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Work on the Microscopical Anatomy of the Braii 9 Section III. METHODS OP INVESTIGATION .... 15 1. Chrome-Silver Inpre^na t ion ... 15 2. The Application of Methylen-Blue . . . 17 a. The Staining Method of Nissl ... 17 b. Intra-Vitum Injection ..... 19 3. Iron Haeuatoxy 1 i n ....... 21 4. The Chloriie of Vanaiium Methol .... 22 Section IV. THE 0BL0N3ATA 23 1. General Morphology of the Oblongata ... 23 2. Review of Nerve Components ..... 26 3. Neurones of the Ventral Cornu .... 32 a. Tract-Neurones ....... 32 b. Comtii S3ur al Neuron'ss 4. fjobus Va?i and Fasciculus Cominunis a. Neurones of the Lobus Va^i b. Termination of Comnnunis Pibres o. The Fasciculus Communis 5. The Viscero-Mo tor Nucleus 6. General Cutaneous Nucleus and Spina a. The Molecular Layer b. The Substantia Gelatinosa c. The Deeper Neurones d . Temi na t ion of General Cutaneou 7. The Tuberculura Acusticum a. Molecular ani Granular Neurones b. Purkinje Neurones c. Termination of Acus ti co-Late ral d. Theoretical Conclusions 8. Supporting Elements . . . . a.Ependyma b. NeurOi^lia 9. Summary of the Oblongata 1 V Tract THE CEREBELLUM 63 l.TheNeuronesof Purkinje , . . . . 64 2. The Molecular Layer ....... 68 3. The Granular Layer ....... 71 a. Granular Neurones Proper . . . . .71 b. Gol?i Neurones ....... 73 4. Supporting Elements ....... 74 a. Ependyma ........ 75 b . Neuro^l i a . . . . . . . . .76 5. Architecture and Physiology of the Cerebellum . 79 6. Evolution of the Cerebellum ..... 82 7. Summary of the Cerebellum ..... 85 Section VI. THE MIDBRAIN 87 1. The Tectum Mesencephali ...... 88 a. Termination of the Opticus. S t r . Med ul . Prof un . 89 b. The Superficial Neurones . . . . .91 c. The Middle Neurones ...... 91 d. The Deeper Neurones The Central Gray Matter a. The Roof- Nucleus b. The Nucleus of the Oculomo tor i us o. The Nucleus of the Troohlearis The Ependyna ....,, Phylo?eny of Midbrain Structures Summary of the Midbrain 96 102 103 1 05 106 107 Section VII, THE INTERBRAIN 1 . The Thalamus ..... a. Nucleus Strati Grisei b. Nucleus Geniculatam 2. Epithalamus: The Nucleus Habenulae 3. Hypothalamus: The Lobi Inferiores 4. Supporting Elements ... 5. SuTimary of the Intsrbrain 110 110 111 113 114 115 IIB 118 sction VIII. THE POEEBRAIN .... 1. The Olfactory Lobe 2. The Striatum .... a. Epistriatum b. General Striatum c. Nucleus Postolfactorius 3. The Nucleus Neuroporicus 4.ThePallium a. Neurones of the Tractus Pal b. Associative and Commissural c. Gajal Neurones d. General Considerations on t 5. Supporting Elements 6. Summary of the ?orebrain lii Neui he Pallium 120 122 123 123 125 128 129 131 132 134 134 136 138 139 Section IX. GENERAL SOMMAPY AND CONCLUSION Section X. LITERATURE CITED Section XI. DESCRIOTION OP THE FIGURES Section' I. iNTRODOCTORf, Th3 student of mammaliaa neurology has his attention fix- ed on a mechanisTi of surpassing complexity. In the pursuit of his /jork, he is continually touching problems, both morpholog- ical and physiological, .vhich frequently transcend all his pow- ers. But the complex nervous skein which he seeks to unravel is merely the final -nember of a series reaching backwari through ever simpler and simpler conlitions to the organization of the primitive vertebrate. In other words, the mammalian brain is the product of endless modifications wrought in the original plan of structure by the continual adjustment of nervous mech- anisms to the play of a shifting environment. What the archi- tecture of the ancestral vertebrate nervous system may have been we can never hope to know from actual observation. Port- unately, there are simple vertebrates existing to-day which retain many features of primitive nervous organization. To such animals, the student of neurology must ever turn for the solution of the problems which vex him in higher fields. One of these simple vertebrates is represents! by a selachian of the moderi seas, somewhat specialized in certain directions, (3) 4 of course, bat ratninin^^, with'il, nuch of tha archnic nervous or^-iai nation from ivhich higher braius have been griiually evolv- ed. A study of such a simple brain as that of a selachian con- stitutes, therefore, a necessary introduction to the more highly differentiated nervous systems of birds and manmals. Our kno/fleige of the nervous system is so peculiarly de- pendent upon methods of investigation that the conceptions held by us might almost be said to grow out of the teohnique employ- ed. 'The development of neurological methods daring the last few years has been indeed phenomenal, and with this advance there has come the necessity for a re-investigation of many nervous systems. The results obtained by the earlier observers, while praiseworthy in themselves, siicply do not furnish the pre- cise and complete pictures of neurones which modern comparative neurology requires. And hence it is that the writer has attack- ed anew the structural problems of a brain which has by no means escaped the attention of investigators. The phylogenetic value usually assigned to the Selachii has caused many to examine the brain of the shark, both anatomically and microscopically. A historical review of the latter class of researches will be found in Section I[, 2. The results set forth in this paper are intended to farther exact knowledge concerning the external morphology, the internal organisation, and the architectural relations of the selachian neurones, while also aiding, it is hoped, in the elucidation of certain questions of a general character. The particular sela- 5 chian selectei, Vlustelus canis of DeKay, is one in /»hich are combined a structure fairly repre.~3entative of the Selachii as a whole, a size convenient for work, and availability in suffi- cient numbers to meet the rigorous demands of certain methods of investii|atioa. This research was begun at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Woods HolL, where two seasons were spent in the use of an abundance of living material. The principal study was contin- ued at the University of Iowa as my regular duties permitted; while certain collateral lines were followed in the neurological laboratory of the University of Chicago. A short preliminary notice of the most important results then in hand was published in the Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences, Volume IV. The research has finally been brought to completion in the biological laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. It is a real pleasure to acknowledge my indebtedness to the officials of the Marine Biological Laboratory for courte- sies extending over a period of several years; and to Professor Brooks, I cannot io less than express my sincere appreciation of the numerous helpful suggestions given me during the com- pletion of my work. SECTION 11. Hevikv* op &APLIKP Researches. 1. Anaton ical Wofk Involving Errors of Interpretation . To trace the history of a miscoriceptior) is &. task upon whicli few can enter with even the least degree of enthusiasni, but it is necessary for us to notice briefly here certain erro- neous views which have held sway relative to the hoaiologies of the parts of the selachian brain. The interbrain, and along with it the midbrain and often the cerebelluiri as well, have been variously interpreted by the investigators of the last three decades. Wiclucho-Maclay ('70) was the first to break away from the established teachings of vonEser ('?7) concerning the possible homologies of the several brain-segments. Overlool ing, in effect, the true interbrain entirely, since he regarded it as nothing more than a longitudinal commissure, Viclucho- Kcaclay identified the zwischenhirn in that segment which we know as the midbrain; the cerebellum, being next in the longi- tudinal series, consequently stood for his mi ttelkim; while he found his hinterhim in the small inferior lole of the true cerebellum. Such an interpretation appears almost inexplicable to us, but we must not allow oui-selves to forget that the homol- (6) 7 ogies so ooni'idently traced by us to day are f^rounded on many neurological studies, the results oi' which were not available to the investigators of the earliei- period. Unfortunately for coiriparative anatoniy, the conclusions of Miclucho-Niaclay were accepted by Get^enbaur, and were incorpora- ted by him in the second edition of his Grundzii^e ('70), and were continued in the smaller Grundriss ('74). Appearing also, of course, in the French translation of the former work by Vogt, and in tlie English translation of the latter by Eell, the errors were, through these several channels, given the widest possi- ble distribution among investigators, with all the prestige of Gegenbaur's authority behind them. Gegenbaur has rectified the mistake in the latest form assumed by his text-book ('98), but it probably 7/111 be many years before the miscliief is fully undone. Stied^ {'7c) devoted himself to a correction of the erroneous conceptions promulgated by K'iclucho-N^aclay and Gegenbaur. After carefully considering the subject-matter at issue, he embodied his conclusions in a table in which the homologies of the several brain-segments are properly set forth. The work of this author had the effect, at least, of directing the attention of anatomists once more to the fact that the homologies of the fish-brain were really in question, resulting, ultimately, in the true interpretation prevailing at the present time. Rohon ('77), although writing several years after the 8 publication of Stieda's pa^er, did not, fully accept ttie work of that author, but took a position almost between the errors of Miclucho-Waclay on the one hand, and the truth on the other. While giving the cerebellun its proper recognition as a brain- segment, he apparently annexed his regie uentricu lo tertii to the forebrain, thus leaving the mitlbrain standing for two whole segments. His z'viechen him, therefore, embraced the dorsal portion of the optic lobes above, and the hypothalamus below; while he located the mi t telhirn between and behind these two divisions of his zwischenKirn. Such an interpretatioi' was certainly reiiarkable for the ingenuity with which a place was found where an error might be lodged, but it wis almost, if not guite equaled by the general homologies drawn by Fritsch ('73), who took the whole midbrain for a secondary vorderKirn . These several errors, curious as some of them certainly are, might have little more than a passing interest for us to day, were it not that they continue to reappear at intervals, tinging the work of those making claims to a certain degree of authoritative treatment. As an instance of this kind, it may be noted that one of our most recent treatises on comparative anatomy contains a figui-e of the selachian brain with the cere- bellum designated lobe oitique, and the anterior end of the oblongata the cervelet' . •Roule.r; I. ' Ana tomi e Comparee des Anim&ux, Toire 2, P i i» . 1 1 5 7 . Paris. 1R98. 2. Work on the Microsoopical Anatomii of the Brain. Anatoniical work on the nervous system of the Selachii was begun relatively early, but aiicrosoopical study lagf^ed somewhat behind that on the bony fishes. One of the earliest researches touching the onicroscopical structure of the selachian brain was that of Leydig ('5?). This versatile investigator was engaged in tracing the general organogeny and histology of the rays and sharks, and so his work upon the brain was not special in its character. Here, however, he discovered the olfactory glomeruli, a result altogether sufficient in itself. Of course, the nature of the microscopical methods then in use did not permit Leyaig to see much more than the general outline of a glomerulus and the fibres associated therewith. It remained for later workers to trace the full significance of his discov- ery. The two decades following the research of Leydig witnessed the unfolding of the germ of a special neurological technique. Stilling had introduced the method of studying the brain by means of sections as early as 194?, but the great advantages to be derived from staining the sections were not realised until 1R59, when Gerlach soaked his sections in a solution of carmine. Later, 137?, Gerlach obtained such brilliant results with gold chloride as to lead to many trials with this reagent, while some of the possibilities of osmic acid wei-e also becom- ing known. Finally, chromic acid and the bichromates had come 10 to be recognized as valuatle means for hardening; nervous tis- sues. Fortunate that man who was permitted to contrilute to the inauguration of a new era in the comparative study of the nervous system, the era of microscopicel research. Two inves- tii^ators extended such a possibility to the field of the sela- chian brain at practically the same time, Viault publisliing his results in 1376, and Bohon in 1877. The research of Via.ult ('7*^) is quite broad in its scope. It includes a review of the anatomical features of the sela- chian nervous system; a description of the structural elements common to all nerve-centres; topographic histology, or the structure of the several parts of the brain and cord; and, finally, a consideration of the homologies of the brain-segments. The figures which accompany the paper are perfectly clear in their execution, but they represent such a low degree of magni- fication that they are really little more than diagrams. While the observations recorded by this author are of the most general character, he should receive great credit for interpreting the brain-segments properly at a time when there was much confusion in this respect. In the prosecution of his research, Rohon ('77) had all the stimulating advantages of the laboratory of Glaus, and his work has a high order of merit. There is a section devoted to the comparative anatoniy of the cranial nerves and the several regions of the brain, in both the rays and the sharks. Certain figures illustrating this portion of the work are familiar to 11 all comparative anatoicists through their reproduction in the text-books. The histological portion oi" the research is care- fully vyritten, and it is clear that the writer had seen all that the technique of the period would demonstrate. We find in his f injures, therefore, nerve-eel J s represented with some detail of structure, nerve-fibres showing soire connection with particular groups of nerve-cells, and fibre-tracts which take a certain definiteness in their courses. The most noteworthy discovery made by Rohon was the iachkerne of the midbrain; see Section VI. But the greatest service which he has rendered consisted in his pointing out for the first time the many struct- ural features which the brain of the selachian has in common with the organisation of higher vertebrate brains. The next research which we have to notice is that of Sanders ('3*). This author seems not to have been familiar with the great advances Just made in methods of research, (see infra); and so we find him rejecting carmine as a staining medium and expressing a preference for rosaniline because of the clearness of the pictures yielded by it, while he gives a mere hint of haematoxylin. The scale of the work is ambitious to a degree bordering on superficial treatment. There are to be included the anatomy and histology of the brain, spirial cord, and cranial nerves in both the rays and the sharks. The histological descrip- tions usually embrace the general distribution of the nerve-cells of a given region, followed by exhaustive measurements of their si?.es. His figures are hardly more than outlines of brain- IP sections, exhibitirif; very little detail. His most grievous mistake lay in his refusal to apply the brilliant generalif^a- tion on the pallium which Rabl-Biickhard ('8?.) had published shortly before, rejecting it as an impossible explanation of the selachian forebrain. We now turn to the work of an investigator whose privelege it has been to lay many of the stones for the foundation of comparative neurology. Dr.^dinger has demonstrated that it is possible to carry on research in the right way in spite of the exhausting cares of a physician's life. His earlier work ('38) includes the consideration of both the eir.bryonic and adult selachian forebrain as a part of a systematic study of the forebrain of the several groups of vertebrates. By this time there had been given to neurological workers two of the most important methods of investigation yet imagined, the chronie- silver impregnation of Golgi, and the myelin stain of Weigert. The former has led, ultinately, to the modern conception of the neurone as a structural and physiological unit; while the latter, including here the various modifications of the essential prin- ciple, has grounded our knowledge of the course of nerve-f ib,res in the cerebrospinal axis. In the research under consideration, ('S8), Edinger was the first to apply the staining method of Weigert to the brain of the selachian. Using a counter-stain to define the nerve-cells more clearly, his results were charac- teri7ed by a precision not known to the earlier workers. The chief part of the text is occupied by a description of the 13 fibre-tracts, and the drawings are evidently intended to illus- trate this phase of the subject alone. The nerve-cells are described as to distribution and general external morphology, so far as they are trade visible by the method employed. The principal aim of the research is an elucidation of fibre-tracts rather than the investigation of nerve-cells. In a later research ('9?), Edinger applied essentially the saire methods to the interbrain of selachians and amphibians, and the results have a scope similar to those just noticed for the forebrain. In the later editions of his text-book (19C9) he has amplified for the comparative portion of the vjork the results of all his own studies, together with those of others, giving us the broadest exposition of modern coniparative neurology yet attempted by any writer. To Sauerbeck ('9*) belongs the credit of first publishing results from the application of chrome-silver impregnation to the selachian brain. The paper contains a very brief descrip- tion of those neurones and supporting elements which had been impregnated; by far the greater number of the structures present evidently were not demonstrated at all. The treatment is quite unequal for the several regions, and the figures are drawn on a small scale. While Sauerbeck must not be given credit for the things he neither described nor portrayed, yet a first attempt in this field is certainly to be commended. Schaper ('95), in the course of a series of studies on the cerebellum of vertebrates, has taken occasion to apply the 14 chroaie-silver method to the selachian cerebellun. His paper records observeitions with a considerable degree of detail. Reference to the results of Schaper will be made niore particu- larly under Section V. Inspired by the elaborate classification of nerve-cells in general proaiulgated by Nissl in his writings, Szczawinska ( '9B) was impelled to make a study of the internal structure of the selachian nerve-cell. His work presents the results of his researches upon certain types of cells through the use of methylen-blue, safranin, and haematojiylin stains. The cells studied were from the sensory ganglia, motor cells from the cord and oblongata, and cells of Purkinje from the cerebellum. Szczawinska reached the conclusion that the nerve-cells of selachians have remained on a low plane of development. In support of this view he cites certain of his results (1) that the cell-bodies are usually bi-polar in form; {?) that there is but slight demarcation between the cell-body and its protoplas- mic processes; and (3) that the chromophile substance is less differentiated than in teleosts and hif^her vertebrates. Section III. I/ETHODS OP Investigation. The technique employed in the course of this research has covered a wide range. In fact, every process holding any promise of value has been given a careful trial. It seems desirable to describe here, however, only those aiethods which have contrib- uted most largely to the final results. 1. Chrome-Si Iver Impregnation . The production of a chrome-silver deposit in nervous ele- ments is far more than a simple chemicsl reaction between the potassiun, bichromate and the silver nitrate employed. There is to be added as a prime factor, the chemistry of the nervous tissues themselves. The substances present ir the nervous ele- ments enter into the reaction to such a degree that the results are either positive or negative according to the character of those substances. In the economy of the animal, serving both as the basis for nervous activity and produced as the result of it, there is a constant round of metabolic change altering the chemical composition of the nervous tissues. In my work (15) 16 upon Viustelus, it /las soon found that strict account liad to be taken of the physiolofe'i c&l state of the animal. An individual fresh from the pursuit of his prey in the open sea ^ave alto- gether different results from one which had been kept for some time in a small aquarium, simply because the reactions of the tissues in the two instances were quite different. And so, before even fair results with chrome-silver impregnation could be secured, it was necessary to make a careful study of physio- logical conditions. It was also found that selachian nervous elements lend themselves but grudgingly, at best, to the reaction desired. Numerous trials were made of the several published schemes for securing impregnation, but particularly of the procedure indi- cated by Golgi ('94); by Ramon y Cajal ('94); by Flechsig ('89); by Cox ('91); and by Strong {'9^, '96). 5.very application practicable was also made of formaldehyde as a constituent of the reagents employed. A general critique of these processes has already been given by me in a former paper ('97a). The slices of perfectly fresn brain from the most active animal procuratie were placed in the "rapid" hardening mixture of Golgi. The pieces were always small, not over two millimeters in thickness for, e.g., a transverse section of the forebrain. The proportion of the hardening fluid used embraced one part of 1% osmic acid to four parts c.5% potassium bichromate, and this reagent was used in liberal quantities. The proper dura- tion of hardening was influenced by the temperature of the 17 room and tlie physiological state of the animal, but an average length oi' time was three days. The greatest clearness of impreg- nation was secured with silver nitrate solution of 0.75^ strength. In the preparation of serial sections, the most desirable clear- ing agent was found in a mixture of oil bergamot, oil cedar- wood, and melted carbolic acid crystals, equal parts. After being hardened in chloroform, the celloidin blocks were placed in the clearing mixture, and they were kept flooded with the oil during cutting. The above mixture clears the block rapid- ly, it may be used repeatedly, and it has the additional advan- tage of allowing the preparations to be kept in it for some time without impairing the impregnation. The sections were cut 75 micra in thickness. 2. The Application of Methylen-Blue . Methylen-blue holds so many possibilities as a neurolog- ical reagent that we are doubtless but crossing the threshold of its use to day. I have applied this aniline in every way of which I could learn, and the most important results are set forth below. a. The Staining Method of Hissl. — Nissl's description of his method ('94) called for the fixation of the tissues with alcohol. This has proven an unsatisfactory part of the tech- nique for my work. Better cytological preservation by far has IB been secured throu^,h the use of tlie chrome-oxalic mixture of Graf ('9?). This reagent appears to have escaped the general attention of microscopists, at least no mention is made of it in the fifth edition of Lee (1900). The composition is here given: Oxalic acid, 8% aq.sol. - - - 300 c.c. 95? alcohol - - - - - - - 15 0C.C. Chromic acid, \% aq.sol. - - - 160 c.c. Mix in the order as named. Quite small pieces of the brain were fixed in this fluid for six hours, and the fixing agent was then washed out with '?0% alcohol. Sections were made by tlie paraffin method. The slide was taken from distilled water, and the steaming- hot stain of Nissl was poured over the sections, five minutes. The excess stain was rinsed away with distilled water for the briefest possible time, and the water clinging to the slide was absorbed with filter paper. Differentiation with the anilin- aloohol of Nissl took but a few seconds, being stopped by flood- ing with oil of cajeput just as soon as the sections took on a delicate rose tint. Clearing with the oil of cajeput was aided by holding the slide for a few mon.ents in gentle heat. Mount- ing was done in colophoniuir dissolved in xylol. The staining is remarkably precise, and the color has shown no tendency to fade. The counter-staining methods described by Held ('95), and by ITarrington ('99), were also applied, with certain modi- fications found necessary. The erythrosin mixture of Held 19 was gently warmed, pour-ed over- the slide for ten seconds, and then washed away quite thoroughly with distilled water. Stain- ing was done with either the pure stain of Nissl, or with the same diluted with an equal volunie of ^^ acetone; the results did not seem to differ very much. In either case, the stain was heated and allowed to act for five minutes. Differentia- tion with 0.1* aluo-i solution for Just a few seconds, until the sections appeared distinctly red, was followed by a brief rins- ing witl' water. The results given by this process have been of value as an accessory to the pure methylen-blue stain, but they are far from supplanting the original method. b. Intra-Vi tuT Injeoticn. — The coloration of the nerve- cells through intra-vitua. injection of methylen-blue was given a most thorough trial, a large nuirber of animals being utili- zed for this purpose. The subcutaneous injection preferred by Meyer ('96) is not practicable for Mustelus because of the absence of either loose areolar tissue or of lymph spaces. The syringe was therefore inserted directly into the vascular system. A nf solution of methylen-blue, FX brand, was injected some four times during the course of an hour. Beginning with a small quantity, the amount rose successively until as much as 30 c.c. was introduced in the final injection, making some 50 c.c. in all. This whole process was governed, however, not by fixed quantities of the reagent nor by exact periods of time, but by the stopping of tlie heart's action and the blue- 20 ness of the animal. Half an hour after- the firal injection, the brain was removed, cut into thin slices, and then exposed to the air until the tint had become a brighter blue. In the conversion of the unstable methylen-blue stain of the fresh tissues into the insoluble form, I have not been successful with the method recommended by ðe i'd'z). The use of the picrate of ammonia as a preliminary fixer has seemed to actual- ly impair the clearness of the final preparation. I obtained the best results with the solution given by Weyer ('96): Distilled water ----- lOO c.c. Affimonium molybdate - - - - - 10 granns Hydrochloric acid - - - - - 10 drops Heat the first two ingredients together, then add the acid. The pieces of brain were placed in this mixture, cooled with ice, for four hours. They were then washed with iced water for two hours. Dehydration with cooled alcohols, and imbedding in paraffiri were hastened as much as practicable; in fact, it is well to have the tissues in paraffin on the same day when the injection was begun. The preparations were used chiefly for the study of the architectural relations between the neurones, and so the sections were cut quite thick. The results given by this method are characterised by exceptioi.al clearness, due, in large measure, to the selective coloration of certain neurones, only. The attainiient of the desired end is far from constant, however. After experience had shown the rule, care was always taken to apply this tech- nique only to those animals which had been in an active condi- 21 tion, fresh from the open sea, if possible. But even with this precautionary recognition of physiolofsical conditions, so far as they could be readily determined, there apparently yet remained some unknown factor which caused a negative result in some instance where it was least expected. S, Iron HaematoxiJ I in . This reagent was imagined^ by Heidenhain ('9?) for refined P cytological work, but it truly has a place in neurological in- vestigation. It is a most excellent stain for defining the internal structure of the nerve-cell, and also for the tracing of nerve-fibres. F'or the latter purpose, iron haematoxylin has proven itself preferable in this research to the stain of Weigert, since it defines the axis-cylinder instead of the myelin, permitting fibres to be followed through their rariiifi- cations entirely to the terminal arborisations. Fixation of the tissue may be done with any good fluid. Where the tracing of axones, only, is desired, 10"? formalde- hyde cannot be surpassed; but where the aim is purely cytolog- ical, either the chrome-oxalic mixture of Graf or the fluid of Plemming will give superior results. For work on axis-cylinders, celloidin sections were made 30 micra thick; and for- the minute study of the nerve-cell, thin sections were cut by the paraffin method. . The sections were brought from distilled water into the 22 mordant of 4"? iron aluii for two hours. The excess mordant was then rinsed away with distilled water. Staining with 0.5^ aqueous haematoxylin required at least four hours for entirely satisfactory definition. Clean tap-water was used for washing out the uncoDibined stain, sirjce this appears to fix the lake more firmly. The stain was differentiated with a 2% solution of iron alurr, frequently renewed. This process was observed with the rcicroscope, and when the desired effect had been ob- tained, the sections were transferred to tap-water. Thorough washing at this stage is necessary to prevent fading of the stain, and the slight alkalinity of ordinary tap-water appears to be a factor aiding in its preservation. 4. The ChloT-iie of Vanaiiurr Kethod. The technique required for staining with the chloride of vanadiuir, method of Wolters ( '90) is somewhat troublesome, but the results, when obtained, certainly justify the means. Nerve- cells, axis-cylinders, ependyma, and neuroglia are all defined in one and the same section, Mo other method known to me gives so comprehensive a picture for general study. Its sole value lies, however, in the purely general scope of the results. It is hardly necessary to give a description of the process here, since its essentials are outlined in Lee (19C0, p. 410). Section IV. The Oblongata. 1. General Morphology of the Oblongata. In Wustslus, the transition of the architecture of the spinal cord into that of the oblongata is traceable with a degree of definiteness which rarely obta.ins in ottier animals. It is therefore possible to contribute toward the solution of certain probleiris which ve>. the study of this highly specialised region of the mamnialian brain. Only an introductory survey of the entire field will be presented here, leaving the devel- opment of details and the consideration of special questions to the following subsections. As the canalis centralis widens into the fourth ventricle, the several structures of the cord lateral to it are pushed into more and more widely divergent positions, retaining, howev- er, essentially the same mutual relations to each other. Con- comitant with this divergence, the dorsal ependyma becomes broadened to form the morphological roof of the fourth ventri- cle(Pig.P,t.c.p. ). In approaching the oblongata, the ventral cornua are en- croached upon more and more by commissural fibres until. Just (?3) 24 above the level of the first spinal nerve, the n/ammalinn hypo- glossus, these nuclei disappear altogether as continuous col- lections of nerve-cslls. A small number remain associated as the nucleus of the abducens, while the remaining neurones become scattered through the formatio reticularis (Fig.S.c.n. and t. n. ) The intermediate 2one and the dorsal cornu of the cord are relatively small in si^e, but as the paired halves diverge to right and left of the fourth ventricle they increase in mass and assume characters and functions of a special order for each region. The intermediate gray matter contributes the lobus vagi and the viscero-motor nucleus of the oblongata; while the dorsal cornu becomes specialized as the general cuta- neous nucleus. We will note each of these in turn. The lobus vagi is a longitudinal elevation in the lateral wall of the fourth ventricle ( F'ig. 1, l.vg. ) . Anatomically, it is one of the most striking features of the oblongata because of the row of bead-like prominences into which its surface is thrown. The position of the structure as seen in a transverse section is represented in Pig.?, l.vg. The lobus vagi is the terminal station for communis components of the Vll, IX, and X nerves; see Subsection 4. Certain of these fibres, instead of passirg directly to their termination here, enter- a compact bundle and run posteriorly to the spinal cord. This tract is known as the fasciculus communis. Its position in the oblonga- ta will be seen in Fit-'.?, f.c. 25 The viscero-Diotor nucleus is a column of l^iri^e nerve -cells imbedded in the lateral wall of the fourth ventricle (F'i^.?, v.tn.n.). Different portions of this coluan are known as the nucleus ambiguus, and the motor nuclei of the VI] and V, res- pectively. The axones for the motor roots of the V, VII, IX, and X nerves take their origin from these nerve-cells. It is a curious fact, however, that but few of the axones pass directly into their nerve-roots, but take a course first in the fasciculus lon^itudinalis dorsalis. This is a massive, paired tract, the two bundles lyin? side by side beneath the floor of the fourth ventricle (["ig. ?, f . l.d. ). There are present in the dorsal longitudinal bundle nerve-fibres from several sources. Into this crowded highway the axones from the viscero-motor nucleus penetrate, to finally emerge as the motor roots of their respective nerves. The dorsal cornu of the cord is continued into the oblon- gata in an enlarged condition, and it becomes associated with sensory fibres of the V, IX, and X nerves to form the general cutaneous nucleus (Big. f', g.c. n. ). The neurones of this nucleus provide a priniary termination for certain general cutaneous fibres; while others turn backward to the cord as the spinal V tract. At the posterior levels of the oblongata this system appears dorsal to all other structural features, the pair form- ing the rounded, crest-like margins to the fourth ventricle. Proceeding anteriorly, the nucleus is pushed into a position both more ventral and more lateral by the superposition of a 2« new structure, the tuterculua acusticuir-. The tubsrculun acustiouni is shown in F'it^s. 1 and ?, t.a. Tt extends posteriorly from the restiformis along the lateral margin of the fourth ventricle some three quarters of the dis- tance to the calamus scrijjtorius, tapering as it proceeds. It is separated from the general cutaneous nucleus below it by a fissure which reches well toward the limitans interna. The outer zone of the acusticum is structurally continuous wit! the cerebellurr,; it is known as the cerebellar crest (Pig.?, cb.cr.). The acusticum is the centre for the nerves of the lateral line sense-organs and the internal ear. Its interpre- tation will be considered in Subsection 7. 2. Feuie'v of Merve Components . A proper point of view for the structure of the oblonga- ta can best be obtained through familiarity with the problems of the cranial nerves pertaining to this region of the brain. Reference to the text-books of descriptive anatomy will discov- er hardly a trace of the conceptions which dominate the modern morphology of nerves. The discovery made by Sir Charles Bell as to the character of the dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal nerves was one which represented a distinct advance in sound physiology, but the application of Bell's formula to the cranial nerves has not been productive of sound morphology. The effort to compare the cranial with the spinal nerves on the 27 simple basis of "sensory" and "motbr" could not avoid leading to many dogmatic positions concerning, the real character and ultimate distribution of many fibres. An attempt to solve such intricate problems through so mechanical a method could hardly be otherwise than faulty, particularly when applied to the specialised conditions of the mammalian nerves. A thorough study of the less modified cranial nerves of the Ichthyopsida is a necessary preparation for sound morphological work in the higher field. The views of cranial nerves held by the neurologists of to day were founded less than a decade since, but the germ of the central idea is traceable to a somewhat earlier date. Gas- kell in a series of publications ( 'S6, '88, '89) was making the attempt to solve the metamerism of the head and the origin of the vertebrate nervous system through a study of the nerves. He took occasion to show that a spinal nerve not only embraces the sensory and motor fibres of Bell, but that its structure, distribution, and function, as well as the arrangement of its central nuclei, lead to the divisibility of the nerve into two parts. One part is somatic, innervating the external surface of the body, and the muscles derived from the muscle-plates. The other division is splanchnic, supplying the internal organs and surfaces, and those muscles which Gaskell characterises as "derived from the lateral plates of the mesoblast". Gaskell attempted to show, further, that the cranial nerves arise from 28 centres homologous v?ith the spina] centres, likewise divisible into somatic and splanchnic groups. The impetus given by Gaskell has led, ultioiately, to the modern conception that a spinal nerve embraces neurones derived from four distinct sources, with as many different distribu- tions. There are, then, to be distinguished in a spinal nerve: (a) Somatic motor fibres. These neurones have their cell- bodies situated in the ventral cornu of the cord, their axones emerge through the ventral root, and they are distributed to the body musculature, (b) Somatic sensory neurones, the cell- bodies of which comprise the dorsal ganglion, and their fibres connect peripheral end-organs with the dorsal cornu of the cord through the medium of the dorsal root. These two divis- ions of a spinal nerve comprise the principal number of fibres in the two roots, (a) Viscero-motor; these fibres take their origin from a group of cells, the paracentral nucleus of Onuf and Collins ('9B), lying lateral to the canalis centralis; they emerge through both the ventral and the dorsal roots, and are distributed to the non-striated muscles of the viscera. (i) Viscero-sensory neurones, from the viscera, through the dorsal root, to termination in the intermediate zone of the gray matter. A new era in the investigation of cranial nerves was inau- gurated by Strong ('95) when he made the application of these principles to larval amphibians. Strong found that it is prac- ticable to recognize certain distinct classes of fibres or 29 components of the cranial nerves, which are to be distinguished from each other by their si?,e and histological characters, by their central origin or connections, and by their ultinate distribution. Kingsbury ('97) made a careful extension of these findings to several ganoids and teleosts; while Herrick ('97, '9B, '99) has traced the conditions in the bony fish k/enidia with adniirable clearness. Certain conclusions reached by Johns- ton ('93b) from his study of the ganoid brain stand apart from the general trend of recent work, and to these we shall return further on. The principles developed by the researches of Strong, Kingsbury, and Herrick, may now be applied to the cranial nerves of Vustelus. There are to be distinguished five systems of nerve components: a. The Somatic Vctor System. — This system of neurones is homologous with the ventral-cornu neurones of the spinal cord. The fibres take origin from cells having a ventral loca- tion in the brain, and they innervate striated somatic muscles. The only representatives of this class are the nerves of the eye-muscles, the 111, IV, and VT, respectively. b. The General Cutaneous System is so called because con- cerned with the innervation of the skin of the head, but it is not associated with specialised peripheral sense-organs of any kind. Its fibres are components of the V, IX, and X nerves, and they are homologous with the somatic sensory spinal fibres. The cell-bodies of these neurones lie ir sensory ganglia, and 30 the central termination is comparabJe to tliat of the somatic sensoi-y spinal fibi-es. Part of the general cutaneous fibi-es terminate in the t^.eneral cutaneous nucleus, the homologue in the heaj of the dorsa] cornu; see Subsection ^; but others tur-n into the spinal V tract and take a course posteriorly for ulti- mate termination in the dorsal cornu of the cord. There can be no question as to the identity of this system with the somat- ic sensory system in its siiripler condition. c. The Viscero-Votor- Siistett. — Fibres of this system form the motor roots of the V, VII, 1)(, and X nerves. The cell- bodies from vvhich the sxones f^rise form s column of cells later- al to the fourth ventricle, known, according, to the level, as the nucleus ambif-'uus, and the motor nuclei of the VII and V, respectively. This column of cells is the cranial continua- tion of the paracentral nucleus of the cord, and the homolot^y is rendered complete by the distribution of the fibres to the visceral musculature. i. The Communii? Si/stem. — This term is used in the sense defined by Herri ok ('99,p.?0?), and as the equivalent of the fasciculus communis of Strong ('95) as applied to the system in the tadpole, and of Kingsbury ('97) as used for various fishes. Communis fibres are components of the VII, IX, and X nerves. They are wholly sensory. They innervate visceral and mucous surfaces, and also taste-buds and those special i7ed sense-organs of the skin (end-buds) not referable to the later- al line system. The fibres are characterised by their snail 31 size, and tiiey are dist.i ntfuisfiat le from other- coniijonents of the same nerves by this feature. They terminate in the lotus va£i. The greater number of them in J/ustelus pass directly to their central terminatioii witliout entering the fasciculus communis, using this term in the sense as originally applied by Osborn ('S3) to a definite longitudinal tract. The communis system is homologous with the viscero-motor system, the lobus vagi in which central termi nation occurs being the continuatior: into the brain of the lateral or inter- mediate ?cne of gray matter in the cord. The viscero-sensory system in its original condition is, however, of far less im- portance than its cranial representative. The communis system not only innervates visceral organs, but it has come into rela- tions with taste-buds and peripheral end-buds, as well. It therefore is a system having a very considerable magnitude. e. The Acustieo-Lateral System is concerned exclusively with the innervatioii of the internal ear and the organs of the lateral line. Its fibres are components of the VIl, VIH, and X nerves. They penetrate the tuberculum acusticum for immediate termination there, or for a course farther forward into the cerebellum. The significance of the latter termina- tion will be discussed later. The components of this system in the VIl and X are to be readily distinguished from other fibres associated witlj them by virtue of their great diameter. The acusti co-lateral system is not represented in the spinal nerves, as the four preceding cranial systems are. The 3? evolution of tliis system is bound up with tliat of the peculiar series of sense-or-^nns which it supplies. Until the evidence is nior-e nearly coiriplete as to the emLryolo^y and affinities of the lateriil line and its nerves as a whole, we really are not warranted in oiaking any positive assertion as to its phyloge- ny. Some evidence as to the possible orit^in of its centre will be ^iven in Subsectioi' 7, 5. Seurones of the Ventral Ccrnu. Upon reaching' the level of the oblongata, the ventral cornua of the cord beconie broken up as distinct collections of nervous matter. Somatic irotor neurones froD> this source are grouped into the nucleus for the VI nerve, but elsewhere there are only isolated individuals lyin^ between the fibres of the formatio reticularis. In an earlier paper touching this sub- ject ('9?b), I left the inter[,retation of these scattered neu- rones undecided. It is no/f certain that they correspond to the coiiimissural cells and the tract-cells ( vorderstrangzellen ), respectively, which vonLenhossek ('94) has described from the spinal cord of the selachian. a. Tract-Keurcnes. — The ventral tract-neurones are scat- tered over the mid-ventral field of the oblongata on each side of the raphe ventral to the dorsal longitudinal bundles (Fig.?, t.n.). They are to be readily distinguished from all other 33 neurones of this ref:'ion by tliei r- sif.e, for they are really giants. Their size is exceeded only by the neurones of the midbrain roof-nucleus described in Section VI, Subsection 2. As to sxtei-nal form, the tract-neurones have a wide range; a representative individual is drawn in fi||.?, t.n. There are fron, three to five dendrites, and their disposition controls the shape of the cell-body to a very high degree. The den- drites may be given off at opposite extremities of the cell, in which case the outline of the cell-body is a iruch elonga- ted one. The form is rounded or stellate -/vhen the dendrites are spaced at equal intervals. A dendrite is always a massive process, very wide at its base, tapering quite gradually, and reaching far out into the surrounding nervous matter. It gives origin to but fev? branches. The axone always arises from the body of the cell. It runs for a short distance in the transverse plane and then turns into a longitudinal bundle of fibres on the same side of the oblongata, or even on the opposite side. The internal organisation of a tract neurons is shown in Pig. 44. The cytoplasm is voluminous in quantity, investing the nucleus witb a thick layer on every side. The outline of the nucleus is regular, and in form may be circular or oval. There are always a remarkally soiall number of coarse chroiiiatin granules, the chromatic material being distributed in the form of a delicate reticulum. Subsidiary nucleoli are rarely present. 34 The cytoplasm is, as already noted, great as to actual quantity. Some neurones when stained by the metiiod oi' Nissl absorb the methylen-blue equally throughout all parts of the cytoplasm, and hence they appear almost homogeneous; the sig- nificance of this fact is noted below. Other neurones in the same section exhibit a large quantity of tigroid substance; the neurone represented in Fig. 44 is of this type. In the vicinity of the nucleus the ti groid-bodies are usually trian- gular in outline, and some of them have a very considerable size. Tigroids are found far out in the dendrites, assuming here a lenticular or even a linear form, their long axes paral- lel «ith the course of the dendrite. A finely granular axone- hillock lies at the origin oi the axone. In rectangular cells, as the one figured, the hillock ir,ay be spread so widely as to assume a disk-like form. The tigroids tend to become somewhat smaller in the region of the hillock. The tract-neurones are not demonstrated readily with either chronie-silver impregnation or the intra-vitum injection of methylen-blue. The homogeneous coloration assumed by some of them with Nissl staining has already been recorded. The charac- ter of such micro-chemical reactions indicates clearly that many of these neurones are not physiologically active, at least not all of the time. The axones from some of theni niay enter the motor root of one of the anterior spinal nerves, and, being in an active condition, give indications of it in a well-marked store of tigroid substance. Other neurones, however, chaining 35 together hit^her and lower levels of the oblor^ata, have come to have their functiors largely usurped ty the develojiiient of more speciali?.ed tracts. Such neurones are, therel'ore, degra- ded to a far lower plane of metabolic activity, and they respond but feebly to those of our stains which depend upon the presence of definite chemical constituents of the protoplasn. b, Corrfiissural Heurones. — The commissural neurones are readily distinguishable from the tract-neurones by their small- er si7.e (Fig. ?.,c.n. ) . Ooii.missural neurones have a wide dis- tribution. They are scattered between the tract-neurones in the vicinity of the median raphe, and they also are to be found in all parts of the lateral region as far dorsal as the base of the general cutaneous nucleus. The external morphology of a commissural neurone is repre- sented in Fig.3,c.n. The cell-body is relatively small in proportion to the extension of the dendrites and the axone. The form of the cell is usually an elongated oval or an irreg- ular triangle. The dendrites are quite often only two in num- ber, arising from the ends of the cell. The course taken by the dendrites does not seem to be affected in the least by the tracts of fibres of the formatio i-eticularis, since it fre- quently takes them obliquely through a bundle of arcuate fi- bres. The dendrites are stout at their bases. They give off only a few short branches. The principal axis of the dendrite pursues a rather even course for a comparatively long distance. 36 taperiiif' gradually to the end. Its surface bears but i'ew gem- aiules. The axone m&y arise from tlie body of the cell, or, when the long a>is of the cell is horizontal, from one of the den- drites. It takes a course directly for the opposite side of the oblongata, giving off collaterals near its point of origin and then remaining free from theni. The function of such an axone is, doubtless, commissural. The internal structure of a commissural neurone from the right side of the oblongata is drawn in ?ig.45. The cytoplasn is always far less voluminous in proportion to the si^e of the nucleus than in the tract-neurones. The nucleus is almost in- variatly oval in outline, with its major axis disposed the long way of the cell. The nucleolus is not conspicuous. The chromatic material is distributed in elongated, irregularly formed strands which lie throughout all parts of the nucleus. The several masses may be connected with each other, but only the faintest suggestion of it is indicated with the highest magnification. The cytOf.lasm contains a considerable quantity of tigr-oid substance. A few broadly triangular tigroids are scattered round the nucleus, sometimes in the condition of nuclear caps. The greater part of the tigroid substance is to be found at the wide expanse where the cell-body merges into a dendrite. Here the form of tigroid is a greatly elongated triangle. This is replaced farther along the dendrite by spindle-shaped or 37 linear masses. A small axone-hil lock of finely Granular inatter lies just witl.in the orit^in of ttie axone. The tit^U-oid -bodies near it are snialler and more irret^'.ular than elsewhere. The commissural neurones, in contrast with the tract- neurones, always resj^ond to the stains applied; this indicates a uniformly active physiological condition. Commissural neu- rones doubtless have a not unimportant place in the economy of this region of the brain, into which so many iaipulses sweep through afferent nerve-fibres to great vital centres. The chaining together of the opposite halves is precisely what we should expect to find under such conditions, and the mechanism is provided by the comi/iissural neurones Just described. 4. iobus Vagi and Faseiovlus Communis . The Iobus vagi is the terminal station for the communis fibres, components of the VII, IX, and X nerves. Its general morphology has been outlined in Subsection 1. The structure of the Iobus vagi embraces a narrow 2one next to the limitsns interna occupied chiefly by nerve-fibres; and a deeper part in which there are both neurones and termi- nating fibres. The course of the nerve-fibres will be consid- ered later. a. neurones of the Lcbuf> Vagi. — The constituent neurones of the Iobus vagi are many in number and closely crowded. They 39 are comparatively small in sif.e, and are referable to type II of Golgi. The external morpholot^y of a neuror.e is shown in Pi£.4. The shape of the cell -body ran^'es frou^ almost triangular to broadly oval. The axone may emerge directly from the cell- body, or it may spring from one of the larger dendrites. It pursues an irregular course away from the limitans interna into the deeper levels of nervous matter. Before proceeding far, it breaks up into a widely-spread arborization such as is characteristic for neurones of this type. I believe from the course of the axones that they constitute a means for trans- mitting impressions to the viscero-motor nucleus; see Subsec- tion F5. The dendrites are three or four in number. They are quite stout near their origin, they taper gradually, and they do not become very fine at their terminations. Their morphology is simple, since there sre only one or two branchings at most. Their lengths may be as great as that of the axone, and so the dendrites from all of the neurones here interlace to form a veritable Jungle. The surface of a dendrite bears a few gem- mules, together with certain small knobs and elevations of various shapes. The internal organization of a neurone from the right lobus vagi is shown in Pig. 4^. The nucleus is always large in proportion to the bulk of the cell. In some instances there is only a thin film of cytO[.lasn enclosing it at certain points. 39 The nucleus is a more or- less perfect oval, holding:' one or more nucleoli. The chromatin is distributed in a few thin, branching strands which give the appearance of joining in soine parts of the nucleus. The chromatir never stains intensely in these neurones, and so the nucleus is represented by light col- oration in the figure. The cytoplasir lies principally in the broad areas where the cell-body merges into the dendrites. Its tigroid substance is never collected into large masses. In the region of the nucleus, the tigroid material is chiefly in the condition of medium-sized granules, with a few small triangles intercalated. The dendrites have fusiform or linear tigroids scattered at irregular intervals. A very small sxone-hill ock gives origin to the axone. In the specimen figured, this lies at the side of the most massive dendrite, but this location is not the rule for these -neurones. b. Tefmination of Communis Fibres. — Ey far the greater number of the coaimunis fibres from the VII, IX, and X nerves pass directly to their termination in the lobus vagi, a few, only, entering the fasciculus cooimunis, described below. Fibres penetrate the lobus vagi for ultimate termination chiefly from the dorsal side ( Fig. ?, c. f . ) . They reacli this position by a sweeping curve which carries them to an ever higher level as they run inward from the exterior-. These in- coming fibres constitute a thin stratum next the limitans inter- 40 na, the neurones lyint' just beneatli. The final arborization occurs near the body of some neurone. It is of a narrowly branching type, with fine, bristle-like twi^s terminating the branches (Fit;. 4,c. f . ) . c. The Fasciculus Communis. — This remarkable tract was given the narce it now bears by Osborn ('85) in recognition of the coniaion relationship of several cranial nerves to it. Va- rious authors had noticed the fasciculus communis previous to this titoe, but they had failed to grasp its significance. ?tie- da ( '7Sa, p.4?9) had noted the presence of such a bundle in the spinal cord of the selachian; Ahile Bohon ('77, p. 4*) described it from the selachian brain under the name fasciculus longitu- iinalis lateralis. The latter writer conjectured that it might pertain to the tegmental system. In f/ustelus, the fasciculus communis is a very sharply defined tract extending posteriorly from the VII nerve into the spinal cord, where it lies close beside the gray matter dorso-lateral to the canalis centralis. Its position in the oblongata is shown in Fig.?, f.c. During a part of its course, the viscero-motor nucleus is traversed by it. Some of the communis fibres, instead of pursuing a course to the lobus vagi for termination there, turn downward into the fasciculus communis. Thence they are carried posterioi-ly into the spinal cord for their ultimate distribution. From the account given by Strong ('9-5) of the fasciculus 41 communis in amphibians; and by Herriok ('99) for the bony fish, I concUne that this tract is developed in Niustelus to a con- spicuously less degree. The sit'nificance of this smaller siee for the brain of the selachian is not clear. The communis fibres are essentially viscero-sensory , but there have been annexed to the systeni certain external sense-organs, such as taste-buds and end-buds. There are no observations indicating marked differences between the visceral connections of this system in >/,ustelus as compared with teleosts and amphibians. In fact, the archaic value and deep-seated physiological impor- tance of such connections in all vertebrates would lead us to infer a considerable similarity in related groups. We thus appear to be thro.vn upon the more recent additions to the sys- tem for the explanation. It seems to me that a comparative investigation of end-buds and taste-buds will contribute much toward the solution of questions pertaining to their central tracts. -5. The V iscero-Votof Kucleus. The adoption in this paper of the name viscero-motor nu- cleus expresses the need for a general term which shall includ( all members of the morphologically continuous colunn of cells giving origin to the motor fibres of the V, VI], IX, and X nerves. This nucleus is the continuation into the oblongata of the paracentral nucleus of Onuf and Collins ('9B), and the 42 components having, their ori^'ifi here innet-vtite viscera.. The nucleus is composed of quite large neurones. The only larger ones in the oblongata are the gigantic tract-neurones described in Subsection 3, a. The cells are arranged in a com- pact cluster, as seen in transverse section, and this is tra- versed during a part of its course by the fasciculus communis. Pig.?, v.m.n., illustrates the disposition of the neurones and their characteristic forms. The cell-body has its form influenced by the number of its dendrites, ranging from triangular to stellate. The den- drites are always several in number. They are massive proc- esses, often arising through such wide bases that it is diffi- cult to say A'here the line of demarcation between dendrite and cell-body should be drawn. The dendrites branch freely, and the closeness with which the neurones are arranged gives, therefore, a most complicated tangle of interlacing branches. The internal organization of a viscero-motor neurone is represented in Fig. 47. The nucleus is central, or only slight- ly eccentric, and it has an evenly rounded contour. The nucle- olus is large; there is rarely a subsidiary nucleolus. The nuclear reticulum has a coarse mesh which exhibits great clots or lumps of chromatin at the points of intersection. The cytoplasm contains tigroid-bodies of various sizes. The largest masses lie in the field of the nucleus. The ones next to the nuclear membrane may assume the form of nuclear caps. At the periphery of the cell, the prevailing form of 43 titifoid is much elonc^.ated. It lies parallel with the marP'in of the cell. Tigroid masses are continued far along the dendrites, even into the tertiary branches. They are disposed parallel with the course of the dendrites. In that side of the cell from which the axone arises, the tigroids have a special arrangement. The axone-hillock (Fig. 47, ax. h. ) is an oval mass of finely granular material, and the tigroid-bodies are packed rather densely round it. The form of tigroid is also less elongated here, merely an irregular lump. The axone arises directly from the body of the cell. While it is destined to ultimately be a component of either the V, VII, IX, or X nerves, it generally takes quite an indirect course. The usual way is through the mediun of the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis. An axone passes into this bundle to finally emerge at some other level. In Pig. 47, the axone passes dorsal to the fasciculus communis. There is a bundle of fibres of considerable size lying here, composed chiefly of axones which have emerged from the dorsal longitudinal bundle to enter the nerve-root. Other axones, but these are few in number, may enter the nerve directly. Still others pass into a bundle of arcuate fibres and doubtless enter the nerve on the opposite side. These several paths to the nerves are shown in Pig.?, v.m.f. The viscero-motor neurones have an internal structure which is conspicuously motor in character, the large amount of tigroid substance representing much expenditure of energy here. The large size of the neurone is evidently the correl- ative of the iuiportiince which the system assumes in the inner- vation of great vital organs. Such innervation requires a nexus with viscero-sensory neurones, and the means have already been suggested in the preceding subsection, the interlacing of the axones from the lobus vagi with the dendrites of the viscero-motor nucleus. 'This gives a complete reflex circuit for visceral innervation. 6. Gen.eral Cutaieous h'ucleus and Spinal V Iract. The literature of the portion of the oblongata included here is in some confusion.. The older writers did not have methods of investigation which would demonstrate the presence in this region of several important groups of neurones. They did see that it contains nunerous bundles of nerve-fibres, however, some of which run to the cerebellum, and so peduncu- lus cerebelli appeared to be a perfectly satisfactory designa- tion. Kingsbury )'97) extended the term spinal 7th tract to both the nuclei of the region and the trigeminal fibre-tract proper; such use of a term originally intended to designate a definite group of nerve-fibres is certainly to be avoided as leading to confusion. Johnston ('99b) appears to include a part of this region under his tuberculwr acusticum. Since there appears to be need for a precise terci which shall desig- 45 nate the several nuclei of the general cutaneous system, I therefore propose that the whole be called the general cutane- ous nucleus. The general cutaneous nucleus is the continuation into the oblongata of the dorsal cornu of the spinal cord, and it carries its associated tracts with it. Its position will be seen frorr Fig.2,g.c.n. In structure, it is indeed complex, embracing as it does, three groups of neurones, large numbers of nerve-fibres intercrossing in several directions, the spinal V tract, and many supporting elements. The intrinsic neurones will be considered first. a. The Molecular Layer. — The molecular layer appears in a transverse section as a dorsal cap to the other constituents of the nucleus (Fig. ?,m.l. ). It is seen to be continuous with the cerebellar crest of the tuberculum acusticum. The neurones of the molecular layer are of two varieties, the molecular neurones and the neurones of Purkirje. Both of these varieties are identical with those described in Subsec- tion 7 for the tuberculum acusticum; their morphology will therefore not be given here. As to distribution, the minute molecular neurones are found scattered through the whole thickness of the molecular layer. The Purkinje neurones, on the contrary, lie only in the deeper part of the layer, sending their great dendrites into the upper levels. The possible phylogenetic significance of the presence of the molecular layer in this part of the 46 brain will be treated in the theoretical considerations of Subsection 7. b. The Subs tan tiu Gelat inosa. — The gelatinous substance of Rolando is continued frorri the spinal cord into the oblonga- ta. It takes on such an intimate relation to the terminating nerve-fibres here that Barker ('99) has proposed to call it the nuclei tractus scinali^ nervi trigemini . The Folandic sub- Stance occupies a position hi^h up in the dorsal part of the general cutaneous nucleus, just beneath the cap of the rr.olec- ular layer, and itself forming an investment for the bundles of fibres and larger neurones of the central mass. The complex- ity of its structure, and the difficulty of staining it with the usual reagents are facts well known to microscopists. The nerve-cells of Rolando's substance in the spinal cord have been studied by vonLenhossek ('94) from man, the pig, and the mouse; while Ramon y Cajal ( '96) has given us an elaborate description of the oblongata of the mouse. It gives me great pleasure to be able to extend our conceptions of this peculiar formation to the field of the brain of selachians. In Mustelus, the structure of the substantia gelatinosa foreshadows to a remarkable degree the organisation which has been described for the higher vertebrates. The neurones are associated in groups; a representative collection is drawn in Pig. 5. The axones and dendrites branch profusely and interlace so closely that the simulacrum of a fine network is given. In 47 this tangle, certain nerve-fibres of the general cutaneous system terminate. Such a fibre is shown in F'ig.5, g.c. f . ; its arborization may be distinguished from the tangle of neurones in which it lies by the somewhat greater size of its terminal tw i gs . The neurones of the substantia gelatinosa, considered morphologically, are of three varieties, all of which are rep- resented in fig. 5. The one that is present in greatest num- bers, giving character to the formation as such, is of quite minute size, and is an extreme example of Golgi's second type (Pig. 5, a. The cell-body is very small, polygonal in form, and there are a few short dendrites. The axone ramifies immedi- ately into an extremely complex series of branches, constitu- ting the principal member of the tangle mentioned in the pre- ceding paragraph. These axones are strikingly conspicuous structures when successfully impregnated with chrome-silver. A second form of neurone is considerably larger in size, its dendrites enter into the tangle referred to, instead of its axone. From a polygonal cell-body, some three or four dendrites radiate indifferently in all directions. The den- drite is of fine calibre, and it branches repeatedly into ever finer twigs. The branching of this system is far less profuse, however, than that of the axone of the first variety described. The difference will be readily seen by reference to F'ig.5,b. The axone takes a course out of the gelatinous substance into the deeper parts of the nucleus. It gives off a number of 48 long collatet-als duririfs ttiat part of its course lyin^ in the substantia gelatinosa. The two kinds of neurones just described evidently con- stitute the physical basis for the central reception of gener- al cutaneous impressions. The first variety, with its short axone, is so concerned entirely, it would seem; while the sec- ond one described, having its axone proceeding to deeper re- gions, is probably involved to an equal degree in both the reception of impressions and in their distribution to deeper levels. Still a third type of neurone remains to be described (F'ig.-5,c.). From an oval cell-body, a few sparsely branching dendrites arise which lead far out into the surrounding field. The axone takes a course into the deeper nervous matter, giv- ing off only a few collaterals. This form of neurone is found outside the margins of the groups, and apparently is purely associative in function. c. The Deever Heurones. — The deeper parts of the gener- al cutaneous nucleus are occupied by fibres having courses in several different directions, and by the bundles of the spiral V tract. Neurones are scattered at intervals between the nerve- fibres, with a somewhat more closely crowded area just dorsal to the lobus vagi. Neuroglia is especially abundant in all parts of the nucleus, providing a support for the intricate ma?e of nervous structures. 49 The external irorpholoi^y of a neurone from the middle re- gion of the nucleus is shown in Pi^^.^. Such a neurone is con- siderably larger in size than any neurone from the substantia gelatinosa. Prom an elongated-oval or triangular cell-body, three or four dendrites proceed straight outward into the tan- gle of nerve-fibres and neuroglia. A dendrite is a rather stout process. It has but few branches, and these are of small size. Its surface bears scattering gemmules and minute knobs. The axone takes its origin directly from the cell-body. It runs in a medio-ventral direction. Two neurones stained with methylen-tlue are represented in Pig.4S. These are from the median collection just dorsal to the lotus vagi. The nucleus of such a neurone is propor- tionately quite large. It is also eccentric in its position, consequently cells are often found in which the nucleus appears to be in direct contact with the cytoplasmic pellicula at some point. The nucleoli are of some prominence. The chromatic material is also conspicuous. It is distributed in branching strands of some thickness in places, and the several strands may have slight connections. The cytoplasm is often practically absent at the side of the nucleus. The dendrites are so thick, relatively, at their bases that the greater part of the cytoplasm appears collected in them. The tigroid substance is most abundant in the vicin- ity of the nucleus. The individual masses here are usually irregular in form and quits small in size. In the basal parts 50 of the dendrites, the tit^roid-bodies become elongated. These do not reach far alon^ the dendrites, however. i. Termination of General Cutaneous fibres. — The nerve- fibres of the general cutaneous system are distributed to the skin of the head without the intervention of special] ^•ed nerve- endings. This sensory system has components in the V, IX, and X nerves. There are two principal central stations for these fibres: the general cutaneous nucleus, and the dorsal cornu of the spinal cord through the medium of the spiral V tract. The two termini are really not essentially different, however, since the general cutaneous nucleus and the dorsal cornu are morphologically continuous structures. Fibres which have their termination directly in the gen- eral cutaneous nucleus may pass into their arborizations in relation to each of several groups of neurones. What is prob- ably the chief mode of termination is shown in Fig.5,g.c.f., where the fibre is seen entering the tangle of the substantia gelatinosa. At no other point in !/ustelus is there such a bewildering maze of nervous processes as that presented by the neurones here. 3o far as structural features may be interpre- ted, it would seem that the substantia gelatinosa is well adapt- ed for the reception of the most delicate sensory impressions. The large number of arborizations found here indicates the real importance of the group. Terminations are also to be traced in connection with the 51 deeper neurones of the nucleus. In Pi£.'^ there is shown an incominf^ ner-ve-fibre, g.c.f., breaking up into its arborization near one of these neurones. The arborization is of the broad- ly digitate variety, spreading the disturbance over some slight area. The scattered distribution of the neurones at this point is doubtless a correlative of this fact. Finally, the molecular layer which caps the whole nucleus contains many fibres of quite minute size. This level, with its small branching neurones, and the dendrites froni deeper 70nes, may serve to distribute impressions superficially. Turning to the spinal V tract, this is a series of bundles of fibres which run posteriorly to the spinal cord. The bun- dles are scattered through the deeper part of the general cuta- neous nucleus; refer to Fig. 48, sp.V. General cutaneous fibres may enter the nucleus directly fron^ the nerve of the same side, or through the mediuir of the arcuate bundles from the opposite side. They may terminate at once in the nucleus, as described above; or they may turn into the spinal V tract for termination farther posteriorly. Some of those present in the tract are doubtless branches of fibres which have termirated in part in the nucleus. The spinal V tract, then, is a means for carry- ing great numbers of sensory nerve-fibres from cranial nerves to the dorsal cornu of the spin^sl cord, giving them a second and far wider hold. The manifold central terminations of the general cutane- ous system must have a significance, if we can but interpret 52 the facts. The systeni is, prin.arily, a tactile apparatus for the heaj. Any one who has watched Wustelus exploring with his snout every corner of a new aquariuir cannot doutt that tactile impressions from this region must have a large place in the life of the animal. With practically no other check upon his visual sensations than can be derived from poking his nose into things, widely spread central terminations of cutaneous fibres is no more than should be expected. 7. 7 he TubefouluTT. Acusticum. The tuberculuir acusticum is the trigeminal lobe of Viault ('7'^:), Hohon ('77), ynd Sanders CS^); Kingsbury ('97) has extended the teriii oerebel lar crest to the entire structure; while Johnston ('98b) appears to include under his tubercului aouaticuT. all those structures in the oblongata which are homol- ogous with the dorsal cornu of the spinal cord. The term tri- geminal lobe has been so variously used that it should be drop- ped from our nomenclature. The earlier writers on the brain of the selachi3.n so designated the tuberculuir acusticum, sup- posing, erroneously so, that the great trigeminal complex, which emerges just beneath its anterior end, must have the origin of its nerve-roots here. The tuberculum acusticum is the prinary terminal station for the acustico-lateral system. Fibres from the lateral line sense-organs and the internal ear are components of the VIl, 53 VII I , and X nerves. The structure of the tubei-culuir, acusticurr, embraces a medio- central core in which bundles of nerve-fibres predominate; and an outer ir.vesting cap, the cerebellar crest ( Fitj. ?,cb.cr. ) . The latter, in its outer levels, is morphologically continu- ous with the molecular layer of the cerebellum, so that the term TiOleoular lauep is very properly applied here. The neu- rones of the tuberculum acusticum lie chiefly in the cerebel- lar crest, with just a few, also, in the central core. Three varieties are to be distinguished: Purkinje neurones, granular neurones, and molecular neurones. I have so designated them because each is the equivalent in every way of the element bearing such a name from the cerebellujr. a. Molecular and Granular Heurones. — The molecular and the granular neurones do not call for any extended description here, since they are directly comparable with the cerebellar representatives described at length in Section V. The molecular neurones are the most numerous of the three varieties peculiar to the tuberculum acusticum. They are found scattered throughout the molecular layer, most abundantly in the deeper levels. Bach has the characteristically small cell- body with slender dendrites radiating from it. The granular neurones are far less numerous. They lie just within the base of the molecular layer, but there are not enough of them to form a distinct zone. Stained with 54 metbylen-blue, ttisy exhibit the typical dense nuclear struct- ure and the small amount of cytoplasm. b. Purhinje neurones. — The phylogenetic interest attach- ing to the presence in the oblongata of these eleir.ents calls for more special notice. The Purkinje neurones of the tuber- culusr acusticum are not disposed in any regular order. They lie scattered between the deeper molecular neurones, and they are also found among the granular neurones. Their dendrites are always directed toward toe limitans externa, whatever the situation of the cell-body may be, although the exact course may be at a considerable angle to the perpindicular. The axone always passes inward. Refer to Big.?, t.a. The cell-body is slightly oval or even perfectly circular in outline (Fig. 7). The particular form assumed appears to be correlated with the position of the dendrites. The gnarled character of a dendrite is quite evident. There are three or four of them, terminating in blunt tips. A dendrite bears few branches, or none at all, and its surface is studded with numer- ous thorny gemmules of various sizes, some of them quite large. The axone arises from the internal border of the cell. It takes a ventral course through the intervening nervous tissue into a bundle of arcuate fibres. Its ultimate distribution has not been definitely followed. The internal structure presents a large nucleus with deep- ly staining chromatin in the form of a reticulutr; and cytoplasm 55 somewhat less in quantity than in the cerebellar neurone, and holding less tigroid substance. Proni the above description of the morpholok^y of the neu- rone of Purkinje from the tuberculum acusticuni, it will be evident that it is strikingly like its earlier-known represen- tative in the cerebellum. Compare, also, Pi^.7 with Fit^.l^. The neurone from the tuberculum acusticum (Bif:.7) is merely slightly smaller in size, with a dendritic top which branches somewhat less. The presence of conspicuous gemmules is char- acteristic of both, 'f.e shall take occasion to point cut fur- ther on that the cerebellar neurone is to be regarded as the more fully developed derivative of this element from the ob- longata. 0. Terrdnation of Acustico-Lateral Fibres. — The fibres of the acustico-lateral system enter the tuberculum acusticum through the medium of the thin neck joining the acusticum with the general cutaneous nucleus below. This fact is expressed in Pig.?, a.l.f. It appears, so far as they are traceable, that these fibres have passed over from the opposite side in the arcuate bundles. Penetrating the core of the acusticum, the fibres are at first associated in groups, but these soon become dissolved and the individual members spread through the outer levels. The fine terminal branches pass through the thorny dendritic tops of the neurones of Purkinje, and the final arborisations are to be frequently observed near the 56 bodies of the Purkinje cells. Such a termination is shown in Piff.?, a.l.f. The nerve-f ibre divides at some distance t'roir. the cell into several twites, and from the portions of those nearest the cell-boiy several small terminal twi£;S arise which form an arborization quite near to the cell. There is given in this way a direct riexus between the acustico-lateral fibres and the most conspicuous neurone of the tubercalum acasticum. Other fibres of iiinute siJ^e evidently terminate in the molec- ular layer between the small molecular aeurones. E^ven here tnere would be an indirect connection with the Purkinje neu- rones, for these send their dendrites into the molecular layer. Fibres are also to be seen in numbers which do not termi- nate in the tuberculum scusticun at all. Some of these reciain in the central core, continuing anteriorly; while ethers are branches of fibres which have taken a course into the acusti- cum for partial termination there. All of these pass upward to the cerebellum; they will be duly considered in Section V. i. Theoretical Coiolusions . — It has already been pointed out that acustico-lateral components are not present as such in spinal nerves. Waiving the question of the origin of the system as a whole, it will net be out of place to consider here certain problems relative to its primary centre, the tu- berculum acusticum. The position which the tuberculum acusticum occupies in the oblongata is inde'id significant, superposed, as it is. 57 on th5 crani^il r^presantati.v's of the dorsal oornu, the ggnernl cutansoiis aucleus. This fact caa only be taken to mean that the tuberculum aoustioim is phylogeneticalLy the younger of the two straotares in question. In Subsection ^ it was shown that the general cutaneous nucleus has the archaic structural features of the dorsal cornu cappei with a molecular layer continuous /?ith the cerebellar crest of the acusticum; and that there are present here both the molecular cells and the neu- rones of Purkinje. ^!oa' this structural continiiity iiay signi- fy that the acusticun has been derived fron the general cuta- neous nucleus in the phylogeny of the vertebrate nervous sys- tem. Of course it flill be necessary to have a thorough study of the embryology of this region in the lower vertebrates before such a conclusion can receive unqualified support. Then, too, the rise of the tuberculum acusticum has been but one feature in the evolution of the lateral line system as a whole, and so tie may confidently expect some assistance from the further study of the affinities of its sense-organs. There is somewhat more solid ground for the belief that the tuberculum acusticum has itself given origin to a very important region of the brain, the cerebellum. The full ev- idence on this point ^vill be presented in Section \', Subsec- tion *5. 58 5. Supporting Kleme'itu, a. ^peidi^mj. — " The spenlyma of ths obloni^ata constitutes the menabrana It-nitms i^iterna throut^Jiout, of course, bat the degree of iif fereatiation covers a /»iJe raa^.e. The simplest condition is found in th^ tela choroidea, for tne cells here io not give origin to ependyoial fibres. This might be callei the epithelial phase of develop^nent. The first step in the differentiation of epeniyma occurs in the dorso-lateral region of the oblongata, embracing the tuberculuni acusticum anl the adjacent part of the general cuta- neous nucleus. The ependymal cells are rather narrow here, giving a larger number per surface area. F'rom the tip of each cell, a very sleniar epeniymal fibre pushes its way through the nervous fnatter to the limitans externa. The fibre does not branch, and its general coarse is a straight one, although the details of its path are very irregular indeed, sharp turns of small size occurring along its whole length. While the dia-neter of the fibre as a whole is quite slender, its size is increased at irregular intervals by bea3s and snail knobs. Consult H'ig.S. A slightly more advanced condition is to noted for the ependyma of the ventral region. The ependymal cells in the floor of the fourth ventricle are larger than those described above, and their fibres are also much stouter. The general course of these fibres is shown in Kg.S.ep.; and the details of two fibres are given in Fig. 9. It is to be noted that the fi9 fibre extanls eatirely to the limitaas exterrin, thnt it benra no branches, th'it its course is frre frooi sharp tur-is, airJ that its diameter is variei by nodes ani thickenin>5S of various shapes ani sizes, Groups of these fibres forn radiating bands through the fornaatio reticularis, and their evident purpose is to provide stays for the vast number of longitudinal and arcu- ate nerve-fibres .vhich characterize this part of the oblongata. The epenlyma attains its highest differentiation in the lobus vagi; see Pig. IT. The fibres do not reach the surface, and they give origin to a most complicatei series of branches at the level occupied by the neurones of the lobus. The prox- imal part of the fibre is quite stout and some.vhat irregular in its course. The distal part becomes dissolve! in branches, the terminal t^igs of which are minute. The interlacing branch- es forn a support for the neurones anl nerve-fibres proper to this region. b. Xeur-ogUa. — The neuroglia of the oblongata is, like the epenlyma, present, in great diversity of form, but the va- rious elements are referable to two general classes. One, the well-known astrocyte, is distribatei in every part of the ob- longata where thare are ner/e-fibres in numbers — in the roots of nerves, in special tracts, in centres where many fibres have their teruination, and in the formatio reticularis. The special form of the astrocyte depenis, to some extent at least, upon the densit/ with which the nerve-fibres are arrangel. At points «hsr3 there has been little pressure, the rounJei form of tne cell-boiy iiay be retainei (Pig.3,n^.). In certain closely packed tracts, the cell is squeeze! into lenticular forrn. In centres .vhere many oiin'ite fibres interlace, there may be har-i- ly any body to the cell at alL, the matter bein^ chiefly in the radiating processes (Pig. 11). In every instance, the proc- esses exhibit tortuous irregularities due to their insinuation between the nerve-fibres among vhich they lie. Another type of neurogliar cell appears to be character- istic of the ventral part of the oblongata, occurring in some numbers in the formatio reticularis (Pig. 3). The cell-body is large, elongate!, .viti great processes eoierging from its ends and a fe« smaller ones from its sides. The large processes take a course in the radius of the oblongata. They give ori- gin to secondary and tertiary branches, the finer ones of ^vhich lie at right angles to the coarse of the principal branch. The flhole system does not spread vfidely, but has the appearance of compression in one plane. The astrocyte is evidently an important supporting ele- ment for the iniividual nerve-fibres between which its proc- osses twine. The second class of neurogliar cell described seems to be aiaptei to the supporting of bundles of nerve- fibres. The arcuate fibres of the formatio reticularis pass in groups through the spreading brush of such neurogliar proc- esses and are thereby given support. 61 .9. Summary of the Oblongata. The strnctaril features of tha oblont^itd of Wustslus may be horaologizei with those of the spinal ooni to an unusual legree of cleanass. The ventral cornu is representei by the nucleus of the VT nerve, and by the scatterei commissural and tract-neurones of the formatio reticularis. The lobas vagi is, morphologically, the centre of the viscero-sensory system, but there has been annexed to it a complex of peripheral sense-organs. It has come to be, there- fore, the centre for the entire communis system, components of the VII, IX, and X nerves. Sndings are found related to neurones of the Golgi TI type. These send tneir axones toward the viscero-motor nucleus. Fewer fibres of the system enter the fasciculus communis than in either the teleosts or the amphibians. The viscero-motor nucleus is the representative of the paracentral nucleus. It is a morphologically continuous col- umn of cells giving origin to the motor fibres of the V, VII, rx, and X nerves innervating viscera. The axones do not enter their nerve-roots directly, as a rule, but through the medium of the fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis. Some appear to cross to the opposite side. Dendrites from the nucleus come into relation ^ith axones of the lobus vagi. The general cutaneous nucleus is the homologue of the dorsal cornu. It is tne primary centra for the general cuta- 62 neons components of the V, IX, anJ X necves. The isubstantii gelitinosa contains ^,roups of small Golgi 11 neurones forrning dense, felt-like tangles; many terninil arborizations are found in these. Other terminations occur near larger neurones lying in the deeper parts of the nucleus. Many fibres of the system do not terminate in the nucleus, but are carried posteriorly as the spinal V tract for ultimate termination in the spinal CO r i . The tuberculum acusticum is a phylogenetioally young struct- ure, not deriv/able from the cord directly. It is the primary centre for the acustico-latsral system, components of the VII, VIII, and X ner^^es. There are present, neurones of the molec- ular, granular, and Purkinje types, identical ^ith those of the cerebellum. Terminations occur in the molecular layer, and near the neurones of Purkinje. The Purkinje neurones send their axones ventrally in the arcuate bundles. The cerebellar crest is morphologically continuous -vith the cerebellum. There is ground for believing that further investigation «ill derive the acusticum from dorsal cornu structures. Supporting elements are present in the oblongata in great numbers. There is traceable a wide range of developmental forms of both neuroglia an3 epenlyma. Section V, The Cerebellom. The cer.^bsllaii of Mustelas is of large size in conaparison rtith the adjiicsnt brain-ssgmsats. In the aJalt animal, it is of sufficient longitaiinal extension to overhang the larger part of the midbrain in front, ani also rnuuh of the oblongata behini (?ig.l,cb.). The base is only a third as great, howev- or, indicating the smaller prototype from /»hich the organ has been evolvel. In fact, this cerebellar occupies an interne- iiate position in the phylogenetic scale, standing midflay be- tween the simple plate-like cerebellar of the cyclostOTie, the dipnoan, or amphibian, and the solid mass flith radiating lam- inae characteristic of the mammal. It is essentially a great bulbous dilatation of the dorsal side of the neural tube, the ;»all of ^hich has been thrown into folds as the process of growth thrust the vesicle against the unyielding and more slow- ly expanding cranium. So, instead of a solid central mass of nerve-fibres coverei with layers of gray matter, we find in Mustelus a hollow organ, the fourth ventricle extending free- ly into it and ramifying through its several folds. The folds, therefore, are simply doublings in the cerebellar wall, and (63) 64 are fania-nea tally liffersnt from the solii Laminae familiar to us ia higher vertebrates. The arrangement of the strictupal elements of the cere- bellum is readily folLo^ei, for in no other part of the brain are iistinctions more clearly marked. Superficially, there is the molecular layer ( Big. 18, m. 1 . ); the granular layer lies next to the ventricle, or is separated from it only by the basal fibres (Pig. 12, g.l. ) ; between the t/fo, there is the layer of Purkinje (ftig.l?,p.l. ). The nerve-fibres of the organ are found in two well-defin- ed groups, the basal fibres and the median fibres. The basal fibres (Fig. 18,b. f . ) enter the posterior region from the ob- longata and soon become dissolved in the outer layers. These fibres lie next to the ventricle, and they supplant the gran- ular layer entirely during their course, or at least displace it quite largely. The median fibres are disposed in scattered bundles which lie in the outer part of the granular layer just beneath the cells of Purkinje. The bundles take two general directions: transverse, (cut across in Plg.l2,m. fC ); and longi- tudinal, extending parallel witn the str.ictural zones (Pig. 18, m.f.). 1. The Neurones of Purkinje. The neurones of Purkinje are the largest, and by far the most impressive strictiral elements of the cerebellum. Their 65 celL-bodies are iispose-i in a thin stratun interoalatei bet»feen the molecular and the granalar layers. At tnose points vihere th3 granular layer is absent, the Parkinje cells come into iirect contact with the layer of basal nerv^e-fibres, instead.. As to superficial distribition, the neurones follow a well- dofined rule (Pig. 12, p. 1. ) . They are most numeroas on the sides of a cerebellar fold, often several cells in depth here, and not infrequently having their cell-bodies in contact. At the summit of the fold, there are wider spaces between the individual cells; and for a small space at the bottom of a fold, the cells are absent altogether. The posterior fold of the cerebellum has a part of its area without Purkinje neurones. Pig. 13 illustrates the features of external morphology characteristic of a neurone of Purkinje. The cell-body is situated, as already noted, at the base of the molecular layer. The dendrites, therefore, grow upward into the molecular lay- er, and to their presence here is due, in part, the marked striation perpindicular to the surface which is so character- istic of this superficial zone. The axone always arises from the base of the cell-body, and it pursues a horizontal course for some distance. It then turns downward through the granular layer to enter the system of fibres leaving the cerebellum. Where the granular layer is absent, the axone may be traced into the layer of basal fibres for a still greater horizontal course. The axone is remark- able for the fact that it does not give off collateral branches. The cell-boJy app^nrs to have it.? form detamined quit? largely by the lu-nber and iisposLtioa of the denlrites arising from it. It may be roanded, oval, or even triangular in out- line. The lon^^er axis of the cell, vfhile usually perpiniica- lar to the surface of the fold, may be oblique or still farther tilted over from the orientation characteristic of it for the higher vertebrates. 6ven the size of the cell is influenced by its position. The dianeter is greatest in those cells lying at the part of the fold where the side curves abruptly into the summit. On the sides of the fold, the size is remarkably less, and the dendrites pass outward at a wider angle, often causing the cells here to assume a horizontally elongated form. The cell studied by Szczawinska ( '96) evidently vfas of this latter type. The internal structure of the Purkinje cell is demonstra- ted less readily with methylen-bliie than is the case for most nerve-cells of Mustelus. In successful preparations, however, the cytoplasm is found to hold tigroid masses of triangular or spindle-shaped form. These bodies are neither large in size nor many in number. There are always several of the greatest diameter arranged near to and concentric with the nuclear mem- brane. The thick bases of the dendrites have small, narrow, lenticular tigroids distributed sparingly as far as the level of tne first great branches. The character and distribution of the tigroid-bodies will be seen by reference to fiig.49. The nucleus of the cell lies in a basal position, but it 67 is al.tHyg bDriarial by sonae litbls thickness of cytoplasm. The forii is oval or ciroalnr, /lith an alfnost evin contour. Thef? is one large nucleolus, *ith a subsiilary nucleolus in some calls. The nuclear reticuluTi has a rather fine mesh; lar^e granules of chromatin occur at the points of intersection. The denirites -arise from the peripheral siJe of the cell- body, and they pass at once into the molecular layer, taking a direct course for the limitans externa. The size of a denlrite is maintained without narkel diminution, the tip, in fact, being so large and blunt as to give a club-like appearance to the 'Whole process. The mode of branching is far simpler than that of the corresponding mammalian neurone. While the den- drite of the latter ramifies to an extraordinary degree, it is rare to fini branching carriei beyond the tertiary divisions in Mustelus; compare my Fig. 13 with Plates 14 and lo of Starr's Atlas ('9^). Prom its greater simplicity, the selachian neu- rone of Purkinje corresponds, in a broad way, to the embryonic condition of the higher form. The branches are spread in one plane, like a plant trainel on a wall, and this plane lies transversely to the cerebellar folds. The course of the branch- es in this plane is less wide than for mammals, causing the whole top to present a markedly more compact appearance. The surface of a denlrite has the conspicuous roughness charfticter- istic of this neurone wherever found. The gemraules, to which this roughened surface is due, are of several different sizes, ranging through mere points through slender spines anJ stouter 68 thDf'is to knob;? and mush room-like excrescences which rise far ^bove the general level. The extent of receptive surface of the entire deniritic series is thus increasei to a very con- si:ierable degree. The part «hich the neurone of Purkinje takes in the econ- omy of Mustelus will be discussei in Subsection 5. 2. The Holeoular Layef. This is the external layer of the cerebellum (^ig. 1?, m.l. ), It conforms throughout to the contour of the several folds into which the cerebellar wall is thrown. Its tnickness is carried flith considerable uniformity, but in most of the re- gions the depth of matter is only about half as much as that of the granular layer within. The molecular layer is characterized by the predominance of fibrous elements and the fewness of nerve-cells. In con- trast with the mass of densely-packed, conspicuous cells of the granular layer, the outer region presented hardly more than a minutely punctate appearance to the earlier investigators who had recourse to nothing more differential than the general stains in use at that time. Hence moleaular seemed an appro- priate descriptive term for this layer. Through the use of modern methods, we find the molecular layer to have a few proper neurones of small size, but the great mass of substance consists of fibrous material, between 69 tha parts of which the ner^e-celLs are intercalatei. But, it is certainly a fact worthy of njentiin, the fibrous constit- aents of the layer do aot have their origin there, penetrating it, rather, froin deeper levels. The dendrites of the Purkinje neurones, and the processes from the neurogliar cells comprise one great class of constituents. These take a course perpin- dicalar to the surface and cause the vertical striation /»hich is so luarked a feature of the region. Then, too, the neurones of the granular layer send their axones outvjard into the rnolec- ular layer for a T-shapei division, each thus giving origin to a pair of fibres. These branches take a course across the sagittal plane of the cereb9llu-n, parallel at once with the limitans externa and the lateral surface of a fold. To the presence of these fibres, cut across in such numbers in a sagittal section of the cerebellun, the characteristically punctate appearance of the molecular layer is chiefly due. Finally, it should also be noted, there are numerous termina- tions in the molecular layer of nerve-fibres which have entered the cerebellum from some other region of the nervous system. Such terminating fibres branch so as to distribute the endings over a considerable superficial are^. It will thus be seen that the molecular layer is really a tangle of nervous tissue, a series of paths where many asso- ciations may be formed. This topic will be discussed more at length in the fifth subsection. The neurones proper to the molecular layer are, as already 70 not-a^i, but fe* in number, an;.i thoss prssant are scittered be- tifssn ths nerve-fibres. The externnl iiorpholo^y of one of these neurones is representel in Fig. 14. Prorn a small, almost perfectly spherical cell-body, three or four ienJrites raiiate, branching in what is an approach to a dichotomous nanner. The dendrites are not thick at their bases and they become lost to view before proceeding far, owing to the fineness of the terninal t.*ig3. The surface of a dendrite is almost perfectly smooth, there being only the faintest indication of gemmules, but there are small varicosities at irregular intervals which proluce slight variations in the thickness. The internal organization of the cell presents a large, rounded nucleus .vhich is enveloped by a stratum of cytoplasm of no great thickness (fig, 50). The cytoplasm contains ti- groid substance distributed in granules of the most minute size, mere points even when highly magnified. The chromatin is dis- tributed along a linin reticulum of such fine mesh that the nucleus is thereby often made to appear almost perfectly black. There is a single nucleolus. In mammalian neurology, the molecular layer is known to have two varieties of cells: (1) Stellate cells, the process- es of which lie freely in the layer; and (8) basket cells, somewhat larger in size, occupying the deeper levels of the layer, anJ having their axones associated with each other in such a way as to form plexuses or baskets aroun3 the cell- bodies of the Purkinje neurones. The latter type of cell is. 71 of coursa, the mar's spscialized of the t«o. It is therefore interestiag to note th'it it is not representaJ in Mustelus, bat thit all of the Tiolecul^ir cells correspond, rather, to the stellate cells of higher vertebrates. Such a result is, however, to be expected in a brain of lower phylogenetic value. 5. The Granular Layer. The granular layer lies interaal to both the inolecular layer and tne neurones of Purkinje. It is sorDe^vhat irregular in its distribution. At many places it is t«ice as thick as the molecular layer, notably at the summits of the great folds; while it te-ids to decrease in extent as the bottom of a fold is reached. A sagittal section of the entire cerebellum shows a few regions where the granular layer is absent altogetb.er (F'ig.l8,g.l.). With nuclear stains, the granular layer appears to con- sist of a vast number of densely packed, rounded nuclei, from which fact the names granular- and nuclear have been appliel as descriptive terms. It is only through the application of metallic impregnation that the real character of the elements anl the relations between them have been determined. When thus demonstrated, there are to be recognized neurones of two dis- tinct varieties, the granular, proper, and the Golgi neurones. a. The Granular neurones Proper. — Nearly all of the 72 neurones comprising the granular l-iyer ars inclnied in this class. The distinctive fe>itares of such a neurone (F'i^.l'^) embrdce a roundel cell-body having a few short dendrites, and an axone vrhich ascends through the levels of the granular lay- er above its point of origin to the molecular layer, where it divides in a T-like manner. The size of the cell-body varies slightly, but it is al- vtays smaller than a neurone of Purkinje. As to shape, there is considerable diversity. The derivative form appears to be a rounded one, but this has been subjectei to much modification by the origin of the dendrites so that triangular, rectangular, and varioas polygonal outlines are given. The internal structure of the cell, (F'i?.51), consists chiefly of the nucleus, only the faintest halo of cytoplasm being visible at any point; even the bases of the dendrites can hardly be recognized .vith purely cytological stains. Dem- onstrated '.Tith either methylen-blue or iron haematoxylin, the nucleus is found to contain a few very coarse and irregular chromatin granules strung on fine interlacing threads of linin. The presence of a nucleolus is doubtful, at least it is dif- ficult to distinguish one from the masses of chromatin. Fig. ol also shows how closely these neurones are packed. The dendrites are three or four, only, in number, aris- ing from the cell-body at approximately equidistant points (?ig.ln). A dendrite is short anl nearly always relatively stout. Its course involves sinuous curves. Tt branches bat 73 r-iraly until the tip is reached, whsrj it dissolves into a brash or a series of hooks spreading, over a relatively consid- erable area. There are no ^emmules. The axone is exceedingly slender. It may arise directly from the cell-body, but it usually takes its origin from one of the dendrites, either near the base or at some distance from the cell; Pig. It illustrates the two modes of formation. The course of the axone is invariably peripheral, pushing through the intervening thickness of the granular layer into the molec- ular layer. At the boundary between the t^fo layers, the course changes abruptly to a horizontal one for a short distance, and hence the entire course of an axone can rarely be traced in one section. In the molecular layer, the axone divides into two branches which, with the original stem, form a T-shaped figure (F'ig.f ). The two branches parsje a course parallel with the surface of the cerebellum and the sides of the fold in which they run. It is thus seen that they pass through the dendritic tops of the neurones of Purkinje, comparable to tel- ephone wires passing through the tops of the trees along a highway. b. Golji Veurones. — A few neurones of the granular layer have an altogether different character from the ones just iescri- bei. These lie in the upper levels of the layer. Such a neu- rone is shown in ''ig.l?. The cell-body is always a little larger than that of the typical granule neurone, and its form 74 is nore roandei, A faw club-liks dendrites fiJiate from it for a short distance, branchim? but sparsely. The size of a dendrite is increased at intervals by slif5ht s/»elLinf?s. The axone passes downward into the deeper levels of the granular layer, instead of ap.vard. It gives off collateral branches soon after its origin, and it breaks ap into a num- ber of fine ter-ninal twigs before any great distance has been traversed. This neurone is homologous vvith the variety described by Golgi ('94) frorn the human cerebellum, and by him made a repr^ sentative of his second tyoe of nerve-cell. The branching of the axone is far less profuse, hoi^ever, than in the mammal. We thus see that the granular layer of the cerebellum of Mustelus is marked by the presence of the same varieties of neurones /fhich characterize this layer in higher vertebrates. The morphology is somewhat more simple in the selachian, as should be expected, but it is a suggestive fact that the structural plan of higher forms is here outlined in its essen- tial features. 4. Supporting Elements. The supporting elements of the cerebellum are referable to both the ependymal and the neurogliar series, the former being limited to the granular layer, and the latter to the molecular layer. The structure in each instance appears to 75 be particalarly adaptei to the supportinf? of the nerv^oas mech- anisms peculiar to these regions. 0. The Ependyma. — Tne epeniyna of the cerebellim presents the usual palisaia of closely crowded cells forming the membra- na limitans interna (Fig. 13). The cell-body is irregularly pyramidal in form, the sides rarely tapering evenly to the apex but exhibiting more or less bold cur/atures of outline. From the apex of the cell-body, a process, the ependymal fibre, arises, and this pursues a course through the struct- ures of the granular layer to near the outer limit of that zone. I have not found a single instance where one of these fibres passel beyond the granular into the molecular layer, a fact of some possible phylogenetic value, indicating the more ancient character of the internal region. The ependyma-f ibre is relatively stout, but its diameter is far from uniform. There are fibres which have portions of the length four or five times the thickness of the intervening parts; see Pig. 18, b. Occasionally, knobs and other rounded thickenings are found, particalarly at angles 'where the course of the fibre changes abruptly. The trenJ of the fibre is never conspicuously irregular, only such slight turns and windings occurring as might be expected where obstructions are present during the period of growth. The general trend is directly towarl the surface of the cerebellar fold, the several fibres lying more or less nearly parallel with each other. 76 The iegrae of br-inching exhibits v»iis diversity. Certain fibres (Pig. 18, a) have some half-dozen principal branches of various lengths, none of them very long nor diverging widely from the main stem; besiles the principal branches, there are shorter twigs distribated sparingly along both the main stem and its ramifications. Other fibres (Pig. 18, c) are so beset with a multitude of small twigs, quite irregular in their branch- ing, that the whole series is given much the appearance of a long and cylindrical brash. Betwsen these two extremes, there are every intermediate condition of branching forms. The ependymal fibres lie quite near to each other, and the many processes from them constitute an interlacing tangle, the profusion and extreme delicacy of which cannot be adequately represented in any drawing. In order to appreciate the sig- nificance of this dense supporting framework, the vast number of the granular neurones must be recalled. Here we fini the means by which these nervous elements are given that support which is one of the primary conditions for their activity. b. h'aupoglia. — The neuroglia provides a support for the outer structures of a cerebellar fold, just as the ependyma functions within. The characteristics of neuro^liar elements are shown in F'ig.l9,ast and bg.f. The cell-body lies at the juncture of the molecular and granular layers, between the cells of Purkinje. Two conditions are to be distinguished. One variety (Pig. 19,ast) has a cell-body of quite irregular 77 Dutlina from /»hich many processss r-iiiate. These processes raraly branch. Some of them may proceed to a distance equal to several times the greater axis of the cell, but most of the branches are far shorter. Thsy are placed so closely along the margin of the cell that the whole has something the effect of a halo. These cells are clearly homologous with the astro- cytes of higher vertebrates. The other type of neuroglia cell (Pig.l9,bg. f . ) is refer- able to the category of Bergmann's fibres of the mammalian cerebellira. The cell-body has fewer processes than the astro- cyte, but it gives origin to one stout fibre which takes a peripheral course, without branching, through the entire thick- ness of the molecular layer. The path of the fibre is not one directly toward the surface, for it runs almost parallel with the layer of Purkinje neurones for a short distance; it then turns upward, terminating at the limitans externa in a conic- al expansion. During the proximal part of its length, it bears fine processes similar to those emerging from the cell-body. The distal part of the fibre has a remarkably vast number of fine processes. These may remain separate from each other, but at intervals they become matted together so closely that the whole has the appearance of felt or even that of a solii. The account given by Schaper ('93) of what he took to be Bergmann's fibres does not correspond with my findings in sev- eral particulars. This author does not mention the processes of the cell-body, nor do his figures show them. It may be that 78 his prspar-itions were insufficiently impregnated. Weii^ht is given to sach a possibility from the fact thnt he dii not find astrocytes at all. It is certainly of some phylogenstic inter- est that Bergmann's fibres appear to be derived from astrocytes. I have found numerous instances where transitional forms are recognizable, linking the extremes of the simple astrocyte flith the one provided with a long process, the fibre of Berg- mann. The position occupied by the cell-body of a Bergmann's fibre is also significant. Kolliker ('9^,0.3^-3) states that at birth Bergmann's fibres in mammals lie at the boundary of the granular and molecular layers, and that during growth they normally migrate into the granular layer. Now the permanent position of Bergmann's fibre in Mustelus corresponds to the embryonic state in the mammal. An additional comparison may be instituted regarding the form of the fibre, the adult ele- ment of Mustelus remaining simple, while the mammalian fibre becomes much branched. That the condition in Vustelus corres- ponds to the embryonic stage of development in higher verte- brates is, of course, no more than should be expected. The physiological interpretation of the cerebellar neu- roglia is not difficult. The numerous processes from both the astrocytes and Bergmann's cells provide a delicate suspensory apparatus for the neurones of Purkinje. The great Bergmann's fibres, reaching upward as they do through the molecular layer, may be likened to so many telegraph poles; and the matted tan- 79 gles exteniinp; later^illy from these ara the cross-bars for the wirss. The sires to be supported, following out our compar- ison, ara the horizontal axones of the granular neurones, which, as *fe have already noted, extend through the molecular layer in large numbers. 5. Arshi tea twe and Phijsioloqu of the Cerebellum. It is now a veil established fact that the principal func- tion of the cerabsllJTi is to preside over the equilibration of the body. Moreover, a fairly direct connection is traceable between the morphology of this segment of the brain and the nature of the muscalar activities -vhich are characteristic of the animal. To the student of comparative neurology, there- fore, the cerebellum holds problems of a special order, and is ever potential with no mean interest. We have seen that the cerebellim of Wustelus retains an external form of a far lower order than that found in the bird or mammal. The internal organization is not so inferior, howev- er, as we might, from this fact, be led to infer. The archi- tectural features of the lower and the higher types are so similar that the contrast is really one of degree and not one of kind. In both instances, the same sorts of neurones are present, grouped in a similar way, and related to each other physiologically in essentially the same connections. This remarkable identity of features can only be interpreted to mean so that ths cerebellum bec^ime establishe'i in its ors^inization quite early in the history of vertebrates. Undoubtedly, the key to the significaace of cerebellar structure and physiology is to be looked for in the neurones of PurkiTje. These striking cells, with their characteristic tree-like tops, apparently have all of the other structural elements present arranged contributory to them. Imbedded in the midst of the nervous matter, supported by the interlacing processes of the neuroglia there, a Purkinje neurone sends its great branching dendrites outward into a veritable maze of possible physiological connections, for such the molecular layer really proves to be. We have seen that the granular neurones contribute their axones to a series of fibres passing horizontally through a row of spreading Purkinje dendrites; that the neurones of the molecular layer are themselves radi- ately connecting paths; and, finally, that the incoming nerve- fibres, those arising outside the cerebellum, end, some in the granular layer, others taking a longer course into the molec- ular layer. These several elements evidently have no other purpose than the bringing of all incoming impressions, through one path or another, to bear upon the neurones of Purkinje. The great spreading top of a Purkinje cell is obviously a de- vice for providing a large receptive surface for such impres- sions, thile the many thorn-like gemmules with which the den- drites are stadded serve as a greater extension still of that surface, or, perhaps, make one which is more readily impressed. 81 The axone of the cell takes a more or less direct coarse oat of the cereballurn, carry inf5 the resaltant of the nervous in- teractioTS to the proper point for altimate distribution. If it is the purpose of the whole series of cerebellar elements to provide a central mechanisn of equilibration, then the neu- rone of Purkinje is certainly the centre of that mechanism. The various nerve-fibres sweeping into the cerebellum may ter- minate in several ways and at diverse levels of the organ, but everywhere there are devices for connectinf; them physiologic- ally with the neurones of Purkinje, which receive all and pre- side over all. The researches of Lee ('92, '93, '94, '98) upon equilibration in fishes have shown with what nice discrimination these aquat- ic animals balance themselves, devoid, as they are, of many sources of impressions possessed by terrestrial vertebrates. Doubtless a large number of equilibrial impressions are de- rived from the visual mechanism of the fish. Axones from the roof-nucleus of the midbrain pass backward into the cerebellum; and it will be shown in Section VI that there is a most inti- mate association between the roof-nucleus and optic termina- tions. Another source of equilibrial impressions is to be found in the fins and body musculature, entering the cerebellum through the tractus cerebello-spinalis. But the work of Les clearly demonstrates the overshadowing importance of the pis- cine ear as a peripheral organ of equilibration. In fact, his latest research ('9B) makes it clear that the great ear of 82 Mustelas is not a true auiitory organ at all, but thit its several parts are to be interpretei from the standpoint of the equilibrium sense. The large nerve-tracts froro the ear to the cerebellum are, therefore, iefinitely sii^nif icant, bein(5 the connecting fibres between the central mechanism and its most important peripheral organ. It also appears that not only does the ontogeny of the ear show its relationship to the lat- eral line organs, but the functions in the two instances are comparable as well. An analysis of the habits of Viustelus will, it appears to aie, go far towari explaining the disproportionately great devel- opment of both the ear ^ni the cerebellum which we find the animal to have. This shark, although a comparatively small representative of the group, is, withal, a restless hunter of the seas, ever urged onward by an appetite which, apparently, has no bounds. Continually suspended in a fluid medium, and compelled to balance itself at every turn, the animal requires a precise mechanism of equilibration. This is to be found, in the main, in both an ear and a cerebellum developed to a degree out of all proportion to the scale occupied by the creature as a whole. 6. Evolution of the Cerebel lum. 6vidence of the origin of one brain-structare from another is usually of tne most meager value, but it appears as though S3 it v»9r8 no'."» possible to wsavs to^sthsr a fe« scHtterjJ threais ia the 3\/olntiori of the cerebellum. Schaper ('94) has callel attention to certain facts in the srnbryolofiy of the teleostean cerebellum which nay be taken as the starting point. The cere- bellurn arises in ontogeny, not as a brain-segment having the fall value of the others, bat as a paired thickening in the parietal walls of the neural tube at the anterior end of the oblongata. These thickenings grow upward and mest, each other in the nedian line. Schaper has since extended his studies to all classes of vertebrates, and he finds ( '99) that the an- teriDr limit of the bilaterally symmetrical anlage may be def- initely fixed, coinciding with the boundary between the pri- mary mid- and hiadbriin vesicles. The posterior limit of the future cerebellum is by no means clear, however, for it seems to merge backward into the oblongata. These are certainly significant facts. It was shown in Section IV, Subsection 7, that the molec- ular layer of the cerebella-n is continuous with the cerebellar crest of the tuberculum acusticum, maintaining essentially the same morphological characters throughout. It was also shown that there are present in the taberculam acusticum neurones which are identical with those of the cerebellum — molecular neurones, granular neurones, and Purkinje neurones; the last two varieties are not grouped into definite strata, however. The presence of granular neurones in the acusticum is worthy of remark, but the greatest weight must be attached to the 34 finiiaf^ of Purkinje neurones here. Tnese neurones nan lonii. supposed to charicterize the ceraballani alone, anJ their stri- kingly peculiar appearance makes them readily identified. The neurones of Purkinje from the acusticum of Mustelus agree with those from the cerebellum as to size, general form, shape and character of dendritic top, and even in the presence of the spiny gemmules so characteristic of this nervous element. Ther.; can be no question as to their morphological identity in 'viuste- lus. Johnston ('98b) has found Purkinje neurones in the acus- ticum of Acipenser, somewhat smaller and simpler than those of the cerebellum, but undoubtedly equivalent. Similar results will probably be obtained in all of the simpler vertebrates. It may be concluded, in the light of these embryological and structural facts, that the cerebellum has arisen in the phylogeny of vertebrates as a fused outgrowth of the pair of tubercula acustica. The acusticum is the primary end-station, as ie have seen, for the nerves of the ear and the lateral line organs. The cerebellum has been differentiated from the primary ending as a special centre for presiding over equili- bration. Parallel with the increasing development of the equi- librial sense in vertebrates, the cerebellum has Gradually acquired associations with other than the original source, so that the fibres entering the organ have ever been growing more numerous, and the bulk of the fibrous centre consequently more massive. 95 7. Summary of the Cerebel I im. The cersbellarn of Must^lus is of relatively lari^e size, and, although remainiaf? in the primitively hollo« condition, its wall has the same essential plan of structure as the organ in higher vertebrates. Neurones of Purkinje form a zone, crowded at certain points, between the nolecular and the granular layers. Such a neurone has the stractural features characteristic of its mammalian representative, but with a simpler branching of dendrites. Its office is to receive incoming equilibratory impressions. The neurones of the molecular layer are few in number. They are all of one variety. The neurones of the granular layer are of Vto kinds: Golgi neurones and granular neurones. Tne former lie in the upper strata of the layer. The granular neurones are strikingly like those of higher vertebrates; their axis-cylinders branch in a T-shaped manner in the molecular layer, mediating between many incoming fibres and the dendrites of the neurones of Pur- kinje. EJpendyma is developed into a profusely branching fibre which extends through the granular layer, only. Neuroglia provides a supporting framework for the neurones of Purkinje and the molecular layer. Both astrocytes and Berg- mann's fibres may be recognized, but there are transitional forms indicating that the latter have been derived from the former. 86 The large size of both the ear and the cerebellurn of Mas- telus is to be explained by the swimming habits of the animal. The structures have an equilibr^tory value. The cerebellum has apparently arisen in the phylogeny of vertebrates as a fusel outgrowth of the pair of tubercula acus- tica, a specialization of that part of the oblongata forming the original terminal station for the acustico-lateral system. Section VI. The Midbrain. The miibr-iin of Mustslas has retained to a marked degree the featipes characteristic of this cerebral vesicle in its primitive condition. Its ventricle has been so little encroach- ed apon by nervous matter that the name aqueiuat of Syl'jius ■^oali not be applied as a descriptive term were it not made necessary by jsage in higher vertebrates. The aqueduct is produced laterally into a pair of spacious recesses, each of which occupies the interior of an optic lobe, while the general cavity communicates freely through narrower extensions with the third ventricle in front and the fourth ventricle behind (Fig. l,mb. ). The optic lobes are two thin-walled bodies of dome-like form, separated from each other by a conspicuous median furrow, and the pair taken together are somewhat broad- er than the base of the midbrain on which they rest. The ante- rior divisions of the cerebellum lie upon and partially con- ceal the optic lobes from the dorsal aspect. The base of the miJbrain is a direct continuation anteriorly of the great fibre- systems of the oblongata and metencephalon, showing but slight diminution in size. -^ . 88 The microscopicil anatomy of the raiibraia is really quite coTiplicatei, owin^ to the diversity of the tenninations and connections which are established here. The base is a cro/»d- ed hi'§h<«ay between the different parts of the sncephalon. The fibres of the optic nerve have their termination in the dorsal midbrain, the tectam -nesencephali, with a nexus of intrinsic neurones and fibres of more distant origin associated with the' Finally, the aqueduct of Sylvias is bordered by nervous matter which is phylogenetically distinct from either the base or the tectam, and this has undergone special development at certain points as the nuclei of important motor neurones. 1. The Teotum Vesenoephal i . The tectum mesencephali lies as an investing cap upon the central gray matter which surrounds the aqueduct of Sylvius, Its situation here is fraught with significance, for it repre- sents an addition to the more ancient nervous structires made necessary by the development of lateral eyes in the vertebrate phylum. The tectum embraces the central expansions and asso- ciated connections of the nerve-fibres having their origin as axones of the retinal neurones. Certain neurones of the tec- tum may, also, send their axones outward into the optic nerve. The whole complex is, in fi-ie, the primitive visual centre. The tectum of Mustelus does not approach the extreme de- gree of differentiation which ftamo'n y Cajal ('8?), '91) has de- 89 scribed from the optic lobes of biris, but it is pricticable to jistiaguish three zones of structural elements: the layers of the superficial, the millLe, and the deeper neurones, res- pectively, (Pig.?l,3.n. ,m. n. ,d. n. ). VanGehuchten ('94) has described three zones frona the optic lobe of the teleost, but these are not exactly equivalent to the layers noted here, his conohe moleanlaire appears to include both my superficial and middle layers; his couohe granul ease corresponds in posi- tion to any deeper layer; /vhile his ooaohe ies oell-iles eoeniy- maires is an inner zone .vhich apparently does not include the central gray matter. a. TerTiiiation. of the Opticus. S tr . '.feiul I are Pro fund um. — A great bundle of fibres may be traced dorso-posteriorly from each angle of the chiasma to the optic lobe, flhere it becomes dis- solved through spreading over the surface. A section sho-vs that the fibres in the outer zone lie parallel with the sur- face during some little part of the length of their course, and that they then pass do.vn/iard into deeper parts of the tectum. Fine branches are given off in the regions occupied by the neurones of the middle and deeper layers, and many terminations appear to occup here. A certain number of fibres, however, pass to ever deeper levels, tending to become collected into bunlles, and they finally blend into tne stratum medullare prof undum. The stratum meiullare profundum is a conspicuous feature 90 of the deepest part of the tectum mesencephali . At the crown of the arch which the optic lobe presents in section, the fi- bres are seen as gre^it horizontal bundles interrupted at al- most perfectly regular intervals by small groups of vertical fibres. The two lateral halves are united by a strong commis- sure just dorsal to the aqueduct of Sylvius. Pig. ?0, s. m. p. , represents these features in a transverse section. Traced laterally, the fibres of the stratam meduUare pro- funda™ are found to pass into the base of the midbrain in tvo somewhat clearly marked divisions. The outer division takes a large number to the lateral surface (Pig. ?0,e.l. ); while a markedly smaller group passes downward nearer the median line for a ventral decussation (Pig. 80, i. 1. ). Tne inner division is composed of those fibres lying nearer to the central gray niatter from the outset. Some of these have but a short course downward and out^rari, but the great mass of fibres continues near the median line as a series of intercrossing bundles which are destined to decussate ventral to the aqueduct of Sylvius (Pig.20.e.m.,i.m. ). The fibre-system composing the stratam medullare ppofun- dura must be indeed important in the economy of the brain. Into this system we have traced fibres from the cord and oblongata, fibres from the optic nerve, and from the neurones of the tec- tum mesencephali itself, 'fie will subsequently have occasion to point out that a great tract sweeps into it from the inter- brain as a relay in the olfactory apparatus. Pibres are also 91 present here from certain of the cranial nerves. All of these fibre-systems from iiverse sources are to become relatei to the remarkable mechanism of Reissner's fibre. It is certainly evident that there are here every means for intercommunication between different parts of the nervous system, a switch-boari, so to speak, of extraordinary possibilities; but to this sub- ject »e shall return further on. b. The Suoerfisial Vewones. — The outermost layer of the tecturn mesencephali is characterized by the predominance of nerve-fibres and by the feeble development of its neurones. Receiving as it does the fibres of the optic nerve for their first expansion, we should hardly expect a hi^h degree of ner- vous activity here. There are a few scattering nerve-cells present, however, (Pig. 81, s. a. ) . These are quite minute in size, lenticular in form, and are disposed with their long axes tangential to the surface of the brain, as though squeezed into crevices betv»een the mass of nerve-fibres. The internal organization of the cell presents no features which would mark it as having any degree of importance physiologically (Fig. 5?, s. n. ). c. The Hiidle Veurones. — The neurones which lie in the middle layer of the tectum are characterized by their larger size and vastly greater numbers as compared with the outer region. In fact, the number is so great that in a section. 98 the n3r\^3-col L;=5 oft^ii ^ippenr superp^saJ one over -inother, ani th9 processv'?.-? :D=ike a varitnble t'^nAle of ifiterl^icini^, branches (?ig.21.in.n. ). The nearoaas of the level are to be distinguished from those of the deeper layer, on the other hand, both by their compactness and by their mode of branching, v?hich is of the radiatini^ type. The several processes of a nerve-cell spread oat anl branch freely in all directions, bat they do not ex- teni far away from their points of ori>|ifi. A representative forn is dra^vn in Pig. 22. There are always several dendrites, and these may arise either from the outer end or from the side of the polygonal oell-body. The branching begins quite near the origin, so that the size diminishes rapidly from the base outward. The dendrites of the outer extremity have their finest twigs penetrating the superficial layer of nerve-fibres. The dendrites arising from the sides of a cell interlace more large- ly with those of other neurones. The surface of a dendrite always bears an abundance of simple gemraules. The axone pursues an irregular coarse, often spreading over a considerable horizontal area, but the general treni is ever toward the center of the brain. It gives off a great profusion of collaterals as it proceeds, an3 the final terni- nation is found at no great Ustance from the cell-body. There is here, then, an illustration of a cell of the Golgi II type. The several ramifying axones lie in the region occupied by the cells of the deeper layer. 93 Th8 nucleus is a rouaiei, centr^lLy locHtei boiy, filling the larger part of th? mass of the cell. The cytoplasii holis a few tii^roid-boiies of small size, an eviieace of a loi« oP'ier of metabolio activity in this type of cell. Pig. 52, m. n, , exhib- its what letails of internal organization are \^isible under the highest amplification. The part which the neurones of this layer take in the physiology of the optic ter:nination may be inferrei witn some degree of certainty. The dense tangle of dendrites just be- neath the incoming optic fibres constitute a large surface for purposes of reception. The spreading axones in the layer be- neath afford, with the neurones there, a physiological nexus of some superficial extent, possible paths of association, if ne choose to apply the term here. 'We will returi to this sub- ject in the following subsection. i. The Deeper Veurones.-- This layer is thicker than both the preceding ones put together. The neurones are less closely crowded than those of the middle layer, and they lie in groups between the bundles of optic fibres passing downward to the stratum meduUare profundum (Pig. 21,d. n. ). The neurones which give character to this layer are long- drawn-out, the dendrites extending nearly to the external sur- face of the brain, and the axone reaching well toward the lim- itans interna. Pig. 83 shows a typical neurone considerably enlarged. The cell-boiy is spindle-shapei or oval in outline. 94 F'roTi its outer anJ, a single stout liealrite proceels straight to(»ard the periphery. This dendrite branches bat sparsely, and no branches are given off for some distance beyond the point of its origin. The several branches pass oatward through the niddle layer of neurones, and the most delicate twigs can be traced into the superficial layer of nerve-fibres. The 'Thole deniritic series presents a top both tall and narro/r, in strong contrast to the for-n assurnei by the neurone of tne middle layer. Seramules are scattered over the branches, but they are conspicuous neitaer for their size nor their numbers. There may be other minor dendrites arising from near the base of the cell, as sho/»n in Pig. 23; but the axone always takes origin from a point opposite the principal dendrite. The axone is directei toward tne limitans interna. It may be traced for some distance without any very marked dimination of size. Wany collateral branches are given off in its course, and the ulti- mate destination of the principal stem appears to be a bundle of fibres contributing to the stratum meiuUare profundum. The body of the cell is so largely filled with the nucle- us that often only the thinnest investing film of cytoplasm is exhibited. Six cells from this layer have their structural features shown in Pig.o3, and one of these has the thinnest enveloping cytoplasm found in this class. The nucleus of a cell is regularly oval in contour, holding one prominent nucle- olus. The chromatic network is delicate and of small mesh. The cytoplasm contains masses of tigroid substance which. 95 in proportion to the -ictuHl magnit.iie of the cell, are rela- tively lar^e ia size, 'f^hen the nucleus lies to«arl one enJ of the cell, the lari^est ti^roids are found in the free extreuity. The prevailing form of tigroid mass is triangular, and t.ie several masses have a rather open arrangement. F'rom the form of the neurone just describe I, we should infer that it is adapted to the part of a conducting mediuL bettveen the superficial and the deeper levels of the tectum lesencephali. The internal structure also indicates that it is characterized by no slight amount of metabolic activity. Evidently, then, there is here a nervous element of consider- able importance in the economy of the midbrain. VanGehuchten ( '94) nas described the deeper neurones from the optic lobe of the trout (his conohe gra^rj.leuse) as being flithout dendrites, and as sending their axones peripherally into the superficial levels. The character of this type of neurone in Mustelus certainly corresponds the more nearly with the conditions fDund in higher vertebrates, although much sim- pler of course, so that, in this respect at least, the sela- chian is seen to be in the direct phylogenetic line, while the teleost is divergent. In the inner zone of the deeper layer of the tectum, at the level occupied by the numerous collaterals from the proper axones, there are to be found at intervals neurones of another character (Pig. 21). Such neurones are irregularly stellate as to general forn, the dendrites anl the axone radiating widely 96 frorn a polygoa^l call-body. The office of this neurone may be to bring the collateral branches of the other ani more numer- ous nery^oas elements into relationship. Pig. 54 shows a group of five of these cells, an unusually large number to find in so limitei a fieli. 2. The Central r;rau Hatter. The aqueiuct of Sylvius is surrouniel by a layer or nerve- cells and nerve-fibres representing the most archaic part of the brain, and quite properly termed the central gray matter (Pigs. 20 and 21, c.g.ii.). The greater part of this nervous matter has been supplanted or overshado/fel functionally by more recent aiditions upon its outer surface, but certain nail defined groups of neurones have retained their pristine importance through the character of their ultimate connections. These are, respectively, the roof-nucleus, and the nuclei of the oculomotorius and the trochlearis. a. The Roof-Huol eu3 . -- This is a collection of very large neurones lying in the roof of the aqueduct of Sylvius between the ependyma anl the dorsal commissure of the stratum medullare profundum. The group has a considerable longitudinal exten- sion, reaching from the anterior end of the optic lobes to near the juncture with the cerebellu-n. It is broken into two later- al halves by the median line. Pig,2'),r.n. exhibits the entire 97 nucleus; flhils Pi^.5o represent?; the dlstpibution of the cells more in letail ->n the right siie. These neurones are the largest of any in the nervous or- ganization of Mustelas. The size attained by the cell-body may be as great as 60 micra in transverse diameter by 100 mi- cra lengthwise. The group, therefore, presents a very stri- king picture in the field of the aiicroscope. The forois assuni- ei by the celL-bodies are someAfhat diverse, ranging from ovyil, through irregular outlines to a considerably elongated condi- tion. The longer axis lies parallel, or nearly so, with the limitans interna. In a thick section, the dendrites appear as tv»o or three stout processes vrhich push their /vay into the nervous matter dorsal to tne group and are soon lost to view. Those cells lying very close to the median plane send their axones to the opposite side; but the remaining members of the group, compri- sing nearly all of the cells, have their axones extending away from the mid-line. The axones from the several cells of the same side, together v»ith the crossed axones, run laterally for a greater or less distance, tarn anteriorly, and become associ- ated into bundles which constitute a fairly well-marked tract (Pigs. 20 and 55, r.n.t.). This tract extends forwarl to the anterior limit of the midbrain, where it unites with its fello* from the opposite side, and tne united group of fibres emerges from the midbrain roof to penetrate the aqueduct of Sylvius as the fibre of Seissner. The ultimate destination will be 98 traced ia a subsequent paragraph. Those cells of the roof-nucleus lying in the posterior region have a differsnt ternination for their axones from the one just described. In tnis instance, the axones pass poste- riorly, instead of anteriorly, and they take a course into the cerebellaii. The significance of this fact has been consider- ed in Section V, Subsection 5. The cell-nucleus is a large, evenly rounded body, almost invariably eccentric in its position, sometimes, even, lying in i»hat appears to be a special protrusion of the general cell- mass. The chromatin is distributed in the forte of a reticulum of rather fine mesh which holds coarser granules at intervals. The nucleolus is evenly rounded and of conspicuous size. Many of the cells have t.vo or even more nucleoli. The cytoplasm, stained .vith methylen-blue, exhibits a minutely punctate appearance even unler the highest amplifica- tion, due, chiefly, to the minute size and diffuse distribu- tion of the tigroid substance. The tigroids are quite densely packed in the peripheral regions of the cell. In the field of the nucleus, the prevailing forn of granule is rounded; farther a/?ay, the shape is a more elongated one, the long axis being tangential to the margin of the cell. Pig. 56 sho<«s the details of cell-organization, Nissl staining. When these cells are stained with iron haematoxylin, they exhibit what appears to be the equivalent of the perinuclear reticulum of Golgi (1900). We fini the internal part of the 99 cytoplasm exhibiting deeply stained, massive bodies, branching, and anastomosing, ^ith each other through more slenier connec- tions. The several individual masses are disposed in such a way as to give the appearance of enclosing the nucleus as with an open net.vork. The bodies fade away as they enter the den- drites, and there is no appearance of their having communica- tion with the exterior such as has been described by Holmgren ('99a, '99b). Pig. 57 represents the appearance of this series of structures. It is doubtless necessary to avait further researches in many distantly related fields before we attempt to pass final judgment as to the significance of tne perinuclear reticulum, bat the hypothesis noted by Golgi (1900) is one flhich certain- ly deserves our consideration. The appearance presented by the network may be caused, not by solii bodies at all, but by a series of coramunicating canaliculi filled with a fluid which is deeply colore! by certain stains. Such a reticular canal- system woull probably take no part in the irritable life of the cell as such, but would function on a lower plane of pure- ly vegetative character. The neurones of the roof-nucleus come into intimate rela- tions witn the nerve-fibres of the stratum medullare profun- dum. The dorsal decussation between the opposite halves of the stratum carries a strong bundle of fibres across the me- dian plane immeiiately above this group of neurones (?'ig.55, dc.s.m.o, ) There are to be found here numerous instances of 100 nerv3-t'ibres smerging frotn the general bunils and tenoiaating in arborizations nenr the bodies of the nerve-cell^. Pig.'i?, ar. , represents t*»o such arborizations near the same cell. The character of the teruination is exceeiingly interesting. The axones are founJ to present a reticalo-vesicular structure throughout their whole length, the protoplasm apparently con- sisting of vesicles of several degrees of size united by a reticulum. No^ as the axone approaches its ternination, the reticulation becomes naore pronounced, and tne final arboriza- tion is seen to be essentially an expansion of the same thing. The ending is simply a widely-spread, digitate reticulum. There are many thorn-like branches frox all of the strands, and nu- meroiis anastomoses occur tetfleen the principal ones. Consult H'ig.57,ar. The remarkable group of nerve-cells comprising the roof- nucleus has been variously interpreted, but its true relations were not discovered until quite recently, ftohon ('77) first described this collection of cells as the iaohkeme, a name applied, of course, from the position occupied by its paired members in the roof of the aqueduct of Sylvius. It was later recognized in the brains of various fishes, Burckhardt ( '9?) identifying it as the midbrain trigeminal nucleus. It has remained for Sargent (1900) to show that not only is the roof- nucleus present in all vertebrates, but that it is part of a most interesting mechanism, the fibre of fteissner ('*^0). Reissner's fibre is a rod-like body lying in the central canal 101 of the spinal corl, exteniini^ t'or^ari. It h'ii come to be ne- glected entirely in recent years o/»inf5 to the prevalent view that it naerely represents a coagulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. Sargent (1900) demonstratei that such a vie^r is erro- neous, that Reissner's fibre is a real structure, with a per- fectly definite character and distribution, and, f urthemore, that it is found in all classes of vertebrates, always extend- ing from the postsrior end of the canalis centralis to the an- terior end of the aqueduct of Sylvius. He nas also sho^a (1901) that the fibre represents, in the main, the closely fused ax- ones of the cells of the roof-nucleus. The great number of neurones comprising the anterior field of the roof-nucleus send their axones into the aqueduct of Sylvius, as noted a- bove, whence they pass backward as Heissner's fibre through the extent of the fourth ventricle and the central canal of the spinal cord. Pine processes are given off to the nervous matter of the cord as the fibre proceeds. An interpretation of tne roof-nucleus and of Seissner's fibre arising from it may now be attempted. In the next to the last paragraph, a nexus was traced between the fibres of the stra- tum medullare profundum and the neurones of the roof-nucleus. There are here, it is evident, the elements of a tract through which quite direct connections may be established between the somatic motor neurones of the spinal cord and certain sensory impressions, visual and olfactory, at least. The classes of impressions noted are carried through the stratum melullare 10? profunium to the tarninal arboriz-itions which »e hive ieacri- bad Qsnr the cells of the roof-aacleas. The aeurones of the roof-nucleus transmit such impressions through their axones, Seissner'3 fibre, directly to motor neurones at the several levels of the spinal oori. The apparatjs of the roof-nucleus and Reissner's fibre, regaried as a thing apart, is advantage- ous to V.ustelas because it is a path without relay, a short arc for motor reflexes betvfesn the eye and the olfactory organ, on the one hand, and the body musculature on the other. Tne giant size of the neurones of the roof-nucleus is doubtless the correlative of not only their long axones but of their importance in the econony of the aninal, as /veil. In ascending the scale of the vertebrate series, however, it .vill be found that this mech- anism ever takes on a progressively less and less value, owing to the development of other means for attaining the same end. b. The Huoleus of the Oculomotor ius . — The nucleus of the III nerve lies ventral to the aqueduct of Sylvius (Pig. 53,n.iri). This collection of neurones is sharply marked off from all surrouniing nervous elements by the large size of its cells and by the greater intensity of stain ^ith lethylen-blue. The group extends antero-posteriorly for some distance. The prevailing form of cell is oval, with two or three marked extensions of outline produced by the broaUy triangu- lar bases of the lenirites (Fig. 59). The axone is more slen- 103 der by f-ir th'in the ienlrites; it is diractel away from the limitans intenn, taking the coarse of a s/ieepinfJ curve. The nucleus of the cell is evenly roanJed in forn, rather large as to proportionate size, and it has a central location. There is but a single nucleolus. The chromatin is iistribited in a delicate network, the few interlacing strands visible being of great tenuity. The cytoplasm is remarkable for the large size of its masses of tigroid substance, these bodies being visible as distinct things even under low amplification. The form of a tigroid is almost invariably triangular. The base of the tri- angle lies toward the nucleus, the apex pointing towari one of the dendrites. Those masses lying in contact with the nuclear membrane are somewhat broader, taking the form of a so-called nuclear cap. The size of mass decreases toward the periphery of the cell, those lying in the bases of the dendrites assu- ming a slender form. Reference may be made to Pig. 59. The striking size attained by the masses of tigroid sub- stance here is doubtless associated with the purely motor func- tion of the III nevvB, the fibres of which are the axones of these particular neurones. 0. The Vuoleus of the Troahlearia. — Hohon ('77) fell into a curious error with regaris the nucleus of the TV nerve. As is well known, the root of the trochlearis passes backward and crosses over to the opposite side, appearing dorsally in the 104 furrow beti«33n the miibPiin anJ the cer.3b3llntn. hohon evident- ly sought for the nucleus of the nerv^e near its superficial origin, for he identified as such a group of cells on the bor- der of the cerebellum. The group of neurones constituting the nucleus of the IV nerve lies posterior and slightly ventral to the nucleus of the Til nerve (?ig.53,n.IV) . The anterior end of the trochlear nucleus overlaps the posterior end of the oculonotor nucleus for a short distance. The cells of this collection are, as compared v»ith the cells of the oculomotor nucleus, decidedly smaller in size, and the general outline is more nearly triangular. Tne nucle- us of the cell is relatively larger in proportion to the amount of cytoplasm. The chromatic network is so delicate as to be but faintly visible even under high magnification. The masses of tigroid substance are few in number, rel- atively large in size, and wholly irregular as to form. There is a perinuclear zone of cytoplasm entirely free from tigroids. it often appears as though many of tne tigroid masses are act- ually clinging to the limiting pellicula of the cell. Pig.'^O exhibits a condition typical for the cells of this group. I really am unable to offer any explanation concerning the marked differences to be observed between the tigroid- bodies of the trochlear and the oculomotor neurones, respect- ively. The contrast in both the form anJ the arrangement of the tigroids is quite evident. The distinction is a real one. 105 not iue to variation in the action of reai?,ents, for I have several instances showing the marked contrast in one and the saoie section. A structural difference here is a noteworthy fact, since the tv»o neurones are both of the somatic motor type, entirely equivalent morphologically. 5. The Epenit^ma. The general character of the ependynoa of the midbrain is represented in Pig.?l, ep. , while Pig. 61 illustrates the de- tails of cell-organization. The outline of a representative cell is somewhat lance-like, tne length four times the breadth, the pointed extremity touching the ventricle and the greatest breadth at a point further removed. The interior of the cell is occupied almost entirely by the nucleus. It is really dif- ficult to detect any cytoplasm at all except in a small area at the base of the ependymal fibre. The observer has the im- pression forced upon him that most of the cytoplasm during the course of growth has passed over into the cell-process. The strjcture of the nucleus is reticulated to an almost ex- treme degree. Some strands of the reticulirn are relatively coarse, but many of them are so tenuous as to lie almost beyond the capacity of the microscope. Tne ependymal fibre takes a course which is almost straight during the first part of its length, but toward the outer limit of the central gray matter crooked turns occur, and branches 106 are givea off. Ths diamet-ar of the process remains unifor'n throut^hoat except for slight swelliai^s v?hich occur at inter- vals. The fibre terminates at the periphery of the brain. The fact that the ependynal fibre becomes irregular and branches only after it leaves the central gray matter for the ne-ver additions outside may have a phylogenetic significance, indicating that at one time the process had no farther course than the outer limit of this most ancient nerve-substance. But it is also entirely possible that the phenomena in ques- tion are /without such deep significance, having been caused by the greater number of obstacles in the path of the fibre as it dre^ through the outer levels. 4. Phylogeny of Miibrain Structures. The midbrain has ever been a stable part of the neural tube. Marked out early in ontogeny from the other brain-seg- ments, the midbrain of Mustelus retains many features of organ- ization which are really primitive in character. The central gray matter is the most archaic of the mid- brain structures, and the newer additions of the outer levels are derivable from it. The central gray matter is to be com- pared, both as to general functions and morphological topog- raphy, to the gray matter of the spinal cori before the latter has developed its specialized cornua. In a broad way, the ventral region of each is motor, and the dorsal part a series 107 of sensory centres. The homology is most readily tr^iceible in the ventr-il region. The neurones of the ILL and IV ner«/e3 are true somatic nootor neurones, corresponding entirely to those of the ventral cornua of the cori. The dorsal region of the midbrain has become more and more specialized as an optic termination. At a phylogenetically early period, the optic fibres grew backward from their orig- inal relatioTS to establish terminations here. Probably the most primitive connection is the one .vith the giant neurones constituting the apparatus of the roof-nucleus and Heissner's fibre. Through this means, the optic neurones were chained directly to the somatic motor neurones innervating the body musculature. Later, the midbrain roof became thickened by the wandering oat'vari of neurones from the central gray matter, and by the development of new optic terminations associated with them. Thus has arisen the tectum mesencephali, an end- station which has remained important in the vertebrate series as a visual centre until secondary connections were establish- ed with the pallium. Hence the tectum is of great magnitude in the lower vertebrates, where the pallium is weak, but be- comes dwarfed in the mammalian brain in which there is an over- shadowing development of pallial connections. 5. Summarif of the Miibrain. The tectum mesencephali of Mustelus receives practically 103 all of the optic fibres, apparently only collateral branches being given to the interbrain. Three structural zones of the tectum are to be recognized: the superficial, the middle, and the deeper zones, respectively. The superficial layer has chiefly fibres, »ith a favv minate, tangentially elongated neu- rones. The middle layer is composed of a densely crovided tan- gle of neurones of the Golgi II type, the axones of which spread laterally. The deeper layer has neurones which send long den- drites iTto the outer levels, while their axones penetrate tne stratum medullare profundum. Optic terminations occur in all of these layers. The structure of the deeper layer places the selachian more nearly in the direct phylogenetic line than the teleost. Tne stratum medullare profundum receives optic fibres, axones from the tectum, fibres of the olfactory mechanism from relays in the thalamus, as well as fibres from posterior re- gions. The central gray matter has become differentiated at cer- tain points to form the roof-nucleus, and the nuclei of the III and IV ner/es, respectively. The roof-nucleus is a collection of very large neurones lying dorsal to the aqueduct of Sylvius, the axones of which form, ultimately, the fibre of Reissner. Terminations of fi- bres from the stratum medullare profundum occur near the neu- rones of the roof-nucleus. The roof-nucleus and Reissner's fibre constitute a direct path for motor reflexes between certain 109 senses and the body musculatare, involving the somatic motor neurones of the spinal oori. The senses thus me.liatei are, prinarily, the olfactory and the visual, but the acustico- lateral and the general cutaneous systems may be represented also. The neurones forming the nuclei of the III and IV nerves have the structure of the somatic motor neurones pertaining to the spinal cord and the oblongata. Spendymal fibres extend through the entire thickness of the midbrain wall, branching but feebly. Section VII. The Intshbrai'J. The research of Edingsr, Das Zwisahenhifn, ('98), presents an account of tne fibre-tracts of the interbrain of Selachii and Amphibia as ienaonstratel by the Wei^ert method. It remains for lie to add to the results of that »?ork a description of the morphology of the neurones proper to the interbrain of Mustelus 1. The Thalamus. The thalami of a selachian are so small in proportion to the other parts of the brain (Pig.l.th.) that certain of the older anatomists were thereby caused to overlook the inter- brain entirely; see Section II. The small size of the thal- amus is, I find, the expression of a low degree of organiza- tion. Several investigations have made it clear that the thal- amus of a mammal has several well-defined thalamic nuclei. Tne thalamus of Mustelus, however, has remained in a condition of such primitive simplicity that it is not practicable to insti- tute very strict comparisons between its neurones and those which are characteristic of higher forms. Before such compar- isons can be of much value, a study must be made of thalami (110) Ill having interms-liate degrees of development. It has seemed to me advisable to distinguish but two col- lections of neurones in the thalamus of Wustelus. One group represents a differentiation of the ancient central gray matter; this I have designated the nucleus strati grisei. The other collection is certainly the one from which the several genic- ulate nuclei of higher vertebrates have been derived; this I have called the nucleus geniculatum. a. The nucleus Sti'ati Grisei. — As has just been mention- ed, this collection of neurones represents a differentiation of the primitive central gray matter. The nucleus strati gri- sei has retained its original situation next the third ventri- cle (Big.84,n. s. g. ). It forms a broad zone just within the limitans interna, comprising something like one-fourth the thickness of the entire thalamus. The neurones of this group are the largest of the thal- amus. The cell-bo iy has a polygonal form, the several diam- eters not greatly unequal. The dendrites radiate freely in all directions, but they are not very long. The nucleus of the cell has an sccentric position, causing the cytoplasm to appear massed on the side from which the chief dendrites arise. The chromatic substance is disposed in a ten thin strands having thickened nodes. The entire amount of chromatin is not great, and 30 the nucleus presents a lightly stained appearance. The tigroii substance is limited almost entirely to that part of the 112 cytoplas'n havi'i^ the Greatest mass. Some of the ti>J,roi'i3 are altogether irregular in form and are relatively quite lart5e. Pig. 62 exhibits t/io neurones as they lie in place. The nucleus strati grisei is the terminal station for those axones of the tractus strio-thalamicus having their or- igin in the general striaturn. Tnese sweep into the nucleus in bundles, and their terminations are to be noted bet/»e3n the constituent neurones (Pig. 24, f . s. t. ) . The neurones of the nucleus strati grisei are, primarily, a relay in the olf acto-motor chain. The tractus strio-thala- micus terminating here is one of the links of that chain, as we shall point out in detail under Section VIII. The axones from the cells of the nucleus strati grisei pass backward into the base of the midbrain as the tractus thalamo-tectalis, and then sweep upwari into the tectum to lie in the stratum medullare profandum. Here they are associated with other sensory nerve- fibres, as already noted in Section VI, and the entire group becomes related to the remarkable motor conducting path provi- ded by the cells of the roof-nucleus and the fibre of Reissner. It is certainly not worth while, with the knowledge which we have at present, to attempt an extensive comparison of the nucleus strati grisei with the specialized thalamic nuclei of higher vertebrates. It seems fairly safe, however, to regard the nucleus rotandus and the nucleus magnocellularis as de- scendents of this simple collection of cells founi in the thal- amus of selachians. 113 b. The Nucleus Genidul atwn. — This nucleus is imbeidei in the substance of the thalamus lateral to the nucleus striti grisei. It is separated from the neurones of that group and from the external surface of the brain by bundles of fibre- tracts. In transverse section, this collection of neurones appears as a broad band curving parallel with the li-nitans externa (Pig. 84, n.gen.). The size of a neurone from the nucleus geniculatum is considerably less than that of one from the nucleus strati grisei, and the form is of the elongated instead of the radia- ting type. Fibres from the opticus leave that nerve to form a terminal zone on the periphery of the thalamus, and the den- drites of these neurones extend out'fari into this zone, while their axones take a course inward. The neurone, therefore, comes to be drawn out in a direction approximately at right angles to the limitans externa (Fig. 84, n.gen.). The cell- body is rendered somewhat elongated by the processes taking origin at its extremities. The interior of the cell is almost wholly occupied by the nucleus, leaving but a scanty amount of cytoplasm in the bases of the cell-processes (F'ig.63). The chromatin is in the condition of a fine reticulum. The tigroid substance is necessarily small in amount where there is so little cytoplasm, embracing only a few scattering granules. Structurally considered, the neurones of the nucleus genic- ulatum are little specialized, remaining in an embryonic condi- tion, so to speak. Their functional value is also of a low 114 order. Tney are cert-iinly of far less importance as an optic termination in the selachian than are their specialized repre- sentatives in the mamnnal. In y.ustelas, only collateral branch- es are, evidently, sent to the nucleus ^eniculatum, the great mass of optic fibres sweeping backward to the midbrain for ter- mination in the tectjm. 'flith the progressive evolution of higher vertebrates, the thalamic termination of the opticus appears to have become more and more important, leading to the corresponding differentiation of geniculate nuclei. Hand in hand witn the growing importance of the interbrain as a prima- ry optic centre, however, there has been a related decline of the midbrain roof. And hence it is that the optic lobes of the fish appear so lisproportionately large in comparison with the homologous parts of the mammalian brain. 2. Epi thalamus: The Nuclei Eabenulae. The nuclei habenulae, or ganglia habenulae of authors, rise considerably above the level of the thalami (Pig.l, n.h.), the pair meeting each other to form a conspicuously arched bridge across the third ventricle at its posterior end. The epiphysis springs from the middle of the arch. The left nucle- us is a little larger than the right one, its margin extending slightly more anteriorly. The nucleus habenulae is an important relay-centre, and so its strjctjre exhibits many nerve-fibres taking various direc- lln tions, between ^hich thera are neurones ani supporting elenoents. The tractus olfacto-habenularis (Section Vin,l,c) teminates here, and the neurones of the nucleus give origin to the trac- tus habenulo-peduncularis, (the bundle of Meyaert, and the fas- cicaltis retporeflexus, of authors). A representative neurone is shown in Fig. 85. The size of the entire element is rather large. The cell-body tends to retain a rounded form, although diverted from this condition more or less by the thickened bases of the dendrites. The dendrites are some three or four in number, gnarled and irreg- ular processes, branching only a few times, and extending far outward in every direction from their points of origin. The surface of a dendrite is roughened by nodal thickenings, knobs, and a few gemmules. The axone arises directly from the cell- body in all of the instances observed. Its course is tracea- ble for only a short distance in a transverse section, since it soon turns posteriorly into the tractus habenulo-peduncula- ris. This important tract takes the usual course toward the base of the miibrain. Its termination occurs there in the nucleus interpeduncularis. The significance of the tract is to be interpreted as a part of the olfacto-motor complex, discussed nore particularly in Section VIII. 5. Eli DO thalamus: The Lobl Infer iorea. The hypothalamus is very large in \(ustelus, projecting 116 far back bene=ith the diilbrain; consult Pii?.l. Its large size is merely the expression of the unusual importance which is assumed by this part of the interbrain in selachians. Intrin- sic neurones, ani fibres from vrithout ara to be noted in num- bers in both the infmdibulum and the lobi inferiores. The wall of the infundibulum exhibits neurones separated from each other by considerable intervals {Bi^.2^.). The cell- body is polygonal or elongated-ov^l in form. The dendrites are tei in number. They spread ^videly, rarely branch, and pursue a nearly straight course. Tfie Lobi I^zferiores are the most conspicuous feat ires of the hypothalamus, a pair of great bulbous outpushings of the lateral wall of the infundibalum (?'ig.l, l.i.). These lobes are the seat of a crowded group of neurones, a fact which is doubtless the ontogenetic cause of their large size. Herrick ( '92) has described several distinct nuclei from the lobus inferior (hypoarium) of the teleost, but I have found it impracticable to distinguish cell-groups in Mustelus. The neurones are disposed in a layer next to the limitans interna, the cell-bodies forming a closely-packed zone involving some- thing like the inner fourth of the thickness of the wall (Pig. 27, i.z. ). The dendrites are directed outward, forming, to- gether with the nerve-fibres here, a fine tangle which presents the appearance of a molecular layer with general stains. The form of a neurone is quite unlike that of any other 117 foand in the anterior divisions of the briin. It is not dis- similar to a fideiy spreading bush, the cell-body bein^ the short stem, and the dendrites the top (Pi^.23), The denJrites are thick at their bases, they give origin to only a few branch- es, they taper gradually, and their tips usually reach almost to the limitans externa. The surface of a dendrite exhibits a multitude of spiny gemmules of various sizes. The course taken by the axone depends upon the position of the neurone. A neurone lying in the r-oof gives off its axone from the base of the cell, and the axone passes ventral- ly, branching profusely (Pig.?7). A neurone from the side- wall (F'ig.SB) invariably has its axone emerging from the side of the cell, taking a course toward the limitans externa for a short distance, then branching in a T-shaped manner. The fibres thus formed run parallel with the surface of the brain, one tarning into the ventral part of the lobus, the other pur- suing an arcuate course out of the hypothalamus (Pig. 27, f.b.). Such a fibre is marked by varicosities at intervals, and it bears collateral branches (Pig. 83). The internal structire of two neurones from the lobus inferior is given in Pig. 54. Tne figure also shows how close- ly these neurones are packed. The nucleus is only fairly large, and it is surrounded by a thick layer of cytoplasm on all sides, the chromatic substance is scanty in amount; it is distriluted in a few thin strands. The tigroid nasses are not numerous, and most of them are ouite sn.all. witl; Just a few lart^e ones IIB iistributei at irretSular intervals in the peripharil region of the cell. 4. Support lig ElemeitH . Associatei with tne many ani crowiei nerva-traots charac- terising the structure of the interbrain, there is to be notei a corresponiing de\^elopinent of both neuroglia and epeniyma. A neurogliar eleinent has a few stout processes raiiatin^ in every direction from the cell-body, often pursuing a marked- ly tortuous course. They raiiify in an exceedingly complicated manner, the finest t^igs interlacing to form a dense mat; see Pig. 89. Neuroglia is found in the nuclei of the interbrain, serving to support both the neurones and the terminal fibres occurring there. Spendyma is found in all parts of the interbrain. The epeniymal fibre al-rays extenls throughout the entire thickness of nervous matter, from the ventricle to the limitans externa. The fibre branches mid/»ay in its course, the several limbs often diverging considerably. The entire fibre-system bears a multi- tude of fine mossy processes. These features are sho/»n in Fig. 30. -5. Summary of the Interbrain. The thalair.us is small in size and has remained on a low plane of differentiation. It is practicable to distinguish 119 but tvto thalamic nuclei. One, the nucleic striti i^riaei, has become isfined from the centr-il ^^r-iy mitt=»r for the reception of f ibre-teminations, chiefly those of the trictus strio- thalamicas from the striat'in; the axones of the nucle'is give origin to the trictus thilano tectnlis. The other thnlamic nucleus, the nucleus geniculatum, receives collateral branches from optic fibres. It is wholly inferior to the tectum mesen- cephali as an optic termination, but it represents the special- ize! genicilate nuclei of higher forms. The two nuclei habenulae do not exhibit great disparity in size. An olfactory tract, the tractus olfacto-habenularis, terminates here; the neurones of the nuclei give origin to the tractus habenalo-peduncilaris. The lobi inferiores are the seat of a crowded group of neurones, and the lobes are thereby given a large size. A neurone has a widely spreading dendritic top. Its axone branch- es in a T-shaped manner. Supporting elements are strongly developed The neuroglia is remarkable for the mat-like interlacing of its branches. Spendymal fibres often ramify to a striking degree; they ex- tend through the .Thole thickness of the neural tube. Section VIII. The Porebrain. Tha key to the naierstanJin^, of ths vertebrate forabrain ^as given by Rabl-Riickhari ('83) when he fornulatel the theory of the membranous pallium for the teleost. The extension of the generalization to other groups has been productive of re- sults flhich fall into place in an almost schematic way. A quite remarkable series is given by the fishes. This series begins with a coniition in the teleost /rhere the entire roof of the forebrain reiiains non-nervous, and culminate.^ in the iipnoid flith a pallium having the essential morphological char- acters pertaining to all brains of a higher order. The forebrain of Mustelus appears superficially to be somewhat livergent from the direct line of the series, o!h . "leohsi ?, P. '89. Debep eine noue Pirbungsme t hod e dea centralen Nerven- systens unl deren Ergebnisse beziiglioh des Zuaam- Tienhan?es von Oanglienzellen und Nervenfasern. Arch. f . 4nat . und Physiol,, Phy s iol og . Ab t h . , S.537. P r i 1 3 c h , J . '78. Un tefsuchun^en iibep den feineren Bau des Pisch- gebirns. Berlin. Qaskell, W.H. '86. On the Structure, Distribution and Punction of the Nerves which Innervate the Visceral and Vascular 3y s tenns . J our. of Physiolor^y, Vol.7. '88. On the Relations betfoea the Structure, Punction, and Distribution of the Cranial Nerves. Prelimi- nary Oouniun i oa t ion . 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Oblongata; a neurone from the deeper part of the left general cutaneous nucleus. A general cutaneous fibre (g.c.f.) is seen breaking up into a terminal arborization. Tbe Golgi method, x 230. Pig. 7. Oblongata. Two Purkinje neurones from the cere- bellar crest of the tuberculum acusticum. An acustico-lateral fibre (a.l.f.) is seen terminating near the one on the right. The Golgi method, " 230. Pig. 8. Oblongata; ependymal fibres from the outer level of tbe general cutaneous nucleus. The Golgi method, " 250. Pig. 9. Bpendymal fibres from the ventral oblongata, forniing a bundle ic the formatio reticularis. The Golgi ffethcd, X 230. Pi?. 10. Ependyma from the lobus va?i of the oblongata The Golfji method, x 230. Pig. 11. Heuroglia cell from the general cutaneous nucle- us of the oblongata. The Golgi irethod, » 230. Pig. 12. Sagittal section through the entire cerehellutn showing its folds, the form of its ventricle, its neurone-layers, and its principal masses of nerve-fibres. The Wolters method. Outline x 8. Pig. 15. Neurone of Purkinje from the cerebelluir. The Golgi method, " 230. Pig. 14. Neurone from the molecular layer of the cerebel- lum. The greatest extension of the dendrites is parallel with the surface of the cerebellar fold. The Golgi method, x 230. Pig. 15. Three representative neurones from the granular layer of the cerebellum. The intervening cell-bodies are omit- ted for the sake of clearness. The axones are cut across at the juncture of the granular with the molecular layer; see Pig. 16, and the description in the text. The Golgi method, « 230, Pig. 16. Axones in the molecular layer of the cerebellum passing transversely across the organ, derived from the neu- rones of the granular. Several ascending axones are to be seen just previous to their T-shaped division. The Golgi method, x 230. Pig. 17. Neurone of the Golgi II type from the granular layer of the cerebellum. The Golgi method, * 230. Pi?. 19. Neuroffliar cells froir. tbe cerebellum. The cell- bodies lie between the neurones of Purkinje. An astrocyte is seen at (ast.); and a Bergmann's fibre at (bg.f.). The Golgi method, " 230. Pi?.?0. Transverse section of the midbrain. The Kolters method , "14. Pig. 21. Transverse section of the entire thickness of the left optic lobe, showing the neurones of the tectum mesenceph- ali. The Golgi method, * 46. PLATE III. Pig. 18. Ependymal elemsnts from the cerebellum. Por the sake of clearness, only a few of the fibres proper to the region have been represented. The Golgi method, " 2 5 0. Pig. 22. Neurone from the middle layer of the tectum mes- encepbali. The Golgi method, * 300. Pig. 23. Neurone from the deeper layer of the tectum mes- encephali. The Golgi method, x 230. Pig. 24. Interbrain. Transverse section through the left thalamus at the level of the chiasma. The dotted lines indi- cate the extent of the thalamic nuclei. The Golgi method. Outline " 30. Pig. 25. Interbrain; a neurone from the nucleus habenulae. The Golgi netbod, " 230. Pig. 26. Interbrain. Two neurones from the right side of the infundibulum, together with the structures adjacent to then The Golgi method, " 46. ?i^ .27 . Inter brain. Transverse section of tLe ri?ht lobus inferior. The Gol^i uietbod. Outline " 30. Fi?.30. The inner half of an ependysial eleirent from the hypothalamus. The Gol?i method, * 150. PLATF; IV. Fi?.?8. Neurone of the hypothalamus from the ri?ht lobus inferior. The T-shaped branching lies parallel with the lim- itans externa. The Solfji method, " 230. Pig. 29. Neuro?liar element from the nucleus habenulae. The Gol?i method, " 230. Pic. 31. CoTiDosite transverse section of the forebrain. The 3ol?i methcd. Outline x 9. Pi?. 32. A small area from the left epistr latum. The neurones send their axones into deeper levels. The 3ol?i method, X 46. Pi?. 33. Neurone from the right epistriatum, its axone passic? into the general striatum. The Golgi method, x 250. Pig. 34. An area from the left general striatum to show the arrangement of the neurones. The Golgi method, x 45. Pig. 35. Neurone from the general sti-iatum. The Golgi method, x 150. plate: V, 'ig.56. A small area of the nucleus postolfactorius to 187 sho« the character and arrftn^ement of its neuroneE, together with the termination of an olfactory fibre. The Go\P,i method, « 250. Pi?.?7. Two neurones fro* the nucleus n eu ropo r i cus . The section was taken in the sagittal plane. The Golgi method, " 230. Pi?. 38. A group of neurones from the right pallial em- inence. The Golgi nethod, " 67. Pig. 39. Neurone from the right pallial eminence. Its axone finally enters the tractus pallii. The Golgi method, X 230. Pig. 40. Neurone from the right pallial eminence sending its axone into the pallial commissure. The Golgi metbod, x 230, Pig. 41. A neurone of Cajal from the left pallial eminence, The Golgi method, x 230. Pig. 42. Ependyma from the left striatum. The fibres really extend entirely to the limitans externa, but only the inner portion has been represented. The Golgi method, " 230. Pig. 43. Neurogliar element from the pallial eminence. The Golgi method, " 230. PLATE VI. Pig. 44. A tract- neurone lying just to the left of the median raphe of the oblongata, sending its axone into a tract of the opposite side. The Nissl method, * 900. Pig. 45. Commissural neurone from the right side of the oblongata; its axone passes to the left across the median raphe. The Nissl method, » 1120. Pi?. 46. Neurone from the right lobus vapi method, « 1120. The Nissl Fig. 47. Neurone from the right viscero-motor nucleus of the oblongata. The axone passes dorsal to the fasciculus com- munis on its way to the fasciculus longi tud in al i s dorsalis. The Nissl nethod, " 900. Fig. 48. Oblongata, Two of the deeper neurones frow the right general cutaneous nucleus just dorsal to the lobus vagi; they lie between the bundles of the spinal V tract, indicated in cutlir. e. The Nissl method, " 1120.. PLATR VII. Pig. 49. Two Purkinje neurones from the cerebellum. The Nissl aiethod, " 1120. Pig. 50. Two neurones from the molecular layer of the cerebelluai. These lie unusually close together. The Nissl aethod, « 1120. Pig. 51. Pive neurones from the granular layer of the cerebelluir. A nerve-fibre is seen ascending between them to the molecular layer. The Nissl method, " 1120. Pig. 52. Neurones of the superficial and middle layers of the tectum mesen cep hal i . The Nissl method, * 900. Pig. 53. A group of the spindle-shaped neurones character- istic of the deeper layer of the tectum mesencephal i . The Nissl method. " 900. Pig. 54. A group of the stellate neurones found at inter- vals in the deeper layer of the tectum rresencepball. The Nissl method. « 900. Pig. 55. The region immediately dorsal to the aqueduct of Sylvius, showing the disposition of the neurones of the roof- nucleus. Methylen-blue, * 89. Fig. 56. Neurone frorr the left half of the midbrain roof- nucleus. The Nissl TetLod, " 900. Pig. 57. Neurone from the roof-nucleus of the^midlrain, right s id e, toge t her with a part of the stratum medullare pro- fundus. Two fibres are seen to eirerge from the stratum to end in arborizations near the neurone. Iron haematoxylin staining. Outline x 496; details from the homogeneous immersion. PLATE VIII. ?ig.58. Midbrair. Sagittal section through the nuclei of the oculomotor and trochlear nerves. Methylen-blue, * 89. Pig. 59. Neurone from the nucleus of the III nerve. The tigroid masses ir. the region of the nuclear membrane are re- markable for their large size. The Nissl method, * 900. Fig. 60. Neurone from the nucleus of the IV nerve. The Nissl method, x 1120. Pig. 61. Ependyma from the optic lobes. The ependymal fibres are represented to the boundary of the central gray matter, only; see Pig. 21 for the entire fibre. Combination of iron haematoxylin and methylen-blue staining, * 1120. Pig. 62. Interbrain. Two neurones from the nucleus strati grisei of the thalamus. The Nir. si method, " 1120. Pig. 6 3. A characteriftic group of neurones from the nucleus geniculatum of the thalairus. The Nissl method, x 1120. Fig. 64. Two neurones froir. the left lob us inferior. Their dendrites are directed toward the limitans externa. The Nissl method, *■ 1120. Pi?. 65. Porebrain. A cfroup of three neurones from the epistrifttum. The Nissl nethod, x 11<;0. FiS.66. A neurone of the general striatum. The Nissl method, " 112 0. Pi?. 67, A ?roup of five neurones from the nucleus postolfactorius. The Nissl method, * 1120. Pi?. 68. Neurones from the left pallial eminence. The neurone of the traclus pallii (p.t.n.) shows an axone-hillock. The smaller neurone (as.r.) is of the associative type. The Nissl method, *■ 1120. Pi?. 69. Cajal neurone from the lateral part of a pallial eminence. The Nissl method, x 1120. LIKE. I, Gilbert Logaa Houser, was born on an Tos-d fam in 136*?. My preparatory training /ras given by several academies ani col- leges not far from home, ^-ntering the University of Iowa, 1 pursued an undergraduate course in that institution for four years, receiving the degree Bachelor of Science in 1891. A year was subsequently spent in graduate study at the University of Iowa, leading to the degree Master of Science, 1B92. My graduate studies have since been continued in connection with the University of Chicago and the Johns Hopkins University. My earlier investigations were chiefly in the fields of geology and paleontology. The dissertation for the Master's degree was a critical study of the "Genera of Paleozoic Corals of the Order Madreporaria". Later, the Iowa Geological Survey comrnissioned me to examine certain building-stones and lime- burning rocks of eastern Towa; my report on this subject is published in the Report of the Iowa Geological Survey, Vol.1. Receiving an appointment as Instructor of Biology in the Uni- versity of Iowa, my studies have since flowed entirely in biolog- ical channels. A biological expedition to the 'fest Indies of tnree months, and four season's work at the Marine Biological Laboratory of (171) 172 Woods Holl have provided both the opportunity ani the inspira- tion for the pursuit of numerous researches. Two papers have be^n published as the result of these studies: -- "The 'Jses of Por-naliehyle in Animal Morphology", and "The Nerve-Cells of the Shark's Brain". Since my appointment as an Instructor in 1^92, the Univer- sity of Iowa has ^^radually advanced me to positions of larger and larger responsibility, culminating in my election to the Professorship of Animal Morphology and Physiology in June 1897, a position which I still hold. At my urgent request, I was granteJ leave of absence in September 1900 for a year of grad- uate study. I have chosen to spend tnat year at the Johns Hopkins University. I hold membership in The American Morphological Society, The American Society of Matjralists, and The Iowa Academy of Sciences. Baltinore, May, 1901. ^v*' •w*vwvv»i,^,, >v^^*^wi^^' ■^tm^Mf^^u*. '^^^v:.>'uwv^^ww^ '^^^^W«^^^'-'^&fc '*^^u^v;,^v .^#s»«»«i /u^^^^Vw^^g^^wwlJg^ iE^^^^^is^i::^^^^**^^^^^^ '^-wvA;''V>rt*www'"*yu« ;>w-w-ww/vw'w,v^--, iujW^ *^«W;uuvui %ww*v» yvwy^Vj^v ^,*v^vv^ ^2a*I^P» H^^iJW^*^ SS^^;::u^^e^^ .<^1^^. 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