L Lvy8veslo I9OLIl € IONIAN “- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/naturestudylifOOhodg AVULSAINO HY ANVIONY MAN GIO NY NATURE STUDY AND Piek BY. oie nN CLIFTON F/ HODGE, Pu.D. It Assistant Professor in Clark University. Member of: The American Physiological Society, Soctety of American Naturalists, Massachusetts Forestry Association, American Forestry Association, Board of Directors of the Massa- chusetts Audubon Society, American Ornithologists’ Union DBife 16 response to the order of Jature W. K. Brooks Boston, U.S.A., AND LONDON GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS The Atheneum ress 1903 ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL CoryRIGHT, 1902 By CLIFTON F. HODGE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ) ZABRAR IY FEB 21 1962 © \ ¢ O Vers 784988 TO NELSON WELLINGTON HODGE MY FATHER, WHO GAVE ME MY FIRST ANIMALS AND PETS, MY FIRST GARDEN PLOT AND LITTLE FARM, WHO LEFT THE BIG OAK UNCUT FOR ITS BEAUTY AND THE WILD PRAIRIE UNPLOWED FOR ITS WILD FLOWERS, WHO SET THE ELM TREE BY THE PORCH AND THE RED MOSS ROSE IN- THE OLD HOME GARDEN ines PREFACE Tue field which this book essays to enter has ever spread out before me like an enchanted country. The possibilities and resources of life, dissolving in changes forever fresh and new, the infinite variety of mechanism, device, and story, the display of beauty on every side that baffles expression by pen or brush, have always seemed to me the natural matrix for the highest development of the child’s mind and soul. Weare beginning to use fruitfully in our education the legends and myths of the past, but the fundamental conceptions of these lie in the life and nature about us. All this is the work of the Infinite Enchanter of the Universe, and forms a realm of real magic, of which human myth and fairy tale are after all but the passing shadow. This was the world of keenest interests, delights, and sufferings of my boyhood, the common ground out of which my interests in special problems of science have grown, the world to which I instinctively turn from the fatigue and technicality of special work for rejuvenation and refreshment and find that its delights do not grow old. The more I study the problem, the more it seems to me that this side of nature is the sheet anchor of elementary education, all the more necessary as modern life tends to drift away from nature into artificialities of every sort. Recent developments of the sciences have completely daz- zled our modern education with their bewildering array vil Vill PREFACE of newly discovered facts, and the temptation has proved irresistible to introduce their technicalities into the ele- mentary curriculum. But the childhood of the race was very long, and we should not wish to force its period, brief at best, in the life of the individual. The weathering of rock and the formation of soil afford interesting lessons in modern geology; but men dug and planted, and estab- lished fruitful relations with Mother Earth thousands of years before geology was even dreamed of. So with com- bustion and the various forms of water: why not let chil- dren wonder about them for a few years, and then come with interest keen and fresh to their study in the chem- istry and physics of the high school or the college? By leaving out everything else, however, I do not wish to insinuate that the study of living things is all of nature study. But other sides of nature are so fully represented in plans for nature-study courses now before the public, —TIam tempted to say so much too fully represented — that my conscience is perfectly clear in leaving them to shift for themselves. Many recent books presenting courses of nature study have divided the lessons according to the seasons and terms of the school year. This form is doubtless of serv- ice to some teachers. I have not been able to adopt it, however, for two reasons: Nature’s changes were not arranged according to our school courses, and the pre- dominant importance of subject-matter precludes such cramped and formal treatment ; my purpose is to bring nature into relation to child life rather than to school life, to make it a continuous source of delight, profit, and highest education rather than a formal school task, I PREFACE ix have sought to obviate this difficulty in arrangement by a somewhat detailed grade plan in which topics are sug- gested for the grade best adapted for their pursuit. A full cross-reference index will also assist in a similar way. The illustrations have been selected to express the relation of man, especially the relation of the child, to nature ; and since spontaneous activity is fundamental to my plan of nature study, the majority of them are intended to suggest ways and means of cloing something. To those who have contributed pictures, notably Charles Irving Rice, J. Chauncey Lyford, Myron W. Stickney, Charles L. Goodrich, The National Cash Register Com- pany, Henry Lincoln Clapp, M. V. Slingerland, Miss Katherine E. Dolbear, and Miss Jessie G. Whiting, I wish to express my sincere thanks. Acknowledgment usually accompanies the illustration, but the picture of a deer in the velvet (p. 15) should be accredited to Mr. Rice. The photograph of the mosquitoes (p. 89) and the portrait of a young wood thrush (p. 345) are by Mr. Stickney. Pigse 121, 123, 125, 131, and 135, together with most of the data from which the bird-food chart (p. 323) was constructed, are contributed by Miss Helen A. Ball. The other line drawings, with exception of 20 d, 22, 25, 35 4, 71, 160, 161, 178, 193, 194, 195, were made under my direction by Mrs. Helen Davis Burgess. The photo- graphs not otherwise accredited are by the author. This book could never have been written, in anything like its present form at least, until its various suggestions had been given the test of actual school work. Miss Mary C. Henry, principal of the Upsala Street School of Worcester, Mass., has not only done this, but in addition x PREFACE has contributed many and valuable suggestions, notably with reference to the grade plan, to the school garden, and to the problem of cleanliness of the schoolroom. Thus to Miss Henry and the teachers in the Upsala Street School the book owes much of its definite character. To Pro- fessor Brooks, of the Johns Hopkins University, I am also under obligations for counsel as to the general plan of the work. For help in final revision of the text and proofs and preparation of the illustrations I am under great obligations to Mr. Lyford, and for assistance with the proof I wish to express my indebtedness to Miss Henry, Miss Dolbear, and Mr. Stickney. _ Finally, I acknowledge my debt to Clark University for opportunity, and to Dr. G. Stanley Hall for suggestions which called my attention to nature study. The further I went, the more it seemed to me that the sources from which must flow the future development of science in this country all lie in the quality of the work done in the public schools. In freshness, in lively interest, in origi- nality, nothing equals a child; and it has long been con- ceded that at no time is progress in learning so rapid as during the first three or four years of life. The secret of this, it has seemed to me, lies in the fact that touch with nature at first hand, original research, if you please, is the very breath of mental life. How may this splendid growth process of infancy be prolonged through life? The best answer to the question that I am at present able to offer is the book itself. Cc. F, HODGE; CLARK UNIVERSITY, WORCESTER, MASS., January 21, 1902 COMLEENTS INTRODUCTION BY Dr. G. STANLEY HALL CHAPTER I. THE POINT OF VIEW II. VALUES OF NATURE STUDY III. CHILDREN’S ANIMALS AND PETS IV. PLAN FOR INSECT STUDY V. INSECTS OF THE HOUSEHOLD VI. LESSONS WITH PLANTS VII. ELEMENTARY BOTANY VIII. GARDEN STUDIES, — HOME AND SCHOOL GARDENS IX. NATURE-STUDY PROPERTY OF CHILDREN X. NATURE-STUDY PROPERTY (Continued), — GAR- DEN FRUITS XI. PROPAGATION OF PLANTS XII. INSECTS OF THE GARDEN XIII. GARDEN INSECTS (Continued ) XIV. BENEFICIAL INSECTS, —THE HONEYBEE XV. INSECTS BENEFICIAL AND BEAUTIFUL XVI. INSECTIVOROUS ANIMALS,—THE COMMON TOAD . XVII. Common FROGS AND SALAMANDERS XVIII. Our Common Birps XIX. THE Birp CENSUS AND Foop CHART XX. PRACTICAL DOMESTICATION OF OUR WILD BIRDS xi xl CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XXI. TAMING AND FEEDING BIRDS . : ‘ one XXII. ELEMENTARY FORESTRY ’ : ‘ : 305 XXIII. ELEMENTARY FORESTRY (Continued ) ; - 379 XXIV. AQUARIA,—THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND MAN- AGEMENT . : : é ; : ; . > 398 XXV. MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS : 3 : 405 XXVI. FLOWERLESS PLANTS. : , : ; . SA8I5 XXVIII. FLOWERLEsS PLANTS (Continued), — MOULDS, MILDEWS, YEAST, BACTERIA . : - 457 XXVIII. THE GRADE PLAN . : , : : .- ©4978 INDEX : ; c : < : : : : : 497 INTRODUCTION For this book I have no hesitation in predicting a most wholesome, widespread, and immediate influence upon primary and grammar school grades of education in this country. Noone has gone so far toward solving the burn- ing question of nature teaching, and to every instructor in these subjects this volume will be not only instructive but inspiring. Unlike the authors of most of the many nature-study manuals now current, Professor Hodge has been for some years the head of a University Department, is a specialist in two or more of the fields of biology, and has made original contributions of value to the sum of human knowledge. His mind thus moves with independence, authority, and unusual command of the resources in the field here treated. New as his method essentially is, it is now made public only after years of careful trial in the public school grades in Worcester, until its success and effective working in detail is well assured. Thus it has passed the stage of experiment and is so matured and approved that, with slight local adjustments, it can be applied almost any- where for children of from six or seven to thirteen or fourteen years of age. I have also observed the growing appreciation with which this matter and method have been received by the representative teachers from nearly every state in the xiii X1V INTRODUCTION Union in the successive sessions of our Summer School, in which approval has grown to deep interest and hearty enthusiasm. Although the author has striven to secure the best results sought by other nature books, this differs not only in all respects from some, but in some respects from all, and chiefly as follows: It contains a richer and more varied subject-matter. Instead of elaborate methods applied to a few species, it presents the essential and salient points about many and thus avoids the current fault of over-elaborate and over- methodic treatment, prolonged till interest turns to ennui. Another principle solidly established and here utilized, is that interest in life forms precedes that in inanimate nature for children of the age here in view. Rock forms, crystals, stars, weather, and seasons are all interesting, but have their nascent period later, and at this stage pale before the deep, instinctive love of pets and the fauna and flora of the immediate environment. Again, the principle of utility is here often invoked in a new field, and in a way calculated to advance one of the chief objects of modern pedagogic endeavor — an increas- ing unity and solidarity between the school and the home. The new use of this motive is distinctly national and sure to appeal to the practical spirit of this country. The author is a born naturalist, and his love of nature and children, which is infectious, is not less but more because he does not forget nature’s uses to man. _Believ- ing profoundly, as I do, in the poetic, sentimental, and religious appeal which nature makes to the soul, it is plain that for some years preceding adolescence the INTRODUCTION XV normal child can be appealed to on the practical, unsenti- mental, and utilitarian side of his nature. Once more, this work is opportune because it stimu- lates spontaneous, out-of-door interests. It is with abun- dant reason that we find now on every hand a growing fear of the effects of excessive confinement, sedentary attitudes, and institutionalizing influences in the school. Such work as is here described must tend to salutary progress in the direction of health. Lastly, many modern nature books suffer from what might be called effeminization. This is a book written by a man and appeals to boys and girls equally. The time has now happily passed when it is necessary to urge the importance of the love and study of nature, or to show how from it have sprung love of art, science, and religion, or how in the ideal school it will have a cen- tral place, slowly subordinating most other branches of study as formal and accessory, while it remains substan- tial. To know nature and man is the sum of earthly knowledge. Gy SLANE Y) SEVAISE: WORCESTER, MaAss., Dec. 3, 1go!. I shall try to show that life is response to the order of nature... . Our interest in all branches of science is vital interest. It is only as living things that we care to know. Life is that which, when joined to mind, is knowledge, — knowledge in use; and we may be sure that all living things with minds like ours are conscious of some part of the order of nature, for the response in which life consists is response to this order. —W. K. Brooks. To learn what is true in order to do what is right is the summing up of the whole duty of man, for all who are not able to satisfy their mental hunger with the east wind of authority.— T. H. HUXLEY. Nature study is learning those things in nature that are best worth knowing, to the end of doing those things that make life most worth the living. xvi Peo RE STUDY AND -LIFE GHAPTER.1 THE POINT OF VIEW And God blessed them, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat. And the Lord God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Aims and Purposes of a Nature-Study Course. — The heart of education, as of life itself, is purpose. Through the maze of infinite variety in form and structure and action that nature presents to the student on every side, the only thing that can hold him to definite lines with patience, persistence, and continuity enough to make his work amount to something is purpose. Hence, in order to select intelligently the materials for a successful course, we need at every step to have the purpose of nature study clearly before us. This may be expressed in a brief formula, as: Learning those things in nature that are best worth knowing, to the end of doing those things that make life most worth living. I 2 NATURE STUDY AND) LIFE What things are dest worth knowing is indicated in a fundamental way by the relations toward nature that the human race has found necessary and valuable to develop ; and nowhere in literature are these relations expressed with such force, beauty, and high authority as in the words at the heading of this chapter. The fundamental relations to nature of the race, the individual, and the child have been more fully discussed elsewhere,! and it is necessary only to summarize them here briefly as follows : Of first importance is the fact that man’s primitive relations to nature are mainly biological — relations to animal and plant life. Subjugation of Animals. — Development of these rela- tions followed the order of logical necessity. Subjection must come first if man is to live in safety on the earth. This great process of subjugation, this hand- to-hand fight against nature, must have constituted the main lines of human nature study for thousands, prob- ably for tens of thousands of years before language took form and written history began, and it has formed a large part of the work ever since. And how far have vermin, weeds, insects, and microbes been brought under subjection even now? To what extent this phase of struggle and warfare should enter into a course of nature study must remain largely a matter for individual parents and teachers to decide, but that it has played an important and fundamental réle in development of civili- zation and formation of human character there can be no doubt. And it remains as true as ever that character '“ Foundations of Nature Study,” Zhe Pedagogical Seminary, vol. vi, No. 4, pp. §36-553; and vol. vii, No. 1, pp. 95-110, No. 2, pp. 208-228. Tee POIN EOF ViEw 3 can only be developed by struggle, by active, intelli- gent, patient overcoming of difficulties, the elements that achieved success throughout the ancient travail of the race. It is still “‘To him that overcometh”; and nothing can take the place of the hard task in education. But there need be no reversion to barbarism. In fact, the Fic. 1. PRIMITIVE GERMAN HOME AND ITS OCCUPATIONS (From a painting by Joh. Gehrts) work should all be planned to exert the strongest possible uplift toward civilization instead. Dominion over Animals.— The step from abject savagery, by which a new relation between mankind and nature was opened up, was domestication of animals. Hitherto life had been a struggle against all nature, against friends and foes alike. At this point man first developed intelligence 4 NATURE SieUiDYaeAIN Derr enough to distinguish between friends and enemies and to discover companions and helpers among the animals about him. The first animal tamed was the dog, which is still the idol of the child’s heart. Although taming of the dog antedates all historic records, it is quite probable that this great advance was made by the plastic fancy of a child, —that the first animal domesticated was the playfellow of some savage boy or girl. Then follows, also before the dawn of authentic history, domestication of the horse, sheep, goat, horned cattle, and most of our domesticated birds, and it is self-evident that the family or tribe first to develop the patience and intelligence to tame and thus utilize animal helpers must have rapidly outstripped all rivals in the race for life. Human races, in fact, may be divided into those that have and those that have not tamed the horse. In long struggles small margins of strength are often decisive, but one ‘“‘horse power’’ equals that of five men, from which we see what an enormous advantage accrued from domes- tication of this one animal. Who first tamed and rode a colt no one will ever know, but it must have been some boy, lithe, strong, and daring. Certainly the twelve-year- old Alexander succeeded better with Bucephalus than the royal grooms of his father Philip. The important interest for nature study is the process of domestication, the gaining of ‘dominion’ expressed in the command, the establishment of helpful relations, rather than anything connected with the animal itself. Thus we miss the substance for the shadow when we attempt to give this kind of education by pictures of ant- mals; and we also lose the humanizing and educational LHE~ POINT: OF -VIEW 5 essence of the process when we substitute the demon- strational method of the “ school animal” or the zodlogical garden for the primitive, normal, natural relation of com- panionship between the living animal and the child. The pet animal is thus for the child, as it was for the race, the key to the door into knowledge and dominion over all animal life. Domestication of animals in its widest Fic. 2. HERD OF ELK, BLUE MOUNTAIN FOREST (Photograph by Charles Irving Rice) sense (and possibly we should add certain phases of hunting and fishing) is elementary zodlogy. Its funda- mental character and value for education are evinced in the passion of children for pets; and as in the race, so in the life of the child, it should be made the most of as a step toward civilization. This subject will be more completely developed in a chapter by itself, and will also form the key to the animal nature study advocated 6 . NATURE STUDY AND EIEE throughout the book. But two general considerations belong in this connection. At this point introduce an easy cooérdination with lan- guage and writing by asking the children to make a list of all the animals, wild and tame, that they know. Let them write ‘‘tame’”’ and “wild” in separate columns and number each as they go along, thus: INVAMIES TOR GED eee eee AGEN. =a Darn ee Animals whose Names I know TAME ANIMALS 1. Dog. 6. Rabbit. to. Duck. Za Gat. Birds. 11. Canary. Be GOxSe 7. Elen. Insects. 4. Cow. 8. Turkey. 12. Honeybee, ete. 5. Sheep g. Goose. 13. Silkworm WILD ANIMALS 1. Bison. 12. Wren. Insects. 2. Moose. 13. Chickadee. 21. Milkweed Butterfly. 3.) Deer: 14. Eagle, etc. 22. Potato Beetle. 4. Red Squirrel. Snakes. 23. Meal Worm, etc. 5. Gray Squirrel. 15. Garter Snake. Worms. 6. Rat. 16. Green Snake, ete. 24. Earthworm. 7. Mouse, etc. Amphibia. 25, Leech etc. Birds. 17. Bullfrog. Mollusks. 8. Quail. 18. Wood Frog. 26. Oyster. g. Partridge. 19. Common Toad, ete. 27. Clam. 10. Robin. Fishes. 28. Snail, etc.! 11. Bluebird. 20. Trout, etc. 1 Ask the children to underline the names of animals about which they know any facts or a good story. These may be used for oral language lessons, and the teacher can find out the extent of the children’s knowledge and will thus be able to correct what is false and add to what is insufficient. ERESPOINT OF. VIEW. 7, A little wholesome rivalry may be permitted as to who can give the longest list. Copying names is waste of time, so that this exercise should be given to the class in a way that shall not allow recourse to books. I have indicated elementary lines of classification that may be utilized or wholly disregarded, according to advancement of the class or preferences of the teacher. They are of some interest as showing in general that it was found worth while to domesticate certain kinds of animals, as mammals and birds, and but few others. After the class have reached their limit ascertain how many animals, wild and tame, the longest lists contain, and then have one of the children copy on the blackboard the following list. NUMBERS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ANIMALS KNOWN Livine | Fossir MiG Species | SPECIES Backboned Animals (Vertebrates). . . | 24,700 2,400 27,100 Sea-squirts (7umzcates) . . « . - . 300 | 300 Clams, Snails, etc. (A/ollusks) . . . 21,320 20,895 42,215 Mollusk-like Animals (J/o/luscoidea). . 820 4,340 5,160 Insects, Crabs, etc. (Arthropods) . . . | 209,405 3,570 | 212,075 IMEIESIIVIEZ TILES) SH eS oe nw 5,500 200 5:700 Starfishes, etc. (Echinoderms) . . . . 27, 3,840 6,210 Jellyfishes, Polyps (Calenterates) . . . 35545 2,680 6,225 One-celled Animals (Protozoa). . . . 4,130 2,000 6,130 Total of all kinds of animals known. 272,090 39,925 | 312,015 Professor Riley’s estimate of insect species on the earth is 10,000,000.1 1 Any teacher is expected to use only so much of this table as is reasonably intelligible to the class. Still the object of using it is distinctly to teach how much we do not know. The scientific names are inserted to aid the teacher. It is not intended that they be taught to the class. 8 NATURE (Si DYS AND Senos These figures may serve to suggest what a little way human dominion as yet extends over the animal life of the world and how much remains to be done.! Somewhat of sadness attaches to the column “fossil species.” We shall never see any of these alive upon the earth again. Among their number were the largest and most powerful animals that the world has ever produced or will ever see again, the animal kings of creation for their epochs: the mammoth, a third taller and more than twice the weight of our elephant ; the mastodon, larger still; the Irish elk, the gigantic, Cervus giganteus, and its American cousin, C. Americanus; the largest members of the deer family, animals that used to square accounts with antlers that measured eleven feet from tip to tip; an American lion, Fe/zs atrox, as large as the Asiatic species ; at least two bisons of enormous size, one with horns that measured fully ten feet across, all are past and gone. Probably man has been responsible for the extermination of most of the larger species within recent geologic time, and in the process of subjugation it would seem that he has been needlessly severe. Men had little use for menageries then, but now what would we not give to see some of those wonders of the world in life again! What is more to the point, extermination of animal species is now going on, and at a rate never before equaled. With modern rifles, shotguns, and dynamite bombs, coupled with modern steamships and railroads, by which the remotest corners of the earth become readily 1 Shaler speaks of “near a hundred animals” that man has domesti- cated. Domesticated Animals. Thetr Relation to Man and to his Advanee- ment in Civilization, p. 219. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 189s. | : 9 Eb ee ORNT, OF Vile Ww fe) accessible, any species of any size or value, either in the oceans or on the land, stands small chance against exter- mination, unless directly preserved by man. Within the past forty years the largest mammal native to our conti- nent, the bison, has been practically, and doubtless would have been absolutely, exterminated had it not been for Fic. 3. BuFFALO HERD CN A STAMPEDE, BLUE MOUNTAIN FOREST (Photograph by Charles Irving Rice) the wise action of the government and of a few public- Spirited men. Prominent among these was the late Austin Corbin of New York, who established the Blue Mountain Park as a preserve for large game. In this area of 26,000 acres, containing a mountain range, we are permitted to see wild life, not in menagerie cages and pens, but in its magnificence, in the setting Nature designed forit. Surely the Corbin Preserve is an institution of national interest. fe) NATURE STUDN CAND EPE E Cultivation of Plants. — Important as domestication of animals is, the greatest advance of the race in its relations toward nature is found in the cultivation of plants. This has constituted the largest factor in the transition of human tribes from wandering nomads to stable, populous, civilized communities. In the stability of landhold we have the beginning of home, as distinguished from the casual camping ground; and in the footsteps of Ceres and Pomona has followed Flora, to make home beautiful. With home is founded commerce, and arts, literatures, philosophies, and sciences as well. Cultivation of plants indicated and developed elements of character fundamental to civilized life. Willingness to work for daily bread, intelligent provision for the future, courage to fight for home, love of country, are a few among the virtues attained. When we consider its uni- versal and fundamental character in relation to civilization and human advancement, the omission of soz/ ore from a system of education of the young is suggestive of relapse to barbarism. To allow a child to grow up with- out planting a seed or rearing a plant is a crime against civilized society, and our armies of tramps and hordes of hoodlums are among the first fruits of an educational system that slights this important matter. Elementary botany is chiefly cultivation of plants. We shall see in its proper place, as we have already noted with animals, that there are certain plants that man has found worth while to domesticate. Certain other plants are of great human value, though not domesticated, and others, weeds and poisonous species, have been recognized as enemies of the race. The nature study of plants in tHe «POINT, OF “VIEW in Fic. 4. A HOME elementary public schools should consist in just this fun- damental knowledge that has grouped itself most closely about human life. Modern botany is a special interest of adult minds. Compared with this ancient body of plant lore it is recent, technical, superficial, and special, and as such it is a profound mistake to attempt to introduce it into a general plan of elementary education. 2 NATURE. STUDY ‘AND SEIFE Humanity, like the giant Antzeus, renews its strength when it touches Mother Earth. Sociological studies sug- - gest that city life wears itself out or goes to decay after three or four generations, unless rejuvenated by fresh blood from the country. Thus these deeper relations to nature are not only ancient and fundamental but are also immanent and persistent. While I should not advocate teaching trades in the public school, although we are wont to say that every boy should learn one, this study is so much deeper down in the warp and woof of life, so immediately supports the whole structure of civilized social organization, and is so closely associated in the creation and maintenance of the home, as distinguished from the camp on the one side and the tenement-house barrack on the other, that it stands on quite a different footing. I should like to see the nature-study course give to all boys and girls the knowledge and the power to sur- round their homes with the most useful and beautiful plants available, and actually to produce their living by rearing plants or animals, or both, if occasion ever require. Many will say that this instruction belongs to the home. This is true in a measure; much of it should and must be done by the home, and one of the chief aims of this book is to unite home and school in the work. Often a home from which this fundamental ‘nature study”’ has lapsed can be reached and rejuvenated by the children through the school. This is not only the easiest and most natural way, but in many cases the only hope. But, the teacher says, the parents make all sorts of objections to nature study, call it a “fad,” “nonsense,”’ complain of ‘waste of time on new-fangled notions,” say 13 These objec- THE POINT-~OF VIEW tions of the home are for the most part right as to what that ‘they never had to learn such stuff.” a om 2 inn a | “gunna yayeeeecacuueen 2 Wak (pun Wi See ||| Sh a } ¥' = i Itt , it a SE A TENEMENT Hou 5: IG. 4 could be more helpful for development of ideal courses often goes by the name of nature study, and nothing 14 NATURE STUDY, AND Tite adapted to local conditions than to invite their freest possible expression. If we cannot find a nature study worth while, a nature study so full of human good that it will meet and overcome all such objections, then we should devote the time to other subjects. But from several years’ experience the writer is confident that all reasonable objec- tions can be met, and that we can find a nature study so good that this attitude of parents can be completely reversed and their interest and enthusiasm so thoroughly aroused that they will say: ‘‘ We had no chance to learn these things, but we wish our children might be given the opportunity and teach us.”’ When this is accomplished, we shall have a nature study that shall bind home and school together as noth- ing in the curriculum does at present. Instead of giving over our entire school system to passive book learning, we shall have at least one subject that shall keep alive in the child the spirit of research, under the impetus of which he makes such astounding progress in learning the great unknown of nature around him during the first three or four years of life. This matter of original research in hand-to- hand contact with nature ought to be made the breath of life in an educational system. It will form perhaps the most essential feature in every lesson in this book, and will be treated more fully under a special heading. By its means we may reinstate childhood in the function for which it was designed and created. John Fiske has potnted out that infancy was developed as a prolonged period of plasticity, by which “the door for progressiveness was set ajar.’”! 1 John Fiske. Zhe Meaning of Infancy. Excursions of an Evolutionist, Pp. 314. + REE POUND Ol; VaAlEW 15 If life is response to the order of nature, the higher and more complete the response, the higher and richer must be the life. Since response presupposes knowledge, nature study must take its place in public education as one of the chief means by which the race may push forward toward the more perfect response to the order of nature, which shall be its more perfect life. ‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (any Furaap sapreyg Aq ydessozoyg) HUIHSINV]T MAIN ‘AAUASAUG AWVH NIANOD AH] “ISANYOG NIVINAOW ANITA “9 “lA CHAPTER II VALUES OF NATURE STUDY Economic, A#STHETIC, EDUCATIONAL, ETHICAL, RELIGIOUS Consummation of happiness is the natural outcome of the perfecting of character, but that perfecting can be achieved only through struggle, through discipline, through resistance. It is for him that overcometh that a crown of life is reserved. The consummate product of a world of evolu- tion is the character that creates happiness, that is replete with dynamic possibilities of fresh life and activity in directions forever new. Such a character is the reflected image of God, and in it are contained the prom- ise and the potency of life everlasting. FISKE, Through Nature to God, p- 114. And sure good is first in feeding people, then in dressing people, then in lodging people, and lastly in rightly pleasing people, with arts, or sciences, or any other subject of thought. RUSKIN, Sesame and Lilies, p. 236. Economic. —In basing a plan of nature study upon its human values it may be necessary to explain what is meant by the worth of a study in the curriculum. Throughout all the details of the various kinds of values we shall discuss, the paramount value to be aimed at is character, will to do good, power to create happiness. No lesson that does not contribute toward this end can claim the right to a place in the course. Different plans of nature study are more or less strong in presenting a certain class of values, generally the esthetic or scientific. My own plan has often been 17 18 NATURE STUDY AND EME criticised on the ground that it emphasizes unduly the economic side, some even going so far as to insinuate that economic values are the only ones recognized. Nothing can be farther from my thought, as I hope this chapter will conclusively prove; but I would include all human values in about the relations that they bear to life, especially to child life in its different phases and interests. I have made economic values prominent because all other plans of nature study ignore them almost completely. I have used them because money is the common, univer- sal expression of value that every one understands and respects ; and while we may realize that there are many things that money cannot buy, no other measure of value is so fundamental to the ordinary affairs of life. Money value is, moreover, the trunk that supports many of the higher values. Some measure of assured material wealth must be attained before art, literature, and science can develop, and what holds true in the race, among different peoples, holds, in the main, with individuals. Further, the entire organization of society, social ethics, laws, and cus- toms group themselves about this as the common measure of value for the life and work of man. More and more, as society becomes organized, the com- mon goods of nature come to form a great public prop- erty, — pure air, pure water, forests and roadside trees and flowers, game and fishes, birds, and other beneficent animals; and the laws founded on these nature values are yearly widening their circles of influence as knowledge of nature advances. On the other hand, the evils in nature, —Jinsect pests, noxious weeds, fungous or bacterial dis- eases, injurious animals, — constitute a continual menace VALUES OF NATURE+STUDY 19 to the public good. No man has the right (and ignorance cannot be pleaded as adequate excuse) to allow things to breed upon his premises that may cause damage to his neighbor. This fight for the good and against the bad in nature is primordial and fundamental; it has existed as long as the human race; it cannot and should not be set aside by any considerations of a sentimental character, but it should be made in our plan of public education what it is and always has been in the education of the race, the dominant idea in nature study. We cannot expect intelligent observance of laws until the facts of nature upon which they are based become common property of the community. To lay this foundation for right living is certainly one of the functions of a public- school system. As it is now, few people know even the names of the things that are doing the greatest harm or the most good in their own gardens. Insect pests, _weed seeds, and the spores of destructive fungi are no respecters of fences, and we must look to a rational nature study to render universal the needed information. Finally, with many the financial motive is the strongest one we can bring to bear to induce them to study or allow their children to study nature. After a beginning has been made, other, and so-called higher, motives may develop. There is the greater need of enlarging upon the economic motive because it has never been adequately brought before the public. Our biological science has been too largely a dead museum affair with little relation to the life of the community. When we study nature alive and at work, we begin to realize the incalculable worth of knowledge, the human value of science. 8 to 8 f 13 x 9 “ 4 “ “ ““ “ “ Qa either 1-inch angle tin for “ us 20 Kia KF toc24-K IgX 14 frame or 1 inch around bot- tom and }-inch for the rest. AQUARIA 399 For larger sizes it is safe to say that angle iron or aluminium bronze, either cast in a single piece or riveted at the corners, would be preferable. The corners of all sizes larger than 8 x IO X 5, around the bottom and up the vertical angles, should be laid as represented in cross-section in Fig. 161, with a prism of cement in the angle, covered by a narrow strip of glass. This greatly strengthens the joint and protects the water from the cement.! A good aquarium cement, for either fresh or salt water, is made by mixing dry ten parts each, by measure, of fine, dry, white sand, plaster of Paris, and litharge, and one part powdered resin. Mix as required, to a stiff putty with boiled linseed oil. (This must be warranted free from any trace of adulteration with fish oil, and it is commonly necessary to buy raw oil of a practical painter, who should know that it is pure, and boil it for a few minutes, to drive off the water in the raw oil.) The simplest and best aquarium cement, the formula of which has been given me recently by the United States Fish Commis- sion, is made as follows : Stir together dry, by weight, eight parts putty (dry whiting), one part red lead, and one Fie. 161. Section oF CORNER OF AQUARIUM part litharge. Mix, as wanted for use, with pure raw linseed oil, to consistency of stiff putty. 1 Although not necessary, I generally put one or two coats of copal, or spar varnish, around the angles on the inside. No aquarium has leaked when this has been done; and if a leak occurs, it is necessary only to dry very thoroughly and varnish on the inside around the angles. 400 NATURE STUDY FAN D Wale How to set up or fill the aquarium for general purposes is the next topic. First put in about two inches of sand, washed until a stream of water runs off clear; then, with the sand only moist, set the plants about the corners, making furrows in the sand in different directions and laying the roots in them; finally, arrange pebbles, shells, and larger stones about the bottom where they will keep the plants in place. Next pour in the water up to within an inch of the top, hold- ing the hand or a piece of thin board so as to break the force of the stream, and avoid wash- ing the plants loose. Finally, put in a fresh- water clam or two,some snails, Fic. 162. A FROG WITH SIx LEGS a few tadpoles (if the fishes will allow of it), to keep the water clean, and, after a day A curiosity for the aquarium as it is desired to study. Overcrowding is the common temp- or two, such fishes — not more than two or three tation to be resisted. Allow one gallon of water to each fish three inches long, and where enough water plants are present to oxygenate the aquarium, the fishes will show by their actions, quiet movements, and breathing that they are comfortable. If they come to the surface and gasp for air, AQUARIA 401 we may know that the water is not properly oxygenated, and we must take out some of the animal life or put in more plants, or do both. Children will be much more inter- ested in the plants and animals that they have collected for their aquaria themselves ; and for other reasons we should use chiefly the native life of our ponds and streams. A large aquarium should be permanently located before it is filled. The best place is near a light window where the sun shines but a few hours during the day, and then it must be placed so that most of the time it may be shaded from direct sunlight. It is generally stated that an aquarium should stand where the sun will not shine directly on it, but the plants are then apt to grow weak; hence it is desirable, and should be possible, to admit sunlight without moving the aquarium. However, a more serious difficulty in properly locating the aquarium is that of too much light. A pond receives light only from above, and even there the water is generally the clearest and the plants freest from overgrowths of slimes in shady nooks along the shore. We must study nature closely and try to imitate the conditions that produce the best results in the ponds of the neighborhood. The growth on the glass and plants of green or brown alge, often in slimy masses that fill the water, indicates too much light. Shade well for a time and put in tadpoles and snails to feed upon the alge. While difficult enough to make it interesting, it is a valuable study, — that of balancing the life and managing the light in an aquarium so that the water will remain clear and sweet ; and the knowledge thus gained will be found applicable to the conditions of park waters and ponds in general. 402 NATURE SUDY “AND EME How often does the water require changing? This is the question often asked by those who wish to start an aquarium. The answer is: “Not once a year, if the ani- mals and plants and light are properly balanced and regu- lated.” In doing this it is best to use the plants and animals that live in still water, in ponds and quiet pools, rather than those characteristic of the running streams. Aquaria with running water are more difficult to manage and are expensive in use of water. They are, moreover, a constant menace as to flooding the building, and cannot be recommended for school use. What causes the water to become cloudy or milky? This is the next troublesome question, and with fifty chil- dren all anxious to feed the fishes something, it would seem that every school aquarium must be in this condi- tion all the time. But one of the chief uses of an aqua- rium is to make the children careful and thoughtful, and as experience has shown, they readily learn that giving more food than the fishes and other animals will eat clean, gen- erally before it sinks to the bottom, is the quickest way to make the water foul and, possibly, to kill their pets. We shall learn more of this when we study about bacteria in the water. Fishes, and aquatic animals in general, should not be fed oftener than once a day, and then only so much as will be eaten clean. If mistakes are made in their eager- ness to feed bountifully, the children who do it should be asked to remove all surplus food with a siphon or dipping tube before it has had time to decay. What animals can be safely kept together in the aqua- rium is another frequent question. The general rule of keeping predaceous species by themselves, except while AQUARIA 403 we are making definite feeding tests, is the best one to follow. The vegetable feeders, or those that eat only animals not larger than worms and insects, may be kept together. If we are not certain what a new specimen may do, it is best to partition off one end of the aquarium for it while we study its foods and habits. This may be done by forcing a pane of glass into the sand below and wedging it at the top with bits of cork. Goldfishes and other varieties of carp, shiners, dace and all kinds of suckers, darts, orfs, frog and toad tadpoles, young newts, and salamanders may be kept together. Bass, perch, sunfish, trout, pickerel and pike, pouts and eels, stickle- backs and paradise fishes, turtles, water snakes, large salamanders and frogs, leeches, water beetles and dragon- fly larvae must generally be kept by themselves. Clams, snails, and tadpoles form the scavenger brigade for every well-ordered aquarium. A few simple pieces of apparatus will aid greatly in management of the aquaria. A shallow dip net is indis- pensable in catching specimens. It may be made accord- ing to directions for the insect net, except that it should not be deeper than about the diameter of the ring. A small rubber scraper will probably be needed to keep the slimes off the glass until animal scavengers and light can be properly regulated. A dipping tube, z.e., a piece of glass tubing, about fifteen inches long and a little less than one-half inch in diameter, with nicely fused ends, will be used daily. A piece of half-inch rubber tubing about two and one-half feet long may serve as a siphon to draw off the sediment from the bottom from time to time. NING SLI GHHS FAVNS NMOUG V ONIHOLVAY "€or “DIT 404 CHAPTER “XXV MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS A NUMBER of animals, too important to omit from nature-study courses but not fitting in with those already treated, may be grouped together in this chapter. Each may be taken up as occasion presents itself during the year and season indicated in the grade plan. The Bat. — This is an interesting but misunderstood ani- mal. Not infrequently one drops out of a ventilator into a schoolroom or is brought in as a curiosity, too often dead, by one of the pupils. Suppose we have a live bat, let us see what it will eat. It may open its mouth and chatter in a most threatening manner, but while we should not put our fingers in the way of its sharp teeth, it can be handled in a towel or handkerchief. It may be tamed, gener- ally in a few minutes, by gentle treatment and feeding, so that it will take insects and lick drops of water from the fingers. It is only necessary, when it opens its mouth to defend itself, to drop in a fly, meal worm, spider, or even a bit of raw meat, possibly at first on the end of a tooth- pick or hat pin. It will soon understand, and then feed- ing tests may be made with whatever bugs or insects the children can find.1 1The writer has not been able to find any insects that a hungry bat refuses to eat; but we must be a little careful not to overfeed; on one occasion he fed a bat 243 flies, but, while it apparently ate the last one with relish, it died a few minutes afterwards. 405 406 NATURE, STUDY, AND} ELE E Whether or not we are able to do any of this practical work, we should strive to gain cefinite knowledge of the role these animals play in nature. So few of our birds are truly nocturnal, and so many of our worst insect pests —the codling moth, tent-caterpillar moths, the white- marked tussock moth, owlet moths, parents of the cut- worms, June beetles, mosquitoes, and a host of others — Fic. 164. FEEDING A BAT have taken refuge in the darkness, that we need the bat as the night police of our gardens. They should be accorded much the same protection as our most valuable insectiv- orous birds. Koebele describes bats flitting about an infested apple tree catching codling moths on the wing and even snapping them from the leaves, and the writer has repeatedly fed these moths and their larvae to bats in confinement. MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 407 An instructive problem may be made as follows: If a bat catch one female codling moth every night from May 20 to July 1, how many bushels of apples may be saved, allowing that each moth lay fifty eggs on as many apples and that there are two hundred apples to the bushel? Axzs. 273 bushels. An unwarranted fear and dislike of bats seems to be general in this country. They are said to fly into people’s hair, necessitating cutting it off, if long, in order to get them out. The writer has had bats for months at a time given full liberty of the house, but has never known of such an accident. Even if one should get into the hair, it would do no harm and could be easily removed if the person were not frightened. It is also said that they carry vermin, especially bedbugs, but I have examined dozens and never found a single speci- men ; and, further, I have found that they actually eat bedbugs with apparent relish. Bats are known to live in caves, hollow trees, and the crevices about barns and houses, often in colonies of scores or even hundreds. The fact that such numbers are able to find sub- sistence is sufficient proof that a family of bats is a valuable acquisi- tion to a farm or garden. Squirrels. — These are graceful pets and, next to the birds, form the most animated life of parks and wood- lands. It is one of our crimes against nature that they have been so nearly exterminated in many sections. What the children can do to bring them back is the ques- tion for nature study. Their food consists chiefly of nuts and acorns, which fall in such abundance that we should not begrudge them the few they need, and they undoubtedly plant enough to repay the trees for those they eat. Perhaps one of the pupils has a tame squirrel that he can bring to school for a few days. If so, we shall be able to study its foods and habits in such wise as to enable the children to form a genuine acquaintance with it. If there 408 NATURE. STUDY “AND IPE are squirrels or chipmunks about the schoolhouse, it is generally an easy matter to tame them by leaving nuts or bits of bread in some convenient crotch, and soon they will be coming regularly to share the children’s lunch. Fic. 165. TAMING A CHIPMUNK (Photograph by Miss Jessie Gelston Whiting) As to the different species, a few facts should be devel- oped in connection with rearing them, especially in towns and city parks. The common red squirrel, or chickaree, is the living impersonation of mischief. He will cut every pear from MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 409 a tree, — to eat the seeds of a few perhaps, — apparently for the mere fun of seeing them drop. This alone makes it inadvisable to have him around. But a more serious crime of which this little rogue has been convicted con- sists in robbing nests and eating birds’ eggs and young birds; so, in general, the fewer red squirrels we have the better for our birds. Have any of the children observed this for themselves ? Our gray squirrel is commonly accredited with neither of these injurious traits and, together with the large fox squirrel, may be freely encouraged to come and live with us. In a single instance, among many that the writer could cite, in which gray squirrels became too numerous, some damage was done to fruit; but this may have been due to lack of food or, more probably, to lack of water. It would be advisable, at least, to bear these points in mind before passing final judgment. That both food and water in plenty have no influence in reducing the mis- chievous propensities of at least one red squirrel the writer has had abundant proof. The flying squirrel, though it is nocturnal in its habits, is one of the most interesting of the group and is easily domesticated. ) Rats and mice are too common intruders to be omitted from a course in nature study. We sometimes find them recommended for pets, and they both have some interest- ing traits; but they have long been recognized as hostes humant generis, enemies of the human race, and the plain truth may as well be taught. By the skillful and persistent use of traps and poisons these pests may easily be exter- minated. No less than this should be aimed at, as they 410 NATURE STUDY AND EIRE multiply with such rapidity, and when this is accomplished there will be one less argument for keeping cats. Several other common animals may be studied as occa- sion offers, among them, woodchucks, muskrats, minks, otters, skunks, moles, shrews, and weasels. For the char- acter of the latter the description of Kagax given by Long in Wilderness Ways is admirable. To his graphic account i Py i al a a Fic. 166. TAMING A Woop TURTLE the writer may add that one morning, when a boy, he found six sheep dead near an old straw stack ina field. The only marks of violence in each case were four little cuts behind the ear, where an artery had been severed. The straw stack was burned during the day, and two old weasels, with a litter of half-grown young, were found and killed. Turtles. — These may be brought in by the pupils and acquaintance made with a few of the commoner species. MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS AII Most of them are aquatic or semi-aquatic and may be kept inthe aquarium. Their habit of crawling out on rocks and logs to sun themselves should be borne in mind in set- ting up the aquarium for them. As some are terrestrial, a good rule to follow is the one already given for other animals: Study the environment in which they may be found and make that of the aquarium, or vivarium, as nearly like it as possible. Little seems to be known about the food of even the commonest turtles. The aquatic forms —snap- ping turtles, painted and spotted turtles, and the soft-shelled turtles —are carnivorous and feed mainly on fishes, although they often take young ducks and goslings. The fact, as every fisher boy knows to his chagrin, that they are often caught with the baited hook demonstrates their fondness for earthworms, and this is the food upon which they may be most easily kept in confinement. The box and wood turtles subsist chiefly on worms, slugs, and insects, but also eat succulent leaves. They should be given lettuce or cabbage, together with earthworms, and if some child has a tame turtle, interesting feeding tests may be made. Young turtles will be found to eat mosquito wrigglers with great avidity. Not the least interesting things about these queer ani- mals are their nests and eggs. What boy or girl will volunteer to find some turtles’ eggs and bring them to school? They may be found, often in great numbers, buried in the sandy banks of ponds or streams. It is said that young turtles as soon as hatched crawl toward the nearest water. Test whether this is true. Lizards. — These are different from salamanders, which they resemble in form, in having the skin covered with 412 NATURE. STUDY AND DIE overlapping scales. Very few are found farther north than Pennsylvania, being chiefly tropical or subtropical in distribution. They are insectivorous, and in the Southern States, where they abound, valuable feeding tests may be made as suggested for toads, frogs, and birds. The manner of catching insects with their long tongues is interesting, as are also the rapid changes of color of several species. Snakes. most beautiful animals. A strange fascination seems to attach to them, which is almost certain to result in their intrusion into the nature-study course whether the teacher wishes it or not. The fear of anything is a heavy burden to carry through life. The lurking fear of something that we are likely to meet in our daily walks in the fields or woods may spoil much of our enjoyment in nature or, at Many of the common species are among our least, hem us in on every side. If for no other reason than to cast out this fear, we may introduce a reasonable study of these animals. While some may be inclined to consider the fear of snakes heredi- tary, it may quite as well be explained as a matter of suggestion. The fact, to which my own experience attests in many instances, that it can be thrown off by a moment's exercise of the will, and also the fact that children who have never been frightened by the fears of others may show no traces of it, render this explanation the more reasonable. My own children, for example, have always handled and played with our harmless little snakes as freely as with kittens. A single concrete instance will make my meaning clear. I was demonstrating our common green snake, when one of the members of the class asked if I would hold it while she touched it. After touching it she asked if she could take it in her hands, A year or two afterwards she referred to the circumstance and said that she had never since felt the least aversion for snakes but had thor- oughly enjoyed studying them. She expressed her thanks for being MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 413 helped over her “last nature fear.” Was not the momentary effort well worth the while? This study is the more to be recommended because so little is known about the food and habits of even our com- monest species. Any child who tames a snake and finds out what it eats is quite likely to discover facts that may extend the range of knowledge. This in itself is a keen incentive. Are they valuable or harmful animals? We cannot tell until we learn their foods, and this, according to the Washington authorities, ‘is not known for a single species of North American snake.” We know, in general, that all snakes feed upon living animals, which they swallow whole, and very often alive. Garter snakes feed largely on toads and frogs; water snakes are known to destroy great numbers of fishes; and the black snake has the well-earned reputation of killing birds and robbing their nests. Whether they do enough good to offset this harm, or whether they do any good at all, remains to be discovered by patient observation and study. As far as the evidence goes at present, however, it seems that the fewer we have the better. No such harmful traits can be attributed to our green, or grass, snake or to the little brown snakes, since they probably feed exclu- sively upon worms and insects. As they are gentle and harmless, never attempting to bite or to defend themselves, they are the best forms with which to begin acquaintance. They may be readily found under flat stones. In June or July they deposit their eggs under the stones where they live. The eggs are white, irregularly oblong, few in number, and about the size of sparrows’ eggs; the shells are thin and papery, and a little later, when we hold them up to the light, we may see the young snakes coiled up inside. Fishes. — The original plan of this book included a chapter on the common fresh-water food and game fishes. As it is, a few of the more important are distributed 414 NATURE STUDY* AND: TrbE through the grade plan, with the understanding that the pupils shall study them alive in their aquaria, and in the ponds and streams by the general methods suggested for frogs and salamanders. Feeding tests will be found especially interesting. Ask the pupils particularly to observe the spawning seasons and habits of the different species. These matters should be as thoroughly learned as the nesting seasons of the birds, in order that we may give fishes the universal protection which may result in restocking our barren waters. Botflies. — A family of flies which do not belong properly with household or garden insects, may be introduced here. The botflies are large brownish hairy flies, found buzzing about horses and cattle. There are a number of species. The ox bot, or heel fly, lays its eggs on the hair about the fetlocks. The eggs are licked off and soon hatch in the animal’s mouth or stomach. The larve bore their way through the tissues and finally reach the skin, which they perforate, probably to obtain air. After attaining their growth they crawl out, drop to the ground, burrow under the surface, and transform into pupz. The following spring they emerge to repeat the story. The elk in Fig. 167 is seen to be afflicted with bots. Other botflies lay their eggs in the nostrils of animals, and the larvee develop in the cavities of the head. They attack sheep especially and, cause not only much loss to the farmers, but great suffering to the animals as well. Several kinds attack our native wild herbivora. The elk in Fig. 168 was thus killed by “grubs in the head.” A kingbird on every mullein stalk in the pasture would possibly be the best remedy for these pests, MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 415 Ants. — No insects, excepting the honeybees, have proved more interesting to study than the ants. Turn over a flat stone any time after the middle of May and you are almost certain to find a colony of ants. As the stone is lifted, if the day be warm, you will see little piles of whitish oblong bodies, — the pupz, — commonly called Fic. 167. Cow ELk The lumps in the skin are caused by botflies. (Copyright by Charles Irving Rice) eggs; and immediately the workers seize them and hasten to carry them down into the nest. Besides these you may often find smaller masses of shining black eggs. These, probably eggs of plant lice, the workers also carry into 416 NATURE STUDY AND EIPE their holes. At this season you will commonly find at the surface only workers, pupe, and eggs. If now a spade be deeply thrust into the earth and the whole nest turned out, you may be able to discover the queens, much larger than the workers, and the white maggot-like larvae. At this season you are not likely to find any winged ants in the nest, but later, in August or September, the air may be filled with them, flying in every direction. If we now visit an ants’ nest or some ant-hill in the neighborhood, we may see swarms of winged males and females issuing from the ground and taking flight. This is their wedding journey, and after it the males soon die. The females either join a colony of the same species as one of its queens or found a new colony. They tear off their wings as of no further use, or the workers do this for them. Any species that is common in the neighborhood may serve as the basis for these lessons, but perhaps the best ones to work with, aside from the ants that infest the house, described in Chapter V, are the following: The carpenter ant, Camponotus pennsylvanicus, one of our largest black ants. Its nests are built in timbers of buildings, logs, and even trees, by excavating a complicated series of passages and chambers. A nest of this species may be arranged for study, if one is not convenient out- side, by bringing the wood in which they are working into the schoolroom and mounting it on two bricks which stand in shallow pans of water. This latter is to prevent them from escaping into the room. The mound-building ant, /ormica exsectoides, is perhaps our most conspicuous species on account of its large hills, often from one to two feet in height and five or six feet MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS A. in diameter. The head and thorax are dull red, and the abdomen and legs black. The slave-maker ant, /ormica difficilis, resembles the above in size and appearance, but builds its nests almost wholly underground, often beneath large flat stones. The slave ant, Formica subsericea, is found in colonies of its own under stones and commonly, also, as slaves in the nests of the last-named species. Fic. 168. ELK KILLED BY GRUBS IN THE HEAD (Photograph by Charles Irving Rice) The corn-louse ant, Laszus brunneus, is the brown ant, about one-eighth of an inch in length, so common about roads and pastures. Many, if not all, ants attend aphids, in order to obtain the sweet secretion, commonly known 418 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE as honeydew, which some species discharge. For this reason aphids are sometimes called ‘ant cows.” The milking of their cows is readily observed. Practically all the ants seen about trees are tending their herds of cows, and if we follow one we may soon see her come up to an aphid and stroke it gently with her feelers. In response the aphid emits a little droplet of honeydew from two minute tubes on its back, and this the ant eagerly licks up. A destructive species of aphid, the corn louse, feeds upon the roots of corn, and it has been found that the brown ant collects the eggs of this aphid in the fall, takes care of them in its nest during the winter, and carries the newly hatched plant lice back to the corn roots in the spring. It is possible that this or other species of ants may distribute plant lice in a similar manner to the leaves of trees or shrubs, but this has not as yet been discovered. An ants’ nest may be made with a slate and a pane of glass large enough to rest upon the frame all the way around. Cut one or more little passageways in the frame, have a board just as large as the glass to keep the nest dark when not under observation, and stand the slate on two bricks in a shallow pan of water. To fill the nest select a hot, sunny afternoon, turn over a flat stone quickly, and with a spoon first scrape up as many ants, pupe, and eggs as possible into a wide-mouthed bottle; then dig open the nest and be sure to catch one or more queens, with as many more ants, eggs, and larvae as possible. Cork the bottle and, without more delay than necessary, turn the contents upon the slate, spreading it out so that the glass will rest on the frame, and cover up. By the next morning you will find a well-ordered MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 419 ants’ nest, with its chambers and passageways, the queens, eggs, larve, and pupa all nicely arranged in the center. By feeding with sugar, crumbs of cake, insects, or bits of meat placed on the board cover or around the edges cf the frame, they may be kept as long as is desired. In this way the whole life and work of the colony may be observed and studied in the most convenient manner. An ordinary roofing slate, about twelve inches square, with strips of one-quarter inch wood glued to it so as to include a rectangular area a little smaller than the slate, say ten inches square, and arranged as above described, makes a most satisfactory ants’ nest. Spiders. — These interesting creatures play too important a rdle in nature to omit from the course. To gain an idea of how many spiders there are, look out . on some grassy meadow on a dewy morn- ing. The grass is carpeted with webs. Fic. 169. On the one side, spiders destroy winged AN IntEREsTING insects — flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and Saami moths. Let each one of the children examine some con- veniently placed spider web from time to time for two or three days and report, as nearly as possible, how many and what insects are caught in it. On the other hand, spiders are most valuable food for birds. Bird fanciers, in fact, consider them the best medicine for birds, acting like magic to make them well. While the class is studying spiders, which should be in September, have them collect all the different kinds of 420 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE spiders’ eggs they can find. They are laid in little bags of spider web, hung up in the web, as with the common house spider, or placed in cracks, under boards, scales of bark, or under stones. If the eggs are kept in a cold place, the hatching in the spring will furnish interesting lessons. A spider may be encouraged to spin in one of the schoolroom windows, or one may be confined for this pur- pose in a dry aquarium, and then, with the aid of their insect nets, the children can bring in flies and mosquitoes to feed it. Besides the common house spider for these observations, be sure to have an orb weaver, as its web is the most interesting and beautiful of all. By studying a jumping spider, a running spider, a cobweb or funnel weaver, an orb weaver, and a gossamer or flying spider a fair idea of the life and habits of this group may be obtained. The jumping spiders are found on plants, logs, sides of buildings, etc. They are usually hairy, are very agile, and catch their prey by springing upon it. They spin webs only as egg sacs or as shelters in which to moult or hibernate. For the South the trapdoor spider should be added to the list. An interesting lesson with the spider. Have a pan or basin filled with water on a table in the largest open space in the schoolroom. sy using an ink bottle or even a potato to hold it upright, erect in the pana stick twelve or fifteen inches high. Have the children bring in various kinds of spiders, —almost any kind will do for this experi- ment. Select one and place it on the top of the stick and let the class watch the spider’s movements. It will first run down the stick, but will find that it cannot escape, because this is surrounded by water ; it will then mount to the top again. After several more trials to escape, the children will notice that the spider is spinning a MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 421 fine silken thread. This grows longer and longer and floats out into the schoolroom. It floats to and fro and at last is caught on some piece of furniture, perhaps adesk. The thread, which extends from the top of the stick to the desk, is very slack, and now the little weaver is seen to tighten and fasten it. This done, he quickly runs across and makes his escape. The story of the first suspension bridge is thus told, ‘‘ an engi- neering feat of which the spider was the earliest discoverer.”? How many of the class think that spiders are insects? What is an insect? What is a bug? Whatisa worm? These are questions relating rather to the right use of language than to compara- tive zodlogy, and we may as well clear them up. Ask each child, after putting these questions and letting him try to answer them, to bring to school a worm, a bug, another kind of insect, and a spider. It is convenient to have them brought in dry, clean bottles for ready observation and Fic. 170. AN ORB WEAVER 1 Read Gibson’s “ The Spider’s Span” in Sharp Eyes. (Mary C. Henry.) 422 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE comparison. Has every one a worm? They should all have an earthworm ora leech. What is the main differ- ence between the worm and all the rest? While it is made up of segments, somewhat like many caterpillars and grubs, zt has no legs. What difference can the children discover between the mouth of a worm and that of a grub or caterpillar? The children have had occasion to observe various caterpillars as they eat the leaves by gnawing off particles with their sharp jaws. What does an earthworm eat, and how does it manage without either jaws or teeth? What child will volunteer to find out and tell the class? What does a leech eat? Boys who have been in swimming or who have caught fishes with leeches attached to their gills can tell. Hereafter we shall try to distinguish between worms and the larve of insects, and we can tell most of them apart at a glance. Several marine worms are provided with sharp hooks or teeth, but they have no legs. Next, what chief differences do they see between a spider and an insect? The insect is divided into three parts, viz., a head, chest, or thorax, and abdomen; the spider into two,-—head and chest united and abdomen. Further, all insects have six legs, no more nor less, and most of them have one or two pairs of wings. Do any spiders have wings? How many legs do spiders have? Eight. Hereafter, then, we will try to call spiders, spiders, and not insects. We have found, too, that insects go through wonderful transformations, the egg hatching into a larva, the larva changing into a pupa, the pupa finally transforming into the perfect insect like that which laid the egg. What hatches from a spider’s MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 423 egg? It is never a wormlike larva but always a little spider. Nearly every small creeping thing is called a_ bug. All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs. The distinction is more difficult than those we have just made. Are any of the class sure that they have a bug in their bottles? Good examples are the giant water bug, Be/os- toma americanum, water boatman, Corisa undulata, squash Fic. 171. a, centipede; 4, millipede; c, sow bug. bugs, soldier bugs, lice, bedbugs, plant lice, leaf hoppers, and scale insects. Bugs may or may not have wings, but all agree in having mouth parts for piercing and sucking. If some child will volunteer to bring in eggs of the squash bug, we will watch them hatch and thereby gain one of the distinguishing characters of the group. If a good magnifying glass is at hand, the eggs of plant lice will do. The eggs of bugs hatch into forms more nearly like their parents than is the case with most other insects. They have no wings at first, but otherwise resemble their parents. We will thus understand by bugs certain kinds of insects that do not undergo a complete change in 424 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE passing from the egg to the adult and that live by suck- ing the juices of plants or animals. They stand low in the scale of insect life. The children will doubtless have brought in, for worms or insects, a number of forms that do not fit in any of the above groups. They are probably wormlike but have far too many legs to be classed with the insects or spiders. If not garden slugs, which will be described under the head of mollusks, they are probably either centipedes (hundred legs), millipedes (thousand legs), or “sow bugs.” These are figured above, and when we speak of them here- after we shall call them by their right names and not call them insects, worms, or bugs. The centipedes live in damp places, under logs and stones, and feed on insects. The millipedes live in simi- lar places and eat decaying vegetable matter principally, but sometimes living plants. They may become a serious pest in a strawberry bed by eating holes in the ripest berries. The sow bugs are often found in great numbers under rotting boards and logs. They undoubtedly find plenty to eat, but to discover just what it is we shall have to make feeding tests. Sow bugs belong to the great group of Crustacea along with the crayfishes and crabs. Earthworms. — Every boy has made the acquaintance of these animals as bait for a fishhook, but how many know or realize the réle they play in nature? Says Darwin!?: When we behold a wide, turf-covered expanse, we should remem- ber that its smoothness, on which so much of its beauty depends, is mainly due to all the inequalities having been slowly levelled by worms. It is a marvellous reflection that the whole of the superficial 1 Vegetable Mould and Earth-Worms, p. 313. MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 425 mould over any such expanse has passed, and will again pass, every few years through the bodies of worms. The plough is one of the most ancient and most valuable of man’s inventions ; but long before he existed the land was in fact regularly ploughed, and still continues to be thus ploughed by earth-worms. It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures. Earthworms burrow into the soil to a depth of from three to eight feet, making channels for water, air, and the roots of plants to penetrate. In order to study this sub- ject have each child count the worm burrows in a square foot of ground. They may be found by the little piles of castings at the mouth of each burrow and also by the leaves and grass that the worms have pulled into the opening to feed upon and to close the door. If a box be turned over the area a day or two before the count is made, so that the surface will not be disturbed or the castings washed away by rains, the burrows will be more easily found. Next fill a small aquarium with fine sand or garden earth and place three or four large worms on the surface. Study the way they burrow. After they have established themselves in their burrows scatter a little grass or a few dead leaves on the surface and observe from day to day what the worms do with them. If sand and leaves be used, and the aquarium be left for a number of weeks, the formation of vegetable mould may be observed in a striking manner. Von Hensen placed two worms in a vessel eighteen inches in diameter, which was filled with sand, on which fallen leaves were strewed ; these were soon dragged into their burrows to a depth of three inches. After about six weeks an almost uniform layer of sand, 426 NATURE STUDY AND TIRE a centimeter (.4 of an inch) in thickness, was converted into humus by having passed through the alimentary canals of these two worms. DARWIN, Joc. cit., p. 310. To see the earthworms at work under natural condi- tions, since they are nocturnal, we must ask the pupils to take a lantern in the evening and study this lesson, for at least fifteen minutes, out on the ground. Just aftera good rain in June is the time; for if it is dry, the worms will be feeding on the materials they have drawn into their holes and will not come to the surface. They may, however, be induced to come out by wetting down a flower bed with the garden hose. Let each child tell what he has observed. Sometimes, especially after heavy rains, the worms are seen crawling all over the ground; but generally they will be found with the tail end clinging to the burrow, the body stretched out over the ground, and with the mouth sucking and pulling at bits of leaves or grass. When a hold is obtained on a leaf the body contracts and the leaf is drawn toward the burrow. If the children have learned their lesson properly and have observed this, ask them why the worm clings to its burrow. Can they find eyes, nose, or ears anywhere in the body of an earthworm? Can aworm see? Can it hear? Can it smell? Let them try to answer these questions for themselves by appropriate experiments and observations, If they turn the light of a lantern on the head end of a worm, after a few seconds it will generally draw back into its burrow. This proves that it can slowly distin- guish light from darkness. ‘This is further shown by the fact that earthworms are nocturnal. As to hearing, one MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 427 may whistle, shout, or even fire a toy pistol, but the worms give no response. They cannot hear at all. To test for smell, place a bit of onion a little to one side and near the head of the worm. It soon reaches about and finds it. It can smell a little. This experiment may be made with the worms in the aquarium, as Darwin has shown, by burying the onion, when it will always be found and dug up by the worms. Lacking all the special senses that higher animals use so much, if a worm lets go the burrow, it cannot find it again, but is obliged to make anew one. It may be lost within an inch of its home, and most of those we see about the pave- ments die by drying up before they can find a place to bur- row. Lacking the other sense organs, earthworms have a most delicate sense of touch. Jar the earth a little, stroke with Z ‘ Fic. 172. EARTHWORMS “ RAIN- a feather, blow lightly; in re- rats aati anh pe Waamiea Gate sponse to all these stimuli the PANE OF GLass a &3 €S ‘ & £ worm dashes like a rabbit into its burrow. Earthworms lay eggs almost too small to see with the unaided eye, but they are done up in capsules about the size of mustard seeds, which may be found by sharp eyes near the openings of the burrows along in June. They may be hatched in a watch glass, and a little fine, moist earth may be added as soon as they come out. 428 NATURE STUDY - AND TELBE It is a common belief that earthworms ‘rain down.” What do the children think about it? The evidence that is popularly assumed to prove this consists in finding worms in rain-water barrels or gutters. Let the class observe how easily a worm can ascend a vertical surface, even a pane of glass, and then decide whether the worms ‘rain down” or ‘rain up.” Hair Worms. — These strange creatures resem- ble animated hairs so closely that it is not strange that the myth should arise as to their origin from hairs left in the water. If the children insist upon this belief as strongly as some grown people do, it might be well to let them put some hairs in water and see if they Fic. 173. THREE HAIR WORMS REMOVED RS ee el oR turn into hair worms. a, a specimen 22} in. long, froma katydid, But the true life story of hair worms is more wonderful than the fiction. They are usually found in one of two places, in roadside or meadow pools after a rain, in the spring and summer; in the bodies of insects, late in the summer and fall. In the insect’s body they are long white threads. I have found one in a katydid, more than twenty-two inches long. In the pools they are MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 429 dark in color and continually writhing and twisting about, tying themselves into knots. This peculiarity has given them the generic name “ Gordius,” from the Gordian knot. In a word, the life story of one of our common forms is simply this: The mature worm lives in the ground and comes out into the pools to lay its eggs. The egg is very minute, and the tiny worm that hatches from it bores its way into some insect, usually a grasshopper, and lives as a parasite within its body. The insect dies, and the worm enters the ground to pass the winter. The nematodes, to which the hair worms belong, are a large class of lowly organized worms. Most of them live in water, soil, or decaying matter and are harmless. Many are almost or quite microscopic in size, the “vinegar eel’’ being one of our most common forms. A few are parasitic in animals, living either in the intestine or in the flesh. It is these latter, especially the trichina of pork, that make it unsafe to eat meat that has not been thoroughly cooked. Other nematodes are parasitic in plants, especially in the roots, where they produce swell- ings or galls. They are particularly destructive in the greenhouse and window garden in the North, where the eggs are killed by freezing during the winter, but they often seriously injure field and garden crops, farther south.! Mollusks. — These form one of the largest animal groups, there being 21,320 living species and an almost equal number (20,895) of extinct fossil species. How many kinds do the children know? They may be defined as 1 George E. Stone and Ralph E. Smith. “Nematode Worms,” Budletin No. 55, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, 1898. 430 NATURE. STUDY (AND ETEE soft-bodied animals without segments and without jointed limbs. Generally the body is protected by a shell, either single and coiled spirally, as with snails, periwinkles, and conchs, or composed of two pieces or valves, as in clams, oysters, and mussels. A few have no shell, as the garden slugs and the most highly developed of the whole group, the octopus and ink squid. While the children may be encouraged to collect fossil BED pe A alll vitttitlr> By he atl Wud Fic. 174. TypE ForMS OF MOLLUSKS a, fresh-water clam; 4, pond snails; c, garden slug; d@, octopus. shells and the many species that they may find during their summer vacations at the seashore, we will confine our attention to four of the commonest and most widely distributed kinds. Can some boy or girl bring in two or three specimens of the common garden slug, with a nest of eggs, if they can be found? They may be kept in a small aquarium and fed on lettuce leaves or fresh young radishes to show what MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 431 havoc they may make in a garden or greenhouse. It is interesting to watch their movements in gliding over the glass. How do they do it? Not like a leech or meas- uring worm, by looping the body and holding on with first one end, then with the other; not like an earthworm, by stretching the body and catching hold and drawing the rest of the body up. But they remain apparently motionless, neither longer nor shorter, and still glide smoothly and rapidly along. They are nocturnal, feeding by night and lying hidden in damp places during the day ; but a telltale trail of slime is left wherever they go, and if they have been doing mischief in the garden, they may easily be fol- lowed home. The eggs are found under boards in damp places, but instead of describing them I will ask the children to find them, if they can, and keep them to make sure that they hatch out into little slugs. The pupils may observe how a slug eats, and they are sure to be interested in the way it breathes, — through a large hole, or spiracle, on the right side. In order to keep the algz from overgrowing the sides of our aquaria we need some snails, which the children can find in any fresh-water pond or stream. The two kinds that are most useful are represented in Fig. 174. Their eggs are laid in glairy masses fastened to the water plants or often to the glass where their development may be easily watched. Among the bivalve mollusks are the oyster, clam, quahog, scallop, and mussel, all valuable for food and connected with interesting methods of cultivation and with fishery industries. Where these can be studied alive, as along the coast, they may be brought into the course. But the 432 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE bivalves of most importance for the school aquaria and for the work of purifying surface waters are the common fresh-water mussels, or clams. They may be found in any pond or stream. Ask the children to bring in a few and keep three or four large ones in each of the larger aquaria and one in each of the small aquaria. Now ask a group of the class to test the puri- fication of water by clams. They may do this by ar- ranging two small aqua- ria, exactly alike, with sand and plants, filling them with water that is turbid from growth of algze or bacteria. Put a clam in one but not in the other and watch the FIG. 175. FRESH-WATER CLAM a, inhalant siphon ; 4, exhalant siphon; result. Generally the ¢, gills; d, mouth; ¢, foot. water with the clam in it will become perfectly clear in a few hours or days, accord- ing to the size of the aquarium, while the other grows more and more turbid. Next we will try to discover how the clam works. If we look at the clam from above, we notice two openings between the posterior ends of the valves. These are sur- rounded with a fringe of dark papillae which are sensitive to light. This may be demonstrated by suddenly cutting off the sunlight, when the valves will close. With a fine straw, or a glass tube drawn to a fine opening, let fall close to the upper siphon a little colored liquid, — carmine or dilute India ink. It is sent whirling away from the clam. Now, MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS 433 without touching the tentacles, let a little more fall near the lower opening. It is all drawn into the clam, and if a solution or a very fine suspension of inert matter, like car- bon, chalk, clay, etc., it is soon seen streaming out of the upper siphon. If this prove irritating to the clam, it will shut up with a snap, throwing clouds of the liquid out of both siphons. We thus see that a stream of water is being drawn into one siphon and thrown out at the other. Next, take a suspension of yeast plants, small algze, or bacteria, let it pass into the inhalant siphon, and watch the exhal- ant siphon. It goes in turbid and comes out perfectly clear. This shows what the clam feeds on, — minute floating particles inthe water. The currents are set up by the gills of the clam, the water being passed through while the food material is strained out and carried up to the mouth. A culture of typhoid fever bacteria, for example, flowed through the gills of an oyster, which are quite similar to those of a clam, came away sterile, z.¢., with all the bacteria filtered out. Clams are thus living filters, and in a pond well stocked with them they must exert considerable influence in keeping the water cleansed of floating organic matter.! 1 The structure of the clam is explained somewhat in Fig. 175, and, if the school possesses a compound microscope, the action of the gills may be demonstrated, but this may as well be left to later courses in zodlogy. lic. 176. A WoOopLAND SPRING GHAPTER XXVI FLOWERLESS PLANTS FERNS, MossEs, LIVERWORTS AND LICHENS, ALG, MusHROOMS ELEMENTARY studies of plants commonly include only those that bear flowers and produce seeds. The impor- tance attaching of late years to many of the lower forms, together with their educational values, renders it advisable to include their study in a course that pretends to give adequate elementary instruction in the natural environment of a community. Ferns. — These form a natural introduction to this group of plants. Gray’s Lotany gives sixty-two species native to the United States. How many different kinds can the pupils find in their neighborhood? A bed or rockery of ferns will make a beautiful nook in the school garden. Have the children notice and describe the places where they grow best; then select the most favorable spot for the bed, generally a corner on the shady side of the school building. If the soil is not suitable, have a load of black leaf mould from the woods put on the bed and arrange naturally a few moss- and lichen-covered rocks to give the ferns their appropriate setting. Since the ferns are all hardy perennials, a bed once planted will continue with little care from year to year and yield good material for drawing and 435 4360 NATURE STUDY AND ELE language lessons, and for study and genuine acquaintance. A small pool in one edge of the bed will add to its beauty and may support a collection of interesting water ferns. Aside from their grace and beauty the interesting fact connected with the study of ferns is their method of repro- duction by spores. Watch the underside of the leaves, and when the fruit dots, or sori, as they are called, turn Fic. 177. COLLECTION OF FERNS George Putnam School, Roxbury, Mass. brown and appear to be ripe, distribute pieces of the leaf to the class and let them pick out some of the spores on a sheet of white paper to gain a definite idea of what is meant by the much-used term “spore.’’ The finest dustlike par- ticles that they find in the sori are the spores. If a few leaves are permitted to dry over a sheet of paper, spores may be obtained in quantity. It may be too difficult a task for the children to undertake, but if any wish to volunteer, FLOWERLESS PLANTS 437 let them try to rear some fern plants from the spores. To do this the spores must be kept uniformly damp. Have an inch of wet sand in a small aquarium and lay on this a fragment of mossy flowerpot, thickly dusted over with spores. Cover the aquarium with a piece of glass; keep the sand wet and watch carefully to see what grows on it. It might be well to set the aquarium in a greenhouse, if one is available, so that it may be kept at a constant tem- perature. If the experiment succeeds, the strangest thing of all will come to light, viz., that the spores do not produce ferns but, instead, tiny little plants, consisting each of a single heart-shaped leaf. This is called a “ prothallium,”’ and from the underside of this a little fern will finally grow. Mosses. — The mosses are still smaller plants that do not bear flowers but reproduce by spores. These are often borne on slender stems in little capsules. A collection of as many of the common sorts as the children can find may well be transplanted to the fern bed. There are 6750 species known. How many different kinds can the chil- dren find in their school yard? Liverworts. — These are little mosslike plants, but their stems are always flat, or, in other words, carry a leaf-like expansion on either side. Their fruiting capsule opens by two or four valves and never by a lid such as we find in the mosses. There are several beautiful little plants of this kind well adapted for the school aquaria. How many different kinds can the children find ? Lichens. — These are a step lower in the scale of plant life. They have no stems but are leaf-like growths, gray or yellowish green, on rocks, boards, the bark of trees, or the ground. Their spores are borne in little cups on the surface. 438 NATURE. STUDY AND -LIEE An abundance of these plants will probably occur on the stones in the fernery or on the tree trunks in the school yard. It is not intended, for these elementary lessons, that any of the different species be learned, for we have no common English names with which to designate them. There are 5600 named species, but it will be sufficient if the class study and draw two or three of the commonest in the neighborhood and learn to associate the name “lichen” with them. It may be possible to explain to the class that a lichen consists of two different plants living together : a white fungus, consisting of a felt work of minute threads, such as we shall see in the moulds and mushrooms ; and much smaller, generally greenish plants, alge, entangled in the meshes of the fungus. The fungus furnishes sup- port and moisture to the alga, and, in return, the algze by means of their green coloring matter and sunshine supply food to the fungus. The algze can live without the fungus, for they can find support and moisture for themselves, but the fungus invariably dies if deprived of the help of the algee, for it cannot get food enough from the stone to which it clings, and without chlorophyll it cannot draw food from the air by the aid of light. From this point of view the lichens serve as an introduction to the two next plant. groups, —the alge and the fungi. Alge. — We can always find algz in the school aquaria, often as incrustations or velvety growths on the glass, or as green slimes attached to the plants or floating on the surface. Snails, tadpoles, and clams will be required to keep the aquarium clear. Algze vary in size, from plants as small as a fern spore to the large brown rockweed, fucus, that clings to the rocks and piles all along the coast. As FEQWERLESS” PEANTS 439 Dr. Brooks has shown, they supply, directly or indirectly, the food for all animal life of the ocean. Oysters feed upon little else, and their quality is influenced by the kinds of algze that grow in the water over their beds. Alga may be classified according to color: (1) the blue greens, found as slimy patches on damp wood or stones, or in shallow fresh water ; (2) the green alge, found in fresh water chiefly ; (3) brown alge, kelps, rockweeds, etc., found on the coast, chiefly marine; and (4) red alge, the “seaweeds,” or “sea mosses,” also mostly marine. Ask the children who go to the seashore to bring back a few handfuls of such as they can find. They may be dried as they come from the salt water and at any time floated in fresh water upon cards or white paper. To come to know them as objects of beauty is deemed sufficient. There are at present described and named 14,854 species of alge. How many kinds have the class been able to discover ? Fungi. — In descending the scale of plant life, from trees, wild flowers, and garden plants, we left flowers and seeds behind when we came to the ferns. In passing now from the alge to the fungi we leave the green coloring mat- ter, the chlorophyll, by which these higher plants use the sunshine to help them build wood, leaves, and fruit from water, soil, and air.! The fungi form an enormous group of most interesting and important plants. Numbering the 970 species of 1 To illustrate this important relation between green plants and the sun- shine ask a few of the class to sprout a number of plants — potatoes, beans, corn, squash, and peas— and keep them for a week in the dark. Then let the class watch them from day to day to see them develop the green color and begin to grow as they are exposed to the light. A few may be kept in the dark by inclosing them in tubes of black paper for still further comparison. 440 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE bacteria with them, 43,830 different kinds are now described, nearly one-quarter of all the plant species known to science. In size they range from large mushrooms and giant puff- balls, of many pounds in weight, to moulds and bacteria, so small that it would require 10,000 placed side by side to measure an inch, — far too minute to see with the unaided eye, even as a speck of dust on a polished mirror. The prime characteristic of this large group is absence of the green coloring matter, chlorophyll, of the higher plants. Lacking this, the fungi are unable to build up living matter from the elements by the aid of sunlight; hence, they commonly grow in dark or shady places, and they must depend for their food upon other organisms, animals, or plants, either dead or alive. While we shall find many and beautiful colors, the prevailing tone throughout the whole group is white or gray. A few of the higher plants, notably Indian pipe, pine sap, dodder, have lost more or less of their chlorophyll and, at the same time, have become parasitic upon other plants. Those fungi that live upon dead matter are saprophytes,; those that live upon the tissues of plants or animals to their detriment are parasites. Still other species, especially bacteria, subsist upon or in living organisms with mutual benefit and are called symbiotes, 2.e., ‘ together-livers.” When we inquire what this group of plants does in the economy of nature, we must study them in connection with their foods, as above specified. By far the greater number subsist upon dead matter — the remains of animals and plants. Imagine all the trees, plants, and animals that have died since the world began, whose bodies did not happen to have been burned or eaten, FLOWERLESS PLANTS A4I still lying as they fell, and we have a picture of what nature would be without the beneficent work of fungi; that is, they cause decay. They return to Mother Earth the mat- ter which has lived, that it may live again. Without them all available food in the world would soon be locked up in dead forms, and new life would be impossible. This is a rather knotty point; but it may be attacked in a direct and simple manner by asking the children: ‘ Where does our food come from? What is its last or ultimate source?”’ They will say: “It comes from plants, wheat, corn, fruits, vegetables; and animals, beef, mutton, pork, fish, fowl, etc.” “But where do the animals that we eat obtain their food?” “It comes from the plants ; so that, in the last analysis, the food of animals, man included, comes ar. Syrbiotic > a Bacteria %\) i ee 04 from plants, directly or in- directly.” The next question is: ‘Where, then, do the plants get their food?” “With the help of sunshine : : : m, m, represents free nitrogen drawn in green plants derive the food fromathieiaie with which they build up leaves and grains and fruits and woods from the soluble materials 7 WNITRATES Fic. 178. THE CIRCLE OF PROTEID Foop MATERIALS in the soil and from the invisible matters in the air.” Now comes the crucial question: “Can a green plant grow in wood, or leaves, or fresh meat, ze., in the undecayed body of an animal or plant? Have any of the class ever seen a green plant, not a parasite, growing in this way?” The diagram, Fig. 178, will make these relations plain. In their elementary physiology lessons the children may have had simple 442 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE discussions of the three classes of foods: /fa¢s and o7ls, starches and sugars, and, most important of all, profezds, or nitrogen-containing foods, such as flesh, the white of egg, or the gluten or similar sub- stances of wheat and other vegetable foods. This is the great essen- tial food for all animal life. On no amount of fats or sugars can any animal sustain its life for more than a few days. Without the help of the fungi we might, with a great deal of labor, burn everything that died and thus return the elements to the air and to the soil ; but in burning nitrogenous compounds we should return their nitrogen to the air along with all the other gases, and the green plants are not able to take nitrogen directly from the air. They require nitrogen in some soluble form, as nitrates in the soil ; so that the burning of nitrogenous compounds is a most wasteful process. In fact, up to within a few years it used to be said that when a rifle is fired a man is killed, whether the bullet strikes one or not. This was thought to be true, because it was supposed that in burning the soluble nitrate in the powder, thus returning the nitrogen to the air, the nitrate could not be recovered and that eventually some one would starve for the lack of it. How certain bacteria are able to take free nitrogen from the air, and thus give food to plants and everything that lives, we shall discuss in the next chapter. Another line along which this may be explained to the children in a practical way has reference to their plant lessons. When the chil- dren were given seeds and asked to see who could rear the best plant, many of them immediately asked: «What will make a plant grow best? What can I feed my plant to make it grow fast?” The answer is #7trazes, chiefly of potassium and sodium. ‘These are the main constituents of chemical fertilizers, now so commonly used. No knowledge of chemical formulas is necessary to make this plain, Simply get a little potassium nitrate, let the children see, handle, and taste it, burn a little of it, and, finally, dissolve a teaspoonful in a quart of water and treat a certain plant with it once a week. It would be well to have two similar plants growing in two pots of rather poor soil and give this solution to one and not to the other, to let the class see how it makes the plant grow. This is a simple elementary les- son in fertilization of the soil. and will serve to show the réle that nitrates play in plant growth. FLOWERLESS PLANTS 443 Thus we see in a general way that the fungi reduce dead nitroge- nous matter to soluble plant food in the soil. Leaves, twigs, and wood decay to form vegetable mould and animal matters ; manures and composts must be thoroughly rotted before they become available for plant foods. A smaller group of fungi live as parasites upon or within plants and animals, and thus cause the majority of those diseases commonly known as contagious or infectious. We should know something about these and how they may be controlled, and to this end we may describe a few that commonly attack garden plants and trees, as well as some that are of great importance in relation to home and school. sanitation. Finally, a small group of bacteria are truly symbiotic and live within the roots of plants, especially of the clovers and peas, and possess the power of absorbing nitrogen from the air and of fixing it in soluble form as food for the plants. As with the lichen and the alga, the root supplies moisture and support, while the microbe manu- factures plant food in return. It has long been known that clover, for example, enriches the soil in which it grows, and this fact is now, in a measure, explained. The above facts are given to aid the teacher in planning the les- sons and in appreciating the value of the observations and experiments that follow. Mushrooms. — The best time during the school year to study mushrooms is in the fall, after a spell of wet weather. We may begin by asking the class how many know mush- rooms and have found them growing in the neighborhood. The children may know them better by the popular name “toadstools,” which is commonly used to designate poi- sonous or worthless mushrooms; but, since this is not a helpful term, we had better make the distinction by calling them ‘poisonous mushrooms” instead. Possibly one of the class knows some one who is raising mushrooms and can tell the rest how it is done. Ask the children each to dig 444 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE up one or two mushrooms, being sure to get the “ roots,” and bring them to school for the next nature-study period. Look over the specimens and place the amanitas by themselves. Then have the class sort the others into piles according to their characteristic forms and structures, put- ting the puffballs, the gill-bearing kinds, all having tubes, Fic. 179. THE DEADLY AMANITA The gills; a button just pushing out of the cup; a mushroom showing cap, or pileus, stem, and cup, or volva at base of stem and those with fine pores underneath, and such as present branching forms, the Clavarias, each ina pile by itself. We thus see that there are marked and interesting differences in form and structure. To understand the growth of these strange plants have some of the children carefully wash the earth away from FLOWERLESS PLANTS 445 the base of the stem, selecting specimens with a large ball of earth. They should find an irregular mass of white threads, some of them running into the bottom of the stem. They may also find among these threads “buttons” of various sizes, These are young mushrooms that will grow larger and finally push their way up into the air, —for what purpose we shall see in a moment. Have the class com- pare their specimens and try to find a series from the smallest “button” to a full-grown mushroom. Do any in the class know what relation the white threads bear to the mushrooms? While not conspicuous these are really the main part of the plant. They are called the “mycelium” of the mushroom. This mycelium may grow for months or even years, sending thread after thread in every direction through the soil or through the wood of a tree, absorbing food and increasing in size. It is thus the vegetative or nutritive part of the plant. We shall find something similar when we study the moulds. When the proper con- ditions arrive, generally after heavy rains (for mushrooms are almost all water), the “buttons” through the surface, often ina night. Fig. 179 will serve to explain the conspicuous parts of a mushroom — stem, enlarge and push up cap or pileus, gills or spore-bearing structures. Emphasize the fact that the mushrooms that we ordinarily see are only the spore-bearing, or reproductive, part of the plant. They are pushed up into the air by the mass of the mycelium, in order that the spores may be carried in every direction by the winds. Let us next ask the children to study the sporing of their mushrooms. From any large specimen the spores are probably being shed, from between the gills or from 446 NATURE STUDYAN Dr LIFE within the tubes or pores, in a constant shower; but they are far too small to see. Cut off the stem close to the gills and lay the mushroom, gills down, on a piece of paper and cover it with a glass so tight that not the slightest current of air can enter. The spores will then fall straight down and draw a picture of the under surface of the mush- room. We make, in other words, a “spore print.” A few Fic. 180. THE DEADLY AMANITA Spore print of these will greatly aid the children in forming clear ideas about spores as we have found them in the ferns and mosses and are soon to study them in the moulds and bacteria. The spore dust of a ripe puffball should also be studied in this connection. The important fact to be brought out is that spores are so small that they become invisible as they ht that they are readily oO lg disperse in the air and are so ] FLOWERLESS PLANTS A47 carried by air currents. Thus they form a constituent of dust. If the gills or tubes of a mushroom are dark colored, we will make the spore print on white paper, if white, on black paper, and if we care to keep the spore prints, we will use paper over which a thin coating of mucilage has been laid. This may be allowed to dry, as the moisture in the spores will cause them to stick to it. The food value of mushrooms has been exaggerated by popular writers. Chemical analyses have shown that they are about as nutritious as cabbage. Rated at twenty-five cents a pound, which is from one-fourth to one-tenth the usual price, they cost about ten times as much for actual nutrition obtained as beef at fifteen cents per pound and 124 times as much as wheat flour at two and one-half centsa pound. However, they afford variety; a few species are said to be “delicious,” and a very few are poisonous. As a people we are behind most European nations in knowledge of mushrooms and, hence, in ability to utilize them for food. The main reason for introducing their study into nature-study courses is to give definite instruc- tion, first, about the few poisonous species and, second, to point out a number of the more valuable kinds that now go to waste in large quantities in our woods and pastures and even city lawns and gardens. To do this adequately would require a book, but a few points of general impor- tance may be given in connection with the following partial outline of their classification. Since the conspicuous part of a mushroom is a mechanism for producing and disseminating the spores, they are natu- rally classified by the position and form of the spore-bearing surfaces or parts. 448 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE Puffballs, L ycoperdacee. — Puffballs have a rind or wall and produce their spores within a closed cavity. When the spores are ripe the wall ruptures, and off they go with every puff of wind in the well-known clouds of dust. No puff- ball, so far as known, is poisonous if taken while the flesh is perfectly white, but some caution must be observed not Fic. 181. PUFFBALLS to mistake for a puffball ” ”) a- “button ~ or “egg of some other kind of Fic. 182. A CorAL MUSHROOM fungus. Coral Mushrooms, or Cla- varias, Clavariacee~. — These grow either in the form of single clubs or many- branched masses. The spores are shed from the entire surface of the branches. So far as is known, all the clavarias that 5. 85) “A Mone are of any size are edible. Morels, Cup Fungi, D/scomycetes. —These have a stem and cap, but unlike most mushrooms the spores are borne in pits distributed over the convex surface. They appear early in the season, May and June, are generally free from insects, and may be dried for future use ; all the common species are edible. A morel may be recognized by its resem- blance to Fig. 183, which is AJorchella conica. Morchella FLOWERLESS PLANTS 449 esculenta, the esculent morel, has an oblong or egg-shaped cap, and in JZ. deliciosa, the “delicious ’’ morel, the cap is nearly cylindrical. Stinkhorn Mushrooms, P/adloide~.— These might be omitted, did they not too often force themselves upon, our attention. Their vile odors, suggestive of decaying animal matter or escaping sewer gas, strike consternation to the householder, and he is likely to begin a vain, because mis- directed, search for the cause of offense. The odor prob- ably serves the plant by attracting insects, which in return for their feast disseminate its spores. While there are several kinds, differing in color and somewhat in structure and form, the general appearance of the plant as shown in Fig. 184 will be sufficient to classify any specimen that may be brought in. The stink- horns are not given in the books as poisonous; in fact, most of them have Sesreputation of being “edible”? if Fic. 184 STINKHORN taken in the egg stage. The most Sake eae frequent question about them, however, relates not to their edibleness, but rather to methods by which they may be exterminated. They are apt to grow about rotting wood in damp places, and since we know that the main portion of the plant, the mycelium, consists of a mass of fine threads beneath the surface it will probably be necessary only to scrape up and clear away any decaying wood and. possibly turn over the soil to a depth of a foot effectually to rid the place of the nuisance. 450 NATURE SEUDY AND LIFE Trembling Mushrooms, 77eme//inew@.— These strange fungi derive their name from their gelatinous consistency. The spores are borne over the entire surface. They occur generally on decaying twigs or wood, drying up so as to be scarcely distinguishable and swelling again when wet. . Little or no food value attaches to the group, but none have been reported as poisonous. Agarics, Agaricacee@. — Any mushroom having the spore- bearing surface arranged in folds or gills radiating from the stem, or from the point of attachment when no stem is present, is an agaric. Possibly the chief reason for introducing the study of mushrooms .into elementary courses is to enable the pupils to distinguish certain extremely poisonous plants of this group, the amantitas. The distinguishing features of Amanita phallotdes, our most deadly species, are sufficiently well indicated in Fig. 179; but the way to teach them is to have the specimens brought in wherever this is possible. Amanita verna, appropriately called the “destroying angel,” so closely resembles A. phallordes that it may be considered, for ele- mentary purposes, a white variety of it. A. muscarta, the fly agaric, is generally larger than A. phalloides and differs from it in having the cap bright yellow, varying to orange and even red. Crumbled into a saucer of sweetened water, it serves as an effective fly poison, whence its name. The gills are white, rarely yellowish, and the cap is typically dotted over with whitish flocks or scales formed from the part of the volva that clings to the cap as it expands. These may dry up and blow off and hence be absent from old specimens —a fact that should be borne in mind if we are to make the acquaintance of A. c@sarta, FLOWERLESS. PLANTS 451 Two or three amanitas are edible, notably A. rudescens and A. c@saria, but the variations in size, color, and other characteristics that occur, as they grow under different conditions of soil and weather, are so great, and their resem- blance to the poisonous species so close, that we must pass them over to the specialists. A. rubescens is dingy red, and the flesh quickly turns red when broken. The gills are white, and there is scarcely any trace of a cup at the base of the stem, since nearly the whole of the volva is carried up and remains as warts scattered over the cap. A. c@saria, the imperial agaric, c7bus deorum, reddish or orange fading to yellow with age, is one of the most beautiful and “delicious ” of mush- rooms. While its cap resembles some- what A. muscaria in color, it rarely has any flocks from the volva on it, and the gills are bright yellow. From Figs. 179 and 180.we see the general characteristics of this group of deadly plants. No one infallible rule or test can be given to distinguish an edible from a 4 P Fic. 185. COMMON MEADOW poisonous agaric; but the death MR Sok cup or a scaly bulbous stem, the veil or annulus, and the white spores, taken together, indicate that a specimen belongs to the amanita family and must be avoided. These poisonous mushrooms are common in the woods but occur on open meadows or lawns. The common meadow mushroom, Agaricus campestris, the spe- cies raised for markets, has brown spores, flesh-colored to dark-brown gills, and, since it is not inclosed in a volva or sac in its early stages, it has no cup at base of stem or 452 NATURE STUDY AND? LIE warts on the cap, but has a well-marked veil on the stem. It grows in open meadows and pastures, though species much like it are found in woods. This is considered far enough for elementary pupils to go in the classification of the agarics. Still, many others are likely to be brought in, and it may be helpful, rather than otherwise, to distinguish a few of the more prominent groups. The shaggy mane and ink cap, of the genus Coprinus, are com- mon about rich lawns and barnyards after wet weather. The spores are black, and the gills turn black and liquefy as the plant reaches maturity. The black fluid thus formed, mixed with the spores, falls in inky drops from the cap. If taken before the gills turn black, they are edible. The milky mushrooms, of the genus Lactarius, form an interest- ing group, easily distinguished by the milky, or colored, juice which exudes from any part of the plant when it is broken. The juice of these mushrooms may be tasted if care is taken not to swallow any of it, and those that are not bitter or peppery may be considered edible. The Russulas (Lat. russus, red”) are the brilliantly colored mush- rooms — red, pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow — that enliven the woods of summer and early fall. In form and fragile structure they resemble the milky mushrooms, but none of them exude any milky juice when wounded. One of them, A. evetica, is rated as poisonous by most authors, but its acrid taste is sufficient to prevent a person from eating enough to do serious harm. In color it passes from rose, when young, to blood red and finally to tawny or yellow when old. Other species of russulas which have a mild and agreeable flavor are considered edible. Pore- or Tube-Bearing Mushrooms, /0/yporacee. — Numbers of mushrooms will probably be brought in which resemble the agarics in form but, instead of gills, have innumerable tubes or pores, from which the spores are dropped. Most of these, except the Bo/etz, grow upon wood, stumps, and FLOWERLESS PEANTS 453 trees, both dead and alive, and many are directly respon- sible for the death of trees upon which they are found. Boletit. If the mushroom is soft, not woody, and has tubes easily separable from the rest of the cap, it belongs to the genus Boletus. Several Boleti are pronounced edible, but, as with the amanitas, taste is not a safeguard against the poisonous kinds. Satan’s Boletus, 2. satanus, B. luridus, B. alveolatus, and other allied species are set down in most of the books as poisonous. Mcllvaine pronounces them “remarkably fine eating. to eight inches in diameter, brownish yellow to dull white in color. The tubes are yellow, except at their mouths, which are bright red. The stem is thick and swollen and is marked with red reticulations near the cap. The flesh is whitish but changes to reddish or violet when wounded. JZ. /u7vidus is similar, but smaller, two to four inches broad, brownish olive above, and the flesh turns blue when broken. Fistulina. If the tubes hang separate, z.e., are not cemented together in a mass, the mushroom is a /7s¢#/ina. The common spe- cies is /. hepatica, the beef tongue, or beefsteak fungus, which grows sometimes in huge masses on oak and chestnut stumps. Its color is red, variegated above and streaked in lines of growth. Below, the spore surface is pale, tinged with ” B. satanus is a large mushroom, three Fic.186. A BoLeTus yellow or pink. The beefsteak mushroom is certainly not poisonous, and some consider it edible in spite of its marked acidity. Polyport. If the tubes cling together, are inseparable from the cap, and the plant becomes woody or corky with age, it is probably a Fic. 187. A Potyrorus, Polyporus. These are the “bracket fungi,” OR BRACKET MusH- “punks,” and “conchs” often found growing ROOM , upon trees. A few Polyfori are “ edible,” after a fashion, when young and tender, but the chief reason for studying them relates to their injury of trees. Have the class examine the 454 NATURE STUDY" AND -EVEE trees in the neighborhood and report the number attacked by these fungous growths. Can the children discover how the fungus gains access to the wood? They may find some broken limb or some place where the bark has been injured, to account for the infection. With shade and garden trees all wounds should be painted over as soon as made, to protect the trees from the spores of fungi. In gen- eral, decaying wood, stumps, branches, or trees upon which these fungi have begun to grow should be cut and burned, to prevent infection of healthy trees. Any piece of rotten wood will show how the fungous growth affects the tree. Seek for pieces that con- tain plainly visible mycelium, white threads, permeating the wood. These, as with mushrooms that grow on the ground, form the nutri- tive part of the plant, absorbing certain elements from the wood cells, thus causing them to soften and crumble. At certain seasons the spore-forming portion is pushed out into the air. Spine-Bearing or Hedgehog Mushrooms, Hydnacee.— If a mushroom, instead of gills or tubes, has spines that point toward the earth, it may be called by Fic. 188. A HEDGE- = either of the above names, or, botanic- HOG MUSHROOM ally, it isa /fydnum. The class contains most variant forms. Some are umbrella shaped with central stems, others grow on wood and may form a mere flattened layer closely attached to it, while others may develop shelf or bracket forms, like many of the Po/yport, Other species grow in branching forms, like the coral mushrooms, but are distinguished from them by the fact that the teeth or spines always point earthward instead of upward. Several common species are said to be edible, and no //yduum described in the books is stated to be poisonous, I have endeavored to give a few suggestions that may form an introduction for a child to a large, interesting, and FLOWERLESS PLANTS AGE important group of plants. It has been done with the purpose of preventing accidents from mushroom poisoning, and at the same time of opening the way toward a study of fungi that may lead to better utilization of the valuable kinds. In any favorable locality a continued search would probably be rewarded by finding at least five or six hundred different species of mushrooms. It is not strange that a few out of this number should be poisonous. If we are to use mushrooms, we should know them as we know apples and potatoes. They are fragile and plastic, vary under differing conditions, change color with age, etc., so that to know a species means ability to recognize it in all its different guises, and this is no slight task. TZake one at a time is a good rule, and be sure you know it whenever and wherever met with. Soon you will have become acquainted with a group of interesting friends and acquaint- ances and fascinating enemies. The way mushrooms have been tested to ascertain whether they are edible has been described somewhat as follows: Take a bit of the fresh mushroom the size of a pea, chew it and hold in the mouth for a minute or two, reject, wait twenty-four hours and note whether any bad effects supervene. If not, chew another bit of a perfectly fresh specimen the size of a pea and swallow. Wait a day and note effects. Mushrooms often change their flavors on being cooked. If no bad effects have been produced thus far, cook and eat a small piece. Do not season, so that you may be able to describe the flavor accu- rately. If the tests indicate that the species may prove a valuable addition to the common dietary, gradually increase the amount eaten until thoroughly convinced that it is wholesome. The final step in the procedure is to try the mushroom on your friends. I give these directions with the view not of encouraging people to begin testing mushrooms promiscuously, but rather of preventing accidents from careless or ignorant testing. 456 NATURE STUDY AND LEE When we come to know them as well as we do the common nuts and wild berries and fruits of the fields and woods, mushrooms will add spice, interest, and variety to every walk, excursion, hunt, or camping trip. But a few general precautions should be added, and those already given may be briefly summarized. 1. Never be tempted into eating a mushroom in the “button ” this time the marks by which the different species are distinguished are not developed. Many accidents have happened from disregard of this sensible precaution. stage, especially one found in the woods. At 2. Reject all mushrooms that show signs of decay. Any food may become unwholesome or even poisonous if tainted. All specimens infested by insects should also be discarded. 3. Reject all mushrooms that have a cup or sac or scaly bulb at base of stem, a veil or annulus, and white spores. These three characters combined point infallibly to the deadly amanitas ; but, at first, reject all that show any trace of a cup and use extreme caution in dealing with any members of this group. The statement of Dr. George Francis with regard to all other mushrooms is: “Being certain that you have no amanitas, it is not unsafe to make cautious trial of any species whose raw taste is not objectionable.” CHAPTER: XXVIII FLOWERLESS PLANTS (Continued) Moutps, MILpEws, YEAST, BACTERIA Ir we have studied the mushrooms and have seen the mycelium, it will be an easy step to understand the moulds, and from these, through the familiar yeast plant, we may pass to the study of the bacteria. We shall not have far to seek for specimens of moulds and mildews. We may find them too often on plants and trees that we are trying to rear. After a period of wet weather they may cover the books on our shelves, the clothes in our closets, — not to speak of the eternal vigilance necessary to prevent them from appropriating any food that is not sealed against their attacks. While many may be inclined to consider them too minute for elementary lessons, in the mass they are easily seen, and their relation to proper sanitation of the home and to fungous diseases of plants makes them an essential part of the plan for nature study. As a whole, too, the group plays a necessary and benefi- cent réle in nature. Moulds. — A jelly glass, or even a medicine vial, furnishes ample room for a garden of these instructive plants, and they may be cultivated on almost anything for soil. First we will take some kind of liquid culture medium in which we can see all the different parts of the mould plant as it 457 458 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE grows. Fruit juice as it comes from preserves, — as clear and colorless as possible, — diluted one-half and filtered or strained through fine cheese cloth, makes an ideal medium. Fill the vial or glass half full and sprinkle a little dust from the schoolroom over the surface. Cover and set aside to observe from day to day. Three such cultures should be made, one of which should be kept in a dark place, one in a room where direct sunlight does not fall upon it, and the third should be kept in the sunshine as much of the time as possible. It would be better if each of the pupils had a vial and one-third kept theirs in the dark, another third, on their desks, in the shade, and the other third, in the sunshine. Then let them compare notes Fic. 189. MouLtp GARDENS during the nature-study The liquid culture is seen at the right. The others show arrangement for solid cultures. A period and decide under little water is put in to keep the air moist, and what conditions moulds the material is supported on a piece of glass grow best. Let them vary the experiment to see if they can discover conditions under which moulds are unable to grow at all. Experi- ment by leaving the dust in the bright sunshine for one, two, or three days before planting it in the fruit juice. It should be kept in a dry vial stoppered with a plug of cotton batting. But before we can go further with this FLOWERLESS PLANTS 459 experiment we must be sure that we have killed all the germs that may be in the culture medium. Can any of the children suggest a way to do this? How is it done in their homes in the canning of fruit ? A convenient way is to plug the bottles with a wad of cotton batting and let them stand in a tightly covered steamer over boiling water for half an hour. This kills growing mould plants and bac- teria, but not all the spores that may be present in the liquid. The heat will be likely to start any such spores into growth, so that if they are steamed again on the following day, or before the spores have had time to germinate and form spores again, we may be reasonably sure that no germ remains alive in our cultures. Two or three of these vials should be set aside to compare with others that are planted with dust or with the spores of different.moulds ; and, if all the germs have been killed and the cotton is not removed, the cul- tures will remain clear, and no growth of any kind will appear in them. This is known as “sterilizing.” With a number of the culg¢ tures thus sterilized we may plant them with dust or the spores of any mould we wish to study. To do this, pick up a little of the dust or spores with the point of a clean needle and apply to the culture. After a day or two, if there are any mould spores in the cultures, we should see a fine woolly growth spreading over the surface and sending its delicate threads down into the liquid. This is the mycelium, and the threads are known as hyphe. The function of the mycelium, as in the mushrooms, is to absorb nutriment. Next we observe that a number of the hyphez near the center of the mycelium are growing up into the air, and the forms they assume are characteristic of different species of mould. Four of these typical forms are shown in Fig. 190, but it is not intended to go farther into any details that require the use of the microscope. A number of the larger moulds, however, have fruiting hyphz an inch or 460 NAD URES Sil UID Yo 2ANiD Sere: two in length, on the tips of which the beadlike spore cases are plainly visible to the naked eye. We may next have the pupils substitute for the culture medium in their bottles various solid materials — bread, potatoes and other vegetables, meats, and a variety of dif- ferent fruits. Each pupil may provide a different mate- rial, and in this way the class will gain a notion of how omnivorous the moulds are. An experiment that must not be omitted consists in inoculating a number of different fruits with mould spores, Fic. 190. DIFFERENT KINDS OF MOULD a, milk mould; 4, blue mould; c, black mould; d@, white mould to observe the process of decay. Here again the children may take different fruits for variety’s sake — some apples, some pears, others plums, peaches, grapes, each child taking different varieties so far as practicable. We will suppose that the pupils have each three fruits of the desired variety. Having cautioned them to secure per- fect specimens with stems attached and no breaks of the skin, let them cach put one fruit aside, perfect ; let them FLOWERLESS PEANTS 461 make a single puncture with a pin in the second and rub in some mould spores or a little dust ; put this away with the first; and let them puncture the third, but, instead of inoculating it, let them leave it, puncture side up, exposed to the air on their desks. They may vary the experiment still further by having different pupils use for their inoculations a number of the moulds described below. This experiment coordinates itself with practical fruit culture and the need of ‘hand picking” of choice fruit. It also carries a larger lesson related to intelligent cleanliness in care of the skin and treatment of scratches, cuts, and bruises, since in this function of protection the skin of an apple and that of a child are much alike. Our experiments and observations cannot go far before we see that there are many different kinds of moulds. We notice, first, that while the mycelia of all appear much alike to the naked eye (generally white, like cotton bat- ting), the spores are of different colors; and these may serve as a basis for elementary classification. Blue Mould, Penzczllium glaucum.— This is the commonest mould we have, and its blue velvety growths over bread and all sorts of foods and on the leather of shoes and gloves have made it only too familiar to all. Its manner of spore formation is shown in Fig. 190, 6. Black Mould, 4sferg7llus niger.— This is another common house- hold form on bread, vegetables, and fruits. White Mould, A7ucor mucedo. — The white moulds are especially good for elementary lessons on account of their comparatively large size. They grow on all kinds of food, and after covering the mass with a white cottony mycelium they send up fruiting hyphae, often one or two inches in height, which terminate in little black beads — miniature puffballs —in which the spores are produced. These are seen, enlarged in Fig. 190, @, and natural size in the “mould gardens” in Fig. 189. 462 NATURE “STUDY AND | EIFE Mildews, or Moulds of the Garden. The moulds that attack plants are commonly known as mildews, rusts, blights, or smuts. The number of these minute parasitic fungi is legion, and as a group they rank with destructive insects in rendering the raising of flowers and fruits difficult and interesting. We can introduce into the course only a few of the more important, such as are most closely asso- ciated with the children’s garden studies. They may be considered as types to indicate methods of study that can be applied to many other kinds. The methods of uni- versal application, for preventing fungous diseases of plants, relate to intelligent cleanliness of garden and premises (the burning of rubbish and dead leaves that may harbor the spores) and to so planting and pruning as to admit sunlight and air to every part of the plant. For recent information about more special methods we should send to our State Experiment Station for the latest Spray-Calendar. _ The Black Knot, Plowrightia morbosa. — Request the children to Search their plum and cherry trees, bring in specimens, and report the distribution and prevalence of this fungus in the neighborhood. The summer crop of spores is produced in June. The knot at this time is greenish brown and velvety. The winter spores are produced in capsules in the black mass. From about December and for the rest of the winter these capsules are perforated and the spores are shaken out by every puff of wind, like pepper out of a pepper box. The spores that happen to lodge behind a bud or in a crotch or crevice send their mycelial threads into the living wood, where they multiply greatly and thus cause the swelling or knot. Finally, they send fruiting hyphe to the surface, and the life story is repeated. A single knot is thus a menace to an orchard or neighborhood; one should never be permitted to develop spores, but should be cut off and éurned as soon as any swelling appears. FLOWERLESS PLANTS 463 The Brown Rot, Monzilia fructigena. — Plum, cherry, and peach trees are often stripped of their entire crop by this destructive fungus. It probably consumes more of these fruits than all the boys and girls in the country. The class should study its prevalence and distribu- tion in the neighborhood along with that of the black knot. It is characteristic of this fungus that affected fruits cling to the branch over winter, often cemented to- gether in clusters. In this condition they are said to be “mummied” (see Fig. 192). The life story of the brown rot is like that of all moulds: a spore lodges on a fruit, germinates and _ fills the fruit with its mycelium, and the fruiting hyphe grow out to scatter the spores. If the pupils will inoculate a few plums, they will see how rapidly this fungus works, and by so doing appre- Fic. 191. THE BLACK KNOT ciate the necessity of (Photograph of collection prepared by Burton N. Gates, aged sixteen, for his class in the high school) picking and burning affected fruits before the spores are cast. Remedies for J/onz/a are pruning to let in light and air, thinning plums and peaches so that no two fruits touch, picking and burning all diseased fruits as soon as detected, and burning all mummified fruits in the fall, since they produce another crop of spores in the spring. 464 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE Peach-Leaf Curl, Exvoascus deformans.— By attacking the leaves, blossoms, and growing twigs of the peach this fungus sometimes causes the loss of the entire crop, and great damage to the trees. If present in the neighborhood, the pupils will have no difficulty in finding specimens for study. Peach-leaf curl is so easily prevented by spraying that there is no excuse for allowing an orchard to be affected by it. Peach Yellows. — No fungus has been discovered in connection with this disease, although it has been sought for with great diligence. Expert testimony inclines to the view that it is not-due to a germ of FiG. 192. PLUMS DESTROYED BY BROWN ROT any kind. Still it is clearly contagious, is transmitted by seeds or buds, and probably by the mere presence of a diseased tree in the orchard. How these facts can be explained on any other theory than that of the germ origin of the disease, it is difficult to imagine. Affected trees ripen their fruit prematurely, and many of the buds intended for the following spring burst into a spindling, sickly, yellow growth during the summer. No tree has been known to recover when once attacked, and since the fruit is worthless, the sooner it is uprooted and burned the better. Laws compel a man to do this in a number of states where peach raising is an important industry. Other garden fungi that should be observed and studied are: Downy Mildew, /eronospora viticola.— This fungus attacks grapes, especially vines allowed to grow without proper pruning. FEOWEREESS» PEANTS 465 Orange Rust, Czoma nitens. — Raspberry and blackberry bushes are often attacked by this fungus, the leaves and young shoots com- ing out bright orange in the spring. The appearance is so striking as to need no description. Affected plants should be uprooted and burned before the spores ripen. Rose Mildew, Spherotheca pannosa. Apple Scab, /usicladium dendriticum.— This fungus is commonly found as black scabby patches on the leaves and fruit and has been estimated to injure from one-sixth to one-half of the entire apple crop. The Grain Smuts.— A conservative estimate of the damage caused by fungi attacking corn, wheat, oats, barley, and rye is said to be $200,000,000 annually; and this amount is stolen so stealthily that few realize their loss. In grain-raising sections have each pupil gather one hundred heads of wheat and oats at random, and estimate the percentage destroyed by smut.! Yeast. — Moulds and mildews are plants, many of which we can see without difficulty. We now descend a step lower to forms that we cannot see without a microscope, except in the mass. Greatly 0 A Q magnified, yeast plants have the appearance of tiny ovoidal bodies, of which it would Fe. 193. iakee about 3000 placed side by side to Y=4st Prants measure an inch. Still, small as they are, *how's manner 3 of growth (mag- we can study them in a practical way. maned) We may use our medicine vials again for this purpose. Suppose one-half of the class have their vials each partially filled with diluted fruit juice, such as we used in the study of moulds; and the other half, after thoroughly cleansing and scalding their bottles, have a large drop of freshly scalded flour or starch paste. It should be made as transparent as possible, be free from air bubbles, and be spread out evenly in one side of the vial. Let the pupils provide themselves with needles mounted in sticks and pieces of clean glass, 1 “The Grain Smuts: how they are caused and how to prevent them,” by Walter T. Swingle, Washington, 1898, Farmer's Bulletin, No. 75. 466 NATURE SPUDY AND cian and we will place upon each of the glasses a bit of compressed yeast the size of a pin head. Ask each to divide his yeast, first in halves, then one-half in halves again, and so on until he has a particle that he can just see. Let the pupils now plant these just visible particles in their vials. They may then cork them and observe the growth that takes place from day to day. If a piece of rubber dam is stretched over the top of one of the bottles containing fruit juice and tied tightly, the gases produced by the growth of the yeast will puff up the rubber and thus help to show that something is going on inside. The liquid will soon become turbid, full of bubbles, and at last a mass of white substance will settle to the bottom. This is composed of yeast plants, but may be many thousand times the amount with which we started. The liquid will have lost its sweet taste and will smell and taste of alcohol, or possibly of vinegar. The particle on the starch paste will gradually overgrow the whole drop, changing it to a whitish mass of yeast plants. ¢ 8 2 te - * | & a bh c d Fic. 194. FORMS OF BACTERIA a, grippe; 2, bubonic plague; c, diphtheria; d, tuberculosis; e, typhoid fever ; J, spiral types. Bacteria. — The smaller a living particle is, the more powerful may it become. This is because the smaller a cell is, the more surface it has in proportion to its bulk for the absorption of food. Bacteria are the smallest liv- ing things we know and, in many ways, the most power- ful. Different forms of bacteria are shown in Fig. 194. Some are spherical and so minute that it would take 125,000 of them placed side by side to measure an inch. Others are rod shaped, but so short that 1500 placed end to end would make a line only across the head of a pin. Many of the elongated forms are bent into commas or FLOWERLESS PLANTS 467 twisted into spirals or corkscrews. Minute as they are, many bacteria have threadlike appendages, with which they swim actively about. It has been difficult to decide whether we should class bacteria as plants or animals. Their food and what little structure they possess are considered to show, however, that they are plants, related more closely to the fungi than to any other group. Bacteria are practically everywhere in nature. They exist in the air as dust ; they swarm in all surface waters ; the top layers of fertile soil are literally alive with them, almost all of them harmless or beneficial. The udders of healthy cows, the healthy human mouth, the healthy stomach and intestines, all support varied flore of these ubiquitous plants. Normally, however, they are not pres- ent in the blood or other tissues of a healthy animal. Bacteria were discovered by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1683, but were known merely as curiosities until about 1880, when Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur demonstrated their power to cause disease. For a time people were greatly alarmed; they next bethought themselves that humanity had fared well before the bacteria were discov- ered and would doubtless continue to fare as well, or bet- ter, thereafter. As knowledge accumulated, they realized that there is no reason why bacteria should not be as good to eat as other vegetables ; and finally arrived at the view as expressed by a leading scientist, that a healthy human body is, after all, the best microbe destroyer in the world. Fresh air and sunshine, exercise, good food, vigor, and a high health level give us these, and with a few reasonable precautions we have practically nothing to fear. 468 NATURE STUDY" AND LEIEE Small as bacteria are, they possess powers of growth and multiplication not paralleled by any other living forms. It is estimated that if all the oceans were nutrient broth, with an average depth of one mile, the progeny of one microbe might fill them full in less than five days. . By precise methods it is possible to rear as pure a cul- ture of a desired kind of bacteria as of any garden plant. While we shall not be able to do this, we may make a num- ber of instructive observations if we are on the alert and know what to look for. The phosphorescence of decay- ing wood, fish, or meat is due to bacteria of decom- position. The red color, known in superstitious times as the ‘bleeding Host,” that sometimes overspreads bread and other foods, is caused by other harmless bacteria. It will be difficult or impossible, without expensive microscopes, to distinguish bacteria from yeasts and moulds. Still, a few simple experiments may be tried. We may use our vials again, —this time filled with hay infusion! or with a dilute, perfectly clear broth. We may sterilize, as before described, by boiling on two succes- sive days, and then sow a minute quantity of dust from the schoolroom or the street, keeping other vials stop- pered with cotton for comparison. The vials in which dust is sown will soon grow turbid, a scum will form on top, and an offensive odor of decomposition will probably make it necessary to wash the vials out before the experi- ment has continued too long. ’ FISHES : Dace} Acquaintance with living fishes in aquaria and in native Pout J haunts INSECTS: Grasshoppers Black swallowtail Crickets Polyphemus June beetles Luna Flies Elm-leaf beetle Lice Potato beetle MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Rats, mice; habits, destructiveness, methods of trapping DHE; GRADE PLAN 481 GRabD_E II LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: - Calliopsis StuDY OF WILD FLOWERS: Cone flower Iris Trilliums Mallow Wild geranium ~ Yarrow Robin’s plantain Tansy Marsh marigold Healall Bloodroot Poison sumac FLOWER CALENDAR GARDEN WORK: - Vegetable garden ; lettuce, carrot, potato, onion (from seed) FRUIT: Grapes; layers and cuttings; save and plant the seeds TREES: Elms ol Collect and plant seeds FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Ferns Mosses > Acquaintance with a few kinds ; | Liverworts ) MyTus, LEGENDS, STORIES, POEMS, AND PICTURES OF THE PLANTS AND ANIMALS FOR THIS GRADE 482 NATURE’ STUDY AND? LIEBE GRADE III LESSONS WITH ANIMALS DomESTIC ANIMALS: Rabbit; foods, habits, care BIRDS: Barn swallow Cedar bird Night hawk Phoebe Whip-poor-will Chebec Chimney swift Junco Humming bird Meadow lark FROGS AND SALAMANDERS: Leopard frog; live specimens, feeding tests with insects; learn notes FISHES : Pickerel | Acquaintance with living fishes in aquaria and native Pike J haunts INSECTS: Mourning cloak Caddis flies Imperial moth Water bugs Meal worm Strawberry insects Rose beetles Dragon flies Clothes moth Damsel flies Asparagus beetle MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Squirrels Chipmitsle! raming, habits, storing and planting of nuts THE GRADE PLAN 483 GrRabD_E III LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Mimosa StTuDY OF WILD FLOWERS: Solomon’s seal Chickweed False Solomon’s seal Mountain laurel Hepatica Lambkill Cinquefoil Bellwort Fringed polygala Bittersweet Bur marigold Wild carrot FLOWER CALENDAR GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden; asparagus, beets FRUIT: Strawberry ; varieties, propagation by runners, seeds TREES: Hard maples ) Horse-chestnut } Save and germinate seeds Hickory J FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Lichens and alge ; recognize as classes of plants MytTus, LEGENDS, STORIES, POEMS, AND PICTURES OF THE PLANTS AND ANIMALS FOR THIS GRADE 484 NATURE? STRUDYOAND: ELBE GRADE IV LESSONS WITH ANIMALS DOMESTICATED ANIMALS: Fowls ; kinds, habits, care, food, rearing BIRDS: Vesper sparrow Brown thrasher Catbird White-breasted nuthatch Kingbird Red-breasted nuthatch Cowbird Quail Red-winged blackbird Partridge Redstart Prairie chicken Flicker FROGS AND SALAMANDERS: Green frog | Learn notes and make feeding tests with Spotted salamander J insects FISHES : Suckers ; living fishes in aquaria and in native haunts INSECTS: Codling moth Fall webworm Tent caterpillars Apple-leaf crumple1 Cankerworm Carpet beetles Apple-tree borer Red admiral White-marked tussock moth MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Spiders and harvestmen THE GRADE PLAN 485 GRADE IV LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Centaurea, Emperor William FLOWER CALENDAR STUDY OF WILD FLOWERS: Meadow rue Lady’s slipper Purple avens Blue-eyed grass Indian pipe Thoroughwort Sundew Jack-in-the-pulpit Shad bush Corn cockle Saxifrage GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden; parsnips, sage, horse radish Wild-flower garden; lessons on transplanting FRUIT: Apples; save and plant seeds, and learn varieties TREES: Butternut; germinate nut Mulberry; propagate from cuttings FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Mushrooms; collect specimens, learn to recognize poisonous Amanitas MyrTus, LEGENDS, STORIES, POEMS, AND PICTURES OF THE PLANTS AND ANIMALS FOR THIS GRADE 486 NATURE SHUDY AND LIFE GRADE V LESSONS WITH ANIMALS DOMESTICATED ANIMALS: The horse; origin, domestication, traits, uses, care Laws regarding cruelty to animals BIRDS: Bobolink Red-eyed vireo Kingfisher Indigo bunting Chewink Brown creeper Ovenbird Purple martin Purple finch Sparrow hawk FROGS AND SALAMANDERS : Brown frog : Feeding tests with insects, notes, rear from eggs Red triton } as : : 88 FISHES: Perch; feeding tests, spawning season, and habits INSECTS: Plant lice Honeybee Lady beetles Bumblebee Mosquitoes Mud wasp Regal moth Paper wasp Curculios MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Clams and snails Slugs Muskrat THE GRADE PLAN 487 GRADE V LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Balsam SruDY OF WILD FLOWERS: Evening primrose Sarsaparilla Meadow lily Elecampane Buttonbush Columbine Jewelweed Blueberries Bishop’s cap Checkerberry Snake’s-head Spurges FLOWER CALENDAR GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden ; spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers Wild-flower garden ; ferns, spore formation FRUIT: 7 ape : Fiums | Learn varieties, and study buds, terminal, lateral, Apricots i fruit Nectarines TREES: Black walnut Cedars Hackberry Juniper +} Study and germinate seeds Willows Larch | FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Moulds and yeast Black knot Foul brood Monilia Myrus, LEGENDS, STORIES, POEMS, AND PICTURES OF THE PLANTS AND ANIMALS FOR THIS GRADE 488 NATURE” STUDY: AND FEIRE GRADE VI LESSONS WITH ANIMALS DOMESTICATED ANIMALS: Pigeons ; domestication, habits, feeding, and care BIRDS : . Maryland yellowthroat Veery Rose-breasted grosbeak House wren Hairy woodpecker Warbling vireo Crossbills White-throated sparrow Wood pewee Fox sparrow State laws for protection of birds FROGS AND SALAMANDERS: Wood frog | Rear from eggs and make feeding Red-backed salamander J tests with insects FISHES: Bass ; rock, large and small mouth, black INSECTS: Borers; peach-tree and others Botflies Cabbage worm and parasites Apple maggot Tiger beetles House ants Squash bugs MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Earthworms Moles and shrews THE GRADE PLAN 489 GRADE VI LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Petunia STUDY OF WILD’ FLOWERS: Foam flower Celandine Early rue Willow herb Dogbane Clematis Daisy fleabane Sand spurry Speckled alder Butter and eggs Purple Gerardia Poison hemlocks FLOWER CALENDAR GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden; cabbage, turnip, mustard Wild-flower garden; collect wild-flower seeds and plant FRUIT: 2am Study varieties, grafting, budding, pruning Peaches J ) Aes 2 8 I =] TREES: Birches Pines a : i Study and germinate seeds Tulip Sycamore J) ) id City or town ordinances with reference to injury of shade trees FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Apple scab Rose mildew Peach-leaf curl Peach yellows 490 NATURE -S RUDY AN D-ETEE GRADE VII LESSONS WITH ANIMALS BIRDS : Tree sparrow Yellow-billed cuckoo Grackles White-crowned sparrow Wood thrush Ruby-crowned kinglet Yellow-throated vireo Golden-crowned kinglet Black-billed cuckoo Myrtle warbler FROGS AND SALAMANDERS: Life story of common toad; rear from eggs, make feeding tests with insects Newts FISHES: Trout Salmon; spawning seasons, habits State laws concerning fishes INSECTS: Cutworms Ichneumon flies Lion beetles Gypsy moth (in eastern Mass.) Army worm Brown-tailed moth (in eastern Mass.) Corn worm Household pests; bed bug, kissing Sphinxes bug, roaches MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: W oodchuck Mink and otter Centipedes and millipedes THE GRADE. PLAN GRADE VII LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Ten-weeks stock FLOWER CALENDAR STUDY OF WILD FLOWERS: Ragwort St. John’s-wort Milkwort Pitcher plant Chicory Sweet vernal grass Clethra June grass Baneberry Timothy grass Star grass Fescue grass Blue curls Jimson weed GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden Common weeds Wild-flower garden FRUIT: Grape, raspberry, blackberry Grapevine culture ; layers, runners, cuttings, seeds TREES: Chokecherry Box elder Red cherry Ashes Study and germinate seeds Black cherry Poplars J FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Moulds Orange rust Grain smuts Grape mildews Review mushrooms State laws concerning fungous diseases of plants 491 492 NATURE STUDY -AND: EIFE GRADE VIII LESSONS WITH ANIMALS BIRDS: Chestnut-sided warbler Water thrush Blackburnian warbler ’ Bank swallow Magnolia warbler Hermit thrush Yellow-breasted chat Marsh hawk Solitary sandpiper Wild ducks Little green heron Wild geese Red-headed woodpecker Wild swans Study game laws FROGS AND SALAMANDERS: Pickering’s tree frog Mud puppy Cricket frog FISHES: Eels INSECTS: Aphids Pear slug Currant worms Am. copper butterfly Rose slug Painted beauty MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Bat Weasel Porcupine THE GRADE PLAN 493 GrRavDeE VIII LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Carnation FLOWER CALENDAR StupDy OF WILD FLOWERS: Spring beauty Cassandra Gentians Cohosh Pale Corydalis Foxglove Cardinal flower Loosestrife Groundnut Herb Robert Green brier Gold thread Viburnum Nightshades GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden Wild-flower garden FRUIT: Currant, gooseberry Methods of propagating fruit and forest trees TREES: Spr Beeches ) . ; Spruces s \ Study and germinate seeds Tupelo Lindens J) ; State laws concerning forest fires FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Bacteria Foul brood Pear blight 494 NATURE STUDY AND: LIFE GRADE IX LESSONS WITH ANIMALS BIRDS: Northern shrike Herons Pine grosbeak Eagles Pine siskin Hawks Sapsucker Owls Loon Gulls Grebes Terns FROGS AND SALAMANDERS: Spadefoot frog Review and make feeding tests with frogs, toads, and salamanders FISH: Stickleback INSECTS: Scale insects Wood nymphs San José scale Fritillaries Honeybee and cross-fertilization Swallowtails MISCELLANEOUS ANIMALS: Skunk Fox THE GRADE PLAN 495 GRADE IX LESSONS WITH PLANTS COMPETITIVE FLOWER REARING: Tea rose Review and classify a number StuDby OF WILD FLOWERS: of the common plants under : Rhodora Dodder Rose family Pipsissewa Blazing star Lily family Pyrola Meadow beauty Mustard family Pimpernel Lobelia - Pulse family Spicebush Clover Parsley family Arethusa Pokeweed Aster family Larkspur Sunflowers Grass family FLOWER CALENDAR GARDEN WORK: Vegetable garden Wild-flower garden FRUIT: Quince Review fruits, varieties, culture and propagation TREES : “esas eae \ Study and germinate seeds Hornbeam Fir J - Influence of forests on: soil formation; surface waters; climate FLOWERLESS PLANTS: Bacteria, intelligent cleanliness Symbiotic bacteria Board of Health regulations and statistics INDEX [Numbers in blackface type indicate an illustration on the page cited.] A, B, C of landscape gardening, 1 36. Abused street trees, 372. Acadian hairstreak, 268. Achemon sphinx, 209. Acris gryllus, 300. Active education, 132. Af geria pyri, I9t. polistiformis, 191. tipuliformis, 191. fésculus pavia, 114. Aésthetic values of nature study, 20-22. Agarics, 450. Agrostemma githago, 113. Agrostis, 198. Aims and purposes of a nature-study course, I. Alder aphids, 209. Alexander the Great, 4o. Algz, 103, 438, 483. Amanita caesaria, 450. muscaria, 450. phalloides, 450. rubescens, 451. verna, 450. Amblystoma punctatum, 302. American copper butterfly, 264, 492. false hellebore, 117. laurel, 114. Pomological Society, 150. Amphicerus bicaudatus, 193. Anacreon, 335. Anarsia lineatella, 193. Anasa tristis, 225. Anemone, 479. Angelus Silesius, 102. Animal species, 7. Anisopteryx pometaria, 196. Anopheles, 68-70, 70. Anthonomus quadrigibbus, 204. Anthrenus scrophularia, 59, 75-78. 76, 78. Antiopa, 47, 262, 268. Ants, 86-88, 86, 87, 415, 488. Ant’s nest, how to make, 418, 488. Aphids, 210, 214, 486, 492. Aphis maidis, 210. mali, 210. Apple, 485. curculio, 204. leaf crumpler, 206, 484. maggot, 202-204, 203, 48¢. of Peru, 115. root plant louse, 215. scab, 465, 489. Appleseed, Johnny, 158, 159. Apple-tree aphid, 210. borers, 191, 192, 484. Apple tree, how to rear, 169. tent caterpillar, 195. 498 Apricot, 152, 180, 487. Aquaria, feeding of the animals in, 403. construction of, 394-399, 395, 396, 398, 399. Aquarium, scavengers of, 403. cements, 399. how to stock, 400. Arbor day, 391. Arbutus, 479. Arethusa, 495. Army worm, 225, 490. Arnold Arboretum, 364. Arnold, Edwin, 274. Ashes, 491. Asiatic crab apple, 158. Asparagus beetle, 222, 482. Aspidiotus perniciosus, 219. Asters, 479, 495- Astragalus Lambertii, 117. mollissimus, 117. Audubon Societies, 344. Society,proposed pledge for, 34 5. Australian roach, 85. Babcock, Charles A., 345. Bacteria, 103, 440, 466, 466, 493, 495- ways by which they enter the body, 471. Balsam, 96, 97, 487. Baltimore oriole, 45o. nest of, 321. Banded hairstreak, 268. Baneberry, 491. Bank swallow, 492. Bark lice, 215. Barn swallow, 342, 482. e swallow’s nest, 336. Basilarchia arthemis, 268. astyanax, 268. NATURE STUDY AND LIFE a’ ala Say) Bass: rock, large and small mouth, black, 488. Bat, as insect destroyer, 187, 405, 492. feeding of, 406. Beal; F. B1., 345. Bear corn, 117. Beaver poison, Il. Bedbug, 82, 82, 490. Beeches, 493. Bee hunting, 240. Bees, races of, 241. Bellwort, 483. Big ivy, 114. Biological type, 289. Birches, 489. Bird bath, 330. census, 319, 320, 321. food chart, 323. homes, 332. house, 337. houses, 332. Bird-Lore, 344, 345, 351- directory of State Audubon Societies, 345. Birds, climatic influences upon, 311. decrease of, 311. eating codling moth, 187. enemies of, 312-317. food for the young, 361. foods of, 322, 347- nesting materials, 340. rate of increase, 308. Bird taming, 347. Bishop’s cap, 457. Bismarck apple, 157, 158. sittersweet, 117, 453. Black ant, small, 56, 86. bee, 239, 241. Blackberry, 491. INDEX Black-billed cuckoo, 490. Blackburnian warbler, 492. Black cherry, 113, 491. knot, 462, 463, 487. mercury, 107. mould, 461. nightshade, 117. roach, 85-86. swallowtail, 268, 48o. Thalessa, 247. walnut, 487. Blanks for lessons with plants, 139, 145, 148. Blazing star, 495. Blissus leucopterus, 226. Bloodroot, 102, 481. Blood-sucking cone nose, 83, 83. Blowpipe, 57. Blueberries, 487. Bluebird, 333, 340, 342, 349, 478. Bluebottle fly, 63, 64. Blue curls, 491. emperor, 268. jay, 323, 480. mould, 461. Mountain Forest, 9, 16. swallowtail, 268. Blue-eyed grass, 485. Satyrus, 266. Bluets, 479. Board of health regulations, 474, 495. Bobolink, 323, 342, 486. Boleti, 453, 453- Bolles, Frank, 336. Bollworm, 225. Bombardier beetles, 256. Bordered skipper, 270. Borers, 488. Borer signs around base of peach tree, 190. 499 Botflies, 414, 488. Box elder, 491. Brackett, G. B., 173. Braconids, 250. Branch ivy, 117. Brightwen, Mrs., 345. Brinton, Dr., on property, 127. Broad-leaf laurel, 114. necked Prionus, 192. Brown creeper, 349, 486. elfin, 268. emperor, 266. frog, 298, 486. rot, 463, 464. tailed moth, 490. thrasher, 323, 342, 349, 484. Browning, Mrs., 33. Brunella, 481. Bucephalus, 4o. Budding a peach tree, 175-179, 175, 489. Budding knife, 175. Buds, lessons on, 161, 487. Buffalo herd, g. moth, 75. Bufo lentiginosus, 297. Bug, correct use of word, 423. Bugbane, 117. Bull, Ephraim, 159. Bullfrog, 298, 480. Bumblebees, 242, 486. Buprestis divaricata, 193. Burbank, Luther, 159. plum, 160. Burdock, 479. Bur marigold, 483. Burnham, Wm. H., 23. Burroughs, John, 302, 309, 324. Butter and eggs, 489. Buttercup, 479. 500 NATURE STUDY AND LIFE Butterflies and moths, 260. Butterflies, table of, 264-273. Butternut, 485. Buttonbush, 487. Cabbage butterfly, 225, 262, 266. Plusia, 225. worm and parasites, 61, 488. Caddis flies, 258, 482. Czoma nitens, 465. Cajeput, oil of, $2. Calico bush, 114. California poison sumac, IIo. Calliopsis, 481. Calliphora crythrocephala, 63. Calosoma calidum, 256. scrutator, 255. Canary, 349. Cankerworms, 196, 454. Caper spurge, 115, 116. Carbon bisulphide, 74. Cardinal flower, 493. Care of young birds, 354—-357- Carlyle, 144. Carnation, 493. Carniolan bee, 239, 241. Carpenter ant, 416. Carpet beetle, 75-78, 76, 78, 484. beetle, black, 78. beetle, remedies, 77. ‘ashes, I10. ‘assandra, 493. cat, the, 41-43, 342, 349, 480. Par a er destruction of birds by, 312. ‘atalogue of fruits, 150, 152. ‘atbird, 323, 342, 349, 484. ‘aterpillars, 49, 265-273, 421. ‘atopsilia eubule, 266.