OBSERVATIONS AND DIS COVERIES MADE UPON HORSES, WITH A New Method of Shoeing, By the Sieur LA FOSSE, Farrier to the King of France. With COPPER-PLATES. LONDON, Printed for J. Nourse at the Lamb oppofite Katherine- Street in the Strand, MDCCLVT THE EDITOR'S PREFACE TO THE READER. I N C E experimental philofophy has been fo happily propagated by the learned of our own nation ; it has been Spread and adopted into all the feminaries of Europe wherever the native curiofity of mankind,gratified and improved by an application to the liberal arts, has prevail- ed. It is to this we owe, this day, the benefits arifing to mankind, from the progrefs made in phyfic and furgery -, it is to this we owe the remov- al of prejudices in every part of learning, ana the replacing of it with certainties and plain truths -, and it is in a word from this the recipro- cal benefits accruing from one nation to another, by their improvements and inventions, daily arife. However negligently the difeafes of horfes have been heretofore committed to the care of the mojl ignorant among mankind ; the great ufe thefe ani- mals are of in the œconomy of life has at loft point- ed out to men of fenfe and learning to take them into their confederation : Comparative anatomy has excited them, and the great Similarity of part s ', A 2 offices, W0077G [iv] offices, and funtlions in the ftruïïurt of a horfe with thofe of human nature ', was a fujjicient allure- ment to invite gentlemen to take them under a more mature confederation, and to refcue the noble ani- mals from the hands of the, moft illiterate empi- rics. I do not intend to expatiate upon the ufe and im- portance of thefe animals in life, as they are evi- dent already to every obferver ; / mean only to give fome little account of the improvements made by the Sieur la Fojfe upon farriery in the following treatife -, which 1 am the more ready to do that thofe of my countrymen, whofe concerns require the employment of horfes, may profit of it in their ma- nagement and the cure of their difeafes. Nor would I in the leaft forget the fen/ible trea- tifes wrote and publifloed by our own authors Gib- fon, Bracken, and Bartlet, who have treated the fubjetl in a learned manner, and who made early and ingenious fleps towards reducing it to a ra- tional fyfl em, well knowing it was a matter of weight enough to engage the mojl faga clous in the improvement ofan art, from which Jo confiderable a benefit ari/es to the greater, and indeed thefuperior, part of mankind. But I Jfoould think myfelf wanting in the duty I ewe my country, if I did not propagate among them, whatever occurred to me that might tend to fuch laudable ends, in the mofil fpeedy and b eft manner I could. And t here fore as foon as this valuable little book come to ray hands, I took care to tak; 2 the [v] the proper meafures for communicating, to the pub* tic, thofe ufefitl hints that appeared in it upon the moji important points of farriery ; being additional difcoveries to what has already been ever made in any country. 'This author then has given the Anatomy of a horfe's foot, and in the moji clear manner laid down the different degrees of puntlures a horfe is liable to, and their different confequences, which he has carefully dcmonfirated by proper reprefentations in copper plates, as well as amply provided for in the method of cure, as far as human /kill and pe- netration can go ; and in the whole, it appears that he is very well verfed in the anatomical di- flribution of the parts of a horfe, or has been afftfted by fome able anatomift -, and from his ob- fervations on the parts, he has found that farriers were perpetually rowelling, cauterifing, and apply- ing topical medicines to parts of horfes that had no ailment, by their ignorance of fuch as were the real feats of their dif orders'. Another important difcovery of this author is his pointing out the true feat of the glanders, which has always been thought a difeafe of the lungs ; Mr. Bartlet, one of our Englifh authors has ap- proved and adopted his doclrine, and has added fome judicious remarks of his own upon it ; by whicb he merits the thanks of his countrymen in general. I /hall only take the liberty to add briefly a word or [vi] or two concerning two other points of as great mo- ment as thofe mentioned ; the firft is his applica- tion of the powder of the Puff-balls to ftop the blood in divided arteries, and the other is an im- provement upon the manner of /hoeing horfes. As to the firft he has made fuch undeniable expe- riments in cafes of amputation of limbs and other parts, that the certificates of the Royal Academy cf Sciences at Paris were readily granted him, as will be feen in the fequel of his book -, and indeed the great benefit of this difcovery does not ftop here ; it will be extended to cafes of amputation in man- kind, and be capable of taking away a confiderable part of their pain as well as other accidents that fometimes attend the ufual methods in furgery, of providing againft dangerous hemorrhages. And in a word, the reader will find many cu- rious remarks upon the methods of fijoeing, which it were to be wifhed, our farriers will foon come into ; and many precautions which cannot fail of giving great fatisfatlion, as well as conduce very much to the profit of all keepers of horfes. We muft inform the reader •, further that (as our ingenious author has tranflated the chief part of Mr. Bartlet's 12th chapter upon l he difeafes of horfes in this book, we have thought it neceffary to tran- fcribe the Englijh original here, becaufe it contains the fcope of the Sieur la Voffe^s difcoveries upon the glanders ; and becaufe Mr. Bartlet, befides trepanning as our author mentions it for this dif- eafe, direcls keeping open another hole, which he calls the lower hole, with a leaden hollow tent, to, 2 [ viii ] to let the matter run off -, this lower hole appears by the foregoing paragraphs to be made into the maxillary finus, by perforation in the place of a tooth drawn for that purpofe ; and this hint is wifely taken from the invention of Drake and Cooper, which makes Mr. Bartlet compare the czcena and its method of cure to the glanders, and from thence add the keeping open this lower hole in the manner mentioned above ; as well as that en the horfe's cheek, opened by the trepan, as invent- ed by the Sieur la Foffe ; nor indeed can it be thought, in our opinion, an ufelefs addition -, we muft further add that the inftrument referred to by Mr. Bartlet in the adjoining paragraph, is no other than the trepan, which this author has added to his copy of the Sieur la Foffè' s plate of the head of a horfe. ERRATA. Page Line ii 13 for cup or. r. cut in the capfula 12 10 r. 4. the holes. 16 1 for coronary, r. coronet Ibid. 2 for which was difcufied, r. they refolved upon drawing the fole. Ibid. 16 for harnefled, r. put to 27 8 for by, r. for the thread, a fpongy excrefcence (b called 34 6 for fmear it over r. disfigure it. Ibid. 24 for amputation r. operation. 35 4 for ample r. firm. 36 12 for contrary to nature, r. this preternatural bone. 38 15 for medicine r. farriery. 39 24 for hyppiatric r. hippiatric. 44 1 7 for fnot r. matter. 46 6 for of four r. to four. 48 4 for defcription r. defign. %z 12 for diminifhed r. confined down. BOOKS printed for J. Nours'e at the Lamb oppofite Katherine-ftreet in the Strand. A Treatise on the Difeafes incident to Children from their Birth to the Age of fifteen -, with particular (n- itruciions to tender Mothers", prudent Midwives, and careful Nurfes. The Whole made familiar to every Capacity. By the learned Dr. John Astruc, Regius ProfffTor of Medicine at Paris, und chief 1'hyfician to his prefent Majeity the King of France, &c. Octavo, 1746. Academical Lectures on Fevers; in which the ef- {ential Symptoms and Nature of the various Kinds of Fevers are defcribed, the immediate Cautes pointed out, with the general and particular Indications in the Method of Cure fubjoined to each. Confirmed by the Author's fuccefsful Pra&ice for forty Years ; read in the Royal College at Paris. By the fame Author, Odlavo. 1747. A Dissertation on the Food, and Discharges of Human Bodies. By Bryan R.ouinson, M. D. Cctavo. 1748. Boerhaave's Medical Correspondence; Containing the various Symptoms of Chronical Diftempeis, the Profei- for's Opinion, Method of Cure, and Remedies. To which is added, his Practice in the Hofpital at Leyden, with his Manner of inflrucling hu Pupils in the Cure of Difeafes. Octavo, 1745. In this Collection are contained many Letters, wrote originally in Englifh, to the Dodlor by Perfons of Dillinc- tion, Gentlemen ard Ladies, CSfr. \\ith his Anfwers ; fuch are marked *#*, the rell are tranllated from the Latin. The Dispensatory of the Royal College of Phyficianr, London. Tranllated into Englifh, with Remarks, &c< by H. Pemberton, M. D. Profeflor of Phvfic in Grefham College, and F. R. S. Octavo 1749. The fécond Edition. A Course of Practical Chemistry, in which are contained all the Operations defcribed in Wil ion's complete Ccurfe of Chemiitry, with many new and uncommon Pro- cèdes. To each Article is given the Chemical Hiflory ; and to moft an Account of the Quantities of Oil, Salt, Spirits, yielded in Diflillation, &c. from Lemery, Hoff- man, the French Memoirs, Philofophical Tranfactions, C5V. and from the Author's own Experience; with Copper- Plates. By William Lswis, M. B. F. R. S. Odavo. 1746. [i] ADVERTISEMENT. Ij^mm H E differtations fet forth % in the table or obierva- v tions are the fruits of the knowledge of anatomy. It is to that alone I owe all my difcoveries, and if I am fometimes obliged to devi- ate from the common rules of prac- tice, thefe very principles in anato- my, and the deftruclive errors Ï for- merly fell into, are the caufe of it. A I never [fi] I never had any more knowing mailers than thole of my own frater- nity, and therefore am more fenfible than any other, how far I am from being perfect ; but however imperfect my firft plan may be, I would, at leaft, claim the advantage of having firft opened the way. If my brethren are willing to lead their children in the fame path, and to caufe thofe intended for the profeffion of Far- riery to fludy anatomy in time ; I am very confident fewer errors will be committed, and the art will in a little time be carried farther than it ever yet has been. However , [iii] However, as the knowledge of anatomy is not the only requifite for a progrefs in our profeflion, it would be highly neceiTary to join with it that of medicine. How mall we cure difeafes if we do not know them ? how are remedies to be applied, if we are not certainly acquainted with either their vertues or effects ? In a word, how are juft prognoftics to be made upon difeafes, if we are not truly enlightened either by our own ftudy, or by fome able and careful mafter ? It is yet to be wifhed that all A 2 who [ iv~ ] who undertake the cure of horfes, were verlêd in the ftructure of that animal, they would avoid thofè er- rors which dugrace the farrier, and depreciate his profcffion, which is of fuch moment to the public. A LIST I S T OF IMPORTANT Obfervations and Difcoveries UPON SEVERAL Accidents that happen to HORSES. i . ^¥^\Mi H E exact anatomy of a horfe's miFFér- foot. tm3^éW^> 2, A hiflory of the caufes and feat of different difeafes, faid to be in the hip, > or fhoulder, which lame the horfe, and are demon» ftrated to be in the foot. 3. A train of new experiments and obferva- tions upon the glanders. 4. A memoir prefented to the academy of A 3 fcienceSj [6] fciences, upon a method of {lopping the blood in large arteries. 5. A new method of fhooing horfes, both for preferving their feet, and to prevent their (lipping upon fmooth pavements. A TABLE [7] A TABLE O F OBSERVATIONS. j . p I ^ H E anatomical plate of the directed -* parts of a horfe's foot, with their feveral figures, croffed by fix parallel right lines, the fpace of which mews, upon every part, the im- portance of the accidents that happen to them -, fo that the quality and feat of each may be iuffi- ciently known, to make a true prognoftic upon their different kinds, without having ftudied anatomy. 2. That the caufe of the lamenefs in horlès, which is commonly looked for in the moulders or haunches, is in the foot, proceeding from the comprefiion of the flefhy fole, by the coronary bones puihing againft it : this lamenefs often be- comes incurable by the coalefcing of thefe bones, for want of applying remedies as foon as per- ceived. 3. The rupture of the great tendon called the Tendo Achillis. 4. The fracture of the coronary bone into three pieces, and fometimes more. 5. The fracture of the nut- bone in two, and A 4 fometimes I s ] fometimes in three parts, but always fractured with the coronary bone. 6. The fracture of the foot bone only in two. 7. A let of new experiments and obfervations upon the glanders, as a fupplement, to a treatife Oil that difeafe, publifhed in 1749. 8. The manner of (lopping the blood of the great arteries cut afunder, without either ligature or cauilic ; with the judgment of the Royal Academy of Sciences, in confequence of the re- ports of the committee, teftifying the experiments made before them. 9. The method of fhooing horfes, in order to fecure them upon a pavement in fummer, or in winter, although quite fmooth ; and the advan- tages attending it 5, 1. They are not lo liable to caft their fhoes. 2. The flefhy fole is fecured from lèverai accidents : 3d. To preferve the legs and render their motions more eafy. 10. A note of what Dr. Bracken fays in his tranflation of my treatife upon the glanders. 11. A tranflation of what relates to the glan- ders, in the treatife lately pubiimed in London by Mr. Bartlet, furgeon. THE 191 T H F. ANATOMICAL TABLE. The differed parts of a horfé's foot, and their fi- gures, croffed by fix horizontal, parallel right lines, the fpace of which indicates, upon every part, the importance of the accidents that happen to them ; fo that the quality and feat of each may be fuffi- cicntly known, to make a true prognoftic upon their different kinds without having fludied anatomy. EXPLANATION of the FIGURES of the Second Plate. TH E firft figure reprefents the bottom of a horfe's foot. A. is the horny fole. B. the frog. 2. The hoof towards its lower edge, called by the author the wall of the foot. Figure the fécond fliews the horny fole A. raifed from the flefhy fole C. round which is the en- channelled flefh, 6. placed in the fulcus of the inner furface of the hoof : 5. the horny part of which is foft and white. Figure the third reprefents the under part of the fiefhy fole C. raifed from the foot bone * D. G the covering or thee a of the Tendo Achillis, 2. The cartilage. 6. The edge of the flefhy fole confined in the furrow of the channelled horny fubftance. * The foot-bone is Gibfon's Cojpn-bone. The [ " 1 The fourth figure mews a back view of the kg, y. The fkin laid open, in order to view the inner foft parts belonging to the articulations. 3'« The- aponeurotic membrane, formed of dif- ferent laminae, which feparate the mufcles and cu- taneous tendons. ■\ and 3. Are partly the covering of the flex- or f ^on of — — 5. The coronary bone '*, which ièrves as a co- vering to the Tend© Achillis, 10. n. The ligament of the cannon-bone, the pallern and the coronary bones -y 16. The cup or capfula of the tendon of the co- ron ary bone. j 8. The canon - bone -f*. 6. The foot-bone. Figure the fifth is the fame leg and in the fame view» 2. The foot bone. I. The Tendo Achillis, differed to Ihew the co- ronary bone 6. 3. The nut-bone t. 4. The concave part of the foot-bone to which the tendon is fixed. 7. The ligament of the foot- bone with the nut- bone. * The coronary bone is the little partem of Gibfnn. -f French authors call thofe bones, Canon bones both be- fore and behind, which Gibfon calls in the fore legs, the 'Shank bona, and in the hind legs the Injiep bones. J 'The nut-bone called by the French Os de la mix is a litt'e oblong bone placed acrofs at the junction of the little and great patterns behind, which is not taken notice of by Gibion. 8. The [ 10 ] 8. The ligament of the tendon with the nut- bone. Figure the fixth reprefents the Tendo Achillis raifed and feparated from figure 5. To fhew the lamina 8. which ferves as a ligament to the nut- bone of the fame figure. Figure the feventh fhews the enchannelled flefh, 1. The wall or hoof being raifed from it; 2. The rough border that furrounds the enchan- nelled flefh above the hoof. 3. The cartilage of the foot. 4. The extenfor tendon of the foot. Figure the eighth demonftrates the bone of the foot Z. the enchannelled flefh of which is rais'd with the cartilage. 5. The ligament of the coronary bone with that of the foot. 3 and 4. The extenfor tendon of the foot. The third plate, containing figures of the ojleology and fraclure of the bones. Figure the firft reprefents a fore view of the leg. 3. The canon-bone cut acrofs at the upper end. 4. The paftern bone. 5. The coronary bone. 6. The foot bone. The fécond figure is a back view of the fame leg. 8. The canon-bone. 4. The paftern. 5. The coronary bone. S.Th [ ^ 1 3, Tfte nue- bone which cannot be feen In a fare view. 6. The foot, or coffin- bone. The third figure is another back view of the fame leg, 16. The place -where the artery divides into two fci? anches. 5. The diftribution of thefe two branches round «he toot. The holes into which thefe two branches pafs, m the foot. 6. The foot bone. The fourth figure is the coronary bone viewed latcriorly, with the marks of its fractures, 1, 2, 3. The fifth figure is the fame coronary bone in a back view with the appearance of the fame frac- tures, i, 2, 3. The fixth is the nut-bone fractured into three parts, 4, 5, 6. The feventh fhews the fame bone fractured in two, 4. 4. The eighth is a figure of the foot bone viewed on its upper furface fra<5lured in two, with the mark of the fracture, 6, 7. The ninth is a view of the under furface of the fame bone, with the fracture marked 6. 7. this bone is very fpongy» OBSER- [ 'M i OBSERVAT! UPON SUCH ACCIDENTS As eftm happen H horfes feet, which give then a fudden lamenefs^ the ccufe of which cannot be discovered. OSSI&VATION I. lame horfe was committed to my care, but I could receive no manner of information concerning his diforder ; and after Ï had drefîèd him for eight and twenty days, without either difcovering the caufe, or the leaft fuccefs : they put him into the hands of another farrier, "who alfo attended him fifteen days longer. The own- er of the horfe feeing this man's endeavours as fruitlefs as mine, gave him up to me, and I cut off his leg in order for diffection \ and found the 'Tendo Achiilis ruptured near its infertion, and the coronary bone broke into three pieces, without any diflocation -, having as recent an appearance as if they had been fractured but a day -, altho" the accident happened fix weeks before. And not being able to End out how, nor by what particular effort t h] effort this bone could be broken ; nor whether if was begun by the foot, or pattern bone ; I fhewed it to feveral fkilful perfons, who after a long examination appeared as much at a ftand about it as myfelf. Nor was there any fudden effort of the horfe obferved before it. Observation II. With refpect to fuch efforts, I myfelf faw a horfe, put to a coach, fracture the coronary bone at his firft fetting off. Observation III. I happened to pafs by a coach, when the coachman, ready to put off, whipped his horfe, who inftantiy made a fpring, and became fud- denly lame ; having obferved it, I felt his foot, and the rattling noile I was fenfible of, by touch- ing him, indicated the coronary bone to be frac- tured ; and the diifection farther proved the Ten- do Achillis to have been ruptured near its infer- tion, as may be feen by the figures. Observation IV. A horfe who was put to a coach, being at the fame time very quiet, received a cut of a whip from the coachman, which made him tremble, whence lie fuddenly fell lame -, the coach- [ >5l coachman faw it and looked at his foot. And though nothing ailed him to appearance, he put him into the fiable. Ï was called and found the coronary- bone fractured, declaring him incurable ; but this was doubted, becauJfe they had not obiêrved any effort made by the horfe before it -, however they took care of, and dreffed him for a month, but as he grew no better, they put him to death -, I differed his foot to fliew them I was not miftaken ; Ï demonftrated that the coronary-bone was fractured into three pieces : but was furpriied to find the nut-bone alfo broke in two, and the Tenth Achillas entire, becaufe I never faw fractures of this kind before, among the ma- ny directions 1 had made. Observation V. Having examined a horfe, whofe fhouider was dreiTed, which was thought the feat of his diforder-, I aherted it was in the foot, caufed by the compreflion of the coronary-bone -, for, that being in motion, it raifes and puflies the nut-bone againft the tendon, which puts the fleihy fole in a flate of compreiîion, as if between an anvil and hammer. It formed an inflammation there, and therefore they ought to have imme- diately drawn the fole ; but as they had loft fome time, and feeing he did not mend, I faw him again, and found a fmall fwelling at the coronarv, coronary, which I fhewed, and which was difcufled by drawing the fole. They accord- ingly drew it out, after having fired the tumor ; but he was not cured. He remained eight months in pain when they killed him. I found the "Tendo Achlllis offified at its inlertion with the coffin-bone, and this with the nut and co- ronary-bones, round which the cartilage was alfo coalefced, fo that all thefe parts formed one entire body *, the pieces of which I have yet by me. Thefe examples make it apparent that the compreffion of the flefhy fole, for want. of a fpeedy remedy, becomes incurable. Observation VI. Of a lingular fracture which happened in 1743. I was called to fee a horfe who became fuddenly lame of his two hind feet, being har- nefled to a coach. It was thought he had ftrained his reins -, I examined him, and de- clared his diforder was in his feet, and that it was incurable, for that he had fraftures in them. I diffected thefe two feet and found the two co- ronaries fractured, and the two tendons of Achilles ruptured : this horfe walked near a quarter of a league, with thefe two bones in that condition. * An Ancbylofis. Obser- [iy] Observation VII. Another horfe put to a coach, without any apparent violent motion, fractured the coro- nary-bone in twenty pieces ; while the nut-bone, that of the foot, and the great tendon remained unhurt ; this was the only cafe of this kind I ever faw. Observation VIII. Another horfe had been lame a confider- able time ; and it was not known whether it was in the foot or moulder : I examined him, and found the coronary- bone fractured, and affured them his cafe was incurable -, they doubted it, but were obliged to abandon him at the month's end ; I diiTected his foot and accordingly found the coronary- bone fractured in four pieces, and the nut-bone in two, the Tendo Achillis being fafe. B Observation [.8] Observation IX. A horic was lame for four months -, he was dreffed at firft above the leg, and afterwards in the foot, but his fole was not drawn -, I judged him incurable, as I fufpected an anchylofis, and he was put to death. I differed the foot, and found the foot or cofïïn-bone fractured in two, in which fracture the anchylofis began to be formed, as well as the offification between the coronary, nut and coffin-bones. The frac- ture croffed diametrically one of the cavi- ties of the articulation, and ended towards the middle of the toe or point of the foot- bone. So that this bone appeared to be di- vided obliquely into two unequal parts ; It is not unlikely that the, horfe had trod upon a ftone which raifed one fide of his foot more than the other, and which, joined to the weight of his body, caufed this oblique fracture ; al- though the foot was in, a perpendicular direc- tion: this is the fécond fracture of this fort I have met with; and it is curable if fpeedily taken in hand. I have already feveral feet, which are omfied like this. Obser- [ 19 3 Observation X. A horfe was lame for two months without their knowing his cafe ; I pronounced the lame- nefs to be in his foot, and fhewed them a fmall fwelling at the coronet, they attended him, but the fwelling increafed, for two years, by neglecting to draw the fole in the beginning. I differed this foot, and found the nut, coro- nary, and coffin-bones ofiified together ; which was caufed by the difcharge of the ofîèous juice upon them -, they were fo coalefced to- gether, that it was difficult to diftinguim the places of the articulation of thefe three bones. Observation XI. An anchylofis after an inflammation. An effort or ftrain which might not be violent enough to fracture the coronary nor nut-bones, nor even rupture the flexor tendon, might go fo far as to produce an inflammation of the flefhy fole ; if the inflammation is communicated to the ligaments, tendons, and capfulae of the joints. I pronounced it always incurable by the formation of an anchylofis in the part if not inftantly taken in hand. I have feen two kinds of this difeafe in feet difTecled by my- felf, an account of the pieces of which, as well B 2 as [ 20 ] as of the fractured bones mentioned before, were added to the memoir given in to the aca- demy as a fupplement. Observation XII. Drawing the fole prevents fuch offifications as I have been mentioning, and relieves the flemy fole from prefTure -, which fole is regard- ed as an expanfion of the mufcles and tendons of the foot ; this operation enlarges the fpace in the hoof, the flemy fole being no longer prefTed, its inflammation ceafes and the foot re- covers its natural ftate. When a horfe's fole is drawn, care muft be taken to let the foot bleed in order to empty the blood -veffels and lymphatics, to apply with the firft drefiings, turpentine and its fpirit, or oil ; and not to bind the fplints too ftraitly, that the inflamed parts may not be injured, the coronet mull be bathed with oil of tur- pentine, and the hoof drelTed up all round with emollients, in order to moiften, extend and foften the parts. Obser- [ 21 ] Observation XIII. The hoof of a horfe may be compared to a fponge ; when it is dry it contracts itfelf even to the inner parts ; if it be moiflened, it foft- ens and dilates -, if he flands long in a fiable without taking care to keep the hoofs moifb, he often goes lame ; becaufe they are fufceptible of contraction as well as dilatation. The com- preflion in the hoof happens by the coronary pufhing againft the nut-bone, upon which it partly moves ; which having the action of a le- ver, takes for its point of fupport the upper and fore-part of the foot-bone compreflèd ; the nut-bone which it raifes, and which pufhes againft the Tendo Achillis, which tendon preffes the flefhy fole againft the horny one; and all thefe combined compreflions produce an in- flammation upon the flefhy fole, which fpreads over all the other parts. Observation XIV. I have happened to drefs the moulders of lame horfes, becaufe the owners infifted that the caufe was in that part ; although it really was in the feet, and proceeded from compreffion ; thefe horfes were cured without having any remedies applied to the feet, but it was by great B 3 chance, [m 1 chance, length of time, and red -, which often happens. I can however afifert that I never faw nor heard of a horfe, put to hard labour, as draw- ing heavy carriages, or carrying heavy burdens, fracturing the coronary-bone. Observation XV. Strong comprenions are diftinguifhed by pufhing the thumb upon the coronet, it makes a horfe feel as fliarp a pain as if there was a fracture ; in this cafe no time mud be loft be- fore the fole is drawn. "When the comprefllon is not fo violent, as that it cannot be thus known by the coronet, it muft be examined in the foot, the horny fole muft be pared until it becomes flexible under the tool ; which muft be done as near the frog as can be ; the tool muft be prefTed, and if the horfe is fenfible of it in that place, we may be aflured that there is a comprefllon of the coronary-bone upon the nut- bone. The me- thod of cure is to pare the fole to the quick, to let him bleed at the point of the foot, and apply a pledget with oil of turpentine to the bleeding ; alfo an emollient pultife in the foot and round the coronet. Above three fourths of thefe cafes are cured without drawing the fole : but I pre- fer bleeding in the upper part of the foot, in expectation of the returning blood ; whereby you will the better unload the part. Obser- Em] Observation XVI. The moll certain remedy is to draw the foie immediately, I have cured horfes in fifteen days by this method, that were not able to put their feet to the ground. Again, the length of time the comprefîion has continued, may be known by the adhefion of the horny to the flefhy fole, for the horfe bleeds but little after drawing it -, becaufe of the inter- ruption of the circulation of the fluids by the compreffion. Observation XVII. A horfe, drawing a cart heavily loaden, preffed his foot upon a piece of iron, which fplit the foot or coffin-bone. I took off the fhoe and drew the fole immediately ; and he was perfectly cured. This bone fo fplit by the iron fhews that this part, fractured by the mere effort or action of the horfe, may unite, if prefently taken in hand, even though the frac- ture happens above by the coronary-bone. The fracture of the foot- bone which has no other motion but thofe of the flefhy and hor- ny foles upon which it is fituated, happens from one of the two convex fides of the lower part of the coronary-bone, the other fide mak- ing an unequal preffure : this fracture ought to B 4 unite, [ 24 ] unite, becaufe the motion of the foot-bone upon the flefhy fole is very imperceptible, being flrengthened by the horny fole, enclofed all round by the enchannelled flefh, and fecured over all its furface, which is equally enchan- nelled by the inner horny furface of the hoof, which is foft and whitifh. From all I have faid above, it may be con- cluded, that i. The nature of the union of the fibres of the fuperior parts, the tenfion and elaf- ticity of which is very great in the foot, ought to render them fufceptible of all the unhappy confequences of compreffion ; 2. That it is to no purpofe to keep horfes who have any fractures, except in the foot- bone ; the fracture of this is capable of unit- ing, becaufe of its having fo little motion, and is fecured as I have juft faid. I keep fome preparations as teftimonials of cafes which prove, that if a nail penetrates to the joint of the foot, where matter may be formed, and by its long continuance putrify, fo as to erode the cartilages of the joint, by its corrofive quality, the cafe is incurable. 3. When a fudden motion or effort of a horfe is not fufficiently violent to fracture the articulations of the foot, the pufh of the coro- nary-bone upon the nut-bone, muff, occafion a ftrong compreffion upon the flefhy fole againft the horny fole, which we look upon to be no more than an expanfion of the nervous tufts of the the mufcles and tendons of the foot as we have faid before. 4. That in all cafes of flrong compreflion the inflammation muft offify the joints of the foot, by the ftagnation of the fluids, efpecially when not taken care of foon enough. B. I have feen examples wherein, when the nut and coronary bones have been wounded by nails, or when matter has been long pent up, the cartilages of thefe bones have been eaten in- to by the fharpnefs of it ; thefe are incurable diforders, even though all the other parts are found. There can be no hopes of curing the frac- tures of the nut and coronary-bones, as we do the ruptured Tendo Achillis, for all their articulations are in continual motion ; and if by chance they fhould unite, the horfe would ftill inevitably be lame, by the callus formed in the joint, as Mr. Morand fays in his report given in to the academy. B. I prefume the very ftru£ture of the foot makes it liable to feveral accidents. The hoof wherein the articulations of the upper parts aiïèmble, and which, befides, has its own par- ticular motion, has need of great ftrength and folidity -, becaufe all the weight of the body, bearing upon the feet, can admit neither the bones nor tendons to vary their condition. Oeser- [ *6 ] Observation XVIII. Having dreflcd a horfe whofe fole was drawn, from which they had cut away part of the frog for a flreet nail that had affected it ; being almoft cured, as he lay along, he had a cut of a whip given him ; he ftarted up but was lamed by the fudden fpring in rifing. I thought at firft that it was occafioned by the prefTure of the coronary- bone againft the nut-bone j but about ten days after the accident, a humour appeared about the middle of the foot -, I then thought the nut-bone might, be fractured, but the humour penetrated deeper ; I obferved the nut-bone in- tire, but the tendon ruptured, and the lower part properly attached. In five or fix days more this part of the tendon came off piece- meal from its adhefion, and laid the nut- bone bare. I ufed the Fioraventi Balfam * in my dreffings for three months which fucceeded ; what gave me hopes, was my having ken fome horfes, whofe tendons were cut acrofs through ignorance, recover -, I had a mind to know how the upper part of the tendon could reunite at its infertion upon the foot-bone, for this horfe was cured. And an accident hap- pened by which he died eleven months after, which gave me an opportunity of differing his foot ; when I found the tendon offified with * A vulnerary balfam, like rjie Friars Balfam. the [ **3 the nut-bone, and this with that of the foot, fo as that thefe three parts were united, and the coronary-bone had preferved the freedom of its motion in the joint. The horfe was no longer lame, but in walking inclined a little upon the heel. Observation XIX. A horfe, upon whom the extirpation of the frog by the thread was performed, had the Tendo Achillis much injured; I could not well tell whether it happened from cutting out the thread, or from the acrimony of the topical ap- plications; the tendon however was deftroyed as that mentioned above, the nut-bone was laid bare, and the tendon putrefied at its infertion. After his cure was compleated, he died in five or fix months. And I found the nut-bone co- vered, by a kind of ligament, all over that part which was connected with the upper part of the tendon : this new tendon was as a liga- ment, and adhered to the nut-bone, which was ofllfled to it ; but it was more than twice as thick as in its natural ftate. It remains to know whether this excrefcence proceeds from the ten- don, or from the covering of the cellular mem- brane or from other membranes ; but it is time andobfervations which mud lead us to the know- ledge of this. REFLEC- [ 23 ] REFLECTIONS. N reflecting upon the various motions a horfe makes, and upon the ftructure of his foot, we cannot be furprifed to find this part liable to fo many accidents. Experience mews us that for one horfe who is lamed in the haunch or moulder, an hundred have it in the foot, and that the knowledge of this part me- rits all our attention : I am of opinion thefe ac- cidents happen chiefly to draught-horfes, and not to thcfe of the faddle j I alfo think that it is the different attitudes of a horfe's foot over- charged at the fame time with the weight of his body, that caufe the different fractures of the coronary and nut-bones -, for when the foot has not a direct pofltion, the joints are twifted, as when a horfe treads upon the point or toe ot the hoof, the upper and inner part of the coro- nary-bone, which is in an oblique pofltion, preffed in that ftate by the burthen of his own body, is forced to yield on one fide, and rife on the other, its lower and back part, which now rifes, drives the nut- bone againft the TendoAchil • lis which fuftains it, the tendon preffes in its turn againft the flefhy fole, which is alfo com- preffed againft the horny fole, which is its point [*9 1 point of fupport •, the tendon, coronary, and nut-bones become fractured upwards and back- wards by the pattern, which alfo had an oblique pofition, and downwards and forwards by the foot or coffin bone, which here acts as a wedge. The nut-bone is fometimes fractured by the lower and back part of the coronary-bone alone : but although thefe bones are fractured in the manner I have juft mentioned, at the in- flant a horfe gives a fpring, there happens no luxation of thefe bones, becaufe of the manner of their being tied and fecured all round by the ligaments, the tendons, cartilages, and the con- ftruction of the hoof which inclofes them and all that depend on them. In all the horfes feet I difTected, immediately after thefe accidents, I found the ïendo Acbillis ruptured, and had a notion that the fracture of the corcnary-bone in three pieces ought always to be followed by the rupture of the tendon, particularly after the foot is pared ; or that there are froft nails or raifed heels to the fhoes, fo that the frog is thrown up from its point of fupport -, which will appear when we treat of fhoeing. We diftinguiih fractures of the coronary- bones in railing the foot by the lower part -, the foot muft be drawn forward, and preffed up- on the coronet with the thumb, and if there is a fracture, a ratling will be perceived ; when t§i ] when the tendon is not ruptured, it fuftains the bones ; and, as it is their point of fupport, the noife is lefs lenfible, but it is better diftinguifh- cd when the tendon is divided. It is to be obferved, as to the fracture of the foot-bone, that this bone is in a manner im- moveable in its place, fupportcd in its plane by the horny l'ole, and in its circumference by the fides of the hoof, which keeps it univerfally firm every way. I never law this bone fractured but once, and believe it curable, and what made me of this opinion was, that I happened to attend a horfe who had the foot-bone fplit in two, quite through, by treading on a piece of fharp iron ; and he was cured of it. A faddle-horfe has a different attitude and manner of treading from that of a draught-horfe ; the former always has the articulated partsof his foot in a perpendicular direction, and in their proper fituation for ac- tion ; whereas the draught-horfe is accuftomed to have thefe parts often in an oblique pofition j and convenient for the attitude neceffaryin draw- ing a carriage ; and accordingly a ftone or fault in a pavement, happening under one fide of his foot, which is thereby inclined to the other, the preffure of the coronary- bone charged with the whole weight of the body will be very capable of caufing this kind of fracture. THE THE METHOD OF CURING Pricks and other Accidents That happen to HORSES Feet, Pl ate II. upon all the lints. Figure I. IF a nail has only pierced the horny fole, and but lightly touched the flelhy fole, there is nothing to do. But if there is room to fufpecl the bone of the foot D figure 3. is touched ; a large open- ing muft be made, in order to prevent drawing the fole, by facilitating the exfoliation. If [a»] If the nail has penetrated to the infertion of the tendon 10. figure 4. great attention muft be paid to it, dreffing it the oftener, that the tendon be not injured ; if it pafTes in- to the concave part 4. of the foot- bone figure 5. an exfoliation will come on, without any bad confequences, provided matter be not left any time to deftroy the ligament 7 upon the line R figures 1. 2. 3. 4. If the nail has not palfed to the tendon, the horfe will grow well without a neceffity for drawing the fole ; but if the tendon is wounded the fole muft be carefully drawn, becaufe the fynovia is difcharg- ed. If the nail has penetrated to the ligament 7 fig. 5. he muft be dreflèd lightly everyday rather twice than once, taking care not to confine the tent, nor let the matter remain in any time, left it might erode the cartilaginous parts of the nut-bone and deftroy its ligaments. When the part is to be laid open, a channel'd director muft be introduced to conduct the point of the biftory, in order to make a perpendicular open- ing, and not a tranfverfe one, becaufe the ten- don might be cut acrofs, which would not co- alefce again, and great mifchief might be pro- duced. Upon the line B. figures 1. 2. 3, 4. the fame manner of proceeding muft be ufed, as is marked upon the line R. but if the nail is gone up to the nut-bone 3. figure 5. it is incurable, becaufe this little bone cannot exfoliate, and becaufe [ 33 ] becaufe the cartilaginous part of it is deilroyed as foon as injured. Upon the line S figures i. 2. 3. 4. the fame mull be obferved as at the line R. but if it reaches to the ligament 8. what is mentioned for the line R. muft be followed, becaufe there will be danger of corroding the lower cartila- ginous part of the coronary-bone, which in this cafe would become incurable. Upon the line T. there is danger only of the cartilage 2. figure 3. of which I fhall make fome mention -, if the nail paries into the frog B. figure 1. lb as not to reach the tendon, no- thing comes of it, even though it penetrates through to the paftern. I have made horfes walk in this cafe, without confining them to the fiables j but if it has touched the tendon, we mull proceed in the method obferved before. If the nail has touched between the line A. and the line R. and that it has penetrated to 4 plate 3 figure 3. it may have pricked an artery j in which cafe a proper pledget muft be applied in order to comprefs the part and flop the blood. For all thefe operations the balfam of fiora- venti or fpirit of turpentine muft be ufed, and the drefiings prepared as we fhall mention them for drawing the fole ; but care muft be taken when it is to be drawn, that the horny fole be not too ftrcng, and if it be fo, to pare it well that it become more flexible -, otherwife, in bearing with the fpatula upon the edge of the C hoof t 3+] hoof, wc ihould run the rifque of forcing and feparating it from the enchannelled flefh, which would produce a dangerous inflammation, of which I have feen fome examples. You muft obferve not to raife the fiefhy fole with the horny fole, nor to fmear it over, as has been done, for it prolongs the cure ; but every able practitioner knows how to avoid thefe kinds of dangers. When the cartilage muft be cut away figure 7 and 8 plate II. if it be fpoiled, part of the wall or hoof which covers it muft alio be taken off, as alfo the enchannelled flefh reprefented at figure 7. and then the whole car- tilage without referve -, for if any part be left, although found, it foon becomes morbid, and notwithftanding all our endeavours, we fliould be obliged to come to a fécond operation. The ligament which joins the bone of the foot to the coronary, and the capfula that contains the fynovia of the joint muft be carefully avoided, for touching thefe parts would render the dif- order incurable, as if the lower part of the co- ronary-bone was injured figure 1. Plate III. In order to remedy and affift this amputa- tion the fole muft be drawn, if there be any matter under it, on the difeafed fide ; but if not, it may be let alone -, for the firft and fé- cond dreflings good firm doflils muft be made, fome little fome big-, the fmall ones for the bottom of the wound, the larger ones for the outer [ 35 ] ' outer part gradually enlarged, which mufl be dipped in oil of turpentine ; afterwards the dof- fils mufl be armed with common-turpentine, and a good ample bandage put on to com- prefs them, fo as to prevent the flefh irom rifing above the hoof. As for the future dref- fings they need not be fo clofely confined ; in this cafe all foftening remedies are good, and the whole difficulty of this amputation lies in the cutting, and the management of the dreffings. I have obferved that although the operations made upon the fore feet, be never fo well per- formed, efpecially if the hoof be ftrong, and however well cured, the horfe will fometimes continue lame-, which never is the cafe with the hind feet-, this is a fact which perhaps we may in fome meafure account for. If what is marked above be not punctually followed, and the cartilage mould be taken off piece-meal, either by cauflics, the actual cautery, or cutting,we rifque keeping the horfe a longtime upon his litter ; which retains the matter, fpoils the capfula and ligament, and often deflroys the animal. The difTection of the feet of two horfes has taught me an exception to this extirpation of the cartilage abovementioned : It happens fometimes by an extraordinary conformation, that the horfe has little or no cartilage upon the apophy fis of the foot- bone, and that it is a C 2 true [33 ] true elongation of the fame bone, which by its confiftence or hardnefs very well refembles the form at the coronet of the foot. He that is acquainted with his fubjeét will in this cafe di- ftinguifh the want of the cartilage, in preffing the coronet, by the moveable refiftance of the bone -, in fuch circumstances it is to be fup- pofed that the quarter of the hoof mult not be cut away, but a fimple opening only muft be made on the upper part of the apophyfis in order to wait the exfoliation of the carious bone. If it happens that, contrary to nature, this bone is edged by a thin cartilage, the faid part or quarter muft no more be taken off than in the cafe above, for the corroded part will feparate by being treated in the above manner, and will come out at the opening made above. EXTRACT [ 37 1 EXTRACT OF THE REGISTERS OF THE Academy of Sciences. January 20, 1750. W T E have, by order of the Academy, ex- * * amined a manufcript of the Sieur la Fofîè, farrier of the king's fiables. The au- thor fets forth, that having had frequent op- portunities of drefîïng lame-horfes, and not finding; the caufe of their lamenefs in either the upper or middle parts of their limbs, he looked for it in the feet -, and that a fmall tumor which he obferved, pointed out the feat of the difor- der \ the dilîèflion further demonstrated that the coronary-bone was fractured. After this firft obfervation the faid Sieur la Foffe made feveral others of the fame kind ; and what is fingular, is, that he afferts this fracture is made without any great effort of the horfe : and that he faw one put to a voiture, fracture the coronary-bone at the inflant he was ready to fet C 3 off; [38 ] off; thofe alio who have carried their horfes, affected in the fame manner, to him, have allur- ed him that the lea ft falfe flep has occafioned it. The Sieur la Foffe remarks another fingularity, which is, that the coronary-bone is generally di- vided in three pieces nearly equal. Perhaps the reafon of this may be drawn from the confidera- tion of the manner in which the coronary-bone is joined to the paflern and foot-bones, by their flrong ligaments, which being three in number, each feems to have retained its part of the bone, and favoured its divifion into three parts. The difcovcry of this difeafe, which has ne- ver been treated of before by the writers of ana- tomy, medicine, or furgery, does not lead us to the manner of curing it, becaufe it is ab- folutely incurable -, on the contrary it ferves to convince us, that if it was even pofiible to keep the bones together fo as to favour their uniting, the fracture being in a joint, there would ftill remain an anchylofis or callous, which would render the horiè unfit for fervice. But the Sieur la Foffe's obfervation is not- withftanding of very great ufe, for it mews us the impoffibility of curing a difeafe that was always thought curable from their ignorance of the matter, and confequently he has found the means of fparing %o the owners of horfes, taken lame, the expences of a cure attempted in vain. He further knows how to diftinguifh when the coronary-bone is fractured or is not i although [ 39 ] although there may be no vifible appearance of the difeafe, and the effort wherein the coronary- bone refills the fracture, indicates the manner of cure, when the bone is not broken, and alfo that the horfe ought to feel in this effort very great pain, when he flrains the fracture. We cannot avoid giving the Sieur la Fofïè due praifê for his zeal and capacity in his endea- vours to perfect and extend the knowledge of his profeffion. We think this memoir merits being printed among the collection of the pa- pers communicated to the academy. Signed, Morand, Ferrein. / certify the prefent extracl to be conformable to its original and to the judgment of the Academy. Given at Paris Feb. i, 1750. «SÏ^z^Grandjean de F 'ouchy, -perpetual fecretary to the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences, EXTRACT of the REGISTERS OF THE Royal Academy of Sciences, Of 23 Auguft, 1752. A/f R. Morand, who was appointed by the *»■* Academy to examine the Hyppiatric * obfervations of M. la Foffe, farrier to the king's * Relating to Horfes, C 4 fiables, [40] fiables, upon fix difeafes of a horfe's foot, which appear to have never been known to au- thors, having made his report, the Academy judged that thefe difeafes were clearly defcribed, that the obfervations made in confequence were very judicious, and that the whole is rendered Hill the more ufeful as it is accompanied with anatomical plates, wherein the bones and adja- cent parts are better reprefented than any where elfe ; this memoir is judged worthy to be print- ed among the pieces communicated by foreign- ers. Paris Auguft 31, 1752 -, figned Grand je an de Fouchy, perpetual fecretary of the Royal Academy of Sciences. A TRAPN A RAIN OF NEW Experiments ^^Obfervations UPON THE GLANDERS. fSi^jSPI H E Glanders, properly fo called, is ^\Tt^M an inflammatory difeafe which has ffeW&k its feat in the pituitary membrane, t$&$sé£ÉM> as I have explained it in my treatife of 1749, to which I refer the reader. In order to be well acquainted with this dif- eafe, it will be neceflary to diftinguifh in it three different periods : to wit, its beginning, its middle and its end. In each of thefe times it has a different name, in the firft it is called a menacing [42] menacing or impending glanders ; in the fé- cond a confirmed glanders -, and in the third an inveterate glanders. Three fymptoms mull alio be known in this difeafe. i. The inflammation in the pituitary mem- brane. 2. A fwelling of the glands under the nether jaw. 3. ihe running of the glanders properly lb called. Thefe three fymptoms are mutually caufed by- one another: the firft produces the fécond ; the fécond produces the ulcers, whence pro- ceeds a running of the noftril on the difeafed fide. In my treatife of 1749, I called a gland, which the inflammation of the pituitary mem- brane cauies to fwell, the [nblingual Gland ; but it is only a lymphatic gland, the canals of which, after fending out feveral ramifications, go to the maxillary gland, and then to ano- ther lymphatic gland pbced under the parotid, from which it divides two large branches which accompany the trachea in its whole length, on each fide ; then again paffes between the two bronchia, about two inches and half from the aorta, into two lymphatic glands -, there they part in order to crofs them, and at laft terminate n the Vena cava. As to the fublingual glands they are fituated at thefymphyfis of the chin. B. Although [44] B. Although I was certain the inflammation of the pituitary gland was the firfl fymptom of the glanders in horfes, yet in order to afcer- tain it to myfelf I made the two following ex- periments. I injected one noftril of a found horfe with a certain liquor. The pituitary membrane be- came inflamed : this inflammation caufed a lym- phatic gland under the jaws on the fame fide, to fwell as I had forefeen -, the inflammation of this membrane produced ulcers, whence the fnot or matter of the glanders run through the fame noftril. I again injected both noftrils of a found horfe with the fame liquor ; the pituitary membrane inflamed, made the lymphatic gland on both fides fwell ; and the fnot run from both noftrils in a little time ; which confirmed me in the opinion that the inflammation was the firfl fym- ptom of the glanders properly fo called : that the glands fwelled under the jaws was the fé- cond, and the running the third. OBSER- [ 45 ] O BSERVATIONS UPON Glander'd Horses. AFTER having trepanned an old horfe J *■ in 1749, and dreffed him, they put him to work -, and eighteen months after he was knocked on the head. I faw by differing his head that the pituitary membrane was grown 6 or 7 lines thick, and cflified to the neighbour- ing bones -, it had acquired this thicknefs and confiitence by the ftagnation of the lymphatic juice, caufed by the inflammation and the fpread- ing of the ulcers. 2. A horfe received a kick of another horfe, which broke part of the bone of the max- illary finus ; having examined the wound, I found it was not mortal ; but as the finus was injured, and the pituitary membrane inflamed, I did not doubt but the glanders would come on, and it was not long before the effect con- firmed my fufpicion. The glands of the jaws were i welled on the morbid fide, ulcers were formed on the pituitary membrane, matter flow- ed [45 ] ed thro' the noftril, and this difcharge is the glanders properly fo called. I made frequent injections into the noftril, the difcharge ceafed in four months, the fuelling of the gland was difcuffed, the injection cleanfed the low- er part of the maxillary finus's, and that of the cornets, which hinder the matter's lyinginthem, and a thorough cure was made. This horfe be- longed to Madam Fondu, a miftrefs-carrier, in the Faux-bourg Saint Honoré. All the authors that have wrote upon the difeafes of horfes feem to have copied one ano- ther, to maintain that the glanders was a dif- charge accompanied with a very offenfive fmellj I never found that the glanders had any ill-fmell of itfelf, but it may when the matter is confined in the maxillary finufes, or that the aliment has infinuated itfelf, as I have obferved it, by the chinks of old broken jaw-teeth and infected the parts. I have again found horfes whofe glanders have flunk very much, but then they have had the ftrangles with decay or farcy. I have alfo feen fome with whom the running proeeeded from a putrefadion of the lungs, to- gether with the glanders ; and others with whom the fmell proceeded only from the ma- lignance of the ftrangles which they difcharged. 4. I faw a horfe belonging to a poor man who worked him in an inveterate glanders for fix years ; and at laft he was knocked on the head [46] head on account only of his great age. I opened this horfe to fee the ftate of the vifcera and found them all in a found ftate, as well as the other internal parts, except the pituitary membrane which was thickened by ul- cers of four or five lines broad, as well in the frontal as maxillary finufes. It is known that a horfe with the glanders properly fo called can communicate the difeafe to other horfes ; but this difeafe will alio be catched from any caufe capable of inflaming the pituitary membrane. For example, a horfe will often become glandered, if after fwimming him he is left in the cold, or his nofe expofed to the wind -, for in two hours the glands under the jaws will be fwelled, and the noftrils be filled with a vifcid mucus. I have had horfes brought to me who had catched cold thus in the pituitary membrane, and could perceive by their glands they were threatened with a confirmed glanders -, I bled and cooled them, and cured them in a very little time. And I have lince obferved horfes thus affect- ed in the glands from the fame caufe, for which I propofed the fame treatment by way of pre- vention, became abfolutely glandered for want of thar care. In order to prevent thefe difeafes, when horfes are hot, they muft not be let to grow cool without action, and therefore they fhould be walked gently after running, to hinder their fud- denly L 47 ] denly taking cold, if they cannot be walked about, their nofes muft be covered to hinder the fir ft fudden ingrefs of the cold air -, their tails ftiould aifo be turned towards the wind, to pre- vent its affecting the pituitary membrane, and alfo care mould be taken that the delicate tex- ture of this membrane, fo expofed to the imme- diate contact of the air and wrind, may not have too fudden a change from heat to cold. But if a horfe has been affected in the glands for a confiderable time, and has had a dis- charge from the obftructed fide without coughing, the glanders is confirmed even tho* he has a good appetite, and every other fign of health. Emollient decoctions muft be thrown up the noftrils, being careful to pufh them to the frontal finufes, and to repeat them three times a day for a week -, if the running continues, it will be very proper to ufe fumigations, which would come more into practice, if their good effects were better known. To fumigate is to make a horfe receive the vapour or fmoke of certain medicines thrown into the fire or upon a red-hot iron. And this fumigation produces different effects, according to the different compofition made ufe of. For this purpofe I thought of a kind of box with a tube fixed to it, which may be put into the noftril of the horfe ; this box has the ad- vantage qî conveying the vapour as intended, which [48] which by the common method is moftly waft- ed. The mechanifm of this box is too fimple to need a particular explanation ; the bare de- fcription of it is eafily underftood. After pro- per injections and fumigations, the horfe muft be walked about without heating him, taking care to give him nothing but bran, and keep him warm in the (table. There is no anfwering for the cure, for that depends upon the ftub- bornnefs of the difeafe. But if the fymptoms be purfued with attention, and we undertake it in time, the glanders may be cured. If the gland is of any {landing, and the horfe difcharges a bloody matter, and another gland appears to be affected on the other fide the jaw, with difficulty of refpiration, we muft fuppofe it proceeds from the thickening of the mem- brane : when the glanders is inveterate the horfe muft be trepanned, as I have mentioned it in my treatife of 1749 ; for it is the only me- thod to prevent the flagnation of the corrofive humour. Suppofe two horfes, one glandered the other found, at the fame manger, if they are tied up fo as that the found horfe may not receive the breath of the diftempered one, he certainly will not be infected. After having explained what is a confirmed glanders, I fhall treat of fix other kinds of dif- charges by the noftrils, of which four are incu- rable. The [49 ] The firft of thefe four proceeds from the lungs when they are affected, and therefore may be called the pulmonary glanders: the fécond is called the wafting glanders ; the third the glanders with malignant ftrangles -, and the fourth the farcy-glanders. The pulmonary-glanders proceeds from one or more abfcelTes formed in the lobes of the lungs, the purulent matter of which gets into the bronchia, comes up the Trachea, paries through the nafal cavities, and is difcharged by the noftrils like a whitifh liquor, fome^ times appearing in lumps or grumes. In this cafe the horfe runs at the nofe without having the glands affected ; and therefore what he dif- charges cannot be accounted the true glanders. If the horfe be young, he may be relieved by making him work a little ; pectorals mull be adminiftered, and he muft be turned to grafs every year. That humour which I call the wafting hu- mour ufually feizes a horfe at the end of dif- eafes caufed by too hard labour, which have been thought cured ; a defluxion is made upon the lungs which produces a whitifh humour, fometimes tinged with yellow, which is dif- charged by the noftrils, he eats and drinks pret- ty well, but notwithstanding he runs out of flefh. The ftrangle-glanders produces humours which nature is not able to difcharge, and they D fall 1 50] fall upon the lungs, where theyTorm abfeeifes ; thefe humours take their courfe alio by the nof- trils, and fometimes in coughing by the mouth -, and the horfe gradually périmes. The farcy-glanders is fo acrimonious a hu- mour, that it feizes, at the fame time, both the lungs and pituitary membrane -, making more havock than the three other kinds already de- fcribed. The three firft kinds, as I have defcribed them, are not catching, except when the hu- mour has acquired an acrimony by length of time, which patting by the noftrils is detained in the maxillary finufes, inflames the pituitary membrane, and fwells the glands ; a fure pro- gnoftic of the true glanders. But the fourth, which is the farcy kind of glanders, being more of an eroding nature, is apt to ulcerate both the lungs and pituitary membrane, and is confequently infectious. It remains to mention the two other kinds, the one which proceeds from a horfe's being over- heated ; he coughs, and iirft difcharges a limpid fluid, and after, a whitifh matter; be- caufe the cold air has laid hold on the pituitary membrane, has condenfed the lymph in the I'm all velfcls, which caufes an inflammation, and fwells the throat, larynx and lymphatic gland?. The horfe fometimes as he coughs difcharges the matter from his mouth, and when the cough is' ] cough ceafes, and that he ftill continues to dif- charge it for fifteen or twenty days, that the gland under the jawhardens rather thandiminifh- es ; this running is fufpicious and fometimes de- generates into a true glanders -, and therefore, as foon as a horfe is found to be overheated, he muft be blooded, kept to white drink, kept warm, and not worked too much -, but if he continues ill for fifteen or twenty days, he muft be fumigat- ed or injected, as we have mentioned it before. The fixth kind of difcharge is the flrangles, which every horfe ought for his health's fake to difcharge. This is a humour which circu- lates in the mafs of blood to a certain age, which nature endeavours to throw off. It dif- charges itfelf in different manners, and that which is leaft fatiguing to the horfe, is when it forms an abfcefs between the jaws without tak- ing its courfe by the nofe : It fometimes is thrown upon different parts, wrhere it produces different effects according to the difpofition of thefe parts. For example when it falls upon the throat, all the part is fwelled, the arteries are compreffed, the blood is impeded, an inflam- mation fucceeds, and an abfcefs is formed. In order to remedy this evil, the horfe is to be kept warm, and as foon as the fwelling is perceived, it muft be dreffed with a proper me- dicine to encourage the fuppuration of the abfcefs, which fometimes breaks of itfelf ; but it is more eligible not to wait for this, but to open it in D 2 order L 5* ] order to difcharge the malignant matter with the pus, and the horfe does well. This is what I call a mild kind of flrangles. The flrangles which difcharges by the nof- trils produces alio different effects, according to the parts affected. At firft the horfe begins to be dull and hea- vy, carrying his head lower than ufual, and fometimes falling off his ftomachj he has fome- times alfo a little cough, and the jaws fwell a little, by the inflammation. At different times feveral fmall glands feem obstructed, and in a fmall time after, a dif- charge of the noftrils follows of a thick kind of glanders more or lefs. It often happens too that the noftrils run, without any fwelling or obftruction about the jaws ; this firft fpecies of flrangles goes off frequently by nature, it is however necefTary to give her fome affiftance -, wherefore the horfe ought to be kept warm, and fome cordial me- dicine mould be given him in order to promote the expulfion of the humour. When the humour falls upon the lymphatic parts of the larynx, it caufes the fame inflam- mation of all the parts of the pituitary mem- brane, and fo ftraitens the refpiration of the horfe that his breath can fcarce move the flame of a candle held to his nofe-, and as this animal refpires only through the noftrils, he is forced to rattle in the throat. To affift his breath, a piece [53 ] piece of wood ought to be put into his mouth, in order to keep it conftantly open, and favour the difcharge of the flegm caufed by the in- flammation of the parotid and maxillary glands; afterwards the humour of the ftrangles is thrown off by the noftrils, which fometimes has an ill fmell. And as I have remarked that even this way is not always fufficient for the difcharge of the quantity of humours that the inflammation caufes, one may expect that the humours will neceffarily be thrown under the jaws, or on one fide ; this abfcefs muft be opened to aflift that difcharge already begun by the noftrils, and be he never fo ill he will by this means be cured ; but if fuch a depofite of the humours does not form an abfcefs, it is to be feared it will fall upon the vifcera, and the cafe is full of dan- ger. In order to relieve him in this cafe, cordials muft be given him to promote perfpiration -, but when all the paiïages are obftructed, as well for his drink as for refpiration, a quantity of oats muft be boiled in vinegar, put into a bag, and applied to the region of the kidnies, cover- ing him up warm, and the perfpiration, which this remedy produces, will promote the expul- fion of the humours. What I have juft explained plainly fhews that this ftrangles although mild enough in it- felf, may become very dangerous with refpect to D 3 the [54] the functions of the part affected, efpecially when the inflammation feizes the œfophagus and about the larynx ; for it often happens in this cafe, that the horfe difcharges his meat through his noftrils when he cannot fwallow it. Thefe kinds of ftrangles are the mod laudable of all-, I call them laudable becaufe it is necef- fary for the health of a horfe that he has and difcharges them ; which if he does not, the hu- mours which caufe the ftrangles are apt fooner or later to fall upon one or more parts of the body, where it may form tumors or abfcefîès, and that even upon the vifcera, which we then call the baftard ftrangles, or malignant ftrangles, as I have called them before. It fometimes happens, though but feldom, that thefe two kinds of ftrangles feize a horfe at the fame time ; that is, that he difcharges the matter both from an abfeefs, and by the nof- trils. I do not mention another, feventh, kind of glanders, which horfes throw off by the nofe, and fometimes even at the mouth when they cough, like the whites of eggs. I have opened horfes in thefe cafes, and found that this kind of glanders was flopped, and fell upon the upper part of the afpera arte- ria, from whence it feparates and defcends with- out any hindrance by the noftrils. By opening horfes who difcharged a kind of glandered matter both by the nofe and mouth, caufed [55] caufed by an inflammation of the throat, I found that it was caufed by a defluxion upon the tra- chea; which appeared to be the effect of a quin- zy ; this diforder lafls two or three days andfome- times longer ; the horfe can fcarce eat or drink, and it is known by a fmall fwelling under the throat, which is fenfible to the touch. A horfe difcharged a great quantity of white thick matter by the nofe for eighteen months ; and when he was at reft in the liable the run- ing flopped ; but he was heard to rattle, which alfo ceafed when they made him work -, how- ever although he was not affected in the glands they knocked him on the head. I opened him and found the pituitary membrane perfectly found, the flnus and all the internal parts of the nofe well, the vifcera in the abdomen found; but upon opening the thorax, I found a consi- derable abfcefs, where the trachea divides to fink into the fubflance of the lungs. By this obfervation it is plain a horfe may live and work a long while with an abfcefs in the thorax; and yet the pituitary membranes may remain uninjured by the matter paffing by the trachea, crofs the nafal cavities ; and that we mufl diftinguifh this from a true glanders, by the ratling, tumefied glands, and the vaft quantity of matter that runs off. I have faid before that it was neceffary a horfe mould difcharge the ftrangles at a certain D 4 time, [56] time, for the good of his health ; in this cafe it is cuftomary to feparate the found horfes from the difeafed ones, becaufe it is infectious. I am not of the opinion of thofe who fepa- rate horfes with the ftrangles from fuch as have not yet had it, in the fine feafon of the year ; on the contrary, I turn them together in order to make them catch it of one another, to avoid the danger they would rifque in not throwing off the matter of that difeafe. [57] A N ANATOMICAL TABLE O F A HORSE's HEAD. Plate I. BB. The boundaries of the cerebellum which is very fmall in a horfe, as is alfo the brain D. CC. The beginning of the upper part of the frontal finus with the depreffions or finkings which terminate the lines. D. and E. Shew a body fhaped like a chan- nelled pear, which is the ethmoidal- bone, thro' which the nerves pafs which go to the pituitary membrane. E. The beginning of the maxillary finus. M. The fpace between thefe two lines repre- fents the depth of the finus. Note, the cells and windings are not marked here to avoid confufion. F. This white oblique line is a bony in- clofure [58] clofure or partition which feparates the finus in- to two cavities. F. G. Two other inclofures ; fometimes there is but one to be found in horfes. N. The beginning of the cornets or horns. O. Their duplication. P. Their middle part. Q^ Their lower extremities. M. The bony canal which inclofes and guards the upper maxillary nerve. AA. The partition or feptum which divides the nofe by a line all along to form the two noftrils. THE [59] THE REPORT of the COMMITTEE OF THE Royal Academy of Sciences. Extrafi of the Regijlers of this Academy of the 8th of January, 1752. "D Y order of the Royal Academy of Sci- -*-^ ences we have examined a new memoir of the Sieur la Fofle upon the glanders in hories. In the firft memoir he delivered upon this fubject, he has eftablifhed by obfervations, confirmed by the committee of the academy, that the pituitary membrane is the feat of this difeafe ; which in confequence of an inflamma- tion, ulcerates and makes an habitual difcharge of a corrofive pus which renders the bones it adheres to carious ; and in the memoir which is the object of this report, he improves and brings to perfection, his difcovery. He diftinguifhes feven kinds of difcharges which may come from the noftrils of horfes, lays down the fymptoms and [6o] and caufes of each, and fhews the evil of their being all confounded under one denomination : he alfo rrfakes it evident that the true glanders has its characteriftics, which effentially diftin- guifh it frome very other difeafe that has been called by the fame name. And in order to prove that a great inflamma- tion of the pituitary membrane is always the caufe of the glanders, he has attempted to bring on an inflammation upon the fame mem- brane by a corrofive injection ; and when the injection was only made into one fide, the max- illary lymphatic glands were fwelled on the fame fide, and that noflril only produced the difcharge. But on the other hand, when both noflrils were injected, thefe fymptoms appeared on both fides. The author produced, with his memoir, a fection of fome of the bones of the head, comprehending a portion of the maxillary and frontal bones : thefe pieces had on their inner furface very remarkable vefciges of a caries, and are in many places become more thick than in their natural ftate -, which feems to have been produced by the continuance of a fuperabundance of vitiated mucous matter, which foftened and injured the texture of thefe bones. The firfl memoir prefented by the Sieur la Foflfe was confined to a bare defcription of the difeafe, and only a propofal of a method of i cure I6i ] cure by way of project -, but in this, he certifies that he has cured feveral glandered horfes by means of his injections and fumigations thrown into the noftrils. Although he has not yet found out fuch in- jections as will fucceed in the greater number of cafes that come before him, there is room to hope that end will yet be attained ; nor can we withhold our approbation of the enquiries he is incefTantîy making, in order to bring the mat» ter to perfection. Signed Morand and Bouvard. I do certify the prefent extra ft to be conforma- ble to his original memoir ', and to the judgment of the academy. Paris January 12, 1752. Signed Grandjean de Fouchy, perpetual fecretary to the Royal Academy of Sciences. REMARKS [& ] R E M A R K S. r^\ R. Brachen an Englifh phyfician has *-^ wrote a treatife on the difeafes of horfes ; and has alfo tranflated^ my treatife upon the glanders into Englifh. The following is an ex- trad of what he fays about it. " I agree with Monf. La FofTe that the feat " of the glanders is in the pituitary membrane, " and not at all in the vifcera ; that drenches are " of no manner of ufe in this cafe ; and that '* injectious thrown into the finufes is a judi- " cious practice." Thç [*3] The Twelfth Chapter Of Mr. BART LETT'S Book UPON THE DISEASES of HORSES, Being this author's àoBrine of the Glanders^ which is tranjlated by the Sieur la Fojfe into French in this work. ' I H E caufe and feat of the glanders has -*• till lately been fo imperfectly handled, and fo little underftood by the writers on this di- ftemper, that it is no wonder it ihould be rank- ed among the incurables : but a new light having been thrown on this whole affair by the ftudy of M. la Foffe, the King of France's Far- rier, who has been at the pains to trace out, and difcover by diffections, the fource and caufe of this diforder ; we hope the method he has propofed, with fome further experiments and improvements, will foon bring to a certain- ty of cure (in moft cafes at leaft) a diftemper fo dangerous to our horfes, and that hitherto has eluded the force of art. Before [ '-»> ] Before we make mention of this work, which has the approbation of the Royal Academy of Sciences, it will not be unacceptable to our read- ers, we apprehend, to have a more particular account of the fymptoms of this diforder than M. la FofTe has laid down, that we may the better judge of the merit of our author and his difcoveries. The matter then difcharged from the noftrils of a glander'd horfe is either white, yellow, or greenifh, fometimes ftreaked or tinged with blood -, when the difeafe is of long (landing, the matter turns blackifh, and becomes very fetid, and is always attended with a fwelling of the kernels or glands under the jaws ; in every other refpect the horfe is generally healthy and found till the diflemper has been of fome con- tinuance. From thefe fymptoms and fome obfervations made by Bracken and Gibfon, it is plain they were not abfolute ftrangers to the feat of this diforder, though they neglected pufhing their enquiries to the fountain-head, and coniequent- ly were at a lofs to know how to apply the re- medy to the parts affected. But our author after examining by diffection the carcafes of glander'd horfes, and making a ftricl: fcrutiny into the ftate of the vifcera, amfted for that pnrpofe by ingenious and expert anatomifts for ten years together, affirms this difeafe to be altogether local -, and that the true feat of it is in [•s] in the pituitary membrane, which lines the par- tition along the infide of the nofe, the maxillary finufes or cavities of the cheek-bones on each fide the nofe, and the frontal finufes or cavities above the orbits of the eyes -, that the vifcera, as liver, lungs, &c. of glandered horfes are in general exceeding found -, and confequently that the feat of this diforder is not in thofe parts, as has been afferted by mofl authors -, nor indeed is it probable it mould ; for how could fuch horfes preferve their appetite, their good ap- pearance, (leek and mining coats, in a word all the figns of health for many years together (which many glandered horfes are known to enjoy) with fuch diilempered bowels. But on nicely examining the heads of fuch horfes he found the cavities abovementioned* more or lefs, filled with a vifcous (limey mat- ter, the membrane which lines both them and the noftrils inflamed, thickened, and corroded with fordid ulcers, which, in fome cafes, had cat into the bones. Thefe finufes or cavities will be better underftood by referring to the an- nexed plate. He obferves that when glandered horfes dis- charged matter from both noftrils, both fides of the membranes and cavities were affected -9 but when they run at one noftril only, that fide on- ly was found diftempered. It is a curious remark of our author, that the Sublingual glands, or the kernels fituajed un- E der [66] der the jaw-bone, which are always fwelied in this diftemper, do not difcharge their lymph in- to the mouth, as in man, but into the nof- tril ; and that he conftantly found their obftruc- tion agreed with the difcharge -, if one gland only was affected, then the horfe difcharged from one noflril only, but if both were, then the difcharge was from both. He fometimes, though rarely, found the bony partition of the nofe carious and rotten ; but that the fpongy bones about this part mull fuffer from the acrimony of matter long pent up, is not at all to be doubted, though the more folid ones may efcape. The feat of this diforder thus difcovered, our author with great ingenuity has paved the way for the cure, by trepanning thefe cavities, and taking out a piece of bone, by which means the parts affected may be warned, with a proper injection, and, in line, the ulcers deterged, healed, and dried up. This operation he has performed on three horfcs, one of whom difcharged from one nof- tril only, and the third from both. The two firft he trepanned on that fide of the head which was affected ; and to the other he performed it on both : and found that the wound and per- foration filled up with good flefh in twenty-fix days, and that the horfes fuffered no inconve- nience from the operation. Though after this experiment they were knocked on the head. The [ 67] The directions and orders of the civil go- vernment of France, which hindered people from keeping glandered horfes long, prevented M. la Foffe repeating his attempts, and pufhing his experiments further ; but it is to be hoped that fo ufeful a project will be purfued to its ut- moft extent, as it feems fo promifing in the execution, and is fo important in its confe- quences: to which end we ihall beg leave to animadvert upon what has been faid, and offer our opinion both in relation to the difeafe, the operation, andthe manner of conducting the cure. The original fource and caufe then of this diforder feems to be an inflammation of the glands and membrane that lines the noflrils and thefe cavities ; which if not difperfed in time, will form matter and ulcerate and erode the bones, for want of a free difcharge to un- load the cavities ; and of proper applications to cleanfe and deterge the ulcers : violent colds or a feverifh tranflation fettling here, may alio occafion the fame complaint, and are commoiv ly the general caufes. There is a diforder in men called Ozœna that has great fimilitude to this in horfes, and arifes often from an inflammation in the maxillary fi- nufes, or cavity of the cheek-bones 5 from whence enfues a collection of matter : which when the cavity is full, or the head properly inclined, runs over into the nofe, and would constantly difcharge thence like a glandered E 2 horfe [68] horfe was the head continued in the fame por- tion. The iurgical cure is the taking out one or more teeth from the upper-jaw, and perfo- rating the cavity with a proper infiniment in order to make a depending orifice for the matter to flow through -, and to make way for fyring- ing the parts affected with proper injections, which in this cafe are thrown thro' the cavity into the nofe. The fimilarity of thefe two cafes, with the method of cure, and the fuccefs attending the furgical treatment, (which was firfl invented by our countrymen Drake and Cooper) un- doubtedly gave the firfl hint for trepanning and fyringing thefe cavities in horfes : and it is moft probable, that when the operation is at- tempted in time, before the bones become rot- ten, it will be attended with equal fuccefs ; but after opening the cavities, mould it by probing be difcovered that the bones are in that ftate, the bell way then would be to difpatchthe horfe, to prevent unneceffary trouble and expence. The parts fixed on for applying the trepan are pointed out in the plate, and the manner of fawing out the bone will eafily be underflood by a view of the initrument, and the explanation annexed. The perforations being made, our next bufi- nefs is to prevent their filling up too fall : as it may be necelTary to keep them open for fome weeks, before a cure can be effected} for which purpofe, [%] purpofe, after the ufe of the injection, let the upper one be filled up with a piece of cork waxed over and adapted exactly to its fize ; the lower one may be filled up with a hollow lead- en tent, and both kept on with a proper ban- dage. If this method mould not prevent the granu- lations or moots of flefh, from filling up fo fall, as to choak up the perforation, and by that means hinder the injections paffing freely ; they mud be fuppreffed by rubbing with cauftic me- dicines, or touching with the actual cautery -, as may alfo the bony edges ; which by obliging them to exfoliate or fcale off, will retard the healing. The injections firft made ufe of mould be of a deterfive nature ; as a decoction of birth - wort, gentian, and centaury -, to a quart of which, if two ounces of asgyptiacum, and tincture of myrrh are added, it may be as proper as any ; and when the difcharge is obferved to abate, and the colour alter to a thick white matter, the injection may be changed for barley water, honey of rofes and tincture of myrrh; and finally to dry up the humidities, and recover the tone of the relaxed glands, Bates's alum-water, or a folu- tion of colcothar, vitriol, lapis medicamentofus, or the like, in lime-water will mofl probably complet the cure. E 3 But [ 70 ] But whoever is at all acquainted with practi- cal furgery, weli knows that without the afiift- ance of internals, efpecially in glandular difor- ders, the cure is not fo eafily effected, nor ren- dered complete and lading -, I therefore advife a ftrong decoction of guaiacum chips to be given every day to a quart or three pints throughout the cure, and when the matter leffens, to purge at proper intervals and put a rowel into the horle's cheft in order to divert the fluids from their old channel. If thefe fhould not fucceed, mercurials may be given with the phyfic-, and the alterative powders with lime-water may be taken for a time, if the horfe is worth the expence. Vide chap, on alteratives. My treatife upon the glanders has been tranf- lated into Englifh by Dr. Bracken, author him- felf of feveral treatifes upon the difeafes of horfes, and was alfo approved of by Mr. Bart- let an Englifh furgeon. My difcovery made upon this difeafe and my method of cure have been approved of in England. But 1 ought to declare that I have lead Mr. Bourgelat, author of a book entitled Element d'Hyppiatrique into an error, where I fpeak of the fublingual glands, upon which he has expatiated with a credulity that does me honour, for which he has my thanks -, but unhappily it was a mif- rake in me, for I acknowledged it fince, and re- tracted [ 7' ] traded that opinion that horfcs have no glands but under the fymphyfis of the chin. And I freely- own that I called them fublingual glands very improperly -, they are lymphatic glands that the inflammation of the pituitary membrane caufes to fwell, the canals of which after having thrown off feveral ramifications pafs under the maxillary gland and fixes under the parotid ; from whence two large tubes iffue which ac- company the trachea on each fide for its whole length, and ends in the vena cava. Mr. Bourgelat, a good anatomift, ought to have known this error, and to conclude from thencë, that he fhould not be in fo much hafte to criticife as to approve. E4 A ME« T^^^^^^^^^r- S%?i7&f&ZF?FG%>CFS&l%?&: ë&Sg® MEMOIR PRESENTED TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES November iS, 1750. Upon a mcfl fpeedy and infallible remedy to flop blood in large divided arteries 'without a liga- ture. IN order to flop the blood in accidental hae- morrhages of the fmall vefTels, I had a no- tion to try what effect the dufl of a certain wild mufhroom, commonly called in France VefTe-de-loup *, and botanically Lycoperdon, could have upon great divided arteries ; in the cafe of accidents in bleeding, and in performing amputations of limbs ; I propofed therefore to make my experiments on horfes. Having chofen proper fubjects, I laid the temporal artery bare in one, and di ided it traniverfely half way -, the blood ftarted out * In Englaod puff-balls. with [ 73 1 with great impetuofity -, I applied fome of this duft of the puff-ball, which I confined to the part, by only the palm of my hand, for about twelve or fifteen minutes ; and the blood flopped. I pricked, in the fame manner, the artery in a horfe's leg -, I drefîèd it with the fame duft, and the blood Hopped in like manner. I cut off the fore-leg of another horlè at its upper part, near the thorax, and applied the powder or duft to the (lump, without any other dreffing than a bladder to keep it on, and the blood flopped -, notwithftanding the ftruggles of the horfe to relieve himfelf, for he was thrown, in order to make the operation. I afterwards cut off the tail of the fame horfe at the place of its firft joint ; and the blood of the four arteries flopped like the other cafes by the fame treatment. I caufed this horfe to be knocked on the head on the fourth day after, and diffecled the divided arteries -, when I found that a mem- branous inclofure was formed, which was half tranfparent and exactly flopped their orifices, the center of each of which had a little grume of blood like a nipple. It muft be obferved here that as I examined the flump of this horfe while he was yet alive, I faw with great pleafure, the blood force againft the faid inclofing membrane, which being up- on the level with the fiefh, made it eafy for me [ 7+] me to obferve very diftin&ly the extremity of the artery by its pulfation. Having feparated the flefh from the artery, I flit it up longitudinally, and found that the little grume of clear blood was of a firm con- fiftence, of a lively red, in form of a cone or fugar-loaf, the bafis of which adhered to the little inclofing membrane which fhut up the artery without -, the point of which floated in the cavity of the reffel -, and I further found the coats grown thicker at their extremities. At length, in order to try whether the fuppu- ration of the wound would not open the orifices of the arteries again, which were juft flopped up by the remedy, I let the firft horfe live, which was the more vigorous of the two, un- til a perfect fuppuration was eftablifhed, which proved that it did not, in the leaft refpect, hin- der the cicatrifing of the arteries. EXTRACT I 75] EXTRACT of the REGISTERS OF THE Royal Academy of Sciences, December 23, 1750. TH E Sieur la FofTe, Farrier to the king's fiables, in the lafl memoir he prefented to the academy, aflerts, 1. That by applying the powder or dufl of the lycoperdon or puff- balls to very confiderable divided arteries in horfes the blood was flopped in a few minutes ; and the arteries cicatrifed by this means alone, without any fucceeding haemorrhage. 2. That about twenty hours after the appli- cation of this remedy, a membrane, or rather a pellicule, or thin fkin, was obfervsd to cover the extremity of the divided artery, with a fmall grume which fhut up the mouth of the fame artery. 3. That the pulfation of the artery was very diftinctly perceived in the place. 4. That this grume was fhaped like a cone, the bafis of which flopped up the orifice of the divided veffel, and the point was turned inward in the veffel . Thefe [76] Thefe are the fads which the academy or- dered us to confider and verify. In order to try the experiment we caufed M. la FofTe to cut oft the tail of a mare as near the root as he could, the blood flew out of the four arteries with great force ; he applied this puff-ball pow- der to the flump with a cap of a pig's bladder to keep it on ; he took off this dreffing in a quarter of an hour, and three of the arteries were flaunched, but the fourth continued to bleed very fail ; and by applying a pinch of the powder to the bleeding artery, which he kept to it only with his finger, the blood was aJfo flopped in this veffel in fix minutes. He cut off the leg of another horfe about ten inches above the knee ; and as the arteries did not bleed, he handled them for half a quar- ter of an hour in order to force them, but to no piirpofe : however he applied the powder fecur- cd by a pledget and proper bandage ; and there was not any bleeding for three days after, al- though the horfe had moved himfelf very much, and was often put to pain after the operation. The horfe was ordered to be killed, and hav- ing opened the principal artery of the flump longitudinally, we found a body of a conic fi- gure about four fingers breadth above the ex- tremity, the bafé of which adhered flrongly all round to the internal coat of the artery, its other extremity turned inward into the veffel ; when this conic body was macerated in water, k t 77 ] ic appeared very diftinctly to be a kind of mem- branous fack, like a funnel filled with blackifa grumous blood : the internal convex furface of the lack, mewed, in tufts, a great number of granulations like thofe of a wound beginning to incarn -, as to the reft, all that interval of the artery comprehended within the place where the fack adhered to the divided extremity was filled with grumes of lymph and blood, without any regular order or figure, which had neverthclefs fome adhefions to the artery. In this cafe, the matter does not exactly anfwer the Sieur la Fofle's narrative; but there is the greateft reafon to fuppofe that the agitations of the horfe after the amputation, had interrupted the efforts of nature to form the grume -, and indeed this obfervation ought to be looked up- on as an exception to thofe we mail give the following account of. In eight days after the amputation of the tail of a young mare, there appeared no manner of haemorrhage ; and when we directed M. la Folïa to cut off the thigh of the fame mare, about ten inches above the ham, the blood fpurted out with great rapidity from feveral arteries ; and in order to try whether an application of armenian. bole would not flop it as well as the puff-ball powder, we armed a pledget with the bole, and applied it, fecuring it with a proper bandage-, two hours and a half after, though the animal had not ftirred3 the blood dill iffued 3 out 5 [ 7« ] out ; the drefiings were taken off, and then the blood fprung out with great force -, the aforefaid powder of the lycoperdon was ap- plied, which was gently confined by his hand only, for fix minutes, when upon taking away his hand, the crural artery only bled through the layer of powder upon the ftump ; but this little ftream was two thirds fmaller than before, by the application, but it grew no bigger though let alone for fix minutes longer ; then the Sieur la FofTe applied a pinch of the powder to that little ftream, which he held on with his finger about four minutes longer, and the bleeding was flopped. In its place a little elevation was very clearly obferved, pufhing and retiring fuccefiively, and exactly corre- fponding with the arterial pulfation. This ob- fervation lafted a quarter of an hour, without the leafl haemorrhage from any part -, the ftump was then dreffed up with pledgets of tow, and three days after we obferved at the extremity of the artery a grume which plug'd up the orifice, and over the grume a white tranfparent fkin -, when this veffel was opened longitudi- nally, we obferved the grume intire as it was -, it was formed into a cone, the bafe of which was to the divided end of the artery, which it clofed exactly, the point or apex being turned inward, and was elongated like a ftilet floating in the arterial tube. The bafis projected about a line beyond 3 [79] beyond the extremity of the artery, and was fungous and rounded like a nipple, and cover- ed with granulations like the little membranous lack mentioned before. The point had a fmooth furface, and was nearly equal to the internal furface of the artery in confidence ; the middle part, which might be called the body of the grume, was more red than the extremities, which had but a very faint tincture of the fame colour : but it was firm, and was fo ftrongly at- tached to the artery, that we could not pull them afunder without tearing, and leaving a consi- derable quantity of its fubftance behind, which conftituted one body with the veifel. We or- dered another amputation of a horfe's fhoulder, and every thing anfwered in the fame manner, as in the former experiment, except in a few trivial circumftances ; which feemed indeed to depend only upon the horfe's having died twenty fix hours after the amputation : the grume in this cafe was redder at the extremities, fhorter, and lefs folid, nor did it adhere fo firmly to the artery : but it is very plain that it wanted only the horfe's living two days longer to have been exactly parallel to the former cafe. From what has been laid down, it may be concluded that the Sieur la Foffe has advanced nothing but the truth ; we agree, however, that the ufe of this powder of the puff-balls for flopping of blood was not wholly unknown, but it is not certain that the blood which the moil [ So] molt confiuerable arteries could discharge, was ever attempted to be flopped by this remedy- before, which it did in the ipace of fix minutes -, this author's explanation of the formation of the grume, differs from that of Monf. Petit, it opens to philofophers an opportunity of making ufeful difcoveries upon this iubjed:, or at leaft fuch as are very curious -, figned Bernard de Jussieu, and Bouvart. JT certify that the prefent extracl is conformable to its original and to the opinion of the Academy. Paris Feb. i, 1750. Signed Gkaud]!. au de Fou- chy, perpetual fecretary to the Royal Academy of Sciences. A NEW n. A NEW METHOD O F SHOEING BOTH COACH and SADDLE-HORSES, In order to render them more fecure upon their feet at all times , upon even the fmoothejt pavements. EVERY country has its different method of fhoeing horfes -, but as I do not intend to make a critical examination into either the er- rors or perfections of their methods, I lhall on- ly give a fhort account of the practice of lèverai countries, that the reader himfelf may judge how nearly the method of fhoeing in our time comes to perfection, or how far from it, F In [ 82 ] In Pruflia they only fhoe before and not be- hind. In Germany they fhoe both before and be- hind -, and commonly put three cramps upon each lhoe. In France they cramp them only behind. In England the fhoes have no cramps either before or behind, and the fhoes are thin, broad, and have very ftrong heels in order to hinder the frog's bearing upon the ground. In Spain the heels of the fhoes are thin, and partly diminifhed upon the heels of the horfe. In Turky the horfe's heels and foles are co- vered with a plate which ferves them inftead of fhoes, wherein they contrive an opening to let part of the frog come through. All thefe feveral kinds are represented in the fourth table. As" to the manner of paring the foot, it only differs according to the greater or lefs quantity of the foles being taken off. It muft, however, be obfcrved, with refpecl to the cramps, that our anceftors put them on the fore-feet; though there is no treatife that makes any mention of it-, but over the dcor of the church of St. Severin there is a number of fhoes fixed to the wall with two cramps on each, which were certainly the fhoes before the laft age. Some of chemhad been worn and others not, but it is plain they were thofe in ufe at that time. Fox [H] For feveral years paft the method of cramps have been left off, inflead of which ftrong heels have been brought into ufej but the more able farriers perceiving the abufe of fuch, now keep the heels equal to the reft of the fhoe. Every nation thought themfelves right, and believe fo flill ; nor will any of them change the manner of fhoeing. The foreigners who are lovers of horfes, and who come into this kingdom, are a ftrong proof of this-, for almoft all of them bring with them a farrier of their own country ; being ftrongly of opinion that their methods are preferable to ours. But we are pretty even with them in our opi- nions of them, for we generally ufe the fame precaution when we travel into their coun- tries. It muft not be fuppofed that the difference of the ground, caufes any manner of difference in the methods of fhoeing, which I have fome- times heard mentioned as a caufe -, for we daily fee here horfes fhod in the Englifh, German, and Spanifh manner, and yet go upon our ground neither better nor worfe than thofe fhod in the French method -, but only that this prac- tice is fcarce better in one country than ano- ther, and that in all places it is rather a matter of fancy and cuftom than of confideration and reafon. It appears to me that the cuftom of fhoeing horfes was a good one, and even neceffary up- F 2 Qn [ '4 ] on a pavement, but it is upon their form and the manner of fetting them on, that not only the prefervation of the foot, but alfo the fafety of their legs, and the eafe of their motions depend. And in effect, the more eafy our fhoes fet upon us, the more active we are ; fo a large, long, thick Ihoe ought to have the fame effecl; upon horfes, that wooden fhoes have upon us, that is, make them heavy, unweildy, and hobling. Let us now obferve the going, as well as the external and internal ftructure of a horfe's foot. The horfe who draws, preffes firft upon the toe, then fuccefiively upon the fides, to eafe the toe -, and then the horfe's heel yields upon the heel of the ihoe, from which it immediately rifes again. The laddie or pack-horfe places the toe but lightly ; which is the only difference in their going ; fo that in both cafes, the point of fup- port is fixed neither upon the heel nor toe, but between both ; which it is eafy to demonftrate anatomically, figure the firft, plate III. The canon- bone 3. preffes upon the paftern 4. this upon the coronary 5. the coronary upon the coffin or foot- bone 6. and upon the nut- bone 3. fig. 2. By this difpofition of the bones, we mould obferve two efiential things, which lay open the faults in the prefent method of fhoeing, and point out the means of being able to re- medy I [85 ] medy them for the future : one is that the effort of the weight of a horfe does not bear either upon the toe or the heel, but on the middle be- tween both ; the other fhews that the greater the diftance of the fole from the ground, or from whatfoever point of fupport, the more the pufhing of the coronary-bone upon the nut- bone, will fatigue the nerve or tendon upon which it refis, by the inordinate diftenfion it undergoes at every ftep the horfe takes *. We find therefore that in our prefent method, a long fhoe is not only perfectly nfelefs, but it is even very prejudicial -, in the firfl place it will be lefs folid •,— — fecondly, the horfe's heels coming to fink upon thofe of the fhoes, the longer the lever, the greater will be the drag upon the clinches of the nails at the toe ; and we often fee horfes, having long fhoes, flrike them off in walking upon the befl ground. They often alfo lofe their fhoes in fliff or tough clay, for they are apt to flick the fafler for being fo long. Again when the fhoe-heel happens between two pavement flones, the fhoe comes off. The fame thing very often happens when they pafs into the doors of coach houfes, which have commonly bars of iron along the thre- fhold. An old colonel of horfe told me that horfes * See the anatomical plates, which {hew the ftrufture of a horfe's foot. F 3 very [ 86] very frequently lofe their fhoes in pafllng over the draw-bridges of fortified towns, becaufe they are ftrengthened with crofs parallel iron- bars. He feemed convinced of the convenience of the new method cf fhoeing I propofe. Horfes frequently too knock off their fhoes by hitting the toe of the hind-foot upon the heel of the fore-fhoe when they trot, efpecially when they are too apt to over-reach ; and alfo lofe them by happening to put one foot upon another, while in the fiable, from the length of the fhoe. The longer a fhoe is, and the more it covers the fole, the more liable the horfe will be to fall, trip, and hobble in his walk -, particular- ly if he goes upon a pavement, becaufe the furface being formed of round parts, and the fhoe having a large uniform hard face, he can fcarce have above two or three points of fup- port. The Englifli who pradtife this kind of fhoeing take care therefore not to bring their horfes upon a flat pavement without an abfolute necefli- ty. The length of the fhoe caufes yet another ill accident to fome horfes, which they (eel all their lives -, and it is to thofe efpecially that lie down as a cow ufually does ; for in this pofture the fore-legs are fo bent under them backward, as that the heels of the fhoes wound their elbows, and caufe a kind of abfcefs in the part. It [87 1 It is thought that ftrong fhoe-heels are an eafe to the weak heels and fetlocks of horfes, as if the body of the fhoe was flexible enough to yield to the horfe's heel, and under this no- tion, they raife the fhoe-heel, and leave a va- cant fpace between that and the horfes's heel. Neverthelefs the direct contrary happens. i . It is the hoof that by its flexibility yields to the fhoe-heel, which is quite inflexible. 2. The thicker the fhoe-heel is, and the more fubject that of the horfe is to meet it. 3. Inftead of being eafed, the horfe's heel be- comes more comprefTed, becaufe it has always the fame point of fupport. Let us but remember what I have faid above concerning the horney fole -, that it is from the flefhy fole it receives its nourifhment -, that its connection and juicy parts confift in its thick- nefs -, and that it hardens, and receives lefs nou- rifhment in proportion as it is thinned. We even fee horfes grow lame by the habit of paring the fole. The air, when it is in this thin ftate, pene- trates and dries it to fuch a degree, that if when a horfe Hands dry, they neglect moiflening his feet, they contract, and comprefs the flefhy fole, fo as to lame the animal. But let us go on: what dangers does not a horfe run, when his fole is almoft gone by be* ing pared too clofe ? if he fhould happen to tread upon flumps, pieces of bottles, or nails, F 4 they [88 ] they will cafily penetrate to the flefhy fole, lame the horfe for a confiderable time, and ibmetimes for his life. Suppofe a horfe lofes a (hoe, which often happens, when his foot's but newly pared ; he cannot go an hundred paces before he grows lame ; becaufe, as in this ftate the fole is hol- lowed away, the horfe is fuftained only upon the walls of the hoof, which having no alîift- ance of fupport from the horny fole, is imme- diately worn and battered by the weight of the horfe's body -, and the fooner he treads upon any hard fubftance, the fooner he grows quite lame. But this cannot happen to a horfe, whofe fole is left intire in its full ftrength ; for when the fhoe happens to fall off, the fole and frog bear upon the ground, eafe the walls of the hoof of part of the weight of the body, and the horfe thus unfhod, will purfue his journey, and come in fafe and found. It is molt certain that all horfes, except fuch as have their feet overgrown j or fuch as may have a particular occafion of being fhod topreferve the fole, may, at any rate, go without lhoes ; and we have examples among ourfelves, (without mentioning the cuftoms of Arabia, or Tartary) of horfes who are at daily work in the country, without the leaft need of being ever fhod. But as we employ all our care and addrefs to hol- low the foot by paring it even to the quick ; and [*9] and to form an exact fine frog, in ftiort fuch an one as, we fay in France, is neatly put out of hand, it is abfolutely neceflary to fet fhoes on them. I therefore warn all lovers of horfemanfhip to fecure their horfes, as much as may be, from the perfection of fuch work. Perhaps it may be afked what becomes of the horny fole if it be not pared ? they may be afraid of its be- coming too large by its growing ; not at all, for in proportion as it grows, it dries, fcales, and falls off in flakes. Again if the horny fole be left intire, there would be no fear of thofe inflammations, arifmg from the dangerous comprenions mentioned in this treatife. For by its connection, thicknefs, and flexibility, as well as its contexture, it would feem to be wholly deftined, by nature, to ferve as a cufhion to the flefhy fole and ten- don which reft upon it ; in order to break the violent fhocks of a pavement, ftone, or any kind of flump, &c. There is a fact which we mufl alfo be convinc- of, and that is, that a horfe very feldom goes eafy, or efcapes being foon jaded, if the frog does not bear upon the ground ; and as it is the only point of fupport to the tendon; if you keep it at any diftance from the ground by paring it away, an inordinate diftenfion will happen to the tendon, caufed by the preffure of the corona- ry-bone upon the nut-bone (as we have faid already) [ 90} already) which diftenfion being repeated at every ftep he goes, tires it, and caufes an in- flammation, whence proceed relaxation, de- fluxions and tendinous fwellings, efpecially after longjournies or hard riding. Thefe accidents proceed lefs from the length of the journey which is the common notion than from the bad cuftom of paring the fole. Thecommon methods of fhoeing have another general inconvenience upon journies ; which is that fand and gravel get in, and are ground between the fole and fhoe, and again between the horfe's heels and thofe of the fhoe -, and not coming out again readily, they caufe comprenions, in- flammations, and at length a collection of mat- ter which putrifles and ruins the cartilage, forming in this latter cafe, callous horny ex- crefcences, and in the former bruifes and com- prenions of the fole. Thefe laft accidents are alfo very often the effects of a (tone's being wedg'd in between the fhoe heels -, and although this is foon per- ceived becaufe the horfe fuddenly goes lame, yet in endeavouring to knock it out, you run the chance of either hurting and laming the horfe, or ftriking off the fhoe. Let this circumftance be well attended to, that the more a horfe's foot is pared, the more he is expofed to the danger of meeting fuch ac- cidents : It is in the firft place, depriving him of the defence provided by nature againft hard fharp [CM] fharp bodies, which he may chance to tread up- on -, and in the fécond place of a more impor- tant advantage both for his own, as well as his rider's fake, which is, that in not paring away the fole, nor fetting on any more fhoe than is neceffary to preferve the horny fole, he will no more be fubject to flip, neither upon the win- ters icy pavement, nor upon the dry fmooth one of the fummer feafon, which I (hall now proceed to demonstrate. i. In making a horfe walk upon the frog and partly upon the heel, the former being ftrongly rubbed and pufhed againft the ground or pavement, as it were, imprefTes itfelf, by the weight of the horfe's body into the inequali- ties and interfaces, it happens to meet in its way. 2. By its flexibility it eafily receives the im- preffions of fuch inequalities, fo as that the foot refting upon a great many more parts which mutually eafe it, by multiplying the points of fupport, gives the animal a flronger adherence and more fecurity upon the plane he goes upon. It may even be afferted, that the frog acquires a kind of fenfation, by its correfpondence with the flefhy fole, and of this with the nerve j which though I will not compare it with what we feel in going barefoot -, yet this fenfation is fully fufficient to give him proper warning of the counterpoife he ought to put his body into, for maintaining his equilibrium to keep himfelf from {tumbling and falling. The F 9*] . The end and denVn of moeing horfes could not have been aimed at upon any other c- ca, .'it, by whomfoever firft put in practice, but as a prefervative and defence for the hoof as well as the fole ; but he could not think at the fame time that it was neccffary to pare away what he wanted to preferve by the ufe of the fhoes, I will not even fay to that excefs that we ufe in paring them, but not at all ; becaufe that would be to act contrary to his firft prin- ciple, and deftroy his own work. This precaution could never be recommended but in cafes where the horny fole is uneven, in- fomuch that the fhoe could not bear equally upon it -, which would take off" from its necef- fary firmnefs -, in fuch a cafe it may be rcafon- able, otherwife it would be very abfurd. I have often fpoke to fuch lovers of horfe- manfhip as take great care to have their hories feet well pared ; but none of them could give me any demonftration either of the neceffity or propriety of it. But at length convinced by my reafons againft it, I never could have any fatisfaction from them, but that it was an efta- blilhed cuftom, and that it muft be allowed to be by far the mod genteel method. I will offer but one word more upon this per- nicious practice, which is, that the greater part of the farriers, ».i order to pare their horfes the neater, pufh the buttrefs even to the very blood, C 93 1 blood, and then in order to flop it, have re- courfe to a red hot iron. When this operation is finifhed he returns lame to the fiable : the owner afks the rfeafon of it, but cannot be informed, becaufe both farrier and groom are either equally ignorant, or rather equally difcreet upon this article. I will venture to fay, as a fact, that if a horfe lofes fhoes ten times a day, a farrier will as of- ten pare his foot, fo excefTively obftinate is the cuflom, and fo pofitively thought neceffary by the generality of the farriers. I do not take upon me to inveigh againft able and fkilful farriers, I have refpect for thefe, and do them all the juftice imaginable ; I only ftrike at that ignorance alone, which has re- duced a method of fhoeing, which is in itfelf fimple, eafy and ufeful, in its principle -, to a work which is pernicious in its ufe, and meerly a mark of dexterity and neatnefs in its execu- tion. From what has hitherto been faid, it is plain that our kind of fhoeing, and the manner of our application of it, far from being ferviceable to horfes, ruins, fatigues, and renders them unweildy and hobling -, expofes them to ftreet nails, makes them take up their limbs aukward- ly, fubjecls them to comprenions of the fole, callous excrefcences, tender- footednefs, and ob- ftrudtions and fwellings of the tendon. But by a new manner of fhoeing, which will make them more [94] more alert and agreeable in their going, we mall be able to prevent the crowd of accidents mentioned ; and it is from its Simplicity, and the great eafe of performing it, that all its ad- vantages arife. I cannot but wonder others have never thought of it before, and I have, indeed, ibme difficulty to perfuade myfelf, that I am the in- ventor -, and I am more ready to believe, that it is no more than copying that which was prac- tifed by the firft artift, who thought of fetting fhoes on horfes. If I am right in my fufpicion, its having been forgotten, proves nothing againft its per- fection •, becaufe neither a good nor bad method has any more right the one than the other, to fix our inclination from varying. We grow weary of every thing -, and one, in order to im- prove upon the other, has invented fhoes of different forms, lengths, and thickneffes, to which he has been fure to attribute many ufe- ful properties. The world, more credulous than well inftructed, are eafily convinced, and from hence fprung the ufe offome long fhoes, others thick, others with cramps, at length others with thick ftrong heels, and in fine, others with thin ones. It is not unlikely that if the poor animals themfelves were able to give their opinions, nothing of all this would be put in execution ; they would be kept to their antient method of being fhod, which being in- vented [95 1 vented to preferve the hoof, had certainly none of the inconveniencies that attend our prefent method. In order to give a ftriking example of this,we need only to obferve a draught- horfe, when he draws a loaded cart, at a time when the pave- ment happens to become flippery -, we fhall fee the pain and torment the poor animal fuffers, his feet having no purchafe, he attempts in vain, to claw the pavement -, every flep is a flip, for which he is often whipt without de- ferring it ; the back, breaft, moulders, legs, and all are {trained, all upon the rack -, to which may be added, the perpetual fear of the whip, at every falfe ftep he makes upon a pave- ment, which it is impofîible to draw a load up- on ; under thefe circumftances the horfe fuffers more in one league, than if had drawn ten leagues upon the road ; the foundering, inflamed lungs, fevers, and every other accident of a drain- ed horfe are the confequences, -yhich are often attributed toother caufes : but what is dill more dreadful, that the very worft jades do not fufrer fo much as the befl horfes, who put all their ftrength forward, and yet are not the more fpared for their willingnefs. : I Ihouldnot omit mentioning here, that one of the principal reafons that determined me to feek a means of reforming the old manner of Ihoeing, was the difficulty that horfes have to keep their feet upon the pavement of Paris in a very dry 2 feafon * [g6] feafon ; the more elegant the pavement of this capital is, which is wonderfully kept in repair, and the more advantageous to the citizens, the more prejudicial it is to the horfes. And the ofterier the pavement is fwept the more eafily it grows flippery, and the more thefe animals are expofed to dangers. But above all we muft without controul yield to what is convenient to men, and accommodate the arts to them, which made me think of this new method, I proceed to propofe. A TRAIN [97] THE Manner of Shoeing. ^nr^ H E fole nor frog muft never be pared, -*- for the reafons given before ; we ought to be content with only taking down the edge of the hoof, as ufual, if it be thought too long j and then to fet on a fhoe in form of a half- moon *5 thinning the heels, and making them a little longer for fuch horfes as have weak hoofs ; for when the feet are good they muft only reach the middle of the hoof. Eight fmall nails made in the old way, that is, having very fmall heads, are incrufted in the holes which are made, as the head is, in an ob- long form -, the figures both of the fhoe and nail are to be feen in the fourth plate. This is the whole of the myftery ; I own this method does not feem to be in tafte -, it is even a general reproach which they who make the trial for the firft time offer me. But the greater part of thofe who have tried this way3 continue it, they find it fo advantageous. As to the reft, if the reader does not find my reafons fufficient to convince him of the * See the plate of the fhoes. G imper- [ 9« ] imperfection of the common method of (hoe- ing, and of the advantage of the new way, I refer him to making the experiment ; afluring him he is very much miftaken, if he takes all I have faid, for a fimple project, which would have no other merit than to have been formed from a meer rational theory. I aflert to him that my notions have more folidity, and that in praiflng my new method of fhoeing, I declare nothing but a fact a long time ago put in ex- ecution, and confirmed by practice. The marquis de L. O *** colonel of horfe, and a lover of horfes, to whom I mentioned this new way of ihoeing in October 1753, knowing the ftructure of a horfe's foot, told me he thought it an ufeful and good way, and that he had a mind to have his horfes mod fo ; in fhort he had it done, and tried it upon fmooth pavements as well as upon ice -, and although the roads were almoft impaflable this year 1754, his horfes never Humbled; and he recommended to me to go on with the fame method. I have fhod in this manner for a great num- ber of houfes in Paris ; the firft effay was made upon my own horfe, who draws my carriage to this day ; he ufed to flip frightfully in go- ing, though he was mod with cramps all round. But as foon as I had mod him in my new way, he became as fure footed, as if he always walked upon good ground. I even proved in the [99] thelaftfroft, oflaft winter, that the fame horfe, being mod in this manner and only two frofl nails at the toe went firm and lure even upon the ice. i . I have obferved before that all kinds of fhoeing went well upon every fort of ground ; it is necefTary however, to mention a word or two more about it. In the German fhoeing, the fafhion is to have two cramps to each lhoe -, and is only fit for going upon the ice ; upon all other grounds it is hurtful to the legs, which are raifed up, as if upon ftilts. 2. The Spanifh method hurts the horfes heels by the length of the lhoe they fet on, and with which they confine the heels upon the two quarters of the horfe's heel, which joins the co- ronet, in fuch a manner that the foot becomes tormented and preffed fo as not to be capable of fpreading, which makes almoft all the Spa- nifh horfes grow narrow heeled. 3. The Englifh manner of fnoeing is to keep the fhoe-heels large and high in order to fave the frog -, by this means they deprive them of the liberty of going with eafe upon a pave- ment ; becaufe the fhoe does not bear upon the level, and produces an effect like that of a pi- vot, upon the middle of the fhoe-heels and the vault or hollow. 4. The Turkifh horfes have alfo a great deal to do to keep themfelves fafe upon a pave- ment, becaufe the ihoe covers all the foot. G 2 5. The [ loo ] 5- The French method of moeing has the fault I obferved before, of making their fhoes too long ; of paring the feet and fetting on one cramp on each fhoe behind, which makes them go fideling ; it would be better that they had two cramps to each fhoe, but they make but one for fear the horfe mould go lame -3 I allow that cramps are ufeful, efpecially in defcents, and in backing, but this cramp in a few days is worn, it flips upon a pavement, and has no ef- fect but jufl when it is new -, again, does not the pavement alfo wear, while the flones grow convex in the middle, and make it flip from one to another, having no hold nor purchafe between both ? It is therefore very effential to leave off the cramps and to fhoe the horfe in fuch a manner that the frog may bear upon the ground, in or- der to enable him to flop fhort, and make him more fure-footed than with cramps : the frog will ferve horfes to go upon the fmooth pave- ment, as felts enable men to go upon the ice. It muft be owned that the French method of fhoeing is the beft and mod folid of all for flat-feet. As to thofe horfes who have tumors within the feet, and fiiTures without, or weak quarters, they muft be (hod in the femilunar manner ; that is, fo as that the outer- heel of the fhoe may be fomethjrig longer, the inner very fhort, in order to i prevent [ *» ] prevent the weights bearing upon the affected or painful part; there are lèverai expedients which produce the fame effect; we may even think of many others, for it is the bufmefs of the artift; but to this time I know of none bet- ter, more ready, nor more certain, than the half moon fhoe. I wifh for the benefit of fociety that my at- teftation and experience were convincing enough to caufe a reformation in a pernicious practice, which is fubject to fuch great inconveniencies ; it would be the moil agreeable recompence I could defire. This is what I had to fay upon this new method of fhoeing ; there are already fome of my fraternity who practife it ; and many gentle- men of knowledge approve of it, and all I have done myfelf in it for fix months, confirms to me more and more that it is a good method ; yet I every day bear many contradictions from all ranks of people ; fome condemn it from prejudice, others thro' ignorance, and others thro malice. Some farriers, and feveral coachmen and grooms are againft this method ; I therefore think it my du- ty, to anfwer in a few words, all the objections which have come to my knowledge about it. Gbj£C [ 102 ] Objection I. They fay that this kind of flioeing will caufe drains, bruifes, and other ailments in the heel. Answer. I have already demonftrated that the fhoe- heels never yield as was thought -, that the weight of the horfe forces the hoof to come upon the fhoe- heel -, by which the horfe's-heel is bruifed, as if in a prefs ; and confequently having the fhoe- heels fhort, he will be lefs fub- je£t to thefe diforders by this fhort fhoeing, becaufe the horfe's-heel will but lightly touch the pavements, bearing the weight of the body intirely upon the middle of the foot, and upon the frog. '&• Objection II. Some pretend the horfe's-heel wears away. Answer. To prove without reply, that this is falfe, that the heel can never be worn to the quick, and that its fubftance is of fuch a nature as to grow more than it wears ; it is that we are obliged to take it down every time we fet on a fhoe : but it is only in fuch horfes as have the heels ftrong. Objec- [ i03 ] Objection III. It is faid that I never open the heel, and that that is the caufe of diforders. Answer. There arethree forts of diforders, the firft comes from a ftrain ; to which I have anfwer- ed, the fécond from not opening the heel well ; but when ever I fee them difpofed that way, I pare them, leaving the frog in its full ftrength ; and the third fort proceeds from the natural ftruc- ture of the foot ; and in this cafe whether the foot be pared or not, they will equally come on. Objection IV. They fay that the frog ought to be fatigued, becaufe the horfe goes upon it. Answer. I could rigoroufly appeal for this to experience : no horfe fhod in this new me- thod has to this day fhewed the leaft fign of the fatigue of the frog, or of its fenfibility; and I even do not believe that any one can fay he ever faw horfes lamed, having old fhoes on, for having travelled upon the frog ; and it will be feen that it is fcarce poflible, when we reflect upon the whole particular ftructure of this part as I have given it in this work. It is a foft, fpongy, flexible fubftance, which by its natural elafticity yields to the weight of the G 4 body [ 104 ] body the inftant the horfe prefTes his foot againft the pavement, and immediately recovers again. There is, however, a cafe wherein a horfe may become lame, by going upon the frog ; but which never was objected to me -, which is when it is hard and dry. The obfervation and anatomy of the foot have fhewed me that it may caufe lamenefs, becaufe the horfe in bearing upon the ground forces this hard part againft the expanfion of the tendon which is attached to the foot bone, and the horfe may become lame from the great fenfibility of this part : but if I take off the little end of the frog with the buttrefs, he ought not to be lame. Objection V. It is faid the frog will be more fubject to have fpongy excrefcences. Answer. That happens only to fuch horfes as are full of humours -, and if there appears any difpofition towards it, the frog may be pared, and the horfe will go upon his heels, if they be ftrong, as fafely, upon a fmooth pave- ment. Objection VI. They fay the nerve is wearied, that is, that the Tendo Achillis is ftretched or dragged ; and fuffers by this mort fhoeing, becaufe the frog bears upon the ground. Answer. It is juft the very contrary. Let [ io5 ] Let us obferve the effects of the weight of the body upon the Tendo Achillis in the fol- lowing circumftances. If a horfe be mod with cramps, then there is a great diftance between the frog and the pavement : the weight of the body bears upon the cramps -, the frog which is now free in the air yields downwards, the tendon is ftretched, and if the horfe makes a fudden violent, motion, the rupture of the tendon is almoft inevitable : becaufe the frog cannot reach the ground to eafe the tendon, to which it ought to be the point of fupport-, if the tendon is not ruptured, yet the horfe will be lame a long time after, becaufe of the great diftenfion of the fibres which were fo much upon the ftretch as to be near breaking. If we fet on fhoes with only ftrong heels, the frog is not fo high from the ground j the weight of the body may indeed force the frog to touch the middle of a paved (lone, and thereby prevent the great diftenfion of the ten- don ; but as the thicknefs of thefe heels hinders the fubftance of the frog to bear upon the ground, to yield and reftore itfelf as much as it is capable of by its natural elafticity, the tendon muft fnap, by any violent and fudden fpring, every other circumftance being equal. But if a horfe is fhod without fhoe-heels, the frog which bears all the horfe's weight gives way at every ftep, and by ic^ elafticity is reftored to its natural ftate ; the tendon is never dragged [ io6] dragged or {trained -, its fibres will not be fuf- ceptible of any violent diftenfion, in cafe of any fudden violent motion. I dare affirm before hand that a rupture of the tendon will never happen upon the middle of a paved ftone ; and if it ever mould, it could only be ruptured in the interftice between two of thefe paved (tones. From what I have faid, two things plainly appear : that all the different degrees of violence that one can imagine from its total rupture, to the molt flight diftraction of its fibres that can lame a horfe, may happen to the tendon -, and that it is upon the frog alone that all thefe degrees depend, as it is more parti- cularly laid down in the hiftory of the fracture of the coronary- bone, and in the anatomy of a horfe's foot. Objection VII. It is faid, the horfe will be more fubjecl: to be injured by ftreet nails, and to other acci- dents which proceed from pricking the flefhy fole. Answer. As in this method the foot is not pared, the horny fole will always have its full natural ftrength ; and confequently will be lefs liable to be penetrated, than when it is made extremely thin. Objection VIII. They fay that the horfe is not mod to be cafy, that he goes in pain, and mult be lame. Answer, [ io7 ] Answer. If the horfe goes uneafy, or is lamed, it cannot happen from the fhoeing, however fhort the fhoe may be ; if it be not from the different accidents that often proceed from the common methods of fhoeing, and which may as well happen in the new way : which are i . The foot being too much ftraiten- ed ; 2. Accidental pricks: 3. The fhoe nails may bind the enchannelled flefh too much. 4. The fhoe may bear too much upon the fole. 5. When the fhoe heels prefs upon the weak heels of the horfe. 6. When the fole is burnt. 7. Wounds of the flefhy fole made by the buttrefs. In my way of fhoeing I avoid four of thefe accidents. 1. The heel is never drained, be- caufe I put no part of the fhoe upon it : 2. I prefer ve the fole intire, to which I never ufe the buttrefs. 3. The flefhy fole can never be burnt, nor wounded by the buttrefs, fince it never is touched with it. Let the three other accidents abovementioned be taken care of, and I defy them to lame a horfe that has a good foot, let the fhoe be never fo fhort. Objection IX. It is faid that the horfe is liable to lofe his fhoes, becaufe they are fet on with only fmall nails. Answer. It is mod certain that a fhort fhoe [ >°8 ] fhoe with fmall nails, will hold on better than a long fhoe with large nails ; that it has lefs weight ; that the lever is fhorter, which has yet lefs weight of the fhoe, and by confequence it flrains the clinches the lefs ; and does not di- vide the hoof like a large nail. Moreover I refer to the experiment. As to thofe who are no friends to the new method of fhoeing, let them only clinch the nails in a carelefs manner, and the horfe will caft his fhoes, as they pleafe. Objection X. It is faid that the horfes that are not mod with cramps are mofl fubje<5t to flip. Answer. I can affirm that the more dry and more fmooth the pavement, and the more the frog or horfes heel bears upon the ground, the horfe will be the more fecure -, and he will flip much lefs than if he had cramps ; even tho' he goes down very fteep places, or backs ftrongly. What is mofl: certain is, that the Itû fhoe a horfe wears the lefs he flips, becaufe if it were poffible he could do v/ithout any, he would not at all be liable to flipping. I do not, however, engage that the fhoeing I propofe would have the fame effect upon a moid or greafy pavement, or that the horfes will hold on them fo fecurely, efpecially on the hind feet -, I think indeed that large nails would in fuch places be of ufe -, which might alfo happen upon a flippery foil. I have [ io9 ] I have obferved that the common fhoe wears away almoft half more than that I propofe ; if for example, I let on a fhoe of two pounds weight, it will be half worn off by its fervice, upon a pavement ; and the fame horfe going the fame ground, and in the fame fpace of time, if he is mod with the half- moon fhoe, it will not be diminished above a third part : the fhoes may be weighed before they are fet on, and af- terwards, by which the truth of what I advance may be judged of, and we mail be convinced by that, that a horfe (hod according to my me- thod, goes more lightly. My new manner, which I repeat again, has nothing but prejudice againfl it ; anatomy which has taught me the Structure of the foot, laid open to me all its advantages, and experi- ence has confirmed them. I hope, by the fequel, it will be more re- li-fhed; and that they will return from a preju- dice, which has no other foundation, than be- ing an old cuftom ; as of a multitude of anci- ent bad practices, which often turn out dan- gerous or ufelefs, of which I think I ought to give a fhort account for the good of fociety, while the work I am about ferves to make them the more public. Error I. I have feen a horfe whofe jugular vein was divided, perifh by the ignorance of the opera- tor, [ no ] tor, who not knowing the circulation of the blood, made a ligature upon the lower part, inftead of the upper-part of the vein from whence the blood flowed ; and whilft he tried to (top it in the part from which it did not flow, the horfe died. I faw the fame fault committed upon horfes in whom the faphena was divided ; among others upon one who died while they were Hopping the vein, becaufe they made the liga- ture above, inftead of making it below. Such as are more timorous than ordinary ufually make two ligatures and divide them in the middle ; but there muft never be but one upon what- foever vein. Error II. They Hop up veins for different caufes, un- der a notion that they are the vehicles for cer- tain humours i I faw the jugulars flopped up in horfes, who became blind ; and that muft be very prejudicial to every other part, becaufe thereby they flop the courfe of the fluids. But there is yet fomething more, which is, that I am perfuaded that this operation, independent of the accidents it occafions, is ever ufelefs, for it is falfe that the veins carry any nourifhment to the parts, for they ought to know that the ar- teries do that office. Error Error III. When horfes are foundered they flop the circulation of the blood without knowing it, with bands of ftraw, which they roll round the legs before and behind, or with a ribbon, and bind it very tight, for fear the difeafe fhould defcend to the feet. I have feen horfes who had gangrenes upon thefe parts, by fuch com- prenions. Error IV. It is a very bad method to fufpend horfes who cannot ftand on their feet ; for while they leave them on the (lings a gangrene happens where thefe prefs. The reafon of this is plain, it is becaufe they flop the courfe of the fluids. Error V. There are fome who pretend that the gripes in a horfe are caufed by the vives *, and in order to cure it they open the maxillary glands which they vulgarly call the Avives, and, by this opening, often deftroy the maxillary ca- nals which carry the faliva to the mouth j and fometimes the fore becomes fiflulous, and the * Swellings of the glands under a horfe's ears, fluid [ 112 ] fluid is loft by this opening inftead of going to the mouth, and deftroys the horfe. Error VI. There are ibme who take out the lampas -, I have feen a horfe who bled to death after this operation, for they were never able to flop the blood. They perform this operation under a notion that this production of the roof of the mouth is preternatural : they burn out one or two of the ridges of the roof, which they call the bean or lampas, with a red-hot iron, and confequent- ly make a fore upon the part. It mull therefore be obferved, that it is a ge- neral rule that all young horfes have their mouths more or lefs full of what are called lampas ; and fometimes they rife higher than the fore-teeth ; now in proportion as a horfe grows older, the roof flattens of itfelf, and the teeth then appear to rife. Error VII. Some horfes fall off their ftomachs, and it is pretended their lofs of appetite is caufed by ibme teeth grown above the reft, but this is a meer imagination -, for I have feen many horfes who had fome of their teeth confiderably higher than others, and yet chewed their aliment the better. better. I have proved that, in attempting to file thefe pretended overgrown teeth, they make all the upper and under-jaws, and frequently- even caufe inflammations by the violent mocks of the files they ufe to lower the eminences : and this operation, far from making him feed with eafe, prevents it. I have even feen teeth which were broken off by this operation. Error VIII. They take out what is thought a nerve at the end of the nofe for different reafons, which anfwers no end, and does more harm than good; I have ken horfes become blind upon it, and others feized with a gangrene, and that by the great inflammation that happens from this method upon the part. Our old practitioners pretend that this a is nerve which begins at the end of the nofe, and extends to the laft vertebra of the back (a meer error) -, for it is the two elevator mufcles of the upper-lip which take their origin or attachment under the eyes, and terminate at the end of the nofe ; from which nothing but a tendon is the refult i the opera- tion conflits in making an opening at the end of the nofe, and raifing the tendon with a wild goat's horn ; dividing the two mufcles near their infertion, and pulling them forcibly out ; this operaticn is performed for feveral difeafes. H Error C "4 ] Error IX. They fay there are horfes troubled with the vertigo, and therefore run a red-hot- iron thro* the foretop and mane, near the occipital bone; which fometimes falls upon the cervical liga- ment which is inferted into the pofterior creft or ridge of the occipital- bone, this operation is intended to deftroy a live worm which beyond difpute is a meer chimera -, for I opened feveral of thefe horfes, attacked (as they faid) with the fame diforder, and never faw any worms, nor any perfon who faid he ever found any. I be- lieve this diforder to be nothing but an inflam- mation of the brain. I faw a horfe cured of this inflammation, but he was plagued for four months with the application of the cautery, and not being able any longer to hold up his head, he was abandoned. I found that the cautery had deftroyed the cervical ligament, which confirms what I have faid above. Error X. I faw a horfe into whofe throat they had thruft a leek, imagining he had fwal lowed a fea- ther, which made him cough ; they thruft it to the very trachea and feveral of its fragments re- mained behind, which made him cough more and more : they then thruft in an oxe's fmew down [ ns ] down his throat which they forced yet farther, and the node was fuffocated ; I opened him and found the fragments of the leek as far down as the Bronchia. As to the notion of a horfe's cough proceed- ing from feathers fwallowed down, it is very falie, for before they can reach the cefophagus they are moiftened by the faliva, which is al- ways in great abundance in horfes -, I more than once made the experiment ; for I gave to fome greedy horfes feathers of different fizes to eat among their hay, which never did them any harm -, they very often eat them in farms where there is poultry, and nothing happens to them from it. Error XL I once faw a horfe who was thought lame in the fhoulder, and was forced to go on the part affe&ed, by tying up the other foot to the leg with a cord -, this is called fwimming on dry land ; fome time after there appeared a fwelling on the coronet, which fhewed the feat of the lamenefs to be in the foot, and that it was very injudicious to have forced him to move upon the difeafed part. This horfe, inftead of being re- lieved, continued lame. Error XII. They perform, what is called drawing the thorn, upon lame horfes, being perfuaded that H 2 the [ »6 ] the head of the thigh-bone is diflocated, with an intention confequently of reducing it. Let us fuppofe it was fo, (which I never yet faw) I have actually Ctçn the femur and its head fractured in its cavity, andeventhe ofla ilia, but never obferved it to be diflocated, nor has any one ever pretended to me to have feen it ; but in this fuppofition, I fay, I do not believe it is pcflible to reduce it. To draw the thorn ^ is to tie one end of a rope to the fetlock of the difeafed limb, and the other to a flexible tree, from which they make the horfe pull by whipping him ; I have feen fome who were but a little lame, and after this torture, became more lame, and remained fo all their lives. Error XIII. For the cure of drags and ftrains they have recourfe to the fkin as ir it was the feat of the diforder ; it was never feen that a horfe was lame from cutaneous difeafes, except fometimes by a fixing of the farcy -, whicli comprennes the mufcles and hinders their motion ; or by fome abfeefs formed upon them. The common remedy for thefe dilbrders is to pafs fêtons or rowels between the fkin and cutaneous mufcles, made either of fimple cords or mixed with hair -, or of ribbon, or leather -, they alfo J)ut in ftraw and twigs of birch or other wood ; there f IT7 3 there is an Infinite number of other remedies, but it would be too tedious to enumerate them, all which tend to promote fuppuration in fome part or other, and produce no other effect than to puniih the horie to no manner of purpofe. Thefe operations mould be regarded as kinds of cauftics which are of no other ufe than to caufe a difcharge of humours. I once was obliged by the importunities of the owner to fire his lame horfè (as it is yet in practice) who, he faid, had a ftrain ; he made me apply the cautery to a great many points which penetrated to the mufcles ; a great in- flammation came on, and the animal became more lame than he ever was before; the whole thigh was dried up, and was lamed by it for ever. I performed this operation againft my will -, but as I was fubject to his orders for that time, I was obliged to latisfy him. Error XIV. There is yet a method which in my opinion is another error, which is bleeding horfes in the month of May, even though they are in perfect health -, I cannot fee upon what this cuftom is founded, efpecially as they are well ; indeed I have feen many become ill by it. I fhall add this laft fhort reflection upon horles faid to be cold in the moulders, or feized in the ihoulders. I think it is in the joints of the foot, and not in L us j in the fhoulders, the caufes of laming horfes ought to be looked for. What leaves no manner of room to doubt that the origin ot this dileale is not folely in the articulations, is, that after having dirTected horfes whom they thought cold in the moul- ders, I found that the fynovia of the joints in the foot was diminiihed and changed. I be- lieve that when a horfe is very hot, the fweat which falls from the fhoulders and neck upon the legs, in proportion as it defcends from the trunk grows cold upon the lower extremities, which moreover cannot be fo warm as the mufcles. It is to this diftance, to this organifation, and to the cooling of the fweat upon thefe parts we may attribute the diminution and alteration cf the fynovia which firft caufes the foot to chop or crack and then lames the horfe. This evil may be prevented by walking a horfe gently after hard riding, that he may cool by degrees, till he is well dried ; he is then to have his legs well rubbed down, to be covered and kept very warm, in his cloths for an hour ; no rifque is run in carrying him to the water to wafh him, if he is fplafhed with dirt, though he is in a fweat -, care muft only be taken not to let him drink, and to walk him before you put him into the ftable, that he may not grow fud- deply cold ; the cuftom of rubbing the legs with ftraw is falutary, being intended to refrefh the r<«9] the parts, and fo is that of keeping them warm," in as much as it prevents foundering, glanders, and other accidents. The fubjects would be inexhauftible if I fliould enlarge upon all thofe that are the objects of this book ; but I leave it to thofe of m y frater- nity who are more learned and fkilful than my- felf to publifh what Ï may have forgot : and hope that the little light I have thrown upon our art, which is yet in too much obfcurity, will engage them to bring it to perfection ; and for my part, I declare I fhall be ilncerely obliged not only to thofe of my profeffion, but alfo to all lov- ers of horfemanfhip, if they will be fo kind as to fhew me my errors, as well as communicate their own reflections and difcoveries. It appears to me that the Englifh farriers have neither more knowledge nor experience than we have in the fubjecl, and particularly in that of the circulation of the blood ; nor Indeed in a vail number of difeafes, for which they generally apply the fame remedies without di- ilinction, and without endeavouring to be cer- tainly acquainted with the true caufe. Here is the manner in which Mr. Bart- let, a lurgeon of London, explains himfelf up- on the matter -, who has publifhed a book this year, which I have caufed to be tranflated, en- titled : The Gentle-man's Farriery, or a practical Treatife on the Difeafes of Horfes : wherein. he has pointed out the beft authors who have written upon the fubject. He [ 120 J He fays, in the 4th chap.which treats of fevers, that he cannot recover from his amazement, that farriers are fo ignorant in the knowledge of thepulfe-, the following are his words : " A due *' attention to the pulfe is fo important an ar- " tide, in order to form a proper judgment in " fevers, that it would appear amazing it has " fo much been neglected, if one did not re- " collect that the generality of farriers are fo " egregioufly ignorant that they have no man- '-' ner of conception of the blood's circulation, '" nor in general have they ability enough to di- " tinguifh the difference between an artery and " a vein. With fuch pretty guardians do we " intruft the health of the moll valuable of ani- " mais !" I forbear mentioning certain difcoveries, cures and operations, of which Mr. Bartlet gives the account in his book -, which appeared, to me, fo much the more juft, as they are founded up- on an exact knowledge of the anatomy of a horfe, till I mall be able to mention with cer- tainty his method of docking a horfe, and of the defcription of the machine he has invented for performing that operation. As I have laid down to myfelf a plan of ne- ver giving any thing to the public but what is certain and confirmed by infallible experiments, I will firft prove it to myfelf before I communi- cate it. FINIS. A 000 090 018 3 "- ' ■ ' •■- - - - - -