RRO a Path nS Oia Sh hm omen, Ace enter ag ee iE ERA Bente etegn rae Poiana rate. te I WeSC ee ea oe es ee ae ewWerdreiastaounal TRA Mate ey —y FA incon tie of in Pt Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. oe ne ey Wt ye WG Mes. IF 154 NITROGEN—ITS EFFECT ON TRANSIT TEMPERATURES and MARKET QUALITY OF WESTERN LETTUCE SHIPPED in PIGGYBACK TRAILERS Marketing Research Report No. 759 Agricultural Research Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The cooperation and assistance of the following organizations and firms are gratefully acknowledged: Shippers providing test loads of lettuce: Arrow Lettuce Co., Salinas, Calif. Bud Antle, Inc., Salinas, Calif. Garin Co., The, Salinas, Calif. Jackson Produce Co., Inc., El Centro, Calif. Mutual Vegetable Sales, Salinas, Calif. Sunrise Packing Co., El Centro, Calif. West Coast Farms, Watsonville, Calif. Carriers and suppliers ‘providing equipment or personnel, or both, to assist in initiating tests: Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Co., Refrigeration Dept.. Chicago, Til. Best Express, Div. of The Best Fertilizer Co., Oakland, Calif. Bud Antle, Inc., Salinas, Calif. Linde Co., Div. of Union Carbide Corp., Tonawanda, N.Y. Pacific Fruit Express Co., San Francisco, Calif. Western Pacific Railroad Co., San Francisco, Calif. CONTENTS Page UAT So io eee ote ee ee seh as em ed InirodtiiOn. sn wecd contend setaes eee oa ee 1 Methods oie os Ss See ee ee ee 2 MCGINNIS 2255 See ao ee ee eee ee 3 Temperatures in conventional trailers vs. those in traliers refrigerated with inquidl MiPOgei 2. e ce a tle 3 Temperatures 1 in conventional trailers vs. those in trailers with liquid nitrogen plus: mechanical Perriperavion) <1 206 eee ed og ee 4 Atmosphere modification. in thé travers 2222. ee ee ee 4 Quality of lettuce shipped in conventional trailers vs. that shipped in trailers refriverated with. hguid aitrogengl. so oeve es _ eee es 2 ee 6 Quality of lettuce shipped in conventional trailers vs. that shipped in trailers with liquid nitrogen plus mechanical refrigeration _-----_------------------ 8 IDISCUSSIGN « beeeeseasese esas eae oe eee 17.8 2.5 16.1 2.0 OF oe oats NMR 27 | San | [Peet iS gent) con! pede awee SEE Se! |e eet et 16.4 3.4 DG a IR cs ee as | ca ae ee ee eee 1.2 DG san ee soe NMR DG iw a eR eee ee 6.1 2.3 7: (ee ee See MR fh2secn eed ee eee ee | | ar NMR DiDiOi = 5 inline eee! ae) phere eee et ee ee 17.4 15 | ee IME ech secu ee Saas Lee eh ee ee 18.3 2.4 1N, liquid nitrogen refrigeration (low-oxygen atmosphere) ; MR, mechanical refrigeration (normal atmosphere) ; NMR, liquid nitrogen plus mechanical refrigeration (low-oxygen atmosphere). 2 Data obtained by Linde Co. personnel. 3 Vacuum was broken by nitrogen after vacuum cooling of lettuce. 4 Atmosphere measurements obtained the day after loading. > Data obtained by Best Express Co. personnel. Tasie 5.—Market-quality ratings of lettuce after shipment in trailers refrigerated with liquid nitrogen | (N) vs. after shipment in conventional trailers with mechanical refrigeration (MR) [Each rating represents average of ratings from 7 replicated test trailers] . ee ; External-appearance rating? Butt- Time of examination Trailer ———] discoloration type! With wrapper | Without wrapper rating 3 leaves leaves Arrival: (222-2222 22322 seSee nse a See N 3.3 3.5 4.0 DO> a2 25255255 -554555---sess-cesSsS MR 3.5 3.7 3.6 4 days after arrival *.__.___.._-.----=..===- N 2.8 3.0 3.9 Do*# ~-.--.---~----=--=--~---=+--==-=: MR 3.1 3.2 3.9 Statistical significance :> Trailertype-CL). 22 =22222-.22 2222 sn. Se ee eee ~ NS * Bxamination (BE) <2. es eas ois ve NS WD XA eet eee aes NS NS NS 1N, liquid nitrogen refrigeration (low-oxygen atmosphere) ;MR, mechanical refrigeration (normal atmosphere). 2 Rating scale: 1, unsalable; 2, poor: 3, fair; 4, good; 5, excellent. 3 Rating scale: 1, none; 2, trace; 3, slight; 4, moderate; 5, severe. 4Held at 50° F. 5 NS, not significant: *, significant at 5-percent level: **, significant at 1-percent level. NITROGEN’S EFFECT ON MARKET QUALITY OF WESTERN LETTUCE 11 | Taste 6.—Severity ratings and incidence of various disorders of trimmed lettuce heads after shipment in trailers refrigerated with liquid nitrogen (N) vs. after shipment in conventional trailers with me- chanical refrigeration (MR) Severity of indicated disorder? 3 Traiber | | | AA Time of examination type ! Russet Pink Rib Decay spotting rib Tipburn discolora- tion SRATIIVAl) 2 2c253) see ses ce ese ces. N 1.2 a Bs b 1.0 nD 1.1 WO} 6 ee tS a hh MR 1 13 1.0 1.1 11 4 days after arrival* _________________L. N 1.9 12 1.2 12 11 DOA tes tene een * a os eee! MR 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.0 Statistical significance :5 Trailer type (CL) -2--3-2 2h es he * NS NS NS NS Examination (E) ~----_----~___-__-____-__-__-_- +e +e * NS NS MIA eos co eee eee eet Cocueaweecece NS NS NS NS NS . Incidence of indicated disorder ® 7 Laver | Time of examination type ! Russet Pink Rib Decay spotting rib Tipburn discolora- tion Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent APTIVAN: 22-22 sole ec cece Se eccuce®: N 6.2 3.7 0.6 3.8 LZ DO) 22 toe abe S oe eS MR 13 6.0 ae 2.1 L7 4 days after arrival* -__-__-__________-. N 25.5 8.5 6.0 3.9 4.0 MOF oo MR 12.1 25.2 4.0 3.8 2.1 Statistical significance :6 Trailer ‘type. (1): 2-2-2-2— 2 we 2 oe +t bid NS NS NS Mxamination:: (WM) a. +t +f = NS NS TX Wao es eG NS NS NS NS NS 1N, liquid nitrogen refrigeration (low-oxygen atmosphere) ;MR, mechanical refrigeration (normal atmosphere). 2Hach rating is average of ratings from 7 replicated test trailers, except for tipburn (6 replications). 3 Rating scale: 1, none; 2, trace; 3, slight; 4, moderate: 5, severe. 4 Held at 50° F. 5 NS, not significant; *, significant at 5-percent level; **, significant at 1-percent level. 6 Hach percentage based on 9 replicated test trailers, except tipburn (6 replications) and rib discoloration (7 rep- lications). 7 Geometric mean of percentage of heads affected. Taste 7.—Market-quality ratings of lettuce after shipment in trailers with liquid nitrogen plus me- chanical refrigeration (VMR) vs. after shipment in conventional trailers with mechanical refrig- eration (MR) [Each rating represents average of ratings from 5 replicated test trail- ers, except “external appearance with wrapper leaves” (4 replications) ] Exte 2 ‘ne 2 = Time of examination Trailer _., aeeteenab appearance rate * wie ca type 1 With wrapper | Without wrapper tion rating 3 leaves leaves ATTA 2222-2 a ae eas NMR 3.4 3.6 3.8 0D i ae pee ees MR 3.5 3.6 4.0 4 days after arrival* __.___-___-__-__-___ NMR 3.0 3.4 4.1 DO* S20 ees ea ete eck MR 3.0 3.2 4.0 Statistical significance :* Tratlertype.(T). .--- 22-222 es ee Se NS NS NS Mxamination: (@)) s-222222=2.-5-2-2.25 055 52.3 ee * +* NS NK Ws NS NS NS 1 NMR, liquid nitrogen plus mechanical refrigeration (low-oxygen atmosphere): MR, mechanical refrigeration (normal atmosphere). 2.Rating scale: 1, unsalable; 2, poor; 3, fair: 4, good; 5, excellent. 3 Rating scale: 1, none: 2, trace: 3, slight: 4, moderate; 5, severe. 4 Held at 50° F. 5NS. not significant: *, significant at 5-percent level; **, significant at 1-percent level. 12 MARKET RES. RPT. 759, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE TABLE 8.—Severity ratings and incidence of various disorders of trimmed lettuce heads after shipment in trailers with liquid nitrogen plus mechanical refrigeration (NMR) vs. after shipment in conven- tional trailers with mechanical refrigeration (MR) Severity of indicated disorder? 3 Trailer Time of examination type 1 Russet Pink Rib Decay spotting rib Tipburn discolora- tion Arrival 2c seccetes voce see eee eee! NMR 1.0 lal 11 1.2 1.3 IDO: joe ose oa ee eee MR V1 1.2 lal aa 1.2 4 days-after’arrival’* ou 2222-02 Ses NMR 1.2 1.5 13 1.2 1.4 Dor {222 see ee bo a Fe eee: MR 13 1.6 1.2 1.3 13 Statistical significance :5 Trailer type UL)? 222 22-2422 toe ea NS NS NS NS NS Pxamination s(h) Seer. eee ** NS =e NS NS WX Wicsse ese eesokeoen cee ee NS NS NS NS NS : Incidence of indicated disorder ® 7 Trailer Time of examination type 1 Russet Pink Rib Decay spotting rib Tipburn discolora- tion Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Arrival 2.vsls 0 sa8s-s58525. 225525 SossS cus NMR 0.8 2.1 3.3 9 9.0 DO? 222 sse2ee So a se ee MR 1.6 6.9 5.7 4.3 9.5 4 days after arrival 4 _.________-_---___-. NMR 8.4 8.4 6.3 8.4 10.0 DO? 222222 8 ee as Se MR 10.9 7 a ba 6.4 15.3 9.7 Statistical significance :5 Trailer. type ih) 2252225222022 eee ee NS = NS NS NS Hxeamination. (YW) \2hsn.- 2222 econ ee *e * NS na? NS AD XK Weck ee Se Se NS NS NS NS NS 1NMR, liquid nitrogen plus mechanical refrigeration (low-oxygen atmosphere) ; MR, mechanical refrigeration (normal atmosphere). 2 Hach rating is average of ratings from 5 replicated test trailers. 3 Rating scale: 1, none; 2, trace; 3, slight; 4, moderate; 5, severe. 4 Held at 50° F. 5 NS, not significant; *, significant at 5-percent level; **, significant at 1-percent level. 6 Each percentage based on 5 replicated test trailers. 7 Geometric mean of percentage of heads affected. NITROGEN’S EFFECT ON MARKET QUALITY OF WESTERN LETTUCE 13 DISCUSSION Liquid nitrogen serves two purposes in trans- portation equipment for produce. It provides re- .) frigeration and it modifies the atmosphere by lowering the oxygen concentration. The only ben- efit of low-oxygen atmospheres to lettuce quality observed in these tests was a statistically signifi- -cant reduction in incidence of russet spotting at destination. Since russet spotting is one of the more serious market disorders of lettuce, the use of liquid nitrogen in transportation equipment appears to have some potential. However, when liquid nitrogen was the only source of refrigera- ‘| tion, temperature variation and maximum tem- peratures within the load were excessive. Decay was significantly greater in lettuce from the trailers in which liquid nitrogen was the only source of refrigeration than in that from trailers that were mechanically refrigerated because of the high temperatures in the former trailers. Since decay is such a serious factor in determin- ing the marketability of lettuce, the high incidence of this disorder in lettuce shipped in nitrogen- _ refrigerated equipment presents a problem yet to be solved. Some modifications in the system are _ being tested, which may improve temperature uni- | formity and provide lower average load temper- _ atures, Lettuce shipped in trailers having both a liquid nitrogen system and mechanical refrigeration (NMR) had a significant reduction in russet spotting with no increase in decay, compared with that shipped in conventional, mechanically refrig- erated (MR) trailers with normal atmospheres. Incidence and severity of decay were essentially the same in lettuce from both types of trailers be- cause the temperatures were similar. Russet spotting of lettuce is not a problem in all shipments of lettuce; some lots of lettuce de- velop excessive amounts of russet spotting during transit and marketing while others have little or none. Lipton ® found that when air temperatures in the field exceeded 86° F. for two or more con- secutive days, 9 to 14 days before harvest, there was a substantial increase in russet spotting. The cause of russet spotting and methods of complete control are not known. However, it can be reduced by proper precooling, proper transit refrigera- tion,’ and by providing low-oxygen atmospheres during transit. The performance of conventional piggyback trailers still leaves something to be desired. More than one-fourth of these trailers had average load temperatures of 40° F. or higher during transit, even though all but one thermostat was set at 36° or lower. The ‘average transit temperature of all conventional MR trailers was 38°. 6 Lipton, W. J. INFLUENCE OF MAXIMUM AIR TEMPERA- TURES DURING GROWTH ON THE OCCURRENCE OF RUSSET SPOTTING IN HEAD LETTUCE. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 83: 590-595. 1963. 7 Lipton, W. J., and BARGER, W. R. MARKET QUALITY OF HEAD LETTUCE IN RELATION TO DELAYS BETWEEN HARVEST AND PRECOOLING AND TEMPERATURE AFTER COOLING. U.S. Dept. Agr. Agr. Res. Serv. ARS 51-5, 14 pp. 1965. 14 MARKET RES. RPT. 759, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE APPENDIX: Atmospheres Obtained by Using Nitrogen To Break the Vacuum-Cooling Cycle Breaking the vacuum-cooling cycle with nitro- gen rather than air affords the possibility of quickly lowering the level of oxygen within the lettuce carton. Although low-oxygen atmospheres have some desirable effects on lettuce quality, it was not known whether or not such an atmosphere would be lost before the lettuce could be loaded. Tests in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s pilot vacuum-cooling plant at Fresno, Calif., showed the speed at which the oxygen concentra- tion returned to normal after the vacuum was broken by nitrogen. Air samples were drawn with a hypodermic needle from heads of lettuce from various locations in the cartons at various times NT ) Nn Wy DW on Ff yn & Oo @ OXYGEN CONCENTRATION ( PERCE ° Oo 4 8 l2 I6 20 after the vacuum was broken by nitrogen. The oxygen concentrations increased by about 1 per- | cent per minute for the first 15 minutes and then increased at a more gradual rate (fig. 6, appen- dix). Within one-half hour or less, the oxygen concentration was essentially back to normal. Similar results were obtained in two com- | mercial tests (trailers 11 and 13). Oxygen samples | taken from a tube placed in the center of cartons of lettuce at various times after the vacuum was | broken with nitrogen showed an increase in the oxygen level by about 1 percent per minute. The oxygen level was essentially back to normal be- fore the lettuce could be loaded in the trailer. 24 28 32 36 40 44 #448 TIME AFTER VACUUM BROKEN (MINUTES ) Figure 6.— Oxygen concentrations in cartons of vacuum-cooled iettuce after breaking the vacuum with nitrogen. W328 7 + U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1966—0 222-715 at, it it ou ; 7 oy a ow? at _ baryal nS . _ m0 : , i . e . | v : : : * : a Rel : < d - 5 i ‘ i 7 1 ly* , { : - * 1 7 7 iad : ie : * i : Le A i f ~ aro oo ee PAO TENA Dee Neg 4S ONS ee Se SOI ~ Y Ani Stare, N o, 2 ~~ S 3 =e ST YORUWWupe Sy 2 Zan yg US coe Seo er ene em > Ce ewe ewes eo Some! to eit teehee a ELE I AE il etre, iietadeteone a ersreneae SS ne