mercy becaufe of V. iefs, were to rely more on our Fairh than on Cr

Ufe 6. Ii found Faith be required, and it alone be he Matter of Joy and Thankfgiving ; then we would go ipon a diligent Search, whether we have Faith or not, uch Faith as is unfeigned: Take, then, for Trial, firit, Tiore general Marks of found Believing: (:.) It purifi- th the Heart from the Love of Sin, which formerly ?vas dear unto it, efpeciallv from the Love of the Predo- minant, (z ) Love to God, not on I, but for R God ;




God; Faith worketh by Love, Gal. v. 6. efpecially iib is manifeiled in Love to God, for himfelf alone. '-(3IW Love to Saints as Saints, is a clear Mark of true Faith j!;c and when it is to Saincs as Saints, it will be to all thijc Saints, as in Epb. i. 15. (4.) The Eyeing of God alls ways, and fetting of him before us, Pfal. xvi. 8. and 4& Study to pleafe him in every Thing, Col. i. 10. fo, to bfjx fruitful in every good Work. (5.) Conicience made on every Mean of Holinefs, and a diligent following of thcjfe fame, fo watching daily at Wifdom's Gates, and waitings at the Poits of her Doors, Pro<v. viii. 34. (6.) A StudjM to bring forth Fruits meet for him that drefleth, Heb. via (7.) UnfatisfieJnefs, unlefs there be Fruit fuitable to thdor Pains taken on us. More particular Evidences take thefeji I. The iealt Degree of found Believing hath taken Chriflw by Choice ; fo, prizeth him above all Things, and willioi be ready to deny all Things for him. 2. It is a very cer- tain Mark of true Faith, if we prefer the doing of God'iw Will to all the Rewards of well-doing, fo, if we Jov«. Holinefs more than Happinefs, Happinefs rather for Hoi;, linefs, than Holinefs for Happinefs; the one is the Markit of a Son, the other of a Servant only. 3. If we be jea-lli lous of our Faith, with a ho*y Jealoufy ; and fo be muchb in that Work of due and daily Self-examination. 4. It J will be a clear Evidence of found Faith, if the more and 1 the greater Things it worketh, it be dill the more hum-i ble ; if *ve rejoice in C brill J ejus ', and banje no Confidenc^ in the EUJb> Phil iii. 3. 5. If we rejoice in the Grace of o CJhriit, which appeareth in others ; fo the Apoftle y^ir^i in his Letter to the elect Lady, <ver. 4. he faith, 1 rejoiced* greatly that I found of toy Cbildre* walking in Trutb ;| and in his Epiftle to the well- beloved Gaius> <ver. 4. Jl have no greater Joy tben to bear that my Children ivalk ini Trutb. 6. U we be importunately earneit in Prayer, yet* very iilent and fubmiliive in the Returns of Prayer. 7^1 If our Faith work more out of Sight than in Sight ; ibbi we are dead to Self feeking. ( fl

7. Having found, upon diligent Search, that we« have this Faith, and that we have it found ; it fhould be« be our nex: moft carefully to maintain it; Thi$*


On the Gospel Covenant. 25^

I fiall be done if, (1.) We eiteem it highly as a rich and

I ue Jewel. (2.) If we maintain a perfecl Hatred of all

;;. lefe Things which God doth hate, as David did, Pfal

, xxxix. 22. (3.) If we be moderate in all Things, even

1 the Ufe of iawful Things; according to Phil. i?. 5,

i| id 1 Cor. vii. 29, 30, 31. (4.) If we walk by Faith,

>l id not by Sight, 2 Cor. v. 7. (5.) If we examine dai-

» our Neceffities, and fo be ftirred up to a daily making

'& fe of Chriih (6.) If we be much in Prayer, afking in

0| aith ; and much in the Meditation of Promiies. (7.)

4 \ we be frequent in hearing of the Word preached, and

i 1 receiving of Sacraments, and fpiritual Conferences

N t>r mutual Edification. (8.) If we do often call to

i lind the fweet Experiences which we have had in fol-

ril >wing the Lord. (9.) If we be exercifing both it and

i urfelves unto Godlinefs, as in 1 Tim. iv. 7.

ei As to, the fecond, That this excellent Thing, Faith, is

ill romifed, and fo is a covenanted Blefling, is manifefl,

i»i . From Scriptures, in wnich it is promifed ; fo, in Ifa*

.0 . 20. that the Remnant of Ifrael /ball ft ay upon the Lord,

\\ ?e holy one of Ifrael, in Truth. In ha. xvii. 7. In that

1 )ay fball a Man look to his Maker, and his Eyes /ball have

cl le/pecl to the holy 0?ie of Ijrael; and, in if a. li. §. The

I (les fball wait upon me, and upon mine Arm fball they truft.

I 1 Jer. iii. 19. Thou /bait call me, my Father; and, in

I \eph. iii. 12. / will leave in the midll of thee a poor and

a flitted People, and they /ball truft in the Name cf the Lord;

i ad, in Matth. xii. 21. And in his Name /ball the Gentiks

?, uft ; and, in John vi. 37. All that the Father hath given

i\e /ball come unto me. 2. From Scriptures, which fpeak

;f it as a Gift ; fo, jn Eph. ii. 8. Faith is the Gift of

I tod; and, Phil. i. 29. it is given both to believe and

rijffer. 3. From Scriptures, which make Believing to

e through Grace, Acls xviii. 27. and Chriit to be the

Author and Finiiher of Faith, Heb. xii. 2. and of all

le feveral. Degrees and iMeafures of it, Rom. xii. 3.

dore particularly, confider thefe Grounds on which we

urid this Irutn, that Faitu is by tKe Promife, a promi-

:d Gift and covenanted Blefling : iff. Every good and

erfect. Gift is from the Father of Lights, Jam. i. 17.

R *

ical i


tnd precious Faith is obtained by Gift, 2 Pet. i

2d?>\ No Man can believe of Mmfelf ; none can "

to Jefus except the Father draw them, John vi

coming to JeJus is believing. $d/y, The Means by wh

Faith coineth to be given and wrought in us, <vi

preached Word, Rom. x. 14. they are freely difpenfed il

one Nation, and not to another, PfaL cxlvii. 19, 20. if

they are a free Gift, \thly, The Spirit by whom til

believe, is a free Spirit ; he, as the Wind, bloweth whe«|

*nd when he liltcth, John iii. 8. $&tyt None can bcL

lieve but they who are born again ; and that is the SpjL

rif s Work, in that fame Place, the Work of God aloneu

the Will of Man hath no Part in it, John i. 13. 6thtfo\

Chrift is the Head of his Body, the Church ; and as He

he doth not only give Senfe and Motion, but Bonds

Union ; The Body is knit together, and nourifhed

Joints and Bonds ; all by the Influence of Chrift th

Head ; and there is nothing of thefe without Faith ; in

is the uniting Band. Jtbiy, What 13 Faith but receiving,

of his Fulnefs ? and all that is by Grace, John i. rll

%thly> All the Increafings of Faith, they are all of Go<k

alfo ; fo, the Apollles Prayer to Chrift was, Lord increeni

cur Faith, Luke xvii. 5. And, m 2 ^hejf. i. 3. the Apo>R

ftle doth not thank them, but God, that their Faith <ii4

grow exceedingly ; and, in ver. 1 1. he prayeth to Go4

for them, that the Lord would fulfil in them all the gooii

Pleafure of his Goodnefs, and the Work of Faith witty

Power. gth/y, If any Grace be promifed, Faith muf [

be promifed ; it is the Root, as it were, on which otheL

Graces do grow: It bringeth in Love and Joy, Eph. iijL

17. and Rom. xv. 13. And Hope doth live upon Faith**

Charges; for Faith is the Evidence of Things not feenL

and the Subftance of Things hoped for ; yea, Faith diL

re&eth and mcafureth all the Operations of other GracesL

1. Terror to thofe, who are dill under the CofA

nant of Works ; they cannot exped any Thing of thiL

new Covenant Blefling; they are in among thefe unreaL

fonable Men, that neither have Faith, nor can have it

2. they have received their Sentence already ^ for, He that btlzevetb not is condemned already, John iii

1 1

On the Gospel Covenant. 261

Now, fuch are all they, who have had no Change ught upon them, who remain in Darknefs ; they e nothing of this Light of Faith, of this precious 4th ; they have no Right nor Title to any Promife, Gift, or Mean, by which Faith cometh ; they are mfelves, as of themfelves, concluded. under an utter poflibility of believing, and fo under an Impoffibility 1 pleafing God; for, without it is impoffible to pleafc I n, Heb. xi. 6. they are not the Children of the Pro- '1 fe ; fo they can lay claim unto, nor plead a Right or ^ :ereft in no Promife, much lefs to the Promife by which; ^ s precious Faith cometh.

j TJfe 2. This fheweth the Vanity and Wickednefs of ■\ it Error, which putteth it in the Power of Man's Will, 3 chufe or refufe Chrift, to clofe with him or reject ^ n: If Faith be the Gift of God, and promifed as a Hv Covenant Bieffingj then, it is not in Man's Power >l ibelieve: A natural Man knoweth not, nor can he dif- I -n the Things of the Spirit of God ; he cannot know ii trill favingly: How then can he chufe and embrace il n ? Yea, he hath a carnal Mind, which is Enmity to rf kl ana1 Chriit ; fo, will never reft fatiihed with him, 'J tich is Faith's Work : We read indeed of Men pre- ?o nptuous and felf-willed, z Pet. ii. xo. fuch may thefe i* =reticks be ; they may have flrong Prefumption, but « true Believing ; and when they have no more folid fl »undation for their Faith, but a changeable Will, they i n have no fure and unchangeable State. a! Uj'e 3. To reprove thofe alfo, who, though they be a ind in Opinion, yet are unadvifed in Pra&ice ; while 9 w go about to fetch Faith from their own Ciilern, or w Adls of Faith, as they have Need of them from fl eir old Stock or Treafure : Hence come moll of the ii >mplaints of deeply exercifed Christians, that they can- 0 t get nor command Believing as they would ; they «:>k upon Faith, more as a Work than as a Gift, and ii ven an ted *Ble fling ; they look more on it as their own 3 ork, tharf as the Work of the Holy Ghofl : Such itiuld remember, indeed, that Believing is commanded; f t, withal, th^t it is promifed, and after this Order: £ 3 Let




Let the Commandment for Believing dill prefs them til they be made fufficiently fenfible that they cannot. lieve of them f elves ; then let them remember, how it( given both to believe and fufTer : Look to the Commanc ment for Faith ; but remember it is a Gofpel Commaoi m which will bear its own Charges.

Ufe 4. Hence, Chridians have Matter of exceedir Joy and Comfort: Their greated Jewel, and moil uiefi r Tool in the fpiritual Building, that is, Faith, may [ j had at a very eafy Rate; it is a Father's Gift, a fre and kindly Gift, by a conltant Influence from the Head, Chrill Jefus ; they have him engaged for it, an all the Degrees of it : How comfortable may thefe thn Thoughts be to the Chriltian ? (1.) That there is a Fu nefs of Grace and Truth laid up for them in Chrifl Jt fus. (2 ) That there is a Throne of Grace fet up the difpenfing of that Grace, for Help in Time of N< (3.) That Faith which only can fetch that Grace, draw it from the full Fountain, is fo free a Gift ; that Chrid Itandeth engaged for it: How can they poor or miferable, that have fo great Riches, fo certai ly, and yet fo eafily, enfured unto them ? How can the]| be difquieted and cad down in their Spirits, that havT Faith, in itfelf, and in its Conveyance, fo ready and arJB to comfort rhem ? II

t 5. Is Faith thus by the Promife, and a covenant*' ed Bieffing ? then, all who mifs it, and defire to have hi they mud go to the Promife for it, and remember thatt it is a fpecial Article of the Covenant, to. give botf! Faith and Increaie of Faith, to thofe that afk it; as feek other Graces, fo efpeciallv, they who go to the Prd mife to feek this, would, (1.) Go duely humbled unto and of no Strength; for the Lord giveth Grace only the humble, Jam. iv. 6. Grace, and more of Gracef Faith is a humbling Grace, yet none receive it, but thef are fufficiently humbled. (2/) They mud go witf great Third and Hunger after it ; the Lord rJoureth Waf ter upon him that is thirdy, and Floods upon dry Grouncrj v #z. xliv. 3. (3.) They mud feek and plead to have if


ft Je



On the Gospel Covenant.

>i h as a free Gift, Jfa. Iv. I, 2. and as that which they not want. (4.) They mutt feek it, not to Jay it by, to lay it out for God.




1 the third fanftifying and faving Grace, which is Hope.

1 Samuel xxiii. 5. hough my Houfe be not fo with God\ yet he hath m uith me aneverlajling Covenant, well ordered in all Things re ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defire, jl though he make it not to grow.

fTE proceed to the third fan&ifying and faving V Grace, which is Hope : And of it I ilia 1 1 fpeak thefe three Things, \d. What it is. idly, How ex- lent and ufeful a Grace it is. idly, How it is alfo >mifed, and fo a covenanted Blefling. As to the firft, What this^Hope is, we may gather m Rom. viii. 24. it is ,a certain and patient Expecla- 1 of Things not feen, from God, as he hath promifed m : Faith looketh to the Promiie, fo doth Hope ; ith receiyeth it as good and true, and in the prefent ; pe having Faith for its Subitance and Subiiilence, but and after the Performance, and for the Things mifcd: Whatever does appear to the contrary, it ho- R 4 peth



peth againft Hope, Rom. ix. 18. whatever Stornis arifc. Hope doth ride them all out ; it is the Anchor of theSoui, both fure and iledfait, Heb. vi. 19. the Certainty thereof doth hang on Faith ; fo doth Paul reafon, in Gal. v. 5. For ive through the Spirit wait for the Hope of Rigbteouf- nefs by Faith. You may further take up the Nature of this Hope, 1. From its Object, God in the Promife ; he is the Hope of lfraely and the Sabiour thereof in Time oj Trouble, Jer. iv. 8. God in Chrift; for he is alfo called our Hope, 1 7///;. i. 1. 2. From its Act, which is both an earneit, and patient Expectation, as may be gathered from Phil. i. 20. and Rom* viii. 25. 3. From the Mean of its Strength and Acting, the Promife, Acls xxvi. 6 and Chrift, Col. i. 27. 4. From the principal Effect tnereof, the eftablifhing and quieting of the Soul; Da- vid made ufe of it for that End, Pfal xlii. 5, 11. and the fecondary Ad, Heart purifying, 1 John iii. 3.

Ufe 1. It (heweth, how many who, pretend much tc Hope, have none of it, none of the right Stamp: Their Hopes have no Subftance in them ; fo they fhali be as a Spider's Web, Job viii. 14 They have no Patience, il they be not anfvvered ; fo their Hopes (lull be as the giv ing up of the Ghott, Job xi. 20. they have Creature! their Hope, broken Reeds, the Arm of Flefh ; they arc curfed who have no better than that, Jer. xvii. 5. they will meet with fad Difappointments, Pfa. cxlvi. 3. the) have much of Self confidence; and Solomons Verdict o fuch is, that they are Fools, Pro. xxviii. 2,6. they hav< not the Prom ifes, nor Chriit for their Hope ; io, hav< not wherewith to ride out this Storm, when it fhal arife.

Ufe 2. Study to have the right Hope, that which Hope in Chriit, and Chrift to be your Hope, that whicl is Hope in the Promife, the Anchor, fure and ftedfaft that which hath Faith for its Subflance and Sublicence that which is not only rightly directed to the right Object but which looketh through ths right Midi!, and doth earntflly and effectually, and >et with great SubmifTioi and Patience: It you (hall have this Hope of thegrea Things which are to come, thefe Thines of Eternity


W. the

On the Gospel Covenant. 265

Hopes of external and perifhing Things will look but as leap Things, which will not much tempt you to purfue after them, nor trouble you much if you mifs them This is the only Hope which maketh not a Man afharn- ed, Rom. v. 5. So I pafs to the fecond, the Excellency of it.

As to the fecond Thing propounded of this Grace, The high Excellency and great Ufefulnefs of it, the Scriptures fpeak of it as a precious and excellent Thing; for, i. In. them, it is called good Hope through Grace, in 2 Th. ii. 1 6. 2. It is called the better Hope : The Gofpel bringeth in the better Hope, by which we draw nigh to God, Heb. vii. 19. 3. Iris called the blefTed Hope, looking for that blef- fed Hope ; where Hope is put for the Object of it, the glo- rious Appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, Tit. ii. 13. And then, 4. It is called a lively Hope; fo, Thanks are given to God for his abundant Mercy, whereby he hath begotten us unto a lively Hope, by the Refurrection of Jefus Chrift from the dead : And, laftly, It is called fure and ftedfaft, Heb. vi. 19. For more par- ticular Demonstration of its Excellency, take it thus : i/f, It hath the moil excellent Objects, about which it is converfant. 1. Its Object is Jehovah the Lord; fo, in Pfa. xxxiii. 22. Let thy Mercy, O Lor d, be upon us, ac- cording as we hope in thee. 2. The Mercy of God is its Object, The Lord taketh Pie a fure in them that fear him, in thofe that hope in his Mercy, P/al. cxlvii. 1 1. 3. The Word of God, efpecially the Word of his Promife; fo David, in Pfal. exxx. 5. faith, / wait for the Lord, my Soul doth wait, and in his Word do I hope. 4. Chrift is the Object of Hope,' that Hope of the Golpei, Col. i. 23. 2dlu The Excellency of this Hope doth appear from the Nature of it, which doth appear in the above- named Qualities thereof, efpecially in thefe, that it is a fure PofitfTion, in fome Sort, of Things which are not iecn, and that it is like the Spider in the King's Palaces; it hath* its Anchor call within the Vail, Heb. vi. 19. 3^/iv, The Excellency of it may be fcen, in its excellent Ule, and brave and noble Effects of it : 1. Ic is of ufe, when no other Grace is in fight at all; jez, when God



hath withdrawn himfelf: David hath in that Cafe ftiJJ a Hope in God, that he fhall yet praife him, Pfa. xlm. c.

2. This Hope breedeth Joy ana Delight in God ; there is a rejoicing in Hope, Rm. xii. 12. and Heb. iii. 6.

3. This Hope maketh not a Man alhamed, Rom. v 5.

4. It giveth to a Man Freedom, Courage, and Stability in the Work of the Lord ; (o the Exhortaion runneth, in 1 Cor. xv. 58. Therefore, my beloved Brethren, h

veabh , always abounding in the Work of the Lord, for a j much as you know your IV or k (hall not be in <vain in the Lord : That Knowledge is the Knowledge of Hope, which doth influence a Man unto Stedfa/lnefs. \tblyf The Excellency of it may be gathered and concluded, from its fweet Companion and Bofom Friend, which go- eth itill along with it, Patience: It is a patient Waiting for Chrill, 2 Thef. iii. 5. Patience maketh it reft quietly on God, Pfal. xxxvif. 7. 5 thl„ The Excellency of it ftandeth much in the Perpetuity ofjjit, and its excellent and fpecial Ule in Extremities* iA the Helmet of Sal- vation, Eph. vi. 17. It guardetlWne Head, and is of a reviving Quality, it raifeth the dead. 6thly, The Excel- lency of it is in this, that many excellent Promifes, are made unto it, both fpiritual and temporal, as may be read in Pfa. xci. throughout; It is Hope that taketh up Refuse in God ; Hope and Help go together: Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his Help, ivbofe Hope is in the Lord his God, Pfal. cxlvi. 5. jMy, h is excellent for this, that Salvation and eternal Life is by it; fo, it liled the Hope of Salvation, an Helmet of Salvation, 1 Thef. v. 8. the Hope of •eternal Life, 7/7. iii. 7. the Hope laid up in Heaven, Col. i. 5. Sth/y, The Excel- lency and Happinefs which is in having it, may appear from the Mifery of thofe who live and die without it, in Eph. ii. 12. without Hope, is without God.

U/e 1. If this Hope be precious, and fo excellent, how unvvife are they who hunt after vain Hopes, and do not feek at all after this? Hope in this World, Tr.»lt in uncertain Riches, Truft in Men, make them Princes, all is vain; there is no Reft nor Satisfaction in fuch Confi- ; there is no allured Safety by them. Is it not


On the Gospel 'Covenant. 267

Madnefs in Men, that they are not more earned to have thjs Hope fixed, which only can fix them, as to any Cure and comfortable State here, and as to an eternal Eflate hereafter: Surely, they want a mod excellent Bleffing, who are without this mod precious and ufeful Hope.

U/e 2. Who have this Hope, have Matter of great Joy, Praife and Thankfulnefs : So, it is of our Concern- ment to fearch and know, whether we have it or not : Try it by thefe Marks, (3.) It only eyeth God as the Portion ; fo, hopeth in him, Lam. iii. 24. (2.) It hath npthing of Confidence in the Flefh, but rejoiceth in Chrift Jefus, Phil. iii. 3. All its Expectation js of Mer- cy, of free Mercy. (3.) It hath a fpecial and firm Cer- tainty, leaning on the undoubted Truths of God, which are revealed in the Scriptures; they bring Lomforts, and found the Chriftian's Hope, Rom. xv. 4. It is true, the Believer's Hope may be ihaken, as the Anchor ufeth to be; yet the Upfhot will be more fure fattening. (4 ) ft will keep and hold the Soul clofe to Truth, in the Cafe of great Oppofition made by Men ; fo did David find it in Experience, which he recordeth in Pfal. cxix Princes alfo did fit and Jpeak againll me, but thy Servant did meditate on thy Statutes; and, in <ver. 161. Princes have perfecuted me without a Caufe, hut my Heart (landeth in a<we of thy Word ; and, in the following, I rejoice at thy V/ord, as one that findeth a great Spoil: Yea, fr.d in the Cafe of Defertion by the Lord, when the Soul is fainting for the Soul's Salvation, and the Eyes failing in the Expectation of the Word of Promife, Pfa. cxix. 8if 82. yea, the Prophet Ijaiah did refolve to wait upon the Lord, even then when he did hide his Face, 1/a. viii. 17. (5.) It is of Sanclification, as well as of Salvation; it is of a purifying Nature; He that hath this Hope pu him/elf, e-ven as Gcd is fure, I John iii. 3. It liveth in the exercifuig of the Soul unto Godlinefs. (6 ) It breeds tnefs in the Soul, and much Contentment and Joy of Spfrit ; fo, there is Patience in Hope, 1 Ihef. i. 3. 2nd rejoicing of Hope, Heb. iii. 6. (7.) It preienteth Things hoped for, fo great, as it maketh all other Hopes a'hd empty Thing! : Jt purgeth the Heart of all



Love to them, or Dehre afrcr them. (8. J It doth rcvn the Soul, and recruit it with freih and new Strength, when other Things do fail, Pjai Jxxiii. 26. it maketh and taketh God then for Strength, and as the Portion for ever. (9) Where it is true, it will be joined with Sobriety ; and fo, it will be to the End, a lading Hope, I Pet. i. 13. The righteous hath Hope in his Death, Prov. xiv. 32. (10.) Rooted and well grounded Hope is the Daughter of much and manifold Experiences, Rom. v. 4.

Uje 3. Let all then, who love excellent Things, feek after this moll excellent Hope, and labour, (1.) To pof- fefs yourfelves of it, that you may pofTefs yourfelves by it ; for it is neceilary as Breath ; we cannot li\t nor work without it : He that ploweth, mould plow in Hope : It is written for us, 1 Cor. ix. 10. we cannot carry right, nor quit ourfelves like Men in our fpiritual Warfare without it ; in it, as we mull put on the Breait-plate of Faith and Love, fo we mult put on for an Helmet the Hope of Salvation, 1 The/, v. 8. to cut ourfelves from our Hope, it were as the cutting off of the Head ; and Hope is as necefTary as the Love of God, for it keepeth it in Life ; fo, in Juds ier. 21. thefe two are joined together, keeping yourfelves in the Love of God, and, looking out for that blcfTed Hope. (2} Labour to feed and maintain Hope when you nave got it. 1. Live not by Senfe; it muit live upon Things not feen, Rom. viii. 24. 2. Ac- quaint yourfelves with Scriptures, and with the Promifes :n them ; for Hope is fed by thefe, Rem. xv. 13. 3. Re- new the Acls of Faith of God's Sovereignty, whereby you may be fatisfied when the Objects of your Hope arc taken out of your Sight, A8j i. 9. yea, keep Faith in in aU the Acts of it, for it is the Subibnce of Things hoped for, Heb. xi. 1 . 4. Keep Confcience pure, with Faith ; fo, with Hope, a good Confcience, 1 Tim. i. 19. 5. Keep a Regifter of Experiences and Exam- pies, Jam. v. io, 1 1. 6. Let all other Hopes go, when this comeih to be in Competition. l

Come we r.ow to the third Point propounded, concer- ning this precious Hope, which was this, that it is alio proini^d, and one of the Graces, which is made fure to



On the Gospel Covenant. 269

all who love and defire it, by the everlafting Covenant, which is ordered in all Things and fure: For clearing of this Truth, confider thefe Scriptures, \ in Pjal. xxii. 9. David acknowledge&h that any Hope he rud he held it of God : Thou, faith he, didjl make me to tope nxjhen I ivas upon my Mothers Breath ; and, in lfa. xlii. 4. ic is promi- fed, that the Ifles (hall wait for ChnlVs Law: What is that but Hope in him? And, in lfa, li. 5. it is repeated, The IJles /hall nouait on me, and on mine Arm jball they truf ; and, in lfa, Ix. 9. Surely the lfles Jball nxait for me : -Hope is in amongft the Gifts of the Holy Gholl ; compare l Cor, xii. 31. with chap. xiii. 1 3. iMore particularly, take thefe Proofs of this Point, 1. Hope is from and through Grace, 2 The/, ii. 16. and ail that which is of Grace is by the Promife, Rom. iv. 16. 2. Our God is the God of Hope; and he is fo called, becauie ne is the Giver of Hope, Rom. xv. 1 3. Novc, the God 0/ Hope, faith the Apoftle there, fJl you with all Joy and Peace in Be~ lie<ving; And Chriit is our Hope, and the Author of it, as well as of Faith; for, thefe two go together; ana Waiting alfo is through the Spirit, Gal. v. 5. 3. It is faid of the Gofpe!, that it bringeth in a better Hope, Heir. vii. 19. and the Gofpel is called the Grace of God, Tit. ii. 11. 4. Chrift is both raifed from the dead, and ex- alted, for this very End, that we might have Hope: God raifed him from the dead, aud gave him Glory, that the Faith and Hope of Believers might be in God, 1 Pet. i. 21. 5. Faith and Aifurance is promifed; and fo, Hope, in that, Hb. xii. 2. where Chriit is the Author and Finifher of our Faith; if thefe be, this will not be wanting. 6. Regeneration hath every Grace in it ; it is promifed, and fo Hope: Believers upon this Account are faid to be begotten again to a lively Hope, 1 Pt 7. Salvation and eternal Life are promifed, and fo Hope j for, we are faved by Hope, Rom. vii i. 34. the Hupe of eterna^Life is founded on his Promiie who cannot lie, Tit. i. z. 8. Strength is promifed ; Hope and it go to- gether, Lam. iii. 24. Waiting on God hath the Promife of renewed Strength, lfa. xl. 31. 9. All-iuffkiency is promiied ; and this cannot be without Hope; for Hope


U the Helmet of Salvation, i Tbef. v. 8. 10. Every good Thing is promifed, Pfal. Jxxxiv. u. and Hope* it a ipecial good Thing, Lam. lii. z6. i i. Joy is promt- : ; and it cannot be without Hope, that the Matter of J Joy (hail continue ; and more Matter of Joy fhall be fur- ther given. 12. Jt muft be from the Promife ; for, na- turally, we have nothing of the well-grounded and foJid Kope.

Vie i. Terror to thofe who live without the Covenant; who remain liill in their natural Efiate, they have none of this promifed Hope, or Hope of" the Promife, being alienated from the Life of God ; they are both without God, and without Hope, Eph. ii. 12. they have Grounds and Seeds of Defpair in them, ready to fpring up, upon the fir it Blowing of a Temptation; and how miferable will their State be in that Cafe ! They may have fome ftrong Preemptions now ; but, when they come to be tried, they will be quickly blown away : Their Hope fhall pcriin ; their Hope (hall be cut off, and their Trull ihali be as a Spider's Web, Job viii. 13, 14. their Eyes fhall fail, and they mall not efcape, and their Hope fhall be as the giving up of the Ghoft, Job xi. 20. May not that Queition be put to fuch Men, which is in lja. x. 3. What ivill ye do in the Day of Vifitation, to ivbom lev// ye fly for Help? and where ivill ye leave your Glo- ry ? And, how (ball they be able to anfwer it ? It is like, no otherwise than in the Terms of Jcr. ii. 25. a defpe- rate Word, There is no Hope, uve have Uvcd Sfrangerj, and after them ive <wil! go : And of Jer. xviii. 12. then is no Hope, but ive ivill walk after our own Devices, and ill every one do the Imagination of bis evil Heart : And, what will be the End of fuch deiperate Resolu- tions, may be eafily conje&urtd.

Ufe 2. Matter of folid Comfort to thofe who live and die within this Covenant of Grace: Jt may be faidofall their Matters, as of that Matter of Ifrael, Ezra x. 2. There is Hope concerning this and that Thing : In their greatefl Straits, they ^.e but Prifoners of Hope, and may turn in to their ihong Holds, according to their Warrant, Zecb. ix. 12. Yea, this I may fay to Chri-


On the Gospel Covenant. 271

^ians, that have their Fears upon many feveral Ac- Counts, how dreadful foever their State and Cafe may look to be, while they behold themfelves; all Things in a covenanted God do hold forth Ground and Matcer hi good Hope, (x.) Freenefs of Grace; the Lord is he who blotteth out TranfgrelTions for his own Sake, Ifa. xliii. 25. (2.) Abundance of it, Riches of Mercy, Epb. ii. 4. (3 ) Infinitenefs of Power to perform all his Per- formances, Rom. iv. 21. (4) His Infallibility of Truth ; though we believe not, yet can he not deny himfelf, 2 Tim. ii. 13. (5) Infinite Underftanding and Wjfdom, both how to manage ail our Matters to the beii Advan- tage, and to chufe for us the fittelt Seafons and Occasions, P/ai. cxlv. 5. with 2 Pet. ii. 9.

life 3. If Hope, which is the enfuring Grace, be it- felf alfo enfured to all thofe who have fled to Jefus for Refuge ; how horrible a Sin mull it be in fuch Perfons, to harbour within them Thoughts of Defpaif ? The Lord quarrelleth with his own for every Thing which iooketh towards that Way ; fo, in lfa. xl. 27. Why fayft thou, O J ' acoby and fpeakefl, O Ifraei, my Way is hid from the Lord, and my Judgment is faffed over of my God? This Sin of Defpair is a horrid Sin ; for, (1.) It chargetk God foohmly, which Job would not do, when his Cafe tiwas very hard, and feemed hopelcfs, chap. i. 22. (2 ) It maketh Sin and Satan ftronger than God, Man's finite Tranfgreflion fuch as cannot be overcome nor remedied by infinite Mercy. (3.) It is the more deteftable Evil, for this, becaufe no Goipel Comfort can come in, until ?v.: Gulf be filled ; it is among thefe Valleys which hinder Chriil in his Way, which muft be prepared, Luke iii. 4, 5. (4.) It taketh off all Edge from the precious Ordinances and Means, efpecially as to that Party, and plucketh up necelTary Endeavours by the Roots.

Ufe 4. Againft thofe who run in a contrary Way ; they have too much Hope, but it is of the wrong Stamp, Hope in themfelves, and in their own Strength, or ieek to have it in and from themlelves, and not from this Covenant of Grace; they have Hope, but cannot give


a Reafon of it, as they, in I Pet. iii. 15. their Groum of Hop* will hold no Water : God will reject all their Confidences, Jer. ii. 37. they have many; 1 name fome of them: (1.) They think and fay, God hath made thera# and the Lord cannot but be good to the Work of hit Hands ; and there be learned Men, who will readily nou- rifh them in this Opinion, that God never made any to deftroy them : To the ignorant we fay, as the Prophet . lfaiah faith, in chap, xxvii. II. // is a People of no Un- ' derftanding, therefore he that made them will have no Mer- cy on them, and he that formed them will jbew them nf Favour: And to the learned I fay, as the Spirit of God faith, in Prov. xvi. 4. The Lord hath made all Things for himfelf, and the wicked for the Day of Evil; and that which the Apoftle faith, in Rom. ix. 21. Hath not the Pot- ter Power over the Clay, of the fame Lump to make one Veffel to Honour \ and another to Difhonour? And again, Man made himfelf a Sinner; God made fome Men, to glorify his Jultice upon them, puniihkig them for Sin. (2.) Some bear themfelves up on Church Privileges ; they were baptized, &c. To thofe I prefent thefe two Scrip- tures to be confidered, Jet. vii. 4. and Rom. ii. <ver. 28, 29. (3.) Some plead from this, God hath dealt well with them all their Days, as to Externals ; let them confider, xcii. 1 2. and Luke xvi. 25. (4.) Some flatter ehem«< felves with this, they have had their Hell here ; let fuch know, that Hell, to fome, may be both here and hence, Ptov. v. 10, 11. and ix. 18. (5.) Moll Men fay, there is Mercy enough in God : But, they may know that there is no Mocy to thofe that reject the Offers of it, Luke

s £ R-

( 273





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Holy Fear.

2 S A T.I U E L xxiii. 5". .;/; my Houfe be not fo with Cod ; yet he hath with me an ever I a/ling Covenant, well ordered in all T and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Dejire, a' though he make it not to grow,

FOLLOWETHthe fourth farcifying and faving Grace, gracious and holy Fear. Jn opening this, (hall hint thefe three Things to you, i//, What this S( Fear is. zdlyy What Excellency and Ufefulnefs is in it. $dly9 How it is promifed ; and fo, a mod fure, and cove- lanted Blefling.

As to the firlt, What this Fear is, I. There is a natu- al Fear, which may be without Sin ; fo it was in Chriil ; »e was heard in or from that which he feared, Htb. v. 7. t is not that of which we are now to fpeak. 2. There s a finful Fear, which firft fcarreth at the Yoke of Chriil, nd is fhy and jealous of all the Ways of God; appre- ending nothing in them but Bonds and Snares: Who iave this*ungodly Fear, do forfake the Fear of the Al- mighty : Tiiat, in Job vi. 14. may be juftly charged pon them. 2. It fearcth Wrath and Punifhment, only S bcir.g



being the Effe&and Fruit of the-Spirit of Bondage, R:?i. wil'u 15. it is fuch as the Devils have, Jam. u. 1 It maketh a Man fly from God ; fo it made the fir it Man, in Gen. iii. 8, 10. It will make Kings of the Earth, and great Men, and the rich Men, and the mighty Men, 13 c. hide themfelves in the Dens, and in the Rocks of the Mountains, and to fay to the Mountains and Rocl upon us. and hid us from the Face of him that fittcth upon the Throne \ and from the Wrath of the Lamb, Re<v. vi. 16, 17. 4. It feareth Man more than God; and thi of Man bringeth a Snare, Prcv, xxix. 25. It is not of this Fear either I am now to ipeak ; but, there is a holy Fear of God, which is both commanded and highly com- mended of God in Scriptures, fo as other Fear is forbid- den, and it required; in Exod. xx. 20. il ( to the_ People, fear not, put away your bsfe Fear,/<?r God is come to prove you, that his Fear may he before your Faces, andm^ ye Jin not-, fo, the Fear we fpeak of will keep from Sin; ^ fo, in I/a. viii. 12, 13. Say net a Confederacy to them ■whom this People /hall fay a Confederacy , neither fear thrir Fear-, fanclify the Lord of Ho/is himfelf, and let hr be your Fear, and let him be your Dread. That you m underftand what this Fear is, take it thus, i/tf. It is fro: a deep Impretlion of the Majefty, Power, and Perfeclie of God, which a Chniiian ought always carry upon h . Soul; fuch had Jacob at Bethel, Gen.xxwW. 16, 17, 1 In this Refpeft it was, that God is called by Jacob, t Fear of lfaac, Gen. xxxi. 42, 53. It feareth, not or,;- the Greatnefs, but the Goodnefs of God, Ho/, iii. ^ 2d. This Fear is mod in Exercife, in the Manifeftatioi of God, whether rnqre ordinary, in the AiTemblies 0 his Saints, Pful. Ixxxix. 7. or more extraordinary, as ii . xiv. 7. upon t Je executing or approaching of JikI, ment, or upor g of fome rare Work. 3^. T> : Fear is mod of Sip, and offending of God: It fearer the Commandment, Prvy. xiii. 13. 4/^. It feareth th! Lord's Diip:eafure, and fo his Wrath, in a due Manne: fo, in P/al. xc 11. Mofe* f.uth, IV ho knonvetb the /W< cf thine Anger ? even according to thy Fear fo is thy IVratk Every Fear of God's Wrath and Difpleafure is not fl


On the Gospel Covenant. 2-5

qfh : But, iff, That which is only of Punishment. That whereby the Eye is only fixed on Guilt and Mifery, .vithout looking up to Mercy. That Fear of Wrath i- lot flavifti, which, i . Is chiefly a Fear that we be fepa- •ated from God and his Love. 2. That which maketh js more cautious and circomfpec~t in our Walk, and quick- ;neth us unto our Duty. The Magiilrate may be feared, tven for Wrath, and without Sin, Rom. xtii. $. the Lord s much more terrible, Amos iii. 8. ^nd Heb. xii. 29.

Ufe 1. As the Saints are not to be difcouraged, becaufe >f natural Fear, and a great Inform::;. „y ; it may

>e of good Ufe, if rightly moderated and directed ; fo, hey would look to it, that they take it not for gracious 7ear : Even natural Fear may make a tremblug at the »Vord and dreadful Threatnings of it ; much raoi ome dreadful Stroke of Judgment; and tome ignorant 'erfons may be deceived, to tnink it to be feme gracious mprefTion of God ; but afterward it will be Jeen to have een nothing but a common Imprellion.

2. Chrilbans would look well to this, that they iitinguifh well betwixt the Fear of Sons, and the Fear f Slaves, chufe the one and relufe the otfcer : And, that hey beware of the Fear of Man, eipecially in this Time, therein it may prove a great Snare, if it be not well uarded and watched againft, when it beginneth. to af- iult ; we would remember thefe two Scriptures, that, in fa. Vi. 12. I am be that camfortetb you, ivbo art thou that * bou Jbzuldji be afraid of a Man that Jhall die, and of 1 of Man nvbicb jhall be made as Grafs? And that, ::b. x. 28. Fear not them which kill the Body, and ye r.'jt able to kill the Soul% but rather fear him *wbh is Able todeftroy both the S.oul and Body into Hell. 3 Ufe 3. Study not only to have, but to maintain this £oly Fear always in your Heart, by bringing it daily to i\it Lord, to get new Impreflions of his Highnefs, and -is Holioefs, and daily Remembrances, both of his efrt 31 <i Cjoodnefb. O! this Fear is good Compa- ny, and a noble Guard for the Heart : More of this in Kiat which folio weth.

*' ' The



276 S E R M O N XXIX.

The fecond Thing propounded, was concerning the cellency and Ufefulnefs of this Fear : There ib fo mucl good in it, that they are pronounced happy who have it fo, in Pfat.cxu. |. Blejfed is the Man that fearetb th Lord, and dclighteth greatly in bis Commandments ; and, ii Pfal. CXV. 13. God will blefs them that fear him both Jmai and great ; and, in P/ti.cxxvrii. 1. Blrjfed is every one thak fearetb the Lcdi and in wr; 4, jJ a (Ingular Way oi bleffing promifed. and enfured to fuch, even that the Lam nvill blefs them out of Zion ; and, in Pro-v. xxviii. im Happy is the Man that fear eth ahva). The Excellency c this Grace may further appear from this, 1. It is the Be- ginning of Knowledge and Wifdom, Prov. i. 7. and P/i\ cxi. 10. 2. It is clean, and endureth for ever, Pja. xu* 9. 3. It is the whole Duty of Man, Eccl. xii. 13. *w In it is ftrong Confidence, fo as the Children of thoie th;*. have it (hall have a Place of Refuge, Prou. x\v. 26. « It is a Fountain of Life, to depart from the Scares <^ Death. 6. It maketh a little to be more than a gre pi Treafure without it, Prov.xv. 16. 7. He that hath'" mail abide fatisfied, and (hall not be vifited with Evth /V01/. xix. 23. 8. By this afe other Graces well oruer*c i in their Exercife, and kept within the Channel. 9. ^ it the Hear! is both fixed, that it cannot depart from GcP^ Jer. xxxii. 40. and it is enlarged in the Woilhip 01

•■:. 5 And ) et further, trie Excellency of this GraP " doth appear, by the many fair Promifes which are maK< to it, Ml. 'I here is a good Understanding, or, as foiPJ^ read it a good ^uccefs promifed unto it, Pja. cxi. m;fo\ ,n is promifed to it, even that tht L<p ^ will teach the Man that hath it the Way that ne ft chafe, ^d. Unfp£ak&b1e Goodnefs, both here and ht after: G (loidnefs, faith the P

nubic V 1^ for them that fear tr>

thou baft wrought* fir them that trull in thee ? An ciii. 11. infinite Mercy is promifed to all fych, in tj Exprtflion, A igh abate tie Eat t hi

great is bis Mercy toixard tbtm that fear him \ andP ver. 17. of that Plalm, The Mercy of the Lord is J\ fuer lading to ever la/ling upon them that fear him.

On the Gospel Covenant. 277

■ft Covenant of Life is made with fuch ; fo it was made •Ai Levi upon that Account, Mai. \\. 5. He gave tbefe kim^ for the Fear -wherewith be feared him, and was id before bis Name. $tb. Such are accepted of God, out ail Exception ; have tnev but this one Thing, the r of the Lord, God will accept them, as is clear from s x. 35. yea, he not only accepteth of them, but ta- in Pleafure in them, P/a. cxlvii. n. 6tb. The Sua Righteoufnefs fhall arife unto fuch, with Healing un- his Wings, Mai. iii. 16. jtb. The Lord wiJj fu'fil the Defircs of thofe that fear him, Pfal. cxtv. 19. jj '. There is fweet and jure Provilions enfured to fuch; in Pfal. xxxiii. 18, 19. 7 be Eye of the Lord is upon m thai fear him, upon them that bof^e in bis Mercy, to de- er their Soul from Death, and to keep them alive in Fa- b*te; and, in Pfal. xxxiv. 9, 10 There is no Want to m that fear him, they Jball not want any good Thing. i b. Safe Protection is promiied to thofe that have this l be Angel of the Lord encampeth round about tbofg \ it fear bimy Pfal. xxxiv. 7. lOtb. Long Life, even ch, is promiied to fuch Men ; fo, in Prov. x. 27. e Fear of the Lord prolongeth Days: Add, in the Lft ace, all the Miferies and Woe* which are threatned a- li nil ungodly Men, which are void of this Fear; who ,'ve this true Fear of God, lnall not only be (ree of

Woes, but be pofiViTed of the contrary Bleiiings. life 1. Hence Matter of Terror to all Atheitfs and lypocntes, who have nothing of this true Fear of God; ley have nothing of true Worth or Excellency in them ; ley have not lmpreliions of God upon them; they are oid of Wifdom, Lou.ifel, and of all Goodnefs ; they

te open to all Evil, and to the molt dreadful Judgments; ley are out of God's Protection, fo far, that they are a 'revocation to him all the Day ; when they are purfued vith other i have no Refuge: What will they

lo when the Terrors of God do let themfdveb. in Array igainll then ; and this may be the Cafe, even of godly vlen, Job vi. 4. much more to the wicked ; for Terrors hall nuke hi . afraid on every Side, and fhaJI drive him o his Feet, Job xviii. 1 1 . and in wr« 14. his Confidence S 3 ftuli


273 S E R M O N XXIX.

ihall be rooted out of his Tabernacle, and it (ha!! him to the King of Terrors ; and of fuch it is faid, y«5 xxvii. «wr: 20. that Terrors Jh all take hold on them Waters, and a 'Temped fteal them away in the Nt

i1 e 2. [5 there (uch Excellency in it? then eftee highly ot it : If it be well confidered what the Scriptun fay of it, as in Part hath been told you, you will efteer it precious indeed : It was eileemed fo by both a grej and good King, his Treafure: It was promifed. that i fhould be fo uruo him, in I/a. xxxiii. 6. IVifd.m an\ Knowledge /hall be the Stability of thy Times, and Strength of Salvation ; the Fear of the Lord is his Treafure ihall be known that we eiteem it highly, (1.) If we at Pains, even greateil Pains, to have it. (2.) Jf we bej watchful over it, that the Impreffion thereof wear not out of our Hearts. (3.) If we have Zeal againll all that which may wrong it in the lead. (4.) If we lovi it fo, as no Profit, Pleafure, or Preferment do take us oft rrom it. (5.) If we reckon highly of, and honour them all that have it, and account them vile that want it, Pfa. xv. 4.

Ufe 3. Thefe that have this excellent Thing, the Fear of God, let them learn to be thankful for it; they have a rare and rich Biefting: if the Man that hath right Under- Handing be of an excellent Spirit, Prov. xvii. 27. And! then, they that fear God have only that good Understand- ing, Pfa. cxi. 10. then, who fear the Lord are the IVlenof (he belt Spirits ; fhould they not be thankful for this their, fo great Excellency, and witnefs their Thankfulneft by walking in this Fear of God continually ? » There is good Advantage in fo doing ; the Comforts of the Ho ]y Ghoit, go with it, Acls ix. 31. and by labouring to have it increafed every Day, and to be in it all the Day long, as in P?o. xxiii. 17. fo our Hearts fhall not need to envy Sinners; fearing one, we fhall need neither to fear nor envy any other: But as to thofe that hate Knowledge, and chufe not the Fear of the Lord, Prov. i. 29. they may be afraid, left while they chufe their own Ways, that the Lord chufe their Delufions, and bring their Fears ♦upon them, as is threatned in J fa. ixvi. \, 4.


W ~~ "*'*• -ty

The third Thing propounded concerning this Fear, is>

that it is promifed in the new Covenant ; fo, in Pfa. ixxii*

5. it is promifed concerning Chriil's pcor and needy ones.

that they (hall fear him as long as the Sun and Moon (hall

endure; and, in Pfa. cii. 15. it is promifed concerning

us Gentiles, that the Heathen fhall fear the Name of the

Lord, and all Beings his Glory; and, in Ifa. xxix. 22,

23. it is promifed concerning the Lord's true Jacob, that

he (hall not be afhamed, nor his Face wax pale; but

when he feeth his Children, the Work of the Lord's

Hands, in the midit of him, they fhall then fanctify the

Lord's Name, and fanclify the holy One of Jacob, and

(hall fear the God of Ifrael; and more plainly, in Jgr.

xxxii. 39,40, / it'/'// give them, faith the Lord, one Heart,

and one Way, that they may fear me for ever, for the good

of them and of their Children after them : and J will make

an evelafting Covenant with them, that I vjill not turn a-

way from them to do them good, hut J will put my Fear in

their Hearts, that they Jhall not depart from me ; and, in

Hif iii. 5. Afterward Jball the Children of I/rael return,.

and feek the Lord, and David their King, and /ball fear *

the Lord and his Goodnefs in the latter Days. But, for the

more full Proof and Demonftration of this Point, confi-

der, 1. That this Fear of the Lord is fo of God, that

he hath his Name from thence, Gen. xxxi. 42, 53. 2.

San&ification is promifed, fo this Fear; for this Fear is

the whole Duty of Man, Eccl. xii. 13. 3. Perfeverance

is promifed, the Son (hall abide in the Houfe for ever,

John viii. 35. And this Fear is planted in the Hearr,.

for that very End, that it may not depart from the

Lord. 4. The Knowledge of God is promifed, as you

heard ; and it is the Beginning of Knowledge, Prov. i.

7. 5. If this Fear of God came not by the Promife,

we could not have it at all ; we would be ftill like the

Fool, raging and confident, Prov. xiv. 16. 6. It is ex-

prefly promifed, where lifting up the Face without Spot,

and Stedfaftnefs is promifed, Job xi. 15. and, in P/al.

cxii. 7, fe> it is promifed to the righteous, that he (hall

not be afraid of evil Tidings, becaufe his Heart is fixed

and eftablifhed. 7. It mull be given of God, becaufe

S 4. there r

28o SF.R M O K XXIX.

there can be no Worfhip nor Communion with God without it, in Dtut. vi. 13. Serving of C*od, and fwear- jng by his Name, are joined with this Fear; and, in «l. i. 6, 11. the Fear which the Lord requireth^ is pure Wor- fhip, a pure OfFeiing from the nfing of the Sun to the going down thereof; and, in Acls x. 35. He that fear- eth God, and worketh Rfghteoufnets, is accepted of God; fo, hath Peace and Communion with him. 8. Though the Kingdom unto which we are called cannot be moved, yet ho v Fear is its Law, Heb. xii. 28. fo, if the Kingdom be prouailed, Fear is promiftd in and to- gether with it.

U/'e 1. Terror to thofe that are not within the Cove- nant ; they have none of this, but a worfer Fear ; they (hall meet with that, in Dtut. xxviii. <ver. 66, 67. fear Day and Night, and they ihall have no Aifurance of their Life ; the Lord will give them a trembling of Heart, failing of Eyes, and Sorrow of Mind ; when it is Mor- ning they fhall fay, would it were Even ; and at Even, O that it were Morning; for the Fear of their Heart wherewith they fhall fear ; and they may meet with that, in Job xv. 21. the dreadful S^und in their Ears ; and in Profperity the Deftroyer (hall come upon them ; yea, they may meet with thefe Things in Way of Surprizal, Kearfulnefs fhall furprize the Hypocrites, Ija. xxxiii. 14. though now fu :h »vien be fearlefs, ftoutrhearted, and far from Righteoufnef?, Ijai. xlvi. 12. they may come to have Terrors round about them, like Pajhur, Jer. xx. 3. bciide the Terrors within, which is there alio threat- ned, Terrors to themfelves, <ver. 4. «f that chap, they fhall fear where no Fear is, Pjal \\\\. 5.

Ufa 2. Comfort to thofe that are vexed with ralfe Fears, and faithlefs Fears, this Fear is promifed, which when it once cometh it will eat up, and fo deliver from other Fears ; it is the Daughter of Faith, and Sifter of Love, which will quite banifh away that Fear which hath Torment, 1 John iv\ 18.

Ufe 3. All who defire to have this Fear, muft feek it from the Promife, and fo to have your Souls deeply im- prLiTcd and ltamped with it: So ftudy to fear God as


On the Gospel Covenant. 281

God, elfe you cannot glorify him as God: Particularly, fear God in his Power, in Job xxxvii. 23. Elihu faith, touching the Almighty we cannot find him, he is excellent in Power; and, in Pfal. lxxvi. 7. Thou, even thou art to he feared, and who may ftand in thy Sight, when once thou art angry? And, in Jer. v. 2 2. Fear ye not me, faith the Lord, will ye not tremble at m. Pre fence, who have placed the Sand for a Bound to the Sea, for a perpetual Dec*tr, that it cannot pafs it ; though the Waves thereof tofs thtm- ftlves, yet they cannot prevail] though they roar, yet can they not pafs over it. (2.) Fear hrm /or his Dominion ; Dominion and Fear are with him, Job xxv. 2. The Lord r eigne th let the People tremble, Pfal. xcix. I. Fear do ih appertain to him as fuch, in Jer. x. 7. Who w>uld not fear thee, O King of Nations? for to thee it dotb appertain, (3.) Fear him in his glorious Workings ; fo did Habak- kuk, chap. iii. 16. (4.) Fear hid in the Judgments which he infl ndleth upon ungodly *Vlen ,- fo ciid David, Pfal. cxix. *ver. 118, 119, 120. yea, becaufe of Judgments near to come, Luke xxi. 25. and for the Day of general Judgment, which will undoubtedly come upon all, Eccl. xii. 14. 1 Pet. i. 17. ($.) Fear him for all his Geod- nefs and Mercies bellowed ; fo did David, in Pja. exxx. 4. There is Forgivenefs with thee that thou maytf be feared; yea, we fhould fear him for his Goodnefs, mamfefted in common Providence : It is charged as a Sin when it is not done, Jer. v. 23, 24. This People, Jaith the L bath a revolting and a rebellious Heart, they are and gone, neither fay they in their Heart, let us new f . the Lord who giveth Rain.

To clofe this, take thefe Marks of the true Fear of God, 1. A ferious Study to fljun every Thing that i* evil in God's Sight ; fo, in Prov. iii. 7. Be not wife in * thine own Eyes, fear the Lord and depart from Ei 'n ; and, in Prov. xvi. 6. By the Fear of the Lord Men depu Evil. 2. Confcience made of abllaining from iecret Sii fo did Jofeph, in Gen. xxxix. 9. he might have d< Wickednefs and carried clofe ; bin r of God fuf-

fered him not ; and Job proiefleth fo much, in ch. x\ <ver. 23, 27. that his Heart was not fecretly enticed, for


' 2 8a SER M O N XXIX.

DeftruCtion from God was a Terror to him, and by Rt. fon of his Highnefs he was convinced in himfelf that^hc could not endure. 3. The Hatred of Sin, as it is Sin, and becaule God hateth it, P/ov. viii. 13. with P/al. exxxix. 21. and in Sin to hate moft the departing from God, and forfaking of him, Jer. ii. 11, 12, 13. the pro- faning of the Holmefs -.vhich he loveth, Mai ii. II. <ver. A ferious Endeavour to do good ; fo, in Deut. v. 29. to fear the Lord is to keep all his Commandments always ; fo, in Eccl. xii. 13. and, in Pfai xxxiv. 14. the Coin- tDandment runneth thus, Depart from Enjil and do g 4. The not reiling in Attainments, but feeking after more Perfection, the perfecting of Holinefs in the Fear of God, 2 Cor. vii. 1. the working out of our own Sal- vation in Fear and Trembling, Phil. ii. 12. 5. Ii the Fear of Man doth not fright us from Duty, Mattb. x. 28. 6. If there be a reverend Carriage to the Word, both in the publick Difpenfing of it, Ezra ix. 4. and in the private Reading and Meditation thereof, and, generally, the converfing with God in all his Ordinances, with much Fear* both in private and publick. 7. A deep Reve- rence to the Name of God ; the Knowledge of God's Name breedeth Fear, 1 Kin. viii. 43. His Name mould be dreadful in all his Attributes and Manifestations, Mai i. 14. 8. A holy Jealoufy, and good Watch kept over the Heart, Eye, and Ways, according to Pro-v. vs. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.





On the fifth fancHfying and faving Grace Love.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Houfe be not jo with Cod; yet he hath made with me aneverlaffing Covenant, well ordered in ^^3MH and fure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defirt although he nrake it not to grow,

WE proceed to open to you the fifth fan&ify- ing and faving Grace, which is Love ; and in the fame Method, \ft. What it is. zdly, How excels lent it is. 3^/A, That it is by the Promife, and fo a co* venanted Bletfing.

As to the firft, What this Lore is; the Anfwer is, It, is the Affection of the Soul, by which it goeth after and cleaveth unto fome defirable and fuitable Good : Affec- tions are (o many Motions of the Will; Love and Ka« tied are the chief; they part the reft betwixt them: There is a natural Love by which a Man loveth himielf , and Things good to Nature : On the one fide, there i& vicious Love, carrying the Soul towards Evil ; on th other, a fpiritual Love, which doth bound and rcgr that which is natural, giveth unto it a higher Rifr maketh ic run in a right Channel, to 2 right Obj?/



; of this we fpeak, this is fivefold, i/l. A Love of

' Choice, ;*nd Depend *nce, whereoy we fettle ana depend

upon one for all good ; this is on!y cue to "God. 2d. A

J Love of Delight and Complacency, fuch as that of God

I in Chntl, Mat id. iii. 17. and of a Believer in God, Rja.

xxxvii. 4. and in his Word, Pta. cxix. 92, 143.

' Love of Friendihip, mutual Love, fuch as that betwixt

* God and a Believer, 1 John iv. 19. ani bet.vixt a Mas

I and his Friend, " Prov. xxvii. 9, 17. 4/^. There is a

Love of Beneficence or a bount.ful Love ; fuch alio isGod's

Love to Man, and fuch ought our Love be to one ano-

yb. There is a Love of Pity ; luch is God's Love

\q Sinners, Pfa. ciii. 13. And tins one Sinner ought to

Aear to another, efpccially when in Diitrefs, Job vi 14.

, , le ought with this love our Enemies. Spiritual Love is

iily for thefe two, Union and Communion wit 11

It may defire other Things for Uie, to ufe them

[aright, but God is the Portion.

U/h 1. Learn hence to know what true and Chriftian { Love is, to djftinguiih betwixt it and Lull, yea, and be- lt and natural Affection, and to fix it on the and principal Objed of it, God; and, to quicken you to his Love, conii.der, (1.) How all Excellencies land dofirabie Tnings are in him. (2.) He fuiteth your \Love who ueedeth it not, Deut. x. 12. (3 ) It is a very jrffmall Hiing, countering the great Things which he giv- amongft the rtlt. (4.) Coniider how ne I >ved us filth, now great Things he hath done and I d fur us, (Jul. i\. 20. (5 ) Coniider how by Co-

frei.ant we are er.g..geu to love mm, more than ever an/ People were. (6) Love is Wages to itielf.

eproof and Terror to thofe who have nothing

c ; fu.e they have not the Heart of a

:h?y know nothing of Law nor Gofpei ; Love i>

fl-l pij jne, aid it is the Perfection of the

u:n up the Law in this, to Jwe tbt

R o>d our *W -jLitb all .ur Heart, and with all our Soul,

- fllow 4 with all our Strength, Mark xii.

And the ApJlie Paul faith, that all the Law is ful-

nd fummid up in this one Word, Love; and that


On the Gospel Covenant. 285-

Love is the Fulfilling of the Law, Rom. xu'i. 10. and draweth forth the Sentence of Excommunication againit them that love not Jefus, i Cor. xvi. 22.

As to the fecond, This Love is an excellent Tiling; it is better than Wine, Cant. i. 2. much better tnan Wine, Cant. iv. 10. This Love looking out at the Eyes of the Bride, overcometh the Bridegroom, Cant. vi. 5. many Waters cannot quench ir, neither can the Fioods arown it, it cannot be valued and bought, Cant. vn.. 7. Excellency thereof may be further demonitiated thus, 1. From the Author thereof, God is the Author 0/ it, he is the God of Love and Peace, 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1. Love is of Gad, and God is Lu<vey I John iv. <ver. 7, 8, 16. 2. The Excellency of it may#and doth appear from its Ot>- jeft, generally, that which is good and excel ienl ; ad more particularly, God is the Object as w^ll as the Au- tnor of it, 2 Tbef. lii. 5. the Apoillt'a Pi.\er is, th t tne Lord would direcl their Henrts into the Love of God ; and tnen lovely Jefui \s the Objet't of it, Grace fh witn all them that love the Lord Jefus in Sincerity, Epb, vi. 24. 3. The Excellency of this Grace appearah in. its Endurance, 1 Cor. xni. 13. it abideth when we (hall

nq imre V(e of Faith and Hope of the Promife. 4. The Plxceilency of it appeareth in and from this, that tiiere are many and exce.lent Promifes made to it, both to thei'e that love God, fuch as, 1/?. A plentiful Condi- tion, the Led will Cdute tboie that.love mm inherit Sub-

, and he will fill the;r Treafures, 1. 21.

zd. Safety" and Prefervation, when all the wicked frull be deft roved, Pfal. cx4v. 20. ^d. Allured De.ive ranee, and high Honour, fo is the Promife, in Pfal. xci. 14. Becauff be b ' .■? u^n me> there/ tre will I de-

liver bim% I him ok high, becauje be bath

>me. 4'£ Eternal Life is the Porion of thof. love God ; the Crown of Life is promifed to thole that

iod, Jam. i. 12. the Kingdom is promifed to thofe

\ \ ve him. Jam. li. 5. and, $tb. There are fpecia!

Prom ! to thofe that love Chrift, who love a/»d

lerve him they mail be with him where he ;s, Joim^ii 2G.

Lhriit iaith, He 1 thm.fball


286 S E R M ON

be Icrvfd of my Fa: ! lyill love bim, aid man

my /elf unto bim , and in <uer. 23. of that chap. If a ^ h've me be ivill keep my Words, and my Father <wil/ love b:m% and ive *will come unto bimt and make our Abode <with bim. 5. The Excellency of Love appeareth in this, that God owneth iuch as have it in a fpecial Way ; fo, in J C<?>.,viii. 3. If any Man b<vi God, tbi fame is known of him; He keepeth Covenant and Mercy wirh and for them and their*; he is the faithful God, which k'etpeth Cove- nant and Mercy with them that love him', and keep his Commandments, to a thouiand Generations, Deut. rii. 9. 6. The Excellency of it'will be ieen in this, that all Things will work together for good of thpie that have it, Rom- viii. 28. 7. It appearech alfo from the Mifery of thofe that love not Chnfl ; they are in a curfed and reprobate State, 1 Cor. xvi. 22. 8. It is one of the moil neccila ry Tnings to a Soul ; v is the Life of the Sou!, and and the SouPs Reft; without it the Soul neither can be happy, nor can move in the Way to Happinefs. 9. It is that which alone hath and ihall have, throughout all Eternity, the moil full Enjoyment of God : And, in the next Place, Love to the Saints is an excellent Thing: Who have it, ill. They abide in the Light, 1 John \\. \o. zd. They have a clear Mark that they are Difci- ples of Chrift, John xiii. 35. and that they are tranfla- ted from Death to Life, 1 John iii. 14. 3^. They have this Privilege, to have God dwelling in them, and fo to have Communion with him, 1 John iv. 16. \tb. The Love to God thereby in fome Sort is perfected in them, i Jobn'w. 12. And, in the laft Place, even Love to, Enemies, as they are our Enemies, hath fpecial Excellen- cy in it. 1/?, So we are proved to be the Children of our heavenly Father, who maketh his Sun to rife on the evil and on the good, and fendeth Rain on the juft and unjuit, Matth. v. 44, 45. idly, We forgiving them, we are in the nearer Capacity to receive Forgivenefs of God, Matth. vi. 14, 15. idly, If we do fo, the Lord will not snly forgive us, but reward us alfo; if we love our Ene- mWs, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again, I* ©ur Reward mail be great, and we lhall be the Chiidrt j


On the Gospel Covenant. 287

of the higheft, for he is kind to the unthankful, and to the evil, Luke vi. 35. and in Prov. xxv. 21, 22. we are commanded, if our Enemy be hungry, to give him Bread to eat, and if he be thirfty, to give him Water to drink, and it is told us, that fo we fhall heap Coals of Fire on his Head, and the Lord (hall reward us.

U/e 1. If it be fo excellent a. Thing, at what and how great Lofs are they who live without it ? Who know no- I thing of it, can know nothing of God ; for he is Love ; they can have no Communion with him ; for all Com- munion with him is in Love; and if all Things work for them, and to their Advantage who have Love ; then all Things, by the Law of Contraries, muft work againtl them that have it not.

U/e. 2. Is this divine Love fo excellent a Thing ? Let all who love true Excellency labour to attain it, and work up your Hearts to an earneit. coveting of it as the bell Gift, and the more excellent Way, 1 Cor. xii. 31. with 1 Cor. xiii. 1. Seek to have ir, (1.) To God, and that of the right Stamp. \ftf A tender Love, fuch as the leait Wrong done to it may go very near our Hearts : Such was Da<vi<f$f Rivers of Water did run down his when Men kept not God's Law, Pfal. cxix. 136. zdt Vehemently great, fuch as all other Loves be nothing to it; no, not the Love of neareit Relations, Mattb. x. 37. 3</, Love to Jefus, and in Jefus. i/f, By exalting and honouring him. idly, By humble and conftant em- ploying him. 3^/y. By appearing for him : Seek alio to have true Love to the Saints, 1.T0 all Saints. 2. The Love of Delight to none but Saints ; for they are the ex- cellent of the Earih, Pfal. xvi. 3. 3. The more of Spi- ritual Excellency appeareth in them, love them the more, and delight in their Company. 4. Let your Love appear in the Fruits thereof; fuch as are reckoned out in 1 Cor. xiii. 4, 5. Love is then feen to be bountiful, when felf Advantages are not regarded. ,

U/e J. This fheweth the Folly and Madnefs of thofe, who follow Lulls rather than Loves, in which is no true nor real Excellency; for, (1.) Such do only reach the tenfual P.irt. (2.} They may be enjoyed by one that



ftandeth liable to God's infinite Wrath. (3 ) Any Ex cellency in them doth itand in the Moderation of them. (4.) Tntre is infinitely more Evil in them than there is imaginable Good. 1//, At tne beft, there are fad Mix- ture, even in Laughter the Heart is forrowful, Pro<v.x\v. 12, 2^, They keep out better and more pure Delights. e is a Curie mingled in with them. \thy The Spoufe is abated, and the IJody hurt by them. 5/^, They nouriih all Sort or otner Evils, and hirden Men in the fame; hence it is that Sin is callej Fleih, Rom. vni. 1, 13. 6th, They t.<ke away the Heart* Hof. iv. |i. jihf Yhty are foon gone, they jcriih in the ufing, Col. 11. 22. The Pleaiures or Sin are out for a Seafon, tieb. xi. 25. 8// , Men are taken from tnem, or they from tne Men, and they muft give a very lirid Account of themf and their Stewards

U/e 4. We would oeware of thefe Things which hin- der Love; fuch as, (1 ) ^trangeneis, wnich tneedeth Fearfulnefs. (2.) Ignorance, wnich maket:i that we can- not elleem it. (3.) Uncircumciiion of Heart ; the Heart mull be circumciied, before it can love trie Lord, Dtut. xxx. 6. (4 ) Love of the World, where it doth reign, the Love of God hath no Place, 1 Jobuii. 15. John xii. 42.

U/e 5. Go and fearch whether you have this true and Chriftian Love : In general, tnefe three will prove it, (1.) Holy Care to pleafe God. (2) Delight in doing his Will. (3.) Zeal and Jealoufy againft all thefe Things whicn may hinder fweet Intercourfe betwixt the Soul and God : More particularly, Marks of the Love of Union, \/tt A Love of all Means which may help to- wards it, a Love to Ordinances, P/a / xlii. 2 and xxvi!. 4. and {Tunning or all Things which may hinder it, hat- ing every Evil, Pfal xcvii. 10. 2./, Love of Commu- nion with the Church, Pfal. xxvi. 8. and of the B;ethren, I. John iii. 14. 3^, Holy Grief for Want of God. j^tb9 Earneft Longings after full Enjoyment ; fo, Love of his appearing, 2 Tim. iv. 8. Marks of Love of Delight, id, A Soul affecting Sweetnefs in tne following of the Means, and Exerc iiei of GodlineG: David was glad,


On the Gospel Covenant. 289

when they faid unto him, Let us go unto the Hmfe of the The Defire accomplifhed is facet to the Soul, faith Solomon, in Prcru. xiii. 19. zdly, A high Eiteem of the Saints, P/al. xvi. 3. 3//., An extreme Hatred of thefe Things wnich are contrary to Holinefs, fuch as, Lying, and every falfe Way, Pfal. cxix. 128, 163. Marks of that Love of Goodwill: (1.) A Zeal to God's Glory. (2.) A Zeal of and to the good of his People. (3.) Zeal in Ooedience, making Chxig our Pattern, John xv. 10. And in the laft Place, take thefe Marks of Love to Chrill : 1. £ick of Love, with the Spoufe, Cant. li. 5. 2. If our Love be diiigent and laborious, Thef. i. 3. 3. If earneft after Enjoyment, yet patient in waiting. 4. If it feek no Hire nor Wages but Love. 5. If it be kd on to the Duties with a fweet Violence, there is a blefTed Conitraint of Love, 2 Cor. v. 14. 6. If we love to fpeak of him and with him, and to hear hirn "peak, and to appear for him, in doing and furfering*

Here, fome think they have not true Love to Jefus, ecaufe their Hearts are fometimes too much poured "orth upon Creatures: To fuch as are tender Chriltians anfwer, 1. Though in many it be true, that it is finful- y fo, yet, 2. "We mult diftinguiih betwixt Love's Elti- nation, and the Stirrings of it; and, 3. Betwixt folid .of e, and Love in a Flame. 4. Betwixt the Motions of piritual and fenfual Love; the one are not (o fenfible as he other. 5. Betwixt the Habit and Ac~b of Love. Others doubt of their Love, becaufe of their much ■• 'ear, becaule perfect Love calteth out Fear, 1 John iv.

* 8. I anlwer, 1. Thkt Fear which Love calleth out, is > ot the Fear of Sin ; for it is well comment with Love;

>r, Love of Union, and Fear of being feparated* are,

uential one to another: Love givetn Honour to -• od, and holy Fear fhunnetn every Thin^ that difho- & Dureth him. 2. That Fear is not the Fear of Majelty, hich is due to God, even by thole that burn with moll rrfect Lave, I/a. vi. 2. nor yet is it in every Reipecl e Fear of God's Anger lor Sjn ; it may be and ought be in the Saints, though it will not be when Love lhall fully ptrfe&ed: But, that Fear which perfect and ftn- T cere

290 S E R M O N XXX.

cere Love dotfi Cutout, is, \jl. That Fear which driveth Men away fioin God ; but Love cleaveth to him. id. That which prefents God fo terrible, as the Soul dare not approach to clofe with him ; but Love relteth on him with Delight. 3//. That Fear which breedeth Torment, for Love hath Joy and Peace with it.

As to the third Tiling propounded, This Love is pro- mifed and covenanted, whether we underlland it of Love to God, Dcut. xxx. 6. or of Love to Chrift, in Hag. ii. 7. or of Love to the Saints, Ifa. xi. 9. it is all promi- sed: The whole Song of Salmon, in a continued Parabje, doth hold forth the Promifes of this Love, particularly, Cant. i. iter. 7. ii. 8, 9, io, 16. iii. 1, 4. v. 2, 4, 5, 6. vi. 2, 3. and vii. 10, 1 1, £sV. But to clear this further, confider, iAJ, A new Heart is promiled ; therefore a Heart to love the Lord is promifed ; for, naturally, we are Haters of God, Rom. i. 30. idly, Faith is pro- mifed, as we have proved ; now, Faith worketh by Love, Gal. v. 6. $d/y9 Obedience rs* promifed, and Love is the Fountain thereof, the »fweet Conftraint of Love, 2 Cor. v. 14. it is joined with Service, Jer. viit. 2. ^Jb/y, Even betrothing in Love is promifed, Hof. ii. 16, 19, 20. and Marriage Love on ChritVs Side will everf enfure our Love to hirn. 5 //»/»■, He hath promifed that he will reft in his Love, Zrpb. iii. 17. and fur e that Love will beget Love. 6/£/v, Knowledge of God and Chriit are promi" fed ; and who can know them but will love them ? jtbly, Grace and Glory, and every good Thing, is promifed, P/'al. lxxxiv. 11. and all fpiritual Bleffings, Epb. i. 3. and mud not Love be in amongit thefe ? Stbly, The pouring forth of Chrill's Name like Ointment is promi- fed ; will not then the Virgins love him ? Cant. i. 3, 4. 9//)/)', Mortification is promifed, fo the purging out of Self-love, and, by Confequence, the giving of found Love. \otbly, It is promifed that the Lord will be the Portion of his People, Jer. x. 16. and that they (hall rejoice in their Portion, lfa. lxi. 7. and they canpot but love tlieir Portion. 1 itb/f, The Spirit is promifed, Hag. ii. 5. and Love is one of the Fruits of the Spirit, and it that is reckoned, in G<il. v. 17. 1 ztbiy. Heaven


O? the Gospel Covenant. 29 r

is fo prcmifed, as it is prepared, arid it is prepared for nore but thofe that love God, 1 Cor. ii. 9.

Ufe i. Terror to thofe who live and die without the Covenant ; they cannot love God, nor that which is good ; they can have nothing of this divine and moil pre- cious Love ; they can have none of the Spirit covenant- ed ; fo, none of the Love of the Spirit: See their black Chancer, 7.ech. xi. 8. the Lord's Soul doth loa:h them, and their Soul doth abhor God.

Ufe 2. Learn to fetch ail our Love to God, or to Chrifiy. or to the Saints, all of it from the Promife : The Love which is required is no.fmall Love ; for,, (i.) Jt is a Love with all the Heart, arid a Marriage Love, Hf. iii. 3. (2.) A itrong Love, with all our Might, \Luke xii. 48. much more will be required of them to whom much is given. (3.) He muft be loved above all* ptherwife he will neither be loved as God, nor con- ftantly. (4.) We mult be "rooted and grounded in this Love, Eph. iii. 17. yet all thefe we may have from the Covenant of Promifes; yet fo as to wait for Promifes, in he Ufe of Means: The Grit Mean is Prayer; 1. It ife.th Importunity, which God alloweth. 2. It maketh he Soul bold and familiar with God. 3. The Lord \ho delighteth to communicate himfelf and his Good- lefs, doth it readily in Prayer, as to David \ Daniel, Pe- |r, Cornelius. 4. Prayer doth ftir up and kindle the dy- Ig Sparks of Love. The iecond Mean, Go to the Co- ^nant ever, with a frefh Senie of Sinfulnefs, and bleed- g Wound*; this will beget Love, as in that poor Wo- an, that had many Sins forgiven her, flie loved much, he vii. 47. Third Mean, Learn to know the Lord; : more we know him, the better we will love him; becially, if we fee him in the Excellency, Suitableness, :; dependence of his Love to us. Fourth Mean, -uld labour to nave AiTurance of his Love to us, that vv ill enfure our Love to him.

^fhe Folly of tnoie who 'either think to w 1 bring forth this Love out of their own Bowels, or to arte God with luch Love as is or their own making: T 2


The Love that will pleafe God, is that which he giveth, it is of heavenly Original.

Uje 4. Encouragement to thofe that to their Senfe want it, yet eileem n highly, and would be glad to have it i to thofe 1 fay the(e two Things ; one is, They have fome good Meafure of it already ; the other is, That what is wanting, it may be had very eafily ; and it (hall be had by thofe that feek it mod affuredly ; for it is pro- mised, and enfured by the everlailing Covenant.




On the fixth fan&ifying and faying Grace, Zeal.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5.

Although my ^Houfe be not fo with Cod; yet he hath made with me an ever la/ling Covenant, well ordered in all Things and fure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defer e although he make it not to grow.

IN the next Place cometh Zeal, which fprings from Love, and doth act it to the utmoft : In treating of it I (hall (hew you, i/7, What it is. idly, How excel- lent a Grace it is. 3^, How it is promifed in rjie new Covenant.

As to the firft, What this Zeal is, take it briefly thus: It h a fcrious and fpiritual Benfil of the Soul, for God,


On the Gospel Covenant. 293

^and every good Thing : It is a holy Fire, it is from Hea- ven, and it moveth Heaven-ward ; it is that which ma- iceth a Man a Lion in God's Matters, and a Lamb in hh own : And as it is in good earned for every good, (o it is of a holy hot Temper againd all Evil, and mod a- gainft that which difhonoureth God moil. 1. Jr is a Heat of Love ; fuch was in David, Pfa. Jxix. 9. and in Chrift, John ii. 17. joined with holy Indignation and De- lire to revenge God's Wrongs, were it even upon a Man's Self, 2 Cor. vii. 11. 2. It is an earned Defire to do good, Col. iv. 13. fuch a Zeal had Epaphr'as to the Co- hjjians. 3. It is an earned and holy Emulation, 2 Cor. ix. 2. a Zeal which both hath Emulation in ir, and pro- voketh others to Emulation : It is a Grace which, by Dire- ction of holy and heavenly Wifdom, quickeneth and in- fUmeth all within a Man, and putteth an Edge upon a Man's Endeavours, in the Obedience and Worfhip of God : It doth with a holy Vehemency keep a Man aloft, and yet clofe in the Purfuit of Duties, more fpecially in the preferving, promoting, and vindicating of God's Ho- nour, by all lawful Means within the Reach of a Man's Power and Calling: Examples of this we have in Mofes% in Exod. xxxii. 19, 20, 27. in Phinehas, Num. xxv. 7, 8. But SauFs Zeal was falfe, and at the bed notional, 2 bam. xxi. 2. and Jehu his Zeal was pretended only, 2 Kings x. 16.

Ufe 1. If ever there was a Time wherein the Scarce- nefs of this Grace was to be lamented, «it is now: Our Forefathers, were they alive, would wonder what had become of the Scotijb Ze&\ ; and, if we look but fome few Years backward, we may judly wonder what is be- come of all the Zeal which appeared in the Years 1638, 1639, 1640, (5V. How little is there now of the Zeal

t;:nlof good Gifts, which ought to have been coveted by all, pecially by Miniilers, that we might excel to the edify- ltng of the Church? 1 Cor. xiv. 12. there is little Zeal J f fpirijfial Gifts, as the Word is there: How little is l:here of that Zeal which ought to be in good Duties, I r;d God's Service ? There is much of Sloathfulnefs, but

:.. jcilittle of that Fervency of Spirit in ferving the Lord, 1 T 3 Rom.


Pof/j. xii. i i. How little is there of that Zeal for good and the Giory of God, like as was in the good Refor- mers in Ju i are more zealous for them

their own Houfes, than lor the iloufe of Gjd : tie is there of the ho]y rkjat of puie Af: to the Tru h of God? How little is there of heavenly He^rt heut in Devotion r How aule is there of that ar- dent Heat of holy Emulation, who (hall outihine others in Hoiir.efs? And is thee not as little Heat of pun unmixed Indig ... ajirfeUes and otl

Theie is much of bit.er, little oi holy Zeal: May we not lit down then and mourn over a cold Key-co.'d and over our own more cold Hearto ?

Ufe 2. Seeing Zeal is one of the rare Ornaments of a ;ian, which puts Life in (ban, and

every Grace to the Life, how can we pleafe ouj with the Name and Profcffion of Chnltianity, anu the Life of it, this holy and pure Zeal of Gad? O! leek J, and to hive it pure and perfedt; rl here is counterfeit Stuff, which p.. Attn now a days under the Nan e of Zeal, wild Fire, a notional <£eaJ, Zeal, Zeal for a Man's Interelt, Zeal for the Bra;

5 own Brain, Zeal in fecking gr^at Things lor a Man's Self, contrary to I J. ra-

ther than the great and good Things of Gcd: Zeal is worth tiie having, but Baltaid Zeal is but lam apd Boutefeu : So, 1 go o- I

pounded, to (hew you ihe Excellency of this true Zeal. J t: The fecond Thing propounded concerning tin , concerning t lie Excellency thereof", which I pro- 1 6- d tnus : True Zeal or God is a m >ft exc< Uent Grace ; I J:£ it rewardeoj as, he turn

by his Zeal, an.i theiefore the Lo.d gave u Covenant of Peace, for him and b fter him, t.

Covenant of an 2 Priefthood, Num. xxv. 11, 12, J

yea, wi.ere i: was not j.ejkct, I mean, in €Jehu% > e t j c w,

i fourth .Generation, Monlr

eu!arly,t ike the Excellency of 1

, 1. It is the Lord\ royai Apparel, h


On the Gospel Covenant. 295

Zeal as a Cloak. 2. How it is Meat to Chrift one Way, even while it eateth him up another Way ; compare John ii. 17. with iv. 34. 3. How this Zeal is an uni- verfal good, of and in every good Thing ; it is good, faith the Apoftle, in Gal. iv. 18. to be zealoujly affecled always in a gond Thing: It is exercifed, 1/?, In and about the Word; Of bo<w lote I thy L&w ? chat exceeding and wonderfully great Love to the Law is Zeal, P/al. cxix. 97. It maketh the Heart burn-in hearing the Word, Luke xxiv. 32. This is that Fervency of Spirit, which will m.ike a Man teach diligently the Things of the Lord. xviii. 15. and People atcend diligently to that which is laid, /ids xvi. 14. zJ. It is exercifed in Obedience, Rom. xii. 1 1. fervent in Spirit, in ferving the Lord. 3V. In Prayer, Jam. v. 16. an effectual fervent Prayer, Prayer poiTeffed and carried on with a Spirit. \th. Jn Repentance, Jer. xxxi. 19. Ephraims fraitirg on the Thigh was an Act of Zeal, as his being afhamed and confounded, an Effect of it. 5//;. It is exercifed in Cha- rity ; See that ye love one another ivith a pure Heart fer- vently, i Pet. i. 22. 6th. It is fpecially exercifed in mod earnelt Contending for theTruth, Judever. 3. 4. The Excellency of this Grace appeareth in this, that it is for God ; what is mod for God is mod excellent, be it Man or Thing : Zeal is in a fpecial Way for God, for his Ho- nour, Numb. xx*/. 13. for his Houfe, Pfa. Ixix. 9. for his People, 2 Cor. xi. 2. for his Kingdom, Luke xiii. 24. to enter in it ; for his Wormip, the purging and storing of it, 1 Kings xix. 10. and for the glorifying of him in good Workb, Tit. ii. 14. for him againit ali the wicked in general; fuch was David, in P/a. xxvi. 5. he hated the Congregation of evil Doers, and would not fit with the wicked; and, in P/a. cxix. 138, 139. My Zeal, faith he, hath confumed me, becaute mine Enemies have fo\ ten thy Words ; and, in particular, againit Hypocrite?, Matth. xxiii. 33. falfe Te-ichers, true Zeal will have a great and an impartial Zeal againit them, Zech. xw\. 3 Phil. ii. 18. and againit Idolaters, Deut. xiii. 6, I Kings WW. 40. and ;.gainlt Superltition, Ads xvi: PauPs Spirit was Itirred at /tthens ; and againit thofe that T 4 marry


marry with Idolaters, Keb. xiii. 6, 7. and Profaners of the Sabbath, ver. 17, 21. of that chap, and cruel Exac- tions, <ver. 6, 12, 13. of the lame ; and then againft Un- cleannefs, Judg. xx. 8. and againft thofe that will not punifh fuch, Judg- xxi. 5, 10. and againft all the Ene- mies of God and his People; as in Saul againft the Am- monites, 1 Sam. xi. 1, 2, 6. and in David againft the un- circumcifed PBiliAine% who defied the Armies of I/;aeI, 1 Sam. xvii. j o, 48. 5. The Excellency of this Grace appeareth from the Woe which is in the Want of it ; it is recorded as the only Fault of old Eli, 1 Sam. \\. 23. which yet is charged againft him as a great Sin, and ie- verely punifhcd, *uer. 29, 30. Jt was reproved alfo, as a woful Evil in Laodicea, Lukewarmnefs, and forely threat- Bed, Rev. in. 16. And ;n 2 Theft. \\. 10, 11. who re- ceived not the Love of the Truth, were given up to Itrong Delufion. 6. The Excellency of this Grace is found in this, that it will make our Service acceptable; Zeal in Prayer, or any other Duty, availeth much, "Jam. v. 16. 7. It is that Grace which, in a Manner, tformeth Heaven ; it maketh the Kingdom of Heaven to fuffer Violence, and the holy violent to take it by Force, Matth. xl, 12. 8. There are m.iny fair Promi- fes made to it; particularly, that in Rev. iii. 19, 20. that notwithiLiiuing of all Rebukes or Chaftenings, if it be in repenting, and but opening the Door to Chrift, he cvuill come in and J up.

Ufe 1. Jf Zeal be not only an excellent Grace, and the Excellency of the Chiiftian, of how little Worth may they think themielves, that want it? Ah! they arc but fecklefs and worthier Chriftians, who are not zealous Chriftians : Grace is ^flcep or dead where it is not; the

ve to Chriil is not in Life, where it is not, both b ing within, and breaking forth in Teftimonies to and for fj him, as Occafion offeree ii ; whb 1 .', cannot well [J

adorn the Doctrine of Chrift, which ihould be the Study k of every Chriftiar, as well as of Minifters, Tit. ii. 10. k z. Let every Lhriftian labour to have this preciout k Grace, which, like a precious Carbuncle, may mine L

ongit his other Graces -nd it is of our Concernment k

' to

On the Gospel Covenant. 297

to try whether we have it or nor: It may be known by thefe Marks, (i.) It muft be a Zeal that hath clear Knowledge with ic, a Zeal according to Knowledge, Rom. x. 2. (2 ) It wiH make a Man do Things with all his Might, according to tha', in Eccl. ix. 10. and fome- times above their rower, 2 Cor. viii. 3. especially in Works of Charity, E*od. xxxvi. 6. (3) Wnere it is true, there will be much Diligence : Take Example in s, A3s xviii. 25. (4.) Men will be meek in their own Matters, but very hot in God's Matters; compare Numb. xii. 3. with Exod. xxxii. 9. (5.) Where it is true, it vw i»l not be fo iruch in Word as in Deed, hot tongued, but hot at the Work. (6 ) It will be equal againit. all Sin, 2nd for every Du:y ; not like thefe, in Mai. xxiii. 23. who r of Mint, and Anife, and Cummin,

and omit the weightier Matters of the Law, fuch as Judgment, ivkrcy, and Faith ; equal and impartial, as much r.gainit Sin in themfelves, than in others:

not fay to their Brother, as in Mattb. vii. 4. Let me full out the Mote out of thine Eye, and behold a Beam is in their onvn: If there be any Thing lefs or more of their Zeal, it will only be according as the Matter is found lefs or more againit the Honour of God. (7.) I True Zeal will not be for Toleration of Wickednefs, [Error, and Blafphemy : It is recorded to the Commenda- Ition of the Angel of the Church of Ephe/us, that he did [not bear with them that were evil, that called themfelves [Apoltles, but were found Liars ; and yet this Church at Ithe Time was upon a Decay, they had left their firft ^ove, R$i/. ii. 2, 4. How little then are they to be com- nended, who pretend to greater Perfection, and yet bear Lvkh many Evils, Errors, and Blafphemies ? Ah ! they inay be reckoned with thole. 1 Kings xviii. 21. that halt J)etween two Opinions. (8.) True Zeal will not be by I'lames, but it will be conitant ; the Man that hath it rill grow in it, as to the Affection, even when he corn- to be verv little able, as to doing or fuffering for (9.) Though it be drawn out fometimes to great bverity, yet even then it will have much Pity and Com- |iilioh ; the Excrcife of one Grace will not hinder the



cife of another : So the ApoiHe Paul, coming ag^inft Che Corinthians with the Rod of fturp Reproof and DiC cipline, profefleth b bat he ihouid be humbled

among them, 2 Cor. xii. 20, 21.

As to the third Thing propounded, that Zeal is pro- mised, ^nd io a covenanted Blefiji -rear, 1. From thefe Scriptures, that Word in Pjai Ixviii. vcr. 31. that Princes jhall come out of E^ypt, and Ethiopia jhall foon fit etch <ut her Hands unta God ; tne Word in the Original is, jhall caufe her Hands io runt fo they (hall CO me I very free and zealous Profehion. in J/a. ii. 2, 3. it is pro- miftd, that there (hull be a flowing un:o the Mountain of the Lord, each quickening another; Thefe are Acts and Effects of Zeal ; and, in I/a. Ix. 5, 8. there is pro- miled, not only flowing together, but flying as a ClouJ, with Enlargement of Heart; and wiii there not be Zeal there ? And, in Zech. xiii. we have it promifed and pro- phefled, that there ih.sll be iuch Zeal againil falfe Teach- , as (he Parent mail not Ip^re the Chiid, but thr.il him tnrough ; and, in 7^ch. viii. 23. it is promifed, that ten Men (lull take ho;d of the Skirt of one Jew, and profcis great ZeaJ in feeking the Lord ; and, in Daniel xii. 4. that m.ny ihali run to and fro, and Knowledge fh.ill be increafed ; . and if Knowledge, Love and Zeal alfo; and there is a Time coming, wherein it is promi- fed, that I/rael ih:\\\ be angered, it is, made to burn witU .holy Anger and ZeJ, R^n. x. 19. MoffJ faith, I -will pro ~ *voke you to Jealoufo l> ( by a foolijb Nation I will anger you. 2. That Zeal is a co- venanted Blefling, appeareth by thefe Reafons, \ft. If it ihouid not come by the Promife, and. were it not given us a free Gift, how ihouid we have it? naturally we have neither Heart nor Heat for God; we have a wrong Heat, againll him rather, fuch as that, in Jer. \i. 39. which provoketn the Lord to great Wrath, like tnat in Ho/, vii. 4, 6. making our Hearts ready as an Oven. zd. It hathl been proved that Love and Obedience is promiied ; ZeaJl is no other Thing aimoii but the intenle A£tfof $d. We h.ivc tlie Lor. -gaged by Covenant, to b<l employed rur us, all the great Engagements of Chriit fof

On the Gospel Covenant. 299

us in his Offices and Relations ; we have it promifed, that the -Zeal of the Lord of Holh ill a 11 perform them all, Ifa. ix. 6, 7. For the Remnant's taking Root downward, and bearing Fruit upward, we have the fame Zeal engjged, Ifa. xxxvii. 31, 32. and the Exercife of his Zeai will kindle Zeal in his People, ^.tb. True Religion will not attain its End without it ; there will be no entring the itrait Gate without itriving; and llriving is no other Thing but the Exercife of Zeal, Luke xrii. 24. yih. Godly Sorrow is prom: fed, and a fpecial Ingredient in it is Zeai, 2 Cor. vii. 11. 6tb. It is promifed, tl.

: 0 r i f y God in the Fires ; there (hall be in the Times 'of great Defolation, a lifting up of the Voice, and a iing- ing Ijt the Ma jelly of the L ltd ; a::d where that \sA there will be great Zeal, ifa. xxiv. *ver. 14, 15. -jtb. Perfe- verance is promiied, and that cannot be without Zeal. %th. It was Chriit's great D iign in the Work of Re- demption, to ptuchafe a People to himfeif, zealous uf ;. ii. 14. 9'>. Tnis Zeal, after a Sort, . i'i that Incenfe, which was offered up roid, Exid. xl. 5. \oth. It is com- manded in the Gofpe), Rtv. iii. 19. and whatever is commanded in the Gofpel, it is promifed:aIio.

U/'t 1. Then there is Matter of 1 error, to all thofe .Covenant; they may have that wicked and blind Zeal, which is from Hell, and Tongues 1 by tha| Fire, as in Jam. iii. 6. but they can have none of this heavenly Fire ; they may burn in Lull, burn in Malice and Envy, and fo burn themfelves and con- fume one another ; but they can have none of that Spirit of burning, that will walh away their Fi.rh, Ifa. iv. 4.

Ufe 2. Comfort to thofe wh (e great Complaint is of , -ilDeadneis ; Z<_al may be had, ana it is or may be the pro- per Cure of their Diftemper : 1 here is a Spirit of Zeal J holy Burring promiied ; ii Men would but aft. that ippiiit, he wou.u come down like Fire, and make their irits gb up in a holy Flame Heaven-ward again: And here is a Time of greater Zeal promiied to the Churches, hich we both mav and ought to pray for.


V/e 3. All who defire to have it, would go to Chriit in the Covenant, Chriit in the Promife, to have it; ih re is no other Way to have it, it \i us Jewels w

the Peeking: And for your better help, take thefe few Directions: (1.) Study to avoid all that which is contra- ry thereto, fuch as, 1. All Head Queitions, 2 Tim. if. 23. they are great Enemies to Zeal. 2. A He^it let on the World, and Pleaiuies ; theie will rtiffle Zeal, Luke viii. 14. 3. Sitting up, while upon the Way, Phil. iii. 13, 14 is to the contrary. 4. Lukewarmnefs, Rev. iii. 15, 16. 5. Carnal Wifdom, which brcedeth Indifferency, AOixvxw* 15, 16, 17. 6. Bafe Fear of Man, and not fanctitying the Lord in our Hearts, according to I/h. viii. 13. 7. Familiarity with the wicked ,* for where Iniquity abound- eth, Love waxeth cold. 8. Indulging our Corruptions, contrary to Rom. xiii. 14. 9. Going over the Belly of Confcience ; fo, condemning ourfelves in that which we allow. (2.) Think much and often upon the Lord's Goodnefs; that will kindle Zeal. (3.) Be afhamed of your fhort-comings, and that may qu.cken you to more Zeal for afterwards. (4.) Be ufing fuch Means as are proper for begetting atid breeding it, entertaining of the I Spirit, and attending of the Word, 1 IheJJT. v. 19, 20. j keeping Company with thofe that a*re zealous Peopie ; for, as Iron Jharpeneth Ir$n, fo a Man jharpeneth the Coun- tenance of bis Friend, Prev. xxvii. 17. and labour to live under a lively Miniitry.



( 301 )




On the feventh and eighth fanftifying Graces Righteousness and Temperance.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5". Although my Houfe be not fo with Cod ; yet he hath made with me an evcrlajling Covenant, well ordered in all Things and jure ; for this is all my Salvation* and all my Dejire, although he make it not to grow.

PROCEED to fpeak of the feventh and eighth .. fc fanftifying and faving Graces, viz. Righteoufnefs » nd Temperance : Moralifb do handle them as moral rirtues, under the Names of Juftice and Temperance; ut we are to look upon them as Graces of the Spirit, id the Ornaments of a Chriftian ; the Grace of God, hich bringeth Salvation, teacheth a Man to live righ- oufly and foberly, Tit. ii. 12. And a Preaching of this

Iighteoufnefs and Temperance, made a Felix to tremble, as xxiv. 25. Firit, Then of Righteoufnefs, even of at which is betwixt Man and Man ; for, of the other, e fpoke before; and of it in thefe three, ijl. What it idly. How excellent it is. 3^ That it is a cove- inted Bluffing.

•fts to the firit, What it is, It is called Juftice, Equity, ight ; fuch dealing as Abraham exercifcd towards his



Partners in the War, Gen. xiv. 24. Such a Righteoufnefs' I exercifo' aluig will, Gen. xxx.

3 J. Inch SI appeareth in "keeping Covenant with others, tiioug/i it fhould be to our Hurt, Jojh. ix. 19. and P/a. xv. 4. In a Word, it is a Grace, by which Men are enabled to pay that which is due each to other, accord- ing to that, in Rom. xiii. 7. Render to all their Dues: What is the Ground of Childrens Obedience, the fame is of Duties in other Relations, that which is right, Eph. vi. 1. And that which Mailers fhouid give and do to Servants, is that which every Chriitian iliould give and du to another, even that which is juft and equal, Co/, iv. I. Three Things may be iuppofed in it, 1. A civil Car- riage. 2. Not injurious, hurting no Man. 3. The giv- and doing right to every Man, from a gracious Prin- ciple, Love to God, and Kefpecl to his Commandment, 'i here is diiiributive Jullice, by which every one hath his Due diflributed unto him ; and commutative, where- in like is payed for like. There is Jullice in decreeing, Prov. viii. 15. Chriit teacheth Princes to decree Jultice: There is Jultice in the Execution, doing Jullice ; and Juftice alio in bargaining; fo, in good upright Ware, equal Prices, jud Weights, Meafures; a right Way and Sett of a Man's Heart in all thefe Things is a very com- mendable Thing, an Ornament of Grace, and gracious Endowment.

U/e 1. Matter of Terror to thofe, who have nothing of thih Grace; unrighteous Men, they render to none rr.eir Due, pay not the Duties of Relations to any, are i unrighreous WitnefTes, contrary to Exod. xxiii. 1. unrigh- teous and cruel Men, P/a I. Jxxi. 4. that decree unrighte- ous Decrees, lla. x. 1. they that have unrighteous Mam- ir.on, Luke xvi. 11, is'c. Such unrighteous Dealers, as they us Knemies to Society, and fo to Mankind, fo they .1 arc an Abomination to t tie Lord, Deut. xxv. 16. and they fiiall not inherit t^e Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. vi. . The Wrath of God is i e more revealed, not j

only againft all Ungodlinels, but againlt all Unrighteou nefs ot Men, Rom. 1. %Jh evea againli thofe, who, under ^ji

Pretext [

On the Gospel Covenant. 303

retext of following Righteoufnefs, do tranfgrefs the La* >f Equity.

U/'e 2. Who defire this RJ^iteoufnefs, would endea- vour to have it, not as a Virtue only, but as a Grace; lot taught by moral Precepts ot Men, but infufed by the Spirit, a right Frame of Spirit, towards the doing of hat which is juft and equal in t*€ry Thing, to tvzry erfon ; not only becauie the Lord commandech io, and hat his worthy Name may not be blatphemed, bur from ^ove to Jefus and in thankful Acknowledgement of is RighteoulfK-fs ; and all thefe At\s of Righteoufnefs rhich we perform to Men, would be done in Faith, and i the Strength of Jefus, and with an Eye to the Glory f God ; fo ihal! they be gracious Ads indeed. As to the fecond, This Juftice and Righteoufnefs is a oft excellent Grace : It is a great Biefling, when Judg- tent runneth down as Waters, and Righteoufneis as a ighty Stream, Amos v. 24. And it is a wofui Ph-gue a Land, when Judgment is turned into Gall, and the ruit of Righteoufnefs into Hemlock, dmos vi. 12. he Excellency of it appeareth in thefe Things, 1. From e Names which the Adminiitruors of Juilice have g»v- them in Scriptures, the Shields of the Earth, Pfal. vii. 9. and Gods, Pfal. Ixxxii. 2. 2. From the great od which cometh by this Righteoufnefs to a Land lere it is ; where there is judging by Righteoufneis, d of the poor with Judgment, the Mountains bring ice, and little Hills by Righteoufnefs : There is a flou- hing State, Pfal. lxxii. 2,3, 7. 3. From the Promi- wiiich are made to it, Bleilings are upon the Head of juit, Pro<v. x. 6. his Children are blclTed after him, h<v. xx. 7. though he fall feven Times, he will rife up liin, Pjal. xxiv. 16. A Man ;rnt hath done Judgment |l Juftice may pray with Confidence, leave me not to Opf.rcffjrs, Pfal. cxix. 1 21. 4. The Excellency of reth in this, that to do Jufiice and Judgment is re acceptable to God than Sacrifice, Pio\>. xxi. 3 -. en Princes do Juftice, then it is well with them, Jrr, i. 15. but, on the contrary, there are many ch attend Jnjaftice; they who are filled with all Un-



righceoufnefs, are of the Number of thofc who are given up to a reprobate Mind, 4lam. i. 28, 29. 6. Even to be righteous in our dealing with Men, is a Mark that we are Burgefles of Ziwns PjuL xv. 2, 3. 7. It is a promi- fing Mark of Communion with God, and of lure and fafe Protection, the Spirit (hall be poured out from on high, when Judgment mall dwell in the Wiiderneis, Ifa. xxxii. 15, 16. 8. Even this Righceoufnefs is that whjch Chnit loveth, Pjal. xlv. 7.

Ufe 1. Their Naughtinefs appeareth from this, that are unrighteous in their De Jings with Men ; if there be an Excellency in Righteoulncfs, and the righteous Man be more excellent than his Neighbour, Prov. xii. 26* then the unrighteous Dealer muft be a Man of no Ex- cellency, wnetiier in pubiick Adminiilrations, or private Dealing.

Ufe 2. Let us endeavour to have a right DiJfofition, . as to J u it ice in ourfelves, and pray for it in others, and 1 ufe theje Means, 1. Self-denial. 2. To be crucified to the World. 3. Let no Sin reign in us.

Ufe 3. Be thankful, all you whofe Spirits are wrought up to this Frame; teftify it, (1.) By doing <is ye would be done to, according to Mattb. vii. 12. and Luke vi. 31. I (2.) Study to be jult in the leait, and in the greatelt, con- sidering that which is written, in Lukexvi. 10. (3.) Who I deiire to be jult in dealing with others, they mult be yielding and condefcending. (4.) They malt be juit to , all Men, and at all Times. (5 ) So juft to Mcr, a* not unjalt to God ; they muit give none of God's Due to them.

As to the third, That thji* Righteoufnefs is promifed* and fo a covenanted Blotting, this is evident, 1. From Scripture, Ifa. xi. 4, 9. it is promiied that Chriit with Righteoufnefs wi.l judge the poor, and that, they (hall not hurt nor deftroy in all his holy Mountain ; fo, in Ifa. xxxii. I. Behold , a King Jb all reign in Righteoufnefs ; and in Ifa. lx. 17, 18. I <u/j# make thy Officer* Peacerand thy, ExaQors Righteoufnefs. 2. It is proved by thefe Reafons*;] 1. We could not have it die, if we had it not by the Promiie, for naturally we are of thole unjult that know

On the Gospel Covenant. 305

so Shame, Zepb. iii. 5. 2. External Peace and Society is promifed ; and thefe could not be without the Exercife :>f Juliice and Righteoufnefs ; To, in Mic. iv. 3, 4. while quiet Habitations are promiied, and that every Man fhall (it under his own Vine and Fig-tree ; Righteoufnefs mutt be exercifed, or that cannot be. 3. Religion in Exercife s promifed, in the moft glorious Brightness, under the Expreffions, that the Church's Sun (hali no more go down, oor her Moon withdraw ;— and then, the People ihall be ill righteous, Ifa. Ix. 20, 21. 4. Removing of Oppref- lon Ji promifed, Ifa. liv. 14. Jn Righteoufnfs Jbalt thou he'efiabiifhed, thou Jbalt be far from Oppreffi.n, and I hat \bi Lord <w ill feed them that opprefs his People, tvitb their iixn Flejb$ and make them drunken ivitb their own Blood, 2j with fweet Wine, Ifa. xlix. 26. 5. Chrift the King }f Saints is juft, Zech. ix. 9. and fo, by Covenant, he rt'ill make hh People fuch. 6 Love is promifed ; and where it is, it will make all Duties to be done betwixt Man and Man.

Ufe 1. Their Mifery as to this, who hve without the bvenant; they can have none of this gracious Righte- oufnefs ; they can neither exercife it towards others, nor :an they o.pett it of others who are of their own Cut; :0r, none of this Righteoufnefs doth grow without the pale of the Covenant.

Ufe 2. The Reaibn why there is fo little Righteouf- icfif, even in Place where Religion is profelled, there is. jut too little going in to the Promife to retch i: from hence ; they think it enough to be guided in that, by he dark Remainders of the Light 0: Nature, and the :, Juftoms of the Time, or fome moral Rules : O f but if 3 lien would go co the Promife, to have the Grace of Righteoufnefs from thence, they would much better be ilpofed unto righteous Dealing one with another.

Ufe 3. Comfort to thofe, who, being real Chriftians,

lave thu as no fmall Grief, that they can never get the

vrong Bi^fs of their Heart taken away ; they cannot get

hat LefTon learned, to do to others, as they would have

do to them : If they would go in to the Covenant

U of


of Promifes, they may have the wrong Biafs taken awayr, and a right given.

Ufe 4. Lee us beg this Grace alfo from the Lord in the Covenant ; yea, and beg Jutlice from our Redeemer, againft all the Oppreilbrs or his People, and he (hall af- furedly plead their Caufe, Jer. \\. 34. And then, fludy to prafiife Righteoufnefs, (1.) In doing not only that which is jail and right, Ezek. xviii. 5. but that affo which is equal, CjI. tv. 1. (2.) Follow Things that are honeit, and of good Report, Phil. iv. 8. (3 ) Keep chat Rule of Chrift, Mattb. vii. 12. (4.) Take no Ad- vantages of Times. (5.) Be ftraight and itricl, in ob- ferving Covenants and Bargains.

Come we now to fpeak of Temperance: It is no fmaJl Grace ; if it be rightly exercifed, it comprizeth a great ?irt of a Man's Duty, in the right Government of him- feJf : In Tit. ii. 12. it is expreffed by living foberly. In fpeaking to this alfo, I propound thefe three Things, 1. What it is. 2. How excellent it is. And, 3. That it is a covenanted Bleffing.

As to the firil, What this Temperance is, you may take it up in thefe threea id. As Fortitude is againft itrong and terrible Temptations, fo this Temperance is againit fair, fawning, and flattering Temptations, zd. It puts a Reftraint upon a Man, and bindeth him up from lulling after unlawful Things, and moderateth his Appetite in Thing- lawful, yi. It ruleth other AfTecli ons, fuch as Defire, Love, Delight, in and about both pleafant and profitable Things. I may add this, 4^. It moderates the Mind, as well as the AfFc&ions; it maketh Men think foberly, as well as live foberly : There be as much Uhfob^rnefs, and, to fpeak fo, Drunkennefs, in Opinion, as in any other Way. v*

Ufi i- Who defire this fandlifying Grace, would look well that pleafant Things turn not a Snare to them ; let them watch againft the ftollcn Waters, Prov. ix. 17. Let til em beware of the Wire <when it is red, <wben it giv- en it movetb i 'tfe If aright *• for at the lufi it biteth a j a Serpent, and fiingeth as an Adder.


On the Gospel Covenant. 337

Vfe 2. Warning to thofe who think ihemfelves right enough as to this, and that they need not much [ni tion or Caution thereanent : rfhey won id remember, (i.) That by iome Sore of f -[temperance many Along . faJJen, Proj. vi; Tnat moe periih by the Aoufi

; , than aimoil by praftrfing of TJ Simply unlawful; fucb as Eating, Drinking, .. md giving in Marriage; Excels in thefe was the P af the Men of the £rit World ; io wiii it be in ma; he Ti . e of Chrift's fecond Coming, $kat. xxiv. 3, \ 9.

As to the fecovd Thing, I his Temperance i^ an :e]]ent Grace an: nt of a Chrift'ian; which

ippear, 1. if it bv: confidered, how the Spirit of a v s uuely iubdued by it, io as his Appetite is neither inor- linate, nor immoderate. 2. How noble Companions Signed unto, and do attend it in the Scripture^ Tim. iii. 2. it hath before it vigilant, and behind 'it ;ood Behaviour; Sobriety hath good Influence on both hofe; and, in *v*r, 1 1. of that chap, we have fiber and faithful in all Things joined together; and, Tit, i. 8. we ave a;l thefe joined together, iober, jult, ho!}, tempe- ate. 3. How we have noble Patterns of this Grace in cripture; in David, though fhintuig, yet he wou.^ not rink of that Water, fcr which Men had jeoparded their .ives, but poured it forth before the Lor,. xxiii.

6. And in the Rthabites, J :> . xxxv. 5, 6 In i>. nd his Companions, chap. i. 8. In Jobn Bap.';.:, .>lat. i. 4. And in Chrill h iv. 2. and in his 1)1-

rction to his Apoitles, Luke x. 7. 4. The v\

eilency of it may appear, from t;. brthinefs of the dofatrary, which tflffcn into

cafts, not only wild AlTes, and Hories, but ;nto Dogs id bwine. 5. The Excellency of T

ety appearcth in tl :n a good

rame and Cafe for fpiritual Exci - be temper/

Things, puts a Man in Capacity of ftriving » e Crown, 1 Cbr. ix. 25. 6. It maketh a Mm : 4 ght Poll-are, waiting fur Chtift's Coiriing ; bat, if anting, the Hazard is great, ir we believe -. x Lo:d himfelf iaitb, in Luki


heed tj vow fe Ives, led at any Time your Hearts be over- charged with Surfeiting and Drunkenncfs, and Cares of :'o that Day come ulon you unaivares ; for r.s a Snare ///..// it cimc on all them that dwell on the Face of the ivMe Earth ; watch ye therefore, and pray always? that ye may be accounted worthy to efcape all thejt Things that jh all come to pafs, and to fiand before the Son of Man,

Ufe i. Terror to thofe that are without the Covenant; they can have none of this gracious Sobriety, and com- mendable Temperance ; fo they cannot afture themfelves to. live the Life of rational Men, let be of Chriilians: Though by Education, or from Reftraint, they may pofii- hly be temperate in fome Things, they will prove intem- perate in others; and, though they mould be temperate as to Externals, they will fwell in Conceit and inward Price.

Vie 2. Is Temperance and Sobriety of fuch Excellen- cy ? It mould then be much fludied by Chriilians: Who have it, mould be very thankful to God for it, and la- bour to maintain it : Who denre to know whether they have true Temperance or not, may know it by thefe Marks, (i.) Who have denied Ungodlinefs and worldly Lulls, Tit. \\. 12. io have all their Lulls under the Yoke of Religion and Reafon, they are temperate. (2.) They who are got above thofe Luih and finful Delights, to which by Nature they are inclined moll, and are temp- ted and prompted by their Place, Example, or Cuflom ; fo, when young Men Hy from youthful Lulls, 2 Tim. ii. 22. And others, live not the reft of their Time in the Elefh, to rhe Lulls of Men, but to the Will of God; not in Lafciviouihefs, Excefs of Wine, Revellings, Ban- quetings, Excefs of Riot, 1 Pet. iv. 2, 3, 4. (3.) When there is not only a Reftraint upon Luils, but, in a great Meafure, a rooting of them up; a mortifying, not only of the Deeds of the Body, Rom. viii. 13. but of the in- ordinate AfFcdion and evil Concupifccnce, Col. iii. 5. (4.) When Men having all thefe delegable Thi/.gs, thq^ are as if they had them not ; they ufe but enjoy them not ; they are like Gideon's tried Soldiers, that bowed not down to drink of the Waters, Judg. vii. 6. They that


On the Gospel Covenant. 309

ifavc Wives mould be as if they had none, and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not, and they that buy is though they poflefTed not, and they that ufe this World, is not abuiing it, I Cor. vii. 29, 30, 31.

Ufe 3. H there be an Excellency in Temperance, then :here is Bafenefs in Intemperancy : Know it by rliefe Marks, (1.) It is covetous to have more than is needful. 2.) It is curious in feeking unfuitabie Things. (3 j It s unfeemly in the Carriage. (4.) It is too frequent and infeafonable in following of Delights ; Princes rat , Morning, Ec. x. 16. Efpecialiy Intemperancy by Drur cennefc is a bafe Sin ; he is amongfl the excommunicate, 1 Cor. v. 11. excluded Heaven, who is thus intemperate, 1 Cor. vi. 10. 1. It fpoileth a Man of Reafon. 2. It in fits a Man for Exercife, Luke xxi. 34. 3. It m 1 Man naked. 4. It many Ways hurteth a Man in his r'erfon, Name, and Eflate; and then, Intemperancy bv Luxury is a bafe Sin: 1/?. Thefe Lufts do war againJt he Soul, 1 Pet. ii. 11. zd. They are againli a Man's Body and Eftate too, Prov. vii. 26. and xxix. 3. 3 /. k

deftrudiive to Mankind. \th. It is inward, importu- late, and unbridled. $tb. It occafioncth many Sins, ind may lead Men captive to Sins againit. Nature's Light, Rom. i. 24, 26, 27.

As to the third, That this Temperance is promifed, s clear, 1. From Scripture, J fa. xxxii. 5. where it is pro- niieJ, tnat the vile Perfon {hall no more be called libe al, nor the Churl faid to be bountiful : Churlimnefs and jordidnefs of Spirit (hail be removed ; fo there mall be Vloderation and Temperance, 2 By Reafon, \li. Mor- fkation is promifed ; and Temperance is a great Part :herecf". zd. Sobriety is commanded, 1 Tbeff. v. 6. and t Pet. i. 13. And whatever is commanded in the Gof- De!, is promifed alfo ; ali our Duties are promifed. 3./. .t is one of the chief E»jd5 of the Gofpel revealed, Tit. i, ii, 12. therefore ir muit be a Covenant BlefTing. iving fobtriy. yh. Health and Li/e are promifed ; 1 Jnbt 6? maintained without this Temperance. irt is promifed ; and ic will not be every jVa| new, if in:* fober Frame be n;;f in it. 6tL It u U % promifed

3 io S E k M O N XXXII.

c (hall not be fed nway with Temptation} elfe, how could or it? j/.b. Every gooi Thing

romifed, a* _ ; it is good in many Re-

, natural, civil, ipiri'u il.

about the Cove- ns they have not this gr . I me, and prccio . dowrnent, fo they have no Ground to ex peel it ; they 4iave no Title to the Promilt. of Tempe- ra nee i- from the Proinife; iumetning like h m.iv be from Nature and Education: So, rf it be aflted : is jo little Temperance in th:s loofe and <i .

r is clear, there be but few within eh* Bond of the Coven nt.

2. All then who find Need of this Grace, an defire to iiave >. Jet them turn in to the Covenant

:r, and fetch it from Chrift in the Promife : A for maintaining it, take theic Direclion.% (r^ Mortify the Love of the World ; it puts away the Love of God, and bnngeth in the Love of other Things, (o turnetfc Ivlen unlbber, i Jhn Y\. 15. (2.) Watch well over the

; Intemperance came in fir It that Way, Gen. in. 6 and vi. 2. (3 ) Weigh and consider well the Em and Vanity of thefe Things, c me to

Temptations to Inremperancy, Bee Li. 1, 2. (4) to look on Plcafure.% and carnal Delights, as ti and not as they come; remembering tnat Wottf, .:. vi. 2t. What Fruit have ye

are ojbamed, t&i End nvbiri ith? (5.) Whe|(

you find a warring, by Reaion of Corruption, yet ben ware of being brought under Captivity, Rem. v (6.) Confider how, ordinarily, all wife Men are tempek rate ; and they are but Fools that are otherwife, Turn your Appetite, in the Edge of it, after the Puriuji of the bell Things.


S £

( 3" )

i ■■»■■■ ■-.« - 1 I, .



30SP E L C 0 V E X A X T:

Dn the ninth fa notifying and faving Gracf, Slnceiuty.

i Samuel xxiiL 5.

not fo with God ; *ye$ he J? at I;

cnant, well ordered hi all 7 , for this is all my Salvation, and all my Dejlre, ■h he make it not to grow.

-jNOLLOWETHa rare Grace, a rich Blefling, to / be fpoken of; and that is, Sincerity ; which js as le Salt to other Graces, both to make them found and fting.

In opening thereof, I mall mew you, \fl% What it is. My, Of what Worth and Excellency it is. And, *$dly, low it is promised, and fo, a very rich, and fair, and te Covenant Blefiing.

A* to the firft, What it is, Know thnt it is a very fin- le, and fimple Thing ; yet it hath many Names: 1. It

called Truth, the Lord defireth Truth in the inward

arts, Pfa. li. 6. and in J fa. XXXV in. 3. HiXtkiab in his

faith, Remember, O Lord, boiv 1 walked before thee

Truth :% Truth in bjth thefe Places is no other Thing it of which we fpeak, Sincerity. 2. It is c . itfgrity; fo, in Ffat Ixxviii. 72. 1



e fed the Lord's People according to the Integrit; : Heart ; and, in Pro v. xx. j. The juji Man walk- 3 . 1 1 i :> ca i led Sou ud ne fs ; lb. David*, in Ffal. cxix. 8o. prayeth, Let my Heart be found in tby Statutes, that I be not a/ham(d: The Man is fotfcuJ, fjiat hath no uniound Principle, nor allowed rotten Corrup- tion. 4. It is called Singlenefs. and Simplicity ; fo, in A&i ii. 46. it is faid of the primitive Chriftjans, that tbey did eat eat wit's G/adnefs, and Singlenefs of

Heart; and, in 2 Cor. i. 12. Simplicity and godly Sin- cerity go together. 5. It is called Uprightnefs; To we have the Man of Underitanding walking uprightly, Prov. xv: 21. and xiv. 2. He that iva/ketb in bis Uprightncft fear et h the Lord. 6. It is caiied Straightnefs ; fo, in Prci'. iv. 25. the Direction is, that our Kyes look righc on, and our Eye lids ftratght before us; and, in Ifa. xl. 3. the Proclamation is, Make draight in the Difart a high Way far our oW. 7. It is called Perfection, and Com- pleatneis ; fo, in 2 Cor. xiii. 1 1 Be perfed, Is, be iincere j and, in Col. iv. 12. we have thefe two joined together, peifed and compleat, in all the Will of God. 8. \l p^iTcth under the Name of Honefty : fo we have the good and honeit Heart, Luke viii. 15. and, in 2 Cor. viii. 21. we are commanded to provide honeit Things, not on ]y in the Sight o; the Lord, but in the Sight oi ivien : More ordinarily, it paiieth under the Name of Sincei t ty ; fo we have t;»e unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth, 1 Cor. v. 8. And the Apoitle profeffeth ;: this Sjn^tric) in Preaching, 2 Cor. ii. 17. he preached as in the Sight of Gad ; and, in 2 Cor. vui. S. i»e fpeaketh of the Sincerity of Peoples Love ; and, in / we have him wiihin^, Grace to them a)) who love om Lord JefusChrill in Sincerity ; So, from the Names an< the Dcfcripticns of this Grace, which 3re held tort therein, we niav k;

Uje 1. To ddcover and reprove rhe Ignorance of many as to thisTmng: Sincerity is j i'hing than many

take it to be; the fincere Man rnuii be a Jew inward^ Rom. ii. 29. a Man of fojnd Principles a Man of one and not of that double Heart, ?. a Man of a


On the Gospel Covenant. 313

ftraight Way and right Ends, a Man that ufeth right M-eans, that waiketh ciofe to the Rule, who, in his tra- velling to Zion, goeth ftraight on, walking honeilly, Rom- xiii. 13. a Man cleanly, and not for Mixtures, a Man, Sun-proof, that can abide the Trial of the Sun of Righteoufnefs.

Ufe 2. It is our Duty to fit down and mourn, and to . bewail the Paucity of fincere and perfect Men ; it is much as it is expreffed in Prov. xx. 6. Mofl Men will proclaim every Man his own Goodnefs, but a faithful Man who can find ? There may be many pretending to Perfection Of Heart, like Jehu, but behold the End.

As to the fecond Point, This Sincerity is an excellent and blefTed Thing; the pure in Heart they are bleffed, and (hail fee God, Mat. v. 8. they are bleffed, in whoie. Spirit is no Guile, Pfal. xxxii. 2. The Excellency of it may be further demonttrated thus, 1. It is the Image of God, his Onenefs and Simplicity ; it maketh a Man after God's Heart, 1 Sam. xiii. 13, 14. it maketh a Man to have that Holinefs of Truth, Eph. iv. 24. 2. Th$ celiency of it appeareth in this, becaufe both it, and they that have it, are the Lord's Delight ; fo David profeffetb, in I Cbron. xxix. 17. I know alfot my God, that tbcu trie/i tbe Hearty and ball Pleafure in Uprightnefs ; and, in Pfa. xi. 7. Tbe righteous Lord lo-vetb Righteoufnefs, bis Coun- tenance doth behold the upright ; and, in Prov. xii. 22. They that deal trulv are bis Delight ; and xi. 20. They that are of a frovuard Heart are an Abomination to tbe Lord, but fucb as are uptight in their Way are his Delight. 3. The Teems of the Engagement in the Covenant is, to walk before God, and to be perfect, Gen. xvii. 1. it mult be an excellent Thing, which alone God doth require in the Covenant. 4. If it be, fmall Things fvill be accept- ed, and well efteemed, as the Widow's Mite, Luke xxi. 3, and where it is not, the greattft Offerings wi!l be of no Value with God, but by him rejected ; fo, in Mic. v'\ 6, 7, 8. Wherewith Jball I come before the Lord, and 6jiu "my/elf before tbe high Gaa

burnt Offerings, with Calve; cf a l\ar oU '■? Lord

be pleajed with j 1 . ith tm th$u


of Rivers of Oil? fhall I give my fir (I born for my Tranf gre'/Bon, the Fruit of my Body for the Sin of m\ Soul? "He hath Jbemed thee, 0 Alan, ivhat is good, and <wbat doth the Lord require of thee, but to do Ju/ilj, <S"c. And, in I Cor. xiii. though ot.e would beitow all his Goods to feed the poor, and give his Body to be burned, and have nor Love, it will profit him nothing: Now, Love is the great Proof of Sincerity. 5. There is no Service that a Man can do, that wili be accepted at all, if it be want- ing ; the Lord will not io much as look upon it, he oniy looketh upon the upright iVian, and nath Refped to him, and to his Service and Sacrifices, J/a. ixvi. 2, 3. 6. There are luge temporal Blemngs promiied to it; (0, in 2 Chr. xvi. 9. The Eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the Ea*ih, to fbe-uj him I elf llroncr in behalf of them ivhofe Hearts are perfect towards him ; and, in Pfa. XXXIV. 19, 20. 7 he Lord knoivetb the Days of the upright, and their Inheritance fhall be fir ever : They /hull not be ajbamed of the e-vil Time', and, in ver. 37. of that Pfalm, Mark the f erf eel Man, and behold the ubright, for the End of that Man is Peace \ and, cxii. 2. His Seed /hall be mighty upon the Earth, the Generation of the upright Jhal I be bleJJ'ed ', and, in Pro<v. ii. 7. The Lord is a Buckler to them that walk upright I), xiv. 1 I. The Tabernacle of the upright /hall f uri/h ; and, xxii. I 1 . He that loveth Purenefs of Heartt for the Grace of his Lips the King /hall be his Friend. 7. There are more large fpiritual Bleflings promiied unto it, particularly Three, \H. That he fhall not be moved for ever, but be in everl.iiting Remembrance, PjaL cxii. 6. 2d. The Lord will (hew himfelf itrong in their behalf : That, in 2 Chron. xvi. 9. may be as well meant of fpiri- tual as of temporal Blellings. 3^. The upright /hall have Dominion in the Morning, PfaL xlix. 14. 8. Eternal Bid- fings promifed to it, who walk uprightly mall dwell in tlie Lord's holy HiJl. PfaL xv. 1,2. 9. The Excellency of Sincerity may appear horn the Vilenefs of Hypocrify ; it is very abominable in Goa\s Sight, lfa. Ixv. 5.

U/e 1. U this be fo excellent a Bleiiing, then they** mult be at a great Loft who want it, when nothing they ^can fay or do can be accepted without it; and they mull



On the Gospel Covenant. 3*5\

be in woful Cafe, who have nothing in Place of it but vile Hypocrify ; they may expect Dread and Terror, Fearfulnefs fhal! furprize them, Ifa. xxxiii. 14. chey fhall find it terrible to deal falfly with God in a Covenant, Hof. x. 14.

Ufe z. All that delight in God, and that defire to be his Delight, feek chis Sincerity : Ail that defire to be accept- ed of" him, and to have their Service accepted of him, let labour to make this fure; and let all whofe Heart? them, that they have it, or defire to have it, look Well to their Hearts, that they deceive them not; and .efe Marks, by which they may know it, (i.J If 'in doiiig Duties they look to God, and not to Men ; that winch is given as a Direction to thofe that ierve Men, Ccl. iii. 23. we may take it as fpoken to us, m doing Service to God, whatsoever we do to do tt heartily, as to the Lord : We may be quickened with fuch a Confidera- tion a> that, in PTai. Iii. 9. ic is good before the Saints; Hut, to have ( ur Way and Work good before die Lord, , mould be our great and chief Deiign. (2.) We would co every Thing fo, as not afraid to be found fo doing at our I alt Reckoning, LukexW. 43. (3.) If we love the Light, and to walk in it, for he ch.tt dotn. Truth cometh to the Light, that his Deeds might be ma- nilcil, tiiat they are wrought in God, John \\. 21. (4.) be in Datieb with as much If not more Serionfuet's in Abitnce as in defence of Wittoefles, in fecret as well as before Men ; (erious within (hut Doorb, praying to him that feeth in fecret, Matth. vi. 6 the Phil. did fo; they obeved rmich more in the Apoftie's Ablence in his Prelence, chap. 4- of chat Epijt. *vfr. 1: (;.} If we be as diligent about Duty in the D as of Adverfuy ; fuch was J. only feared God himfelf, and efchewed Evil, but . ' 'dren; he was not fecure in the Dav r.y, but looking out aid watching for the evii ni 26. this made him conteiULdiy It

,e Lord's Hands, as, well as good,

>.. 10. (6.) If we continue waiting on and ferving

1 1 he hidetn hi . I neweib himfelf



more terrible, as well as when he fheweth his Face, and c fmileth on us; lfaiab did refolve Co do To, in ebap. viii. I j . / will iv ait upon the Lord that bidet b bis Face from the Houfe of Jacob, and I will look for bim ; and in the Name of the Church, Ifa. xxvi. 8. Tea, in tbe Way of « thy Judgments, O Lord, <ive ha've waited for tbee, the Dejire of cur Soul is to tby Namey and to tbe Remembrance of tbee. (7) If we abflain not oniy from Evil, but from all Appearance of Evil ; according to that, in I Tbef. v. 22. if we be careful that we gwt Offence to no Man, 1 Cor. x. 32. nor Offence in any Thing, 2 Cor. v'\. 3. and efpecia/Iy, that we offend none of the Lord's little Ones, knowing the Hazard, Mattb. xviii. 6. (8.) If we be far from excufing or covering Sin, but con. ef- fing and forfokmg, ?ro<v. xxviii. 13. aggravating it ra- ther. (9.) It is a good Token of Sincerity, where Con- ference is m^de of Preparation unto Worfhip: Compare j thefe two Scriptures, 2 Cbron. xii. 14. with xix. 3. and you (hail find Rehoboam in the one, he did Evil becauie he prepared not his Heart to feek the Lord; and J eirj- Jb*itbat in the other, good Things found in him, be- c: ufe he prepared his Heart to feek the Lord. (10) A j ipecial Mark of Sincerity is, when Self is not made our I End in Duties: We may know this, 1. If we love holy -j Duties, though there be no fuch Incomes as we would : j It is not i'o with Hypocrites; they will quarrel with God, j if their Expectation, it may be, their proud Humour, be | not anfwered ; Wherefore have zve faded, fay they, Ifa. i iviii. 3. 2. If Duties be done with full Strength of In- y tention, as for our Lives; and of Affection, with all ] within us, even for others. 3. If thou do heartily re- J joice to fee or know Duties to be done better by others 1 than by thyfelf, and that they find in their Heart to j exalt God more than rhou canft do. 4. If out of the Cafe of great NeceffiJes holy Duties be all, that make our Lives comfortable to us. (11.) Mark of Sincerity, J if we be ever jealous over our Hearts, and be diligently \ watching againit Hvpocriiy ; and be much exerdfinf ourfelves in the Search of hidden Sins. (12.) I f we make I


On the Gospel Covenant. 317

Conscience to obferve the leait, as well as the greater Commandments, Matth. v. 19.

U/e 3. If after Search any find that your Hearts are iincere before the Lord, you have Matter of Praile and Thankfgiving to the Lord, and would labour carefu :v to maintain it, by daily watching over the Deceitful nefs of your Hearts, and, by renewed Arts of Faich, to let the Lord always before you, as in PfaL xvi. 8. and, by frequent Examination, to be trying how your Hvarts fland towards him: But, if upon Search you find little or nothing of this Heart Uprightuefs and Integrity, you have Realon to fit down, and mourn over your danger- ous Eftate; yet, readily, one will not mif> Sincerity with- out Sincerity ; and for thofe that want and would have it, there is Hope they may have it, became it is promiied.

As to the third Thing, That this Sincerity is promifed, and fo is a precious covenanted Bleffing, it may appear,

From thefe and like Scriptures ; that, in Deut. xxx. 6. where fuch a Circumcifion of the Heart is promifed, as fhall make Men love the Lord with all the Heart, and with all the Soul ; that, in I/a. lxi. 3. where the Lord doth promife to direct the Work of his People in Truth, and to make an everlafling Covenant with them ; and that, in Jer. xxiv. 7. where it is not only promifed, that ^he Lord will give his People a Heart to know him, but that they (hall return unto him with their whole Heart ; wd that, in xxxi. 33. where it is promiied, that the Lord will put his Law in the inward Parts ; and that, in MaL iii. 3. that the Lord will fit as a Refiner and Purifier of silver. 2. h may appear alfo by thefe and like Reafons^ ifl. If it come not by the Promife, no Fleih coul,i j have it ; for, naturally, as Nature is now corrupted, no Man hath any Thing of this Sincerity ; for the Hearts af all by Nature are deceitful, and defperatelv wicked, Jer. xvii. 9. our Hearts are like a deceitful Bow, Hof ii\. 16. id. Faith is promifed,even Faith unfeigned, 1 77*.

5. aid Soundnefs in the Faith, Tit. i. 13. and ii. 2. found Faith cannot be but in a found He^rt. 3/ Love s promifed ; and Love is fincere, and in Sincerity, Eph vi. 24. Love is both finccrc in itfeJf, and a clear Evidence



of Sincerity in the Sou!. 4^. Obedience is prom if. , ' and that a fincere Obedience, while it is commanded, : ib promifed, fo/b. xxiv. 14. the People are commanded there to ferve the Lord in Sincerity and Truth. 5 Joy and Gladnefs are promifed ; and they cannot be J hearty and real, but where there is Singlencfs of Heart, Ads ii. 46. 6tb. It is commanded that we be per re , as our heavenly Fatner is per feci, Mattb. v. 4$. t/.t fore, according to the Nature of Gofpel Commandments, it is promifed. jtb. The Spirit is promifed ; and he it every Way a Spirit of Truth, and worketh that Truth in the inward Parts. Stb. Chrift hath promifed, that he will betroth Believers to himfelf, and hath given AiTurance that his Betrothing fhall be in Truth and Faithfulneis; and in that he is engaged even to make Believers true and faithful, gtb. Communion with God is promifed, that he will dweii in and with them, and that they fh...l dwell with him ; and none can have Communion wita him but the upright ; fo, where the Queftion is put, Who Jhall dwell in tby holy Hill? The Anfwer is, He that walketb uprightly, Pfa. xv. 2. And when it is put again, in xxiv. 3. Who Jhall afcend into the Hill of the Lord? and, <who Jhall Hand in his b«ly Place? The Anfwer is, in *ver. 4. He that hath clean Hands, and a pure Heart, tvhfi bath not lift up bis Soul to Vdnity, nor J-worn deceit- fully. 10th. Neither Grace nor Glory, nor any good Thing is promifed to any, but to thofe that are upright, Pfa I. Ixxxiv. 11. fo, either Uprightnefs is promifed, or Grace and Glory mould want its proper Subjecl. 1 \th. If we (hould want this, then all our fpiritual Armoujf would hang loofe on us; for Sincerity is that Girdle of Truth, which bindeth and holdeth all fall together, Eph. vi. 14.

Vfe 1. Terror to thofe without the Covenant ; they ! neither have nor can, abiding fo, expeel to have anj Thing of this precious Sincerity : It is a Covenant Blei- fing, and they being and abiding without the .Covenant, cannot be Partakers of it ; and wan:ing i:f it is dread!* * 10 think what (hall become of them ; their mans I


On the Gospel Covenant. 319

'and Cries will be for them to no Purpofe at all, but a greater Provocation, 1/a. i. 11,— 16.

Uf* 2. Comfort and Ground of Hope to thofe that have great Jealoufies over, and llrong Wreftlings with, the Deceitfulnefs of their evih Hearts: Let them main- tain the War ; there is Hope it ihall not be the beating- of the Air, not a fighting in vain : Sincerity may be hhd, and it fhall be had, becaufq it is prormied; the Spirit that is given freely to Believers will give it.

Ufe 3. The Folly of thofe, who work and dig into their Hearts, thinking to work in Sincerity into their Hearts, or to draw it forth out of themielves ; ah ! they are little acquainted with their own Hearts Deceitfulnefs, and they are Strangers to the Corenant of Promifes : Sincerity is one of tnele good and perfect Gifts, which ome from above, which the Father of Lights aione can Zive.

Ufe 4. All then, who defire to have and hold this ex-

:ellent Grace, mud both have and hold it by the Pro-

nife, feek it from the Father through the Son, by the

Spirit, in the Promiie : And, to quicken you in the Pur-

"uit, take thefe Motives, (1.) Remember how God look-

th to the Heart, and feacheth it, Rev. ii. 23. (2.)

^onfider how the Lord loveth and delighteth in Sinceri-

y, Pfa. Ii. 6. and Prov. x. 20. (3.) Take notice, how

hey are lingularly blefTcd ; they ftuil have good Things

n PolTeflion, Prov. xxviii. 10. and in ver. 16. they (hall

^e faved. (4.) Know once, that an uniound Hear! is of

ittle Worth, Prov. x. 20. and the double Heart is hate-

ul to God and Man, Pjal. xii. 2. And (0: your Help

nto this Sincerity, your great Work and Buiinefs mmt

about your Hearts: 1. Study to be well acquainted

mh your own Hearts, and their Deceitfulnefs. 2.

> have the Law written upon your Hearts, pray upon

le Promifes, which minuter Hope unto ycu of that.

. Keep ever good Watch over it. 4. Bring it up unto,

nd hold it ftiil at, one Ducy or other ; keep it ever in

sreifet plow it often, Jelt it turn more and more to

r fallow Ground. 4. Employ God as a God of Truth ;



he is To1, Deut. xxxii. 4. that he give unto you Sincerity and Truth, planting that in you, which he requires of you.




On the tenth fancYifying and faving Grace, Humility.

1 Samuel xxiii. 5. Although my Houfe be not fo with God; yet he hath made with me- an ever -lofting Covenant \ well ordered in all Things and fure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Dejire : :ough he make it not to grow.

STRAIT is the Way, and narrow is the Gate, which leadeth unto Life : Men big with Self cannot enter it ; the Exercife of every Grace is neceffary to Salvation,^ but Humility muft be the low Ground, in which they muft be exercifed: It in fome Sort may be called the Foundation to other Graces, leaft feen, but not of lead Ufe: Being to fpeak of it, I {hall follow the fame Me^ thod, which I did in fpeaking to other Graces; fo, ill, Shew you what this Humility is. zdly, How excellent a Grace it is. 3^/;, How it is prom i led, and fo a cove- nanted Grace and Blefling.

As to the rlrft, What this Humility is, know, 1. It doth not ftand in fair Speeches* or humble Deportments, fuch as thefe of Abfaktns, 2 Sam. xv. from ver. 2, 7.


: *

On the Gosp-el Covenant. 321

hough this Grace will teach Men, both to carry hum - >ly, 'Mic. vi. 8. *nd to thun ail high dwelling Words, uch as theie in 2 Pet. ii. 18. But, 2. It is Humbleneis >f Mind, Col. iii. 1 1. and it is that Poverty of Spirit, in Mat. v. 3. 3. The humble Soul is nothing before God; vith Job, it doth abhor itfelf, Job xln. 6. with Abra- ham, it is before him but as Dult and Allies, Gen. xviii. >7 though there be great Parts, Humility will make a vlan deny hhpfetf, io as to think lie hath no Under- Unding of a Man, that ne is more brutifh than any Man. Drov. xxx. 2, 3. It will make a Man thjnk and tzyt when le mail have done ail thcfe Things which are commanded lim, that he is an unprofitable Servant, Luke xvii. 10. c wiil make a Man as great as Paul, not only think him- elf the leaft of the Apoitlet, 1 Cor. xv. 9. but lefs than he ieail of Saints, Eph. iii. 8. yea, to think himielf no j/fan among!?. Men. 4. It will make a Man evidence he low Thoughts of himielf before God, \jt. In re- ouncing all Confidence in the Fltiri. 2.7. In casing imtelf wholly upon free Mercy. 3^. In keeping Di- ance, and bearing great Reverence to God, even in hought, in Worfhip, and all his Converie with God. in an abfoiute Submifiion to him, both in his Yoke nd Crofles, which he lhall be pleafed to lay on ; and len, it will make him evidence the low Though: imfeif, in Relation to others, it. When he doth not ft up h imfeif above others, not above Meaiure: Paul \d neither boait of Things without his Meaiure, nor retch fcj^ifelf beyond his Meafure, 2 Ctn x. 13, 14. dly, When he maketh it appear that he elteemeth c; etter than himielf, Pud. ii. 3.

i. We may fee from :hns Defcription, how rare a "hing this Humility is; when there is, generally, fojow cm of God, and lo high an Eitimation put upon features, and ever) 1 ling above his Mea«

ire, and labouring to exalt himielf above his Brother : is notoallowed by the Law, that Kings mould exalt lemieives above their Brethren in t*Vir Heart, Dcut.

r g ; and more \


than fo, the humble lelf- denied Man is rare to be : tr.ere is fomethuig of complemental Humility, but there4 is no more.

fee Nice wife from this Defcription, the Reafon why there be fo few that follow Holinefs * there be few humble Souls' fo humble, as to bow to the Yoke, to creep low under the Lord's humbling and af- flicting Hand : Pride is the great Enemy of Grace and Holinefs; Humility is a Friend unto, and advanceth both ; it tcacheth a Man to walk humbly with God, and to be no Striver with Man.

Ufe 3. Try whether you have true Humility or not, by your Estimation of God, and of yourfelf, by the ihr- ring or not (lirring of Corruptions in the Cafe of Provo- cation; even the Sea will be calm, when there is no Wind blowing : Try it aifo by your Speeches and Actions, and by your Carnage; efpecially in theie two Cafes, 1. Of a profperous Condition. 2. In the Cafe of Power ; many have feemed very bumble, till they came to have Power; but, a? it is in the Proverb, Magistracy and1 Power fheweth the Man : O ! for fair Difcoveries of God to the Soul, and of a Man to himfelf! theie would make Men very humble of Mind, and Carriage too.

As to the lecond, the Excellency ot this Grace of.

Humility, trie Scriptures call i: an Ornament ; fo we

have the Ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit, which

in the Sight of God is ci great Price, 1 Pet. lii. 4. that

c loathed with Humility, 1 Pet.

Pride co**pafiing>

Ixxtit. 0. the humbie are pro-"

1, under t,:;e Definition of poor in Spirit,*

■'ie Excellency or thi9

The humble are they to

wfoq oearerh Refpccl. 'I bough the Lord hi

. Pla. exxxviii. 6

ci of a contrite l

/,//. )xvj : in Jefus did excel,

to others from his own Example,

ii that had a Mind to take up, and

bis Yoke cpon tin . . *fter a Sort,

the I

On the GoIpel Covenant. 323

'the Foundation for Grace; it is the fir ft Stone that js laid* in the fpiritual Building, and the Lord who give:h more Grace, giveth Grace to the humble, Jam. iv. 6. andK i Pet. v. 5. 4. No Grace is fincere without it; it ii the true Character of every Grace, io as the humble Man i; molt like to be gracious, and the proud Man can- not be gracious. 5. It is nectiTiry for ieeking of God, and turning away of Wrath; fo, in 2 Cm . .xij. 7. when the Lord {aw tnat they humbled themitives, the Word of the Lord by the Prophet 6/ vvas, They have

humbltd thtm erefore 1 nxill not defray tbem, there-

fore I will grant them fame D ; and, in Z^bb.

to 3. the meek are the b.-ir. qualified Perlpns for the leek- ng of God; and . fs, which is the Product of Hu-

uiiicy, is molt like to be a hiding Place in the Day of iVrath. 6. HumiJi y it is a Grace which may keep a yian from the Torment of Envy againlt others, and very n.uch alfo from being the Object of Envy to others. There are many great and precious Promises made :o he humble; fee that, 2 Chr. vii. 14. If my Peopli «w \re called by my Name, Jball bumble them /'elves, and pray, Face, turn ; , ->:cn mill 1

rcm Heaven, forgive their Sin, and heal their Land > a.'; ob v. II. 7 he Lord will fet up on high tbofe that are > id, in P/'a. xxv. meek will he guide in Julg

nd the meek will he teach bis IV a \ \ and, in Pro v. in. 34. M.rely hi the S corners, b*

wly 3 and, in xviii. 12. Humility man: 1 ad, in xxii. 4. By Humility f the Lord are

iches, HoH»urt ar.d Life l and, in Mat. xi. 25. the gi hings or Heaven, and of the Covenant, are revealed lto Babes. 8. Humility ia I >feth

Man molt to Contentment, and Pride is the great Caufe Murmuring and DifcontenUnent. 9. Humility doth and frame n entring and painng through the


Christian than any Man, he being a Debter to God

veft Things and adder, D much to his Excellency,

carry worthy cf fo great Things, in much Self-denial.

. 7'he Exce!iencv of Humility app^ueth in this, chut

X he


he who hath it is edified by every Mean, and bettered

by every Difpenfation he cometh under. 12. The Ex-

ccPency ot this Grace will eafily appear, if we ferioufly

»r the Evil an«J Naughtinefs of Pride, which is its

Lord rebukeih the proud, as curfed Crea-

:h do err from the Lord's Commandments,

\de goeth before Deflruftion, and the

: a Fall.

i. If there be an Excellency in Humility, then

there is no real Worth and Excellency in the proud Man ;

though he highly eiteemeth himfelf, and though he be

of high E ft i mat ion amongil Men, he is an Abomination'

. Sight of God, Luke vi. 14. the proud Man, as he

is void of this, fo he hath no other Grace : Ah ! how

i Thing is this Pride, and how abominable! it rob-

beth God of all that which ii due to him, it robbeth

of God, arid of all that which is due to him : It is

ft God, and God is agninft it: It is both againfl

the Holihefs of the Law, and againft the Grace of the

Gofpel ; it breaketh ail Yokes and Bonds, the proud Man-

neither n God nor Neighbour but himfeif.

JJJe 2. If there be fuch Excellency in Humility, and

, ofe that have it, then there is either Ignorance, or

abominable Pride, in thole who defpife the humble, and

in the Pride of their Countenance do perfecute the poorj

x. 2. they fet their Heart as the Heart of God,

in the high Eilimation of themfelves, like that Prince

us, Ez-k. xxviii. 6. but they judge not nor efteemn

the Lord tftcemeth them ; the humble to hifflJ

ccelferit of the Earth, but to moll Men they art

Mings, according as the Apoflles were<


3. Is there fuch an Excellency in this Grace

to be much and ferioufly fought after; it II

Grace without which no other Grace can be of

r they all grow in a low Ground, though the;!

m on high, and with their Top do reach abov»l

the C ;:ght to ftudy to be eminent iii;

every Grace, but molt eminent in this, which addethic

.ft re to the reft. -fc

On the Gospel Covenant.

1 life 4. Who have this Grace have Matter of great Joy, and Ground of Thankfulnefs ; they have a great Bleffing and Ornament, though it be noc commonly jftecmed fo; an Evidence whereof is, that ordinarily Men will feek to excel in any Grace and Virtue richer :han in this ; they look upon undervaluing oM; is an expofing of themfelves to the Contempt or all Mejf

Ufe 5. It is not oniy an excellent Ornamc nofl neceflary Grace; it is of our Concernment, lave it, fo to know whether we have it or not : Li jo then upon the Search; and, mil, of the Marks of humility towards and before God: (1.) Where it is, here will be an Acknowledgment of our Nothingnefs >efore him ; we will be as nothing, and Jefs than nothing^ f/a. xl. 17. And that which will make us moil uj hy in our own Eye*, will be that vile Thing, Sin ; it vill make us look upon ourfeives altogether as an unclean Thing, If a. xlvi. 6. (2) Where it is, there wi ubmiflion under Croaks; fo it was with E/ia in 1 ii. 18. and David, Pjai. xxxix. 9. O.' but the proud re not fo ; they reply and repine, Rom. ix. 20. (3.) iVhere it is, there will be a magnifying o{ Merc 'Oth rich and free ; io it was with J acob, in Gen. xxxii. O. and with David, 1 GbroM. xxix. 14. the one doth eckon himfelf left thai) the leait of Mercies; and the ,ther crieth out. Who ar?i /, and nviu I pie. (4 )

This Humility will make a holy wondering at the V. nd Works of God ; fo Job did reckon them Thing* too rondcrful for him, chap. xlii. 3. And the Apoitle Paul rieth out, 0/ the Depth if the Riches, isfc Rom. i 4. (5 ) Tnere will be iuch high Apprehensions, eep ImprelTions of that lY^ajeity which is in God, as reed Self abhorring, and make them call down all their ,'rowns before the Throne, as in Rev. iv. 10. (6.) /here it is, there will be gre.tt Reverence, and due Di- ance kept in Woiihip ; there will be a keeping of the toot, and no Ralhnefs with the Mouth, remembi ia"t the Lord is in Heaven, and we but upon | ccl. v. 1,2, 3. (7.) There will be a Re.idinef, to un- make meaneit Services for God : Child hath giv< X 3


Example herein, in the wafhing of his Difciples Feet, 'John xiii. 14. So we have Chriilians, in the primitive Times, ready to waih the Saints Feet, 1 Tim. v. 10. Take tbefe Marks alfo of Humility towards Men, 1. If it proceed from Humility towards God, and from Re- fpeel to him. 2. U Thoughts and Carriage be accord- ing as God hath dealt every Man the Meaiure, Ron. xii.

3. 3. If there be no arTcfling of outward Mai Eminency, as was amonglt thi rf Mattb.

6, 7, S and amongft the Difcip'es too, Luke xxii. 24^

4. If there be the due Eftimation of others, Phi'.

5. The bearing of Reproach and Contempt, when it reacheth themselves only, 2 Cor. v. 12, 13. and xii. 10I

6. If weaned ar to great Matters. Vfa. exxxi. 1, 2. yet i( neither, \Ji. Dcnieth Grace received, z Cor. xi. 5. nor, 2$ peclineth a Duty or Charge impofed, J er. \. 6, 7.

As to the third Point, That Humility is promif* rl in the new Covenant, and that fo it \% a Covenant Blefiing it appeareth, 1. From thefe Scriptures, where it i in l/a. xl. 4. that every Mountain and Hiil iliall be mad4 Jow ; the lame is repeated, in Luke In. 5. and in l) x\. it is not only (aid bu: t'worn : The Lord hath by himfelf, the '" ne out of his Mouth, and Jhull no

return, th . . , and e

Ton,:.- ; it is meant of Subjedhon, and

of Humility; fo, in P/a. xviii. 44. David as a Type Chrilt (kith, . •: all o<

me. the Stranger j Jhall juhmit tbetr,fel<ves unto me ; a. Jxviii. 30, 31. it is pro mi fed, that Princes lhall come o of Egypt, and that Ethiopia (lull foon Itretch out liana unto God, rhat they (hail fubmit themfelve Pieces of Silver: In the fpi ritual Subjeclion, Humility promifed, and it is alfo meant there; but, 2. That Hi milky is promiied, appeareth by thefe Reafons, ifl. Ail Men are, naturally, proud, like high Mountains; an! they cannot command Humility, unlds it be given then| in Mai iii. 15. Men that work Wickedneis, and Men, are fuch as never had any gracious C roo glj

upon them j fo the proud, and th. arc reckoned hr one, in I

u?i the Gospel Covenant.

promifed, it mi: ft be one with the rlrft, becaufe, as we ■old, you, other Graces are in fomc Seme given to it, warn. iv. 6. and i Pet. v. 5. $d. Mortification is pro- ofed, and Humility is the proper Effect thereof, and Jividence of the fame: The proud Soul is unmortifled, |>ut the Soul that is well mortiried will lie very low be- fore God, and not dare to exalt itfeif amongit \tb. It is a great Promife of the Co v. \\ tne Lord

>vill dwell with his People, E-zek. xiiii. g. an 10, 11. and 2 Cor. vi. 16. but behold with whom he »vill dwell, in I/a. Itii. 15. Thus One, nxbo inbabitttb Eternity, *w

n tbe high and holy Place, vjitb bim aljo that ts of a con- trite and bumble Spirit, to \

and to revive tbe Heart of tbe contrite . Honour

's promifed to ail thofe that leek and . briit, who

the true Wifdom of the Father, Prvvi iv. S. Exalt her, and Jbe fkall fr'jmte thee ; jhe jhull b to Hj-

nour, vjben thou doll embrace her. And in the fame I chap. xxii. 4. it is told bs how Honour Cometh, even by Humility. 6th. It is | : Defign of the Covenant,

from all Eternity, to make us confoim to Cnriit ; fo, in Rom. viii. 29. Whom be did foreknow,

nate, to be conformed to tbe image of his Son, that he might be tbe fir (I b'jrn amonglt many Brethren ; and it is promiied, in 1 Cor. xv. 19. As vje lave born the Image of the earth- ly, nve jh all aljo bear tbe Image of the heavenly, that is, of Cbrijij and the great Point of Conformity to him, is in Humility; and how humble he was, ue may re^d ; a King, but very Ipwl) ... 9. He humbled hi in (elf

to be a Man, in the Furm of a Servant; Lu: much more, when he humbled himfelf to Death, even tu the Death Df the Crois, Phil. ii. vir . y9 8. yb. Faith is pi\ fed, and it is a molt humble Grace, it boafteth not; all Blading is excluded by the Law of Faith, Rom. iii. 27. " And it is a humbling Grace, it nukeih a 1 Sin-

ner fo humble, ks to loath himfelf, and never to open his Mou.il any more, Ezek. xvi. Co, 81, 62, 63. tu re nember his evil Ways, and to loath himlt.f in his own Sight, xxxvi. 31. %tb. Blefledneis in the Height o\' 1

X 4 pio4


efs is promifed, and none can reach that Height, uAtml they come to be wry low : Oar blefled Lord hi** humbled before he was exalted, and none of his Friend* n , expect t to Heaven another Way. gth. Rei<

tance is promifed, and it will bring a Man very low, even roll himfelt in the Dud; Job abhorred himfelf, and re- pented in Duit and Afhes. loth. Salvation is promifejM here and hereafter, and it is the humble that inall bo I faved, Job xxii. 29.

U/k 1. We may gather from tb^ rhe Mifery of t that are not within the Covenant ; rhey cannot partake at ail of this Covenant Bieffing, they h lve not Ti any Promife, much lefs to thefe Promifes which give Af- fu ranee concerning this: Who (land without the Cove- nant, they withftand God, and he doth withftand them, he reilfteth the proud : Heaven'-: Gate is ftrait, and they cannot lloop, fo fhail never be able to enter, thtir cumcifed Heart not humble'!

Ufe 2. Coiftfori to thole that are fore vexed and %ricr- bec&ufe of e and yirerrcumciiion of

Heart; glad would they De to have their uncircumcifed Heart humbled, but they cannot have it fuch, and io humbled as the] no Reafon to d

ufe of this; Humility is prom:' vet will turn

in to tfie Covenant of Promifes; afking rhey ma) it ; it is a Grace not more necellary ior us to have, than :r is honourable for God to give; it is a Grace which honoureth nim much, lets him on the Throne, and keep- eth him on the luir.e.

Ufe 3. A I re to have and enjoy this excellent

Grace, let them turn in to the Covenant, and pray upon the Promifeo v\hi;h are there, and it ihaJl be given them ; and, that you im>.y further be helped unto this humble Frame, (1.) Be much in Thoughts of the Huy

and Power of God. ^e tc do;

['.,c Hal I 1 we fhould hum

ir, i Pet. ) Look on the

\ue of thole that v.

I On the Gostel Covenant. 329

bf their Iniquity, Lev. xxvi. 41. (3.) Be looking often upon your own both Sinfulneie, \\ eaknefs, and Worth- (4.) And then be looking up to the Mercy of God, calling to Mind the many Favours you have re- ceived, and how you have nothing but *fcat vou have received, 1 C*r. iv. 7. and that Confederation, if it be ferious, will humble you, if any Thing do it. {5 ) Con- fider thofe that are of much more Worth than we, how -humbly they walk. (6.) Look upon the irrational Ciea- tures, how we come fhort even of them in D




On the elev . ra£f

-hough he make h

IN the next Place, let us confider Meeknefs .1

is commended and recommended in the Word

&al] lay it before jfo »//. To b

:~.'ered what it i Of what Worth and

if, 3^/v, Flow . 1 precious of the Covenar

•]o h iL K M O N XXXV.

As to the firft, What it is, take it thus: It is a Grace t of the Spint of Chrirt, by which the Spirit of a Man i> quieted, and his whole Carriage is made fweet and temperate: It may be called, as it is in the Heart, Ten- dernefs ; as in the Mind, Clearnefs ; in the Affections, Moderation and Culmnei* ; in the Dilpofition, good Tem- per ; and in the whole Carriage, Sweetrtefs ; aJJ thefe are 1 ID or do accompany :t : It is a Bridle to Paffion and } Wrath, and it is Grace's Ornament; it h agiinlt all ir~ j regular Motions, Riiings, and Murmurings of the Soul j it compaffeth them, as David doth, in Pfa. xlii. 1 1. with.. ] a Why art thou di (quieted within me? it is for no com- plaining in the Streets, if I may allude to that Word, in Pfa. cxliv. 14.

There is a Meeknefs towards God, and that is, i. In receiving of his Word ; fo, in Jam. i. 21. we are com- manded to lay apart all Filthineis, and Superfluity of \aughtinefs, to receive with Meeknefs the ingrafted Word, which is able to fave our Souls. 2 In taking on h ?s Yoke; fo the Commandment is, in Mat. xi. 29, 30. my Yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and :n Heart-, fo Meeknefs is required in bearing it. 3. It is ieen in Silence under the Rod; fo it was with Job, in chap, xl. 4. Behold \ J am vile, -what {ball I an- tbet? I 'will la-; mine Hand upon my Mouth ; fo, with :', in P/al. xxxix. 9. / was dumb, I opened not my .'h, becaufe thou didft it.

There is a Meeknefs aifo towards Man ; fo, in James iii. 13. we are required, as many as defire to be reputed wife Men, and endued with Knowledge, to lhew out of a good Converfation our Works, with Meeknefs of Wif- <jom ; and, in vcr. 17. of that chap, the Wifdom which is from above is meek, and eafy to be intreated : Take for Example, htofes the meekeit Man in the Karth, Num. xti. 3. Cnnii the perfect Patiern of Meeknefs, in that, xi. 29. when riding as a King, and exercifing great Seventy, yet meek, rLech. ix. 9. even a Lamb, [en .'hall not be able to endure one' Sigh: v. vi. :$, 16. Chrift was meek in fpeak- ing, when the Je<us lpake mod bitterly and reproach- fully

On the Gospel Covenant. 331

Fully againft him, in John viii. 48. faying, Say we not well that thun art a Samaritan, and hail a Devil? He anfwered meekly, in <ver. 49. by a moJeit Denial, / have not a Devil, I honour my Father, and ye d:/bonour me; and, in Matth. xxvi. 50. he laid to tire Traitor Ju- das, Friend, wherefore art thou come? He was meek alk in Silence, He was opprejfed and affiSltd, ye: opened not bis Mouth, as a Sheep is dumb before his Shearer, fo he opened not bis Mouth, lfa. \\\\. J . He was To meek, tb/.r lie was free of all Revenge : When the Dilcipies would p-ave been at bringing down Fire from Heaven agawit Ithe City which (hut the Gates a^ainir. him, he rebuked them, and faid, Ye know not of what Spirit you are, Luke ix. 54, 55. So meek, as he wept over J enijakm, ^ he knew was to take his Life, xix. 41. He was meek in his Anfwers", when wronged and f.j itten, If I ha<u>: i\o ken Evil, bear witnefs of the Evil; but if well, fmiteft thou me? John xviii. 22, 23. When he was revi- led, he revilea not again, 1 Pet. ii. 23. When he ji he threatned not, but committed him/elf to him who ju

ighteoufly : Tney on whom the Spirit came down as b'ire, were often hot as Men ; but he on whom he came down as a Dove, was ever meek.

Ufe 1. Examine, and you will find there is but . of this precious and gracious Meffkneis, either towaids God or Man, towards Friends or Foes : Some take nefs and ludulgcnce to Sin, that which Eh did bear to .his Sons, to be Meekneis ; but that is none 0; it: Ot take a good Nature and meek Temper to be it ; bu is none of it either, it cometh from above : Soj civil courteous Carriage to be it, like /jbjalovi\; bu: how far he was from ir, d J appear, when he put 1 1" Humanity, common H owelty, >ea, ai>d nacural Arteclion too: And fome take fin ful jXlpondency arid DtJ4 of Spirit to be it; but neither (his, nor any of the relt, are any Thing of Kin 10 it; nor yet is that forced Do- jettion of Spirit rWeckneis, w.'ien '..icm Hearts are brought down with (pre Labour, t'f.i. cvii. 12 Mc-c ciotu quiet Frai


Vfe 2. Who deli re to have Meekncfs of the right A vStamp, would feek it from Heaven, and take Chriil'for I an Example of if : There is more of true Worth in it, than in ail that Greatnefs of Spirit, which Men of the World do cry up ; yea, ?hc meek Spirit is the only great Spirit, it commandeth both itfelf, and other Things: He that is Jlonv to Anger is better than the mighty, and he that rulith his Spirit than 'v that taketb a City, Pro. xvi. 32.

As to the fecond, This (Vleeknefs is a rich and excel- lent Endowment, a very precious Frame. of Spirit; fo, by Chiill the meek are pronounced to be bleflcd, Matth. , v. f: And, in 1 Pet. iii. 4. a meek and quiet Spirit is in the Sight of God of great Price ; and he alone can beft give Verdict of the Worth of Things: Jt is gene- rally commended and recommended to us in Scripture; :t is in amongfl the Fruits of the Spirit, Gal. v. 23. it is a Grace, in the Exercife whereof, Men walk worthy of the Vocation wherewith they are called, Eph. iv. 1, 2. ft is a Mark of thofe that are the Elect of God, holy loved. Col. iii. 1 2. It is one of tnefe Things, which the Man of God, who is to right the good Fight of Faith, ;s to follow, 1 lim. vi. 11, 1 2 It is one of theie Graces which j a Man would (hew, who deiireth to be ready to every good Work, Tit. iii. 1, 2. For further clearing and fetting I) the Excellency of this Meeknefs, conlider, 1. How it is the very belt Portrait of Chritl, both in Life and Death: It is a Grace, which the Lamb of God, who taketh away the Sins of the World, did exercife, and much delight in. 2. How they are the Lord's Scholars, t.e both inftrucleth and guideth them, Pfa. xxv. 9. he teacheth Meeknefs, and then teacheth the meek ; he maketh them willing to be led, and leadeth them gently. 3. How he dwelleth with them; thefe lowly Ones, Ifa. ivii. 15. are the meek of the Earth. 4. The Gofpel Tidings are for the meek ; Chrift was anointed to preach good Tidingi to the meek, Ifa. Ixi. 1. 5. The meek are they which have the bell Affurance to be hid in the Day of the Lord's Anger, Zej>b. ii. 3. 6. When the Lord fmiteth the Earth with the Rod of his Mouth, and with the Breath of his Lips fha.Il flay the wicked, he will


On the Gospel Covenant. 333

en judge with Righteoufnefs for the poor and meek of fa% Earth, If a. xi. 4. 7. The Lord will lift up the mee;, vhen he cafteth the wicked down to the Ground, Pjal. xlvii. 6. 8. The Lord taketh Pleafure in them, and vill beautify them with Salvation. Pfa. cxlix. 4. 9. In he Gofpel Day, when the deaf (hall hear the Words of he Book, and the Eyes of the blind (hall fee out of Ob- curity, ai:d out of Darknefs, it is promifed that the neek alio fhall increafe their Joy in the Lord, and the oor among Men (hall rejoice in the holy One of Ipael^ {fa. xxix. 18, 19. 10. Meeknefs maketh a Man Mailer }f himfelf, fo as Paflion doth not, cannot difturb him ; a Vlan's Spirit, fo, is in right Frame, and fitted for any Thing he is called unto. 11. The Lord will work itrange Things for faving the meek of the Earth ; he will paufe Judgment to be heard from Heaven, and the Earth ^ear and be ftill, PfaL Ixxvi. 8, 9. 12. The Excellency pf this Grace may be feen, from the Evils which appear n the contrary Vice; Anger is a curfed Thing, for it is lerce, and Wrath, for it is cruel, Gen. xlix. 7. Bitternefs, Wrath, Anger, and Clamor, are not worthy of a Chi- lian's Company ; they are to be put away, Epb. iv. j 1 . Roots of Bitternefs do both trouble thofe that have them, ind defile others round about them, Htb. *ii. 15. that .vhich is contrary to this excellent Meeknefs is nothing aut Filthinefs and Superfluity of Naughtinefs, Jam. i. zi. which all mull be laid afide when it is put on.

Ufe 1. How wretched then are they, who, living in jlack Nature, lie out of this rich Blefling, which lommend a Man fo much to God and Man; and not mly fo, but are hurried with unruly PafSons, fo as they ire neither Matters of themielves, nor can be ufefal unto Dthers? How many are overcome of themfelfcs, pleafe them lei ves in it, who would I in Indignity, to be overcome of others ?

Ufe 2. U Meeknefs be fuch an Ornament, ar.d :", :ellent a Grace, it wcild be prized anj iibfe than Gold ; that Spirit of Meeknefs, 1 C ike unto that Meeknefs and Gentlenefsof Chrift i. ChrifUani would ftudy Meekncfc, which inigh;


excel all Stoical Meeknefs, and the ftudied civil Meek-1 nefs of Men of this World: Chriftian Meeknefs is of a heavenly Original ; we would ftudy even Meeknefs to-v wards Men, upon thefe Confutations, (i.) God's Jong- iuifering ro upward, Excd. xxxiv. 6. fhould make us bear Jong with Men of like Palfion with ourfelves. (2.), j Tne Lord's Rtadinefs, not only to forbear, but to /or- 1 give u<; fo, in Epb. iv. 32. the Apsitle exhorteth us to j be kind one to another, and tenderhearted, forgiving 1 one another, even as God for Chrili's Sake hath, forgiv- en us,- and, in Col. iii. 13. to forbear one another, ai,J to forgive one another, if any Man have a (^uarre, . gaicit any, even as Chriit hath forgiven us, io fhould we do. (3 ) We (hould confider ourlelves, that we aifo may be tempted, Gal. vi. 1. and what we fometimesl were, lit. iii. 3. (4.) Confider how Grace is irce; and I fo the fame Grace which you have, may be given to J thole that have it not; or our meek Carriage may bring,! them to Repentance and Acknowledging of the Truth, 1 2 Tim. ii. 25. In ufing this Meekneis wc vvouid folJi theft Directions, and follow thefe Rules, 1. Study th Practice, which is a Refemblance of God, to be flow toJ Wrath, Jam. i. 19. 2. Bear one another's Burden, G^/iM vi. 2. and iludy a Felk>w- feeling, putting on Bo wel- < Mercies, Kindnefs, Cel. iii. 12. 3. All fair and gentle/K Means would be ufed rirft : It was the Apollle's Way jji he deiired to come to the Corinthians in Love, and witb-|| the Spirit of Meeknei*;, 1 Cor. iv. 21. 4. Even iharp- L tit Dealing would be fugar'd; fo doth oar Lord in hltfjk Rebukes ro the Churchos, both of E^jrjus, Rw. ii. 3. JLj ind or LaJtcea, iii. 18, 19, 20. More eipecially, ailjl Meeknefs is to be itudied before and toward God, ijfJE In the bearing of his Yoke, it ihould be born pleafantlv , I wit;. ig. 2d In the bearing of Crolles whicfelK

he layeth on, they mould be born fweetly, without aifl£ quarrelling. 3^. In his Reproofs from the Word, tht f.iould be takcri kindly, as the Reproofs of a Friend, eni Oil, that will not breik the Heed, Pja. cxi Tak.ng well h:s Returns of Prayer, and R«p of our Labour, be they greater or imaiier.

U/i i -

On the Gospel Covenant. 335

! Vfe 3. Matter of Thankfulnefc to thofe thar. have this

gracious and excellent Meeknefs: Eut, left any ihould

teink that they have it, who have it not, know it by

hc(e Marks, '(1.) True Meeknefs- is Meeknefs of Wif-

:om, it weigheth Matters, Jam. iii. 13. (2.) It yieid-

th much ot Man's Right, out nothing of God's : We

ave an Example in Atyfej, a very n:eek Man in his own

patters, the meekeft Man on Earth; Num. x:i. 3. but,

n God's Matters, he would not part uith one Hoof for

King's Pleafure, Exod. x. 26. (5.) Ic will ftoutly op.

ofe itfelf to Sin ; but it is not fo with Softnefs ; it in-

ulgeth Sin too much, 1 Sam. xii. 13. ['*..) I: :

)r fhaming, but reftoring of our Bi other, Gal. vi. 1.

mr) Yet dotn not fo iiudy a \i.:n". Peace, as to neglect

>uty. (6.) It is joined with Truth, in Pfai xlv. 4.

ith Gentlenefs, Goodnefs, Faith, ar*d Temperance,

22, 23. and with holy tt-ir, 1 Pet. iii. 15. {7.) h

beft feen in that which we are moil inclined to by


.As to the third, That this Meeknefs is promifed, and , a covenanted Blefhng, it appeareth, 1. From Scrip- ires ; f name theie, I/a. xi. 6, 7, 8, 9 where the Change Mens Natures is promifed, under the borrowed Expref- 5ns, that the Wolf (hall dwell with the Lamb, and the opard fhail Jie down with the Kid, and the Calf, and e young Lion, and the Failing together, and a litre- bild (hall lead them; and the Cow and the Bear j. ed, their young Ones fhall lie down together, and the on fhall eat Straw like the Ox, and the fucking Child ill play on the Hole of the Afp, and the weaned Ivhifd all put his Hand on the Cockatrice Den ; they fhail not re nor deitroy in all my holy Mountain ; and, l,a . Jxv . is to the fame Purpole. 2. It appeareth from Rt-i I, thus, \fi. H Meeknefs were not by the Promife, d f o a free Gift, we could not have it, being natural implacable, and unmerciful, Rom. i. 31. fWce, !fpifers,of thofe that are good, 2 Tim. iii. 3. e are prcdeftinajed to be made conform to Chri m. viii. 29. and the fpecial Thing wherein Chri;- ' \ for Conformity, is chii Meeknefs, Mat. xi. 29.


356 SE IvM O N XXXV,

There is no Chriiliao differing, without this Meeknefs, and Fear, i Pet. Hi. re;, and it is given to fuffer, PbtL i. 29. A new Nature is promifed, while the new

Heart and the new Spirit is promifed ; Meeknefs mult be- there, it is a iubdued Nature. 5^/y, Meeknefs is one of the Fruits of the Spirit ; and fo it is promifed, Gal. v 23. 6/>/., We are commanded to feek it, Zepb. ii. 3. and tne Promife is, in Mattb. vii. 7 . AJk and it Jh all be given ,cu, jeek and ye /ball find. Jtbly, Peace is pro- mi ltd, even inward Peace ; and that cannot be without Meeknefs. Stkly, Both Faith and Love are promifed ; and thefe will iubdue the Heart to a fwect and meek Frame, tybly, Tne rig;ht hearing and receiving of the Word is promifed ; and it is by and with Mecknefs, J cm. i. 2 J

life 1. The Mifery of thofe who live without the Co- venant of Grace, upon this Account ; they have, nor can have, none of this Meeknefs ; they have no Claim nor Title to any Promife of the new Covenant ; they are no better, yea, much worfe than untamed Beaits Wolves, Lions, Leopards, apt to deftroy one anothe and if their State be not changed, they mall find the! felves no better than thefe brute Beaiis, made to be ta ken and deftroyed, 2 Pet. ii. 12. O' if Men had theii Eyes opened, ro fee how wild their Natures are, bef< Grace corae, tney would be exceedingly defirous of thi Grace, if it were no more but to have their Nat tamed, and turned from Beaiis.

Uje 2. Their Folly, to think either to meeken them- felves or others, any other Way, than by the PromifeJ and by receiving Meeknefs, as a Grace and free Gift qt God: Education may do much, Difcipline and Nurture: may do fomething, and iuch like outward Rellraint ; but thefe will not always keep in untamed Nature, .it will break forth, as it is in the Proverb, Foxes Whelps are ill to tame : Cruel and bloody Nero could diffemble for the firft £ve Years of his Reign, fo as one would have thought him a meek and quiet Prince ; but afterward lie k'lleL, 1 Mother and his Matter, and fet Rime

harged i; upon innocent , the


d"he I

On the Gospel Covenant. 337

lowers of Chrift: We had need to lock well to our Na- tures, that they be meekned with Grace; otherwise they will break ioofe upon us, when we are Jeaft aware; and we would not truli Men, who are taught to counterfeit Chriflian MeekneA, wrfo may prove Wolves when they are let Ioofe, and come to have Power in their Hand.

Ufi 3. Comfort to thofe Chriitians, who have rough Nature^, and areilrivirg to have them fubdued unto this [weet Frame of ChriiMan Meeknefs, and come not fpeed; they need not be fo difcouraged, as to cafi away Hope 2ver to attain it ; it is promifed ; the fame God of all Grace, who giveth other Graces, will give this alfo, if tie be feriouily fought unto : It is truf, the Work of this Srace will not be perfected in one Day ; nor may Chri- tians think, while they are in the Body, to have their Maturals fo changed, as to bear no Print or Impreffion f the old Man ; yet by Grace there may great Changes >e wrought as to this, and great Victories obtained.

Ufe 4. All who defire this holy Meeknefs of the Spirit^ rive once to be within the Covenant o: Grace ; and hen to fetch this Grace from the Promife : True Faith ^ill make a Soul very meek; Faith working upon the romife, it will make a Man dumb and iilent, in Pjal. ii. 1, 5. the Soul waiting on God, is dumb to Godj made He%ekiah receive meekly a very fad and fore xxxix. 8. faying, good is the IFord of the ord ; it made the Church hiently btar the Indignation f'the Lord, Mlc. vii. 9! Now, Faith of Promifes doth ibdue the Soul unto tnis fi!ent Meeknefs, (1.) 1'rom the onfKieration of the Pcrions deferving ; living Man complain^ a Man for t . 1? Lam. in. 39. (2 ) From theCoi uprcmacy ; fo, E /.-. Id him every whit of what the Lord had given him in :illion, he faid, // is the L good ; and Banjul, in Pfa. xxxix. <. b, J opened not m, (3.)

rom .ion of his Love and T<

hen the Believer thinketh feriouily on that fweet Word, 2. Ivii


tr <wi!l I be always wroth ; for the Spirit fiouli fail bcfo. e me, and the Souls which J ha-ve made ; certainly! he will carry meeklv, even under rougher Difpenfations, (4 ) Fith purgerh out all that wiiich caufeth Diitemper: (5.) It (he wet h that Conformity to Chrift is neceflary thit we mult be as he was in the World, 1 John iv. 1 74 and he carried very meekly. (6.) It fets before a Mai better coming, the forfaking to be but for a Moment, tin gathering to be with great Mercies, Ifa. liv. 7, 8. anc the far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory, 2 Cor. iv. 17.




On the twelfth fan&ifying and faving G raci Pat ience.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5-.

A\ though my Houfe be not fo with Cod; yet he hath ma

with me an everlafting Covenant, well ordered in all Thin

and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defi

although he make it not to grow.

WE come in the laft Place, to fpeak to that whi< is not the lead of fanclifying Graces, to Patienc and, in fpeaking to it, I mall keep the fame Order wh ' I have followed in the reft, in thefe Three, 1/?, To ihe you what it is. zdl\\ How excellent a Grace it is J

On the Gospel Covenant. 339

f/>, How it is promifed, and fo, how it is a covenanted effing.

As co the firft, Patience 1s a Grace, fpringing from the nowledge of God and ourielves, as a io horn Faith, ope, and Love; by which we are enabled to bear ■oiTc.% and :o perievere in dirncil Duties, quietly, cheer- ly, and coniiantiy. It is fometimes called Pati|nce, ibulation *ucorketb Patience, and Patience Experience, v. 3, 4. Sometimes it is called Long-iufFcring ; and koned among the Fruits or the Spirit, GW. v. 22. metimes it is expreued by enduring ; io, in Hch. x. 32. :re is the enduring of a great Fight of Afflictions; netirnes alfo by bearing ; fo, in 2 C;r. iv\ 10. we have rearing about in tht Body the dying of the Lord Jefas ; J, in Heb. xiii. 13. we have the bearing of the Re- sell of Chriit: It is a Grace which teacheth Men to well, 1. From the Knowledge and due Confidera: of God, with whom we have to do; the looking on that which beiaiiech us, as coming from God, will e us patient, ifl. Confidering his VVifdom, how he >weth belt what is good for us, and how to chuie the Means for bringing it to pals. zd. Believing his Prj- ?nce to have the chief Hand in all thefe, ditpohng all he beft. $d. Knowing and fubmitting to his Will, a> moft equal Rule of JulLce. \tb. Believing his Mer-i nd Goodnefs, which will make all Things work to- ier for the beft, according to that which is promifed, \om. viii. 28. 2. It teacneth us to bear well, from Knowledge and due (Jonfideration of ourreives, itf. deferving much worfer Things. 2d. As remembering the Lord ia the Potter, ana we y ; and

may make us up or down as he pleafeth. 3./. That rr Things are made ready for us, and that through h Tribulation we (hall enter into the Kingdom of 1, Ails xiv. 22. And, 3. In the Defcri] told

, that Patience did fpnng alfo from Faith, Hope, and N^w, Faith worketh Patience, by the Truth of Promite ; Hope, by the Expectation; and Love, by Confolation of the lame : And, that Patience bcareth metly, you may Ice it in David, P/a. xxxix. 9 ■%»! : V 2 vhat


that it beareth cheerfully, may be gathered from Col. i. u, 12. where we have all Patience, and Long-fufrering with Joyiulnefs, joined with Thankfgiving ; and, that it beareth constantly, ma\ be gathered both rrom that Com- mandment, in Luke \x. 23. to take up the Crofs daily, and to follow Chrilt ; and by that alfo, in J am. i. 4. Let Pa- \ titnc^ba~ce her perfecl Work, that ye may be perfecl and\ 1 , wanting nothing : And, to conclude this Defcrip-' tion of Patience, it looketh to a threefold Object, \(l, T< God, at whole Difpofal all Things are, as Job, chap. i. ver. 20, 21. where he fell down upon the Ground am worfhipped, faying, Naked came 1 out of my Mother 5 Womb{ and naked jhall 1 return thither ; the Lord gave, and th( Lord hath taken away, bleffed be the Name of the Lord and, in chap. ii. 10. Shall <we receive good at the Hand oj Gcd, and fball njue not receive evil? Contrary to it, in thi Refpeft, is that murmuring againft God, which is coi demned, in 1 Cor. x. 10. zdly, It looketh to the Thi which crofs the Chriftian, and it looketh on them as lig and momentary, 2 Cor. iv. 16, 17. and at the Par tnat vex him, as a Rod and Staff in God's Hand, Ij x. 5. fo are not troubled, knowing that it is a rightei Thing with God, to recompenfe Tribulation to th that trouble them, 2 Thtff. i. 4, 6. Contrary to it in th Refpecl, is that private Revenge, which is condemned in Rom. xii. 17, 19. Recompenfe to no Man evil for evt{ avenge not your/elves, but rather give Place to Wrath, it is 'written, Vingeance is mine, I <will repay, faith ti Lord, idly, It looketh to the Duties, which Affliftr do call for; not only the enduring, but the doing of ti Will of God, Heb. x. 36. Contrary to it, in this Refpi is that fainting and fitting up from Duty, which is f< bidden, in Heb. xii. 5. and that drawing back, or corni ibort, which is very difpleaiing to God, Heb. x. 38.

U/e 1. By this which hath been faid of Patience, J may be cafily known that it is a very neceflary Grai it is not every Suffering that is Patience, noj yet evi filent Suffering, as to any Thing that is outwardly fee there may be fecret Grudgings, where no outward 9 * preflions; and there may be a itupid fenfelefs Condi ti

On the Gospel Covenant. 341

ilid a forced Patience, meditating Revenge; none of hefe are any Thing a-kin to the Patience we fpeak of.

Ufe 2. Let every one of us try our Patience, whether t be of the right Stamp: Thefe are Times wherein we lave need of Patience; but if our Patience be loll, or it « naught, we will be at a great Lofs ; fee that it arife hen, and fpring from the Knowledge of God and our- ?lves, from the practical Knowledge of both ; and thenv rom Fairh, Hope, and Love, in lively Exercife; and that have God as the great Party, Instruments as under him, nd Duties as our great Bufinefs.

Az to the fecond Thing propounded, concerning Pa- encc, it is a very precious Grace, and excellent BielEng : here is a BlefTednefs in it, Blejfed are they <wbicb ark cuted for Rigbteoufnefs Sake, Mat. v. 10. and in J \ I 1. Behold, ive count them happy nvhicb evdure : More irticularly, take up the Excellency of this Patience, 1. is the Perfection of Chrift's Obedience; for, of his ffering, wherein he left us an Example, it is faid to high Commendation of the fame, »n he was

viled, he reviled not again, when he fuffered, he threat- d not, but committed himfelf to him that judgcth righ- ufly, 1 Pet. ii. 21, 23. 2. It is the Saints Perfection, be a Companion of Tribulation, in the Kingdom and tience of Jefus Chrift, Rev. i. 9. 3. It was the Pro- ets, and of all the great Men that lived before us, ir Way to Heaven; fo the Apoftle James, chap. r. 10. he faith, Take, m; Brethren, the Prop ve fpoken in the Name of the Lord, for an E fering Affiiclion, and of Patience ; and, in ver. II. Ve ve heard of the Patience of Job, and have feen the End the Lord, that the Lord is *very pitiful, and of tt>

4. The Excellency of th is in this, it is

rfs Victory over himfelf and all Things; by it a Man fefTeth his own Soul, Luke xxi. 19. 5. It is of the dful Things, that of which a Man will have need, as g as he liveth, Heb. x. 36. Faith is neceffary to lay TounAtion, Patience for the running of the Race; , xii. 1. and for the building up to the Head itone, Patience mult have its perfect Work, and it maketh v 3 4

34? S E R M O N XXXVJ.

n entire, wanting nothing, J am. i. 4. Patience mm be till the coming of the Lord, Jam. v. 7. 6. Patiend

Piece of God's Image, he is long*fufFering, R zz. 7. It is Cjiriilian Fortitude and Magnanimir enduring of Hardnefs as good Soldiers of Chnft, 2 ii. 3. 8. Jt i> a Kind of Chriftian Martyrdom, fufferin| according to the Will of God, 1 Pet. iv. 19. when wt willingly fuffer all his Will to pafs upon us, and be witnefc, that in Faithfalnefs he afflicleth us, P/a 9. I he Excellency thereof appeareth in its I . every Way : in fome Scnfe it is ufeful to G ifelleth his Grace to his Glory. Then, it is m fu], boti; and honourable for us; it m

CrofTts light, and maketh Chriilians the fame in al ■th unto them againft all I ns. to It helpcth forward Salvation ; he that eil dureth to the End mall be faved, Mat. x. zz. 1 r.

1 ig Self-denial in it ; the fufTering tl of all Things, chat is much, Phil. iii. 8. but, tr .J..n*s Wjii and Wifdom, is more; thi t i.e. \z. The Excellency of i ir in and from its Companions, in 1 Tim. vi. if Faith and Love, go before it, and Meeknefs followeth it ter )t, in 2 Tim. ni. 10. we have Long-fuffering, Ch Patience, joined together ; and, in 2 Pet. i. 6. we haf nperance before it, and Godlinefs after it. L^ilf cy of Patience may be known by the E\Y\ of Imp t

: a Lots are they at, who want f

who have it nil for Faith and '-iner, R/v.xiii. 10. and

God, nor their own Souls ; tl je (0 far frum having learned that great LefTon,

re they fha!J be, tp.

content in any Eft ate they come inf

indeed, it e Soul in a rij

ition to God, and quiet waitr'

: ) he nketh it trr"


lh in Tr'J

On the Gospel Covenant. 343

Jation, and glorifieth God in the Fires, as it proraifed, Ifai. xxir. 15. even while it is commanded: O! excel- lent Patience, blefled are they that have itt and wo to them that want it, in the Time of Need.

Ufe 2. Efteem highly of this Grace, and feek care- fully after it; believing that there is an Excellency in n; for, better is the patient in Spirit than *he proud in Spirit, EccL vii. 8. though it be not thought fo by Men, that are full of Self, and void of the Spirit of God, it pofleffeth Man both of himfelf and of God.

Ufe 3. Warning, to keep a good Watch againfr. the Enemies of Patience, I mean, agiinfi: every Thing that may mar Patience; fuch as are thefe, in Gal. v. 20. Ha- red, Variance, Emulation, Wrath, Strife ; and, in <ver. 16. Defire of vain Glory, provoking one another, and jnvying one another: A Man fhould not do fo much as >rovoke his Children to Wrath, Epb. vi. 4.

4. Matter of Thaokfulnefs, to thole that have this ixcellent Grace of Patience : Now, left any mould be de- rived, to think they have it, when they have it not, try ourlelves by thefe Marks, (i.) Where true Patience is, here will neither be a fainting under, nor defp fing of he Rod, according to that or Heb. xii. 5. cited from ^ro<v. iii. II. My So>tt dejbife not thou the Cba/lening of toe ordt nor faint ivhen thou urt rebuked of him. (2.) Where is, there will be a Readinefs of Mind, to endure the /orit Things for the Name of Jefus Chrift ; fo it was /ith Paul, in rffls xxi. 13. while faid to thofe tnat uere fTuading him from going to J eru/a/em, What mean ye 1 weep, and to break mine Heart, for I am ready, n

bound only, but to die at J erufaUm for the Name of the ord Jefus. (3.) Where it is of the right Stamp, what- ever Troubles ihall come, they will be fo far from mak- lg us defert our Duty, as they (hail not be able 10 make s fo much as once flack our Zeal ; they will not make s caft away our Confidence, which is forbidden, Heb. x 5. but ralher make us lift up the Hands which hang own, and the feeble Knees, and to make Itraight Paths >r our Feet, Jell that which is lame fhou1.' be turned out r the Way, Heb. xii. 12, 13. (4.) Where it is, T>

Y 4 b!#s


bles will be born, not as from a Neceility, but willingly and cheerfully, and with fome fpiritual rejoicing; \h will be all Patience, and Long fuftering, with Joyfuln Col. i. ii. there will be a taking joyfully the rpoiling our Good% knowing in ourfelves that we have in Heave, a better and an enduring Sobllance, Heb. x. 34. (5.) Where it is in its perfect Work, it will even appear then, when there is no Sign of Favour from God, bat He wri ting bitter Things againft the patient, fob xiii. 26. an when there is no Way of Efcape feen ; fo, in Hah. xiii, 17, 18. Although the Fig tre* jh a II not bloffom, neither Jba I i Fruit be in the Vines, the Labour of the Olive jhall fail, and the Yield jb all yield no Meat, the Flock Jhall be cut ojp from the Fold, and there /ball be no Herd in the Stalls, yet I t'.-ill rej.ice in the Lord, I ivill joy in the God of my Salvation.

As to the third Thing propounded, Patience is promi- fed in the new Covenant ; fo it is a covenanted BleffingJ as appezreth, 1. From and by thefe Scriptures, Ifa. xliii. 2. ft ' i/Jcft through the Waters, I n.vill be <wi.'&

thee, a?: J through the Rivet s, they Jba 11 not overflow thee \ ewhtn thou trough the Fire, thoujhalt not be burnt,

kindle upon thee ; and, Rom. xv. 5. God is the God of Patience, fo he will give it; and, inj Phil. i. 29. it is given both to believe and to fufFer ; andJ in Jam. i. 4, ;. the trying of Faith worketh Patience, and Patience (hail have her perfect Work; and, in Ija. :;!. vrr. : it is faid, that the Lord will give

Power to and to ti cm that have no Might he

will incre.v e You'hs fhal! faint and bei

weary, and the young Aden (hall utterly fall; but they that wait ' : ,rd (fuch are the patient,) fhall renev/

their Strength, they thai! mount up with Wings as Eagles, they lhall run and not be weary, they (hall walk and noq m thefe Re

oei;>g filled with all Un- f

righreoufnefb,— h. li of Envy, Murder, Debute, Rom. i. 29.1

neither can we of or by ourfcives command it ; (4, it rrfuit j

be given, or we c c it : Stoical Patience was little jj

than a dead Palfy. zd. Obedience is promifedjjj

and I


On the Gospel Covenant. 345*

and Patience is a Kind of paffive Obedience, $d. Faith IS promikd, and, by Confequent, Patience; Fnirh and Patience go together ; fo Paul did glory in th nians, for their Patience and Faith in all the Trio Canons and Perfections which they endured, 2 Tbeffl i. 4. and, in Rev xiiK IO. /&;-* is the Faith and Patience of the Saints ; Faith doth work Patience, Jam. i. 3. qtb. Cor- recting in Meafure is prornifed ; the Lord will not lay up- on Man more than right, that he hould enter into Judg- ment with God, Job xxxiy. 23. He will not make a full End of his People, but correct them in Meafure, Jer. xxx. 11. Now, while correcting in Meafure is prornifed, Patience is prornifed, Patience will bear that which is in Meafure. $tb. God's All fufficiency is engaged,, and

ace fufficient is prornifed; and where theie are, theie wTll be Patience. 6tb. The Kingdom which is prornifed is attained trnough manifold Tribulations, Acls xiv 22. and Tribulation uorketh Patience, Rom. v. 3. ytb. Per- feverance is -prornifed, and it is by patient Con-inur.uce in well doing, Rom. n. 7. %tb. Fruit is gromifed, 1 It he a , fai:h the Lord, fi am me is thy Ftuit

found, Hf. xiv. 8. and this Fruit is brought forth Patience, Luke viii. 15. where it is faid, that they v. receive the Seed on the good Ground, are they which in an honeit and good II ng heard the Word, keep

it, and bring forth Fruit with Patience, qtb. This Pa- tience is reckoned among the Fiuits, and fo, among the Gifts of the Spirit, Gal. v. 22. under the Names of 1 uttering and Gentlereis : By thefe, and other like Proofs, it is evident, that Patience is a Grace, prornifed in the new Covenant.

Vfe 1. Terror to thofe who live without the Covenant; they can have none of this moil need/ul Grace, Patience; they cannot fuffer much at all, much lefs can they fufifer, as the Saints do, 1 Pet. iv. 19. that b, according to the Will of God, fo as to commit the keeping of thai/ Suuls to him in well-doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

2. Againft Defpair, in thoTe who groan, and are grieved for Want of it, and defire greatly to have it: It

. Covenant ;nnz/

34^ S E R M O N XXXVI.

Blefling, an^ may be \\-\d by all who fee a Need of it, ^ believe to h:\ve ir, and afk it of the God of Patience, in the Name of his Son Jefus Chrid : But this Patience doth not relt in Bofom Resolutions, or Self-afH icings, but in patient enduring of hard Things, as good Soldiers of thrift, 2 T:m. ii. 3.

Uje 3. All then who defire to be noflefleJ of this Pa- tience, mud go in to the Covenant of Promifes, that they nv-ty have it; and Mtfi would be very earned to have ir, for thefe Reafons, (1.) It hath a perfeit Work, yea, and in k is perfected the Work of other Graces, Jam. i. 4. (2) Without it, a Man cunnc: be Mailer of himfelf, he cannot pofTcfs his own Soul. Luke>x\. 19. (3.) Without it, the Heart cannot be fettled in any good Thing; tne Want of it maketh that Fainting in the Day of Adver- fity, Prov.xKiv. 10. Patience 1 h Ilablifheth the

Heart, Jam. v. 8. (4) The Want of it maketh

way in the Hour of Temptation ; and the Name of comch to be reproached, when we are overcome of contrary to the Warning, Rvm. xii. 21. (5 ) We re encouraged to leek after this Patience in S becaufe it will keep us from being tenpted above 1 vve ire able -to be ir, and -v. jth the Tempta- tth a Way of Efcape promiied unto it, 1 Cor.

e thefe Helps, and ufe them as Means to obtain and improve this Patience, I. Prayer, H^atcb and pray

itth. xx vi. 41. Jj any •:. v. 13. God doth fmite, that we may feek tnis and other Graces, Hof. v. 14, 1 5. with vi. 1. He hath promifed to hear, Pfa. I. 15. Afflic- eifonable and good praying Time, 1,'a. xxvi. 16. (2) Meditation of the Caufes of our Trouble: fup:eme Caufe, God only wife, juft and righ- teous ciful ; ordering all inferior Cau:es, /fa. x. 5, 6. 2 nrccu.ing, which is Sin; , this o' 1 . 1 2, i 7, 34. rebel- ling af :emning the Cqunfel . of the moft High r i\ranfgre"ffions ] and \u Jer. a* 14, 21.


On the Gospel Covenant. 347

when every Man is brutifti, and Paftors are brurifh, then they fhaH not profper ; and how God punifherh ie*" deferving. Ezra ix. 15. yt. The final C :h the

firft Fountain ; all from Love, Heb. xii. 5, 6. they are fent to further Conversion, to mortify Sin, and to increafe Grace and Knowledge, both of God and curielves.




On the Fruits of Sanctification, IV


5- dt though 7



HAVING fpoken to rhe chiefeft of fanclifying and b.ving Graces I go now to fpeak to the cniet Fruits of Sanclification, which alfo ar< fings of the Covenant: And, hrit, to thi PetCfc,

&nd Aflurance: I join rhefe two together, becaufi flrft maketh the Soul ri^ Anchor ; and ri

maketh the Anchor fure and itedfatt.

to the hVit, Peace, v. heie three,

A' hat it is. 3^/y, How ic u a U,


As to the firit, What it i% The Peace I am now to fpeak of, is not that external Peace, Pfa. cxliv. 15. I leave that to dc reckoned of temporal Bleflings :

Nor is it that eternal Peice or Kelt, prepared for the People of God, Hcb. iv. 9 -J leave that to be fpoken of, in that great and laft Covenant Bleffing, which is eter- nal Life. The Peace, of which I now intend to fpeak, is, that lpin:u.il Peace, in whicn the ipiritual Kingdom of God doth Hand, in a great Part, Rom. xv. 17. it is fometimes called the Peace of God, Phil. iv. 7. ChniVa Peace, John xiv. 27. and a Fruit of ti;e Spirit, Gal. v. 22. It is called the Peace of God, becaufe it is both from him, as a Gift, and with him, as a Party, Rom. v. I. It is called by Chriit h\- Peace, becaufe it is by him, and he is the Purchaser of it ; fo, Peace is preached by Jefus Chriit, he is the Lord of x. 36. He is our

Pe.ce, Ep/j. ii. 14. yea, this Peace is commonly called the Peace of Conlcience, becaufe it flowcth from, and ftandeth much in, the Teltimony and Anfwer of a good Conscience, 2 Cor. i. 12. and 1 Pet. in. 21. More par- irly, there is a twofold Peace; one is, the Peace of Faith, and J unification ; heit.-g jujified by Faith, <we /Save Peace with God', this ft tndeth in a ciofing with, and quiet reiting upon, the Prom:fe, for Pardon : The other is, the Peace or Sandhncation which arifeth from the reflex A& of Faith and Feeling of Pardon, fpoken in and from Vic- tory over Sin and Temptation ; it is of both thefe I am now to fpeak.

JJfe 1. A juft Reproof to thofe, who are for any Peace rather than lor this, which is the Peace of God, of Chriit, and of Conicience: They will be at Peace wjth thefe Lulls that war againft the Sou), Peace with thofe Men that war againft God; yea, and at Peace with De- vils, which are Enemies both to God and Man, allowing even to thofe uncle. in and reftlefs Spirits, a peaceable and quiet Habitation: The beft that Men can expect of fuch Parties, is an uncertain Peace, and a mod certain War, and in End Deftruclion.

U/'e 2. Be not deceived with your fuppofed Peace; all * Lhat is not tie Peace ox God and Conference, which is


On the Gospel Covenant. 349

Tappofed to be fa : Take thefe two, as fure and iblid Marks f a found Peace, (1.) It it be attained by Faith 01 that Blood of Attonement ; compare Exod. xxx. ic. acd Leu. xvii. 1 1 . with Rom. v. 1 1 . (2.) If it be maintained by the Spirit of Holinefs, and thefe peaceabie Fruits of P.ighte- oufnefs, Heb. xii. II. In cheie two we have, both tne in and the River of true and moil delightful Peace. As to the fecond Thing propounded, The Excellency of this Peace, you may take it up thus, 1. It is io excelJent, that the Lord takcth his mod honourable Name and Title from it, fbe God cf Peace> who brought again from the dead our Lord Jefus, the gtcat Shepherd 0/ the Sheep, through the JBlood of the tuerlafiing Covenant: The Lord hath more Honour in this Name, than in ail other Ma- niieftations ; for, they all run either in unto or out from this, that he is the God of Peace, Heb. xiii. 20. 2. This Peace mud be excellent, becaufe it is Chriit's Legacy ; Peace 1 leave with jou, my Peace I give unto jou, not as the World givetb give I unto you, John xiv. 27. it is fuch a Peace, as the World cannot give. 3. It is a Peace which paiTeth all Underrtanding, Phil. iv. j. it is' fuch a Peace, as none can know but they who have it, yea, and fuch as fhall not be fully known in this Lite. 4. It is fuch a Peace, as (hall keep with a Guard, both Heart and Mind unto Duty, and againll Temptation, in the fame Phil. iv. 7. 5. It maketh both Sufferings eafy to be born, and all Enjoyments fweet and pleafant; it is the Bird, as it were, in the Boibm, finging fueetiy. 6.. It is not only the Image, but the Beginning of Heaveo, #s a felf condemning and tormenting Confciencir is the Image of Hell. 7. Had we this Peace once, the Lord ' wouid make both the Beajb and Stones of the Field to be at Peace with us, Job v. 23. 8. The Excellency of this Peace may eafily be gathered, from the Eviis u are in the Want of it, even in a Child of God : How- pitiful was Job's Cafe, chap, f i. 4. when the Arrows of the Almighty were within him, the Poifon whereof dfd drink* up his Spirit, and the Terrors' of God did fet them- selves in Array againft him ? How pitiful was Davitfs Cafe, Pfa . xxxii. 3, 4. when he had hi* Roarings all the


S E R M ( I i VII.

Day loig, and the Hand of God was Day and Night heavy upon him ? And, in P/a. li. 8. when the Pain of his Spirit was fai beyond the Pain of broken Bones? And how fad was Uanan\ Cafe, in Ixxxviii. i^. who was rea- dy to uie from his Youth u^? and while he fufFered the Terrors of God he was diftra&ed: And, if the Want of this Peace be fo dreadful a Thing to the Saint.% how much more dreadful will it be to the wicked, when Con- fcience fhall come to be in A rms agamft them ? they ffrall then underftand well that Text, I/a. Ivii. v'tr. 21. Peace, faith my God, to the nuicked. Vfe 1. This may found a fharp and loud Alarm to un- godly Men; they neicher have nor can have this excel- lent Thing, Peace; bur Terrors fhall make them afraid on every bide, and then they fhall be brought to the King of Terrors, Job xviii. II, 14. he is much worfe than he in Gen. xvi. 12.

Vfe~ 2 Learn to efteem this Peace above every Peace, and love no Peace that wanteth this, for wherein is it to be e (teemed?

Vfe 3. Rejoice in the Lord, and be thankful, all you that hapve tnis Peace; they have a Jewel indeed, who have it: But, that you be not deceived, thinking you have it, when you have it not, know it by thefe Marks, (1.) It will be known and found that it groweth not up, nor fpringeth up from any Tiling in us; it is not (clf- grown, but of a heavenly Original : Righteouihefs look- eth down from Heaven, and Rrghteoufnefs and this Peace are each in others Arms, Pja. Ixxxv. ic\ 11. (2.) It is the EfFeft of Faith, Rom. v. r. (3.) I c can no: bear with Sin, nor give Quarters to it ; it is joined with Purity ; flrrt pure, then peaceable, James iii. 17. (4 ) It is not kcuie, but flcepeth in its Armour, believing that there is a Hippinefs in a holy Fear, Prov. xxviii. 15. (5.) ft will not be without many and frequent Aflaults ; for Sa- ta-. is a great Enemy to this Peace. (6.) It will give little Peace to Sin in others ; it will not fuffer Sin upon a Rro- c ther or Neighbour ; for that were to bear i Hatred (a the * Heart et him, L$v. xix. 17.

^On the Gospel Covenant. 251

Ufe 4. Pity the godly, when they are under Tempta- kn, and want this fweet Peace; no Affli&ion can betal p like unto ;his, to want and be withocc chia Peace Jth God, and Peace v, itn their own Souls. Ab to the third ; This fair and blefTed Peace, it may had, for it is promited ; it is a rrcn a-id free Bieiling the new Covenant: It is promifed, in Pfa. xxix. 11. at the Lord will blefs his People with Peace} and, in xxv. 8. He will fpeak Peace to his People, and to his ints, in lfa. Hv. 10. Mountains Jh all depart, and Hills removed) but my Kindnefs Jhall Hot depart from thee, m Covenant of my Peace be removed, faith the Lota 'tb Mercy on thee ; and, in *ver. 15. All thy QhiUren all be taught of the Lord, and great Jbull be the Peace thy C and, in lfa. lvii. 19. the Lord hath pro-

led to create the Fruit of the Lips, Peace, Peace, to n that is far off, and to him that is near ; and, in ixvi. 1. it is promifed, that the Lord will extend Peace iike River ; and, in Hag. ii. 9. 7 he Glory of this latter uie fball be greater than of the former, jaith t 'ds ; and in this Place will I gi-ve Peace, faith the L Hofis; and, in Zech. ix. 10 it is piomifed concerning iriil, that he lhall fpeak Peace to the Heathen : For "ther Proof that this is a covenanted Blefiirg, is clear m theie Things, 1. That the new Covenant is called ! Covenant of Peace, in the above cited Place, lfa. nv. 2. This Peace can be from none but God, became is created, as in lvii. he giveth it to whom he % A wounded Conicience knoweth no Phyfician but Gt

cxlvii. 3. and Hof vi. 1. the Children of God will fer be quiet until they get into their Father's Bofom. Righteoufneis by Faith is covenanted, and fo Peace. A Heart fprinkled from an evil Conicience is cove- red, Heb. x. 22. and the Aniwer ot a good Conlca. £>eace, 1 Pet. iii. 21. 6. Peace is the Effed of Chi ath, in J/a. liii. 5. The Chafiifement of our Peace n him, and by his Stripes *ue are healed ; and, in E I 3> fy. Notv9 in Chrif Jefus ye% ivbo jbmetimes «t r oJy are made nigh by the Blood of Chri/i, for he is our ice. 7, The Gofpel is the Gofpel of Peace ; it is



Peace on Earth, and towards Men Goodwill, Luke ii. 14. and called ibe Gcf; ^. 8*

Adoption is covenanted, and fo Peace ; for it makcth us Sons of Peace, Luke x. 16. 9. Holinefs is covenanted, and io Peace. 10. Joy is covenanted, and fo Peace.

Ufe 1. Terror to thofe who live without this Cove- nant; they can have no true Prace with God or them- . and no (\::q Peace with Man 1 m Peace to

the <x>Ackcd, faith the Lord, I/a. xlviii. 22. j

>rt to forely fhaken and troub'ei Con- sciences; the Lord both can and will fpeak Peace to his People ; he hath prortiifed to do fo ; and the Seas and Winds do obey him. Mat. viii. 27. and when he givech Quietnefs, who then cr.n make Trouble ? jfcbxxxiv. 29. It is a convincing Light which he bringeth, to command Peace ; his Light is full and fatisfying, to affure Peace from his own tree Grace, ChrihVs Fulnefs, and the Spirit a clear and fure Witnefs, 1 John v. 6. But it is object- ad by fome, he is offended, how fhall he fpeak Peace ? /tnfuj. U we will only acknowledge our Offence, we may confider, (1.) He is God, and hath Thoughts above our Thoughts, and Ways above our Ways, 1/a. lv. 7, 8. (2 ) He is the God of Peace, both mighty and fkilful in i commanding Peace, and working it; he can create it. (3 ) He is engaged, by the Covenant of Peace, to work Peace. (4} The Lord will not willingly break that Re- lation which is betwixt him and his People, 1 Sam. xii. 22. I/a, Ixiii. 8, 9. (5 ) If the Lord did not give Peace to thoie that feek it, they might turn to Iniquity, and the Lord will not fuffer it to be fo, P/a. c\::<

Ufe 3. Who would have this Peace, mult go into the Covenant for it; and take thefe Motives, to quicken and •■age you, (1.) Without it nothing but a wof'ui State,: (2) Have we it once, then have we every good. (3. No Soul EftabJimment without it. (4.) No Joy or Com fort without it. (5.) It would be a continual Feaft, Prov xv. 15. Take and ufe thefe Means alfo, 1. Seek Righ teoufnefsfirft, the Work of Righteoufnefs is Pej.ce, ha ii. 17. 2. Keep near to Chriil, and in good Term with him ; he is the Prince of Peace, I/a. ix. 6. 3. Be


On tit Gospel Covenant. 353

'ware of every Sin which may mar Peace, efpt

mfcefs, Unbelief,' VVant of Love ro l 2nd Impenitency. 4. Seek fpeedily co be reconciled after the Breach of Peace. 5. Be much in the GcfpeJ Way, . Company with thofe that ar Peace.

4. The Fo , of the Children of

:ek Peace, and not by this Covenant, bur, as it by the Works of the Law : It is good to ale Means, and to be in the Ways of Peace ; bu: there rnuft be a ooking unto, an .rig of him, who ereateth it.

As to the fecond fruit and Confequent o; Sanftirka- ion, AfTurance, it is alio no fmal! Co vena at BfcBxng: )f it 1 lhalJ fpeak briefly, in theie Thre. I at it

idly, How exce lent i: is promi-

sd, aad fo a prec

As to the firil, What it is, we may gather, 1. F hefe Scriptures, in Col. ii. 2. it is cailed, the full A nice of (Jriderftanditfg ; in Ileb. yi. n. the ' [ope ; and x. 22 fall Aifurance of Faith ; i it is

iljed Confidence in the Lord, and bef^ ; i id v. 14. and towards him, iii. 21. It is tn rive our Hearts ; * :ore God, ;

lured : More particularly, this A flu ranee is no: J Fruit of it ; or, if >cu will have it fo t >t a direel but a reflex Aft of it ; Faith hath one lereby it oi covereth Chriit, and fl g!e to the Prey, and rells on him ; and it hath am 1 5, whereby it coined] to know aflurediy, >fed with Chriil ; the one is a direel Acl, it goeth light out towards theObjrcl ; the othtr doth .

ich is done, and (t und

Drk ; and, finding all fare, it hath great Bo!-: nfidence, Eph. iii. 12. It i- one Thing, to have Faith; another, to know tl

n us of God, and to know the Tnings that

w-n unto u^ of him, 1 Cor. ii. 12. It is o:.e

to be of God, and ro be bel- lira, and

a, and th 1 of God

ng, that we mav both know

:. kii

1 true,




true, there is an AfTurance of Faith, or a fare Gripping of Faith; but there is an AlTurance of Evidem leth to be fure of the Grip,

.ch AlTurance of that it reftcth on, the fure Rock; but the ger Faith hath AlTurance of the Subject alfo, that the believing Soul hath foundly built id. that Rock.

i. By this it may appear, that every AlTurance is not the right AlTurance; it muft be from clear Under- Handing, from found Hope, and Faith unfeigned.

2. Who would approve themfelves Sons of Peace, and of the Covenant of Peace, they Ihould not Ltisfy themfclvca v.ith the Beginnings of Knowledge, and or Faith in Jefus, but feek after this AlTurance of Faith, whereby tney may know alTuredly and experimentally both to know Jefus, and that they are in him.

As to the lecond, That this AlTurance is of grea Worth and Excellency, you may know it by thefe grea antages which are in it: It is true, a fmall Degree o th will fave ; but this full AlTurance hath many Ad vantages : I. It puts the Soul beyond doubting as to it State and Perfeverance in the fame ; fee how the Apoftl doth reafon, in Rom. viii. 33, 34, 35. i that JM

fiifietb, ivbojbail condemn? Who fball feparate us J

of 'Jefus Cbrift? 2. It breeds true Chriftian Fci

titude, whereby the Soul is Heeled againft Trouble, an

itirred up and itrengthned unto Duty. 3. It increafct

re and Resolution to pleafe God, 1 John iii. 19, 2 j

4. It hath joined with it, a holy Boailiag in God, wit

greateil Self-denial. 5. Free and abfolute SubmiiEon l

;od, when one knoweth whom he hat

. truf ■• i- 12. he will be freely at his Difpoia

6. Where it is, there will be found Delight in the

cheerful Obedience. 7. Where it is, there 1

to dr;.w in others to the Ways of God, u

this Ground, that they who enter thefe Ways dp not,

.in, do not fight as beating the Air, 1

Terror to thole, who are of that abfurd i

: Men, that have no Faith, 2 The//, ii;

)a the Gospel Covenant, 35-5-

I put of all thcie great Advantages, they can have g of this excellent Affurance; >ti&g<

and are like to die defpninng.

C//p 2. Let us iearn. as many as covet i\\t beft Things,

: after this bldfed Fruit of Fai; . ation,

this full AiTurance; "and it (hall make us ret only live9

but live abundantly, John x. ic :omfortably


o the third, Tbfct this AfTurance is p?r.4 .Ted alfo, eth from tftefe Scriptures, / .", where

the Effecl of Righreoufneis is Qaietnefs, and AiTurance for ever, and PJaf. 84. 7. where it is prorih'ied, that we flnll go from Strength to Strength, and from Rem. i. where the Righteoufnefs of God is u rom Faith '

th ; and from Pnv. iv. ^: ath of the

like the mining Light, more

and more unto the perfect Dzy. 2. It hath been found in the Experience of the Saints, a Faith vvithot

its Soul n .ft in Gud, like ; a Faith triumphing in

Ts; a Faith by which the Heart been a., reGod; and this Affura

it Revelation, from the Faith of Chri! ., Alcenfioft, and fitting at the viii. 33, 34, 35.

nant of Prom i fee ; they can have none 0/ . ^ncr,

only cometh by Faith of" the Promi ho want Affurance, feek it in and by the Pre mile ; feck it <

Honour by it; Abraham glorified otd fo much. (2.) So we mall have the more d

(3) So, we m.iy be enable eaiily, and to fight the : (4.) So,dra*.vin ' much from Chri tor filiating


[ 35^ ]




On tlic Fruits of San&ification, Joy, and Comfort.

2 S A M U E L xxiii. 5.

Although my Houfe he not fo with God ; yet he hath made

with me an ever(aftihg Covenant, well ordered in all Things

and Jure ; fir this if .ill my Salvation, and all my Dejire,

although he make it not to grow.

THERE arc two other great Fruits of Faith and San&ification, 'viz. Joy, and Comfort ; and of Joy, I {hall, illy Shew you what it is. w ex-

cellent a Mercy and Blefllag it is. ydly9 How it l* alio a fpecial Covenant Blefling.

A? to the firft, What this Joy is, It \s a Grace where- by the Heart cometh to be enlarged upon and delighted 1 in God. There are feveral Sorts of Joy, 1. A natural Joy, fuch as a Woman hath, when (he hath brought forth a Man-cniid, John xvi. 21. 2. A worldly Joy, upon: fome worldly Accounts, fuch as the Joy in Harveil, and when Men divide the Spoil, Ifa. ix. 3. 3. There is the Joy of Hypocrites, which is but for a Moment, Johxx. 5. 4. There is a wicked ajid ungodly Joy, a rejoicing in 1 Folly, Pro-o. xv. 21. and in working Mifchief, or deviling I It ?f the Heathen, and of all Idumca, that


On the Gospel Covenant. 357

they had appointed the Lord's Land into rheir Po/Teffion, with the Joy of all their Heart, and with defpight/ul Minds, to call it out for a Prey. Of that was a wicked Joy : But the Joy of which we fpeak, ir is tne Fruit of Faith, and Sa notification ; it is a fpintual Joy, a Joy in God, through the Lord Jefus Chriit, by whom we rnve received the Atonement, Rom. v. II. It is caiJed the Joy of the Holy Ghoft, 1 Thejf i. 6. This 15 a Joy indeed, as you fhall hear in the next Point, whether 1: be looked upon as it goeth out on God, or as it deligntcth the Soul within.

Ufe 1. Reproof to thofe that are taken up with un- y Joys, which are no Joy*, nothing in companion of this.

2 Seek todiitin^uiih betwixt this and other Joys, ana to hnve your Joys fpiritual, and of the right Kind, ind kindling by Fire from Heaven, and Fuel or" the

As to the fecond, Chriilian Joy is an excellent B.'ef-

ing ; it hath the Marrow of Blellings in it, fo the Pfaf-

12 lit iingeth; in P/a. Jxiii. 5. Mj Soul Jball be fatisfied as

' iarronv and Fame/*, and my Mouth (ball pi a if e thee

4th joyful Lirs : It is a Jailing Joy, there is ever Matter

or it ; Bleffed are they that duct 11 in t they will

>e pill praifirg thes, Pfal. lxxxiv. 4. It is that Feaft of

at Things, a Feafl of Wines on the Lees, ut fat Things,

ull of Marrow, of Wines on the Lees well refined, lja.

xv. 6. More particularly, The Excellency or this Grace

ppeareth thus, I. From the Auchor of it, the Holy

jiioil ; it is Joy in the Holy Gholt, Rom. mv. 17. 2.

'rom the Objed of it, God, and his Son Chriit Jefus;

), in Phil. iii. 1,3. we have rejoicing in tne Lord, and

i Chrill Jefus. 3. It is peculiarly called Chrilt's Joy ;

), in John xv. I 1. our Lord iaith, Theft Ihings ha.

poken unto you, that myjoy might remain in \ou% and that

our Joy might be full \ and, in Xvii. 13. Tbtfe 'Things I

Worlds that they might laze m\ J oy fulfilled

4. It puts a Heart in a right Fram

Jam. v. 13. is, it a Man's Heart Mind be \\\ a light Frame, if it go well with it.

v The I



On the Gospel Ccr

Joy or the Lord will be a Peo;

10. Eternal H_ ^oeth unde of this

enter thou into the Joy of thy at. xxv. 23.

fpiritual Joy here is of the far Fruits of everlafting Joy there.

U/e 1. Their MUci of Grace ; they neither know nor of this true Joy

.ling of Tfiorn?, Ecci vii 6.

2. We cugLt to efteem I man the Gate of Heave;

the Be.ievers Gztes ; and r

ieaas to h

the Promii. tr a godly Sort ; that Sorrow, if any. fhali be turn-

i Joy, go together. (3 ] Lipon Pre;. _c:aJIy thefe whi ife Joy.


3. Be thankful, all you that have any Thing of

r.d fpiritual Joy ; andkno..

■\e Man that 1: good in bis 5 . ledge, and Joy, [2.) It is joined wjth the free Spirit of

thy Saluaii:n% and . U is joined with holy Fear; lb rejoice n . P/al. ii. 11. and v.ith other ( offering, C

d hath all its Springs in God, (5 ) I: is pure, and unmixed 15 more con

aiding than other Joys; (

ul whither e Sta-

tements of the Lord will be Matter of g to thofe . 54.

, *~ Reproof to many C:

gs, which either mar ai: eir Joy ;

1 " M o n" xxxvui. ,



TbfagP °f lhc VT- ch*f i-ui'-s of the Sput^ i. It » one of che c..^ bcar.rg r



JPEL Cove.

>*«. Lovf:.




* wwCor,fortis, itm.ybe


the foul, lhV lIeart ; outward Reliu we

fc^l Sou in Dlfirefs have ^|Sexpreffi»g ^ •^ ' nth^ Nature of it, by the Wo * ? b lt - may take up th; - ^ e j thc ooul, w red

e!'her ftrr "some of thel\£XS'U up our Spirits; from the lame b cai.l0& l the

"ffii " Vinefs; fome, J Qrt is tf

'• by u Pra-ve or Sett ; fo tbaifll „<rthnine of the

■t * rIf "th ?S£i Soul, the ^ a,e -^iffe^eMn^ the Stay o^eB ^

« w -rrent'th failcth, tne rpce;ved, before u n^u-Sbefpokenm.anarecew

:; V.-re- i. .11 for Corofort-S

work the Cure. . who call tor

haVe,JS,° k S to the Application » fo r * £* p,

w0Uld look weu ,icaUon s either tn Seaf

F /

Phil. 2.1. Tl ti this

14. 1 6, 26. /-.

2. 25? 2 Excel!'.. ; ppeareth in and i. by

- ture^, 7\v?. 15, 4. 1 h .,ed, whic

ion, ar.c 1 Cor. 1 4. 3. )

&) to called the Confglation ; k% in /Tiffj 15. ji. The Epiftle being read, k

efpecially the Com! e by the fveet and

precious Prom if:; :y of Con

many [Soul Cures, and the* delight th< . even

in the Multitude of Thoughts, P/al. 94. 19, 4. Their

able- unable R a to the y hiirt thai

. 5

ty of C


}y be1 .

jhotl, nod theie Coniol. 4l; ij


I up-

ied in :


Ufe 2. All who love excellent Things, covet thefe ftrong and fweet Confolat'ons of God, the choice Com- forts of the Spirit ; they are of greater Price, the Price of ChrilPs Blood, and of more excellent Ufc than all the moll r ..v ai J coil v Cordials in the World ; they quicken the Dead, and ftrengthen the Soul to the bigheft A Life in Communion with God, and Delight in him: None will know the Worth of them, as they who have had their Souls down, and brought up again from the lowed Pit, wirh Da<did9 in Pfai. 86. 15. and Heman, in. Fjai 88. 6, 13.

As to the third, That Comfort is promifed, is clear, (i.) From Scripture, that, in I/a. 40. 1. wherein the Warrand is doubled for miniilring Comfort to his People! and, in I/a. 51. 3. The Lord '/hall com fori Zion, be twill comfort all h,r ivaJU Places ; and, in I/a. 66. 13. ds bis Mother comforteth^ fo 'will I ?«, and

comforted in J erufalem ; and. 3 1. 13.

ill comfort them , and make row: And then, that great P;omiie of Chrilt, that he will fend the Comforter, J ' uhn 15. 26. \ia, it is promif- ed, that the Lord will heal and iettore Comforts, ljaiuh 57. 18. (2) Ly the Experience of the Saints, David had the Experience, thai even the Lord's Rod and Staff m, Pfal. 23. 4. and profeffeih his Hope, the Lord would comfort him on every Side, Pfabu 71. 21. (3) Faith and Hope are covenanted, and there t in both thefe, and in Love alfo, Rom. 1. 12. 16. and Phil, 2. 19. (4.) Grace fufneient is prom lied, ami fo all neceflary Comforts.

Ufe I. Miiery of thole who live without the Coven mt; they have no Title to Comfort, becaufe they have no Right to the Pro J

in Need of Comfort, let tnern .

turn in to this Covenant ol Grace, and thence they mail

;t, even abounding Confol itions ; but, let none

wome 1 ■-)' fee a Need of it ; yet

; up of Comf< e, till a Time of

gopd Thrift: I would look well, that ym

On the Gospel Covenant. 365*

jettifhly put not away Comforts when they come unto /ou ; fore Anguiih hath made the Saints fometinfes do fo, Vfalm 77. 2.




)n the laft Fruit of Sanctification, Com- munion with God.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. Uthough my Hotrfi be ndt fi with God; yet he hath with me an ever la fling Covenant, well order el in all T and Jure; for tins is ail my Salvation, and alt although he

[TOLJNFSS is of great Price with God, and 71 of marvellous AdvaiiUge to Man; it beareth rim to God, and bringeth forth precious Fruit to us: behave heard of a four fold Fruit, of Peace, Aflbfance] yy, and Comfort; followerh now the laft an J belt Fruit ereof, Communion with God; and of it I /hall {peak little, (for it is but little that can be fpoken of this un- eakable Thing,) in thefe three, i. What it is. 2. How •ecious and excellent a Thing it is. 3 flow it is aJ/o '°roijak and fo a rich and fair Covenant BIcffine \jFtot^fir(l, Communion with God is a great Myfte- Hit is founded in another Myllcry, nearell Union w.ch Ml: The Apoftle John doth afferc, that fuch a \


uly our F

for it to t f the Holy Gb

d in S: ;u,t - by Men their walking w

i or £«<?rZ' and Mtt£, Gen. 5. 22. and 6. 9.

.ng in them, or among them, Lm>. 26. 12

limes by the Lord's dwelling in them, an;'

ing in him, 2 Cor. 5. 16. and 1 Joln\. 13 Sometimes by the Lora's delighting in Men, and thet* delighting in God, Pro. 8. 30. Chriit was the K. Delight ; r. Communion betwixt them

and while ivlen J up to Delight ti

the Lord, Pfal xxxvii. 4. they are called up to neartl Communion with him. More particularly, in this m union with God are thefe Things : (1.) There \\ fuppofed Union; Communion cannot be without \ Union with Uod is in- Chriit, and by the Spirit they th* are joined to the Lord are one Spirit, 1 Car. 6 (2) In Communion theie are mutual Communic the Lord coin nunicateth himfeif in. nd l'pintua

\yf and moit freely, and this eiti. !y b> Urd

nances, or immediately by himfelf and Spirit ; and tr Soul doth communicate itfelf in going out upon God i fecrec Actings, fuch as are the Ads of Meditation, Adc ration, and Admiration. (3 ) In it there is Coinmerc ?nd Correfpondence, FJeaven coming down to Ija. Ixiv. 1, 2. And the Soul afcending up to He > the C n Heaven, Phil id. 20. (4 )

is much Trull, where this Communion is; each wi truft the Secret to another : So, in Gen. xviii. 17. tl Lord will not hide from Abraham that which he was 1 do to Sodom, and the other Cities, which d. her Sins : In this Communion, Chriit. 1 poq B

fevers, not as Servants, but as Fri< ig$ th

he hath heard of the rather he vviii

in this Cominunioir there will be dence on eithe on the Lo.

{cendence of '


On the Gospel Covenant. 367

eale,th Backflidjngs, Hif. xiv. 4. And on M: iuch Self-dei . xvi. 24. (6-) In it the;

luch Familiarity, talking one with another, 'ace to Face, as a Man doth with his Friend; io did tfofes with God, 1 ::xin. II- (7.) In this L

nunicn there will be fweat Talk, and Soliloquies, : ecret Communications, which no other can know, when he King is held in his Galleries, Cant. vii. 5. (3 ) i will be mutual Delights, the Lord calling; his Spoui'e riephzibah, when his Delightis in her, Ifa. iii. 4. it can- lot be told what that is, while we are in this Life ; he Bridegroom rejoiceth over the Bride, in the 5th )f that Chap. And then the Spoufe delighting in V. 16. His Mouth is ? , yea, he is alio:

he is her Beloved, and her Friend. (9) A mu- ;ual praiiing of each other, as it is in the song ; Church praifeth and prizeth the free Gifts of God, the Lord praifeth and prizeth Jheir buying without Money, and their Service done with a willing Mind: Sod delighteth in Mercy, Micab vii. 1 8. and the S lelight in Love and Praiies.

U/e 1. The Mifery of thofe that know nothing of tbi? ?ellow{hip withGod, who readily will be drawn to any Fel- owfhip rather than this ; yea, which is lamentable, they lave Fellowship with the unfruitful Works of Dar ;ontrary to Eph. v. 1 1. Ah ! they know not Comm- ,vith God : If they, knew it, nothing would \ ■ed unto it ; and they would take no Rek . lvere n.uie Partakers of it; without Goa

I Id be unto them the foreil Plague. U/e 2. Let all love Holinefs, who profefs to leek C Jnunion with God; for this precious Commun ,?'ruit of Holineb : Sin doth ieparate Souls fi l(3Ut Holinefs bringeth the Soul near Go,:, and jj,o the Soul; io there cometh to be a fw A^nd good Correfpondence from Conformity : Hoh J^ifcrtmagc, and he loveth to fee it; it is that -

luch *Tft his Praife, and he inhabiteth Praiies.

,s to the y^awi Thing propounded, concerning thisCorn-

iioo* the Excellency of it, it is fo exec.




is like it; (i.) The Excellency of it apj ' it fpcaketh grt. > great,

I'ency in th^c ; for when the Spirit of I Fotih the higheft Honour and Excellency of his

'lech them a People near fiimj . that it is Feilowfhip with the' Father, with his Son, and with the Holy Gnoit ; Feilow- fhip with God as a Father, O! that is fw< thorn ?iot from this Time cry unto me% My Father ■, O^ f Jer. iii. 4. Jt is Feilowfhip with ( , as cne in Covenant with u% as one of neareft Relation unto us, as one with whom we may be familiar, and that refufe to give us nothing that is good, (o God is Love unto us, 1 John iv. 8. And then, Feilowfhip with the Son, O \ that is fweet ; ic is fuch as mikerh us Partakers of him, Heb. iii. 1^.. as maketh him to be in us, and us , in him, John xvii. 21, 23. as made us his Delight | in Eternity, Prov. viii. 39. and will make him our De- light throughout all Eternity ; and then Feilowfhip with the holy Spirit, and fo, a moil insvard and immediate Fe'lowfhip, and mod fpiritual Feilowfhip, of Spirit with Spirit, a mofl ravifhing Feilowfhip, wherein the Spirit of God raifeth our Spirits to Admiration and wondering: And then, Feilowfhip with the f e a I i n ^ Spirit, whereby the FrienJfhip is made inviolable. (3.) The Excellency of it appeareth in this, that there are fo rich Communi- cations and Manifeitations in it ; the Lord therein corn- municateth his fpecial Love, Influences of Life and Strength, Evidences of his accepting both Perfons and Services ; and then, there are it it, rare Manifestations of God; fometiraes of his Mind, fometimes of his Na> {f ture, fometimes of his fpecial Goodnefs. (4.) The i ceilency of it appeareth in this, the Dignity to which this Feilowfhip doth advance the Creature: Feilowfhip with God miketh Believers Princes with God, as Jacob was; it maketh them Kings and Priefts to G< 6. great Courtiers with the King of Kings. (A The Excellency of it ltandeth in this, that it maketjx]||e7Hc/ excellent Spirits : Companying with the wife and' Men <& Parts, will help Men much to improve their Parts, x'rK-


- 0/; the Gospel Covenant. 369

they be weak; how much more will familiar converfing

with God do this ? (6.) The Excellency of it is in this,

that tnere is Accefs therein to God with Boldnefs ; tho"

Btl Boldnefs will not any Way leffen Reverence, yet it

kvill make a Soul very bold and familiar witji God : fee

it in Abraham, Gen. xviii. and in Mojks, Exod. xxxiii.

From Verfe 9th to the End : The ore of thofe, for this

Familiarity with God, is called the Friend of God for

?ver, by Jehojaphat, 2 Chron. xx. 7. and by the Lord

rimfelf, I/a. xli. 8. Abraham my Friend ; and it is laid

Wt the other, that the Lord fpake to him Face to Face,

fij a Man doth to his Fner.d, in the 1 ith Verfe of Exod.

,:x/.iii. Who have Fellow (hip with God, may fpeak |11

h«\c which is in their Heart to him, and may expect ;.

Things from h:m in Prayer. (7.) Fellowship with God

/ill make a Man's Face to fhine : Mofcs was but feme

lore Time with God on the Mount, and his Face mined,

3 as the People could not endure to look upon it j fo as

e behoved to cover it with a Vail ; the Skin of his fiione

1, that both Aaron and all the Children of Ifrael were

raid to ccme near him, Exod. xxxiv 29, 30, 33. 1\1-

wmip with God will make the Soul mine thro1 the Bo-

K, and make the Countenance look Heaven like. (8.)

he Excellency of this FellovUbip appeareih in this, thac

is fuch as the fpiritua! Man will never weary of : It is

ue, there will be fomcihing in the moil mortified Chn-

an, that will weary of the moil lpirirual Exeiciies, ac-

rding to that, in Mark xiv. 38. The b'pinc is tr ueiy

*dy, but the Flefh is weak ; yet the new Man in the

i Chriiiian will have an unweiried Del Uowfhip of God; fo ;.s never to be out of it : I ide Peter, in Mat. xvii. 4 while he was oh the Mount th Chrift, fay, Loidy it is good for us to be ben, let us ke here three Tabernacles, one for theey one j ..

tr fur Elias. (9.) The Excellency of it aprc when it is compa .11 other moil dcligjiiiul

jwft^p* : d Man with his Friend

fy lweiifc; but it is nothing compared to the Fdlo \vith this hriend : It cannot oe told how much the \ \ . 16. Aa

ft chut Wc

sermon \x\r\. '

•v Friend: The Fellowthip of a Huflnnd'wul his I . ; when (he is the loving H.nd

(ant Roe, when her Bre~r her. iiufbaoc

ac ail Times, and he is always ravinYd with her Lov^ Prov. v. 19. but this is nothing to the Fellowlhip 0: Chnlt. with his Bride, when he is a Bundle of Myrrh uno her, lying ail Night betwixt her Breails, Cant. v. 13 when his left Hand is under her Head, and his right Haw is embracing her, Cant. ii. 6. The Fellowfhip of dear Com panions at a Feali is fweet and folacing ; but it is nothinj to this, vt teafting with Ghriit ; while the King iittetl at the Table, the Spiknard of the Bride doth Tend fort)

Smell : In other Feilowfhips, there is neither th§ Onenefs and Suitabienefs of Spirit, nor that Inwardnei or Communication ; fo, there cannot be fo fatisfyihg an, folacing Delights.

Vie 1. Hence we may fee their Miiery and Madne who neither know nor care for this fuper excellent Thinj Communion with God ; they fatisfy themfelves, and cannot be fatisfied with the impure Fellowthip of ung Jy Men, and unclean Spirits: They pour out their Hea and Ipend thofe immortal Spirits, which were made ft Communion with God, upon Vanity and Wickedr rneir Hearts become one with the Heart of their dete| able Things ; compare Ezek. xi. 19. with 21.

2. Matter of Praife and Thankfulnefs, to thcF who have thi* Communion with God ; they are bleflf indeed, they know the joyful Sound, Pfal. lxxxix. if tney dwell in God's Houle, and they will be ever praifir him, Pfal. lxxxiv. 4. they walk in the Light of Goj

Lin te nance : Bur, that you be not deceived, to thif

that to be Communion with God, which is not, tcf

t Marks: (1.) True Fellowfhip with God is in ChrP'

0 have no clear and diliinct Knowledge of Chif

ig with him in the Covenant, have no tF

Communion with God at all ; for the Fellowfhip is,T'

i.er, fo with his Son Jefus Cj

rue Fellowfhip hath fpiritual Apprehelh*^

( *od ; that which is falie hath only carnal ApPFt.fl

t of him. (3 ) The trueCommunion is more inwaldll*

On the Gospel Covenant. 371

fecre; ; the other doth but tickle and delight the fenfitive (4) The fpiri: than

the otner. is wrought bv

the one, not io ':■ r. (6.) True Felowihip will

work a Delight in the- :er the in vv.rd iVJan, /?;ct.

iii. 22. (; s of Aceefs is I t, and

to increafe it. (8.) An Antipathy to wicked Fel- low fh;p, and cordial Delight in the Fellow ihfp of the

. Pfal. xvi. 2, 3. (9) A Willingnefs to par: ill, before that we part with this Fel.owlhip ; yea, there will be no living without it, and never en :, un-

:il we come to, where we ill a 1 1 enjoy to the rtrrr? (io.) Where it is there will be high Reipecls for Jefus, and a Love and Longing for his Appearing, 2 Jim iv. 8. yet, t would be remembered, that this Coram N not

ie always in the lame iennbie Mcafare ; yea, it will not be without its fad Interruptions, Cant. v. 6,

I ;*c ; yet, where it hath been in Tf nefs in that withdrawing, return, but an attivc beitirring Jfe of every Mean, thai Le may retui


union, that it i> projuifod, ht is clear, (1 > Fr . re?, where it 1^ h tliat <»< d lc in

d with them, ami they Qiall

-v. xx vi. 1 1, 1 2. 7 \oa,

\d r?r, §oul Jball n , and t.(. ■:'// be \ Micah iv. ^. fi "J r. God for ever :r:i

'Jrengthen i ' ■: Lord, a

ic wn in his Nam* : And rhat Frc ( (hall walk <wit

\' wherein ii is prom; fed, chat I fjfj^b*» People. due;l in them, wi;i I \ ; fo,YTn Exui \\v. &

I' '

L Lid of the I

I A a


Lord will dwell in it for ever ; the like we have, in CXXXii. 15, 14- The Lord Zion, he hath ..

it for his Habitation ; this is mv Rcft% faith he, for ever \ I dwell } for I have d fired it ; And we have a more clear Place, both for his walking in and dwelling with his People, in 2 Cor. vi. 16. I will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, and they /hall be my People. This may be further cleared, by thefe Rea- fons, 1. Fellowihip with God mult be by the Promife, becaufe it cannot be otherwife ; for naturally, we are with- out God, we are gone far from him, and cannot return1 again. _i It is promifed that he will be our God ; and in tha&*_l,jmife Fellowihip with himielf is promifed. 3^ Chrill by Promife is given to be a Head and Hufband ; and thefe blefted Relations cannot be exercifed, without neareir, and fweeteil Fellowfhip and Communion. 4, The Holy Ghoit is promifed ; and it is fo, that he may abide with us, and dwell with us, John xiv. 16. and that is to give us Fellowfhip and Communion with himfelf 5. The Pardon and putting away of Sin is promifed Nothing doth hinder Communion but that ; and when i is put away, Communion mult needs follow. 6. Holi nefs and Conformity with Chrift is promifed ; and iii Conformity with him is Communion with God, bol founded and advanced. 7. While it is promifed, th* the Lord will make his holy Name known in the midj of his People l/tael ; thefe Manifeitations cannot be witi out Fellovvfhip. 8. While the Lord hath promifed, th; he will never leave nor forfake his People, Heb. Kill. with hb Company Communion is promifed.

Uje I. If Communion ;vith God be only by the Pr« mife, then, Wo to thefe who live Strangers to the Cov nairts of Promifes; they neither have, nor (remaining their natural State) can they have%ny Fellowihip or Col inunion with God; and, leaving without God, th mult die without Hope, Eph. 11. 12.

U/'e i. All who defire to have this Commu'. ., muft turn in to the Covenant, and fbch it Irif ,ce ; we can have no good or perfed Gift bu/frcj Father of Lights, James i. 17. and it is by^Co*

,7^ On the Cjospel Covenant. 373 nant jhat he will be a Father, 2 Cor. vi. 17. Seek Fel- lowship with the Son, who would have Fellowship with the Father: 1. Fellowfhip with him as the Root and Foundation of it : He is the Peace, and maketh the Friendfnip. 2. Seek to hold it in the Fellowfhip of his Death and Refurreclion, being made comformable unto bis Death, Phil. iii. 10. 3. To advance it by Fellowfhip >f the Spirit, Phil. ii. 1. 4. By following and feeking tfter him in Ordinances ; he walketh in the midft of the even golden Candleftick?, Rev. i. 13. 5. By maintain- ng Fellowfhip with his fufrering Members ; the Lord is nuch with them ; his Spirit doth reft on them, 1 Pet. iv. 4. who are Partakers of the Afflictions of the Gofper, s in 2 Tim. i. 8. may expedt to be made Partakers of his Jolinefs, as in Heb. xii. 10. 6. Study to have and mam- u'n this Fellowfhip, by walking in him, C;7. ii. 6. draw- g Light and Life from him, Day by Day ; yea, and every our and Moment. 7. Beware left we provoke him,

as to break this FeJluwfhip, Exod xxiii. 21. efpecially, e would beware of thefe three, (1.) That, as to Life d Converfation, we have no Fellowfhip with the un- jitful Works of Darknefs, but rather reprove them, )b. v. 11. (2) AstoDo&rine, we beware, Tit. ii. 10. th Ep/j. v. 6, 7. (3.) As to Worfhip, we muft have

Fellowfhip with Devils, 1 Cor, x. 20.


Aa 3 SEi

L 334 J



GO'S? K L C ( ) V E N A N T :

On the'Meaqs of SanciincatiQn, Heading Word, an \ jng of the Sacr

./ all nty 1)

FO L L ( '

and (

c> of it bit iling, the right


is nor to fit before the Lord's cd with a Dilc-

;htJy, as if it were

, Luke

fe Purpofe, as to

by Oath to per-

ot to be Hearers only

but D re (hould be no »

cd unto oui


^^ Un the bosPEL covenant. 373

uil not be in our own Strength, nor yet partially, fo as do *nany Things only, as Hacd did, in -\ ark 6. 20. it with a Purpofe to obferve and do all, and not to turn )m that which is commanded, to the right or left Hand, tut. 5. 32, 33.

More particularly, the right Hearing of the Word is a rt of God's Worfhip, wherein there is a profefied De- ndence on God, for the knowing of his Mind and Will, Relation unto and with a Purpofe to do the f:,me : It is th an Ordinance of God, in which we wait en him fpiritual Good, and a Grace whereby we are inabled to depend.

I. Againft many Hearer?, who are not of the ht Sort : 1. Thofe that give m>t earneft Heed, and lee fljp, Heb. 2. 1. 2. Thofe that drink in all, wit: ccrning what is from God : r\ I . were not io,

ii 1 ; . 11. We ought to take heed what we hear, uk 4. 24. 3. Thofe that are wide Riddles, let the belt and retain the worit ; fuch are for c make a Man an Offender for a 29. 21.

ey are for foiooth, and not ior right Things, I/a* 30. 4. All forgetful Hearers, who hear and do not, mes j. 25.

Sith every Hearing h not :}te right Hearir would take Heed how we hear, Luke 8. 1 S. Unto t Hearing there is required, 1. Preparation, a Rea- l's to hear all Thing r.inanded of God, ic. 33, And in th uld be confidered, how a mighty Ordinance of God, to pull down fin,. is, 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5 a Plough to plow upThorns ai •ds, Jer. 4. 3. We mould come to it, humbled tor :ance, willing to be taught, Jfa. 2. 3. with ear- Defires after, and a high Eiteem of it, 1 Pet. 2. 2. 23. 12. and with Resolution to yield ouilelves unto id fo to fuffer the Word of Exhoration, Utb. 1 - with all, there mult be much Prayer, like that, m 119. 18. 2. There is required due Attention \ fat v/u*r Hearts unto all the Words of God, Deui \iVts 16.^14 Confidering that God io high, and r high, and very much of our Concernment, A . A* 4



32. 47. and Luke 10 42. 3. It muil.be tal- the Heart, and I particularly, as if" it fpoke to

us by Name, Pro-v. 2. 1, 2, 10. The Word muft enter in- to our He i rt , and be pie ifant to our Sou). 4. It mull be received with Faith, Htb. 4. 3. Meeknefe, jamrs 1. 21.. with Fear, Tfa. 66. |. with Love,^1 2 '77»^I 2. jc, 11. Not from Novelty, or carnal Excellency of the Teacher, but from the fpintual Excellency that is in the Word, re- vealing Chrirt, mortifying Lulls, and fanclifying the lie irt. 5. It mud be received in an honed Hearr, Luke S. 15. Njr oniy hidden there, but prnclifed, Pfal. 119^ 1.1. with James 1. 22 Who do no: fo deceive thcmfelves in making wrong Conciufitfis, as the Word beareth.

As to the fecond Thing, Kighc Hearing of the Word is an excellent Thing ; blefied are they whofo hear as to know Pfal. 89. 15. Bleflfed is the Man

heartth V- matching onily at her Gates,

Prw. 834 B'eiTed are they that hear the Word and keep it, Luke 11. 28. For further clearing up the Ex- it is the converting Ordi- /. 19. 7. (2 ) It is a Mean of Confirmation, and of (ncreafc of fpi ritual J^trength ; to them that have.: more (hall be given, Mark 4. 24. This Word of Grace it able to build us up, A8s 20. 32. (5 ) The Excellence; of the Word 60 commend the Hearing of the fame high ly; it is the Word of Life, *tts 5. 20. of Grace, as w< have now tod >ou, of Salvation and eternal Life, AS 15. 26. with John 6.68. it giveth Light, Pfal. 1 1 9. 30 refcrmetb, P/afm 119. 9. reviveth, Ifa. 57. 19. Yea the;e is vaotc Exce leuCy in the Word than in all othe Maniftftat'ions o' God, Pfal. 138. 2. (4) The Excel lency at this Hearing may be known by theuoful Eilatl of thofe who hearing hfar not, Mat. 13. 13. they lol ' . pportunity of receiving the belt Things, the J come ;reat Sin and Condemnation, John 3. ic

It is ;Iardnefs of Heart, and of being under tfa i

tbis World, Luke 16. ^i .ijlJZqv 4 3. r(c, lib. 6. 7, 8. (5VJ The\jH

ncy of the Word is in this, all Things are la: I . It, 1 Tim. 4 jrd fpqken in Seafon W

■Pt On the Gospel Covenant. 377

client Thing, If a. 50. 4. fo is it when heard in Seafon. (7.) Right hearing and receiving of the Word do:h help much in the Time of Affliction, Pfal. 1 19. 50, gz. (8.) Many great Promifes made to this hearing, Pro-v. 1. 8, 9. and 4. 10. lfa. 55. 3. John 24, 29.

U/e 1. Againft thole that either cannot or will not hear ; they deprive themfelves of a moit. excellent Gift; and of all the excellent good Things which are conveyed by right and fanc~tified hearing.

U/e 2. Again!! thofe that hear light and vain Things, with greater Delight than the Word, yea, and the Tra- ditions of Men, more readily than the Oracles of God. \(7,£ 3 Make it your great Work, to be right Hearers eWord; it glorifleth the Word of God, A&s 13. 48. itmaketh it near and fure, Rom. 10. 5. it fanctifiech, <John\n. 17. If we glorify not the Word, the Lord himfelf will glorify it, I/a. 42. 21. And if we will not he itneffing, ifffj 2$. 22. it (hall judge us, John 12 48. U/e 4. Biefs God, and be thankful, all you that I the hearing Ear 5 and that you be not deceived, confider thefe Marks, and karch whether they be in you or not : I. If you be willing to hear J nit ruction, and to fail, and to be daily hearing new Inftruclions, Prov. 1. 13. and 8. 33. 2. Jt ;ou hear that you irny do. 3 If vou receive the Word, for which no preient U 'fe is ieen, you lay it up, fo hear for the Time to come. .4. If vou be humble Hearers. 5. If earneit and gret er*.

6. If of a difecrning Ear, dikerning the fpi ritual Won the Ear tricth Words, Job 34. 3. 7 U the Word be (weet to your Taite, Pfal 119. 103. 8. If you tremble with due Reverence at the molt comfortable Word. 9. If you be fo hearing, as that every pay you be learning Something of thefe two Things, our own Unworthm. and C brill's Excellency and LJfeJjiuefs.

U/e 5. Watch well againft thefe Things which may marr right hearing, and turn all hearing unprofitable, tuch as Surfetting, Drunkennefs, and Cares of this L\ \uke z\ »34- and pray the Lord, that he may be pleafed fang to Ktep the precious Ordinance of the preaching of :he Word, that he may long have, and be blefiVd with.


the Exercifc of this excellent Gift, of the hearr aiid right hearing of the Word.

As to the third Point, That this right hearing of the Word ispromifed, and (o that it is a covenanted Blefling, 'it is c'.tar, Ftrft, From Scripture; he promifed to i at Hotebj I *will make them hear my Words, that they may learn to fear me, Deut. 4. 10. In Ifa. 29. iS. and of the Gofpel, it is promifed, that the Deal f foall hear the Words of the Book ; and, in lfa. 32. 3. that the Ears of them that hear Jhall hearken : Prophtfying will make dry Bones hear the Word of the Lord, Ezek. 37. 4. The Lord openeth the Ear to Difcipline, J oh 36. 10. For Confirmation of this Truth, ta

1. I: is not, nor can be had othcrways, but by a free Gift, other ways the Book will be iealed, or we will not' be able to reaJ it, J fa. 2(). 11, 12. 0>r Ears naturally . are uncircumcTed. fo as they cannot hearken, Jer. 6. 10.

ith h promifed, fo, right hearing ; for, Faith c by bearing, Rom. 10. 17. 3. :e is promifed;

tnefe two go together, hearing and obeyir.^. 4. It is a Gofpel Commandment, M fo, it is promiied.*

is the F'nd of the Gofpel preached ; by hi that erred in Spirit come to Underftam murmured learn Doctrine, I romlfed to the Word, as to the ka:n; it void, but accomplifh tl 1 the Lord

d profper in the Thing whereto he fent ir, >-. 10, 11. fo, right hearing of the Word nr

7. Right Worfhip is promifed, a pure Offer- ing, from the rifing of the Sun to the gcing down of the fame, Mai. 1. 11. and right hearing of the Word is a principal Part of Worlhip. 8. Saoctifi cation and S non are promifed, and hearing of the Word is a Mean of both.

Ufa 1. We may gather from this, their Mifery, who live out of the Covenant with God; they cannot have this hearing and citeumcifed Ear; fo, they cannot have any Profit by the Word; they have Ear?, and hear non- * Eyes, and fee not: It is high Preemption for art), to think that they can hear, in their own Strength ; the

Things j

On the Gosfel Covenant. 379

^^Hi of the Spirit of God are Foolifhnefs to the natu- ral M/fl, 1 Ccr. 2. 14. The Word will be a Parable, .0. 45. or a Reproach, Jer. 5. 10.

^ainft Diiccur^gement in fome, who have, is they think, heard long, ana net heard ; there is Hope hat they may yet hear and le^rn ; but, that they may lo fo, they mull go in to the Covenant, and fetch ali ight hearing from tner.ee.

3. It right hearing be a great Covenant Eleflmg. hen the preaching of the GofpeJ is a Covenant or, we cannot hear without a Preacher, Rom. 10. 4.

y who are Enemies to both or either of their, inemie^ to the Covenant of Grace.

Jacra- . they are not converting Ordinances, vet they are to help forward and increafe Sa notification.

I propoui . t .

craments :.re. 2. Or w h may be. 3 What P.ace thev improve t;. •.re, that w in R tn. 4. 1 1 . doth I rth to us the Nature of them all ; they arc at Righteoulnefs which i.: or, more gen

, the; Is of the ne»v Covenant, coram

d the

efiings of the Coven held forth aad m <de fure

\t old Tefl

r ice, and hold forth s fame fpi . far Subitance, witn rhr

e new ; tor Proof of this, * Cor, \c. 3,4. V

fpii it u a ID it, th more par:

mts of the Hew Teftament are, know. 1. Tl them is Chriit, that one Lawgiver of th< able to lave and to deftn .

Tciplcs to bapt . 28. 19. And the

jaith of the Sacrament of the S -pper, 1 C$f. 1 1

received it of the I. or,.. 2. As to til "acrament, there \> . :ter-

38o SERMON XL. ^4

nal Thing, which is the Sign; and there is the infrnil and fpiritual Thing, which is the Thing fignificd. 3. The Form or chief Being rament, (Undeth in a

Similitude, Relation, and fpintual Union of the Sign and Tning figp.ified, bv Chrift's Appointment. f> as the one hath tnt Name and Effects of the other attributed unto it; fo, Circumcilon is called the Covenant, Gtu< 17. 10. the Lamb is called the Paflbver, Excd. 1 2. 21. the BrL'ad is called the Body of Chrift, and the vVine in the Cup his Biood, Matth. 26. 26, 27, 28. And the warning in Baptilm is ca.led the warning of Regeneration, Titus 3. 5. The 4. Thing, unfolding the Nature of the Sacra- ment, is the Enai> unto and for which they were appoint- ed. (1.) VV^s to reprefent Chrift, and the greit Benefits which are by him. (2.) To confirm the Covenant, and to allure our Inrereil rn nim ; fo, we are faid to be b'jri- ed with him by B.ip:ifm m his Death, And

th^ Cup :s ciiitd the Communion of hi> b -oid, and the B»ead the Communion of hi? Bod»', r Cor. 10. 16. (3.) Are pubJtck and dittinguiuS^gw Marks, whereoy the Peo- f God r,re di icerned from the Men of the World, that ;:ve without Cn il! ; they are by thefe declared to be a pev .: k«p. rated Peop!e unto him. (4.}

reby Chnllians come to be Lolemnly

;ed to Lhr:ft and his Service; they are to him as

the Soldiers Ouh. gi/en to him, as to the Captain of

Salvation, to walk ;n Newnefs of Life, Rom. 6. 3, 4.

1. Tnen all S laments which are not of Chrift's Jniiitution, are no: true but baftard Sacraments ; and they who either take away one Sign or both, in the Sub- fiance and Signification deftroy the Nature of Sacraments. Vfe 2. Make Uie of Sicraments, not as bare Seals, but as appointed of God to reprefent Chrift, a^d to con- firm your Interefl in him, yea, and as Means to convey fpintual Benefit to you, not by Reafon of any Virtue in themfelves, bu: by Virtue of an Ordinance, and working of the Spirit ; it is the Spirit that quickeneth, John 6. 63. the Fiefh profiteth nothing, and by Virtue . of "the Iruiniie, which is annexed to the Precept in the Sacra- ment,

On the Gospel Covenant. 382

menV^made unto all that do worthily receive, Mat. 26. 26, 28. ana 28. 29, 20. 1 Cor. 11. 24, 25.

As to the iecvjnn, The Excellency or Sacraments, you may take tbein, 1. They arc of a noble Original, 10, ex- cellent. 2. They are Di.hts, in which the great Things of the Covenant are fet before us. 3. The Sacraments are now more excellent than they were of old ; more clear, fuch as bring Chriit and his Benefits more near unto us. 4. Confider tne lever. 1 Ules or tr.e two Sacraments, and we (hall find a great Excellency in them, fuch as ot Bap- tifm, iff. An Ordinance :or our loiemn Entry and Ad- milTion into the Church ; by. one Spirit we are all bapti- zed into one Body, 1 Cor. 1 2. 13. 2.«:'v, A Seal of tne Covenant of Grace, confirming unto us our Right in all che great Tnings which are heid forth therein, both to that Righteoulnefs by Faith, Rem. 4. it. and the Circura- cifion maae without Handf, which is in the putting off of the Body of the Sins of the FMh, Col. 2. 11, 12. a Seal of our Entry intoCri.il, Gal. 3 27. of Forgivcnels of Sir, Mark I. 4. and Regeneration, in Tit. 3. 5. and a devoting of ourieives to new Obed 3, 4. and of the Supper, the excellent Ufes of it doth hold forth its Excellency , iuch as are, iff. The Remem- brance of his Death till he come again, 1 Cor. 11. 25, 26. in it Chriit is fet forth evidently crucii e our

Eyes; his one Sacrifice, by whim we receive the Atone- ment, is clearly repretented. zd. All tne fpintual B fits which are by Jelus Chriit, are enfured thereby unto all Believers. $d. I heir fpintuul Growth is thereby ad- vanced. 4//'. l^ney come thereby to be mute deeply en- gaged to him in all the Duties of the Covenant. 5 is to them a Pledge and B >nd of near Communion be- twixt them anJ Chriit. 6tb. Though no Sacrament ia its Natuie be a converting but a iealing Ordinance; \et, at fuch Times, wherein Chriit ufeth to be preacheJ more I plainly, and the Covenant of Grace to be powerfully propounded, many a Soul hath been coin >fiis Conversion lealed in one Day.

U/c 1. Are thefe Sacraments fo excellent Ordina: and Means of letting forward the Work of Sanct.ficati-

o ,

382 S E R M O N XL!

on, and Confolation of Believers? Then, they ought t< be duly efteemed ; yet not fo, as to give or allow untc tnem either Adoration, or any of Chn ".

Ufe 2. Make ufe of Sacraments, for the excellent End: and LMes unto which they are appointed : Their E lency itandetn in the Uies for which they were appoint ed of God ; io, make ufe of Baptilm for its End.% anc or the Supper of the Lord for its Ends.

As to the third, What Place they have in the Cove- nant, doth clearly appear, by what we have fa id already They are Seals of the Covenant, appointed for the Con- firmation ; they turn, after a fort, the Covenant of Grace into a Teltament, confirmed by the Death of the Telia tor. Heb. 9. 16, 17. They are publick Inflruments, in which, the great Things which Chrill hath left unto Be lievers in Legacy, are held forth unto them, under the King's great Seal : And, that they are great Covenant Bleflings, may appear thus, 1. In them, 9.11 thz Promifes are confirmed by Blood; and fo, offered with all the bell AfTurances. 2. There are fpecial facramental Promifes, which give AiTurance, that whoever go about them in a right Way, fhall receive the Thing iignified ; fuch aa thefe who believe, and are baptized, fhall be faved : Tbii is my Bods* this Cup is the nezv Couevu ]Uood,

Vie 1. "Fo reprove thofe who fatiafy themfelves with the outward Seal and Symbol, and never Itudied to be within the Covenant ; they can have nothing but a Seal to a Blank ; they mutt be within the Covenant, who de- fire to have any Benefit by Sacraments which do conf the fame.

Ufe 2. Let none be diicouraged, though they do no! find at preient the Benefit and Good of Sacraments : Th Benefit is not tied to a preient Adminiltration ; it w"" come in due Time; the Wind blosveth where it lii'tethj John 3. 8. the Effedt is in due Time, 10. 41. the Eric of the firft did appear very poorly at firit, Mark 14. 50,


[ 3^3 J




On the Means of Sanctification, Prayer,. and Praise.

i Samuel xxiii. 5.

41 though my Houfe be not fo with God\ yet he hath made with me aheverlaffing Covenant, well ordered in allT and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my D although he make it not 10 grow,

THERE are two excellent Helps and Means of Sanclification, Prayer, and Praiie ; of which I in ic;d to fpeak; and firit of Prayer; I And of it in thefc three, iflt What it is. zdh\ How Jxcellcnt a Thing it is. 3^/y, How it is enfured to Be- in the Covenant, and fo, a moll excellent Cove nt BJefling.

As to the firft, What it is, It may be known from nd by fcriptural Expreflions which hold it forth, Gen. 4. 6. it is calling upon the Name of the Lord, and 32. 24. ith Hof. 12.4. it is wreflling with God, with Weeping id Supplications, in PJa. 38. 9. it is the bringing of De- oans before God, and in 24. 6. it is the feek- ce, in 84. 2. it is the Heart and Eleik out for the living God, in Mat. 7. 7. it is afking, ^ijeking, knocking, in Lub$ ii. 1. 4, j, 9. it is to pray


S E R M O N XLL -*»

and not to faint, to ufe Importunity, to cry Day and

Offering up of Deiires unto I, tne pouring out of the Heart before i,im, P/a. 62.

5. 14. by the Help of 3 26. in the Name oj Chrift, J 2J. with Confeliion of Sin, P/a. 32. 5. and thankful Ac- knowledgment of God's Mercy, Phil. 4. 6.

Ly* 1. From ibis Defcription of Prayer we will find

t he ie two Things j one is, That there mjy be a loud

ig in the Ears of God, when there is no Voice of

\\ Grayer heard; (uch wa- Prayer at the red

Sea, Exod. 14. 15. and the other is, That there may be

crying aloud tor Help, and yet no Prayer, none that God

will hear, though it be a crying in their Trouble, J er.

11. 14. both a tailing and crying, 14. 12. though there

:rs, I/a. 1. 15. becaufe not iuch Prayers as

the Lord in his Word rcquireth.

2. Who fet about Pra\er, let them look, (1.) To d by the Spirit. (2.) To put it up with the whole Heart. (3 ) To put it into the Hand of the gieat Mailer of Requtfts. (4.) To look well it be ac- cording to the Will of God, and with Submiifiun to his (5.) Let theie be a patK og for the

er. As to the i'econd, Prayer is a mofl excellent Thing ; where it is right it is pure, job 16. 17. it is all Prayer, and for all Things, Supplication in the Spirit, Epb. 6. 18. it is effectually fervent, and availeth much, Jam. 5. 16. For clearing up the Excellency of it, 1. It is the loft and warm Breathing of God's Spirit. 2. It is the Kale and d.ibjrdening of our Spirits upon the Lord. 3. Jt great Part of ChrinVs Exercife in his Life time, Heb. 7. 5. and, in a iublime Way, his Exercife ftill, 7. 25. 4. It is the great Mean of our Converfe with God, and Commerce with Heaven, while we are on Earth, like Jacob's Ladder. 5. It hath God engaged to hear, and will engage him to nelp, according to Promife, to hear all that call, Joel 2. 32. that call on him in Truth, P/a* 145. 18. to hear and not ceipife, 102. 17. to hea nut upbraid, J am. 1. 5. to have his Ears more open aid


On the Gospel Covenant. 385

ready than our Prayers can be, La. 65. 24. Dan. 10. II.

1 Ftt. 3. 12. 6. It hath obtained great Things, not only Health to one's feif", as to Htxekiab, fram Diieaie, ha. 38. 14, 15, 21. Strength, when mocked by Enemie.% J udg. 16. 28 Cmidren, when no Hope of them, Gen. 25. 21. but pub! irk Gifcr, lu.h as, a Spirit of Go- vernment, 1 Kings 3. 9, 10, \i. Victory over Enemie-.

2 Chron. 20. 12,— i 7. And in order to this, Power over Sun, Moon, Jofh. 10. 12. over Sea and Waters, Exod. 14. 15. over the Air and Ciouds, Joihua 10. 11. over >tars in their Courfes, J udg. 5. 20. O! what hach not his Prayer done? J: hatn obtained Boldneis in Times of Fryal, Acts 4. 29. Deliverance from Priions, 12. 5, 7. >atety in the midit of the Fire, Dan. 3. 25. it hath pre- vailed over a Laban and £/2za, and over an Enemy's ieart, to fhew Favour to his People, N§b: l. 11. and 2 [.. it hath overthi own huge Armies, 2 Xiurg-j 6. 18, 20. ►verthrown great Politicians, 2 Sam. 15. 31. and 17. 14, .$. it hath overcome, and daily doth overcome, Sa

nd all his Power, and with it makch Men Princes *i:h iod, and, fo to prevail with Men,GV». 32. 28. 7. Pi i as iweet Odours in golden Vials, AW. 5.8. 8. All Pilings are functified by it,- 1 Tim. 4. 5. 9. J he spirit

! a Mar^ of Adoption, Rom. 8. 15 D. Many great and Promiies made to it: i

tme but iome, P,'a. 122. 6, 7. Profperitv pro

/ho pray for Jerujahm* Peace, in / J \y

d Acceptance is promifed to praying People, in .".

3. 19, 20. God will be in the midit of iuch, and what

ey agree upon (hall be done for them : The Holy Spirit

lied to them, for the afking, Lute 11. 13. and

Ivation in the End, Rom. 10. 13. 1 . Hence, as their Mifery is difcovered that are chout the Covenant, they know nothing U Mean of every Good, the Key ot all .

e, that take no Delight .-ho prof els to be w i

I are not heard, (o, feek Lrod be always . B b

. R M O N XLI.


ture, it will not be always fudden : If we find i-a oar.

vili rind in hi*. I

-d in [j:jl\-

•■: I'erlon is accepted.

>d fometimes only quieteth the Heart, as to tnc fix*

i lion of the Antoer, and worketh Thankfulneis upon

ft, and that is the Anfwer. 4. Continuance in Pray-

A ith Submimon, a Token of Grayer anfwered, when

the Heart is ftrengthened to wait for Mercy, Pfa. 37. 34.

5. Zeal in Prayer, a 1 oken of Hearing, as the Fir* coming down from Heaven was to the Sacrifice accepted.

6. The Denial of one may be for the granting of a great- er Good : Abraham his Prayer was not lofi, when he had um Ifaac for an IjhmaA. 7. The Believer's Prayer is ever; anfwered in the main Ends of it, the Giory of God, the

rch's Good, and chat which is belt for them. 8.

lure Token of Hearing and Acceptance,

•if, when he feemech to refufe, thou acknowledge him:

and righteous, and art Heart-iatisfied with his Do-

; thou halt got better than

the Thing thou watrTeekmg.

2. Comfort to thole that have this excellent Thing Prayer: They are not to be mean'd that have it. Bu fome will object, 1. They never could pray. Anf. 1 An evil DHeafe, if it be fo indeed. 2. Who want th

•.[ of Prayer will not be much weighted with the er it; to difcern the Want, is the Work of the fanr Spirit which helpeth to pray. 3. The Spirit whicn hat vered the Want, and fhewed the Need of it, \\\\ it if it be fought. Others object, 1 have had the , but have it not now. Anf. 1. That is certain, i\\ :: of Adoption, which is trie Spirit of Supplicati received, is never iolt; yet he doth not blow ar ill Times, more than the Win e and wait on; he will come again. It is o fume, I cannot order my Speech in Prayer b f> God, i have neither Words nor Matter as otlv t is not Words which make Prayer ; fonr there are but Groans, Rom. 8. <ver. 23, 26. or cc . Pfa. 32. 14. indiftinct, SQunds, If a. 38. iff

ill I

On the Gospel Covenant. 387

?ort Prayers, Luke 18. 13, 14. God needeth not Words; le Sac are a broken Spirit, P/al. 51. 17.

fVayers are cold and weak, and dull dnj. Prayers are not heard for their ?tr- rclion, b ;t for Chriii's Sake. 2. A ueak Prayer, put \ ChriiVs Hand, will be perfected. 3. Even Pr.v ut up in touie Diitemper, have been bear it in

/#. 31. 22. Ochers cafi their own Prayers, becauie of >any wandering Thoughts. Anf. Tirele are evil Thii

irom the Weaknefs of cur Spirit, partly from Sa- in ; but, \ft. They are ordinary, in lefs or more, to th* ainrs. zd. They are permitted for good, to difcover orruption, and to fhew a Neceiiity of conilant Ii 3ce. yi. The Spirit's Heip is at Hand. j^tb. G ^airift them, (1.) Ey eitceming Prayer a g.A : 1.) Still fet yourielves againft them ways in his Greatnefs before 'noughts, though otherwiie good, i le prefent Duty.

As to the third Thing, Prayer is pr ovenant BJefling, in Jet. 29. 12. it is \ s People Ilia J 1 pray, and that he w:.. >ap. 31.9. They jball

tm <witt I lead them, in Zech. 1

rth of the Spirit of Grace am

J: And, that Prayer muit come

niider, 1 . We know not of ourielves how to ; 26. 2. The Spin

irit of Prayer. 3.

>. 14. 4. Obedience is promifed, and Prayej

piece of it, and fete he th Strength for it. 5 ^jn with God is pro mi la:, aiu : in any other Tiling. 6. Th y! Hour of Temptation, Rev. g. 10. 0san, 6. 41. 7. To 1

I L Prayer is the Txl p / a. 66. 23. and

Jp, as it is put for th T 7. 9. We can make ufe of no Pr. . 25, 26.


i. The Mifery of thofe without the Covenant^ all mull be had by Pnyer, and they cannot pray ! Man cin call Jefus Lord but by the Holy Gholt, i !2. 3 Uhjr-L Men void of the Spirit may make long Prayers, Lkkt zo 47. Anf. It is only from PartSj and the Work of a natural Confcience. Siufji. How (hall praying by a Gift be known from Prayer by the Spirit ? Anf. It :s but the Gift, not the Grace of Prayer, where- ever the Heart is not changed. 2. Such Prayers will not hold up in great Straits; the Hypocrite will not always call on God, Job 27. 10. 3. Sucu Prayers pre proud, attended with Discouragement, if Parts appear not Applaui'e. 4. The Gift will appear lefs in fecret than in Company. As to Prayer, from a mere Principle of a natural Confcience, know it, \/L It puts a Man on to the Duty, but giveth no Strength. ' zd. It hath no inward Delight in the Exercife. 3/ No Fellowlhip with God in it. 4/6. One Prayer doth not ftrengthen and quicker a Man to another. $tb. It feeketh only fo much as tc quiet the Confcie'nce, not that which may purify it.

U/e 2. Comfort to thofe who defire to pray, but can not find in their Heart to pray as they would : The Spiri of Prayer is promifed, and thereby the helping of the Inr nrmities of our Spine.

Ufe 3. Who deiire to pray aright, mud go in to th ' Covenant and fetch it from thence; and to the Mediate- therein : He teacheth to pray, Luke 11. 1. go to the Pre mile for Prayer, and then with Prayer to the Promifc again, and that will be a fweet and biejled Round : all by Prayer, thus, 1. Maintain all your Matters in gocF State before God. 2. Maintain a neceflary Dependam f on God, with frefh Thoughts of his Majelty. 3. I ajJe fenfiblc, both of the Want and Need of that whicii v M; feek. 4. Keep your Hearts loofe from the World. P Seek God's Honour, and the Advancement of his Intlv reits, and eternal Things in thefirit Place. 6. Seek rfe earneit, by the Spirit, Jilting up pure Hearts and Hancf c 1 Tim. 2. 8. 7. Seek in 1 ruth, with humble Boidne *a £ doubting, Jam. 1. 6, 7. fervently, and conllantFC

i n

On the Gospel Covenant. 389

rthef. 5. 17. and withal with great Humility, and al- ways in the Name of Chriit.

life 3. Hence, the Folly of thofe will be eafily ieen, /ho think it an eafy Thing to pray : It is neither in cur land nor Heart, unlets it be given us to pray as Chriit rayed, in Luke 9. 29. in much Communion with God, ot eafily attained. As to Praife, it is both a Part and Mean of Sanct'fica- on : Of it I fhall fpeak in thcfe tfiree, 1/?, What it is. dly, How excellent a Thing and Exercife it is. 3^/y, low it is promiied alfo, and fo, a rich and trte Bleulng f the new Covenant.

As to the flrit, What this ?T2i\k is, It is, briefly, the it wing fonh and commending of the Lord's Excel Jen- es, with Admiration and Adorarion : Other Things may : praifed, or rather God in and for them; but, ro praife id adore that, doth belong only to God: All the Ex- :llencies of God are highly to be com mended, efpccialiy s moil excellent Goodnefs. Tnis praifing of God is metimes exprefled generally, by mewing forth all his irtues, 1 Pe± 2. 9. Praifes, in the Greek, is, Virtues: mietimes by lovmg or confeffing to tne Lord, Pfalm : t fometimes by laucing him, R<*m. 15. 11. fomet»mes by eiling, Pfa. 14:. 21. fometimes by glorifying, If a. 24. ;. fometimes by exalting, Pfa. 99. 5. and extoliing, 68. This praifing of God requiretn the whole Man ; the dgment, to eiteem; the Memory, to treafure up ; trie ili, to refolve ; the Affections, to delight in God ; the jngue, to utter ; and the Life, to exprefs all his Excei-

and free Favours. . Ufe 1. By what is faid in this fhort Defcription of life, it may appear iiow few they are who truly praife )d ; who neither know him, nor eiteem him ; fo, fpeak- ; of him, cannot but take his Name in vain. Ufe 2. We would look upon Praife as a great Duty : leie is much required in it, high Thoughts of God, (i low Thoughts of ourfelves, the Rent of it mult be t hered from every Thing, and the whole Man mull be

Ien up in and with it. B b 5 Ai


As to the fcc.jr.d, Praife is an excels

it is both good and plea;. 52 c/. a. id ^4 6. and 135. 3. further, take up 1 . It is God's Delight, and dwelling I 3. 2. It is Angels Lxercife, J/ui. 6 i . is the Bxercife of a Spirit in ri^ht Frame, J amsi 5. 13. 4. It is the Oil which maketh the W ht

in and about a Duty. 5. It is the Fruit and Flower, i. (houla grow up/ from every B letting. 6. It is 20 •verlatting g >o d, and Eternity's Work. 7. It is the Lord\ End, Chnit's End, and the Soul's End, when ii is right. 8 It is one of the great Gofpel Sacrifices, Ihb 13. 15. 9. Unto Pr ufe n<any Promifes are m 2. 30. P/al. by. 3,6. 10. The Excellency of to ere ife ap^. m the MiiVry of thoie jjhat h

not: ve nere a mad, or a iullen and for

11] Life, an g, wailing, an J gnaihi

ing of Teeth.

Uje 1 . i heir Mifery that never enter nor abide ii fieit that fair Privilege, c ing God, Pja 84. 4. if a Spirit of Praile be fo ej . ., how abominable is a Spirit of Blafpheiny ? 1 2. Let us earn then to follow after this Duty!' for, 1. If in any Duty Affiftance be to be expedteJ, xtdly in this ; for by it God is gioiified, and oir m:.de conformable lu God's. *2. No Way of thriving lil 3. A praifiog Soul cannot readily be miferable, ir[ fe pat him in Heaven. 4. It maketh us Prieils un / 5. It is a never payable Debt, yet what we fij in oar Heart to ccepted. Quickning Confide; J

tions un 0 !! God's Favours. . "

reenefs of God's Love in them. Difference him, by which \\c are prcfcril. "'

hers. Take { found Praifes:

D payed with n lulnefs is a Kr

ablutions, and a flip \ :■ (3 ) W :> of the Spirit. (4.) And \\L

much e Incenfe (q.) If they be fUU wcl

up like new Wine. (6) If they be more of C| :> for himfelf, than for any other Thing.

On the Gospel Covenant. 391

€> As to the third, That this Praife is covenanted and promifed, take thefe Scriptures as Proofs. Pfalm 22. 26. they (hall praife the Lord, that leek him ; and 102. 18. the People that fhall be created fhall praife the Lord, and 145*. 4. One Generation fha 11 praife thee t* another: Ifa. 43. 21. This People have I formed for m . /hall

fhsw forth my Praife ; and Ifa. 60. 18. there fha!l be fo nrich Praife in the Church, that r>er Grttes fhall be cal- led Praiie; and Ifa. 61. 11. the Lord will caufe Righ- reoufnefs and Praife fpring forth before all the Nation?. For further Proof, take thefe Reafcne . \. The Spirit promifed, fo Praife. 2. Joy and S ivaiion prorniicd, fo Praife. 3. The fpiritual Exercife of th^ Grace

m's Power as of any Grace, fo it mull' come from

and fo by Covenant. 4. Hope is covenanted ; ,t

is of Praife, P/a. 42. 11. 5. God's dwelling with his

People is promifed, and he inhabiterh Praises, Pfa. 22. 3.

6. God's Giory is the great End

etn in i-A his Work- ; and he will have 1:. 7 !t i^ Chrift's great End in the Work of Redemption, Ifo. 44 2; 49. 21. 8. It is promifed, that God fhall be glorified, and Praife glorifieth him, ha. 55. 5. with P/a. 50. 23. 9. It is commanded, and fo promifeu, P/a. 66. 2. 15. 1 . Gofpei Commands have P/omiiesa^r

Cfe 1. The wofui Condition of thofe who live with- out the Covenant ; they neither have nor ca-, praifing Frame ; it cometh by the Promife, and tfrev I no Title nor Right to it; they can pay to God none of his Dues, for tfiey are all payed in and with Praifes.

Vfe 2. Comfort to thoie that defne to have this Frame, and have not yet found it j it may be had, if the> but go in to the Promife in the Covenant, they both may and mall have it: So, when they are called unto Praife, by the Precept, they would turn in to the Promife, where- by the Lord js engaged to give a Spirit of Praife ; the Pro- mife is large as broad as the Precept: The Pronufes for Praife are to be employed at all Times, efpeci.Jlv in the 3ofpel Day, Pja. 118. 24. and in Times, when ou: us are in good Frame, James 5. 13.

Bb4 Si

S E R ) N XLll.






E L xxiii. ".

WE are blefled with all fpiritual BleifcnL' nis is from the Lor J

And he is Cb rift's

fo, all the fpiritu.il

?nant. 1 have fpoken to four great

Cjven .he lalt was Sandiiication, in gene-

of it, and in all the principal Graces f thereof, and in :ne fruits and Means thereof; I intend |fl. now to fifth fpiritual Bieffing of the L

nant, which ihoud have been opened before Sanclirica-Mc ti >n ; it is A J p i n, and of it 1 intend to fpeak, as of L ft, in thelc three, i//, What it is. zdly, How ex-J£;: cellenc a Thing nd rich Bieifing it is. 3^/1, How it isji Covenant Bidling. L

Adoption is, we would knowJrjr ire by Nature ; we have nc i Reafoi ii

On the Gospel Covenant. 393

Res Con to boaft of our Parentage*. It is vvorfe than fo, [5 fet down in Ezek. 16. 3. of 1/rael, that his Birth s -itivity was as of Canaan, his Father an Am

and his Mother an hittite : We are fo the Children of

the Fitm, as we are not the Children of God, Rom. 9. 8.

Children of Bondage, and of the bond Woman, Gal. 4.

25, 31. Children ot Dilobedience, or Imperfuaflon, Eph.

2. 2. Chi-dren of Wrath, <ver. 3. no better by Nature than they who are called curfed Children, 2 Pet. 2. 14. we are born under the Curie, Gal. 3. 10. yea, in plain Terms, we are called the Children of the Devil, 1 John

3. 10. ar.d we are fo, till our State be changed. Now, Adoption is a Law Word, whereby is fignified the tak- ing one from one Family, and planting him in another:

ngft Men, it is ordin .riiy where Men have notCnil-

dren ot their own, they make choice of the Child of

fume other, ordinarily of a Friend, and take him into

rami'y, and appoint him their Son and Heir:

doth io, and much better, to thofe that come to

. e on him. He had innumerable Angels,

Morning - md (houtt irhen ne laid the

Foundations of the I orner Stone the

Job '■ he ft cud in no Need of us ; we

. g% as to any Father that could were hi-emies ; we were of a naugh- ty Original he Lord, by this Adoption, did p^. 1 us, whereby he took us out or the curfed 1 rein we were, rind made (choice of us to be his Children; not only to be of his (Houiho'd, as in Epb. 2. 19. but to be his Heirs, Heirs lof God, ind joint Heirs of Chrift, A. y. this lAdoption Be'ievers do receive as a free G 4. 5. laving of old been predeitinal

1.5. at the hilt Fntry they r< he Spirit Of

\doption, whereby they <

ere is much t \dop-

lion; fo as we are I Adoption,

23 fo the Apoit;. n his 1 Ef.

ith, Now ive ti

394 SER M O N XL] I.

\i <we /hall be : In a Word, Adoption is a putting of -vers in amongit his Children, according to that," in 'Jer. 3. 19. and entitling of tnern to the Rijht, and all rhe Privileges of Children: They' being once accepted as righteous in Chriit, they are inlUncly adopted, and owned by the Lord a? dear Children.

U/e I. When we think of this wonderful Change of State, we lhould (it down with Ad.

and praifing ; and again, in praifmg, b' wondering more and more: One while ue would be ^n God, and

be thinking with ou Helves, and will God even be ther ? Did he move the Queliioa for us, How I put you in amongit the Children, arrd did he anlver it himfejf? Very eafily, in the Scripture I a it cited, Thom /halt call me my Faibtr. O ! , coining to

fuch a State ar.d I rue it it : An we would fit

»vn, and wonder at ourfeives, fo minv as are ra' u..to this high and happy State; Say, State and

Dignity is tftis 1 am come unto? What is or was my Houfe, who ami? with David, in 2 Sam. 7. 18. : i u halt brought me in thereto ? :r»e lime Du-

la*t\ Wh% am /, or ivbat is m\ I :»/ li'rael, that J jh u.'J he Son in /, m 28. 18. and, in <irr. 23 of that cbap. LDts, Seemtth it to yju a light Ihi

p that I am a poor Man, d lightly eflietsud? You may fay much more, and more :ervaluingly, of yourf elves, who are we, to be Sons l and Heirs of" God ?

U/e 2. Is this fueh a h;.ppy State, thai we are brought I

unto by Jultifieation, how inould we pity thofe, that ..

in the old moft uafe and curfed State? They are Chil-jl

dren of the Devil, and Heirs of Hell : it may be laid 11

of thern, ., in A3s 8. 21. they have II

;,er Part nor Lot in this Matter, nor Right unto anyjl

.d we will pity them the more, iff!

imes we were fuch as they, J

rangers, Eph. 2. 19. how poor, blind, J

torn we were then, as we are delcnbed, I

Exik. r6. 4^ 5. \


On the Gospel Covenant. 395

Ufe 3. Is this fo high and happy a State, who wcu'd rot be ambitious of it ? You that have y6ur vainBoaftings of Pedigree, and have nothing of this, you are but poor Slaves and Traitors: Your Blood is tainted ; but, had you this new Dignity, you needed not Envy the Sons of Nobles, yea, nor Kings and Princes of the Earth ; you might look higher th^n tney,and boaltof a better and higher Birth, with Kirn who fa id, he was was not born noble, but he was new born noble: You would be of the beft Blood, the Bload royal indeed, of the moil cofty d>e : It coft Chriir his Blood.

As to the fecond, The Excellency of this Adoption, no Tongue can fpeak to it, nor Heart think fuitably pn it, whether we confider it in the low State from which the Believer is taken, or the iiigh Eftare to which he is railed thereby : Whether we confider the Father's free Acl, Chr ii't's Purchafe and accepting us firll into the faipe Body with himfelf, and after to the fame Inheritance, to fit on the I h tone with hir.i, as he firs on the Throne with the Fathe; ; or, whether we confid. Spirit's Work in artd about the fame : J i\\.A\ only i litiMe upon thefe three, I. 'J heir Dignity by this Their Liberty. 3 Their Privileges.

As to the fuir, 7'he Dignity in which Adoption doth i . What g thin to be of

fo near Relation :o the meft high, and to be his Chil- dren ? See 2 Cor. 618. / will be a r and >, e Jball be my Sous and Oaughiirs, faith the Lord a I* : AJ1 the imaginable rd Dignity Mr, that,

to be, in thisSenfe, Children of [he mod high : Yhtr^ is in it the Honour of K Pritib, in the Day where-

in we are adopted by Jet u in that D..v we are

Kings and Prieits to c is Father ; in it there

is the Dignity of higheil Judges for, at tL they fhall not only judge i\\c World, but jn jge -4ogek,

1 Cor. 6. 3. There is in it the Dignity

qutrors. and more than Conquerors, Rom. 8. 37. Aod of higheft Triumphs, even of an always triumphing in C

2 Czr. 2. 14. There was never a Conqueror that did al- ways triumph; the Sons and Daughter* oi fuch.



as they may always triumph, be in the actual Enjoyment of the highefl Dignities that can be hid on Earth : Tljere is in the Dignity of this Sonfhip, the Dignity of the higheit Match and Marriage, Marriage with the King's Son, his Son who is the King of Kings, Maith. zz* z. The Dignity of the higheit Coimfhip and Fellowship, FeNowfhip with the Father and tne Son, and with all the royal Company of Believers, i John 1.3. and with all the holy Prophets, Apoflles, and Martyrs: And what (hall I fay more? if there be any Dignity in royal Places, of moil pleafant Dwelling, the Sons and Daughters of God have that alio ; they are a Habitation of God thro' the Spirit, Epb. z. 22. they are the Throne of his Glory, fo called, Jer. 14. 21. the Beauty of his Ornament, which he /hath fee in Majeily, Ei and he is their Ha-

bitation, their high Tower, and iioufe of Defence, Pi'aL 90 1. and 18. 2. and 312. He dwelleth in them, and they dwell in him ; they to whom God giveth his Spirit, they dwell in him, and he in thtm, 1 Job* 4. 13.

As to the iecond Demoruiration of the Excellency of Adoption, which is in and from the Liberty which it bringeth, take it up thus, (1.) ft fets us free of the bafeft Captivity and Slavery thai ever was; it bringeth us from under the Captivity of Sin and Saran. (2.) It i'e's our : free, by giving unto us that tree Spirit of. God, which David did beg fo earneilly, PjaL 51. 12. and fo cit iivereth us from that Spirit of Bondage which is unto Fear, Rom. 8. 14, 15. (3.) It doth fettle upon us, and lettie us in, a free Eltate, free of Burden ; the Rent is but a fmail Gratituiry, and the Matter hath payed it; and, if ye believe, he will accept it as our Payment. (4.) In this it is declared, thit the Son hath made us free ; and they whom the Son hath made free, they fhall be free indeed, John 8. 36. So we are not under Bondage to Man ; we are bought with a Price, fo are not bound to be Servants of Men, 1 Cor. 7.23.

But I go to the third, the Privileges which are in this Adoption : All that which hath been faid of the Liberty and Dignity, doth belong to tbeir Privileges ; but now, more particularly, I (hall defire to reckon out fome of <

their ,

On the Gospel Covenant. 397

their Privileges; and the (i.) is, That they are put in afnong the Children, numbered amongft them ; fo we have it, in John I. 12. As many as received him, to them he gave Power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his Kama. U is reckoned to be a high Privi- lege, to be the Sons of Noble?, Eccl. 10. 17. even to a King or Prince, it is fo : How much more and greater Privilege is it to be his Son, by whom Nobles do ru<e ? Prov. 8. 16. It is a high Privilege, to be Children of themoitHigh byOffice,?/^/. 82. 6. but it is a higherPrivi- lege, to be i o Children of the moil High, as to be thereby made Partakers of the divineNature, 2r°^. 1 4. There is in this a better Name than that of Sons and Daughters, an everl.iliing Name, thai lhall not be cut off, lfaiah 56. 5. (2.) They have this Privilege, they have the Lore's Name put upon them, they are called by his Name ; fo do they plead, in I/aiah 63. 19. We are thine, thou never bareji Rule over them, they tiere not called by thy Same ; So the Meaning of thefe Words, nut are thine, is, we are called by thy Name; and, in lfaiah 43. 1. 1 ,.e Lord himfelf owneth and encourageth his People us. Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, J have c a!! tht by thy Name, thou art mine ; fee fer. 14. 5. (g ) Privilege, they receive the Spirit of Adoption ; fo, in Rim. 8. 15. Ye have not received the Spirit of Bondage again to Fear, but ye have received the Spirit of Adopt ion, nuttrtby 14 Abba, Father ; and, in Gal 4. 6. Becau/e ye are Sons, God hath feat forth the Spi* it of his Son into your Hearts, I crying Abba, Father: The Spirit of Adoption, and the Spirit of hisSon, O! that is a greatPrivilege. (x) Privilege, Accefs to the Throne of Grace with Boldr.efb ; Adoption [in Chriil doth afford us that; fo, in Rum. 5. 2. by him [we have Accefs into the Grace wherein we Hand ; and, \Eph. 3. 12. In him nut have Boldnejs and Accefs vcith Con- fidence, thro' the Faith of him : We may indeed be bold ■with a Father, when it is not we that fpeak, but his own ■Spirit, and the gpirit of his Son with us. (5.) Jntereft in li Father's Pity and Bowels; fo, in Pfalm 103. 13, Like lw a Father pit'utb his Children, fo the Lord fit itth them I hat fear him: See how kindly the Lord bemoaneth




Ephraim, in J>r. 31. 20. Is Epbrmim mv dtir \t

lint Child? for, fince I (pake a

urtly have Mercy on him, faith the Lord. (6 ) Priviicdge, it is to be under the Protection of our ..ly Father; he gathereth his own, as t\\<: Hen doth, her Chickens, under his Wings, Matth. 23.37. H( Refuge to his Children, a Refuge ano 91. 2. a Refuge and a Portion in* the Land of the In PI aim 142. 4. their Gocdneis, their Forircfs, meir Deli- verer, and their Shield, Pfalm 144. 2. (7 ) Privilege, to be well provided, and cared for by him ; fte 6. 30, 31, 32. If ' G*jd j) clothe the Grafs of the Field, to day iyt and tomarroiv is caji into the Oven, Jhall he not much mote clothe \ ,u, O \e of little Faith ? the take no Thought \ faying, What jball <we eaty or ivhat fkall

*we dtitiky or <iv herewith Jha 11 ^ve he cloatbed, vour heaven*

l\ Father knoivetb that ye have need of thefe Things ; and I Pet. 3. 7. Calling all your Can on him, for he. caret h far [3.) Chaftened by him as a Father, Kb. 12. 6. bat not call off, Lam. 3. 31. (9 ) Sealed to the Day of Redemption, Eph. 4. 30. (10.) Admitted they are here- by to the Liberty and Life of Ordinances ; the Word was fent unto them, the Sacraments were ordained for them, and are blefled unto them. Finally, They are Heirs of all the Promifes, and F'ellow-heirs with Chriii in Glory, Hsb. 6. 12. and Rom. 8. 17.

Ufe I. If there be fuch Excellency in this Adoption, how little worth, and oi how fmall Excellency are they, who have not been, nor ever fought to be, made Partak- ers of this Adoption ? They have none of that excellent Spirit of God, which was in Daniel, Chap. 5. 12. and 6. 3. and in evtry Man of Underilanding, Ptov. 17. 27. their Hearts are of little worth, Pro-v. 10. 20. The righ* teous is more excellent than his Neighbour, Prov. 12. 26. They have no right unto, nor Part or Portion in, any of thefe high and honourable fweet and comfortable Privi- leges of the Sons of God.

Ufe 2. Comfort to thole that are poor and defpi t B the World ; they are ©i greatest Dignity of any in too

Vv orld i

, On the Gospel Covenant. 399

rhey have Liberty, and moil excellent

in be, if they have been

made Partakers of* this Adoption : O! char is a

eat VVord, 1 Jobn 3. 2/ ">-'<? fir* the Sons of

J he Soul that can fay io, may boaft of thei,

iad P/iviiegefc, and may comfort themfeives there*

ilt ail Sorrows and rifnictions, and confirm and

len themielves thereby againtt ail Temptations :

hi* m; :heir Hope, baoiih their Fear, quicker*

eir Love, and fe.und their Patience and Perfeverance :

-'hat ever Men may be permitted to take from them.

ey cannot uke tlVft Spirit of Adoption from them ;

ey cannot prejudge tftem of any oi the Liberties or Pri-

ieges of ihc »*me.

L'je 3 Is this »o excellent a Thing, the Grace ci Adop-

All that have it mould labour to be thankful for great a Benefit, and to walk worthy of it: And, left ly think themfeives to be of the Adoption, who are nor,- e may try it by ihefe Marks : (1 ) Who have the Grace Adopacn, have the Spirit of Grace and Supplication :.) Tiiey have a Spirit of Faith and Repentance : 7'hei'e •e in Zech. 12. io. where it is pro ml fed, caat the Lord ill pour out upon the Hoafe of David, and upon the habitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of Grace and Sup- ication : The Spirit of Adoption is a Spirit of Prayer ; at is firif, in that Place; Then, it is promifed, they ail look upon me whom they have pierced ; there Faith in Chrilt crucified ; and fliere is further, that key thall mourn for Chrilt, that is, for Wrongs done » him, as a Man doth for his only Son, that is Gofpei epentunce indeed : Another Scripture I offer to you, om which 1 draw another Mark ; it is, the honouring

.i as a Father ; If I be u Father, iphen is mhu ur? Mai. 1. 6. This honouring of God doth compre- :nd all Duties payable to him as a Father. As to the third Thing propounded concerning this doption, that it is promifed, and fo is a covenanted ig, is clear from Scripture, i/r, From thefe Scrip- ures, wherein theLord hath promifed to be aFather : eople ; lo, in^^r. 3 i4 9. the Lord profeficth himfcli to be


-4oo S E R M O LIL

a Father I and Epbraim to be his Firft born;

and, in Jer. j. (ball 1 ;ut thee am

dren? thorn Jhilt call m? , My Father \ arjd, i 1 8 / \to jomt ami ye jSball hi I

2 /A*, From I , wherein the Spirit is.promifed, for he is i ut of Adoption ; that of- the twelfth o cited, and that in Ifa'mh 32. 15. wherein 1 Time i pio- mifed, in which the Spirit (hall be poured on u:- from otf high, at which Time the Wilderncfr (hall be a fruit ul Field ; and, in Luke 11. 13. If ye

Jrciv to give good (rift j to your Child* en> hoiv much morg\ (hall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them thaA mp 3^//v, From all thefe Scrip'ures, wherein we? have the Dignity, Liberty, and Privileges, which are of) the adopted ones; thefe all are fee down by Way of Pro-1 mife. 4'M, Adoption mult be by the Promife, becaufe4, it cannot come to us any other Way ; we being bj ture the Children of Wrath. $tbly% J unification is pro-j mi fed, I/a. 45. 25. In the Lord Jhall all the Seed of lime A bejuliifiidt and jball glory ; and whofoever arejuitified in' God's Sight, mult oe adopted ; for Adoption doth follow J unification. bthlyy Heaven is given as an Inheritance, ' 1 Pet. 1. 4. then they mull be Heirs that receive it, and confequently Sons.

Vie 1. Comfort tofbofe who have their Grief for this,)! that they have not the Spirit of Sons ; they may have it* if they will but afk it : Let tiiem go to the Promife, and^ fetch it from thence; plead for it as a free Gift, and -^ then improve it unto Liberty, and to the right Ufe ofJ all thefe Privileges which attend it : Let thofe who have known what a Spirit of Bondage is, and groan to be irom under it, come lo the new Covenant," and they (hall \ have it.

Ufe 2. Terror to thofe who live without the Cove-* riant, and are not thinking of coming unto it; they can have nothing either of the Spirit, or of the Privileges of.' Adoption ; of how great Spirits foever they feem to be, I they will be found of very poor Spirit, when the Spirits of Bondage (ball deliver them up to the King of Terrors,.

S E R M-

C 431 J




)n the fixth Blefiing of the Covenant, on Perseveran c e.

2 Sa m u el xxiii. 5.

ndt fo with God; ret be

1 N Y BlefTin-g from God is a grtf&t D'effing ; bat the "^ crowning BlefTing is Perfeverance : It is only :hev •it lha.il endure to the End that mall be h is or

is Perfeverance I inttnd now to fpeak ; and of it, as of e former, I propound thefc tiiree Things, i//, What St

, How excellent a BJeifing it is. 3 .//,, Ho promiied, and lb a covenanted Blefling. As to the firft, What it is ; it is diveilly expreire/* / abiding in Cnriii, and his abiding in u //;, By continuing in his Word; J ef us fe- at believed on him, h

'xdeed, John 8. 31. $dly9 By continuing in

15.43. 5 rh\ in' his Temptations, in L

C c


fettled, and not to be moved away from the Hope of thrfi Gofpc .,, By our dwelling in God, «:nd

4. 13. 8//>/>', By our fighting) out the good Fight of Faith, 2 Tim. 4. 7. o,/£/y, By work? ing out our Salvation in fear and trembling, Phil. 2. 1 mk lothfy, To have our work abiding, 1 Cor. 3. 14. nth/yi To be confirmed to the End, 1 Cor. 1 . 8.

I. By that which is faid, we may know, I. That' Perfeverance is no eaiy Work ; there will be workings wreltling, fighting in it ; the laying of the Foundation^ well, and raifing up of the Building to the Top-itone fl not only a Beginning well, but a running to the Er notwithflanding of all Storms that may blow : Nexlj That Perfeverance is not of ourfelves, it is of God, an Chrift dwelling in us: And, 3. Thatin this we mull nc be idle, but active; we mud move, being moved.

Ufe 2. Who delire this Perfeverance, mult confic what it is, in Scripture Expreffions, and according there4 to follow the Way and Means preicribed, by continuin in Omit and his Word, in the Faith and ProfefTioather of, in the Grace of God, and Exercife of the fame, fighting the good Fight, and running the Race which fet before us, with Patience, &c.

r As to the fecond Thing propounded, to perfevere, an to be confirmed in the State of Grace, is an excellei Blefling : The Man that dwelleth in the Courts of Gc is a blefted Man ; he is fatisfied with the Goodnefs his Houfe, Pfalm 65.4. They are biefTed who ib dwell in God's Houfe, as to have their Strength in him; the will be ever praifing him, Pfalm 84. 4, 5. Wifdom is 4 Tree of Life to them that lay hold on her, and happy twry one that retaineth her, Prov. 3. 18. For more fa Proof of this Point, take and confider thefe Confirmatic bis Truth : 1/?, All the Happinefs which may be co ceived to be in the State of Grace, and in the Exercil of the fame, may eafily be concluded to be much moil in the Continuance, and Confirmation of the fame ; an this is in Perfeverance. 2d, Without this, all other BlefiinjJ null, and to no effeel : That of Adoption, Jufrifr n, and Sanftification, were to no Profit at all, weifl


Un the Ltospel Covenant. 403

|he Saints without Peffeveranee : They might fall again, >oth under the Guilt and Dominion of Sin. trd Sole ail

feir Jnterti: in God. 3^, 1 he Danger and Vi.'ecefa of poltacy doth commend this, and prove its ExceJic:

.<c tiie Dog's turning to his Vomit, 2 Pet. \. 21. e is forer, and much ibrtr, and how

Jiuch forer Punifhment for fuch, Heb. 10. 29. 4A&, Per- ?verance muft be an excellent thing ; fcr, by it, the Trial itian's Faith is found unto Praife, Honour, nd Glory, 1 Pet. I. 7. 5//^, It is by this Perfcverarce, an cometh at Lit to be bruifed under our Feet, i&m. 16. 20. 6>£j In Pe/feverance, uiih renewed Strength, lere ; re renewed Comforts, ith, A confirmed State of Jrace maketh the Hope or Glory lively. Sth, Perfeve- ance is every Grace, acting to the uttermoii ,- io, if tr.ere e Excellency in Grace, when in and 2t it^ Perfection, lere mult be much more in it. gt.b, It is th dorneth the Dodrine of God, and majcetb $culs ;he ae Bride adorned -for the Lamb, Rev. 21.2. 10//;, There ie many fair Promiles mace to thole me,

bat ie, to thole that ptrfevere; fuch a.- that, i

ihall eat of the Tree or Life ; and, in\\r. uta p. they fha!! not be hurt of the fcccr.d D. 3d, in \ er. 17th, tn« .: of the hidden Manna,

ave the wnite Stc

6th, 381 n, that ; Nations,

n the br.ght . 3. 5. the white Raiment is pro mi ea them, : their Nam 1 be blctttd out of the Boc

ife, and that Cnriit will confei ;ne bcior^

re his Ai ; of"

ip. that ihev (hall be made Pill e of

r.o go out, and have the Name of G< d writ- , fhe new Name ; and, in \ ii lit with Chrift on his Throne, as he fn icr on his

d it all be done u:

4o4 S E R M O N XLTTI.

feverance ; fo, in Mattb. 10. 22. He that enduret- fo, in Mark. 13. 13. and, in (. e ib aft not •;, for ittdm

nth, It is the only beft Mark of our being made Partakers of Chrift, if we hold the the Beginning or our Confidence Itedfaft unto the End, Heb. 3. 14. Now, by any of thefe, much more by alf| thefe, it is manifelt, that Perfeverance is an excellen Thing : In it there is much lying at the Stake ; yea, it i up ail that which Chrift hath laid at the Stake. 1. Hence eafily appeareth the great" Lofs of thofc that never had any real Grace: They who were nevei in a State of Grace, how can they abide in it ? they may have many fair prominng-like Beginnings, but they have nothing that doth abide; they iole all the Things which they have wrought, as may be gathered from 2 Jobr Ver. 8. their Work will not abide, but be burnt up 1 Cor. 3. 15.

Ufe 2. Ir there be both Honour and Happinefs in per fevering in Good, how curfed a Thing is it to perfeverc, in Evil, to abide in an evil Way, to be going on ftiil it TrefpafTes ? as in Pfahn 68. 21. the Lord will wcunc the hairy Scalp of fuch : if Perfeverance in Good be the, Crown of Bleflings, then Perfeverance in Evil mull bi the Top of a curfed Eilate, and withal a Gulf of Mi, fery, the very Image of Hell, where there is endlefs fin-, ning, as well as enalefs Torment, it is the incurable Di'f eafe, and deadly Poifon.

Ufe 3. Hence, Matter of Thankfulnefs, to thofe thl; have the fure and folid Grounds thereof laid, which wilj hold out. But Satan may itart a Doubt, with as fair |, Shew of Truth, as Solon faid to Grcvfus, none can be cal led happy before the End. Anpw. (1.) There ic a Ilappi nef> in the Way, to the Chriitian, as well as in the in a complete, right, and fure Poflemon, tho' not fo full (2.) As to Perfeverance in a confirmed Eltate, then Happinefs in the fure and folid Grounds laid of \ bleflcd Hope, which will not fail : And this fure am confirmed Eltate of the Chriitian, may be known bu thefe Marks : \(l, li there be an earneit Endeavour to per |


On the Gospel Covexaxt. 405

(cvere. zd, If there be acting and walking by inward Principles of rooted Grace. 2>d, If Conference be made of following all the Means of Perfeverance. 4^;, If there be a Heart-hafred, and a real Abhorrency, of their Way and Work, who turn afide, Pfalm 101. 3. §tb, If ho- ly Fear be made, as it were, Captain of the Watch. 6.,::y \f there be fomething of a daily Progrei'5 and Vidtory, ome growing Work. *jtb, If there be well- grounded Refolutions againit the worft of Temptations or Afllicti- >ns, and if there be much Diffidence ia ounelves, and a aying of Help upon him that is mighty, Pfalm 89. 19.

ff there be a forgetting of Thing? -e be-

ind, and a reaching forth to Things that are before, wV, 3. 13, 14. io.'£, It we he more and more crucified o the World, Gal. 6. 14. U thefe Things be in a man

.erity, he may have good Hope thro' Grace, to

bme to a fair Larding and Lodging in the End of Time.

U/e 4. Would you know the Reafons why not a few

o r.oc perfevere ? they are, (1.) They lay not the Foun-

ation en folid Grounds. (2.) They are ever picking

nd chopping at the Foundation, by frequent doubtings.

ut, (3.) This is a chief Caufe, they know not how ex-

ellent a Thing Perfeverance is, how much Good there

in it, and how much Evil there is in departing from

rod and his Truth ; how precious the righteous are,

ho hold on their Way, Job 17. 9. and viie they are in

le Lord's Eyes they are, who draw back, Heb. 10. 38.

U/e 5. Is this a Truth, that Perfeverance doth wear

le Crown ? then, all who defire to wear that Triple

rown, which is yet but one, and fo as a Crown to every

r ; I mean, that Crown of Righteoufnefs, fo cal- d, in 2 Tim. 4. 8. Crown of Life, io called, James 1. 2. and Crown of Glory, fo called, 1 Pet. 5. 4. All, I who defire this Crown, mult ltudy Perfeverance : !any run that receive not the Prize ; but we muit fo run we may obtain, 1 Cor. 9. 24. and the rather, for that is an incorruptible Crown, Vcr 25th of that Chap. As to the third Thing propounded, This, a . her Bleilings of the Covenant, is covenanted and pro- ofed; for Confirmation of this- Truth, confi

Cc 3 Tii

S E R til.

5, that firfl Promife, in Gen. 31; btulfe the Serpen? s tfeau, A durance tor thi;. : So doth that, in Gtu. 1^ 1. •Lh both to be a Shield ... ; that includech A (la ranee of1 Rerfeverance: Cor.fiJer alfo that Promife, in Pfalm 92. 13, 14. tho'e that be planted in the Houfe of the Lord, ihall flouwih in the Courts of our (

bring forth Frail in old Age; that, in Prov. 12. 5. Al

man ihail not be eihblifhed by Wickednefs, but the Root

of the Righteous ihall not be moved; and that P.

10 Lhrjlt, I/a. 12. 4. He /ball not fail nor t

ccur/igtciy untii be bat b fet Judgment in the Ea>th\ and

. in Chap. 46. 4. and to. your oid A. ; and

1 fomied againft Believers fha 11 pro-

, in Jer. 23.4

lord. (2 ) Co:;f}der the Compirifons unto . eversare.ee ; >ld forth Perfeve

e compared to a Tree planted by a River or Water, which bringeth forth Fruit in Srafon,. whole Leaf fadcth not; In Pjalm 125. 1. they arc com- to Mo ant Zi.n. which ih:ill not be rerpoved : In Houfe which is built upon a Rock. thcr Proofs j and, 1//, From God's ufficiency* Believers are kepi by the Power of God, thro' Faith Ditto Salvation, 1 Pet. 1.5. he is able to keep them from falling, J ude Vcr. 24. id, From the Lord's UnchiDgeaolencfi; ins Work is without Repent uace, Kern. 11. 29. He js God, and change th not, maL 1. 6. i-'rom God's Eleclion ; ii i eabie, and cal-

ling is according to it, Ram. 8. 28, 30. it is fuppof- poflible tiiat the Eleft en be#deceived, fo as to be urn Chrift, in Mattb. 24. 24. \tb, Is, From Lh rill's Jrterceffion ; the Apoille draweth even hat, a Perfuafion that nothing fhall feparate Believ- ers from the Love pi Gcd, Ram. 8. 34, 35. Chriil pray-j cti that Laith fail not, Luke 22. 32. axd if it fail not,,

On the Gospel Covenant. 407

!I (hall be fafe : Chrift prayeth the Father fo to keep

hem. as they may be one, even as he and the Father

ire one, 'John 17. 11. yh, Js from this, that the Lord

lath both engaged that he will not forfake us, and that

*e fhall not forfake him, 1 Sam. 12. 22 Jer. 32. 40.

5th, Is from the Seal of the Spirit, Eph. 4 30. who aie

ealed with it, are fealed until the Day of Redemption.

1th, The Crown is promifed, but unto none fave thoie

,vho perfevere, that are faithful unto- Death, Rt~j. z. ic.

3/£, The Cnchangeablenefs of God's Will, and infinite

lUnding, how to accompliih it, Pfalm 1^;. £.

ytb, The Unchangeabler.efs of his Love ; whom he

tie loveth to the End, John 13. 1. \o'l\ From the Loia's

jlneis; it is engaged, and he will not fuffer it to

rfabn 89 33. 1 i/Z>, From the Everl t\ ingn

the Covenant of Grace, I/a. 54. 9, 10. iztb^ From that

r.ble Union with Chrift, and his marrying ol Ho/. 2. 19. with Rom. 8. 3s- 13'^, From the Effects - indwelling Spirit, John 14. 6. and 1 John 5. 18. 14''$, From that He'p which is covenanted in Temptati- c;; , 1 Cor. 10. 13. and 2 Pet. 2. 9. 'i$th% From the Experience and Affurance, Phil. 1. 6. \6tb, All Things are too weak to feparare Believers from God : ISot only AfflicYions will not prevail unto tim, Rm. 8. 35. but neither will the Flefli or Satan do it, James 4. 7. 1 John 5. 18. nor Sin, Chap. 2 1, 2. nor any Thing elfe, Rom. 8. 38, 39. ijtb\ Increaie of Grace is cove- nanted, If a. 57. II. Jer. 1 7. 8. and 31. 12. Dan. 12. 4. Ifa. 30. 26. and Alattb. 13. 12. 1 Sth, If any fhall be ltedfalt, it muft be by the Promile; for there is no Stedfaltnefs in Man, more than was in lfraelt Pfai 78. g, 37. he putteth no Trull in his Servants, Job 4. 18.

Ufe I. Mifery of thofe who live without the Covenant ; they neither have, nor, as fuch, can have, AiTurance of Perleverance, nor any confirmed Eftate in Grace ; they can expeel no better Lot than that, in James 1.8. to be unftable in all their Wawys ; nor Carriage than that, in z Pet. 2. 14. not to ceafe from Sin, and to be unliable Sou!;.

Cc 4 Vfi

$ ; in.

d Stay of Ilea-'.

in the new Covenant, anj the Loj Co ltron .

r-. But it isofrj l

are not To holy ) et he fell.

was under the Covennnt t

:;on one that is migh- :; : Grace is fufficient, 2 Cor. 12. 9. Lilian. Promiies are conditional, ani we cannot keep Condition. It is promifed, that we fha.ll keep Condition, evei hirn for ever, j- - . 52. 39, 40. (2.) Condi dona, I mifes arc to check the uniound, but

none can be their own ' manCf, nor the 1

cy of Grace ot hang on M :/s VVill, Rom. 9 16.

It is I 1 , That the Doctrine of Perfev

is a D /infnx. It is io indeed, but of

: of an holy Security ; and lo, who are t lave Reafon to be moil iecure,

cure : He who is aflured that God will guide him with hiv Cour.cii, and after receive him to ( yet faith, // is govd for me to dran/o pear to God, P. >8- He thai was perfucded noth.ng could k rom the Loye 1 ! dy, and bi .0 Subjecln . any Mean:

: a C ■■» ft -away, i C >•• 9.

. ievere, rnaft once have it from I hey muft hold it by eal Grnce, fuch as Faith, Lovt and th z of alfiiiing

Spirit of C Helps: I. Keep

A 4. 18. 4. Bv

trary ro that which Be ex-


On the Gospel Covenant. 409

Eve the Lord's coming, James 5. 9. 7. Be ever pref-

;. 13, 14.

fe who. feek Eilabliftimer.t and Per-

verance in themfelves, and to have it founded in them-

h is the Lord only who keepe:h the Feet of the

lints; and by Strength [hall no Man prevail, 1 Sam. 2.

It is in the Lord that we have Righteo Tnefs and

trength, I/a tab 45. 24. (2 ) It is againft thofe, who

ach that dreadful and aulurd Doctrine of the Saints

Uing away. It is true, they who are much in Shew

lay rail away, Heb. 6. 4. 6. and

ave Acls of their Gnce interrupted, zd, The weakened. 3^, The Senfe and Comfort of them fiened and removed. 4//', Grace imv- to the ap ^g °^ ^f> be near extinguiihed b alls: Yet,

ne\er goeth Out, the Love c; [together loll, the Seed remained), 1 John 3. 9.

once get into a Sf$.te of Grace, (o : abide in it: Grjce is that gooj Part which (hall not 10. 42. they vvcre never tru

Know them, (1 ) net from e, but for :>d low Ends: Sin often dcth leave them, before they it. (2.) Such as take Uj v trofeflic

r Self ends, they follow Chri 26. (3 .) linefs,

(4 )

d, when it h let home,

_ ir Herodia med

hjngs ; but whei . ::h him in that, he

n Prilon, Afor^ 6 18, 20. (j ) Such as are

d great Abilities, but proud and feJfii ot of the Head, but of Conceit in their own ! \c

of the holy City, ' tfd 44 c, who are no Wonder if they

[ 410 ]




On the feventh fpiritual Blkssing of the C o v e p a H t, Eternal L i f e.

WE come now to the laft, even that everlaftin. ling of the Covenant, eternal Life; and ihall ct it wi the fame Orcier, i/i, Shewing unto you what it is. zd, How excellent a Bleffing ic is. 3^, How it is'a anted BleiBng As to the firfl, What it is, know it, (1.) By that which cripture faith of it; it is th.it which the Eye hath not ieen, nor the Ear heard, nor hath it entered into the Heart of Man to Comprehend it, lja. 64. 4. and 1 Cor. 2. 9. ft is called that bleffed Hope, Tit. 2. 13. eternal Glory. 2 Tim. 2. io. eternal Sa! virion, Hcb. 5. 9. the "eritance, K-b.g. 15. the Crown of Righteouf? u Glory, 2 Tim. 4. 8. James l . 2. 1 Pet. dom of Heaven, A/a/. 5. 3. the Kingdom 6. 9. a Kingdom that cannot be moved, erlafting Kingdom of our Lord and us Chrifi, 2 P//. 1 . 11. It is called alfo Life


On the Gospel Covenant. 41 t

^verjafting, John 3. 16. eternal Life, JudeVzr. 21. the foy of the Lord, Matth. 25. 21. Pieafures for evermore, 'Pfalm 16. 11. (2.) Know that eternal Life is foraetimes 3Ut for the Way which leadeth to it, John 17. 3. fome- for Chrift the Purchafer of it, 1 John 1. 2. But, properly, it is rhat bleiTed EfUte, wherein perfect Know- edge and full E'njoyment of God is attained, when we fhall ee Face to Face, and know as we are known, 1 Cor. 13. 12. >vhen we iTia'l fee him as he is, ijoltr^. 2 It ftaodetb in a full Deliverance from all Evils; when we fhall have come bat of all Tribulations, and have wafhed our Robes in the Blood of the Lamb, Re<v. 7 14. when God ftialj wipe a- ay all Tears frcm our Eye*, and there fhall be no more Death nor Sorrow, Rev. 2 t . 4. when there (hall be full, and rghtful, and L>r eve ent of

God, in the Communication and Communion of all Good ; when there fhall b>: ight, Lo

To the Under flan Fulnefs 01

\ ill and Afl Peace 5

to .he Men to all Eternity ;

Lnd to the complete S .

i ant 01 that Heaven and eternal Life are dt ;

ceeding gi 1 ^e Thing.*,

nd reprove the Bafeneis rite] which aie

arrieu lying Van I let upon any Good

rather: which is ,. Lnd eternal, fuch as

im 4. 6. v

Life, we would ftpdy to know the Things thereof, to know and prize . and to love Chrilt, chafer of them, and

the Gofpel winch revealed them, and the Way of Holi- nefs, which ieadeth unto it ; ancj all the Beginnings or nal Life, fuch as that, to have the Conversion in 1

5. 20. yea, and all Grace, which is young

As to the fecond, The Excellency of this Bite there is in it unfpeakable Words, 2 Cor. 12. 4. ic is cal- e excellent Glory, ev< .ce where it is,' 2 Pel.

4 .led a far more exceeding



and eternal Weight of Glory. In the Original, thefc five Things arc i Glory, z Weight of Glory. 3 Excellent. 4. Excellent above excellent. 5. Eternal: Add unto thefe, I Ccr. 2. 9. Eye hath not ftcny nor Ear

, the Things d hath prepared for them that live him\ and, Exek. 47. 5. there are Waters to fwim in, a R i w cannot be parted.

For furtner clearing of this Point, co gilder, 1. How the Scripture telieth us, that all we hive ever feen or heard is little of it, La. 64. 4. 2. Ail that a Man can reach with his Thoughts, is nothing to if, 1 CV. 2 9. 3. Ail that the Saints have found ot it in their Experi- ence is but the tint Fruics, Rom. 8. 23. 4. Thai be an e;.ctivent State, in which v. ' freed of all

Evii, both of Sin and Tei tan ihall be

-oden under Foot, R be no more

a Weight hanging or as in II I .

12. 1. nor World entangling? but we (hall be delivered from 1. 4. 5. 1 - an excel-

lent State, when in iome Re(pccl>, it (lull put us above

,r Nature, V united to t'n~ Son of God, lib. 2. 16. Ven lot on him the Nature of Angels, Scd of Abraham. 2/. The Advantage of nearer Feliow- ih;p with him, 1 Cur. 1. 9. being of neareit Union, John 17. 21. Members of bis myftical Body, 1 Cor. 6. 15. 3^. The Advantage of Marriage Communion, Brid? and Lamb's W.fe, Rev. 21. 9. Angels are under ChrilVs Headfnip of Dominion and Influence, for Con- firmation, but not of Communion in every Rcfpeft as Men they are miaiftring Spirits, appointed for the Heirs 14. 6. That Eftate will put great ncy on our Bo£:e: made incorruptible, glo; mighty, and, in [5.42,43

iLijecl to Sit ; fee ho^v

rious, Dan. 12. and as the ever, and


On the Gospel Covenant. 413

ban now ; they (hall be fpiritual, not needing Meat mcf Drink, and fubjecl to our Spirits: Our now vile Bo- lies ihail be then conform to ChriiVs glorious Body, FLU. 3. 21. and fee how glorious it was, in Matth. 17. 2. and Rfv. 1. 13, 14, 15. 7. The Excellency of that Life will be feen in the Soul's men Glory and Excellen- :y ; for then it (hall not (o depend, as to be hindered by the Body in its Actings ; and the Faculties in their Power (hall be extended to the uttermoil ; and all the Graces which are planted cherein,mall be fuitably enlarged, and all Narrownefs, Darknefs, and Unllablcnefs, {hall be wholly removed. 8. Thfere fnall be the new Acceflion of Glory, in their being re-united ; a N er-s Perfon,

when crowned, fitting on a Throne, fweet Welcomes to their Father's Houfe, brought in to the Father, in the Hand of the Son, in unto prepared Manfionsj the Son fay- ing to the Father, Behold 1 m hall given me, Heb. 2. 1 3. 9. The Excellency of this Life miy be gathered, from God's Pretence there, and the Belk enlivening $ight of him, the Sight of" God as he is, the Sight of GlJ. in Chriit, as he is to us, the freely flow- ing Foizn! a in of all our Good, the Sight }g in his Beauty, La. 33. 17. really, immediately, clearly, la- tisfyingly ; \ II we defire to fee in God, and ourfefves in Goo, and God in us, our I him, and nothing in us out tha own;, our Union with him by the Spirit, our Love to him en- larged : There alio we fhall have Communion with ever prefent God ^h'ifig *n OLir P«i pany, much more than that, in Fr<m. 8. 31. deil:;' miliarly with us, in moil free, inward, fill able Communications: There mall we h n^r 0t God, Knowledge ho . ufeofhim, an ourfelves in bim ; and there (hall be reding on him with him, with inoft full Ailurance, and perL ttion for ever. 10. The Excellency tnis Life may be confidered in this, that it fhall be with Chrill; we •fhall fee him with our E)c

hed of the Father, with that Glory which he had with him before the Beginning of th< . 17. 1, c

4M S E R

faying to us, as th< I

Ft'/b ; fee £5/?. 5. 30. our old Fneml.

ivcJJ tried Friend': We fhall fe< ht*c in

miniiiratiom, fuitable to thai

fee him and be fhined upon, and infi / him,

throughout all Eternity, and fo be ever with h:m, Rev,

14. 4. 11. The Excellency of that Life may be conii-

dered in the Company of Angels and Sainto, an imiurne-

ipanv of them, H>b. 12. 23. there will be no

t, like that in Gen. 46. 30. there will be none

milling; the) » ill meet all in perfect Love, never to be

fcatrered or parted. 1 2. The Excellency of it, will be found

in thi I their Exercife, molt fpiritual, and of the

higheft Degree, where no Wearinefs nor Di veriion to other

Work, and all this at home, and in Peace, when Devils,

and all the damned, fhall be in Torment.

Uie \. Tetror, both to thofe that are without this Co- lli of Grace altogether, or within it only by Pro- feflion ; they can have no Share in this lait and belt, and everlafting Eleiling : Without are Dog : . 15. Hypo-

crites will have no Share in this, more ihan ihe more grofly profane, fome .whereof do, 1. Keep the Ways with the godly, but for bate Encs, und in their 2. They .liny Ljfts, but are

held fait by.or 2. 20. 3. They go a great

Length in Appearance, but fit up before the End : Ah, Pity ! many take great Pains to go to Hell.

U/e 2. Is eternal Life fo excellent, and are there fo

Heaven ? We would learn to eiieem them

and. 1. Reckon your Ricjies, by v have

in Hand, and in Hope of thefe eternal Things. 2. Be-

ily to work Works to Eternity. 3. Be ace u exa&, zealous in cur Work, «fpecially in Purfuit of thofe Things ; our Labour fhall hot be in vain, exceeding great is this Reward.

V/i 3. Seeing God hath prepared fo great, and good, and eternal Things for us, this fhould make all humb!e_ and thankful, who have Chrift in them the Hope of ^ Glory ; they fhjuld admire fuch Goodnefs, with the I

Plalmilt, 1

On the Gospel Covenant. 415*

Pfalmiit, in Pfal. 31. 19. 01 honv great is thy Gwdnefs then baft laid up for them that 'fear thee ! Won- der, that he who humbleth himielf to behold Things in Heaven, P/a. 113. 6. mould ever have daigned him- felr to behold us, who were low and baie as Hell, t) ! I chat Mercy that endureth for ever, Pfal. 136. 1.

O ! pray, that ye may knew what the Hope of his Cal- ling is, who is the Father of Glory, and what the Riches of the Glory of his Inheritance ia the Saints is, Epb. 1.

, 18. O! what is Man, that Gcd mould mine into his Heart, to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God, in the Face of Jefus Chrilt ? as in 2 Cor. 4. 6. Bur, fome will lay, if we knew our Intereit in that bJef- i:e, we would rejoice and be thankful ; but we are as to that : 1 aniwer, thou ma\ft conclude thy In- tereit, if thou hail iheie Things, 1. If tnou be come to Choice, Heb. 11. 25, 26. 2. If thou be begotten unto* that lively Hope, 1 Pet. 1.3. 3. If the Hear: be raited up to feek Heaven, fo, as to fell ail upon that Ad- venture ; as knowing the Pearl of Price is there. 4. If thy Converfttion be in Heaven, from that Principle, the Kingdom of Heaven within you; you have it begun, you wculd bave it accomplished. 5. If thou hail a fpi- rittial Notion of Heaven. 6. If thou haft that purify- ing Hope, 1 John 3. 3. 7. If thy Title and Claim \y in free Juitifkation. 8. If your Works be fpiritual and fupernatural, in Principles, Manner, and Enus ; fuch as, the divine Nature, Help of a Mediator, God the chief End.

Ufe 4, Let us feek, not great Things here, Jer. 4^. 5. but the great Things of Eternity, that Joy of cur Lord, which is pure, fpiritual, from God, in God, with God. Confider, 1. How it is prepared. 2. How pur- chafed. 3. For whom, and how for us. 4. Ho«v iure, made fure by a confirmed Teftament, and by three Wit- neffes in Heaven, and three in Earth, 1 John 5. 7, 8. 5. How all Difpenfations work towards it, and the Time is but Giort, 1 Cor. 7. 29. 6. How they are now more fully revealed, and we made more capable, yet have but little here.


$. Let u : die as Heirs of this Gr;

Life, worthy oi th: a, i 'Thqi. 211.

dejected. 2. > Worlcf.

r on our Wing for i: A'a^h, iirive, iff. To have our HeirtV Work lily on it, as 1 1 near. 2d. V

d and Heaven much. 3^. Be we ean, to keep u^ fro n longing.

Uje 6. Envy not, but p.ty the Men who have the*: Portions of the World, and want

e third Thing propounded concerning et< . That it is prom lied, 1. Take tHefe ScVipro prove it, Pfa* 16. 11. at thy right Hand Pieafures for* evermore. Ija. 60. 19. The Lord will be an everlalt Light : More clearly in the neV TeftaWnt, Mat. 25. 34J 35. John 10. 28. Rom. 5. 17! I 7. 1 John 2. 25. 2. Confute/ diefe Reafon Covenant is a Covenant of Life, Mai. 2. 5. tne Life eternal Life, John 10. 10. and 1 John 5. 12. a Life 1 petuated on Earth, could not have made Man har arid Paradife is ufed to exprefs the heavenly and ete; Elhte. zd. Eternal Life was the End of Chriirs demption, and of the Gofpel, 2 Urn. 1. 10. 3d. It the End of our Calling, 1 I L'he End J

our Juitification, Tit. 3. 7. 5//'. The End of H. nefs and San&ifkation, Rom. 6. 22. 6th. The End ci Ktpeniance and Faith, Acts 11. 18. 1 Pet. 1. 5. -tb. || Chrift is called eternal Life, as the Author of it, 1 J 5. 20. Sth. The Spirit's Work in us, is to eternal Life; j and the Spirit is promifed, John 4. 14. yth. Everlalt: Righteouinefs is promifed, and fo eternal Life: ComparJM Dan. 9. 24. with Rom. 5. 21. 10th. There is an tvt laiting kingdom and Pnelthood covenanted to Chriit, fo j eternal Life to his Subjects and fanctified Ones: fee PJ\ lie 4. and Dan. 7. 13, 14. nth. God is a God the living, Matth. 22. 32. and he is an everlaiting Ge iztk. God hath faid that he himfelf will be the Reward jH he is eternal. i$th. Eternal Life is promifed, when a i Time is promifed, wherein there mail be no more D Hoft 13. 14. with [lev. 21. 3. 1 ^th. Eternal Life ma'Fjl


On the Gospel Covenant. 417

>e by the Promife, becaufe the Reward is of Grace, Luke 10. and we cannot command Life at ail ; our Times jc in the Lord's Hand, P/a. 31. 15.

1. How terrible may this be to thofe that live and ie without the Covenant of Grace! they can have no art nor Portion in this Grace of Life ; they mail go to he Geaeration of their Fathers, and never fee Light, J/2*. 49. 19. they believe not on trie Sen, fo (hall zc Life, John 3. 36. especially they that were bidden, ould not answer the Gofpel Call, they ihall never lie of this Sa Ah ! they who

nder the external Adaiinifixatioo, and have had CI anuing long at the Door, i: exceed::

.n evil and vile Thing, to be a aough we

ouid lofe nothing by it: O! b\ fo, as to lo.

rnal I :.:nefs and

oliy ; and yt:y how many arc live without?

<3W many are they, who, though they be . the Pale 0/ the vifibl , live as without ir,

nought of the Life that is to cc hat will they do when the grim Serjeant, Death, me ? how grievous will the Sound of the 1 ft

them, and the Son of Mao's rppearing in louds, in the Glory of his Father? O ! that ;


Ufe 2. Hence the Chriftian may have Comfort an emptations; far if in this Life only we had Hope in hrili, then of ail Men we were molt miferab

19- but the Hope of immortal is the Life of this, orta) Life; fo as when a Chr it to defpair 01

e cm e hath no |

:cau.e he hath the Hope ot >pe of thi*

oear up the Heart in all S: d againft all the

3. If eternal Life be by the Promife, it cork •th that Opinion a r.d Practice, which feeketh Li i •..- 'orks: Eternal Life of God, Rm. 6. 2$. QJ

Iis much belter that he io ; and it is moil ab-



portion can there be imagined betwixt our fecklefs Wo ing and t: Reward ?

4. Who defire to have Right to that Tree of let them turn in to this Covenant of Grace; feek both the Right unto it, and Entrance and Continuance thereirfj by the Promifes thereof. If it be afked, HowihallJ make all this fure ? Anf. 1. ^earn once to take up youi Diitance from Heaven in your natural ElUte, you wit find yourfelf worfe than you feemed to be, in Ma 34. 2. Go to him, who in the Covenant is the Princl of Life, ASts 5. 31. go to him, as without Strength, Rom 5. 6. judging thvfelf worthy of Death, 1 Cor. n. 3* go 10 him as d?ad, Col. 2. 13. 3. Look unto J. in by Faith, for Juflification of Life, as in Rom. 5. 19 4. Go to him, and piead thyfelf an Heir of that Riga teoufnels which is by Faith, Heb. 11. 7. fo lay hold of eternal Life, according to 1 Tim. 6. 12. 5. VV Chrift; he is *h? Way, the Truth, and the Life, Jo& 14. 6. 6. Let it be your Study, daily to get yourfelve loofed from the World, and from Bofom Corruptioi * 7. Employ the Spirit of Chrift for Counfel and Condw Pfa. 139. 2+ with 143. 10. and believe that Word, 73. 24. that he will guide you with his Counfel, and ter receive you to Glory. 8. Be willing to endure m for it; it is infinitely better than the Good we part for attuinir.^ it, R&m. 8. 18. 9. Study to have t Glory revealed in us, to have much of Heaven brou to be within us; let our Spirits work mightily on the! Things, and exercife all your Graces on the Things 0 Eternity, Faith, Hope, Love, Patience, csfc. 10. Labou to exercife yourfelves in keeping a good Confcience, upoj this Account, with Paul, Ads 24. 15, 16.

U/e 5. Reproof to thofe who believe none of thof Tnings : And, no Wonder it be fo with many ; for, \j\ They neither know God, nor their own Souls well 2 I. They are not acquainted with that noble Contrivanc of a Goi'pel Covenant, and with the rare Way of th

p.ce of this blefTed Eft ate. 3^. They never had an Tafte of the firft Fruits of that heavenly Kingdom : N< Wonder they long not for it.




L »*» J


O N T II E lyOi Xi.Ui C v/ \ JLL INI i"*

)f the TEMPORAL B L E S S I N G S of th

N T.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5.


; f:r this is

r T A V I N G fpoken of the great and bed Blcffi _JL of the Covenant, I go now to fpeak of the tcm- orai Bieflings which are annexed thereto, and enfured (of fo far as they are or ixiAy be Bieflings indeed. And of theie I (hall, i'K Shew you what they are. ncy are no . own

, and Exec re pronaifod, in the new Covenant.

common Favours, which jnto all, and

-ength of Days is in the n ;1 Richer

ionour in the left, ngsf

/hich come alike unto ^hings,


D d

42o S E R M O N XLV.

Place, Mattk. 6. 33. More particularly, they maybe. 1 taken up in theie Two : 1 . Freedom from external Evils, fuch a?, Anli&kms and Dangers, Pfa. 34. 4, 19. The Enjoyment of all good Things; the Lard giveth all theie Things richly to enjoy, 1 Tim. 6. 17. They are, in a Word, ail theie good Things which are for the Sub- licence or Comfort of the natural or civil Life, condu- cible to the Body, good Name, external Eftate or Calling.

Ufe 1. We may learn from that which is faid of tem- poral Bleffings, that we are, of ail Creatures which the Lord hatli made, the moil neceiluous : There is a Con- courfe of, I cannot tell/ow many Things necelTary to make us externrdly happj ; theWant of any one of thofe Externally neccffary Th-rigs will do much to make a Man miicrable, efpecialiy if he lay much -Weight on it ; but the Abundance of many fuch Things will not go near to: make him even externally happy;

U/e 2. When Chriftiaus reckon their Blellings, they

mutt not fcore by common Bleiiings, as none of the Num-

neither mult they weigh them only by the Good

which they bring with them, but by the Evil alfo which

they ward off.

As to the iecond, The Worth and Excellency of rem- and commo/i Bleffings ; temporal Bleffings, conii- dered as coming from the Covenant of Grace, are rich and fair Blemngs; they are good Blellings in themfelves, but more excellent when given out of a Father's Hand, a Father in Chrift: Their Excellency doth appear, 1. In the Scripture Expreilions concerning them ; for they are called tender Mercies, Pfa. 149. 9. Riches of Goodnefs, Rom. 2. 4. the Blellings of the Heaven above; and of the Depth that lieth under, Gen. 49. 29. yea, they are called all Things, 1 Tim. 6. 17. all Things neediul for the external Eitate. 2. Take up their Excellency in thefe .Confiderations : ift, They are all free Favours, and we are lefs than, the leaft of them all ; we may with better Reafbn ky (o, than Jacob, in Gen. 32. 10. 2^, Cenfider, how many they are, much given out, and much laid up, in a Treafure that cannot be exhaufted. 3^ The/ are given us, to lead us to Repentance, Life


On the Gospel Covlvakt. 421

find Health continued with ue for that End, in Rom. 2. 4. ,d that is no fmall Favour ; for it being defpiled, mak- eth a great Aggravation of Sin. Rev. 2. 21. \th, They , are to Believers a Piece of ChrifTs Purchafe : This, at they are Covenant Bleflings, maketh them bcth .. more fweet, and more fure. A Covenant Right is , more excellent than that which comtth only by a com- mon Providence. $th, Even thefe common Favc j coming from God, are Bands of Love, Ho/. 11. 4. and ouJd be fvveetly drawing and engaging to Believers. j6/£, They hold forth much of the I God, in

his Power, Wifdom, and Goodnefs, manifeiled in Ft dence. jth, They have : , that they are

good Helps to Cheerfulnefs in Service ; and the I loveth a cheerful Worfhipper, as well as a cheerful Giver, 2 C:r. 9. 7. 8th, They are a Treafure, out of hich Charity may difpenfe : Charity is an excellent Irace, 1 Cor. 13. 13. and Abundance of temr :h fill its Hand, and helpeth it in the 1 tif, An outward profperous State doth keep the Gofpel om Contempt; and commendeth it fometimea to tbofe lat (land, by, and know not the Worth of it, fo, in 1.9. Their Seed Jkall be knoixn among the (l that fie them Jhall acknowledge them, that they are ><? Seed which the L01 d hath blejfed. ic:h, Temp

;or tnis the more excellent to a Believer, for tat Faith can extract more Sw

i:iore of God and his Love in them, anc :o direct them to more high and noble L

cither do, or are able to do. ] . The Mifery oif 1 Co-

nanc ; ,v not the true Worth and even

fo they cannot in I nent

then lo fweet, or 1


2. U temporal BK flings be good and excel . allowed upon hi.^ Servants and People; then, this ineth that monkifh Vow, of voluntary Povei

I they take themfelves to be with: D d 3 ace

422 S E R M O N Xf,V.

>bliged to | - reft in all I ir ; but their Vows of th;

Sort are licti< I >r, by vov. i

World, and r thcmfclvcs or t lie fa i th.

-ovetii tliofc uho do not duh i the;

ce, a good Name : Were anv of thofe wan tin - would be n them. Avid I

common i b much ui

i hold tern

fweet and lure, and the moVe n'ch .

fo, in enjoy in

i 2S. 2. Right ro a Th::

common FavoursTelH-noniescf fpecH J then 4

Rewards of Righteoufiu

Contentment than a enues of the Wicked,

37. 16. with Prov. 16. 8. 'i ' be much

nefs and no Sorrow, P;^ I Satisfa&io

Chap. 13. 25.

U,e 5. We would labour fo to ufe ard improve ter porsl Bleflings, as trnt they 1 lis to Rep-

r .ch.T th 11 hax< ' . 1 oar 1 (earts to I

ni, a make the

As to

. (i .) See them pronui I

. rhe f\ Condi ti 7. 1 2, 1 3.

orn-6, and of the Fruit

ut. 3. 18. He giv


(Jn the (jospel Covenant, 423

ower to get Wealth, that he may eftablifh his Covenant ;

nd, in P/a/m 1 1 i. 5. in giving Meat to them that fear

im'; he is mindful of his Covenant; and, in Ezek. 34.

5, 27. we have promifed, by Virtue of the Covenant

f Peace, that the evil Beafts fhall ceaf- out of the Land ;

lere fhall be fafe dwelling in the Wildernefs. and fleep-

ig in the Woods, that the Tree of the Field fhall yield

., er Fruit, and the Earth her Increafe, ,£r7. and, in Hof.

' t 18, 21, 22. it is upon a Covenant Account, that the

iOrd heareth the Heaven^, and the Heavens the

j larth, and the Earth the Corn, and the Corn IfraeL

2.) See it promifed, that we fhall be freed from Evil,

'jalm 91. 10. no Evil fhall befal them that make God

Jieir Refuge, no Plague fhall come near their Dwelling ;

nd Pfalm 121. 5, 6, 7. the Lord will be their Keeper,

nd a Shade upon their right Hand, and preferve them

rom all Evil ; and, in lfa. 43. 2. it is promr,

,e pais thro' the Waters, he will be with us, and when

VC pals thro' the Fire; in Zech. 2 5. he promifed to be

f Wall of Fire round about. (3.) Coniider Promifes

lade to us in the afflicted State : \fly They fhall be or-

ered as our Need requireth, 1 Pet. 1. 6. zd, Ordered

p our Profit, Heb. 12. 9, 10. 3^/, Meafured to our

trength, 1 Cor. 10. 13. both in the Meafure, Jer. 46.

:8. and Endurance, Pfal. 125. 5. 4^, Ordered to our

nanifold Good, Rom. 8. 28. iuch as that, Dcut. 8. 2, ;.

»f puiging, lfa. 27. 9. fpiritual quickning and thrl.

;.. i 6. Alfo, $tb> fhere is promifed Help to bear, 1 Cor. 1. 5. healing of Wounds, Jer. 30. 1 jroan% Exod. 2. 23, 24, 25. (4.) Coniider hcuv i ;ood Thing is promifed. But, for further clearing of his Truth, that temporal Blcfling? are promifeo, and fo Bte covenanted BlefR ngs, take thefe Proc . ie is

,1er, and he knoweth we Hand in need of [ , t. 6. 32. He is God, a Father, and out hea- venly Father. zJ, He will have us withe nefs, L. 6. nothing will do that fo well, as his faithful Ie. 3*/, He hath given us Chrift, and will he net in give us all Things ? Rom. 8. 32. \tb. Helov- uh not to have his People difcouraged, PJalm 27. 14. Dd 4 He

S & R M O l.V.

with mai : ,


our B .

1. I C$r,

Kingdom; it were not hor, : we fhouldl

. Deut. 28. 1 2, 13. an and will he not c s own Houfhold, who doth con-

demn it fo as a I -hers, to be negligent i..

Duty ? 1 Tim. j. I

the Moiy Ghbil, t CV. 6. 16. 19 %th\ Pro ; the Lord's Goodlier 63. 9^, Temporal Thin

as carntil Pennies of he:ter Things, fo to ncuri Hope of heavenly Things.

Ufe 1. This, that temporal BlelTing? are frtc Gif by Promife ; it is againli all Merit, for if we cinnot fc much as merit temporal Things, how (hall we be abl to merit the better and eternal BlelTings ?

Ufe 2. Terror to thofe that never the new Covenant ; they have no fpimual Rig common Bleffings, neither by the Covenant of Works, which they have broken, nor of Grace, which they have not taken ; they have no comfortable Title, ei her to Lifej or Necefcries of the fame.

may remove Scruples, which Chi

th may have of themfelve% or 1

judging r.fhly of tk. td have no better'

Portion, and that thefcThingsw a them inV*

temr gs are covenant Bleffings fo due ar<

There is enoi

id for temporal go x and Poverty, Pfylm 23. 1 It is a rem. 1$. I: is expounded, (1.) Ic had no: been fo to Da-\

spel Covenant. 425

Nervation : Or, (2.) Not both the Man and his Or, (3.} Nix begging and forfaUen enough again.!* ./. 41. 3. and 91. 3, 6, 7. againii tne Swcrd, ,3. 19. »ga 106. 46.

nod 37. 11, 13, 14. ag.iinit Oppre.. 2-;. 4 and Witchcrarc, in Numb. 23. ougti alio in the Promjie, for every good For the Name, Pro-v. 11. 16. I/a. 2D. for long Life, Prov. 3. 1,2. for s IJrci>. 3. 8. for Safet) /Job 5. 23. and if. /&/! - 18. for Pe;xe, Ifj. 2. 4. and 33. 10. and 66. 12. i/rt 127. 2. ftrw. 3. 24. for id. 18. JA?/. 6. 25. for corn- el convenient Honour, Z^*/. 7. 12,-17.. for good Succds, Pfal I. 3. AW. 3. 12. ¥*k 2z ffitfgs on the Calling, Pfalm 91. n.

i 2. 24. 2nd 13 4. and 22. 29. and 28. 19. Eccl. 12. ffa. C- 21, 23.

J7/f 5. If we want external Rleflings, wt may not blame

irt Breach of ir, and Abufe of Bleifings,

hr 5. Kceis, Idlenefj, inordinate Walking,

>J*prHl ; 20. 19, 26. and I/a. 5.

-. rowiog ipaiingly, 2 CV. q, 6. a iparing and ltrait

to God's Worfhip, Mai. 3. 9, id.

10 would have temporal Blefiings, efpeci-

:ey who would have them BieiTings indeed, mult

) the Covenant, and fetch them from it, Luke 15.

Covenant tor them, Gen.

Jer. 31. 12. God mult oe acknowledge^ ir.

•Ve live u

lance on (

would fa bim for every i'hinp.

ims, ihould ue

mporal B b mail afk

are prom . They are promifed

we would

'•32. 2.Y, . J as

dan's Calling; it is the diligent

b rich, Proa. 10. 4. io the Man mull


426 E R M O N XLV.

le diligent who cxpedtt 3,/, They arc promifedH

n LiiKi.ation . - tion to his owifl


rSo. 21, \tb% rhcy are prom i fed witn Chr Jii , Rom, 8. 32. 5/^, They are promifcd, with Erception of the CY j efpe-

ca.Jy oi lui i I, u.uth r Cvc will ierve him for

nought or not. 6. They are prom: fed to the Alternative, either themfelw 7//% They

are promiied, with R-.krvation of the Lord's ablolute Do- n mion, as the Potcer hath Power over the Clay, Jer, 18. 6. 8. Suitable and convenient Supply of thele Things is promi.fd, and that conditionally, b th that we feck them, and depend on him for the Blefiing of them : If they were Dot prcmifed and fought, a^ we have laid, they might take up our lit . to make us fo

God ; yea, they might become very hurtfuj to us, or we might count God a Debter to us, or weak Belie might be tempted to think the proud happy : So then, in leeking or expecting from the Covenant temporal Bief- iings, we mult ouey and ferve God, keep Covenant with him, and depend on him ; fee P/a/m 37. 3. and Ifa. 1. 19. we muft fubmit to the VVifdom and Faithfulnefs of Gpd in afflicting us; for in Faithfulnefs he doth afflict J u?, Pfalm 1 10. 75. we mufl not quarrel with him for Reds : Exemption from the Crofs wis net covenanted ; and learn in every Elfcate to be cc Paul learned,

xn.Pbil. 4. 11. fo, il we hive Food and Raiment, there-| with to be content, 1 Tim. 6. 8. the Lord hath only pro- mifed that which is neceflary and fuiiable: And finally, if we have, not ife pei formed in the Letter, we

would fee if n be performed in the Exchange, and reii fashed if h be fo : However,, the temporal as well as ipintuai Blefiingi piuft fe fought horn Goo in the Cove- nant, and

Limitations, and Exceptions which I have named, and are exprelled in Serial

7. Seeing all temporal Bieffirgs are by the Promife, fo Gifts of free Favour, as well as fpi ritual ; then who have them ihc \ thankful for them, firft, be-


On the Gospel Covenant. 427

I . es they are good Things, and for nectf-

Ntxt, for that they are free Gifts, and fo,

I on our Part ; and ch me unto us by Covenant ; fo, they are Pieces e other Hand, we v. good and rich Benefits, to ':>: and ether L

ral Bleffings, which

nf of our Life from God, by Covenant; then,

. v un:o G> d, in the right life and Improve-

m : We fhould live unto G^d, feeing we live

him ; we fhould requite good for good;

■it of Nature, and common Honefty, is for that;

46, 47. R*- i Publicans the fame ? And if / more tran others ? ar.s Jo? Now, if we do not requite Good, we will be worfe than Publi- cs ihould be ever at the doing of thir.g more than other: : We muft think of ferving God, nor with the inward Man only, but with the cut- ward Man alfo, becaufe we hold both of God : Chrift muft be magnified in ccr Body, whether by Life or Death, .1. 20. and we muft ferve God with all our outward they mult be coniumed upon our Lulls, as .mes 4. 3. but the Lord muit be honoured with our Sue., fruits of all our Increafe,

3. 9. It is faid, that Men will fo carefully pay cifc and Cuftome, in ionic Place?, from all their ever think upon the paying of the Lor raifirg a Rent unto him from the far of ail : It is but a poor A e, God rtes . , cc




Which is of the Mediator.

.~h my Houfi be not fo with God; yet he hath with me an everlafling Covenant t well ordered in all Things and Jure ; fir this is all my S.. yd all my D

although he make it not to grow.

IC O M E now to the eighth Thing propounded, con- cerning the Covenant of Grace, when wa?, of the Conveyance of the great Things of this Covenant, which is by si Mediator, even the Lord Jefus Cnrift, the only Son of God, and thru one and only Mediator betwixt God m. 2. 5. In lpeiki ». I offer thefe five T'

in the Covenant of Grace the whole Tranfaciion is by a •t it is to b J^i rhat


. ilorfhip.

nant of Grace 1 tor; to in the above

God reconciled the World to him fell . I ; and, in

the Mediator of the imentj botn for Redemp-


On the Gospel Covenant. 429

tion from'TranfgrefRon, and for receiving the Promife of tke Inheritance ; and, in Heb. 12. 24. Jefus is called the Mediator of the new Covenant : Now, the Lord would have it fo, \ay God with Man was not now at Agreement, as in the firft Covenant, zd, This Covenant was to be made fure, and an everlailing Covenant, that couid not be without Help laid upon one that was mighty, PfaJm 89. 19. 3^/, 1 he Freei.efs alfo of the Covenant- did re- quire and call for a Mediator: All is more free in Chriit, as given to u.% thin it would have been in Pardon without Satisfaction. ^thy There is, as it were, a four-fold V, in Redemption : ( i ) The bringing of a Man into a C city of ctfttnanting v. th God : The Lord God \ have a Satisfaction Man could not pay ; fo ther^ wa

of another, and that other behoved to have Blood, fo to be a Man ; the Biood of Beafts would not do it, Heb. 10. 4, 5. (2.) fo bring Man up, and to enter him in the Bond of this Covenant: i. To bring the Offer to him. 2. To mould his Heart to accept it, Gen. 9. 9.

: .21. (3 ) To enable them to perform the Duties of tne Covenant, lo to give them a new Heart, and a Spirit of Faith and Obedience, Ezek. 36. 26, 27. (4.) Is to bring all thefe wno accept of the Covenant unto Glory, and to be where Chriil is, Heb. 2. 10. John 14. 2, 3. Now, not Dne of thefe could be done without a Mediator.

: of great and fure Confidence ; yea, and Matter of highPrmfe,that theLord mould thus deal with us

vlediator : This ufeth to be the Way of great States and I their dealing one with another. Should

we not love this Lord, who hath us in fuch and praife that Love, that hath been pleaied to deal with us by a Mediator, and fuch a Mediator? Jt was with us^ according to that, 1 Sam. 2. 25. If a Mm fin agairtft the

. who fhall nntreat for him ? Be hoid, the Lord hath d both a Mediator and a Ranfom.

z. In all Covenant Matters, learn to deal with 37 a Mediator, not to go alone unto him, but i

d of a Mediator. As to the fecund, What it is to be a M in a

to be a middle Per fun, dealing betwixt t\so


Parties, who are at Odds. Four Things BH fidered in this fhort Defcription : i/7, Reconciliation Mediator doth fuppotl-, that there was once fweet A and Friendfhip betwixt God and Man. zd. There a Breach. 3*/, There was a travelling to bring the Par ties together again. ^hy As there was % mutual En roitv, io there is fuppofed a mutual ion o

God to Man, and of Man to God.

Ufe \. Take up this Mediator, as a middle Perfon, 8 Days man betwixt us and God, that may lay. Hands upon us both, as in Job 9. 33, He is not a Middle Perfon, az they call it, of Abnegation, that is neither the one noi the other ; but of Participation, he partaketh of both | and of Union, he is united with both.

Ufe 2. How often we think of the Mediator, think oi

the four Things now named, the old Amity, of the

f.h and Enmity, of the Soul-Travel of Chrift to mike

the Peace, and how the Reconciliation is completed and

made perfecl on both Elands by him.

As to the third, That our Lord Jefus Chrift i& this Mediator, and that one and only Mediator betwixt God and Man, appeareth thus: As to the firft Branch, thai Jefus is Mediator, is evident, from the Places above cited, Mom Heb. 8. 6. where he is called the Mediator oJ the better Covenant: And, 1/?, He is Mediator in his Perfon $ he hath Intereil in both Parties ; he is the Lord, and our Righteoufnefs. Jet . 23. 6. he is God, and hath purchased us with his Blood, Ads 20. 28. he is the Son of God, Luke 1. 35. the only begotten of the Father, John 1. 14. he hath the Name Jehovah, and of the true Go4, and great God, Gen. 19. 24. 1 Jxf.w 5. 20. Ti/i 2. r r. a the Properties of God, Eternity, Pro-y

y 5. 2. Immenfity,

10. pmnip 1. divine Operations.

1.. 16. Heb. 1. 3. divine Worfhip, Chap. 1.6. and

true Man, the Ma«? Chrift, I Tim. 2. 3. I Cor. 15,

2. 17. and 4. 15. Now, he wai

r up the Man under the Burden ol

Wrath,, Rom. 1 4. witii 4. 2^. fo, to overcome Death.

: to oe of Pi ice, d:i* 20. 28. and


On the Gospel Covenant. 431

Htb. 9. 14. (3.) That he might give his Spirit, Gal. |..*6. (4.) That he might conquer Enemies, Luke i. 68, 59, 71, 74. (5.) To give Salvation, Heb. 4. 8, 9. and

}. 11, 16. And he was Man, (1.) To undergo the

Law, Gal. 4. 4. (2.) To fatisfy in our Name, and in- :crceed for us, Heb. 1. 3. and 7. 24. 25. (3.) That he night be a mercifuh and companionate High Pried, Heb. \. 15. (4.) That he might make Waf for our A~ 3n, 6W. 4. 5. ard.fo procure us Accefs with Boldneis, Heb. 4. 16. And he was both God and Man, (1 ) Be- ;>aufe he had to ceal betwixt God and Man. (2.) That rhe Works of each Nature might be accepted of God for us, as the Works of that Perfon, in whom the Father is well pleafed, NJatth. 3. 17. and in him we are accepted, Eph. 1. 6. (3.) Both God and Man, becaufe eich oi his three Officts dd require r.o lefs, as you ihall hear.

As to the itrconc Branch', That he is the only Media- or, may be gathered from that, in Exod. 34. 2, 3. where . Chrilt's Type in the Mediatorfhip, went up alone into the Mount, and no Man with him. That old Dif- penfation of the Covenant was ordered by Angels, in the Hand of one Mediator, Gal. 3. 19. And, in Heb. 9. 7. the High Piiefi went in alone tu tne fecond Tabernacle ; and in that he was a Type of Chriit alib ; and, in 1 Tim. 2. 5. as there is but one God, there is but one Mediator, and that even of lnterceflion alfo : And that this Medi- ator mult be one, may appear further from theie Confi- derations: 1//, He muft be a fit Perfon, able to deal be- wixt God and Man ; no other can be *ble to deal (o. 2d, He muft be an innocent Perfon, Heb'. 7. 27. 3^, The Holy Ghoft, though he hath the fame Name with the Advocate Jefus, yet his Office is Comforter, not pro- perly Intcrceflbr or Advcca'e. 4^, I other, for he is able to fave to the uferm 25. 5/^, Saints and- Angels are but finite ' 1 Jf Chrift Media or be thus God and \ Perfon, then is he an able Meci to deal in fo great Matter., and ^o, we would not only but make Uie oi him as God -M



he hath of Man's Nature it hath its Subfiftence in i Pcrfon of God: And, what he hath of the Nature of God, he hath it now in the nc^rcit and iUaittit Bond of Union with our Nature: So, while we plead Intereft ia him, as Members of his Body, Flefh of his Flefli, and Bone of his Bones, Epb. ;. 30. We come to be one with him, as he is one wjth the Father^ John 17. 21. while we plead Intercft in him as God, we have him the Word made Flefli, John 1. 14. And lo, and our Kinfman, with whom we may be fam/

2. U there be but cue Mediator, then is that Doc- trine falie, which maketh other Mediators befide:

to wit, Angel and. Saint Intercefibrs, and the bieill, gin, a Mediatrix, and Saviourefs: They muil be very biind aid bold ngainft the very Letter of' Scripture, who will make moe Mediators than one : The dead know not any Thing; and they have neither Love nor Hatred, £(d. 9. £,6. and, in Jja. 63. 16. The Church profeiTeth Abraham to be ignorant of her Cafe, and bctake:h hcrk\H to God alone, faying, Dtubf/e/s thou art our Father, tho Abraham be ignorant of us, and 1/tael know us not.

3. Is he the one and only Mediator? then we fhould never go to God without him ; we mould afk all in his Name : It is a great Lefibn to do i'ot the Difciples had need to be taught it, John 16. 23, 24. There is good Encouragement to a Ik in his Name; and if it might have been laid of the Difciples, that they had afked nothing of theFather fo, that is as good as nothing : It may with better Reafon be faid fo of us ; alas ! we feek not great Things, in the Name of Chrift, as we ought to do ; and the Far ther is willing to give great Things, even every Thing that is bed.

As to the fourth Thing propounded of this Subject,

- Chrift is a Mediator by Office, and in a threefold

. as Prophet, Prieft, luid King ; he is to indeed.,

\ Prophet, to reveal his Father's Will ; that Prophet,

om Mo/as foretold, Deut. 18. 15. That Teacher,

come forth from God, John 3. 2. that MefTenger of the

Covenant, Mai 3. 1. that Apoftle of our Profeflion,

Htb. 3. 1. the Wifsiom of God, 1 Car. 1. 24. To he


On the Gospel Covenant. 433

fuch a Prophet, there was a Neceffity he fhould be God, :he Son of God, from the Bofom of the Father, to de- Iare him, John i. 18. that he mould come down from Heaven, who is in Heaven, John 3. 13. fo mould be Man alfo, one of our Brethren, like unto Mofes, ASis 3. 22. Chriit, alone knoweth the Mind of the Lord, and we mufl have it from him, i Cor. 2. 16. 2^/, He hath, as Mediator, the Office of a Prietf, to reconcile us to the Father, and to obtain Grace for u:> ; it is by him that reconcileth all Things to himfeif, making Peace hro' the Blood of his Crofs, to reconcile us who were all- mated, and enemies in our Mind, in the Body of his Flefh through Death, to prefent us holy and unblameable, md unreproveable in his Sight, Co/. 1. 20, 21, 22. Thus, "red was in Chrift reconciling t. to himfelf, 2

'or. 5.19. This Priefthood of his was neither legal nor emporary, as the ApoiUe doth reason, in Heb. j. 16, 7, 18, 19. He, \va5 boch Prieit, Sacrifice, and Altar: >rieit, according to both his Natures, Heb. 5. 6. both the fon of TGiod, and a Prieit. for ever, after the Order of Melckizedeck: A Sacrifice, moll properly, as Man: So, n Ifa. 53. 10. he made his Soul, or Life, an Offering or Sin; and, in Heb. 9. 14. he offered up himfelf to jod, by the eternal Spirit, a Sacrifice without Spot; ho' the Worth and Virtue came from the divine Nature, icis 20. 28. the Blood is there the Blood of God : So, -hriu, according to the divine Nature, ' was the AJtar ie offered himfelf, by the eternal Sp>; he is called

n Altar, Heb. 13. 10. he is truly that Aliar which fan- lified the Gift; as is faid of the Altar under ?he Law, flat. 23. 19. Chrift did both fantfify himfelf, and doth mctify us in fo doing, John 17. 19, 3./, As he is a ftdiator, he hath the Office of a King: As a King, he loth govern us, and difpofe upon all that concerneth our alvation : His Kingdom is that which lhall not be de- royed ; it lhall break in Pieces and confume all theie ins which oppole him; but it (hall Hand forever: wot) nut only ruleth in the Kingdom of Aen for his Church, Dan. 4. 17. but he ruleth in h:s Church, and iittcth upon the Throne of his Father Ee


Luke 1.32. This Kingdom of Chrifl may be con- fidered, either as it is univerfal, in nil Ages, Mattb. 22. 42. 43, 44- He was known in Days as Lord and

King; and over all Sorts of Men, all People, Nations, Languages, Dan. 7. 14. even over all Creatures, (o far as they may ferve to advance and fet forward Mans Sal- 1. vation, Epb. I. 21, 22. he is made head over all Things]" to his Chuch. Or, zd, It is to be confidered as more Ipecial and inward, over Souls and Confciences, Rem. 14. 17. it is that Kingdom which : d in Righte-

ouinefs, and commandeth Peace and Joy. 3^, It is an eternal Kingdom, Dan. 2. 44. and 7. 14. 4/^6, It ij iuch a Kingdom, as difpenfeth both Life and Death ; for this our King hath the Keys of both, Rev. 1. 18. $tb, It brin^eth eternal Happinefs and Peace to all that are in it. Now, if it be afked, What Need was thereof all thefe Offices in and to him who mould be our Medi- ator ? (1 ) The Neceflities of his People, Ignorance of God, and Enmity to him; and neither Ability, nor Wi!- ingnefs to be reconciled to God. (2.) The Salvation, the great Salvation, in the Way by which it was to be brought about, did require them all, that it fhould be, 1. ke weal- ed. 2. Purchaied. 3. Applied. (3.) The Order of exe- cuting the Docrees was thus to be kept. As to that Queftion, Whether Chrift (hall be feen a King on Earth, vifibly reigning< before the Day of Judgment ? I anUcr, j/?, That there fhall be a more glorious Kingdom of Chriit, in the Preaching of the Gofpel, at the Bringing in of the Jews, and Fulnels of the Gentiles, none ac- quainted with the Scriptures will much doubt. 3^, I fay, in that, Rev. 20. 4." on which the Millenaries build lb much, it is faid, that the Saints /ball reign ivitb Cbrift, but not that they J]? all reign on Earth ivitb him. 3*/, We read, not only that the Heavens mull receive him, until the Times of the Reftitution of all Things, A8s 3. 21. but we read only of Chrill's Appearing on Earth twice; the firlt lime was, to bear the Sins of many ; and, in the iecond Time, when he appeareth, it will be without he will have no more Sin to bear, but will bring" ] on, Heb. 9. 26. And if any doubt his Errand the;


On- the Gospel Covenant. 435*

ond Time, they may read it, from 2 Tim. 4. 1. judge the Quick and the Dead at his Appearing; and \ Kingdom, and in Ver. 8th, of that Chap, it will be give Crowns to all that love his Appearing. Ufe i. Hath Chriit, a? Mediator, taken on thefe three Bees, of Prophet, PriefV and K.4ng ? then is he com- atly furnimed for the Work of .Redemption, and he II through it.

Ufe 2. Learn to employ him in all Things: t/f, That

may have from him the Mind of God concerning the

y of Salvation. zd, To get Reconciliation in his

)od, and Grace for Help in Time of Need. %d,

at you may be fir ft called by him, ana fo iubdued co

Sceptre ; and after commanded, governed, fecured,

maintained by him ; fo (hall you be the Lord's re-

med ones indeed.

^s to the fifth Thing propounded, HowChrift was cal- unxo this Office of Mtdiatorfhip, and how he carried n: As to the firft Branch, id, There was a Council n Eternity, concerning this his Work, by which was appointed unto this Work, Htb. 3. 2. 2nd 5. r. was, zd, Furnifhed abundantly unto itj Ifa\ 61. 1. ealed, John 6. 27. 3.'/, He was, after a Sort, inverted mnly m thefe Offices ; in the prophetical Office, he fame, I/a. 61. 1. in the kingly and prreltxy Office, \lm 110. 1, 4. 4//;, He is fent forth, and a Body is :>ared fee him, Heb. 10. 5. Chriit was deiiined and d to (his Work before ail Time, Prru. 8. 23. Rom, 59. Eph. 1.4. He was a Mediator virtually, from Beginning of the World, Rev. 138. but actually, e his Incarnation. As to the fecond, How he carried his Work, \/l, He did it as Judge Arbiter : He draw- up the Conditions ; The Father judgetb no Man, but b committed all Judgment to the Son, John 5. 22. zd> did it as Mefienger, M md Interpreter of the

rcnant ; he revealeth the Father, as only knowing , Mattb. ii. 27. He, as being in the Father's Bofom, areth him, John 1. iS. 3*/, He appeared a* Surety, 7. 22. He appeared as Surety for Satisfaction for 1 Pet. 2. 21, 24. and 3. 18. and not for our (

E e 2 only,


only, as fome ailedge ; he fuffered as our neareft Kinfman, having Right to the Inheritance, according to the Law a voluntary Surety : Now, this Sa^ tibfaction is confident with free Grace: iftt The Debtor is difpenfed with, and the Cautioner is taken. zdy An- gels were not admitted fo ; I mean, fallen Angels, ^dl. The Way was found out of God, not fought by us. \th\ Chrift is freely given, and made Righteoufnefs, i Corh i. 30. to fome, and not others. 5/^, God's Love it but a Purpofe to bring Salvation ; and that is not againftj Satisfaction. 6/ A, Grace fhewed to his Son; he do not crofs his Will, he inableth him to bear the Cro he accepteth him and his Offering, he appeared Sure for God to us, and for us to God. 4/^, He appeared King, Head, and Hufband ; and appeareth itill as Kii 1 and Advocate.

U/e 1. Wonderful Love ! the Lord not only would of- ; fer Peace to Sinners, but did appoint his Son to travel iifr the Bufinefs.

U/e 2. This is a hopeful Bargain for us ; a Friend draw- eth up the Conditions: Seek God's Mind from him, youlj Peace fecured by him ; put all your Cauies under hiif Hand, to be pleaded and be ruled by him.

U/e 3. Was Chritt fo called and furnimed to this Officii of Mediatorihip ? we may be very confident of him, anlfn put all our Troft in him : He will not fail nor bedifcou>f° raged, until he fee the Travel of his Soul, nor will b«f£ for fake us.

U/ 4. Hath there been fuch Care in Chrift and hif Father, to carry on this Work of Salvation, how inex jii cufable will they be, that neglect chis fo great Salvation i fa



437 J-


3 E



0 N





Dn the Duties of the Covenant ; and, firft, of Entring into it.

2 Samuel xxiii. j. ■h my Houfe be not fo With :! he hath made

with me an evcrldfting Covenant, well ordered in all Things and Jure ; for this is all my Salvation, and all my Defirey although he make it not to c;

' G O now to the ninth Point propounded, concerning

b the Duties of the Covenant. This is a large and com-

rehenfive Head ; but in Scripture it is iummed up often

i few Words: Thus, as all the Bleflings of the Covenant

re comprized in one Word, I -j; ill be your G:d ; fo, all

be Duties of the Covenant are fummarily comprehended

that one Word, Ye lb ail be a People unto me, Jer. 31.

3. In Gen. 17. 1. all the Duties of the . are

uromed up in that one Word, to walk before God, and to

e perfect ; in Luke 1. 74, 75. it is ferving cf God

ut Fear, in Holinefs and Righteoufnefs, all the Days of

»ur Lire; in Gal. 2. 19. it is living to God ; in Titus 2.

is denying CJngodiinefs and worldly Lufts, and

iving foberly, righteoufly, and godly, in this prefent

<VorJd ; and diverfe other Ways are they exprefled. I

hall draw up all Duties in thefe two: 1. A right Er.-

Ting into this Covenant. 2. A right improving of ic.

lie 3 And


S E R s \LVII.

And of the rlrit J propound thefe four ; \ft, That i Duty. 2,1, What Duty it is. 3Y, The right Wa performing tnis Duty. ±tb, Of tne Advantages the when rightiy performed.

As to the iii it, That :his is a Duty required, when GoJh hath made the Covenant, that we fhould enter intoi:. one perfonally, and Churches as Churches ; we have jelemenly entring this Covenant, ). 10, 1 1, 1 2

,ve the good Kings of J udah renewing i ter a Breach: VV e have it commanded, in Jer. 5. 1 9JJ1

'bait cull me my Father, and /ball not turn

<;d, in Ho/'ea 2. 16. call me Jfi.

13. 9. J ' ivill bring , iqrt tbio1 tl

they Jball call upon , and I Kvtfl /. I

will fey, ft is my People ; (ha\l fay% The La I

my Cod : So we have it pronrifecr, as well as cemm Take theie tuiher Proofs ; . doth actually ii :

him felf in h;s People, in la. 43. 1. I have called: 1

by thy Name, thou art mi tti ; and, EzeL 16. 8. I<

nant 'Tvittj thee, faith the Lord God, and tboml becamefl mine: Why then fhould not the Lord's People! particularly and personally enter in Covenant with him^ and own him ? zd, 1 he End of the Covenant is, tai make us a fpecial People, Lev. 20. 6. Dcut. 7. 6. and 14* 2. Ought we not then fpecial I y engage ourfelvet? 3//. The vary Covenant, in Terms, doth carry that it fhoulct be fo, in Ezei* 36. 28. Tc Jball be t , and Iwim

be yow God. \th, The Covenant is for mutual and near- eft Union and Communion ; and thefe cannot be without aclual cloiing on either Side; Pie muft be in us, and we} in him, John 17. 21. 5/A, The Lord urgeth this very earell ly, and dotii expoiiulate, when he is not anfwcredj m th'n 'Time call me, ? ? Jcr 3. 4,

6th, Thee is no Accefs to Chriit, in whom our Life <s hid, Col. 3. 4. but by actual clofing with him in Cove- nant: He .0 the People, Jfaiub


1. Vor Reproof anJ to thefe who live un-

:he Gofpe!, who delay to enter in Cove-

1: '1 hey fruilrate the Covenant, and iq

I On the Gospel Covenant. 439

he Grace of God, and their own true and eternal Good : luch cannot be of that People which is near God; fo, can have no gracious Communications from God, until they do aclualiy cloie witn him in Covenant, they fhcu!d think upon the Sin of not doling, when called to it, as Rebellion x for it is his Commandment, that we mould beiieve on the Name of his Son Jefus Chriil, 1 John 3. Z3.

(Ufe 2. Let all thofe who love and expeft Salvation, endeavour with the flrft to enter in Covenant with him : There is much in a prefent clofing, and taking of the -firil Opportunity: Afterward, either the Offer may not be, or we fo plagued, as not to have Heart to it, like that Fool, Prow. 17. 16.

As to the fecond, What this entering in Covenant God is, we may take up thefe four Things in it : There mud be a real and cordial Divorce irom ail Things which hinder clofing: We muit be dead to the Law, before we be married unto another, Rom. 7. 4. ue muft pafs under the Spirit of Bondage, but be come from

der it, chap. 8. 15. there muti be a Separation . from thefe Things wherem we are held captive, 2 6 17. It is true, this Divorce and Separation will not be fo' full and formal, until we be brought to Chrift ; but it mud be defired, refolved, and eadedvonred , and our Cafe (een and acknowledged belplefs, until it be : For, i/?f Without this, the Ufe fulnefs of Ch rift will not be feen, in that Liberty which he hath p 5. 1. zJfy, The Soul is to be efpoufed to one Hui% fo, it is to be divorced from all other Hu 112. i<llyy The Law is a Schoolma.ter to Chi 3 24. that we might be juitifkd by Faith. |

1. Terror to many, who fay they are married to Cnriit, ;ot mew tiicir Bill of Divorce thai

have given to wa and to Sin ; they cannot

their Burgv: reedom from the L,

th< re is, or never was, any Work ; or their Works are not wrought in God,

Here tender Lhriilians may come to c\ They c y had fome Law Work, but 1

E e 4


p enough. It is true, the Lord ufuaily d

i down before he lift up, Matth. 9. 13. and L. \o. But, 2. It is true alfo, God hath fet no Mca for Humiliation : Never any was damned for lefs Gr. than their Neighbour had, if they have had a: Grace. 3. God hath Reafons, why fome, at Conve fion, have more of the Work of Humiliation, and fo:

ive been notorious Sinners, others knotty Pieces, and more fet upon Pride ; others are d for fome greater Sc 1, and Tome are of

melancholy- Temper, in whom the Law Work is mo; deeply upon their Spirits. 4. If the Ends be obtained, the Work is deep enough : Tnefe are, t/?, Self-loathing, *Job 42. 6. zd, Thorough Hatred of Sin, Pjalm 119. 104, 163. 3^, Strength againlt the Idol, xth, Mua of holy Fear. 5//', High Prizing of Chrilt. 6th, I the Soul be made willing to accept of Chrilt upon h own Terms, Rrv. 22. 17. Ifa. 55.1,2. 5. This Wor of Humiliation with Terror, fome have ic deeper, but fhorter ; others not fo deep, but longer ; and the Work of Humiliation is not perfected, until the Soul come in and clofe with Chrift, Zecb. 12. 10. and Luke 7. 48. 6. Humble Perfons are accepted, but not for their Hu- miliation, Tit. 3. 5, 6, 7.

Ufe 2. Comfort to thofe who have been fo humbled, as to fee their defperate Condition in following thei Lovers; fo, a Neceflity of Divorce; fo, have had a Dif- like of Sin, and been dead to the World ; fo, they ftand in a Capacity to enter Covenant with God, which is eiia- d in the Haad of a Mediator.

>nd Thing in this entring in Covenant, muft

be an aerial clcfmg, not only faying, 1 Kings 18. 39.

The Lord he is the God, the Lord he is the God. But, as

1 ±. 11. O Lord, our *efl on thee ; and,

xiah 25. 9. This is . r God. he twiJJ fa*ve us. Here

up four A^ Tent to the

Truth of the Promife*, of that Gofpel Promi

3. 16. that *wbofo€ever believe: . /ball not

we ever hiding Life : And this AfTent mutt be free, Pjal. 110. 3. firm, 1 Tim. 1. 15. we muit take it to be


On the Gospel Covenant. 441

j :hful Saying; it mall be univerfal, a believing all * re written in the Law and the Prophets,

•id then, clear, and upon good Grounds, 1 1. 1. we muii know, not only whom we have be- , 2 Tim. 1. 12. "bat how alfo. 2. Act of Faith, is clofing in Covenant, mult be receiving, J , 12. to fo many as receive Chr;it Power is given to be the Sons of God : And in this receiving there is an open- ing of the Heart, J3s 16. 14. reaching forth of the g hold on eternal Life, 1 Tim. 6. 12. at ■d hungering and thirtting after Righceoufnefs, Mat.

5. 6. and there mult be an embracing of the Promife, and Chrift in it, Heb. 11. 13. 3. Act of Recumbency and Reft upon the Promife ; i'uch is that Truft, in P/alm 2. 12. before this, a flying to the City of Refuge, Heb.

6. 18. then, a hiding of the Soul there ; then, a laying our Souls on the Rock; and then, leaning, and laying our Weight; wrong reiting, and leaning as on a Staff, it is condemned in afa% 2 Chron. 16. 7. his wrong ftaying,

a Prop, when it is but hypocritical, Ifaiab 48. 2. yet the right was fry Confequence there recommended to them : In a Word, this Act of Faith doth call us to call en, roll ourfelves on God, as in P/alm 37. 5. and to ad- venture, like drowning Men, on the Cord of the Pro- mife, when we are like to perifh in the deep. 4. Act is9 full Aflurance ; or, it is an Effect rather than an Ad; yet, Faith having it, doth ad more ftrongly. That there muit be an adual clcfmg, may be further cleared thus : tot to take God at his Word, were to quit the Bar-

zd, The not clofing fully is as good as no: clofing at all ; fo, a rejeding of all the Benefits and Privileges

are by near Union. 3*/, The not doling fully, is

r difaolmg of ourfelves from doing Duty; like a Member out of Joint, ading without Life and Strength.

maketfc the Soul Widow-like, note < eel wirh a Hufb.nd, fo out of Protedion.

1 . Comfort to fuch as have given up themfeives io Conftnt to the Gofpel Covenant, and that hive re- ceived, and do rely on Chrift therein, and hu

iuiiciency. But fome doubt and ftand aloof, fay-


. we are unwortl hall we d ire to clofc ? dnf.

In undervaluing > i undervalue pi

Grace: There | were for CumF;

Merc.it and Hanoi;' r. 4. 34. not only they w

WtTt c.Ktn with c»wr> Diicafes and I orments, but eve they who were Jo the Stat

'•en, before uric to ciofe, Efib 2. ir, 12.

there ji enough or Gooowill in God, Mattb. 12. 20. a bruifed. Reed he will not break: He c.tjleth upon every one that thirtieth, to come, John 7. 37. he weepeth over thofe that will not recei>. 1 utb. 23. 37, 38. zd,

Confider how as gracelefs as thou have found Favour ; and though there iiad never been one like thee, Grace was never yet put t< can it be: if

we remember not the former Things, neither consider the Things of old, the Lord faith, Behold, I will do a nrw Ihing, I/a. 43. iS, 19. And, in R>/?7. 11 33. Paul cry- eth out, wondering at a Depth, that woo Id eaiily f wallow up all our Depths. 3d, God m arrieth not for Money or a Portion ; till he make it and win it he feeketh none: Noah, Job, and Daniel, nay, nor Abraham the Father of the faithful, could bring more with them to God than we. ^th, The greater the Sinners be, the Lord hath the greater Advantage for Glory : David knew this, in Pfi. 25. II. when he prayed thus, For thy Name's Sake, O Lord, pardon mine Iniquity, for it is great. And, in P fa. 34. 6. it is, J bis poor Man cried, and the Lord heard him. Some again have their Doubt more dangerous: They fay, that they did never foundly clofe. Anf 1. There are indeed too many who do but feemingly clofe, and not foundly, fuch as, ( Temporizers, Hypocrites.

But, 2. Many have ciofed, who do not know it, take no Notice of it: 1//, Some have a finful Humility, who think the Things of the Covenant fo great, as they could never have been defigned for them, zd, From finful Jealoufy, unto which Sinners eafily are tempted, when they walk not clofely, and Chrilt fpeaks not comfortably : And, 3. Chrift is received fufficiently, when not in ever/ Refped fully, if the Will ctions have been car-

ried out to receive Chrift and hii Righteoufnefs, and there jis a receiving of Chrift for Sanctifkation, which is not


On the Gostel Covenant.

in the fame Meafure, as well as a receiving of him for ion, Luke 2. 30. And, 4. A Man made wi

received or is very near :o receive, :i 6. But, ictt this foppofed WiUkignci

ling Offering, not oniy as a Piieit, b

be tor a t

nighty Eiur.ger after tiing frorr: th fupported thee, in

ling of other Comforts, H (peaketh a real recciv- iit.

I .ng required in this entering in Covenant ..lunation, a yielding of ourielves to God, as the Commandment is, 2 Cor. ;o. 8. a giving of ourfeives to the Lord, as the Commendation of the Corinthians, 2 i. 5. *uer, the preferring and offering of ourielvc Sacrifice to God, in Rev. 121. when as, upon cne one Pair, we fay, My Beloved is mine ; fo, on the other, we fay, and 1 or, as the Word may be read, My

d is for vie, aud I a?n for him: And that this mult alio be, take thele Reaions to confirm it: 1. The venant is mutual : Seeing then the Lord giveth himftrif, is Son, and Spirit, good Reafon we give ou.i gain. z. We are Chriii's Purchafe, 1 Cor. 6. 19, 20. why then ihould we not give him his own ? 3. II e were fet at Liberty, and made M alters of our owr. for thi i What we withhold from him will

not be ordy in worfe, but in a curled Litate, Mai. 1. 14. Cur fed is the Deceiver.

Uje i. Terror to thofe that never gave up their Will to 1, nor any of their Affections, and yet pretend to be in Covenant with him ; they but deceive themfelves, and the Lord will deal with them as Deceivers.

who have not yet refigned and given up yourielves unto him, do it freely, entirely, and moil fpee- dily ; yield yourielves abioluteiy, without Reiervation, and without Reverfion; give up yourfclves to the Com- ments to be ruled by them, as well as to the Pro- inifes, to receive eitner Strength or Salvation by them \Ve would remember ihl), that the Lord fo give:



i race, as he dill keepeth up his Sovereignty, and Do- minion over us.

e fourth Thing ivq tired in this entering into Cove* nant, is Dependance en God : Faith, Hope, Love, Patience, muft all ad Dependance on him, in Pfa. 45. io n.a for- getting of our Father's Houfe : All our \ ft hang on him, If a. 22. 24. and we muft abide by him, Lbfea 3. 3 We muft depend on him for £.ife and Peace, for Counfel and Strength, lor Joy and Comfort, and for Con- formity to himfelf ; yea, and for all tne Bleflings of the Covenant; fubmitting Time and Meafure to him: Ancf there is good Reafon for this Dependance on him ; for,

1. He is the Fountain of Being, and our Sovereign Lord.

2. He is a Hufband ; fuch as Abraham was to Sara/?, in

20. 16. 3. Receiving is not without relying; and relying cannot be without Dependance. 4. The Lord keepeth State in his faireit and molt free Communica- tions, eVen to his Son, much more to us. 5. Depend- ance is necefTary for keeping of our clofing firm.

U/e 1. We may try our right doling in Covenant, by this, if we maintain Dependance on God: Independance on God proveth much Unfoundnefs in the clofing : Many do not depend on God, but on Things without, or upon fome inward and Self-righteoufnefs, or on external Forms ar.d Fruits, or, fometimes, Taftes.

U/e 2. All who defire to maintain and keep themfelves within the Covenant, and a found Intereft in Chriil as Jefus, they muft maintain a Dependance on him as Lord.

As to the third Thing propounded, concerning the right Manner oJ entering into ( , we may take

it up in thefe Directions, 1 . It muit be done upon Know- ledge; they mult be all taught of God; and lb, know Jet. 31. 34. and Hof. 2. 20. 2. h muit be with Advice, ano ur as in the

Building of a Houle, or in the making of War, Luke

14. 28, } 1. 3. It fo, in 2 C

15. 15. j \

4. It muft be done clearly, expreflv, and d;lliuctly ; lb, in Pfa. 16. 2. O my Soul, thou hajl /aid to tba Lord, thou art my Lord j and,


On the Gospel Covenant. 445V

Yt^Lam. 3. 24. The Lord is my Portion, faith my SoiJ9 therefore I will hope in him, 5. It mud be a compleat Entry ; nothing muft be kept back; it mull be the whoJe Soul, Body, and Spirit. 6. It muft be irrevocably : If any Man draw back, the Lord's Soul will have no Piea- fure in him, Heb. 10. 38. and, if any Man love not the Lord Jefus, he is anathema marar.athay I Cor. 16. 22. Now, that this Covenant muft have all thefe Things, when it is entered into, is dear from this, 1/?, Who make blind Bargains wiil rue. zd, Swearing mould be in Truth, and in Judgment, Jer. 4. 2. $d, Who enter it muft have that fret Spirit, Pfalm 51. 12. 4^, It muft be in Knowledge, fo, clear; and under Senfe, fo, diitinct. $th, The Lord admitteth not of blind and lame Sacrifi- ces, Dent. 15. 21. 6th, After Vows there mould be no Enquiry, Brail. 20. 25.

Ufe 1. The Reafon both of Liferefnefs and Backfli- dings : There hath been fome Crack and Unfoundnefs in ihe Manner of ciofing.

Ufe 2. Who have it yet to to do, would go about it in a right Manner, with Falling and Prayer ; fo tranfact and engage ; and, when Need i$, fubferibe with the Hand,

I/o. 44-5-

A* to the fourth Thing which was propounded, the Advantages which accrefs to one by this entering in Co- venant with God ; take thefe : 1. That Soul cometh to be free of Sin's Dominion, it is fo with thofe that are under Grace, Rom. 6. 14. and they are the Men that have entered into the Covenant of Grace. 2. Such come to have near Union and Communion with God, John 14. 23. the Father and the Son come and make their abode with him. 3. There is Help by Covenant laid for them upon one that is mighty ; and it will be readily laid out for them, Pfa. 89. 19, 26. 4. They live in the Secret, and under the Shadow of the Almighty, Pfalm 91. 12. 5. Deliverance is made fure to them : Honour aJfo is pro- raifed them, and that their Prayers (hall be heard, Pfalm 91. 14, 15, 16. 6. It is their Allownnce to be free of all vexing Cares, Phil. 4. 6. 1 Pet. 5. 7. 7. And to be


kept alfo free of many Fears and Doubting*: It is Jittlrt which m .keth thefe ; as Chriil to, Mattb.

14. 31. acting Faith in renewed Acts would eafily make to be huftYd and gone. 8. The Man thit hath rightly entered the Covenant, and maintaineth Depend- ante on God therein, he may look to be well guarded againlt Temptations; he is within rm ( 'fuge,

within a fortified Citv. 9. The (boner, ;e the

more ealy Bargain : It Wis Eliphazs Counfel to Job, Ac- quaint thy lei/ now <u and be at Peace ; thereby jbatl good come unto thee : And it is So/omen's Advice, in Eccl. 12. 1. to the young Man, to remember his Creator in the Days of his Youth.

U/j 1. Be you then all quie'eened to this great Duty, from the many feen Advantages we have told you ; yea, from that great Advantage, to have all Things yours, 1 Cor. 3. 21, 22, 23.

life 2. Terror to thofe who clofe not with Chrift in Covenant: They are under many Difadvantages ; fuch as thefe, they are under Power of Corruption, they lie open to every Temptation, and Wrongs, they may be full of Anxiety and Fears ; fo have their Life hanging in Doubt, Deut. 28. 66. they live in Eitrangement from God, they have not the leaft Part or Intereit in Chriir. and Promifes; and Delay doth daily difinable them more and more.

S E-.Jt M.

C 447 ]




On the fecond great Duty of the Covenant, the Improving of it.

2 Samuel xxiii. 5. ■': be not fo with Cod; yet he hath made Lifting Covenant , well ordered in all Things and ; .his is all my Salvation, and all my Dcjire

7; he make it not to grow.

LE T us go now to the other great and comprehen five Duty of the Covenant, the right Improving of it ; ind we (hall fpeak to it in thele Three: i/?, Improve it n the Matter of it. zd/v, Improve it formally, as a Co- /enant. $d/yt Improve it in the Ends thereof.

As to the firft, All who have entered into Covenant with God, mult labour to have full Improvement, and to nake full Ufe of the Matter, and all that is contained n this Covenant of Grace. Now, the fir It Thing that Drefents itielf, as Matter of the Covenant, is Promifes : [t is a Covenant of Promifes, Eph. z. 12. by it Believers ire the Children of the Promife, as Ifaac was; and to :hem are given the exceeding great and precious Promi- fes. In order to this Improving of Prcmiits, 1. We would ltudy to know them, thefe Teitimonies which the Lord hath founded forever, Pjalm 119. 152. and, i/7,



The original Promifes to the Son, P/alm 2. 6, 10.

and 1 10. throughoc: . 1, 9. zd, The funda-

mental Promifes made to us, fuch as is that Mother Pro- mife, Ezck. 36. 28. and its firft begotten, the bringing forth and giving of Chrift, lfa. 9. 6. and with him the Promife of the Spirit, Luke II. 13. 3. That great Gof- pel Promife, which hath the Tenor and Terms of the: Gofpel Covenant in it, // ill be Javfd,.

John 3. 16. 4. We muft know general Promifes, fuch 1 as that, in P/alm 84. 11. and that, in Rom. 8. 2 Both abfolute Promifes, fuch as thefe, in Jer. 31. 31, 35. and 32. 38, 41. Ezek. 1 19, 20. and 36. 25, -- 29. and conditional, If at ah 45. 25. and 55. 1, 6. 6^ Study to know as many particular Promifes, which may anfvver and fuit particular Cafes, as thou canft. zd, We muft not only know them, but we mult mind and remem- ber them : Promifes are our fundamental Rights ; as good* not to know them at all, as not to remember them: See the III of forgetting them, Heb. 12. 5. Right remember- ing of them is, lit, To eiteem them: See a Need of them, and no Life without them, zdly, To lay thern^ up, Job 22. 22. Pfa. 119. n. and that feafonably, Ec. 12. 1. for the Time to come, lfa. 42. 23. and abundant- ly, Col. 3. 16. 3<//y, We muft live by and upon them ; Pra- ctice is tne belt Art of Memory. The third Way of im- proving Promifes, is, the due Application of them, as Thomas did, My Lord, and my God, John 20. 28. as Paul 6\6, Who loved me, and gave him fe If for me, Gal. 2. 20. and Patriarchs, H*b. 1 1. 13. who embraced and'faluted the Promifes : In Application is the receiving, John 1. 12. eating and drinking, John 6. 53, 54. that opening, Can. 9. 2. that reaching forth, and pretiihg toward the Mark, 5. 13, 14. the Soul's following h*rd after the Lord, 63. 8. and bringing home of Chriil to our Mother's fe, and not to \e: him go, Can. 3. 4. There is re- quired unto right Application, (1.) Serious Thoughts oq# the Word. (2.) Prayer to have it revealed. (3.) Com- paring of it with our Cafe. (4.) Retting upon it; and that, neither with an unhumbled Heart, nor with a trern- bkng Hand. (5. The Application of the Promife muft .


On the Gospel Covenant. 449

|3C with an Eye both to the Condition and to the Duty.

[Abf how many flay themfelves, through Mifapplicatioa I it fuch Words as thefe of E%ek. 33. II. and, 1 Tim. 2. f. For right Application, take thefe Directions: 1. Ap- Ny general Promifes particularly, 1 Kings 8. 37, 40. :om pared with 2 Cbron. 20 8, 10. And particular Pro- pife* generally, where there is a common Ground or like ,'aie, J.jhua 1. 5, 6. with Heb. 13. 5. 2. Look upon ^romifes to be performed in their due Order and Subor- dination, hlatth. 6. 33. and in the Ufe of Means, efpe- :ial!y of Prayer, Jer, 29. 10, 12. £2^.36.37. 3. vfake Promifes both the Ground and Rule of Prayer, ren. 32. 9, 12. as Things lie in the Promiie, fo pray for hem. Grace is recti!-, ry abfolutely, and in fuch Degree s is Efficient, 2 Cor. 12. 8, 9. but temporal Things are niy to be fought conditionally, and with Exception, Wark 10. 30. Now, what a dreadful Cafe are tfiey in, rho neither know, remember, nor apply Promifes.

The fecond Thing which we are to improve in the Matter of the Covenant, it is Chriit : He u given for a nt to us, lfa. 49. 8. Improve him, iff, In his hme and Titles, lfa. 9. 6. zd, In his Natures, Titus 13, Heb. 2. 17. 3</, Ai he is made to us by Cove- ant, 1 Cor. 1. 30. and fo in his Covenant Relations, and all his Offices, lfa. 55.4. Mic. 4. 2. Epb. 5. 25. Heb. 1 1. ^tby Make uie of him, not only as the Objed of ur Faith, 1 John 3. ,23. but as the Author and Finiffcer f it, Heb. 12. 2. as the Sarnplar alfo, and Perfeclcr of tolinefs, Mattb. 11. 29. Re<v. 21 5. 5/^, Make ufe of im as dead, and riftn again, R m. 8. 34. 6tb, Make irfe 1 him for all the Promifes ; tor they are ail Yea and men in him, 2 Cor. 1. 20. for Entry, John 10.

ding, John 15. 7. for all the fpiritual Bleffings of le Covenant, Epb. 1. 3. temporal Bleliings, Prcrv. 3. 16. id for eternal Bleffings, John 10. 28. even to be your 1 in all, Col 3. 11.

The third Tning which we are to improve, as to the Mat-

rof the Covenant is, God in a Covenant: Even God is

>mmunicated in a Covenant, fo far ab he is communicable

the Creature, when it (hall be railed up to its higheft Ca«

F f parity*


pacity, wherein the Lord is to give the higheft Expreflions of his Goodwill : In order to this, we would make ufe of the Motner Promife to the full; particularly, of God, i. As reconciling us to himfelf, z Cor. 5.19- 2. As drawing us to the Son, John 6. 4.4. 3. As juitifying us, Rom. 8„ 33. adopting us, 2 Cor. 6. 18. fan&ifying and glorify ing us, Rom. 8. 30. 4. Make ufe of him in his Attri-1 butes, Simplicity, Sovereignty, Infinitenefs, Eternity, Un-tt changeablenefs, All-fufficiency, Omnipotency, Omnipre^ fence, Wifdom, Holinefs, Goodneis, and Truth, a\ Make ufe or" him in all the Works and Ways, in and by^t which he doth manifeft himfelf, whether in his WordrB P/a. 138. 2. Ways and Works, 145. 17. or our own5 Experiences, 119.58. 6. Make ufe of God, more par- jj ticularly, 1/?, For that which Man cannot do, Luke iS,L 27. F.r that "which is impojjible with Man is pojjible atu/JL God. zdy For all that which he craveth of us, fay, with I. Auguftin, " Give, Lord, what thou craveft, and crave ,| " what thou wilt." 3</, Make ufe of him as firft andu/ laft in all that you do, Rev. 1. 11. 4^, Make ufe oiL him as our God, I/a. 25. 9. boldly, Eph. 3. 12. yet witkl, humble Fear, Rev. 14. 7.

In the iecond Place, we mould not only make ufe ol|[ the Covenant, as to the Matter of it, but formally, al it is a Covenant, fo as a mutual Stipulation and Engage; ment; remembering how by it the Moft High ftandetl engaged to us, and we to him : In order to this, we mull. j( improve and make ufe of the Covenant in alJ its Proper- ties: 1. As a free Covenant; fo we mud quit Self-righ- teoufnefs. 2. As a Covenant of neareft Union; fo vm\ muft quit the Spirit of Bondage, and every Thing which caufeth Diilance. 3. As moil fure; fo we are to learil, to hope againft Hope. 4. As holy; fo we muit ftudy tc " be holy and perfect, as he himfelf is. 5. As everlafting* hope unto the End, and never rue it. 6. As well order e.d ; fo, we would labour to keep every Thing in its dul Order, God, Chrift, the Promife, and Obedience. 7. A.' fall: Be fatisfied with it, and take no Loath of it. 8 j Remember ro improve it, as a mutual Covenant ; fo tc mind Proraifes, as not to forget Duties: God's Promife^


On the Gospel Covenant. 451

ill. for our Duties, and our Duties are firft his Promifes, fzik. 36. 27.

In tne third Place, We fhould make ufe of the Cove- anc i » all its End- : 1. For ail Solvation, as in the Text; nrituu)., from the La-.v and Sin, R,m. 6. 18, 22. and 8. . from the Law in its Bondage, Challenge*, Sentences, id from Sin in its Guiit and Dominion ; eternal Salva- an, Luke i. 69. Adi 4. 12. H.:'>. 2. 10. and 5 9. and mporal De'iverances aifo, fiom ail tne great Plagues, •z.ck. 12. 16. and 34. 25. and 36. 29. and 37. 23. at aft from the Evil of tntm, Ezek. 9. 4. and to he blef-

, iniiead of the Evil, with good Bie flings, P/a. 85. 12.

have the Covenant ail Salvation, is thus : U the Salva- bn come, it is well ; if not, I have this for it, God is y Salvation, Pfa. 27. 1, 2, 9. and more thin Salvation, id nothing but Salvation. 2. We fhould make ule of e Covenant, for Satisfaction to all our Deilres, all thefe herewith we dare face God, and fay as Da^id did, in a. 38. 9. So, if}, For our chief Dcfire, the glbi g of God, we mould make ufe of it for com pleat San-

ficati.on, 2 Cor. j, 1. %d% For our enjoying of ( , nion and Communion with him. 3*/, For a high Eftate ; hat higher than tnat, in Lam. 3. 24. and Rom. 8. 17. e how highly he efteemeth his People, as a peculiar reafure, in Exod. 19. 5. they are fair and pleafant: G! )w fair for Delights! Cant. 7. 6. as a Seal upon hi* eart, a Seal upon his Arm, $. 6. a Crown of Glory, d royal Diadem in his Hand, La. 62 3. the Beauty

his Ornament, let in Majeity, Exck. 7. 20. the Stones

a Crown lifted up, Zecb. 9. 16. as his Jewels, M

7. he eiteemeth them now above Adam in his Inno- ncy, arid all his ancient People, while they are under e better Covenant: Elleem highly of our Intereit and ivileges, fo as not to debafe uurfelves to Sin and Hell : >nfider how the great End of the Covenant is, to make od ours, and all in him for us ; his Love, for our Com- rt; his Truth, for our Ail'urance ; his Power, for our oteclion; VVifdom, for Dircdion ; HoJioefs, lor Sali- fication ; and to make Chriifc ours, all in him, ercy, Merits, and hi* All-fulnefs ; and ail oi the Spirit F f z ottrs.


ou»-s, his Workings, Sealings, and Fellowfhip. \th, Tb Covenant ruth this End, the fettling of the Believer in \ contented Kliate, Phil. 4. 1 1 . the Believer can fetch Con tentment from the Covenant in general, and from parti cular Promiles alio, though their outward State do no grow.

Ufe I. Againft all that pretend to the Covenant, an* do not improve it as we have been (hewing you : Thek improve it not in the Matters that are in it, Promifet Chriit, and God : They do not improve it formally, as ; Covenant, nor any Way fuitably to the Ends or it; the; follow lying Vanities, and for fake their own Mercy with thele, John 2. 8. But fome weak Chriftians do uo happily plead againft themfelves, in pleading for their nc improving of the Covenant: \fl, Say they, we fhouid b fenlible of our Condition, and if we be fenfible thereot we will not boldly plead Intereft in and improve the Cc venant, as you would have us. Anpw. Senfiblenefs c our Condition is good ; but not fo as to cdt away ou Confidence: It is not the right Senfiblenefs of our Cob dition, that doth any of thefe Three ; either taketh awa t .-,e Senfe of God's Mercy, hindereth Duty, or breedet Envy at the belter or more eafy Condition of other zdly, They (ay, you quarrel at our too much Grief fc Sin, as hindering us from improving of the Covenant but we grieve only for Sin ; and, can we grieve too muc for it? An/hv. 1. If thy Grief were for Sin, then ther would be more quiet Suffering of Chaftifement for Sit Lev. 26. 41. and Lam. 3. 39. If it were for Sin, tho would not fin more, by refufmg the Offers of Mercy an Confolations of God, when thou (landed in extrern Need of ti»em : Thou may ft be grieved for Sin, but nc jealous of his Mercy, who loveth freely, and to the Em 3'//>>, They plead thus againft themfelves, the Lord hat withdrawn himfelf ; how (hall we then dare to take hoi of his Covenant, to improve it? Anf<w. i. Affli&ic doth not always fpeak witndrawing ; many Times Peopi are only tempting God, when they fay, is the Lot amonglt iid ? Exod.ij.j. 2. Our difquieting him mai eth him withdraw, if he withdraw; and we withdra


On the Gospel Covenant. 453

rom him, and difquiet him, when we make no Ufe of !iis#Covenant. 4/^/)', They plead, the Lord hath made 4oreai"onable and abiurd Men to be their Rods, dnjho. God is to be looked to ; they are but Inftruments. 2. The more unreafonabie they be, the ^nore Reaiba there 5 to turn in to the well ordered Covenant. 3. It were hat which would fpeak more Wrath, if better Men were jur Rod. yhly, They plead, they are tr> ited with it range .nd unexpected Difpenfations, which fay, that God hath ail them off. Anf<w. 1. It was your Sin and Folly not p have expecled the worit, efpecialiy that Bonds and Af- liclions abide us in every Place, Acis 20. 22. 2 No Irange Thing can befal the People of God, 1 Cor. 10. 13. ;. Ji we remember, we will hud we have had as many mexpeded Mercies, and more lignal too. 6tUj9 They *y, the Trouble is fo great that we cannot have Liberty f thinking on a Covenant ; it is with us as with AJaph% a Pfa. jj. 3. we remember God, and are troubled. At/iv. . All is lefs than deferving, lefs than Hell; fee Ezra j. 13. whatever is lefs than it, is Mercy. 2. Better to fe opprefled of Men, than (hut up in Prifon with De- als. 3. The greater the Trouble be, the better Errand 0 Chrift in the Covenant. 4. The quarrelling, fret:ing, nd mifbelieving Difpoiition, will not make the Trouble >fler. Jtbfy, Some plead, it is worfe with me than with thers. Anfnx\ 1. It i* fretting, it may be, which mak th it to be fo. 2. Our Eye fhould not be evi\f bee ie Lord is good. 3. The harder our Lot, we have lore Advantage for Grace, tipecially Faith and Patience, nd fo to glorify God. 4. Though in our Ha lie every ne be ready to defire another's Lot, yet if all were feen, very Saint would chufe his own, rather than another's ,>oii>; for another's Crofs would not fit him fo well. r Every one fhould lit thcmfelves for the Condition which 5 meaiured out unto tiiem by the well ordered Decree ; nd then mail they envy the Lot of none other. 8//'/y, rhey fay, they are ufelefs, and unferviceable; why lould they either trouble God or themlelves, with tak- ig hold of or improving of the Covenant. Anfw. 1. ^od cannot or will not be troubled with much imploy- * f 3 ing


lelc ; more imploying would mike \c(* "

1 bec~. « not be for iuch Lfe as to carry App

in the Bojy. 3. Remember being faithful in little, Luke \ 4; rj\ikc Davit n pie, in 2 Sum. 2

L 1 JbetL ■■€ Lordy be will \

me again ; but if B-b id,

berg am / ./ u>i:o kim. Cj . we are inJi

an uniett'ed Efl Will mind our i

len in the molt {tv\ re but

v, P/a. 36. 5. 2. God (etth it nt and htil t

that they live by Dependence. ; cater Need th t ch'_j .

di k>u, re itrange ot it now.;| 1. Jt is the greater Uothanirfa]rtefs, now to q:ir.r- rel. 2. In that better Condition you fhould have prepa-^ rei foi this worfer. 3. That better Condition, e.. to rhe ou'uard State, or inward Frame, was not to hel expected to be the fan e tor eiv S mrs h :ve

found it fo. lltbfy, Some fay. we h jEreat Pains, but to no Profi:.k Anfw. 1 . I "...

. ing doth cuil the more unto you to give up (elves to God, and to improve the Covenant. 2 Pains fhould be with Submifton, fo Difcppointmer breed no Trouble. 3. He will elteern highly of Sab-j million in that which hath flood us deceit. But, izthhft

fay, their Trouble is the Trouble of many. 1. U thy Sin hath drawn it on, mourn for it. 2. By'j Duty it is fallen out fo, and no iuch Evil hath been | 1 needs not be diiquieted. 3. If Cafe prtfieth t.ee more than ihy own, and tnou be wil-1 ling to oear more of the Burd n to in no evil Cafe, and hall no Reafon to o thou be doing what thou art able, to have Things he efpecially by laying Help upon him that is mr

On the Gospel Covenant. 455

3 no Reafon of Difquieting : But, Lafily, They fay, all /heir Complaints are kept filent before the Lord, all

ithin Doors. Jnfw. Even thefe filent Workings of the Heart, are loud Murmurings before the Lord, even the difquieting Thoughts of Unbelief, the Soul ought to be before the LfOrd, lilent unco Praife.

Ufe 2. Let us learn to improve the Covenant* efpe- :ially in thefe Three: i. Make ufe of it as a Bridle to eftrain and keep us from Sin, and as a Bond unco Duty : So is this Covenant Relation made ufe of, in Lev. 18. 4. as a Bond unto Duty ; Ye Jhall dj my J udgments, and keep mine Ordinances , to walk therein, 1 am the Lord your God ; and in Jo/bua 24. 17, 18. The Lord our God, he it 1, brought us up, and our Fathers, out of the Land cf Egypt, >and from the Houfe of Bondage, and which did thofe great Signs in our Sight, and f referred us in all r trein

hue went, and among all the People through whom we puf- fed, and the Lord drove out from before us all the People ; therefore we will ferve him, for he is our God ; Slpecially we mould make ufe of it to keep us from Dejection of Spirit; fo, in Ezra 9. 13. to bind up from Sin, this Co- venant is fo made ufe of : Jfter all that is come upon us, for our evil Deeds, and for our great Irefpafs, feeing that thou our God had punilbed us lefs than our Iniquities, and haft given us fuch Deliverance as this, /bould we again break thy Commandments ? and it mould bind us to the Du- ties of our Caliing and Relations. 2. We fhouid ; ufe of the Covenant, for the Aggravation of Sin: To fin againll Grace, is a high Degree of finning: See 3.2. Y,u only have J known of all the Families of the Earth, therefore 1 will punijh you for all your Iniquities ; and Rom. 2. 4. 01 tbt Riches of his Goodnefs?

3. We mould improve it for the Praifes of God, of the Lord and his Chrill, Ifa. 60. 6. the Converts of Sheba fhouid (hew forth the Praifes of the Lord : So fhouid all they who are called ny..the Lord our of Darknefs into his marvellous Light, 1 Pet. 2. 9. we fhouid praife nirn for his ;ant, and feek Help from his Covenant to praife him.

F f 4 S E R M

[ 4J« ]




G 6 S l3 E L C O V ENANT:

On the defpcrate Ettate of thofe who rake not hold on the Cove

2 S A M U E l xxiii. 6, 7. )e Sons of Belial /ball be all of them as Thorn, away, becaufe th be taken with H

: hi Man that /ball touch them, mufl be ffttce ; Iron, and the Staff of a Sfear, and t hi- nt with Fire in the fame Place.

WE are come to the Jaft Thing propounded of this Gofpel Covenant; and it is, of the dangerous and defperate Eftate of thofe that live without the Cove- nant : They are called here Sons of Belial, as fome ex- j pound the Word, Men who live without a Yoke, that break it ; or, as others Expound the Word, unprofitable Men, Never-do-well-men : We have David's Verdicl of them; they are Sons of Be/iaJ, and Men that cannot be taken with H;inds : The Man that (hall touch them mult be fenced with Iron, and with the StarTof a Spear ; rhey (hall be as Thorns thruft away, and be utterly burnt in the lame

Of this Point we flia.il fpeak as it lieth in the Ttxt : ij}9 The Defcription of Men without the Covenant, and who ftand againlt the Covenant. zdly% Their Danger and defperate Eftate.

In .

On the Gospel Covenant. 457

In rhe firft, we have thefe Particulars: 1. Men with cftit the Covenant are Belials. 2. Sons of Belial are Thorns. 3. They are Men wirh whom is no Dew

4. Who deal with fuch. Men had need to be well armed. As to the firit, They that have nothing to do with

Covenant, they are all Sons of Belial, Men v.; Yoke, that do break all Yoke?, Men in whom is no Pro- fit; like Leviathans, with whom you can mr.ke no Co- venant, Job 41. 1, 4. Men that break Bonds, an rhe Cord* oi i.nrifi afondc, Pfa. 2. 3. Men that break Yokes, and altogether burit the Bonds, Jer. 5. 5. they are fuch as will not have Chritt reign over them, Luke

19. 14. fych were David** Enemies ; and fuch are all the irnpiacabfc Enemies of Chr ft : Oh ! this is a dangerous and defperate Eihte : 1. They are not under Law to Chriit, 1 Cor. 9. 21. fo, they are out of their Place, as Birds from their Neft, Pro<v. 27. 8. 2. They are under a worfe Mailer, Ails 26. 18. and zTim. 2. 26. 3. They are Perfons good tor nothing, their Heart is little wo Prov. 10. 20. 4. They are Children of Wrath, Eph,

3. 5. They are Heirs of Shame, the Seed of evil |. Doers fhall never- be renowned, lfa. 14. 20. F Ufe 1. Terror to all Sons of Belial, who are Kings in their Will, and Slaves to their Will, both at once : They think themfeives Kings, and that they reign vvith thofe, in 1 Cor. 4. 8. when they are Slaves to Lufr, Tit. 3. 3. prefumptuous and felf- willed, like thefe, 2 Pet. 2. 10. Now, in Scripture, Sons of Belial are thefe, i. Se- ducers, Deut. 13. 13. 2. Profane and voluptuous Men, J ud. 10. 22. 3. Men that know not God favmgly and praclically, 1 Sam. 2. 12. 4. Falfe Judges, and faife Witneflfes againft innocent Men, 1 Kings 21. 10, 13.

5. Selfifh and partial Men, 1 Sam. 30. 22. 6. Drunk- ards, \ Sam. 1. 16. 7. Defpifers of lawful Government, 1 Sam. 10. 27. and 2 Sam. 20. 1. and all tha- join with them ; and, have we not fuch Enemies of the Covenant in all Refpecls ?

Ufe 2. Matter of Praife to thofe that come under ChrilVs Yoke, and that Bond of the Covenant, Ezeiief

20. 37. they are brought from Bondage to Liberty, and



from a bafe to a high and honourable Eitate. O! they art bled thai *n

As to the fecond Thing in the Defcription of thefe Men, they are iaid to be Tnoros : Tlie Church is a Lilly among fuch Thorns; the be ft of them arc like Briars, and Tnom Hedges, Mic&h 7. 4. they are like Thorns folden together, 10. 1. They are or the cur-

led Kind ; Thorns came from the Curfe, Ucn. 3. 18. like ldumea, the People or cue Lord's Curie, Ifaiai 34. 5. 2. They are ever Pricks and Thorns to the People of God, j'Jbua 23. 13. 3. They flop and choke every good Motion, and Motion for good. 4. Their Ground beareth nothing but Thorns ; like that, 111 Heb. 6. 8. 5. Thorns and Snares are in tneir Way, Prav. 22. 5.

Vie 1. The Saints and Servants of God would look up-n them as fuch, even Pcrfons like Thorns, not only near a Curfe, but under a greater Curfe than that, in Mattb. 21. 19. which came upon the barren Fig tree : Pray, as many as are of the Elect-on, from under it; and pray againft Sin and Temptations, that they may not prove Thorps unto you.

Ufe 2. There is Matter of Praife to thofe that are within the Covenant : They are not Thorns but pleafant Plants, Trees or Righteoufnefs, the Planting of the Lord,- If a. 61. 3. growing up, and bringing forth moil pleaiant der the Sh:tde of that noble Plant of Renown, EzeJr. 34. 29.

Ufe 3. We have Profit by them, if we make ufe of them as Tnorns : 1//, For teaching ; they are employed as Rods for Correction and Inihu&ion ; fee Judges 8. 16. where Gideon taught the Men o! Succctb with Tnorns. id, Make ufe of them for humbling us: Even wicked Men may be- come humbling Thorns; as well as that wicked one with his Temptations, 2 Cor. 12. 7. $dt Make ufe of them as a Hvdgv, to hedge in our Way, as the Lord dotii, Ho/\ 2. 6. \thy Look upon them as renting and tearing; fo, have no Fellowship with them, but come out from a- mong them, 2 Ccr. 6. 17.

So, I come to the tbitd Point, That Sons of & Hal are Men with whom i& no Dealing ; they are fuch as cannot


On the Gospel Covenant. 459

befpokcr. to,; 1 lam. 25. 17. There is 00 taking of them wjth Hands, in this Text ; their Words cannot- be born, tney belcn out w;th their Mouths, Swords are in Lips, they arc thai Generation, in Prov. 30. 14. w Teeth are as Swords, and their Ja>% devour the Poor from oft the Earth, and the Needy from among; Men ; yea, when tney i'peak faueft, they are not co Deluded, Pjaim 55. tl. whiie the Words of Mouth are fmootner than Butter, there is War in their Heart ; while their Words are fof:er than Oil, >et they

rcwn Swords. This appeareth, (1) In their left wifely and iubtiliy agamit the People or God, as Pharaoh did, Exod. 1. 10. wherein God hath a fupreme and an over-iuling Hand, Pfalm 105. 25. (z ) From their dealing uajuilly, even in a Land of Upnghtneis, 1/a. 26. 10. (3.) From their dealing very treacherouily, as in Jer. 12. I, (4.) From their dealing very furioufly, by t King away Noic and Ears; tne Lord hath a fupreme Hand in that alfo, Ezek. 23.2;. (5 ) From their being incorrigible by the Word, siels 7. 51. always refilling the Holf Ghoft therein. (6.) From tneir being incorrigible by the Rod alfo, in Jer. 2. 30. In -vain I have /mitt* >. xfjur Children, they received no Correction : and, what comet h of it? Yiur own Sword hath dejtrored )Our Prophets like a devouring Lion.

Vie 1. Terror to ail fuch ungodly Wretches; Sons of Belial, as fuch, they are in a hopeleis Cafe ; yet the Lord may find a Time tor fuch; the wild A is ufed to the Wikiernefs, that fnuffeth up the Wind at her Pleafure, in her Occafion who can turn her away ? All that feek her, vwJJ not weary themfelves ; in her Month they (hail find her: O that the Lord would find fuch a Time tor fome Delia Is in this Time f

U/e 2. Beware of being intractable, left you turn incor- rigible ; the Wifdom which is from above is eafy to be intreated, Janus 3. 17. the Sons of Dtlial have none of that.

3. Chriltians would fpare medling with fuch Men, fo far as they can ; for hardly can any meddle with them without Hurt.



As to the fourth Thing in the Defcription of thefe Men of Belial-, who ;, had need to b>c

well armed und fenced ; they had need to be armed with tnat Armour of I i r;. 12. with tna Armour

of Righteoufn fs, zO>r. 6 7. with the wimle Armour of God, Eph, 6. II, 13. and, in 1 Pet. 4. r. witn the fame Mind that was in Omit, 1 ;, bYcaufe of their Power un- der their Cptam General, Epb. 6. 12. 2d, Becaufe of their Cra't, 2 Cor. If. 3. 3</, Becaule of his and their Watchfulnefs, P/alm 5. 8. and 27. 11. Jer. 20. 10. 4/^, Unlefs we be compleatly armed, as good none at aii ; at every Open we may receive deadly Wounds. $tb, The Staff of a Spear needful in fome Cafes ; for the too nigh Approaches of fuch Adverfanes is dangerous. 6th> There is Need of being well armed, becaufe of thejr Cruelty; they will bota fcratch and tear, Luke 9. 42.

Vfe i. Their Madnefs that diipute with Satan, the great BeliaL or with wicked Men, his Sons, naked and unarmed ; they darfnoc efcape but be Satan's Prey : It is good keeping Sar..n and his Men at the Staff's End ; near Stroaks are not t'o eafily warded off.

2. Look well to your fpiritual Armour, that it be always fitted and fixed, as you defire to be kept from Hurt by Satan, and his Sons and Staves; cioath your- felves with all Graces, but with Chrift more than all, and neartft sour Heart, Rem. 13. 14. Keep Grace in Exercife, and improve all the Means of fpiritual Defence.

Come we now to the fecond Thing propounded, The defperate Eftate of fucn Men, whicn is put here down, in David's Lftimation of them, anu in that Sentence which from theLord he pronounceth ;;giinlt tnem : From the flrft we have this Point ; who have taken hold on the Covenant to improve it, need not fear the Men of Belial ; David fpeaketh of them as gone Men, and Men of no Worth : 1/0, Man be he of never Jo great Power if fct againit God, or compared vwtn him, is of no Account; Ceafe ye from Many ivbofe Breath is in bis Nojirils, for wherein is be to be accounted of? If a. 2. 2 2. id, The Man in Covenant with God, liath Salvation for Wails and Bulwarks, If a. 26. 1. 3^, The Believer feeth


On the Gospel Covenant. 461

the End of the Men of Belial afar off, Pfalm 7 9. and 37.^3, 38. ^tb, They have all abundantly made up to them in God, who is theirs by Covenant; fo as the worft of Men, when they have done their woril, can prejudge them in nothing: So, when Amaxiah faid to the Man of God, But vjhat jhall nve do for the hundred Talents, which

1 have given to the Army of Ifrael ? the Man of God an- fzvered, The Lord is able to give thee much more than thisT

2 Chron. 25. 9.

U/e 1. Rcpruof of Faintheartednefs, from the F£ar of the Men of Belial : We mould not, who profefs ourfelves Chriitians, fear fuch Men, I/a. 51. 12. and 31. 3. nor fhould we fear their Reproach, tnough they lhouid call us Belials, as Shimei did David, 2 Sam. 16. 7. but rather we mould be ready to go forth without the Camp to Chriil, bearing his Reproach, Hcb. 1^. 13. when reviled, not to revile again.

U/e 2. This may quail the Pride and Vain-glorv of wicked Men ; they are of no Account with God ; a; d the Man that is got in to the Covenant, and up to the Rock that is higher than hirnfeif, Pfalm 61. 2. will not regard them, but acipiie their Image.

A iecend Thing fhevveth their dangerous Eftate ; tho' they be pricking and grievous Thorns, and cannot be taken with Man's Hands, yet the Lord can grip and handle them to Purpofe; he can find Jnitruments to Pur- pofe, as may be feen, in Deut. 13. 15, 16. 17, fo, as they mall devour one another, Judges 9. 20. 20. 13. Pfalm 58.9. and 119. 119. For, i#, Briars and Thorns are no tiling to God, I/a. 27. 4. zdt He can Fence his own fufficiently agair/ft them, and make the Jnitruments of his Wrath light fore upon them, lfa. 7. 18, 19. 3^, He can make one thruit at another, Judges 9. 20. \tb, Becaule of that Promife which the Lord hath made, in lfa. 55. 13. Injlead of the Thorn /hall come up the Fir Tree, and in (lead of the Briar Jhall come up the Myrtle Tree ; and of that, in Ezek. 28. 24. And there Jhall be no more a pricking Briar to the Hou/e 9/ wr any

grieving Ihorn of all that are round about them that de- fpijed them.


462 S E R M O N XLIX.

Ufe I. There is no Reafon to defpair; though Thorns abound, and be too ftrong for the PeopJe of God, as the Sons of Zerviah were for l)a<vidy and King Saul alfo, David had Experience of being delievered from his ftrong Enemy, 2 ±a?n. 22. 18. The LorcJ hath as many Carpen- ters, as Enemies have Horns, Zecb. 1. 20. and he uath Mattocks for their Thorns, I/a. 7. 25. \o as there (hall not be the Fear of Bnars and Tnorn>.

bfe 2. Hence there h Matter of Terror to thofe who are ivlen of Belial, and Thorns to God's People, oppofing Chnii in his own Crown and Scepter, bearing down Wor- fhir, and Ordinances, and the Minillry : Sure, the Lord can handie them foundly, and to Purpofe ; yea, he can handle them roughly, and will do (o : He hath not (mitten his own, as he will fmite them ; he will debate with his own in Meafure ; he will ltay his rough Wind in the Day of the Eail Wind, lfa. 27. 7, 8. But he will not do fo with the Enemies of his People ; when he Itirreth up his Jealoufy like a Man of War, he will at Uroy and devour at once, lfa. 42. 13, 14.

The third Thing which fpeaketh the dangerous and defperate Cafe of thefe Men of Belial, tiiere is nothing but utter Dettrudtion for them ; they will be quenched as the Fire of Thorns, Pfalm 118. 12. they (hall be as the Burnings of Lime, as Thorns cut up (hall they be burnt in the Fire, lfa. 33. 12. they are of thofe that are condemned already, John 3. 18. 1/?, They are like that Stubble full dry, Nab. 1. 10. id, This total Dellruclion (hall come upon them, becaufe of their unmeafurable Hatred at God's People, Pfalm 83. 4. 3 Becaufe of that Promiie, which the Lord hath made to his People, in Zecb. 1 4. 2 1 . hi that Day there /ball be no more Canaanite ht the kiouft of the God of Ho/Is.

Vfe 1. Matter of Terror to the Sons of Belial, of Ter- ror, even unto Defpair, to all thofe who are mediant Troublers of the Lord's People : When they are folden together as Thorns, and drunken as Drunkards, the Lord will burn them up utterly in that Day, both they and the wicked Counfeller rhat cometh out of them, who iinaeineth Miichief againlt the Lord, Ka? 1. 10. xi.


On the Gospel Covenant. 463

Ufe 2. Learn we yet better to abide under Ch rift's Yoke ; there rs no Life nor Mercy without it, nothing but Deftru&ion and Defolaticn, Ifa. 34. 12, 13. Hof. 9.

5,. 8. And let all the People of God feparate them-

felves from fuch Men, left, being Partakers of their Sins, they be Partakers of their Plagues alfo, Re*v. 18. 4.

The fourth Thing which fpeaketh their defperate Eftate, they (hall be burnt with Fire in the fame Place; fo, wic- ked Men, in the fame Places where they grow up like Thorns, and adt much Mifchief, they fhall be burnt up: When God begmneth with them, he will quickly make an End of tbem : So he threatened the Sons of Eli, when they came to be Btltals, 1 Sam. 3. 12. fo he made quick Difpatch of Sennacherib, Ifa. 37. 37, 38. and of Gog , af- ter that Fury hath come up in his Face ; compare Exek. 58. 18. with Ezek. 39. ll. Now, the Lord will do fo, 1/?, To make his Work of Juftice the more conspicuous. zdt To vex tne Enemies of his People the more, in their fo unexpected Difappointments, P/alm 17. 13. $d, Be- caufe they feek to have their Nefts on high, and to efta- blifh themfelves fo, as that they may dwell alone upon th? Earth, I/a. 5. 8. and 22. 16.

Ufe 1. Matter yet of further Terror to thofe Sons of Belial i in no Place can they be fecure, how long they carry about with them an evil Conicience ; nay, not in the Piace wherein they have grown up, and a&ed their Jvlifchiefs with greateft Succeis.

Ufe 2. Let us learn to fanclify our Dwelling-Places, left, even in thefe Places, where we have thought ourfelves moft fecure, we be cut off; and lelt thofe Things befal us, which are threatened, in Job 27. 21, 34. that is, fome Eait-Wind like Judgment, hurl us out of our Place.

If any afk me, who are in Danger to be fuch Sons of Belial? I fend them for Solution to chat Oracle, in John 8. 37. They will be the Sons of Btlial in the hightrft De- gree, even luch as would kill Chrift, if he Earth again ; who will not fuffer his Word to t tke phcc in them: -en much of our Concernment, efire not to be of this black Company, to furT-r this Word of ( which ji in his preached Coven .


according to that Word, Co/. 3. 16. that is tije UVd, of which it is faid, in PJalm 138. 2. that he hath m fied it above all his N<ime. The Word o: 5 good

Company, and the Brcails of" the everla.'H.ig Coven in t are to full, as we may milk out abundantly from them and be delighted with the Abundance of Glory, I/a. 66. M. O! for Fait 1, and more Faith ; Fruition is com- riven fo, come, Lord Jrfus. Amen.

End of the Sermon

Letter by the A. Flock, t

Par of Loudon, after' the taking of\

Bcndy w v nnpofed after Pentland.

September 24/^, 1668. dear Friends,

IR E C E 1 V E D yours, dated at Bum-mouth, where- in you mention the Receipt of mine, but you make no mention of what I fent with it. I rejoice greatly that ye have external' Peace, praying the Lord he may give you the right Improvement of it, and that he may be plenfed not to leave you altogether deft it ute of the Gofpel of Pe ce : But it is no fmall Grief of Hem to me. that Jrou have all, as you write, from the higheft to the low- ot only faid but fubferibed a Peace, to thefe whom .either h-ith, nor ever will lp-.ak Peace to. J know, yea, and charitably judge, that of not only the better, but greater Part of you, it may be faid, you have not willing- d the Commandments of that Sort ; and [ot I hope. will not break you in Judgment,

phraim is threatened, lioiea 5. II. and, I hope, that tho* I Leaders have caufed you co err, according to Jfaiab

9. 1 6.


A Letter fmn the Author, &c. 465

9.16. You that have been led (having done it ignorantly, and through Infirmity) fhall not be deftroyed, as is threa- tened in that Scripture ; yet I think it my Duty to warn god charge you, in my Matter's Name, even all of you, to repent of that Deed, as you deilre the Peace of God, and to bewafe of the Confequents thereof: It will not be Men* Thoughts and Notions of a Peace in the Moon, thoj: wiiJ fave them from Guilt, uhen they have fubfcnbed that Peace, according to tne Meaning of thole that requir- ed it, that is, Peace to them and to the Government which ithey have eiiabiiihed, and to all the Mifchiefs which they jhave citiblifhed by Law: This you have done, and will be Iconftiuded to have done (ot before Gcd, and all fober (Men. Tho' Men be not bound to appear againlr. a Party tn dettro^ed Religion and Liberty, without a clear Call from God, and iome fuitable and probable Mean Strength ; yet, to bind chemfeives not to appear, i:> quite mother Thing, a binding of themfeives from that Duty, *hen God caiieth them. My Fear is, and I fhall not liilemble with you, that they who have been molt for- ward in that Work, of contributing un:o Prelates Jail Set- lement, (hall be very rurdiy perfumed, ever to fee an )cca/ion of appearing againit them, or probably honoured >/ God to do any Thing of that Sort : If ever the Lord lonour me to fee your Face, you may be fur^ there will >e much to be iepented of by us both ; I mean, myfelf j : Vet this 1 f y, not that I am confeious to my- at either in Doclrine, Worfhip, Diiiiphne, or , I cid teach any Tning whereof I need to . But the fhort-coming hath been in Practice; ither (o painful nor faithful as I both ihouid and Tig/.t have been, when I was with you: Then you an beuer grounded and ftablifhed in the Truth, go and hear profane and perjured Pert

a, and abominable in the Coipelj who ail from God nor Man j ctended Senders had, they ren

<>iy iioid of thr Pope their Mailer. Then en rUolate *igainn a. i.d fraCUtes, which

G g

466 *A Letter from the Author

arc profefiedly required, for Security againft the Du fworn unto in our folemn Covenants : And, amongfi ther Short comings, I profefs it before the Wor'd and yt\i, my greateil Short-coming hath been, in that, whe in fome may think I did over-reach, that is, in not bear-1 ing Witnefs to the Truth, particularly in Church AiTem- blies, and before the Council. Something will (lick to me while I live, and may keep me from ever feeing that A fometimes good Land : Poor Women have fhamed us Minifters, who have refufed to fubfcribe the unjuft Sen- tences of Men : I fay no more of this fad Subjecl ; bu«| mall wifh all as ready to repent of every Thing whereiftll they have erred, as I defire to be of all my Failings and'JI Faults : Only, now, my dear Brethren and Friends, let it ] fuffice us, that inTimes pad we we have not walked fuitablyll to our Mercies; and for afterwards, to ftudy more Cir4| cumfpeclion, and pray the Lord, that we be not led intoll Temptation.

Your Cafe lyeth heavy on me; fo as, fometimes, I I dare not think on it ferioufly : You have been the Suiter- J ers, not we : The Lord did with^aw us into a cool Sha-3 1 dow from the Heat, when Men did drive us from thefl Lord's Inheritance; but you have been, and yet are, : i the Furnace : I blefs the Lord, that helped any of you: Number to jeopard and lay down their Lives for thai Truth and Crown of our and their Mailer ; and do not I think but it was a probable Mean, if the Lord's time had been come, and Men, who were alike bound by Cove- 1 nant to appear, had acled their Part : However, the Lord obtained his End, a glorious Teflimony to his Truth and Interefts, by Blood and Martyrdom; which ha' made fome, none of the greateft and wifeft, famous a-' I mong the Churches, and may be a Token for Good : the Lord's People in all Times coming.

My earned Defire and Prayer to God for you, is, that •( your Hearts may be made more and more perfect, efta- 'I bliihed by Grace ; fo (hall you be fledfaft in his Covens it, and the Biellings of the everlading Covenant mall be uponfl It is your Part, efpecially of fuch as have fludieda to keep your Integrity, to ftudy the edifying both J I


to his Parijhoners. 467

'of yourfelves and others in the moft holy Faith, and to follow Holinefs, without which none (hall fee God : Your Light fhould now fhine in the mtdlt of a crooked and per- verie Generation ; and you fhould walk in Wifdom to- wards them that are without aifo, but not in the Wifdom of this World, which is earthly, carnal, and dcviiifh ; but in that Wifdom which is from above, and is tiril pure, and then peaceable: Be making uie of fuch Means as are left you, and come to your Hand in Providence ; but beware of Dogs, and faife Propriety : Exhort and comfort* one another in this your Day: Grace, tVJercy, and Peace be multiplied on you : My Bleifing and Love to all that iove our Lord Jeiu^ :

/ am yours,

le 1 am in this Tahernacle,

John Nivav.

Remember me to ail, efpeciaUy to thofe who Ioyc our Walter and his Caufe, moft affectionately : I will notceafe to pray for you, znd exped you will not forget me, as often as you appear before the Throne ; My Companion hath hcrieif dearly remerr.bred to you.

To the much honoured ar Brethren

Friends, the Heretors, Elders, and other In- habitants, Members of the Congregation of Loudon : Grace , Mercy, and Peace be m fire J unto you, from God the Father, and from is Son jfefus Chrijl.

My dear Brethren and Friends,

YOURS, of the Date Auguft 19th, I received, about the Beginning of this Month, whtu I wa* very and under lore Sickneis \ fo as I was not able to Gg 2 * fCjUi

468 A. Letter from the Author \

read it, let be to anfwer it : My Friends found it fealed by three in your Name ; of whom enquiring who they were, I cod Chc.ii they were well affected Perfons, Ma- kers of Arts, but none of them Mailers of a Family in the regation : I'hey ft um bled at it ; but 1 ilrove to be- get in tiitm a right Underllanding ot the Matter : How- ever your Letter was very acceptable to me, as breathing forth much of an hondt ani publick Spirit, and giving Reprefentation of your State, both a> to Times r, and full of Arrecliou to myfelf, fympa- ng witn all tha^ luffer for the Teliimony of Jefus. My dear Brethren, your not writing to me did never beget the lealt Sufpicion in me, either of your want of Rcipeft or Forgetfulnefs of nv?, knowing how it itood with you ; and as I <:ould kindly fympathize with you in all your H irdfhips, I may take the Lord to Witnefs, you were ever dear unto me, fince the firll Day I knew you, and never more than in your fuffering Lot : You were iliil in my Heart, to live and die with you (as I have often evidenced) and are fo no»v, if the Lord would fay Jtms*\ It hath been my Fault I have not written (o often as I might have done unco you ; but, among other Re^fons, this hath been one, that I knew not well whom to dired my Letters; fearing that fome might look on it as a Wrong, to be named on the Back of any Let- , ter fent by me ; yet to (ome I did write now and then, defiring it to be communicated with the reft; and, about a Yec.r fince, J fent a Book of Sermons, which were preached among you, upon the Covenant of Grace, and Tempta/ions of Cbrtft (all written with my own Hand) to be made uie of in Chriftian Meetings, and to pifs from Hand to Hand, among thofe thar hunger after the Word ; which, when it (hall be perufed, and returned to myStep- (<>n, 1 have other two of the like Size, of Sermons preach- ed in this Place, which may, if you call for them, be unt un:o you, and be of the fame Ufe in your defolate ion : 1 c in do no more but pray for you ; and if 1 could do that well, I had done almolt" all that is re- cj ;ircd : I am not worthy of the Eftcem you have of mf. cof to glory, but much whereof I am a.


to his rarijK>9?iers. 509 j,\

fhamed, and which may make me go mourning to my \ G-ave ; but, if you ftand faft, 1 live : You are all my Crown and Joy in tnis Earth (next to the Joy of Jerufa- lem and of herKing) and I hope to have fome of you my Joy and Crown in our Father's Kingdom, befides thofe thac are gone before us, and entered into the Joy of the Lord : * I have not been altogether ignorant of theChanges and Wars which has been amongft you, of Deep calling untoDeep ; nor how the Lord did lit on all your Floods as King, and did give you many Times fome more Eafe than to others; and you wanted not your Share in the molt honourable Teitimony that ever was given to the Trurh and King- dom of Chrift in that Land, fince the Days of Mi. Patrick Hamilton, Mr. George Wijbart, and Mr. Walter Miln, Martyrs. It is grievous to us, as to you, the Deluge of Profanenefs which hath overflowed the covenanted Lands ; but the Spirit of Uncleannefs is the ordinary At- tendant of falfe Doclrine andWorfhip; and when the evil Spirit is call out, and returneth to the Houfe fweep'd and garnilhed, it is with feven other Spirits more wicked than himfell : Difcipline was a Yoke to many in our beft Times, but now great Men have altogether broken the Yoke, aud burif. the Banks ; fo as it is to be feared, tho' there mould be fome Deliverance, yet Difcipline (hall not be reitored to its Vigour in this Generation : But it is more grievous, that there is fo little Repentance, or laying of Things to Heart, even among the Lord's own People, fo little pleading with God, that he may turn away his Wrath: You do well to take notice of your Mercies, and more efpeciaily of the Golpel, continued more with you than with others in your worll Times, and that it is yet continued With you, io as hungry Souls might and may be feu every Lord'* Day, by Parcels; and perplex- ed Souls may ha\ :(es refolved : Th.c.Refpite which you magnify, that godly Miniftcrs begin to have with Men in Pov\er, will not be found fucn a Mercy as is iuppofed, but rather, if not well looked to, the gre a- ett Snare that hitherto that Church hath The Indulgence you mention, I mult' confefs, J[ love it

\:me nor Thing: The Name doth, (t.) Spe iovercign and Pope-like Power in the Magiltr^te. (2.) Gg 3 I:

47° di Latter ft 'hu-

ll imports the juftifying of al! the Violence and Ui ttoulnels, acted by thole in Power, in putting Minn iro.n tiK-ir Piace^ and Stations. (3 ) It holderh forth ti, that the Magiltrates redonng of iVlioiflers to their Ri^i is not lying on him, as a neceflary Duty, but as nn Act of Pleaiure and Favour : The Thing 1 look upon as a cie:ir invading of the Kingdom of Chrift, wherein the Ivlagiitrate dotu take upon him to fend forth Miniilers at Pleaiure, even to oiher .viens Charges, to limit them in their Commiflion, tg plant and diipJant them. Who will read, and impartially confider, . the King's Letter, the A£t of the Council, fending forth Minifkrs, with other Ads ana Practices following thereupon, will clearly lee the Magiftrate taking upon him the whole Power of cal- ling and fendi' g Mfnifters, and Mini Hers their accepting with 1 hank'ulncfs, to be a giving up of the Ke;, true, Magistrates may command Minifters, as well as other Men, to their vV ork ; but it is another Thing, to have . c fixercife of their Miniftry wholly depending on % the M gi it rate.

Tiiat which is adduced for firengthning of this Usur- pation, from the Pnciice of Hczckiah and y»fiabt will neither found a Warrant, nor be any Parallel, if we con- fider theie Things : 1/?, They were not Men that did cail out the Prieit.% the Minifters of the Lord, nor ever took that Power on them. idly. They did not pretend to the giving of Indulgences; but, in that wiiich they did, they found themfelves preffed with the Conference of their Duty, and fo fet about a Work of Reformation, and called up every Man to help in that Work in hisvSta- tiott. 5^/y, There was not a calling out of fome, upon a political Defjgn, but a calling of all, both Prielts and Levit«5, except, thofe that had made defection. 4//V)', There was not a calling ihrm to one anothers Charges, but of every Man'to his cwn, according to the Order of David by the Spirit. $tbly. There was the putting a- way of all the unlawful and intruding Prieits. 6 There was no tying of the Priefts nnd Levites unto a De- pendence on the M in 'he Exercife of thei- jiiitry, bat the Magistrate acknowledging, that the L*,rd


to his Parijboners. 471

had chofen them to (erve and minifter to him; and therefore they fhould not be negligent. *Jtoly9 There was no Limitation in their CommiiTion, but to ad according to that which was written in the Book that was found. 8*£/y, There was a gathering together of the Princes, Elders, and People, to feek Reconciliation with God by a Sacrifice, and entering folemnly into Covenant with God, which, how far the Deiign that is driven on is from, any of common Underftanding may difcern.

One Prejudice farther I have, againft the Men that have received this Indulgence; they are filent as to the Times, and fo they do not preach Ghrift, ill, Becaufe they preach him not fully. zd, They preach him not, Chrift a King, and the Government on his Shoulders. 3^, They preach him not up, in that wherein he fuffer- eth moil. Contradiction in the Times, contrary to the Practice of Chrift and his Apoftles, when the kingly Dig- nity of Chriit was entertained fcornfully, he did not on- ly twice aflert it, but fealed it with his Blood: When the Apoftles were called in queftion, as to the Exercife ci their Miniftry they boldly affereted it to be of God, and not of Man, whiie they (aid, We ought to obey God ra- ther than Man: The Witneffes their Preaching, Rev. 11. is called their Teftimony. The moft honourable Way of preaching, is, in teftifying againft the Evils and Errors of the Time : While Men contend for the Faith, they cannot be faithful unleL they contend as much for his Crown Interefts, as for the Jnterefts of his Perfon and other Offices. Some Men in thoie Days do hide them- felvcs under Philippians I. i8. What then? nctvoithfiand- i»?g every Way, whether in Pretence or T> utb, Chrift is 1 d, and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice : But tii^y do not conhder, (1.) How the Men wno preach- ed ihere waxed confident by other Mens Bonds ; nor, (2.) How tne Queition was not then about the Matter, but .i.ciple and Ends: All preached Chrift, and whole cnnil ; it is not (o in ou^ Caie : Nor, (3.) How the ing of Chriit was then the great Controverfy of the Times, which, who preached Chrift, did fuffer Per- lecution; and who pieachej him r*ot were free of it,



472 A Letter f Author

Gal. 6. i 2 I have been the in t/iefe Things,

becaufe you profefied a De<ire ro know my M Relation 10 the Times. If there be any Good by the Defigns which are on Foot, tie Lord hath hid it from U5 ; but the Lord hath an over ruling Hani: While you hope the belt, prep. re for the worfh You do well to mourn, not only lor your own, but the Sins uf otiier% which, by not n.ourning for th< m, nny become your own: Particularly, you have to mourn for your Unfruit- ful nefs in the Gotpel.

In a Letter which came along with you-s, it is pleaded, I know not by what Warrant, that I fhou'.d write to fome to fupply my Place, telling nv> that I am bammed to my Life's End; and yet, in the fame Letter, it is told me, that, upon Debate, the wifer md bitter Part of you think fit you remain re : However, that I rmy

not fcem unreafbnabie, and not conionant to orher Di- vines, as that Letter would make ine, if I rcfufe to write fuch a Letter, I declare my Mind freely, that I allow any faithful Minifter to exercife his Mimitry among you, by Virtue of his Comin tlion received from Chnft, and hi> Ordination by the Prtfbytery ; yet fo as the Door be not fhut, which the Lord hath hitherto kept open for me ; but I am not clear, either for allowing or encouraging any Man, either to preach or conftitu: by the

Council's Order: I exped a greater Blefiing will follow on the Pleaching of the fift thart the laft. As to your Fear f be the lail of tored, by Reafon of the I

Acl of Ban i foment again It me, and my p ment, and the bad Character 1 pki g the

Rulers; I Uy, if tnere be great Intentio .nmg

the Lord's Houfe, Ads of Banilhment v\ i upon, and my perfonal Engagement will fall with tr\e repealing of the Acl ; which is no more bat not to re- turn without Leave : As tc the Particular allcdgej a<2:i nil * rhe, it is twice a Lie; for, 1. I was in another Church ^ preaching that Day, wherein ^ny Thing was fpok. gainft that ProioJ, a gre t Complyer with the Engl their Time: Next, he that fpoke it, fpoke it more mo- deftly, the Text warranting him to fpeak againri Cove-


to his Parifiioners. 473

nant Breakers : He faid, but if there be any here that has burnt the Covenant, let them look for fome Stroke from God, except they repent : Let it be remembred, that this burning of the Covenant was without all Au- thority, before either Committee of Eflates or Parliament fat on the 29th of May that was firft keeped : However, though you think my being lait, may be a Lois for you, I hope it (hall be lb neither to you nor me; and, it muy be, before the Lord's Work be perfe&ed on Mount Zion, that many w;;o h**e been fir it, mall defire they had been laft.

I thank you heartily for your profeffed and real Re- fpecl to me, and dtfire to evidence the fame ; but, Thanks be to your Lord and mir.e, I am weii provided, and, I truft, ih.:ll be fo Kill : I defire you to look to the Repair- ing of the Manfe ; and what you would bellow on me, beftow on it ; for who knoweth bat I may yet live a while, and die m ic ? however, an honeft Man (hall bruik it when I am gone. There is one Thing lam blamed for in the Letter that crime along with yours, that I did not in half a Sheet of Paper frgnify my Receipt of your Lit taken : 1 may fay, I never fought yours but you; and I ever defired Fruit, rather than a Gift, and never loved to be unthankful ; but that which you fent, though it was delivered to a faithful Man in Edinburgh, and he delivered it to a faithful Man in Rotterdam, who 1 Edinburgh for the Time s yet hisOccafions taking him home by London, he left that Money with fome of bis own, in the Hand of another trufty Merchant in Edinburgh, to have been tranfported by Bill of Exchange; yet thiee Years pait over befoffe we had any Account .of then 1 received the greater Part of it; but it Tiber the lait Year before I had the full Account of it; at which 1 ime I lent my Recept to the Perfon or his

.. to whom it was firit delivered : I have n/s ~inic nor Liii to coniider the reft of ring now wearied and not fully recovered. Now, ray dear Friends aid Brethren, feeing you own vour Paitor, I hope neither any Thing that Men lave done againit me, or i againifc myfelf, fhall be able


474 ^ Letter from the Author, &c. to looie the Bond, or put mc from among you. ;hiu Breath is in mc. Pray tor me, my Days cannot be long and many ; yet, fuch as they (hall be, I would de- fire to fpend and end among you, if the Lord will; but 111 be done. The Grace of our Lord Jefus, and my Bieffing be on you all, old and young : I am, though inoft unworthy, molt earneftly ambitious of no higher Honour on Earth, than to live and die

Tour moll affectionate Mix: Rotterdam , 03.

zzd, 1669. and Servant in the Go/pel,

JoBH Nevay.

A Table of the Sermons.


SERMON on 2 Sam. 23. 1. 1

SERM. on 2 Sam. 23. ver. 2, 3, 4. 10

SERM. on 2 Sam. 23. 5. 18 *

SERM. I. On the Covenant, from 2 Sam. 23. 5. which I is of the Covenant in genera/, and of the tvuo Covenants.


SERM. II. Of the old and nevu Difpenfation cf the

Covenant. 36

SERM. 1H. Of the G of pel Covenant as made, and Author

of the Covenant. 45

SERM. IV. Of the Parties in the Covenant, Chrijt as*

chief, and Believers in and ivith him. 53

SERM. V. Ha*v it is particular vaith fome, and not ge^i

neral ivith all.* Ol

SERM. VI. Of Children, a Party in the Covenant

ir believing Parents. 09

SERM. Vll. J fhort Vindication of Infant Baptifm




Pagi SE R M . VII I. Hovu the Covenant of Grace is conditional, 8 6 SERM. IX. Of Faith as the Condition of the Covenant. 95 SERM. X. On thefirft Property of the Covenant, its Freewe/s.

104 SERM. XI. On the fecond Property, its nearly uniting Nature.

1x2 S E R M . X 1 1 . On the third Property, t he Eternity t hereof I 2 1 SERM. Xlil. On the fourth Property, hovj it is well

ordered. 1 29

SEkiVl. XIV. On the fifth Property, the Surenefs of the

Covenant. 138

SERM. XV. On the fix th Property, the Holinefs of the

Covenant. 1 46

SERM. XVI. On the feventh Property, the Fulnefs of the

Covennvt. 155

SERM. XVII. Of the Fulnefs of the Covenant in DavidV

Efiimation. 1 64

SERM. XVIII. On the Blefwgs of the Covenant as in the

P rent if e. 1 72

SERM. XIX. On the Sum of Covenant Blefjings, in the

Mother Pro?nifr, I vuill be your God. I 8 1

SERM. XX. On Repentance, the firft fpiritual Blejfing of

the Covenant. igo

SERM. XXI. On Forgivenefs of Sin ,t he fecond Blefpng. 1 90 SERM. XXU. On the third fpiritual Btejfing, the imputed

Right ecu fnefs of Chrith 208

SERM. XXIII. On the fourth Blejfmg of the Covenant \

SancJification in general. 217

SERM. XXIV. On the Parts of SanElification, and fir fl of

Mortification. 227

SERM. XXV. On the fecond Part of Sanclification, nevu

Obedience. 236

SERM. XXVI. On fanBifying and faving Graces, and

fir d of Knowledge. 24 J

I SERM. XXVII. On the fecond faving Grace, Faith. 254 SERM. XXVIII. On the third faving Grace, H»pc. 263 SERM. XXIX. On the fourth faving Grace, holy Fear. 273 SERM. XXX. On the fifth faving Grace, Love. * 283 SERM. XXXI. On thefixtbfanBtfymg Grace, Zeal. 202



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