ISSN 0085-4417 NUYTSIA Bulletin of the Western Australian Herbarium Vol. 1 No. 5 1975 Department of Agriculture of Western Australia If r i ISSN 0085—4417 NUYTSIA Bulletin of the Western Australian Herbarium Vol. 1 No. 5 J975 Department of Agriculture of Western Australia 41539 — ( 1 ) Studies in the genus Acacia (Mimosaceae) — 4 A Revision of the Series Pulchellae By B. R. Maslin Abstract A taxonomic revision of Acacia series Pulchellae is presented. With the exception of A. mitchellii which occurs in eastern Australia, the members of this Series are endemic to south-west Western Australia. The twenty-four species recognized comprise forty-five laxa. Twenty-eight new names or combinations are proposed. The morphology of the Series is discussed and keys to species and infra- specific taxa are provided. In most cases the taxa are illustrated and their distribution mapped. Introduction Bentham (1842) proposed the first classification of the genus Acacia in which subgeneric categories were formally named (see Ross, 1973). By employing both vegetative and inflorescence characters Bentham divided the genus into six Series, one phyllodinous and five bipinnate. The Pulchellae, together with the Botryocephalae and Gammiferae, are the only bipinnate Series which occur in Australia— the first two being endemic to this region. In general terms, the Pulchellae can be distinguished from the Botryocephalae by their simple or extremely reduced racemose inflorescences, and from the Gummiferae by normally having scarious stipules. Although there are deficiencies in Bentham's classification it is a convenient system for grouping the species of this vast genus. Therefore, for the purpose of this revision. Bentham's treatment has been accepted. Tt should be noted, however, that the Pulchellae are a diverse and possibly unnatural group of species. Unless otherwise indicated, the specimens cited in this paper are housed at the Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH). In most instances only a selection ol specimens is listed for each taxon. The abbreviations for herbaria are those given in Index Herbariorum pt.l ed.5 (1964), with the addition of UWA for the Department of Botany, University of Western Australia (see Taxon 15(8): 336, 1966) All illustrations appearing in this work have been drawn from pressed herbarium specimens. Unless otherwise indicated, the measurements given in the descriptions below are from dried herbarium material. Morphology This chapter provides definitions for the more specialized terms which appear in the taxonomic descriptions below. Many of these terms are illus- trated in Figure 1. In addition, some of the general morphological attributes of the Pulchellae are discussed here. 1. Hahn: About half the species in the Pulchellae are from 0-5 to 2 metres tall. The remaining taxa are either taller shrubs from 3 to 5 metres in height (2 species); dwarf, erect shrubs not exceeding 0-6 metres in height (17 taxa); or prostrate (3 species). 388 Figure 1 — Some morphological features of the Pulchellae. See p. 388 for definition of terms illustrated here. A relatively uncommon feature in the Pulchellae is the production of suckers which develop from short subterranean runners. With the information available to date, suckers appear to be restricted to the group of dwarf taxa referred to above, but not all members of this group produce them. The taxa for which suckering has been recorded are A. browniarta var. eiullicheri, A. drewiana var. minor, and A. varia var. varia, var. crassinervis. and var. parviflora. Judging from some herbarium sheets, runners also appear to occur on A. insolita. 2. Indumentum: Hair morphology, especially length and direction (i.c. antrorse, retrorse, or spreading) are useful taxonomic characters. Most of the indu- mentum types used in this paper are illustrated in Figure 1. The term puberu- lous which appears very frequently in the descriptions below requires a brief explanation. This term is applied to an indumentum consisting of hairs which 389 are short, soft, and spreading; the hairs may be either straight or tortuous. If the hairs are directed upwards (towards the apex of the organ) the indumentum is termed antrorscly puberulous (these hairs are less appressed than in antrorsely strigose). 3. Spines: Only three closely related species within the Pulchellae possess axillary spines, viz. A. lasiocarpa , A. megacephala , and A. pulchella. The spines are modified branches (see Vassal, 1970, p.24), occurring at the nodes together with a pair of scarious stipules. The presence or absence of spines, their frequency, and their number per node (i.e. solitary or in pairs) are useful taxonomic characters but undue reliance should not be placed on them in differentiating taxa. In both A. lasiocarpa and A. pulchella spineless individuals often occur within varieties which typically possess axillary spines; only one taxon, A. lasiocarpa var. villosa , is consistently spineless. When spines occur on A. lasiocarpa they are always solitary at the nodes; likewise, one-spined nodes are normal for A. megacephala, but a two-spined variant has been recorded for this species. On .-t. pulchella the number is variable with both one- and two-spined nodes occurring. 4. Leaves: Because past authors have frequently applied different terms to the individual parts of compound leaves, the present author’s usage ot toliar terminology is here defined. (i) Jugate — yoked together, in pairs. Used here with reference to the pinnae. The word is often prefixed by a numeral, for example. 3-jugate leaves possess three pair of pinnae. See also niultijugate and unijugate. (ii) Muhijugate leaves — possessing more than one pair of pinnae. (iii) Petiole -the stalk of the leaf, i.e. that portion of the primary leaf axis situated below the proximal pair of pinnae. (iv) PetioluJe — the stalk of a pinnule. (v) Pinna, pi. Pinnae- primary division of a bipinnate leaf. In the des- criptions below, a distinction is made between the proximal (lowermost) and distal (uppermost) pair of pinnae. (vi) Pinna racliis — the pinnule-bearing axis of the bipinnate leaf. This term was used by Windier (1966) with reference to Neptunia. (vii) Pinnule ( Leaflet) — the ultimate division of the bipinnate leaf. (viii) Primary leaf axis — the combined petiole, racliis (when present), and terminal seta. (ix) Racliis, pi. Rachides — the pinnae-bearing axis of the bipinnate leaf, situated above the petiole. (This term is commonly applied to the pinnule- bearing axis of a pinnate leaf.) (x) Terminal seta — the appendage which terminates the racliis (of a multi- jugate leaf) or the petiole (of a unijugate leaf) — see Maslin (1972), for further details. (xi) Unijugate leaves — possessing one pair of pinnae. 5. Glands: Glands are present on the leaves of most species in the Pulchellae but sometimes they are quite small and not readily observed. Both gland structure and position are of considerable taxonomic value in this Series. The only species which lack glands are A. insolita (doubtfully included in the Pul- chellae) and A. mitchellii (but see p. 471). On the basis of gland morphology, the Pulchellae can be divided into two major groups, one with stipilate glands and the other with sessile glands. The first group includes A. lasiocarpa, A. megacephala, and A. pulchella; 390 the gland on these species arises from near the distal end of the petiole within the angle formed by the pinnae but often it is obscured by the terminal seta. Tn A. megacephala and A. pulchella the gland normally consists of a distinct stipe (1-4 mm long) ending in a dilated apex; A. lasioccirpa on the other hand often has very reduced glands ( [ 0-5 mm long). Interestingly these three species all have unijugatc leaves and they are the only members of the Pul- cheUae possessing axillary spines. The remaining nineteen species have sessile glands which occur on the upper surface of the petioles and or raehides normally immdeiately below the insertion of the pinnae. There is never more than one gland situated between each pair of pinnae as is often the case in the scries Botryocephalae. In a few species a small gland occurs on the upper surface of the pinna rachis below the insertion of one or more pairs of pinnules. Table I summarizes the dis- tribution of sessile leaf glands in the Pulchellae. TABLE I Species Gland position Petiole Rachis Pinna Rachis A. depressa [U] X A. newbeyi [U] X A. moirii [U] X A. tayloriana [U] X A. tayloriana X A. giibertii [U] X (x) — sometimes present A. giibertii X (x) — often (x) — sometimes present present A. drummondii subsp. candolleana [U] X subsp. drummondii X subsp. elegans (x) — often X present A. varia var. affinis X var. crassinervis X var. parviflora X var. varia X (x) — often present A. luteola (x) — rarely X present A. preissiana X A. drewiana subsp. drewiana X subsp. minor X subsp. pungens [UJ (Gland present on terminal seta.) A. browniana ... X A. plicata X X A. Iateriticola X A. empelioclada X X A. empelioclada [U] X A. leioderma X X A. nigricans X A. grisea X A. pentadenia (x) — present X or absent A. subracemosa X Table 1- Distribution of sessile leaf glands in the Pulchellae. [U] ; - unijugate leaves (species without brackets are multijugate); x presence of gland. 391 6. Inflorescences: Tn the Pulchellae the inflorescences are normally simple, but in a few species they consist of very short racemes e.g. A. lasiocarpa, A. megacephala, A. newbeyi. A. nigricans. A pentadenia, A pulchella , and A. subracemosa. In these species the raceme axis normally varies from less than I to 4 mm in length and is subtended by 1 to 3 scarious bracts; normally there are from 1 to 4 peduncles per raceme and these are subtended by a solitary basal bract. The racemes in the Pulchellae are not nearly as well developed as they are in the series Botryocephalae, For the remaining species with simple inflorescences, the presence or absence of bracts at the base of the peduncles is an important taxonomic char- acter. These bracts are referred to as basal bracts in the descriptions below. Generally speaking, species lacking basal bracts have hairy (not glabrous) peduncles and triangular-shaped calyx lobes (as opposed to oblong ones). The term obloid is applied to very short cylindrical flower heads (i.e. length: width 2: 1-6:5). When the length and width proportions are equal the flower head is termed globular. A cylindrical flower head is one on which the length is greater than twice the width. 7. Seals: Seed orientation in the legume is either longitudinal or transverse (to oblique). In the first case, the long axis of the seed lies parallel to the long axis of the legume, while in the second the long axis of the seed is normal (or inclined up to forty-live degrees) to the long axis of the legume. The long axis of an orbicular seed is taken as being a line drawn from the middle of the aril and passing through the centre point of the areole. A pleurogram occurs on all seeds examined. It is either unbroken (i.e. continuous) or open towards the hilum. The area bounded by the pleurogram is termed the areole (see Maslin, 1972, for further details). The aril is generally defined as an expansion of the funicle (Jackson, 1928); however, as Vassal (1971, p.213). points out, there has been considerable confusion in the past regarding the application of these terms. About half the species in the Pulchellae have a filiform, or almost filiform funicle which abruptly thickens into a large fleshy aril. In the remaining species the funicle tends to gradually expand into the aril without a clear distinction between the two structures. Relationships within the Pulchellae The series Pulchellae as circumscribed here consists of a diverse assemblage of twenty-four species. With the evidence available to dale (which has been derived almost entirely from comparative morphology) it is not certain whether this Series constitutes a natural taxonomic group. Although a number of natural sub-groups have been recognised (see Figure 2) the absolute relation- ships between these have not been determined. Data from anatomy, cytology, pollen and seedling morphology, phytochemistry, and other studies would be necessary in an attempt to reveal these relationships. Such studies are outside the scope of the present work. Concerning Figure 2 the following points should be noted: 1. Acacia insolita. The true position of this species within the genus Acacia is somewhat obscure. In this species the uppermost leaves are reduced to phyllodes, therefore in the strict sense it should be included in the Phyllodineae rather than the Pulchellae. However, because A. insolita has traditionally been included in the Pulchellae, 1 have accepted it for the purpose of this revision. 392 jSERIES PH YLLODINEAE A. i n s o 1 i t a A. pulchel la A lasioca rpa A megacephala A. g i I b e r t i A mitchelli A drewiana T“ 1 ?? I A . p I i c a t a I ^ ^ ieTbOT RYOCEPHAlflEl Figure 2 — Affinities in the series Pulchellae. Species blocked are closely related; a solid line indicates probable close relationship; a broken line indicates uncertain affinity. 2. Acacia drewiana , A. gllbertii . and A. mitchellii possess one or more important taxonomic characters which render them quite unusual for the Pulchellae. The relationship of these species to the other members of the Series is not clear. Acacia plicata is another species with uncertain affinities; it could be distantly related to A. drumnwndii or A. preissiana , or even A. drewiana. 3. Acacia depressa, A. moirii , and A. newheyi share two important taxo- nomic characters, viz. consistently unijugate leaves and sessile petiolar glands. However, when all the morphological attributes of these species are considered simultaneously, the relationship between them is not clear. Although these taxa have no obvious affinities with the remainder of the Pulchellae they can be thought of as occurring somewhere between the A. pulchella group (no. 6 below) and either the A. drummondii group (no. 7 below) or the A. browniana group of species (no. 8 below'). 4. Acacia pentadenia and A. suhracemosa are united by their overall foliage and inflorescence characters. These species appear to be somewhat removed from the remainder of the Pulchellae; they may possibly be distantly- related to the series Botryocephalae. 393 5. Acacia preissiana and A. tayloriana appear to be related to each other. The group with which they seem most closely allied is A. drummondii and its allies (no. 7 below). 6. Acacia lasiocarpa, A. megacephala, and A. pulehella are the only species in the Series which have axillary spines and stipitate glands. These species constitute a natural group and are quite distinct from the remainder of the Pulchetlae. 7. Acacia drummondii together with A. luteola and A. v aria form a natural group whose members share the following characters: obloid to cylindrical flower heads, ebracteate peduncle bases, triangular-shaped calyx lobes, and glands which are normally situated on the petiole. As mentioned above, A. preissiana and A. tayloriana (perhaps also A. plicata) appear to have some affinities with this group. 8. Acacia browniana together with A. empelioelacla , A. grisea , A. lateriti- cola. A. leioderma , and A. nigricans form the largest natural group within the Pulchetlae. These species are united by the following attributes: axillary spines absent, leaves normally multijugate, gland sessile (never present on petiole), peduncles glabrous and with 3-4 fairly conspicuous basal bracts (except A. nigricans ), flower heads globular, and calyx lobes oblong, indexed and slightly thickened at the apex. SERIES PULCHELLAE Shrubs (rarely small trees) 0-3-2 (3-5) m tall, sometimes prostrate; axillary spines present or absent. Stipules scarious, rarely spiny. Leaves bipinnate, rarely the uppermost reduced to phyllodes (A. insolita ), articulate on branch, rarely decurrent; pinnae 1-3 (4—8 ) pairs; rachis 115 (55) mm long; terminal seta scarious, rarely spiny; pinnules on unijugate leaves: (!) 2- 10 (12) pairs, on multijugate leaves: 1-3 (4-5) pairs on proximal pinnae and 2-10 (12-30) pairs on distal pinnae. Gland sessile or stipitate, situated on upper surface of rachis and or petiole, rarely on pinna rachis. Inflorescences simple or some- times shortly racemose; peduncles glabrous or hairy, base ebracteate or with up to 4. J conspicuous bracts; flower heads globular to cylindrical. Flowers 5 (rarely 4) -merous; calyx normally connate for ca. i or more its length, rarely truncate or divided to base, lobes oblong to triangular; ovary sessile, rarely stipitate. Legumes normally somewhat hard and brittle, rarely firmly chartaceous, flat (rarely plicate); margins normally thickened. Seeds trans- verse to longitudinal in legume; pleurogram continuous or open towards the hilum; funiclc filiform or dilated, reflexed below a thickened straight to once- folded aril. Type species: Acacia pulehella R.Br. Key to Species based on dried, flowering material. la. Flower heads cylindrical .... b. Flower heads globular or obloid 2a. Pinnules flat or slightly recurved b. Pinnules prominently recurved to revolute .... 3a. Pinnules glabrous or minutely strigose on margins. 2 5 3 4 Widespread. 20. A. drummondii (Figs. 28-30) b. Pinnules conspicuously hairy. Widespread ... 19. A. varia (Figs. 24-26) 4a. Flower heads very pale yellow ( sulphur-coloured), obloid to shortly cylindrical (6 12 mm long); pinnules recurved to revolute, 2-6 x 0-5-1 mm, normally glabrous or sparsely hairy. (Denmark to Cheyne Beach, north to Stirling Range) 18. A. luteola (Fig. 23) b. Flower heads not - sulphur-coloured or if almost so then heads distinctly cylindrical and pinnule characters not combined as above. Widespread and variable 19. A. varia (Figs. 24, 26, 27) 394 5a. Flowers 4-merous, white, 2-8 per head; branches glabrous; petiole 8-14 mm long; pinnules 8-20 x 3-5 mm. Flowers from December to March. (Sporadic from York to Augusta and Denmark) 23. A. gilbertii (Fig. 32) b. Flowers 5-merous, yellow or cream-coloured, 10 or more per head 6 6a. Pinnae consistently 1 pair (i.e. leaves unijugate) 7 b. Pinnae more than 1 pair (a few unijugate leaves may occur among the multijugate ones) ... .... 19 7a. Pinnules prominently recurved to revolute 8 b. Pinnules Hat ... .10 8a. Leaves strongly decurrent along branch; terminal seta subulate and pungent, 10 18 mm long; stipules spinescent; axillary spines absent. Rare. (Near WannamaO 22c. A. drewiana subsap. pungens (Fig. 31J-K) b. Leaves articulate on branch; terminal seta scarious, 0-5-3 mm long; stipules scarious; axillary spines present or absent ... ... 9 9a. Peduncles completely glabrous; axillary spines absent. Not common. (West to East Mount Barren) 10 . A. empelioclada (Fig. 15) b. Peduncles hairy to some degree; axillary spines present or absent. Widespread and variable 3. A. lasiocarpa ( Fig. 6) 10a. Axillary spines present (sometimes few-, rarely absent); stipules scarious; gland stipitate, normally 1-4 mm long, arising at distal end of petiole from w ithin the angle formed by the pinnae 1 1 b. Axillary spines absent but stipules occasionally spiny (A. nwirii subsp. recurvhtipula); gland sessile, situated on upper surface of petiole near insertion of pinnae (often incon- spicuous; rarely absent) ... 14 I la. Peduncles completely glabrous 12 b. Peduncles hairy to some degree .... 13 12a. Flowers 80-90 per head; peduncles 15-25 mm long; pinnules narrowly obovate, 3-6 x 1 -5-3 mm; branchlets densely shortly pilose. (Geraldton district) 2. A. megacephala (Fig. 5) b. Flowers 10 40 (50) per head; peduncles 2-15 mm long. Widespread and variable. 1 . A. pulehella (Fig. 4) 13a. Flairs on branches and peduncles retrorse; peduncles ca. 10 mm long; spines 1 per node; pinnules normally slightly recurved, 3-4 pairs, discolorous, prominently 1-nerved below. (Geraldton to Murchison River) 3a. A. lasiocarpa var, lasiocarpa variant b. Characters not combined as above. Widespread and variable. 1 . A. pulehella (Figs. 3-4) 14a. Petiole 7-25 mm long; branchlets not spinescent 15 b. Petiole 0-5-2 mm long or if longer (to 4 mm) then branchlets prominently spines- cent 16 15a Upper leaves reduced to phyllodes: peduncles 6-12 mm long, minutely puberulous; pinnules (on lower leaves) 6-10 pairs; shrub erect. (Dwellingup to Bridgetown; Pingelly to Narrogin) 24. A. insolita (Fig. 33) b. Leaves all bipinnate; peduncles 25-50 mm long, pilose; pinnules 3-5 pairs, hispid below ; shrub prostrate. Rare. (Augusta district) 16. A. tayloriana (Fig. 21) 16a Peduncles conspicuously hairy: stipules sometimes spiny; pinnules 3-7 pairs, some- times conspicuously hairy. (Manypeaks to near llyden and Ravensthorpe; Badgin- garra district) 4 - A. moirii (Figs. 7-9) b Peduncles glabrous (rarely sparsely and minutely strigose A. depressa ); stipules never spiny; pinnules glabrous to glabrescent 17 17a Flowers 2S-43 per head: branchlets pilose (hairs spreading and conspicuous, 1-2 mm long), not spinescent. (East to West Mount Barren) It). A. empelioclada (Fig. 15) b. Flowers 10-15 per head; branchlets glabrous or minutely hairy, spinescent or sub- spinescent ls 18a Petiole 3-4 mm long; branchlets prominently spinescent: pinnules 3-4 pairs; shrub prostrate. Rare. (Near Tarin Rock) 5. A. depressa (Fig. 10) b Petiole 0-5 mm long: branchlets subspinescent: pinnules normally 2 pairs; shrub erect. (Ongerup to Hyden and Ravensthorpe) 6. A. newbeyi (Fig. 1 1 ) 19a Leaves strongly decurrent along branch (Fig. 311); petiole absent (i.e. lowermost pair of pinnae arising at junction of leaf axis and branch); branches and peduncles hairy. (Armadale to Bindoon; Wongan Hills: Kukerin to Lake Grace) 22. A. drewiana (Fig. 31) 395 b. Leaves articulate on branch; petiole present although often very short (± 1 mm).... 20 20a. Branchlets glabrous 21 b. Branchlets hairy .... 27 21a. Pinnules somewhat thickened and prominently revolute (these are glabrous variants of normally hairy species) 22 b. Pinnules flat or slightly recurved 24 22a. Pinnules 4-5 pairs; rachis ca. 15 mm long; flower heads globular. (Near York) 15. A. prcissiana b. Pinnules 2-3 pairs; rachis 2-4 mm long; flower heads obloid to shortly cylindrical ... 23 23a. Flower heads pale yellow sulphur-coloured); branchlets prominently ribbed. (Albany to Stirling Range) 18. A. luteola b. Flower heads deep yellow; branchlets not prominently ribbed. (Lucky Bay, east of Esperance) 19d. A vaiia var. parvifiora 24a. Leaves large: rachis 10-55 mm long, pinnae 2-5 < 6 - S ) pairs, distal pinna rachis 25-80 mm long; pinnules 12-30 pairs, obliquely truncate at base, L sessile (i.e. petiolule extremely reduced). (Pemberton to near Albany) ... 13. A. pentadenia (Fig. 18) b. Leaves smaller than above; pinnules 2-8 (13) pairs, rounded at base, petiolule quite distinct ... ... 25 25a. b. 26a. b. 27a. b. 28a. b. 29a. b. 30a. b. 31a. b. 32a. b. 33a. b. 34a. b. Flowers 28-35 per head; gland (small and sessile) normally present on upper surface of distal pinna rachis below uppermost 1-2 pairs of pinnules; branches prominently ribbed; pinnules 5 -11 mm long. (Albany to Mount Barker, eastward to West Mount Barren) 12. A. leioderma (Fig. 17) Flowers 14-21 per head: pinna rachis eglandulose; branch ribs often less prominent than above (these are glabrous to glabrescent variants of normally hairy species).. 26 Peduncles twinned on an extremely short raceme axis, 2-6 per leaf axil. (Fsperance district) 1 1. A. nigricans Peduncles simple, I (2) per leaf axil. (Albany to Busselton) 7. A. browniana Sepals free to base, linear-spathulate; leaves eglandulose. (Eastern Australia.) 21. A. mitchellii Sepals united; gland present on upper surface of petiole or rachis often small. (Western Australia) 28 Peduncles hairy to some degree; calyx lobes normally triangular 29 Peduncles completely glabrous; calyx lobes oblong 3 g Pinnules flat to slightly recurved 30 Pinnules slightly thickened and prominently recurved to revolute 33 Petiole 7-17 mm long; pinnules9-il x 3-5 mm, prominently reticulate and an'rorsely hispid below; shrub prostrate. Flowers in January. Rare. (Augusta district) , , > 6 . A. tayloriana (Fig, 21 ) Petiole I 3mm long; pinnules not as above; shrub erect " 31 Flowers 40-55 per head; pinnules 2-8 pairs, densely hairy, mostly above 6 mm long- (Hill River district) 17/ A. plicata (Fig. 22) Flowers 14-20 head; pinnule characters not combined as above 31 Pinnules 7-13 pairs, sessile (i.e. petiolule absent); pinnae 3-6 pairs- calyx lobes triangular; peduncles , conspicuously hairy, (Near Augusta to Witeheljffe) 14. A. subracemosa (Fig. 19 1 Pinnules normally 3-7 pairs, petiolule present; pinnae normally 2 pairs; calyx lobes oblong; peduncles sparsely hairy. (Nannup to Mount Chudalup) 7c. A. browniana var. obscura (Fig. 12) Flower heads distinctly globular: leaves relatively large; rachis 4-13 mm long distal pinna rachis 7-20 mm long, pinnules 2-8 pairs and 4-15 mm long 34 Flower heads obloid (i.e. slightly longer than broad); leaves normally smaller than above (neglect foliage on juvenile plants): rachis 1-4 mm long distal ninni rachis 1 -5-8 mm long, pinnules 2-4 pairs and 2-6 mm long ~ ^ Flowers 40-55 per head; hairs conspicuous at apex of hracteoles (observe unexpanded inflorescence): peduncles puberulous (hairs 0-5 mm long); pinnules densely puberu lous. normally 6-1? mm long; shrub erect. Flowers from August to October (Hill River district) 17. A. plicata (Fig. 22) Flowers 20-28 per head; hairs not conspicuous on hracteoles; peduncles pilose (hairs ca. I mm long); pinnules less hairy and normally shorter than above- shrub D rostrate Flowers from December to January. (Sporadic from Bindoon to Albany) 15. A. prcissiana (Fig. 20) 396 35a. Flower heads deep yellow; gland (small and sessile) present on upper surface of petiole (and often also rachis) below insertion of the pinnae. Widespread. 19d. A. varia var. parviflora (Fig. 27) b. Flower heads pale yellow ( sulphur-coloured); gland present on upper surface of rachis below insertion of distal pinnae, petiole normally eglandulose. (Denmark to Cheync Beach, north to Stirling Range) 18. A. luteola (Fig. 23) 36a. Hairs on branchlets uniformly short (ca. 0 • 7 mm or less long) 37 b. Hairs on branchlets long (ca. I *5-3 mm) but often mixed with shorter ones 39 37a. Peduncles twinned on an extremely short raceme axis, 2-6 per leaf axil; branchlets often conspicuously ribbed, hispidulous (hairs normally tubercle-based). (Esperance district) 11. A. nigricans (Fig. 16) b. Peduncles simple, 1 (2) per leaf axil; branchlets often inconspicuously ribbed, hairs rarely tubercule-based. (West of Ravensthorpe) . . .... 38 38a. Pinnules flat, finely and densely puberulous above and below, concolorous. somewhat thickened and imbricate. (Kojonup to Nyabing) 8. A. grisea ( Fig. 1 3) b. Pinnules recurved to revolule or iT flat (hen normally glabrous or ciliolate, rarely con- colorous. Widespread and variable 7. A. browniana (Fig. 12) 39a. Peduncles 5-15 mm long at anthesis; Bowers 12-21 per head. Widespread and variable 7. A. browniana (Fig. 12) b. Peduncles 15-30 mm long at anthesis; flowers 24-43 per head ... ... 40 40a. Gland (small and sessile) present on upper surface of distal pinna rachis at base of uppermost 1-4 pairs of pinnules; distal pinna rachis 10-30 mm long and bearing 4-10 pairs of normally glabrous pinnules. (Cape Riche to East Mount Barren) 10. A. empelioclada (Fig. 15) b. Glands absent from base of pinnules; distal pinna rachis 5-15 mm long and bearing 2-5 pairs of sparsely hispidulous pinnules. (Muchea to Pemberton) 9. A. laterrticola (Fig. 14) 1. Acacia pulchella R.Br. in Ait. f., Hort. Kew. ed.2, 5:464 (1813). Syntypes: ( 1 ) " Hort. Kew. (New Holl. Mr Brown.) ”, (2) “ R. Brown, Iter Australiense, 1802-5.” — Bennett No. 4322. (BM — photo seen). See discussion below. Mimosa pulchella (R.Br.) Poir., Encycl. Meth. (Bot.) Suppl. 5:530 (1810). Acacia lanuginosa Hort. ex Regel, Gartenflora 3:155 (1854), non C. A. Gardner (1939). Type: n.v. Shrub (0 25) 0-5-2 (3) in tall; branchlets sometimes spinescent, straight to prominently flexuose, ± nerveless to prominently ribbed, glabrous or hairy (indumentum variable). Spines axillary, 1-2 per node, occasionally absent. Stipules scarious. Leaves bipinnate; petiole minute (0-5 mm) to I -5 mm long (sometimes 2 5 mm towards base of branches); terminal seta narrowly triangular, (0-5) 1-4 mm long, dark brown: pinnae I pair; pinna rachis (0-5) 1 - 10 (15) mm long, normally glabrous or sparsely ciliolate; pinnules 2-8 (II) pairs, (narrowly) oblong to (narrowly) obovate, 1-5 (6) x 0-51 - 5 (3-5) mm, flat, green to glaucous, glabrous or ciliolate (puberulous above and below on var. reflex a). normally l-nerved below (nerve fine or thickened). Gland stipitate, arising at junction of pinnae, ( 0-5) 1-3 mm long, glabrous or sometimes puberulous, apex normally dilated. Inflorescence a very con- densed raceme (except on var . fagonioides where it is simple), peduncle arising from axil of the uppermost bract on the very short raceme axis (to 3 mm long) sometimes a second peduncle arising from axil of the lowermost bract; ped- uncles 1-3 per axil, 2-15 (20) mm long, glabrous or hairy ‘.flower heads globular, with 10-40 (50) flowers. Bracteoles dimorphous: lower series (arranged in a single ring at base of receptacle) reflexed, normally oblong and inflexed at apex; upper series (spirally arranged) erect, variable. Flowers 5-merous; ca l v x !-| length of corolla, divided for ), - h its length into oblong glabrous or ciliolate lobes, tube glabrous to sparsely puberulous and nerveless to prom- inently 5-nerved ; petals 1-5-2 (2-5) mm long, glabrous to glabrescent, l-nerved. Legumes narrowly oblong, 15-80 x 3-5 (7-9) mm, flat or slightly undulate, raised over seeds, glabrous or hairy, light to dark brown; margins: 397 straight (rarely prominently contracted between the seeds), yellow to light brown. Seeds (not seen for var. reflexa or var. subsessilis), longitudinal in legume (sometimes the proximal and distal seeds on var. fagonioides tending to oblique), oblong to orbicular, (2) 2 • 5-4 • 5 (6) x 1 • 5-3 (4 ■ 5) mm, dark greyish to brown. dull to shiny: pleurogram often prominent, with a narrow opening towards the hilum;/uH/Wc sometimes minute, filiform but often slightly dilated, reflexed below a thickened -f straight or once (sometimes twice) -folded aril. At British Museum. Natural History, there are two sheets which could possibly represent type material of A. pulchella. The first is labelled “ Hort. Kew. (New Holl. Mr. Brown.)": it is also annotated " Mimosa microphyl/a. Acacia pulchella " — none of this handwriting is Robert Brown's: this sheet consists of a single flowering specimen. The second sheet which consists of four specimens (two flowering, one sterile, one in fruit) bears a label “ R. Brown, Tter Austral iense, 1802-5." — Bennett No. 4322. and a second label (in Robert Brown’s hand) " Mimosa armata , King George Hi’s Sound ...” which has apparently been attached here in error. Judging from photographs seen, all the specimens contained on these sheets represent the same taxon. I have refrained from selecting a lectotype from this material because there is some uncertainty regarding the origin of the specimens. The whole question of Robert Brown's types for Acacia species described in Alton's Hortus Kewensis needs to be thoroughly investigated. The original description of A. lanuginosa Hort. ex Regel was very brief; no type was cited. Judging from the protologue, 1 have tentatively referred this species to A. pulchella . but it is impossible to determine from Regel's des- cription the particular variety to which this species belongs. Acacia pulchella is undoubtedly the most variable member of the Pu(chellae and perhaps also the most variable Acacia species in Western Australia. It has been convenient to recognize six varieties within this species. Three of these (var. fagonioides , var. reflexa and var. subsessilis) are quite distinct, but the variational limits of the remaining varieties (var. glaberrima , var. goadbyi and var. pulchella) are not clearly defined. Certainly further work is required to elucidate the complex variation patterns which exist within this species. Specimens from the region of Busselton to Albany are particularly confusing and ecological studies in this area would prove most worthwhile. Acacia pulchella is related to both A. lasiocarpa Benth. and A. megacephala B. R. Maslin. These three species are the only members of the Pulchellae which possess slipitate glands and axillary spines. Acacia pulchella is readily distinguished from A. lasiocarpa by its flat pinnules, and from A. mega- cephala by its smaller flower heads— see under these two species for further details. Ke\ to varieties' la. Branchlets and flowering peduncles completely glabrous 2 b. Branchlets and oi doweling peduncles hairy to some degree (hairs sometimes sparse or minute ... .... 4 2a. Peduncles 2-2 mm long: bracteole laminae acuminate, dark brown, prominent in the bud: pinnules 2-4 pairs. Rare .... f. var. subsessilis b. Peduncles 7 15 mm long: bracteole laminae ovate, neither dark brown nor very prominent in the bud 3 3a. Pinnules normally 3 5 pairs and obovate; spines mostly numerous, (1)2 per node- branchlets often slightly pruinose, ribs normally not prominent. (Widespread Mur- chison River to Ravensthorpe) c. var. glaberrima (Figs. 4D-I) b. Pinnules normally 5-8 pairs and narrowly oblong; spines often few. 0 1 per node (never 2); branchlets not pruinose, ribs normally prominent. (Boyup Brook to Albany Esperanee) d. var. goadbyi (Figs. 4J-L) 4a. Peduncles arising from near apex of the solitary axillary spine; branchlets strigose- pinnules 2-4 pairs, normally obovate. glabrous to glabrescent. (Toodyav and Eneabba dlstrlcts e. var. fagonioides (Figs. 4M-0) b. Peduncles arising from leaf axil at base of spine 5 398 5a. Pinnules finely puberulous above and below, concolorous, it glaucous; pinnae reflexed; branches ± densely and conspicuously hairy. (Coorow to near Gleneagle) b. var. refiexa (Figs. 4A-C) b. Pinnules glabrous or ciliolate 6a. Peduncles 2 -3 mm long; flowers 10-19 per head, attenuated in the bud; pinnules 2-4 pairs. (Not very common Wyalkatchem to Ravensthorpe) f. var. subsessilis (Figs. 4P-S) b. Peduncles above 5 mm long; flowers above 20 per head; pinnules 4-9 pairs 7a. Peduncles glabrous. (Not common Flarvey to Dunsborough) c. var. glaberrima h. Peduncles minutely puberulous. (Widespread Moora to Dunsborough and Albany) a. var. pulchella (I ig. 3) la. var. pulchella — Fig. 3 Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. hispidula Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1 :22 (1844). Svnlype s: •• In lintoso-calculosis sylvae inter Mahogany Creek et Halfwayhouse ( Darling’ s-Range) d. 1 3 Sept. 1839. Herb. Preiss. No. 908 (Drummond n.309, 311 ) ”. (iso: MEL, PERTH Drummond 311; K (photo seen) Drummond 309 and 311) [Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. hispidissinm auct. non (A. DC.) Meisn.: Meisn. in Lehm., Plant, Preiss. I :22 (1844), as to specimens cited.] Much branched shrub 0-5 1 (1 -5) m tall ; branchlets slightly to prominently flexuose, finely to prominently ribbed, moderately puberulous to glabrescent. often with an additional layer of pilose hairs. Spines 2 per node, normally numerous and unequal in length. Petiole 0-5-1 -5 (3) mm long; terminal seta narrowly triangular, 1-4 mm long; pinna rachis 3-10 mm long; pinnules (3) 4-8 pairs, oblong, narrowly oblong, or slightly obovate, I 5 x 0 5- 1 -5 mm, often dark green above and somewhat lighter green below, sometimes con- colorous, glabrous to minutely puberulous along margins, nerveless to 1 -nerved below (nerve fine or thickened), lateral veins often thickened. Gland less than or equalling terminal seta, apex dilated. Peduncles 5 15 mm long, minutely antrorsely puberulous (hairs sometimes sparse); flower heads with ( 15 ) 24-40 flowers. Bracteoles (upper series) 1 -5-2-5 mm long; laminae ovate, often prominently narrowed at the apex. Calyx lube glabrescent, 5-nerved; petals 1-nerved (nerve thickened when dry). Legumes 15 45 x 3-4 mm, glabrous or sometimes shortly pilose. Seeds r: oblong, 2-5 3-5 x 1-5-2 mm. Distribution and habitat: (Map 2) South-west Western Australia, extending from Moora southward to Augusta and Albany; commonly found in latentic soil. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : West of Mount Barker. I. M. Ashby 3663 (AD. PER I It, RSA), Mount Bakewel I York I .S' Georye 3046; Near Boggv Lake, 6 miles SVV of Walpole. ./. II Green 1091 • Mersca Lake. ea. 12 mi S of Bridgetown, W. i. t vneruyan 276(UWA); Yallingup, , a/ Maiden s.n.. Sept. Nov. 1909 (NSW 1329621): King George Sound, j. H. Maiden s.n., Nov 1909 (ex NSW 132954); Kalamunda, B. R. Martin s.n. 28 Nov. 1971 ; 3 ini I ol Harvey, n Madin 436- 0-5 mi S of Lower Chiltcring on the Bull. brook road, B. R. Muslin />3: X I m S of lsSmn'up towards Pemberton, B. R. Marlin 2869 (CANB. PERTH); Banks ol K - River Albany area. B. R. Martin 2965; Darling Range, Preiss 890. 26 July 1839 (MM PERTH incorrectly given in protologue as " 9118 ); Near Canning River. Preiss 899 MeL PERTH fragment): Darling Range, E. Pruzel 520 (AD. NSW); BuUsbrook. /. 6. c 1722 - About 2 mi from Moora towards Dandaragan, I ■ IV. Kent 154. Cape Leeuwin P a, Wilson 10236 (AD. K, MEL, NSW. PERTH). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers Irotn late July to October (occasionally November-December): mature seeds have been collected in late November and December. Acacia pulchella var. pulchella is quite a variable taxon. In the region from Moora to Cape Naturaliste it is normally recognized by the following characters: branch indumentum is a mixture of pilose and hisptdulous or nuberulous hairs (the pilose layer is sometimes sparse); midrib and lateral veins on lower surface of pinnules somewhat thickened ; petiole to 1 • 5 mm long. 399 Figure 3 Acacia pulchella var. pulchella. A - Portion of branch. B to E Pinnules (B uppet surlaee: ( lower surface showing thickened midrib and lateral veins- D upper surface; E-lower surface showing obscure midrib). F Seed (dark brown). G Node of Cape N al ural is t e- A banv form (pinnae removed) showing axillary spines (.spl stipitate gland ^rx!? 8 sel ^ (,) a JJ d st| P ules *•'), base of peduncle (pd), and very short petiole (p). , Node ol Moora-Cape Naturaliste form (pinnae removed) showing axillary spines (sp), stipitate gland (g) long terminal seta (/) and stipules (.v). and elongated petiole ( p). a ! r Mas l, X l 53; lronl F - w - WeM l54 - D-E from P. G. Wilson 10216- F rroin B. R. Masha s.n.; G from B. R. Maslin 2965; H from F. G. Smith 1722. and bracteole-laminae normally prominent (see Figs. 31, C and H). It is this form which includes the type of A. pulchella var. hispichtla Meisn. There is some evidence to suggest that morphological intermediates occur between this form and A. pulchella var. refle.xa B. R. Maslin -see page 401, The above-mentioned distinguishing characters are often absent from individuals occurring in the Cape Naturaliste-Albany area. These plants often lack the pilose hair layer on their branches, the pinnule midrib is not thickened and the lateral veins are absent, the petiole is often shorter, and the bracteole-laminae are normally ovate and less prominent (sec Figs 3E and G) ft is this form which corresponds to the type of A. pulchella and which is some- times difficult to distinguish from var. glaberrima Meisn. — see page 403 400 lb. var. reflexa B. R. Maslin var. nov. — Figs. 4A-C Frutex ad ca. 1 m altus; rami puberuli ad breviter pilosi. Spinae axillares, 1(2) in nodo quoque. Pinnae unijugatae, plerutnque reflexae; pinnulae <1-8 ( lOI-jugae, 2-5-5 x I -5-2 mm, utrinque subtiliter puberulac, aliquantum glaucae (in statu vivo). Gians stipitata, 1 -5-3 mm longa. Pedttnaili puberuli. Catyeis tubus saepe manifeste 5-nervosus. Type: 7 km N of Bullsbrook East, Western Australia, 20 July 1973, K. F. Kenneatlv 882 (holo: PERTH; iso: B, CANB, K. MEL, NSW, NY, PERTH). Openly branched shrub to ca. I m tall; branchlets finely ribbed to ribless, moderately to densely puberulous to shortly pilose, often reddish. Spines 1 (2) per node, often sparse, 4-7 (10 20) mm long. Pinnae normally reflexed, sometimes spreading; petiole often less than 0-5 mm long (may reach 2 -5 mm towards base ol branches); terminal seta 1-2-5 mm long, narrowly to very narrowly triangular, dark brown; pinna rachis 4-10 (20) mm long, indumentum as on branches; pinnules 4 8 (10) pairs, oblong to narrowly oblong, sometimes slightly obovate. 2-5-5 x 1-5-2 mm, somewhat imbricate, finely puberulous over entire surface, nerveless above, I -nerved below, lateral veins few (nerves obscure and slightly thickened), concolorous, somewhat glaucous (when fresh). Gland 1-53 mm long, somewhat thickened, puberulous. " Peduncles moderately to densely puberulous; flower heads 6-7 mm diam. at anthesis, with 32-43 liowers. Bracteoles (upper series) 2 mm long, moderately to densely puberu- lous; laminae ovate, normally not prominent in the bud. Calyx tube often prominently 5-nerved; petals 1-nerved (nerves somewhat thickened). Legumes (young) 25-35 x 3-5 mm, densely puberulous. Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 2) South-west Western Australia: most common in areas north of Perth from near Bullsbrook northwards to near Coorow. There is one record of this plant from the vicinity of Gleneagle, which is about 50 km due southeast of Perth. Acacia pulcliella var. reflexa grows in either moist grey sand near swamps or in laterite in Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata Dorm ex Sm.) forest. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Mogumber, H . Blackall s.n„ Aug. 1929; Tootbardi road, west of Coorow, C. Chapman s.n.. early June 1972; Hill River, C. -I. Gardner s.n., June 1943; 39 mile peg. Albany Highway, K. F. Kenneatty 902; Near 39 mile peg on Great Northern Highway, /•’. R. Maslin 2779 ( MEL. PERTH); 74 mile peg, south of New Norcia, /•'. G. Smith 1715; Badgingarra district. F. G. Smith 1823; Chitlering, 30 miles N of Perth, J. Sinister 445 (NSW'. PERTH); 22-9 miles N of Bindoon on Great Northern Highway, M. /). Titillate 1267 (ex NSW). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from June to August; immature legumes have been collected in mid-September. This new variety is closely related to A. pulcliella var. pidcKkUa and there is some morphological evidence to suggest that intermediates occur between these taxa (see below). It is distinguished from the typical variety by the nature of its branch indumentum, fewer spines, reflexed pinnae, and con- colorous, somewhat glaucous pinnules which are finely puberulous above and below (when hairs are present on the pinnules of var. pulcliella they are restricted to the margins). Acacia pulcliella var. reflexa begins its flowering season nearly two months before var. pulcliella. As mentioned above, there is some evidence to suggest that morphological intermediates occur between var. reflexa and var. pulcliella (see Smith 1715 and Tindale 1267). These putative intermediates have been collected from about 25 kilometres to 40 kilometres north of Bindoon on the Great Northern Highway. They are characterized by spreading pinnae, 2-3 (4) pairs of pin- nules which are discolorous, puberulous on both surfaces, and quite promin- ently veined below, and acuminate bracteole-laminae which are somewhat conspicuous in the bud. The varietal epithet refers to the reflexed pinnae. 401 lc. var. glaberrima Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:22 (1844). Lectotype: Tn Nova Hollandia, ad flumen Swan River, (1843), Preiss 884 (iso: K. — photo- graph seen, MEL. PERTH — fragment) — Figs. 4D-I Acacia hispidissima A. DC.. Prod. 2:455 (1825). Type: "in Nova-Hollandia orient" (holo: G-DC photograph seen: probable iso: K, this specimen labelled " Nouvelle-Hollande C. Occident. Baie du Geographe. Herb. Mus. Paris" — photograph seen). Acaciu pnlclwlla R.Br. var. hispidissima (A. DC.) Meisn. in Lehnt., Plant. Preiss 1 :22 (1844) — as to name only. Acacia lamia Hort. ex K. Koch. Allgem. Cartenz. 26:197 (1858) pro syn. Acacia demutaia Lehm. ex Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:21 (1844): Lehm., Del. Semin. Hort. Hamb. (1842) nomen. Syntypes: "In depressis umbrosis prope Woodman's-point, u.15, Aug. 1839. Herb. Preiss. No. 893. (Drummond n.3 1 2) (iso: MEL, PERTH fragment). Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. dcmidata (Lehm. ex Meisn.) E. Pritzel. Bot. Jb. 35:310 ( 1904). Acacia pnlchella R.Br. var. dcmidata (Lehm. ex Meisn.) E. Pritzel subvar. tvpica E. Pritzel, Bot. .lb. 35:310 (1904), nom. illeg. Acaciu erioclada Hort. ex K. Koch, Allgem. Gartenz. 26:197 (1858) pro syn. Acacia dcmidata Lehm. ex Meisn. var. gracilis Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:21 (1844). Type: " In umbrosis ad ripam fluvii Preston (Wellington) m. Dec. 1839. Herb. Preiss. No. 904." (n.v.) Acacia denudata Lehm. ex Meisn. var. spinosissima Meisn. in Lehm., Plant Preiss. 1 :22 (1844). Type: "Colitur in Horto Baumanniano Mulhusiae Alsatorum, ubi llorentem vidi vere 1843." (n.v.) Acacia pnlchella R.Br. var. dcmidata (Lehm. ex Meisn.) E. Pritzel subvar. spinosissima (Meisn.) E. Pritzel, Bot. Jb. 35:310 (1904). Acacia grandis Hort. ex Henfrev. Culnrs - . Mag. Bot. 3:177 cum. icon. (1851). Type: n.v. Divaricately branched shrub (0-5) 1-2 (3) m tall; branchlets often spines- cent, slightly to prominently flexuose, normally finely ribbed, smooth and normally glabrous, sometimes sparsely (rarely densely) pilose, often slightly pruinose. Spines (1)2 per node, normally unequal in length, 5-15 (20-25)" mm long. Stipules 0 -5-1 (2) mm long. Petiole less than 0-5 mm long; terminal seta 12-5 mm long, narrowly triangular, dark brown; pinna rachis 1-5 (6-13) mm long; pinnules 3-5 (6-9) pairs, obovale to narrowly obovate, sometimes narrowly oblong. I -5 x 1-2 mm, normally subglaucous (sometimes very glaucous), glabrous, finely 1 -nerved. Gland (0 - 5) 1-3 mm long, glabrous. Peduncles 7-15 mm long (20 mm when in fruit), glabrous: flower heads 5-8 mm diam. at anthesis, with (20) 25-40 (50) flowers. Bracteoles (upper series) 1-1-5 mm long: laminae small, ovate. Calyx tube ± obscurely nerved; petals I -5-2 (2-5) mm long, 1-nerved (nerve sometimes thickened). Legumes 15-50 x 4-5 mm, glabrous. Seeds ± orbicular to oblong, 2 -5-4-5 x 2 • 5-3 mm. Distribution and habitat: (Map 1) South-west Western Australia: a wide- spread variety most common in the region from Moora southward to Margaret River and Ravensthorpe; it has been collected as far north as the Hutt River (about 80 km north of Geraldton). This variety grows in a number of ecological situations: it is very common in the poor sandy soil of the Swan Coastal Plain from near Yanchep to Busselton, it also grows in loamy clay near swamps in the Fitzgerald River area, and again in lateritic soil in the Darling Range. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 14 miles NE of Fitzgerald River mouth, A M Allan 349 (AD K PERTH): Western Australia, ./. Drummond 156 (MEL. PERTH fragment) and 310 (iso- syntvpe ol A. pnlclwlla var. glaberrima. MEL): Claremont, If . ('. Fitzgerald s n Uine 1899 (NSW 132985): Kings Park Perth. C. A. Gardner s.n., July 1920; Victoria Plains C T Gardner 597 ; 7 miles E of Wannatnal. A. S. George 5934: Yanchep National Park. A M James 209 and 209a; 4 -5 mi W 0 I Wongan Hills towards Elphin, Ii. R Mastin ID- n lms . -^7'" 467 (Pilose variant); Perth Metropolitan area. ii. R.' Mastin m N1( n , R ,,' Ab T‘ 4 kn ?N°l Bridgetown towards Greenbushes, Ft. R. Madia 2847; Near Beaufort River, Albany Highway, 0. R Maslin 2984 (CANB PERTH)- South Subiaco. A. Morrison s.n., 15 Aug. 1908: Pinjarra. A. Morrison s.n, to Sept I90E Tone River. Oldfield 456b (MEL); Murchison River. Oldfield s.n. (MEL 49500)- About ">0 mi W of Ravensthorpe, 5. Pans! 706; Below Ml. Madden reservoir, R. I. Saffrev 292 (B 1 m 4 as PERTH); 9-5 km N of Marchagee on Geraldton Highway, R. -l Sabre v 1567 (BH BRI PERTH); I mi S ol Tarin Rock Siding, M. D. Tindale 187 ; Near Busseltom /. W . Went 43. ’ 402 Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from (May) June to October; mature legumes have been collected in November. Acacia pulcfiella var. glaberrima is quite a polymorphic taxon and includes within its range of variation the types of A. denudata Lehm. ex Meisn. var. denudata and A, hispidissima A. DC. Judging from the original descriptions of A. grandis Hort. ex Henfrcy and A. denudata var. gracilis Meisn. and var. spinosissima Meisn.. these names are also synonymous with var. glaberrima. Although the branches on this variety are typically glabrous, some pilose individuals do occur (particularly in areas south of Harvey). Normally the indumentum is very sparse, but in specimens from around Dunsborough it is often dense. This densely pilose form of var. glaberrima corresponds to the type of A. hispidissima and perhaps also to that of A. grandis. In addition to its pilose branches, this form normally differs from typical var. glaberrima in that its stipules, terminal setae, and pinnae rachides are slightly longer, and its pinnules are more numerous (4-9 pairs), slightly longer, and narrowly oblong to narrowly obovate. When the total variation of var. glaberrima is compared with that of var. pulchella, it is apparent that these taxa are closely related. The differences be- tween them are sometimes only slight, especially on individuals from the Mar- garet River to Bridgetown and Mount Barker area — the glabrous peduncle is the most reliable character in distinguishing var. glaberrima from var. pul- chella. Acacia pulchella var. glaberrima is also closely related to var. goadbyi (Domin) B. R. Maslin. Because of the variable nature of these taxa, multiple characters are generally necessary to separate them. Acacia pulchella var. glaberrima is usually recognized by its more numerous spines which normally occur in pairs at most nodes (absent or solitary on var. goadbyi), its subglaucous, normally fewer and obovate pinnules, and its less prominently ribbed branch- lets which are often slightly pruinose; var. glaberrima is generally distributed to the north of var. goadbyi. The inland populations of var. glaberrima (from about Wongan Hills to Lake King) grow as somewhat smaller and more compact shrubs than those occurring elsewhere; they are also often more spiny and have smaller leaves (Fia. 4E). These plants should not be confused with A. pulchella var. sub- sessilis B. R. Maslin which is readily recognized by its very short peduncles. Id. var. goadbyi (Domin) B. R. Maslin comb, et stat. nov.— Figs. 4J-L Acacia goadbyi Domin. Mem. Soc. Sci. Boheme 1921-22, 2:47 (1923). Ilololype: "Albany, coll. B.'j. Goadby , comm. Miss Morgan Febr. 1901.” (K photograph seen.) Divaricately branched shrub (0-5) 1-1-5 m tall; hranchlets straight to slightly flexuose, normally prominently ribbed (ribs often yellow), glabrous, normally light brown to red and sometimes with prominent green mottlings between ribs. Spines often sparse. 0-1 per node, 4-9 (12-15 mm long. Petiole less than 0-5 mm long: pinna raehis (3-4) 5-9 (12 15) mm long; pinnules (3L4) 5-8 (II) pairs, narrowly oblong to narrowly obovate (sometimes obovate when pinnules very small), (2) 3-5 (6) x ca. 1 mm. light to dark green and norm- ally somewhat imbricate when dry. concolorous, glabrous or sparsely ciliolate. nerveless or obscurely l-nerved below. Gland shorter than or slightly exceeding terminal seta. Peduncles glabrous; flower heads with 21-30 flowers. Brac- teoles (upper series) ca. 1 mm long, sparsely puberulous; laminae ovate. Calyx normally obscurely nerved: petals obscurely (occasionally prominently) l-nerved (nerve thickened). Legumes 20-40 x ca. 3 mm, glabrous. Seeds oblong, 2-5 x 1-5 mm; pleurogram prominent. 403 Figure 4 — Acacia pulchella. A to C— var. refle.xir. A— Portion of branch. B and C Densely puberulous pinnules (B- -upper surface; C— lower surface showing slightly thickened veins). D to I -var. glaberrima: D -Portion of branch. E to G Pfhnule variation. H Legume. — Inflorescence. J to L var. goadhyi: .1 Portion of branch. K— Pinnule (upper surface) L— Pinnule (lower surface). M to O— var. fagoniaides: M Portion of branch. N Flower. O Bracteoles. P to S — var. subsessilis : P -Pinnule (upper surface). Q — Pin- nule (lower surface). R - Inflorescence showing short peduncle (pel). S Portion of branch g— gland: pd peduncle; sp- spine; s -stipule; i- terminal seta A from H. E. Blackall s.n.; B-C from J. Sinister 445; D from C. A Gardner s.n.; F from R. A. Saffrey 292; F and I from A. Morrison s.n., 15 Aug. 1908; G from II. R. Muslin 2847- PI from B. R. Muslin 1626; .1 from Goadby S.n.; K-L from B. R. Muslin 2966; M from C Chapman s.n., 24 June 1973; N-O from J. Drummond 2: 154: P-R from E. Parkin s n • S from R. D. Royee 3685. Distribution and habitat; (Map 1) South-west Western Australia: common around Albany; it has also been collected from near Esperance. A small 404 leaved form of var. goadbyi occurs in the Stirling Range, Manjimup, and Boyup Brook districts (see discussion below). This variety commonly grows in low-lying areas near creeks and swamps. WESTFRN AUSTRAI !A: King George's Sound, Sept. 1899. Coadby 340 (NSW, PERTH unnumbered I : Mount Barker Hill. K. F. Kenncully s.n„ 25 Nov. 1973; 8 mi S Boyup Brook towards Mayanup, B R. Muslin 626; 34 mi S Kojonup towards Rocks Gully, B. R. Mashn 638 and 639; 10 km SI- of Manjimup on Muir Highway, B. R. Muslin 2885; Banks of Kalgan River, Albany, B. R. Muslin 2966; 5 miles N of Esperance, R. D. Royce 3596; Near Gheyne Beach turn-off on Highway No. 1, M. D. Tinclale 307 and B. R. Muslin ; Chester Pass, Stirling Range, ,/. H. Willis s.n.. 4 Sept. 1947. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from (July) August to October; mature legumes have been collected in December. In the Albany and Esperance districts, var. goadbyi is recognized by its prominently ribbed branchlets, its relatively few, solitary axillary spines, and its quite large leaves bearing 5-8 (11) pairs of pinnules. However, in other areas, e.g. Stirling Range, Manjimup, Boyup Brook, the leaves arc smaller; these plants appear to be related to var. glaberrima and, to a lesser degree, var. pulchella. Further information is needed concerning these small leaved forms of var. goadbyi. le. var. fagonioides (Benth.) Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. Harv. New Series 59:8 ( 1919) — Figs. 4M-0 Acacia fagonioides Benth., Lond. J. Bot. 1:387 (1842). Type: "Swan River, Drummond .” (probable holo: K photograph seen, see discussion below.) Intricately branched shrub 0-5-1 m tall, to ca. I m diam. ; branches yellowish to grey; branchlets moderately strigose (hairs antrorse or relrorse), sometimes spinescent, very obscurely ribbed, reddish to yellowish. Spines I per node. 3 12 mm long (inflorescence arising from axil of uppermost bract on spine). Stipules 0-5-1 mm long. Petiole minute; terminal seta 0-5-1 mm long; pinna rachis 2-6 mm long; pinnules 2-4 pairs, normally obovate, 2 -5-5 -5 x I ■ 5-3 ■ 5 mm, glaucous to subglaucous, glabrous to glabrescent, nerveless above, nerveless or T-nervcd be I owl Gland minute, not exceeding terminal seta. Inflorescences simple; peduncles arising from axil of uppermost bract on spine, 4-8 mm long, glabrous to strigose; flower heads 4-8 mm diam. at anthesis, with 13-25 flowers. Calyx ca. 1 length of corolla, lube glabrous and Hr nerve- less- petals 1-5-2 mm long. 1-nerved (nerve thickened). Legumes (nearly mature) 40-80 x 7-9 mm, glabrous; margins slightly (rarely prominently) contracted between seeds. Seeds (nearly mature) longitudinal in legume but proximal and distal seeds sometimes tending towards oblique, elliptic, 6x4-5 m m . Distribution and habitat: (Map 1) South-west Western Australia: excluding the Drummond specimens (see below and also the type) for which no precise locality data is given, var. fagonioides is known only from two widely separated localities i.e. near Toodyay and near Eneabba. ft grows in both lateritic soil in Jarrah-Marri forest (Toodyay) and gritty sand in low sandplain scrub (Eneabba). WFSTERN AUSTRALIA: Weslern Australia. ./. Drummond 2:154 (K photo seen, MEL): West of Toodyay Toodvav-Perth road. N.T. Burbidge 8034; Just south of the Arrowsmith River on Eneabba - A rri n o road. C. Chapman s.n.. I July 1973 (B. CANB, CBG, K, L, MEL, NSW, NY, PERTH), also 25 Oct. 1973; Near Eneabba, C. Chapman s.n.. 24 June 1973. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers in June and July: near-mature legumes have been collected in October. rn the original description of A. fagonioides. Bentham (1842) cited only one collection- “Swan River, Drummond.”. Meisner (1848, p.205) repeated Bentham’s earlier description but cited “Swan River, Drummond coll, ff : 405 No. 154." At Kew (K) there are three specimens of A. fagonioides all of which are labelled. Swan River. Drummond (photograph seen by the author). Two of these specimens are mounted together (sheet stamped " Herbarium Hookerianum. 1867 ") while the third is mounted separately (sheet presented to Kew by the Linnean Society, 1915) — the last sheet also bears the inscription (in a different hand), “2nd ser. (collection) no. 154.” This last specimen, together with the right hand specimen on the Herbarium Hookerianum sheet, are probably part of the same collection; at Melbourne (MEL) there is a speci- men labelled " 154" which could also belong to this collection. As Drum- mond's Second Collection was not dispatched from the Swan River until January 1844 (two years after the publication of A. fagonioides), the collection labelled. Swan River. Drummond II: 154 cannot be the type. The specimen here regarded as the probable holotype of A. fagonioides is the left hand speci- men on the Herbarium Hookerianum sheet referred to above. This specimen accords very well with Bentham’s original description. Although Bentham (1864) relegated A, fagonioides to synonymy under A. pulvhella , Macbride regarded it as a variety of that species. It is Macbride’s treatment which is followed here. This variety is distinguished from the other infraspecific taxa of A. pulcheUa by its inflorescences being borne near the apex of the solitary axillary spines. Tt is interesting to note that this same unusual spine-inflorescence relationship occurs also in A. lasiocarpa Benth. var. epacantha B. R. Maslin. Other charac- ters useful in recognizing var .fagonioides include its strigose branchlets and its few, normally obovate, glaucous to subglaucous pinnules. If. var. subsessilis B. R. Maslin var. nov.— Figs. 4P-S. Fritter 25-60 (100) cm alms; raimili puberuli ad strigosi, raro glabri. Spinae plurimae 1- 2 in quoque nodo. Pinnae unijugatae; piimulae 2-4 jugae. 1 -5-2-5 x 0-5- 1mm, plerumque glaucae. glabrae ad minute et sparsim ciliolatae. Gians stipitata, variabilis.’ Pedunculi 2- 3 mm longi. Capitula spinae non excedentes. 10-19 floribus; calyx et corolla 5-nervosa. Type: Kukerin, Western Australia. 2 Sept. 1934, C. A. Gardner s.n. (holo: PFRTH • iso- CANB, K). ’ Diffuse, divaricately branched shrub 25-60 (100) cm tall; branchlets sometimes spinescent, straight to flexuose, normally obscurely ribbed, sparsely to densely minutely puberulous to strigose. rarely glabrous. Spines numerous 1-2 per node, 4-10 (18) mm long. Stipules 0 ■ 5 f mm long. Petiole less than 0- 5 mm long; terminal seta narrowly triangular, 12 mm long, glabrous; pinna rachis 0-5-2 mm long; pinnules 2-4 pairs, obovate to narrowly obovate sometimes oblong. I -5-2-5 x 0-5-1 mm. slightly thickened, normally glaucous’ glabrous to minutely and sparsely ciliolate, nerveless above, midrib sometimes thickened below . Gland variable, less than or -fc equalling terminal seta apex hardly dilated. Raceme axis extremely reduced ; peduncles 2 3 mm long, solitary sparsely to densely puberulous or strigose, rarely glabrous; flower heads not exceeding spines, with 10-19 flowers. BracteoUs (upper series) variable 1- 2 (2-5) mm long; claws short; laminae triangular to narrowly ovate nor- mally dark brown and 1 -nerved, sometimes prominent in the bud Flowers attenuated in the bud; calyx tube 5-nerved; petals 1 -7-2 mm long, prominently 1 -nerved, narrowed at the apex. Legumes— see below. Seeds n.’v 1 Distribution and habitat: (Map 2) South-west Western Australia: although most records of this variety are from between Narrogin and Ravensthorpe it has been collected as far north as Bindoon and Wyalkatchem Acacia pulcheUa var. subsessilis is not particularly common throughout its range WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1 mi N of Wyalkatchem towards Koorda IS t< Maslin 157- 2 mi S ol Narrogin towards Wagin, B. R. Maslin 660 (B. CANB MEL NSW NY PERTH)- About 5 km due NT of Bindoon. H. R. Maslin 3264: 100 mi N of Stifling Ranee Muir , „ 1879 (MEL 49546); 3 mi N\V of Ongerup, K. Nenber 394; Nyabing E Parkin . Tn 20 (ulv 1970; 36 mi W of Ravensthorpe, R. D. Royce 3685 ’ uly 406 Flowering period: July to September. This variety is distinguished from the other infraspecific taxa of A. pulchella by its almost sessile flower heads which bear from 10 to 19 flowers. Other characters useful in recognizing var. subsessilis include its numerous spines, small leaves, attenuated flower buds, and prominently nerved petals. Although var. subsessilis normally has puberulous branchlets, some glab- rous individuals have been collected. These should not be confused with the small leaved, very spiny, inland form of var. glaberrima which is recognized by its long peduncles and less prominent bracteoles. No satisfactory fruiting material of var. subsessilis has been collected. The following is a description of fruiting valves which were collected from the ground beneath B. R. Muslin no. 660: 25 40 x 3 mm, raised over seeds, glabrous, dark brown: margins almost straight, light brown. 2. Acacia megacephala B. R. Maslin, Nuytsia (1)3 : 254 256. fig. I (1972). Type: “ At Kojarena Siding, 19 miles east of Geraldton towards Mullewa, Western Australia, 8 Aug. 1970, B. R. Maslin 676 ” (holo: PERTH; iso: K, MEL, NSW) — Fig. 5 Diffuse shrub 1 2 m tall; branchlets often pendulous, finely ribbed, moder- ately to densely shortly pilose, light grey: bark smooth, grey-brown at base, red-brown on branches. Spines axillary, I (rarely 2) per node, often absent from some nodes, glabrous, or shortly pilose towards the base. Stipules very narrowly triangular, I -5-4 mm long, normally shortly pilose. Leaves bipinnale; petiole very short, ca. I mm long; termina seta very narrowly tri- angular, (2) 3 4 (5) mm long, shortly pilose; pinnae 1 pair; pinna rachis 4 6 mm long, sparsely shortly pilose below, glabrous, and prominently ribbed above; pinnules 4 6 pairs, narrowly obovate, 3-6 x 1 -5-3 mm, flat, dull green to sub- glaucous (new shoots light green), glabrous, smooth, inconspicuously 1-nerved, obtuse. G/r/ffd stipitate, arising at junction of pinnae, : equalling or exceeding terminal seta, glabrous or shortly pilose, apex dilated. Inflorescence a very condensed raceme, peduncles arising from axil of uppermost and often also lowermost bract on the very short raceme axis; peduncles greatly exceeding the leaves, 15-25 mm long, glabrous, basal bracts solitary and sometimes caducous; flower heads deep yellow, large, globular, 8-10 mm diam. atanthesis, with 80 90 flowers. Bracteoles dimorphous; lower scries (arranged in a single ring at base of receptacle) reflexed, oblong, ca. I mm long; upper series (spirally arranged) erect, ca. I -5 mm long, claws linear, laminae pear-shaped. Flowers 5-merous; calyx ca. 2 3 length of corolla, narrowly turbinate, divided for I ;5 its length into oblong obtuse sparsely ciliolate lobes which are somewhat indexed at the apex, tube glabrous to glabrescent; petals 2-3 mm long, connate for 3/4 their length, glabrous; poUinia 12-grained: ovary sessile, glabrous. Legumes linear to narrowly oblong, 25 50 \ 4 mm. flat, slightly raised over seeds, glabrous, dark brown with a slight glaucous bloom; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened, pale coloured. Seeds longitudinal in legume, oblong. 3-4 x I -5-2 mm, brown, quite shiny; p/eurogram continuous; areole ■ oblong. 2-5-3 x 1 mm; funicle filiform, reflexed below a thickened straight or once-folded yellow aril. Distribution attd habitat: (Map 1) South-west Western Australia: extending from about 16 km east of Geraldton eastwards to the Greenough River and southwards to Burma Road (about 40 km southeast of Geraldton). Acacia megacephala appears to be confined to sand or loam throughout its range. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Burma Road, south-east of Walkaway, A. M. Ashby 2892 (AD); 10 mi E of Geraldton, H'. E. Blackall 2755: 19 mi E of Geraldton. L S. George 9220; 17 mi F. of Geraldton, ./. M . Green 474: 19 mi E of Geraldton on the road to Mullewa, 8. P. Maslin 684; Northern Gully (E of Geraldton), G. Phillips s.n., 2 Dec. 1971; About 50-5 mi W of Mullewa on the road to Geraldton, M. D. Tindale 1328. 407 6 mm Sfi./iaaA'rt /974- 2 mm Figure 5 — Acacia megacephala. A— Portion of branch. B— Seed. C— Legume D— Node (pinnae removed) showing solitary spine (sp), stipitate gland (g), and narrow stipule (s) and terminal seta (t ). E— Flower. F — Flower head. G— Receptacle (r) with dimorphic bracteoles (b). A, D-G from B. R. Maslin 676 (the type); B from G. Phillips s.n.; C from B. R. Maslin 684. Flowering anil fruiting period: Flowers from July to September; mature legumes have been collected in early December. The presence of stipitate glands, axillary spines, unijugate leaves, modified racemose inflorescences, and longitudinal seed arrangement, relates A. mega- cephala to both 1 . pulchella R.Br. and A. lasiocarpa Benth. From both these species it is distinguished by its long peduncles, prominently capitate recept- acles, and large flower heads each bearing 80-90 narrowly turbinate flowers (Note. In A. lasiocarpa var. villosa the peduncles are quite long and the flower heads bear 65-75 narrowly turbinate flowers— see this variety for further details.) In addition to the characters mentioned above, A megacephala is distinguished from A. pulchella by its somewhat larger pinnules often longer and narrower stipules and terminal setae, and often by the nature of its branch indumentum. The flat pinnules and larger glands readily separate A mega- cephala from A. lasiocarpa. 6 408 3. Acacia lasiocarpa Benth. in Endl. et a]., Enum. Plant. Hueg. 43 (1837). Type: “Swan River. (Hiigel.) ” (holo: W — sheet labelled “130 Acacia lasiocarpa Benth., Fremantle, Huger'). Acacia cycnorum Benth.. Lond. .1. Bot. 1:388 (1842). Meisner in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:22 (1844) “ cygnorum ", Type: Swan River, Drummond , 1839. (holo: K -photograph seen). Acacia pulchella R. Br. var. cycnorum (“cygnorum") (Benth.) E. Pritzel. Bot. Jb. 35: 310 (1904). Shrub 0-2-1 - 5 (2-5) m tall; branchlets often spinescent, sometimes flexu- ose, obscurely nerved to nerveless, indumentum various. Spines axillary, I per node, sometimes absent. 3 20 mm long, spreading, normally sparsely hairy towards base, brown. Stipules triangular to very narrowly triangular, 0- 5-3 -5 mm long, scarious but sometimes slightly thickened towards the base, brown. Leaves bipinnate; petiole < 0 ■ 5- 1 • 5 mm long: terminal seta triangular or occasionally linear, 0-5-3 mm long, scarious but often slightly thickened towards the base, often dark brown and prominent; pinnae I pair; pinna rachis I 10 (20) mm long, apex green or dark brown, sometimes prominent; pinnules 2-6 (12) pairs, narrowly oblong, 1 10 x 0-5-1 - 5 mm, prominently recurved to revolutc (rarely flat in var. lasiocarpa). green or sometimes glaucous, glabrous to hairy, nerveless above, 1-nervcd below. Gland stipilate. arising at junction of pinnae, 0-5 0-5(1) mm long, stipe often extremely reduced, apex some- times slightly dilated. Inflorescence a very condensed raceme (except on var. epacantha where it is simple), peduncle arising from axil of the uppermost bract on the very short raceme axis, a new shoot or sometimes a second peduncle arising from axil of the lowermost bract; peduncles 2 20 mm long, indumentum various; flower heads globular, 4 9 mm diarn. at an thesis (often larger in fresh state), with (13) 16-75 Mowers. Bracteoles 1-2-5 (3-5) mm long: laminae green to dark brown, often conspicuous in bud. Flowers 5-merous; calyx ( I 12) 2 3-4 /5 length of corolla, divided for I 4 1 2 its length into oblong sparsely ciliolate lobes which are slightly thickened and indexed at the apex, lube glabrous to sparsely puberulous and obscurely to prominently 5-nerved; petals 1 -5-2-5 mm long, glabrous to glabrescent. nerveless to prominently 1- nerved. Legumes narrowly oblong, 10-45 x 3-7 mm, Mat. curved, or promin- ently undulate, raised over seeds, glabrous or hairy, light brown to black, sometimes with a slight glaucous bloom; margins not (or only slightly) con- tracted between seeds, yellow to brown. Seeds longitudinal to transverse in legume, oblong to orbicular, 2-3-5 x 1 -5-3-5 mm, colour variable, some- times mottled: pleurogram open towards the hilum: funicle filiform, normally reMexed below a prominently thickened straight aril. In the original description of A. lasiocarpa the type is given as “ Swan River, Hiigel ”, At Vienna (W) where Hiigel's collection is housed, there is a vegetative specimen labelled by Bentham " 130 Acacia lasiocarpa Benth., Freemantle, Hiigel ” (seen by the present author). This specimen accords very well with the original description (except that A. lasiocarpa was described with fruit). As no type material of A. lasiocarpa has been found at Kew ( K ), the Vienna specimen is here regarded as the holotype (the legumes presumably having been lost). Having examined the holotype of A. lasiocarpa and also a photograph of the type of A. cycnorum Benth., 1 have no hesitation in regarding these specimens as belonging to the same species. Although the former name has precedence, the latter has been more frequently used by authors in the past. Previous authors have usually regarded A. lasiocarpa as a synonym of A. pulchella R.Br. Undoubtedly these two species are closely related; how- ever, A. lasiocarpa is normally distinguished by its prominently recurved to revolute pinnules. Because of the variable nature of these two species one can only generalise as to the other characters separating them. Nevertheless, 409 A. lasiocarpa can often be recognized by the following attributes: branches moderately to densely puberulous to shortly pilose (hairs often denser and more conspicuous than in A. pulchella), never glabrous: axillary spines solitary, sometimes absent (never two per node as often occurs in A. pulchella)', gland normally very reduced; peduncles never glabrous, indumentum normally denser and more conspicuous than in A. pulchella. Acacia lasiocarpa is a very variable species with five varieties recognized here. Of these, var. villosa and var. epacantha are quite distinct, but the re- maining three varieties (var. bracteolata, var. lasiocarpa and var. sedifolia) may prove difficult to distinguish in the key below. Complete material, i.e. flowers and fruits, is generally required to confidently identify specimens to varietal rank. Key to varieties: la Flowers 65-75 per head: axillary spines absent: peduncles 10-20 mm long: pinnules 3-7 x 1-1-5 mm, moderately to densely puberulous; legumes glabrous. "(Geraldton district) c. var. villosa (Figs. 6G-H) b. Flowers 15-50 per head; axillary spines normally present but sometimes few (if absent, then pinnules narrower, normally shorter, and less hairy than above) 2 2a. Peduncles arising from near apex of axillary spine; pinnules 2 pairs 6-10 mm long- legumes shortly pilose (hairs slightly inflated). (Dandaragan to Badgingarra) e. var. epacantha (Figs. 6I-J) b. Peduncles not situated on spine (i.e. arising from leaf axil); pinnules 1-4 mm long. 3 3a. Bracteole laminae dark brown, l-nerved, acuminate. 1-2-5 mm long, prominent in the bud; peduncles short, obscured by flower heads at anthesis; pinnules 2(3) pairs; branch hairs normally dense and retrorse: legumes glabrous: seeds pearlv white with brown moldings. (Widespread) d. var. bracteolata (Figs. 6N-T) b. Characters not combined as above ... 4 4a. Flowers normally less than 24 per head: pinnules normally 2-3 pairs and 12-5 mm long: pinna rachis 1-2 (3) mm long; peduncles slender; legumes normally hairy. (Watheroo to Mount Bland) .... b. var. sedifolia (Figs. 6K-M) b. Flowers 30-50 per head; pinnules normally 3-6 pairs and 2-5-3 mm long; pinna rachis 3—10 mm long; peduncles stout; legumes normally glabrous. (Bunbury to Murchison River> a. var. lasiocarpa (Figs. 6A-F) 3a. var. lasiocarpa — Figs. 6A-F Shrub 0-3-1 -5 m tall, either dense, compact and somewhat rounded, or spreading and openly branched; branchlets often spinescent, moderately to densely puberulous (hairs sometimes retrorse) to shortly pilose Spines few to numerous, sometimes absent. Petiole to ca. 0-5 mm long- terminal seta 1-2-5 mm long; pinna rachis (2) 3-10 (20) mm long, apex not prominent- pinnules revolute (rarely flat to slightly recurved), (2) 3-6 (12) pairs, (2) 2-5-3 (4) x 0-5-1 mm, glabrous to moderately puberulous (or hispidulous). Gland < 0-5(1) mm long. Peduncles 4 1 3 mm long, normally moderately to densely puberulous to shortly pilose; flower heads 5-7 mm diam. at anthesis with 30-50 flowers. Bracteoles not very prominent in the bud, 1 -5-2 (t) m m' long glabrous to puberulous. Calyx 2 1 3-3 /4 length of corolla, tube J obscurely 5-nerved, petals 1 -5-2 (2-5) mm long, l-nerved (nerve somewhat thickened) glabrous to glabrescent. Legumes 15-40 x 3-4 mm, flat, glabrous (very rarelv hairy), dark brown with a glaucous bloom; margins yellow. Seeds orbicular 2-2-5 mm diam., grey-brown. Distribution and habitat: (Map 3) South-west Western Australia- extending from near Bunbury northwards to the Murchison River This variety is common on the poor sandy soil of the coastal dunes from near Bunbury to Geraldton. Between Bunbury and Fremantle var. lasiocarpa sometimes occurs east of the dunes where it can be restricted to clay-soil swamps In the more northerly parts of its range, var. lasiocarpa extends inland to the vicinity of Three Springs and Eradu; here it is quite common in sandy gravel. 410 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Somerville Pine Plantation, K.M. Allan 371 (K, PERTH); Gerald- ton, R. Coveny 3040; Western Australia,./. Drummond n. 131 (MEL 49508); Fremantle, A.J. Eames and A. T. Hotchkiss s.n. (NSW 132977); Darling Range, near Bindoon, C. A Gardner s.n.. Sept. 1964: Yanchep National Park, A. M. James 208 and 298; 27 mi E of Geraldton towards Mullewa, R. R. Maslin 702 (MEL. PERTH); Between Donga ra and Mingenew, H. R Maslin 727; 7 mi E of Jurien Bav, II- R. Maslin 1457 (E, NT, PERI H); Near Guildtord, L. Preiss 886 (MEL 49487) and 898 (MEL 49547 in part); Cannington /.. I. Ralrogan s.n. ( UWA 1149); 25-5 km N of Geraldton, R. A. Sajfrey 1527 (K. PERTH); 6-5 km W of Fllendale towards Walkaway, R. 1. Suffrev 1543 (I , MI L. NSW. PERTH): l.ancelin, /. G. Smith 1935; Kalaimmda, //. Steedman s.n., 6 Sept. 1924; 6-2 mi N of Three Springs, M. D. Tindale 1293; Between Badgingarra and .lurien Bay, D. J. E. Whibley 3177 (AD); City Beach. ,/. II Willis s.n. (MEL 49633); 16 km N of Junga Dam. Kalbarri National Park, P. G. Wilson 6674. Flowering: ami fruiting period: Flowers from June to October; legumes first appear in August and September and reach maturity in November and Decem- ber. Acacia lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa is quite a variable taxon. On the coastal dunes it grows as a low, dense, compact, somewhat rounded shrub, with few axillary spines (or entirely spineless) and scarcely spinescent branchlets, This form has some affinities with var. villosa (E. Pritzel) B. R. Maslin — see this variety for further details. In the northern inland part of its range, i.e. Three Springs to Eradu, var. lasiocarpa grows into a taller, harsher, more openly branched shrub with spinescent branchlets and numerous axillary spines. From about 20 km north of Geraldton northward to the Murchison River, a form of var. lasiocarpa occurs in which the pinnules are de flat 1° recurved (instead of prominently revolute). This form is also characterized by its strigose to puberulous branches and peduncles (hairs retrorse). its some- what thickened. 4 to 6 pairs of glabrous pinnules which are j prominently l-nerved below, and its relatively long gland (about I mm). More detailed studies could reveal that this entity requires infraspecific rank. Another form, recorded from a number ot clay-soil swamps on the Swan Coastal Plain between Fremantle and Bunbury, always has 2 pairs ot pinnules and sometimes quite prominent bracteoles. This form appears to have some affinities with var. bracteolata B. R. Maslin. Overall, var. lasiocarpa appears most closely related to var. sedifolia see this taxon for differentiating characters. 3b. var. sedifolia (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin comb, nov.— Figs. bK-M Acacia cycnorum Benth. ('* cygnorum ") var. sedifolia Meisn. in Lehm , Plant. Preiss 1:22 11844). Type: “ In sublimoso-glareosis sylvae district. Hay, d. 7. Nov. 1840. Herb. Preiss. No. 911." (iso: MEL. PERTH - fragment). Acacia cycnorum Benth. ("cygnorum") var. interior. Australian merid.-oecid., d.7. Mart. PERTH -fragment). minutifolia Meisn. l.c. Type: “In region 1 840. Herb. Preiss. No. 912." (iso: MEL, Dense, spreading, divaricately branched shrub , 0-3-1 (I *5) m tall, to 1 - 5 m diam.: hark grey; branchlets often spinescent, straight to slightly flexuose, normally moderately puberulous (hairs antrorse, retrorse. or patent), sometimes shortly pilose, often light brown. Spines absent or sparse ( - restricted to apex of branchlets), sometimes numerous, 3-12 mm long. Stipules 0-5-1 ( 1 . 5 ) nim long. Petiole less than 0-5 mm long; terminal seta 0-5-1 mm long, dark brown: pinna rachis 1-2 (3) mm long, apex not prominent; pinnules 9 3 ( 4 _ 5 ) p a i r s 1 - 2-5 ( 3 ) mm long, antrorsely puberulous to glabrescent. Gland minute. Peduncles (2-5) 3-8 mm long, slender, sparsely to densely puberulous; flower heads 4-5 mm diam. at anthesis (8 mm diam. when fresh), with (13) 16-23 (26) flowers. Bracteoles normally not prominent in the bud, 1-1-5 mm long, puberulous. Calyx tube ± obscurely 5-nerved ; petals 1 - 5 (2) 411 mm long, nerveless to prominently 1 -nerved. Legumes (5) 10-25 x 3-5 mm, slightly to prominently undulate, moderately to densely puberulous to shortly pilose (occasionally glabrous), brown to black. Seeds (few seen) transverse in legume but the proximal and distal seeds often longitudinal, 2-2-5 x 1 -5-2 mm, uniformly brown, or blackish with brown mottlings. Distribution and habitat: (Map 3) South-west Western Australia: from near Wathcroo southward to near Cranbrook and Ravensthorpe. fn the northern part of its range, var. sedifolia extends eastwards to near Wyalkatchem and Tammin. This variety is common in the rocky clay of the Wandoo woodland ( Eucalyptus watuloo Blakely) around Bindoon. It also occurs on loamy flats around Moora, but does not extend onto the higher sandplain country west ot this town where both var. lastocarpa and var. bracteolata occur. To- wards the eastern limit of its distribution (around Tammin), var. sedifolia grows in sandy soil. WEST ERN AUSTRALIA: 2 mi N of Wyalkatchem, 71 E. H. ApHn 510; Near Bolgart J. S. Beard 1 576; Near Mount Bland A/ /. H. Breaker 27 1 8 (AD, PERTH); Western Australia’ J. Drummond no. 308 (MEL): Youndegin. York Fast. Miss A. Eaton s.n., 1890 (MEL 49681 and 49682); Between Perth and King Georges Sound. W. H. Harvey s.n.. April July I8S4 (ex K); Nalyering Wells, B R. Muslin 593 (MEL, NSW. PERTH); 4 mi N of Katanning towards Dumble.uing, B. R. Muslin 648 (MEL, NSW, PERTH); 14 mi N of Wagiri towards Narrogtn, B. R. Muslin 656; 0-5 mi S of Arthur River towards Warm, B. R. Masiin 1139 (NSW. PERTH); About 5 km due NE of Bindoon, B. R. Muslin 3230; kalpan Ri\er Oldfield 458 (MEL): Mount Bakewell (York), Preiss 892 and 894 (ME I ); 15 mi S of Tammin R D Royce 9431; Watheroo National Park. R. D. Rovce 9729; Mount Caroline, Miss J Sewed! s.n., 1890 (MEL 49684); 13 km E of Wagiii, P. (,. Wilson 6208 Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from June to September; mature legumes are present in November. Acacia lasiocarpa var. sedifolia is based on A. cycnorum Benth. var. sedifolia Meisn. (1844, p.22); on this page Meisner also described A. cycnorum var. minut [folia. After examining a large range of material (including an isotype of the above two varieties) it seems as though both these names should apply to the same taxon. The type of var. minuti folia differs most significantly from the type of var. sedifolia in that it is more spiny, but as can be seen from the description above, this is a variable character. In the above-cited work. Meisner altered Bentham s original spelling of the specific epithet “ cycnorum ” to “ cygnorum ". The original spelling is retained by the present author. Complex variation patterns occur within var. sedifolia and more work is certainly required in order to elucidate these. This variety is most closely related to var. lasiocarpa from which it is distinguished by its puberulous (rarely glabrous) legumes, smaller flowers and flower heads, more slender and often shorter peduncles, often fewer and shorter pinnules, and shorter pinnae rachides. The geographical range of these two varieties does not appear to overlap; however, in the region from Moora to about Bullsbrook they do occur within a few' miles of each other (var. sedifolia being restricted to the heavier, loamy or clay soils to the east while var. lasiocarpa grows in the sand soils to the west). Pinna 6 t0 F n va |' ,asioca 'W ■ A- Portion of branch system. B Pinna. C Bracteole. E> Elowei E— Legume. F -Inflorescence showing new- shoot (sh) arising from axis of lowermost bract on condensed raceme axis. G to H -var v/llosa- G- Portton of branch H- Pinna, I to .1 - var. epacantha: I Portion of branch showing inflorescence positioned on spine. .1 Pinna. K to M var. sedifolia: K Inflorescence Land M- Pinna. N to E: var. bracteolata: N Seed (pearly white with brownish mottlings) O-Legume I Portion ol branch. 0 -Pinna. R - Flower. S-Bracteoles showing prominent, dark brown, 1-ncrved laminae. T Inflorescence. snowing A from K. M. Allan 371; B and D from R. A. Saffrey 1543; C and F from 4 M lames 7 ns- L from B. R Masiin 1457; G Hlrom B. R. Masiin 3321 ; [-J from B. R. Masiin 3247 (the type)’ K-L from B. R. Masiin 656; M from B. R. Masiin 3230; N-O from B R Masiin '’ton- p ri from B. R. Masiin 3246 (the type); R-S from K. Newbey 297 ; Tfrom 5. R. Mas'lin 3256. Q 412 413 3c. var. villosa (E. Pritz.el) B. R. Maslin comb, nov — Figs. 6 G-H Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. villosa E. Prit/el, Bot. .lb. 35:310 (1904). Syntypes: Diels 3211 and 2066 (n.v.). Single-stemmed, openly branched, somewhat spindly shrub. 1 -5-2 (2-5) m tail; hark grey, smooth but finely fissured towards base; branchlets often pendulous, densely shortly pilose, light brownish. Spines absent. Stipules very narrowly triangular, 2—3 - 5 mm long. Petiole 1-1-5 mm long; terminal seta linear to very narrowly triangular, I -5-3 mm long; pinna rachis 2-5-7 mm long; pinnules 2-4 (5) pairs, 3-7 (8) x 1-1-5 mm, moderately to densely puber- ulous. Gland normally minute, apex slightly dilated with a shallow central orifice; an additional smaller gland often occurs on the pinna rachis below the lowermost pair of pinnules. Peduncles spreading to ascending, 10-20 mm long (exceeding leaves), moderately to densely puberulous; flower heads light to deep yellow, 7-9 mm diam. at anthesis, with 65—75 densely packed flowers. Bracteoles 2—2 - 5 mm long; claws linear; laminae narrowly ovate, moderately puberulous, yellow to light brown, -t nerveless. Calyx 3 '4-4 / 5 length of corolla, narrowly turbinate, tube 5-nerved: petals 2-2-5 mm long, I -nerved. Legumes 15-45 x ca. 4 mm, flat, glabrous, dark brown. Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 3) South-west Western Australia: known only from the Nanson-Howatharra region (about 30 km north of Geraldton) where it grows in rocky loam. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Howatharra, A. M. Ashby 2148; Moresby Range, A. M. Ashby 4586, 45S7, 4614; Moresby Range. A. C. Burns 5 (K, PERTH) and 8; 8 km W ofNanson, B.R. Maslin 3164 and 3349 (MEL, PERTH); 28 km from Geraldton towards Northampton, North West Coastal Highway, It. R. Maslin 3321. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from June to August; immature legumes are present in September. Acacia lasiocarpa var. villosa is readily distinguished from the other varieties by its large flower heads with 65-75, densely packed, narrowly tur- binate flowers. Other characters useful for recognition include its densely and shortly pilose branchlets. long narrow stipules and terminal setae, quite large pinnules, relatively long peduncles, and lack of axillary spines. Further work could indicate that this taxon warrants specific rank. The habit of var. villosa is very distinctive, ft is an openly branched, somewhat spindly shrub, normally growing to 1-5-2 m tall; its branchlets are often pendulous, and the foliage is dark green except for the light green new shoots; the trunk can reach 5 cm in diameter at ground level. The very spreading pinnae are caducous towards the base of the branches but the stipules and terminal setae bases are persistent. This variety is closely related to var. lasiocarpa. The axillary spines in the latter are often sparse and sometimes completely absent (N.B. var villosa is spineless). Spineless individuals of var. lasiocarpa often occur on the coastal sand dunes between Bunbury and Geraldton ; they are dense, ± rounded, intricately branched shrubs, not exceeding 0-5 m in height. This habit is quite different from that of var. villosa (see above). In addition to its habit and larger flower heads, var. villosa is distinguished from var. lasiocarpa by its broader, often longer, moderately to densely puberulous pinnules. The variety villosa shares a number of characters with A. megacepltala. Both taxa have quite long peduncles, relatively large pinnules and flower heads, very narrow stipules and terminal setae, often pendulous branchlets, and a restricted distribution in the Geraldton district. They are readily distinguished by the absence of axillary spines and the revolute, puberulous pinnules of var. villosa. 414 3d. var. bracteolata B. R. Maslin var. nov. — Figs. 6N-T Frutex plerumque 20 60 cm altus; rami plerumque dense et retrorse puberuli ad retrorse strigosi. Spinae plerumque plurimae, I in quoqne nodo. Pinnae unijugatae; pinnulae 2 (3) jugae, 2 4 x 0-5 I mm, revolutae, glabrae ad sparsim puberulae. Glum stipitata, minuta. Pecliinciili 2 5 mm longi. Bracteolae in afabastro prominentes, laminae manifeste 1-nervosae, alrobrunneae. Petaia in alabastro attenuata, glabra, I -nervosa. Legumina glabra. Semina pcrlario-alba, brunneo-maculata. Type: 45 km NW of Moora towards Badging&rra, Western Australia, 3 Aug. 1973, B. R. Maslin 3246 (holo : PERTH iso: CANB. K, Mil , NSW, NY). Compact or rather diffuse, much branched shrub, normally 20-60 cm tall; branchlets sometimes prominently flexuose, normally densely retrorsely puberu- lous to retrorsely strigose (hairs rarely antrorse), occasionally with a sparse additional layer of short pilose hairs. Spines mostly numerous, 4 12 mm long. Stipules 0-5- I -5 mm long. Petiole less than 0-5 mm long; terminal seta narrowly triangular, 1-2 mm long, quite prominent, dark brown; pinna raehis 1-2 x 0-5 mm, apex triangular, 0-5-1 mm long, normally prominent and dark brown; pinnules 2 (3) pairs, 2 4 x 0-5 1 mm, glabrous to sparsely puberulous, green or glaucous. Gland minute. Peduncles 2 5 mm long, densely retrorsely puberulous; flower heads 5-7 mm diani. at anthesis (10 mm in fresh state), with (15) 17 27 (35) flowers. Bracteoks protruding prominently between adjacent (lowers in the bud; laminae narrowly ovate, 1-2-5 mm long, acuminate, prominently 1-nerved (nerve • thickened), dark brown. Calyx tube quite prominently 5-nerved: petals attenuated in bud. 2-2-5 mm long, glabrous, l-nerved (nerve thickened). Legumes 15 40 x 5 mm, flat to slightly undulate, glabrous, light to dark brown (sometimes with a slight glaucous bloom). Seeds transverse to oblique in legume (the proximal and distal seeds sometimes longitudinal), ca. 2-5 x 2 mm, pearly white with brownish mottlings; pleurogram brown. Distribution and habitat: (Map 4) South-west Western Australia: a widely distributed variety, extending from the Hill River district (about 200 km north-northwest of Perth) southward to Katanning and J errant tt ngup. then eastward to Scaddan (about 50 km north of Esperance). One collection of var. bracteolata has been made from Lake Deborah (P. G. Wilson no. 6188), which is the most inland record for any Western Australian member of the Pulchellae. (Lake Deborah is about 350 km due east-northeast of Perth.) This variety grows in either sandy or loamy soil (which is often mixed with gravel). In the Hill River district var. bracteolata commonly grows along water courses but it is less frequent on the associated lateritic hills in this region. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Scaddan, hi. F. Knox 2: I I mi NE of Kojonup towards Katan- ning, B. R. Muslin 645 (Al). MEL. NSW, PERTH): Tammin Flora Reserve, B. R. Maslin 2320; About I km S of Yerecoin, B. R. Maslin 3256; 15 mi S of Borden, K. Newbey 297; ! I mi NW of Ongerup, K. Newbey 365; 10 mi E of Jerramungup, S. Pans t 683; 82 -5 mi N of Perth, between Bolgarl and Calingiri, S. Pans I 987; Gibson, N of Esperance, R. D. Royce 3585; 15 mi S of Tammin, R. D. Royce 8430; West side of Causeway, Lake King. M. D. 7 indale 239 and B. R. Maslin 16 km W of N end of Lake Deborah, P. G. Wilson 6188. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from June to October; mature legumes are present in December. Acacia lasiocarpa var. bracteolata is generally recognized by a combination of the following characters: long, dark brown, prominently l-nerved bracteole- laminae which conspicuously protrude between adjacent flowers in the bud: normally retrorsely hairy branches and peduncles; pearly white seeds with brow-n mottlings; prominently l-nerved petals; normally dark brown, ±_ conspicuous terminal setae and pinna raehis apices; and quite large, sessile flower heads. 415 In the Ravensthorpe-Lake King area there occurs a slightly atypical form of var. bracteolata. It differs most significantly from the typical form in that its indumentum is antrorse. Acacia lasiocarpa var. bracteolata at times may be confused with var. sedifolia (Meisn) B. R. Maslin, but it is generally distinguished from this taxon by its more prominent bracteoles, and its normally larger pinnules and flower heads. This variety appears most closely related to var. epacantha — see the latter taxon for details. The varietal epithet refers to the prominent bracteoles. 3e. var. epacantha B. R. Maslin var. nov. — Figs. 6 1-J I rates 30-50 (70) cm alius: rami antrorse puberuli ad strigosi. Spinae 10-20 mm longae. Pinnae unijugatae: pinmtiae 2-jugae, (4-5) 6 10 mm longae, revolulae, glabrae ad sparsim antrorse puberulae. Clans stipitata, niinuta. Pedtmctdi spinarum axillis bractearum sum- marum (raro infimarum) exorientes. antrorse strigosi. Bracreolae in alabastro prominentes. Calyx et corolla 5-nervosa. Legumina plerumque curva ad circinata, breviter pilosa. Semina (prope maturitas) in legume longitudinalia, - orbieularia, complanata. Type- 15 km S or Badgingarra towards Dandaragan, Western Australia, 3 Aug. 1973, R. R. Maslin 3247 (holo: PERTH: iso: CANB. K., MEL, NSW, NY, PERTH). Rather dense, ± rounded shrub, 30-50(70) cm tall, to 1 50 cm diam. ; branches slightly flexuose, moderately antrorsely pttberulous to strigose, brown. Spines 10- 20 mm long, bracts 2 (inflorescence arising from axil of upper, rarely lower, bract). Stipules 1-2 mm long. Petiole less than 0-5 mm long: terminal seta 1-2 mm long, dark brown; pinna rachis 1-2 mm long, apex 0-5-1 -5 mm long acute and normally dark brown; pinnules 2 pairs, (4-5) 6-10 mm long, glabrous to sparsely antrorsely pttberulous. Gland minute. Inflorescences simple; peduncles arising from axil to uppermost (rarely also lowermost) bract on spine, 7-8 mm long, moderately antrorsely strigose; //oim- beads bright yellow, ca. 6 mm diam. at an thesis ( 10 mm in fresh state), with 23-26 flowers. Bracteoles prominent in bud, ca. 2-5 mm long, prominently indexed, glabrous to sparsely puberulous; claws ca. I mm long: laminae narrowly ovale, ca. 1-5 mm long, brown. Calyx tube 5-nerved (nerves 4 thickened); petals 2 mm long, I -nerved (nerve thickened). Legumes normally curved to circinnate, 15-40 x (4) 5-7 mm. moderately to densely shortly pilose (hairs slightly inflated, - trans- parent), dark brown. Seeds (near maturity) longitudinal in legume, J_ orbi- cular and flattened, 3-3-5 mm diam., light brown. Distribution and habitat: (Map 4) South-west Western Australia: restricted to an area from near Dandaragan to Badgingarra (about 200 km due north- northwest of Perth). This variety appears to favour lateritic loam or clay soils. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: North of Dandaragan, C. A. Gardner 92S5; 15 km N of Badgin- garra, P. 6. U H son 3838 (AD, BRI, PERTH). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowering specimens have been collected in August, while a fruiting specimen (with near-mature seeds) has been collected in November. The peduncle arising from the axil of the uppermost bract on the spine readily distinguishes var. epacantha from the other infraspecific taxa of A. lasiocarpa. It is interesting to note that this same unusual inflorescence arrangement occurs also in A. pulrhella R.Br. var. fagonioides (Bcnth.) Mac- bride. This variety appears to be most closely related to var. bracteolata B. R. Maslin. Both these taxa have similar pinnules as well as dark brown terminal setae and pinna rachis apices. In addition to its inflorescence arrangement, 416 var. epacantha is distinguished from var. bracteolata by its branch indumentum, its longer, strigose peduncles, and its legume characters. The varietal epithet refers to the fact that the inflorescence is positioned on the axillary spine. 4. Acacia moirii E. Pritzel, Bot. Jb. 35:312, f.37 (1904). Syntypes: Diels 3458 (iso: PERTH — fragment); A.J. Moir (n.x.). Small shrub 1 5 60 cm tall ; branches finely ribbed (ribs yellow), indumentum various; axillary spines absent. Stipules spiny or scarious, narrowly oblong to very narrowly triangular, (1-5) 2-8 mm long, straight to reflexed, puberulous to shortly pilose. Leaves bipinnate; petiole 1-2 mm long: terminal seta spiny or scarious, linear to narrowly triangular. 1-4 (6) mm long, straight to reflexed; pinnae 1 pair; pinna rachis 5 15 mm long, terete or obscurely ribbed above, apex straight to reflexed; pinnules 3 7 pairs, narrowly oblong to obliquely elliptic, I -5-6 (8-10) x 1 3 mm, flat, green to glaucous, indumentum various, nerveless above, nerveless or prominently I -nerved below' (nerve excentric), obliquely narrowed at apex. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of pinnae; sessile, circular, ca. 0-5 mm diam. Inflorescences simple; peduncles solitary (rarely 2-3 per leaf axil towards end of branchlets), 5-20 mm long, puberulous, basal bracts ciliolate: flower heads globular, 5-8 mm diam. at anthcsis, with 15-25 densely packed flowers. Bracteoles 1-1-5 mm long; claws glabrous, slightly dilated; laminae indexed, concave, puberulous to shortly pilose. Flowers 5-merous; calv.x I 2-2 3 length of corolla, divided for I 4-1 -3 its length into oblong ciliolate lobes which are slightly thickened indexed and shortly pilose at the apex, tube glabrous, prominently 5-nerved; petals 1-5-2 -5 mm long, connate for I 2-2 3 their length, 1- nerved, glabrous to glabrescent; ovary glabrous or sparsely papillate. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong, 15-40 x 5-6 mm, dat, slightly raised over seeds, densely villous, dark grey-brown; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds transverse to slightly oblique in legume, oblong to elliptic, 2-5-3 x 2 mm, black, shiny; pleurogram with a narrow opening towards the hilum; funicle filiform, redexed below an abruptly thick- ened straight aril. The exact position of A. moirii within the series Pulchellae is not clear but it appears to have its closest affinities with A. dcpressa B. R. Maslin and A , newbeyi B. R. Maslin; these three taxa are united by their unijugate leaves and sessile petiolar glands. Acacia moirii is distinguished from both these species by its habit, longer stipules and pinnae rachides, somewhat larger dower heads, densely hairy peduncles and legumes, more prominently nerved calyx and corolla, and often greater number of pinnules. The possession of unijugate leaves, flat pinnules, and petiolar glands would suggest an affinity with .4. pulcheUa R.Br.; however, the lack of axillary spines, sessile petiolar glands, and transverse seeds, readily distinguish A. moirii from that species. Three subspecies differing primarily in vegetative characters are recognized within A. moirii. Except for slight differences in the relative size of organs, the indorescence and fruit morphology of these infraspecific taxa is very similar. Key to subspecies' la Stipules spinv and reflexed; pinnules glabrous to glabrescent. nerveless and glaucous, 3-5 pairs. (Kukefin to Hyden and Mount Madden; Badgingarra district) c. subsp. rcciinisiipnla (Fig. 9) b. Stipules not spiny, normally ascending; pinnules densely hairy and or with a thickened midrib below 2 2a. Pinnules densely hairy above and below, 3-4 pairs, normally 3-6 mm long; branches densely villous;’ terminal seta and apex of pinna rachis straight. (Near Hopetoun to to Jerdacuttup) !>• subsp. dasycarpa (Fig. 8) 417 b. Pinnules glabrous above, ± sparsely hairy below and /or on margins, 3-7 pairs, normally 1 -5-3-5 mm long; branches normally antrorsely puberulous; terminal seta and apex of pinna rachis often reflexed. (Near Manypeaks to Jerdacuttup) a. subsp. moirii (Fig. 7) 4a. subsp. moirii -Fig. 7 Shrub 15-40 cm tall, dividing at ground level into many slender, spreading to erect branches; branches obscurely flexuose, moderately antrorsely puberu- lous (occasionally with an additional layer of short, pilose hairs). Stipules narrowly oblong to very narrowly triangular, (1-5) 2-4 (5) mm long, straight to slightly reflexed, slightly thickened especially towards the base. Leaves with indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); terminal seta narrowly triangular. I -5-3 mm long, normally reflexed towards the apex, thickened (especially towards the base), sometimes -b spiny; pinna rachis (5) 7-10 mm long, apex triangular slightly thickened and reflexed (sometimes straight); pinnules 3-7 pairs, oblong to obliquely elliptic. I -5-3-5 x 1-1-5 mm, green to subglaucous, glabrous and nerveless above, prominently I -nerved and sparsely to moderately antrorsely puberulous below (hairs sometimes restricted to margin). Peduncles 8-13 mm long, densely ± retrorsely puberulous; flower heads 6-8 mm diam. at anthesis, with 16-25 flowers. Calyx 2/3 length of corolla; petals 2 mm long, connate for 2/3 their length. Seeds oblong to elliptic, ca. 3 x 2 mm. Figure 7 - -Acacia moirii subsp. moirii. A — Portion of branch system. B — Node showing stipule (s), terminal seta (/) and pinna rachis (pr) with reflexed apices. C- Pinnule (upper surface). D — Pinnule (lower surface showing midrib). E- Inflorescence. A from A'. Newbey 1275; B-E from K. Newbey 1269D. Distribution and habitat: (Map 5) South-west Western Australia; southern regions from the vicinity of Manypeaks (about 40 km north-east of Albany) to about 30 km east of Ravensthorpe. This subspecies favours areas of sand over laterite. 418 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Whoogarup Range, SW of Ravensthorpe, 4. S. George 7187; 25 km S of Jerramungup, B. R. Marlin 2591 (CANB. PERTH); About 30 km F, of Ravens- thorpe towards Esperance, B. R. Muslin 3458 (K, MEL, NSW, PERTH); 1 1 mi SE of Ongerup, K. Newbey 1269 and 12690; 16 mi S of Jerramungup, K. New hey 1275; About 20 mi NF of Albany towards Jerramungup. S. Pausl 491. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from May to July (August); mature legumes present in November and December. Based on morphological criteria, subsp. moirii appears to lie more or less intermediate between subsp. recurvistipula B. R. Maslin and subsp. dasycarpa B. R. Maslin. The distinguishing characters of these taxa are given below. 4b. subsp. dasycarpa B. R. Maslin subsp. nov. — Fig, 8 Frutex 30-60 cm alius; rami dense breviter villosi. Stipuiae 4-8 mm longae. Folia dense antrorse breviter villosa; rachis pinnarum 6 15 mm longa; pinnukte 3-4-jugae, supra enerviae, infra l-nervatae. Redunculi dense puberuli. Capituia globulosa, 17-20-floribus. Semina oblonga, ca. 2-5 x 2 mm. Type: 2 miles west of the Evre Range, Western Australia, 30 May 1970, K. Newbev 3175 (holo; PERTH; iso: CANB. K). Shrub 30-60 cm tall, single-stemmed or dividing at ground level into a few erect or slightly spreading branches: branches not fiexuose, densely shortly villous. Stipules narrowly oblong to very narrowly triangular, 4-8 mm long, straight, scarious but slightly thickened at base. Leaves densely antrorsely shortly villous: terminal seta linear to narrowly triangular, 3-4 (6) mm long, straight, scarious but slightly thickened at base; pinna rachis 6-15 mm long, apex narrowly oblong straight and 1 flattened; pinnules 3-4 pairs, ± narrowly oblong to obliquely elliptic. 3-6 (8-10) x (1-5) 2-3 mm, densely shortly antrorsely villous, green to subglaucous, nerveless above, 1 -nerved below. Peduncles (10) 15-20 mm long, densely puberulous; flower heads 6-8 mm diam. at anthesis, with 17-20 flowers. Calyx I 2-2 3 length ot corolla; petals 2-2-5 mm long, connate for ca. 1 '2 their length. Legumes densely villous. Seeds oblong, ca. 2-5 x 2 mm. Distribution and habitat: (Map 5) South-west Western Australia; occur- ring in a somewhat restricted area from near Hopetoun to the vicinity of 41 539 — ( 2 ) Jerdacuttup (about 40 km east of Ravensthorpe). A specimen of subsp. dasvcarpa, seen by Bentham and housed at Melbourne (MEL 49407), is re- corded as being collected from Cape Arid (east of Esperance); there is no collector given on this sheet. As this locality is 250 km east ol the known ranee of subsp. villosa, and as recent intensive collecting in the Cape Arid region has failed to reveal this subspecies, it is probable that the Melbourne sheet is incorrectly annotated. This subspecies occurs in a variety ot habitats: around Hopetoun it grows in deep white sand in tall open shrubland with Banks'll i speciosa R.Br.; at East Mount Barren it grows in stony quartzite in low heath vegetation; while around the Eyre Range it grows in sand over laterite in tall open shrubland with Eucalyptus tetragona (R.Br.) Benth. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: East Mount Barren, T. E. H. Avlin 2720; 40 to 70 km E of Ravensthorpe, T. Daniel/ s.n., 5 Aug. 1972; Jerdacuttup, R. Ednvston s.n.. 1972; About I -5 mi NE of No Tree Hill, East Mount Barren area, B. R. Muslin 977 (CANB. MEL, NSW', NY. PERTH): 2 mi N of Hopetoun, K. Newbev 3304; Cape Arid, no collector given (MEL 49407). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from May to August; mature legumes are present in late October. Acacia nioirii subsp. dcisycarpa is more closely related to the typical sub- species than to subsp. recurvistipula B. R. Maslin. From the former taxon it is distinguished by its densely shortly villous branches and pinnules, its somewhat longer stipules, terminal setae, pinnae facilities, pinnules, and peduncles, and its straight (not reflexed) terminal setae and pinna rachis apices. Acacia nioirii subsp. dasvcarpa grows to a slightly taller shrub than subsp. nioirii: also it is not as prolifically branched at the base as the typical subspecies. The subspecific epithet refers to the densely hairy legumes which are particularly prominent on specimens of this taxon but not diagnostic for it within the species A. nioirii. 4c. subsp. recurvistipula B. R. Maslin, Nuytsia 1(3): 258-260, f.3 (1972). Type: “ 9 miles north of ‘ The Humps ’ (which is ca. 10 miles due north-east of Hyden), Western Australia, 15 July 1970, B. R. Maslin 570 (holo: PERTH)” — Fig. 9. Compact shrub 15-45 cm tall, dividing at ground level into a number of erect branches; branches fiexuose, moderately antrorsely puberulous. Stipules spiny, 3-6 mm long, reflexed. Leaves sparsely antrorsely puberulous (except for pinnules); terminal seta spiny, 1-3 mm long, straight or somewhat reflexed: pinna racliis ca. 5 mm long, apex oblong flattened and straight or reflexed; pinnules 3-5 pairs, narrowly oblong to obliquely elliptic, 2-4 x 1-1 -5 mm, slightly thickened, more or less glaucous, glabrous to sparsely antrorsely puberulous (hairs normally restricted to the margin), nerveless to inconspicu- ously I -nerved. Peduncles 5-15 mm long, normally moderately retrorsely puberulous; flower heads ca. 5 mm chain, at anthesis, with 15-17 flowers. Calyx ca. I 2 length of corolla; petals 1-5-2 mm long, connate for I 2 their length. Legumes 15-40 x 4-5 mm. Seeds not seen in mature state. Distribution and habitat: (Map 5) South-west Western Australia: about 300 km due south-east of Perth from Kukerin to Hyden then south-east to near Mount Madden (40 km north of Ravensthorpe), A collection of subsp. recurvistipula has also been made from the Dandaragan-Badgingarra area, about 200 km north of Perth (see B. R. Maslin 3004). A similar distribution pattern occurs in A. drewiana W. V. Fitzg. subsp. minor B. R. Maslin; however, the northern population of this taxon is centred around Wongan Hills. Future sampling of suitable habitats in the intervening region may determine w hether these occurrences represent real or apparent disjunct distributions. The Badgingarra specimen of subsp. recurvistipula differs from the southern popu- lations in that its branches are less fiexuose and its indumentum is slightly denser and more spreading. 420 5 mm 3 mm Figure 9— Acacia moirii subsp. recurvistipn/a. A —Lower portion of plant. B Node showing spiny stipules 0) and terminal seta (t). C— Flower. D Inflorescence. E— Pinnule (upper surface). F- Pinnule (lower surface showing midrib). G Legume valve. H Receptacle ( r ) with bracteoles (b). A, C-D, H from A. S. George' 6349; B from D. Young 129; E-F from M. D. Tindale 171 and B. R. Mas! in: G from B. R. Maslin 525. WESTERN AUSTRALIA; About 17 mi from Ravensthorpe towards Lake King, E. M. Canning WA 68 '7299; 8 mi N of ’ The Humps *, B. R. Maslin 569; About 4 mi S of Kulin, B. R. Muslin 525; 25-5 km from Dandaragan towards Badgingarra, B. R. Maslin 3004; I97| mile peg, E of Dumbleyung, A. S. George 6349; 18 mi W of Lake Grace, M. D. Tindale 171 and 11. R. Maslin 16 km W of Lake King township, P. G. Wilson 7159' 37 km E Lake King, D. Young 129. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from May to July; seeds still immature in November. In that subsp. reeurvistipula has antrorsely puberulous branches, more or less spiny and often somewhat reflexed terminal setae, and retrorsely puberu- lous peduncles, it is more closely related to subsp. moirii than to subsp. dasy- carpa. Although the stipules on the type subspecies are prominent and slightly thickened at the base, they are never spiny or prominently relieved as in subsp. reeurvistipula. In addition, the pinna rachis of subsp. moirii is normally slightly longer than of subsp. reeurvistipula and it normally has a more promin- ently reflexed apex. The pinnules of the two subspecies are quite different; in the type subspecies they are thicker, often greater in number, prominently 1 -nerved below, generally less glaucous, and have a denser indumentum. Normally subsp. reeurvistipula grows as an erect, compact shrub in open places among sandplain vegetation on sandy or lateritic soil. However, occasionally it has been found growing semi prostrate among litter beneath tall shrubs such as Casuarina pinaster C. A. Gardner. This phenomenon has been described previously (Maslin, 1972). 421 5. Acacia depressa B. R. Maslin nom. nov. — based on A. echinata B. R. Maslin — Fig. 10 Acacia echinata B. R. Maslin, Nuytsia I (3):256-257, fig. 2 (1972), non G. Don, Gen. Hist. 2:402 (1832). Type: " 6 miles east of Kukerin, Western Australia, 20 Dec. 1964, A.'. Newbey 1620" (holo: PERTH: iso: K, MEL, NSW). Dwarf, much branched, compact, cushion-like, prostrate shrub, 2-5 x 50 (or more) cm., vegetative parts sparsely strigose to glabrous; branehlets ± erect, spinescent, terete; axillary spines absent. Stipules narrowly triangular, 0-5-1 mm long, somewhat thickened especially near the base. Leaves bi- pinnate, glabrous to glabrescent; petiole 3-4 mm long, terete: terminal seta 0- 5-1 mm long, somewhat thickened; pinnae I pair; pinna rachis 2-4 mm long, terete, apex somewhat flattened : pinnules 3-4 pairs, narrowly oblong to asymet- rically narrowly obovate, 2-3 x ca. I mm, flat, smooth, concolorous, obscurely 1- ncrved. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole normally near insertion of pinnae; sessile, small, circular. Inflorescences simple; peduncles solitary, 10-20 mm long, sparsely strigose to glabrous, basal bracts 2; flower beads yellow, globular, 3-4 mm diam. at anthesis, with 12-15 flowers. Bracteoles less than 1 mm long: claws short, glabrous; laminae concave, ciliolate. Flowers 5-merous; calyx ca. I 2 length of corolla, divided for ca. I /4 its length into ob- long to triangular ciliolate lobes which are slightly indexed at apex, tube glabrous and obscurely 5-nerved: petals 1-5 mm long, obscurely 1-nerved, glabrous. Legumes ± firmly chartaceous, narrowly oblong, ca. 10 x 3 mm, prominently raised over seeds, moderately strigose, dark brown; margins not contracted between seeds, somewhat thickened, light brown. Seeds not seen in mature state. Figure 10 — Acacia depressa. A— Portion of branch system showing prostrate habit. B- Node showing stipules (,v), terminal seta (/), prominent petiole ip) and minute gland ( g ). C — Flower. D — Flower head. E- Receptacle (/■) with bracteoles ( b ). F -Legume valves. G — Leaf axis showing position of pinna rachides (pr); minute, sessile gland (g) prominent, terete petiole ( p). A-F from K. Newbey 1620 (the type); G from M. D. Tindaie 170 and B. R. Maslin. Distribution and habitat: (Map 11) South-west Western Australia: known only from the type locality which is a lateritic hill between Kukerin and Tarin Rock. 422 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 198 mi peg Dumbleyung-Lake Grace road, A. S'. George 5800; 6 mi W of Tarin Rock, F. LnUfitz 5901 ; 18 mi W of Lake Grace. M. D. Tiiulale 170 and B. R. Maslin. Flowering period: December-January. Don ( 1832, p.404) published the new name, A. echinata for the phyllodinous species previously described as A. echinula DC. (1825). Although Don's name was validly published, it is illegitimate, being superfluous, and therefore must be rejected. It is unfortunate that A. echinata G. Don was not listed in either Bentham's Flora Australiensis or Tiidex Kewensis because the present author also used this name (Maslin 1972, p.256) being unaware at the time that it was occupied. Consequently, A. echinata B. R. Maslin, being a later homo- nym, is illegitimate and must also be rejected. The new' epithet, “depressa", refers to the very low and spreading habit of this species. The cushion-like habit, short spinescent branchlets, and unijugate leaves with long petioles render A. depressa a very distinctive species within the series Pulchellae. Its relationship to the other members of this Series is obscure although it appears to have some affinities with A. moirii E. Pritzel and A. newbeyi B. R. Maslin (see these species for details). 6. Acacia newbeyi B. R. Maslin sp. nov. -Fig. II Frutex 0-5-1 m alius; rami strigosi ad antrorse puberuli: ramuli sub-spinescentes; spinae axillares nullae. Folio bipinnata, glabra ad glabrata; petioles minus quam 0-5 mm longus; pinnae unijugatae; piimnlae (1)2 (3)-jugae. oblongae ad oblique obovatae, 2-5 x I -2 mm, planae, concolorae. enerviae vel infra inconspicue l-nervatae. Gians sessilis, in pagina supera petioli infra insertionem pinnarum posita. Inflorescentia racemosa, condensala, solitaria; pedimcuH 4-10 mm longi, glabri. Capinila globulosa, 10 1 3-floribus. Florae 5-merae; calvcis lobi oblongi ad triangulares; petala glabra, perobscure 1-nervala. Legumina 20 25 x 3 mm, glabra ad glabrata. Semina 2-2-5 x 1-5 mm, brunnea. Type: 1 -5 miles north of Nvabine, Western Australia. 17 Aug. 1973, K. Newbev 3727 (hole: PERTH; iso: 11. CANB. K. MEL. NSW. NY, PERTH). Openly branched shrub 0-51 m tall and 0 -6-1 - 5 m diatn.. normally divid- ing near ground level into 2-4 main branches; bark slightly roughened, medium grey; branches obscurely ribbed, strigose to antrorselv puberulous; branchlets sub-spinescent; axillary spines absent. Stipules oblong to triangular, minute, ca. 0-5 mm long, thickened towards the base. Leaves bipinnate, glabrous to glabre- scent; petiole minute, less than 0-5 mm long; terminal seta sometimes caducous, triangular, ca. 0-5 mm long, thickened towards the base: pinnae I pair; pinna rachis 1 -5-2-5 x 0-7-0 -8 mm, somewhat thickened, apex straight to reflexed; pinnules (1)2 (3) pairs, oblong to obliquely obovate, 2-5 x 1 2 mm, flat, slightly thickened, light green, concolorous, nerveless or obscurely 1 -nerved below, obtuse, obliquely narrowed at apex. Gland situated on upper surface ol petiole below insertion of pinnae: sessile, circular, minute, less than 0-5 mm diarn. Inflorescence a very condensed, solitary, axillary raceme, peduncle arising from axil of the uppermost (cleft) bract on the very short raceme axis; a new shoot develops from within the axil of the lowermost bract on the axis; peduncles 4-10 mm long, glabrous; flower heads light yellow', globular, 3-4 mm diam. at anthesis, with 10-13 flowers. Bracteoles 0-5-0-7 mm long; laminae concave, ciliolate. Flowers 5-nterous; calyx 14 13 length of corolla, divided for 1/3-1 2 its length into oblong to triangular ciliolate lobes, tube glabrous and nerveless; petals 1-5-2 mm long, connate for 1 3-1/2 their length, glabrous, very obscurely I -nerved: ovary glabrous. Legumes firmly chartaceous, narrowly oblong, 20-25 x 3 mm, prominently raised over seeds, glabrous to glab rescent, light brown; margins not contracted between seeds, somewhat thickened, light brown. Seeds oblong-elliptic, 2-2-5 x 1 - 5 mm, dark brown, shiny; pleurogram with a narrow opening towards the hilum, bordered by a rim of light coloured tissue: areo/e ca. 1-5 x 0 5 mm; funicle filiform or dilated, reflexed below a straight or once-folded abruptly thickened cream aril. 423 Figure II — Acacia newbeyi. A — Portion of branch system. B -Sub-spinescent branchlet with two leaves, note few pinnules, minute petiole (p) and somewhat thickened pinna rachis (pr). C — Flower. D- Inflorescence showing peduncle arising from axil of uppermost bract (A) on the very condensed raceme axis, and a new shoot (sh) developing in axil of lower- most bract. E Seed (dark brown). F -Legume. A-B from K. Newbey 3727 (the type): C-D from K. Newbey 2821 ; E-F from K. Newbey 2821 D. Distribution and habitat: (Map II) South-west Western Australia: southern regions from the vicinity of Ongerup east to near Ravensthorpe and north to Nyabing and Hyden. Although distributed over a reasonably wide area, A. newbeyi is not common throughout its range. This species appears to be confined to areas of sand over laterite, often in association with Eucalyptus redunca Schau. or E. Jalcata Turcz. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Hyden district, 8 km N of Dragon Rocks, N. G. Marchant 72/551 : 4 mi N of Chillinup Pool, A Newbey 2821 and 2821D; 20 mi NNW of Ongerup, K. Newbey 3728; About 35 km due W of Ravensthorpe, P. G. Wilson 71 10 (CANB, PERTH). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from July to August; mature seed has been collected in November. The exact taxonomic position of A. newbeyi within the series Pulchellae is not clear. Although it superficially resembles A. hrowniana H. Wendl., the unijugate leaves, petiolar gland, and inflorescence structure readily distinguish it from that species. Acacia newbeyi appears to have its closest affinities with A. depressa IT R. Maslin from which it is separated by its habit, subspinescent branchlets, minute petioles, and normally fewer pinnules. Acacia newbeyi also has some affinities with A. moirii E. Pritzel, but it is readily distinguished from that species bv its minute spitules and petiole, shorter and broader pinnae rachides, normally fewer pinnules, flower structure, somewhat smaller flower heads, and glabrous peduncles. 424 This species normally occurs among the lower vegetation of Mallee scrub- land where it grows into a spreading, openly branched shrub 50-100 cm tall and 60-120 cm in diameter. Tn more exposed areas, e.g. semi-cleared farm- lands, A. newbeyi is lower and denser (50-60 cm tall), and the bushes vary from 100-150 cm in diameter. This species has a life span of about 5-8 years; seeds germinate readily following lire or other environmental disturbances (Ken Newbey pers. comm.). This species is named in honour of Mr. Ken Newbey, who, for many years has made valuable collections of Western Australian plants, particularly from the Ongerup area. 7. Acacia browniana H. Wendl., Flora 2:139 (1819) — based on A. ciliata R.Br. Acacia ciliata R.Br. in Ait. f., Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:465 (1813) pro parte, as to neotype, non Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. (1809). Neotype: R. Brown, Iter Australiense, 1802-5 (Bennett 4321) lower lefthand specimen on sheet (BM photo seen). Acacia sirigosa Link, Enum. Plant. Hort. Berol. 2:444 (1822), nom. illeg., non. Lindl. (1838) nec. (Pers.) Spreng. (1826). Based on A. ciliata R Br. Shrub 0-3-2 m tall, occasionally suckering; branches obscurely ribbed, indumentum various, rarely glabrous; axillary spines absent. Stipules linear to narrowly oblong or narrowly triangular, (0 5) I 3-5 x 0-2-0-6 (0-9) mm, sometimes caducous, patent to reflected or sometimes ascending, scarious, dark brown, ciliolate. Leaves bipinnatc, indumentum normally as on branches (except for pinnules); rachis 1 6 (10) mm long; pinnae (1)2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis (I) 1 -5-3-5 (4-5-6) mm long on proximal pinnae, 1-5-18 (25 30) mm long on distal pinnae: pinnules I 3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 2 7 (8 12) pairs on distal pinnae, (narrowly) oblong to elliptic or slightly obovate, 2-9 x 1-3-5 mm, flat to revolute, normally dark green and nerveless above, light green and finely I -nerved below, rarely conco loro its and glaucous, glab- rous to puberulous or ciliolate. Gland situated on upper surtace ot rachis cither at base of pinnae or to 1 mm below them (var. obsettra); sessile, 0-2-1 mm diam. Inflorescences simple: peduncles (1)2 per axil, 5 15 (20) mm long, glabrous or sparsely puberulous (var. obscura). basal bracts 3-4 and ciliolate; flower heads globular. 4 6 mm diam. at an thesis, with 12-21 flowers. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1 2 2 3 length of corolla, divided for ca. 1/4 its length into oblong indexed slightly thickened normally ciliolate lobes, 5-nerved. tube glabrescent and yellow or dark brown: petals I -5-2-5 mm long, glabrous, T-nerved, normally indexed at apex giving flower-bud a truncate appearance; ovary glabrous. Legumes narrowly oblong, 10-35 x 5-7 mm, flat, raised over seeds, glabrous, light to dark brown, rarely greyish; margins normally not contracted between seeds, thickened, light brown. Seeds (as to var. browniana and var. intermedia only) transverse to obi iij lie m legume, oblong to elliptic, 2 • 5-3 • 5 x I -5-2-5 mm. light to dark brown, shiny; pleurogram prominent, continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum; areole 1—2-5 x 1-2 mm; funicle rellexed below a abruptly thickened once-folded aril. The name A. browniana is based on A. ciliata R.Br. (1813), non Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. (1809). Until now', most authors have referred to this taxon as A. sirigosa Link: however. Link's name is illegitimate, being a later nonien- clatural synonym of A. browniana. Acacia ciliata R.Br. was described in Ait. f.. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:465 (1813). The new Acacia names used by Brown in this work were applied by him to plants collected in Australia, but were evidently based on plants cultivated in England. The only sheet known to the present author which could possibly be" regarded as type material of A. ciliata R.Br. is one at British Museum, Natural History, annotated “ Acacia strigosa Link.” This sheet 425 has a “ Robert Brown, Ifer Australiensc ” label bearing Bennett distribution number 4321 and it consists of a mixture of two taxa, viz. A. browniana and A . luteola B, R. Maslin. These two species occur sympatrically at Albany (King George Sound), a locality visited by Brown in 1801-02. There is no direct evidence to suggest that Brown actually considered this sheet when describing A. ciliala, nor is there anything to definitely indicate the origin of the specimens contained thereon. As this sheet consists of a mixture of two species, it is necessary to select one specimen as the nomenclatural type, thus fixing the name A. browniana. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the specimens on this sheet a lectotype cannot be designated; instead, a neotype is selected. Accord- ingly, the lower left hand specimen on this sheet is here chosen as the neotype of A. ciliala. This specimen agrees with Brown's (very brief) description. Acacia browniana is related to A. grisea S. Moore, A. lateriticola B. R. Maslin, and A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. (see these species for differentiating characters). The above species, together with A. empelioclada B. R. Maslin and A. leioderma B. R. Maslin, form an inter-related species group (see p. 394). Although A. browniana is very polymorphic, it can usually be recognized by a combination of the following characters; branches normally hairy; leaves relatively small (but see below); flowering peduncles normally glabrous and slender (thickening considerably when in fruit); flower heads small, globular, normally with less than 20 flowers; petals quite prominently 1-nerved, often indexed at the apex giving the flower-buds a J. truncate appearance; legumes relatively small, glabrous. As stated above, the leaves in A. browniana are relatively small. How- ever, the foliage on juvenile plants as well as that at the base of the main branch- lets on mature shrubs is often considerably enlarged. These larger leaf dimensions are given in parenthesis in the description above and below. Following extensive field work it became possible to recognize four varieties under A. browniana. However, due to the variable nature of this species and the relatively minor characters distinguishing the infraspecific taxa, the key presented below may not work in all cases. Also, there is some indication that morphological intermediates occur between var. browniana and var. obscura. This adds to the difficulty of keying out these varieties. Key to varieties: (Neglect leaves on juvenile plants.) la. Pinnules hairy below (hair density variable), prominently recurved to revolute, 2-4 pairs; distal pinna raehis 2-4 mm long. (Stirling and Porongurup Ranges) b. var. intermedia b. Pinnules glabrous or ciliolate (it sparsely hairy below then pinnules flat to slightly re- curved and often exceeding 4 pairs, also distal pinna raehis above 4 mm long) .... 2 2a. Most distal pinna rachides not exceeding 5 mm; pinnules normally 2-3 pairs and 2-4 mm long. (Albany to Busselton) ... a. var. browniana b. Many distal pinna rachides ca. I cm or more long; pinnules often above 3 pairs and/or above 4 mm long ... ... .... 3 3a. Branch hairs* antrorse; pinnules normally flat and glabrous 4 b. Branch hairs* patent; pinnules normally slightly recurved and /or ciliolate 5 4a. Pinnules glaucous and concolorous. ( Mogumber to Bindoon) d. var. endlicheri b. Pinnules dark green above, light green below. (Albany to Busselton) a. var. browniana 5a. Flowering peduncles glabrous; dwarf shrub 0-3-0 -4 m tall, spreading vegetatively by subterranean runners. (Sporadic in Jarrah forest from Bindoon to Mount Barker) d. var. endlicheri b. Flowering peduncles normally sparsely hairy at base; tall shrub to 1 -2 m, runners absent. (Karri or Karri-Jarrah forest from Nannup to near NorthclilTe) c. var. obscura *In both var. browniana and var. endlicheri glabrous variants have been recorded. 426 7a. var. browniana — Figs. 12G-0 Acacia strigosa Link var. brevi folia Meisn. in L.ehm.. Plant. Preiss 1:20 (1844). Type: “ In solo lurfaceo-arenoso ad Stirling's terrace ( Plantagenet) d.22 Nov. 1840. Herb. Preiss. No. 902” (iso: K photograph seen, MEI . PERTH fragment) Acacia browniana I L Wendl. var. brevi folia (Meisn.) Seem.. Europ. Linger. Acac. 53 (1852). Acacia ciliata R.Br. var. brevi folia (Meisn.) Macbride, Conlr. Gray Herb. Harv. N.S. 59:9 (1919). Spreading shrub 1-2 m tall; branches moderately antrorsely puberulous and often invested with an additional layer of pilose hairs, rarely pilose or glabrous, hairs occasionally tubercle-based. Stipules I -53 - 5 x 0-2-0 -3 mm. Rachis 1-4(5) mm long; pinna rachis I -5 3-5(5) mm long on proximal pinnae, 1-5-12 (15-30) mm long on distal pinnae: pinnules 1-2 (3) pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-5 (6-12) pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong to elliptic, 2-8 x 1-2 mm, Hat to slightly recurved, dark green above, light green below, glabrous or sometimes hispidulous along margins. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis normally immediately below insertion of pinnae (very rarely 0-5 mm below them): circular to oblong, 0-3-1 mm diarn., lip prominent. Peduncles 5-15 mm long, glabrous, flower heads with 12-17 llowers. Petals indexed at apex giving flower-bud a 1 truncate appearance. Legumes 10-30 x 6-7 mm, dark brown. Seeds 2-5 3 • 5 x I • 5 2-5 mm. light to dark brown. Distribution and habitat: (Map 6) South-west Western Australia: most common in the area from Albany to the Augusta-Busselton district and ex- tending inland to Manjimup and Mount Barker; var. browniana has been collected as far east as the Bremer River. This variety commonly grows in grey sandy soil in low-lying areas near swamps and creeks. It also occurs in lateri tic soil in Jarrah (rarely Jarrah-Karri) forests. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Road to Margaret River. Armstrong s.n. (UWA 1146): 27 mi from Augusta on road to Nannup, F.. M. Bennett 2852 (AO. L, PERTH); Mount Melville, Albany, L. Diets 3378; Western Australia, ./. Drummond 16 (MEL, PERTH); About 8 km south of Mount Barker. Hj. Eichler 16005 (AD): About 16 km S of Busselton. B. R. Masiin 2826 (K, PERTH); 7 km W of Manjimup towards Nannup, B. R. Masiin 2863; I -6 km W Donnelly River Crossing on Manjinuip-Nannup road, B R. Masiin 2864: 24 km E of Karri- dale on Brockman Highway. B. R. Masiin 2883 and 2S83A; 32-2 km E of Walpole towards Denmark on South Coast Highway, B. R. Masiin 2925 and 2925A: 2 km W of King River crossing on Albany-Two People's Bay road, B. R. Masiin 2963 (MEL, PERTH); About 15 km S of Mount Barker towards Albany, B. R Masiin 2980 (BH. BRI, CANB, PERTH): Mounts Clarence and Melville, Maxwell 54 (MEL); King George Sound, Oldfield 459 and 460 (MEI.): Between Walpole and Denmark, S. Paust 401: Bremer River, Webb s.n., 1884 (MEL 49672): South of Nannup. F. W. Went 100; Between Porongorups and Mount Barker, D. Whibley 3304 (AD): Parryvilie, J. II Willis s.n., 5 Sept 1947 (MEL 49720). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from July to October; mature legumes occur from October to December. Using a combination of geographical distribution and morphological characters, var. browniana can be divided into two forms. The “ typical form." which includes the type of A. ciliata and A. strigosa var. brevifo/ia, extends along the south coast from the Bremer River to Walpole, then north- ward to Mount Barker and Manjimup. Further west there occurs the " western form " which extends from Augusta northward to near Busselton and eastward to the vicinity of Nannup. Geographically situated between these two forms is A. browniana H. Wendl. var. obscura (A. DC.) B. R. Masiin. There is some evidence to suggest that morphological intermediates occur between var. obscura and the " typical form ” and the “ western form " of var. browniana where it meets these taxa in the Manjimup and Nannup areas respectively (see var. obscura for further details). Generally speaking, the organs of the “ typical form " are slightly smaller than those of the “ western form ". However, there is an overlap of para- meters and further sampling may reduce the apparent differences even further. The major differences between the two forms are summarised in Table 2. 427 TABLE 2 Character “Typical form" "Western form” Rachis length (mm) Distal pinna rachis length (mm) Pinnule pairs (per distal pinna rachis) . Pinnule length (mm) Gland diameter (mm) Peduncle length (ram) Flower head diameter at anthesis (mm) Number of flowers per flower head 1- 2 (4) 1 -5-3 (5-15) 2-3 (4-8) 2- 4 0 - 3-0 • 4 5-10 4-5 12-15 2-4 (5) 5-12 (to 30) 2-5 (6-12) 2-8 0-5-1 10-15 5-6 14-17 Table 2 Differences between the " typical form ” and the “ western form ” of A. browniana var. browniana. NB. Parameters for leaves on juvenile plant and those towards the base of main branchlets on mature shrubs given in parenthesis. Glabrous variants of var. browniana " western form do occur. These may superficial ly resemble A. teioderma but are distinguished by their less prominently ribbed branches, smaller leaves and flower heads, and eglandulose distal pinnae rachides. 7b. var. intermedia (E. Pritzel) B. R. Maslin comb. nov. — Fig. 12 P-V Acacia strigosa Link var. intermedia E. Pritzel, Bot. Jb. 35:312 (1904). Lectotype: Suckey’s Peak, (Sukey Hill near Cranbrook — B. R. Maslin) Stirling Range, L. Diels 3002 (iso: PERTH). Acacia ciliata R.Br. var. intermedia (E. Pritzel) Macbride, Contr. Grav Herb. Harv. N.S. 59:9 (1919). SImih 0-5-1 m tall, dividing at ground level into a few spreading branches; branches moderately to densely puberulous (hairs somewhat antrorse) to his- pid uIolis. Stipules 1-2 x ca. 0-3 mm. Rachis 1 -5-3 (4) mm long; pinna rachis 1 -5-3 (4-5) mm long on proximal pinnae, 2-4 (15) mm long on distal pinnae; pinnules 2 pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-4 ( 12) pairs on distal pinnae, 2-3 (4) x 1 mm, prominently recurved to revolute, somewhat thickened, dark green above, light green below, puberulous (sometimes glabrous above). Glatul situated on upper surface of rachis immediately below insertion of pinnae; circular to slightly oblong, 0 - 3-0 • 5 mm diam.. lip prominent, orifice well defined. Pedun- cles 7-10 mm long, glabrous [flower heads with 14-18 flowers. Petals indexed at apex giving flower-bud a ± truncate appearance. Legumes 20-35 x 7 mm, light brown to greyish. Seeds 2-5-3 x 1 - 5 mm, light brown. Distribution and habitat: (Map 6) South-west Western Australia: common below the summits in the Stirling Range (also occurring in the Porongurup Range but less common) where it grows in shallow sandy or rocky soih Figure 12 -Acacia browniana. A to F — var. endlicheri: A to D — Pinnule variation. E Base of plant showing subterranean runner. F— Flower bud. G to O var. browniana: G Portion of branch system. H Inflorescence. I to .1 Pinnule variation (“typical form”). K and I Leaf silhouettes of "typical form" (K— juvenile leaf: L- mature leaf). M Pinnule (“Western form"). N and O -Leaf silhouettes of "Western form” (N mature leaf: O juvenile leaf). P to U var. intermedia'. P -Flower showing indexed petals. Q and R- Pinnules. S- -Portion of branch system. T and U Leaf silhouettes ( I mature leaf: U- juvenile leaf). V to ZZ— var. obscura : V and W Pinnule variation (V -slightly recurved; W flat). X to Z- Leaf silhouettes (X and Y- -mature leaves; Z juvenile leaf) ZZ- Portion of branch system. A and F from IS. R. Maslin 2956; B from B. R. Maslin 3203; C from B. R. Maslin 4; D from W. E. Blackall s.n.; E from Mary Warburton s.n.t G from B. R. Maslin 2980: H from B R Maslin 2864: l from S. Pans! 401 ; .1 from L. Diels 3378; K from IS. R. Muslin 2925A: I from II. R. Maslin 2963: M from E. M. Bennett 2852; N-O from II. R. Maslin 2863; P-Q r r0 m R. T. Lange 131; R from IS. R. Maslin 2609: S from Maxwell s.n.; T-U from IS. R. Maslin 2960; V and X from II. R. Maslin 2893; W and ZZ from F. M. C. Schoch 50; Y-Z from II R Maslin 2864. 428 *** -M- #■ •jif. -jW y m< >m zz 429 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 37 mi peg, Albanv-Borden road, A. S. George 6395: Porongurup Range. R. T. Lange 131; Sukey Hill, east of Cranbrook, B. R. Maslin 2609 (K, PERTH); Turn-off to Nancys Peak, Porongurup-Mount Barker road, B. R. Maslin 2960 (CANB. PERTH); South West Australia, Maxwell s.n. (MEL 49669); District North West Plan- tagenel. E. Prilzel 350 (AD, K (photograph seen) — syntvpe); Chester Pass. N. H. Speck s.n. (UWA 1137). Flowering; and fruiting period: Flowers from July to August; mature legumes present in late December. The combination of small leaves, prominently recurved to revolute pinnules which are slightly thickened and normally moderately puberulous below, and a restricted distribution, serve to distinguish var. intermedia from the other infraspecific taxa of A. hrowniana. This variety appears most closely allied to the typical forms of var. hrowniana and var. endlicheri (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin. 7c. var. obscura (A. DC.) B. R. Maslin comb, et stat. nov. — Fig. 12 V-ZZ Acacia obscura A. DC.. Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 6:605 t.3 (1834): G. Bentham. Flora Austral. 2:418 (1864)- not as to description, see discussion below. Type: Jardin de Grenier, pres Geneve. 19 Mar. 1833 (holo: G). Spreading, openly branched shrub. 1-2 m tall; branches normally finely ribbed, moderately to densely puberulous to hispidulous (hairs straight or hooked at apex, often tubercule-based). Stipules 2-3 x 0-4-0 -6 (0-9) mm. Rachis 3-5-5 (10) mm long; pinna rachis I -5-3 mm long on proximal pinnae, (3) 5-13 (25) mm long on distal pinnae; pinnules 2(3) pairs on proximal pinnae, (2) 3-7 (8-10) pairs on distal pinnae, oblong. 2-3-5 (6) x ca. 1 -5 mm, slightly recurved, dark green above, light green below, ciliolate (sometimes with a few additional hairs below). Gland situated on upper surface of rachis 0-5-1 mm below insertion of pinnae: circular to oblong, 0-5-0-8 mm diam., lip and orifice quite prominent. Peduncles 10-15 mm long, sparsely puberulous especially near base, sometimes glabrous; flower heads with 14-20 flowers. Petals indexed at apex, normally giving flower-bud a truncate appearance. Legumes and seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 6) South-west Western Australia: Warren district from Manjimup west to Nannup and south to Mount Chudalup ( 10 km north ot Point D'Entrecastreaux). Occurs as an understorey shrub in Karri {Eucalyptus divei sico/or F. Muell.) or Karri-Jarrah {Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Nannup-Manjimup road, D. Churchill 017 (UWA); 1 -6 km W °f Donnells River crossing on Manjimup-Nannup road, B. R. Maslin 2864 (BRI CANR K MEL. PERTH ); 1 2 8 km S of Pemberton towards Northcliffe, B. R. Maslin 2893 ; Mourn Chudalup (which is ca. 10 km N ol Point D Entrecastreaux), B. R. Maslin 2900- Warren River district, F. M. C. Schach 50. Flowering period: September to October. Bentham (1864, p.4 1 8) misapplied the name A. obscura. Of the nine collections cited by Bentham under this species five have been examined by the present author, viz. Drummond IV: 18 and Preiss 885 (A. preissiana (Meisn ) B. R. Maslin), Drummond V : 1 7 (A. empelioclada B. R. Maslin), Gordon River Oldfield and Drummond U : \53 {A. lateritico/a B. R. Maslin). Another specimen (which T have not seen) is probably A. nigricans — see page 441 Bentham gave no indication that he had seen the type of A. obscura. The confusion surrounding the application of the name A. obscura has persisted to the present day. After inspecting a large range of material, including the type of A. obscura, I can see no justification in maintaining this name at the specific rank! Acacia hrowniana var. obscura is closely related to the typical variety from which it is distinguished by the following characters: branches puberulous to hispidulous— hairs short, at right angles to the branch surface and either 430 straight or uncinate (when the hairs are short on var. browniana they are distinctly antrorse); peduncles normally sparsely puberulous, especially near the base (always glabrous on var. browniana). Acacia browniana var. ohscura grows in Karri or Karri-Jarrah forest; var. browniana is mainly restricted to Jarrah forest (rarely occurring in the Karri). Geographically, var. ohscura is situated more or less between the “ typical form " and the “ western form ” of var. browniana. Judging from morpho- logical criteria, there is some indication that intermediates occur between var. ohscura and both these forms where they meet in the Manjimup and Nannup regions respectively. In addition to the characters mentioned above, var. ohscura is distinguished from the “ typical form " of var. browniana by its somewhat larger leaves, and from the “ western form ” by its slightly recurved, ciliolate pinnules. Some of the larger-leaved individuals of var. ohscura may superficially resemble A. subracemosa B. R. Maslin — see this species for details. 7d. var. endlieheri (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin comb. nov. — Fig. \2A-F Acacia endlieheri Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:21 (1844). Leetolype: Preiss no. 905 (iso: MEL, PERTH fragment). Acacia strigosa l ink var. endlieheri (Meisn.) Benth., Flora Austral. 2:419 (1864). Small shrub 30-40 cm tall, spreading by subterranean runners (i.e. sucker- ing). either single-stemmed or dividing at ground level into many slender branches; branches pilose or hispidulous, rarely puberulous or glabrous. Stipules variable, 0-5 I -5 (3) x 0-20-3 (0-4) mm. Rachis 3 6 (9) mm long: pinna rachis 2-4 (6) mm long on proximal pinnae, (3) 8-18 mm long on distal pinnae; pinnules I -3 pairs on proximal pinnae, (2) 3-7 (9) pairs on distal pinnae, oblong-elliptic or slightly obovate, 2-9 x 1-3-5 mm, flat to recurved, glaucous and concolorous or dark green above and light green below, glabrous or sparsely hispidulous on margins. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis normally immediately below insertion of pinnae (sometimes situated I mm below them); circular to oblong. 0-2 0-5 mm long, lip often not promin- ent. Peduncles 8 15 (20) mm long, glabrous; flower heads with (13) 18-21 flowers. Petals barely inflexed at apex, flower-bud rb attenuated. Legumes 15-22 x 5-7 mm, light brown. Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 6) South-west Western Australia; occurring sporadically from near Mount Barker northward to Bindoon. This variety appears to be restricted to lateritic gravel (sometimes overlain with a shallow layer of sand or loam) in Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Mogumber, W. E. lilackalt s.n.. Aug. 1929: About 19-2 km E of Collie towards Darkan, It R. Maslin 4 and 3202; 4 mi N of Quindanning, B. R. Maslin 665 (MEL, PERTH): 23 km from Denmark towards Mount Barker. B. R. Maslin 2956 and 3203: About 9-7 km due NE of Bindoon, B. R Maslin 3268 (K. PERTH): Upper Hay River, Mrs. Mary Warbnrton s.n.. 1870 (MEL 49668 and 49729). Flowering period: August to October. Initially. Bentham (1855, p.629) relegated A. endlieheri Meisn. to synony- my under A. strigosa Link ( A. browniana)'. however, in 1864 he treated it as’ a variety of this species. Acacia browniana var. endlieheri grows to a maximum height of about 40 cm, and is therefore the smallest member of this species; also it is the only variety of A. browniana capable of suckering. These are the two most reliable characters in distinguishing it from the other varieties but unfortunately these features are observable only in the field. Acacia browniana var. endlieheri includes two forms which are distinguished primarily on their branch indumentum and their pinnule morphology. The first form (which includes the type of var. endlieheri) has slightly thickened, 431 ± recurved pinnules which are dark green above and light green below (Figs. 12A-C): its branches are normally hispid ulous. However, glabrous individuals do occur (the type is sparsely hispid ulous). This form, which has been recorded from near Mount Barker and near Collie, resembles var. intermedia (E. Pritzel) B. R. Maslin from which it is distinguished (in addition to the characters mentioned above) by its larger leaves and attenuated flower buds. The second form, recorded from Mogumber and Bindoon, has flat, glaucous, normally concolorous pinnules (Fig. 12D), and pilose or antrorsely puberulous branches. Further investigation may indicate that this form warrants varietal rank. 8. Acacia grisea S. Moore, J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 45:174 (1920). Type: “ East of Katanning: Steward , 166 ". (holo: BM — n.v. but checked by A. S. George, Australian Botanical Liaison Officer, 1968) — Fig. 13 Small shrub to ca. 0-5 m tall: branches inconspicuously ribbed, greyish, densely and uniformly puberulous to hispidulous (hairs 0- 1-0-3 mm long); Figure 13 — Acacia grisea. A— Portion of branch system. B— Flower C- Inflorescence D and E— Antrorsely puberulous pinnules (D— lower surface; E upper surface) F Leaf showing ; imbricate pinnules and small, sessile gland (g). All from K. Newbey 1283. 432 axillary spines absent. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); rachis 1 3 mm long; pinnae (1)2 pairs; pinna rachis 2-4 mm long on proximal pinnae, 7 10 mm long on distal pinnae; pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 4 7 pairs on distal pinnae, oblong to elliptic. 2-4 x I 2 mm, normally imbricate, flat, somewhat thickened., concolorous, grey-green, finely antrorsely puberulous, midvein often obscure but somewhat thickened. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis below insertion of distal pair of pinnae; sessile, circular, ca. 0-4 mm diam. Inflorescences simple; peduncles solitary, 10-20 mm long, glabrous, basal bracts 4 and ciliolate; flower heads globular, 5-6 mm diam. at an thesis, with 16-26 flowers. Flowers 5-merous; cahx ca. I 2 length of corolla, divided for I 5 its length into oblong indexed very slightly thickened ciliolate lobes, tube glabrous or puberulous; petals ca. I ■ 5 mm long, glabrous, l-nerved. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong. 20-40 x 5 mm, flat, slightly raised over seeds, moderately pilose; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 6) South-west Western Australia: occurs in a somewhat restricted area from Kojonup to Nyabing. Acacia grisea is not a very common species throughout its range; it grows in gravelly loam. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: About 8 mi SE of Broomehill, B. R Maslin 646 (AD. B. BH, BRI. K, MEL, NSW. PERTH) and 1137; 3 mi E of Nyabing, K. Newhey 1283; Kojonup, F. Steward s.n., June 1916. Flowering period: June to August. The inflorescence characters and general leaf morphology indicate that A. grisea is closely related to A. browniana H. Wendl. It is distinguished from this species by its pilose legumes and slightly thickened, somewhat im- bricate, concolorous* pinnules which are finely puberulous above and below. The known geographical ranges of these two species do not overlap (A. grisea is distributed further inland than A. browniana). 9. Acacia lateriticola B. R. Maslin sp. nov. — Fig. 14. Acacia strigosa Link var. borealis E. Pritzel, Bot. Jb. 35:312 (1904). Type: "Hah. in distr. Darling pr. Serpentine in eucalyptetis arenosis flor. m. Jun. ( 13.3 1 59 )." (iso: PERTH - fragment). [Acacia cycnorum auct. non Benth.: Hooker. Curtis's Bot. Mag. 78 t .4653 (1852).] [Acacia obscura auct. non A. DC.: Bent ham. Flora Austral. 2:418 (1864), pro parte — as to Drummond 11:153 and Oldfield , Gordon River.] Frutex 0-5-1 (I -5) m altus; ramuli pierumque dense pilosi etiam hispiduli; spinae axillares nullae. Folia bipinnata; pinnae (1)2 (3)-jugae; rhachis 2-4 (5-5) mm longa; pin- nulae pinnarum proximalium 1 2 (3)-jugae, pinnarum distalium 2-5 (8) jugae, planae vel recurvae ad revolutac, sparsim hispidulae. Gians sessilis. in pagina supera rhachidis. Pedtm- citli ( 10) 15-30 mm longi, glabri (rare puberuli). Capituia globulosa, 24-36-floribus. Florae 5-merae: calvcis lobi oblongi: petala glabra. I.egumina 30-50 x 5 10 mm, glabra vel modice pilosa. Semina in legumine transversa ad obliqua. 2 -5-4 -5 x 2 mm. Type: 13 km S of Donnvhrook on South Western Highway, Western Australia, 18 Sept 1972, B. R. Muslin 2841 (holo; PERTH: iso: CANB. K, MEL. NY). Shrub 0-5-1 ( 1 - 5) m tall, either single-stemmed or dividing at ground level into a number of spreading to erect branches; branches quite prominently ribbed, dark brown to greyish, normally densely clothed with a mixture of pilose (to 3 mm long) and hispidulous. tubercule-based hairs; axillary spines absent. Stipules normally very narrowly triangular, 2-4 x 0-2-0 -3 mm. (occasionally oblong and to I mm broad), scarious, sparsely ciliolate. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole ca. 1 -5 * In A. Browniana the pinnules are almost always dark green above and somewhat lighter green below; only in the Bindoon form of var. endlicheri (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin are they concolorous, however they are then ± glabrous. 433 mm long; rachis 2-4 (5-5) mm long, prominently ribbed above; terminal seta narrowly triangular to linear, 1-2-5 mm long; pinnae (1) 2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis 2-6 mm long on proximal pinnae, 5-15 (20) mm long on distal pinnae, ribbed above, apex 1-1-5 mm long and ± flattened; pinnules 1-2 (3) pairs on proximal pinnae. 2-5 (8) pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong to narrowly ovate, 2-5-7 (9) x 1-2 mm, : Hat or recurved to revolute, dark green and i shiny above, light green and dull below, sparsely hispid ulous, finely 1 -nerved. Glainl situated on upper surface of rachis below insertion of distal pinnae on 2-jugate leaves, subsequently absent if pinnae 3 pair; sessile, circular to oblong. 0-5-0 -7 mm diam. Inflorescences simple; peduncles 1-2 per axil. (10) 15-30 mm long, glabrous (rarely puberulous), basal bracts 3 and ciliolate; flower heads light yellow (sometimes cream), globular, 7-10 mm diam. at anthesis, with 24-36 flowers. Bracteoles I -5 mm long, shortly pilose, dimorphous: lower series (arranged in a single ring at base of receptacle) reflexed, oblong; upper series (spirally arranged) erect, claws narrow, gradually expanded into thickened inflexed laminae. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 2/3 length of corolla, divided for 1 4-1 3 its length into oblong inflexed thickened ciliolate lobes, readily separating into narrowly oblong-spathulate sepals, tube glabrescent and yellow or brown; petals 2-2-5 mm long, connate for 1 2 their length, glabrous. 1-nerved. thickened at apex; ovary glabrous. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong, 30-50 x 5-10 mm, flat to slightly undulate, raised over seeds, glabrous to moderately pilose, dark brown; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened, light brown. Seeds transverse to oblique in legume, oblong, 2 -5-4 -5 x 2 mm, light to dark brown; pleurogram continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum; areole 2-5x1 -2mm: funic le slightly dilated, reflexed below a gradually thickened once-folded cream coloured aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 7) South-west Western Australia; confined to lateritic soil in Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) and Marri (E. calophylla R.Br. ex Lindl.) forest from near Muchea southward to the vicinity of Pemberton and Busselton. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Dwellingup, W. E. Blocka/I s.n.. Sept. 1937; Western Australia J. Drummond ( 1 1 ) : 1 53 (MEL. NSW) and n.167 (MEL); Near Collie. I. Fairall 771- Man- jimup, M. Koch 2460 (MEL, PERTH); 10 mi E of Harvey. B. R. Muslin 413- 13 km W of Nannup-Busselton road on Sabina Road. B. R. Muslin 2825 (BRI CANB PERTH)- 3 -7 km N of Boyanup towards Bunbury, B. R Muslin 2836; 2 4 km W of Manjimup towards Nannup B. R. Mas/in 2861; Kelmscott, A. Morrison s.n., II Sepl. 1897 and 20 July 1900- r.rrdin River. Oldfield 556 (MEL); Bedfordale, /. M. C. School , 379; Mornington Mills R F Williams s.n.. 2 Oet. 1932 (UWA 1135); Dwellingup, ./. H. Willis sn Sept 1947’ (MEL Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from late May to October- mature legumes are present from October to December. Pritzel (1904, p.3 12) described this new species as A. strigosa Link var borealis. However, Pritzel's name was never widely adopted ‘by subsemient botanists. M Hooker (1852) erroneously referred this taxon to A. cycnorum Benth a species which is treated here as a taxonomic synonym of A lasiocarna Benth. 1 Bentham (1864, p.4 1 8) misapplied the name A. obscura A DC (see page 430); of the nine collections which he cited under this species, at least two are A. lateriticola , viz. Drummond 11:153 and Oldfield , Gordon River. Acacia lateriticola is closely allied to both A. browniana H. Wendl. and A. empelioclada B. R. Maslin. From the former species it is distinguished bv longer peduncles, larger flower heads, type of branch indumentum (fee below' and to some degree, pinnule morphology (the pinnules are normally either larger or more recurved than those in A. browniana). The geographical ranges 434 5 mm Figure 14 —Acacia lateriticola. A to C Pinnule variation (all lower surface). D -Legume. £ Portion of branch system. F Branch hairs (pilose and hispidulous). G Inflores- A from A. Fairall 771 ; B and G from W. E. Blackall s.n.; C, E and F from A. Morrison s.n. 20 July 1900; D from A. Morrison s.n., II Sept. 1897). of these two species overlap in the Manjimup-Pemberton district. Generally speaking, A. lateriticola is distributed north of this district while A. hrowniana occurs to the south, east and west. The large, normally light yellow flower heads borne on long, glabrous peduncles, and the relatively large, often recurved pinnules render A. lateriticola superficially similar to A. empeliorlada. However, A. lateriticola is distinguished by its branch indumentum (see below), its often shorter, eglandulose pinnae rachides. its generally fewer, shorter, sparsely hispidulous pinnules, and its longer legumes. The known geographical ranges of these two species do not overlap. The branch indumentum on A. lateriticola consists of a mixture of pilos and hispidulous, tubercule-based hairs; however, sometimes the hispidulous layer is poorly developed. On A. empelioclac/a the branches are just pilose; 435 they lack the additional layer of shorter hairs. Pilose hairs are not always developed on A. browniana, but if present they are normally shorter than on A. lateriticola; also these hairs are mixed with an antrorsely puberulous (not hispidulous) layer. The specific epithet alludes to the preference of this species for lateritic soil. 10. Acacia empelioclada B. R. Maslin sp. nov. — Fig. 15 Acaciu obscura A. DC. var. moiriana E. Pritzel, Bot. .lb. 35:312 (1904). Type: " Hab. in distr. Stirling pr. Cape Riche in elivis rupestribus montis Melville flor. m. Jul. (D.3489)." (iso: PERTH — fragment). Acacia ohscma auct. non A. DC.: Bentham. Flora Austral. 2:418 (1864), pro parte — as to [Drummond V : 1 7.) Frulex I 2 m altus: rami modice ad dense pilosi; spinae axillares nullae. Folio bi- pinnata; rhachis (2) 4-7 (9) mm longa; pinnae 1-2 (3)-jugae; pinnulae pinnarum proximalium 2-4-jugae, pinnarum distalium (3) 4-10-jugae (foliarum unijugatarum 3-7-jugae), 4-10 x 1-3 mm, planae vel recurvae ad revolutae. Gians sessilis, in pagina supera rhachidis; glans minor in rhaehibus pinnarum distalium infra insertionem parum 1-4 summorum pinnularum Capitula globulosa, 25-43-floribus. Florae 5-merae; calycis lobi oblongi; peiala glabra. Legumina 15-25 x 5-6 mm, parce ad dense pilosa. Semina in legumine transversa ad obliqua, 2-5-3 x 2 mm. Type: About I -5 km due NW of Mount Bland, about 60 km due SW of Hopetoun, south coast of Western Australia, 30 Aug. 1973, B. R. Muslin 3484 (holo: PERTH; iso: B. BRI. CANB. K. MEL, NSW, NY, PERTH). Shrub 1-2 m tall, either single-stemmed or dividing at ground level into many spreading to erect branches: branches ribbed, dark grey to blackish, red to brown on young shrubs and also often on branchlets of mature plants, moderately to densely pilose (hairs tubercule-based); axillary spines absent. Stipules variable, normally narrowly oblong. 3-4 x 0-2-1 mm, often caducous, glabrous or sparsely pilose, slightly thickened at base. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole 1-2 mm long; rachis (2) 4-7 (9) mm long, prominently ribbed above: terminal seta narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular, I -2 x ca. 0-2 mm, often caducous, somewhat thickened at base; pinnae 1-2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis 2-12 mm long on proximal pinnae, 10-30 mm long on distal pinnae (7—25 mm long on unijugate leaves), ribbed above, apex ca. I mm long: pinnules 2-4 pairs on proximal pinnae, (3) 4-10 pairs on distal pinnae (3-7 pairs on unijugate leaves), narrowly oblong, 4-10 x 1-3 mm, fiat to recurved (revolute upon drying), dark green above, slightly lighter green below, normally glabrous, finely I -nerved. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis below insertion of pinnae, absent from unijugate leaves; a small gland (0-30-5 mm diam.) normally occurs below insertion of upper- most 1-4 pairs of pinnules on distal (rarely proximal) pinna rachis; sessile, circular, 0-5-0 -8 (1-2) mm diam.. lip yellow and prominent, orifice brown and shallow. Inflorescences simple; peduncles 1-2 per axil, (10) 15-20 (25) mm long, glabrous, basal bracts 3 and ciliolate: flower heads pale yellow to cream, globular, 5-7 mm diam. at anthesis, with 25-43 flowers. Bracteoles 1 mm long, moderately puberulous, dimorphous; lower series (arranged in a single ring at base of receptacle) reflexed, oblong, apex indexed; upper series (spirally arranged) erect, claws narrow, expanded into narrow indexed laminae. Flowers 5-merous: calyx I 2 length of corolla, divided for ca. I '5 its length into oblong indexed thickened ciliolate lobes, tube slightly angular yellow or brown and sparsely puberulous; petals ca. 2 mm long, connate for I 2 their length, glab- rous, 1 -nerved; ovary glabrous or tomentose at apex. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong, 15-25 x 5-6 mm, fiat, raised over seeds, sparsely to densely pilose, dark brown; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds transverse to almost oblique in legume, oblong to elliptic! 2-5-3 x 2 mm. tan, shiny; pleurogram prominent, open towards the hilum; areole ca. 2 x I mm ;funicle slightly dilated, redexed below a gradually thickened once-folded aril. 436 8 mm L M N $ R.h kdf/h. /914- Figure 15 Acacia empelioclada. A — Upper surface of distal pinna rachis showing sessile gland ( g ) at base of pinnules. B to D Pinnule variation (all lower surface). E Portion of branch system. F- Inflorescence, G -Legume. H -Seed (tan-coloured). 1 Pilose branch hairs.’ .1 Flower. K - Bracteole (lower series). L to N Bracteoles (upper series). A-B, 1 from B. R. Maslin 3484 (the type): C from E. Wittwer 393a; D from J. Drummond V : 1 7 ; E from R. D, Rayce 9063; F from K. Newbey 825: G from A. S. George 1791 ; H from Maxwell s.n.; J-N from B. R. Maslin 916. Distribution and habitat: (Map 7) South-west Western Australia: southern regions from Cape Riche eastward to East Mount Barren: never occurring more than about 15 km from the sea. Acacia empelioclada tolerates a variety of edaphic conditions: it grows on the rocky spongolite slopes of Mount Melville at Cape Riche, and also on the quartzite slopes of West Mount Barren; around the base of Mount Bland and West Mount Barren it grows in sand or sandy laterite; in the East Mount Barren area it grows in clay soil along water- courses. 437 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Swan River Colony, J. Drummond V:17 (MEL, PERTH)’ Half-way up West Mount Barren. A. S. George 1791; Mount Melville near Cape Riche B. R. Maslin 1062 (AD, K, MEL, NSW, PERTH); Between the Hamersley River and East Mount Barren. B. R. Maslin 916; Mettlers Brook on the west side of West Mount Barren, Maxwell s.n. (MEL 49469); Mount Bland. K. Newbev 825; Fitzgerald River Reserve, R. D. Royee 9063: 22 mi south of Ravensthorpe, £. Wittwer, 393a. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from July to October; young legumes appear in early October and mature in late November. Bentham (1864. p.4 1 8 ) misapplied the name A. obscura A. DC. (see page 430); of the nine collections which he cited under this species, at least one is A. empelioclada . viz. Drummond V : 1 7. Pritzel (1904, p.3 1 2 ) described the present species as A. obscura A. DC. var. moiriana. However, this name was never widely adopted by subsequent botanists. Prilzel's epithet was not used as the specific ephithet for A. empelio- clada because confusion may develop between this name and A. nwirii E. Pritzel, which is a valid species within the Pulchellae. Judging from morphological criteria, A. empelioclada appears to lie be- tween A. lateriticola B. R. Maslin and A . leioderma B. R. Maslin — see below. The species also bears some resemblance to A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. and A. browniana H. Wend I . The leaves on A. empelioclada are quite variable. Some plants are con- sistently unijugate while others have from one to three pairs of pinnae on the same bush; the pinnules range from flat to recurved (revolute upon drying). Plants with perfectly flat pinnules are known only from Cape Riche; the type of A. obscura var. moiriana and also Drummond V : 1 7 (see above) are included here. This form never has consistently unijugate leaves, while its pinna rachis is sometimes eglandulose. fn many respects, e.g. large leaves and flower heads, flat pinnules, and gland morphology, this form resembles A. leioderma from which it is distinguished by its pilose, less prominently ribbed branches. Further east from between West and East Mount Barren, some plants have consistently unijugate leaves, and the pinnules vary from concave to recurved. These plants bear an overall resemblance to A. lateriticola — see this species for further details. The specific epithet refers to the blackish colour of the mature branches. However, the branches on juvenile plants and also often the branchlets on mature shrubs are red to brown in colour. 11. Acacia nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. in Ait. f„ Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 5:465 (181 3) as to name only. — Fig. 16 Mimosa nigricans Labill., Nov. Hull. Plant. Specim. 2:88, t.238 (March 1807) non Vahl Ts $ e: 111 terra Van-Leuwin ", (lecto: right hand specimen on sheet labelled Nova Hollandtae ora austro-occidentalis. Herb. Webbianum. Ex Herb Labil- lardiere " — FI. photograph seen). Acacia rutaefolia Link, Enum. Plant. Hort. Berol. 2:444 (1822), nom. illeg., based bv imnli- cation on A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. ~ ' Acacia ignorata K. Koch, Allgent. Gartenz. 26:195 (1858). Type: n.v. Acacia pentadertia Hort. ex K. Koch (1858) non Lindl. (1832), pro syn. [Acacia obscura auett. non. A. DC.: (?) Bentham, Flora Austral. 2 418 (1864) pro narte- as to R. Brown. Goose Island Bay, n.v.; Willis 1953, p. 26 and 1959, p. 100.] ’ Shrub 1-2 m tall; branches normally prominently ribbed, moderately htspidulous to glabrescent, hairs denser along ribs and normally tubercule- based"; axillary spines absent. Stipules narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular 2-3 x 0 • 3-0 ■ 5 mm. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); rachis 3-9 (13) mm long, ribbed above; pinnae (1) 7 ( 3 ) p a j rs - pinna rachis 2 4 (7) mm long on proximal pinnae, 5-1 1 (15) mm long on distal pinnae; pinnules 2 (3) pairs on proximal pinnae, 3-5 (8) pairs on distal pinnae oblong to somewhat elliptic or obovate, flat to slightly recurved, glabrous or 438 occasionally ciliolate. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis (0-5) 1-2 (3) mm below insertion of pinnae, occasionally situated immediately below pinnae; sessile, 0-5 0-7 (0-9) mm diam., lip prominent, Inflorescence of 1 -3 short axillary binate racemes, each subtended, as well as the peduncles, by a small glabrous or ciliolate bract; raceme axis less than I to 2 mm long; peduncles 2 per raceme, 8 10 (20) mm long, glabrous \ flower heads pale yellow, globular. 3-5 mm diam. at anlhesis, with 11-26 flowers. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1/2 length of corolla, divided for ca. I 4 its length into oblong inflexed slightly thick- ened ciliolate lobes, tube glabrescent; petals 1 -5-2-5 mm long, connate for 12 their length, 1 -nerved; ovary glabrous. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong, 15-35 x 5-6 mm, flat, moderately raised over seeds, glabrous, rarely shortly pilose, dark brown; margins not contracted between the seeds, thickened, yellow to light brown. Seeds oblique in legume, oblong to elliptic, 2 • 5-3 x I • 5 mm, brown, shiny, pleurogram continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum; areole 2 x I mm; funicle reflexed below a abruptly thickened, curved or once-folded aril. Figure 16 — Acacia nigricans. A— Leaf axis (side view) showing gland (inset -top view of gland), terminal seta (t), and base of pinnae rachides (pr). B— Portion of branch system. C Legume. D to G Pinnule variation (F upper surface; rest -lower surface). H — Inflorescence— inset showing solitary basal bract (bb) subtending peduncle (pd) and solitary- bract subtending the condensed raceme axis (rb). A and D from R. H. Kuchel 1656; B, G and H from E. M. Scrymgeour 835; C from J. S. Beard 2305 ; E from P. G. Wilson 10006; F from R. D Royce 3598. 439 Distribution and habitat: (Map 6) South-west Western Australia: from Barker Filet (50 km due west of Esperance) to Cape Arid (120 km due east of Esper- ance); also recorded for Middle, Mondrain, and Sandy Hook Islands in the Recherche Archipelago. Acacia nigricans appears to be restricted to near coastal regions in either sandy or rocky soil. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Mount Merivale. Esperance, J. S. Beard 2305; Barkers Inlet, E. M. Canning 7027 (CBG); Esperance. D. Churchill s.n., 16 Aug. 1956 (UWA 1 142); About 50 km east of Esperance, R. H. Kuchel 1656 (AD, CANB. PERTH, UC); Near Cape Arid, Maxwell s.n.. 1875 (MEL 49470); Duke of Orleans Bay. A. E. Orchard 1316; Cape Le Grand National Park. R. D. Royce 8690: 5 mi N of Esperance. R. D. Rovce 3598: Condingup Road junction, 570 miles on Coolgardie-Esperance highway, E. M. Scrvmgeour 835; Middle Island, Recherche Archipelago, ./. H. Willis s.n.. 22 Nov. 1950 (MEL 49461): Luck\ Bav. 35 km ESE of Esperance. P. (,. Wilson 10006 (B, K. MEL, NSW, PERTH). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from July to October; legumes appear in early October and reach maturity in November and December. Acacia nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. was based on Mimosa nigricans Labill. At Florence (FI), where much of Labillardiere's collection is housed, there are two sheets which can be regarded as type material. Both these sheets are labelled “ Herb. Webbianunt. Ex Herb. Labillardiere ” and pinned to each is part of Labillardiere's handwritten manuscript description of Mimosa nigricans. One of these sheets carries two specimens of A. nigricans while the other has only one rather depauperate specimen of this taxon: the right hand specimen on the former sheet is here selected as the lectotype. This sheet is annotated (not in Labillardiere's hand) “ Nova Hollandia ora austro- occidentalis ” and although this annotation is in a form different from that in the protologue, i.e. “ Habitat in terra Van-Leuwin ", it undoubtedly refers to the same locality, that being Esperance Bay on the south coast of Western Australia. A Central American species. Mimosa nigricans , was described by Martin Vahl in Ecolog. Am. 3:37 t.29 (1807); however, no exact date of publication can be found for this work. Labillardiere’s description of the Western Aus- tralian taxon. Mimosa nigricans, appeared in March 1807, and it is here assumed that Labillardiere's work antedates that of Vahl. As Acacia nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. was based on Mimosa nigricans Labill., the correct author citation for this plant is " (Labill.) R.Br."; however, if it is subsequently found that Vahl's work was published first, the author citation would become "R.Br.”. When Robert Brown made the above new combination, he apparently applied the name to a plant from the Albany area (perhaps “ R. Brown, Iter Australiense, 1802-5. King George HI Sound” Bennett distribution number 4320, which is housed at BM— photograph seen by the author; this plant is here described as A. leioderma B. R. Maslin). Brown's description of A. nigricans , although brief, strongly indicates that he was referring to A. leioderma even though Mimosa nigricans was given as the basionym. Most authors, including Bentham (1864), seem to have followed Brown's interpretation and thus have misapplied the name, A. nigricans. Ironically, Robert Brown appears to have collected the true A. nigricans (see below). Past authors have generally considered A. rutaefolia Link to be a synonym of A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br.; this approach is also adopted here. However, it should be noted that there is some uncertainty concerning Link’s intention when he published A. rutaefolia thus: “ 5534 A. rutaefolia. Ait. Kew. 5 465 Hab. in Australia, h. T. Elegans plantula floribus llavis. Foliola inaequalia ” On page 465 of Ait. f., Hort. Kew. ed. 2, vol. 5 (1813) Robert Brown made the new combination. A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. and proposed the common name, “ Unequal-wing'd Acacia" for this species (presumably to reflect the discrepancy in size between the proximal and distal pair of pinnae). Link’s "Foliola inequalia” presumably refers to Brown's “Unequal-wing’d”," and it is therefore assumed Link intended that the name A. rutaefolia should replace A 440 nigricans', however, Link’s name is illegitimate being superfluous. As men- tioned above, when Brown made the new combination A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br., he apparently applied the name to the plant which is here described as A. leioderma. In applying the name A. rutaefolia to this taxon, Link has actually misapplied his own illegitimate name. It could be argued that Link was describing a new species, A. rutaefolia , which was systematically referable to page 465 of" Ait. Kew ", or alternatively, that he was proposing a new name for the species misinterpreted by Robert Brown as A. nigricans (i.e. A. leioderma). However, there is no evidence to support these assertions. Because of the misapplication of the name A. nigricans to the taxon here described as /(. leioderma, the true A. nigricans has often been called A. obscura. For example, Willis ( 1953, p.26) and ( 1959, p. 100) cites A. obscura from Middle. Mondrain, and Sandy Hook Islands in the Recherche Archipelago— a voucher specimen from Middle Island has been seen by the present author (MEL 49461 ). Also, a Robert Brown collection from Goose Island Bay (which is on Middle Island) is cited by Bentham (1864, p.4 1 8) under A. obscura; although 1 have not seen this collection, it is most probably A. nigricans because recent intensive collecting on Middle Island by staff members of the W.A. Herbarium reveal that this is the only bipinnate Acacia occurring at this locality. In the original description of A. ignorata, Koch (1858, p . 195) stated that this species was for several years grown in German gardens under the name A. pentadenia ; this plant was supposed to have been introduced from England; Koch also stated that Bentham did not consider it different from A. obscura. Although I have not seen the type (if one exists), the description of A. ignorata is quite comprehensive and almost certainly applies to A. nigri- cans. Acacia nigricans is a somewhat variable species especially in the density of its branch indumentum, pinnule size, and number of flowers per flower head. It appears to be closely related to A. browniana H. Wendl., A. empelio- clada B. R. Maslin, and A. leioderma B. R. Maslin. From these taxa, A. nigricans differs most significantly in its inflorescence arrangement (see below); also its known geographical range does not overlap any of these species. The inflorescences on A. nigricans are reduced racemes ; they consist of two peduncles, each subtended by a solitary basal bract, distal ly situated on a very short raceme axis which is also subtended by a small solitary bract. One to three of these binatc racemes may occur in each leaf axil, thus resulting in clusters of two to six flower heads per node. These reduced racemes are not common in the Pulchellae, but the same sort of structural pattern does occur on A. pentadenia Lindl., A. newbeyi B. R. Maslin, A. subracemosa B. R. Maslin, A. lasiocarpa Benth., A. megacephala B. R. Maslin, and A. pulehella R.Br. The species with which A. nigricans is most likely to be contused is A. browniana , especially those forms with hispid ulous branches. In addition to the characters mentioned above, A. nigricans can be distinguished by its normally more prominently ribbed branches bearing tubercule-based hairs, and its often more prominent gland (which is normally situated 1-2 mm below the insertion of the pinnae). Glabrescent forms of A. nigricans can superficially resemble A. leioderma (which is completely glabrous), but the latter species is recognized by its simple inflorescences, larger'" flower heads, and normally gland-bearing distal pinnae rachides. , , , ■ , . „ Of A. nigricans' closest relatives, A. empehoclada is geographically nearest this species. ^ Like A. nigricans this species also grows in near-coastal regions, and it also has prominently ribbed branches bearing tubercule-based hairs. Acacia empelioclada is distinguished from A. nigricans by its simple inflorescen- ces. longer branch hairs, larger flower heads, and gland-bearing distal pinnae rachides. 441 12. Acacia leioderma B. R. Maslin sp. nov. — Fig. 17 [Acacia nigricans auctt. non (Labill.) R.Br. ; R. Brown in Ail. f., Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 5:465 (1813): K. Koch. Allgem. Garlenz. 26:195 (1858); G. Bentham, Flora Austral. 2:418 (1864).] [Acacia rutaefo/ia auclt. non Link: Link, Email. Plant. Hort. Berol 2:444 (1822): W. Aiton, Ann. Blumisterei Garlenbisitz p. 58 + tab (1827).] Frntex 1-2 m altus; rami manileste costati, glabri; spinae axillares nullae. Folio bi- pinnata: pinnae (1)2 (3)-jugae; pinnuiae pinnarum proximaliuni 2 (3)-jugae, pinnarunt distal- ium 4-8 (l3)-jugae, 5-1 1 x 1-5-3 (4) mm, planae vel interdum parum recurvae, glabrae. Glam sessilis, in pagina supera rhachidis infra insertionem pinnarum posita; plerumque glans minor in rhachidibus pinnarum infra insertionem parum 1-2 summorum pinnularum. Pedun- cidi 1 0 -20 (30) mm longi. glabri. Capitnla globulosa, 28-35-lloribus. Florae 5-merae; ca/vcis iobi oblongi: pelala glabra. Legumina 30-40 x 6-7 mm, glabra. Semina in legume trans- versa ad parum obliqua. 2-3 x I -5-2 mm. Type: 21 km from Denmark towards Mount Barker, Western Australia, 21 Sept. 1972, B.R. Maslin 2955 (holo: PERTH: iso: CANB, K. MEL, NY). Shrub 1-2 m tall: branches prominently ribbed, normally red to brown, smooth, glabrous: axillary spines absent. Stipules linear to narrowly triangu- lar, 2-5-4 x 0-3-0 -5 mm, slightly thickened especially at base. Leaves bi- pinnate, glabrous but rachis sometimes puberulous above: petiole 1-2 mm long; rachis 3-6 (8-5) mm long, prominently ribbed above (rib ± vertically dilated towards the terminal seta); terminal seta narrowly triangular. 1-5-2 (3) mm long, slightly thickened at base; pinnae (1)2 (3) pairs: pinna rachis 3-4 (6) mm long on proximal pinnae, 10-30 (40) mm long on distal pinnae, prominently ribbed above, apex 0-5-1 -5 mm long; pinnules 2 (3) pairs on proximal pinnae, 4-8 (13) pairs on distal pinnae, normally narrowly oblong, 5-1 1 x 1 -5-3 (4) mm, flat or occasionally slightly recurved, dark green above, light green below, midvein fine, a second short less conspicuous nerve often diverges Irorn the petiolule. (Hand situated on upper surface of rachis below insertion of the pinnae; a small gland normally occurs on upper surface of distal and medial pinnae rachides (normally absent from proximal pinnae) below uppermost 1-2 pairs of pinnules; sessile, 0-6-1 mm diam., lip and orifice prominent. Inflorescences simple: peduncles 1-3 per axil, 10-20 (30) mm long, glabrous, basal bracts 3-4 and ciliolate: flower heads globular, 7-10 mm diam. at anthesis, with 28-35 flowers. Bracteoles 1-1 -5 mm long’ sparsely to moderately puberulous, dimorphous: lower series (arranged in a single ring at base of receptacle) reflexed, oblong to obovate. 0-5-0 -8 mm broad; upper series (spirally arranged) erect, claws linear, laminae pear-shaped and indexed. Flowers 5-merous; calyx I 12 length of corolla, divided for 1 /5 its length into somewhat imbricate indexed thickened ciliolate lobes, tube often dark brown glabrous to glabrescent and obscurely 5-nerved; petals 2-2 -5 mm long, connate for 1 2-2/3 their length, glabrous, ± obscurely 5-nerved; ovat) tomentose at apex, occasionally glabrous. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong. 30-40 x 6-7 mm, Oat. raised over seeds, glab- rous, dark brown, margins not contracted between seeds, thickened light brown. Seeds transverse to slightly oblique in legume, oblong to elliptic x ' ' mm ,an t0 grey-brown; pleurogram prominent, continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum ; areole 1 -5-2 x 1 mm Junkie slightly dilated, reflexed below a gradually thickened once-folded aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 7) South-west Western Australia: common m the Albany, Mount Barker, and Manypeaks district but has been collected as far east as West Mount Barren. This species favours sandy loam in low lying areas neat watercourses, but it also grows in lateritic soils on higher ground. Under A. nigricans , Meisner (1844) cited two specimens collected from Mount Bakewell, which is near York, about 96 km east of Perth. Duplicates of these plants ( Preiss 891 and Drummond 314) are at Melbourne (MEL)- both are A. gdbertii Meisn., not A. leioderma. 442 Figure 17— Acacia leiodenna. A- Pinnule. B— Portion of branch system. C— Node showing peduncles (pd), prominent stipule (s), and leaf (pinnae incomplete) with gland (g). terminal seta (t). and rachis (r). D to F — Bracteoles (D lower series; E and F— upper series) G- Flower. H Inflorescence. 1- Seed (tan-coloured). A. D-F from B. R Maxlin 2955 (the type); B and H from F I.ullfitz 3400; C from R. //. Kuchel 1969; G from E. M. Serymgeour 1121: I from T. E. H. Aplin 2756. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Dillon Bay, T. E. H. Aplin 2756; Porongurup Range, J. S. Beard S80F King George 111 Sound. R. Broun Iter Auslraliense, 1802-5, Bennett distribution number 4320 (BM~ photograph seen); Miller's Point, east of Boat Harbour, E. M. Canning 7479 (CBG, PERTH); Swan River Colony. ./. Drummond n.18 (MEL. PERTH); Lower Fitzgerald River A S. George 9922: Mount Manypeaks, J. Goodwin 7 (UWA): About 25 km north of Albany, R H. Kuchel 1969 (AD, PERTH); South Stirlings. F. Lullfilz 3400: 17-7 km E of Mount Barker towards Porongurup, B R. Maxlin 2959; King Georges Sound. Maxwell s n (MEL 49441 and 49445); 10 miles south of Bluff Knoll. A. Newhey 2331 ; Mount Williams near Princess Royal Harbour. Preiss 887 (MEL); Green Range, E. of Albany. R 6 Royce 7686; 3 miles along Mt. Many Peaks road from Upper Kalgan Bridge, E. M. Serymgeour 1121; Albany, E. H. Wilson and D. A. Herbert s.n., Nov. 1920. 443 Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from August to early November; both young and mature legumes are present in October and November. Acacia leioderma has previously been known as A. nigricans. This is because when Robert Brown made the new combination, A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. (based on Mimosa nigricans Labill.) he apparently misapplied the name to a plant from the Albany area (perhaps, “ King George III Sound ", Bennett distribution number 4320, which is housed at BM — photograph seen) which is here described as A. leioderma. Acacia nigricans (sensu lectotypico) is quite a different species and is restricted to the Esperance district which is about 380 km due east-northeast of Albany. Link proposed the name A. rutaefolia presumably as a nomen novum for A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. Link's name is illegitimate, being superfluous. In applying his name to the Albany plant (A. leioderma ), Link has actually misapplied his own illegitimate name. For a full discussion see under A. nigricans. Acacia leioderma is a member of the A. browniana H. Wendl. group of species (see p. 394). Its closest relative is A. empelioclada B. R. Maslin from which it is most readily distinguished by having glabrous, prominently ribbed branches. Vegetatively A. leioderma can sometimes resemble A. gi/bertii Meisn. and the glabrous forms of A. browniana H. Wendl. var. browniana — see these taxa for distinguishing features. The specific epithet refers to the smooth branches. 13. Acacia pentadenia Lindl., Edwards’ Bot. Reg. 1 8 :t. 1 52 1 (1832). Lectotype: Nov. Holld. Baxter — central fragment on sheet (CGE — photo seen) — Fig. 18 Acacia biglandulosa Meisn. in Lehin., Plant. Preiss. 2:205 (1848). Type: “Swan River. Drummond, coll. II. No. 97." (iso: MEL, NSW — sphalm. "3rd collec- tion ", PERTH). ? Acacia neilii Horl. ex Seeman. Verb. Gartenbau-Ges. Wien 1846:72 (1846); fide K. Koch, Allgem. Gartenz, 26:195 (1858), “ Neillii ” pro syn. sub. A. pentadenia Lindl. Type: n.v. Tall sltrub or small tree , 2-5 (7) m high; hark smooth, grey to brown; branches prominently ribbed, glabrous or rarely glabrescent: axillary spine; absent. Leaves bipinnate, glabrous to glabrescent; petiole 2-3 (5) mm longs rachis 10-55 mm long, prominently ribbed above; pinnae 2-5 (6-8) pairs (proximal pair often caducous); pinna rachis 3-10 mm long on proximal pinnae, 25-80 mm long on remaining pinnae; pinnules 2-4 pairs on proximal pinnae, 12-30 pairs on remaining pinnae, oblong (may become triangular due to folding of margins). (I -5) 3-6 x 1-2-5 mm, flat or slightly recurved, glabrous or sparsely ciliolate. finely I -nerved, dark green above, light green below, apex sometimes prominently indexed, base obliquely truncate, "petiolule ± absent. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis a short distance below insertion of pinnae; present or absent on petiole below proximal pair of pinnae; sessile, circular, 0-5-0-9 mm diam., lip prominent. Inflorescences of (1) 2-4 (5) short axillary racemes bearing (1)2-4 flower heads, each raceme, as well as the peduncles, subtended by a brown ciliolate bract: raceme axis less than I tc 4 mm long, glabrous; peduncles 6-20 mm long, glabrous; flower heads globular, 5-7 mm diam. at anthesis. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1/3 to nearly 1 2 length of corolla, divided for less than 1 4 its length into indexed A thickened ciliolate slightly imbricate lobes, tube brown glabrous to sparsely puberulous and nerveless; petals 2-5 mm long, obscurely 1-nerved, yellow, glabrous, tube slightly contracted towards the base; ovary glabrous. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong, 15-50 x 3-4 mm, flat, slightly raised over seeds, glabrous, dark brown; margins not contracted ' between seeds, thickened, yellow. Seeds longitudinal in legume, ± oblong, 2-5-3 x 2 444 mm light brown, shiny; pleurogram prominent, continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum : funicle short, flattened, reflexed below a thickened curved aril. Distribution ami habitat: (Map 8) South-west Western Australia: southern regions from Pemberton to Torbay (near Albany). Normally associated with Karri forest (Eucalyptus diveriscolor F. Muell.) but may also occur near swamps an d on lateritic loam in Jarrah forest (E. marginata Donn ex Sm.)— see below. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Near Shannon Mill. A. M. Ashby 2417 (AD. PERTH): Between Albanv and Denmark, ///. Eichkr 16085 (AD): Kent River. C. A. Gardner 1264: Near Deep River '4-5 miles SW of Walpole. J. H Green 1135; Big Brook Pemberton. M-.^och 2343 (MEL)' Mount Roe South, O It Loneragan s.n., 6 Apr. 1965: 1 •6 km S Noilhdiffe towards Wimtv Harbour B R Maslin 2896 (BR1. PERTH); 14-5 km E Walpole towards Denmark Wh Coast Highway, B. R. Maslin 2922 (B, CANB. K, NY, PERTH); Torbay, Oldfield s n (MEL 49480); Parryville, 12 mi W of Denmark, J. H. Willis s.n., 5 Sept. 1947 (MEL). 445 Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from September to October; mature legumes occur from December to January. The type of A. pentadenia is at Cambridge (CGE) and a photograph of it has been seen by the author. This sheet carries three separate fragments: the central one. consisting of a single leaf, three flower heads, and a minute portion of stem, has been chosen as the lectotype. One of the remaining fragments is a leaf only, while the other (consisting of the upper portion of a branch) probably represents the stunted form of A. pentadenia which is referred to below. Acacia pentadenia is typically associated with Karri forest (hence the common name, ' Karri Wattle ') where it normally forms tall, dense thickets. However, in some areas, particularly in the Walpole-Denmark region, A. pentadenia grows near swamps and on lateritic loam in Jarrah forest. Under these conditions it is often a stunted shrub (to about 2 m tall) and its pinnules are often smaller and more indexed than normal. Acacia pentadenia is most closely related to A. subraeenmsa B. R. Maslin. These taxa, besides being the tallest species in the Pulchellae , also possess larger leaves than any member of this Series. Other characters common to them include reduced racemose inflorescences and obliquely truncate, ± sessile pinnules. Both species are associated with the Karri forest, but their distributions do not overlap. Acacia pentadenia is readily distinguished from A. subracemosa by its glabrous branches, leaves, and peduncles (see A. sub- racemosa for further details). 14. Acacia subracemosa B. R. Maslin sp. nov. — Fig. 19 1- rut ex 2-3 in altus; rami dense puberuii ad hispiduli; spinae axillares nullae. Folia bipinnata: rhachts 15-55 mm longa; pinnae 3-6-jugae; rhachis pitmantm proximalium 2-r> mm longa. aliarum 15-50 mm longa; pinnulae pinnarum proximalium 2-3-jugae, aliarum 7-13- jugae, oblongae ad triangulares, 3-6 x 1 -5-3 mm, modice puberulae, basibus oblique truncatis. peliolulis . null is. Gians sessilis, in pagina supera rhachidis haud procul supra Pinnas proximales posila. Inflorescentia racemosa brevis axillaris, 2-4 (6)-capitata ; pedtinculi 7-17 mm longi. modice puberuii ad hispiduli. Capitala globulosa, 15-20-doribus. Florae 5- merae; eatvcis lobi triangulares.. Legamina 15-40 x 4-6 mm. sparsim puberula. Semina in legumine transversa ad obliqua immature interdum longitudinalia), oblonga, 2-2-5 x 1 - 5 mm. Type: 3 km W of Karridale towards Hamelin Bay, Western Australia, 19 Sept 1972 B R Maslin 2877 (holo: PERTH; iso; BR1, CANB, K, MET, NSW, NY, PERTH). Tall, spreading, dense shrub. 2-3 m high; bark smooth, grey to light brown, lenticels prominent: branches finely ribbed, densely" puberulous to hispidulous (hairs normally tubercule-based); axillary spines absent. Stip- ules prominent on young shrubs, narrowly triangular. 2-4-5 mm long, spread- ing, curved, sparsely ciliolate, light brown. Leaves bipinnate. indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole ca. I mm long; rachis 15-55 mm long, prominently ribbed above; terminal seta often caducous, narrowly triangular. 2-4 mm long, slightly thickened, glabrous to sparsely ciliolate; pinnae 3-6 pairs (proximal pair sometimes caducous); pinna rachis 2-6 mm long on proximal pinnae, 15-50 mm long on remaining pinnae; pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 7-13 pairs on remaining pinnae, oblong to triangu- lar, 3-6 x 1-5-3 mm. slightly recurved, moderately puberulous, nerveless uneven and dark green above, prominently I (2) -nerved smooth and light green below base obliquely truncate, peliolule - absent. Gland situated on up- per surface ol rachis a short distance above proximal pinnae; sessile, circular 0-6-0 -8 mm diam., lip prominent. Inflorescence a solitary, short, axillary raceme, bearing 2^f(6) flower heads; raceme axis normally less than I mm long (may range from 2-20 mm), subtended by 2-3 brown scarious ciliolate bracts; peduncles 7-17 mm long, moderately puberulous to hispidulous, basal bract solitary; flower heads cream, globular, 5-6 mm diam. at anthesis, with 446 15-20 loosely arranged flowers. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1/2 (or slightly less) length of corolla, divided for I 5-1 4 its length into triangular ciliolate lobes which are neither thickened nor indexed, tube 5-nerved and glabrous; petals 2-5-3 mm long, connate for ca. I 2 their length, 1-nerved, glabrous or sparsely hispidulous at apex; ovary glabrous. Legumes narrowly oblong, 15-40 x 4-6 mm, flat, raised over seeds, sparsely puberulous, dark to medium brown. Seeds (few seen) transverse to oblique in legume (some immature seeds observed to be longitudinal), ±_ oblong, 2-2-5 x 1 - 5 mm. grey- brown, shiny; pleurogram obscure, continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum ; funic le filiform, reflexed below an abruptly thickened curved aril. Figure 19 — Acacia subracemosa. A and B Leaves. C-Seed (grey-brown). D— Leaf axis (upper surface) showing gland (g) and base of pinnae rachides (pr). E- -Legume. F Pinnules (upper surface). G — Pinnules (lower surface). H Flower. I Base of inflor- escence showing basal bract (bb) subtending peduncle (pd), also two bracts (rb) subtending- the condensed raceme axis. .1 - Gland (top and side views). A, C-D, F-.l from It. R. Maslin 2877 (the type); B and E from B. R. Maslin 1677. Distribution and habitat: (Map 8) South-west Western Australia: occurring in a restricted area from the vicinity of Augusta northward to near Witch- cliffe. Acacia subracemosa appears to grow only in red sand over limestone in Karri forest ( Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Cape Leeuwin, C. Andrews s.n.. Oct. 1905: Cultivated at Mont- rose Victoria £. E. Lord s.n.. July 1966 (MEL 49473); 2 -5 mi W of Karridale on road to Hamelin Beach. B. R Muslin 1677 '(CANB. K, MEL, NY. PERTH) and 1678 (CANB. MEL. NSW, PERTH l: Mammoth Cave, ca. 7 km due SW of Witchcliffe, B. R. Maslin 3210; North- west of Karridale, 5. Pans! 199. Flowering period: September to October. 447 Acacia subracemosa is closely related to A. pentadenia Lindl. These are the tallest members of the Pulchellae, reaching 3 metres and 5 (7) metres respectively, also their leaves arc larger than any other species in this Series. Fn addition, both species have obliquely truncate, ± sessile pinnules, and reduced racemose inflorescences. Acacia subracemosa is readily distinguished from A, pentadenia by its hairy branches, leaves, and peduncles, its solitary leaf gland, its solitary axillary raceme, and its triangular calyx lobes. Although both species occur in the Karri forest, their distributions do not overlap. Some of the larger-leaved individuals of A. browniana H. Wendl. var. obscura (A. DC.) B. R. Maslin may superficially resemble A. subracemosa especially since the indumentum on both these taxa is quite similar. However, A. subracemosa may be recognized by its -f sessile, obliquely truncate pinnules, its triangular calyx lobes, and its solitary basal peduncular bract. The specific epithet refers to the reduced racemose inflorescences, a char- acter not particularly common in the Pulchellae (see p. 392). 15 . Acacia preissiana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin comb, et stat. nov. — Fig. 20 Acacia obscura A. DC. var. preissiana Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:20 (1844). Type: " In region, interior. Australiae merid-occid. m. Oct. 1840 Herb. Preiss. No. 885 ” (iso: K — photograph seen, MEL. PERTH fragment). Acacia preissiana Lehm., Del. Sent. Hort. Hamb. (1842), nom. nud. [Acacia obscura auct. non A. DC.: Bentham. Flora Austral. 2:418 (1864), pro parte — as to Drummond I V : 1 8 and Preiss 885.] Prostrate, multistemmed shrub; branches to 40 cm long, finely nerved, brown to greyish, indumentum a mixture of pilose and hispidulous hairs (rarely glabrous): axillary spines absent. Stipules oblong to ovate, 11-5 x 0-6-1 mm, somewhat obscurely 13 nerved. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole 12 (5) mm long, terete; rack is (2) 4-10 (20) mm long, obscurely ribbed above; terminal seta 1-1-5 mm long, straight or reflexed; pinnae 2-3 (5) pairs; pinna rachts 3-5 mm long on proximal pinnae, 7-20 mm long on distal pinnae, obscurely ribbed above; pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 3-7 pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong, 4-6 x ca. 1 mm, revolute, pilose to puberulous, nerveless and uneven (in dried state) above, prominently 1-nerved below. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis normally halfway between the pinnae (may occur immediately below insertion of pinnae); sessile, 0 -3-0 -5 mm diarn., lip and orifice not prominent. Inflores- cences simple; peduncles solitary, 15-25 (30) mm long, moderately pilose (hairs spreading, straight, ca. 1 mm long), rarely glabrous, base ebracteate at anlhesis: flower heads yellow, globular, 6-7 mm diam. at anthesis, with 20-28 flowers. Hr actuates ca. 1 mm long, hispidulous to glabrescent. / lowers 5-merous: calyx 1 2 length of corolla, divided for ca. 1 4 its length into triangular ciliolate or glabrous lobes which are neither thickened nor indexed, 5(15)- nerved. tube glabrous; petals 2 mm long, sparsely hispidulous at apex. 5(15)- nerved (midrib prominent, two marginal ribs less prominent); ovary glabrous. Legumes and seeds — see below. Distribution and habitat: (Map 8.) South-west Western Australia; occurring sporadically from Bindoon southwards to near Albany. Acacia preissiana grows in laterite (or white sand over laterite) in Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Near Albany. IT. E. Blackall s.n., Dec. 1927: Collie L Diels 2175; Waroona. Diels and Pritzcl 250; Western Australia, ./. Drummond (IV): 18 (MEL NSW, PERTH); Wootoloo. M. Koch. 1600 (AIT. MEL, NSW, PERTH); 62 mi pee Great Northern Highway, /. Lullfit z 5920; About 12 mi N of Bindoon, IS. R. Maslin 2618 and 2619; 19-2 km E of Collie towards Darkan, B. R Maslin 3201 (CANB, K NV PERTH)- Mount Talbot, O. H. Sargent s.n., 23 Jan. 1924. Flowering period: December to January. 448 Figure 20 — Acacia preissiana. A Portion of branch system showing prostrate habit. B — Inflorescence. C -Flower. D Revolute pinnule (lower surface). E Portion of rachis showing sessile gland (g). F— Node showing stipule (si). G to I Bracteoles. A. F>, F from F. Lullfitz 5920; B from B. R. Maslin 3201 ; C, E, G, I from Diels and Pritzel 250; H from O. H. Sargent s.n. Bentham ( 1864, p.4 18) gave A. preissiana Lehm. (nom. nud.) as a synonym of A. obscura A. DC.; he also included the type of A. obscura A. DC. var. preissiana Meisn. (Preiss 885) in the list of specimens cited under that species. However, Bentham misapplied the name A. obscura (see p. 430); at least two of the nine collections listed are A. preissiana, viz. Preiss 885 and Drummond IV : 1 8 . Acacia preissiana appears to have its closest affinities with A. tayloriana F. Muell. Both these species are prostrate and flower during summer; other characters shared by them include similar branch hairs, prominent stipules, triangular calyx lobes, and moderately pilose, ebracteate peduncles. The small, revolute pinnules of A. preissiana readily distinguish it from A. tayloriana. Both these species appear to have some relationship to A. drumntondii and its allies (see p. 394) from which they are most readily distinguished by their globular flower heads. I n its general leaf morphology and ebracteate, hairy peduncles, A. preissiana superficially resembles A. drewiana W. V. Fitzg. and A. plicata B. R. Maslin (see these taxa for differentiating characters). 449 Although A. preissiana is normally hairy, a glabrous variant has been recorded from Mount Talbot which is near York (see Sargent s.n.). Reliable fruiting material of A. preissiana has not been collected. The follow ing is a description of some legumes and seeds collected from the ground beneath B. R. Maslin no. 2618 and 2619: Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowdy oblong. 15-30 x 4-6 mm, flat, slightly raised over seeds, glabrous or pilose, dark brown; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds longitudinal in legume, oblong, 3-5-4 x 2 mm, brown; pleurogram quite prominent, continuous; areole ca. 2 x 1 mm; funicie less than I mm long, abruptly expanded into a thickened straight aril. 16. Acacia tavloriana F. Muell., Sth. Sci. Rec. 2:151 (1882). Type: "Near the Blackwood- River.” (holo: MEL 49742: iso: PERTH)— Fig.' 21 Prostrate shrub; branches to ca. 30 cm long, finely nerved, slightly angular towards the apex, brown, indumentum a mixture of short pilose and hispidulous hairs; axillary spines absent. Stipules elliptic, ca. 2-5 x 1 mm, obscurely 3-nerved, ciliate. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules): petiole 7-17 mm long, often slightly vertically flattened: rachis 7-17 mm long, narrower than petiole; terminal seta linear, ca. 3 mm long; pinnae 1-3 pairs; pinna rachis 15-20 mm long on proximal pinnae, 15-22 mm long on distal pinnae, ribbed above; pinnules 4-5 pairs on proximal pinnae, 3-5 pairs on distal pinnae, elliptic to narrowly elliptic, 9-1 1 x 3-5 mm. flat, antrorsely hispid on margin and below (hairs tubercule-based), T prominently reticulate, midrib pro- minent, 2-3 less conspicuous veins diverging from the petiolule. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole either immediately below insertion of proximal pinnae or some distance below them; sessile. 0-8-1 mm diam., lip not promin- ent. Inflorescences simple; peduncles solitary, 25-50 mm long, sparsely to moderately pilose (hairs spreading, straight, ca. I mm long), base ebracteate at anthesis -/flower heads cream, globular (i obloid in the bud), 7-8 mm diam. at anthesis, with ca. 22 flowers. Bracteoles ca. I -5 mm long, ciliolate, claws grad Lial 1 y expanded into slightly inflexed concave laminae. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1 /3-1 2 length of corolla, divided for ca. 1 /3 its length into triangular ciliolate lobes which are neither thickened nor inflexed, obscurely 5-nerved, tube glabrescent; petals 2 mm long, connate for 1 '2-2/3 their length, l-nerved, glabrous to glabrescent; ovary glabrous. Legumes and seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 8) South-west Western Australia: Known only from a restricted area near the Blackwood River in the vicinity of Nillup (about 25 km due north-east of Augusta). This species grows in gravel or deep grey sandy soil in Jarrah forest ( Eucalyptus marginatci Donn ex Sm.). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Sue's Road, 1 -5 km N of Brockman Hiuhway (east of Nillun) B. R. Maslin 3526; Nillup. R. D. Rovce 38. Flowering period: January. Acacia tayloriana is a rare species. With the exception of the type, there are only two collections of it knowm to the author. This prostrate, summer flowering species appears most closely allied to A. preissiana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin from which it is readily distinguished by its large, flat pinnules — see A. preissiana for further details. Also the petiolar glands, ebracteate peduncles and triangular calyx lobes indicate an affinity w ith the A. drummondii Lindl. group of species (see p. 394) from which it is most readily distinguished by its globular flower heads. However, until further material of A. tayloriana is collected (in particular, fruiting specimens) the exact position of this species within the Pulchellae remains somewhat obscure. 450 Bracleoles A-B, E-F from R. D Royce. 38: C-D from isotvpe (PERTFI). 17. Acacia plicata B. R. Maslin sp. no V.. — Fig. 22 Frutex I 1 -5 m altus; rami dense breviter pilosi ; spinae axillares nullae. Folio bi pinnata; rhachis 4-13 (20) mm longa; pinnae ( 1 ) 2-3(4) jugae; rhachis pinnarum proximalium 2-5 mm longa, aliarum (5) 10-20 (25) mm longa; pimmla e pinnarum proximalium 1 -2 jugae, aliartim 2-8-jugae, (4) 6 15x1-4 mm, parum recurvae ad revolutae. Gians scssilis, in pagma supera rhachidis posita: etiam glans minor in rhachidibus aliquot aut omnibus pinnarum infra insertionem 1-3 summorum pinnularum. Pedunculi 20 25 mm long), puberuli ad glabrati. Cupitiilu globulosa, 40-55-floribus. Braclealarum laminae pilis prominentibus (ad 1-5 mm lonais) patulis. eburneis, vestitae. Florae 5-merae: calycis told oblongi ad triangulares, ad apices pilis plerumque paucis prominentibus, patulis, eburneis, vestiti. Legumina plicata, 10-20 x 5 mm. modice ad dense hispidula. Semina in legumine obliqua, 3-4 x 2-3 mm. Type: Green Range, Western Australia, 19 Aug. 1949, C. A. Gardner 9333 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, K, MEL). Erect, openly branched shrub. 1-1-5 m tall; branches inconspicuously iibbed, dark greyish (epidermis often white on branchlets), densely shortly pilose;’ axillary spines absent. Stipules 2-2-5 x ca. 0-4 mm. scarious, ciliate on margin and below, glabrous above. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as 451 41539 — ( 3 ) on branches (hairs shorter on pinnules); petiole ca. 1 mm long; rachis 4-13 (20) mm long, commonly channelled above between first two pair of pinnae, narrower and ribbed above between subsequent pinnae; terminal seta linear to narrowly triangular, 1-5-3 mm long: pinnae (1) 2-3 (4) pairs; pinna rachis 2-5 mm long on proximal pinnae, (5) 10-20 (25) mm long on remaining pinnae, ribbed above, apex brown and 1-2 mm long; pinnules 1-2 pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-8 pairs on remaining pinnae, narrowly oblong to narrowly obovate, (4)6-15 x 1-4 mm. slightly recurved to revolute, light green to yellow-green, densely puberulous, nerveless or obscurely 1 -nerved above. I -nerved below . Gland situated on upper surface of rachis, on 2-jugate leaves the gland is in- serted below the distal pair of pinnae, it is subsequently present or absent if pinnae 3-4 pairs; a small gland occurs below insertion ol uppermost 1-3 pairs of pinnules on some or all pinnae rachides; sessile, circular, 0-5 mm diarn. or less, lip and orifice prominent. Inflorescences simple; peduncles soli- tary, 20-25 mm long, puberulous to glabrescent, base ebracteate at anthesis; Figure 22 — Acacia plicata. A- Plicate legume. B — Flower head. C- Bracteole (note conspicuous hairs on lamina) D — Flower (note conspicuous hairs on calyx lobes). E — Portion of branch system. F and G — Pinnule variation (lower surface). A and F from H. Demarz 1526; B-D from C. A. Gardner 9333 (the type); E from H. Demarz 1526; G from B. R. Maslin 1474. 452 flower heads globular, 7-8 mm diam. at anthesis, with 40-55 flowers. Bracteoles 2 mm long; claws narrow, glabrous; laminae somewhat thickened, indexed, bearing conspicuous (to 1-5 mm long) spreading white hairs abaxially. Flowers 5-mcrous; calyx 2 13-4 5 length of corolla, divided for 1 5-1 3 its length into oblong to ■ triangular slightly thickened lobes which normally bear a few conspicuous (ca. 0-5 mm long) spreading white hairs at the apex, readily separating into oblong-spathulate sepals, tube glabrous and obscurely 5-nerved: petals 2-5-3 mm long, connate for 2.3-4 5 their length, glabrous, 1 -nerved: ovary glabrous to glabrescent. Legumes plicate with up to 8 conspicuous folds, 1 0-20 x 5 mm, prominently raised over seeds, moderately to sparsely puberulous, light to dark brown; margins not contracted between seeds, pale coloured. Seeds oblique in legume, broadly elliptic, 3-4 x 2 3 mm, dark brown to black, shiny; Pleurogram obscure, open towards the hil una: areole 1 -5-2 x I I -3 mm ; funicle filiform, straight or with 1-2 short folds, abruptly expanded into a short straight thickened aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 8) South-west Western Australia: the Hill River district, about 200 km due NNW of Perth. As indicated from the areas sampled to date, A. pllcata is not a particularly common species; it appears to grow only in loam or loamy clay where sedimentary rocks (sandstone and siltstone) occur. This species is typically found along watercourses in associa- tion with York Gums ( Eucalytpus loxophleba Benth.) and Wandoo ( E . wandoo Blakely). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 100 mile post on Eneabba road, H Demur: 1907 and 1526; Western Australia, .1. Drummond s.n (MEL 49692 and 49693); Jurien Bay district, S. James s.n., Aug. 1967 (UWA 1132); Cataby Brook (near 100 mi peg on Perth-Jurien Bay Road), B R. Must in 1474 and 2626 ( B, BRI, PERTH ); About 12 mi due E of Jurien Bav, B. R. Muslin 2624 (AD, NSW. PERTH). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from August to October; young legumes appear in October and mature in mid-November (some bushes retain unde- hisced legumes until March). Acacia plicata is recognized by its densely hairy branches and leaves, its bracteole-laminae and calyx lobes bearing long, white, spreading hairs at their apices, and its plicate legumes. This species also has glands on its pinnae rachides, a character not particularly common in the PuleheUae (otherwise known only in A. empelioclada B. R. Maslin and A. leioderma B. R. Maslin, also sometimes in /I. gilhertii Meisn., A. lasiocarpa Benth. var. villosa (E. Pritzel) B. R. Maslin and A. luteola B. R. Maslin. The exact taxonomic position of A. plicata within this Series is uncertain. The ebracteate peduncles and triangular calyx lobes indicate an affinity with A. drummondii Lindl. and its allies (see p. 394). However, the globular flower heads, eglandulose petioles, and plicate legumes distinguish A. plicata from this group. Rs general leaf morphology, ebracteate peduncles, and globular flower heads suggest some affinities with A. drewiana W. V. Fitzg. subsp. drewiana and A. preissiana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin. However, the decurrent leaves of the former, and the prostrate habit plus the flower mor- phology of the latter, readily distinguish these taxa from A. plicata. The specific epithet alludes to the very distinctive pleated nature of the legumes. 18. Acacia luteola B. R. Maslin sp. nov. — Fig. 23 Acacia ciliata R.Br. in Ait. f., Hort. Kew. ed. 2, 5:465 0813), pro parte, not as to neotype. Acacia obscura A. DC. var. canescens Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 1:20 (1844). Type: “ Ad sinum Regis Georgii 111. absque florib. Herb. Preiss. No. 910” (holo: NY). Acacia drummondii Lindl. var. ovoidea Benth.. Fiora Austral. 2:419 (1864). Type: “ Towards Cape Riche, Maxwell .” (iso: MEL 49361, PERTH — fragment). 453 Frutex 0-5-1 m altus; rami pilosi, raro glabri; spinae axillares nullae. Folia bipinnata; rhaclii.i I -5-4 (8) mm longa; pinnae (1)2 (3)-jugae; pinnulae pinnarum proximalium 2-3-jugae, pinnarum distalium 2-3 (6)-jugae, recurvae ad revolulae, glabrae vel sparsim (raro dense) antrorse puberulae ad hispidulae. Gians sessilis, in pagina supera rhachidis infra insertionem pinnarum posila, raro etiam in petiole. Capitnla obloidea ad breviter cylindrica, luteola. Florae 5-merae: calyx et corolla manifeste 5-nervosa. Legumina dense breviter pilosa. Semina in legumine obi i qua, brunnea. Type: Poronaurup Range, Western Australia, 3 March 1922, C. A Gardner 1287 (holo: PERTH; iso; CANB) Shrub 0-5-1 m tall, either single-stemmed or dividing near ground level into 2-3 erect branches; branches finely (rarely prominently) nerved, nerves normally yellow, indumentum normally a mixture of sparse to dense short pilose and puberulous to antrorsely puberulous hairs, rarely glabrous, green to brown; axillary spines absent. Stipules narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular, 1-5-3 x 0-2-0 -5 mm. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole 1-2 mm long; rachis 1 '5-4 (8) mm long, often obscurely channelled above; terminal seta narrowly oblong to elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 1-2 (3) x 0-5-0 -7 mm, straight or sometimes slightly (rarely prominently) reflexed, flat but somewhat thickened, 1-nerved below (nerve thickened); pinnae (1) 2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis 2-3 (5) mm long on proximal pinnae, 3-6 (9) mm long on distal pinnae, apex elliptic to narrowly elliptic or occasionally oblong 1-2 (3) x 0-5-0 -7 mm straight to somewhat reflexed flat but slightly thickened 1-nerved below (nerve thickened); pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-3 (6) pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong or sometimes narrowly obovate, 2-6 x 0 -5-1 mm, recurved to revolute, slightly thickened, dark green above, light green below, glabrous to sparsely (rarely densely) antrorsely puberulous to hispidulous, obliquely narrowed at apex. Gland situated on upper surface of rachis below insertion of distal and medial pinnae, rarely an additional gland situated on petiole below proximal pinnae; sessile, circular to oblong. 0-2 0-4 mm diam., lip not prominent (hardly protruding above level of rachis). orifice normally shallow and not very dis- tinct. Inflorescences simple; peduncles normally solitary, 10-20 mm long, moderately to densely short pilose to hispidulous, rarely glabrous, base normally ebracteate at anthesis; flower heads very pale yellow (T sulphur-coloured), obloid to shortly cylindrical at anthesis, sometimes - globular prior to anthesis, 6-12 x 5-9 mm. with 16-22 (26-30) flowers; receptacle I -5-9 mm long (can vary from I -5-5 mm on a single specimen). Braeteoles 1-1 -5 mm long, sparsely puberulous; claws narrow; laminae narrowly ovate, somewhat in- flexed, concave. Flowers 5-merous, normally minutely pedicellate; calyx 1 2 length of corolla, divided for 1 3 1 2 its length into triangular ciliolate lobes, prominently 5-ncrved, tube glabrous to moderately shortly pilose; petals 2-3 mm long, connate for 1/2 their length, prominently 1-nerved (nerves most conspicuous at apex), glabrous, sparsely hispidulous, or moderately shortly pilose; ovary normally densely villous. Legumes somewhat brittle, narrowly oblong, 20-50 x 6-8 mm. fiat, raised over seeds, densely shortly pilose, dark brown to grey-brown; margins not contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds oblique in legume, elliptic, 3 x 2-2-5 mm, dark brown, shiny; pleurogram continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum, often bordered by a band of light coloured tissue; areole 2 x I mm; funicle filiform, reflexed below a normally once-folded thickened cream-coloured aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 8) South-west Western Australia: southern regions from Denmark to Cheyne Beach (100 km due northeast of Albany) and north to the Stirling Range. This species favours sandy or loamy soil in low-lying swampy areas. WESTERN AUSTRALIA; Mount Barker, W, E. Blaclcall s.n.. Sept. 1899; About 8 km south of Mount Barker, Hj. Eiehter 16005; Hay River, west of Albany, C. A. Gardner s.n.; Red Gum Pass, Stirling Range, A. S. George 6114; Porongurup, Mrs. Knight s.n. (MEL 454 49732); 32 km E of Manypeaks towards Jerramungup, B. R. Maslin 2597; 23 km from Den- mark towards Mount Barker, B. R. Maslin 2957 (K, PERTH); King George Sound, Maxwell s.n. (MEL 49662) ; North-West Plantagenet district, £. Pritzel 349 (AD, NSW -glabrous variant); Narrikup, R. D. Royce 4239; 4 miles NE of C'heyne Beach turn-ofT on Highway No. I, M. D. Tindale 309 and B. R Muslin: I mile N of King River, 9 miles N of Albany, M. D. Tindak - 294 and II R. Maslin. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from late February to September: legumes appear Irom August to September and mature between October and December. Acacia ciliala R.Br. is the basionym of A. hrowniana H. Wendl. The possible type ot this species is housed at the British Museum (Natural History) and consists of a mixture of two taxa: A. hrowniana (sensu neotypico) and A. luteola — see p. 426. Acacia luteola is readily distinguished from A. hrown- iana by its obloid to shortly cylindrical flower heads, ebracteate peduncles, triangular calyx lobes, and pilose legumes. Acacia luteola is a somewhat polymorphic species and includes within its range of variation the taxa previously described as A. obscura A. DC. var. canescens Meisn., and A. drummondii Lindl. var. ovoidea Benth. On a single plant the flower heads can range from obloid to shortly cylindrical and the A and H from R. D. Royce 4239; B and G from M. D. Tindale 294 and B. R. Maslin ; C from A. S. George 61 14; D-F from B. R. Maslin 2597; I from C. A. Gardner 1287 (the type). 455 pinnules t'rom recurved to prominently revolute. Although this species nor- mally has hairy branches, leaves, peduncles, etc., a glabrous variant has been recorded from the Albany and Stirling Range areas. This variant is more robust than the typical form, its branches are more prominently ribbed (when dry), and a sessile gland sometimes occurs at base ot the distal pair of pinnules. Acacia luteola is closely related to A. varia B. R. Maslin: it also has some affinities with A. drummondii Lindl. From the latter species it is distinguished by the nature of its branch indumentum, its recurved to revolute, often puberu- lous pinnules, its short, very pale yellow flower heads, its prominently 5-nerved calyx, and its dark brown seeds. The two characters which can be employed to fairly reliably separate A. luteola and A. varia are gland position and flower head morphology. In A. luteola a gland is always present below the insertion of the distal pair ot pinnae (i.e. on the rachis). Only very rarely is an additional gland present below tiie proximal pinnae (i.e. on the petiole). Acacia varia on the other hand always has a gland on its petiole; only in var. parvifiora is an additional gland often present on the rachis. Acacia luteola has very pale yellow' (more or less sulphur-coloured), obloid to shortly cylindrical flower heads. The typical variety of A. varia is the only member of that species with heads approach- ing this colour while var. parvifiora is the only member which often has obloid flower heads. Other characters useful in distinguishing A. luteola from A. varia include its somewhat taller habit, its normally straight, ascending, sparsely divided branches, its often narrower and less hairy pinnules, its often more prominently nerved calyx and corolla, and its slightly broader legumes. Acacia luteola begins its flowering season at least three months before A. varia. The specific epithet refers to the very pale yellow flower heads which are typical for this taxon. 19. Acacia varia B. R. Maslin sp. nov. Frutex 25-60 (100) cm alius; rami pilosi; spinae axillarcs nultae. Folia bipinnata; pinnae (1)2 (3)-jugae; pinnulae pinnarum proximaliutn 2-3-jugae, pinnarum distalium 2-5 (7)-jugae, planae ad revolutae, pilosae, raro glabrae. Gians sessilis. in pagina supera petioli infra insertionem pinnarum proximalium posita. glans altera in rachidis infra pinnas distales (var. parvifiora). PeduncuU plerumque pilosi, ad basin sub anthesin ebracteati. Capiuila cylindrica, interdunr obloidea. Florae 5-merae; calycis lobi triangulares; petala enervia ad manifesto I -nervosa. Legumina 15-35 x 3 5 mm, varie vestita. Semina (var. crassinerve exclusa) in legumine transversa ad obliqua, 2-3 x 1 -5-2 mm, brunnea ad nigra (var. affinis pallide brunnea). Type: 5-6 km from Denmark towards Mount Barker, Western Australia. 21 Sept. 1972, B. R. Maslin 2949 (holo: PERTH: iso: CANB, K, MEL, NY, PERTH). Small shrub 25-60 (100) cm tall, branches very rarely prostrate (var. parvifiora). sometimes suckering; branches -£ obscurely nerved, indumentum various; axillary spines absent. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole 1-4 (8) mm long; rachis 1-4 (5-10) mm long, terete or broadly ribbed above; terminal seta various; pinnae (1) 2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis I -5-6 (7-9) mm long on proximal pinnae, I -5 10 (12-15) mm long on distal pinnae, apex various; pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-5 (7) pairs on distal pinnae, normally narrowly oblong, 2-4-5 (5-13) x 0-5-2 -5 (3-5) mm. flat to revolute, often thickened, normally dark green and nerveless above, subglaucous and l-nerved below (nerve often prominently thickened), hairy, rarely glabrous, often obliquely narrowed at apex. Gland situ- ated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of proximal pinnae, sometimes an additional gland occurs on rachis below distal pinnae (var. parvifiora): sessile, circular to oblong, prominent to obscure. Inflorescences simple; peduncles normally solitary, 7-25 mm long, sparsely to densely hairy, rarely glabrous, base 456 ebracteate and anthesis; flower heads pale or dark yellow, cylindrical or some- times obloid, 7-35 x 4-7 mm at anthesis, with (20) 25-55 (70) flowers. Brac- teoles various. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1 2—2 3 length of corolla, divided for I ,/4 1 / 2 its length into triangular ciliolate lobes, hairy or glabrous, obscurely or sometimes prominently 5-nerved; petals 2 3 mm long, hairy or sometimes glabrous, nerveless to prominently I -nerved: ovary normally "densely villous. Legumes somewhat brittle, narrowly oblong, 15-35 x 3-5 mm. flat, raised over seeds, indumentum various, dark brown to greyish brown; margins not (or only slightly) contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds (excluding var. crassinervis) transverse to oblique in legume, oblong to elliptic, 2-3 x I -5-2 mm, dark brown to black (light brown on var. affinis), shiny: pleuro- gram continuous or open towards the hilum, often bordered by a band of light coloured tissue : funicle reflexed below a straight to once-folded aril. Acacia varia is related to both A. drummondii Lindl. and A. luteola B. R. Muslim From the former species it is distinguished by the nature of its branch indumentum and its revolute and or puberulous pinnules and from the latter by its gland position and flower head morphology (see A. luteola for further details). As indicated by the specific epithet. A. varia is a polymorphic species; four varieties are described below. One of these, var. affinis, is closely related to A. drummondii subsp. drummondii and further work may indicate that it should be transferred to that species. Key to varieties la. Peduncle hairs normally retrorse and sparse; petals obscurely nerved and glabrous; pinnules 3 10 mm long, midrib on lower surface not thickened, recurved to revolute; seeds light brown. (North of Perth from Muchea to New Norcia) c. var affinis (Fig. 26) b. Peduncle hairs spreading and normally dense; petals prominently I -nerved amt or hairy; pinnules normally 2-5 mm long, midrib on lower surface thickened; seeds (where known) dark brown to "black. (South of Perth) 2 2a. Flower heads pale yellow ( - L cream-coloured). (Sporadic from Gleneagle to Margaret River and Manypeaks) a. var. varia (Fig. 24) b. Flower heads deep yellow 5 3a. Pinnules ± flat. (Williams to Katanning) b. var. crassinervis (Fig. 25) b. Pinnules prominently recurved to revolute. (Arthur River to Manypeaks and Esperance) d. var. parvitlora (Fig. 27) 19a. var. varia Fig. 24 Dwarf sliruh 30-40 cm tall, suckers present, either single-stemmed or dividing at ground level into 2-3 erect branches; branches often finely nerved (nerves yellowish), puberulous to antrorsely puberulous and normally mixed with sparse, short pilose hairs. Petiole 1 -2 mm long; rachis 1-4 (5-6) mm long; terminal seta narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular, 1-2 mm long, straight or somewhat reflexed, flat, slightly thickened; pinna rachis 2-4 (5) mm long on proximal pinnae, 4 7 (9) mm long on distal pinnae, apex oblong to elliptic or sometimes triangular 1-2 mm long and straight or somewhat reflexed; pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae. 2-4 (5) pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong to slightly narrowly obovate. 3-6 x 1-2 mm, flat to recurved, hardly thickened, olive green (when dry). antrorsely puberulous (hairs somewhat coarse), nerveless above. 1-nerved below (nerve moderately to prominently thickened), obliquely narrowed and often indexed at apex, minutely apieulate. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of lower-most pair of pinnae, absent from rachis; 0-3-0 -5 mm diam., lip normally not prominent, orifice shallow. Peduncles 8-14 mm long, densely puberulous to hispidulous, occasionally with an additional layer of pilose hairs; flower heads very pale 457 yellow (i cream-coloured), cylindrical, normally 10-20 x 4 5 mm at anthesis, with (20) 26-35 loosely arranged flowers. Bracteoles 1-2 mm long, shortly pilose, normally dark brown* claws linear; laminae nairowly elliptic, slightly inflexed. Calyx and corolla sparsely (sometimes densely) shortly pilose to puberulous (hairs somewhat coarse), 5-nerved (nerves thickened, sometimes Figure 24 — Acucia varia var. varia. A -Mature plant showing erect habit and subterranean runners. B to E- Pinnule variation (C- apex inflexed). F — Leaf axis (upper surface) showing gland (g) situated on petiole (p), rachis (r), terminal seta (t), and position of insertion of pinnae rachides (pr), G — Inflorescence. H — Flower. I- Bracteole. A, C-D, F-l from B. R. Masiin 2949 (the type); B from R. D. Royce 2749; E from B. R. Maslin 2868. 458 indistinct). Legumes 15-25 x 3-4 mm, densely puberulous. Seeds (few seen) oblong to elliptic, ca. 3 x 2 mm, dark brown to blackish; funicle filiform, rcflexed below an abruptly thickened straight aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 9) South-west Western Australia: occurring sporadically from Glencagle (about 50 km south-east of Perth) southward to the Margaret River and Albany-Manypeaks areas. This variety is restricted to laterilic soil throughout its range. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Mount Manypeak, A. M. Asliby 3636 (AD): About 10 km north- west of Gleneagle, Hj. Eichter 157X2 (AD); East of Margaret River, ./. ./. Have / 525: Lowden, Koch 2000 (AD, MEL): 13-5 km S of Nannup towards Pemberton, ft. K . Martin 2868 (AD, NSW, PERTH); 9-6 km SW of Manypeaks towards Nanarup, It. R. Martin 2973 (BRI. L, NSW, PERTH); Blackwood River, Mrs. Me Hard s.n„ 1874 (MEL 49368); King George Sound, J. R. Muir s.n. (MEL 49369): I mi S of Kirup, R. D. Royce 2749. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from August to September; most legumes have dehisced by late December. The habit of var. varia is very distinctive. It spreads by means of sub- terranean runners which give rise to dwarf, erect suckers that are either single- stemmed or divide at ground level into two or three main branches. Because of this mode of vegetative reproduction, var. varia forms clones wherever it occurs. Although var. parviflora and var. crassinervis can sucker under certain conditions, these varieties normally divide at (or near) ground level into many spreading to erect branches. In addition to its growth habit, var. varia is distinguished from the other three varieties by its more or less cream-coloured flower heads, its normally more prominently nerved calyx and corolla, its less thickened pinnules which are often indexed at the apex, and its often more conspicuous bracteoles. In that var. varia has pale yellow flower heads, and normally prominently nerved calyces and corollas, it bears some resemblance to A. luteola; also the branch indumentum on these taxa is very similar. From A. luteola , var. varia is distinguished by its growth habit, gland position, normally longer flower heads, and broader, flatter, often more densely clothed pinnules. 19b. var. crassinervis B. R. Maslin var. nov.— Fig. 25 Frutex 25-60 cm altus; rami dense puberuli. Pinmllae pinnarum proximalium 2-3- jugae, pinnarum distalium 3-5-jugae, oblongae ad parum obovatae, 3-4-5 x 2-5 mm, planae ad leviter recurvae, incrassatae, utrinque dense puberulae, infra nrmifeste 1-nervosae. Clans in pagina supera petioli infra insertionem pinnarum posita. Pedunculi dense puberuli. Cap it ut a cylindrica. Pctata (pilis plerumque anirorsi's ad adpressis) puberula. Pvne 4 km F. of Katanning towards Nyabing, Western Australia, 28 Sepl. 1970, It. R Martin 771 (holo: PERTH: iso: B^ CANB, K, MEL, NSW. NY). Shrub 25-60 cm tall, suckers present or absent, normally dividing at (or near) ground level into many slender spreading to erect branches; branches nerveless to very obscurely nerved, densely and uniformly puberulous, normally grey. Petiole 1 - 5—3 mm long; rachis 1-2 mm long, terete or obscurely ribbed above, rib broad and flat: terminal seta oblong to triangular, 0 • 5- 1 mm long, straight to reflexed, thickened; pinna rachis 2 6 mm long on proximal pinnae, 4-9 mm long on distal pinnae, apex oblong 0-51 mm long and straight to somewhat reflexed: pinnules 2-3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 3-5 pairs on distal pinnae, oblong to slightly obovate. 3-4-5 x I -5-2-5 mm, flat to slightly re- curved. thickened, concolorous or discolorous, densely puberulous, nerveless, above, prominently 1-nerved below, 1 obliquely narrowed at apex, often minutely apiculate. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of proximal pair of pinnae, absent from rachis; oblong, 0-4-0 6 mm long, lip quite prominent. Peduncles 9-11 mm long, densely puberulous; flower heads yellow, cylindrical, 7-14 x 5-6 mm at anthesis, with 35-55 rather densely packed flowers. Bracteoles 1-1-5 mm long, densely puberulous. Calyx 1 /2-2 /3 length of corolla, moderately to densely puberulous, obscurely 459 5-nerved; petals puberulous, hairs normally antrorse to appressed, ± obscurely 1 -nerved. Legumes (collected from ground beneath the type) 20-30 x 4-5 mm, densely puberulous to shortly pilose, dark brown. Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 9) South-west Western Australia: from near Williams and Narrogin south-east to Katanning. The only information to hand regarding the habitat requirements of var. crassinervis is that at the type locality it grows in iateritic soil. This variety is not particularly common throughout its range. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Sources of Blackwood River. Miss Cronin s.n., 1889 (MEL 49388); About 3 km east of Katanning, R. H. Kuchel 1887 (AD, PERTH, PRE, SI); Near Narrogin, R. T. Lange 149; 78-2 miles N of Kojonup on Albany Highway, M. D. Tiiulale 362 and B. R. Muslin (K, NSW, PERTH). Flowering period: August to September. Acacia varia var. crassinervis appear to be most closely related to var. parviflora. Characters which unite these taxa include the type of branch indumentum, the basic leaf morphology (except that on var. crctssinervis the pinnules are flat), the distinctly yellow, rather densely packed flower heads, and the puberulous, obscurely nerved calyces. The small, Hat to slightly recurved, closely spaced pinnules which are more or less obliquely narrowed at the apex, render var. crassinervis super- ficially similar to var. varia. However, in var. crassinervis the indumentum is denser, shorter, softer, and more uniformly sized, the pinnules are somewhat thicker, the (lower heads are distinctly yellow', the calyx is less prominently nerved, and the petal indumentum is softer and less spreading. The varietal epithet refers to the thickened midrib on the lower surface of the pinnules. This character, although distinctive in var. crassinervis, is not diagnostic for this variety. Figure 25 Acacia varia var. crassinervis. A — Portion of branch system. B to D Pinnule variation (B and C— lower surface showing thick midrib; D — upper surface! F Flower F — Bracteole. wc ‘- A, E-F from B. R. Maslin 771 (the type); B from M. D. Tindale 362 and B R from R. //. Kuchel 1887. Maslin ; C-D 460 19c. var. affinis B. R. Maslin var. nov. — Fig. 26 Frutex plerumque ad 60 cm altus: rami pilosi et/vel puberuli. Rhachis 2 3 ( 5-6 ) mm longa; seta terminaiis oblonga vel ovata ad elliptica: pinmilae variabiles, pinnarum proximali- um 2 (3)-jugac, pinnarum distalium 2-3 (4-6)-jugae, recurvae ad revolutae, plerumque anirorse pubcruiae. Gians in pagina supera petioli infra insertionem pinnarum proximalium posita. Calyx enervius; petala obscure ncrvata. plerumque glabra. Legumina sparse ad modice puberula. Semina (pauca visa) oblonga, pallide brunnea. Type: Near 39 mile peg. Great Northern Highway, Western Australia, 20 Aug. 1972, B. R. Maslin 2793 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, K). Erect shrub to 60 cm tall (sometimes diffuse with branches to 100 cm long), suckers absent, dividing near ground level into many slender branches; branches finely nerved, nerves normally yellow, indumentum (variable) pilose and or puberulous (hairs straight, antrorse, or retrorse), reddish to brown but some- what grey towards the base; branchlets greenish. Petiole 1-3 mm long; rachis 2-3 (5-6) mm long, rib on upper surface broad and channelled above; terminal seta oblong or ovate to elliptic, I 3 mm long, normally somewhat reflexed, fiat, slightly thickened; pinna raeliis 2-5 (7) mm long on proximal pinnae, (3) 5-10 (12 14) mm long on distal pinnae, apex oblong to elliptic 1-5-3 mm long straight to somewhat rellexed flat and slightly thickened; pinnules variable, welf spaced along pinna rachis, 2 (3) pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-3 (4-6) pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong to narrowly ovate, (2) 3-10 (13) x 0-5 1-5 (3-5) mm, recurved to revolute, slightly thickened, sparsely to densely antrorsely puberulous, sometimes shortly pilose, rarely glabrous, dark green and nerveless above, subglaucous and obscurely 1 -nerved below (nerve not thickened), obliquely narrowed at apex. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of proximal pair of pinnae; sometimes not prominent, 0-2-0 -4 mm diam.. lip hardly raised above petiole surface, orifice shallow. Peduncles 10-25 mm long, sparsely or occasionally densely retrorsely puberulous to retrorsely strigose, occasionally shortly pilose to puberulous: flower heads bright yellow, cylindrical. 15-35 x ca. 5 mm at anthesis, with 30-50 (70) ± loosely arranged flowers. Bracteoles 0-7-1 mm long, sparsely puberulous; claws linear; laminae ovate, somewhat inflexed. Calyx nerveless, glabrous to sparsely puberulous; petals ca. I -5 mm long, obscurely nerved, glabrous or occasionally sparsely puberulous. Legumes 15-35 x 4-5 mm. sparsely to moderately puberulous. Seeds (few seen) oblong, ca 2x1 -5 mm. light brown; aerole slightly darker than rest of seed ; pleurogram open towards the hilurn ; funicle filiform, reflexed below a thickened, straight or once-folded aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 9) South-west Western Australia: north of Perth from near Muchca to New Norcia. This variety is the most northerly distributed member of the species .4. varia. It grows on lateritic soil (or sand over laterite) in Jarrah-Marri (sometimes Wandoo) woodland. It is quite common on disturbed areas such as road verges. WESTERN AUSTRALIA- Near Bindoon. C. A. Gardner s.n.. Sept. 1966; 61 mile peg. Perth-Geraldton Highway, R. T. Lange 89; About 5 km due ENE of Muchea, B. R. Maslin r?is iRRI NSW NY. PERTH): About 7 km from Bullsbrook East towards Chittering, B R Maslin 3222; Muchea. 7. <7. Patterson s.n., Aug. 1958 (UWA 1151): Swan District, E. Pritzel 395 (AD); Near New Norcia, F. W. Went 80. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from July to September: most legumes have dehisced by mid-December. The correct taxonomic position of var. affinis within the .4. varia- A. drummondii complex is somewhat uncertain; undoubtedly further work is required on this taxon. Its general leaf morphology indicates its inclusion in varia- however, its inflorescence characters suggest an affinity with A. drummondii subsp. drummondii. There is some evidence to suggest that morphological intermediates may occur between these two taxa. 461 Figure 26 — Acacia varia var. ajfmis. A — Portion of branch system. B — Node showing stipules (st). peduncle (pd), and leaf (gland position arrowed) with flattened pinna rachis apices (a). C — Bracteole. D — Flower. E— Seed. F to H — Pinnule variation (F — upper surface; G and H — lower surface). A-D, F-G from B. R. Maslin 2793 (the type); E from II R. Maslin 3222; H from R. T. Lange 89. This variety is quite variable, especially with respect to the nature of its branch indumentum and its pinnule size. It is distinguished from the other three varieties of A. varia by the following characters: its pinnules, peduncles, and flower heads are normally somewhat longer, (however, there is an overlap of parameters when all the varieties are considered simultaneously), its pin- nules are somewhat less prominently nerved below, its peduncles normally bear retrorse hairs (spreading or antrorse in the other varieties), the pinna rachis apex is usually more prominent, and its petals are obscurely nerved and glabrous to glabrescent (in the other varieties the petals either have a ± thick- ened central nerve and or are significantly hairy). The varietal epithet refers to postulated relationship between this taxon and A. drummondii subsp. drummondii. 19d. var. parviflora (Benth.) B. R. Maslin comb. nov. — Fig. 21 Acacia drummondii Lindl. var. parviflora Benth., Flora Austral. 2:419 (1864). Lectotvpe- West Mount Barren and on the hills to eastward. Maxwell s.n. (MEL 49363 snecimen seen by Bentham; PERTH— fragment) ' 1 Shrub to 60 (100) cm tall, occasionally suckering, normally dividing at ground level into many spreading to erect branches, sometimes diffuse with ± prostrate branches; branches ± obscurely nerved, moderately to densely puberulous to shortly pilose, rarely densely villous or glabrous. Petiole 2-4 (8) mm long; rachis 1-2 (4-10) mm long, terete or obscurely ribbed above; 462 terminal seta normally oblong to triangular, 0 • 5-1 -5 mm long, straight, some- what thickened; pinna rachis 1 -5-5 (6-9) mm long on proximal pinnae, 1 -5-8 (10-15) mm long on distal pinnae, apex normally oblong to triangular, 0-5 1-5 mm long, straight to slightly reflcxed, somewhat thickened: pinnules 2 3 pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-4 (5 7) pairs on distal pinnae, narrowly oblong, 2-4 (6 7) x 12 mm, prominently recurved to revolute, thickened, moderately to densely antrorsely puberulous to hispidulous, rarely densely shortly villous or glabrous, prominently 1 -nerved below, obliquely narrowed at apex. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of proximal pair of pinnae, an additional gland is often present on rachis below distal pair of pinnae; normally prominent, 0-4 0-8 mm diam.. lip normally somewhat raised above surlace ol leal axis. Peduncles 7 15 mm long, densely puberulous to hispidu- lous, rarely glabrous -.flower heads yellow, obloid to cylindrical. 7-20 x 5-7 mm at anthesis, with 25-50 rather densely packed flowers. Braeteoles ca. 1 mm long, puberulous. Calyx sparsely to densely puberulous, obscurely 5- nerved; petals sparsely to densely puberulous, 1 -nerved (nerves sometimes obscure). Legumes 20-35 x 4-5 mm, moderately to densely puberulous, rarely densely villous. Seeds oblong to elliptic, 2-3 x 1 - 5 mm, dark browm to black \ funicle reflexed below a thickened, curved or once-folded aril. Figure 27 Acacia varia \ ar. par vi flora. A Portion of branch system. B — Seed (dark brown). C and It Leaf axes (upper surface) showing gland (g) positions, terminal setae (t). rachides (r). petioles (p). and position of insertion of pinnae rachides (pr). E and F Pinnule variation (lower surface). G Flower. A and C from Lullfit- 3596; B from It R. Muslin 2553: D from Ralphe and Stamford s.n.; E-G from A. S. George 10031. 463 Distribution and habitat: (Map 9) South-west Western Australia: most common in the area from near Manypeaks east to the Esperance district; var. parviflora also occurs north-west of Manypeaks to near Arthur River. This variety normally grows in sand or gravelly sand. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Point Ann. 20 mi NE of Bremer Bay, K. M. Allan 345 (CANB, K. NY, PERTH, villous variantl: 8 miles N of Esperance, D. M. Churchill 4; Hopetoun, G. Douglas s.n., July 1915 (NSW 659571: South Stirling sandplain, A. S. George 6239; Lucky Bay, A. S. George 7466 (glabrous variant): West Mount Barren. A. S. George 10031: Gibson Soak, Lullfii: 3596; 16 mi S of Jerramungup towards Albany, B. R. Maslin 997; Near Gairdner River, B. R. Maslin 1052 (K. PERTH); 0-5 nti west of Young River crossing, Albany-Esper- ance road, B. R. Maslin 2553; S.W. Australia. Maxwell s.n. (MEL 49357); 137 mi peg on Albany Highway, A'. Xewbey 3682; Arthur River, Oldfield 555 (MEL, iso-svntype of A. drummoiulii Lindl. var. parviflora Benth.); About 20 mi NE of Albany towards jerramungup, A. Paust 533; Ravensthorpe, Ralphe and Stamford s.n., 26 June 1924; Cran brook, Steward 38; Near Mount Le Grand, A. S. Weston 6744. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from May to September; mature legumes are present from October to December. Acacia varia var. parviflora is a variable taxon. The leaves on the young plants are generally considerably larger than those on mature bushes; these larger leaf dimensions are given in parenthesis in the description above. Although var. parviflora normally has hairy branches, a glabrous variant has been recorded from Lucky Bay, which is 30 km south-east of Esperance. Another variant, known only from Point Ann (60 km south-west of Hopetoun) is prostrate and its branches are much divided and densely villous. The habit of the typical form is normally erect (although in regrowth the plants may be diffuse with more or less prostrate, sparsely divided branches) and the branches are puberulous to shortly pilose. This variety appears to be most closely related to var. Crass incr vis B. R. Maslin (see this taxon for details). Acacia varia var. parviflora is the only infraspecific taxon in which a gland often occurs below the distal as well as the proximal pair of pinnae. This fact, together with the prominently recurved to revolute pinnules and often obloid flower heads, could lead to confusion with A. I at cola B. R. Maslin. From this species, var. parviflora is distinguished by the following characters; shrub often smaller and more diffuse: branches less obviously nerved; petiole slightly longer; rachis often shorter; pinnules thicker, slightly broader and normally more hairy; flower heads distinctly yellow ( _■ sulphur-coloured in A. luteola); calyx (and often corolla) somewhat less prominently nerved. From limited field observations, it appears as though var. parviflora will produce suckers only under certain edaphic conditions. " Suckers can develop when the plants grow in lateritic clay. This may be due (in part) to the presence of a subsurface lateritic or clay barrier which prevents normal root develop- ment. However, var. parviflora normally grows in sand (often with some laterite present) and under these conditions suckers do not appear to develop. 20. Acacia drummondii Lindl.. Sketch Veget. Swan Riv. Colony (Append to Edwards' Bot. Reg.) XV (1839). Lectotype: Swan River, Drummond s n" (holo: CGE— photo seen; ?iso; K — photo, seen, MEL 49354) Shrub 0-3-2 m tall: branches strigose to puberulous (hairs retrorse or antrorse), sometimes glabrous; axillary spines absent. Stipules narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular, 1-4 mm long. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum normally as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole i terete, 0-5-5 mm long; rachis 2-8 (10-23) mm long, ribbed above; terminal seta narrowly triangu- lar to oblong-elliptic, slightly thickened; pinnae 1-2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis 7-8 (10-13) mm long on proximal pinnae. (3) 4-13 (16-27) mm long on distal pinnae, apex triangular or oblong-elliptic; pinnules { 1) 2 (3-4) pairs o^n proximal 464 pinnae, 2-4 (5) pairs on distal pinnae, variable in shape and size, flat or slightly recurved (subsp. elegans), glabrous or sometimes minutely strigose on margins, green or glaucous, nerveless to l(2)-nerved (nerve often excentric). Gland situated on upper surface of petiole and/or rachis below insertion of pinnae; sessile, circular. Inflorescences simple; peduncles normally solitary, 10 30 (40) mm long, base normally ebracleale at anthesis, strigose to puberulous; flower heads cylindrical, 10-35 (45) x 4-7 mm at anthesis. Bracteoles 0-8-1 mm long, puberulous. Flowers 5-merous (rarely a few 4-merous flowers occur on some flower heads); calyx ca. 1 2 length of corolla, divided for 1 4-1 2 its length into triangular or ± oblong glabrous or ciliolate lobes, tube puberulous and nerveless: petals I -5-2-5 mm long, connate for I 2 their length, nerve- less to prominently I -nerved, glabrous to densely strigose-puberulous; ovary tomentose, sometimes glabrous. Legumes somewhat brittle, narrowly oblong. 20-35 x 4-7 mm, flat, slightly raised over seeds, puberulous to glabrescent, light brown to greyish brown: margins not (or slightly) contracted between siTeds, thickened, light brown to yellow. Seeds (not seen tor subsp. drummondii) transverse to slightly oblique in legume, oblong to elliptic, 2-3 x I -5 mm, light brown, shiny: pleurogram with a narrow opening towards the hilum; funiele slightly dilated, reflexed below a thickened straight to curved or once- folded aril. A photograph of the type sheet of A. drummondii at Cambridge (CGE) has been inspected by the author. Mounted on this sheet are three fragments, viz Swan River. Drummond s.n., 1839 (lectotypc): Vasse River, on the South West coast of New Holland, Mrs. Molloy s.n.. 1839: West Australia, no date or collector given. The first two fragments listed above are ol subsp. drum- mondii the third is possibly subsp. elegans (see below). In the original des- cription of A. drummondii no type is cited. However, in the protologue Lindley states spicis axillaribus cernuis simplicibus . . . '• As the Drummond specimen has sLightly drooping flower heads, and as its other characters appear to accord quite well’ with the original description, this specimen is here selected -is the lectotypc. Mr. George Chippendale, while Australian Botanical Liaison Officer at Kcw in 1973. reported that at Kew there is a sheet (ex Herb. Benthamianum) upon which the following four fragments are mounted (a photograph of this sheet seen by the present author): Swan River. Drummond s n 1839: Vasse River. Mrs. Molloy s.n.; specimen with no details: Preiss 901. From the" notes which Chippendale provided, it seems likely that these frag- ments (with the exception of Preiss 901) are duplicates of the type collection ■u Cambridge At Melbourne ( MF.L) there is an unnumbered Drummond specimen collected from “ W.A.” which may possibly be an iso-lectotype ol A drummondii MEL 49354). Acacia drummondii is related to both A. luteola B. R. Maslin and A. varia B R Maslin (see page 394). The flat and glabrous (or minutely strigose) pinnules ‘readily distinguish A. drummondii from both these species— see A. luteola and A. varia lor further details. Kev to subspecies „ ,, la. mm »">««"» ' <*«*• fr ° m B "' d0 “ “ rJSTSftC. (Fig. 29, b Pinnae more than 1 pair (a few unijugate leaves may occur among the multijugate Gland* present on rachis, present or absent on petiole; pinnules dark green above and Screen below, midrib on lower surface fairly apparent, often slightly obovate normally sis x 7 4 mnr hairs on peduncles patent or antrorse. (Near Denmark to Many peaks; ~ i 1 strict) c * SL, fr- s P' e l e 8ans (Fig. 30) ■ J,°°H^ a nhsent from rachis,' present on petiole; pinnules glaucous and coneolorous, b - Glan lss or obscure K 1 -nerved below, narrowly oblong, normally 3-6 x 1-2 mm; hairs nerve'ess or obscurely t rse (Near New Norcia to Collie and Williams) on peduncles (when present) o a _ subsp , drummondii (Fig. 2K> * Gland small and sessile, situated on upper surface of leaf axis below insertion of pinnae. 465 20a. subsp. drummondii — Fig. 28 Acacia drummondi Lindl. var. typica E. Pritzel, Bot. Jb. 35:313 (1904). nom. illeg. Openly branched shrub 30-60 (100) cm tall, normally dividing at ground level into many spreading branches: branches finely ribbed (ribs often yellow), sparsely to moderately retrorsely strigose (rarely retrorsely puberulous or glab- rous), red-brown (grey at base). Rachis 2-3 (5-9) mm long with a sulcate rib above: terminal seta narrowly triangular to oblong-elliptic, slightly thick- ened: pinnae (1) 2 (3) pairs: pinna rachis 2-4-5 (6-13) mm on proximal pinnae, 4-8 (11-16) mm on distal pinnae, apex narrowly triangular to oblong-elliptic; pinnules 2 (3-4) pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-3 (5) pairs on distal pinnae, nar- rowly oblong, (2) 3-6 (8-12) x 1-2 (2-5) mm, slightly thickened, glabrous (rarely ciliolate), glaucous, ± concolorous. nerveless to obscurely I -nerved, apex obliquely narrowed. Gland not prominent, situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of proximal pinnae; 0-2-0 -3 mm diam. Peduncles 10-18 mm long (25 mm in fruit), sparsely to moderately retrorsely puberulous to retrorsely strigose (rarely glabrous); flower heads 10-25 x 4-6 mm at anthesis. Figure 28 Acacia drummondii subsp. drummondii. A Node showing stipule (st), peduncle (pd), and leaf (gland position arrowed). B Pinnule (lower surface showing obscure midrib). C— Pinnule (upper surface). D— Portion of branch system. E- Flower. F -Bracteoles. G— Leaf axis (upper surface) showing gland (g) situated on petiole (p), rachis (r), terminal seta (t), and base of pinnae rachides (pr). H -Inflorescence showing retrorsely strigose peduncle. A, D-G from B. R. Maslin 2985; B-C from M. Koch 1481 ; H from R. T. Lange 186. 466 Calyx lube sparsely puberulous; petals glabrous, nerveless to obscurely I- nerved ; ovary glabrous to moderately tomentose. Legumes 20 25 x 4-5 mm, sparsely strigose, grey brown (immature) to tan (mature). Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: {May 10) South-west Western Australia: commonly occurring in rocky clay in Wandoo ( Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely) or Wandoo- J'arrah ( E. marginata Donn ex Sm.) woodland from near New Norcia south- ward to the Collie-Williams area. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Parkerville, C. Andrews s.n.. Aug. 1902; 32-9 mi from Collie towards Williams, E. M. Canning WA 68 3831; Western Australia, J. Drummond 315 (MEL, fragment at PERTH); No locality, ( A . Gardner 9313: Wooroloo, M. Koch 1481 (MEL, PERTH); Bakers Hill, R. T. Lange 186; II km NW of Williams on Albanv Highway, IS. R. Martin 2985 (BRI, CANB, K, PERTH); Darling Range, Preiss 90f (MEL, fragment at PERTH ); Beraking, R. F. Williams s.n„ 1934 ( U WA 1153); 100 mile post on Great Northern Highway, E. IS . ./. Smith s.n., 19 July 1967. Flowering period: July to October. In the past, subsp. drummondii was not normally differentiated from subsp. elegans B. R. Maslin subsp. nov. (see below). However, subsp. drummondii can be readily recognized by its shorter, eglandulose rachides, its glaucous, ± concolorous and nerveless pinnules, its strigose peduncles, and its glabrous, ± nerveless petals. Acacia drummondii subsp. drummondii appears to have some affinities with A. varia var. aff'inis B. R. Maslin, and there is some evidence to suggest that morphological intermediates may occur between these taxa. 20b. subsp. eandolleana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin stal. nov. — Fig. 29. Acacia eandolleana Meisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 2:206 (1848). Type: "Swan River, Drum- mond coll. II, No. 152" (iso K- photo seen, MEL, PERTH fragment). Acacia drummondii Lindl. var. major Benth., Flora Austral. 2:419 (1864)— based on A. eandolleana. Acacia drummondii Lindl. var. eandolleana (Meisn.) Domin, MemSoc. Sci. Boheme 1921-22: 48 (1923), nom. il leg, based on A. eandolleana. Shrub 1-1 -5 m tall, single-stemmed or sometimes dividing near ground level into a few main branches: branchlets ribbed, sparsely to moderately strigose to puberulous (hairs antrors e). Petiole 1-2 mm long; terminal seta narrowly triangular, thickened towards the base; pinnae 1 pair; pinna rachis 3-7 (10) mm long, apex narrowly triangular and somewhat thickened; pinnules 2-3 (4) pairs, asymctrically elliptic or obovate to oblong, 4 1 1 x 3-7 mm, flat, glabrous, normally glaucous below and green or subglaucous above. Gland situated on upper surface of petiole below insertion of pinnae. Peduncles normally solitary, 10-20 mm long, densely (antrorsely) puberulous; flower heads 15-25 x 5-6 mm at anthesis. Petals glabrous, nerveless or 1-nerved (nerve more prominent at apex of petals); ovary densely tomentose. Legumes 20-30 x 5-6 mm, glabrescent, light brown. Seeds oblong, 2-5-3 x 1 - 5 mm; funicle reflexed below a straight to curved aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map 10) South-west Western Australia: occurring sporadically from Bindoon southward through Collie to the Fitzgerald River National Park (south-west of Ravensthorpe) on the south coast. This sub- species normally grows in sandy or loamy laterite in Jarrah (sometimes with Wandoo) forest. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Near Marradong, J. C. Anwar 304 (AD, MEL); Mourn Cook, R. Edmiston s.n., 21 Sept. 1971: 73 mile peg, Perth-Geraldton Highway, R. T. Lange 22: 19 -2 km E of Harvey towards Quindanning. B. R. Maslin 3200; 2 mi from Tallanalla towards Harvey M. E. Phillips WA 68 4066: Fitzgerald River Reserve, R. D. Royce 9263: Collie, F. W. Went s.n., June 1916; Willowdale Camp, R. F. Williams s.n., 18 Aug. 1932 (UWA 1122 and 1123). 467 Figure 29 — Acacia drummondii subsp. candolleana. A — Portion of branch system. B — Seed (light brown). C — Node showing stipules (st), peduncle (pd), and unijugate leaf (gland position arrowed). A and C from M. E. Phillips WA /68 4066; B from 8 . R, Maslin 3200. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from July to October; very few un- dehisced legumes still present on the bushes in late December. The affinities of this subspecies seem to lie with subsp. elegans rather than with subsp. drummondii; however, subsp. candolleana is readily distinguished from both of these taxa by its consistently unijugate leaves. 20c. subsp. elegans B. R. Maslin subsp. nov. — Fig. 30 Acacia pseudodrummondii Herincq, Bull. Soc. Hort. Seine 11:194 (1853). Type: n.v Acacia pelloiae C. A. Gardner, .1. Roy. Soc. W.A. 9(1) :40 (1923). Type:' Gardner Herb no. 626a (holo: PERTH). Frurex 1-2 m altus; ranmli manifeste nervati, sparsim antrorse puberuli ad glabri. Rhachis 3-8 (15-23) mm longa; seta rerminatls anguste triangularis; pinnae (1) 2 (3)-jugae- pinnulae pinnarum proximalium (1)2 (3)-jugae, pinnarum distalium 2-4 (5)-jugae, glabrae ad glabratae. Gians sessilis. in pagina supera rachidis infra inserlionem pinnarum distalium, praesens vel abseils in pagina supera petiolum infra inserlionem pinnarum proximalium! Capitula cylindrica. Petala plerumque modice stigosa. Legumina modice puberula. Semina pallide brunnea. Type: 35-5 km from Denmark towards Mount Barker, Western Australia, 21 Sent 1972 B. R. Maslin 2958 (holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, K, NY). Shrub 1-2 m tall, either single-stemmed or dividing at ground level into a number of spreading branches; branehlets quite prominently ribbed, sparsely antrorsely puberulous to glabrous, reddish brown to grey. Rachis 3-8 ( 15-23) mm long, ribbed above; terminal seta narrowly triangular, slightly thickened towards the base; pinnae (1)2 (3) pairs; pinna rachis 3-8 (10) mm long on proximal pinnae, (3) 5-13 (16-27) mm long on distal pinnae, apex narrowly triangular and ± thickened towards the base; pinnules (1) 2 (3) pairs on proxi- mal pinnae, 2-4 (5) pairs on distal pinnae, (narrowly) oblong to elliptic or obovate, (3) 5-12 (13-17) x (I) 2-4 (5-6) mm (size variable), flat or slightly recurved, glabrous to glabrescent (hairs minute), dark green and nerveless (or very obscurely nerved) above, light green and l(2)-nerved below (nerve - excentric), apex oblique and sometimes inflexed. Gland situated on upper 468 surface of rachis below distal pinnae, present or absent on petiole below proximal pinnae. Peduncles (10) 15-30 (401 mm long, moderately to densely puberulous to antrorsely puberulous; flower heads (10) 20-35 (45) x 5-7 mm at anthesis. Calyx tube puberulous; petals moderately slrigose-puberulous or sometimes glabrous, 1-nerved (nerve more prominent at apex of petals): o vary densely tomcnlose. Legumes 25-35 x 6-7 mm, moderately puberulous. dark brown. Seeds oblong to elliptic, 2-3 x ca. 1-5 mm; funicle reflexed below a once-folded aril. Figure 30 - Acacia drummondti subsp. elegans. A -Node showing stipule ((st), peduncle pd), and leal' (gland positions arrowed). B Portion of branch system. C— Seed (light brown). D- -Pinnule (lower surface showing midrib). E Pinnule (upper surface). F— Pinnule (lower surface showing midrib and slightly recurved margins). G Flower. H Bracteoles. 1- Gynoecium showing densely tomentose ovary. A-B from R. D. Roycc 3741 : C from B. R. Maslin 2598: D-F. H-l from B. R. Maslin 2958 (the type); F-G Irom W. M. Atkin 31. Distribution and habitat: (Map 10) South-west Western Australia: common in the Albany-Stirling Range district. This subspecies has also been collected from the Bindoon and Toodyay districts (north-east of Perth); however, it is probably not native to these regions. Acacia dntmmondii subsp. elegans 469 favours loamy or sandy soil in low-lying, often swampy areas. There is, however, a form which grows on the rocky slopes of some peaks in the Stirling Range (see below). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 42 mile peg on Great Northern Highway, A'. M. Allan 294 (CANB, MO, PERTH, SP) [probably introduced]: Tenterden, W. M. Arlan 31 ; Toolbrunup, 700 metres, L. Diels 4677; Drummond 15 (MEL 49384); Bluff Knoll, summit, C. A. Gardner 1450; Near Mondurup. Stirling Range, C A. Gardner 16208; Half-way up Bluff Knoll, Stirling Range. B. R. Maslin I 102 (MEL, NSW. PERTH); Near top of Bluff Knoll, Stirling Range, B. R Muslin 1 103 (NSW, PERTH); 20 mi east of Manypeaks towards Jerramungup, B. R. Muslin 2598; Perongerup [Porongurup] Ranges. Maxwell s.n. (MEL 49373): Mondurup Peak. F. Mueller s.n., 15 Oct. 1867 (MEL 49377); King George’s Sound, swamps, Oldfield 554 (MEL); About 20 mi NE of Albany towards Jerramungup. 5. Faust 532; 5 mi N of Narri- kup, R. D Rover 3741 ; Toodvay district, roadside. C. /.. Wilson 837 [probably introduced]; Stirling Range, 1 km N of base of Bluff Knoll. P. G. Wilson 4193 (AD, E, L, MEL. PERTH). Flowering anil fruiting period: Flowers from July to October; young legumes appear from September to November; mature legumes are present in December. In the past, most authors seem to have erroneously regarded subsp. e/egans as the typical form of A. dntnvnondii. However, subsp. drummondii as here lectolypified is quite different from subsp. elegans (see subsp. drummondii for differentiating characters). Herincq was aware of these differences when he described A. pseudodrummondii ; this species is here relegated to synonymy under subsp. elegans. Because of its awkwardness, the name “ pseudodrum- mondii " was not used by the present author as the subspecific epithet for subsp. elegans. Gardner (1923) described A. pelloiae from material collected near the summit of Bluff Knoll in the Stirling Range. This name is here regarded as being synonymous with subsp. elegans; however, it is slightly different from the typical form. e.g. stipules sometimes a littie more prominent (not spinescent as in the original description), pinnules slightly more recurved, and the peduncles and flower heads slightly shorter. This may prove to be a montane form of subsp. elegans; it has been collected from Bluff Knoll and Mondurup Hill, both in the Stirling Range, 21. Acacia mitchellii Benth., Lond. J. Bot. 1:387 (1842). Type: “Interior of N.S. Wales, Mitchell." (n.v.) Diftuse shrub 0-5-1 -5 (2) m tall: branches slightly resinous, obscurely to moderately ribbed, normally densely puberulous; axillary spines absent. Stipules triangular, minute, ca. 0-5 mm long, prominently thickened at base. Leaves bipinnate, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole 0-5-1 (1 -5)mm long; rachis 1-2 (7-15) mm long, terete or ribbed or channelled above: terminal seta oblong to triangular. 1-2 mm long, straight to somewhat reflexed, slightly thickened (especially towards the base); pinnae (1) 2-3 (4-5) pairs; pinna rachis 1 -5-3-5 (5) mm long on proximal pinnae 2-7 mm long on distal pinnae, ribbed above, apex somewhat reflexed - pinnule's 2-3 (4) pairs on proximal pinnae, 2-4 (5-7) pairs on distal pinnae, normally oblong to narrowly oblong or obovate, sometimes elliptic, 2-5 (6) x 1-2 mm flat, glabrous, sometimes slightly thickened, light green to glaucous, ± con- colorous, very obscurely i-nerved, obtuse but often minutely apiculate Gland absent (but see discussion below). Inflorescences simple but sometimes falsely racemose at ends of branchlets due to leaf reduction; peduncles 1-2 per axil. 10-20 mm long, sparsely (rarely densely) puberulous to glabrous base ebracteate at anthesis; flower heads pale yellow, globular, 5-8 mm diam at anthesis, with 30-45 flowers. Bracteoles , ca. 1 mm long; claws linear glabrous to puberulous, laminae ovate, ciliolate, often puberulous abaxially’ slightly concave. Flowers 5-merous, slightly resinous, sepals 2/3 length of petals, shortly united at base, linear-spathulate, ciliolate; petals ca. 1-5 mm long, free; ovary glabrous. Legumes firmly chartaceous, narrowly oblong, 470 (15) 20-50 x (4) 5-7 mm, straight to slightly curved, ± flat, somewhat raised over seeds, often obscurely reticulate, glabrous, brown to grey-brown; margins straight or somewhat contracted between the seeds, slightly thickened. Seeds longitudinal in legume, oblong obovate or slightly elliptic, 4-5-5 x 2 -5-3 -5 mm, dark brown to black, dull; pleurogram prominent, continuous; funicle filiform and often coiled, abruptly thickened into a cream-coloured clavate aril. Distribution and habitat: New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Acacia mitchellii commonly grows near swamps; it has also been recorded from sandy and rocky loam in Eucalyptus woodlands. NEW SOUTH WALES: Guy Fawkes, ./. L. Boorman s.n., 12/1909 (NSW 65910); Gwydir Highway, 42 mi E of Glen Innes. P. Burgess s.n.. 12 I960 (NSW 58971); Gibraltar Range National Park, c. 42 miles E of Glen Innes, R. Covenv 2233 and 2234 VICTORIA: 7 miles north of Portland, along Henty Highway. J. Anderson 374 (MEL); Brisbane Ranges, about 1 mile NE of Steiglitz, //. /. Aston 82 (MEL); Grampians, A. C. Beauglehole 24864 (MEL); Glenelg River, south-west Victoria, Miller s.n. (MEL 27189). SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Far south-east of the State. No specimens seen. See Court 1972, p. 242. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers between (August) October and March; because it takes a long time for legumes to mature, the previous year's fruits are often present on the bushes during the next flowering season. The relationship of A. mitchellii to the other members of the Pulchellae is not clear. It is the only species in the Series which occurs outside Western Australia. Two important characters, eglandulose leaves (but see below), and free (not united) sepals, are found only in this species. In addition, the combination of ebracteate peduncle bases, longitudinal seeds, and firmly chartaceous legumes (rare in the Pulchellae ), is not found elsewhere in this group. Also, according to Vassal (1965), the sequence of seedling leaf develop- ment in A. mitchellii differs from that of the other species of Pulchellae studied by that author. In the description above, the leaves of this species are said to be eglandu- lose. Certainly no clearly defined gland occurs on the petiole or rachis as in other members of the Pulchellae (excluding A. insolita , which is included in this revision only for convenience). However, sometimes there occurs on the rachis a very obscure depression which could be interpreted as an ex- tremely reduced gland. An anatomical study is required to check this possi- bility. 22. Acacia drewiana W. V. Fitzg. in Maiden, J. Roy. Soc. N.S.W. 51 :273 (1917). Type: Cannington, W. V. Fitzgerald. Feb. 1905 (holo: NSW; iso; PERTH). Small shrub 20-60 cm tall, sometimes suckering, dividing at ground level into many spreading to erect branches; branches flexuose, finely ribbed, indumentum various; axillary spines absent. Stipules scarious or spinescent. Leaves bipinnate, decurrent, indumentum as on branches (except for pinnules); petiole absent (i.e. proximal pair of pinnae arise at junction of leaf axis and branch); rachis 5 20 mm long, quite rigid, somewhat dilated towards Uie base; terminal seta variable, sometimes spinescent, 1-5-11 mm long, straight or refiexed; pinnae 1-3 (4) pairs; pinna rachis 1-5-8 (10) mm long, apex sometimes distinctly flattened and straight to reflexed; pinnules narrowly oblong, 2-5-6 (8) x ca. 1 mm, recurved to revolute, somewhat thickened, „reen to glaucous, glabrous to puberulous, nerveless above, prominently I -nerved below. Gland on multijugate leaves; situated on upper surface of rachis at (or some distance below) insertion of pinnae; on unijugate leaves: situated on upper surface of terminal seta near its base: often inconspicuous. Inflorescences simple; peduncles solitary, 7-20 mm long, densely shortly pilose 471 to hispidulous, basal bracts minute and normally absent at anthesis; flower heads globular, 6-10 mm diarn. at anthesis, with 14-35 flowers. Bracetoles ! -5-2 mm long, shortly pilose; claws linear; laminae narrow, straight or slightly inflexed. — concave. Flowers 5-merous: calyx 2/3 length of corolla, divided for ca. 1 2 its length into oblong ciliolate lobes which sometimes have a few additional conspicuous spreading white hairs at the apex, prominently 5-nerved, tube glabrescent; petals 2-3 mm long, prominently 1 -nerved, glabrous to puberulous; ovary glabrous. Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong. 15-45 x 5-7 mm, flat to slightly undulate, raised over seeds, moder- ately to densely shortly pilose, dark brownish; margins not contracted between the seeds, thickened, light to dark brown. Seeds (as to subsp. pimgens only) longitudinal in legume, elliptic. 4x3 ram, black, dull, minutely roughened; pleurogram fine, continuous or open towards the hilum : fun icle less than I mm long, expanded into a once-folded yellowish aril which is somewhat dilated at the hilum. In his original description of A. drewiana , Fitzgerald described the flowers as 4-merous; however, as can be seen from the description above, they are 5-merous. Acacia drewiana is unique within the series Pulehellae in that its primary leaf axis is not articulated on the branch. Instead it is decurrent and in this respect A. drewiana can be likened to the phyllodinous species in the series Continuae ( Bentham, 1864). The lowermost pair of pinnae arise at the junction of the primary leaf axis and the branch so that no petiole is developed. In its hairy branches, recurved to revolute pinnules, and hairy, ebracleate peduncles, A. drewiana superficially resembles A. preissiana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin and A. plieata B. R. Maslin. Acacia drewiana is distinguished from both these species by its habit, flexuose, branches, decurrent leaves, and absence of petiole. Key to subspecies la. Pinnae consistently 1 pair: terminal seta pungent. Rare. (Near Wannamal) c. subsp. pungens (Figs. 31J-K) b. Pinnae more than 1 pair (a few unijugate leaves may occur among the mullijugate ones)- terminal seta not pungent . .. " 2 2a. Apex of pinna rachis conspicuously flattened and prominently reflexed; pinnules 4-6 mm long; calyx lobes ciliolate and with additional conspicuous, spreading hairs at the apex (Near Armadale to Bindoon) a. subsp. drewiana (Figs. 31 A-lj b. Apex of pinna rachis not conspicuously flattened, straight; pinnules 2-5-4 mm long- calyx lobes ciliolate. without additional longer hairs. (Wongan Hills: Kukerin to Lake King) b. subsp. minor (Figs. 31 L-O). 22a. subsp. drewiana — Figs. 31 A-I Shrub 30-60 cm tall; branches quite stout, puberulous, hispidulous or shortly pilose. Stipules 1 -5-2-5 x 0-3-0-5 mm, base slightly thickened Rachis 5-20 mm long, rigid, prominently thickened, ribbed above and below (upper rib channelled above); terminal seta variable, linear to narrowly triangu- lar, 2 11 mm long, straight or reflexed, rather rigid but not pungent; pinnae Figure 31 — Acacia drewiana. A to t— subsp. drewiana: A Portion of branch system B to D- Pinnule variation (lower surface). E— Inflorescence. F — Flower (note conspicuous hairs on calyx lobes). G to H -Bracteoles. I Node showing stipules (s) decurrent primary leal axis (la), and flattened reflexed pinna rachis apices (a). .1 to K subs'p ptmeens • .1 Portion of branch showing spinesoent stipules (s), and decurrent spinescent terminal seta (t). K Seed. L to O subsp. minor: 1. Flower. M to O — Pinnule variation (M and N — lower surface: O — upper surface). A from W. M. Came s.n.; B, C, E and H from H. Steedman s.n.: D and I from B R Maslin 3217: F and G from C. A. Gardner s.n. : J from Julia Wells s.n. (the type)- K from I S Georee 5937; L, N and O from A S. George 4447 (the type); M from M. D. Tindate 226' and B R Mas! in. 472 M N O G-fi.Mag/'-n. /9V4- (1) 2-3 pairs; pinna rachis 4-8 (10) mm long, ribbed above, apex flattened oblong to elliptic 2-3 mm long reflexed and ribbed below; pinnules 2-4 (5) pairs. 4-6 (8) x ca. 1 mm, recurved to revolute, dark green above, subglaucous below, glabrous to sparsely puberulous. Peduncles 10-20 mm long; flower heads 8-10 mm diam. at anthesis. with 25-35 flowers. Calyx lobes ciliolate and with a few additional conspicuous, spreading, white hairs (0 -5-2 mm long) at the apex; petals 2-5-3 mm long, glabrous to glabrescent. Legumes 30-40 x 6-7 mm. Seeds n.v. Distribution and habitat: (Map 5) South-west Western Australia: occurring in a somewhat restricted area from Wongong Brook (about 35 km SE of Perth) northward to near Bindoon (about 80 km NE of Perth). This subspecies appears to favour sandy loam, often in low-lying areas near swamps. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Wongong Brook near Armadale, IV. M. Cains s.n., 30 May 1924 (NSW- fragment, Perthl; Muchea, C. A. Gardner s.n., April 1928; Cannington, A. J. Gray s.n.. I960; About 0-5 km E of Muehea turn-off on Great Northern Highway, B. R. Mastin 3217 (BRI. CANB. MEL. PERTH): About 3-4 km E of Muchea turn-off on Great Northern Highway, B. R. Mastin 3220B (B. K, NY. PERTH); Muchea, H. Steedman s.n., April 1928 (MEL 49333, PERTH): Darling Range behind Gosnells, L. Steenhahm s.n., 10 Feb. I960 (NSW fragment, PERTH). Flowering period: April-July. Acacia drewiana subsp. drewiana is more closely related to subsp. minor than to subsp. pungens — see these taxa for differentiating characters. 22b. subsp. minor B. R. Maslin subsp. nov. — Fig. 31 L-O Frutex nanus, 20^45 (60) cm altus; rami plerumque dense puberuli. Rhachis 5-1 1 (15) mm longa; pinnae 2-3 (4)-jugae; rhachis pinnarum 3-8 mm longa; pinmdae 2-5-4 mm longae, manifeste revolutae, plerumque modice puberulae. Type: Lake Camm turn-off, Newdegate-Lake King road, Western Australia, 25 May 1963 A. S. George 4447 (holo: PERTH: iso: CANB, NSW. PERTH). Shrub 20-45 (60) cm tall, sometimes suckering; branches slender, densely puberulous, rarely glabrescent, light brown. Rachis 5-11 (15) mm long, rather rigid, not prominently ribbed above or below; terminal seta narrowly triangular, 1-5-2 mm long, slightly thickened towards the base, often dark brown: pinnae 2-3 (4) pairs; pinna rachis 3-8 mm long, apex narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular ca. 1 mm long slightly thickened often dark brown and straight to slightly reflexed: pinnules 2-5-4 mm long, prominently revolute, thickened, often glaucous, normally moderately puberulous. Flower heads 6-7 mm diam. at anthesis, with 22-24 flowers. Calyx moderately puberulous (lobes lack the additional long, spreading hairs of subsp. drewiana ); petals 2 mm long, puberulous at apex. Legumes and seeds not seen in mature state. Distribution and habitat: (Map 5) South-west Western Australia: this sub- species has been collected from two widely separated regions, the first about 300 km due south-east of Perth from near Kukerin eastward to the Lake King district, and the second from near Wongan Hills which is about 150 km north-east of Perth. Future sampling of suitable habitats may indicate whether these occurrences represent a real, or only an apparent, disjunct distribution. A similar distributional pattern exists in A. moirii E. Pritzel subsp. recurvis- tipula B. R. Maslin. Acacia drewiana subsp. minor grows in laterite or sandy laterite among dense sandplain scrub. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 2-2 mi N of Wongan Hills, E. M. Scrymgeour 2095 (CANB PERTH); 1 1 mi E of Newdegate on the road to Lake King, M. D. Tindale 226 and B R Mastin. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from about May to July; immature fruiting specimens have been collected in August and September. 474 Acacia drewiana subsp. minor is more closely related to the typical sub- species than to subsp. pungens B. R. Maslin. From the former taxon it differs in having more slender branches, somewhat smaller leaves and flower heads, less rigid rachides which are not as prominently dilated at the base, narrower and dr straight pinna rachis apices, and calyx lobes without additional conspicuous, white, spreading hairs at the apex. The distribution of these two subspecies does not overlap; subsp. drewiana is more or less restricted to the region of Perth, whereas subsp. minor occurs much further inland. The normal habit of subsp. minor is an openly branched shrub 20-45 cm tall with is main stem dividing at ground level into many slender, quite rigid, spreading to erect, flexuose branches. Sometimes however, it grows beneath tall shrubs within dense vegetation; in these situations its branches become slightly elongated (to 60 cm), lax. and more or less prostrate. A similar example of phenotypic plasticity occurs in A, moirii subsp, recurvistipula. The subspecific epithet was selected to reflect the overall smaller nature of this taxon relative to subsp. drewiana. 22c. subsp. pungens B. R. Maslin subsp. nov. Fig. 3\J-K Rami antrorse puberuli. Stipules ± spinescentes. Seta terminals 10-18 mm longa, subulata, spinescens; pinnae unijugatae: rhachis pinnarum 1 -5-4-5 mm longa; pinnulae 2-3-jugae, manifeste revolutae, glabratae. Pedunculi 7 10 mm longi. Type: Boxvale, Miss Julia Wells s.n. (holo: MEL 49593). Branches antrorsely puberulous. Stipules spinescent. 5-6 mm long, straight or reflexed. Terminal seta 10 18 mm long, rigid, subulate, spinescent, straight or re flexed : pinnae 1 pair; pinna rachis 1 - 5-4-5 mm long, apex linear; pinnules 2-3 pairs, prominently revolute, glabreseent. Gland situated on upper surface of terminal seta near its base. Peduncles 7-10 mm long \ flowers 14-16 per head. Calyx lobes ciliolate (without the additional spreading hairs of supsp. drewiana); corolla ca. 2 mm long. Seeds — see species description. Distribution and habitat: (Map 5) South-west Western Australia; recorded from Boxvale (the location of which is somewhat doubtful) and from near Wannamal (about 95 km north of Perth). The only information to hand regarding the habitat requirements of subsp. pungens is that the Wannamal specimen was collected in gravelly soil in Wandoo woodland (Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 7 miles E of Wannamal, A. S. George 5937, 8 Nov. 1963 — in fruit (NSW, PERTH). Acacia drewiana subsp. pungens is a rare taxon. The consistently uni- jugate leaves and the large, subulate, pungent terminal setae readily distinguish it "from the other subspecies. Superficially it resembles some forms of A. lasiocarpa Benth., but there is no real affinity between these taxa. Throughout this revision, the apical portion of the primary leaf axis distal to the uppermost pair of pinnae (even when only one pair is present) has been referred to as the terminal seta (see Maslin, 1972). To remain con- sistent. the large, subulate, pungent structure which forms the entire leaf axis on subsp. pungens. is called the terminal seta, although perhaps more accurately it should be termed the rachis. The subspecific epithet refers to the pungent terminal seta which is diag- nostic for this taxon. 23. Acacia gilbertii Mcisn. in Lehm., Plant. Preiss. 2:204 (1848). Type: "Swan River, 'Vasse and Augusta road’, m. Dec. 1842. Gilbert. No. 50." (iso: K— photograph seen) — Fig. 32 Acacia nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. var. suhraeemosa Meisn. in Lehm.. Plant Preiss. 2:204 (1848). Type: “ Swan River, Drummond, coll. II. No. 157.” (iso: K— photograph seen: MEL 49404 — probable isotype). 475 Shrub ca. 1 m tall; branches finely ribbed, red to brown, smooth, glabrous; axillary spines absent. Stipules caducous. Leaves bipinnate, glabrous; petiole prominent, 8-14 mm long, the vertically flattened rib above dilated towards the terminal seta: rachis 5-10 mm long; pinnae 1 (2) pairs; pinna rachis 20-40 mm long: pinnules 3-7 pairs, normally narrowly oblong, 8-20 x 3-5 mm, flat, light green (reddish on new shoots), midvein fine, a second less conspicuous nerve often diverges from the petiolule. Gland obliquely terminating rib on upper surface of petiole below proximal pinnae, an additional gland present or absent on upper surface of rachis below distal pinnae in 2-jugate leaves; a small gland sometimes occurs on upper surface of pinna rachis below in- sertion of lowermost pair of pinnules; sessile, oval, 0-6-1 -5 mm long, lip not prominent. Inflorescences simple but sometimes apparently racemose due to leaf reduction; peduncles 1-2 per axil, glabrous, base ebracteate at anthesis; flower heads white, globular, with 2-8 flowers. Bracteoles sessile, caducous. Flowers 4-merous, glabrous: calyx 1 5-1 4 length of corolla, truncate or sinuate-toothed, nerveless: petals 2-3 mm long, free, nerveless or obscurely 1 -nerved: ovary stipitate. glabrous. Legumes hard and somewhat brittle, narrowly oblong, 10-30 x 4-5 mm. flat, slightly raised over seeds, glabrous, light to dark brown: margins not contracted between seeds, thickened. Seeds longitudinal in legume, oblong to elliptic, 3-5-4 x 2-2-5 mm, dark brown, shiny; pleurogram prominent, continuous or with a narrow opening towards the hilum; funicle filiform, abruptly expanded into a thickened once-folded aril. Distribution: (Map II) South-west Western Australia: occurring sporadically from York southward to near Augusta and Denmark. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 6-5 mi W of Pemberton, E. M. Bennett 3203 (B, MO, PERTH); Near Nannup, W. E. Blackall s.n., late Dec. 1930; Dryandra, A. L. Clifton 10; Western Aus- tralia, J. Drummond 314 (MEL); Denmark, C. A. Gardner 407; Pemberton. M. Kocli 2271 (MEL); Between 187 and 188 mile pegs on Bussell Highway, B. R. Maslin 476 (AD. MEL- NSW, PERTH): 5 mi S of Witchdiffe on Bussell Highway, B. R. Muslin 1603; Mount Bake, well, Preiss 891 (MEL); Forest Grove, R. D. Royce 3977; 4 mi from York, O. H. Sargent s.n., 22 June 1924. Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from December to March; mature legumes appear in August and persist on some bushes until December. Bentham (1864, p.4 1 7) included the type of A. nigricans (Labill.) R.Br. var. subracemosa Meisn. (Drummond 11:157) in the list of specimens cited under A. gilbertii. Mr. L. Pedley, while Australian Botanical Liaison Officer at Kew in 1972, compared the types of these two taxa (which are mounted on the same herbarium sheet) and commented that they agree with each other in almost every detail. The present author has inspected a photograph (from Kew) of these types and it is apparent that they represent the same taxon. The white. 4-merous flowers, and the small, truncate or sinuate-toothed calyces render A. gilbertii unique within the series Pulchellae. It is interesting to note the similarity in flower structure between this species and the phyllo- dinous taxa, A. myrtifolia (Sm.) Willd. and A. celastrifolia Benth. Other interesting characters found in A. gilbertii include its ebracteate peduncles, 2 to 8 flowers per head, sessile caducous bracteoles, stipitate ovaries, and longitudinal seeds. Acacia gilbertii is not closely related to any species in the Pulchellae but as it has smooth, glabrous, red to brown branches, and large pinnules, it bears a superficial resemblance to A. leioderma B. R. Maslin. In addition to the Figure 32 — Acacia gilbertii. A— portion of branch system. B--Node. C- Inflorescenec. D -Flower showing ± truncate calyx. E— Stipitate ovary. F— Gland (g) obliquely ter- minating the vertically flattened rib on upper surface of petiole (p). G — Legume. H— Seed. A from R. D. Royce 3977 ; B, F-H from B. R. Maslin 1603; C-E from Blackall s.n. 476 477 long axis of legume characters mentioned above, A. gilbertii is distinguished from this species by its caducous stipules, longer petioles, normally unijugate leaves, and the absence of glands between the distal pinnules on the pinnae rechides. 24. Acacia insolita E. Pritzel. Bot. Jb. 35:310. f.36 (1904). Svntypes: “Hab. in distr. Darling australi pr. Greenbushes in silvis umbrosis glareosis lior. m. August. (D.3835, E. Pritzel PI. Austr. occid. 1013)." (Iso-Pritzel 1013: AD. NSW, W.) — Fig. 33 Slinib normally 30-60 cm tall, probably producing suckers; branchlets ribbed (ribs yellow), green to brown, glabrous or sometimes puberulous; axillary spines absent. Stipules ± narrowly oblong, 1-2 (6) mm long, glabrous or ciliolate. light brown. Leaves dimorphic, indumentum as on branchlets. Bipinnate foliage (normally confined to lower part of plant): petiole 7-25 mm long. ± terete to somewhat vertically flattened, straight, lateral rib normally conspicuous; terminal seta 1-2 mm long; pinnae 1 pair; pinna rachis 20-30 (45) mm long, ribbed above; pinnules 6-10 pairs, elliptic to narrowly elliptic or somewhat ovate, (3) 4-8 x 1 -5-2-5 (4) mm, flat, subglaucous, concolorous, smooth or obscurely wrinkled, nerveless to obscurely I -nerved (sometimes with an obscure second nerve diverging from the petiolule), minutely apiculate: gland absent. Phyllodes (confined to upper part of branches): linear. 10-60 x 1-3 mm, flat, midrib prominent, shortly apiculate (apiculum straight on uncinate); pulvinus 0-5-1 mm long, obscurely rugose; gland absent. Inflores- cences simple; peduncles solitary, normally confined to the axil of the phyllodes, 6-12 mm long, minutely puberulous, base ebracteate at anthesis: flower heads yellow, globular, 7-9 mm diam. at anthesis. with 14-17 flowers. Bracteoles 11-5 mm long. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 1 2 length of corolla, divided for ca. 1 / 4 its length into oblong to triangular ciliolate lobes, tube glabrous to sparsely puberulous and normally prominently 5-nerved: petals ca. 2-5 mm long, glabrous, 1 -nerved (nerve thickened and prominent at apex of petals). Legumes somewhat hard and brittle, narrowly oblong, 45-50 x 7 mm, reticulate, flat, slightly raised over seeds, glabrous, light to dark brown; margins not (or only slightly) contracted between seeds, prominently thickened, yellow. Seeds transverse to oblique in legume, orbicular to broadly elliptic, 3—3 - 5 x 3 mm, flattened, dark brown, shiny; pleurogram continuous; aerole 1-5x1 mm; funicle filiform, reflexed below a straight abruptly thickened aril. Distribution and habitat: (Map II) South-west Western Australia: lateritic soil in the Darling Range from Dwellingup to the Bridgetown district; this species has also been collected further to the east from between Pingelly and Narrogin. WESTERN AUSTRALIA; Collie, C. Andrews s.n„ July 1905 (NSW, PERTH) also Oct. 1913; Lowden. M. Koch 2152 (MEL, NSW, PERTH); Approximately 14 mi E of Dwellingup tT. Loneragan 332; West of Popanyining, F. LuUfitz 1786; Darkan West, F. Lullfitz s.n., 20 July 1962; Marradong, N. G. Marc-hunt 4; 7 mi E of Donnybrook on road to Collie, B. R. Mashn 615 (AD, MEL. NSW, PERTH); 45 mi SE of Boyup Brook on road to Cranbrook, B. R. Maslin 632; Narrogin, A. J. Mitesi s.n., July 1940; Bridgetown, /. Olsen 641 (NSW). Flowering and fruiting period: Flowers from late June to August; mature legumes have been collected in early December. The mature foliage in A. insolita consists of phyllodes; the bipinnate leaves which occur lower down the branch appear to be persistent throughout the life of the plant. Juvenile plants (where phyllodes have not yet developed) Figure 33 Acacia insolita. A- Mature plant with phyllodes at apex of branches and bi- pinnate foliage towards base. B Phvllode. C Bipinnate leaf with long petiole (p) D — Legume. E- Seed. F —Flower head. A from C. Andrews s.n., July 1905; B-C from N. G. Marchant 4; D-E from C Andrews s n Oct. 1931 ; F from F. Lullfitz 1786. 478 long axis of I eg u me 479 can be recognized by their relatively large, unijugate leaves, their long, eglandu- lose petioles, and their flat, minutely apiculate, quite numerous pinnules. Inflorescences are generally not developed until the mature, phyllodinous foliage is produced. Judging from some herbarium sheets, it appears likely that A. insolita produces suckers: however, this is yet to be confirmed by field observations. Because A. insolita has traditionally been included in the Pulchellae, I have accepted it for the purpose of the present revision. However, it is highly unlikely that the natural affinity of this species is with the Pulchellae; the develop- ment of phyllodes alone would exclude it from this Series. Also, the eglandu- petioles are very unusual for this group. The true position of A. insolita within the genus Acacia is somewhat obscure. Dubious names Acacia suhtilis Hoffmannsegg, Verz. Pflkult. Nachtr. 2:43 (1826). This species was described from vegetative material; it was apparently cultivated under the name A. pulchella. Having examined the original description of A. suhtilis T am unable to apply this name with certainty to any known member of the Pulchellae. Excluded species Acacia shirleyana Dornin., Bibl. Bot., Stuttgart 89:826 (1926) Dichrostachys spicata (F. Muell.) Dornin. \ have examined the type of A. shirleyana , “N.W. Australia: inter Hum. Ashburton et De Gray River, legit E. Clement”— PR) and this specimen is definitely Dichrostachys spicata. Tt is interesting to note that in the same publication as A. shirleyana was described, Dornin made the new combination D. spicata (based on Neptunia spicata F. Muell.) and cited the following specimens: "zwischen Ashburton— und Yule. Ashburton— und De Gray River, E. Clement. It will be noted that the second locality is identical to the one given on the type of A. shirleyana. Acknowledgements Assistance with the revision of the Pulchellae has been received from many sources both at the institutional and personal level. Although it is not possible to mention everyone individually, the author extends his sincerest thanks to all those from whom help has been received. Special mention must be made of the generosity of the National Herbarium of Victoria for donating to the W.A. Herbarium fragments of many Acacia type specimens (including some Pul- chellae.) I am particularly indebted to Mr. Arthur Court (CBG) for his valuable advice on some nomenclatural matters and in particular for allowing me access to much of his manuscript material on Australian Acacia species. Mr. Alex George is also gratelully acknowledged tor checking my Latin des- criptions. References BEN ™ 3 18-39-7 (l842) ~ Noles on Mimoseae, with a Synopsis of Species. Lond. .1. Bot. Beniham, G. (1855) — Mimoseae. Plantae Muellerianae. Linnaea 26 : 603-630 Bentham, G. (1864)— Flora Australiensis, vol. 2. Reeve, London Bemtham, G. (1875)— Revision of the Suborder Mimoseae. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 30:336- Brown, R. (1813)- Acacia. In W. & W. T. Aiton, Hortus Kewensis. Ed 2 5- 459-473 London. ' Candolle, A. P. De (1825) — Acacia. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis 2- 448-473 Court A B. (1972)-- Mnnosaceae. In J. H. Willis, A Handbook to Plants in Victoria vol. z, Melb. Uni. Press. DON Lon d CaCh ' A General Histor y of the Dichlamydeous Plants, 2: 401-423. GAR Soc R W C A A 9( < l') 92 3 3 7l4^° ntribUti0nS t0 the Fi ° ra ° f Western Australia. No. 2. J. Roy. 480 Hooker, W. J. (1852) — Acacia cycnorum. Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 78 t. 4653. Jackson, B. D. (1928) — A Glossary of Botanic Terms, ed. 4. Hafner, New York. Koch, K. (1858) Die Akazien aus der Abtheilung der Pulehellae. Ally. Gartenz., Berlin 26: 193-198, Maslin, B. R. ( 1972) —Studies in the genus Acacia 1. Nuytsia I (3): 254-260. Mlisner, C. F. (1844)- Acacia. In J. G. C. Lehamnn. Planlae Preissiana 1: 3 -23 Hamburg. Meisner, C. F. ( 1848)- Acacia. In .1. G. C. Lehmann. Plantae Preissiana 2: 199-206. Hamburg. Pritzll, E. (1904) Acacia. In L. Diels and E. Prit/el. Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae Occidentalis. Bot. Jb. 35: 276-314. Ross, J. H. (1972)— The Acacia Species of Natal, ed. 2, Publ. by the Natal branch of the Wildlife Protection and Conservation Society of South Africa. Ross, J. H. ( 1973) Towards a Classification of the African Acacias. Bothalia 11(1 and 2): 107-113. Vassal, J. (1965) Contribution a I'etude des premiers stades foliaires dans le genre Acacia. Trav. Lab. Forest. Toulouse Tom. 1, Vol. 6, Art. 23, pp 1-9. Vassal, . 1 . (1970) — Contribution a I'etude de la inorphologie des plantulcs d'Acacia. Acacias insulaires des oceans Indien et Paciliquc: Australie, Formose. lies Maurice et Hawaii. 11. Les Acacias bipennes: Pulehellae. Botryocephalae. Gummil'erae. Trav. Lab. Forest. Toulouse Tom. I. Vol. 8, Art. 14, pp. 1-32. pi. 1. Vassal, J. (1971)— Contribution a I'etude morphologique des graines d'Acacia. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 107: 191-246. Wjlldenow, C. L. (1809) — Acacia ciliata. Enum. plant, hort. Berol. p. 1055. Willis. .1. LI. (1953) — The Archipelago of the Recherche. Part 3a Land flora. Aust. Geogr. Soc. Rep. No. I . Willis, J. H. (1959) Plants of the Recherche Archipelago, W. A. Muellena 1 (2): 97-101. Windler. D. R. (1966)— A Revision of the genus Neplunia (Leguminosae). Aust. J. Bot. 14 (3): 379-420. 481 Map 1— Distribution of Acacia megacephala, A. pulchella var. fagonioides, var. glaberrima. and var. goadbyi. 482 Map 2 — Distribution of Acacia pulchellci var. pulchella, var. reflexa and var. stibsess/lis. 483 41539-141 Map 3 — Distribution of Acacia Icisiocarpa var. lasiocarpa, var. sedifolia and var. villosa. 484 485 Map 5 — Distribution of Acacia drewiana and A. moirii. 486 Map 6 Distribution of Acacia browniana, A. grisea , and A. nigricans. 487 Map 7 — Distribution of Acacia empclioclada, A. laleriticola and A. leiodenna. 488 Map 8 — Distribution of Acacia luteola, A. pentadenia, A. plicata, A. preissiana, A. subrace- mosa and A. tayloriana. 489 Map ') Distribution of Acacia varia. 490 Map 10— Distribution of Acacia drummondii. 41539 — ( 5 ) 491 Map II Distribution of Acacia clepressa, A. gilbertii , A. insolita and A. newbeyi. 492 Index to names New names are in bold type, accepted names in Roman, refer to the page. Acacia biglandulosa Meisn. browniana H. Wendl. var. brevifolia (Meisn.) Seem, var. endlicheri (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin var. intermedia (E. Pritzel) B. R. Maslin var. obscura (A. DC.) B. R. Maslin candolteana Meisn. ciliata R.Br. ... var. brevifolia (Meisn.) Macbride var. intermedia (E. Pritzel) Macbride cvcnorum auct. cycnorum Benth. var. minittifolia Meisn var. sedifolia Meisn. cygnorunv. vide A. cycnorum .... denudata Lehm. ex Meisn var. gracilis Meisn. var. spinosissima Meisn depressa B. R. Maslin drewiana W. V. Eitzg subsp. minor B. R. Maslin subsp. pungens B. R. Maslin drummondii I indl. var. candalleana (Meisn.) Domin subsp. candolleana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin subsp. elegans B. R. Maslin var. major Benth. var. ovoidea Benth. var. parviflora Benth. var. t\ pica E. Pritzel echinata B. R. Maslin empelioelada B. R. Maslin endlicheri Meisn. erioclada Hort. ex Koch fagonioides Benth. gilbertii Meisn. goadbyi Domin grandis Hort. ex Henl'rey grisea S. Moore hispidissirna A. DC. ignorata K. Koch insolita E. Pritzel iunata Hort. ex K. Koch lanuginosa Hort. ex Regel iasiocarpa Benth. var. bracteolata B. R. Maslin var. epacantha B. R. Maslin var. sedifolia (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin var. villosa (E. Pritzel) B. R. Maslin lateriticola B. R. Maslin leioderma B. R. Maslin luteola B. R. Maslin megacephala B. R. Maslin mitcheliii Benth. moirii E. Pritzel subsp. dasycarpa B. R. Maslin subsp. recurvistipula B. R. Maslin neilii Hort. ex Seemann newbeyi B. R. Maslin nigricans auct nigricans (l.abill.) R.Br. var. subracemosa Meisn obscura auct obscura A. DC. var. canescens Meisn. var. moiriana E. Pritzel var. preissiana Meisn. others in italics. Numbers 433, 43 444 425 427 431 428 430 467 425, 453 427 428 433 409 411 411 409 402 402 402 422 471 474 475 464 467 467 468 467 453 462 466 422 436 431 402 405 475 403 402 432 402 438 478 402 397 409 415 416 411 414 433 442 453 407 470 417 419 420 444 423 442 438 475 438, 448 430 453 436 448 493 pelloiae C. A. Gardner 468 pentadenia Hort. ex K. Koch .... .... 438 pentadenia Lindl 444 plicata B. R. Maslin 451 preissiana Lehm. .... 448 preissiana (Meisn.) B. R. Maslin .... .... .... .... .... .... 448 pseudodrummondii Herincq 468 pulchella R.Br. 397 var. cycnorum (Benth.) E. Pritzel 409 var. denudata (Lehm. ex Meisn.) E. Pritzel 402 Subvar. spinossisima (Meisn.) E. Pritzel 402 subvar. typica E. Pritzel 402 var. fagonioides (Benth.) Macbride 405 var. glaberrima Meisn. 402 var. goadbyi (Domin) B. R. Maslin 403 var. hispidissima auct. .... 399 var. hispidissima (A. DC.) Meisn 402 var. hispidula Meisn. 399 var. reflexa B. R. Maslin 401 var. subsessilis B. R. Maslin 406 var. villosa E. Pritzel .... 414 rutaefolia auct. 442 rutaefolia Link. .... .... .... . .. .... .... .... .... .... 438 shirleyana Domin .... .... .. . .... .... .. . .... .... .... 480 strigosa Link .... 425 var. borealis E. Pritzel 433 var. brevifolia Meisn. 427 var. endlicheri (Meisn.) Benth 431 var. intermedia E. Pritzel .... .... 428 subracemosa B. R. Maslin 446 subtiUs Hoffmannsegg 480 tayloriana F. Muell. 450 varia B. R. Maslin 456 var. affinis B. R. Maslin 461 var. crassinervis B. R. Maslin 459 var. parviflora (Benth.) B. R. Maslin 462 Dichrostachys spicata (F. Muell.) Domin .... .... .... .... .... .... 480 Mimosa nigricans Labi 1 1 ... 438 Mimosa pulchella ( R.Br.) Poir .... .... .... .... . .. .... .... 397 Publication date of Volume 1, Number 4 The publication date of Volume 1, Number 4 was 23 May 1974. 41539/9/74— 1M WILLIAM C. BROWN, Government Printer, Western Australia I CONTENTS Page Studies in the genus Acacia (Mimosaceae) — 4 . A Revision of the Series Pulchellae. By B. R. Maslin 388 Publication date of Volume 1 , Number 4 494