til- ^^•^ NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE. Vol. XL, 1904. NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE H Jouvnal of Zooloo^ IN CONNECTION WITH THE TRING MUSEUM. EDITED BY The Hon. WALTER ROTHSCHILD, Ph.D., Dr. ERNST HARTERT, and Db. K. JORDAN. Vol. XI., 1904. (WITH TWENTY-ONE PLATES.) Issued at the Zoological Museum, Thing. PRINTED BY HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY, Ld., LONDON AND AYLESBURY. 1904. COI^TENTS OF VOLUME XI. GENERAL SUBJECTS. PAGES See Introduction to the article on the Birds of the South-West Islands . 17-1 — 176 MAMMALIA. 1. On a collection of Mammals made by Mr. J. T. Tunney in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory of South Australia. Oldfield Thomas . . 222 — 229 2. On' a new Eock-Wallaby from North-West Australia. Oldfield Thomas 365—366 3. Notes on the specimens of Wild Asses in English Collections. E. Lydekker 583—596 4. New species of Pterojms, Mus, and I'ojoiiomi/s from the Australian Kcgion. Oldfield Thomas 597 GOO AVES. 1. The Birds of the South-West Islands Wetter, Roma, Kisser, Letti, and Moa. Ernst IIartert ........... 174 221 2. Beobachtungen auf Tenerife. Rudolf von Thannee .... 430 — 434 3. Miscellanea Ornithologica. Part I. Ernst IIartert .... 456 — 460 COLEOPTERA. 1. Some now Oriental Anthribidae. Karl Jordan ..... 230 237 2. Some new African Anthribidae. Karl Jordan. ..... 238 241 3. American Anthribidae. Karl Jordan 242 309 4. Some new Afi'ican Cerambycidae. Karl Jordan 364 — 365 5. Some new ('oleoptera collected by the Rev. Henri A. Junod in Shilouvane, near Leydsdorp, in the Transvaal. L. Pbhinguey .... 448 — 451 ( vi ) LEPIDOPTERA. PAGES 1. New American Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae. W. Warren 1 — 173 2. Lepidoptera from British New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. S. ileek. Walter Rothschild 310—322 3. On a lai-ge colleetiou of Rhopalocera from the shoics of the Victoria Nyanza. S. A. Neave 323—363 4. A new form of Frotlioe from the Solomon Islands. Walter Rothschild . 366 5. New Lepidoptera from British New Guinea. G. T. Bethune Baker . 367 — 429 6. New Sphiiigidae. Walter Rothschild 435 UO . 441—447 451 . 452—455 idae, from the Aethiopian 7. Some new Moths. Karl Jordan 8. A new African Melanitis. Walter Rothschild 9. New forms of Butterflies. Walter Rothschild 10. New Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geomeir Region. W. Warren 461—482 11. New Thyrididae and Geometridae from the Oriental Regions. W. Warren 483 — 492 12. New American Thyrididae, Uraniulae and Geovietridae. W. Warren . 493 — 582 13. Two new Satamiidae. Walter Rothschild 601 14. A new subspecies of Troides vicioriae. Walter Rothschild .... 654 SIPHONAPTERA. 1. Further contributions to the knowledge of the Sipfionaptera. N. C'. Rothschild 602 — 653 LIST OF PLATES IN VOLUME XI. Plate I. Photographs of African Butterflies. II. 'I ■Three-colour photographs of Papuan Lepidoptera. J Lithographic Plates of the Structure of Siphonaptera. (By Karl Jordan.) „ in. „ IV. v.; „ VI. Photographs of Papuan Lepidoptera. „ VIIL IX. X. XL „ XIL „ xin. „ XIV. „ XV. „ xvl/ „ XVIL ^ „ XVIIL „ XIX. „ XX. } „ XXI. Coloured plate of Miei-ogoura meeJci, a remarkable new genus of Ground- Pigeon from the Solomon Islands. (By J. G. Keulemans.) Various species of Wild Ass. (By J. Smit.) ERRATA. Page 610, line 2 from bottom, read C. H. B. Grant; also on pages GU, 012, 636, 637, 638, 639, 647, 648. top, „ Suricata. bottom, ., Olomys hrantsii ; also on pages 630 and 638. top, „ Sucre. bottom, ,, Altodon albiventer. top, ,. Graphiurus ocularis. bottom, „ Peromyscus. ,, „ Macroscelides prohoacideus. . on, , 4 „ (ill, . 17 .. , 016, , 17 „ , 617, 7 „ . 639, , 20 ., , 643, , 11 ., , 647, , 13 „ n *r. ec* t^" NOVITATES ZOOLOGICAE, Vol. XI. MARCH, 10U4. No. 1. NEW AMEEICAN Til YB IB ID AH, VBANIIDAE, AND GE03IETBIDAE. By W. warren, M.A., F.E.S. Family TUYRIDIDAE. 1. Siculodes triumphans spec. nov. Forcicinq : satiny white ; costal area olive grey, obliquely striated with dull reddish brown, and marked in the apical half by four oblique oblong red-brown patches ; basal half of wing with velvety black transverse striae between the veins, coalescing into a blotch between median and snbmediau veins : an oblique broad velvety black bar from before middle of inner margin, tinged with reddish below subcostal vein ; between the veins this bar is marked by yellowish white horizontal streaks, and beyond cell by a round white spot which nearly interrupts it ; at three-fonrths of inner margin another black bar reaching vein 4; before the anal angle a series of black spots, separated by the pale veins and above vein 2 becoming bifid, reaching as far as vein 6; apical area filled with fine transverse brown y-shaped streaks between the veins ; marginal area tinged with rosy ; marginal line diffuse, bright rosy, with black spots at the vein-ends, running out through the pale yellow fringe. Hindivinq : with rather regular olive fuscous transverse streaks between the veins ; a largish round fuscous spot above anal angle ; a submarginal row of six blackish spots between the veins ; marginal line and fringe as in forewing. Underside similar ; but the subcostal vein of forewing marked with a narrow line of silvery scales, and the co.stal edge of hindwing with numerous reddish fuscous striae. Head, shoulders, and base of patagia brown ; thorax and abdomen white, the segments of the latter marked with black at base. Expanse of wings : 54 mm. 1 ¥ from Santo Domingo, Garabaya, S.E. Peru, 6U(I(I ft., November 1001, wet season (Ockenden). A beautiful species, in many respects resembling pulchelloides Pag., but much larger, and distinguished at once by the yellow fringes and rosy marginal line. 2. Zeuzerodes subfulvata sjiec. uov. Foreicinq : dingy grey, ochreous-tiuged, covered with dense transverse fuscous striae, without any distinct lines or markings ; fringe dark fuscous. Hindiving : similar; traces of a dark postmedian band formed of three or four dark lines. I ( -' ) Underside similar ; but tiie anal angle of hindwing has the gronnd colour dnll fiilvons, and tlie costa of forewing from middle to apex is liriglit coppery orange, forming a blotch before apex. Head, thorax, and abdomen all dark i'uscons. Expanse of wings : 40 mm. 1 ? from Bulim, N.W. Ecnador, 160 ft., January liiid (Flemming & Miketta). The costa of forewing is strongly insinuate in middle ; the hindmargin of hindwing nearly straight. Closely resembling Z. nigrato AVarr. from the Amaznns, and Z. cermnalis Pag. from Pern, but ajiparently distinct. Family URANllDAE. Si'BFAMiLY EPIPLEMINAE. 3. Epiplema commixtata spec. uov. Forewing: dark vinous grey, mnch speckled with black, es]iecially towards base ; the veins generally paler grey, black-speckled ; costa with fine blackish striae ; central fascia funnel-shaped, twice as broad on costa as on inner margin, suffused with vinous and brownish black along its edges ; the inner edge curved above from one-third of costa to near middle of inner margin, its lower half vertical ; the outer edge nearly vertical, slightly curved below costa ; a red-brown black-edged blotch before the excision of hindmargin, with a smaller one above and below it ; a slight snbmarginal shade, marked on costa and at anal angle ; fringe reddish grey, preceded by a blackish line along the excision. Iliiidicing : with the central fascia broader, its edges curved, the outer followed by a pale ochreous line ; fringe reddish grey, greyer along base, preceded by a distinct black si)ot between veins 3 and 4. Underside dull red-brown, thickly speckled and striated with black, the veins pale. Face and palpi blackish ; thorax and abdomen like wings ; vertex, antennae, and anal tuft of S bright jiale ochreous. Expanse of wings : 20 mm. 2 c?c?, 1 ?, from Santo Domingo, Oarabaya, 8.E. Peru, 6U00 ft., November and December 1901, wet season (Ockenden). Distinguished by the ochreous vertex and antennae. 4. Epiplema pallifrons spec. nov. Forewing: pale brown, tinged with lilaciue, much mottled and speckled with darker ; costa to first line broadly pale ochreous, with dark dots, beyond speckled dark brown and ochreous ; the first line, from one-third of costa to one-third of inner margin, is sharply angled on vein 4 in the middle of the wing, finely edged inwardly with pale, broadly outwardly with brown ; outer line from nearly two-thirds of costa, below which it is bent outwards, angled on veins G and 4, then inwardly curved to inner margin before anal angle, with the edging of inner line reversed ; a brown snbmarginal line i)arallel to hind- margin, thickened somewhat before the excision, and ending in a black blotch which occupies the anal lobe ; marginal line finely pale ; fringe brown with the tips paler, lilack at anal lobe. (3 ) Ilimlwing : with the veins from base finely pale ochreous ; a bluntly angieil outer line finely pale, broadly edged internally with brown ; the basal area within it below the median pale ochreous, mottled transversely with brown ; above the median a pale olive-brown streak from base along lower half of cell ; the upper half marked with alternate oblique streaks of brown and whitish ochreous ; marginal area brown and ochreous, containing a conspicuous white patch beyond angle of outer line ; marginal line fine, white, preceded by an olive-brown, inwardly black-edged narrow band, broadly interrupted at vein 5 and narrowly on vein 4 by whitish streaks. Underside of forewing yellowish ochreous, black-sj>eckled ; a smoky brown- black cloud before hindmargin from anal angle hardly reaching costa, and a slight dark blotch before excision : hindwing pale ochreous with brown speckles, darker between the teeth. Face and palpi black above, ochreous below ; vertex, collar, shoulders, and antennae bright pale ochreous ; thorax, patagia, and abdomen greyish brown, the segmental rings narrowly pale ; abdomen beneath and legs ochreous. Expanse of wings : 32 mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, 6UU0 ft., November lOUl, wet season (Ockenden). Forewing with apex depressed ; hindmargin concave from 7 to 4, straight from 4 to 3, concave above and below vein 2, the anal angle strongly lobed, and the inner margin very sinuous, fringed throughout with long fine pale hairs ; hindwing with costa twice excised, veins 4 and 7 with long curved tails. Distinguished at once by the wholly pale ochreous vertex and [jrothorax. 5. Epiplema rectilinea spec. nov. Forewing : red-brown, speckled with black ; the veins pale grey, black- speckled ; first line from one-fourth of costa, oblique outwards to median vein, where it is bluntly angled, then oblique inwards, bent on vein 2, to one-third of inner margin, black-brown ; second line from quite two-thirds of costa nearly straight to three-fourths of inner margin ; the sjiace between the lines darker brown, especially on inner margin and towards outer line; the base of wing also darker ; an indistinct darker patch on hindmargin between veins 4 and 6 ; fringe red-brown, darker above the middle of wing. lliiidwiny : with the two lines curved ; the space between rather darker from costa to vein 2 ; an obscurely marked submarginal series of dark specks ; fringe as in forewing. Underside dull wood-brown, with transverse dark striae ; basal half of forewing and outer line darker. Face and palpi black-brown ; vertex, thorax, and abdomen like wings, but the abdomen greyer. Expanse of wings : 22 mm. 2 (Jc? from Santo Domingo, (Jarabaya, S.E. Peru, 6000 ft., December IUdI, ■wet season (Ockenden). The hindmargin of i'orewing very slightly excised, the teeth at veins 4 and 7 scarcely visible ; in the hindwing vein 7 is strongly toothed, bnt the tooth at vein 4 and the excision between are both inconspicuous. Antennae liroken. (4 ) 6. Epiplema rostrifera s]iec. nov. Fomriiiq: wood-brown, tiufred and striated with darlv brown; lines black- brown ; first, from one-fourth of costa, obliquely curved to median vein, then vertical ; outer line at two-thirds, finely edged with pale, vertical to the median vein, where it is outwardly toothed, then concave to three-fourths of inner margin; a dark brown blotch before the marginal excision edged by a black bow-shaped lino ; fringe brown, with a jialer basal line. Ilimlirituj : with basal area jialer, but marked witli darker below the median vein, tlio course of which is denoted by ferruginous scales; first line acutely bidentate ; second line, finely edged with pale, sinuous from costa to median vein, where it forms a sharj) angle, then obliquely bowed to inner margin ; the included space darker ; a large black sjiot with a ])ale dash above it on margin between veins :H and 4, surrounded by ferruginous scales and preceded by a patch of dark metallic scales ; fringe dark brown with a pale lustrous line at base ; a largish black cell-s])ot. Underside paler, with dark speckles and suffusion. Face and palpi black-brown ; thorax and abdomen coucolorous with wings ; antennae and anal tuft of S ochreous. Expanse of wings : c? 20 mm. ; ? 22 mm. 3 c?c?, 2 ? ?, from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, 6000 ft., November and December 1901, wet season (Ockenden). In the forewing the apex is truncate ; the hindmargin from 7 to 6 is vertical, then slightly excised to 4, and thence straight, but not very oblique to anal angle ; in the hindwing the teeth at veins 4 and 7 are acute and prominent ; there is also a tooth at apex, and a slight one at the end of vein 6. The ? is somewhat paler than the S . 7. Epiplema scabra si)ec. nov. ForeiriiKj : brick-red, overlaid with lilac-grey scales, and dusted with darker, the ground colour thereby assuming a very mottled appearance ; between the outer and snbmarginal lines, reaching from costa to median vein is a hoary white space partly tinged with grey and with some dark grey speckling, and two oblique dark grey costal streaks ; along the hindmargin a series of red lunnles, edged by an indistinct snbmarginal line, the two before the excision swelling out into a large bilobed blotch encroaching on the white .apical space ; the two ordinary lines are reddish and obscure ; first from one-third of costa, running outwards and bent in cell, then vertical and irregular to middle of inner margin ; the outer at two-thirds is mainly vertical, but angled outward on veins (i and 4, then concave ; marginal line grey ; fringe rufous, varied with lilac-grey. Hindwiny : like forewing, with a broad central band, slightly darker red, and edged outwardly by a paler line, bluntly rounded on vein 4 ; basal and costal areas jialer ; a dark sjiot below lower tooth : veins towards hindmargin jiale, with black speckles. Underside brick-red, coarsely black-sj)eckled and striated : the forewing with all the three margins broadly grey and the fringe briglit rufous ; the hindwing less broadly grey-edged, ( 5 ) Face and palpi black ; vertex and base of antennae dull rufous, rest of antennae grey ; shoulders find patagia pale, whitish grey ; thorax and abdomen darker grey. Expanse of wings : 20 mm. 1 ? Santo Domingo, t'arabaya, S.E. Peru, 6uu0 ft., November lyul, wet season (Ockenden). Forewing with apex truncate, hindmargin vertical from vein 7 to 0, both being slightly toothed, deeply excised to 4, which is strongly toothed, then oblique and crenulate to anal angle which is shortly lobed, the inner margin shallowly excised before it. Hindwing with costa sinuate, strongly shouldered at apex, and produced at vein 7 ; 7, 6, and 4, all toothed; otherwise the margin is more or less straight from 7 to anal angle. 8. Epiplema vulpecula spec. nov. Foreicing : pale brick-red ; the black-speckled costa and edges of central fascia tinged with pale grey ; all the veins greyish and conspicuously marked with blackish dots ; lines much as in E. scabra, described above ; marginal lunnles very obscure; the outer line followed above middle by a narrow lilac- grey fascia ; fringe rufous (worn). Hindwing : like forewing, with the central fascia very indistinct, but marked on inner margin by a pale blotch ; a brown-black submarginal spi>t below lower tooth. Underside of forewing fulvous ochreous, coarsely black-speckled, the costal and hindmargins paler, less fulvous ; hindwing paler, with only the hindmargins fnlvous, containing a blackish submarginal cloud towards anal angle. Face and palpi black ; vertex and antennae pale rufous ochreous ; shoulders, patagia, thorax, and abdomen grey, the abdomen tinged with rufous. Expanse of wings : 3U mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Caraba}'a, S. E. Peru, 6000 ft., December 1901, wet season (Ockenden). Evidently closely allied to E. scabra, and also to E. draco AVarr. from Bolivia, the outline of the wings being the same in all three species. 9. Hemioplisis? alternata spec. nov. Foreioiiig : dull purplish grey, darker towards inner and hindmargins ; an obscure dark transverse shade near base; first line from one-third of inner margin, straight and oblique towards apex, acutely angled on vein 4 and re- tracted to costa ; a curved line from middle of inner margin, concave outwards, angled on vein 7 and retracted to costa ; a dark slightly sinuous submarginal line, bent to costa before apex ; before this line, which is followed by a dark cloud, an oblique cloudy shade slopes towards apex, becoming obsolete above middle ; fringe concolorous. Hindwing : with basal grey area crossed by two straight parallel dark lines ; outer half of wing coarsely and closely speckled with black, the ground colour towards hindmargin becoming fulvous. Under.-iide of forewing sprinkled with ferruginous and fulvous, the hind- margin grey beyond the dark submarginal line : hindwing dull whitish grey, sjieckled with darker, and tinted with fnlvous towards margin. ( 6 ) Face and palpi lilack : tlmnix ami alxlomen purplish grey. Expanse of wings : 22 miu. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabava, S.E. Pern, OOOD ft., January lt)ii2, wet season (Ockenden). Probably not really referable to IlemiojAisis : tlie costa is arched and the a|icx bluut, the hindniargin being shortly truncate to vein 7, which minutely projects in i)lace of the true apex, the hindmargin thence being sinuate; the hindmargin of hindwing likewise projects, but very bluntly, at veiu 7. The nenration is normal : vein 5 from nj)per end of discocellular ; C and 7 stalked ; 8 and 9 stalked. 10. Hemioplisis metallica spec. nov. Foreiiinq : dark chocolate brown, covered with exceedingly fine bluisli grey striatious ; the lines very indistinct, dark brown, edged by a very fine line of bluish grey scales ; first from one-third of costa to about one-fourth of inner margin, broadly outcnrved in the middle of the wing ; second from three-fifths of costa to three-fifths of inner margin, similarly ontcurved between veins 4 and 6 ; marginal area below middle lightened by broader bluish white striae, with a round white spot on each side of vein 3, one obliquely below the other ; fringe dark brown ; veins towards margin deep ferrnginous. Hiiuhcing : with the two lines, antemedian and postmedian, near together, the space between them sliglitly darker; costal area dull greyish ochreous ; the ferruginous veins ending in a deep ferruginous marginal line, preceded by a broad line of plumbeous scales cut up into dashes by the veins ; between veins 3 and 4 before the hindmargin a boss of j)lumbeons scales edged with black and flanked by very fine black and yellow striae ; fringe dark. Underside dull grey brown ; costal area of forewing diffusedly ochreous ; the snbapical hindmargin dark-brown ; the two submarginal spots white. Face and palpi dark brown, ochreous beneath ; antennae ochreous, the shaft narrowly grey above; vertex, thorax, and abdomen brown with grey dusting; abdomen below ochreous ; legs ochreous and grey. Expanse of wings : 30 mm. 1 ? from Trinidad. Differs somewhat from the other species ; the hindmargin of forewing, after the inflection below the shortly falcate apex, is strongly gibbons throughout ; on the other hand the hindmargin of hindwing is nearly straiglit, the apical angle rounded, the anal angle sharply rectangular ; the palpi are quite short. 11. Leuconotha persordida spec. nov. Forewing : dull dirty grey ; all the veins blackish ; faint traces of a smoky dark antemedian and postmedian shade ; fringe grey. Jihulwiiig : similar, the veins equally dark ; cell-spot plainer. Underside with the veins finer; a small black spot before margin of fore- wing between veins 6 and 7. Face, palpi, vertex, and anal tufts, wliite ; thorax and abdomen grey ; shoulders and patagia sometimes (piite ]>alc. Expanse of wings : 26 mm. 3 a being' less j)roiiounce(l, anil the outer edge nearly vertical or slightly bent on the median vein ; much less interrupted l)y the ground colour towards costa; the marginal chestnut patch much larger ; no bed of rough scales at the anal angle, but the space beyond central fascia traversed throughout by a darker grey diffuse shade. Ilindwing : as in s/jimniiplar/a, but the two teeth more strongly marked, the lower one, at vein 4, with a black dot at its base ; the tuft of hair on inner margin concolorous grey, not yellow ; the fringe grey to vi-in 2, above it chestnut. Underside dark grey, black-speckled, on the forewing tinged with reddish ; the furrow of bindwing without abnormal scales, the cell with no basal fovea. Head and palpi l)lack ; thorax and abdomen pale grey. Expanse of wings : 20 mm. * 4 J'cf, 5 ? ?, from Santo Domingo, C'arabaya, S.E. Peru, November and December 1901, wet season, 6000 ft. (Ockenden). 20. Thysanocraspeda squamiplaga spec. nov. Fcireirinq : pale slaty grey, with a few blackish speckles ; the markings dark chestnut ; central fascia broadest on costa, narrowest below the middle ; the inner edge strongly incurved in middle, running from about cme-third of co.sta to one- third of inner margin, the outer bluntly angled on veins 6 and 4, then concave ; in the lower half of this fascia the chestnut is mixed with black, and in the upper half more or less overrun by the grey of the ground colour ; a large rounded chestnut patch on hiudmargin from vein G to 4, or below 4, with a small patch above (J ; a small bed of rough, semi-erect, dark grey woolly hairs at anal angle ; fringe chestnut. Ilindwing : with basal area and inner margin, as far as median vein and vein 2, grey, the rest dark chestnut ; the central baud slightly darker and mixed with blackish, edged outwardly by a somewhat paler line, bent outwards at middle ; fringe dark chestnut from apex to vein 2, then yellowish ; tuft of the inner margin bright, yellow. Underside dull grey, speckled with black ; the fringes reddish ; the furrow between vein 1 and the submedian fold with a large oval patch of mealy, rust- coloured scales, followed towards margin by rough mealy grey scales, which also extend along the submedian fold itself. Head and palpi black ; thorax and abdomen grey. Expanse of wings : 25 mm. 2 c?t? from Santo Domingo, Oarabaya, S.E. Peru, November and December 1901, wet season (Ockenden). Forewing bluntly angled at veins 4 and '7, with a shallow concavity between ; hiudwing strongly toothed at vein 7, slightly at vein 4, the anal angle rounded ; costa sinuous, the basal shoulder rough-haired ; the base of cell with a small oval semihyaline spot. Antennae with close curved clavate teeth. The species agrees in many points, especially in the yellow tuft of hiudwing, with E. ocho- dontaria Snell. ; but as that writer makes no mention of the rough scales on forewing above and hiudwing below, nor of the basal fovea, 1 am ol)liged to consider it distinct. ( liJ ) Family GEOMETEWAE. SriiFAMiLY OENOCHROMINAE. Entogonia gen. nov. Foreicing : triangular ; cosfa nearly straight, dejjressed at apex ; hinilraargin olili(|ue, hardly curved ; inner margin somewjiat convex. Iliitihrinq : with rounded hindniargin : both angles well marked, tlie apical rounded, the anal rectangular ; inner margin at two-hi'ths with an angular fringed projection. Abdomen (e ; the 2 c?c? and the other ? from Balzapamba, E. Ecuador, 750 m., March 1899 (Haensch). Allied to .7. ahiata Druce. In the uri)le. Head, thorax, abdomen, legs, and antennae all black. In the ? the orange patch of forewing is larger in every way ; starting from beyond middle of costa, curving at vein 3, and running inwards iarther from the median, and in the hindwing running to the end of cell, of which it tills n]i the lower half Expanse of wings : 48 mm. 1 S Upper River Toro, La Merced, Pern, August, September l',»()l, 30fJ0 m. (Simons), t>/pe; 1 (f, 1 ?, C'hanchamayo, Jannarv — August lOol (Hoffmanns). In the orange marking of forewing it is a remarkable mimic of Dnnid volitans from the same locality. 3s. Phaeochlaena bialbifera spec. nov. Forocing : black-brown; the veins yellow; a broad white band from before middle of custa to vein 1 a little before anal angle ; a small yellow spot close before hindmargin above vein 5 ; fringe black. In the 6 the band is only half as wide, much constricted on the subcostal vein, and reaches submedian fold only, and the yellow dot is hardly shown. Hind wing: with the centre white, rounded at extremity towards middle nf hindmargin and at base embracing two-thirds of costa : the margins black, the inner broadest, the hindmargin at middle narrowest. Underside like upper ; base of forewing streaked with white, the hindwing with the wliole inner margin white. Face and paljii black above, white beneath ; shoulders and palagia black, varied with yellowish at their base ; abdomen dark ciiirreous almve, white below. Expanse of wings : 3U mm. It?,]?, from Hosario, St. Inez, E. Ecuador, I'J.JD m., November IMJI) (Haensch). 30. Polypoetes picaria spec. nov. Forewing : black, all tlie veins yellowish ; longitudinal semiliyaline white streaks in basal half of cell and below median vein, tliis latter reaching beyond half the length of wing and sharply bilobed at e.xtremity ; a subquadrate blotch beyond cell, its outside edge curved, and a small spot before apex, both white ; the s]iace beyond each of the longitudinal streaks and all the margins deeper black. ( 19 ) llhirlwitig : smoky blackish, the liiiidraargin deep black; an oblong white blotch beyond cell preceding the dark marginal border ; fringe, as on forewing, black. Underside the same, bnt the white blotches dnller ; in the hindwing the smoky black of the npperside is smoky white. Head, thorax, and abdomen black, abdomen whitish beneath ; basal joint of palpi and front edge of patagia bright orange. Expanse of wings : 26 mm. 2 SS, \ ?, from Marcapata, E. Pern, 10,800 ft. (Ockeuden). 4H. Scea semifulva spec. nov. Forewiiu/ : dull orange in basal half, dusted with very tine narrow dark scales ; costa, inner margin, veins, and outer half of wing purplish grey. Tlimlwing : uniform pur])lish-grey ; fringes of both wings concolorous. Underside similar, but the veins not dark. Head, thorax, abdomen, and legs, all purplish grey. Expanse of wings : 39 mm. 2 ? ¥ from Guaranda, E. Ecuador, May J.sOO (Haensch). Nearest to cleonica Drnce, from which it is distinguished by the purplish grey coloration, which reaches to middle of costa and to two-thirds of inner marsrin. 41. Stenoplastis spumata sjiec. mi v. Like S. auranticu Druce, but with an aggregation of white sc.iles beyond cell and along submedian fold, hardly forming a spot or blotch. The hindmargin of hindwing from apex to middle straight, and appearing bluntly angled at vein 4. 1 c? from Chulumaui, Bolivia, 2000 m., January 1001, wet season (Simons). This seems to be a form intermediate between aarantica Druce and ciiiguUna Urnce. Subfamily GEOMETRINAE. 42. Aplodes punctata spec. nov. Forewing: pale yellowish green, with the fringe green; the lines marked by white dots on the veins ; first at one-fourth, the second at five-sixths; no cell-spot. Hindwing: the same, but with a slightly darker green cell-sjjot. Underside pale whitish green, the forewing flushed with jiale yellowish rufous. Face and palpi reddish brown; vertex and shaft of antennae white; thorax and abdomen pale green. Expanse of wings : 2o mm. 2 t?c? from U])per Park, Jamaica. Hindwing broad, the hindmargin rounded, but with a slight bend, not an angle, in the middle ; frenulum very small and fine. The second of these two exarajtles is grey or green, with the lines faintly paler between the dots, and edged conversely with deeper greeu. These insects were labelled ^V. paularia Moeschl., but Moeschler, in his description of his im-ect, says the wings are green without any markings, and the head green. ( :^ii ) 4:i. Comibaena flavidisca sjilt. nov. Forewinq : deep frrceii abuve tlic nunliaii and vein ;i, below these smoky lirick-rod, dusted with lilackish, and with traces of hUick markings ; these are a small blotch at base, a thick line at one-tiiird, concave inwards, a similar line at two-thirds, concave ontwards and emitting outwards two strong teeth, and a blotch at anal angle ; cell-spot fine, blackish ; fringe with basal half deep green, apical half jialer, from anal angle to vein 3 blackish ; a black dash at apex. lliiKhcimi : pale golden yellow; the base brick-red witli an outwardly concave dark edge ; just before middle a velvety black dentate-lnnulate line, joined to basal patch liy dark scales along the veins and below the median edged with brick-red scales; a strongly dentate ]iostmeiliau line followed by a jiale snnfl'-coloured belt, and below the median also preceded by a smoky brick-red cloud; marginal bonier blackish mixed with vinous red scales; fringe blackish with jiale apices. Underside of forewing like upper, but the green paler, the custal edge fusnous ; inner marsjin grey and black, without any red scales : hindwing smoky white with greenish black marginal border, the markings of upperside showing through ; fringe as above. Paljii ochreous ; face and vertex snow-white ; collar yelloiv (perhaps faded) ; jiatagia green ; thorax and abdomen yellow ochreous ; forelegs whitish, fuscous in front. Expanse of wings : 'Z~t mm. 3 c?iniilarl\ broadened, the red-lmiwu edged with yellow, and the narrow sinus wholly yellow. Underside whitish green, with blurred red bhitclies. Face and palpi dull red ; vertex, thorax, and patagia green ; abdomen red- brown, with shining dorsal crests. Expanse of wings : 30 mm. 1 6 from Santo Hoiningo, t'arabaya, S.l'>. Peru, December I'.tol, wet season (Uckcnden), 4o. Gelasma stigmatica sjx'c. nov. Forewing: dull grey-green; two waved darkei' lines, the first from one-fourth of costa to one-thiid of inner margin, the outer at three-fourths ])rojecting on ( -'I ) veins 3 and 4, then incurved ; si>ace between tlie lines darker green, especially towards the lines, which are outwardly edged with paler ; costa strigulated with black-brown ; a black-brown lunulate marginal line ; fringe green ; cell-spot very large, black-brown. Ilindwinq : similar: the cell-spot still larger, elongate. Underside pale green with the eell-spot showing Ihrougli. Head, thorax, and abdomen green ; verte.\ white. Expanse of wings : 30 mm. Several i$ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Pern, (lono ft., May 19U2, dry season (( Jckenden). Hyalorrhoe gen. nov. Allied to ProIii/JatK Schaus, the costal vein of hindwing not anastomosing with subcostal, except at a point. Foreu'ing : with hindmargiu obliipie, faintly curved. Hindwing : with liindraargin strongly crenulate, with a deeper sinns between veins 4 and 0. Antennae of S bipectinate : of ? thickened, with short, close, clavate teeth; palpi slender, porrect, the terminal segment bent downwards, in ? very long, longer than second segment. Tongue and frenulum invisible. Neuration : forewing, cell more than half as long as wing ; discocellular concave ; first median nervule at five-eighths, second at seven-eighths, where the median is iubent ; vein 5 from above middle of discocellular ; Ti stalked with 7, ID, s, 1) ; 11 anastomosing strongly with VI ; hindwing, costal touching subcostal at a point ; 6, 7 long-stalked. Type : Ilyalorrhoi} stiginatica spec. nov. Hi/data malina Butler also belongs here. 46. Hyalorrhoe stigmatica spec. nov. Forewing : very pale whitish green, with the costa, lines, and cell-spot darker ; basal line thick, waved ; antemedian, postmediau, and submarginal all wavy and dentate ; cell-spot very much darker and large ; fringe pale green. Ilindwivjj : with antemedian line and a small dark cell-spot ; the rest as in forewing. Underside whitish, with the darker markings, especially tlie cell-spot of forewing, showing through. Thorax, face, and abdomen jiale green ; vertex and shaft of antennae white. Expanse of wings : 24 mm. 1 ¥ from Costa Rica, I.'iiiO m. (Marc de Mathan). 47. Lissochlora flavilimes spec. nov. Forewing : apple-green ; the costa finely pale ; fringe lemon-yellow, with a marginal band of lemon-yellow of the same width as the fringe, the limit of the gieen area marked with a few reddish scales towards anal angle ; a pink spot at apex. Hindwing: the same, but without any pink apical siiot ; tlie green area distinctly edged with purplish. ( -^2 ) Umlei'sido very ]ialo whitish green, tlie forewiiiir witli u riuldy tinge. Face ami ]iiil])i whitish green, edged with reddish ; verti'x and Irase ol' antennae snow-white : a tine red line between antennae : tliorax and alidmuen grecnisii, forelegs reddish in front. Kxpanse of wings : I'J mm. 1 S from Sauto Domingo, C'arabaya, ^.E. Peru, OOiitj ft., November I'-tii], wet season (Ockendeu). A mtich-worii ?, apparently of this species, from the same locality, in 31. Uognin's collection, expands 30 mm., and has a distinct dark cell-spot in each wing. Lophochorista gen. uov. Foreiciiig : costa straight, becoming convex towards ajiex, which is bhint and rectangular ; liindmargiu bent at vein 4. IlinduiiKj : with Lindmargin crenulate, and more deeply sinuate between veins 4 and (i, which end in more prominent teeth. Antennae of S bipectinate for two-thirds, the outer series of pectinations twice the length of the inner; palpi porrect, bnt (juite short, not reaching in front of face ; tongue weak ; frenulum present ; hindtibia flattened, and fringed, with two spurs. Neuration : forewing, cell nearly half as long as wing ; discocellular sinuous, vertical above, then incurved and oblique below; tirst median at three-fourths, second and third together from lower end of cell ; 5 from above the middle of discocellular ; 0 stalked with 10, 7, 8, 9 ; 11 free : hindwiug, costal and sub- costal anastomosing along second fourth of cell ; •>, 7 long stalked ; first median at four-fifths. Thorax and abdomen rough-scaled ; metathorax thickly tufted : first four dorsal segments with rough curled tufts. Scaling fine and sparse : wings semi-transparent. Type : Lophochorixtu calliope Druce (Bac/ieosjjila). Allied to Jli/ilafa ; distinguished by the crests of dorsum. 4s. MelocHora intermedia spec. nov. Agrees with M. trimacidatu Warr. in having the lines deep green, not brown, as iu M. neis Driice ; the bluisli lustre before the first line and after the second and along the inner margin is also present; fringe with a black spot at apex ; but the hindwing is wholly without thejthree black spots of trimactilntd ; on the underside, the dark clouding is like that of .1/. nci« Druce rather than that of trimaculata -j'^ihe submarginal and iunermarginal black shades coalescing into a rectangular blotch, and the hindwing being crossed by two broad distinct dark bands ; the green of the hindwing is much paler, while the forewing is brighter. Expanse of wings : 13!* mm. 1 i.s than triindciildtn. 4'.). Miantonota decorata spec. nov. Forewing: dull green ; costa paler, the costal edge narrowly white, shortly underlined with reddish at base and before apex ; lines whitish, very fine and slender; first from one-fifth of costa to one-fourth of inner margin, angled on ( ■r.\ ) nKMliaii vein ; second from one-tliinl of costa to three-fifths of inner margin, ncarh- parallel to hindmargin ; botli lines faint below costa, slightl\- waved towards inner margin, sometimes with faint teeth at the veins ; a broad deep jiink marginal line, interrn|)te(l by pule sjiots at the ends of the veins ; fringe yellowish, with distinct fan-shaped checpierings of pink beyond veins ; eell-spot small and dark. Ilindwing : with both lines curved, the outer distinctly \m\t in miildle ; cell-spot minute ; fringe and marginal line as in forewing. Underside paler green; costa of forewing yellow; the pink and yellow tints of the margin duller. Face and palpi tinged with reddish ; face with a white lateral spot on each side at middle ; vertex and fillet wliite, the vertex behind with a fine red line ; antennae white with a reddish tinge : shonlders, patagia, and thorax green, like wings ; abdomen like face, ochreous strongly rufons-tinged, the segments deeper rufous in front and at sides, the basal segments therefore with obscure paler triangular blotches ; forelegs reddish in front. Expanse of wings : 32 mm. 1 S from Hnatnxco, Vera (.!ruz. 5ii. Neocrasis heterograpta spec. nov. Forewinq : apple-green, passing into yellow-green before a dull chocolate- brown marginal shade ; inner and outer lines very tine, white ; the inner curved from one-fifth of costa to one-third of inner margin, the outer from two-thirds of eosta, bent on vein 0, then obli(iuely sinuous inwards to three-fifths of inner margin, api)roxiniating to inner line ; the inc'luded space below the median vein filled up with white scales ; marginal line chocolate-brown, preceded below middle by an asliy brown shade ; fringe with basal half brown, outer half white, spotted witii brown beyond veins 7, 4, and IS. Ilinihriixi : similar; the space between the two white lines narrower at costa and filled with white scales in costal third only ; veins 5, 6, and 7 narrowly white ; marginal line preceded by the ashy brown shade throughout the wing. Underside whitish, only the costal half of forewing being green ; fringe as above, preceded by a slight cloud only in upper half of each wing, below the middle by indistinct lunules. Face, palpi, vertex, and antennae dull reddish, face and palpi below ochreous ; shonlders and i)atagia bright green ; thorax and abdomen yellowish green passing into ochreous ; the second and fifth segments of iibdomen marked witli ashy brown. Expanse of wings : 32 mm. 2 (Jc? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.K. Pern, GOoil ft., November I'.kH, wet season (Ockenden). The character of the markings and scaling is decidedly difterent from that of N. obscurata Warr., the type of the genus, and vein 6 of hindwings is toothed ; but it may be referred here for the present. Neonemoria gen. nov Forewing : elongate ; costa straight, becoming convex only before apex, which is produced but depressed ; hindniargin oliliijue, hardly curved. Ilindunny : with well nmnded hiiidniurgin. ( -'4 ) Anteuiiiic (J) siibsorralc, ciliated, the scgmoiits witli aiigiihir edges: iial]ii jwrrect, short, not reacliing beyond face, tliird segment small; tongne and iicnnlnni jireseiit ; liindtibia (if cT dilated, witli jiencil of luiii-s iiilei-iially and a jimccss externally, withont s|iiirs. Xenration : forewing, cell half as long as wing ; discocellnlar nearly vertical, somewhat more obliiiue below ; first median nervnie at two-thirds, secmid at eleven-twelfths, where the median vein is inflected : lower radial froju ii little above middle of discocellnlar ; nj)|)er from upper angle of cell, the subcostal vein deflected from the origin of veins 7, s, '.) ; li) close before them, 11 atone-half: Iti anastomosing with 11 and again with S, 1), forming a long double areole ; hindwing, costal merely tnnching snlicostal near base ; (i ami 7 stalked ; the rest as in forewings. Type : Hironi'iiioria /duna spec. nov. I cannot fairly refer this sjiecies to any existing geiuis. •"il. Neonemoria plana spec. nov. I'oreirinif : very pale green (jierhaps faded); fringe coneolorons. Ilindwing : the same : no markings on either wing. Underside yellower : the costa of forewing broadly rosy to apex. Face and palpi losy above, ]iale green below: vertex white; i-i>llar red; thorax and abdomen coneolorons with wings ; antennae reddish beneath ; I'ondegs reddish iu front. Expanse of wings : 2'Z mm. 1 c? from r'himate, Bolivia, September lOoil (Simons). 5~'. Oospila atroviridis sjiec. nov Forewing: semi-transparent grass-green: the costa narrowly black-brown: cell-spot obli(piely oval, black-brown, on the lower half of discocellnlar ; a broad black-brown marginal border, round-edged between the veins, starting from vein 7, narrowed between veins 3 and 4, and enclosing there on liindmargia a green lunnle; marginal line black-brown; fringe rather jjaler, bnt dark beyond the veins ; the dark margin is very finely overlaid with jiale scales. Ilindwimj : with the marginal border not so broad, and from almvi' vein 4 to below vein 15 obsolete : a small black-brown cell-spot at lower end of disco, cellular, and a whitish raised one at u])per end ; fringe as in forewing. Underside opalescent whitish green, the forewing tinged with dull I'osy ; the black margin with diffnse edges ; cell-spots black. l'"ace, ])alpi, antennae, and legs dull vinous red ; vertex, thorax, and ]iatagia green; abdomen black and vinous, with three metallic-tinLicd raised crests; abdomen beneath yellowish, tinged with red. Expanse of wings : 3.') mm. 1 (J from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, (liiiio ft., December I'lOl, wet season (Ockenden). Paraplodes gen. nov. Forewing : narrower and more elongate than in Ajilailen ; costa curved throughout ; hindmargin obliquely curved. Ilindwing : narrow; hindmargin curved : inner margin long ; anal angle well marked ; a])ical angle rounded. Aiiteiiuae (?) broken, but tliickcued at base; palpi loiii;', as in S'/i/c/ilora, tlie third segment snbspatnlate, as long as second ; no tongue or i'renuluiD visible ; legs long and slender ; hindtibae with terminal spurs only. Neiiration : forewing, cell half as long as wing: discooellular vertical above, oliliqne below; first median ncrvulo at two-thirds, second at eight-ninths, the median nervnle thence inflected; lower radial above middle of discocellular ; njijier from ujijier end of cell ; 7, ll>, 0, S, long-stalked from end of cell ; 11 anastomosing with 12 ; hindwing, costal anastomosing strongly with subcostal throughout the middle half of cell ; ('>, 7 on very long stalk ; first median at three-fourths, second at eleven-twelfths. Type : Paraplodes aurata spec. nov. The genus agrees with AploJca and Si/ncldoni in the anastomosis of tlie costal and subcostal of hindwings, but differs in ncnration and the sjiurs of the hindtibiae. The type species is without markings of any kind. 5:?. Paraplodes aurata spec. nov. Forciriiiii : yellowish green, without any markings, fringe coucolonms. lliiKhciiKj : the same. Underside similar. Face, palpi, verte.x, thora.x, and alidomen concolnrous ; fillet and base of antennae snow-white. Expanse of wings : 10 mm. 1 ? from Pambilar, Ecuador (Flemmiug & Miketta). o4. Racheospila dependens spec. nov. Fiirewiiiii : pale green ; the markings dull brown-red ; costal streak broad, with lower edge diffuse, costal edge from near base to before apex snow-white ; cell-spot large, oval, joined to the costal streak ; a slight projection before it and a tooth at three-fourths indicate the commencement of two faint dentate cross-lines, slightly paler than the ground colour and edged narrowly with deeper ; marginal border formed of contiguous lunules with well-detined edge, that at anal angle swollen into a blotch; fringe rufous, darker beyond veins. Hindwing : with large cell-spot and marginal border swollen snbapically; the two transverse lines distinct, the inner margin marked diffusedly with red lictween them. Underside pale green, with all red markings less defined ; base of fringe greenish. Palpi externally and ujjjier half of face bright red, lower half of face green (or green mixed witli red) ; vertex and antennae white ; collar red ; shoulders and patagia green ; thorax and abdomen red, the latter with three white ilorsal spots. Expanse of wings : J, 22 mm. ; ?, 2r, mm. 1 arallel to hind- margin, the dots on the folds displaced somewhat basewards ; cell-spot minute, snow-white, in a black ring; median shade thick and diffuse, formed of densely aggregated orange-red scales, and traversed by a fine dark grey zigzag line, sinuous, from three-fifths of costa to middle of inner margin ; submargiual line indicated by a deeper sliade of orange-red preceding it, darker, being mixed with blackish scales, beyond cell and between veins 2 aud 3; a row of distinct black marginal spots ; fringe deep yellow, spotted with orange-red. lliiulinng: like forewing ; the cell-spot darker, with grey centre. Underside yellow, with the speckling and lines dull red. Head, tliorax, and abdomen deep yellow varied with orange-red ; abdomen below aud legs yellowish ochreous ; hindtibia with a yellow tuft of hairs from base, and with terminaJl spurs only. Exjianse of wings : 31 mm. 2 c?(?, 2 ? ? from Santo Domingo, Caraijaya, S.E. Peru, OoiM) ft., Novemlier lOiil, wet season (Ockenden). A brighter aud gayer insect than usual in the genus. The ¥ shows less of the yellow ground colour, being more thickly striated with orange-red, anil in one case suft'used with Iirown. f>'i. Anisodes bipunctata^siiec. nov. Closely allied to A. nehaliijin-n JJutler from the Amazons, but without any distinct dark cloud ou tbe bindmargin of the wings, the forewing, however, being well marked, with the two black spots which in nehiiligera precede the marginal cloud ; (he hindwing is likewise devoid of the large grey shade from { '>% ) the base to beyond tliu luitldle of wing-; cell-spots of both wings transversely linear ; ochreous, dark-edged inwardly on forewiug ; silvery white, dark-edged ontwanlly on hindwiiig. Face, lialj)i, and vertex dull brown above, paler belnw ; thorax anil basal segments of abdomen fiiscons reddish ; rest of abdomen paler grey. ITindtibiae of S with a single median and two terminal spnrs. lv\])anse of wings : 3o mm. ; nfljidii/era Butler is rather larger. 1 c?, 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, 8.E. Peru, 'iniiii ff., November, December lOiiI, wet season (Ockemlen). "0. Anisodes flavidiscata spec. nov. FnmriiKj : dark brownish tawii-culour, striated and tinged with darker, with almost identical markings with (ilbijuipillntd Warr. ; liut tiie large wliite cell-spot is black-edged. llimhviiig : cell-spot wiiite, black-edged, with a disc of pale yellow raised scales surrounded externally by a crescent of black scales. Underside rosy, ])aler in the hiudwing, with the lines and eell-sj)ots showing through. Face and ])alpi dull reddish; tillet narrowly whitish: vertex, tiiorax, and abdomen like wings ; abdomen laterally and beneath ]iale. Expanse of wings : 35 mm. 1 i from Hnatuxco, Vera Cruz, tifpe. 1 ¥ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, OOoiJ ft., November 10(Jl, wet season (Oekenden). The ? is somewhat redder above and greyer beneath. 111. Auisodes hieroglypMca spec. nov. Foieiving : yellowish straw-colour, finely dusted with dark scales ; the markings fine and concise, purplish black ; the costa to near middle, a straight oblique line from three-fourths of costa to middle of inner margin, a slender outcurvcd line from costa jnst beyond it, a curved line on discocellular, vein 4 tlironghont, and the inner halves of veins •"> and 6, all purjilish black ; the discocellular beyond the black line and the centre of the streak at base of vein 4 are filled with lilac-grey scales ; beyond the curved outer line are two short spurs, one below the other above vein 4 ; below the median this outer line is marked only by dark vein-points, like the inner line, which starts from a small projection half-way beneath the costal streak ; marginal points very minute ; fringe concolorous, except where cut by the purple line above vein 4. llindiriiiy : in the main similar, but the oblii[ue line of forewing is sharply angled outward on vein 5 and then passes, as it were, beneath the lines on vein 4 to middle of inner margin, an extra spur being thrown off from bottom of discocellular to one-fourth of inner margin ; a short purplish streak at base ; the streak on vein 4 forks before margin, and then runs out crescent-shaped on each side of the deep excision beyond cell into the fringe. Cnderside speckled with j)nr]}le; the cell-si)0ts, the dots of the outer and marginal lines and the purple spots in fringe shown in both wings ; the forewing also has a streak above vein 4 and the upper half of the oblique line purple, and the base of cell spotted with rosy purple. ( ao ) Head, thorax, and abilomcn straw-colour ; ]ial[u above and externally reildish ; top of head dark ; a ring behind vertex, centre of thorax, base of patag'ia, a lateral line on thorax, and a line across base of metathorax pnrple ; abdomen beneath and legs straw-colour ; antennae straw-colour, the shaft dotted with red. Expanse of wings : 30 min. I (i from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, 6ihmi ft., May I'.H'V,', dry season (Ockenden). A remarkable-looking insect. The hindtibia luis three spurs, as in J'i/ioraca. ti~. Anisodes imparistigma sj siiec. nov. ForciriiKj : jiale stone-colour, dusteil with olive-tinged grey and rufous scales ; the costa darker, with olive-grey striations ; the lines olive-tinged ; first line at one-fourth, vertical, but curved outwards above and below the median vein, and marked by dark vein-dots ; outer line lunnlate-deutate at three-fourths, obli([ue to vein G, vertical to 4, then incurved, marked by dots on the veins, and followed by au olive shade, which is more prominent beyond cell and on submedian fold, preceding a pale snbmarginal line ; a row of dark spots just before the margin ; fringe concolorous ; cell-spot large, a brick-red aunulus, with pale centre ; it is followed by a sinuous diffuse olive median shade. lliiidicini/ : as forewing, but the cell-sjiot is much larger, round, and coal-black. Underside greenish ochi-eons, with greenish grey striae, and both cell-spots distinct. Palpi externally and face brown ; vertex white ; thorax and abdomen oclircous, speckled with olive. Ex])anse of wings : :J'.i mm. 1 (J from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Pern, Gtiuo ft., November l'.»ul, wet season (Ockenden). The example described was probalily much greener when fresh; the distinct cell-spots will serve to distinguish it. 03. Anisodes magnidiscata spec. nov. ForeiriiHi : dull reddish fawn-colour, sjjeckled with pale grey, especially along the veins ; costal edge pale ochreous ; the lines marked by shades slightly doej)er than the ground colour; the median from two-thirds of costa, bent inwards beneath the cell-spot, which is of moderate size, greyish white, with darker edging : the outer line nearer hindmargin than usual, marked by dark vein- dashes tip]ied with grey externally ; no distinct margiiuxl spots ; fringe con- colorous. HiiKhniiy : like forewing, but witbont basal line, and the cell-spot a very large grey circle with faintly darker edge, and containing an inner dark grey ring. Underside dull reddish, much paler in hindwing ; forewing with costa fulvous-tinged ; a white cell-spot, and reddish median shade and outer line ; also slight reddish marginal Innules : hindwing with the same markings but fainter ; the large discal spot only showing through. Face and jial])i externally dull dark reddish ; vertex and anlcniuie white ; thorax and abdomen like winus : the atuil segments and underside of alidomeu ( :^i' ) oclireous ; hind feiunr ami liiisul half of tiM:i fringod whh ihiU ochivous hairs : tliu tibia with terminal spurs only. E.\]ianse of wings : 4n nuu. ] 6 from Charaiilaya, Bolivia, l:iOo ni., Jnne IDOl (Simons), /yy>e ; 1 e of pintn(hi Dogn, in having all the vein-dots exaggerated, much larger and black-brown ; the basal line showing six sjwts, one on each fold, and one subcostal nearer the base, in addition to the three on the veins ; moreover, the Innular shade preceding the snbmarginal line has the apex of the lunnles strongly black-brown, except between veins 3 and 4, and 0 and 7. The underside remains typical. I S from Chnhiniani, Bolivia, ^.'iino m., December, beginning of the wet season (8imons). I have also seen i S of this form from l'(i[iayan, Colombia. ')7. Anisodes rhodostig^ma spec. nov. Exceedingly like .1. aaijenx Warr., from Po2)ayan, Colomliia, but with entirely ditferent cell-spots. In aspera these are pure white, edged with red, small in the forewiugs, large and distinct in the bindwings. In rhodostigma the cell-mark of forewings is a rosy point, and in the bindwings a red oval with the centre obscurely paler. As in aspvra, the wings above have no marginal line, but beneath a continuous row of marginal lunules. Expanse of wings : 48 mm. 3 (?c? from Chuluraani, Bolivia, 2(_MM.l m., January lOi.H, wet season (Simons). 68. Anisodes subaenescens sj)ec. nov. Foirwituj : deep ferruginous brown ; the costa and lines deeper ; first at one- fonrtli, curved, marked obscurely with darker spots on veins on its inner edge ; median shade ontcurved above middle round the cell-spot which is minute, but snow-white ; outer line at three-fourths, marked on its outer edge by blackish spots on veins ; snbmarginal line very obscure, slightly paler and preceded by a darker shade ; marginal spots obscurely dark ferruginous ; fringe deep ferruginous in basal half, the apical half paler ; veins throughout olive-grey, speckled with dark. lllmlu'ing : similar, but without basal shade ; the minute white cell-s]iot with a dark cloud above it. Underside of forewing dull red, thickly striated with fuscous ; the lines dark fuscous; cell-spot wliitish, dark-edged ; hiudwing brassy yellowish, redder towards hindmargin, and striated with fuscous along costa and hindmargin ; the lines as in forewing. Face, paljii above, and collar deep brown-red; antennae black ; vertex, thorax, and basal segment of abdomen bright reddish fulvous ; abdomen dark fuscons, with reddish scales along middle of dorsum : abdomen beneatli like base of hind- wings ; hind femur and tibia tinged with reddish grey hairs. Expanse of wings : 35 mm. 1 6 from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, CiiOo ft.. May XWvl, dry sciison (Ockenden). This sj)ecies conies near A./e.rrngiiKda A\'arr., from I'aramba, Ecuador, but is smaller and darker. ( :52 ) '■)'•'. Anisodes torsivena s]pec. nov. Foreicing : monse-colour ; tbe liiii-s raarkeil by Mack sjiots ; tUu first dose to liase, with spots on tin- lolds as well as tlie veins, connected by a very fine line ; outer line near hinilnuirgin, indented lieyoiid cell and on submedian told, the spots similarly connected ; black marginal spots between veins, and dots at their ends ; fringe jialer, slightly reildisli : an indistinct central shade : cell-spot white : costa slightly striated with ilurk. llimliriiuj : like lore wing ; (he basal line present; cell-spot white witii a black ring. Underside of forewing vinons, tlie inner margin wliite and glossy ; cell-spot and (inter line marked : hindwing jialcr, witli similar markings. Head, thorax, and abdomen like wings ; jialfii externally bright rosy ; anal segments and underside of abdomen oehrcnus. Expanse of wings : 22 mm. 1 S from (Jharaplaya, Bolivia, l:^i"i m., .Inne I'.'nl (Sinidiis). The nenration of this insect is abnormal : cell about half the length of wing and wide; the median and subcostal divergent at base; discocellular vertical; veins 2, !3, from near together at two-tliirds ; veins o, (i, and a fold above cell bent downwards beyond it, somewhat as in the Old-World genus Mvnotrojilif ; the hind- margin sliglitly excised between 4 and 0; veins 7, 8, 9, in, 11 stalked from middle of cell ; hindwing nnrmal. TO. Calyptocome conversa sjiec. nov. Forewini/ : pale olive ochreons ; tbe lines rosy, diffuse: a patch of rosy scales at base, a curved basal and median rosy shade, these two close together, and with the basal patch giving a reddish tinge to the whole basal half of wing ; a narrow outer and broader submarginal shade, both sinuous, the latter nearly touching hindmargin below the middle; marginal line rosy ; fringe brownish olive and rosy. IlinduHiiy : with a basal spot ol' red scales and three fasciae, antemedian. jiostraedian, and submarginal ; marginal line and fringe as in forewing. Underside of forewing suffused with rosy, excejil inner margin, which, like the whole of the hindwing, is whitish. Face, jialpi, forelegs, and antennae red ; thorax and abdomen olive ochreons, dusted with dull red scales ; antennae above annulated, reddish and ]:ale ocdireous. Expanse of wings : 15 mm. 1 ($ from Bartiea, British (Juiana, May I'.Mil. This species is the converse of pliorcaria Guen., roxfoliea ^\'arr., and others, tli(' ground cdlour here being olive with the bands rosy, instead of the groinid being jiniplisli with the bauds pale. 71. Calyptocome fragmentata sjiec. nov. I'oreiciiiij : pale stone-colonr, dusted with tine black scales; the costa deep rosy : wings crossed by three interrupted broad olive-ochrcous bands, edged with black scales ; one near base, obscure ; the postniedian and sidiniarginal both inter- rupted between veins 4 and li and airain on submedian fold, and so con.s"istin"' each of three (piadrati' laterally dark-edged blotches — at costa, below nu'dian, and ( 33 ) aliove iutier margin ; cell-sijot a triangular space of same colour touching costa and placed in an obscure median shade; marginal line deep pnrple ; fringe stone- colour, tinged with rosy. Hiiidwinq : with median, ])ostraedian, and suliniarginal similarly fdlcmrcd ban, 7 ; snlimarginal line with the outer arm close to margin and somewhat obscured ; marginal line black, swollen into black triangles between the veins ; fringe white. The basal half seems to have lost its markings ; but from traces along inner margin I am led to believe that there is a donble inner line at one-third, and jirobably a blaek cell-spot. Ilindwiny : with the outer lines as in forewing ; the branches of tlie median line farther apart, the inner one semicircnlarly curved inwards and embracing the distinct black cell-spot. Underside white, tinged with dull grey towards base and costa of forewing ; the markings showing through only. Face and palpi dark brown above, whitish below ; collar light brown ; vertex white ; thorax and abdomen white with coarse dark speckles. Expanse of wings : 27 mm. I 6 from Sau Ernesto, Bolivia, loOU m., August, Septemlier I'.HMI (Simons). Distinguished from ehia-neata Gnen. and its allies by the much larger size. 76. Craspedia deaurata spec. nov. Forewing: dull greyish yellow; markings very obscure; traces of a curved line near base, an oblique slightly deeper yellow shade beyond middle, and a very fine denticulated brownish outer line ; fringe coucolorous ; cell-spot oval, brown, distinct. Hi ml icing : the same. Underside dnll yellow ; costa of forewing dull reddish near base only ; a dark marginal line to both wings ; cell-spots obsolete. Face and palpi black-brown ; vertex pale ; thorax and abdomen dull yellow. Expanse of wings : Ki mm. 1 6 from Salidero, N.W. Ecuador, 3.ii) ft., February I'.MiI (Flemming and Miketta). Shorter and broader in the wing than C. ram Warr., and i|uife ditferent in colour ; antennae with long fascicles of cilia. 7(1. Craspedia dorsinigrata spec. nov. Fori'irinq : ochreous, finely black-sjieckled ; the lines pale brownish, diffuse and broad ; first lino obscure, curved at one-fourth ; median shade very broad, oblique from before middle of inner margin towards apex, obsolete above vein 6 ; o.\terior line very fine, touching the inner submarginal shade and marked by distinct black spots on the veins ; marginal dots black ; cell-spot blackish ; fringe concolorons. lliiidwing : with the shade antemedian, preceding the cell-spot; outer line well separated from submarginal. Underside paler, with tiie cell-sjiots and outer line distinct; costal half of forew ing grey-tinged. Face and jialpi brown iibove, ochreous below ; vertex whitish ; collar brown : ( -"o ) thorax and abdomen like winas : abdonieu in the tJ with five bhick sjiots on dorsum. Expanse of wings : 3(3 mm. 2 <. Craspedia trias spec, nov., and ab. tincta nov. Forewing : pale ochreons, somewhat thickly dusted with black atoms ; the lines ochraceons ; first at one-fourth, outcurved to the submediau fold, then vertical ; median parallel to it, ontcurved round the black cell-spot ; outer line at (juite three-fourths, oblique outwards to vein 6, there acutely angled and obli(piely incurved to 4, where, after a blunter angle, it is again oblique inwards, dentate-lunulate to inner margin ; the two submargiual shades quite narrow, and irregular, the inner one ajiproaching outer line at 6, the outer running close to hindmargin : marginal dark dots small ; fringe ochreons, without dots. Uimlwing : similar, but without basal line, the median line antemedian. Underside jiale ochreous, dusted with grey in forewing : cell-spots distinct, black ; outer line of forewing only plain. Head, face, thorax, and abdomen all ochreous, the last dusted with dark scales : l)alpi externally and front of forelegs dark fuscous. Exj)anse of wings : 22 mm. Very much like C. approhatu Warr., with which and atomarm ^V'arr., it agrees in t'.ie pale face ; but distinguished by the course and shape of the outer line. ( 36 ) 1 S from C'liiilmuuni, Hulivia, ^(IW lu., .fiuiuary I'.ml, wet season (Simons), l>/pe; 1 ? from Bartica, British Guiana, May 19Ul. and 1 ?, Bnlim, N.W. Eeuador, 100 ft., Jannary 19(11 (Flemming- & Miketta). In this type form the lines are clear ami distinct, lieiiig deeper coloured than the pale ochreous ground. In a second tS , however, from R. Inambari, E. Pern, 1000 m., July 1900, rainy season (Simons), which may be called ab; tincta, this is not the case, as the whole surface of the wings is suffused with the dee])er tint, to the obliteration of the lines, except the snbmarginal, wliich is of the usual pale ochreous tint; in this form the space bctwei'ii outer and snbmarginal lines beyond cell and on submedian fold is tilled iiii with a patch of brownish scales, and the marginal dots arc larger. 79. Craspedia tryg'odata spec. nov. ForficiiKj : pale stone-grey, dnstcd with olive-green scales ; these are especially thick along costa and hindmargin ; the lines dark olive-green ; first thick, from one-fourth of costa, beut outwards in cell before the distinct black cell-spot, then obliipie to near base of inner margin ; median line fine, dentate-lnnulate, from two-thirds of costa to before middle of inner margin, bent outwards between veins 6 and 3 ; outer line at five-sixths, close to margin, Innulate-dentate, insinnate at costa, beyond cell, and in snbmedian interval, and in the sinuses marked thicker, closely followed by an olive shade, most conspicuous in tlie siiuises ; dark green marginal spots between the veins and minute dots beyond the veins in the fringe, which is concolorous. Hiniliriny : the same, without basal line. Underside paler, subiridesccnt ; forewing tinged with rosy-grey ; the external markings distinct, brownish olive ; marginal line continuous. Face and palpi dull rosy above, pale below ; thorax and abdomen like wings. Expanse of wings : 32 mm. 3 cJ(J from Cliulumani, Bolivia, 2()00 m., January 1901, wet season (Simons). Wings elongate ; apex prominent ; hindmargin oblique, in hindwing crenulate ; antennae with long fascicles of cilia. 80. Dichromatopodia distans spec. nov. Forewing: dingy red-brown, tinged with darker; the lines ochreous with the brown scales deeper on each side of them ; first line at one-third, bent on sid)costal vein, then straight, slightly oblicpie inwards ; outer line at four-fifths, much nearer the margin than in siyiUuta Wlk., outcurved from custii, then l)arallel to margin ; a diffuse brown cell-spot, immediately followed by a darker median shade ; a dark marginal line interrupted by the veins ; fringe concolorous. Hindwing : similar, but without inner line. Underside straw-colour, pink-tinged ; costa of forewing, outer line and marginal area beyond it, and the cell-spot rosy. Hindwing with cell-spot and outer line rosy; the margin only tinged with that colour. Head, thorax, and abdomen like wings; anal segment and underside of abdomen ochreous ; face deep-red above, whitish below. Expanse of wings : 22 mm. 1 cJ from Onaca, Sta. Marta, June to August (Engelke) : also from Maraval. Distinguished by the nearness of the outer line to the hindmargin. ( ■■^- ) 81. Haemalea atridiscata spec. uov. Forewi)!!/ : cream-colonr, dusted with lilaok specks; costa dull red-brown, widening towards apex ; the lines all dili'iise and obscure, olive-oclircous, thickened towards costa ; first at one-fourth, cnrved ; median ontcnrved round the cell to submedian vein, then curved outwards, subdentate ; outer line at three-fourths, oblique to vein 0, strong!}- insinuate beyond cell, then oblique, marked with black dashes on veins, and a larger black spot on vein 5, denticulate ; two sinuous sulimarginal shades ; marginal line dark olive, fine ; fringe dull-red ; cell-mark large and prominent, forming a thick black vertical blotch on discocellular. Hindiring : without basal line, the other four curved and very indistinct ; a minute black cell-dot ; fringe red. Underside cream-colour ; costa of forewing, fringe, and middle and outer line of forewing dull red ; forewing sutfused towards base w^ith pale brownish. Face and palpi black-brown above, wliitish below ; vertex white ; collar brown ; tliorax and abdomen cream-colour, the latter with a dorsal row of dark spots. Expanse of wings : 28 mm. 2 c?(?, 2 ? ?, from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, GOOO ft., November, December 1901, wet season (Ockenden). Distinguished from //. rinocinctata Guen., which otherwise it resembles, by the quite difterent cell-spot of forewing. 82. Heterephyra pustulata spec. dov. Fcii-eiriixi : deep yellow ; the lines dark grey ; first at one-fourth, outcurved above and below the median vein ; median and outer parallel to each other, at one- half and two-thirds, dentate-lunnlate, insinuate beyond cell, incurved below middle and again insinuate on submedian fold ; a snbmarginal row of spots between the veins, the two beyond cell and in the submedian interspace swollen into black blotches ; beyond these close before margin a row of brown markings on the veins ; a row of black marginal luuules ; fringe coucolorons ; cell-spot large, leaden-grey with black edge. IJiti'liciiui : like forewing, but without basal line ; the centre of cell-spot ])alcr ; an additional l)lack lilotch in submargiual line at apex. Underside like upi)er, but the markings less distinct. Head, thorax, and abdomen like wings ; abdomen with third segment blackish; face grey ; abdomen beneath and legs yellowish. Expanse of wings : .35 mm. 2 ? ¥ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, .S.E. Peru, OOim.) ft., January 1902, wet season (Ockenden). 83. Lipomelia scintillans spec. uov. ■Rer ForeiciiKj : pale ochreons, glistening, appearing shagreeued with darl costal edge at base reddish ; no distinct lines visible in the 3, except at costa, where they are reddish, at about one-half and th ree- fourths ; in the ? ?, which are slightly darker (one especially), the lines are plain and leaden-coloured ; the first from middle ol' cnstii, \u middle of iimcr margin, slightly elbowed outwards ( 38) on meJiau vein ; the oiitt'i- ubliqne outwanls and augled on vein (3, tlieu irregularly waved and dentate, parallel to hindiuargin; traces of a moilian line near beyond tlie first ; fringe coneolorous. lliiKlwing : with a darker cell-spot, and traces of a curved outer line in the ? only. Underside pale and glossy ; costa of f(jrewing rosy. Face and palpi above, front of forelegs, and antennae red; face iuu] palpi below, thorax and abdomen ochreons, like wings. Expanse of wings : 16 mm. 1 (?, 3 ? ? from Bartica, British Guiana, April, May lOnl. A very distinct insect, though of obscure a])peavance. n4. Lipomelia subfuscata spec, no v. Forewiny : dull greenish opaline, with a slight rosy tinge, and speckled with black; cell-spot white, crescent-shaped, occupying the middle half of discocellular, not touching vein 4 or (i ; onter line darker, distinctly lunulate-dentate, the teeth acutely pointed outwards, the lunules inwards, from three-fourtlis of costa to three-fourths of inner margin ; indistinct traces of a dark inner line at one-third, and a median deutate-lnnulate line between ; marginal area deeper, and with a dull smoky blotch at anal angle ; fringe ])inkish greeu. Hindwhig : with basal third coneolorous with forewing, the rest dull rosy; cell-spot black, occupying the upper half of discocellular, broader above, where it touches the snbco.stal vein, which, as well as vein 7, is marked with black scales ; outer line from costa to vein 6 black, strongly dentate-lunulate, obsolescent below ; the lunules followed by two black sj)ots ; the whole apical angle tinged with brown, containing two black marginal liuiules one ou each side of vein 7 ; fringe rosy. Underside pale greenish opaline, the costii of forewing rosy ; anal angle of forewing marked by a large smoky-black blotch reaching vein 4, there becoming submarginal and dull rosy, thinning out towards costa ; a similar but smaller blotch at apical angle of hindwing ; fringe dark beyond the blotches. Thorax and alidomen coneolorous with wings ; vertex, face, and ]i:ilpi dull reddish. Expanse of wings : 34 mm. 2, S S from Chimate, Bolivia, 70U m., September I'.Jiin (Simons). Neither specimen is in good condition, as far as the forewings are concerned, and the markings, except the outer line, are very obscure; possildy, when fresh, these wings are rosier in colour. It comes nearest to L. subtincta Warr. 85. Odontoptila marginata spec. nov. ForeiriiH/ : bone-colour, dusted with tine purplish brown scales; the costa diffusely, the hindmargin beyond outer line to below apex concisely, purjilish brown ; first line marked by black spots on veins, at one-third, angled in cell before a small dark cell-spot, which is followed by a faint median shade parallel to first line : outer line black, sinuous, j)arallel to hindmargin, interruj)ted above vein (I and there marked by vein spots, and retracted to costa at tiiree-fourths ; submarginal line pale, broken into spots, bisecting the dark marginal area, the njiper edge of which runs obliijuely into apex ; marginal line black ; fringe with pale base and tips, and broad brown middle Hue, mottled darker beyond veins. ( -9 ) Hindwing : with basal two-thirds bone-colour dusted with darker, an atite- mediau shade preceding cell-spot ; outer line piinctnlate ; marginal area as in forewing, but not so dark. Underside the same, but paler and (hiller. Head and thorax purplish black ; abdomen l)rowa with black dorsal screak ; vertex and antennae snow-white. Expanse of wings : 19 mm. 1 i(limng : without first line. Underside of forewing whitish, suffused except along inner margin with iron grey ; the veins, cell-spot, outer and marginal lines blackish ; costal edge and fringe yellow, the latter witii the dark sjwts large and prominent. llindwing without dark suffusion. Head brown-black ; thorax and abdomen concolorons with wings. E.xpause of wings : 17 mm. 1 ? from Popayan, Colombia (Lehmann). The hindmargin of forewing is slightly, of hindwing deeply inbent between veins 4 and 0. Easily distinguished by its unusual colour. '■•2. Ptychopoda nepticulata spec. nov. Foreiviiig : pale grey, dusted with darker grey ; the lines dark grey : the basal and median starting from large black costal spots, both angled in cell then oblique inwards ; the basal area as far as the median line darker than the ( 42 ) rest of wing : outer line at tliroo-i'oiirtlis, indented beyond cell and on snb- niedian fold ; the area between it and median line jjaler ; siibniariiiiial line ]iale. sinuous lietween j>:re_v shades, that whieh ])re<'edes it lieing more prominent and forming a narrow baud : fringe grey, with large lihuk dots at base ; cell-sjiot blaok, at three-fifths of wing. Jlii/flwint/ : the same, but without basal line, luid nidy the basal tliinl, as far as the antemedian line, darker than rest of wing. Underside dull grey. Face and palpi blaekish ; thorax and abdiunrn grey. Expanse of wings : lu mm. 1 6 from Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, July 1898 (S. Klages). Quite the smallest member of the family ; the forewing is elongate and narrow. !13. Ptychopoda nigricosta spee. nov. Fomriiii/ : yellow, with four rosy waved obliiiue shades, all with dentate elges, and insinuate inwards in and beyond cell and across submediau fold ; cell-spot and a fine marginal line also rosy ; fringe yellow ; oosta blackish throughout. IlimlioiiHi : with three similar lines ; the base of both wings rosy. Underside duller ; the costal area more broadly blackish. Face, palpi, and verte.K black-brown ; thora.x and abdomen yellow ; front and sides of shoulders shining white. Expanse of wings : 10 mm. 2 (?(J from Sauto Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, (itiOti ft., November l'.)ol, wet season (Ockenden). Like P. quadrinthrata Warr., but distinguished by the blaekisli, not rosy, costa. 94. Semaeopus signifer sjiec. nov. Forewing : greyish oehreous, dusted with very minute reddish scales, the costal region broadly greyer without the oehreous tint ; lines very pale brownish : basal line at one-fourth, a little outcurved above and below median, and' slightly darker dotted on veins ; median shade dentate-lunulate, oblique from three- fourths of costa to middle of inner margin ; outer line near hindmargin, marked by distinct brown-black spots on veins ; hindmargin slightly crenulate ; fringe concolorous, with minute reddish dots at base beyond the veins ; cell-si)ot reddish- brown. Ilindicing : without basal line ; median shade, outcurved round the cell-sjiot, which is a black ring with a red streak across it ; the rest as in forewing. Underside glossy ochreons ; the forewing only dusted with grey towards base ; cell-spot and median shade marked only on forewing ; outer line and a black marginal line on both wings. Head, thorax, and abdomen like wings ; palpi externally and upper third of fa(U' dark purple ; tuft of hindlegs large, oehreous, concealing a smaller rosy tuft. Expanse of wings : 44 mm. 1 S from ("haraplaya, Bolivia, 1300 m., June 1901 (Simons). Differs from true tSfrn'teopiis in having sessile fascicles of cilia instead of ]iectinations. ( 43 ) 95. Zeuctoneura subviridis spec. nov. Foreivinq : dull greenish ochreous ; iiiiier line at one-fourth and niediun from one-half of costa, both obscurely marked, bent in middle of wing-, tlicu (ililiiine inwards; outer line at three-fourths, blackish, sinuous, incnrved beyond cell and on snbmedian fold, followed at anal angle by a dark blotch ; marginal line slightly darker ; fringe dull green, mottled with darker beyond veins. Hind winy : with obscure antemediaa and outer lines, and a small black cell-dot. Underside much paler, ochreous slightly green-tinged ; forewiug rosy along costa and veins ; base of forewing grey ; a blackish median line, and thick black outer sinuous line, the black running out along the veins ; marginal line lilack ; fringe ochreous, mottled with black. Hindwing with small cell-spot and thick black outer line, followed by a blotch at apex. Head black ; thorax and abdomen like wings. Expanse of wings : 22 mm. 3 cJ(?, 2 ? ?, from Santo Domingo, L!araba3'a, S.E. Peru, 6000 ft., January 1902, wet season (Oekenden). The black of the outer lines below shows through in parts on the upjierside. SuBKAMiLY HYDRIOMENINAE. Anapalta gen. nov. Agreeing with Epirrlioe in ueuration ; distinguished by the palpi and antennae ; the palpi are npcurved or porrect in front of face, the third segment erect ; the antennae are lamellate, and quite simple, without even short ciliations. Type : Anapalta acerbafa Feld. (Juite a large number of S. American species will be found referable liere. 90. Anapalta caliginosa. Hammaptera caliginosa Warn, xVor. Zool.vn. p. 177, $ (IIUM)). This species, described from a ? only, was doubtfully referred to llnmmapti-ra. The insect proves, however, not to belong to that genus ; the inner margin of the hindwing of the c? is simple. The SS are, as a rule, paler than the ¥ ?, and more brightly coloured ; the pale cream-coloured band before central fascia sometimes becomes olive-green, like the band following the fascia, while tlie central area is varied with brown and olive-green ; all the lines are more distinct ; the hindwing is glossy white, with the inner marginal area greyish olive ; no darker marginal border, but on the inner margin above anal angle are •the commencements of two blackish lines, which in some instances can be traced across the wing as curved grey lines. 6 (Jc? from Charaplaya, Bolivia, June 1901, 1300 m. (Simons). 97. Anapalta infundibulata ab. vinosata nov. Differs from tlie ordinary form of Guenee's species in having the basal two- thirds of forewiug sufi'used with vinous red, the central fascia being entire fniui costa to inner margin; the outer-; third is whitish grey, with all the markings very concisely and clearly expressed. In the hindwing and underside it agrees with the type-form. 1 S Irimi ( 'hiincliamayo, .lune to August 1901 (HoH'manns). ( 44 : 08. Anapalta perdecora s]rc. imv. Foren'ihy : crciini-white, tinged with biifl', and in the basiil and niaririnai areas suffused witli violet-grey ; lines slender, waved, all lilaek towards eosta : extreme base grey ; basal patch small, buff, edged by a black line and crossed by two lines wliieh are black only at extremities : band between basal j)atch and central fascia suffused with violet-grey as far as subcostal vein only, traversed liy wavy Hues, varied with grey and whitisli ; central fascia pale butt', its edges deeper, the cross-lines black only on costa, central si)ace paler still, with a black cell-sjiot ; outer edge dark nearly across wing, indented beyond cell and forming two blunt, strong teeth between veins 2 and 4 ; marginal area below subcostal vein tinged witli violet-grey, with two or three waved and dentate dark lines most distinct in upper half; submarginal line yellow, only ]ilain beyond cell, where it is represented by two or three yellow liuuihir sjxits in the grey tint, lost below middle in tlie yellow marginal space; apical blotch yellow; black marginal huudes, interrupted at vein-ends, and i)artialiy interrupted each in middle ; fringe j)ale violet-grey, chequered with darker. lUiiilwiiHi : white with a very faint yellow tinge ; slight dark marginal lunules and marks of lines along inner margin. Underside pale yellowish ; all the markings of forewing jiurplish grey ; subbasal area with grey suffusion ; outer edge of central fascia with three thick linos ; band beyond it pale ; apical area grey, with ajiex yellowish white : none of the markings reaching inner margin. Hindwing without markings, but the lines are indicated faintly on costa ; cell-spots in both wings. Head, collar, and shoulders yellow : thorax, patagia, and back of abdomen jinrple-grey, the last sometimes varied with yellow : underside of abdomen and the legs yellowish ; jialpi externally purplish. Expanse of wings : lis mm. 3 cJc? from Chulumani, Bolivia, 2ii(M( m., January I'.Hil, wet season (Simons) '.I'.'. Anapalta roseoliva spec. nov. Fori'iriiiti : cream-colour, suffused with jiale green and rosy; the basal patch, the limiting bands of the central fascia, and the marginal area olive-green ; basal jiatch small, with three black dots on its costal edge, followed by a curved baud of ground colour narrowed at inner margin, the centre of which is dusted with rosy scales; the curved green inner band of central fascia is edged inwardly with velvety black, which fills up the whole band below the median and a great jiart of it above ; outer green band Ijroader, edged outwardly by a black liue, which is sinuous outwardly from two-thirds of costa to vein 4, below 4 forming the usual jirominent tooth and four smaller Innulate ones below it, but scarcely edged with black ; middle space of the ground colour dusted with reddish, and ccuitaining a dark linear cell-mark ; beyond the fascia is a white line, followed by an area of rosy scales mixed with olive-green, and sometimes grey, towards costa, and bounded by the very indistinctly marked Innulate submarginal line, beyond which the margin is entirely green ; pairs of small black spots at tiie vein-ends ; fringe pale green, with dark chequering beyond veins : nil the lines are marked with blac'k on costa. Ilhiiliriiui : cream-colour, without markings, slightly tingfd with olive and rosv along liinduiiiri.'in ; traces of two dark lines on inner niariiin above anal angle. ( 4.5 ) Underside creaiu-colour, washed with olive ; cell-spots and outer line dark^ the latter followed first hy a pale band and then by a ditiiise darker one, expanding into a dark fuscous blotch below costa of forewing, tonching margin below (> and leaving the apex pale. Head, thorax, and abdomen cream-colour, olive-tinged in jilaces : patagia rosy ; abdomen witb a pair of l)lack streaks on each segment. Furelegs and middle legs with the tibiae and tarsi mottled blackish and ochreons. Exjianse of wings : ^.'(i mm. 4 d d from Charaplaya, liolivia,, 13no m., June I'.iol (SimonsJ. liio. Anapalta sombrera sjiec. nov. Forciriiii/ : dull greenish brown, coarsely dusted with dark scales ; crossed by a succession of waved blackish lines, darker and plainer on costa ; the limits of the basal area and central fascia cannot be well defined, the ground colour being uniform throughout ; the central area is rather darker browu than the rest of the wing, and the black c<'ll-spot stands iu a darker band between two lines ; a paler band at three-fourths is followed by a darker shade partially connected with hindmargin ; a broken black marginal line ; fringe mottled with black beyond veins. Hindiciiiy : dull brown, overlaid with rough dark scales, without any markings. Underside dull greyish cinereous ; costal area to middle and a broad ]iost- median band dull luteous. Hindwing dnll luteous speckled with fuscous, and with dull fuscous marginal border ; dark cell-spots (m both wings. Head and thorax concolorous with forewing, abdomen with hindwing. Expanse of wings : 25 mm. 1 c? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, 6Uim) ft., .January 19u3, wet season (Ockenden). A very dull and ill-marked insect, perhaps abnormally so. 101. Anapalta violetta spec. nov. Fori'iruii/ : basal patch, central fascia, and marginal area dingy olive-green edged and crossed by black wavy lines ; spaces between basal patch and central fascia and between this and submarginal line pale violet ; the costal portions of these also olive-green with dark streaks ; the area around the black cell-mark in the fascia sometimes violet ; pairs of black sjDOts along margin at tije vein- ends ; fringe olive, dark-che'piered beyond veins, and spotted with white at apex and between veins 3 and 4. Ilin-lwinij : olive-grey or olive-ochreous, when fresh with traces of slightly darker postmedian and submarginal bauds, edged with jiaier ; marginal sjmts smaller ; fringe pale. Underside pale ochreous, suffused, especially in the forewings, with violet- grey : ail the markings dark grey, tinged in parts with greenish. Head, thorax, and abdomen pale ochreous ; metathoraoic tults blackish ; dorsal segments of abdomen edged with black. Expanse of wings : 26 — 28 mm. 0 c?i])oc. nov. Foreivinq : wliitish, tinged with olive-grey, the lines in. Hammaptera nigi'olineata spec. nov. Forcwimj : yellow ochreous, with the lines slightly deeper yellow; the edges of the markings black ; basal patch with an obscure dark edge, sinuous ; inner edge of 'central fascia finely black thronghont and waved, jiarallel to basal line; outer edge obliipie outwards, angled below vein 4, strongly marked above middle, obsolete below, the traversing lines marked by black dots on costa and with black shading on and below submedian vein ; three black lines from costa, not reaching vein (i, before submarginal line, which is whitish and hmulate, the lunnles jireceded by a series of black spots, that between veins 4 and 5 conspicuous, and followed by wedge-shaped black marks reaching hindmargiu ; marginal black spots in i]airs ; fringe ochreous. Ilinihcitig : suffused with dirty grey to an indistinct submarginal line, followed by a jialer band: marginal border blackish, extending partially along the fold of inner margin ; marginal dark spots and fringe as in forewing. Underside of forewing with black marginal band, broad at costa, wliere it leaves the apex ochreous, narrowing and fading out below vein 4 ; edges of central fascia ( 53 ) showiug through only : hiiulwing with grey margin showing ji.ale spots between veins ; a snbmargiual grey shade and the fold grey-tinged. Head, jialpi, thorax, and abdomen ail yellow ochreons ; legs ochrrons yellow, the forctarsi faintly grey-spotted. Expanse of wings : 3.T ram. 1 c? from Sapncay, near Villa Uica, Paraguay, July IfH.il (Foster). 114. Hammaptera subalbata spec. nov. Foi'ewiny : flesh-coloured browu, tinged with olive and sometimes darkened with fuscous suifusion ; middle third of wing occupied by a dark blackish brown fascia crossed by several waved lines and containing the obscure cell-spot ; this fascia has its inner edge formedof three curves concave basewards, the middle one large, stretching from fold to fold ; all the lines basewards parallel to it — viz., the edges of a curved dark band and the lines in the pale bands on each side of it ; the basal patch quite small, witli three dark lines : the bands preceding and following cejitral fascia more tinged with green ; submargiiial line close to margin, formed by the intcrrujited jiale ends of the usual lunnles, jn-eceded by three waved dark luuulate lines : i)airs of semiconfluent black dots along margin at the vein-ends ; fringe concolorous with dark mottliugs. Ilimhviiiq : smoky brown-black ; the fringe the same. Underside of forewing smoky blackish, the basal two-fifths whitish ; a pale bent band beyond central fascia and pale spots at apex and below vein 4. Hindwings bluish white, with a black blotch from apex to vein 4, a blackish smear at anal angle, and blackish fringe. Head and thorax pinkish brown ; palpi externally, tips of i>atagia, and metathoracic tufts dark ; abdomen brown with black segmental rings, sometimes confluent. Underside of abdomen and legs ochreons. Expanse of wings : 30 mm. 2 (S 6 from Charaplaya, Bolivia, 130i) m., June lOUl (Simons). Easily distinguished by the remarkable white underside of wings, excessively like that of Erebocldora subladea Warr. ll-i. Hydriomena ochreiplagfa sjiec. nov. Fon'wiiKj : dull olive ; the rows of spots dark olive-fuscous ; all the spots finely but roughly edged with pale red-speckled ochreons, whereby the whole wing assumes a slightly reddish tint. The rows of spots are six in number : the first basal, hardly interru])ted ; second, antemedian, of three spots, a large double one in cell and beneath it, and irregular truncated ones above costal and below submedian vein respectively ; third median, double towards costa, consisting of two irregularly shaped costal spots, pointed towards each other, a small blotch in cell, and a large elongated blotch beyond cell, the latter connected below cell with the outer of two curved and angled blotches in submedian interval, which unite to form a square blotch on inner margin ; fourth postmedian, slightly curved and waved, the sjiots Innate and coalescent ; fifth submarginal, of rounded and irregular sjiots, j)artially contiguous, the two beyond cell being smaller, those above and below them largest ; sixth marginal, formed of more or less diamond-shaped blotches touching dark marks at the vein-ends, anrown, cheijuered with whitish between the veins. Ilixdiring : whitish ochreous, darker along hindmargiu : fringe ochreous, chcpiered with black beyond veins, and with a dark fine line along base. Underside pale blurred grey ; a broad submarginal streak and veins G and T narrowly orange-red ; apical area dusted with i)ale ochreous ; inner and outer lines jiale, the latter dark-edged towards costa; fringe ochreous with velvety black mottliiigs beyond veins. Hindwing whitish, mottled with brown ; a brown ])ost- median waved line, costal and subcostal veins orange ; fringe yellow, with black line along base. Face brown ; vertex ochreous ; shoulders and jiatagia brown with ochreous tips ; abdomen ochreous, brown along dorsum, with the segmental divisions ochreous ; legs brown, speckled with ochreous ; scales beneath abdomen and the tufts ochreous ; (palpi broken). Expanse of wings : 2(i mm. 1 6 from Santo Domingo, Carabava, S.Fl Peru, (iOoti ft,, November I'.'nI. wet sensOD (Ockenden). ( 55 ) 117. Hypolepis castanea spec. nov. Forewing : dark chestnut-brown ; the basal patch, central fascia, and marginal area darker, more fnscons-tinged ; all tliese darker areas edged by white lines, traversed eacii by a black thread ; edge of basal patch cnrved and waved ; inner edge of central fascia waved; onter line lunnlate-dentate, the teeth pointing base- wards, indented beyond cell and on snbmedian fold ; a dark linear cell-mark ; snbmarginal line, sometimes obscnre, forming the limit of a large triangnlar dark patch between ape.K and vein 4 and lunnlate-dentate thence to anal angle; fringe chequered, dark and light brown. Hindwing : dark fuscous brown ; the cell-spot dark ; fringe ]iale, with dark spots. Underside of forewing dnll brownish grey ; costal edge dotted with dark ; an orange subcostal streak ; cell-spot dark ; markings partly showing through. Hindwing paler, with brownish striae; a dark cell-spot, and traces of a dark postmedian line. Head, thorax, and abdomen chestnut-brown ; antennae dark fuscous : abdominal scales and tufts ochreous. E.xpanse of wings : 3i) mm. ■3 cJc?, 4 ? ?, from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, Novemlier, Dc'cember 1901 (Ockenden). 1 1 s. Hypolepis conspersata spec nov. Forewing : dnll brown, with darker, more fuscous, markings ; basal patch small, fnscons, edged by a white, black-liordered, nearly vertical line; central fascia fuscous, edged on each side by a white Innnlar line traversed by a black one, the outer edge more or less parallel to hindmargin and indented beyond cell; cell-sjKit obscure, blackish ; space between basal patch and central fascia and that beyond onter band occupied by brown shades ; a black sharply lunulate snbmarginal line, the lunules above vein 4 partially filknl in with black ; an interrupted black marginal line ; fringe yellowish, mottled with dark ; the wing, and esjiecially the marginal third, is thickly covered with minute pale and dark striae. Hindwiiig : dull brown, paler towards base, with obscurely darker postmedian and snbmarginal lines from inner margin ; cell-spot dark ; fringe pale yellow, with dark mottling. Underside of forewing cinereous, dappled with yellowish; an orange subcostal streak ; cell-spot dark, followed by a pale ()atch ; hindmargin above middle darker. Hindwing yellowish, striated with brown, with two slightly miirked lines ; cell-spot linear, conspicuous. Head, thorax, and abdomen fnscons brown. Expanse of wings : 2!) mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Pern, &>W ft., May IW)2, dry season (Ockenden). Very near to H. castanea and sonlida, but apparently distinct. 119. Hypolepis plumbesceus spec. nov. Forewing : pale leaden grey, glossy ; the basal patch, central fascia, and marginal area somewhat darker, decidedly darker along the edges, where they are mixed with brown, and all edged with a p;iler line ; biisal patch suudl, its ( 50 ) edge wavy, vertical; iuner edge of central fascia, sinuous, vertical, at oue-third ; outer edge from two-thirds of costa to three-fifths of inner margin, projecting at veins 0 and 4, insinuate between and on submediau fold ; marginal area above vein 4 mucli darker, forming a large triangular projection beyond cell ami a smaller rounded one above vein 6 ; antemarginal space pale )'ellow with a darker yellow shade down it ; three pale grey streaks on costa before aj)ex ; fringe yellow and grey ; costa finely dotted with yellow. Ilindwinij : pale yellowish, tinged with pale grey, excejit along a bniinl postmedian curved band ; cell-spot faint ; fringe yellowish. Underside pale leaden grey ; costa dotted with yellow ; an orange subcostal streak from base to ajiex"; the apical veins orange; an obliijuc pale straw-coloured outer band; cell-spot black; fringe yellow, dotted with grey. Hiiidwing whitish, striated with grey ; a blackish cell-spot and broken postmedian liue, followed by a )>road yellowish band ; veins and fringe yellow. Head, thorax, and abdomen yellowish ; face brownish grey ; tibi.ie and tarsi of fore ;iiid middle legs brown-speckled. Expanse of wings : $ 22 mm. ; ? :.'0 mm. 1 i^'i ? ?, from Santo Domingo, Curabaj-a, S.E. Peru, liniin ft., .lauuary VMvl, wet season (Ockeuden). r^iJ. Hypolepis prunicolor spec. nov. Foren'inji : dark violet-grey, tlie markings deep purple-brown, narrowly and obscurely edged with golden yellow scales; basal patch quite small, purple-brown; followed by a broad baud of the ground colour, the centre of which is occupied by a dark band marked by a deep blotch on costa and iuuer margin but interrupted in middle ; all these dark markings edged with deep yellow scales ; central fascia with inner edge straight and oblique from just before middle of costa to before middle of inner margin, its outer edge diffuse, projecting on vein 0 and at middle, from two-thirds of costa to just beyond middle of iuner margin, where the fiiscia is narrow ; the inner half of the fascia only purple-browu ; beyond the second band of ground colour the outer line is waved and partially lunulate ; submarginal line lunulate, the lunules filled uj) with purple-brown, that beyoud cell large and coalescing with the lunule of outer line; fringe yellow, with j)urple-brown mottling beyond veins. Hindtrivff : wholly dark brownish fuscous. Underside of forewing purplish grey, the costa speckled with dee]) yellow ; a dull orange subcostal streak. Hindwing yellowish, with long dull purjilish grey striae ; a postmedian band and hiudmarginal border purplish grey ; cell-spot linear, velvety black. Head, thorax, and abdomen purplish brown ; ji.-dpi deej) dull yellow ; abdomen beneath and legs dull yellow ; foretibiae and tarsi mottled i)urplisli and yellow. Exi)anse of wings : 23 mm. 1 (S from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, (iOOO ft., November lUUl, wet season (Ockeuden). I'^'l. Hypolepis sordida spec. nov. This species is very near to //. rfisfanea Wan-., but at the ctuniueiicciueiit of c:icli (if the Hues, except the fir.d by Packard as Cirlnria viqrqf(is.ciiifa. 124. Oligopleura biplagiata spec. nov. Nearest to 0. aiibieata Feld. and its al)erratiou dicersicolor AVarr., which I am now inclined to regard as itself a distinct species, inasmuch as the numerous examjiles which I have seen since the original description are all constant, and show no evidence of intermediate variation. In i/ivcne anal angle of forewing ; hindmargin curved. Forehead produced below and scaled ; 2)alpi rough-haired, long, porrect dccnmbeut ; tongue and frenulum present ; antennae (?) filiform. Neuration : forewing, cell half as long as wing; discocellular oblique below ; first median ncrvule at fonr-fifths, second close before third : radials normal ; 7, 8, 9 stalked. In anastomosing with 11 and again with 8, ',), forming a donble areole, which is elongate, both 10 aud 11 rising far back : hiudwing, costal anastomosing with subcostal to near end of cell ; 6 aud 7 long stalked ; discocellular biangulate, the radial from the lower, outward angle. The disproportionate sine of the hindwing will sufticiently characterise the genus. T_N pe : Paromala elongata spec. nov. 1~5. Paromala elongata spec. nov. Forewing: whitish grey, very thickly but finely speckled with dark atoms; no distinct markings ; but the antemedian and postmedian lines are indicated b\ dark dots on veins, the former curved at one-third, the hitler oblii|iii', paruliel ( '^y ) to hindmargiu, at two-thirds ; fringe coucolorous, beyond a hardly darker marginal line ; cell-spot small. Ilindwiny : whiter, with hardly any dusting ; a postmedian line of dots. Underside dark grey, S2)eckled with fuscous ; cell-spots and outer lines marked, the latter very distinct in the hindwing. Head, thorax, and abdomen jjale grey. Expanse of wings : 24 mm. 1 ? from Ecuador. 120. Perizoma amplata spec. nov. Forewing : dull wood-brown, in ])laees fuscous ; the lines paler, slender ; basal patch small, fuscous, edged by a curved pale line ; a similarly curved pale line from one-fourth of costa to near middle of inner margin forms the inner edge of tlie central area ; outer line from two-thirds of costa, outcurved to vein 4, then incurved, dentate inwards on the veins, and vertical from vein 2 to inner margin shortly before anal angle ; the inner half of the median area, broadly above middle and narrowly below, fuscous edged with darker ; the outer line is traversed by a darker thread ; marginal area fuscous brown, from apex to outer line at vein 0 black, containing a snbmarginal line marked by black wedge- sliaped marks tipped with white, and joined by fine black dashes with the black marginal line, which is interrupted by pale spots at the vein-ends ; fringe witli the inner half dark brown, the outer paler ; cell-spot small, black. JliiKlivinfi : dull smoky brown, with a darker marginal border ; fringe pale dotted with darker. Underside of forewing dull brown, with cell-spot, outer line, and a narrow black lilotch on costa before apex ; a snbmarginal row of white dots. Hindwing speckled with darker, with cell-spot, dark waved postmedian line, and snbmarginal row of white spots; patches of black scales along the submedian fold; the inner margin itself whitish, with its fringe pale brown. Head, thorax, and abdomen dark fuscous brown, S2ieckled with paler ; the segmental rings of abdomen pale ; legs blackish. Expanse of wings : 2(3 mm. 0 cJc?, 2 ? ¥, from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Pern, 6000 feet, November, December IDOl, January 1902, wet season (Ockenden). 127. Perizoma aureoviridis spec. nov. Forewing : yellowish green, shading into slate-colour towards hindraargin ; the markings olive-fuscons ; a curved band close to base, narrowed to a point on inner margin ; second band siunons, at one-third, forming the inner edge of the central fascia ; third at two-thirds, bidentate outwards between 6 and 7, the teeth small, and again between 2 and 4, the teeth broad ; this outer band mixed with brownish and filac grey, and containing two inner lines, the innermost distinct, dark olive ; it is followed by a pale green band with two brownish lines through it, marked on costa close to central fascia with pale yellow ; snbmarginal line regularly lumdate, pale yellowish green, the lunules partially filled up with greenish, and followed by paler green streaks to hindmargiu; the lunule between veins 3 and 4 ferrnginous : pairs of dark green marginal dashes at the vein-ends ; fringe pale greenish, with two dark green lines, and mottled with darker beyond veins ; cell-spot minute : space between basal jiatch and central fascia with its ( «o) inner halt' lilac-giTv, the ouIit halt" of the pale-green ground colnnr witli two darker linos. fliiidiiiiui : greenish erenm-colonr, bluish green along hiiulmargin ; traces of two or three cnrved lines only distinct on inner margin ; fringe greenish white. Un(lersi. Phlebosphales engelkei spec. nov. ForeiciiKj : whitish, overlaid with grey and fuscons scales; the course of the subcostal vein, the edge of the inner margin, and the submarginal line tinged with ]tale brown ; above the subcostal vein the dark lines and paler intervals are clearly marked along the costa ; below it across the wing the markings are indistinct ; there appear to be two narrow dark lines near base, then a dark grey band containing the blackish cell-mark : beyond this, at the middle of wing another single dark line, followed by a dark band, narrow at costa and protruding in middle of wing towards hindmargin ; submarginal line close to margin, irregularly dentate, crossing a whitish patch below vein 4 ; a marginal line of black dashes, with white dots at the vein-ends ; fringe dark brown. The scaling generally is glossy. lliiuhripg : dull slaty grey, with dark eeli-sput, and marginal spots as in forewing. Underside dull slaty grey, paler in hindwing. Head and thorax damaged, abdomen cinereous. Expanse of wings : 28 mm. 1 s; as is likewise Snellen's species endotrichiata, wrongly referred by him to Gueu6e's Eunomid genns Ci/clomiu ; and the same applies to Doguin's Ci/clomia mnijin- patpata. 131. Psaliodes albidulata spec. nov. Fordoing : cream-white ; the markings olive fuscous, all oiore or less broken np by the paler ground colour, but darker along costa ; basal jjatch edged by a thick line obli(jne inwards ; the i)ale band between it and central fascia occni)i('d by an inwardly obli'jne dark band, the edges remaining jiale ; central fascia narrow, oblique inwards to before middle of inner margin, its outer edge insinnate beyond cell and on snbmedian fold, projecting between ; beyond the ])ale band following it is a double line, of which the outer arm is thick and lunnhite ; subnuirginal line broad, insinnate beyond cell, where it almost iuterrnpts the lunnlatc shade ; marginal area consisting of large luunles, that beyond cell twice as large as the others ; a fine dark marginal line ; fringe cream-colour mottled with fuscous ; cell-spot small in the central fascia. Ilimhrimj : tinged with ochrcons grey, with a central, double submarginal, and a marginal band dark grey ; marginal line dark ; fringe ochreous. Underside duller, with similar markings ; forewing with a deep yellow sub- costal streak ; veins 6, 7 and the stalk of 8, 9, 10 also yellow. Hiudwing with the veins yellow ; the ground colour pale ochreous with fuscous striae and speckles ; a i)aler band between a dark postmedian and submarginal line ; cell-spots distinct in both wings. Head, thorax, and abdomen ochreous, tinged with I'nscoiis ; patagia ami shoulders fnscons, with the tips ochreous ; tarsi externally spotted fuscous and ochreous. Expanse of wings : 30 mm. 2 cJt? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Pern, (innii ft., December I'.iOl — January 1902, wet season (Ockendeu). 132. Psaliodes aurativena spec. nov. Forewing : with base, central fascia, and marginal blotches dark ))nrplish brown ; the median vein and its branches, the submediau, and veins o, 6, 7 bi'duiily yellow ; intervals white, tinged with yellow, all the paler areas thickly freckled with brown ; edge of basal patch sinuous, followed by a sinuous white line ; central fascia with both edges Innulate between veins, the outer acutely so, jircceded by a Innulate, white, brown-edged line, and followed by two acutely denfati', brown-edged white lines; the baud between basal area and central fascia yellowish, marked with fnscons striae on costa at its middle ; submarginal line white, irregnlar and broken up : an irregularly lobed triangular purple-brown blotch from apex to vein 4, and a large blotch at anal angle ; the submarginal line is j)recedcd by an indistinct series of brown wedge-shaped marks ; the central fascia is interrupted by the yellow median vein and marked with white above it : fringe brown, with yellow dashes between the veins. 1 Hud wing : dark grey, ])aler towards base, with a dark cell-spot; fringe yellow, mottled with black. (6.3) Underside of forewing gre}', browner towards apex and speckled with yellow; costal area broadly yellow, the costal edge brown-spotted ; all the veins yellowish. Hindwing white, striated with brown ; all the veins deep yellow ; the cell-spot dark brown. Face and palpi olive-fnscous ; vertex, thorax, edges of shonlders and patagia, and dorsal segments of abdomen yellowish ; base of shoulders and patagia fuscous. Expanse of wings : 30 ram. 4 ? ? from Santo Domingo, Ciarabaya, S.E. Peru, 6000 ft., November I'.tol, wet season (Ockenden). These are probably lli/poh'jn.-i, but in the uljseiice of a cJ I leave them in Psaliodes for the present. 133. Psaliodes citrinata spec, no v. Furi'wiiKj : straw-colour ; the markings dark brownish fuscous ; the lines white and pale yellow ; the veins yellowish ; basal patch edged by a broadish black-brown band ; central fascia narrow, sinuous, from middle of costa to before middle of inner margin, both edges lunulate, the inner irregular, bulged towards base below the median vein ; pale space preceding it correspondingly enlarged above the median, its edges white, the centre yellow, limited by pale-brown scales and with some central fuscous scales on costa ; outer edge followed by a white and then a yellow line of equal width separated by a pale-brown line, the yellow succeeded by a fuscous shade forming luuules or wedges between the veins edged by the whitish submarginal line ; a pale oblique space from apex ; a large fuscous- brown triangular blotch from apex to vein -i, and a double lunulate brown blotcli at anal angle, the luuule between 3 and 4 remaining pale with dark outline ; marginal line brown ; fringe yellow, mottled with dark brown ; in the fuscous central fascia, l>iiig on the median vein, is an elongate yellowish-white blotch below the obscure dark cell-spot. lliiKhdiuj : grey-brown, with brown cell-sjiot and an indistinct brown median line ; the marginal border darker : fringe pale with dark brown mottliugs. Underside of forewing dull grey, the costal area yellowish, with darker speckling ; a yellowish outer line and pale streak from apex ; cell-spot black ; fringe yellow, mottled with brown. Hindwing, yellowish straw-colour, sparsely striated with brown ; a brown cell-spot and three brown median spots indicating a central line. Head, thorax, and abdomen yellowish ; base of shoulders and patagia browjiislj. Expanse of wings : 20 mm. 1 ? from Santo Domiugo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, ilinio ft., December I'.Jiil, wet season (Ockenden). Distinguished by the sinuous central fascia with its pale spot, auecies, though for the present I shall sejiarate it only as ab. pallida. In this the red is deeper and the fuscous markings blacker, the white markings clearer and more defined ; the lower half of central fascia also much narrower ; the fringe is white, with black base, but witliont dark mottlings. The hindwing is grey, with darker grey central line and marginal border. I'eneath, the forewing is dull dark grey, witli the white edgings showing, and only a faint tinge of reddish ; the hindwing much speckled with brownish red and white, and all the markings hidden. l^i'-'. Psaliodes nexilinea spec. nov. Forewing: straw-colour; the median vein and its branches and the submedian pale ferrnginnns ; the lines darker ferrnginous ; a fine slightly curved line near base ; an obli(|ne fniniel-shajied narrow fi^scia at middle, its edges and narrower part below the median darker ferruginous ; a sinuous submarginal line, Innulate ( 67 ) below middle ; a triangular ferrnginons-edged patch on liiiidmargiii from apex to vein 4, its apex connected by a ferrnginons streak with the central fascia on vein 4 ; some faint striae above anal angle ; fringe straw-colour, with sharply marked black-brown dashes at the ends of the veins. Hiiuhvimj : straw-colour, slightly rust-culonred along hindmargin, with traces of median and postmedian lines on inner margin ; fringe pale, uumottled. Underside with the markings of forewing pale rusty ; costal half of sub- marginal line and oblique line from apex dark brown, as are the marginal line and spots on fringe ; costal edge dotted brown and yellow. Hindwing yellow with rusty striae and indications of two curved lines. Head, thorax, and abdomen straw-colour, with faint rust-coloured scales. Expanse of wings : 22 mm. 2 ? ¥ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, (iuQij ft., November, December I'JOl, wet season (Ockenden). 140. Psaliodes nictitans spec. nov. Forewing : straw-colour, the markings fulvous ; the median and its branches fnlvous ; costal vein orange-red ; the costal edge with dark-brown striae ; basal line outwardly oblique, brown, the basal area straw-colour below median, fnlvous above ; central fascia with inner edge concave basewards, the outer concave outwards to vein 6, there acutely angled and sinuous to inner margin, where the fascia is only half as wide as on costa ; it is filled up with deep fnlvous, darker at its edges, except a pale blotch at end of cell containing the distinct black cell-spot, and towards the costa it is striated with paler ; a fulvous oblique streak from apex and a diffuse subapical cloud join the angle of central fascia and appear to form part of it ; marginal area with a double submarginal sinuous line and a marginal shade, all fulvous ; the baud before central fascia is traversed by two curved fulvous streaks ; fringe pale, mottled with black at the vein-ends. Himhrnng : pale straw-colour, with a postmedian fulvous line and slight cell-spot. Underside of forewing with the subcostal and median veins and sinuous outer line orange fulvous ; the transverse markings on costa and in cell olive brownish. Hindwing with orange-red centnil line. Head, thorax, and abdomen straw-colour ; palpi externally brownish. Expanse of wings : 22 mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, Oi.ioi.i ft., November lliiil, wet season (Ockenden). 141. Psaliodes ossicolor spec. nov. Forewing : bone-colour, the markings olive-brown or olive-i'uscou.s ; the costa fuscous for two-thirds ; an olive-fnscous inwardly oblique line close to base, widened at costa ; an inwardly oblique fuscous fascia from beyond middle of costa to middle of inner margin, its inner edge indented below costa, its outer bulged a middle, more or less interrupted from fold to fold by the pale ground colour ; an indistinct outer line of a few striae ; marginal area with two fuscous blotches ; one triangular from apex to vein 4, the point of the triangle reaching submarginal line on vein 5, the other smaller at anal angle ; fringe bone-colour, with fuscous mottlings. HindwitKj : with the apex and hindmargin slightly grey-tinged, ( 'iS ) Umlerisiile of forewiiig dull gi'e\'-bi-o\vu, the siiliiipii-il area ochveons ; a liroad orange snljcostal streak, and the upper veins yellow ; fringe yellowish, with fiifcons cheqneriii. II. I. ii. p. lUO. t. 06. fig. 2(5. (J $ , Mexico. Sjmrganiu liellipicia Warr., Auv. Zool. viii. p. 408. J ? , Colorado. The discovery of the identity of these insects was made accidentally, when I was comparing the types of S. American insects in Mr. Schaus's collection. The figure of c/aira in the Biologia does not give a very accurate idea. Mr. Schaus informed me tliat this is not by any means the only instance in which when collecting at high altitudes in Mexico he has met" with insects also taken on the monntains of N. America. l.")S. Spargania intensa spec, no v. Forewhiff : dark olive-green, without any yellow tinge, crossed by deeper green lines which are more or less obsolete, except along costa, where they are represented by black-green spots edged with gilded yellow; these spots are ten in number ; three on the basal patch ; the 5th and fith represent the edges of the central fascia ; the 4th and 7th, both small, indicate the dark lines of the two paler bands on either side of the fascia ; the 8th, 9th, and 10th form the commencement of the usual three snbmarginal lines; the lines edging the central fascia, and a third between them, not reaching costa, are marked darker across the wing, the fascia itself being filled with much deeper olive- green ; tlie outermost line is swollen into a black patch beyond cell ; all the darker markings are finely traced with gilded yellow; a black festooned marginal line ; fringe green, mottled with black beyond the veins. Ilindwimj : deep red ; the base and inner margin dull blackish ; a black marginal border, interrupted below middle ; a black marginal festoon ; fringe pale ochreons, reddish-tinged, and marked with black beyond veins ; cell-spot blackish. Underside blood-red ; upper part of band beyond central fascia of forewing forming a yellow bracket-shaped mark, followed by a black snbinarginal band from below costa to vein 4; some strigae below cell, the eell-si)ot, and a spot ( 77 ) Ijeyciml it. black ; costa markeil with alternate yellow and lilack linear dashe.s : hindwing with cell-spot, a double submarginal line, and a partial postmedian line blackish ; the red ground colour speckled with yellowish ; fringes of both wings yellowish, mottled with dark beyond veins, and tinged with red in middle of margin. Head, thorax, and abdomen pale olive-green varied with darker ; face much paler, almost white ; jialpi blackish green, mixed with paler scales ; legs fnscons with ochreous mottlings. Exj)aiise of wings : 2S mm. 1 ? from Chanchamayo, January to August 1901 (Hoffmanns). Slightly smaller than .S'. colorij'era Warr. ; both the green tint of the forewing and the red of the hindwing more intense. 159. Spargania rufifimbria spec. nov. In markings this species agrees exactly with S. approhata Warr. from Bolivia, but the coloration and disposition of the tints is quite different. The central fascia of forewing is filled up with dark olive-green, the black edging and traversing lines sprinkled with yellow scales; the band on each side of it is whitish, with green and yellow dusting ; the three black lines beyond middle, which in approbata are strongly marked, are here faint and blurred, and between the second and third is a distinct waved bluish white submarginal line ; the fringe is dull coppery, mottled with dark green. The hindwing is uniformly copper-coloured without any trace of postmedian lino ; the base and inner margin slightly greenish ; fringe coppery, whitish-tipped towards apex. On the under side of forewing between the postmedian and apical pale blutches is a single broad black fascia reaching to below middle, instead of the two black costal marks of approbata. The face is cream-coloured. Expanse of wings : 39 mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, 600U ft., December 1901, wet season (Ockendeu). 100. Spargania schistacea spec. nov. Fort'ifiiN/ : white, overlaid with slate-colour and grey, intermixed, towards base and apex, with yellow scales ; edge of basal patch from near base of costa to one-fourth of inner margin, bent bluntly in cell ; inner edge of central fascia from one-third of costa to middle of inner margin, also bent in cell and lunulate throughout ; outer edge from just beyond middle of costa, oblicpie outwards and bluntly bent on vein 6, oblique inwards from vein 4, lunulate throughout, to two-tliirds of iimer margin ; rilled up witli slate-colour and darker at the edges, containing a black linear cell-mark ; followed by a white band with dark centre, both lunulate ; the broad pale sjjace before fascia, except at costa, is nearly as dark grey as the fascia, with its centre ipiite as dark ; two black lunulate lines ])recede the pale grey submarginal line ; ajjical area above vein 4 filled with a dark smoky grey shade mixed with yellow scaling ; a dark marginal line ; fringe pale with dark slate-coloured mottlings. Hindwing : imiform slate-colour ; fringe whitish, with dark marks beyond veins. Underside slate-colour ; marginal area and outer edge of central fascia of forewing much darker, with a pale curved band between them ; of hindwing niiil'orni slate-colour. ( 78 ) I'lilpi (liirk slate, with tij)s of scfimeuts whitish; lace whitish; vertex, thorax, luid abdoiiieu shity grey ; shoulders and ]iataj;ia with yellow scales intermixed ; fore and middle tibiae and tarsi mottled black and white. Expanse of wings : 3!J mm. A pair from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, 6O11O ft., January 10ii2, wet season (Ockeuden). 101. Spargania semipallida sjiec. uov. Forewing : smooth, pale olive-green, crossed by deeper green lines, starting from dark costal spots edged with pale scales ; these spots are nine in number — three on the basal patch, three on the central fascia, and three submarginal, the last two being often insignificant ; the line nearest base, that edging the basal patch, the three lines of the central fascia, and that from the seventh spot are marked with blackish across the wing, and the last forms a black lilotch beyond cell : the onter line of the central fascia in the sinus beyond cell is marked with a white Innule ; the central fascia is suffused with deep green : marginal line black, interrupted ; fringe green, chequered with black beyond veins. Hindirinci : whitish, with the base, an obscure central band, and the marginal border smoky grey, the last sometimes tinged with reddish towards apex ; fringe whitish, mottled with black. Underside of forewing dull red, with black striae ; a patch of whitish scales beyond cell ; the upper half of band beyond central fascia, the costal edge, some spots at ajiex, and a large blotch in hindmargin below middle, yellow ; fringe yellow chequered with black beyond veins and tinged with red in middle. Hindwing yellow, densely striated with red ; the marginal border, au obscure postmedian line, and the cell-spot marked with blai'kish and red. Palpi, head, thorax, and abdomen jiale and dark green; face pale ochreous ; legs mottled fuscous and ochreons. Expanse of wings : 32 mm. 3 c?c? from C'hanchamayo, June— August Uml (Hoffmanns). Distinguished from ■§. rolorifern and ititensa, to both of which it is allieil, by the whitish hindwings. Urocalpe gen. nov. Vori'irinq: costa arched at base, indented at middle, strongly convex before the dejiressed apex ; apex blunt ; hindmargin shortly vertical to vein 7, then obli(jue and faintly sinuous ; anal angle rounded ; inner margin rather convex, and shorter than outer margin. Ilindwing : with apex rounded, anal angle sr[uare ; hindmargin with a small tail at tlie end of vein 3. Antennae filiform, shortly i)ubesceiit ; forehead rough-scaled below ; jjalpi porrect, decumbent, rough-scaled, terminal segment curved ; tongue and frenulum present ; hindtibiae with four spurs. Neuration as in I'er/zoma ; areole of forewing double ; discocellular of hindwing biangulate, the radial from the lower outward angulation. Tyi)e Urocalpe nigriplaga spec. nov. Allied to Pleni'jrinpsis Warr. and Rliiiuira Warr., but diftering from both in the outline of wings. ( 70 ) U'ti. Urocalpe uigriplaga spec. nov. Foreu'ing : pale oclireous ; basal patch black-brown, its edge runniug straight and oblique from one-third of costa to one- third of inner margin, traversed by obscnre dark and pale lines, and containing below the median vein an oval space of pale gronnd colour ; a black-brown snbapical j)atch on costa, formed of three outwardly oblique short streaks, angled at vein 7 ; from the first four fine brown nearly parallel lines run to middle of inner margin slightly bent at vein 2, followed by a pale band with a sliglit central line ; marginal area pale brown, marked above with traces of three or four lines with jialer intervals, slightly darker on veins and forming a geminate black-brown waved patch before anal angle on inner margin ; fringe pale beyond a dark marginal line ; an apical pale streak ; cell-spot small, brown. Iliiulwim/ : with three or four waved grey transverse lines and darker grey marginal border, blackish at anal angle and traversed by a pale submarginal line ; fringe pale, except at anal angle, where it is blackish. Underside of forewing below middle blurred, above it ochreous, with the lines and markings red-brown ; cell-spot brown in a pale ring ; basal patch edged by a broad brown angulated fascia. Hind wing with all the lines and shading coarsely black-brown ; cell-spot black in a large pale space ; submarginal line waved, bluish-grey. Head, thorax, basal and anal segments of abdomen black-brown ; intermediate segments creamy ochreous with a brown dorsal spot on each ; shoulders and patagia with some ochreous scales. Expanse of wings : 28 mm. 1 cJ from Chanchamayo, June — August KtiJl (Hoffmanns). Subfamily EUCESTIINAE. 163. Callipia aurata spec. nov. Forewing: black; the costa dull brown with black streaks; a deep yellow blotch limited towards base by the subcostal vein above and submedian fold below ; the outer edge rounded and irregular, leaving the subcostal vein at the discocellular, and curving between vein 4 and the submedian fold within three millimetres of outer margin ; fringe black with brown marginal dots at end of velus. lliiuhniig : wholly black with a greenish tinge. Underside the same in forewing, but the inner margin duller, grey-brown ; the apical area varied with long slender brown striae, and wholly brown round apex. Hindwing deep black, with the veins finely ochreous, covered thronghout with fine long yellow striae ; a patch of yellow scales at base of costal and median veins ; a spot of ochreous scales at ujiper end of discocellular ami at end of vein 7. Head, thorax, and abdomen dull black ; a streak of yellow hairs from sides of pectus over shoulders andj base of patagia ; sides of thorax and femora with yellow scales. Expanse of wings': 62 mm. 1 c? from Popayan, (Colombia ( Lehmann). ( 80 ) 164. Callipia flagrans spec, no v. Foreuing : orange-red, with a broad black border ; the costal area drab with blackish striae, and towards the apex drab striae from it encroach upon the black of the border; below the costa the black encroaches on the cell and ends in a point on tlie median vein at the origin of vein 2 ; beyond the cell above vein .5 at two-thirds of the wing is a small red spot, often with a pale drab spot above and contiguous to it ; below it the orange-red ground colour forms a small rounded upward projection, in one specimen touching vein 3 only, in another reaching well above that vein, and in the third touching vein 3 ; in this case the red and drab spots above are much exaggerated ; fringe drab, the tips towards apex vinous red. IlitidwiMj : with the black border of uniform thickness, in two sjiecimens ])ioduced narrowly and accomjianied with striae along the costal margin, and in these instances the inner margin is slightly blackened and the median vein black ; fringe drab, with a black si)ot below apex ; fringe of inner margin blaclc, rosy in the middle. Underside of forewing with costal streak pale brown and the whole of apical area above vein 5 dark brown with dark and pale striae and the veins blackish, becoming pale ochroous at hindmargin ; a pale ochreous marginal blotch from vein 5 to anal angle, where it is narrowed off ; the fringe beyond it concolorous, above brown. Hindwing deep velvety lirown, along inner margin black, along upper half of cell and expanding to apex i)aler brown ; an ochreons-brown postmedian fascia from inner margin to vein 5, formed of contiguous quadrate spots ; hindmargin irregularly pale ochreous ; the whole surface with fine lengthy striatious, pale on the darker ground, dark on the light ; fringe ochreous, with a brown j)atch below apex : a pale ochreous discocellular scratch. Head, thorax, and abdomen black, this last irregularly spotted hiterally, and sometimes dorsally, with olive tlesh-colonr ; patagia of the same colour. Expanse of wings : 60 mm. 3 c? (J from Kiver Inambari, E. Peru, 1000 m., July lUOU, rainy season (Simons). Distinguished from C. parrhasiata Guen. by the different tint of ground-colour. In a fourth i from Peru the orange-red colour is restricted, the dark marginal border in both wings being much wider and in the hindwing continued broadly along inner margin to base. 16.1. Callipia occulta spec. nov. Very near C. aurata Warr. from ('olombia ; differing mainly in the restricted size of the orange blotch ; the black border along the inner margin, vvliich in aurata does not reach above the submedian fold, here touches vein 2, while the median vein itself is black from base to the origin of tliat vein ; the edge of the orange patch externally is vertical, and farther from the hindmargin ; the fringe is wholly black without pale spots at the ends of the veins. Underside as in aurata. Expanse of wings : 56 mm. 1 S from Pern. In describing his constantinaria, Oberthiir calls the costa of forewing both above and below, as well as the striolae of the underside of the hindwing, rosy. This does not ajiply to either occulta or aurata ; the costa being olive-brown, and the striolae ochreous-vellow and ferruginous. ( 81 ) I no. Ameria seminigra spec. nov. Forciriiui : deep red; all three murgius black; the inner marj^'in lineai'ly thronghont ; costal margin gradually widening; apical and hindmargin distinctly, Init still narrowly, black ; fringe short, blackish. IlimliritHj : black ; fringe black ; costal area for two-thirds red. Underside like upper, but all the margins of forewing more broadly and diffusely black, the apex tinged with black, and the apical veins black. Head, thorax, abdomen, legs, and antennae black ; shoulders and patagia red. Exi)anso of wings : ;i2 mm. 2 S6 from Chiriraayo, 8.E. Peru, lOoO ft., .luly lUdl, dry season (Uckenden). The neuration of the hindwing of the c? is the same as tliat of the d of A. inrari'i. Wlk., the discoceilular for half the length of the wing running nearly jiarallel to the costa. HIT. Eudule flavinota spec. nov. Fo/r/n'nt/ : chocolate-brown ; median and submedian veins orange from base to before middle ; a short orange band from costa just beyond middle running vertical to vein 4, expanding outwards into orange streaks along veins 3 and 4, which are crossed by a curved orange line extending from vein .5 to vein 2 ; fringe concolorons. Hin(lirltt.>»L'il by t'oiu- ciirvuil rather wide jieiirlv liistrnns lines, iiidit-itiiig tlie usual basal aud snbbasal dark lines ; postmedian area with three brown costal spots indicatinjr three brown cross-lines, whicli are lost in the fulvons snffnsion, but iiiiirked across it by three broad lustrous Hues, the outermost very faint ; a slight interrupted fulvous snbinarginal line in the yellow marginal area. IliiuliriiKj : with the outer fascia only, this not reaching costa, dark brown ill middle, and miirked by two lustrous bands ; base of wing slightly fulvons-tinged ; a distinct brown cell-spot on both wings. Underside dull yellow, the fulvons markings dull reddish, somewhat restricted; cell-s])ots brown. Face, palpi, and shoulders brown ; colhir and vertex olive-yellow ; fillet snow- white. Thora.x and abdomen dull yellow, tinged with fulvons. Ex])anse of wings : 22 mm. 1 ¥ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Pern, 60(M) ft., December lOiil, wet season (Ockcnden). 175. Cainbogia funiculata spec. uov. Foiricim/ : yellow; cell-spot large, red-brown; before it four thin reddish vertical irregularly bent lines ; beyond it from beyond middle of costa to middle of inner margin a slightly curved thick red-brown band, broader above, followed by a thick line which is insinuate beyond cell aud on submedian fold so as to touch the band ; the pale band beyond this line is traversed by a fine interrujited red-brown line, and followed by three parallel red-brown submargiual lines close together and suffused above anal angle ; a red marginal line, swollen between the veins ; fringe yellow, marked with red-brown at ajiex and beyond vein 4 ; all the lines coalesceut laterally below the costa, the intervals between them forming small yellow spots on the costal edge. IIin(luinSanto Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, iloiiii ft., November I '.nil, wet season (t)ckenden). The biudwing is angled at middle. The sj)ecies is closely allied to n'tinilala Schans and /rxscl/nfa Warr. 171'.. Cambogia griseicosta spec. uov. FDri'iriiti/ : greenish grey, the whole wing, except along costal area, oversjiread with dull reddish brown ; three lines near base, one antemedian just before the black cell-spot, forming the inner edge of central fascia, and two or three post- median, angled on vein 6 and again on 4, then oblique inwards ; darkened between 4 and 0, and with pale tips to the lunules; an outer and a submargiual line parallel ( 85 ) to the postmediaa ; all these lines are clear only in the pale costal space ; a ilark red crenulate marginal line ; fringe red-brown, with bright ])ale .base and paler tij)s. Ilindwiiiii : dnll orange, with reddish brown striae, the costa and inner inargin paler ; a large red-browu cell-spot, followed by a donlile red autemediau band from inner margin to vein 6, and traces of a submarginal line on inner margin ; marginal line red-brown, with spots between the veins : fringe rnfons. Underside yellowish, washed all over with pale red-brown ; the lines, all darker ; cell-spots large, black. Head, palpi, and antennae greenish grey ; thorax and abaie ochreous. ( 87 ) Expanse of wings : 'M mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peni, (iOOU ft., Novemlier lUnl, wet season (Ockenden). The areola is i)laialy donble. It is probable that several more of the S. American insects, hitherto referred to Tephrocb/stiu, will have to be removed to Euci/matoge : Innykorpus Warr. and linda Dogn. 1. have already found to have the areole double ; in all these cases vein 1 1 rises far back. 18:5. Tephroclystia costivallata spec. nov. Foreiriny : chalk-white with a bine-grey tinge; the markings slightly darker, grey ; basal jiatch and central fascia both formed of two grey belts, their lines slightly darker-marked on the veins, and all forming blackish blotches on the costa ; the pale belts on each side of central fascia wide, with a waved or pnnctulate middle line ; marginal area dark grey traversed by a fine pale snbmarginal line, preceded on costa by a fifth darker blotch ; marginal line black, interrupted by conspicuous pale spots at the vein-ends ; fringe white, chequered with grey ; veins in outer belt of central fascia marked with dark. fliiulwing : paler, with the outer lines repeated. Underside suffused with grey, especially in the forewings, and with black cell-spots. Head, thorax, and abdomen white ; antennae dark grey. Expanse of wings : 19 mm. 1 c? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, ODiHi ft., November 1901, wet season (Ockenden). Forewing narrow, with oblique hiudmargin ; hindwing bent at vein 3. In these respects, and in the long ciliations of the antennae, the species approaches T. jicrcUiatd Warr., but the ground colour is wholly different. 184. Tephroclystia curvifascia spec. nov. Foreirinij : pale brownish, snli'used and dusted with fuscous ; the cross-bauds thick, angled below costa, and only distinct in the costal area ; edge of basal patch angled in cell; central fascia with the inner band obscure, double at costa; the outer band thick and curved, distinct throughout ; followed by a curved pale band, also distinct throughout ; marginal area fnscous, the snbmarginal line very indistinct, marked in places by light and dark scales; fringe concolorous ; cell-spot large, black. [[indwiinj : similar, but without basal patch; liindinargiii slightly incised before anal angle. Underside paler, ochreons-tinged and glossy; the bands more visible, esjiecially along costa ; both wings with distinct outer and submargiual dark bands; cell-sjiots black. Head, thorax, and abdomen like wings; jialpi ochreous-tingcd. Expanse of wings : 19 mm. 1 ? from Newcastle, Jamaica. l8."i. Tephroclystia rubellicincta spec. nov. Fiiri'/riiu/ : white ; the extreme base and a snbmarginal fascia bi-ick-red ; all the other markings blackish grey; basal patch with outer edge olili(|ue, the outer half grey ; central fascia limited by two inner and throe outer dark grey lines, ( 88 ) forming two grcv lit-Its; the first tour all more or loss irregnlurly dentate, tlic fifth blacker aud mure distinct, angled inwards below subcostal and ontwards on vein 6, then inwardly waved to beyond middle of inner margin; the white bands preceding and following each with a blackish central thread and edged with blackish ; siibmarginal line whitish, irregnlariy dentate, j)receded by the brick-red fascia, the marginal sjiace beyond dark grey ; marginal line blackish, marked with a whitish dot at the ends of the veins, the intervals between them with fine blackish longitudinal streaks from the pale onter belt to hindmtirgin ; fringe white with grey mottling beyond veins. Iliiultriny : with the lines all blackish grey; the onter line of central fascia, as in the forewing, thickest. Underside whitish, suffused in forewing with grey, with two central lines and a marginal band grey, the latter broad in forewing, broken u[> in the hindwing. Head, thorax, and abdomen white, much si)eckled with blackish; face with a grey spot in the centre ; palpi white internally, reddish-tinged externally; antennae fuscous, with basal fifth white. Expanse of wings : 27 mm. 1 ? from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, OfiOO ft., November 1001, wet season (Ockenden). 186. Tephroclystia spurcata spec. nov. Foffirinfi : dull brownish, with dull fuscous suffusion ; crossed by a series of darker waved lines which are most distinct on the costa, where they are wider; a paler brown fascia angled below costa at one-third and two-thirds ; snbmarginal line white, lunnlate, preceded and followed by darker ; fringe brown ; cell-spot large, black, formed of raised scales ; veins dotted black and jiale. Ilhidiciny : brownish grey, with the markings plain along inner margin only ; a dark cell-spot ; marginal line black, interrupted. Underside brownish cinereous, with cell-spots plain and the lines indistinct. Head, thorax, and abdomen brownish grey. Expanse of wings : ::*6 — 30 mm. Common from Chili. The wings are broad, and the hindmargin of hindwing inegular, truncate at anal angle and nearly straight from vein 3 to (i. 1^7. Tephroclystia trigenuata spec. nov. Forewing: pale ashy grey, darker grey along the hindmargin; the lines black, thicker towards costa ; first from one-fourth of costa to one-fourth of inner margin, bluntly angled in cell aud on submedian fold ; secoml from before middle of costa to middle of inner margin, bluntly bent in cell and on submedian fold, in the cell touching a large black cell-spot ; third from two-thirds of costa to three-fourths of inner margin, obliciue outwards and bluntly bent at vein (i, angled below vein 4, aud again inwardly angled on submedian fold ; between these lines, which form the usual central fascia, less defined transverse lines are denoted by black scales and shading ; the first and second are connected along submedian fold by a black dash ; the pale snbmarginal line is scarcely indicated, except towards inner margin ; the darker grey shade preceding it is tinged with rufous ; marginal line black ; fringe grey ; on costa near base is a black spot, ajiparently the cumnieuceuient of an obscure basal line. ( 89 ) Itindiriiiij : wliitish grt^y, with traces of black lines iVom iiiiier margin. Underside siujilar, btit with the lines obscure. Head, thorax, and abdomen grey. Expanse of wings : 25 mm. 1 ¥ from Santo Domingo, C'arabaya, S.E. Peru, 0000 ft., November 1001, wet season (Oekenden). Subfamily HETERUSIINAE. I'^S. Heterusia amplificata spec. nov. Like //. qudtlrujiluMvia Hiib.-Gey., but with all the yellow rays brighter and broader ; especially the outer one of hindwings, and that from the costa in the forewings ; this swells out below the subcostal vein to more than twice the width of the corresponding mark in quadruplicaria, and nearly touches vein 1 before the anal angle. In size it is decidedly larger. On the underside it agrees in all particulars. Expanse of wings : 36 mm. 1 c? from Upper River Tom, La Merced, Peru, August, Se]itember 1001, 3000 m. (Simons). 189. Heterusia fractifascia spec. nov. Forewing : olive-brown, with a faint tinge of plum-colour; a curved white streak from middle of costa to below vein 3, like the lower half of the foreleg of a horse in shape ; fringe brown. Hindwing : basal two-thirds grey, marginal third dark jilum-cohiur, inter- rupted by a white blotch, starting broad from the end of cell, and narrowing before hindmargin, where it forms a white spot in the fringe lielow vein 0, and throwing off a s])ur to the costa before the dark margin. Underside of forewing like upperside, but basal area whitish freckled with purplish ; a patch of pale scales at anal angle, and a whitish line at base of fringe on costal half; the grey area of upperside whitisli with purplish freckles, bounded by a thick purplish line, four times rectangularly bent before reaching the median vein, then broadly curved outwards ; the space beyond it white, unspotted, projecting an arm to hindmargin between two dark purple blotches. Head, thorax, and abdomen purplish cinerous. Expanse of wings : 34 mm. 1 (? from Balzapamba, E. Ecuador, 750 m., March 1899 (Haeiiscli). A species standing by itself; somewhat recalling coUddata Wlk. 190. Heterusia liturata spec. nov. ForeiciiKj : black; the markings pale sulphur-yellow; fmir costal marks, the first roundish at base, the second just beyond, oblique, the third and fourth vertical, tooth-shaped, at two-fifths and three-fifths ; all four represented on median vein, the two first as elongate small spots, generally confluent, the two last as two large oval blotches confluent below, so forming a large kidney-shaj)ed blotch ; in one example these blotches are quite sejiarate, the first round, the second transversely elongate ; the submedian vein is sometimes marked with jiale scales near base; fringe black checpiered with pale between the veins aliove vein 3 wliollv l)lack below it. ( 90 ) IJindwing : siilphur-ycllow, with four bhu^k iiiterrnpted curved bamls, the tirst forming a basal patch, the second consisting of irregular blotches, the thinl of small spots, the fourth of square larger sjwts ; all these bands interrupted in cell and beyond it ; an uninterrupted curved black marginal border crossed between the veins by elongate pale streaks ; fringe sulphur-colour, mottled with black ; the inner margin blackish. Underside like up]ier, but all the pale markings more developed, and in addition on the forewing a short submarginal ontwardly dentate costal streak (traces of which in one example only are visible above) ; the fine pale mottlings of the fringe produced backwards across tlie pale basal line to form dagger-shajied markings: in the hindwing all the veins are broadly sulphur-colour; the curved bands are less interrupted along the cell ; while the marginal band is broken up into a series of horseshoe-shaped blotches with a pale vein ending in each. Palpi sulphur-coloured with the tips black ; face hairy, black ; fillet sulj>hnr ; vertex black ; collar sulphur ; shoulders and patagia black at base, sulphur- coloured towards tips ; abdomen black with the segments sulphur ; abdomen beneath and pectus sulphur, the latter hairy ; legs black with suljihur rings. Expanse of wings : 28 mm. 4 cJc? from Banos, E. Ecuador, September 1899 (Haensch). Allied to //. pretiosa Mssn. 101. Heterusia ludisignata sjiec. nov. Forewing : black, olive-grey at extreme base ; an elongate white streak in base of cell attached at its end to a spot between the origin of veins 2 and 3 ; an oval yellow spot towards apex reaching from above vein 6 to below vein .5 ; a faintly paler streak above submediau vein from near base. JJindwing : white, with black marginal border, its inner edge shouldered before apex. Underside the same, but in forewing the streak along snbmediau vein is distinct, of bluish-white scales, the other white markings being hyaline white ; the black round tiie white spots and before the yellow one is deeper, and in the hindwing forms a distinct angled submarginal line, with a white spot beyond it in the black border beyond cell, in one case showing on the upperside as well. Head and thorax black ; abdomeu greyer ; sides of face and jiatagia whitish. Expanse of wings : 35 mm. 4 c?c? from Chanchamayo, Peru, .January — August I'.tol (Hofl'manns;. In one exanijile the oval subapical spot is white. The palpi are long, cMirved downwards, and the inner margin of hindwing is attennated. 192. Heterusia subspurcata sj)ec. nov. Foreioiny : black-brown with an olive tinge, with some sjiarse olive and orange scales about the wing, the olive scales near base massed together and making it appear lighter ; before the end of cell above the median vein are a few orange scales hardly forming a distinct spot ; half-way between them and apex is an elongated oval orange blotch, reaching from subcostal vein to below vein 4 ; sume white scales along inner margin l)efore middle ; fringe dark with a few whitish fli'cks. ( 91 ) Ilindwing : white, with broad black inargiiinl border ; the costa and base of wing with some smoky dark scales. Underside of forewing olive fnscons, purplish brown in the middle ; costal and marginal areas ])aler, dusted with whitish scales and striae, a wliite streak in cell from base ; orange blotch as above : hiiidwing with the marginal border olive-brown, thickly covered with pale striae ; a median curved dark line across the white basal field. Head, thorax, and abdomen olive fuscous with pale specks; face grey; abdomen beneath white ; tarsi spotted, black and white. Expanse of wings : 26 mm. 1 i from Chauchamayo, Peru, .January to August lOUl (Hoffmanns). 103. Heterusia thyridata spec. nov. Forewing: black; the fringe black, slightly white-chequered between the veins ; beyond the cell from vein 6 to 3 an oblique hyaline white blotch, its outer edge concave inwards, meeting inner edge at a point half-way down vein 3. Ilindwing : black. Underside duller black, with a few cream-coloured speckles towards costa ; on costa near base a cream-coloured spot ; before ape.x an inwardly oblique streak of the same colour, and a small spot close to apex ; the hyaline blotch of up]ier- side connected with costa by a narrow neck : hindwing with a deep red tinge, thickly striated with yellowish ; a yellow spot on costa before aj)ex ; a powdery white lunulate-deutate band beyond middle and a fainter one before middle ; a silvery lunulate cell-spot. Face and paljii black above, whitish beneath; head, thorax, and abdomen black ; legs speckled, black and white. Expanse of wings : 30 mm. 2 S(S from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, OOOO ft., December 1001, wet season (Ockenden). Related to //. fiinesta Warr., bat the white blotch of difi'erent shnpe and differently placed ; the miderside of hindwing more marked. Subfamily OURAPTERYGINAB. Aplorama gen. nov. Agrees with Ilatiaria Wlk., except that the antennae, which in that genus are pectinated in the J, are here quite simple. Like Jlatiaria and I'ln-'/glcinis it is without a frenulum. Type Aplorama nazada Druce (Bi/ssodes). Druce's type was a ? ; I have only seen two examples before, both ? ? , one from Merida, Venezuela, the other from Santo Domingo, S.E. Peru, whence also the present cJ. 104. Phrygionis modesta si)ec. nov. Forewing: uniform fawn-colour; the costal area to beyond middle Miig<>d with luteons ; drops of silvery scales along costa at base and one below median vein ; a line of silvery scales on the inner edge of the two transverse lines, whii'h are both iiniformly Inteous and narrow ; the first nearly vertical from one-fourth of costa to one-third of inner margin, with two drops of silvery scales on the ( 9-' ) subcostal vein on the outer edj^'c ; outer line t'roiu luiiliilc of costii to tliree-fourths of inner margin, also witii two silver dots on its exterior edge on tlie subcostal ; fringe [lale straw-colour, fawn at ajiex and anal angle. JliDflwing : with the marginal fourth liiteous, its inner edge parallel to the hiuduiargin which is not tailed or toothed at middle, but bluntl}* elbowed ; the inner edge of the luteous margin with four silvery drops below the median vein ; then a silvery line I'rom eosta to inner margin, and another from costa externally to a round silvery drop at the elbow; fringe as in forewing. Underside paler, duller fawn ; the markings of upi)erside showing through. Head, thorax, and abdomen fawu-colour ; the last i)iiler beneath. Expanse of wings : 4ii mm. 1 J from Minas Geraes, December 18'.)S (Kennedy). Very near (tppropr'nitii Wlk., but without a tail to the hiudwing. Subfamily DEILINIINAE. 10"). Lomographa acutipennis spec. nov. Foreiviiiy : white; inner line indicated by a few dark scales on inner margin at one-third ; traces of postmedian and submarginal lines parallel to liindmargin, represented by dark scales ; fringe white ; a small black cell-spot. Iliiulwiny : with the outer lines only and cell-spot. Underside white. Head, thorax, and abdomen white ; face and antennae brown. Expanse of wings : 24 — 26 mm. 2 ? ¥ from Onaca, Santa Marta, June to August (Engelke). Distinguished from all other species of Lomoyrupha by the acute apex of forewing. I'.)0. Lomographa albifrons spec. nov. ForeiriiK/ : white; costal edge brownish towards base; a faintly expressed submarginal line, parallel to hindmargin but slightly bent inwards before eosta ; fringe white, beyond a very fine dark marginal line. Iliiidiviini : with the line curved. Underside white, without markings. Head, thorax, and abdomen white; face and paijii yellow-tinged; antennae ferruginous ; forelegs fuscous in front. Expanse of wings : 3U mm. 1 d from Charaplaya, Bolivia, loiiii m., June lOol (Simons), f//jii' ; 3 SS from Clmiumuni, Bolivia, 20IMJ ni., December I'.iol, wet season (Simons); 1 cJ, 1 ¥ Santo Dumiugo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, OiMiO ft., January 10i)2, wet season (Ockeuden). Hesembles circiiinrallm-ia Snell. and uitdilinea Wair., but distinguished by the pale face. Neobapta gi'u. nov. Fiirewiny : costa slightly curved at base and towards apex, which is de])ressed; hindmargin well rounded, faintly crennlate; inn(!r margin somewhat convex. Iliufhrixij : with hindmargin strongly rounded, sliglitly (irotuberant at middle, and incurved lirloiv ;u]:il aiii;-lc and brvond cell. c fs ) Antciiiiae of S simple, laiueliiitc ; ])al])i ]ioiTect, weak, reacliiuj,' in front of faee, hairy beneath, the third segment narrower, distinct ; tongue and frenulum ])resent ; legs broken. Neuration : forewing, cell fnliy half iis long as wing; discoceliular fiiintfy inbent above middle; first median nervule at five-eighths, second at seven-eighths; lower radial from bend in discoceliular, and tlierefore above middle, upper from upper angle of cell; T, 8, 0, Hi stalked from two-thirds, II free: hindwing, costal apjiroximated to subcostal for one-third of cell ; veins 3 and 7 l)ef()re angles of cell ; no radial. In the forewing the submedian vein is bent downwai'ds near liase, and elbowed njnvards at one-fifth, emitting a short spur basewards from the elbow, but not I'orming a fovea. Type : Neohapta indecora spec. nov. The type species may be allied to Cabira ocliroparpuraria H. S. ; but the antennae are simple and the nenration somewhat anomalous. 197. Neobapta indecora spec. nov. Forewing : dull greenish grey, thickly covered with transverse purplish fuscous striae, with traces of two lines ; the first curved, at about one-third, indistinct, starting from a dark costal spot ; the second submarginal, irregularly waved and thickened ; a distinct blackish cell-spot ; fringe (worn) concolorous. lliudwing : rather darker, greyer; cell-spot and outer line only visible. Underside paler, without markings. Head, thorax, and abdomen concolorous. Expanse of wings : 3iJ mm. 1 S from Rio Demerara. Subfamily PALYA DINAR 108. Argyrotome ferruginea ali. albinata nov. Differs from typical ferrm/ini'a Warr. in the absence of the grey scaling in both wings, that colour being replaced by pure creamy white. Underside, thorax, and abdomen all alike creamy white. I ? from Salampioni, Bolivia, 80(1 m., August 19i.)I, dry season (Simons) ; sent with two others, from the same locality and with the same date, of the ordinary grey type. Gyostega gen. nov. Foivtri/iff : triangular ; costa slightly incurved before middle, convex at ajiex ; hindmargin obliiiue, scarcely curved ; inner margin broadly lobed belbre middle ; median vein fringed with hair near base above. IliiKliciin/ : ample ; aual angle slightly produced, rectangular ; apical angle rounded ; hindmargin carved above middle, straiglit below ; inner margin lobed on basal half; a large wisp of hairs from base of submedian fold, nearly reaching middle of wing, covering a distorted furrowed sjiace between veins 1 and ~', which forms a bulge on the under surface. Antennae (c?) filiform, shortly pubescent; frenulum long; tongue present; jialpi porrect, short and stout. Neuration: forewing, cell half the length of wing; discoceliular straight, oblii^ue ; first median nervule at two-thirds, second at eight-ninths ; radials ( 91 ) iinnuiil ; T, S, '.) stalkeil from just before anu;le of cell; li>, II coincident: liinil- wiiijr, costal and sobcostal clusely approximated for (piite half ol' cell ; '^ and 7 jnst before angles. Type: Gi/ostega _fioccosa spec. nov. 100. Gyostega floccosa spec. nov. Foretcinq : white, overlaid almost entirely with purplish brown, partially lustrous, scales, the subcostal region alone remaining white ; costa gilded yellow ; markings obscure ; a darker brown shade at base ; another ending on inner margin near end of lobe ; cell-spot dark brown, linear ; a brown oblir|ne mark from subcostal vein at four-tifths, preceded by a white subcostal triangle, becoming broader and diffuse, to hindmargin above anal angle ; a subapical whitish streak dotted with brown; an interriijjted brown marginal line; fringe brown. lUndwinq : white, rufous-tinged in the disc, with long grey-brown striations ; marginal border silver-grey ; fringe ochreous grey ; basal tuff dark brown, the concealed down ochreous. Underside pearly white; both wings with brdad piir|ilish Ijrown Ixirder, and dark cell-spots. Thora.x and abdomen brown ; head damaged. Expanse of wings : 31 mm. 1 $ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, S.E. Peru, OUiJU ft.. May 1002, dry season (Ockenden). 20O. Ophthalmophora contrariata spec. nov. ForewiMj : dark brownish fawn-colour; the costa jiale yellow to before ajjex, narrow at base, gradually widening, and beyond middle forming a large triangular blotch ; outer three-fourths of inner margin cream-colour, becoming yellowish at anal angle ; at one-fourth from base a cnrved line runs to inner margin from a slight dent in the costal streak, darker than ground colour, with a somewhat paler edge; from the costal triangle an outer line runs, curved outwards, to the inner- marginal streak before anal angle, slightly paler, edged on both sides with darker; a jiale linear cell-mark ; fringe brown with the tips shining white ; beyond the costal triangle is a small patch of lustrous steely-blue scales. liindwimj : with base brown, edged by a silvery white line, both much less oblique and narrower than in (J. orion ; a broad metallic line before hindmargin curving parallel to it and round again in the middle to vein G ; the space on each side of this line dnll orange, the rest of the wing speckled, with black atoms along inner margin, and in the middle with red ones ; three metallic embossed s]iots edged with black in a yellow ring lying in a curve convex outwards, parallel to the metallic line ; in orion this curve is concave outwards ; fringe glossy grey ; a slight red cell-mark. * Underside whitish ; apical third of forewing cinereous ; costa yellowish. Head, collar, and basal segments of abdomen brown like wings ; shoulders and patagia pale grey, the shoulders with a whitish line in front ; abdomen darker grey, with a white line beyond the brown base; abdomen beneath and pectus white. Expanse of wings : 3o mm. 1 receded by a silvery spot ; the marginal sjjace, the onter two-thirds of costa, and the space beyond basal line dull fulvous ; a silvery spot at middle of costa, and scattered silvery scales across wing beyond basal line and along inner margin ; all the space below the ocellus finely speckled with olive-ochreous, above vein (i more or less fulvous-tinged : fringe grey. Underside of forewing like upper, but basal area paler grey and the white band wider. Hindwing whitish grey, with the costal, apical, and hindmargiual regions dark grey. Head, thorax, and abdomen mouse-colour : abdomen beneath pale grey ; pectus white. Expanse of wings : 37 mm. 1 $ from Santo Domingo, Carabaya, Peru, Gdiio ft., November I'.iol, wet ■ season (Ockendeu). Subfamily BRACCINAE. Devarodes gen. nov. Foreioing : with costa curved ; apex blunt; hindmargin obliipiely curved. Hindioing : rounded. Antennae of S bipectiuated ; paljii short, porrect, pointed; tongue and frenulum present : a foveal bar visible in forewing. Neuration : forewing, cell quite half as long as wing; discocellular concave; first median nervule at two-thirds, second shortly before third ; radials normal ; 7, 8, 9 stalked from upper angle of cell, 10 and 11 free; 11 anastomosing with 12 and lo with 11 and again with 8, 9: hindwing, costal closely approimated to subcostal near base; the two subcostals from end of cell or stalked. Type : I), bubona Druce (Devara). Dcvara Wlk., Cat. vii. p. 1660 (1856), was formed for his own previously deseribed s])ecies Clirysauge eri/cinoides, identical with Em.jiIocianse of wings : 20 mm. 1 6 from Marcapata, E. Peru (4500 ft.). 207. Devarodes vestigiata spec. nov. Forewing: dark smoky brownish fuscous, the veins and cell-spot blackish; basal third, except along costa, white, its outward edge diffuse ; a cloudy pale brownish sinuate band before hindmargin, formed of patches between the veins, starting from below costa before apex, marked with whitish scales above and below vein 7, incurved from 5 to 2, then bent out to anal angle, the intervals on either side of vein 6 bejond discocellular with faint brownish streaks ; fringe concolorous. Ilindiviiu/ : white, witii a broad curved marginal border from before apex to above anal angle. Underside like upper, but without any trace of the band of forewing ; the whitish basal area rather larger. Head, thorax, and abdomen brownish fuscous ; face with whitish lateral edges ; crown with a pale ]iatch at middle ; patagia pale above near base and beyond middle ; tongue yellow. Expanse of wings : 33 mm. 1 (J from Chulnmaui, Bolivia, 2000 m., January 1001, wet season (Simons). 208. Emplocia coliadata spec. nov. Forewing: velvety black, with two whitish hyaline spots; one elongate between the median vein and submedian fold, reaching from base to half the length 7 ofwim;; the other suliiniiulniti.', beyond cell; the s]i;ice beuciith the ba.sal blotch between the »nbme