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‘ntered According to Act of Congress inthe year 1575, BY J, M. HICKS,

dn the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.

In prisiacha this Ruins dt atten on the Honey Bee, it is not my intention to en- ter into a. long story about what our fore-fathers did, or how they kept bees

-and ‘cut out honey by the barrel or tub

ful; but what I aim at will be to ‘give

‘the reader somethi ng that is practical and

up with the times. “For be assured that the science of Apiculture-has and is mak- ing fast progress, and many valuable les- sons haye and will be learned, about the proper mariagement: of the little honey bee; knowing as I well do that there

has been many books both great and small, written on the management and culture of the honey bee. I feel some- what timid about trying to.add one more

_work upon the subject. Yet feeling as-

sured that there has been and is “yet, many false ideas abroad in-the land, con- cerning the breeding and management ot bees, IT deem it a eeiticr of sufficient importance to unravel at least some of the mysteries. of their work, (in the hive) which i is most usually so constructed in

shape that the novice would searcely ev- er think of looking further than at the place where the bees enter their Hive for farther instruction.

I trust, therefore, that in my efforts to _ placé this Book befor®a reading public, and especially the Bee keepers of North America, it will be the means of deing at least some good, having had near thirty years experience in Bee keeping.

I therefore Respectfully dedicate this little volume to all lovers of the honey

bee. eae e © J. M. HICKS, - Battle Ground, Tippecanoe County, Ind.


ma Book, on Bee Culture is not de- signed to be so over-loaded with sur- plas matter or technical terms as to tax the young beginners mind,and make Bee culture an endless and a laborious stu- dy. But on the contrary I design it as a book of importance to those who haye never had the opportunity of knowing by practical exp€rience what there is in the management of the (so much neglected) Honey Bee; as well | may be able to place before those who have had many years experience in the past system of handling and raising bees by what they eall in (for which I truly feel sorry.) as Tam well convinced from my own experience that luck has nothing to do with a Correct System of Bee Culture,

and only rests upona proper knowl- edge of nature’s laws governing the ever busy little honey bee, which has been created for man’s good; but oh! how sad- ly neglected and let go to ruin; after which man was so blind as not to know the true cause and called it his bad luck. What would we now inthis enlightened age think of a man who hada horse in a stable and otherwise would wholly neg- lect him ? You would say at once, the man would have bad Inck with his horse. Just so with his bees, he has owned per- haps for years in the old fashioned round or square box hives, which he has to- tally neglected until they finally died and were lost, Nature’s laws not even thought of once by the a and then he lays ‘it all to his ‘bad luckand actually tells you that he has such “poor luck with bees that he cannot raise them. Reader, how many horses do you- think such treatment as this man gave his bees would raise? and how fat would his hogs and sheep be if they received such treat- ment as the bees do, of those who pro- nounce bee keeping all in luck and let them go at loose ends, with Nature’s was entirely neglected.

But while we have spoken gf these who have thus ‘acted very unkindly to= ward the little honey bee aad finally gave up in despair, let us see well to it that we,under the new dispensation of things pertaining to the welfare ‘and prosperity of the bee; make no mistakes: and ruin our stock; which if properly cared for and attended to inthe right time will pay a larger income than any other in- vestment man can make, Here let’ me j iy it is no * uneommon - - thiiig

frequetitly © hear ’-of Bee-keepers earn from a few stands of bees sev- en to ten hundred per cent.. I also will say that my humble opinion is, the only sure road success for the Aparian is to use 2 Moyable frame Hive of some kind, which must be a hive up with the times, so you can handle bees with ease and pleasure. This of course will be a matter for you to decide, to some extent in your own mind, from the fact, that cost as well as the facilities for handling bees depend very much upon the con- struction of your hive. I have tried several, different hives of the movable frames” as patented heretofore, among

which I am better pleased with the re sults of the Hicks Bee Hive than any I have as yet tried.

Reader, be you who yeu may, let me impress upon your mind the impertanee of a strict adherence to the natural laws

yverning the most industrieus insect that God has given for the good of man. As well I desire that you study the les— sons herein lnid down for your pra¥tical operations, which if followed will lead you to success and save many eolonies of bees, tvhich have been heretofore lest for want of a proper system of Branage- ment. Very Truly,


THE NORTH AMERICAN Bee Keeper'y Guide. Gy


a eemeemed

The Natural History and Descrip- tion of the Honey Bee.

Bes Honey Bee is said to have exis- - dt ted fromthe earliest dawn of erea- tion. Bethisas it may, we read in Holy writ, of Bees and Honey beth be- ing found in the carcass of a lion (Judges 14th chapter, 8 verse.) Itis said that the Creater gave to Adam the privilege


ef naming all living creatures, both of the animal and insect kingdom, among which he must have given the name of the Honey Bee; which has been a fore- runner of Civilization and was no doubt brought to this continent by» the puritan fathers, which has existed ever since among us. Itis said that in parts’ of Europe the culture of the. honey bee is earried on with great profit, there are as many as nine hundred colonies to the square mile. A Colony. of Bees usually contains from ten to eighty thousand and in a perfect state, consisting of three kinds; Ist the queen or female, the mother of the whole hive. She lays the eggs which hateh, both workers and drones, (the lazy fathers) of the swarm or hive. :

The workers are female in theirssex, though not fully developed; therefore they are the honey gatherers and wax workers as well as nurse and take care of the young bees. In a word they. do all the labor in ‘and out of: the hive, as well they defend themselves from all in- trusions and make war upon their en- emies.

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and are the male Bees of the stock or swarm; they are more clumsy,their heads and trunks are covered witha fuzz or sort of hairy coat, their wings are larger than the workers and when they fly the sound is very different from the other bees, They have no cavities on their legs, con- sequently cannot carry pollen, they can- not sting, having nothing of the sort to defend themselves with; they do no labor about the hive, and are only useful to meet the young queens in the swarming season, after which, the workers expel them from the hive, killing them by stinging without merey, which is sure death and thus ends their existence.

More About the Worker Bee.

I here wish to say something further


about the worker bees nursing their young. 3

I have watched: sith great care for hours at a time, In my Observatory Hick’s Bee Hive and have invariably found the young bees becoming nurses as fast as they hatched out, thereby re lieving the older bees from the duties in the hive, which it seems they were pleas- ed to have the privelege of doing, | and giving place to the young bees, and from. a careful as well many and repeated ob- servations I have made I am fully pur- suaded in my own mind that the young, worker wnen first hatched out, enters from that moment upon its duties, just as the apprentice who commences to learn a trade and thus goes on up, step by step, unto perfection; from the young nurse bee to that of a wax worker and then launches out in the open air; dely- ing into each flower of the ‘field and for- est, for the sweet nectar to carry home where peace, harmony and wisdom dwell. . The worker bee is not so large as the drone, but is of a size between the drone and the queen, and are more active both in and out of the hive, rom



the fact they gather all the honey and pollen, or bee bread, which is food for the young bees, which after they once enter upon the duties as honey, pollen and pro- polis or glue gatherers; they only live about forty or fifty days which is the ay- erage life of a worker bee,

. Size and ‘Shape of Queens. The queen is of a slender shape and’ much longer than the drone or worker,» and as I before stated she lays. all the’ egos which hatch the bees, she is usuallyy of a brighter color than the worker or’, drone, her wings appear to be shorter» than the worker bee’s wings, but this. isp owing to the fact her body is much long- er and the wingsdo not-cover her so com- pletely as the wings do the other bees,she always seems to be busy moving about’

to) on the combs except when in the act of ;

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laying eggs, which she is capable of per- forming at the rate of two to threé thou- sand per day.

Age of Queens not Certain.

Although it is equally true that a queen will live in many instances to be four or five years old and perform all the functions of the mother of a colony; but if the workers discover that she is about to become barren, they will at onee make preparation to supercede her, and rear another Queen,in due time. Reader, I could go on and write page up- on page, in connection with this subject of the honey bee, but as { promised in the outset, it was not my intention to over-load your minds with surplus mat- ter, I will therefore in conclusion say to you, go to your hives and there learn ‘lessons of wisdom and harmony which dwell therein, and has from the earliest dawn of creation.

A Test of Queens Laying Eggs.

_ In my recent observations in my ob- servatory hive I timed a fine italian queen while in the act of laying, and she laid seven eggs per minute, which was


at the rate of-four hundred and twenty per hour, this of course she could not perform very long ata time, but I ana well satisfied that a good prolific and: healthy queen can lay at least three thou- sand eggs in twenty-four hours, in the proper season of the year, if the nurse or worker bees perform their duty in wait- ing on her by feeding and keeping up her strength and vigor which isa duty they seem to perform ‘with great pleasure and promptness while she isin the act of _ daying. Do eae Sting.

She also has a sting which she uses only in dispatching other rival queens; and it is said often killing the young embryo queens in their cells which L doubt. ia

It seems to be a traitof character im queen bees. to never use their sting ex- ‘cept on a rival queeen, at least if so E have never known or heard of an in- ‘stance yet, as they only seem to have am antipathy for other queens, and have been known to meet each other in mor- tal combat. Itusually takes about fif- teen to sixteen days to hatch out a fully


‘developed queen in a good strong colony of bees and about twenty-one *daysto hatch a worker bee from the ‘Vege, the drones require about twenty- ‘four days to become Le developed and * hatch out, the above time as_specified ‘depends very much upen the condition of the colony of bees, which if strong ‘will often shorten the time a few days

" especially the royal queens which I have ° ‘known to hatch out in twelve days from

' the time the workers commence the

Construction of Royal Cells.

Queen Cells ave cells which resemble a peanut so much on the side of the combs -, and is usually constructed so as to hang nearly perpendicular, ( REO) are much larger than any of the other cells in the comb ) which causes the queen to he developed with her head downward, and _allow the organs of reproduction ito be fully developed, the queen cell is sometimes built around the egg, and at , other times the egg is carried by the workers and placed in the cell and foyal jelly is also placed in the cell with the egg, which helps with that of the



cell to change its nature from that of a worker to that ofa royal queen,her royal- ty passes about three days in the egg, five daysa grub or larve, during which time the workers deposit so much royal food in’ the ‘cell that the Jarvee fairly © - floats in the jelly-like mass, the cell is then closed by the workers, and the larva commences to spin its cogoon which oceupies ebout twenty-four hours, ‘the tenth eleventh and twelfth days it. “remains in complete repose; then it is - that transformation takes place, in which ‘four days are passed, and generally on the sixteenth day the perfect state of the -. queen is attained. When she first emerges “from the cell she seeks her own food like any other bee. No very particular atten- tion is paid to her until after her impreg- “nation ; but as.soon as that has taken place she is at once recognized and con- stantly attended by the worker bees. But her attendants are not ‘any special _ or certain bees set apart for that pur- pose, as is often stated by some writers, but wherever the queen moves among the bees they seem to detail themselves in sufficient numbers for the purpose of


feeding and caressing her in all her la- ag ee so while she isin the act of laving eggs in the cells.

Impregnation of the Queen.

After-hatched, it usually takes place about the fifth day after she is hatched out ofthe royal cell, but in some in- stances I have known them to go longer; yet itis very seldom, and if she should go unimpreenated until she is twenty days old you may set it down as a fixed rule that she will never have copula- tion with a drone; at least I have never known of an instance of the kind taking place, and have never heard of but one case that a queen has become ' fertilized after she was twenty days old. She usually comes out of the hive a tween the hours of 12 and 4 o’clock i the after-noon when the drones are fly. ing most abundently. As before remark- ed. the queen usually comes out to meet the drone in the air,on the wing in order to copulate, which it is said, once perior- med is sufficient for life. But my expe- rience this year 1870. has taught me that


it does not always take place in the open air.

Artificial Fertilization in Confine- ment.

I have made three efforts this season in my Hicks Bee Hive and twice out of the three efforts I succeeded in having two beautiful Italian queens fertilized by a selected and pure drone as could be found in the City of Indianapolis.

Here I will give my plan, practiced or tried in the above cases referred to.

In the first place I procured a fruis cover which is made of a citaered or oval top shape of wire cloth; to this L made a close fiting botom of a thin piece of board and placed a piece of honey with my queen and drone, also a single work- er bee in the cage and then I set my cage in the top of the Hicks Bee Hive and after Thad let them remaina few hours all closed up by themselves (except the workers were allowed to come up and remain on and around the cag which Bo the necessary heat.) { ee examined them twice before I found any perceptible change after which I took


the queen and removed her to the hive. I desired to test her qualities as to purity which I found to be all IT could ask or desire her to be.’ Let me say the drone was dead asa door nail. in both cases: above _ referred to. And_ to-day (N o- vember Ist, 1870,) I have as pretty marked italian bees as there isin the state from those queens thus fertilized,

Yet I would not say that the above plan will in every instance succeed.

See illustrated Bee Journal, of 1870, page 473, also same book page 479

But when the queen Is pe mitted to exe at will and pleasure as in the old way to seek her own econ 2pany, ny opinion is that copulation takes place on the wing after which she commences laying in about four or five days


How a Fertile Gueen is Known.

A Fertile queen is known by her de- positing her eggs in the cells clese to- gether in circles, each surreunding the first,and on both sides of the comb alice. sealed worker brood, will present a reg-

ular smooth surface of a brownish color.


How 2 Virgin Queen or Drone lay- ing Queen is Known.

If you have an unfertile queen, she may be known by an irregular brocd, a number of raised oval cells in worker ‘combs. which shows the presence of drone brood and indicates a drone lay- ing queen only, or a queen that is approaching barrenness, which is some- times the case, when they become quite old, which, if the latter, will often cause the old queen to be superceded by a’ young queen, reared by the workers to _ take her place. |

An Instance of Two @ueens in Gne- Hive.

I have known one instance of this kind in the summer of 1870, in a strong and full colony of Italian bees, owned by a Mr. Cal. Elliott, of the city of In- dianapolis. The fertile queen can lay both kinds of eggs, that of drones and workers. This, to many, will seem quite strange; it is nevertheless true.


The Impregnating, or Seminal Flnid,

received by the queen from the drone is contained ina sac called the sperm “reservoir, or spermatheca, which com- municates with the ovaduct, through which the eggs pass to be deposited in tae cells, “Therefore, when the eggs leave the ovaries, or ege-bag, they are unimpreenated; but, in passing through tae oviduct, all eggs that produce work- ers, or queens,are brought in contact

with the mouth of the sae containing the sake fluid, and receives a portion of i¢, which impreonates them, while all the eges that hatches drones (which is tae. male ae passes, it is said,

through th oviduct without com- ing in Siitact with the seminal

fluid. My own convictions are that tae queen being fertilized it is fully car- ried through her system and in her blood for life, which impregnates or fertilizes dine drone egos suificient without recety- ing the fluid direct from the sperm re- servolr. If this is not the case, why og nature given her the instinct to know


just when her eggs for workers are ex- hausted and go in search of drone cells, while the unfertile queen will lay her eges in any and all cells?

Tt is supposed that the qneen has a different motion in laying eggs in work- er cells to that in drone cells, which may be true; but, so far as my experience goes, I am firmly of the opinion that this difference comes from natural in- stinct, which she fully understands from “her own feelings while in the act of lay~ ing, as I have sat and watched her ti all the motions she made for hours at a time in my Observatory Hicks Bee- ffive, prepared expressly for the pur- pose, in which I have timed her while in the act of laying, which result was as follows: The first two minutes she laid ten eggs—five cach minute—and_ the third minute she laid seven, which made: seventeen in three minutes, at which rate she would fill three hundred and forty (340) cells in an hour, and which would be eight thousand one hundred and sixty (8, 160) in twenty-four hours, But it is certain that she must have some time to rest, which we must allow. This


being the fact, we can safely say that healthy and vigorous queen will lay from one thousaud to three thousand eggs every twenty-four hours in the working season if honey and pollen is plentiful, all things being equal.


On Swarming, and Why Bees swarm.

It is an admitted fact that bees have been kept for ages past, and yet there are but few of to-day who keep bees but what are ignorant of the nature of swarming.

I shall therefore try in this econnec- tion to show briefly why stocks throw off swarms, and speak of the general characteristics of swarming.

First Swarm.

When a hive becomes full of comb,

bee-bread and brood, the queen has y

no longer sufficient room to deposit her

egos, and the workers require more room

s 17

to store their honey; prepa ration is therefore made for swarming. This is done by the workers, who instinctively commence the rearing of young queens. For here let me say if young queens are not reared no swarming need be looked _ for, neither will it take: place, though they may be ever so much crowded for room. Hence it is not altogether true that bees swarm for want of room. No stock will ever cast a swarm unless the queen will leave, and she will not leave unless rival queens are being reared. It is also equally true that the old queen is the one that leads the first swarm. She, finding the cells all filled and occu- pied, and the rearing of young ones ee becomes very much agitated and ea 1 day 1 more restless, and not be- ing a by the ouards and senti- nels around the queen- -cells to destroy them, runs rapidly over the combs, some- times stopping upon the side of a comb and dropping her eggs among the work- ers, who greedily ‘devour them. The workers also. partake of the excitement. A few at first, the number gradually in- creasing, running rapidly over the


combs, striking their attene at eachoth- er. And as soon as one or more of the queen-cells are capped over, the excite- ment still increasing among the bees, as if by pre-concert the; rush to the honey cells and fill themselves with their pre- cious stores. After each bee has par- taken to their fill, the weather permit- ting, they rush from the hive in a per- fect cloud, as if the very halls of pan- cemonium had been let loose among them,

The Old Queen Going With Them.

Most usually she leaves the hive when about two-thirds of the swarm are out. I have often noticed her go back two or three times, as if she wished to sce if all things were in readiness before she would make the effort to fly. - There are but few drones to go with the first swarm, from the fact that the old queen is impregnated for life. Hence they are not required. Instinctively they remain with the parent hive, where the young queens are being reared.



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EU: "When the First Swarm is Cast

the parent hive is left without a queen,

‘but there are several being fast devel.

oped. As before remaked, one or more of the queen-cells are generally sealed over before the old queen leaves. In about eight or nine days after the first

swarm Hay issued a second swarm may

be expected—that i is, if the stock inten ds

. to cast a second swarm.

The Piping of the @ueens

is often heard on the evening before the second swarm issues. This piping noise is somewhat in sound like that of a

young chicken when it is making the

effort to leave the shell in hatching Suppose a first swarm had issued on Monday, just a week from the evening of the next-day, which would be Tues- day evening, if you will go to the hives you will hear the cry of war, as it is so

‘ealled by most of bee keepers, and is a

sure token of a swarm to come off on the following’ day, which would’ be Wednesday. ‘Yet this is not always a


certain rule, for I tell you, reader, the weather has a great deal to do in bee swarming. Tor instance: if it has been a long, dry spell you need not be sur- prised at your bees if they fail to swarm atall; but let there come a good shower of rain and my word for it you will see the swarms more ceréain the next day, if it isa beautiful day, than if it had re- mained dry and parched, or suitry. Now, one thing more I wish to call your attention to, and that is the fact of so many bee keepers claiming that as soon as a young queen is hatched she goes In search a other queen-cells, that she may tear them open and dispatch the more young Lesa tender sister queens in their embryo state before they have time to hatch and become her rivals. Now, I wish to be plainly understood. that I do not believe any such doctrine, having watched with a careful eye this very much mistaken idea, and have in many instances found that as soon as a young queen had hatched out and was of a strong and vigorous form, which is al- ways determined and decided by the worker bees themselves, they at onee


proceed to gnaw open and demolish all the other queen-cells that are unhatched,

This has been a lesson of great inter- est to me, and feeling unsatisfied with the explanations by other bee men as to how. they were disposed of, I fully prepared myself with an Observatory Hicks Bee Hive and watched with care, and in eve- ry instance the result has been as above stated. Yet, dear reader, it may be that

Queens Do Often Meet in Mortal sigue Combat,

and ®engage in a death struggle, I do not deny; but never until one or both have become fertilized. Then it is that a disposition seems to take hold and predominate for the supremacy as mis- tress and mother of the future colony. Again, how often is it that we are asked, Can you tell me why it is that a swarm of my bees eame off with two, three or even four queens? Yes, dear reader: this goesto prove my theory. As above referred to, you will recollect that I have before stated that there were guards whose duty it was to keep watch


o¥er the queen-cells, each one having a separate set; and as fast as those queens _ were hatched out their euards or attend-

ants still kept watch over their queen, preventing any others from harming her, until. there might «be, perhaps, two, three or even four queens hatched ; and finally some one of tbe number, getting indignant at some of her sister queens’

presence, starts out in disgust, with the

sound of swarming inj¢her shrieks, and they all go togethersin one common swarm, as it were, and while on the wing it is possible that one of the three or more queens may copulate with a drone, after which they settle all together, and the bee-keeper, feeling himself at. ia loss as to what course to pursue, concludes to have ene extra large swarm, of them, and actually puts them all in a flour or salt barrel, and thinks he has. done all things well. So the next morning he goes out and looks about and finds two or three queens dead... Now, Mr. C., this isjust the fruits of one or more of your queens having copulated with a drone while in the swarming melee,.after which, if they would -ever fight at all,




ee a


it will then take place, soon after-they have been hived together... And the re- sult is you find so many dead ones about your barrel of bees that you hived. the day acaba |

€H APTER. Ll: What & ‘Queen-Cell Looks Like.

Hlncjin gt nen often asked what a queen-cell looked like, I will proceed to describe, in as clear and plain manner as possible. They are usually built on the edge or side of the brood-combs, and look very much like a pea-nut. They are about three-eighths of an inch in ‘diameter at the base, and extend down- wards, gradually tapering to about half the size at the lower end or point, and ig usually about one and an eighth of an inch long. It isalso my humble opinion that queen cells are made of an entirely different: material to that of any of the combs. . And, this being’ the case, it. is also my conviction that it is the differ- ent material w hich produces such. radi-

eal change in the egg, or larve, which


makes a queen. Iam well aware that many who have been bec-keepers for years differ with me on this subject. But here let me say I have been a student for the purpose of learning the mysteries of the bee hive, which has been done only by dint of study and close obser- vation, and ‘feel sure :that “what I have stated with regard to the change above spoken of, is correct. Especially sowhen we all-admit the theory that all eggs are female in their sex except those pro- ducing drones. And any egg whieh a fertile queen deposits in a worker-cell will also produce a queen if transferred from said cell into a royal cell before it gets seven days old... Now, the mere change from the brood or worker-cells. to that of the royal cell does not make a queen bee. But it is also necessary that the wants of the whole colony de- mand a queen should be raised, so that all may work in unison and harmony together, the older bees performing the labor of carrying honey, water and poi- Jen, all of which is essential to the rear- ing of worker, or queen bees.


What: a Royal Queen Cell is me , Made of. ha

This eel sarees has been for many : years aj puzzler to a great many: bee. men, and seems to be hard for most. of them: tou uderstand; but T think. if. we apply, the, ‘right means in the right way it will not. be hard . to “determine and. come at, facts... Haying made _ several tests and. experiments, I new feel» sure that I make a correct, statement when I assert that: the queen, cell.is made from

what is known as farina, or dust of flowers, and better known as bee-bread, a large share or quantity of which, as well.as that of pulp, is also used in-pre- paring and building those royal cells, which have already been described: as the cells in which the queen is raised and hatched. This forms an entirely different substance from that.of any of the other cells in the hive, and which, when filled with the creamy-like food which the worker bees always supply for the queen while in a larve state. It has the property in it of extracting a substance from the body of the cell,


which also changes its chemical nature. This, in my humble opinion, is all ne- eessary in order to bring about the re- sult of maturing a fully devoloped

female or queen, so that when she has -

mated with a drone that is fully and properly organized, she is then a proper bee to lay all the eggs for replenishing the hive with worker bees and drones for future prosperity. We have exam- ined, time and again, those cells under a microscope, and invariably found them composed of a large portion of farina,

and a sufficient amount of pulp to give’

the cell solidity and a glossy inside coat- ing.

Do Bees Supercede Their Queens?

To this question allow me to say they _

do, and often kill them in the spring of the year, after they have wintered safely through, as I have often observed. And I would further say for the benefit ofall who may be interested in the little hen- ey-bee, that this killing of queens so early in the spring of the year is one of the many causes why we lose se many


stocks, and es to eurselves why our bees died in April,.or even as late as May, after they had begun to gather bee bread and honey. The question often arises why they kill their mother and only hope of existence. To this there might be many and various answers, some of which I will give. The first is, yen as soon as your, as well as your

neighbor’s, bees begin to fly out and go in search of food, they find it quite searce, which frequently starts them to robbing : and in this they always kill the queen as soon as possible. When - accomplished, success is theirs, and they then go with the robbers ,and- earry off their own honey, if they have any, to the suecesstul hives of the robbers. An- other reason is, it frequently* happens that in handling your bees you get' your hand on the queen, and get her scented from -your hand, and in this wa ay she ds often attacked and killed as soon as you close up your hive. J have often been asked by persons visiting my apiary to let them see a queen, asserting at the same time that they have never seen a queen, which is all right; but if they

28 knew. how dangerous it was to the wel- fare and prosperity of the stock of bees, I feel certain. they would, not ‘insist: on me to show the queen, ‘and in all proba- bility in-deing so I would. Jose a full stoek. in.a short. time.


Further Explanation of Sex.

There wish to explain further about the.sex of the eggs being determined at the time of laying; for instance, it is ad- mitted by all Bee- -keepers Ww ho Jay any claim to apiarian science, that a virgin ee at twenty-one days old will lay

‘ges which will produce drones only-

(But Tsay they are imperfect drones, not having the male organization fully developed, and cannot perform the func- tions of the male in fertilizing queens.) Hence, it must. follow that the general rule holds good in the insect creation, as in the animal; for if we have a pure, imported Italian queen, which was fer- tilized in her mother country, where there are no other bees except the pure


Italian, and We raise pure virgin queens . from her, and have no other drones. but the Black in our. apiary,~we now have those young queens copulate with the Black ‘drones, and. the result. is a cross. breed, which will). be. the came of ‘all. the bees aud drones that said. queens may raise, no matter how. long she lives or how many times she is permitted to swarm, or artificially divid- ed. Now comes. the. pretty. part; sup- pose: you raise the next season all your drones from this same: queen that has met the black drone and queens from your imported queen again, and they copulate with the drones last mentioned; Task, what will be the result? -Answer- —They will be three-quarter bloods of Ttalian stock, notwithstanding the opin- ion of Mr. 8. D. Barber to the contrary,. for he says the drones from such queens as are fertilized by a black drone, will be pure Italian. (See his Bee book, page 36.) I should very much hate to be compelled to have stock from such a man’s apiary, who would teach such false doctrine and at the same time do so much advertising as he does. Broth-


er Barber, I hope you will get new light, and sell better stock than I saw a few days since from: your apiary, February, 1874.. Now, the fact i is, that the blood of such queens is tainted for life, no ter how pure they may be in their vir 5 state, or before they copulate with is black drone. It willalso be right the revers? if we have a black queen fertil- ized by an Italian drone; all of her stock will be half-breeds of the two kinds, and her drones will be halt-breeds also. But Mr. Barber says, by his theo- ry, they, the drones, are pure black, or of the native bee. The same rule will hold good, as we have often seen, in the human family as well asin the animal creation: alsoin the swine we see the same result’s of Nature’s law.

But we will now leave you, dear read- er, to study into cause and ‘effect, and solve such problems for yourself. ‘Hay- ing given you the true results of such a course of breeding, let me say, try and be honest in ally your sales of o es, Rights and Quee

° ol


On Transferring Bees and Brood into Movable Frame Hives.

First, get. you a, good roll of cotton rags, and wrap some fine wire around it, then set fire to one end, but don’t let it blaze; new step baldly up. to the hive of bees you desire to transfer, and blow some smoke in at the entrance until you hear the bees set up.a humming noise, Now pick; up your hive, bees and all, and take them to a.room, or some other place where the other bees will not both- er you in trying to rob. Of course you will now have your new hive in readi- ness, with the frames laid near by. Now give your bees a little more smoke, and in ten minutes you can lay the mouth or lower end of your old'hive close to your new movable frame hive, and with a good hammer, or hatchet, and cold- chis- el, cut the nails. of your old hive, and take off one side. Now have a table, or bench, on which to lay your emis.

32 a »

of brood, and procure a_ long-bladed knife, well sharpened on a regular seythe stone, which makes the best edge = cutting out the combs. Be careful ¢ take out all the combs, a sheet ata titie, and with a goose - feather, or small broom, brush off the adhering bees into your new hive; also, be careful and do not bruise or mar the brood in handling, and lay into a neat pile as you take it out, and brush off the bees into your new hive; after which you cfn take a frame and fit a comb of brood, being

careful to keep the same end to the top of your frame as it stood in the old hive, and with a No. 9 or 1p bradawl ma ake a few holes through the frame and put in wooden pins, or white thorns, which you must prepare, or get quite a number beforehand, of some tough, good wood; CaS will be best.” The pins must be about two and a quarter inches long, Agree tapered like a darning needle.

‘After you have thus fitted all the brood in the frames, place them in proper shape as they were before, with the combs near the middle be the hive. Your bees be- ing already clustered in the hive, you

will have no trouble in handling them further, only to be careful not to mash or crush them as you close up your hive gently. Now take and set the new hive where the bees formerl; stood, and you will have the gratification of seeing them at work in less than thirty minutes. In a day or two go tothe hive and open slowly and gently, and make a careful examination of the combs, to see that they are all in the frames properly, and that all is right; but if any have warped, straighten them, and draw out all the wooden pins that can be spared, as the combs will in two or three days be all fastened by the bees in the frames.

The above is one of the best plans, and by far the most speedy.

Why is it that Bees of the Present Bay do not Swarm so Much, nor Make as Much Honey, as They Did Years Ago, During the Early Settlement of the Country?

Now, reader, you have no doubt asked this question more times than I know anything about, and in all probability

2) By

have during the fairs where I have been lecturing asked me the same. Aind while T now attempt to give you a a fair and an honest-answer, let 1 me say, it is of the ut- most importance for tue success of an apiary, that it should be located in a neighborhood where the | yc can readily find an abundant supply of good pastur- age. The success of bee- -keeping de- pends ¢ greatly upon this. As well might a stock-srower expect to make his cattle profitable without supplying them prop- erly with food, as to, suppose that Be will live, thrive and be of benefit to their owners without obtaining constant sup- plies of pollen and honey, in some way, from spring to fall, w ith but little, if any, intermission. I suppose that any school girl or boy ten years old could very easily answer the question, if Twere - toask why itis that cattle, horses and hogs that run at. large now-a-days, do not thrive as well as they once did Aen this country was new; yet the first ques- tion has been a puzzler to many older heads than mine, and would-be wise bee- keepers. But they never think once that it is just as essential in the one case as in


the other that the efforts of man must be put forth in furnishing the necessary sup- ply that nature once furnished, but now shorn from the land; and if not ‘pro- duced through and_ by the effort’ of the bee-keeper, they will fall far short of that most bountiful and richest of all dain- ties, which cannot be procured in any other way than through and by the hon- ey-bee; which was gathered from: the flowers all over this broad land of ‘the North American Continent. The coun- try, in} its wild state, produced in the greatest abundance an unvarying sueces- sion of flowers, from early spring until frost came, yielding for the harvesters (the Bees) unlimited supplies of bee- bread and honey, as well as propolis, or glue, for their use in stopping up cracks and lining their old-fashioned hives, so rudely made and furnished to them; all of which (except the old-fashioned hive) are just as essential now, as in the days of the priniitive fathers, to propagate very rapidly, and to store up) immense quantities of honey, bidding défiance ‘to the moth, unless, as it sometimes’ hap- pened, a disorganized colony’ would fall

a prey to their : depredations, As the forests were felled, 2nd ‘the country :to a state of cul-

cleared and breugh? oan st urage was in

tivation, this source of pa many places almost entirely cut off, un- til their sole depence: enee was On the clo-

ver and buckwheat, 1: shiek asts but about two months of the vear; a iring the re- mainder of the season oe an 10 gather

sufficient honey tos» ate wants. Ins suc ler: e vided pasture and mate =i ble provi- sion for all wher sind ‘neglected in tote the most. faithfal “and productive of all servants, the Honey- Bee, which is left to prov ide for itself ; the inevitable result of which will be their total extinction in oid settled coun- tries, unless a change 's made in this di- rection, and pasturaec supplied for them, which can be done 2 less expense than for any other stock, anciqrith greater re- turns of profit. | I bios ced in a former lesson given upon pasturage for becs, to tell you what kinds, or at least the most of the many ‘which are valuable plant ty and. will now say if you who desire io keep the little

Ge ? re} sry their ‘aed i


pets will but half way perform your duty toward them, at the right time and in the right way, they will pay you over ten hundred per cent; besides, you will reap a rich reward from the crops thus cultivated as food for cattle, sheep, horses and hogs.* Besides, I feel quite sure

you will never regret ‘having bought this Tittle book.

Do Queens Have a Sting? And if so, Do They Ever Use Them, and What On?

In this lesson, dear reader, let me say that Queens have stings, and use them only on rival Queens and Drones. This may seem rather strange to many who have read our lesson upon her royal dig- nity when we said that they never used their stings on anything except a rival Queen. But at the time we wrote that mae we did not know quite as_ much as do now about Bees 9 or

Queens. You must recollect, likewise, eal *Alsiké ewer akon the best of er and is first-class

og pasture, which is fully substantia ‘by some ofthe . frm and: best farmers in th ean ernped

. HEAD, Battle Ground, TPippecation' Co., Ind.


that we desire that you may fully under- stand that all. the mysteries are not learned ina short time about bees and their habits. And let us -further . say that we had never known in ‘all our ex- periments up to. Jnly, 1874, that a virgin Queen would wilfully, and apparently maliciously, attack an innocent drone and send him to his long home by sting- ing him to death without mercy. But such is the fact, and we have two living witnesses who will attest it, having seen the same incident, which we shall, how relate,

We think it .was about. the 10thiof July, 1874, that. we received a, Jetter from a Mr, D. T. Musselman, of Cam- den, Carroll County, Indiana, who. de- sired us to come to his place and..assist him in the artificial swarming of his Italian bees, all of which were.in good condition in the Hicks Bee-Hive. We. arrived at his place of residence on, the 18th. He and ourself, in company with, a friend, proceeded . to. extract hon+) ey from the combs of a few frames, and- to make up some-five.or six extra stock Se Then he took ian strong” and "Vigor -


ous hive of bees, in which he had sever- al Italian Queens hatched, in small cages. We took one of the cages out, and as the drones, were flying out on their usual ex- eursion trips, we caught one very large and vigorous one in Tess than a quarter of a minute. We then thought we would try another one; which we. soon caught and plaeed in with her royal: highness, and she treated him the same way, all of which was accomplished in less than a minute’s time; and strange to say, yet too. true, when she thrust her sting into them, it. killed them so dead that they showed no signs of life, and seemed to be perfectly hard. .The queen seemed to be in a perfect rage and restless, wish- ing to escape from her confinement no doubt. But we.will here say again, that as yet we have never known an instance where a queen has eyer stung a human bemg or an animal of any. kind. [See lesson on Drones. |

More Pereons than do, Should Keep Bees..

We will in this lesson try to show that


it would be well for all parties con- cerned, and far better for the whole country, if more people would engage in this laudable and most profitable busi- ness. In the first place, we all acknowl- edge that the Honey-Bee is a perfect model of industry, and shows to man- kind that lazy loungers are not long tol- erated in their household, but are soon expelled with a death-warrant. Again, if we would profit by wisdom’s ways, we should at least have a few stands of bees in our gardens or door-yards, 1n order to see them occasionally, and learn indus- trious habits, as they are at work from early morn till dewy eve, and yield a rich return to their keeper, which cannot be procured in any other way than by the industry of the little Honey-Bee. Again, how many there are who now are dragging out a miserable existence, who have been brought up in idleness in the homes of perhaps rich parents, and afterward become poor by not knowing how to work or economize? We would add, that if our young and rising gener- ation would copy more after the habits of the little Honey-Bee, our prisons and

poor-houses would have fewer inmates, our courts would be bothered less with cases of persons charged with erim- inal offences, anc our State and county

debts be seagia ‘ty veduced. In this way they would conir bute greatly to their own Sarge $8, a become good citizens and ornaments to soviet ty. ‘Then let us in our efforts ‘enireat “one and all who ean control, eitior by purchase or lease, afewrods of Mother Earth, to get and

i ie

keep a few stands of bees. Persons who live in cities, as weil as those in villages and on the farm, may keep bees, and scarcely miss the time it takes to keep them in good trim, which can always be done early of a morning, the best time to perform any needed operation with your bees, st ch as artificial swarming, or taking a few tomes of heney, which makes a dish loo< beautiful when prop- erly arranged ov tue table at meal-time. tis by far much easier and cheaper when thus procured, than to have it to buy in the market places, e especially so when honey is steadily year by year ad- vancing in price. We have written more on this subject


than we had at first intended, but when we see and. feel the importance of it, which ought to interest every lady and ventleman, both young and old, we hard- ly know how and where to close our re- marks, without giving you some advice as to what is best for the poor and brok- en-down merchant and mechanic, as well as many farmers, who have failed j in bu- siness, and women who have lost their husbands and left in many cases with a house full of little helpless children to support. We say to all such, let us en- treat you.to try your hand at keeping a few stands of bees, as you know not . what you can do until you have made the effort. We will cheerfully give you all the instructions we can, if you write to us, inclosing a postage stampto send you an answer to your questions.

This is one of, the simplest things in bee-keeping.. But before It go further into the explanation of making your new swarms, dear reader, | , let me say, get you a good movable frame hive, one in which


you feel assured you can handle bees with ease and profit; and after you have thus made your selection, have all your hives made of the same size and pattern, hay- ing them all painted at least two or three weeks before you need them for use. This being done, you are ready for mak- ing your increase of stock, provided they are strong in numbers and plenty of brood. Now you can open one of your new hives and take out six of the frames; then-open a hive of bees and take out two full frames, bees, brood and honey, all together, and replace in their stead two empty frames. Let a full frame stand between the empty ones, and ap the full frames you have just taken ou of the full hive into the empty hive, set- ting hem sideby side. Then operate on two more hives the same way, being careful that you do not take a queen from any one of your full stocks. This relieves them from swarming, and gives you six full frames in your new hive, which you can now place jn or at the old standpoint of some strong and populous colony, by setting the old stock at the same new location and place your new


hive in its stead; my word for it, they will raise a queen ina few days for them- selves, as they have plenty of eggs and youn ¢ brood from which to fuily mature and protect themselves for at least from two weeks to fifteen days, at which time you can exchange a frame er two of brood from some populous stock, so as to prevent your new hive from swarming when the young queen comes out to meet the drone. Be careful to brush off all adiering bees of the last mentioned frames into their own respective hives, which will prevent your young queen from getting killed by the young bees, if you should make a mistake and put: bees and all in together.

A Fertile Worker—How Known.

My dear reader, this is one of the -many difficulties that the apiarian has te contend with in bee-keeping, and should be better understood, even by the older beekeepers. Te Fertile (worker) is known only by the uneveness of the brood she aldhichs (like that of a vir- gin queen), all drones and no worker


bees, which will soon annihilate the

y whole colony—as I have before told you that drones were not self-sustaining, from,t the tact that they do not carry hon- ey, bee-bread or water, as workers do.

ft is i so true that such drones are not fully developed. males; hence they are of nO. .value. in fertilizing queens. The cause of the Fertile worker being brought nto existence is the fact. that it was an ies ,er quite a young grub, that was raised in a worker cell, in : close proximi- ie to a royal or queen cell, that has had enty of royal cream, or food prepared d placed so near the young worker that it has been affected by the royal food intended for the young queen; but t not having a proper cell in which to pecome fully developed, it does not ar- vive at that degree of perfection in its 0 rans of reproduction, or ovaries, as to become fertilized and lay eges to raise bees as a fertile queen does, but being what I calla neuter. It has none of the natural fitness of nature, that is actually necessary to reproduce its species, and keep up a full family or colony of bees.


How to Get Rid of the Fertile W orker-

The way for the apiarian to get rid of

them, is to exchange a few frames of 21) q

brood with a good stock of bees that has plenty of eggs and young bees froma prolific queen; and my word for it, they will soon clear her out of the hive, and raise another queen for themselves.


On the Drone Question, and What the Drone is for.

Permit me to state first, that a full and perfect swarm of bees consists of three kinds, first, the queen, or mother of the whole colony; second, the worker, or honey-gatherer; third, the drone, the subject of which we now propose to treat. This is the male bee, and is al- Ways present in the swarming’ season; without which the honey-bee would soon become extinct, as it is essential from the creation up to the present time, that all created beings in all nature have two pa-


rents, a mother anda father; hence, the drone is the father; of all the bees that may be raised ina regular swarm. He is only useful in fertilizing the queen, which, when once performed, puts an end to his life, and leaves the queen fertile for life. She lays all the eggs from that time on to produce both bees and drones for future swarms, without ever meeting or copulating again with. another drone. This may seem like strange doctrine, but nevertheless it is true; and further let me state right here, that the queen can and does lay frequently as high as 3,000 egos in a day and night, in the height of the honey harvest; and will in any rea- sonable honey season lay on an average 1,500 in twenty-four hours.. This no doubt will be surprising. to many, and also be doubted by those who have not had an opportunity of knowing. I wish ‘further to say that it quite frequently happens that the queen, when she fails to meet and copulate with a drone for twenty-one days, scarcely. ever becomes fertilized, and, will also commence laying eggs which produce drones only, and the whole colony willsoon become extinct


and have passed away. ‘The drones net being self-sustaining, likewise they 7 hav re not the proper organs for fertilizing oth-

er queens, and soon perish, leaving 3 no issue for a future generation.

Opinien of General Adair Deubktcc.

I am well aware that General Adair, of Hawesville, Kentucky, has a differcnt opinion; for he asserted, in 1871, ai the North American Bee Conven ition, held at Cleveland, Ohio, that he had a virgin which he had raised drones {rc om, and that she became fertilized by her own offspring, which I cannot Senly oF ab

boring under a ‘mistake, and bélieds ‘Y could account for the fertility of his yir- gin queen.

The drone is larger than the worke) ie bee; has no sting, and therefore is herr-- less; is a consumer, and not a producer, of honey, pollen and water, and lives upon the labors of the industrious worker and is unmercifully expelled from ihc hive after the swarming season is over.



(I have often thought I should very much dislike to be a drone.)

Now, dear reader, let me say to you, go to your bee-hive, if you have one | you can open with ease, and learn les-_ sons of wisdom; there is where we have a finer display of true Mother Nature than any man’s pen can describe on pa- per. Ihave only opened up the way fora beginning for you, and am only sorry I have not the room in this little book to talk more to you, and lead you further into the fountain that is full of mystery, and will be as long as we live; but when you have there taken one les- son, it will fit you better for the second, and so on, until you in all probability will be made to exclaim, “Oh, what won- ders to man there are in the little Honey- Bee and Nature’s God!”


Driving Bees into New Hives.

I would here remark that this is a par- tieular thing to do, especially so if you are not acquainted with the operation,


yet it is also very simple, if properly un- derstood. I have driven a full swarm from one hive into. another in. fifteen minutes, and not have a single person stung, or get stung myself. .My. plan is, first to take some warm water .and sweeten it well with honey, or sugar will do, and sprinkle the bees with the syr- up, and then take a, roll of cotton rags and smoke them well (as mentioned in lesson on transterring), then carry them off to some cool and shady place, and turn your hive upside down, and. set your new hive over the open end of the old stock to be driven. Now, get. you two good sized sticks, about eighteen in- ches long, and beat with the sticks oR the sides of the hive, with the .bees in, and in a few minutes they will all go up and cluster as a regular swarm. in the top of your new hive.

How to Locate Bees After Driving.

Place them in a new location, and the old hive-you. can set. back cab. its sold stand-point,fwhere it will recetye.a)suf-

ficient number of workers: to, protect the

51 brood, and will raise another queen. This driving process should always be done at the right time, or you may ruin your stocks. I have made four good, strong stocks from one in a season, and

had them winter well, but it happened to bea good season.

How to Hive Bas and Settle Them _ When Allowed to Swarm,

‘te you prefer letting your bees swarm gael, IT would recommend a free use of water. to be thrown among them while ‘on the wing; first, if you haye no bushes

_ov fruit. trees handy for them to settle on, "T would’ say to get a few brushy-fopped ~ bushes and set them nearly ‘where your beé-stands are, several days ‘before you expect themto swarm; then, with a free use of water, as above, while they areon the wing, ‘will generally ‘settle them in due time. Now_lose no time, in making preparation | ta get them’ hived; which you can do very soon without much trouble. First, open the side door of your hive, if you have one of the Llick’s Flives, and place a small piece of board


slanting edgewise, at the bottom of the hive, so your bees can have no trouble in going in; then before you undertake to do anything further, have you a pint or more of sweetened water, made quite sweet; with this gently. sprinkle the swarm, and after you see they have com- menced filling themselves, you can take the bushes and place them down close to the hive, and give the bush a quick jar with your hand, which will leaye the bees about all at the base of your hive. (Don’t be afraid of them, for I tell you, dear reader, they will not hurt you; this is why I have told you to sprinkle them with sweetened water.) Take a little brush broom, or a goose-quill is best, and brush them in gently; after- which close up your door, and set them where you intend them to stand.


On Patent or Movable Frame Hives.

This is a subject that perhaps may not interest you, my reader, very much; and

I ean also say, that I ean well recollect

when I first heard of the reaper and mower; it was pronounced by many of onr forefathers to be a humbug of Yan-

kee origin, and yet, how is the farming

business carried on?’ I leave you to judge. But improvement is. now the order of the day, and he who will not keep up, must stay behind, for I claim that there are many advantage es obtained,

as well as a radical changes “being made, in the management and culture of the honey-bee, as in any other branch of agriculture. Never did our fathers or’ mothers take from a single stand of bees in one season 328 pounds of nice honey,

until they obtained and used a movable frame hive. And let me further say,

that the above amount is no uncommon thing now; and even from 500 to 900 pounds have been taken in good, nice, extracted honey from a single stand of bees in one-season. I have taken 152 pounds of nice extracted honey from a single stock of Italian bees, and made right good, strong stocks besides, which I sold at twenty-five dollars each in my hive, and my honey at forty-five cents


per pound. This may seem rather fishy, as used to be said by those who doubted

2 ———

Gompletion Hicks Hive.

a report of any kind, when they thought it uncommon; but I have living wit-



nesses who lived on an adjoining lot, and saw for themselves. lived in, the , city of Indianapolis at, the time, where there are many who know miey 1,

eeeperon Hicks Bee- Hive. vi

Tt was in stocker 1 rege ait f completed my, Bee- -Hive and. took out letters patent, in 1870, 25a working nearly twenty years on a plan;:to have a movable frame hive work to my owh,,as well as to the satisfaction of many oth- ers. This I truly believe I have accom->, plished, and feel ‘certain that a man or woman can take care of at least one-third more stocks in the Hicks Bee-Hive than in any other ever invented and placed before the bee- keeping world for sale, have used, and tried to use, some twenty different movable frame hives, but have neyer in any other hive procured as many advantages as in the Hicks Bee- Hive, having “thoroughly tested it side b= side with the Buckeye and Rough- and- Ready hives, both invented by sine C. Mitchell, the first of which I bought more square miles of territory in, than

any other man that ever bought of the patentee; the last hive is not, nor ever was, patented, and yet I see agents mak- ing efforts to sell Rough-and-Ready Bee- Hives, and rights for the same,

Frauds Should be Put Down.

IT apprehend that many who have made purchases in said hive last men- tioned, would like to see the inventor or his agent. I have also come in contact at fairs of various counties with the Kid- der and American Bee-Hives, in compe- tition, and have as yet been successful over both of the last named, as well as over the Langstroth and Wilkinson Bee- Hives, at every fair where I have met them.

Fhe Hicks Bee-Hive is one of the Easiest Hives to Handle Bees in

That has ever been placed before, or of- fered to bee-keepers of this country. Time will in the future, as well as it bas in the past, speak out and tell the truth as to what hive is best for all general

piepoues in bee-keeping. The Hicks Hive has enly to be seen in order to un- derstand it, and tried to be appreciated. In it you can see ata glance any or all trouble, in which your bees need assist- ance. No frames to be removed by lift- ing out, but. they can be all swung at one motion, which gives the keeper fuli control over the whole brood at once, and can examine each frame free and in- dependent of any other, thereby render-

ing bee-keeping pleasant, as well as very profitable; it being so arranged that arti-

ficial swarms are made up in five min- utes’ time, and prevents the great loss by watural swarming, as they often go to the woods when allowed to swarm the old-fashioned way. Ina word, it is the hive in which if you find weak stocks you can strengthen by changing a few frames with any other hive of the same pattern, or feed at any time, either win- ter or summer, without any danger of robbing by other bees ; ; also, if a queen is to be found, it can be done in one min-

ute, without lifting out a frame, or hurt.

ing a single bee in opening and closing the hive. Last, though not least, a lady


or child can at any time take the surplus honey for table use or market, without coming in contact with the bees, cr in any way interfering with the BEB HAC chamber. (See cut of Hive, open and closed, shown both ways, on page 54,)

Vexed Question About Drones Ex- plained.

In this article I propose to adyance my own ideas concerning drones pro- duced by a virgin queen, ora fertile worker, which I have never heard or read in any work on apiculture, or ex- plained by any one; and why it is that a man as old in the bee business as Mr. Quinby, and who has written, perhaps, as much on bees as any one author in America, has never even tried to explain this subject about such drones, is a mys- tery to me; and yet, I hold it as a fact that all drones that are thus produced by such mothers are wholly worthless, and have not the proper functions, or in other words, they do not have the male organ properly developed, with which to fertilize a virgin queen, and are a perfect



set of neuters, neither male or female.

Now let. us examine zi little, and see what the result will be. ‘Suppose we havea stand of such drones in our api- ary, and no other drones within four miles, and we have a good stock of bees with a good prolific mother; we now ex- change : a frame of worker brood) with the fertile worker, or virgin queen stock, which are producing nothing g but drones; the result is, the young bees thus placed in the said stock, will at once start queen- eclls and raise a ‘good virgin queen; and yet they are not any better off than be- fore, from the fact that the drones are deficient, and cannot fertilize the young queen; but they will have. exterminated the fertile worker, or the virgin quecn, if such there is in the hive.

How Bees are Often Lost, and Cause Explained.

Now, dear reader, let me ask, if you do not recollect at any time in your life of a stand of bees being lost, and you did not know the cause, and often won- dered why it was that the brood combs


become so uneven, and leoked as if something had been gnawing them, and almost made them look as if they had been eut into very roughly after the bees were all gone and but a few drones left to tell the tale of disaster? Let me here say to you, that nine times in ten you raay set it down as a loss by having a virgin queen which has never become fer- tili zed, or a fertile worker, which is worse, from the fact that you cannot hunt them out and destroy thém, as you can the queen. I would therefore rec- ommend you to hunt out and destroy all such virgin queens, when you dis- cover such brood as above, whieh is very uneven, with raised cells, and perfectly haphazard—no regularity ‘about it. But if you have no other queen to supply her place, then do as above, exchange a brood sheet from some ood, prolific stock. IT would also say, if it be that you are troubled with a ‘fertile worker, which [ claim cannot be found and sin- gied out, you must also exchange a brood, comb, young bees and all, just as you find it, and my word for it, they will soon make a clearing out of said fertile


worker, and raise a queen for themselves, which will save further trouble, if you have good and perfeet drones in your



How to Raise Italian Drones Early.

First let me say, this requires some care, and must have some attention paid to it by the apiarian. You will first procure of some one (whom you can trust), a pure Italian queen, say in An- gust or September, and see that you get her properly introduced into a good, strong and healthy stock of bees. Now when the winter sets in fairly, I would recommend you to put them in some quiet, warm and dark place, just cool enough to not freeze. See that they have plenty of honey to keep -them at least three months before you put them away im their winter quarters. Now let me further say, you must take three or four pounds of honey to a quart of warm wa- ter, and let it stand in a tin vessel twelve hours, after which set it on a stove and


bring to a boil andskim. Now feed about a half to a table-spoonful once a day. from the 20th of February, until the weather gets warm enough to set them out on their proper stand for the season; feed in old combs. placed in the top of Hicks Hive, which can be done at any time; my word for -it, you will haye drones one month Conce than your neighbor, who trusts to luck and allows his bees to swarm the old-fashioned way, (See artifical swarming

Be sure to feed as above directed, c7'- ery day, until the bees gather plenty of pollen and: honey for natural resources. You can also give a little rye meal as a substitute for pollen while feeding,

Introduction of Italian Queens— The Proper Manner of Introducin a Queen to a Full Colony, 0 Bees.

First, find and capture the queen you desire to supercede, then cage her and leave the cage in the hive, say six or eight hours; then open your hive as quietly as possible, and take the queen


out of the cage, and put your Italian queen in the same cage; cut a piece of honey to plug the hole with, and then set the cage carefully back in the hive, and the bees will soon liberate her, while they are left ‘alone, which will ke in five or’six hours. © 9 = 1 . ; I have practiced this method come five or six years, and found it the best of many plans ‘which I have tried, never haying lost'a single queen yet, with the above mode of operation, and think ‘that all who tries it will have no cause ‘to Yégret having purchased this book, as the above 1s) worth’ ten’ times ‘the cost. _, How to Raise or Breed Queens. “Rirst) select the. stock! 'yéu' desire to ‘breed’ from and then’ divide the brood by ‘placing’ two’ frames’ into’ hives you have made'queeniées eight or niné days previous, and’thus’ exchange with, say three hives,’ first cutting out’ all queen- éells in the three queenless colonies, when the bees will goto work and build from ‘six to twelve cells in each hive, which you can cut out of and insert into other



stocks, on the eighth day, and thus Ital- ianize some fifteen or twenty ina short tima, letting each one raise its own queens.

How to Prevent Bees from Distroy- ing their young, and the Cause.

This is a lesson of importance to every bee-keeper. First let me say, as a gen- eral rule, the destruction of young bees is caused from a scare ity of honey, which is also brought about by a cold spell of the weather, which closes up the flowers or bloom of the fields, and makes it hard work for bees to get a sufficient amount of honey to ge on with the raising of their young, and sets them at once te destroying ‘and carrying the young unma- tured bees out, which we so often see lyinggin front of the hives, of a morning, waen we first visit our apiary. This is the effect of such cool weather as we have in the’month in May, and often in June. Lhave quite frequently seen heavy frosts in these two months which killed the flowers so that there was very little hon- ey to be gathered by the bees; and rath-


er than starve they would at once fali to work and destroy their young. Now, when you sce this state of things going on, you must prevent it at once, by feed- ing as directed; except you will feed s double quantity of syrup in their case. Sometimes they will kill off their young rather than swarm, but this you can pre- vent by ariificial swarming, and make them yourself, and make many good, strong stocks by so doing, with an addi- tion of a little feed. But if you desire to obtain honey, do not practice artificia! swarming very extensively; but keep: your stocks strong with plenty of empty | surplus frames, as above, and cut out all queen-cells. —-

Foul Broods—Cause of.

I have no doubt but that this disease is caused from impure honey and soured bee-bread, which has been stored quite early in the season by the bees. I think it 1s quite like every other kind of na- tnre’s production, which is frequently gathered by the bees before it gets ripe or fully matured; and being stored away


in close packages, as is the ease, which we all know. They store’ bee-bread in the brood-combs near where the young bees are being raised, and there being so much animal heat necessary to keep up the proper temperature, it causes the fa- rina, or bee-bread, which is gathered first, to become soured, with the honey also that they must use in preparing the food for the young larve, and this im- pure food must necessarily bring on dis- ease, and is therefore called foul-brood.

Foul Brood—How Known.

Tt may very readily be ‘known ‘by its offensive smell, and on a close examina- _ you will discover that the brood is

verted dev, and’ Seems | te be all tail- Ane in the cells, rather dark and ropy-like mass. The best rémédy [have ever found in treating this difease isa preparation pr sha thus: také pure rain water and Holl it ten minutes and’to éy- ery gallon disso:ve four pounds of A coffee sugar and again bring it'to a_ boil and skim. Now to one quart of this syrup put in a lump of borax (biporate


of soda) about as large asa me- dium sized hickory nut, and thoroughly dissolved while hot by stirring, and then let cool until about blood heat then add one oz. of laudinum, [tincture of opium | also one table spoonful of good table salt all to be well stirred before using, now take a fine brush broom and sprinkle oy-

er the combs gently oncea day, cut_ out all the dead brood.

Dysentery, or Bee Cholera.

This is also one of the most to be ‘dreaded diseases that the bee-keeper has to contend with.- It is met with more frequently than any other among bees. Tt is very easy to distinguish it from any other malady, yet Ido not think it con- tagious as many suppose it tobe. The bees have a tendency to be rather daun— ey and also have a very unpleasant odor. When you approach a_ stand affected with dysentery they mope or craw! slow- ly over their combs and often coming out and discharge their excrement over the hive as well as over their brood combs and honey and if let alone often


dinger out a miserable life. In fact there are more bees lost in North America with this disease annually, than all the rest of the diseases known to bees. It is quite unpleasant to have a case of this kind, and in fact it is net pleasant to mect with a diseased subject of any kind, either in the animal or human family,

Treatment of Bee Cholera.

But like either. of the last mentioned races I claim it can be successfully treat- ed when we find a colony troubled with this complaint. The first thing to do is to take the stand to. some quiet warm place and open them out gently so as not to get them to flying and have you some eood syrup, made of honey if pos- sible, boiling with a pint of good nice rain water to two pounds of honey, and skim it well, so as to take off all im- purities, and. let cool, so, that you, can now put one tabtc-spoonful in some old bits of comb laid in your hive, and the bees will come up and feed on this s syrup. Feed the above amount onee a day reg-


ularly, when in a few days you. can set them,

CHAPTER X. The Italian Bees, and Their Supe- ‘viority over the Common Native Bee. .

Let me here say that the description of this. class or race of bees has so often been explained heretofore that I hardly deem it necessary to enter into a full de-

tail, but suffice it to say that all who have: tested their qualities as workers universally acknow Jedee them as being far ahead of the native or common bees of this country.. In the first place, they are more friendly disposed tdéward their

keeper, and:can be handled with more pleasure, and less danger of being stung, while it is acknowledged by all that they are by far better honey gatherers; also, they are larger than the Black Bees, and defend their hives from rob- bers better, and, ina word, let me say I have yet to hear of a colony of pure Italians ever being taken with the pest,


called the moth worms; while we, as bee-keepers, can not say the same for the native class we have had and tested over a century in this country. The Italian queens being of a very beautiful golden color, are more easily found in a hive or swarm, and are more prolific than black queens are, which give their keeper larger and stronger swarms ear- lier in the season, so that we can be more certain of getting a generous sup- ply of honey, if native fields, with their millions of bloom, secrete-the nectar for them to work on. ‘This class, called . the Italian Bees, were discovered dur- ing the wars of Napoleon by Captain Boldenstein, who brought them over the Alps in 1843. They were also intro- duced by’ a celebrated German bee- keeper, in 1853, into Germany, and in 1860 into the United States. I should say more in their favor, but I fear some one will at once say that Hicks is grind- ing his ax for the sale of queens; but be this as it may, let me say to you, brother bee-keeper, that if you once try the pure ltalian Bees, you would not give one stock fer two of our old-fashioned na-

: id

, tives, which we first procured as seed from the woods. -I have them as pure as they are in Italy, and am better pleased every day with them; and if you would come to my apiary you would be convinced the sameas I am. I could here give many names as references who have procured queens of me who have universally spoke in praiseot the Italian Bees as being by far superior to the old- fashioned kind; they also work on red clover in August, While the honey har- vest is scarce they seem to be busy on many dark and misty days, while the black bees are idle, and using up their already scanty supply.

How-to Italianize a Hundred Stands with QGne Queen, and Leave Her in the Same Hive.

After you have a good queen intro- duced, as before stated [see lesson on introducing Italian queen to bees], you will, as soon as she is laying eggs freely, 20 and kill, say about four bees in your

black stock, and in eight days go to them again, open and examine care-

72 fully and cut out all queen cells. Then you can take out one frame of each hive and brush the bees back into their own hives. Now go to your Italian stock, and take four frames; br ushing the bees of into their own hive, and put in the four from the other stocks, and give each black stock a frame from the Italian brood from which they will raise queens from the fresh eggs, pure Italian, and if you have other black stock you can also vo and kill their queens, and in eight days you can cut out part of the queen’s cellg and divide them by inserting the combs, which will save much precious time.

What is Poilen, and Why Bees Use it for Food. :

In this lesson we shall perhaps differ greatly from most bee- -keepers. Pollen is the ‘fecundating dust of plants, and is ofa mealy like substance, which bees of all classes seem to have a special desire for, and especially so with the honey bee as it is well known by all persons who keep them, that they gather and carry

mS )

into their hives in large quantities, of which it is said they use during winter as food; but my experience has tar ght me to respect this idea of theirs so far only as the young bees are concerned, which are under fourteen days old, after being hatched, and before they become outside workers, for it is ine their mi- nority that they are the nurse-bees in the hive, as well as they are the wax-work- evs the first thirty days of their active life in gathering honey, pollen and water for supplies, after which they per- form such other duties as are necessary about the hive, in guarding and de- fending that which they have spent the best part of their lives for. Dear read- er, let me once more say to you that the worker bee does not live over fifty days from the time it commences its labors as a honey gatherer. It is also my opin- on’ that the older bees are the ones that bring in what is known as pfopolis or bee-glue, of which they use large quan- tities to close up cracks and openings in their hives, This pollen is bread for the young and tender bees that are per- forming duty in the hive, in preparing


food for the young yet unhatched, and also, it is my opinion, which I feel cer- tain, is quite correct, that it is those bees that are always most busy in cleaning

eells from which bees are constantly hatching.

How to Feed Weak Stocks in Order to Save Them,

This will be a job deserving of some care; but while it has been my misfor- tune to meet with many such in my travels among bee-keepers, I will here give my method, which I haye found nine times in ten to prove effectual. It you have honey, I wonld recominend it to be used, but if not, then sugar will do by preparing it thus: Take rain water and heat.it to a boil, afer which put intoa quart of water four pounds of A coffee sugar, or, 1f honey is to be used, put in six pounds of honey, stir well un- til itagain boils, and then skim off all impurities, and let cool. Now you can tike some bits of old combs, and pour a spoonful or two on the same, and place in the top of or on the hiye, so the bees


can come up and take it alidown. Ifit is in the winter, set your hive in a warm room, where there will be no noise or confusion, feed regular every day for ten or fifteen days. This mode will save. many stocks that would otherwise be lost. It will pay to feed all such stocks.


Old Fozies Must Succumb.

‘Bui, says one old fogy, if I have to do allthis, 1 would rather let them go. Yes, my old friend, your ideas are just what has got most "bee- ‘keepers in past ages to believe it is all in luck, when, in fact, it isscience. Will you attend to

it? Let me here suggest that when you


have a pig, or a calf, eow or horse that has met with some accident, and got down, as the saying is, at the heel, would you let them go? ‘T rather euess | not, but would at once proceed to doctor them up, and reap your reward in the future by the increase of its value. Therefore let me impress it upon you to attend to your bees at once, w hen you can so easily do so by following the directions laid down in this little ‘book,


Avice to Beginners in Apicul- ture.

T will here say a few words to those whocontemplate going into the business of keeping bees as a means of making a living at.it, which, I apprehend will be many, when I shall lave gone, .and not return this way any more. First, let me say that February or March are the best months inwhich to make your pur- chases of stocks; and don’t always choose the heaviest as best, but rather select those with good bright combs and a sufficiency of honey to last two months. Also let me say, if you desire to succeed in the business, you must adopta good movable frame hive, and get you a neat and well made sample, by which you will also make or have made all the hives you may need for a year, just like the sample hive, and have them all painted two good coats of paint and oil. Then, when the bees are about to swarm, I would have all the stocks transferred into your new hives, and in all probability you can have an increas of one-third by your operation of trans-

ut ferring, if you are careful and under- stand what you are doing. [See lesson on transferring.| It will be necessary that you look at your bees by opening the hives at least once or twice a week, and if you should discover any moth- worms, take them out of the brood combs. with a sharp-pointed knife, also, don’t fail to put your foot. on every worm, and send it to its long home. Don’t try to do too much the first year, as here is where many make failures in starting out with big ideas, and finally pronounce the businessa humbug. But let me say there is no surer way in ail the agricultural pursuits than the busi- ness, and yet it may be badly managed, and prove almost ruinous to those who neglect its demands, and finally the next we hear of them is that they pronounce it all in luck, and wind up with perhaps many dollars out of pocket. And yet I know of hundreds who have made it a suecess, and some of them have made fortunes. It is a business in which both old and young can engage, and make it a success if they will put their energies to work witha will and determination


to go through. I know of two young ladies, sisters, who madenearly seven thousand dollars in one year; and yet they live in the cold and bleak State’ of Wisconsin. I. will further add that there i is § scarcely any place in the United States so poor but there can be a few sis of bees kept to advantage, while almost any person could and can keep bees, which will yield a larger income * than any other stock can possibly do with the same cost ere expense, It is also a fact that no one dare gainsay that bees will pay better dividends on. the capital inyested than .United States bonds of any class or series, and better than any railroad, canal, turnpike or gravel road coporation have or will ever pay in. this. country. Not even the banking business can begin to pay such dividends as bees well managed pay their owners, I know that many will say I have gone wild on this subject; but here allow me to say I know ofa gen- tleman in Northwestern Indiana who made five hundred dollars in one season from one stand of bees in his door-yard.


Each Month’s Labors Laid Out for the Apiary.

Marcu—This is the month you should see that all your bees have a generous supply, and ifthe weather is warm you should set them on their regular stands for the seasen.

Aprit—Examine and see that they feed plentiful; also be careful and set all your hives where you intend them to remain, keep a cover over all your stocks; also, if they are not gathering pollen, give rye bread.

May—Examine carefully, and sce that all stocks have a prolific qneon, and that no robbing is going on. |

JuNE—In this month you should supply the surplus chamber with frames or boxes, and give them all the combs you can to fill with surplus honey, and if you don’t wish swarming, eut out all the queen cells. .

Juiy—If you desire so to do, now is your time for transferring and making up a few extra colonies; if not, keep plenty of frames or boxes supplied for others te steve surplus honey in.


AuGcusrt—Now is the greatest time for trouble with the robbers. Keep the entrances elena so thata single bee

can pass out and inata time. Also be careful about the moth-worm, and be sure to kill all you see.

SEPTEMBER—Now is the time. that . you should keep all your stocks: strong

in numbers, and see well to it that they all have good prolific queens.. It is also.a good month to procure Italian queens.

OcToBER—Is geod, also, to introduce queens, and guard well against moth- worms; also see that you keep your bees in good condition.

NovEMBER—In this month equalize your bees, and take away all honey from the caps, but leave plenty in the brood chamber, so they will be supplied through the winter.

DrEcEMBER—This is the first winter month, and is the proper time to hive your bees; if the weather gets cold so. as to freeze the gronnd quite hard, close up all lower ventilation when you put them in your bee hive, eellar or cave, which should have slenty of upper ventilation;


the hives must have: upper ventilation; keep the temperature at about 35 deg, above zero, and keep the place you haye your bees stored in very- dark and quiet. If the winter should be very open and warm, I would;,recommend to leave them on their summer stands, ard fill the top of your hives with dry cobs or fine eut straw, made quite dry. ely JANuUARY—This is the month in which have all the hives you need fer the coming year made and well painted, which will be in readiness for swarming season or artificial division, which is by far the best where you use a good frame hive,. | FEBRUARY—See well to it that your bees are well supplied with honey, and if you haye any stocks from which you expect to breed queens and drones, you should feed a little syrup about the 20th of. this month. [See lesson on feeding bees—weak stocks. | |

‘Last, though not-least, I will here once -more impress it tpon you to Le prompt in all your undertakings with bees, and do everything in due season, as per advice, and success is yours, with

a rich reward for all your troubles; also, it isa true saying whatever is worth do- ing at all is worth doing well.

On Choosing a Location for an Apiary.

In making your selection, let me say, choose an east view, so your hives may have the benefit of the early morning rays of the sun to enliven them to early action in gathering honey and pollen, allof which is necessary to the welfare of your bees, as well, also, as to the keeper. If the above position or situa- tion cannot be obtained, or something as near as possible, I wonld, asa next best choice, take a south front, but by no means allow your stands to receive the noonday sun, as this would be detri- mental, quite often causing the combs to melt down and destroy your bees, as well as your honey, and set bees to rob- bing.

How to Build a Bee House.

Now, dear reader, let me tell you how I build a bee house, one thatany farmer,


as well as the more polished ' mechanie, can build quite cheap. Set two rows of posts, say about. six feet apart in one row, and ia the other twelve feet apart, and eight feet’ apart in the last men- tioned row, and in the first let your posts be about six feet above ground, and cut them off on a line quite level, and spike poles or scantling on top to rest your rafters on; then spike a scant- ling about six inches above the ground en your lowest row_of posts, which now prepares it for siding, likea barn, on one side, then put on a good roof of elapboard or plank; this constitutes your bee house, Youcan arrange your bees under this. shed so the hives will front . eastward and to the open side of your shed, which is all sufficient for summer tise, remembering always to set the hives about three inches clear of the ground by driving four small stakes down, and. Jeveling them so the hive will stand quite plumb. Let the hives stand about eighteen inches clear of each other, re- membering, also, to have them painted of different colors. and set alternate, "ne tayo of the same shade-side by side,


which will, if practiced as€I have sug- gested, save many valuable queens for you in the course of a season.

Pasturage for Hees.

I would next recommend you and all the rest of mankind to sow seeds of va- rious kinds, such as Alsyke clover, white clover, plant trees and shrubs of various kinds, as they will be useful for bees, as well as for man and beast, producing the best of pasturage for stock, and hay for feeding your cattle, sheep and horses during winter; especially the Alsyke clover can not be excelled for hay, as well as for honey. It stands ahead of all other, There are many trees I might here mention as shade and fruit trees, of which the linden or basswood is_ first, poplar maple, elm, buckeye or horse- chestnut, also, [the yellow willow is fine for bees, together with apple, peach, pear, plumb, apricot, nectarine, cherry, quince, and I would not forget the black locust; also, there are many small shrubs which are of value, such > as currant, gooseberry, raspberry and blackberry,


ef which I need not mention further, as they are common to almost all who have any knowledge of farming or gardening, and are all good for honey.


Bee Stings, and Remedies fot the 3193 same, |

I will here give a cure for bee sting. As soon as you are stung procure a good. sized padlock key, fill the barrel about half full of soda and salt mixed, then fill up with water, or cider vinegar is better, then apply the key over the wound with the solution on the part so as to cover where the sting was extracted, which should always be done first with your finger nail or knife blade.

Another Simple and Sure Remedy

That all persons have at their fingers- end isto first extract the sting as soon as possible, as before stated, with your nail or knife-blade, then wet the end of your finger in your mouth, and then insert it


in your ear, so as to get wax from what we might calla dirty ear, and rub on the wound, which will give relief quite soon. ‘This isa sure and positive cure, which we all have at any time and place ~ we happen to’ be. It sometimes hap- pens that persons get badly stung, and that it makes them very sick, causing terrible swelling, blindness, and excru- ciating pain. In all such cases I would recommend a free use of salt water as a wash, abundantly applied to the parts stung, and a cup of warm water, with a table-spoonful of mustard, well stirred in as an emetic, which must be drank at once, so as to produce vomiting as soon as possible. This will relieve in severe eases.

The Profits of Bee-keeping Com- pared with that of - Other Stocks.

In this article I propose to show you, dear reader, that there is no other in- vestment that will begin to pay the profits to the owner that bees will if properly and fairly managed, yet how


often is it’ that persons will try to snub you, and turn. up. their noses’ and say “tis too small a business for me,” when,

if yow were to» take. the trouble to. in- vestigate the profits: they reap year after year, you would find that you,» with ten stands of bees properly:, managed,

would reap a larger income im one) year than that \man-or woman !who is afraid of getting’ into’ the small: business of bee-keeping.: ° For instance, let‘us look, and contrast one'stand of bees and) the profits of the sanie with that of a sheep for) one or two-years.- We will allow, say five dollars’ for the sheep; and. the same for the bees,’ which Lb thinkis: a fair price. Now forthe result. “The bees will have, say one extra stand, as they, no doubty twill swarm (which I would much prefer—artifieialh .swarm- ding), and you will, of an ordinary, sea- son, get, say forty pounds of honey to the stand, worth thirty cents per pound. ‘This would: bring you twenty-four dol- Jars, and your extra swarm is worth five dollars more; in all it: would be twenty- nine dollars. Deducting the cost of hive,

say two dollars, would leaye you twenty-

seven dollars clear profit. Now what has the sheep made all this time? for I wish to be fair, and give due credits where they belong. Well, in the. first place, it is worth three dotlars a year to feed the sheep, and say we now have a lamb six months old, worth two dollars and fifty cents for wool and lamb, which leaves only fifty cents as profit, to sa nothing about time and trouble of feed- ing both winter and summer, while vour bees have boarded themselves and made you a clear gain’ of twenty-seven dollars. But, says some doubting Thomas, this will do to talk about and show on paper. Well, Mr. T., I pre- pose to more than double this with my bees, and will here challenge any man _ to try me on ten or twenty stands of bees, and he to take the same number of sheep, and if I will not double his profits in one or ten years, he shall have ali I make from the bees, if he will do the same by me and give me all. his sheep, with their increase, at the end: ef said term if I beat him. |



A Mystery Much Doubted by Other Authors.

I have often forced a colony of bees to make queens by taking their queen from them, which they at once proceed-

_ed to supply as soon as they discover

their mother.queen missing, and it often happens that when their young queen has hatched out and become fully of age to meet the drone, she will make her bridal tour, and is lost by some acci- dent—high winds, or a bird may catch her before she reaches her home again. This, I say, is often the case, which should always keep the bee-keeper on the lookout, and to know the exact condition of every hive of bees in his apiary; and if he should find a stoek of bees thus made queenless, it demands his immediate attention, and he should have one or two frames of brood with eges exchanged from some other strong

stock, in order that they may again

make a queen for themselves. Now comes the mysterious part. You will often find queen cells built on one or more of their old combs in which there


could not have beena single egg, except it. was transferred from one of the combs which you gave them with eggs and brood .How came they to build.a queen cell.on a sheet of comb of thei, own when there could not have been an egg in it, except by transfer from. one comb to another? Oh, says one, they had eee of their own., Now, my dear read-

r, here let me say this can not be so, fam the fact that bees do make their qneens from eggs that are laid or de- posited by a fertile queen in the worker cells, and they can not. be thus conyert— ed.or, transferred .into a royal queen after. they are seven days old... Hence you will discover that. during the time required to hatch the queen that was lost'on the bridal trip would have, been some twenty-four or, five days up to the time you discovered. your stoek, was queenless, and gave them the, frames. of brood, as above referred, ic. . L»appre- hend that the theory, as taught by many | writers, about the queen depositing the egg in the royal cell is false, and can not be relied on as being correct; and that

=) the worker bees, which are not more


than fourteen days old, are the managers: of all that pertains to the welfare of the inside arrangements of the hive, I have no doubt, for we-sce them, as’ I have before remarked; enter on> their duties from the moment they are hatched” ont of theircells. “Ty think Ihave said enongh upon thispoint, and shall leave the student to his observatory hive for farther instructions, whieh: wills be of _more value to you than all’ I could write in an age; yet. this. ae serve to give you as start. .

Inverted Brood, ‘and What. is the | Result.

a here wish, for the purpose a draw- ing from others, if possible, their views as to the true cause “of the young bees being raised or nearly matured in their cells, with their, posterior, in front of cells, which I shave often scen, and can not account for such a state of affairs. Would it not be reasonable to suppose that this would cause foul brood, which is so. much dreaded by bee-keepers? Tt is my humble popmsion this state of


things would naturally be inclined to produce said disease, from the fact that it would be impossible for them to hateh with their heads toward the center of the comb and the tail outwards, which must produce death before they are fully matured, and a perfect ropy mass will be the result, which, with the ani- mal heat of the older bees, causes a pu- trid and offensive smell, which is not pleasant to the apiarian or visitor, and . to be loathed by all who may come in contact with it. I have often seen such brood, and I think, without exception, foul brood ensued if they were not taken out in due time. I desire the opinions of others as to the true cause, if any other there be. Let me hear from any one who is well posted on the subject of foul brood.

‘Who may Keep Bees and Make Them Pay.

In connection with the above sub- ject, I might say a great deal, and many things that would tickle the mind, as well as make you feel quite certain that


God never made a man, woman or child who had arrived at a proper age of dis- eretion but could keep bees. But while T claim this to be true, I also. know that there are many who.are too indolent and careless to even keep themselves, mutch lege take care of a few stands of bees. And yet, notwithstanding, I might add that the poor, as well as the rich, can make bee-keeping quite profitable. Then let me further say, the farmer, the mechanic or the lawyer, as well as the doctor who may have a few moments to spare morning andevening, may keep a few stands of bees, as well as the poor washerwoman, or a lady with her thou- sands of dollars can make bee-keeping a success, and have upon her table one of nature’s richest and choisest of luxuries ata very small expense. I may also add to the list very many ministers of the gospel, who have worn themselves out in the service of the ministry. and have been superannuated on account of poor health. To allsuch let me say, try bee-keeping. If you but try you will:become interested in the business, and make it pay. I would not. forget,


also, the poor consumptive, who needs out-door exercise in order to get pure air for his or her lungs, with that of moderate exercise for the body. ‘Toall such as mentioned let me say, if you are poor from, and have been in theservice of the Gospel, standing as'‘a superan— nuated minister, | will let you have one of my hives, w ith bees in ‘the same, at half price, and give you the: right: to make and use all you may want: “thete- after.

Twill now talk to the ladies a little. And first. allow ome to «say that when they become interested in the bee busi— ness they make ‘the best of apiarians, from the fact that they take more pains in the handling of their bees thairomen do; and at is, inothe: very nature! of things; adapted to their nature‘and dis- position, for there is nothing that loves kind treatment better than a. swarm of bees, which ladies are. always ready | to bestow. Furthermore, they attend more closely and strictly to 6c: work, which is the only sure road to success, ‘as it begets industrious and steady habits. If we could induce the young and rising


generation to pay more attention to bee- keeping, and not so much to the flippant styles of fashion, we would have a bet- ter class of men and women, and fewer paupers and convicts in our asylums, penitentiaries and county jails.

How to Winter Bees Successfully.

In this lesson I will give the most approved plan, at least the one I like best. In the first place, let me say, never put your bees away in their win- ter quarters until the weather has,.be- eome settled cold and the ground. has frozen quite hard. Then you can put them in a cellar, if it is a dry one, but if not let me entreat you to prepare a house with double walls, so that you can fill the space with spent tanbark, or sawdust will do; at any rate, prepare a house that will prevent freezing, as it requires, a great deal more . honey to winter out in the open air than it does in a place that is dry and will not freeze. After you have thus pre- pared suitable winter quarters, you cds now set your bees in carefully, not jarr-


ing them in handling, and place the stands, say about six inches apart, leay- ing plenty of upper ventilation; also, be careful that mice do not enter any of the stocks and cut the combs, as well as kill many of the bees. It is a well known fact that the wood mice are death to bees, and often destroy a whole swarm ina few days. You must keep your cellar, or bee house (as the case may be), cool enough, so that the bees will not become restless: also, warm enough so that it will not freeze; the proper temperature is about 35 degrees above zero, and if dry, you will have no trouble in wintering safely through.

How toiKeep Honey from Souring,

. This may be done either of two ways or modes, The first is to boil and skim thoroughly, and put away in good earthen or glass jars, and cover up closely. In this way I have kept, and have known others to keep, honey sev- eral years. But if you desire to keep your honey so as.to retain’ all its origi- nal flayor, vou will let it ‘stand® few



hours in an open vessel, and then warm

itup-to about blood heat, which will cause all impurities to come to the top, which you will take off gently with a large spoon or fine skimmer, then jar and can as you would fruit, which will also keep for five years and be good.

To Keep Honey from Granulating.

You must boil gently thirty minutes, - and skim off all impurities, and place away in ordinary jars, and keep covered with paper, or a cloth will do, when kept close, to keep out all dust or in- sects.

To Make Tatty from Honey for the Children.

Let me say this is one of the most healthy and best of candies for our little _ folk, which can be prepared thus: Take, say a quart of good strained honey and cook it in a skillet, or an oven such as eur mothers used to bake the good old- fashioned corn dodger in, and ‘put into ita small lump of alum half the size of


a small hickory nut, and boil until it begins. fo make wax, ‘which you can test by having a cup of cold water, and with a spoon drop afew drops into it, and you can soon judge of its qualities, which, when suificiently hard to suit, you may now take pie-pans and butter them before pouring the taffy in, after

which pull, and use as best suits your taste.

What is Honey Dew, and How is It Produced?

I do not wish to go into along de- tailed story, but shall proceed at once to give my own views, which I believe are as near correct as anything I have ever read upon the subject; hence, if f should reiterate in part the views ‘of any former opinion expressed, it will only be so far as I shall. coincide with some of the expressions that have come under my.especial notice. But feeling that all is not true that has been or yet remains to be written, I shall therefore give you, dear re aders, what I feek assured ate facts, so far as I have been able bo


eather them. Tlence, when we take

into account the my steries that’ Nature’s God. has brought about to produce and perfect her work in all the vegetable, as well as the animal and insect kingdoms, I feel like saying that honey dew is also one of the many mysteries, that man 1s not yet fully acquainted with. But when we look back to days that have

passed and gone, we can fully recollect that honey ‘dews aly rays come when the weather is warm and pleasant, and the trees and shrubs all dressed in living green; likewise, the flowers are out in fae bloom, sony that we behold all na- ture smiling in her beauty. Then it is that we sce, ak a beautiful, bright morn- ing, the leaves of many and various kinds of bushes fairly elistening with that sweet nectar called honey dew. Hence, I believe it to be secreted in the many and various flowers through the night, and, by the chemical action of the sun of those warm days, it 1s taken up into the atmosphere in a condensed form, and then returns to the earth in a liquid, lodging upon the shrubs and trees in the night time, and. i is one of the


richest harvests for our bees. In other ¥ Bie s, it is the rich odor of flowers and plants thrown off in the day time that is thus returned in ihe sweet-like sub— stance sometimes so bountifully bestowed for the good of man, It also feeds many thousands of insects, and supports many colonies of bees. But, as is often said, many who profess that there is an in- sect, called aphis, producing honey dews, as we commonly understand the term, I do not believe; yet I am well aware that there are such insects, and tree and bud lice, that suck the juice of the tender leaves and buds of various shrubs, and will exude a substance simi- lar to honey dews; but surely we could not be so foolish as to believe it to be honey dew of the regular order,

A Visit to the North American Bee-keepers Convention in 1871.

Tt has been my province to examine several works on this drone question as to purity, and. Iclaim that it is a fixed fact in nature that the drone is effeeted in its purity, as wellas the workers of


all queens that may become fertilized by black drones,- is certainly reasonable, and why Mr. Kretchmer, who has pub- lished two different books on bee-keep~ ing, should say that all drones from an Ttalian queen which has been fertilized by a black drone are pure is certainly a stretch in a direction that takes nature’s Jaws down, as well as natural science. [See last edition, page 125,] And again, when he, in the same book, page 126, states that the drones vary in color more than queens or workers, | sup- pose he has direct reference to the Ital- ian drones; if so, I do not wonder at such discrepancies, and must say to yeu, friend IKretchmer, I do not wish te make any purchases of your so-called ftalian pure stock. I feel that all such theories should and will be put down as the people become more enlightened on the subject; and while I think of it, leh me say that in 1871, while I at- tended the North American Bee-keep- ers’ Convention at Cleveland, Ohio, it afforded me much pleasure to hear the different views of many who professed to be well posted on the drene question,


one of whom was a doctor Bowyer, of Alexandria, Indiana, and who had_ the starch all taken out of him by that old and venerable sage, doctor and profes- sor, Curtland, a man for whom I enter- tain the highest respect, and give great credit to his views, who boldly asserted before the entire convention that it was certain that a pure blood was tainted by cohabiting with another or mixed race, and that it weuld hold good in the in- sect as well as the animal or human ereation, and I believe especially so where the female is of pure blood of a different class. Now, it is admitted by all that the Italian bee is of a different class and of a superior race to that of the black bee of this country, and when the two races are brought together and bred as, above spoken’ of, it will effect the entire family, and continue to do so as: long as that mother queen faises bees or drones that fertilize your young queens. IL would, therefore, advise you, dear reader, to be careful in making your purchases. If you desire to get pure ce and keep them so, you will first have to get that which is pure, and then


breed as directed-and laid down in this book, and success will crown your ef- forts. [See lesson Page 61. How to Raise Italian drones. |

J ean not refrain from giving friend Quinby a passing notice, who claims to have raised virgin queens late in the fall for the purpose of having carly drones the next spring. [See his second edi- tion, page 37.| I do not miss my guess very much when I say to him, is so far as such drones are concerned, hey are wholly worthless, and never were known to fertilize a queen at any time of the year, and I doubt his cr any one else ever w ues such a stock over,

[See pages 28, 29 and 380, this Book.]

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PAGE. The Natural History and Description of the Honey Bee, 1 Drones sre Larger than the Worker i ar a About a BENITO IEC, wusesemeyidducedasdeccteroveleivedeestotensonvenstra >: Size and Shape of QUEENS oo eeeccesses cess ceerevessescenenaet eaves 3 Age of Queens Not Certain-—A Test of Queens Laying . at Peaitereere Peeeervreecceara SHO eHHFHE UTE HTH SORTTIEPED ? ‘Be Queens ‘Sting. es edie. Pande tomer, Construction of. “Royal Ts eae ee Te re a ce Impregnation of the QUEEN. eseecsssrenertser seenee eneaer senses 10. Artificial Fertilization in Confinement (0.022 cei How a lertile Queen is Known., apes deri 2 How a Virgin Queen or Drone-Laying =o is Known—An Instance of Two Queens in One Hive...... 18 The Impregnating or Seminal Fluid............ he ic On Swarming, and Why Bees Swar m—First Swarm... _ 16 ‘The Old Queen Going with: Them,,......, 18

When the First Swarm is Cast—The P" ed ‘ot the - Qos ii eos wsrae ee LD Queens Do Often Meet in Mortal Nees ig BP iit cok eae ho). What a Queen Cell Looks Like,...........ccccssaccovcosceseceeore What A Royal Queen Cellis Made Ol aren alctieicaeee Do Bees Supercede ‘heir Queems,,........sccccccecesscceserescns " 26 imaierwecplanation of Sexiss a Bene: Ja ceacsporepsissscosee Qn So aaiinaia Bees and Braod into Movable “Frame ves,. ded TT eeoresn secon sececerrccesecccrerosees Ww tae is it that Bees of ‘he Present Day do not Swarm go Much nor Make as Much Honey as They Did Years Ago, During the Early Settlement of the Country...... 25 Do Queens Have a Sting? Andif so, Do They Ever Use Then and What Ont gee. ces Ne estas insecimemee OF More Persons than do Should Keep Bees, sche eee 39 Artificially Swarming Bees,.0....,.....::csccsscssssssscevvsersesvean 42

A Fertile’ Ww orker—How Kaown,, reer scien Sen ORESTeT 2902

How to Get Rid of the Fertile Worker—On the Drone - Question, and What the Drone is For Opinion of General Adair Doubted Drivine Bees into New dives... 0.3) eee nu vieatgtan How to Locate Bees After Dri IU AINO is 2, ee How to Ifive Bees and Settle Them When Allowed to FS WALI hoe ieee ian S 2 scaeuis #00 o oeleg gaeeeene nee aimee ee On Patent or Movable F rame Hives... wiesehetenemennels Competition of the Hicks Bee-Hive,,...............0.00... }rauds Should be Put Down—The Hicks Bee- ilive. is _One ot the Easiest Hiv es to Handle Bees in,

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ABOOCOTE: ver eeeeretorereveseeeess

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How to Raise Ttalian Diones arly Sovtae 2... MR eee rae Teteodiciie a Queen toa Full Oolaties of meee Nase : How to Raise or Breed Quebis se seem Ris ec How to Prevent Bees from Destroying Their “Young, and, te r@auBe, J.) iss. cie eked ghad vated ike eae Fouls Brood —Cause.s0fi, 53 s20104..0 snk eee, Ree Koul Brood—How Known, Dysentery, or Bee Cholera... Treatment of Bee Cholera,, «fo eet Sie MUL ASAP ae The Italian Bees, and heir ‘Superiority Over tho Com- nion INatlve "BEC. ccci- cen: we eee reaeeif, TIow to Italianize a Hundred’ Stands with One poe and Leaye Her, in, the Same Hives... 5.12.00 aeenee What is-Pollen, and Why Bees Use itfor lood., Das How to Féed Weak Stocks in Order to Save Them... ies Old Rogies: Aust Succumb s35, 2a. eeeetes eseeoen es aes : Advice to Beginners in Apiculture... suehaaveneleesdscddcece Kach Month’s Labors Laid Out for the A DIALY onc cccscevete On Choosing a Location for an Apiar ieee. to Builda BEC-NOUSE., .ccccosnasee sans, Melathe dee lagiedee mannan amma ee Pasturage for BepS 2c cant keds. REO ae eeetee Ree Stings, and Remedies for the Same—Another Sim- pleand Sure Remedy,........ ashlee eda tue nba seanseoteet The Profits of Bee- Keeping “Compared with that of OPher STOCK « .,... wascascesss <gsstee eee Biativd EURO alias A Mystery Much Doubted by Other Authors,..... noes SOV Inverted Brood, and What is the Result.........ccssceseseee Who May Keep Bees and Make Them Pay. sc daeliitauoubeaetae te How to Winter Bees Successfully FUE Cel guaeeee es Tow to Keep Honey from Souring,.............-206..: To Keep Honey irom Granulating—To Make diate


tse neers Paaee Cem meee en eee ae eeeeteeee oes

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for the Children,,.,.. .. ob sobs Spek statee act Roe What is Honey Dew ‘and How is It Produced. re ee peers A Visit to the North American Bee- -Keepers’ Conven-

eeecoee eenseeee ©

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tion in a hyp Umea s ves gee SRTSAT ee eret cegererereee rev eseree Sait aD


The first word in the last line of introductory remarks should read ‘‘laws,’’ in place of ‘‘was.”’

The first word in last line on page 43 should read “some,” and not ‘same.’ Also, on page 5],in lesson “Tlow to Hive Bees,’’ the word ‘nearly,’ in the seventh line, should read ‘‘near by,’’ On page 53, third line from bottom, the first word should read ‘Seight,’’ in place of ‘ight.’”? Also. the letter ‘‘o’’ in last word in twenty- first line from top of page should be ‘‘c,”” and read as ‘‘nice.”’ On pages 54and 55, the word ‘‘Completion” should read “Competition of the Hicks Bee-hive,’’ and not ‘““Comple- tien Hicks Hive.’’ On page 62, fifteenth line, the word ‘for’ should read ‘{from; and on page 64 the word ‘‘in’” should te “‘of,” in fifth line from bottom, after ‘‘month,’’ Also, the last word on page 66 should be “‘bicarbonate,”’ in place of ‘‘biporate.” On page 69, the second line shouln have the words ‘‘back on their stand’ supplied, in order to make the lesson clear and comprehensive in the treatment of bee cholera. On page’70, the word ‘‘native,’’ in twelfth line from top, should “read “nature,” and on page 71 we find in third line from bottom the word “bees,” which should be ‘‘qneens;”’..‘‘stocks,’’ in second line from bottom, should be “stacks. Also, on page 72, line 14, the word “‘in’’ should be used after ‘“‘inserting,’’ to makesense. On page 77, line sixteen, just before ‘“‘busi- ness’’ should be “‘this business.”” On page 79,*in lesson for April, the word ‘‘have’’ should be used before: ‘‘feed,’’ to make proper sense; and ‘‘meal’’ should be used in place of ‘‘bread.’? On pege 80, the word “‘hive,’’ in December les- on should be ‘‘house,’’ which is used in second and sixth ines. ;

Price ist cf




At Retail and by the Quantity.


North American Bee-keeper’s Guide... .-..22....... cee $ 50 Hicks’ Bee Hive and Farm Right... ..cccccccscseseseee 10 00 Hicks’ Bee Hive, with Italian Bees, ooo. ....... es ceeeeeee 20 00 For Hicks’ Hives per dozen.................. heen cde ten aecentenes 36 00 Kialian Queen, single one tested............ «as cde near 5 00 Ltalian Queens Per COZEM, 2... ..ccccccseseccsccecssscoeeeseees 33 00 {talian Queens per half-dozen © ....0.)2 5. ue Cee ee 18 00 One imported Italian Queen.... . 5 heceeés tee oe ae ee 10 00 Alsike Clover Seed per pound ............e..ccccceccesseeees see? 50 Mustard Seed per pound oo. ...........ceeseceeeerer sevens avtee 30 Silver-hulled Buckwheat per pound ooo... ss... senses

Qo Honey Extractors furnished at manufacturers’ ee the best in the market.

Address: J. M. HICKS & Co., Battle Ground, | Tippecanoe County, Ind.

B.—Always be particular Ss write your name and sdaves plainly, te avoid mistakes. ;

BeS-T desire to procure good ener- getic Agents throughout the United States and Territories, to whom liberal! commissions will be allowed, aS age! as good premiums in Bees, alten (Queens, aad Hicks Lives, including the North American Bee- iveeper’s’ Guide, a book up with the times in Bee- -keeping, which retails at fifty cents per single copy, and is worth ten times the price to any farmer or person contemplating going. into the Bee business.

Address, with inclosed stamp for terms, and you will always hear from

me, ae Me AICKS.

I also wish to negotiate and make ar- rangements for all first-class honey, for which I will pay cash or exchange Ital- ian Queens, or Hicks Bee Hives, with or without bees in the same. In a word, I will exchange any article I keep ior sale to supply Bee-keepers with for good, first-class honey, at fair prices.

J. M. HICKS, Battle Ground, Tippecanoe County, Ind.




pn OR—

wile Se : i Hicks’ Bee Hives, —ALSO—

A Full Set of Transferring Tools, FOR AGENTS, FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE,

Weare also prepared, to furnish the best money-Bzxtracters, AT MANUPACTURERS’ PRICES.

awe far ; p Ty

Knives for Uncapping Honey. and WAX-EXTRACEORS.,.

Will also be furnished on Short Notiee and ai Low Price~

Address all orders to

J. M. HICKS & CO., Battie Ground, ate ae Coes Ind.


8a" Tbhe Best and Purest Stock of Brama Chickens “fur- nished on reasonable terms for cash. It is a well-known fact that the two families of Bramas—that of dark ana light—if bred together, make the most hardy and best chickens for the market, and by far the richest, sweetest and best meat for use.

Address all orders to J. M. HICKS & CO..

Battle Groung, Ind.

er MM adtiargl or, (a) ©

4 Price 90c., Postpaid. og. =



a 8 0 \ 1G away gy oy ANY sj SB / CA TS Ges, Sy —) ~ NAKA NOWAK AK ae NK STG = ~~

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Pee Mm UICKS, | Practical Apiarian, | Battle Ground, Tippecanoe Oo., Ind. |


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