. . LIBRARY . . Connecticut Agricultural Colk VOL u5-ia.-^ CLASS NO>3 /< Jvb i>J COST U..J. DATE U-U£u-fc^. BOOK 372.35.B153 c. 1 BAILEY # NATURE-STUDY IDEA 3 T153 ooiiaeob M Th-: THE NATURE-STUDY IDEA THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO ATLANTA • SAN FKANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limited LONDON • BOMBAY • CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA. Ltd TOKONTO The Nature-Study Idea ^ AN INTERPRETATION OF THE NEW SCHOOL-MOVEMENT TO PUT THE YOUNG INTO RELATION AND SYMPATHY WITH NATURE BY L. H. Bailey THIRD EDITION, REVISED j0eb3 gotR THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1909 Copyright, 1903 By doubleday, page & CO. Copyright, 1909 By the macmillan company Set up and clectrotyped. Published October, 1909 /i9 ia THE MASON-HENRY prkSS SYRACUSE. NEW YORK TO A TEACHER WHO ALLOWED A BOY TO GROW 3 inscribe iW boob Contents PART I Nature- Study Teaching PAGE I. What Is Nature-Study ? 3 II. Who First Used the Term Nature-Study? 16 III. The Meaning of the Nature-Study Movement. ... 27 What nature-study is not 29 The outlook by fact and by fancy 35 How nature-study may be taught 37 What may be the results of nature-study? 50 IV. The Integument-Man 58 V. Nature-Study with Plants 67 Suggestions for plant work 70 VI. The Growing of Plants by Children — The School- Garden 78 Improving of the school-grounds 84 The school-garden 87 The larger relations 90 VII. Nature-Study Agriculture 93 A point of view on the rural-school problem... 96 The prospect 105 PART II The Teacher's Outlook to Nature PAGE I. The Teacher's Interpretation of Nature 113 II. Science for Science's Sake 117 III. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Views of Nature 124 IV. Must a "Use" be Found for Everything? 131 V. The New Hunting .^ I39 VI. The Poetic Interpretation of Nature 151 / VII. An Outlook on Winter i6i , / vn viii Contents PART III Inquiries and Answers ^^^^ How Shall I Know What Subjects to Choose? ^^^^^ ^7^ But If the Child Choose the Material, the Subject Wii Lack Continuit)-. What Then?. • .... • • • • '^ Then would You Give No Heed to Continu;^^^ _^^^:, Should Nature-Study Give Way to ^^^ What " e ' 'p;ope; ' Pedagogical " Sumng^Poi^t for ^^^ Nature-Study? ^gj wo jr Trtet U.. ana P.... as N^u.- ^^^ Study Topics? ••••;•;,;••• .•;;.;_f„|» Things?.. 185 -.TT \A v«n Teach "Practical" and Useiui x umg, TuM Y^ T^h 0.iec. .Ka. .he CHM Canno. See ^^^ and Determine for Itselt. .^. ^^^ How Much Apparatus Do I Need ^^^ Wmt! This Na.u.e-Study Tend S.n. Further .o Over- ^^^ Knrden the School ? ShaU W: Teach the Child to Collect, and Thereby to ^^^ How mT; We-De;eiopa-Hun.ane Attitude Toward ^^^ Living Things? • • Thines?. • 196 ,j A7 T.ll the Child the Names of the Ihings... y rMrure'r;'------^^^'^^"-:,,, .owTrTL-Are'soManv Na««^ooUs, How Shall ^^^ I Choose the Most Useful ^n ' " • • • - How Shall I Acquire Sufficient Knowledge to Enable M ^^^ to Teach Nature-Study? Contents ix PAGE Is It Best to Have a Professional Nature-Study Teacher to Go from School to School ? 201 Should Not Nature-Study Be In All the Grades for All Pupils, and Technical Work Be Left to the High- School ? 202 Should the Parts of a School-Garden Be Apportioned to Pupils, or Should the Work Be Done in Common? 205 Can I Make a Nature-Study Exhibition Useful as Part of an Exposition ? 212 Why Should This Nature-Study Be Confined to the Schools? 213 What Shall We Do with the Children in the Summer Vacation ? 215 Will Not This Nature-Study Work Interfere with School Discipline? 217 Shall I Correlate the Nature-Study Work with Other Work? 218 What Can I Do to Put Our Rural Schools in Touch with Their Constituency ? 225 How Can I Reach the Farmers of My Neighborhood?.. 235 How Can a Teacher Prepare Himself to Teach Agricul- ture in the Special Schools That Are Now Being Established ? 239 How Can I Do Any Nature-Study Work in the Ordinary Kind of Schoolroom ? 241 Is Nature-Study on the Wane? 244 Would You Advise Me to Take Up Nature-Study Teach- ing? 245 \ THE NATURE-STUDY IDEA I What is Nature-Study? A CONTRIBUTOR to a recent Issue of a leading technical journal has endeavored to find a satisfactory answer to the question, ^'What is nature-study?" by appealing to "emi- nent scientific men." The answers of these men are printed there in full. Now, the nature-study movement is not a product of "eminent scientific men," nor directly of the current natural-science movement. It is a product of the common schools. Eminent scientific attainment, as such, is not to be expected to enable persons to give satisfactory answer to the question, for the subject is not within its realm. Happily, many scientific men are also closely in touch with elementary edu- cation, and therefore are fully competent to discuss the nature-study movement, but it Is 3 4 The Nature-Study Idea this very touch with the common schools, not their eminent scientific achievements, that gives them this competency; and some of the answers referred to above are good definitions from the child-teacher's point of view. To be sure, the term nature-study etymologi- cally implies only the study of nature; and "nature" is conventionally understood to mean the world of outdoor objects and phenomena. But all words and terms mean less or more than their mere etymology would imply, and this meaning is determined by usage. So usage has determined a definite oflice for the name nature-study: it designates the movement origi- nating in the common schools to open the pupil's mind by direct observation to a knowl- edge and love of the common things and experiences in the child's life and environment. It is a pedagogical term, not a scientific term. Nature-study is not synonymous with the old term "natural history," nor with "biology," nor with "elementary science." It is not "popular science." It is not the study of nature merely. Nature may be studied with either of two What is Nature-Study? " J objects: to discover new truth for the purpose of increasing the sum of human knowledge; or to put the pupil in a sympathetic attitude toward nature for the purpose of increasing his joy of living. The first object, whether pursued in a technical or elementary way, is a_jcieiice::teach- ing movement, and its professed purpose is to make investigators and specialists. The second object is a nature-study movement, and its pur- pose is to enable every person to live a richer life, whatever his business or profession may be. Nature-study is a revolt from the teaching of formal science in the elementary grades. In teaching-practice, the work and the methods of the two intergrade, to be sure, and as the high- school and college are approached, nature-study passes into science-teaching, or gives way to It; but the intentions or motives are distinct — they should be contrasted rather than compared. The nature-study method is a fundamental and, therefore, a general educational process; the formal science-teaching method is adapted to mature persons and to those who would know a particular science. 6 The Nature-Study Idea Nature-study, then, is not science. It Is not knowledge. It Is not facts. It Is spirit. It Is an attitude of mind. It concerns Itself with the child's outlook on the world. Nature-study will endure, because It Is natural and of universal application. Methods will change and will fall Into disrepute; Its name will be dropped from courses of study; here and there It will be Incased In the schoolmaster's "method" and Its life will be smothered; now and then it will be over-exploited; with some persons It will be a fad: but the spirit will live. So common is the misconception of the mean- ing and mission of the nature-study movement, that I cannot resist the temptation to bring together in book form a few notes and essays on some of the more salient features of It, even If the resulting book lack somewhat In homogeneity and have some repetitions. These pieces hav ^ been written at Intervals in the past six years. Most of them were prepared for specifical occa- sions, for the purpose of discussing disputed points or of answering challenges; some have been written specially for this collection. Some What is Nature-Study? 7 of them have been published. They are offered in all humbleness, since every person's view is necessarily colored by his own field of work; but on the main thesis — that nature-study teach- ing is one thing and that science-teaching for science's sake is another — I have no hesitation. The foregoing paragraph indicates the make- up of the original edition of this book, which was published by Doubleday, Page & Co. in 1903. The book appears to have found a con- stituency beyond my expectations, and the continued use of it influences me now (1909) to make a new edition. If I were writing the book anew at this time, I might put it in different phrase; but as it was written when I was actually engaged in teaching and was filled with the practical details of the subject, and as so many parts of it have been so often quoted, I shall leave it much as it was originally prepared. Since the book was written, I have ceased all teaching and have been consumed in educational administrative work. I have therefore seen the subject from a different angle; but on going over the text I find nothing that I would change 8 The Nature-Study Idea In the fundamental contentions. In fact, I have a deeper conviction than ever that the method and point of view of the nature-study people are bound to exercise great influence In redirect- ing our education. I have a growing feeling that the nature-study method is not only a public-school process, but that it is equally needed in colleges and universi- ties for all unspeciallzed students. The process applies, in fact, from kindergarten to college. From long experience I am convinced that much of our college physics, botany, zoology and chemistry is very poorly taught if we are to con- sider its effect on the student; and this effect is, of course, the end of teaching. A student may take college physics and yet have little concep- tion of the common physical phenomena of life. He may study physiology and gain little real understanding of his bodily functions or of every-day sanitation. These subjects are likely to be taught with the special student in mind rather than the general student. The teacher is disposed to think of the necessity of developing a whole subject rather than to give the student a What is Nature-Study? 9 rational and vivid conception of the material as it relates to him. I have been interested all my life in plants; but I should not care to have one of my pupils devote four or five periods a week for a whole freshman year to the study of botany unless he were specially interested in botany. Much of the beginning teaching in the sciences in colleges and universities is undoubt- edly very bad. It is no doubt accurate, and it may also be adapted to the few students who desire to specialize in the subject; but such students should be taken further in courses designed for them. Condensed general courses that give the college student a rational view of the subject, without many details and exceptions, are very much to be desired; and such courses should attempt to relate the student to his own experience in life. We have been passing through a long epoch of speech-education. This no doubt is largely the outcome of the results of the Reformation, to teach persons to read their own scripture. The schools must undergo a continual process of growth and adaptation if they are to meet the lo The Nature-Study Idea needs of the passing generations of men. We now feel that speech-education is not a primary educational process, but that real education should grow out of or result from the common activities of the child. Some day we shall set all our children at work when they go to school and make them to be effective men and women in the common work of men and women. After all these years of nature-study enter- prise, it is naturally assumed by many persons that we ought to be able to give statistics of the number of pupils who are enrolled in the sub- ject, the number of teachers that are teaching it, the number of books that have been read, and other exact figures. This supposition misses the very purpose of the nature-study movement, which is to set pupils at w^ork informally and personally with the objects, the affairs and phe- nomena with which they are in daily contact. There are very many teachers and very many schools, and very many pupils, who have a new outlook on life as the result of nature-study work; bucif I could give a statistical measure of the nature-study movement, I should consider What is Nature-Study? ii the work to have been a failure, however large the figures might be. The seed has been planted, and it has germi- nated. The evolution of a new intention In education Is under way and is beginning to be felt. The principles have been stated; the cur- rent discussions are of methods, difficulties, and of local and personal adaptations. ] We are to open the child's mind to his natural existence, develop his sense of responsibility and of self-dependence, train him to respect the resources of the earth, teach him the obligations of citizenship, Interest him sympathetically in the occupations of men, quicken his relations to human life In general, and touch his imagination with the spiritual forces of the world. . If life is worth livmg It must be Invigorated, and there Is no Invigoratlon without enthusiasm and spirit. We must all have practice In the common affairs of life; but practice alone Is dead, and worse than dead. If we cannot add the spirit and the true sentiment to life, then there Is no interest In living excepting for that which is gross. It Is better to have a thread of 12 The Nature-Study Idea inspiring philosophy running through the day*s work than to have a very large bank account. This means that a school should have a soul. The reader will understand that I have ap- proached my subject from the side of fact and of experience, not from the side of pedagogical theory or of the psychology of education. Na- ture-study is experience-teaching. In my first work and writing on nature-study, I think that I was wholly unconscious of any conflict of my views with the current theories of educational procedure; in fact, the pedagogical theories were unknown to me till they were called to my attention. I had merely set forth my convic- tions, resulting from many years of teaching, to the effect that the best way to teach nature sub- jects is to begin with good simple observation rather than with dissection, classification, experi- ment or memorizing. I think that the same process should be followed In the training of the teacher himself I doubt whether saturation in the psychology of pedagogy afFords a good start for the training of a teacher. I observe an What is Nature-Study? 13 indefiniteness and haziness of ideas in persons who have their theory before they have their facts. They do not have their feet on the ground. They do not drive stakes; or if they do, they ponder the method until the operation becomes lifeless. For nature subjects, the first essential is an intense love of nature; the best training is to acquire the actual facts and to know the subject, and then to go out and teach, with only the slightest burden of self-conscious- ness as to the propriety of the theoretical methods. I do not doubt the value of the psychological study of education, and all teach- ers should profit by a discussion of educational history and method; but I greatly doubt the advisability of filling a young teacher full of metaphysics. A teacher may safely theorize and speculate after he has learned how to teach. Of the criticisms on this book and on my gen- eral attitude toward nature-study teaching, the most important is that I insist too much on spon- taneousness and informality and thereby provide an excuse for lazy or indifferent teachers who 14 The Nature-Study Idea do not want to make preparation for their les- sons. The lazy teacher can find plenty of excuses. One who fairly reads the book need not be misled. My general plea is a challenge to existing hard-and-fast methods and to those ways of teaching that take the pupil prematurely beyond his depth. There is no danger that the school work will lack in formality: our sys- tems encourage formality, and the desire to standardize all methods seems to be extending, but a free and natural procedure needs always to be promoted and defended. In actual school practice, it is of course necessary that a system be followed and that the teacher have ability enough and knowledge enough to be able to teach. I have not cared to prepare an outline for class work: the book is concerned with the nature-study idea. Nor have I desired to make supplemental statements in these intervening years, for I have wanted the idea to sink in. The recent years have been a time of wide- spread discussion of all phases of education for the people, and the nature-study idea has re- ceived its full share of attention. Whatever What is Nature-Study? 15 may be the opinion of Individual teachers and writers on the nature-study movement, it Is a fact that our educational methods are re-shaping themselves In such a way as to allow the pupil to develop a sympathetic and vital contact with his usual environment; and the stiff, dead and painfully exact teaching of rule and fact to the young is rapidly giving way to a free, spirited and natural way of teaching. We can even now begin to see the result in a less restrained and more wholesome outlook on life In the young generation. It will be much satisfaction to me If I can feel at the end that this frag- mentary book has had some effect in heartening teachers not to be afraid to teach. II Who First Used the Term Nature- Study? BRIEF history of the origin of the con- A temporary nature-study movement will clarify our ideas as to its spirit and purpose. I am aware that the history that follows is incom- plete, and that persons who were connected with the beginnings of it are not mentioned; but I think that the account will be useful in giving us perspective, and in establishing an approxi- mate date for the first use of the term. I have engaged in a large correspondence for the purpose of discovering something of the history of the nature-study movement in North America. Oftenest, perhaps, I have been re- ferred to the teaching of Agassiz at Penikese as the beginning, at least in this country. Agassiz, however, did not teach nature-study in the school sense in which we use the term, although he gave us the motto, "Study nature, not books." He taught the study of nature by the "natural method." His instruction was given from the i6 Who First Used the Term? 17 Investigator's or the specialist's viewpoint, and it was Intended primarily for students and adults. The present nature-study movement, as I have said. Is a product of the elementary schools, not of universities, although many university and college men have been Instru- mental In forwarding It. Cornell was perhaps the first university to take It up as a distinct enterprise (1895), ^^^ the movement was already well under way In many places at that time. At this institution It became an extension- teaching movement. Professor C. F. Hodge of Clark University, under the Inspiration of Stanley Hall, began popular work in nature- study In 1897. The Cornell work Is not so much a school enterprise as a movement to make use of the schools to reach the people on the farms. This work, more than any other per- haps, has emphasized the nature-sympathy and the nature-relations. The beginnings of nature-teaching are cer- tainly as old as the time of Socrates and Aris- totle. It is concretely expressed in the work 'i8 The Nature-Study Idea of the great educational reformers — Comenlus, Pestalozzi, Jean J. Rousseau, Froebel and the others. In a large measure, the spirit of our present-day nature-study movement — which seems so new to us — is a recrudescence. Just now it represents a reaction from the dry-as- dust science-teaching. What we may legitimately call nature-study, in the current acceptation of the term, began to take form in this country from 1884 to 1890. Who first used the term I do not know; and it is of small consequence, because the term may mean much or nothing. The term appears to have been at first a substitute for "object les- sons,'' "plant work," "elementary science," and the like. Dr. Piez, of the Oswego (N. Y.) Normal School, makes the following comment on the pedagogical origin of the nature-study Idea: "I have come to the conclusion that nature-study In spirit, if not in name, is the direct descendant of object teaching. Object teaching aimed at the use of the senses in acquir- ing knowledge, and was introduced to displace the mechanical 'memory' method current In the Who First Used the Term? 19 schools. It was responsible for raising the prob- lem of method among thoughtful teachers. But the 'lessons on objects' were justly deserving the criticism that they were disconnected, and that the knowledge resulting from them was a knowl- edge of isolated facts not organized into a com- prehensiv^e whole." Although the teaching of Agasslz may not have been nature-study, as we understand the term, it is undoubtedly true that the present nature-study movement is a proximate result of the forces that he and his contemporaries set in motion. A strong application of this influence to school life was made in Boston by Alpheus Hyatt and Lucretia Crocker. In various places, others of Agassiz's followers carried his spirit into the schools. One of the most powerful early adaptations of his teaching to the common- school work was made at the State Normal School at Oswego, N. Y. There was a strong Pestalozzian Influence In this institution, under the leadership of the late Dr. Sheldon. Pro- fessor H. H. Straight went to Oswego in 1876. He had come under the influence of Agasslz and 20 The Nature-Study Idea Shaler. He was a student of science, but his views of science-teaching in the elementary school underwent gradual but decided change under the Pestalozzlan influence in which he was placed. He saw the insufficiency of "object teaching" as an educational process. The de- fects he sought to overcome by "correlation of the subjects of study." As director of the practice school, he worked out his ideas of cor- relation in "nature" subjects and geography subjects. His work included the study of the common things in the neighborhood. In 1883 Professor Straight went to the Cook County (111.) Normal School and taught there until his death, in 1886. He had great Influence In developing the ideals of this Institution, and was given credit therefor by Colonel Parker, the distinguished head of the school. So far as I know, however. Professor Straight did not use the term "nature-study." The introduction of elementary science as an organic part of school work, ranking with arith- metic and grammar, was made in the Cook County (111.) Normal School as early as 1889, Who First Used the Term? 21 under the presidency of Francis W. Parker. This introduction was made by the late Wilbur S. Jackman, whose teaching and writing In nature-study Hnes are well known. In 1884 Mr. Jackman began teaching biology In the Pittsburg High School. During five years' con- nection with that school he became strongly Impressed with the necessity of having a broad foundation laid in the elementary grades for the study of science. The pupils were Ignorant of the simplest phenomena that occurred about them. In the spring of 1889 he planned a gen- eral course in nature-study and presented it to the superintendent and the principals of the ward schools in Pittsburg. It was agreed that In the fall he should have the privilege of meet- ing the teachers for the purpose of starting this work in the primary and grammar grades. Before the year closed, however, he received an Invitation from Colonel Parker to enter the Cook County Normal School and take up the work with him. He entered on the work in the Cook County Normal School in the fall of 1889. During this year (1889) he elaborated 22 The Nature-Study Idea the plan already begun, as above outlined. The features which perhaps most distinguished this scheme of nature-study were : ( i ) That it adopted the apparently irregular plan of using all the material which the "Rolling Year," season by season, brought into the lives of the children; (2) that it rejected the idea of close and specialized study of inert or dead form and sought to place the children in the fields and woods that they might study all nature at work; and (3) that, instead of looking upon nature- study as being supplementary to reading, writ- ing and other forms of expression, nature-study in itself became a demand that these subjects should be taught. In the fall of 1890 he pub- lished bi-monthly pamphlets averaging about seventy-five pages each, which were called "Out- lines in Elementary Science." In the spring of 1 89 1, upon the completion of the series, Henry Holt & Company asked the privilege of reprint- ing and issuing them in book form. This was accomplished. There was considerable corre- spondence concerning the name, which resulted finally in the adoption of the term "Nature-Study Who First Used the Term? 23 for Common Schools," and this term has been used continuously ever since. Another, and an independent, movement started nearly simultaneously In Massachusetts, under the leadership of Arthur C. Boyden, now Vice-Principal of the State Normal School at Bridgewater, Mass. In 1889 a committee was appointed In the Plymouth County Teachers* Association to recommend a plan of introducing nature-study Into the schools of the county. For a number of years previous to this time a definite series of lessons on minerals, plants and animals had been taught in the Bridgewater Normal School, and many superintendents and teachers who graduated from the school were teaching the subjects In various parts of the county. It seemed to be the time for a con- certed plan of work, and a few persons who were Interested In it took this means of starting. An outline for the study of trees was prepared and sent to every school In the county, with provisions for a report from each town at the next annual meeting. This plan was continued for a number of years, and usually an exhibition 24 The Nature-Study Idea of the results was made. The work secured such a good hold that the committee was finally discontinued. In the same year the subject was taught in the institutes, held each fall and spring throughout the State under the auspices of the State Board of Education, and then for ten years Mr. Boyden taught and lectured in these institutes from one end of the State to the other. Printed outlines and Illustrated lessons were given. In 1889, also, a department of nature- study was established in the summer school at Cottage City, and Mr. Boyden carried it till 1 90 1. The definite beginning of the move- ment, as such, in Massachusetts seems to have been in 1889. At first the work was called "elementary science,^' but this seemed to be Inappropriate, and "nature-study" was sug- gested. This term seemed to be a good equivalent of the German "naturkunde" — na- ture knowledge. On all programs it was thus printed and quickly secured standing. Shortly after the movement began, the "Con- ference of Educational Workers" was estab- lished. One of the committees had charge of Who first used the term Nature-Study? 25 nature-study and met monthly in Boston. Mr. G. H. Martin, Agent of the Board of Edu- cation, was chairman, and Mr. Boyden was secretary. They worked out courses of study for distribution, and one year they had a large exhibit from the whole State of the results of the work. These exhibits were common in cities between 1890 and 1895. Amos M. Kellogg, editor of the *'New York School Journal" from 1874 to 1904, was one of the early writers and advocates on the neces- sity of drawing on the world about us In the education of the young. Visiting a school in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, in 1885, where the teacher was imbued with enthusiasm in this direction and asked for special directions, he suggested to Frank Owen Payne (who was then a regular contributor to the "School Journal"), the preparation of specific lessons; as the term nature-study came to be used he suggested to Mr. Payne the need of the hyphen between the words, and this came to be in regular employ- ment. The specific lessons prepared by Mr. Payne took the title of "One Hundred Lessons 26 The Nature-Study Idea Around the School." Mr. Payne began the employment of practical nature-study in 1884 when a teacher at Corry, Pennsylvania; then in 1885-86 in New Jersey. He lectured on the subject in Minnesota in 1886-89, and has written on It for educational journals. Many schools in several states were Introduc- ing elementary science In the latter part of the eighties, and it seems that several of them began to use the word nature-study without knowing where or how the term was suggested. The term is now in widespread use in English-speak- ing countries. The word nature-study was used in January, 1905, in the title of a monthly magazine, "The Nature-Study Review," edited and published by Professor M. A. BIgelow of Teachers College, Columbia University, with a board of advisory editors. In January, 1908, the "American Nature-Study Society^' was organized, and the Review is now Its official organ. Ill The Meaning of the Nature-Study Movement IT Is one of the marks of the progress of the race that we are coming more and more into sympathy with the natural world in which we dwell. The objects and phenomena become a part of our lives. They are central to our thoughts. The happiest life has the greatest number of points of contact with the world, and it has the deepest sympathy with everything that is. The best thing In life is sentiment; and the best sentiment is that which is born of the most accurate knowledge. I like to make this appli- cation of Emerson's Injunction to "hitch your wagon to a star"; but it must not be forgotten that a person must have the wagon before he has the star, and he must take due care to stay in the wagon when he rides in space. Mere facts are dead, but the meaning of the facts is life. The getting of Information Is 27 28 The Nature-Study Idea but the beginning of education. "With all thy getting, get understanding." Of late years there has been a rapidly grow- ing feeling that we must live closer to nature and make our nature-sentiment vital; and we must of course begin with the child. We at- tempt to teach this nature-love in the schools, and we call the effort nature-study. It would be better if it were called nature-sympathy. As yet there are no recognized and regulated methods of teaching nature-study. The subject is not a formal part of the course of study; and thereby it is not perfunctory. And herein lies much of its value — in the fact that it cannot be reduced to a mere system, is not cut and dried, cannot become a part of rigid and formal school method. Its very essence Is spirit. It Is as free as Its subject-matter, as far removed from the museum and the cabinet as the living animal Is from the skeleton. It thus transpires that there is much con- fusion as to what nature-study Is, because of the different attitudes of Its various exponents; but these different attitudes are largely the reflec- Meaning of the Movement 29 tions of different personalities and the working out of different methods. We cannot say that one way Is right and another wrong. There may be twenty best ways of teaching nature- study. The mode Is essentially the expression of one's outlook on the world. Heretofore, we have put the emphasis on training for heaven and taking the child out of his world. The reader who has followed me thus far has got at the kernel of my thought. I shall now go Into more detail, for the purpose of relating the discussion to the practical work of the schoolroom, to develop the teacher's attitude, and to state the essential nature of the move- ment in different ways and from different angles in order that the thought may stick. This chap- ter, therefore, Is a budget of suggestions rather than an analysis. What nature-study is not There are two or three fundamental miscon- ceptions of what nature-study is or should be; and to these we may now give attention. 30 The Nature-Study Idea It Is not the teachln.g of science — not the sys- tematic pursuit of a logical body of principles. Its Intention Is to broaden the child's horizon, not primarily to teach him how to widen the boundaries of human knowledge. It Is not the teaching of botany or entomology or geology, but of plants, Insects and fields. But many persons who are teaching under the name of nature-study are merely teaching and Interpret- ing elementary science. Fundamentally, nature- study Is seeing what one looks at and drawing proper conclusions from what one sees; and thereby the learner comes Into personal relation with the object. It is not reading from nature-books. Nature- study is studying things and the reason of things, not about things. A child was asked if she had ever seen the great dipper. "Oh, yes," she re- plied, "I saw it In my geography." This is better than not to have seen It at all; but the proper place to have seen It is in the heavens. Nature-readers may be of the greatest value If they are made incidental and secondary features of the instruction; but, however good they may Meaning of the Movement 31 be, their influence is pernicious if they are made to be primary agents. Nature-study begins with the concrete, as the child does if left to itself. The child should first see the thing. It should then reason about it. Having a concrete im- pression, It may then go to the book to widen its knowledge and sympathies. Having seen mimicry in the eggs of the aphis on the willow or apple twig, or in the walking-stick, the pupil may then take an excursion with Wallace or Bates to the tropics and there see the striking mimicries of the leaf-like insects. Having seen the wearing away of the boulder or the ledge, he may go to Switzerland with Lubbock and see the mighty erosion of the Alps. Now and then the order may be reversed with profit, but this should be the exception : from the wagon to the star should be the rule. Nature-study is not the teaching of facts merely for the sake of the facts, or materials for the sake of the materials : its purpose is to de- velop certain intellectual powers by the use of the materials. It is not the giving of informa- tion only — notwithstanding the fact that some 32 The Nature-Study Idea nature-study leaflets are information leaflets. We must begin with the fact, to be sure, but the lesson lies in the significance of the fact. It is not necessary that the fact have direct practical application to the daily life, for the purpose is the effort to train the mind and the sympathies and to develop in the child a correct view of nature. It is a common notion that when the subject-matter is insects, the pupil should be taught the life-histories of injurious insects and how to destroy the pests. Now, nature-study may be equally valuable to the pupil, whether the subject Is the codlin-moth or the ant, since both may be within his sphere and his relations; but to confine the pupil's attention to insects that are injurious to man is to give him a dis- torted, partial and untrue view of nature. A bouquet of daisies does not represent a meadow. It is not a program for the teaching of morals. Children should be interested more in seeing things live and in studying their habits than in killing them. Yet T would not empha- size the injunction, "Thou shalt not kill.*' I should prefer to have the child become so much Meaning of the Movement 33 interested In living things that It would have no desire to kill them. The gun and sllng-shot and steel-trap will be laid aside because the child does not care for them any more. We have been taught that one must make collections If he Is to be a naturalist; but collections alone make museums, not naturalists. The scientist needs these collections; but It does not follow that children always need stuffed animals, birds' eggs, and bottled specimens, although It Is Important to encourage a regulated collecting Instinct. Nature-study Is not merely the adding of one more thing to a course of study. It Is not coordinate with geography or reading or arith- metic. Neither Is It a mere accessory, or a sentiment, or an entertainment, or a means of Injecting vacant wonder Into the pupils. It Is not ''a study." It Is not the addition of more ''work." A new "study" taught by the old method would not represent progress. The idea has to do with the whole point of view of elementary education, and therefore Is under- lying. It Is the full expression of personality. 3 34 The Nature-Study Idea It relates schooling to living. It is a practical working out of the extension idea that has been so much a part of our time. More than any other recent movement, it will reach the masses and revive them. Nature-study should not be unrelated to the I child's life and circumstances. It stands for di- rectness and naturalness. It is astonishing, when one comes to think of it, how indirect and how remote from the lives of pupils much of our edu- cation has been. Geography still often begins with the universe, and finally, perhaps, comes down to some concrete and familiar object or scene that the pupil can understand. Arith- metic has to do with brokerage and partnerships and partial payments and other things that mean nothing to the child. Botany begins with cells and protoplasm and cryptogams. History deals with political and military affairs, and only rarely comes down to physical facts and to those events that express the real lives of the people; and yet political and social affairs are only the results or expressions of the way in which people live. Readers begin with mere Meaning of the Movement 35 literature or with stories of scenes the child will never see. Of course these statements are meant to be only general, as Illustrating what Is even yet a great fault In educational methods. There are many exceptions, and these are be- coming commoner. Surely, the best education is that which begins with the materials at hand. A child knows a stone before it knows the earth. The outlook by fact and by fancy There are two ways of Interpreting nature — the way of fact and the way of fancy. To the scientist and to the average man the Interpreta- tion by fact Is usually the only admissible one. He may not be open to argument or conviction that there can be any other truthful way of know- ing the external world. Yet, the artist and the poet know this world, and they do not know it by cold knowledge or by analysis. It appeals to them in its moods. Yet it Is as real to them as to the analyst. Too much are we of this generation tied to mere phenomena- We have a right to a poetic interpretation of nature. The child interprets nature and the 36 The Nature-Study Idea world through imagination and feeling and sym- pathy. Note the intent and sympathetic face as the child watches the ant carrying its grains of sand and pictures to itself the home and the bed and the kitchen and the sisters and the school that comprise the ant's life. What does the flower think? Who are the little people that teeter and swing in the sunbeam ? What is the brook saying as it rolls over the pebbles? Why Is the wind so sorrowful as it moans on the house-corners in the dull November days? There are elves whispering In the trees, and there are chariots of fire rolling on the long, low clouds at twilight. Wherever It may look, the young mind is Impressed with the mystery of the unknown. The child looks out to nature with great eyes of wonder. We cannot say that the good poets have not known nature, because they have not inter- preted by fact alone. Have they not left us the essence and flavor of the fields and the woods and the sky? And yet they were not scientists. So different are these types of interpretation Meaning of the Movement 37 that we all unconsciously set the poet over against the scientist. Good poetry is not mere vacant s'entiment. The poet has first known the fact. His poetry is misleading if his observations are wrong. Whatever else we are, we must have the desire to be definite and accurate. We begin on the earth; later, we may drive our Pegasus to a star. Of course I would not teach nature-subjects in order that the poetic point of view may be enforced. I plead only that the poetic inter- pretation is allowable. It may be one result of knowing nature for the sake of knowing It. How nature-study may he taught How shall nature-study be taught? By the teacher and the object. The teacher will need helps. There are books and leaflets that will help him. These publications may be put in the hands of pupils if it is always made plain that the recitation is to be from objects and situations that the pupil has seen, not from the book. There can be no text-book of '•eal na- ture-study, for when one studies a book he does 38 The Nature-Study Idea not study nature. The book should be a guide to the animal or plant: the animal or plant should not be a guide to the book. The teacher may need the help of a program or consecutive purpose. The program, how- ever, should not be a tabulated series of regula- tions or a hard-and-fast system ; but there should be some underlying educational principle or in- tention running through every Item of It. The work may be informal and free without being aimless. This Immediate purpose or plan may be to teach the progress of the seasons; the common Implements and simple handcrafts; the plant life of the neighborhood; the bird life; the usual insects; the heavens; the weather and its rela- tions with man and animals; something of the farming or Industries of the region; one's own mind and body and how they should be gov- erned in the interest of good health; or some other theme that will tie the work together. In practice, the work will almost necessarily be consecutive because the teacher will feel himself competent In two or three lines and will devote Meaning of the Movement 39 himself to them. The environment will sug- gest the work. There will be opportunity for endless varia- tion in the details and in the little applications of the work. The personality of the teacher must always stand out strongly. We need the very best of teachers for nature-study — those who have the greatest personal enthusiasm, and who are least bound by the traditions of the classroom. The teacher, to be ideal, must have more time, more feeling, and more knowl- edge. It is better if the teacher have a large knowledge of science, but nature-study may be taught without great knowledge if one sees accurately and infers correctly from the par- ticular subject in hand. The teacher should avoid startmg with definitions and the setting of patterns. Defini- tions should be the result or summary of the study, not the beginning of it. Mere patterns should afford means of comparison only, and not be regarded as useful in themselves; and even then they are often misleading. The old idea of the model flower is an unfortunate one, 40 The Nature-Study Idea because the model flower does not exist In na- ture. The model flower, the complete leaf, and the like, are inferences; and the pupil should not begin with abstract ideas. In other words, the Ideas should be suggested by the things, and not the things by the ideas. *'Here is a draw- ing of a model flower," the old method says; *'go and find the nearest approach to it." "Go and find me a flower," is the better method, "and let us see what It Is." y Two factors determine the proper subjects for any teacher to choose for nature-study Instruction. First, the subject must be that in which the teacher is most interested and of which he has the most knowledge; second. It must represent that which is commonest and which can be most easily seen and appreciated by the pupil, and which Is nearest and dearest to his life. With children, begin with naked-eye objects. As the pupil matures and becomes Interested, the simple microscope may be Introduced now and then. Children of twelve years and more may carry a pocket lens; but the best place to use this lens is in the field. The best nature- Meaning of the Movement 41 study observation is that which is done out-of- doors; but some of it can be made from material brought into the schoolroom. The tendency is to go too far afield for the subject-matter. We are more likely to know the wonders of China or Brazil than of our own brooks and woods. If the subject-matter is of such kind that the children can see the objects ^ as they come and go from the school, and collect ^ some of them, the results will be the better. As the pupil matures, he should be taken out to the world activities. It Is a sound educational principle that the child should not be taught mere dilutions of science. The young child cannot understand cross-fertilization of flowers, and should not be taught the subject. It Is beyond the child's realm. When we teach It to young children, we are only translating what grown-up Investi- gators have discovered by means of faithful search. At best, it will only be an exotic thing to the child. Pollen and stamens are not near and dear to the child. There are three steps in the teaching of na- ture-study : 42 The Nature-Study Idea (i) The fact, (2) The reason for the fact, (3) The Interrogation left in the mind of the pupil. It is impossible to find a natural-history object from which these three factors cannot be drawn, for every object is a fact and every fact has a cause, and children may be Interested in both the fact and the cause. It may be better, of course, to choose definite subjects, taking pains, at least at first, to choose those having emphatic characters. But even in the dullest days of winter sufficient materials may be found to keep the interest aflame. A twig or aiiranch may be at hand. There should be enough specimens to supply each child. Let the teacher ask the pupils what they see. The replies will discover the first factor in the teaching — the fact. However, not every fact Is significant to the teacher or to the particular pupils. It remains for the teacher to pick out the fact or answer that Is most significant. The teacher should know what is significant and he should keep the Meaning of the Movement 43 point clearly before him. One pupil says that the twig Is long; another that It Is brown; another that It is crooked; another that It Is from an apple tree; another that It has several unlike branchlets or parts. Now, this last reply may appeal to the teacher as most significant. Stop the questioning and open the second epoch in the Instruction — the reason why no two parts are alike. As before, from the great number of responses the significant reason may be de- veloped : It Is because no two parts have lived under exactly the same conditions. One had more room or more sunlight and It grew larger. The third epoch follows naturally: are there any two objects In nature exactly alike? Let the pupils think about It. Choose a stone. If similar stones are in the hands of the pupils, you ask first for the observa- tion or the fact, One says that the stone is long; another. It is light; another. It Is heavy; another, that the edges are rounded. This latter fact Is very significant. You stop the observation and ask why It is rounded. Some one replies that It Is because it is water-worn. 44 The Nature-Study Idea Query: Are all stones in brooks rounded? Numberless applications and suggestions can be made from this simple lesson. What becomes of the particles that are worn away ? How has soil been formed? How has the surface of the fields been shaped and molded? It is not necessary that the teacher always know the reason. He may propose that they all find out and report. It Is the strong teacher who can say: "I do not know." If a problem had been sent to Agasslz or Asa Gray and he had not understood it, would he have dissimulated or have evaded in the answer? Would he not have said unhesitatingly, '*I do not know"? Such men delve for knowledge, but for every fact that they discover they turn up a dozen mysteries. Knowledge begins in wonder. The consciousness of ignorance is the first result of wonder, and it leads the pupil on and on : It Is the spirit of inquiry. These illustrations are given merely as exam- ples. They may not be ideal, but they show- what can be done with very common material. In fact, the surprise and interest is often all the Meaning of the Movement 45 greater because the objects are so very common and familiar. To my mind, one of the best of all subjects for nature-study is a brook. It affords studies of many kinds. It is near and dear to every child. It Is an epitome of the nature In which we live. In miniature, it illustrates the forces that have shaped much of the earth's surface. It reflects the sky. It is kissed by the sun. It is rippled by the wind. The minnows play In the pools. The soft weeds grow In the shal- lows. The grass and the dandelions lie on its banks. TVie mr^^ ^nd the fern are sheltered In the nooks. It comes one knows not whence; it flows one knows not whither. It awakens the desire to explore. It is fraught with mysteries. It typifies the flood of life. It *'goes on for- ever.'* In other words, the reason why the brook Is such a perfect nature-study subject Is the fact that It Is the central theme In a scene of life. Living things appeal to children. To relate the nature-study work to living animals and plants should constitute the burden of the effort. 46 The Nature-Study Idea I would study a brook or a fence-corner or a garden-bed or a bird or a domestic animal or an insect or a plant. The life-histories of cer- tain insects, and all common forms of life, afford excellent nature-study exercise for pupils of proper age. However, the teacher and the way of teach- ing are more important than the subject-matter, and there are good nature-study teachers who are better fitted to teach inanimate than animate subjects. There Is no better nature-study exer- cise than to observe the erosion by_bj:O0ks, floods, and rains, if the teacher is '^-repared to handle it; and surely nothing can be more im- portant than to put the child in sympathy wnth the weather; and all persons should have the habit of looking at the heavens in day and night. It is due to every child that his mind be opened to the voices of nature. The world is always quick with sounds, although our ears are closed to them. Every person hears the loud songs of birds, die sweep of heavy winds and the rush of rapid rivers or the sea ; but the small Meaning of the Movement 47 voices with which we live are known not to one in ten thousand. To be able to distinguish the notes of the different birds is one of the choicest resources in Hfe, and it should be one of the first results of a good education. It is but a step from this to the other small voices, — of the insects, the frogs and toads, the mice, the domes- tic animals, the flow of quiet waters, and the noises of the little winds. It is a great thing when one learns how to listen. At least once, every young person should sleep far out in the open, preferably in a wood or the margin of a wood, that he may know the spirit and the voices of the night and thereafter be free and unafraid. Similar remarks may be made of the odors, for the world breathes a multitude of fragrances of which most persons are wholly unaware. Usually only the strong smells are known to us, and we merely divide them into two classes, — those that we like and those that we do not like. All the senses should be so trained and ad- justed that all our world becomes alive to us. Then we are really sensitive. One of the first things that a child should 48 The Nature-Study Idea learn when he comes to the study of natural history is the fact that no two objects are ahke. This leads to the correlated fact that every animal and plant contends for an opportunity to live, and this is the central theme in the study of living things. The world has a new mean- ing when this fact is understood. This is the key that unlocks many mysteries, and it is the means of establishing a bond of sympathy be- tween ourselves and the world in which we live. It is a common mistake to attempt to teach too much at each exercise; and the teacher is also appalled at the amount of information that he must haye. Suppose that one teaches two hundred and fifty days in the year. Start out with the determination to drop into the pupils' minds two hundred and fifty suggestions about nature. One suggestion is sufficient for a day. Let them think about it and ponder over it. We stuff our children so full of facts that they cannot digest them. I should prefer ten min- utes a day of nature-study to two hours; but I should want it quick, sharp, vivid and spon- taneous. I should want it designed to develop Meaning of the Movement 49 the observing and reasoning powers of the child and not to gorge the pupil. Spirit counts for more than knowledge. It Is well to verify observations and con- clusions on different days. Let the pupils com- pare Ideas and experiences. This develops an intellectual habit of taking nothing on hearsay or for granted. Taught in this way, nature-study work is not an additional burden to the teacher, but may be made a relief and a relaxation. It may come at the opening of the school hour, or at the close of a hard period, or at other time when an opportunity offers. It may often be combined with the regular studies of the school, and In that way it may be Introduced In places where It would otherwise meet with objection. For ex- ample, the subject-matter of the nature-lesson may be used for the exercise In drawing or in geography. Let the child drav/ the twigs; but always be careful that the drawing does not become more important than the twigs. My remarks on procedure are meant, of course, to apply to children. As the pupil ad- 4 5© The Nature-Study Idea vances, the work will naturally become more systematic, until, in the high school, It may develop into more formal teaching, and then a regular period will be required. Those who complain that nature-study Is desultory are really thinking of science, not of nature-study. Although not the teaching of science, as such, nature-study is not unscientific. It is not In any sense a letting down of standards, if properly handled, but a new intention in education. What may he the results of nature-study? Its legitimate result is education — the de- veloping of mental power, the opening of the eyes and the mind, the civilizing of the indi- vidual. As with all education, Its central purpose is to make the individual happy; for happiness is nothing more nor less than pleasant and efficient thinking, coming from a conscious- ness of the mastery, or at least the understand- ing, of the conditions in which we live. The happiness of the ignorant man is largely of physical pleasures; that of the educated man is of intellectual pleasures. One may find com- Meaning of the Movement 51 radeship In a groggery, the other may find it in a dandelion; and inasmuch as there are more dandehons than groggeries (in most communi- ties), the educated man has the greater chance of happiness. Some persons object to nature-study because it Is not systematic and graded. They think that It leads to disjunctive and discursive work. The Informality may be Its charm. Thereby comes the contrast with the perfunctory school work; and thereby, also, arises its naturalness and Its freedom. It Is easily possible to "organize" nature-work until it becomes as automatic as other work. The formal school work will supply the drill In method and system. Nature- study will afford relaxation, and it will be valuable because It Is short, forceful, and volun- tary; and this result Is worth securing. The mode of presentation that naturally develops In nature-study teaching Is really very important In its effect on the pupil's approach to subject-matter and on his^ outlook to the world. The presentation Is quick, simple, 52 The Nature-Study Idea direct, little confused by apparatus and self- consciousness and side issues. Good nature-study teaching develops per- sonality and encourages the pupil to think for himself and to maintain an individual relation to his world. It emphasizes adaptation to life as distinguished from the tendency of much of our teaching to produce uniformity of thought and action. Nature-study not only educates, but it edu- cates nature-ward; and nature is ever our com- panion, whether we will or no. Even though we are determined to shut ourselves in an office, nature sends her messengers. The light, the dark, the moon, the cloud, the rain, the wind, the falling leaf, the fly, the bouquet, the bird, the cockroach — they are all ours. Few of us can travel. We must know the things at home. Nature-love tends toward simplicity of living. It tends country-ward. "God made the country." Nature-study ought to revolutionize the school life, for it is capable of putting new force and enthusiasm into the school and the child. It is new, and therefore Is called a whim. A move- ment Is a whim until it succeeds. We shall learn Meaning of the Movement 53 much, and shall outgrow some of our present notions, and shall eliminate the vagaries. It Is In much the stage of development that manual- training and kindergarten work were twenty-five years ago. We must take care that It does not crystallize Into science-teaching on the one hand, nor fall into mere sentlmentalism and gush on the other. In many ways we are now In a transition period In our school systems. We are living In an era of the material equipment of schools — the erecting of magnificent buildings, the gather- ing of extensive outfits. This Is true of colleges and universities as well as of the common schools. When this era Is past, we shall have more money to spend for teachers. Teaching will be a profession requiring better training and commanding more pay, and men teachers will come back to It. In this evolved and emancipated school, the nature-study spirit will prevail, even though the name Itself be lost. This spirit stands for a normal outlook on life. It is the active and [54) The Nature-Study Idea creative method. It Is a developing of the powers of the pupil, not hearing him recite. In spirit and method, It Is opposed to the pour- Ing-In and dipplng-ont process. The nature-study effort sets our thinking In the direction of our daily doing. It relates the schoolroom to the life that the child Is to lead. It makes the common and familiar affairs seem to be worth the while. It ought to make men and women effective and responsible. Essen- tially, it Is not an Ideal for the school any more than It Is for the home ; but so completely do we delegate all work of teaching and instructing to the school, that nature-study effort comes to be, In practice, a schoolroom subject. The Ideal of the parent or the teacher should be to bring the child Into natural relations with Its world; but whatever may be In the mind and hope of the teacher, so far as the child is concerned the nature-sympathy must come as a natural effect of actual observation and study of definite objects and phenomena. I will mention two forms of adaptation to life, as Illustrations of what I mean, (i) Na- Meaning of the Movement 55 ture-study teaching ought to utilize, as means of education, the tools that a boy or girl naturally uses. The habits of men are as Important as those of other animals. How to use a jack- knife, a hoe, a saw, an auger, a hammer, or other implement by means of which man adapts himself to his conditions, Is a very essential part of good teaching, but one that is almost uni- versally neglected. The tools of the household may be made the means of training a girl to a new hold on life. These devices are not to be studied merely as Implements, but as a part of the study of the natural history of human beings. All this would constitute a manual-training that would be founded on good sense. (2) The pupil should be taught to make observations on himself. He will find himself to be a very Interesting natural-history object. It Is just as well to know how a man walks as to know how a horse or a crow walks. The unconscious and automatic habits of men and women are as interesting as those of fish and insects. This kind of observation ought to have remarkable significance to health. It Is most strange how 56 The Nature-Study Idea little we reason from cause to effect in our own habits of eating and drinking and sleeping and exercise, and how much we rely on the phy- sician to advise us in matters on which we our- selves would be much better judges if we observed ourselves as closely as vre observe other objects. The simple regulation of the daily habits of life lies at the foundation of all good health. The application of the nature- study spirit of direct and simple observation of ourselves, with less of the physician's physiology, would benefit the pupil and also our civilization immeasurably. The great intention of nature-study is to cultivate a sensible interest in the out-of-doors, and to remove all conventional obstacles there- to. Real interest in the out-of-doors does not lie in the physical comfort of being in the open in "good" weather (persons who have this out- look do not know nature), but in spiritual in- sight and sympathy. One sleeps in the woods or fields not because these are the most com- fortable places in which to spend the night, but that he mav have communion and freedom. The Nature-Study Idea 57 There Is a large public and social result of simple and direct teaching of common things. It explains the relations between man and his environment. It establishes a new sense of our dependence on the natural resources of the earth, and leads us not to abuse nature or to waste our resources. It develops a public intelligence on these matters, and it ought to influence community conduct. i\ll teaching that is direct, native and understandable should greatly Influence the bearing of the Individual toward his conditions and his fellows, awaken his moral nature, and teach him something of the art of living In the world. I IV The Integument-Man WROTE a nature-study leaflet on *'How a Squash Plant gets out of the Seed." A botanist wrote me that It were a pity to place such an error of statement before the child: it should have read, "How the Squash Plant Gets Out of the Integument." Of course my friend was correct : the squash plant gets out of an integument. But I was anxious to teach the essence of the squash plant's behavior, not a mere verbal fact — and what child was ever interested In an Integument? It Is the old question over again — the ques- tion of the point of view and what one Is driving at. A person may be so intent on mere literal veracity that he misses the pupil. Much of our natural-science teaching Is as hard and dead as the old Latin and mathematics. It is the fear of the Integument-Man that keeps many a good teacher from teaching nature-study. He is afraid that he will make a 58 The In tegument- Man 59 mistake in statements of small fact. Now, the person who is afraid of making a mistake is the very person to trust, because he will be careful. Of course he will make mistakes — every one does who really accomplishes anything; but the mistakes will be relatively few: he will at once admit the mistakes and correct them when they are discovered, and the pupils will catch his desire for accuracy and admire the sincerity of his purpose. Pity the man who has never made an error ! The teacher often hesitates to teach nature- study because of lack of technical knowledge of the subject. This is well; but technical knowl- edge of the subject does not make a good teacher. Expert specialists are so likely to go Into mere details and to pursue particular sub- jects so far, when teaching beginners, as to miss the leading and emphatic points. They are so cognizant of exceptions to every rule that they qualify their statements until the statements have no spirit and no force. There are other ideals than those of dead accuracy. It is more important that any teacher be a good teacher 6o The Nature-Study Idea than a good scientist. But being a good scien- tist ought not to spoil a good teacher. The Integument-Man sees the little things and teaches details, and his teaching Is "dry." He lacks Imagination. The child wants things In the large and in relation; when it gets to the high school or college it may carry analysis and dissection to the limit. The Integument-Man teaches science, al- though it is not necessarily the best science. The child wants nature. The Integument-Man thinks that If any work Is only accurate It is thereby of value; and accuracy In nature-study begets accuracy in science, when the pupil takes It up later on. This Is all well enough; but the child can be accurate only so far as It can comprehend: it must work in Its own sphere; Integuments are not in the child's sphere. The degree of statement is more Important than final accuracy — If there Is such a thing as final accuracy; all knowledge is relative, and The Integument-Man 6i what Is within the range of one mind may be far beyond the range of another, and it Is folly to try to make the statement as full and accurate for the latter mind as for the former. A very Imperfect statement of osmosis Is accurate for a child or a young pupil; a fuller statem.ent Is accurate for the college student; and a still fuller and exacter statement Is accurate for the physicist; but perhaps it Is Impossible to make any statement of It that is finally accurate. The Integument-Man confuses all these degrees, and thinks that because the statement Is inaccurate for the physicist, it is therefore inaccurate for the pupil or the child. Refined verbiage that safeguards the statement to the scientist, may confuse It to the beginner. It may be only pedantry and narrowness. It is not an acci- dent that some of the most useful text-books have been made by persons who do not know too much about the subject. The Integument-Man Is fearful of every word that seems to Imply motive or direction in plants and the lower animals. "The roots go here and there In search of food" Is wrong 62 The Nature-Study Idea because roots do not "go.*' Seeds do not "travel." Plants do not "prepare" for winter. I wonder, then, whether water "runs" or winds "blow." This verbal preclseness forgets that words are only metaphors and parables, their significance determined by the use of them, and that the essential truth, or the spirit. Is what we should search for — expressing It, when found, in language that Is alive, unmistakable, and con- formed to best usage. We must measure the value of any statement to the child In good part by the strength and vitality of the picture that It raises In the mind. The Integument-Man insists on "methods." The other day a young man wanted me to recommend him as a teacher of one of the sciences in a public school. He explained that he had had a complete course in this and In that; he could teach the whole subject as laid down in the books; he knew all the methods. It was evident that he was well drilled. He had acquired a repertory of facts. These facts were carefully assorted and ticketed, and tucked away in his mental cupboard as embroidered The Integument-Man 63 and perfumed napkins are laid away In a drawer. Poor fellow ! Mere details have little educative value. An imperfect method that is adapted to one's use is better than a perfect one that cannot be well used. Some school labora- tories are so perfect that they discourage the pupil in taking up investigations when thrown on his own resources. Imperfect equipment often encourages ingenuity and originality'. A good teacher is better than all the methods and laboratories and apparatus. I like the man who has had an Incomplete course. A partial view, If truthful, is worth more than a complete course, if lifeless. If the man has acquired power for work, a capability for initiative and Investigation, an enthusiasm for the daily life, his Incompleteness Is his strength. How much there Is before him ! How eager his eye I How enthusiastic his temper ! He Is a man with a point of view. This man will see first the large and significant events; he will grasp relationships; he will cor- relate; later, he will consider the details. He 64 The Nature-Study Idea will study the plant before he studies the leaf or germination or the cell. He will discover the bobolink before he looks for Its toes. He will care little for mere "methods." His teaching will have freshness. The Integument-Man Is afraid that this popu- lar nature-study will undermine and discourage the teaching of science. Needless to say, the fear Is absurdly groundless. Science-teaching Is a part of the very fabric of our civilization. All our goings and our comings are adjusted to It. No sane man wishes to cheapen or dis- courage the teaching of science. Nature-study is not opposed to it. Nature-study prepares the child to receive the science-teaching. Grad- ually, as the child matures, nature-study may grow Into science-learning If the pupil so elect. Science-teaching has more to fear from desic- cated science-teaching than it has from nature- study. It Is the Integument-Man himself who is discouraging the teaching of science. Every- thing that Is true and worth the while will endure. All youths love nature. None of them, The Integument-Man 65 primarily, loves science. They are interested in the things that they see. By and by they begin to arrange their knowledge and impres- sions, and thereby to pursue a science. The idea of the science should come late in the educational development of the youth, for the simple reason that science is only a human way of looking at a subject. There is no natural science, but there has arisen a science of natural things. At first the interest in nature is an affair of the heart, and this atti- tude should never be stifled, much less elim- inated. When the interest passes from the heart to the head, nature-love has given way to science. Fortunately, it can always remain an affair also of the heart, but the dry teaching of facts alone tends to divorce the two. When we begin the training of the youth by the teach- ing of a science we are inverting the natural order. A rigidly graded and systematic body of facts kills nature-study ; examinations bury it. Then teach! If you love nature and have living and accurate knowledge of some small part of it, teach! Do not fear your scientific 5 66 The Nature-Study Idea reputation if you feel the call to teach. Your reputation Is not to be made as a geologist or zoologist or botanist, but as a leader. When beginning to teach birds, think more of the pupil than of ornithology. The pupil's mind and sympathies are to be expanded: the science of ornithology Is not to be extended; the science will take care of itself. Remember that spirit is more important than information. The teacher who thinks first of his subject teaches science; he who thinks first of his pupil teaches nature-study. With your whole heart, teach ! Do not be afraid of the Integument-Man. Nature-Study with Plants ALL the so-called natural sciences are con- tributing to the nature-study movement. Plants are so much a part of every landscape, however, we have such constant association with them, and the plant material Is so easy to secure, that they afford the very best subjects for nature- study work. One cannot understand the world If he does not know plants. The methods In plant-study show a dis- tinct development In pedagogical Ideas which it may be well to recapitulate. One can make out four fairly well marked stages In the teaching of plant subjects. First, was the effort to know the names of plants and to classify the kinds. This was a direct reflection of the systematic or classlfica- tory studies of the botanists. The external world had been unknown as to its details, and botanists necessarily attempted Inventories of the plant kingdom. Plants must be collected 67 68 The Nature-Study Idea and named. From this impulse arose the herbarium collecting, a method of teaching which was so thoroughly impressed into school methods a generation or two ago that it is still troublesome in many places. The second stage in plant-study in the American schools was the desire to know the names of the parts of plants. It came with the excellent text-books of Asa Gray and others, in which the results of studies in organography, morphology and histology, were organized and defined. These books were nearly as rigid in their systems and m.ethods as text-books of physics; and the pupil recited mostly from the book, with perhaps some accessory observation on plants. The third epoch is that of training for inde- pendent investigation. In very recent times, and chiefly since the death of Gray, the German laboratory methods have been widely copied in America by the many young and painstaking botanists who have studied abroad. As a result there are many high-schools that are equipped with microscopes and apparatus that would Nature-Study with Plants 69 have done credit to a college or university a few years ago. The customary laboratory method Is a distinct advance on the preceding methods of teaching in the fact that the pupil actually studies plants; but Its motive and point of view are distinctly wrong for the elementary school because It attempts primarily to teach botany rather than to educate the pupil. The field of view is also very narrow, and the pupil's mind Is likely to be closed to nature and re- stricted in Its range. The stage of the micro- scope and the tables of the laboratory are poor and narrow ranges for the young mind when there are fields and gardens adjacent. The German laboratory method is no doubt quite perfect for the training of Investigators and specialists, but it lacks the inspiration and the educative impulse that young minds need. The fourth stage is the effort to know the plant as a complete organism living its own life in a natural way. It Is marked by a new and vital plant physiology. In the beginning of this epoch we are now living. 70 The Nature-Study Idea Suggestions for plant work The pupil should come to the study of plants and animals with little more than his natural and native powers. Study with the compound microscope is a specialization to be made when the pupil has had experience and when his judg- ment and sense of relationships are trained. A difficulty in the teaching of plants is to determine what are the most profitable topics for consideration. Much of the teaching at- tempts to go too far and the subjects have no vital connection with the pupil's life. Good botanical teaching for the young is replete with human interest. It is connected with the com- mon associations. Plants always should be taught by the "labo- ratory method" : that is, the pupil should work out the subjects directly from the specimens themselves; but I should want it understood that the best "laboratory" may be the field, and that the plants are to be studied as plants rather than as dissected pieces. Specimens mean more to the pupil when he Nature-Study with Plants 71 collects them. No matter how commonplace the subject, a specimen will vivify it and fix it in the pupil's mind. A living, growing plant Is worth a score of herbarium specimens. In the secondary schools, botany should be taught for the purpose of bringing the pupil closer to the world with which he lives, of widening his horizon, of Intensifying his hold on life. It should begin with familiar plant forms and phenomena. It Is often said that the high-school pupil should begin the study of botany with the lowest and simplest forms of life. This Is wrong. The microscope Is not an introduction to nature. It Is said that the physiology of plants can be best understood by beginning with the lower forms. This may be true: but the customary technical plant physi- ology Is not a subject for the beginner. There are better ways of putting the beginner Into touch with physiology. The youth is by nature a generalist. He should not be forced to be a specialist. Just what kind of plant or animal subjects should be taught must depend (i) on the de- 72 The Nature-Study Idea sires and capabilities of the teacher; (2) on the place in which the school is — whether city or country, North or South, prairie or mountain — for it is important that the subject be common and have relation to the experiences of the pupils; (3) on the desires of the pupils, par- ticularly if they are to do the collecting; (4) on the time of the year. Whenever possible, let the pupil first come Into cognizance of the plant as a whole. It is well to choose one species that is common and familiar; then endeavor to determine where it grows, why it grows there, how it is modified in different circumstances. If it is a dandelion, one lesson may be devoted to dandelions in the school-yard; another to dandelions in the meadow ; another to dandelions along hard and dry roadsides; another to dandelions in rich farmyards and gardens; another to dandelions In the borders of woodlands. Compare the relative abundance of dandelions in these dif- ferent places: why? Do the plants *'look" the same In these different places: how differ and why? (Note the size and form of plants, rela- Nature-Study with Plants 73 tive number of leaves, form and size of leaves, root habit, abundance of bloom, length of flower stems.) It is a practice iii some schools to teach mathematics by means of dandelions, on the mis- taken notion that nature-study is being taught; putting the word dandelion into problems, where the words stone, book, box or knife might just as well be used, is only verbal substitution and will have little effect on the pupil's relation to dandelions except to make him dislike them. Having known one kind of common plant, the pupil may well study plant societies — how plants live together, and why. Every distinct or separate area has its own plant society. There is one association for the hard-tramped door-yard — knotweed and broad-leaved plantain with interspersed grass and dandelions; one for the fence-row — briers and choke-cherries and hiding weeds ; one for the dry open field — wire- grass and mullein and scattered docks; one for the slattern roadside — sweet clover and rag- weed and burdock; one for the meadow swale — smartweed and pitchforks; one for the barn- yard— rank pigweed and sprawling barn-grass; 74 The Nature-Study Idea one for the dripping rock-cliff — delicate blue- bells and hanging ferns and grasses. These categories may be indefinitely extended. We all know the plant societies, but we have not thought of them. In every plant society there is one dominant note: It Is the Individuality of one kind of plant that grows most abundantly or overtops the others. Certain plant-forms come to mind when one thinks of willows, others when he thinks of an apple orchard, still others when he thinks of a beech forest. The farmer may associate "pussly" with cabbages and beets, but not with wheat and oats. He associates cockle with wheat, but not with oats or corn. We all associate dandelions with grassy areas, but not with burdocks or forests. It Is Impossible to open one's eyes out-of- doors outside the paved streets of cities without seeing a plant society. A lawn is a plant society. It may contain only grass, or It may contain weeds hidden away in the sward. What weeds remain in the lawn? Only those that can withstand the mowing. What arc Nature-Study with Plants 75 they? Let a bit of lawn grow as it will for a month and see what there is in it. A swale, a dry hillside, a forest of maple, a forest of oak, a forest of hemlock or pine, a weedy yard, a tangled fence-row, a brook-side, a deep quiet swamp, a lake shore, a railroad, a river bank, a meadow, a pasture, a dusty roadway — each has its characteristic plants. Even in the win- ter one may find these societies — the tall plants still asserting themselves, others of less aspiring stature, and others snuggling just under the snow. Later, special attributes or forms of plants may be considered — forms of stems, bark, ways of branching, root forms, leaf forms, position and size of leaves with reference to light, flower forms, falling of the leaves, germination, seed dispersal, pollination (for older pupils), injuries of various kinds (as by snow, ice, wind, sun-scalding, drought, insects, fungi, browsing by cattle), simple physiological experiments of many kinds (such as are now described in our best text-books). In winter, studies may be made of the forms of trees and bushes and of 76 The Nature-Study Idea persisting weeds, leaf-buds and fruit-buds, bark forms, preparation for spring, tubers and bulbs, seed-sowing and germination, struggle for exist- ence in the tree-top, evergreens and how they shed their leaves, how the different kinds of trees hold the snow, where the herbs and ten- der things are, cones and seed pods, apples and turnips and other things from the cellar, knots and knot-holes, how vines hold to their sup- ports, and others. These subjects are intended only as suggestions of the kind of work that may be taken up with profit. As far as possible, the study of form and function should go together. Correlate what a part is with what it does. What is this part? What is its office, or how did it come to be?% It were a pity to teach phyllotaxy without teach- ing light-relation : it were an equal pity to teach light-relation without teaching phyllotaxy. There are those who discourage the teaching of plant societies until the pupil is well grounded in "physiology"; but this, again, is the science- teaching point of view. Of course the child cannot understand the fundamental reasons for Nature-Study with Plants 77 plant association — I wonder whether the botan- ist does? — but the child can comprehend the phenomena, and he will be Interested in them because they are so Intimately associated with him and are understandable. There are those, again, who say that such subjects as those suggested above do not prepare the pupil to enter college. My reply Is that the elementary schools do not exist for the sake of the college or the university. Those that are to enter college are a small and special class, and they may receive special Instruction. I have spoken of the herbarium stage of plant-study and have said that It Is passing away. It is perfectly possible, however, to make herbaria without In any way lessening the value of beginning plant-work (the rather in- creasing Its value), but the herbarium should be a result of the work rather than constitute the work Itself. After the pupil has come to know the dandelion or a plant society or the flora of the neighborhood, he will do well to make specimens; these specimens will be a part of his records. VI The Growing of Plants by Children — the School-Garden ACTUALLY to grow a plant is to come into intimate contact with a specific bit of nature. The numbers of plants that we grow, and also the kinds of them, increase with every generation. The intensity of our plant-grow- ing, as well as the increasing care for animals, is coming to be a measure of our interest in the world about us. Not only has the cultivation of plants itself increased our contact with plants and with nature, but, in connection with the growth of the spirit of art, of sport, and of suburbanism, it has taken us afield and has impelled us to know things as they are and as they grow. The modern popularization of plant-knowledge is probably due more to these agencies than to the progress of botany. There are many practical applications to the lives of children and to the home that may be [7^) The Growing of Plants 79 made from a knowledge of plants and horti- culture. This knowledge means more than mere information of plants themselves. It takes one into the open air. It enlarges his horizon. It brings him into contact with living things. It Increases his hold on life. All these facts were well understood by Froebel, Pestalozzi, and other educational reformers. It is important that one does not assume too much when beginning plant-work with children. We forget that things which fail to appeal to us, because of our busy lives and great expe- rience, may nevertheless mean very much to the child. Often we attempt to teach the child so much that it is confused and nothing makes an impression. An interest In one simple, living problem that Is near to the child's life Is worth a whole book of facts about nature. It is not primarily important that children know the names, although the name Is an Intro- duction to a plant as It Is to a person. The essential point is that there should be plants about the home, or in the school grounds, or in the schoolhouse windows. Even though the 8o The Nature-Study Idea children are not conscious that they are receiv- ing any impression from these plants, neverthe- less the very presence of them has an influence that will be felt in later life, even as the presence of good literature and furniture and the associa- tion of refined surroundings has influence. I dropped a seed into the earth. It grew, and the plant was mine. It was a wonderful thing, this plant of mine. I did not know its name, and the plant did not bloom. ' All I know is that I planted something apparently as lifeless as a grain of sand and there came forth a green and living thing unlike the seed, unlike the soil in which it stood, unlike the air into which it grew. No one could tell me why it grew, nor how. It had secrets all its own, secrets that baflle the wisest men; yet this plant was my friend. It faded when I withheld the light, it wilted when I neglected to give it water, it flourished when I supplied its simple needs. One week I went away on a vacation, and The Growing of Plants 8i when I returned the plant was dead; and I missed It. Although my little plant had died so soon, it had taught me a lesson; and the lesson is that it is worth while to have a plant. Provide some little means of growing plants, not only to teach how to grow plants them- selves, but to instruct the child the care of things, to show that other beings besides itself have vicissitudes and lives of their own, and to im- plant the germ of altruism — the interest In something outside of oneself. These means of growing plants should be simple. A pot, a box or a hotbed may be sufficient. Every child should have the handling of at least one plant during the period of childhood. One plant cannot be handled without leaving an impres- sion on the life. The love of plants should be Inculcated In the school. It can usually be better done in school than at home, particularly v/hen one or both of the parents Is opposed to It and constantly discourages the child. Even when the parents 6 82 The Nature-Study Idea are ready and competent, the teacher may be able to reach the children more effectively than they. In nearly every school it is possible to have a few plants in the window. They may not thrive, but it is worth while to set the child- ren to inquiring why they do not. Sometimes the poorest plants awaken the most effort and inquiry. If nothing else will thrive, a beet will. Secure a good fresh beet-root from the cellar. Plant it in a box or tin can. Surprisingly quick it will throw out clean bright leaves. The thick root will hold moisture from Friday to Monday. A desire for school-gardens is gradually taking shape. This movement must grow and ripen; it cannot be perfected in a day. Through the centuries there have been few school-gardens : we must not expect to overcome the lack at once. The movement has not been aided much, if at all, by those who have "complete" schemes for gardens for the district schools. Such schemes may be advisable later. Start the work by suggesting that the school-grounds be cleaned or "slicked up." Take one step at a time. The propaganda for school-gardens must have The Growing of Plants 83 relation to the economic and social conditions under which the school exists. There is some confusion as to the objects of school-ground improvement. The purposes may be analyzed as follows : (i) Ornamenting the grounds, com- prising {a) cleaning and tidying them, {b) securing a lawn, {c) planting. This is always the first thing to be done. It stands for thrift, cleanliness, comfort, beauty, progressiveness. (2) Establishing a collection to supply material for nature-study and class work. (3) Making a garden for the purpose of {a) supplying material (as in No. 2), {h) affording manual-training, object les- son work, and instruction in plant-growing. (4) Providing a test ground or experi- ment garden where new varieties may be tried, fertilizer and spraying experiments conducted, and other definite studies un- dertaken. These purposes fall into two main groups: ( I ) The improvement or adornment of the 84 The Nature-Study Idea grounds; (2) the making of distinct gardens for purposes of direct instruction, or school- gardening proper. Much of the current dis- cussion does not distinguish these two ideals, and thereby arises some of the loss of effort and effectiveness in the movement. Improvement of the school-grounds Every school-ground should be picked up, cleaned up and made fit for children to see. There are three stages in the improving of any ground: Cleaning up; grading and seed- ing; planting. To improve the school-grounds should be a matter of neighborhood pride. It Is an expres- sion of the people's interest in the things that are the people's. We are ashamed when our homes are not fit and attractive for children to live In; but who cares If at the school the fence is tumble-down, the wood or coal scattered over the yard, the clapboards loose, the chimneys awry, the trees broken, the outhouses sagged and yawning? The first thing to do is to arouse the public The Growing of Plants 85 conscience. Begin with the children. As soon as they are directed to see the conditions they will believe what they see. They are not pre- judiced. They will talk about It: teacher, mother, father will hear. The next step Is to "clean up." Do not begin with any Ideal plan of landscape-garden- ing Improvement to be carried out at once — not unless some one person Is willing to do all the work and bear all the expense out of his public spirit; and this would be unfortunate, because most of the value In Improving a ground Is to Interest the children in the work. Develop the children's enthusiasm — It Is easy to do — In removing stones and litter and rub- bish. In filling the holes, piling the wood, raking the grounds. If one school year were required to accomplish this work alone It would be time well used. Children and teachers have many Interests. We are likely to expect too much of them. The cleaning up once done, and the civic pride aroused to the pitch of keeping It done, the next step Is to make a base or foundation 86 The Nature-Study Idea upon which all the gardening or planting fea- tures are to stand : the land must be graded. In some cases the soil must be removed and new earth put in its place, for the soil about a school- house is very likely to be poor sand or clay, or a mixture with building material and other rub- bish; but in general this labor will not be neces- sary if only a lawn and ornamental planting are desired. In some places a lawn is imprac- ticable, but a good and even earth surface should always be secured. The early spring is the season in which to do all this shaping and seed- ing of the land. The spring fever is on and enthusiasm is new-born. If the school is in the country, the farmers can be interested to do the heavy work. If the subject has been well dis- cussed in the school for some weeks or months, it should not be difficult to organize the farmers into a "bee" to grade, till and seed the ground. There is always at least one energetic man In the community who Is ready to take the lead In such movements as this. Much of the value of improving the school-ground lies In Its arous- ing of public interest. The Growing of Plants 87 The next year, plant. Let the matter be discussed in school. Ask the children to make plans. When the time Is ready, choose the simplest plan that seems to fulfil the require- ments. It Is well to get expert advice on this plan. Remember that during a large part of the year the school-ground will be practically without care ; the planting must be able to main- tain Itself, If necessary. Leave the centers open. Throw the planting mostly to the bor- ders or margins. Be careful not to have scat- tered effects In planting. Have the planting as little and as simple as possible and yet accom- plish the desired results. Avoid all elaborate designs in bedding. Leave ample space for playgrounds. Cover the out-bulldlngs with vines, and screen them with bushes and trees. Use chiefly of hardy and well-known trees and shrubs and herbs. Aim to have the ground Interesting because It appeals to the onlooker as a picture and not as a collection of plants. The school- gar den The real school-garden Is for direct instruc- 88 The Nature-Study Idea tlon. It Is an outdoor laboratory. It is a part of the school equipment, as books, blackboards, charts and apparatus are. The school-garden is not adapted to all schools; or, to speak more correctly, not all schools are yet adapted to the school-garden, any more than they are all ready for an equipment in physics or chemistry. All grounds can be improved and embellished; we shall be glad when all schools will also have a school-garden. The making of a definite garden is an epoch in the life of each school: it marks the progress of the school in educational ideals. The school-garden should have a special area set aside for it, as any other garden, room or laboratory has. Its prime motive is not to be ornamental, but to be useful. The garden should be a good garden, if it is to do its best work. By this I do not mean that it be perfect from the gardener's standpoint, but that it be carefully planned and the ground put in good condition. The children should do the garden- ing; a gardener or teacher should not take care of the children's beds for them. (For a descrip- tion of actual school-garden work, see p. 205.)] The Growing of Plants 89 A school-garden has a large range of use- fulness. It supplants, or, at least, supplements mere book training; presents real problems, with many interacting Influences, affording a base for the study of all nature, thereby develop- ing the creative faculties and encouraging nat- ural enthusiasm; puts the child Into touch and sympathy with its own realm; develops manual dexterity; begets regard for labor; conduces to health; expands the moral instincts by making a truthful and intimate presentation of natural phenomena and affairs; trains In accuracy and directness of observation; stimulates the love of nature; appeals to the art-sense; kindles Interest in ownership; teaches garden-craft; evolves civic pride; sometimes affords a means of earning money; brings teacher and pupil into closer personal touch; works against vandalism; aids discipline by allowing natural exuberance to work off; arouses spontaneous Interest In the school on the part of both pupils and parents; sets ideals for the home, thereby establishing one more bond of connection between the school and the community/ ^From ''Outlook to Nature" p. 213. 90 The Nature-Study Idea The larger relations There is a broader significance to the grow- ing of plants, as indicated in the foregoing catalogue, than that associated with mere gar- den-making or with the furnishing of school- j room material alone. There are social and national aspects. Children in the home and school should be interested in horticulture and agriculture as a means of introduction to nature. Farming introduces the human element into nature and thereby makes it more vivid in the child's mind. More than half the people of the United States hve outside the cities. More persons are engaged in farming than In any other single occupation. The children in the schools are taught much about the cities, but little about the farming country. The child should be taught something from the farmer's point of view, and the teaching of gardening is one of the ways in which to begin. This will broaden the child's horizon and quicken his sympathies. Every person is now supposed to know something of the country. He will spend part of his vacations therein. The more knowl- The Growing of Plants 91 edge he has of farming methods the more these vacations will' mean. It is not necessary, and perhaps not even Important, that the child be taught these subjects with the purpose of mak- ing him a farmer, but rather as a means of education and of Interest to him In the out-of- doors. There -must be a greater Interest In parks and pubHc gardens. These Institutions have now come to be a part of our civic Hfe. They no longer need apology. We build parks In the same spirit that we build good streets and make sanitary Improvements; but the park should be more than a mere display of garden- ing. It should have an Intimate relation with the lives of the people. All parks should be open to nature-study teachers, at least on cer- tain days. There should also be children's days in the parks. In some places the park may grow specimens for the school. In large cities some of the common vegetables and farm crops may be grown in small areas at one side of the park. The tendency, perhaps, is to make our parks too exotic, and to give relatively too 92 The Nature-Study Idea much attention to mere roads, statuary, and architecture. The general appearance and attractiveness of the home can be greatly Improved by simple gardening. The perfect garden, from the gar- dener's point of view, may not be the most useful or most decorative one. The garden should be so common and so easy to make as to become a part of the child-life. VII Nature-Study Agriculture THE nature-study idea is bound to have a fundamental influence in carrying a vital educational impulse to farmers. The accus- tomed methods of education are less applicable to farmers than to any other people, and yet countrymen are nearly half our population. The greatest of the unsolved problems of edu- cation is how to reach the farmer. He must be reached on his own ground. The methods and the results must suit his needs. The ultimate test of good extension work will be its ability to reach into the remotest districts. We have failed to reach the farmer effectively because we still persist in employing old-time and academic methods. Historically, the com- mon public school is a product of the uni- versity and college. "The greatest achievement of modern education," writes W. H. Payne, "is the gradation and correlation of schools, whereby the ladder of learning is let down 9S 94 The Nature-Study Idea from the university to secondary schools, and from these to the schools of the people." This origin of **the schools of the people" from the university explains why It is that these schools are so unrelated to the life of the pupil, and so unreal; they are exotic and unnatural. If any man were to find himself in a county devoid of schools and were to be set the task of originat- ing and organizing a school system, he would almost unconsciously introduce some subjects that would be related to the habits of the peo- ple and to the welfare of the community. Being freed from traditions, he would teach something of the plants and animals and fields and people and affairs. So long have we taught the text-book routine that we do not seem to think that there may be other and better means. We may allow the Greek idea of education for culture, but we must have other education along with it. It is possible to acquire culture at the same time that we acquire power. Education for culture alone tends to isolate the Individual; education for sympathy with one's environment tends to Nature-Study Agriculture 95 make the individual an Integral part of the activities and progress of his time. At all events, there must be as great possibility for culture in the nature-studies as there is in the customary subjects of the common schools. My plea is that new educational methods must be employed before we can really reach the farming communities. I am not insisting that we make more farmers, but that we relate the rural school to the lives of people and that we cease to unmake farmers. Man is a land animal and his connection with the earth, the soil, the plants, animals and at- mosphere Is Intimate and fundamental. This earth-relationship is best expressed in agricul- ture,— not agriculture merely as a livelihood, but as the expression of the essential relationship of man to his planet home. Agriculture affords a primary^ educational course for the develop- ' ment of the race. If this kind of Instruction Is really to come and to be effective, nature-study agriculture Is not to be added to the school work so much as to grow out of It as a redirection or reconstruction of it. The best agriculture is 96 The Nature-Study Idea a perfect adaptation of man to his natural environment. A point of view on the rural-school problem A fundamental necessity to successful living IS to be in sympathy with the nature-environ- ment in which one is placed. This sympathy is born of good knowledge of the objects and phenomena in the environment. The process of acquiring this knowledge and of arriving at this sympathy is now popularly called nature- study. The nature-study process and point of view should be a part of the work of all schools, because schools train persons to live. Particu- larly should it be a part of rural schools, because the nature-environment is the controlling con- dition for all persons who live on the land. There is no effective living in the open country unless the mind is sensitive to the objects and phenomena of the open country; and no thoroughly good farming is possible without this same knowledge and outlook. Good farmers are good naturalists. Nature-Study Agriculture 97 Inasmuch as this nature-sympathy is funda- mental to all good farming, the first duty of any movement Is to establish an intelligent inter- est In the whole environment, — In fields and weather, trees, birds, fish, frogs, soils, domestic animals. It would be Incorrect to begin first with the specific agricultural phases of the en- vironment, for the agricultural phase (as any other special phase) needs a foundation and a base: it is only one part of a point of view. Moreover, to begin with a discussion of the so-called "useful" or "practical" objects, as many advise, would be to teach falsely, for, as these objects are only part of the environment, to single them out and neglect the other subjects would result in a partial and untrue outlook to nature; in fact, it Is just this partial and pre- judiced outlook that we need to correct (p. 32) . The colleges of agriculture have spread the nature-study movement. Such work was begun as early as 1895 and 1896 by the College of Agriculture of Cornell University. The col- leges would have been glad If there had been sufficient nature-study sentiment to have enabled 7 98 The Nature-Study Idea them to emphasize the purely agricultural phases in the schools; but this sentiment had to be created or quickened. At first It was Impos- sible to secure much hearing for the agricul- tural subjects. Year by year such hearing has been more readily given, and the work has been turned In this direction as rapidly as the con- ditions would admit, — for It Is the special mis- sion of an agricultural college to extend the agricultural applications of nature-study. In making these statements I have It In mmd that the common schools do not teach trades and professions. I would not approach the subject primarily from an occupational point of view, but from the educational and spiritual; that Is, the man should know his work and his environment. The mere giving of information about agricultural objects and practices can have very little good result with children. The spirit Is worth more than the letter. Some of the hard and dry tracts on farming would only add one more task to the teacher and the pupil If they were introduced to the school, making the new subject in time as distasteful as arlth- Nature-Study Agriculture 99 metic -and grammar often are. In this new agricultural work we need to be exceedingly careful that we do not go too far, and that we do not lose our sense of relationships and values. Introducing the word agriculture into the scheme of studies means very little; what Is taught, and particularly how It Is taught, is of the greatest moment. I hope that no country- life teaching will be so narrow as to put only technical farm subjects before the pupil. We need also to be careful not to Introduce subjects merely because practical grown-up farmers think that the subjects are useful and therefore should be taught. Farming Is one thing and teaching Is another. What appeals to the man may not appeal to the child. What Is most useful to the man may or may not be most useful In training the mind of a pupil in school. The teacher, as well as the farmer, must always be consulted in respect to the content and the method of teaching agricultural subjects. We must always be alert to see that the work has living Interest to the pupil, rather than to grown- uQSv and to be on guard that it does not become lOO The Nature-Study Idea lifeless. Probably the greatest mistake that any teacher makes is In supposing that what Is interesting to him Is therefore Interesting to his pupils. It has recently been said that the nature- study idea must disappear In rural schools and that agriculture must take Its place. Nothing can be farther from the mark. Nature-study may be directed more strongly In agricultural applications, as the schools are ready for It, but the process Is still nature-study. All good agri- cultural work in the grades must be nature- study. All agricultural subjects must be taught by the nature-study method, which Is: to see accu- rately; to reason correctly from what is seen; to establish a bond of sympathy with the object or phenomenon that Is studied. One cannot see accurately unless one has the object Itself. If the pupil studies corn, he should have corn in his hands and he should make his own observa- tions and draw his own conclusions; If he studies cows, he should make his observations on cows and not on what some one has said about cows. Nature-Study Agriculture loi So far as possible, all nature-study work should be conducted in the open, where the objects are. If specimens are needed, let the pupils collect them. See that observations are made on the crops in the field as well as on the specimens. Nature-study is an out-door process : the school- room should be merely an adjunct to the out- of-doors, rather than the out-of-doors an adjunct to the schoolroom, as it is at present (pp. 40, S6y 70). A laboratory of living things is a necessary part of the best nature-study work. It is custo- mary to call this laboratory a school-garden. We need to distinguish different types of garden page 83): (i) The ornamental or planted grounds; this should be a part of every school enterprise, for the premises should be attractive to pupils and they should stand as an example in the community. (2) The formal plat-gar- den, in which a variety of plants is grown and the pupils are taught the usual handicraft; this is the prevailing kind of school-gardening. (3) The problem-garden, in which certain specific questions are to be studied, in much the spirit that problems are studied in the indoor I02 The Nature-Study Idea laboratories; these are little known at present, but their number will increase as school-work develops in efficiency; In rural districts, for example, such direct problems as the rust of beans, the blight of potatoes, the testing of varieties of oats, the study of species of grasses, the observation of effect of fertilizers, may well be undertaken when conditions are favorable, and It will matter very little whether the area has the ordinary "garden" appearance. In time, ample grounds will be as much a part of a school as the buildings or seats now are. Some of the school-gardening work may be done at the homes of the pupils, and In many cases this Is the only kind that Is now possible; but the farther removed the laboratory, the less direct the teaching, r To Introduce agriculture Into any elementary rural school, It is first necessary to have a wlUIng teacher. The trustees should be able to settle this point. The second step is to begin to study the commonest and most available object con- cerning which the teacher has any kind of knowledge. The third step Is to begin to con- Nature-Study Agriculture 103 nect or organize these observations into a plan or system. This simple beginning made, the work ought to grow. It may or may not be necessary to organize a special class In agriculture; the geography, arithmetic, reading, manual-training, nature-study and other work may be modified or re-directed. It Is possible to teach the state elementary syllabus In such a way as to give a good agricultural training. In the high-school, the teacher should be well trained In some special line of science; and if he has had a course in a college of agriculture he should be much better adapted to the work. Here the teaching may partake more of the indoor laboratory method, although It Is pos- sible that our Insistence on formal laboratory work in both schools and colleges has been car- ried too far. In the high-school, a separate and special class in agriculture would better be organized, and this means, of course, the giving up of something else by the pupil. ^ In many districts the sentiment for agricul- tural work in the schools, will develop very slowly. Usually, however, there is one person I04 The Nature-Study Idea In the community who is alive to the Importance of these new questions. If this person has tact and persistence, he ought to be able to get some- thing started. Here is an opportunity for the young farmer to exert influence and to develop leadership. He should not be impatient if results seem to come slowly. The work is new : it is best that it grow slowly and quietly and prove Itself as It goes. Through the grange, reading-club, fruit-growers' society, creamery association, or other organization the sentiment may be encouraged and formulated; a teacher may also be secured who is In sympathy with making the school a real expression of the affairs of the community; the school premises may be put in order and made effective; now and then the pupils may be taken to good farms and be given Instruction by the farmer himself; good farmers may be called to the schoolhouse on occasion to explain how they raise potatoes or irrigate their land. A very small start will grow by accretion If the persons who are inter- ested In it do not lose heart; and In five years Nature-Study Agriculture 105 every one will be astonished at the progress that has been made. The prospect In recent years there has been a marvelous application of knowledge and research to agri- cultural practice. We have exerted every effort to increase the productiveness and efficiency of the farm, and we have entered a new era in farming — a fact that will be more apparent in the years to come than it is now. The burden of the new agricultural teaching has been largely the augmentation of material wealth. Hand In hand with this new teaching, however, should go an awakening to the less tangible but equally powerful things of the spirit. More attractive and more comfortable farm homes, better read- ing, more responsive Interest In the welfare of the community and the events of the world, closer touch with the common objects about him — these must be looked to before agricul- ture really can be revived. Appeal to greater efficiency of the farm alone cannot permanently relieve the agricultural status. This is all well io6 The Nature-Study Idea Illustrated In the attitude of children toward the farm. In a certain rural school In New York state of say forty-five pupils, I asked all those children that lived on farms to raise their hands : all hands but one went up. I then asked all those who wanted to live on the farm to raise their hands : only that one hand went up. Now, these children were too young to feel the appeal of more bushels of potatoes or more pounds of wool, yet they had this early formed their dislike of the farm. Some of this dislike Is probably only an Ill-defined desire for a mere change, such as one finds in all occupations, but I am convinced that the larger part of it was a genuine dissatisfaction with farm life. These children felt that their lot was less attractive than that of other children; I concluded that a flower-garden and a pleasant yard would do more to content them with living on the farm than ten more bushels of wheat to the acre. Of course, It is the greater and better yield that will enable the farmer to supply these amenities; but at the same time It must be remembered that the Increased yield does not Itself awaken a Nature-Study Agriculture 107 desire for them. I should make farm life interesting before I make It profitable. It will be seen at once that all these new ideals are bound to result In a complete revolu- tion or re-direction of our current methods of rural school-teaching. The time cannot be very far distant when we shall have systems of common schools that are based on the funda- mental idea of serving the people In the very lives that the people are to lead. In many places there are strong protests against the old order; In other places there are distinct begin- nings of the new order. The beginnings of the new order are seen In the nature-study movement, the establishing of special agricultural schools, the strong agitation for county or district Industrial schools, the spread of reading-courses, the rise of pupils' gardens, the extension work of the colleges of agriculture, the general awakening of rural communities. Books and methods are now derived for town schools rather than for coun- try schools; the real texts for the rural schools are just now beginning to appear, and they repre- io8 The Nature-Study Idea sent a new type of school literature. In the future, the text-book is to have relatively less influence than in the past. We have been living In a text-book and museum age. All this old method is not to be complained of. The fact that so many new subjects and propaganda are coming in shows that we are in the midst of an evolution : we are in the making of progress. Nature-study teaching may seem to be an indirect way of reaching the farmer; but it is not. It IS direct because it strikes at the very root of the difficulty. Nature-study teaches the importance of actually seeing the thing and then of trying to understand It. The person who really knows a pussy-willow will know how to become acquainted with a potato-bug. He will introduce himself. One of the most significant comments I have heard on nature-study work came from a country teacher who said that because she had taught it, her pupils were no longer ashamed of being farmers' children. If only that much can be accomplished for each country child, the result will be enough for one generation. What can be done for the country Nature-Study Agriculture 109 child can be done, In a different sphere, for the city child. Fifty years hence the result will be seen. A nature-study movement alone Is not suf- ficient to awaken and reconstruct the agricul- tural Interests. There should be coordinate efforts outside the schools. It particularly de- volves on the colleges of agriculture to develop good extension teaching. The extension move- ment Is already under way, several Immediate causes combining to make It Imperative, as ( I ) the people are ready for the work : they want to learn; (2) certain persons are ready to do the work: they want to teach; (3) the states appropriate money: the appropriations are made because work Is done. Of these factors, the money Is the least. No Institution Is so poor that something cannot be done if only the first three requisites are present. Time by time, perhaps little by little, the money will come. The work must be born, grow and mature. This new teaching for the farmer Is a most attractive field for well-directed effort. We no The Nature-Study Idea need more teachers for It In the colleges and normal schools and common schools. The teaching In our agricultural colleges should be seized with the missionary spirit, with the desire to send out young persons who care not so much to make professors and experimenters In the great Institutions, as to give themselves to spread the gospel of nature-love and of self-respecting, resourceful farming through all the colleges and all the public schools. The time Is coming quickly when the college or school that wants really to reach the people must teach rural sub- jects from the human point of view. We are on the borderland of a mighty coun- try : we are waiting for a leader to take us into it. PART II Containing several pieces that attempt to direct the teacher's outlook to nature I The Teacher's Interpretation of Nature TWO sisters stood on the doorstep bidding good-by to their husbands, who were off for a day's outing. One looked at the sky and said: "I am afraid It will rain/' The other looked at the sky and said: ''I know that you'll have a good time." There was one sky, but there were two women. There were two types of mind. There were two outlooks on the world. There are many persons who will not be pleased If they can help It. I iknow a nature-study teacher whose first Inquiry about any object Is, "What Is It worth?" Or, "What value has It to mankind?" Some objects are to be studied and protected because they are useful to man In supplymg his wants, and all others are passed over as not worth knowing. I doubt whether this attitude can bring about any close and satisfying touch with nature. The long-continued habit of looking at 8 J13 114 The Nature-Study Idea the natural world with the eyes of self-interest — to determine whether plants and animals are "beneficial" or "Injurious" to man — has de- veloped a selfish attitude toward nature, and one that Is untrue and unreal (pp. 32, 97) . The average man to-day contemplates nature only as it relates to his own gain and enjoyment. The satisfaction that we derive from the external world is determined by the attitude In which we consider It. All unconsciously one's habit of mind toward the nature-world Is formed. We grow Into our opinions and habits of thought without knowing why. It Is there- fore well to challenge these opinions now and then, to see that they contain the minimum of error and misdirection. The greatest thing In life Is the point of view. It determines the current of our lives. However competent a person may be in biology or other science, he cannot teach nature- study unless he has a wholesome personal out- look on the world. The more perfect the machinery of our lives. The Nature-Study Idea 115 the more artificial do they become. Teaching is ever more methodical and complex. The pupil is impressed with the vastness of knowl- edge and the importance of research. This is well; but at some point in the school-life there should be the opening of the understanding to the simple wisdom of the fields. One's happi- ness depends less on what he knows than on what he feels. In these increasing complexities we need nothing so much as simplicity and repose. In city or country or on the sea, nature is the sur- rounding condition. It is the univ^ersal environ- ment. Since we cannot escape this condition, it were better that we have no desire to escape. It were better that we know the things, small and great, which make up this environment, and that we live with them in harmony, for all things are of kin; then shall we love and be content. The growing passion for country life and the natural unspoiled world is a soul- movement. More and more, in this time of books and ii6 The Nature-Study Idea reviews, do we need to take care that we think our own thoughts. We need to read less and to think more. We need personal, original contact with objects and events. We need to be self-poised and self-reliant. The strong man entertains himself with his own thoughts. No person should rely solely on another person for his happiness. The power that moves the world is the power of the teacher. II Science for Science's Sake A DEMURE little woman at the teacher's convention told of the enthusiasm with which her pupils had collected butterflies and plants, and she described the museum that they had made. She showed a folio of mounted plants, and a cigar-box containing insects. I admired the specimens, and mentally I com- plimented her judgment in finding so good use for such a box. The tobacco odor kept the carnivorous bugs away, and I also commended the judgment of the bugs. There was genuine enthusiasm in the little woman's manner, and I wanted to be a young naturalist. When she was talking, I strayed far in the fields and picked a dandelion. But there was a man in the audience who squelched the little woman. Her methods were all wrong. They were worse than wrong: the children must unlearn what she had taught 117 ii8 The Nature-Study Idea them. She should have begun with some definite subject, and followed it systematically and logically. The pupil must be held to the task day after day, until he masters the topic. To skip from subject to subject Is to be super- ficial. This way of teaching does not result in mental drill. To make a collection is only play, and names are vulgar. The pupil must be impressed with the completeness of his sub- ject, and, above all things, he must be accurate. When he was talking, I smelled alcohol and I saw a frog in a museum jar. Which was right? No doubt each was cor- rect from the personal point of view, but wrong from the other's point of view. I re- called that the little woman recited only what she had done; the man upbraided her for not doing something else. Perhaps it is easy to advise and to criticize. The little woman was teaching children. She wanted to lead them to love the things they saw. She approached the subject from the human side, for are not the boy and the girl a part of what we call nature? They are not yet tamed and conventionalized. Science for Science's Sake 119 Does not every boy and girl like to go In the fields and "get" things? She was not thinking of the subject-matter; or If she did think of It, she knew that It could take care of Itself. All she was thinking of — poor soul ! — was to Inter- est and educate the children. And she knew that If she set a subject and followed it unre- mittingly day by day the seats would soon be vacant. The man was thinking of his college students; perhaps he had not considered that these stu- dents already liked the subject and needed only instruction. He forgot that you cannot force a pel son to choose a thing, although you may force him to take It. His were picked students, one from this town and another from that; hers were all the pupils in her little community. His pupils had seen and had chosen; to hers the world was all unseen and untried. His were the one In a hundred; hers were the entire hun- dred. His students had elected the subject; for this subject perhaps they were to live; they would Increase the boundaries of knowledge; 120 The Nature-Study Idea they would be scientists. He did not consider that all pupils would not be scientists. Sometimes it seems as if scientists assume that they have the right of way In the subjects which they espouse; but there is more than one way of Interpreting nature. This domination is well Illustrated in the usurpation of common words. The word "organic" relates to organ- Isms and their products. But when the chemist studies the composition of organic compounds he defines the word in terms of chemistry. To him an organic compound may be a carbon compound or a carbohydrate derivative; and he can make an organic compound without any relation to an organism! Organic is a biologi- cal, not a chemical idea. Again, our fore- fathers used the word "bug" for many kinds of insects; but scientists have taken this word "bug" and have made It mean only a particular kind of a bug. This is all well enough amongst themselves, but when they attempt to make all the rest of the world use "bug" as they do, they go too far. Our forefathers have prior claims. It would be better If newly-made words could Science for Science's Sake* 121 be used for new ideas. Science needs a tech- nical language of Its own. What Is the kernel of all this discussion about the pedagogical sin of making collections and of attaching names? It Is no doubt derived from the older practice of merely naming things. The old Idea of the study of nature was to make an Inventory of the objects In the world. The objects are bewUderlngly numer- ous, and to put them away In a cabinet, with a proper ticket attached, was to know them. The great want was names and classification; and these names must be arranged In books. This natural history bookkeeping received Its largest impetus from the binomial method of naming, which might be called a system of "double entry." This naming of objects Is necessary. It is the starting-point, as a city directory Is. But it Is only the beginning of wisdom. It Is not an end. The speculations of the modern evo- lutionists have emphasized the Importance of the objects themselves In a new way. The point of view has changed. Do not let your pupils 122 The Nature-Study Idea make an herbarium, the modern teacher may say, but tell them to study the plants. We all sympathize with this point of view; but what are we going to do with this native and exu- berant desire of the child to explore and to collect? And what better way Is there to know plants and animals than actually to collect and to study them? One of my friends will not let his little boy make an herbarium, because that is mere superficial amusement; so the child collects postage stamps. He does not care to have him know the names of plants, but he is very careful to have him properly introduced to visitors; and what is an introduction but a conventional passing of names (p. 196) ? I think that science teaching has gone too far in discouraging the making of collections. We can make the collecting the means of securing real Information. We can fasten the attention of the child. The one caution is not to make It an end. The child cannot collect without seeing the object as it lives and grows. It appeals to him more in the field than it does in the museum. Let him collect for the purpose Science for Science's Sake 123 of understanding a problem. Where does the dandelion grow? What are the plants in the bog ? How many are the weeds in the orchard ? What are the borers in the old log? Set the child a field problem and he will collect in spite of himself. Teach him at the same time to respect the rights of every living thing, and never to be wanton. Then the collecting has teaching power. But to make a collection of one hundred specimens in order to obtain a pass-mark is scarcely worth the effort (p. 77). The point I urge is that there is no reason in the nature of things why subjects always should be taught this way or that, so long as they are taught truthfully and with purpose — and there are many ways of teaching the truth. At one time or place we may teach for science's sake; at another time or place with equal justification we may teach for the pupil's sake. Ill Extrinsic and Intrinsic Views of Nature *