m:^:>mj'&t' / f V-. ^ OP COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COllEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Jfounïeï 02 prfbate subscrfptfon, fn 1861. Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. / No. ^^0 jinement chagriné'^ Notes from the Leyden IMuseum, "Vol. XJI. 14 PLATYSOMA HAGENI. sein , ich finde aber nach Reinigung des etwas verklebten typischen Stückes keine Spur einer derartigen Sculptur, das Pygidium besitzt mit Ausnahme der starken Punkte an der Basis nur eine ziemlich weitlaufige, mikroscopische Punktiruug uud erscheint stark glanzend. Dagegen ist die Oberseite, namentlich der Vorderrand des Halsscbildes, etwas matt , was aber sicberlich nur Folge von Alter ist , von dem die zablreich vorhandenen feinen Risse oder Schrammen zeugen. Möglich , dass bei dem zweiten Stuck , welches mir nicht vorgelegen hat da es sich in der Sammluug des Herrn de Marseul befindet , auch das Pygidium in ahnlicher Weise stumpf glanzend geworden ist. Die grobe Punktirung an der Basis dieses Segments variirt bei Exemplaren von der- selben Lokalitat in der Ausdehnung , sie reicht in manchen Fallen fast bis zur Mitte. Die Art ist von Ceylon bis China verbreitet (Andamanen, Birma), ich besitze auch ein Stuck von den Philippinen (Semper). Platysoma Sundae Schmidt. — Von dieser Species, welche ich (Entom. Nachricht. 1889. p. 332) nach einem Exemplar von Borneo beschrieb, erhielt das Leydener Museum ein Stuck aus West-Sumatra (Padang Sidempoean , Resid. Tapanoeli : J. D. Pasteur). Bei demselben ist die Oberseite sehr dicht und fein , die Seiten des Halsscbildes kraftiger punktulirt. Auch das typische Exemplar besitzt eine ahn- liche , aber viel feinere uud weitlaufigere Punktulirung, welche an den Seiten des Halsscbildes ebenfalls deutlicher ist. lm Uebrigen stimraen beide Stiicke vollstandig überein und geboren sicher zusammen. Eine ahnliche Punktirung findet sich (siehe Entom. Nachricht. 1889. p. 362) bei vielen Histeriden , wie es scheint namentlich bei recht frischen Exemplaren ; dass auch das vorliegende ein solches ist , beweist schon das nicht völlig ausgef arbte , braunliche Halsschild. r^otes from tJtie Leyden Museum, Vol. :X.II. PSEUDOPLATYCHORA . 1 5 NOTE VII. DESCRIPTION D'UN NITIDULIDE NOUVEAU DE SUMATRA. A. GROUVELLE. Pseudoplaty chora, uov. gen. Corpus Into ovatunij convexiusculum. Caput ante oculos haud lobatum. Lahrum latum , hilohum. Mandihulae apice bicuspL Mentuni latum , tnaxillas partim ohtegens. Sulci antennarii recti, convergentes. Prothorax hasi marginatus. Elytra apice rotundata. Mesosternum carinatum. Tarsi simplices. L'insecte decrit dans cette note présente une physionomie si particuliere qu'il nous a paru inadmissible de le rap- porter aux genres deja publiés. Bien que très-voisin des Platychora il s'en sépare par ses élytres arrondies au sommet , son mesosternum caréné et son prothorax rebordé a la base. P seudoplaty chora convexiuscula , nov. spec. Ovata , subnitida , picea , rugosula , parce pubescens , setosa ; prothorace transverso, antice posticeque a7igustato, margine antico profunde emarginato , angulis posticis rectis ; elytris ovatis, ad apicem acuminatis , basin versus prothorace lati- oribus, angulis humeralibus rectis. — Long. 4 a 6 mill. Ovale , couleur de poix assez brillant , rugueux , couvert d'une pubescence couchée tres clair-semée , entremêlée de soies raides rangées en lignes sur les élytres. Tête triangulaire, plus large que longue, marge anté- rieure arrondie. Prothorax environ deux fois plus large IS^otes from the Leyden Museuiia, "Vol. X.II. 16 PSEUDOPLATYCIIORA CONVEXIUSCULA. que long, rétréci en avant et en arrière, présentant sa plus grande largeur vers Ie V3 ^ partir de la base. Angles antérieurs saillants en avant, angles postérieurs droits. Marge postérieure bisinuée, rebordée. Disque du prothorax un peu relevé devant Ie milieu de la marge basilaire. Ecusson petit, transversal, non ponctué. Elytres ovales, plus larges a la base que Ie prothorax , présentant leur plus grande largeur vers Ie ^j^ basilaire, couvrant presque complètement l'abdomen , angles huméraux droits, marges latérales redressées , tres largement et tres obtusément crénelées dans la partie basilaire. Pattes allongées. Hab. Sumatra occid. : Padang Sidempoean , résid. Tapa- noeli (J. D. Pasteur). — Quatre exemplaires de la collec- tion du Musée de Leyde. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. SNAKKS FROM DEHLI. 17 NOTE VUL ON A COLLECTION OF SNAKES FROM DEHLI. BT Dr. Th. W. van LIDTH de JEUDE. (Plate 1). During his stay in Laboean (Dehli, East-Sumatra) Dr. B. Hagen, to whom the Leyden Museum is indebted for large series of mammals, birds and insects, also collected a large number of snakes , the greater part of which were sent to our Museum. Dr. Hagen took a lively interest in snakes, and being convinced of the benefit a colonist might derive from the knowledge of the venomous snakes , living in his neighbourhood, he gave some years ago a description of those dangerous animals and their ha- bits in the »Dehli-Courant". As some of his statements were unknown to me and may perhaps be generally un- known , I shall take the liberty to mention these facts in this note, a newspaper as the Dehli-Courant being not likely to be consulted in matters of herpetology. Afterwards the Leyden Museum was presented with a collection of snakes from Dehli by Mr. J. Chr. Prakke, who collected them in the neighbourhood of his planta- tion at Langkat. The snakes of Dehli are now represented in the Leyden Museum by 43 species , and though only one species and one variety have till now been left undescribed, I thought it worth while to give a full list of the species represented in our Museum , as the occurrence of some of them as Psamnodynastes pictus Gthr. and Dryophis fasciolatus Fi- Notes from the Leyden Mnseura, Vol. XII. 2 18 SNAKES FROM DEHLI. scher indicate a relationship between the Fauna of Dehli and that of Borneo. 1. Typhlina lineatus Reinw. One specimen from Laboean and another from Langkat. 2. Cylindrophis rufa Laur. A great many specimens both from Laboean and from Langkat. 3. Xenopeltis unicolor Reinw. Many specimens from both localities. 4. Python reticulatus Schneid. Two specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection and one from Langkat. 5. Calamaria vermiformis D. & B., var. sumatranus mihi. Two specimens of Calamaria in the collection of Dr. Hagen agree as to the pholidosis in all points with the description of Calamaria vermiformis given by Dumeril and Bibron , but differ from it as to the coloration. Both specimens have 5 upper-labials , the first pair of the lower ones do not form a suture but touch the chin-shield, whilst an azygos shield lies between the four chin-shields. There is one foursided praeocular, the upper side of which has twice the length of the lower one. The scales are arranged in 13 rows; one specimen has ITOventrals, one undivided anal and 19 pairs of caudals , the other has 165 ventrals , one undivided anal and 22 pairs of caudals. As to the coloration both specimens differ from Cala- maria vermiformis in having the upper parts brown with a bluish shine from the lips till the end of the tail , with- out any yellowish band or any spots. The four anterior upper-labials are brown also , only the h^^ having a yel- lowish colour. Notes Irom the Leyden ]Museura, Vol. XII. SNAKES FROM DEHLI. 19 The lower part of the head and the 6 to 8 anterior veu- trals are yellow. The two outer rows of scales are for the greater part yellow , thus forming a yellow line which begins at the third series of scales and runs till the extremity of the tail. The belly from the G^h or H^^ ventral is of a dusky- brown colour, with irregular yellowish spots. These spots never touch the yellow line , which runs along the sides of the belly , but are always surrounded by the dusky-brown colour. In the largest of the two specimens these yellow spots are very small and few in number behind the middle of the body and on the tail. As I have no specimens of C. vermiformis for compari- son, I could only compare my specimens with the des- cription given by Dumeril and Bibron in their »Histoire des Reptiles" and with Jan's figures in his »Iconographie gé- nérale des Ophidiens", livraison 10, planche 2, fig 3. As these figures were made from a specimen in the Museum at Paris (probably one of the typical specimens) , I think the difference in coloration between my specimens from Dehli and the type considerable enough to believe my spe- cimens to belong to a peculiar variety. 6. Simotes octolineatus Schneid. Several specimens from Laboean. 7. Diadophis baliodeirus Boie. Three specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection. 8. Elaphis melanurus Schl. A great many specimens were found in both collections. 9. Coryphodon korros Reinw. According to Dr. Hagen this species is very common at Dehli. We got only one specimen from Laboean. Notes from the Leyden IMuseum, Vol. XII. 20 SNAKES FROM DEHLI 10. Tropidonotus trianguligerus Schl. Four specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection. 11. Amphiesma rJiodomelas Schl. Two specimens from Laboean. 12. Amphiesma chrysargos Boie. One specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection. 13. Amphiesma jiaviceps D. & B. Five specimens from Laboean and Langkat have all one praeocular and three postoculars , except one specimen with four postoculars, and eight upper labials. The reddish band behind the black ring round the neck occupies in one specimen six rows of scales, in two others only five, and in the last two specimens it is as broad as four rows. Especially the colour of the head is darker than in Jan's figure ^), and the white cross-bands along the sides of the tail are clearly visible. 14. Homalopsis buccatus L. Three specimens from Laboean, two from Langkat. 15. Homalopsis boaeformis Schneid, One specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection. 16. Hypsirhina phimbea Boie. One specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection. 17. Hypsirhina Hageni, nov. spec. Head rather long , scarcely distinct from neck ; body and tail short and stout. Scales polished, in 27 rows, those on the middle of the back hexagonal, more long than broad, those on the flanks lozenge-shaped, equally broad and long 1) Jan, Iconographie générale des Ophidians, livraison 29, pi. 3, fig. I. Notes from th.e I-ieyden Museum, Vol. Jf.II. SNAKES FROM DEHLI. 21 or broader. Our single specimen has 141 ventrals, a divi- ded anal and 28 pairs of caudals. Anterior frontals very small , smaller than one of the post- oculars , vertical elongate , supraciliaries nearly as long as the vertical. Two postoculars , one praeocular very high , reaching the vertical with its upper angle. Loreal large, bordered by the praeocular, the posterior frontal and four or five upper-labials. Nasal pentagonal, with the nasal opening nearly in the middle and a groove running from the neighbourhood of that opening towards the side bor- dered by the first upper-labial. upper-labials high , the first four or five undivided , the hinder ones divided into two or three by transverse sutures. There is a longitudinal groove between the upper labials and the shields above them. Along the cleft of the mouth there are nine upper-labials on the right side , and ten on the left. Twelve lower-labials are present on each side, the anterior two of each side meeting those of the other side behind the mental, the posterior ones are divi- ded into two shields by a longitudinal groove. Three pairs of chin-shields, the anterior very large and broad, resem- bling those 0Ï Hypsirhina Bocourti Jan ^). The following pair small, the last pair nearly resembling ordinary scales. The lower pairs of chin-shields do not reach one another but are separated by seven scales. Upper parts blackish brown with narrow stripes of a yel- low colour ascending along the sides and reaching the mid- dle of the back, mostly not joining those of the other side but alternatively arranged. Posterior upper-labials yellow. The three outer series of scales yellow with some small dark spots detached from the dark upper parts; belly and under part of the head yellow, except the mental and the six ante- rior labials which are brownish , under part of the tail yel- low with the margins of the subcaudals dark , these dark margins forming a zig-zag line along the middle of the tail. 1) Jan, 1. c, livraison 26, pi 5, fig. 2. Notes from the Leyden IVIuseutu , Vol. XII. 22 SNAKES FROM DEHLI. The single specimen of this species which I dedicate to Dr. B. Hagen, shows asymmetry in the arrangement of the upper- and lower-labials. It was caught at Laboean. 18. Liopeltis tricolor Schl, One specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection. 19. Gonyosoma oxi/cephalum Reinw. Four specimens in Dr. Hagen's , one in Mr. Prakke's col- lection. 20. Leptophis formosus Schl. One specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection, without any black stripes along the sides. The black band from the tip of the snout through and behind the eye runs on to on the body. 21. Dendrophis pictus Boie. Many specimens in both collections. 22. Dendrophis octolineatus D. & B. Two specimens from Laboean , one from Langkat. 23. Chrysopelea ornata Shaw. One specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection belonging to var. •/ Güuther ') has the hind margins of the ventral- shields black. The other specimens from Laboean and Lang- kat belong to Günther's var. s. Dr. P. Bleeker considered this variety as a distinct species and called it C. Hasseltii , as is stated by Dr. Günther 1. c. and may be seen in seve- ral specimens now in the Leyden Museum, formerly in Dr. Bleeker's collection. As far as I know Dr. Bleeker never gave a description of his new species. 24. Dryophis prasinus Wagl. A great many specimens of this common snake were collected by Dr. Hagen. 1) Dr. A. Günther, Reptiles of British India, p. 299. Notes from the Leyden IVTuseum, "Vol. XII. SNAKES FROM DEHLI. 23 25. Vryophis fasciolatus Fischer. Three specimens of this species from Borneo , described by Dr. J. G. Fischer *), were collected by Dr. Hagen in La- boean. They agree in all points with Fischer's description. 26. Psammodynastes pulverulentus Boie. Three specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection. 27. Psammodynastes pictus Gthr. It may be noticed as a curious fact , that in Dehli both species of the genus Psammodynastes are found side by side. Dr. M. Mocquard in his » Seconde contribution a I'histoire du genre Psammodynastes'''' ") remarks that as Ps. pictus was found both in Borneo and in the isle of Bili- ton, it would be a surprising fact, if it did not occur in Sumatra, Java and the surrounding islands. Now, with Dr. 0. Boettger's statement of its occurrence in Indrapura (S. W. Sumatra) ^) , and the fact of its being found in Dehli, Ps. pictus may justly be regarded as an inhabitant of the large isle of Sumatra. The occurrence of the two species side by side in Dehli upsets Dr. Fischer's theory according to which Ps. pictus is to be regarded as a local variety of Ps. pulverulentus *). In my opinion there can exist little doubt about the specific difference between these two forms. They may be distinguished even at a distance without counting or comparing shields or scales. The head of Ps. pulverulentus has a broad trigonal form and the sides of the snout with the lips descend in a nearly perpendicular position without any remarkable cur- ves , and so form a clearly marked canthus r ostralis. 1) Dr. J. G. Fischer. Ueber eine KoUection von Amphibien und Reptilien aus S. O. Borneo. Arch. f. Naturgesch. 1885. p. 66. 2) Extrait da Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris. Se'ance du 12 Mai 1888. 3) Bericht über die Senckenbergische Natnrf. Ges. zu Frankfurt a/M. 1886/87. p. 46. 4) Dr. J. G. Fischer. 1. c. Arch. f. Naturgesch. 1885. Notes from th.e Leyden ]VIu.seu.m, Vol. X.II. 24 SNAKES FROM DEHLl. In Ps. pictus the head has an oblong form and the lips are bent outwards and extend , when seen from above , far beyond the width of the posterior frontals , in this manner there is formed a longitudinal concavity along the snout just above the labials; the canthus r ostralis is not so clearly visible as in Ps. pulverulentus. The anterior frontals are much longer than in Ps. pulverulentus. The distance from the tip of the snout to the end of the ver- tical in Ps. pulverulentus equals the distance between the outer sides of the supraciliaries , in Ps. pictus it by far exceeds that distance and even the width of the head any- where. From the three Dehli specimens one was captured at Langkat, the others are from Laboean. One of these has two postoculars on each side, the other two have three postoculars. In all three the first and the third lower la- bial of one side meet those of the other side without chin- shields between them. This character seems to be a very constant one. As to the coloration, the specimen from Langkat has a brown colour , without the darker band along the back but with indications of the light spots. The two specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection are of a grayish colour with a broad dark band along the back and light spots put al- ternatively. They all have a dark stripe from the tip of the snout through and behind the eye , in one of the grayish specimens this stripe or line extends along the neck on the sides of the body and runs with some inter- ruptions as far as the beginning of the tail. In the Leyden Museum there are four specimens from Borneo, two of them of a brownish, the others of a grayish colour; one of them shows a whitish line along the can- thus rostralis above the dark line, extending along a part of the trunk. One of these specimens has only two post- oculars on each side. No chin-shields between the first and third lower labials of both sides, in any of the four specimens. N'otes from tlie Leyden Museum , Vol. XII. SNAKES FROM DEHLI. 25 28. Lycodon aulicum L. One specimen in Dr. Hageu's collection. 29. Odontomus subannulatus Schl. One specimen was captured in Laboean. 30. Ophites subcinctus Boie. Two specimens in Dr. Hagen 's collection. 31. Leptognathus laevis Boie. Three specimens from Laboean; with one of them the anterior large shields on the middle-line are found to be of a white colour, whilst farther up many series of dark coloured scales are placed alternatively with as many series of white ones. 32. Dipsas drapiezi Boie. Two specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection. 33. Dipsas dendrophila Reinw. Represented by one specimen in both collections. 34. Elaps furcatus Schneid. Three specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection. 35. Elaps bivirgatus Schl. One specimen from Laboean. — Dr. Hagen describes in his article on the venomous snakes of Dehli (already quoted) a third species of the genus Elaps having a red belly and a black coloured back. Along the middle of the back runs a black liue , and each flank is provided with three white-coloured longitudinal stripes. As none of our specimens agree with this description , I cannot make out which species Dr. Hagen had in view ; perhaps it was Elaps tetrataenia Bleeker. Notes from the JLieyden ]>^useuixi, "Vol. XII. 26 SNAKES FROiM DEHl.I. 36. Bungarus annularis Schl, One specimen of this very dangerous snake was found in Mr. Prakke's collection. According to Dr. Hagen this snake is very common in Dehli , often reaches a length of six feet and is generally seen in swampy countries some time before sunrise or after sunset. 37. OpJiiophagus elaps Schl. One very young specimen from Langkat. Dr. Hagen captured specimens of ten and eleven feet and maintains that this most dangerous of all Dehli snakes is very swift in its movements and of such an angry mood that it at- tacks people at the slightest disturbance and sometimes even without any evident reason. 38. Naja tripudians Merr. The local variety of this species in Dehli is of a dark- brown or sometimes black colour, with two black oval spots surrounded with white on the sides of the neck , but without the curved line that unites these spots across the back in the typical specimens of the continent. Dr. Ha- gen maintains this snake to be an animal with nocturnal habits , as it is seldom seen in the daytime. It is very slow in its movements and hardly ever stirs to go out of the way when met with in the dark. It can spit its saliva (?) to a distance of two or three feet and aims at the eyes of the intruder. 39. Bothrops gramineus Shaw. One specimen in Mr. Prakke's collection. Dr. Hagen considers the species of the genus Bothrops, though pro- vided with large fangs, as less dangerous than Bungarus annularis. 40. Bothrops ery thrums Cantor. Some specimens in Dr. Hagen's collection. Notes from the Leyden Mluseum, Vol. XII. SNAKES FROM DEHLT. 27 41. Bothrops Wagleri Boie. This snake seems to be one of the most common vipers of Sumatra, as we never got a collection without it. In the Malay language it is called »Ular nanti bulan", as the aborigines maintain that it stays at the same place for a month before it seeks another hiding-place. Dr. Ha- gen knows for certain that one specimen was seen on the same trunk for weeks together, until one of the doctor's friends slew it and took it home. 42. Bothrops Hageni v. L. d. J. This species is represented in Mr. Prakke's collection by one specimen. According to Dr. Hagen (who does not be- lieve it to be a young specimen of Bothrops sumatranus Raffles as suggested by me ^), but is convinced that it is a proper species) this snake attains a length of three feet, is of a grass-green colour on the back , somewhat lighter on the sides with some blue spots, not very clearly visible against the surrounding green. 43. Platurus Fischeri Jan. The only specimen in Dr. Hagen's collection was cap- tured in the forests of Serdang at a distance of nearly a day's journey from the sea. Leyden Museum, 30 December 1889. 1) Notes from the Leyden Museum. Vol. VIII. p. 43. Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. X!I1 . 28 LUCANUS ELAPIIUS. NOTE IX. ON LUCANUS ELAPHUS, HERBST. BT C. RITSEMA Cz. In consequence of my enumeration of the Lucanidae hitherto known as inhabiting the island of Sumatra ') (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889. p. 233), I received a letter from Mr. G. Albers of Hannover, in which this well-kuown student of Lucanoid Coleoptera calls my attention upon the incorrectness of the supposed identity of Eurytrachelus purpurascens Vol). and Lucanus elaphus Herbst (1. c. p. 236), stating that the latter name almost undoubtedly is relative to Eurr/trachelus concolor Blanch. {= Saiga Oliv. nee Auct.). I without delay examined the question and , in consulting the figures given by Voet, Herbst and Olivier, I fully agree with Albers, notwithstanding Voet calls his insect in the Dutch language » Americaansch vliegend Hart", and Herbst and Olivier respectively mention Virginia and South America as its native country. I do not know for what reason the Authors of the Mu- nich Catalogue indicate » Sumatra" as being the habitat of Lucanus elaphus Herbst , and I am sorry to have based my supposition upon this incorrect statement. (See also Albers in Deuts. Entom. Zeits. 1883. p. 224). 1) Very recently (Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. January 1890. p. 36) Mr. Chas. O. Waterhouse has described a new Sumatran species of the genus Aegus un- der the name of Aegus Curtisii. It is, according to the author, nearest to Aegus amictus H. Deyr., though at first sight it might be supposed to be allied to Aegus laevicollis Saund or EsehscIioUzi Hope. — At the same time (1. c.) Mr. Waterhouse describes an Aegus-i\>tc\es from the Andaman Islands under the name of Aegus Roepstorffi , which, according to specimens in our Museum, inhabits also the Nicobar Islands and bears in the late Count Mnis- zech's collection the name of Aegus andamanus H. Deyr. Notes from the L-ieyden Miuseum , Vol. XII. SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. 29 NOTE X. CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE COLEOPTEROUS EAUNA OF WEST SUMATRA. ') C. RITSEMA Cz. A second, third and fourth consignment of insects , sent by Mr. J. D. Pasteur to the Leyden Museum, have recently ar- rived. Besides some Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and Orthoptera, all captured in the neighbourhood of Padang Sidempoean (resid. Tapanoeli: North West Sumatra), they contained a more considerable number of Coleoptera from the same locality. ^) These latter belong to the following species several of which were not yet represented in the Leyden Museum, whereas some others certainly will prove to be new to science. Those species which , according to the insect-collection of our Museum , occur also in East Sumatra are indicated by an asterisk , a way of acting which I thought of interest for the sake of our knowledge of the geographical distribution of the Coleoptera in the island of Sumatra, Moreover those species which are des- cribed at a date posterior to the Munich Catalogue are followed up by their citation. 1) See also: Notes from the Leyden Museum. 1889. p. 241. 2) The third and fourth consignment contained moreover a beautiful series of Lepidoptera, all captured by Mr. Pasteur himself at Padang Sidempoean (N. \V. Sumatra), at Assahan (N. E. Sumatra), and on his way across the country from one place to the other. In his accompanying letter Mr. Pasteur tells me that none of the specimens are collected in places higher than 100 M. above the level of the sea. Later on I have the intention to give a full list of the collected species. Notes from the Leyden ]Museuiii , Vol. JCII. 30 SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. Cicindelidae. *Cicindela undulata Dej. — 2 ex. * » superba Kollar. — 2 ex. *CoUijris spec. — 1 ex. Carabidae. *Ophionea interstitialis Schm. G. — 1 ex. *Pheropsophus javanus Dej. — 3 ex. * » fuscicollis Dej. — 1 ex. Catascopus splendidus W. W. Saund. — 1 ex. Cryptocephalomorpha Gaverei Rits. (Tijdschr. v. Eutom. XVIII. 1875. p. xci) = Adelotopus marginatus C. O. Waterh. (Trans. Ent Soc. London. 1877. p. 2). — 1 ex. Clivina Parryi Putz. — 1 ex. *Chlaenius javanus Chaud. — 4 ex. * » hamifer Chaud. — 1 ex. * » lynx Chaud. — 3 ex. * » ducalis Chaud. (Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova. VIII. 1876. p. 155). — 1 ex. *Orthogonius Hageni R. Oberth. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1883. p, 222). — 1 ex. *Dioryche laticeps Dej. — 1 ex. Dytiscidae. *Copelatus tenehrosus Régb. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1880. p. 210; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 10 ; pi. 1 , fig. 3) = pusiUus Sharp (Monogr. Dytiscidae. 1882. p. 580). — 1 ex. *Cybister tripunctatus Oliv. — 2 ex. *Eretes sticticus Linn. — 2 ex. Stap hylinidae. Erchomus spec. — 1 ex. Histeridae. *Plaesius javanus Erichs. — 2 ex. Platysoma striate Mars. var. — 1 ex. Notes from th.e Leyden IMuseuixi, ^Vol. XII. SÜMATRAN COLEOPTERA. 31 Platysoma dehile Mars. — 1 ex. » sundae Schmidt (Entom. Nachricht. 1889. p. 332 ; — Notes Leyd. Mus. 1890. p. 14). - 1 ex. Nitidulidae. Epuraea latissima Reitt. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1880. p. 42; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 18). — 1 ex. Atarpliia convexiuscula Grouv. nov. spec. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1890. p. 15). — N.B. Described as belonging to a new- genus (Pseudoplatychora Grouv.) but afterwards recog- nized by Mr. Grouvelle as belonging to the genus Atar- phia Reitt. (Wien. Ent. Zeitung. IIL 1884. p. 260). - 4 ex. Trogositidae. *Latolaeva ovalis Mc L. (Reitter, Verhandl. Naturf. Ver. in Brünn. Bd. XIV. 1876. p. 49). - 1 ex. D e r m e s t i d a e. *Aethriostoma undulata Motsch. — 1 ex. Lucanidae. * Odontolabis Dalmani Hope. — 1 cf- *Eurytrachelus purpurascens Voll. — 5 cf , 3 9« Passalidae. *Leptaida.v dentatus Fabr. — 1 ex. *Aceraius horneanus Kaup (Monogr. Passalid. 1871. p. 52). — 1 ex. Scarabaeidae. (Coprini). *Catharsius molossus Fabr. — 2 ^, 3 9- *Aphodius marginellus Fabr. — 1 ex. (Melolonthini). *Apogonia rauca Fabr. — 2 ex. Haplidia bidentata Burm. — 1 ex. Notes from the Leyden M.useuixi, Vol. XII. 32 SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. Lepidiota spec. — 1 ex. * » pauper Voll. in Mus. Leyd. — 1 ex. ^Tricholepis grandis Burm. — 2 ex. *Exopholis hypoleuca Burm. — 3 ex. (Rutelini). *Anomala cupripes Hope. — 3 ex. * » chalcites (Dej.) Sharp (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1881. p. 237 ; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 39). — 1 ex. * » spec. — l' ex. » spec. — 1 ex. * » spec. — 1 ex. » rotundiceps Sharp (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1881. p. 234 ; — Midden-Suraatra. Coleoptera. p. 38). — 1 ex. * » breviceps Sharp (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1881. p. 235; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 38). — 1 ex. *Popilia foveolata Sharp (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1881. p. 240; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 41). — 2 ex. *Adoretu$ umhrosus Fabr. — 3 examples , two of which were taken paired. (Dynastini). *Xylotrupes Gideon Linn. — 3 cT, 3 9- *Chalcosoma Atlas Linn. — 19- (Cetonini). *Glycyphana malayensis Guer. — 1 ex. » Boxoringi Wall. — 1 ex. — N. B. I think Kraatz's var. melanaria from Nias (Deuts. Entom. Zeits. 1885. p. 80) will prove to be better referable to this species than to G/ycj/phana rufovittata Wall, nee. Guer. ('= illusa 0. E. Jans. ') = vittata Kraatz, 1. c). — It may also be said here that in Bowringi 1) Cist. Ent. II. p. 608. Febr. 1881. Notes from the Leyden IMuseum , Vol. JCII. SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. 33 Wall. the sutural margins of the elytra are acutely pro- longed at the end, and that in this species the pygi- dium ia provided with a longitudinal crest , which , however, does not extend to the apical margin. In rufo- vittata Guer. {illusa Jans, is unknown to me) the su- tural margins are not at all prolonged at the end, and the pygidium is not crested. Buprestidae. *Chrysochroa fulminans Linn. — 7 ex. *Belionota scutellaris Fabr. — 1 ex. *Agrilus armatus Fabr. — 1 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. Elateridae. Lacon lupinosus Cand. — 1 ex. *Alaus lacteus Fabr. — 2 ex. *Pachyderes macrothorax Wied. — 2 ex. {^f and Q). Cardiophorus carduelis Cand. — 1 ex. *Ludius macassariensis Cand. — 1 ex. — Dr. Candeze wrote me about this specimen: »Je I'ai compare a mes macassariensis et n'y ai pas trouve de differences." *Hemiops crassa Gylh. — 1 ex. Malacodermidae. (Lycidae). Lycostomus spec. — 1 ex. Conderis spec. — 1 ex. Ditoneces spec. — 1 ex. (Calochromidae). Calochromus spec. — 1 ex. (Lampyridae). *Pyrocoelia terminata Gorh. (Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 1880. p. 92. — Olivier, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1886. p. 207). — 3 ex. Notes from tlie Leyden museum. Vol. XII. 3 34 SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. *Luciola pallescens Gorh. (Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 1880. p. 102; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 70). — 3 ex. (Telephoridae). *Telephorus ruficornis Fabr. (Gorliam , Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 72). — 1 ex. Silis spec. — 2 ex. Lymexylonidae. * Atractocerus emarginatus Casteln. — 1 ex. Tenebrionidae. ^Uloma denticorms Fairm. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 225; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p, 84). — 19- * » rujilahris Fairm. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 226 ; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 85). — 1 ex. *Nyctohates aereipennis Fairm. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 228; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 86). — 2 9. ^Encyalesthus aeruginosus Fabr. — 4 ex. * J£ucyrtus pretiosus Lacord. — 1 ex. » carbunculus Fairm. (Ann. Soc. Ent. de Belgique. XXIX. 1885. p. cix). — 1 ex. *Gauroma{a dives Pascoe (Fairmaire, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 240 ; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 92). — 1 ex. *Dietysus picitarsis Fairm. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 250; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 98). — 1 ex. Rhygmodus spec. — 1 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. L a g r i i d a e. *Lagria. rufofusca Fairm. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 259; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 103). — 1 ex. Mordellidae. *Mordella tricolor Wied. — 1 ex. .Notes from the Lieyden Mluseum, V^ol. JCII. SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. 35 Cantharidae. *Zomtis macroxantha Fairm. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1887. p. 194). - 1 ex. Curculionidae. ^Episomus pauperatus Fabr. — 2 ex. * » spec. — 1 ex. *MyUocerus spec. — 2 ex. *Eugnathus alternans F§,hrs. — 1 ex. Apion spec. — 1 ex. *Apoderïts cygneus B^abr. — 1 ex. * » tranqueharicus Fabr. — 1 ex. * » hystrix Fabr. — 1 ex. ^Attelabus bispinosus Gylli. var. — 1 ex. Rhynchites spec. — 1 ex. Mecistocerus spec. — 4 ex. Copturus spec. — 1 ex. Ceutorrhynchus spec. — 1 ex. * Cyrtotrachelus spec. — 2 9- '*Protocerius colossus Oliv. — 2 (ƒ and 2 9- *Rhynchophorus schach Fabr. — G cf and 5 9» two of which were taken paired. '*Cercidocerus f abrilis Gylh. — 1 ex. *Sphenophorus sericans Wied. — 1 ex. * » planipennis Gylh. — 3 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. * » sordidus Germ. — 1 ex. Calandra orizae Linn. — 2 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. » spec. — 2 ex. *Cryptoderma Fabricii Rits. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1882. p. 186; — id. 1885. p. 54). — 1 9- Scolytidae. * Platypus lepidus Chap. — 1 ex. Notes from the Leyden M!useum, Vol. XII. 36 SÜMATRAN COLEOPTERA. B r e n t h i (l a e. * Baryrrliynchus deJiiscens Gylh. — 1 cf- * Agriorrhynchus undulatus Power (Petites Nouv. Entoru. IT. 1878. p. 241). — 1 ^. * Traclielizus Beccarii Power, in Mus. Leyd. — 4 ex. Anthribidae. Eugigas insalindiae v. d. Poll , nov. spec, (will be described in the present part of this Journal). — 1 Q. Xenocerus saperdoides Gylh. — 1 cf . — The Anthribid figured by Labram & Imhoff as Xenocerus saperdoides var. does not belong to this species but is identical with X. jia- gellatus F&hrs. *Xylinades Wester manni Gylh. — 1 9- *Araeocerus fascicidatus Deg. (= eoffeae Fabr.). — 1 ex. Cerambycidae. (Prionini). *Aegosoma marginale Fabr. (= javanicum Redt.). — 1 9. (Cerambycini). *Pachydissus spec. — 1 cf and 1 9- Pachylocerus pilosus Guer. (? = unicolor Dohrn , Stett. Ent. Zeit. 1878. p. 359; — id. 1880. p. 149; — id. 1883. p. 158). — 1 ex. — Of this species the Leyden Museum possessed already a specimen from Java: Ke- manglen , Tegal Residency, captured in August (Lucassen), another from Sumatra (v. d. Bossche) and two specimens, apparently (ƒ and 9? fi'om Borneo (Schwaner). — Pa- chylocerus crassicornis Oliv. is represented in our Museum by a single specimen from the old collection of Calkoen's. Pachylocerus plumiferus Pascoe, and perhaps also P. corallinus Hope , may, I think , prove to be mere varie- ties of this species. *Rhytidodera simulans White. — 1 ex. '*Gnatholea subnuda Lacord. — 2 cf and 1 Q. Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. X!II. SUMATRAN COLEÜPTERA. 37 ^Ceresium spec. — 1 ex. *Clytanthus annularis Fabr. — 1 ex. *Siirycephalus Lundi Fabr. — ^ Q. Noëmia flavicornis Pasc. — 1 Q« (Lamiini). *Epepeotes luscus Fabr. — 2 cf and 2 9- *Monohammus Jistulator Germ. — 1 cT anti 5 9* *Batocera albofasciata de Geer. — 1 cf and 1 9- * » Helena Thorns. (= Attila Pasc). — 1 cT and 1 9- * Olenecamptus hilobus Fabr. — 19- Moechotypa thoracica White. — 19- — This species is incorrectly recorded in the Munich Catalogue as a sy- nonym of Lamia fuscator Fabr. which latter, according to Kolbe (Arch. f. Naturgesch. 1886. I. p. 222), even belongs to another genus , viz. Niphona Muls. — In a con- signment of beetles , directly received by Mr. Neervoort van de Poll from Sikkim , a very fine male example of Moechotypa thoracica White was present. *Prao7ietha melanura Pasc. — 19'" *Glenea honora Pasc. (Waterhouse, Aid Identif. Ins. pi. 130, fig. 6.) — 2 cT and 2 9. 1 ex. * » funerula Thorns. - — * » spec. — 1 ex. *Nupserha spec. — 1 ex. *Astath ,es nitens Fabr. — 1 » spec. - — 2 ex. ;» spec. — 2 ex. » spec. ■ — 2 ex. ex. Chrysomelidae. - (Sagrinae). Sagra Petelii Lacord. — 1 ex. (Criocerinae). *Lema quadripunctata Oliv. — 1 ex. * » Beccarii Jacoby (Ann. Mus. Civ. di Genova. XX. 1884. p. 192). — 1 ex. !N'otes froin tlie X^eyden Miuseum, Vol. XII. 38 SUMATHAN COLEOl'TEHA. (Eumolpiuae). *Pyropida stimptuosa Baly. — 1 ex. *Colasposoma mutabile Baly (= nigricentre Jacoby nee Baly). — 3 ex. — See: Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 22 , and Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 146. — Le- fèvre, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1887. p. 261. Colaspoides spec. — 1 ex. (Chrysomelinae). *GhaIcolampra octodecimguttata Fabr. (Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 27; — Middeu-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 152). — 1 ex. (Halticinae). *Nisotra gemella Erichs. (Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 31 ; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 153). —4 ex. * » spec. — 1 ex. *Graptodera cyanea Weber. — 1 ex. *Sphaerometopa acroleuca Wied. — 1 ex. *Eucijda varipes Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 210). — 1 ex. ^Homelea variabilis Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 211). — 1 ex. (Galerucinae). *Oïdes pectoralis Clark (Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 37; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 159). — lex. *Aidacophora dimidiata Guér. (Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 38; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 160). — 1 ex. * » spec. — 1 (ƒ• * » hiteicornis Fabr. (Jacoby , Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 40; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 161). — ld" and 1 9- * » fiavomarginata Duviv. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 119). — 1 9. * » spec. — 2 cT and 1 9. * Rhaphidopalpa serena Bobem. — 3 ex. » spec. — 2 ex. Notes from tlie Leyden ]Mu.seu.ni, Vol. XII. SUMATRAN COLEOPTERA. 39 *Macrima maJayensis Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 216). — 1 ex. *Cerophysa sumatrensis Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 45; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 167). — 1 cT- ^Galerucella Hageni Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1887. p. 235). — 1 ex. *Sermyloides hasalis Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 64; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 171). — 2 ex., one of the typical form, the other of the variety; both are females. — As to the synonymy see Baly, in Ent. Mo. Mag. XXm. 1887. p. 268. ^Haplosonyx testaceus Weber. — 1 cf and 3 9- » spec. — 1 ex. Caritheca quadripustulata Baly (Ent. Mo. Mag. XIII. 1877. p. 226). — 1 ex. of a large variety with large elytral spots, and the black thoracical vitta interrupted in the middle. Antipha ahdominalis Jacoby (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 52; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 174). — 5 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. Monolepta hasimarginata Boisd. (Jacoby, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 54; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 175). — 4 ex. * » hifasciata Fabr. (Jacoby , Notes Leyd. Mus. 1884. p. 53; — Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 175). — 6 ex. *Theopea spec. — 1 ex. (Hispinae). *Platypria spec. — 1 ex. (Cassidinae). *Aspidomorpha assimilis Bohem. (Gorham, Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 181). — 3 ex. * » elevata Fabr. var. (Gorham , Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 182). — 4 ex. * » miliaris Fabr. — Several examples. Notes from tlie Leyden ]Miiseum, Vol. XII. 40 SUMATRA N CÜLÜOPTERA. * * *Coptocycla scalaris Weber. — 3 ex. * » punctata Weber. — 4 ex. * » catenata Bohem. — 1 ex. Erotylidae. (Languridae). Tetralanguria elongata Fabr. (Gorhara, Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 183). — 1 ex. (Erotylides). Triplatoma Madeayi Lacord. — 1 ex. » attenuata Crotch. (Gorham , Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 184). — 3 ex. Endomychidae. *Eumorphus quadriguttatus 111. — 2 ex. * » spec. — 1 ex. Coccinellidae. *CoccineUa arcuata Fabr. — 2 ex. Coelophora spec. — 2 ex. » spec. — 1 ex. Verania lineata Thunb. — 1 ex. ^Rodolia rmbea Muls. — 1 ex. * » spec. (Gorham , Middeu-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 19d :?Clams pubescens Fabr.) — 1 ex. *Epilachna pusillamma Muls. (Gorham, Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 193). — 1 ex. Of the 194 species mentioned in the above enumeration not less than 140 (those preceded by an asterisk) are, up to this day , also sent to the Leyden Museum from East Sumatra. r^'otes from the Leyden M.useuixi, Vol. XII. CERCOPITHECUS TALAPOIN. 41 NOTE XL ON CERCOPITHECUS TALAPOIN ERXLEBEN. C. L. REUVENS. February 1890. (Plate 2). As Prof. Schlegel, in March 1876, finished his»Mono- graphie des Singes" there was no specimen of C. talapoin in the Leyden Museum. He , therefore , ranged this species as a subdivision in the great group ofCercopithecidae, saying that, according to Is. Geoffroy S* Hilaire, this species was characterized by only three tubercles on the fifth lower molar. Having worked , some time ago , in the Monkeys of the Leyden Museum, I found that, since 1876, the collection was increased by three specimens of this species. On the bottom of the stand of one of these specimens I found the following remark , written by the hand of Schlegel : » Cercopithecus talapoin. cf ad. Tue au Gabon prés de »Dongola. La tête étant fortement endommagée on n'en »a pu tirer le crane dont la dernière molaire de la machoire » inférieure offre toutefois dans cet individu quatre tubercu- »les absolument comme dans tons les autres Cercophitèques." My attention once having been called upon this subject, I examined the skull of one , and the skeleton of another of the three above mentioned specimens, and found that the adult ones have on their last molar in the lower maxilla four well-distinguished tubercles, in the upper maxilla, however, the crown of the last molar is nar- Notes from the Leyden IMuseuni, Vol. XIII. 42 CERCOPITHECUS TALAPOIN. rowed posteriorly and the two hindmost tubercles are so small that, superficially examined, they might be con- sidered to be one single tubercle. It may be remembered that this peculiar shape of the last upper molar cannot be considered to be an essential character of any specific value, as it is met with in the skull of some specimens belonging to different species , while in others it is entirely wanting. This peculiar form I found , for instance , in skulls of: C. cynosurus (Jent. Oat. ost. e.) '), C. callitrichus (Jent. Cat. ost. j.), C. pygerythrus (Jent. Cat. ost. f, c), C. mona (Jent. Cat. ost. c), C. pogonias (Jent. Cat. ost. a.), C. diana (Jent. Cat. ost. f.), C. hnttikoferi (Jent. Cat. ost. d.). The stuffed specimens of Talapoin , from which the skulls were taken , agree perfectly with the descriptions given by Buffon and Geoffroy and with the figure in the » Mam- mifères" of Cuvier. Before giving my own remarks on this matter, I may be allowed to make a short quotation of what Geoffroy has said on his genus Miopithecus : Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. T. XVII. 1828. On p. 144 the author says that he has seen a live Talapoin and that »la position des narines est tellement »incertaine que je I'ai vu prendre plusieurs fois pour un » singe américain." Comptes-rendus hebdomad aires des seances de I'A cade mie des Sciences. T. XV. 1842. Here, p. 720, two species of a new genus (i1ƒ^o/)^Y^ecMs) are mentioned: »qui caractérisent a la fois plusieurs modi- »fications tres remarquables du système dentaire et des or- »ganes des sens." In a note is said »Ces deux espèces sont »le Talapoin de Buffon et une espèce nouvelle, Ie Miopi- »thèque chevelu {M. capillatus), tres voisin du Talapoin, 1) Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas. Tome IX. Jentink, Catalogue steologique des Mammifères. Notes from the Leyden IMuseum , Vol. XII. CERCOPITHECUS TALAPOIN. 43 »mais aa peu plus grand et a pelage d'un roux légèrement » verdatre. Quaut aux caractères géaériques , les principaux » sont tirés de la dernière molaire inférieure , qui est petite »et u'a que trois tubercules (ce genre présente seul ce »caractère), et de l'encéphale et des organes des sens, tres »remarquables par leur développement. Ces derniers carac- » teres lieut intimement les Miopithèques a divers singes »américains, tels que les Saïaiiris et les Callitriches , dont »ils ont presque aussi la taille, et dont ils se rapprochent »même par la disposition si caractéristique des narines." On p. 1037 is observed »Le genre Miopithèque [Miopithecus) »établi pour la première fois dans ce travail, mais déja »indiqué dans les Comptes-rendus , a pour type un Singe »depuis longtemps connu , Ie Talapoin de Bufïon. L'auteur »fait connaitre les caractères que présente la conformation » générale de la tête et les modifications caractéristiques » des organes des sens. Le Talapoin , dont l'auteur avait »d'abord cru pouvoir rapprocher une autre espèce, reste »jusqu'a présent le seul Miopithèque dont l'existence soit »sufEsamment constatée." Archives du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. Tome IL 1841. ') Describing the shape and position of the nostrils and the difference in the thickness of the os internasale, Geoffroy remarks, p. 522, »les singes de l'Ancien Monde a cloison » internasale mince et a narines inférieures et les singes »américains a cloison large et épaisse et narines latérales." The author says that there are transitional forms , as Eriodes and Lagothrix of the New- and Miopithecus and Semnopi- t/iecus of the Old- World. Therefore , adds Geoöroy, the great value , attributed by Buffon to the different thickness of the OS internasale is much decreased. Of the long description of his new genus Miopithecus , I quote only the following essential points: 1) Peculiarly enough the author quoted in this volume (1841) what is said on the subject in the Comptes-rendus. Tome XV, 1843. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. 44 CERCOPITHECUS TALAPOIN. Ou p. 549 » Crane volumineux, s'élevant supérieurement »au dessus des orbites. Museau très-court Nez très- »peu saillant; cloison inter-nasale assez épaisse; nariues de » forme allongée, ouvertes, non pas seulement sous Ie nez, » mais a la fois inférieurement et latéralement »Dernière molaire de chaque maclioire plus petite que les »précédentes; l'inférieure se rétrésissaut en arrière , n'ayant »que trois tubercules, savoir: deux antérieurs, disposes » comme ceux des autres machelières , et uu talou, plus »étroit que Ie reste de la dent. La supérieure offrant une » disposition analogue, et beaucoup moins étendue d'avant »en arrière que transversalement." On p. 551 »Parmi les caractères eompris dans la carac- »téristique, j'insisterai ici sur la forrae générale de la tête »et la brièveté du museau, et sur ceux qui sont relatifs »au système dentaire. Par les premiers, les Miopithèques , »selon Ie nom que j'ai donné aa genre dont Ie Talapoin »est Ie type, se placent nécessairemeut au dessus des vrais »Cercopithèques, et se lient avec les Semnopithèques. Par »les seconds, et particulièremeut par l'existenee a la der- »nière molaire inférieure, de trois tubercules seulement, »ils sont au contraire dans des conditions toutes spéciales »et nettement caractéristiques." On p. 552 »L'ouverture antérieure des fosses nasales, »fait déja signalé par Daubenton , remonte jusqu'au dessus »du niveau inférieur des fosses orbitaires. Ce caractère re- »marquable résulte, a la fois, de la plus grande étendue » longitudinale de cette ouverture, de la brièveté de la face, »et du diamètre considerable des orbites Elles (les sorbites) ue sont séparées intérieurement que par une cloison »osseuse très-mince, transparante même dans une partie »de son étendue, comme chez plusieurs Singes américains. »Le diamètre antéro-postérieur du grand trou occipital est »moindre que son diamètre transversal. On sait que Ie » contraire a ordinairement lieu." On p. 553 »I1 est a remarquer que toutes les modifi- » cations organiques qui distinguent Ie Talapoin ou mieux, Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. XII. CERCOPITHECUS TALAPOIN. 45 »d'une maniere plus générale, les Miopithèques des Cerco- »pithèques et de tous les autres Singes de l'Ancien-Monde, »tendeut a les rapproeher des Singes américains." On p. 554 »La description et la figure de M. Frederic »Cuvier" (Manimifères, livr. XLIII, 1824) »donnent en » particulier une idéé fort exacte de la coloration du Tala- »poin et des autres caractères extérieurs que l'on doit cou- »sidérer comme de valeur spécifique." Catalogue métbod ique de la collection des Mamraifères. Paris, 1851. On pp. 10 and 18 the author gives the characteristics of the genus Miopitheciis. During my recent visit to the Musea of Paris and London, for other purposes, I was kindly allowed to examine by the way the skulls and skeletons of Talapoins. The exami- nation of aforesaid materials, as well as the comparison of the Leyden skulls with those of other Cercopitheci , has led me to the following conclusions: On the fifth or last molar of the lower mandible of adult specimens there are four tubercles , while on the same molar of the upper mandible the hindmost tuber- cles are very small , the crown showing a strong inclina- tion of becoming narrowed posteriorly, a character which is also found in the dentition of some other Cercopitheci. The foramen occipitale agrees as regards its measure- ments with that of other species. Like in the skull of other Cercopitheci, the nostrils reach a little higher than the basis of the orbita. The transparancy of the os internasale may not be con- sidered to be a character of specific value. An examination of different species of Cercopithecus shows that in some specimens the os internasale is transparent, while in other ones this is not the case. I hardly need to say that much care is indicated in studying bones of animals which have lived in Menageries or Zoological Gardens. The habitus of the skull does not differ from that of the other Cercopitheci. Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. X.II. 46 CERCOPITIIECUS TALAPOIN. Prof. Rosenberg in Utrecht was kind enough as to send me a specimen on liquor, died in the Zoological Garden at Rotterdam (vide »der Zool. Garten" 1889, p, 186). This specimen , the fourth molar of which shows very clearly the four tubercles , agrees perfectly well with the ficcure in the »Mammifères" of Cuvier. My conclusion is, after all, that there is no reason to separate the Talapoin generically from the other Cercopitheci. EXPLANATION OF Plate 2. Fig. 1. Skull of Cercopitheciis talapoin (Jent. Cat. ost. a.). „ 2. Lower jaw of idem. „ 3. Upper jaw of idem. „ 4. Left half of upper jaw of C. mona (Jent. Cat. ost. c). „ 5. „ „ „ „ „ „ C. hmtikoferi (Jent. Cat. ost. d.). Notes from the Leytlen Museum, Vol. XII. EPISCAPHA XANTHO-PUSTULATA. 47 NOTE XII. A NEW SPECIES OF THE EROTYLID GENUS EPISCAPHA. DESCRIBED BY the Rev. H. S. GORHAM. E p is c a p h a x an t h o-p u s t u I a t a , u. sp. Statura E. cruciatce Lac. sirailis , nigropicea, capite tho- raceque crebre punctatis, nitidiusculis, hoc margine laterali parum rejflexo, angulis anticis acutis , elytris maculis duabus magiiis flavis ana basali, altera subapicali sublunata prope suturam angustata; anteunis brevibus, articulis 2 — 8 moni- liformibus subaequalibus. — Long. 10 millim. Hab. Sumatra: Boenga mas ') and Soekadana (J. C. van Hasselt). Oblong, nearly equal in breadth before and behind , pitchy- black, pubescent, very thickly and finely , almost obsoletely punctured , the head more distinctly so than the thorax. The antennae are about as long as the head and thorax, the second to eighth joints scarcely longer than wide, the club as in E. cricciata. The elytra are very thickly and very finely punctured , each puncture giving rise to a hair, the four yellow spots are placed much as in E. cruciata, but the hinder pair are more transverse , and a little ex- cavated on the apical side, so that the apex itself is more widely black. The basal spot is actually on the base in the middle (as in E. cruciata) but the entire margin from 1) This is the Episcap/ia n°. 3 of „Midden-Sumatra. Coleoptera. p. 185." Notes froai tho Leyden JMaseum , Vol. XII. 48 EPISCAPHA XANTHO-PUSTULATA. the callus, and the suture are narrowly black. In E. cru- data there is a small black spot on the callus which is wanting here. The underside and legs are pitchy-black, prosternum even , not compressed , punctured. This insect is at first sight like E. cruciata but rather wider and with paler yellow spots. It is , however, quite easily at once distinguished , by the generic character of having the third joint of the antennae not longer than the fourth , by the pubescence , close punctuation and other specific difierenees. One specimen was captured in each of the above localities. Notes from tbe Leydeii Museutn , Vol. XII. CAUCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 49 NOTE XIII. CARCINOLOGtCAL STUDIES IN THE LEYDEN MUSEUM. BY Dr. J. G. de MAN. N°. 4. ») (Plate 3—6). LIST OF SPECIES. Carpilodes tristis Dana. Actaeodes Riclitersii de Man. Xantlio piinctatus //. Milne Edw. tl (Lachnopodus) tahitensis de Man. II nudipes A. Milne Edw. Lophozozymiis superbus A. Milne Edio. (nee Dana). Leptodius gracilis Dana. Chlorodopsis areolata //. Milne Edw. Heteropanope serratifrons Kinahan. Pilumnus globosus Dana. II tahitensis, n. sp. Trapezia guttata Rüpp. {Heller). II flavopunctata Ej/d. ^- Soul. Eriphia scabricula Dana. Goniocaphyra truncatifrons de Man. Xenoplithalmodes Moebii Richters. Geryon trispinosus Herbst. Macroplithalmus crassipes H. Milne Edw. II pacificus Dana. Myctiris longicarpus Latr. Leptograpsus Ansoni //. Milne Edw. Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall. Plagusia speciosa Dana. Clistocoeloma merguiensis de Man. Sesarma Aubryi A. Milne Edw. II Edwardsii de Man, var. brevipes de Man. II Smithii H. Milne Edw. II atrorubens Hess. II trapezoidea Guérin. II quad rata Fahr. II erythrodactyla Hess. II bataviana, n. sp. „ barbimana , n. sp. Eupagurus hirtimanus White. Calcinus elegans H. Milne Edw. „ nitidus Heller. Clibanarius vulgaris Dana. „ taeniatus //. Milne Edw. Alpheus pachychirus Stimpson. Hetairocaris orientalis , n. g. et n. sp. Penaeus Macleayi Haswell. 1) See for N°. 1 and 2 : Vol. III, p. 121 and p. 245, and for N°. 3: Vol. V, p. 150. Notes from the Leyden Museum , "Vol. XII. 50 carcinological studies. 1. Car pilodes tristis Daua. Carpilüdes tristis, Dana, United States Exploring Expedition, Crustacea, T. I, p. 193, PI. IX, fig. 7. One male from Tahiti. The nearest ally of this species is Carpilodes laevis A. Milne Edwards. Of this latter form I have before me a male specimen from Amboina, which I have described two years ago (Archiv f. Naturgeschichte , Jahrg. LIII , p. 236), and so I am able to indicate the differences. Unfortunately the cephalothorax of the specimen of tristis is somewhat asymmetric posteriorly, which is probably caused by a parasite in the left postero-lateral region of the carapace. The cephalothorax of Carpil. tristis is a little more enlarged than that of the other species. The interregional grooves are somewhat more distinct; therefore the urogastric areola 4 M is already visible to the naked eye, which is not the case in Carpil. laevis. The posterior of the two grooves which border the third lobe of the antero-lateral margins , is considerably longer in Carpil. tristis , so that an imaginary line, which unites the extremities of these grooves, coincides with the posterior border of the areola urogastrica. The whole upper surface of the cephalothorax of tristis proves to be very minutely granulated when examined under a strong magnify ing-glass, but when Carpil. laevis is observed under the same lens, this minute granulation is only seen on the front and close to the antero-lateral margins. The legs of Carpil. tristis are shorter in propor- tion to the width of the cephalothorax, and the ambulatory legs especially have a less slender form. Thus e. g. the last pair of legs of Carpil. laevis are about as long as the breadth of the cephalothorax , measured at the incisions between the second and the third lobe of the antero-lateral margins ; the posterior legs of Carpil. tristis are, however, much shorter than that distance. X^otes from the Leydon IMuseiiixi, ^''ol. XII CARC(NOLOGICAL STUDIES. 51 The dark browu colour of the fingers of Dana's species extends for a short distance along the lower margin of the hand ; this is not the case with the specimen of Carpil. laevis whicli lies before me, but the specimen figured by Milne Edwards (Nouvelles Archives du Muséum , T. IX , PI. 5, fig. Sa) presents the same character. The breadth of the cephalothorax is 15^/, mm., its length 9 mm. These measurements are for Carpil. laevis respectively iG'lg mm. and 10 mm. Heller (Novara-Reise) likewise records Carpil. tristis from Tahiti , and according to Milne Edwards this species is rather common on tlie shores of New Caledonia. 2. Actaeodes Rich ter sii de Man. Actaeodes Richtersii, de Man, in: Zoologische Jahrbücher, heraus- gegeben von J. W. Spengel , Abth. f. Systematik, Bd. IV, S. 412, Taf. 9, fig. 2. 1888. An adult female and a very young male from Tahiti. Both specimens agree entirely with the original de- scription founded upon an adult male, but the hands of the female differ somewhat in form from those of the male. The hands are namely somewhat shorter and more slender ; they are a little more than three times as long as high , whereas in the adult male the height of the palm measures a little more than a third of the length. As regards the proportion between the horizontal length of the palm and that of the fingers, the female agrees with the male, but the palm is distinctly more than once and a half as long as high. The inner margins of both fingers are entire and excavated for some distance at the distal end; that entire, untoothed part of the margin is slightly longer than half the length of the margin in the immobile finger, slightly shorter than half the length of the margin in the dactylus; as regards the number and the form of the teeth , the female agrees with the male. The hiatus between the fingers when closed is slightly larger than in the male. Notes from the I-»eyden IVIuseutn, Vol. X^II. 52 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES, In the young male individual the leaJ-coloured tint of the index does not yet cover the distal part of the palm , which is the case in the adult male. Dimensions of the female : Distance between the external orbital angles H^/s nira. Greatest width of the cephalothorax . . . 29\'4 » Length of the cephalothorax 15^.-, » Length of the hand l^Vo » Height of the palm 4^/6 » 3. X ant ho punctatus H. Milne Edw. (PI- 3, fig. 1). Xantho punctatus, H. Milne Edwards; A. Milne Edwards, Noti- vellea Archives da Muséum, T. IX, p. 199, PI. VII, fig. 6. — de Man, in: Archiv f. Naturgeschichte , Jahrg. 53, 1888, p. 238. The collection contains two fine adult specimens , a male and a female, of which the locality is unknown. The two chelipedes of the female have the same size and agree entirely with the figure published by Milne Edwards. In the male the right chelipede (fig. 1) is considerably larger than the left. The black colour of the fiugers extends somewhat farther in the male than in the female , as may be seen when comparing my figure of the larger hand of the male with that of the hand of the female in the »Nouvelles Archives." Dimensions : cf Q Greatest breadth of the cephalothorax 49 mm. 42^/o mm. Length of the cephalothorax ... 30 » 26 » Distance between the external orbital angles 20'/j » l?'/, » Length of the larger hand . . . .4072 » Height of the larger hand . . . • lö'/g » 4. Kant ho (Lachnopodus) t a hi ten sis de Man. Xantho {Lachnopodus} tahilensis , de Man, in: Zool. Jahrbiicher, Abth. f. System. Bd. IV, 1888, S. 418, Taf. IX, fig. 4. Notes frora the I^eytlen JMasetim, Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 53 A male aud a youug female from Tahiti. The chelae of the female fully agree with those of the male; in both the right chela is the larger. 5. X ant ho nudipes A. Milne Edw. Confer: de Man, in: Zoolog. Jahrb. Bd. IV, 1888, p. 420. A young male aud a female, which are of the same size. The female is ova-bearing. The whole upper surface of the cephalothorax presents the small impressions and grooves that are characteristic to this species , whereas , according to Milne Edwards , only the anterior part should be covered with them. In the male the right chelipede is the larger, in the female the left. The extremities of the fingers are scarcely excavate. Dimensions : cT 9 Greatest width of the cephalothorax 2P/2 mm. 20^/4mm. Length of the cephalothorax . . . 14^4 -n 13V4 » Distance between the external orbital angles . 9 „ 8V4 « 6. Lophozozymus sitpe?'Z>? Notes from tlae Leyden üMuseuixL, Vol. JXJLI. 96 CARCINOLOQICAL STUDIES. 29. S e s ar ma trapezoidea Guérin. Confer: de Man, in: Zoolog. Jahrbücher, herausgeg. von J. W. Spengel, Bd. II, 1887, p. 678; — id. Bd. IV, 1889, p. 426—427, PI. IX, fig. 7 and PI. X, fig. 8. The collection contains one male specimen and an ova- bearing female from the Pacific Ocean , and two other females from Amboina, of which the smaller is also pro- vided with eggs. These specimens present the following dimensions : Pacific Ocean. cf 9 Amboina. 9 9 mm. 25 28V2 29V2 14 11 U 7^/4 Distance between the extra-orbital teeth ... Breadth of the cephalothorax above the third pair of legs . 32 Length of the carapace, in the middle line Breadth of the front at its supe- rior margin ....... Breadth of the posterior margin of the cephalothorax .... Horizontal length of the hand . » » » » fingers . 1 1 /2 Length of the raeropodites of the penultimate pair of legs. Length of the propodites of the penultimate pair of legs. Length of the dactylopodites of the penultimate pair of legs. Length of the meropodites of the last pair of legs 19 Length of the propodites of the last pair of legs 13 Length of the dactylopodites of the last pair of legs .... 12 .Notes irom tlie I-ieyden Museum , Vol. XJI. mm. 24V3 30' 13 10' 23 26 17 V, 13 mm. 18 23 22 9 9'l4 9^2 18 13 9 13V4 9V2 mm. 01 1 / 25V2 11' 20 14'/, IOV2 15V2 11 9 CARCINOLOG[CAL STUDIES. 97 I have described , two years ago , a male from the Fiji Islands as a variety »longitarsus^', characterized, besides by comparatively longer dactylopodites , by a few other slight differences regarding the form of the cephalothorax and the relative length of the meropodites of the ambulatory legs. In the two individuals from the Pacific Ocean , quoted above, the dactylopodites of the ambulatory legs are also elongate , as in the male from the Fiji Islands , but the cephalothorax presents quite the same form and the meropodites have almost the same length as in the type. Thus the front is comparatively less broad than in the male from the Fiji Islands and the four postfrontal lobes are less prominent and situated in a rather concave line both in the male and in the female. As in the type, the distance between the epibranchial teeth is again a little larger than the distance between the external orbital angles , whereas in the male from the Fiji Islands the external orbital angles are , on the contrary , a little more distant than the epibranchial teeth. The variety »longitarsus'^ may therefore afterwards prove to be an individual variation. The two female specimens from Amboina agree very well with the type. The postfrontal lobes are less prominent than in the male from the Fiji Islands and situated in a very slightly concave line; as regards the epibranchial teeth , they are just as far distant from one another as the external orbital angles. III. The third section , in which the lateral margins of the cephalothorax are entire and the hands in the male provided with pectinated ridges, contains at present mW indo-pacific species , which may be characterized as follows : A. Inferior margins of the meropodites of tiie ambula- tory legs entire. Lateral margins parallel, front exactly half as broad as the distance between tlie extraorbital teeth picta de Haan. r»ï'otes from the Leyden IMuseum. Vol. XII. 7 98 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. am •4-3 8:3 ^ o o ci O n_ o g 3 ^ TO S O ^^ TO ^^ SD Tubercles of the upper margin of the dactylus in the male sym- metrical, oval, with a smooth transverse ridge inthemiddle quadrata Fabr. Dactylopodites extraordi- narily short, measuring ^/, of the length of the propo- dites leptosoma Hilg. Inner surface of the hands in the male without a distinct granulated crest ; front deeply emarginate. . Melissa de Man. r^Pectinated ridges parallel with the oblique proximal margin of hand ; front very slightly emarginate , . erythrodactyla Hess. Pectinated ridges not parallel with the oblique pro- ximal margin of hand; front deep- ly emarginate . hataviana de Man. a» a ^ o o ^ • r-l . ~ ;-H br CO ^ ,_^ Co CO a o (K CI) p ^ O) JH, é. . 3 03 q o -(-i r^ -4^ tM O ^ • rH rn CJ CO o 3 -, O H CO ;^' a» -t-j r- ' wJ rr o cti ^' 1 o p G. .- a:i -(-> -u bü <:m -J (J 'IS c^ O &H O -tJ «J ;>^ cS © o n Q CO 03 -M o:) ri ^ ,^ M 3 ^ C3 03 Sd O © -t-^ CJ cc rt •'— ' «*H -3 3 ni ^ ^ rH O) -t-= ^ B. Inferior margins of the meropodites of the ambulatory legs dentate. Fingers externally thickly clothed with hairs harhimana de Man. Upper surface of the Fingers externallyj hands of the male glabrous, | with two pectinated I ridges edamensis de Man. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. A!1I. CARUINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 99 Fingers externaly glabrous. Upper surface of the hands of the male with two longer and seven or eight shorter pectinated ridges . Ander soni de Man. 30. Sesarma quadrat a Fabr. Sesarma quadrata , Fabricius , Supplem. Entomol. System, p. 341. Sesarma quadrata, de Man, in: Zoolog. Jahrb. herausgegeben von J. W. Spengel, Bd. II, 1887, p. 655. The Leyden Collection contains the following specimens : one male from Padang , another male from Macassar, a young male collected at Bezoeki , three male specimens from the Indo-pacific Seas , of which the exact locality is un- known, and finally the male type specimen of Sesarma ajjinis de Haan from Japan. These specimens present the following dimensions: Macassar. cT lum. Distance between the external orbital angles 30 Length of the cephalothorax . 16^ Breadth of the front . . .Hi Padang. mm. 21 16-1 124 type spe- cimen of Indo-pacific Seas. Sesarma affmis de Haan. Japan. mm. mm. mm. mm. in 18 16^ 194 14| 14.i 121 \^ 11^ 11 9| 11 The male specimen from Macassar, on account of the proportion of the distance between the external orbital angles and the length of the cephalothorax , must be re- ferred to the variety aspera Heller, this specimen being a little longer than the original specimen of Fabricius. The upper margin of tbe mobile finger, however, presents only twelve oval , transverse tubercles as in the type specimen , so that this crab makes a transition to the type. The inner surface of the palm is provided with a rather prominent, transverse, granulated crest , composed of twelve granules. Notes from thie Leyden IMuseum, "Vol. X!II. lÜO CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. The frout of the male specimen, collected at Padang, is a little broader in proportion to the distance between the external orbital angles than the front of the specimen which was described by Fabricius. The inner surface of the equal hands presents a short granulated crest , composed of five to seven granules , and the dactylus bears thirteen or fourteen oval transverse tubercles. These tubercles are symmetrical and the transverse smooth ridge lies quite in the middle of each; in the Macassar specimen that ridge lies somewhat nearer to the distal end of the tubercle. The Japanese male specimen, finally, wholly agrees with the type, but the mobile finger is ornamented only with seven or eight tubercles , and the crest on the inner sur- face of the hands is scarcely distinguishable. I consider this form as a variety: ajffinis de Haan. Sesarma guadrata Fabr. is probably a rather rare species and the dimensions seem to be somewhat variable. A large number of specimens from different localities are necessary to make us better acquainted with these varieties. 31. Sesarma ery thro dactyl a Hess. Sesarma erythrodaclyla, Hess, Beitiiige zur Kenntniss der Deca- podea-Krebse Ost-Austvalions , 1865, p. 25, PI. VI, fig. 10. — de Man, in: Zoolog. Jahrbiicher, heransgegeben von J. W. Spengel, Bd. II, 1887, p. 686, and Bd. IV, 1889, p. 436. The Leyden Collection contains two young males from Sydney and a third also young male individual from the Pacific Ocean. The number of transverse prominences on the mobile finger of the chelipedes amounts to 23 in the largest, to 25 in the following and to 22 in the smallest specimen. In all these specimens the transverse granulated crest on the inner surface of the hands is very distinct. The outer surface of the palm presents in all , about in the middle, a short minutely granulated transverse line, but I do not know whether this ridge occurs also in the adult or not. The outer surface of the fingers is rather Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 101 convex and smooth. This species is also characterized by the yellowish red colour of the fingers. The two largest specimens have the following dimensions : Distance between the external orbital angles lö^/g mm. 157^ mm. Length of the cephalothorax . . . 12 V3 » 12 » Breadth of the front 9^3 » 9 » 32, Sesarma bataviana, n. sp. (PI. 6, fig. 12). One single male specimen, collected by Mr. J. Semme- link on the seashore of Batavia. This species which is positively different from Ses. qua- drata Fabr., Ses. picta de Haan and Ses. erythrodactyla Hess, may perhaps prove to be identical with Ses. Melissa de Man, which inhabits the Bay of Bengal , off the coast of Tenasserim. But as I have no typical specimen of the Mergui species before me, I cannot decide this question. Sesarma hataviana belongs to that section of the genus , in which the lateral margins are entire and in which the upper surface of the palm in the male is provided with parallel pectinated ridges. In comparing our specimen with the figure of Sesarma Melissa , which 1 have published in my Report on the Crustacea of the Mergui Archipelago , I hardly find any difference. The proportion of the distance between the external orbital angles and the length is the same in both species , but the front is a little broader in Ses. Melissa and in Ses. erythrodactyla. The upper surface presents the same interregional grooves as in the Mergui species ; small tufts of short hair are scattered on it , especially on the postfrontal lobes. The front is a little broader than half the distance between the external orbital angles ; the four subequal postfrontal lobes are •but little prominent, and project less forward than the in- ferior margin of the front. The inferior margin is, as in Ses. Melissa, rather Notes from the Leyden IMuseuxxi, Vol. XJLI. 102 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. profoundly and widely eraarginate in the middle, and presents therefore on each side of this median sinus a rather prominent, rounded lobe; the inferior frontal margin of Ses. erythrodactyla, however, is scarcely emargi- nate and the lateral lobes are much less prominent. As in Ses. Melissa , the orbits are rather large , the external orbital angles acute and prominent, and the lateral mar- gins are slightly concave ; the lateral sides of the upper surface are wrinkled by several oblique elevated lines. The anterior legs are of equal size and rather large. The upper margin of the arms terminates in an acute tooth, as in Ses. Melissa; in Ses. erythrodactyla this tooth does not exist, the upper margin terminating, before the distal end, in an obtuse angle. As in the Mergui spe- cies, the anterior margin is also armed with an acute spine. The upper surface of the wrist is covered with minutely granulated transverse lines and unarmed at its internal angle. The hands (fig. 12) are characteristic. They are of equal size and a little more than once and a half as long as high , the palm about as long as high , and the fingers horizontally as long as the palm. The inner margin of the upper surface of the palm rises a little towards its distal end ; the upper surface presents two parallel pectinated ridges, of which the anterior one consists of 17 horny teeth, the posterior one of 13. The pectinate ridges have a different direction in this species and in Ses. ery- throdactyla'. in the latter they run very obliquely, close to and parallel with the oblique posterior margin of the upper surface, the two ridges being as far distant from one another as the posterior ridge from the posterior margin; in Ses. bataviana, however, the ridges do not run pa- rallel with the oblique posterior margin of the upper surface, but they form right angles with the short raised inner margin of it, thus leaving a triangular space between the pos- terior ridge and the posterior margin. I suppose, Notes from the Leyden. ]Museuin , "Vol. X!1I. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 103 when looking at fig. 7 of Plate XII of my Report on the Crustacea of the Mergui Archipelago, that the pecti- nate ridges have the same oblique direction in Ses. Melissa and in Ses. erythrodactijla , but I am quite unable to re- solve this question. The upper surface of the palm in our new form appears a little more granular, than in Ses. êrytlirodactijla ^ the granules being arranged mostly in oblique lines, which run from the pectinate ridges to the proximal margin of the upper surface. The outer surface of the palm is minutely granular, like in Ses. erythrodactijla ; these granules are more crowded towards the base of the immobile finger and gradually appear arranged in oblique lines towards the rounded under margin. The proximal half of the outer surface of the immobile finger is flattened and distinctly separated from the under margin of the finger by a longitudinal ridge; the distal end of the finger is, however, convex and rounded. In Ses. erythrodactyla the whole outer sur- face of the index appears convex , smooth and rounded , and does not present the described longitudinal ridge. The upper margin of the dactylus bears a row of 20 — 21 transverse prominences, which have exactly the same structure as in Ses. erythrodactyla; they are namely scala- riform, the proximal part of each prominence being de- pressed , minutely and longitudinally striated, and larger than the obliquely descendiug distal part. According to my de- scription of Ses. Melissa, the anterior distal declivity of the transverse prominences should be larger in this species than the posterior or proximal one, but I have afterwards ob- served (Zoolog. Jahrbücher, Bd. IV, 1889 p. 435) that this description perhaps may be incorrect. The upper surface of the mobile finger is somewhat granular at the base, but the rest of its outer surface is smooth. The inner surface of the palm is somewhat granular and provided with a short, but prominent granulated transverse crest, composed of six or seven granules. This crest is the prin- Notes from tlie Leyden ]yiu.seu.m, "Vol. ^XJII. 104 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. cipal difference I find iu comparing our specimen with the description of Ses. Melissa, this species being de- scribed as presenting only a trace of a crest. The ambulatory legs completely resemble those of Sesarma Melissa and are somewhat more slender than those of Ses. erythrodacti/la. Only by examining a large number of specimens , both from the Mergui Archipelago and from the seashore of Batavia, it will be possible to decide whether Ses. Melissa is identical with Ses. hataviana or not. The dimensions of this specimen are as follows : Distance between the external orbital angles 16 mm. Length of the cephalothorax 13 » Breadth of the front S'^',» Length of the hands ...'.... 13^2» 33. Sesarma barbimana, n. sp. (PI. 6, fig. 13). One single male specimen, collected by Mr. Semmeliuk in 1882 on the seashore of Batavia. This very small new species is closely allied to Ses. Andersoni de Man , which inhabits the Mergui Archipelago , but may be distinguished at first sight by the structure of the hands. The cephalothorax presents nearly the same form. It is a little broader than long, and the distance between the external orbital angles is only once and a third as long as the length. The upper surface is de- pressed and presents the ordinary interregional grooves as in Ses. Andersoni, but instead of being quite glabrous and smooth , it is ornamented , especially anteriorly, with numerous, small, transverse tufts of very short stiff' black hairs. When seen under a magnifying glass , the upper surface appears moreover rather coarsely punctate, espe- cially in the middle and posteriorly. The front is as broad as in Ses. Andersoni and vertically deflexed: its anterior Notes from tlie Leytlen JMuseum , Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 105 margin is slightly and widely emarginate in the middle. The orbits are large , and the short and thick eye-peduncles project a little beyond the external orbital angles, which are less prominent than in Ses. Andersoni. The four post- frontal lobes are subeqaal and separated from one another by shallow grooves; they project still less forward than in the Mergui species. The upper orbital margin is very obli- que. The lateral margins of the carapace are sharp and compressed anteriorly; they run for a short distance behind the external orbital angles rather parallel , but afterwards converge backward rather rapidly and become slightly con- cave. The sides of the upper surface are wrinkled by several oblique elevated lines and the foremost of these lines pro- jects a little outward beyond the lateral margin , so that the latter presents a trace of a second tooth , quite as in Ses, Andersoni. As regards the under surface of the cephalothorax, the external maxillipedes and the male abdomen, both species nearly agree with one another. Unfortunately, our single specimen has lost the left che- lipede, so that I cannot say if they are unequal in size like in Ses. Andersoni. The ischiopodite bears a small acute tubercle anteriorly. The acute upper margin of the arm is entire, and its distal end does not terminate in a tooth. The anterior margin is dilated distally so as to form a triangular crest which is minutely denticulate anteriorly. The outer surface of the arm is transversely rugose. The upper surface of the wrist is covered with finely gra- nulated transverse lines, many of which bear short and stiff black hairs , similar to those on the upper sur- face of the cephalothorax. The inner angle of the wrist is unarmed. The hands (fig. 13) are characteristic. As regards the proportion of the horizontal length of the hand to the height of the palm , our species almost agrees with Ses. An- dersoni. The fingers are horizontally quite as long as the palm. The slightly convex outer surface of the latter is quite smooth in the middle, but covered with minutely granular and somewhat hairy lines near the articulation of the wrist. Notes from the Leyden JMuseuxn , Vol. ^11. 106 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. The upper margin of the palm is also finely granular and bears a pectinated ridge which runs in an arcuate line from the distal end of the inner margin of the upper sur- face to the middle of the proximal margin of it; this ridge consists of nearly twenty horny teeth , which decrease in length towards the posterior margin ; behind this ridge still a shorter one occurs , formed by a much smaller number of shorter teeth. Our species therefore differs from Ses. An- dersom, the upper surface of the palm of which presents seven or eight short , transverse and parallel ridges placed before the principal ridge, between the latter and the distal margin of the upper surface. Like in Ses. Andersoni an elevated slightly sinuous line runs on the outer sur- face of the palm , not far from the under margin , from the articulation of the wrist to near the extremity of the index. The under surface of the palm and of the index is rounded, convex and smooth. The outer sides of the fingers are slightly concave and thickly clothed with dark brown hairs, which form woolly patches, similar to those which are found in several other Grapsidae; the fingers, however, are quite glabrous at their tips. The upper margin of the mobile finger, which is distinctly separated from its slightly concave , hairy outer surface, is covered with a rowof twelve transverse ridges, similar to those which ornament the dactylus of Ses. Andersoni. The upper surface of the finger is somewhat granular at the base on the inner and a little hairy on the outer side. Both fingers have slightly excavated horny tips; the inner margin of the dactylus presents four small teeth , of which the distal one is a little larger than the prece- ding; the inner margin of the index is armed in the middle with two teeth , placed close together , and a little larger than those of the mobile finger, and with a third small tooth immediately before the horny tip. The inner surface of the palm is finely granular, but the fingers are smooth internally. The ambulatory legs resemble those of Ses. Andersoni, Notes from tlae Leyden M-useum, "Vol. XH. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 107 but they are probably a little shorter and a little less slen- der. The raeropodites are perhaps a little more enlarged; their upper margin terminates , before the distal end , in a tooth and the inferior margin is denticulate, present- ing , along the distal end , several acute teeth of which the proximal one is the largest and the others gradually decrease in size towards the articulation of the wrist. The ambula- tory legs are somewhat hairy like those of Ses. Andersoni. Our specimen has a reddish ground-colour and the outer surface of the hand is violet. Distance between the extraorbital teeth. 10'74 mm. Length of the cephalotborax .... 8^4 » Breadth of the front 6^/3 » 34. Exipagurus hirtimanus White. Pagvrus Itirlimanus , White, List Crust. British Museum, 1847, p. 60 (sine descriptione). Eupagurus ja-ponicvs?, Miers, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5tii ser. vol. V, 1880, p. 375, PI. XIV, fig. 6 and 7. Eupaguriis hirtimanus, de Man, in: Archiv f. Naturgeschiclite , Jabrg. 53, 1888, p. 426. ? Eupagurus ainuatus , Stirapson , Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia, 1858, p. 250. Two specimens, ^ and 0, from the Island of Ponape. Both specimens certainly belong to White's species which was described firstly by Miers and recently by myself, but it appears very probable to me that Eup. sinuatus Stimps. from Sydney is identical with this species. If this is really the case, Stimpson's name has the priority , because White has not published a description. The internal margin of the right hand presents a narrow but rather deep emarginatiou near the articulation of the wrist as well as near that of the mobile finger, so that Stimpson's definition »margine interno ad manus dactylique com mis suras si- nuato" is quite applicable to our species. Both specimens are younger than the specimen from Amboina, lately de- scribed by me, and it is for that reason that the peduncles Notes from th.e Leyden. JVEuseuui , Vol. X.II. iÜ8 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. of the external antennae are comparatively a little shorter, so that the eye-peduncles reach still to the distal third of the terminal joiut, and secondly that the eye-peduncles are a little longer than the hairy basal spine of these antennae. The anterior margin of the outer surface of the arms of the chelipedes is armed along its distal half with sharp spinules which are larger on the left chelipede than on the right one. The propodites of the second and third pair of legs present traces of a reddish transverse ring or band. This species in characterized by the triangular wrist of the right chelipede , being as long as measures the breadth of its anterior margin, which is still slightly shorter than the length of the palm and presenting on its upper surface two pa- rallel rows of spinules, between which the wrist appears smooth and glabrous — and finally by the dactylopodites of the second and third pair of legs being shorter than the propodites. The cephalothorax of the female is 9 mm. long , the larger hand is 8V4 mni. long , and the palm is 6 mm. broad. Eup. hirtimanus has been also recorded from the Phi- lippines and from the Fiji Islands; its geographical range would be rather extensive , when this species should be indeed identical with Eup. sinuatus Stimpson. The nearest ally of this species is Eupagurus Traversi Filhol from Cook's Straits and from Stewart Island, but the larger hand of this form is armed with six longi- tudinal rows of sharp conical tubercles. 35. Calcinus elegans H. Milne Edw. IS elegans, H. Milne Edwards, Anuales des I Série, Tome VI, 1836, p. 278, PI. XIII, Two specimens from the Pacific Ocean. ^) Pagurus elegans, H. Milne Edwards, Anuales des Sciences Natu- relles, 2e Série, Tome VI, 1836, p. 278, PI. XIII, fig. 2. 1) I may observe that Milne Edwards evidently does not characterize at all his Pagurus chilensis (1. c. p. 279), when he says that the eye-peduncles are Notes from the Leyden JMuseum, Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 109 This species is at first sight distinguished by its colo- ration. Our specimens do not fully agree with the figures of this species , published by Dana (PI. XXVIII, fig. 10). Firstly the eye-peduncles are comparatively a little longer in our specimens, secondly the basal scales of the outer antennae are spinose not only at the internal , but also at their external margin , and the legs of the second and of the third pair, finally, present a somewhat less slen- der form. I may add the following about our specimens. The cepha- lothorax is moderately convex and smooth ; a few small tufts of hair exist on the anterior part in front of the cervical suture , which is distinctly longer than broad ; these tufts are implanted near the lateral margins , and a few occur also on the posterior membranaceous part immediately behind the cervical suture. The anterior margin of the cephalothorax has been exactly figured by Dana (PI. XXVIII, fig. 10b). The V-shaped groove is distinct and the upper surface of the cephalothorax is punctate. The eye-peduncles are much longer than the anterior margin of the cepha- lothorax, viz. about once and a half as long; the ophthalmic scales terminate in a small spinule and are small and triangular. The peduncles of the external antennae project a little beyond the middle of the eye-peduncles. The basal joint presents a minute spinule at the distal end of the inner margin and two others on that of the outer one ; the antennal scale is short , spiniform and hairy, it projects but little beyond the distal end of the penultimate joint of the antennal peduncle , and is armed on each side with two or three sharp spinules. The penultimate joint of the antennal peduncle presents a sharp spinule anteriorly as well as posteriorly at the distal end, and the flagella are glabrous. much longer than the breadth of the anterior margin of the cephalothorax, because they have comparatively the same length in Calcinus elegans. This is at first sight obvious when looking at the figures of the two species, published by the french author. Notes from the Leyden JMuseum, Vol. XII. 110 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. The upper margin of the wrist of the left chelipede terminates in a small sharp tooth, and the upper surface presents a tubercular eminence, which occurs also in other species of this genus and which is separated from the up- per margin by a groove. The larger hand is scarcely com- pressed , the palm is quite as long as high and the fingers are a little shorter than the palm. The outer surface of the palm is slightly convex and smooth , the upper margin more or less rounded, like the lower margin. The fin- gers , when closed , only leave a small hiatus between themselves and are covered everywhere with very small tuber- cles , which are more or less rounded and of different size ; the mobile finger is armed with three teeth , which decrease in size towards the tip , the index presents also two or three teeth. A few small tubercles, similar to those of the fingers , are seeu on the distal part of the outer surface of the palm. The lower margin of the outer surface of the arm of the right chelipede presents two or three spinules a little before the distal end ; the acute upper margin of the wrist presents two very small spinules and terminates in a so- mewhat larger one. The compressed right hand presents about the same form as in other species of this genus. The sharp upper edge is armed with five teeth; the palm is a little higher than long and nearly as long as the fingers. The upper margin of the mobile finger presents two rows of sharp small teeth , and similar, more or less acute and small tubercles exist on the distal part of the outer surface of the palm ; the index, finally, is also every where beset with small tubercles. The right hand is somewhat hairy on the upper as well as on the lower margin. The dactylopodites of the second pair of legs are a little shorter, those of the third pair about as long as the pro- podites. These two pairs of legs are hairy at their infe- rior margin and the dactylopodites and propodites of the third pair especially are covered with dense and long hairs. Notes from the Leyden JMuseum, Vol. X![I. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. Ill The cephalothorax of the larger specimen has a length of 12 mm.; the anterior part in front of the cervical su- ture is 6 mm. long and 4y. mm. broad, and the anterior margin is 4^/^ mm. broad. The eye-peduncles have a length of 6 mm. , and are as long as the anterior part of the ce- phalothorax. As regards the coloration , our specimens fully agree with Daua's description. This species has been recorded from New Ireland (Milne Edwards), Tahiti (Heller) and the Loo Choo Islands (Stimpson). 36. Calcinus nit id us Heller. Calcinus nitidus, Heller, Novara-Reise, 1865, p. 89, PI. VII, fig. 4. Three specimens, one from Tahiti,, the two others from an unknown locality. This species differs from Calcinus elegcms Milue Edw. especially by the quite different coloration and by the se- cond and third pair of legs being more slender and less hairy. Our specimens are all very young and it must perhaps be attributed to their very small size that the fingers of the larger hand are not gaping and that the tubercle on the upper surface of the wrist of the left chelipede is dis- tinctly developed , for I suppose that this tubercle was worn off and therefore less distinct in Heller's adult spe- cimens. As regards the structure of the cephalothorax , the eye-peduncles and antennae , our species agrees very much with Calcinus elegans. The anterior legs are also similar in both species, but the fingers are more finely granulate and gaping in adult specimens. The second and third pair of legs are more slender, much less hairy and their dactyl o- podites are considerably shorter than the pro- pod i t e s. The cephalothorax, the eye-peduncles and the anterior legs are whitish, and, with the exception of the eye-pedun- cles, marked with a few large spots of a yellowish Notes from tlie Leyden Museuxn, Vol. ZSIII. 112 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. red colour. A single spot is seen on the gastric region of the cephalothorax. The arms and the palmar portion of the hands are marked on the outer as well as on the in- ner surface with a similar large spot , and the carpopodites of the anterior legs present also a spot on their upper margin near the articulation with the arms ; the latter, finally, and the carpopodites present a spot on their under surface. The second and third pair of legs are entirely yellowish red. The dactylopodites are figured too long in Heller's work. The specimen referred by Leuz and Richters (Beitrag zur Krustaceenfauna von Madagascar, 1881, p. G) to Calcinus niti- dus apparently belongs to another species. Calcinus nitidus Heller inhabits the shores of Tahiti. 37. Clibanarius vulgaris Dana. Clihnnarius vulgaris, Dana, 1. c. p. 462. Clibanarius infraspinatus, Hilgendorf, de Man, in: The Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Vol. XXII, 1888, p. 237. Two voung specimens, of which the larger one is an ova-bearing female; the smaller one inhabits a Natica-sheW. The larger specimen, the cephalothorax of which has a leno-th of 16 mm., fully agrees with a specimen of Clib. infraspinatus from the Mergui Archipelago, which I have before me, but the narrow red longitudinal lines, with which the second and third pair of legs are ornamented, are not visible, quite as is the case with the large typical specimen of Herbst's Cancer clibanarius in the Berlin Mu- seum. In the other specimen these lines are faintly visible, but on his turn this individual shows some other differen- ces. The right chelipede is namely a little larger than the left, and I find on the inner margin of the immobile fino-er , no trace of the distal tooth which occurs in adult individuals close to the horny tip. The inner margins of the under surface of the arms present no trace of the elevated dentiform tubercle, by which typical speci- mens are characterized, and which neither occurs in the Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 113 specimen of Herbst , which I regard therefore as a variety (confer : de Man , Archiv für Naturgeschichte , Jahrg. LTII , 1888 , p. 441). The cephalothorax of this smaller spe- cimen has only a length of 12 mm. 38. Clihanarius taeniatus H. Milne Edw. Pagurus clibanarius , Quoy and Gaimard, in: Voyage de TUranie, Zoölogie, Crust, p. 529, PL 78, fig. 1 (1824). Pagurus taeniatus , H. Milne Edwards , in : Annales Sciences Na- turelles, Série III, Zool. Vol. X , p. 63 (1848). Clibanarius taeniatus , Miers , Report on the Zoolog. Coll. made during the Voyage of H. M. S. » Alert", 1884, p. 265. One specimen inhabiting a Natica-shell , from the coast of Queensland or of New South Wales. This species belongs to those in which the second and third pair of legs are longitudinally striated and in which the dactylopodites of these legs are longer than the propodites. Amongst the indo-pacific species , these charac- ters are presented , besides by Glib, taeniatus , by Clib. lineatus H. Milne Edw., Glib, asper H. Milne Edw., Clib. vulgaris Dana, Clib. striolatus Dana, Clib. longitarsus de Haan and Clib. padavensis de Man. I am unacquainted with the two first-named species , but specimens , preserved in spirits, belonging to the four last-named ones , are lying before me , so that I am able to indicate the principal dif- ferences by which Clib. taeniatus may be distinguished. This specimen has lost the left chelipede , so that I cannot say if the two chelipedes are similar to one another or not. The differences between this species and Clib. vulgaris Dana are not considerable. Firstly I may remark that Clib, tae- niatus differs from the four other species by the colo- ration of the cephalothorax. The anterior part of the cephalo- thorax of Clib. taeniatus , in front of the cervical suture , is namely marked with pale coloured longitudinal bands which are bordered by narrow red lines: in the four other species these bands and red lines are wanting. The median frontal tooth of Clib. vulgaris is a Notes from the Leyden Mluseiim , Vol. XIII. 8 114 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. little narrower, less enlarged and projects a little more forward than that of Clib. taeniatus. The fingers of the hands of Clih. taeniatus leave a small hiatus between them when closed , which is not the case in Clib. vulgaris ; the dentiform tubercles , with which the upper surface of the hands is armed, are a little less numerous in the species of Quoy and Gaimard , but conical, higher and more acute. The horny margin at the end of the fingers of Clih. vulgaris is narrow and half as long as the fingers, but somewhat broader and shorter in Clib. tae- niatus. The inner margin of the under surface of the arms does not present a trace of the elevated dentiform tubercle , which exists in Clib. vulgaris [infraspinatus Hilgend.). The four other pairs of legs present about the same form and struc- ture in both species. Both species also agree very much with one another , as regards the coloration , but , as 1 already observed , the anterior part of the cephalothorax is marked with longitudinal bands , which are not found in Clib. vul- garis. Two narrow red lines run in Clib. taeniatus from the median frontal tooth to the cervical suture; these two lines are close together and slightly diverge backwards; quite in the middle between these lines and the lateral margins of the cephalothorax , on each side another sinuous line is observed , the lateral margins are also striated and between the lateral margins and the submedian lines another red band exists, which posteriorly is divided in two lines. The eye-peduncles are marked with a red longitudinal line in both species. The anterior legs of Clib. taeniatus are longitudinally striated by several narrow red lines , but this is not the case in Clih. vulgaris. The high conical tubercles on the hands of Glib, taeniatus are white and contrast strongly with the ground-colour of the palm. The legs of the second and of the third pair present a similar system of coloration in both species and they are also equally hairy. Clib. padavensis de Man, from the Mergui Archipelago , may be recognized at first sight by the structure of the Notes from the Leyden JMuseura, Vol. X.II. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 115 anterior legs , the high, acute, conical tubercles oi Clib.taeniatus wanting entirely in this species; the palm presents only a few small spinules along the inner margin of its upper surface , but is covered, for the rest, only with some small piliferous lines. The cephalo- thorax , like that of Clih. vulgaris , is never marked with red longitudinal lines , but the chelipedes are striated. The legs of the second and of the third pair present about the same system of coloration in Clih. taeniatus and in Clib. padavensis. The two last-named species , Clih. striolatus Dana and Clih. longitarsus de Haan, are much more hairy than Clih. taeniatus. The anterior part of the cephalothorax of Clih. striolatus in front of the cervical suture , is more quadrate and comparatively shorter than that of Clih. tae- niatus ; the V-shaped groove , which defines the gastric region posteriorly, is a little more distinct and this part of the cephalothorax is slightly more punctate. The hands are covered with smaller and feebler, dentiform tubercles, the colour of which does not strongly contrast with the ground- colour of the hands. The anterior part of the cephalothorax is marked with some symmetrical red spots, but the longi- tudinal lines , proper to Clih. taeniatus are not found. All the legs are marked in both species with longitudinal lines , the anterior as well as the others , but these lines are of a pink colour in Clih. striolatus (in specimens pre- served in spirits) , less numerous and somewhat differently arranged. Thus e. g. the meropodites of the legs of the third pair of Clih. taeniatus are striated on their outer surface , including the two margins , by six red longitudinal lines , four of which run by two and two along the outer sur- face; in Clih. striolatus these meropodites are marked only with three lines, which are widened a little towards the distal end. The outer surface of the carpopodites of these legs presents likewise two pairs of narrow red lines , but in Clih. striolatus only two lines are observed, which are more distant from one another and the lower of which is much broader than the upper one. Notes from the Leyden ]Museum, Vol. XII. ■116 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. Clih. longitarsus de Haan finally is more densely hairy and the hairs are much longer. The hands of the male are slightly unequal, and scarcely so are those of the female. The hands of this species are covered on the palm only with flattened, hairy, little prominent granules, like the wrist and the arm, and a few small and acute spines are only observed on the inner margin and on the fingers ; these spines are , however , comparatively smaller than those of Clih. taeniatus , olive-green and never white. The V-shaped groove on the anterior part of the cephalothorax is distinct, but rather indistinct in Clib. taeniatus. In specimens of Clib. longitarsus , preserved in spirits , the anterior part of the cephalothorax and the legs are dark olivegreen , some- times with a reddish tint. The ground-colour of Clib. tae- niatus^ on the contrary, is a pale yellowish red. The cephalo- thorax and the chelipedes of Clib. longitarsus are not marked with longitudinal lines and the legs of the second and third pair agree more closely with Clib. striolatus , as regards the coloration , and they present a f i n e blue longitudinal band on the middle of the outer surface of the joints. 39. Alp he us pachychirus Stimpson. (PI. 6, fig. 14). Alpheus pachychirus , Stimpson, Proc. of Acad, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1860, p. 30. Two young specimens from Tahiti , a male and a female, the latter ova-bearing, are in the Collection. These two individuals do not fully agree with Stimpson's description , but the slight differences are to be ascribed to their younger age. This species indeed , according to Stimp- son, attains a length of 25 mm., but our two specimens, at least the male, only measure two thirds of that length. The anterior margin (fig. 14) of the cephalothorax is rather broad and appears at first sight truncate and entire ; when examined by a magnifying glass of sufficient power, one observes, however, that the upper surface of the cephalo- Notes from, the Leyden ÜMuseum , Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 117 thorax is slightly carinated between the eyes. This slight carina projects as an excessively small point bey- ond the anterior margin of the cephalothorax ; this point is so small , that it is observed , at least in these young in- dividuals, only V7hen examined by a rather strong magni- fying-glass. The dorsal interocular carina disappears back- vrard , before reaching the level of the posterior margin of the eyes. This species therefore is in fact provided with a rostrum, as minute as it is, and is closely allied to Alplieus crinitus Dana. The eyes project rather much laterally, are rounded and are not armed anteriorly with a tooth or an acute point. The first and the third joints of the peduncle of the inner antennae have about the same length, whereas the second joint is almost twice as long. According to Stimp- son , the second joint is but little longer than the first. This slight difference is certainly to be ascribed to the not quite adult stage of these specimens (confer : de Man , in Ar- chiv f. Naturgeschicbte, Jahrg. 53, p. 500, where I de- scribed an analogous fact in Alpheus gracilipes Stimpson). The external flagellum is a little longer than the peduncle and about half as long as the internal one , which is a little thinner. The basal spine is very short and scarcely pro- jects beyond the middle of the first joint of the peduncle. The peduncle of the outer antennae is a little longer than the peduncle of the internal antennae; the basal joint is unarmed, presenting no basal s p i n e. The scale is short, much shorter than the peduncle and reaches to the distal end of the second joint of the antennular pe- duncle ; the spine into which the lateral margin of the scale terminates, is rather long and projects a little bey- ond the distal end of the scale. The flagella of the outer antennae are about as long as the animal. The external maxillipedes project about as far forward as the peduncle of the outer antennae; the terminal joint is ovate , about three times as long as broad , and has its external surface slightly concave and the margins or- Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII, 118 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. naraented with rather long ciliae. The penultimate joint is only half as long as the terminal. In the male the larger chelipede is found on the right side , in the female on the left. The meropodite of the larger chelipede of the male is strongly compressed , the inner surface is even slightly concave. The wrist is short, rounded. The larger hand is a little extroverse. The palm is cylindrical , scar- cely a little compressed , and hut little higher than broad ; it is rounded on the upper as well as on the lower margin, smooth, without notches, and unarmed. The fingers are considerably shorter than the palm , their horizontal length being in proportion to the length of the palm as 3:5. The upper margin of the mobile finger is arcuate and this finger presents the same form as in the allied species. The rounded inferior margin of the chela is somewhat hairy , as also a part of the upper margin , and the fingers are also hairy. The hand of the smaller chelipede is much shorter than the other, scar- cely half as long: like the other, it is a little extroverse. The fingers are a little shorter than the palm. The upper margin of the mobile finger is somewhat dilated, and has an acute point. The inner side of this chela is also some- what hairy. The larger hand of the female resembles that of the male, but the fingers are a little shorter than half the length of the palm and this hand appears to be less hairy. The other chela is small and shorter than half the length of the larger hand; the fingers are, as in the male, somewhat shorter than the palm, the mobile finger, however, is not enlarged above, and palm and fingers are hairy on the inner side. Stimpson describes the fingers of the larger hand as shorter than half the length of the palm : as I observed , this is not the case in the male specimen , but the female agrees with Stimpson's definition. The smaller hand of the male is described by Stimpson as presenting half the size of the larger , »valde robusta, digitis palma non bre- Notes from tlie Leyden Museuin, "Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 119 vioribus", these characters are not present in the male, but the smaller hand of the female agrees better with the original description. As regards their length , the five joints of the carpus of the second pair of legs are in proportion to one another as 3:2:1:1:2; the first joint the longest , the second as long as the terminal, the third and the fourth the shortest. The hand has about the same length as the fifth joint of the carpus and the fingers are slightly longer than the palm. The three posterior pairs of legs are short and gra- dually decrease in length and thickness. The m e r o p o- dites of the legs of the third pair are armed with an acute tooth at the distal end of their inferior margin; those of the fourth pair are also toothed , but this tooth is exceedingly small and easily overlooked. The terminal postabdominal segment is flat- tened above and armed with two pairs of small spinules in the middle, quite near the lateral margins. The male is 17 mm. in length, the female 19 mm. from the anterior margin of the cephalothorax to the end of the telson. According to Stimpson, Alpheus pachychirus attains however a length of 25 mm. The indo-pacific species, to which A. pachychirus ^iun^- son is most closely allied, are A. crinitus Dana, A. fron- talis H. M. Edw. and A. latifrons A. Milne Edw. A. crinitus Dana differs by its rostrum of ordinary length , by the two terminal joints of the external maxil- lipedes being more elongate, by the structure of the carpus of the second pair of legs , the second joint of which is the longest etc. A. frontalis H. Milne Edw., which occurs in the seas of Australia , is also closely allied , but the anterior margin of the cephalothorax projects more forward, the eyes are more prominent and the external maxillipedes are shorter and less slender. A. latifrons A. Milne Edw. finally (fig. 15), of which Notes from the Leyden JMuseum, Vol. XII 120 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. I have a female specimen from Amboina before me, may be distinguished by the following characters. The anterior margin of the cephalothorax is entire, without even a trace of a rostrum , the eyes are still much more promi- nent laterally and the inferior margin of the meropodites of the third pair of legs presents no tooth at its distal end. I have shown , two years ago *), that the smaller hand of A. latifrons presents a somewhat different structure in young males and in the adult : in the latter the fingers are quite as long as the palm , and the mobile finger is much enlarged, in the young males, on the contrary, the palm is distinctly longer than the fingers, and the mobile finger is only very slightly enlarged. The male specimen from Tahiti now presents quite the same differences when we compare it with the adult individual, described by Stimpson. A. pachychirus Stimpson inhabits the Loo Choo Islands and Tahiti. Hetairocaris, nov. gen. A new genus of the Hippolytidae. The rostrum is short, slender, dentate above ; its lower margin is entire and it arises from the anterior fifth part of the cephalothorax. On each side of the rostrum a supraorbital and one single antennal tooth; the fronto-lateral angle of the cephalothorax is rounded. The eye-peduncles are short and thick , the cornea occu- pies about half the length of the eye-peduncles. The first joint of the peduncle of the inner antennae is somewhat concave above , and the basal spine reaches to the distal margin of the joint. The two following joints are shorter, subcyliudrical; the terminal joint supports two short flagella, the external of which is the shorter and much more ro- bust one. The basal joint of the antennal peduncle is armed 1) Archiv f. Naturgeschichte , Jahrg. 53, 1888, p. 524. JS^otes from the Leyden JMixseuin , "Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 121 with two short spines on the anterior margin of its external surface. The flagella are about as long as or a little longer than the body. Outer foot-jaws elongate. First pair of legs short, stout and equal. Carpopodite short, conical, deeply excavate at its distal extremity. Legs of the second pair slender; carpopodite seven- articulate, with the joints nearly equal in length. Pos- terior three pairs rather short and stout. As Stimpson, and lately also Spence Bate, has established several new genera for the species of the old genus Hippolyte, I am obliged to create also a new genus for the new species I have to describe. Hetairocaris is most closely allied to the genus Hetairus Sp. Bate. Both genera present a supraorbital and an antennal tooth on the fronto-lateral surface of the cephalothorax and in both the carpus of the second pair of legs is seven-articulate. In the new genus , however , the carpus of the first pair of legs is short and deeply excavate, quite as in Hippolyte s. s. Sp. Bate, the lower margin of the rostrum is entire and the fronto-lateral angle of the cephalothorax is rounded ; the outer maxilli- pedes are also more elongate. The genus Hippolyte, as restricted in the beautiful Report on the Challenger Ma- crura , is armed , like Hetairocaris , with a supraorbital tooth , and the carpus of the first pair of legs is also short and deeply excavated , but the carpus of the second pair is triarticulate , the external maxillipedes are shorter , and two antennal teeth seem to occur in this group on the fronto-lateral surface of the cephalothorax. The genus Hetairocaris represents the Atlantic genus Hetairus in the Pacific Ocean. ') 1) Spence Bate thought that the Japanese Hippolyte rectirostris Stimps., a species which is closely allied to Hetairus Gaimardi, ought to he referred to the genus Retairus, but I may observe that Stimpson makes no mention of the existence of a supraorbital tooth, which, however, is characteristic of the genus ^e;ifatV?/«. N otes from the Leyden ÜMuseum , Vol. XII. 1'22 CARCINOLOQICAL STUDIES. 40. Hetairocaris orientalis , n. sp. (PI. 6, fig. 16). Two ova-bearing females from the island of Ponape. This species much resembles in its outer appearance Hippolyte brevirostris Dana from the West-coast of North America. The cephalothorax is rounded above and smooth. The short , slender rostrum is laterally compressed and arises with a carina from the anterior fifth part of the cephalothorax ; it is directed horizontally forward and does not reach to the distal end of the first joint of the peduncle of the inner antennae. The upper margin is armed with four acute equal teeth, placed on equal distances ; the two posterior teeth are placed on the cephalothorax, the two anterior on the rostrum itself. The lower margin is straight and entire. On each side of the second tooth of the rostrum the supraorbital tooth is placed; these supra- orbital teeth are about twice as large as the teeth of the rostrum ; they do not reach to the extremity of the third tooth of the rostrum in the larger specimen , whereas they reach to it in the smaller one. The antennal tooth is small , and only half as long as the supra-orbital one ; there is no second an- tennal tooth, and the fronto-lateral angle is rounded. In both specimens the abdomen is deflexed towards the ventral side. The lateral margins of the antepenultimate segment terminate in an acute tooth , and the posterior margin presents a second tooth which is smaller and less acute , on each side of the middle line , close to the lateral teeth. The penultimate segment is but little longer than the antepenultimate; the lateral margins terminate in an acute tooth and the posterior margin pre- sents two other teeth which are as acute as the lateral. In the species of the genus Hetairus figured by Spence Bate, this segment, on the contrary, is considerably longer than the antepenultimate one. All the postabdominal segments are rounded above and smooth, except the telson. The telson Notes from tlae Leyden Mixseuiin , Vol. X-Il. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 123 is a little shorter thau the two preceding segments taken together, and a little more than once and a half as longr as the penultimate segment. The terminal segment is slightly longitudinally concave in the middle and presents two pairs of spinules on the posterior half of the upper sur- face near the lateral margins. The posterior margin of the telson is armed with a short median , immobile spine in the middle, on each side of which two mobile spines are found ; of these spines the inner one is four times as long as the outer, the latter being about of the same size as the median spine. The lateral margins and the posterior margin are ciliate. The uropoda are a little longer than the terminal postabdominal segment, and their basal por- tions are armed with two small spines above , the outer of which is the larger one. The eye-peduneles , the half of which is occupied by the cornea, are short and thick and as long as the rostrum. The first joint of the peduncle of the inner antennae is a little longer than the rostrum , and its upper surface is somewhat enlarged and excavated ; the slender and acute basal spine reaches the distal end of this joint. The two following joints are short , subcylindrical and together still a little shorter than the first; the penultimate joint is slightly longer than the terminal one. The joints of the antennular peduncle present no spine at their distal extre- mity, but they are perhaps armed with a few microscopical spinules. The two flagella have the same form as in the genus Hetairus] the external one is stout and robust and about as long as the peduncle, but the internal one is slender and thin and twice as long. The peduncle of the external an- tennae is slightly longer than the antennular peduncle ; the basal joint presents two short spines on the anterior margin of its outer side, the lower of which is a little longer than the upper one. The antennal scale is a little longer than the peduncle , and its external margin terminates in a small spinule. The flagella are a little longer than the body. The external maxillipedes are elongate and project with Notes from tlie Leyden Museum, Vol. XLI. 124 CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. their terminal joint beyond the scale of the outer antennae ; their penultimate joint is about half as long as the ter- minal one , and the latter is armed at its distal end with four or five small spinules. The legs of the first pair extend to the distal end of the antennal scale. The wrist is short, conical, deeply excavated at its distal extremity and covered on its upper surface with a few microscopical spinules. The hands are nearly twice as long as the wrist , the palm slightly longer than the carpus, subterete and rounded, the fingers much shorter than the palm. The slender legs of the second pair extend a little beyond the antennal scale. The carpus is seven-articulate , the joints presenting at first sight almost the same length. The first or proximal joint, however, is slightly longer than the second , the second a little longer than the third ; the third, fourth, fifth and sixth are equal in length , the terminal joint , finally , is again a little longer and as long as the first. The hand is about as long as the two terminal joints of the wrist together, and the palm longer than the fingers. The three posterior pairs of legs have the ordinary form. The third pair is as long as the second , the following are shorter, the legs of the fifth pair extending only to the distal extremity of the carpus of the first pair. The larger specimen measures about 40 mm. from the tip of the rostrum to the extremity of the terminal postab- dominal segment. 41. Penaeus Macleayi Haswell. Penaeus Macleayi, Haswell, Catalogue of Australian Crustacea, 1882, p. 201. Two specimens from Sidney. Whilst this species attains a length of five inches, these two specimens measure scarcely three inches , and I ascribe to this smaller size the fact that the legs are comparatively a little shorter than in the type. According to Haswell , the legs Notes frora the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XII. CARCINOLOGICAL STUDIES. 125 of the first pair are indeed as long as the autennary scale : in our specimens they reach scarcely to the distal end of the peduncle of the outer antennae. The second pair of legs project with the hands beyond the distal end of the antennal peduncle, but they are still considerably shorter than the antennal scale. The third pair , however , extends with the fingers beyond the antennal scale. The legs of the fourth pair are much shorter than those of the third, and reach scarcely a little more forward than the first pair. The legs of the fifth pair are much longer, they reach nearly as far forward as the antennal scale, but they are still shorter than the legs of the third pair. The three anterior pairs of legs are unispinose at their base. I observe a very small supraorbital spine, which is not mentioned by Haswell ; this spinule, however, is very small and disappears probably in the adult. For the rest these two specimens agree perfectly well with Haswell's description. This species is closely allied to Penaeus avirostris Dana from Singapore. In Dana's species the teeth of the rostrum extend less far forward , so that the styliform distal end occupies more than half the length of the rostrum ; in Penaeus Macleayi , however, the styliform unarmed part is shorter than half the length of the rostrum. In Haswell's species five teeth are placed on the rostrum itself and only two on the cephalothorax , in Penaeus avirostris Dana two on the rostrum and four on the cephalothorax. The rostrum of Penaeus Macleayi is also less elevated at its base than in the species of Singapore. Middelburg, February 1890. Notes from the Leyden ^Inseum , Vol. XII. 126 CARCrNOLOQICAL STUDIES. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE 3. Fig. 1. Rie;ht or larger hand of the male of Xantho punctatus TI. Milne Edw., X '/i- ,1 2. Larger hand of the male of Heteropatiope serratifrons Kinahan, X 3. » 3. Larger hand of the female of Pilumnus globosus Dana, X 2. „ 4. Pilumnus ta/iiiensis, n. sp., male, X 2 ; fig. 4«, a part of the under side of a female of the same species, X 6 ; fig. 43, larger hand of the female, X 4. » 5. Front-orhital region of the male of Xenojihthalmodes Moebii Richters, X 10, showing the minute corneae; fig oa, outer foot-jaw, X 5; fig- ^b, abdomen of the male, X 5. PLATE 4. • 6. Cephalothorax of a male of Geryon trispinosus Herbst, */5 of natural size; fig. 6a, inferior view of the front-orbital region, nat. size; fig. 6i, anterolateral margin, nat. size; fig. 6c, outer foot-jaw, nat." size ; fig. &d, three last joints of the male abdomen, X I'/»- „ 7. Hand of the male of Macrophthalmus crassipes H. Milne Edw,, type specimen of the Paris Museum, X 2; fig. la, hand of the male spe- cimen from the Carolines, X 2, in which the fingers are a little more deflexed and the hiatus beVween them a little wider. 0 8. Hand of a male of Macrophthalmus carinimanus Latr. from Celebes, X 2 ff 9. Hand of a male of Macrophthalmus clilaiatus de Haan , type specimen from Japan, belonging to the Leyden Museum, X 2. » 10. Hand of the male of Macrophthalmus pacificus Dana, X 2. PLATE 5. H 11. Male of Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, from the Gulf of California, X '/a- PLATE 6. , 12. Hand of the male of Sesarma iataviana, n sp., X 3; fig. 12a, upper surface of the palm, showing the parallel pectinated ridges, X 3. » 13. Outer view of the hand of the male of Sesarma barhimana, n sp., X 3; fig. J 3a, upper surface of the hand, X 3. » 14. Frontal region and antennae of a.km.a\eoï AlpheuspachychirusSi\m\iso'a, showing the minute rostrum, X 8. » IB. Frontal region and antennae of Alpheus ^a/i/Vo^w A. Milne Edw., female from Amboina, X 8. » 16. Hetairocaris orie>iialis, nov. gen., n. sp , female, X 3; fig. 16a, lateral view of the rostrum and the eye, female, X 6; fig. 165, anterior leg of the female, X 6; fig. 16c, leg of the second pair, female, X 6. (The fourth pair of legs has not been figured). Notes frora the Ueyden jMuseum, Vol. JCU. COSMIOMORPHA DECLIVA. 127 NOTE XIV. DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW SPECIES OE ASIATIC CETONIIDAE. BY Oliver E. JANSON. Cosmiomorpha decliva, n. sp. Pale yellowish testaceous, shining; the head, a very fine marginal line and a large ill-defined discoidal patch on the thorax, the scutellum and a narrow basal and sutural margin to the elytra pitchy black ; a small indistinct spot on the clypeus and the antennae reddish , first joint of the latter pitchy ; the upperside with very fine yellowish grey setae in the punctures; beneath densely covered with long yellowish grey setae at the sides ; the margins of the thoracic segments, centre of the metasternum, margins of the femora, the tips of the tibiae and tarsal joints and the claws black or pitchy. Head closely punctured, a small central carina at the base smooth, impressed and with the punctures confluent between the eyes ; clypeus elongate , a little narrowed in front, the sides strongly raised, the apex strongly emar- ginate in the centre with the angles reflexed and slightly produced outwardly. Thorax strongly deflexed in front, finely and densely punctured, the punctures becoming confluent towards the sides , a slight median line at the base smooth , emarginate and a little reflexed at the sides behind the middle , the basal angles rounded. Elytra closely covered with fine "-shaped punctures on the disk, the sutural margin and two narrow discal eostae smooth , the sides and apex finely strigose , slightly emarginate at the apical angles with the suture a little produced. Pygidium finely strigose , dull , with coarse grey setae. Metasternum smooth with an impressed median line, the mesosternal Notes from the Leyden ^luseuiu. Vol. XJLI. 128 COSMIOMORPHA DECLIVA. process long, narrowed and obtuse at the apex. Legs strigose and with sparse setae , anterior tibiae long and curved , finely denticulate inside and with two slight mar- ginal teeth ou the outer side, anterior tarsi nearly twice the length of the tibiae , the first joint strongly produced at the apex beneath. In the female the clypeus is shorter and broader with the angles less prominent, the thorax is smaller, much less deflexed in front and more regularly rounded at the sides, the legs are altogether shorter and stouter, the anterior tibiae have two very large external teeth and the internal deuticulation almost obsolete. — Length 20 — 21 mm. Hah. Foo-chow, S. E. China. This species is closely allied to C. modesta Saund., but, besides the difierence in coloration , the setae on the upper surface are much finer and more sparse , the clypeus is longer, narrower and more strongly emarginate at the apex and in the male the apical angles are more prominent, this sex differs moreover from modesta in having the tho- rax less convex and much more strongly deflexed in front. The male and female in my collection are the only spe- cimens I have seen , in the latter the black thoracic patch is much larger than in the male and extends to the lateral margins in the middle and at the base and apex so that only two spots of the ground colour remain on each side, the black basal and sutural borders on the elytra are also broader and there is no spot on the clypeus. Gnorimus costipennis, n. sp. Elongate, convex, brassy green, shining, apex of the clypeus and the pygidium coppery green , underside and the femora coppery black , tibiae and tarsi black , antennae and the palpi reddish. Head closely and rather coarsely punctured, clypeus more sparsely punctured in front, the apex rounded and deeply notched in the centre, the mar- gins a little thickened. Thorax moderately convex , nearly one fourth broader in the middle than long, a little £<3^otes from the Leyden IMuseum, "Vol. XII. GNORIMUS COSTIPENNIS. 129 rounded at the sides , gently narrowed in front from the middle and slightly narrowed behind , the basal margin impressed and slightly sinuous on each side , nearly straight in front of the scutellum , rather coarsely and closely punc- tured, with a narrow smooth median line, strigose towards the anterior angles , the sides with a marginal band of pale golden hairs. Scutellum broad , nearly semi-circular, with a few scattered punctures. Elytra broadest behind the middle , rounded at the apex , each with six deep unevenly punctured striae on the disk , the outer one shorter and shallower than the others, the interstices convex and sparsely punctured , the sides and apex closely and irre- gularly strigose. Pygidium finely strigose, a spot at the apex and three smaller ones placed transversely in the middle of pale golden hairs; the penultimate dorsal segment punctured, densely clothed with pale golden hairs and with a narrow smooth median line. Underside strigose and clothed with long pale golden hairs ; mesosternal process short and compressed ; abdomen with a broad punctured and pubescent central impression , a narrow space on each side smooth and shining , the apical segment finely and sparsely punctured. Legs coarsely punctured , the femora pubescent, anterior tibiae with a slight indication of a lateral tooth. The female is rather broader than the male and has the apex of the pygidium covered with small tubercles and without hairs , the abdomen is convex and smooth in the centre and the anterior tibiae are furnished with an acute lateral tooth. — Length 21 — 23 mm. Hah. N. Manipur, Assam (5000 to 8500 ft. elevation). This fine and very distinct species differs from all others of the genus in its robust and convex form , strongly costate elytra and deeply notched labium , the thorax is also narrower and scarcely lobed at the base, the intermediate tibiae are but slightly curved in the male and the club of the antennae is of the same size in the two sexes. Notes from tlie Leyden Mizseuin , Vol. XII. 9 inO VARIETIES OF COPTENGIS. NOTE XV. ON UNRECORDED VARIETIES OF COPTENGIS SHEPPARDI, CROTCH AND OF C. PASCOII, CROTCH. the Rev. H. S. GORHAM. There are in the Leyclen Museum eleven specimens of a Coptengis which in all respects agrees with C. sheppardi except that the thorax and elytra are wholly unspotted , one might have thought that these, which are all from Morotai (Bernstein), would prove to be a distinct species; and I believe in fact it are similar specimens which have been so described by Crotch, as C. wallacii, but his collection is not now with me , and I cannot speak with certainty of this. That these are only varieties is confirmed by the fact that I have C. sheppardi , in which, the two hinder spots are wanting and that I find it variable as regards the thoracic spots. But what is more remarkable is that from the same collection (Morotai, Bernstein) are four specimens which I cannot separate from C. pascoii Crotch except by the unspotted elytra. And on studying these two species , I cannot find any structural difference whatever , that is constant, the difference between them being a colour one of the legs alone , that of the body and elytra being evidently variable and local. It is , however , to be observed that the colour of the legs is so very constant in Erotylidae , that I am far from asserting that these two forms are not spe- cifically distinct, on the contrary I think them to be so. Notes from ttie Leyden üMiaseum, Vol. XII. GOLIATHINUS AUREO-SPARSUS. 131 NOTE XVI. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW GOLIATHID FROM THE CAMEROONS. J. R. H. NEERVOORT van de POLL. Goliath in us aureo-sparsus v. d. Poll. 9. Brunneo-niger , nitidus ; plaga hasalis prothoracis , scu- tellum elytraque {humeri excepti) tomento brunneo-olivaceo ohtecta. Prothorax lateraliter margine angusta et ah angulis anticis linea ohliqua , scutellum lateraliter vitta lata , elytra omnino maculis et atomis (quae maculae ad margines majo- res) aureis ornata. Caput scahrose reticulato-punctatum ; clypeus in medio reflexus et nonnihil truncatus , lateraliter gradatim rotundatus. Prothorax antice in tuberculum validum productus, lateribus fere in medio angulariter dilatatis , lobo postico ante scutellum truncato; postice sat convexus ^ antice multo reflexus et in medio late sed haud profunde excavatus , in depressione et ad margines laterales fortiter strigoso-punc- tatus , supra et ad basin punctis grossis sparsim instructus. Scutellum, elongato-triangulare, apice obtuso. Elytra gradatim angustata , ad apicem rotundato-truncata , minutissime punc- tata , costis suturalibus ab medio sat elevatis. Pygidium dense subtiliterque rugosum , rufo-pilosum. Subtus , latera sterno- rum abdominisque et segmenta duo ultima tota dense strigoso- punctata, rufo-pilosa. Processus mesosternalis obtuse pro- ductus. Femora tibiaeque fortiter punctatae; tibiae anticae JS^otes from tlae Lieyden Miuseuui , Vol. XII. 132 GOLIATIIINUS AUREO-SPARSUS. extus in derdes duos validos acutos productae , tibiae inter- mediae et posticae intus longe densegue nigro-pilosae. Long. 50 mm,, lat, 25 mm. Habitat: Barombi , Cameroous (W. Africa). Nitid black with brownish and olivaceous shades; the elytra , with exception of the glabrous shoulders , and the scutellum clothed with a brownish olivaceous tomentum , interrupted on the elytra by numerous small , partly punc- tiform golden spots, these spots are largest along the outer-margins and almost absent around the scutellum , the depressed sides of the scutellum are entirely occupied by a golden stripe. The prothorax also shows a tomentose patch just in face of tlie scutellum, its extension is likely to be very variable, in this specimen it emits a tomentose line forwards and there are on each side traces of an other patch. Moreover the thorax is ornated with a golden line just along the lateral margins (broadly interrupted in our specimen) and an other oblique discal line origina- ting at the front angles , where it is confluent with the marginal line, aud extending in an oblique direction out- wards up to about the middle; in our exponent this line is also largely interrupted , its terminus being only indi- cated by a punctiform spot , higher on in the prolongation of the line. Head very strongly and roughly punctured; sides of the clypeus gently rounded towards the front margin , which is rather strongly elevated and truncated in a slightly curved liue. The reflexed front part finely aud densely punctured, Prothorax moderately convex, the anterior half strongly reflexed and broadly but not very deeply excavated in the middle , the lateral margins with a distinct narrow rim ; the front margin deeply bisiuuate , much produced in the middle, forming a large pointed glabrous tubercle, the sides angularly dilated about the middle and narrowed towards the base and the front (much more strongly to- wards the latter) in almost straight lines, the basal lobe Notes from ttie Leyden üMuseum, Vol. XII. GOLIATHINUS AUREO-SPARSUS. 133 strongly produced over the scutellum ; the upper basal portion distantly punctured, the punctures almost absent in the centre and becoming larger and more numerous near the sides , which , as well as the reflexed front por- tion and the median excavation, are very closely, confluently and roughly punctured and strigose. Scutellum elongate-triangular , rounded at the tip. Elytra gradually slightly narrowed towards the tip , where they are broadly rounded and truncated, the sutu- ral costae rather strongly elevated behind the middle; closely but very minutely punctured all over. Pygidium opaque, finely but very thickly rugosely punc- tured, slightly longitudinally impressed in the middle, clothed with long soft brownish hairs. Underneath with the sides of the sterna and abdominal segments as well as the whole of the two ultimate seg- ments finely strigosely punctured and clothed with a short brownish pile ; the median portion of the breast with a few small remote punctures and in the middle with a deeply impressed strigiform pit which is prolonged forwards on the mesosternal process in a fine line ; the mesosternal process produced and obtusely pointed. Legs deeply punctured , the outerside of the intermediate and hinder tibiae finely rugose, with a small tooth about the middle , the innerside of the same provided with a long and dense fringe of blackish hairs, the front tibiae with two large and acute lateral spines before the equally strongly and sharply pro- duced terminal edge. As for the velvety vesture of its elytra this beautiful species is allied to G. Fornasinius Bert., however its colour and markings as well as the structure of head and thorax are very different, the outline of both the latter being much more in accordance with those of G. Higginsi Westw. In the Bulletin entomologique of the Soc. Ent. de France, Seance du 10 aout 1887, p. cxxxv, mention is made of a Q specimen of a new Goliathid from the San- Benito, which Mr. Künckel d'Herculais intended to de- JJotes from the Leyden IMuseum, Vol. Jfll. 134 GOLIATHINUS AUREO-SPARSUS. scribe and figure iu the »AnnaIes" under the name of Goliathinus Guirali. As the San-Benito River is close to the locality where my new species was taken, it is not impossible that Mr. Küuckel's species will prove to be identicial with my aureo-sparsus , but I have been unable to detect any published description or diagnosis of his G. Guirali. I have described this species under the generic title of Goliathinus and not under that of Fornasinias used by von Harold and Bates. Von Harold's views of the prio- rity should be quite correct if Bertoloni only had propo- sed a generic name without changing the specific name, but to raise a specific name to the rank of a generic one with addition of a new specific name, I consider inadmissible. Whilst generic names are accepted or rejected according to the personal views of different authors , the specific name is the only stable base we have , therefore no such name once published ought to be changed without the utmost necessity. If the partisans of absolute priority should like to retain in this case the generic name proposed by Ber- toloni, they must retain also the original specific name and call the insect Fornasinius Fornasinii Bert. A splendid series of cacographic and erroneous quotati- ons concerning this subject, may be found in Berge's Enumeration des Cétonides décrits depuis la publication du Catalogue de MM. Gemminger & de Harold. Notes from the Leyden JMuseiiiii , "Vol. X!1I. EURYBATUS INEXPËCTATUS. 135 NOTE XVII. DESCRIPTION OF THREE NEW SPECIES OF MALAYAN LONGICORNIA. C. RITSEMA Cz. Euryhatus i7iexpectatus ^ nov. spec. This species is closely allied to Euryhatus novempunctatus Westw. '), but easily distinguished by the different arma- ture of the antennae, these having not only the 3rd — 5th joints spined at the end , but the 6th joint too is provided with a spine which , inter alia , is more distinct than that on the 5th joint in novempunctatus. As regards the coloration it agrees with novempunctatus, but the pronotum is unspotted and the tubercle which in novempunctatus proceeds from the lateral black spots is entirely wanting ; the four anterior elytral spots are rather small and round , the two posterior ones large and trans- verse , rather narrowly separated at the suture but reaching the thickened lateral margins ; moreover the apical margins are broadly bordered with black ; underneath the distribution of the colours is exactly the same as in novempunctatus. The punctuation of the head is considerably finer and wider apart than in the allied species , and the sculpture on the scape of the antennae less rugose; the 3rd and 4th joints of the antennae are straight, the 3rd — 6th joints armed at the end with an acute spine which is strongly 1) Westwood, Cabinet of Oriental Entomology, p. 59; pi. 29, fig. 3, and Lameere, Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Tome XXXI. p. 169; pi. 3, fig. 8 and 8a. Notes from the Leyden TMuseum, "Vol. XII. 136 EURYBATUS INEXPECTATUS. curved in a sense directed towards the tip of the antennae; the spine on the apex of the 3rd joint is the longest and curved only at the tip; the scutelluni is narrowed behind and almost inconspicuously notched at the tip. — Length from the tip of the mandibles to the end of the elytra 29 mm., that of the antennae 45 mm. Hah. Mt. Kawi , Pasoeroean Residency : East Java , at an elevation of 2500 — 4000 feet above the level of the sea. — A single male specimen (W. C. Thieme). Noëmia ap icicornis , nov. spec. Allied to and strongly resembling Noëmia fiavicornisVa,%c^) from which it may, however, be distinguished at a glance by the differently coloured antennae, these being pale brown with the apical third white and the extreme tip black. Length QV-, — H mra- — Of a deep blue, more or less tinted with green especially on the elytra , the legs darker ; the parts of the mouth (the labrum and front margin of the clypeus included) pale brown , the apical joint of the maxillary palpi and the tip of the mandibles dark brown ; the seven basal joints of the antennae pale brown , the sixth and seventh joint darker towards the end , the four apical joints white ^) , the tip of the eleventh joint blackish ; the trochanters and base of femora pale yelloAvish, the end of the tibiae and the tarsi pitchy. The whole insect sparingly beset with long erect pale coloured hairs, the under surface sericeous with the exception of the head, front portion of the prothorax and the middle portion of the metasternum. The head smooth and shining, provided with a few deeply impressed punctures , the clypeus , however, opaque. 1) Trans. Ent. Soc. London. New ser. vol. IV, p. Ill; pi. 22, lig, 8, and 3rd ser. vol. Ill, p. 657. 2) One of my two female specimens has the hasal half of the eighth joint dark brown. In this specimen the antennae appear moreover to be somewhat thicker and shorter, and the whole insect is somewhat more robust than the other female. 1 failed, however, to find other distinctive characteristics. Notes Irom the Leyden JMuseuixi, Vol. XII. NOEMIA APICICORNIS. 137 densely punctured and hairy ; the thorax above glossy , with a few large punctures on the disk and very delicately wrinkled anteriorly and behind ; the lateral spines short and blunt. The scutellum broadly truncate with rounded angles, somewhat sericeous. The elytra strongly and closely punc- tate-striate , the punctures, however, become obsolete on the apical portion; the apices subtruncate with rounded angles. The legs very sparingly, the abdomen densely but delicately punctured. In the male the apical joint of the maxillary palpi is securiform, the mesosternum armed, just within the inter- mediate coxae , with two perpendicular pale coloured spines, the trochanters of the hind legs prolonged backwards so as to form an acute tooth , and the femora of the same pair of legs provided along the hinder side of the apical half with a wide and deep sharply edged furrow. Of this species the Ley den Museum received two males and two females (about one of the latter see my observa- tion in the second footnote) from Dr. B. Hagen , by whom they were captured in the district of Serdang (North East Sumatra). No species seem to have been described in this genus besides those recorded in the Munich Catalogue. The genus Psalanta (founded by Pascoe on his Noëmia chalybeata) no doubt ought to be maintained. P h e m 0 n e cordiger, uov. spec. The specimen which has served for the following des- cription was, in 1883, sent back to our Museum by Mr. Pascoe as a »nova species", and as since that time no species have been recorded in the genus Phemone I ven- ture to describe it under the above name. Length 12 mm. — Resembling Phemone frenata Pasc. (Trans. Ent. Soc. London. New Ser. Vol. V, pi. 2, fig. 5, cT) in its white markings , but the general colour of the upper sur- face is greyish black owing to a delicate pile , and is va- Notes from the Leyden ]Vluseuixi , Vol. XII. 138 PHEMONE CORDIGER. negated on the elytra with numerous small dots of a greyish white pubescence. The face and cheeks are covered with a yellowish grey pubescence which gradually becomes blackish towards the vertex and hides the sculpture with the exception of a fine mesial line which is smooth and extends up to the front- margin of the thorax. The antennae are about of the length of the body ; the four basal joints are thicker than the seven apical joints and contrast strongly with them ; the thick joints have a fringe of black hairs on the under- side and are densely covered with a pubescence which is grey on the upper , black or blackish on the underside of the three basal joints; on the fourth joint, the apical half of which is slightly swollen , the pubescence is black with the exception of a ring of grey pubescence at the base; the seven apical joints are almost glabrous and of a testaceous brown colour. The scape is as long as the second and third joint taken together , the fourth joint is dis- tinctly shorter than the third , the fifth about two-thirds of the fourth , the succeeding joints almost inconspicuously decreasing in length. The thorax shows irregular transverse wrinkles inter- mixed with some deeply impressed punctures , and has just within the origin of the two divergent white lines which are the continuation of the white A-shaped figure on the vertex of the head , two very fine nearly parallel white lines along the middle not fully extending to the base of the thorax. The straight divergent white thoracical lines are conti- nued in slightly curved lines down to the middle of the elytra where they end in a transverse angular white line which makes part of a line that surrounds a broadly heartshaped space occupying the total width of the elytra but not extending to the apex ; the suture is narrowly margined with white , and the elytra are varie- gated with small dots of a greyish pubescence, more spar- sely, however, on the heartshaped space. The elytra are Notes from the Jjeyden IMuseura, Vol. XII. PHEMONE CORDIGER. 139 moreover provided with deeply impressed punctures, which, however, become evanescent on the heartshaped space. The under surface is covered with a greyish pile, and the thorax shows laterally a white line which extends along its whole length ; the apical margin of the abdomi- nal segments is fringed with white hairs, which decrease in length towards the middle ; the 5th (apical) segment is large and convex , slightly longer than the three previous segments taken together, conical, broadly truncated in a straight line at the tip , and provided with an impressed line along the middle; the apical margin is fringed with pale ferruginous hairs. The legs are covered with a dark grey pile, more whitish, however, on the outer margin of the tibiae. The anterior tarsi are strongly dilated and blackish. The intercoxal part of the prosternum is provi- ded with a strongly protruding tubercle. Hcfh. Sumatra (S. Muller). — A single female specimen. Notes from the Leyden Miuseum, Vol. iXII. 140 DOLICHOPROSOPUS MACULATUS VAU. NOTE XVlIl. FINAL REMARK ON DOLICHOPROSOPUS MACULATUS, RITS. J. R. H. NEERVOORT van de POLL. Shortly after having published my observations on the grey colored rf specimen of Dolichoprosopus maculatus Rits. from Batjan [vide Notes from the Leyden Museum , vol. XI (1889j, p. 222 1)], I obtained a few male and female specimens of the typical colour from Halmaheira , which showed at once that the different colour of the co- vering pile is independent on the sexes and must be ascribed to a local variety. Moreover a second specimen from Batjan strengthened this opinion , for although being in a pitiable rubbed con- dition, it showed just enough of the pile to state that it was of the same greyish colour. I now propose to designate the local form from Batjan , under the name of var. canescens v. d. Poll. 1) lu this Note the generic name was erroneousl}' written Bolichoprosopis. Notes troEu tlie Leydeii IMuseuiu, Vol. !XII. CLADOPALPUS HAGENI. 141 NOTE XIX. ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON CLADOPALPUS HAGENI, LANSB. J. R. H. NEERVOORT van de POLL. My assistant Mr. J. Z, Kannegieter, who is travelling in the Malay Archipelago , has had the good fortune , when collecting in the interior of Bedagei (Deli, East Sumatra), to obtain a cf and a 9 specimen of the above named inte- resting Longicorn , of which as yet only two male speci- mens were known , one from Serdang (Deli) in the Leyden Museum collection and an other from Mount Ardjoeno (East Java) in the collection of Mr. van Lansberge which is now in Mr. Oberthür's possession. The knowledge of the 9 sex is the more important as it shows that the extraordinary structure of the maxillary palpi is only a character of the male sex. Nevertheless the female palpi are still very remarkable for its length and robust although ordinary structure , the last joint is elongate- triangular, and finely pubescent. Moreover the female differs from the male in being somewhat larger and broader , chiefly its elytra , which are more strongly overreaching the hinder thighs and more broadly rounded at the tip ; the prothorax is somewhat more remotely punctured and therefore more shining on the disc; the antennae are proportionally slightly shorter ; the last ventral segment is broadly rounded and the whole of the under- surface finely and densely punctured , the sculpture of the underside of the male (of which no mention is made in the Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XJLl. 142 CLADOPALPUS HAGENI. descriptioQ of Mr. van Lansberge) is similar but stronger. My cf specimen is considerably smaller than the type measuring only 21 mm., whilst the female attains a length of 25 mm. At the end of his description Mr. van Lansberge remarks : »L'exeraplaire de Serdang est brun clair, mais comme celui de Java est noir, il est clair que la couleur brune n'est qu'occasionnelle" ; the couple I now received is exactly of the same pale chestnut colour as the specimen formerly sent over from Serdang by Dr. Hagen , and I fear that Mr. van Lansberge's statement will prove to be more immature than the colour of the Sumatran species. A careful re-examination of the Javan specimen may be highly re- commauded. P. S. In the meanwhile the foregoiug remarks were passing through the press , I happened to examine the figures of White's Catalogue of Longicoru Coleoptera and was much surprised to find on plate II, fig. 3, a Longicorn , which directly called to mind the 9 of Cladopalpus. After having carefully compared the description and figure of this in- sect, I have no hesitation in placing Cladopalpus Hageni Lansb. in synonymy with Cyrtonopst punctipennis White. This author has already known the male sex too , but he mistook the singular structure of its palpi , for a curious difformity (vide his footnote) ; Lacordaire has ventured the supposition of its being a peculiarity for one of the sexes. White and Lacordaire have placed this insect among the Prionidae, whilst van Lansberge described Cladopalpus as a new genus of Cerambycidae (tribe of the Distenides); I consider the former view the more correct. Notes from the Lieytien IMuseum , Vol. iX.!!. EUPETAURUS CINEREUS. 14.'^ NOTE XX. OBSERVATIONS RELATING EUPETAURUS CINEREUS, OLDFIELD THOMAS. Dr. P. A. JENTINK. March 1890. (Plate 7, figs. 1 and 2). Mr. Oldfield Thomas has described iu the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1888, p. 256 , a very interesting and aberrant Pteromys-ioxva under the name Eupetaurus cinereus. He remarked that in the Leyden Museum were not improbably a melanoid and a normal example of this species. This supposition he based upon quotations by Anderson in his well known »Yunnan Expedition". As the species under consideration seems to be a very rare one , at least in zoological collections , it has its in- terest to know if the two named specimens in the Leyden Museum really belong to E. cinereus and — if so — how far the characteristics given by Thomas are constant. One of our specimens , the individual presented to our Museum by Lord Walden and collected in Kashmir, certainly does not belong to E. cinereus, as its ears , skull and dentition prove , but probably is a melanoid form of Ptéromys alhi- venter as suggested by Anderson. The other specimen, however, said to be from Tibet, really is an Eupetaurus cinereus, although not an adult one like the specimen the skull of which has been figured and discussed by Oldfield Thomas , 1. c. pi. XXIII. Just in the not so advanced age of our specimen lies the scientific Notes from the Leyden JMuseuxri, Vol. JXII. 144 EUPETAURUS CINERRUS. value of it, as — owing to the worn state of the teeth in the single available skull (Thomas' type) — it was impossible to Oldfield Thomas to say how many extra superficial grooves there may have been. The very exactly drawn figures (plate 7 , figs. 1 and 2) will give a clear idea of the peculiarities of the teeth and at the same time show the form of the tympanic bullae , which were smashed in the skull of the type figured in the J. A. S. B. above mentioned. Our specimen from Tibet agrees in size, color of the fur and peculiarities of the skull exactly with Thomas' accurate description. The discovery of this new form among the flying squirrels anew is a proof of the acute discernment of Mr. Oldfield Thomas. It only is to be regretted that he has chosen the name cinereus for his new species , a specific title very easy to confound with the name cineraceus bestowed by Blyth on another Pteromys-sipecies too from the Indian continent. Notes from the Ueyden Museum , Vol. Jdt. SCIUROPTERUS PLATYURÜS. 145 NOTE XXI. ON A NEW FLYING SQUIRREL FROM DELI, SUMATRA. BY Dr. P. A. JENTINK. March 1890. (Plate 7, figs. 3—10). Sciuropterus setosus, collected by Horner in the neigh- borhood of Padang (Sumatra) and described by Temminck in the » Fauna japonica", seems to be such an extremely rare animal , that the type-specimen — an adult female — is the only individual hitherto observed by collectors and naturalists. Mr. Anderson is one of the few authors which have paid some interest to our little animal , but he has been not very successful in his remarks and observations. For, having studied in our Museum all our specimens before publishing his bulky work ^), he came to the remar- kable conclusion that Temminck's setosus is a not fully grown specimen of Sciuropterus (Pteromys apud Anderson) pearsonii Gray. Trouessart (Catalogue des Rongeurs, 1881) blindly ac- cepted Anderson's view, but incorrectly gave the locality, as we find in Trouessart's Catalogue »Birmanie super., Sikkim , Darjiling", instead of » Sumatra". Transiently I observe that Temminck's » Fauna japonica" has been pu- blished in 1850, 7iot in 1847, as Anderson and Trouessart quoted. It seems that Oldfield Thomas , as in so many other points , differs with Anderson concerning the specific identity 1) Anatomical and Zoological Researches: comprising an account of the Zoological Results of the two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1876, by John Anderson, 1878. Notes from the Leyden IMusemu, "Vol. XII. 10 146 SCIUROPTERUS PLATYURUS. between setosus and pearsonii; at least, in the P. Z. S. L., 1886, p. 60, he says concerning the localities where Sciu- ropterus pearsonii has been found: »this rare species would »be naturally expected to occur in Manipur. It has pre- »viously been recorded from Sikkim, Assam and Yunnan". As we see , no word about Sumatra , a locality that Thomas otherwise certainly not would have omitted to record. Let us now return to Anderson and look how he de- fended his view ; on p. 294 of his book we read : » I have » examined the type of Pteromys setosus , which agrees with »P. pearsonii in the absence of the cheek-bristles and in »its general characters , but the specimen is not fully grown , » measuring only, along the back to the root of the tail, »4.75, and the tail 3.75. It is less rufescent than the » adult, and the underparts are whiter, as are also the »cheeks". If we now consider that, according to Anderson, in pearsonii the tail is half the length of the body , which attains to about 8 inches (also body ± 8 and tail zfc 4 inches , meanwhile the same measurements in setosus are 4.75 and 3.75), that moreover the color of the upperparts in pearsonii is a rich glossy reddish-brown , finely grizzled with black (apud Anderson , p. 293) , meanwhile in setosus »toutes les parties supérieures ont une teinte brune noiratre nuancee de eendre roussatre , vu que la pointe de tons les poils porte cette dernière teinte" (apud Temminck , p. 49), and finally that the skull of setosus clearly presents the worn state of the molars, I think that it need not to demonstrate on other grounds the specific difference between the two species in consideration. It is perhaps not superfluous to add , that in pearsonii »the tail is very bushy but slightly distichous and is half »the length of the body" (Anderson), meanwhile in setosus »la queue, qui est longue et a poil distique , atteint par »le bout a I'origine des oreilles" (Temminck). By the kindness of Oldfield Thomas , who presented to our Museum a specimen of Sciuroptertis pearsonii with its skull, I am at present in the opportunity to compare the r>4otes from the Leyden MiuseuEa , Vol. XJLL, SCIUROPTERUS PLATYURUS. 147 skulls of the two species under consideration. Both they are adult specimens , all the molars are present. The measurements of the skulls in millimetres run as lOllOWS : Sc. pearsonii. Sc. setosus. length of skull 41 . . 30 greatest breadth 27 ..17 nasals 13.5 . . 7 palate 20 . . 12 diastema 9 . . 6.5 length of upper molar series . . 10 . . 5.5 In comparing the drawings of the skulls (plate 7 , figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6) we observe : that in Sc. pearsonii the nasal bones are very elongate and surpass a good deal the in- cisors, meanwhile in Sc. setosus the named bones are stri- kingly short , shorter than in any other Sciuropterus-sipecies known to me ; that the molars in Sc. pearsonii are very stout and represent a type quite different from the feeble and simple molars of Sc. setosus ; that the form of the tympanic bullae is extraordinarily different in the two skulls , in one word that in the bony parts the two species present such enormous distinctions that it indeed is impossible to confound them. I was induced to submit our typical Sciuropterus setosus- specimen to a closer examination as I received some weeks ago a small flying-squirrel from Deli , North East Sumatra, through the liberality of Dr. B. Hagen '), who presented it to our Museum. From the following it will appear that the latter is a representant of a new species quite distinct from Sc. setosus and which I propose to name Sciuropterus platyurus. It has the small size of Sciuropterus sagitta , Sc. auran- tiacus and Sc. setosus and is therefore at once distinguished 1) I remember that I described, in the Notes from the Lejdcn Museum, 1889, p. 20, under the name Sc. j^a^ewi, a very large new 5c2Mro/?(?erMj-species, too collected by Dr. Hagen in Deli. Notes from the Leyden jVLuseum , Vol. "VTT- 148 SCIUROPTERUS PLATYüRUS. from Sc. pearsonü , Sc. hageni and other large Sciuropterus- species. Description of the type , an adult female : Hairs of back and upperparts of wing-membranes very short, soft; they are of a black colour and tipped with chestnut, lighter on the wing-membranes; upperparts of extremities with throughout black hairs or the black hairs have light chestnut tips or , like on the forelegs , the hairs are tipped with white. The hairs of chin , chest and under- side of forelegs are pure white , those of the belly and underside of hindlegs black with white tips. The tail has uniformly colored light brown hairs. The tail is distichous on its upper- as well as on its underside and very flat; the form of the tail is quite dif- ferent from what we know of other /SaWop^m ; its is broad in its basal half and diminishes in broadness towards its end, where it attains hardly half the dimension of the basal part. The tail of Sciuropterus sagitta remembers the tail of our species in a distant way. Dimensions in millimetres: head and body 1^^ tail with tuft 1^^ ear 1^ X ^ hind foot with claws 25 length of skull ^^ greatest breadth of skull 20 nasals 6 5 diastema molar series (upper jaw) The differences in the skull between our species and the other small Sciuropteri will be evident by a comparative study of the figures of their skulls on plate 7. The incisors are hght yellow colored. Whiskers not numerous, black, less long than in other species as they measure only 37 mm. No bristles on the cheeks or on other parts of the head. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. ON MAMMALS FROM BILLITON. 149 NOTE XXII. ON A COLLECTION OF MAMMALS FROM BILLITON. Dr. F. A. JENTINK. March 1890. (Plate 7, figs. 11—14). Up to this day I knew only a single Mammal , Sciurus prevostii, from Billiton , a small island, situated between Borneo and Banka. As the islands between Sumatra and Borneo bear a peculiar scientific interest with regard to the distribution of the animals and to the hypothesis concerning the relation in prehistorical times between these two large islands, I was in sanguine expectations in receiving a letter from Dr. A. Vorderman (Batavia), con- taining the kind information that he had made a journey to Billiton in June 1888 and now presented the then collected animals to our Museum. And how great was my astonishment in finding in that collection no less than 10 species of Mammals from Billiton. So that we know at present eleven well-defined species from that interesting point in the Malay Archipelago. Two species , Pteropus edulis and Sciurus prevostii , in the collection are from Mendanao, a small island close to the west coast of Billiton. The following 10 species are contained in Vorderman's collection from Billiton. Tarsius spectrum Geoffroy. An adult female and a young male (in spirits). Notes from tbe Leyden ]Miiseum, "Vol. XII. 150 ON MAMMALS FROM BILLITON. This Maki is known from Java, Savoe (between Sandel- wood and Timor), Sumatra, Banka, Borneo, Celebes, the Saleyer- and the Philippine Islands. Sciuropterus vordermanni , n. sp. This flying squirrel belongs to the small sized forms like sagitta , aurantiacus '), setosus and platyurus ; it differs in the color of upperparts from sagitta and aurantiacus as it is dark colored like setosus and platyurus, but is distin- guished from the two latter ones by its partially distichous tail and from all the other small sized Sciuropteri by its different skull, especially by the peculiar shape of the tympanic bullae. Description of the type-specimen, an adult male (in spirits) : Hairs of back black , each hair with a terminal chestnut band ; sides of parachute bordered with pure white ; under surface of body and of parachute pure white, cheeks and sides of neck with a brownish orange tinge. Hairs of tail of a fine chestnut, lighter towards the base of the tail. Generally the hairs are very soft and rather long. The tail is partially distichous , namely only its under- side is distichous. All the hairs of the tail from its root to its tip are exactly of the same length. No cheekbristles , nor bristles at the base of ears. Whis- kers black. Dimensions in millimetres : head and body 100 tail with tuft 110 hindfoot 21 ear 12.5x4 1) Sciuropterus aurantiacux is very rare in zoological collections. It has been described in 1843 by Wagner, Schreber's Siiugethiere , Suppl. Bd. Ill, p. 225, after a specimen in the Wiirzburg Museum, with the habitat Banka. I refer to Wagner's exact description. In the Leyden Museum Sc. aurantiacus is represented by a stuffed specimen and a skeleton , both from Banka, and presented in 1863 to our Museum by Mr. v. d. Bossche. Notes from the Leyden Museum , "Vol. XII. ON MAMMALS FROM BILI.ITON. 151 skull 27 nasals 7 greatest breadth 17 palate 11.5 diastema 5.5 length of upper molar series 5.5 Very characteristic in the skull is the enormous deve- lopment of the tympanic bullae (plate 7, fig. 14): they are much broader and flatter than in any other species , nay than in Sc. pearsonii (plate 7 , fig. 4). Incisors are lighter colored than in any other species of the group. I connect with this species the name of Dr. Vorderman , in order to show him our gratitude. Sciurus albiceps Desmarest. Three adult specimens, dried skins. They belong to the true albiceps-tjpe. In one of the specimens the tail pre- sents some very curious peculiarities: it is much shorter than normally and bears rings. In general the tail with its tuft measures between 460 and 530 mm., but in the specimen in consideration the tail measures only about 400 mm.; the hairs are very long, about 47 mm., those of the tip of the tail about 90 mm. ; tip and base of tail deep black , all the other hairs have small orange colored tips , so that the tail seems to be alternatively ringed with broad black and narrow orange colored bands. This species has been collected in the following locali- ties: Siam, Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo and Java. Dr. An- derson , who united Scmrus rubriventer with Sciurus bicolor and albiceps^ stated (Yunnan Expedition , p. 220) that this species (Sciurus bicolor) also was distributed over Celebes and the adjacent smaller islands ! That Sc. bicolor^ rubriventer or albiceps live in those smaller islands is quite hypothetical and not based upon a single fact nor stated by observa- tions made by travellers or hunters: Sciurus rubriventer Notes from tlie Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. 152 ON MAMMALS FROM BILLITON. is one of the typical Celebes-species and is unknown from other localities. Sciurus soricinus Waterhouse. Two adult specimens , dried skins, and one adult female in spirits. Known from Sumatra , Banka , Borneo and Java. Sciurus notatus Boddaert. One adult specimen , a dryed skin , belonging to the variety with red colored underside of body. This species is a very common animal in Malacca , Java , Sumatra , Banka , Borneo , Celebes and the Saleyer Islands (cf. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 1883, p. 133, and Max Weber, Zoologische Ergebnisse, 1890, Mammalia, p. 117). Tupaja javamca Horsfield. One adult specimen , a dried skin. This species has been collected in Java , Sumatra , Banka and Borneo (cf. Catalogue des Mammifères du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle des Pays-Bas, Tome XII, p. 116). Rhinolophus trifoliatus Temminck. One specimen , an adult male , in spirits. This beautiful and very rare species has been observed in Borneo and Java. Vesperugo vordermanni , n. sp. One specimen, an adult female, in spirits. Distinguished from all the other Vesperugo-sipecies from the Malay-Archipelago by its lohite wing-membranes. The ears, laid forwards, reach to the end of the nose ; inner margin very convex in its lower half, then straight; tip rounded off ; upper half of outer margin slightly convex , then emarginated, lower half slightly convex above, then Notes from the Leyden JMuseum, "Vol. Xll. ON MAMMALS FROM BILLITON. 153 straight till close to the angle of the mouth , without for- ming a lobe. Inner margin of tragus concave, tip obtusely pointed and curved inwards, outer margin convex, at the base of the outer margin a distinct triangular lobe. Wings from the base of the toes ; tip of tail projecting ; a distinct although small post-calcaneum lobe. Wing-membranes along the side of the body hairy and colored like the back , for the rest naked ; underside of interfemoral with fine hairs arising from transverse dotted lines like in Vespertilio muricola Hodgson. All the hairs are of a dark brown color, lighter towards the tips. The naked wing-membranes are pure white , con- trasting strongly with the dark colored body. Inner upper incisor long, with a well-defined external cusp , outer incisor, well-developed , attains about the level of the external cusp of the inner incisor. Lower incisors trifid. Second upper premolar about two third of the height of the canine ; first upper premolar very small , hardly visible without a lens, and placed inside the tooth-row, so that it is not visible from without ; first lower premolar half the size of the canine, second lower premolar higher and in the same level with the most developed cusp of the first molar. Measurements in millimetres: head and body 50 tail 32 ear 13 x 8 tragus 5x2 forearm 33 thumb with claw 5 second finger, metacarpal 30 » » 1st phalanx 13 third finger, metacarpal 31.5 » » 1st phalanx 11.5 » » 2n'l » 11 » » 3'^*i » 5 fourth finger, metacarpal 31 Notes from the Leyden JMuseucn , Vol. XII. 154 ON MAMMALS FROM BILLITON. fourth finger, 1** phalaux 10 » » 2"'i » 8 fifth finger , metacarpal 29.5 » » 1st phalanx 7 » ■» 2nd » 5.5 tibia 13.5 calcaneum 14 foot with claws 7 Vespertilio muricola Hodgson. Two adult females in spirits. This species occupies a very large area of distribution , as it is to be found from Himalaya to the Malay Peninsula, and from Sumatra and Java eastward to Ternate, Celebes and Amboyna. Emhallonura semicaudata Peale. Two adult specimens, male and female, in spirits. This is the largest species of the genus. In Dobson's Catalogue the Polynesian subregiou is given as its habitat, but in our Museum are specimens from Goram, collected by von Rosenberg in 1 866 , and also from Sumatra , Deli , presented to our Museum by Dr. B. Hagen in 1885, so that we state here that this species has a much larger geographical distri- bution (cf. Catalogue des Mammifères, 1888 , Tome XII, p. 195, and Notes from the Leyden Museum, 1889, p. 30). Notes from the Leydeii Museuin , "Vol. XII. APHRODTSIUM PLANICOLLE. 155 NOTE XXIII. TWO NEW SPECIES OF THE LONGICORN GENUS APHRODISIÜM, THOMSON. DESCRIBED BY J. R. H. NEERVOORT van de POLL. Aphrodisium plant colle v. d. Poll. ^. Aureo-viride 1 nitidum , antennarnm articuUs hasalibus quinque , parte inferiore cum pedihus suhcoerulescentihus , tarsis fulvis. Caput in fronte suhrugosum. Protliorax antice et pos~ tice fortiter constrictus et depressus , in disco injlatus sed sat planus hand nodosus, lateraliter fortiter spinosus ; evidenter punctatus, latera versus rugosus , in medio indicatione lineae longitudinalis. Scutellum triangulare , punctis perpaucis in- structum. Elytra ad apicem separatim producta; dense sub- tiliterque rugulosa , apicem versus obsoletius. Prosternum an- tice transverse plicatum ; metasternum sparsim punctis pili- feris instructum , lateraliter, sic ut quoque segmenta qua- tuor priora abdominis , pubescentia sericea obtectum ; segmentum ultim,um ventris glabrum , nitidum. Femora et tibiae fortiter punctata (principue femora posteriora quae fere scabrosa) , nigro-pilosa. — Long. 50 mm., lat. 12 mm. Habitat: Darjeeling. Bright golden green above with the reflexed margin at the shoulders of the elytra bluish. Antennae with the first five joints bluish-green , clearer at the tip , the re- mainder dull black. Undersurface and legs more or less Notes from the Leydeii Museum, Vol. X!II. 156 APHRODISIUM PLANICOLLE. bluish-green , the tibiae violaceous towards the end and •the tarsi fulvous with the claw-joint infuscate at the tip. Head slightly rugose in front, with a deep impression on each side of the interantennary ridge , rather strongly punctulate behind the upper lobes of the eyes. The scape of the antennae covered with small punctures intermixed with a few larger ones , its upper outer edge only acutely produced, not spined ; the 3rd — 5th joints finely punc- tured and clothed with a short black pile , moreover provided along the underside with a sparse fringe of soft black hairs. Prothorax strongly constricted and depressed anteriorly and posteriorly , the median portion inflated but rather plain on the disc , without nodosities , the sides produced in a strong blunt tooth , the anterior margin but very slightly produced in the middle ; distinctly punctured , near the sides , the interstices between the punctures are raised giving a rugose appearance to these parts, along the middle with faint traces of a median line. Scutellum narrow, somewhat concave, with a few small punctures. Elytra elongate, considerably overreaching the hinder thighs, separately pointed at the apex, entirely finely ru- gose (the reflexed shoulder portion excepted), the sculp- ture strongest on the basal fourth and becoming gradually more obsolete towards the tip; besides a somewhat more distinct humeral stria there are also traces of two costi- form lines on each. Underneath with the throat and the upper part of the prosternum transversely plicated , the metasternum sparsely covered with strigiform and piliferous punctures , the sides of the breast and of the four basal abdominal segments clothed with a fine sericeous pile , the last ventral seg- ment glabrous and shining. Thighs and shins thickly punctured , chiefly the thighs of the hinder legs which are very coarsely punctured and somewhat scabrous; frin- ged with black hairs , the innerside of the anterior tibiae clothed with a thick short fulvous pile. Notes from the Leyden Museum , "Vol. XII. APHRODISIUM PLANICOLLE. 157 This species is just intermediate between A. Cantori Hope and A. Hardwickianum White. With Cantori it has in common the colour of the femora, but it recedes largely from that species by having a thorax without nodosities and elytra pointed at the tip. This character of the elytra places planicolle close to Hardwickianum, however, the purplish red thighs of the latter will allow to keep them separate without entering into further details. Aphrodisium cribricolle v. d. Poll. Nitidum , viride , interdum coerulescens , femorihus purpureo- rubris , tarsis fidvis. Caput in fronte rugulosum. Protliorax antics in disco nonnihil nodosus , fortiter et dense punctatus , latera versus rugosus. Elytra ad apicem separatim produc- ta , suhtiliter ruguloso-punctata , ohsoletius apicem versus. Praecedenti admodum ajjine , sed minor , prothorace ma- gis punctato , femorihus purpureo-ruhris. Femorum colore valde appropinquat A. Hardwickiano, ah eo sculptura capitis prothoracisque discrepat. — Long. 35 — 45 mm., lat. 8 — 11 mm. Habitat: Sikkim. In several respects this species is nearest allied to the preceding A. planicolle. In as much I may judge from the five specimens I have , it is a smaller and less robust in- sect , the colour is not so bright , less golden and more bluish-green, the thighs are purplish-red; the head is somewhat more strongly rugose in front; the prothorax is not quite so plain on the disc and shows small nodosities in front , the punctures are much larger and more nume- rous and laterally the interstices between them are more strongly raised and extend over a greater part, the poin- ted apices and the sculpture of the elytra are almost similar. The colour of the femora as well as the pointed tips of the elytra are placing A. cribricolle in immediate proximity with A. Hardwickianum , however in the latter species the front of the head is almost smooth and the disc of the NoLes from the I-ieydeu IMuseutu, Vol. ^11. 158 APHRODISIUM CRIBRICOLLE. prothorax is glossy , sparsely punctured , the punctures being only somewhat closer together towards the sides. A. crihricolle thus combines with some slight modifica- tions the sculpture of planicolle with the coloration of Hardwickianum. The male of crihricolle differs from the female by having much longer antennae, overreaching the tip of the elytra (whilst those of the female only reach beyond the middle of the hinder femora), longer posterior femora and five abdominal segments with large indistinct reddish patches. The latter character, however, is of no great use , as it proves to be inconstant, one of my (ƒ specimens having under certain lights traces of the reddish spot on the pen- ultimate segment only. The front part of the prosternum affords still a nice sexual character for this species as well as for all the other species of the genus I could examine; in the male sex this part is always punctured and in the female sex transversely plicated or strigose. I>ïotes from the Leyden Musexim, Vol. XIT. ODONTOLABIS LOWEI. 159 NOTE XXIV. ON THE FORMA PRIODONTA OF ODONTOLABIS LOWEI, PARRY AND THE FORMA TELEDONTA OF ODONTOLABIS SOMMERI, PARRY. BY J. R. H. NEERVOORT van de POLL. Having recently obtained a part of the Coleoptera col- lected by Mr. Whitehead at Mount Kina Balu (N. E. Borneo), I was greatly pleased observing a few specimens of Odontolahis Lowei Parry , a species which is incontesta- bly one of the very rarest of the genus and as yet still very imperfectly known. Dr. Leuthner , although having examined almost all the more important Musea and pri- vate collections , failed to find any more specimens except the unique type, an amphiodont male specimen. The five specimens I have now before me, are all of the priodont form and differ considerably in size, four of them having a length of ± 40 mm., whilst one individual measures 57 mm. 0. Loioei is closely allied to 0. Brookeanus Voll. and one of its distinguishing characters , the much broader black band at the base of the elytra , proves to be incon- stant , however the shape and the sculpture of the man- dibles is quite different, its prosternal process less develo- ped and the elytral rim black beneath. Description of the forma priodont a. Mandibles shorter than the head, opaque being entirely covered with minute granules; the sides rounded, convex and regularly narrowed towards the tip (broadly sickle- shaped and flattened in Brookeanus) ; innerside with five contiguous irregular teeth. The tubercle behind the eyes is hardly indicated in small individuals, well marked but very blunt in the larger specimen. Notes from the Leyden M.useuiri, Vol. X.II. 160 ODONTOLABIS LOWEI. Measurements. Total length. Head. Mandibles. Prothorax. Elytra mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 57 12 by 18 11 lOè by 24 27 by 23 41^ 9 » 12^ 7 8^ » 18 21J- » 17è 39 7^» 12 6 8 » 16| 20 » 16. The forma teledonta of 0. Sommeri Parry remained also unknown to Dr. Leuthner. As could be expected from analogy of the other forms, the teledont mandibles of Sommeri prove to be much like those of Brookeanus , the principal difference being the want of the large basal tooth and the presence of small granular teeth below the me- dian fork. My two specimens are of different development and the individual with the longest mandibles is very re- markable for its having a head with a little crest, of this no parallel form of Brookeanus is known as yet. Description of the forma teledonta. Mandibles longer than the head , strongly sickle-shaped, slender and flattened , ending in a single apical spine, which is followed by a fork on the innerside (the fork of Broo- keanus more strongly developed) , along the under margin below the fork and in connection with it with from three to five irregular large granules or small teeth and a single granule on the uppersurface just at the base. Head with the anterior margin emarginate in front or slightly pro- duced in the middle in a gently curved line, forming a little crest , and with a broad epistoma-like clypeus, broader than that of Brookeanus. Measurements. Total length. Head. Mandibles. Prothorax. Elytra. mm. mm. mm, mm. mm. 53 12 by 17 15 10 by 19 22è by 19. 52 11 » 17 13 9 » 19 22 » 18, JN^otes froxa the Ljeyden ]>Jluseiim, Vol XII PACHYTERIA NIASSENSIS. 161 NOTE XXV. A NEW SPECIES OF THE LONGTCORN GENUS PACHYTERIA, SERV. DESCRIBED BY C. J. GAHAN, M. A., Assistant, Zoological Department, British Museum. Pachyteria niassensis , n. sp. Q. Blackish blue , with the basal half of the elytra yellowish brown and the four apical joints of the antennae luteous. Prothorax with a feeble rounded tubercle on each side; pronotum opaque , very densely and coarsely punctured. Basal half of elytra coarsely and very densely punctured , apical half finely and very densely punctured and clothed with a velvety pubescence. — Length 24 mm., breadth 6 mm. Hab. Nias Island. The head is thickly and strongly punctured, with a smooth transverse space on the front between the most anterior part of the eyes; this space is divided in the middle by a longitudinal groove which extends upwards on to the vertex. The antennae reach to about the posterior third of the elytra ; the scape is thickly and strongly punc- tured and impubescent; the joints from the third to the seventh are clothed with a velvety black pubescence; the four apical joints are luteous; the third joint is about equal in length to the fourth and fifth combined. The pronotum is opaque and strongly and very densely punc- tured excepting two transverse grooves — one at the anterior, the other at the posterior border. The posterior groove is Notes from thie Leyden Miuseum, Vol. XII. 11 162 PACHYTERIA NIASSENSIS. limited behind by the posterior raised edge of the prono- tum , and in front by a distinct transverse carina ; the anterior groove is close beside , and bounded in front by , the anterior raised edge of the pronotum. The scutellum is purplish blue, punctured on each side of the basal half, and with a transverse arcuate impression near its middle. Two nearly obsolete raised longitudinal lines may be seen on the brownish basal part of each elytron ; near the apex the elytra are somewhat less pubescent and have a greenish tinge; the apices are conjointly rounded. The legs are cha- lybeate blue; the femora strongly and rather thickly punc- tured, the posterior more thickly so. Pro- and mesosterna, and postero-lateral borders of first abdominal segment with a greyish pubescence, the rest of the underside velvety black. Fifth abdominal ventral segment rounded at the apex. Judging from the description, this species seems to be most nearly allied to P. parallela Rits. British Museum, 9 April 1890. Notes from the Leyden IMusetitii, Vol. X.II. PACHYTERIA. 163 NOTE XXVI. ON SOME SPECIES OF THE GENUS PACHYTERIA EROM THE OLD COLLECTION OE THOMSON. C. RITSEMA Cz. It will , I think , be already known to every student of exotic Coleoptera that Mr. James Thomson has parted with his beautiful collection and that it is now in the posses- sion of Mr. Rene Oberthür, who in the last years increased his original collection with that of de Cbaudoir, Thorey, Wehncke , van Lansberge , von Harold , de Bonvouloir , Gehin a.o. Being now about to arrange his Cerambycidae Mr. Oberthür wrote me that the species identified by me as Pachyteria voluptuosa Thoms. bears in Thomson's col- lection the name of Pachyteria fasciata Fabr., whilst on the other hand a specimen of the species that I believe to be the fasciata of Fabricius is indicated in the same collection as the type of Pachyteria voluptuosa Thoms. In the meantime Mr. Oberthür most obligingly communicated to me , besides some other very interesting Cerambycini , the type-specimen of Thomson's Pachyteria voluptuosa^ as well as two specimens regarded by Thomson as belonging to Pachyteria fasciata Fabr. A comparison of the specimen of Pachyteria voluptuosa above referred to with Thomson's short description of this species on p. 568 of the»Systema Cerambycidarum" fully convinced me of the fact that I had the type-specimen before me , but at the same time I feeled sure of its identity with Pachyteria fasciata Fabr., from which identity results that Thomson had been mistaken in ^otes from th.e Leyden JMuseum, "Vol. XU. 164 PACHYTERIA FASCIATA. the identification of the true Fabrician species , regarding an undescribed species as such. Nevertheless I wrote to Mr. Gahan of the British Museum asking him to inform me whether Pachyteria fasciata Fabr. is represented in the Bank- sian collection or not '), calling moreover his attention upon the most striking distinctive characteristics between the spe- cies which I believed to be the true fasciata Fabr. and the one which was regarded as such by Thomson. In answer to these inquiries Mr. Gahan kindly gave me the following results of his observations on Pachyteria fasciata Fabr. : »You had no doubt correctly determined this species, and it is not the one so named in Thomson's collection. I cannot affirm that the type of P. fasciata Fab. is in the British Museum collection , but there are two specimens bearing that name in the collection of Banks: there can be no doubt that these are correctly named, and it is not improbable that they may have served as the types. Thom- son's fasciata is , I dare say , identical with the Pachyteria fasciata of Dejean's collection — a species for which I had suggested the name of P. Dejeani." As Pachyteria fasciata Fabr. is , up to this day, only very unsatisfactorily described , whilst no description what- ever is published of Thomson's and Dejean's /asa'a to, I will now proceed to describe both species, giving to the latter, which was incorrectly identified by me as Pachy- teria voluptuosa Thoms., the name of Pachyteria calumniata. Pachyteria fasciata Fabr. Ceramhyx fasciatus. Fabricius, Systema Entomologiae. p. 168, n». 17. (1775). ? „ populneus var. Schroter, Abhandlungen. I. p. 349; tab. 3, fig. 1. (1776)2). „ fasciatus. Olivier, Entomologie. IV, n*^. 67 ; p. 19. pi. 1, fig. 4a,b. (1795). 1) Koenig's collection alone is qnoteil by Fabricius. 2) This work is still unknown to me. I*ïotes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XH. PACHYTERIA FASCIATA. 165 Pachyteria fasciata. Castelnau , Histoire naturelle des In- sectes Cole'optères. IL p. 420. (1850). ,, vohiptuosa. Thomson, Systema Cerambycida- rum. p. 568. (1865). (according to the type -specimen), „ fasciata. Ritsema, Notes from the Leyden Museum. III. p. 38. (1881); — id., 1. c. X. p. 182, footnote. (1888); — id., Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. XXXII. p. xxx. (1888). Measurements of the type-specimen of Thomson's volup- tuosa , a female : length from the frontmargin of the in- terantennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 30 mm., breadth at the shoulders O^/g mm, ; measurements of a male specimen from Tranquebar in the Leyden Museum : length from the frontmargin of the interantennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 26^3 mm., breadth at the shoulders 8 mm., and those of a larger male from Bengalen in the same collection : length 29^2 mm., breadth at the shoul- ders 9V2 m™' Steely blue, the elytra with violaceous tiuges; the 7th and succeeding antennal joints yellow, the extreme base of the 7th and the apical half of the 11th black; the elytra provided , just before the middle , with a broad yellow transverse band , which on each elytron , has its hind margin sinuate or broadly emarginate and its front- margin slightly oblique, so as to make the band broadest at the suture. The head glabrous , irregularly punctured , the punctures deep ; the clypeus flat , provided anteriorly with an im- pressed mesial longitudinal line sometimes extending to the transverse elevation which separates the clypeus from the interantennary ridge, the latter divided by a similar deeply impressed line which disappears between the upper lobes of the eyes. The prothorax glabrous , uitid ; the pronotum sparsely punctured , the punctures on the middle of the disk finer ; the prosternum more or less indistinctly wrinkled , the Notes from the Leyden M.useum , Vol XII 160 PACHYTERIA FASCIATA. intercoxal part rounded, without tubercle; the intercoxal part of the mesosternum without V-shaped recess ; the metasternum remotely punctured , sparsely covered with erect black hairs, and provided along the middle with an impressed line. The scutellum triangular with acutely pointed apex , flat , glabrous and impunctate. The elytra distinctly tapering towards the end, the apices narrowly subtruncate or faintly emarginate; pu- bescent and very densely and finely punctured on the blue portion , the yellow band, however, glabrous and remotely covered with large punctures. The abdomen sparsely provided with very distinct punc- tures , scarcely at all pubescent. In the male the 5th segment is broadly and rather deeply emarginate, the 6th segment faintly emarginate, the hind margins of these segments fringed with black hairs; in the female the 5th segment is angularly notched in the middle. The antennae and legs are stout, the femora strongly punctured. Hah. Tranquebar, Himalaya, Bengalen, Cambodja, etc. Of the specimens in the British Museum Collection two are ticketed India, one China and one Ceylon. To the two specimens in Bank's Cabinet no indication of locality is attached. — In several collections. Pacliyteria calumniata , nov. spec. Pachyteria fasciata. Dejean , in coll. (nee Fabricius). „ fasciata. Thomson , in coll. (nee Fabricius). ,, Dejeani. Gahan , in coll. Brit. Mus. ,, voluptuosa. Ritsema (nee Thomson) , Notes from the Leyden Museum. X. p. 182, foot- note. (1888); — id., Tijdschrift voor Ento- mologie. XXXII. p. XXX. (1888). Length from the frontmargin of the interantennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 24— 29 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7 — S'/g ^^' Notes from the Leyden Miuseum , Vol. XII. PACHYTERIA CALUMNIAÏA. 167 Head, prothorax and elytra black, the latter with vio- laceous and bluish or greenish tints ; the antennae , meso- and metasternum , legs and abdomen steely blue ; the 7th and succeeding antenual joints yellow, the base of the 7th and the narrowed apical portion of the 11th black '); the elytra provided , somewhat before the middle , with a yellow transverse band, which has nearly parallel margins; sometimes, however, the hind margin is, on each elytron, slightly oblique or even faintly emarginate. The head is glabrous, remotely and deeply punctured, more densely so on the vertex ; the clypeus hollowed , with raised margins and divided by a raised keel along the middle; the frontmargin of the clypeus minutely notched in the middle ; the interantennary ridge divided by a deeply impressed line. The pronotum glabrous, uitid, sparsely punctured, es- pecially on the middle of the disk; the prosternum scar- cely at all punctate , sericeous in the cT, the intercoxal part rounded, without tubercle ; the intercoxal part of the meso- sternum without V-shaped recess; the mesosternum ^) and the sides of the metasternum covered with a dense silvery grey pubescence ; on the glabrous middle portion of the metasternum a longitudinal line and a few punctures are to be observed. The scutellum very acutely triangular, flat, glabrous and provided with a few very fine punctures. The elytra slightly tapering towards the end , the apices separately rounded and consequently somewhat dehiscent at the suture; pubescent and very finely and densely punc- tured all over. The abdomen with a few scattered fine punctures, the sides covered with a silvery grey pubescence. In the male the 5th segment is broadly and deeply emarginate , the 6th 1) In the single female I have seen (from the collection of Mr. Neervoort van de Poll) only the extreme tip of the 11th joint is dark coloured. 2) In the female the middle portion of the mesosternum is glabrous. Notes from the Leyden !Museura, Vol. X^II. 168 PACHYTERIA CALUMNIATA. segment very faintly emargiuate , the hind margins of these segments fringed with fulvous hairs; in the female the 5th segment is truncate with broadly rounded angles and with a broad but rather faint emargiuation in the middle. The antennae are more slender and more elongate than in fasciata Fabr., and likewise the legs are more slender, the femora less strongly punctured. Hab. India: Tranquebar etc. About the localities of the specimens in the British Museum Collection Mr. Gahan wrote me as follows: »one is ticketed India orient. (Dou- bleday), one ticketed Java ^) and one, of which the locality is absolutely certain , is from the Nilghiri Hills , S. India , and was taken by Mr. Hampson." — In several collections. Pachyteria calumniata Rits. is a more slender species than P. fasciata Fabr. and it is moreover distinguished at a glance by the different conformation of the clypeus , by the fine and dense punctuation of the yellow elytral fascia, by the silvery grey pubescence of the sterna and abdomen, etc. Pachyteria och race a C. 0. Waterh. Of this species Mr. Oberthür sent me a female specimen (from Borneo) from Thomson's collection , which exactly corresponds to Waterhouse's description ^) with the only exception that it is somewhat smaller (measuring 35 mm. from the front-margin of the interantennary ridge to the apex of the elytra), that instead of the three apical joints of the antennae the four apical ones are dusky, that the underside of the head shows a longitudinal black band along the middle of the throat^), and that the meso- and metasternum have each an ochraceous lateral spot. It is a pity that nothing is said by Mr. Waterhouse neither about the sex of his specimen nor about the shape of its 1) No doubt this indication will prove to be erroneous. 2) Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 5th ser. Vol. II (1878). p. 136. 3) Perhaps in Mr. Waterhouse''s specimen the throat may be retracted into the ])rothorax. Notes from the Leyden IMuseutu, Vol. XII. PACHYTERIA OCHRACEA. 169 apical ventral segments. In the female specimen before me the fifth ventral segment is provided with a small rounded notch in the middle of the hind margin, just as in the female of Pachyteria Evertsi Rits. The examination of the above specimen has given rise to severe doubts as to the correctness of my identification of the two specimens (males) from Elopura , North Borneo , which I received two years ago from Mr. Oliver E. Janson and which I considered to belong to the above species , as they agreed perfectly well, in regard to the coloration with Waterhouse's description , showing only the two fol- lowing differences: in stead of the three apical joints of the antennae the five apical ones were dusky, and the underside of the prothorax was not bluish black with a yellowish transverse stripe , but of a dark chocolate brown colour, with the exception of the contracted front portion which is black as is also the case with a curved streak across the coxae which leaves, however, the coxae free. But now I find some striking structural differences between these two sexes : in the male the labrum is larger, less con- vex , more closely punctured , and more deeply notched anteriorly; the antennal joints are distinctly more elongate and consequently the antennae are noticeable longer ; the excavation of the head between the antennae is deeper and the top of the antennary tubers more protruding. By far more striking differences , however , exist in the shape and sculpturing of the prothorax which in the male is deci- dedly broader and larger than in the female : whilst in the female the prothorax is densely rugose and opaque on the disk, it is in the male but very densely punctured with glossy interstices ; in the male the lateral spines are con- siderably more elongate , and , last not least , the underside of the prothorax , which is shining and transversely wrin- kled in the female , has in the male its brown coloured portion so densely punctured that it becomes opaque and obtains a leathery appearance , and this portion is as dis- tinctly defined as if it had been a piece let in. When the Notes from tlie Leyden Miuseum, Vol. XII. 170 PACHYTERIA OCHRACEA. thorax is viewed from above , this leathery portion is to be seen between the lateral spines and the frontmargin. May these two insects possibly represent the opposite sexes of one and the same species? viz. Pachyteria ochracea Waterh. The fifth ventral segment in the male is broadly and deeply emarginate , the sixth broadly and faintly so. Pachyteria diver sipes , nov. spec. Very closely allied to P. equestris Newm. from Penang and Malacca, but certainly distinct. Besides several diffe- rences in coloration a valuable structural difference exists in the antennae : in the female sex of the new species they are considerably more slender than they are in the male sex of equestris. As regards the coloration the head, which in equestris is blue with a red hinder margin , is dark reddish brown with greenish blue tinges on the cheeks, labrum and cly- peus in the new species , and the thorax instead of being red , has the same colour as the head ; the scutellura is entirely dark steel blue and has a black pubescence; the basal half of the elytra is of a paler reddish brown which colour rather strongly contrasts with that of the thorax; the apical half of the elytra is of a dark greenish blue; the five basal joints of the antennae , as well as the basal half of the 6th joint, are ochreous with a brownish tint on the scape and on the two following joints ; the apical half of the 6th joint and the subsequent portion of the an- tennae black. The under surface of the body, with the exception of the head and of the prosternum in front of the anterior coxae , is rather dark steel blue ; the legs are likewise steel blue with the exception , however , of the swollen portion of the anterior and intermediate femora, this portion having the dark reddish brown colour of the head and prothorax. The punctuation of the new species agrees pretty well Notes from the Ley den Miuseum, Vol. XII. PACHYTERIA DIVERSIPES. 171 with that of equestris ; on the pronotum , however , it is somewhat stronger and denser especially towards the sides. The antennae are , as is already said , distinctly more slender and the upper surface of the scutellum is flat. The elytra have, exactly as in equestris Newm., rujicollis Wa- terh. {= coUaris Harold) , jai'awa Bates (= puncticolUs Rits.) and ajffinis Rits., on their apical half a sutural and a lateral impression which, like the apex, are very finely and exceedingly closely punctured and covered with a black pubescence which forms an elongate velvety patch on the inner margin of the lateral impression. The intercoxal part of the pro- and mesosternum formed as in the majority of the species (no tubercle and V-shaped recess ^) ). The 5th ventral segment in the female (the only sex which is known to me) shaped as in the same sex of the four above quoted species, viz. an impressed angular pro-apical line preceded by an ill-defined semilunar impression whereas the apical margin is angularly notched in the middle. The apical dorsal segment is broadly triangular with narrowly rounded tip. — Length from the frontmargin of the interantennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 26 mm. , breadth of the elytra at the shoulders 8 mm. Hah. Cochin China. — A female specimen in the col- lection of Mr. Rene Oberthiir , formerly belonging to that of Mr. James Thomson. Pachyteria similis, nov. spec. This species, though strongly resembling the preceding in coloration, belongs, according to the structural characte- ristics , viz. conformation of the apical segments of the abdomen etc., to the group of P. hasalis Waterh. (= po- lychroma Harold) , rugosicollis Rits. and Hageni Rits. ^) , and 1) See in the description of Pachyteria Borrei Rits.: Notes Leyd.Mus. X, p. 179, line two from bottom. 2) Very probably also P. speciosa Pasc, a species which is unknown to me, and in the description of which nothing is said about the shape of the apical ventral segments. ^otes from the Leyden IMuseura. Vol. Xll. 172 PACHYTERIA SIMILIS. among these species it is most closely allied to hasalis Waterh. from which it may, however, (judging from the description) easily be distinguished by its darker colours and the reversed distribution of the colours on the antennae: in hasalis the basal joints are black , the apical ones yel- low, in the new species, on the contrary, the basal joints are ochreous , the apical ones black. Length from the frontmargin of the interantennary ridge to the apex of the elytra 28^/2 mm., breadth at the shoulders 7V3 mm. — The head and prothorax dark reddish brown, the cheeks and mandibles black ; the two basal joints of the antennae dark reddish brown, the ?>^^ — 1^^ and base of 8th joint ochreous, the subsequent portion of the an- tennae black. — The scutellum black , with a black velvety pubescence, — The basal half of the elytra of a paler reddish brown colour than the head and thorax, and as this colour is somewhat continued along the sutural and lateral margins , the line of demarkation between the brown basal and the dark green apical half of each elytron is strongly curved having its open side turned towards the apex. — Body underneath glossy black ; legs black with the swollen portion of all the femora dark reddish brown. The head very closely punctured, the punctures on the face finer than those on the vertex and behind the eyes; a smooth line on the vertex between the upper lobes of the eyes; the cheeks glossy, nearly impunctate; the labrum sparsely and delicately punctured. The scape of the anten- nae densely punctured, with a smooth, slightly raised line along the foreside. The pronotum rugose in consequence of irregular trans- verse wrinkles , the intervals between the wrinkles provided with large punctures ; the anterior and posterior margin strongly turned upward ; the sides rounded and provided about the middle with a nipple-shaped tubercle. The scu- tellum regularly triangular, with slightly convex sides. The elytra tapering towards the apex , the apex of each elytron obliquely truncate and rounded both at the sutural Notes from the Leyden IMuseuni, "Vol. X.II. PACHYTERIA SIMILIS. 173 and external angles; each elytron provided on the disk with two faintly raised longitudinal lines; the basal half glossy , strongly punctured , finer and much sparser , however, on the sutural streak, very fine on the shoulders , and fine and very dense at the base between the two raised lines ; the apical half opaque in consequence of a fine and very dense punctuation , and densely covered with a short pu- bescence which is black on the green, ochreous on the reddish portion. The under surface of the prothorax in front of the coxae minutely wrinkled, the throat glossy and irapunctate; the middle portion of the metasternum glabrous and smooth , sparsely punctured behind , the sides densely covered with a short black pubescence, the hinder margin of the me- tasternum at the sides, the posterior coxae and a patch on the sides of the l^t — 5**1 ventral segments covered with a dense greyish pubescence; the abdomen very sparingly provided with large and smaller punctured. The intercoxal part of the pro- and mesosternum formed as in the majority of the species (no tubercle and V-shaped recess). The S^li ventral segment broadly emarginate, the G*'^ very deeply emarginate, the sides of the emargination parallel; the apical dorsal segment is provided on the upper surface with a longitudinal smooth keel and angularly notched in the middle behind. The anterior femora are finely and sparsely , the intermediate and posterior femora strongly and more densely punctate. Hab. Cochin China. — A single male specimen in the collection of Mr. Rene Oberthür, formerly belonging to that of Mr. James Thomson. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. 174 ZONOPTKRUS FLAVITARSIS. NOTE XXVII. ON ZONOPTERUS FLAVITARSIS, HOPE. BY C. RITSEMA Cz. After a careful examination of not less than 14 repre- sentatives of the genus Zonopterus to which Hope's des- cription of flavitarsis ^) is applicable , I hesitate to decide whether this is a very variable species as regards the form of certain parts of the body , or that there are several spe- cies so closely allied to one another that, without exten- sive series, it will prove to be impossible to define the specific characteristics in a manner sufficient enough to al- low future identification from the descriptions only. Of the 14 specimens now before me 9 are males, 5 fe- males , and , without exception , the former have the abdo- men red , the latter blue. I therefore believe the diiference in colour of the abdomen to be of sexual value ^). The parts of the body in which I observe differences in shape (the sculpture, on the contrary, appears to be very constant) are: the interantennary ridge, the antennae, the prothorax , the scutellum and the intercoxal parts of the pro- and mesosternum , and in the male moreover the 5th and 6th ventral segments. As to the coloration the antennae have constantly the 4 basal joints and the base of the 5th black (the tip of the 4th, sometimes also that of the 3rd, marked on the out- side with a luteous spot) , but the shape of the two lute- ous elytral bands is very variable. The 9 male specimens vary in length from 21,5 — 33 mm., the 5 female specimens from 31 — 35 mm. 1) Trans. Linn. Soc. London. XIX (1843), p. Ill; pi. 10, fig. 7. 2) This, most probably, will likewise prove to be the case with Zonopterus consanguineus Rits. (Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889. p. 10) of which I have seen four females with a blue and one male with a red abdomen. Notes from th.e Leyden IMuseum, Vol. XII. ZONOPTERUS, PACHYTERIA AND APHRODISIUM. 175 NOTE XXVIII. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OE THE DESCRIBED SPECIES OF THE LONGICORN GENERA ZONOPTERUS, PACHYTERIA AND APHRODISIUM. C. RITSEMA Cz Since the publication of my List of the described species of Zonopterus , Pachyteria and Aplirodisium ') , the follow- ing new species of these genera have been published , whereas moreover a species , years ago described in the genus Callichroma^ must be referred to the genus Apliro- disium. Finally , a note on Zonopterus Jlavitarsis Hope (vide ante p. 174) and supplementary descriptions of Pachyteria fasciata Fabr. (vide ante p. 164) and of Pachyteria ochracea Waterh. (vide ante p. 168) have appeared. Zonopterus Hope. Trans. Linn. Soc. London. XIX. 1843, p. 110. magnificus H. W. Bates. Proc. Zool. Soc. Borneo. London. 1889. p. 391. Pachyteria Serville. Ann. Soc. Ent. France. 1833. p. 553. vandepolli Rits. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889. p. Malacca. 49; pL 10, fig. 2. apicalis v. d. Poll. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1889. Borneo. p. 219; pi, 10, fig. 1. niassensis Gahan. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1890. Nias. p. 161. 1) Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Vol. XXXII (1888) , p. xxix. Notes from thie Leydeu IMuseum, "Vol. XII. 176 ZONOPTERUS, PACHYTERIA. AND APHRODISIUM. calumniata Rits. ^) Notes Leyd. Mus. 1890. India or. p. 166. diversipes Rits. 1. c. p. 170. Cochin China. similis Rits. 1. c. p. 171. » » Aphrodisium Thomson. Syst. Ceramb. 1866. p. 173. semiignitum Chevrl. Kevue Zoolog. 1841. Manilla. p. 227 [Calliehroma). planicolle v. d. Poll. Notes Leyd. Mus. 1890. Darjeeling. p. 155. cribricoUe v. d. Poll. 1. c. p. 157. Sikkim. In consequence of these additions the genus Zonopterus now contains 5 species , the genus Pachyteria 32 species , and the genus Aphrodisium 9 species. 1) This is the Pachyteria voluptuosa Thorns, of my List, hut the true vo- luptuosa Thoms. = fasciata Fabr. (vide ante p. 163). r^otes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. TYANA SUPERBA. 177 NOTE XXIX. NOTICE SUR LA TYANA SUPERBA, MOORE. (Proc. Zool. Soc. of London. 1867. p. 668; pi. 33, f. 15). PAB, P. C. T. SNELLEN. Monsieur Ritsema, ayant re9u de Mr. A. L. van Hasselt, Resident a Padang Sidempoeau (Sumatra occid.), pour Ie Musée de Leide, un exemplaire très-frais et assez bien con- serve de cette belle espèce, qui me'rite bien son nom, me permit a ma demande de l'exarainer afin de bien deter- miner sa position systématique, ce qui ue me paraissait pas superflu parce que Ie genre Tyana Walker n'a e'té décrit par ce compilateur que d'une maniere tout-a-fait vague et insignifiante dans Ie Catalogue du Musée Britannique , Vol. 35, p. 1776. Monsieur Moore, en décrivant son espèce, a cru sans doute pouvoir renvoyer a Walker pour les carac- tères géne'riques, ce qui est d'autant plus regrettable, parce que Walker décrit les deux espèces de son genre Tyana comme ayant les ailes antérieures vertes, tandis qu'elles sont d'un jaune clair avec de grands espaces d'un blanc brillant et quelque peu nacré. En eflfet, a la première vue on croit avoir affaire a une espèce de Tortricide , venant auprès de Conchylis Led. {Cochylis Treits.) et s'alliant aux Conch. lathoniana et margaritana. Cependant, les ailes postérieures n'ont que deux nervures internes, la assez courte, 1^ aboutissant au bord postérieur, prés de l'angle anal, ce qui éloigne la superba des Tortricines. Les ailes antérieures ont ime nervure interne. Notes from the Leyden iMuseum , Vol. XII. 12 178 TYANA SUPERRA. la nervure 5e prend sou origine a Tangle interne de la cellule discoïdale , la nervure 8^ (sous-costale) des ailes postérieures s'éloigne de la cellule dès son origine et Ie frein est bien distinct , long et mince. Il ne reste done que les Liparidina, les Lithosina et les Noctuina auxquelles la superba pourrait appartenir. La première familie est mise hors de cause par la presence des steramates chez la superba., ensuite par Ie corps très-lisse et Ie fait que la nervure sous-costale des ailes postérieures ne forme qu'une cellule ac- cessoire insignifiante a sa base avec la sous-médiane ou Ie bord antérieur de la cellule discoïdale. On pourrait done considérer la superba comme une Noc- tuélite , n'étant l'absence de la cellule accessoire des ailes antérieures et la distance considerable oü la cellule dis- coïdale de ces mêmes ailes se trouve du bord costal. En effet , quoique la cellule accessoire fasse aussi défaut chez les genres Xanthodes , Thalpochares et chez quelques autres a palpes très-développés allies a Zanclognatha , chez tous ces genres de Noctuélites la cellule discoïdale est située bien plus prés du bord costal. Mais Téloignement susdit se retrouve aussi chez Ie genre Earias et, quoique chez les espèces de la faune palaearctique et les exotiques que je connais, la sous-costale des ailes postérieures soit parfaite- raent soudée a la médiane sur Ie premier tiers de son parcours, saus former une petite cellule accessoire a sa base comme chez les Noctuélites typiques et la superba , je crois que la vraie place de cette espèce est bien prés d'Earias comme l'indique d'ailleurs Mr. Moore. Le genre Earias, comme Chloëphora et Halias , est un peu ambigu et parait se tenir sur les limites assez incertaines des Lithosina et des Noctuina. Je ne possède ni la Jyana chloroleuca ni callichlora Walker et , comme je le remarque plus haut , la description de leurs caractères génériques u'a aucune valeur , mais en comparant mes Earias (auxquelles ces espèces de Walker sont peut-être alliées) a la superba , je trouve la difference capi- tale que celle-ci n'a que 10 nervures aux ailes antérieures , Notes from the Leyden JVLiiseuni, Vol. XU. TYANA SUPERBA. 179 toutes naissantes de la cellule discoïdale. On peut consi- dérer 8 et 9 comme faisant défaut, leur place ordinaire étant vide.Le genre Earias a 1 2 nervures.Aux ailes postérieures la nervure 5e est très-faible , 3 et 4 sont pétiolées , 6 et 7 vienneut d'un point comme 4 — 5 et 6 — 7 des ailes anté- rieures. Le thorax et l'abdomen sont revêtus d'écailles très- lisses, le dernier a une seule crête sur le premier anneau. Les palpes manquent et des antennes il ne reste qu'une petite portion qui est filiforme et glabre. La trompe est roulee, les yeux sont nus, le front plat. Quant aux caractères spécifiques , je dois noter que I'in- dividu du Musee de Leide diffère de la figure que donne Mr. Moore en ce que la portion apicale des ailes anterieures n'a qn'une tache médiocre argentée presque carrée , au lieu d'une très-graude tache bilobée, accompagnée de deux points plus petits, et que la première bande jaune est bien plus élargie vers le bord costal. L'abdomen est aussi plus mince sur la figure de Moore, mais ceci ne me semble pas d'une grande importance , étant peut-être cause par un fort apla- tissement lateral , resultant d'une compression excessive dans la papillote. La seconde espèce de Tyana que Mr. Moore mentionne dans l'opuscule susdit (la callichlora Walker, Catalog. 35, p. 1776) et dont il donne une figure, est assez analogue a la clorana L. et la limhana Snellen. Peut-être elle est, comme chloroleuca Walker , une Earias pure , et le nom générique Tyana (avec Moore comme auteur) pourrait rester a la superba. Notes Irom the Leyden JMuseum, "Vol. XII. 180 CYRIOCRATES ZONATOR. NOTE XXX. ON CYRIOCRATES ZONATOR, THOMS. BY C. RITSEMA Cz. The above species, of which Mr. René Oberthür kindly sent me the type-specimen (a cT from Siam) for exami- nation , undoubtedly belongs to the genus Melanauster, and is very closely allied to Melanauster Medenhaeliii Rits. which latter, according to a male specimen in the Leyden Mu- seum , inhabits the Island of Java. Thomson's species , however, has the 3rd and 4th joints of the antennae dis- tinctly less (almost imperceptibly) swollen at the tip , so as to make these joints more regularly cylindrical , the scutellum is shorter, and broader at the base, the shoul- ders are more broadly rounded , and the front-tibiae are more slender. It has moreover a glabrous band along the middle of the pronotum , the glabrous transverse bands of the elytra are as broad as those formed by the small golden green scales (in Medenhaeliii they are distinctly narrower), and , last not least , the erect black stiff hairs on the elytra are decidedly longer in zonator than in Medenhachii. The grey colour of the scaly pubescence in my speci- mens of Medenhachii, most probably will prove to be due to their having been preserved for some time in spirits. Notes from ttie Leyden IMusexim , Vol. XII. PAGRIA AENEICOLLIS. 181 NOTE XXXI. DESCRIPTIONS DE COLÉOPTÈRES NOUVEAUX DE LA FAMILLE DES EÜMOLPIDES M. Ed. LEPEVRE, Ancien Président de la Société Entoraologique de France. Pagria ceneicollis, spec. nov. Breviter ovata , convexa , subtus brunneo-picea , capite pro- thoraceque nigris , viridi-rejlexo-cenescentibus , nitidis , labro , palpis , antennis pedibusque fulvis , elytris fidvis (sutura tota lata nigro-picea j vage rejlexo-cenea), singulo maculis duabus [altera intra impressionem basalem , postice magis minusve extensa , altera lata juxta marginem lateralem posita) nigro- piceis. Long. l'/g mill. ; lat. 1 mill. Yar. (3. Elytrorum maculis omnino deletis. Java : Batavia (de Gavere et A. L. v. Hasselt) ; Sumatra : Lahat (Giesbers) , Fort de Koek (v. Riemsdijk). Caput inter oculos vage transversim impressum , remote undique leviter punctatum , post oculos late et profunde canaliculatum. Prothorax in medio disci remote et leviter, ad latera autem grosse et subconfluenter , punctatus, juxta basin spatio lato laevi instructus, margine laterali utrinque medio subacute angulatus. Scutellum parvum , piceum , laeve , apice rotuudatura. Elytra infra basin breviter trans- versim utrinque impressa (spatio inter callum humeralem et scutellum subcalloso , Isevi) , lineatim regulariter punc- Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. !X!1I. 182 PAGRIA AENEICOLLIS. tata, punctis grossis, nigris, intra impressionem basalera profundioribus. Pedes breves, femoribus subtus dente mi- uutissimo armatis. Voisin du P. sumatrensis Ed. Lef. En diffère surtout par la taille plus petite et la couleur noir-bronzé de la tête et du prothorax. Heteraspis igneipennis , spec. nov. Breviter oblonga, convexa, undigue pilis alhidis suherectis modice ohtecta , corpore subtus , capite prothorace , scutello pedibusque metallico-viridibus , magis minusve cyaneo-tinctis , elytris cupreo-igneis , fulgidis , sutura sicut et margine late- rali utringue concinne viridi-metallicis vel cyaneis. Long. 6—672 mill.; lat. 3V2— S'/* mill. Timor (Wienecke). Caput sat dense punciatum , epistomate antice angula- tim parum profunde emarginato, labro fusco, viridi-aeneo- tincto , palpis antennarumque articulis 2 — 5 saturate ful vis , harum articulo 1^. viridi-metallico , quinque ultimis nigris, modice ampliatis. Prothorax crebre et grosse punctatus , angulo anteriori spatio calloso utrinque notato. Elytra basi thorace latiora , leviter inordinatim punctata , punctis versus apicem minoribus , fere deletis. P seudocolaspis insignis , spec. nov. Late ovata , conveoaa , viridi-aurata vel fusco-cenea , sub- cupreo-reüexo-tineta ^ nitida, undigue pilis longis argenteo- sericeis (appressis et rectis intermixtis) sat dense obtecta, labro sicut et palpis nigro-piceis , antennis , tibiis tarsisgue brunneo-testaceis , femoribus crebre fortiter punctatis , subtus dente brevi armatis. Long. 5'/2 — 7 mill.; lat. hum. 3'/j — 4 mill. Somalis. (Présenté par M. van Lansberge). Caput creberrime confluenter rugose punctatum , episto- mate antice arcuatim emarginato. Prothorax convexus, plus Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. PSEUDOCOLASPIS INSIGNIS. 183 duplo latior quarn longior, crebre sed parum profunde substrigatim punctatus , infra raarginem anticum transver- sim evidenter impressus, niargine laterali utrinque antice deleto. Scutellum latum, pentagonum, punctatum. Elytra basi thorace latiora, infra basin leviter subarcuatim im- pressa , spatio inter callum humeralem et scutellum sub- tumido , dense minute punctata , interstitiis basi et intra impressionem basalem leviter substrigatis , callo humerali ipso elevato , laevi , tumido. Pseudocolaspis Lansbergi, spec. nov. Ovata , postice attenuata , convexa , metalUco-cenea , sub- cupreo-tincta , nitidissima , undique pilis squamceformibus ap- pressis (corpore subtus albidis , supra autem aureis) dense obtecta , labro ceneo-cupreo , fulgido , palpis sicut et antennis nigro-cyaneis , harum articulis 5 ultimis dilutioribus , minus nitidis, pedibus gracilibus ^ ceneo-cupreis , femoribus tibiisque elongatis, illis crebre fortiter punctatis , subtus dente longo et acuto armatis. Long. 31/2—4 mill.; lat. hum. 2^3 — 21/2 mill. Somalis. (Présenté par M. van Lansberge). Caput subcrebre punctatum, in media fronte spatio Isevi longitudinaliter iustructum, epistomate antice arcuatim emar- ginato. Prothorax convexus , vix duplo latior quam longior, crebre undique punctatus, margine laterali utrinque antice deleto. Scutellum latum , subpentagonum , punctatum. Elytra basi thorace latiora, postice attenuata, infra basin subar- cuatim sat fortiter impressa , spatio inter callum humera- lem et scutellum subtumido, dense minute punctata , punctis intra impressionem basalem paulo majoribus, callo hume- rali ipso tumido , punctulato , lucido. Abirus globicol lis , spec. nov. Breviter oblongus , subcylindricus , subttis viridi-ameus et pilis albidis modice obtectus , supra viridi-auratus , subcupreo- Notes frctn the Leydon IMuseuxu , "Vol. XII 184 ABIRUS GLOBICOLLIS. ceneo-micans , nitidus , lahro sicut et palpis piceis , antennis dimidio corpore vix longioribus , articulo l''. metallico-viridi , 2 — 6 briinneo-testaceis , quinque ultimis saturate cijaneis , fortiter ampUatis , pedibus saturate cyaneis , vage viridi-tinctis. Long. 9 mill.; lat. 4'/2 niill. Insula Banka (Vosmaer). Caput pilis albidis appressis , certo situ tantum conspi- cuis , minutissime instructam , vertice lato , subremote irre- gulariter punctato, medio lougitudinaliter obsolete sulcato, ad latera substrigoso. Prothorax valde convexus, subglo- bosus, crebre undique aciculatim punctatus. Elytra juxta suturam lineatim sat regulariter punctatis , interstitiis planis , versus apicem subelevatis , disco exteriori transversim ele- vato-strigata. Phy torus assimilis , spec. nov. Oblong o-fiuhelong atus , convexus, subtus nigro-piceus , supra fusco-a.neus , subcupreo-viridi-tinctus , nitidus , lahro , p)^^P^^ antennisque fulvo-testaceis , pedibus piceo-brunneis. Long. 6— G'/a mill.; lat. 3^2 — 374 mill. Borneo (Schwaner et Muller). Caput inter oculos profunde transversim impressum , ver- tice subcrebre punctulato , margine antico bilobato et sulco brevi longitudinaliter instructo , epistomate remote punctulato , antice subrecte truncato. Prothorax sat dense leviter punctatus, punctis juxta marginem lateralem utrin- que fere deletis. Scutellum laive. Elytra regulariter linea- tim striata, striis vix perspicue punctulatis, interstitiis laevibus, magis minusve convexis. Femora intermedia sicut et postica mutica , antica subtus denticulo minutissimo armata. Cette espèce est voisine du P. fervidus Ed. Lef. Elle en diffère par la taille plus forte , la forrae générale plus allongée et parallèle , par les intervalles des stries des élytres plus OU moins convexes. Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. XII. PHYTORUS PALLIDUS. 185 Phy torus pallidus , spec. nov. Breviter suboblongo-ovatiis , modice convexus , omnino late flavus , nitidus , oculis sicut et mandibulis nigris. Long. 4^/2 mill.; lat. 27* mill. Borneo : Pleyhari (Semmelink). Caput et prothorax laeves, illud inter oculos transversim sulcatum. Elytra regulariter sat profunde punctato-striata, punctis miuutissimis , interstitiis convexiusculis. Femora antica sicut et postica subtus dente parvo acuto arraata. Stethotes fulvilabris , spec. nov. Ovata , convexa, postice attenuata, subtus nigra, supra nigro-cyanea , nitida , labro , palpis antennisque fulvo'testaceis , harum articidis quinque ultimis paululum infxiscatis. Long. 31/2 mill.; lat. 2 mill. Nouvelle Guinee: Andaï (v. Rosenberg). Caput utrinqne post oculum late sed parum profunde excavatum , vertice subtumido , strigose punctato , media fronte profunde fossulata. Prothorax subconicus, dorso sub- tiliter , ad latera fortius , subremote punctatus. Elytra basi thorace multo latiora, postice attenuata, regulariter lineatim punctata , punctis infra humeros et ad latera majoribus. Pedes cyaneo-uigri , femoribus subtus dente longo et acuto armatis. Stethotes longimana, spec. nov. Ovata, convexa , postice attenuata, subtus rufo-brunnea , viridi-oineo-tincta , supra nigra, vage viridi-cyaneo-tincta , nitida , antennarum articulis quatuor primis rufo-fidvis , reliquis piceis, pedibus antieis valde elongatis , rufo-brunneis , cyaneo-refiexo-tinctis. Long. 5 mill. ; lat. 3 mill. Waigeoe (Bernstein). Caput utrinqne post oeulum late et profunde excavatum, Notes from the I- scolopacea (Bp.). — Robertsport. 74. Dendropicus luguhris , Hartl. — Robertsport. 75. Campothera maculosa (Val.). — Jarjee. 76. » caroli (Malh.). — Johny Creek. 77. Centropus francisci^ Bp. — Robertsport and MahfaRiver. Both specimens (nestlings) show the same peculiarities in plumage as the male nestling mentioned by me in N. L. M. 1886, p. 223, though they are females , having the feathers on head , neck , chest and mantle black without being inter- mixed with red ones. 78. Centropus senegalensis (L.). — Robertsport. Besides an adult male there are three young (half grown) males with the lower surface strongly tinged with ferrugineous. The mantle, wing-coverts and in one of the specimens also the tertiaries are brown and strongly banded with black, while in the third the tertiaries and also the outer edges of the inner secondaries are uniform black with a greenish gloss , though not as splendid as the tail-feathers. 79. Ceuthmochares aeneus (Vieill.). — Robertsport. An adult male with blue gloss and black bill. Notes trom th.e I-ieyden IMuseuui , Vol. X!II. 206 ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN LIBERIA. 80. Chrysococcyx klaasii (Steph.). — Robertsport. 81. Tver on calva (Temm.). — Robertsport. 82. Peristera puella ^ Schl. — Mahfa River. 83. » afra (L.). — Robertsport. 84. » tym.panistria (Temm.). — Robertsport. 85. FroMcolinus ahantensu ^ Temm. — Fisherman Lake. 86. Oedicnemus vermiculatus , Cab. — Sea-shore near Ro- bertsport. *87. Charadrius forbesi (Shelley). Charadrlus indicus^ Schl. Mus. P.-B. , Carsores, p. 25. Charadrius forbesi, Seebohm , Charadriidae , p. 136. An adult female, collected near the mouth of the Mahfa River. Iris brown, eye-lid and base of lower mandible orange- red, rest of bill black, feet flesh-color. The specimen, mentioned as Charadrius indicus in Schlegel's Catalogue and said to come from Nepal and to be presented by Hodgson , is a true Ch. forbesi. 88. Botaurus leucolopfms (Jard.). — Fisherman Lake. Leyden Museum, June 1890. Notes from the Leyden Museum , Vol. XII. EOTATORHINUS ALATUS. 207 NOTE XXXV. DESCRIPTION D'UNE ESPÈCE NOUVELLE DU GENRE EOTATORHINUS (COLEOPTERA: fam. CURCÜLIONIDAE). W. ROELOPS. Monsieur Neervoort van de Poll ayant re9u réceniment avec d'autres insectes une nouvelle espèce d^ Ectatorhinus , capturée dans l'intérieur de Bedagei (Deli , Sumatra orient.) par M. J. Z. Kannegieter, m'a invite de la décrire, ce que je fais avec d'autant plus de plaisir que j'avais décrit dans Ie temps une autre espèce du genre ^) provenant de la même ile que la nouvelle espèce qui est bien distiucte des autres et d'une forme remarquable. J'ai conserve Ie nom que M. van de Poll lui a donné et qui est parfaitement bien choisi. Ectator hinus alatus v. d. Poll, in litt. D'un noir-brunatre ; dessus peu densément garni d'écail- les brunes , dessous couvert de poils brun-jaunatres. Ely- tres pourvues derrière les épaules d'une lame saillante, dénudée. — (ƒ. Long. 12 millim. rostr. excl. D'une forme moins massive que les autres espèces du genre; d'un noir-brunatre; Ie dessus garni d'écailles brunes. Rostre moins long que la moitié du corps , sa moitié posté- rieure garnie d'écailles , pourvue d'une carène médiane , accompagnée de chaque cóté de deux carènes obsolètes ; sa moitié antérieure lisse et dénudée. — Antennes insérées un peu en arrière du milieu, leur scape restant éloigné des l) Ectatorhinws Hasseltii Roelofs, Notes from the Leyden Museum. Vol. II (1880) p. 231; — Deutsche Eatomologische Zeitschrift. Bd. XXIV (1880) p. 141; — Midden-Suniatra. Coleoptera. p. 117. Notes from tke JUeyden ]Museuui , Vol. X.1I. 208 ECTATORHINUS ALATUS. yeux; articles du fanicule subégaux, garuis d'écailles et de poils de la même couleur; massue d'un brun-noiratre velouté. Prothorax peu élargi sur les cótés , portant une earène lisse médiane et des rainures longitudinales séparées par des cótes élevées ; les deux cótes ou carènes de chaque cóté de la earène centrale sont au milieu plus élevées que les autres. — Les bords latéraux du prothorax portent des écailles d'un brun-jauuatre et une petite ligne blanche se divisant en deux rameaux en avant. — Sur Ie disque du pro- thorax on distingue quelques écailles blanches sur une ligne transversale. — Ecusson ovale , allonge , denude. Elytres peu élargies sur les cótés, graduellement rétrécies en arrière , munies de stries de gros points ; les intervalles des stries étroits. L'intervalle a cóté de la suture moins élevé que les autres, Ie troisième portant trois protuberances dentiformes rapprochées; Ie cinquième intervalle porte un peu au dela du milieu un tubercule moins apparant et sur la déclivité postérieure se voit une pointe encore moins élevée. — Derrière l'épaule des élytres se trouve une grande lame saillante dégarnie d'écailles. — Vers Ie milieu de la suture se voit une tache d'un brun clair veloutée, suivie d'une tache noire; on distingue des écailles blanches a la base et sur la face antérieure de la dernière dent du troisième intervalle, une petite tache de la même couleur sur Ie septième intervalle vers Ie tiers postérieur et quelques gouttelettes sur les bords et Ie bout des élytres. Le dessous est couvert de poils brun-jaunatres , assez longs sur le metasternum. Les pattes sont décorées d'anneaux blancs , plus ou moins en zigzag. — Les hanches antérieures se prolongent dans une pointe un peu recourbée. L'élargissement en forme de plaque ou lame dénudée der- rière l'épaule des élytres constitue le caractère le plus di- stinctif de l'espèce. Xotes from the LiCyden M^nseum , Vol. XII. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER, 209 NOTE XXXVI. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER ADDRESSED TO D\ E. A. JENTINK Mr. J. D. PASTEUR, dated Padang Sidempoean, July Ist 1890. »I take advantage of this opportunity to send you a small box containing a piece of a telegraph pole (of djatiwood, Tectona grandis) with two Wood-peckers, Picus analis, from Java, Kediri Residency. These birds make, as you see, rather large holes in the teakwood, which is as hard as iron , near the point where the isolator has been attached: apparently because they mistake the well known buzzing of the quavering wire-threads of the telegraph for the gnawing and boring of Insects. I should not have mentioned this fact if it was not such a great rarity. For on the Paris electricity exhibition in 1881 there was to be seen as a great rarity a telegraph pole perforated through and through by a hole having a dia- meter of 7 centimeters: this remarkable pole was sent by the Director of the Norway telegraphs. The administration for a long time was uncertain to what cause ascribe this damage done to poles which for the rest were entirely sound, till at last by a mere chance the Wood-peckers were seen at work. In Norway too has been observed another not less remar- kable damage caused to telegraph poles and also for a long ^otes from tlie I-ieyden JMuseum, Vol. XII. 14 210 EXTRACT FROM A LETTER. time inexplicable. The large stones which are heaped up at the base of the telegraph poles iu order to increase their solidity sometimes were found removed and dispersed. Finally it was observed that this damage was caused by Bears, which apparently mistoke the mysterious noise in the poles for the buzzing of a swarm of bees. In my quality of Inspector of the post- and telegraphic service I inspected thousands of telegraph poles , but only in a few cases I could state the damage caused by Wood-peckers and then always on the living kapok-trees (Eriodendron anfraduosum) which are used here for this purpose. The piece of telegraph pole sent to you is the only example known to me that the Wood-peckers extend their damage to the sound and very hard poles of djatiwood. Besides the above mentioned Wood-pecker we saw from time to time the rare little Picus moluccensis at work among the other ones." ^otes frora the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. ON STREPSICEROS KUDU AND IMBERBIS. 211 NOTE XXXVII. ON STREPSICEROS KUDU AND STREPSICEROS IMBERBIS. Dr. P. A. JENTINK. Augu8t 1890. (Plate 9). In a » notice of two overlooked species of Antelope" by Mr. Edward Blyth (P. Z. S. L. 1869) we read on p. 55 the following passage : » Dr. Gray , in his » List of specimens »of Mammalia in the British Museum" (1850, p. 143), » under Strepticeros kudu notices »Var. smaller. Inhabits » Abyssinia; Mus. E. I. C. ; Mus. Frankfort, adult and »young." I consider this small kudu, of which adults of »both sexes are figured and described by Sir Andrew » Smith, to be decidedly a well-marked species; and there- »fore I now propose ïor iiihe name oï Strepticeros imberbis." As Dr. Gray did not publish in 1850 a book entitled »List of specimens of Mammalia in the British Museum", Mr. Blyth apparently meant herewith the well-known » Catalogue of the specimens of Mammalia in the collec- tion of the British Museum" published by Dr. Gray in 1852; and here we find on p. 134 (not 143 Blyth) under the head Strepsiceros (not Strepticeros Blyth) kudu: »var. 1. Smaller. — Mus. Ind. Camp. Lond, and Frankfort. Anti- lope TendalH), Riippell^ Abyssinia^ 22; Fischer, Syn. 475. 1) Tendal (not Tendall Gray) is the name given by the Arabs (Cf. Riippell's Atlas, 1826, p. 22) to an Antilope, described by Riippell as follows: «Grosse ^otes from th.e lL V V '^•7) 55 » V n C' » 7) T) » » The most developed horn of the Koodoo presents two arches on both sides of the horn, therefore the figure given by Sclater (P. Z. S. L. 1884) and those on plate 9, figs, g and k , represent horns of very adult specimens ; the horns figured by Smith, Blyth (P. Z. S. L. 1869, fig. 1) and on plate 9 , c, represent a younger stadium , meanwhile the figures by Blyth (1. c. fig. 2) and on plate 9 , / and n, represent half grown horns. From the named figures it will be clear to understand how the proportion between the length of the horns and the distance of their points must vary with the different age of the same individual, and alternately must increase and decrease according to age. If we carefully study the figures on plate 9 we recognize as it were three different types , one represented by k slender and elegant, one represented by c very broadly developed horns of a very great size , and finally the form represented by g somewhat intermediate between k and c, longer but less slender than k^ not so strongly developed but more elegant than c ; I shows the halfgrown stadium of g and n the halfgrown stadium of c. The Lesser Koodoo {Str. imherbis) resembles a miniature specimen of stadium k if we look at the horns, and there- fore its horns never can be confounded with those of Koodoos of the types c , (j nor k , being slender and elegant like ^, but always the very small size — nay if adult — gives the finishing stroke; moreover the imherhis-hom^ never show the open spiral so constant in the kudu^ as Notes from tlae Leyden üMuseura , Vol. XII. AND STREPSICEROS IMBERBIS. 215 already pointed out by Blyth, Sclater and others. Blyth, Sclater and Willoughby ^) have published drawings of the horns of Str. imherUs : those given by Blyth , 1. c. p. 54 , represent loose horns and therefore learn nothing as to their position; the horn from base to tip measures 19^2 inches in a straight line and the greatest width apart (at the tips) is 12 inches, the proportion thus 1 to 0.6; the horns are however those of a two-thirds grown specimen; Dr. Sclater's figure (1. c. p. 47 , fig. 1 , not fig. 2) accords very well with the measurements on p. 46, the proportion of the latter being 1 to 0.48 and of the former 1 to 0.44 , the figure thus gives a very good impression of the rela- tive position of the horns; Captain Willoughby gives the length of horns from base to tips in a straight line 17 inches, width between the tips 14 inches (see explanation of plate 1 2) , the proportion thus being 1 to 0.82 , in the figure (front view) however the proportion is 1 to 0.54 ! The reason is that the length of the horns is about half an inch too great in the figure , meanwhile the distance of the tips has been accurately drawn at '/15 natural size: in the side view (see the same plate) the horns have been drawn still longer! at about i|,„ instead of Vis natural size! It is a great pity that the named figures have not accurately been drawn, because they are hitherto the only figures of a head with horns of an adult Lesser Koodoo. In the P. Z. S. L., 1884, is a beautifully colored plate of a young male specimen of the Lesser Koodoo (Plate IV) and our Museum has purchased a specimen of the same size which died some time ago in the London Zoological Gardens; according to Mr. Frank E. Beddard the locality of this specimen was Malindi, north of Mombas. As we possess also a young male specimen of about the same age of Str. kudu^ I will try to trace the external differences 1) East Africa and its big game, by Captain Sir John C. Willoughby, Bart. 1889, plate 1, figs. 2, 2. 2) By a mistake apparently he calls here the Lesser Koodoo, S(r. kudu. instead of Str. imberbis. Notes from th.e Xjeydeii Mu.seum, Vol. XU. 216 ON STREPSICEROS KUDU between the two species in young condition and to com- pare as far as possible their skulls. As I am not happy enough to possess an adult skin nor adult skull of Str. imherhis , I am forced to confine myself to a mere compa- rative study of the young ones , the external form moreover and the color of Str. kudu have been so often described and there are specimens in so many Museums that this species in adult stage needs no new description , mean- while the adult Lesser Koodoo seems not to differ very much from the young in color, as stated by Dr. Noack (Der Zoologische Garten, 1886, p. 40) who described one of Menges' Aderio or Str. imherhis as follows: »das Thier war ein noch nicht ganz erwachsenes Weibchen, welches in der Farbung genau mit dem Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, abgebildeten Bock übereinstimmte. Die Rückenhöhe desselben betrug etwa 66 cm/' A comparative description of the adult skull of Str. imherhis however remains still a desideratum. There is a young female specimen of Str. kudu figured in Gray's Knowsley's Menagerie, 1850, pi. 24, fig. 2, and the named author states, I.e. p. 26: »in the Frankfort Museum there is a male and female adult, a half-grown and young specimens ; in the India House Museum is another specimen, all from Abyssinia. They do not appear to dif- fer from the Cape specimens, except in being smaller." As the specimen from the India House Museum has turned out to be a true imherhis , Messrs. Gray , Blyth and Sclater had reason to suppose that there is in the Frankfort Museum a whole and complete series of this interesting species! Dr. Noll at Frankfort, however, kindly furnished me with the following information: »Das Senckenbergische Museum zu Frankfurt a. M. besitzt 4 Kudu Antilopen, 1 cf und 2 9 s-d- und 1 cf juv. Dieselben sind 1834 von Dr. Ed. Riippell in Abyssinien erlegt. (ƒ und 1 Q sind gut behaart , das 9 heller braun mit 8 weisslichen Streifen , das andere 9 is* schlecht im Haar, die Streifen nur ange- deutet , das Junge hat 5 Streifen , das alte <ƒ 7 Streifen , Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. AND STREPSICEROS IMBERBIS. 217 wovon 3 auf den Hinterbacken. Die Nackenmahne ist bei den 3 ad. noch teilweise vorhanden , am meisten bei dem cT- Dies allein hat den starken Haarkamm an der Unter- seite des Kopfes von dessen Mitte an und am Halse , die 9 nichts davon. Bei dem Jungen ist er schon angedeutet; wo er an den Vorderbeinen auf hort, beginnt bei dem Jungen (ƒ eine schwarze Linie in der Mitte des Bauches, die sich vor dem Penis erweitert und einen ovalen weissen Fleck einschliesst. Die Lange der Horner betragt bei dem cT in gerader Linie 85 cm. , der Kante auf den Windungen (Leiste) entlang 113 cm. Der Abstand der Spitzen der Horner von einander ist 87 cm." The above cited communication shows to evidence that the Frankfort specimens are true Koodoos, Sir. kudu^ as is indi- cated by the maned underparts of the neck, by the open spiral of the horns (113 cm.) , and by the position of the horns which agrees nearly with the third type , distinguished by me on p. 214 (see plate 9 , fig. c). The relative shortness (85 cm.) of the horns demonstrates that the specimen had not yet attained its full developmeot, and so we understand how Gray could write of the Frankfort-Koodoos » smaller'^ (in Knowsley's Menagerie), but Gray, Blyth and Sclater were mistaken where they distinguished these specimens from the true kudu , under the name tendal or imberhis. Our young male Str. kudu died in December 1878 in the Amsterdam Zoological Gardens; it is a little younger than our young imberhis-vaBXe, , as its smaller horns and less developed dentition clearly demonstrate. Its greater size however immediately points out that it belongs to a form larger in every age. Measurements in centimeters : kudu, imberhis. Height at the shoulders 97 83 Length of horns 9 9 Distance between their tips 17.5 9 » •» eye and end of muzzle 17 14 Length of ear 19 14 Circumference at base of horns. ... 10 8 Notes from ttie Leyden JMuseuiii, Vol. X^II. 218 ON STREPSICEROS KUDU la a somewhat older male of Str. kudu, died in Amster- dam (March 1879) and at present in our Museum, the fol- lowing dimensions are not without interest: era. Length of horns (no trace of spirature) 23 Distance between their tips . . . . 31 Circumference at the base 14 The horns of the young kudu are round at the base and show no trace of the well developed prominent angu- lation in the imherhis of about the same age and in the older ^Mi^M-specimen. Very remarkable is the different posi- tion of the horns with respect to the skull , resp. to the head ; in the young kudu the horns are placed nearly in one plain with nose and forehead , about like in Anoa depressicornis , meanwhile in the young imherhis they form an angle with the head, about like in Portax picta. The fur of the imherhis generally is much more lively colored, with a darker hue and the white stripes and ditto patches are more prominent. This darker hue results from the fact that the kudu has the hairs uniformly colored from base to tip , a few hairs having black tips , meanwhile in imherhis, with a few exceptions, all the hairs are black- tipped: moreover the brown color in kudu may be called a dirty rufous and in imherhis a fine chestnut. The dark colored mane running from between the horns along the spine of the back pass away at a certain distance above the shoulders and is substituted by a pure white line ending at a short distance from the base of the tail : in our young kudu this white line is interrupted near its end by broad dark colored stripes. From this white line descend the well known stripes , pure white and very striking in imherhis , dirty white and very indistinct , often nearly imperceptible , in kudu : the number of these stripes is very inconstant and is different on both sides in the same specimen , but always much greater in imherhis than in kudu : in our young imherhis there are 12 stripes on the right side and 13 on the left, ^otes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XII. AND STREPSICEROS IMBERBIS. 219 between them are spread some pure white spots especially on the thighs; our young kudu shows 6 indistinct stripes on each side , our old male has 9 and the female 6 stripes. Mr. Huet ascribes to the species »7 lignes verticales", Josef Menges 4—5, Dr. Noll 5, 7 and 8, Dr. Noack 7, Smith 7 — 8 in cT, and in 9 ^^^ number is generally greater, some of them occasionally bifurcate, and the white is less pure; Hamilton Smith (1827) assured that the cf has four or five white lines from behind the shoulders to the hips , and two, three or four more across the croup, forming in all eight or nine cross streaks, the Q is faintly marked with three or four cross lines on the sides and one or none on the thisfhs , meanwhile in the calves the marks are less perceptible; according to Schreber there are» 7 — 9 mehr oder weniger deutliche , weisse Querstreifen an den beiden Seiten. Die Lange, Zahl uud Vertheilung derselben ist abweichend, so wie auch selbst der weisse Streifen auf dem Rückengrath bisweilen gar nicht vorhanden ist. Die Seitenstreifen sind bei den Weibchen schwacher, auch scheinen sie sich überhaupt mit zunehmendera Alter zu vermindern. Bei einem jungeu Ex. in der Par. Gallerie lassen sich 9 Seitenstreifen deutlich bemerken, bei einem ausgewachsenen sind nur 7 derselben vollkommen sichtbar, die drei übrigen kaum zu unterscheiden." According to Dr. Sclater's figure in P. Z. S. L. 1884, there are in imberhis about 1 1 stripes , Josef Menges reports 12 to 15, Dr. Noack 11 to 13 and Mr. Huet 12. In conclusion the number of white stripes in kudu never exceeds 10 and in imberhis always is greater than 10. In kudu the throat is adorned with a mane, in imberhis with the well known two large pure white spots , but what is unknown and very interesting is that our young kudu shows a well developed fringe of hairs or mane , and at the same time represents the two white spots of the imberhis, although in smaller dimensions but on about the same place on the throat, and the mane hairs at these white spots are white colored , thus very strikingly con- Notes frona thie Leyden JMiisexina , Vol. X!II. 220 ON STREPSICEROS KUDU trasting with the more or less dark brown color of the rest of the mane. Smith relates that »the sides of the head (of Str. kudu) are variegated with several small irregular white spots, one in front of each ear, one under each lower eye- lid and one on each cheek." It seems to me that only two cheek-spots are rather constantly present as well in kudu as in imberbis, although in our halfgrown speci- men of kudu no cheek-spots are perceptible, in our young kudu the left cheek only has one spot and Mr. Selous figures in his » Hunter's wanderings in Africa" two kudu- heads each with three cheek-spots: I suppose that we have here to do with abnormalities. In our young imberbis the so very characteristic white angular line on the nose is not yet wholly developed , the top of the angle is wanting. The tail near its basal part bears a pure white circle in our young imberbis^ not present in our young kudu. In the skulls of our young kudu and imberbis there are some striking features which I shortly wish to point out. The coronoid process is surprisingly much more arched and bent down in kudu; although the greatest length of the kudu-sknW measures about 3 centimeters more than the same length in imberbis, the distance between the first upperpremolar and the end of the premaxilla differs only 3 millimeters in the two skulls; the kudu has the bony palate much more concave and this for a greater extent, and the hindmost part of the palate ends in kudu more in a curved line and in imberbis in a rather sharp angle. In some Antelopes: Anoa depressicornis ., Kobus ellipsiprym- nus , Aepijceros melampus , Euryceros euryceros , Tragelaphus sylvaticus and Oreas oreas , each nasal bone presents a more or less deep incision, so that the nasal bones may be called bilobate : in oreas the incision is very deep , dividing that bone in a very elongate outer lobe and a shorter inner lobe. In kudu and imberbis the deep incision divides each nasal bone in two very elongate lobes of about the same length. Notes from the Leyden IMuseum, "Vol. XII. AND STREPSICEROS IMBERBIS. 221 Str. kudu has been met with from Abyssinia to the Cape Colony , where it is still fairly abundant in the eastern province (see Bryden's Kloof and Karroo, 1889, p. 292); kudu and imberbis (according to Dr. Noack , der Zoologische Garten, 1886, p. 42) leben nebeneinander in den Gebir- gen der Somalihalbinsel auf trocknem Pelsboden ; Josef Menges (Petermann's Mittheilungen , 1884, p. 408) reports »die kleine Kudu Antilope (Aderio) des Somalilandes ist im ganzen Gebirge noch zahlreicher als die grosse Art." From Somali-land the imberbis has been found southward to till the Juba River, as we know from a letter written to Dr. Sclater by Mr. F. Holmwood , Consul at Zanzibar (P. Z. S. L. 1884, p. 48) with the following note: »I have seen the dwarf-koodoo in the neighbourhood of the Juba River , which is exactly under the Equator." In »Zoologischer Jahrbücher, 1887, p. 210" we find a very strange statement. Dr. Th. Noack relates: » Streps, imberbis kommt nach einem vom Prinzen Samson Dido nach Hambu rg gebrachten Fell eines Pullus audi in West- Afrika vor." I^otes from the Leyden JMuseum, Vol. XJJ. 222 PITHECHIR MELANURUS. NOTE XXXVIII. ON TWO VERY RARE, NEARLY FORGOTTEN AND OFTEN MISUNDERSTOOD MAMMALS FROM THE MALAYAN ARCHIPELAGO. Dr. P. A. JENTINK. September 1890. Pithechir melanurus S. Muller. (Plate 9). Among other papers and drawings belonging to the inheritance of the lamented Alfred Duvaucel, there was a drawing of an animal, reproduced in the well known splendid work entitled » Histoire naturelle des Mammifères", and described after that drawing by Mr. F. Cuvier. Cuv^ier called the animal »le Pithéchéir ou Pithechir melanure" and characterized it in the following terms: »ce Mammifère se rapproche des Rats et des Sarigues, sans toutefois pouvoir être réuui intimement ni a I'un ni a I'autre de ces genres. La tête et la queue rappellent la tête et la queue des Rats, tandis que les pieds de derrière et un peu la tête rappellent les Pédimanes américains. Mais les pouces, très-séparés aux pieds de derrière, avec un ongle plat, et ceux des pieds de devant , quoique tres courts , garnis aussi d'ongles aplatis et paraissant egalement oppo- sables aux autres doigts, ne permettent pas d'admettre cet animal parmi les Rats; on ne peut pas davantage le con- siderer comme une Sarigue, a cause de ce pouce des membres antérieurs et de sa queue non prenante. D'après ces caractères, tirés des organes du mouvement, le Pithé- chéir nous présenterait le type d'un genre nouveau , et Notes from the Leyden M.useuiu, Vol. XII. PITHECHIR MELANURUS. 223 probablement de l'ordre des Rongeurs ou de la familie des Pédimanes; mais cette question restera douteuse jusqu'a ce qu'on ait connaissaace de son système de dentition. Les couleurs de son pelage, d'un beau fauve uniforme et sa queue noire l'éloignent également des genres dont nous venons de parier. Eu effet, toutes les espèces qui consti- tuent ces genres sont revêtues d'un pelage terne , et elles sont en assez grand nombre pour qu'on puisse en induire qu'il n'est pas dans leur nature qu'elles soient revêtues d'un pelage brillant. Je puis indiquer ni la taille de eet animal ni sa patrie. Sous Ie premier rapport, en Ie jugeant par analogie, nous lui donnerions la taille d'un grand Rat. Quant aux con- trées oü il vit et oü il se trouvera saus doute un jour, j'ai lieu de présumer, de l'époque oü il m'est parvenu et des peintures qui accompagnaient la sienne, qu'il est ori- ginaire des provinces du Nord de Bengale , si ce n'est des parties occidentales de Sumatra (Février 1833)." The colored figure which accompanies Cuvier's clear and elegant description is indicated as being »de grandeur naturelle". From the foregoing the questions arise, 1° as to the true habitat of the animal, 2° its size, 8° if it is a Rodent, a Marsupial or if it belongs to another order, and finally, 4° if Duvaucel's figure accurately represents the animal? It generally is an unknown fact, that, mean- while the Pithechir melanure is not to be found represen- ted in any other Museum , there are two well preserved specimens in the Leyden Museum. These individuals have been collected in 1834 by S. Muller, the zealed member of the so called Natuurkundige Commissie (Physical Com- mission). This most interesting discovery has been mentioned in a few words by S. Muller in the first part of the » Verhande- lingen over de natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overzeesche bezittingen. Zoölogie, 1839, p. 36"; we read there: »we procured a specimen of the red bushrat, figured by Fr. Cuvier as Pithechir melanure , in Java, to the northern side of Mount Gédé, at an elevation of about 1600 me- JN'otes from the I-ieyden IMuseura , Vol. 2UI. 224 PITHECHIR MELANURUS. ters above the level of the sea ; the people were felling a tree , in a hollow branch of which the animal had its nest , made from moss and wherein it apparently had been sleeping and so we get it by chance." In an enumeration of the collected animals 1. c. the named author (Dr. S. Muller) called the species Pithee/nr melanurus. — Our second specimen is from Sumatra and was likewise collected by S. Muller. Although I always and again and again have fixed the attention of officers , col- lectors and travellers upon the animal in question and often supported their memory by colored drawings, nobody has been happy enough to procure nor even to observe it. Professor Schlegel twice mentioned the species, viz. : in » Handleiding tot de beoefening der Dierkunde, 1857, T. I, p. 70", where he said that it is an animal from Java and Deccan, and in »De Dierentuin, 1872, p. 77", with the localities Java and Hindostan. Mr. Paul Gervais (Histoire naturelle des Mammifères, 1854, T. I, p. 275) gives a very bad reproduction of Cuvier's fine colored plate, calls the genus »P^Y/^e6'/^g^VMs Cuvier" and the species » Pithecheirus melanurus Cuvier" (Cuvier has not given a latin or greek title to our animal before the year 1 842 (table générale, p. 4), when he called the species Pithecheir melanurus^ but Dr. S. Muller, see antea) and remarks: »a en juger par la figure due a Duvaucel , le Pithecheir me semble avoir bien plus d'analogie avec les Ptilocerqms qu' avec les Rongeurs , mais je ne puis donner a I'appui de ce rap- prochement aucune observation precise, n'ayant observe le Pithecheir dans aucun des Musées que j'ai visites." If Mr, Gervais had paid a » visite" to the Leyden Museum before making such an improbable hypothesis, he would have seen two specimens of the species in question ! Professor J. van der Hoeven wrote a short paper con- cerning our animal, in 1859, » Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen , deel 9, p. 50", translated in Annals and Magazine of natural history, 1859, Vol. Ill, p. 470. Prof, van der Hoeven mentions both specimens in our collection and made the following ^otes from tlie Leyden JMuseuxu, Vol. !XII. PITHECHIR MELANURUS. 225 ingenious and exact remarks : that the tail is not black so that the name melanurus is not applicable to the animal , that the Java-specimen has the belly whitish, that the skull is wanting; and he suggested that the teeth must resemble those of other species of the genus Mus : moreover V. d. Hoeven gives some measurements of body and tail. Dr. Trouessart (Catalogue des Mammifères vivants et fossiles, Rongeurs, 1881, corrigenda) accepted Gervais* statement, called the Pithechir melanurus S. M.ü\\qy, Pithe- cheirus melanurus F. Cuvier , and did not mention the well- known » Verhandelingen." There is in the Berlin Museum a small mouse, described and figured by Professor Peters in 1868 (Monatsb. d. kön. Preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, p. 448, pi. 1), from an unknown locality (der Fundort ist wahrscheinlich in Africa zu suchen). Peters bestowed upon it the name of Chiropodomys penicillatus. Dr. Trouessart (1. c.) remarked : »M. le Professeur Peters de Berlin nous informe que le Chiropodomys penicillatus est identique au Pithecheirus mela- 7iurus de Fr. Cuvier, et que , selon toute probabilite , la patrie de cette espèce est bien Java et non I'Afrique ouest." I have seen this little creature and could convince myself and Dr. Peters too that it has nothing to do with our P. melanurus, as it is nearly fullgrown (see the dentition in Peters' figures) and attains about half the size of the latter; moreover Peters said »cauda pilis setaceis brevibus, versus apicem longioribus vestita" (see the tail in Peters' figure) meanwhile P. melanurus has not a trace oï a tufted tail , a. s. o. It is a fact avowed by every naturalist , that the Leyden Museum contains one of the largest collections of the whole world , and it is a fact too well known and deplored by all zoologists , that the number of scientific men , assigned to preserve and to study those immense collections, is infe- rior to that of the scientific workers in the entomolo- gical department of the British Museum. And if therefore for our scientific stafi" it at present is an impossibility to Notes from tlie Leyden ÜMuseum , Vol. XII. 15 226 PITHECIIIU MELANURUS. survey all our invaluable treasures , it will be somewhat comprehensible, how the things stand in our Museum some 30, 40 years ago, when the scientific workers were still less in number than at present, and just at that time the collections were increasing day by day ! Under such bad circumstances a great deal of work remained undone and many valuable specimen was getting away or lost for ever ! Several years successively Prof. Schlegel had all the Vertebrates under his charge ! It there- fore was no wonder that I found in 1875 several hundred skulls, belonging to stujBFed mammals; these skulls were uncleaned and not always carefully labeled. In the course of years I happened to bring order in that mass, although as a matter of course not always without mistakes, and so merely a couple of dozens still remained undetermined. Among the latter my friend Oldfield Thomas from the British Museum met with two skulls labeled »Java and Sumatra, 1834" and bearing the same marks as the stuffed specimens of P. melanurus in the collection , and with a very high grade of probability I labeled these skulls as belonging to our specimens of the named species, and exhibited them under that name in my Catalogue osteologique , 1887, p. 215, although with a note of in- terrogation. Having not detected in our Museum other Mice-specimens to which these skulls may belong, I now am convinced that we have here the two wanting skulls of the stuffed specimens of P. melanurus. The skull of the Java-specimen has been reproduced on plate 9, figs 1, 2, 3 and 4. The following measurements are those of the Java *) specimen , in millimeters : 1) In V. d. Hoeven's paper is a mistake corrected, not correctly however, in the english translation. V. d. Hoeven writes in dutch, 1. c. p. 52: »het voorwerp van Sumatra is 0,360 lang, waarvan de kop ongeveer 0.048 inneemt, de staart 0.175. Het grootere voorwerp van Suma/ra is lichter ros gekleurd." This has heen translated in A. M. N. H. 1859, p. 471 thus: /,The specimen from Java is . . . The larger specimen from Sumatra is of a lighter red colour." Notes from the Leyden IMuseutn, Vol. XII. PITHECHIR MELANURUS. 227 Head and body 209 Tail 186 Hind foot with claws 30 Ear 15 Length of skull 41 Greatest breadth 22 Length of upper molar series 9 Distance between upper incisor and first molar . 11 Incisors smooth , upper incisors orange colored , lower ones yellow. Fur very long and very soft to touch; hairs of belly uniformly reddish white in the Sumatra-specimen , pure white in the Java-specimen : all the other hairs have their basal half dark mouse-color and their terminal half more or less reddish (fauve apud Cuvier) : the tail is reddish , perhaps decolored; ears and feet reddish, nails horn-brown. For the rest 1 refer to Cuvier and v. d. Hoeven. From all what has been reported concerning it, we may now conclude , that Pithechir melanurus S. Muller lives in Su- matra and West-Java, that Duvaucel's drawing represents the animal in its natural size and has been satisfactorily accurate drawn , and finally that the animal is a true Mouse. NB. There is in the » Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde van Natura Artis Magistra, Feestnummer, Amsterdam, 1888" a paper, written by Mr. K. N. S wierstra, one of the mem- bers of the scientific staff of that splendid institution, and entitled »Naamliist van levende dieren, 1838 — 1888." On p. 15 of that paper the author states that in 1871 lived in the named Zoological Garden a specimen of Pithicheirus melanurus from East-Java, Padjarakan. I am imformed by Mr. Swierstra that unhappily that animal has not been The specimen from Java however is the largest and the lightest colored and has the white belly (see also v. d. Hoeven, p. 51 and A. M. N. H. p. 471), therefore the correction in A. M. N. H. should have been as follows: »The specimen from Sumatra is . . . The larger specimen is from .7«m and of a lighter red colour." Notes from the Leyden ÜMuseum, Vol. X!II. 228 TUPAJA DORSALTS. preserved in the Museum and that nobody knows anything about its fate. If the animal has not been confounded with another, then East-Java is a third locality for this most interesting species. Dr. Kerbert, Director of Natura Artis Magistra at Am- sterdam kindly informed me that the named Zool. Society received on October 22, 1870 a living mouse, presented by Mr. van Vloten from Padjarakan, a sugar-manufacture in the Probolingo Residency , East Java and registered by Dr. Westerman as Pithecheir melanurus? and that the in- dividual truly has been lost. Tu p aj a dorsalis Schlegel. There are in our Museum two small Tupa/a-specimens , being the types of Tupaja dorsalis described and figured in 1857 by Professor Schlegel (Handleiding tot de beoefe- ning der Dierkunde, deel 1, p. 59, plaat III, fig. 31) in these terms : » Tupaja dorsalis from Borneo has a slender tail and a black stripe on the back." In 1872 Professor Schlegel again described and figured it (De Dierentuin van bet Kon. Zool. Gen. Natura Artis Magistra, Mammalia, pp. 61 and 62). This also very short description runs as follows: »In another species from Borneo, Tupaja dorsalis ^ the tail is more slender (than in Tupaja tana) and the back is lengthwise adorned with a black stripe." Having extracted the skull from one of the typical specimens,' I saw that it was not yet fullgrown and sup- posing that the diiference in color between them and T. tana (in tana likewise the deep black stripe on the back is very well developed , although only from between the ears to halfway the hack) would merely be due to age , I exhibited Schlegel's species as young specimens of the latter species in my Catalogues (Cat. Ost. 1887, p. 240 and Cat. Syst, 1888, p. 116). Shortly afterwards however a more accurate study convinced me that I was in error and I now will try to expose the grounds upon which Notes from the Leyden Museum , ~V"ol. XII. TUPAJA DORSALIS, 2'29 my belief in the validity of Tupaja dorsalis Schlegel is based. 1 already remarked that the specimens are not yet full- grown , indeed in both rami the penultimate upper premo- lar of the milk- dentition still is present although pushed aloft by the permanent premolar, which is very good to see , meanwhile in the lower jaw the hindmost premolar has not yet attained its full development. For the rest the teeth and their relative position in the jaws do not mate- rially differ from the same organs in Tupaja tana ; the dimensions of the skull like those of the teeth are gene- rally smaller than in that species; the difference in size however is important enough for specific distinction, as may be obvious from the following measurements in millimeters : T. tana. ■^) T. dorsalis. Length of skull 66 48 » » lower jaw 43 33 Across zygomatic arches .... 30 21 Length of bony palate 36 26 » » nasal bones 18 The skull of T. dorsalis has the slender elongate form as the same part of T. tana, and herein greatly differs from T. ferruginea , javanica and other Tupaja's. The fur is very soft: the moderately long fur of the upperparts of the body abruptly about half way the sides of the body turns in much shorter and adpressed fur of the underparts. The fur of the upperparts has a rufous brown tinge, browner and more or less grizzled towards the anterior half of the back and fore-legs: the basal part of each hair is of a dark mouse-color. From a point be- tween the ears runs a very good developed deep black stripe along the spine of the back to the base of the tail. The shoulder-stripe is yellowish white. The hairs of the belly and chest are entirely reddish white or white along the middle; the sides of the belly have a more brownish red 1) Skull c of my Catalogue osteologique. Notes iroaa the Leyden IMuseam, Vol. XII. 230 TUPAJA DORSALIS. tinge. The tail is very sleuder; its hairs are rather short, the longest measure about 15 millimeters. mm. Length of head and body 185 » » tail with tuft 165 » » hindfoot with claws 40 Our two typical specimens agree exactly in size and color with each other. They have been collected by Schwaner, one of the mem- bers of the old » Natuurkundige Commissie", in North Western Borneo , in the neighborhood of the Kapoeas- river. My friend Oldfield Thomas kindly informed me that the British Museum has received from Mr. A. H. Everett one specimen from Baram , East Sarawak , and two from Mount Penrisen, West Sarawak. Notes from tlie Leyden Museum, "Vol. XII. DESCRIPTIONS OF EARTHWORMS. 231 NOTE XXXIX. DESCRIPTIONS OF EARTHWORMS. BY Dr. R. HORST. V. On two new Perichaeta-s^ecies from Billiton. (Plate 10). Among the animals, collected by Dr. A. Vorderman in the island of Billiton ^) and presented to our Museum , I met with some earthworms belonging to the genus Perichaeta , which appear to be hitherto undescribed. Perichaeta vorderma7ini, n. sp. The largest of the two specimens measures 315 mm. in length; the number of its segments amounts to 175. The colour is a yellowish brown, somewhat darker in the an- terior portion of the body ; a region around the male ge- nerative pores and the ridge of setae around each segment are whitish coloured. The peristomial segment and the prostomium could not be recognized , as the cuticula has loosened from the body- wall and the buccal cavity is partially everted. The ante- rior three segments have about the same length, but in the succeeding ones the longitudinal diameter is gradually 1) See p. 149 of this volume. Notes from the Leyden JMuseum , Vol. XII. 232 DESCRIPTIONS OF EARTHWORMS. increasing, so that the segments in front of the clitellum are twice as long as those of the cephalic region. The seg- ments of the caudal region are short , closely pressed toge- ther, with a prominent ridge of setae, giving to this portion of the body a somewhat serrated appearance. The clitellum occupies the usual number of segments 14 — IG; but neither the intersegmental grooves, nor the setae are visible upon it. The dorsal pores appear to be absent in the anterior body-region ; the first of them is situated in front of the clitellum, between the 13th and 14th ring. There are four conspicuous pores of the spermathecae on each side of the body , between the segments 5 and 6, 6 and 7, 7 and 8, and 8 and 9. A single oviducal pore is situated on the ventral side of the 14th segment. The male generative pores (fig. 1) upon the 18th ring are surrounded by a glandular area, which extends over segment 17 and 19 and bears several copu- latory papillae. The 17th and 19th segment each have a pair of papillae situated just in the series of setae; behind each papilla upon segment 17 and in front of those of segment 19 there is a transversal sucker-shaped groove. The large papillae of segment 18, bearing the male pores , just correspond in position with these grooves ; moreover this segment has another pair of small low papillae situated on each side of the ventral median line and in front of the circle of setae. At the ventral side of segment 7 and 8 there is a pair of inconspicuous papillae, situated behind the row of setae. The setae are arranged in a continuous row; in the seg- ments succeeding to the clitellum their number is about 80, in- creasing in those of the caudal region to 90. On the contrary in the anterior segments their number is gradually diminishing. Concerning the internal anatomy could be stated , that the 5th , 6th and 7th septum are specially thick- ened and funnel-shaped , entirely bidding the oesopha- gus. The 7th septum does not exactly originate from the Notes from the Leyden IMuseum , "Vol. XII. DESCRIPTIONS OF EARTHWORMS. 233 intersegmental groove between segment 7 and 8 , but about from the middle of the 7th segment. The 8th septum is absent and the 9th one, instead of being inserted at the boundary of segment 9 and 10, originates from the middle of the ninth segment. The septa 10 , 11 and 12 are rather thick and muscular , on the contrary the 9th one is thin and membranaceous. The gizzard lies between the 7th and 9th septum and therefore appears to belong to the segments 8 and 9. The portion of the intestinal canal, occupying septum 11 and 12 has a thick glandular wall, provided with numerous lamellar folds; the sacculated intestine commences in segment 15. In the 26th segment the intes- tinal canal is provided with a pair of tubular coeca , direc- ted forwards. The nephridia are represented by a network of small tubules; in the anterior segments they occupy the total internal side of the body-wall; in the succeeding segments however they are confined to the vicinity of the mesenteries. The main stems of the vascular system consist of a dor- sal, a ventral, a supra-intestinal and an infra-intestinal vessel, moreover there are a pair of strong lateral vessels along the ventral side of the gizzard ; the dorsal and ven- tral vessel communicate by four pairs of commissural vessels in segment 6 , 7,8 and 9. In the succeeding segments 10 — 13 large abdominal hearts are situated, which arise from the supra-intestinal vessel. The four pairs of spermathecae occupy segment 6,7,8 and 9 ; as the 8th septum is absent , the two last pairs of them are not separated by any mesentery. Each spermatheca (fig. 2) consists of a long tubular pouch, provided with several transversal, parallel grooves and of a small stalked diverticulum , which reaches to the half of its length ; in neither of them the presence of spermatozoa could be stated. The sperm-sacs are situated in segment 10, 11 and 12 and enclose the funnels of the vasa deferentia, Avhich termi- nate in segment 18 with a horseshoe-shaped muscular duct; the prostate (fig. 3) attached to it is a large lobated organ. Notes from tlio Leyden ]Vlus0uiii , Vol. XII. 234 DESCRIPTrONS OF EARTHWORMS. extending over nearly six segments. In segment 17, 18 and ] 9 on each side of the ventral nerve-cord a longitu- dinal glandular thickening is visible , corresponding with the external papillae. Though we know several PgnV/iaeto-species , which pos- sess four pairs of spermathecae , our specimens could not be identified with one of them ; therefore this new species may be called after Mr. Vorderman, who collected them. P. vordermanni is without doubt closely allied to P. feae Rosa ^), — modiglianii Rosa ^), — vaillanti Beddard ^), — indica Horst *) , and — posthuma Vaill. ( — a (finis Perrier) , especially to the two last named species. However in P. posthuma , according to the description and figures of Vail- lant ^), Perrier ^) and Beddard '), the spermatheca is a pear- shaped pouch with a small , short diverticulum and there is only a pair of papillae upon segment 17 and 19. P. indica has a much smaller number of setae in a row (42 to 48) , and possesses no papillae at all , as likely is the case in P. vaillanti and P. feae. P. modiglianii from Nias differs , according to Rosa's description , by having only two small papillae on the internal side of each papilla bearing the male pore. Perichaeta sluiteri, n. sp. We possess four specimens of this Perichaeta ; the hn^ih. of the largest of them is 190 mm., the number of its segments amounting to 135. The colour is yellowish brown , 1) Perichetidi di Birmania; Ann. del Museo Civ. di St. Nat. di Genova, Ser. 2, Vol. VI (1888), p. 161. 2) Lombrichi raccolti nell' isola Nias; the same Journal Ser. 2, Vol. VI [ (1889), p. 1. 3) Worms of the genus Perichaeta; Proceed. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, p. 52. 4) Midden-Sumatra, DI. IV, Natuurl. Historie, 12e Afd. Vermes, p. 3. — Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. V (1883), p. 182. 5) Ann. Sc. Nat. Zoölogie, 5e Ser. Ï. 10 (1868), p. 228. 6) Nouv. Arch, du Muséum, T. VII, p. 106. 7) Ann. and Mag. Nat.-Hist. 1886, p. 93. ^otes from the Leyden Museum, Vo!. >Lil. DESCRIPTIONS OF EARTHWORMS. 235 darker on the clitellum; the ridge of setae on each seg- ment is whitish. The longitudinal diameter of the segments gradually increases from the head to the clitellum , so that the segments 10, 11 and 12 are about twice as long as the anterior segments. The male pores occupy the usual position upon a large transverse papilla, situated just in the row of setae. Each pore lies in the external half of this papilla upon a small area, surrounded by a circular groove; its internal half is occupied by a glandular mass. There are two pairs of pores of the spermathecae in the intersegmental groove of segment 7 and 8 , 8 and 9 , sur- rounded by a small glandular area. The dorsal pores com- mence between the 11th and 12th segment. No copulatory papillae are visible. The setae form a continuous row , only with a small gap in the ventral median line; their number upon the segments in the vicinity of the clitellum is about 60, in the caudal region however it increases to 75. Upon the ventral side the setae are more closely placed than upon the dorsum and about twice as long. There are no setae upon the clitellum and the papillae of the 18th segment. The 5th, 6th and 7th septum are specially thickened; the 8th one is absent, the 9th is membranaceous. This 9th septum , instead of originating from the intersegmental groove of segment 9 and 10 , is inserted upon the middle of the 9th segment , and pushed backwards by the gizzard. That really the 8th septum is wanting may be concluded from the fact , that the two pairs of spermathecae are situated between the 7th septum and the next one. Each spermatheca is a pear-shaped pouch (fig, 4) with a short excretory duct; next to it lies a tubular diverti- culum, bent upon itself like a » Pan's pipe" and dilated at its end in a small vesicle, which is filled with sperma- tozoa. The sperm-sacs occupy the segments 10, 11 and 12; they are not connected by a median sac, and the two last pairs are specially large. The terminal portion of the vasa deferentia is a S-like bent muscular duct of the usual shape. Notes frora th.e Leyden ]VIu.seu.m , "Vol. XII. 236 DESCRIPTIONS ÜF EARTHWORMS. The prostata (fig. 5) is a lobatecl organ , about as long as broad ; it is divided by a deep notch in two halfs , which show four or five secundary lobes. The gizzard belongs to segment 8 and 9; in the 11th and 12tli segment the wall of the intestine shows a glan- dular thickening. The sacculated intestine commences in segment 15; intestinal coeca are present in the 2Gth segment. The vascular system possesses the usual structure ; intes- tinal hearts are situated in segment 10, 11, 12 and 13. The nephridia form a tuft of small tubules , specially visible in the anterior segments. Going over the known Ferichaeta-species , with two pairs of spermathecae , specially those from the Malayan Region , the specimens from Billitou could not be identified with one of them. This new species may be named in honour of Dr. C. Ph. Sluiter, the well-known naturalist of Batavia. In regard to the structure of the spermathecae P. sluiteri shows much resemblance to P. quadragenaria Perrier '); however according to Perrier's description this species has only one pair of spermathecae and no more than 40 setae in each row. P. sumatrana Horst 2) also differs by its small- er number of setae (38) ; in his turn P. hasseltii Horst '') is distinguished by the closely placed ventral setae, as well as by the shape of the spermathecae. In P. musica Horst (fig. 6) and P. annulata Horst (fig. 7) the spermathecae have also a totally different structure; moreover the first named species has a much greater number of setae in each row (100). Leyden Museum, October 1890. 1) loc. cit. p. 122. 3) loc. cit. p. 5 , fig. 2. 3) loc. cit. p. 6, fig. 3. Notes from tlie Leyden IMuseum, "Vol XII. DESCRIPTIONS OF EARTHWORMS. 237 EXPLANATION OF Plate 10. Fig. 1. Perichaeta vordermanni Horst; ventral view of seg- ment 17 — 19, to show the papillae and grooves in the vicinity of the male pores, x 3 diam. Fig. 2. Spermatheca of the same species, x 8 diam. Fig. 3. Prostata and ventral glandular thickenings of the same species. X 3 diam. Fig. 4. Perichaeta sluiteri Horst ; spermatheca. x 8 diam. Fig. 5. Prostata of the same species. X 9 diam. Fig. 6. Perichaeta musica Horst; spermatheca. X 4 diam. Fig. 7. Perichaeta annulata Horst; spermatheca magnified. Notes from the Leyden Miuseum, Vol. X.II. 238 PÜTERIOPHORUS VAN DE POLLI. NOTE XL. DESCRIPTION DE DEUX ESPÈCES NOUYELLES DU GENRE POTERIOPIIORUS, SCHH. DE LA FAMILLE DES CURCULIONIDES. W. ROELOFS. Poteriophorus Van de Polli^ n. sp. Q. D'une forme assez large; blauc en dessus, brun-jaunatre en dessous. Prosternum avec uue protuberance en forme de corne recourbée. — Longueur (sans Ie rostre) 28 mm. ; largeur aux épaules 13 mm. Plus large en proportion de la longueur que P. niveus ; les teguments noirs couverts d'un enduit blanc sur la tête , Ie protborax et les élytres , plus jaunritre sur les antennes , les pattes et Ie pygidium ; dessous d'un brun- jauuatre variant du brun foncé au brun clair. Rostre plus long que la tête et Ie protborax pris ensem- ble , robuste , régulièrement courbé , aminei prés de l'extré- mité oü se trouve une nouvelle courbe un peu anguleuse; les cótés sont pourvus d'une rainure graduellement plus profonde vers Ie bout et grossièrement ponctuée devant les yeux. Le dessus du rostre est finement ponctué, avec une lio"ne peu marquee a la base et une depression au dessus de la boucbe; le dessous porte une double rangée de gros poils brun-jaunatres , serres. — Dernier article des anten- nes et boucbe noirs. Protborax assez large , rétréci prés de son bord antérieur , obsolètement ponctué par dessus, plus fortement sur les cótés et le prosternum. Le dernier présente au milieu de sa partie antérieure un espace garni de poils bruns. Il est armé entre les pattes antérieures d'une protuberance en Notes from ttie Leyden ÜVEuseum, "Vol. X.II. POTERIOPHORUS VAN DE POLLI. 239 forme de forte corne recourbée vers l'avant et dénudée a la pointe. — Ecusson déprimé, jaunatre. Elytres isolement arrondies au bout , un peu transversa- lement déprimées a la base et vers Ie milieu, striées et obsolètemeut ponctuées; leur base présente de petites échan- crures a la naissance des S^*, 4"^% et 5es stries. Dessous du métasternum avec une ponctuation tres serrée , ses cótés et ceux du mésosternum avec une ponc- tuation en forme d'ocelles conflueutes. Abdomen couvert d'une ponctuation qui devient plus serrée sur Ie dernier segment et Ie pygidium. Sur les jambes se voient quelques rangées de cils courts et serres , leur tranche intérieure porte deux rangs de poils plus longs. Cuisses ponctuées, portaut des poils courts sur leur tranche inférieure. ün individu femelle dans la collection de Mr. Neervoort van de Poll et capture par Mr. A. H. Morees a Padang Oelak Tanding , residence de Palembang , ile de Sumatra. L'espèce offre des analogies avec P. niveus , mais parait plus voisine de P. [Hyposarothra) imperatrix White , dont l'auteur n'a connu également qu'un individu femelle. Cette espèce est originaire des Philippines. Je ne la conuais pas en nature, mais d'après la description (Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist., Ser. 2, Vol. I, pag. 107 et suivants) et la figure, les deux espèces se distinguent surtout par la forme de la protuberance du presternum. Leur couleur est diffé- rente. Chez la nouvelle espèce Ie prothorax parait plus parallel e sur les cótés et les élytres plus rétrécies au bout, compares a la figure de P. imperatrix , que l'auteur donne comme tres exacte. Poteriophorus sellatus , n. sp. (ƒ. D'une forme étroite parallèle ; brun-olivatre , orné d'une bande blanche sur les cótés et uue tache de la même couleur sur les élytres. — Longueur (saus Ie rostre) 21 mm.; largeur aux épaules 8 mm. Allonge et plus parallèle sur les cótés que P. niveus , Notes from the Leyden Mluseum, Vol. XII. 240 POTERIOPHORUS SELLATUS. etc.; tl'uu brun-olivatre plus clair ea dessous, sur les anteunes et les pattes ; uue large bande d'uu blanc-argentiu couvre les cótés du protborax et continue jusqu'aux pre- miers segments de l'abdomen sur lesquels elle s'étend, pour s'eifacer en arrière ; une grande tache blauche allongée va de la base jusqu'au tiers postérieur des ély tres et couvre la suture jusque vers Ie 4e intervalle des stries ; Ie vertex et une ligne médiane du protborax sont d'un blanc-grisatre. Rostre beaucoup moius long que Ie protborax, forteraent courbé surtout a la base, tres gros a la base, graduelle- ment plus étroit vers l'extrémité , rauni devant la tête d'une gibbosité séparée par une ligne au milieu. Le rostre porto plusieurs carênes étroites, dont les intervalles sont couvertes d'une pubescence brune. — Antennes assez longues, de la couleur du corps , la base du dernier article noire. Protborax allonge, peu rétréci en avant, ses cótés paral- lèles, sa base presque droite. La ponctuation du protborax consiste en petits points ocellaires irréguliers , peu serres , d'une couleur plus claire que le fond. La bande blanche laterale porte des points plus profonds. — Ecusson blancbatre. Elytres tres peu élargies aux épaules, presque droites sur les cótés, se rétrécissaut faiblement en arrière, tron- quées au bout, striées, et couvertes de petites tacbes rondes d'une couleur plus pale que le fond. Dessous vaguement ponctué de points ocellaires. La bande blanche sur les cótés du raetasternum porte des points profonds irréguliers. Le pygidiura en triangle curviligne, fortement déclive, est garni d'une grosse ponctuation ; une ligne au milieu et les bords sont un peu élevés. Cuisses avec de tres petits cils épars. Jambes ayant des cótes garnis de tres petits cils, leur tranche intérieure est garnie de poils plus longs. Un individu male dans la collection de Mr. Neervoort van de Poll , capture a Perak (Malacca) par Mr. Küustler, La Haye, 15 Septembre 1890. Notes irotn the Ley den Muse-um, Vol. JKII. RHINOCEROS SIMUS. 241 NOTE XLI. ON RHINOCEROS SIMUS, BURCHELL IN THE LEYDEN MUSEUM. Dr. P. A. JENTINK. October 1890. According to Dr. P. L. Sclater (Nature, September 25, 1890, p. 520) Mr. F. Selous says in the Field of August 1 6 as follows : — » it was within a mile of this spot that , two years previously (i. e. in 1883), I shot two white Rhinoceroses (Rhmoceros simus) , the last of their kind that have been killed (and , perhaps , that ever loill he kill- ed) by an Englishman. They were male and female, and I preserved the skin of the head and the skull of the former for the South African Museum in Cape town , where they now are .... To the best of my belief, the great white or square-mouthed Rhinoceros , the largest of modern terrestrial mammals after the Elephant, is on the very verge of extinction, and in the next year or two will become ab- solutely extinct. If in the near future some student of na- tural history should wish to know what this extinct beast really was like , he will find nothing in all the Museums of Europe and America to enlighten him upon the subject , but some half-dozen skulls and a goodly number of the anterior horns." After having pointed out the four striking characteristics by which the heads of Rh. simus and Rh. hicornis may be distin- guished, Dr. Sclater concludes as follows : » I wish to call special Notes from tlie Leyden INXuseum, "Vol. XII. 16 242 RHINOCEROS SIMUS. attention to what Mr. Selous has already said — that uo Museum in Europe or America possesses a specimen of this huge animal and to point out that the country, in which alone (as is possible but by no means certain) the last stragglers exist , being now within the British Empire , it is clearly our duty to endeavour to obtain and preserve examples of the great white or square-mouthed Rhinoceros for the use and information of posterity." In P. Z. S. L. 1886, p. 144, Dr. Sclater wrote: » Indeed, as is well known , such specimens of the latter species {Rh. simus) , with the exception of a single immature example in the British Museum , are almost unknown in Europe." Mr. F. C. Selous published in 1890 a book entitled »A Hunter's wanderings in Africa" and in that book I find on p. 447 in a list of game , shot between the 1st of January 1877 and the 31 si December 1880, that Selous has killed two white Rhinoceroses ; therefore the named two animals are the two specimens mentioned in the Field, and consequently the year 1883 (see Nature 1. c.) is not correct. Although Selous only has shot two white Rhi- noceroses he however often has seen living specimens, so (A Hunter's wanderings, p. 60): » looking up I saw a white Rhinoceros cow"; 1. c. p. 185: »on my return journey I saw a good many Rhinoceroses of both the black and white species"; 1. c. p. 359 : »on our way to the Hanyane we one day came upon jive white Rhinoceroses" ! and on p. 191: •» Rhinoceros simus is still to be found between the Okavango and Cunene-rivers In 1878 and 1880 I still found the square-mouthed (or white) Rhinoceroses fairly numerous in a small tract of country in North-eastern Mashuna Land, between the Umniati and Hanyane rivers.... Their extermination in this portion of the country may therefore , I am afraid , be expected within a very few years , and the square-mouthed Rhinoceros loill then only exist in a few tracts of S. E. Africa , in the neighbourhood of the river SabiT' Notes from, the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XII. RHINOCEROS SIMUS. 243 I do not know the reason why Mr. Selous supposes in the Field that at present all those white Rhinoceroses will be extinct, but if he is right in this point, I think, that Mr. Selous, Dr. Sclater and every other friend of Nature, as well as the whole scientific world will hear with great excitement my assertion that there are since more than 40 years in our Museum a beautifully stuffed adult female and since the year 1879 a flat skin of an adult specimen of Rhinoceros simus! These huge animals have a short (not a prehensile) upper lip ; an elongated ear- conch and the two margins of the ear-conch (in the flat skin the ears are in a very bad state) are united together for a great extent and form a closed cylinder which rises about 7 cm. (2 inches 8 lines) above the base; the nostrils are elongated in a direction parallel with the mouth ; the eye is placed further back iu the head than in Rhinoceros hicornis ; the anterior horn (the flat skin is without horns) is not perfectly round; and the distance between anterior horn and margiu of upperlip is very great. In conclusion , we possess a fine and complete stuffed specimen of the true Rhinoceros simus, and as there are perhaps (see Mr. Selous and Dr. Sclater) no other adult specimens in Ame- rica nor Europe, I will give some measurements of this stufl^ed female in our Museum : Centiyneters. Length of head and body, from margin of upper lip to base of tail .... about 353 Length of head, from margin of upper lip to between the ears about 91 Length of tail without bristles 79 » » upperlip 28 » » ears 24 Distance between eye and ear 32.5 Height of anterior horn 47 » » posterior » 18 Circumference at base of anterior horn . . 51 » » » » » posterior » . . 42 Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. JCII. 244 RHINOCEROS SIMUS. Height at shoulders 148 » » crupper 146.5 Circumference of the body 318 As to the name lohite Rhinoceros for our species, Mr. Selous, 1. c. p. 192, remarks: »the white and black species both are of a sort of dark slate-colour ; and so far from one being white and the other black, I should be sorry to state upon oath which was the darker of the two." Smith (Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa) called the colour of Rh. simus pale broccoli-brown , of Rh. hicor- nis pale yellowish brown and of Rh. keitloa (perhaps = bicornis) pale brownish yellow. Sir Samuel Baker (Wild Beasts and their Ways , 1890, Vol. II , p. 88) says that the great Rhinoceros (Rh. simus) is distinguished by its pale colour. A very acceptable suggestion has been made by Mr. W. Drummond (P. Z. S. L. 1876, p. 110): »the distinction of the black and white seems to me misleading and misapplied , all Rhinoceroses being of the same colour , namely a peculiar shade of brown or if any difference does exist , it being in Rh. bicor- nis minor possessing a tinge of red all such cases may be referred to outward circumstances , such as the position of the sun , or the kind of mud they may have been rolling in last, and partly, no doubt to the age and sex of the animal. I may mention that I have watched a bull of Rh. simus trotting past me in the full glare of the midday sun , and it has appeared to me almost white ; while after following the same animal up and finding it feeding with the long shadows of evening on it, its co- lour has then seemed to be, as it really is, a deep brown." The adult female in the Leyden Museum is labeled »de la partie inférieure de la Colonic du Cap." The flat skin is without locality and has been presented to our Museum in the year 1879 by his Excellency the Minister for the home department. NB. There is another very interesting animal which JN'otes from tlae Leyden. JMuseum , Vol. X.U.. EQUUS QUAGGA. 245 formerly lived in South Africa in considerable abundance and now seems to be extinct. I mean the Quagga. We find in H. A. Bryden's Kloof and Karroo in Cape Colony , 1889, an article »on the extinction of the true Quagga {Equus quaggay\ Bryden says that he fears that there is now no longer any reasonable doubt that the true Quagga — Quacha of the Hottentots — Equus quagga of Linnaeus — must be numbered in the increasing catalogue of extinct creatu- res! and he exclaims: »no human effort can now recall this magnificent form — it is gone for ever , after an existance of untold thousands of years upon its spacious plains!" If the Quagga nearly or really is extinct, then I believe it more than time to look round in the Musea of Natural History and to register what has been preser- ved for future time: and I fear that our harvest will be rather poor ! In the British Museum there is a stuffed animal, in verg bad state (Handlist, a. s. o. 1873, p. 87). In Natura Artis Magistra at Amsterdam there too is a single stuffed specimen. In the Leyden Museum is a beauti- fully stuffed adult male, died in 1826 in confinement and received from the frontiers of the Cape-colony, and its skeleton. Dr. Möbius of Berlin writes me that in the Museum under his charge there are a stuffed female- specimen with its skull and backbones , a skeleton and a skull. I have no account about the other Musea of Natural History. Notes from tbe Leyden ]\Xuseuixi, "Vol. XII. 246 MELANOXANTHUS NIGROSIGNATUS. NOTE XLIL DESCRIPTION D'UNE ESPÈCE NOUVELLE D'ÉLATÉRIDE. E. CANDEZE. Melano xanthus iiigro signatus ^ sp. n. Niger , opacus , pubescens ; antennis hrevihus , nig ris ; prothorace tumido , discrete punctato , latitudine paulo lon- giore, rufo, nitido, guttis duahus confluetitibus , apicalibus, nigris; elytris depressis , granulatis^ punctato-subsfriatis. Subtus niger prothorace excepto. — Long. 10 milL , lat. 27^ rain. Java occid. — Uu seul exemplaire , présenté au Musée de Leyde par Mr. M. C. Piepers. A placer parmi les premières espèces du genre: melano- cephalus j dimidiatipennis, zebra, ruptus^ etc. Glain-lez-Liège, Octobre 1890. Notes from the Leyden Museum, Vol. XXI. COLOBORHOMBUS AURICOMUS. 247 NOTE XLIII. THREE NEW MALAYAN LONGICORN COLEOPTERA. DESCRIBED BY C. RITSEMA Cz. Coloho rhombus auricomus^ sp. n. Q. Length about 33 mm. — The whole insect , with the exception , however , of the 2nd and succeeding abdominal segments , shows , under certain lights , a beautiful golden lustre, owing to a fine golden pubescence which is longer and more erect on the prothorax; on the first ventral segment this pubescence is, in places, silvery, on the 2nd and following segments it is black. The head with palpi and antennae , the legs , the wing- cases and the wings are ochreous ; the head with an impressed, mesial, dark line, which extends from the centre of the face up to the prothorax ; the throat , a spot behind each eye, and the tip of the mandibles black, the antennae slightly infuscate towards the end. The prothorax blackish , with ill-defined brown spots along the flanks which have a slight protuberance about the middle; the disk with four slight rounded elevations. The meso- and metasternum black , brownish in the middle, and with faint blue tinges. The scutellum dark coloured and of an elongate triangular shape. The elytra reach somewhat beyond the posterior coxae, their outer margin straight, their inner one strongly sinuate which makes them widely gaping towards the apices which are sharply pointed. Notes from the Leyden Museum , "Vol. XII. 248 COLOBORHOMBUS AURICOMUS. The abdomen dark steel blue, the apical margin of the pygidium and of the last ventral segment ochreous and faintly notched in the middle. The described female specimen originates from the Kediri Residency (S. E. Java), and has been presented to the Leyden Museum by Dr. H. J. Veth. Since the publication of the 9th volume of the Munich Catalogue (1872) two other new species of this genus have been described, viz. Coloborhombus fulvus H. W. Bates, Cist. Ent. II. p. 395, from Sylhet (probably the C. velutinus Saund. in litt.) , and » fasciatipennis C. 0. Waterh. , Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1885. p. 369; pi. 10, fig. 12 , from Borneo. Thermonoius Pasteuri, sp. n. cf and 9- In the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for November 1888 (p. 399) Mr. C. J. Gahan of the British Museum has based the genus Thermonotus [closely allied to Cereopsius Pascoe ^)] upon a Lamiid from N. India and Penang, which is called by him Thermonotus nigripes. No doubt Cereopsius apicalis from East Java , described by myself on p. 5 of the 3rd volume (1881) of the Notes from the Leyden Museum , will prove to be congeneric with Gahan 's insect , and now I am fortunate enough to give the description of a third species which originates from the island of Nias , west of Sumatra. I dedicate this new species to Mr. J. D. Pasteur , who lately enriched the Entomological Collection of the Leyden Museum with a beautiful series of Nias Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. 1) The genus Cereopsius is often ascribed to Thomson, an error which, 1 think, originates from Thomson's Syst. Ceramb. p. 84. If we look, however, at p. 133 of the same work, we see under Corrigenda: „CEREOPSIUS p. 84, n° 289. Au lieu de : Thomson, etc Lisez \ Pascoe: Journ. Ent. I. (1862). p. 344." Notes from the Leyden IVIuseutn, Vol. X!II. THERMONOTUS PASTEUR!. 249 Thermonotus Pasteuri is extremely close to and shows a striking resemblance with Th. apicalis Rits, , but is easily distinguished from that species by the more robust protho- rax which has the lateral spines much less slender , by the black colour of the abdomen , metasternum and coxae , etc. Length 22 — 23 mm., breadth at the shoulders of the elytra 8^/2 — 9 mm. — Brick red, the apical half of the mandi- bles, the eyes and antennae, a spot along the middle of the scutellum , the entire legs , the metasternum and the abdomen black, the upper lip and the apical joint of the palpi blackish, the apical third of the elytra dark steel blue. The prothorax and the red portion of the elytra are (in places , as my couple is somewhat rubbed) covered with a very dense , almost crustlike , ochreous pubescence ; a reniform spot of a similar pubescence is present on the head (which inter alia for the rest is almost smooth) be- hind the upper lobes of the eyes ; on the steel blue apical portion of the elytra and on the dark spot of the scutel- lum the pubescence is black; a small spot of a white pubescence is present on the under surface of the base of the 3rd and following antennal joints. The sides of the abdomen, the metasternum and the legs are thinly covered with a delicate greyish pile. The head is nearly smooth and impunctate , but provi- ded along the middle with a narrow raised dark line which extends from the anterior margin of the clypeus up to the prothorax; a slight impression is to be seen along the middle of the vertex , and another impression , which is sharply bounded on the inside , is situated between the base of the eyes and mandibles. The prothorax is robust and transverse , and measures from point to point of the lateral spines 8^/0 — 9 mm. ; the anterior transverse groove is angularly curved backwards in the middle ; the disk between the lateral spines is raised, has an uneven , coarsely punctured surface , and a mesial smooth streak which is notched at the base opposite the scutellum ; the lateral spines are very broad at their base , Notes from the Leyden ]\Xuseuiii, "Vol. XIII. 250 THERMONOTUS PASTEURI. much less slender than in apicalis , and distinctly curved backwards. The scutellum is broadly rounded at the apex , and black along the middle. The elytra are slightly narrowing towards the apex which is rounded; between the scutellum and the shoulders the base projects forwards so as to form a hump on each side of the scutellum ; the elytra are strongly though not densely punctured, and the punctures become smaller towards the suture and the apex; each elytron shows moreover two almost inconspicuous longitudinal costae, one from the middle of the basal hump, the other from between the hump and the shoulder, both disappearing in the steel blue region. Under surface and legs impunctate, with the exception of the apical ventral segment which shows a few minute punctures. Whereas in Pasteuri the prosternal process is rounded in front and behind, it is in apicalis bounded in front by a raised transverse ridge. The mesosternal process is alike in both species. In the male the antennae are slightly more slender and elongate than in the female, and both the pygidium and apical ventral segment are truncated in nearly straight lines with rounded angles. In the female, however, (and this is likewise the case in the type-specimen of apicalis) the pygidium and the apical ventral segment are narrowly notched at the end. I found the described couple of this species in the Nias- collection, presented to the Leyden Museum by Mr. J. D. Pasteur. Atossa hipartita, sp. n. 9* Length 13 — 15 mm. — Resembling A. atomaria Pasc. ^) from Penang, but easily distinguished from that species by the transverse white line across the middle of the elytra l)'Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 186G. p. 254; pi. 26, fig. 6. Notes from the Leyden Miaseum, Vol. XII. ATOSSA BIPARTITA. 251 and by the longitudinal white lines behind the transverse one. Dark brown , the palpi , antennae and legs reddish brown; covered with a delicate greyish pile and variegated above with white lines and dots. The two basal joints of the antennae entirely.^ the following joints only on the basal half, covered with a fine grey pubescence; the legs are covered with a similar pubescence which is intermixed with a few erect pale coloured hairs; the antennae are thinly fringed underneath with long pale coloured hairs which disappear, however, towards the tip. The lower half of the head (the epistomum , labrum and base of mandibles inclusive) covered with a dense pale yellowish pubescence which is interrupted by several bare lines , namely a transverse one separating the face from the epistomum , an oblique one across the cheeks , three ver- tical straight' ones (one along the middle of the face and, on each side of it, another uniting the inner margin of the eyes with that of the corresponding mandible) , and finally a J-shaped one between the mesial- and lateral lines. The vertex of the head with two diverging white lines and another behind the eyes , all corresponding with four similar lines on the pronotum of which the outer ones , however, are more or less obliterated. The pronotum is irregularly wrinkled , and with an irregu- lar smooth space in the middle; the wrinkles are inter- mixed with a few glossy granules , especially on the flanks. The scutellum is impunctate , transverse , broadly rounded posteriorly. The elytra distantly covered with large and deep punc- tures , whereas a few glossy granules are present at the base ; they are divided , just before the middle , by a slightly angular transverse line of a white pubescence; their basal half is sparingly speckled with white , their apical half surrounded by a narrow line of a white pubescence and provided along the disk with three irregular similar lines and a few white dots between them. The sterna are glossy and impunctate and show along Notes from the Leyden IMuseum, Vol. XII. 252 ATOSSA Dl PARTITA. the sides spots of a dense pale yellowish pubescence; the abdomen likewise is glossy and impunctate , the 2nd , 3rd and 4th segment have a small lateral spot of white hairs at their base, whereas the 5th or apical segment, which inter alia is nearly as long as the three preceding segments taken together and shows an impressed line along the middle, is rather broadly margined laterally with a dense pale yellowish pubescence and fringed at the apical margin with long yellowish hairs; the apical margin of the pygi- dium is deeply notched in the middle. Hah. Borneo (Diard). — Three female specimens in the Ley den Museum. There is moreover in the Museum collection a male specimen, likewise ticketed » Diard, Borneo", which differs from the above described female specimens , besides by the sexual differences ') and its somewhat larger size and more robust shape, in having the prothorax distinctly longer, more strongly rounded at the sides, and without longitudinal white lines on the disk. I dare , however , not decide whether it is a variety of the male sex of my new species , or the male of an allied species , the more so because its elytra are somewhat rubbed. The genus Atossa Thoms. , which contains up to now three species, viz. strenua Thoms. from Java (the type of the genus), atomaria Pasc. from Penang, and hipartita Rits. from Borneo, is perhaps best differentiated from the allied genus Grammoeehus Thoms. , by its more approxi- mate antennary tubers which are separated by a somewhat deeper excavation. The differences in the mandibles, men- tioned by Lacordaire (Genera des Coléoptères. IX, 2. p. 497), » slender" or » thick", are merely sexual. Leyden Museum, October 1890. 1) Longer nntennae and forelegs, larger hook at the apex of the antennae, thicker mandibles , different size and conformation of the last abdominal segment, etc. Notes from tlie Leyden Mluseum, "Vol. XII. REPTILES FROJI NIAS. 253 NOTE XLIV. ON A COLLECTION OF REPTILES FROM NIAS, AND ON CALAMARIA YIRGULATA, BOIE. Dr. Th, W. van LIDTH de JEÜDE. Some months ago a collection of Reptiles from Nias was presented to our Museum by Mr. J. D. Pasteur. The col- lection , though not a very large one , is of much impor- tance to our Museum as up to this date no Reptiles from Nias were found in our collections. The Erpetology of the isle of Nias has already formed the subject of three papers, viz.: 1° a paper by the late Dr. J. G. Fischer^), 2° a list published by Mr. G. A. Boulenger 2) and 3° Mr. E. Modigliani's paper on the Fauna erpetologica of the isle of Nias ^). To the enumeration and the descrip- tion of the Reptiles collected by Mr. Modigliani himself he adds a list of all the Reptiles of the isle of Nias men- tioned by Fischer and Boulenger as well as by himself. This list contains 43 species and though our collection consists of only 15 species, three of them are new to the Fauna of Nias. It is therefore that I give a full list of the spe- 1) Dr. J. G. Fischer, Ueber eine Collection Reptilien und Amphibien vou der Insel Nias, Abh. d. Naturw. Ver. in Hamburg. Bd. IX. 2) G. A. Boulenger, A list of Reptiles and Batrachians from the Island of Nias, Ann. a. Mag. of Nat. History, 1885. 3) E. Modigliani, Materiali per la Fauna erpetologica dell' isola Nias, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Geneva, ser. 2, Vol. 7. Notes from the Leyden Museum, "Vol. XJI. 254 REPTILES rnuM nias. cies in Mr. Pasteur's collection , in which the species not yet recorded from Nias are preceded by au asterisk. 1. Gecko stentor Cant. 2. Gonyocephalus grandis Gray. 3. Calotes cristatellus Kuhl. 4. Mabuia multifasciata Kuhl. *5. Calamaria lumhricoidea Schl. The single specimen in the Nias-collection (still a young one, attaining to a length of about 25 c. m.) differs from the other specimens in the Leyden Museum in having the dark coloration on the belly very much developed , the dark spots on the abdominal shields being rather large, flowing together and so forming an irregular dark longi- tudinal band on the middle of the belly. Schlegel, in his »Physionomie des Serpents", makes mention of a young specimen of Calamaria lumhricoidea described by Boie under the name of Calamaria virgulata. This specimen, still present in the collections of the Leyden Museum, is not a young Calamaria lumhricoidea Schl., but belongs to a distinct species. It has a length of about 30 c. m. (is therefore larger than our young C. lumhricoidea from Nias) and diö'ers from Schlegel's species not only in coloration, but in the pholidosis of the head also. The first pair of lower labials are in contact with each other behind the mental-shield , which shield does not reach the anterior chin-shields. In this point the species agrees with C. modesta , C. hicolor , C. nigro-albus a. o. , and differs from C. lumhricoidea and C. gervaisi. It is distinguished by the absence of an azygos shield between the chin-shields, by the presence of an anterior ocularshield, and by having an undivided analshield. As to the colora- tion of the specimen in spirits, the upper parts are of a brownish colour ; there is , however, a whitish ring behind the head and another near the vent. The scales of the two outer series on each side of the body are provided with a round whitish spot in their centre. Moreover there are 5 dark longitudinal lines on the back, one on the middle of the Notes from tlie Lieyden ]VIu.seuiii , "Vol. JXIII. REPTILES FROM NIAS. 255 back and 2 on each flauk. These lines are formed by small elongate dark spots on the scales , such a spot flow- ing together with that on the preceding and the follow- ing scale. These lines are situated on the '6^^, the 5^^, the 7*^, the 9^^ and the 11th longitudinal series of scales. The abdominal-shields are whitish , with several very small irregular dark spots anastomosing with each other , and so forming a dark cross-band at the anterior part of each abdominal-shield. This band is broadest in the middle of the shield. Underneath the tail the colour is whitish with a dark subcaudal line. The coloration of this species shows some resemblance with C. gervaisi D. & B. differing from it in presenting 5 in stead of 4 longitudinal dark lines. Our specimen, captured in the isle of Java, has 190 abdominal- and 22 pairs of subcaudal-shields. *6. Cydophis tricolor Schl. This interesting snake is represented in Mr. Pasteur's collection by a single specimen. Hitherto it is, as far as I know of, recorded from Java by Schlegel (and afterwards by Giinther and Jan, though probably after specimens from the Leyden Museum), and from Sumatra by Stoliczka ^). In the collections of the Leyden Museum there is one specimen from Sumatra, and another from Borneo. 7. Simotes purpurascens Schl. The single specimen by which this snake is represented in Mr. Pasteur's collection agrees in all points with the description given by Fischer of Simotes ajjinis "). It has 8 upper- and 9 lower-labials on each side, and differs in this point from the specimen mentioned in Boulenger's list under the name of S. labuanensis Gthr. which is said to have 7 upper- and 8 lower-labials ^). 1) F. Stoliczka, Malayan Reptilia and Amphibia. Journ. of the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. 1873. p. 122. 2) Fischer, 1. c. p. 4. 3) Günther, Reptiles of British India, p. 217. Boulenger, 1- c. p. 388. Modigliani, 1. c. p. 119. O. Boettger, Herpetologische Notizen. Ber. Senck. Naturf. Ges. Franfurt a/M. 1887. p. 43. J'9'otes from ttie Leyden Museum , Vol. XII. 256 REPTILES I'"ROM NIAS. A specimen from Sumatra in the collections of the Ley- den Museum quite agrees with our Nias specimen as to length , coloration and pholidosis of the head , except in the number of lower labials, which in the Sumatra-speci- men is 8 instead of 9. So do 2 adult specimens from Java, collected by Boie & Macklot, having 9 lower labials, and classed in our collection under the name of Xenodon purpicrascens Schl. In the same bottle with these 2 speci- mens is a young one (22 c. m.) which agrees with them as to the pholidosis but widely differs in coloration , the latter quite agreeing with Schlegel's figure of Xenodon purpurascens i). There still exists in the collections of the Leyden Museum another young specimen, labelled X. pur- purascens and captured in Sumatra, with 8 upper- and 9 lower-labials, which, as regards coloration, shows some resem- blance with S. ajflnis Fischer or f (Phy torus) 184. 17 258 INDEX. Astathes 37. Asturinula 198. Atarphia 31. atlas (Chalcosoma) 32. atoinaria (Atossa) 250, 252. Atossa 250, 252. Atractocerus 31. atripenais (Crateropus) 203. u (Dicrurus) 204. atroflava (Megalaema) 205. atrorubens (Sesarma) 49, 95. Attelabus 35. attcmiata (Triplatoraa) 40. attila (Batocera) 37. aubryi (Sesarma) 49, 93. Aulacophora 38. aiilicum (Lycodoii) 25. aurantiacus (Sciuropterus) 147, 150. aurantius (Ploceus) 204. aurco-sparsus (Goliathinus) 131, 134. auricomus (Coloborhoinbiis) 247. aurosericea (Artelida) 8. australiensis (Heteropanope) 58. avirostris (Penaeus) 125. B. baliodciras (Diadopbis) 19. barbatus (Criniger) 203. // (Pycnonotus) 204. barbimana (Sesarma) 49, 98, 104, 120. Baryrrhynchus 36. basalis (Pachyteria) 171, 172. // (Sermyloides) 39. basimarginata (Monolepta) 39. bataviana (Sesarma) 49, 98, 101, 102, 104, 126. Batocera 5, 37. Batoceridae 5. beccarii (Lema) 37. // (Trachelizus) 36. Belionota 33. bensoni (Merismoderus) 1, 2, 3. bicarinatus (Macrophthalmus) 79, 83. bicolor (Calamaria) 254. // (Nigrita) 205. // (Sciurus) 151. // (Spermestes) 205. bicornis (Rhinoceros) 241, 243, 244. // minor (Rhinoceros) 244. bidentata (Haplidia) 31. bifasciata (Monolepta) 39. bilobus (Olenecamptus) 37- bipartita (Atossa) 250, 252. bispinosus (Attelabus) 35. bivirgatus (Elaps) 25. blissetti (Diaphorophyia) 204. boaeformis (Homalopsis) 20. bocourti (Hypsirhina) 21. borneanus (Aceraius) 31. borrei (Pachyteria) 171. Botaurus 206. Bothrops 26, 27. bowringi (Glycyphana) 32. brachypterus (Ploceus) 204. brachyrhynchus (Oriolus) 204. Brenthidae 36. brevicaudata (Camaroptcra) 203. breviceps (Anomala) 32. brevipes (Sesarma) 49, 94. brevirostris (Hippolyte) 122. brookeanus (Odontolabis) i59, 160. buccatus (Homalopsis) 20. biittikoferi (Cercopithecus) 42, 46. // (Myodites) 12. Bungarus 26. Buprestidae 33. Calamaria 18, 253, 254. Calandra 35. Calcinus 49, 108, 111. callichlora (Tyana) 178, 179. Callichroma 175, 176. callitrichus (Cercopithecus) 42. Callophis 256. Calochromidae 33. Calochromus 33. Calotes 254. calumniata (Pachyteria) 164, 166, 168, 176. calurus (Criniger) 203. calva (Treron) 206. Camaroptera 203. Campothera 205. Cancer 69, 112. canescens (Dolichoprosopus) 140. Cantharidae 35. cantori (Aphrodisium) 157. capensis (Damalis) 212, 213. // (Strepsiceros) 212. Caphyra 67. capillatus (Miopithecus) 42. Carabidae 30. carbunculus (Eucyrtus) 34. Cardiophorus 33. carduelis (Cardiophorus) 33. carinimanus (Macrophthalmus) 76, 78, 79, 126. Caritheca 39. caroli (Campothera) 205. Carpilodes 49, 50. INDEX, 259 Cassidinae 3'J. castanea> (Diaphorophyia) 204-. castaneofusciis (Ploceus) 204. Catascopus 30. catenata (Coptocycla) 40. Catharsius 31. Catoptrus 67. caudolineata (Dendropliis) 256. Centropus 205. Cerambycidae 36. Cerambycini 36. Cerambyx 364. Cercidocenis 35. Cercopithecidae 41. Cercopithecus 4], 42, 45, 46. Cereopsius 248. Ceresium 37. Ceropliysa 39. Cetoniiclae 127. Cetonini 32. Ceuthmochares 205. Ceutorrliynchiis 35. Chalaepus 69. chalcites (Anomala) 32. Chalcolampra 38. Chalcosoma 32. chalybeata (Noëmia) 137. Charadrius 206. Chaunonotus 204. chilensis (Pagurus) 108. Chiropodomys 225. Chlaenius 30. Chloephora 178. chloris (Nicatór) 204. Chlorocichla 204. Clilorodius 54. Chlorodopsis 49, 54. cUoroleuca (Tyana) 178, 179. chloropygius (Cinnyris) 202. chrysargos (Amphiesma) 20. Chrysochroa 33. Chrysococcyx 206. Chrysomelidae 37. Chrysomelinae 88. Chrysopelea 22. Cicindela 30. Cicindelidae 30. ciliatipes (Colaspoides) 188. cineraceiis (Pteromys) 144. cinereus (Eupetaurus) 143, 144. Cinnyris 202. Cisticola 203. Cladopalpus 141, 142. Clanis 40. Cleorina 1S6. Clibanarius 49, 113. clibanarius (Cancer) 112. // (Pagurus) 113. Clistocoeloma 49, 92. Clivina 30. clorana (Tyana) 179. Clytanthus 37. Coccinella 40. Coccinellidae 40. Cochylis 177. Coelophora 40. coffeae (Araeocerus) 36. Colaspoides 38, 188. Colasposoma 38, collaris (Pachyteria) 171. Collyris 30. Coloborhombus 247. colossus (Protocerius) 35. Conchylis 177. concolor (Camaroptera) 203. // (Eurytrachelus) 28. Conderis 33. confucii (Platysoma) 13. consanguineus (Zonopterus) 174. convexiuscula (Atarphia) 31. // (Pseudoplatychora) 15. Copelatus 30. Coprini 31. Coptengis 130. Coptocycla 40. Copturus 35. corallinus (Pacliylocerus) 36. cordiger (Phemone) 137- Corvus 204. Corynodes 187. Coryphodon 19. Cosmiomorpha 127. Cossypha 203. costipennis (Gnorimiis) 128. crassa (Hemiops) 33. crassicornis (Pachylocerus) 36. crassimanus (Heteropanope) 58. crassipes (Macroplithalmus) 49, 76—79, 3 26. crassipes (Pachygrapsus) 49, 86, 89, 126. Crater opus 203. cribricolle (Aphrodisium) 157, 158, 176. Criniger 203. crinipes (Artelida) 8. crinita (Artelida) 8. crinitus (Alpheus) 117, 119. Criocerinae 37. cristatellus (Calotes) 254. cristimanus (Pilumnus) 61, 63. croceus (Macronyx) 204. cruciata (Episcaphula) 47, 48. Cryptocephaloniorpha 30. Cryptoderma 35. 260 INDEX. ciipreicauda (Lamprocolius) 2Ü4. cupripes (Anomala) 1^2. Curculionidae 35, 207. curtisii (Aegus) 28. curvirostris (Andropadus) 204. cyanea (Graptodera) 38. // (Platystcra) 204. cyanolaemus (Cinnyris) 202. Cybister 30. Cyclophis 255. cygnens (Apodcrus) 35 Cylindropliis IS. cymodoce (Trapezia) 6é. cynosiirus (Cercopitliecus) 42. Cypselus 201. Cyriocrates 180. Cyrtoiiops 142. Cyrtotrachelus 35. D. dalmani (Odontolabis) 31. Damalis 212, 213. debile (Platysoma) 30. decliva (Cosniiomorpha) 127. deflexifrons (Myctiris) 83. dehiscens (Baryrrhynckus) 36. dejeani (Pachyteria) 164, 166. demeryi (Zosterops) 202. dendropbila (Dipsas) 25. Dendrophis 22, 256. Dendropicus 205. dentatus (Leptaulax) 31. denticovnis (Uloma) 34. depressa (Plagusia) 89. depvessicornis (Anoa) 218, 220. Derinestidae 31. Diadophis 19. diana (Cercopithecus) 42. Diaphorophyia 204. Dicrurus 204. Dietysus 34. dilatatus (Macrophthalmus) 76 — 79, 126. dimidiata (Aulacophora) 38. dimidiatipennis (Melanoxantbus) 246. Dioryche 30. Dipsas 25. Ditoneces 33. divcrsipes (Pachyteria) 170, 176. dives (Gauroniaia) 34. dohrni (Platysoma) 13. Dolichoprosopis 140. Dolichoprosopus 140. dorsalis (Tiipaja) 228, 229. drapiczi (Dipsas) 25. Dryopbis 17, 22. Dryoscopiis 204. ducalis (Chlaenius) 30. duchaiilui (Megalaema) 205. Dynastini 32. Dytiscidae 30. E. Earias 178. 179. Ectatorliinus 207. edamensis (Sesarma) 98. edulis (Ptcropus) 149. edwardsii (Sesarma) 49, 94. Elaphis 19. elapbus (Lucanus) 28. Elaps 25. elaps (Opbiopbagus) 26. Elateridae 33, 246. elegans (Calcinus) 49, 108, 109, 111. ,/ (Pagurus) 108. elevata (Aspidomorpba) 39. ellipsiprymnus (Kobiis) 220. elongata (Tetralanguria) 40. cmarginatus (Atractocerus) 34. Emballonura 154. emiliae (Nigrita) 205. Encyalestbus 34. Endomycbidae 40. Epepeotes 37. Epilachna 40. Episcapba 47. Episcapbula 47, 48. Episomus 35. Epuraea 31 . equestris (Pacbyteria) 170, 171. Eqmis 245. Ercbomus 30. Eretes 30. Eriodendron 210. Eriodes 43. Eripbia 49, 66. Erotylidae 40. Erotylides 40. erytbrodaetyla (Sasarma) 49, 98, 100—104. erytbrurus (Botbrops) 26. cscbscboltzi (Aegus) 28. Estrelda 205. Eucycla 38. Eucyrtus 34. Eugigas 36. Eugnatbus 35. Eumolpidae 181. Eumolpinae 38. Eumorpbus 40. Eupagurus 49, 107. Eupetaurus 143. Eurybatus 135. INDEX. 261 Eurycephalus 37. Euryceros 220. euryeeros (Euryceros) 220. Eurystomus 201. Eurytrachelus 28, 31. evertsi (Pachyteria) 169. exaratus (Leptodius) 54. Exopholis 32. F. fabricii (Cryptoderma) 35. fabrilis (Cercidocerus) 35. fasciata (Pachyteria) 163 — 166, 168, 175, 176. fasciatipennis (Coloborliombus) 248. fasciatus (Cerambyx) 164. fasciciilatus (Araeocerus) 36. fasciolatiis (I)ryoj)his) 17, 23. feae (Perichaeta) 234. ferruginea (Tupaja) 229. fervidus (Phytorus) 184. fischeri (Platurus) 27, 256. fistulator (Monohammus) 37. flagellatus (Xenocerus) 36. flammiceps (Pyromelana) 204. flammulatus (Megabias) 204. flaviceps (Ampbiesma) 20. // (Megaerophis) 256. flavicornis (Noëmia) 37, 136. flavidus (Rhembastus) 186. flavitarsis (Zonopterus) 174, 175. flavomarginata (Aulacopbora) 38. flavopunctata (Trapezia) 49, 65. forbesi (Charadrius) 206. formosus (Leptophis) 22. fornasinii (Fornasinius) 134. Eornasinius 134. fornasinius (Goliatbinus) 133. foveolata (Popilia) 32. francisci (Centropus) 205. Erancolinus 206. frenata (Phemone) 137. fringilloides (Spermestes) 205. frontalis (Alpheus) 119. fuliginosus (Cinnyris) 202. fulminans (Chrysocbroa) 33. fulvescens (Turdinus) 203, fulvilabris (Stethotes) 185. fulvipes (Cleorina) 186. fulvus (Coloborhombus) 248. funerula (Glenea) 37. furcatus (Elaps) 25. fuscator (Lamia) 37. fuscicollis (Pheropsophus) 30. fuscus (Zapyrus) 256. gaimardi (Hetairus) 121. Galerucinae 38. Gauromaia 34. gaverei (Cryptocephalomorpba) 30. gayi (Leptograpsus) 85. Gecko 254. gemella (Nisotra) 38. gervaisi (Calamaria) 254, 255. Geryon 49, 69, 75, 126. gideon (Xylotrupes) 32. gigantea (Rbomborrbina) 9, 10, 11. Glenea 37. globicollis (Abirus) 183. globosus (Pilumnus) 49, 59, 61,126. glutinosis (Icbthyopbis) 256. Glycypbana 11, 32. Gnatholea 36. Gnorimus 128. Goliatbinus 131, 134. gonagrus (Leptograpsus) 86, 89. Goniocapbyra 49, 67. Gonyocepbalus 254. Gonyosoma 22. gracilipes (Alpbeus) 117. gracilirostris (Cblorocichla) 204. gracilis (Chlorodius) 54. w (Leptodius) 49, 54. gramineus (Botbrops) 26. Grammoecbus 252. grandis (Gonyocepbalus) 254. // (Tectona) 209. // (Tricbolepis) 32. Grapsidae 106. Grapsus 90. Graptodera 38. guirali (Goliatbinus) 134. gularis (Merops) 202. guttata (Oliva) 196. // (Trapezia) 49, 64. HL. baematina (Spermospiza) 205. bageni (Botbrops) 27. // (Cladopalpus) 141, 142. // (Galerucella) 39. „ (Hypsirbina) 20. // (Ortbogonius) 30. „ (Pacbyteria) 171. ,/ (Platysoma) 13. // (Sciuropterus) 147, 148. HaUas 178. Halticinae 38. bamaticornis (Merismoderus) 1, 3. bamifer (Cblaenius) 30. Haplidia 31. 262 INDEX. Haplosonyx 39. hardwickianum (Aphrodisium) 157, 158. hasseltii (Chrysopelea) 22. „ (Ectatorhinus) 207. // (Pcrichaeta) 236. helena (Batoccra) 37. Hemiops 38. heros (Rliomborrhina) 10. Hetairocaris 49, 120, 121, 122, 126. Hetairus 121, 122, 123. Heteraspis 182 Heteropanope 49, 56, 126. higginsi (üoliathinus) 133. Hippolyte 121. Hippolytidae 120. hirtimanus (Eupaguras) 49, ]07, 108. hirtimanus (Pagurus) 107. Hirundo 198, 201. Hispinae 39. Histeridae 13, 30. Homalopsis 20. Homelea 38. honora (Glenea) 37. liortensis (Sylvia) 204. hypodilus (Anthreptes) 202. hypoleuca (Exopkolis) 32. Hyposarothra 239. Hypsirhina 20. hystrix (Apoderus) 35. I. Ichthyophis 256. igneipennis (Heteraspis) 182. illusa (Glycypliana) 11, 32, 33. imberbis (Strepsiceros) 211 — 221. „ (Strepticeros) 211, 212. immaculata (Plagusia) 89, 90, 91. imperatrix (Hyposarothra) 239. „ (Poteriophorus) 239. incertus (Geryon) 69. incisus (Lophozozymus) 53. inconspicua (Batocera) 5. indica (Heteropanope) 56, 57, 58. „ (Perichaeta) 234. indicator (Criniger) 203. indicus (Charadrius) 206. inexpectatus (Eurybatus) 135. infraspinatus (Clibanarius) 112, 114. insignis (Pseudocolaspis) 182. insulindiae (Eugigas) 36. interstitialis (Ophionea) 30. intestinalis (Callophis) 256. Ispidina 202. japoniciis (Eupagurus) 107. javana (Pachyteria) 171. javanica (Tupaja) 152, 229. javanicum (Aegosoma) 36. javanus (Chlaenius) 30. ,; (Pheropsophus) 30. „ (Plaesius) 30. K. kcitloa (Rhinoceros) 244. klaasii (Chrysococcyx) 206. Kobus 220. korros (Coryphodon) 19. kudu (Strepsiceros) 211 — 221. ;, (Strepticeros) 211. labuanensis (Simotes) 255. Lachnopodus 49, 52. Lacon 33. lacteus (Alaus) 33. laena (Batocera) 7. laevicollis (Aegus) 28. laevimana (Eriphia) 66, 67. laevis (Carpilodes) 50. 51. „ (Leptognathus) 25. Lagothrix 43. Lagria 34. Lagriidae 34. Lamia 37. Lamiini 37. Lamprocolius 204. Lampyridae 33. lanceolatus (Orthragoriscus) 190. Languridae 40. Lanius 204. lansbergi (Pseudocolaspis) 183. lathoniana (Conchylis) 177. laticeps (Dioryche) 30. latifrons (Alpheus) 119, 120, 126. ,1 (Trapezia) 65. latissiraa (Epuraea) 31. Latolaeva 31. Lebioderus 3, 4. Lema 37. Lepidiota 32. lepidus (Platypus) 35. Leptaulax 31. Leptodius 49, 54. Leptognathus 25. Leptograpsus 49, 84, 86. Leptophis 22. leptosoma (Sesarma) 98. leucogaster (Pholidauges) 204. INDEX. 263 leiicolophus (Botaurus) 206. leucorhynchus (Dryoscopus) 204. lirabana (Tyana) 179. lineata (Verania) 40. lineatus (Clibanarius) 113. _ , (Typlilina) 18. Liopeltis 22. longicarpus (Myctiris) 49, 83. longicauda (Scotornis) 198. longimana (Stethotes) 185. longipes (Geryon) 69, 72, 75. longitarsus (Clibanarius) 113, 115, 116. longitarsus (Sesarma) 97. Lophoceros 205. Lopliozozymus 49, 53. lowei (Odontolabis) 159. Lucanidae 28, 31. Lucanus 28. lucida (Hirundo) 199. Luciola 34. Ludius 33. lugens (Muscicapa) 204. lugubris (Dendropicus) 205. lumbricoidea (Calaraaria) 254. lundi (Euryceplialus) 37. lupinosus (Lacon) 33. luscus (Epepeotes) 37. luteicornis (Aulacophora) 38. Lycidae 33. Lycodon 25. Lycostomus 33. Lymexylonidae 34. lynx (Clilaenius) 30. m:. Mabuia 254. macassariensis (Ludius) 33. macleayi (Penaeus) 49, 124, J 25. ,, (Triplatoma) 40. Macrima 39. Macronota 11. Macronyx 204. Macrophthalmns 49, 76, 79, 126. macrophyllus (Platyrhopalus) 3, 4. macrothorax (Pacbyderes) 33. macroxantha (Zonitis) 35. maculatus (Dolicboprosopus) 140. maculosa (Campotbera) 205. magnificus (Zonopterus) 175. Malacodermidae 33. malayensis (Glycyphana) 32. If (Macrima) 39. Maliinbus 204. manticbores (Oliva) 196. margaritana (Concbylis) 177. marginale (Aegosoma) 36. marginatus (Adelotopus) 30. marginellus (Apbodius) 31. maurus (Pacbygrapsus) 89. Mecistocerus 35. medenbacbii (Melanauster) 180. Magabias 204. Megaeropbis 256. Megalaema 205. melampus (Aepyceros) 220. melanaria (Glycypbana) 32. Melanauster 180. melanocepbalus (Melanoxantbus) 246. Melanoxantbus 246. melanura (Praonetba) 37. melanurus (Elapbis) 19. „ (Pitbecbeir) 224, 228. „ (Pitbecbeirus) 224, 225, 227. melanurus (Pitbecbir) 222, 224— 227. melissa (Sesarma) 98, 101 — 104. Melolontbini 31. melpoda (Estrelda) 205. merguiensis (Clistocoeloma) 49, 92. Merismoderus 1, 2. Merops 202. Metasesarma 93. miliaris (Aspidomorpba) 39. Miopitbecus 42, 43, 45. modesta (Calamaria) 254. „ (Cosmiomorpba) 128. modiglianii (Pericbaeta) 234. moebii (Xenopbtbalmodes) 49, 68, 126. Moecbotypa 37. Mola 191. mola (Ortbragoriscus) 190, 192. „ (Tetrodon) 191. molossus (Catbarsius) 31. moluccensis (Pious) 210. mona (Cercopitbecus) 42, 46. monogrammica (Asturinula) 198. Monobammus 37. Monolepta 39. Mordella 34. Mordellidae 34. multifasciata (Mabuia) 254. muricola (Vespertilio) 153, 154. Mus 225. Muscicapa 204. musica (Pericbaeta) 236, 237. mutabile (Colasposoma) 38. Myctiris 49, 83. Myllocerus 35. Myodites 12. 264 INDEX. Naja 26. nasus (Mola) 191. Natica 112, 113. ncbulosa (Batocera) 7. niassensis (Pachyteria) 161, 175. Nicator 204. nigerriinus (Ploceus) 204. nigripes (Thermonotus) 248. Nigi-ita 205. nigrita (Ilirundo) 201. nigriventre (Colasposoma) 38. nigro-albus (Calamaria) 254. nigrosignatus (Mclanoxanthus) 246. Nipliona 37. Nisotra 38. nitens (Aslathes) 37. „ (Malimbus) 204. Nitidulidae 15, 31. nitidus (Calcinus) 49, 111, 112. // (Catoptrus) 67. niveus (Poteriophorus) 238, 239. Noëmia 37, 136. notatus (Sciurus) 152. novempunctatus (Eurybatus) 135. nuchale (Syrnium) 198. nudipes (Xantho) 49, 53. Nupserba 37. Nyctobates 34. O. obscurus (Cinnyris) 202. obsoleta (Zosterops) 203. ochracea (Pacbyteria) 168, 170, 175. octodecimpunctata (Cbalcolampra) 38. octolineatus (Dendropbis) 22. , (Simotes) 19, 256. Odontolabis 31, 159, 160. Odontomas 25. Oedicnemus 206. Oldes 38. Olenecamptus 37. Oliva 196. Opbionea 30. Opbiopbagus 26. Opbites 25. Oreas 220. oreas (Oreas) 220. orientalis (Hetairocaris) 49, 122, 126. Oriolus 204. orizae (Calandra) 35. ornata (Chrysopelea) 22. Ortbogonius 30. Ortbragoriscus 189 — 193. ovalis (Latolaeva) 31. oxycephalum (Gonyosoma) 22. Ozius 56. Ozodura 195. ozodura (Ortbragoriscus) 190, 191, 193. ï». pacbycbirus (Alpbeus) 49, 116, 119, 120, 126. Pacbyderes 33. Pacbydissus 36. Pacbygrapsus 49, 86, 89, 126. Pacbyloceriis 36. Pacbyteria L61, 163, 164, 166, 168, 170, 171, 175, 176. pacificus (Macropbtbalmus) 49, 79, 83, 126. padavensis (Clibanarius) 113, 114, 115. Pagria 181, 182. Pagurus 107, 108, 113. pallescens (Luciola) 34. pallidus (Pbytorus) 185. parallela ( Pacbyteria) 161. parryi (Clivina) 30. pascoii (Coptengis) 130. Passalidae 31. pasteuri (Tbermonotus) 248, 249, 250. pauper (Lepidiota) 32. pauperatus (Episomus) 35. Paussidae 1. Paussus 4. pearsonii (Pteromys) 145. „ (Sciuropterus) 145 — 148, 151. pectoralis (Oïdes) 38. Penaeus 49, 124. penicillatus (Cbiropodomys) 225. percberonii (Lebioderus) 3. Pericbaeta 231, 234, 236. Peristera 206. pernobilis (Artelida) 8. personatus (Pyrenestes) 205. petelii (Sagra) 37. Pbemone 137. Pberopsopbus 30. Pbolidauges 204. Pbytorus 3 84, 185. picitarsis (Dietysus) 34. picta (Dendropbis) 256. „ (Ispidina) 202. „ (Portax) 218. „ (Sesarma) 97, 101. pictus (Dendropbis) 22. I, (Psaminodynastes)17, 23, 24. INDEX. 265 Piciis 209, 210. pilosus (Pachylocenis) 36. Piliimnopeiis 56, 58. Pilumnus 49, 59, 61, 63, 64, 126. Pithecheir 224. Pithecheirus 224. Pithecliir 222, 224. Pithicheirus 227. Plaesius 30. Plagusia 49, 89. planicoUe (Aphrodisium) 155,157, 158, 176. pknifrons (Lcptograpsus) 84, 85. planipennis (Sphenophorus) 35. Platums 27, 256. Platychora 15. Platypria 39. Platypus 35. Platyrhopalus 3, 4. Platysoma 13, 14, 30. Platystira 204. platyurus (Sciuropterus) 147, 150. Ploceus 204. pliimbea (Hypsirhina) 20. plumiferus (Pachylocerus) 36. pogonias (Cercopitliecus) 42. poliogaster (Zosterops) 202. polychroma (Pachyteria) 171. Popilia 32. populneus (Cerambyx) 164. Portax 218. Portunidae 67. posthuma (Pericliaeta) 234. Poteriopliorus 238, 239. Praonetha 37. prasinus (Dryophis) 22. pretiosus (Eucyrtus) 34. prev^osti (Sciurus) 149. principalis (Vidua) 204. Prionini 36. proserpina (Batocera) 7. Protocerius 35. Psalanta 137. Psammodynastes 17, 23. Pseudocolaspis 182, 183. Pseudoplatychora 15, 31. Psittacus 205. Pteromys 143, 144, 145, 146. Pteropus 149. pubescens (Clanis) 40. puella (Peristera) 206. ])ulverulentus (Psammodynastes) 23, 24. punctata (Coptocycla) 40. punctatus (Xantho) 49, 52, 126. puncticollis (Pachyteria) 171. punctipennis (Cyrtonops) 142. purpurascens (Eurytrachelus) 28,31. purpurascens CSimotes) 255, 256. ,1 (Xenodon) 256. pusillanima (Epilachna) 40. pusillus (Copelatus) 30. Pycnonotus 204. pygerythrus (Cercopithecus) 42. Pyrenestes 205. Pyrocoelia 33. Pyromelana 204. Pyropida 38. Python 18. Q. quadragenaria (Perichaeta) 236. quadrata (Sesarma) 49, 98 — 101. quadriguttatus (Eumorphus) 40. • quadrilineata (Macronota) 11. quadripunctata (Lema) 37. quadripustulata (Caritheca) 39. quagga (Equus) 245. qiiinquedens (Geryon) 69, 75. quinquestriatum (Platysoma) 13. R. rauca (Apogonia) 31. rectirostris (Anthreptes) 202. ,1 (Hippolyte) 121. resplendens (Rhomborrhina) 9, 10, 11. restoratum (Platysoma) 13. reticulatus (Python) 18. Rhaphidopalpa 38. Rhembastus 186. Rhinoceros 241. Rhinolophus 152. rhodomelas (Amphiesma) 20. Rhomborrhina 9, 10. Rhygmodus 34. Rhynchites 35. Rhynchophorus 35. Rhytidodera 36. richtersii (Actaeodes) 49, 51. Rodolia 40. roepstorffi (Aegus) 28. rotundiceps (Anomala) 32. rousseauxi (Metasesarma) 93. rubea (Rodolia) 40. riibriventer (Sciurus) 151. rufa (Cisticola) 203. ,/ (Cylindrophis) 18. ruflcollis (Pachyteria) 171. rulicornis (Telephorus) 34. rufilabris (Uloma) 34. rufipennis (Macrouota) 11. rutbfusca (Lagria) 34. 266 INDEX. rufopiinctata (Trapezia) 65. rufovittata (Glycyphana) 11, 32, 33. nigosicollis (Pachyteria) 171. ruptus (Melanoxanthns) 240. nistica (Hirundo) 198, 199. Rutclini 32. sabinei (Chaunonotus) 204. Sacculina 56. sagitta (Sciiiropterus) 147, 148, 150. Sagra 37. Sagrinac 37. saiga (Eurytraclielus) 28. sapcrdoides (Xeiiocerus) 36. sappho (Batocera) 7. scabricula (Eriphia) 49, 66. scalaris (Coptocycla) 40. scapulatus (Corvus) 204. Scarabaeidae 31. scenica (Macronota) 11. schach (Rhyncliopliorus) 35. schwaneri (Corynodes) 187. Schiropterus 145, 147, 150. Sciurus 149, 151, 152. scolopacea (Megalaema) 205. Scolytidae 35. Scotornis 198. sciitatus (Malimbus) 204. scutellaris (Belionota) 33. sellatiis (Poteriophorus) 239. semicaudata (Emballonura) 154. semifasciatus (Lophoceros) 205. semiignitum (Aphrodisium) 176. ,1 (Callichroma) 176. semmelinki (Oliva) 196. Scmnopithecus 43. senegalensis (Centropus) 205. serena (Rhaphidopalpa) 38. scricans (Sphenophorus) 35. serratifrons (Heteropanope) 49, 56, 59, 126. serratifrons (Ozius) 56. ,/ (Pilumnopeus) 56. Sesarma 49, 93—96, 99—101, 104, 126. setosus (Pteromys) 146. „ (Sciuropterus) 145, 146, 147, 150. sheppardi (Coptengis) 130. Silis 34. similis (Pachyteria) 171, 176. Simotes 19, 255, 256. simplex (Criniger) 203. simulaiis (Illiytidodera) 36. sinuis (Rhinoceros) 241 — 244. sinuatus (Eupagurus) 107, 108. sluitcri (Pcrichaeta) 234,236,237. smithii (Eriphia) 66, 67. ,/ (Lanius) 204. // (Sesarma) 49, 94. sommeri (Odontolabis) 159, 160. sordidus (Sphenophorus) 35. soricinus (Sciurus) 152. speciosa (Pachyteria) 171. ,1 (Plagusia) 49, 89—91. spectrum (Tarsius) 149. Spermestes 205. Spermospiza 205. Sphaerometopa 38. Sphaerozius 59. Sphenophorus 35. splendidus (Catascopus) 30. Staphylinidae 30. stentor (Gecko) 254. Stethotes 185. sticticus (Eretes) 30. strenua (Atossa) 252. Strepsiceros 211, 212. Strepticeros 211, 212. striale (Platysoma) 30. striolatus (Clibanarius) 113, 115, 116. subannulatus (Odontomus) 25. subcinctus (Ophites) 25. snbnuda (Gnatholea) 36. subsulphurea (Megalaema) 205. sumatrana (Perichaeta) 236. sumatranus (Bothrops) 27. „ (Calamaria) 18. sumatrensis (Cerophysa) 39. (Pagria) 181. sumptuosa (Pyropida) 38. sundae (Platysoma) 14, 31. superba (Cicindela) 30. „ (Tyana) 177, 178, 179. superbus (Lophozozymus) 49, 53. sylvaticus (Tragelaphus) 220. Sylvia 204. Syrnium 198. T. taeniatus (Clibanarius) 49, 113, 114, 115, 116. taeniatus (Pagurus) 113. tahitcnsis (Lachnopodus) 49, 52. // (Pilumnus; 49, 61, 64, 126. tahitensis (Xantho) 49, 52. talapoin (Cercopithecus) 41, 42, 46. tana (Tupaja) 228, 229. Tarsius 149. Tcctona 209. Telephoridae 34. INDEX. '267 Telephorus 34. tendal (Antilope) 21i, 217. I, (Strepsiceros) 212. tcndall (Antilope) 211. Tenebrionidae 84. tenebrosus (Copelatus) 30. terminata (Pyrocoolia) 33. testaceus (Haplosonyx) 39. Tetralangiiria 40. tetra taenia (Elaps) 25. Tetrodon 191. Thalpocliares 178. Theopea 39. Thermonotus 248. thoracica (Moechotypa) 37. timneb (Psittacus) 205. tomentosLis (Macropbtbalmus; 83. Trachelizus 36. Tragelapbus 220. tranquebaricus (Apoderus) 35. Trapezia 49, 64, 65. trapezoidea (Sesarma) 49, 96. traversi (Eupagurus) 108. Treron 206. trianguligerus (Tropidonotus) 20. Tricbolepis 32. tricolor (Cyclopbis) 255. f, (Liopeltis) 22. ,1 (MordcUa) 34. tridens (Geryon) 69, 71, 75. trifoliatus (Rbinolophus) 152. trinotatus (Simotes) 256. Triplatoma 40. tripudians (Naja) 26. tripunctatus (Cybister) 30. trispinosus (Cancer) 69. ,, (Clialaepus) 69. ,, (Geryon) 49, 69, 75, 126. tristis (Carpilodes) 49, 50, 51. Trogositidac 31. Tropidonotus 20. truncatifrons (Goniocaphyra) 49, 67. truncatus (Orthragorisciis) 190. tuberculata (Plagusia) 89. Tupaja 152, 228. Turdinus 203. Tyana 177, 178, 179. tympanistria (Pcristera) 206. Typhlina 18. XJ. Uloma 34. umbrosus (Adorctus) 32. undulata (Acthriostoma) 31. „ (Cicindela) 30. undulatus (Agriorrhynchus) 36. uiiicolor (Pachylocerus) 36. „ (Xenopeltis) 18. V. vaillanti (Pericbaeta) 234. vandepolU (Pacbyteria) 175. „ (Poteriopborus) 238. variabilis (Homelea) 38. variegatus (Leptograpsus) 84, 85. varipes (Eucycla) 38. velutinus (Coloborbombus) 248. venusta (Colaspoides) 188. venustus (Cinnyris) 202. Verania 40. vermicalatus (Oedicnemus) 206. vermiformis (Calamaria) 18, 19. verreauxi (Criniger) 203. verticalis (Cinnyris) 202. ,, (Cossypba) 203. Vespertilio 153, 154. Vesperugo 152. vestitus (Pilumnus) 64. vexillifer (Platyrbopalus) 3, 4. Vidua 204. virens (Andropadus) 204. virgulata (Calamaria) 253, 254. vittata (Glycypbana) 11, 32. voluptuosa (Pacbyteria) 163, 164, 165, 166, 176. vordermanni (Pericbaeta) 231, 234, 237. vordermanni (Sciuropterus) 150. I, (Vesperugo) 152. vulgaris (Clibanarius) 49, 113, 114, 115. W. wagleri (Botbrops) 27. wallacei (Batocera) 7. wallacii (Coptengis) 130. westermanni (Xylinades) 36. woodlarkiana (Batocera) 7. X. Xantbo 49, 52, 53, 126. Xantbodes 178. xantbo-pustulata (Episcapba) 47. Xenocerus 36. Xenodon 256. Xenopeltis 18. Xenopbtbalmodcs 49, 68, 126. Xylinades 36. Xylotrupes 32. 268 INDEX. Z. Zanclognatha 178. Zapyrus 256. zebra (Melanoxanthus) 246. zonator (Cyriocrates) 180. Zonitis 35. Zonopterus 174, 175, 176. Zosterops 197, 202, 203. m K 00 co o !5 N. L. M. 1890. Plate 2. r^i Wsi^C' 5.„ . „Sir .'^ '■'uV.TiJ / C. W. H. Verster ad nat. del. et. lith. P.W.M. Trap, imp. I, 2, 3. Cercopithecus talapoin Erxleben. 4. „ mona Erxlebc?i. 5. „ büttikoferi Joiiiiik. N. L. M. 1890. Plate 3. 4^ %AllA\i VW^Jttfe 4» Ni^V r Dr. J. G. de Man del. A. J. J. Wendel lidi. P. W. M. Trap impr. 1. Xantho punctatus //. M. Ediu. 3. Pilumnus globosus Dana. 2. Heteropanope serratifrons Kinahan. 4. „ tahitensis de Man. 5. Xenophthalmodes Moebii Richters. r Plate 4. v_ r 10 ^ /" :3 -J^l^flJÖ^^''' y-. -^z Dr. J. G. de Man del. A. J. J. Wendel lith. P. W. M. Trap impr. 6. Geryon trispinosus I/erl?s^. 8. Macrophth. carinimanus La/r. 7. Macrophthalmus crassipes JI. M. Edw. 9. „ dilatatus de Haan. 10. Macrophthalmus pacificus Dana. lO % ►55 O C-i O 00 o N. L. M. 1890. Plate 6. fe 12 a 13. 13- 1-i. nij Vin JW»! iG-: 16' Dr. J. G. de Man del. A. J. J. Wendel lith. P. W. M. Trap impr. 12. Sesarma bataviana de Man. 14. Alpheus pachychirus Stimpson. 13. „ barbimana de Man. 15. ,, latifrons A. Af. Ediu. 16. Hetairocaris orientalis de Man. N. L. M. 1890. Plate 7. K Knaradnat. del. etlith. I, 2. Kupetaurus cinereus O.Thomas. 3, 4. .Sciuropterus pearsonii Gray. S , 6. Sciuropterus setosiis Temminck. 7 , 8. Sciuropterus platyurus Jentmk. 9, 10. Sciuropterus sagitta Linné. P. W. iM. Trap impr. II, 12. .Sciuropterus aurantiacus Wagncr. 13, 14. Sciuropterus vordermanni /cntink. N. L. M. 1890. Plate 8. V2O. R. Raar ad nat. del. et lith. P. W. M. Trap impr. Orthragoriscus mola (?) Linné. Plate 9. 1,2 3, 4. Dr. H. W. de Graaf ad nat. del. c, g, k, 1, n. A. Koorenhoff phot. A.]. J. Wendel lith. P.W. M. Trap impr. 1 , 2 , 2 , 4. Pithechir melannrus S. Muller. c, g, k, 1, n. Strepsiceros strepsiceros Pallas. N.L.M. 1890. Plate 10. &ft: -^^^ 'P— V. 3. r L i !•■■■ r- k~ /[ /jxxi. H )é. S;>^ Dr. R. Horst ad nat del. A.J J. Wendellith. P \V. M. Trap impr. I — 3. Perichaeta vordermanni Horst. 4—5- sluiteri Iforsf. 6. Perichaeta musica Horst. 7. „ annulata Horst. / /• NOTES FROM THE LEYDEN MUSEUM EDITED BY Dr. F. A. JENTINK, Director of the Museum. VOL.. XII. N°. 1 and 2. January and April 1890. LEYDEN E. J. BRILL. Published in April 1890. LIST OF CONTENTS. PART I and 11—1890. Page Note I. Descriptions of two new Paussidae from the Malay-Islands. By J. R. H. Neervoort van de Poll 1. ISTote II. On new or little-known Batoceridae. By J. R. H. Neervoort VAN DE Poll 5. JSote III. On a new Longicorn from Madagascar. By J. R. H. Neervoort VAN DE Poll 8. Note I"V. On the specific distinctness of RJiomborrkina resplendens Swartz and gigantea Kraatz. By C. Ritsema Cz 9. Note V. A new African .3fyofi?J^es-species. Described by C. Ritsema Cz. . 12. Note VI. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Histeriden. Von JoH. Schmidt. . . 13. Note "VII. Description d'un Nitidulide nouveau de Sumatra. Par A. Grou- VELLE 15. Note VIII. On a collection of Snakes from Dehli. By Dr. Th. W. van Lidth de Jeude. (Plate 1) 17. Note IX. On Lucanus elaphus Herbst. By C. Ritsema Cz 28. Note X. Contributions towards the knowledge of the Coleopterous fauna of West Sumatra. By C. Ritsema Cz 29. Note XI. On Cercopithecus talapoin Erxleben. By C. L. Reuvens. (Plate 2). 41. Note XII. A new species of the Erotylid genus Episcapha. Described by the Rev. H. S. Gorham 47. Note XIII. Carcinological studies in the Leyden Museum. By Dr. J. G. DE Man. (Plate 3—6) 49. Note XIV. Descriptions of two new species of Asiatic Cetoniidae. By Oli- ver E. Janron 127. Note XV. On unrecorded varieties of Copiengis Sheppardi Crotch and of C. Pascoii Crotch. By the Rev. H. S. Gorham 130. Note XVI. Description of a new Goliathid from the Cameroons. By J. R. H. Neervoort van de Poll. . 131. Note XVII. Description of three new species of Malayan Longicornia. By C. Ritsema Cz 135. Note XVIII. Final remark on BoUchoprosopus maculatus Kits. By J. R. H. Neervoort van de Poll 140. Note XIX. Additional remarks on Cladopalpus Hageni Lansb. By J. R. H. Neervoort van de Poll 141. Note XX. Observations relating Eupetmirus cinereus Oldfield Thomas. By Dr. F. A. Jentink. (Plate 7, figs. 1 and 2) 143. Note XXI. On a new Flying Squirrel from Deli, Sumatra. By Dr. F. A. Jentink. (Plate 7, figs. 3—10) 145. Note XXII. On a collection of Mammals from Billiton. By Dr. F. A. Jentink. (Plate 7. figs. 11—14) 149. Contents continued on page 3 of vjrapper. Page Note XXIII. Two new species of the Longicorn genus Apkrodisium Thom- son. Described by J. R. H. Neervookt van de Poll 156. Note XXIV. On the forma priodonta of Odontolabis Lowei Parry and on the forma teledonta of Odontolabis Sommeri Parry. By J. R. H. Neer- vookt VAN DE Poll 159. Note XXV. A new species of the Longicorn genus Pachyteria Serv. Des- cribed by C. J. Gahan, M. a 161. Note XXVI. On some species of the genus Pachyteria from the old col- lection of Thomson. By C. Ritsema Cz 163. Note XXVII. On Zmwpterus flavitarsis Hope. By C. Ritsema Cz. . . 174. Note ZXX!VII.I. Supplementary list of the described species of the Lon- gicorn genera Zonopterus , Pachyteria and Aphrodisium. By C. Ritse- ma Gz 175. Iir.B. Plate 3 — 6 will be published in the July-number. List of Works published by E. J. BRILL, Leyden. Archiv (Niederlandisches) fur Zoölogie, herausgegeben von Prof. Emil Selenka u. fortgesetzt von Prof. C. K. Hoffmann. 1871 —82 Baud I— V. 8° f 58.— - • Supplementband I. 1881—1882. m. 1 Karte und 23 Taf. ƒ 20.— (Enthaltend die zoologischen Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1878 und 79 mit Schoner «■VVillem Barents" unternommenen arktischen Fahrten). Bouwstoffen voor eene fauna van Nederland, onder medewerking van onderscheidene geleerden en beoefenaars der dierkunde, bijeen- verz. door J. A. Herklots. 3 din. 1851—66. 8° ƒ18.70 Graaf (H. W. de), Sur la construction des organes génitaux des Phalangiens. Texte hoU.-franijais. Essai couronné de la médaille d'or par la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Leide. 1882. 4°. Av. 35 pi. En toile f 30, — Martin (K.), Die Tertiarschichten auf Java. Nach den Entdeckun- gen von Fr. Junghuhn. 'Paleontol. ïheil, Allgemeiner Theil und Anhang, Mit Taf. Univalven , Bivalven , Crustaceën , Korallen , Fora- miuiferen. 1879—80. (X. 164, 51, 6. Erkl. d. Taf. VI. 26 lithogr. m. 2 pbotogr. Taf. nebst geolog. Karte.) gr. 4°. cart ƒ 25.70 Museum d'histoire naturelle des Pays-Bas. Eevue méthodique et critique des collections déposées dans eet établissement, par H. Schle- GEL. vol. I— X, XII. 8° ƒ51.25 — F. A. Jentink, Table alphabétique. 1881. (164). . ƒ4.— — — — Vol. IX : Catalogue ostéologique des Mammifères. ƒ 9,50 Vol. XII: Catalogue systématique des Mammifères (Rongeurs, Insectivores , Cheiroptères , Edentés et Marsupiaux). ƒ 4.50 Notes from the Leyden Museum , ed. by H. Schlegel a. F. A. Jen- tink. Vol. I— VIII. 1879—86. 8» per vol. ƒ 5.— Vol. IX— XI. 1887—89 per vql. f 7.50 Fiaget (Dr. E.), Les Pédlculines. Essai mouographique. 2 vol. 1880. vol. I: texte, vol. II: planches. (XXXIX. 714. 56 pi.) gr. in-4°. En toile ƒ 60. — Supplément. 1885. (XII, 162 et 17 pi.) gr. iu-4°. En toile ƒ 18.— Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendances, d'après les découvertes de FRANgois P. L. Pollen et D. C. van Dam. I— V. 1868--77. 4°. Ire Partie: rRAN90isP.L. Pollen, Relation de voyage. Livr. I — V. ƒ37.50 llme " H. Schlegel et Fr. Pollen , Mammifères et Oiseaux , 1868 ƒ 30.50 IVnie • P. Bleeker et Fr. Pollen, Poissons et pêches . . . - 18.50 Vme » S. C. Snellen van Vollenhoven , Baron Edm. de Sélts LoNGCHAMPs, C. K. Hoffmann et J. G. de Man, In- sectes, Crustacées, Echinodermes et Mollusqnes . . ƒ15.25 Sammlungen des geolog. Reichsmuseums in Leiden. K. Martin u. A. WiCHMANN, Beitrage zur Geologie Ost-Asiens und Australiens. 1881—89. Heft 1—17. m. Taf. 8° per Heft ƒ 3.— Schlegel (H.), Monographie des Singes. 1876. 8° ƒ4.75 Oiseaux desIndesNéerl., décrits et fig. (ƒ34.80) gr. in-4°. ƒ25.— Snellen (P. C. T.), De vlinders van Nederland. Microlepidoptera , systematisch beschreven. 2 dln. 1882. gr. 8°, Met 14 pi. ƒ 15.— PRINTED BY E. J. BRILL, LEYDEN. r-rr^r:?,-r-efl5^ L NOTES FROM THE LEYDEN MUSEUM EDITED BY Dr. F. A. JENTINK, Director of the Museum. TOL.. XII. N°. 3. July 1890. LEYDEN E. J. BRILL. Published in August 1890. LIST OF CONTENTS. PART III— 1890. Page Note XXIX. Notice sur la Tyana superba Moore. Par P. C. T. Snellen. 177. Note XXX. On Cyriocrates zonaior Thorns. By C. Kitsema Cz. . . . 180. Note XXXI. Descriptions de Coléoptères nouveaux de la familie des Eumolpides. Par Ed. Lefkvre 181. Note XXIXII. On a large specimen of Orthragoriscus on the Dutch coast. By Dr. Th. W. van Lidth de Jeude. (Plate 8). . 189. Note XXXIII. Description of a new species of 0ZJi;<7. By M. M. Schepman. 196. Note XX!XIV. Zoological researches in Liberia. On a series of Birds, collected by Mr. A. T. Demery in the District of Grand Cape Mount. By J. BÜTTIKOFER 197. Note XXXV. Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Ectaiorhinus (Coleoptera: fam. Curculionidae). Par W. Roelofs 207. ' NOTES FROM THE LEYDEN MUSEUM EDITED BY Dr. F. A. JENTINK, Director of the Museum. VOL. XII. N°. 4. October 1890. LEYDEN E. J. BRILL. Published in November 1890, LIST OF CONTENTS. PART IV— 1890. Page Note XXXVI. Extract from a letter addressed to Dr. F. A. Jentink by Mr. J. D. Pasteur 209. Note XXX VII. On Sirepsiceros kudu and Strepsiceros imberlis. By Dr. F. A. Jentink. (Plate 9) 211. Note XXXVIII. On two very rare, nearly forgotten and often misun- derstood Mammals from the Malayan Archipelago. By Dr. F. A. Jentink. (Plate 9) 222. Note XXXIX. Descriptions of Earthworms. By Dr. R. Hokst. V. (Plate 10). 231. Note XEj. Description de deux espèces nouvelles du genre Poteriopkorus Schh. de la familie des Gurculionides. Par W. Roelofs 238. Note XL