LI B R.ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 590.5 FI *. 37-38 BIOLOfli Latest Date stamped below. Ih.«, citation and 111 *>*» •"'";' —O-1096 Notes on Snakes of the Genus Calamaria Hymen Marx Assistant, Division of Reptiles and Amphibians AND Robert F. Inger Curator, Division of Reptiles and Amphibians INTRODUCTION At the generic level, the snakes of the genus Calamaria are among the most readily recognized of the entire oriental fauna. Yet at the species level, they present a bewildering array of super- ficially similar forms that have been for the most part poorly defined. These notes are offered with the hope that our analysis of the literature and discussion of characters will define some of the species and suggest fruitful lines of attack for a generic revision. The species discussed below are those in the collections of Chicago Natural History Museum (CNHM) with the addition of Bornean forms borrowed from other institutions. The emphasis on Borneo arises from our more general studies of the Bornean fauna. We are indebted to the following persons for the loan of material under their care: Mr. CM. Bogert, American Museum of Natural History (AMNH); Mr. J. C. Battersby, British Museum (Natural History) (BM); Mr. Arthur Loveridge, Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ); Mr. M. W. F. Tweedie, Raffles Museum (RM); Miss Margaret Storey, Natural History Museum, Stanford University (SU); and Dr. D. M. Cochran, United States National Museum (USNM). We are grateful to Mr. Harry G. Nelson, Roosevelt University, Chicago, for identification of some food fragments, and to Dr. Rainer Zangerl, Chicago Natural History Museum, for photo- graphic assistance. The drawings are the work of Miss Phyllis Wade, Chicago Natural History Museum. 167 168 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37 SPECIALIZATIONS OF THE GENUS CALAMARIA According to published accounts (de Rooij, 1917; Taylor, 1922; Mertens, 1930; Pope, 1935) the snakes of the genus Calamaria are secretive, generally being found under logs and other debris on the ground. The following characters define the external morphological divergence of Calamaria from the generalized, freely ranging colubrid stock: (1) no internasals; (2) prefrontals broadly in contact with supralabials; (3) reduction in size of nasal; (4) loreal absent (except in C. tropica Taylor); (5) reduction or loss of oculars; (6) reduction in size of eye; (7) reduction in number of labials; (8) parietals in contact with supralabials; (9) reduction in overall size; (10) reduction of tail. These characters add up to consolidation of head shields, proportional reduction of head and tail, and reduction of overall size; in short, the modifications commonly associated with burrowing snakes. Many of the same characters are found in Atractaspis, Atractus, Typhlogeophis, and Sympholis. Different levels of specialization are shown by the various species of Calamaria. But all forms have in common most of the characters of the above list. Variation in the degree of reduction of the oculars and eye, the number of labials, the length of the snout, and the relative proportions of head shields indicate different degrees of specialization. Within the genus the diameter of the eye may be slightly longer than, equal to or shorter than the distance of the eye from the mouth. We consider that the smaller the eye the more specialized the form. The reduction of eye size is associated with reduction in the preoculars. We have tabulated the characters of 80 currently recognized species (see check list) of Calamaria. Data were taken from the literature; the original descriptions were used for species not included in the major faunal works (de Rooij, 1917; Taylor, 1922; Pope, 1935; Smith, 1930, 1931, 1943). The relation between the presence of preoculars and the size of the eye in all species for which data are available is given in Table 1. It is clear from the table that the disappearance of the preocular is associated with the reduction in eye size. Another character commonly mentioned in the literature is the ratio of the width of the frontal to the width of the supraocular. As the supraocular becomes smaller, the frontal becomes relatively wider. This ratio is also associated with eye size. As the eye becomes smaller the ratio increases (Table 2). The association of MARX AND INGER: SNAKES OF GENUS CALAMARIA 169 Table 1— ASSOCIATION OF PRESENCE OF PREOCULARS WITH SIZE OF EYE IN SPECIES OF CALAMARIA Observed numbers of species Total Calculated numbers of species Preocular Preocular Present Absent Present Absent ye* Greater. Equal. . Less Total . .. 13 . . 23 19 .. 55 0 4 11 15 13 27 30 70 10.2 21.2 23.6 55.0 2.8 5.8 6.4 15.0 Chi square=8.62; n = 2; P=0.01 * "Greater," "equal," and "less" refer to eye diameter relative to distance of eye from mouth. the reduction in eye size with the reduction of the preocular and the increase of the frontal-supraocular ratio suggests that the ocular region represents a morphological field that is becoming smaller as a whole. The great majority of species of Calamaria have five or six supralabials, with the third and fourth entering the eye. About one-sixth of the species have four supralabials. All but one of these have the second and third supralabials entering the eye. Since most colubrids have more than six upper labials, those Calamaria with four labials are considered more specialized than those with five. The fact that the change from five to four is apparent in front of the orbit suggests that that is the position of the reduction. The reduction is a result either of a shortening of the snout or of a consolidation of the shields of the snout. Each of these processes seems to be important to burrowing snakes. The reduction in the number of labials is independent of eye size (Table 3). The low value of chi square in Table 3 demonstrates that these two characters are distributed at random, relative to one another, and that, therefore, they represent different morphological fields with different selective relationships. The deviation of Calamaria from the colubrid pattern of scutel- lation is accompanied by modifications of the skull (fig. 21). Some of these changes parallel the consolidation of the head shields. The discussion that follows is based on one skull each of C. leucogaster, C. gervaisi, C. leucocephala and C. septentrionalis. In most non-specialized colubrids (as in Coluber, Natrix, Elaphe, and Farancia) the septomaxilla has a small postero-lateral projection that is widely separated from both prefrontal and nasal. In Cala- maria the septomaxilla has a lateral wall, subequal in length to the + -* rH eo (0 © 4 rH -m N 1 <£> «j jg 1 i ®5 t- o 00 rH O H O H n: W E-" — 5S Eh o z < CO t— ( CO CO ' OS rH o Eh Eh O O Eh < r-H o o CO CO j pa < 3 Eh O CO W M o H Cm c/j — s, s s 3 oo 0 * as eo CO en o TJ is ©» eo eo t-^ oo e i-H £ a 1 a « j^ K ©* tH us ■** o og © o V. CO «o t- t- 6s i-H ©* TH LO Tj< o 1 eo «D t- t> rH © 15 o o eo t> rH 1—1 V '-h -M CO c- Ch + -1§ o t-h m cr> rH rH t> OS H 00 OJ 00 ©* «D (M ®* VO 00 •**• I t- 8 i» £0 W KH w C N 0> i— i CO 00 50 1 Tl* t> OS OHT» © a O H OJ IN us Eh CO e hH cd CO -* O t- t- 1 rH co CO g O eo • 13 +3 M e« ™ w O < Eh >> £ £ 1 ^ cr ai OH J H 170 MARX AND INGER: SNAKES OF GENUS CALAMARIA 171 longitudinal axis of the nasal. Posteriorly this broad wall abuts the prefrontal and dorsally has an extensive connection with the lateral border of the nasal. This relationship gives the septomaxilla the position of a strut between nasal and prefrontal and, presumably, adds rigidity to the snout. This rigidity has been noticed by G. Haas (1930, p. 156), who comments on the reduced movability of the transverse suture between the nasals and the frontals in Cala- maria linnaei. The walls of the brain case are also modified. The parietal and supraoccipital above and the basisphenoid and basioccipital below lack the surface sculpturing of most colubrid skulls. Instead, the brain case has been smoothed, broadened, and flattened. But far more radical are the changes that have taken place in some of the bones used in engulfing food. The typical snake has a long squamosal (about equal to the length of the skull behind the frontal), closely applied to the dorso-lateral portion of the parietal anteriorly but free from and superior to the occipital region pos- teriorly. Usually (as in Coluber, Elaphe, Natrix, and Farancia) the squamosal projects beyond the foramen magnum. The quadrate is as long as or longer than the squamosal and, when the mouth is closed, slopes backward and outward from its articulation with the posterior end of the squamosal. The length, position, and freedom of movement of these bones are necessary to the great mobility of the mandible. In Calamaria the squamosal is reduced to a tiny sliver no longer than the dorsal width of the quadrate. Instead of lying on the dorso-lateral surface of the parietal, the squamosal lies on the side of the skull and is closely applied for its entire length to the prootic and may even overlie part of the exoccipital. The quadrate, closely pressed against the side of the skull and oriented vertically, is shorter than the depth of the brain case; its dorso-ventral axis is subequal to its dorsal width. The posterior edge of the quadrate lies anterior to the level of the foramen magnum. The shortening and the changed positions of the squamosal and the quadrate in Calamaria must reduce the amplitude of jaw movement. The pterygoid of Calamaria is also shortened, probably in asso- ciation with the changed position of the quadrate. Whereas the pterygoid in colubrids usually projects far beyond the level of the foramen magnum, in Calamaria it ends at that level or anteriorly. The shortening of these three bones may be viewed as part of the process of consolidation. With the confinement of the ends of Fig. 21. Skull of Calamaria leucogaster (CNHM 71598); actual length 7 mm. 172 MARX AND INGER: SNAKES OF GENUS CALAMARIA 173 the pterygoid and squamosal to the limits of the brain case and the pulling in of the quadrate against the skull, some of the "loose ends" of the skull have been eliminated and the three bones have been given added protection. Fig. 22. Maxilla of Calamaria leucogaster (CNHM 71598) ; actual length 5 mm. First tooth missing. One additional specialization of Calamaria is unique. The maxillary teeth of all but two of the species examined are greatly broadened at the base and compressed laterally (figs. 22-24). Near the apex of the enlarged base is a small, oval, translucent area. The pulp cavity (fig. 24) has two branches, one running out into the Fig. 23. Maxilla of Calamaria septentrionalis (CNHM 7139); actual length 3.5 mm. Last two teeth missing. shaft and the other curving into the posterior part of the base. From the saddle between these two branches, fine pulp canals run into the oval, translucent "window." The small amount of pulp in this region is apparently responsible for its transparency. 174 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Two levels of maxillary tooth specialization are found in the species we have examined. The less modified condition occurs in schmidti, which has seven, widely spaced, unmodified ophidian teeth, and in leucogaster, in which only the last two of its seven maxillary teeth are slightly enlarged at the base (fig. 22). The more specialized condition is characteristic of all the others. In these last, all of the maxillary teeth are modified as illustrated. There is no space between successive teeth, and all are enlarged at the base. The other dentigerous bones have typical ophidian teeth (fig. 25). Fig. 24. Maxillary tooth of Calamaria gervaisi (CNHM 15025), greatly en- larged; cleared and stained with eosin. The function of the specialized teeth is obscure. The diet of Calamaria consists largely, if not exclusively, of earthworms. Four- teen individuals, belonging to eight of the eighteen species studied, contained earthworms. There were no marks on the food remnants to indicate how the teeth were used. Other earthworm feeders among oriental colubrids — Natrix nuchalis, Achalinus spinalis, Opheodrys major, and Trirhinopholis styani (Pope, 1935) — have the simple, conical, rather widely spaced teeth characteristic of snakes — an indication that the unusual teeth of Calamaria may not be an adaptation to food itself. Instead, G. Haas' description (1930, p. 157) of the skull move- ments of C. linnaei causes us to speculate that the modified teeth may constitute an adaptation to facilitate food ingestion. Though not commenting on the form of the maxillary teeth, Haas concludes that the maxilla is capable only of very limited movement in a longitudinal direction. Rather, during protraction of the pterygo- MARX AND INGER: SNAKES OF GENUS CALAMARIA 175 palatal arch, the maxilla is swung laterally so that the tooth row, which at rest is oriented obliquely inward, is rotated on its longi- tudinal axis. Haas suspects that this swinging action of the maxilla functions to push the prey, whose soft body tends to be squeezed Fig. 25. Mandible of Calamaria septentrionalis (CNHM 7139) ; actual length 8.5 mm. out laterally by the pressure of jaw and palate, in toward the center of the mouth so that it can pass the gape. Assuming Haas to be correct, it seems clear that the broadening of the base of each maxillary tooth would increase the effectiveness of the maxilla by increasing the surface it could bring to bear on the prey. Furthermore, since Haas states that the turning of the maxilla is stronger posteriorly, we are presented with a functional explanation for the observation that apparently the posterior maxillary teeth were the first to become broadened (as in leuco- gaster). EVALUATION OF CHARACTERS Since 80 species of Calamaria are now recognized, part of the difficulty of identifying these snakes lies in the number of species to be compared. Unfortunately, some authors give the impression of extreme haste in describing new forms; it almost seems that the mass of forms to be compared discouraged any comparison. But most of the trouble arises from inadequate definition of the species in the literature. In general, the literature fails to evaluate the characters. The significance of a range of fifty ventrals, for example, is not examined. Indeed, many authors have neglected to sex their snakes, thus rendering their counts even less useful. The characters most often used to distinguish the species are: (1) the number of supralabials; (2) the contact or separation of the mental and first chin shields; (3) the ratio of frontal width to supra- 176 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37 ocular width; (4) the diameter of the eye relative to its distance from the mouth; (5) the presence or absence of a preocular; and (6) the number of ventrals (see Boulenger, 1894, and de Rooij, 1917). The number of supralabials varies from four to six. The dif- ference between five and six is merely a difference in the method of counting and depends upon whether the small scale following the large fifth labial is included in the count; in either case the same labials enter the eye and the same labial (fifth) is the largest. No significance can be attached to the difference between five and six labials and no forms are so distinguished. The distinction between four and five labials, however, is important. All forms with five (or six) labials have the third and fourth scutes entering the orbit, whereas all those with four labials have the second and third enter- ing the orbit, with the exception of lowi in which only the third enters it. We have examined two or more specimens of each of fifteen species; the two largest samples were 47 (vermiformis) and 20 (ger- vaisi). No intra-specific variation in supralabial counts was ob- served, nor is there any mention of such variation in the literature. A form invariably has either four or five (or five or six) supralabials. Almost as constant is the contact or separation of the mental and anterior chin shields. We have seen only one instance of intra- specific variation. Normally the first infralabials meet behind the mental in C. leucogaster, but one of the four examined has the mental narrowly in contact with the chin shields. Thus, this character on the whole is reliable in distinguishing species, but caution must be used when only a single specimen is available. The ratio of frontal width to supraocular is subject both to in- dividual variation and to errors in measurement. The ratio in the large series of vermiformis varied from \Yi to 23^; gervaisi varied from 13^ to 2; four leucocephala showed a range of 4 to 5. Clearly, a difference of 1 in this ratio can easily be accounted for by indi- vidual variation, but a difference of 2 or more, as in the comparison of gervaisi and leucocephala, is a matter of species differentiation. Keys (for example, Boulenger, 1894; de Rooij, 1917) that separate groups of species on the basis of the frontal being twice or less than twice as wide as the supraocular are not very helpful except in the extremes. Much the same can be said for eye size. There are species with extremely small eyes and those with moderately large eyes. Some intra-specific variation is evident but it never includes the extremes MARX AND INGER: SNAKES OF GENUS CALAMARIA 177 of the genus. In general, only when species occupy different ends of this scale can they be distinguished on the basis of this character. The presence or absence of a preocular is relatively constant. The notable exception in our experience is the series of leucocephala. One of the four seen has no preocular on either side of the head; a second has a preocular on one side only; the other two have a pre- ocular on both sides. But when present the preocular is very small and the prefrontal has a broad contact with the eye. Apparently the preocular is in the process of disappearing in leucocephala. In species with moderately large preoculars, the absence of this scale is probably a rare anomaly. The range of ventral counts reported in the literature is presented uncritically for the most part. Even Boulenger (1894), one of the few authors to sex his specimens, failed to analyze the counts; for example, he gave 153-210 as the range of ventral counts for vermi- formis but did not comment on this range or determine it for a single series. Analysis of our sample of vermiformis (snakes from the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippine Islands) provides an estimate of what is probably near the maximum intra-specific variation for the genus. The total range of ventrals for our 22 males is 53 (144-196) and for the 25 females 81 (137-217). Even if only Bornean snakes are considered, the range for 12 females is 64 (137-200). It is only when analysis is limited to a single locality that the variation is not unusually great; for example, our Bornean sample includes five males and five females from Mount Kina Balu; their ventral counts are, respectively, 154-165 and 170-180, ranges that are very narrow in contrast to the total range for the species. Similarly, although the four Sumatran males examined have a ventral range of 31 (166-196), three from a single locality vary only from 191 to 196; seven Sumatran females from scattered areas have a ventral range of 39 (179-217), whereas four from one locality have a range of only 9 (209-217). This pattern of wide intra-specific variation coupled with narrow local variation is also found in other species. In gervaisi, the total ventral range of 22 females from Luzon, Negros, and Mindanao is 39 (142-180); but nine from Montalban, Luzon, show a range of only 9 (158-166). Five males of borneensis vary from 152 to 169, yet four from one locality have a range of only 11 (159-169). Given such wide intra-specific variation, ventral counts are of little use in distinguishing forms. It is only when allopatric popu- lations differ by more than 50 ventrals that any significance can be 178 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37 attached to the difference. On the other hand, in dealing with closely related sympatric species, a difference of 20 ventrals can be accepted as an inter-specific difference if both samples come from the same restricted area and if the sexes are handled separately. Although the absolute variation in subcaudal counts must be smaller because of the numbers involved, relatively they show the same range as the ventrals. The range of 81 ventrals in vermiformis equals 37 per cent of the maximum count (217). The subcaudals of our 25 female vermiformis vary from 14 to 20; this range of 7 is equal to 35 per cent of the highest count. Yet despite this wide intra-specific variation, there is much inter-specific differentiation in caudal counts (see Table 4). However, because of a very sharp sex dimorphism, subcaudal counts are worthless unless the sex is determined. Table 4.— POSITION OF REDUCTION TO FOUR DORSAL SCALE ROWS IN CERTAIN SPECIES OF CALAMARIA Number of specimens given in parentheses Males Females Total Total Species Position* subcaudals Position subcaudals leucogaster 4-8 (4) 16-18 (4) gervaisi 6-11 (3) 16-19 (6) 2-10 (16) 11-16 (22) griswoldi 9-12 (4) 16-17 (4) 9-10 (3) 14-16 (3) lumbricoidea... 4-5(2) 19-22(2) 5(1) 17(1) vermiformis. . . 2-9 (22) 19-27 (22) 0-7 (25) 14-20 (25) grabowskyi. . . . 16-19 (2) 26-27 (2) 14-18 (2) 22-23 (2) suluensis 9(2) 23-25(2) pendleburyi . . . . 9(1) 18(1) 12(1) 17(1) lautensis 8 (1) 19 (1) 6 (1) 12 (1) leucocephala . . . 12-15(2) 34-37(2) 8-12(2) 26-29(2) septentrionalis. 0 (1) 18 (1) 0 (2) 10-11 (2) borneensis 6-9 (4) 22-24 (5) 4 (3) 16-19 (3) schmidti 6-7 (2) 14 (2) loivi 4-6 (2) 19-20 (2) 3-5 (2) 14 (2) *Position located in terms of subcaudals, counting forward from terminal scute. Another character, not discussed in the literature, has been useful in distinguishing certain species. The number of dorsal scale rows on the tail is usually reduced to four shortly before the terminal scute. The point at which the reduction to four scale rows occurs, as located by the number of subcaudals counted forward from the terminal scute, is relatively constant within species (Table 4). The position of this reduction seems to depend more on the shape of the MARX AND INGER: SNAKES OF GENUS CALAMARIA 179 tail than on its length, as is shown in Table 4 by a comparison of grabowskyi with vermiformis and of lautensis with septentrionalis. The data of Table 4 demonstrate that it would be difficult to identify a single specimen on the basis of this character alone, but it is useful in substantiating conclusions arrived at on the basis of other charac- ters. We refer to the comparisons of griswoldi with vermiformis grayi (see p. 184) and of grabowskyi with suluensis (see p. 191). TAXONOMIC SECTION Calamaria leucogaster Bleeker. Figures 21, 22. Calamaria leucogaster Bleeker, 1860, Nat. Tijds. Ned. Indie, 21 : 293 — Ampat- Lawang, Sumatra. Calamaria brookii Boulenger, 1895, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6), 15: 329. Calamaria brookei de Rooij, 1917, Rept. Indo-Austr. Arch., 2: 166. Descriptive notes. — Four females; total length 178-208 mm.; tail 0.06-0.08 of total; ventrals 146-155; subcaudals 16-18; supralabials 5, third and fourth entering eye; infralabials 5, first three pairs in contact with anterior chin shields; oculars 1+1; position of reduction to 4 dorsal scale rows, counting subcaudals forward from terminal scute 4-8; maxilla with 7 conical teeth. Discussion. — One (CNHM 67279) differs from the others in having a narrower snout and in having the mental in contact with the chin shields instead of being separated by the first infralabials. The latter distinction has been thought significant in distinguishing species of Calamaria. This is the only example of individual varia- tion in this character that we have found. The first infralabials of CNHM 67279 are only narrowly separated. Otherwise all four snakes are so similar that we must place them in the same species. Especially significant is the agreement in maxillary dentition (see discussion, p. 174). The differences between leucogaster and brooki as determined from Boulenger's descriptions (1894, 1895), which were based upon examination of the types, are: (1) frontal of leucogaster twice as wide as supraocular, three times as wide as supraocular in brooki; (2) snout of leucogaster pointed, no description for brooki; (3) sub- caudals of leucogaster 14-17, of brooki 23. As noted above, one of our snakes (CNHM 67279) has a more pointed snout than the others. In this character, therefore, it resembles leucogaster. But the frontal of this specimen relative to the supraocular, said to be wider in brooki, is wider than the others. 180 FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, VOLUME 37 Accordingly, our material shows a recombination of these supposedly- diagnostic characters. The differences in subcaudals can be at- tributed to sex dimorphism; the type of brooki is a male, whereas Boulenger (1894) gives no counts for male leucogaster. In Boulenger's descriptions, these two forms also differ in coloration. The difference lies in the apparent absence of longitu- dinal dark lines in leucogaster. But de Rooij (1917), who also examined the type of leucogaster, notes that eight dark longitudinal lines are present. Boulenger mentions only five in brooki plus a dark upper edge on the outer scale rows. If that dark edge be counted as an additional line, the total in brooki is raised to seven. The median band in our material is split into two by a light mid- dorsal line. Otherwise the agreement between our snakes and Bou- lenger's description of brooki is so close that we assume we are dealing with the same form, and, therefore, that the differences in the mid- dorsal stripe can be explained as individual variation. Since none of the distinctions between leucogaster and brooki stand up under analysis we must place the latter in synonymy. This conclusion is supported by the collection of both nominate forms from Matang, Sarawak (de Rooij, 1917, pp. 164, 166). Localities and specimens examined. — North Borneo: Jesselton District: Mount Kina Balu, Kiau, 3,000 feet (RM 320). Sarawak: First Division: Santubong, Sungai Ja'ong (CNHM 71598-99). Fifth Division: Lawas (CNHM 67279). Calamaria gervaisi DumeYil and Bibron. Figure 24. Calamaria virgulata (non Boie) Eydoux and Gervais, 1837, in Guer. Mag. Zool., 1837, CI. 3, pi. 16, figs. 7-10. Calamaria gervaisi Dumeril and Bibron, 1854, Erp. Gen., 7: 76 — Java [in error, see remarks, p. 182]. Descriptive notes. — Twenty specimens; supralabials 5, third and fourth entering eye; infralabials 5 or 6, first pair not in contact behind mental, first 3 pairs (18), 4 pairs (1), or % pairs (1) in contact with anterior chin shields; oculars 1 + 1; maxilla with 8 or 9 modified teeth; for ventral and subcaudal counts see Table 5. Luzon: Two males; total length 190-207 mm.; tail 0.07-0.08 of total. Nine females; total length 140-269 mm.; tail 0.04-0.05 of total. Position of reduction to 4 dorsal scale rows, counting sub- caudals forward from terminal scute 2-7 (mean 5.1). H o !0 -c CO 1-1 1-H 1-1 ■- 1 1 1 8 9> 3 ,-1 ^J< ■** i-H r-( i-H a c ^ 3 =3 N M ^ 2 03 ' i— 1 b t- Ol — ' 1 va ^ fti Kl 0 3 CO 0 *-. 0) Bj g ^ "3 * ^ <» ^ ^ o 09 O V £ p z 0 o h- 1 (V E • < -•-> > d a> >- c4 W a d, •— 5 91 « 0 1 9 o w fc o 1. I© H -! 5 H 3 W !z; u t- oo «5 I I CO CO o o CO iO CO ;/-. iH |H l-H | I | c3 "* ** i-H iH l-H 5 rO , — v 3 0J CO ■b t- CO l-H H s> N lO I I. I •b