SS Ben | * Pid ce eae at t é i - aig” ol a Vie VOLUME 32 Part 4 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA RUBIALES RUBIACEAE (pars) PavuL CARPENTER STANDLEY PUBLISHED BY THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN DECEMBER 21, 1934 A sia LAe) 7k tow) em Tat ia | -_ ANITMAT OU OOCe 4d wie Ca4t7) Ghirs {QT Te | * LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL -ARDE Part 4, 1934) RUBIACEAE GARDEN 229 pendulous, straight or excurved, the testa membranaceous; endosperm scant or none; embryo elongate, terete or compressed, the cotyledons small, plane, the radicle elongate, superior. Type species, Guettarda speciosa \. Fruit acutely quadrangular. Stipules glabrous; hypanthium glabrous. 1. G. poasana. Stipules pilose outside; hypanthium sericeous or puberulent. Leaves opposite; corolla-tube 12—15 mm. long. 2. G. crispiflora. Leaves ternate; corolla-tube 22 mm. long. 3. G. cobanensis. Fruit terete, globose to oblong. Fruit 15—25-celled; leaves narrowly oblong or lanceolate, coriaceous; flowers mostly solitary and sessile in the leaf-axils. Leaf-blades obtuse, rounded or obtuse at the base, oblong or nar- rowly oblong. 4. G. polytheca. Leaf-blades long-attenuate to a narrow apex, shallowly cordate or broadly rounded at the base, lanceolate or lance-linear. 5. G. angustata. Fruit commonly 2—9-celled. Inflorescences 1-flowered, or rarely few-flowered but sessile; leaves coriaceous or rigid-coriaceous, sometimes pungent-mucronate. Leaf-blades minute, mostly 1.5—-7 mm. long, rarely as much as 15 mm. long; ovary 3—4-celled. Leaves glabrous. 6. G. Echinodendron. Leaves more or less pubescent. Leaf-blades ovate or ovate-oblong; fruit 2—2.7 mm. thick. 7. G. nannocarpa. Leaf-blades mostly obovate; fruit 4.5—6 mm. thick. Leaves +-7 mm. long. 8. G. saxicola. Leaves 8-18 mm. long. 9. G. cahosiana. Leaf-blades larger, usually 15 mm. long er much larger. Stipules 1.2—2.5 cm. long; fruit 2.4-3 cm. long, 6-celled. 10. G. macrocarpa. Stipules 1 cm. long or shorter; fruit less than 1.5 cm. long. Leaf-blades acute to rounded at the base, or sometimes subcordate, but then pungent-mucronate at the apex. Fruit 3-celled. ‘Transverse veins very prominent and finely reticu- late on the lower leaf-surface: stipules 2-3 mm. long. ; 11. G. Coxiana. Transverse veins obscurely reticulate on the lower leaf-surface; stipules 1-1.5 mm. long. 12. G. sciaphila. Fruit 4-6-celled, or rarely 2-celled. Corolla-tube 5-8 mm. long. Leaf-blades minutely tomentulose beneath, 6—12 mm. wide. 13. G. cueroensis. Leaf-blades sericeous beneath, 2.5-6 mm. wide. Corolla-tube 8 mm. long. 14. G. rigida. Corolla-tube 5 mm. long. 15. G. tenuiramis. Corolla-tube 10-13 mm. long. Leaves not mucronate-pungent at the apex. 16. G. barahonensis. Leaves mucronate-pungent at the apex. Leaf-blades orbicular, subcordate at the base. 17. G. rotundifolia. Leaf-blades broadly ovate or obovate, acute to rounded at the base. Margins of the leaves pseudo-crenate. 18. G. spintfera. Margins of the leaves entire. Fruit 4-5-celled; flowers subsessile in the leaf-axils. 19. G. pungens. Fruit 2-celled; flowers long-peduncu- late. 20. G. apiculata. Leaf-blades cordate or subcordate at the base. Leaves long-pilose beneath along the costa with ap- pressed hairs, minutely whitish-pilose between the nerves. 21. G. clarensis. Leaves minutely pilose beneath. Corolla 1—1.5 cm. long. 22. G. undulata. Corolla 2 cm. long. 23. G. camagueyensis. Inflorescences with 3 or more flowers (rarely a few of the inflorescences 1-flowered), pedunculate, or, if 1-flowered, the leaves not cori- aceous; leaves not pungent-mucronate. Leaf-blades, at least most of them, cordate or subcordate at the base, coriaceous or rigid-coriaceous; stipules large, mostly 1—2 em. long; cymes subcapitate, few-flowered. Leaves very scabrous on the upper surface. 24. G. scabra. Leaves glabrous or pilose on the upper surface, never scabrous. Leaves copiously short-pilose on the upper surface, the pubescence persistent. Corolla-tube 2—3.5 cm. long. 2 Corolla-tube about | cm. long. 2 5. G. Preneloupii. 6. G. dictyophylla. DEC 20 1934 230 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA Leaves often pilose or tomentose on the upper surface when young, but soon glabrate. Leaves densely ferruginous-tomentose beneath. Leaves glabrate beneath or short-pilose or with a very fine, close, pale tomentum. Leaves pilose beneath along the costa and nerves, elsewhere glabrous. Leaves densely long-pilose beneath along the costa. Leaves with a few short appressed hairs along the costa. Leaves more or less pubescent beneath, between as well as upon the costa and nerves. Branchlets ferruginous-puberulent, without long hairs except sometimes at the nodes. Branchlets long-pilose as well as tomentulose or puberulent. Fruit 4-5-celled; corolla-tube about 2.5 cm. long. Corolla-tube villous with long spreading hairs. Corolla-tube retrorse-pilose with short hairs. Fruit 3—4-celled; corolla-tube 1—2 cm. long. Corolla-tube 18-20 mm. long; leaves rigid- coriaceous. Corolla-tube 10-14 mm. long; leaves merely coriaceous. Leaf-blades acute to rounded at the base or, if cordate or subcor- date, membranaceous or chartaceous; stipules usually less than 1 em. long; cymes often many-flowered and with elongate branches. Leaves pale beneath, with a minute or loose tomentum. pe ee loosely tomentose beneath; corolla 2.5 cm. ong. Leaf-blades minutely tomentulose beneath. Leaf-blades small, 2.5—5 cm. long. Corolla 1.2 em. long. Corolla 3 cm. long. Leaf-blades large, most of them 6—17 cm. long. Fruit constricted at the middle. Fruit (so far as known) globose, not constricted. Leaves only 2-4 cm. wide. Leaves usually more than 5 cm. wide, often much wider. Stipules 3 mm. long; inflorescences 2-3- flowered. Stipules 5-15 mm. long; inflorescences usually many-flowered. Stipules 5-6 mm. long; tomentum of the lower leaf-surface lustrous. Stipules 8-15 mm. long; tomentum not lustrous. Branches of the inflorescence short, with 5 or fewer flowers. Branches of the inflorescence elongate, with usually numerous flowers. Leaves without tomentum on the lower surface. Corolla-tube retrorse-pilose outside, at least on the lower part. Leaf-blades mostly obovate or oblanceolate, broadest above the middle, thick-coriaceous. Lateral nerves of the leaves 10—14 pairs; leaf-blades oblong-oblanceolate. Lateral nerves 5—9 pairs; leaf-blades obovate. Ovary 2-celled; leaves pilose beneath in the axils of the nerves. Ovary 3—5-celled; leaves glabrous. Peduncles 3-10 mm. long. Peduncles 1—7.5 cm. long. Leaf-blades not obovate or oblanceolate, usually broad- est at or below the middle, usually not thick- coriaceous. Leaves rigid-coriaceous. Leaves not rigid-coriaceous. Leaves densely pilose beneath with long, soft, more or less spreading hairs. Leaves appressed-pilose beneath or with spread- ing hairs only on the nerves, often gla- brate. 28. DOF 30. Sills 32; Soe 34. 40. 41. 49., SG QQ AH AQ 4 (Ek [VOLUME . ferruginea. . crassipes. . cobrensis. . calyptrata. . lanuginosa. . Urbanii. . Shaferi. . Krugii. . Nashii. . Taylori. . inaguensis. . constricta. . crenulata. . Turpinii. . argentea. . tortuensis. . Combsii. . nervosa. . retusa. . monocar pa. . Valenzuelan adulterina. . mollis. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE Leaf-blades cordate to broadly rounded at the base; petioles mostly 2-6 cm. long; branches of the cymes usually elon- gate. Corolla-tube about 4 em. long. Corolla-tube 2 em. long or shorter. Leaf-blades subcordate at the 6.5—11 cm. wide. Leaf-blades rounded at the base, cm. wide. Leaf-blades acute to obtuse at the petioles usually less than 2 cm. branches of the inflorescence almost obsolete. Leaves scabrous, pilose, or hispidulous on the upper surface. Leaves acuminate. Leaf-blades ovate; peduncles as long as the petioles. Leaf-blades mostly lance-oblong; peduncles usually more than 3 times as long as the petioles. Leaves acute to rounded at the apex. Peduncles 3-10 em. long; bracts triangular or ovate. Peduncles 1.5—2.5 ecm. long; bracts linear-subulate. Leaves not scabrous nor hispidulo s on the upper surface. Fruit oblong, nearly twice as leng as thick, 2—3-celled. Cymes 3-7-flowered, subcapitate; bractlets ovate-deltoid. Cymes 7—25-flowered, the branches usually elongate; bractlets lin- ear-lanceolate. _ Fruit globose or subglobose. Lateral nerves of the leaves 12—17 on each side, almost straight, approximate; fruit usually 5- celled. Lateral nerves 5—12 on each side, arcuate, distant. Fruit 4-6-celled. Leaves rounded at the apex; fruit 6-7 mm. long. Leaves acute or obtuse; fruit 4-5 mm. long. Fruit 2—3-celled. Stipules 5-6 mm. long; leaves rounded at the apex; bractlets S—10 mm. long. Stipules 2.5-4 mm. long; leaves acute or acu- minate; bractlets 1— 2.3 mm. long. Corolla-tube 4 times as long as the lobes. Corolla-tube 6 times as long as the lobes. Corolla-tube antrorse-pilose outside. Pubescence of the lower leaf-surface of spreading hairs. Flowers in part borne on slender pedicels. Flowers all sessile or nearly so. Leaves acute or subacute. Leaves rounded or very obtuse at the apex. Leaf-blades truncate or cordate at the base. Nerves prominulous on the upper leaf- surface; leaf-blades truncate at the base. Nerves impressed on the upper leaf- surface; leaf-blades mostly more or less cordate at the base. Leaf-blades rounded or obtuse at the base. Leaves coriaceous, the nerves impressed on the upper surface. ; Leaves chartaceous, the nerves not 1m- pressed. base, 3.5—-5 base; long: often n ~“ 39. 60. 61. 63. 67. 68. 69. oe re pl C= alee + G: G. ;. longiflora. ;, potamophila. ;. frangulifolia. membranacea ;, oxyphylla. psiloclada. . brevinodis. Lindeniana. calcicola. . multinervis. . ovalifolia. inaequipes. . laevis. . elegans. G. Baltenweckii. 70.G . filipes. . Gaumeri. . punctata. . lacornea. . Abboltii. . Deamii. bo oe bo NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VoLUME 32 Pubescence of the lower leaf-surface of appressed hairs. Leaf-blades linear or lance-oblong, usually less than 1 cm. wide. Leaf-blades linear. 71. G. stenophylla. Leaf-blades lance-oblong. 14. G. rigida. Leaf-blades more, usually much more, than | cm. wide. Corolla-tube 6—9 mm. long. Leaves loosely tomentose on the upper sur- face when young, chartaceous. 72. G. Galeottii. Leaves glabrous or nearly so on the upper surface, membranaceous. Stipules obtuse; corolla 6-8 mm. long, the limb 4-lobate. 73. G. dicholoma. Stipules acuminate; corolla 9.5-14 mm. long. Corolla-limb 4-lobate; fruit 2-4-celled. 74. GC. elliptica. Corolla-limb 5—6-lobate; fruit 5-celled. 75. G. parviflora. Corolla-tube 11-17 mm. long. Branchlets aculeolate. 76. G. aculeolata. Branchlets not aculeolate. Cymes 3-flowered, the peduncles very stout; corolla-tube 5 mm. wide in the throat. 77. G. ramuliflora. Cymes usually with more than 3 flowers, the peduncles slender; corolla-tube not more than 3 mm. wide in the throat. Leaf-blades conspicuously cordate at the base. 78. G. colubrinoides. Leaf-blades rounded to acute at the base. Fruit 1—1.5 cm. in diameter; bract- lets shorter than the calyx, deciduous. 79. G. macrosperma. Fruit 6 mm. in diameter or smaller; - bractlets equaling or longer than the calyx, persistent. Bractlets lanceolate, acute; leaf-blades 3-6.5 cm. long; petioles 2-7 mm. long. 80. G. odorata. Bractlets oblong, obtuse; leaf- blades 10-16 cm. long; peti- oles 8-22 mm. long. 81. G. foliacea. Nine other species, presumably valid, described mostly from sterile specimens, are keyed sepa- rately on page 260. 1. Guettarda poasana Standley, Jour. Wash. Acad. 18: 182. 1928. A shrub or small tree 3-6 meters high, the branchlets stout, compressed, glabrous, with short internodes; stipules ovate, 2 cm. long, long-acuminate, thin, brown, glabrous, deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 2-7 cm. long, glabrous; leaf-blades elliptic, broadly elliptic, or elliptic-ovate, 13-19 cm. long, 5—9 cm. wide, short-acuminate, acutish to short-acuminate at the base, membranaceous, green above, glabrous or when young very sparsely short-pilose, the venation mostly plane, paler beneath, appressed-pilose when young, glabrate in age, the costa and lateral nerves very slender, prominent, the latter 8 or 9 on each side, arcuate, extending al- most to the margin, the veins inconspicuous, the margin plane; peduncles 3 cm. long or shorter, glabrous, the cymes bifurcate, about 9-flowered, with short branches, the flowers sessile, the bractlets minute; calyx and hypanthium together 2-2.5 mm. long, the hypanthium glabrous or nearly so; calyx shallowly dentate, puberulent or glabrous; corolla pink, densely tomentose outside, the tube 15-20 mm. long, 2.5 mm. thick in the throat, the lobes suborbicular, 4 mm. long. : TYPE LOCALITY: Wet forest at Viento Fresco, on the slopes of Pods Volcano, Alajuela, Costa Rica, altitude about 1800 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Wet mountain forest of central Costa Rica, at 1800-2100 meters. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 233 2. Guettarda crispiflora Vahl, Eclog. 1: 36. 1796. Matthiola crispiflora Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A shrub or small tree, the branchlets stout, compressed, minutely sericeous, with very short internodes; stipules ovate, 1-2 cm. long, acute or acuminate, thin, brown, setose-pilose at the base and along the costa with fulvous appressed hairs; leaves opposite, the slender or stout petioles 1—2.5 cm. long, setose-pilose ; leaf-blades ovate to broadly oval, 9-12 cm. long, 4.5—7 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex and abruptly short-acuminate, or sometimes long-acumi- nate, broadly rounded at the base, chartaceous, green above, short-pilose, especially along the nerves, or glabrate, the venation prominent, paler beneath, minutely appressed-pilose, the venation prominent, the lateral nerves slender, 8-11 on each side, arcuate, parallel, the inter- mediate veins straight, transverse, inconspicuous, reticulate, the margin plane; peduncles stout, 1-1.7 cm. long, minutely sericeous, the cymes bifurcate, the branches 1-3 cm. long, 4-11- flowered, the flowers sessile, the bractlets minute; calyx and hypanthium 2.5-3 mm. long, densely fulvous-sericeous, the calyx shallowly 5-dentate; corolla white or tinged with rose, the stout tube 12-15 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose with short fulvous hairs, the 5 lobes 3 mm. long, lacerate-undulate; fruit acutely tetragonous, 5—7 mm. long, 3.5-4 mm. thick, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Montserrat. DISTRIBUTION: In forest, Lesser Antilles and Trinidad; mountain forests of Costa Rica. ILLUSTRATION: Vahl, Eclog. pl. 6. 3. Guettarda cobanensis Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 47: 255. 1909. Branchlets stout, obtusely trigonous, fulvous-pilose with long ascending hairs, the inter- nodes short; stipules ovate, 1-1.5 cm. long, attenuate, thin, brown, fulvous-pilose near the base and along the costa; leaves ternate, the slender petioles 1.5—4.5 cm. long, long-pilose; leaf- blades elliptic or elliptic-ovate, 9-15 cm. long, 3-7 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate at base and apex, membranaceous, green above, short-pilose, especially along the nerves, the venation prominent, paler beneath, appressed-pilose, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, about 11 on each side, parallel, arcuately ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, the ultimate veins numer- ous, transverse, inconspicuous, reticulate, the margin plane; peduncles 1.5—2 cm. long, stout, the cymes bifurcate, the branches 1-1.5 cm. long, 3—4-flowered, sparsely pilosulous, the flowers sessile, 4- or 5-parted, the bractlets minute; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, puberulent, the calyx short, shallowly dentate; corolla-tube 22 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose outside, the lobes lacerate-crispate, one third as long as the tube; anthers 4 mm. long; style pilose, the stigma capitate; fruit acutely quadrangular, 9 mm. long, 5-7 mm. thick, 3—4-celled, the cells straight. TYPE LOCALITY: Mountain forests near Coban, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, altitude 1500 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 4. Guettarda polytheca Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: oz. 1926. A small tree, the branches terete, glabrate, the internodes 1-3 em. long, the branchlets leafy at the apex, when young pilose with short subappressed hairs; stipules triangular-lance- olate, 4-10 mm. long, deciduous, pilose dorsally; petioles 2-5 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong or narrowly oblong, 2-8 cm. long, 0.5—3 cm. wide, obtuse, rounded to subcordate at the base, or merely obtuse, coriaceous, pale above, appressed-pilose or glabrate, whitish-punctate, paler beneath, appressed-pilose along the nerves and densely short-pilose between them, the lateral nerves prominent, 4-7 on each side, ascending at a very acute angle, the margin plane or sub- revolute; fruits axillary, solitary, sessile or on peduncles as much as 3 mm. long, globose, obscurely cestate, densely and minutely fulvous-tomentose, 12-17 mm. long, 10-15 mm. wide, with 17 or fewer cells. TPE LOCALITY: Montagnes du Trou d’Eau, Morne a Cabrits, in open semiarid forest near Bois d’Orme, Haiti, on the summit of a calcareous mountain, altitude 500 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Haiti. Nore: According to Urban, there is some doubt as to whether the true number of ovary-cells is so great as is reported for the species. 234 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 5. Guettarda angustata Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A°: 80. 9272 A small tree, the branchlets subterete, rufescent, densely and minutely pilose, the older branches glabrate, grayish or blackish, the internodes usually very short; stipules triangular, acute, deciduous, up to 8 mm. long, pilose with long subappressed hairs; petioles stout, 2-6 mm. long, densely short-pilose; leaf-blades lanceolate or lance-linear, often tapering gradually from base to apex, long-attenuate to the narrow, acute or mucronate tip, cordate at the base or merely rounded in the smaller leaves, 3-6.5 cm. long, 5-12 mm. wide, coriaceous, green and lustrous above, puberulent on the nerves or glabrate, pale beneath, somewhat fulvous, densely and minutely tomentose, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves prominent, 6-9 on each side, ascending at a very acute angle, the veins prominulous, closely reticulate; inflores- cences axillary, mostly 3-flowered, the peduncle 1-7 mm. long, tomentulose, the flowers sessile, fragrant, the bracts lanceolate or lance-linear, 5 mm. long; calyx at first closed and caudate- acuminate, falling off as a cap, the persistent portion 2-2.5 mm. long; corolla white, 15-17 mm. long, the tube cylindric, slightly ampliate above, minutely retrorse-pulverulent outside, appressed-sericeous above, minutely pilose within, the 5 or 6 lobes obovate, 5.5 mm. long; an- thers linear, 2.8 mm. long; style 15 mm. long, minutely pilose, the stigmas obovate; fruit globose, 10-13 mm. in diameter, with as many as 25 cells, densely ochraceous-tomentose. ‘ TYPE LOCALITY: Méle St. Nicolas, Batterie Valliére, in calcareous soil, northwestern peninsula i Sete, Haiti. 6. Guettarda Echinodendron C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 125. 1869. A rigid, densely branched shrub, 2 meters high or less, the stout branches terete, grayish, the branchlets divaricate, sometimes spinose, reddish or grayish, minutely scaberulous, with short internodes; stipules deltoid-acuminate, 1-1.5 mm. long, brown, persistent; leaves oppo- site, often crowded and appearing fasciculate, very short-petiolate, the blades oval-ovate, oval, or elliptic-oblong, 1.5—5 mm. long, 1-3 mm. wide, rounded to acutish at the apex and sub- mucronate, rounded or obtuse at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, lustrous, the costa and lateral nerves prominulous above, obsolete beneath, the lateral nerves 1—4 on each side, arcuate- ascending, the margin plane; peduncles 1-flowered, 2-4 mm. long, the bractlets subulate, less than 1 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium glabrous, 2.5—3 mm. long, the calyx about as long as the hypanthium, 4-lobate, the lobes deltoid, obtuse; corolla 6-7 mm. long in bud, with 4 lobes; fruit red, ellipsoid, 5-6 mm. long, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Near San Marcos, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Dry thickets and pinelands, Matanzas and Santa Clara, Cuba, and the Isle of Pines. : 7. Guettarda nannocarpa Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A™: Oi. 1929: A densely branched shrub 1.5 meters high, the older branches terete, glabrous, gray or blackish, with short internodes; leaves minute, subsessile on short lateral branches, ovate, narrowly ovate, or ovate-oblong, 2-4 mm. long, I1-1.5 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, rarely acutish, at the base rounded, subtruncate, or rarely emarginate, the costa usually im- pressed above, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves 2 or 3 on each side, inconspicuous or obso- lete, lustrous above, sparsely and minutely pilosulous, sericeous beneath, coriaceous; fruits ses- sile, solitary, globose, very obtusely quadrangular, 2—2.7 mm. in diameter, 4-celled, tomentulose, the persistent calyx-limb truncate, 1 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: In calcareous soil, Anse-A-Chat, Barahona, Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 8. Guettarda saxicola Urban, Symb. Ant. 5: 511. 1908. A densely branched shrub 3-5 meters high, the branches terete, grayish, lenticellate, with very short internodes, the branchlets short, glabrous, densely leafy at the ends; stipules minute, Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 5 2a a | deciduous; leaves sessile or subsessile, obovate to elliptic or suborbicular, 4-7 mm. long, 2.5—4 mm. wide, rounded at the apex or sometimes obtuse or subemarginate, obtuse or rounded at the base, coriaceous, lustrous and minutely pilose above, the veins prominulous, beneath sericeous, the lateral nerves about 3 on each side, prominulous; flowers solitary, sessile or subsessile on short branchlets; fruit depressed-globose, 4-5 mm. long, 4.5—-6 mm. thick, 3- or 4-celled, densely and minutely velutinous-tomentose. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Hatte Troché, Haiti, in dry rocky places, altitude 50 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Dry hillsides, Haiti. 9. Guettarda cahosiana Urban & Ekman, Ark. Bot. 22A": 91. -1929. A shrub, the young branchlets terete, minutely appressed-pilosulous, soon glabrate; stipules lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, 1 mm. long, early deciduous; petioles 1-1.5 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate, obovate-oblong, or oblong, 8-18 mm. long, 3-6 mm. wide, chartaceous, rounded or subtruncate at the apex, narrowed to the acute base, dark-green above, lustrous, glabrous, minutely reticulate-rugulose, beneath minutely sericeous, the lateral nerves 3—4 pairs, not anastomosing, prominulous; flowers sessile in the leaf-axils; calyx and hypanthium whitish- sericeous, the calyx truncate, 1.5 mm. long; corolla white, 9 mm. long, the tube cylindraceous, slightly ampliate near the apex, covered with minute antrorse hairs, the 4 lobes obovate, half as long as the tube; anthers oblong, 1.5 mm. long; style 3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigmas obovate-rounded, 0.3 mm. long; ovary 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Massif des Cahos, near Dessalines, at Hatte Grammont, on calcareous hills, Haiti, altitude 100 meters. ; DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 10. Guettarda macrocarpa Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. IT. 8: 507. 1862. Matthiola macrocarpa Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A shrub or tree, the branchlets stout, densely fulvous- or ferruginous-pilose, with short internodes; stipules ovate or ovate-oblong, 1.2—2.5 cm. long, sometimes exceeding the petioles, densely appressed-pilose with fulvous hairs, deciduous; petioles rather slender, 1.5—3.5 cm. long, densely long-pilose; leaf-blades ovate to ovate-oval or oblong-ovate, 4-12.5 cm. long, 2—8.5 cm. wide, obtuse or subacute, cordate or truncate at the base, green on the upper surface, with im- pressed venation, copiously long-pilose at first, becoming glabrate, subcoriaceous, densely pilose beneath with long fulvous hairs, the lateral nerves prominent, 9-11 on each side, ascend- ing at a very acute angle, the margin plane; cymes few-flowered, sessile, the bractlets elliptic, ferruginous-tomentose, longer than the calyx; calyx and hypanthium tomentose, the calyx 4-lobate; corolla-tube 3—3.5 cm. long, retrorse-pilose, the 6 lobes oblong, 10-13 mm. long, puberulent within; fruit ovoid, 2.5—3 cm. long, 6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Cliffs near Monte Verde, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Dry slopes, Oriente, Cuba. 11. Guettarda Coxiana Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42: 508. 1915. A densely branched shrub 2.5 meters high, the branches terete, grayish or blackish, the branchlets stout, densely leafy, densely and very minutely appressed-pilose; stipules deltoid- acuminate, 2-3 mm. long, strigillose, deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 1-2 mm. long, minutely pilose; leaf-blades ovate-oval, rounded-oval, or elliptic, 1-2 cm. Jong, 0.6—1.2 cm. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex and shortly pungent-mucronate, rounded or obtuse at the base, thick-coriaceous, yellowish-green above, glabrous or when young sparsely strigillose, paler beneath, minutely hirtellous, the costa very thick and prominent, the lateral nerves 6-8 on each side, arcuate, the veins extremely prominent, very closely reticulate, the areoles almost obsolete, the margin plane; flowers in capitate 1—3-flowered cymes, the peduncles 2-5 mm. long, stout, the flowers sessile, the bractlets ovate or lanceolate, 1 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium 236 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 densely scaberulous, the calyx 1 mm. long, truncate; corolla yellowish, 3 mm. long, densely and minutely white-pilose outside; young fruit obovoid, 4 mm. long, 3-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Rocky coastal hill, Daiquiri, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: On limestone hills, Oriente, Cuba. 12. Guettarda sciaphila Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 409. 1912. Branches grayish, sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets stout, compressed, minutely pilose or glabrate, the internodes short; stipules deltoid-acuminate, 1-1.5 mm. long, early deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 2-3 mm. long, glabrate, the blades narrowly or broadly obovate, 1.5-3.5 em. long, 0.7—1.5 em. wide, rounded or very obtuse, cuneate-attenuate to the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous above, sublustrous, the venation obscure, scarcely prominulous, brownish beneath, glabrous or obscurely and minutely pilose along the stout prominent costa, the lateral nerves prominulous, 4-6 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60-70 degrees, the intermediate veins obscurely reticulate, the margin recurved; peduncles 1-flowered, 2-4 mm. long, the flowers sessile; fruit globose, 4-5 mm. in diameter, 3-celled, minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets near base of Loma Mensura, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 680 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. i3. Guettarda cueroensis Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42: 509. 1915. Guettarda undulata Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 13], in part. 1866. Guettarda xanthocarpa Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42:510. 1915. A shrub or small tree 1.5-5 meters high, the branches terete, reddish-brown or grayish, lenticellate, the branchlets stout, spurlike, strigillose, with very short internodes; stipules ovate- deltoid, acute, 1.5—3 mm. long, strigillose, deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 1-2 mm. long, strigillose; leaf-blades oblong, narrowly oblong, or elliptic-oblong, 1.5-3 cm. long, 0.6-1.2 cm. wide, acute or obtuse, sometimes mucronate, obtuse to subcordate at the base, coriaceous, glabrous above, sublustrous, the costa plane, the nerves and veins prominulous, closely reticu- late, densely but very minutely tomentulose beneath, the costa stout, prominent, glabrate, the lateral nerves slender, prominulous, 8 or 9 on each side, the veins mostly obsolete, the margin plane or undulate; flowers solitary, the peduncles 1-2 mm. long, or the flowers sessile; calyx and hypanthium minutely sericeous, the calyx 1 mm. long, truncate; corolla whitish, the tube minutely retrorse-pilose outside, 7—8 mm. long, the 5—7 lobes rounded, about one third as long as the tube; fruit subglobose, 8-10 mm. in diameter, 6-celled, minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Hill, vicinity of El Cuero, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 150 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Cliffs and hillsides, Oriente, Cuba. 14. Guettarda rigida A. Rich. in Sagra, Hist. Cuba 11:20. 1850. ? Guettarda holocarpa C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 123. 1869. A shrub or sometimes a small tree, the branches stout, ferruginous, the branchlets strigil- lose, densely leafy; stipules deltoid, acute, 1 mm. long, strigillose; leaves sessile or nearly so, the petioles only 1 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong to lance-oblong or linear-oblong, 0.6—3 cm. long, 2.5-5 mm. wide, or on young shoots sometimes much larger, rounded to acutish at the apex, acute or acutish at the base, coriaceous, green above, more or less lustrous, sparsely strigillose, paler beneath, densely whitish- or fulvous-sericeous, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, numerous, ascending at a narrow angle, the margin plane or subrevolute; pe- duncles axillary and 1-flowered, 2-3 mm. long, or sometimes much elongate and several- flowered; calyx and hypanthium 3 mm. long, densely sericeous, the calyx spathaceous, bilobate; corolla densely sericeous, the stout tube 8 mm. long, the oblong acutish lobes half as long as the tube; fruit pyriform-globose, 1 cm. in diameter, yellowish, minutely scaberulous, 6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Dry hillsides, Matanzas, Camaguey, and Habana, Cuba. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 237 15. Guettarda tenuiramis Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 56. 1926. A densely branched shrub, the internodes short or elongate, the young branchlets minutely appressed-pilose; stipules triangular-lanceolate, filiform-acuminate, 2—2.5 mm. long, soon deciduous; petioles 1-2 mm. long; leaves more or less dimorphous, the blades of those on young sterile branches elliptic, oblong, or lanceolate, obtuse or acute, 0.8-3.5 em. long, 2.5—10 mm. wide, acute or subobtuse at the base, the blades of short fertile branchlets linear-oblong, 3-8 mm. long, 1—2 mm. wide, usually obtuse at each end, dark-green above and lustrous, sparsely and minutely p lose, paler beneath and minutely sericeous, papyraceous, the lateral nerves 6-8 on each side, prominent beneath, ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, the margin plane; flowers sessile on short branchlets; calyx and hypanthium minutely tomentulose, the calyx | mm. long, truncate; corolla white, 7-8 mm. long, the tube ampliate above, minutely erect- pilose, the 4 or rarely 5 lobes ovate, half as long as the tube; anthers oblong, 1 mm. long; style 2.5 mm. long, minutely appressed-pilose; fruit globose, as much as 8 mm. in diameter, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Mountains of Trou d’Eau, near Glore, on hills near Etang SaumAtre, Haiti, in calcareous soil, altitude 100—200 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hillsides, Haiti. 16. Guettarda barahonensis Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A": 88. 1929. A shrub, the young branchlets short-pilose, with short internodes; stipules ovate or oblong, acutish, appressed-pilose, 4-7 mm. long, deciduous; petioles stout, 1.5-3 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong, ovate-oblong, or rarely ovate, 1-3.5 cm. long, 0.5—1.5 cm. wide, narrowed to an obtuse or subobtuse apex, truncate at the base, rarely subemarginate, sericeous-pilose above at first but soon glabrate, grayish beneath, densely velutinous-pilose with short hairs, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves 4 or 5 on each side, prominent, ascending at an acute angle, coriaceous, the margin plane or subrevolute; flowers axillary at the ends of the branches and sessile, or on short 2-flowered peduncles, the bracts filiform, almost 3 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium short- pilose, the calyx truncate or cleft on one side, 2 mm. long; corolla white, 15 mm. long, the tube gradually dilated from base to apex, pilose with short, spreading or erect hairs, the 5 lobes obovate, half as long as the tube; anthers oblong-linear, 1.7 mm. long; style 10.5 mm. long, sparsely pilose; ovary 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: In calcareous soil, along road between Couéve-en-haut and Trujin, Barahona, Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Vicinity of the type locality. 17. Guettarda rotundifolia Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 410. 1912. A tree, the branches terete, smooth, brownish-gray, the internodes 1-4 cm. long, the branches finely appressed-pilose; stipules triangular, subulate-acuminate, soon deciduous; petioles 1-3 mm. long; leaf-blades orbicular, usually somewhat broader than long, 1.5—2.5 cm. long, 1.5—2.3 em. wide, short-acuminate and mucronate-pungent, obscurely cordate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves plane or prominulous, beneath sparsely and minutely appressed-pilose, the lateral nerves prominent, reticulately anastomosing, the margin recurved; flowers solitary, axillary, the peduncles 2-3 mm. long, the bracts subulate, 2.5 mm. long, connate at the base; hypanthium semi-oval, tomentulose, the calyx 2-2.5 mm. long, shallowly bilobate, yellowish-tomentulose; corolla white, the tube 13 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose, the 5 or 6 lobes one fourth as long as the tube; anthers subsessile, 3 mm. long, subexserted; ovary 4- or 5-celled; style 8 mm. long, short-pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Maniel Mountains, near Barahona, Santo Domingo, altitude 650 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 18. Guettarda spinifera Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 18: 197. 1922. A densely branched shrub 1 meter high, the branches terete, grayish or blackish, the young branchlets minutely pilosulous; stipules lanceolate, acuminate, small, soon deciduous; petioles stout, 2-4 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate, 1.5—2.5 em. long, 0.7—1.5 cm. wide, rounded or acute at the apex and produced into a stiff spine 2~3 mm. long, gradually narrowed to the acute base, 238 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 rigid-coriaceous, the costa and lateral nerves prominent on both surfaces, the lateral nerves 6 or 7 on each side, the veins pale and closely reticulate, glabrate on the upper surface, minutely pilose beneath, the margins conspicuously, coarsely, and irregularly crenate; peduncles axillary, 2—7 mm. long, bearing 1-3 sessile flowers, the bracts lanceolate; calyx cylindraceous, 1.3 mm. long, obscurely denticulate; corolla greenish-purple, 11-12 mm. long, the tube slightly ampliate above, minutely, densely, and retrorsely appressed-pilose, glabrous within, the 4 or 5 lobes ovate or oval, less than half as long as the tube; anthers linear, 2.5 mm. long; style glabrous, 3.5 mm. long; ovary 3- or 4-celled; fruit black, obovoid, 3-4 mm. long, 2—2.5 mm. thick. TYPE LOCALITY: Petite Gonave Island, Haiti, on coral rock. DISTRIBUTION: In calcareous soil, Haiti. 19. Guettarda pungens Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 434. 1899. A stiff shrub 3—3.5 meters high, the branches brown or grayish, the branchlets very stout, densely leafy, scaberulous; stipules deltoid-acuminate, 2.5—3 mm. long, scaberulous, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles very stout, 1-4 mm. long, scaberulous; leaf-blades broadly ovate to obovate or elliptic, 1-3.2 cm. long, 0.5—2 cm. wide, acute or acuminate and rigidly pungent- mucronate, rounded to acutish at the base, rigid-coriaceous, lustrous, green and glabrous above, the costa subimpressed, the other venation very irregular, scarcely prominulous, paler beneath and often brownish, sparsely and minutely appressed-pilose or glabrate, the costa very prom- inent, the lateral nerves prominulous, 7 or 8 on each side, straight, ascending at a wide angle, the veins obscurely reticulate, the margin plane or recurved; flowers solitary, axillary, the pedun- cles 1.5—2 mm. long, the bractlets coalescent, the lobes linear-subulate; calyx and hypanthium tomentulose, the hypanthium 1I—1.5 mm. long, the calyx 2.5 mm. long, obscurely bilobate; corolla-tube 13 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose outside, whitish-pubescent within except at the base, the 5 or 6 lobes obovate, one third as long as the tube; anthers 2—2.5 mm. long; style mi- nutely pilose; ovary 4- or 5-celled; fruit globose, 6-7 mm. in diameter, minutely pilosulous. TYPE LOCALITY: Pine woods, Valle de Constanza, Santo Domingo, altitude 1170 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Dry hillsides, Porto Rico and Hispaniola. 20. Guettarda apiculata Urban & Ekman, Ark. Bot. 21A°: 81. 1927. A shrub or small tree, 2-3 meters high, the young branchlets densely covered with minute erect rufous hairs; stipules long-subulate-acuminate from a triangular base, as much as 6 mm. long, pilose; petioles 4-12 mm. long; leaf-blades broadly obovate to suborbicular, 3-11 cm. long, 2-7 cm. wide, obtuse or rounded at the apex, very shortly triangular-acuminate and pungent-mucronate, rounded to cuneate-acute at the base, coriaceous, somewhat lustrous above and often glaucescent, when young sparsely and minutely pilosulous but soon glabrate, some- what brownish beneath, thinly sericeous or glabrate, the lateral nerves sharply prominent, 5-7 on each side, arcuate, ascending at an angle of 45-65 degrees, the veins scarcely prominulous, inconspicuously reticulate; inflorescences axillary, cymose-capitate, 3-flowered, the peduncles 0.7—3 em. long, the bracts lanceolate-acuminate, 4.5 mm. long; calyx subtruncate, 2.5 mm. long; fruit globose, 7.5 mm. in diameter, 2-celled. TyPE LOCALITY: Massif du Nord, near Anse-a-Foleur, on the main peak of Morne Chesnau, Haiti, altitude 750 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone mountains of Haiti. 21. Guettarda clarensis Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42: 510. 1915. A shrub, the stout branches terete, the young branchlets densely pilose with long brown subappressed hairs, the internodes short; stipules ovate, 5 mm. long, acute, pilose, deciduous; leaves mostly borne on short stout lateral branchlets, the stout petioles 1 mm. long, pilose; leaf-blades oblong, 2.5 em. long or shorter, 8-14 mm. wide, obtuse, subcordate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, loosely pilose above when young but soon glabrate, densely and minutely whitish-pilose beneath, long-pilose along the costa with brown appressed hairs, prominently and closely reticulate-veined; flowers fragrant, axillary, solitary, sessile; calyx and hypanthium 5_ mm. long, appressed-pilose, the brcad calyx-lobes acutish, shorter than the hypanthium ; Parr 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 239 corolla white, 1 cm. long, the stout tube densely appressed-pilos e with white hairs, the lobes oblong or obovate, obtuse or rounded at the apex, almost as long as the tube, glabrous within; style exserted, pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Palm barren, Santa Clara, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Santa Clara, Cuba. 22. Guettarda undulata Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 131. 1866. Matthiola undulata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A stout shrub 2 meters high or less, the branches terete, ferruginous or blackish, with short internodes, the young branchlets very densely and minutely fulvous-pilose; stipules small, ovate, obtuse, rufous-pilosulous, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 2-4 mm. long, minutely pilose; leaf-blades oval-oblong or oblong-ovate, 1.5—3.5 em. long, I—1.5 em. wide, obtuse, shallowly cordate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous above, more or less rugose, beneath paler, densely and minutely tomentulose, appressed-pilose on the nerves, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves very prominent, about 7 on each side, ascending at an angle of 45 degrees, the veins elevated and closely reticulate; peduncles axillary, very short, 1-flowered; corolla 1—1.5 cm. long, densely appressed-pilose with fulvous hairs, the tube very slender; fruit globose, 8 mm. in diameter, densely and minutely fulvous-tomentulose, 6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: On rocks, Matanzas, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: On limestone rocks, Matanzas and Oriente, Cuba. 23. Guettarda camagueyensis Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42: 509. OLS. A stout stiff shrub 1 meter high, the branches terete, spreading, grayish or ferruginous, the branchlets appressed-pilose with brownish hairs; stipules ovate, 3-4 mm. long, acute, deciduous; petioles stout, scarcely more than | mm. long; leaf-blades oval, oval-oblong, or broadly oblong- ovate, 1.5—3.5 cm. long, 1—2.5 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, cordate or subcordate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, ciliate, at least when young, glabrous above, lustrous, the venation impressed, when young minutely tomentulose beneath and appressed-pilose on the nerves, soon glabrate, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves elevated, 6 or 7 on each side, the veins prominulous and closely reticulate; flowers axillary, solitary, subsessile; calyx and hypan- thium 5-6 mm. long, appressed-pilose, the calyx-lobes deltoid, acute, almost as long as the hy- panthium; corolla white, 17 mm. long, appressed-pilose, the lobes one third as long as the tube; fruit globose, 12 mm. in diameter, densely brownish-tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Palm barren between Camaguey and Santayana, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Camaguey, Cuba. 24. Guettarda scabra (L.) Lam. Tab. Encyc. 2: 218. 1819. Matthiola scabra L. Sp. Pl. 1192. 1753. Guettarda rugosa Sw. Prodr. 59. 1788. Guettarda Matthiola Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 200. 1805. Guettarda havanensis DC. Prodr. 4: 455. 1830. Guettarda ambigua DC. Prodr. 4: 455. 1830. A shrub or tree, sometimes 10 meters high, but usually much lower, the branches terete, gray or reddish-brown, the branchlets stout, subcompressed, rufous-pilose or hirtellous, the internodes short or elongate; stipules triangular-acuminate to subulate, 3.5-S8 mm. long, per- sistent or tardily deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 0.3—2 cm. long, rufous-hirtellous; leaf-blades very variable, oblong, elliptic, oval, oval-ovate, oblong-obovate, rounded-oval, obovate-rhombic, or sometimes somewhat panduriform, mostly broadest above the middle, 3-17 em. long, 2-11 cm. wide, rounded to acute at the apex, subcordate to acutish at the base, often mucronate-apiculate cr acutely acuminate, coriaceous, yellowish-green above, often lustrous, very scabrous, the costa and lateral nerves prominulous but usually embedded, the veins more or less impressed, beneath densely and minutely hirtellous, the lateral nerves very prominent, 7—9 on each side, straight or subarcuate, ascending at an angle of 45 degrees or more, the veins prominent-reticulate, the margin usually revolute; cymes usually subeapitate and 240 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 3-7-flowered, sometimes twice bifid, with branches 1-1.5 cm. long, the stout peduncles 2-12 cm. long, rufous-pilose, the flowers sessile, the bractlets deltoid to subulate, 2-7 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium tomentulose, often purplish, the calyx 2.5—3 mm. long, more or less bilobate; corolla whitish, tinged with red outside, the slender tube 17-21 mm. long, densely retrorse- pilose outside, the 5 or 6 lobes oblong or obovate, obtuse, 5 mm. long; style densely appressed- pilose; fruit globose or depressed-globose, 5-8 mm. broad, usually 6-celled, minutely tomentu- lose, often reddish. TYPE LOCALITY: America. : ol DIsTRIBUTION: In thickets or forest; southern Florida; general in the West Indies to Trinidad, and on islands off the coast of Venezuela; reported, but almost certainly in error, from Mexico and Central America. ILLUSTRATIONS: Lam. Tab. Encyc. pl. 154, f. 3; Vent. Choix pl. 1; Plum. Pl. Am. #1. 173, f. 2; Britton, N. Am. Trees f. 769; Sarg. Trees & Shrubs pl. 173. 25. Guettarda Preneloupii Urban, Symb. Ant. 5: 510. 1908. A shrub or small tree, the branches grayish or blackish-brown, the stout branchlets densely tomentulose and long-pilose with fulvous or ferruginous spreading hairs, the internodes short; stipules at first coalescent over the buds, later separating, oblong-ovate, 7-13 mm. long, 3-7 mm. wide, obtuse, thin, brown, long-pilose outside, whitish-sericeous within, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 5-14 mm. long, densely pilose; leaf-blades oval or elliptic- oval, 3-12 em. long, 1.5—7.5 em. wide, rounded at the apex, truncate to deeply cordate at the base, thick-coriaceous, yellowish-green above, copiously short-pilose, the venation deeply im- pressed, beneath slightly paler, densely short-pilose, appressed-pilose with long hairs on the nerves, the lateral nerves very stout and prominent, 6 or 7 on each side, subarcuate, ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, the veins pale, very prominent, finely reticulate, the margin sub- revolute; inflorescence subcapitate, usually 3-flowered, the stout peduncles 8 mm. long or shorter, the flowers sessile, the bracts ovate or suborbicular, 6-7 mm. long; calyx and hypan- thium densely appressed-pilose, the calyx truncate, 5 mm. long, cleft on one side; corolla white, densely appressed-pilose outside with long ascending hairs, the stout tube 2-3.5 em. long, slightly dilated upward, pubescent within, the 6 lobes narrowly oval, rounded at the apex, 5-6 mm. long; anthers subsessile, 2 mm. long; style appressed-pilose; fruit obovoid-globose, 12-15 mm. long, 11-13 mm. thick, 6-celled, minutely fulvous-tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Hispaniola. 26. Guettarda dictyophylla Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A™: 88. 1929. A small tree, the young branchlets terete, densely pilose with short, rufous or pale, some- what spreading hairs, becoming glabrate; stipules ovate, subobtuse, 9 mm. long, rufous, pilose; petioles 3-6 mm. long, stout; leaf-blades narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, 2—4.5 em. long, 1—2 cm. wide, coriaceous, obtuse to narrowly rounded at the apex, truncate or subcordate at the base, green above and sparsely short-pilose, the venation strongly impressed, beneath somewhat paler, pilose on the nerves and minutely pilose between them, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves 6 or 7 on each side, elevated, ascending at an angle of about 50 degrees, the veins very prominent and closely reticulate, the margin recurved; inflorescences axillary, 3-flowered, the peduncles 5—7 mm. long, pubescent like the branchlets, the bracts filiform, 2.5-4 mm. long, the flowers sessile; calyx truncate, 3 mm. long, erect-pilose; corolla white, when immature | cm. long, densely covered with long pale ascending hairs, the 5 lobes ovate, glabrous within, half as long as the tube. Type LocaLity: Along road near Saline-Michel, between Port-de-Paix and Jean Rabel, north- western peninsula of Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 27. Guettarda ferruginea Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 131. 1866. Gueltarda calyptrata var. ferruginea C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 123. 1869. A shrub or tree, sometimes 6 meters high, with a trunk 7.5 cm. in diameter, the thick branches gray or blackish, the very stout branchlets ferruginous, densely short-pilose and long- Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 241 pilose with slender ferruginous hairs, the internodes short or elongate; stipules ovate-oblong, acute, 1.5—2 cm. long, long-pilose, caducous; leaves opposite, the petioles very thick, 6-15 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong or oval-oblong, 2.5—10 cm. long, 1.2—6.5 em. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, cordate or subcordate at the base, very rigid-coriaceous, tomentose above when young but soon glabrate, the venation impressed or subimpressed, the veins closely reticulate, beneath densely ferruginous-tomentose, pilose on the nerves, the costa and nerves very stout and prom- inent, the latter 6—10 on each side, straight or subarcuate, the veins prominent but usually ob- scured by the tomentum, the margin commonly recurved; cymes subcapitate, 3—7-flowered, the peduncles 5-10 mm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets lanceolate, equaling the calyx; calyx and hypanthium densely ferruginous-pilose, the calyx calyptriform, usually 2-cleft by the expanding corolla and deciduous before anthesis, the lower part sometimes persistent; corolla white, densely antrorse-pilose outside with long lax ferruginous hairs, the tube 2.3—3 cm. long, the 6 lobes oblong, obtuse, one third as long as the tube, glabrous within; fruit globose, 12—16 mm. in diameter, ferruginous-tomentulose, with 5 or 6 or more cells. TYPE LOCALITY: Pinelands near Mayari, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Oriente, Cuba, at 400-750 meters, sometimes growing in pine forests. 28. Guettarda crassipes Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42: 511. 1915. A shrub 1—1.5 meters high, the branches thick, blackish, rimose, the branchlets very stout, subcompressed, ferruginous, finely appressed-pilose, the internodes mostly short; stipules ovate- deltoid, 7-10 mm. long, acute, ferruginous, appressed-pilose, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles very thick, 4-14 mm. long, brownish-pilose with long ascending hairs; leaf-blades oval, ovate-oval, or oval-elliptic, 6-9 cm. long, 4-7 cm. wide, obtuse or narrowly rounded at the apex, deeply or shallowly cordate at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous above, the costa and nerves impressed, the veins impressed but not conspicuous, beneath brownish, loosely pilose along the nerves with long brown ascending hairs, the costa very stout, the lateral nerves elevated, 5 or 6 on each side, subarcuate, ascending at an acute angle, the veins prominent or prominulous, laxly reticulate, not very conspicuous, the margin widely recurved; cymes subcapitate, about 9- flowered, terminal, the flowers subsessile, the bractlets lanceolate or filiform, as much as 1.5 em. long; calyx and hypanthium densely appressed-pilose with short fulvous hairs, the calyx truncate, 4 mm. long; corolla white, densely pilose outside with long ascending hairs, in bud 1.5 cm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Between Rio Yamaniguey and Camp Toa, northern Oriente, Cuba, altitude 400 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 29. Guettarda cobrensis Standley; Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 50: 49: 1923. A shrub 3 meters high, the branches dark-ferruginous, the branchlets thick, densely covered with minute appressed fulvous hairs, the internodes short; stipules oblong-ovate, 4 mm. long or more, acuminate, thin, brown, pubescent like the branchlets and with a few long subappressed hairs; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 4-6 mm. long, minutely and densely appressed-pilose ; leaf-blades oval or broadly oval, 3-6 cm. long, 2-4.5 em. wide, rounded at the apex, deeply cordate at the base, thick-coriaceous, yellowish-green, concolorous, often somewhat bullate, glabrous above, the venation depressed, beneath bearing a few short appressed hairs along the coarse prominent costa but elsewhere glabrous, the lateral nerves stout and prominent, 5 or 6 on each side, subarcuate, ascending at an angle of 45-60 degrees, the veins inconspicuous, the margin subrevolute; cymes headlike, 3-flowered, the peduncles 1 cm. long, pubescent like the branchlets, the flowers sessile; fruit globose, 1 cm. in diameter, minutely tomentulose. _ TyPE Locaity: Edge of woods, Loma del Gato, Cobre Range of Sierra Maestra, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 800 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 242 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 30. Guettarda calyptrata A. Rich. in Sagra, Hist. Cuba11:21. 1850. Matthiola calyptrata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A shrub or tree, sometimes 6 meters high, the branches grayish or ferruginous, the branch- lets stout, compressed, densely ferruginous-puberulent, the internodes short or elongate; stipules oblong-oval, 10-16 mm. long, obtuse or acutish, mucronate, tomentulose outside and pilose along the costa, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles very stout, 2-7 mm. long; leaf- blades oblong to oval or rounded-ovate, 3.5—13 cm. long, 2-7 cm. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, deeply or shallowly cordate at the base, coriaceous, yellowish-green above, sparsely pilose, especially along the nerves, or glabrate, the costa and nerves prominulous but imbedded, the veins often prominulous, beneath paler, minutely whitish-tomentulose, long-pilose along the nerves with appressed hairs, at least when young, the costa and lateral nerves very prominent, the latter 4-7 on each side, ascending at an acute angle, the basal ones divaricate, the veins usually obscure, the margin plane or subrevolute; cymes subcapitate, 3-flowered, the peduncles 0.3-2.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets filiform, about equaling the calyx; calyx and hypanthium tomentulose and long-pilose, the calyx calyptriform, the upper part circumscissile, the persistent base 4-5 mm. long; corolla white, the tube 2.5—5 cm. long, retrorse-pilose with short whitish hairs, slender, about 3 mm. thick in the throat, the 6 lobes obovate-oblong, 8—10 mm. long, rounded at the apex, glabrous within; fruit globose, 12-18 mm. in diameter, minutely tomentulose, 5—6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Canasi, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Woods and thickets, Cuba and the Isle of Pines. ILLUSTRATION: Sagra, Hist. Cuba fl. 46. 31. Guettarda lanuginosa Urban & Britton; Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: A075" 1912: A small tree, the branches smooth, terete, brown, lustrous, glabrous, sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets with pubescence of ferruginous or finally white hairs, these partly long and spread- ing and partly very short and dense, the internodes 1.5—2 cm. long; stipules 8-15 mm. long, tubular-connate below, filiform-acuminate, brown, long-pilose, sericeous within, soon deciduous; petioles very thick, 5-10 mm. long; leaf-blades oval or oval-oblong, 4.5—7 cm. long, 2.5—4 cm. wide, rounded or subtruncate at the apex, shallowly or deeply and narrowly cordate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, sparsely pilose or glabrate above, the nerves prominulous, not anastomos- ing, beneath pilose along the nerves, minutely pilose or glabrate between them, the lateral nerves 7 or 8 on each side, very prominent, ascending at an angle of about 40 degrees, straight, the veins elevated and closely reticulate, the margin plane or nearly so; inflorescences crowded at the tips of the branches, sessile or on peduncles as much as 12 mm. long, 3—5-flowered, the outer bracts ovate, linear-acuminate, 7-12 mm. long, the inner ones narrower; hypanthium densely villous, the calyx in bud caudate-acuminate, in anthesis cleft on one side or into 2 lobes, 7—8 mm. long; corolla white, 2.5—-3.2 cm. long, the tube slender, densely whitish-villous, the 5 or 6 lobes broadly oblong, 8 mm. long, glabrous within; anthers linear, 2.5 mm. long; style 18 mm. long, pilose; fruit globose, 5-8 mm. in diameter, 4—5-celled, covered with a minute tomentum and also long-pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Pueblo Romano, Cayo Romano, Camaguey, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: In calcareous forest and thickets, Camaguey, Cuba. 32. Guettarda Urbanii Ekman; Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:525. 1928. A shrub, the young branchlets more or less compressed, tomentulose with short crispate hairs, becoming glabrate; stipules ovate, apiculate, tomentose, 10-12 mm. long; petioles stout, 4-10 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate to suborbicular or obovate, 3-7 cm. long, 2.5-5 cm. wide, broadly rounded at the apex, shallowly or deeply cordate at the base, coriaceous, green above, sparsely pilose on the nerves, the veins impressed, beneath covered with a dense lax tomentum, this at first grayish, becoming pale-ferruginous, the lateral nerves 7—9 on each side, the lowest subhorizontal, the upper ascending at an angle of 40-60 degrees, the veins very prominent and finely reticulate but hidden under the tomentum; inflorescences axillary and on peduncles as Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 24: Ww much as 4 cm. long, or sessile at the ends of the branches, the branches as much as | em. long, subcapitate, with about 7 flowers, the bracts ovate or lanceolate, 5-7 mm. long; calyx in bud oblong, obtusely apiculate, the upper part dehiscent as a cap, the persistent portion truncate, 2.5-3.5 mm. long; corolla white, 2.5—-3.7 cm. long, the tube slender, slightly ampliate above, retrorse-pilose, the lobes usually 6, obovate or narrowly obovate, 8 mm. long; anthers 1.5 mm. long; style 12-14 mm. long, appressed-pilose; ovary 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Open hillsides, mountains of Trinidad, near Pico Potrerillo, on the road to Aguada del Santo, Santa Clara, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Santa Clara, Cuba. 33. Guettarda Shaferi Standley. Guelttarda densiflora Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 407. 1912. Not G. densiflora Maza, 1894. A shrub I—1.5 meters high, the branches stout, terete, grayish or ferruginous, sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets subcompressed, densely and minutely puberulent and sparsely long- pilose, the internodes short or elongate; stipules broadly ovate, 7-10 mm. long, tomentulose and long-pilose outside, sericeous within, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles very stout, 3-6 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate-oblong or oblong, broadest near the base, 2-6 cm. long, 1-3 cm. wide, obtuse or acutish, deeply cordate to broadly rounded at the base, thick-coriaceous, yellowish-green above, sublustrous, glabrous or when young sparsely appressed-pilose, the costa subimpressed, the nerves plane or subimpressed, the veins obsolete or finely and obscurely prominulous-reticulate, paler beneath, very minutely fulvous-tomentulose, the costa very stout and prominent, the lateral nerves prominent, 5—7 on each side, nearly straight, ascending at an angle of 30-40 degrees, the margin recurved; cymes subcapitate, few-flowered, the stout pe- duncles compressed, 1.5 cm. long or less, sometimes obsolete, the bractlets linear, 6-9 mm. long, the flowers sessile; calyx and hypanthium tomentulose and densely long-pilose, the calyx 4 mm. long, truncate; corolla white, the tube 18—20 mm. long, retrorse-pilose outside below, antrorse- pilose above, the 6 lobes elliptic or elliptic-oblong, one fourth as long as the tube; anthers 2 mm. long; style densely white-pilose; ovary 4-celled; fruit globose, 12 mm. in diameter, minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Dry ferruginous soil among quartz rocks, Pinales, near Paso Estanicia, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Rocky slopes, Oriente, Cuba. 34. Guettarda Krugii Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 431. 1899. A shrub or tree, sometimes 10 meters high, the branches stout, gray or reddish-brown, sparsely and minutely lenticellate, the branchlets compressed, fulvous- or ferruginous-tomentose or pilose, the internodes short or elongate; stipules ovate to oblong, 0.7—2 cm. long, acuminate, long-pilose outside, sericeous within, sometimes subpersistent; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 0.5-1.5 cm. long, tomentose, the blades oblong-ovate, oval, broadly ovate-oval, obovate- oval, or rounded-oval, 5-12 cm. long, 2.5—8 cm. wide, obtuse to rounded at the apex, cordate to rounded at the base, often very short-acuminate, coriaceous, yellowish-green above, long-pilose when young but soon glabrate, the costa and lateral nerves prominulous above but often em- bedded, the intermediate veins subimpressed, closely reticulate, beneath paler, tomentulose when young, the tomentum sparse in age, the venation prominent, the lateral nerves 6—9 on each side, the lowest often divaricate, the others ascending at an angle of about 50 degrees, straight or subarcuate, the intermediate veins closely parallel and reticulate, the margin plane or recurved; cymes dense, 3—5-flowered, the peduncles up to 3 cm. long in fruit but often very ° short at anthesis, the flowers sessile, the bractlets lanceolate or filiform, as long as the buds; calyx and hypanth’um densely fulvous-tomentulose, the calyx calyptriform, usually circum- scissile and caducous, the lower part sometimes persistent; corolla-tube 1—1.4 cm. long, densely antrorse-pilose outside with short appressed hairs, the lobes 6 or 7, oblong, obtuse, one third to one half as long as the tube; fruit globose, 9-11 mm. in diameter, minutely tomentulose, 3—4- celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Guanica, Porto Rico. DISTRIBUTION: Bahamas and Porto Rico. 244 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 35. Guettarda Nashii Britton & Millsp. Bahama FI. 413. 1920. A large shrub or small tree, the branches stout, grayish-brown, the branchlets densely pilose-tomentulose with fulvous hairs, the internodes short; petioles stout, 1-2 cm. long, densely fulvous-tomentulose; leaf-blades elliptic, oval-oblong, or broadly ovate-oval or oval-obovate, 9-12.5 em. long, 5—7.5 em. wide, obtuse to acute, rounded or subtruncate at the base, chartace- ous, bright-green above, puberulent along the veins, glabrous elsewhere, the venation plane or subimpressed, paler beneath, copiously pilose with slender, somewhat matted, loose hairs, the lateral nerves prominent, 8 or9 on each side, the veins very prominent and closely reticulate, the margin plane; inflorescences axillary, cymose, few- or many-flowered, the peduncles 3-3.5 cm long, the branches elongate, the flowers sessile; calyx and hypanthium 7 mm. long, densely fulvous-tomentose, the calyx spathaceous; corolla white, 2.5 cm. long, the tube densely retrorse- sericeous, the lobes oval-oblong, obtuse, 4 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Scrub-lands, Matthew Town, Inagua, Bahamas. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 36. Guettarda Taylori Britton & Millsp. Bahama FI. 413. 1920. A tree 3-4 meters high, the stout branches grayish, the branchlets densely fulvous- tomentulose, the internodes short; stipules oval-obovate, 1 cm. long, thin, fulvous-tomentulose, deciduous; petioles stout, 3-10 mm. long, tomentulose and pilose; leaf-blades broadly oval- oblong or obovate-oval, 3.5—5 ecm. long, 2.5-4 em. wide, rounded at the apex, rounded or sub- cordate at the base, chartaceous, ciliate, deep-green above, puberulent and often pilose along the veins, the venation impressed, pale beneath, densely and closely whitish-tomentulose, ap- pressed-pilose along the nerves, the lateral nerves slender, prominulous, about 9 on each side, the veins finely reticulate but not elevated, the margin plane; inflorescences axillary, cymose, congested, few-flowered, with very short branches, the stout peduncles 1-2 mm. long, the flowers sessile, the bracts linear, longer than the calyx; calyx and hypanthium 4.5 mm. long, densely tomentulose, the calyx spathaceous; corolla white, 12 mm. long, the tube densely retrorse-pilose, the lobes oval, nearly as long as the tube. TyPE LOCALITY: Matthew Town, Inagua, Bahamas. DISTRIBUTION: Inagua Island, Bahamas. 37. Guettarda inaguensis Britton & Millsp. Bahama Fl. 413. 1920. A tree 3-4 meters high, the stout branches gray or reddish-brown, the branchlets densely leafy at the ends; stipules oval, 5-8 mm. long, brown, deciduous, tomentulose and pilose; petioles stout, 5-7 mm. long, densely fulvous-tomentulose and long-pilose; leaf-blades oblong or broadly oval-oblong, 2.5—4.5 em. long, 1.3-3.2 cm. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, subcordate at the base, green above, puberulent on the veins, sparsely pilose, the venation impressed, pale beneath, densely and closely grayish-tomentulose, sparsely appressed-pilose on the nerves, the lateral nerves slender, prominulous, about 8 on each side, the veins evidently reticulate but not elevated, the margin plane or subrevolute; peduncles 1-2.5 mm. long, 1- flowered, axillary; calyx and hypanthium 4 mm. long, fulvous-tomentulose, the calyx spathace- ous; corolla 3 em. long, the slender tube densely retrorse-pilose with short whitish hairs, the lobes oblong, 4 mm. long; fruit globose, 8-10 mm. in diameter, minutely tomentulose, 6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Matthew Town, Inagua, Bahamas. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 38. Guettarda constricta Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 37: 358. 1910. A tree about 7 meters high, the branchlets terete, densely whitish-puberulent; petioles stout, 1-6 em. long, puberulent; leaf-blades broadly ovate or ovate-oval, 13-17 cm. long, 8-10.5 em. wide, short-acuminate, obtuse to subcordate at the base, sometimes very unequal, firm, bright-green above, glabrous or puberulent along the veins, paler beneath, densely and minutely tomentulose, the lateral nerves prominent, 8 or 9 on each side; peduncles axillary, equaling or longer than the petioles, puberulent, the cymes several-flowered, the branches elongate; calyx Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 245 and hypanthium 4 mm. long, densely tomentulose, the calyx truncate; corolla 3 em. long, the tube stout, 2.5 mm. thick, densely sericeous, the lobes rounded, 3 mm. long; fruit sessile, oval, 10-12 mm. long, 8-9 mm. thick, obtuse at the apex, narrowed at the base, constricted at the middle, finely puberulent. TYPE LOCALITY: Wooded hillside, Grove Place, Manchester, Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Jamaica. 39. Guettarda crenulata Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A): 80. -1927. A small tree with smooth bark; branchlets pulverulent-pilosulous, the older ones terete, grayish, with short or elongate internodes; stipules ovate, acute, sparsely pilose dorsally, up to 7 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 1—2 cm. long, minutely tomentulose; leaf-blades oblong to ovate-elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 4.5—8 em. long, 2-4 cm. wide, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, obtuse or rounded at the apex, rarely minutely apiculate, rounded or sub- truncate at the base, dark-green above, dull, pulverulent on the nerves, elsewhere minutely and obscurely pilose, the venation not elevated, pale beneath, pulverulent-tomentulose, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves prominent, slender, 7—9 on each side, ascending at an angle of 30-40 degrees, almost straight, the veins reticulate but mostly hidden beneath the tomentum, the margin plane, minutely and irregularly crenate; flowers and fruit unknown. TYPE LOCALITY: On limestone cliffs near Mouillage Anglais, La Tortue Island, Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 40. Guettarda Turpinii Urban (; Ekman, Ark. Bot. 22A*: 55, hyponym. 1929), Ark. Bot: 22A‘": 114. - 1929. Young branchlets subterete, minutely pilosulous, soon glabrate, the internodes short or elongate; stipules triangular, acuminate, 3 mm. long, soon deciduous; leaves crowded at the ends of the branchlets, the petioles 1-3 cm. long, pilose with short spreading hairs; leaf-blades ovate or orbicular-ovate, 8-12 cm. long, 5.5—7.5 cm. wide, subcoriaceous, short-acuminate and acute, truncate or subcordate at the base, olivaceous above, glabrous, lustrous, densely sericeous beneath with very short appressed hairs, the lateral nerves 6-8 on each side, the middle ones ascending at an angle of 50 degrees, prominent, the veins prominent and reticulate, the margin entire or obsoletely undulate-crenate; inflorescences axillary, the peduncle 3.5 cm. long, minutely and densely pilosulous, the flowers few, subcapitate-umbellate; fruit depressed-globose, plicate-rugose, thinly tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: In forest near Binquette, La Tortue Island, Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 41. Guettarda argentea Lam. Encyc. 3:54. 1789. Guettarda speciosa 1. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 1270, in part. 1759. Not G. speciosa. 1753. Guettarda ambigua DC. Prodr. 4: 455, in part. 1830. Guettarda argentea var. glabrata Urban, Symb. Ant. 6:47. 1909. A tree 5-15 meters high, the branches stout, terete, gray or reddish-brown, sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets stout, minutely puberulent or pilosulous, becoming glabrate, the internodes short; stipules deltoid-ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, 5-6 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles stout or slender, 1-6 cm. long, the blades ovate, rhombic-ovate, obovate-rhombic, or rounded-oval, 6-14 cm. long, 4-9 cm. wide, acuminate or usually obtuse or rounded and very short-obtuse or acutish-acuminate at the apex, subcordate to obtuse at the base, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, green above, sublustrous, sparsely pilosulous or glabrous, the venation plane or subimpressed, beneath whitish, densely sericeous with lustrous hairs, the costa and lateral nerves slender, prominent, the latter 5-7 on each side, subarcuate, usually ascending at a very acute angle, the veins inconspicuous, the margin plane or subrevolute; cymes once or twice bifid, the peduncles slender, 3-10 cm. long, minutely puberulent, the branches 1—+ cm. long, 3—10-flowered, the flowers sessile, the bractlets ovate, 2 mm. long, early deciduous; 246 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 calyx and hypanthium tomentulose, the calyx 3 mm. long, more or less bilobate; corolla-tube 1.5—1.8 em. long, densely retrorse-pilose outside, the lobes 5 or 6, one fifth to one fourth as long as the tube; ovary 3—5-celled; fruit globose, 6-8 mm. in diameter, minutely tomentulose, the ~ calyx early deciduous. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Jamaica. ILLUSTRATIONS: Lam. Tab. Encyc. pl. 154, f. 1; P. Br. Hist. Jam. #1. 20, f. 1. 42. Guettarda tortuensis Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A): 18%. LOZ: A small tree, the young branchlets compressed, minutely pulverulent, the internodes 2—5 cm. long; stipules ovate, acute, as much as 15 mm. long; leaves opposite, the rather stout petioles 1—3 em. long; leaf-blades ovate, oval, or rounded-ovate, 5-13 cm. long, 3-8 cm. wide, rounded at the apex, narrowly or broadly cordate at the base, subcoriaceous, dark-green above, lustrous, glabrous, the venation more or less impressed, beneath pale, minutely tomentulose, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves elevated, 7—9 on each side, the basal ones subhorizontal, the upper ones ascending at an angle of 45-50 degrees, the veins prominent and very closely reticulate; inflorescences axillary, on peduncles 2.5—5 em. long, twice-cymose, or trichotomous at the base, the branches 5—20 mm. long, with 5 or fewer flowers, the bracts lanceolate or linear, caudate-acuminate, 11 mm. long or shorter; calyx tomentulose, closed in bud, filiform-produced, dehiscing as a cap in anthesis, the persistent portion 2—3.5 mm. long; corolla white, up to 3.2 cm. long, the tube slender, very shortly and densely retrorse-pilose, pubescent within, the 6or7 lobes obovate or obovate-oblong, 7 mm. long; anthers linear, 2 mm. long; style 15 mm. long, minutely pilose; ovary about 5-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: In calcareous soil, Téte de l’Ile, La Tortue Island, Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: La Tortue Island, Haiti. 43. Guettarda Combsii Urban, Symb. Ant. 6:48. 1909. Guettarda longiflora Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 131. 1866. Not G. longiflora Griseb. 1861. Guettarda scabra var. Seleriana Loesener, Repert. Sp. Nov. 18: 361. 1922. Guettarda Seleriana Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: 1384. 1926. A tree, reported to attain a height of 18 meters, the trunk as much as 60 cm. in diameter, the branchlets terete, gray or brownish, when young ferruginous-pilosulous with ascending or spreading hairs, the internodes mostly short; stipules dimorphous, those at the base of the branchlets ovate-oblong, 7-8 mm. long, obtuse or subobtuse, the others oblong or lanceolate, 8-14 mm. long, filiform-acuminate, pilose outside, more or less persistent; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 1-6 cm. long, pilosulous or puberulent; leaf-blades very variable, rounded-oval, oval, rounded-ovate, oval-oblong, or broadly oval-obovate, 7—21 cm. long, 4-13 cm. wide, rounded and very abruptly short-acuminate at the apex or obtuse or acutish, rounded to deeply and narrowly cordate at the base, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, green above, dull or sublustrous, glabrous or pilosulous on the veins, the costa and nerves prominulous but often depressed, the veins usually impressed, paler beneath or sometimes green, usually densely and minutely pilosulous with mostly spreading hairs, especially in the areoles, the lateral nerves prominent, 8-11 on each side, straight or subarcuate, ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, the veins prominent, parallel, more or less reticulate, the margin usually plane; cymes once or twice bifid, the slender peduncles 5—15 cm. long, pilosulous, the branches 1—5 cm. long, 5—many-flowered, the flowers sessile, the bractlets linear, 3-5 mm. long, long-persistent; calyx and hypanthium densely pilosulous or sericeous, the calyx 3—3.5 mm. long, more or less bilobate; corolla white, the tube 16-18 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose outside, the 6 or 7 lobes one fourth to one third as long as the tube; ovary 4~5-celled; fruit globose, 6-8 mm. in diameter, densely and minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Cienaguita, Santa Clara, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Cuba and the Isle of Pines; Yucatan to British Honduras and Petén, Guate- mala; usually in forest. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 247 44. Guettarda nervosa Urban & Ekman; Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 527. 1928. A slender shrub, the branches terete, dark-ferruginous, when young pubescent with short, mostly curved, spreading hairs, sparsely leafy near the tips; stipules triangular-lanceolate, acuminate, 2-3 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite or on sterile branches ternate, the stout petioles 3-8 mm. long; leaf-blades of fertile branches narrowly oblanceolate, acute or rarely obtuse, attenuate to the base, 3-6 cm. long, 1—-1.5 cm. wide, those of sterile branches lanceolate or rarely ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, as much as 10 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide, glabrous above, olivaceous, very lustrous, the nerves sharply elevated, beneath green, short- pilose on the nerves, minutely sericeous between them, domatiate in the axils of the nerves, coriaceous, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves prominent, 10-14 on each side, ascending at an angle of 25—40 degrees, parallel, almost straight, the veins obscure; inflorescences borne in the upper leaf-axils, the peduncles about | cm. long, the flowers 8 or fewer, glomerate, the bracts spatualte, 1 mm. long, early deciduous; calyx and hypanthium minutely and densely pilose; flowers white, their details unknown. TYPE LOCALITY: Ioma de la Vigia, near Trinidad, Santa Clara, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 45. Guettarda retusa C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 124. 1869. A tree; stipules rounded, acuminate, long-pilose within; leaves short-petiolate, the blades oblong or obovate-oblong, narrowed at the base, rigid-coriaceous, lustrous, costate-veined, do- matiate beneath in the axils, the pores large, pilose; peduncles half as long as the leaves or shorter, 3—5-flowered, the flowers sessile, subsericeous; calyx obtusely 3—4-dentate; corolla white, the tube twice as long as the calyx, the 4 lobes oblong, half as long as the tube; anthers included, linear; stigma-lobes oblong; ovary 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Loma Pelada, Palacios, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 46. Guettarda monocarpa Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 410. 1912. A small tree, branched from the base, the branches rather stout, grayish or blackish, terete, the young branchlets minutely pilose, the internodes short or elongate; stipules deltoid, 3.5 mm. long, filiform-acuminate, minutely pilose, early deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 1-2.5 mm. long, pilosulous; leaf-blades obovate, narrowly obovate, or oval, 2-4.5 cm. long, 1-2.5 em. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, cuneate to rarely obtuse or rounded at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous, sublustrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves prominulous, the veins obscurely prominulous-reticulate, brownish beneath, the stout costa very prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, 5—7 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60-70 degrees, almost straight, the veins obscure, the margin broadly recurved; peduncles 1|—3- flowered, 3-10 mm. long, the bractlets subobsolete; corolla-tube 12 mm. long, densely retrorse- pilose; anthers 2.5 mm. long; style short-pilose; fruit globose, 5-7 mm. in diameter, 4- or 5-celled, minutely and densely pale-tomentulose. Type Locatity: In pinelands, Sierra Nipe, near Woodfred, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 500 to 650 meters. ; ; DISTRIBUTION: In thickets, Sierra de Nipe, Oriente, Cuba. 47. Guettarda Valenzuelana A. Rich. in Sagra, Hist. Cuba 11: 20. 1850: Guettarda bracteata Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. II. 8: 506. 1862. Matthiola bracteata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A tree, sometimes 9 meters high, the branches gray or brownish, the branchlets stout, compressed, minutely scaberulous or glabrate, the internodes short or elongate; stipules deltoid, subulate-acuminate, 3 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 2.5-12 mm. 248 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 long, the blades oblong, obovate-oblong, obovate, or obovate-rhombic, 3.5—12 em. long, 1.2—-6 cm. wide, usually broadest above the middle, rounded to acutish at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, coriaceous, glabrous, green above, the costa impressed, the lateral nerves usually plane, the veins usually evident and reticulate but scarcely prominulous, beneath brownish, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter 5—9 on each side, subdivaricate or ascending at an obtuse angle, the veins obscure or prominulous, laxly reticulate, the margin revolute; cymes subcapitate, 3-5-flowered, the peduncles stout, 1—7.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets linear-oblong, about equaling the calyx; calyx and hypanthium tomentu- lose, the calyx truncate; corolla white, tinged with red, the tube 12 mm. long, pilose outside, the lobes 5 or 6, obovate, one fourth to one third as long as the tube; fruit globose, 6-8 mm. in diameter, 3- or 4-celled, tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Vuelta de Abajo, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Hills and mountains of Habana, Pinar del Rio, and Oriente, Cuba. 48. Guettarda adulterina Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A?: AT Soros Young branches more or less compressed, pubescent with short spreading hairs, the inter- nodes 1—3 cm. long; stipules triangular, narrowly acuminate, 3 mm. long; petioles 3-4 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate or ovate-elliptic, 2-3.5 cm. long, 1.3—2.3 em. wide, coriaceous, mucronate- pungent, obtuse or rounded at the base, glabrous, lustrous and somewhat glaucescent above, the nerves impressed, yellowish-brown beneath, the lateral nerves 7 or 8 on each side, prominent, the lowest subhorizontal, the others ascending at an angle of 55—65 degrees, the veins irregularly reticulate, prominent, the margin recurved and usually scaberulous; inflorescences borne in the upper leaf-axils, capitate, 5—9-flowered, the peduncles 5—15 mm. long, pilose, the bracts lance- olate, 2 mm. long; calyx obsoletely bilobate, 2mm. long; corolla 18 mm. long, the tube retrorsely strigose-sericeous, the 6 lobes oval, rounded at the apex, one fourth as long as the tube; anthers 2.7 mm. long; style 9 mm. long, short-pilose; ovary 3—5-celled. _ Type Locatity: Rocky hills, Arroyo Bermejo, near Bayaguana, Santo Domingo, Santo Do- Rr pee Known only from the type locality. ILLUSTRATION: Ark. Bot. 24A‘: pl. 3. Nore: The plant was found growing in association with G. scabra Lam. and G. pungens Urban, and was believed by the authors to be a hybrid between those two species. 49. Guettarda mollis DC. Prodr. 4: 456. 1830. Maitthiola mollis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. Branches stout or rather slender, terete, grayish, lenticellate, the branchlets subcompressed, densely fulvous-pilose, the internodes short or elongate; stipules lance-ovate, 4-6 mm. long, acuminate, densely pilose, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles rather stout, 4-10 mm. long, densely pilose; leaf-blades oval, oval-oblong, broadly oval, or obovate-oval, 4-6 cm. long, 2—3.8 cm. wide, rounded to obtuse at the apex and usually apiculate, rounded to subacute at the base, subcoriaceous, green above, velvety-pilose with short slender hairs, the costa and nerves scarcely prominulous, the veins prominulous-reticulate but not conspicuous, beneath paler, copiously pilose or subtomentose, the costa stout, the lateral nerves prominent, 8-10 on each side, subarcuate, the veins prominulous, the margin plane or subrevolute; cymes subcapitate, few-flowered, the slender peduncles 2—4.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets rounded, about equaling the calyx; calyx and hypanthium densely brownish- or yellowish-pilose, the calyx 2—3 mm. long, truncate; corolla 16-18 mm. long, the tube densely retrorse-pilose outside, the 6 lobes rounded-oval, 3—3.5 mm. long; ovary with 4 or more cells. TYPE LOCALITY: Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Santo Domingo. 50. Guettarda longiflora Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 332. 1861. Stipules ovate-lanceolate, pubescent; petioles 2.5—5 cm. long, pubescent; leaf-blades ovate, 12.5—20 em. long, 7.5—-12.5 cm. wide, cordate to obtuse at the base, glabrate beneath except upon Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 249 the nerves, there muricate or hispidulous, the veins finely reticulate; peduncles longer than the petioles, pubescent, the flowers approximate on the short branches, the bracts lance-linear, shorter than the calyx; calyx and hypanthium 4 mm. long, the calyx truncate: corolla-tube cylindric, nearly 4 cm. long, 8-10 times as long as the calyx, tomentose, the lobes 5 or 6, pubes- cent within. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Jamaica. 51. Guettarda potamophila Urban, Symb. Ant. 6:47. 1909. A tree about 10 meters high, the branches gray or brownish, the branchlets stout, sub- compressed, glabrous or nearly so, the internodes very short; stipules triangular-acuminate, 3 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles slender, 2-6 cm. long, sparsely puberulent or appressed-pilosulous, the blades rounded-ovate or oval-ovate, 10-14 em. long, 6.5-11 em. wide, broadly and obtusely short-acuminate or acutish, subcordate at the base, chartaceous, green above, glabrous or sparsely puberulent on the impressed costa, smooth, the lateral nerves subimpressed or plane, beneath only slightly paler, rather sparsely pilose with very minute appressed hairs, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter 7—9 on each side, subarcuate, the basal ones divaricate, the others ascending at an angle of about 50 degrees, the margin plane; cymes twice bifid, the peduncles slender, 7-12 cm. long, minutely tomentulose, the branches 1-2 cm. long, 3—7-flowered, the flowers sessile; fruit globose, 5-7 mm. in diameter, minutely yellowish-tomentulose, 4- or 5-celled, the calyx deciduous. TYPE LOCALITY: Between Lacovia and Elham Wharf, on islands of Black River, Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Jamaica. 52. Guettarda frangulifolia Urban, Symb. Ant. 6:47. 1909. A tree about 13 meters high, the branches terete, grayish or reddish-brown, the branchlets stout, minutely appressed-pilosulous at first but soon glabrate, densely leafy at the ends; stipules triangular-acuminate, 3 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles slender, 1—4 cm. long, appressed-pilosulous, the blades ovate, ovate-oval, or obovate-oval, broadest at or above the middle, 5.5-10 em. long, 2.5—5.5 ecm. wide, acutish or obtusely short-acuminate, rounded or obtuse at the base, chartaceous, green above, sublustrous, glabrous or sparsely pilosulous along the nerves, these mostly plane, beneath only slightly paler, rather sparsely and minutely appressed-pilosulous, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter 6-8 on each side, ascending at an angle of 30-35 degrees, straight or subarcuate, the veins obscure, not reticulate, the margin plane; cymes twice bifid, the peduncles 6—7.5 cm. long, minutely puber- ulent, the branches 5-10 mm. long, 2—5-flowered, the flowers sessile; calyx 2 mm. long, obscurely bilobate; corolla-tube densely retrorse-pilose; fruit globose, 6—7.5 mm. in diameter, yellowish- tomentulose, 3- or 4-celled, the calyx soon deciduous. Typr LocaLity: Near Troy, Jamaica, altitude 700 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Jamaica. 53. Guettarda membranacea Sw. Prodr. 59. 1788. Maitthiola membranacea Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A shrub or small tree, the branchlets subcompressed, scabrous and hirsutulous, the inter- nodes elongate; stipules acuminate; leaves opposite, the petioles 0.5—3 cm. long, hirsutulous; leaf-blades ovate, acuminate, membranaceous, hispidulous on both surfaces, the hairs curved, with dilated bases, the venation reticulate; cymes dichotomous, with as many as 15 flowers, the peduncles as long as the petioles, the flowers sessile, the bractlets minute or almost obsolete; calyx truncate or obscurely bilobate; corolla white or reddish, the tube 12 mm. long, the + lobes oblong, obtuse; fruit obovoid-oblong, tomentulose, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Mountain thickets of Hispaniola. DISTRIBUTION: Hispaniola. : o~«* This species is known to the present writer only by description. 250 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 54. Guettarda oxyphylla Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 56. 1926. A small tree with slender branches, the young branchlets appressed-pubescent, with short or elongate internodes, the older ones glabrate, terete, dark-ferruginous; stipules triangular- lanceolate, long-acuminate, 6-7 mm. long, pubescent dorsally; leaves opposite, the petioles rather slender, 0.6—2 cm. long, densely pilose; leaf-blades elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 6-14 cm. long, 2-5 cm. wide, gradually acute-acuminate or merely acute, obtuse to attenuate at the base, chartaceous, green and dull above, pilose with long or very short hairs, the venation slender and prominulous, beneath paler, densely pilose with long or rather short, soft, ochraceous hairs, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves 10-13 on each side, slender, prominent, ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, the veins prominent and closely reticulate, the margin plane; in- florescences axillary, on slender peduncles 3—6.5 cm. long, cymose, with 11 or fewer flowers, the branches 1 cm. long or less, the bracts lanceolate to triangular, 3-4 mm. long; calyx tubular- campanulate, truncate, 2.5 mm. long, densely pilose; corolla yellowish-white, 18 mm. long, the tube rather stout, gradually dilated upward, densely retrorse-pilose, the 4 lobes oval, 4 mm. long; anthers linear, 3 mm. long; style 13 mm. long, appressed-pilose; ovary 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Caleareous cliffs, Morne Brigand, Thibaud, Département du Nord, Haiti, altitude 500 meters. . ; DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Haiti, at 1450 meters or less. 55. Guettarda psiloclada Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A®°: 55. 1926. A shrub with slender branches, the young branchlets compressed, glabrate, with inter- nodes 1—2 cm. long, the older branches terete, blackish; stipules triangular or triangular-lance- olate, 3-5 mm. long, acute or long-acuminate, glabrate; leaves opposite, the rather slender petioles 0.7—2 cm. long, densely short-pilose with spreading hairs; leaf-blades oblong-elliptic, 6-11 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, obtuse or acute, rounded or obtuse at the base, pergamentaceous, olivaceous and dull above, very sparsely and minutely pilose, slightly scaberulous, the venation prominulous and closely reticulate, beneath slightly paler, rather densely pilose with short, spreading or subappressed hairs, the slender costa elevated, the lateral nerves 8-11 on each side, divergent at an angle of about 60 degrees, arcuate, the veins prominulous and closely reticulate, the margin plane; inflorescences axillary, on slender peduncles 3-10 cm. long, usually twice cymosely divided, with 15 or fewer flowers, the branches 10-18 mm. long, the bracts triangular or short-ovate, short-acuminate, 2 mm. long; calyx short-tubular, truncate, 2 mm. long; fruit obovoid-globose, 6 mm. long, 4.5 mm. thick, 3- or 4-celled, densely and minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Mirbalais, Département d’Artibonite, Haiti, altitude 150 meters, on hill- sides. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 56. Guettarda brevinodis Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 404. 1912. Guettarda membranacea Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 131, in part. 1866. Not G. membranacea Sw. 1788. A shrub or small tree, sometimes 6 meters high, the branches slender, terete, reddish-brown or grayish, very sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets subcompressed, densely short-pilose with spreading fulvous hairs, the internodes short; stipules ovate, 3 mm. long, acute, appressed-pilose, caducous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 4-14 mm. long, densely short-pilose; leaf-blades ovate-oblong to oblong-elliptic, 4-9.5 em. long, 2-4 cm. wide, acute or obtuse, rounded or obtuse at the base, firm-membranaceous, bright-green above, scaberulous, usually somewhat bullate, the venation prominent but depressed, paler beneath, densely short-pilose with spreading hairs, the venation very prominent, the lateral nerves slender, 10-12 on each side, arcuate- ascending at an angle of 50-60 degrees, the veins pale, prominently and closely reticulate, the margin plane or recurved; peduncles 1.5—2.5 cm. long, slender, short-pilose, the cymes once or twice bifid, 3—9-flowered, with short branches, the flowers sessile, the bractlets linear- subulate, 2 mm. long; calyx 2 mm. long, truncate or subbilobate, tomentulose; corolla white, the tube densely and minutely retrorse-pilose; ovary 3—4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hillsides, Pinar del Rio and Oriente, Cuba. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE yt or — 57. Guettarda Lindeniana A. Rich. in Sagra, Hist. Cuba 11: 20. 1850. A shrub or small tree, the branches rather slender, terete, brownish or grayish, the branch- lets stout, pilose with short, closely appressed hairs, the internodes short; stipules ovate-deltoid, 3-4 mm. long, subulate-acuminate, strigose outside, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 3-14 mm. long, puberulent; leaf-blades oval, elliptic, oval-oblong or oblong-elliptic, 4-9 cm. long, 2—4.5 cm. wide, acute to rounded at the apex, sometimes abruptly short-acuminate, broadly rounded to acutish at the base, subcoriaceous, green above, glabrous or puberulent along the costa, the costa subimpressed near the base but prominent toward the apex, the lateral nerves prominent, the veins prominent- or prominulous-reticulate, beneath only slightly paler, very minutely appressed-pilosulous, or short-pilose on the veins, the costa and lateral nerves very prominent, the latter 7—9 on each side, ascending at a broad angle, the veins usually plane, sometimes prominulous but not conspicuous, the margin usually revolute or broadly recurved; cymes subcapitate, mostly 3—7-flowered, the branches usually very short, the peduncles slender, 2.5—5.5 em. long, short-pilose, the flowers sessile, the bractlets ovate-deltoid, 1 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium minutely sericeous, the calyx 2—2.5 mm. long, truncate or obscurely bilobate; corolla white, 12 mm. long or longer, the stout tube minutely retrorse-pilose outside, the 5 lobes obovate, obtuse, one third as long as the tube or shorter; ovary 2- or 3-celled; fruit oval-oblong, 7-8 mm. long, minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Santiago, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Oriente and Pinar del Rio, Cuba, and Santo Domingo, on limestone rocks; in the latter country growing at an elevation of 1000 meters. 58. Guettarda calcicola Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 42: 513. 1915. A shrub or small tree 2—4.5 meters high, the branches slender, terete, reddish-brown, lenticellate, the branchlets compressed, densely appressed-pilose with short fulvous hairs, the internodes very short; stipules triangular-acuminate, 4-5 mm. long, densely fulvous-sericeous, deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 2-8 mm. long, appressed-pilose, the blades ovate or elliptic-oblong, 4-8 cm. long, 1—3.5 cm. wide, acute at the base and apex, chartaceous, lus- trous, green above, sparsely appressed-pilose along the veins, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the veins laxly prominulous-reticulate, not conspicuous, beneath slightly paler, thinly appressed-pilose, especially along the veins, with setose hairs, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, 8-11 on each side, subarcuate, ascending at an acute angle, the veins laxly pro- minulous-reticulate, the margin plane; cymes 7—25-flowered, once-bifid, the branches 0.8—1.8 cm. long, the peduncles slender, 1.5—6.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets linear- lanceolate, 1-1.5 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium densely and minutely sericeous, the calyx 2 mm. long, truncate; young fruit oblong or oblong-obovoid, 5 mm. long, 2—celled. TyPE LocaLity: Limestone rocks, near Sumidero, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Provinces of Habana and Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 59. Guettarda multinervis Urban, Symb. Ant. 5: 509. 1908. A shrub about 2.5 meters high, the branches slender, reddish-brown or grayish, lenticellate, the branchlets compressed, fulvous-sericeous, the internodes usually elongate; stipules ovate or triangular-lanceolate, 3-5 mm. long, acuminate, sericeous along the costa; leaves opposite, the petioles slender, 0.5—1.8 cm. long, sericeous, the blades ovate or ovate-elliptic, 5-11 cm. long, 2.5—5 cm. wide, acute at the base, gradually marrowed to the acute or short-acuminate apex, chartaceous, green above, scaberulous or glabrate, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, beneath slightly paler, minutely appressed-pilose or sericeous, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, 12-17 on each side, scarcely arcuate, parallel, the veins inconspicuous, the margin plane; peduncles 2—4 cm. long, short-pilose or tomentulose, the cymes bifureate, the branches 0.7—1.2 cm. long, several-flowered; fruit globose, 9-13 mm. in diameter, usually 5-celled, to- mentulose-velutinous. TYPE LOCALITY: Anse-a-Veau, Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: Haiti. 252 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 60. Guettarda ovalifolia Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 432. 1899. A tree 8-10 meters high, the branches reddish-brown or blackish, lenticellate, the branch- lets stout, compressed, sparsely pilose with fulvous spreading hairs, the internodes short; stipules triangular-acuminate, 3-5 mm. long, densely appressed-pilose; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 0.7—-2 cm. long, fulvous-hirtellous, the blades oval, broadly oval, ovate-oval, or broadly obovate, 5—13.5 cm. long, 3—9 em. wide, broadly rounded or obtuse at the base, rounded at the apex, sometimes apiculate, chartaceous or coriaceous, green above, usually lustrous, puberulent along the subimpressed costa, the lateral nerves prominulous, the veins prominent- reticulate, beneath paler, short-pilose along the prominent costa, the lateral nerves prominent, 7 or 8 on each side, subarcuate, the margin plane or recurved; cymes 5—15-flowered, subcapitate, or in age with stout subelongate branches, the peduncles slender, 3-10 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets deltoid, 1-2 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium fulvous-tomentose, the hypanthium 1 mm. long, the calyx 2—2.5 mm. long, truncate; corolla white, tinged with pink outside, the tube 12-13 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose outside, the lobes 5 or 6, obovate, less than half as long as the tube; anthers 2 mm. long; style sparsely short-pilose; ovary 4~6-celled; fruit oval or subglobose, 6-7 mm. long, yellowish-tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Cayey, Porto Rico. DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico. 61. Guettarda inaequipes Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 405. 1912. A shrub or small tree, the branches slender, terete, grayish-brown, sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets densely fulvous-hirtellous, with very short internodes; stipules deltoid, 4-5 mm. long, filiform-acuminate, appressed-pilose, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 0.5-2 em. long, yellowish-pilosulous; leaf-blades ovate or oblong-ovate, 5—9 cm. long, 2.5—4.5 cm. wide, acute to obtuse, rounded to subacute at the base, chartaceous, bright-green and lus- trous above, pilosulous along the prominent costa, elsewhere glabrous, the venation prominent but depressed, beneath pale, minutely pilosulous along the veins, the lateral nerves very prom- inent, slender, 10-12 on each side, subarcuate, divergent at an angle of 60-80 degrees, the veins prominent, coarsely reticulate, the margin plane; cymes 7—13-flowered, once or twice bifid, the branches in fruit 1-2 cm. long, the peduncles 2.5—4.5 cm. long, slender, the flowers sessile; fruit ovoid-globose, 4-5 mm. long, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba. j DISTRIBUTION: Pinar del Rio, and perhaps elsewhere in Cuba. 62. Guettarda laevis Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 433. 1899. A tree 20 meters high or less, the branches grayish-brown, lenticellate, the stout branchlets minutely fulvous-strigillose, becoming glabrate, the internodes short; stipules triangular- lanceolate, acuminate, 5—6 mm. long, strigose-sericeous, deciduous; leaves opposite, the very stout petioles 1-3 cm. long; leaf-blades obovate, oval, rounded-oval, or elliptic-oval, 5-13 cm. long, 4-7 em. wide, rounded at the apex, broadly rounded to acutish at the base, coriaceous, sparsely pilose with minute appressed hairs or glabrate, dull-green above, the venation sub- impressed, beneath paler and brownish, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter 7—9 on each side, subarcuate, divaricate at an angle of 70-75 degrees, the veins inconspicuous, plane or scarcely prominulous, the margin plane; cymes 3—9-flowered, congested, the peduncles 5—8 em. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets oblong or lanceolate, 5-10 mm. long; calyx and hypan- thium densely tomentulose, the calyx 3 mm. long, truncate or shallowly lobate; corolla white, tinged with pink outside, the tube 12 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose outside, whitish- pubescent within except near the base, the lobes about 7, obovate, one third as long as the tube; anthers 2.5 mm. long; style densely sericeous-pilose; ovary 2- or 3-celled; fruit green, globose or oval-globose, 6-7 mm. in diameter, tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Forests of Mount Jimenes, Sierra de Luquillo, Porto Rico. DISTRIBUTION: Woods and thickets at higher elevations, western mountains of Porto Rico; also in Hispaniola. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 253 63. Guettarda elegans Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 158. 1923. A shrub, the young branchlets more or less compressed, very shortly appressed-pilose, the older ones terete, slender, grayish-ferruginous, the internodes |—3.5 cm. long; stipules triangular or triangular-lanceolate, 2.5—3 mm. long; leaves opposite, the petioles 4-15 mm. long, appressed- pilose; leaf-blades ovate, ovate-elliptic, or elliptic-oblong, 5-8 cm. long, 2-4 em. wide, acute or acutish, acute or obtuse at the base, subcoriaceous, dull and glabrous above, the venation prominent and closely reticulate, beneath minutely appressed-pilose, at least on the veins, domatiate in the axils of the nerves, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves 7 or 8 on each side, prominent, the veins prominent and closely reticulate, the margin plane; inflorescences axillary, twice dichotomous, the peduncles 3—6.5 cm. long, minutely appressed-pilosulous, the branches 15 mm. long or less, 2—4-flowered, the flowers sessile, the bractlets triangular or sub- ulate; calyx truncate, 1.8 mm. long; corolla white, 2 cm. long, the tube densely and shortly retrorse-pilose outside, slightly dilated above, the 4 lobes obovate, 3 mm. long; anthers linear, 3mm. long; style 1 cm. long, minutely appressed-pilosulous; ovary 2-celled; young fruit obovoid, densely and minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Pinar de Papayo, Sierra Maestra, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 700 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Oriente, and perhaps elsewhere, Cuba. 64. Guettarda Baltenweckii Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 403. 1912. A small tree, the branches subterete, brownish, the internodes 1—2 cm. long, the branchlets more or less compressed, minutely pilose with gray appressed hairs; stipules triangular, ovate, or ovate-oblong, 3-4 mm. long, acute or acuminate, minutely appressed-pilose; leaf-blades oval- elliptic or elliptic, 5-10 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, acuminate or short-acuminate, acute or sub- obtuse at the base, chartaceous or chartaceous-coriaceous, lustrous, green above, sparsely and minutely pilose, the venation prominent, reticulate, beneath pale-green, thinly and minutely appressed-pilose, the lateral nerves prominent, 5—8 on each side, ascending at an angle of 50-60 degrees, subarcuate, the margin plane, sparsely ciliate; inflorescence cymose, 3-1 1-flowered, 5-10 em. broad, the peduncles 1—3 cm. long, shortly appressed-pilose, the flowers sessile, the bracts linear-subulate, 1—2.3 mm. long; hypanthium tomentulose, 1 mm. long, the calyx sub- coriaceous, 1.5 mm. long, truncate, pilose; corolla sordid-white, the tube 13 mm. long, densely retrorse-pilose, the lobes narrowly obovate, 3.5 mm. long; anthers inserted in the corolla-throat, included, 2.8 mm. long, the filaments very short; style 12 mm. long, sparsely short-pilose; ovary 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Damp places, Vallée du Bras Gauche de la Grande Anse, Haiti, altitude 100 to 150 meters. : DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 65. Guettarda filipes Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 210. 1919. Branches blackish or ferruginous, lenticellate, the slender branchlets densely pilose, with elongate internodes; stipules triangular-lanceolate, filiform-acuminate, 5 mm. long, deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 3-8 mm. long, short-pilose; leaf-blades ovate, elliptic, or oblong-elliptic, 3-5.5 em. long, 1.2—2.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, rounded to subacute at the base, membranaceous, green above, densely short-pilose, at least when young, the venation plane, paler beneath, densely pilose with short, whitish, mostly spreading hairs, the costa and lateral nerves prominulous, the latter about 7 on each side, subarcuate, the veins mostly obsolete, the margin plane; cymes lax, few-flowered, the peduncles subfiliform, 1.3-3.5 cm. long, pilose, the branches short, slender, the flowers partly sessile and partly on slender pedicels 1-3 mm. long, the bractlets linear, equaling or much longer than the calyx; calyx and hypan- thium appressed-pilose, the calyx 1.5 mm. long, shallowly bilobate; corolla minutely sericeous outside, the slender tube 6-7 mm. long, the lobes rounded, I-1.5 mm. long, glabrous within; ovary 2-celled. TYPE LocaLity: Near Huasemote, Durango. _ DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 254 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 66. Guettarda Gaumeri Standley, Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 8:58. 1930. A shrub or small tree about 3 meters high, densely branched, the branches terete, grayish- brown or cinereous, with few pale lenticels, the young branchlets densely pilose with short spreading ochraceous hairs, the internodes mostly very short, sometimes elongate, stipules broadly ovate, obtuse, densely pilose outside with ascending hairs, brown and sparsely sericeous within; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 2.5—4 mm. long, densely tomentose; leaf-blades oblong or oblong-elliptic, 2.5-7.5 em. long, 1-4 cm. wide, acute or obtuse and apiculate, obtuse to broadly rounded at the base, sometimes obscurely cordate, thick-membranaceous, green above, densely velutinous-pilose, paler beneath, densely pilose with pale spreading soft matted hairs, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves about 8 on each side, arcuate-ascending, the mar- gin subrevolute; cymes axillary, subcapitate, mostly 3-flowered, the stout peduncles 4-8 mm. long, densely pilose with long ascending hairs, the flowers sessile, or the lateral ones on pedicels as much as 2 mm. long, the bracts lanceolate or ovate, 3-4 mm. long, equaling or longer than the calyx; hypanthium and calyx densely pilose with long ascending hairs, the calyx shallowly bilobate, equaling the hypanthium; corolla white, 12 mm. long, densely pilose with long pale ascending hairs, the lobes 2 mm. long, glabrous within; immature fruit oval, 4 mm. long, densely tomentose, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Yucatan. DISTRIBUTION: In forest or thickets, Yucatan and Campeche to northern British Honduras 67. Guettarda punctata Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A™: Sihen lke Ash : A shrub or small tree, the young branchlets clothed with rather long, erect or erect- spreading, whitish hairs, the older branches glabrate, with short or long internodes; stipules triangular, subobtuse, rufous, membranaceous, appressed-pilose, 4 mm. long, deciduous; petioles 4-9 mm. long, pubescent like the branchlets; leaf-blades ovate, oval, or oval-elliptic, 2-5.5 em. long, 1.5-3.2 em. wide, very obtuse or rounded at the apex, rounded or usually trun- cate at the base, pergamentaceous, green above, sparsely pilose, elevate-punctate, the venation prominulous, beneath pilose on the nerves with rather long hairs, minutely and densely pilo- sulous between them, the lateral nerves 5-7 on each side, prominent, ascending at an angle of 30-40 degrees, the veins prominent and reticulate; flowers and fruit unknown. Tyrer LocaLity: Caleareous hills, Jacquet, near Ganthier, Plaine Cul-de-Sac, Haiti, altitude 200 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. Described from sterile specimens; related, according to Urban, to G. Abbottii Urban, and in habit somewhat similar to G. undulata Griseb. 68. Guettarda lacornea Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A°: 79. 1927. A small tree, the young branchlets densely pilose or villosulous with spreading hairs, the older branches terete, stout, ochraceous or brownish, glabrate; stipules broadly ovate, apiculate, 7 mm. long or less, pilose with long and short hairs intermixed, early deciduous; leaves opposite, the petioles 0.8—2 em. long; leaf-blades ovate-elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 5-13 cm. long, 2.5—8 cm. wide, very obtuse or rounded at the apex, truncate at the base or deeply and narrowly cordate, chartaceous or coriaceous, dark-green and dull above, minutely pilose, the venation conspicu- ously impressed, paler beneath, softly short-pilose, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves 7 or 8 on each side, very prominent, ascending at an angle of 40-50 degrees, the veins very prominent and closely reticulate; inflorescences axillary, capitately about 4-flowered, ona peduncle 8 mm. long, the bracts linear, 3 mm. long, the bractlets linear-filiform, as much as 5 mm. long; calyx 4 mm. long, shallowly trilobate, erect-pilosuluus; corolla 15 mm. long, the tube ascending-pilose outside, whitish-pubescent within, slightly ampliate upward, the 6 lobes narrowly ovate; anthers linear, 2 mm. long; style 10 mm. long, appressed-pilosulous; ovary 5—celled. TypE LocaLity: Morne Lacorne, along road between Port-de-Paix and Jean-Rabel, northwest- ern peninsula of Haiti. ; ; DISTRIBUTION: Dry hillsides, Haiti. ’ Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE bo or 69. Guettarda Abbottii Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 18: 372. 1922. Branches terete, dark-ferruginous, the young branchlets densely pilose or hirsute with spreading or ascending, brownish hairs, the internodes short; stipules triangular, 4 mm. long, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 6-12 mm. long, densely pilose with ascending hairs; leaf-blades oblong to oval-elliptic or rarely ovate or narrowly obovate, 4-7 em. long, 2-3 cm. wide, rounded to acutish at the apex, obtuse or rounded at the base, coriaceous, green above, rather sparsely short-pilose or glabrate, the venation closely reticulate and deeply im- pressed, beneath paler, densely short-pilose, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, 6-8 on each side, ascending at an angle of 40—50 degrees, arcuate, the veins prominent and closely reticulate, the margin narrowly recurved; inflorescences axillary, densely ferruginous-villous, capitately 3—5-flowered, on stout peduncles 3-6 mm. long, the bracts linear-filiform, 3—3.5 mm. long, the flowers sessile; calyx short-tubular, 2.5 mm. long, obsoletely bilobate; corolla 12 mm. long, the tube slightly ampliate above, antrorse-hirsute with short yellowish hairs, minutely pilose within, the 5 lobes obovate, 2.8 mm. long, glabrous within, scarcely one fourth as long as the tube; anthers linear, 1.5 mm. long; style 8 mm. long, appressed- pilosulous; ovary 3-celled. TYPE LocALIty: Mainland opposite San Gabriel, a smal! island west of San Lorenzo, on the south side of Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, at sea level. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 70. Guettarda Deamii Standley, Contr. U. 5. Nat. Herb. 20: 209. O19" A tree 3.5—4.5 meters high, the rather slender branches blackish, lenticellate, the branch- lets densely short-pilose, with short internodes; stipules ovate-oblong, 2.5-4 mm. long, obtuse or subacute, appressed-pilose outside, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 5—9 mm. long, densely short-pilose; leaf-blades mostly oval, sometimes oblong-oval or obovate-oval, 4-8.5 cm. long, 2.5-4.5 cm. wide, chartaceous, broadly rounded at the apex, rounded at the base, green above, densely short-pilose or pilose-scaberulous, the venation prominulous but more or less depressed, paler beneath, densely velutinous-pilosulous, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter 8-10 on each side, subarcuate, ascending at an angle of 50 degrees or more, the veins prominulous, laxly reticulate; the margin recurved; cymes axillary, subcapitate, 3-5- flowered, the very stout peduncles 3-10 mm. long, densely short-pilose, the flowers sessile, the bractlets subulate, 3-4 mm. long, persistent; fruit globose, 8 mm. in diameter, 3- or 4-celled, densely and minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Mountain ridges near Gualan, Guatemala, altitude 185 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 71. Guettarda stenophylla Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 408. 1912. Branches slender, terete, brownish or grayish, lenticellate, the branchlets very slender, elongate, minutely appressed-pilose, with very short internodes; stipules lance-subulate or linear-subulate, 2—2.5 mm. long, soon deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 1-5 mm. long, appressed-pilose; leaf-blades linear or oblong-linear, 1—5.5 cm. long, 1.5-6 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, acute or attenuate at the base, subchartaceous, bright-green above, copiously short-pilose, the costa prominulous but depressed, the other venation obscure, paler beneath, sericeous, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves slender, 7-15 on each side, subdivaricate, the veins obsolete, the margin plane; inflorescences axillary, capitate, 1—3- flowered, the filiform peduncles 1-12 mm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets linear, 1—1.5 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium sericeous, the calyx 1.5 mm. long, truncate, corolla white, densely antrorse-pilose outside, 8 mm. long, the tube glabrous within, the 4 or 5 lobes obovate, slightly shorter than the tube; anthers 1.6 mm. long; style glabrous; ovary 4-celled; fruit shortly globose-pyriform, truncate, obtusely 8-costate, 7 mm. long, tomentulose. TYPE LocaLity: Dry mountains near Barahona, Santo Domingo, altitude 50 meters. DISTRIBUTION: In calcareous soil, Santo Domingo. 256 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 72. Guettarda Galeottii Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: 1384. 1926. Branches terete, grayish, lenticellate, the branchlets stout, densely pilose-sericeous, with short internodes; stipules triangular-lanceolate, 5-7 mm. long, attenuate-acuminate, sub- persistent; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 2-4 mm. long, appressed-pilose; leaf-blades ovate or broadly elliptic-ovate, 3-5 cm. long, 1.7—2.7 cm. wide, acutely acuminate, rounded at the base, firm-chartaceous, dark-green and sublustrous above, loosely and thinly tomentose when young, becoming glabrate, the costa and nerves impressed, the veins obsolete, paler beneath, appressed-pilose, especially along the nerves, the costa and lateral nerves slender but very prominent, the latter 7—9 on each side, parallel, arcuate, the veins mostly obsolete, the margin recurved; cymes axillary, dense, many-flowered, with very short branches, the stout peduncles 1—1.5 cm. long, densely pilose, the flowers sessile, the bractlets minute; hypanthium densely pilose, the calyx sparsely short-pilose, 0.5 mm. long, truncate or obscurely lobate; corolla sericeous outside, the slender tube 7 mm. long, the 4 lobes rounded, 1 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Pinotepa, Oaxaca. DISTRIBUTION: Oaxaca, and perhaps in other states of Mexico. 73. Guettarda dichotoma Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 11!: 233. 1844. Donkelaaria dichotoma Lemaire, Ill. Hort. 2: Misc. 72. 1855. A shrub, the rather slender branches terete, dark-ferruginous, coarsely elevate-lenticellate, glabrate, the young branchlets densely pilose with short and long, chiefly spreading hairs; stipules small, ovate, obtuse, soon deciduous, appressed-pilosulous; leaves opposite, the petioles short, slender, minutely appressed-pilosulous; leaf-blades ovate to oblong-elliptic, 4-6 cm. long, 1.5—2.5 cm. wide, acute or subacute, obtuse to subtruncate at the base, membranaceous, green above, sparsely and minutely appressed-pilosulous, soon glabrate, the venation very slender and prominulous, scarcely paler beneath, densely and minutely appressed-pilosulous, the costa very slender, prominent, the lateral nerves 6 or 7 on each side, ascending at a narrow angle, the veins scarcely prominulous, inconspicuous; peduncles axillary, 1-2 cm. long, slender, minutely pilosulous and hispidulous, the cymes dichotomous, rather few-flowered, much shorter than the leaves, the flowers sessile or on pedicels as much as 2.5 mm. long, the bracts and bractlets mi- nute, deciduous; calyx and hypanthium minutely appressed-pilosulous, the calyx 1.5 mm. long, obscurely lobate; corolla densely and minutely antrorse-sericeous, the slender tube 6-8 mm. long, scarcely dilated upward, the 4 lobes rounded-ovate, almost 2 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Consoquitla, Veracruz, altitude 450-600 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Veracruz. 74. Guettarda elliptica Sw. Prodr. 59. 1788. Guettarda Blodgettii Shuttl.; Chapm. Fl.S. U.S. 178. 1860. Guettarda reliculata Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. II. 8: 506. 1862. Matthiola elliptica Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. Matthiola reticulata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. ? Guettarda tetrandra Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mex. ed. 2. 218. 1894. Guettarda Lindeniana var. reticulata Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 289. 1895. Guettarda Fuerlesii Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 17: 7. 1921. Guettarda insularis Brand. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 10: 416. 1924. A shrub or tree, sometimes 8 meters high, the branches slender, terete, grayish or ferrugi- nous, often much roughened by numerous whitish lenticels, the branchlets slender or stout, appressed-pilose, leafy at the ends; stipules deltoid-acuminate, 2.5-3 mm. long, appressed- pilose, subpersistent; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 1-12 mm. long; leaf-blades usually oval or rounded-oval, sometimes oval-ovate or obovate, 1—-7.5 cm. long, 1—4.5 em. wide, usually rounded or obtuse and apiculate at the apex, sometimes acute or short-acuminate, truncate to acute at the base, membranaceous or chartaceous, bright-green above, sparsely and minutely appressed-pilose or glabrate, the costa and nerves plane or prominulous, the veins laxly reticu- late, paler beneath, minutely appressed-pilose over the whole surface or in age glabrate, the Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 257 costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter 5—7 on each side, subarcuate, the veins incon- spicuous, the margin usually plane; cymes axillary, dense, 1—9-flowered, usually 3-flowered, the slender or stout peduncles 0.5—3 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets minute or sometimes equaling the calyx; calyx and hypanthium minutely tomentulose and often short-pilose, the calyx 2—2.5 mm. long, truncate or obscurely lobate; corolla white, tinged with pink outside, antrorse-sericeous, the slender tube 6—9 mm. long, the 4 lobes rounded-obovate, 2—2.5 mm. long; fruit subglobose, 4-8 mm. in diameter, 2—4-celled, purplish. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Chiefly in dry thickets; southern Florida; Bahamas and the Greater Antilles; St. Thomas; Yucatan; Sinaloa, Nayarit, and Socorro Island; Venezuela. ILLUSTRATIONS: Sarg. Silva pl. 229; Sarg. Man. f. 617; Britton, N. Am. Trees f. 768; Baillon, Hist. Pl. 7: 301. 75. Guettarda parviflora Vah!, Eclog. 2: 26. 1798. Guettarda parvifolia Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 1958. 1806. Myginda Bredemeyeri Schultes, in R. & S. Syst. Veg. Mant. 3: 349. 1827. Myginda pentandra Willd.; Schultes, in R. & S. Syst. Veg. Mant. 3: 349, assynonym. 1827. Matthiola parviflora Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. Matthiola parvifolia Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. A shrub or tree, sometimes 10 meters high, the branches gray or ferruginous, often roughened by conspicuous whitish lenticels, the branchlets usually rigid and divaricate, minutely appressed- pilosulous when young, usually densely leafy; stipules deltoid-acuminate, 2-3 mm. long, de- ciduous; leaves opposite, the slender or stout petioles 2-12 mm. long; leaf-blades mostly elliptic or oval-elliptic, sometimes oval or broadly ovate, 1.5—5 cm. long, 0.8—3 cm. wide, rounded to acute at the apex, sometimes apiculate, rounded to acute at the base, membranecous, bright- green and lustrous above, usually glabrous, the costa impressed toward the base, the nerves prominulous, the veins obscure, laxly reticulate, slightly paler beneath, minutely appressed- pilose along the nerves or glabrate, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, 4-7 on each side, subarcuate, the veins usually obscure, the margin plane; cymes axillary, 3-flowered, the central flower sessile, the lateral ones on branches 1-3 mm. long, the peduncles subfiliform, 0.7—2.5 cm. long, the bractlets linear, caducous; calyx and hypanthium tomentulose, the calyx 1.5 mm. long, truncate; corolla white, antrorse-sericeous outside, the tube 7-9 mm. long, the 5 or 6 lobes rounded-obovate, 2.5—3 mm. long; fruit globose, 4-5 mm. in diameter, 5-celled, minutely tomentulose, black at maturity. TYPE LOCALITY: St. Croix. : a 7 DIsTRIBUTION: Usually in dry thickets, Porto Rico and the Lesser Antilles; Trinidad, Vene- zuela, and the Guianas. 76. Guettarda aculeolata Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 546. 1913. A tree, the branches terete, grayish, lenticellate, the branchlets stout, divaricate, short- aculeolate and densely pilose with short, spreading or ascending hairs, densely leafy; stipules triangular-lanceolate, 2—-3.5 mm. long, acuminate, pilose, subpersistent; leaves opposite, the petioles stout, 1-2 mm. long, minutely pilose, the blades ovate-elliptic to ovate-oblong, 1-3 cm. long, 0.5—1 cm. wide, acutish or subacuminate, obtuse or rounded at the base, chartaceous, green above, sparsely short-pilose with mostly appressed hairs, the costa and lateral nerves slender, prominent, slightly paler beneath, thinly white-sericeous, the laternal nerves prominent, 4-7 on each side, arcuate, the veins obsolete, the margin plane or subcrispate; peduncles slender, 1-2.5 cm. long, densely short-aculeolate, short-pilose, 1—3-flowered, the flowers sessile or short- pedicellate, the bractlets linear-lanceolate, 1.8—-2.5 mm. long, persistent; calyx 2.5 mm. long, truncate or obscurely bilobate, sericeous; corolla violet, 1.3-1.7 cm. long, densely antrorse- sericeous, the lobes 5 or rarely 6, rounded, about one fifth as long as the tube, this pubescent within in the lower part; anthers 2.3 mm. long, the tips exserted; style short-pilose below; ovary 2- or 3-celled. Type Locauity: Las Canitas, Province of Azua, Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. bo or 172) NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 77. Guettarda ramulifiora Beurl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1854: 132. 1856. Matthiola ramuliflora Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. Guettarda tobagensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 406. 1912. A shrub or small tree, the branches subterete, dark-ferruginous, sparsely lenticellate, the branchlets stout, compressed, strigose, with short internodes; stipules deltoid, 6-7 mm. long, cuspidate-acuminate, strigose outside, white-sericeous within, deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 5-10 mm. long, densely strigose; leaf-blades broadly elliptic-ovate, rounded- elliptic, or very broadly elliptic-obovate, broadest at or above the middle, 8-18 cm. long, 5—9.5 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex and usually broadly short-acuminate, sometimes rather long-acuminate, obtuse or acute at the base, membranaceous, green above, sparsely strigose when young, becoming glabrate, the costa and veins prominent or prominulous, slightly paler beneath, densely sericeous-strigose when young with stiff lustrous hairs, the pubescence sparse in age, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, 10 or 11 on each side, subarcuate, ascending usually at an acute angle, the veins usually prominulous, not reticu- late; inflorescences subcapitate or short-bifid, usually 3-flowered, the peduncles stout, com- pressed, 5-7 mm. long, densely and minutely sericeous, the flowers sessile; calyx and hypan- thium minutely fulvous-sericeous, the calyx truncate, 3 mm. long; corolla 12 mm. long in bud, densely fulvous-pilose outside with rather long soft ascending hairs, the tube very stout, 4-5 mm. wide in the throat, fruit depressed-globose, 12-14 mm. long, 16-18 mm. wide, 5-celled, densely and minutely fulvous- or brownish-tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Porto Bello, Panama. DISTRIBUTION: In forest, Panama and Tobago. 78. Guettarda colubrinoides Standley, Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 8: 358. E9Si. Branches slender, terete, blackish-ferruginous, the young branchlets sparsely strigose, with elongate internodes; stipules early deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 2-3 cm. long, densely appressed-pilosulous or glabrate; leaf-blades oval or oval-elliptic, 13-15.5 cm. long, 8-10 cm. wide, acute or shortly acute-acuminate, shallowly or deeply cordate at the base, firm-membranaceous, dark-olivaceous above, puberulent on the veins, elsewhere glabrous, the costa and nerves prominulous, slightly paler beneath, sparsely subappressed-pilose on the veins, minutely and sparsely strigillose between them, the costa slender, elevated, the lateral nerves about 9 on each side, ascending at an angle of 45 degrees or less, very slender, prominent, arcuate, the veins prominent, pale, laxly reticulate; inflorescences axillary, cymose, densely few- or many-flowered, about 1 cm. long and broad, the peduncles 1 cm. long or less, densely appressed-pilosulous, the flowers sessile, the bracts large, elliptic or oblong, brownish, obtuse, sparsely sericeous on the outer surface, much longer than the calyx; hypanthium subglobose, almost 1 mm. long, very densely ochraceous-pilosulous, the calyx tubular, 1.7 mm. long, fer- ruginous, sparsely puberulent, truncate; corolla minutely cinereous-sericeous, the very slender tube 13 mm. long, scarcely ampliate upward, the 4 lobes spreading, oblong, 3 mm. long, obtuse, glabrous within; anthers oblong, semiexserted. TYPE LOCALITY: Paso del Carrizal, Tabasco. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 79. Guettarda macrosperma Donn. Smith, Bot. Gaz. 18: 204. 1893. A shrub or tree, sometimes 7.5 meters high, with a trunk 10 cm. in diameter, the rather slender branches dark-ferruginous, conspicuously white-lenticellate, the branchlets fulvous- pilose when young with short, mostly appressed hairs, the internodes often elongate; stipules ovate-deltoid, 4 mm. long, filiform-acuminate, deciduous; leaves opposite, the slender or stout petioles 0.5—2.5 em. long; leaf-blades oval to oval-elliptic, rhombic-elliptic, or oblong, 4.5-13.5 cm. long, 2.5-7 em. wide, acute, subacute, or acuminate, rounded to subacute at the base, membranaceous or subchartaceous, bright-green and sublustrous above, hispidulous when ParT 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 259 young with setiform hairs, glabrate in age, the costa and nerves prominulous, the veins in- conspicuous, laxly reticulate, paler beneath, minutely appressed-pilose, the costa and lateral nerves slender, prominent, the latter 7—9 on each side, subarcuate, the veins inconspicuous, the margin plane; cymes axillary, few-flowered, at first dense, the branches in fruit as much as 2 em. long, the slender or stout peduncles I—5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets subulate, shorter than the calyx, deciduous; calyx and hypanthium tomentulose, the calyx 2—2.5 mm. long, truncate; corolla white, sericeous outside, the tube 12 mm. long, the 5 or 6 lobes oval, one third as long as the tube; fruit subglobose, I-1.5 em. in diameter, often dark-red, densely and finely tomentulose, 3- or 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Santa Rosa, Guatemala, altitude 900 meters. : DISTRIBUTION: In forest and thickets, Guatemala and British Honduras to Panama, at eleva- tions of 1300 meters or less. 80. Guettarda odorata (Jacq.) Lam. Tab. Encyce. 2: 219. 1819, Laugieria odorata Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 16. 1760. A stiff shrub 3-4.5 meters high, the branches gray or blackish-ferruginous, sparsely lenti- cellate, the branchlets slender or stout, puberulent when young, the internodes short or elongate; stipules lance-subulate, 5-8 mm. long, tardily deciduous; leaves opposite, the stout petioles 2—7 mm. long, puberulent or short-pilose; leaf-blades elliptic, elliptic-oblong, elliptic-oval, or rhombic-obovate, 3—6.5 cm. long, 1-4 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate, rounded or obtuse at the base, membranaceous or subchartaceous, green and sublustrous above, glabrous, the costa and nerves subimpressed, the veins obscure, paler beneath, minutely appressed-pilose along the nerves, the costa and lateral nerves prominent, the latter about 8 on each side, arcuate, the veins inconspicuous, the margin usually plane; cymes axillary, dense, 3-many-flowered, with very short branches, the slender peduncles 1—3.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, the bractlets lanceolate, almost as long as the calyx, subpersistent; calyx and hypanthium minutely tomentu- lose; the calyx 1.5—2 mm. long, truncate; corolla reddish or white, antrorse-sericeous outside, the slender tube 11—16 mm. long, the 5 or 6 lobes obovate-oblong, 3—4mm. long, glabrous within; fruit globose, 6 mm. in diameter, 5-celled, densely and minutely tomentulose. TYPE LOCALITY: Cartagena, Colombia. DISTRIBUTION: Panama to Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas; St. Vincent; reported, prob- ably in error, from Mexico. ILLUSTRATIONS: Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. pl. 177, f. 21; Lam. Tabl. Encyc. pl. 154, f. 4. 81. Guettarda foliacea Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18: 139. £916: A shrub or tree, reported to attain sometimes a height of 15 meters and a trunk diameter of 30 cm., the branches slender, blackish-ferruginous, the branchlets stout, appressed-pilose, with short internodes; stipules oblong-deltoid, 5 mm. long, acute or acuminate; leaves opposite, the slender petioles 1—2 cm. long, appressed-pilose; leaf-blades elliptic or oblong-elliptic, sometimes obovate-oblong, 10-16 cm. long, 3.5—5.5 em. wide, acute to long-acuminate, very acute to obtuse at the base, membranaceous, green above, sparsely hispidulous with spreading setiform hairs, the costa and nerves prominulous, the veins laxly prominulous-reticulate, paler beneath, minutely and sparsely appressed-pilose, the hairs long and denser on the nerves, the costa and lateral nerves slender, prominent, the latter about 8 on each side, subarcuate, ascending at an acute angle, the veins inconspicuous, the margin plane; cymes axillary, dense, few- or many- flowered, the peduncles slender or stout, 1—2 cm. long or longer, the branches very short or rarely elongate, the flowers sessile, the bractlets oblong or linear-oblong, 4-5 mm. long, obtuse, green, persistent; calyx and hypanthium sericeous, the calyx 2.5 mm. long, truncate; corolla white, minutely sericeous outside, the slender tube 15-17 mm. long, scarcely dilated upward, the lobes oval, 4 mm. long, obtuse; style sparsely appressed-vilose; fruit subglobose, 10-12 mm. in diameter, densely fulvous-tomentose, 4-celled. TYPE LocALity: Along the Trinidad River, Canal Zone, Panama. DISTRIBUTION: In wet forest, Panama. 260 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 SPECIES NOT IN THE FORMER KEY The following species, presumably valid, were described mostly -from sterile specimens, and principally on that account it has not been possible to place them satisfactorily in the key on pages 229-234. They may be distinguished from each other as follows: Leaf-blades pungent-mucronate, 1.5—4.5 cm. long. Leaf-blades rounded or truncate at the base. 82. G. lamprophylla. Leaf-blades acute or obtuse at the base. Leaf-blades rigid-coriaceous, 2—4.5 cm. long. 83. G. ocoana. Leaf-blades chartaceous, 1.5—2.5 em. long. 84. G. torbeciana. Leaf-blades not pungent-mucronate, 5—20 cm. long. Leaves hirsute on both sides; species of Costa Rica. 85. G. conferta. Leaves not hirsute; species of the West Indies. Leaf-blades cordate or truncate at the base. Leaf-blades cordate at the base, 8-12 cm. long. 86. G. erosa. Leaf-blades truncate at the base, 17—20 cm. long. 87. G. excisa. Leaf-blades acute to rounded at the base. Young branches strigose. 88. G. organosia. Young branches pilose with short, spreading or ascending hairs. Leaf-blades oblong or ovate-oblong, obtuse or rounded at the base. 89. G. amblyophylla. Leaf-blades lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute or subobtuse at the base. 90. G. pinariona. 82. Guettarda lamprophylla Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A*: 50. 1931. A shrub, the young branches covered with very short suberect hairs; stipules filiform- acuminate from a triangular base, 2.5 mm. long, deciduous; petioles 2-3 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate or obtriangular, rounded or truncate at the apex and abruptly acuminate, the costa excurrent as a pungent spine 1-2 mm. long, acute at the base or rarely acuminate, rigid- coriaceous, 1.5—3 em. long, 1-2 em. wide, shining above, olivaceous when dried, glabrous, beneath shining, pale-green, minutely pilosulous on the nerves, the lateral nerves 5 or 6 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60-65 degrees, prominent, the margin plane or subrecurved; peduncle axillary, 1 cm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: La Gonave Island, Haiti, in limestone forest near Lotoroué, altitude 650 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. Based upon imperfect material. Related, according to Urban, to G. ocoana Urban & Ekman and less closely to G. pungens Urban. 83. Guettarda ocoana Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A?: 49. 1931. A small tree, the young branchlets short-strigose; stipules lanceolate, setaceous-acuminate, 4-5 mm. long; petioles 2-6 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate or rarely elliptic, abruptly short- acuminate and pungent-mucronate, cuneately narrowed or subobtuse at the base, 2—4.5 cm. long, 0.8-2.3 em. wide, or smaller, rigid-coriaceous, green above, glabrous or short-strigillose along the costa, shining beneath, minutely pilosulous along the nerves, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves prominent, 5 or 6 on each side. TYPE LOCALITY: Sierra de Ocoa, Province of Azua, near San José de Ocoa at Bejucal, in moun- tain forest, Santo Domingo, altitude 1400 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Santo Domingo (reported by Urban also from Constanza). Known only from sterile specimens. According to Urban and Ekman, related to G. rolundifolia Urban, which differs in having minutely pilosulous branchlets and orbicular leaves with recurved margins and 4 or 5 pairs of lateral nerves which are reticulately united beneath. 84. Guettarda torbeciana Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A?: 49. 1931. A shrub, the branchlets covered with short erect hairs, the internodes 5-15 mm. long; stipules filiform-acuminate from an ovate base, 3-5 mm. long, persistent; petioles 2-3 mm. long; leaf-blades broadly oval, rarely short-obovate or broadly ovate, acute or short-acuminate and mucronate-pungent, subacute at the base or rarely obtuse or rounded, 1.5—2.5 cm. long, 1—1.5 em. wide, chartaceous, olivaceous above and very sparsely pilose, lustrous, paler beneath, Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 261 sparsely strigillose along the costa, the lateral nerves 5 or 6 on each side, prominent, divergent at an angle of 60 degrees, irregularly reticulate, the margin plane, suberose, ciliate. TYPE LOCALITY: Massif de la Hotte, near Torbec, in high mountains above La Mare-Proux, Haiti, elevation 1700 meters. Known only from sterile specimens. According to the authors, probably a relative of G. ro- tundifolia Urban. 85. Guettarda conferta Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 106. 1845. Maitthiola conferta Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. Ferruginous hairs present densely on the branchlets, petioles, peduncles, and nerves of the leaves, less abundant on the veins; stipules broadly obovate, mucronate-acute, fuscous-mem- branaceous, about 12 mm. long, hirsute outside at the base, otherwise glabrous, about equaling the petioles; leaf-blades ovate, 10-15 cm. long, acuminate, acute at the base, hirsute on both sides, the lateral nerves prominent beneath, 10—12 on each side; cymes subsessile, the peduncles in fruit as much as 4 mm. long, the branches recurved, up to 2.5 em. long, the flowers sessile, 8 mm. long; calyx short, shallowly 3- or 4-dentate; corolla sericeous-hirtous, the 4 lobes short, obtuse, crispate; fruit ovoid-tetragonous, 4 mm. long, hirsute, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Cocos Island, Costa Rica. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. Although rather fully described, the proper position of this plant is not evident to the writer. No material of the genus from Cocos Island has been available for study. 86. Guettarda erosa Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A*: 79. 1927. A small tree, the young branchlets densely covered with minute pale yellowish hairs or subtomentulose, the older ones terete, with internodes 2-4 cm. long; stipules ovate, acute or short-acuminate, up to 10 mm. long, tomentulose dorsally, deciduous; petioles 7-15 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate-triangular, gradually narrowed to the very obtuse apex, cordate at the base, chartaceous, 8-12 cm. long, 4-8 cm. wide, scarcely lustrous above, scaberulous with very short stiff hairs, paler beneath, minutely pilose, the lateral nerves 9 or 10 on each side, the lowest horizontal, the upper ascending at an angle of 50-55 degrees, the veins prominulous beneath and reticulate, the margin plane, erose-crenulate. Type LocaLity: La Tortue Island, near La Vallée, on Morne Barranca, altitude 300 meters, Be HON: Known only from the type locality. Described from sterile specimens. Probably a relative of G. fortuensis Urban & Ekman, but differing in the shape and indument of the leaves. 87. Guettarda excisa Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A‘*: 48. 1931. Probably a shrub, the young branchlets covered with short suberect hairs; stipules ovate, filiform-acuminate, 9 mm. long; petioles 1-5 cm. long; leaf-blades ovate, 17-20 cm. long, 5-11 cm. wide, narrowed to the acute apex, truncate and excised at the base, chartaceous, olivaceous above and glabrate, beneath pale-green, very shortly pilose along the nerves, the lateral nerves 10 or 11 on each side, the lowest subhorizontal, the upper divergent at an angle of 55 degrees. TYPE LOCALITY: La Tortue Island Haiti, limestone forest in mountains at Binquette. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. q ; Known only from sterile specimens, and of doubtful relationship. 88. Guettarda organosia Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:526. 1928. Young branchlets covered with short appressed hairs or laxly strigose; stipules lanceolate, filiform-acuminate, 6-10 mm. long; petioles 2-7 mm. long; leaf-blades variable in form upon the same branch, ovate, elliptic, or obovate-elliptic, at the apex usually rounded or obtuse and apiculate, rarely acute, at the base rounded or obtuse and contracted into the petiole, charta- ceous, 5—11 cm. long, 2.5—4.5 em. wide, glabrous above, green and lustrous beneath, strigose- NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VoLUME 32 bo (oy) bo pilose along the costa, the lateral nerves 8-11 on each side, divergent at an angle of 55-60 degrees, prominent. TYPE LOCALITY: In siliceous soil, forests of Loma Pelada, Sierra de los Organos, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. Described from sterile specimens. According to Urban, related to G. retusa C. Wright, in which the leaf-blades are narrowed to the petiole and barbate beneath in the axils of the nerves. 89. Guettarda amblyophylla Urban & Ekman; Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 526: 1926: A shrub, the young branchlets pilose with very short, spreading hairs, the internodes only 1—2 mm. long; stipules lanceolate, filiform-acuminate, sericeous, 3 mm. long; petioles 1—2.5 cm. long, very shortly spreading-pilose; leaf-blades oblong or ovate-oblong, 7-10 em. long, 2—3.5 em. wide, contracted at the obtuse or rounded base, thin-membranaceous, pilosulous on both sides of the costa, otherwise glabrous, deep-green above, the nerves subimpressed, somewhat paler beneath, the lateral nerves 8-11 on each side, ascending at an angle of 55—65 degrees, the margin plane; inflorescences axillary, densely 3—9-flowered, the peduncle 1.5—2.5 em. long, very shortly pilose, the branches 6 mm. long or shorter, the bracts linear-subulate, 1 mm. long; calyx 1.2 mm. long, truncate; corolla’ whitish, the tube pulverulent-pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Steep calcareous cliffs, near San Diego de los Bafios, at the foot of Sierra de la Giiira, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. According to Urban, a relative of G. saxicola Britton. 90. Guettarda pinariona Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:527. 1928. A shrub, the young branches densely covered with short, spreading or ascending hairs; stipules lanceolate, filiform-acuminate, 2-5.5 mm. long; petioles 4-15 mm. long; leaf-blades lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, the lower sometimes ovate-elliptic, acuminate, with acute apex, at the base subobtuse or acute, but not produced into the petiole, thin-membranaceous, 7—15 em. long, 1.5—4.5 em. wide, or the lower as much as 5 cm. wide, green and glabrous above, lustrous, slightly paler beneath, very shortly pilose on the nerves, the lateral nerves 10-12 on each side, divergent at an angle of 55-60 degrees, slender, prominulous. TYPE LOCALITY: In forests near Pan de Guaijabén, Pinar del Rio, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Described from sterile material. Related to G. saxicola Britton, in which the leaf-blades are cuneately narrowed to the petiole. DOUBTFUL OR EXCLUDED SPECIES GUETTARDA CRYPTANTHA Standley; Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 50:48. 1923. Asynonym of Rondeletia rigida Griseb. (See Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:516. 1928.) GUETTARDA DEALBATA Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 1114: 232. 1844. Matthiola dealbata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 288. 1891. Described from Mexico. Scarcely of this genus. GUETTARDA SPECIOSA var. GLABRATA DC. Prodr. 4: 455. 1830. Described from Mexico. GUETTARDA ZYGOPHLEBIA C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 124. 1869. A synonym of Rondeletia rigida Griseb. VIVIANIA DOMINGENSIS Raf. Specchio 1: 117. 1814. Described from Hispaniola. 77. ANTIRHEA Commers.; Juss. Gen. 204. 1789. Stenostomum Gaertn. Fruct. 3:69. 1805. Sturmia Gaertn. Fruct. pl. 192, hyponym. 1805. Trees or shrubs, usually glabrous and resinous-viscid, the branchlets terete or subangulate Leaves opposite, commonly coriaceous and lustrous. Stipules deciduous or persistent. Flowers small, perfect or polygamous, sessile or short-pedicellate, secund along the branches of a bifid, scorpioid, axillary, pedunculate or sessile cyme, bracteolate or ebracteolate; hypanthium ovoid or obovoid; calyx-lobes often unequal, persistent; corceila funnelform, glabrous or seri- Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 263 ceous, the tube elongate, cylindric, the throat naked or pilose, the limb 4- or 5-lobate, the lobes obtuse, imbricate, 2 of them exterior. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted in the corolla-throat, included or subexserted; filaments short; anthers linear-oblong, dorsifixed. Ovary with 2-10 or some- times more numerous cells, the style filiform, the stigma capitate or 2- or 3-fid, included; ovules solitary, cylindric, pendulous, the funicle thickened. Fruit drupaceous, small, oblong, the flesh thin, the putamen ligneous or osseous, with 2-10 or more cells. Seed cylindric, elongate, pendulous, the test thin; endosperm none; embryo terete, the cotyledons minute, compressed, the radicle superior. Type species, Antirhea borbonica J. F. Gmel. The generic name was published originally as Antirhea, and variously spelled by later authors Antirrhea, Antirrhaea, Antirhoea, and Antirrhoea; the last is the prevailing form, and was used in the key on page 215. Some writers have restricted the name Antirhea to the Old World species, referring the American ones to Stenostomum, as a distinct group, but there appears to be no necessity for such a treatment. Leaves membranaceous. Species of Panama. 1. A. panamensis. Leaves coriaceous. Species of the West Indies (one extending to Central America). Ovary and fruit 4~-9-celled. Leaves conspicuously aristate-mucronate, mostly 1—3 em. long. Leaf-blades obovate, broadest above the middle. Leat-blades mostly elliptic or oval, broadest at or near the middle. Ovary 6-celled; stipules persistent. 3. A. mucronata. Ovary 8—9-celled; stipules deciduous. Peduncles 3 mm. long or less; veins scarcely elevated on the ro re — . albobrunea upper leaf-surface. ; ; 4. A. heleroneura. Peduncles elongate; veins conspicuously elevated on the upper leaf-surface. 5. A. aristata. Leaves not mucronate. Inflorescence subtended by 4 large and conspicuous bracts, 2-flow- ered; leaves subcoriaceous. 6. A. involucrata. Inflorescence not subtended by conspicuous bracts; leaves thick- coriaceous. Stipules 1-3.5 mm. long, somewhat persistent; leaves compara- tively small, mostly 2—4 cm. long. Calyx with evident, linear or subulate lobes. Stipules 1.5—2 mm. long; fruit 2.5-3 mm. long. 7. A. elliptica. Stipules 2.5—3.5 mm. long; fruit 4-5 mm. long. 8. A. acultata. Calyx merely shallowly dentate or with rounded-ovate ob- tuse lobes. Calyx obscurely dentate; corolla 4 mm. long. 9. A. montecristina. Calyx with conspicuous rounded-ovate lobes; corolla 6-8 mm. long. 10. A. myrtifolia. Stipules 5-6 mm. long, early deciduous; leaves comparatively large, mostly 4-10 cm. long. Ovary 6—-9-celled. 11. A. rotundata. Ovary 4-celled. Leaf-blades lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate. 12. A. pitoniana. Leaf-blades elliptic to obovate. Inflorescence with about 16 flowers, the branches 1.5—3.5 em. long; fruit 7-9 mm. long. 13. A. portoricensis. Inflorescence 1—5-flowered, the branches 1 cm. long or less; fruit 6-7 mm. long. 14. A. oligantha. Ovary and fruit 2-celled, rarely 3-celled. Cymes 2-—8-flowered, the branches very short or obsolete. Cymes sessile, 2—3-flowered. 15. A. abbreviata. Cymes on peduncles 1—2 cm. long. Lateral nerves of the leaves obscure beneath; branches of the cyme 4 mm. long or less. ; 16. A. radiata. Lateral nerves of the leaves prominent beneath; branches of the cymes up to | cm. long. 14. A. oligantha. Cymes with numerous flowers, the branches elongate. Leaves more or less pilose beneath. Leaves sparsely appressed-pilose beneath when young but soon glabrate. 17. A. jamaicensis. Leaves densely or sparsely pilose beneath with spreading hairs. Leaves acute. 18. A. tomentosa. Leaves obtuse or rounded at the apex. 19. A. cahosiana. Leaves glabrous. Leaves granulate-asperate beneath; calyx truncate. 20. A. granulata. Leaves not granulate beneath. Leaf-blades rounded or subcordate at the base. 21. A. oblustfolia. Leaf-blades acute to subobtuse at the base. : Calyx conspicuously 5-lobate. 22. A. lucida. 264 ai NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VorumE 32 Calyx 4-lobate or truncate or obscurely crenulate. Lateral nerves only 3 or 4 on each side of the leaf- blade. 23. A. maestrensis. Lateral nerves 6-10 or more on each side of the leaf- blade. Leaf-blades ovate to elliptic, widest at or helow the middle. 24. A. coriacea. Leaf-blades oblong or lance-oblong, or else broader and widest above the middle. Lateral nerves of the leaf-blade very numer- ous; blades broadly rounded at the apex. 25. A. multinervis. Lateral nerves of the leaf-blade 6—10. Margins of the leaves strongly revolute. Leaf-blades rounded at the apex, 3-6 cm. long. 26. A. obovata. Leaf-blades narrowed to the obtuse apex, 7-10 cm. long. 27. A. Shaferi. Margins of the leaves not at all or only slightly revolute. Petioles slender, 8-15 mm. long. 28. A. scrobiculata. Petioles stout, 3-8 mm. long. Fruit 8-10 mm. long; corolla 6 mm. long. 29. A. Sintenisit. Fruit 6-7 mm. long; corolla 8-9 mm. long. Corolla glabrous outside; leaf- blades mostly rounded at the apex. 30. A. occidentalis. Corolla sparsely and minutely pilosulous outside; leaf-blades obtuse or acutish. 31. A. tenuiflora. 1. Antirhea panamensis Standley, sp. nov. A medium-sized tree with slender fluted trunk and small crown, the branchlets slender, fuscous-brownish, rimose, lenticellate, the internodes short, the young branchlets sparsely strigose, soon glabrate; stipules deciduous, 3-5 mm. long, deltoid-ovate, glabrous, ciliate; petioles slender, 7-11 mm. long, sparsely whitish-pilose with spreading hairs, narrowly margin- ate above; leaf-blades ovate to lance-oblong or elliptic-oblong, 4-7.5 em. long, 1.5—2.5 em. wide, membranaceous, narrowly long-acuminate, acute or acuminate and shortly decurrent at the base, bright-green above, sparsely short-pilose along the costa, elsewhere glabrous, the venation inconspicuous, beneath slightly paler, sparsely strigose or appressed-pilose along the costa and nerves, otherwise glabrous, the costa very slender, prominent, the lateral nerves about 7 on each side, prominent, ascending at a wide angle, the veins very closely and minutely reticulate, subimpressed, the margins plane; cymes axillary, once or twice bifid, the peduncles slender, 3-5 em. long, thinly strigillose, the slender branches 1.5 cm. long or shorter, recurved, with 12 or fewer flowers, strigillose, the flowers closely sessile; hypanthium oblong, 1 mm. long, glabrous; calyx shallowly 4-lobate, 0.6 mm. long, the lobes unequal, pale, semiorbicular, erect; corolla glabrous outside, the slender tube 6-7 mm. long, scarcely dilated upward, glabrous in the throat, the 4 lobes rounded-oval, somewhat crispate, 1.5 mm. long; anthers 1.6 mm. long, included; ovary 2-celled. Arbor mediocris, stipulis deciduis glabris ciliatis deltoideo-ovatis; folia membranacea graciliter petiolata ovata, lanceolato-oblonga vel elliptico-oblonga anguste longiacuminata, basi acuta vel acuminata et breviter decurrentia, supra ad costam breviter pilosa, subtus ad costam nervosque pilosula vel strigillosa, aliter glabra; cymae bifurcatae, ramis interdum furcatis, multifloris, floribus arcte sessilibus; hypanthium oblongum, calyce breviter 4-lobato, lobis semiorbicularibus; corolla glabra, tubo gracili elongato, lobis 4 brevibus orbiculari-ovalibus, plus minusve crispatis; ovarium 2-loculare. Type collected near Permé, San Blas District, Panama, in forest, April, 1933, G. Proctor Cooper 238 (Herb. Field Mus. no. 686345, type). Nove: Readily distinguishable from other American species by the thin, membranaceous leaves. The vernacular name is reported as ‘‘zapaliso.”’ 2. Antirhea albobrunea Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A5: epee BRN e/a A small tree, the branches terete, glabrous, resinous at the apex, the upper internodes usually very short; stipules triangular, 2-4 mm. long, subobtuse; petioles 1.5-8 mm. long; Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 265 leaf-blades obovate or short-obovate, rarely oblong, 2.5—5 em. long, 1.5—2.5 em. wide, short- acuminate and mucronate-pungent, narrowed to the acute base, coriaceous, glabrous very lustrous above, the costa subimpressed, the nerves inconspicuous, paler beneath, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves 5—7 on each side, very slender, prominulous, ascending at an angle of 60—70°, irregular, the veins obscure; cymes borne in the upper leaf-axils, sessile or on peduncles 5-15 mm. long, densely 3-—5-flowered, the flowers sessile, the bracts triangular, acuminate, 2-3 mm. long; hypanthium obovoid; calyx 3 mm. long, the 5 lobes unequal, the 3 longer ones linear or spatulate-linear, the 2 shorter ones contiguous, triangular-subulate, half as long as the others; corolla white, turning brownish, 22 mm. long, the tube linear-cylindric, almost | mm. thick, glabrous outside, pubescent within, the 5 lobes obovate, 3 mm. long; stamens inserted in the corolla-throat, sessile, the anthers linear, 2 mm. long; style 10 mm. long, glabrous, bifid above, the branches linear; ovary 8- or 9-celled; fruit red, obovoid, usually sub- oblique, 10-11 mm. long, 6-8 mm. thick. TYPE LOCALITY: Limestone slopes, Pointe Petit-Bois, Tortue Island, Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 3. Antirhea mucronata Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 440. 1899. Stenostomum myrlifolium Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 132. 1866. Not S. myrtifolium Griseb. 1861. Branches grayish, not resinous, the branchlets angulate-striate, sparsely and minutely appressed-pilose; stipules triangular, minutely apiculate, 2—2.5 mm. long, minutely pilose outside; petioles 1—2 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 1.5—2.5 cm. long, 0.6—1 em. wide, broadest above the middle, subobtuse or acute and short-mucronate, gradually narrowed to the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, lustrous above, the venation obscure, dull beneath, the lateral nerves prominent, 3 or 4 on each side, ascending at an angle of about 45°, the margin recurved or revolute; peduncles scarcely 1 cm. long; fruit obovoid, 8-9 mm. long, 6.5—7 mm. thick, 6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba, the exact locality not known. DISTRIBUTION: Cuba. 4, Antirhea heteroneura Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A°: oo... 19278 A small tree, the branches terete, glabrous, the young ones resinous at the apex, the internodes short or elongate, the branchlets leafy at the apex; stipules shortly and broadly triangular, acute or subobtuse, 1.5 mm. long or less; petioles short and stout, glabrous; leaf- blades oval to obovate or ovate, 1-2 cm. long, 0.7—1.2 cm. wide, obtuse or acutish and mucronate- pungent, obtuse or rounded at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, lustrous above, the costa and nerves pale and prominulous, pale and dull beneath, the stout costa prominent, the lateral nerves 5-8 on each side, prominulous beneath, the veins obscure, the margin plane; inflores- cences arising in the upper leaf-axils, 1-2-flowered, sessile or on peduncles as much as 3 mm. long, the bracts semiorbicular, 0.5 mm. long, | mm. wide, ciliate; calyx 1.3 mm. long, 5-lobed, the lobes semiorbicular; ovary 8- or 9-celled; fruit red, obovoid, truncate, as much as |] mm. long and 7.5 mm. thick, with fleshy exocarp. TYPE LOCALITY: Caleareous soil, Méle St. Nicolas, Battérie Valliére to Morne Rouge, north- western peninsula of Haiti. : f DISTRIBUTION: Region of the type locality and Tortue Island, Haiti. 5. Antirhea aristata (Britton) Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A°: 83. 1927. Stenostomum aristatum Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 44:35. 1917. A small tree, sometimes 6 meters high, with rough bark and spreading grayish branches, the branchlets stout, resinous, glabrous, densely leafy; stipules broadly ovate, 2~3 mm. long, very obtuse, deciduous; petioles stout, 1-5 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic, elliptic-oval, oval, or ovate- oval, 1-3.5 cm. long, 0.6—2 em. wide, obtuse or acutish and aristate-mucronate with a spinose bristle 1-2 mm. long, rounded or obtuse at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, green and very 266 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 lustrous above, the venation very conspicuous and closely prominulous-reticulate, beneath paler, sublustrous, the costa prominent, the nerves about 7 on each side, prominulous but incon- spicuous, the veins obscure, reticulate, the margin plane or recurved; peduncles 3—9 mm. long, 1—3-flowered, the flowers sessile, subcapitate, bracteolate, the bractlets minute; calyx and hypanthium 4 mm. long, glabrous, the hypanthium half as long as the calyx, the calyx 5-lobate to the middle, the lobes oblong-obovate, very obtuse, green; corolla white, glabrous outside, the tube 2 cm. long, very slender, densely white-pilose within, the 5 lobes rounded, 3 mm. long; anthers linear, 2 mm. long, included; ovary 6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Rocky hill, savanna near Camaguey, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hillsides, Camaguey and Oriente, Cuba, at an elevation of 550 meters or less. 6. Antirhea involucrata Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A°: 84. 1927. A small tree, the branches terete, the young ones sparsely and minutely pilosulous at the apex and resinous, the internodes mostly short; stipules connate at the base, ovate-rounded, 3.5-4 mm. long, subobtuse; petioles very unequal, 2-15 mm. long, short-pilosulous; leaf-blades oblong or elliptic-oblong, 2-4 cm. long, and 0.8—-1.2 cm. wide or smaller, gradually acuminate to the acute or obtuse apex, obtuse or subacute at the base, thick-membranaceous, glabrous, dark- green and dull above, the costa subimpressed, the nerves prominulous, paler beneath, the lateral nerves 4 or 5 on each side, prominulous, the veins reticulate; inflorescences borne apparently at the apices of the branchlets, sessile or on peduncles as much as 3 mm. long, 2-flowered, resinous, the bracts 4, verticillate and forming an involucre about the flowers, ovate-rounded, 3 mm. long, the flowers sessile; hypanthium narrowly obovoid, obtusely angulate; calyx 2 mm. long, its 5 lobes linear, subobtuse, 3.5—8 mm. long; corolla purplish or white, 23-45 mm. long, linear- tubular, pilosulous outside with minute spreading hairs, the tube 1 mm. thick, glabrous within, the lobes rounded, crispulate, 3 mm. long; anthers inserted in the corolla-throat, sessile, oblong- linear, 2.5 mm. long; style 20-26 mm. long, short-pilose above, the 2 stigmas clavate; ovary 5- or 6-celled; fruit red, broadly oval, 12-16 mm. long, 7-13 mm. wide, with fleshy exocarp, the endocarp corneous, 5—10-costate. ae Type Locality: Calcareous hillsides, La Hatte Gueurmont, near Dessalines, Massif des Cahos, Fee ea one Limestone slopes, Hispaniola, at 500 meters or less. 7. Antirhea elliptica Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A?*: 52. 193i. A shrub with distinctive odor, the branches terete, very minutely pilosulous and resinous, -leafy only at the apices; stipules triangular-acuminate, 1-2 mm. long; petioles 1 mm. long; leaf- blades elliptic, 1.5—2 cm. long and 6-8 mm. wide or smaller, somewhat narrowed to each end, acute, at the base acute or rarely subobtuse, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous, lustrous, the costa prominent on both sides, the lateral nerves 7 or 8 pairs, subimpressed on both sides; inflorescences axillary, cymosely 2—4-flowered, the peduncles 5-15 mm. long, the flowers sessile, the bracts absent; hypanthium 1.2 mm. thick; calyx-limb 1.5 mm. long, minutely pilosulous, the lobes linear; corolla white, 7 mm. long, glabrous, the tube cylindraceous, 0.8 mm. thick, slightly ampliate above, the lobes less than one third as long as the tube, oval; stamens inserted in the middle of the corolla-tube, the filaments 1.5 mm. long, the anthers linear, 2 mm. long, obtuse at each end; fruit oval, 2.5—3 mm. long, 1.8—2.2 mm. thick, 4—6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: On coral rocks, Laguna Enriquillo, Isla Cabritos, Province of Barahona, Santo Domingo, elevation 10 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 8. Antirhea acutata (DC.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 439. 1899. Stenostomum acutatum DC. Prodr. 4: 460. 1830. Guettarda viscosa Duchass. & Walp. Iinnaea 23: 754. 1850. Guettarda resinosa Griseb. Abh. Ges. Wiss. Gott. 7: 228. 1857. Not G. resinosa Pers. 1805. Stenostomum viscosum Griseb. F1. Brit. W. Ind. 334. 1861. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 267 Antirhea viscosa Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 100. 1873. Antirhea aristata Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 100. 1873. (Typographical error for aculala.) Antirhea acutata var. latifolia Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 439. 1899. A shrub or small tree, sometimes 8 meters high, the branches grayish, the branchlets stout, densely leafy, very resinous, densely puberulent; stipules triangular, 2.5—3.5 mm. long, acute or acuminate, brown, minutely puberulent, persistent; petioles stout, 2-5 mm. long, puberulent; leaf-blades elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or oval-oblong, 1.7—5 cm. long, 0.7—1.8 em. wide, broadest at the middle, obtuse to acute or obtusely short-acuminate, acute or obtuse at the base, coriaceous, lustrous, green above, glabrous, the costa more or less impressed, the other venation promi- nulous, conspicuously and closely reticulate, pale or brownish beneath, strigillose or glabrate, usually more or less barbate in the axils of the nerves, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves inconspicuous, 8—11 on each side, arcuate, the margin usually recurved or revolute; cymes once bifid, the branches 5—9 mm. long, 3-7-flowered, the peduncles 1—1.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, approximate, minutely bracteolate; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, minutely pilose, the calyx as long as the hypanthium, deeply 5-lobate, the lobes lance-subulate; corolla white, glabrous outside, the tube 7—9 mm. long, slender, the 5 lobes oval-obovate, 2.5 mm. long; anthers included; fruit oval, 4-5 mm. long, 4-6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Guadeloupe. ; DISTRIBUTION: Cliffs and rocky hillsides, chiefly near the coast, Porto Rico and the adjacent islands; Guadeloupe; Desirade; also in Curagao, Bonaire, and Aruba. 9. Antirhea montecristina Urban, Ark. Bot. 24A*: 51. 1931. A shrub, the branches terete, the young ones very minutely pilosulous with spreading hairs and resinous, leafy only at the apex; stipules triangular, obtuse or acutish, 1-1.5 mm. long; petioles 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate, oval, or elliptic, obtuse, at the base acute or narrowed to the petiole, rarely obtuse, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous, 1.5—3 em. long and 1—1.7 cm. wide or smaller, the costa prominent on both surfaces, the lateral nerves 10-12 on each side, subimpressed on both surfaces, the veins reticulate, the blades lustrous on both surfaces; inflorescences axillary, on peduncles 5-13 mm. long, densely cymose, with 8 or fewer flowers, the branches 5 mm. long or shorter, the flowers sessile; bracts absent; hypanthium 0.9 mm. thick, the calyx 1 mm. long, irregularly dentate, the margin minutely pilosulous; corolla probably little more than 3 mm. long, glabrous; fruit oval, lustrous, 4.5-5 mm. long, 3.5-4.5 mm. wide, 4- or 5-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Calcareous soil, summit of El Morro, near Monte Cristi, Province of Monte Cristi, northern cordiilera of Santo Domingo, altitude 200 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 10. Antirhea myrtifolia (Griseb.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 440. 1899. Stenostomum myrtifolium Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 334. 1861. Guettarda myrtifolia Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 290. 1894. A much-branched rigid shrub about 1 meter high, the branches reddish-brown or blackish, the branchlets stout, minutely puberulent, resinous, densely leafy; stipules deltoid, 2-3 mm. long, acute, rigid, puberulent, persistent; petioles stout, 1-3 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong, oval- oblong, or oval, 1—2.5 cm. long, 0.6-1.6 cm. wide, broadest at or slightly above the middle, rounded or obtuse at the apex, rounded or obtuse at the base, thick-coriaceous, usually lustrous, glabrous above, the costa very prominent, the nerves mostly obsolete, the veins often promi- nulous-reticulate, beneath usually brownish, glabrous or when young sparsely and minutely strigillose, the costa prominent, the other venation almost obsolete, the margin often recurved; cymes once bifid or simple, 3—7-flowered, the branches very short, the peduncles 5—15 mm. long, the flowers sessile, ebracteolate; calyx and hypanthium 1.5—2 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx as long as the hypanthium, shallowly 4-lobate, the lobes rounded-ovate, obtuse; corolla white, glabrous outside, the tube slender, 6-8 mm. long, the 4 lobes rounded-oval, 2 mm. long; anthers included; fruit oval or subglobose, black, 4-5 mm. long, 4-6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Bahamas. : i c DISTRIBUTION: Dry thickets and pinelands, Bahamas and islands of Camaguey, Cuba. 268 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 11. Antirhea rotundata (Griseb.) Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 100. LOTS: Slenoslomum rolundatum Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 132. 1866. Guetlarda rotundata Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 290. 1894. A small tree, the branches brownish, not resinous, the branchlets very stout, short-pilose at the nodes inside the stipules, elsewhere glabrous, densely leafy; stipules ovate-deltoid, 5 mm. long, obtuse; petioles stout, 4-7 mm. long, glabrous; leaf-blades oval or broadly obovate-oval, 3.7-7.5 em. long, 2.5—4 ecm. wide, broadly rounded at the apex, rounded and abruptly short- decurrent at the base or obtuse, thick-coriaceous, green above, lustrous, glabrous, the venation closely and conspicuously prominulous-reticulate, beneath brownish, short-barbate along the costa or glabrate, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves very slender, prominulous, 4 or 5 on each side, arcuate, ascending at an obtuse angle, the margin plane or recurved; cymes bifid, the branches few-flowered, the peduncles 1—2 cm. long, the flowers distant, sessile, bracteolate, the bractlets suborbicular; calyx and hypanthium 1.5 mm. long, the hypanthium sparsely and minutely strigillose, the calyx as long as the hypanthium, spreading, shallowly 5-lobate; corolla glabrous outside, the tube 8-10 mm. long, the 5 lobes rounded; fruit oval, 10-15 mm. long, 8—9 mim. thick, rounded at the apex, acutish at the base, 6—9-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Western Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Pinar del Rio and perhaps in other parts of western Cuba, growing, sometimes at least, in coastal thickets bordering mangrove swamps. 12. Antirhea pitoniana Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 21A°: O22 OFT: A small tree, the young branchlets subcompressed, not resinous, very shortly appressed- pilosulous, the internodes short or elongate; stipules longitudinally plicate, triangular-ovate, acuminate, 4-5 mm. long, dorsally minutely appressed-pilosulous, deciduous; petioles 3-10 mm. long; leaf-blades lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, narrowed to each end, obtuse or subobtuse, acute at the base and decurrent, 4-9 cm. long, 1—2.5 cm. wide, pergamentaceous, glabrous, the costa more or less impressed on both surfaces, the lateral nerves 5—8 on each side, ascending at an angle of about 60°, obscure above, prominulous beneath, straight; inflorescences axillary, on peduncles 8-17 mm. long, bifurcate, the peduncles minutely appressed-pilosulous, the branches 2 cm. long or less, with 7 or fewer flowers, the flowers sessile, distant; bracts none; calyx 1.5 mm. long, lobed to the middle or more deeply, the 3 or 4 lobes unequal, acute; fruit oblong, minutely appressed-pilosulous, usually 2-celled, sometimes 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Limestone soil, Mt. Haut-Piton, Massif du Nord, Haiti, altitude 1000 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 13. Antirhea portoricensis (Britton & Wilson) Standley. Slenostomum portoricense Britton & Wilson, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico 6: 564. 1930. A tree 10 meters high, the branches slender, grayish-brown, glabrous; petioles stout, glabrous, 2-8 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic to elliptic-oblong, 6-13 cm. long, 2.5—6.5 cm. wide, obtuse or rounded at the apex or obtusely short-acuminate, narrowed or obtuse at the base, subcoriaceous, dull, the costa subimpressed on the upper surface, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves about 7 on each side, prominulous beneath, very slender, almost straight, inconspicuous, the veins obsolete; cymes slender-pedunculate, with 2 or 3 or more branches, the branches slender, recurved, glabrous, 1.5-3.5 cm. long, with rather numerous and remote flowers; fruit ellipsoid or globose-ellipsoid, 7-9 mm. long, 5-6 mm. thick, 4-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Candelaria, Porto Rico. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hills, northern Porto Rico. 14. Antirhea oligantha Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 411. 1912. A small tree, the branches grayish or brownish, the branchlets more or less compressed, the young ones sparsely or densely strigose-pilose, soon glabrate, not resinous; stipules ovate- acuminate, 5-6 mm. long, appressed-pilose outside, soon deciduous; petioles 3-5 mm. long, Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 269 sparsely appressed-pilose; leaf-blades narrowly obovate or elliptic, sometimes obovate-orbicular, 2.5—5 cm. long, 1—2.5 cm. wide, or sometimes larger and as much as 5 cm. wide, broadest above the middle, obtuse or obscurely obtuse-acuminate, obtuse or acutish at the base, thick-coria- ceous, glabrous above, the costa impressed, paler beneath, more or less pilose along the nerves, the venation prominent, the lateral nerves 5—7 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60-65", the margin usually recurved; cymes bifid, 1—5-flowered, the branches | em. long or shorter, the peduncles 1—2 cm. long, the flowers sessile, ebracteolate; hypanthium subeylindric, minutely appressed-pilose, the calyx 1.8 mm. long, the 4 lobes unequal, triangular or triangular-lanceolate, acute; corolla white, 13 mm. long, the tube gradually ampliate upward, 2.5 mm. wide at the apex, minutely antrorse-sericeous, the 4 lobes ovate or narrowly ovate, less than one third as long as the tube; stamens inserted in the corolla-throat, the filaments scarcely | mm. long, the anthers linear, obtusely apiculate, 3 mm. long; style 5.5 mm. long, glabrous; fruit ovoid, 6-7 mm. long, 3.5—4.5 mm. thick, 2- or 4-celled, obtusely quadrangular. TYPE LOCALITY: Province of Barahona, Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Mountain forests of Santo Domingo, at 1700-2100 meters. NOTE: Urban reports that in the type the fruits are always 4-celled, while in other specimens, agreeing perfectly with the type in other characters, they are all 2-celled. 15. Antirhea abbreviata Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 159. 1923. A small shrub, the branches cinereous-fuscous, plicate-striate, the young branchlets gla- brous or nearly so, densely leafy at the apex, resinous, the internodes 1-2 mm. long; stipules triangular, coriaceous, glabrous, 3 mm. long, glabrous, deciduous; petioles 1.5—3 mm. long; leaf- blades obovate or narrowly obovate, 1.5—2.8 cm. long, 0.8—1.5 em. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, somewhat narrowed to the subobtuse or acute base, coriaceous, somewhat lustrous above, sparsely and minutely pilose near the margin, the costa subimpressed, the nerves inconspicuous, beneath sparsely pilosulous along the costa, elsewhere glabrous, the lateral nerves 5—7 on each side, prominulous, the margin strongly recurved; inflorescences arising from the uppermost leaf-axils, 2-flowered, on peduncles 1-4 mm. long, dichotomous at the apex; bracts none; calyx and hypanthium 3-4 mm. long, the hypanthium oblong, sparsely short- pilose, the calyx almost twice as long as the hypanthium, the lobes semiorbicular or broadly triangular; corolla white, the tube cylindric, 10-11 mm. long, pilose within, the 5 lobes obovate, rounded at the apex, 2 mm. wide, one third as long as the tube; stamens inserted in the corolla- throat, included, the anthers oblong-linear, 2 mm. long; style 4 mm. long, glabrous, the branches linear; ovary 2- or 3-celled, rarely 1-celled; fruit oblong, 6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. thick. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets, Rio Piloto, Sierra de Nipe, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Oriente, Cuba. 16. Antirhea radiata (Griseb.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 435. 1899. Stenostomum radiatum Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 132. 1866. Stenostomum pauciflorum C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 125. 1869. Guettarda pauciflora Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 289. 1895. A small tree, the branches slender, grayish, not resinous, the branchlets brown, glabrous, the internodes short or elongate; stipules deltoid-ovate, 4-5 mm. long, short-acuminate, short- pilose or glabrate, deciduous; petioles stout, 2.5—5 mm. long, at first appressed-pilosulous, soon glabrate; leaf-blades obovate to obovate-elliptic or oblong-obovate, 2.2-9 cm. long, 1—3.5 em. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, cuneate at the base, coriaceous, lustrous above, glabrous, the costa impressed, the nerves obsolete, beneath brownish, thinly pilose with short, very slender, whitish, mostly appressed hairs, barbate along the costa, in age glabrate, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves almost obsolete, the margin plane or revolute; cymes 3—5- flowered, short-bifid, the branches 4 mm. long or shorter, the peduncles 1—2 em. long, puberu- lent, the flowers sessile, uniseriate, ebracteolate; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, densely whitish-sericeous below, the calyx about as long as the hypanthium, very shallowly 4-lobate; corolla 6 mm. long in bud, densely strigose-sericeous outside; fruit ellipsoid-oblong, 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Eastern Cuba. | ‘ ses DISTRIBUTION: Hills and mountains of central and eastern Cuba and Haiti. NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 : i=) 17. Antirhea jamaicensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 435. 1899. Stenostomum bifurcatum Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 333. 1861. Not S. bifurcatum DC. 1830. A large or small tree, the branchlets very stout, grayish or brownish, glabrous, not resinous; stipules deltoid-ovate, 5-8 mm. long, acute or acutish, appressed-pilose outside near the base, caducous; petioles stout, 1-2 em. long, glabrous; leaf-blades oval-oblong, oval, or oval-elliptic, 7-12 cm. long, 2.5—7 em. wide, often inequilateral, usually obtuse and very shortly acuminate, obtuse or acute at the base, firm-chartaceous, sublustrous above, glabrous, the costa and nerves impressed, beneath brownish, when young thinly appressed-pilose, glabrate in age but usually short-barbate in the axils of the nerves, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves 5—9 on each side, slender, prominent, slightly arcuate, ascending at a rather wide angle, the veins obscure, the margin plane or recurved; cymes bifid, the branches 3—5 cm. long, glabrous, the peduncles 3.5—6.5 cm. long, the flowers numerous, sessile, approximate, ebracteolate; calyx and hypanthium 2.5 mm. long, densely sericeous, the calyx shallowly 5-lobate, shorter than the hypanthium; corolla 6 mm. long, densely strigose-sericeous outside, the 5 lobes rounded, 1.5 mm. long; anthers included; fruit oval or ellipsoid, 6-12 mm. long, 5—8 mm. thick, 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Mountain forests of Jamaica. 18. Antirhea tomentosa (Sw.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 412. 1912. Laugeria tomentosa Sw. Prodr. 48. 1788. Guettarda tomentosa Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 201. 1805. Stenostomum tomentosum DC. Prodr. 4: 460. 1830. A shrub or small tree about 5 meters high, the branchlets pubescent; stipules deciduous; leaves petiolate, the blades ovate or oblong, acute, glabrous on the upper surface, the venation impressed, densely short-pilose beneath, especially along the prominent nerves; cymes bifid, the flowers whitish, subsessile, uniseriate; calyx 5-dentate, minute; corolla-limb 5-lobate; stigma capitate, bisulcate; fruit oblong, acuminate, glabrous, 2-celled. (Known to the writer only from descriptions. ) ‘TYPE LOCALITY: In thickets, western Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 19. Antirhea cahosiana Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 22A"™: - 93. 1929. A small tree, the young branchlets more or less compressed, very minutely spreading- ’ pilosulous, the internodes 2-8 mm. long, the older branches terete, gray, plicate-striate and lenticellate; stipules ovate-acuminate, 4 mm. long, appressed-pilosulous, soon deciduous? leaves clustered at the apices of the branchlets, the petioles 4-6 mm. long, pilosulous; leaf-blades oval or elliptic, broadest at the middle, obtuse or rounded at the apex, acute or subobtuse at the base, thick-membranaceous, 7 cm. long and 3 cm. wide or smaller, lustrous and glabrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves prominulous, minutely pilosulous beneath along the costa and slightly domatiate in the axils of the nerves, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves 10-12 on each side, slender, prominent, ascending at an angle of 60—75°; inflorescences axillary, minutely pilosulous, bifurcate, the peduncles 1.5—-3 cm. long, the branches simple or again bifurcate, 1-2 cm. long, 4~-7-flowered, the flowers sessile; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, minutely pilosulous, the hypanthium obovoid-cylindric, the calyx crenulate, half as long as the hypanthium; corolla white, 5 mm. long (or probably longer); fruit red, oblong, 7 mm. long, 3-35. mum. thick, 2- or 3-celled, with fleshy exocarp. TYPE LOCALITY: Limestone soil, Hatte-Grammont, near Dessalines, Massif des Cahos, Haiti. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hills and mountains of Haiti. Note: The species is a somewhat variable one, the leaves being sometimes oblong and acute, and sometimes densely short-pilose on both surfaces. ParT 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 271 20. Antirhea granulata (Griseb.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 439. 1899. Stenostomum granulatum Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. I]. 8: 507. 1862. Guettarda granulata Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 290. 1895. A small tree, glabrous throughout, the branches brownish; stipules lance-triangular, 4 mm. long, acute; petioles 1.5—4 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong, narrowly elliptic-oblong, or spatulate- oblong, 3.5—6 cm. long, 1—-2.2 cm. wide, narrowed to the rounded apex, acute or attenuate at the base, coriaceous, smooth above, the costa impressed, granulate-asperate beneath, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves obsolete; cymes bifid, about equaling the leaves, the peduncles about 1.5 cm. long, the flowers few, sessile, distant, ebracteolate; calyx and hypanthium 2.5 mm. long, the calyx half as long as the hypanthium, truncate; corolla white, 6 mm. long, the 4 lobes 1.5 mm. long; anthers included; style exserted; fruit elliptic-oblong, 1 em. long, 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Monte Verde, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Type locality; reported also, with some uncertainty, from the mountains of Haiti, at 750 meters. 21. Antirhea obtusifolia Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 435. 1899. Stenostomum obtusifolium Britton & Wilson, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico 6: 237. 1925. A tree 8-15 meters high, glabrous throughout or sparsely pilose on the nodes at the base of the stipules, the branches blackish, the branchlets very thick, dark-brown, not resinous, sparsely lenticellate, leafy at the ends; stipules ovate-oblong, 5-8 mm. long, acute, early deciduous; petioles very stout, 1-5 mm. long; leaf-blades oval, oval-elliptic, ovate-oval, or oval-obovate, 6-20 cm. long, 3-10 cm. wide, widest below or above the middle, obtuse or very obtuse, ob- scurely cordate to obtuse at the base, coriaceous, sublustrous above, the costa impressed, be- neath slightly paler, the costa very prominent, the lateral nerves slender, 7-10 on each side, prominent, almost straight, the margin plane; inflorescence twice or rarely thrice branched, the branches 2—3 em. long, 15—22-flowered, the peduncles 3—4 cm. long, the flowers biseriate, sessile, ebracteolate; calyx 1 mm. long, 4-lobate, the lobes broadly deltoid or semiorbicular; corolla greenish or purplish, 10 mm. long, sparsely and minutely pilose outside, the lobes rounded, one fourth as long as the tube; anthers almost wholly included; stigma-lobes rounded; fruit oval- oblong, 10-13 mm. long, 5—7 mm. thick, 2-celled, black. TYPE LOCALITY: Sierra de Luquillo, Porto Rico. _ , f . DISTRIBUTION: Forests at middle and higher elevations in the eastern mountains of Porto Rico. 22. Antirhea lucida (Sw.) Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 100. 1873. Laugeria lucida Sw. Prodr. 48. 1788. Malanea nitida Desr.; Lam. Encyc. 3: 688. 1791. Stenostomum lucidum Gaertn. Fruct. 3: 69. 1805. Sturmia lucida Gaertn. Fruct. pl. 192, f. 3. 1805. Stenostomum nitidum DC. Prodr. 4: 461. 1830. Malanea citrifolia A. Rich. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. 5: 203. 1834. Malanea lucida A. Rich. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. 5: 203. 1834. Guettarda nitida Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 290. 1895. A shrub or tree, sometimes 13 meters high, with a trunk 45 cm. thick, the bark smooth, the branchlets grayish or yellowish, slender, glabrous, usually densely leafy; stipules ovate- deltoid, 5—8 mm. long, acuminate, minutely sericeous outside, caducous; petioles stout, 3-8 mm, long, glabrous; leaf-blades elliptic, elliptic-oblong, oval-oblong, or elliptic-oval, broadest at or near the middle, obtuse or acutish, acute to rounded and short-decurrent at the base, firm- chartaceous, glabrous, more or less lustrous, the costa subimpressed above, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves inconspicuous, 7—13 on each side, irregularly spaced, the veins prominulous and very finely reticulate on both surfaces, the margin plane; cymes usually once bifid, the branches slender, 3-8 cm. long, the slender peduncles 2-3 cm. long, the flowers numerous, dis- tant, alternate, sessile or subsessile, ebracteolate; calyx and hypanthium 2-3 mm. long, glabrous or minutely puberulent, the calyx equaling or slightly exceeding the hypanthium, 5-lobate, the lobes semiorbicular, ciliolate; corolla 5-7 mm. long, white, glabrous outside, the lobes oval- bo 72 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 oblong, obtuse, half as long as the tube, this glabrous within; anthers included or partially exserted; fruit oval or oblong, red or black, 5—7 mm. long, 3—4.5 mm. thick, 2-celled; seeds brown. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica, in thickets. DISTRIBUTION: In thickets and forest, Bahamas; Greater Antilles; Virgin Islands; St. Lucia; also in Trinidad and British Honduras. ILLUSTRATIONS: Gaertn. Fruct. pl. 192; Vahl, Symb. #1. 57. Nore: Material from British Honduras has short-acuminate leaf-blades, but otherwise seems referable to this species, so far as fruiting specimens show. Flowering specimens may prove that the continental form is a distinct species, although the range indicated is a natural one. 23. Antirhea maestrensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:528. 1928. A small tree, the younger branches plicate-striate, glabrous, not resinous, the older ones grayish; stipules ovate, acute, as much as 6 mm. long, soon deciduous; petioles stout, 5-7 mm. long; leaf-blades oval or elliptic, 4-9 cm. long, 2—4.5 cm. wide, very obtuse, cuneately narrowed to the petiole, pergamentaceous or coriaceous, glabrous, sometimes domatiate beneath in the axils of the nerves, brownish above when dried, the costa prominulous, the nerves prominulous or subimpressed, somewhat paler beneath, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves 3 or 4 on each side, very slender, prominulous, ascending at an angle of 60—65°, the veins obscure or obsolete, the margin narrowly recurved; inflorescences arising in the uppermost leaf-axils, on peduncles 2.5—4 cm. long, bifid, the branches 1—2 cm. long, with 11 or fewer flowers; calyx 1 mm. long, glabrous, shallowly 4-lobate, the lobes subtriangular, obtuse; fruit sessile, oblong or obovoid-oblong, attenuate below and acute at the base, rounded or truncate at the apex, 8-9 mm. long, 3.5—4 mm. wide, 2-celled; seeds linear-cylindric. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets along Rio Yara near Nagua, Sierra Maestra, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Type locality; represented, perhaps, also by material collected in some unknown part of eastern Cuba. 24. Antirhea coriacea (Vahl) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 436. 1899. Laugeria coriacea Vahl, Eclog. 1: 26. 1796. Guettarda coriacea Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 201. 1805. Laugeria tubulosa Forsyth; DC. Prodr. 4: 458, assynonym. 1830. Stenostomum dichotomum DC. Prodr. 4: 460. 1830. Stenostomum nitidum Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 333, in part. 1861. Not S. nitidum DC. 1830. Stenostomum acutatum Griseb. F1. Brit. W. Ind. 334, in part. 1861. Not S. acutatum DC. 1830. Stenostomum coriaceum Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 334. 1861. Antirhea dichotoma Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. 2:42. 1881. Petesia distachya Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mex. ed. 2.19. 1894. A tree 4.5-20 meters high, glabrous except the flowers, the bark blackish, the branchlets brownish, lenticellate, not resinous, the internodes short; stipules 5—8 mm. long, triangular or ovate-oblong, acute or acuminate, early deciduous, usually ciliolate; petioles stout, 0.5—1.5 cm. long; leaf-blades ovate, elliptic, or elliptic-oval, 6-14 cm. long, 3—7.5 cm. wide, broadest at or below the middle, acute or obtuse, sometimes subacuminate, acute or obtuse at the base, coriaceous or chartaceous, green above, the venation impressed, slightly paler beneath, often brownish, the venation prominent, the lateral nerves 7-10 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60—70°, the margin plane; cymes once or twice bifid, the branches 2—5 em. long, with 25 or fewer flowers, the peduncles 3—5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, biseriate; calyx and hypanthium glabrous or sparsely and minutely pilose, the calyx scarcely 1 mm. long, obscurely or evidently 4-lobate, the lobes semiorbicular; corolla white, 8-9 mm. long, glabrous or minutely appressed- pilose outside, the 4 lobes ovate or obovate, one fifth to one third as long as the tube; anthers included, or their apices exserted; style glabrous, the lobes obovate; fruit ovoid or ellipsoid, 9-12 mm. long, 5—6 mm. thick, 2-celled, black. TYPE LOCALITY: Montserrat. DISTRIBUTION: Chiefly in mountain forests, Jamaica, Portu Rico, and the Lesser Antilles. Note: Slenostomum dichotomum was referred to Mexico in the original description, but it is probable that the type was collected in Porto Rico. 25. Antirhea multinervis Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 159. 1923. A shrub, the young branches more or less compressed, glabrous, the older ones terete and lenticellate; stipules triangular, subulate-acuminate, minutely pilosulous, 3-5 mm. long, de- Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 273 ciduous; petioles 4-10 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate or broadly obovate, 4-8 cm. long, 2-4 em. wide, rounded or subtruncate at the apex, gradually or cuneately narrowed to the petiole, pergamentaceous, lustrous, glabrous, the lateral nerves very numerous, ascending at an angle of 60°, prominulous on both surfaces, densely and minutely reticulate beneath, the margin very narrowly recurved; inflorescences axillary, on peduncles |—2.5 em. long, bifurcate, the branches 2.5-3.5 em. long, laxly 8- or 9-flowered, the flowers sessile or nearly so; hypanthium oblong, glabrous, scarcely 2 mm. long, the calyx crenulate or subentire, 0.4 mm. long; ovary 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Pine forest, Lomas de Cuaba, near Baracoa, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 26. Antirhea obovata (Britton) Standley. Stenostomum obovatum Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 44:35. 1917. A straggling tree, the branches slender, grayish-brown, the branchlets glabrous: stipules deciduous; petioles stout, 3-5 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong-obovate, 3—6.2 cm. long, 1.5—3 em. wide, rounded at the apex, obtuse or acutish at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, concolorous, the costa impressed above, very prominent beneath, the lateral nerves plane, obscure, reticu- late, the margin revolute; inflorescences bifurcate, the branches short, few-flowered, the pe- duncles 2—2.5 cm. long, the flowers sessile, biseriate; fruit oval, 10-11 mm. long, 5—7 mm. thick, 2-celled, black, with fleshy exocarp. TYPE LOCALITY: Camp La Gloria, south of Sierra Moa, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 27. Antirhea Shaferi Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 13: 479. 1915. Branches dark-brown or grayish, the branchlets stout, glabrous, not resinous; stipules ovate- deltoid, 2-4 mm. long, acute, glabrous, early deciduous; petioles stout, 4-8 mm. long, glabrous; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong, usually narrowly so, 4.5—10 cm. long, 1.5—3 em. wide, sometimes as much as 14 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, broadest at the middle, gradually narrowed to the obtuse apex, acute or attenuate at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, sublustrous, green above, the costa deeply impressed, the nerves obsolete, brownish beneath, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves mostly obscure, 7-10 on each side, nearly straight, the veins obsolete, the margin re- curved or revolute; cymes once or twice bifid, the branches 1-2 cm. long, 6—9-flowered, the peduncles 1.5—4 cm. long, the flowers sessile, ebracteolate; fruit oblong or oblong-turbinate, 8-10 mm. long, 3-5 mm. thick, 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Woodfred, Sierra Nipe, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 400-550 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Thickets, Oriente, Cuba. 28. Antirhea scrobiculata Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:529. 1928. A rather large tree, the younger branches plicate-striate, glabrous, not resinous, the older ones grayish; stipules ovate, acute, 3-4 mm. long, caducous; petioles slender, 8-15 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic or oblong, broadest above the middle, 4-7 cm. long, 1.5—3 em. wide, obtuse or subobtuse, gradually narrowed to the acute base, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, glabrous, domatiate and short-barbate beneath in the axils of the nerves, lustrous, the costa impressed above, the lateral nerves 8—11 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60—70°, subimpressed above, prominent beneath, slender, somewhat arcuate, the veins obscure, the margin narrowly recurved; inflorescences arising from the uppermost leaf-axils, bifid, the peduncles 1-3 cm. long, the branches 1—2 cm. long, with 10 or fewer flowers; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, sparsely and minutely pilose, the calyx 0.6 mm. long, crenate; corolla yellowish, densely whitish-strigose, apparently about 7 mm. long, the tube 0.8 mm. thick; young fruit cylindric, sessile, truncate at the base, 2-celled. TYPE LocALITy: Rio Lebisa, Sierra del Cristal, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 600-700 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 274 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 29. Antirhea Sintenisii Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 438. 1899. Stenostomum Sintenisii Britton & Wilson, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico 6: 238. 1925. A tree about 15 meters high, with yellowish wood, glabrous except the flowers and stipules, the branches brownish or grayish, sparsely and minutely lenticellate, not resinous; stripules triangular-oblong, 5-7 mm. long, early deciduous, minutely pilosulous near the base; petioles stout, 3-6 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong, oblanceolate-oblong, or narrowly elliptic-oblong, 5—10 cm. long, 1.5—-4 cm. wide, broadest at or above the middle, obtuse or very obtuse, obtuse or acute at the base, coriaceous, subconcolorous, the costa impressed above, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves prominulous or plane beneath, 6-10 on each side, ascending at an angle of 60-70°, very slender, almost straight, the veins obsolete, the margin plane; cymes bifid, the branches 2-4 em. long, with 16 or fewer flowers, the peduncles 1.5—3 cm. long, the flowers sessile, biseriate; hypanthium minutely pilose, the calyx 1.5 mm. long, minutely 4-lobate; corolla ochroleucous, 6 mm. long, minutely appressed-pilosulous outside, the 4 lobes rounded- obovate, half as long as the tube, the tube glabrous within; anthers included; stigma-lobes 2, rounded; fruit elliptic-oblong, 8-10 mm. long, 4-5 mm. thick, 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Rocky mountain forests, Los Angeles, Porto Rico. DISTRIBUTION: Wet forest at lower and middle elevations, Porto Rico. 30. Antirhea occidentalis Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:529. 1928. Stenostomum granulatum var. Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 132. 1866. A small tree, the younger branches plicate-striate, glabrous, not resinous, the older ones brownish; stipules ovate, acute, 7 mm. long or less, early deciduous; petioles stout, 3-5 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate, obovate-elliptic, or obovate-oblong, 5—9 cm. long, 2.5—5 em. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, gradually narrowed to the petiole, pergamentaceous, glabrous, the costa impressed above, the lateral nerves 6—8 on each side, ascending at an angle of 50-60°, prominulous on both surfaces or subimpressed on the upper, the veins obsolete, the margin narrowly recurved; inflorescences borne in the upper leaf-axils, bifid or rarely twice bifid, the peduncles 1.3—-3 cm. long, the branches 1.5—3 cm. long, with 15 or fewer flowers; calyx and hypanthium 1.5 mm. long, glabrous, the hypanthium cylindric, the calyx 0.6 mm. long, obsoletely 5-lobate; corolla yellowish-white, 8-9 mm. long, glabrous, the tube 0.5 mm. thick below, ampliate above to a width of 1 mm., the 4 lobes ovate-orbicular, 1.5 mm. long; filaments 0.4 mm. long, inserted in the corolla-throat, the anthers linear, 1.5 mm. long; style 5 mm. long, bilobate at the apex, the lobes ovate; fruit cylindric-oblong, obtuse at the base, subtruncate at apex, 7 mm. long, 3 mm. thick, 2-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets along streams, between Mal Pais and La Ceiba, Isle of Pines, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Thickets, Cuba and the Isle of Pines. 31. Antirhea tenuiflora Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 438. 1899. A small tree, glabrous except the flowers and stipules, the branches brownish or blackish, not viscid; stipules 5-6 mm. long, deltoid-oblong, ciliolate, early deciduous; petioles stout, 3-8 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or obovate-oblong, 5-10 cm. long, 2—4 cm. wide, broadest at or above the middle, obtuse or subacuminate, cuneate at the base, coriaceous, sublustrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves obscure, beneath paler and brownish, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves inconspicuous, 6 or 7 on each side, ascending at an angle of 50-60°, the margin plane or recurved; cymes once or twice bifid, the branches 1.5—2 cm. long, with 10 or fewer flowers, the peduncles 1—5 cm. long, the flowers subsessile, biseriate, ebracteo- late; hypanthium very minutely pilosulous, 1.5 mm. long, the calyx 0.5 mm. long, minutely 4-lobate, the lobes semiorbicular; corolla 8 mm. long, sparsely and very minutely pilosulous outside, the tube pilose within above the base, the 4 lobes rounded-ovate, one fourth as long as the tube; anthers included; style glabrous, the stigma-lobes oblong-linear; fruit oval-oblong, 6-7 mm. long, 3—3.5 mm. thick, 2-celled. . TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba, the exact locality not known. DISTRIBUTION: Calcareous soil, Oriente and Pinar del Rio, and the Isle of Pines, Cuba. Part 4, 1934| RUBIACEAE 275 EXCLUDED SPECIES STENOSTOMUM BIFURCATUM DC. Prodr. 4: 460. 1830. Described from the West Indies. It has been shown, however, that the species is really a native of Mauritius. 78. OTTOSCHMIDTIA Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 20: 312. 1924. Densely branched shrubs, the branches not resinous, the leaves small, opposite, subsessile, rigid-coriaceous. Stipules interpetiolar, small, triangular, thickened, persistent, indurate and often spinescent. Flowers | or 2 on reduced branchlets, subsessile in the leaf-axils, violaceous, the bracts united to forma short sheath below the hypanthium, the flowers regular, perfect, 4-parted; hypanthium cylindric-globose, subterete; calyx with a short tube, the 4 teeth triangu- lar, obtuse; corolla-tube narrowly cylindric, naked in the throat, the 4 lobes short, imbricate in bud. Stamens 4, inserted in the corolla-tube above the middle, included; filaments very short; anthers linear, dorsifixed. Disk short-cylindric, surrounding the base of the style. Ovary 2-celled, the ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell. Style filiform, very shortly bilobate at the apex. Fruit drupaceous, small, obovoid or subcylindric, terete, with thin flesh, the putamen ligneous, sometimes filled with small resin-secreting lacunae. Seeds pendulous from the apex of the cell, on a much thickened funicle, oblong, the testa smooth, membrana- ‘ceous; endosperm moderately developed, fleshy; embryo straight, the radicle superior, cylindric, elongate, the cotyledons ovate, obtuse. Type species, Ottoschmidtia dorsiventralis Urban. Leaf-blades mostly obovate-orbicular and broadest above the middle; putamen of the fruit with numerous resin-secreting lacunae. 1. O. microphylla. Leaf-blades orbicular or short-ovate, broadest at or below the middle; putamen without resin-secreting lacunae. 2. O. haitiensis. 1. Ottoschmidtia microphylla (Griseb.) Urban, Arkiv Bot. 21A®: 85. 1927. Stenostomum microphyllum Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 133. 1866. Ottoschmidtia dorsiventralis Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 20: 312. 1924. A shrub, the branches dorsiventral, naked beneath, above emitting alternate divaricate branchlets, terete, the older ones grayish or whitish, sparsely or not at all lenticellate, the inter- nodes 1—1.5 cm. long, the very short branchlets covered by the persistent and indurate and more or less tetrastichous stipules, the young branchlets minutely pilosulous; stipules scarcely 1 mm. long; petioles about 0.3 mm. long; leaf-blades mostly obovate-orbicular, rounded or subtrun- cate at the apex and shallowly emarginate, very obtuse or slightly emarginate at the base, 3-6 mm. long, 3-5 mm. wide, coriaceous, the costa inconspicuous, the nerves obsolete or obscure, the margin plane, sometimes slightly thickened; cupule of the bracts 0.6—0.8 mm. long; pe- duncles 0.8—1 mm. long; calyx 0.6 mm. long, sparsely pilose within, the lobes half as long as the tube, minutely pilosulous on the margin; corolla 7 mm. long, the tube minutely appressed- pilosulous outside, pilose within, 0.8 mm. thick; anthers 2 mm. long, subobtuse at apex, the cells subulately produced below the point of insertion; style glabrous; fruit 6-7 mm. long, 3.5—4 mm. thick; seeds yellow, 3.5 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Near San Marcos, western Cuba. DisTRIBUTION: Dry sterile thickets, Matanzas and probably other provinces of Cuba, ILLUSTRATION: Repert. Sp. Nov. 20: pl. 5. 2. Ottoschmidtia haitiensis Urban, Arkiv Bot. 22A:92. 1929. A densely branched shrub forming low thickets, the older branches pale-gray; stipules persistent, becoming indurate, conspicuous upon the leafless branchlets, spinescent, triangular- subulate, spreading or subrecurved, 0.5 mm. long; leaves subsessile, orbicular or short-ovate, rarely short-obovate, 3-6 mm. long, rounded at the apex, rounded and usually emarginate at the base, pergamentaceous, subrigid, the costa scarcely prominulous above, impressed beneath, the lateral nerves obsolete on the upper surface, 2 or 3 on each side beneath, subimpressed, lus- trous above and dark-green, paler beneath; flowers borne on short branchlets, sessile or on 276 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 peduncles 1.5 mm. or in fruit as much as 3 mm. long; calyx 0.5 mm. long, denticulate; fruit oblong, slightly broader above, somewhat compressed laterally, red, 5.5-6 mm. long, 2.5—3 mm. thick, the putamen 2-celled, solid, without resin-secreting lacunae. TYPE LOCALITY: Dry limestone hills, Petite-Coupe, near Gonaives, Massif des Cahos, Haiti, altitude 150 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Dry limestone hills, Haiti. 79. LAUGERIA Vahl, Eclog. 1: 26. 1796.* Terebraria Sessé; DC. Prodr. 4: 458, assynonym. 1830. Trees or shrubs, glabrous or nearly so, the branchlets very resinous. Leaves opposite, petiolate, coriaceous. Stipules connate into a truncate sheath, tardily deciduous. Flowers small, ebracteolate, secund-spicate along the branches of a bifurcate pedunculate axillary cyme; hypanthium small, oblong; calyx cupular, truncate; corolla narrowly funnelform, glabrous or sericeous, the tube cylindric, elongate, the throat naked, the limb 4-5-lobate, the lobes oblong, spreading, imbricate, 1 or 2 of them exterior. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted at the middle of the corolla-tube; filaments filiform; anthers linear, dorsifixed, included. Disk annular. Ovary 4- or 5-celled; style stout, the stigma capitate, 4- or 5-lobate; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, the funicle thick. Fruit drupaceous, oval or oblong, 4~-5-celled, the putamen osseous. Seeds cylindric, elongate, pendulous, the testa thin; endosperm none; embryo terete, the radicle superior. Type species, Laugeria resinosa Vahl. Leaves rounded or very obtuse at the apex and apiculate, pilose beneath. Stipule-tube 6-8 mm. long; petioles 4-6 mm. long. Stipule-tube 5 mm. long; petioles mostly 8-12 mm. long. Leaves acute or acuminate. 1 2 Leaves conspicuously lineolate on the lower surface. 3. L. lineolata. Leaves not lineolate. 4. L. resinosa. . L. hetteana. . L. apiculata. 1. Laugeria hotteana Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 58. 1926. A middle-sized tree, the young branchlets glabrous, covered at the apex with yellowish resin, elsewhere covered with a thin, pale, sometimes granular resin, the older branches ob- tusely quadrangular, the internodes 5—8 cm. long; stipule-tube truncate, 6—8 mm. long, appressed- pilose; petioles resinous, 4-6 mm. long, densely short-pilose; leaf-blades oval to oval-oblong, 6-9 cm. long, 2.5—4.5 cm. wide, very obtuse or almost rounded at the apex and shortly acumi- nate-apiculate, rounded at the base, coriaceous, the costa stout, impressed above, the lateral nerves 7—9 on each side, impressed above, prominent beneath, divergent at an angle of 65—70°, arcuate, the veins obscure, domatiate beneath in the axils of the nerves, hispidulous, the hairs mostly held close to the surface by the resinous exudate, glabrous on the upper surface; flowers and fruit unknown. Type LOCALITY: Morne de la Hotte, mountains west of Ma Blanche, Haiti, altitude 1400 m. DISTRIBUTION: Region of the type locality, at 1300-1400 meters. 2. Laugeria apiculata (Britton & Standl.) Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 58. 1926. Stenoslomum apiculatum Britton & Standley; Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 50:50. 1923. A shrub or small tree, the branchlets stout, densely leafy toward the tips, densely covered with pale resin, the internodes short, the older branchlets subterete, fuscous; stipule-sheath 5 mm. long, truncate, densely strigose; petioles stout, 5-12 mm. long, short-pilose and densely resinous; leaf-blades elliptic, 4.5—7 cm. long, 2.5—4 em. wide, rigid-coriaceous, obtuse and acumi- nate-apiculate, obtuse or acutish at the base, green and lustrous above, glabrous, the costa depressed, slightly paler or brownish beneath, sparsely hispidulous, resinous, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves about 9 on each side, slender, prominent, arcuate, distant, the * Laugeria Vahl, 1796, is antedated by Laugeria L,., treated by all modern authors as a synonym of Gueltarda (see page 228); technically, therefore, the name Laugeria as here used is not valid, but the writer hopes that it may ultimately be placed upon the list of momina conservanda, as no other name has ever been applied to this genus since it was first published in 1796. ParRT 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 277 veins obscure, the margin plane or subrevolute, domatiate beneath in the axils of the nerves; peduncles slender, 2-3 cm. long, the 2 branches 1—2.5 cm. long, 10—12-flowered, appressed- pilosulous; calyx and hypanthium |—1.5 mm. long, strigillose or glabrate, the calyx-teeth short, obtuse; corolla pale-yellow, densely strigillose outside, 7 mm. long, the lobes very obtuse, half as long as the tube; filaments very short, the anthers oblong-linear, equaling the corolla- tube; stigma 4-lobate. TYPE LOCALITY: Sierra Maestra, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Stony slopes, Sierra Maestra, Oriente, Cuba. 3. Laugeria lineolata Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 58. 1926. A small tree, the young branchlets glabrate, resinous, the older ones subquadrangular, plicate-striate, the internodes 0.5-1 cm. long; stipule-tube truncate, 4 mm. long, minutely appressed-pilose; petioles stout, 6-8 mm. long, pilosulous; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong or elliptic, 4.5-6.5 cm. long, 1.5—2.5 em. wide, short-acuminate or acute, acute at the base, rather thinly coriaceous, resinous, green and lustrous above, the costa scarcely impressed, somewhat paler beneath, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves 4 or 5 on each side, slender, prominent, ascending at an angle of 50°, domatiate beneath in the axils of the nerves, the lower surface finely and conspicuously lineolate with pale hair-like lines, the margin plane; peduncles axillary, 2-4 cm. long, the 2 branches 2.3 cm. long or less, with 6 or fewer flowers, recurved; hypanthium cylindraceous, thick; calyx-lobes triangular, 0.5 mm. long; corolla 7 mm. long, glabrous, the tube reddish, slightly dilated upward, the 4 lobes yellow, oval, rounded at the apex, one third as long as the tube; filaments very short, inserted in the upper third of the tube, the anthers linear, 1.5 mm. long; style 2.8 mm. long, the very short stigmas ovate-oblong. Type Locality: Massif de la Selle, hillside thickets between Morne Tranchant and Morne Brouet, Riviére Thébaud, Haiti, at 1400 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Haiti, at an elevation of about 1400 meters. 4, Laugeria resinosa Vahl, Eclog. 1:27. 1796. Guettarda resinosa Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 201. 1805. Stenostomum resinosum Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 334. 1861. Stenostomum densiflorum Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 132. 1866. Laugeria densiflora Hitche. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 4:93. 1893. Guettarda densiflora Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 290. 1895. Antirhea resinosa Cook & Coll. Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 8: 82. 1903. A shrub or small tree 2—7 meters high, the branches subterete, grayish or yellowish, the branchlets stout, densely leafly, very resinous, with short or elongate internodes, glabrous or minutely pilose; stipule-sheath 2—3.5 mm. long, strigillose; petioles very stout, 2-8 mm. long, strigillose or glabrous, very resinous; leaf-blades narrowly elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate, 3-14 cm. long, 1-3 cm. wide, coriaceous, acute or acuminate, with obtuse tip, acute or attenuate at the base, green above and very lustrous, glabrous, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves evident but scarcely elevated, beneath somewhat paler and brownish, glabrous or when young sparsely pilosulous, domatiate in the axils of the nerves, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves 8-11 on each side, prominulous, arcuate, the margin plane or subrevolute; peduncles slender, 3-5 cm. long, often recurved, the branches about 1 cm. long, 5—8-flowered; calyx and hypanthium 1I—1.5 mm. long, glabrous or nearly so, the calyx broad and spreading; corolla white, glabrous or sparsely strigillose outside, the tube 6-7 mm. long, the + broad lobes 1.5 mm. long; fruit black, oval or subglobose, 4-6 mm. long, 4- or 5-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Montserrat. ’ P : DIsTRIBUTION: Dry thickets, Bahamas; Cuba (Pinar del Rio and Oriente); Porto Rico; Santo Domingo; Guadeloupe; Martinique; Montserrat; Dominica; St. Vincent; also in Trinidad. ILLUSTRATION: Vahl, Eclog. pl. 10, f. 6. IX. CHIOCOCCEAE. ‘Trees or shrubs, with opposite leaves. Inflores- cence terminal or axillary, the flowers regular, usually 4- or 5-parted, perfect; corolla-lobes valvate or imbricate, the throat usually glabrous. Stamens inserted at the base of the corolla (in the throat in Placocarpa), the filaments 278 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 often connate at the base; anthers basifixed or dorsifixed. Ovary usually 2-celled (sometimes up to 20-celled); ovules solitary, anatropous, pendulous from the apex of the cell. Fruit drupaceous or capsular, usually 2-celled, sometimes separating into 2 cocci. Seeds usually compressed; endosperm copious; radicle superior. Corolla-lobes valvate. Inflorescence thyrsiform, elongate, densely many-flowered; fruit capsular. 80. CERATOPYXIS. Inflorescence never thyrsiform. Inflorescence terminal; fruit drupaceous. 81. ERITHALIS. Inflorescence axillary. Anthers dorsifixed. Stipules connate into a sheath, this usually truncate; fruit dru- : paceous. 82. PHIALANTHUS. Stipules short-connate at the base, triangular; fruit capsular. 83. SHAFEROCHARIS. Anthers basifixed; fruit drupaceous. Flowers 5-parted; calyx-lobes very short; inflorescence usually racemose. 84. CHrococca. Flowers 4-parted; calyx-lobes elongate; inflorescence fascicu- late. 85. ASEMNANTHE. Corolla-lobes imbricate; fruit drupaceous. Flowers 5-parted. 86. CHIONE. Flowers 4-parted. : ; Stamens inserted at the base of the corolla; plants armed with spines. 87. SCOLOSANTHUS. 8 Stamens inserted in the throat of the corolla; plants unarmed. 8. PLACOCARPA. 80. CERATOPYXIS Hock. f. in Hook. Ic. 12:24. 1872. Resinous shrubs, with stout subterete branchlets. Leaves opposite, coriaceous, short- petiolate. Stipules intrapetiolar, large, coriaceous, persistent, short-connate at the base. Flowers small, arranged in dense axillary long-pedunculate thyrses, bracteolate, the peduncles leafy; hypanthium ovoid; calyx 5-lobate, the lobes subulate-lanceolate, rigid, erect, persistent; corolla funnelform, the throat glabrous, the limb 5-lobate, the lobes linear-lanceolate, revolute, valvate. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla; filaments distinct, complanate, puberu- lent; anthers linear, dorsifixed near the base, exserted. Disk 4-lobate. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform, the stigma clavate, bifid at the apex; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, cylindric, the funicle thickened. Fruit capsular, small, coriaceous, suborbicular, laterally compressed, 2-celled, loculicidally bivalvate. Seeds pendulous, subreniform-oblong, laterally compressed, the testa thin; endosperm fleshy; embryo small, subterete, the cotyledons small, ovate, the radicle superior. Type species, Rondeletia verbenacea Griseb. The genus consists of a single species. 1. Ceratopyxis verbenacea (Griseb.) Hook. f. in Hook. Ic. 12: 24. 1872. Rondeletia verbenacea Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 130. 1866. Phialanthus spicatus C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6: 149. 1869. A shrub or small tree, the branches very stout, brownish, roughened by the persistent stip- ules, the branchlets glabrous, very densely leafy; stipules 4-10 mm. long, ovate-deltoid, acute or acuminate, mucronate, brown, resinous; petioles very stout, 2-4 mm. long, puberulent; leaf-blades narrowly elliptic-oblong, lance-oblong, or oblanceolate-oblong, 4.5-8 em. long, 1.2-2.5 cm. wide, acute at the apex or rounded or obtuse and abruptly short-acuminate, acute or acuminate at the base, glabrous or puberulent near the base, green above, more or less lustrous, the costa prominent, or suleate toward the base, the nerves impressed or obsolete, paler beneath, the costa salient, the lateral nerves impressed, about 18 on each side, ascending at an obtuse angle, anastomosing to form a submarginal nerve, the margin more or less revolute; peduncles 4.5-14 cm. long, bearing 1-3 pairs of large leaves, the thyrses 3-7 cm. long, dense above, interrupted below, 1.5—2.5 cm. thick, the headlike cymes numerous, few-flowered, sessile or nearly so, the flowers sessile or subsessile; calyx and hypanthium short-pilose, the calyx 2 mm. long, equaling or longer than the hypanthium; corolla 6-8 mm. long, yellowish, short-pilose Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 279 long, minutely pilose; seeds 2.5 mm. long, nearly black, minutely papillose. outside, the lobes shorter or slightly longer than the tube; anthers 2.5 mm. long; fruit 4-5 mm. TYPE LOCALITY: Western Cuba. C Be TOON: Limestone cliffs and hillsides, Pinar del Rio and perhaps elsewhere in western uba. ILLUSTRATIONS: Hook. Ic. pl. 1/25; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 44: f. 35, D-F. 81. ERITHALIS P. Br. Hist. Jam. 165. 1756. Herrera Adans. Fam. 2: 158. 1763. Shrubs or trees, usually glabrous or nearly so, the branchlets compressed or quadrangular. Leaves opposite, petiolate, usually coriaceous. Stipules intrapetiolar, connate into a truncate or cuspidate sheath, persistent. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, usually cymose-paniculate or corymbose, rarely 1-flowered, the flowers small, white, the pedicels bracteolate or ebracteo- late; hypanthium ovoid or globose; calyx short, cupular, 5—10-dentate, persistent; corolla salverform or rotate, the tube short, the throat naked, the limb 5- or 6-lobate, the lobes linear or oblong, valvate. Stamens usually 5 or 6, inserted at the base of the corolla-tube; filaments filiform, pilose, connate at the base; anthers linear or oblong, obtuse or apiculate, basifixed. Disk depressed. Ovary 5-—20-celled; style stout, the stigma lanceolate, compressed; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell. Fruit drupaceous, globose, suleate, 5—-20-pyre- nate, the pyrenes osseous. Seeds pendulous, oblong, compressed, the testa membranaceous; endosperm fleshy, abundant; embryo minute, axial, the cotyledons short, the radicle terete, superior. Type species, Erithalis fruticosa \.. The species here enumerated are the only ones known. Fruit 8-10 mm. in diameter, 16—20-celled; branches quadrangular; stipule- sheath truncate. 1. E. quadrangularis. Fruit 2-4.5 mm. in diameter, usually 5—10-celled; branches terete; stipule- sheath mucronate or cuspidate. Leaves acute or acuminate at the apex. Inflorescence racemose, 5—7-flowered; leaf-blades 7-12 cm. long. 2. E. acuminata. Inflorescence corymbose, 7—15-flowered; leaf-blades 3-5 cm. long. 3. E. revoluta. Leaves rounded or obtuse at the apex. Ae Leaf-blades 0.8—2 cm. long; inflorescence usually 1—3-flowered. 4. E. vacciniifolia. Leaf-blades 2—12 cm. long; inflorescence many-flowered. Branches of the inflorescence glabrous or obscurely puberulent; fruit 2.5-4 mm. in diameter. : » 5. E. fruticosa. Branches of the inflorescence densely puberulent; fruit 2—2.5 mm. tes in diameter. 6. E. Harrisit. 1. Erithalis quadrangularis Krug & Urban (; Urban, Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 15: 270, hyponym. My 1897), Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 120. a: LOOT. A tree about 7 meters high, glabrous except the inflorescence, the branchlets very stout, quadrangular, the internodes elongate; stipule-sheath about 5 mm. long, truncate; petioles very stout, 0.6-2 cm. long; leaf-blades mostly oval, sometimes ovate-elliptic, 8-12.5 cm. long, 3.5—-8 cm. wide, rounded or very obtuse at the apex, rounded at the base and abruptly short-decurrent, ° subcoriaceous, green above, the costa prominent, sulcate, the lateral nerves prominulous or plane, paler and brownish beneath, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves very slender, scarcely prominulous, the margin revolute; inflorescence cymose-corymbose, many-flowered, about 6 cm. broad, the branches puberulent or glabrate, the pedicels stout, 5-12 mm. long, the bracts mostly about 1 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium about 4 mm. long, puberulent or gla- brate, the calyx shallowly 5- or 6-dentate, the teeth rounded or obtuse; corolla 10-13 mm. long, puberulent or glabrate outside, the tube 1-2 mm. long, the lobes usually 6, linear, obtuse, re- curved in anthesis; anthers linear, 5 mm. long; ovary 2-celled, each cell 8—10-loculate; fruit subglobose, 8-10 mm. in diameter. TypE LocaLity: New Green, Jamaica, altitude 700 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Jamaica. ‘ ILLUSTRATION: Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 15: pl. 9, f. 29. 280 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 2. Erithalis acuminata Krug & Urban, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1: 3195" 1897: Erithalis angustifolia Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 336. 1861. Not E. angustifolia DC. 1830. A shrub 1—2 meters high, glabrous throughout, the branches terete, the branchlets more or less compressed; stipules short-connate, the lobes subulate; petioles 1-2 cm. long; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 7-12 cm. long, 2-3.5 cm. wide, obtusely long-acuminate, gradually narrowed to the base, chartaceous-coriaceous, the costa prominent above, the lateral nerves prominulous or obscure; inflorescence axillary, racemose, 5—7-flowered, in fruit 6-7 cm. long, the flowers usually 5-parted, the pedicels 1-1.5 cm. long, naked or bracteolate at the middle; calyx-lobes semiorbicular or semioval; corolla-lobes ovate-lanceolate; fruit globose or oval-globose, +-4.5 mm. long, usually 5-carpidiate; seeds obovate, compressed. TYPE LOCALITY: Mont Pelée, Martinique, altitude 900-1000 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Martinique and St. Vincent. 3. Erithalis revoluta Urban, Symb. Ant. 3: 379. 1903. A shrub 3-4 meters high, glabrous throughout, the branches terete, grayish or brownish, the branchlets more or less quadrangular, resinous; stipules short-connate, 1.5—2 mm. long, the lobes deltoid; petioles 4-7 mm. long, marginate; leaf-blades obovate-oblong or oblong-lanceo- late, 3-5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate, gradually narrowed to the base, rigid-coriaceous, green above, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves obsolete, beneath slightly paler, the lateral nerves obsolete or 1 or 2 of them prominulous; inflorescence axillary, corym- bose, 7—15-flowered, about equaling the leaves, the peduncles 1—3 cm. long, the bracts triangular, acuminate; calyx 1 mm. long, 5-dentate, the teeth deltoid; corolla 4 mm. long, the tube nearly obsolete, the 5 lobes lance-linear, obtuse; anthers oblong-linear, 1.5 mm. long; fruit obovoid, 3.5-4 mm. long, 5—6-celled. TYPE LOCALITY: Coastal thickets near Cafio Gordo, Porto Rico. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 4. Erithalis vacciniifolia (Griseb.) C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6:126. 1869. Chione vacciniifolia Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 133. 1866. A shrub, the branches terete, grayish or yellowish, the branchlets stout, minutely puberulent or glabrate, the internodes short; stipules connate, 1—1.5 mm. long, the short lobes mucronate; petioles very stout, 1-4 mm. long, marginate; leaf-blades obovate to broadly oval, 0.8—2 cm. long, 0.3-1.2 em. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, usually obscurely apiculate, acute to rounded and short-decurrent at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous, lustrous above, the vena- tion obsolete, slightly paler beneath, the costa prominulous, the lateral nerves obsolete, the margin plane or subrevolute; inflorescence axillary, usually 1—3-flowered, the flowers sometimes more numerous, the peduncles 0.6—1.5 em. long, the pedicels 3-6 mm. long; calyx and hypan- thium 1.5 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx 5-denticulate; corolla white, 4 mm. long, glabrous, the 5 lobes oblong, obtuse, the tube very short; anthers linear-oblong, 1.5—2 mm. long; fruit globose, 2.5 mm. in diameter, 6—9-carpidiate, black. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Baracoa, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone cliffs and hillsides, Cuba and Santo Domingo. 5. Erithalis fruticosa L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 930. 1759. Erithalis odorifera Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. 72. 1763. Erithalis inodora Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. 73. 1763. Erithalis fruticosa var. inodora DC. Prodr. 4: 465. 1830. — Erithalis elliptica Raf. Sylva Tell. 123. 1838. Erithalis odorata Raf. Sylva Tell. 123. 1838. Erithalis fruticosa var. odorifera Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 336. 1861. Erithalis rotundata Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. II. 8: 507. 1862. Erithalis parviflora Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 134. 1866. A shrub or small tree, sometimes 5 meters high, the branches gray, blackish, or brown, the branchlets stout, glabrous or obscurely puberulent, the internodes short or elongate; stipules Part 4, 1934] | RUBIACEAE 281 short-connate, 2-6 mm. long, usually mucronate or subulate-mucronate; petioles stout, 0.3—2 em. long; leaf-blades very variable, oblanceolate-oblong or obovate to orbicular, 2—12 em. long, 1-6 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, rounded to acute at the base, often short-decur- rent, chartaceous to thick-coriaceous, glabrous, usually lustrous, green above, the costa promi- nent or impressed, the lateral nerves obsolete or prominulous, beneath slightly paler, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous or often obsolete, the margin plane or revolute; inflorescence axillary, cymose-paniculate, usually many-flowered, pedunculate, the branches sparsely puberulent or glabrous, the flowers usually 5-parted, mostly long-pedicellate, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 1.2—2 mm. long, the calyx obscurely denticulate; corolla white, 4-10 mm. long, glabrous, the lobes oblong-linear, obtuse, the tube very short; anthers oblong or linear, 1.5—3.5 mm. long, longer or shorter than the filaments; fruit globose or depressed- globose, 2.5—4 mm. in diameter, usually 5—10-carpidiate, black. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida; West Indies; Yucatan to Honduras; growing chiefly in thick- ets on or near sea beaches. _ Ittustrations: P. Br. Hist. Jam. pl. 17, f. 3; Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. pl. 173, f. 23; Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Pict. pl. 260, f. 20; Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 15: pl. 9, f. 27, 29; Descourt. Fl. Ant. pl. 242; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 44: f. 35, A-C; Lam. Tab. Encye. pl. 159. 6. Erithalis Harrisii Urban, Symb. Ant. 5: 514. 1908. A shrub or tree 4-7.5 meters high, the branches grayish, the branchlets slender, compressed, sparsely puberulent or glabrous, the internodes elongate; stipules short-connate, 2.5—3 mm. long, the lobes acutish; petioles slender or stout, 0.7—-1.5 cm. long; leaf-blades obovate-oblong to elliptic-oblong, 4-9 cm. long, 1.7—5.5 cm. wide, rounded at the apex, acute at the base or obtuse and short-decurrent, coriaceous, glabrous, green above, the costa subimpressed, the lateral nerves mostly obsolete, beneath slightly paler, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous or obscure, 6 or 7 on each side, the margin more or less revolute; inflorescence cymose-paniculate, axillary or terminal, the peduncles 2—5 cm. long, the branches sordid-puberu- lent, the pedicels 2 mm. long or shorter, the bracts mostly 1-2 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium glabrate, the calyx 5-denticulate; corolla white, 3-5 mm. long, glabrous, the 5 lobes linear, acutish, the tube nearly obsolete; anthers linear, 1.7—-2 mm. long; fruit globose, 2—2.5 mm. in diameter, 6- or 7-carpidiate. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Troy, Jamaica, altitude 660 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Jamaica. DOUBTFUL SPECIES ERITHALIS ANGUSTIFOLIA DC. Prodr. 4: 465. 1830. Described from Havana, Cuba. A plant with narrow acute leaves. ERITHALIS? PENTAGONIA DC. Prodr. 4: 465. 1830. Described from Cuba. Probably not of this genus. ERITHALIS UNIFLORA Gaertn. Fruct. 3: 93. pl. 196. 1805. The description is based upon a fruit of unknown origin, and the application of the name is altogether obscure. 82. PHIALANTHUS Griseb. FI. Brit. W. Ind. 335. 1861. Resinous shrubs or trees, the branchlets subterete. Leaves small, opposite, short-petiolate, coriaceous, with revolute margins. Stipules intrapetiolar, connate into a short sheath. Flowers very small, in axillary fascicles, sessile or short-pedicellate; hypanthium turbinate or obovoid; calyx 4- or 5-lobate, the lobes equal or unequal, spatulate, obtuse, persistent; corolla broadly fun- nelform or subcampanulate, the tube short, the throat glabrous or puberulent, the limb 4- or 5- lobate, the lobes short, obtuse, valvate. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted at the base of the corolla; filaments distinct, compressed, glabrous or puberulent; anthers ovate or oblong, dorsifixed near the base, exserted. Disk small, annular. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform, the stigma clavate, obtuse; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, elongate. Fruit drupaceous, ovoid, 2-celled, the seeds cylindric. Type species, Phialanthus myrtilloides Griseb. 282 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VoLUME 32 The genus is confined to the West Indies. The species are separated by such slight and unimportant characters that it is very doubtful that more than a few of them ultimately can be maintained. Leaf-blades mostly obovate or oblanceolate, broadest above the middle. Leaves 15—40 mm. long. 1. P. jamaicensis. Leaves 7-18 mm. long. 2. P. parvifolius. Leaf-blades narrowly oblong or elliptic to lanceolate, broadest at or below the middle. Inflorescences 8—12-flowered. 3. P. revolutus. Inflorescences mostly with fewer than 8 flowers. Corolla about equaling the calyx-lobes; stamens exceeding the corolla; leaves 3-7 cm. long, 0.8—2 cm. wide. 4. P. resinifluus. Corolla much exceeding the calyx-lobes. Stamens longer than the corolla-lobes. Leaf-blades 8-15 mm. long. 5. P. oblongatus. Leaf-blades mostly 15—50 mm. long. Leaves elliptic, 1.3—2.2 cm. long. 6. P. ellipticus. Leaves narrowly lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, mostly 2—5 em. long. Leaf-blades narrowly lanceolate, 3-8 mm. wide; petioles 1—2.5 mm. long. 7. P. rigidus. Leaf-blades elliptic-oblong, 12-17 mm. wide; petioles 4-5 mm. long. 8. P. macrostemon. Stamens shorter than the corolla-lobes. Corolla-lobes much longer than the tube. 9. P. stillans. Corolla-lobes not exceeding the tube. 10. P. myrtilloides. 1. Phialanthus jamaicensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 1:515. 1900. A shrub or slender tree, sometimes 6 meters high, the branches grayish, roughened by the persistent stipules, the branchlets stout, resinous, minutely scaberulous, densely leafy; stipule- sheath about 0.5 mm. long, truncate; petioles stout, 3-5 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate, obovate- oblong, elliptic-oblong, or oblanceolate, 1.5—-3.8 em. long, 0.6-1.3 em. wide, rounded or very ob- tuse, attenuate to the base, coriaceous, glabrous, the lateral nerves obsolete, green above, the costa prominulous, pale beneath, the costa prominent, the margin revolute; inflorescence 5—8-flowered, sessile or short-pedunculate, the flowers very short-pedicellate; calyx and hypan- thium puberulent or glabrate, the calyx-lobes spatulate, obtuse, about 1 mm. long; corolla 1.5 mm. long, greenish; anthers slightly exceeding the corolla. TYPE LOCALITY: Road to Wareka, Jamaica, altitude 260 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Jamaica. ILLUSTRATION: Hook. Ic. pl. 1801. 2. Phialanthus parvifolius Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 160. 1923. A shrub or small tree, the young branchlets subterete, minutely papillose and covered with resin; stipule-sheath 1-1.5 mm. long; petioles stout, 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 7-18 mm. long, 3-5 mm. wide, broadest above the middle but not very con- spicuously so, obtuse, gradually narrowed to the petiole, subcoriaceous, lustrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves obsolete, paler beneath, the margin narrowly recurved; inflorescences sessile, 3-flowered, the involucre cupuliform, denticulate, 0.5 mm. long, the flowers subsessile, 4-parted; hypanthium narrowly cylindric, slightly narrowed below; calyx-lobes broadly linear or oblong-linear, obtuse, 2 mm. long, 0.6 mm. wide; corolla 2.5 mm. long, the lobes narrowly ovate, obtuse, slightly shorter than the tube; stamens inserted above the base of the corolla, exceeding the lobes, the anthers oval, 0.8 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets, Rio Yoa, near Baracoa, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 3. Phialanthus revolutus Urban, Repert. Sp. Nov. 17: 407. 1921. A tree as much as 6.5 meters high, the branchlets glabrous, resinous, the internodes 1—5 mm. long; stipule-sheath truncate, 1 mm. long; petioles stout, 2—5 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong or oblong-lanceolate, broadest at or near the middle, 2-3 cm. long, 7-10 mm. wide, obtuse, gradually narrowed to the petiole, rigid-coriaceous, resinous, lustous, the costa prominent on Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 28% ~ the upper surface, the nerves inconspicuous, the margin revolute; inflorescences umbellately 8-12-flowered, the peduncle 1—-1.5 mm. long, the pedicels 0.4 mm. long; hypanthium oblong; calyx-lobes 4, obovate-oblong, 1.5 mm. long, obtuse. TYPE LocALIty: Healthshire Hills, near Salt Island, Jamaica. DiSTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 4. Phialanthus resinifluus Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 140. 1866. Branchlets puberulent, resinous; stipule-sheath subtruncate; leaves short-petiolate, the blades lanceolate, 3—7 cm. long, 0.8—2 cm. wide, acute or attenuate at the apex, attenuate to the base, coriaceous, glabrous, the lateral nerves mostly obsolete; inflorescence few-flowered, the peduncles as long as the petioles, the pedicels about as long as the hypanthium; calyx-lobes spatulate, subequal, shorter than the hypanthium; corolla about equaling the calyx-lobes, the lobes rounded-ovate; filaments twice as long as the corolla; the anthers oval-oblong. TYPE Locality: Near Monte Verde, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Thickets, Oriente and Pinar del Rio, Cuba. 5. Phialanthus oblongatus Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 161. 1923. A small tree, the younger branches quadrangular, minutely spreading-pilose, resinous, the internodes 1-3 mm. long; stipule-sheath 1 mm. long, truncate; petioles 1 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong or elliptic-oblong, broadest at or near the middle, 8-15 mm. long, 3-6 mm. wide, rigid- coriaceous, rounded at the apex, narrowed to the petiole, scarcely lustrous above, the costa prominulous or sulcate, the nerves obsolete, the margin revolute, paler beneath; inflorescences subsessile, 3-flowered, the involucre 2 mm. long, the flowers sessile, 4-parted; hypanthium narrowly cylindric, slightly attenuate below; calyx-lobes broadly linear or spatulate-linear, obtuse, 1.5 mm. long, 0.6 mm. wide; corolla 3.5 mm. long, the tube turbinate, the lobes ovate, obtuse, half as long as the tube; stamens inserted above the base of the corolla, long-exserted, the filaments 4.8 mm. long, the anthers oval, 1 mm. long; style 5 mm. long, slightly thickened at the apex. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets in eruptive soil, El Paraiso, near Holguin, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 6. Phialanthus ellipticus Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 161. 1923. A small tree, the younger branches quadrangular, minutely papillose-pilose, resinous, the internodes 3-5 mm. long; stipule-sheath 1—-1.5 mm. long; petioles 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic or elliptic-oblong, broadest at the middle, 1.3-2.2 cm. long, 5—9 mm. wide, obtuse, nar- rowed to the base, rigid-coriaceous, dark-green above, the costa impressed, the nerves none or very obscure, the margin narrowly revolute; inflorescences sessile, 3-flowered, the igvolucre campanulate, 2.5—-3 mm. long, irregularly lobulate, the lobes subulate or triangular, the flowers sessile; hypanthium obovoid; calyx-lobes 4, oblong or obovate-oblong, rounded at the apex, 1.5-1.8 mm. long, 0.8-0.9 mm. wide; corolla 2.8 mm. long, white, the lobes triangular, slightly shorter than the tube; stamens inserted at the base of the corolla, exserted, the filaments 3 mm. long, the anthers oval-elliptic, 0.8 mm. long. TYPE LocALity: Thickets near Rio Piloto, Oriente, Cuba. _ , DISTRIBUTION: Rocky thickets, Oriente, Cuba, at an elevation of about 700 meters. 7. Phialanthus rigidus Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 140. 1866. Aslender shrub, 3—4.5 meters high, the branches grayish, erect, roughened by the persistent stipules, the branchlets resinous, papillose-scaberulous, densely leafly; stipule-sheath | mm, long or shorter, truncate; petioles stout, 1-2.5 mm. long; leaf-blades narrowly lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 1.5—3.5 cm. long, 0.3-0.8 cm. wide, attenuate to the rounded or obtuse apex, attenuate to the base, rigid-coriaceous, very lustrous, glabrous, the lateral nerves obsolete, green above, the costa prominulous but embedded, pale beneath, brownish, the costa salient, the margin strongly revolute; inflorescence few-flowered, sessile or short-pedunculate, the flowers 284 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 very short-pedicellate; hypanthium scaberulous, the calyx-lobes spatulate, obtuse, in fruit 1.5-2 mm. long, glabrous; corolla white, about 2 mm. long, the lobes rounded, half as long as the tube; anthers much exceeding the corolla. Type LocaLity: Near San Marcos, western Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Cuba. ; ILLUSTRATION: E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 44: f. 35, L, M. 8. Phialanthus macrostemon Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 209 OHS? A shrub or small tree, the branches stout, brownish or whitish, roughened by the persistent stipules, the branchlets minutely papillose-scaberulous, resinous, with very short internodes; stipule-sheath 2 mm. long; petioles stout, 4-5 mm. long, papillose-scaberulous; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong or narrowly elliptic, 4-5 cm. long, 12-17 mm. wide, broadest at or near the middle, narrowed to the rounded apex, acute or attenuate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous, deep- green and lustrous above, the costa subimpressed, brownish beneath, the costa stout, salient, the nerves obsolete, the margin thickened and revolute; inflorescence few-flowered, short- pedunculate, the flowers sessile or nearly so; calyx-lobes spatulate, obtuse, in anthesis 1.5—2 mm. long, glabrous; corolla 3.5 mm. long, the lobes ovate-oval, rounded at the apex, less than half as long as the tube; stamens long-exserted, the anthers exceeding the corolla-lobes. TYPE LOCALITY: Pinar de El Purio, Cabonico, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hillsides, Cuba. 9. Phialanthus stillans Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 140. 1866. Branches roughened by the persistent stipules, the branchlets densely leafy; stipule-sheath truncate, ciliolate; leaves subsessile, the blades narrowly elliptic-oblong, 1.6—3.2 cm. long, 0.4-0.9 em. wide, obtuse, acute at the base, coriaceous, glabrous, the lateral nerves obsolete; inflorescence 1—few-flowered, sessile or short-pedunculate; calyx-lobes oblong, obtuse, 1 mm. long; corolla nearly 2 mm. long, the lobes obovate-oblong, rounded at the apex, much longer than the tube; anthers oblong. TYPE LOCALITY: Summit of Mount Guajarb6n, western Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Limestone hillsides, Pinar del Rio and perhaps elsewhere in western Cuba. 10. Phialanthus myrtilloides Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 335. 1861. A shrub 1-3 meters high, densely branched, the branches stout or slender, the branchlets scaberulous, resinous, with very short or elongate internodes; stipule-sheath 1 mm. long, sub- truncate; petioles stout, 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades narrowly oblong or elliptic-oblong, broadest at or near the middle, 2-5 cm. long, 0.5—-1.8 cm. wide, narrowed to the very obtuse apex, acute at the base, coriaceous, glabrous or scaberulous near the base, dark-green and more or less lustrous above, the costa prominent or toward the apex subimpressed, beneath pale, the costa stout, prominent, the nerves obsolete, the margin revolute; inflorescences few-flowered, sessile or subsessile, the flowers short-pedicellate; calyx and hypanthium glabrous or obscurely puberu- lent, the 4 calyx-lobes spatulate, obtuse, 1—1.5 mm. long; corolla 2 mm. long; anthers shorter than the corolla-lobes; fruit narrowly cylindric, 1.5 mm. long, contracted at the base, brownish, scaberulous or glabrate, crowned by the persistent calyx-lobes. TYPE LOCALITY: Bahamas. DISTRIBUTION: Thickets and pinelands, Bahamas; Camaguey and perhaps elsewhere in Cuba. ILLUSTRATION: Hook. Ic. pl. 1801. 83. SHAFEROCHARIS Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 412. 1912. Resinous shrubs, nearly glabrous, the branchlets terete. Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, rigid-coriaceous. Stipules interpetiolar, triangular, cuspidate or aristate, distinct or subconnate at the base. Inflorescence axillary, short-pedunculate, cymose-capitate, the flowers small, sessile, the bracts 2-4, small, deciduous; hypanthium oblong, laterally compressed; calyx 5-(rarely 4- or 6-)lobate, the lobes short, erect, persistent; corolla funnelform, the tube obconic, Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 285 glabrous within, the limb 4-lobate, the lobes valvate (?), recurved. Stamens 4, inserted above the base of the corolla-tube; filaments filiform; anthers ovate-oblong, dorsifixed, exserted. Disk short-conic. Ovary,2-celled; style filiform; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, elongate. Fruit capsular, oval or obovate, laterally compressed, 2-celled, the exocarp thin, the endocarp indurate, septicidally bivalvate. Seeds narrowly oblong. Type species, Shaferocharis cubensis Urban. The genus consists of a single species. 1. Shaferocharis cubensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 7: 413. 1912. Branches grayish, the branchlets stout, resinous, scaberulous, densely leafy; stipules cori- aceous, 4-5 mm. long, scaberulous outside, persistent; petioles 1-1.5 mm. long; leaf-blades oval-elliptic or elliptic-oblong, 1—-1.7 cm. long, 0.4—0.8 cm. wide, obtuse or acutish, obtuse at the base, green above, lustrous, minutely scaberulous, the costa impressed, the lateral nerves obsolete or subimpressed, beneath paler, resinous, lustrous, glabrous, the lateral nerves obsolete; inflorescence usually 3-flowered, the peduncles 1-4 mm. long, the bracts 4-7 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium minutely pilose, the calyx 1-1.3 mm. long, the lobes lanceolate or linear; corolla 4 mm. long, the lobes narrowly ovate or ovate-triangular, about as long as the tube; anthers 2 mm. long; fruit 3 mm. long, 1.7 mm. broad, minutely pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Campo La Gloria, near Sierra Moa, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Vicinity of the type locality. 84. CHIOCOCCA P. Br. Hist. Jam. 164. 1756. Siphonandra Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mose. 211: 581. 1848. Shrubs or small trees, often scandent or sarmentose, glabrous or pubescent, with terete branchlets. Leaves opposite, petiolate, membranaceous to coriaceous. Stipules broad, usually cuspidate, persistent. Flowers small, whitish, pedicellate, arranged in axillary, simple or paniculate, more or less secund racemes; hypanthium ovoid or turbinate, compressed; calyx 5-lobate, persistent, the lobes short; corolla funnelform, the throat glabrous, the limb 5-lobate, the lobes spreading or reflexed, valvate. Stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla; filaments coherent at the base, pilose; anthers linear, basifixed, included or exserted. Disk swol- len. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform, the stigma cylindric or clavate, entire or bilobate; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, compressed. Fruit drupaceous, small, coriaceous, usually much compressed and orbicular, 2-carpidiate. Seeds pendulous, laterally compressed, the testa membranaceous; endosperm copious, fleshy; embryo axial, small, straight, the cotyle- dons ovate, the radicle terete, superior. Type species, Chiococca racemosa 1. Anthers nearly or quite equaling the corolla-lobes, sometimes longer, the fila- ments exserted. 1. C. phaenostemon. Anthers only slightly exceeding the corolla-tube or included, the filaments wholly included. Leaves short-pilose. 3. C. pubescens. Leaves glabrous. Limb of the corolla 8-10 mm. wide; calyx-lobes semiorbicular or almost obsolete; leaf-blades mostly 3.5-6 cm. wide; fruit scarcely com- pressed. 2. C. pachyphylla. Limb of the corolla 3-6 mm. wide; calyx-lobes usually acute or acutish; leaf-blades mostly narrower; fruit strongly compressed. Corolla-lobes about 0.5 mm. long; inflorescence subcapitate, sessile. 4. C. capitata. Corolla-lobes 1 mm. long or usually longer; inflorescence racemose or paniculate, pedunculate. Corolla 10-11 mm. long. 5. C. cubensis. Corolla 3-8 mm. long. : Corolla 6-8 mm. long. 6. C. alba. Corolla 3-4 mm. long. Inflorescence paniculate; apex of the leaf acute; lateral Per nerves of the leaves prominulous beneath. 7. C. parvifolia. Inflorescence racemose; apex of the leaf obtuse; lateral : nerves mostly obsolete beneath. 8. C. pinetorum. 286 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 1. Chiococca phaenostemon Schlecht. Linnaea 9: 594. 1834. Chiococca staminea Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 111: 231. 1844. A shrub or small tree, the branches sometimes elongate and scandent, reported to attain a length of 12 m., glabrous or obscurely puberulent, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 2-3 mm. long, mucronate or subulate-cuspidate; petioles 3-10 mm. long; leaf-blades mostly ovate-oblong or lance-oblong, sometimes ovate, elliptic, or narrowly elliptic-oblong, 3.5—12 em. long, 1.5—5.5 em. wide, acuminate or long-acuminate, rarely acutish or subacuminate, rounded to acutish at the base, often short-decurrent, chartaceous or coriaceous, glabrous, green above, lustrous, the costa prominulous, the nerves prominulous or almost obsolete, beneath paler, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, the margin plane or subrevolute; racemes usually paniculate, the inflorescence pedunculate, often longer than the leaves, commonly many-flowered, the branches obscurely puberulent or glabrous, the pedicels 5 mm. long or shorter, the bracts sometimes 2.5 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium 2—3 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx shorter than the hypanthium, the lobes short, broadly deltoid, obtuse or acutish; corolla 5-8 mm. long, glabrous, yellowish-white, the lobes deltoid-oblong to narrowly oblong, obtuse, equaling or longer than the tube; filaments and anthers exserted, the anthers 3-4 mm. long; fruit white, compressed, glabrous, 5—7 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Jalapa, Veracruz. DISTRIBUTION: Wet mountains forests, Veracruz and Puebla to Guatemala; Costa Rica; usually at elevations of 750 to 1800 meters. 2. Chiococca pachyphylla Wernham, Jour. Bot. 51: 323. 1913. A shrub or small tree, glabrous except for the inflorescence, the branches brownish-fuscous, rugulose, the branchlets green, with short or elongate internodes; stipules 2—4.5 mm. long, subtruncate, mucronate; petioles stout, 8-14 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic, oval-elliptic, broadly oblong, or ovate, 7-14 cm. long, 2.5—6 cm. wide, short-acuminate to acute or subobtuse, rounded to acute at the base, usually short-decurrent, rigid-coriaceous to subcoriaceous, green and lus- trous above, the costa more or less sulcate, the lateral nerves prominulous, beneath paler, the costa prominent, slender, the lateral nerves prominulous, the margin plane or revolute; inflores- cence paniculate, many-flowered, lax, often equaling or exceeding the leaves, pedunculate, the branches obscurely puberulent or glabrous, the pedicels 2-5 mm. long, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 2.5—3 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx half as long as the hypanthium, the lobes very short, semiorbicular; corolla 7-8 mm. long, glabrous, reddish outside, yellowish or whitish within, the throat 5 mm. wide, the lobes ovate-oval, rounded at the apex, two thirds as long as the tube; anthers 2.5 mm. long, semi-exserted; fruit subglobose, scarcely compressed, 6-7 mm. in diameter, white; seeds dark-brown, 3 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Between Acatlan and Chiconquiaco, Veracruz. DISTRIBUTION: Mountain forest, Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon to Jalisco and Veracruz. Norte: Usually this species may be recognized at once by the subglobose fruit, which is scarcely at all compressed, that of the other species being commonly strongly compressed and disklike. This character is not an infallible one, however. Specimens from British Honduras, here referred to C. alba, also have subglobose fruit, and in specimens dried with little pressure the fruit sometimes becomes much thickened as it shrinks in drying. The British Honduras specimens certainly are not C. pachyphylla, and they may represent an undescribed species, but flowers are needed to deter- mine this point. The leaves of C. pachyphylla, as here treated, vary considerably in form and tex- ture, and it is possible that two distinct species are represented, but, if so, the line of separation is not apparent to the writer. 3. Chiococca pubescens Standley, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 209. 1919. A shrub, the older branches brownish, terete, the younger ones green, short-pilose at first, the internodes shorter than the leaves; stipules 1.5—2 mm. long, subulate-cuspidate from a broad base; petioles 2-4 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate, oblong-ovate, or oval-ovate, 3-6 cm. long, 1.2— 3.2 em. wide, subacuminate or short-acuminate, rounded or obtuse at the base, chartaceous, green above, sparsely short-pilose when young, becoming glabrous, the costa and nerves promin- ulous, beneath paler, densely short-pilose or subtomentose when young, often glabrate in age, Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 287 the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, the margin plane or subrevolute; racemes few-flowered, short-pedunculate, usually shorter than the leaves but sometimes longer, the pedicels 2-4 mm. long, short-pilose, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 2.5 mm. long, densely short-pilose, the calyx-lobes deltoid, acute; corolla 5-6 mm. long, sparsely villosulous or glabrate, the lobes triangular-oblong, obtuse, nearly as long as the tube; anthers semi-exserted; fruit 3-4 mm. long, compressed, short-pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Vicinity of San Luis Tultitlanapa, Puebla. DISTRIBUTION: Tamaulipas, Puebla, and Oaxaca. Nore: From all other species of the genus, this is distinguished at once by the copious pubescence of the foliage. 4. Chiococca capitata Wernham, Jour. Bot. 51: 323. 1913. Glabrous throughout, the branches grayish, the branchlets striate; petioles 6 mm. long or shorter; leaf-blades elliptic, 3—-4.7 cm. long, 1.5—2 cm. wide, narrowed to each end and acute, chartaceous, the lateral nerves obscure; cymes subcapitate, sessile, many-flowered, about 1 cm. broad, the pedicels 1.5 mm. long or shorter; calyx-lobes narrowly lanceolate, less than 1 mm. long; corolla 5-6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide in the throat, the lobes about 0.5 mm. long, reflexed; apices of the anthers exserted. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Jamaica. 5. Chiococca cubensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 163. 1923. Chiococca nitida Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 134. 1866. Not C. nitida Benth. 1841. A glabrous scandent shrub, the branches terete, the younger ones slightly resinous; stipules very short, scarcely apiculate; petioles stout, 7-20 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate to oblong, 6-11 em. long, 2.5-6.5 cm. wide, obtuse to long-acuminate, at the base acute or obtuse and abruptly contracted, chartaceous to coriaceous, lustrous above, olivaceous, the costa prominent, the nerves subimpressed, the costa prominent beneath, stout, the lateral nerves 5—7 on each side, prominulous, anastomosing near the margin; panicles many-flowered, up to 5 cm. long, the peduncles 6-15 mm. long, the bracts lanceolate or triangular, 0.5—1 mm. long, the pedicels 1.5-2 mm. long; hypanthium narrowly obovoid, the calyx obsoletely undulate-denticulate; corolla yellow, 10-11 mm. long, the tube 3 mm. wide in the throat, attenuate to the base, the + lobes short-ovate, obtuse, one fourth as long as the tube; filaments adnate to the base of the corolla, pubescent below the middle, 4 mm. long, the anthers linear, 3.5 mm. long; style 11 mm. long obsoletely bilobate; fruit obovate, 7 mm. long, 4 mm. wide. TYPE LOCALITY: Thickets, Rio Piedra, Sierra de Nipe, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Thickets and pinelands of Oriente, Cuba. 6. Chiococca alba (L.) Hitchc. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 4: 94. 1893. Lonicera alba 1,. Sp. Pl. 175. 1753. Chiococca racemosa 1,. Syst. Nat. ed. 10.917. 1759. Chiococca racemosa var. scandens Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 209. 1805. Chiococca racemosa var. longifolia DC. Prodr. 4: 482. 1830. Chiococca racemosa var. floridana DC. Prodr. 4: 482. 1830. Chiococca densifclia var. cubensis DC. Prodr. 4: 482. 1830. Chiococca anguifuga DC. Prodr. 4: 482. 1830. Chiococca latifolia Raf. Alsog. 75. 1838. Chiococca floridana Raf. Alsog. 75. 1838. Chiococca macrocarpa Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 11': 230. 1844. Chiococca coriacea Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 11': 231. 1844. Chiococca racemosa var. Jacquiniana Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 337. 1861. Chiococca bermudiana S. Brown, Proc. Acad. Phila. 61: 493. 1910. Chiococca racemosa var. yucatana Loesener, Repert. Sp. Nov. 18: 361. 1922. A shrub or rarely a small tree, the branches usually spreading and often trailing or even high-scandent, grayish or brownish, lenticellate, the branchlets slender, green, glabrous or ob- scurely puberulent, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 1-2 mm. long, the base broad, mucronate or subulate-acuminate; petioles stout or slender, 2-10 mm. long; leaf-blades very variable, usually ovate or oval-ovate, sometimes lanceolate, elliptic, or rounded-oval, 2.5—9 288 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 em. long, 1—4+.5 cm. wide, or even larger, usually short-acuminate, sometimes acute, attenuate, or obtuse, rounded and short-decurrent at the base or acute or acuminate, chartaceous or cori- aceous, glabrous, green above, lustrous, the costa prominent, the nerves often prominulous, paler beneath, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves usually prominulous but not conspicuous, sometimes obsolete, the margin plane or revolute; inflorescence racemose or paniculate, peduncu- late, few- or many-flowered, the branches glabrous or puberulent, the flowers pedicellate, the pedicels sometimes 1 mm. long, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 2—2.5 mm. long, glabrous or obscurely puberulent, the calyx equaling or shorter than the hypanthium, the calyx-lobes subulate to broadly deltoid, usually acutish; corolla 6-8 mm. long, white or yel- lowish, usually glabrous outside, rarely minutely pilose, the throat 2-3 mm. wide, the lobes triangular or narrowly triangular, obtuse or acutish, from one third to more than half as long as the tube; anthers about 3 mm. long, included, or the tips rarely exserted; fruit white, juicy, orbicular, +8 mm. long, strongly compressed, glabrous; seeds dark-brown, 3-4 mm. long, minutely puncticulate. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Florida; southwestern Texas to Dawes California, southward through most of tropical America to Bolivia and Argentina; Bermuda and the West Indies; growing chiefly at low elevations, and usually most plentiful in thickets near the seashore. ILLUSTRATIONS: Sloane, Hist. Jam. pl. 188, f. 3; Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Pict. pl. 69; Descourt. FI. Ant. pl. 292; Andr. Bot. Rep. pl. 284; Hook. Exot. F1. pl. 93; Dill. Hort. Elth. pl. 228, f. 295; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 44: f. 35, G-K; Gaertn. Frict. pl. 26; Lam. Tab. Encyc. pl. 160; Britton, FI. Bermuda f. 393; Plum. Pl. Am. ed. Burm. pl. 217, f. 2; Baillon, Hist. Pl. 7: 297. Norte: The species is a highly v ariable one, as might be expected on account of its exceptionally wide range, which covers most of tropical and subtropical America. Although various segregates have been proposed, and the South American forms, in particular, have been referred to a distinct species, there is no reason for believing that the material is susceptible of division into several species. 7. Chiococca parvifolia Wullschl.; Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 337. 1861. Chiococca racemosa var. parvifolia A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 17: 30,in part. 1884. Chiococca alba var. parvifolia Urban, Symb. Ant. 8: 675. 1921. A scandent shrub, glabrous throughout, the branches slender, dark-brown or grayish, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 0.5—1 mm. ee mucronate; petioles slender, 3-8 mm. long; leaf-blades lanceolate, ovate, or oval-ovate, 4.5—7.5 cm. long, 1—2.8 cm. wide, attenuate to the apex or acute or short-acuminate, rounded to guia at the base, chartaceous or subcoriace- ous, almost concolorous, lustrous above, the costa prominent, the nerves evident. usually prominulous, the costa prominent beneath, slender, the lateral nerves prominulous, the margin subrevolute; inflorescence usually paniculate and many-flowered, slender-pedunculate, com- monly longer than the leaves, the pedicels slender, 1.5-3 mm. long, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 1—1.3 mm. long, the calyx shorter than the hypanthium, the lobes minute, broadly deltoid, acutish; corolla 3.5-4 mm. long, the lobes triangular-oblong, half as long as the tube or longer; anthers usually semi-exserted; fruit about 4 mm. long, white. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Jamaica, chiefly in mountain thickets or forest. Note: The plant here described is probably nothing more than a variety of C. alba, differing from that species in little else than the small corollas. 8. Chiococca pinetorum Britton; Millsp. Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 2: 171. 1906. Chiococca racemosa var. parvifolia A. Gray, Syn. FI. 17: 30, excluding synonym. 1884. A diffuse or often prostrate shrub, the branches slender, elongate, grayish, the branchlets green, glabrous, the internodes usually elongate; stipules 1-1.5 mm. long. the base broad, subu- late-mucronate; petioles stout, 1-4 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate, elliptic, or oval-ovate, 1—-4.5 cm. long, 0.5—2.3 cm. wide, obtuse or acute, rounded to acute at the base and short-decurrent, coriaceous, glabrous, green and lustrous above, the costa prominulous, the lateral nerves usually obsolete, sometimes prominulous, beneath paler, the costa prominent toward the base, the lateral nerves obsolete, the margin plane or revolute; inflorescence cymose or racemose, few- Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 289 flowered, short-pedunculate, usually shorter than the leaves, the branches obscurely puberulent or glabrous, the pedicels 1-2 mm. long, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 1.5 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx shorter than the hypanthium, the lobes minute, broadly deltoid, acutish; corolla ochroleucous, 4 mm. long, glabrous, the lobes triangular, half as long as the tube or shorter; anthers 2 mm. long, included; fruit white, 4-4.5 mm. long, strongly com- pressed; seeds brown, 2—2.5 mm. long. TYPE LocALIty: Near Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas. DISTRIBUTION: In pinelands, southern Florida; Bahamas. Nore: Like C. parvifolia, this probably is only a small-flowered variety of C. alba, although the leaf-form of the present species is more or less distinctive. DOUBTFUL OR EXCLUDED SPECIES CHIOCOCCA ALTERNIFOLIA L. Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 2: 165. 1767. A synonym of Cestrum alternifolium (Jacq.) O. FE. Schulz. CHIOCOCCA AXILLARIS Moc. (DC. Prodr. 4: 483, as synonym. 1830); Sessé & Moe. Pl. Nov. Hisp. 36. 1887. A synonym of Symphoricarpos microphyllus HBK. CHIOCOCCA BARBIGERA (DC.) D. Dietr. Syn. Pl. 1: 777. 1839. (Margaris barbigera DC. Prodr. 4: 483. 1830). A synonym of Symphoricarpos microphyllus HBK. Curococca NocTURNA (L.) Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. 16. 1760. A synonym of Cestrum nocturnum I. CHIOCOCCA NUDIFLORA (DC.) D. Dietr. Syn. Pl. 1: 777. 1839. (Margaris nudiflora DC. Prodr. 4: 483. 1830). Probably referable to Symphoricarpos microphyllus HBK. CHIOCOCCA PANICULATA Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mex. ed. 2.58. 1894. Described from Cérdoba, Veracruz. According to the description, scarcely of this genus. SIPHONANDRA MEXICANA Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 21!: 581. 1848. Described from Oaxaca. The genus has been referred to Chiococca, with which the description agrees well. If it is referred here correctly, the plant must be closely related to Chiococca phaenostemon Schlecht., but the calyx and corolla are described as sericeous. 85. ASEMNANTHE Hook. f. in Hook. Ic. 12: 40. Ap 1873. Slender pubescent shrubs, with terete branchlets. Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, sub- coriaceous. Stipules interpetiolar, small, persistent. Flowers small, in few-flowered axillary fascicles, yellow, short-pedicellate, the pedicels bracteolate, the bractlets subulate; hypanthiym ~ ovoid; calyx 4-lobate, the lobes elongate, persistent; corolla urceolate-tubular, pubescent out- side, the throat slightly contracted, glabrous, the limb 4-lobate, the lobes small, erect-patent, acute, valvate. Stamens 4, inserted at the base of the corolla; filaments pilose; anthers linear- oblong, basifixed, obtuse, included. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform, the stigma obtuse, exserted; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, the funicle very short. Fruit drupaceous, suborbicular, laterally compressed, bicarpidiate, chartaceous when dry. Seeds pendulous, laterally compressed, the testa membranaceous; endosperm copious, fleshy; embryo small, straight, the radicle terete, superior. Type species, Asemnanthe pubescens Hook. f. The genus consists of a single species. The generic name was later changed (perhaps accidentally) by Hooker to Asemnantha (Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 105. Jl 1873). 1. Asemnanthe pubescens Hook. f. in Hook. Ic. 12: 40. 1873. A slender shrub, reported, probably in error, to attain a height of 6 meters, commonly about 1 meter high, the branches grayish-brown, often roughened by the peristent stipules, the branchlets hirtellous, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 3-5 mm. long, subulate-acumi- nate from a broad base; petioles 2-4 mm. long, hirtellous; leaf-blades lanceolate, ovate, broadly ovate, or elliptic, 2.5—7 cm. long, 0.8—2.3 cm. wide, gradually narrowed to the acute or attenuate 290 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 apex, rounded to acute at the base, concolorous, more or less lustrous above, short-pilose when young, often glabrate in age, the costa prominuolus, the nerves mostly obsolete, beneath densely pilose, at least when young, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves inconspicuous, the the margin usually plane; flowers few in each fascicle, the pedicels very short; calyx and hypan- thium short-pilose, the calyx-lobes lance-linear, attenuate, about 4 mm. long, spreading in fruit; corolla half longer than the calyx-lobes, short-pilose, the lobes rounded-deltoid, acutish, about one sixth as long as the tube; fruit 4-4.5 mm. long, short-pilose. TYPE LOCALITY: Yucatan. DISTRIBUTION: Dry thickets or open forest, Yucatan to northern British Honduras. ILLUSTRATIONS: Hook. Ic, pl. 1145; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 44: f. 35, S, T. 86. CHIONE DC. Prodr. 4: 461. 1830. Crusea A. Rich. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. 5: 204. 1834. Not Crusea Schlecht. & Cham. 1830. Sacconia Endl. Gen. 541. 1838. Trees or shrubs, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves opposite, petiolate, coriaceous. Stipules small, caducous, usually short-connate. Flowers small, white, in terminal pedunculate cymes or corymbs, the pedicels bracteolate; hypanthium turbinate; calyx cupular, 5-lobate or 5-den- tate or almost entire, persistent; corolla funnelform, short, broad, the throat naked, the limb 5-lobate, the lobes imbricate, 2 of them exterior. Stamens 5, inserted above the base of the corolla-tube; filaments stout; anthers large, exserted, linear-oblong, obtuse, dorsifixed. Disk swollen. Ovary 2-celled; style stout, the branches linear-oblong, obtuse, exserted, divaricate; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, the funicle thickened. Fruit drupaceous, ovoid or ellipsoid, the putamen osseous, sulcate, 2-celled. Seeds elongate, terete, the testa membranaceous; endosperm fleshy; embryo terete, elongate, the cotyledons minute, the radicle elongate, obtuse. Type species, Crusea glabra A. Rich. Cymes 3-flowered; leaf-blades 1.2—3.5 cm. long. Calyx dentate; inflorescence short-pedunculate; leaf-blades elliptic or elliptic- oblong. 1. C. myrtifolia. Calyx truncate; inflorescence subsessile; leaf-blades obovate or obovate- elliptic. 2. C. seminervis. Cymes many-flowered; leaf-blades 3.5—14 cm. long. Fruit 5 mm. long; lobes of the corolla about one fifth as long as the tube. SEG messeria Fruit 8 mm. long or longer; lobes of the corolla half as long as the tube or longer. Lobes of the corolla as long as the tube; leaf-blades oval or elliptic. Nerves prominulous on the upper leaf-surface; fruit 8-10 mm. long. 4. C. cubensis. Nerves impressed on the upper leaf-surface; fruit 11-12 mm. long. 5. C. impressa. Lobes of the corolla half as long as the tube; leaf-blades oblong or narrowly elliptic-oblong. Anthers longer than the filaments; corolla 6-7 mm. long. 6. C. venosa. Anthers shorter than the filaments; corolla 4-5 mm. long. Calyx-lobes almost obsolete; anthers 1.2—2 mm. long. 7. C. lucida. Calyx-lobes conspicuous; anthers 2.5—3 mm. long. 8. C. mexicana. 1. Chione myrtifolia Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. II. 8: 507. 1862. A shrub or small tree, the branches terete, brownish, the branchlets stout, subcompressed, obscurely puberulent, with short internodes; stipules 1.5 mm. long, short-connate at the base, the lobes deltoid, acute; petioles stout, 2-4 mm. long; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong, elliptic, or ovate, 1.2—3.5 em. long, 0.5—1.8 cm. wide, very obtuse to subacute, at the base obtuse or acute, coriaceous, lustrous, green above, the costa impressed, the nerves obsolete, paler beneath, the costa slender, prominent, the lateral nerves obscure or obsolete, the margin revolute; cymes 3-flowered, the peduncles 0.5—2.5 em. long, the flowers pedicellate, the bractlets small, subulate; calyx 1 mm. long, the lobes semiorbicular; corolla 5 mm. long, the lobes suborbicular, nearly as long as the tube; fruit ellipsoid, black, 9 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: La Perla, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Cuba, in thickets in Santa Clara and Pinar del Rio and probably elsewhere, sometimes on serpentine or in coastal thickets. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 291 2. Chione seminervis Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 59. 1926. A tree, the trunk as much as 10 cm. in diameter, the young branches very minutely pilose, resinous at the apex, more or less incrusted below with yellowish-white resin, the older branches terete, their internodes 5—12 mm. long; stipules 1.5 mm. long, suborbicular, connate near the base; petioles stout, 2-4 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate or obovate-elliptic, 1.7—3 em. long, 0.8-1.6 cm. wide, subobtuse, acute at the base, coriaceous, dark-green on the upper surface, the costa impressed, the lateral nerves 5 or 6 on each side, prominulous, the blades paler beneath, the nerves prominulous; inflorescences terminal, subsessile, cymosely 3-flowered, the flowers subsessile; hypanthium subcylindric, slightly ampliate above; calyx truncate, 1.2 mm. long: corolla white, 9 mm. long, the tube ampliate above, 4.5 mm. broad in the throat, the lobes semiorbicular, 1.5 mm. long; stamens inserted slightly below the middle of the corolla-tube, the filaments glabrous, the anthers oblong-linear, subemarginate at each end, 1.5 mm. long; style glabrous. TYPE LOCALITY: Dense mountain forest near Nouvelle Touraine, Morne de la Selle, Haiti, in eruptive soil, altitude 1700 m. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Haiti, at elevations of 900-1700 meters. 3. Chione exserta (DC.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 8:675. 1921. Psychotria coriacea Spreng. Syst. 1: 742. 1825. Not P.coriacea Poir. 1804. Psychotria exserta DC. Prodr. 4: 517. 1830. Chione coriacea Urban, Symb. Ant. 3: 380. 1903. A shrub 1.3 meters high, glabrous except the inflorescence, the branches terete, grayish, the branchlets compressed or subterete, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 6-7 mm. long, short-connate at the base, the lobes triangluar or triangular-ovate, obtuse or apiculate; petioles stout, 6-10 mm. long; leaf-blades narrowly oval, obovate-elliptic, or oblong, 6—11.5 em. long, 2—4.5 cm. wide, rounded to obtuse at the apex, rarely subacute, gradually narrowed to the base, subcoriaceous, lustrous above, the costa plane or subimpressed, the nerves obscure or prominulous, olivaceous beneath, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, 10-12 on each side, ascending at an angle of about 70°, the margin subrevolute; inflorescence paniculate or subcorymbose, minutely pilosulous, the peduncle 2.5—7 cm. long, the pedicels 1-2 mm. long, tke bracts 0.5—1.5 mm. long; calyx 0.5—0.8 mm. long, the teeth deltoid or ob- solete; corolla white, 6 mm. long, the 5 lobes semiorbicular, about 1 mm. long; anthers linear, 2.3 mm. long, apiculate; fruit ovoid-ellipsoid, 5 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of Santo Domingo. 4. Chione cubensis A. Rich. in Sagra, Hist. Cuba 11:22. 1850. Chione elliptica Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. II. 8:507. 1862. A tree, sometimes 18 meters high, glabrous throughout, the branches slender, grayish or brownish, the branchlets subcompressed, with short or elongate internodes; stipules ovate- lanceolate, caducous; petioles stout, 3-10 mm. long; leaf-blades suborbicular, oval, or elliptic, 3.5-11 em. long, 1.5—6 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, rounded to acutish at the base, often short-decurrent, coriacecus, green above, lustrous, the costa impressed, the lateral nerves prominulous or obscure, slightly paler beneath, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves promi- nulous, distant, the margin more or less revolute; inflorescence cymose-corymbose, usually many-flowered, the peduncles slender, 1.5—5 cm. long, the pedicels stout, 2-10 mm. long, the bracts minute; calyx 1 mm. long, the lobes semiorbicular; corolla white, 6 mm. long, the lobes suborbicular, about as long as the tube; anthers 3 mm. long; fruit ellipsoid, 8-10 mm. long, lustrous. TYPE LOCALITY: Vuelta de Abajo, Cuba. ; DISTRIBUTION: Cuba, in thickets or forests of hills and mountains. 292 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 5. Chione impressa Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:532. 1928. A shrub or a medium-sized tree, the young branches terete, more or less plicate-striate when dried, glabrous; stipules lance-acuminate from a broad base, connate at the base, 2-3 mm. long, soon deciduous; petioles 3-10 mm. long; leaf-blades rhombic to oblanceolate, rarely ovate, usually broadest above the middle, shortly or very shortly acuminate, with an acute or obtuse apex, cuneately narrowed to the acute or somewhat decurrent base, pergamentaceous or subcoriaceous, 2.5—5 em. long, 1-3 em. wide, dark-green above, glabrous, rugulose, the costa impressed, the nerves impressed, paler or yellowish-green beneath, glabrous, the lateral nerves 4-6 on each side, ascending at an angle of 50—55°, prominulous and free or sometimes obsolete, the margin narrowly recurved or revolute; inflorescences corymbose, with 12 or fewer flowers, 2.5 cm. or less in breadth, the peduncles 1—2 cm. long; hypanthium obconic; calyx 0.5 mm. long, 4-crenate; corolla white, 6 mm. long, the lobes equaling the tube, semiorbicular, 4.5 mm. wide; filaments inserted near the base of the corolla-tube, 3 mm. long, the anthers broadly linear; style 5 mm. long, bilobate at the apex, the stigmas peltate; fruit oblong, 11-12 mm. long, 3-3.5 mm. wide. TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Oriente, Pinar del Rio, and Santa Clara, Cuba, in thickets or forests, chiefly on limestone rocks at an elevation of 600-800 meters. 6. Chione venosa (Sw.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 4:594. 1911. Jacquinia venosa Sw. Prodr. 47. 1788. Psychotria megalosperma Vahl, Eclog. 3:3. 1807. Chione glabra DC. Prodr. 4: 461. 1830. Crusea glabra A. Rich. Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. 5: 204. 1834. Sacconia glabra Endl.; Walp. Rep. 2: 487. 1843. A tree 5-15 meters high, glabrous throughout, the branches grayish or brownish, the branch- lets stout, subcompressed, the internodes very short; stipules deltoid, 3-4 mm. long, acute or acuminate, caducous; petioles stout, 0.5—2 cm. long; leaf-blades narrowly oblong, lance-oblong, or elliptic-oblong, 5.5-14 cm. long, 1.8—4.5 cm. wide, usually acute or obscurely acuminate, acute or acutish at the base, coriaceous, lustrous, green above, the costa subimpressed, the lateral nerves plane or prominulous, paler beneath, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, very slender, the margin usually revolute; inflorescence cymose-corymbose, many-flowered, the peduncles stout, 3-5.5 cm. long, the flowers partly sessile and partly pedicellate, the pedicels sometimes 12 mm. long, the bracts minute; hypanthium turbinate, 3-5 mm. long, the calyx about 1 mm. long, obscurely undulate; corolla white, 6-7 mm. long, the 5 lobes rounded, about half as long as the tube; anthers linear, 3 mm. long, longer than the filaments; fruit ovoid, angulate, black, 12-16 mm. long, 6-9 mm. thick, rounded at the base, truncate at the apex. TYPE LOCALITY: West Indies. DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico, Hispaniola, Lesser Antilles, and Tobago, usually in mountain forests or thickets. ILLUSTRATIONS: Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Par. 5: pl. 19, f. 1 (as Crusea nitida); E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 2 Yat ees eel O hee ie 7. Chione lucida Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. II. 8: 507. 1862. A small or large tree, glabrous throughout, the branches slender, dark-brown, rimose, with short or elongate internodes; stipules triangular-oblong, 6 mm. long, obtuse; petioles slender, 0.3-1.3 cm. long; leaf-blades oblong or elliptic-oblong, 3.5—8.5 em. long, 1-3.2 em. wide, obtuse, acute at the base, subcoriaceous, green and lustrous above, the costa subimpressed, the nerves plane or slightly prominulous, somewhat paler and brownish beneath, the costa slender, promi- nent, the lateral nerves divaricate at almost a right angle, slender, prominulous, the margin plane or subrevolute; cymes lax, the peduncles 1.5—3 cm. long, the flowers short-pedicellate; calyx and hypanthium 1.5—2 mm. long, the calyx-lobes rounded-deltoid or almost obsolete; corolla white, 4 mm. long, the limb 2.5-3 mm. broad, the 5 lobes semiorbicular, half as long as the tube or shorter; anthers 1.2—-2 mm. long, exserted, 6 mm. long, obtuse at the base, truncate at the apex. ‘TYPE LOCALITY: Forests near Monte Verde, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Dry forests, at about 800-900 m., Oriente, Cuba. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 293 8. Chione mexicana Standley, Jour. Wash. Acad. 17: 340. 1927. A small tree, glabrous throughout, the older branches slender, subterete, grayish, the inter- nodes mostly 1.5—3.5 em. long; stipules lance-deltoid, 4-5 mm. long, long-acuminate, caducous; petioles slender, 8-13 mm. long; leaf-blades oval-elliptic to narrowly elliptic-oblong, 6.5—12.5 cm. long, 2—6 cm. wide, abruptly contracted at the apex, with a short broad obtuse apex, acute to attenuate at the base, subcoriaceous, lustrous, deep-green above, the costa and nerves im- pressed, paler beneath, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves slender, 5 or 6 on each side, prominent, ascending at an acute angle, almost straight, coarsely and irregularly anastomosing remote from the plane margin; inflorescence cymose-cory mbose, densely many-flowered, long- pedunculate, 2—6 cm. broad, some of the flowers sessile, others on short stout pedicels, these in fruit sometimes 6 mm. long, the bracts minute; hypanthium narrowly turbinate, 2—2.5 mm. long, the calyx scarcely 1 mm. long, deeply 5-dentate, the teeth broadly triangular, acute to rounded at the apex; corolla white, 3.5—4 mm. long, the 5 lobes rounded, half as long as the tube, obscurely erose-denticulate; anthers linear-oblong, 2.5—-3 mm. long, exserted, slightly shorter than the filaments; fruit black, oblong-ellipsoid, 8-10 mm. long, 3 mm. thick, obtuse at the base, lustrous when dried. TYPE LOCALITY: Damp open forest, Zacuapam, Veracruz. DISTRIBUTION: Wet mountain forests of Tamaulipas and Veracruz. 87. -SCOLOSANTHUS Vahl, Eclog. 1:11. 1796. Shrubs with terete branchlets, usually armed with bifurcate or trifureate spines. Leaves opposite, often fasciculate, short-petiolate, usually lustrous above and chartaceous. Stipules interpetiolar, minute, usually connate into a truncate sheath. Flowers small, axillary, solitary or fasciculate, sometimes borne on the spines; hypanthium ovoid, compressed, the calyx 4-lobate, persistent; corolla funnelform, the throat naked, the limb 4-lobate, the lobes short, spreading, imbricate, 1 or 2 0f them exterior. Stamens 4, subadherent to the base of the corolla or free, coherent at the base into a short tube; filaments filiform, pilose; anthers basifixed, erect, linear, included. Disk minute. Ovary 2-celled; style elongate, glabrous; stigma clavate or bilobate; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, the funicle not thickened. Fruit drupaceous, compressed, oblong or oval, 1-celled, the exocarp succulent, the endocarp ligneous. Seed oblong, compressed, the testa thin; endosperm fleshy. Type species, Scolosanthus versicolor Vahl. The genus is confined to the West Indies. Leaves scaberulous on both surfaces. 1. S. bahamensis. Leaves glabrous. Leaf-blades large, 1.5—6 cm. long. Stipule-sheath truncate; flowers pedicellate; leaf-blades 2-6 cm. long. Stipule-sheath lobate, the lobes triangular-acuminate; flowers sessile; leaf-blades 1.5—2.5 cm. long. 3. S. densiflorus. Leaf-blades small, 0.3-1.5 cm. long. Leaf-blades mostly orbicular and nearly or quite as broad as long. bo DH . multiflorus. Calyx-lobes deltoid; leaf-blades broadest at or above the middle. 4. S. Wrightianus. Calyx-lobes suborbicular; leaf-blades broadest below the middle. 5. S. lucidus. Leaf-blades narrower, most of them much longer than broad. Branches (at least in the known specimens) unarmed. Leaf-blades mostly obovate or rounded-obovate. 6. S. granulatus. Leaf-blades ovate to elliptic-oblong. 7. S. strictus. Branches conspicuously armed with branched spines. $ Spines bifurcate. 8. S. versicolor. Spines mostly trifurcate. Leaf-blades membranaceous to chartaceous, the nerves often evident. 9. S. triacanthus. Leaf-blades thick-coriaceous, the nerves obsolete. = Calyx-lobes semiorbicular, rounded at the apex. . S. crucifer. Calyx-lobes deltoid, acute. 11. S. selleanus. 1. Scolosanthus bahamensis Britton, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3: A52> 1905. A densely and intricately branched shrub 2 meters high or less, somewhat resinous, the branches stout, grayish, the branchlets slender, green, resinous, densely papillose-scabrous, the 294 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 spines about 1 cm. long, slender, simple or trifurcate from the base, naked; stipule-sheath minute; leaves often fasciculate, very shortly petiolate, the blades ovate, ovate-rhombic, or oval-elliptic, 2-5 mm. long, 2-3 mm. wide, obtuse, acute or obtuse at the base, rigid-coriaceous, the venation obsolete, green and lustrous above, densely papillose-scabrous, paler beneath, minutely papillose or scabrous, the margin revolute; flowers solitary; fruit ellipsoid or globose, 2-4 mm. long, white, soft. TYPE LOCALITY: Coppice along Village Road, New Providence, Bahamas. DISTRIBUTION: Dry thickets and pinelands, Bahamas and Camaguey, Cuba. 2. Scolosanthus multiflorus (Sw.) Krug & Urban; Urban, Symb. Ant. 1:.4435 1899: Ixora multiflora Sw. Prodr. 30. 1788. Scolosanthus versicolor Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 335. 1861. Not S. versicolor Vahl, 1796. Scolosanthus grandifolius Krug & Urban; Urban (Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 15: 267, hyponym. 1897), Symb. Ant. 1: 442. 1899. A shrub 1-2 meters high, the branches stout, grayish, the branchlets glabrous or obscurely puberulent, with elongate internodes, usually armed with spines, these trifurcate or simple, stout, 2.5 cm. long or shorter, recurved; stipule-sheath 1 mm. long, truncate; petioles stout, 3-7 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate, oval, oval-elliptic, rounded-oval, or oblong-elliptic, 2-6 cm. long, 1-3.5 em. wide, rounded to acute at the apex, often apiculate or abruptly short-acuminate, acute or obtuse at the base and often short-decurrent, coriaceous, lustrous, green above, the costa prominent but usually embedded, the nerves mostly obsolete, paler beneath, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves obsolete or prominulous; inflorescence fasciculate, few-flowered, the flowers 4-parted, on pedicels 1-2 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium 2.5-3 mm. long, gla- brous or puberulent, the calyx-lobes deltoid or narrowly triangular; corolla yellowish-white, 5—6 mm. long, the lobes broadly ovate, obtuse, one third to one half as long as the tube; anthers 3.5 mm. long; immature fruit ellipsoid, 4 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Jamaica. DISTRIBUTION: Mountain forests and thickets, Jamaica and western Porto Rico. ILLUSTRATION: Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 15: pl. 9, f. 23, 24. 3. Scolosanthus densiflorus Urban, Symb. Ant. 3: 381. 1903. | A shrub, sometimes 3.5 meters high, densely branched, the branches brownish, the branch- lets scaberulous, with elongate internodes, the spines stout, 1.3—2 cm. long, trifurcate, floriferous; stipules triangular-acuminate, 1-2 mm. long; petioles 2-5 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate, rounded- ovate, or rhombic, 1.5—3 em. long, 1—2.3 cm. wide, obtuse or acutish and apiculate, rounded or obtuse at the base and short-decurrent, coriaceous, glabrous, green and more or less lustrous above, the costa impressed, the nerves usually obsolete, paler beneath, the lateral nerves pro- minulous; flowers in 5—12-flowered clusters on the spines, sessile; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx-lobes short, semiorbicular, obscurely ciliolate; corolla 4.5 mm. long, yellow, the lobes almosi as long as the tube, ovate, obtuse; anthers 1.5 mm. long. TYPE LocaALity: Morne Bonpire, near Gonaives, Haiti, altitude 600 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Dry hillside thickets, Haiti; Oriente and Santiago, Cuba. 4. Scolosanthus Wrightianus (Griseb.) C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 6:126. 1869. Randia Wrightiana Griseb. Cat. Pil. Cub. 122. 1866. A shrub, sometimes 4.5 meters high, the branches grayish, the branchlets papillose-scaberu- lous, resinous, the internodes elongate, the spines stout, usually bifurcate; stipules minute; petioles stout, 1-1.5 mm. long; leaf-blades orbicular, rhombic-orbicular, or broadly obovate, 7-14 mm. long, 4-12 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse and apiculate or very shortly acuminate, rounded or obtuse at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, green above, lustrous, the venation obsolete or the costa sulecate, paler beneath, the costa prominulous, the lateral nerves obsolete, the margin revolute; flowers fasciculate in the leaf-axils, short-pedicellate; calyx-lobes deltoid; Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 295 corolla 5 mm. long, the lobes semioval, one third as long as the tube; anthers 2 mm. long; fruit 4-5 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Eastern Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Eastern Cuba. 5. Scolosanthus lucidus Britton, Mem. Torrey Club 16: 112. 1920. A densely branched shrub about | meter high, the branches rather stout, tortuous, rimose, grayish, the young branchlets densely papillose-puberulent and resinous, the internodes short: stipule-sheath scarcely 1 mm. long; petioles stout, 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades suborbicular or orbicular-ovate, usually broadest below the middle, 8-13 mm. long and almost as wide, very obtuse or almost rounded at the apex, broadly rounded at the base, thick-coriaceous, glabrous, very lustrous on the upper surface, the costa impressed toward the base of the blade, scarcely paler beneath, the costa somewhat prominulous, the nerves obsolete, the margin revolute: calyx-lobes suborbicular, 0.8 mm. wide, minutely hispidulous; immature fruit subglobose, 4 mm. long, greenish. TYPE LOCALITY: Moa Bay, east of Rio Moa, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Dry thickets, Oriente, Cuba. 6. Scolosanthus granulatus Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 164. 1923. A shrub, the young branchlets papillose-scaberulous with minute spreading hairs, some- times resinous, the internodes 1—4 cm. long, no spines present on the known specimens; stipule- sheath 0.5 mm. long, truncate; leaves clustered on short branchlets, the petioles 1-3 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate or orbicular-obovate, 7-14 mm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, rounded to acute at the apex, acute and usually more or less decurrent at the base, coriaceous, lustrous on the upper surface, paler and dull beneath, the costa prominulous on the upper surface, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves 2 or 3 on each side, prominulous on both surfaces; flowers inserted among the leaves, 1 or few, subsessile; hypanthium ovoid, compressed, the 4 calyx-lobes linear, recurved, 1—-1.5 mm. long, minutely pilose on the margins; fruit ovoid, 3—3.5 mm. long, 2—2.5 mm. wide. TYPE LOCALITY: Monte Liban6én, San Fernandez, near Guantanamo, Oriente, Cuba, in calcare- ous soil. DISTRIBUTION: Vicinity of the type locality, at an elevation of 700-800 meters. 7. Scolosanthus strictus Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 533. 1928. A shrub or small tree, the lateral branches elongate, unarmed or terminating in a trifurcate or rarely twice trifurcate spine, the young branchlets minutely papillose-pilosulous, terete, brown- ish; stipule-sheath truncate, 0.5 mm. long, soon deciduous; petioles stout, 0.5-1 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate, ovate-elliptic, or ovate-oblong, 1—1.8 cm. long, 0.5—1 em. wide, obtuse, rounded or obtuse at the base, pergamentaceous or coriaceous, glabrous, dark-green and lustrous above, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves 3 or 4 on each side, prominulous, ascending at an angle of 30-35°, paler beneath, the costa prominulous, the nerves obsolete; flowers 1-5 on short branchlets or borne upon the spines, the pedicels 0.5 mm. long or less; hypanthium subeylindric, subcompressed; calyx-lobes 4, triangular, one third as long as the hypanthium; corolla-lobes obtuse; anthers narrowly lanceolate, subobtuse; style shortly bilobate. TYPE LOCALITY: Limestone soil, Caimanera, near Guantanamo, Oriente, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 8. Scolosanthus versicolor Vahl, Eclog. 1: 11. 1796. Catesbaea parviflora Lam. Tab. Encyc. 1: 288. 1792. Not C. parviflora Sw. 1788. Chomelia versicolor Spreng. Syst. 1: 410. 1825. A densely branched shrub 1—4 meters high, the branches grayish, the branchlets very stout, scaberulous, the leaves mostly fasciculate, the spines stout, 4-15 mm. long, bifurcate from the base, ascending or subdivaricate; stipule-sheath minute, truncate; leaves almost sessile, the blades cuneate-obovate or broadly cuneate, 4-9 mm. long, 3-5 mm. wide, rounded at the apex and obscurely apiculate, acute or cuneate-attenuate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous, 296 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 dark-green and lustrous above, the costa prominulous or obsolete, the nerves obsolete, paler beneath, the costa evident, the nerves obsolete, the margin revolute, flowers solitary, short- pedicellate; calyx and hypanthium 2—2.5 mm. long, the calyx-lobes lance-ovate, half as long as the hypanthium; corolla violet or yellowish, 6-7 mm. long, the lobes about 1 mm. long; fruit white, oval or ellipsoid, 4-5 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: St. Croix, DISTRIBUTION: Woods and thickets near the southern coast of Porto Rico; Virgin Islands. ILLUSTRATIONS: Vahl, Eclog. pl. 10; Lam. Tab. Encyc. pl. 67, f. 2; Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 15: D9, F-°25, 202 B82 Pl Nate Bae ata), 5x 9. Scolosanthus triacanthus (Spreng.) DC. Prodr. 4: 484. 1830. Catesbaea triacantha Spreng. Neue Entdeck. 3:47. 1822. Chomelia triacantha Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 133. 1866. Guettarda triacantha Maza, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23: 290. 1895. A densely branched shrub, the branches grayish, the branchlets stout, minutely scaberulous, the spines slender or stout, 7-17 mm. long, trifurcate at or below the middle, naked; stipule- sheath 1.5 mm. long, the lobes obtuse or acutish; petioles 1-1.5 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong, lance-oblong, oblong-ovate, or elliptic-oblong, 7-14 mm. long, 3-6 mm. wide, obtuse, attenuate to acutish at the base, membranaceous or chartaceous, glabrous, dull, the costa prominent on both surfaces, the nerves obsolete on the upper surface, usually prominulous beneath, the mar- gin plane or subrevolute; flowers fasciculate on short lateral spurs, short-pedicellate; calyx and hypanthium 1.5—2 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx-lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse or acutish, less than half as long as the hypanthium; corolla 5.5 mm. long, the lobes suborbicular, one fifth as long as the tube; anthers 2 mm. long; fruit oval, 4 mm. long. TYPE LOCALITY: Santo Domingo. DISTRIBUTION: Hispaniola. ILLUSTRATION: Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 14: pl. 9, f. 22. 10. Scolosanthus crucifer C. Wright; Sauv. Anal. Acad. Ci. Habana 62126. 1869: A densely branched shrub or small tree, the branches stout, grayish, the branchlets stout, olivaceous, papillose-scaberulous, the leaves mostly fasciculate, the spines stout, 8-15 mm. long, trifurcate at or below the middle, their lateral branches divaricate; stipules minute, del- toid; petioles 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades broadly oval, oval-ovate, oval, elliptic, or obovate-ob- long, 6-9 mm. long, 2.5—6 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, rounded to attenuate at the base, rigid-coriaceous, glabrous, the nerves obsolete, above green, lustrous, the costa promin- ulous, beneath pale and dull, the costa prominent, the margin revolute; flowers fasciculate, short-pedicellate; calyx and hypanthium 1.2 mm. long, glabrous, the calyx-lobes semiorbicular, ciliolate, less than half as long as the hypanthium; corolla 2.5—-3 mm. long, the tube strongly ampliate above, glabrous outside, the lobes rounded, very short, erect. TYPE LOCALITY: Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: Dry limestone hillsides, Oriente and Matanzas, and perhaps elsewhere in Cuba. 11. Scolosanthus selleanus Urban & Ekman; Urban, Ark. Bot. 20A°: 60. 1926. A shrub 2 meters high, the younger branches minutely spreading-pilose, terete, more or less striate, the spines mostly trifurcate, up to 12 mm. long, naked or with buds; stipule-sheath 0.6 mm. long, the margin with short, partly filiform teeth; petioles 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate or oval, 5-10 mm. long, 3-7 mm. wide, rounded, obtuse, or apiculate at the apex, rounded to acute at the base and often decurrent, rigid-coriaceous, dark-green and very lustrous above, the costa prominent, the nerves none, yellowish-green beneath, the costa prominent, the nerves obsolete, the margin narrowly revolute; flowers 1-3 on short spurlike branches, the pedicels 2-4 mm. long; hypanthium obovoid, 8-costate, compressed, glabrous, the calyx 1.5 mm. long, the 4 lobes triangular, acute; corolla purplish, 11 mm. long, the tube ampliate almost from the base, the throat 4 mm. wide, the 4 lobes triangular, very obtuse, one third as long as the tube; Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 297 filaments adherent to the base of the corolla, connate at the base, pilose below, glabrous above, the anthers linear, apiculate, 2.5 mm. long; style 10.5 mm. long, glabrous below, densely papil- lose above, the 2 stigmas oblong; fruit compressed, ovoid or obovoid, 8-costate, 6.5 mm. long, 4—4.5 mm. wide. TYPE LOCALITY: In siliceous conglomerate rock, Morne La Visite, Massif de la Selle, Haiti, altitude 2200 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. DOUBTFUL SPECIES SCOLOSANTHUS ACANTHODES (Spreng.) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 481. 1900. Eranthemum acanthodes Spreng. Syst. 1: 88. 1825. Anthacanthus Sprengelii DC. Prodr. 11: 461. 1847. Described from Santo Domingo. The plant has pubescent leaves, and is said by Urban (J/.c.) to be closely related to S. triacanthus. ‘The writer has seen no specimens, and the descriptions available are insufficient to furnish the essential characters. 88. PLACOCARPA Hook. f.; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 107. 1873. Branched shrubs, nearly glabrous, the branchlets terete. Leaves opposite, small, charta- ceous or subcoriaceous, petiolate. Stipules small, interpetiolar, deltoid, deciduous. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedicellate, the pedicels bibracteolate above the middle; hypanthium elon- gate-turbinate, persistent; corolla salverform, the tube elongate, slightly curved, pilose within at the base, the throat glabrous, the limb 4-lobate, the lobes spreading, imbricate, one of them exterior. Stamens 4, inserted in the throat of the corolla; filaments short, subulate; anthers oblong, dorsifixed, obtuse, included. Disk annular. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform, the 2 branches linear, obtuse; ovules solitary, pendulous from the apex of the cell, the funicle slender. Fruit ellipsoid, laterally compressed, 2-celled, separating into 2 indehiscent cocci. Seeds linear- oblong, laterally compressed, the testa membranaceous. Type species, Placocarpa mexicana Hook. f. The genus consists of a single species. 1. Placocarpa mexicana Hook. f.; Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 108. 1873. A shrub, 9-12 dm. high, the branches slender, brownish, sparsely lenticellate, the branch- lets puberulent, densely leafy; stipules minute; petioles 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong, ellip- tic-oblong, lance-oblong, or obovate-oblong, 1—2.2 cm. long, 0.3—0.8 cm. wide, acute or obtuse acute to attenuate at the base, glabrous, green above, the costa prominent, pale beneath, the costa prominulous, the lateral nerves mostly obsolete, the margin plane or subrevolute; pedicels 1-2 mm. long; calyx and hypanthium glabrous, the hypanthium about 1.5 mm. long, the calyx- lobes obovate-oblong, 4 mm. long, obtuse, green; corolla white, the tube 10-12 mm. long, the lobes oval, 2—2.5 mm. long, rounded at the apex. TYPE LOCALITY: Orizaba, Veracruz. , DISTRIBUTION: Vicinity of the type locality, in mountain forests. ILLUSTRATION: Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. pl. 36, f. 6-14. X. IXOREAE. ‘Trees or shrubs. Stipules entire. Flowers cymose or axillary, usually perfect; corolla funnelform or salverform, the lobes contorted or imbricate. Stamens inserted in the throat or mouth of the corolla; anthers dorsifixed near the base. Ovary 2- (rarely 3—5-) celled; ovules solitary, ana- tropous, attached at or above the middle of the cell or rarely at the base. Fruit baccate or drupaceous, 2-5-celled or 2-5-carpidiate. Seeds usually plano-convex, the ventral side sometimes sulcate; endosperm corneous; radicle inferior. 298 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 Hypanthium narrowly 4-winged; branches conspicuously resinous. 89. EOSANTHE. Hypanthium not winged. Corolla-lobes contorted. Bractlets connate, calyx-like; calyx usually truncate. 90. COFFEA. Bractlets distinct, not calyx-like; calyx lobate. 91. ITxora. Corolla-lobes imbricate. Calyx-lobes, at least in fruit, very unequal, one of them in some of the flowers expanded into a large colored leaflike blade. 92. COSMOCALYX. Calyx-lobes equal or nearly so. Filaments free; calyx ampliate, membranaceous. 93. PHYLLOMELIA. Filaments connate at the base; calyx small, 5-lobate. 94. STRUMPFIA. 89. EOSANTHE Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 162. 1923. Glabrous shrubs, the branches more or less resinous. Leaves opposite, thick-coriaceous, subsessile. Stipules persistent, connate into a short-cylindric truncate sheath free from the petioles. Flowers solitary and sessile in the axils of the uppermost leaves, ebracteate; calyx- lobes 4, free, equal, large, foliaceous and reticulate-veined in fruit, acute, colored; corolla, sta- mens, and style unknown. Fruit turbinate, narrowly 4-winged, dry, indehiscent, 2-celled, the carpels plane on the inner surface. Seeds solitary, attached by the base, obovate, truncate at the apex, transversely subterete; endosperm copious, fleshy; radicle terete, elongate. Type species, Eosanthe cubensis Urban. The genus consists of a single imperfectly known species. According to Urban, it is probably a close relative of Phyllomelia, but the true relationship will be uncertain until the structure of the corolla is known. 1. Eosanthe cubensis Urban, Symb. Ant. 9: 162. 1923. A shrub, exuding resin at the apices of the branches and along the costa on the lower leaf- surface, the older branches terete, the young ones tetragonous and elevate-striate, the internodes short; stipule-sheath thick-coriaceous, 2-4 mm. long; petioles thick, 1-2 mm. long; leaf-blades obovate or oval-obovate, 5—7 cm. long, 3.5—4.5 em. wide, rounded to subtruncate at the apex, narrowed toward the very obtuse or subcordate base, dark-green and minutely granulate on the upper surface, the costa prominent, the nerves evident but scarcely elevated, smooth beneath, the costa stout and prominent, the lateral nerves prominulous, about 9 on each side, divergent at an angle of 70°, the veins obsolete, the margin narrowly recurved; calyx-lobes in fruit 17 mm. long, 6-7 mm. wide, yellowish-red when dried; fruit 3.5 mm. long, convex at the apex between the calyx-lobes; seeds 3 mm. long, the testa irregularly punctate-lineolate. TYPE LOCALITY: Near the summit of Sierra de Cristal, Oriente, Cuba, altitude 1200-1300 meters. DISTRIBUTION: Region of the type locality, in low rocky thickets of Arthrostylidium, at 11C0— 1325 meters. 90. COFFEA L. Sp. Pl. 172. 1753. Shrubs, usually glabrous, the branchlets compressed. Leaves opposite or rarely ternate, sess le or petiolate, membranaceous or subcoriaceous. Stipules broad, acuminate, persistent. Flowers glomerate in the leaf-axils, sessile or short-pedicellate, white, the pedicels bracteolate, the bractlets connate into a calyx-like cup; hypanthium subcylindric, oblong, or turbinate; calyx very short, truncate, dentate, or lobulate, often glandular within, persistent; corolla sal- verform or funnelform, the tube short or elongate, the throat glabrous or villous, the limb 4-8-lobate, the lobes oblong, acute or obtuse, spreading, contorted. Stamens 4-8, inserted in the corolla-throat; filaments short or none; anthers linear, dorsifixed near the base, obtuse or acute, exserted or included, often recurved or twisted in age. Disk swollen. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform or stout, glabrous, the 2 branches linear or subulate; ovules solitary, subpeltately affixed to the middle of the septum. Fruit baccate, globose or oblong, dry or fleshy, dicarpidiate, the carpels coriaceous or chartaceous, convex on the dorsal surface, plane on the inner and suleate. Seeds convex on the dorsal side, plane and sulcate on the inner surface, the micropyle ventral, the testa membranaceous; endosperm corneous; embryo dorsal, curved, the cotyledons foliaceous, cordate, the radicle elongate, terete, inferior. Type species, Coffea arabica L. Part 4, 1934] RUBIACEAE 299 1. Coffea arabica L. Sp. Pl. 172. 1753. A glabrous shrub or small tree with dense crown, the branches more or less compressed, grayish, the branchlets strongly compressed, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 3—5 mm. long, short-acuminate; petioles stout, 5-13 mm. long; leaf-blades oblong-oval, elliptic-oblong, elliptic, or lance-elliptic, 9-18 cm. long, 2.5—8 cm. wide, cuspidate-acuminate, acute or subacute at the base, chartaceous, lustrous, green above, slightly paler beneath, the venation prominent or prominulous on both surfaces, the lateral nerves about 10 on each side, the veins laxly reticulate, the margin plane; flowers subsessile, fragrant, in glomerules of 3-7; calyx obscurely dentate, amost obsolete; corolla white, 1.5—2 cm. long, salverform, the 5 lobes acute, slightly longer than the tube; fruit red or rarely yellow, subglobose or oval, 1—1.6 cm. long; seeds semi-ellipsoid, 8—12 mm. long, olivacous, deeply sulcate on the inner side. TYPE LOCALITY: Arabia. DISTRIBUTION: Probably a native of Abyssinia, but cultivated in almost all tropical regions of the earth, the seeds furnishing the principal coffee of commerce; in tropical America one of the principal economic crops in some regions, as in Porto Rico, Haiti, southern Mexico, and the moun- tains of Central America; naturalized in Bermuda, many regions of the West Indies, and in Mexico and Central America, in the last area the shrubs often found in virgin forest, to which the seeds have been transported by birds. ILLUSTRATIONS: Mart. Fl. Bras. 6°: pl. 11; Gaertn. Fruct. pl. 25; Lam. Tab. Encyc. pl. 160; Bot. Mag. pl. 10; Descourt. Fl. Ant. pl. 564; Britton, Fl. Bermuda /. 395; Pammel, Man. Pois. Pl. 743; Cycl. Am. Hort. 348; Stand. Cycl. Hort. 823; Vell. Fl. Flum. 2: pl. 10; Tussac, Fl. Ant. pl. 18. Nore: Liberian coffee, Coffea liberica Hiern, is cultivated to a small extent in Mexico and else- where in tropical America, but it is not an important economic plant in America, and is not reported as having become naturalized. It is distinguished by having a 6—8-lobed corolla. Ol, IKORA1,..Sp. PL110.° 1753. Sideroxyloides Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. 19. 1763. Siderodendrum Schreb. Gen. 1:71. 1789. Trees or shrubs, glabrous or pubescent, the branchlets terete or angulate. Leaves opposite or rarely ternate, sessile or petiolate, usually coriaceous. Stipules interpetiolar, usually acumi- nate from a broad base, persistent or deciduous. Flowers arranged in terminal or rarely axil- lary corymbs, white, pink, or red, pedicellate, the pedicels bracteolate; hypanthium ovoid; calyx short, 4- or rarely 5-lobate, persistent, the lobes short or elongate; corolla salverform, the tube slender, cylindric, the throat glabrous or pilose, the limb 4- or rarely 5-lobate, the lobes usually short, spreading, contorted. Stamens 4 or rarely 5, inserted in the throat or mouth of the corolla; filaments very short or obsolete; anthers linear or oblong, dors-fixed, usually acumi- nate, erect, exserted or semi-exserted. Disk swollen. Ovary 2-celled; style filiform, the 2 branches short, spreading or recurved, exserted; ovules solitary, peltately attached to the middle of the septum. Fruit baccate, fusiform or globose, coriaceous or fleshy, dicarpidiate, the carpels chartaceous, concavo-convex. Seeds concavo-convex, the micropyle ventral, the testa membranaceous; endosperm cartilaginous; embryo dorsal, incurved, the cotyledons foliaceous, the radicle terete, inferior. Type species, /xora coccinea LL. Inflorescence axillary, few-flowered. 1. I. ferrea. Inflorescence terminal, many-flowered. Flowers densely glomerate, sessile or nearly so; lobes of the corolla equaling or longer than the tube. Flowers cymose, the pedicels usually elongate; lobes of the corolla usually shorter than the tube. . I. floribunda. to 3. I. nicaraguensis. 1. Ixora ferrea (Jacq.) Benth. Linnaea 23: 447. 1850. Sideroxyloides ferreum Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. 19. 1763. Siderodendron ferreum Lam. Tab. Encyc. 1: 282. 1791. Siderodendron triflorum Vahl, Eclog. 1: 10. 1796. : Pavetta quinqueflora Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mex. ed. 2. 18. 1894. A shrub or tree, sometimes 10 meters high, glabrous throughout, the branches terete, gray- ish, the branchlets compressed, the internodes short or elongate; stipules 4-9 mm. long, the base broad, acuminate or subulate-cuspidate; petioles stout, 3-12 mm. long; leaf-blades narrowly oblong-elliptic, ovate-oblong, or lance-oblong, 7.5-19.5 em. long, 2.5-7.5 cm. wide, short-acumi- 300 NORTH AMERICAN FLORA [VOLUME 32 nate, acute or short-acuminate at the base, chartaceous, sublustrous, yellowish-green above, the venation prominulous or the costa sulcate, scarcely paler beneath, the costa slender, promi- nent, the lateral nerves very slender, prominulous, about 12 on each side, the veins laxly reticu- late, the margin plane or subrevolute; inflorescence axillary, sessile or subsessile, few-flowered, cymose-fasciculate, the flowers short-pedicellate or sessile, the bractlets minute; calyx and hypanthium 1.5 mm. long, the calyx short, shallowly dentate; corolla white, the tube very slender, 8-9 mm. long, the 4 lobes oval, obtuse, 3 mm. long; anthers exserted, 1.2 mm. long, 6-8 mm. wide, at first yellow, becoming red; seeds about 5 mm. long, dark-brown, deeply con- cave on the ventral side. TYPE LOCALITY: Martinique. DISTRIBUTION: Forests or thickets, often in the higher mountains, Cuba, Porto Rico, Hispaniola, and the Lesser Antilles; also in Venezuela and the Guianas; reported, very probably in error, from Mexico and Panama. ILLUSTRATIONS: Jacq. Sel. Stirp. Am. pl. 175, f. 9; Pluk. Alm. pl. 224, f. 2; E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 43: fe Sie ID 2. Ixora floribunda (A. Rich.) Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 134. 1866. Siderodendron floribundum A. Rich. in Sagra, Hist. Cuba 11: 24. 1850. A shrub or tree 3-9 meters high, the branches brown or grayish, the branchlets stout, compressed, glabrous, with short internodes; stipules 6-9 mm. long, triangular-acuminate, deciduous, densely white-sericeous within, those at the base of the inflorescence larger and broader, thin, brown; petioles stout, 1—-2.5 em. long; leaf-blades elliptic, elliptic-obovate, ellip- tic-oval, or narrowly elliptic-oblong, 11—26 cm. long, 4-11 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate, attenuate to acutish at the base, chartaceous, glabrous, subconcolorous, somewhat lustrous above, the costa impressed toward the base, the lateral nerves and veins prominulous, the costa and lateral nerves very prominent beneath, the latter about 11 on each side, the veins promin- ulous-reticulate, the margin plane; inflorescence terminal, cymose-paniculate, short-peduncu- late or sessile, many-flowered, 4-10 cm. broad, the branches densely pilose or villosulous, the flowers sessile or short-pedicellate, the bracts and bractlets very small; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, short-pilose, the calyx as long as the hypanthium, shallowly lobate, the lobes acute or obtuse; corolla white, glabrous, 6-10 mm. long, the tube slender, ampliate above, the lobes oblong, obtuse, equaling or slightly longer than the tube; anthers 1.5—2 mm. long; fruit globose, short-pilose, 4 mm. long or larger. TYPE LOCALITY: Near Guanimar, Cuba. DISTRIBUTION: In forest, Cuba and the Isle of Pines; Salvador and Nicaragua; also in north- western Colombia. ILLUSTRATION: Sagra, Hist. Cuba pl. 43. 3. Ixora nicaraguensis Wernham, Jour. Bot. 50: 243. 1912. Ixora rauwolfioides Standley, Trop. Woods 11:25. 1927. A shrub or tree 2.5—7.5 meters high, the trunk as much as 12 cm. in diameter, the branches rather slender, terete, ochraceous, rimose and lenticellate, the youngest ones more or less compressed, glabrous, the internodes short or elongate; stipules triangular, acute, 5 mm. long; petioles stout, 4-11 mm. long, glabrous; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong or lance-oblong, 6.5—15 cm. long, 2—5.5 em. wide, acute or short-acuminate, acute or acuminate at the base and rather abruptly contracted and decurrent upon the petiole, pergamentaceous, glabrous, green or fus- cous on the upper surface, the nerves often prominulous, somewhat paler beneath, the slender costa prominent, the lateral nerves about 10 on each side, extremely slender, prominulous, irregular, connected by numerous irregular veins, the margin plane; inflorescence terminal, cymose-paniculate, sessile or on a peduncle 3 cm. long, much branched, many-flowered, 5—9 cm. long, the branches slender, minutely puberulent, the flowers mostly pedicellate, the pedicels as much as 5 mm. long, puberulent, the bracts minute; calyx and hypanthium 2 mm. long, minutely puberulent, the calyx truncate or nearly so, much shorter than the hypanthium; corolla white, glabrous or nearly so, the rather stout, terete tube 5 mm. long, the lobes oblong, spreading, rounded at the apex, 3-4 mm. long; anthers 2.5 mm. long, exserted for their whole i ¥)) i \ iy i*< Maal ne ih a ak a ji sh ; ‘i ’ Hays ‘ . ¥) Th 5 aan? : 4 . vk rai¥ eu a fy i . ‘ »» Fl ie v Wy ) wey i Mies iy net a NS od ST NET ie A NG ae le! ; Lh 4 J 7) \ AeA may / 4 tye p j ; * sy brane Wi bao | haute all v ' va ¥ a vant , a } b A } “a ) Pa é ea ay at SANE aan We oo Ke i von WW MM MM " | WA | AR plat? 1 a » AG oF» a ht OCH vy) Ay LU peasy pare Peas er eset Ser ETS aie b19: warty wit SHAM telin@tnheteh : sinieitret mates atte ite NY Anant ‘ tsicic AVR ty dm tY + over hs bane Wrereings eS e50o Sc: Soset U i ADK AI 4 bee e ) ay » 4 eo by bent = ae PO Bible: Y DOU a) r" OVO MR Het OBOE TPO W Hebe Das aH WOE ah) { % leit ni bee 4°6 Wu ihe ni \ Hye Hlhe wns Hid bib Pe) eh) Ob att ey) Git i * i ¥ y RH yi ri H ; £ 4 e y ¢ K $ te \ it wn atl “ “4 i ; ital i Henahel WR AR SHAN ie tha HADRON MrT HATTIE), ty i ry hastens tab i tee zt } ‘ yu | ME ! 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