pare: ee a oar Keg Gn TRC ERC 57-2 eh LiF, {| ie Lae : TECHNICAL REPORT CERC-84-2 i NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF | EFFECTS ON STORM AND TIDE OREGON INLET CONTROL STRUCTURES ELEVATIONS. IN PAMLICO SOUND by David A. Leenknecht, Jeff A. Earickson, and H. Lee Butler Coastal Engineering Research Center U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station P. O. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 A rs ¢ MESA K net os PMC VE CE LNT eR INE f bad a Ne Eiat X / q ™ if q# . f Vy TE an { f i =~ 1 \ ‘ be § Fb . Aq OAnaAnaAntr \ Wi §. Lnia Mroangoral \ WICUGS MUI VUCaNUE! A; \ \ O ah iy , aos bt 4 \ 65 | ’ . e y AD-A142 920 > Final Report ras} Approved For Public Release. Distribution Unlimited (=>) Luo pes | » * Bt é — i A Li. 4 Keds feat Fined taegy a rep ae eH TLE GE d = 34 a he t. = Sam, iI wed a” ni Bese eh: nah cn eh ee poe ie a) a Prepared tor U. S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington Wilmington, N. C. 28402 34 06 29 002 RENN Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Date Entered) EAD INSTRUCTIONS T. REPORT NUMBER aN 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO| 3. RECIPIENT'S CA*ALOG NUMBER \ Technical Report CERC-84-2 4 4 / TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOO COVERED 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF OREGON INLET CONTROL Final Report STRUCTURES' EFFECTS ON STORM AND TIDE ELEVATIONS IN PAMLICO SOUND 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHOR(e) 8. CONTRACT OR Gi? ANT NUMBER(a) Davic A. Leenknecht Jeff A. Earickson H. Lee Butler . T = A AOORESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANDO AD E AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Coastal Engineering Research Center P. O. Box 631, Vicksburg, Miss. 391580 i 1. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESS 12. REPORT OATE U. S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington April 1984 P. O. Box 1890 : 13. NUMBER OF PAGES Wilmington, N.C. 28402 163 4. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADORESS(/f different from Controiling Office) 1S. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) Unclassified 1Sa. DECL ASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 156. CISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thte Roport) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the ebetract entered in Block 20, 1f different from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverae aide if necessary and Identity ay block number) Hydrodynamics--Mathematical models. (LC) Hydraulic structures--Evaluation. (LC) Sediment transport. (LC) Simulation methods. (LC) Oregon Inlet (North Carolina). (LC) 20 ABSTRACT (Continue ap reverse ofdp if meceeeary and identify by block numder) *Three numerical hydrodynamic models with progressively finer grid resolutions, utilizing the finite difference code WIFM, were developed for the purpose of evaluating the influence of proposed structures under storm conditions and providing elevation and velocity data for concurrent numerical sediment transport studies at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. The offshore model encompassed the entire Carolina coast over the continental (Continued) a = = DD , ons as 1473 —s Ew Tow OF ? wov 631s OBSOLETE Unclassified Senne SECURITY CLASSIFICATION GF THIS PASE (Wren Date Entered) MBL/WHOI AAA 0 0301 0091245 7? SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) oe i ae Cer | shelf and was used to propagate storm effects from deep water to the finer resolution models. The nearshore mcdel extended from Cape Henry to Cape Lookout, and provided finer detail along the Outer Banks, within Pamlico and Albema:le Souncs, and at Oregon Inlet. This model wes used for both tide and surge simulations and was the frimary tool for establishing structural effet :cs under storm conditions in the Oregon Inlet vicinity. It also was used to provide boundary conditions for the most detailed model of the study know. as the shore process model. The shore prccess model emecompassed less thay 85 square miles centered about Oregon Inlet and provided high resolution at the inlet and in the surf zone. It provided more realistic circulation patterns of the inlet, the effects of jetties on inlet flow, and hydrodynamic data for concurrent numerical sediment transport studies. 20. AS8STRACT (Continued). Data collected for previous physical model studies were supplemented hy acditional data from NOAA avd unpublished SAW letter reports for satisfactory calibration and verification of the models under existing tidal conditions and for two severe storms of recora: the March 1962 northeaster and Hirricane Donna (1960). Two structural alternatives (involving parailel jetties with 2,500- and 5,000-ft-wide spacings) were studied, and their effects were determinsd to be limited to the inlet under tidal conditions and to the immediate inlet vicinity under circumstances approximating Hurrizane Donna. The maximum possible influence attributable to inlet restriction was determined by simulations with complete inlet closure (this was not under consideration as a1 improvement plan) under Hurricane Donna conditions, and no changes were noted beyond a 12-mile radiis of the inlet. Within that distance, elevation increases of 2,4 ft and 1.4 ft were indicated at the Pea Island Coast Guard Station and Oregon Inlet Marina, respectively, with total inlet closure under Donna-like conditions. For 2,500- and 5,000-ft-widce jetty alternatives, no significant changes were noted during Donna simulations, the 2,500-ft case producing water-elevation increases of 0.6 ft and 0.3 ft, respectively, for the above stations. Tidal simulations with structural alternatives indicated local variations to be limited to the inlet. Simulations at very fine grid resolution were made using the shore process nodel to provide hydrodynamic data for numerical sediment transport | studies covering the normal range of tides with no jetties, four structural alternatives with a mean tide, and the historical March 1962 northeaster with no jetties. a __Unclassified _ SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Date Entered) PREFACE This study was authorized by the U. S. Army Engineer District, Wilming- ton (SAW), and conducted at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). The study was performed, and this report prepared, by Messrs. David Leenknecht, Jeff Earirckson, and H. Lee Butler of the Wave Dynamics Division (WDD), Hydraulics Laboratory. Providing general supervision were Mr. H. B. Simmons, Chief of the Hydraulics Laboratory, and Dr. R. W. Whalin and Mr. C. E. Chatham, Jr., former and acting Chiefs of the Wave Dynamics Division. The WWD and its personnel were transferred to the Coastal Engineer- ing Research Center (CFRUC) of WES on 1 July 1983 under the supervision of Dr. Whalin, Chief of CERC. This report describes the application of numerical hydrodynamic models to Pamlico Sound and adjacent areas. Following model calibrations and verifications, ar. evaluation of proposed jetty configurations for Oregon Inlet was made. All numerical computations were performed on the CRAY 1 and Control Data Cyber computers of Boeing Computer Services in Bellevue, Washington. Commanders and Directors of WES during this investigation and the rrep- aration and publication of this report were COL Nelson P. Conover, CE, and COL Tilford C. Creel, CE. Technical Director was Mr. F. R. Brown. “Accession For hres GRA&I TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE sare ct denies ae) is eu 0 en eh Me! fel, CONVERSION FACTORS, U. S. CUSTCMARY UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ..... . PART I: INTRODUCTION. .... . Background and Objectives . . ADPLOAC Hh eye siersmreiererer oo, ss PART II: COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES Equations of Motion ..... Numerical Method Boundary Conditions .... . Grid Connections ..... .- PART III: PROTOTYPE DATA. ... . fidal Data ht Agtevlerwecs « << Storm Surge Data ...... PART IV: Procedure wis << « « 6 « « « 6 Offshore Model’ «2 ./1 . s is Nearshore Medel ...... . Shore Process Model ..... PART V: Offshore Model ...... . Nearshore Model ...... © Shore Process Model .... . PART VI: CONTROL STRUCTURES IMPACT Preliminary Tests ..... - Storm Surge Tests ..... - Tide Tests . . « . « 2 ee « PART VII: PART VIiI: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES . . » © «fe «© «© © « « « TABLES 1-4 PLATES 1-111 APPENDIX A: NOTATION. ...... TO METRIC NUMERICAL MODEL CALIBRATION NUMERICAL MODEL VERIFICATION e . SHORE PROCESS MODEL REQUIREMENTS (SI) So ou 30 Ga oS 32 oe 34 CONVERSION FACTORS, U. S. CUSTOMARY TO METRIC (SI) UNITS OF MEASURFMENT U. S. customary units of measurement used in this report can te converved to metric (SI) units as foliows: Multiply ie . By To Obtain cubic feet per second Q.02831685 cubic metres per second feet 0.3048 metres feet per second 0.3048 metres per second knots (international) 0.5144444 metres per second miles (U. S. nautical) 1.852 kilometres miles (U. S. statute) 1.609344 kilometres square miles (U. S. statute) 2.589988 square kilometres =e. NORFORK ROANOKE VIRGINIA by NORTH CAROLINA OREGON INLET eles @ RALEIGH NE Use ver Ri ATLANTIC OCEAN SO 75 MILES Le | Figure 1. Location map iia! Macnee ee tb Al" nb NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF OREGON I.LET CONTROL STRUCTURES’ EFFECTS ON STORM AND TIDE ELEVATIONS IN PAMLICO SOUND PART I: INTRODUCTION Background and Objectives 1. North Carclina's Atlantic coast has two large lagoons, Pamlico Sound auu Albemarle Sound, separated from the ocean by a strand of barrier islands known as the Outer Banks (Figure 1). The OCuter Banks stretch approxi- mately 190* miles between Virginia Beach, Virginia; Cape Hatteras, and Merehead City, North Carolina. Only three openings in the barrier islands provide navigational access between Pamlico Sound and the Atlantic: Hatteras, Ocracoke, and Oregon Inlet. Oregon Inlet, the northernmost of the three openings, provides the fishermen and boaters of Roanoke Island and Albemarle Sound the only practical means of reaching the ocean. Since the creation of the present~day Oregon Inlet by a hurricane in 1846, navigation there has remained hazardous due to channel mcvements and shoals. Location of the channel] also nas meved steadily south du2 to sediment transport by alongshore currents in the past 100 years. 2. In 1970, Congress authorized the Manteo (Shallowbag) Bay project which included the stabilization of Oregon Inlet with a dual jetty system. Since the addition of jetties will change the hydrodynamics of the inlet, proposed structures need to be evaluated for their impact on normal tidal conditions and storm curges. 3. This study evaluates several proposed jetty configurations for Oregon Inlet with numerical hydrodynamic models of the entire lagoon system and the area around the inlet. The models are calibrated by computing tides and acjusting model parameters until the computations match observed tides. The calibrations are verified by storm surge simulations of two historical storms (Hurricane Donna in 1960 and the March 1962 northeaster) that affected the inlet. These calculations are showu to agree with marigrams recorded dur- ing the storms at several tide stations on the Atlantic coast and in the bays. * A table of factors for converting U. S. customary units of measurement to metric (SI) units is presented on page 3. After verification, the effects of the jetties are estimated with the models for both tide and storm conditions. Approach 4, The numerical hydrodynamic code used in this study is WIFM, the WES Implicit Flooding Model (Butler, in prenaration). WIFM employs finite dif- ference methods to approximate the vertically integrated Navier-Stokes equa- tions. Several special features of WIFM are important to this study. The flooding and drying of tidal flats and low-lying lands are accurately simulated in WIFM. Variably spaced finite difference grids are used to maximize accuracy in the hydrodynamic simulations, without increasing computer costs. WIFM can approximate jetties, and other small topographic details, as thin barriers between computatienal cells. The implicit formulation used in WIFM's solution scheme allows for larger time-steps than do explicit solution schemes. 5. The hydrodynamic features of the Carolina coast and Oregon Inlet are simulated to three levels of accuracy in this study by the use cf three different finite difference grids that cover different portions of the study area (Figure 2}. The three grids can be linked together, wherein an internal boundary in a larger grid can provide boundary conditions to the next small- est grid. The offshore grid (Figure 3) approximates the entire Carolina coast with 3,186 cells, making computaticns with it inexpensive. This grid extends seaward to the continental shelf in order to model the effects of long-wave shoaling caused by the shelf. Oregon Inlet is only approximated by one cell in the offshore grid, so computations from this model can only provide rough estimates of hydrodynamics in the sounds. The nearshore grid (Figure 4) models the Outer Banks in much finer detail with 9,009 cells. Tides and surges can be accurately simulated throughout the bays and inlets with this grid. Oregon Inlet is modeled with enough detail in this grid to allow for calculations with crude jetty approximations. This grid provides all boundary conditions to the most detailed of the three grids used in this study, the shore process grid. 6. The shore process grid (Figure 5) covers less than 85 square miles around Oregon Inlet with 4,620 computational cells. This model provides high resolution at the inlet and in the surf zone. The shore process model predicts circulation patterns at the inlet, predicts effects of jetties on inlet flow, ‘ ; inl a ani eineleneten eames cera re aT an NTE LOL Sw Rate eS eS REPT S AI ONIN TENC err | CAPE HENRY OREGON INLET Vi SHORE PROCCSS MODEL GRIO ONO A RIES — RIVER PAMLICO SOUND / HATIERAS INLET La CAPE HATTERAS OCRACOKE INLET CAPE LOOKOUT CAPE FEAR NEARSHORE MODEL 7 GR:D BOUNDARIES CONTINENTAL SHELF a ce =, _— _ _— OFFSHORE MODEL eos GRID BOUNDARIES Figure 2. Numerical model grid boundaries PAMLICO SOUND ae CONTINENTAL SHELF are Seen? alte LA, = _ cae Fae ey coe tanta merge are 9) nines eae Silo co 9s6 Senemmare _- Laat aa al al Figure 3. Offshore model computational grid ATLANTIC CONTINENTAL... ., Figure 4. Nearshore model computational grid a4 . ‘A | a a ao an OOO Mfg ' oo spa Ra AT NSTI EMS aE ——— —-— ---- ——+ a —— SVS EE re a aa Rd \ | __ROANOKE SOUND _ i [ak Pea feeeed Gla] Terme) | | | ! Se = 7 TAN TIC == — + 1 a == 7 ¢ + = = =) + + | + + — 4 * + — | =I + oa 4 + — + { + + + — 4 + ———— =iC = + + +——— { > + —— + + + r + = +- a + iz b= MUN MODY OO ne 1 eR HOU RBA. TESPAMINS: 12511108 a a te a [ ____PAMLICO SOUND Tea | = CTT als 4 a TTT Re Mont MTT T RARE a (RAND Figure 5. Shore process model computational grid 10 and provides flow data for the sediment transport studies of Houston (in prep- aration). The e:fects of cuannel dredging can also be studied with this model. 7. Scorcm simulations in WIFM require the input of wind stresses and barometric pressures into the computations. The wind and pressure fields for Hurricane Donna are simulaced with the Standard Project Hurricane (SPH) model (Graham and Nunn 1959; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1972; Schwerdt, Ho, and Watkins 1979). SPH is a parametric model that characterizes a hurricane by its radius to maximum winds, central pressure deficit, forward speed, and other variables. The parameters needed to re- Produce a historical storm can be cclilected from surface weather charts. The winds and pressures of the March 1962 ncrtheaster are estimated from digitized daca provided by the Wave Information Study (WIS) at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) (Corson, Resio, and Vincent 1980; Resio, Vincent, ard Corson 1982). WIS data are referenced to an earth-coordinate system, and a computer code was developed to interpolate this information to WIFM grids. Wind velocities and pressures for each WIFM cell are read in during the hydrodynamic calculations, and WIFM converts wind velocities in surface stress by Charnock's relation (Garrett 1977). 11 and provides flow data for the sediment transport studies of Houston (in prep- aration). The effects of channel dredging can also be studied with this model. 7. Storm simulations in WIFM require the input of wind stresses and barometric pressures into the computations. The wind and pressure fields for Hurricane Donna are simulated with the Standard Project Hurricane (SPH) model (Graham and Numn 1959; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1972; Schwerdt, Ho, and Watkins 1979). SPH is a parametric model that characterizes a hurricane by its radius to maxinum winds, central pressure deficit, forward speed, and other variables. The parameters needed to re- prcduce a historical storm can be collected from surface weather charts. The winds and pressures of the Marcn 1962 northeasicr are estimated from digitized data provided by the Wave Information Study (WIS) at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) (Corson, Resio, and Vincent 1980; Resio, Vincent, and Corson 1982). WIS data are referenced to an earth-coordinate system, and a computer code was developed to interpolate this information to WIFM grids. Wind velocities and pressures for each WIFM cell are read in during the hydrodynamic calculations, and WIFM converts wind velocities in surface stress by Charnock's relation (Garrett 1977). 11 PART II: COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES Equations of Motion 8. The hydrodynamics of the numerical model WIFM are derived from tne Navier-Stokes equations in a Cartesian coordinate system (Figure 6). The WATER SURFACE — BENCHMARK DATUM Figure 6. Coordinate system for problem formulation long wave approximations of small vertical accelerations and a homogenous fluid yield vertically integrated two-dimensional equations of continuity and momentum: Continuity CLAS: a) es TES (ud) + 3y (vd) = R (1) Momentum ; 1/2 Ju du du C gu Z 2 — ais at a ; y—- = el ae ay eee oe I Cd 2 2 au dou - € 72 + 372 + Fy = 0 (2) x y 12 dv ov 3 3 2 < << — = ego + svar Oar es Wilinee sh fu + g By (n n) 7) (u Vine) Cd ae av Se ae te eee (3) ae we NEOs y The dependent variables in the problem are 1 ,Uu , and v_, which represent the water-surface elevation above datum and the vertically averaged water velocities in the x- ond y-directions, respectively.* The other variables in the equations are: h , the local ground (cell) elevation above datum; d=n-h, the total water depth; t , time; f , the Coriolis parameter; C , tne Chezy coefficient ror bottow friction; ¢ , the eddy viscosity coet- ficient; g , the acceleration due to gravity; and R , the rate of water volume change in the system due to rainfall or evaporation. The coefficient me accounts for hydrostatic water elevations due to atmospheric pressure differences, and ES and a are terms representing external forces such as wind stress. 9. The computational grid used for the finite difference approximations in WIFM employs a stretching transformation for each of the two coordinate directions (x and y). This transformation from physical space to computational space offers the major advantage of allowing increased grid resolution in areas of interest, by controlling the arbitrary constants a, b, and c in the equation: x =a + ba (4) Physical distances are defined by x , and the computational grid lines ir each direction are defined by positive integer values of a. The values of a,b, and c are determined not only from desired grid resolutions, but also from the requirement that the derivative a be continuous everywhere. Many stability problems commonly associsted with variable grid schemes are eliminated due to this continuity constraint. The transformation is applied —_—: a * For convenience, symbols and unusual abbreviations are listed and defined in the Notation (Appendix A). 13 aaa 4 to each coordinate direction independently in order to maximize grid resolu- tion in areas of hydrodynamic importance and to minimize computational cells in the far field. Numerical Method 10. The alternating-direction-implicit (ADI) method has been used by Leendertse (1970) and others to solve the two-dimensional equations of motion. When the advective terms are included in the momentum equations (Equations 1-3) the ADI method has encountered stability problems. Weare (1976) indicates that the problem arises from approximating advective terms with one-sided differences in time, and suggests the use of a centered scheme with three time-levels. WIFM employs a centered stabilizing-correction (SC) scheme which is second-order accurate in space and time, and boundary conditions can be formulated to the same order accuracy. Details of the SC scheme can be found in Butler (in preparation) and a general development is presented in the following paragraphs. 11. The linearized equations of motion can be written in matrix form as: U. + AU, + Bu = 0 (5) where The SC scheme for solving Equation 5 is k-1 k = as = (1 + ee) U (1 hy ee) U (6) Gp anos = peat gest (7) yi y where 1 At 1 At ry 5 Ae Aé and A 2 ay hss 14 The quantities oe and Oe are centered difference operators and the super- script k counts time-levels. The starred quantities can be considered intermediate values for variables at the (k+l) time-level. 12. The first step in the SC procedure computationally sweeps the grid in the x-direction, with the second step sweeping the y-direction. Completing both sweeps constitutes a full time-step, advancing the solution from the a time-level to the (k+l) time-level. The form of the difference equations for the x-sweep is given by Fie IC eriaeete, Cutdta 1d) +5 6) (Say a2 ee? se ut 4) + cK nt t 4) = 0 (9) Tee (we - VI) + Bg nh?) = 0 (10) and the y-sweep by zl ttle sy oy ral eenbs ees he (12) re gk (12) oo pee n # : (Atl Kalyd ig (13) 13. Noting that v* in Equation 10 is only a function of previously computed variables at the (k-1) time-level, its substitution into Equa- tion 13 and the substitution of u* (Equation 12) into Equations 8 and 9 yield the simplified forms x~sweep 1 k-1 1 k+1 -1 1 k-1 & 2 a ee ae este, ate = Tat (n n )+ Phx 5 (u- “d+u “d) + ; oa (v ~d) ) (14) Mle hake) aut k=) g k-1, _ ThE (u -u §) + aan 8 (n® +n) = 0 (15) y-sweep 1 k+1 1 k+1 k-1 ancien — n* aS - = 0 (16) TAC (n n*) + Shy . (v d Vv d) le iH wit) ee es C “ ne 4) ZG (17) 2At 2dy sy 14. The details of applying the SC scheme to Equations 1-3 can be found in a report by Butler (in preparation). The diffusion terms of Equations 2 and 3 are also represented with time-centered approximations. The inclusion of diffusion terms contributes to the numerical stability of the scheme (Vreugdenhill 1973), and serves to somewhat account for turbulent momentum dissipation at the larger scales. While the resulting finite difference forms of Equations 1-3 appear cumbersome, they are efficient tu solve. Application of the appropriate equation to one row or column of the grid (the "sweeping" process) results in a system of linear algebraic equations whose coefficient Matrix is tridiagonal. Tridiagonal matrix problems can be solved directly, without the cost and effort of matrix inversion. 15. The computational time-step for the SC scheme in WIFM js largely governed by simpie mass and momentum conservation principles. The maximum time-step for a problem is characterized by: nAs At => (18) where V is the largest flow velocity to be encountered at a cell with its smallest side length AS . The parameter n is o: order 1. So, the time step is constrained by the smallest cell width which contains the highest flow velocity. In physical terms, Equation 18 requires that the flow cannot move substantially farther than one cell width in one time-step. Boundary Conditions 16. WIFM allows a variety of boundary conditions to be specified, which can be classified into three groups: open boundaries, land-water boundaries, and thin-wall barriers. Open boundaries 17. When the edge of the computational grid is defined as water, such 16. TT ae ee - A SREY SOSA. ES a aT aso alia as a seaward boundary or a channel exiting the grid, either the water eleva- tion or the flow velocities can be specified as an cpen boundary-condition. This information can be input to WIFM as tabular data, or constituent tides can be calculated within the code during the time-stepping process. Open boundaries for a grid can be saved from a specitied internal boundary of another griu so that computational grids can be linked together. Grid linking is used in this study in order to model large coastal areas inexpensively and to supply correct boundary conditions to the shore-processes grid. Land-water boundaries 18. WIFM allcws land-water boundaries to be either fixed or variable to account for flooding in low-lying terrain. Fixed boundaries specify a no-flow condition at the cell face between land and water. The position of a variable boundary is determined by the relationship of the water elevation at a "wet" cell to the land elevation at a neighboring "dry" cell. Once a water eleva- tion rises above the level of adjacent land height, water is initially moved onto the "dry" cell by using a broad-crested weir formula (Reid and Bodine 1968). When the water level on the dry cell exceeds some small value, the boundary face is treated as open and computations for ) , u , and v are made at the now "wet" cell. Drying is the inverse process, and mass is con- served in these procedures. Thin-wall barriers 19. These barriers are defined along cell faces and are of three types: exposed, submerged, and overtopping. Exposed barriers allow no flow across a cell face. Submerged barriers control flow across a cell face by using a time-dependent friction coefficient. Overtopping barriers are dynamic: they can be completely exposed, completely submerged, or they can act as broad-crested weirs. The barrier character is determined by its height and the water elevations in the two adjoining cells. Grid Connections 20. Application of the embedded grid concept employed in ths study requires a transter of hydrodynamic information frem one grid to another. Specifically, data are transferred from the offshore grid to the nearshore grid and thence to the shore process grid. In practice, the shore process mode]. was always driven by a nearshore model simulation, and the offshore 17 model was used to drive the system only for storm events. 21. The two embedded grids utilized in this study (nearshore and shore process) contain successively finer resolution with resultant greater detail. Therefore stability requirements as governed by Equation 18 necessitate the use of successively smaller time-steps in simulations with these models. Data are transferred between coupled grids at the outer boundary cells of the embedded grid. Coupling grids are designed such that the cell size Ax and the derivative as (in the direction orthogonal to the coupling boundary) are equivaient in the coupling cells of both the driving and driven grids. In the direction normal to the coupling boundary, cell expansion and contraction are allowed to proceed independently, thus requiring spatial interpolation of the transferred data. A temporal interpolation is also required due to the small time-step needed by the embedded grid. Care must be taken to ensure that coupling grids contain similar water volumes within the embedded grid cover- age, particularly at the coupling boundaries in order to preserve hydrodynamics between the grids. 22. The data transferred between models consist of nn, u , and v at each coupling cell. A utility program performs the necessary spatial and temporal interpolations between coupling grids. It should be noted that connections are not totally dynamic in the sense that the simulations are independent ard not concurrent. Communication is unidirectional from the driving to the driven model. 18 PART II?: PROTOTYPE DATA 23. Field meisurement data required for model calibrations and verifi- cation were taken from existing data bases. No new collection efforts were undertaken during the course of this study. The following is a summary of the prototype data used in the investigation and its sources. Tidal Data 24. A hydrautic model study to determine effects of Oregon Inlet stabilization by jetties was conducted at WES and reported by Hollyfieid, McCoy, and Seavergh (1983). Representatives ot the National Ocean Survey (NOS), U. S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington (SAW), and WES tormulated a data collection program. Field surveys were carried out in the spring and summer of 1975. Efforts included collecting tide and current data, primarily in the vicinity of Oregon Inlet, ana prototype hydrography/topography data within the area reproduced in the hydraulic model. The tide data were sub- sequently analyzed for their tidal constituents. Constituent data form allows for isolating the astronomical event and was used both to force the WIFM model and for comparison with model results. Tide elevation data outside the Oregon Inlet area were obtained (in constituent form) from NOS. Figure 7 (pag2 24) shows locations of field stations in the offshcre grid region. Since the My constituent contains about 90 percent of the tidal energy in the Pamlico Sound area, calibration computations were simplified by considering only an M, tide. 2 Table 1 delineates the M, amplitude and epoch (relative to Greenwich) for each field station. Storm Surge Data 25. Two historical storms were modeled in this study: Hurricane Donna in 1960 and the extratropical March 1962 storm. Meteorological data for Hurricane Donna were obtained from NOS. These jncluded a list of storm param- eters, track definition, and surface windfield analysis. Table 2 presents a time variation of these storm parameters. The coincident predicted astro- nomical tide was reconstructed from constituent tidal data (particularly at Capes Fear, Lookout, Hatteras, and Henry) obtaired from NOS. Comparison 19 ash i Cheddar d oedeedsan! ALBA pall’ Tar a i eh yA th i ig ls le hl Ly i liao Np ply oll water level and wind data at various model lecations were obtained from a CE letter report on Hurricane Donna dated 28 April 1961. 26. Meteorological data for the March 1962 storm were obtained from a data base constructed for the WIS project at WES (Resio, Vincent, and Corson 1982). Comparison water levels and wind data were obtained from a CE letter report on the March 1962 storm dated 6 September 1962. 20 PART IV: NUMERICAL MODEL CALIBRATION Procedure 27. The three models in this study were calibrated against the tides of the Carolina coast. The tide along the Outer Banks is semidiurnal in nature, with the M, constituent predominating. To calibrate the computational models, four parameters were adjusted in WIFM: (ay the depths or elevations assigned to each cell, (b) the Chezy friction coefficients for each cell, (c) the choice of cells used as marigram stations, and (d) the boundary condition imposed on the grids. The water depth or land elevation of a cell was esti- mated from maps, and only a few deptns were changed slightly during calibra- tion. Except in shallow water ana at flow constrictions, the models’ hydre- dynamics vere fairly insensitive to changes in Chezy coefficients. The choice of which cells to serve as marigram stations was sometimes arbitrary due to shoreline approximations and the size of cells relative to hydrodynamic details in the prototype. For a model that was acjusted to the point where only one WIFM gage disagreed slightly with prototype data, this discrepancy was removed by changing the gage's placement in the grid. 28. Calibrations largely involved the development of proper boundary conditions for the models. For @ tide, seawara boundary conditions were estimated by wave speed calculations and shoaling factors. With initial estimates, the development cf correct boundary conditions proceeded through three steps: (a) computations with WIFM using the latest estimate, (b) com- parison of computed marigrams to prototype data, and (c) refinement of the boundary conditions. Successive iterations vere performed to match computed tides against prototype data. The other parameters in WIFM were also adjusted during the refinement of the boundary conditions. 29. The model's ability to accurately reproduce prototype data was limited by cell sizes used in the grid (which governed how well topography was simulated) and by any approximations used for the boundary conditions. In this study, the prototype tides were approximated with just the M, constituent. For the North Carolina coast, this approximation provided a good representa- tion of the entire tide wnile keeping the expenses of calibration to a mini- mum. The number of iterations needed in the boundary condition refinement process soars when multiconstituent tides are used, because of the increased 21 6 A NaN NAA Yi a in Nh i hl fi i ah ee ak A IN ct lll i la ae A i ce li inal cl number of variables that must be adjusted. Offshore Model 30. The tides of two time periods were simulated in the calibration of the offshore model: 5-1U March 1962 (the March 1962 northeaster) and 11 and 12 September 1960 (Hurricane Donna). Predicted highs and lows for several stations along the coast were taken from U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (1962) tide tables for these two times to serve as prototype data. Four stations (Capes Fear, Lookout, Hatteras, and Henry) yielded the initial esti- mates for boundary conditions and served as the primary comparisons with WIFM computations during the calibration process. Estimates of the M, amplitudes and epochs for the grid boundaries were chosea so that the computed one- constituent tide would represent the entire predicted tide, and not just the My portion of the signal. In order to easily see the agreewent between WIFM computations and the prototype data, computed marigrams were ptotted against spline-fit curves of the predictea highs and lows. 31. Boundary conditions were first refined to match the predicted tides of the March 1962 storm. The beginning of the WIFM computatior. was chosen to be midnight Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on 5 March 1962. A 3-min time-step was used in WIFM, and 111 hr of the tide were computed. Plate i snows computed marigrams versus prototype curves for the four Cape stations. There are small variances between the peaks of the computed and prototype tides due to the lack of other constituents in the grid boundary conditions, but the two tides match well for these gages. To check that the model correctly represents the prototype tide at other points along the Outer Banks, cther stations are compared with computations (Plate 2). Virginia Beach shows an excellent match, while the calculated amplitudes at the Currituck Beach Lighthouse are about 1/2 ft higher than predicted. This increase is caused by the shoreline approximation made in the grid for the barrier island at Currituck, and by the proximity of the WIFM gage to this shore. 32. Plates 2 and 3 illustrate how the crude approximations of the three inlets in the offshore grid (each inlet is only one cell wide) induce some local amplification of the computed tide. However, the basic hydrodynamic Properties of tne inlets are preserved in this model because the cross- sectional areas uf the inlets match observations (Jarrett 1976). Tidal wave 22 energy does enter the bays properly, and the marigrams calculated within Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds (Plate 3) agree with the information in the tide tables. While the NOAA tide tables do not list highs and tows for the bays, they note that "In Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, except near the in_ets, the periodic tide has a mean range less than one-half foot" (p. 226, 1962 Tide Tables). 33. After calibration of the offshore model with the March 1962 tide, boundary conditions were developed to simulate the predicted tides tor Hur- ricane Donna. The starting time of this simulation was noon GMT on il Septem- be: 1960, and WIFM computed 33 hr cf tides with a 3-min time-step. The bound- ary refinement process was cycled through again, but no minor parareters were changed in WIFM. Piate 4 shew: that the computed ampiitudes at Cape Fear fall about 1 ft below predictions. This result comes as a compromise: when boundary amplitudes were increased in the offshore model near Cape Fear to raise the computed peaks, the tid? range throughout the modei became too larg: to match predictions at othex stations. Pla-es 5 and 4 compare computafions with predictions fer other stations along ths Outer Banks and illustrate the tides within the bays. As with the March 1902 tide, these plates show agree- ment at Virginia Beach and Curricuck, local increises at the inlets, and the proper tides within the bays. Nearshore Model 34. The calibration of the nearshore model was e:ccmplished using constituent tide data resulting from harmonic aveiysis o. gage records at 14 stations within the grid coverage. Although no data collection was per- formed for this study, data from ;revious collection efforts were available at 10 stations in the vicinity of Oregon Irlet, and these were supplemented by NOAA data at four additional open-coast locations. Because of its predomi- nance, the M, 2 (lunar-semidiurnal) constituent was selected as a representative parameter for model calibration. A summary cf gage locations with M, ampli- tudes and epochs is presented in Table 1. Gage locations are Fee in Figures 7 and 8. 35. Initial efforts at calibrating the nearshore model were performed using a mean tide from January 1981. First estimates for bathymetry and open boundary adjustments were determined using this simulation period. Grid 23 / VIRG.NIA ase ? ys 2 y y “CURRITUCK BEACH LIGHT ELIZABETH CITY OUCK PIER POINT HARBOR Ale ALBEMARIE SOUND 2 SOY AAG g BRIDGE D, S COLUMBIA 1 ALLIGATOR RIVER ; gS ) NACS HEAD OPEGOM INLET STUMPY POINT tes sedan ENGLEHARD = MINNESOTT BEACH As 4d RODANTHE /] CHERRY POINT p> RIVER PAMLICO SOUND ” gS ff HATTERAS vA c— } DAVIS ~?> SK Pane AUS 7 a / SS Z WRIGHTSVILLE ET NS CCL ATUANTIC OCEAN BEACH Wn 4h4 CAPE LOOKOUT CAPE FEAR a CONTINENTAL SHELF Se a — - SCALE ec _ a) 10 ° 10 F) wom ea =e — ree Vig - a BC _ ©. Figure 7. Offshore and nearshore model gage locations suoTjeI0T adea Tepow ssa00id aioys pue aroysiean °8 oin3ty Nvi00 DILNVILV HOWOUddY JGISNV3I0 H1BON~ sonvulna NV300 HLHON 3:00@8 een te NOILVLS OYVAD 1S¥O9 39v9 QNVISI W3d Qv3H SOVN® aNv1Ss! DE 30a1Na wINNOE * @6H WHOILV1d 1331 = aNNYHO ad A. @H9N01S SIAVO ou cn, aa eo oes N A GNV1SI JHONVOH 3SNOH 01 % s NOILV!S GHYND LSVO: annos et eee Mis ONNOS ODIIWVd ONNOS NvLvO¥D HOUUVH SNNVIN YNINOWVO HLYON ANIOd AdWNLS JHINVOOY 25 resolution in the Oregon Inlet vicinity was modified to relax stability exigencies, economize simulations, and yet preserve major inlet features. Final adjustments of boundary conditions and friction characteristics were performed using a tidal period of 19-22 May 1975 which is coincident with data from the previous physical model study (Hollyfield, McCoy, and Seabergh 1983) of Oregon Inlet. 36. Marigrams presenting model versus prototype M, amplitudes appear in Plates 7-10 starting at 0300 (GMT) 20 May 1975. The model quite accurately reproduces the open-coast tide as observed at all available stations. Model performance at Oregon Inlet is characterized by good agreement at Bonner Bridge and the Pea Island Coast Guard Station. The remaining stations present comparisons at bayside locations in the inlet vicinity. They also show good agreement with amplitude variances iess than Q.1 ft and some slight phase shifting attributed to channel and shoal features subscale to grid resolution. Shore Process Model 37. Unlike the coarser models used in the study, the shore process model presented a unique case tor calibcation. Open-boundary conditions were not adjustable since they were transferred from simulations on the nearshore model. Because the primary function of this model was to provide hydrodynamics for sedimer.t transport studies, cell depth changes were restricted in order to maintain the same bathymetry for these two modeling efforts. Friction values were adjusted to coincide with representations in the nearshore model. The inclusion of the momentum advection terms and the very fine grid resolution (Ax = 100 ft) with the resultant small time-step (At < 15 sec) required ee, adjustments of the eddy viscosity coefficient to achieve simulation stability, and yet produce realistic circuiation currents and horizontal eddies evident at the inlet under normal and proposed configurations. Cali- bration efforts for this medel were performed for mean tides produced by nearshore model simulations in the aforementioned May 1975 period. Results are discussed in PAR V, and model gage locations are shown in Figure 38. 26 Dea el oa OS PART V: NUMERICAL MODEL VERIFICATION 38. After calibration, the ability of the models to simulate the nydrodynamics of storm surges was verified with the two historical storms. Hurricane Donna and the March 1962 northeaster produced some ot the highest surges recorded along the Outer Banks, and they had severe effects on Oregon Inlet. These storms were considered rigorous tests for the models of the North Carolina coast. 39. The eye of Hurricane Donna passed just west of Pamlico Sound during the storm's movement north (Figure 9), with the highest winds concen- trated over the Sound. During the peak of the storm, 60- to 80-knot winds blew across Pamiice Sound from the south and southwest, causing a large surge to pile up along the bay side of the barrier islanus near Oregon Inlet. The elevation difference between the surge in the bay and the level of the Atlantic Ocean created a 10-ft head across the inlet, which caused an enormous flow through the inlet. The surge in the bay also caused extensive flooding at the barrier islands, Roanoke Island, and the nearby mainland. 20. The March 1962 storm derived its force not from high peak winds but from sustained gales over several days. The iow pressure system which drove the storm remained along the eastern seaboard for over a week, generating 35- to 50-knot winds from the north and northeast from 6 March to 8 March. These gales caused a surge on the Atlantic side of the Outer Banks near Oregon Inlet and a drawdown on the east side of Pamlico Sound. The head difference at the inlet caused a large flow into the bay through an entire tidal cycle on 7 March, which, together with setup, created flooding in nearby Roanoke Island and the mainland. 41. The storm simulations used the historicai tides developed during calibration as initial and boundary conditions for the nearshore and offshore models. The initial conditions for a WIFH storm run were supplied by data sets (dubbed "hotstarts") saved during tidal computations. Hotstarts contain the free-surface elevations and horizontal velocities at every point in a grid, which enables one to start W!IFM calculations with this information as a realistic, dynamic initial condition. The same tidal boundary conditions were also used during storm simulations, so that the tide appears throughout each storm hydrograph. Hence, computed hydrographs can be directly compared with historical marigrams. Pa a PAMLICO SOUND HATTER” INLET CAPE HATTERAS OCRACOKE INLET CAPE LUCh OUT CONTINENTAL SHEL® Figure 9. Track of Hurricane Donna 42. With the boundary and initial conditions for a storm simulation specified by tides, the meteorological forces appear in the computations as the terms ES 5 Lee » and 5 in Equations 2 and 3. These terms represent the shear (wind stress) and normal (barometric pressure differential) forces applied to the water surface during the storm. WIFM obtains values for the wind and pressure fields from datasets created by other computer codes, such as the SPH Program. Wind velocity and pressure head values for every grid cell are read into WIFM every few time-steps, and then WIFM converts the wind velocity into surface shear stress by Charnock's linear relation (Garrett 1977). The drag coefficient for Charnock's method is: to co oe a Dae CLINE ES Cy = 0.00075 + 0.000067W (19) where W is the 10-metre wind speed in metres per second. The surface stress is calculated by Taylor's (1916) equation: T= PPG w (20) D where p is the air density, assumed constant for this study. The total surface stress then is resolved into components for the ae and a terms in WIFM. 43. Due to the increase in flow velocities through Oregon Inlet during the storms, the computational time-step in WIFM had to be adjusted for the nearshore model. Both Hurricane Donna and the March 1962 northeaster were simulated with a 3-min time-step in the offshore model (the same as for the tide runs). The March 1962 computation begins at midnight GMT on 5 March and goes to noon GMT on 9 March. The Hurricane Donna simulation begins at noon GMT on 11 September 1960 and computes to 9 p.m. GMT on 12 September. For the nearshore model, the time-step was reduced to 50 sec but the same starting and ending times were kept. The March 19€2 storm was simuiated with a 60-sec time-step from hours 33 to 78 (9 a.m. GMT on 6 March to 6 a.m. GMT on 8 March). The simulation of only 45 hr of this storm greatly reduced computational costs. 44. Two letter reports of SAW (Davidson 1961, Grygiel 1962) contain the prototype storm surge data used in this study. Surge histories for the peak pericds (7 March 1962 and 11 and 12 September 1960) for most of the sites in Figure 7 can be found in these reports. No prototype data were available at or near Oregon Inlet, but there are recorded marigrams available from Rodanthe, Nags Head, Stumpy Point, and Point Harbor. These four sites all lie within 25 miles of the inlet, so that agreement between them and calculations can indicate the accuracy of calculations at Oregon Inlet. Tabulated measure- ments of the tide highs and lows for the months of March 1962 and September 1960 provided independent checks on the accuracy of the surge histories; these two sources agreed completely. The tabulated data also gave an indication as to where a "mean water level" may lie for each prototype gage. An average of the month's highs and lows (excluding the storm period) seldom came close to the datum listed with the tabulations. Differences are mainly attributable to two factors: datum discrepancies and local superelevation. The datum for all tide gages was based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), which is not intended to equal the local mean water level. Bench marks used tc reference the gaces were not tied together by a single survey and hence ..ay not lie in the same datum plane. In addition, local mean water levels, par- ticularly in the sounds, should be above NGVD due to a general rise in sea level, since NGVD was established in 1929, and also due to local supereleva- tion of the bays caused by freshwater inflow into the sounds. Treshwater inflow, and its local effects, was not considered in this modeling effort. In order to account for the above factors, datum adjustments were estimated as differences between the NGVD values and the monthly high/low averages. Table 3 summarizes the sites used in the verification of the two largest models, gages within the grids, and the datum adjustments estimated from the high/low averages. Tabulated data were not available for all of the prototype mari- grams, and it must be noted that the March 1962 surge at Nags Head is esti-~ mated since the tide gage there was lost during the storm. Grygiel states that the estimate "is based on reliable evidence and should be less than 1 ft in error..." (p. 3). Offshore Model 45. Plates 11-13 compare the computed storm surge cf the March 1962 storm with the prototype data for the 11 sites listed in Table 3. Where datum adjustments are available, they have been subtracted from the prototype records in these plates. While the comparisons agree well, some differences occur due to the shoreline approximations used in the offshore model and due to the presence of wave setup in the prototype data. Computations for OrientatL, Rodanthe, Point Harbor, and Columbia exhibit excellent fits to the field records. Minnesott Beach and Cherry Point have computed peak suiges that are slightly high due the shoreline approximations made for the Neuse River. The cell sizes in the offshore grid necr Stumpy Point Bay also do not allow this small bay to be well represented; therefore the computations and prototype for this site differ. The presence of wind-induced wave setup in the prototype records of Wrightsville Beach, Hatteras, and Englekard can explain why these computations fall below field measurements. The divergence in elevations after hour 60 (the peak of the storm) at Hatteras shows how wave 30 AY DNS Sc ee SU setup can act to keep the water elevation raised in the prototype data. Since WIFM cannot model this effect, the computed water level at Hatteras begins to fall after the peak of the stcim. Prototype data for Nags Head are not available (the tide gage disappeared during the storm) but estimates of the surge have been made by SAW from other information. shis estimate ap- pears with computations for Nags Head in Plate 13 with no datum shift esti- Mates removed. The computed and estimated prototype records agree in form, and the roughly 2-ft elevation difference can be accounted for by datum shifts, wave setup, and errors in Grygiel's estimate of the record at Nags Head. 46. Plates 14-16 compare the computed storm surge of Hurricane Donna with prototype data for the offshore model. Ten sites are shown, and the datum shift estimates of Tabie 3 have been removed from the prototype records. Atlantic Beach and Nags Head, both sites on the open ocean, show the best agreement. For sites in the bay, the effects of wave setup and shoreline approximations play an important role in the agreement between computations and field records. An added factor is the speed at which Hur- ricane Donna moved across the North Carolina ceast. The eye of the storm traversed the distance from Cape Tear to Cape Henry in about 8 hr, causing rapid changes in wind speed and direction for sites in Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds. The rapid movement of the storm, along with the shoreline simpli- fications of the Neuse and Pasquotank Rivers, caused some phase difference between computations ard the prototype records at Cherry Point, Minnesott Beach, and Elizabeth City. Columbia, a site up a narrow recess of Albemarle Sound, also has a phase shift. The prototype records for Hatteras and Nags Head show the effect of wave setup at the peak of Hurricane Donna (hour 22) but these records agree well with computations. Despite the shore- line approximations for Stumpy Point Bay in the offshore grid, the results match well at this site. The computations at Englehard overpredict the surs,e, but the results agree at hour 22, the time of maximum flow at Oregon Inlet. 47. Plates 11-16 illustrate that the offshore model can simulate both historical northeasters and hurricanes to a reasonable accuracy, with a mini- mal number of grid cells. Considering the accuracy with which the datum shift adjustments in Table 3 are estimated, the comparisons of computations with field data for the offshore model are quite good. 31 Nearshore Model 48. Plates 17-19 illustrate the excellent agreement between compu- tations for the March 1962 storm in the nearshore model and the prototype data. Once again, the datum shifts listed in Table 3 are included in the field records. The computations match all 11 sites quite closely. Davis, a gage not represented in the offshore model due to cell sizes, kas no datum shift included in the prototype record. It can be expected that any shift would be of the same order as nearby sites such as Wrightsville Beach. The computations of Stumpy Point agree with the prototype because Stumpy Point Bay can be reasonably approximated by the small cells in the nearshore grid. 49. Plate 20 shows the flow patterns through Oregon Inlet for the peak of the March 1962 northeaster (hour 60, or noon GMT on 7 March) in the near- shore model. Piates 21 and 22 show marigrams for eight locations (Figure 3) in Oregon Inlet, while Plates 23-26 show the corresponding velocity records. The velocities at the inlet tell what happened during the storm. The normal ebb-flood cycle of tidal flow through the inlet was halted by the surge sea- ward of the inlet on 7 March. For a 22-hr period »etween 8 a.m. GMT on 7 March (hour 56 in the calculations) and 6:00 a.m. GMT on 8 March (hour 78), the flow was entirely into Pamlico Sound. According to computations, the peak flow velocity was about 9 fps, or about twice the normal tidal velocity. At the peak of the storm about 630,000 cfs of water flowed into Pamlico Sound. Figure 10 shows the computed surge contours at noon GMT on 7 March (hour 60) for the area of Oregon Inlet, Roanoke Island, and the nearby mainland. The head difference driving the flow is about 5 to 6 ft. 50. Comparison of the nearshore model calculations of Hurricane Donna with the prototype data can be found in Plates 27-29. Most of the phase differences found in the offshore model computations do not appear “n the nearshore model due to the increased resolution in this grid. As with the offshore model, the effects of wave setup appear in the plots for Hatteras and Nags Head. Considering the severity of Hurricane Donna, and the resolution of the grid for the nearshore model, Plates 27-29 show that this model can simulate a historical hurricane. 51. Plate 30 illustrates the severity of the ebb flow through Oregon Inlet at the peak of Hurricane Donna (10:00 a.m. GMT, 12 September, or hour 22 of the computations). Plates 31 and 32 show the surge histories of the 32 rang —t fis GNv1S! (IND 00ZT) 72ISeANIZOU Z96T YOTEW BuTANP Sznoqwod pear eken OILNVILV GNV1S! Wad 31008 js, soe et Ze GNv1S! 3NONVOH va ee MNOS N¥LVOHOD WNiTOYVO HLHON AMS / INIOd AdWNLS anduoy z “OT ean3ty ONNOS OOIIWYd 33 id a cas locations in Figure 9, while Plates 33-36 show the corresponding velocities. Once again, the velocity records describe how the storm affected the inlet. The buildup of surge in Pamlico Sound on the bayward side of the barrier island caused by the high winds from the southwest drove a violent outflow through the inlet between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. GMT on 12 September. Fig- ure ll shows the computed contours for the area around Oregon Inlet at the peak of Hurricane Donna, and this figure illustrates the 10-ft head difference across the inlet which caused the ebb flow. Peak velocities of 12 to 14 fps occurred in the inlet, with 18 fps calculated at the north oceanside approach. The nearshore model indicates that about 1 million cfs of water flowed out through Oregon Inlet at the peak of Hurricane Donna. Shore Process Model 52. Prototype storm data were unavailable for the relatively small region encompassed by the shore process model. Since it was employed princi- pally for tidal simulations, results were compared for the My constituent tide. Plate 37 shows marigrams fur a 16-hr period starting at 1900 (GMT) 20 May 1975. The model produced a good match of elevations with prototype data at locations just seaward, within, and west uf the inlet, with variances of tess than 0.1 ft, and with slight phase shifts on the bayside due to features subscale to this grid, and to bayside -oundary conditions affectea by similar scale restrictions in the uriving nearshore model. Velocity focords (Plate 38) in the inlet and Davis Slough were reproduced with proper phasing of the peak flood and evb flows and were generally within 0.5 fps of observed data indicating proper tidal exchange. Tidal circulation patterns matched quite well in direction and magnitudes with reported data of the same period as presented by Hollyfield, McCoy, and Seabergh (1983). 34 as aad , wo snl i A a Ai A i SN tl aia tel ee a latent) ee Ko EE 9 (0961 das ZT “LWO o00T) BU uoq aueotaziny jo yead 3e sinoqUuod a8ans peynduop “TT aain3yd Se eee a See OILNVILV —GNv1S! Vad_, GNv1SI! 31008 JWONVOY x vo le Deca ———— WNITOY HL¥ON NNOS ODIIWVd ONNOS NYLvOud Bee Sa ee A ee ee ee ee ee ed ae eae Rae Se oe Se = = ‘iN NIOd AdNNLS 35 Annan aad adipic PART VI: CONTROL STRUCTURES IMPACT 53. The Oregon Inlet control structures would consist of two parallel jetties extending seaward from the ends of Bodie and Pea Islands. Jetty spacings of 2,500, 3,500, and 5,000 ft (Figure 12) were evaluated in both the nearshore and shcre processes model. In the nearshore model, both normal astronomical tides and an extreme meteorological event represented by Hurricane Donna (September 1960) were simulated. The shore processes model was used to develop much finer flow detail around Oregon Inlet for eventual input to the sediment transport simulations. In order to dztermine the maximum influence changes at Oregon Inlet could have on bay-side storm tides, tests were run with Oregon Inlet closed. These numerical simulations provided good estimates of how the proposed structures at Oregon Inlet would affect surrounding areas during both normal and storm generated tides. PAMLICO SOUND ea 2g ATLANTIC ~: nS OCEAN @ Figure 12. Proposed alternate jetty configurations for Oregon Inlet Preliminary Tests 54. The eastern edges of the offshore and nearshore grids (Figure 2) were originally placed far enough from Oregon Inlet so that any changes to the inlet would not disturb the boundary values of the models. This assumption was checked with the offshore model by closing the iniet (the severest change) and then simulating Hurricane Donna (the severest surges). Results of this run were then compared with a similar run with the inlet open. The marigrams 36 ae Saal hi ali tae ca lnk late > ll a a a . ; , ; : cee (ies ’ at the nearshore grid boundary east of Oregon inlet agreed completely, indi- cating that this nearshore boundary was indeed far enough from the inlet. 55. Hurricane Donna also was simulated in the nearshore grid with the inlet closed. This test served to answer the question "What is the maximum radius of influence at which Oregon Inlet can affect a peak storm surge?" A comparison of nearshore computations with existing conditions with the closed inlet case illustrates the effects of closure. Plates 39 and 40 show the two cases for the sites in Figure 8. At the closed inlet the surge differences are, of course, large; but they diminish rapidly away from the opening. The difference is only 1 ft at the Roanoke Sound channel gage, a site 3 miles from the center of the inlet. Tigure 13 shows the peak surge contours around Oregon Inlet for the closed inlet and for natural conditions. The surge differences become nil near Rodanthe south of the inlet (13 miles), Manteo north of inlet (12 miles), and 10 miles west of the inlet. So, the closed- inlet computation with the nearshore model indicates that the maximum radius of influence cf the inlet is about 10 miles but changes of a foot or more only will occur within a radius of 4 miles from the inlet's center. For example, water elevations at the Pea Island Coast Guard Station and the Oregon Inlet Marina increased by 2.4 ft and 1.4 ft, respectively, under closed inlet con- ditions. Any ronradical changes to the inlet's hydrodynamics (such as jetties) will exert a minimal influence on peak surge levels, as the jetty computations of this study will show. Storm Surge Tests 56. All of the storm surge simulations with the jetties were computed in the nearshore model. Hurricane Donna was simulated with the 2,500- and 5,000-ft structures. The 5,000-ft structure changed the surge levels and peak velocities very little from the nearshore simulation with existing conditions at the inlet, while the 2,500-ft structure slightly raised the surges and velocities at the peak of Hurricane Donna. 57. Plate 41 shows the flcw patterns through Oregon Inlet at the peak (hour 22) of the high velocities that occurs nearest the north jetty, due to the presence of shallow water near the south structure. Plates 42 and 43 com- pare marigrams of the 2,500-ft structure to existing conditions for the sites of Figure 8 while Plates 44-47 compare the corresponding velocity records. The 37 (eansoT) [eXI0JI sNsiaa JaTutT Teinjeu) euuog aUueoTIINY 10} SAnoquod a8ins yeed paqyndwoos jo vosfieduoj “ET sin3Ty Wz bt O mt ™ 3NI13HOHS Twos SHNOLNOD 137NI TWHNLWN — — — SUNOLNOD 131NI G3S079 NVIIO DILNVILY — owas auvnousvoo §=—-« N33 GNvis! 3/008 65 GNNOS JNGNVOU S77 oS NNOS NWL oe ae GNNOS OOIWVd a a as —= —= = — =_— Pee *~.2 7 ag Ce ee ee 7a ee ES WNITOWVS / : HLYON — . VA ANIOd AdWNLS 38, Bie cae NU a a ina Psoanvewurt stceene ten largest change in the peak elevations occurs at the North Ocean Entrance, a site at the ends of the jetties. The constricting effects of the structure raise the peak surge avout 2 ft in the middle cf the inlet, while little difference is noted on the bay side of the opening. Velocities on the bay side are actualiv reduced by the jetties (i.e. Bonner Bridge) until the flood flow reaches the middle of the inlet. Figure 14 shows a comparison of eleva- tion contours around the inlet for the peak of the storm for this structural alternative. 58. Piate 48 shows the flow patterns at the inlet for the 5,600-ft structure. The shoal in the channel acts to move the rastest velocities near the two jetties. Plates 49 and 50 compare water elevations for this case with existing conditions, while Plates 51-54 compare velocities for the stcrm. The influence of the jetties on either the surge or the velocities is negligible, even in the channel. Figure 15 shows a comparison of computed surges at the peak of the storm, and clearly indicates that the effects of the 5,000-ft spacing jetties are limited to small variances within the inlet, and no impact on Pamlico Sound, as represented by the nearshore model. 59. A tabular comparison of computed peak surge results for Hurricane Donna at selected Outer Bank locations with the various inlet configurations is presented in Table 4. Results in this comparison also indicate no impact of the structures on peak surge levels within the Albemare/Pamlico Sound systems as recorded along the Outer Banks. Tidal Tests 60. Tidal simulations with the jetties were conducted with the near- shore and shore process models. A mean tide was simulated with the 2,500-, 3,500-, and 5,000-ft jetties. Structure effects at the inlet vicinity were evaluated with the shore process model, and effects at more distant locations along the Outer Banks were determined with the nearshore model. The jetty configurations were simulated with natura] bathymetry features including the offshore shoal and no specific dredging. In general, structure effects were limited to the immediate inlet vicinity with no changes observed at Outer Bank locations. 61. Plates 55-59 present comparisons of natural conditions versus the 2,500-ft jetty alternative for both nearshore and shore process models. Local 39 ATLANTIC OCEAN ] 4 S ff 7 a ji ye (| A | ——— NATURAL INLET a! / 2500-FT JETTIES Figure 14. Comparison of computed surg2 contours at peak of Hurricane Donna (natural inlet versus 2,500-ft jetty spacing) 40 ATLANTIC OCEAN —— = NATURAL INLET 5000-FT JETTIES Figure 15. Comparison of computed surge contours at peak of Hurricane Donna (natural inlet versus 5,000-ft jetty spacing) 4). variations of velocity and elevation were apparent in the inlet and within the jetties. The Pea Island Coast Guard Station experienced range reductions of 0.30 ft while the Davis Slcugh location experienced a lesser reduction of 0.10 ft. At stations along the Outer Banks such as Bodie Island Coast Guard Station, Nags Head or Rodanthe, amplitude variations were negligible or non- existent. Stations located farther within the Sound showed no variation. 62. Similar comparisons of natural conditions versus the 3,500-ft jetty are shown in Plates 60-64, while Plates 65-69 show the 5,000-ft jetty results. As anticipated, these larger jetty spacings produced smaller variances at the inlet proper, and no discernible changes in range along the outer banks or within the Sound. Plates 70-75 show jetty alignments and flow patterns in the nearshore model at periods of peak flow and ebb tidal flows. 42 PART VII: SHORE PROCESS MCDEL REQUIREMENTS 63. Concurrent with the numerical model efforts described in this re- port was a study of sediment transport under current and wave-induced current interactions at Oregon Inlet. The application of the WIFM code to the common computational grid used by both studies has been referred to as the shore process model in this report. WIFM was employed to provide elevation and velocity data at ])-min intervals for each celi in the computational grid to the sediment transport models. Suck data were required for the following; a mean, spring, and neap tide, a mean tide with 2,500, 3,500-, and 5,000-ft jetty spacings, and south jetty only; and for the March 1962 northeaster. 64. An M, constituent tide was again chosen as a boundary condition. The My amplitude was adjusted to represent the full tide values for mean, spring, and neap conditions as reported at Nags Head, North Carolina, by NOAA Tide Tables. Am»olitudes of 1.6 ft, 1.9 ft, and 1.3 ft were chosen for the mean, spring, and neap tides, respectively. Appropriate boundary conditions were developed for the nearshore medel to produce the proper tides and to provide connecting boundary conditions ror the shore process model. Marigrams at typical statioas from shore process model simulaticns under mean tide conditions are presented in Plates 76 and 77. Flow patterns at flood, slack after flood, and ebb portions of the mean tidal cycle at the inlet are shown in Plates 78-80. They indicate the model's ability to realistically produce the rather complicated horizcntal flow patterns through the inlet as affected by channelization and shoaling. Similar results for spring tides are pre- sented in Plates 81-85 while neap tide conditions appear in Piates 86-90. 65. The sediment transport studies alse required hydrodynamic informa- tion for the various structural configurations at the inlet. These alterna- tives were simulated using the mean tide condition. Simulations with the 2,500-, 3,500-, and 5,000-ft jetty spacings with the nearshore model were used to provide driving boundaries for equivalent cases on the shore process model. Marigrams showing typical shore process model results for these cases are presented in the plates describing structural effects. Flow patterns with the jetties in rlace for various portions of the tidal cycle appear in Plates 91l- 99. Flow redistribution around and through the jetties is clearly depicted as well as the Jecal acceleration near the offshore shoal. 66. A fourth structural alternative was simulated for the sediment 43 transport studies. This was a single structure consisting of the south jetty only from the 5,000-ft spacing alignment. A comparison of the 5,000-ft jetty effects and existing conditions (Plates 100 and 101) demonstrated that the driving boundary conditions from the nearshore model were unaffected by the jetties; therefore 2 nonstructural mean tide boundary condition from the nearshore model was applied to the shore process model. Marigrams from this simulation appear in Plates 102-104 with the fiow patterns presented in Plates 105-107. 67. For sediment transport studies under severe conditions, 24 hr of the March 1962 northeaster were simulated starting at 0600 (GMT) on 7 March. Marigrams at typical stations appear in Plates 108-110 with flow patterns near the peak of the stcrm at noon shown in Plate 111. The extreme flood flows at the inlet are auite apparent. As indicated in Plate 110, flc* through che inlet was unidirectional into the bay for the entire simulation period as observed during the actual ctorm. hh Raisin, Ririnui gy pi kt SS Ca al dar naa” eee ne RRND cre NT | PART VIII: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 68. Numerical hydrodynamic models were developed ana tested for the purposes of evaJuating the influence of proposed structures under storm con- ditions and providing elevation and velocity data for concurrent numerical sediment transport studies at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. Data collected for previous physical model studies were supplemented by additional data from NOAA and unpublished SAW letter reports for use in calibrating and verifying tne models under existing tidal conditions and for two severe storms of record--the March 1962 northeaster and Hurricane Donna (1960). Three nodels with progressively finer resolution (offshore. nearshore, and shore process) were successfully calibrated (relative to their respective degree of resolu- tion) to replicate an astronomical tidai event. Using a tuned hurricane windfield model for Donna and windfields developed by the Wave Information Study at WES for the March 1962 storm as forcing parameters, the models were able to duplicate observed marigrams throughout the model area. Observed bay- ocean head differentials also were modeled correctly, particularly the 20-hr plus flood event through Oregon Inlet during the peak of the March 1962 storm. 69, Two structural alternatives (involving parallel jetties with 2,500- and 5,000-ft-wide spacings) were studied under tidal and storm condi- tions. Structural effects were determined to be limited to the inlet under tidal conditions and to the immediate inlet vicinity under cixcumstances approximating Hurricane Doura. The maximum possible influence exerted by anv changes at the inlet was determined by simulaticns with the inlet completely closed (this was not actually a proposed improvement plen) under Hurricane Donna conditions. For this case, no change was noted beyond a 12-mile radial distance from the inlet. During Hurricane Donna, peak surge levels at the Pea Island Coast Guard Station and the Oregon Inlet Marina were increased by 2.4 ft and 1.4 ft, respectively, with total closure cf Oregon Inlet. These stations are in the immediate inlet vicinity (within a 1.2-mile radius). For the 2,500- and 5,000-ft spacings, peak surge level increases for the nearby sta- tions mentioned above were even smaller, with little or no differences noted at farther distances from the inlet. 70. Finally, simulations at very fine grid resolutions were made to provide hydiodynamic data for the sediment transport studies covering the normal range of tides with no jetties, for four structural alternatives with a mean tide, and for the historical March 1962 northeascter with no jetties. 45 REFERENCES Butler, H. Lee. "WIRM-WES Implicit Flooding Model: Theory and Program Documentation” (in preparation), U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, CE, Vicksburg, Miss. Corson, W. D., Resio, D. T., and Vincent, C. L. "Wave Information Studies of U. S. Coastlines; Surface Pressure Field Reconstruction for Wave Hindcasting Purposes," Report 1 (in preparation), U. S. 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"Meteorological Cri- teria for Standard Project Hurricane and Probable Maximum Hurricane Wind Fields, Gulf and East Coasts of the United States," National Weather Serivce, NOAA. 46 ek a wily. a el Sl a nila a ae van — ly ate i i SS tl Taylor, G. I. 1916. "Skin Friction of the Wind on the Earth's Surface," Proceedings of che Royal Society of London, A92, pp 196-199. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1962. '"'Tide Tables - 1962," U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. Cc. on . 1972. “Revised Standard Project Hurricane Criteria for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States,'' Hydrometeorological Branch, National Weather Service, NOAA. Vreugdenhil, C. B. 1973 (Nov). '"Secondary-Flow Computations," Publication No. 144, Delft Hydraulics Laboratory. The Netherlands. Weare, J. T. 1976 (May). "Instability in Tidal Flow Computational Schemes," Journal, Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 102, pp 569-580. 47 or eran’ Guasanseeianeieens llc RS yl dnt aN a lala Al lle ata Ni lS pt a new iiss ce th °SAM 38 SeTpngs ~Tepow Teozshyud 10j pareyjes ejep sajeotpul xy 97°97 €7°0O 62 G s0°€E SL 18° L7SE yUUPARW YoTUT uosasg9 Ov €€Z ES°0 62 v7 SEE LSL 17°97 0SF yTeuUtYy) JeTU] u0se10 TE*E97Z 8T°0 62 € 10°SE,SL 16°L7,S€ yTauuey) punog axourcy 67°14 TE“ 62 07 16°9E0SE 1S°97 SE x T2@uUeY) @SNOH PTO 91° 62% S70 67 € Aa Sy 16°99, St xY8N0TS sTzArG 0S°61Z €S°O 62 4 10°€£ SL 18°S7 SE ¥6# WIOFIETY TAAe] £5°612 8S°O 62 Z 19° TE SSL 17°SY SE ~PueTS] Bad 6£°9T7 8L°0 62 7 19° TE SSL 11°99 SE 4U0}IBIS PlenH 3seogQ puPTS] Pad OS‘ H1Z 68 °0 62 v7 1E°ZE6SL 17°97 SE ¥23pTig Jaui0g Ly°11Z 6S °T 99€ I 1°85 54 19°05 ,,9€ yoeag eruy3azA TCL RISE COE ie 10'S! SL 16°OT,9€ (@pFsuees9) Jetd 4nd 87 *€0Z B71 6Z T 55 SE_SL 19° 9S SE ¥(Je}d sajyqeuuer) peay s3en 07°402 nye 6Z T iT'8€,S/ 42560, Se (4Jetd BuyYsTy) sei1ej3eH ede T8*L6I 8L°T 62 T L°Z99L 19° TY VE yoeag oFIueTIy Scope Stee B SAe@ » aseTazoS apnayIel “M apnapIel N ——puren ode yoodg “y = apnattduy “mj = yaa =— Jo “ON SoTAIS sjskyTeuy o;uowiey worzy ejeq epTy, edéQ0}01g Jo AreuuMs T eTqPL ce ce Seyje1i Sia nis enlin i Sa: u‘tu *sputmM wnuTxeW 02 sntpey SiS 0z ot 02 OS 02 9T- 02 STS ST Gis SE 66x Oi VS OT Vil ST 9 0c 5 0c Sd GT €7 ST Tisep ~ Bop. aTZuy aTsuy yqanutzy MOT IU EL ZL T6 syouy “puTM unwyxXey °3H UT Qh°T = 3POFJeqd eAnsseig Te1qUa) aOLEL 99 £7 0000 0961 2equaadas ET oo te 09 TY 00TZ 096T Jequeades 77 ale OOF 008T 096T tequaadas 71 ee ve 98 BE oosT 0961 tequaadas 71 6G65E of Le 00zT 096T tequeadas ZT 96 SL ai °9e 0060 096T 2equaades Zi 50 Gt ot SE 0090 096T 29qua3des ZT ge EL BE HE 00c0 0961 2equeadas ZT oe 82 at && 0000 0961 tequeadas 7T AY al ck 00Tz 096T 2equeadas TT of 08 Et TE 008T 0S6T t8quaades TT 98 08 6506 Oost 0961 2equeades TT 90°18 98 62 00zT 096T t8quazdes TT apnapsucT = apnatseyT = IND “OWTL a7eq ep ‘UuoTITSOg WA0}S Buuog SUuPITAINY AOJ SAajoueieg Yas jo Areuums @ eTqIeL pret 8 ii ight n i ash on nln atin minal ll ee iol nial tn amaaaeians ad aq Ptnom squawjsnfpe wunqep sy -jj30 ay uP paquasaidai aq Jou ptnos syaeg JuowveTd e8e) WaImM pue eed £ of4PL ‘eqep addjojoid s,a378 e& WorJZ paqoe1qqns *pyaZ sioysieau ay} apzsanod STTe}J Yyoesg @TTTASIYysTiMm pue ‘suofTjemfXoidde suyzTetoys 02 Inp pz1B aioys BRang wi0yg adXj0301g 30 Axewuns ot oT TT ref SUOFIEOFJ FAVA A0W Saqts Xx X X 38 TO"T X x x xX Xx T6°0 X xX x x xX z8°0O xX x xX xX xX xX x 1 | xX c8°0 xX xX xX xX X x x 99°0 x xX xX x x x 90°0 xX xX x x x x x £9°O x T7°O x x x x X xX xX Tet x zO'T x x xX x xX x x 98°0O xX T9°0 x X x x xX xX K 8e‘T x Té0 X xX X » 4 x xX X i Saal & x 78°0 x xX xX xX xX 67°O x xX xX xX X x xX x 67°O x xX xX 8T°o x yeaeg 7ade9 ~ yadeg ~ Eadeg “pra EPFAD WF peuuod 33... +. 8c96L SOYSIvAaN pue aIOYS}jJO pue sAOYSIeaN pue s1SYSTJO pue B.24ysteaN Bi10YSZjO euuog 10J zoj e3eqd = 796T YOIeW yoaey vdk3030I1g adhyo 401g adXkj0 301g uz 23e) uy a3e9 aqeuyiasg adkj0301g AOj ajeUTISyA loj e3eg Buuog euuog Z96T. YoaeW 961 4YOIen a3tys unjed ayTys unjeq adij0j01g ‘aq;S ay. ye 28e3 e sufequod pyiB e Jey JO aTqeTPFeAe oie eJep adAjoJoI’d yey W Sa ed;puy X UY :3I0N toqiey yuzod Aazo yseqeztTa asptig punos eTiaeweq{iy eTqunto) peo s3en ayaepoy jqufog Adwnjs 821923°H paeyey3uq quzog Az12y49 yoreg J IOSauLUTW qTequetI1oO staeg yoeag DTIuUPTIV yoreag OTTFASIYsTIM uoF eso] ese) Ere A its tic ical th h dil ie ys okt le phlei inl ~_ ’ Table 4 Comparison of Hurricane Donna Peak Suse Levels Along Outer Banks Distance from 2,500-ft 5,000-ft Oregon Inlet, Jetty Jetty _ Location (Sound Side) miles _—s—s—« Existing Closed Spacing Spacing Bodie Island: Oregon Inlet Marina abe 7.8 9.2 8.1 7.8 Bodie Island 3.0 Thee) 8.8 8.1 7.9 Lighthouse Headquarters Island 8.5 6.1 6.4 6.2 6.1 Sound Side (Nags Head) 13.25 6.6 6.8 6.7 6.6 Pea-Hatteras Island: U. S. Coast Guard i.0 Coy) 38.9 Hal! 6.5 Station Goose Island 4.5 8.4 8.9 8.5 8.4 U. S. Fish & Wildlife 7.6 8:2 8.4 8.2 8.1 Service Headquarters Rodanthe 13.6 7.8 7.8 As8 7.8 ELE TC 4 OE SSON GS eS Oe i carats Pa iain ore STN PRESTON onl A a cl SN las Ulta i cl pate 24 a ~ y a AS o w ar o .5 zs 38 i ee aa pis : ees] lee el v v mr eo -£8lalo oe pats ae ee Www Sea s Pa Bo ee eee ‘ oO 83 frre oH S as 4 Hl br . 8s o© . a w 55 S fae = Pay, yas Vifsks 2 =o oo = z= ; 33 ed us ie wo a s #8 & & oo oo x - oo | - Ww wv hed ¢ 4 we i“ ee ee ae) Aa 2 ro) 4 eu wu au es] te] = ~ a3 a3 =e “oS | we See a eee -“ i") “ Tr w Ww ¢ o wu ~~ @ a by te us Ly wm hig oo ww - @ i t) 4 1 4 ney WeWotEROZ ur ZE>AQ WIWItTHMOZ ur ZUA li ® 2 a a : eve ae ® 2 ow ° BS = el = | fo) ae FL = 7 . ge ae ws eo ive te m: a5 be wea v Sie v oO aw @ a re) ge ww | ees TSO tette ae - pa Gras wu 2 a le OEE v Q ee *. BCCorTs * an g ww Bz ees ze = ails : 8 er a Ww = in = gr e = mg eo am a 29; w 22 fl eee eee ¥ wo i » BSC | | Peery TT i.eo o esl eG ree | 2 aq we et ps i JP = eh $¢ Bie DA WeIWOTeEMOL br FODQ PLATE 1 —_ SUNOH “SWIL 68 2e 09 Br 9E Lx4 Ele + He AMAA = a8) = coe GSE (Q3L91038d> L31NI 31090420 83NI1 G3HS¥G (1300U) LZIINI 3NGIVYDIO 13NI7 GI10S SYNOH °FwWIL | | ‘ale IVIL it Ly, Tne WIM TU TY TV VT ia saaeRReRRSES PETERS RESANESeEEe @4aLIIG3Ud) JGISNWIIO - LHOIT HOWVIG WONLTNYN 23NI7 G3IHSvd (1300) JGISNY390 - LHOIT HOW3d WINATBYND 13NI1 QI10S v8 ek e9 8p 9€ ve 2s ® BERBER EEN EER HL ro wn WeWoOdremMOF ure FTOSA WHIWICEHMOZT br CODA SNOILOIGIYd 3IWGVL-3GIL SA 1TACOW 3YOHSAIO *30IL C96T HOYNVW SUNOH “3WIL @2t Bet 96 8 22 09 8 9€ v2 et BeBe SERERUGSeeeeenal Bae EEE EEE yee] DER EEE Ress SAnee ase i TATA TATA TATA NT i) AWAWAMIANIANVIIVNIETAYEA ay DOL ARRATHRTan nthe A UM TY A We REE RER BSE BRE SEaass ISTO Fs as apa BRERRESR ESSERE (G3L91038d) LIINI SUYZLLUH 8 3NIT G3HSed (1300) LFINI SYUUILLYH 83NI1 01105 W@iWIEtmMOF &F E£OSQ SUNOH °3WIL Se WIWIErFHWOF UKE FODA HT ‘ia (G3L91038d) JGISNY3IOO - MOVIE VINIOYIA s3NI1 C3HSYG (1300N) 3OISNY300 - HOVIE VINIDYIN #83NI7 CI10S ve E- d- PLATE 2 co Daa dai ait) (0 ES es ~ Ls MBean es =_—— TIRE, HOURS TIME, HOURS MARCH 1962 TIDE: OFFSHORE MODEL VS TIDE-TABLE PREDICTIONS OREGON INLET (MODEL) ALBEAARLE SOUND BRIDGE - BAYSIDE (MODEL) —rEs| ieee ae al nw mm vw -= @ q 1 4 0 6 DASHED LINE? OREGON iNLET (PREDICTED) SOLID LINE: TIRE, HOURS OREGON INLET - BAYSIDE (MODEL? DASHED LINE! OREGON INLET (PREDICTED) | v Peer, fat gee rrr 2 =| Le ares Go i as sp »ernannmnwne rt POT WetWIdErHWOF &e FTOUDN WIWIEEHMOZT ut ZOSAQ PLATE 3 CAPE LOOKOUT - OCEANSIDE (MODEL) TIRE, HOURS CAPE HENRY - OCEANSIDE (MODEL) NES CAPE HENRY - OCEANSIDE (PREDICTED) Pal ti ahaa Se “7 o fF w ” ~u = ® i] 7 ' ‘ * w v oa ~u “ @ ‘ t) e t) a WeWOdesOF bre FTSEDQ WeWOErROF whe FOSSA DASHED LINES CAPE LOOKOUT ~ OCEANSIDE (PREDICTED) SOLID LINE: ™ a Bd © m = a 2 ~ e cal ok fs 2 ee) fe ae 3 «Be ‘ = ie ee ow ra s aa ~ ve oy oe OY) aon wn aa 2 2% to 22 S30 88 = ra z Ww oo 38 we ow w w -~ £ 2 - ta ~- éé La tat tod ea aes aa ~ 5 ~u ww v - naire $F ts ws ce ee a 88 o $8 = - ry es wt Zen wo y2 o sao oad = a? - Qu n = 3% 33 aa ga e e - oO Om FT W vw ) v ” ~ = e ‘ 1) 1) t) ‘ we v ta} wu = tr e ) WHIWOErHMOF &we& FOUDQ WeWOEEMOE uw EFEGQSDQ PLATE 4 TINE, HCURS OFFSHORE MODEL VS TIDE-TABLE PREDICTIONS TIRE, HOURS SEPTEMBER 196@ TIDE: > OCEANSIDE (PREDICTED ~ us a Q i~ ~ Ww a = 3 3 iS, e) ' - FO. ee aim Ps x 3s oF ao a od cs 3 ao 3 ga we x xx oo e Fe . ad w ww w ww £ a £ aa ~ za 0 e é wu oo ww BS) wx (Es $3 ae za ae Ss cc ax oo ovo ao - = ~ Ww ~ wz yz ze L ond re) Sted aA PS id = ~~ ~ aN an o¢ oc wna na wu 7 F w nr A My = @ t a 0 4 } w v m ~ = e i] a t t) a YWIWOterrOt we TODA WIWDITrRRKOEF br FBWIDQ SEPTEMBER 19140 TIDE: OFFSHORE MODEL VS TIDE-TABLE PREDICTIONS = a a5 ar we ir) oa ga ~~ au a a om ae ” $3 38 ~ ww we 2 8S g oo oa F} a: g &: ws ats =z e YY a2 2 Go ¢ z< £ = = ~ z a an - 7) = SS a Zz & oe So a4 aa = o- son and 22> $$ = w = #F £5 04 od 3 aoe ‘aia a = # S an ay oa wa 8 =a © ff F w o f+ fF 8 = @ 0) 0 ) t) 6 » + © @® «= @ ni ° ay * WIWIErHOF uke FODQ WwIWIEFROF te FOSSA rT | a WD vv =a wu a ray w F=) [o) es 2 pos a rm = — at in w ee ae Q a me aw ° w" o Pa = RG zw ww s a “ a He # ‘ 2 Q x3 = w é 23 aT Ss bec aS a a zz on m jes = ox a Ee oo 4 a ow wz (=) 32 = ae =3 o oc > Wa a H wwernrnno tr TF 1 . » rm My = @ 1 ' ' a WeW>dFHOr Ur LODQ WeWreH WOT ue TODA o ° a 5 & £) (-} [e4 a “ oO =x Lp) s . Ne Py O re = ss Sbbe ! vv : a aoe : f us = = a oe = ee ee § on nm ~ oo za be r=} Fr} -3s® aa x % cme Ce) i~ . z i ame.) 4 “ ¥ = Lia us Wy = = 7=z . 3 a or z = & fe = = ~ aa oo 4 a Ee - Qa ae a oS ze & o W aie aie 2 iF a Oe) orn) = a e -~- we oF w Od a oe ee orm me we @ 6 F FH 8 WaWw>eexOE ue EZUQ WIW>ee~OZ uk EVDQ ee PLATE 6 3dALOLONd SN JTIL NYIGW S26 SuNOW ° INTs — CIdALOLOUd) IGISNVIIO-B3Id NING &INIT GI4S¥G (V3200M) IEISNYTIG-BIIA WING SUNOH °3RIL (1300W) BIld OMIHSIS SYBIL B2dvd 83N33 G110S *3NIt d110s v aIWIEer—SCE te BCUDQ WYIWotewOF bre FODQ t1300W JYOHSYYIN LAINI NOD3N0 Sanon °3uls ae LEY DS eae Pa 2 €36AL0308d) JOISNYIIO-GYIH SOUN 8357 C32MS 41300W) JIGISNYIIO-GV3IH SOWW 83NTT 41108 SUNOW °3WUTs €3dALOL0Nd) HIVE QLANYTLY 83NI1 G3HSUG C1300) HIVIE ITANYTLY F3NI7T GI10S WeXiWOEEMOE uke EODQ WHiwoEermMOF uke FTVDZQ PLATE 7 in aii Le en 3dALOLONd SH JGIL NYIW S26T 8$1300W AYOHSYYVAN AZINI NOD3YO SUNOW “BWI4 SUNOW “Burs S» vb» @ s€ 28€ 82 8 @2 O98 2 8 o ® esas See ee Se oto fi (A) 8 *f- 9 : AAA: : Fax [Sees (Bias Seis eis W f \ k "@N 0 0 1 1 L $° 4 ¥ t ‘ f 3 oe) 3 } a°t 8 CIPALOLONd) BOISAVE-OHYIS!S Y3d 83NT1 GIHS¥G (0L0%d) JOLSAVE-NOTLYLS GYYND ASWOD GNVISIT WId 83NI1 G3IHSUE (1300, 3QISAVE- GNYISE ¥3d 83NI2 GI16S (1300) JOISAVE-NOILYLS GUYND 1S¥09 GNYVISI W3d 83NIT G310S SUNOH “3BwId SUNOW “IIs er tt o> OO 9€ 2€ B82 v2 02 9 2 8 v e “3 Fe fea] Pete Palle T in} i) *t- 9 Fea ics a fees Fe EE RSrEe : y Ik | N “OW ) 0 i I so 4 sou ¥ v f\ i) “4 33 3 j 2 s°t ao Ww *e ‘2 e CIPALOLOUd) JOUINE BINMOG INIT G3INS¥G (3dAL0L00d) HOVIE YINISHIN #3NI1 G3HS¥G < (13d0M) 39GLe2 BINNOG 83NT7 G110S (7300W) HIGIE VINIOSIN +%3NI1 QI10S ne 3IdALOLOYNd SN 3GIL NYSW S26T 21300KW JYOHSYY3N LIINI NOOSYO SUNOH °3uTL SUNOM °3WIL { PLATE 9 WHYIWIErRMOF uot FYVDQ mn wWwHWOEeEMOF ws “(3eAk0L08d) TINNYHD ISNOH G10 13NI7 G3KSvA (1300m) T3NNYHD GNNOS 3xXONYOU #83NTT O1105 (13@0W) TINNYHD 3SNOH GIO &3NIT Gf10S SUNCK “3uls SUNOW °IWIL a> b> @» 9€ 2€ B82 ve O02 Sti e2t 8 » t ) 8> b> Oh 9€ 2€ B82 v2 02 JF et 8 Y @ - S°t- qa q ry ny 9 "3-9 N N db 3-4 3 4d N “@ hk | c tY) ei NAS : i soa (aoa ies 7 At i 53! 1 3 | z s*t Rs (3dAL0L0Ud) HONOIS SINWA 83NI1 G3HSbC CIAALOLONd) 68 WHOILW1d 13931 6 3NI1 GIHSYO (1300W) WINOIS SIAWG 13NT7 G110S (7300) 68 WSOsLYId 13N3F = t3NI7 GI10S OREGCH INLET AARINA (MODEL) DASHED LINE? OREGO: INLET AARINA (PROTOTYPE) - ws =z ~ a Q ~ ~ So m OREGON INLET CHANNEL (MODEL) DASHED LINE! OREGON INLET CHANNEL (PROTOTYPE) SOLID LINE! ° ~ - - . @® ° w ° w ° ° -“ 9 4 WIWOEeEMOL Lr EVD TIME, HOURS TIME, HOURS CREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODEL: 1975 MEAN TIDE VS PROTOTYPE PLATE 10 Nl ka AL AO ei lA i haa ORIENTAL - BAYSIDE (RODEL) ORIENTAL - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) eo wo 4 iced @ ‘ URIGHTSVILLE BEACH - OCEANSIDE (PROTOTYPE) SOLID LINE! DASHED LINE’ Psbel s ow + 6 ® 4 WHIWOErHMOF bE LYS SOLID LINES ORIENT z DASHED LINE! 10 LA Ba HG PRB ERE SE = HHH HH URIGHTSUILLE BEACH - OCEANSIDE (MOPEL) ie a ona 20 DP Leu ill lal A TIME, HOURS TIME, KOURS CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (MODEL) SOLID LINE! AINHESOTT BEACH - BAYSIDE (RODEL) SOLID LINE? DASHED LINES RIMMESOTT BEACH - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYP! DASHED LINE? CHERRY FOINT - BAYSIDE (FROTOTYPE ) eowae tT YT 2 WIWIErFMOE hE EGFQ TIME, HOURS OFFSHORE MODEL US PROTOTYPE DATA TIME, HOURS MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER: ENGLUCHARD - BAYSIDE (MODEL) ENGLEHARD - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE ime ar) a eee sca @ be v wo --) s -” o w v wu @ i) 6 t ) ' SOLID LINE? DASHED LINE! HATTERAS - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE HATTERAS - BAYSIDE (MODEL) Ww < - Ww wz i) Ze = Zo wu aQw 4 “ aw oa na @ @ uo Ff -“ - o© © FT VY @ f) i] ay ba TIRE, HOURS TIRE, HOURS ial lee fa oo es EN aia ee as es ae TIME, HOURS RODANTHE - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) RODANTHE - BAYSIDE (AODEL) SOLID LINE? DASHED LINES mo ¢ mw @ F t+ F 6 4 60 120 TIME, HOURS MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER: OFFSHORE MODEL US PROTOTYPE DATA STURPY POINT - BAYSIDE (MODEL) STUNPY POINT - BAYSIDE (PROTO SOLID LINES DASHED LINE? 1 @ @ v ea wv -_ eso rf %& @ i 4 * WIWIOEFHOE 4 FODQ | enieniaeenil | : ae ze : z 2 3 a 2 © aS ri Fa Se pats 3 Pe © ze oa a a Sa [| bs 2 4 El sd 2% een eee ay fee teal a i AR Ee 2 44 Tl Ca, a TW = One ele ates Tee ro WIWOEeEMOZT uk TZOdQ Lo ) ae iép) le ie oS TIME, HOURS TIME, HOURS MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER:?: NAGS HEAD - OCEANSIDE (ESTIMATED) NAGS HEAD - OCEANSIDE (MODEL) COLUNBIA - BAYSIDE (HODEL) COLUMFIA = BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) i fF Wid Aa i [eed ae PERG ge poe NN \ Bie aes ae je SOLID LINE! DASHED LINES SOLID LINE! DASHED LINE! WYHIWIErMOF we LODdQ a Na 1 RR TIME, HOURS TIME, HOURS OFFSHORE MODEL US PROTOTYPE BATA CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (NODEL) CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (PROTOTY)F.) ENGLEHARD - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) ENGLEHARD - BAYSIDE (MODEL) eo - ow oo wz ye ze ~ 4 od Lapel Ce) a a Qa aw oy wt ~ aN awn oc oc na na e@ oe e uu + © @O aw © uo + © Oo aw “~ @ o Tr ~w e , ‘ 1 1 v ~ o o vr ww @e ‘ 1 ‘ i] ‘ WIWDTEHROT LF FZUQ WIWODTEHOT ut ZODA (i) a fe : : @ ~ 4 ° w a mle ~ > e ae i) = cy) wo a st PSN He ~ So a ea so « w - za aa w z an wa ae - Qn b Ds oOo wz ~ m= co =u Pees a> Q >« wo wo ¢ «qm a oo — ie ee oa eo S cae ca eit ieee , ' x = } - a ar wo wo Qa aa oa oa gre gw nog = w Ww wa wa Qee Qn rma) mw ae $e >a cm ce a nr ‘ ree ' ry = ad qe ca Lot) ia be me We | od 5S te “9 giz ow = o SOLIL, LINE? DASHED Lin€? OFFSHORE MODEL VS PROTOTYPE DATA e e u wv o ew “4 @ u fF o o- aad oo wo wv ol 2 ‘ '‘ ' ‘ ' =- ao ao os wu @ ' ' ‘ ' ’ WHIWOoTeEMOF ur FODA WrIWIErHMOFT 4 FODA a a ba] ” 2 e@ Lae) ~ ~ wu ~ SOLID LINE’ DASHED LINES = = & wo > a9 FS SS Vv pee - aS a 32 ees Se ae z oa Qa mae ex oa | - w a =~ SS 1 a (=) ae a) (=) an w o> € a Va g zs eee 4 i Sip a" z zg { =e ’ s wo \ 2 — in oo A w wo = “2 # 6 “ ~ ze py : = zs & WA - o& 2° A) ar ~ be] = mS y can) So wx zo x x= 25 ws 2& o $ e - “wu (| wz 7 wz - | V : oie ~ af ag at bd = f ay AoW =) oa oa Bs e : e e e ow - wo @ -~oo rumor Y FP FF ~ e~6 <0 -e +, 28 WiWOLh MOF YF LTUSA WeWIDeRRKOF be FTIDQ | PLATE 15 ALBEMAFLE SOUND BRIDGE - BAYSIDE (MODEL) ALBEMARLE SOUND BRIDGE - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE SOLID LINE: DASHED LINE? Gee aRRAe BESe | ELIZABETH CITY - BAYSIDE (MODEL) ELIZABETH CITY - BAYSIDE (PROYOTYPE) SOLID LINE: DASHED LINE? @ ~ - ®2eoeo rt Y @ f) ‘ WAWOEeEOF bre ZOIAN PLATE 16 ~ r @ wo Tr ~u @ t t ' ‘ ‘ is 18 at 24 e7? 30 33 TIRE, HOURS ie TIRE, HOLRS OFFSHORE MODEL VS PROTOTYPE DATA HURRICANE DONA’ eee BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) i - BAYSIDE (MODEL) CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE ORIENTAL - CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (HODEL) ORTENT DASHED LINE’ SOLID LINE’ DASHED LINE? SOLID LINE’ e [o) = >) a a nn > i! tu i=] (2) =e uJ ar fo) x= VN ao Ee MOF be FIDAQ PLATE 17 Pian a a een a ee YVLYUT AdALOLOGd SNA TAGOW AYOKSYYSN 2SYILSVZHLYCN C96T HOY SHNOH “3WIL 4004 “3uTs 8b ge ve et Bet 80; 96 08 ae @23 8> 9€ ve ca} ® q a i) A 3 9 4 N 4 a 4 4 N N 0 () I I ae a v v fy fi 2 3 | 4 1! 3 3 C3dALOLOUd) BOISAYE - BHANYION 23NI1 G3HS¥0 (3dALOLONd) FOISAVE - ANIOd AdMNLS 13NX2 C3HSUO (13004) 3GISAVE - BHINYCOM 13NI1 93105 (1300s BQISAVE - ANIOd AdWNLS %3NIT GI10S SUNOH “3WIL SUNOH “SWIL a qd n n 9 t-) Ly Ww L a| r = N °| QO ° I I ay 4 ) v ; 5 3 7 3 3} UBLL0H (3dAL0L08d) 30ISAVG - AUVHSIIONI #83NI7 G3HSva (1300U) 30ISAVE - SHYSLLYH 13NI7 0110S (1300W) 30ISAV@ - GYYH3SIONI '3NI7 GI10S PLATE 12 BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE TIRE, HOURS PROTOTYPE DATA r Pd w Qa ° .~ ws a me Wy > « a i] x co} a in¢ x = i z = °o a POINT HARBOR - SOLID LINES DASHED LINES @ - L-) oO v A} 2 t ’ ‘ NEARSHORE MODEL VS (ESTIMATED) - OCEANSIDE i i 7 TIRE, HOURS TIME, HOURS MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER: 35 HEAD COLUMBIA - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) NACS HEAD - OCEANSIDE (RODEL) COLURBIA - BAYSIDE (MODEL) a ee e he & ol ve ‘ = ~ mt od od cod ) aa wu a oie ~ aw wo Xr aw an ca os Wo HA @ 2 ou " e s @ eo ff © @w = eo «o w ay @ 4) ‘ ‘ i] “~ eo «2 7 ~ @ 4 ‘ t ) ‘ wIWIT+- MOF be FTOTG HIWOErMOZT we FTEDQ PLATE 19 936749 °OS S1WNOd —_—-8391¥9S H1SNIT YOL9TA °@9 :WNOH °S$31119073N ILA BIASYSAHAVON BES HIBYM 113900W JYOHSUYIN ATITNS NO9ZBO SB oXk¥uW = ~= —> -e-e~— —~s~c~e~e~e a ~e-~e~e ae “ea “Pe OS ~ ~ ~ ~~ \ \ ; > —s —_ ~~ ~— eee er eee me “Se ~e - —- ee eee “ee Me OM ~. —_ —_ — ~ ee — -_ Sd ~ —- ~_ Do OOO en ~ ~~ eee “OO ~ ~—_ _ — ~ ~~ - OO ee ese OO <_ < —_ —_ ~ —- ~ - OOO nem en RRQ ~~ = ~ - _ <- ~—_ —_ ~=- Rices arse NNN VAS = _ = _ = ~ > -> - Tite eee ante ‘9 4 e => =-> =_ -> _- _ = ~ SE ee NS Na vsiee = = = < = ° = Dalian es N/A (areas Gena’ S | hums l ee = x N. — 0 | a So ~= ~e aad = \ ~~ “ oe = \ = “e —_ = Veet, ~ at a a sere if Se Os a 2 Saeahera Re oe Pectaee el ea eae SA ‘ ~ . % €9 NI de 2€ eNIWN ~=_ - ~ ~ pie = — ~ ee Oe eee Se Me OU“ ~e ~ _ _ 1 ( ATE 20 | | : PI 738 78 73 73 68 os eo s8 63 TIRE, HOURS TIME, HOURS 43 LEVEL PLATFORA «3 ‘MODEL) ea @ wu “ =o © A i] e@ t) ) ' ‘ ‘ =” L-) wo vv by @ 4 i) ' ' UsWoOTrRCL 4&re LOD>AQ WwIWOEreHOoOt ke TODA THT. OAT oe ORT 63 58 58 TIPE, HOURS Hi @ e 7 -~e orne VY ¥ % Wed TeRHOR uh ZOE ren 53 $3 TIME, HOURS 48 43 a ee OLD HOUSE CHANNEL ‘AODEL) 2 4 6 8 73 78 : 33 38 4 6 8 72. «78 839 OREGON TiiLET NEARSHORE MODEL: MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER ROANOKE SOUND CHANNEL (MODEL) DAVIS SLOUGH (MODEL) 33 WHWOIErmMOF we FOSQ —— PLATE 21 OREGON INLET MID CHANNEL (MODEL) ~ BONNER BRIDGE (MODEL) - wu vv o o ¢ uy ®@ ) ‘ ' ‘ WeWoOEteeMOST Le LZo>n uu v o @ ao «2 v ~ @ ‘ } ) ‘ WYIWIOTeHOoOr be EFODQ PLATE 22 48 $3 $8 63 68 TIME, HOURS 43 yn a 2 ° =z TIME, OREGON INLET NORTH OCEANSIDE APPROACH (MODEL) OREGON INLET NORTH OCEAN ENTRANCE (MODEL) wu - oo +r VY @ ‘ 63 68 73 78 5358 TIME, HOURS OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODELS 48 43 hel ea TE AUHHESE @ ~ 4 oe @ - @ oe 4 ww e a 4 4 4 WYIWITHHMOF br TODQ HOURS MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER TINE, ST Se TELE te HOURS $3 TIME, 48 MARCH 1962 HORTHEASTER (MODEL) ~~ i] z z z te) x v ce) w S$ r) fs) 4 a” r= ~ ° a i) o @ 2 ta) @ 0 oo o 72 © + Y @ o u @ fr] = -“ i) ~ ” « - “= ao wo vv wu eo -” ~” wo @ ' ' ‘ DetoCort> EEEUT>+ DAW UAH Owomwwn wroer Locesr oo 6 53 sa 63 68 73 TIME, HOURS 48 OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODEL: 43 ROANOKE SOUND CHANNEL (MODEL) 38 2PwWHIDOxt- > eeeeoesan baw HOURS TIME, MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER LEVEL PLATFORM 3S (MODEL) 78 BRR MER Eas Sea 73 63 58 URS TINE, HOURS OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODEL? $3 TIME, i ah = ra bes WN tae .-) e ) @ @ e u ) a o u eo wo “ “ =~ =o ~ - 2 © Ff 4 @ ~ ~~ o @ ‘ ‘ ' SwWwHOOHKe-> FTIOZerDeaw wan AwWOatwwH uweok ZOeer 2 Te) A rr a a oO v z£ - x o “ 2 LHEOTZT—&— DOW wan eQwoeegwwh weoe TOGeT PLATE 24 or HH EER $8 TINE, HOURS 48 MARCH 1962 NORTHEASTER $3 43 leche OREGON INLET MID CHANNEL (MODEL) 33 o @ e “ @ @ e wu ao @ o o vv i) @ oo ~u @ wo -“ -“~ wu ~ -“ - wo @ ) ) ty AQWUEWWH LeFOLf ZOmest OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODEL? @ Ww a 2 > o So x = . e wW w (J £& a ~ ~ - = - rm a ° = A ine ~ ‘ab cc) a oo a a a a z al z 2 @ @ @ 2 S e@ BiB 28 “ oo oe @ ) i ’ PWHIOUM+- > Casco scar van OWOeWwWH LOK LOKner PLATE 25 | Ww a So £ x Oo S : 20 o a 2 < Ln 2 | W Ww 3) Ne x wo e gc z a w o a = tS fo) = z 4 ) STEN ” ia) r v Oo ~ [e,) =z ~« = = me » w o oO a [ea ° elie m x am ul eo r) =e ra] e e e u o oo 7 ow + YM 8 o 0 e@ o =“ = u ~ - « eT « J wo . a ~u @ “= - o J ' ' f) oo ZT aewOOMrE> ECOZTHEDQU LAN QWSOEWWH LAOL ZOKeT a = a ~ 1 a (2) =e o ec 6 uJ a (2) ) = 3 © Ww oO [eg ~ x a a 2 ow = o z= w ry = oOo Ww 2 z o a w 2 ul g a 3 ae rs z z z Pa) w . w a ? |" = i] = a = ez wi - oO o < Oo z os 4 J = 7 [eg E we = . ee mm re, ws ” v — vT z ~ z 7 Ge ied) ea © Sy oO Oo Z 8 SS a ore oD ORD GD | ba _ ° % S ooo wo + YW @ & & 8 © “ = ~u ~ ~ ”~ - = e 7.) 4 oO @ cy - @ D) ‘ () PWwHXOOrr> ECCYUTH*+DOW UA AQweotwwh wG@Ook FOagert PLATE 26 msec ES a SRD TIRE, HOURS MINNESOTT BEACH - BAYSIDE (MODEL) MINNESOTT BEACH - BAYSIDE (PROTOTY SOLID LINE’ DASHED LINES ae © Ff GS ® #TLANTIC BEACH - OCEANSIDE (MODEL) ATLANTIC BEACH - OCEANSIDE (PROTOTYPE ) SOLID LINES DASHED LINE’ WIWOEEHMOF ue EBWDAQ Peleoh ie BECERESHCE 90° 2& wo se —. : ZS es Le 7 ge wd C | oo a a= 2 2b = 2 BPcSsage : ss =” | ww ‘ = £ ' = Q - aa = az be Forties! ae zw sd w ¥e ry = = od - a a Ce a: a? oa “ea ® @ ow o @e@ = - eo © bf wu tL ) f) t ‘ 1 t BSN NEeSes PGE ye\els eal CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) HURRICANE DONNA: NEARSHORE MODEL VS PROTOTYPE CHERRY POINT - BAYSIDE (AODEL) SOLID LINE: DASHED LINES wIWOErMOF &ke FODQ PLATE 27 (MODEL) BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) i a _ yn = < a STUMPY POINT STUMPY FOINT - SOLID LINEs DASHED LINE? e iY] Sad o eo v i} @ i) ’ i) ' 33 30 e7? 18 21 24 TIME, HOURS 1S HATTERAS - BAYSIDE (PROTOTYPE) le HATTERAS - BAYSIDE (MODEL) SOLID LINE! DASHED LINE! ® - @© © FT FS @ ' ‘ ' ‘ WHIWOEeEHOXLY Ue FOUDQ a > - =o ar wo aa es = eed we se remy = = a> zs r “ ' =~ W ' S ~ © ze x a -e e5 o ge = ° : S ~- Ww Qa we se [@p) 23 > ee err rs] aa uJ rs [=) : 2 ° SE cave stpi sen Merona Au zine Maes oat = lJ a fo) = to) OZ — eee BRBBSWNH BOS ~N ~N nS SS Sy oes } — -_ = = eee BANANAMAN NOS “XN SS ~~ ~ = oe. feats j i = = on ~ ee RRR SSS hee ASS ~ — — ace Seas) es | ‘ <- = = — RSS SSS SS ~N ON ~ ce oe — Sr | | eres = Pa ~ - aS ENS SAAS SS ~ANWN BW — — — a —~_ oo oo te — 7s =< tere N VHAANR NW na ~— — ~ — ~~ oo oe | oe as ae ae aS aN \ \ QYoe = —_ = — — — roan oe < => a cee Pat Sins a { Yok = = - — = — ~~ = - => - eee p =\\ o® a oe 2’ = o a = => =~ > =e = eigenen eas Sib ing « im = A Siew Sore rs = = = so = 2d 2% bad so @ 2 < oe e o ° ° r ~ — => = o - o 2 ° e — ~ = = p= cs © s ie ama oe = eS a = = cc @ ad 2 eo oe ~ =~ = = => Ld oe = = = > => = coeosees HoH ANNs ~ - = - - . p pee HHHH HHH RNNAN © PLATE 30 rae e@ = o ce Vv it) @ ‘ t : t ROANOKE SGUND CHANNEL (RODEL) suo Geoee on ST Sawaal cs u fF 8S @ SIWOTeRMOLC be TVD TIME, HOURS @ w v o @ « @ wo T wu e f) } 1 ‘ WIWDErROFT we LOSAQ elSeeN esta BAER MERE PARSER EEE BaRBEaRaRy IS SLCUGH (MODEL) C) e2ewrwei:t it WewwOTEMOE we FODQ OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MCDEL: HURRICANE DONNA (1960) PLATE 31 a = w a ° £ = Oo S ~ ~ yw Ww rf) a g « @ re 2 < 2>wo a 4 S ° w xr Mm = a a La - = 2 Sis E z + w Fa = oO we o x PE a - to) = si ‘ Qa 5 z i & WwW 2 = a ee z = Oo z z ; & 2 w a & a 2 =) 3 @ o oO w~ o Oo F HW ®B 1 ‘ 1 1 ‘ owowewrev 8 1 ' ' t ‘ WeWoOoCe=OF UF EOGDA : WeWoOdeEMOF Ue Zora pees Se eee 3 fies’ aa 4 4 6 8 1 18 2 4 18 TIRE, HOURS TIME, HOURS OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODEL? BONMER BRIDGE (MODEL) OREGON INLET NORTH OCEAN ENTRANCE (MODEL) @ 2 @ ~ v a -“ vu ¢ eo @® -” ”~ o 0 v 4 @ i) 1 he a ) s eo T «a @ i) i) ) ‘ ‘ WeWIErwOF bre TODA WIWOIEeEMOIZ Le XZODQ PLATE 32 Ww - «© ante) IO sow wi Z : i) ECUZT-tDAUW L.4Uawn EOwoOetwwY “tok 2OerTt = o Q ro) = @ be uJ nS ° u =f ! x ~ « BS z | z L 3 ee uJ ) & 3 J ~ \ “= Oo i> fa) = ware wu - = CGR EEERe se: : £ = # = 2 ro) a z a WwW g aw FA ° a "| = 3 BRIERE : ESSRERE GE a _@ % 2 ieee Se Sf. 8 ogo BS PHHIOO#“F> Zur =-+-Jeaw uaw CSwotwwHh wack LTOeri a ae penta PLATE 33 xs 33 e? wv ~ (RODEL) Er sesh a9 24 DAVIS SLOUGH (FIODEL) ¢ PWHOVMeF> CECOT~-I30OW Hee PLATE 34 TIME, HOURS TIRE, HOURS G2wWwOGwWwe uwGOEK FTOGer TIME, HOURS HURRICANE DONNA (1962) — eu) a oO 5S WW oe o x w a ECUT-e- DAW 4AW GWS9ewWWwOH BROKE FOxer —— ——- —< PLATE 35 OREGON INLET NORTH OCEANSIDE APPDACH (MODEL) avy ~ “ “ « ~ o wo v L) OREGON INLET NORTH OCEAN ENTRANCE (MODEL) ocUC MUU ne. ~u e w “~ -“ -~ cal 7 o wo vv n © PwIOONM-> CCST 1UOW vow PLATE 36 ai e4 e7 30 33 is 18 TIRE, HOURS oe ~u "J « “ wo @ AWSKWWH LOO “ eo @ QaWOGuUwWH UwROe COOH TEPER Coe CCCP EEEEP IT -68 comers zower TIME, HOURS OREGON INLET HURRICANE DONNA (1950) NEARSHORE MODEL: SUNOH “3uts C3dALOLOUd) TINNYHD JSNOH Q10 13HI1 G3IHSYG (7300W) TINKYHD 3SNOH G10 239NT) G110$ SoMOH °3WIL gt bt et er 8 9 y 2 ® (3dAL0L08d) HON0IS SInva $3H11 QIHSUG (13¢O0W) HONOTS SINVG 83M17 GI110S WHIWOTerMOF bre FYDQA WrIWOErKOF UF FODQ JIL N¥3W S26 813G0W S$S$390¥d JYOHS L3INI KO930 SUNOW “3MIL (3dAL0108d) 39018@ BINNOE 13NI1 G3HSuA (1390W) 390138 B3Innog SUNOH °3uTL 9t ot cas ot 8 9 ” §3N77 0110S (0L08d) TWOHS 3YOHS4IO 40 PIGAI MW YN-TINNYHD F3NIT AIHSHE (1300W) TYOHS 38OHS440 40 J1GCIM YYIN-T3INNYND t3NI7 GIS WHIWIEFMOLF 4K FYIZQ WweiWOCeE MOF we LCcr>saQ PLATE 37 oes SUNOH ‘FMLL Ls vt et ot 8 9 v 2 ® JOIL N¥AW S26F 21300W $$300¥d JYOHS LIINI NO93N0 SuNon ‘IWS gt LA et or 8 9 » 2 6 Sunow "Juss awoawwn waeok FOarr SUNOH “IMIS gt ot 23 os 8 9 v 2 ] m Bes/aiie Gizleee Esaaee, “ty 3 “4 : | | s't n rT st 1 21 2 3 s2 4 $2 u *e “€ A set sve 2 *y O “oe | H + sh A T sty i sal "5 (e | "§ (3dAa0L08d) HONCIS SINVG 13NI7 G3IHSYA (13900M) HSNOIS SINwd t3NIT G110S (3dAL0408d) SQNY1ST W33NLIE TVANNUHIGIW-2IINT t3NIT G3IHSE (1300) SGN¥V1ST N33AL3E JANNVHIGIW-AIINT 83N17 G110S Qwoeawww waort FOart DOOR > KEOTHE TOW LAD PLATE 38 =~ an wz Ow oa “aAfo ou“ - e) aw wt zz za c- = 4 zo .) (=) Qn =——_ £ e Rew wo az in ~- z ac oo Ow wos ao °o SOLID LINE? DASHED LINE? e 2? F e = 8 © ¢ uw @ f) i BONNER BRIDGE (CLOSED) BONNER BRIDGE (OPEN) - ay 2 #2 w = od ed eu ~~ x a” an oa yo @ @ wo Ff - 8 »© Ff 6 @ t) t) by MY v WIWSErMOF be FYdEQ TIME, HOURS TIRE, HOURS Ac ch re 33 oS = zo oe azo oa a S @ z= WwW Wa i WJ Sia u a ao o > oo =~ 2M oz => z 6 re 72a a Z: be z - [e) 33 J oe cs) a 3° Be a WJ wz o ) zs z "5 — e¥ ties wow o 8a wo Bs oO @ lJ Sal we ee veo loge ant S WIWDEHEMOT ue FZO>Q id co Oe ued lad e@ (=) Ss a) fo) a= ba BE x oa 5 uw oe a we s = za W EE = z 7 Pits We wW = ale] 2= ew as gs = 3b z , w = nyo ww Cr Zz = =p ~ ~ z= 38] | ° aL bone g° = co oO a? ry a Beeceee kal = +) a Ss ro) ~ a3 3 ERESeGE | e LA ae vee & - eoeoevreweitttet% WXIWSErMOTF we EZYUZAQ OSED) EN) a- wr Ww 35 | ~ oH ‘ rey) g a & = 2 a 2 aw <4 ae So Wwe x r) x 23 ; £f ai w xo ww ro e Ou a 5) = ue = bd Le e<« - won «J j22 Jo uy) 28 | a a Lee By 8 5 a 330 w Gd Lv os) -w - wt . y 3 ba ze ~ | = | cus oI a aw “ aw mm Los ~ ah al oa oa wa na @ @ eo @ @ uo — © @ w« @ o Tf © oO x - oo ¢c Ff uw @ 1 ' ' 1 ‘ = @ o fr ww @ 1 ‘ ' 1 ' | WIWITrRK OF Ue FZVDA WaWwITe—MOF UF TUDE mn o ” m 18 TIME, HOURS 3e TIRE, HOURS OREGON INLET NEARSHORE MODEL: OREGON INLET CLOSED US OPEN ROANOKE SOUND CHANNEL (CLOSED) ROANOKE SOUND CHANNEL (OPEN? DAVIS SLOUGH (CLOSED) DAVIS SLOUGH (OPEN) ~w po wz iY.) he Y wo Ze we = mt ¥ a) alg 8 a ah se oe aa aa e@ @ @ @ e@ Ld v wo % -” e@ ~w v oe @ ~ - @ wo v wu e ‘ o ’ t) ’ - @ wo 7 ~w @ 0 4 t) } 4 WiIWOEeEHMOrF ue ZYUSQ WeiWOICe MOF bre LODQ — = —_ PLATE 40 ory ee here I v3S7143 °@t S1WNO2 —__ 3109S HLONIT YOL93N a "22 8UNOH °S3ITL19013N B3ILO~A S3YLL3F 14 O6S2 - ONNOD 3NYITSYNH 11300U JeCHSYv3N LIINI NOOZYO ee ae eee ee SB °xui m~ weweren2e4wB BAW Qo GB “A “N “N _ ~ ~N ”A { oe. BewmeweeeeeBraaWQWWw Qo Ww x ~~ ~~ — mes. es eee | me Bee eee VNB HBAAN DH HN ~ — — ~~ - ~~ oH — Se ee ee Ee NN ~~ — — ~~ ~~ <- ~— a ae > = > eo eee AAAS SR BS — ~ — pe ee > => => => = na zw ~ — os ~ —— = ~_ ~ ~ = a - = ~ = ~~ se = = => s = => > => -_> - =~ =. ~~ = => => s = => => cd => > => = _ bad bd = = = = = = = s => =~ => = =. e 2 = a i @ = = = => = al ae eee = a 2 a = - my 2 H ° =e - NON ~ io ~ = => - «+ | 2 Se ie < BOON ~ os =~ - = - = 2 2 < a “XN ~ =~ = - => => eo no i | o 2 oe a Hes ~ — => > => = = - 5 = oe Oh OHHOHe ae OENANN : ° o . e- UO 8 Mie se AN NON C9 NI 2& °NIUN PLATE 4] eS oe +, — UNNOG 3YSIYYNH 8OS SNOTAIGNOD ONILSIXE SA S3LIL3F Lid 00S2 SUNOM "RUIL SUNOW °SeTk oa 6th?) StCCOSCOCéCSK r) c r) 2. Ot- ose SSE mes q ate. 9- A ‘ ae a eee ee : o- W = feet Ped hear j are Semele @un W a et 0 0 je | Bs ead ae ° i ia Bie: ‘ eee | ne y (ese ee 3 A 91 1 fat ll paca ener | et a : : 8 | | allele: ($372437) 68 YWUOMLYId 139037 F39NIT GIHSHE ($31LL3F) HONOIS SINVE 483NI1 GIHS¥G (S3TL23f OW) E2 WUCSLVIS oai27> 2 INT G110S (S3ILAIF OW) HONOIS SIAVG 483NI7 03108 Sonn '3ula SUNCH “3WTa ec Le v2 te gt b | 28 8 8 € ® €¢ 6Ee <2 v2 ve at st et 6 9 € wa ee qd qd A 9- & 9 U] b- 4 4 e a- 3 Ww @wn 0 t) 1 ai : r) » A A 3 93 3 3 8 = fee ems a (S3TLL30) WZiWYHD ASNOH GIO 13NI1 GIHSYd ($314230) T3INNYHD GNNOS 3IONVOS 839NIT G3IHS¥G (S35443f OW) TIMWIHD 275794 C19 8 3WET GICs (6314230 ON) T3INMYHD GNNOS JAONVOW 13NI1 AI10S — oe = PLATE 42 (NO JCTTIES) | “pet éf MID CHAMMEL (15 TTIES) ty eal to7 AY o#AAREL OREGON iB EEUaR eases BaaCe sane eee NSE ~ a] at] v ee @ ‘ 4 ‘ t 4 WewWwocenwOrt be ZTODA SOLID LInE! DASHED LINE! 33 2500 FT JETTIES VS EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR HURRICANE DONNA - ov wr ad ew eos ss => >= w om za = w wo oz ze¢ 3 ee wn Acs 8 po ez — ~ oa =z ws = rr) ie) — o =z e we a =z£¢« = 7 Ww es aw @® 3 oe “(Si oe paar ~ = = oe ~ wy sie = a) wow w wo = = sa == ew - & an - & e ae z= a ~ wees bel a -” = “ aw zo wz oe Es 22 ts & oa bod ao = a °o - - = Ww -w wz 2 wz e ze ne ot 2 od ~ = a 2 aw ” aw @ nu = = an an oc o Ue EFGDQ WIWDERMOLT ke EQDQ PLATE 43 ~ w wo ao —w wu < — we b =z Ie aad z w on a OQ gE a = e 5A Aa ie Ze Se - z= xr« 23 opera xO Oo o ms bed | ond Lin es Se = [°.4 ez OL =o po} as a = 2c Ss ac - = oe oO ws xe we on ~ 22 ° W ws eu z= erry o oa na e = @ e -— @ e e o ~) ~ eeoewe#e#ei+r we ) ~ e oe a 7” wu ~ -” ci ~~ ~ @ wo v C.] @ -” “ wo @ 4 ] ‘ aR PwHOUMmr-> ETCUEKKHDOQW uah Q2wscawwH Laeoxr EOsr=x a ae 2; e oO oO @ ° z= = - = BS W wn | on) wa =a x< ww ©. ta) ew we C | RB C) 2 es i i S - =~ NX] ) = aw « » 2 WN wz z= {3 e 5 W za 2 - om xx zs o = a a a . eu az w - © WJ z 53 = -~- 3° ) w ~ | wee wes i 23 ge @ @ = tn o ie) SOLIL LINE: DASHED LINE: Be aaa) GRUP BES @ @ @ @ @ ~w ao @ ~ @ i ) = - ~u ”“ -_ ” ” ” @e oe v ~ @ -” -” .” ) e@ ‘ 0 Q PwWHtOOMe- > ECOFT-F DAW 4AM OwGWwWwH LOK LOG-=z | PLATE 44 eas a A i a SB ah kkk ih A ik eich hla a lal ak al ii nate wn na =< ew ae z= wl 7 zs ta w on” ~- a = 5 >) oa 7 Sie = w e 4 wt ret oO ure e = S = < a ze x io ae ~ ze pe ] ae >w x ie b> 4 - Ww t=) wz vs ae “5 WN ey =z ~ me oO na = e e e & e e e “8 e ~ eo ewsrwvw ee ~ ~ e@ - -“ “ - - -” “ @ wo KEOTHe DAW UAW z= o °o “ Oo o = z ee e % me x< Sd tal CY) w ~ MeN = > ct) me an | all and w a ly ts a > 2 2 3 Oo = ws or) = 2 = . - = . ¥! &- x ww ud =o \Y =~ & -- 33 > ie Ire Coa I “ ( = ha On -—-> >< t-~) i Dh, REGS amend vn ~% a rt) wz ze we ~— os 2 aw = elie ee lll aNN oc aa x ae a *' .s oes @ a wo vv ~~ @ @ t) @ Oo =“ - rtd - - -“ “ -” @ wo ce .") e@ -= “- we @ 0 0 0 PWICLH—> ECIOT=— DAW HAW OUIewwH wktOE LOEeErtrt PLATE 45 (MO JETTILS) TIME, HOURS 2500 FT JETTIES VS EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR HURRICANE DONNA 18 w ue = ‘= (‘= w - - ~ w x xz « =x 0 a ~ c - w — =z ~ = 2 ) ~~ a ° OREGON iWLET AID CHAHMEL SOLID LINES DASHED LIMES a e@ SwHtOCOFPFre> ECCOFKEr DOW wan AWSEEWwo wok EFOSrse 30 e7 wv ~ -~ wn bo Ps “= alt ew Gs J A ta) nH 4 2 @ — w es Ss on So = z~ = ~ ° w e ws wo w wW = va = £ a an ~ e o< ar - aw Cy ~ a aw bos wz == rao a a a - ~- ww ws ze wo = —) a aw a= “ ah oc na @ @ bad e e e ~~ e e oe es s wu e @e oO @ eo - - Ld -” ” n~ -_ ” L) @e vv tL) @ - - ea e 0 0 o 2PW.2I00—, > ECOE™&-DOW 4LOAMW 2WH90Rwwe ufOk FTOErT PLATE 46 iii iii ii iii ttl i aa c- 4 = =z t=) (=) tas = < oO [—) [o-4 & 2 = [> 4 oO ej wW z= (=) ed = = (—} o ime c<) rd 3 2s Se re SF 5 a 5 ~ apd =. < ww wv [**) oz bP ~ co) zs $ xe os > e=z ~ @ zw ten eu ze oo = 9 =e o = e x e ee i ee w ww « WwW -w ~ = paeae = CJ Sz = ze bad [ad “=z ~ @- zo = ue so Ga @ C- =) a) r e = w its oe oO 2 « ~ ~ aw ~ = om ge S| Eales ere 2] CHT ganar ° e e e ° s = = ee2e2 = = rf e ' 7 n SwHIOV-2ee->F> CCOYTmF— DOW &AwH QwOIETWWwH uweOk LOeGr=z ——— ~ PLATE 47 ——S-$ 935714 ‘OS S1¥NO3 131095 H19N31 YOL93N "22 8UNOH “S3IL19013N ¥3L0A S3ILL3f 14 0800S - YNNOD JNVOTBSNH 87300W JYOHSYY3N 13INI NODZYO = $8 °xXUW - = ~ > or — = eeeewennqeaathQWRHR DS XN cS XX ~ ~ le ~ =~ ~ eo foo ie OOS ON SOL RO BSS a ~ ~ rey ~ wa aw = ~ = ~— eee eR ee ga eS LCR SS, ON ~ — eS — i a cy et > => = re es Se NSS OSS ~ ~ — = Se es ~~ + > = => - -_ Ee ESN SS “ ~ ~ a — — ~ oo eo — >: =< =_ = ~ ~ = — — ~ ~~ ~~ = = = — = = > s — => — ~ ~— bn — => — > => => -> => > => => = -~ = - = = => - o eo oe = = ~ ~ => = - = - ” e 2 ° ° = - os = = : ° ° : o ° o e 2 : = 2 -— Tae Cd a = <= oe =a a 2 = = = = id ie e - - oe oe o o - 2 Py 2 O ° e U o Dh = o < oe < < ry e ox. t ° ry . ~ _ ° o o e ° eo o v ° ° ¢ « ~~ = => = = a < eo ° eo o 6 ° _— ~_ > = = so @ o 2 - 2 . ry ~ os — = => <- <- S = z Seng cee = f ~ os — = _— = o- = all 2 2 = e ~ = = => => - 2s ' fc nceees 4 - - - 2 - - r \ XN ~ ~ ~ - - cfc | woceescs eae Z x . co se tk Oe OK OY ONANNEN See SN = a = Ps = <<. se, - o = . pa eee ee hone ee VN NNN & & = os cS SSS €9 NI bh 29 °xUUN cE eNIWN PLATE 48 UNNOG 3NYOIYMYNH YOS SNOILIGNOD ONILSIXS SA S3SILLIC Ld 0005 : SUNCH “3uIE Gunow “3utL - ze 68 ve et St ee 6 9 € ) €€ oe 22 v2 te et $3 Bt 6 9 € ® = Ea esi age is Persea Lae el 3 PT es lees ’ @w Ww Relea es “ke L bn 4 fe J Pe 3 ee | 8 a (S$3TLL30) 68 WAYOMLYId 13091 e3NII Q3IHSYO (S31LL3F OND 68 WHOSLYT2 13N33 8t39NI1 G116S (S3ILL3F OW) HONOIS SINVG %3NI1 GI10$ SUNOH “Buys SUNOK “3WIL €€ oe Le ve te 33 st et 6 9 € t ere ee ee i So ee oe ed rf Ge a See a ini ele eee - Seer ae st t ee | 2 t i ea H ae cee al : Sos ae ees : (S3LLL3F3 VINAWHD 3S1°1 G10 83NIT GINSYA (S3ILL3f) TIMNYHD GNNOS JXONVON +3NI1 GenSud s3NI7 G110S (S3TLL9F GH) T3WABHD F104 G10 83RIT 1110S (63IL49F ON) TINRYHD GNNOS IXONVOY ae t ary ow | ar bad O- 7 | & -~ on = z~ ws ~ rew x ew xo eee oc a ao = ps oa ws a o. ev aa zh ac - <« td Ge Ww a we an z= =n (ae fz a sx xz“ cw a rT) wo =) o |- oo o an Cis =z —= sg car w - ew ew £ w we ~~ “=z 2=z - ze ; ad = ~ £ = z> ro ow a0 Gu ow ws a J Oc ao eo °o o < P= z= So 2 tJ = =z oOo =~ a a =3 = ie ce Gz se ra) ze min ue s- 5° au of 7) eu a2 = 3% 32 S na na = e = =~ e uo + © wo «a e or © eo @ = © oo Ff RnR @ ‘ ' ‘ '’ ' - @® 6 FT @& @ f) ‘ ‘ ‘ f) [—) WIWIOE HOE ue FTO>Q WIWITEHOL ue EODQ =z 3 ° “ wo =~ “4 o t<] ” =O = cw ~ ge = % & on Si o=4 ~ x< & w DBE mA ws us z< 5 a == 2 we at bel ez > ate Set ae Ho } z RN we |) 2 xé = wi be ool e > aw =) on - Oo wo o ze = gc a pra e =< ok wo ww e- [Vv 8a \] = EB) ew ==> an ~ wa & ra} 3 \ waz a. oo] bie td ar) zo u wiz oe zs oo @ oa 7 a =o @ ° ie / = tn wz « oz ze ze ~~ ~ ~ ar) ew ; Os) aw ws = x err an oa \ o wn vy) = = = ad ba) = & e t=) ®@ WwW 8 ia) SOLID LIME DASHED LIN vv wo e ACCOM E> EOTM-—DOW BAW AweEWwN LGEOCE LOEGr=t PLATE 51 LEVEL PLATFORA 89 (NO JETTIES) LEVEL PLATFORA 89 (JETTIES) SOLID LIMES DASHED LINES 12 «a oo & v A] e@ SaVwOOere> EFECSGTM&eDFTwW LAH eto bel 4 free nay) He 15 18 «ai 24 27 8630 TIRE, HOURS DAVIS SLOUGH (NO JETTIES) DAVIE SLOUGH (JETTIES) 1e SOLID LINE! DASHED LINE? ~ -“ - - - 7” eo eo ? ~ e PWYI0LeF—> ECUT—-TDAW «WAN PLATE 52 TIRE, HOURS @ @e - @ @ e -“ - @ e D) o QweCwWN LROk TOaerr TIME, HOURS 500@ FT JETTIES US EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR HURRICANE DONNA TIME, HOURS 5000 FT JETTIES VS EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR HURRICANE DONNA OREGON THLET AID CHANNEL (NO JETTIES) OREGOH INLET AID CHANNEL (JETTIES) SOLID LINE! DASHED LINES TIRE, HOURS BOWNER BRIDGE (WO JETTIES) BONNER BRIDGE (JETTIES) SOLID LINE: DASHED LINES @ ~u -“ ~~ oo -“ “ ea ea ce wu @ PewWOOm—r, CCIE —-DOW LAW Acad (10 JEPTIE JETTIES) v M OCEARSIDe *~9P5 OREGON INLET M OCEANSIDE APPROACH TIRE, HouRs <€z rit =z t=) [=] Wd = A < a oO = =“ ~ Le = S| or} =) w = 3 a [> 4 ~w o ue ue = —o VW aw = 2 © (—) na K = [= x= =) oO a © a = =z =} Land BE - oS s ~ at x i tad Sz Ps et ——— fd e <= e e e e 3 4 @ @ eo 7? La] @ ea td e @ = - mw -“ - ~ =~ “ re C ) 4 es @ =” - ) @ t ) ) ~ PwHwOVUHrFFy ELYUEKFSFOw & Awe OWwVITwwO UO FOaerz PLATE 54 A i ae tl - i a ht al a at ‘ inal ik Halil lmcicade qaNOH “SUES ot ay ot 8 9 » a @ oe $°t- oy. 3‘- a s: s°t “2 C$31LL30) BOERS SNNUH b3NI7 G3NSUE C1VENLUM) BOMYH SNNUM 83NT2 0110S Canon "Sus ot 23 et 8 3 b 2 ® *a- $*t- oye §°- “e $° a s‘3 ae (S334137) 3CISAVE-JHiNvdOS 19N17 G3HSUO CTOBI LON) JOISAYE -INLNUCOW #3NIT GIICS w @ (i) ) ¥ 4 4d 4 t) t 4 ¥ f 3 1 3 ia wBXIWIErHMOF &eF FYDQ 3G? NUIW ZIM SITILIC L434 00Se SN TWYNLYN 371300W JYOHSYYI3N CUNOW “3NEL gt ot es or 8 8 b 2 @ (S3TLL3F) IOISAVE-AZINE 40 HLNOS IH 9 SI W3d 13NI1 QINSUG CVWINLYN) IOZSAVE-ALIINE 40 HANDS BUY 9 SI YId 83NT71 GI10$ SONON °3WIL St ot et ot 8 9 » 2 ] (TIBNLYN) JOISAVE-HONY 33NT1 G170S Vt WOEKMOZF &e—- FODQ rausSa Www oC~emOFr uwe-~ PLATE 55 re OT ETT 3QIL N¥3MW HSTN SSILL3£F Ld 0052 SN TWYNLYN 81300W JYOHSHY3N SUNOM “3WTE SUNOW *3MiL ot ot zt er 8 9 v 2 e WHIWOEe MOF 4&eKe FOOD wXIWDEKO OT &e EBAIDQ *(S31L136) 3QISAVE-G¥3H SOUN 23NI1 G3HSHO (TWUNLYN) JDISKYIIO-GV3H SOUN t3NI2 G110S CWANLIN) JGISAVE-GY3N SOWN PINT G120S SUNOH “3WIL SUNOH “BWI WYIWOErMOFT UKE F IDQ WeHWOErMOEF UK ZFODQ ($31L43F) JQISAVE-L31NI 40 W TW 9 SE 3L00G :3NI1 F2HSua (S31L23F) OFLNYM 83NIT GIHSHA (VWWENLON) ACGISAVE-LZINI 4O WH Id 9 ST S1G0@ t3NI7 G110S CTWWUNLYM) OFLNUM #3NTT G510S ——-+ —— PLATE 56 , aaa JQIL NYV3BW HLIA SSILLIF Ld 0852 SN TVYNLYN 871300W $S390¥d JYOHS SYNCH “3WIS SUNOW “IWIL PLATE 57 @ q n fA 3 9 4 H | ' 4 a j F | w WN 0 0 I J 4 4 v ¥ A fn}. 3 3 q 1 3 3 CS$3LLL9F) IAISAVA-¥..S GHWND LS¥09 $I 31@0@ s3NI72 G3IHS¥a (S3LSL3F) JOLSNYIIO-VLS GYYND 49¥09 SI 3IGOG +3NI1 G3IHSuG CWINLUN) JAISAVE-ULS GUYOND 1LS¥09 SI 3I90G s3NI7 GI10S (TWWUNLYN) JGISNVIIO-94AS GUYND 1S¥09 SI BIGO@ #3NI1 GI10S SUNOH “FwTs SBNOK °3WIL ot ot got ot es et 8 | > 2 9 BS S°t= @ G f n 9 *t- 9 N N 1 oe | 3 3 “ON 0 0 1 J 1 s° 4 r] 1) a a ! LoS ey Gee 3 Z| s‘t se CSILLLILF) BGISAVE-WAS GUYND LS¥02 ST 43d 23NI1 G3HSUC (S3ILL3f) JTISHYIIO-VLS GYYND 15409 SI ¥3d 13NI1 G3HS¥A CVIUNLON) JOISAVE-VAS AYWND s5¥C> ST ¥3d 13NT7 O1105 CTUUNLYN) JOISNYIDO-VLS AHUYRD 15409 SI Y3d ‘INIT GI10S C$3TLL30) JOINVYLNI LIINT JCISMYIIO-SI 35008 #3NI1 GInSA CTWWUNLYN) JONVHLN LIINT JBCISNWIIO-SI 31GOG sand G310S SBnOw “3WIs WeIWOEeEmMOF ue FODO aS Fi fen aa ete a | , 1 t (S3LLL9C) SQHYIST W33PL3@ T3NNYHOGTW-ASIWL 83NI1 G3IHS¥G CVWWSNLYN) SGNYIST N32ALIG TINNYHIGIW-2IINI 33NI7 G110S JQIL NY3IW HLIA S3TLLIC L4 0052 SH TVYUNLYN SUNOH “IMTS $1300W $$390Y¥d JYOHS GUNOH °3WI4 We2WOCrHOF &F FODA (S314132) WWOHS JYOHS4IO JO JIGGIW BYIN-IINNYHD F3NIT G3IHSYd (TWENLYN) TWOHS JYOHSIIO JO JIGQIW BVIN-TINNYHD 13NI7 G110S SUNOW °3WIL (WVENIVN) HSNOIS SINVD 83NI1 GI1CS wWHXIWOErMOE ue FODIQ WwIWIErFHMOF 4 EFEVDQ PLATE 58 TIRE, HOURS NATURAL VS 2500 FT JETTIES YVITH MEAN TIDE CHANNEL BETUEEN ISLANDS (NATURAL) DASHED LINE? IJMLET-HIDCHANNMEL BETWEEN ISLANDS (JETTIES) BEEP Seenee ai | | os = ' - $ 2 = ~-_ ~ tJ ay = we * . 2 5 on ‘ 3 ce j = 1 ) ‘ ps @ e @ oe @ ~ @ @e © = oe a“ ~ wu se - = o e ' ' i) PwWHXOOK&> CEYIT—— DOW Baw AQwOotww uwKetok FOaerrt 10 12 14 TIRE, HOURS SHORE PROCESS MODEL? TIRE, MOURS AMBER RABREE UE EET i SOLID LIKE! CHANMEL-NEAR MIDDLE OF OFFSHORE SHOAL (NATURAL) DASHED LINE! CHANNEL-NEAR AIDDLE OF OFFSHORE SHOAL (JETTIES) e@ e@ e @ e@ ~ e @e ~ @ - = - :) e Lag we w + be] ~ - @ -“ -” wo @ ) 0 e PSwWHwOONKF> CGCVUVE=——- DAW LAW QwOwwn weOok FOoer=xz PLATE 59 JQIL N¥3W HLIA SITLL 14 OOSE SA TWYNLYN 21300W JYOHSYYIN SUNOH “3Whd SUNOH “Burs eo ~ vr ~ ~ - @ -” @e @ v ~~ e@ fy Eas rescue ieesk es Geea poe B°S- festival me ieee pee 2 | : a *t- 8 att feeitl rattle cell = fl alle Gee ena | ey ON Fesaer se oee at e | sa iL) ad alas 2 1 Fea Eadie WIWDErEHMOF we FYDIQ (S3ILL30) YOMMYH SNNYW 13NT71 C3HSHO (S3ILL32) JOISAVE-LIINI JO HLNOS IW 9 SI 3d 83NI7 Q3HSYG CTUENLON) BOESYVH SNNYN 83NI7 0310S CWINLIM) JOISAVT-LIINI 40 WL1NOS Iw 9 SI Y3d *3NI7 QI10S S8NOH “3Wid SUNOH °3WIL gt ot et et 8 9 v 2 t) A fa “4-9 9 *-1] 4 4 = cot — N net cies hee = 1 s° 4 4 rv) ¥ Ese Eas Reams a oo a | 2 1 1 ET bea Frye Pan aedalemed ets Fc ale s°t 3 idl suas eed | "te lea re : ‘2 re CS3TLL30) JOISAVE-3HLNYGOY 23NI7 G3IHSYO CS3TLL3I£) JCISAVE-NONY t3NI1 G3IHSHO > 4 CVWWSNLYN) JCISAWG-3HANYCON t3NI1 01105 CTWUNLYN) JIGISAYVE-NONY t3NIT C110S ar JGIL NY3W HLIA S3IILLIF Li O@SE SA THANLON 81300W 3YOHSYYIN SUNOH “3WTL SUNOH °3WIL WIW>S>ErrmROF 4 EFOVSQ S31LL390) IGISAVE-GY3IH SOVN 83NI1 G3HSUE CTWWENLON) JGISAVE-Q¥3H SIYWN 83NIT G110S CS3ILLL3P) ITISNYIIO-CY2H SOYN 13NI17 G3IHSHC (WSNSON) IGISNYIIO-Gv¥3H SOUM 83NI1 GI10S SUNOH “3WIL SUNnoOw “3uIL Wee MOF ue TUDE (S$3TAL3fF) QIANVW 23NE1 GINSYG CTWUNLUN) SJCTSAVE-LFINI 4O W IK 9 ST 31008 #3NI7 G110S CTUSNLYN) OFANYW 83NI1 GIGS WHIWOEeMOTF &Fe EFEUDZQ WHeIWDTe-—OF Le FOSQ | PLATE 61 JQIL NY3BW HLIA S3ITLL3£ 13 O9SE Sh TUYNLYN 31300W $$3908d JYCHS SUNOH °3WEL SUNOW °3WIL [Sisal Seba ee (eee fe ry ry 1+] 1\ 9 SLs ss 4 af Pee ; 4 wf 0 0 SSeS aA: 4 . 4 v wv! : 1 V 1 3 /} 3 bic ae ae (S3TLL39F) IADISAVE-YVAS GYWND 1S¥09 SX 310G0@ t3InI1 GInSva (CSITALIC) JOISHVIIO-VIS GUYND 1S¥0O9 SI 3IGOG 13N11 G3HS¥G CTWANLYM) JAISAVE-O1LS GUND 15¥0) SI JIGOG s3nI1 G170S CTWENLYN) JOISNYIIO-WLS GUWND 4S¥09 SI JIGOE s3NI1 GI10$ SUNOH °3WKL SUNOW °3UIL 9% ot et ot 8 9 » 2 @ °2 S'k- a q f fl 9 “be Oy ] C] S°- 1 ; | “@N 9 0 I 1 1 s' 4 y ¥ A A | 3 ban Sa | 1 1 2 “} 3 & $ so Ww ja = (S3LLL30) STISNYIIO-V4AS GYYND LSYVOD SI Y3d 13NI1 G3NSVG = (CVOSNLON) JDISAVE-H1S GHYND ASHOD SI W3Ad s3NI1 CI1GS CTUSNAYN) JGISNY3I0-YL1S GYYND 45409 SI W3d t3NI1 G1I70S ie 3QIL NYSW HLIM SITLL9F 14 OOSE SN TVYNLYN SUNOH “BUTS $1300% $S390Y¥d JY0HS SUNOW °3NT4 PLATE 63 WYIWSDErmMOF uF EFEYOSD weIWIDEeMOEZE wake FOIa (S31L23F) JOINVYUANT AZINE JOISMYIIO-S! JIGOE 13NT1 CIKSYG ($31443F) WOKS JYOHSIIO 30 JIAGIW BYIN-TIMNYH2D 83NI1 O3HSWO CVWRNLYN) JOWVBLANF LIN] SGISNVIIO-ST 31G0@ 83NI1 1105 CTWBNLYN) TWOHS JYOHSIIO JO J1GQIW UVIN-TIWNYHD © 3NI1 G110S SUNOW “IMIS SBNOH °3Ut2 93 oy et et 8 9 » 2 6 7 S°t- a qd f i] 9 °h- 5 WN 4 S°- 4 4 | “@ KN , : i sa v 0 a i) 3 3 : j 2 st “2 (S3ILL39F) SOMYIST N33AL3@ TANNYHIQIH-L3IIWE t3NTI Q3IHSYG (S32ak3P) HONOIS SIAVD 13NI7 GIKSKG CTWBNIGH) SANUIST N33ALIG WIMWYHIGIW-LIINE 239NT7 GI10S (1WINLYN) HONOIS SINWG t3NII GI10$ @ : wn [4 2 So =z eo : =] c - Pea ed has SOLID LIWES INLEY-AIDCHANREL BETUEEN ISLANDS (NATURAL) DASHED LINE! INLET-AIDCHANNEL BETUEEN ISLANDS (JETTIES) @ e@ e ~ @e -“ - ‘ ‘ ' 16 14 Sana SHORE PROCESS MODEL! NATURAL VS 350@ FT JETTIES WITH NEAN TIDE DASHED LINE! CHANNEL-NEAR MIDDLE OF OFFSHORE SHOAL (JETTIESD a —_ < = 2 - « z - a < sc = ry w = ° = on i" ° i: CS “ — a So 2 2 > = 3 4 a =x a J @e . = Se ; : £ ¥ = a = ~ ¢ Pe = Ww 7 ri o ~ z z , $ AY ° ; A - H ws ‘ x . = . =) SS q a <=] ~ = _ ° 7.) 2 © e e e @ 7) e e e oT) e - a - ®©@wor o© wh FF 7 HW = @ “= ~“ rr) e ’ ’ ’ PwsouMe> ECUEMF DAW Law Qweewwe “@oE Foarsz PLATE 64 30TL NYU3W HLIMN SSTLLS£ Lid 08S SA TVYNLYN 8$1300W JYOHSYYIN SUNOH “IWIa SONOH “INTL St ot as et 8 9 » @ ® a S°t- q a 1-9 3 i M gs°- 4 1 4 4 “ON N F 0 1 So 4 ry 4 v A i) “33 3 : : s°% °2 ($312130) YO@UYH SNNYW 83NI% G3HSUC (S31LL30) 3OISAVE-LIIWI 40 HANOS IM 9 SI Yd 13N11 Q3HSYE C1OSNLON) BOMAYK SHNYW t3NIT GI10S (TWSNLON) BCISAVE-LIINI 30 HLNOS Tw 9 SI Y3d 839NI1 G110S SYNOH °3Wis SUNOH °3WIL . @ WwwIWIOTeeMOF be TCUIDQ WYUdDIErHMOFT ue Zo Da eval es rr 4 (S3TLL30) IDISAVE-3LNYVd04 83NI1 G3HS¥d (S3ILL3£) JOLSAVE-NONY 13NI1 GIHSHG (TOENLYN) JIOTSAYG-2HANHUON t3NIT G1105 (WUNLYN) JOLISAVE-NONY 83NI1 G1710S PLATE 65 JGIL NY3W HLIN S3IILLIS L4 0080S SA TWYNLYN 81300W JYOHSYYSN SUNOH “BWI GUNOW “RWIS WIWsS EemMOF BrF FODA WXIWIDEeOOF &F FOVDQ (S31LL90) 3JQISNY3II0-QU7H SIYN t3NI1 G3HSYA “CS3ILLIF! IOLSAVE-QUIH SOWN 83NI1 GSHSHG (10UNLYN) JOISNYIIO-GV3N SOYN B3NI2 G310S (WUMLUN) IJOISAVE-G¥IH SOUN B3NIT Gr10S SUNOH “3MIL SUNOH “FWIL | 3 ot 2 or 8 9 v 2 r) 5 ot ot et at 8 9 > 2 e - lee: ee at Q | fn fi “3-9 *t- 9 W WN g°- 4 S°- 4 F 4 ‘ON a) " 0 I 1 s° 4 s° a . q fn "3 Op] 4 1 3 ] s‘3 st = *2 ‘2 (S3ILL30) 3GISAVE-LIINI 40 HW IW 9 SI 3100@ t3NI1 G3HS¥a ($31LL3F) OVANYM #3NI1 G3HSYO CTHUNLUN) JTISAVE-L3INE JO N IM S SI 3100@ t3NI1 G310S CWANLYN) OFLNYY $3NI7 GI10S PLATE 66 JQTL NV3W HATA SAITLLIC L3 00S Sh THYNLYN 21300W $$390Yd 3NOHS SBNOH °3MTL SONOH °3UI. 9t ot at os 8 9 % 2 ® PLATE 67 CS Eee $°t- ade AN lee |e ae ) A “8-9 je a ee ee 4 ae Fa N ot 0 ile OS eee NG ead aes 4 } $° 2 aa a as ee ee n (i) 3 L wy 3 1 Se a Ne ee ie aes ee es °2 (SITLLICY JAISNYIIO-YV1S GuwNnd 1S¥09 SI 31G0@ +3NI1 G3InSUa CTWWUNLYMD JOISAVE-91S GUVND 19¥09 SI 31GOEG #3NI2 6110S CTWUNLYND JATSNYIIO-WLS GUYND ASVOD SJ FIGO@ :3NI7 G110S SSNOH “3WIL SUNOW “IIs 91 os eu @3 8 9 v 2 e = eee eee Seep a qd =e drs ee a a ae N "3-5 as , le i ee ee ee LO W A “ON i” 6 \ 0 A] h N 5° i Hie Eee Py ¥ 5 13 tee Us Ee | 2 . "2 (SILAATL) IOISNVIIO-YVAS GHWND ASVOD SI 3d 19KIT G3IHSYG CTWSNLON) IDISAVE-GLS AUYND ASWGD ST Y3Id 13NI1 G110S CVWAINLON) JOISNYIIO-YAS GMYUND 45¥09 SI Y3d 13N31 G110S | SQIL NY3W HLIA SITLL9F Ld 0805 SA TWANLYN 8$1300KW $$390¥d JYGHS SUNOM “IMTS SUNOW °3WIL qa 4 | f i) ) 9 LY 4 4 4 3 4 M x | 0 t) if I 2 4 9 0 a f 3 3 5 1 3 3 (SILLL90) JINVSANT LZINE JOISNWIDO-S1 JIGOE 83N17 GIHSVG ($3IL33F) WOKS 350HS340 30 31001 BY3IN-T3INNYHD 13NI1 G3IHSYC CVWSNLYN) JINVSINI LIN] BCISNYIIO-SI JIGOE s3NI7 GII0S C1WORLYN) WOHS JYOHSIIO JO IWGDIM YY3IN-TINNYHD 13N]7 G110S SUNOH °3WIL SUNOH “3WTS a Fd 9 N ] ee , =a y 4 4 < aS ' (ecalreles ; I I rs 1 i ieealece | ny) 5 3 ea 3 3 | co ] we) rae : CSITLLIF) SANYIST N3I3ALIG VINNYHIDIH-LIINI 1 9MTT GIHSYC ($31243F) HONOIS SINVA 13NI7 G3IHSOO < CVWENLON) SIMYIST N3IIRLIG TINNYHICIW-L3INE 839NI7 G1105 C1WUNAWA) HONOIS SIN’A +3NI1 GI10S x SOLIZ LINES UMLET-AICCHANMEL BETUEEM ISLANDS (NATURAL) DASHED LINE! INLET-AiLCHANNEL BETUEEN ISLANDS (JETTIES) e hed 2 Lo} Lod vo wn wv ” we ~ e PWHIOCONMF> ECOZ=F DOW an fe 14 16 10 TIRE, HOURS SHORE PROCESS MODEL: NATURAL VS Se0@ FY JETTIES WITH MEAN TIDE SOLID LINE! CHANNEL-NEAR AIDDLE OF OFFSHORE SHOAL (NATURAL) DASHED LINE! CHANNEL-NEAR AIDDLE OF OFFSHORE SHOGAL (JETTIES) @ “ a oo ~ o w v o a3 ” e@ PU OWMEr > ECOTe DAW LAW eWwSrtwWwY wtOok LOarsr -_-_oooOooO oo er PLATE 69 938724 °S$ SIWNOJ —— 831709S WIENTT YOLIIN °P 8BNOH “$3TLII01IN UILYA GSILLLIF 1004 OOSS WAIA 3CLA HYIW 8139COW JYOHSHYVIN LZINI NOSZYO pried aT UE es) Geter lat et Eat at Je 2 Vis J e 29 °X¥WN €9 eNI WW 2€ eNIWN PLATE 70 a 938743 °S SIVNOJ —.._—>s—s- 8. }9'1W9H HA9NIT WOLIIN $2°6 1UNOH “SITALICTIN BILYVA SIILAIF 1004 OOSB WAIA 3GIL MYT 619G0M BVOHSUYVIN ADIWS wWOOTNO alhtoasad eevre? = ¢ o - See Soke Od OU AOL i OO r at €9 owiWW en 2 oNIUN 29 oKOWN PLATE 71 936744 $31¥96 HL0H371 YODA °b OMNOM “S3IILIIOTAN YILVA SIIALIF 1003 OOSE HAIN FETA WHIM 81300 IVOHSBYIM 43113 WO9ZNO °s 610Ne3 S8 xu | a2 2e22242246 ZR 22 R 2 @ © oe e o < o o o a - ry ry 6 6 e % 2 2 2 2 : : 2 » ) 2 2 2 » ¢ 6 é 6 é 4 6 4 6 6 4 é 1707 Fed eb @ T7009 0 on © oo oacaae eoaea aoaea | . i a a od666 : o o e ttt ery pore 4 oo eatin ea ae da eee €9 NI bw PE eNIWN PLATE 72 938744 °S S10NOD — ss: 1391H9E HAONAT WOLDTA °y SUNOH °S35419073N UILVA 3 SITLATS 1004 OOSE HAIN BETA WHIM 919COW BVOHSUYZ4 4Z1NT NODZNO 2 a a 2 6 Po e o e ~- Ana 7 gay fla sade er 20 Si ae dae dir dat Jar Jae | C9 nT WW e€ PLATE 72 eXOWN 936729 °9 SIVNOJ — ss 8:31¥9S HLENIT YOLIIA $8°6 sUNOM “S$3IAISOIIN BILVA S3IIALIC 400% OOSE HAIA JGIL NVI 313GOW JYONGUYIN AZINE WODTYO ~ 1 SD i 8 J iol Sr ar Wa ‘ UOMO ak 2€ eNIUN $8 oX¥uW PLATE 73 938749 °S GIWNDI ——— 837¥98 HLONT1 BOLDIN °® SUNOW °69LAIIOIIA SILYA GILALIF 1004 O8O9 HAIA BOLL WRN 871900 BVONSUYVIN A3-HI MORN ea: a e O ese a a o Ghee Pearce ait da Det mt Yk a | LY a a a C9 onIuu 2€ oNIWN PLATE 74 93$7244 °$ 810n03 —— 831¥986 HIONIT BOLIIN 92°6 8BNOH °$314390139N BILYA SIILLIC 1004 0005 HAIA 3OL4 WYIW 671300 JVOHSYYIN AZINT WOOZNO PLATE 75 = gar theres t\ a 5 Sr Cee . ; a e Re = J a has Re a 2 Ae anal ee les ewrwy 29 oKvuN 2E oNIUN TIRE, HOURS OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL? MEAN TIDE BODIE 15 COAST GUARD STA-BAYSIDE w a = wo > <« a ' <« & w a « < =) A) - w <« °o Q wo ~ < w a PEA IS COAST GUARD STA-OCEANSIDE BODIE 15 COAST GUARD STA-OCEANSIDE WeIWITeEHOEF LHe FUSE WHIW> Ze mOFz PLATE 76 TIRE, HOURS INLET-AIDCHAHHEL BETUEEM ISLANDS HEAN TIDE w o xz « a - z= [rr - w = =z = w Qa = a x * w o °o ‘ “ ~ w = a So a OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! CHANHEL-NEAR MIDDLE OF OFFSHORE SHOAL DAVIS SLOUGH 2 wo ° ° e wo e ° ~ ° e ’ C) - 7” ° @ ) WwYIWOEFMOEF 4 FVD WwWHXWDErRMOF &rF E£OU3DQ PLATE 77 nas amPerr. iioenminans LAN HRA Vata 6k Ra iG 0 OPO DCOD PERT ORIS9 99> SS=~S==9 eo bo b 0 UP PORTO RDRSC ERD P—OTER—O~>~SO 2 OP oe S VU CCTRO OTD DI PRE RIOD~OSO~OS OO oD 0 F OORDRTONT TID O ORD DSSSSEToCO eo PD Oo 111111114460 sesaneneadndetiddid PD DODD D9RHOD RN RRORRESS=OSSSSD eo So .) (A111 1141141 .4edaeeteeddaaddd oe OOOO 00009rEeREC DORR OEROTEHD OE Po O Sd ddddssdotdsdddisdsersoonss oo ° Ph diddsdsiddendbbiE uees 2%? LAbd bebe sbbbsdoranndamamoe” < © TAAL A Sw ~- eos er er F&F ee FT/SEC EQUALS 5. OG0bRb00000b008 & OFECHHRRHoCeEEOE Bb OO? o2d0b000R000 6 6025060800080008 6 6600000080000008 0 6019000600000008 0 OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! REAM TIDE UATER VELOCITIES, HOUR! 3.5 VECTOR LENGTH SCALES 6003000000000000 0 PLATE 78 6 6A Adddd0 Cd CCR CS FIFI Rre ee © Ob bbedsecraenteCrrerTrHTTST © & 0b 0d4bssaddedestesrererrrTT So 4 bbb CAbbbbbsssdbtessesroreTE 7 © 0 bd bbbdb0GsusesesorCerTS—ITT ST o 064 40s0b806 dadeesecdddgdgd 6 606644bbG0db00CgCCCadgaCIII EO aada weseagd ¢ Ab AGA AMEAMEdINbdedconCostaT ¢ 06446008 EOOPOIIGPIFTT I IO FC oC Cd ba 0 bbb bbbbC6errnepspeeersIIG I IC FF e a aaec eewesscccsqqsquaeoeed 7 IO PF © « @ 0 00 00ssacgggeeeeeTOOTTTOCC CC Se Ff ry 0 00 0t6degaqeorererPPrasee eo Se OF . 9 0 C9 EOPOPIT OPP RASEREAAWR RA BS © & e « 0 06640 ORR PRREEAANAII SS SL oe o cS FA eee a A . o so ee = & bs x =e Jere « - . . w a J < > eo w gogvevegrevevdd ey & 8 vovonvervovenCed 7 & OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! MEAN TIDE UATER VELOCITIES, HOUR! 6.75 VECTOR LENGTH SCALE! PLATE 79 paces ‘ sats c Mise SrA 5 EI A TRE SEA & 06 bbSbbb0ssebssebeeEeCECoSTTT OF OE 6 6 bbbbbbessdsnsegessecoscnovgge © v 000. . ncesnnassssesssoonve © © e e& | gvoroesesecsscsssssscesooarow oe Se © 4 d0cserosrereertteEsesserese Dee oe Bt tae 4 L Abd aeedaddsdesessasggggeot9Ie FP eo FC 0 bbbsscasObesesscqaossossrys FP FF od ossreesesoens IIIMIHIfPs 2 SA 4 Le VEU AALZ - 7 OL IMMNUMLIIZEZZ~ _ (MMMM os ALLL _—- » WE EEE ®*wrrr ~ DSA ‘ SSS Ms SO Ue .Ue S48 Ce © S e es we w wo wr eeeaee FT/SEC EQUALS &. NO AP Q ON See NUNS SS See ee EN Q . w® *® BBR Sere ae e A a i OREGOM INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! REAW TIDE VATER VELOCITIES, HOUR? 9.25 VECTCR LENGTH SCALES PLATE 80 PEA IS COAST GUARD STA-BAYSIDE PEA IS COAST GUARD STA-OCEANSIDE WUewWOTe OF Le FVDQ TIRE, WOURS FINE, HOURS BODIE IS COAST GUARD STA-BAYSIDE BODIE IS COAST GUARD STA-OCEANSIDE WIW>OEEHOF br SPRING TIDE eo eS) eT) (=) So = Wy Ww bas Oo So @ e. es) Qe S = WV = iad | zz =~ z So t<) wd e i) PLATE 8} “a o a w C4 wn Dp Ss > rs) ° z o z = < = < < - . Ww w w = w ~ 3 ov) = um ~ ap ~ Fi L2 w - & 4 z 2 = ~ r< ] ww a a z 2 =) ~ , r 5 = = < a. < PO) W = rr) re) ° a o o - ec ~ J ' : : : ks ~ J a z S c=) ~ a tg wo w . . Q w 5 H - « oy) a eB o . @ ' ' ‘ ‘ Ae WeIWOEKRMOE ure EFOPFQ w = oO om oe a v = WW a (=) =z « WV = uy S ~ - 3 z Fad = ce 4 4 gape 2 z = zz @ r=} oe . . w wu ¥ Oo ~ & = WW = ° - 2 rY-) uw So Sc w — a } - ~ = = 4 So < = w S =z a ou “ uw rm) x 2 > < < = ry e o w w w . . e ° ° . wn ° ° - = 7 ~ - - . e iy ‘ t ‘ WeWIECHEKMOF uke EBODQ wHXwWwoEr mor &F EFOD0Q PLATE 82 0 POCO KOOTONRPODOD OR DOD POT OPO D Pe OP , , ’ « < — c i =z ‘ a ha A ’ > a ry UY VOCE TOTP DOPOD EDR PRR>YOOreC Fs DP OD o o e 4 cy 0 PPP PODDDDDCHRRR ODT ODSSSeP~e Db oD P - a s | ry a , C11 11111111111441441440 oe , o a a 9 VORP LOTRR UDRP ET POR PTH ED POCPe > Pp em PF ° o eo MIRAI I1111,1.1<02120ceneedaad ened 2 e PREY 11111, 21,114.41 111d a ee e [bbb sibddesbedisednveves ee 7 7 * |ibbasedsldsddeeidddsadmaere = = = * |b dssisiibddnmmaaeer"" = ST {44 | desdseiaasscces’-~"~ * * | disddilldbddassssce——* * F 4b [OU dll OT osm Si eeke eRe | Mili ere. Wi fer Lili SN x é a 1) a 4 Lb bGbSAAASAdd As sSddsidestor or 2 2 ef ¢ 22° 23 2 - om o w _—ceaeinesnnnnenensrste 2 = tr) XN wee 2 : 2 be ee ee ee ~ £ we men Sie ef is Yikxermaesseaees at =~ eye . : » <€ > irrrecennnneenene » yr ri 2 fees \ RAR Ararvessssnssn es oe ee | \ ARArovervesenenne be ee » | A ww wot . DDbEsEEBEOLDADED BD wD . BOORBEOKDKESOEOD & e gv 4 ¢ ¢ OREGON TNLET SHORE PROCESS RCDEL! SPRING TIDE WATER VELOCITIES, HOUR! 3.6 o ~ « ° Sa a 447 { \ \ Grapbooadenenesd eB Bo bd » z a ef i ry | ry oorvesoododddnodh oe B Bd v Fe Piles ad ee; / ° Gasoesasoepoonone Bw wD . 2 DOoeadrobsbonpoo be B Bb wb » o a Pf ) Pre Pf q : > 000050) 0060000008 & NAINe — x a \ PLATE 83 re nna at ihc a li ase « 6. 0 OPP ROBPOLEDELPLELELA & & a 6 6 6 CP PICRESSAAORAISIDLLLSPAL Y % a a a a TO no one et! a a A OOOCPOPSSTCERESSSORA SB GH 4 a a a 6840 b4dseeeptrFereTSSeSIESe ee f a a a 6 6 bb addorwocscesagqasseseerr 7 9 9 © @ 04 90Cbs64ggg ‘peETCTECCETTO FP © & © 960666014 66OOSOOCTOTFRT IED 9 90660 CPCOC ORF CESEEEEMANAQL & & © 664000 lOrrreematanneeceAtie®® 4g Y 4& q CO 00908 CRRpcecesssmsMeig © & a Q © 9 6 4 Otwecrreeescsmtiesses ep & & 4 a 0 ° a2 2 >? o @ @ © 6 00 peeoeeseee TS VOTYVTTECTTITITS @ VOTHHRCRTETICTTD @ VEVOCTOTTTTOCTO? T VUTRTOTV ITT q eocverdoorvIIOgT FT es TUVTTOTTVOTTITET OOTTTOVCTOTTIINT 0 WAINe LATE 84 OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS AGDEL! SPRIKG TIDE VATER VELOCITIES, HOUR) 6.76 VECTOR LENGTH SCALES FT/SEC EQUALS &. 4 46460000005000000s044E000009 9 7 & VSSHKhoansesaaassssssssooovose 7 Fe & e e 0 VO Av espetanmsnssssseowore & © Sf o u bd Penesqseddsississsssaze Pe FS a o @ 8 OD PPPPPOPPOEGOPIOLIOPLIGSS SG & PM & rs o ye bd Obese Ie MINGteEmesIGe I me es , S 060000100 Eagasgagggeeo Ie Fe F 2 , 6 0 6bccaes0PesssseceesIssoP FF FY we Z ; corossoeoon PIL A” A” - » ; PPP Zon ' MMMM Fe f NNN ; tts Mn , Wy, 4 ry q oe @ v7 U ao. 8 s a4 ry ean v eesececcss cms ‘ 4 istwemoec ee ry cy / [PEED Ge ¢ / / V | A tamargcg mo = ee & eo e of AAmamengggee ef 8 Oe 2 o ey g Rie ue aes oy, REE Tee T =i," A+ aan =< x Jo |p ae a2 ~ ? [yare~eggpaninnnaememnnnnns so * ga Se et A PANuecemmemmenenana ss eS SS so re cet, bela ow A, @ premnmersecnnennns 0 Kuehee 8 ry 2 Sil oe, cole |e 7, / peveas@4sea a af 4 oir o eo 2s = va - if x CRRPPPOPRIIGIPS NX AD @ a a Se Oba te 2iT IN Naa aqnesasesem® 808 TM 8 we Bie BPP BS / , POPETT Trey Ao Ta ann ss Bia LPP t t ! ! dasoscooonrywee? 2 2 9 8 u aor eo 2A? } /? ce he o) ses ei Zt Ath fT a) nt F Sas FETE he ae Ai o 9 ? ’ Sas wero PS Tay ee dy ey TLS > 6 8 acs APINeG PLATE 85 3QIL d¥IN 813008 $$350¥d 3YOHS LIINI NODINO SUNOW “3WTL SUNOH °3uls gt “3 eu or 8 9 » 2 6 wIWOEe—CEF uke FODQ WeHwWwOEemOF ue FODQ JOISAVE-VLS AYYND 1SH0) 51 31G0E SUNOH “3uTs wewo dee Ook LO od zeoa WHYIWOErMOEF uF FYDQ IAISNYIIO-VLS GYYND AS¥0) SI 3d PLATE 86 | HQIL d¥3N $1300W $5390¥d JYOHS LAINI NOD3YO SENOH “3WTS SUNOW “Bus iB! ot er er 8 8 Ld 2 t ) FLATE 87 Le zeooa WweYIWOCeKOF 4 FODQ WHIWwoO Tem OT JINVHLNZ ADIN JGISNWIIO-SI FIG 93 bt et Or 8 9 v 2 @ ro Spa | | SUNOH ‘3WIA S8NOH “3uIL | | | | Wd 4s > Ee -mOF ue Zeon WeWwotceOFt wee SQNV1Si N33RA3@ TINNVHOGIW-L3INI : HON0IS SInwd 0 ODT COPIODODODU PDI DOPE IO>OD DD PD HRAXe 0 CUOPTTIODDRI0DF—DODESCODDO TO DO 0 PTR CUTOVODD TRIPS POR SODSD > Oo > 0 DOD TOTVIONS RRR T RR DOOS>S>SOD > r D> SN Ld a tl ote ed Ui 1i1istsithedsal dadeneaand id LUUVP PPPOE SDP>RTEREDORONOS > > & 14 SER DORETESIHCORSRCEDDDESDO PP OO 9ddbsrrtvbedsstodeeonotoo eo oo fo o LOdddssdsbiddddioooromemnros 2 o 2 8 e i EEdddebdsdbennnnmnmmamrore 2 2 f° Ads disbbebsedconcasanon <= ~ | bdsbHosddccccsccassoammme =~ ~~ o eo LA Se [Ca ee ae 2 2 ° LSS fos erate ge oe 2 2 2 a a ha fa a Ooi ee : ° g ceed VIS LE So at SE 8 > 4 YAY Me SD E : ‘ is ia We eee cd é a a" 7 / ’ Wiittreutcesmmnrees vet > » 4 wre y teak iketermnerewsss eo ye » S Ky s Nebvrersreedd bb EB Dd » OboasoaaaBeodBedB do ew & 8 & ® 86080000000002800 & Bb ® % e O64HH0bb0Rb000—b 8 B B d & v CY VAY ee & % » 8b.10000000000008 & od ° eo Cd id ObOdHN000R0000R 6 b ° e o oe id 4 \ X\ Ses ee Se NEN SN Sens es ee ee NES ee ee ee, el gy ages Sa SING ONENESS RON Geese ONE SEN WAIMe 25 6600000080300008 & 4 : $ 4 gv v gv g gv ¢ g OREGON IWLEY SHORE PROCESS RODEL! NEAP TIDE VATER VELOCITIES, WOUR! 3.6 VECTOR LENGTH SCALES eo e =z = e& =z PLATE 88 2 RETR RE IT EN. TT TS 0 6 6 bd epReeeTesStRSS AAAS & 0 8 66 4 desegrencessseesase=ea® & S a 8 a a 0 666660 000CgPPTECCESSSSIOD eH SS 4 a a 0 0 bb bbsdecceterrrsersesssse eS 8 Sf « SY 4 0046466 Lesceeoorree ee FF a a D> 0b 66600EEGSISISSESTEEESO OS Hf ~ a S WHY tl a a 6b bbdssiedsesscsssesososenoog ee Ff ~ 0 0b bbb isgeesseed en seoserere © Cd e a § 6 bbbdesesseeeoseorsssTerrT eT ee © e QS 6 66 bb beseeerrrerrsemrygdgeg Ff © e a 0 6 bb sccroregsaay ye aseo ge ee a 6 C0 dts mere re ee UF r) CRIT VIN ed a a 9 89 000 0PPPPOTFTRREESEEALLARRE © © a a © 6 30606 COpmeememeer eet SS 4 & a a gv OY hte een nenetinnti a e ¢ a a © 4 0 0 Ceueeccccennnnmestiaesee ey eo a es ® ¢@ Od ecesscsesseste weer aserr ee & © e a rr) ow) w @ Qa ht = - & a eine y @e - -_ 2 « w > a @ o w ze ~ we PrP OOOO i ne oes qqncerveredeeaga a a a 8 oa 3 o vrrevercsverasaa ac 3 ®*os wi m © eoveovveewveereva Fo 8 eresic zwe ~ vovorgerrversevs ys ev oe 8 iS -— ovovevvovorverrs sy 9 0 8 woo —~cCcz w xX a tet " auoonvonwvenveve es ey oe 8 wo > ia curvenvvorrvsoos 9 v9 8 8 vas = Owr = VUVONETVITETIINT 0 ia = ary ¢3> ) e z ~ “J 4 — | PLATE 89 ee mete = @ BA ObbbdbabasssOdsbaeasooosea es ae e Bb ORRKKKKKRAADAAAAAEEAAOsCLOTEC TC @ ¢ @ , * wPvvperveressassssdssonsoner es © @ ¢ 4 : " ar 0 ssessssisatssescoorwoe © So ‘ ‘ : . Gaccosecosorveetessteeoorere > 8 ef ‘4 . o | dd deseeressesneesennersrse eC Fe OF e ’ He 6 600 000gg0tIsegegggagseor de Fe © 5 eo v “Va bd Anarsscsoddesgsgacdevdoge sa Fe or 4 an ww | ' ab badasesseosenengdssIfIsfss 4 4 4 A 2 » | ‘ CVOPICIFOIII//IIL A A 4 © 4 ¢ ’ OP INIMMIIIIIIILYZA ~~ = wg VIVINNMMMUIIIn* © « gg MULLIS” =... DONA POLL f Wa 0 AMM: amen oe ww eG x —S <_ssmaar es = e e Ee gUREeTRSSSA S ° > +=. Qeennnnnnsesees SSS i) > a ypppppeanaseseessste 8 2 SS = QQ eyuwesasemnenanese oo 8 Ss Viqenensamssesenemmana a 4 { RING 4 6b AAA LS | acssasessae’*® 9 IYYYYYYY SS Seah iS > eeneneendd o VP POSSTOROODD.' ? D OREGON IMLET SWORE PROCESS AODEL: WEAP TIDE VATER VELOCITIES, HOUR! 9.2$ VECTOR LEHGTH 37ALE: WAINe 2S VVOPPTPODROOG: ° PO v DP POREOPO DORE T ETP OPT er O>SEeD DD HRAKe @ CVVOTIOVTT TVRIP ODOR PO DOOR L ODD D MPO BARAAAA IAAL AL V DTTTIIIdataVdaaeeenenenenda 9 V CUVTTTVINTITOTT ITIP OPE 5p 2 oO o e vee VUVITTI NII IIdINtteeens g at @ o > o a TV UCEIIReeteRAAARAAAAL TED, | 5 ? a i = - w = ; : / : e oe of w 4 / 6 6 8 ‘ z e oot 1) os Ty, are 4 / nr ee} a w 3 ° é J y 6 6 06666000600060064000000000 6 a6 4 ry = be Atay FA 7 FA ~ § 660000000000000000000000000 4 6 4 Ff 4 r) = Z alae aw 76 H o * wovensoessoasoseonssesaooee ed 6 4 4 Oo 4 =) - oe. ‘ Sie ee o 8 ry a 3 © fe ae 66 3 a eon) ‘ a” “f/f sa og Se ait 25 panic sas é | \ 6000006000000000 6 228 \ \ ry 0666060600000000 6 W5E J | 4 0000630000000008 6 2 2 z og ¢ 5 00006000060000 6 oa 0000000006600000 0 3 = 2 oe weo Oe 460400000080080 0 = < w PLATE 91 0 6 bbb decsseeeeeserrTTeSee BS eo G@ 0460000000000000000~ OOo my 2 0666000000000 000100gH POOH Oo 7 b 0 bbb bbsssscsscoororrrosds WA? = 4 6 63660000088 Rotem OH © 7 6 o e Pboeseeansuwwerrye @ ¢ c & 0 OObesessenamewemieeM4d se eg oo e dabasesassauaaieaneerwresieels 6 {a | ) Cn nD v > > 0 2 a 0 v oe v V2 oe ° @ PO dgggggQiTVVFTVITVIOONODITD Po eo pe Y) a e + Aa CvervevererneTVeVOVVCVOT Tv Po DO ? s VORVETIVVECCNNTNTEROOTFOVIVT ET 9 9 F 8 U] S aes WA Aadeeacaaceareraeerere ee 8 ce ] i © eo caceeeracqacadsaeseergvrn7 eo 7 9 8 ’ “ ee ¢ q — eve Ie q a tas aeaaaderereovtredes © Gg @ 8 a Q eqgvdreCVeVVITVeT oT & Fe q g evevevevvccrvevs @ eg e © v v ever oOToOTE OVP TTVDGVEONE: veeTeedrCNCCTICT O OTVETITTITTTIINT @ eocg age: a AL OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS AODEL! MEAN TIDE YITH ab08 FY JETTIES UATER VELOCITIES, HOUR! 6.76 VECTOR LENGTH SCALE! PLATE oO 2 4 Po mmeeeeetOWOAANATITIVIINNT PD € O90 A OOPPPETTEEEAEAALIAALLY % 6 00000000000 rwewrrrrnnns ooo PPPLAPALADLS OPI TTT, 600008 i Op Ne, Eber ervrered¢ errr bbbh& & d PPPS SPCFTI 144' DO > + eG 0'4g VIN... 100 Aamo ao . VVOTIIIT Apeeenorr Pe 2 FT/SEC V2... OOOCTTVIIT 20007790 DD D eee le ed . Rarer Widddesd7I7 77700 PO DP EQUALS &. AUVATTTTVTOPTIDDOD D PrcaeeriIIVTVI7V77 PP we VoverrveVdrTe A reorrveNITveTD VTTVVTOOOVOVTOND & OVrVVTTOVOVVCTIT 9 THRTVVOVVVTVONND O Feet as out v¢@ voevOTNCTONVTND 7 THOVTTVTVORVOTVD O OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! AEAN TIDE UITH B50N FT JETTIES VATER VELOCITIES, HOUR? 9.25 Very ss >. sa “Fr Y= Wr 4 VECTOR LENGTY SCALES yPVdreTVONTTTOD 0 a | | as LH: a PLATE 93 . samba ciated sii) POVVTTPTLOTETON TOT OTIOR TRIP? DP WAAKe TUPLE LEVETEVTTTRNOR NODC OORT OD VOTETIVOONETRVTOORTROTONNND D Oo OUT KIIHVIeRTIIVEqeqeeaenada’ ¢ TTITVVVITTIVIVTIOT ODD EEEED sp 2 DO o 2 VUTOVITRTVINITIIIEeeeennen a g 4 a CAAA eeenaannnnnnnnanAd Ip, 5 oe « te = = 4 5 o i, oe 4f : | Peas : =z 64 Bi Y. z LLG, 3 2 tL Le we ~ - oe y Tb - & » ry 4 ow o ae og OFF 444444004000000G000H 8 4 6 é 4 a = G SSE Nae o Pi 3 J oni. “9 0000seeseaaesesogadceaaad 6 6 4 8 4 3 a TB an rh he wher fa Pde “gwuapnosasecasssasasgsogad ao @ 2 6 a 2 = ee ert et. yf ake onedonessscoassceeeeed 6 6 6 Oo a S s -> a a ae a é fe é 00000000000046600000 6 O 6 4 4 ry ee ta aa caer May (| wenesessecesnseeseeo 6 6 8 8 8 3° ; oe Ese ese, ft TYVYTYTYY YY) © ee ee a 2S aoe Ca ad CAEN 60000000000000000 8 6 8 @ ry eae 7 r) 4 o Ce Mr faa { \ , onanoddacoaaoscao 6 6 6 28 Ce NN fe? vez Ra ate eee ae CH 66 4 6 dé ° 060000s0000000000 © Bb Ob ry a ewer z_@ z ee Lf be 60000000000000088 6 A 8 ry 4 sur = Pt on 0060000000000000 0 xc ARINe 6 PLATE 94 6 006 CPCPPPPPEIESECEDAAALOARN AS LS Ti RELI... oc oedescectannnnnenmnniniied 26Asb6ssneoanyvemnn* > o ~ gy 6 6 60600000s000s00000—==OOr Oe © & b 00660600 seccnwmmrrrrsrrrg4 TF OM ye & 0 ObbO00bGOO4Saeba0tIIOH OO ET aoe SORAERKLEDAARSALEXT~™—R—T DMO OC IW VYYYYVYYY. Sane oneal Ce ee oa Avacsatiass’lcatoe OEE S eee e¢ eo 0 00000000; Reauppeccscessoe oe I © o& 0 6 6000) Penge perameussrorre fg | e PM dd) ° 6 6 6 Mb .ccerre IM aa g|9 . 2 0 eg 4 $464 ceases a bh 8 > eo 4 64eaw OeedOOOO PDD OD = ¢ 900 Deaar00070000 09 09 RP DP oe ¢ © 20 tocmnfptocmreeserererniey > ae? 8 worverrrv777 ef 8 440 VVVdVVIVVVIOVVOT FF OF OF egeqacacaenvvvrnvV77 9 7 F 8 seeqavevedooorees v7 7 8 vovrvevevevve v eo F veesevveverev—dd 9 0 FP a vervovevvovv—e79 9 F F eorvnvverv0CVveT7 7 v FY vvvovvervvorvoev 7 8 oF 8 eVTTTET vorooy 9 e 8 vvsvevruvvvrvere ey v 0 ’ TVCVTTTOROTTIOND P eaaene : oon chapuinsatsevmesabrasnaaliares seaatiee . iB SA 7 NS ea Ni a RRB GRA NTN Si I 6 eR RE AE et Tae FT/SEC OREION INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! MEAN TIDE VITH 3500 FT JETTIES EQUALS 6G. UATER VELOCITIES, HOURS 6.75 VECTOR LENGTH SCALES PLATE 95 ry © PeSoessARTUIIEPTTIITTI ST 8 6 646606 @ 666008" Val 112... coeenenennnt aa a ¢ Cee peeereeeseclS 1 0 0FFR Xe WV YY. ube LZ LL; a FT/SEC a Ww BW MRMR NN oe + coomay (99... pyweyerissa o vy’ wR RN ~ WN NS TE SSS =V.rWwWWN SS a VUVVCITDPPPPPOODIIPP DP EQUALS 6. AVIETPPVIOTT SP ef, AVIVIIVOTIOVE & 1, PrvvoCNeNIVONNT 0 vvTVETeTIVITONCT O TVPVENTOTODNVINR 7 ververveVeRNTTO? 7 vovveveCveTTNIT TD OVTVTNVOTINCNNTT O SSS SoS ee NIN ND NE a ry ~~ SS Sees we vveveeveveeveIVe 7 ~» s * *B BBWS yrrw rerwerwenrdt » ry VOVTOVVTORNTINTD 9 OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS AODEL® MEAN TIDE ULTH 3600 FT JETTIES UATER VELOCITIES, HOUR? 9.86 VECTOR LENGTH SCALE! PLATE 96 0 OUVECVOCVCOCTTTORTOVORTIVCT oO 7 0 VUOTTOVTVTUTVECRNCTINNNTIONND OD po 0 DAN ANNR Re RMRRARARRRRARR eo 4 dK geareaectis ee PML EEL OEEAE A ge bidd lbsdddd dd ddddddbbdd d 6 4 VMS beldbetbetdhshenet S & con SOMALI OAAMLMMELS OO frp shh erre ® 4 a ry 6 a » » e ef-eet © © e & F&F &F &F © He eeeee CACOnOG peas FT/SEC Q VRARKR A 2 4 eA SRARH ~ aS EQUALS 56. 00160000000000000008 6 6 0.0)000000000000000 6 O 086006000000060408 4 4 4009000000006 0006060000008 6 0040060000060008 6 0600066060000008 408000606600008 & e e- © © &we ewe © ew he ew &w © © we B&F eB © a 060000606A000088 6 00600806006000306 6 OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS AODEL! MEAK TIDE UITH SOO FT JETTIES UATER VELOCITIES, HOUR? 3.6 VECTOR LEMQTW SCALES < e NN NNES eR eee EN NR ONEN 8600660808430008 6 PLATE 97 0 0 COC esereworrressrersesee & Sf 8 NAAX: b 4 ¢ cveovesseaasensssanwer?e © 2 « bo OCP COPPIOSISDD COSISI I SE 0 6 60 0dseeorrrnereasresrs 7 ¢ + PW ee a 0 4 0 O90 6ss gap ggeCCCCPPETEEE I OO 4 9 000g pg ggtEIPTOTOFORIESSTS © & 0 04 0¢gg¢=—T RR FORTTIEETT SS 1 606060 trrrmereere © So 0 64400 OMaggecreromesecaror oe I @ $64 Obs IbbtceerrremercEtdIe 4 a4 600 0 gecerrorerr OO cxag 4 |? @ FT JETTIES is 0 6 0 4A ODODSPEEIGCPPPORSOFREICIG OC OD FT/SEC ervev77000 7 0 VUTVAITTTTTOTITVINTT 0 OF ——~ EQUALS 6. vorveorrereveveT oF worecrvev00CV00T7 © F 25 OREGOR INLET SHORE PROCESS AODEL! AEAN TIDE UITH 60 VATER VELOCITIES, HOURS 6.75 VECTOR LENGTH SCALE! HAINe AAIAe PLATE 98 064g Weewrwoosetnte so ee et debi ah oO St OY Ve ee ORWPIIIPNNIIIIIIIIIIS SY A oe a IMPPPENIOIIIII LILIA” “W _“~ 4 PIII AIEEE wg VMI A nw Wee LZ a Vd Uy Rees / Ae ervewasae od bw © ° Oo ra vessesasbsed & > © “gc gayre@ewwnn wos e e 00000. memeseen es a2 6 eo o » VIVITTUI DeeseeI900b Be PD OS o o PRaatantCIiearVITVIVUPPIOD OD Db Db D o i AGCTETTRORROT OPIOID D DP Pe ° 9 AUIIVHPPIOPDD DH PP DP o v -g%-VVornvorv——NVe eee 8 9 9 wT OVeTTTHTOVION DF vrv0ve9v0rV00007 9 F DP vervecverrnvV—vr yr FP oO wvevetvevvevrtve ey oP Pe DP 2 2 2 VVoVETVTTETIONT9 D 2 2 ° VevTOVVODINVONIE 9 vveTovovoVOvOnTY O TveveTVeDVNTVNNT 0 OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS AODELs ALAN TIDE UITH SOG@ FT JETTIES VATER VELCCITIES, HOURS 9.85 VECTON LENGTH SCALES FT/SEC EQUALS 6. PLATE 99 Disk i EAB LE EM AMVONNOG ONINING NO $L9393943 SAIILLAC 14 0600S 2:1300W $S$3904d 3YCHS SUNOH “BulL SUNOH “Bula ot ot at ot 8 9 v @ ® “a 9% ot es ot 8 ’ G ai G 1-8 H g'- 4 = se ae Se era Fhe ee ae ae LE “ON ED a ew (Cape ESBS i ed Be ie eS oe ee Bea eee $° 1 Pier eae a i 0 ” [=o Te eae] Sa ee EE se ae ee ee Panenee q Se a ee ee ee (SIILLI£F) ABVCNNOT JIGISAVE HINOS T3NI1 a3nS¥G CSITALIF) ABVANNOE JAISAYE WLYON &3NI1 G3IHSWO CTWWUNLYN) ABWGNNOE JGISAVE HENOS s3N17 A210S CWUNLYN) ABVGNNOE IGISAVE HLAMOW 839NET G110$ SaNOW “IMIS SBNOH °3UTE ot ot ay et 8 9 ? 2 t 9t ot at ot 8 2 ea ee ee f fa 9 "te 9 eee ee 4 $°- 4 , isle) G “OW ee RO ek 1 t a s° a : ae ry f 3 “t3 : : 2 $*t (SIILLI£F) AFINI JL1SOddO ABYANNOG AVE t3NI1 G3HSYO (S3YLLIF) AZIWI JLTSOdd) ABVENNOE WHII0 83NI1 GIHSvA CWINLYM) LIINI 3L1SO0dd0 ABYONNOE AXA 83NT1 G170S CWSNLON) AIIWE JLTSOddO AAVANNON NYIDO 839NI1 G110S PLATE 100 AMVONNOG ONIAIUG NO $193449 SITLLAC 14 0800S 813G0W $$3908¥d 3YOHS SUNOM “OWS SUNOW "SUES sullen PLATE 101 zoaer=z @GUewwe LOE E0ER?2: AaQWOEaWwWH Uwaon: SL a AOL lt oe a he RT ia eed cra: PWLIOOCmF> ECOUZ——DAW UAW SwdOVU=—> EECUTH—- DAW &AO (S31LL3F) LAINE BLYSOddO ABYGNNOG AYA s9WIT GINS¥C CSIIALIC) LZINI JLISOdGdO ABWANNOE NYIIC 23NI1 G3IHSVA CVWENLON) LINE JL1S0ddO ABYAONNOG AVE 83NI1 GI1CS €TWWYUNLYN) LIINI BLISOddO ASVANNOS MYIDO 83NI1 GII0S SUNOH “FJdTs ot et or a 9 » 2 e os pics| oe Si Ses a el (ALL30) JOLSAVE-WLS ABEND 15409 SI F1008 CWAALOW) AGTSAVE-ULS Auvid 25¥09 SI 3100¢ 13H11 G3HSea 13M11 G110S SaNOW “3uIL J = @ ew v uu e CALL3P) AGISAWE-YLS GHUND 15409 SI 3d 13HI1 G3HSHO CTSBNLYH) BOLSAVE-4LS AHWND 15409 SI wI4 13H17 AL10S rosa WweIWOEerHOF ue WeWoOCeRKOF uke XTYUDA JdIL NYIW HLIA ALLIS HLNOS SA THYNLYN 11300W $S$390¥d 3YOHS SUNOH “JulL os ch} or 8 9 » 2 6 *a- [Eee : *t and CALLIP) 3DiSHO39D0-¥LS GHYND 15409 SI 31Go8 t3HI4 a3HSuG (TWSNLOH) IDISHYIIO-VLS GUYND 15¥09 SI J1GOG t3WI1 Q1105 SONOW “BWIL CALLI£) 3QISH63II0-91LS5 GHYND 15409 SI W3d 139W11 IHSHO CTO4NLYH) IDGISHYIIO-91S GHUYNS 45409 SI W3d t3NI7 G110S WwXWoOeCKr MOF &e FVDSQ WeWwrEerROF be FTOSDAQ PLATE 102 3CUIL NYAW HLIA ALLIC HLNOS SA IVSNLYN 8£1300W $$390U¥d JYOHS SUNCH “Iwis SUNOH °IWIL PLATE 103 SE Sa Sd fy A a a Ne il 4 s*- 4 ; Pi peed es earls W "OW 0 \ 0 1 I 4 N sa 0 r) ada Slavia am ee 1 1 Eee aie! 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FT/SEC 2ES, HOURS 6.76 OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS AODEL: MEAN TIDE UITH SUUTH JETTY UATER VELOCIT VECTOR LENGTH SCALES ASN a RS NN TIES b OA bbbbbb00dssesebssgsesCoNIT ET © = + OP wrassosassesssssssssssonror © & £0079 er ersresasssssscooowes © & \ ge™avescssss gaseseesooorre = © © 6 A PO CCPPOPPOOPOIODODOPIOSSTS & © > 4 0 dacesccoredettescsreramog © oe ° © 4 bb bgbgasedetiisssggaggages Ie FC eo o 2 0 6 bb6baatdOSsaggueseoooor at FS ow ZF OCC ossesesenovevosIOIsrfss s YX - YW CP PSSM YIIELAA~_~ “~ a VPN OT 2g MMM LLL Yili a i. oti lanrairre , Nornee. —— lbh. FT/SEC EQUALS &. PamasaQUIV0T 000000 9b SALICTTOTTTIONT DO 7 A TOVOTDONVOTITOD 0 POVETOVOVVTIVOT F PVVETOTHOVITVVND 0 eveveTTVOCIIIN0D 0 evevervrvocdrr09 0 VOTIITOTVITVIVOD 0 versorevovedrrT DD OREGOn INLET SHORE PROCESS MODEL! AEAN TIDE UITH SOUTH JETTY UATER VELOCITIES, HOUR? 9.25 a eh i i i i) NN. Of Dee Ee 8 VECTOR LENGTH SCALEs VON eee SN OVITVTTTVCONVOTD U a . PLATE 107 V BEM Aamir EAH ? Bl Ge oO wn & ow ox = is w 4 s o = uw Ss a e .= Does ge = = 7 = & aero . ° =z s 3 as a a w = 5 oO = o rr] = ~ 2 e mi vee = if iG ig w hs peg z = m3 EECUT—— DOW LOH QvUIEwWWRH LAO LOEerr PLATE 110 NAIN©® 25 “ ee ee ee nn PAT SASIISIISSSSNSHINIE LS | = ERIC lt ccs c eet ce cet t yt Um aan SD OUUDAEALLLALLGLLLAUUUUAAE SS Lf VVUAUUOORAUSOLLONLANANALG 4 VUUGAADAUDAADALDALOALAAUARAS VY STU SSASUIISSUAA ANN NAVAS Li _ s —— SER SURG SS oe. ee LH a4 4 © @7- @e@eei¢ \ N NN Goof ff Cos ff Berry ff Wo of ff eo of — ( _-_ \ \ \ \ \ \ | J / / iY / / / Y / / / / / / / / / ; / / / / / wee SS SS NS NSS, SS Se ~~ eNOS - FI/SES EQUALS 5. OREGON INLET SHORE PROCESS RODEL! RMARCH 196% NORTHEASTER UATER VELOCITIES, HOURS GO. VECTOR LENGTH SCALE! PLATE 111 tad < al Ds dq APPENDIX A: NOTATION Regional constants derived from stretching transformation of coordinate system Coefficient matrices Chezy frictien coefficient Wind drag coefficient Tctal depth of water column d = 7-h Coriolis parameter Terms representing external forces such as wind stress Acceleration due to gravity Local ground (cell) elevation above datum Integer time-step counter Dimensionaless parameter used to characterize stability criterion Rate of water volume change in the system (for example through rainfall or evaporation) Time Vertically averaged water velocity in x-direction Matrix consisting of mn, u, and v as functions of x, y andt Vertically averaged water velocity in y-direction Largest velocity encountered at a computational cell 10-metre wind speed Cartesian coordinate system axes names Smaller value of Ax and dy Time-step Length of computational cell in x- and y-directions Eddy viscosity coefficient Water-surface elevation above datum Hydrostatic water elevation due to atmospheric pressure differences Two-dimensional differences operators Air density Surface stress of wind Intermediate time-step level Positive integer representing computational grid line 5G iw ae my i a ASH Pai ar aoe Da ir ant ane We We