^ Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University ^ Number 217 31 October 2002 Caroffia brevicauda A New Central American Species FROM THE CaROLLIA BREVICAUDA COMPLEX Editor’s Comment: This paper describes a previously unrecognized species in the genus Carollia. Although it is probable that morphological differences distinguish this new species from the remainder of the genus, it is clear that this species would not have been recognized based on morphology alone. Methods developed since 1986 allow easy access to DNA sequence data from native species permit scientists to employ data other than morphological to document biological uniqueness and species boundaries. The use of the mitochondrial cytochrome-i» gene to indicate biological species in mammals was recently reviewed by Robert Bradley and Robert Baker (Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 82:960-973). If their conclusions are correct, there will be numero us currently unrecognized species that will be detected through studies of DNA sequence and application of the genetic species concept. The total may be 25% more than the current list in Wilson and Reeder, 1992 (Mammals Species of the World, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC). Clearly, there is a substantial need for detailed studies of the implications of genetic variation to species boundaries in natural populations of mammals. One important implication to the hypothesis that many biological species remain unrecognized is that museum collections, especially those that archive material for DNA analysis, are not sufficient to resolve many of these systematic and biodiversity issues. Additional museum collections that save a maximum amount of material for genetic studies will be needed. Collections of mammal specimens for this purpose should be archived (voucher specimens and tissues) in accredited collections that are funded for perpetuity. Storage of samples in individual laboratories greatly increases the likelihood that these specimens will be unavailable for research by others to better understand the diversity of life on Earth. RJB Front cover: Color representation of the cytochrome-^ branding pattern of the Carollia brevicauda complex. Specimens are: Carollia brevicauda, 7TU 85130; Carollia perspicillata, FTU 63655; Carollia sp, nov,, TTU 82495; Carollia subrufa, TTU 63681; and Carollia castanea, TTU 84903. 1 A New Central American Species from the Carollia brevicauda Complex Robert 1 Baker, Sergio Solarj and Federico G Hoffmann In a study of the sequence divergence in the mi- tochondnal cytoclii’ome-Z) gene, Wright et al. (1999) suggested that the species Carollia brevicauda as rec¬ ognized currently may consist of two biological spe¬ cies primarily because C. brevicauda was paraphyletic relative to C. perspicillata. Because of the sample size of the proposed new species (N=l) as compared to C. brevicauda (sensu stricto) (N=3) and the geographic areas represented in the Wright et al. (1999) study, it was impossible to estimate the limits of geographic distribution as well as the range of genetic variation within and among populations and ciades. From a taxonomic standpoint, it was necessary to establish the geographic limits of each clade and relate them to available species-level names. Here we further exam¬ ine the biogeography of the two ciades that Wright et al. (1999) suggested might represent biological spe¬ cies. To do this we sequenced 1140 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome-Z> gene from 21 additional individuals of the C brevicauda complex representing as many geographic localities as were available to us for DNA samples. Additionally, we sequenced the cytochrome-^j gene from 30 specimens of the other recognized species of Carollia. The new sequences were combined with the 10 reported by Wright et al. (1999) to generate a phylogenetic tree, which provides additional information concerning the extent of geo¬ graphic variation within members of the genus Carollia. The new data aie consistent with the pro¬ posal that a major subdivision exists in what currently IS recognized as Carollia brevicauda (Fig. 1). Three methods (neighbor-joining, parsimony and likelihood, as implemented by PAUP*, Swofford, 1999) all pro¬ duce a tree with the same topology as shown in figure 2. The results and implications of these additional data beyond the resolution of the possibility of two biologi¬ cal species within the Carollia brevicauda complex will be published elsewhere. Based on the cytochrome- b data, the South American clade of C. brevicauda shares a common ancestor with Cawllia perspicillata after diverging from the Central American representa¬ tives oT Carollia brevicauda. One clade of C brevicauda {sensu lato) is restricted to Central America, north of Panama, and includes Western Panama. The other clade of C. brevicauda is distributed from Eastern Panama to Bolivia (Fig. 1). The potential application of the sequence data from the cytoclirome-6 gene to predicting situations where unrecognized biological species might exist was reviewed by Bradley and Baker (2001) and the con¬ clusion that C. brevicauda comprises two biological species is supported by both distance values, and the observation that samples from C. brevicauda {sensu lato) do not fonn a monophyletic clade (genetic spe¬ cies concept, Dobzhansky, 1950; phylogenetic spe¬ cies concept, Cracraft, 1983). In fact, C brevicauda {sensu stricto) is sister to C. perspicillata^ whereas the Central American portion of C, brevicauda {sensu lato) is sister to the common ancestor of C perspicillata and C. brevicauda {sensu stricto). This resolution of the geographic distribution of the two ciades permits assignment of the species level names that have been recognized as available for Carollia brevicauda {sensu lato). The type locality of brevicauda is Rio do Espinto Santo, Brazil. The four synonyms that are available (Koopman, 1993) are bi¬ color (Wagner, 1840), type locality Brazil; grayi (Waterhouse, 1838), type locality Pernambuco, Bra¬ zil; lanceolatum (Gray, 1843), type locality South America; and minor {Gray, 1866), type locality Bahia, Brazil. However, according to Pine (1972) the name lanceolatum is a nomen nudum. There is no name avail¬ able for representatives of the clade of C brevicauda {sensu lato) from Central America. Below we describe a new taxon to fill this need. Baker et al,, 2002. A New Central American Species from the Carolua brevicauda Complex OCCASION.AL Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 217:1-12 2 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University Figure 1, Geographic distribution of Carollia brevicauda sensu Koopman (1993). Triangles and dots correspond to collecting localities of individuals for which we have cytochrome-Z? sequence that relate to the two clades defined by Wright et al, (1999). Baker et al— A New Species of Carollia 3 Outgroups — B C. castanea “k — C —r C. subrufa z C. sp. n. I I— Lie C. perspicillata \ I—E I-^ _ _—^ C. brevicauda Figure 2. Parsimony tree depicting phylogenetic relationships among the spe¬ cies of Carollia. 4 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University Carollia sowellU New Species Holotype- Adult male, skin, skull and skeleton, Museum of Texas Tech, TTU 82495 from Honduras, Comayagua, Cueva de Taulabe,(14“4U42”N, 87=57>0rw), (UTMzone 16:397511 E 1624803 N), collected on 11 July, 2001, by a Texas Tech field party on the Sowell Expedition 2001 led by Robert D, Brad¬ ley. Original number, Ronald A. Van Den Bussche 1869, TK number 101341 identifies tissue samples and karyotype preparations that are deposited in the Natu¬ ral Science Research Laboratory, Texas Tech Univer¬ sity Distribution - From Western Panama, north through Middle America to the states of Veracruz and San Luis Potosi in Mexico on the Atlantic versant and to the state of Oaxaca on the Pacific versant (Fig. 3). Diagnosis - The initial diagnosis is based on nucleotide order in the mitochondrial cytochrome-^i gene. These sequences are deposited in GenBank (pending) along with the sequences of C hrevicauda {sensu siricto). The differences between these two involve nucleotide characters at positions in the cyto- chrome-i gene (Table 1), A summary of pairwise com¬ parisons within and between C. sowelli, C, brevicauda and C. perspicillata can be found in Table 2. Morphologically C sowelli can be distinguished from C. perspicillata, C, subrufa and C. castanea by the same morphological suite of characters used to distinguish C. brevicauda. These include a pelage that is long and thick with the size of the shafts of the individual hairs being fine; forearm hairy, hair on nape of neck with broad, dark band contrasting strongly with and demarcated from a broad whitish band distal to it (Hall, 1981). This is a large species of Carollia, slightly larger than brevicauda but smaller than perspicillata, with long and lax dorsal fur. Fur on back tricolor, almost like brevicauda, but sowelli lacks the dark brown tips that would make conspicuous its medial light band. Consequently, the appearance is fighter than Forearm haired but not furred. Forearm, tibia, and feet almost the same length as those of brevicauda, but smaller than those oiperspicillata. Figure 3, Geographic distribution of Carollia sowelli. Dots indicate sample localities for which cytochrome-^) sequence data are available. Type locality is identified by an asterisk. Baker et al—A New Species of Carollia Table L List of fixed changes in the mitochondrial cytochrome-h gene among Carollia sowelli, C. brevicauda and C. perspicillata, A = adenine, C = cytosine, G = Guanine, and T= Thymine. Position C- brevicauda C. perspiciliala C sowelli 39 T T C 72 C T C 102 C/T T c 183 T C c 207 C T/C T 276 c T C 309 T C C 348 C C/T T 363 c T T 390 A A C 483 C A T 573 T C GT 585 G A/G C 588 C/T T C 603 C C T 630 c C T 675 C/T T C 708 c C T 71 1 T T/G C 759 T T/C C 777 G/T C T 816 G G A 885 T T C 888 G G A 912 A A G 925 G/A G A 999 C C T Skull larger than brevicauda especially in its total length; but also with a longer palate, longer maxillary and mandibular toothrow, mandibular length, and coro- noid height (Table 3). There is a gap between the upper premolars, but the space is highly variable. It is because the posterior edge of the anterior premolar (PM3), which is almost straight, and the anterior pro¬ jection of the cingulum of the posterior premolar (PM4), wliich is not well developed but, always present (Fig. 4). Bas 1 sphenoidal pits are elongated. Supraor¬ bital processes are well-developed, and the interorbital (postorbital) breadth is conspicuously narrower. The posterior palate is long and wide and not as slender as in perspicillata. Lateral projection of the mastoid pro¬ cess IS evident on the external side of the skull, form¬ ing a low crest that connects with the lambdoidal crest. 5 The anterior projection of this process is low, and fused to the side of the skull Just behind the middle ear. Selected measurements. - External measurements (in millimeters) recorded in the field by Ronald A. Van Den Bussche are: total length - 66; tail length - 6; hind foot - 10; ear - 20; tragus - 10. Weight was 16.5 grams. Length of forearm on the dried specimen is 41.8. Cranial measurements (in millimeters) ofthe holotype (Fig. 4) are as follows: Greatest length of skull - 23.1; condylobasal length - 21.2; breadth of brain case - 9.1; depth of brain case - 9.0; mastoid breadth - 11.5; length of mandibular toothrow - 8.5; length of maxillary toothrow - 7.4; post-orbital breadth- 5.6; width across upper canines - 5.6; length of man¬ dible - 14.6 (see also Table 3). Karyological Data.- The karyotype of the holo¬ type is indistinguishable from that reported by Patton and Gardner (1971) for C. brevicauda. The diploid number is 21 and the fundamental number is 36. The X is a subtelocentric and tlie 2 Ys are acrocentnc. Lower jaw and the lower toothrows are bowed, but not to the same extent as seen in brevicauda. Base and cingulum of lower canines conceal in part the ex¬ ternal lower incisors. The middle lower incisors are enlarged, and bigger than the external ones, but not as much as those of perspicillata. Little or no space between the premolars although some variation is present. As seen in other species of Carollia, there is some evidence of sexual dimorphism, with develop¬ ment of processes and crests more conspicuous in the males. A full comparison of Carollia sowelli, witli its congeners is beyond the scope of this description. There is a previously recognized wide range of mor¬ phological (Pine, 1972; Owen et al., 1984; lum and Engstrom, 1998) and morphometric (McLeilan, 1984; Owen et al., 1984) variation between and within spe¬ cies of Carollia. McLeilan (1984) provides a refer¬ ence for the scale of the morphometric variation in terms of the geographic range of the species, even recognizing the existence of a large difference between populations of the northern range (our new species, see above) and the southern range (C. brevicauda as here restricted) of her concept of C brevicauda. 6 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University Baker et al-—ANew Species of Carolua 1 Table 2. Average genetic distance (uncorrected) between and within samples f?/Carollia sowelli, C. brevicauda and C* perspicillata. C. brevicauda C. perspicdlata C sowelli C, brevicauda 1,98 ±0.11% C. perspicillata 3.67 ±0.02% 1.46 ±0.05% C. sowelli 4.95 ±0.03% 4.79 ±0.02% 1.58 ±0,17% Table 3. Measurements ^?/Carollia sowelli new species (n=I5) and C. brevicauda {n=I0), For each measurement, the average plus/minus one standard deviation is shown. Differences are significant (P < 0.05) in the variables marked with * brevicauda sowelli Braincase breadth (BRJ3) 9.570 ±0.190 9.595 ±0.177 Coronoid height (CH)* 4.821 ±0.175 5.005 ± 0.240 Greater skull length (GSL)* 21.711 ±0,465 22,095 ±0.360 Least interorbital breadth (LIB) 5.492 ±0.131 5.465 ±0.150 Breadth of upper M2 (M2M2) 7,548 ±0.248 7.482 ±0.238 Mandibular length (MDL)* 13.973 ±0.503 14.498 ±0.470 Mastoid breadth (MST) 10.797 ±0.295 10.980 ±0.300 Maxi liar toothrow (MTR)’*' 6.934 ±0.195 7.131 ±0.113 Mandibular toothrow (MDTR)* 7.508 ± 0.265 7.788 ±0.165 Palate length (PL)* 9.036 ±0.326 9.495 ± 0.220 Rostra! breadth (RB) 4.817±0.211 4,7S7±0,169 Supraorbital breadth (SOB) 6.340 ±0.225 6.362 ±0,231 Intraspecific Genetic Variation in the Cytochrome-^ gene within CarolUa sowelli We have sequenced 14 individuals from Middle America that are referable to C. sowelli^ and the cyto- chrome-i» variation is partitioned into 2 lineages that are quite distinct. The average distance values that sepa¬ rate those clades are 3.6%. Perhaps the most striking aspect of these data is the nature of the changes rela¬ tive to the codon positions when compared to the dif¬ ferences that distinguish C sowelli from C. brevicauda. Of the 19 fixed changes between C sowelli and C brevicauda (Table 1) all are in 3""* codon positions, in¬ volving 17 transitions and 2 transversions and no fixed amino acid replacements. Within C. sowelli, (Table 4) the 2 clades are distinguished by 23 fixed differences, which involve 8 fixed changes in P' codon positions, 1 in the 2”^ codon position, and 14 in 3"'' codon posi¬ tions. These fixed differences include 22 transitions and 1 transversion, and involve 4 amino acid replace¬ ments. In each of these amino acid changes one clade of C. sowelli is unique from C. brevicauda, whereas the other shares the amino acid condition in C. brevicauda. hi all 4 examples the unique condition is present in the specimens from western Panama and Costa Rica. The application of genetic data to taxonomic rec¬ ognition is a relatively unexplored field, but the general ideas have been presented philosophically (Avise and Walker, 1999; Bradley and Baker, 2001; Cracraft 1983, Templeton, 1989, 2001). Clearly the magnitude of dif¬ ferences that separate the C. sowelli clades typically is present in other species of mammals that have been recognized on a morphological basis (Bradley and Baker, 2001). Indeed, C. sowelli may be a composite species 8 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University Table 4. Fixed changes in the cytochrome-h between the 2 lineages of C, so we 111. A - adenine, C = cytosine, G - Guanine, and T = Thymine. Position Northwest Southeast 27 C A/G 84 T C 117 C A 180 T C 264 C T 291 C T 304 T C 444 C T 459 T C 489 A G 573 C T 609 T C 672 C T 685 A G 688 T C 721 A G 795 C T 846 C T 886 c T 1066 A G 1069 C T 1078 T C 1106 T C or alternatively, may be comprised of two subspecies. While all these are intriguing possibilities, the best so- lution to these questions must await resolution from other forms of data (morphology, nuclear genes, etc.). Etymology - It is our pleasure to name this spe¬ cies in honor of Mr. James E. Sowell, who has been a major benefactor to Texas Tech University Mr. Sowell has funded the Sowell Expeditions, which have tre¬ mendously benefited the Natural Science Research Laboratory’s research collections and provided an op¬ portunity for many Tech students to experience the natural history and ecology of the tropics. AcKNOW'LEDGMENTS We thank Robert Bradley for leading the expedi¬ tion that collected the holotype as well as other speci¬ mens valuable to this study. We thank Ron A. Van Den Bussche for preparing the holotype and Meredith Elamilton for karyotypic preparation. We thank Miguel Quintana for logistical and organizational support for the trip. Other members of the field party were Brian Amman, Dann Carroll, Nevin Durish, Carl Dick, Steve Hoofer, Francisca Mendez-Harclerode, Lisa Mitchell, Serena Reeder, John Suchecki, with the collaboration of Reyna Teresa Velasquez and Catalina Sherman of the Honduras Secretaria de Salud. For discussions on the description of species using genetic data we thank Robert Bradley, David Hafner, Ennque Less a and Bruce Patterson. Baker et al—A New Species ok Carolua 9 List of Specimens Examined Specimens examined and their geographic locali¬ ties are given below: TK numbers correspond to samples from the frozen tissue collection at the Natu¬ ral Science Research Laboratory from Texas Tech Uni¬ versity, Lubbock, Texas; MVZ numbers correspond to samples from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California; NK to the Museum of Southwest¬ ern Biology (Albuquerque), FMNH and MDE num¬ bers correspond to samples from the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois. Voucher number are given in parentheses. Carollia hrevicauda- BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, BuenRetiroNK 12171 (MSB 55142); Santa CruzNK 15417 (MSB 59775); ECUADOR: Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo TK 104530 (TTU 85302); Napo, Parque NacionalYasuni FMNH37060;GUYANA: Northwest District, Baramita TK 86502; PANAMA: Panama, Parque Nacional Altos de Campana FMNH 38117; PERU: Loreto, Aguas Negras TK 46009, TK 46010; Cuzco, La Convencion TK 70412; SURINAME; Saramacca, Raleigh Falls TK 10218 (CMNH 63727); VENEZUELA: Barinas, Bariiiitas TK 19316 (CMNH 78409); Bolivar, El Palmar TK 19273 (CMNH 78400). Carollia castanea- BOLIVIA: Beni, Yucumo NK 25385 (MSB 68356); Cochabama, Villa Tunaria NK 30033 (MSB 70298); Sajta NK 30150 (MSB 70297); COSTARICA: Limon, Estacioii Biologica Cano Palma FMNH 44029; Ibrtuga Lodge FMNH 44016; ECUA¬ DOR: Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo TK 104506 (TTU 85278); TK 104508 (TW 85280), TK 104681 (TTU 85453); Napo, Parque Nacional Yasuni FMNH 37061, FMNH 37065; HONDUIUVS: Comayagua, Cueva de TaulabeTK 101378 (TTU 84037); Atlantida, Lancetilla TK 101462 (TTU 84121); PANAMA: Chinqui,Ojo de Agua FMNH 38156; Darien, Parque Nacional Darien FMNH 38195- Carolliaperspicillata- BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Municipio de Caratinga MVZ 185533; Pernambuco, Miinicipio Tamandare MVZ 185518; Rio Grande do Norte, Municipio Baia Formosa MVZ 185806; Sergipe, Municipio Santo Amaro Das Brotas MVZ 185813; EC¬ UADOR: Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo TK 104613 (TTU 85385), TK 104631 (TTU 85403); Napo, Parque Nacional Yasuni FMNH 37084, FMNH 37107; GUA¬ TEMALA: El Peten, Poptun FMNH 31809; GUYANA: Berbice District, Dubulay Ranch TK 86671, TK 86691; North West District, Baramita TK 86503; MEXICO: Campeche, Escarcega FMNH 33206; Chiapas, Agua Azul NK 8644 (MSB 55645), NK 8645 (MSB 55643); Quintana Roo, Laguna Noh-Bee FMNH 30973; Tulum MDE 6004; PERU: Cuzco, 1^ Convencion TK 70435; SURINAME: Nickene, Kabalebo TK 17466 (CMNH 68804); VENEZUELA: Bannas, Barinitas TK 19315 (CMNH 78397). Carollia sowelli- COSTA RICA: Limon, Estacion Biologica Cano Palma FMNH 44027; Tortuga Lodge FMNH 44017; GUATEMALA: £1 Peten, Poptun FMNH 31769; Poptun FMNH 31805, FMNH 31824; HON¬ DURAS: Francisco Morazan, Parque Nacional La Tigra TK 101005 (TTU 83668), TK 101010 (TTU 82496), TK 101013 (TTU 82497); Comayagua, Cueva de Taulabe TK 101341 (TTU 82495), TK 101377 (TTU 82498); MEXICO: Chiapas, Agua Azul NK 8641 (MSB 55644); Quintana Roo, Laguna Noh-Bec FMNH 30976; Tabasco, Jonuta FMNH 30002; PANAMA: Chiriqui, Oj 0 de Agua FMNH 38140. Carollia subrufa - EL SALVADOR: Auachapan, El Refugio TK 15818; MEXICO: Jalisco, Chamela TK 19550 (TTU 37719), TK 19551 (TTU 37720). Loan of Tissues Tissue loans were generously provided by C. Cicero and J. Patton from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (Berkeley), C, Parmenter, J. Salazar and T. Yates from the Museum of Southwestern Biology (Al¬ buquerque), M. Engstrom and B. Lim from the Royal Ontario Museum (Ontario), and R, Monk from the Natural Science Research Laboratory at Texas Tech University. 10 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University Literature Cited Avise, J. C. and D, Walker, 1999. Species realities and numbers in sexual vertebrates: perspectives from an ascxually trans¬ mitted genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Scienees of the USA 96: 992-995, Bradley, R. D, and R, J, Baker 2001, A Test of the Genetic Species Concept; Cytoehromc-6 Sequences and Mam¬ mals, Journal of Mammalogy 82(4): 960-973. Cracrafi, J, 1983, Species Concepts and Speciation Analysis, Pp, 159-187 in Current Ornithology (R, F Johnston, ed), Plenum Press, New York, Dobzhansky, T, ! 950. Medelian Populations and Their Evolu¬ tion, The American Naturalist 74: 312-321, Gray, J, E. 1843, List of the specimens of Mammalia in the collection of the British Museum, British Museum (Natu¬ ral History) Publications, London, 216 pp, Gray, J. E, 1866. 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Gardner, 1971. Parallel Evolution of Multiple Sex-Chromosome Systems in the Phyllostomatid bats, Carollia and Choeroniscus. Experientia37: 105, Pinc, R, H. 1972. Tlic Bats of the Genus Carollia. Technical Monograph 8, Texas A&M University 1-125 pp, Sw'offord, D. L. 1999. PAUP*. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (* and Other Methods), version 4.0b 10 Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers, Sunderland, Massa¬ chusetts. Templeton, A. R. 1989. The Meaning of Species of Speciation; A Genetic Perspective, Pp. 3-27 in Speciation and its Consequences (D. Otte and J. A, Andler, eds). Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Templeton, A. R. 2001, Using Phylogenetic Analyses of Gen Trees to Test Species Status and Processes, Molecular Ecology 10: 779-791. Wagner, J. A. 1840. Supplcmentband. Erste Abtheilung: Die Affen und Flcderthiere. In Schreber, J. Ch. D. von. Die Saugethiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Bes clireib ungen: i i i-x iv, iii-vi, 1 -5 58. Waterhouse, G R 1838. Mammalia. In Darwin, C The zoology of the voyage ofH.M.S. Beagle under the com¬ mand of Captain Fitzroy, R, N. during the years 1832 to 1836, part 2, Smith, Elder and Co., London: 1-97, Wright, A, J., R. A. Van Den Bussche, B. K. Lim, M. D. Engstrom, and R. J. Baker, 1999. Systcmatics of the genera Carollia and Rhinophylla based on the Cytochrome-i Gene. Jour¬ nal of Manunalogy 80(4): 1202-1213. Baker et al—A New Species of Carollia 11 Addresses of authors: Robert J. Baker Federico G, Hoffmann Department of Biological Sciences and Museum Department of Biological Sciences Texas Tech University Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-3 BI Lubbock, TX 79409-3131 e-mail: rjbaker@ttu.edu e-mail: fhoffmann@ttacs.ttu.edu Sercio Solarj Museum of Texas Tech University Box 43191 Lubbock, TX 79409-3191 e-mail: ssolari@ttacs. itu.edu Publications of the Museum of Texas Tech University It was through the efforts of Horn Professor J Knox Jones, as director of Academic Publications, that Texas Tech University initiated several publications series including the Occasional Papers of the Museum. This and future editions in the series are a memorial to his dedication to excellence in academic publications. Professor Jones enjoyed editing scientific publications and served the scientific community as an editor for the Journal of Mammalogy, Evolution, The Texas Journal of Science, Occasional Papers of the Museum, and Special Publications of the Museum. It is with special fondness that we remember Dr. J Knox Jones. Institutional subscriptions are available through the Museum of Texas Tech University, attn: NSRL Publications Secretary, B ox 43191, Lubbock, TX 79409-3191. Individuals may also purchase separate numbers of the Occasional Papers directly from the Museum of Texas Tech University. Layout and Design; Jacqueline B, Chavez Cover Design: R. Richard Monk Copyright 2002, Museum of Texas Tech University All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic storage and retrieval systems, except by explicit, prior written permission of the publisher. This book was set in Times New Roman and printed on acid-free paper that meets the guidelines for pennanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources, Printed: 31 October, 2002 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Occasional Papers, Number 217 Series Editor: Robert J. Baker A NEW CENTRAL AMERICAN SPECIES FROM THE CAROLLIA BREVICAIJDA COMPLEX By: Robert J, Baker, Sergio Solan and Federico G. Hoffmann ISSN 0149-175X Museum of Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-3191 USA (806)742-2442