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Instructions to authors This journal is reserved for short communications devoted to Palaearctic lepidop- ie a terology. Manuscripts should not exceed 15 typed pages (including tables). cea eee N All manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins, and er submitted together with at least one copy. All pages should be numbered and show the author's name at the top right-hand corner of each page. Do not hyphenate words at the right-hand margin. Current issues of Now lepidopterologica shorn be checked for style and format. Legends for figures and plates should be typed on a separate sheet and placed ates vee va the list of references. Line drawings should be about twice their final size. Black | waterproof ink should be used. Photographs should be glossy positive prints. Colour plates can only be published at the author's expense. . Publication languages are english, french and german. The editors reserve the right to make minor textual corrections that do not alter the author’s meaning. Al manuscripts exceeding three typed pages must include an abstract of no more — than 100 words. It is strongly recommended to add a translation of the abstract i in at least one of the other publication languages. The first mention of any organism should include the full scientific name with the — author and year of description. New descriptions must conform with the current edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. We strongly urge … deposition of types in major museums, and all type depositions must be cited. ; All papers will be read by the editors and submitted for review to two referees. 25 reprints of each article will be supplied free of charge to the first author. Additional copies may be ordered at extra cost. Copies de ces instructions en francais sont disponibles auprès de l’editeur. Kogien dieser Hinweise in deutscher Sprache sind beim Redaktor erhältlich. Copyright © Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, 1987 ISSN 0342-7536 | Printed by Imprimerie Universa Spri, 24 Hoenderstraat, B-9200 Wetteren, Belgium All rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, a electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Authors are responsible for the contents oftheir . articles. Nota lepidopterologica Vol. 10 No. 1 Karlsruhe, 31.111.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Editor : Emmanuel Bros de Puechredon, alias de Bros, lic. jur., Rebgasse 28, CH-4102 Binningen BL, Schweiz. Assistant Editors : Dr. Hansjürg Geiger (Bern), Steven Whitebread (Magden). Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire oa A U a Tl REA 2 An alle Mitglieder — A tous nos membres ......................... 4 R. Vis & H. A. CoEne : Lepidopterological investigations in Cashmir and AG ANITA) er a a ok be En See 5 G. BALDIZZONE : Contributions à la connaissance des Coleophoridae XLVI. Sur quelques Coleophores nouvelles ou peu connues d'Espagne et des (CETTE PR TE SE NE OEREOREE STREREREREE 25 Z. BALINT : Notes on Plebicula dorylas magna BALINT, 1985 (Lepid. Lycaeni- dr ni ds ie pie ak nee 49 P. GYULAI : Notes on the distribution of Gortyna borelii lunata FREYER in the (BARBalanEBasınE ee a be er ua a ea 54 V. CAMERON-CURRY, G. LEIGHEB, E. RIBONI and P. CAMERON-CURRY : Possible hybrids between Lysandra bellargus Rott. and L. hispana H.-S. MEDION 1 Exe foi nia Fo) ee ac ee ee relate 61 L. H. DENNIS: Hilltopping as a mate location strategy in a Mediterranean population of Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lepid. Satyridae) .......... 65 G. DERRA : Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. (Lepid. Pterophori- CAC A a nets etes HO Na eu à 71 D. PovoLNy: Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) dagmaris sp. n. und andere interessante Entdeckungen bei den europäischen Gnorimoschemini (Le- DIG GClECHNOAG) Oran ho en oe ee ere de care SERS 79 J. RAZOWSKI : A New Palaearctic Archipini genus (Lepid. Tortricidae) ... 87 Book Reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses ........... 33: 60: 70.92 Éditorial Lors de sa séance du 10 avril 1986 à Budapest, le Conseil de la SEL s’est déclaré d’accord avec le Directeur de la publication pour qu'il poursuive ses efforts en vue d’elever encore le niveau scientifique de Nota lepidopterolo- gica. À cet effet, la principale mesure à prendre était d'introduire le système connu de lecture des manuscrits par des spécialistes. Tous les manuscrits reçus sont donc soumis dès maintenant pour appréciation à au moins deux rapporteurs spécialistes. Bien entendu, il sera tenu compte dans ce processus des intérêts des nombreux amateurs dont vit la SEL. Pour atteindre le but fixé, il fallait aussi réorganiser le système de rédaction. Le Comité de rédaction est donc désormais formé de trois membres tous domiciliés en Suisse, lesquels peuvent ainsi se réunir régulièrement, se répartir le travail et le coordonner. M. E. de Bros (Binningen) reste Directeur de la publication (rédacteur) ; il est assisté de deux Rédacteurs adjoints : M. S. E. Whitebread (Magden, Argovie) ancien, et Dr. H. J. Geiger (Berne), nouveau. Les anciens membres non suisses du Comité de rédaction se sont déclarés d'accord avec cette solution. Nous saisissons cette occasion pour les remer- cier chaleureusement, eux et tous les Conseillers de rédaction désignés en 1980 pour les differents pays d'Europe, de tout ce qu'ils ont fait pendant ces années dans l'intérêt de la SEL et de Nota lepid. La Rédaction présente enfin à tous les auteurs et aux membres de la SEL ses excuses pour les retards subis l’année dernière du fait de cette réorganisation. Dès maintenant, les difficultés devraient être surmontées. Pour faciliter la tache de la rédaction, les auteurs sont priés de tenir compte des «Instructions to authors» qui figurent au verso de la page de couverture. La traduction en français peut être demandée à la rédaction. La Redaction. An seiner Sitzung am 10. April 1986 in Budapest hat der Vorstand der SEL den Schriftleiter ermachtigt, seine Bemühungen fortzusetzen um das wissen- schaftliche Niveau der Nota lepidopterologica weiter zu heben. Wichtigste Massnahme im Rahmen dieser Anstrengungen ist die Einführung eines Begutachtersystems. Alle Manuskripte werden ab sofort mindestens zwei Fachreferenten zur Beurteilung vorgelegt. Selbstverstandlich sollen dabei die Interessen der zahlreichen Amateure, von denen die SEL lebt, mitberticksich- tigt werden. Diese Bemühungen machen auch eine Neuorganisation der Redaktionsarbeit notig. Der Redaktionsausschuss setzt sich neu aus drei 2 Mitgliedern aus der Schweiz zusammen, die sich regelmässig treffen und die Arbeit verteilen und koordinieren können. Schriftleiter bleibt E. de Bros (Binningen). Ihm werden zwei Stellv.-Redaktoren zur Seite gestellt : S. E. Whitebread (Magden), bisher, und neu Dr. H. J. Geiger (Bern). Die bisherigen nicht-schweizer Mitglieder des Redaktionsausschusses haben sich mit dieser Regelung einverstanden erklärt. Ihnen und den bisherigen „Länder- referenten“ sei für ihre Bemühungen für die Nota lepidopterologica in der Vergangenheit herzlich gedankt. Die Redaktion muss sich für alle Verzögerungen, die durch diese Neuorgani- sation im letzten Jahr entstanden, bei allen Autoren und Mitgliedern ent- schuldigen. Diese Schwierigkeiten dürften nun überwunden sein. Um die Arbeit der Redaktion zu erleichtern sind die Autoren gebeten die „Instructions to authors“ auf der Rückseite der Decke zu berücksichtigen. Kopien dieser Hinweise auf Deutsch können bei der Redaktion erhalten werden. Die Redaktion. At the SEL-council meeting of the 10th. April 1986 in Budapest, the editor was authorized to continue his efforts to raise further the scientific standing of Nota lepidopterologica. The most important step to be taken is the introduction of a reviewing process. From now on, all manuscripts will be sent to at least two specialists for refereeing. The interests of the numerous amateurs, without whom the SEL could not survive, shall of course be taken into consideration. Practically, this has necessitated a reorganization of the editorial process. The editorial committee will now comprise three members from Switzerland, who will meet regularly to distribute and coordinate the work. E. de Bros (Binningen) will remain as editor. He will be aided by two assistant editors: S. E. Whitebread (Magden) and (new) Dr. H. J. Geiger (Berne). The previous non-Swiss members of the committee have agreed to this decision. We sincerely thank these, and the previous “country referees” for their efforts for Nota in the past. The editors sincerely apologize to the authors and members for the delays that occurred last year as a result of this reorganization. It is hoped that these difficulties have now been overcome. In order to assist the editors in their work, would all authors kindly observe the “Instructions to authors” on the inside front cover of this issue. The Editor. An alle Mitglieder ! Der Schatzmeister dankt allen, die bis Ende Marz ihren Beitrag für 1987 entrichtet haben. Leider haben einige Mitglieder die in den „NACHRICHTEN“ Nr. 13 mitgeteilte Erhohung des Beitrags auf DM 50,- übersehen. Wir bitten diese freundlich, den noch ausstehenden Restbetrag von DM 10,- zu über- weisen. Alle Mitglieder, die ihren Beitrag für 1987 noch nicht bezahlt haben (das ist etwa die Halfte), bitten wir dringend dies baldmôglichst nachzuho- len. Wir danken für Ihr Verstandnis. A tous nos membres Le Trésorier remercie tous ceux qui ont payé avant fin mars leur cotisation pour 1987. L’augmentation de celle-ci a DM 50.- annoncée dans «NOUVEL- LES/NEws» n° 13 a malheureusement échappé à l’attention de quelques-uns. Nous serions reconnaissants à ces membres de bien vouloir verser les DM 10.- qui manquent. Par ailleurs, nous prions instamment tous ceux qui n'ont pas encore payé leur cotisation pour 1987 (et c’est près de la moitié de l'effectif !) de faire ce versement le plus tôt possible. D’avance nous les remercions de leur compréhension. Communication Cède livres mycologiques et entomologiques : ESSETTE — LE CLAIRE — LAMPERT — BUSTILLO — OBERTHUER (Et. Lepid. Comp. V-VI-XII) — SHIROZU — Lewis — LERAUT — ROUGEOT — LHOMME — BERLAND — SCHWARZ — HIGGINS — ALEXANOR — etc. A. MOKHLES, 108, avenue A. Al-Kattabi, Appt. 10, Rabat, Maroc. Nota lepid. 10 (1): 5-24 ; 31.111.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Lepidopterological investigations in Kashmir and Ladakh (India) R. Vis and H. A. COENE Eemsteyn 13, 3342 XB Hendrik Ido Ambacht (Holland) Het Gangwerk 34, 1622 HB Hoorn (Holland) Resume Presentation des résultats obtenus en 1984 au cours d’une expédition entomologique au Cachemire et au Ladak (Inde). Brève description de la situation géographique et climatique du Nord-Ouest de l'Himalaya — où se trouvent le Cachemire et le Ladak — et expose de son role possible dans la répartition et la zoogeographie des Lépidoptères (Rhopalocères). Liste des 61 espèces de Rhopalocères observés ou captures dans différentes localités. Plusieurs espèces ont fait l’objet de commentaires séparés. Les auteurs suggèrent qu’Aglais ladakensis MOORE 1878 est une bonne espèce ; ils se basent pour cela essentiellement sur leurs observations de la chenille et de la chrysalide. La position systématique de plusieurs Lycénides du complexe Polyommatus stoliczkanus n’est pas claire. I. Introduction In 1984 we had the possibility to undertake an entomological expedition to the north of India, the districts Kashmir and Ladakh, in the North-West Himalayas. We started the trip on July 11, accompanied by Mrs. Maris Vis and Isabel and Jean Claude Weiss. On July 13 Nishat Gardens were visited, situated along Dal Lake, some kilometers from Srinagar. From Srinagar, we travelled by jeep or taxi to Leh (3500 m), arriving on July 19. On our way, collecting was possible, mainly on high passes such as Zoji-la (3600 m), Namika-la (3700 m) and Fotu-la (4100 m). We then trekked from Martse- lang, with Nimaling — a glaciervalley at 5000 m — as our aim. Nimaling valley and Gomaru-la could be explored from July 23 till August 2. On our return, two days (August 4 and 5) were spent collecting near Martselang. We left Leh on August 7, and on August 9 another visit was made to Nishat Gardens. II. North-West Himalaya — geographical situation The extensive Himalaya system is mostly a Tertiary mountain chain, stret- ching from Afghanistan to North Burma, together almost 3000 km. The 5 Himalayas cross several climate-belts. North of the mountain range, the Tibetan plateau stretches at an average elevation of 4800 m above sea-level. In the south we find the great Indian plain, the basin of the river Ganges. The North-West Himalaya is situated between 75° and 78° East, 30° and 36° North (Fig. 1). Compared with the remaining part of the Himalaya, the NW-Himalaya represents a relatively extensive north-south transect. NW-Himalaya is considerably further south than for instance the Alps (46° N). Leh is situated about 34° N, roughly at the latitude of Fès (Maroc). III. Climatical conditions The Ladakh-region has a central asiatic affinity : it is part of the same dry belt. As Ladakh is situated just beyond the range of the monsoons, most places receive very little rain. The atmospheric aridity in Ladakh, together with the thin air, high u.v. radiation, low pressure and cold winds, determine this district to be an extreme environment : large parts are bare or scarcely vegetated. The timber-line varies up to 3000 m (Alps 2000 m). Beyond the shrub-belts (Salix species), there are alpine prairies and finally one finds semi-arid zones, often with bare slopes up to the snow. The average snow-line in Ladakh is about 5700 m. Great differences in temperature exist : in the shade you may find in July a temperature of 2°C at 5000 m, while in the same area in the sun temperatures between 35° and 40°C are not unusual. IV. Some zoogeographical aspects Manı (1962) notes that in NW-Himalaya no rivers pierce the main range, except the Sutlej in the east and the Indus in the western part. However, in the rest of the Himalayas the main range is cut by many rivers and streams, arising from Tibet, north of the so called crestline. This situation might be important for the distribution of insects. Penetration by both northern and southern faunal elements must be difficult. This provides an explanation for the many endemic taxa there. Of all high altitude insects in this area MANI (1962) notes 60% to belong to endemic forms (Lepidoptera 45%). In the northern part, north of the crestline, for instance in Ladakh and Zanskar, he found the number of endemic forms to be highest. NW-Himalaya is zoogeographically interesting because of the presence of Palaearctic and Oriental elements, in a high altitude fauna. The Himalayas above the timberline is part of the Turkmenian region (MANI 1962). The same author considers NW-Himalaya, Karakorum and the Alai-Pamirs knot to be a separate biogeographical subunit of the Turkmenian (SHIELDS 1981). 6 1:4 000 000 | "85 rv Fig. 1. N.W. Himalaya. Grey area : below 3000 m. White area : 3-6000 m. Some elements of the Mediterranean fauna have been noticed in the Kashmir (valley) and Punjab up to the gorges of Sutlej. Southern elements from the Indian plains penetrate up to the southern slopes of the Himalayas (Fig. 2). PALAE. turkmenian. | ARCTIC meee aed Fig. 2. The zoogeographical regions of Asia, showing their convergence in Kashmir and Ladakh (after MANr). < G & > NV west &trans ais iiat i, Cc [e Palearctic elas t= pial: era ficetiisic = 20% 30% Po, -0tiehr al ‚2%: 5 = x Lee ey centralasiatic DS ERERERLE n.d1.8.1..,7%. ste de of east-Pal. AA ES ate ete Sa Carats (Meher RTC T MSS See DT se o-ri-e-n-t-ad-: : 25 % is) BAS fates cases conejo cr gereh ots Sao eae Wher nes mhere cites slew are Pal. à EN Q ain eue Pateot to] Red Pi cal Fig. 3. Analysis of the zoogeographical elements of the observed Rhopalocera in Kashmir and Ladakh, 1984. Following the zoogeographical classification of Kostrowickı (1969), we found that 50% of the observed and/or collected Rhopalocera (') in Kashmir and Ladakh belong to the Holarctic element. Of these, 60% are of central asiatic and eastern Palaearctic origin, e.g. Parnassius acdestis GRUM-GRSHI- MAILO, P. epaphus OBERTHUR, P. simo GRAY, Colias eogene FELDER, €. ladakensis FELDER, Baltia butleri Moore, Lasiommata menava Moore and Lycaeides christophi STAUDINGER. Another 35% of the species belong to the Holarctic-tropical element, of which 75% have central and eastern Palaearctic roots. Species like Parnassius charltonius GRAY, P. acco GRAY, P. stoliczka- nus FELDER, Aulocera brahminus BLANCHARD, Hyponephele pulchra FELDER and Thersamonia solskyi ERSCHOFF are elements of this character. Finally, (') Based on 50 species. The other species, including the Hesperiidae, are not treated by Kostrowicki in his check-list. 15% are of tropical origin. Among these species are representatives of the Oriental-Ethiopian fauna, e.g. Tarucus theophrastus FABRICIUS, all-Oriental elements such as Pieris canidia SPARRMAN, Rapala melampus CRAMER and Pseudozizeeria maha KOLLAR, and Indian elements : Metaporia leechi ROBER and Polyommatus devanica Moore (Fig. 3). The conclusion is that at least 55% of the observed species are of (central) asiatic and eastern Palaearctic origin. Interesting is the difference in origin of species in the investigated Kashmir area (Nishat Gardens, Zoji-la) : Holarctic 32%, Holarctic-tropical 41% and tropical 26%. The (central) asiatic and eastern Palaearctic affinity here is about 40%. In Ladakh this faunal element increases while the tropical elements decrease. V. The collecting grounds 1. Nishat Gardens (1800 m). These gardens have been constructed at the foot of mountain slopes along Dal Lake, a complex of lakes, north of Srinagar. A total of 15 species of Rhopalocera were observed, among which were species of both the Palaearctic and Oriental regions, e.g. Pieris canidia SPARRMAN, Rapala melampus CRAMER, R. epyarbas Moore and Parnara guttatus BREMER. The gardens were visited on July 13 and August 9. 2. Zoji-la (3600 m) The first high pass on the road from Srinagar to Leh is the Zoji-la. The pass is covered with low, moist grassland vegetation and is free of snow in July, August and September. Nomads graze their goats and sheep here. The meadows are not rich in butterflies. However, on the slopes around the pass the original flora is preserved, but during our stay on the pass, between July 14 and 16, only 15 species were seen. 3. Fotu-la (4100 m) The highest pass on the road to Leh, situated in Ladakh. The area is quite different from the Zoji-la region ; it is a barren landscape like a desert and the vegetation is very scarce. Along the slopes there are isolated clumps of a yellow Corydalis species, the foodplant of Parnassius charltonius GRAY in Ladakh. From July 17 to 19 we found 9 butterfly species ; among them were some males of the very local Lycaenid Thersamonia solskyi ERSCHOFF. Another Lycaenid, Albulina omphisa MOORE, was exclusively found here on thorn-bushes. On some higher slopes, covered with alpine grass vegetation, 10 GOMARU LA NIMALING PEAK Colias ladakensis Colias eogene Parnassius charltonius Parnassius simo Parnassius acco Parnassius acdestis Parnassius stoliczkanus Parnassius epaphus Synchloe callidice Hesperia comma Albulina lehana Colias stoliczkanus Hesperia comma Polyommatus stoliczkanus Colias ladakensis Melitaea amoenula river INIMALINGH Aglais ladakensis Polyommatus stoliczkanus Albulina lehana Colias stoliczkanus Parnassius stoliczkanus snow 600 5 S.W.-exposed N.E.-exposed Note : not drawn to scale. Fig. 4. Section drawing of Nimaling valley with its characteristic Rhopalocera in the last week of July 1984. 11 flew Hyponephele pulchella FELDER and Karanasa huebneri FELDER, the first rather numerous, the second in modest numbers. 4. Gomaru-la (5500 m) The Gomaru-la is a pass at about 5500 m which separates the Hemis and Nimaling valleys. The slopes and summit of this pass consist of screes of schistose material. The southern slopes flow gradually to the more overgrown lower levels of Nimaling valley. Even in summer snow and winds can exert their influences. The snow blizzards may drop the snow-level from about 6000 m to below 5000 m in Nimaling vailey. The extreme climatological conditions of Ladakh is de- monstrated here most clearly. Frosts are frequent in July. Very little vegeta- tion is present. In spite of this apparently inhospitable environment, the southern slopes appear to create favourable conditions, mainly for Parnassiidae. When the sun shines, several species fly rapidly at low level over the heated slopes. The insects immediately creep away between the stones, as soon as the sun disappears. They appear again only after at least ten minutes of full sunshine. Apart from Parnassius, some specimens of Synchloe callidice ESPER and one Colias elwesi ROBER were also observed. On the north side of the pass, towards Hemis valley, we came across two specimens of Parnassius charl- tonius GRAY, some Colias ladakensis FELDER and one C. eogene FELDER, but the habitat there was no longer comparable with the environment outlined above (Fig. 4). 5. Nimaling valley (5000 m) This glacier valley is bordered by a number of high peaks to the north-east, with Gomaru-la as the most important pass. The south-west side of the valley is dominated by Nimaling Peak (6000-6300 m), a summit with permanent snow and ice. The orientation of the vailey is about south-east/north-west. The valley may be separated into several altitude-zones, each of them inhabited by characteristic Lepidoptera (Fig. 4). a. Valley bottom (5000 m) Along the river and its grassy banks very few butterflies were observed. We saw some Colias stoliczkanus Moore on sand- and gravelbanks, obviously having wandered from higher slopes. On a ridge, exposed to the south, we found a small population of Melitaea amoenula FELDER. Somewhat higher, on the west side, we discovered sturdy species of nettle ( Urtica sp.), with both caterpillars and chrysalids of Aglais ladakensis Moore. Some of the chrysalids emerged on the spot and the rest on the way back. 12 b. Juniperus slopes above the riverbed (5000-5200 m) The steep slopes on the north side of the riverbed are overgrown with thorny, creeping and evergreen shrubs, probably belonging to the genus Juniperus. They form a dense, rough vegetation and provide refuge for the insect fauna. This shrubzone is the habitat of Colias ladakensis FELDER and here the butterfly is almost exclusively met with. Between the bushes and along animal paths some other species flew: members of the Pol/yommatus stoliczkanus complex ; a few Albulina lehana Moore, as well as Hesperia comma LINNAEUS, probably ssp. shandura EVANS (SAKAI, 1978). The south side of the valley has the same Juniperus belt, but that slope is exposed north and is less rich in species and individuals. In fact Colias ladakensis FELDER and Hesperia comma LINNAEUS were totally absent here. c. The plains (“yakzone”), (5200-5400 m) These prairies with their gentle slopes are used in summer as pastures for horses, sheep, goats and yaks. In spite of this extensive grazing, the original vegetation is intact. The meadows go on up to the screes of Gomaru-la. Hesperia comma LINNAEUS was active here as well as higher up. We found Colias stoliczkanus MOORE, a small orange Clouded Yellow, in areas shel- tered against strong winds. Among the females beautiful transitional forms from orange-yellow to whitish were observed. Here we found again Albulina lehana Moore. Close to the screes, on the highest parts of the meadows, Parnassius stoliczkanus FELDER was seen, flying down from the screes, its real habitat. 6. Martselang (3400 m) This tiny village is situated at the entry to Hemis valley. In the vicinity of the village there is a semi-cultivated landscape with small fields and plots of hayland, surrounded by ruderal areas, partly planted with Salix bushes. The area is irrigated by small, man-made ditches. On this ruderal ground we found a rich population of a Lycaenid, belonging to the complex of Polyommatus stoliczkanus FELDER. The males are brilliant blue, like Polyommatus eroides FRIVALDSKY and are not very variable at least on the upperside. However, the females differ quite remarkably from each other, both in markings and in the colour of the upperside of the wings. The taxonomic status of this Lycaenid is not clear. Species of the stoliczkanus- group are confusingly variable in size, colour and markings, which caused many descriptions of (sub) species and forms, many of which are probably synonyms. In fact this group ought to be revised and we hope to work it out in future. 13 In the same biotope Lycaeides christophi STAUDINGER flew in small numbers. This is a less striking species that may be overlooked very easily. Finally, it is worth mentioning the presence of some specimens of Hyponephele davendra brevistigma MOORE, which closely resembles A. tenuistigma MOORE of Baluchistan and Chitral. VI. Systematic part Pieridae Metaporia leechi Moore, 1904 (Fig. 5 : 1) Metaporia is a diverse genus, mainly Oriental, but it is also found in the eastern parts of the Palaearctic region. M. leechi is distributed from Balu- chistan up to Chitral and also in Ladakh. It is similar to /eucodice EVERSMANN and soracta Moore 1857. On the upperside, the species can be recognized by the broader black bands on the fore- and hindwings. Also the apex is more pointed. The complete postdiscal band is striking. The veins in the discal- and apical area are brown-blackish. The black cellular spot extends to the costa of the forewing. The blackish post-discal “chevrons” on the upperside of both wings, and the underside of the hindwings are also characteristic. M. leechi is smaller than both /eucodice and soracta (35 mm). The species has been recorded from 3000-3700 m. Its flight is rapid and reminds one of Synchloe callidice ESPER. In the middle of July we only found one worn female in one of the valleys north of the Zoji-la at 3700 m. Colias stoliczkanus MOORE, 1878 This high-mountain species was described from the Chang-la (5300 m). Specimens are known only from Kashmir, Ladakh and Sikkim (ssp. miranda FRUHSTORFER). This is a remarkably discontinuous distribution, but recently a link has been discovered in Nepal : ssp. cathleenae EPSTEIN 1979. In Nimaling valley, C. stoliczkanus flies on grassy slopes from 5200-5400 m. The males move rapidly just above the vegetation. The females are much less active and hide in the vegetation. In its habitat, the insect is not rare, but difficult to follow because of the strong winds. The single generation flies in July ; at the beginning of August most specimens are damaged. Like most high altitude butterflies in Ladakh, the species is not on the wing before eleven o'clock in the morning, or after 14.00 h. Among the females were nice helice-like specimens : f. alba VERITY. 14 “(u 000$ ‘A9IPA-SUIJELUIN, ‘YYepe]) SAUOJS-IUPJA] U99MJ9Q SUIMOIS (‘ds VINA) ) JuedpooJ ou} :sısuoyppp] ‘y adojoig ‘18[Id19789 ‘W9PI HIOOÏN SISU2YDPD] SIDJ8F ‘Suiuuids jednd ‘wapt ‘MIOOJN SIsuayppp] sırJay "pifesAiy9 “WP! “MIOOJA S/SU2YDPD] SIDJ8F * ‘OPISJOPUN “WIP! ‘AYOO|] S2SU9YDDD] SIDJSF * ‘+861 8 T/L'LT sıjäy ' ‘000$ “Zumewm ‘UXEPET ‘PIPU] ‘AMOON S/SU2YDpD] ar ‘Ol ‘2PISISPUN ‘WAP! ‘SNAVNNI'] aDanan sinjsp ° '0961'6'9 ‘WeplanOY ‘PUPIIOH ‘SNAVNNIT apoyun sinj3y ° ‘OpisiopuN “Wp! ‘44OHOSU MYyS7OS DIUOWUIDSAaY J ‘PS6 L'OL-LI “u 000$ 'eI-Mo4 ‘yyepe’] ‘eipuy ‘HIOHOSYA MM ysjos DIUOWDSAAY J ‘+861 8 T/L'ET UAGQY Isamja SD1]0) ‘861 L'SI "MOON 14995] DUOdDIay ‘WOOTS “Zuewm ‘UXEPET ‘eIpu] ‘w009E ‘eI-H0Z ‘yyepe] ‘eIpuy Ol 6 tO S “Bly Colias ladakensis C. and R. FELDER, 1865 This striking canary-yellow Pierid is known from between Kashmir and Kumaon, and was collected for the first time in Nepal by EpsTEIN (1979): Kali Kandales Valley, 3900 m. Ladakensis is a typical high-altitude species with a restricted distribution. It occurs at altitudes from 3800 to more than 5000 m. According to KosTRoWwICKI (1969), the species is a Tibetan fauna element of the eastern Palaearctic. The butterfly frequents slopes overgrown with Juniperus (dwarf form) and may be locally found there in numbers. It is only occasionally seen outside this habitat. It is mainly on the wing in July and also flies only between 11.00 and 14.00 h. Some females were flushed with a warm orange-yellow. In Nimaling the species was to be found exclusively on sunny slopes between 5000-5200 m. Colias elwesi ROBER, 1907 (Fig. 5 : 2) TALBOT (1939) treated this poorly known Colias as a ssp. of Colias cocandica ERSCHOFF 1874 : ssp. thrasibulus FRUHSTORFER 1910. We found one male of elwesi flying on the slopes of Gomaru-la at 5450 m. In spite of looking for many hours, no other specimens were seen. It was collected on very barren steep slopes, where several Parnassius, but no other Colias, were seen. The other Colias species seen in the Nimaling region were found either in grassy meadows or near Juniperus bushes. Because of the lack of data on elwesi, we give here a short description : The upperside ground-colour is greenish-yellow with a prominent black discocellular spot on the forewings ; there is no spot on the hindwings. In contrast to cocandica-specimens of Afghanistan and Pamir, and those of Kirghizia (USSR), the hindwings are not dusky, but clear yellow as in Colias ladakensis FELDER. Black markings similar to those of C. ladakensis. The underside is greenish-white, the veins are not darker. Expanse of the male : 36 mm. Nymphalidae Aglais ladakensis MOORE, 1878 The Palaearctic genus Aglais HUBNER, 1818, is represented in Ladakh by the taxa ladakensis MOORE and cashmirensis KOLLAR, 1844. The status of ladakensis is rather unclear. While SEITz (1909) and Sakai (1980) treat the butterfly as a high altitude form of urticae LINNAEUS 1758, TALBOT (1939) and WYNTER-BLYTH (1957) consider /adakensis to be a good species. The insect occurs in NW-Himalaya up to Ladakh and is also known from 16 Fig. 6. Aglais urticae L. Holland. Male genitalia, prep. nr. 751. Fig. 7. idem, processus superior. Fig. 8. Aglais ladakensis M. India, Ladakh, Nimaling 5000 m. Male genitalia, prep. nr. 727. Fig. 9. idem, processus superior. 7 Karakorum, West Tibet and Nepal. Specimens have been found up to 5400 m. Cashmirensis however, has usually been accepted as a good species, occurring from North India to Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan. During our stay in Nimaling we found on a nettle (Urtica sp.) many caterpillars in various stages of development and also some chrysalids. The chrysalids were hidden in rolled up and spun leaves of the foodplant : a species with a very strong and persistent ‘sting’ (Fig. 5 : 9-12). In contrast to the chrysalids of urticae, those of ladakensis are dull black. The caterpillar is also different : the head is black with tiny black hairs on both sides. The segments are set with one row of dorsal- and three rows of lateral, branched, black and yellowish thorns. The body is black with some reddish tinge. The underside is strikingly paler and of a brownish colour. There are two dorsal and two sublateral rows of yellow spots. Clear differences between the adults of /adakensis and urticae also exist (Fig. 33 5-8) : Upperside forewing : In general, smaller and darker. Spot in space 8 less white. No blue markings in submarginal area. Between the costal black spots the yellow is paler. The inner margin spot in spaces la, Ib and 2 is more hazy, stretching to the median vein of the cell. The outer margin is less dentate, with no tooth near vein 6. Upperside hindwing : The dark basal area extends further in the direction of the outer margin. Consequently the postdiscal margin is narrower and often paler yellow. The outer margin is less dentate with a small tooth only near vein 4. Underside : Less contrasted, especially in the postdiscal- and submarginal areas ; more grey-brown. Male genitalia (Fig. 6-9) : the most significant and constant difference is in the shape of the processus superior, a process at the upper edge of the valve. Taking into account all these facts we conclude that /adakensis is a bona species. Melitaea amoenula C. and R. FELDER, 1867 This very small species is endemic to Ladakh and Kema above 3500 m (HIGGINS, 1982). It is closely related to M. arcesia BREMER, 1864, occurring in Central Asia (Kukunor, Sajan and Kentei Mts.). In Nimaling valley we discovered a small population on a grassy and moist part of the riverbed. The butterflies were flying just above the vegetation and 18 recalled the behaviour of Mellicta asteria FREYER, 1828, known from the Central Alps. Satyridae Karanasa huebneri C. and R. FELDER, 1867 The distribution of the genus Karanasa Moore, 1891, is limited around the Pamir knot. Western representatives have been recorded from Afghanistan, while species are also known from Tien Shan. AVINOFF and SWEADNER (1951) suggested a classification of the various forms, based on geographical distribution, altitude and reproductive barriers. They distinguished about 20 species. MUNROE (1961) reduced this number to 7 in his critical review. One of the groups is the so called “ huebneri-group”, mainly distributed in the Hindukush and in the Karakorum area. Within this complex two types may be recognised : — forms wiih a strongly contrasting wing pattern, present in the Hindukush (Afghanistan ). — pale forms with faint wing markings, known from NW-Himalaya, so including Zanskar and Ladakh. During our expedition a few specimens were noticed on a slope of the Fotu-la, overgrown with stiff grasses. Huebneri is adapted excellently to its surroundings. The butterflies are extremely difficult to see when they are sitting on the ground. Our specimens belong to the form expressa AVINOFF and SWEADNER, 1951, seeming characteristic for Ladakh between 3500-5000 m. Hyponephele pulchella C. and R. FELDER, 1867 In Ladakh, pulchella is the most common of the several species of the genus Hyponephele MuscHAMP, 1915, which occur in that area. On the Namika-la (3500 m), a pass on the road to Leh between Zoji-la and Fotu-la, we found pulchella on rather barren slopes with a deep-brown soil, together with A. davendra Moore, 1865. On the Fotu-la, at about 3800 m, pulchella was considerably more numerous on open, windy, rough and steppe-like ground. A comparison of series from the Namika-la and Fotu-la only showed slight differences in the ocelli ; colour differences were barely noticeable. Hyponephele coenonympha C. and R. FELDER, 1867 This species is distributed in Pakistan, Kohistan and Kashmir. It was just emerging in mid July on the Zoji-la (only males). The species preferred overgrown ridges along steep, rocky slopes. 19 Paralasa kalinda Moore, 1893 The genus Paralasa Moore, 1891, closely related to Erebia, is distributed in the higher mountains of central Asia (NW-Himalaya, Szechwan, East Tibet, Karakorum, Pamir, Tien Shan, Hindukush). In 1973, Paralasa material was collected from NW-Nepal by MARTENS. The material was studied by PAULUS (1982), who realised that the species was new and described it as P. nepalica. Nepalica represents the most eastern species of the genus Paralasa known in the Himalaya. Paralasa is represented by only two species in Kashmir and Ladakh : mani de NICEVILLE, 1880, and kalinda. P. kalinda is only distri- buted in India north of Kashmir and Kumaon. P. mani is mainly distributed in East Afghanistan and in the border-area between USSR and China. Like other Paralasa species, kalinda prefers the pine forest belt and the insect may occur there in numbers. Along the road to the Zoji-la, the species was not rare at 3000 m on south-facing slopes. At the beginning of August kalinda was even more common here. On the pass itself the species was seen at 3600 m, far above the pine forest ! Lycaenidae Thersamonia solskyi ERSCHOFF, 1874 (Fig. 5: 3, 4) The genus Thersamonia VERITY, 1919, is represented in Ladakh only by the taxon solskyi ERSCHOFF, 1874. It is a species which is distributed in the Afghanistan-Pamir-Alai-Ladakh region. Only a few records are known ; the species seems to be especially rare and local in Ladakh (SCHURIAN and HOFMANN, 1982). The form aditva Moore, 1874, was described from the Drass valley (Ladakh). The underside of the hindwings of aditya is more yellow and the black borders of the wings are narrower. According to SCHURIAN and HOFMANN (1982), this form is found in Afghanistan as well. However, some males and females of aditya from Afghanistan figured by SAKAI (1980) in colour, do not agree with our specimens : — the groundcolour of the underside of the forewings is orange-yellow, —the underside of the hindwings is the same pale yellow as SAKAI’s specimens, but the fringes are not white but grey and the ocelli are more elongated, — the orange band on the underside of the hindwings is more pronounced. We may conclude that our specimens do not agree completely with aditya, as described by Moore in 1874. Our males are of the size of ssp. soiskyi (in fact 31 mm), while the male figured by Moore seems to be much larger (SCHURIAN and HOFMANN, 1982). 20 We found some specimens on both the south and north sides of the pass Fotu-la (4100 m). On the south side at 3800 m we noticed two males, resting in thorn bushes in the evening. Several Lycaenids were seen on the same bushes, i.e. Albulina omphisa Moore, Polvommatus stoliczkanus FELDER, Polyommatus devanica Moore. On the north side of the pass at 4100 m two males were observed in a small dry and very hot valley with deep brown soil with only some Artemisia plants. These plants were the resting place of the butterflies. As no other material of aditya from Ladakh seems to be illustrated or available, the upper- and underside of a male is figured here. Hesperiidae Pyrgus cashmirensis Moore, 1874 This species was only seen on the Zoji-la at about 3500-3600 m. DE JONG (1979) investigated the distribution of cashmirensis. It runs from the Hissar Mts to central Hindukush and through Pamir and Kashmir up to Kumaon. Striking is the isolated (?) appearance in Bhutan. Three subspecies are recognized. Our specimens belong to the nominate ssp. cashmirensis, the distribution of which stretches from Baltistan through Ladakh, Lahoul, Kulu to Kumaon and furthermore Bhutan. VIII. List of Lepidoptera, observed and/or collected during our entomolo- gical expedition to Kashmir and Ladakh (India) from July 11 to August 11, 1984 EE EE F1 EN E3 EI CERN HE Papilionidae Parnassius epaphus OBERTHUR, 1879 x Parnassius stoliczkanus FELDER, 1865 X + Nimaling peak Parnassius maharaja AVINOFF, 1916 leg. J. C. WEISS near location 4 Parnassius simo GRAY, 1852 x Parnassius acco GRAY, 1852 X Parnassius charltonius GRAY, 1852 x | x Insx + Namika-la, 3500 m | Parnassius acdestis GRUM-GRSHIMAILO, 1891 x Papilio machaon LINNAEUS, 1758 Paskyum, Namika-la Pieridae Baltia butleri MOORE, 1882 X leg. J. C. Weıss Metaporia leechi MOORE, 1904 x Pieris brassicae LINNAEUS, 1758 X +10 km E. of Dras Pieris rapae LINNAEUS, 1758 x | + Saspul, Paskyum Pieris canidia SPARRMAN, 1768 X Synchloe callidice EsPER, 1805 x| xX Pontia daplidice LINNAEUS, 1758 x X 21 Be el NE ERE remarks Pontia chloridice HUBNER, 1808 Catopsilia crocale CRAMER, 1775 X | Colias elwesi ROBER, 1907 x Colias erate ESPER, 1808 x | + 10km E. of Dras 8 km W. of Kargil Colias eogene C. and R. FELDER, 1865 x nsx| x | Colias stoliczkanus MOORE, 1878 X Colias fieldi MENETRIER, 1855 x | x Sonmarg ; 10 km E. of Dras Colias ladakensis C. and R. FELDER, 1865 nsx} x Gonepteryx rhamni LINNAEUS, 1758 10 km E. of Dras Nymphalidae Vanessa cardui LINNAEUS, 1758 X Aglais cashmirensis KOLLAR, 1844 x | x Aglais ladakensis MOORE, 1878 X caterpillars and chrysalids Fabriciana adippe SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775 x | Fabriciana niobe LINNAEUS, 1758 XX observed by J. C. Weıss Boloria pales SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775 x | Melitaea amoenula C. and R. FELDER, 1867 X Satyridae Lasiommata menava MOORE, 1865 x | x | Hyponephele pulchella FELDER, 1867 X + Namika-la Hyponephele pulchra FELDER, 1867 X Hyponephele coenonympha FELDER, 1867 x Hyponephele davendra Moore, 1865 X x | Hipparchia parisatis KOLLAR, 1850 Khaisi Pseudochazara lehana Moore, 1878 Namika-la, Hemis- valley Karanasa huebneri FELDER, 1867 X Aulocera brahminus BLANCHARD, 1844 X Paralasa kalinda MOORE, 1893 x Lycaenidae Rapala melampus CRAMER, 1775 X Rapala epyarbas Moore, 1857 X | Lycaena phlaeas LINNAEUS, 1761 x Thersamonia solskyi ERSCHOFF, 1874 X Rapsidia kasyapa Moore, 1865 X observed by Weiss | Lampides boeticus LINNAEUS, 1767 Tarucus theophrastus FABRICIUS, 1793 Pseudozizeeria maha KOLLAR, 1848 | Celastrina argiolus LINNAEUS, 1758 Paskyum, 10 km E. of Dras, 8km W. of Kargil A | Lycaeides christophi STAUDINGER, 1874 X Everes argiades PALLAS, 1771 X Albulina lehana Moore, 1878 x | x | Albulina galathea BLANCHARD, 1844 X Albulina omphisa Moore, 1874 x Albulina leela NicEVILLE, 1883 X Polvommatus devanica Moore, 1874 X Polyommatus stoliczkanus FELDER, 1865 x? | x? x | x? 22 remarks Hesperiidae Pyrgus cashmirensis MOORE, 1874 Hesperia comma LINNAEUS, 1758 Parnara guttatus MOORE, 1865 Number of species per locality Total number of species : 61 Key to localities 1 — Nishat gardens (Srinagar), 1800 m. 2 — Zoji-la, 3500 m. 3 — Fotu-la, 4100 m. 4 — Gomaru-la, 5500 m. 5 — Nimaling valley, 5000/5400 m. 6 — Martselang, 3400 m. ns — north side Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. R. DE JONG, Leiden, for his information about the characteristics of the male genitalia of Ag/ais, to Mr. D. VISSER, Hendrik Ido Ambacht, for his kind assistance in photographing the butter- flies, to Mr. B. J. VAN VONDEL, Hendrik Ido Ambacht, both for his good advice and help in photographing the genitalia and for his design of the section drawing of Nimaling Valley, and to Mr. J. C. Weiss, Metz, for reading and checking the list of Lepidoptera. Our special thanks to Mr. E. DE Bros for translating the abstract into French. Literature AVINOFF, A. and SWEADNER, W. R., 1951. — The Karanasa Butterflies, a Study in Evolution. Ann. Carnegie Museum, 32, 1: 1-251, pl. 1-17. EPSTEIN, H. J., 1979. — Interesting, rare and new Pierids (Lepidoptera : Pieridae) from the Central Nepal Himalayas. Ent Gazette 30 : 90-96. HIGGINS, L. G., 1982. — A revision of Phyciodes HUEBNER and related genera, with a review of the classification of the Melitaeinae. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. 43 : 77-243. JONG, R. DE, 1979. — Revision of the Pyrgus alpinus group (Lepidoptera, Hespe- riidae), with notes on phylogeny and character displacement. — Zool. Meded. Deel 54 : 53-82. KOSTROWICKI, A. S., 1969. — Geography of the palearctic Papilionoidea (Lep.). — Zakl. zool. Syst. polsk. Akad. Nauk., Krakow : 380. MAXI, M. S., 1962. — Introduction to High Altitude Entomology. Methuen and Co. Ltd, London : 302. 25 MUNROE, E., 1961. — The Classification of the Papilionidae (Lepidoptera). — Can. Ent. Suppl. 17 : 1-52. PAULUS, H. F., 1982. — Paralasa nepalica n. sp. aus Trockengebieten NW-Nepals. — Senckenbergiana biol., Frankfurt am Main, 63 : 337-346. SAKAI, S., 1978. — Butterflies from the Hindukush, Karakorum, Kashmir and Ladak, with Descriptions of two new Species and six Subspecies. — Atalanta, Würzburg, Bd IX, Heft 1 : 104-132. —, 1980. — Butterflies of Afghanistan, (Japan) : 272. SCHURIAN, K. G. und HOFMANN, P., 1982. — Die Thersamonia-Gruppe (Lepidop- tera, Lycaenidae). — Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt, Suppl. 2 : 1-59. SEITZ, A., 1909. — Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. I. Abteilung. Die Gross- Schmetterlinge des Palaearktischen Faunengebietes. 1. Band : Die Palaearkti- schen Tagfalter, Stuttgart : 379. SHIELDS, Al., 1981, 1982. — International Nepal Himalaya Expedition for Lepidop- tera (INHELP) 1977, Report 1 : Introduction and Lycaenidae. — Journ. of Res. on the Lepidoptera, 20 (2) : 65-80. TALBOT, G., 1939. — Fauna of British India-Butterflies, 2nd ed., Vol. I: 600. WYNTER-BLYTH, M. A., 1957. — Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay : 523. 24 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 25-48 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Contributions à la connaissance des Coleophoridae. XLVI Sur quelques Coleophores nouvelles ou peu connues d'Espagne et des Canaries Giorgio BALDIZZONE I-14100 Asti, Via Manzoni 24 Abstract Five new species of Coleophoridae (C. aliena, C. beticella, C. jynxella, C. sciurella, C. vivesella) from Spain, and one from the Canary Islands (C. teneriffella) are described in this work. The female genitalia of C. hiberica BALDIZZONE, and C. nevadella BALDIZZONE are described and illustrated for the first time. Three species (C. berlandella TOLL, C. microalbella AMSEL, C. sabulella TOLL) are new to the European Fauna ; four species (C. ciconiella H.-S., C. insulicola TOLL, C. fiorii TOLL, C. macrobiella CONSTANT) are recorded from Spain for the first time. Au cours du mois de juillet 1985, j'ai effectué une période de recherches avec l'ami Ernst TRAUGOTT-OLSEN en Andalousie, dans la region de Baza (prov. de Granada) et sur la Sierra Nevada, tant sur le versant oriental (Capileira) que sur le versant occidental (route de la Veleta). Dans le travail qui suit, je presente les nouveaux taxa que j’ai decouverts (Coleophora beticella, C. jynxella, C. sciurella, C. aliena, C. vivesella) et je donne aussi la description des genitalia femelles de C. hiberica BALDIZZONE et de C. nevadella BAL- DIZZONE. Je décris aussi C. teneriffella n. sp., espèce des Canaries, déjà connue et traitée par J. KLIMESCH, qui ne lui avait pas donné de nom. A cette occasion, je desire remercier encore une fois le cher ami Ernst TRAUGOTT- OLSEN, pour toute l’aide qu’il m’a apportée en Espagne, le Dr. J. KLIMESCH, qui m'a permis d'illustrer l'espèce de Teneriffe en me donnant l’holotype, et comme d'habitude M. Emmanuel DE Bros, qui a aimablement revu le texte en langue française. Coleophora hiberica BALDIZZONE, 1985 (Nota lepid., 8 (3) : 207) J'ai décrit cette espèce sur la base du seul à, recueilli par K. SATTLER en Andalousie, dans la région de Orgiva (prov. de Granada). En 1985, j'ai eu la chance de capturer à la lampe un couple de cette espèce, plus haut que la localité typique, sur le versant oriental de la Sierra Nevada, raison pour laquelle je peux maintenant décrire les genitalia femelles (fig. 7 et 8) : 25 Papillae anales ovales. Apophyses postérieures à peu près 2 fois plus longues, que les antérieures. Lamella antevaginalis subtrapézoïdale, tres peu sclerifiee, seulement au milieu, profondement creusée en moitié, en rapport avec l’ostium bursae. Lamella postvaginalis subtrapezoidale, peu marquée. Ostium bursae ogival, ample, avec bord bien chitinisé. /nfundibulum étroit, presque transparent. Ductus bursae transparent, court, s’elargit graduellement jusqu’à la bourse, qui est petite, ronde, dépourvue de signum. Note : Les genitalia femelles confirment que l'espèce appartient au 6° groupe de TOLL. C. aliena n. sp. Localité typique : Espagne méridionale, Andalousie, Baza. Diagnose : Exp. alaire 9 mm. Tête (fig. 5) thorax et abdomen jaune clair nacré. Palpes labiaux jaunes : le second article est à peu près 2 fois plus long que le troisième. Antennes avec le flagellum annelees de jaune et de brun-clair. Ailes antérieures de couleur jaune paille uniforme, très nacre ; franges jaunes. Ailes postérieures et franges jaune gris nacre. Genitalia males (fig. 10 et 11) : Gnathos large, ovale. Tegumen en forme de «8». Transtilla petite, subtriangulaire. Valva tres étroite et allongée. Valvula très petite, presque impossible à observer. Sacculus avec structure très simple, subtriangulaire. Edéage court, conique, plus sclérifié dorsalement. Pas de cornuti. Structure de renforcement de l’abdomen (fig. 12) : Barres latéro-antérieures à peu près 2 fois plus longues que les postérieures. Barre transversale droite avec le bord proximal mince, et le bord distal plus épais latéralement. Disques tergaux (3° tergite) à peu près 4,5 fois plus longs que larges. Note : L'espèce, dont $ et bionomie sont inconnues, doit être piacée dans le 8° groupe de ToL. par la structure du gnathos, du tegumen et de l’édéage. Elle peut être aisément identifiée par la structure caractéristique des genita- lia : les valves très allongées et le sacculus subtriangulaire ne permettent de rapprocher cette n. sp. d’aucune espèce déjà connue de ce groupe. Répartition géographique : Connue seulement de la localité typique. Matériel examiné : Holotype ¢ (PG Bldz 7740) : «Hisp. Prov. de Granada N. 342 x Rio Baza, 7.-9.VII.1985, G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott-Olsen», coll. BALDIZZONE. 26 C. nevadella BALDIZZONE, 1985 (Nota lepid., 8(3):211) J'ai décrit cette espèce sur la base d’une serie de dd de la Sierra Nevada. Au cours de mon voyage en Espagne en 1985, j'ai recueilli une série de 2° dans la localité typique, chose qui me permet maintenant de décrire les genitalia femelles (fig. 14 et 15): Papillae anales grandes, ovales, très sclerifiees. Apophyses postérieures a peu près 2 fois plus longues que les antérieures. Lamella antevaginalis très caractéristique, constituée par deux barres courbes fortement chitinisées, qui délimitent l’ostium bursae. Lamella postvaginalis subtrapézoidale. Ostium bursae ovale, très allongé. /nfundibulum debutant en forme d’ampoule pourvue de quelques petites epines chitineuses, se continue tubulaire, bien sclerifie, avec ligne moyenne. Ductus bursae très long, complètement revêtu par deux bandes hérissées de petites épines coniques. Bourse ample, avec un grand signum en forme d’ancre. Note : La découverte de la © confirme que nevadella est une espèce bien différenciée de C. ornatipennella HUBNER et C. lixella ZELLER de l'Europe et de C. malatiella ToLL et C. caucasica STAINTON d’Asie mineure. Elle me semble presenter un «passage» de C. ornatipennella a C. malatiella. Répartition géographique : L’espece, dont la bionomie est inconnue, a ete recueillie seulement sur la Sierra Nevada. C. vivesella n. sp. Localité typique : Espagne méridionale, Andalousie, Baza. Diagnose : Exp. alaire 8-10 mm. Tête (fig. 6) jaune-ocre clair. Palpes blancs : le second article, revêtu latéralement d’écailles brunes, est à peu pres 0,5 fois plus long que le troisième. Antennes dépourvues de poils à la base ; flagellum annelé de blanc et brun. Thorax et abdomen jaune-ocre. Ailes antérieures jaune-ocre clair, parsemées de quelques écailles brunes ; une faible ligne blanche, peut s’observer sur la nervure moyenne et le long de la costa. Franges de l’aile antérieure jaune-gris nacre. Ailes postérieures brun-gris clair ; franges jaune-gris nacre. Genitalia males (fig. 17 et 18) : Gnathos petit, rond. Tegumen avec deux bras larges. Transtilla allongée. Valva longue, plus large a l’apex qu'à la base. Valvula petite, arrondie. Sacculus caractérise par la forme subtriangulaire de l’angle dorso-caudal, qui porte au milieu une dent émoussée. Edéage allongé, présentant deux barres sclérifiées, dont l’une se termine en pointe aiguë, et 21 l’autre avec une longue dent. Les cornuti sont nombreux, réunis en une longue chaine. Structure de renforcement de l’abdomen (fig. 19): Pas de barres latéro- postérieures, la barre transversale, épaisse, présente un bord proximal droit, et un bord distal convexe. Disques tergaux (3° tergite) à peu près 5 fois plus longs que larges. Genitalia femelles (fig. 21 et 22) : Papillae anales petites, subtriangulaires. Apophyses postérieures à peu près 3 fois plus longues que les antérieures. Lamella antevaginalis subtrapezoidale, creusée dans la region de l’ostium bursae, qui est de forme ogivale, allongee. Lamella postvaginalis beaucoup plus étroite que l’antevaginalis, avec le bord proximal irregulierement triangu- laire. /nfundibulum en forme d’ampoule chitinisee. Ductus bursae revêtu d’epines tres petites, presque sur la moitie de sa longueur ; la seconde moitie est transparente, jusqu’a la bourse, qui est petite et ronde, pourvue d’un petit signum en forme de feuille. Note : L’espece, dont la bionomie est inconnue, appartient au 30° groupe de TOLL, mais à cause de la structure des genitalia, on ne peut pas la rapprocher d’une autre espece deja connue. Peut-etre doit elle se placer dans la section de versurella, s’en distinguant aisement a cause de la structure du sacculus, large et subtriangulaire dans l’angle dorso-caudal, et de l’edeage, beaucoup plus allonge, se terminant par une longue pointe courbe. Les genitalia femelles de vivesella sont tout-a-fait differents... Répartition géographique : C. vivesella n. sp. a été recueillie seulement dans la région de Baza. Materiel examiné : Holotype d (PG Bldz 7739) : «Hisp. Prov. de Granada, Sierra de Baza, 10.VII.1985, G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott-Olsen», coll. BALDIZZONE. Paratypes: 1 & (PG Bldz 7721), 12 22 (PG Bldz 7669-7678-7685- 7688-769 1-77 14-7719-7725-7727-7732-7734-7748) : même localité et date. — 3 22 (PG Bidz 7659-7694-7733) : «Hisp. Prov. de Granada, N 342 x Rio Baza, 7.-9.VII.1985, G. Baldizzone & E. Traugott-Olsen». — 2 9 (PG Bidz 7730-7731) : Hisp. Prov. de Granada, N 342, 8 km al este de Baza, 11.V11.1985, G. Baldizzone & E. Traugott-Olsen». Tous les paratypes sont conserves dans la coll. BALDIZZONE. Derivatio nominis: L’espece est dédiée au cher ami Dr. Antonio VivEs Moreno de Madrid, en lui souhaitant un avenir entomologique toujours plus fecond. 28 C. jynxella n. sp. Localité typique : Espagne méridionale, Andalousie, Sierra Nevada. Diagnose : Exp. alaire 9-11 mm. Tête (fig. 2) blanche, couverte dorsalement d’ecailles brunes. Palpes labiaux blancs, revêtus latéralement d’ecailles brunes : le second article est à peu près 3 fois plus long que le troisième. Antennes dépourvues de poils à la base ; le flage//um est annele de blanc et brun. Thorax et abdomen blancs, couverts d’écailles brunes. Ailes antérieures de couleur blanc parsemees d’ecailles brunes, qui forment trois lignes le long de la costa, de la nervure cubitale et de la nervure anale. Franges brun-jaune nacré. Ailes postérieures brunes, avec franges brun-jaune nacré. Genitalia males (fig. 24 et 25): Gnathos ovale. Tegumen avec bras elargis. Transtilla large, trapezoidale. Valva large. Valvula petite et arrondie, bien individualisée. Sacculus caractérisé par un processus dans l’angle dorso- caudal, qui porte 3 dents différents tournées vers l’intérieur. Édéage constitué par un corp cylindrique, trapu, duquel part une baguette sclérifiée portant à l’apex une longue dent. Un seul cornutus, très long, mince et courbe. Structure de renforcement de l’abdomen (fig. 26): Pas de barres latéro- postérieures, la barre transversale, très épaisse, a le bord distal constitué par deux demi-lunes. Disques tergaux (3° tergite) à peu près 6 fois plus longs que larges. Genitalia femelles (fig. 28): Papillae anales petites ovales. Apophyses postérieures à peu près 2 fois plus longues que les antérieures. Lamella antevaginalis subtrapezoidale avec le bord distal arrondi, pourvu de quelques poils. Lamella postvaginalis plus petite, presque la moitié de l’antevaginalis, dont elle conserve la forme. Ostium bursae très large, ogival. Znfundibulum asymétrique, avec une part distale en forme de coupe et une part proximale, qui présente une protubérance latérale en forme de goute. Ductus bursae avec 2/3 de sa longueur pourvus d’une ligne moyenne ; le 1/3 initial est revêtu d'un manchon de petites epines coniques, tandis que la dernière partie du ductus est complètement transparente. Bourse petite, ronde, avec un petit signum en forme de feuille. Note : L'espèce, dont la bionomie est inconnue, appartient au 30° groupe de TOLL, et par la structure des genitalia males peut être quelque peu rapprochée de C. otitae ZELLER. De cette espece, elle se distingue aisement, avant tout par sa taille, qui est presque la moitié de celle de otitae. Pour les genitalia , jynxella est très caractéristique par la structure de l’edeage, beaucoup plus court que celui d’otitae, pour le processus apical de la valve, et par le long cornutus. Les genitalia femelles de jynxella different de ceux d’otitae d’une façon presque complete : tout le ductus bursae de jynxella est revêtu d’epines, 29 tandis que celui d’otitae porte des épines seulement sur une petite portion ; mais il faut surtout remarquer la structure asymétrique de l’infundibulum de jynxella, qui n’a pas de correspondance avec celle des espèces du même groupe. Répartition géographique : Connue seulement d'Espagne (Sierra de Gredos et Sierra Nevada). Matériel examiné : Holotype & (PG Bldz 7745): «Hisp. Sierra Nevada, Camino de la Veleta, 1600 m, 19.VII.1985, G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott- Olsen», coll. BALDIZZONE. Paratypes : 1 © (PG Bldz 4142) même localité, 1700 m, 23.V11.1983, leg. G. Baldizzone & P. Triberti, coll. BALDIZZONE. — 1 8 (PG Bldz 6631) : «Süd-Spanien, Sierra Nevada, Puerto de la Ragua, 1800 m, 18.VII.1980, leg. Gg. Derra», coll. DERRA, Bamberg (R.F.A.). — | 9 (PG Bldz 7062) : «Hispania, 19.7.1980, Sierra de Gredos, Navace- peda, 1500 m. M.u.E. Arenberger» ex coll. BURMANN, coll. BALDIZZONE. C. teneriffella n. sp. Localité typique : Îles Canaries, Teneriffa, Guimar. Diagnose : Exp. alaire 9-10 mm. Tête (fig. 4) thorax et abdomen brun-clair. Palpes labiaux blancs, revêtus latéralement d’ecailles brunes : le second article est à peu près 2 fois plus long que le troisième. Antennes avec flagellum annelé de blanc et brun. Ailes antérieures brun clair, parsemees d’ecailles brun foncé ; rayures blanches le long des nervures. Franges brun-gris clair. Ailes postérieures brunes avec franges brun-gris clair. Genitalia males (fig. 31-32) : Gnathos ovale. Tegumen avec bras larges et aplatis. Transtilla linéaire. Valva courte et trapue. Valvula chitinisée, ronde et bien individualisée. Sacculus allongé et arrondi dans l’angle ventro-caudal, présentant un long processus en forme de corne dans l'angle dorso-caudal ; à la base de ce processus se trouve une dent émoussée. Édéage avec deux barres presque symétriques, qui portent une dent triangulaire vers la moitié, et une autre, un peu plus grande, à l’apex. Un seul cornutus en forme de griffe. Structure de renforcement de l’abdomen (fig. 33): pas de barres latéro- postérieures, la barre transversale, convexe présente un bord proximal plus épais. Disques tergaux (3° tergite) à peu près 5 fois plus longs que larges. Genitalia femelles (fig. 36 et 38) : Papillae anales étroites, ovales. Apophyses postérieures a peu près 2,5 fois plus longues que les antérieures. Lamella antevaginalis subtrapézoïdale, avec le bord distal portant deux petites dents aux angles. Lamella postvaginalis subtrapézoïdale, de la moitié plus étroite 30 que l’antevaginalis. Ostium bursae petit, ovale, s’ouvrant sur le bord distal de la lamella antevaginalis. Infundibulum tubuliforme, très allongé, presque transparent. Le ductus bursae débute avec une partie revêtue de petites epines coniques sur une longueur à peu pres égale a celle de |’ infundibulum. Tout le ductus qui reste est transparent, jusqu’a la bourse, qui est petite, pourvue d’un petit signum en forme de feuille. Note : L'espèce, dont la bionomie est inconnue, doit être placée dans le 30° groupe de TOLL, pres de C. pyrenaica BALDIZZONE. Les differences les plus évidentes entre les deux espèces sont les suivantes : chez le G de teneriffella, la valve est beaucoup plus longue que chez pyrenaica, le processus qui se trouve dans l’angle dorso-caudal est plus court, tandis que celui qui se trouve dans l’angle ventro-caudal est plus prononce ; l’edeage de teneriffella est presque symétrique et les deux barres chitineuses se terminent à l’apex par une petite dent, tandis que chez pyrenaica une barre est plus épaisse que l’autre et seulement la plus mince est pourvue d'une dent aiguë à l’apex ; le cornutus de teneriffella est plus court et trapu de celui de pyrenaica. Chez les genitalia femelles, on remarque que l’ostium bursae de teneriffella est plus large et s'ouvre sur le bord distal de la /amella antevaginalis, tandis que celui de pyrenaica, plus petit et ogival, s'ouvre vers la moitié de la /amella; l’infundibulum de teneriffella est tubulaire, tandis que celui de pyrenaica est en forme d’ampoule ; le ductus bursae de teneriffella, beaucoup plus court que celui de pyrenaica, a une portion revetue d’epines double de celle de pyre- naica. C. teneriffella a ete decouverte comme nouvelle espece par le Dr. Josef KLIMESCH, qui en a traité dans son travail de 1982 consacré aux Coleophores des Canaries, sans lui donner de nom. C'est pour cette raison qu'il m'a donné l'autorisation de décrire ce nouveau taxon, en me donnant toute l'aide possible, ce dont je le remercie, ainsi que de m'avoir donné l’holotype pour ma collection. Répartition géographique : Connue seulement de l’île de Teneriffa. Materiel examiné : Holotype d (PG Bldz 7884): «Ins. CANAR. Ten., Güimar, 15-28.3.1965, J. Klimesch», coll. BALDIZZONE. Paratypes : 4 SS (PG Rasmussen 4939) 1 2 (PG Rasmussen 4164) : meme date et localité, coll. KLIMESCH, Linz. — 1 6, même localité, 29.3.1972, leg. coll. KLIMESCH. —1 2 (PG Bidz 2814) même localité, 1.1V.1967, leg. PINKER, ex coll. BURMANN, coll. BALDIZZONE. — 1 2(PG Bldz 4513): «Iles Canaries, Tenerife, 1000 m. Las Mercedes, 9. IV.1981, F. Coenen leg.», coll. COENEN, Bruxelles. —1 © (PG Bldz 7017): «Islas Canarias, Tenerife, 300 m. San Andres, 13.04.1981, W. De Prins leg.», coll. DE PRINS, Anvers. oa C. beticella n. Sp. Localité typique : Espagne méridionale, Andalousie, Baza. Diagnose : Exp. alaire, 8-9 mm. Tête (fig. 3) thorax et abdomen blancs. Palpes labiaux blancs ; le second article est à peu près 0,5 fois plus long que le troisième. Antennes avec flagellum annelé de blanc et brun. Ailes antérieu- res blanches, parsemées de quelques écailles brunes. Franges blanc-nacré. Ailes postérieures gris clair ; franges blanc nacre. Genitalia mâles (fig. 40-42-42) : Gnathos ovale. Subscaphium avec deux bras larges et aplatis. Transtilla en forme de faux. Valva large. Valvula petite, arrondie et chitinisée. Sacculus caractérisé par un grand processus subtriangu- laire crénelé, dans l’angle dorso-caudal. Edéage constitué par deux barres, dont l’une porte deux grandes dents triangulaires vers le milieu et une autre plus petite à l’apex. Cornuti 3-4 petits, réunis. Structure de renforcement de l'abdomen (fig. 41) : Pas de barres latero-posterieures, la barre transversale, convexe, présente un bord proximal complet et un bord distal constitué par deux demi-lunes. Disques tergaux (3° tergite) à peu près 3 fois plus longs que larges. Genitalia femelles (fig. 23 et 30): Papillae anales étroites et petites. Apo- physes postérieures à peu près deux fois plus longues que les antérieures. Lamella antevaginalis subtrapezoidale, herissee de poils sur le bord distal, qui est un peu creusé au milieu. Lamella postvaginalis subtrapezoidale, plus petite de la moitié que l’antevaginalis, a un bord proximal courbé au milieu, en forme de triangle. Ostium bursae ovale. Infundibulum en forme de coupe, très sclérifié. Ductus bursae revêtu, dans sa première moitié, d’epines coniques très petites ; la seconde partie est transparente. Bursa petite avec signum en forme de feuille. Note : L'espèce appartient au 30° groupe de TOLL et doit être placée pres de C. areniphila ToLL. Les différences chez les genitalia males (les genitalia femelles de areniphila sont inconnus) sont les suivantes : chez areniphila, la valve est plus courte et mince; l’edeage est constitué par deux barres beaucoup plus minces que celles de beticella, et toutes les deux se terminent a l’apex par une dent aiguë, tandis que chez beticella seule la barre la plus longue porte une dent subtriangulaire à l’apex ; cette barre est aussi pourvue de deux dents trapues sur le dos, structure qui manque chez areniphila. Répartition géographique : Région de Baza. La bionomie est inconnue. Matériel examiné : Holotype d (PG Bldz 7655) : «Hisp. Prov. de Granada, N 342 x Rio Baza, 7.-9.V11.1985, G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott-Olsen», coll. BALDIZZONE. 32 Paratypes : 1 G (PG Bldz 7680) 4 2° (PG Bldz 7649-7654-7661-7715) : meme date et localite. — 2 dd (PG Bldz 7693-7699) 9 99 (PG Bldz 7672-7673-7682-7684- 7687-7690-7692-7724-7729) : «Hisp. Prov. de Granada, N 342, 8 km al este de Baza, 11.VII.1985, G. Baldizzone & E. Traugott-Olsen». Tous les paratypes se trouvent dans la coll. BALDIZZONE. C. sciurella n. sp. Localité typique : Espagne méridionale, Andalousie, Sierra Nevada. Diagnose. Exp. alaire 8 mm. Tête (fig. 1), thorax et abdomen brun clair. Palpes labiaux blancs ; le second article est a peu près 0,5 fois plus long que le troisième. Antennes avec flagellum blanc pour la moitié proximale, et annelé de blanc et brun dans la moitié distale. Ailes antérieures blanches, parsemées d’ecailles brunes, qui forment une ligne sur la nervure cubitale et sur la nervure anale. Franges brun-gris nacre. Ailes postérieures et franges brun-gris nacre. Genitalia males (fig. 45 et 46) : Gnathos petit, ovale. Tegumen très étroit au milieu. Transtilla dilatee en forme ovale. Valva courte et trapue. Valvula petite, ovale, tres chitinisée. Sacculus caractérisé par un grand processus triangulaire dans l’angle dorso-caudal, surmonté par deux dents émoussées ; a la base de ce processus se trouve une dent plus grande parfaitement triangulaire. Edéage constitué par deux longues barres sciérifiées, plus larges à l’apex qu’a la base; la plus courte est surmontée par une petite dent triangulaire. Un seul cornutus en forme de griffe. Structure de renforcement de l’abdomen (fig. 47): Pas de barres latéro- postérieures, la barre transversale est épaisse et presque droite. Disques tergaux (3° tergite) à peu près 6 fois plus longs que larges. Note : L'espèce, dont femelle et bionomie sont inconnues, doit être placée dans le 30° groupe de Tor, dans la section de C. kyffusana PETRY, où se trouvent aussi C. franzi KLIMESCH, C. repentis KLIMESCH, C. karsholti BALDIZZONE et C. parvella TOLL. C. sciurella n. sp. se distingue aisement de toutes les especes du groupe par la structure caractéristique de l’edeage, qui est le seul de ce groupe a présenter deux barres aussi différentes, dont l’une linéaire et l’autre renflée dans la moitié apicale ; une structure aussi caractéristique est constituée par le grand processus qui surmonte l’angle dorso-caudal, pourvu d'une forte dent triangu- laire à la base, formation se trouvant exclusivement chez sciurella. Répartition géographique : Connue seulement de la Sierra Nevada. 33 Matériel examiné : Holotype ¢ (PG Bldz 7747) : «HISP. Prov. de Granada Camino de Capileira, 1250 m, 13.VIL.1985, G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott- Olsen» coll. BALDIZZONE. C. berlandella Tot, 1956 (L’Entomologiste, /2 (4/5) : 106) Materiel examine : — Arragonia, Albarracin, 1400 m, 13.VIII.1984, leg. GRUNWALD. — Teruel, Bronchales, 1500 m, 25.-30.VII.1981, leg. A. Cox & M. PRICK. — Navarra, Irurzum, 28.VII.1948, leg. MARTEN, coll. Istituto di Zoologia, Roma. — Barcelona, Alella, 12.VIII.1956, leg. AGENJo. Note: L’espece est nouvelle pour la faune espagnole et pour l’Europe. Jusqu’a présent, elle était connue d’Algerie, Tunisie, Libye et Turkmenistan. C. ciconiella HERRICH-SCHAFFER, 1855 (Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Eur., 5: 252) Matériel examiné : — Cuenca, 1000 m, VI, leg. Kors, coll. Musée d'Histoire Naturelle «G. Antipa», Bucarest. Note: L'espèce est nouvelle pour la faune espagnole ; elle était connue d'Europe septentrionale et centrale, Autriche, Roumanie, Bulgarie, France, Ukraine. C. fiorii ToLL, 1953 (Mem. Soc. ent. ital., 32: 104) Matériel examiné : — Cataluna, Port Bou, 18.-28.IX.1966, leg. ARENBERGER, coll. Landessam- lungen für Naturkunde, Karlsruhe. Note : L'espèce est nouvelle pour la faune espagnole, étant connue jusqu’à présent seulement d'Italie centrale. C. insulicola Tor, 1942 (Veroff. Ubersee-Mus. Bremen, 3 (3) : 296) Matériel examine : — Sierra Nevada, Camino de la Veleta, 1600 m, 19.VII.1985, leg. G. BALDIZZONE et E. TRAUGOTT-OLSEN. — idem, 1000 m, 22.VII.1985. 34 Note : L'espèce, dont d et bionomie demeurent inconnus, est nouvelle pour la faune espagnole. Jusqu'à present, elle était connue de Dalmatie, Italie, France méridionale, et Sardaigne. C. macrobiella CONSTANT, 1885 (Ann. Soc. ent. Fr., 1885 : 7) Materiel examine : — Prov. Gerona, Rosas, 20.VIII.1983, leg. GRUNEWALD. Note : L’espece est nouvelle pour la faune espagnole, étant connue jusqu'à présent seulement de France méridionale. C. microalbella AMSEL, 1935 (Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl., 20: 306) Materiel examine : — Prov. Granada, Baza, 15.-16.V.1979, leg. GLASER. — idem, N 342 x Rio Baza, 7.-9.VII.1985, G. BALDIZZONE et E. TRAU- GOTT-OLSEN leg. — idem, N 342, 8 km al este de Baza, 11.VII.1985, G. BALDIZZONE et E. TRAUGOTT-OLSEN leg. Note : L’espece, dont la bionomie est inconnue, était signalée seulement de Palestine. Elle est donc nouvelle pour la faune espagnole et pour l'Europe. Je signale que j'ai étudié des exemplaires de Tunisie et d'Algérie, recueillis par DUMONT et CHRÉTIEN, qui m'ont été donnés par F. HARTIG. C. sabulella ToLL, 1952 (Bull. Soc. ent. Mulhouse, 1952 : 55) Matériel examiné : — Prov. de Granada, N 342 x Rio Baza, 7.-9.VII.1985, leg. G. BALDIZZONE et E. TRAUGOTT-OLSEN. — idem, N 342, 8 km al este de Baza, 11.VII.1985, leg. G. BALDIZZONE et E. TRAUGOTT-OLSEN. Note: L’espece, dont la bionomie est inconnue, a été recueillie jusqu’à présent seulement en Algérie et Tunisie ; elle est donc nouvelle pour la faune espagnole et pour l'Europe. References bibliographiques BALDIZZONE, G. 1982. — Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Coleophoridae. XXVI. I Coleophoridae raccolti dalla spedizione del Museo di Budapest in Tunisia nel 1977. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nat. hung., 74 : 203-216. 35 BALDIZZONE, G., 1983. — Contribution à la connaissance des Coleophoridae. XXXIV. (Les taxa décrits par H. G. AMSEL). Andrias, 3 : 37-50. BALDIZZONE, G., 1985. — Contribution a la connaissance des Coleophoridae. XLII. Sur quelques Coleophoridae d'Espagne. (Première partie: description de nouvelles espèces). Nota lepid., 8 (3) : 203-241. KLIMESCH, J., 1982. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Microlepidopteren-Fauna des Kanarischen Archipels. Vieraea, 11 [1981] n° 1/2, 21-50. TOLL, S., 1952 (1953). — Rodzina Eupistidae (Coleophoridae) POLSKI. Doc. phys. Polon., 32 : 1-292. 36 PLANCHE I Fig. 1 à 6: têtes: 1) C. sciurella n. sp., 2) C. jynxella n. sp., 3) C. beticella n. sp., 4) C. teneriffella n. sp., 5) C. aliena n. sp., 6) C. vivesella n. sp. 37 PLANCHE II Fig. 7 à 9: C. hiberica BALDIZZONE : 7) genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 7513) «Prov. Granada, Sierra Nevada, Camino de Capileira, 1250 m, 14.VII.1985, G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott- Olsen», 8) idem, particulièrement grossis, 9) abdomen. 38 PLANCHE II Fig. 10 à 13: C aliena n. sp. : 10) genitalia males (holotype), 11) idem, particulièrement grossis, 12) abdomen, 13) imago. 39 PLANCHE IV Fig. 14 à 15: C. nevadella BALDIZZONE, genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 7483) «Sierra Nevada) Camino de la Veleta, 1600 m, 19.VII.1985, leg. G. Baldizzone y E. Traugott-Olsen». 40 PLANCHE V Fig. 17 à 20: C. vivesella n. sp. : 17) genitalia males (PG Bldz 7721-paratype), 18) idem, particulièrement grossis, 19) abdomen, 20) imago. 4] PLANCHE VI Fig. 21 et 22: C. vivesella n. sp. : genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 7732-paratype). Fig. 23 : C. beticella n. sp. : genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 7673-paratype) particulièrement grossis. 42 PLANCHE VII Fig. 24 à 27: C. jynxella n. sp. : 24) genitalia males (PG Bldz 7062-paratype), 25) idem, particulièrement grossis, 26) abdomen, 27) imago. 43 PLANCHE VIII Fig. 28: C. jynxella n. sp. : genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 4142-paratype). Fig. 29, idem, particulièrement grossis. Fig. 30: C. beticella n. sp. : genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 7673-paratype). 44 PLANCHE IX Fig. 31 à 34: C. teneriffella n. sp. : 31) genitalia males (PG Bldz 7884-holotype). Fig. 32 : idem, particulièrement grossis, 33) abdomen, 34) cornutus très grossi. Fig. 35 : C. sciurella n. sp. : cornutus très grossi. 45 PLANCHE X 36) genitalia femelles (PG Bldz 2814-paratype), 37) abdomen, 38) genitalia femelles particulièrement grossis, 39) imago. 46 C; teneriffella n. sp. : 36 a 39: Fig. PLANCHE XI Fig. 40 à 44: C. beticella n. sp. : 40) genitalia males (PG Bldz 7680-paratype), 41) abdo- men, 42) édéage tres grossi, 43) cornuti très grossis, 44) imago. 47 PLANCHE XII ab 4a 5 & f ÿ 4 sd | $a vr a 43 gs aa on N ab # i | AT Fig. 45 à 48 : C. sciurella n. sp. (PG Bldz 7747-holotype) : 45) genitalia mâles, 46) idem, particulièrement grossis, 47) abdomen, 48) imago. 48 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 49-52 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Notes on Plebicula dorylas magna BALINT, 1985 (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) Zsolt BALINT Zoological Department, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088, Budapest VIII, Baross u. 13, Hungary. Recently, I described a new subspecies of Plebicula dorylas (D. & S., 1775) from the Eastern Carpathians, under the name magna (BALINT, 1985). Figures of the male genitalia were published later, together with details of additional specimens discovered in the collections of the Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien and the Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munchen (BALINT, 1986). Since the original descript:ou, I have come across a number of interesting literature references to dorylas in the Carpathians. HORMUZAKI (1897) recorded dorylas from North Moldva (formerly South Bukowina, which was the most easterly province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire), although under the name hylas Esp. According to his observations, this species was widespread in the subalpine and alpine regions, but virtually absent from the hill-country and low mountain areas, where it occurred only near Csernovic (Cernovici). HORMUZAKI described the Moldavian speci- mens: “... Alle G sind gross (bis 37 mm) ; auf der Unterseite ist der weisse Saum auffallend breit, der von diesem ausgehende Wisch füllt die Zelle 3 fast aus und reicht über den dritten Medianast ; der weisse Mittelfleck sehr ansehnlich, alle Randflecke verloschen, die dunkeln gewöhnlich verschwun- den, die rothen bloss auf den Hinterflugeln durch kleine, getrennte, nicht schwarz gesäumte Dreiecke angedeutet, an deren Aussenseite unbedeutende bräunliche Punkte im weissen Saume stehen. Augenflecke auf den Hinterflü- geln bisweilen nur durch kleinere Punkte angedeutet, fehlen vollstandig bei den alpinen Stucken, die auch sehr breite Fransen besitzen (var. armena STGR.). Das einzige, 29 mm spannende ® hat auf der Unterseite deutliche Augen, aber auch eine sehr ausgebreitete weisse Randzeichnung ; Oberseite schwarzbraun, ohne blauen Anflug, nur auf den Hinterflügeln mit zwei ganz verloschenen, trüb bräunlichrothen Analflecken. Fransen breit, hellbraun”. HORMUZAKI identified his specimens as var. armena STGR. (see SEITZ, 1909). However, in Asia Minor and in Armenia, dorylas is smaller and has longer wings with different underside markings. His description fits magna so well that it is clear that HORMUZAKI’s data refer to this subspecies. 49 CZEKELIUS (1897) and ABAFI-AIGNER, PAVEL & UHRYK (1896) referred to dorylas from Gyilkostö, Transsylvania (Rumania : Lacu Rosu). Twenty years later, CZEKELIUS (1917) described two aberrations of hylas. One of them was called ab. geographica magna! The great size of the specimens from the Eastern Carpathians struck him. He wrote the following: “In beiden Geschlechtern um ein Drittei grosser als die Stammform. Die Unterseite auffallend bunt und kontrastreich. 15 dd und 8 99 unter sich gleich gross, keine Ubergange zur Stammform...”. Unfortunately CZEKELIUs described his magna as an aberration, so his authorship is invalid according to the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature. Fig. 1. Holotype (4) and paratype 2 (Gyergyö, Csiszér) of Plebicula dorylas magna BALINT. During the 7th Hungarian Entomological Congress, Sandor Sımonyı and Lajos SZECSENYI (members of the Societas Entomologica Hungariae) exhibi- ted the material that they had collected in Transsylvania. Among the butterflies, was a large male specimen of dorylas. It was collected with two further specimens in the Szalard (Salard) Valley, in the Görgenyi (Gurghiu) Mountains by S. SIMONYI. HALTRICH (1982) also recorded dorylas from the 50 same valley, flying in mesophilous meadows. This establishes that magna occurs not only on limestone (BALINT, 1985), but also on volcanic basic rock. This is also confirmed by a specimen of magna that I found in the collection of Baron Dr. LiprHay while arranging the Lycaena material. This specimen has three data labels: “Hargita (Farkas-hago), 1100 m, 1934.VIL.11, DiöszEGHY” (Di0szEGHy’s handwriting) ; “Lyc. hylas Es. f. geographica magna CZEK”. (LIPTHAY’s handwriting) ; “coll. LiprHay” (prin- ted). The Hargita (Harghita) mountains rise south of the Görgenyi Moun- tains, both of which are volcanic. - - P. donfas dos | Bdoyes mage =... 457° Hasmas MOL D O V A TE Mures d Siret ! ' | I ! 0 1 ! M | 1 N I 1 Het! kt i 1 | yer’ gh ab ! iq: & D Di EN AA SOE RSS: ANT 1 7 en ns ST. PES | 1 Cimpia : ym mestone IR 5.0, N I 1 | eag à I 1000m+ | î | N | ZEN 4 en | Ds | Er | = ri M i | #. ' . 8 ! Pn VA == LS QAR ı ps ILES == Lp. 1 Pew PSS CRYSTALLINE STONE à | Le [ 24.8 ere West | 26° East if Fig. 2. Sectional drawing of the Eastern Carpathians (at 46,7°N) — The habitat of Plebicula dorylas dorylas D. & ScH. and Plebicula dorylas magna BALINT. Many recent publications refer to Plebicula dorylas from the Eastern Carpathians (BARBU & CoIcHIA, 1980 ; BALINT, 1980, 1981, 1983 ; KovAcs & KovAcs, 1976-1977 ; KONIG, 1975 and POPESCU-GoORJ, 1964, 1970). All of these populations are referrable to ssp. magna and not to the nominate race. All the available information supports my observation that P. dorvlas magna is univoltine and flies from the middle of June to the end of August in the mountains (BALINT, 1985), while P. dorylas dorylas has two broods and flies in Transsylvania, mainly on the Mezoség (Cimpia) (BALINT, 1985 ; KONIG, 1964 ; PopEscu-GoRr), 1964 and SZÉKELY, 1985) (fig. 2). However, the bivoltine form enters the valleys of the North Persanyi (Persani) Mountains and flies together with magna, e.g. in the Vargyasi (Virghisului) Gorge. Here, in some places, they form hybrid populations. It appears that Parnassius apollo transsylvanicus SCHWEITZER, 1912 often flies together with Plebicula dorylas magna. It is not yet clear how far the exact distribution extends. SI Acknowledgements I wish to express my gratitude to my wife Annamaria KERTÉSZ for correcting the English manuscript ; to Dr. Laszlo GOZMANy for his advice on nomenclatoric questions and to Sandor SIMoNYI and Lajos SZECSENYI for their kind help. I am also thankful to Dr. Wolfgang DIERL and to Dr. Friedrich Kasy for allowing me to see their Museums’ material and to Laszlo PEREGOVITS for taking the photos of the types. References ABAFI-AIGNER, L., PAVEL, J. & UHRYK, N., 1896. — Fauna Regni Hungariae, Arthopoda (Insecta : Lepidoptera). X. M. Termeszettudomanyi Tarsulat: 17. Barbu, A. & COICHIA, V., 1980. — Catalogul colectiei de Lepidoptere “N. Delvig” a Muzeului Judetean Brasov. Cumidava XII/4, Stiinjele naturii Brasov: 94. BALINT, Zs., 1980. — Adatok a nagylepkek elterjedesehez Erdélyben (Lepidoptera : Rhopalocera). Fol. ent. hung. XLI/2 : 366. BALINT, Zs., 1981. — Adatok a nagylepkek elterjedesehez Erdelyben II. (Lepidop- tera). Fol. ent. hung. XLVII/1 : 232. BALINT, Zs., 1983. — Ujabb adatok a Keleti-Karpatok nagylepkefaunajanak ismere- tehez (Lepidoptera). Fol. ent. hung. XLIV/2 : 325. BALINT, Zs., 1985. — Plebicula dorvlas magna nov. ssp. (Lep. : Lycaenidae) from the Eastern Carpathians, Rumania. Neue Ent. Nachr. 14: 14-20. BALINT, Zs., 1986. — Egy uj boglarkalepke alfaj a Keleti-Karpatokbol : a Plebicula dorylas magna BALINT, 1985 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Fol. ent. hung. XLVII : 210-212. CZEKELIUS, D., 1897. — Kritisches Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge Siebenbürgens. Verh. und Mitt. des Siebenb. Ver. für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, XLVII : 12. CZEKELIUS, D., 1917. — Beitrage zur Schmetterlingsfauna Siebenbürgens. Verh. und Mitt. des Siebenb. Ver. für Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, LXVII : 12. HALTRICH, A., 1982. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Rhopaloceren des Salard-Tales (Gurghiu-Gebirge, Ostkarpaten). Studii si Communicari 11 : 356. HormuzakI, V. C., 1897. — Die Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) der Bukowina. Zool. bot. Gesellschaft, XLVII : 135. Kovacs, S. & Kovacs, Z., 1976-1977. — Adatok a Brasso-Haromszeki medence és környeke lepkefaunajanak ismeretehez. Aluta, Muzeul Sf. Gheorghe : 294. KONIG, F., 1975. — Catalogul colectiei de lepidoptera a Muzeului Banatului. Timisoara : 216. Popescu-GorJ, A., 1964. — Catalogue de la collection de lepidopteres “Prof. A. Ostrogovich” du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” Bucarest. Bucuresti : 243. POPESCU-GORJ, A., 1970. — Date privind Lepidoptere de la Lacul Rosu si Cheile Bicazului. Studii si Cercetari, Piatra Neam{: 348. SEITZ, A., 1909. — Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde — des Palearktischen Faunegebietes, I Abt. Band 1. Stuttgart, Fritz Lehmann’s Verlag : 314. SZEKELY, L., 1985. — Data to the Macrolepidoptera Fauna of the surroundings of Tirgu-Mures (Central Transsylvania). Manuscript. a2 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 53 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses O. KupRNA : Butterflies of Europe. 1. Concise Bibliography of European Butterflies. Aula Verlag, Wiesbaden, DM 248.- The book under review represents the first — long awaited and much delayed — volume of a planned eight volumes monograph on the butterflies (Papilionoidea) of Europe. After an author’s preface and introduction, it contains some 6000 bibliogra- phic references, alphabetically arranged and progressively numbered. They represent something like one third of all publications on European butterflies published in the period between ca. 1900 to 1984. The starting point of this bibliography has been chosen because the period between 1750 and 1900 has already been comprehensi- vely covered by other bibliographies. The volume is closed by a subject index where some key references (systematic, geographical and selected key-words) are listed by reference number of subject headings. The book is technically well produced, although it is a pity that technical difficulties have made it impossible to include all diacritical marks, as characteristic of almost every European language. As a matter of fact, making this additional effort could have improved the editorial aspect of the book. It may be argued that one or another additional reference should have been included or left out, or that the subject index could have been considerably extended. Yet, one can of course make some allowance for the ever increasing amount of published information on European butterflies, that make a comprehensive bibliography covering this century hardly possible even for a well known publisher, like AULA. It is a pity, however, that some countries, such as Switzerland and — to some extent — France, are slightly less covered than others by this bibliography. If one considers the number of copies of this book that are going to be sold, it is likely that the AULA could even be praised for keeping the price reasonably low. Some serious non-professional students of butterflies, who like many others, will certainly need the book, and whose cooperation is often necessary to produce it, might however find it rather too expensive. Emilio Balletto 33 Nota lepid. 10 (1) : 54-60 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Notes on the distribution of Gortyna borelii lunata FREYER in the Carpathian Basin Peter GYULAI Aulich 13. 3/2, H-3529 Miskolc 1, Hungary. Gortyna borelii PERRET, 1837 (leucographa auct., nec BORKHAUSEN) is an extremely local species, but has a very wide distribution. It is known from England (one locality only), France (Seine-et-Oise, the nominotypical form, Charente, Cher, Deux-Sevres), Spain (Catalonia: Baells, Valada), W. Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg, Nassau, Pfalz), E. Germany (Thüringen, Leipzig, Halle), Poland, the Carpathian Basin and S.W. Siberia. Unfortuna- tely, many of the European populations have already disappeared. Popula- tions in Central Europe are referrable to ssp. /unata FREYER, 1839, which is larger than the nominate subspecies. In this note, the distribution of /unata and its foodplants in the Carpathian Basin is discussed. I. The foodplants of G. borelii lunata FRR. in the Carpathian Basin. Clearly, populations of the moth can only occur where the foodplants occur and so, first, the known distributions of the foodpiants are presented. For the Carpathians and Carpathian Basin, three species are mentioned in the literature and a fourth is discussed here. 1. Peucedanum longifolium L.: Grows only on limestone. Occurs on the Balkan Peninsula, but also in the Carpathian Basin and the Southern Carpathians (Kazan Gorge, Mehadia, Baile Herculane, Cserna Valley) up to about 1000 m. This is the only known foodplant of the highest occurring European borelii population, of the Domogled, a mountain near Mehadia (F. KÔNIG, 1941). 2. Peucedanum officinale L. : This plant is the character species of the association Peucedano-Galatelletum ZOLYOMI et TALLOS ( Peucedano-Astere- tum auct.). It is the only known foodplant of the borelii populations of the Great Hungarian Plain. Apart from the sandy districts of the territory situated between the Rivers Tisza and Danube, and the Nyirseg, P. officinale was widely distributed in the Great Hungarian Plain in the forest-steppe zone in the foothills of the Matra, Bükk and Zempleni Mountains, the Lesser 54 ‘ulseg uerggedie) pue sueryyedie) oy) ur sjuR[dpooy SJ pue “way pıpun 1240Q DUÂ1ON) JO uonngimsig ‘I “314 gzourpn-8edepng 0€ OBA 62 +Toduoy gz ; ABXORBQUOZSQUTUZEYL Le wnyofisuo] wnuppasnag JO uonngqumsig NN BULBUNBLOG-ÄUNLOAZERL 92 umup1]24904 wnuppoanag JO wonngumsig [IT] AIMJU99 Ise] au} ul oppumı/fo wnunpasnag JO UonngLNSsI G 305 orDy Ih 2IPUDY} pamag jo vonngunsiqg EZ Dhaest NS a 2024 Il x 1 yuasaıd [ns Ajgeqoid uonerndod my Fe VO warb! : ke rh uræyooun uonepndod jo Me ® we fai DR # pokonsap uonemndog ® y pr À. O aa a yt! ute rs | \ Ing Pa us À = 2267 Ta ar Ne et y R > ? | D 4 ; Yr) | a ae: Se | 9 * CT y 59759 N À F4 ; acs Y= “4 I sa]9!? 50097 À ; Le 23 U r. pes \ i A Ce | l À ego) . prunes Y d ne : i en AUT C “ ? 5 Ta So oy sb eS ; Foes faa | “it N. Ru TEA ee er pd ie n A, x AS Re “ f 4 { N OR rg iG : ' He, fe) JeT8To wermpei=/ ney, f M gPte BTBBD || AUPXOQZEPL GZ, 1 RL Eu } # /pusurg=/ PUBUTS O1 gpxe FIFZS pe ~~)" CoG NL Oe BA ef /*8TTBWA/ +eTluù 6 WUFOLOPBZBFI-94N01y €Z Nest Fs a NT ia date Re /petys/ pety 8 gupquemory ZZ 0 oyzshumd De ps /epoxtuge/ BPOTTD / Jan ABrqoqzon / By TBXemuezelpA TE \ ba coma, CDD Jeuven BETUMOW=/ BZOTUBOW g Jan KaRgo4.10N/ Br N ed KR BEE ‚pn /9XeN Bo }0m0U=/ a,emersZeN G x ee /ULLAOT=/ UTIACT + 588929,| 6T uSecarqeq gy BOLPAOH FH LT an /wuj=/ ouelsoxog € pe2626 OT QABTY ST BIZeD FI souTe] ET /CLBOBTUTL=/ IBAGOUEL Z N /8eqe8uert)=/ Beqesuprey TeeusBAOTIOg ZT /erpeyeye/ BTpeyen-peT3ouoı 33 Hungarian Plain (near Lake Fertö) and at the Danube Bend (Esztergom). Today, it can be found very locally, mostly in the clearings of the forests on basic soils, especially in the Hortobagy National Park. 3. Ferula sadleriana Ledeb. : This is an endemic and very local species of the Carpathian Basin, growing only in a few rocky places at low altitude : Pilis Mts., Gerecse Mts. (Pisznice), Nagymaros (Ördöghegy), Bükk Mts. (Bélko), Tornai Karst, Transsylvania: Tordai and Bojcai (?) — hasadék (gorge). Probably a preglacial relict (Soo, 1966). This plant is mentioned by various authors as a potential foodplant, but this has never been confirmed. Indeed, F. sadleriana seems not to be a foodplant of G. borelii lunata FRR., because no moth has ever been captured where the plant is known to occur. 4. Peucedanum rochelianum HEUFF. : This is also an endemic plant of the Carpathian Basin, and must be considered a potential foodplant of the borelii populations in the Banat (S.E. part of the Carp. Basin). A single specimen of borelii is known from Borlova (near Karansebes, Banat) (in the Natural History Museum, Vienna). P. rochelianum is considered to have been the only possible foodplant for the larva of this specimen (F. KONIG, pers. comm. ). G. borelii lunata has therefore only two foodplants for certain in the region of the Carpathian Basin: Peucedanum longifolium (Mt. Domogled, S. Carpathians) and P. officinale (populations of the Carpathian Basin). Fig. 2. Gortyna borelii lunata FRR. 2°, Hungary, Hortobagy Nat. Park, Ujszentmargita. 56 II. The G. borelii lunata FRR. populations in the region of the Carpathian Basin and their present status. 1. The population of Mt. Domogled (S. Carpathians, 1190 m). This was the first known locality for borelii in the Carpathians and Carpa- thian Basin and is the only mountain population. First mentioned by KINDERMANN (1835-36) from nearby Mehadia; later by ABAFI-AIGNER (1907) and by Konic (1941). It was also collected by KONIG in 1962. It probably still occurs very locally on the Domogled. According to Z. VARGA (1964), this population is a relict species of a drier period of the Quaternary. 2. Populations of the Banat (S. E. Carpathian Basin, in Romania). A large population was known near Temesvar (= Timisoara), the first specimens being taken in 1938 (KONIG, 1941, 1975, 1978). A number of other isolated localities are also known : Borosjeno (= Ineu, Arad County) (LipTHAY, 1931 ; DioszEGHy, 1932); Lovrin (= Lovrin) (KONIG, 1941) ; Arad, Nagyremete (= Remetea Mare), Mosnicza (= Mosnita Veche), Giroda (= Ghiroda) (KONIG, 1975) ; Majlat (= Mailat), Simand (= Simand), Csala erdo (=Padurea Ciala) (KONIG, 1978) and Borlova near Karansebes (= Caransebes), (KONIG, in litt.). Unfortunately, most of these localities have already been destroyed. The most recent records are : Nagyremete (1971), Simand (1972) and in one locality only near Temesvar (1985, leg. KONIG). 3. Populations of Békés-Csongrad County (S.E. Hungary). Only sporadic occurrences are known : Tarhos, Gerla (RONKAY, VOINITS & GYULAI, 1983), Algyö in 1979 and one specimen taken in the centre of the city of Szeged in 1981 (KovAcs, 1982-83). It is unlikely that any population has survived near Szeged. 4. Populations near Debrecen (E. Hungary). Only a few specimens known: Mikepércs, Mezosas (leg. SARKADI, coll. VARGA) and 3 at Debrecen in 1955 (VARGA, 1957; RONKAY, VOINITS & GYULAI, 1983). The species probably no longer occurs at Debrecen, as the foodplant has been destroyed on the banks of the Toco. The record at Mezösas demonstra- tes the link to the populations of Bekés County and the Banat. 5. Populations of the Hortobagy (E. Hungary). There are two local, but large populations occurring in the clearings of the forests near Ujszentmargita and Ohat (near Egyek). The two forests are the 37 remains of the true “puszta with forest” (forest-steppe zone) and are protected areas belonging to the Hortobagy National Park. The moth was discovered in the Ohat forest in 1948, by KovAcs (1955), but the Ujszentmargita forest population was first noted in 1971 by the author (GyuLal, 1974). G. borelii is a frequent species in these forests and these populations are probably the largest and certainly the most seriously pro- tected populations in the Carpathian Basin (RONKAY, VOINITS & GYULAI, 1983). 6. Populations of the Kis-Hortobagy (S. E. Borsod County in N. Hungary). Two specimens were taken in 1984-85 in a light-trap near Klementina (GYULAI, in print). In the last two years, two large populations of P. officinale were discovered by the author, not too far from Klementina (on the bank of the River Tisza and in the Szili forest, near Aroktö-Tiszadorogma). The moth probably occurs in these two localities. Szili forest became a protected area in 1986. 7. Populations of the Jaszsag (C. Hungary). KovAcs (1955) mentioned the possibility of the occurrence of borelii near Jaszalsoszentgyorgy. Later, it was found by BUSCHMANN (1982, 1985) in the city of Jaszbereny and at Borsohalma, not too far from the place mentioned by Kovacs. Since then this population has probably been destroyed. In the past, populations south of the Matra-Bukk Mts. formed a link between the populations of the Hortobagy and Kis-Hortobagy, and those of the Jaszsag. This fact is evidenced by the occurrence of borelii near Kompolt (Heves County) at light. 8. Populations near Budapest. Only two old specimens are known : one male, 7th. October 1937, near Vac (NAGY, 1942) and one female, at the end of October 1923, Budapest- Vermezo (BANO, 1943). P. officinale was also known to occur on the Danube Bend. These populations have certainly been destroyed. The survival of G. borelii lunata FRR. in the Carpathian region is ensured only in the Hortobagy National park and perhaps also in the Kis-Hortobagy and on Mt. Domogled. Unless action is taken, it is likely that all other popula- tions will be destroyed in the near future. References and bibliography ABAFI-AIGNER, 1907. — Magyarorszag lepkéi. Budapest, p. 65. BANO, L., 1943. — Hydroecia leucographa BKH. Budan Fol. Ent. Hung. 8 : 102. 58 BUSCHMANN, F., 1982. — Adatok Jaszbereny es környeke nagylepkeinek ismerete- hez. Data to the knowledge of the Macrolepidoptera Fauna of Jaszbereny and its surroundings. Fol. Ent. Hung. 43 (1) : 255-268. BUSCHMANN, F., 1985. — Jaszbereny és környekenek lepkevilaga Jaszsägi füz. 5-72. GYULAI, P., 1974. — Az Ujszentmargita-i IBP mintaterület nagylepkeinek ökolö- giai-faunisztikai vizsgalata. Debrecen, pp. 1-34. JAVORKA, S. & Csapopy, V., 1975. — Iconographia Florae Partis Austro-Orientalis Europae Centralis. Budapest, p. 380. KocH, M., 1984. — Wir bestimmen Schmetterlinge. Leipzig, Radebeul, p. 439. Kovacs, L., 1955. — The Macroplepidoptera Characteristic to our Sandy Districts. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 6 : 335-336. Kovacs, L., 1955. — The Occurrence in Hungary of Hydroecia leucographa BKH. with new Data on its Life History. Acta Zool. Ac. Sci Hung. 1 (3-4): 324-329. Kovacs, S. T., 1982-83. — Jellegzetes Del-Alföld-i Okoszisztemak nagylepke együttesei (Csongrad megye). Typische Schmetterlingsensemble (Lepidop- tera) der Ökosysteme im Alföld Ungarns (Komitat Csongrad). Mora F. Muz. Evk. 1: 453-466. KONIG, F., 1941. — A Hydroecia leucographa BKH. ujabb leiöhelyei a Bansagban. Neue Fundorte von H. leucographa BKH. im Banat. KONIG, F., 1959. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Lebensweise von H. leucographa BKH. Fol. Ent. Hung. 6 (32) : 481-493. KONIG, F., 1960. — Erfolgreiche Zuchten von H. leucographa BKH. Ent. Zeitschr. 70 (6-7): 1-7. KONIG, F., 1961. — Erfolgreiche Eizuchten von Hydroecia leucographa BKH. Ent. Zeitschr. T0 (6-7) : 69-73. KONIG, F., 1961. — Studiu asupra lepidopterelor carasteristice pentru rulastinile si terenurile inundabile de pe Sesul Banatului. St cerc. biol. si St. Acad. R.P.R. 8 (3-4) : 267-285. KONIG, F., 1965. — Cercetari entomologice in rezervatia naturala Muntele Domo- gled. Acad. R.S.R., Ocrot. Nat. 9 (1). KONIG, F., 1975. — Catalogul colectiei de lepidoptere a Muzeului Banatului. Timisoara : p. 163. KONIG, F., 1978. — Lepidoptere pe cale de disparitie in Judetul Arad. Einige bedrohte Schmetterlingsarten im Kreis Arad. Ocrot. nat. med. inconj. 22 (2): 127-132. NAGY, L., 1942. — A Hydroecia leucographa BKH. uj lelöhelye Vacon. Ein neuer Fundort von Hydroecia leucographa BKH. in Ungarn. Fol. Ent. Hung. 7: 96-97. OROZCO i SANCHIs, A. and R., 1985. — Gortyna borelii (PIERR. 1837), nou per a la Fauna Iberica, i confirmacio de la presencia a Catalunya d’ Episema glaucina (Esp., 1789) (Lep. Noct.). Treb. Soc. Cat. Lep. 7 : 49-50. Popescu-GorJ, A., 1964. — Catalogue de la collection de Lepidopteres «Prof. A. OSTROGOVICH». Bucarest, p. 189. 39 RoNKAY, L., Vosnits, A., GYULAI, I., GYULAI, P., 1983. — Macrolepidoptera from the Hortobagy National Park in : The Fauna of the Hortobagy Nat. Park. Publ. Hung. Ac. Sci. : 227-240. Soo, R., 1966. — A magyar flora és vegetacio rendszertani-novenyfoldrajzi kézi kônyve II. Synopsis Systematico — Geobotanica Florae Vegetationisque Hungariae II. Budapest, pp. 481-482. STAUDINGER, O. & REBEL, H., 1901. — Catalog der Lepidopteren des Palaearcti- schen Faunengebietes. Berlin, p. 186. VARGA, Z., 1957. — Debrecen és kôrnyéke nagylepke faunaja. Die Gross-Schmetter- lingfauna von Debrecen und Umgebung. Fol. Ent. Hung. 10 (8) : 235-258. WARNECKE, G., 1959. — Uber die Verbreitung von Hydraecia leucographa BKH., sowie Beschreibung einer Neuen Form. Ent. Nach. Osterr. u. Schw. Ent. 11 (1). WARREN, W., 1906. — In Seitz, A. : Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, p. 226. Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses B. GOATER : British Pyralid Moths — A Guide to their Identification. 16x 22cm, 175 pp., 9 colour plates, 12 figs, Harley Books, Martins, Great Horkesley, Colchester, Essex C06 4AH, England, 1986, £ 18.95 (ISBN 0-946-58908-9). Beirne’s famous work “British Pyralid and Plume Moths” was published more than 30 years ago, and has been out of print for some time. Since its publication, more than 30 species of Pyralidae have been added to the British list. A modern revision was badly needed, and the present publication supplies this want. The book provides very good colour plates, comprising photographs of the 208 British species, from which entomologists will easily be able to identify most of their material. In the case of difficult species, the text points out the important wing pattern characters and other distinguishing features. In many cases, text figures illustrate wing venation or genitalia. The good quality of the colour plates has allowed the text to be kept short, without losing too much information. For each species, a short description of the adult is given, together with some data on the early stages, the habitat, and distribution in Great Britain. The author uses an up-to-date nomenclature. The book contains a check-list of the British Pyralidae species, a glossary, and indexes of scientific insect and foodplant names. It is hoped that a similar book on the British Plume Moths will follow soon. W. O. De Prins 60 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 61-64 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Possible hybrids between Lysandra bellargus ROTT. and L. hispana H.-S. (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) V. CAMERON-CURRY, G. LEIGHEB, E. RIBONI and P. CAMERON-CURRY Via Calandra n° 2, I-10123 Torino. Via V. Pansa n° 4, I-28100 Novara. Summary The authors describe two possible hybrids of Lysandra bellargus Rott. x Lysandra hispana H.-S. In 1845, ZELLER described a new species of lycaenid butterfly, Po/vommatus polonus, of which he had received three specimens collected near Poznan (Posen) in Poland (at that time East Prussia). SEITZ (1906) included polonus among the aberrations of Lysandra bellargus “found only in certain districts in East Prussia, Russia, Syria and Spain”. Form polonus was subsequently reported from various parts of the Alps (VERITY, 1943 ; DE LESSE, 1961), Pyrénées (DE LESSE, 1961) and central Italy (VERITY, 1943). A specimen from central Germany is shown in FORSTER and WOHLFAHRT (1955). The following named taxa are considered to correspond to the form polonus : Polyommatus corydon SCHIFF. ab. calydonius (LOWE) (WHEELER, 1903), Lycaena coridon PODA ab. hafneri (PREISSECKER, 1908), both attributed by VERITY to the species bellargus, and Agriades coridon PoDA, form samsoni (VERITY, 1920), described as an “ancestral” form of coridon, and perhaps one of the two insects described by VERITY (1920) as Agriades thetis RoTT. ab. petri. DE LEssE (1960, 1961) concluded from his chromosome analyses that these forms, like others ascribed to the genus Lysandra as new species, “ancestral forms”, aberrations or varieties, are in fact hybrids of L. bellargus x L. coridon (as had been suggested in the past). DE LESSE also ascertained that the form reported relatively frequently and regularly from central Italy and the Abruzzi region (ZANGHERI, 1971 ; TEOBALDELLI, 1976), which VERITY (1939, 1943) had erroneously classified as a race (italglauca) of the Middle Eastern species L. syriaca TUTT, is actually also a hybrid of L. bellargus x L. coridon. DE LESSE (1960, 1961) found identical variations of the chromosome pattern in a specimen of polonus and five italglauca, with chromosome number ranging from 51 to 72, therefore intermediate between bellargus (n = 45) and coridon (n = 87-92 ; n = 87-88 in the Italian populations (HIGGINS, 1975), 61 but closer to bellargus, and in any case very different from syriaca (n = 24). This variability of the genetic material, together with the spontaneous local morphological variations that are so common in L. coridon, especially in Spain, independently of the chromosome number, explains the variability of the phenotype and the virtually continuous range of intermediate taxa. Generally speaking, the colour of the upper wing surface is intermediate between bellargus and coridon, and is often described as similar to that of Agrodiaetus damon SCHIFF., With a more or less well-marked greenish tinge. There is a dark marginal border of variable width and a number of premargi- nal dots of variable size, more or less merged with the dark border. The underside may be more similar to bellargus (polonus, calydonius) or to coridon (hafneri, samsoni). The identification of possible female hybrids is very uncertain, as the colour of the upperside is not distinctive in this sex. Tutt (1910) reported what he claimed to be a female of po/onus and VERITY (1943) a female of italglauca. Most known cases were captured from mid-June to mid-July, between the flight period of the first brood of bellargus and that of the single brood of coridon. A last problem to consider is that of the possible occurrence of natural hybrids between L. bellargus and L. hispana H.-S. and how they could be differentiated from hybrids bellargus x coridon. On account of the close resemblance between Hispana and coridon, no distinguishing character can be expected in the external features of these hybrids, although the appearance of the underside may be suggestive. Dissection of the genitalia is also of no help, on account of the similarities between the two species, nor can chromosome studies be expected to offer any valuable clue because the chromosome number is very similar in coridon (n= 87-92) and hispana (n = 84). For want of finer diagnostic procedures, the only possibility for deducing the other parent of apparent bellargus hybrids is to check for the absence of either coridon or hispana in the locality where the specimen was taken. With this criterion in mind, it can be concluded that one of the two specimens of petri (the one collected at low altitude) described by VERITY (1920, 1943) and the one described by DE LESSE (1949, 1961) are probably hybrids of bellargus x hispana. In 1980 we described two apparent hybrids of L. bellargus: bellargus x coridon, now in the G. LEIGHEB collection, Novara, Italy, and bellargus x hispana, now in the V. CAMERON-CURRY collection, Turin, Italy (CAME- RON-CURRY, V., LEIGHEB, G. and CAMERON-CURRY, P., 1980). The apparently greater rarity of bellargus x hispana as compared with bellargus x coridon hybrids seems hard to explain : bellargus and hispana are 62 both bivoltine and the two generations fly together. The chance of intra- specific pairings would therefore reasonably be expected to be greater in the case of bellargus and hispana than in the case of bellargus and coridon. Hybrids between the latter two species are believed to result from pairings between the second generation of bellargus and the only generation of coridon. That natural hybrids of bellargus x hispana may not be quite so exceptional as formerly believed is suggested by the capture of two further possible hybrids (STELLANELLO, Savona, 9.VI.1979, leg. V. CAMERON-CURRY ). Ist. specimen Forewing 18 mm. Upperside colour dullish “damon blue”. Marginal black line thin (0.2 mm). Fringes white, faintly chequered (thin striae of black hairs at the ends of veins 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on forewing and of veins 3, 4, 5 and 6 on hindwing). Upper hindwing antemarginal dark spots well separated from black border, large in spaces 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, small in spaces 1b and lc. Underside forewing general ground colour greyish. Underside hindwing general ground colour greyish brown. All usual underside markings, faintly white-ringed. 2nd. specimen Forewing 16 mm. Upperside colour dullish “damon blue”. Marginal black line thin (0.2 mm). Fringes white, faintly chequered (very thin striae of black hairs at the ends of veins 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on forewing and of veins 2, 3 and 5 on hindwing). Upper forewing indistinct antemarginal dark spots in spaces 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Upper hindwing antemarginal dark spots well separated from black border, large in spaces 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, small in spaces 1b and lc. Underside forewing general ground colour greyish. Underside hindwing general ground colour greyish brown. All usual underside markings, white ringed. It is interesting to note that the colour of the hybrid described in 1980, which at the time of capture showed a rather metallic sheen, has now dulled and is indistinguishable from that of the two hybrids described here. References BENINI, G., 1978. — Un caso di ibridismo : Lysandra bellargus ROTT. x Lysandra coridon Popa. Rivista entomologica, 3 : 9-11. 63 CAMERON CURRY, V., LEIGHEB, G., CAMERON CURRY, P., 1980. — Due ibridi di Lysandra bellargus ROTT., Bollettino Societa Entomologica Italiana, 112, 1-2: 41-42. FORSTER, W. and WOHLFAHRT, T. A., 1955. — Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas, 2 : 107. Franckh, Stuttgart. Hicains, L. G., 1975. — The Classification of European Butterflies, 162-163. Collins, London. Hicains, L. G. and RILEY, N. D., 1970. — A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe, 92. Collins, London. LESSE (DE), H., 1949. — Recherches en dehors des chemins battus. Contribution a l’étude des Rhopalocères du Département de la Drôme. Lambillionea, 24-30. LESSE (DE), H., 1960. — Spéciation et variation chromosomique chez les Lepidopte- res Rhopalocères. Ann. Sci. nat. Zool. Biol. anim., 2 : 1-223. LESSE (DE), H., 1961. — Les hybrides naturels entre Lysandra coridon PoDA et L. bellargus ROTT. (Lycaenidae), Alexanor, 2: 22-30. LESSE (DE), H., 1969. — Les nombres chromosomiques dans le groupe de Lysandra coridon PoDA (Lep. Lycaenidae). Ann. Soc. ent. France, 5 : 469-522. LESSE (DE), H., 1970. — Les nombres de chromosomes à l’appui d’une systématique du groupe de L. coridon (Lycaenidae). Alexanor, 6 : 203-224. MANLEY, W. B. L. and ALLCARD, H. G., 1970. — A Field Guide to the Butterflies and Burnets of Spain, 101-102. Classey, Hampton. PREISSECKER, F., 1908. — Bespricht unter Vorweisung eine neue Lycaenidenform : Lycaena coridon PODA ab. 6 hafneri, nov. ab. Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien, 58 : 68-69. SEITZ, A., 1909. — Die Grossschmetterlinge der Erde. Palaearctic Fauna, 1: 315. Lehmann, Stuttgart. TEOBALDELLI, A., 1976. — I macrolepidotteri del maceratese e dei Monti Sibillini (Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano). Note Appunti speriment. Entomolog. agraria (Assisi), 16: 134. Tutt, J. W., 1910. — In Verity, 1943. VERITY, R., 1920. — Seasonal Polymorphism and Races of Some European Grypocera and Rhopalocera. Additional Notes. Ent. Rec., 43 : 140-152. VERITY, R., 1939. — Essai sur la distinction des espéces du groupe Lysandra coridon Popa. Lambillionea, 210-222. VERITY, R., 1943. — Le farfalle diurne d'Italia, 2 : 290-292 ; 298-300. Marzocco, Firenze. WHEELER, G., 1903. — The Butterflies of Switzerland and the Alps of Central Europe, 31. London, Elliott Stock. ZANGHERI, S., 1971. — Considerazioni generali sui macrolepidotteri dell’Appennino centrale. Lav. Soc. it. Biogeogr., 2 : 301-312. ZELLER, P., 1845. — Polyommatus polonus, eine neue Tagfalterart. Stett. ent. Zeit. 3: 351-354. 64 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 65-70 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Hilltopping as a mate location strategy in a Mediterranean population of Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) Roger L. H. DENNIS The Manchester Grammar School, Manchester M13 OXT. Abstract Data collected on the distribution of male L. megera at different elevations in the Old Fort, Corfu town, reveal that they establish territories on hilltops as part of their mate location repertoire. Both the act of hilltopping and perching are regarded as mechanisms to increase the probability of contacts between males and unmated females. Selection of hilltops appears to be unrelated to any bias in the distribution of male or female resources, which are evenly spread over the area studied. Male L. megera are flexible in mate location behaviour. In the process of obtaining mates they both perch and patrol, displaying a range of activity from territorial defence to the more passive acceptance of competitors during longer periods of flight over wider areas (see DENNIS 1982). There are clear indications that behaviour varies at both the population and individual levels, relating to environmental (habitat differences ; weather), demographic (po- pulation density ; sex ratio), physiological (age of individuals) and genetic (inherited bias) factors. A distinctive aspect of their mate location behaviour, as for other butterflies which also establish territories, is their use of topogra- phic vantage points. Typically, edges of habitats are selected, the territories being sited on patches of bare ground, walls, fences, stones, piles of gravel and other landmarks. This process has been likened to hilltopping by the author (DENNIS 1982, DENNIS & BRAMLEY 1985) because all these landscape elements provide “visual peaks” which have the effect of concentrating resources, in particular males for females and females for males. It has been argued that the process is particularly necessary for a butterfly like L. megera whose wing pattern and colouration, subject to conflicting selection pressu- res, is dull (DENNIS 1982). The sombre colour of the butterfly (cryptic against its background habitat) is almost certainly an adaptation to predation by birds as attested by wing damage data (pers. obs.). To offset this, courtship requires strategies that increase the apparency of mates for each other. Hilltops provide one of several medium scale landmarks that butterflies can use as mate location cues. Some species are known to use linear structures 65 such as gullies ( Polygonia zephyrus and Amblyscirtes oslari ; SCOTT 1968) and edges, particularly physical structures such as buildings and walls but also boundaries between vegetation types (/nachis io and Aglais urticae : BAKER 1972. Vanessa atalanta, Nymphalis antiopa and Polygonia comma ; BITZER & SHAW 1979, 1983). Hilltopping, described in a detailed paper by SHIELDS (1967), is in some ways more unusual, inasmuch as several species of butterfly have been known to use the same feature for mate location at the same time. Hilltopping species include a heterogeneous taxonomic and behavioural assemblage, habitual patrollers as well as perchers. Males congregate on hilltops and the females visit these situations to be mated. The strategy is almost certainly used to facilitate mating and fertilisation. The sites investigated to date by Scott and SHIELDS have not been particularly characterised by other resources such as moisture, nectar, larval hostplants, shelter and warmth. Scotr (1968) argues that hilltropping is a mating mechanism that aids survival in species with low density populations, although some exceptions appeared in his work which he was unable to explain. Male density is distinctly higher on hill tops in hilltopping species and an abnormally high percentage of conspecific females are virgin. Moreover, SHIELDS (1967) has demonstrated “homing in” behaviour to summits of both males and females in a series of experiments on Papilio zelicaon. The present observations arise from a brief visit to the Old Fort, Corfu town, Kerkira. It became obvious during the visit that male L. megera were more common at the summit than at lower elevation in the fort. The Old Fort, which lies to the east of the town, rises in a series of levels (embattlements) to two towers, one (Castell Nouo) higher than the other (Castell Vechio), to a total elevation over 55 m. The population of L. megera is to a large extent isolated to the fort (approximately 200 x 400 m in area), surrounded as it is by sea and the town. Data on the density of L. megera were obtained, during a second visit on July 19, 1986, by taking counts over five minute periods at five different levels and 7 locations, from level 1 (19 metres above sea level) to level 5 (the summit). Each level was separated by at least 10 metres in elevation. Sites 1 to 5 extended up the side of Castell Nouo ; site 7 is the summit of Castell Vechio and site 6 the level ground separating the two towers. The areas and habitats (levelled stone enclosures covered in scrubby patches of desiccated herbs and grasses, mainly Deschampsia spp.) of each site were very similar, usually affording two complete transects ; however the tower of Castell Nouo had the smallest area. Care was taken to count each specimen seen only once. More males were seen at the top of the towers than at other locations (Table 1). A minimum of 10 males were noted on the towers compared to 66 two at lower sites during the five other observation periods. A minimum of seven males is recorded for Castell Nouo for the five minute observation period as it was difficult to determine whether insects rising up the cliffs were the same or different individuals. Two other males were observed in transit making their way up the side of Castell Vechio. Even including these latter two individuals in the assessment as occupying lower ground, there is a significant bias by L. megera males for summit locations (Fisher Exact test, p = 0.025). It was interesting that the higher but smaller Castell Nouo had many more males than the lower but larger Castell Vechio. Five prominent territories were established on the sloping embattlement walls of Castell Nouo and other males were constantly rising up the precipitous cliffs in attempts to establish territories of their own. The only other two territorial males were found in the saddle (site 6) between the two summits on a surrounding wall. Both were heavily worn, rather weak and lacked aggres- sion, being easily approached by an observer and each other. The only other relatively common butterfly at the fort was Pieris rapae. This was noted patrolling at lower sites but was absent at the two summits. Table |. Records of L. megera during five minute observation periods for 7 sites and 5 levels of elevation on the Old Fort, Corfu town, July 19, 1986 (see text for sampling details). 0 Castell Vechio 0 0 Castell Nouo (1 on 16/7/86) All but two of the males observed had either established territorial perches or were competing for them. The two individuals observed on the slopes of Castell Vechio were effectively engaged in patrolling although apparently en route for the summit. On Castell Nouo, territorial males were evenly spaced (minimum distance 3 metres ; maximum 7 metres) along a 32 metres section of the south facing sloping embaitlements and the adjoining roof of a building. None were found on the north facing side. Two of the ten territorial males had established territories in shade, the remaining eight in sunshine. All were angled to the sun (facing directly away from it), those in shade with their wings open, those in bright sunshine with their wings closed, minimi- sing the impact of direct sunlight. Male-male encounters at territorial sites involved tight spiral interactions much as those observed for the butterfly 67 elsewhere (DENNIS 1982) and for Pararge aegeria (Davies 1978 ; WICKMAN & WIKLUND 1983, SHREEVE 1984). No minor landscape features determined the precise location of perches for males but one male at site 6 selected the observer's white pad placed casually two metres away from its perch on the wall, its territory being distorted as a result (cf., DENNIS & WILLIAMS, in press). At least two important questions emerge from the present observations. Why do L. megera maies hilltop at the fort and why do they establish territories ? As it is, these observations on hilltopping and territoriality complement each other and our knowledge of L. megera. Several ideas have been put forward to explain hilltopping : (i) hilltops are emergence sites for females and males congregate there ; (ii) adult resources (foraging sites) occur more commonly on hilltops and males await females there ; (iii) hilltops are one of several topographic vantage points which, providing visual peaks, can be used as cues for courtship in species occurring at relatively low density. Potential emergence sites for L. megera occur over much of the fort area (cf., DENNIS 1983) and adult resources were no more abundant at the summits than elsewhere. Indeed, because of the smal! area involved both nectar and hostpiants were most limited in the tower of Castell Nouo. In any case, the concentration of mate location at foraging sites could be deleterious to both sexes, aS males would waste valuable energy soliciting unreceptive females, and females would be harrassed whilst egg iaying (MORTON 1985, p. 223). However the butterfly was in low density at the fort (iess than 20 insects seen in | hr within an area of 80,000 m?) and over Corfu island generally and only one femaie was seen (at site 1) in two visits. These points support the third hypothesis. Perching (wait and sit tactic), as opposed to patrolling, may also occur for several reasons (cf., DENNIS, in press): (i) males have insufficient energy supplies to remain patrolling ; more specifically, energy used in patrolling begins to exceed that used in defence (BAKER 1972}; (ii) ambient condi- tions are inadequate for sustained flight which lowers body temperatures (SHREEVE 1984) ; (iii) the ratio of available females to males is substantially reduced and patrolling becomes less effective than perching at vantage points, regardless of energy resources. Although these explanations are not mutually exclusive, it is possible to separate them. Observations at the fort were carried out in the early morning when energy levels in the butterflies should be high. Moreover, other species were involved in incessant patrolling (P. rapae ; I. podalirius}. In Britain, L. megera tends to patrol more in the warmer conditions after midday. But in Corfu shade temperatures exceeded 30°C, evidently close to optimal conditions, as thermoregulation by butterflies in the sun was geared to reducing (wings closed and body area covered) not 68 raising (wings open) body heat. On the other hand, femaies were undoub- tediv in short suppiy and in such circumstances scrambling for a resource (females) over a wide area becomes expensive (in terms of energy expendi- ture) and ineffective. It is argued then that the establishment of territorial perches and hilltopping are mechanisms intended to increase mating success by increasing the density of individuals and the probability of contacts and by minimizing energy losses. The act of territoriality does not conflict with the maintenance of high male density at hilltops, since males continually rise up to the summit to chailenge incumbents (latent density greatiy exceeds visible density) and females are therefore never iost for partners there. Aithough it wouid be expected that both strategies would be most effective for butterfly populations occurring ai low density, there is no reason why overail density ieveis should necessarily contrast for hilltopping and non-hilltopping species. Butterflies differ in a number of other important respects, for instance physically (size. apparency, defence mechanisms and speed of flight ; life span), behaviouraliy {patroi-verch spectrum) and ecologicaiiy (abundance, aggregation and coincidence of larval and adult resources : significance of nectar and moisture to adults; predictability of topographic vantage points within habitats ; nature of predators), and are probably capabie of making a range of adiustments to iow density. Nevertheless, in the case of the sparse population of crypticaily patterned 1. megera on Corfu Old Fort, both strategies would seem to have a high premium. References BAKER, R. R., 1972. — Territorial behaviour of the nymphaiid butterflies, Aglais urticae (L.) and /nachis io (L.). J. Anim. Ecol. 41 : 453-469. Brrzer, R. J. & SHAW, K. C., 1979. — Territorial behaviour of the Red Admiral. J. Res. Lep., 18 : 36-49, BITZER, R. J. & SHAW, K. C., 1983. — Territorial behaviour of Nymphalis antiopa and Polygonia comma (Nymphalidae). /. Lep. Soc., 37 : 1-13. Davies, N. B., 1978. — Territoriai defence in the Speckled Wood butterfly ( Pararge aegeria) : the resident aiways wins. Animal Behaviour 26 : 138-147. DENNIS, R. L. H., 1982. — Mate location strategies in the Wall brown butterfly, Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lepidoptera : Satyridae) : wait or seek ? Entomolo- gist’s Rec. J. Var., 94: 209-214 ; 95: 7-10. DENNIS, R. L. H., 1983. — Egg-laying cues in the Wall brown butterfly, Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lepidoptera : Satyridae). Entomologists's Gaz., 34 : 89-95. DENNIS, R. L. H. & BRAMLEY, M. J., 1985. — The influence of man and climate on dispersion patterns within a population of adult Z. megera (L.) (Satyridae) at Brereton Heath, Cheshire. Nota Lepid., 8 : 309-324. 69 DENNIS, R. L. H. & WILLIAMS, W. R., 1987. — Mate location behaviour in the butterfly, Ochlodes venata (Br & Grey) (Hesperiidae). Flexible strategies and spatial components. J. Lepid. Soc., 41 (1). Morton, A. C. G., 1985. — The Population Biology of an Insect with a Restricted Distribution : Cupido minimus Fuessly (lep., Lycaenidae). Ph.D. Thesis, Southampton. Scott, J. A., 1968. — Hilltopping as a mating mechanism to aid the survival of a low density species. J. Res. Lep., 7: 191-204. SHIELDS, O., 1967. — Hilltopping. J. Res. Lep., 6 : 69-178. SHREEVE, T. G., 1984. — Habitat selection, mate location and microclimate constraints on the activity of the Speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria. Oikos 42 : 371-377. WICKMAN, P. O. & WIKLUND, C., 1983. — Territorial defence and its seasonal decline in the Speckled wood butterfly ( Pararge aegeria). Animal Behaviour 31: 1206-1216. Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses E. PALM: Nordeuropas Pyralider. 18 x 25 cm, 287 pp., 8 colour plates, 264 figs and ca. 400 distribution maps, Apollo Books, Lundbyvej 36, DK-5700 Svendborg, Deninark, 1986, DKr. 400,- (ISBN 87-88738-04-3). This book is the third volume in the series “Danmarks Dyreliv” (Vol. 1 : Diptera, Syrphidae and Vol. 2 : Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of which many volumes are in preparation. The author gives the characteristics of the family Pyralidae and then treats all of the North European Pyralidae species in the same way : description of the adult, distribution in northern Europe, habitat, phenology, flight period, food plant and larval behaviour. There are two distribution maps for almost all species : one of North Europe and one of Denmark. The identification of sibling species is facilitated with drawings of genitalia or wing venation. The colour plates depict all of the treated species. The Phycitinae are somewhat enlarged and the other subfa- milies slightly reduced. This does not hamper the identification of specimens, except maybe for the Scopariinae. Unfortunately, the main body of the book is written in Danish and this could prevent a wide distribution of this interesting study. To solve this problem partly, a very short summary in English is given for each species. The book is of interest for all entomologists studying Pyralidae. Subscribers to the whole series profit from a discount of 15% on all volume prices. W. O. De Prins 70 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 71-78 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae) Gg. DERRA Concordiastrasse 2, D-8600 Bamberg. Summary Emmelina jezonica (MATSUMURA, 1931) was recorded as new to Germany and Europe by DERRA (1980). All known European specimens and some from Japan have now been seen by the author. A comparison of the two populations has shown that there are constant differences in the male genitalia, although none could be found in the female or in external appearance. The differences are considered to be of subspecific importance only. The European subspecies is described under the name Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. It has so far been recorded from Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Hungary and Switzerland, and it appears to be restricted to wet habitats. Emmelina jezonica (MATSUMURA, 1931), wurde 1980 als neue Pterophori- dae für Deutschland bekannt gemacht (DERRA 1980). Die weitere Forschung und der Vergleich mit Exemplaren von jezonica aus Japan zeigte, daß die europäischen Tiere, die für diese Art gehalten wurden, eine distinkte Unterart darstellen. Die europäischen Tiere werden als Emmelina jezonica pseudo- jezonica ssp. nov. beschrieben. Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. Holotypus : Germania BRD, Tongruben bei Bensheim, Hessen, 3.10.1983, leg. M. KRISTAL, in coll. DERRA, Gen. Prap. Nr. 2045 DERRA. Paratypen : Austria: 1 6d, Burgenland, Zitzmannsdorfer — Wiesen, 18.7.1964, leg. GLASER, in coll. ARENBERGER, Gen. Prap. Nr. 4604 JACKH. Gallia: 1 6, Oraison, Haute Provence, 17.6.1966, leg. PFISTER, in coll. PRÔSE, Gen. Präp. Nr. 80/320 PRÔSE. Germania BRD : 1 ©, Gernsheim, Hessen, 26.9.1972, leg. DERRA et in coll., Gen. Präp. Nr. 1349 DERRA. 1 6, Brühl bei Heidelberg, 5.9.1975, leg. BLASIUs et in coll., Gen. Präp. Nr. 937 DERRA. 1 ©, Ketsch bei Heidelberg, 71 1.4.1976, leg. BLAstus et in coil., Gen. Präp. Nr. 1208 DERRA. 1 6, 2 28, Hockenheim, 1.10.1976, leg. DERRA et in coil., Gen. Präp. Nr. 827 6, 846, 958 29 Derra. i d, Hockenheim, 7.10.1978, ieg. BLASIUS, in coll. DERRA, Gen. Präp. Nr. 1280 DERRA. 1 d, Brühl bei Heidelberg, 21.3.1979, leg. Bräsıus, in coil. DERRA, Gen. Präp. Nr. 1205 DERRA, 3 dd, 3 29, Daten wie bei Holotvous, leg. KRISTAL et in coll., Gen. Präp. Nr. 2074, 2075, 2077 G6, 2072, 2073, 2079 22 DERRA. 3 dd, 2 99, Daten wie bei Holotypus, leg. KRISTAL, in coil. DERRA, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2044, 2046, 2047 GG, 2042, 2043 99 DERRA. I d Achkarren, Kaiserstuhl, 15.6.1957, leg. E. DE BRos et in coll., Gen. Präp. Nr. E-179 WHITEBREAD. italia: 4 dé, Lazio Fregene, 7.8.1931, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2393, 2518, 2522, 2523 DERRA. 3 99, Lazio Fregene, 3.7.1981, Gen. Prap. Nr. 2392, 2521, 2524 DERRA. 1 9, Focene, 26.8.1982, ! 4,2 28, Focene, 30.6.1981, 1 J, Focene, 23.8.1982, Gen. Prap. Nr. 2394, 2396 dd, 2395, 2519, 2520 99 DERRA, leg. PROLA et in coil. Hungaria: | ©, Boglarielle berek szeie, 14.3.1979, ieg. Dr. GOZMANY, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2603 DERRA. | d, Gvon Kertesz, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2613 DERRA. : © Kiskusag Fülöphaza, Kutatohaz, 13.7.1977, leg. Dr. GOZMANY, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2625 DERRA. ! 9, Kiskusag Orgavany, Deak-tanya, 5.8.1980, leg. Ronkay, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2626 DERRA. | d, Kiskusag, Bugac mocsar, 22.8.1979, leg. Dr. GOZMANY, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2637 DERRA. | 9, Batorliget, Vedeit iep., 29.9.1949, ieg. KAszAB, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2541 DERRA. 1 ©, Batorligei, leg. EHIK und BUNDAY, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2644 DERRA. 1 6, 1 ©, Dömsöd Araipuszta, 14.6.1980, leg. Dr. GOZMANY, Gen. Präv. Nr. 2639 G, 2635 2 DERRA. Alle Tiere in coil. Natur-Historisches Museum in Budapest. Helvetia: 1 & La Souste, Yaiais, Camping Bella Tolla, 25.5.1979, ieg. N. VON ROTEN, Gen. Prän. Nr. E-190 WHITEBREAD. DIAGNOSE Expansion 19-25 mm. Vorderflügel hellbraun, ockerfarbig, unregelmäßig mit dunklen Schuppen durchsetzt. Die vordere Hälfte des Vorderflügel mit zrauen Schuppen übergossen. Fransen etwas dunkler als die Flügelfärbung. Vor der Spalte ein dunkier länglicher Fleck. Ein kleiner dunkler Punkt etwa 1/4 vor der Wurzei in der Mitte der vorderen Flugelhaifte. Ein etwas srößerer dunkler Fleck am Hinterrand etwa i/5 vor der Wurzel. Hinterflugel dunkel graubraun leicht glänzend, Fransen von gleicher Färbung. Vorderflü- gelunterseite braun, dunkler als die Oberseite. Hinterfiügelunterseite von gleicher Farbe wie die Oberseite. Männlicher Genitalapparat (Abb. 3-5): Genitalapparat unsymmetrisch. Linke Valve etwas breiter ais die rechte. Rechte Vaive distal zweilappig. Ein schwach sklerotisierter Zapfen überragt 72 das zweilappige Valvenende. Dieser Zapfen ist nur halb so lang wie bei der Nominat—Unterart. Am Ende des Sacculus liegt eine Chitinleiste langs des Valvenrandes, von etwa 1/3 der Valvenlange. Bei der Nominat—Unterart ist diese Chitinleiste erheblich kurzer. Linke Valve mit einen bauchigen, S- formigen Clasper, der frei beweglich ist und dadurch bei der Präparation in den verschiedensten Lagen zu liegen kommen kann. Ein breiter, stark behaarter Fortsatz liegt oberhalb des S-formigen Clasper auf der Valve. Dieser Fortsatz ist proximal etwa 2/3 so breit wie die Valve, verjiingt sich distal sehr stark zu einen abgerundeten Zapfen, der das Vaivenende überragt. Die Costa des aufliegenden Fortsatzes geht an der Basis des Zapfens etwa le Abb. 1. Erste Reihe, Emmelina jezonica jezonica (MATSUMURA). links, Japan, Teine, Hokkaido, 23.9.1959, leg. T. KUMATA, in coll. DERRA. mitte, Japan, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 7.9.1974, leg. T. KUMATA, in coll. DERRA. rechts, Japan, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 31.10.1963, leg. T. KUMATA, in coll. DERRA. Zweite Reihe, Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. links, Germania BRD, Hessen, 3.10.1983 (Holotypus). mitte, Germania BRD, Hessen, 3.10.1983 (Paratypus). rechts, Germania BRD, Hockenheim, 1.10.1976 (Paratypus). Dritte Reihe, Emmelina monodactyla (LINNAEUS). links, Spanien, Lorca 700 m, 8.7.1980, leg. DERRA et in coll. mitte, Aegypten, Fayum oasis, 3.3.1977, leg. ZOUHAR, in coll. DERRA. rechts, Germania BRD, Umg. Bamberg, Bug, 11.7.1978, leg. DERRA et in coll. 73 rechtwinklig nach innen, geht dann winklig in den Zapfen über. Dieser Fortsatz ist bei der Nominat-Unterart proximal nur 1/2 so breit wie bei pseudojezonica und die Costa geht distal durch eine Wôlbung in den Zapfen über. Anellusarme gleich lang und doppelt so breit wie bei der Nominat- Unterart. Aedeagus gerade, distal leicht verjüngt, bei der Nominat-Unterart gebogen. Uncus leicht gebogen, bei der Nominat-Unterart sehr stark sichel- formig gebogen. Abb. 2. Emmelina jezonica jezonica (MATSs.) d, Gen. Präp. nr. 2049 DERRA. Abb. 3-5. Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov., 3 Genitalapparat. 3. Holotypus ; 4. Paratypus, Gen. Prap. Nr. 2046 ; 5. Paratypus, Gen. Präp. nr. 2394. 74 Weiblicher Genitalapparat (Abb. 7, 8) : Das Ostium ist stark zerfranst und sehr dünnhäutig. Bei ventraler Präparation wird es durch die Lamella antevaginalis meist verdeckt. Die Lamella ante- vaginalis, eine Ausstülpung des achten Sternites, erscheint ventral als kugeli- ges Gebilde, bei Lateralansicht zeigt sie sich als abstehender abgerundeter Zapfen. An der weiblichen Genitalarmatur konnte im Vergleich zur Nomi- nat-Unterart kein Unterschied festgestellt werden. Abb. 6. Emmelina jezonica jezonica (MATSUMURA) ©, Genitalapparat, Gen. Prap. Nr. 2051. Ventralansicht. Abb. 7. Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. Paratypus 2, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2043 DERRA, Ventralansicht. DISKUSSION Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. ist im Vergleich zu E. jezonica jezonica. im mannlichen Genital erheblich unterschieden. Am weiblichen Genital konnten keine Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Trotz der Unter- schiede am mannlichen Genital wird pseudojezonica als Unterart behandelt. Ob pseudojezonica eine Unterart von jezonica ist, oder vielleicht doch Artrang besitzt, kann erst geklart werden, wenn über die Verbreitung und morphologische Variabilitat beider Taxa mehr bekannt ist. Es ist Material aus allen Verbreitungsgebieten erforderlich, um zu klaren, wieweit die Unter- schiede konstant sind und wo Übergänge vorhanden sind. #3 Abb. 8. Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. Paratypus ?, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2079 DERRA, Lateralansicht. Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. ist bekannt aus folgenden Ländern Europas : Deutschland, Osterreich, Frankreich, Schweiz, Italien und Ungarn. Alle zur Zeit bekannten europaischen Tiere der hier behandel- ten Art haben mir vorgelegen und wurden von mir untersucht. Genitaliter ist bei den europaischen Tieren keinerlei Variabilitat festzustellen. Inwieweit die Nominat-Unterart aus Japan in ihren Merkmalen konstant ist, konnte an dem wenigen mir zur Verfugung stehenden Material nicht geklart werden. Bei PROLA und RACHELI 1984, wird jezonica auch aus Polen angegeben, diese Angabe muß revidiert werden. Buszko (Torum, Polen) teilte mir mit, daß diese Art aus Polen nicht bekannt ist. Die weiteren Funde außerhalb Europas sind: Georgien USSR, Batumi an der Ostküste das Schwarzen Meeres, (Briefliche Mitteilung von Buszko, Torum, Polen) ; NW Pakistan, Prov. Swat. Mandschurei, Yablonya, Hsiaoling, Djalantun. Die außereuropäischen Tiere konnte ich nicht untersuchen, somit auch keine Aussage darüber machen. 76 Abb. 9. Emmelina monodactyla (LINNAEUS), Genitalapparat 4, Germania BRD, Hessen, Bensheim, 5.10.1983, leg. KRISTAL et in coll., Gen. Prap. Nr. 2076 DERRA. Die Bionomie ist unbekannt. Meine früher geäußerte Meinung (DERRA 1980), daß jezonica MATS. (ssp. pseudojezonica) keines bestimmten Lebensraumes bedarf, muß revidiert werden. Es ist nach heutigen Kenntnissen mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit anzunehmen, daß ssp. pseudojezonica nur Feuchtgebiete besiedelt. Neben der hier beschriebenen Unterart wird auch die Nominat-Unterart (Abb. 1, 2,6) und Emmelina monodactyla (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Abb. 1, 9, 10, 11) als Imago, sowie genitaliter in beiden Geschlechtern abgebildet. Meinen besonderen Dank mochte ich an dieser Stelle den Herren Dr. KUMATA (Sapporo, Japan) und Dr. YANO (Yamaguchi, Japan) für die Beschaffung von Material der Emmelina jezonica MATS aussprechen. Meinen Dank auch den Herren, die mir europäisches Material zur Verfügung stell- ten : Dr. GozMANY (Budapest, Ungarn), M. KRISTAL (Bürstadt, BRD), S. E. WHITEBREAD (Magden, Schweiz), C. PROLA (Rom, Italien), sowie Dr. Buszko (Torum, Polen) für briefliche Mitteilung. 77 11 Abb. 10. Emmelina monodactyla (LINNAEUS) ©, Genitalapparat, Gen. Prap. Nr. 2048 DERRA. Ventralansicht. Abb. 11. Emmelina monodactyla (LINNAEUS) ©, Genitalapparat, Gen. Präp. Nr. 2078 DERRA. Lateralansicht. Literatur Buszko, J., 1977. — Manchurian Pterophoridae : Polski Pismo Entomologiczne 44 : 333-337. DERRA, G., 1980. — Eine für Deutschland neue Pterophoridae : Atalanta 11 (3): 205-211. HANNEMANN, H. J., 1977. — Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 63. Teil. Pterophoridae, Yponomeutidae, Tineidae. Fischer Verlag, Jena. PROLA, C. u. RACHELI, T., 1984. — An annotated list of Italian Pterophoridae : Atalanta 15 (3/4) : 305-337. WAGNER, H., 1913. — Lepidopterorum Catalogus, Meyrick E., Pterophoridae, Orneodidae : 17 : 3-44. YANO, K., 1963. — Pterophoridae of Japan : Pacific Insects 5 : 188-193, fig. 86a-c, 87-89. 78 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 79-86 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) dagmaris sp. n. und andere interessante Entdeckungen bei den europäischen Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) Dalibor POVOLNY Agronomische Fakultat der Landwirtschaftlichen Hochschule, Zemeédelska 1, 613 00 Brno, Tschechoslowakei In einigen Veröffentlichungen der letzten Jahre habe ich wiederholt auf wichtige Erkenntnisse im Rahmen der gelechioiden Tribus Gnorimosche- mini aufmerksam gemacht, die sich aus einer kontinuierlichen Erforschung dieser taxonomisch schwierigen Gruppe ergaben (siehe z. B. POVOLNY, 1982, 1983, 1984a, b). Dies zusammen mit den Namenlisten von Lepi- dopterenarten, die in verschiedenen Landern Europas verôffentlicht wurden, stimulierte weitere Materialsendungen. Zusammen mit eigenen Erkenntnis- sen resultieren diese in weiteren Neuentdeckungen, bzw. in faunistisch und biogeographisch wichtigen Schlussfolgerungen. Man muss voraussetzen, dass noch langere Zeit sowohl formelle als auch inhaltliche Veranderungen notwendig sein werden, da verschiedene Taxa der Gnorimoschemini nicht nur im Rahmen der ehemaligen Sammelgattungen, wie etwa ,, Lita auct.“ oder „Gelechia auct.“, sondern auch in anderen ähnlich aufgefassten Gattungen (z. B. Bryotropha, Aristotelia, Xystophora usw.) auftauchen werden. Der schöpfe- rische Forschungsprozess sollte durch diesen Tatbestand nicht gehindert werden. Wegen der Aktualität solcher Entdeckungen mache ich auf sie aufmerksam, noch bevor die Monographie der Tribus Gnorimoschemini im Rahmen der „Microlepidoptera palaearctica“, welche jetzt intensiv vorbereitet wird, zur Verfügung steht. Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich all jenen, die dabei beteiligt waren, meinen verbindlichen Dank aussprechen, so vor allem: Frederico HARTIG, Rom ; Dr. Hugo VAN DER WOLF, Nuenen ; Dr. C. GIELIs, Nuenen ; Dr. Antonio VrvEs Moreno, Madrid ; Dr. Frantisek GREGOR, Brno ; Dr. Josef KLIMESCH, Linz ; Prof. Dr. R. U. ROESLER, Karlsruhe. Unlängst wurde in der östlichen Slowakei eine bisher unbekannte Scrobi- palpa-Art entdeckt (POVOLNY, 1984b), die ich als Scrobipalpa reiprichi PovoLnY beschrieb. Inzwischen wurde diese Art auch in Norwegen gesam- melt (KARSHOLT et al. 1986). Somit wiederholte sich praktisch die Ge- schichte von Scrobipalpa clintoni POVOLNY, 1968, die nach ihrer Entdeckung 19 und Beschreibung (aus Schottland) in mehreren skandinavischen Ländern und zuletzt auch in Nordrussland nachgewiesen, und auf diese Weise ihr von manchen wiederholt angezweifelter taxonomischer Wert bestatigt werden konnte. Die beiden Arten dürften verwandt sein. So bewahrheitete sich die Vermutung, dass taxonomische Neuentdeckungen im Rahmen dieser Tribus in Europa nicht nur auf das Mediterraneum beschrankt sein dürften. Diese Feststellung wurde jetzt erneut bestatigt, nachdem im Nachlass von F. HARTIG eine weitere, offenbar unbekannte Scrobipalpa-Art entdeckt werden konnte, die am Ufer des norditalienischen Sees Lago di Garda in der Umgebung von Gargano gesammelt wurde. Auch in diesem Falle dürfte es sich um eine mit Scrobipalpa clintoni POVOLNY und S. reiprichi POVOLNY verwandte Art handeln, die eher den Kalkbiotopen der Alpen als den Eremialbiotopen des europäischen Südens zugehörig sein dürfte. Der von manchen geforderten kladistischen Begründung der genauen Ver- wandtschaft von bisher unbeschriebenen Scrobipalpa-Arten stellen sich kaum überwindbare Hindernisse in den Weg, weil sich diese Gattung offenbar in der Phase einer adaptiven Radiation in der Palaearktis befindet und die Entscheidungen über synapomorphe und plesiomorphe Merkmale rein subjektiv sein müssten, abgesehen von anderen objektiven Umständen, die an dieser Stelle nicht ausgeführt werden können. Sollte man solchen Forde- rungen entsprechen, so hiesse es, bei dem Grossteil dieser Arten Differen-- tialdiagnosen zu allen restlichen Arten der Gattung auszuarbeiten, was an sich absurd wäre, abgesehen von dem Umstand, dass an der objektiven Existenz von fast 300 Arten dieser Gattung nicht im geringsten gezweifelt werden kann. Scrobipalpa dagmaris sp. n. Diagnose Eine mittelgrosse, relativ schmalflügelige Art bräunlicher Grundfärbung mit einer deutlichen schwärzlichen Vorderflügelzeichnung. Der einzige Falter ist sehr gut erhalten. Vorderflügellänge 6 mm. Holotypus : d, Italia, L. d. Garda, Gargano, 4.8.1974, Heiss. Das Exemplar befindet sich in meiner Sammlung, die im Besitz der Landessammlungen für Naturkunde, Karlsruhe, ist. Kopf, Thorax und Tegula bedeckt von ockerfarbenen Schuppen mit verdun- kelter Spitze und mit leichtem bräunlichem Stich. Stirn glänzend weisslich aufgehellt. Labialpalpus deutlich säbelartig gebogen. Zweites Palpusglied mit abstehenden Schuppen, ockerweisslich mit Andeutung eines breiten basalen und eines subterminalen Ringes auf der Aussenseite. Drittes Glied mit zwei deutlichen, breiten, schwärzlichen Ringen. Palpusinnenseite aufgehellt. 80 Grundfarbung des Vorderflügels ockerbräunlich mit schwarzen, braunlich umrandeten Stigmen. Costalrand, Apex und Tornus mit z. T. dichten schwarzlichen Schuppen. Dorsalrand nur im Basaldrittel schmal schwarzlich verdunkelt. Von den drei bereits erwahnten stigmenartigen schwarzlichen Punkten ist der erste, der etwa im ersten Drittel der Flugelmitte liegt, ziemlich gross, aber unregelmassig und konturarm. Der zweite und der dritte Punkt liegen weiter axial, sind kleiner, leicht oval vorgezogen und z. T. braunlich umrandet. Akzessorische schwarze Punkte befinden sich am Costalrand nahe der Flügelbasis, und etwa im ersten Drittel der Costallange. Die Grenzen zwischen braunlichen und schwarzlichen Schuppenfeldern sind unscharf, die aussere Querbinde ist nicht entwickelt, bzw. sie schmilzt mit dem bräunlichen Flügelfeld zusammen. Fransen grau (Abb. 1). Hinterflügel schmutzig weisslich mit grauen Randern. Fransen hellgrau. Beine hellgrau, ziemlich deutlich und breit schwarzlich geringelt. Abb. 1. Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) dagmaris sp. n. Vorderflügelzeichnung des männlichen Holotypus. Genitalien Verhältnismässig (zu der Imagogrösse) subtil gebaut mit relativ kurzen, nur massig verdickten Valven, stumpf abgestutztem, schmalem Uncus und deutlich vorgezogenem Saccus. Medialausschnitt tief und breit ; Aedeagus kurz und sehr plump wirkend. Uncus verhaltnismassig schmal, oben massig konkav ausgeschnitten. Der paarige Fortsatz beiderseits dieses Ausschnittes ist ziemlich schlank, mässig nach innen gebogen, unscharf. Parabasaler Vaivenfortsatz deutlich breiter, aber kaum wesentlich langer, mit gerundeter Aussenkante und einer kurz nach innen auslaufenden Spitze. Valva schmal, am Ende massig keulenformig verdickt, fein behaart, kaum Uber die obere Uncuskante ragend. Saccus relativ gross, lang gezogen und mässig zuge- 81 spitzt. Aedeagus etwa 2/3 der Genitallänge entsprechend, ziemlich dick und plump wirkend, sein Caecum nur mässig kürzer als Aedeaguskôrper. Spitze stumpf mit einer deutlichen subterminalen, leicht gebogenen Leiste (Abb. 2). Bemerkungen Die Art wirkt sowohl habituell als auch genitaliter besonders im Rahmen der europäischen Gnorimoschemini recht auffallend. Das Fehlen des Weibchens erschwert das an sich im Rahmen dieser Gattung schwierige Problem der Artverwandschafts zuordnung (siehe auch oben). Allerdings dürfte die Art in bezug auf den tiefen Medialausschnitt der Sacculusfalte und die Form und Grösse der paarigen Fortsatze mit der Scrobipalpa clintoni-S. reiprichi- Gruppe verwandt sein. Nahere Umstande des Fundes dieses fast unversehr- ten Mannchens sind unbekannt. Scrobipalpa vasconiella (ROSSLER, 1877) comb. n. ROssLeR, 1877, Ent. Ztg. Stett., 38 : 377 (Lita). Syn. : Scrobipalpa drahomirae POVOLNY, 1966 (Acta ent. bohemoslov., 63 : 400), syn. n. Das Typenmaterial blieb jahrelang unauffindbar ; meine Anfragen bei Dr. R. AGENIO, Madrid, und Dr. K. SATTLER, London, waren erfolglos (siehe POVOLNY 1977, S. 196). Jetzt verdanke ich Herrn Dr. Antonio VIVES Moreno, Madrid, die Zusendung der beiden Syntypen ; ein Mannchen und ein Weibchen. Die Genitalien wurden bereits von Dr. SATTLER präpariert, siehe dazu die Abb. 3, 4. Abb. 5 zeigt die in natürlicher Lage gezeichneten mannlichen Genitalien. Die scheinbaren Unterschiede zwischen der Abb. 5 und denjenigen des mannlichen Syntypus sind auf unterschiedliche Einbet- tungsmethoden zurückzuführen. Die Verbreitung von Scrobipalpa vasconiella (ROSSLER) erstreckt sich, wie ich in zahlreichen Veroffentlichungen nachweisen konnte, von den Kanari- schen Inseln und Madeira tiber das ganze europaische und nordafrikanische Mediterraneum (Sudspanien, Sudfrankreich, Sardinien, Suditalien, Südgrie- chenland, Mauretanien, Algerien, Cyrenaike, Türkei, Sudrussland) bis Iran und Afghanistan. Die Art dürfte dabei zumindest teilweise halophil sein. Scrobipalpa superstes POVOLNY, 1977 PovoLnyY, 1977, Acta ent. bohemoslov., 74 : 189-192. Diese interessante Art wurde nach mehreren Faltern aus Südspanien (Trebu- jena am Quadalquivir, Mazagon bei Huelva, Las Palmeras bei Garrucha, Chiclana) beschrieben, die vorwiegend in den achtziger Jahren dort gesam- 82 ‘(JOP ANTOAOY) IZZIYSIOpI{ Jurg *,9d4101997 ‘jesedng ‘WOIYSIOINIII] ‘P T7I AIILLVS “MH ‘241099 'PIOIRS "A TT ‘ORQIIG ‘HTISSOY 2//21U09$D4 DIT“ J9N979Q "u “QUOD (//8] AAISSQY) pjjaruosspa (pdjpdigo1sn7) pdjpdıgoas ‘€ "QQV ‘SNdAJO[JOH sop uareyuen aydı] -UUBIN "u “ds supwanp (pdjpdıgoassnz) vdjpdiqos9s ‘7 ‘qay on 8 “(re aqv ouais) u9y91SJU9 U9BUNPIIGSSIN] Usp YoInp ‘UdYysseE[syoeq ne yond auuo ‘2807 Joydılınyeu Ul wesjegepeuey Ul UdT[eWUSH) USUOI] -UURW JOP 9ZZDSI9P94 QUI “WASVID 'W N 'M “£961'9'81 ‘nog log eruedsiy “gegg “Wy ‘dei "u ‘quod (1/81 “XTISSOM) pjjoruıosspa (pdjpdıgoassnF7) pdppdıgoas 'S "QQV ‘(JOP ANTOAOd) 9ZZDISI9P94 oulq '„adAlopafereg 'Terednz “WOIPWOIMIRMN ‘BP £ZO ‘AXILLVS “MH ‘odAjoopVleg “pyogsas ‘OPQIIS ‘HXISSOY 2//21U09$D4 DIIT™ Wouezeq “u “QUOD (//81 “AIISSOY) pjJaruosspa (pdj»digowsnz) vdjpdigowS ‘+ “Qqy 84 melt wurden, obwohl mir mangelhaft bezeichnete Falter vom Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts bekannt waren (POVOLNY, 1977). Dr. H. v. D. WOLF schickte mir ein weiteres Männchen dieser Art, das von Dr. GIELIS in Porto Santa Maria bei Cadiz (13.5.1979) gesammelt wurde. Verglichen mit den Spätsommerfaltern der Originalserie wirkt dieses Männchen etwas stattlicher, hat aber sonst dieselbe blass graue Vorderflügelgrundfärbung mit ockerfarbe- ner Tönung und mit undeutlichen schwarzen Punkten. Das Fangdatum bezeugt, dass diese Art zumindest bivoltin sein muss (die meisten Scrobi- palpa-Arten sind polyvoltin). Scrobipalpa superstes scheint nur in den sandigen und salinen Biotopen Südwestspaniens zwischen Huelva und Cadiz der atlantischen Küste vorzukommen. Scrobipalpa ustulatella (STAUDINGER, 1870) STAUDINGER, 1870, Berl. Ent. Ztschr., 14 : 307. PovoLnY, 1982, Nota lepid., 5 : 130-131. Ich habe erst unlängst auf den Umstand aufmerksam gemacht, dass diese Art seit ihrer Beschreibung (und Entdeckung beim ehemaligen Sarepta in Südrussland) nie mehr gesammelt wurde, so dass nur zwei Syntypen bekannt blieben. Desto grösser war die angenehme Überraschung, als Dr. GIELIs zwei gut erhaltene und einwandfreie Männchen von Scrobipalpa ustulatella (STAUDINGER), dieser so wichtigen Art, sammeln konnte (Murcia, 20.4.1978 und Granada, 22.4.1978). Auf diese Weise konnte die Existenz dieser interessanten Art nach mehr als hundert Jahren bestätigt werden. Dieser Befund dürfte bezeugen, dass es sich um eine mediterrane, auf aride Biotopen gebundene Art handelt, die in diesem Raum mehr verbreitet sein dürfte, als wir heute wissen. Scrobipalpa instabilella stabilis POVOLNY, 1977 PovoLnY, 1977, Acta ent. bohemoslov., 74 : 192-194. Diese ziemlich auffallende, gross und plump wirkende Form wurde aus der Umgebung von Baza (Granada) beschrieben. Ein weiteres, beträchtlich grosses und eintônig schwärzliches Männchen mit charakteristischen Genita- lien stammt aus dem Rosas-Gebiet (Gerons, 16.5.1980, leg. GiELIs). Ochrodia subdiminutella (STAINTON, 1867) STAINTON, 1867, Tin. Syria and Asia Min., 45. PovoLnY, 1981, Acta Univ. agric. (Brno), 29 : 382-384. Dies ist erst der zweite einwandfreie Nachweis des Vorkommens dieser panpalaeotropisch-subtropisch verbreiteten Art in Europa. Das erste bekann- te Mannchen aus Europa wurde von F. HARTIG auf dem Hang des Monte 85 Vulture (Basilicata) in Zentral-Italien gesammelt (PovoLNy, 1981). Das erste Stück aus Spanien ist ein Mannchen der dunklen Form dieser Art, das am 23.5.1971 bei La Murta (Murcia) von Dr. GIELIS erbeutet wurde. Dieser Befund bestätigt, dass diese sonst in Afrika, Arabien, dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten bis Pakistan und Indien und in Australien in den riesigen ariden Raumen weit verbreitete und lokal sehr haufige Art, auch im europai- schen Mediterraneum wahrscheinlich selten vorkommt. Somit ist diese Art gemeinsam mit Scrobipalpa ustulatella (STAUDINGER) neu fur Spanien. In dem von Dr. GIELIS in Südspanien gesammelten Material sind noch Scrobipalpa salinella (ZELL.), S. obsoletella (F. v. R.) und Phthorimaea operculella (ZELL.) meist haufig vertreten, deren Vorkommen und Verbrei- tung in Spanien bereits von PovoLnY (1977) charakterisiert wurden. Schrifttum KARSHOLT, O. et al., 1986. — A remarkable disjunktion : Scrobipalpa reiprichi PovoLnY, 1984 discovered in Norway, with remarks on the characteristic of the species (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Nota lepid., 9 : 191-199. PovoLny, D., 1977. — Zur Fauna der Tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) der Iberischen Halbinsel. Acta ent. bohemoslov., 74 : 184-204. PovoLnY, D., 1981. — Über neue und wenig bekannte Arten der Tribus Gnorimo- schemini (Lep., Gelechiidae) aus dem Mediterraneum. Acta Univ. agric. (Brno), 29 : 365-397. PovoLnY, D., 1982. — Zur artspezifischen Identität mancher westpaläarktischer Gnorimoschemini (Gelechiidae). Nota lepid., 5 : 121-132. PovoLnY, D. & LUQUET, G., Chr., 1983. Commentaires sur quelques Conde: schemini nouveaux ou peu connus de France. Alexanor, 13 : 63-74. POVOLNY, D., 1984a. — Drei neue Arten der Tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidop- tera, Gelechiidae) aus Asien. Nota lepid., 7 : 264-270. PovoLny, D., 1984b. — Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) reiprichi sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) a surprising discovery from Eastern Slovakia. Acta ent. bohemos- lov., 81 : 453-457. 86 Nota lepid. 10 (1): 87-92 ; 31.11.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 A New Palaearctic Archipini genus (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) Jozef RAZOWSKI Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoolog Polish Academy of Sciences, Slawkowska 17, 31 “016 Krakow, Poland. The new genus described below belongs in the Archipini (Tortricinae) which are characterised by the following probable autapomorphies : the completely atrophied costa of the valva, the presence of the densely plicate internal surface of the valva (the disc), the presence of a basal sclerite of the disc which is usually well developed and fused with the base of the transtilla, and a funnel like sclerite extending from the base of the transtilla to the basal sclerite of the outer surface of the valva. Tosirips gen. n. Type-species : Tortrix perpulchrana KENNEL, 1901. External appearance and venation as in Ptycholomoides OBRAZTSOV ; costal fold of male forewing absent. Male genitalia : Uncus broad, haired ventrally ; gnathos with strong arm and simple terminal plate ; socius a long, membranous, sparsely hairy lobe ; vinculum typical of the group ; valva distinctly tapering terminally, with long longitudinal plicate fold extending from beneath transtilla where a weak pulvinus develops to beyond sacculus, accompanied by dorsal plication ; sacculus broad, expanded in middle ventrally, terminal end not free ; trans- tilla folded longitudinally, slender medially, strongly expanded and cup- shaped laterally ; juxta simple ; aedeagus with large coecum penis and caulis ; cornuti deciduous. Female genitalia : Sterigma represented by lateral plates tapering terminally and concave medially, fused with slightly asymmetrical colliculum provided with sclerites ; ductus seminalis rising from anterior part of colliculum, dorsally ; signum absent. Early stages undescribed. Bionomy : probably univoltine ; foodplant : Quer- CUS SPP. Distribution : Palaearctic Subregion, from Central Europe to Japan. 87 Comments : The supposed autapomorphies of this genus are the shape of the transtilla and the long, weakly sclerotized socius. The transtilla resembles that in Archips HBN., but it is not expanded in the middle anteriorly and it is distinctly cup-shaped basally. The elongate valva is probably of convergent importance. The new genus is close to Ptycholomoides OBr., but the primitive gnathos (in Prycholomoides its termination is apomorphic) and the different shape of the transtilla are characteristic. The female genitalia resemble those of Choristoneura HBN. or Archips HBN. Four taxa are known to date, but their status seems unclear. The genital differences are very slight and should be confirmed on more material. The populations of the Far East differ from those of the West Palaearctic in having a simple apex to the aedeagus and a completely membranous ductus bursae. The two populations are treated provisionally as two distinct species each subdivided into two subspecies. The new genus is named in honour of my friend Dr. Tosıro YASUDA of Osaka. Tosirips perpulchranus (KENNEL), comb. n. Tortrix perpulchrana KENNEL, 1901, Dt. ent. Z. Iris, 13 (1900) : 223. Type-locality : Biskin. Wing expanse : male, 19-21 mm; female, 25-27 mm ; costa convex, distal third in male rather straight ; apex very short, rounded ; termen weakly oblique, rather straight. Head ochreous yellow, sometimes with slight admix- ture of brown, with labial palpus more cream. Ground colour of forewing yellow-ochreous, suffusions and strigulations brownish grey ; pattern dark greyish brown consisting of postbasal, median and subterminal fascia, the latter often incomplete or fused with posterior or dorsal suffusions ; concolo- rous spot at costa before apex ; fringes paler than ground colour, brown at tornus. Hindwing grey-brown ; fringes pale ochreous cream. The intensity of the forewing suffusion is variable. Male genitalia (figs. 1-3): Uncus elongate, broadest medially, rounded apically ; ventral prominence of sacculus broad, rounded ; aedeagus indistinc- tly convex at the tip, ventro-laterally ; 3 cornuti in vesica. Female genitalia (fig. 4) : as described for the genus ; anterior portion of coliiculum tapering slightly terminally, with lateral fold extending almost to middle. Bionomy : Moths in June, in woods. Distribution: Amur territory, Primore in USSR, N.E. China and North Korea ; KUZNETSOV (1967) mentions Simonovo as the most northern loca- lity. His data from Japan are probably referable to the following subspecies. Comments : The above description concerns the nominate subspecies. 88 Figs. 1-6. Male and female genitalia of Tosirips gen. n. : 1-3 — T. perpulchranus perpulchranus (KENNEL), South Primore ; 4 — same species, Ussuri Territory ; 5, 6 — T. perpulchranus ceramus ssp. n., holotype. 89 “6 ni y mes —, Figs. 7-10. Male genitalia of Tosirips gen. n. : 7, 8 — T. magyarus sp. n., holotype ; 9, 10 — T. magyarus syriacus ssp. n., holotype. 90 Tosirips perpulchranus ceramus ssp. n. Wing expanse : 20 mm. Ground colour of forewing ochreous, pale ochreous yellow terminally ; pattern broadly diffuse ; dorsum suffused with brown ; fringes concolorous with terminal part of wing, brown-grey at tornus. Hindwing brown ; fringes brownish. Male genitalia (figs. 5, 6) : As in the nominate subspecies, but uncus much broader, ovate and ventral edge of sacculus less convex medially. Female and bionomy unknown. Holotype, male : “25.VI.1957, Mt. Miei, Kyoto, Takeuchi”. Paratype : an identically labelled male. Holotype in the collection of the University of Osaka Prefecture, Osaka. Tosirips magyarus sp. n. Wing expanse : male, expansion 19 mm ; female, 21 mm. Head and thorax as in Z. perpulchranus. Ground colour cream ochreous, with transverse ferruginous lines or strigulae, some strigulae and basal suffusion brownish, terminal part of wing suffused with brown. Pattern brown, ferruginous medially. Fringes paler than ground colour or suffused with brownish ; brownish at tornus. Hindwing brown; fringes cream or whitish-grey, brown-grey in anal area, with brown basal line. Male genitalia (figs. 7, 8): As in T. perpulchranus perpuichranus but ventral prominence of sacculus more slender and aedeagus provided with a ventro-terminal tooth. Female genitalia : As in the afore mentioned species but colliculum broader proximally and with very slender cestum developed in anterior part of ductus bursae. Bionomy : Moths collected in May and June. Larva feeds on Quercus robur. Holotype, male : “Borosjeno, 935.VI.4, Dioszeghy”, G.S. 12683 in coll. of Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology, PAS, Krakow. Paratypes : 3 males labelled “Bulgaria, Kresna, 31.V.1984, J. Jaros Igt.”. Known also from Yugoslavia (Serbia). Tosirips magyarus syriacus ssp. Nn. Wing expanse: 16 mm. Head and thorax browner than in nominate sub- species. Ground colour of forewing cream, densely suffused and strigulated with brown, with some transverse lines before and beyond median fascia ; pattern chestnut-brown, in distal part with reddish brown shade. Distal part 91 of wing strongly suffused ; fringes cream, dark brown at apex and tornus. Hindwing dark brown ; fringes cream-brown, brownish in anal area. Male genitalia (figs. 9, 10) : As in nominate subspecies but uncus much more slender and terminal tooth of aedeagus larger, directed ventrally. Holotype, male: “Syrien”, G.S. 11604 in the coll. of the Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt Universitat, Berlin. Literature Kuznetsov, V. I., 1967. Listovertki (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) Amursko-Zeiskogo mezhduretscha i ikh ekologia. Trudy zool. Inst, Leningr., 41 : 1-72. Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses J. P. KorsHUNovV : Rhopalocera of the West Siberian Plain, in The Spiders and Insects of Siberia, pp. 32-118. Paperback, 15 x 21 cm, 34 black and white illustrations. Novosibirsk, 1985. In russian, with latin names of species. This work is the first to provide a complete key to the species of Rhopalocera occurring in the plain of West Siberia from the Urals to the River Jenissei. It comprises 238 species : Hesperiidae 21, Papilionidae 9, Pieridae 28, Lycaenidae 60, Nymphalidae 64 and Satyridae 56. The work begins with a review of the Rhopalocera of the USSR followed by a section on their morphology. The first key is to the families only. Then for each family a species key is presented which also incorporates a description of each species including the larval foodplants, flight period, degree of abundance and distribution. Two new species and four new subspecies are described : Neolycaena falkovitshi ZHDANKO and KORSHUNOV, Oeneis patrushevae KORSHUNOV, Polyommatus eroides taimyrensis KORSHUNOV, Argynnis sagana relicta KORSHUNOV, Apatura metis irtyshika KORSHUNOV and Clossiana districta mochati KORSHUNOV. The male genitalia of some difficult Melitaeini are figured. A bibliography and index to the latin generic and specific names complete the work. This publication is a useful reference work for the determination of the West Siberian butterflies and those of the neighbouring regions. It will also provide important data for the forthcoming red data book of the USSR. B. Izenbek 92 DRE CO TT U peer - _ SEL SOCIETAS EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA e.V. COUNCIL : President : Emilio Balletto Vice-President : Barry Goater General Secretary : Hansjürg Geiger Treasurer : Sigbert Wagener Membership Secretary : Willy De Prins Editor : Emmanuel de Bros Ordinary Council Members : Claude Dufay, Niels P. Kristensen, Kauri Mikkola, Andras M. Vojnits, Steven E. Whitebread. COMMITTEES: Literature : Pamela Gilbert Habitat and Species Protection : Michael G. Morris MEMBERSHIP: Applications for membership, changes of address and orders for Nota lepidoptero- logica and other literature should be sent to : Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica tiemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf.) Annual subscription fees : Ordinary members DM 50,- Corporate members DM 55,- Admission fee DM 5,- Overseas air mail charges DM 15,- BACK VOLUMES OF NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA : vol. 2-5, each members DM 24,- non-members DM 48,- vol. 6-9, each members DM 32,- non-members DM 64,- vol. 10 | members DM 40,- non-members DM 80.- PAYMENTS : All payments should be addressed to : Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica Hemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf.) and can be made by: Postal Giro Office Cologne — Postgiroamt Kôin — C.C.P. Cologne Nr. 1956 50-597 or by: “Mandat de poste international”. 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Für die Zucht: Zuchtkästen, Puppenkästen, Infrarotstrahler, Zuchtbehalter etc. Für den Tag- ung Machtfang: Netze, Gläser, Stromaggregate, Transportkästen. Lampen und Leucht- röhren etc Fur das Präparieren: Insekiennadeln, Spannbretter, Praparierbesteck, Kopflupen, Chemika- | ien ETC Für die Sammlung: insektenkasten in allen Großen mit der bewährten Moll- oder Schaum- stofieinlage, Insektenschranke aller Art Fin umfangreiches Angebot an neuer und antiguarischer Literatur ist vorhanden. Schreiben Sie uns oder rufen Sie uns an, wir beraten Sie gern. Unser Katalog steht Ihnen kostenlos zur Verfügung. Als SEL-Mitglied erhalten Sie bei uns auf sämtliche Artikel kaußer Bucher) 3% Rabatt icB 7 »isferm 4 _lepidopterologica ol. 10 No.2 1987 ISSN 0342-7536 NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA Journal published by the Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, Quarterly mate Manuscripts should be sent to the editor : Emmanuel de Bros, lic. jur., «La Fleurie» Shade Rebgasse 28, CH-4102 Binningen/BL, Switzerland. Instructions to authors This journal is reserved for short communications devoted to Palaearctic lepidop- terology. Manuscripts should not exceed 15 typed pages (including tables). All manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins, and submitted together with at least one copy. All pages should be numbered and show - the author’s name at the top right-hand corner of each page. Do not hyphenate words at the right-hand margin. Current issues of Nota lepidopterologica should be checked for style and format. Legends for figures and plates should be typed on a separate sheet and placed after the list of references. Line drawings should be about twice their final size. Black waterproof ink should be used. Photographs should be glossy positive prints. Solche plates can only be published at the author’s expense. Publication languages are english, french and german. The editors reserve the right, to make minor textual corrections that do not alter the author’s meaning. All manuscripts exceeding three typed pages must include an abstract of no more 2 than 100 words. It is strongly recommended to add a translation of the abstract in ei at least one of the other publication languages. The first mention of any organism should include the full scientific name with the | author and year of description. New descriptions must conform with the current — edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. We strongly urge deposition of types in major museums, and all type depositions must be cited. All papers will be read by the editors and submitted for review to two referees. 25 reprints of each article will be supplied free of charge to the first Buben Additional copies may be ordered at extra cost. Copies de ces instructions en francais sont disponibles auprès de l’editeur. Kopien dieser Hinweise in deutscher Sprache sind beim Redaktor erhältlich. Copyright © Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, 1987 ISSN Run 1536 = | Printed by Imprimerie Universa Sprl, 24 Ho der aen B-9200 Wetteren, Belgium | All rights reserved, No part of this Journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, i electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Authors are responsible for the contents of their — NN A articles. Nota lepidopterologica Vol. 10 No. 2 Basel, 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Editor : Emmanuel Bros de Puechredon, alias de Bros, lic. iur., Rebgasse 28, CH-4102 Binningen BL, Schweiz. Assistant Editors : Dr. Hansjurg Geiger (Bern), Steven Whitebread (Magden). Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire SEL : Sixième Congres Européen de Lepidopterologie San Remo 1988 .. 93 A. SCHINTLMEISTER, V. V. DUBATOLOV, A. V. SVIRIDOV, A. YU. TSHISTJAKOV & J. VIIDALEPP : Verzeichnis und Verbreitung der Notodontidae der MESS RetLeMiGODlera) were en chasses sous oss 94 K. MIKKOLA : Biography of Prof. Esko Suomalainen, Honorary member of DE ree tN it wr CA alone SMart ide kde aia en 113 E. SUOMALAINEN : Autobibliography (Lepidopterological publications) ... 115 J. J. DE FREINA : Eine neu entdeckte Lymantriiden-Art aus Kaschmir : Arc- tornis kohistana sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) ................ 119 J. RazowskI : On the family-level systematics of the Pterophoridae ...... 127 K. SAITOH : A note on the haploid chromosome number of Brenthis ino ROTTEMBURG 1775 from Finland (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) ........ 131 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses .......... 133, 134 & 136 Sixth European Congress of Lepidopterology San Remo, Italy — 6th to 10th April 1988. Provisional offers of papers should be made to : Prof. Dr. Emilio Balletto, President of the SEL and of the Organisation Committee Universita di Torino Dipartimento di Biologia Animale Via Accademia Albertina, 17 I-10123 Torino, Italy. Further details on the Congress will be published in NEWS. Sixième Congres Européen de Lepidopterologie San Remo, Italie — 6 au 10 avril 1988 Les annonces provisoires de communications sont à adresser au Prof. Dr. Emilio Balletto, Président de la SEL et du Comité d'organisation (voir adresse ci-dessus). NOUVELLES publiera des renseignements plus détaillés. Sechster Europäischer Kongress für Lepidopterologie San Remo, Italien, vom 6. bis 10. April 1988. Die vorläufige Anmeldung eines Vortrages ist zu richten an Herrn Prof. Dr. Emilio Balletto, Präsident der SEL und des Organisationskomitees (siehe obige Adresse). NACHRICHTEN wird ausfürlichere Informationen verôffentlichen. 93 Nota lepid. 10 (2) : 94-111 ; 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Verzeichnis und Verbreitung der Notodontidae der UdSSR (Lepidoptera) A. SCHINTLMEISTER, V. V. DUBATOLOV, A. V. SVIRIDOV, A. YU. TSHISTIAKOV & J. VIIDALEPP A. Schintlmeister, Calberlastr. 3 130-17, DDR-8054 Dresden (federführend) V. V. Dubatolov, Zoological Institute Academy of Sciences, ul. Frunze 11, SU-630091 Novosibirsk Dr. A. V. Sviridov, Zoologisches Museum, MGU, ul. Gerzena 6, SU-103009 Moskau Dr. a A. Tshistjakov, Far East Biological Centre DVNZ AN SSSR, SU-690022 Wladi- wostoc Dr. J. Viidalepp, Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut, vanemuise 21, SU-202400 Tartu, Estland Zusammenfassung Aus der UdSSR sind bisher insgesamt 128 Arten Notodontidae bekannt. Das vorliegende Verzeichnis enthalt dabei acht für die Fauna der UdSSR erstmals nachgewiesene Spezies. Weiterhin wird die Verbreitung der Arten in der Sowjet- union tabellarisch erfaßt und eine Einteilung in Faunenelemente (sensu DE LATTIN) vorgenommen. Im Artikel sind die folgenden taxonomischen Änderungen enthal- ten: Summary A check-list ofthe 128 species of Notodontidae known from the USSR is presented. Eight species are recorded for the first time. The distribution of the species within the Soviet Union, including the faunal elements (sensu DE LATTIN) to which they belong, is given in table form. The following taxonomic changes are made: Synonyma (syn. nov.) : Furcula bicuspis infumata (STAUDINGER, 1887) = F. bicuspis bicuspis (BORKHAUSEN, 1790) ; Neostauropus KIRIAKOFF, 1967 = Stauropus GERMAR, 1812; Pheosia karategina STSHETKIN, 1980 = Pheosia jullieni OBERTHÜR, 1911; Pheosia fusiformis continentalis TSHISTIAKOV, 1985 = Pheosia rimosa rimosa PAC- KARD, 1864 ; Pterostoma tachengensis Cal, 1979 = Pterostoma palpina palpina (CLERCK, 1759) ; Paragluphisia DIAKONOV, 1929 = Gluphisia BOISDUVAL, 1828. Neuer taxonomischer Status (stat. nov.) : Cerura intermedia (TEICH, 1896) (bona species) ; Furcula furcula lanigera (BUTLER, 1877) (Abwertung zur Unterart) ; 94 Fusapteryx MATSUMURA, 1920, Microphalera BUTLER, 1885 und Prilodontella KIRIAKOFF, 1967 (Abwertung als Subgenera zu Prilodon HUBNER, 1812); Ptilodon capucina kuwayamae (MATSUMURA, 1919) (Abwertung zur Unterart) ; Clostera obscurior (STAUDINGER, 1887) (bona species). l. Einleitung Die fortschreitende faunistische Erforschung, auch abgelegener Teile der UdSSR erbrachte in den letzten Jahren eine Reihe von interessanten Notodontidenfunden. Insbesondere ist hier die intensive Untersuchung der fernöstlichen und sibirischen Fauna zu erwähnen. Mit vorliegender Übersicht wird versucht, die Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre zusammenzufassen und damit zugleich auch einen Beitrag zur Inventarisierung der Fauna der UdSSR zu leisten. 2. Dank Unsere Arbeit wurde von zahlreichen Kollegen unterstützt. Besonders bedanken möchten wir uns bei den Herren : A. G. ANISKOWITSCH (Brjansk), Dr. R. Qu. Car (Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing), O. GorBuNov (Moskau), Prof. Dr. H.-J. HANNEMANN (Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin), A. HELIA (Tupesy, CSSR), S. Kınos- HITA (Osaka), Y. KISHIDA (Tokyo), V. G. MACHAT (Moskau), Dr. A. N. POLTAWSKI (Entomologische Abteilung des Staatlichen Botanischen Garten Rostov/Don), Dr. D. STUNING (Zoologisches Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn), Dr. Sh. Suci (Tokyo), A. WATSON (British Museum Natural History), Th. Witr (Munchen). 3. Verbreitungsangaben und Material Das behandelte Gebiet umfaßt das heutige Staatsgebiet der UdSSR. Es wurde versucht den bisherigen Kenntnisstand der Verbreitung der einzelnen Taxa tabellarisch darzustellen. Bezüglich der Verbreitung der Arten im euro- päischen Teil der UdSSR und im Kaukasus sei dabei auf die Arbeit von SCHINTLMEISTER (1982) verwiesen. In bestimmten Fällen sind spezielle Fundortangaben in den Bemerkungen zu einzelnen Arten erwähnt. Das vorliegende Verzeichnis basiert auf nachprüfbaren Belegexemplaren ; nicht verifizierbare Meldungen sind als solche ausdrücklich gekennzeichnet. Die Verbreitungsangaben wurden von den Autoren gemeinsam erarbeitet, wobei alle wichtigen Museumsammlungen in der UdSSR und ein erheblicher Teil der bedeutenderen Privatsammlungen erfaßt sind. Darüberhinaus wur- den von SCHINTLMEISTER über 20 der bedeutensten europäischen und japani- schen Sammlungen, die Notodontidae der Palaearktis enthalten überprüft. 95 Die Anteile der einzelnen Autoren an Verbreitungsangaben gliedern sich schwerpunktmäßig wie folgt : DUBATOLOV : Westsibirien (incl. Altaij), Baikal, Jakutien ; SCHINTLMEISTER : Europäischer Teil der UdSSR, Kaukasus, Transkaukasus, Sajan Mts., Amur ; SVIRIDOV : Amurgebiet, coll. Tsvetaev ; TSHISTIAKOV : Primorye, Priamur, Sachalin, Kurilen, Kamtshatka. VIIDALEPP : Europäischer Teil der UdSSR, Mittelasien, Tuva, Azerbaidshan, Sachalin, Kurilen ; Natürlich wurden von den einzelnen Mitarbeitern auch Angaben aus anderen Gebieten als den oben erwähnten übermittelt. Schätzungsweise sind ca. 60-80 000 Exemplare in die Auswertung einbe- zogen. 4. Systematik und Nomenklatur Möglichst alle nomenklatorisch gültigen Taxa, die im Untersuchungsgebiet zweifelsfrei vorkommen, sollten erfaßt werden. Dabei sind auch Unterarten (a, b, c) mitberücksichtigt. Um phylogenetischen Zusammenhängen besser gerecht zu werden, haben wir teilweise erhebliche Umstellungen vom Systemvorschlag nach KIRIAKOFF (1967) vorgenommen. Zum besseren Verständnis sind einige Synonyma (in Klammern) dem Verzeichnis beigefügt. 5. Systematisches Verzeichnis der Notodontidae der UdSSR (Kommentare) | Abbildung] Torigea MATSUMURA, 1924 7. himalayana Moore, 1888 (3) [2.1] 1. straminea (Moore, 1877) 8a. erminea erminea (ESPER, 1783) (4) Mimopydna MATSUMURA, b. erminea candida (STAUDIN- 1924 GER, 1892) [557 . pallida (BUTLER, 1877) Furcula LAMARCK, 1816 Cerura SCHRANK, 1802 (= Harpyia auct.) (= Dicranura auct.) 3a. vinula vinula (LINNAEUS, 9a. furcula füurcula (CLERCK, 1758) (1) 1759) b. vinula estonica (HUENE, b. furcula forficula (FISCHER v. 1905) WALDHEIM, 1820) 4. felina BUTLER, 1877 c. furcula caucasica (SCHINTL- 5. intermedia (TEICH, 1896), MEISTER, 1981) STAT. NOV. d. furcula pseudobicuspis DA- 6. przewalskyi ALPHERAKY, 1882 (2) [2.2] NIEL, 1938 96 e. furcula lanigera 1877) STAT. NOV. 10. bicuspis (BORKHAUSEN, 1790) (= infumata STAUDINGER, 1887 SYN. NOV.) 11. aeruginosa (CHRISTOPH, 1873) 12. sibirica (DANIEL, 1965) 13. petri (ALPHERAKY, 1882) 14. bifida (BRAHM, 1787) (= hermelina GOEZE, 1781 nec GOEZE 1781) 15. interrupta (CHRISTOPH, 1867) (BUTLER, Stauropus GERMAR, 1812 (= Neostauropus KIRIAKOFF, 1967 SYN. NOV.) l6a. fagi fagi (LINNAEUS, 1758) b. fagi persimilis BUTLER, 1879 17. basalis MOORE, 1877 Cnethodonta 1887 18. grisescens STAUDINGER, 1887 STAUDINGER, Uropyia STAUDINGER, 1892 19. meticulodina 1884) (OBERTHUR, Harpyia OCHSENHEIMER, 1810 (= Hoplitis HÜBNER, [1819] 1806 nec. KLuG, 1807) (= Hybocampa LEDERER, 1853) 20. milhauseri (FABRICIUS, 1775) 21. umbrosa (STAUDINGER, 1892) 22. tokui (SuGI, 1977) (= monochroma TSHISTJAKOV, 1977) Dicranura 1817 (= Exaereta HUBNER, [1820] 1806) 23. ulmi (DENIS & SCHIFFERMUL- LER, 1775) 24. tsvetaevi SCHINTLMEISTER & SVIRIDOV, 1985 REICHENBACH, Fentonia BUTLER, 1881 25. ocypete (BREMER, 1861) (5) (6) [1.1] (7): [1.2] (8) [1.3] Hemifentonia KIRIAKOFF, 1967 26. mandschurica (OBERTHUR, 1911) (= fasciculata FILIPJEV, 1927) Wilemanus NAGANO, 1916 27. bidentatus (WILEMAN, 1911) Notodonta 1810 (= Tritophia KIRIAKOFF, 1967) OCHSENHEIMER, (= Eligmodonta KIRIAKOFF, 1967) 28a. dromedarius dromedarius (LINNAEUS, 1767) b. dromedarius schintlmeisteri Wit, 1980 c. dromedarius pontica WITT, 1980 29. stigmatica MATSUMURA, 1920 30. dembowskii (OBERTHUR., 1879) (= rothschildi WILEMAN & SOUTH, 1916) 31. torva (HUBNER, 1803) 32. jankowskii OBERTHUR, 1879 33a. tritophus tritophus (DENIS & SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775) b. tritophus phoebe (SIEBERT, 1790) c. tritophus tiefi BARTEL, 1903 34a. ziczac ziczac (LINNAEUS, 1758) b. ziczac gigantea (SCHINTL- MEISTER, 1981) Peridea STEPHENS, 1828 35. anceps (GOEZE, 1781) 36. murina KIRIAKOFF, 1974 37. lativitta (WILEMAN, 1911) (= pacifica MOLTRECHT, 1914) 38. gigantea BUTLER, 1877 (= monetaria OBERTHUR, 1879) 39. oberthueri (STAUDINGER, 1892) 40. moltrechti (OBERTHUR, 1911) (= kotschubeji SHELIUZHKO) [1.4] [1.6] (10) [1.7] 97 41. graeseri (STAUDINGER, 1892) (= arnoldi OBERTHUR, 1911) 42. aliena (STAUDINGER, 1892) Drymonia HÜBNER, [1819] 1816 (= Ochrostigma [1819] 1816) 43. dodonaea (DENIS & SCHIF- FERMÜLLER, 1775) 44. dodonides (STAUDINGER, 1887) 45. ruficornis (HUFNAGEL, 1766) (= chaonia HÜBNER, 1800) 46. obliterata (ESPER, 1785) (= melagona BORKHAUSEN, 1790) 47. japonica (WILEMAN, 1911) 48. querna (DENIS & SCHIFFER- MULLER, 1775) 49. [velitaris (HUFNAGEL, 1766)] (11) a. velitaris pontica (REBEL, 1908) 50. moyaerii (EBERT, 1971) COMB. HUBNER NOV. (12) 11.3] Pheosiopsis BRYK, 1950 (= Suzukia MATSUMURA, 1920 nec. OKAMOTO, 1913) (= Suzukiana SUGI, 1976) 51. [cinerea (BUTLER, 1879)] a. cinerea ussuriensis (MOL- TRECHT, 1914) Pheosia HÜBNER, 1819 52. tremula (CLERCK, 1759) 53. teheranica DANIEL, 1965 54. grummi (CHRISTOPH, 1885) (= brandti O. B. Haas 1937) 55. jullieni OBERTHUR, 1911 (= karategina STSHETKIN, 1980, SYN. NOV.) 56. gnoma (FABRICIUS, 1777) (= dictaeoides ESPER, 1789) 57. fusiformis MATSUMURA, 1921 58. rimosa PACKARD, 1864 (= fusiformis continentalis TSHISITJAKOV, 1985, SYN. NOV.) (13) (14) (15) Paradrymonia KIRIAKOFF, 1967 9. vittata STAUDINGER, 1892 un 98 [2.4] [2.3] [2.5] [2.6] 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 68. 69. 70. 71. 78. 79. a. vittata nigroramosa (CHRIS- TOPH, 1893) COMB. NOV. (16) [1.8] Pterostoma GERMAR, 1812 palpina (CLERCK, 1759) (17) (= tachengensis CAI, 1979 syn. NOV.) sinicum (Moore, 1877) griseum (BREMER, 1861) Shaka MATSUMURA, 1920 attrovittatus (BREMER, 1861) Lophocosma 1887 STAUDINGER, atriplaga STAUDINGER, 1887 Hupodonta BUTLER, 1877 corticalis BUTLER, 1877 lignea MATSUMURA, 1919 (18) Nerice WALKER, 1855 bipartita BUTLER, 1885 leechi STAUDINGER, 1892 Semidonta STAUDINGER, 1892 biloba (OBERTHUR, 1880) Epodonta MATSUMURA, 1922 lineata (OBERTHUR, 1880) Rabtala DRAESEKE, 1926 (= Lampronadata KIRIAKOFF, 1967) . cristata (BUTLER, 1877) . splendida (OBERTHUR, 1880) Urodonta STAUDINGER, 1887 . albimacula STAUDINGER, 1887 . arcuata ALPHERAKY, 1897 . branickii (OBERTHUR, 1880) . viridimixta (BREMER, 1861) Allodonta STAUDINGER, 1887 plebeja (OBERTHUR, 1880) Hexafrenum 1925 leucodera (STAUDINGER, 1892) MATSUMURA, Epinotodonta 1920 MATSUMURA, 80. fumosa (MATSUMURA, 1919) Takadonta MATSUMURA, 1920 81. takamukui MATSUMURA, 1920 Ptilodon HÜBNER, 1822 (19) (= Lophopteryx STEPHENS, 1828) (= Microphalera BUTLER, 1885) (= Fusapteryx | MATSUMURA, 1920) (= Ptilodontella KIRIAKOFF, 1967) 82a. capucina capucina (LINNAEUS, 1758) (20) b. capucina kuwayamae (MAT- SUMURA, 1919) STAT. NOV. 83. robusta (MATSUMURA, 1924) 84. jezoensis (MATSUMURA, 1919) 85. hoegel (GRAESER, 1888) 86. cucullina (DENIS & SCHIFFER- MÜLLER, 1775) (= cuculla EsPER, 1786) 87. saerdabensis (DANIEL, 1938) (21) [3.4] 88. ladislai (OBERTHUR, 1880) COMB. NOV. 89. grisea (BUTLER, 1885) COMB. NOV. Lophontosia STAUDINGER, 1892 90. cuculus (STAUDINGER, 1892) Odontosia HÜBNER, 1819 91. carmelita (ESPER, 1790) 92. patricia STICHEL, 1918 [3.3] 93. sieversii (MENETRIES, 1856) (= sieversii f. arnoldiana KAR- DAKOFF 1928) Hagapteryx MATSUMURA, 1920 94. admirabilis (STAUDINGER, 1887) [3.2] 95. kishidai NAKAMURA, 1978 (22) [3:1] Togopteryx MATSUMURA, 1920 96. velutina (OBERTHUR, 1880) Jurivalentinia STSHETKIN, 1980 97. karaganaeca STSHETKIN, 1980 Ptilophora STEPHENS, 1928 98. plumigera (DENIS & SCHIF- FERMULLER, 1775) 99. nohirae (MATSUMURA, 1920) 100. [jezoensis (MATSUMURA, 1920)] a. jezoensis sutchana O. B. Haas, 1927 Himeropteryx STAUDINGER, 1887 101. miraculosa STAUDINGER, 1887 Leucodonta 1892 102a. bicoloria bicoloria (DENIS & SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775) b. bicoloria albida (BOISDUVAL, 1834) STAUDINGER, Phalera HUBNER, 1819 103. bucephala (LINNAEUs, 1758) 104. bucephaloides (OCHSENHEI- MER, 1810) (23) 105. flavescens (BREMER & GREY, 1853) 106. assimilis (BREMER & GREY, 1853) Phalerodonta STAUDINGER, 1892 107. bombycina STAUDINGER, 1892 Spatalia HÜBNER, 1819 108. argentina (DENIS & SCHIFFER- MÜLLER, 1775) 109. doeriesi GRAESER, 1888 110. dives OBERTHÜR, 1884 111. plusiotis OBERTHÜR, 1880 Pterotes BERG, 1901 (= Pteroma STAUDINGER, 1896 nec. HAMPSON, 1893) (= Danielita KIRIAKOFF, 1970) 112. eugenia STAUDINGER, 1896) 29 1CM Abb. 1. Li 2. Sau Furcula sibirica DANIEL: d, SU-W. Sajan Mts., Maina-Babik, 6.vii.-14c.vii.1979 leg. MACHAT. Furcula petri ALPHERAKY : d, SU-Tuva, Ak-Dovunik, Barum, 3.-6.viii.1972 leg. RUBEN & VIIDALEPP. Dicranura tsvetaevi SCHINTLM. & SVIRIDOV : d, SU-Primorye, Keidrowaja Pad bei Wladi- wostock, leg. TSVETAEV. Paratypus. Hemifentonia mandschurica OBERTHÜR : 2, SU-Primorye, 10km N Zanadvorovka, 1.viii.1984 leg. TSHISTIAKOV. Drymonia moyaerii EBERT : 3, SU-Azerbaidshan, Lenkoran-Alekseevka, 10.iv.1982. Notodonta dromedarius pontica Witt : 3, SU-Kaukasus, Suchumi, 7.viii.1983 leg. FELIX. Peridea murina KIRIAKOFF : 6, SU-Azerbaidshan, Lenkoran-St. subtrop. Kulturi 30.iv.1970 leg. TSVETAEV. Paradrymonia vittata nigroramosa CHRISTOPH: 6, Transcaspia, Arwas bei Aschabad, 6.-18.v.1900. 100 Eguria (MATSUMURA, 1924) 119. [albosigma (FITCH, 1855)] a. albosigma curtuloides (ER- 113. ornata (OBERTHUR, 1884) SCHOFF, 1870) Gluphisia BOISDUVAL, 1828 120. pigra (HUFNAGEL, 1766) (= Paragluphisia DJAKONOV, 121. obscurior (STAUDINGER, 1887) 1929 SYN. NOV.) STAT. NOV. (25) [4.2] 122. anachoreta (DENIS & SCHIF- FERMULLER, 1775) 123. modesta (STAUDINGER, 1889) [3.6] 114. crenata (ESPER, 1785) (= amurensis GRUNEBERG, ) 115. he (DIAKONOV, 1929) 124. anastomosis (LINNAEUS, 1758) COMB. NOV. (24) Micromelalopha = NAGANO, Rhegmatophila STANDFUSS, a 1888 125. troglodyta (GRAESER, 1890) [4.3/5] 116. aussemi WITT, 1981 [3.5] (= opertum TSHISTJAKOV, 1977) Pygaera OCHSENHEIMER, 1810 126. sieversi (STAUDINGER, 1892) [4.4] 117. timon (HUBNER, 1803) 127. flavomaculata TSHISTJAKOV, 1977 [4.6] Clostera SAMOUELLE, 1819 (= Pygaera auct.) Gonoclostera BUTLER, 1877 118. curtula (LINNAEUS, 1758) 128. timoniorum (BREMER, 1861) 6. Kommentare 1. €. vinula: Zu diesem taxonomisch schwierigen Komplex, der einen Artenkreis bildet, gehören u.a. auch felina, himalayana, przewalskyi und intermedia. C. intermedia kann wegen der von vinula stark abweichenden Eimorphologie (das Ei von intermedia ähnelt dem von erminea) als eigene Art aufgefaßt werden (ungeachtet der Genitalunterschiede). 2. C. przewalskyi: Die polytypische Art kommt vom Altaij bis Afghanistan (ssp. amseli DE LATTIN, ROESLER & BECKER, 1977 comb. nov.) vor. Besonders in Mittelasien finden sich mehrere habituell voneinander abwei- chende Formen. 3. C. himalayana: Aus Tadschikistan (Tigrovaja Balka) und Turkmenien (Amu Daja, Lambe) liegen mehrere Belege vor, die gut zum Typus (im British Museum (Natural History) verglichen) passen. Die Art ist neu für die UdSSR. 4. C. erminea: Aus dem Kaukasus wurde das Taxon teberdina KORNEJEV, 1939 beschrieben. Da die Art im Kaukasus anscheinend noch nie gefunden wurde, könnte es sich um eine Verwechslung mit vinula handeln. Das Vorkommen der ähnliche C. menciana Moore, 1877 in der UdSSR konnte bislang nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden. Es ist aber anzunehmen, daß die Art noch im Fernen Osten gefunden wird. Die Meldung von menciana (TSHISTIAKOV, 1979) erwies sich als erminea. 101 Abb. 2. 1. Cerura himalayana Moore: 6, SU-Tadshikistan, Tigrovaja Balka, 1.-3.iv.1977 leg. RAITVIR. 2. Cerura przewalskyi ssp. : 3, SU-Pamir, Chorog, 3. Pheosia grummi CHRISTOPH : 6, SU-Armenien, Daralaged, 30.v.1984. 4. Pheosia teheranica DANIEL : 6, SU-Azerbaidshan, Ordubad, Unus, 5. Pheosia jullieni OBERTHÜR : 3, SU-Kirgisien, Arkit, 22.v.1968. 6. Pheosia jullieni f. karategina STHETKIN: 6, SU-Tadshikistan, Dushanbe, Ramit, 8.-13.1v.1977 leg. RAIVIR. 5. F. furcula lanigera: Zoogeographische Überlegungen (Holarktische Verbreitung von furcula wobei der Ferne Osten und Sibirien von /anigera besiedelt wird) aber auch habituelle Ähnlichkeiten veranlassen uns, /anigera als Unterart von furcula aufzufassen. 6. F. bicuspis: Vergleichende Untersuchungen ergaben, daß im Fernen Osten zu einem geringen Prozentsatz (ca. 20%) leicht gelblich getönte Exemplare vorkommen, die als f. infumata (infrasubspezifische Kategorie) bezeichnet werden können. 7. F. petri: Die individuell stark variierende Art bildet offensichtlich mehrere Unterarten aus. Das derzeitige zur Verfügung stehende dürftige Material erlaubt es aber noch nicht eine Gliederung der Unterarten vorzunehmen. 102 8. F. interrupta : DANIEL (1965) und auch andere Autoren melden verschie- dentlich die der interrupta ähnliche F. syra GRUM-GRSHIMAILO, 1899 aus der Wolgagegend (Sarepta). Es erwiesen sich jedoch alle untersuchten Belege aus der UdSSR immer als zu interrupta zugehörig. F. syra kann deshalb nicht mit in das Verzeichnis aufgenommen werden. 9. W. bidentatus : Die Art tritt in zwei Formen, einer hellen und einer dunklen (ussuriensis PÜNGELER, 1912) auf. Genitalunterschiede zwischen beiden Formen wurden nicht gefunden. In Japan kommt nur die helle, in der UdSSR nur die dunkle Form vor. In Korea und in Teilen Chinas fliegen beide Morphen aber sympatrisch, so daß es sich nicht um Unterarten handeln kann. 10. P. murina: Die Art wird erstmals aus der UdSSR gemeldet. Belege liegen aus Azerbaidshan (Lenkoran, Alexeevka bzw. Talysh, Dasdatuk) vor. ll. Dr. velitaris: Aus der UdSSR kennen wir bislang nur Belege aus dem Kaukasus, die zur ssp. pontica gehören. Vermutlich dürfte aber die ssp. velitaris im europäischen Teil der UdSSR (Ukraine) noch aufzufinden sein. 12. Dr. moyaerii: Diese aus dem Iran beschriebene Art fliegt auch im sowjetischen Teil Azerbaidshans (Lenkoran, Alexeevka). Dr. moyaerii ist neu für die UdSSR. 13. Ph. teheranica : In coll. SCHINTLMEISTER befindet sich ein Exemplar aus Azerbaidshan, Ordubad, s. Unus vor. Es handelt sich um den Erstnachweis für die UdSSR. 14. Ph. jullieni: Ein Vergleich von authentischen Exemplaren (der Holoty- pus war leider nicht zugänglich) von Ph. karategina vom Locus typicus mit Ph. jullieni (einschließlich des genitalisierten Holotypus im BMNH) er- brachte nur geringe Färbungsunterschiede. Für jullieni sind violettgraue Vorderflügel typisch, bei karategina sind sie mehr schwärzlich-grau. Das Taxon karategina ist demnach als Synonym zu jullieni aufzufassen. 15. Ph. rimosa : TSHISTIAKOV beschrieb 1985 Pheosia fusiformis continenta- lis. Es handelt sich hierbei aber um die aus Nordamerika bekannte Ph. rimosa, so daß continentalis als Synonym zu rimosa tritt, da sich die Populationen Nordamerikas und der UdSSR anscheinend nicht unterschei- den. 16. P. vittata nigroramosa : Eine Genitaluntersuchung ergab die Konspezifi- tät von nigroramosa mit vittata. 17. Pt. palpina: TSHISTIAKOV (1985) meldet tachengensis aus Sachalin. Nachdem sich tachengensis jedoch als Synonym von palpina erwiesen hat (die Beschreibung erfolgte unter Bezug auf eine nicht korrekte Genitaldarstel- 103 Abb. 3. |. Hagapteryx kishidai NAKAMURA: 6, SU-Primorye, Kedrowaja Pad bei Wladiwostock, 22.vii.1963 leg. TSVETAEV. 2. Hagapteryx admirabilis OBERTHUR: 6, Japan-Abo-Pass bei Kyotoy, 26.vii.1977 leg. KINOSHITA. 3. Odontosia patricia STICHEL : 3, SU-Primorye, 20 km SE Ussurijsk, 25.v.1979 leg. TsHIST- JAKOV. 4. Ptilodon saerdabensis DANIEL : 6, SU-Armenien. Sevanski Pereval, Dilizan, 1600-2100 m, 3.vii.1977 leg. FELIX. 5. Rhegmatophila aussemi Witt: 3, SU-Kirgisien, Arkit, 22.v.1968. 6. Clostera modesta STAUDINGER : ©, SU-Kirgisien, Arkit, 9.viii.1967. lung in KIRIAKOFF (1967) (Car in litt 1984), bleibt die Identität der beiden Tiere noch zu klären. Es kann sich hierbei auch um eine eigene Art oder Unterart (Genitalunterschiede, Verbreitungslücke) handeln. 18. H. lignea: Die Art wird von KiRIAKOFF (1967) vom Amurgebiet gemeldet. Von dort ist sie uns aber bislang nicht bekannt. Dagegen fand DUBATOLOV neuerdings ein Männchen von /ignea in der Sammlung des Zoologischen Institutes in Novosibirsk (Kunashir, 10.VII.1968). Das Tier wurde von TSHISTIAKOV geprüft. 19. Ptilodon: Die Arten der Gattung Prilodon sind habituell einander ziemlich ähnlich, weisen jedoch bedeutende Genitalunterschiede auf, die zur 104 Einteilung und Beschreibung in mehrere Gattungen Anlaf} gab. Wir halten es für unzweckmäßig die zahlreichen Arten in monotypische Genera zu stellen, zumal sich in den Genitalien auch Übergänge zeigen. Die Taxa Ptilodontella, Fusapteryx. und Microphalera könnten aber bei Bedarf als Subgenera angewandt werden. 20. Pt. capucina: Das Taxon kuwayamae unterscheidet sich habituell von europäischen capucina-Populationen nicht. Im Genitalbereich fällt aber der viel längere Uncus auf (die anderen Genitalmerkmale unterliegen einer bedeutenden individuellen Variabilität). 21. Pr. saerdabensis: Die Art läßt sich nur durch Genitaluntersuchungen von cucullina trennen. Die Genitalunterschiede (Valven, Aedoeagus) sind jedoch wesentlich größer als zwischen capucina und kuwayamae. Trotzdem kann der Artstatus von saerdabensis noch nicht als völlig gesichert betrachtet werden. P. saerdabensis liegt uns in Anzahl von folgenden Orten im Kaukasus vor (sämtliche durch Genitaluntersuchungen bestätigt) : Maikop, Nalchik, Ala- gir, Dombai, Teberda, Sevankij pr. Es handelt sich um die erste Meldung aus der UdSSR. 22. H. kishidai: Die von den Tshushima-Inseln beschriebene, später in Honshu und (unveröff.) China nachgewiesene schmalflügelige Art kommt auch nicht selten in der UdSSR vor (Erstnachweis). Wir haben einen Beleg von Kedrowaja Pad (bei Wladiwostock) 31.VIII.1963 leg. TSVETAEV genitali- siert. 23. Ph. bucephaloides : VIIDALEPP untersuchte ein Männchen aus dem Kaukasus im Zoologischen Museum Leningrad. Es handelt sich um den ersten sicheren Beleg aus der UdSSR. Die Meldung von KORSHUNOV & KUMAKOV (1979) erscheint zweifelhaft, solange kein Beleg bekannt ist (der Fundort Saratov liegt weit außerhalb des bekannten Areals der südmediterran — kleinasiatisch verbreiteten Art). 24. Gl. oxiana : Gl. oxiana und crenata ähneln einander habituell und auch genitaliter. Ein eigenes Genus Paragluphisia für oxiana erscheint deshalb überflüssig. 25. Cl. obscurior: Dieses, urprünglich als Varietät von pigra beschriebene Taxon, konnte in einer Serie im Zoologischen Museum der Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin inklusive des Typus untersucht werden. Am Status als Art kann alleine schon durch den distinkten Habitus kein Zweifel bestehen. Es wurden auch Genitalunterschiede (Uncusregion) gefunden. 105 fect Meeting, Abb. 4. 1. Gluphisia oxiana DJAKONOV : 6, SU-SW Tadshikistan, Tigrowaja Balka, 16.viii.1958 leg. TSVETAEV. 2. Clostera obscurior STAUDINGER : 6, Thian-Shan. 3. Micromelalopha troglodyta GRAESER: 6, Japan-Nagano Pref., Nishino, Kaida-mura, leg. KISHIDA. 4. Micromelalopha sieversi STAUDINGER: 6, SU-Primorye, Ussurijsk, Kamenushka, 1984. 5. Micromelalopha troglodvta GRAESER : 6, SU-Primorye, Kedrowaja Pad bei Wladiwostock, 2.vii.1974 leg. KONONENKO. Paratypus von Micromelalopha opertum TSHISTIAKOV. 6. Micromelalopha flavomaculata TSGHISTIAKOV : 6, Japan-Niigata. Akadani, e.l. 6.x.1968 leg. SATO. 7. Verbreitung und Zoogeographie Untersuchte Gebiete (siehe Karte) 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16lelement . Straminea . pallida . vinula felina intermedia przewalskyi himalayana erminea OZ 106 Untersuchte Gebiete (siehe Karte) 3 4.5 6 7 1051171213 15 16 jelement . furcula bicuspis x CE ES RE ee SS aeruginosa x sibirica x x petri xx ox bifida x ix x x x interrupta x St. fagi a a a b b basalis x x x x 3 (?) x x Cn. grisescens x U. meticulodina x H. milhauseri xx umbrosa x x tokui x . ulmi x x“ x x tsvetaevi . ocypete x. x . mandschurica x . bidentatus . dromedarius a be aaa stigmatica x x dembowskii x x X K KX X XK XK x x torva x MO Km A x xx x jankowskii x x tritophus a,b Ziczac a P. anceps xx murina x lativitta gigantea oberthueri moltrechti graeseri aliena Dr. dodonaea xx dodonides x x ruficornis x obliterata x japonica x querna x velitaris x Ph. cinerea x x x Ph. tremula xx x teheranica x grummi x jullieni x gnoma x x 2? x x fusiformis x x mimosa x x x x x P. vittata a Pt. palpina x x x x x x x (2) sinicum x x giseum xxx x Zen ig w lo) a in 7 CR io” p » a x x X X X x KX X XK X x X X X K XK a ~ — — nN — 107 Faunistisch untersuchte Gebiete der Notodontidae in der UdSSR im Text) ärung im (Erkl Die Signaturen, a, b, c etc., geben die Verbreitung der verschiedenen Unterarten für die jeweilige Region an. Kommt nur die Nominatunterart in der UdSSR vor wurde „x“ verwendet. Die Nummern der Spalten in der Tabelle bezeichnen die folgenden Gebiete (Vergleiche auch Karte) : 1. Europäischer Teil der UdSSR 9. Baikal 2. Kaukasus (mit Armenien und Grusinien) 10. Oberer Amur 3. Azerbaidshan ll. Priamur 4. Kopet Dagh 12. Nordostsibirien (Jakutien, nordl. 60 n.B.) 5. Thian Shan (mit nordl. Auslaufern) 13. Primorye 6. Pamir 14. Sachalin 7. Westsibirien (mit Altaij und W. Sajan) 15. Südkurilen (Kunashir, Iturup) 8. Tuva 16. Kamtschatka (Südteil) Die Verbreitung der Notodontiden des europäischen Teil der UdSSR wurde bereits von SCHINTLMEISTER (1982) detailliert, tabellarisch dargestellt. Die Zugehörigkeit zu Faunenelementen wurde nach DE LATTIN (1967) und VARGA (1977) bestimmt. Dabei konnte bei dieser ersten, noch groben Übersicht nicht auf Details (besonders Sekundärzentren) eingegangen werden. In einigen Fälien erscheint die Zuordnung auch nicht ganz eindeutig. Alternative Zuordnungsmöglichkeiten sind in Klammern angegeben. Die Zahnspinner der UdSSR gehören den folgenden Faunenelementen an : 1 mediterrane Faunenelemente 5 mongolisch-sibirische Faunenelemente 2 westasiatische Faunenelemente 6 mandschurische Faunenelemente 3 kaspische Faunenelemente 7 pazifische Faunenelemente 4 zentralasiatische Faunenelemente Untersuchte Gebiete (siehe Karte) Faunen- 1 23456 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16jelement Sh. attrovittatus x x x 7 L. atriplaga x x 6 (7) H. corticalis x x 7 lignea x 7 N. davidi x x xxx 6 bipartita x 7 leechi x xx 6 S. biloba x 7 E. lineata x x 6 R. cristata x x x x 6 splendida x x x 7 U. albimacula x 6 arcuata x 6 branickii x 6 viridimixta x x 6 A. plebeja x x 6 (7) H. leucodera x x x x 7 E. fumosa x x 7 T. takamukui x 7 Pt. capucina aia b b bbb b b b bl6 robusta x 7 jezoensis x x 7 hoegei x x x x 7 (2) cucullina x 1 saerdabensis x x 3>(1) ladislai x x x 6 grisea x x 7 109 Untersuchte Gebiete (siehe Karte) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16|lelement L. cuculus 6 O. carmelita x x x x 5 patricia x x x 6 sieversii x x x x x 6 H. admirabilis x x x 6 kishidai x x 7 T. velutina x x x x 6 J. karaganaeca x 4 Pt. plumigera xx l nohirae x 6 jezoensis x 6 H. miraculosa x x 6 L. bicoloria a,b bbbbbbabaa 6 Ph. bucephala x x x x x x x x xx 6 bucephaloides x 1 flavescens x 1 assimilis x 7 Ph. bombycina x 6 Sp. argentina x 1 doeriesi x x x 6 dives x x x 6 plusiotis x x 6 Pt. eugenia x 5 E. ornata x 7 Gl. crenata x x x x x xx 6 oxiana x 4 Rh. aussemi x 4 P. timon x x x x x x 6 Cl. curtula xx x x x x 5 albosigma x x x x xx 6 pigra xx x x xX XxX x 6 obscurior x 4 anachoreta x X xX x xX x x x x x 7 modesta x x 4 anastomosis x x x x x X X xX xX 7 M. troglodyta x x 6 sieversi x x x 6 flavomaculata x 6 G. timoniorum x x xxx 7 Tabelle 1. Verbreitung der Notodontidae in der UdSSR nach Regionen. Literatur Cal, R.-Qu. (1979). New Genus and new species of chinese Notodontidae (Lepi- doptera). Acta ent. sin. 22 : 462-467 (in chinesisch). EBERT, G. (1971). Drei neue Macrolepidoptera-Arten aus Iran. Beitr. naturk. Forsch. StidwDtl. 30 : 65-71. 110 DANIEL, F. (1965). Das Genus Harpyia (= Cerura auct.) im palaearktischen Raum unter Einschluß der naheverwandten nordamerikanischen Formen. Z. wien. ent. Ges. 50 : 5-49. DANIEL, F. (1965). Osterreichische Entomologische Iran-Afghanistan-Expeditio- nen. Beiträge zur Lepidopterenfauna, Teil 4. Z. wien. ent. Ges. 50 : 122-145. KIRIAKOFF, S. G. (1967). In Wytsman, Genera Insectorum 217b, Fam. Notodon- tidae — Genera Palaearctica. Kraainem, 238 pp., 8 pls. KIRIAKOFF, S. G. (1974). Neue und wenig bekannte asiatische Notodontidae (Lepidoptera). Veröff. Zool. Staatssmlg. München 17 : 371-421. KUMAKOV, A. P. & Yu. P. KORSHUNOV (1979). Die Schmetterlinge des Gebietes Saratov. Verlag der Universität Saratov, 80 pp. (in russ.). LATTIN, G. DE (1967). Grundriß der Zoogeographie. Fischer, Jena, 602 pp. LATTIN, G. DE, M. BECKER & R. U. ROESLER (1974). Zwei neue Subspecies aus dem Cerura vinula-Kreis (Lepidoptera : Notodontidae). Frankf. a. M. 84 : 85-93. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. (1981). Drei neue Unterarten von Notodontidae aus dem Kaukasus. (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae). Entomofauna 2 : 33-49. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. (1982). Verzeichnis der Notodontidae Europas und einiger angrenzender Gebiete. Nota lepid. 5 (4) : 194-206. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. (1984). Zum Status einiger fernostlicher Taxa. Notodontiden- Studien I. Zeitschr. Arbeitsgem. Oster. Ent. 35 (1983) : 106-112. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. & A. V. SVIRIDOVI (1985). A New Species of Notodontid Moth from the Far East, a Vicariant of Dicranura ulmi (Lepidoptera, Notondonti- dae). Vestnik Zoologi 1985 : 58-61 (in russ.). SCHINTLMEISTER, A. & YU. A. TSHISTJAKOV (1984). Zur Kenntnis von Micromelalo- pha NAGANO, 1916 im Fernen Osten (Lepidoptera, Notodontidae). Ento- mofauna 5 : 80-100. STSHETKIN, Yu. L. (1979). Eine neue Pheosia aus Tadshikistan. Zool. shurnal 58 (12): 1891-1893 (in russ.). STSHETKIN, YU L. (1980). Eine neue Art und eine neue Gattung eines Zahnspinners (Lep. Notodontidae) aus Tadshikistan. Ent. Obozr. 59: 59: 161-165 (in russ. ). TSHISTJAKOV, Yu. A. (1979). Die Notodontiden Südprimoryes. /n : Nazem tshlenis- tonogie Dalnego Vostoka, Vladiwostock : 32-56 (in russ.). TSHISTIAKOV, YU. A. (1985). Vorläufige Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen zur Zahnspinnerfauna des Fernen Ostens der UdSSR. /n: Taksonomija u ekolo- gija dalnego Vostocka, Vladivostock : 53-66 (in russ.). VARGA, Z. (1977). Das Prinzip der areal-analytischen Methode in der Zoogeogra- phie und die Faunenelemente-Einteilung der europäischen Tagschmetterlinge (Lepidoptera : Diurna). Acta Biol. Debrecina 14 : 223-285. VIIDALEPP, J. (1979). Zur Schmetterlingsfauna der Tuvinischen ASSR II. Tartu Riikliku Ülikooki Toimetised 483 : 17-39 (in russ.). Witt, T. J. (1981). Rhegmatophila aussemi sp. n. (Lepidoptera Notodontidae). Entomofauna 2 : 81-92. 111 Communication Wir suchen Für vergleichend systematische Untersuchungen Zuchtmaterial (Eier, le- bende 22 und dé) aus der Gattung Erebia. Appel Pour des recherches comparatives systématiques, nous cherchons matériel d'élevage (œufs, 22 et dd vivants) du genre Erebia. Research For comparative systematic investigations we need rearing materal (eggs, living 22 and dé) of the genus Erebia. Dr. Peter Roos, Alte Poststrasse 83, D-4322 Sprockhovel 1, BRD. Wilfried Arnscheidt, Hullerstrasse 49, D-4630 Bochum 6, BRD. Nota lepid. 10 (2): 113-114 ; 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Biography of Prof. Esko Suomalainen, Honorary member of SEL Kauri MIKKOLA Zoological Institute, P. Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland. = ih Prof. Esko SUOMALAINEN has had a long career as a lepidopterist. Born in 1910 in Helsinki, he began his diary on Lepidoptera in 1926 at his summer residence, Porvoo, 40 km E.N.E. of Helsinki. Now, over 60 years later, he is ready to publish the lepidopterous fauna of Porvoo. From the archipelago of the same area he published an article about an insect migration in the year 1935 and about the lepidopterous fauna in 1979. His first publication, which he wrote at the age of 19, deals with the fauna of Lapland, and his most recent paper on northern Lepidoptera, the important separation of Xestia laetabilis and X. distensa, was published in 1983. He has revised the Finnish “ Solenobia” species, and his most recent interest deals with the chromosomal evolution of the South American Heliconiine and Ithomiine butterflies. 1413 Throughout his scientific career, Prof. SUOMALAINEN was a geneticist. He dealt mainly with the parthenogenesis of beetles and other insects, and with the polymorphism and chromosomes of Lepidoptera. He completed his Ph.D degree (on Curculionids) in the year 1940 at the University of Helsinki. Here he was lecturer in genetics (1941-1948), professor of genetics 1948-1976, and head of the department of genetics (1949-1976). He also undertook research work at the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut for Biology, Berlin- Dahlem, in 1942-1943 and lectured at the University of Lund in 1952. Prof. SUOMALAINEN has always been praised by his students as an excellent lecturer and teacher. Despite his retirement, he continues to be active in research work. Prof. SUOMALAINEN was the first president of the Finnish Lepidopterological Society from 1955 to 1979. During this period, the number of members of the society grew from 32 to over 500, the society obtained an official subsidy and it began to publish its own journal “Baptria” (named after the Geometrid Baptria tibiale, the subspecies fennica of which is the emblem of the society). Prof. Esko SUOMALAINEN is a cultured person. He was vice-president of the Finnish National Commission for UNESCO 1957-1965, and president in 1965. Besides lepidopterological research, and his beautiful personal collec- tion, his hobbies include paintings, ethnographic objects and chinese por- celain. In addition, he is a well-known photographer and published with his brother in 1938 a book about the beauty of Finnish nature. Prof. SUOMA- LAINEN is one of the rare people who seem to be able to tell a cultural joke or story in every possible situation. It is not surprising that Prof. SUOMA- LAINEN is a member of several academies and honorary member of several scientific societies, that he has been presented awards, and that his friends and colleagues had a medal struck to celebrate his 75th birthday. 114 Nota lepid. 10 (2): 115-118 ; 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Autobibliography (Lepidopterological publications) Prof. Dr. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Honorary member of SEL Department of Genetics, University of Helsinki, Arkadiankatu 7, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland 1.1929 2.1937. 32.1937: 4. 1938. 5. 1940. 6. 1941. 7.1942: 8. 1944. 9. 1944. 10. 1945. 11. 1945. Lepidopterologische Beobachtungen während einer Reise nach Muonio und Enontekiö im Sommer 1928. — Annal. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo Tom. 8, N° 7, pp. 78-104. Oeonistis quadra L. (Lep., Arctiidae) in Tvärminne gefunden. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 3, pp. 48-49. Über das periodische Auftreten von Erebia ligea L. (Lep., Satyridae) in Finnland. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 3, pp. 78-83. Die Erblichkeitsverhältnisse des männlichen Dimorphismus bei Parasemia plantaginis. — Hereditas 24, pp. 386-390. Über den täglichen Zeitpunkt des Ausschlüpfens der Imagines bei zwei Schmetterlingsarten. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 6, 110-112. Vererbungsstudien an der Schmetterlingsart Leucodonta bicolo- ria. — Hereditas 27, pp. 313-318. Esko SUOMALAINEN & Heikki SUOMALAINEN, Über das Vermögen des Schmetterlingsweibchens, Männchen fremder Arten anzu- locken. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 8, pp. 103-106. Zur Biologie von Dendrolimus pini L. (Lep., Lasiocampidae). — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 10, pp. 181-183. Eräitä pikkuperhoslöytöjä itä-Uudeltamaalta. (Einige Mikrolepi- dopterenfunde aus dem östlichen Uusimaa). — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 10, p. 184. Arenostola (Calamia) phragmitidiksen Hb. (Lep., Noctuidae) esiintymisestä Porvoon pitäjässä (U). — (Über das Auftreten von Arenostola (Calamia) phragmitidis Hb. (Lep., Noctuidae) im Kirchsp. Porvoo (U)). — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 11, pp. 123-124. J. KaisıLA, Esko SUOMALAINEN & O. TUURALA, Eräitä kiintoisia pikkuperhosloytoja Helsingista (U) ja sen lahiymparistosta ke- salla 1945. (Einige interessante Mikrolepidopterenfunde aus Helsinki (U) und Umgebung). — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 11, pp. 206-207. 115 13 14. 19. 20. 23: SIGS. 1947. 1950: 1950. 1951, , 1953: . 1953. 1954. 1954. 1958. . 1960. . 1961. 1962. 1963. . 1967. . 1969. Zur Ausbreitung der Schmetterlinge durch die Eisenbahn. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 13, p. 182. Parthenogenesis in animals. — Adv. Genet. 3, pp. 193-253. Thorwald GRONBLOM & Esko SUOMALAINEN, Uber das Vorkom- men der Nonne, Lymantria monacha L. (Lep., Lymantriidae), in Finnland. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 16, pp. 178-181. Perhosten pyydystamisesta elohopeaiampulla. [Collecting Lepi- doptera with mercury vapour lamps. In Finnish.] — Luonnon Tutkija 55, pp. 147-149. The kinetochore and the bivalent structure in the Lepidoptera. — Hereditas 39, pp. 88-96. Neueres tber das Vorkommen der Nonne, Lymantria monacha L. (Lep., Lymantriidae) in Finnland. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 19, pp. 52-56. Cidaria obstipata F. (Lep., Geometridae) tavattu jälleen Suo- messa kesällä 1953. (Cidaria obstipata F. (Lep., Geometridae) further finds in Finland in summer 1953). — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 20, pp. 84-85. Das Zentromer und die Bivalentenstruktur bei den Schmetterlin- gen. — Proc. of 9th Intern. Congr. of Genetics (Bellagio 1953), Part II, pp. 780-781. Uber das Vorkommen und spätere Verschwinden von Epinephele lycaon Rott. (Lep., Satyridae) in Finnland. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 24, pp. 168-181. Perhoset, kesän tunnukset. [Butterflies and moths, signs of the summer. In Finnish.| — Oma maa 7, pp. 18-31. Nycteola asiatica Krul. (Lep., Noctuidae) in Finland, the first record for Northern Europe. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 27, pp. 139-141. | Thorwald GRÖNBLOM, Ilkka JALAS, Jouko KAIsILA, Harry KROGE- RUS & Esko SUOMALAINEN, Catalogus Lepidopterorum Fenniae et regionum adiacentium. I. Macrolepidoptera. — Helsinki, 28 pp. On the chromosomes of the Geometrid moths Cidaria. — Proc. of XI Intern. Congr. of Genetics (The Hague 1963), Vol. I, pp. 137-138. On the chromosomes of the Geometrid moth genus Cidaria. — Chromosoma 16, pp. 166-184. Esko SUOMALAINEN & Kauri MIKKOLA, Nycteola asiatica KRUL. (Lep., Noctuidae) as a migrant in Northern Europe. — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 33, pp. 102-107. Chromosome evolution in the Lepidoptera. — Chromosomes Today 2, pp. 132-138. 28. 29: 30. 31: 32: 33: 34. 35. 36. 342 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972; 1973. 19:75; 1975: 1976. 97: 1978. 1978. 1979. 1979. 1980. 1980. On the sex chromosome trivalent in some Lepidoptera females. — Chromosoma 28, pp. 298-308. Über die Solenobia-Arten Finnlands (Lep., Psychidae). — Annal. Entomol. Fenn. 36, pp. 139-142. Unequal sex chromosomes in a moth, Lozotaenia forsterana F. (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) — Hereditas 68, pp. 313-315. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Laurence M. Cook & John R. G. TURNER, Chromosome numbers of Heliconiine butterflies from Trinidad, West Indies (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). — Zoologica (New York) 56, pp. 121-124. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Laurence M. Cook & John R. G. TURNER, Achiasmatic oogenesis in the Heliconiine butterflies. — Hereditas 74, pp. 302-304. Juhani LOKki, Esko SUOMALAINEN, Anssi SAURA & Pekka LAN- KINEN, Genetic polymorphism and evolution in parthenogenetic animals. II. Diploid and polyploid Solenobia triquetrella (Lepi- doptera : Psychidae). — Genetics 79, pp. 513-525. Marja SorsA & Esko SUOMALAINEN, Electron microscopy of chromatin elimination in Cidaria (Lepidoptera). — Hereditas 80, pp. 35-40. Cochylis hybridella Hb. tavattu Suomessa. | Cochylis hybridella Hb. found in Finland. In Finnish.] — Baptria 1, p. 58. Kolme Suomelle uutta pikkuperhoslajia (Lepidoptera). (Three species of microlepidopterous moths new to Finland.) — Notul. Entomol. 57, pp. 21-23. Two new cases of parthenogenesis in moths. — Nota Lepid. 1, pp. 65-68. Juhani Lokki, Kalevi K. MALMSTRÖM & Esko SUOMALAINEN, Migration of Vanessa cardui and Plutella xylostella (Lepidon- tera) to Spitzbergen in the summer 1978. — Notul. Entomol. 58, pp: 121-123. The lepidopteran fauna of an isolated island in the outermost archipelago of the Gulf of Finland. — Notul Entomol. 59, pp. 79-88. Perhosten kromosomaalinen evoluutio. (The chromosomal evo- lution of Lepidoptera.) — Luonnon Tutkija 83, pp. 87-91. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Jouko KAIsILA & Kauri MIKKOLA, Notewor- thy records of Finnish Lepidoptera 1955-1974. I. Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea, Bombycoidea and Geometroidea. — Notul. Ento- mol. 60, pp. 49-61. The Solenobiinae species of Finland (Lepidoptera : Psychidae) with a description of a new species. — Entomol. Scand. 11, pp. 458-466. 117 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 1981. 1983. 1983. 1983. 1984. 1984. 1985. 1986. 1987. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Juhani LoKKI & Anssi SAURA, Genetic polymorphism and evolution in parthenogenetic animals. X. Solenobia species (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). — Hereditas 95, pp. 31-35. Perhosten aberraatioista. [Colour aberrations in butterflies and moths. In Finnish.]. — Baptria 8, pp. 7-8. Xestia (Anomogyna) laetabilis (ZETTERSTEDT) and X. distensa (EVERSMANN) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) : two species confused. — Notul. Entomol. 63, pp. 115-123. Rauno VAISANEN, Esko SUOMALAINEN & Harri LOUMA, The occurrence and protection of Lycaena dispar (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Finland. — Notul. Entomol. 63, pp. 124-126. Xestia (Anomogyna) laetabilis-nimella on kulkenut kaksi eri yökköslajia, nimittäin X. laetabilis ja X. distensa. | Xestia (Anomo- gyna) laetabilis, a dual species, X. laetabilis and X. distensa. In Finnish.] — Baptria 9, pp. 5-10. Esko SUOMALAINEN & Keith S. BROWN, Jr, Chromosome number variation within Philaethria butterflies (Lepidoptera : Nymphali- dae, Heliconiini). — Chromosoma 90, pp. 170-176. Microstega hyalinalis (Hb.) (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea), a moth species probably extinct in Finland. — Notul. Entomol. 65, pp. 123-126. Lycia hanoviensis (HEYMONS, 1891), perhoslaji, joka voisi mahdollisesti loytya Suomesta. [Lycia hanoviensis, a species which could occur in Finland. In Finnish.} — Baptria 11, pp. 1-2. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Anssi SAURA & Juhani LOKKI, Cytology and evolution in parthenogenesis. — CRC-Press, Florida, U.S.A. About 250 pp. In addition to the publications mentioned above, about 150 publications in genetics, cytology and zoology. Nota lepid. 10 (2) : 119-126 ; 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Eine neu entdeckte Lymantriiden-Art aus Kaschmir : Arctornis kohistana sp. n. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) Josef J. DE FREINA Eduard-Schmid-StraBe 10 D-8000 München 90. Abstract A new Lymantriid-moth, Arctornis kohistana sp. n., has been found in a rich Cashmere material collected in 1977 by the author. This species differs from Arctornis I-nigrum (MULLER, 1764) in external appearance (discal vein-pattern) and in both sexes’ genital morphology. Arctornis kohistana sp. n. occurs in the lower ranges of the Western Himalaya. Die sukzessive Bearbeitung des vom Verfasser im Jahre 1977 im Hindus- Kohistan (Kaschmir) eingetragenen Insektenmaterials erbringt den Nachweis einer fur die Wissenschaft neuen Art der Gattung Arctornis GERMAR, 1810. Diese, Arctornis kohistana sp. n., ist in niedrigen bis mittleren Lagen der kaschmirischen Region verbreitet. Mit in Indien und Pakistan beheimateten indoaustralischen Arten wie Arctornis comma (HUTTON, 1865) oder A. submarginata (WALKER, 1855) ist sie nicht mittelbar verwandt. Vielmehr scheint sie A./-nigrum (MÜLLER, 1764) als deren nächste Verwandte im westhimalajanischen Raum zu vertreten. Der Lebensraum von À./-nigrum endet im vorderasiatischen Bereich im Iran, wohin die Art, von Europa ausgehend, über das nördliche Kleinasien bis in das Elburs-Gebirge und das kaspische Gebiet vordringt (Nachweis : 1 © Elburz, bei Chalus, Nashta Rud, 28 m, 6.8.1972, leg. CzipKA, in Museum WITT). Arctornis kohistana sp. n. Material : Holotypus 6 (Abb. 1): Pakistan, SW-Himalaya, Indus-Kohistan, Kaghan- Tal, Shinu, 1700-2200 m, 14.-23.6.1977, leg. DE FREINA. Paratypen : 2 GG (Abb. 3) 1 © (Allotypus, Abb. 2), wie Holotypus. 1 & (Abb. 4) : W-Pakistan, Swat, Kalam, 2000 m, 9.7.1969, leg. G. EBERT. (Alle Tiere in Museum Witt, Munchen). 119 Diagnose : Spannweite Holotypus 40 mm, Paratypen dd 39-42 mm, Allotypus 9 48 mm. Arctornis kohistana sp. n. unterscheidet sich sowohl habituell als auch genitalmorphologisch von A./-nigrum. Habituell ist der arttypisch entwickelte diskoidale schwarze Winkelmakel im Vorderflügel das auffallendste Merkmal der neuen Art. Im Gegensatz zu l-nigrum zeigt dieser zwei deutlich ausgeprägte, im 90°-Winkel zueinan- derstehende längere Schenkel. Beide Schenkel sind gleich kräftig ausgebildet (vgl. Abb. 1-4). Dagegen tritt bei /-nigrum nur der waagrechte Schenkel deutlich in Erscheinung, der senkrechte ist dagegen nur andeutungsweise vorhanden (siehe Abb. 5-8). Auffallend ist auch die gröbere und seichtere Beschuppung der neuen Art gegenüber dem dichteren und feineren Schup- penkleid von /-nigrum. Äußerlich gleicht die neue Art in Grundfarbe und Gesamterscheinung ansonsten À./-nigrum. Die Genitalmorphologie zeigt allerdings gegenüber /-nigrum wesentliche Unterschiede in beiden Geschlechtern, die wie folgt zu diagnostizieren sind : Männchen : kohistana sp. Nn. I-nigrum (Abb. 11, 14) (Abb. 9/10, 12/13) a) Uncus Kurz, gedrungen, kugelför- Wesentlich länger, an der mig. Spitze v-förmig eingedellt, kräftiger. b) Tegumendach Die Anteile des 9. bzw. 10. Das Tegumendach bildet Abdominalsegments sind eine Einheit. Die Grund- noch zu keiner Einheit form ist weniger wuchtig. — Abb. 1-8. — Arctornis kohistana sp. n. und Arctornis I-nigrum MÜLLER. | 1. Arctornis kohistana sp. n., Holotypus d. Pakistan, SW-Himalaya, Indus-Kohistan, Kag- han-Tal, Shinu, 1700-2200 m, 14.-23.6.1977, leg. DE FREINA (Gen. Prap. Museum Witt 2854). 2. Arctornis kohistana sp. n., Para (Allo)typus ©. (Gen. Prap. Museum Witt 2963). Wie Abb. 1. 3. Arctornis kohistana sp. n., Paratypus 3. (Gen. Präp. Museum Witt 2855). Wie Abb. | und 2 4. Arctornis kohistana sp. n., Paratypus 3. W-Pakistan, Swat, Kalam, 2000 m, 9.7.1969, leg. G. EBERT. 5. Arctornis I-nigrum (MULL.) 3. UdSSR, Nordkaukasus, Maikop, Dorf Nikel, 1.7.1978, leg. A. N. POLTAWSKI. 6. Arctornis l-nigrum (MULL.) d. Jugoslawien, Mazedonien, Skopje, 250 m, 29.7.-2.8.1974, leg. B. AUSSEM. 7. Arctornis l-nigrum (MULL.) d. Italia centr. mer., Le Mainarde-Gruppe, Mte. la Meta- Gebiet, 700 m, 23.6.1958, leg. H. und L. WIEGEL. 8. Arctornis l-nigrum (MULL.) 3. Südbayern, Deining bei Wolfratshausen, A.7.1957, leg. KOCH/PAVLAS. (Alle Tiere in Museum Witt, München). 120 c) Valven d) Penis Weibchen : a) Grundbauplan b) Signum verschmolzen, das äußere Tegumenteil ist breit ausla- dend und von rundlicher Form. Gleichmäßig, eher ellipsen- förmig, Processus schlank. Am Übergang zum Vincu- lum schlank auslaufend, beidseitig gefaltet. Die linke Valve ist etwas schlanker und spitzer. Der Clasper erreicht annährend die Länge der Valve. Schlanker, an der Ober- kante kräftig sklerotisiert. Durch den bis zur Spitze durchgezogenen Wulst zeigt der Fortsatz löfffelartige Form. kohistana sp. n. (Abb. 15) Wie /-nigrum Das Verhältnis Länge zu Breite beträgt ca. 5 :1. Das Signum ist also deutlich kürzer als bei /-nigrum, da- für ist es zu einem Ende hin stark verbreitert bzw. abrupt zu einer Spitze verjüngt. Bedornung fein, alle Spit- zen weisen ausschließlich in eine Richtung. Deutlich breiter, die rechte Valve mit leichter Eindel- lung, Spitze gerundeter. Am Übergang zum Vinculum ist sie kolbenartig verdickt, le- diglich an der Außenseite gefaltet. Clasper merklich kürzer als die Valve. Massiver, gedrungener ge- baut, jedoch weit weniger sklerotisiert. Fortsatz wegen der nur kurzen Wulst nasen- artig. Dieser Nasenfortsatz ist deutlich länger und mas- siver als bei kohistana sp. n. I-nigrum (Abb. 16) Das Verhältnis Länge zu Breite beträgt 8 :1, also bei gleichbleibender Stärke deutlich länger und schlan- ker als bei kohistana sp. n. Bedornung etwas gröber. Auffallend ist die Stellung der Dornen, die alle zur Signum-Mitte zeigen, so daß die Richtung der Be- dornung einer Hälfte gegen die der anderen Signum- hälfte verläuft. Zur genitalmorphologischen Untersuchung wurden folgende Exemplare herangezogen : Arctornis I-nigrum (MULL) : | G Styria m., Sausal-Gebirge, Kitzeck, 300-500 m, E.VI.1959, leg. F. DANIEL (Gen. Präp. 2852). | 6 dito, jedoch 10.6.1958 (Gen. Präp. 2853). 122 Abb. 9-11. — Männliche Genitalien von A./-nigrum (MULL.) und A. kohistana Sp. n., ventrocaudale Ansicht bei seitlich ausgebreiteten Valven und entferntem Penis. 9. Arctornis l-nigrum (MU)LL.): Austria, Styria m., Sausal-Gebirge, Kitzeck (Gen. Präp. Museum Witt 2852). 10. dito (Gen. Prap. Museum Witt 2853). 11. Arctornis kohistana sp. n., Holotypus (Gen. Präp. Museum Witt 2854). imm Abb. 12-14. — Penis von A./-nigrum (MULL.) und A. kohistana sp. n. 12. Arctornis I-nigrım (MULL.), wie Abb. 9. 13. Arctornis l-nigrum (MULL.), wie Abb. 10. 14. Arctornis kohistana sp. n., wie Abb. 11. 124 Abb. 15-16. — Signum des ©-Genitalapparates (Vergrößerung wie Abb. 12-14). 15. À./-nigrum (MULL.). 16. A. kohistana sp. n. 1 © Italien, Vinschgau, Naturns, 600 m, 20.7.-1.8.1970, leg. B. AUSSEM (Gen. Präp. 2961). 1 © Trento, Loppio-See, 220 m, 16.-22.6.1961, leg. DANIEL (Gen. Präp. 2962). Arctornis I-nigrum ussuricum BYTINSKI-SALZ, 1939 : 1 3 Japan, Shibecha, Kushiro, 10.VIII.1956, coll. K. Imma (Gen. Präp. 2856). Arctornis kohistana sp. n. : 1 6 Pakistan, SW-Himalaja, Indus-Kohistan, Kaghan-Tal, Shinu, 1700-2200 m, 14.-23.6.1977, leg. DE FREINA (Holotypus) (Gen. Prap. 2854). 1 5 dito (Paratypus) (Gen. Präp. 2855). 1 2 dito (Allotypus) (Gen. Präp. 2963). (Alle Tiere in Museum Witt, München). Allgemein kann über die Genitalstruktur der zwei verglichenen Arten gesagt werden, daß sich zumindest bei den dd beider Arten nach bisherigen Untersuchungen keine Plastizität zeigt. Alle untersuchten /-nigrum-Individuen der Westpalaearktis lassen keine Variabilität erkennen. Lediglich das Präparat Nr. 2856 eines Tieres aus Japan zeigt geringfügige Unterschiede zu den Präparaten europäischer Individuen, [25 was auf die Berechtigung des Taxon im Unterart-Rang, ussuricum BYTINSKI-SALZ, 1939, hinweist, unter dem die in Ostasien und Japan behei- mateten /-nigrum-Populationen zusammengefaßt sind. Die Genitalmorphologie bei kohistana sp. n. ist ebenso konstant, so daß wegen der deutlichen Unterschiede zu /-nigrum kaum Zweifel am Artrecht von kohistana sp. n. aufkommen können. Die engere Heimat von A. kohistana sp. n. ist der tropisch immergrüne Bergwald Kaschmirs. Ihr Lebensraum, den man klimatisch noch zum warm gemäßigten Bereich der subtropischen Zone rechnen muß, ist geprägt von feuchtwarmen, schwach monsunbeeinflußten Sommern und winterlich küh- ler Trockenzeit bei selten auftretendem strengerem Frost. Der Baumbestand dieser Region setzt sich in der Regel aus hochwüchsigem Mischwald mit dichtem Buschwald als Unterwuchs zusammen. Arctornis kohistana sp. n. scheint im Gegensatz zu den meisten Arten dieser Region kein tropisches Faunenelement. Vielmehr dürfte es sich um eine himalajanisch-chinesisch verbreitete Art handeln, deren Vorkommen auch in Ostafghanistan nicht auszuschliessen ist. Literatur BRYK, F. 1934. Pars 62: Lymantriidae. In STRAND, E. (ed.), Lepidopterorum Catalogus. — W. Junk, Berlin. FREINA, J. J. DE & T. J. Witt. 1987. Die Bombyces und Sphinges der Westpa- laearktis, Bd. 1. — Edition Forschung und Wissenschaft, München. Hampson, G. F. 1892. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. — Taylor and Francis, London. INOUE, H., SUGI, S. et al. 1982. Moths of Japan, Vol. 1 und 2. — Kodansha Co. Ltd., Tokyo. 126 Nota lepid. 10 (2): 127-130 ; 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 On the family-level systematics of the Pterophoridae Jozef RAZOWSKI Institute of Systematic and Experimental Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Slawkowska 17, 31-016 Krakow, Poland Pending the revision of the Pterophoridae for the “Monographs of the Polish Fauna” series, | have drawn the following conclusions regarding the syste- matics of the Pterophoridae at the family level based on the assessment of certain morphological characters. Past works encompassing the systematics of the Pterophoridae were accu- rately summarized by YANO (1963), who began with the work of TUTT (1907) and finished with the revised edition of BEIRNE (1954). YANO proposed the subdivision of the Pterophoridae into 3 subfamilies, i.e. Agdistinae, Platyptiliinae and Pterophorinae, thereby essentially following SPULER (1910). In addition to the external characters of the adult utilised by earlier authors, YANO took some larval and pupal features into account. WASSERTHAL (1970) erected a fourth subfamily, the Ochyroticinae, and proposed that the Agdistinae and Platyptiliinae constitute the sister group to the Pterophorinae and Ochyroticinae (fig. 1). This was based mainly on the OCHYROTICINAE PTEROPHORINAE PLATYPTILIINAE AGDISTINAE Fig. 1. Dendrogram of the subfamily-level taxa of the Pterophoridae (WASSERTHAL, 1970). 127 fact that pore Db! in the first instar larva was absent in the former group. In 1974, WASSERTHAL presented data on the folding of the wings and the venation which confirmed the close affinity between the subfamilies within the two sister groups. In the Ochyroticinae and Pterophorinae, the hind edge of the fold of the hindwing does not reach vein CuP, while in the Agdistinae and Platyptiliinae it runs along that vein. HANNEMANN (1979) summarized this data. Then KUZNETSOV and STEKOLNIKOV (1979) noticed that in the Platyptiliinae the protractor of the aedeagus (m5) is attached to the tegumen, while in the Pterophorinae it is attached to the vinculum. They interpreted this difference as being due to a secondary change of the position caused by a reduction of the vinculum as observed in all Pyraloidea, in which they placed the Pterophoridae. In addition to these facts, I realised that muscle m5 in the Agdistinae is attached as in the Platyptiliinae and that some minor genital characters may correspond with that arrangement. Unfortunately, I have had no chance to examine any representative of the Ochyroticinae. So, basically, the arrange- ment proposed by WASSERTHAL, i.e. the splitting of 4 subfamilies into 2 sister groups, is accepted. However, due to a different assessment of the characters, I propose a rearrangement of the subfamilies within the sister groups (fig. 2). First, the reduction of pore Dbl is insufficient to support the main division of the family as supposed originally. Its absence is treated (cf. also HANNE- MANN, 1977) as an autapomorphy, despite HANNEMANN himself mentioning that the character is common to all Ditrysia. As all reductions, it is of limited value. A convergent specialisation of the wings appeared in the two sister PTEROPHORINAE OCHYROTICINAE AGDISTINAE PLATYPTILIINAE Fig. 2. Proposed new arrangement of the subfamilies of the Pterophoridae. 128 groups, from normally developed, to divided into “plumes”. However, the method of folding the wings differed, which lead to a different venation. In the Ochyroticinae + Pterophorinae, the hind margin of the fold of the hindwing does not reach vein CuP which terminates at the tip of the third plume. This character can be regarded either as a plesiomorphy or autapo- morphy equivalent to the presence of a single vein (An) in the third plume of the Agdistinae + Platyptiliinae. The attachment of the protractor of the aedeagus on the vinculum is certainly of plesiomorphic importance. Further plesiomorphies are a non-specialised structure of the male subgenital sternite, the presence of the pore DbI and the occurrence of a setal pattern which corresponds to that of the hypothetical Ditrysian type reconstructed by HASENFUSS (1963). The latter character, as already realised by WASSERTHAL (1970), directiy depends on the life history of the larva and is thus of little importance. The sister group Agdistinae + Platyptiliinae exhibits the following autapo- morphies : the hind edge of the hindwing fold extends along vein Cup ; in the third plume of the hindwing only vein An is preserved, while vein CuP is strongly reduced, reaching the base of the cleft between the two posterior plumes ; the specialised, long, apically concave subgenital sternite of the male ; the attachment of the protractor of the aedeagus inside the tegumen. In addition, and due to a process of reduction, pore Dbl is absent from the prothorax of the larva. In the first group, the more derived subfamily is the Pterophorinae, as the wings are subdivided into plumes, with a simplified venation. Other charac- ters are difficult to compare, as the Ochyroticinae are insufficiently known. In the second group, the Agdistinae are more generalised than the Platyptilii- nae, as they have non-divided wings and complete venation; the male subgenital sternite is rather simple. The probable autapomorphies of the Platyptiliinae are the structure of the uncus and its junction with the tegumen, the presence of the outer sclerites at the base of the subgenital sternite in the male and the occurrence of the club-shaped process at the base of the valva dorsally. The Platyptiliinae developed plumate wings similar to the Pteropho- rinae, but they have different venation and another mode of folding the wings. The hindwing veins M,, Cu, and Cu, are stalked and M, reaches the tip of the plume. The probable autapomorphies of the Platyptiliinae, apart from the above- mentioned plumate wings, are the presence of a single vein (An) in the hindwing and the presence of a strong ventral process of the aedeagus that functionally replaces the caulis. The strong development of the dorsal lobe or a pair of lobes of the tegumen may also be of apomorphic importance. 129 References BEIRNE, B. P., 1954. British Pyralid and Plume Moths. New colour plates edition, London. HANNEMANN, H. J., 1977. Kleinschmetterlinge oder Microlepidoptera Ill. Feder- motten (Pterophoridae), Gespinstmotten (Yponomeutidae), Echte Motten (Tineidae). Die Tierweit Deutschlands. 63. Teil, Jena. HASENFUSS, I., 1963. Eine vergleichend-morphologische Analyse der regulären Borstenmuster der Lepidopterenlarven. Z. Morph. Tiere 52 : 197-364. Kuznetsov, V. I., STEKOLNIKOV, A. A., 1979. Funkcionalnaia morfologia genitalii samcov ognievkoobraznykh tcheshuekrylikh (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea) pa- learktitcheskoi fauny. Trudy Zool. Inst. Leningr. 83 : 46-96. SPULER, A., 1910. Die Schmetterlinge Europas. Stuttgart, Band 2. Tutt, J. W., 1907. A natural history of the British Lepidoptera, a textbook for students and collectors. London, Berlin, Vol. 5. WASSERTHAL, L., 1970. Generalisierende und metrische Analyse des primaren Borstenmusters der Pterophoriden-Raupen (Lepidoptera), Eilarven als Ob- jekte systematischer Untersuchung. Z. Morph. Tiere 68 : 177-254. WASSERTHAL, L., 1974. Funktion und Entwicklung der Flügel der Federmotten (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae). Z. Morph. Tiere 77 : 127-155. YANO, K., 1963. Taxonomic and biological studies of Pterophoridae of Japan (Lepidoptera). Pacif. Insects, Honolulu 5 (1) : 65-209. 130 Nota lepid. 10 (2): 131-132 ; 30.VI.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 A note on the haploid chromosome number of Brenthis ino ROTTEMBURG, 1775 from Finland (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) Kazuo SAITOH Department of Biology, Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, 036 Japan Summary The haploid chromosome number, 13, was ascertained in male Brenthis ino from Porvoo, Finland, whereas in Japanese specimens an n, 14-karyotype was characteris- tic. The lesser marbled fritillary, Brenthis ino, has a wide area of distribution from Europe to Japan. Previously, germ-line chromosomes of Finnish specimens were examined by FEDERLEY (1938) and the haploid chromosome numbers of 12 and 13 were recorded for their males and those of 13 and 14 for their females. In contrast, males of both B. ino mashuensis and B. i. tigroides occurring in Japan were uniform in having fourteen haploid chromosomes (MAEKI 1961 ; SAITOH et al., unpublished). From a standpoint of cytotaxo- nomy, necessity inevitably arises to determine the exact haploid number of the Finnish specimens. Recently, through the courtesy of Prof. Esko SUOMA- LAINEN of the Department of Genetics in the University of Helsinki, I have had the opportunity to re-examine spermatocyte chromosomes of B. ino from southern Finland and some findings obtained are outlined below. Testes of five adults, caught at Porvoo in the summer of 1984, were fixed by Prof. SUOMALAINEN with Allen’s P.F.A.-3 mixture and those of five other adults with Carnoy (6: 3: 1), respectively. Testis-sections (8 um) were prepared by the ordi- nary paraffin method. Slides of the P.F.A.-3-fixed testes were stained with Heiden- hain’s iron-haematoxylin and those of the Carnoy-fixed ones by the Feulgen method. Metaphase plates suitable for the determination of the haploid chromosome number were found in two of the former testes, as well as in two of the latter ones. Counts were made in a total of 64 metaphase spermatocytes from these four : 44 (MI ; 36, MII; 8) from the former two and 20 (MI; 16, MII; 4) from the latter two. Thirteen chromosomes of the dot-shape in haploid conditions were consis- tently observed in each of them (figs. 1 and 2). In view of these results, it was concluded that the haploid chromosome number in the Porvoo males was 15: 131 % e El . ¢ eae. 8 # = a,» = de. 1 —— Figs. 1 and 2. Bivalent chromosomes (n, 13) of male Brenthis ino from Porvoo, Finland. Haematoxylin-stained. Each metaphase is from different primary spermatocyte. Bottom bar represents about 5 um. On the contrary, as stated above, an n, 14-karyotype was characteristic of the two subspecies of Japan. This difference in the haploid chromosome number might be an indication of a complicated cytogenetic nature of this species. Therefore, a further chromosomal inquiry is necessary of its various geogra- phic populations. In closing this short note, I must express my thanks to Professor Esko SUOMALAINEN for his kind aid in securing the testis-materials of Finnish specimens. References FEDERLEY, H. 1938. Chromosomenzahlen finnlandischer Lepidopteren. I. Rhopa- locera. Hereditas, 24 : 397-464. MAEKI, K. 1961. A study of chromosomes in thirty-five species of the Japanese Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera). Jpn. J. Genet., 36: 137-146. (In Japanese with English résumé). 132 Nota lepid. 10 (2) : 133-136 ; 30.V1.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses CoLLins, N. M. & Morris, M. G. 1985. Threatened Swallowtail butterflies of the World. The IUCN Red Data Book. — IUCN, Gland (Switzerland) and Cambridge (U.K.). — (vil) + 401 pp., 8 col. plates. — ISBN 288032-603-6. Papilioniden sind — wir wissen es alle — die unter Sammlern und Amateuren beliebtesten, ja spektakularsten Tagfalter, deren “Marktpreise” hochstens noch von einigen Morpho- und Agrias-Arten (bei allerdings kleinerem Interessenten-Kreis) erreicht werden. Somit ist es hochste Zeit flir eine kritische Bestandesaufnahme der Weltfauna der Papilioniden und eine Analyse des Gefahrdungsgrades der am meisten bedrohten Arten. Diesem hohen Anspruch wird, das sei bereits zuvor gesagt, das vorliegende Buch in besonderem Maße gerecht. Der Text ist in sechs Kapitel gegliedert (1. Einführung in das Buch, 2. Einführung in die Biologie der Papilioniden und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen, 3. Nomenklatur, Verbreitung und Schutzstatus der Papilioniden der Welt, 4. Analyse bedrohter Faunen, 5. Handel, 6. Übersicht über die bedrohten Arten). Leider ist hier nicht der Platz auf alle Daten ausführlich einzugehen ; einige wichtige Fakten seien jedoch kurz hervorgehoben : Von 573 Papilioniden-Arten werden lediglich 4 als unmittel- bar gefährdet angesehen : Ornithoptera alexandrae, Papilio homerus, Papilio hospiton und Papilio chikae (hinzurechnen sind noch 3 gefährdete Subspecies sonst weiter verbreiteter Arten). Weitere 57 Arten sind in der einen oder anderen Weise als bedroht, von 14 zusätzlichen Arten ist dies zu vermuten, obwohl direkte Daten bisher nicht vorliegen. 97 Arten bedürfen schließlich darüberhinaus der weiteren Überwachung um nähere Aussagen über ihren Gefährdungsstatus zu machen. Die einzelnen Gefährdungsursachen werden sorgfältig dargestellt und auch in ihrer unterschiedlichen Bedeutung gegeneinander abgewogen (die verschiedenen Formen der Biotopveränderung und -zerstörung, der Umweltbelastung, die Einführung fremder Arten in einem gegebenen Lebensraum und schließlich — last but not least — die kommerzielle Ausbeutung). Nahezu überall sind Umweltzerstörung und -belastung als Hauptursache der Gefährdung einzelner Arten zu nennen. Kommer- zielle Ausbeutung spielt vor allem in Ostasien, in Afrika und in Südamerika eine besondere Rolle. Das jährliche Handelsvolumen wird allein für Taiwan auf ca. 20-30 Million US-$ geschätzt, wobei allerdings nicht klar erkennbar ist, in welchem Ausmaß die etwa 10.000 auf der Insel tätigen Fänger einen langfristigen Effekt auf die Entwicklung einzelner Populationen haben. Der allergrößte Teil der Tiere wird für Dekorationszwecke und Souvenir-Artikel verarbeitet. In diesem Zusammenhang ist natürlich auch eine Übersichtstabelle der in den Jahren 1980-1985 vom inter- nationalen Insektenhandel verlangten Preise für einzelne in Sammlerkreisen beson- ders begehrte Arten von Interesse. Als besonders verdienstvoll und über die engere Bedeutung des Buches im Arten- schutz hinausgehend, erscheint mir die detaillierte Darstellung und Zusammenfas- 133 sung unserer Kenntnisse der 78 bedrohten Papilioniden-Arten. Hier werden neben einer Beschreibung der einzelnen Arten jeweils Verbreitung, Lebensraum und Ökologie, die Ursachen der Bedrohung und empfohlene Schutzmaßnahmen behan- delt. Zu jeder Art findet sich ein ausführliches Literaturverzeichnis, wie überhaupt die einzelnen Kapitel sorgfällig dokumentiert sind und in vieler Hinsicht eine interessante Quelle oft schwer zugänglicher Literatur darstellen. Neben den Ornithopteren ist bisher nur noch Parnassius apollo weltweit durch internationale Abkommen gegen illegalen Handel geschützt. Wie gerade diese im Alpenraum und auch in Asien weit verbreitete und meist häufige Art zu dieser Ehre kommt ist unverständlich, betrachtet man den sehr viel höheren Gefährdungsgrad einzelner Feuchtbiotop-Arten unter den Tagfaltern Eurasiens oder einige stenöke und sehr viel lokaler verbreitete Lycaeniden. Andere Parnassius-Arten Asiens wären hier sicher sinnvoller genannt. Mit Recht führen COLLINS und Morris in diesem Zusammenhang auch Parnassius autocrator (Afghanistan, Pamir) als eine durch menschlichen Zugriff direkt gefährdete Art auf. Dieses Buch gehört, auch wenn man in der speziellen Bewertung des Gefähr- dungsgrades einzelner Arten gelegentlich unterschiedlicher Meinung sein mag, in den entomologischen Bücherschrank jedes an Tagfaltern interessierten Entomologen und Naturliebhabers. Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Informationsquelle und verdient weiteste Verbreitung, schon deswegen, weil es nicht den verbreiteten Fehler der Naturschutz-Lobby macht, die Schuld am Artenrückgang ohne nähere Wertung dem sammelnden Entomologen anzulasten (auch wenn dessen Tätigkeit im Einzelfall bei lokalen, durch andere Faktoren bereits geschwächten Populationen langfristig nicht ohne Folgen bleiben wird). C. M. Naumann Hans-Josef WEIDEMANN : Tagfalter : Entwicklung — Lebensweise. Meisun- gen. Neumann-Neudamm (JNN Naturführer) Band 1. 1986, 288 Seiten, 280 Farbfotos, 26 Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen. Gebunden, mit festem Um- schlag, 11,5 x 18,5 cm, DM 38,- (ISBN 3-7888-0500-5). „Schmetterlinge sind Leben, und Leben braucht Lebensraum, um leben — weiter- leben — überleben zu können“ ! so umschreibt der Verfasser den Tenor seines Naturführers „Tagfalter“. Einführend (S. 10-33) werden unter den Stichworten „Lebenszyklus“, „Paarung“, „Einzelgänger und gesellige Arten“, „Eiablage“ charakteristische Züge des Falterle- bens umrissen. Ein Abschnitt „Ökologie“ (S. 34-68) entfaltet an einzelnen Beispielen und unter- stützt durch klare, ansprechende graphische Darstellungen die ganze Palette von Ansprüchen, die Tagfalter an ihr Habitat stellen. Im anschließenden Kapitel „Tagfal- ter und Vegetation“ (S. 70-106) bietet der Geobotaniker WEIDEMANN einen auf das Leben der Tagfalter zugeschnittenen Abriß der Pflanzensoziologie, ergänzt durch je eine Übersichtstabelle „Pflanzenfamilien und Tagfalter“ und „Lebensraumtypen der Tagfalter (als Raupe)“. 134 Unter „Artenschutz der Schmetterlinge“ (S. 106-111) faßt der Verfasser die zahlrei- chen im vorausgegangenen eingestreuten Hinweise in dem Satz zusammen ,Der Schlüssel zu wirksamem Lepidopterenschutz liegt in der Kenntnis der Biologie und Ökologie der Arten und Berücksichtigung dieser bei Schutzmaßnahmen“. WEIDE- MANNS ,Tagfalter“ sind ein wesentlicher Beitrag zu dieser Kenntnis, insbesondere durch die Hervorhebung des wichtigen Unterschiedes zwischen den vagabundieren- den oder migrierenden flugstarken r-Strategen und den standortstreuen, wenig mobilen K-Strategen unter den Tagfaltern. Zwei instruktive graphische Darstel- lungen veranschaulichen die Folgen, die sich aus der Änderung jahrhundertelang vollzogener Bewirtschaftungsweisen für das Weiterleben der Tagschmetterlinge ergeben und fordern konsequente Maßnahmen der Behörden, die sich nicht in der Aufstellung von Artenschutzlisten und Fangverboten erschöpfen, sondern in der Erhaltung und differenzierten Pflege gefährdeter Lebensräume gipfeln. Der folgende systematische Teil des I. Bandes beschreibt und illustriert die Tagfal- terarten Mitteleuropas (ohne Alpen) der Familien Papilionidae, Pieridae und Lycaenidae (ohne Theclinae). Einleitende Texte berichten über die Stellung der jeweiligen Gruppe „in der Schmetterlingsfauna der ganzen Erde“ und erläutern „die Gemeinsamkeiten und Besonderheiten dieser Gruppe”. Bei den Lycaenidae verläßt WEIDEMANN das übliche systematische Schema und gliedert nach ökologischen Gesichtspunkten (die gültige systematische Übersicht soll im 2. Bande folgen). Die Artmonographien bringen trotz ihrer Kürze eine Fülle an Information zum Ver- halten, Habitat, den Nahrungspflanzen, präimaginalen Stadien und artspezifischen Anforderungen an den Lebensraum. Ein allgemeines Register, ein Namenregister der Schmetterlinge sowie ein Register der Raupenfraßpflanzen und Pflanzengesellschaften beschließt den 1. Band; das Literaturverzeichnis ist für den 2. Band vorgesehen. Der Text ist insgesamt leicht verständlich geschrieben, Fachausdrücke werden erklärt. Für den Rezensenten war es ein Genuß, die gestochen scharfen und ästhetisch wirkungsvollen Farbfotos zu betrachten, die ausschließlich lebende Objekte — von fast jeder Art Ei, Raupe, Puppe und Imago — sowie den ökologischen Teil, durch ihre Auswahl hervorragend illustrierende Biotopaufnahme darstellen. Die Druckaus- führung der farbigen Seiten erfüllt höchste Ansprüche und verdient uneingeschränk- tes Lob ; sie macht das Buch zu einem bestens geeigneten Bestimmungshelfer. Man kann nur wünschen, daß alle, die mit Fragen des Artenschutzes befaßt sind, — die Politiker in den Ausschüssen, die Verantwortlichen in den Landschafts- und Forstbehörden aller Ebenen, vom Bund bis zum Kreis, sowie auch in den Land- wirtschaftskammern und Ämtern für Agrarordnung — sich mit diesem Buch ausein- andersetzen, danach entscheiden und handeln. Auch der erfahrene Lepidopterologe kann aus diesem Buch noch lernen und Anregung zur Erforschung der Ansprüche der Arten an ihren Lebensraum gewinnen. Biologielehrer sollten dieses Buch nicht unbeachtet lassen. Es bietet ihnen eine Fülle von Beispielen und Vorgaben — besonders durch die graphischen Darstellungen — für einen lebendigen und sach- gerechten Ökologieunterricht. 135 Autor und Verlag gebührt Dank für diesen gelungenen Naturführer und den angemessenen Preis. P. S. Wagener FRIEDRICH, E. : Breeding Butterflies and Moths. A practical Handbook for British and European Species. Translated from German by Steven WHITE- BREAD. English Edition with additional material edited by A. MAITLAND EMMET. 176 pages. Harley Books. Great Horkesley, Colchester 1986. Paperback £ 9.95, Hardback £ 20.00. Well known and currently used by the German speaking lepidopterists in Europe, Friedrich’s handbook, first published more than 10 years ago in Germany, is now available in a revised and enlarged English edition. It will certainly be greeted and appreciated by all the English speaking lepidopterists, and that for two reasons : 1. Because until now, no comprehensive work has been available in England giving adequate information to raise successfully Lepidoptera, British as well as European, from the egg to perfect imago through more than one generation. 2. Because, based on the practical experience of many expert breeders, over many years, it should permit a higher success-rate for all involved in lepidopterological husbandry : professional scientists, keen amateurs, conservationists and biology students. This English edition has been translated from the second, revised edition of the original German work by Steven WHITEBREAD. The editor is the distinguished microlepidopterist, Lt.-Col. A. MAITLAND EMMET, who has contributed an entirely new chapter (21 pages) on his own speciality, the rearing of Microlepidoptera. Other new material includes rearing description of a majority of the British Geometrids by Jim REID, from his own considerable experience, and Brian O. C. GARDINER has written a section on artificial or semi-synthetic diets specially for the English user. After an introduction “How to Use this Book”, the work is divided into two parts. Part I (34 pages) contains a general introduction to the Fundamentals of breeding Butterflies and Moths ; Equipment and techniques ; Oviposition ; Larval Rearing ; Pupation ; and Emergence, followed by other short sections including Killing Techniques for the collector, the Breeder’s Diary, Conservation and Botanical Literature. Part II, the major part (114 pages), gives rearing descriptions of butterflies and moths covered by the work, representatives of nearly every family of Lepidoptera (around 1000 species) including “Micros”. Most descriptions are divided into: mating, pairing (M) ; oviposition (O) ; rearing of larvae (L) ; overwintering (W) ; and foodplants (F). The book concludes with a comprehensive list of references to literature cited through the text ; a select bibliography of standard and popular works on British and European Lepidoptera ; a compilation of useful information and a complete index to both insects and plants. As a real handbook, this work is really practical as mentioned in its title, and should be, when not in the hand, at least on the shelf of everyone with an interest in moths and butterflies as well as of those actively rearing lepidoptera. E. de Bros 136 L SOCIETAS EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA e.V. ent : Emilio Balletto Vice-President : Barry Goater al Secretary : Hansjürg Geiger Treasurer : Sigbert Wagener ership Secretary : Willy De Prins Editor : Emmanuel de Bros ary Council Members : Claude Dufay, Niels P. Kristensen, Kauri Mikkola, COMMITTEES: jitat and Species Protection : Michael G. Morris Ÿ: ita | MEMBERSHIP: Societas Europaea HER een Hemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf.) inary members DM 50.- Corporate members : DM 55,- Beeson fee DM 5,- PY oO verseas air mail charges DM 15,- BACK VOLUMES OF NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA : vol. 2-5, each members DM 24,- Be non-members DM 48.- vol. 6-9, each members DM 32,- Be, non-members DM 64,- members DM 40,- non-members DM 80,- = | payments should be addressed to : Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica Hemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf.) Postal Giro Office Cologne — Postgiroamt Köln — C.C.P. Cologne Nr. 1956 50-597 “Mandat de Dr international”. ossible to quote the subscription rate in this currency. Members should pay the rt sterling equivalent. Cheques and bankers orders should be made payable to s ‘Europaea Lepidopterologica U.K. A/c” and sent to John Heath, 104 qu He St. Ives, Éd Cambs. PE17 4JY. cd SEL Office, General Secretary Dr. Hansjürg Geiger 0.0 Zoologisches Institut Universität Bern ha i. ; en 3, CH-3012 Bern, a ans Handelsgesellschaft uw Le) i OO " m Schweiger & Meiser GmbH & Co. KG Bittlmairstrasse 4 8070 INGOLSTADT/DO Telefon (0841) 75583 IHR SPEZIALIST FUR ENTOMOLOGIEBEDARF! Wir liefern seit vielen Jahren zu günstigen Preisen eine große Auswahl von Utensilien für den Fach- und Hobbyentomologen. Für die Zucht: Zuchtkästen, Puppenkästen, Infrarotstrahler, Zuchtbehälter etc. Für den Tag- und Nachtfang: Netze, Gläser, Stromaggregate, Transportkästen, Lampen und Leucht- rohren etc Für das Präparieren: Insektennadeln, Spannbretter, Präparierbesteck, Kopflupen, Chemika- lien etc. Für die Sammlung: Insektenkästen in allen Größen mit der bewährten Moll- oder Schaum- stoffeinlage, Insektenschränke aller Art Ein umfangreiches Angebot an neuer und antiquarischer Literatur ist vorhanden. Schreiben Sie uns oder rufen Sie uns an, wir beraten Sie gern. Unser Katalog steht Ihnen kostenlos zur Verfügung. Als SEL-Mitglied erhalten Sie bei uns auf sämtliche Artikel (außer Bücher) 5% Rabatt. ich — pieferm pute 0 go ant he 24 Ail manuscripts should be typed with Fe spacing A tn us together with at least one copy. All! pages should be num Legends for figures and sites should be en ona separate He an the list of references. Line a Sms be about twice their an than 100 words. It is strongly recommended to add a translation of | at least one of the other RE ee Additional copies may be ordered at extra cost. Copies de ces instructions en francais sont de auprès ae All rights Be No part ofthis Journal may be ee. or en ! fo electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other information system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Authors are I fo articles. er Nota lepidopterologica Vol. 10 No. 3 Basel, 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Editor : Emmanuel Bros de Puechredon, alias de Bros, lic. iur., Rebgasse 28, CH-4102 Binningen BL, Schweiz. Assistant Editors : Dr. Hansjurg Geiger (Bern), Steven Whitebread (Magden). Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire E. M. LAASONEN : Obituary Jorma Kyrki (1950-1986) ................ K. MIKKOLA, J. D. LAFONTAINE & P. GROTENFELT : A revision of the holarctic Chersotis andereggii complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) ............. R. GAEDIKE : Beitrag zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Douglasiidae (Lepidop- tera) : Tinagma klimeschi sp. n., aus Rhodos ..................... M. LÔDL : Noctua warrensis Sp. n., a new sibling species of Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813 from Cyprus (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ............. K. V. N. Mags : Revisionary notes on the genus Achyra GUENEE with a new synonym and the description of Achyra takowensis sp. n. (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae, Pyraustinae) (Studies on Pyralidae I) ................... U. RAMMERT : The defensive biology of the larvae of Amata (= Syntomis) phegea L. and Amata (= Syntomis) kuhlweinii LEF. (Lepidoptera, Ctenu- SEGA) ete dd a elite ts nw ane ee Sa 140 183 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses ............ 193, 194 John Heath (1922-1987) It is with deep regret that we have to report the death of John Heath on Sth July 1987. John Heath was Vice-President of the SEL from its foundation in 1976 until 1986. He will be sadly missed. A full obituary will appear in the next issue of NOTA. 195 137 Nota lepid. 10 (3): 138-139 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Obituary Jorma Kyrki (1950-1986) (*) Erkki M. LAASONEN Jorma Henrik Kyrkı, PhL, Vice President of the Finnish Lepidopterological Society and a member of the SEL since 1980, died suddenly on 9 November 1986 at his home in Rovaniemi, at the age of 35. The news of his untimely death was received with great sadness by us, Jorma’s friends. Jorma Kyrki was born in Turku on 2 December 1950. There he spent his childhood and schooldays. He obtained the degree of Master of Philoso- phical Sciences from the University of Turku. Jorma’s career continued at (*) Reprinted, with slight changes, from Notulae Entomologicae 67 (1): 1-2, 1987. 138 Oulu University, from which he had already a Licentiate of Philosophy. He was putting the last touches to his thesis. All of Jorma’s places of employ- ment were connected with museums and entomology : the Natural History Collections of Tampere Museum, the Zoological Institute of Oulu University and finally the Department of Natural History, Provincial Museum of Lapland, where he held the position of department Assistant-in-Chief. Jorma Kyrki’s lepidopterological career had just begun. His main interest was the systematics of the superfamily Yponomeutoidea, with a worldwide perspective. His critical publication “The Yponomeutoidea : a reassessment of the superfamily and its suprageneric groups (Lepidoptera)” was published in Entomologica Scandinavica 15: 71-84, 1984. This was supported by numerous additional observations and represented the basis of a thesis. Only the persistent difficulty of obtaining type material from remote countries and museums delayed the thesis. Another publication which reflects the tho- roughness of Jorma’s work was his “Distribution of the microlepidoptera in Finland. Fauna of the biogeographical provinces I.” in Notulae Entomologi- cae 58 : 37-67, 1978. The first paper of this kind ever to be published in Finland, it was warmly received and resulted in a series of complementary publications concerning new finds. Jorma Kyrki and his co-workers publi- shed details of two lepidoptera new to science: Elachista eskoi KYRKI & KARVONEN (Ent. Scand. 15 : 521-525, 1985) and Eudonia aequalis SVENS- SON & KyrkI (to be published in Entomologica Scandinavica). Jorma was co-author to at least fourteen papers reporting new lepidopteran species from Finland and he recently contributed to many others. Most of his papers contained unique, or at least very valuable, information on the biology of Finnish microlepidoptera. The Finnish Lepidopterological Society, espe- cially, has suffered a severe loss : Jorma had just begun as its vice president, bringing fresh ideas for the development and enrichment of that Society. Jorma also regularly attended the SEL Congresses and he will be sadly missed by all the many friends he made at these. In addition to all this, Jorma Kyrki was surprisingly a great music enthusiast. He played the cello and was recently heard regretting that he so seldom managed to pick up his instrument. Jorma was also an active member of the choir “Seitakuoro” in Rovaniemi. Jorma Kyrki was known by all as a positive, industrious friend and colleague. Our feelings of loss can be voiced in this modest and inadequate manner, but none of us can fill the gap left by this eminent scientist and objective leader of the Finnish lepidopterological circle. 139 Nota lepid. 10 (3): 140-157 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 A revision of the holarctic Chersotis andereggii complex (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Kauri MIKKOLA, J. D. LAFONTAINE & Paul GROTENFELT K. Mikkola, Department of Zoology, University of Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland J. D. Lafontaine, Biosystematics Research Center, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6, Canada P. Grotenfelt, Rantamajantie 8, SF-02700 Kauniainen, Finland Summary In the Palaearctic region, Chersotis andereggii auct. has been found to include three species differing from each other mainly in male genital structures and in geographi- cal range. C. andereggii (BOISDUVAL, 1834) occurs from Europe eastward to the Central Asiatic and Siberian mountains ; the isolated Baltic population differs in appearance from that of the Alps and is described as a new subspecies. C. acutangula (STAUDINGER, 1892) stat. n. occurs in the Central Asiatic mountains. C. juncta (GROTE, 1878) is widely distributed in North America (the only Nearctic Chersotis ), and is now reported from the eastern Palaearctic, having earlier been misidentified as C. andereggii. Aduits and male genital structures of all three species, as well as the male genitalia of C. rectangula (DENIS & SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775), are described and illustrated, and the phylogeny of the group is discussed. Lectotypes are designated for C. andereggii, C. acutangula and C. exclamans (EVERSMANN, 1841), a junior synonym of C. andereggii. C. sjuntensis KUZNETZOV, 1958 is possibly a distinct species near C. rectangula, and C. hampsoni (A. BANG-HAAS, 1910) comb. n. is transferred to the genus Chersotis. 1. Introduction BoIsDUVAL (1834) first illustrated Agrotis andereggii, but six years later he (1840) called it Chersotis rectangula var. andereggii. In the latter publication he also mentioned localities and gave a description : Helvetia (Switzerland) and Diniae (Digne, France), minor, obscurior. For more than 100 years the taxon remained as a variety of C. rectangula (DENIS & SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775) (e.g. STAUDINGER & REBEL 1901). BoursIN (1952, 1954) showed that andereggii is a distinct species that can readily be distinguished from C. rectangula by the form of the male juxta, which is shield-shaped and flat in C. andereggii, but diamond-shaped with a central bulge in C. rectangula (fig. 2). Boursin (1957) noted that acutangula STAUDINGER, 1892 is a subspecies of C. andereggii and not of C. rectangula. 140 l 2 3 4 Fig. |. From left to right : 1. Chersotis rectangula (D. & S.) Hungary, Josfafo 10.-15.9.1983 Z. Varga leg. ; 2. C. andereggii (Boisp.) U.S.S.R., SW Altai, Katanda 1200 m 26.-27.7.1983 Exp. MIKKOLA, HippA & JALAVA leg. ; 3. C. juncta (GROTE) U.S.A., Oregon, Morrow Co. 1100.m 9.8.1976 T. McCabe leg. ; 4. C. acutangula (STGR.) U.S.R.R., Uzbekistan, Samar- kand 30.7.1892 O. Herz leg. All specimens from the Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki. Chersotis andereggii was reported as new to the Baltic area by PETERSEN (1924) on the basis of one moth from the northern coast of Estonia, but at least two specimens were caught as early as at the end of the 19th century in Estonia (PETERSEN 1924, SuLcs & VIIDALEPP 1969). It was not until the 1980's that several more specimens were found in Estonia (VIIDALEPP oral comm.). The first record from Finland comes from the year 1960 (LIN- GONBLAD 1960). Later, five moths were taken on the southern coast of Finland (fig. 4). Thus, until the 1980's, of the isolated northern population of C. andereggii only a dozen specimens were known. In the course of our ongoing studies of Holarctic Noctuidae, it became apparent that C. andereggii auct. in the Palaearctic region includes three sibling species. One of these, C. juncta (GROTE, 1878), was previously thought to be restricted to the Nearctic. The third species, C. acutangula (STAUDINGER, 1892) has until now been considered as a Central Asiatic subspecies of C. rectangula and more recently of C. andereggii, though some confusion regarding its geographic distribution occurs in the literature (cf. BOURSIN 1948, Kovacs & VARGA 1973). The northern population of C. andereggii has an enigmatic distribution, since it is not easily understood why a high alpine species lives in the coastal areas of the Gulf of Finland (cf. PELLMYR & MIKKOLA 1985). In the present paper we redescribe all these taxa, describe the new subspecies from the Baltic area and discuss the phylogeny and zoogeography of these taxa. 2. General description of the Chersotis andereggii complex Appearance. Relatively small noctuids with uniformly dark greyish brown ( C.andereggii and juncta) or grey-brown (C. acutangula) forewing. Reni- 141 form, orbicular and claviform spots large, outlined by a contrasting creamy white line. Lower portions of reniform and orbicular fused together ; upper portions of these spots usually separated by a black bar. Antemedian line with black wedge at base of claviform spot ; antemedian and postmedian lines with black spots at costa. Hindwing brown-grey, darker towards outer margin. Prothoracic collar black. Antenna filiform in both sexes. Male genitalia (fig. 2). Valva broad basally, tapering apically, weakly scleroti- zed except sacculus. Harpe long extending well beyond costal margin of Fig. 2. Male genitalia of a. Chersotis rectangula Austria, Wien Prep. PG 318/1 (Mus. Paris) ; b. C. andereggii ssp. arcana ssp. n. Finland, Helsinki 18.-22.7.1968 Prep. PG 317/3 Paratype (Coll. JALAS) ; c. C. juncta U.S.S.R., Kamtshatka Prep. PG 317a/1 (Riksmuseet, Stockholm) ; d. C. acutangula U.S.S.R., Alai Prep. PG 317/c/1 Lectotype (Coll. Staudinger, Mus. Berlin). For C. andereggii complex (figs. 2b, c & d) : to the left opened valvae and aedeagus, and to the right harpe with double magnification shown from two directions and the everted vesica. 143 valva, strongly sclerotized and more or less spoon-like apically. Processus inferior (sensu BoursIN 1954 : 254) strongly sclerotized, bent at an angle of nearly 90°, with apical and posterior portions covered with spines. Juxta shield-like, broadly V-shaped. Saccus strap-like, well sclerotized. Aedeagus with large and strongly sclerotized apical spine, slightly asymmetrical on right side. Everted vesica angled first ventrally posterior to apex of aedeagus, then coiled on the right through a total of 360° to project posteriorly. A sclerotized conical diverticulum near base of vesica pointing anteriorly. A large pouch at basal angle of vesica in one species and a slight extension only in others. Female genitalia (fig. 3). Papillae anales with long setae laterally. Ostium bursae with large triangular plate, slightly asymmetrical to left (corresponding to spined tip of aedeagus). Ductus bursae with unsclerotized, folded pouch dorsally (corresponding to basal angle or pouch of vesica). A second pouch of ductus is sclerotized (corresponding to conical sclerotization of vesica). Appendix bursae coiled (corresponding to coil of vesica), with ductus seminalis at apex. Corpus bursae long and sac-like. 3. Key to male genitalia — . Juxta diamond-shaped with distinct central bulge ; apex of harpe thin (DB, 28) rar C. rectangula (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) - Juxta flat, broadly V-shaped, shield-like ; harpe apically flattened and more or less spoon-like ........................................ 2 No . Everted male vesica with dorsal diverticulum at base ; harpe long, pro- jecting dorsally beyond valve for about one half of its length (fig. 2d) MEERE NEUERE EEE Bae C. acutangula (STAUDINGER, 1892) stat. n. - Vesica without dorsal diverticulum ; harpe shorter, only apical third extending beyond costal margin of valva ...................... . Apical half of harpe tapering towards tip ; processus inferior apically broadly rounded, spines at the tip project at nearly right angle to axis of extension (fig. 2b) ............... C. andereggii (BOISDUVAL, 1834) - Apical part of harpe broad, spoon-like, asymmetric ; processus inferior tapering towards tip, spines at tip project nearly in the same direction as extension (fig. 2c) ..................... C. juncta (GROTE, 1878) Ww 4. Species of the C. andereggii complex Chersotis andereggii (BOISDUVAL) Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 5 Agrotis andereggi BOISDUVAL, 1834 : plate 76, fig. 6. Type locality : Valais, Switzerland. 144 NAN N loyer Fig. 3. Female genitalia of a. Chersotis andereggii ssp. arcana ssp. n. Finland, Helsinki 29.7.1963 Prep. PG 317/1 Paratype (Coll. MIKKOLA) ; b. C. juncta U.S.S.R., Kamchatka Prep. PG 317a/2 (Riksmuseet, Stockholm) ; c. C. acutangula U.S.S.R., Alai Prep. PG 317c/3 Paralectotype (Coll. STAUDINGER, Mus. Berlin). 145 Agrotis rectangula Var. anderreggii (sic) ; BoIsDUVAL 1840 : 103, no. 765. Agrotis anderreggii (sic) ; GUENEE 1852: no. 519. Rhyacia rectangula Var. andereggii; STAUDINGER & REBEL 1901: 142, no. 1229 a. Agrotis rectangula var. andereggii ; Cortı 1929 : 1. Chersotis andereggii ; BOURSIN 1948 : 131. Agrotis exclamans EVERSMANN, 1841: 27, Figs. 5 and 6. Type locality : South-western Ural mountains. Synonymized by GUENEE 1852. Description. Forewing particularly unicolorous, dark greyish brown. Trans- verse lines inconspicuous, except black patch on antemedian line near base of claviform spot. Creamy lining of maculation thin and relatively inconspi- cuous. Male genitalia. Shape of male valva quite variable but relatively long and tapered in most specimens. Harpe not especially broad at apex, apical half slightly tapered, processus inferior apically broadly rounded, covered by spines, most of them pointing in direction of extension, but larger apical ones bent at nearly right angle to point medially. Juxta relatively long (“high” in a slide), about as long as wide. Female genitalia. As described for species complex. Type material. In the Corn collection of Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, a male syntype with the following labels was found : “e coll. GUENEE”, “Ex Musaeo Ach. GUENEE” and a big folded label, evidently written by GUENEE, beginning : “Anderreggii (sic) Bd. Bdv. ic. pl. 76 — Gn. Spec. 619. 1-2. Valais (ANDEREGG.) — 3-4. Basses alpes ? (M. DoNZEL). Malgr’ ...” (see below). This male is here designated as LECTOTYPE. The type material of A. exclamans was studied in ZIN, Leningrad, and the male labelled “Coll. EVERSMANN/SpPASK/Prep. PG 317” is here designated as LECTOTYPE. Distribution (fig. 4). Occurs in several disjunct areas, at least in Europe with boreo-alpine distribution. It is known from the Pyrenees through the Alps to Austria and Italy, mainly at elevations of 1500 to 2500 m, and from the Baltic area (see below). To the east it occurs from the southern Ural mountains and Turkey eastward to Transcaucasia, Turkestan (up to 4500 m) and Central Asia (Kaputdzuh in Azerbaidzan ; Issykkul ; Tianschan ; Pon- tus), southern Siberian mountains, mainly at elevations of 500 to 1500 m (Altai ; Sayan ; the Baikal area) and several localities in Mongolia where it was found at elevations of 1150 to 1650 m (STAUDINGER 1892, Kovacs & VARGA 1973, see below under C. acutangula, FORSTER & WOHLFAHRT 1971, CALLE 1982). 146 Fig. 4. Schematized distribution map of the species of the Chersotis andereggii complex. Black, no. | to 1 = populations of C. andereggii, 2 = C. a. andereggii, 3 = C. andereggii arcana ssp. n. and 4 to 4= C. juncta; striped = C. acutangula. Habitat. In most part of its range the species occurs on alpine meadows and steppe slopes ; in the Baltic area it seems to fly on relatively open and dry habitats of coastal areas, possibly also in open sunny pine forests. Remarks. In the folded label of the lectotype (see above), the writer discusses the systematic position of “anderreggii” as follows (translated from French by E. DE Bros) : “In spite of the opinion of most modern authors I persist not only to believe it as distinct from rectangula but even to consider it as not belonging to the same group. It is somehow a neighbour of recussa and the author (i.e. BOISDUVAL) makes a transition to polygona, however the last point must be discussed. But I cannot change my opinion about the validity of the species”. The label must have been written by GUENEE, because the 147 contents, the handwriting and the taxonomic opinion do not fit BOISDUVAL. The same hand is visible in the labels of the type of Noctua chardinyi (BoıspuvAL). Both specimens probably changed hands from BoIsDUVAL to GUENEE, from him to OBERTHUR and finally to Corri. The label reveals that ANDEREGG collected the species in Valais. At the time of writing of the label, four specimens existed, but it is possible that at the time of description of the species, BoISDUVAL only had those from Valais. As GUENEE adds a question mark after Basses Alpes (Digne sec. BOISDUVAL 1840), we believe that the present specimen is from Valais. Chersotis juncta (GROTE) Figs. 1, 2 and 3 Agrotis juncta GROTE, 1878 : 170. Type locality : Nova Scotia. Agrotis patefacta SMITH, 1895 : 333. Type locality : Calgary, Alberta. Syno- nymized by SMITH, 1907 : 147. Chersotis rectangula ssp. andereggii; Corti, 1929 nec BoIsDUVAL, 1834 (Kamchatka). Chersotis rectangula ssp. acutangula ; BOURSIN, 1948 nec STAUDINGER, 1892 (Kamchatka). Chersotis andereggii ; SEDYKH, 1979 nec BoIsDUVAL, 1834 (Kamchatka). Description. Forewing ground-color darker and still more unicolorous than in C. andereggii, blackish brown ; creamy lining of maculation usually more conspicuous, especially that of larger claviform spot. Male genitalia. Valva apically shorter and more roundish than in other species of complex. Apical third of processus inferior tapering towards apex, spines at tip of it project nearly along axis of process. Harpe short as in C. andereggii, but apically broad and with obliquely cut tip. Juxta shallower than in preceding species, belt-like, saccus also shallower, strap-like. Female genitalia. As in C. andereggii, but with fewer setae on papillae anales. Type material. The holotype in British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London, was studied by SMITH, 1907, and he synonymized his own Agrotis patefacta with A. juncta. Topotypical specimens are present in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. Lectotype of A. patefacta in USNM, Washington, designated by Topp 1982, was studied by JDL and KM. Distribution (fig. 4). Occurs across Canada from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia westward to the Yukon and Alaska, and southward in the east to southern Quebec and northern Michigan and in the western mountains to northeastern Arizona and south-central California (Forbes 1954, Rock- BURNE & LAFONTAINE 1976). In the Palaearctic region it occurs at least in 148 Kamchatka and in Magadanskaya oblast’ (Cortı 1929, SEDYKH 1979, KONONENKO oral comm.). Habitat. Dry open conifer forests, in the south also alpine meadows. Remarks. The species is now reported for the first time from the Palaearctic. Corti (1929) identified specimens from Kamchatka (in Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm), as Agrotis rectangula var. andereggii, but BOURSIN (1948) “corrected” this as ssp. acutangula. This is surprising since acutan- gula is the most variegated taxon of the complex while C. juncta is the most unicoloured. Identification of specimens from Mongolia as C. andereggii acutangula by Kovacs & VARGA (1973) is also based on BOURSINS view, since he had seen the material in an early phase of the work (VARGA, oral comm.). They represent C. andereggii sensu stricto, however (VARGA in litt.). We fully agree with SMITH (1907) on the synonymization of his Agrotis patefacta With GROTE’S A. juncta, even if the former was represented as a subspecies of the latter by FRANCLEMONT & Topp (1983). Though some eastern specimens are darker than most western ones, the variation is widely overlappirig and corresponds in general to the more mesic collecting locali- ties in the east. Chersotis acutangula (STAUDINGER, 1892) stat. n. Figs. 1, 2 and 3. Agrotis rectangula Var. acutangula STAUDINGER, 1892 : 355. Chersotis andereggii ssp. acutangula ; BOURSIN, 1948 : 131. Description. Largest, palest and most contrastingly marked taxon of com- plex, forewing grey-brown with well-defined black transverse lines. Male genitalia. Valva prominently tapering apically as in C. andereggii but distal part longer and narrower. Harpe longer than that of other species in complex, apically spoon-like, processus inferior apically slightly tapering, its apical spines project mediodorsally being intermediate between the other two taxa. Juxta broad and shallow as in C. juncta, but its posterior margin is arch-like and posterior tips are sharper and more strongly sclerotized. Everted vesica dorsally with a prominent basal dorso-posterior diverticulum which is absent in other taxa (fig. 2d). Female genitalia. As described for complex ; however, slides were not available for detailed study of ductus bursae (expected to show deeper posterior pouch than in other species). Type material. The STAUDINGER collection (in Naturkundemuseum Berlin) contains the following syntypes : Alai 1 G 1 ©, Margelan 2 dd (probably mountains 30 km S of village), Samarkand 1 & and Usgent | d. The male 149 ‘SOAR | SUIEAIN : JEU QUO Pur SAJELA} ¢ Ut) pur ‘sadjy sesseg ‘SIELIIO) : SOJeUI p IYSLI 0 Yo] WOY Isıy ‘(SU SNA) Sd oy) woy 1188219PUD ‘D “D : SMOI JOMOT OMI, pue (odAojoy) 0961 SIH ‘LL6I “AI 8810 ‘8961 PIUISPH : JUSU 0} yay Woy "U ‘dss puvoip 1185219p ‘soods 7 sdjy Jouluued ‘Neulie7Z ‘ uapunqnelyH ‘ sadyy Same ‘29559 PT : [OIA], ‘ sadjv sasseg ‘oyose’y ‘(uoreu dA] J\deyD 39) €961 PIUISPH uD s1os4ay) : MOI dOL ‘6 “BL 150 from Alai, Fig. 2d (¢ genitalia) in this article and PI. 6: Fig. 21 in O. BANG-Haas (1922), is hereby designated as LECTOTYPE. Disribution (fig. 4). Central Asia : Tianschan, Alai, Transalai, Kungei-Ala- tau, Gissarskiy range, Peter I range, Tarbagatai, Pamir (Samarkand, Fergana, Usgent, Margelan, Sarawschan). Elevations of 2000-3000 m. Habitat. Dry, steppe-like mountain slopes sparsely covered with Juniperus trees (VARGA in litt.). 5. Subspecies of C. andereggii Chersotis andereggii ssp. arcana MIKKOLA ssp. n. Fig. 2, 3 and 5. Description. Wingspan (measuring accuracy 0.5 mm): Males, mean = 31.75 mm (n= 2, range 31.5-32.0); females, mean = 30.7 mm (n=5, S.D. = 0.86, range = 29.5-31.5). Smaller (but see below) and darker than C. andereggii ssp. andereggii (BOISDUVAL), and with more unicolorous forewing (fig. 5). Forewing groundcolour dark greyish brown ; maculation and lines correspond to those of C. a. andereggii, but are weaker : e.g. hind part of antemedian line usually just darker hint (black in C. a. andereggii), post- median line hardly ever filled with light colour and creamy line around maculation in most cases quite inconspicuous. Hindwing characteristic : outer third, or more, suffused with colour nearly as dark as forewing (in C. a. andereggii hindwing is whitish with slightly darker colour near margin and particularly at veins). Male genitalia (fig. 2b). Identical with specimens from the Alps. Female genitalia (fig. 3a). Identical with specimens from the Alps. Type material. Holotype © : “Fennia, Ab : Hitis 25.7.1960 LINGONBLAD leg.” (Mus. Zool. Helsinki). Paratypes : Finland : 1 d “Fennia, Helsinki, Vallisaari 18.-22.7.1968 Ilkka JALAS leg. ; prep. ¢ 317/3 P. Grotenfelt” (Coll. JALAS) ; 1 2 “Suomi, N Helsinki, Merikatu 29.7.1963 H. MIKKOLA leg. ; prep. ? 317/4 P. GROTENFELT” (Coll. MIKKOLA) ; 1 © “Fennia, N : Borga Ik., Illby 6706 : 432 3.-9.8.1977 M. LANDTMAN leg.” (Coll. LANDTMAN); 1 6 U: Helsinki, Isosaari 666 : 39 16.-28.7.1982 E. & L. LAASONEN leg. (Coll. LAASONEN) ; 1 6 U: Vantaa 668 : 39 14.-20.7.1983, J. WETTENHOVI & P. KOSKINEN leg. Estonia: 1 2 “Narva 82 Merekvel, Coll. FILIPIEV” (ZIN, Leningrad) ; 1 & “Coll. Fitiprev” (ZIN, Leningrad ; from outer appearance of the moth and from collecting areas of FILIPIEV this was interpreted to be the second specimen mentioned by PETERSEN 1924) ; 1 © Tiitsoo 30.7.1905 E (sic) PETERSEN leg., studied from the good photograph presented by SULCS 151 & VupaLrEpp (1969). All the Finnish moths have been collected at light, but that from Tiitsoo, Estonia, with baits. Etymology. Lat. fem. arcana = secret, mysterious ; from the puzzling rarity and locality of the taxon. Remarks: An analysis of the diagnostic characters. 2 dd, 5 ©9 from the Baltic area were compared with 11 dd, 3 2 from the Alps. Characters expected to be typical of the Baltic moths were taken as minus : 1. Wing span at most 32.0 mm, 2. darkness of forewing grade 4 (scale : 1 = light brown, 2 = light medium brown, 3 = dark medium brown, 4 = dark brown), 3. orbi- cular spot without sharp border line, maculation of same colour with wing (not distinctly greyish), 4. postmedian line not sharply defined or filled with light colour, 5. hind part of antemedian line not visible or just faint stripe, 6. subterminal line obscure or mere borderline between darker and lighter colour and 7. outer part of hindwing distinctly dark, also between the veins (alternative : dark only near margin, veins darker than groundcolour). The wing span did not differ in males from the Baltic area (mean = 31.75 (31.5 + 32.0) and from the Alps (31.7 + 1.52, n= 11). However, there was a significant difference in the females : 30.7 + 0.86, n=5 and 34.0 + 1.00, n = 3, respectively (t = 5.03, df= 6, p< 0.005). Darkness of hindwing was the most distinctive single character in both sexes: the hindwings of the lightest moth from the Baltic area (from Tiitsoo) were similar to the darkest from the Alps (fig. 5, bottom row, second from right). The mean value of the Baltic moths was - 4.00 + 1.82, but that of the moths from the Alps + 4.42 + 1.60. When all the characters are taken into account, not a single specimen can be mistaken to originate in a wrong area : the minimum value for the Baltic area was - 2.00 (2 moths) but + 2.00 (3 moths) for the Alps. The six moths available from the southern Ural mountains had similar hindwing to that in the Alps, but the forewing was more unicolorous, yet more variegated than in the Baltic area. This appearance may be common for the whole of Siberia and would warrant, when more material is available, description of an additional subspecies. Discussion Phylogenetic relationships of taxa. Our reconstructed phylogeny of the species in the C. andereggii complex is shown in fig. 6. Two other closely related complexes are included for out-group comparison : the C. rectangula (DENIS & SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775) complex (also including C. sjuntensis KUZNETZOV, 1958) and the C. ocellina (DENIS & SCHIFFERMULLER, 1775) complex (also including C. transiens (STAUDINGER, 1896) and C. alpestris 152 (BoISDUVAL, 1832); C. oreina DUFAY, 1984, bona species, not available). Other species studied were Chersotis hampsoni (A. BANG-Haas, 1910 : 34) n. comb., C. cuprea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and C. multangula (HÜBNER, 1803). C. sjuntensis was described on the basis of one female from Turkmenistan, Sjunt. We are afraid that KUZNETZOV (1958) compared these genitalia to those of C. andereggii and not to those of C. rectangula, because both were called “rectangula” by KOZHANCHIKOV (1937). In the type series of C. acutangula (Naturkundemuseum Berlin) there is an unknown Chersotis male from Zeitun, Central Asia, which is close to C. rectangula, but seems to differ from this in the coiling of vesica. We assume that this is the undescribed male of C. sjuntensis, but we refrain from describing it because of lack of exact knowledge about the association of the male with the described female. The C. rectangula and C. andereggii complexes are linked together by three synapomorphies. 1. The pyramid-like right-hand basal sclerotization of vesica seems to be a synapomorphy unique to these complexes. 2. All species C, OCELLINA C, RECTANGULA COMPLEX COMPLEX _ C, ACUTANGLLA C, JUNCTA OUTER PART OF HARPE SHORT BUT WIDE, ASYMMETRIC C, ANDEREGGII PROCESSUS INFERIOR APICALLY ROUND OUTER PART OF HARPE ELONGATED DORSAL DIVERTICULUM AT BASE OF VESICA JUXTA NARROW, DI AMOND- SHAPED WITH BULGE PROCESS OF COSTA SPINE-LIKE FOREWING UNICOLOROUSLY DARK WITH OBSCURE MARKINGS PROCESSUS INFERIOR THICK, BARREL-LIKE, APICALLY TAPERING LEFT-HAND CORNUTUS AT OUTER PART OF HARPE FLAT, SPOON-LIKE BASE OF VESICA UNCUS LONG STRONGLY SPINED PROCESSUS INFERIOR PYRAMID-LIKE RIGHT-HAND DIVERTICULUM ON VESICA COSTA OF VALVA EXPANDED DORSALLY UNCUS SHORT JUXTA FLAT TWO DORSALLY DIRECTED SCLEROTIZEN APPENDAGES ON INNER SIDE OF VALVA SCLEROTIZED SPIKE VENTRALLY OR LATERALLY ON APEX OF AEDEAGUS Fig. 6. A provisional cladogram for the C. andereggii complex and two closely related groups. The open sympols denote some generic characters of Chersotis, the filled ones are apomorphies of the present complexes. 153 have a broad, unsclerotized costal lobe in the dorsal margin of valva. In the same position, the species of the C. ocellina complex have a quite different sharp and sclerotized costal process. 3. The strong spiny armour of processus inferior is typical of these species. Of other species sudied, only C. hampsoni has spines on the processus, but they are weak. The structure of the juxta and processus inferior as well as the coiling of the vesica link the species of the C. andereggii complex together. The rela- tionship of these species to each other is not easily understood, the solution being mainly dependent on the interpretation of the polarity of the character states of basal diverticulum of vesica (present/absent). The basal diverticulum is present, though not in exactly similar form, in the C. rectangula complex and in C. multangula, but as it is absent in most species, it must be an apomorphic condition. The diverticulum of C. acutangula would then be an autapomorphy without significance in the cladistic analysis. The polarity of the character states of the processus inferior and harpe can hardly be determined. We therefore tentatively group C. andereggii and C. juncta on the basis on their similar general appearance. They would be sister species and east/west counterparts. This similarity is contrasted by the larger size, and paler colour and better defined maculation of the forewing in C. acutangula. The harpe with the distal part clearly longer than the basal part is probably also an autapomorphy of this species (about 2/3 of the basal part in the two other species). The C. andereggii complex might have originated in the Central Asian mountains where C. acutangula now lives. The recent C. andereggii may have spread only secondarily in that area. As C. juncta is the only Chersotis species in North America and as it does not show any subspecific variation, we suggest that it has a Beringian origin and has only relatively recently acquired its wide distribution in North America. Zoogeography of C. angereggii arcana. 7000-8000 years ago a dry climate favourable for C. anderggii prevailed in Europe (see WARNECKE 1953, HoLDHAUS 1954). Later the forests again spread over vast areas and the area of distribution of the species was split into parts. The case of C. andereggii arcana shows us that a period of about 7000 years and equally many generations have been enough for a change of appearance but not enough for a change in the genitalia. The relative difference in the size of females points towards a considerable ecological specialization during this time span. Alternatively, the isolation is older: C. a. andereggii would have overwinte- red the Ice Ages in the southern Central European mountains and C. andereggii arcana would have spread to the Baltic area from the east. Then C. andereggii arcana would be more closely related to the populations of the southern Ural mountains than to those of the Alps. The uniform forewing 154 colouration speaks for this ; size measurements of females relative to males could give an answer to this. To the east and south-east the nearest record is about 2000 km away (Orenburg). The species certainly does not live in the areas between, because it has not been mentioned in the respective faunas (Leningrad area : DERZHAVETZ et al. 1986 ; Pskov region: POSPELOV er al, 1979 ; White- Russia : MERZEYEVSKAYA 1971; Moscow-Kaluga area: SIROTIN unpubl. ; Kirov : CHERNIN 1974 ; Komi: SEDYKH unpubl.). To the south the closest occurrences of the species are about 1600 km away. A few other xerophilic/montane lepidopterans have more or less isolated occurrences along the coasts of the Baltic Sea (see NORDSTROM et al., 1969) : e.g. Athetis lepigone (MOSCHL.), Rhyacia grisescens (FABR.), Standfussiana lucernea (L.) and Eupithecia pernotata (GUENEE). The general distribution of the last mentioned species is particularly similar to that of C. andereggii with an isolated occurrence around the Gulf of Finland (E. pernotata ssp. enictata PELLMYR & MIKKOLA, 1985). All these species might have reached the Baltic area in the same dry postglacial period. The dry and sunny summer of the archipelagoes and coastal areas of the Gulf of Finland seems to be the key factor of their northern distribution. Acknowledgements The following persons placed specimens at our disposal : Dr. M. BRANCUCCI and Mr. E. DE Bros (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel), Mr. G. EBERT and Mr. H. FALKNER (Landessammlungen fur Naturkunde Karlsruhe), Mr. Bert GUSTAFSSON (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm), Prof. H.-J. HANNEMANN (Naturkunde- museum Berlin), Mr. M. Honey (British Museum, Natural History, London), Mr. I. JALAS (Helsinki), Mr. J. JALAVA (Zoological Museum, Helsinki), Dr. E. LAAso- NEN (Helsinki), Dr. M. LANDTMAN (Helsinki), Dr. R. POOLE (USNM, Washington), Mrs. I. L. SUKHAREVA (Zoological institute, Leningrad), Prof. Z. VARGA (Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen) and Dr. P. VIETTE (Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris). Mr. Arne MOBERG (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm) provided important literature and Mr. J. VIIDALEPP (Institute of Zoology and Botany, Academy of Sciences, Tartu) recent data from Estonia. Prof. VARGA made valuable comments on the manuscript. We are grateful to all these persons. References BANG-HAAS, A., 1910. — Neue oder wenig bekannte palaearctische Macrolepidopte- ren. Dt ent. Z. Iris, 24: 27-51. BANG-Haas, O., 1922. — Die Typen der Gattung Agrotis der Collection STAUDINGER und Collection BANG-HAAS in Dresden-Blasewitz. Dr. ent. Z. Iris, 36 : 31-39. BoIsDUVAL, J. A., 1834. — Icones historiques des Lepidopteres nouveaux ou peu connus. Paris, 192 pp. 135 —._ 1840. — Genera et index methodicus europaeorum lepidopterorum. Parisiis, 238 pp. BoursIN, Ch., 1948. — Neue palearktische Agrotis-Arten aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien nebst Synonymie-Notizen. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der “Agro- tidae-Trifinae” XLIV. Z. wien. ent. Ges., 33 : 97-136. —., 1952. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Agrotinae-Trifinae. XLIX. Synonymie- Notizen nebst verschiedenen Bemerkungen. Ill. Z. Lepid., 2 : 49-68. ——, 1954. — Die “Agrotis”-Arten aus Dr. h. c. H. HONE’s China-Ausbeuten. I. Die Gattung Diarsia Hb. (= Oxira Wlk.). Bonner Zool. Beitr., 5 : 213-309. ——, 1957. — Notes diverses, synonymiques et critiques. VI (Lep. Phal.). Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 26 : 208-213. CALLE, J. A., 1982. — Noctuidos espanoles. Minist. Agric., Pesca y Aliment., Fuera de Serie no. 1. 430 pp. CHERNIN, A., 1974. — Zivotnyi mir Kirowskoi oblasti. Kirow. Corti, A., 1929. — Entomologische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Kamtschatka- Expedition 1920-22. 25. Lepidoptera IV. Ophalaenae : 3. Notodontidae und Noctuidae (exp. p.). Arkiv för Zool. 21B. No 1: 1-4. DERZHAVETS, Yu., IVANOV, A. I., MIRONOV, V. G., MISHCHENKO, D. A., PRASOLOV, V. N. & SINEV, C. Yu., 1986. — Spisok cheshuekrylykh (Macrolepidoptera) Leningradskoy oblasty. Trudy vses. ent. Obshch., 67 : 186-270. DJAKONOV, A. M., 1968. —Cheshuekrylye (Macrolepidoptera) Leningradskoy oblasty. Trudi Leningradskogo obshestva estestvoispitateley, 74 : 1-114. EVERSMANN, E., 1841. — Nachricht über einige noch unbeschriebene Schmetterlinge des östlichen Russlands. Bull. obsh. ispytat. prir., otdel. biol. (Mosc.), 14: 18-33. FORBES, W. T. M., 1954. — Lepidoptera of New York and neighbouring states. Memoir 329, 433 pp. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Station. FORSTER, W. & WOHLFAHRT, T. A., 1971. — Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Band IV. Euien. Franck’sche Verlagshandlung. Stuttgart, 329 pp. FRANCLEMONT, J. G. & Topp, E. L., 1983. — Noctuidae, pp. 120-159. In : HODGES, R. W. et al. The moths of America north of Mexico. E. W. Classey Limited and The Wedge Ent. Res. Found. Grote, A. R., 1878. — Descriptions of Noctuidae, chiefly from California. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 4: 169-187. HOLDHAUS, K., 1954. — Die Spuren der Eiszeit in der Tierwelt Europas. Abh. Zooi.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 18 : 1-493. KOZHANCHIKOV, I. V., 1937. — Sovki (podsem. Agrotinae). Fauna S.S.S.R. Nasekomye cheshuekrylye. XIII, 3. Nov. ser. 15. Izd. AN SSSR, 674 pp. Kovacs, L. & VARGA, Z., 1973. — Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. KASZAB in der Mongoiei. 316. Noctuidae : Noctuinae (Lepidoptera). Folia Ent. Hung., 26 : 287-343. KUZNETZOV, V. I, 1958. — (Neue und wenig bekannte Noctuiden-Arten (Lepi- doptera, Noctuidae) aus westlichen Kopet-Dagh, Turkmenien). Ent Obozr., 37 : 183-195. LINGONBLAD, B., 1960. — Rhyacia rectangula F. f. andereggi, maalle uusi yökkönen. Circular Finnish Lep. Soc. 8/1960. 156 MERSHEYEVSKAYA, O. I., 1971. — Sovki (Noctuidae) Belorussii. Minsk, 448 pp. NORDSTROM, F., KAABER, S., OPHEIM, M. & SOTAVALTA, O., 1969. — De fennoskan- diska och danska nattflynas utbredning. GWK Gleerup, Lund, 152 pp. + 403 maps. PELLMYR, O. & MIKKOLA, K., 1985. — Eupithecia pernotata enictata ssp. n. from southern Finland (Lepidoptera, Geometridae : Larentiinae). Notul. ent., 64 : 54-56. PETERSEN, W., 1924. — Lepidopteren-Fauna von Estland (Eesti). Tallinn-Reval, 316 pp. POSPELOV, S. M., SKVORTSOV, V. S. & KRAINOV, Yu. P., 1979. — Vidovoy sostav sovok (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Pskovskoy oblasti soobshcheniye |-e : pod- semeistva Noctuinae i Hadeninae. Zashchita resteniv ot vrediteley i boleznev, Tom. 374: 36-40. ROCKBURNE, E. W. & LAFONTAINE, J. D., 1976. — The cutworm moths of Ontario and Quebec. Res. Branch, Canada Dept. of Agric., publ. no. 1593, 164 pp. SEDYKH, K. F., 1979. — (Macrolepidoptera of Kamchatka and neighbouring regions). Ent. Obozr., 58 : 288-296. SMITH, J. B., 1895. — Descriptions of new species of Noctuidae. Ent. News, 6 : 442-340. SMITH, J. B., 1907. — Notes on some American noctuids in the British Museum. J. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 15 : 141-162. SULCS, A. & VIIDALEPP, J., 1969. — Verbreitung der Grossschmetterlinge (Macro- lepidoptera) im Baltikum. Dt Ent. Z., N. F. 16: 217-272. STAUDINGER, O., 1892. — Lepidopteren des Kentei-Gebirges. Dr. ent. Z. Iris, 5: 300-394. STAUDINGER, O. & REBEL, H., 1901. — Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearcti- schen Faunengebietes. I. Theil : Famil. Papilionidae-Hepialidae. R. Friedlan- der & Sohn. Berlin. 411 pp. Topp, E. L., 1982. — The noctuid type material of John B. Smith. Tech. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. 1645. 228 pp. WARNECKE, G., 1953. — Uber postglaziale Arealdisjunktionen europäischer Macro- lepidopteren. Dtsch. Emtomologentag (Hamburg) 1953, 33-47. 157 Nota lepid. 10 (3): 158-162 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Douglasiidae (Lepidoptera) : Tinagma klimeschi sp. n., aus Rhodos Reinhard GAEDIKE Institut für Pflanzenschutzforschung Kleinmachnow der Akademie der Landwirtschafts- wissenschaften der DDR zu Berlin, Bereich Eberswalde, Abteilung Taxonomie der Insekten, Schicklerstrasse 5, DDR-1300 Eberswalde-Finow Zusammenfassung Tinagma klimeschi wird als neue Art von der Insel Rhodos beschrieben. Durch Untersuchung des Holotypus von Tinagma grisescens STAINTON, 1867 wurde festgestellt, daß 7. tabghana AMSEL, 1935 ein Synonym zu dieser Art ist. Summary Tinagma klimeschi is described as a new species from Rhodos. The examination of the holotype of Tinagma grisescens STAINTON, 1867 has shown that 7. tabghana AMSEL, 1935 is a synonym of this species. Durch die Freundlichkeit von Dr. J. KLIMESCH/Linz erhielt ich eine größere Falterserie von der Insel Rhodos zur Determination zugeschickt. Die Falter wurden an Echium diffusum gefangen. Die Untersuchung ergab, daß es sich hierbei um eine neue Art aus der Gattung Tinagma handelt, die nachfolgend beschrieben wird. Tinagma klimeschi sp. n. Holotypus Ö, Insel Rhodos, Faliraki, 14.1V.1986, an Echium diffusum, leg. Dr. J. KLIMESCH, Gen. Präp. R. GAEDIKE Nr. 3119 : Paratypen vom gleichen Fundort: 1 4, 2 2 gleiches Datum; 1 6, 4 2 15.IV.1986 ; 1 d, 3 2 13.1V.1986 ; 1 2 16.1V.1986 ; 1 2 19.1V.1986 ; 1 2 24.IV.1985 ; 1 3 14.1V.1983. Der Holotypus und Paratypen in der Sammlung Dr. J. Kuı- MESCH/Linz, weitere Paratypen in der Sammlung der Abt. Taxonomie der Insekten des Institutes fiir Pflanzenschutzforschung Kleinmachnow, Bereich Eberswalde. Falter (Fig. 1-2) : Spannweite 7-9 mm ; Kopf, Thorax und Antennen grau, silbern glänzend, Palpen auf der Oberseite fast weiß. Beim d Vorderflügel ebenfalls grau beschuppt, stark glänzend. In der Mitte eine weiße Querbinde, 158 Fig. 1-4. Tinagma klimeschi : 1. 3; 2. ©. T. balteolellum : 3. 3; 4. ©. die fast vertikal auf dem Hinterrand steht, zur Flügelbasis scharf abgesetzt, zur Flügelspitze mit verwischter Grenze, unterhalb des Vorderrandes breiter. Apikale Fligelhalfte mit helleren Schuppen durchsetzt, vor allen Dingen um die Spitze herum auf den Fransen. Die © mit dunkler graugefärbtem Vorderflügel, die weiße Querbinde steht schrag auf dem Hinterrand, in der gesamten Ausdehnung gleichbreit, auch zum Apex scharf abgesetzt. Auf den Fransen um die Flügelspitze mit zahlreichen zweifarbigen Schuppen (Basis und Spitze dunkelgrau, getrennt durch einen fast weißen Streifen). d Genital (Fig. 5-8) : Im Bau des Kopulationsapparates nicht deutlich von T. balteolellum (FISCHER VON ROESLERSTAMM, 1841) zu unterscheiden. Der Aedoeagus ist kräftiger gebaut, der Valvenanhang deutlich zwiebelförmig, nicht so gleichmäßig schmaler werdend. ? Genital (Fig. 9-13) : Letztes Abdominalsternit mit einer deutlich abgesetz- ten stark sklerotisierten Kante. Die Sklerotisierung um das Ostium herum mit einer ringförmigen Basis und zwei in eine oder mehrere Spitzen ausgezoge- nen Zipfeln, der Gesamtumriß etwas birnenförmig, die größte Breite vor der Mitte, dahinter sich stärker verengend. Signum besteht aus 20-30 langen Dornen. Die bedornte Sklerotisierung zwischen den Apophysen ist relativ breit und parallelseitig. 159 Fig. 5-8. Tinagma klimeschi, 3 Genital. 5. Tegumen-Vinculum ; 6. Anellus, rechte Valve ; 7. Aedoeagus ; 8. Valve, präparationsbedingte andere Form. Biologie : Die Falter wurden an Echium diffusum gefangen. Untersuchtes Material: 5 6, 12 2. Die neue Art steht 7. balteolellum am nächsten. Sie unterscheidet sich aber von dieser durch das Vorhandensein der weißen Querbinde in beiden Geschlechtern (bei balteolellum besitzen die Männchen nur einen weißen Hinterrandfleck, Fig. 3-4). Die Gesamtfärbung der Flügel ist bei balteolellum, im Gegensatz zu klimeschi, mehr braungrau. Im Bau des Genitalapparates bestehen nur bei den Weibchen deutliche Unterschiede : bei balteolellum (Fig. 14-16) fehlt die Sklerotisierung des Hinterrandes des letzten Sternits und die Ostiumsklerotisierung ist in der Grundform mehr oval, die größe Breite liegt in der Mitte. Die bedornte Sklerotisierung zwischen den Apophy- sen ist schmaler und kleiner. Ich widme diese neue Art ihrem Entdecker, Herrn Dr. J. KLIMESCH. Bei der Revision der paläarktischen Douglasiidae wurde die von STAINTON 1867 als Tinagma grisescens beschriebene Art nicht mit in Betracht gezogen, weil sie von STAUDINGER & REBEL (1901) als Vertreter der Heliozelinae aufgefaßt wurde. Herr J. Kyrkı (+), Rovaniemi, machte mich freundlicher- weise darauf aufmerksam, daß es sich bei dieser Zuordnung um einen Fehler handelt. Die Untersuchung des d Holotypus, für dessen Ausleihe ich Herrn 160 : ae Ne Fig. 9-13. Tinagma klimeschi, ? Genital. 9. Ostiumkomplex und letztes Sternet; 10, 11. Signum mit verschiedener Dornenzahl ; 12, 13. Variabilität der Ostiumbildung. Fig. 14-16. T. balteolellum, © Genital. 14. Ostiumkomplex und letztes Sternit ; 15, 16. Varia- bilitat der Ostiumbildung. 161 Dr. SATILER/London herzlich danken mochte, ergab, daf} grisescens von STAINTON zu Recht in der Gattung Tinagma beschrieben wurde. Gleichzeitig stellte sich heraus, daß es sich hierbei um die gleiche Art handelt, die AMSEL 1935 als Tinagma tabghana beschrieben hat. Diese wird hiermit als Syno- nym eingezogen : Tinagma grisescens STAINTON, 1867 (The Tineina of Syria and Asia minor, London, J. van Voorst, p. 51) Typus : British Museum (N.H.) London Terra typica : “Palästina”, ¢ Holotypus, Gen. Präp. K. SATTLER Nr. 23732. Synonyin : Tinagma tabghana AMSEL, Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 20, p. 293, Taf. 12, Fig. 134; 1935, Syn. nov. GAEDIKE, 1974, p. 88-89, Fig. 16-18 (SG Genit., als tabghanum). Die Art wurde bisher nur von den typischen Fundorten bekannt. Literatur GAEDIKE, R., 1974. Revision der paläarktischen Douglasiidae (Lepidoptera). Acta faun. ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae, 15, Nr. 176, 79-102, 69 Fig. STAUDINGER, O. & REBEL, H., 1901. — Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaarktischen Faunengebietes. Berlin, 2, XXX und 779 S. 162 Nota lepid. 10 (3): 163-174 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Noctua warreni sp. n., a new sibling species of Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813 from Cyprus (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) M. LöpDL Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 2. Zoologische Abteilung, Burgring 7, A-1014 Wien, Austria Summary Noctua warreni sp. n., a sibling species of Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813 is described from Cyprus. All specimens from adjoining areas (mainland Greece, Asia minor and Syria) have so far proved to be N. comes. Externally, the new species cannot be distinguished from N. comes. The genitalia exhibit considerable differences, as is usual for the genus Noctua LINNAEUS, 1758. The name fumida WARREN, 1909 in SEITZ (1909-1914), used to describe a form of N. comes from Cyprus is considered to be infrasubspecific. Zusammenfassung Noctua warreni sp. n., eine Zwillingsart zu Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813, wird beschrieben. Die habituell von N. comes nicht zu unterscheidende Art stammt aus Cypern. Aus angrenzenden Gebieten (griechisches Festland, Kleinasien und Syrien) konnte bis jetzt nur N. comes nachgewiesen werden. Die Genitalarmaturen zeigen, wie in der Gattung Noctua LINNAEUS, 1758 üblich, erhebliche Unterschiede. Der von W. WARREN in SEITZ (1909-1914) für aberrative, cypriotische Stücke von N. comes vergebene Name “ab. fumida” ist infrasubspezifisch und war daher nicht zu berücksichtigen. Introduction Faunistic studies induced the author to examine some Cypriotic specimens from the series of Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813 in the collection of the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. The noctuids were found to belong to a new species, despite being externally very similar to the well known and common N. comes. The two taxa are markedly different in genital-morpho- logy. It can be considered as a typical sibling-species of N. comes. In 1909 W. WARREN, in SEITZ (1909-1914), described a new aberration : “ Rhyacia orbona HUEN. (= comes HBN.) ab. fumida nov.”. The first opinion of the author was, to preserve the name given by WARREN and revise its status. 163 However, according to Article 45 (f) and the glossary of the “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, ed. 3, 1985”, a name described as an aberration is unequivocally of infrasubspecific rank if used to denote a number of individuals within a species. Furthermore, as WARREN described other taxa in the same work as sp. nov., ssp. nov., form nov. and ab. nov., he clearly considered his ab. nov. as infrasubspecific. The name does not seem to have been given specific or subspecific rank prior to 1985. The original description reads as follows : “... lastly, a very distinct ab. fumida nov. from Cyprus has a dark fuscous forewing tinged with grey ; the lines and edges of stigmata grey ; the fringe wholly fuscous ; hindwing wholly smoky orange ; Underside with no red tinge; the forewing dull yellow-grey, the hindwing greyish yellow...”. WARREN in SEITZ, vol. 3 (1909-1914), p. 42 (engl. ed. issued 24.8.1909). It is interesting to note that in the german edition issued 14.9.1909, this taxon is described as “eine sehr abweichende Form ab. fumida form. nov.”. It is clear that WARREN did not appreciate the real taxonomic status of the Cypriotic populations. To assume the old name “fumida” for the new species could cause much confusion in the future. It was therefore decided to give the taxon a new name. Noctua warreni sp. n. (figs. 1-2) Holotype : Male : “Cypern, Platraes, Werner, 31.V.35”, “GU-Lôdi-No. 102 (23.2.1987)” = Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.857. In coll. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Paratypes : 13 paratypes in coll. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien : Zypern, Troodos Geb., ndl. Troodos, 1500 m, M.u. E. Arenberger (2 | 19.-28.7.81 ; 1 3, 1 2 20.7.-1.8.81). Zypern, Salzsee westl. Larnaca, M.u. E. Arenberger (1 © 15.8.83, Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.859). Zypern, Troodos Geb., ndl. Ayii Vavatsinias, Kionia, 1400 m, Mu. E. Arenberger (1 2 7.8.83, Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.860). Cypern, Platraes, Werner (1 6, 2 @ 28.5.35, Mus. Vind. gen. slides No. 13.854, 13.856, 13.858 ; 1 2 30.5.35 ; 1 d, 1 2 31.5.35, Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.853). Cypern, Nicosia, B. Haas (1 2 5.-6.13, Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.855). 22 paratypes in coll. British Museum (Natural History), London : Cyprus, Nicosia, J. A. Bucknill (10.6.09). Cyprus, Nieosia, G. A. Mavromoustakis (3 specimens June 1921 ; Nieosia probably should read “Nicosia” ). 164 Fig. 1. Noctua warreni sp. n., 6 Holotype (Cyprus, Platraes) Wingspan 40 mm. Fig. 2. Noctua warreni sp. n., 2 Paratype (Cyprus, Troodos Mts.) Wingspan 42 mm. 165 Mts. of Cyprus, D. M. A. Bate (1903). Cyprus, Stourovoum Mts., G. A. Mavromoustakis (5.22). Cyprus, Troodos, most specimens coll. G. F. Wilson (16.6.16, 21.6.16, 2 specimens 25.6.16, 26.6.16, 3.7.16, 8.7.16, 25.6.18, 7.7.18, 18.7.18). Cyprus, Limassol, G. A. Mavromoustakis (10.21, 11.21). Cyprus, Platres, Hayward (6.21, 2 specimens 30.7.21). Cyprus, Agric. Res. Inst., W. R. Ingram, m.v. trap (21.5.1971). 1 paratype in coll. E. ARENBERGER (Wien) : Zypern, Troodos Geb., ndl. Troodos, 1500m, M.u. E. Arenberger (19.-28.7.81). 1 paratype in coll. LöpL (Langenzersdorf) : Zypern, Troodos Geb., ndl. Troodos, 1500m, M.u. E. Arenberger (19.-28.7.81). Dedication : The new species is dedicated to the famous British lepidopterist, the late W. WARREN. Description : Wingspan 36-45 mm. Antenna shortly ciliate. The forewing varies from pale greyish brown to pale red brown, and from dark grey to mottled clay. The reniform and orbicular stigmata vary from being concolo- rous with the ground colour to nearly black. One female specimen has nearly black stigmata on pale clay-coloured wings (fig. 2, S-paratype). In dark specimens the terminal and post-median fascia is of lighter, pale grey tone. Especially in pale specimens the post-median lines are represented by a series of blackish dots. The hindwing-upperside is orange yellow with an irregular dark brown subterminal band and a dark distal spot. The costal and sub- terminal regions of the forewing underside and the costel margin of the hindwing underside are tinged reddish brown. Male genitalia: (figs. 3, 5, 7, 9): Proximal part of valva broad, elbowed along the dorsal margin. Distal end slightly curved and tapered. Ampulla distal to elbow, slim and curved, not club-shaped. Aedeagus short, coecal part cluttered with short scobiform patches. Medial part of aedeagus very finely granulated. Cornutus sclerotized, big and cone-shaped. No area of small sclerotized spines near cornutus. Female genitalia (figs. 11-12): Caudal part of ductus bursae long and sclerotized, membranous part short. Proximal end of ductus bursae not enlarged. Corpus bursae well separated from cervix, no definite signum recognizable. Angle between corpus and cervix more than 90°. Ductus bursae 1,9 times as long as cervix. Cervix with patterns of sclerotized wrinkles. 166 Fig. 3. Noctua warreni sp. n., & Paratype (Cyprus, Platraes) ; Valva, Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.853. Fig. 4. Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813, 3 (Corsica) ; Valva ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.864. 167 Fig. 5. Noctua warreni sp. n., 6 Holotype (Cyprus, Platraes) ; Aedeagus ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.857. Fig. 6. Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813, & (Albania): Aedeagus ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.862. 168 Fig. 7. Noctua warreni sp. n., € Holotype (Cyprus, Platraes) ; Aedeagus detail : Cornutus ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.857. Fig. 8. Noctua comes HÜBNER, 1813, d (Corsica); Aedeagus detail: Cornutus ; Pin- ker-GU 105/63 (in coll. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien). 169 Fig. 9. Noctua warrenisp. n., & Holotype (Cyprus, Platraes) ; Aedeagus detail : Coecum with scobiform patches ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.857. Fig. 10. Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813, & (Corsica) ; Aedeagus detail : Coecum with scobi- form patches ; Pinker-GU 105/63 (in coll. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien). 170 Discussion A comparison of N. warreni with its closely related species N. comes demonstrates many remarkable differences. The two species can easily be separated in the male. The author’s experience is that N. comes exhibits relatively little variation in the male genitalia. As BURMANN & TARMANN (1986) indicate in their publication on a new alpine subspecies of N. comes, the valva of all smaller subspecies seem to be shorter than in other subspecies. The male genitalia of these smaller forms are of more compact shape, which might simply be a consequence of the more compact nature of the specimens themselves. and are not specific differences. The author of the present publication studied N. comes-material from England, Central-Europe, France, Spain, Corsica, Sardinia, Italy, Albania, Greece, Turkey and Syria. The genital-morphology of the populations of Cyprus is quite different, and without doubt of specific value. The proximal part of the valva is much narrower in N. comes (fig. 4) than in N. warreni (fig. 3). The base of the valva is broad in N. warreni and strikingly elbowed on the dorsal margin. The ampulla is club-shaped in N. comes and large in relation to the long, narrow and straight distal end of the valva, whereas that of N. warreni is slightly curved and rather slim. The distal ends of the valva are slightly curved in N. warreni. Remarkable differences can also be found in the aedeagus. Especially striking is the different shape of the cornutus (figs. 7-8, vesica inverted). The strongly sclerotized and big cornutus is cone-shaped in N. warreni, without a neighbouring area of small spines. The cornutus of N. comes is always shaped like a long tooth, situated near an area of small sclerotized spines. The coecum in both species possesses a dense cluster of scobiform patches, which are long and narrow in N. comes (fig. 10), short and compact in N. warreni (fig. 11). The angle between corpus bursae and cervix is not so wide in N. comes as in N. warreni. N. warreni shows the corpus and cervix well separated, considered by the author as being two separate organs. The cervix of N. comes is larger than that of N. warreni (ratio of length of ductus bursae : cervix is 1,3-1,6 in N. comes, compared to ca. 1,9 in N. warreni). The wrinkles are more strongly sclerotized in N. comes and, particularly in the proximal part of the cervix, are remarkably well aligned. The extent of the variation in the external appearance of N. warreni seems to be equal to that of N. comes. Distribution : To the best of the authors knowledge, the new species only occurs in Cyprus. It appears therefore to be a further endemic species of this island. N. comes could not be found in Cyprus. 171 anteriores corpus bursae Fig. 11. Noctua warreni sp. n., ® Paratype (Cyprus, Platraes) ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13.856. 172 ML MERE SES wir oe ¢ Pa a ss DEA ar © Cl ee ie BI 7 = Fig. 12. Noctua comes HUBNER, 1813, 2 (France) ; Mus. Vind. gen. slide No. 13867. 173 Acknowledgements The author is indebted to Mr. M. Honey (BMNH, London) for generously providing assistance in every day. Further gratitude is expressed to Director E. Arenberger (Wien), who kindly presented a large number of specimens as a gift to the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. Special thanks are posthumously extended to Dipl. Ing. Rudolf Pinker (Wien), whose unexpected decease was a shock for his friends and colleagues. The author was fortunately able to discuss the N. warreni-problem with Dipl. Ing. Pinker some weeks before he died and received relative material from his collection for further studies. References BURMANN, K. & TARMANN, G. (1986): Zwei neue Unterarten von N. comes (HÜBNER [1809-1813]) aus dem Ostalpenraum (Insecta, Lepidoptera : Noctuidae). — Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 88/89, Ser. B: 727-732, 1 pl. WARREN, W. (1909-1914) : Noctuidae. In : SEITZ, A. : The Macrolepidoptera of the World. Vol. 3, Engl. ed. Stuttgart. WARREN, W. (1909-1914) : Noctuidae. In : SEITZ, A. : Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde. Band 3, Deutsche Ausgabe, Stuttgart. 174 Nota lepid. 10 (3): 175-182 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Revisionary notes on the genus Achyra GUENÉE with a new synonym and the description of Achyra takowensis Sp. n. (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae, Pyraustinae) (Studies on Pyralidae I) K. V. N. MAES Museum voor Dierkunde, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Abstract The nomenclature and the diagnostic characters of the genus Achyra GUENÉE are discussed. Besides the known synonyms Eurycreon LEDERER and Tritaea MEYRICK, Dosara WALKER is also considered as a new synonym for the genus. The following species are placed under Achyra : affinitalis (LEDERER) with its synonym ustalis (WALKER) ; bifidalis (FABRICIUS) with its synonyms evanidalis (BERG), inornatalis (WALKER), obsoletalis (BERG) and stolidalis (SCHAUS) ; brasiliensis (CAPPS) ; coela- talis (WALKER) comb. n.; eneanalis (SCHAUS) ; /laguenalis MUNROE ; massalis (WALKER) comb. n. ; nudalis (HUBNER) with its synonym interpunctalis (HÜBNER) ; occidentalis (PACKARD) ; piuralis (CAPPS) ; protealis (WARREN) ; rantalis (GUENEE) with its synonyms caffrei (FLINT & MALLOCK), collucidalis (MOSCHLER), communis (GROTE), crinisalis (WALKER), crinitalis (LEDERER), diotimetalis (WALKER), intrac- tella (WALKER), licealis (WALKER), murcialis (WALKER), nestusalis (WALKER), posticata (GROTE & ROBINSON), similalis auct., nec GUENEE siriusalis (WALKER) and subfulvalis (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER) ; similalis (GUENEE) with its synonyms ferruginea (WARREN) and garalis (SCHAUS). A new species from Taiwan A. takowensis sp. n. is described. Foreword This paper is the first in a series on the systematics of the Pyralidae, especially the Pyraustinae, of the world. Previously, a study was made on the usefulness of different morphological structures including tympanal organs. The des- cription, preparation technique and a list of references of the latter are given in Mags, 1985. Introduction The genus Achyra was established by GUENEE in Lucas, 1849, for the two nominal species Pyralis interpunctalis HUBNER, 1796 and Pyralis nudalis 175 Hügner. 1796. HÜBNER, 1796, 6, p. 11, nr. 11 described interpunctalis as a nominal species, but suggested at the same time that it was probably a subspecies of nudalis HÜBNER, 1796 6, p. 11, nr. 10. GUENÉE, 1849, in establishing the genus Achyra, suggested that interpuncialis HÜBNER and nudalis HÜBNER were one species. MARION, 1957, designated Pyralis inter- punctalis HÜBNER as type-species of Achyra GUENEE. He cited in error interpunctalis as «désignation originelle». He considered interpunctalis syno- nymous with nudalis. MUNROE, 1976: p. 45 in his revision of the North American species of the genus Achyra also cited erroneously interpunctalis as “original designation”. Following MARION, 1957, he considered interpunc- talis synonymous with nudalis. FLETCHER and Nye, 1984 correctly conside- red Pyralis interpunctalis HÜBNER as type-species of the genus Achyra, designated by subsequent designation by Marion, 1957. After studying several species of the genus Achyra, the names interpunctalis and nudalis were found to apply to the same species. From the original descriptions of interpunctalis and nudalis in Lucas, 1849, interpunctalis is a junior subjective synonym of nudalis. Diagnostic characters Externally, species belonging to the genus Achyra are difficult to distinguish from species belonging to other related genera. The genus can be recognized from other Pyraustinae genera by a series of characters in the genitalia. Morphological structures in the tympanal organs proved to be important at the genus and species level. The maie genitalia have the uncus triangular, dorsally with simple setae. The valvae are rounded, and a well developed transtiila is present with strongly developed ventral processes. As most Pyraustinae, the valvae have a sella and an editum. The sella is a simple lobe, distally with minute spines. The editum is placed dorso-laterally of the sella. The scales on the editum are long, flattened in the middle and ending in a point. The sacculus can be simple or modified, having strongly sclerotized spines. The juxta consists of two plates ventrally fused and as such forming a U or a V. The aedeagus is straight ; the cornutus can consist of a plate or different spines. The female genitalia have a rhomboid signum and a second smaller signum at the base of the appendix bursae. The tympanal organs are strongly invaginated. The fornix tympani is narrow, the saccus tympani shallow. The venula secunda clearly reaches beyond the bulla tympani. 176 Discussion After completing a study of this genus on material from the different zoogeographical regions, the following synonymy could be established : Achyra GUENEE, 1849, in Lucas, Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie, 3 : 404. Type-species : Pyralis interpuncialis HÜBNER, 1796, Samml. eur. Schmett. 6: p. 11, nr. 11, pl. 19, fig. 128, by subsequent designation by Marion, 1957, Entomologiste 13 : 83. Note : Pyralis interpunctalis HUBNER, 1796 is a junior subjective synonym of P. nudalis HÜBNER, 1796. Dosara WALKER, 1859, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colin. Br. Mus. 19 : 811 (key), 828. syn. nov. Type-species : Dosara coelatalis WALKER, 1859, ibidem, 19 : 829, by original designation. Eurycreon LEDERER, 1863, Wien. ent. Monatschr. 7 : 366, 376. Type-species : Pyralis nudalis HUBNER, 1796, Samml. eur. Schmett. 6: p. 11, nr. 10, pl. 14, fig. 90, by subsequent designation by SHIBUYA, 1928, J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido imp. Univ. 22 : 267. Note : Eurycreon was established as a subgenus of Botys LATREILLE, [1802]. Tritaea MEYRICK, 1884, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1884 : 292 (key), 341. Type-species : Scopula ustalis WALKER, [1886] 1865, List Speci- mens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus. 34 : 1477, by monotypy. Note: S. ustalis is a junior subjective synonym of Botys affinitalis LEDERER, 1863. The following species and their synonyms could be placed under the genus Achyra : affinitalis (LEDERER, 1863) rantalis (GUENEE, 1854) ustalis (WALKER, [1866]) caffreii (FLINT and MALLOCK, 1920) bifidalis (FABRICIUS, 1794) collucidalis (MOSCHLER, 1890) evanidalis (BERG, 1875) communis (GROTE, 1876) obsoletalis (BERG, 1875) crinisalis (WALKER, 1859) inornatalis (WALKER, [1866]) crinitalis (LEDERER, 1863) stolidalis (SCHAUS, 1940) diotimetalis (WALKER, 1859) brasiliensis (CApps, 1967) intractella (WALKER, 1863) coelatalis (WALKER, 1859) comb. n. licealis (WALKER, 1859) eneanalis (SCHAUS, 1923) murcialis (WALKER, 1859) llaguenalis MUNROE, 1978 nestusalis (WALKER, 1859) massalis (WALKER, 1859) comb. n. posticata (GROTE and ROBINSON, 1887) nudalis (HUBNER, 1796) similalis auct., nec GUENEE, 1854 interpunctalis (HUBNER, 1796) siriusalis (WALKER, 1859) occidentalis (PACKARD, 1873) subfulvalis (HERRICH-SCHAFFER, 1871) piuralis (Capps, 1967) similalis (GUENEE, 1854) protealis (WARREN, 1892) Jerruginea (WARREN, 1892) garalis (SCHAUS, 1906) 177 In addition to these species a new species was found from Taiwan : Achyra takowensis sp. n. Holotype: ¢ Takow Formosa 13.08.1904 A. E. WILEMAN, 296, WILEMAN Coll. BM 1926-261 ; Pyralidae BM slide no 17406 3 Paratype: © Takow Formosa 13.08.1904 A. E. WILEMAN, WILEMAN Coll. BM 1926-261 ; Pyralidae BM slide no 17407 2. Both types are placed in BMNH. Description External characters, 6+ © (figs. 1, 2): frons conical, smoothly scaled ; vertex with erect scaling ; eyes and ocelli normally developed ; maxillary palpi prominent, with long scales ; labial palpi porrect, third segment scaled to a point, dorsally light-brown, ventrally white ; antennae filiform ; thorax, tegulae, abdomen dorsally brown-yellow ; forewing length 7.3 mm (para- type) to 7.5 mm (holotype), apex slightly rounded, termen almost straight ; antemedial zone not distinguishable ; medial zone brown to dark-brown ; postmedial line almost straight, originating slightly before the apex ; clavi- form stigma present, dark-brown ; postmedial zone light-brown ; termen dark-brown lined ; fringe grey-brown ; hindwings brown-yellow somewhat darker brown near the fringe ; fringe as in forewing ; forewings beneath brown, costa and postmedial zone brown-yellow ; termen narrowly lined ; hindwings without pattern. Tympanal organs (fig. 3A): praecinctorium weakly bilobed ; tympanal organs invaginated ; fornix tympani narrow; bullae tympani parallel with body axis ; processus tympani very small ; spinula absent ; saccus tympani shallow ; venuiae secundae long ; rami tympani slightly curved ; zona glabra tympani with two sclerified rods parallel to the rami tympani, both connected by a transverse bridge. Genitalia : male (fig. 3B,C) : uncus pointed, dorsally with simple setae ; tuba analis with subscaphium ; tegumen broad ; vinculum with simple saccus ; transtilla well developed, ventrally expanded ; valves identical ; sella strongly developed bearing short spines, editum with simple setae, dorso-distaily from sella; juxta consisting of two scierites; aedeagus straight, vesica with plate-like cornutus ending in a point. Female (fig. 3D): papillae anales with short and long setae ; apophyses normally developed, apophyses posteriores and anteriores of the same length ; sinus vaginalis with minute spines; ostium bursae ending in a cup-like strongly sclerotized antrum; ductus seminalis broader at the an- 178 Fig. 1. Achyra takowensis sp. n. holotype d Takow Formosa 13.VIII.1904. A. E. WILEMAN, 296. WILEMAN Coll. BM 1929-261. Pyralidae BM slide no 17406. Fig. 2. Achyra takowensis sp. n. paratype © Takow Formosa 13.VIII.1904. A. E. WILEMAN. WILEMAN Coil. BM 1929-261. Pyralidae BM slide no 17407. 1:79 Fig. 3. Achyra takowensis sp. n. A: tympanal organs paratype ; B: male genitalia without aedeagus holotype ; € : aedeagus holotype ; D : female genitalia paratype. 180 trum ; ductus bursae loosely coiled ; corpus bursae with two signa: main signum rhomboid, all four sides of equal length, second signum smaller at the base of the accessory sac. The early stages are unknown. Externally, A. takowensis sp. n. closely resembles A. coelatalis (WALKER) and A. massalis (WALKER). It can easily be distinguished from both species by the structure of the cornutus : A. coelatalis having a cornutus with up to a dozen short spines, A. massalis with a cornutus consisting of three long, heavy sclerotized spines, and A. takowensis with a single plate-like cornutus. The ventral zone of the editum of A. coelatalis is characteristically sclerotized. This sclerotized zone is lacking in A. takowensis. The editum of A. massalis is rather poorly developed. Phylogenetic relationships The form and position of the sella and the editum is considered as an autapomorphy for the genus Achyra. The ventral extension of the transtilla relates this genus with some species of the genus Loxostege HUBNER, [1825] 1816. Munroe, 1976 relates the former with the genus Hahncappsia Munroe 1976 on the basis of morphological characters in the genitalia. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Mr. M. SHAFFER for guiding him through the collection of the BMNH during his visit and for discussing the paper. References FLETCHER, D. S. & Nye, I. W. B., 1984. — The Generic Names of the Moths of the World, volume 5. GUENEE, 1849, in Lucas, Exploration Scientifique de l’Algerie pendant ... 1840, 1841, 1842 ... Lepidopteres. Zoologie, 2 (3) : 345-413. HÜBNER, J., 1796. — Samml. eur. Schmett. 6. LEDERER, J., 1863. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pyralidinen, Wien. ent. Monatschr. 7 : 243-280, 331-502, pl. 2-18. Maes, K. V. N., 1985. — A Comparative Study of the Abdominal Tympanal Organs in Pyralidae (Lepidoptera). I. Description, terminology, preparation techni- que. Nota lepid. 8 (4) : 341-350. Marion, H., 1957. — Classification et nomenclature des Pyraustidae d’Europe. Entomologiste 13 : 75-87. MUNROE, E., in DOMINICK, R. B. et al, 1976. — The Moths of America North of Mexico, Fasc. 13.2A, Pyraloidea (in part). 181 WALKER, F., 1859. — List Specimens lepid. Insects Colin. Br. Mus. 19. WALKER, F., [1886] 1865. — List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus. 34. SHIBUYA, J., 1928. — The Systematic Study of the Formosan Pyralidae. J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido imp. Univ. 22 : 1-300, pl. 1-9. Meyrick, E., 1884. — On the Classification of Australian Pyralidina. Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. 1884 : 61-80, 277-350. 182 Nota lepid. 10 (3): 183-192 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 The defensive biology of the larvae of Amata (= Syntomis) phegea L. and Amata (= Syntomis) kuhlweinii LEF. (Lepidoptera, Ctenuchidae) Uwe RAMMERT Universitat Bielefeld, Fakultat fiir Biologie, Postfach 8640, D-4800 Bielefeld 1, Bundesrepu- blik Deutschland Zusammenfassung Die Wehrhaftigkeit der Imagines und Larven der Ctenuchiden wurde aus Litera- turdaten zusammengefaßt und das Wehrsystem der Larven zweier Amata-Arten beschrieben. Die Larven besitzen ein für Vögel als Freßfeinde höchst unschmackhaf- tes Wehrsekret. Bei einem Angriff setzen die Larven dieses Sekret in Tropfen durch eine spezielle Struktur, eine Sollbruchstelle am caudalen Ende der großen dorsalen Haarwarzen, frei. Summary The defensive properties of Ctenuchid moths and their larvae are reviewed and the defensive system of two species of Amata larvae are described. The larvae contain a defensive secretion which is highly unpalatable to avian predators. When attacked these larvae are able to release droplets of this secretion from a specialized structure, a smail rupture situated in the caudal part of the large dorsal warts. Introduction Moths of the family Ctenuchidae KirBY, 1837 are known to possess effective defensive properties. MÜLLER (1874) described the release of offensively smelling substances from the coremata of South American Ctenuchid moths, and this is also recorded for Delphrye rubricincta HAMPSON by BLEST (1964). The unpalatability of these moths has been shown in feeding experiments with Scepsis fulvicollis (HÜBNER), Syntomeida epilais WALKER, S. ipomoeae (HARRIS) and Lycomorpha pholus (DRUCE) (JonEs 1932, 1934). Hitherto several compounds causing this unpalatability have been identified : pyrazi- nes in Amata species from Australia (ROTHSCHILD et al. 1984), cardiac glucosides in the body tissues of Syntomeida epilais WALKER (ROTHSCHILD et al. 1972), a histamine-like compound in Amata phegea (L.) and pyrrolizi- dine alkaloids in Ctenuchid moths from Southern America (BopprE 1984). There is little information about the way these substances are sequestered, 183 stored or utilized, but species, such as Histaea cepheus CRAMER from Trinidad can exhibit reflex-bleeding from the thorax, when attacked (BEEBE & KENNEDY 1964). In several cases it can be shown, that the larval foodplants are the source of these substances. Syntomeida epilais larvae feed on Nerium oleander (Apocy- naceae) and Echites sp. and store their cardiac glucosides Oleandrin and Nerigosid (ROTHSCHILD et al. 1972). Similar data are available for other Ctenuchid moths. Many of them seem to have a preference for foodplants containing cardiac glucosides or pyrrolizidine alkaloids (BEEBE & KENNEDY 1957, ROTHSCHILD et al. 1972, PLatr 1921, PINHEY 1979). Some Ctenuchids, however, such as Balacra rattray from India or the European Amata species, feed on plants that do not contain any substances known to be pharmacologically active, nevertheless they are well protected. The larvae of Balacra are reported to cause severe urtications when rubbed against the skin (JACKSON, 1931), and Amata phegea and the allied European species are thought to form the models for a MULLERIAN mimicry ring in the Mediterranean area, together with the Zygaenid moth Zygaena ephialtes (L.) (BULLINI et al. 1969, SBoRDONI & BULLINI 1971, SBORDONI et al. 1979, TURNER 1971). Until now only very few species have been investigated in order to identify the mechanisms which produce these defensive properties. For example, specialized morphological structures must be related to the reflex-bleeding of Histaea cepheus. In Homoeocera stictosoma males, BLEST (1964) descri- bed a “ventral valve”, from which the secretions are released, but he does not give any further details. The larvae especially have never been investigated properly, although they have effective defensive properties as well (JACKSON 1931). As an example of such larval defensive mechanisms, the exudation of defensive fluid by Amata larvae and the corresponding morphological struc- tures are described in this paper. Materials and methods The following species were examined: Amata phegea from Italy (Friaul, Monte Simeone) and Amata kuhlweinii from South Africa (Cape Province, East London). The larvae were fed exclusively on Plantago longifolia. The fourth and fifth larval instars of each species were examined by using the following techniques : histological cross-sections and longitudinal sections, SEM of the surface structures and whole mounts of the larval cuticle after maceration in 10% aqueous KOH. 184 Results Larvae of the two Amata species examined release droplets of a secretion if they are irritated (fig. 1). These droplets only occur in the region of the large dorsal warts (“I” according to HAMPSON 1898, fig. 4) and consist of a viscous fluid that can be reabsorbed into the body after a few seconds. Feeding experiments with hand-raised starlings ( Sturnus vulgaris L.) proved that the larvae are highly unpalatable to these birds. Twelve individually caged starlings were used as predators in this experiment. They were fed with different kinds of prey objects like mealworms, flies, larvae of tipulids and butterflies. Usually they pecked at the offered larvae immediately and ate them without hesitation. After a period of three days each bird received the usual feeding bowl with a mixture of prey objects and one Amata larva. All prey objects were eaten as usual, and even the Amata larva was pecked at the first approach, but none of them was really harmed as the birds dropped them immediately after pecking and showed obvious signs of distress like shivering, intensive beak wiping, and nervousness. During the next five days the birds always had a Amata larva among their food mixture, but after the first experience the starlings never attacked any of them again. A second experiment, with another group of starlings, was conducted under identical conditions, but using Amata larvae whose hairs were carefully Fig. 1. Larva of Syntomis kuhlweinii with droplet of defensive secretion after pinching with tweezers. 185 removed. The starlings reacted in the same way as quoted above, and after their first experience they always rejected these larvae. The structures that are significant for this function are localized in a small zone situated at the caudal end of the dorsal warts I (fig. 3, 5). As shown by SEM investigation, this region consists of very smooth cuticle which lacks setae or microtrichia (fig. 4). When the larva is attacked, it raises its internal pressure by contracting the body musculature. With increase of pressure the thin zone breaks open and releases the droplet. When the pressure falls after relaxation of the muscles, a part of the droplet is reabsorbed and a little remains on the surface and closes the fissure by coagulation. More details are shown in the histological sections (fig. 2, 6). The cuticle in the region of the rupture is extremely thin and has an undulated surface which lacks microtrichia. cav exo end hyp 0 0,5 10 mm Fig. 2. Cross-section of Syntomis kuhlweinii larva. The marked region shows the cavity with defensive secretion. Mag. x 40. cav = cavity, exo = exo- and mesocuticle, end = endocuticle, hyp = hypodermis, car = heart, int = gut, ner = nervous chord. 186 Fig. 3. Syntomis kuhlweinii, SEM of the dorsal region of the 4th abdominal segment showing the dorsal warts. The marked area is shown in detail in fig. 4. Fig. 4. Syntomis kuhlweinii, detail from fig. 3, showing the region of the rupture. Smooth cuticle without microtrichia or setae. The cross-sections of the Amata larvae show one single large cavity within the cuticle of each segment ; this cavity is filled with a coagulating substance that definitely differs from the haemolymph. It is not divided to form several separate cavities as in Zygaena larvae (FRANZL 1980, FRANZL & NAUMANN 1984) ; instead, there is one large undivided cavity extending from the region of the proleg on one side of the larval body to the other (fig. 2). The main part of the secretion is stored beneath the hairy warts (characteristic for all Ctenuchid larvae) (FRIESE 1959, Hampson 1898, JACKSON 1931, SEVASTO- POULO 1941, 1942)) and the dorsal part of the cuticle. The longitudinal extension of the cavities is shown in figure 6. For a larva in the last instar the cavities have the following size (all data approximate) : Longitudinal extension in fourth abdominal segment : 3800 um Average height of cavity in the dorsal region : 12 um Length of rupture in the cuticle of the wart : 250 um Average height of rupture : 15 um Preliminary studies of the chemical composition of the defensive secretion revealed the occurrence of at least three different proteins and three free amino acids in an aqueous medium. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids or cyanide 187 -containing compounds, which were shown to be the repellent agencies in many other defensive secretions, could not be found so far, but the chemical analysis of the secretion will be continued. Discussion The presence of hairy warts on all body segments of Ctenuchid larvae was described a long time ago. A closer investigation of the defence mechanism dorsal midline rupture J (3 |. - KP 1 proleg 0 1 mm Les an Fig. 5. Diagram of Syntomis kuhlweinii last instar larva cuticle, 4th abdominal segment. Only the warts are outlined, leaving out the bases of the setae. KOH-macerate, stained with Chlorazol-black. Mag. x 20. 188 ‘SPIOJ [PIUAUISASIAAUI = ¢/p JI ‘p/E Ji ‘SIuopodAu = dAy ‘Apoq Je] = Qj ‘a[01n90X9 = X9 ‘JONNIOPUS = Ud ‘AJIABI = ABI ‘OOP x ‘SEL ‘uezy BUIUIRIS ‘298JINS au} JO UONIPUOD payeayd ou} Aq pur RIYSLIOJOIW JO EIS INOUJIM 9[91N90X9 UIU} AIBA OY} AQ P9ZH9J98IPU9 SI I] “MOLIE UB AQ P9YJEU SI UOISSY au} JO U01391 AU L ‘AJIAR9 JY} JO UOISUD}X9 [PUIPNJISUO] 9Y} BUIMOYS ‘UO1J99S [PUIPNZUO] ‘JUAUISOS [euruopge Up ‘Je}SUI sR] ‘Vasayd stuoguds ‘9 “BLA Sf TE S/7 #1 TIE 4! dns xo 189 in the larvae of two species of Amata has revealed a structure in the dorsal warts which enables the larvae to release a droplet of a secretion when attacked. The occurrence of hairy warts on the larval segments is not unusual. Comparable structures can be found, among others, on larvae of Arctiidae, Lymantriidae, Megalopygidae, Noctuidae and Notodontidae (FRACKER, 1915). All of the groups cited above, however, possess urticating hairs or spines (GILMER 1925). A special structure within the cuticle has so far only been described for Zygaenid larvae (FRANZL 1980, FRANZL & NAUMANN 1984). | | In the present case it was also shown that the secretion is a very important factor in defence and that the defence mechanism still functions even when the setae are removed. This is demonstrated by the fact that larvae without setae are obviously as unpalatable to the starlings as are those larvae with hairs. This may be an important discovery, because larvae that are due to moult within the next 24 hours lose almost all their hairs before they move to a hiding place for moulting. The question arises whether it is an advantage for the larvae to exude the secretion when attacked instead of just storing it within the body. It is possible that the secretion contains additional substances which are offensive when smelled. These could warn those predators that are guided by olfaction and even prevent them from biting into the larva. Also, insectivorous birds usually keep their prey in the beak for a while before swallowing it or feeding it to their young. This is especially true, if they have found a novel prey object and are still testing its taste (COPPINGER 1969, 1970, SCHULER 1980, 1982). If the larva is not harmed by cautious pecking and it could not exude its secretion, the bird would not experience the foul-tasting substance unless it killed the larva. The reactions of the starlings, however, show that the larvae are highly unpalatable, and as no larva was really injured, the rejection must have been caused by the exuded secretion of the larva. Literature BEEBE, W. & R. KENNEDY (1957) : Habitats, palatability and mimicry in thirteen Ctenuchid moths from Trinidad, B.W.I. Zoologica (N.Y.), 42: 147-158; New York. BLEST, A. D. (1964) : Protective display and sound production in some New World Arctiid and Ctenuchid moths. Zoologica (N.Y.), 49 : 161-181 ; New York. Boppre, M. (1984) : Insects pharmacophagously utilizing defensive plant chemicals (Pyrrolizidine alkaloids). Naturwissenschaften, 73 : 17-26 ; Berlin. BULLINI, L., V. SBORDONI & P. RAGAZZINI (1969): Mimetismo Mülleriano in 190 populazione italiane di Zygaena ephialtes (L.) (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Arch. zool. Ital., 44 : 181-214 ; Neapel. COoPPINGER, R. P. (1969) : The effect of experience and novelty on avian feeding behaviour with reference to the evolution of warning coloration in butterflies. I. Reactions of wild-caught blue jays to novel insects. Behaviour, 35 : 45-60 ; Leiden. CoPPINGER, R. P. (1970) : The effect of experience and novelty on avian feeding behaviour with reference to the evolution of warning coloration in butterflies. II. Reactions of naive birds to novel insects. Am. Nat., 104 : 323-335 ; Salem, Mass. FRACKER, S. B. (1915) : The classification of lepidopterous larvae. Ill. Biol. Monogr. II (1), 169 pp., University of Illinois. FRANZL, S. (1980) : Morphologie und Entwicklung der kutikularen Wehrsekretbe- halter bei Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Staatsexa- mensarbeit, Universitat Bielefeld. FRANZL, S. & C. M. NAUMANN (1984) : Morphologie und Histologie der Wehr- sekretbehalter erwachsener Raupen von Zygaena trifolii (Lepidoptera, Zygae- nidae). Ent. Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresd., 48 : 1-12 ; Dresden. FRIESE, G. (1959): Zur Biologie und Kenntnis der ersten Stande von Dysauxes famula (Frr.) (Lep. Syntomidae). Dr. Ent. Z. (NF), 6: 166-169 ; Berlin. GILMER, P. M. (1925): A comparative study of the poison apparatus of certain lepidopterous larvae. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, 18 : 203-239, Washington. Hampson, G. F. (1898): Catalogue of the lepidoptera phalaenae in the British Museum, Vol. I : Syntomidae. London. JACKSON, T. H. E. (1931): Life histories of some East African lepidoptera. J. E. Africa Uganda Nat. Hist. Soc., 42/43 : 173-176 ; London. Jones, F. M. (1932) : Insect coloration and the relative acceptability of insects to birds. Trans. Ent. Soc., 80 : 345-385 ; London. JONES, F. M. (1934) : Further experiments on coloration and relative acceptability of insects to birds. Trans. Ent. Soc., 82 : 443-453 ; London. KENDALL, R. O. (1980) : Larval foodplants and life history notes for eight moths from Texas and Mexico. J. Lep. Soc., 30 (4) : 264-271 ; Cambridge, Mass. MULLER, F. (1874) : The habits of various insects. (Letter to Ch. Darwin). Nature, 10 : 102-103 ; London. PINHEY, E. C. G. (1979) : Moths of Southern Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. PLATT, E. E. (1921) : List of foodplants of some South African lepidopterous larvae. S. Afr. J. Nat. Hist., 3 : 65-138 ; Pretoria. RAMMERT, U. (1985) : Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit des Wehrsekretes und des aposematischen Zeichnungsmusters von Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) auf unerfahrene Stare (Sturnus vulgaris L.). Diplomarbeit, Universitat Bielefeld. ROTHSCHILD, M., J. VAN Euw & T. REICHSTEIN (1972) : Cardiac glucosides (heart poisons) in the polka dot moth, Syntomeida epilais Walk. (Ctenuchidae : Lep.) with some observations on the toxic qualities of Amata (= Syntomis) phegea. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 183 : 227-247 ; London. ROTHSCHILD, M., B. P. MooRE & W. G. BROWN (1984): Pyrazines as warning odour components in the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, and in the 19] moths of the genera Zygaena and Amata (Lepidoptera). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 23 : 375-380 ; London. SBORDONI, V. & L. BULLINI (1971) : Further observations on mimicry in Zygaena ephialtes (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Fragm. Ent., 8 : 49-56 ; Rome. SBORDONI, V., L. BULLINI, G. SCARPELLI, S. FORESTIERO & M. RAMPINI (1979) : Mimicry in the burnet moth Zygaena ephialtes: population studies and evidence of a Batesian-Müllerian situation. Ecol. Entomol., 4 : 83-93 ; Oxford. SCHULER, W. (1980): Zum Meidenlernen ungenießbarer Beute bei Vögeln : Der Einflu8 der Faktoren Umlernen, neue Alternativbeute und Ahnlichkeit der Alternativbeute. Z. Tierpsychol., 54 : 105-143 ; Berlin. SCHULER, W. (1982) : Zur Funktion von Warnfarben : Die Reaktion junger Stare auf wespenahnlich gelb-schwarze Attrappen. Z. Tierpsychol., 58 : 66-78 ; Berlin. SEVASTOPOULO, D. G. (1941) : The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera VI. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 42 : 283-294 ; Bombay. SEVASTOPOULO, D. G. (1942) : The early stages of Indian Lepidoptera X. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 43 : 409-415 ; Bombay. TURNER, J. R. G. (1971) : Studies of Müllerian mimicry and its evolution in burnet moths and heliconiid butterflies. In : CREED, R. (ed.) : Ecological genetics and evolution : 224-260 ; Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford & Edinburgh. 192 Nota lepid. 10 (3) : 193-196 ; 31.X.1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses O. KUDRNA : Grundlagen zu einem Artenschutzprogramm für die Tag- schmetterlingsfauna von Bayern und Analyse der Schutzproblematik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt, Suppl. 6 : 1-90, 1986. DM 20. ISSN.-0723-9920. Die Tatsache, dass auch die wirbellosen Tiere durch die sich verschlechternden Umweltbedingungen äusserst stark betroffen sind, hat bisher im europaischen Raume nicht zu grösseren und koordinierten Schutzbemühungen geführt. Die Einsicht, dass an diesem Zustand nicht nur die auf diesem Gebiete zuwenig aktiven Behorden Schuld tragen, sondern ganz wesentlich auch wir Naturfreunde und unsere Gesell- schaften, beginnt sich erst langsam durchzusetzen. Insbesondere die Entomologen, die grösste Gruppe der Wirbellosenfreunde, haben im Vergleich etwa zu den Ornithologen einen grossen Rückstand aufzuholen. Was fehlt, sind gesicherte Daten über den Rückgang der Wirbellosen und die Gründe für diese Entwicklung. Das Problem einen wirksamen Schutz unserer mitteleuropäischen Kleinlebewelt durch- zuführen scheint allerdings angesichts der riesigen Artenzahl kaum überwindlich. Es kann also nicht darum gehen, jede einzelne Wirbellosen — oder auch “nur” Insektenart — zu schützen, sondern es muss versucht werden, durch gezielte Auswahl arten- und spezialitätenreicher Standorte eine möglichst grosse Vielfalt in ein Zeitalter mit sanfteren Technologien und umweltgerechterer Resourcenbewirt- schaftung zu retten. Was wir also benötigen, ist eine Gruppe von Wirbellosen, die nicht zu artenreich und systematisch gut bekannt sowie relativ leicht zu beobachten und Ökologisch vielfältig ist. KUDRNA schlägt in seiner Arbeit die Tagschmetterlinge als sehr günstige Indikatorgruppe für terrestrische Lebensräume vor und kann für seine Wahl ausgezeichnete Gründe anführen. Er schätzt, dass bei erfolgreichem Schutz von ca 200 Tagfalterarten bis zu 30’000 weiteren Insektenarten allein durch den nötigen Biotopschutz geholfen werden könnte. Der Autor präsentiert ein umfangreiches und wohlbegründetes Aktionsprogramm für den Freistaat Bayern, ein Gebiet mit vielfältigen Lebensräumen. Grundlage für das von KUDRNA vorgeschlagene Schutzprogramm bildet die sorgfäl- tige Erforschung und Erfassung der Tagschmetterlinge Bayerns. Diese aufwendige Arbeit ist dringend nötig, um die Schutzbemühungen in sinnvolle Bahnen lenken zu können. Bei dieser Grundlagenarbeit ist die Tätigkeit der Liebhaberentomologen von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung. Es wird nur mit Hilfe dieser “Fronarbeit” möglich sein, genügend Feindaten zu sammeln um, wie etwa die Ornithologen, die Behörden und interessierten Verbände mit gesicherten Befunden versorgen zu können. Sobald der Vorschlag KUDRNA’s in die Praxis umgesetzt werden kann, wird der längerfristige Erfolg wiederum von der Mitarbeit der gleichen Personengruppe bei der Überwachung und Erfolgskontrolle der Schutzbemühungen abhängen. Dieser Rezensent erachtet das von KUDRNA vorgeschlagene Programm als potentiell sehr gut geeignet um in einem klar umschriebenen Gebiet die weitere Verarmung der 193 genetischen Vielfalt zu bremsen. Es ist äusserst wünschenswert, dass dieses Aktions- programm nicht bloss eine akademische Abhandlung bleibt, sondern die Chance erhält in der Praxis erprobt werden zu kônnen. Der Freistaat Bayern kônnte in Mitteleuropa zu einem Modelfall werden und die dort gesammelten Erfahrungen Grundlagen bilden für weitere ähnliche Projekte. Von besonderem Interesse scheint mir auch der von KUDRNA vorgeschlagene Chorologie-Index. Kritik möchte dieser Rezensent nur in einem, für das Gesamtvorhaben unwesentli- chen Punkte üben. Es scheint mir unnotig und für den Laien verwirrend, wenn in diesem Werk eine ganze Anzahl äusserst diskutierbare nomenklatorische Anderun- gen vorgenommen werden. Als willkurlich herausgegriffenes Beispiel diene die Verschmelzung der Gattung Pontia mit Pieris die auch neuesten Untersuchungen klar widerspricht. bs Dr. Hansjurg GEIGER Zoologisches Institut der Universitat Bern Baltzerstrasse 3, CH-3012 Bern BRYNER, Rudolf: Dokumentation über den Ruckgang der Schmetterlings- fauna in der Region Biel-Seeland-Chasseral. Ergebnisse einer Bestandesauf- nahme der Schmetterlinge 1976-1985. Beiträge zum Naturschutz in der Schweiz 9. SBN, Schweizerischer Bund für Naturschutz, Basel, Februar 1987. 2., überbearbeitete Fassung, Fr. 9.- plus Porto. Bestellung : SBN, Postfach 73, Basel CH-4020. Der Schweizerische Bund für Naturschutz (SBN) hat sich entschiossen, Schutz- programme für die Tagfalter (ab 1983) und für die Libellen (ab 1986) der Schweiz zu lancieren — um endlich einen Anfang zu machen. Als Grundlage für diese Programme ist ein Verbreitungsatlas für die in der Schweiz vorkommenden Arten vorgesehen, und diese Aufgabe wurde dem Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune (CSCF) in Neuenburg/Neuchätel anvertraut. Ein zweiter Schritt ist die Inventarisie- rung und der Schutz der wichstigsten Standorte im Gelände, was nur mit der Hiife von örtlichen Mitarbeitern, welche die Fauna ihrer Region gut kennen, erfolgen kann. Genau das wurde nun von R. BRYNER, Twann (BE) in seiner „Dokumentation“ erreicht. Diesem ausgezeichneten Lepidopteristen und Kenner seiner Region — eines klar umrissenen Gebietes vom Seeland bis zum Chasseral (über die Kantone Bern, Neuenburg/Neuchätel, Freiburg/Fribourg und Waadt/Vaud verteilt) — ist genau das gelungen : eine praktisch vollständige Bestandesaufnahme der Tagaktiven Schmetterlingsarten dieser Region (d.h. der Rhopaloceren, plus Zygaenidae und 3 Sphingidae-Arten). Die Arbeit von BRYNER veranschaulicht das zunehmende Verschwinden der ihm vertrauten Lebensräume und stellt ganz allgemein Fragen zur Erhaltung der Natur auf. Die gefällige Broschüre mit 92 Seiten in A4 Format ist rationell in 4 Teilen gegliedert : 1. Problemstellung, 2. Arbeitsmethoden, 3. Die Schmetterlingswelt der Region Biel-Seeland-Chasseral und ihre Gefährdung, 4. Schutz der einheimischen Schmetterlinge. 194 Der 3. Teil enthalt u.a. eine vollständige Liste der 146 tagaktiven Schmetterlinge der Region, mit Erlauterungen. Am wichtigsten ist der Kapitel uber den Ruckgang der Schmetterlinge mit Listen der ausgestorbenen oder verschollenen Arten (31), mit einigen klaren geographischen Krokis als Beispiel. Dazu noch ein Kapitel uber die Ruckzugsbiotope, ebenfalls mit sehr guten Krokis (Mt. Vully), über Gefahrdungs- disposition der Falterformationen (nach BLAB/KUDRNA 1982) und schliesslich über die Ursachen der Gefahrdung. Der 4. Teil, Schutz der einheimischen Schmetterlinge, besteht aus 3 Kapiteln : 1. Artenschutz oder Biotopschutz, 2. Der Biotopwert : ,Biotopwertziffer“ nach einem eigenen System festgelegt (o = keine Gefahrdung, bis 15 = letzte Populationen scheinbar erloschen nach 1975) ; Auswahl von 29 untersuchten Lebensraume in den 3 Regionen Mittelland, Jurasüdfuss und Jura, mit Artenliste (Beilage) und mittlerem Biotopwert ; Biotopwert-Karte. 3. Massnahmen zur Erhaltung unserer Schmetter- lingsfauna, mit Massnahmen-Katalog (20 Forderungen !), und einem sehr pessi- mistischen Abschluss-Kapitel : „Naturschutz kontra Land- und Forstwirtschaft ?“. In 8 Beilagen findet man allerlei interessante Angaben und Daten. Z.B. die Definitionen der Falterformationen, der Schadfaktoren und der Verursacher des Schmetterlingsrückgangs nach BLAB/KUDRNA 1982 unverändert, die Definitionen der Gefährdingsgrade nach PRETSCHER und BLAB/KUDRNA, angepasst an die Verhältnisse der behandelten Region, eine Liste der 50 gefährdetsten tagaktiven Schmetterlinge des Untersuchungsgebietes, etc. Abschliessend : Ein sehr reiches Quellenverzeichnis, mit 91 Referenzen. Die einzigartige grosse Arbeit von BRYNER ist allen Naturschützer und Lokalfau- nisten als perfektes Modell für ihre Beobachtungen und Forschungen im Gelände wärmstens empfohlen. Dazu sollte sie auch die Sammler zur Vorsicht animieren, und den Berufsentomologen in den Museen und Instituten wieder Hoffnung auf Nachwuchs an neuen Gelände-Mitarbeitern geben ! E. de Bros J. A. Scott : “The Butterflies of North America”. Hardback ca. 19 x 26 cm ; 583 pp., 64 col. pls., 71 figs., numerous unnumbered maps. Stanford Univer- sity Press, Stanford, 1986. Price $ 50,-. It is more than ten years since Howe’s “Butterflies of North America” replaced the long outdated HOLLAND’s butterfly book upon which it must have been modelled. ScoTT’s book constitutes a different type of publication — a natural history of North American butterflies, as the subtitle tells us (it certainly is no field guide, as the same subtitle claims it to be). The affinities between the Palaearctic and Nearctic faunas are well known ; SCOTT’s publication is therefore of exceptional importance to all European lepidopterists and deserves a full review. The contents of SCOTT’s impressive book includes the following chapters and topics : — Biology and ecology (over 100 pages ; probably the best account ever written on butterfly morphology and evolution by a single author in one book ; further topics are biology, behaviour, physiology, genetics, variation etc.). 195 — Identification of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults (some 50 pages of useful keys enabling one to identify for instance first instar larvae down to tribes, a unique feature of this book). — Monographs and distribution maps of all 679 American butterfly species recogni- zed, each monograph consisting of a brief diagnosis (incl. identification of subspecies recognized), information on species’ habitat, description of early stages (only a few illustrations are included), distribution, behaviour, voltinism, host plants and occasionally other topics. — 64 colour plates depicting both set and live adults, some eggs, larvae and pupae, all based (unlike Howe’s book) on colour photographs. — Checklists of species inhabiting the “remote islands” either politically or geogra- phically related to North America (Iceland, Greenland, Bermuda and Hawaii). — Methods of the study of butterflies (a modern account most useful to all students of European butterflies). — Bibliography, hostplant catalogue, glossary (most useful to all European lepidop- terists) and an index close the book. All colour plates are based on photographs and show clearly both the advantages and disadvantages of colour photography as a method of illustration, like HOWE's book shows the advantages and disadvantages of water colours or other forms of painting and drawing. Bearing in mind the price of this book and the number of colour plates, a critique that they could have been better produced, would be unfair (and they are not bad, although they appear somewhat inconsistent and do not “impress” at the first glance). It is not surprising that the author left out synonymic lists : the existence of the acknowledged “MILLER & BROWN Catalogue” makes this unnecessary. Nonetheless, it is difficult to justify the omission of all authors’ names which customarily follow species-group names in the headlines and where the name is used for the first time. It is difficult to believe that a trained acknowledged taxonomist has made this choice of his own will. (This is my only major point of criticism !). The species/subspecies concept follows roughly HENNIG’s school : closely related allopatric morphospecies are treated as subspecies of the nomenclaturally oldest taxon which provides the valid name of the species. There are still many supporters of this concept, which seems to be utilized consistently in this book. The misapplication of the term “field guide” has now become such a common abuse of the “trade description act” that it is hardly worth a special reference ! Ali in all, this is an interesting book at a refreshingly inexpensive price ; it should find its way into the libraries of all lepidopterists taking the study of butterflies seriously. Attentive reading of general chapters and particularly of the glossary could prevent the use of confusing terminology which one meets time and again in European lepidopterological journals suffering from the lack of good editing. It is certainly sad to observe that there is no corresponding book on European butterflies, nor is there a modern checklist of Palaearctic butterflies corresponding to the Nearctic one mentioned above. O. Kudrna 196 milio Balletto Vice-President : Barry Goater : Hansjürg Geiger Treasurer : Sigbert Wagener Secretary : Willy De Prins Editor : Emmanuel de Bros Council Members : Claude Dufay, Niels P. Kristensen, Kauri Mikkola, ras M. Vojnits, Steven E. Whitebread. TTEES : re : Pamela Gilbert and Species Protection : Michael G. Morris RSHIP: tions for membership, changes of address and orders for Nota lepidoptero- and other literature should be sent to : Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica Hemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf. ) anual subscription fees : ry members DM 50,- rate members DM 55,- sion fee DM S.- ‚air mail charges - DM 15,- nk OF NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA : members DM 24,- non-members DM 48,- members DM 32.- non-members DM 64,- members DM 40,- non-members DM 80,- 1ents should be addressed to: Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica Hemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf.) Nr. 1956 50-597 “Mandat de me international”. ngdom members : Due to the unstabie state of the pound at present, it is le to quote the subscription rate in this currency. Members should pay the eine equivalent. Cheques and bankers orders should be made en to re Institut Universitat Bern | BaltzerstraBe 3, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland | Handelsgesel wu chaf on SEN et 8070 N Wir liefern seit vielen Jahren zu günstigen Peter eine Utensilien für den Fach- und Hobbyentomologen. Für die Zucht: Zuchtkasten, Puppenkasten, Infrarotstrahler, Zuchtb Für den Tag- und Nachtfang: Netze, Gläser, Stromaggregate, Transportkasten, Tun röhren etc. Für das Präparieren: lien aide Für die Sammlung: Dore Insektenschränke aller Art Ein umfangreiches Angebot an neuer und antiquarischer Litera Schreiben Sie uns oder rufen Sie uns an, wir beraten Sie gern. Ut Ihnen kostenlos zur Verfügung. Als SEL-Mitglied erhalten Sie bei u Artikel (außer Bücher) 5% Rabatt. icle—— wisferrm RETTET NS Di ser AR CSN RE à ut =, ahi grit! Ge, ey, EL i { Sr Si gray = N td 4 : ae lepidopterologica Wade A ol. 10 No. 4 1987 ISSN 0342-7536 FU Or NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA Journal published by the Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, Quarterly Manuscripts should be sent to the editor : Emmanuel de Bros, lic. jur., «La Fleurie», Rebgasse 28, CH-4102 Binningen/BL, Switzerland. instructions to authors This journal is reserved for short communications devoted to Palaearctic lepidop- terology. Manuscripts should not exceed 15 typed pages (including tabies). All manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins, and submitted together with at least one copy. All pages should be numbered and show the author’s name at the top right-hand corner of each page. Do not hyphenate words at the right-hand margin. Current issues of Nota lepidopterologica should be checked for style and format Legends for figures and plates should be typed on a separate sheet and placed after the list of references. Line drawings shouid be about twice their final size. Black waterproof ink should be used, Photographs should be glossy positive prints. Colour plates can only be published at the author s expense Publication languages are english, french and german. The editors reserve the right to make minor textual corrections that do not alter the autaors meaning. All manuscripts exceeding three typed pages must include an abstract of no more than 100 words. It is strongly recommended to add a translation of the abstract in at least one of the other publication languages [he first mention of any organism should include the full scientific name with the author and year of description. New descriptions must conform with the current edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. We strongly urge deposition of types in major museums, and all type depositions must be cited. All papers will be read by the editors and submitted for review to two referees. 25 reprints of each article will be supplied free of charge to the first author. Additional copies may be ordered at extra cost Copies de ces instructions en français sent disponibles aupres de l'éditeur: Kopien dieser Hinweise in deutscher Sprache sind beim Redaktor erhaltlich. Copyright © Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica, 1987 ISSN 0342-7536 Printed by Imprimerie Universa Spr], 24 Hoenderstraat, B-9200 Wetteren, Belgium ll rights reserved. No part of this Journal may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying. recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Authors are responsible for the contents of their articles. Nota lepidopterologica Vol. 10 No. 4 Basel, 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Editor : Emmanuel Bros de Puechredon, alias de Bros, lic. iur., Rebgasse 28, CH-4102 Binningen BL, Schweiz. Assitant Editors : Dr. Hansjürg Geiger (Bern, CH), Steven Whitebread (Magden, CH); Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire Editorial EURE 0 2 BE EHEN 198 GOATER, B. : In Memoriam John HEATH (1922-1987) ................ 200 HERRMANN, R. : Dahlica marmorella sp. n. — eine neue Psychide aus Italien ESS lal GAG) ee er ee Ne ie ea 203 HESSELBARTH, G. : Morphologische und ökologische Daten zu den präimagi- nalen Stadien einiger Arten der Gattung Hyponephele MUSCHAMP, 1915 PTE la de sucer eus 209 JORDANO BARBUDO, D., J. RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ & J. FERNANDEZ HAEGER : Capparis spinosa (Capparidaceae) : an oviposition substrate for Lampides boeticus LINNAEUS, in southern Spain (Lycaenidae) ................ 218 SATILER, K. : The systematic status of the genera //seopsis POVOLNY, 1965, and Empista POVOLNY, 1968 (Gelechiidae : Gnorimoschemini) ....... 224 TREMEWAN, W. G. : The problem of infrasubspecific names in some groups of PERIODE A do a ee re onde 0e ee eus dus 236 WEIDENHOFFER, Z. & W. ECKWEILER : Notes on the status of Armenia nurcanica (RILEY, 1939) (Lycaenidae) ses cc. cc ek de su see au 241 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses ..................... 247 VI. European Congress of Lepidopterology ......................... 202 VI. Europäischer Kongress für Lepidopterologie ..................... 217 VI Congrès Européen de Lépidoptérologie ....................... 248 (U ODE TYG LETH UE sees Ok SR RSS RC ED ee nd ee 223 De Woran CHUN cy cies sre A IH ahd there nk ey As GRRE 249 Vol. 10 — 1987 : Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire .................... 250 Neue Taxa in Vol. 10 beschrieben — New taxa described in Vol. 10 — INGUNEauX taxa décris danse Vol. 10 WEI lee 252 197 Editorial In order to make “NOTA lepidopterologica” more attractive, the editors would like to introduce the following new items : L- Invited review articles : We will be asking acknowledged experts (ama- teurs as well as professionals) to write articles summarising their spcial field of interest. We hope thereby to be able to offer more papers of general interest as well as the more specialised research articles. . À new section entitled “Letters to the editors” will be introduced, to enable readers to present their views on published articles or other points of interest. If a letter criticizes a published article, then the author(s) of the article concerned will be given the opportunity to answer the criticism in the same issue of “NOTA”. “Letters to the editors” should be kept as short as possible and the editors reserve the right to shorten such letters. . À further section to be introduced will be “Field notes”. This should enable mainly the amateur to present his observations to a wider circle of lepidopterists. Such notes should be a maximum of one to two type- written pages and should be devoted to unusual observations (interesting behaviour, extensions of range, species lists from interesting localities etc.). Editorial Um die Attraktivität von ,NOTA lepidopterologica“ zu steigern, möchte die Redaktion folgende Neuerungen einführen : i¥ i) Eingeladene Ubersichtspublikationen : Wir werden in naher Zukunft ausgewiesene Fachleute (Amateure wie professionelle Entomologen) bitten, uns einen zusammenfassenden Ubersichtsartikel tiber ihr Spezial- gebiet zu schreiben. Wir erhoffen dadurch neben den oft recht speziellen Forschungsartikel vermehrt Publikationen von allgemeinerem Interesse drucken zu konnen. . Nach Bedarf soll in „NOTA“ eine neue Rubrik mit dem Titel „Briefe an die Redaktion“ eröffnet werden. In dieser Rubrik können die Leser zu publizierten Artikeln oder auch anderen Ereignissen Stellung beziehen. Sofern die Briefe eine Kritik von Verôffentlichungen enthält, wird dem/den Autoren des kritisierten Artikels in der gleichen Ausgabe von „NOTA“ Gelegenheit zur Erwiderung gegeben. „Briefe an die Redaktion“ 198 sollen möglichst kurz gehalten werden und die Redaktion behält sich das Recht auf Kürzungen vor. Eine weitere Rubrik „Kurze Exkursionsberichte“, die ebenfalls neu geschaffen wird, soll es vor allem auch den Amateuren unter unseren Lesern ermöglichen ihre Beobachtungen einem grösseren Kreis vorzustel- len. Solche Exkursionsberichte sollen nicht länger als ein bis zwei Schreibmaschinenseite sein und nicht alltägliche Beobachtungen (interes- sante Verhaltensweisen, Arealausweitungen, kurze Faunenlisten aus inte- ressanten Gebieten etc.) enthalten. Editorial En vue d’accroitre encore l’attrait de Nota lepid. pour ses lecteurs, la Rédaction se propose d’introduire les nouveautés suivantes : 112 Publications invitées : Dans un proche avenir, nous inviterons des connaisseurs éprouvés — tant amateurs que professionnels — à écrire pour nous des articles «vue d'ensemble» sur leur spécialité. Nous aimerions parvenir ainsi à publier à côté des articles scientifiques, souvent très spécialisés, davantage de travaux d'intérêt general. . Selon les besoins, nous ouvrirons dans Nota lepid. une nouvelle rubrique sous le titre «Lettres à la Rédaction», permettant à nos lecteurs de se prononcer sur des articles de Nota lepid. ou sur d’autres faits d'actualité. Si ces lettres comportent une critique envers telle ou telle publication, nous donnerons à l’auteur (aux auteurs) de celle-ci la possibilité de répliquer dans le même numéro de Nota lepid. Ces lettres à la Rédaction devront être aussi concises que possible, et la Rédaction se réserve le droit de procéder à des réductions. . Une autre nouvelle rubrique : «Excursions en bref» a pour but de per- mettre notamment aux amateurs parmi nos lecteurs de présenter leurs observations à un plus grand nombre d’interesses. Ces rapports d’excur- sion ne devront pas dépasser une à deux pages dactylographiées et seront consacrés a des observations qui sortent de l'ordinaire : comportements curieux, extensions de l’aire de répartition, brèves listes d'espèces pour certaines régions ou biotopes intéressants, etc. 199 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 200-202 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 In Memoriam John HEATH (1922-1987) (*) Barry GOATER 22 Reddings Avenue, Bushey, Herts. WD2 3PB, U.K. John HEATH died on 6 July 1987 at the age of 65. He was one of the founder Members of SEL, on 19 September 1976, and was our vice-President from that time until 1986. During that period he served the Society with devotion : in addition to organising the Third SEL Congress in Cambridge in 1982 and making it a memorable occasion, he was responsible for the finances of the British membership, from the collection of subscriptions to their use in paying for the production of our Bibliographia. (*) A full list of the publications of John HEATH will appear in a future issue of Nota lepid. 200 John was born at Worcester in 1922, but educated at King Edward VI School, Southampton, where he was taught French by. that. eminent Hampshire entomologist, William FASSNIDGE. According to John, FASSNIDGE once remarked that although his success in turning him into a French scholar appeared to have been limited, he had nevertheless produced “not a bad” entomologist ! It is certain that John’s interest in entomology, and Lepi- doptera in particular, began at school, and the fact that his first published note, at the age of 18, was on one of the Psychidae is an indication of FASSNIDGE’S influence, for it is rare for a teenager to get beyond the butterflies and larger moths without a mentor. During the War, John found himself working with electronic equipment in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), and later in life his familiarity with such equipment resulted in his easy mastery of data proces- sing at the Biological Records Centre where he began to make his name among entomologists. In the meantime the informal credentials he had picked up in entomology and electronics led to successive appointments first with the Biological Research Department of Pest Control near Cambridge, with a year in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and then at Merlewood, the Nature Conservancy Research Station in Cumbria, where he did good work for the next 14 years, not only with Lepidoptera but with other invertebrates. He developed a special interest for the Micropterygidae, and it is in regard to this group that John made his greatest impact as a scientific lepidopterist, indeed a world authority. John made a contribution to practical collecting when he designed a small, portable, but highly effective moth trap which uses an actinic tube powered by a battery and bears his name — the Heath trap. In 1967, John set up the Insect Distribution Maps Scheme at the Biological Records Centre at Monk’s Wood, where he remained until retirement in 1982 as head of the Centre. From the mapping scheme was born his most ambitious project, the 11-volume treatise on “The Moths & Butterflies of Great Britain & Ireland”. Despite setbacks that would have deterred a lesser man, John’s enthusiasm remained undiminished. He withstood the occasio- nal snarls of his authors, this writer included, with tact and good humour that made him such a pleasure to work with... and got him his way in the end ! Alas, John only lived long enough to see four of the volumes published, and those who remain are determined to see the work completed as a memorial to the great man. Another unfinished project which John helped set up, this time with Professor LECLERCQ of Gembloux in Belgium, is the European Invertebrate Survey, and again the future of the project appears to be in safe hands. 201 John was made President of the British Entomological and Natural History Society in 1982, an office he filled with distinction, but we like to think that it was his vice-Presidency of SEL that gave him most pride. Our Society has lost one of its pillars, and our members a genial and stalwart friend. To his wife, Joan, who was his constant companion and practical help, and their son Nigel, we offer our sincere condolences while sharing their happy memories of a kind and eminent colleague. VI. European Congress of Lepidopterology San Remo 5-9 April 1988 The Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL) kindly invites ali lepidopte- rists to attend the VI. European Congress of Lepidopterology in San Remo from Tuesday Sth - Saturday 9th April 1988. Main topics are: — Biochemical and ecological adaptations in Lepidoptera. — Bionomics of endangered species. — Genetical and cladistical approaches to the phylogeny of butterflies. For more information please contact the Congress Secretary: Prof. E. Balletto, Dipartimento di Biologia animale, Via Academia Albertina 17, I-10123 Torino (Italy). 202 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 203-208 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Dahlica marmorella sp. n. — eine neue Psychide aus Italien (Lepidoptera : Psychidae) Rene HERRMANN Industriestr. 16a, D-7550 Rastatt/Baden, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1983 und 1985 konnte in der nördlichen Toscana, Italien eine neue Art des Genus Dahlica ENDERLEIN, 1912 entdeckt werden, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben wird. Im Vergleich mit den nahestehenden Arten konnten signifikante und konstante Unterscheidungsmerkmale festgestellt werden. Summary Dahlica marmorella sp. nov. is described from material collected in northern Toscana, Italy in 1983 and 1985. The new species belongs to the broad-scaled species group and is compared with D. dorotheae HERRMANN from S. France, D. larella CHRÉTIEN from Spain and D. achajensis SIEDER from Greece. It is most similar to D. dorotheae, from which it differs mainly by a significantly higher genital index of the male. Während zwei naturwissenschaftlichen Reisen in den Jahren 1983 und 1985 in die höheren Bergregionen der Alpi Apuane, im nördlichen Teil der Toscana gelegen, wurden im Gebiet der bekannten Marmorlagerstätten, etwa 25 km östlich der Küstenstadt Massa, an marmorhaltigen Felsen und Gemäuern Dahlica-Säcke einer neuen Art eingetragen. An den Fundstellen, in allernächster Nähe des abgelegenen Bergdörfchens Arni, in Höhen zwischen 800 und 1000 m NN, waren die Säckchen an verschiedenen Stellen, zum Teil in großer Anzahl zu finden. Als Nahrung der Raupen kommen auch bei dieser Art Steinflechten und Moose in Betracht. Die Raupen spinnen sich nach der Überwinterung im April an den Felsen an. Im Mai schlüpfen dann die Imagines. Die Schlüpfzei- ten sind wie auch bei den anderen Spezies der Gattung. In den Abend- und Nachtstunden entwickeln sich die Männchen und im ersten Morgenticht die Weibchen. Kurz danach findet dann der Hauptpaarungsflug statt. Neben dieser Dahlica konnten an den Felsen noch Raupen und Säcke der Psychiden Eumasia parietariella H.-S., Bruandia spec. ?, Psyche crassiorella BRD. und Taleporia tubulosa RETZ. in Anzahl nachgewiesen werden. 203 Diese neue besonders schöngezeichnete Psychide soll nach dem Gestein, auf dem sie siedelt, beschrieben werden. Dahlica marmorella sp. nov. Holotypus d: Italien, Toscana, Alpi Apuane, Arni, 800-900m NN, 6.-20.5.1985 e.p. Allotypus ©: Italien, Toscana, Alpi Apuane, Arni, 800-900m NN, 6.-20.5.1985 e.p. (Beide in coll. Landessammlungen für Naturkunde in Karlsruhe). Paratypen : 47 dd, 60 dd Säcke und 50 2° mit den zugehörigen Säcken vom Fundort Arni/Alpi Apuane, ex. pupa, in coll. HERRMANN. Die Weibchen sind in 60% Alkohol konserviert. Diagnose MANNCHEN : Kopf und Augen schwarz. Kopf- und Rückenbehaarung schütter und rein weiß gefärbt. Fühler mit 26-29 Geiselgliedern. Vordertibia ohne Epiphysis. Vorderflügel : Lange, 4,7-6,3 mm, Mittelwert 5,9 mm (n = 20) ; Expansion, 9,5-12,8 mm, Mittelwert 11,8 mm (n= 20); schmal mit stumpfem Apex und schwach eingedrucktem Vorderrand ; auffallend kontrastreich gegittert mit glänzenden weißen und dunkelgrau gefärbten Flecken. Saumpunkte, Diskoidal- und Innenrandfleck meist vorhanden. Im apikalen Teil der Vorderflügel Deckschuppen der Breitenklasse III-VI, am häufigsten Typ IV-V (Methode nach SAUTER, 1956), grobzähnig (2-3 zackig) oder feingezähnt (4-6 zackig). Vorderflügelgeäder : Bei 30 untersuchten Vorderflügel ent- sprangen die Adern m2 und m3 meist aus einem Punkt (13) oder waren kurzgestielt (11). Bei 6 Flügeln waren m2 und m3 getrennt. Anhangzelle meist vorhanden. Von 32 untersuchten Flügeln hatten nur 10 keine Anhang- zelle. Hinterflügel : Einfarbig weißgrau und durch spärliche Beschuppung hyalin, mit langen weißglänzenden Fransen. Die Adern m2 und m3 in der Regel kurzgestielt. Genitalien vom typischen Dahlica-Bau. Der Genitalindex beträgt 0,96-1,10, im Mittel 1,02 (n = 10). WEIBCHEN : Das flügellose Weibchen ist graugelb gefärbt, mit schwarzem Kopf und schwarzgrau gefärbten Sterniten und Tergiten. Die Sternite waren, mit Ausnahme des Siebten, bei allen untersuchten Weibchen median unterbro- chen. Afterwollhaare silbrigweiß glänzend und ungeknöpft. Anzahl der Fuhlerglieder | 1-14 im Mittel 13 (n = 10). Tarsus mit 3 oder 4 Gliedern und nicht selten mit Fusionen. Vordertibien dornenlos. Mitteltibien meist mit 204 Abb. |. Dahlica marmorella sp. nov., kopulierendes Männchen. Italien, Toscana, Alpi Apuane, Arni, 800-1000 m NN. 6.-20.5.1985 e.p. Foto : R. HERRMANN. Abb. 2. Dahlica marmorella sp. nov., lockendes Weibchen. Angaben wie bei Abb. 1. 205 reduzierten oder gänzlich fehlenden Endspornen. Die Hintertibien ohne Mittelsporne. Endsporne meistens vorhanden. Postvaginalplatte bei Vergrößerung gut erkennbar (Abb. 3). Im vorderen Teil stärker sklerotisiert. Dornen lang, schmal und zugespitzt. Zwischen dem schmalen und leicht gebogenen Bursabogen und der Postvaginalplatte eine dornenfreie Zone. j ! RN IN A x tr ved Abb. 3. Dahlica marmorella sp. nov., Genitalplatte des Weibchens von ventral. Rechts: Dornen des Dorsalfeldes. Bei drei unbefruchteten Weibchen wurden durch Uberpriifung des Eivorrats 41, 43 und 65 Eier gezählt. Nach dem Schlupfen der Weibchen sind die Puppenhullen auffallend stark gekrummt. Die Fuhlerscheiden der Puppe sind etwa gleichlang wie die Beinscheiden (n = 40). (Methode nach HATTENSCHWILER, 1977). SACKE : Die dreikantigen mannlichen und weiblichen Säcke sind hellgrau bis schwarz gefarbt, mit Erdteilchen, Marmorkôrnchen und Kalkstaub belegt und ohne nennenswerten Geschlechtsdimorphismus. Lange der Sacke 5,0-7,0 mm im Mittel 6,0 mm (n = 40). Die vorliegende Art wurde mit den nahestehenden und verwandten Arten Dahlica dorotheae (HERRMANN, 1981), Dahlica larella (CHRÉTIEN, 1906) und Dahlica achajensis (SIEDER, 1966) verglichen (Tabelle 1). 206 Tabelle 1 Zusammenstellung wichtiger Unterscheidungsmerkmale von Dahlica marmorella sp. nov., D. dorotheae (HERRMANN, 1981), D. larella (CHRÉTIEN, 1906), Angaben nach SAUTER, 1958 und HÄTTENSCHWILER, 1981, und D. achajensis (SIEDER, 1966), Angaben nach SIEDER, 1966. marmorella dorotheae larella achajensis Vfl-Spannweite ‚3:12, 9,5-12,7 mm 11,2-12,9 mm Mittel ‚sm 11,5 mm Schuppenbreite der Vfl - V-VI Genitalindex : ‚96-1, 0,68-0,88 Mittel ‚02 ( 0,76 (n= 17) MANNCHEN WEIBCHEN Tarsenglieder 3-4 Fuhlerglieder 13-16 Afterwollhaare einfach einfach Diskussion Dahlica marmorella gehôrt in die Gruppe der breitschuppigen Arten. Signifikante Artunterschiede zu Dahlica larella (CHRETIEN, 1906), bisher bekannt nur aus der Sierra de Guadarrama (Spanien), sind vor allem bei den Weibchen zu finden. Bei /arella ist die weibliche Postvaginalplatte nur schwach sklerotisiert. Die Afterwollhaare sind im Gegensatz zu marmorella geknöpft. Darüberhinaus ist außerdem der stark abweichende Sack von larella, in seiner breiten und kurzen Form, ein wesentliches Trennungs- merkmal zu den nahe verwandten Arten. Von D. dorotheae (HERRMANN, 1981) verbreitet in den Provenzialischen Alpen (Frankreich), der marmo- rella am ähnlichsten ist, ist sie durch den deutlich höheren männlichen Genitalindex, die lichtere Beschuppung, sowie durch die hellere Grundfarbe des Männchens und klarer hervortretenden Zeichnungsstrukturen der männ- lichen Vfl. zu trennen. Gegenüber D. achajensis (SIEDER, 1966), bekannt vom Peloponnes (Griechenland), unterscheidet sie sich durch die weiße Grundfarbe der männlichen Flügel und vor allem durch die 3-4 gliedrigen Tarsen der weiblichen Beine. Die Weibchen von achajensis besitzen neben einem 5-gliedrigen Tarsus auch eine höhere Fühlergliederzahl. REBEL beschrieb 1918 anhand eines von MANN eingebrachten Männchens, mit der Bezeichnung „Sizilien (MANN) 1858“, Solenobia siculella. Aus der Urbeschreibung ist zu entnehmen, daß aber ein Irrtum über die Herkunft des Stückes nicht ganz ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die Vorderflügellänge und Expansion des Falters von 7,2 bzw. 14 mm, bei marmorella 5,9 und 11,8 mm als mittlere Werte, schließen auf eine größere Art. REBEL schreibt weiter, daß die viel gröbere weiße Fleckung der Vfl. mit keiner ihm damals 207 bekannten Solenobienart vergleichbar gewesen sei. Uber Neufunde von si- culella wurde seither nichts mehr bekannt. Auch können zum Verbleib des ReBEL’schen Männchens keine Angaben gemacht werden. Das fragliche Männchen befindet sich nicht im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien. (Briefli- che Mitteilung von WEIDLICH, Halle). Eine Identität dieses sizilianischen Stückes mit marmorella kann ausge- schlossen werden. Dafür sprechen die Angaben in der Urbeschreibung und die geographische Verbreitung, sowie das isolierte reliktartige Vorkommen von marmorella in den Hochlagen des nördlichen Apenninengebirges. Literatur HÄTTENSCHWILER, P., 1977. Neue Merkmale als Bestimmungshilfe bei Psychiden und Beschreibung von drei neuen Solenobia DuP. Arten (Psychidae, Lepidop- tera). Mitt. ent. Ges. Basel N.F. 27 : 33-60. HÄTTENSCHWILER, P., 1981. Eine neue Dahlica (= Solenobia auct.) aus Spanien (Lepidoptera, Psychidae). Nota lepid. 4 : 21-26. HERRMANN, R., 1981. Eine neue Psychide aus der Umgebung von Digne (Basses- Alpes), (Lepidoptera, Psychidae). Atalanta 12 : 133-138. REBEL, H., 1918. Zur Kenntnis palaearktischer Talaeporiiden. Dr. Ent. Z. , Iris“ 32 : 95-112. SAUTER, W., 1956. Morphologie und Systematik der Schweizerischen Solenobia- Arten (Lep. Psychidae). Rev. Suisse Zoologie 63 : 451-550. SAUTER, W., 1958. Zur Kenntnis von Solenobia fumosella HEIN. und S. /arella CHRET. (Lep. Psychidae). Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. 30 : 328-332. SIEDER, L., 1966. Eine neue Psychide (Lepidoptera Psychidae) aus dem Peloponnes (Griechenland). Solenobia achajensis nov. spec. Z. wien. ent. Ges. 51: 97-100. 208 Nota lepid. 10 (4): 209-217 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Morphologische und Ökologische Daten zu den praimaginalen Stadien einiger Arten der Gattung Hyponephele MUSCHAMP, 1915 (Lepidoptera : Satyridae) Gerhard HESSELBARTH Johannstr. 6, D-2840 Diepholz 1, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Summary The early stages of Hyponephele lycaon KUHN. kocaki ECKWEILER, /upina COSTA und naricina STAUDINGER are compared. Particularly the last two larval stages and the pupae offer useful identification characters. The selected characters show striking similarities between /ycaon and kocaki, while /upina seems to take a position between the /vcaon-kocaki-group and naricina. Their ecological requirements are different : H. lycaon is the most flexible species, /upina prefers dry, hot and bushy biotopes, kocaki and naricina are apparently strictly bound to hot rocky slopes with little vegetation. Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklungsstadien von Hyponephele Iycaon KUHN, kocaki ECKWEILER, /upina Costa und naricina STAUDINGER werden miteinander verglichen. Besonders die letzten beiden Raupenstadien und die Puppen bieten brauchbare Möglichkeiten für eine artliche Differenzierung. Die ausgewählten präimaginalen Merkmale zeigen bei Ivcaon und kocaki auffallende Ähnlichkeiten, während /upina eine Art Mittelstellung zwischen der /ycaon-kocaki-Gruppe und naricina einzunehmen scheint. Die ökologi- schen Ansprüche sind unterschiedlich : H. /ycaon zeigt die größte Flexibilität, /upina bevorzugt trockene, heiße und mit Büschen bestandene Biotope, kocakiund naricina sind offenbar arı bestimmte Umweltbedingungen eng gebunden. Zu den ersten Ständen von Arten der Gattung Hyponephele MUSCHAMP, 1915 sind mir bisher nur Angaben über H. /ycaon bekanntgeworden. Die nachstehenden Daten, die sich sämtliche auf Eizuchten anatolischer Tiere beziehen, sollen dazu beitragen, den Informationsstand zu erweitern, zumal auch die Entwicklungsstadien für eine taxonomische Beurteilung und für phylogenetische Aspekte von großer Bedeutung sind. Bisher konnten Eiabla- gen von A. lycaon, kocaki, lupina, wagneri und naricina erreicht werden. Da aber die Raupen von H. wagneri HERRICH-SCHÄFFER bereits in der ersten Häutungsphase eingingen, wird diese Art hier nicht berücksichtigt. 209 Die angeführten Arten wurden unter den klimatischen Bedingungen Nord- westdeutschlands anfangs im ungeheizten Zimmer gehalten, während der Winterdiapause im Kühlschrank Temperaturen von 5 bis 6°C ausgesetzt und danach im geheizten Zimmer an Poa annua zur Imago durchgezüchtet. 1. Hyponephele lycaon (KUHN, 1774) Die Eier europäischer /ycaon wurden von GILLMER (1900 : 84), von SPULER (1902 : 46) und von DorING (1955 : 83) beschrieben, von DÔRING (1955, Tafel i2) auch bildlich dargestellt. Sie sind anfangs gelblich gefarbt und nehmen vor dem Schlupf eine rötliche Tönung an. Die Zahl der Langsrippen wurde von GILLMER mit 19, von DOrRING mit 19 bis 20 angegeben. Bei Eiern, die Weibchen vom Guzeldere-Pafi (Provinz Van) ablegten, stellte ich 22 bis 24 solcher Langsleisten fest. Bei meinen Aufzuchten schlupften die Raupchen, deren Ausgangsmaterial aus verschiedenen kleinasiatischen Gegenden stammte, nach 12 bis 15 Tagen. Sie hatten zunachst braune Kopfe, einen helibraunen Korper und ungleich breite, dunkelbraune Langslinien. Nach der ersten Hautung wurden Kopfkapsel, Körper und Rückenstreifen grün, die übrigen Längslinien weißlich. Diese Zeichnungs- und Färbungselemente blieben bis zum Ende der 3. Häutungsphase (L 3) bestehen. Mit Beginn des vorletzten Entwick- Abb. 1. Raupe von H. Iycaon, Abb. 2. Puppe von A. Iycaon, Länge 30 mm. Länge 12 mm. 210 lungsstadiums wurden an der Kopfkapsel zwei seitliche Wulste sichtbar, die den Kopf aus frontaler Sicht herzformig erscheinen ließen. Außerdem traten an den Seiten dieser Aufwolbungen rote oder purpurfarbene Langsstriche hervor, die, von einem weißen breiten Hof umrandet, der Kopfkapsel ein maskenförmiges Aussehen gaben (Abb. 1). Gleichzeitig hoben sich die nun dunkelgrüne Dorsale sowie die weißlichen Lateralen schärfer ab, und der breite basale Streifen war nun rot/weiß oder purpurn/weiß, gelegentlich auch gelb/weiß (vgl. Bopr 1985, Tafel 7, Abb. 60) gefärbt. In einigen Fallen schien dieses basale Band ganz weiß zu sein, aber bei genauer Betrachtung war es zum Rücken doch stets durch eine feine, rötliche Linie gegen die Grundfarbe abgegrenzt. Die aus Anatolien stammenden /ycaon-Raupen erreichten eine Körperlänge von 30 mm. Zur Verpuppung zogen sie einige Grashalme zusammen und legten ein kleines, flaches Polster an, in das die Kremasterspitzen einhakten. Die Umwandlung vollzog sich rasch. Die 11 bis 12 mm langen Stürzpuppen waren grau oder graubraun, manch- mal auch graugrün gefärbt. Die dunklen Phänotypen wiesen auf den Flügel- scheiden kräftige, schwarze oder schwarzbraune Striche und Flecken auf, die bei den helleren Puppen schwächer ausgeprägt waren (Abb. 2). Völlig zeichnungslose grüne Puppen, wie sie bei SPULER (1902 : 46) neben dunklen Puppenformen erwähnt und von HIGGINs & HARGREAVES (1983: 225, Fig. 5 b) abgebildet wurden, habe ich bei meinen Aufzuchten nicht erhalten. 2. Hyponephele kocaki ECKWEILER, 1978 Die weißlichen, nach einigen Tagen trübroten Eier wurden in den Zucht- behältern meist an noch frische Bestandteile der Nahrungspflanzen der Raupen geheftet. Von Dr. SIEPE (Neuss), der eine Parallelzucht, deren Ausgangsmaterial ebenfalls vom Güzeldere-Paß (Provinz Van) stammte, durchführte, und von mir wurden 16 bis 21 Längsrippen mit leiterspros- sen-ähnlichen Querstrukturen festgestellt. Anders als bei /vcaon zog sich der Schlüpfvorgang über einen langen Zeitraum, bis zu sieben Wochen, hin. Die Eiräupchen waren etwas heller als die von /ycaon, sandfarben mit braunem Kopf und braunroten Rücken-, Seiten- und Fußstreifen. Die mit den Häutungen verbundenen Veränderungen vollzogen sich ähnlich wie bei Ivcaon. Die erwachsenen kocaki-Raupen (Abb. 3) wirkten jedoch gedrunge- ner und erreichten im Durchschnitt nur eine Gesamtlänge von 27 mm. Die Delle in der Kopfkapsel war flacher als der herzförmige Einschnitt bei /ycaon. Sehr häufig war die grüne Grundfarbe der kocaki-Raupen in den letzten beiden Häutungsphasen (L 4 und L 5) rot übergossen, und bei diesen Färbungstypen war dann auch der untere Teil des basalen Streifens rosa statt weiß. 271 Abb. 3. Raupe von H. kocaki, Abb. 4. Puppe von H. kocaki, Lange 27 mm. Lange 10 mm. Der Verpuppungsmodus entsprach dem von /ycaon, aber die Puppen selbst waren zierlicher und mit 10 mm Lange auch etwas kurzer. Auffallig waren die Farbungs- und Zeichnungsunterschiede zu den anderen Hyponephele- Arten: Der Puppenkorper war rotlich gefarbt, die Flügelscheiden aber graugrun oder graublau ; ihr Zeichnungsmuster (Abb. 4) glich in der Anlage dem von /ycaon, bestand aber aus feineren, dunkleren Strichen. In der prapupalen Phase erwiesen sich die kocaki-Raupen als sehr empfindlich : Einige von ihnen fielen von den Gespinstpolstern ab, konnten sich aber in den meisten Fallen dennoch in eine normal geformte Puppe verwandeln. 3. Hyponephele lupina (Costa, 1834) Zur Eiablage wurden Weibchen in verschiedenen Jahren aus den Provinzen Nevsehir, Bitlis und Artvin verwendet. Die Tiere legten jeweils immer nur eine kleine Menge von Eiern ab. Die anfangs gelblichen, dann aber schnell zu einer schmutzig-hellbraunen Tönung nachdunkelnden Eier sind etwas größer als die von /ycaon und an beiden Polen stärker abgeflacht. Sie haben 18 bis 21 Längsrippen, die im unteren Teil in unregelmäßige Erhöhungen übergehen. Die Eidauer betrug zwei Wochen. Die Eiraupen sind denen von lycaon ähnlich, haben aber einen dunkleren Kopf und dunklere, gleichbreite Längsstreifen. lie larvale Entwicklung ist ebenfalls mit der von /ycaon zu 212 vergleichen, aber der basale Streifen blieb bei meinen Aufzuchten auch in L 4 und L5 einfarbig gelblich, war also nicht wie bei kocaki und /ycaon zweigeteilt. Der auffallendste Unterschied zu den beiden anderen Arten liegt in der Gestalt der grünen Kopfkapsel, die bei /upina zwei spitze, oben rotliche, beborstete Hocker (Abb. 5) tragt, die an ein Gehorn erinnern. An der Seite dieser Hocker verlaufen rote oder braunrote, weiß eingefaßte Striche, die im Vergleich zu den Wangenstrichen bei /ycaon und kocaki schmaler sind. Da die dunkelgrüne Ruckenlinie weiß eingerahmt ist, tritt sie deutlich hervor. Die abdominalen Zapfen sind länger als bei /ycaon, weißlich und nur oberseits hochrot gefärbt. Die hellen Stigmen über der Fußlinie sind wie bei den anderen beiden Arten kaum sichtbar. Auch die /upina-Raupen fertigten sich zur Verpuppung ein großräumiges, lockeres, aus unregelmäßi- gen Polygonalen bestehendes Gewebe an. Die präpupale Phase war kurz. Die grüne Puppe ist kompakter und etwas länger als die von /ycaon. Die grünen Flügelscheiden haben undeutliche weiße Striche und einen aufge- wölbten, weißen Innenrand. Im geheizten Zimmer betrug die Puppenruhe etwa 4 Wochen. Abb. 5. Raupe von A. lupina, Länge 32 mm. 4. Hyponephele naricina (STAUDINGER, 1870) In der Gefangenschaft legten die aus der Umgebung von Van stammenden Weibchen ihre weißlichen, später sandfarben-rötlichen Eier ganz überwie- 215 gend an anorganische Unterlagen wie Steine, Blumentopfrand oder Nylon- beutel ab. Die Eier hatten 17 Längsrippen. Die Räupchen schlüpften in sehr unregelmäßigen Abständen, teilweise erst nach vier oder mehr Wochen. Die hell-beigen Eiraupen hatten einen braunen Kopf und helle Längsstreifen. Kopf und Körper waren wie bei den anderen Arten mit weißen Börstchen besetzt. Die abdominale Gabel wurde erst nach der Nahrungsaufnahme sichtbar. Die Jungraupen waren im Vergleich zu den anderen von mir aufgezogenen Hyponephele-Arten schlanker und gestreckter. Die ausgewach- senen Larven erreichten eine Gesamtlänge von 30 mm (Abb. 6). Die runde, grüne Kopfkapsel und die breiten, leuchtend weißen Seiten- und Fußbänder boten in L 4 und L 5 die markantesten Unterschiede zu den anderen Arten. Ein ganz feiner, kurzer Wangenstrich war mit bloßem Auge kaum zu erkennen. Ohne Anlage eines Gespinstes verwandelten sich die kräftig- grünen Raupen meist in eine Stürzpuppe. Nur einige Larven vollzogen die Verpuppung ohne weitere Vorbereitungen auf dem Erdboden. Dabei wurden, wie bei kocaki, weder irgendwelche Deformierungen noch morphologische Unterschiede zu den Hängepuppen festgestellt. Die Puppe selbst ist grün und bis auf den weißen Innenrand der Flügelschei- den zeichnungslos (Abb. 7). Die Falter schlüpften nach vier Wochen. Abb. 6. Raupe von H. naricina, Abb. 7. Puppe von H. naricina, Länge 29 mm. Länge 14 mm. 214 Diskussion Aus den Beobachtungsdaten ist ersichtlich, daß bei diesen vier Hypone- phele-Arten die Raupen in den beiden letzten Hautungsabschnitten sowie die Puppen die markantesten Differenzierungskriterien bieten : Art: Raupen in L4 und LS: Puppen : Kopfform | Wangen- | Basaler Grundfarbe | Flügelscheiden strich Längsstreifen kocaki mit kraftig, rot/weif rotlich graublau oder flacher breit oder graugrun, deutlich Delle rot/rosa gezeichnet lycaon rot/weiß braun wie die Grundfarbe, oder oder stark gezeichnet purpurn/weiß, graubraun, selten selten gelb/weiß graugrün lupina tief ein- deutlich, | einfarbig grün grün mit schwachen | gekerbt schmal gelblich weißen Strichen naricina | rund kaum weil} grun grun, ungezeichnet, sichtbar Innenrand weiß Die weitgehende Ubereinstimmung präimaginaler Merkmale bei kocaki und lycaon kann als Hinweis auf eine relativ junge Artentrennung angesehen werden. Doch auch bei den /upina-Raupen lassen die Kopfform, der Wangenstrich, der farbige Basalstreifen, der Verpuppungsmodus und bei der Puppe die — wenn auch nur schwache — Zeichnung der Flugelscheiden Beziehungen zur kocaki-lycaon-Gruppe erkennen. Dagegen weist die turki- sche naricina, die Gross 1977 nach Tieren aus der Umgebung von Erzincan als subsp. naricoides beschrieb, im Raupen- und Puppenstadium Merkmale auf, die eine frühere Abtrennung vom gemeinsamen Stamm vermuten lassen. Die Kenntnis der ersten Stande der tibrigen Arten, die nach der derzeitigen Systematik zum Genus Hyponephele gestellt werden, wird zur Gruppierung innerhalb der Gattung beitragen können. Die ökologischen Ansprüche dieser vier Arten sind unterschiedlich. Am anpassungsfähigsten ist H. lycaon; diese Satyride bewohnt in Eurasien ein ausgedehntes Areal und konnte in jüngster Zeit ihren Siedlungsraum in nordwestlicher Richtung noch ausweiten (DE LATTIN 1967 : 41). Anderer- seits hat ihr Verbreitungsgebiet im europäischen Raum durch menschliche Eingriffe in die Landschaft an Geschlossenheit eingebüßt. In der Türkei 215 behauptet /ycaon sich noch in höheren Lagen, wo sie stellenweise mit kocaki zusammentrifft. In solchen Kohabitationszonen, wie in der Provinz Hakkari (ECKWEILER 1978 : 376) oder im Mengene-Gebirge im Südosten der Frovinz Van, erscheint die lokale kocaki einige Zeit vor der weitverbreiteten /ycaon. Am Güzeldere-Paß im Mengene-Gebirge blieben die Imagines von /ycaon im Bereich der grasigen Hänge, während die Falter von kocaki diesen Raum sogar in den heißen Mittagstunden verließen, um sich auf der besonders heißen Teerdecke der Paßstraße niederzulassen. H. lupina ist in weiten Gebieten Sudeuropas bodenständig, zeigt aber ein Bild disjunkter Verbreitung. In Kleinasien habe ich diese xerotherme Art sowohl in Küstennähe als auch noch in Höhenlagen von etwa 2200 m gefunden. Sie bevorzugt Biotope mit Büschen, in deren Schutz sich die Falter auch am Tage lange aufhalten. Ihre relative ökologische Flexibilität kommt auch wohl darin zum Ausdruck, daß die in der Türkei abgelegten Eier selbst unter dem Einfluß des nordwest-deutschen Klimas noch kurzfristig und gleichzeitig die Raupen ergaben, wie sich mehrfach erwies, während der Schlüpfvorgang bei kocaki und naricina unregelmäßig erfolgte und einen langen Zeitraum in Anspruch nahm. Die vergleichsweise kurze Vegetationsperiode in den Brutbiotopen von kocaki und naricina, die davon abhängige Entwicklungs- geschwindigkeit der präimaginalen Stadien und die im Vergleich zu anderen Satyriden kurze Flugzeit der Imagines lassen vermuten, daß auch der Schlupf der Raupen dieser beiden Arten in ihren natürlichen Reproduktionsräumen zeitlich begrenzt sein wird. In der Türkei habe ich naricina nur an vegetationsarmen, heißen und steinigen Hängen in 1400 bis 2100 m Meereshöhe angetroffen. Die sehr scheuen Falter setzten sich mit geschlossenen Flügeln so auf den erwärmten Boden, daß die Sonnenstrahlen etwa senkrecht auf eine Flügelseite auftrafen. Mit ihrer unruhig gezeichneten, silbrigen Hinterflügelunterseite sind diese Tiere in ihren Habitaten hervorragend gegen Sicht getarnt. Wenn die nari- cina-Weibchen in der Gefangenschaft ihre Eier an anorganische Stoffe hefteten, so wird dieses Ablageverhalten weitgehend den Möglichkeiten in der Natur entsprechen ; denn die mir bekannten Flugbiotope in den Pro- vinzen Erzincan, Sivas und Van sind zur Flugzeit dieser Art so kahl abgeweidet und von der Sonne so ausgedörrt, daß die Eiraupen in der ersten Zeit nach dem Schlüpfen sich nur unter Steinen verbergen können und sich vor dem Austrocknen durch die Aufnahme von Tau schützen müssen. Die bei den Aufzuchten gemachte Beobachtung, daß die Raupen von naricina wie auch die von kocaki sich nicht in allen Fällen in eine Hängepuppe verwandelten, sondern sich auch auf dem Boden verpuppen konnten, werte ich nicht als einen artgemäßen alternativen Verpuppungsmodus, sondern als eine Reaktion auf die drastisch veränderten Umweltbedingungen. 216 Literatur Boni, E. 1985. Die Raupen der europäischen Tagfalter — Les Chenilles des papillons diurnes européens — The caterpillars of European butterflies. Compiègne. Döring, E., 1955. Zur Morphologie der Schmetterlingseier. Berlin. ECKWEILER, W., 1978. Eine neue Art der Gattung Hyponephele MUSCHAMP aus der Südtürkei (Lep., Satyride). — Atalanta (Würzburg) 9 (4a) : 375-379. GILLMER, M., 1900. Beschreibung von Tagfaltereiern. — Ent. Z., Frankfurt a. M., 14 (11): 83-84. Gross, F. J., 1977. Uber Hyponephele narica und H. naricina und deren Verbreitung in der Türkei (Lep. Satyridae). — Atalanta (Würzburg) 8 (2) : 123-125. Hicacins, L. & HARGREAVES, B., 1983. The butterflies of Britain and Europe. London. DE Lattin, G., 1967. Grundriß der Zoogeographie. Stuttgart. SPULER, A., 1901-1908. Die Schmetterlinge Europas. Band 1. Stuttgart. VI. Europäischer Kongress für Lepidopterologie San Remo 5.-9. April 1988 Die Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL) ladt alle Lepidopterologen zur Teilnahme am VI. Europaischen Kongress für Lepidopterologie in San Remo (Dienstag 5. bis Samstag 9. April 1988) ein. Die Hauptthemen des Kongresses werden sein : — Biochemische und ökologische Anpassungen bei Schmetterlingen. — Biologie bedrohter Arten. — Genetische und kladistische Untersuchungen zur Phylogenie der Schmet- terlinge. Weitere Auskunfte erhalten Sie direkt vom Sekretar des Kongresses : Prof. Dr. E. Balletto, Dipartimento di Biologia animale, Via Academia Albertina 17, I-10123 Torino (Italien). 217 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 218-223 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Capparis spinosa (Capparidaceae) : an oviposition substrate for Lampides boeticus LINNAEUS, in southern Spain (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) (*) D. JORDANO BARBUDO, J. RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ and J. FERNANDEZ HAEGER Department of Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cordoba, E-14071 Cordoba, Spain. Zusammenfassung In Süd-Spanien, legt L. boeticus im Sommer seine Eier auf C. spinosa ab, da wo keine andere Futterpflanzen verfugbar sind. Trotz dem verbreiteten Kannibalismus unter den Raupen dieser Art, haben wir oft Eiablagen in den selben Knospen beobachtet, insbesondere auf Pflanzen in der Blutezeit. Eier wurden in Gruppen von ca. 3 auf den Knospen von C. spinosa gefunden. Obwohl die Zucht der Raupen in unserem Laboratorium nicht möglich war, können wir bestätigen, daß die frischge- schlüpften Raupen sich innerhalb der Knospen ernähren. Summary In southern Spain, during the summer, Lampides boeticus L. uses Capparis spinosa as oviposition substrate in areas where no other foodplants are available. Despite the cannibalism frequent in the larva of this species, high egg-loads were observed, especially on plants in full bloom. Eggs were found on average in clusters of around 3 per bud. Although it has not been possible to observe full development of larvae on this plant in the laboratory, we have confirmed that freshly hatched larvae make a hole in the sepals, and feed subsequently inside the bud. Lampides boeticus (LINNAEUS, 1767) is a widespread species in tropical and temperate zones all over the world, excluding North America. In southern Spain, it is multivoltine, with 4 or 5 generations per year, from April to October. This species lives in very different habitats, including towns (MARTIN, 1984), where it can even feed on fruits of Robinia pseudoacacia. Therefore, it presents great ecological plasticity, no doubt enhanced by its migratory habits (NEL, 1984 ; ROBERT et al, 1983), which give it a great capacity for colonising new habitats. However, the key factor in its adaptation to new habitats is undoubtedly its polyphagous feeding habits, its capacity to feed on a wide range of foodplants. (*) This work was supported by grant 3126/83 of the CAICYT. 218 Around 100 species of Leguminosae are reported for L. boeticus, belonging to 40 different genera (JORDANO et al., in press). Few references are available concerning plants of other families. These are Rosmarinus sp. (Labiatae) in Spain, Cliffortia sp. (Rosaceae) in South Africa, and Passiflora foetida (Passifloraceae) in Sumatra (RiIBBE, 1909 ; Dickson, 1953 and DEN Door, 1918 in MARTIN, 1984). It should however be mentioned that the range of foodplants used by individual populations is frequently small. In the case of multivoltine species like this, there is often a temporal alternation. For example, in south-eastern France, L. boeticus lays its eggs on Ulex sp. between January and April, on Colutea sp. in May, and during the summer on Spartium junceum (NEL, 1984). In Spain, observed preferences for Z. boeticus are : Pisum sativum, Colutea atlantica and Spartium junceum (MAN- LEY & ALLCARD, 1970; GOMEZ BUSTILLO & FERNANDEZ Rubio, 1974 ; MARTIN, 1984). Larvae of this species need to ingest food which is particularly rich in protein, thus giving rise to the use of plants and parts of plants with a high nitrogen content, such as the reproductive structures (flowers and fruits). This explains the anthophagous and carpophagous habit of the larvae. This pattern is widely found in the Lycaenidae, and has been related to myrmecophily (PIERCE, 1985), a mutualistic relationship which requires a considerable energu investment for the synthesis of amino-acids and sugars, which constitute the reward offered to the ants. In southern Spain, the availability of flowers and fruits on which the larvae depend is limited by the marked seasonality of the climate, which influences the phenology of foodplants. This problem is solved in some areas by L. boeticus exploiting alfalfa crops (Medicago sativa) on irrigated land (MARTIN, 1984 ; pers. obs.), an alternative which ensures the maintenance of a population of relatively high density (JoRDANO, 1980). However, this alterna- tive is virtually non-existent in southern Spain, where irrigated land accounts for only a small proportion of cultivated areas, and where alfalfa is a minor crop. During our research on the biology and ecology of Colotis evagore KLUG (Pieridae) in the Guadalquivir river valley, we have frequently observed, over the last three summers, a northward movement of L. boeticus across this area. At this time of year, herbaceous plants on the embankments and uncultivated marginal areas dry up. Capparis spinosa, the foodplant of C. evagore, (also used in summer by two other Pieridae (Artogeia rapae L. and Pieris brassicae L.), is an exception, since it puts out new shoots annually from large roots, which actually enables it to grow and bloom in summer (FERNANDEZ HAEGER et. al., 1987). 219 In summer 1984, we frequently observed L. boeticus on the leaves of this plant, a fact which we considered unimportant, due to the taxonomic position of C. spinosa, at some distance from the Leguminosae and closer to the Cruciferae, with which it shares the presence of glucosinolates, and in particular glucocaparin, identified as methyl-isothiocyanate (KJAER, 1960). These allelochemicals are deterrent to most herbivores. In summer 1985, a more detailed observation of L. boeticus revealed that their presence on such plants was not accidental, and that the plant attracted the butterflies, as shown by the constancy and frequency of their visits. We were able to confirm that on most occasions, they were females, whose behaviour were characteristic of the foodplant identification phase. Females moved across the leaves curling the abdomen and crawling the ovipositor over the leaf surface. When they stopped, they rubbed the upper surface of the leaf with the foretarsi, touching it with the tips of the antennae. We were finally able to confirm the laying of several eggs, scattered over the upper surface of some leaves. This occurred in July in an area near Castro del Rio (province of Cordoba), and was initially interpreted as an oviposition mistake (DETHIER, 1959 : STRAATMAN, 1962; RODMAN & CHEW, 1980), which was somewhat unexpected in view of the nature of the plant, and the fact that wild Medicago sativa plants, with ripening fruits and still some inflorescences, were growing in a ditch only a few meters away. These plants, where several Polyommatus icarus females were found to be laying, were apparently ignored by L. boeticus. In the summer of 1986 we were able to confirm conclusively that the oviposition observed in the previous year was not an isolated case. This was borne out by the observation of many females laying on unopened C. spinosa flowers in September near Moriles (Province of Cordoba). A close study of the plants revealed several L. boeticus eggs, some of which had hatched. An average of 3.35 + 1.99 eggs (n = 23) were found per bud, and 82.6% of the buds contained clusters of two or more eggs (Fig. |), despite the cannibalism common in the caterpillars of this species (MARTIN, 1984 ; pers. obs.). The preference for unopened flowers as an oviposition substrate agrees with the results obtained by MARTIN (1984), who found 84.4% of eggs laid on flowers and only 10.6% on leaves. These observations may also explain the laying preference observed in another area in September 1986, where eggs were found on burnt and re-sprouted plants, in full bloom at that time, rather than on plants which had not been burnt, that were phenologically more advanced and had almost finished flowering. The C. spinosa in this area covers the verge of a road, forming a stragg!ing hedge about 400 metres long. It is sometimes partially 220 n QC x nN + Number of eggs/bud Fig. 1. Number of eggs of L. boeticus on buds of C. spinosa. L. BOETICUS DDEZZZZZZZZZIUN C. SPINOSA RE EMA EM in RA ON Fig. 2. Ombrothermic diagram of the city of Cordoba: The phenology of C. spinosa and abundance of L. boeticus. The vegetative growth period of the plant (inset) coincides with hot, dry weather ; this period also coincides with the period when L. boeticus numbers are highest (inset, top). burnt. Burnt plants tend to put out new shoots around 20 days later, and bloom again in profusion. 221 This may also explain the laying of eggs on leaves, seen in the first area mentioned above in 1985, where buds were scarce, because of mass picking for commercial purposes. The phenology of the plant is also observed to coincide with the periods of greatest abundance of L. boeticus (summer and autumn generations), when numbers are swelled by migrating individuals (Fig. 2). To chart the development of the larvae, bud samples were collected and observed in the laboratory, where caterpillars hatched normally. After making a hole in the sepals, they entered the bud and fed mainly on the anthers. Limited availability of buds, together with their rapid deterioration after cutting, led to the failure of the rearing experiment. Despite this, several caterpillars continued to develop up to the third instar. In this connection, it should be pointed out that Pontia daplidice L. females were occasionally seen to lay on the leaves of this plant. Nevertheless, and despite its biochemi- cal relationships with the Cruciferae and Resedaceae, usually used for oviposition by P. daplidice, the newly hatched caterpillars of this species rejected it completely, finally dying of starvation. Thus, though it has not been possible to study the full larval development on this plant, it seems likely that, under natural conditions, this species may be able to complete its life cycle on it. References DETHIER, V. G., 1959. Egg-laying habits in lepidoptera in relation to available food. Can. Ent. 91 : 554-561. FERNANDEZ HAEGER, J., D. JORDANO BARBUDO & J. RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ, 1987. Capparis spinosa: a resource for insects during summer food shortage in southern Spain. Proc. 3 European Congress of Entomology, pp. 259-262. Amsterdam. GOMEZ BUSTILLO, M. R. & F. FERNANDEZ Rubio, 1974. Mariposas de la Peninsula Iberica. Il. Publicaciones del Ministerio de Agricultura. Madrid. JORDANO, D., 1980. Estudio ecolögico del ciclo anual de una comunidad mediterra- nea de mariposas diurnas. Tesina de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Cordoba. JORDANO, D. & J. RODRIGUEZ (in press). Nuevas citas de plantas nutricias para tres especies de ropaloceros. SHILAP, Revta. Lepid. KIAER, A., 1960. Naturally derived isothiocyanates (mustard oils) and their parent glucosides. Fortsch. Chem. Org. Naturst. 18 : 122-176. MANLEY, W. B. L. & H. G. ALLCARD, 1970. A field guide to the butterflies and burnets of Spain. E. W. CLASSEY Ltd. Publishers. London. MARTIN, J., 1984. Biologia comparada de Lampides boeticus (L.), Syntarucus pirithous (_.) y Polvommatus icarus (ROT.) (Lep., Lycaenidae). Graellsia XL : 163-193. 222 NEL, J., 1984. Sur la plasticité écologique et la biologie de quelques lépidoptères (Rhopalocera) du sud-est méditerranéen de la France. These. Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de Saint-Jerome. Universite d’Aix-Marseille. Pierce, N. E., 1984. Lycaenid butterflies and ants : Selection for nitrogen-fixing and other protein-rich food plants. Am. Nat. 125 : 888-895. ROBERT, J. H., A. ESCARRE, T. GARCIA & P. MARTINEZ, 1983. Lepidopteros ropaloceros. Cuadernos de la Fauna Alicantina. IV. Publicaciones del Instituto de Estudios Alicantinos. Serie II, n° 20. Alicante. RODMAN, J. E. & F. S. CHEw, 1980. Phytochemical correlates of herbivory in a community of native and naturalized Cruciferae. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 8 : 43-50. STRAATMAN, R., 1962. Notes on certain Lepidoptera ovipositing on plants which are toxic to their larvae. J. Lepid. Soc. 26 : 99-103. Corrigendum The editor would like to apologize for an unfortunate error in the list of contents of Nota lepid. 10 (3): 137. For Noctua warrensis sp.n., read Noctua warreni sp.n. 223 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 224-235 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 The systematic status of the genera Iiseopsis POVOLNY, 1965, and Empista POVOLNY, 1968 (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae : Gnorimoschemini) K. SATTLER Department of Entomology, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 S5BD, U.K. Abstract The systematic status of the genera //seopsis POVOLNY and Empista POVOLNY, including its subgenus Zeempista POVOLNY, is discussed. //seopsis and Zeempista are recognized as junior subjective synonyms of Scrobipalpa JANSE and Kiwaia PHILPOTT respectively ; Empista is reduced to a subgenus of Kiwaia. One species is recalled from synonymy and 30 new combinations are introduced. The head structures of two Scrobipalpa species are illustrated by SEM photomicrographs. Zusammenfassung Der systematische Status der Gattungen //seopsis POVOLNY und Empista POVOLNY, einschlieBlich der Untergattung Zeempista POVOLNY, wird diskutiert. //seopsis und Zeempista werden als jungere subjektive Synonyme zu Scrobipalpa JANSE bzw. Kiwaia PHILPOTT gezogen ; Empista wird zur Untergattung von Kiwaia herunterge- stuft. Eine Art wird aus der Synonymie gerufen, und 30 neue Kombinationen werden eingefuhrt. Die Kopfstrukturen von zwei Scrobipalpa-Arten werden in REM-Fotos dargestellt. The Gnorimoschemini are a tribe of the Gelechiidae : Gelechiinae with almost worldwide distribution. Most of the currently recognized 35 or so gnorimoschemine genera are based exclusively on morphological characters of the male and female genitalia and can be separated satisfactorily from each other by these structures. An exception is the monotypic genus //seopsis PovoLny, 1965, containing /. peterseni PovoLnY from North Africa and Saudi Arabia. It will be shown in this paper that //seopsis cannot be separated from Scrobipalpa JANSE, 1951. It will also be shown that the genus Empista POVOLNY, 1968, originally described from Nepal, is merely a subgenus of the New Zealand genus Kiwaia Puitpotr, 1930, and that Zeempista POVOLNY, 1974, originally proposed as a subgenus of Empista, is a junior subjective synonym of Kiwaia. The results of my studies are published here to be 224 available for the Gnorimoschemini volume of Microlepidoptera Palaearctica that is currently in preparation by POVOLNY with the assistance of ROESLER. In the original description of //seopsis, POVOLNY emphasized as good generic characters in the male genitalia the strong bend at the basal third of the valva, the reduction of the first pair of saccular processes and the relatively short small saccus, and in the female genitalia the short apophyses anteriores. Before discussing the validity of these presumed generic characters, some aspects of the terminology adopted by PovoLNy must be clarified. In the male genitalia of Scrobipalpa (Figs 4, 5) and J/seopsis (Figs 2, 3) the posterior margin of the vinculum is characterized by a V-shaped median emargination flanked by a pair of short but usually distinct processes. These are referred to by PovoLnY as the first pair of saccular processes (“erstes Paar der Saccularfortsatze”) whilst the vinculum is interpreted as saccular fold (“Saccularfalte”). The proper sacculus is vaguely described as a shovel- shaped process fused with the base of the valva (“mit der Valvenbasis verwachsener schaufelförmiger Fortsatz”) and in PovoLNy’s later publica- tions is termed “parabasal process of the valva”. The weakly clavate valva of most Scrobipalpa species is more or less straight ; however, in S. ocellatella (BOYD, 1858) (Fig. 4), an otherwise undisputed Scrobipalpa, it is bent nearly as strongly as in peterseni (Fig. 2). The posterior processes of the vinculum (“saccular processes”) are very small in peterseni, but varying degrees of reduction are found in several Scrobipalpa species. Reference to the “first pair of saccular processes” implies that there should be at least a second pair ; however, no further pair exists in Scrobipalpa or Ilseopsis unless POVOLNY means the sacculi. The saccus of peterseni agrees perfectly with that of many Scrobipalpa species ; it is neither unusually short nor small. The female genitalia of peterseni with strong honeycomb pattern on segment VIII and a hook-like signum are consistent with those of Scrobipalpa. The apophyses anteriores are indeed very short, but their length can vary considerably between Scrobipalpa species and sometimes even within a species. None of these characters justifies the generic separation of peterseni from Scrobipalpa. An unusual character overlooked by PovoLny is the irregular frontal process on the head of peterseni (Figs 6-8), reminiscent of the processes of certain Ornativalva species, for example O. lilvella (Lucas, 1944) (SATTLER, 1976, pl. 6, figs 39-41). Modifications of the frontal region have evolved inde- pendently in several families of Lepidoptera, for example Cosmopterigidae, Symmocidae, Pyralidae, Geometridae, Thyrididae, Noctuidae and Notodon- tidae. In the Gelechiidae various frontal modifications, including clearly defined processes, are known in Ornativalva GOZMANY, 1955, Athrips BILLBERG, 1820, Lita TREITSCHKE, 1833, Cerofrontia JANSE, 1951, Radio- 225 nerva JANSE, 1951, Leistogenes MEYRICK, 1927, Caulastrocecis CHRÉTIEN, 1931, and others. None of the Scrobipalpa species examined for this character possesses a frontal process, but an evenly expanded frons with enlarged scale bases, the first step towards the development of a distinct process, was observed in S. usingeri PovoLnY, 1969, from Mongolia (Figs 9-11). Species with and without frontal processes are found side by side in several genera (for example Ornativalva, Athrips and Lita). The presence of this structure in peterseni is thus no justification for its exclusion from Scrobipalpa. 1 Fig. 1. Scrobipalpa peterseni (PovoLnY), d, Algeria, Biskra, 24.11.1903 (WALSINGHAM) (BMNH). The wings of peterseni (Figs 1, 12) are rather narrower than those of most Scrobipalpa species. The forewing in particular is broadly lanceolate and more pointed than that of most other species. The costa, which is usually gently arched and more or less evenly convex from base to apex in Scrobi- palpa, is straight or even weakly concave between RI1 and the apex in peterseni. Such modification of the forewing shape, sometimes with loss of an M vein, is observed in certain brachypterous species, and I consider it possible that both sexes of peterseni are flightless. It may therefore be significant that one of the examined specimens of peterseni lacks one of the M veins in the forewing, probably M2 or M3 (Fig. 12). 226 Figs 2-5. Male genitalia. 2, Scrobipalpa peterseni (PovoLnY), Algeria, Biskra, 24.iii. 1903 (WALSINGHAM) (genitalia slide no. 15846; BMNH). 3, ditto, aedeagus. 4, S. ocellatella (Boyp), England, Winspit, 10.vii.1886 (BANKES) (genitalia slide no. 23615 ; BMNH). 5, ditto, aedeagus. 221 Figs 6-11. SEM photomicrographs of Scrobipalpa heads ; frontal, lateral and dorsal views. 6-8, S. peierseni (PovoLNY), 3, Algeria, Hammam-es-Salahin, 6.iii.1904 (WALSINGHAM) (BMNH). 9-11, S. usingeri PovoLnY, 36, Mongolia, Südgobi aimak, 100 km W v. Grenz- posten Ovot Chuural, 1250 m, (KaszaB, Nr. 834) (BMNH). 228 12 Fig. 12. Wing venation of Scrobipalpa peterseni (POVOLNY), d, Algeria, Hammam-es-Salahin, 5.111.1904 (WALSINGHAM) (wing slide no. 15861 ; BMNH). Forewing with reduced number of M veins. A more extreme example of flightlessness in the Gnorimoschemini is a brachypterous Ephysteris species from the island of Madeira (see below). In this species the apex of the forewing is even longer than in peterseni, veins R4 +5 are coincident and one M vein is missing ; the hindwing is strongly reduced and has lost most of its venation. An analogous case of loss of an M vein in the forewing is also known in Thyrocopa apatela (WALSINGHAM, 1907) (Gelechioidea : Xyloryctidae) from the Hawaiian Islands, a flightless species with wing reduction in males and females (ZIMMERMAN, 1978 : 937, figs 645, 650). Ephysteris sp. and Thyrocopa apatela are both undisputed members of genera with many closely related fully winged species. The slightly unusual forewing shape of peterseni, with occasional loss of an M vein, here interpreted as a tendency towards wing reduction, is in itself no justification for the separation of Ilseopsis from Scrobipalpa. Moreover, as all Gnorimoschemini genera are, without exception, defined by characters of the genitalia it would be inconsis- tent to break this principle for peterseni. Having demonstrated that peterseni does not deserve a separate genus, its position within Scrobipalpa has to be established. Scrobipalpa is by far the largest genus of Gnorimoschemini ; the number of included species has doubled in the last 20 years to almost 300. The majority of species are found in arid areas of the western Palaearctic region ; no less than 60-70 species 229 are recorded from Europe. Their monophagous or oligophagous larvae are predominantly associated with Compositae, Chenopodiaceae and Solana- ceae. On account of their great external uniformity the identification of many species was always problematic. Even many of those published in recent years are inadequately known because they were described from only one sex, sometimes a single imperfectly preserved and poorly documented specimen. Moreover, they were rarely compared with related species and no keys were provided. The large number of misidentifications found amongst material that had been examined in recent times by specialists with the aid of genitalia preparations is a clear indication that there is at present no one who can reliably identify all Scrobipalpa species. For example, specimens with geni- talia preparations originally identified by PovoLNy as S. acuminatella (SIR- coM, 1850) and S. artemisiella (TREITSCHKE, 1833), and later as S. murinella (HERRICH-SCHÄFFER, 1854), were in fact S. halonella (HERRICH-SCHAFFER, 1854) (SATILER, 1987 : 452). No attempt has ever been made to provide a systematic arrangement of Scrobipalpa into which newly discovered species could be integrated. In fact, it is hard to understand how, in the absence of a classification, “new” species could ever be recognized as such with any degree of certainty in a genus of this size. The unsatisfactory situation in Scrobipalpa contrasts sharply with that in other large genera. For example, the similarly uniform but even larger genus Coleophora HUBNER, 1822 (Coleophoridae) was divided by ToLL (1953, 1962) into groups, sections and subsections, all made generally accessible through keys. Frustrated by this chaos, POVOLNY in his numerous papers has resorted to treating the species in a roughly alphabetical sequence (in this “system” peterseni would be placed between S. perinoides POVOLNY, 1967, and S. phagnalella (CONSTANT, 1895) !) or at best grouping them vaguely by their host-plants (unknown for peterseni). Amongst the morphological characters that might help indicate relationship with other species is the forewing shape of peterseni with occasional loss of an M vein ; however, this specialization is not known in any other Scrobipalpa. A modified frons, although not a well-defined process as in peterseni, is found in S. usingeri POVOLNY, but experience in other gelechiid genera has shown that frontal processes can arise independently more than once and that closely related species can differ in the presence or absence of frontal modifications. Other morphological characters do not appear to confirm a closer relationship between peterseni and usingeri. A bent valva similar to that of peterseni is also found in S. ocellatella (BoyD), but other genitalic characters neither confirm nor contradict a closer relationship between these two species. 230 Scrobipalpa peterseni (POVOLNY, 1965) comb. n. Ilseopsis peterseni POVOLNYŸ, 1965, Acta ent. bohemoslovaca 62: 481, figs I, 2. Holotype d, SAUDI ARABIA: Riyad, 700 m, 1.viii.-30.1x.1958 (DIEHL) (Landessammlungen für Naturkunde, Karlsruhe) [not exami- ned]. Ilseopsis peterseni POVOLNY ; POVOLNY, 1971: 43; 1979: 113; 1980a: 243 ; 1980b: 204; 1981 : 394. Head G, ? (Figs 6-8). Scale bases dense along margin of compound eyes and around ocelli and antennal sockets, almost absent from vertex between posterior margin of head and frontal process. Transfrontal sulcus indistinct. Frontal process short, rough, with irregular surface. Scale bases between frontal process and tentorial pits enlarged to irregular knobs or teeth. Venation d, © (Fig. 12). In forewing Sc to costa at about two-fifths, Ri and R2 free from cell, R3 free or connate with R4 + 5, common stalk longer than free ends of R4 and RS ; MI near R4 + 5, M2 and M3 approximated at base, almost connate ; Cul and Cu2 parallel to M3, distance at base of M3-Cul about half Cul-Cu2, Al +2 with basal fork, discocellular vein obsolete around base of MI and M2. In hindwing Sc + RI to costa at about two- thirds, basal section of RI weak or absent between Rs and Sc, Rs to costa close to apex, M1 from cell, parallel to Rs, M2 gently curved, at base closer to M3 + Cul, on termen closer to MI, M3 on short stalk with Cul from corner of cell, Cu2 arising behind middle of cell, parallel to Cul, Al weak, A2 obsolete, discocellular vein obsolete. Host-plant unknown. POVOLNY (1980b : 204) suspected the larva to be a miner of Compositae but gave no reason for this view. If the bent valva of the males is a synapomorphy of peterseni and ocellatella, the host-plant will more likely be found amongst the Chenopodiaceae. Distribution. Algeria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia. Material examined. Algeria : 2 4,2 ©, Hammam-es-Salahin, 14.iii.1903 (©), 24.111.1903 (3), 5.111.1904 (G), 3.iv.1904 (2) (WALSINGHAM) (BMNH, London). The hitherto monotypic New Zealand genus Kiwaia was established for K. Jeanae, a species based on two brachypterous males. The generic description emphasizes the striking dense cover of fine radiating hair-scales on the rudimentary hindwing. It was subsequently shown that the female of the type-species is also brachypterous but lacks the long erect hindwing scales. Brachyptery is a comparatively rare phenomenon in the Lepidoptera. It is usually confined to the female and is exceedingly rare in the male. In the 231 Gelechioidea species with brachypterous males and females are known in the Xyloryctidae ( Thyrocopa apatela (WALSINGHAM, 1907) — Hawaii), Oeco- phoridae ( Borkhausenia falklandensis BRADLEY, 1965 — Falkland Isiands), Elachistidae (Elachista holdgatei (BRADLEY, 1965) — Falkland Islands ; Elachista galatheae (ViETTE, 1954) — Campbell Island ; Elachista hookeri (DUGDALE, 1971) — Auckland Islands ; Elachista pumila (DUGDALE, 1971) — Auckland Islands), Scythrididae (Areniscythris brachypteris POWELL, 1976 — California) and Gelechiidae (Ephysteris sp. — Madeira; Kiwaia jeanae PHiLPOTT, 1930 — New Zealand). The Ephysteris specimens from Madeira were identified by PovoLnY (1964 : 346; 1965: 490; 1968a: 5, 8) as E. curtipennis (ZERNY), a species described from the High Atlas in Morocco ; however, this identification is dubious. ZERNY (1936: 138) described the male of curtipennis as having normal wings and specifically mentioned the parallel costal and dorsal margins of the hindwing. By contrast, the Madeiran males examined by me have broadly lanceolate hindwings, distinctly shorter than the forewings, and are clearly brachypterous like the females. POVOLNY initially stated that only the females of “curtipennis” (including the Madeiran specimens) were brachypterous (PovoLnY, 1964 : 346), whereas subsequently both sexes were said to be brachypterous (PovoLnY, 1965 : 490) or no reference to the sexes was made (PovoLny, 1968a: 5, 8). Thanks to the efforts of John S. DUGDALE (DSIR, Auckland, New Zealand) and Annette WALKER (formerly DSIR, now CIE, London), I was able to study live specimens of Kiwaia jeanae. The moths were field collected by John DUGDALE in individual tubes with some plant material and were brought to London by air by Annette WALKER. Both males and females of jeanae can run very fast and, like some other flightiess moths, are able to make jumps of up to 150 mm. Unfortunately the males did not “display” in captivity and no observations could be made on the function of the striking hindwing scales on the live moth. When the specimen is at rest these scales lie along the upper surface of the hindwing and with it are hidden under the forewing. By manipulating the forewing of a freshly killed specimen with a fine needle it was possible to expose the hindwing. With the gradual exposure of the wing the long scales raised automatically and fanned out ; they returned in a similar way to their original position as the forewing was moved back over the hindwing. For colour illustrations of both sexes, with the male showing the radiating hindwing scales, see Hupson, 1939, pl. 58, figs 9, 10. At least some of the brachypterous species recorded here are undisputed members of large genera that otherwise consist of normal fully winged species. It is therefore not surprising to discover that Kiwaia jeanae is congeneric with and indeed very closely related to fully winged New Zealand 232 Gelechiidae. As a result of studies undertaken in conjunction with J. S. DUGDALE it was found that the majority of the New Zealand Gelechiidae hitherto placed in Gelechia HUBNER, [1825], and Phthorimaea MEYRICK, 1902, must be transferred to Kiwaia. This includes four former Phthorimaea which PovoLny (1977) had placed (together with a newly described species) in Empista, subgenus Zeempista. My studies have shown that Empista PovoLnY, 1968, can at best be given subgeneric rank whilst Zeempista PovoLny, 1974, is a straight synonym of Kiwaia. Subgenus Kiwaia PHILPOTT, 1930 Kiwaia PHILPOTT, 1930, Rec. Canterbury Mus. 3 : 248. Type-species : Kiwaia jeanae PHiLPOTT, 1930, ibid. 3: 249, by original designation and monotypy. Zeempista POVOLNY, 1974, Acta ent. bohemoslovaca 71: 414. Type-spe- cies : Gelechia cheradias MEYRICK, 1909, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 41 : 12, by original designation. Originally proposed as a subgenus of Empista PovoLny, 1968, Syn. n. The subgenus Kiwaia is confined to New Zealand and comprises the following species : Kiwaia ( Kiwaia) aerobatis (MEYRICK, 1924) comb. n. ; brontophora (MEYRICK, 1885) comb. n. ; caerulea (HUDSON, 1925) comb. n.; calaspidea (CLARKE, 1934) comb. n.; cheradias (MEYRICK, 1909) comb. n. ; contraria (PHILPOTT, 1930) comb. n. ; dividua (PHILPOTT, 1921) comb. n. ; eurybathra (MEYRICK, 1931) comb. n. ; glaucoterma (MEYRICK, 1911) comb. n. ; sp. rev. ; heterospora (MEYRICK, 1924) comb. n. ; hippeis (Meyrick, 1901) comb. n. ; jeanae PHiLPOTT, 1930; Japillosa (MEYRICK, 1924) comb. n.; /enis (PHILPOTT, 1929) comb. n.; lithodes (MEYRICK, 1885) comb. n. ; matermea (POVOLNY, 1974) comb. n. ; monophragma (Meyrick, 1885) comb. n. ; neglecta (PHILPOTT, 1924) comb. n. ; para- pleura (Meyrick, 1885) comb. n. ; parvula (PHILPOTT, 1930) comb. n. ; pharetria (MEYRICK, 1886) comb. n. ; plemochoa (MEYRICK, 1916) comb. n. ; pumila (PHILPOTT, 1928) comb. n. ; quieta (PHILPOTT, 1927) (= pulverea PHILPOTT, 1928) comb. n. ; schematica (MEYRICK, 1885) comb. n. ; thyraula (Meyrick, 1885) comb. n. PovoLNy (1974: 416) synonymized glaucoterma with brontophora ; this synonymy is not accepted here as both species can be clearly distinguished by external characters. The validity of matermea requires confirmation as POVOLNY at the time of its description was unaware of most of the 25 congeneric species. 233 Subgenus Empista PovoLny, 1968, stat. n. Empista POVOLNY, 1968b, Khumbu Himal 1: 116. Type-species : Empista palaearctica POVOLNY, 1968b, ibid. 3 : 117, figs 1-3, by monotypy. The subgenus Empista is at present known only from Nepal and comprises the following species : Kiwaia ( Empista) kumatai (POVOLNY, 1976) comb. n.; palaearctica palaearctica (POVOLNY, 1968) comb. n.; palaearctica secunda (PovoLnY, 1976) comb. n. ; spinosa (POVOLNY, 1976) comb. n. Acknowledgements I acknowledge gratefully the help received from Mr J. S. DUGDALE, DSIR, Auckland, New Zealand, Miss A. WALKER, CIE, London, and my colleagues at the British Museum (Natural History), London, Miss M. ToBIN and Mr W. G. TREMEWAN. References Hupson, G. V., 1939. A supplement to the butterflies and moths of New Zealand : 358-481, colour plates 53-62. Wellington, New Zealand. PovoLny, D., 1964. Gnorimoschemini Trib. Nov. — Eine neue Tribus der Familie Gelechiidae nebst Bemerkungen zu ihrer Taxonomie (Lepidoptera). Cas. és/. Spol. ent. 61 : 330-359, text-figs 1-70, colour pls 1-3. PovoLny, D., 1965. Neue und wenig bekannte palaearktische Arten und Gattungen der Tribus Gnorimoschemini nebst Bemerkungen zu ihrer Taxonomie (Lepi- doptera, Gelechiidae). Acta ent. bohemoslovaca 62 : 480-495, figs 1-20. PovoLnY, D., 1968a. Neue und wenig bekannte Taxone aus der Tribus Gnorimo- schemini PovoLnY, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). P*frodov. Pr. Cesk. Akad. Ved. (N.S.) 2 (3): 1-44, pls 1-21. PovoLnY, D., 1968b. Drei neue Arten und eine neue Gattung der Tribus Gnori- moschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) aus Nepal. Khumbu Himal 3: 116-123, figs 1-3 + 1-9. POVOLNY, D., 1971. Zur Fauna der Tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in Nordwestafrika. Acta ent. bohemoslovaca 68: 23-44, figs 1-54. PovoLnY, D., 1974. Revision of the genus Empista POVOLNY, (Zeempista subgen. n.) from New Zealand (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Acta ent. bohemoslovaca 71: 414-428, figs 1-32. PovoLny, D., 1977. Notes on Gnorimoschemini of Australia and New Zealand (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Acta ent. Mus. natn. Pragae 39: 403-443, figs 1-78, maps 1-4. PovoLnY, D., 1979. Eine Ausbeute der Tribus Gnorimoschemini aus Tunis (Lepi- doptera : Gelechiidae). Folia ent. hung. (S.N.) 32 (1): 111-119, figs 1-8. POVOLNY, D., 1980a. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Lepidoptera : Fam. Gelechiidae, Tribus Gnorimoschemini. Fauna Saudi Arabia 2 : 241-251, figs 1-10. 234 PovoLny, D., 1980b. Die bisher bekannten Futterpflanzen der Tribus Gnorimo- schemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) und deren Bedeutung für taxono- misch-6kologische Erwägungen. Acta Univ. Agric. Brno (A) 28 (1) : 189-210. PovoiNŸ, D., 1981. Uber neue und wenig bekannte Arten der Tribus Gnorimo- schemini (Lep., Gelechiidae) aus dem Mediterraneum. Acta Univ. Agric. Brno (A) 29 (1-2) : 365-397, figs 1-61. SATTLER, K., 1976. A taxonomic revision of the genus Ornativalva GOZMANY, 1955 (Lepidoptera : Gelechiidae). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 34: 85-152, pls 1-27, text-figs 1-27. SATILER, K., 1987. Die an Compositen gebundenen Scrobipalpa-Arten des Ostli- chen Österreichs (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Ann/n naturhist. Mus. Wien 88/89 (B) : 435-456, figs 1-34. ToLL, S., 1953. Rodzina Eupistidae polski. Mater. Fizjogr. Kraju 32: 1-292, text-figs 1-31, pls 1-38. TOLL, S., 1962. Materialien zur Kenntnis der palaarktischen Arten der Familie Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera). Acta zool. cracov. 7: 577-720, text-figs 1-5, pls IK-14K, 1F-10F, 1A-43A, IM-19M, 1W-14W, 15-338. ZERNY, H., 1936. Die Lepidopterenfauna des Grossen Atlas in Marokko und seiner Randgebiete. Mem. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc. 42 : 1-163, pls 1, 2. ZIMMERMAN, E. C., 1978. Insects of Hawaii. Vol. 9, Microlepidoptera, 1903 pp., 1355 text-figs, 8 colour pls. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. 235 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 236-240 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 The problem of infrasubspecific names in some groups of Lepidoptera W. G. TREMEWAN Department of Entomology, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K. Abstract Problems of availability, authorship and dates of names used for geographical forms in some groups of Lepidoptera, such as European butterflies and the genus Zygaena FABRICIUS, 1775, are discussed. For Zygaena, a practical solution is proposed which, if adopted, would lead to a stable nomenclature. Zusammenfassung Die Problematik der Verfügbarkeit, Autorschaft und Datierung von gebrauchlichen Namen fur geographische Formen gewisser Lepidopterengruppen, z.B. europaischer Tagfalter und der Gattung Zygaena FABRICIUS, 1775, wird diskutiert. Für Zygaena wird eine praktische Losung vorgeschlagen, deren Annahme zu einer stabilen Nomenklatur führen würde. When early specialists such as Otto HoLık, Manfred KocH and Hugo Reıss described and named geographical forms of Zygaena FABRICIUS, 1775, it was customary to denote such taxa as subspecies and varieties, the latter category being a subdivision of the former (individual forms were denoted as aberra- tions). This system was originally introduced by BURGEFF (1926a: 5; 1926b) and had it been followed consistently, the nomenclature of the group would now be relatively free of problems regarding availability, authorship and dates. However, up to the 1960s it was not uncommon for authors (specialists and non-specialists alike) to relegate subspecies to varietal level or, more frequently, to elevate varieties to subspecific rank. From the 1960s most newly described geographical forms were categorized as subspecies, because Zygaena specialists were more aware of the provisions of the /nt. Code zool. Nom. and had begun to apply them to the group. Even before the publication of the 1961 edition of the Code, DusJARDIN (1956 : 252) stated “En application des Regles de la Nomenclature trinominale en vigueur, nous sommes actuellement dans l'obligation de réserver le terme de ‘sous-espèce’ a toute race ou iorme géographique predominante bien différenciée”. 236 Under the provisions of the Code, an infrasubspecific name such as a quadrinomen is unavailable. However, the question of availability, authorship and date does arise when a varietal name, originally established as quadrino- minal, is raised to subspecific rank. The 1985 edition of the Code is more explicit than the two previous editions : Article 45 (f) (iii) states that a name is “infrasubspecific, if the author, when publishing the name, published it as an addition to a trinomen...”. However, during the last three decades confusion has arisen over the availability, authorship and date of many of the names established for geographical forms, because of ambiguities in the 1961 and 1964 editions of the Code. In these editions, Article 17 (9) states that a name is or remains available even though “before 1961, it was proposed as a ‘variety’ or ‘form’” ; Article 45 (e) (i) states “Before 1961, the use of either of the terms ‘variety’ or ‘form’ is not to be interpreted as an express statement of either subspecific or infrasubspecific rank” ; Article 45 (e) (ii) states “After 1960, a new name published as that of a ‘variety’ or ‘form’ is to be regarded as of infrasubspecific rank”. When preparing the catalogue of Zygaena, REISS & TREMEWAN (1967) were guided by these articles ; fully aware of the inconsistent treatment of geographical forms by previous workers, and following current usage, they placed the majority of varieties at subspecies level and attributed the names to their original authors and dates. Recently, KUDRNA (1983), KUDRNA & BALLETTO (1984), BALLETTO & KUDRNA (1986) and Kocak (1984) have drawn attention to the availabi- lity/unavailability of certain names established for geographical forms of European butterflies and Zygaena. The paper by KUDRNA (1983) concerns the nominal taxa of Papilionoidea described by VERITY ; in the introduction (pp. 1-7), VERITY’s concept of species, subspecies/exerge and race, and the nomenclatural problems arising from such a system, are fully described. As pointed out by KUDRNA, the most confusing category in VERITY’s publications is the term “race”, which has been misinterpreted by subsequent workers many of whom have treated the VERITY names originally proposed in this category as subspecific and thus available. Because of the widespread placement of VERITY’s races at subspe- cific level, KUDRNA contends that such names should be treated as available if they were originally proposed in a trinominal combination. The views expressed by KUDRNA (1983) relative to the Papilionoidea are also reflected in the paper by BALLETTO & KUDRNA (1986), which deals exclusively with the nominal taxa of Zygaenidae described by VERITY. According to Article 45 (f) (ii) of the present Code, the names categorized by VERITY as “race” in a trinominal combination are indeed available. However, the question of availability does arise when a name, originally established by VERITY for a race, was published as a quadrinomen. For 237 example, having considered the two species Zygaena rhadamanthus (ESPER, 1794) and Zygaena oxytropis BOISDUVAL, [1828] to be no more than subspecies, VERITY (1920 : 161) established the taxon pyrenaea as a race of Zygaena rhadamanthus rhadamanthus. When Z. rhadamanthus and Z. oxytropis were re-established as distinct species by subsequent authors, pyre- naea was placed as a subspecies of the former (e.g. LE CHARLES, 1934 : 679). If Articles 10 (c), 23 (j) and 50 (c) (i) of the present Code are followed, the name pyrenaea should be attributed to the first author who subsequently used it for a subspecies, with priority from that date. Unfortunately, the strict application of these rules to the genus Zygaena is impractical. In spite of meticulous attention to detail prior to the publication of their paper, BALLETTO & KUDRNA (1986) erroneously attributed the nominal taxa dupon- cheli VERITY, 1921, pulcherrima VERITY, 1921, pvrenaea VERITY, 1920, and pyrenes VERITY, 1921, to REıss & TREMEWAN (1967), to cite only four examples from their list. These taxa were in fact first raised (as far as I can ascertain) to subspecies level by LE CHARLES (1934) more than 30 years before ; they are mentioned here merely as examples and not as a criticism of BALLETTO & KUDRNA’s excellent work. In fact, BALLETTO & KUDRNA (1986 : 228) emphasise the futility of undertaking a thorough search of the literature published during the past 70 years, in order to ascertain who may have possibly validated a number of the 2000 names established by Verity. Moreover, they point out the ambiguity of Article 10 (b) of the 1964 edition of the Code and state that, if broadly interpreted, any quotation of an infrasubspecific name at species or subspecies level can constitute availability of that name (this also applies to Article 10 (c) of the third edition of the Code (1985)). I fully agree with their opinion that such efforts contribute nothing to the advancement of science, especially as, in the case of Zygaena, the majority of such names will eventually be placed as synonyms. KOÇAK (1984 : 156-158), in one of his papers criticising the work of LERAUT (1980), discusses the availability, authorship and dates of nine nominal taxa established for geographical forms of Zygaena species, attributing them to TREMEWAN (1961), TREMEWAN & Reıss (1964) or REIss & TREMEWAN (1967). However, two of these taxa, altalavandulae Reıss, 1953, and tour- rettica Reiss, 1953, were in fact cited as subspecies by Reiss in 1958, while by inference pyrenaica BURGEFF, 1926, was raised to subspecies level by BERNARDI & VIETTE (1959: 6). It should be mentioned that Kocak’s emendation of tourrettica REISS to ‘tourretica’ is unjustified as the original spelling is correct and based on the type-locality Tourrettes-sur-Loup. The catalogue of Zygaena by Reiss & TREMEWAN (1967) is currently being revised. The new edition will include all nominal taxa belonging to the subfamily Zygaeninae but will exclude the names of individual forms or 238 aberrations. It will also reflect recent research on geographical variation and a much broader concept of the subspecies category, resulting in a large number of new synonyms. In attempting to produce a stable nomenclature, the difficulties arising from trinomina/quadrinomina are immediately apparent. If Articles 10 (c), 23 (j) and 50 (c) (i) of the present Code are applied to geographical forms of Zygaena, the enormous amount of time and effort required to search the literature cannot be justified, nor would it contribute to the advancement of science, as pointed out by BALLETTO & KUDRNA (1986); moreover, a taxonomist can never be absolutely certain that an earlier citation has not been overlooked. With regard to Zygaena, one solution would be to attribute to its original author and date every nominal taxon now used at subspecific level, even if first established as quadrinominal before 1961 ; an application should then be made to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature requesting them to rule that the names first established as quadrinomina should nevertheless be attributed to their original authors and dates. The purpose of the present paper is to highlight the problem, to review what has been done to date, and to solicit opinions and possible solutions from lepidopterists other than Zygaena specialists. References BALLETTO, E. & KUDRNA, O., 1986. An annotated catalogue of the Burnets and Foresters (Lepidoptera : Zygaenidae) named by Roger VERITY. J. Res. Lepid. 24 (1985) : 226-249. BERNARDI, G. & VIETTE, P., 1959. Deux nouvelles sous-espèces françaises du genre Zygaena FABRICIUS (Lep. Zygaenidae). Entomologiste 15 : 3-6. BURGEFF, H., 1926a. Kommentar zum palaearktischen Teil der Gattung Zygaena FAB. des früher von Ch. AURIVILLIUS und H. WAGNER, jetzt von E. STRAND herausgegebenen Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Mitt. miinch. ent. Ges. 16: 1-86. BURGEFF, H., 1926b. Fam. Zygaenidae I (Generis Zygaena palaearctica pars). In STRAND, E., Lepid. Cat. 4 (33): 1-91. DUJARDIN, F., 1956. Description de races et formes nouvelles de Zygenes, princi- palement du sud-est de la France (Lep. Zygaenidae). Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 25 : 252-263. Kocak, A. O., 1984. More additions and corrections to the names published in “Systematic and synonymic list of the Lepidoptera of France, Belgium and Corsica” by LERAUT, 1980. Priamus 3 : 155-168. KUDRNA, O., 1983. An annotated catalogue of the butterflies (Lepidoptera : Papilionoidea) named by Roger Verity. J. Res. Lepid. 21 (1982) : 1-105, pl., text-fig. 239 KUDRNA, O. & BALLETTO, E., 1984. An annotated catalogue of the Skippers (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) named by Roger VERITY. J. Res. Lepid. 23: 35-49. LE CHARLES, L., 1934. Zygaena FABRICIUS, 1775, pp. 667-700. In LHOMME, L., 1923-1935, Catalogue des Lépidoptères de France et de Belgique 1 : 800 pp. Le Carriol. LERAUT, P., 1980. Liste systématique et synonymique des Lépidoptères de France, Belgique et Corse 334 pp. Paris. Reiss, H., 1958. Deuxième contribution a la faune des Lepidopteres, en particulier des Zygaenae des Alpes-Maritimes. Bull. Soc. ent. Mulhouse 1958 : 45-63. Reiss, H. & TREMEWAN, W. G., 1967. A systematic catalogue of the genus Zygaena FABRICIUS (Lepidoptera : Zygaenidae). Series ent. 2 : xvi, 329 pp. TREMEWAN, W. G., 196!. A catalogue of the types and other specimens in the British Museum (Natural History) of the genus Zygaena FABRICIUS, Lepidoptera : Zygaenidae. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) 10 : 239-313, pls 50-64. TREMEWAN, W. G. & Reıss, H., 1964. The Si/vicola BURGEFF group of the genus Zygaena FABRICIUS (Lep., Zygaenidae). Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 76 : 1-10, fig. 1 (distr. map), 46-54, 74-82. VERITY, R., 1920. On Zygaena rhadamanthus ESPER, with special reference to the races of its subspecies oxytropis BoIsD. Entomologists Rec. J. Var. 32: 158-162. 240 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 241-246 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Notes on the status of Armenia hyrcanica (RILEY, 1939) (Lepidoptera : Lycaenidae) Zdenék WEIDENHOFFER and Wolfgang ECKWEILER Z. W. : Vyzlovska 36, 100 00 Praha 10, Czechoslovakia. W. E. : Gronauer Str. 40, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 60, Federal Republic of Germany. Summary The taxonomical status and geographical distribution of three taxa of the genus Armenia DUBATOLOV and KORSHUNOV, 1984 : ledereri BOISDUVAL, hyrcanica RILEY and cyri NEKRUTENKO is revised. Recent works dealing with these taxa are reviewed. Two species are recognized : /edereri and hyrcanica. The taxon cyri is a junior objective synonym of the species hyrcanica, but is considered to be valid subspecies. Zusammenfassung Die Taxa der Gattung Armenia DUBATOLOV and KORSHUNOV, 1984 ledereri (BOISDU- VAL), hyrcanica (RILEY) and cyri (NEKRUTENKO) werden miteinander taxonomisch verglichen und ihre geographische Verbreitung wird aufgezeigt. Diese Taxa gehoren zu zwei Arten: /edereri und hyrcanica. Das Taxon cyri ist im Speziesrang als jungeres Synonym zu hyrcanica zu betrachten und hat nur subspezifische Gültigkeit. Die neuere Literatur, die diese Taxa behandelt, wird hier kurz zusammengefaßt. TAXONOMIC STUDIES The taxon /edereri was described by BoIsDUVAL (1848) from the foothills of the Caucasus. A more detailed description and figure was given by NORD- MANN (1851). In 1939 RıLEy described a new subspecies Strymon ledereri hyrcanica from “North-East Persia” with a wide distribution, reaching from Armenia to the Hissar Range in Central Asia. In 1974 a new subspecies : Fixsenia ledereri nazeri was described by LARSEN from the Lebanon and in 1978 SAKaAI recorded /edereri for the first time from Afghanistan. In the same year NEKRUTENKO described a new subspecies from the basin of the Kura River in Azerbaidjan, Pseudothecla ledereri cyri (NEKRUTENKO, 1978a). Due to the sympatric occurrence of the taxa P. /edereri ledereri and P. ledereri cyri in the territory of Erivan (USSR, Armenia) he recognized the validity of two independent species (NEKRUTENKO, 1978b). This separation was published 4 years later (NEKRUTENKO et al. 1982). In 1980 ECKWEILER and HOFMANN published a check-list of Iranian Rhopalocera which included Fixsenia 241 hyrcanica hyrcanica from Elbours. The latest contribution to the systematics of this group of species was a work by STSHETKIN (1984) where two new subspecies from Pamiro-Alai, Pseudothecla cyri badachshanica and P. cyri seravshanica were described. Over the years, the taxon ledereri has been combined with the genera Lycaena (BoispuvAL, 1848), Argus (GERHARD, 1850), Bakeria (TUTT, 1907), Thecla (SEttz, 1909), Strymon (RILEY, 1939), Pseudothecla (Kors- HUNOV, 1972 ; NEKRUTENKO, 1978a), Fixsenia (LARSEN, 1974 ; SAKAI, 1978) and Satyrium (CLENCH, 1978). Recently DUBATOLOV and KORSHUNOV (1984) thought it desirable to replace the invalid generic names Argus and Bakeria (with type-species /edereri) by Armenia. There is no doubt of the existence of at least two different species in the ledereri-hyrcanica-cyri complex, because of the sympatric occurrence of two of them in Armenia. These two species can be easily distinguished by the size and arrangement of the postdiscal spots on the underside of the wings (Fig. 2). There are also differences in the colour of both, the under- and uppersides of the wings and in the wingspan ; the male genitalia are similar in both species. The problem was to clarify the taxonomic position of ssp. Ayrcanica. From RILEY’s description, which was not accompanied by an illustration, the systematic position of ssp. hyrcanica is not clear. By the courtesy of the British Museum (Natural History), London (BMNH) we have received photographs of both the holotype and allotype of Strvmon ledereri hyrcanica RILEY. Comparing them with the description and illustrations of the types of Pseudothecla cyri NEKRUTENKO, 1978, we found these two taxa to be conspecific (Fig. 1). The name hyrcanica has priority over cyri. la LLLELEEEREEEE Fig. 1. Undersides of a) A. hyrcanica hyrcanica (RILEY), male holotype, N. Persia, 1906 (specimen is in the collection of BMNH) ; b) A. hyrcanica cyri (NEKRUTENKO), male, USSR, Armenia, Erivan, Nor-Marash, June 17, 1973, leg. Z. WEIDENHOFFER ; C) A. ledereri ledereri (BoIsDUVAL), male, SSR, Georgia, Tbilisi, Cherepashie Ozero, June 6, 1972, leg. Z. WEIDENHOFFER. 242 Fig. 2. Diagrams to highlight the differences in underside markings between a) A. hyrcanica (RILEY) and b) A. /edereri (BOISDUVAL). The systematic position of the taxa within the genus Armenia is now considered to be as follows : Armenia DUBATOLOV & KORSHUNOV, 1984 1. Armenia ledereri (BOISDUVAL, 1848) in DUBATOLOV & KORSHUNOV, 1984. = Lycaena ledereri BOISDUVAL in BOISDUVAL, 1948. = Argus ledereri BOISDUVAL in GERHARD, 1850. = Bakeria ledereri BOISDUVAL in Tutt, 1907. = Thecla ledereri BOISDUVAL in SEITZ, 1909. = Pseudothecla ledereri BOISDUVAL in KORSHUNOV, 1972. = Fixsenia ledereri BOISDUVAL in LARSEN, 1974. = Satyrium ledereri BOISDUVAL in CLENCH, 1978. a. A. ledereri ledereri (BOISDUVAL, 1848). b. A. ledereri nazeri (LARSEN, 1974). = Fixsenia ledereri nazeri LARSEN in LARSEN, 1974. 2. Armenia hyrcanica (RILEY, 1939), rev. stat., comb. n. Strymon ledereri hyrcanica RILEY in RILEY, 1939. = Fixsenia ledereri BOISDUVAL in SAKAI, 1978. = Fixsenia hyrcanica RILEY in ECKWEILER & HOFMANN, 1980. = Pseudothecla cyri NEKRUTENKO in NEKRUTENKO et al. 1982. 2a. A. hyrcanica hyrcanica (RILEY, 1939), comb. n. = Strymon ledereri hyrcanica RILEY in RILEY, 1939. Fixsenia hyrcanica hyrcanica RILEY in ECKWEILER & HOFMAN, 1980. 243 2b. A. hyrcanica cyri (NEKRUTENKO, 1978), comb. n. = Pseudothecla ledereri cyri NEKRUTENKO in NEKRUTENKO, 1978a. = Pseudothecla cyri cyri NEKRUTENKO in NEKRUTENKO et al. 1982. 2c. A. hyrcanica badachshanica (STSHETKIN, 1984), comb. n. = Pseudothecla cyri badachshanica STSHETKIN in STSHETKIN, 1984. 2d. A. hyrcanica seravshanica (STSHETKIN, 1984), comb. n. = Pseudothecla cyri seravshanica STSHETKIN in STSHETKIN, 1984. DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 3) Armenia ledereri seems to be of Syrian-Armenian origin. Its distribution covers Lebanon (LARSEN, 1974), East and South Turkey (Hıccıns, 1966), the foothills of Caucasus (RILEY, 1939) and Transcaucasia (NORDMANN, 1851 ; NEKRUTENKO, 1978). There are no records from Syria or Iraq. Armenia hyrcanica has a wider distribution than /edereri. It extends from Transcaucasia (RILEY, 1939 ; ECKWEILER & HOFMANN, 1980) to the moun- tains of Central Asia, where it was recorded from the Hissar Range (RILEY, 1939), Zeravshanskiy Range and West Pamir (STSHETKIN, 1984), and Afghanistan, from the Tera Pass (SAKAI, 1978 : 1981). The record from Afghanistan was published as /edereri, but photographs in both works clearly show that this specimen is hyrcanica. 60° ar | a 7 uae map of A. ledereri (BoIsDUVAL) (triangles) and A. hyrcanica (RILEY) circles). 244 The authors of this paper found both species occurring sympatrically in Transcaucasia : WEIDENHOFFER in Armenian Erivan (Nor-Marash), ECKWEI- LER on the Turkish side of the valley of Araxes, near Akcay, district of Kagizman. At these localities both species fly together, their flight periods partially overlapping. The adults of /edereri emerge from the end of May until the beginning of July. Armenia hyrcanica appears about 3 weeks later, in the second half of June in Erivan and at the beginning of July in Akcay, with a peak in July. Altogether, 6 subspecies have been described for the two species : A. ledereri ssp. ledereri (BOISDUVAL), TL : not stated (foothill of Caucasus) ; A. ledereri ssp. nazeri (LARSEN), TL : Lebanon, Jabal Kasrouan ; A. hyrcanica ssp. hyrcanica (RILEY), TL : not stated (North-East Persia) ; A. hyrcanica ssp. cyri (NEKRUTENKO), TL: USSR, Azerbaidjan, Khanlar district, Yenikend village ; A. hyrcanica ssp. badachshanica (STSHETKIN), TL: USSR, West Pamir, Shugnanskiy Range, Khorog ; A. hyrcanica ssp. seravshanica (STSHETKIN), TL : USSR, Zeravshanskiy Range, Iskander-Kul Lake. Conclusions It is shown that RILEY’s taxon Strymon ledereri ssp. hyrcanica is an indepen- dent species easily distinguishable from /edereri. The recently introduced name cyri for this species is a junior objective synonym of hyrcanica, but it is retained as a valid subspecies. The two species have different, but over- lapping distributions, Armenia ledereri extending from Armenia to Lebanon and A. hyrcanica from Armenia to Central Asia. Both species are rather inconspicuous and are easily overlooked unless one is searching for them. It is probable that both species are much more widely distributed than current records indicate. The overlapping area of distribution includes West Azer- baidjan, East Georgia, South and East Armenia, Nakhitshevan, East Turkey and probably also North-West Iran. Acknowledgement The authors wish to record their gratitude to P. R. ACKERY, British Museum (Natural History) London, for kindly supplying the photographs of the types of hyrcanica. 245 References BoISDUVAL, J. B. A., 1848. Aux Lepidopteres recueillis par M. KINDERMANN aux environs d’Odessa et au pied du Caucase. Annis Soc. ent. Fr. (1848) 6: XXVIII-XXX. CLENCH, H. K., 1978. The names of certain holarctic hairstreak genera (Lycaeni- dae). J. Lepid. Soc. 32 (4) : 277-281. DUBATOLOV, V. V., KORSHUNOV, J. P., 1984. New data on taxonomy of the butterflies of the USSR. Chlenistonogie 1 gel’minty, Sibir. Otdel. Ak. Nauk USSR, Novosibirsk, pp. 51-57. ECKWEILER, W., HOFMANN, P., 1980. Verzeichnis iranischer Tagfalter. Nachr. ent. Ver. Apollo, Frankfurt a. M., Suppl. 1, p. 15. GERHARD, B., [1850]-[1853]. Versuch einer Monographie der europäischen Schmetterlingsarten : Thecla, Polvomattus [sic !], Lycaena, Nemeobius, Ham- burg, pp. 1-21, 39 Kolor. Taf. Hicains, L. G., 1966. Check-list of Turkish butterflies. Entomologist 99 : 209-222. KORSHUNOV, J. P., 1972. Catalogue of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalo- cera) of the fauna of the USSR, II. Entom. Obozr. 51 : 352-368 (in Russian). For English version see Entomological Review 1972 : 212-223. LARSEN, T. B., 1974. Une espèce et deux sous-espèces nouvelles de Lycaenidae du Liban. Alexanor, 8 : 301-307, 3 fig. NEKRUTENKO, Yu. P., 1978a. Two new subspecies of the Lycaenid butterfly subfa- mily Strymoninae. Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR, ser. B, Nr. 1, pp. 82-86. NEKRUTENKO, Yu. P., 1978b. Personal communication. NEKRUTENKO, Yu. P., KORSHUNOV, J. P., EFFENDI, R. M. E., 1982. Critical remarks to the fauna and systematics of diurnal butterflies of Transcaucasia. Vestnik Zool. Kiev, Nr. 3 : 38-43. NORDMANN, A., 1851. Die im Gebiete der Fauna Tauro-caucasica beobachteten Schmetterlinge. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou 24 (2) : 395-428. RıLey, N. D., 1939. Notes on oriental Theclinae (Lep. Lycaenidae) with descrip- tions of new species. Novitates Zoologicae 41 : 355-361. SAKAI, S., 1978. Butterflies from the Hindukush, Karakorum, Kashmir and Ladak, with descriptions of two new species and six subspecies. Atalanta 9 (1): 104-132, 68 fig. SAKAI, S., 1981. Butterflies of Afghanistan, pp. 242, pl. 46, figs 2. SEITZ, A., 1909. Die Groß-Schmetterlinge der Erde I, 1, pp. 268. STSHETKIN, Yu. Yu., 1984. Two new subspecies of Pseudothecla cyri. Zool. Zhurnal, Moscow 63 (9) : 1430-1432. Tutt, J. W., [1907]. A Natural History of British Lepidoptera, London, Vol. 9, 246 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 247-248 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses GoNSETH, Yves: Atlas de distribution des Papillons diurnes de Suisse (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera). Documenta Faunistica Helvetiae 5 ; 242 pp., and Verbreitungsatlas der Tagfalter der Schweiz (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera). Documenta Faunistica Helvetiae 6 ; 242 S. Centres Suisse de cartographie de la faune, Neuchatel (CSCF) and Schweizerischer Bund fur Naturschutz, Basel (SBN), 1987. Paperback ; price, each volume SFr. 25. Orders : Musee d'histoire naturelle, Terreaux 14, CH-2000 Neuchatel. In 1983, the SBN (Swiss Society for Nature Conservation) initiated a project aimed at the protection of the Swiss butterfly fauna. All Swiss lepidopterists were asked to send in records and information to provide a basis for proposing suitable protection measures. In 1985, the CSCF (Swiss centre for faunistic records) was set up to store and analyse all faunistic data, primarily however on the Rhopalocera and Odonata. In 1986, the centre introduced the series ‘Documenta Faunistica Helvetiae’ with a booklet describing the methods used and a first faunistic work, on the Tipulidae (Diptera) of Switzerland (both in French). The Odonata and Rhopalocera followed (in both French and German) in 1987. The German editions were translated from the original French. After a short introduction explaining the methods and presentation used, the distribution of each species (one per page), both within Switzerland and in Europe. is shortly discussed. Distribution maps based on squares of 5 km are given for all 198 resident and migrant species, except for Erebia sudetica STGR., E. nivalis LORK., Coenonympha oedippus F., Maculinea teleius BERGSTR. and M. nausithous BERGSTR. Data is split into pre 1970 (open squares with cross-line) and post 1970 (closed squares). Bargraphs are also goiven for the phenology and temperature dependence of each species. The book is completed by a ‘red list’, a table summarizing what needs to be done, how and by whom, to protect the Swiss butterfly fauna, a systematic list of species, a list of recorders, a species index, and a list of doubtful records. The book is based on 64717 records obtained from the literature (39%), museum collections (21%) and individual recorders (40%). Some of these records would suggest that a more stringent control of the data may be necessary. However, a good idea as to the general distribution of each species is given although much more information for the post 1970 period is required. The estimated status of each species may have to be modified when more information is received. At present, no Species are considered to have become extinct, although 19 (10%) are thought to be on the verge of extinction and a further 43 (22%) are threatened. 247 Altogether, this book makes a very good impression and it clearly shows that the CSCE has started on a sound footing. The book will be useful for all students of the European butterfly fauna, and should inspire them to pass on their own Swiss records. This volume is intended to complement another book published at the same time by the SBN: ‘Tagfalter und ihre Lebensräume’ (‘Butterflies and their habitats’), which will be reviewed in Nota at a later date. Both publications are examples of how well amateur and professional lepidopterists can work together with conservationists. S. E. Whitebread | Congrès Europeen de Lepidopterologie San Remo 5-9 avril 1988 La Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL) invite cordialement tous les lepidopteristes à participer au VI" Congrès Européen de Lepidopterologie qui aura lieu à San Remo du mardi 5 au samedi 9 avril 1988. Les thèmes centraux sont les suivants : — Adaptation biochimique et écologique chez les Lépidoptères. — Bionomie des espèces menacées. — Recherche génétique et cladistique sur la phylogénie des Denon Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez consulter le Secretaire des Congres : Prof. E. Balletio, Dipartimento di Biologia animale, Via Academia Albertina 17, I-10123 Tor no (Italie). 248 Memorandum Einem von Mitgliedern vielfach geäusserten Wunsch folgend liegt dieser Nummer eine Rechnung für den Mitgliederbeitrag für das Jahr 1988 bei. Sie richtet sich nur an die Ordentlichen Mitglieder. Korporative Mitglieder erhalten wie bisher im Januar vom Schatzmeister eine gesonderte Rechnung. Ebenso sind die in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über eine Einzugsermachtigung zahlenden Mitglieder nicht angesprochen. Wenn notwendig, bitten wir, die eigene Anschrift oben links selber einzutragen. Wir erinnern daran, dass der Beitrag bis spatestens zum 31. Marz zu leisten ist. Bis zu diesem Tag eingehende Zahlungen des vollen Betrags werden vom Schatzmeister durch Zusenden der Mitgliederkarte bestatigt. Durch Bankgebühren entstehende Abzuge werden in Rechnung gestellt. Memorandum At the request of several members, an invoice for the annual subscription due Ist January 1988 is enclosed with this issue. It is intended for ordinary members only. Corporate members will receive a separate invoice from the treasurer as usual in January. We remind members that the subscription fee should be paid at the latest by the 3 Ist March. A membership card will be sent to all members whose subscription is received by this date. If the full amount is not received by the treasurer, due to bank charges, the difference will be invoiced. Memorandum Pour repondre a la demande de nombreux membres, le present numero contient une facture pour la cotisation de 1988. Elle ne concerne que les membres ordinaires. Les membres corporatifs recevront comme jusqu'ici une facture distincte du tresorier. Nous rappelons a nos membres que la cotisation doit etre payee avant le 31 mars au plus tard. Le tresorier accusera reception des paiements complets recus avant cette date par l’envoi de la carte de membre. Les deductions éventuelles effectuees par les banques (commissions) seront facturees. Please note that the Society's Post Office account number has been quoted incor- rectly on the inside back cover of Nora lepid. since vol. 9 (3/4). The correct number is Cologne 1956 50-507. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 249 Nota lepid. 10 (4) : 250-252 ; 31.1.1988 ISSN 0342-7536 Vol. 10 — 1987 Dates de publication — Dates of publication — Publikationsdaten No.- 1. 31.01.1987 No. 2. 30.V1.1987 No. 3. 31.X.1987 No. 4. 31.1.1988 Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire Scientific Communications — Original Arbeiten — Travaux originales No. _ P. BALDIZZONE, G. Contributions a la connaissance des Coleophoridae XLVI. Sur quelques Coléophores nouvelles ou peu connues d’Espa- EHE I ES Canales coc. desde cance t ete ee re 1. -25 BALINT, Z. Notes on Plebicula dorylas magna BALINT, 1985 (Lycaeni- C96)? a xb cv nas bee or a RS EEE a 1 49 CAMERON-CURRY, V., G. LEIGHEB, E. RIBONI & P. CAMERON-CURRY. Possible hybrids between Lysandra bellargus ROTT. and L. hispana Hie; Clycaenidae ) ed srl se sa ia ces exes er 1 61 COENE, H. A. Cf. Vis, R. DENNIS, L. H. Hilltopping as a mate location strategy in a Mediterra- nean population of Lasiommata megera (L.) (Satyridae) ....... 1 65 DERRA, G. Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica ssp. nov. (Pterophori- OEY. na bb RAG WEEE OED BERGE 2b ELE aoe ee eee 171 DUBATOLOV, V. V. Cf. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. ECKWEILER, W. Cf. WEIDENHOFFER, Z. FERNANDEZ HAEGER, J. Cf. JORDANO BARBUDO, D. DE FREINA, J. J. Eine neu entdeckte Lymantriiden-Art aus Kaschmir : Arctomis Komisiana SD. ar sde rar HR Rod ow oa a He weet er 2 119 GAEDIKE, R. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Douglasiidae : Tinagma klimeschi sp. n. aus Rhodos ...................... 3 158 GROTENFELT, P. Cf. MIKKOLA, K. GYULAI, P. Notes on the distribution of Gortyna borelii lunata FREYER in the Carpathian Basin (Noctuidae) ....................... 1 54 HERRMANN, R. Dahlica marmorella sp. n. — eine neue Psychide aus NANG 502 Abd eth dicing ose oe wie ond a 4 203 HESSELBARTH, G. Morphologische und ökologische Daten zu den präimaginalen Stadien einiger Arten der Gattung Hyponephele MUSCHAMP„. 1913 (Saymdas) en a APR 4 209 JORDANO BaARBUDO, D., J. RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ & J. FERNANDEZ HAEGER. Cap, iris spinosa (Capparidaceae) : an oviposition sub- 250 strate for Lampides boeticus LINNAEUS in southern Spain (Lycaeni- GED), LORS RER Eee LAFONTAINE, J. D. Cf. MIKKOLA, K. LEIGHEB, G. Cf. CAMERON-CURRY, V. LöDL, M. Noctua warreni sp. n., a new sibling species of Noctua comes HÜBNER, 1813 from Cyprus (Noctuidae) ................... Mags, K. V. N. Revisionary notes on the genus Achyra GUENEE with a new synonym and the description of Achyra takowensis sp. n. IStidtesson.Pyralidael) sr LL eae wie iii MIKKOLA, K. Biography of Prof. Esko SUOMALAINEN, Honorary mem- (DEP LOTS all CR epee an ee ER re ee MIKKOLA, K., J. D. LAFONTAINE & P. GROTENFELT. A revision of the holarctic Chersotis andereggii complex (Noctuidae) ........... POVOLNY, D. Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) dagmaris sp. n. und andere interessante Entdeckungen bei den europaischen Gnorimoschemini MIGClECONIG AGN Mes a rain Readers Donne on eee RAMMERT, U. The defensive biology of the larvae of Amata (= Syntomis) phegea L. and Amata (= Syntomis) kuhlweinii LEF. (Ctenuchidae) RazowskI, J. A New Palaearctic Archipini genus (Tortricidae) ..... RAzowskKI, J. On the family-level systematics of the Pterophoridae . . RIBONI, E. Cf. CAMERON-CURRY, V. RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ, J. Cf. JORDANO BARBUDO, D. SAITOH, K. A note on the haploid chromosome number of Brenthis ino ROTTEMBURG 1775 from Finland (Nymphalidae) ............. SATILER, K. The systematic status of the genera //seopsis POVOLNY 1965 and Empista POVOLNY, 1968 (Gelechiidae) ................. SCHINTLMEISTER, A., V. V. DUBATOLOV, A. V. SVIRIDOV, A. Yu. TSHISTIAKOV & J. VIIDALEPP. Verzeichnis und Verbreitung der INotogontidae der UdSSR ı. .ur.22: mean Be sen SUOMALAINEN, E. Autobibliography (Lepidopterological publications) SVIRIDOV, A. V. Cf. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. TREMEWAN, W. G. The problem of infrasubspecific names in some PEOUDS Ol Lepidoptera u... une een TSHISTJAKOV, A. Yu. Cf. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. VIIDALEPP, J. Cf. SCHINTLMEISTER, A. Vis, R. & H. A. CoeENE. Lepidopterological investigations in Kashmir andskEadaktı, (India)ı un un a se ow eure oo ok nae Mews ne WEIDENHOFFER, Z. & W. ECKWEILER. Notes on the status of Armenia hyrcanica (RILEY, 1939) (Lycaenidae) ...............:...... Obituary — Nachruf — In Memoriam Jorma Kyrkı, 1950-1986 (E. M. LAASONEN) .................. John HEATH, 1922-1987 (B. GOATER) ........................ Ww 218 115 138 200 251 Book reviews — Buchbesprechungen — Analyses ........ l 53::6070%92 2 133, 134, 136 3 193, 194, 195 4 247 Editorial . 22254500 SR RO CR PRES l 2 4 198 Sixth European Congress of Lepidopterology. San Remo 5-9 April 1986 3 odd ds Keke te Oe a eee ee 2 93 4 202, 217, 248 Communication «ccc 2k oda Gs iw DE ae Re l 4 2.2 Cörrieendum ..3-..44.048 6 Hee ek ES nur UC 4 223 Memorandum... 22 MT LR ara 4 249 New Taxa described in Vol. 10 Neue Taxa in Vol. 10 beschrieben Nouveaux taxa decrits dans le Vol. 10 PSYCHIDAE Dahlica marmorella HERRMANN ............... 204 COLEOPHORIDAE Coleophora aliena BALDIZZONE ............... 26 Coleophora beticella BALDIZZONE .............. 32 Coleophora jynxella BALDIZZONE .............. 29 Coleophora sciurella BALDIZZONE .............. 33 Coleophora vivesella BALDIZZONE .............. 27 Coleophora teneriffella BALDIZZONE ............ 30 GELECHIIDAE Scrobipalpa (Euscrobipalpa) dagmaris POVOLNY .. 80 DOUGLASIIDAE Tinagma: klimeschi GAEDIKE |. 2.22.22... 22. nal 158 TORTRICIDAE Tosirips RAZOWSEL Lie es SNA EE 87 PYRALIDAE Achyra takowensis MAES ...... > ald le ge 178 PTEROPHORIDAE Emmelina jezonica pseudojezonica DERRA ....... 71 LYMANTRIIDAE Arctornis kohistana DE FREINA ................ 119 NOCTUIDAE Chersotis andereggii arcana MIKKOLA .......... 151 Noctua. warreni LODL : vw. os be Sen etek 164 Contents — Inhalt — Sommaire ................................. 250 292 TAS EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA e.V. ent : Emilio Balletto Vice-President : Barry Goater 2 Secretary : Hansjürg Geiger Treasurer : Sigbert Wagener ship Secretary : Willy De Prins Editor : Emmanuel de Bros y Couneil Members : Claude Dufay, Niels P. Kristensen, Kauri Mikkola, à u M. I Steven E. Whitebread. AMITTEES : re : e : Pamela Gilbert cations for membership, changes of address and orders for Nota lepidoptero- ca and other literature should be sent to: Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica Hemdener Weg 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf. ) y members DM 50,- ate members DM 55,- i0 DM 5,- air mail charges DM 15,- VOLUMES OF NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA members DM 24,- non-members DM 48,- members DM 32,- non-members DM 64,- members DM 40,- non-members DM 86,- Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica Hemdener Wez 19, D-4290 Bocholt (Westf.) ne made by : 7 x a Ser Giro Office Cologne — Postgiroamt Köln — C.C.P. Cologne a a. ee Nr. 1956 50-597 “Mandat de poste international”. Mitglieder : in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kann die Uberweisung auch me Nr. 130 500 bei der Stadtsparkasse Bocholt (BLZ 428 500 35) ion members : Due to the unstable state of the pound at present, it is ble to quote the subscription rate in this currency. Members should pay the ing equivalent. Cheques and bankers orders should be made payable to Europaea Lepidopterologica U.K. A/c” and sent to Barry Goater, 22 eue, one Herts. WD2 3BP. Ss to: Sacto piactis Institut Universitit Bern à Nes 3, CH- 3017 Bern, Switzerland = Handele ie eee Beiter à Le. u CTO rm _ Schweiger & Meiser GmbH & Co Bittimairstrasse 4 ER 8070 INGOLSTADT/ DO. Telefon (0841) 75583 IHR SPEZIALIST FÜR OO SEE Utensilien für den Fach- und Hobbyentemologen. Für die Zucht: Für den Tag- und Nachtfang: Netze, Gläser, Stromaggregate, Transportkasten, Larnpen und | [ röhren etc. Für das Präparieren: lien un Für die Sammlung: ee oun zur Verfugung. Als SEL- Mitglied erhalten Sie = uns auf 5 Artikel (außer Bücher) 5% Rabatt. icle—— ®ieferm LR > W LE Nuns A RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31UVU@I7 SM] 6 À X NVI SM v NV! NV! 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