THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FROM THE LIBRARY OF COUNT EGON CAESAR CORTT AGRIC. LIBRARY OBSERVATIONS Barrenness FRUIT TREES OBSERVATIONS FRUIT TREES. AND THE MEANS OP PREVENTION AND CURE. By P. LYON. * , • Colere Deos, Colere Agros. " By the sweat of thy brow, shalt thou earn thy food." EDINBURGH : PRINTED BT C. STEWART, FOR WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, SOUTH BRIDGE STREET ; AND ROBERT BALDWIN, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. i 1813. AGRfC. TREATISE ON THE MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT TREES. Colere Deos, Colere Agros. rt By the sweat of thy brow, shalt thou earn thy food.' To the Great Society of the World, the fol* lowing short Treatise is most respectfully dedicated by their Fellow Member and humble Servant. '**;/> <{!uo .-tMi \ Fellow Members, I thought I could not dedicate this little" Work, with more propriety to any, than to you ; seeing it was intended fpr the benefit and instruction of your society. If I have failed in accomplishing that end, I hope M351737 2 you will be candid enough to impute it to error in judgment, and not to any impuri- ty of design. For I assure you, I have no secret pastes, powders, potions, or plaisters to sell, for the cure of fruit trees in any disease or malady whatever. I have no darling theory to support ; I have no doc- trines to elucidate, by Phlogiston, Hydro- gen, Carbon, Hydroguret, or any word an- cient or modern, but what can be as well explained by Chrononhotonthologus, or any other word you please. I have made no experiments for the purpose of discovery ; I have only attempted to follow an universal law of nature, and I was certain if I did not mistake her path, she would not lead me wrong. Self-interest and the prejudices of educa- tion, have ever been the banes of improve- 3 ment in useful knowledge, in every depart- ment of life ; and horticulture has not es- caped the influence. One man has trees ; another has pastes, powders, potions, and plaisters to sell; a third has been bred a gardener, and must adhere td the practice he has been taught, though that should be contrary to every rule and law of nature, reason, and common sense. And it re- quires more than ordinary courage to differ from a common received' opinion ; be- cause a man's character, (than which, no- thing can be dearer to him, both his happi- ness as a social being, and his bread, if not independent, resting on it) is sure to suffer; as has happened in the present case ; the author having been stigmatised with the grossest defamation : folly, madness, &c. by professional men, amateurs, connoiseurs, &c. He has, however, had the consolation 4 of being countenanced by what they are pleased to call ignorant men ; that is, men of judgment, not influenced by any selfish motive, or prejudiced by being bred garden- ers, or having learnt from them ; for the ig- norance of the one is only natural and open to conviction, whereas that of the other is taught, and completely shut to every ray of reason, and defies all the powers of Nature. So, would it be easier to convince ten thou- sand Indians of truth and common sense, than one fanatic in theology, physic, law, or horticulture. Nothing can shew the power of the prejudi- ces of education and custom, or what maybe called taught or acquired ignorance, over that of natural ignorance, stronger than a prac- tice that prevails among the medical tribe. In rolling up a taper limb, they begin at the 5 small end, and roll towards the great ; the consequence is, that the bandage will not stay up, but constantly falls down towards the small end ; because the last round of the roller forming a greater circle than the for- mer, slips over it, and so alternately, till the whole falls down : whereas, were they to begin at the great end, the last round of the roller forming a lesser circle than the former, would support it, and so support each other to the end. This is an instance of prejudice, shutting impenetrably the under- standing, against the irresistible rays of ma- thematical demonstration, which the sceptic who doubts his own existence, never doubted. Nor can such an instance be found a- mong the vulgar and illiterate ; but when we look at their theories, we cannot be surprised at any practice. I shall take notice 6 of only one, the doctrine of inflamma- tion ; and I would not have done that, had it not been perfectly analogous to the sub- ject I am about to treat of*, and to show * Inflammation in the animal body may be defined, an unequal distribution of the blood. Canker in fruit trees may be defined, an unequal distribution of the sap ; but to follow out the analogy would carry us too far from the subject immediately in view. This, however, may perhaps be the subject of future discussion: but every body knows, that there are two ways of making a vessel carry easy, by lessen- ing the contents, and by enlarging the capacity of the vessel. The first (blood letting) is used as the only one ap- plicable with success, on the animal body ; the other (removing the outer bark) on- fruit trees; and both 7 the power of education, which will make men believe any thing. It will, no doubt, be thought presumption, to call in question a doctrine which has the law of prescriptive right hi its favour ; and it will be reckoned something worse, to differ in opinion and practice, from what has prevailed since the creation of the world : but we are of opi- nion that no time can make right that which is wrong, nor wrong that which is right. these operate in the same way : by relaxing the whole fluid system, and so enabling every part to maintain and perform its proper functions, and giving any weak- ened or injured part, an opportunity of recovering its lost power. For it is easily understood, that while every part performs its functions in due proportion to the whole, no disease will ensue ; but if, in any way, the balance is lost, inflammation will take place in the one, and canker in the other. 8 Inflammation, we are taught, is owing to an increased impetus of the blood, in the ves- sels of the part inflamed, occasioned by an increased action of the vessels of that part itself, and at the same time, there is an ac- cumulation of the blood in these very ves- sels in that part. This would appear mys- terious to any person who had not studied physic, how there can be an accummulation of blood, where the propelling power is in- creased : but to medical people it is quite intelligible. We do not know what an en- gineer would think, but a physician is not obliged to think like an engineer. We have indeed heard of a wonderful stone in some place of Scotland, which moves by a gentle touch, but if a greater force is ap- plied, it will not budge. Historians relate this story, but they do not, so far as I know, attempt to account for it ; but they wrote before the invention of spasm. "We explain inflammation by spasm, which stops the blood in its course, and an increased action of the vessels which pushes it on, and both these are produced by the vis medica- trix naturae. This kind of reasoning is not confined to physic alone ; for when men cannot explain any of the phenomena of nature, in one progressive series of cause and effect, they set up two opposite agents, the one to do good, the other to do ill ; and the magic lanthorn is carried over the world, — Pull baker, pull devil ; pull devil, " pull baker." .Push vessel, hold spasm ; hold spasm, push vessel. The vis medica* jc naturae brings on a spasm to remove the 10 spasm. This is like a man mounting upon a load he is going to lift. That there is a power in nature which tends to correct errors and remove diseases, there is no doubt ; but this power never acts in oppo- sition to itself. The spasm or constriction, the dilatation, the accumulation of blood, and the increased impetus, all exist in the same place, at the same time. Perhaps the teachers of this doctrine are of an opinion, which some say is founded on experience, that to make any thing generally believed, it is necessary to make it as absurd as pos- sible, and to dash beyond all human com- prehension. For when any thing is simple, men begin to reason, and when they begin to reason, they may begin to doubt. Gar- deners dung their trees to give them nourishment, and they bend the branches, &c. to deprive them of nourishment, what 11 they call superfluous sap. Fortunately their practice, like that of physic, is not deduced from the theory ; for the very method they take to deprive the branch of sap, gives it more. If any person unprejudiced will think but for a moment, and consider the phenomena of inflammation,the tumefaction, and redness, and the remote causes, burn- ing, beating, bruising, compressing, over- stretching, overloading, &c. and also the methods of cure, he will be convinced that the proximate cause is quite the reverse of what is now taught, and that it is a diminished action of the vessels of the part, at least that their action is weaker, in proportion, than the other parts of the sanguiferous system ; and from this cause, all the phenomena of inflammation can be explained, in one progressive and connected series of cause and effect, and all the 12 methods of cure appear consistent, accor- ding to the laws of nature, without any of that perplexity and contradiction occasion- ed by setting up two opposite agents. And any person will be convinced that the power of vessels receiving such injuries, and loaded with such burdens, cannot be increased by any means the 'vis medicatrix naturae can adopt, far less by a spasm which adds to their burden. But nothing, perhaps, has tended more to retard improvements and discoveries, than the invention of words without a meaning : because we are apt to refer any thing we do not understand to these terms, and thus, thinking we understand it, rest satisfied without further investigation. So, in former times, every thing was re- 13 ferred to plastic powers ; very lately, in our own time, Phlogiston explained every phe- nomenon in nature. Now Hydrogen, Carbon, Caloric, and their allies, have supplanted Phlogiston in all his prerogatives ; who succeeds them we are not yet certain, but it is said there are already strong symptoms of a revolution. The nerves are thrown out like a bait to fishes ; the patient and his friends catch it greedily, and swallowing it like the apple of knowledge, become as wise as the doc- tor himself. My dear, says the wife, I always told you it was the nerves was the matter with that child, but you never would believe me, now you see the doctor says so too : the husband nods assent, and all are satisfied they understand the disease. 14 'The people never heard of nerves, nor ever dreamed it was a disease, till they were taught by professional men ; now the man who would venture to tell them it was nonsense, would be reckoned mad. So says the professor ; the parson says so too ; and who dare speak or think after that ? You must not take the bark off the trees, the gardener says it will kill them ; they will all be burnt alive by the heat of sum- mer, and starved to death by the cold of winter. Another great bar to discovery is the vanity and self-conceit of men ; who think- ing themselves superior beings, despise nature, and refuse to be taught by her. Anxious to outstrip her, wherever they see an effect, they leave her path, and, always 15 inclined to the intricate and marvellous, take up some whimsical cause, (such as vermin coming from a foreign land with the east wind, the blossom being all burnt by fire in a cold frosty night, the trees being bar- ren from receiving too much sap, &c.) that strikes their bewildered imagination, and draws into darkness after them, thousands who are too indolent or too pusillanimous to think for themselves. To look for vermin at home, is below their exalted ideas; and are they to stoop to believe that the sap vessels are contracted to such a degree by cold, that the circula- tion is entirely stopt, and the young leaves and tender blossom wither and die ? If they would take the trouble to look, they would see that it is not the blossom thatjlrst suffers, in cases of this kind, but the tender stalk on 16 which it grows, and that the blossom will appear healthy a considerable time after the effect on this is quite visible. What has led gardeners and connoisseurs to think, that bending the branches gives them less sap, I do not know, as I have little intercourse with them or their writ- ings y perhaps it has been from observing that the middle or main stem of a tree, growing most vertically, grows most luxu- riantly ; but they seem to have satisfied themselves with the first apparent cause that presented, without reasoning or consi- dering, that the main shoot receives its sap in a direct line, whereas the branches receive theirs laterally. But it is as obvious, that, by whatever power the circulation of the sap is carried on, the bent branches must have, at least, the advantage of gravity in their fa- vour. 17 Such cases occur in every department of life, which it is unnecessary to take notice of here. Canker explains every malady of fruit trees, and we are told that May mists are injurious to the fruit. But what wiser or better are we by knowing that May mists are injurious to the fruit, and that canker hurts the trees ? It is certainly true, that moist, calm, cold weather, in the month of May, is unfavour- able to the fruit crop : but seeing we cannot alter the weather, we ought to inquire into the way and manner it becomes hurtful, that we may prevent its bad effects, as far as is in human power. The month of May is the season when the trees are in blossom, which, in moist, c 18 calm, cold weather, does not expand quick- ly, and fall off as in dry, warm, windy wea- ther, but rather curls together, and forms a receptacle for the vermin, which, lodging in it, corrodes, and kills the fruit whilst setting. The canker will be found to be nothing but decayed rotten bark, first occasioned, generally, by the stricture of the bark not allowing a free circulation of the juices, which break out in pear and apple trees, as the gum in the cherry, but not forming by itself a solid substance, like the gum, escapes common observation, at any part weaker by nature or injury, and is afterwrards increased by these insects nestling and depositing their ova in it. The usefulness of fruit for sick and heal- 19 thy, the scanty portion the country affords, compared with the trees planted, render it a subject worthy of the most serious atten- tion to discover any means to increase the quantity, by making the trees more pro- ductive. This is the intention of the fol- lowing short essay. How far it has answer- ed the purpose, let it speak for itself j i * For facts are stubborn chields, and downa be denied." As I was not bred a gardener, and never read any of their books, it cannot be expect- ed that I can be acquainted with their terms, but I have studied to be as intelli- gible as I could, in using common language, and language further than being intelligible is not the object of this essay. I have used the words " outer and inner bark," because they are common, and generally understood in round terms. 20 By outer bark, then, I mean not only the transverse, but also a part, less or more, of the longitudinal, except that very thin,* smooth part next the wood, which remains entire when the trees burst their bark. Whether the longitudinal is all one bark, or more, I have not made it my study to determine : but a separation or division can very easily be made, and is frequently made by nature. I have, however, to avoid cir- cumlocution, been under the necessity of dividing it into two, which I have distin- guished by inner and inmost. By inner bark I mean less or more of the longitudinal, except the inmost, by which I mean that very thin smooth part next the wood, which remains entire when the trees burst their barks, either by nature, or when , • • . assisted by art. This inmost bark appears to be, in some respects, very similar to the periosteum in the animal body, and might not improperly be called the periligneum. It resists putrefaction to a high degree, and remains sound long after all the rest of the bark is completely rotten. It possesses a considerable degree of elasticity, which is the cause of its remaining entire when the inner bark rends, and by this quality yields to the circulation of the sap. By transverse bark, I mean that external thin membrane whose fibres run across the tree, by some called Epidermis. When I use the word peeling, it is to be understood I mean taking off the outer bark as above defined. OBSERVATIONS ON THE BARRENNESS FRUIT TREES, AND THE MEANS OF PREVENTION AND CURE. THIS subject, which has attracted so much attention, and undergone so much investi- gation, seems still involved in great obscu- rity. If my observations can throw any light upon it, or tend to lead others to any use- 23 ful discovery, I shall consider my pains well bestowed, and myself amply rewarded. The first thing necessary to be done, is to investigate the causes. The principal of these appear to me to be Vermin, Constriction of the J3ark> and superabundant Blossom. These causes, though they may exist se- parately, are often combined together, and depend for their continuance and extension on one another, As the first of these causes, viz. Vermin^ appears to be the most common and most general, and likewise as the other causes will, in a great measure, be obviated by the mode of treatment I propose for this, I shall begin with it. When fruit trees grow old, the outer bark cracks and rends into thousands of fissures and crevices, where the vermin de- posit their ova, which, coming to life in the spring, attack and destroy first the blossom and leaves of the small short branches on the trunk, and large branches, and soon ex- tend their depredations over the whole tree. From this will be seen the reason why fruit trees are so often barren near the trunk, and bear only on the extremities of the branches, and frequently on the upper branches only. For, though the progress of the vermin is very rapid, yet, in fine weather, the fruit on the extremities will get set before they reach it. 25 From this cause the fruit buds are first destroyed, and from the constriction of the bark, they are seldom or ever replaced, so that almost the whole branch remains ever after barren. To destroy these vermin, and prevent their depredations, many means have been suggested, such as washing with different liquids. Perhaps a liquid may be found capable of destroying them, and it is not unlikely that plain water may do it ; but of this I have no experience j I only make the supposition from always finding their ova in parts of the tree most sheltered from the rain, that is, the inclined side of the trunk, and under side of the horizontal and pend- ent branches. But the difficulty of appli- cation seems unsurmountable, as well as the effect uncertain. The ova of these insects 26 are generally laid so deep and secure in the fissures and crevices, and so completely covered by the bark, that it is impossible to make any liquid reach them. Smoaking, tying hair-ropes, §c. round the trees, laying certain substances upon the ground, about the root of the tree, are not worth taking notice of. As the ova of these insects are lodged in the fissures and crevices of the outer bark, the means I propose to destroy them, is to take off the outer bark completely from the trunk and large branches, as far at least, as it is cracked and scaly, by which they will be effectually dislodged, and must inevitably perish when driven from their nidus. At the same time it will relieve the tree from the constriction of the dry and hardened 27 bark, which injures its health, and renders it more subject to the attack of vermin ; for it is observed that the vermin more rea- dily prey upon the weak and sickly plant, than the more healthy and vigorous : hence it is easy to see how these two causes act together, to the injury of the tree and fruit; the one rendering them more subject to the attack of the other, which carries them on to total destruction : and it has been observed that the vermin are more destruc- tive in a cold than in a warm season, which has made some imagine it more favourable to their production ; but this is a mistake ; the cold is not directly favourable to the production of vermin, but by causing decay of the vegetable which either produces or fosters them. We see this in all putrifying animal and vegetable substances. If the yermin have penetrated through the inmost 28 bark, it likewise must be cleared away, and the wood scraped round to the sound inmost bark. To facilitate this operation, the small short branches upon the trunk and large branches ought first to be cut away close to the wood. It will often happen in young trees, and in older ones where the bark is not cracked by age, that fissures and crevices will be formed by wounds, by stumps of branches de- cayed or cut off, by the branches rubbing on one another, and perhaps by diseases not well known ; one of which, it is not unlikely, is constriction of the bark, for where the outer bark was quite smooth, and apparently sound, I have found the inner and inmost bark diseased. In this case, the diseased part must be entirely cut out, to the wood, and carried round till you come at sound inmost bark, as in the case of vermin. If the disease penetrate to the wood, and go all round, in the same circle or parallel, that tree or branch has no chance to live, it ought therefore to be cut off. If, how- ever, any part of the wood is fresh, it may be preserved by putting in a piece of fresh bark, from another part of the tree, or from another tree ; or it can be preserved by another substance, such as a piece of linen rag, to conduct the sap till a new bark is generated. Peeling cannot be of so much service to wall trees, in regard to the vermin, they mostly residing and depositing their ova in the wall, and not in the bark of the tree j but it is of equal service in regard to the constriction. so The proper season for peeling or taking off the outer bark is winter, or early in spring, when the inmost bark adheres firmly to the wood, and is not easily torn offj though it may be done at any season, but requires more caution and dexterity. ' The best instruments for this operation, are a cooper's shave or drawing knife, formed into a triangle (Fig. l.J9 and a drawing knife somewhat similar to a ferrier's drawing knife, for the clefts, which can be easily made of an old sickle (Fig. 2.J. Many objections have been made to this practice, because it is new, and in direct opposition to the opinion of professional men, which will be taken notice of after- wards. A special objection has been stated against peeling of cherry trees, " that it will cause them gum j" but this is not found- 31 cd on either reason or experience. The effect is quite the reverse ; it prevents them gumming, because it removes the constrio tion, and allows the gum and juices to dis- perse freely over the tree : whereas, when the tree-is bark-bound, the gum and juices cannot disperse over the tree, but must burst out at some wound, crack, or stump of a decayed branch. The peeling of cherry trees, however, requires to be done with a little more caution than that of pear and apple trees ; not to cut too deep, nor too late in the season. On the trunks of old cherry trees the bark is so thick, that it requires little dexterity to avoid danger ; and the younger ones and branches may be relieved by taking off the transverse bark only ; which is not difficult to do, as it is not perfectly trans- verse, but spiral, and winds off like yarn irom a clue 5 aud the operation may be 32 begun in October, but not continued be* yond December. We see the cherry and other stone fruit, as well as the pear and apple trees, universally burst their bark and throw off the transverse, which they never regain, and that they neveVjear well till they do so. Notwithstanding this operation, some vermin may still arise from some part being missed, or they may come from some other quarter, and infest the blossom. In this case I propose sweeping and beating off the blossom, which not only dislodges immense numbers of the vermin, but deprives them of their receptacles. In beating, the stroke should be sharp, and $wice or thrice repeated on the same branch, because the vermin are not easily dislodged. 33 I have practised this for five successive years, and have always increased it, sweep- ing and beating ruder and ruder every year; and so far from being deterred on account of knocking off the blossom and young fruit, I have ji longitudinal incision would be a complete cure ; but as the bark is fixed all round, such a cure must be very incom- plete. It may, however, be useful on the branches of wall trees, where the flower buds are thick, and cannot be easily peeled, with- out destroying these. It may likewise be of considerable service on cherry trees, where the stricture depends chiefly on the transverse bark, which, being more lightly attached to the longitudinal than that of pear and apple trees, when cut, sometimes separates itself all round. This disease, or rather cause of diseases, is of the most se- rious nature, because it always increases it- 38 self. The bark, losing its health along with that of the tree, becomes tougher, which makes the stricture still stronger. It may perhaps be thought necessary I should inform at what age, that,.y4 the ear- liest period, the trees should be peeled. It is difficult to fix a particular date for differ- ent species, varieties," soils, and situations; some species and varieties growing faster than others, and all growing faster or slower, according to the soil and situation. It must therefore be regulated by the symptoms of constriction before mentioned, or as soon as the bark will admit of division. As the tree advances in age, the bark thickens and har- dens ; the peeling therefore must be carried further up every year. The practice of grafting shews that a 39 stricture takes place very early ; for I be- lieve it will seldom succeed where the graft is more than one year old ; and as it is bet- ter preventing diseases than curing them, it may be proper to remove the outer bark before atij^f these symptoms appear ; I have accordingly done so to a number of trees, (pear and apple,) of two years old, which have both produced fruit, and grown well to the wood. A little time, and further observation, may however determine this question with ma* thematical accuracy, as far as relates to the different kinds of trees % but whatever the exact proportion may be, it will be in an in- * I see no impossibility but soil may be applied to this rule. 40 verse ratio to the power of the transverse bark; hence the operation will require to be performed much earlier on pear and apple, than on cherry trees. The last cause I have to take^otice of is superabundant blossom. This cause oper- ates in two ways in rendering the tree bar- ren ; by affording more receptacles and lodging for the vermin ; and by requiring more nourishment than the tree can give, so that the fruit either perishes for want of support, or is destroyed by the increase of the vermin, occasioned by the decay of the blossom. For it is observable, that, in this case, when the fruit sets unequally, there is some chance of a tolerable crop ; and if this did not often happen, the blossom being generally so abundant, I am of opinion we seldom would have any fruit ; but where it 41 sets equally, there is little or no chance. The reason of this appears to be, that, when some get the start of others, they draw the nourishment to themselves ; in consequence the others quickly die, by which more sup- port is gfo$n to the living : but when they all partake equally, the whole nourishment is exhausted, and the whole fruit perishes. This may be exemplified by supposing a ship at sea with one hundred men, and one months provisions, but by stress of weather she is driven out of her course, and they find it will be two months before they can reach port. It is clear, that, by throwing fifty men overboard, fifty lives would be saved, because one month's provisions for one hun- dred men, will serve fifty men two months. In this case it might be reckoned cruel, and the men might be put on short allowance, but we cannot apply this cruelty to trees, 42 and we do not yet know of any method of putting them on short allowance ; and if we did, it is not likely they would thrive ; for we find that even other animals cannot suf- fer equal privations and viscissitudes with man : besides, where is the port>fc&ey are to get supply ? The tree therefore ought to be relieved early, by destroying a part of the fruit. As I do not know what this superabun- dant blossom is owing to, (but it appears to be a very general, if not universal law of nature, to provide for loss. This is observ- able in the animal world, as well as the ve- getable ; and though we cannot understand the reason, the fact is certain) so I cannot propose a preventative : but the indications of cure will be, to diminish the quantity of fruit, which may be done by cutting off 43 a number of the branches, and sweeping off the fruit, when in blossom ; and to increase the quantity of nourishment by peeling ; but this is only limited, and a radical cure still remains a desideratum. I expect, howevej, that the practice of peeling will soon throw some light on this subject. There is an objection to the practice of cutting off the branches, though stated here, and common among gardeners, which they say they do because the tree has too much wood -, but I never could learn from them the meaning of this phrase. It is true they say it is because the tree does not bear fruit, but they do not inform us how the quantity of wood should prevent the tree from bear- ing fruit. How far this practice has succeeded with 44 them I know not, nor do I know whether they have made a distinction between trees of a spare and profuse blossom ; but I know that I have a number of trees very thick of wood, which bear very great crops j but all these have a very spare blossom ? and I likewise know, that it is of advantage to the crop in this climate, where the fruit is so often destroyed by the inclemency of the weather, for a tree to be thick of wood; for I have often observed the fruit of a thick-wooded tree destroyed on that point of the compass whence the storm proceed- ed, and preserved on the opposite side, when that of the thin-wooded tree was destroyed altogether. These observations, without any comment, were given in to the Caledonian Horticul- tural Society, on the 1st September, 1812, 45 to be read at their meeting, on the 8th of that month, when the author was present to have given any explanation that might have been required, as far as he was able, and that any of the members of that Society might J^ave an opportunity of seeing the effects of* 'the operation, when the fruit was upon the trees. As that was not done, for reasons best known to themselves, and fear- ing it might share the same fate if given to any other particular society, he resolved to give it to the world at large, where he still had hopes it had a chance to meet with some more friendly, and, though a stranger , might be taken in. But, as in this case, he could not be present with every one into whose hands it might come, it became necessary to enter into some explanation. As many inquiries are made how I was 46 led to this practice, I find it necessary to give some account of it. First of all, then, I was led to it by a say- ing I had frequently heard, " that May mists were injurious to the fruij^' As I never either admit or reject a common opinion without evidence, I set about satis- fying myself by observation, when I found it in some measure just. The next thing that occurred to me was, in what manner it became injurious. Upon examining the blossom, I found a small worm in almost every one, which had not shed off, as in dry windy weather, but had curled together, and formed a nidus for the vermin ; not but the vermin settling in the blossom will produce this effect, but 47 moist weather is certainly more favourable for it. f I next inquired whence the vermin pro- ceeded. By observing that the blossom nearest*tJ)£ trunk and large branches was first attacked, I concluded that the vermin came from the tree itself. I was farther confirmed in this opinion by observing that the old trees were more infested than the young, and that all the trees were first and most infested nearest the root, where the bark was most cracked and rent. In putting it to the test, I found it put beyond all manner of doubt : for, in per- forming the operation of peeling, I discov- ered thousands of the ova of these insects, which, as appears by a miscroscope, are a 48 beautiful transparent globe, perhaps the most perfect in nature. I frequently found the worm which had deposited them along with them, sometimes alive, but oftener dead : and I £>aiid them generally so securely lodged under the outer bark, sometimes in the inner and inmost, and even into the wood, that I saw no pos- sible means of destroying them but by taking off the outer bark, and even the in- most, and part of the wood, where they had penetrated so far. The only obstacle that now presented itself was, the danger of kill- ing the tree, and thus rendering the cure worse than the disease. This, however, I considered as nothing but a common preju- dice, which required nothing but courage to oppose, because I had every encourage- ment nature could hold out to me. I had 49 long observed that the tree was nourished principally by the juices circulating between the bark and wood. Experiments have been made in different countries ^ascertain how trees were nou* rished and received their increment ; but none of these, so far as I know, were con- clusive, or could possibly be so. These experiments were, barking the trees ; by which it was found that the trees all died in three years after. But this, so far from warranting their conclusion, (that the trees are nourished solely from the bark, and re- ceived their increment by the periligneum being every year converted into, and conso- lidated with, the rest of the wood,) that it sets it completely aside ; because, if the trees had been nourished solely by the bark, they could not have lived three years ; and G 50 * that they do not receive their increment in the above manner, requires no experiment to determine ; for every body knows that the trees acquire their increment in that season of the year when the periligneum is separated from the wood by th^s^p. Be- sides, nothing can be more evident, than that the wood is possessed of sap vessels, or tubes. This can be shown by a very simple experiment : take a piece of a branch, • or the like, bark it clean, and put^ne end into the fire, the tubes or sap vessels being contracted at that end, and the sap rarified by the heat, will be seen to pass off at the other end in the form of steam, or fluid, according to the density of the wood. And there are some, as the cane, which have these tubes so large, that water will readily pass through them. So that, all that their experiments could determine was, that the 51 bark is necessary to the life and growth of the tree. There can be no doubt, however, that the tree receives its increment chiefly from the juices circulating between the wood and periligneum ; for we observe that a new ting or stratum of wood is added every year to the circumference of the old wood : how this is done, is more difficult to understand ; but we know that solids are formed from water and the finest fluids, by a deposition of minute particles, as in petri- faction and ossification, and it is highly pro- bable that the wood is formed in the same manner, the old wood serving as a nucleus. I had observed the bark crack and rend in a thousand places, which I could not conceive to be any thing but an effort of nature to throw off an incumbrance. 52 I observed that where she had succeeded^ there was a fresh, healthy bark below, and the tree or branch healthy : but where she had failed, the outer bark stuck into the inner like a dry hardened scab in the ani- mal body, till by its pressure i^ htid stopt the circulation, destroyed the inmost bark, and materially injured the health of the tree or branch ; and where it went all round, killed it entirely. I had frequently observ- ed a very small portion of the inmost bark, alone, preserve a tree or large branch alive and healthy. I observed that the trans verse bark was always, sooner or later, de- stroyed by nature, and never again replaced, ' I had that universal law of nature, that man is to live by industry, " By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou earn thy food," and I did not conceive that we were to have 53 fruit without labour, more than any other crop. By the indications of constriction before- mentioned, I was led to the practice of peeling In, general. » Since I commenced this practice, many objections have been made to it by profes- sional men. First, the trees were all to be killed by the cold of winter, " starved to death." Seeing they survived this, they were all to be burnt up 'with the heat of summer. Finding they withstood this also, they were all to die in three years of a fingering illness. The third year is now arrived, and they are neither dead nor sick, but more healthy than ever, and promised a good crop, which I have no doubt they 54 would have performed as they had done the two last years bygone, had it not been for the extreme severity of the weather, in the time of blossom and setting. And several trees of great age, with which every means proposed by professional nieiyhiid been used, but never bore fruit, have, since peel- ed, produced very good crops. In corrobo- ration of what I here state from my own knowledge, I beg leave to insert a paragraph from a letter I received from a respectable gentleman in the neighbourhood of Glas- gow: — u Mr PATRICK LYON, LANCEFJELDJ near Glasgow, 15th March 1813. « Dear Sir, ' yet they may assist, to some degree ; hence it is not irrational to conclude, that taking off the outer bark may be a means of maturing these fruits better. I have not had suffi- cient experience to speak fully on this point; but I certainly had finer fruit of these kinds, than I had been accustomed to see, or that these trees ever produced be- fore they were peeled, and a much greater quantity, though every means hitherto used had been tried; and accordingly we find these trees bear better, and are less given 66 to canker, upon the wall, than on stand- ards. I have made a few trials of the relative strength of different barks. For example, the beurre, (yellow) an indifferent fear, but a great bearer, and little given to canker ; the French bergamot, a very fine pear, but very shy bearer, frequently continues long in an apparent healthy and luxuriant con- dition, but almost totally barren. Taking, then, the power of bark of the beurre for 1. that of the French bergamot will be 1,7142 fere, or as 7 to 12, almost a dupli* cate ratio. But when the transverse bark, on which the stricture chiefly depends, is taken by itself, the difference will be found still greater: thus, taking the power of the 67 transverse bark of the beurre for 1. that of the French bergamot will be 2.1666, or as 6 to 13 ; that of the jargonell will be 2.2, or as 5 to 1 1 ; that of the muscat, (a tree very much given to canker,) will be 2.8, or 5 to 14T; that of the longueville will be 2.8, or as 5 to 14. Any person may make as many experi- ments of this kind as he pleases, but we think these sufficient to establish the gene- ral principle. Perhaps some species of trees may be more given to canker, in some soils and situations, and other in others ; but this can make no alteration either in the rule or practice ; and it is believed that those on which the above experiments were made, are much given to canker and bar- renness, in every soil and situation, in this climate. And on several hundred of trees, 68 of many different kinds, and of all ages, not one bit of canker is to be found, where the outer bark has been taken off, some three years past, some two, and some one. - From these observations, no doubt can remain, that the stricture of the bark is the cause of the canker, indurations, contrac- tions, rotting, vermin, &c. The radical cure, therefore, will be, to remove the stricture, by taking off the outer bark, which I have found confirmed by ex- perience; and I have found this practice not only answer all the expectations I had formed of it, but far exceed them. I ex- pected to render the tree more healthy, and I expected to increase the quantity of fruit ; but experience has shewn, that it will not only increase the -quantity, but also improve the quality 5 that it will renovate the old trees, and promote the growth of the young j and that it will bring old trees, which be- fore were always barren, and young ones, sooner into a state of bearing. And I have every reason to believe, that it will make the tr£ks bear every year, by converting the wood buds into fruit buds ; for almost all those trees which were peeled three years ago,, have had two very abundant crops, and promised equally well this year, but were blasted in the blossom, by the severity of the weather ; and there were innumer- able instances of strong healthy blossom on the wood of last year, upon trees of all ages, and many different species, some of them, notwithstanding the inclemency of the sea- son, bearing fruit. And, however strange it may appear, it is a fact, that I have had instances of these trees bearing fruit on the wood, of the current year, and coining to 70 maturity, though late in the season, and have of these on their way at present* When the trees are peeled, they send out numerous young healthy shoots from the trunk and large branches, whi&i will come to bear fruit before the old ones fail *, and thus give a constant supply, without the loss of time, as in the com- mon way of cutting down and grafting : * Fig. 3, a swan egg pear tree, 100 years old, which has been for several years past in a complete state of decay. The young healthy shoots upon the trunk and large branches, as far as peeled, not one of which died in winter ; and those of the present year are too numer* ous to be represented on a superficies. Some of these of the current year measure 3 feet 9 inches in length, and 2f inches in circumference, and have sent out 71 whereas unpeeled trees seldom send out young shoots from the trunk and large branches ; and when they do, these seldom come to any perfection, but generally die the first winter ; because, from the stricture of the Itark, they c[p n°t receive the proper nourishment, and are festered at the root, or offset, by the vermin and rotten bark of the trunk or branch from which they grow. These shoots may be very useful for grafting and budding, as the trees produce them in such abundance, and very strong, and as young shoots are often very difficult to be found on old trees. branches 1 foot 3 inches long. Most of the trees have pearly the same appearance, and making wood at the extremities of the bearing branches. 72 i Some have imagined, that these shoots from the trunk and large branches of peel- ed trees, would hurt the growth on the ex- tremities. This at first sight appears a ra- tional supposition, but experience has shewn the reverse ; for these trees which have sent out thousands of these shoots, have grown more on the extremities since, than they had done for many years before. The reason of this appears to be, that, by removing the stricture of the bark, a freer circulation of the juices is given, to nourish every part ; and accordingly I have found those trees sending out innumerable shoots from the trunk and large branches, growing well at the extremities, and bearing fruit abundantly at the same time. It is said that all efforts which have 73 hitherto been made to propagate healthy trees, of those varieties which have long been in cultivation, have been entirely un- successful ; that the grafts grow well for two or three years, after which they become canker£fl and mossy. I have not had time or opportunity to know whether the same consequence will follow the young shoots from the trunk and large branches of peeled trees ; but as these shoots are themselves healthy, and the trees from which they are taken rendered heal- thy by the peeling, it is, I think, highly probable that they will continue to grow healthy when grafted upon new stocks,. If this should succeed, those finer varie- ties which are said to be wearing out, may be preserved, K 74 If we may be allowed to reason from analogy, we have every reason to believe that the offspring of these trees will be healthy. For we know, that, in the animal system, whilst the parent labours under certain diseases, the offspring wilFbe in- fected ; but after the parent is completely free from the disease, the offspring will be as free as if the parent had never laboured under such disease. If it is true, which I believe cannot be denied, that the roots of fruit trees are more durable than the trunk and branches, we have every reason to conclude, that the shoots, grafted upon the roots, will be a means of preserving these varieties to a later date than any that has hitherto been adopted, so far as I know. And I see np 75 reason why they may not be preserved to the end of time, as well as that of animals. These shoots will be very beneficial in re-thickening old trees, which have become so thin of wood as to afford no protection against the fruit-destroying blasts. I am aware of an obstacle which will oc- cur to many : that the bark will again thicken, and become rigid, by exposure to the weather ; but this is only the longitudi- nal, whose cohesion is preserved by the transverse, which, when once destroyed, either by nature or art, is never again re- placed : so that the same degree of stricture can never after take place ; nor can the like receptacles be formed for the vermin. The longitudinal bark, when freed of the trans- verse, always rending freely and open, leaves no cover. 76 It is not, however, to be imagined that any means can be devised to enable the fruit to resist perfectly every possible attack of the weather, or supply the place of cli- mate ; but if any means can be discovered to make it stand the storm better^ it is doing something. And if we can render the tree more healthy, the blossom will be stronger, to resist the attack of the vermin j and if one kind of weather is more favour- able to vermin than another, we may, therefore, properly say, that these means defend the tree and blossom against the weather. But will not a tree which is strong and healthy, resist the direct inclemency of the weather better than one which is weak and sickly ? which we consider as a predis- ponent cause. So the cold wax does not yield to the seal, but melted, receives the impression from the slightest touch* Not 77 that it is to be imagined that we can re- move completely, all the causes which de- stroy fruit ; and if we could, it is more than probable it would cost us more labour to destroy the superabundant produce, than to moderate the effects of the destroying causes. Besides, it does not appear, though we could remove all these causes complete- ly, either proper or necessary so to do. For, as every part of the creation, from the highest planet to the lowest invisible in- sect, vegetable and atom, seems dependent on another, it cannot be thought absurd to suppose that nature provides for loss in every individual part to support another. If it were otherwise, that beautiful harmony and connection between the parts which now exists, would be lost. But here we must stop, because we can never trace the chain of cause and effect to the extremity, 78 either above or below, nor understand the prime and moving cause of all things ; but if we can trace the causes of good and evil, so far as to enable us to promote the effects of the one, and prevent those of the other, we ought to be satisfied. In this vievr it be- comes a necessary law of nature, that one part of the creation should, to a certain ex- tent, destroy another. So, even the vermin may be necessary to destroy, to a certain extent, the produce of fruit trees. But when those become too numerous, and too powerful, it is the business of man to pre- serve the balance ; and this seems to be all he has to do, and all he can do — to check the operations of nature, when too violent, and to support and assist them when too weak ; and ,for this purpose na- ture has endowed him with superiorjpowers. By destruction, it must be understood I 79 mean only change of form and place ; ab- solute destruction or annihilation is non- sense. " Omnia mutantur, nihil intent" If trees, like animals, exhale any thing bythe surface, noxious to themselves, as they certainly inhale something salubrious from the atmosphere, removing the rough, corrugated, dry bark, may be as necessary to their health, in these respects too, as cleanliness is to that of animals. Quere, May not forest trees be peeled with advantage ? especially the oak, whose bark is so valuable in manufacture, and whose wood, to the wealth and defence of the nation ? but which last is lost, being cruelly cut down for the sake of his bark before he is fit for this service. I had no forest trees to prac- tise upon, but I have as little doubt of the 80 result, as I had of that of fruit trees, which will be not only to preserve the oak till he is fit for ship-building, but likewise increase the quantity of both wood and bark. FINIS, 13OOKS PUBLISHED By WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, 64, SOUTH BRIDGE-STREET, EDINBURGH. KERB'S VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. A GENERAL HISTORY AND COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, Arranged in Systematic Order : Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the present Time. By ROBERT KERR, F.R.S. & F.A.S. EDIN. fENERAL PLAN OF THE WORK. PART t. 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By studying them with care, the taste will be gradually improved, and the pupil led at last to draw fiv.^i Nature, the ultimate end of teaching and of learning tue art of ~ ft is allowed, that by looking at objects accurately copied from ature, the taste is formed, and afterwards refined, by which the eye per- ceives beauties in Nature which escape a common observer, and thus we acquire a relish for innocent and rational pleasures formerly unknown. This elegant and useful work the publisher is convinced will tend greatly towards the attainment of these desirable objects. TENTAMINA METRICA. EX TENTAMINIBUS METR1CIS Puerorum in Schola Regia Edinensi Provectiorum Electa, Anno MDCCCXII. Beautifully printed in one Vo- lume small Octavo, Price 4s. Qd. Hei mihi ! quod nostro parvus in ore sonus. Sed tamen exiguo quodcunque e pectore rivi Fluxerit, hoc patritf serviat omne mete. — PROP. IV. 1/58. For a very favourable and interesting Account of this little Work, see Edinburgh Review, No. XL. RIDDOCH'S SERMONS. SERMONS on SEVERAL SUBJECTS and OCCASIONS. By the late REV. JAMES RIDDOCH, A.M. one of the Ministers of St Paul's Chapel, Aberdeen. The Fourth Edition, handsomely printed in 3 vols 8vo. Price j£l : 4s boards. LAYMAN'S FAITH AND PRACTICE. A LAYMA.N's ACCOUNT of his FAITH and PRACTICE, as a Mem- ber of the Episcopal Church in Scotland: Published with the Approbation of the Bishops of that Church. Tofwhich are added, Some Forms of Prayer, from the most approved Manuals, for assisting the Devotion of private Chris- tians on various occasions. The Second Edition ; with an Appendix con- taining the Code of Canons of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. In One Volume 12mo, price 3s. 6d. boards. VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOKS, .% ANDREW MYLNE, A.M. Lately published by WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, AND OLIPHANT, WAUGH, ANDlNNES. I. THE FIRST BOOK FOR CHILDREN, price 3d. II. A SPELLING-BOOK, upon a new Plan, for the Use of Schools. The Second Edition, Part I. and II. I8mo. price 1s. 6d. each bound. III. AN EPITOME OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR ; with a Variety of Exercises, for the Use of Schools. The Third Edition Improved, I8mo. Price Is. 6d. bound. IV. EXERCISES ON THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND : Containing a regular Series of Questions on all the important Facts of the History, from the Invasion of the Romans to the Peace of Amiens. Chiefly taken from Goldsmith's England, 12mo, price 2s. 6d. bound. V. EXERCISES ON THE HISTORIES OF GREECE AND ROME ; containing a regular Series of Questions on all the important Facts of both Histories, chiefly taken from Robertson's Greece and Goldsmith's Rome. The Second Edition improved, 12mo, 2s. 6d. bound. VI. OUTLINES OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY : Intended to facili- tate the Labour of Teaching, by exhibiting a simple ArrangeB5th>« ^f the Objects of Geography, and by affording appropriate Exercises to the LeSfr*. ~.,m er. To which is added, A VARIETY OF PROBLEMS. The Third Edi- tion Improved, 12mo, price 2s. 6d. bound. The above publications are intended as a regular series of School-books. — The SPELLING-BOOK, part 1st, presents a complete view of the general principles of English Pronunciation, arranged in suc.'i a manner as seems best fitted for the purposes of teaching, and illustrated with copious exercises in the form of short sentences, and little stories peculiarly accommodated to the capacity of children. The chief merit of the plan consists in carefully ex- cluding, from the exercises which accompany each rule, every word which has not been previously explained, or which does not come under some of the heads formerly illustrated. In this way simplicity and consistency are given to English pronunciation, without altering the spelling or disfigu- ring the page, and the learner is freed from all those embarrassments which arise from the constant recurrence of anomalous words. — PART 2d contains stories of .greater length, which are intended as promiscuous exercises upon the preceding rules. The chief anomalies o{ English pronunciation are now introduced and placed at the head of each class of lessons, m order to im- press them more strongly upon the mind of the pupil. To the whole are add- ed Notes -in which the author attempts to explain what appears to him the best method of teaching the rules. THE GRAMMAR contains a full and com- prehensive view of the different parts of speech, copious exercises for par- sing, with explanatory foot-notes to assist the learner, and a complete collec- tion of rules and remarks on syntax, accompanied with exercises on false grammar, These exercises are fuller than in any other grammar of the same size ; by which means the expence of a separate book of exercises is saved. This small treatise is chiefly distinguished for the simplicity of its arrange- ment, for the brevity of the rules and remarks, and for containing a great variety of lessons peculiarly calculated to exercise the judgment and ingenu- ity of the learner. THE QUESTIONS ON HISTORY are merely books of ex- ercises. They are intended to assist the teacher in examining his pupils, and are peculiarly calculated to excite the attention, and exercise the ingenuity of the pupil himself. Each question rises out of the preceding, and care has been taken to introduce every important fact, by which means the exercises may be regarded as a kind of abridgement of the respective histories. THE GEOGRAPHY presents a general view of the four quarters of the world, and a minute account of the provinces in each subdivision, with the rivers, lakes, islands, capes, and bays, peculiar to each. The whole is presented in a ta- bular form, and is intended as the materials of each day's lesson. At regu- lar intervals the more important parts of the preceding lessons are presented in the form of questions, or promiscuous exercises. To each section, is sub- joined a short account of the face of the country, the climate, the natural productions, the manufactures and commerce of each subdivision. BOOKS PRINTING FOR WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. ISSAY ON THE ORIGIN, PRINCIPLES, AND HISTORY OF GO- THIC ARCHITECTURE. By Sir JAMES HALL, Bart. P.R.S. Edin. Splendidly printed by BULMER, in One Volume Imperial 4to. and Illustra- ted by Sixty beautiful Plates, by Blore, Lizars, &c. Price Si. 5s. boards. PINKERTON'S ENQUIRY. An ENQUIRY into the HISTORY of SCOTLAND, preceding the Reign of Malcolm III. or the Year 1056 ; including the authentic History of that Period. To which is added, A Dissertation on the Origin and Progress o/,:' _ ->jythians and Goths, being an Introduction to the Ancient and -^» - - Ivfodern History of Europe. By JOHN PINKERTON, Second Edition, corrected. Handsomely printed by BALLANTYNE, in Two Volumes Octavo. CHILDE ALARIQUE. CHILDE ALARIQUE, " A POET'S REVERIE." In Three Cantos. Elegantly printed by BALLANTYNE, in One Volume 4to. Just published, price 15s. LECTURES ON INFLAMMATION. LECTURES ON INFLAMMATION ; Exhibiting a View of the Ge- neral Doctrines, Pathological and Practical, of Medical Surgery. By JOHN THOMSON, M.D. F.R.S. EDIN. Professor of Surgery to the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, and Regius Professor of Military Surgery in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. In One large Volume Octavo. GORDON'S ANATOMY. A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY, By JOHN GORDON, M.D. F.R.S. EDIN. Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology, and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. In Three large Volumes Octavo, illustrated by numerous Engravings. A POPULAR VIEW OF ASTRONOMY. A POPULAR VIEW OF ASTRONOMY; with appropriate Exer- cises, for the use of Schools. By ANDREW MYLNE, A.M. In one Vo- lume Octavo, with Plates. CUVIER'S THEORY OF THE EARTH. ESSAY on the THEORY of the EARTH, as illustrated by the Structure of the Globe, by Organic Remains, and by the Testimonies of the most An- cient Writers. Translated from the French of the celebrated PROFES- SOR CUVIER. By ROBERT KERR, F.R.S. and F.A.S. Ecm. 10 Boobs printing for Williant Blacktuood, Edinburgh. THE ESSAYES OF A PRENTISE, IN THE DIVINE ART OF POESIE. Imprinted at Edinbrugh, by Thomas Vautrouillier. — 1584. CUM PRIVILEGE REGALI, 4TO. The POEMS of KING JAMES VI. (I.) of which the present Volume contains the First Essays, though in point of merit they do not rank very high, will always be considered curious and interesting, not only on account of the high rank of the author, but as exhibiting a specimen of what he re- garded the essence of poetry and criticism. As a royal poet, though he must yield the palm to his ancestoi s, King James I. and V , he certainly excels his predecessors and successors on the throne of England The most curious and valuable article in the volume, is the " Treatise on the Airt of Scottis Pbesie," which unfolds rules, the observation of which he considered essential in the composition of verse. With some petfe... 7 they display considerable learning, and are constructed on the best modejs^tbiiL., by the excellent Scottish poets who preceded him. This publication is not included in the folio edition of the works of James I., and is at present very seldom to be met with. Thece considerations have induced the pub- lishers to offer a new edition to the public, exhibiting a perfect fac simile of that of 1584. A Memoir, containing Strictures and Observations on the Work, and Remarks explanatory of the ** Revlis and Cautelis to be obseruit and eschewit in Scottis Poesie," will be prefixed, and the Editor hopes to be enabled to illustrate the subject from some unpublished MSS. The number proposed to be printed is limited to One Hundred, and it is requested that persons who wish to possess the work will send in their names as early ?>s possible to the publishers, WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, and JOHN BALLANTYNE and Co. Edinburgh. LETTING OF HVMORS. The LETTING of HVMORS BLOOD in the HEAD-VAINE. With a new Morissco, daunced by seuen Sutyres, vpon the bottome of Diogenes Tubbe. Imprinted at London by W. W. 161 1. *#* " The curiosity of the present age has been much directed towards the fugitive pieces of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. both as illustrating obscure passages of Shakespeare, and of our earlier dramatists, and as con- taining an authentic record of the private life of our forefathers. This little work will be found to gratify, in no common degree, the curioua antiqua- ry who investigates these subjects; and as the original volume is rare, and bears a high price among collectors, it is hoped that the present very limited impression may rehder the knowledge which it contains accessible to some •who may not have an opportunity to consult the original edition. A very few notes are added, less with the purpose of illustrating the epigrams and satires, than of shewing, in some degree, their connection with the literature and domestic history of the age in which they were written. " The literary merit of a rare work is a postponed object of enquiry to the Bibliomaniac; but even in this point of view something may be said for the credit of our unknown author. He anatomises in his rugged numbers the follies of the time in which he lived with a satirical force not inferior to that of Hall or Donne."— Editor's Preface. APOCRYPHA TO MACKLIN'S BIBLE. MESSRS CADELL and DAVIES respectfully inform the possessors of the magnificent edition of the SACRED SCRIPTURES, published by the late Mr MACKLIN, that it will shortly be completed by the publication of the APOCRYPHA, printed in the same size and manner by Mr BENSLEY, and forming a volume similar to those of the OLD and NEW TESTA- MENT. It will be illustrated with Historical Engravings by Messrs C. Heath, Land- seer, Bromley, Golding, &c. and head and tail pieces wholly by Mr Land- seer, from pictures and drawings which were the last work of the late Mr de Loutherbourg. No more copies will be printed than are previously subscribed for. The impressions of the plates will be faithfully appropriated according to the dates of the subscriptions. The price of the APOCRYPHA, with the engravings complete, delivered in extra boards, will be Twelve Guineas; one balfwfeereof is to be paid at the time of subscribing. A list of the subscribers' names will be prefixed to the volume. Subscriptions are received by T. CADELL and W. DAVIES, in the Strand, Booksellers to the Royal Academy : and by their agenC, WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, Bookseller, Edinburgh. By whom orders are likewise re- ySf'iyi-'the following interesting and valuable works, also preparing for MRS MONTAGU'S LETTERS, SECOND PORTION. LETTERS of Mrs ELIZABETH MONTAGU, with some of the Let- ters of her Correspondents; Vol. lit. and IV. published by her Executor and Nephew, MATTHEW MONTAGU, Esq. DON QUiXOTE, Splendidly embellished from Pictures by Mr SMIRKE. This new publication of the celebrated work of CERVANTES will consist of a revised translation, carefully compared with, and corrected from, the best editions of the Spanish original, and illustrated by forty engravings, be- sides head and tail pieces to the several books, by Messrs Heath, Raimbach* Warren, Fittler, C. Heath, Englehart, Golding, Anker Smith, Mitan, Arm- strong, &c. executed in the most highly-finished manner, from pictures by Robert Smirke, Esq. R.A. and will be brought forward in four handsome volumes. A few copies, with proof impressions of the plates on India pa- per, will be printed in quarto a limited number, with the next impressions, in royaj octavo, and the remainder of the edition in demy octavo. THE ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF SPAIN, By JAMES CAVANAH MURPHY, Architect ; Author of the Description of Batalha, &c. This work, elegantly printed in large folio, will consist of numerous en- gravings by the best artists, from drawings made on the spot by the author, representing the most remarkable remain* of the SPANISH ARABS now subsisting in the Peninsula, including their "ates, cnstles, fortresses, and towers ; courts, halls, and domes; baths, fountains, wells, and cisterns ; in- scriptions in Cufic and Asiatic characters; porcelain and enamel Mosiacs, encaustic paintings, and sculptured ornaments; town-houses and villas: bridges, mills, subterraneous granaries, ccc. accompanied by descriptions of these various objects; an illustration of the architecture, sculpture, painting, and Mosaics of the Arabs ; an account of their progress in sciences and arts, undSr the Eastern and Western Caliphs. To which will be prefixed a ge- neral history of the Arabs, their institutions, conquests, arts, and manners, frorn the earliest accounts to the expulsion of the Moors from Spain. The first Volume, which is ju;l published, contamb near one hundred en gravings by Messrs Fittler, Landseer, Ruffe, Porter, Le Keux, Armstrong, Cooke, Neagle, &c. with descriptions illustrative of the architecture, sculp- ture, painting, and poetry of the royal palace of ALHAMBKA ; the impressions will be punctually delivered according to the elates of the orders rec'tiived, for which a book is opened, and the names ot the subscribers will be printed. Preparing for "Publication, BRITISH GALLERY OF CONTEMPORARY PORTRAITS. This work will gradually form a series of PORTRAITS of the most emi- nent persons now living, or lately deceased, in Great Britain and Ireland ; including the most distinguished characters in the senate, the church, the navy and army, the learned professions, and the various departments of li- terature, science, and art ; those who have most zealously exerted themselves in promoting the arts, agriculture, and commerce of the country; or, by their example or patronage, have most conspicuously contributed to its ge- neral prosperity and happiness ; the portraits elegantly and accurately drawn, in an uniform manner, from life, or fronj the most approved original pic- tures ; and the engravings (executed in a style best suited to portrait) perfect fac-similes of the drawings. A number is published every two months, containing six portraits, each accompamVd by a short biographical notice, price ll. 5s. Proof impressions, in a superior manner, on large paper, price ll. 16s. And the copies are de- livered according to the dates of orders received. ' *£* A few of each portrait are taken off for separate sale, price 5s. — Proof impressions, 7&. 6d. An extensive preface is contained in the first number ; and t^^gs^together with general lists of the portraits contained in the work, will begivtjfc^re- after ; but both the portraits and the biographical notices are left unnumbtfv^ ed, in order that each subscriber may form his own arrangement of them. A list of the subscribers will be printed. FORSYTES EXCURSION IN ITALY. REMARKS on ANTIQUITIES, ARTS, and LETTERS, during an Ex- cursion in Italy in the Years 1802 and 1803. By JOSEPH FoRSYTH, Esq. in one volume 8vo. price 12s. in boards. Just published. A NEW MODERN ATLAS, BY JOHN PINKERTON. The Maps are engraved in the size called Colombier, so as to correspond •with the vvorks of D'ANVILLE, from drawings executed under Mr PINKER- TON'S direction ; with all the advantages afforded by the latest improve- ments in geographical precision ; and exhibiting the utmost beauty that the state of the arts can admit. It is calculated that the work will be completed in twenty numbers, (fif- teen of which are now published,) each containing three maps, price One Guinea; and as the style of engraving renders first impressions desirable, they are carefully delivered according to the dates of orders. Copies of each number1 are neatly put together, with the maps carefully folded upon guards, (as they will be bound when the work is completed,) for more safe conveyance to the country ; whilst other copies are delivered with- out any fold, to those who prefer them in that state. In the last number will be given a geographical memoir, reciting the cha- racter and merits of the chief authorities upon which each map has been constructed, with directions for a general arrangement. DR CLARKE'S TRAVELS.— VOLUME THE THIRD. TRAVELS in various Countries of EUROPE, ASIA, and AFRICA, by EDWARD DANIEL CLARKE, LL. D. Vol III. elegantly printed in quarto, , and illustrated with numerous Engravings. This volume will form the second section of the Travels in Greece, Egypt, and the HoJy Land ; completing the second part of the whole work, accord- ing to the plan originally proposed by the author, and will contain his Voy- age up the Nile to Grand Cairo, his observations upon the Pyramids of Dji'za and Saccara; a description of the remains of the City of Sai's, in the Delta ; an account of the antiquities of Alexandria, particularly of Pompey's Pillar and the Cryptae of Necropolis ; his subsequent voyage and travels in Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, &c. &c. % T. Cadett and W. Davies, Strand, London. PROFESSOR STEWARTS PHILOSOPHY OF THE HU- MAN MIND, — VOLUME THE SECOND. ELEMENTS of the PHILOSOPHY of the HUMAN MIND, by Du- GALD STEWART, late Professor of Moral Philosophy, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh ; Honorary Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburg}), and Member of the American Philosophical So- ciety held at Philadelphia. Volume the Second, in Quarto. MESSRS LYSONS' MAGNA BRITANNIA; VOLUME THE SIXTH, CONTAINING CORNWALL. The Magna Britannia will form a concise topographical account of the several counties of Great Britain, by the Rev. 'DANIEL LYSON, A.M. F.R.S. F.A. and L.S. Rector of Rodmorton, Gloucestershire, and SAMUEL LY- SON, Esq. F.R.S. and F.A.S. Keeper of his Majesty's Records in the Tower of London. Handsomely printed in 4to. with numerous engravings of maps9 antiquities, &c. &c. *£* A few copies on imperial paper, with proof impressions. BRITANNIA DEPICTA — PART VI. „ , . • 'CONTAINING TWENTY-FOUR VIEWS IN CORNWALL. A Series of Views of the most interesting and picturesque Objects in the several Counties of Great Britain, engraved from Drawings by Messrs Fa- rington, Hearne, Turner, Alexander, Smith, &c. ** * These two last-mentioned works, which illustrate each other, are sold together, or separate ; they are continued regularly at the same periods, arranged in the same manner, (the counties alphabetically,) and printed on paper of corresponding size and quality. LONDON AND WESTMINSTER ; ANCIENT AND MODERN. Being a general History and' Survey of these Cities, founded principally upon STRYPE'S edition of Stow ; with Introductions, Notes, and Supple- ments, bringing the whole down to the time of publication. Elegantly printed in royal quarto, and illustrated by numerous engravings. A few co- pies on imperial paper, with proof impressions. THE HISTORY OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military, from the earliest Accounts to the pre- sent Period ; with an Appendix, containing a View of the several Charters, Grants, and Immunities, now extant, and an Abstract of all the Acts of Parliament relative to the City ; extracted from the national Records, ap- proved Plistorians, many curious and valuable Manuscripts, and other au- thentic Materials. By JOHN WARBURTON, Esq. Deputy Keeper of the Records in Birmingham Tower, and the REV. JAMES WHITELAW, M.R. I.A. Vicar of St Catherine's in that City, (Author of " An Essay on the Po- pulation of Dublin.") Handsomely printed in 4to. and illustrated by ancient and modern maps of-the city, numerous views of the principal buildings, &c. by the most eminent artists *# * A few copies are printed on royal paper. MR HAGGITT ON GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. Two Letters to :i Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, upon the Subject of Gothic Architecture, by the REV. JOHN HAGGITT, Rector of Ditton, near Cambridge. Just published, in royal 8vo. price 10s. 6d. boards. MR ADOLPHUS'S POLITICAL STATE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. A general View of the Domestic and Foreign Possessions of the Crown, — the Laws, Commerce, Revenues, Offices, and other Establishments, Mi- litary as well as Civil. By JOHN ADOLPHUS, F.S.A. (Author of" The His- tory of England, from the Accession of King George III. to the Conclusion of Peace in the Year 1783,") 4 vols 8vo, Preparing for Publication by Cadcll and Davies, Strand, London* MR WES! ALL'S FOREIGN SCENERY. A Series of Views of Picturesque ana Romantic Scenery in Madeira, the Cape of Good Hope, Timor, China, Prince of Wale-'s Island, Bombay, Mah- ratta Country, St Helena, and Jamaica, from Drawings made in those Countries, by WILLIAM WESTALL, A.R.A. Engraved by the most emi- nent artists, in the Hue manner, in an uniform size with Messrs Hearneand Byrne's Antiquities of Great Britain, and each View accompanied by a de- scriptive account. ** * Two numbers are already published, a third will appear very soon, and the publication will be continued occasionally. CULLODEN PAPERS : Consisting of an extensive and interesting Correspondence from the Year 1 625 to 1748 \ throwing much new light upon that eventful Period of Bri- tish History, but more particularly-' relating to the Rebellious in 1715 and 1745 ; and including many Letters from the unfortunate Lord Lovat, and other distinguished Persons of the Time. The whole published from the Originals in the Possession of DUNCAN FORBES, of CULLODEN, Esq To which will be prefixed, an Introduction, including Memoirs «i£^h^Right Honourable Duncan Forbes, Lord President of the Court of Sessi&JHJn Scotland. Handsomely printed in quarto, and illustrated by engravings ot a portrait of the Lord President, of Roubiliac's celebrated monument to his memory, and of fac-similes of the most interesting signatures. MOSHEIM'S COMMENTARIES, TRANSLATED BvMaViDAL. COMMENTARIES on the AFFAIRS of the CHRISTIANS before the Time of CONSTANTINE THE GREAT ; or, An enlarged View of the Ecclesiastical History of the First Three Centuries. Accompanied with co- pious Illustrative Notes and References. Translated from the Latin of JOHN LAURAXCE MosHEiM.DJD. late Chancellor of the University of Gottingen. By ROBERT STUDLEY VIDAL, Esq KS.A. Just published in 2 vols, 8vo. price ll- is. boards. MR HUNTINGFOKD's PINDAR. PINDARI CARMINA juxta Exemplar Heynianum ; Quibus accesserunt Notac lieyiiianae; Paraphrases Benediciina ; et Lexicon Pindancum; ex Integro Darnmii Opere Etymologico excerptum, et justa Serie dispositum: digessit et edidit HENRICUS HUNTINGFORD, Colfegii Novi apud Oxon. ,Socius. 8vo* KOX'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH MR WAKEFIELD. CORRESPONDENCE between the Right Hori CHARLES JAMES FOX, and the Rev GILBERT WAKEFIELD ; chiefly on Subjects of Greek Criticism, MTO. Just pubii^fn -.r.'} price 9s. boards. DR BANCROFT ON PERMANENT COLOURS. A new and enlarged edition of EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES concerning the Philosophy of PER- MANENT COLOURS, and the best means of producing them by Dyeing, Calico Printing, &c. By EDWARD BANCROFT, M.D. F.R.S. in 2 vols 8vo. FALCONER'S UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF THE MARINE ,:— Improved by DR W. BURNEY. A copious Explanation of Technical Terms and Phrases employed in the Construction, Equipment, Furniture, Machinery, Movements, and Military Operations of Ships ; interspersed with such parts of Astronomy as will be found useful to Practical Navigators: The whole illustrated with a' variety of Modern Designs of Shipping, "together with separate Views of their Masts, Sails, Yards, and Rigging. To which will be annexed a Vocabulary of the French Sea-terms and Phrases, collected From the works of the most cele- brated French Writers. Originally compiled by WILLIAM FALCONER, Au- thor of the Poem of" THE SHIPWRECK ;" and in this new edition, correct- ed, improved, and much enlarged, by WILLIAM BURNEY, LL. D. Master of the Naval Academy, Gosport. In one volume quarto. NEW BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED, OR IN THE, PRESS, BY JOHN MURRAY, BOOKSELLER TO THE ADMIRALTY, AND TO THE BOARD OF LONGITUDE, (Removed to) 50, ALBEMARLE-STREET, LONDON, ANT) • WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH. LORD NELSON. The LIFE of NELSON. By ROBERT SOUTHEY ; beautifully printed in Two Volumes, small 8vo. with a Portrait. Price 10s. A few Copies are printed in post 8vo, price 15s. j^*^ Many Lives of Nelson have been written : one is yet wanting, clear and concise enough to become a Manual for the young Sailor, which he may carry about with him till he has treasured up the example in his memory and in his heart. In attempting such a work, the author proposes to himself to write .*he eulogy of our great naval Hero ; for the best eulogy of Nelson is — £u faithful history of his actions ; the best history is that which shall relate them most perspicuously. — —*-*•• THE PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE, Or, the INFLUENCE of SCENERY on the MIND and HEART. In Two beautifully printed Volumes, £ost 8vo, 18s. PERSIA. GEOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR of the PERSIAN EMPIRE ; interspersed with Accounts of Manners and Customs. By JOHN MACDONALD KIN- NEIR, Esq. Political Assistant to Brigadier-General Sir John Malcolm, late Envoy to the Court of Persia. Handsomely printed in 4to. 21. 2s. or with Map by Arrowsmith, si. 13s. 6d. THE ANTHOLOGIES : A COLLECTION of the most beautiful POEMS of the Minor Poets of Greece, as preserved in the Anthologies of Bruncfc and Jacobs, in Stobceus, &c. Translated from the original Greek. By the Rev. ROBERT BLAND, and Others. With copious Notes, and biographical and other Illustra- tions. Handsomely printed in 8vo. 18s. PRIVATE LIFE 6FTHE MAHRATTAS. LETTERS written in a MAHRATTA CAMP during the Year 1809 ; de- scriptive of the Character, Manners, and domestic Habits of that singular People. By THOMAS DUER BROUGHTON, Esq. of the Honourable East India Company's Service, lately Commander of the Resident's Escort at the Court of Scindia. Dedicated, by Permission, to the Marquis of Wel- lesley. Handsomely printed in 4to, and illustrated with Twelve highly- coloured Engravings, after Drawings by a native Artist, peculiarly charac- teristic of National Manners. 2l. 8s. MUSEUI\T CRITICUM ; Or, CAMBRIDGE CLASSICAL RESEARCHES— A New Periodical Journal, (printed at the Cambridge University Press,) to be published Quarterly ; the sole object of which is the promotion of Classical Litera- ture in all its branches. No. I. price 4s. containing, I. Sapplionis Frag- menta. II. Tryphonis Grammatici Opuscula Inedita. III. On certain early Greek Historians, mentioned by Dionysius Halicarnassus. IV. On the Middle Voice of the Greek Verb. V. Bibliographical Account of the Editions of JEschylus. VI. Porsoni Adversaria. VII. Burncy's Phile- mon. VIII. Gaisford's Account of Dr Clarke's Manuscripts. IX. Bre- dow's Literae Parisienses. X. Elmsley's Euripides Heraclid*. XI. List of Classical Books, recently imported. Booh printed for John Murray, Albemarle* Street, London. EUR1PIDIS HERACLID.E, IEX RECENSIONE PETRI EMLSLEY, A.M. qui Annotationes suas et Aliorum Selectas Adjecit, 8vo. 5s. 6d. BOY BORN BLIND AND DEAF. HISTORY of JAMES MITCHELL, A Boy born Blind and Deaf. By JAMES WARDROP, F.R.S. EDIN. Handsomely printed in 4to. Price 7s. 6d. boards. SKETCH OF THE SIKHS; A singular Nation, who inhabit the Provinces of the Penjab, situated be- tween the Rivers Jumna and Indus. By Sir JOHN MALCOLM, Lieute- nant-Colonel in the Honourable East India's Company's Service, and late Envoy to the Court of Persia. 8vo. 8s. 6d. GALLERY OF ENGRAVINGS. The BRITISH GALLERY of ENGRAVINGS, under the direction of ED- WARD FORSTER, A.M. F.R.S. and S.A. The Eleventh Number. ""Pace 2l. 2s. small paper, and al. 13s. 6d. large paper. SUBSTANCE OF THE SPEECH Of W. H0SKISSON, Esq. in the House of Commons, in a Committee of the Whole House, upon the Resolutions proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer respecting the State of the Finances and the Sinking Fund of Great Britain, on Thursday, the 25th of March, 1813. 8vo. 3s. ' RUSSIAN VOYAGE TO JAPAN. A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD, in the Years 1803, 4, 5, and 6; by the command of his Imperial Majesty, Alexander Lin the Ships Nadesh- da and Neva : under the Orders of Captain A. J. Von Krusenstern. Tran- slated from the German, (now printing at Berlin,) by RICHARD BELGRAVE HOPPNER, Esq. Handsomely printed in One large Volume 4to, with a Map and other Plates. %* This Voyage is extremely interesting, not only as being the first ever undertaken by Russia round the World, but as replete with accurate and va- luable information. Its principal object was to carry out M. De Resanofl^ Ambassador Extraordinary from the Court of Russia to the Empire of Ja- pan, with a view of establishing a communication. It contains a particular account of this Embassy, and an interesting description of the Manners and Customs of the several Tribes and Nations of the Great Pacific, hitherto so little known. FINE ARTS. EPOCHS of the FINE ARTS. By PRINCE HOARE, Esq. Secretary to the Royal Academy. Crown 8vo. 15s. PR^ELECTIONES ACADEMIC OXONII, HABITUE, AB EDVARDO COPLESTON, S.T.B. Coll. Oriel. Socio, Poe- tica3 Publico Praelectore, nunc Ecclesiae Cathedralis Londinensis, Pra> bendario. In One Volume octavo, price 15s. boards. MR CAMPBELL'S REMARKS ON POETRY. CRITICAL and BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES of the BRITISH POETS* with occasional Selections from their Works. By THOMAS CAMPBELL, Esq. Author of the Pleasures of Hope. Printed uniformly with Mr El- lis' Specimen?, in 4 vols post Svo, VALUABLE WORKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY ROBERT BALDWIN, 47, PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON, AND WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH. TRAVELS IN SWEDEN, During the Autumn of 1812; illustrated by Maps, Portraits, and other Plates. By THOMAS THOMSON, M.D. F.R.S. L. and E. &c. Elegantly printed in 4to. Price 2l. -2s. *#* This Journey, though undertaken by Dr Thomson principally with a view to Geognostic Researches, which alone in such a country would fur- nish ample materials for a volume, is by no means confined to that subject. It enabled the author to obtain much valuable information respecting the political state and resources of Sweden, so peculiarly interesting at the pre- sent moment. The work is embellished and illustrated by thirteen piates, which are, — 1. A Portrait of the Crown Prince. — i^. Portrait of the late — King Gustavus Ailolphus. — 3. Map of Sweden. — 4. Map of Stockholm. — 5. Map of Gothland. — 6. Map of Nerike. — 7. Map of Sconia — 8. View of the Mountain Taberg. — 9. View of the Hill Kinnekulle. — 10. The P'alco Umbrinus.— 11. The Mine of Fahlun.— 12. Section of Ditto.— 13. Geolo- gical Structure of the Provinces. The following Works by the same Author, I.— ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agri- culture, and the Arts. %* This Work is continued in Monthly Numbers, price 2s. 6d. each ; the first of which appeared in January, 1813. As the best illustration of the Plan of the Work, a List of the Contents of the five first Numbers is now printed, and may be had (gratis) of the principal Booksellers of the United Kingdom. II.— HISTORY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, From its Institution to the End of the 18th Century, 4to. 2l. 2s. #% The object of this work is to present an Analysis of the Labours of the Royal Society from the commencement; to show how far the sciences are indebted to its institution ; and how much each owes to British, how much to foreign assistance. Biographical Sketches of many of the most il- lustrious members are interspersed ; and the Appendix contains two com- plete Lists of the Fellows of the Royal Society down to the period of its publication : the one chronologically, the other alphabetically arranged. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. The PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS of the ROYAL SOCIETY of LONDON, from their Commencement in 1665 to the Year 1800, abridged. With Notes and Biographical Illustrations, by CHARLES HUT- TON, LL.D. F.R.S. GEORGE SHAW, M.D. F.R.S. FL.S. RICHARD PEARSON, M.D. FS.A. The Work complete, with a copious Index, in 18 vols 4to, with very numerous plates, price 3sl. 6s. 6d. or on large pa- per, 63l. The extreme difficulty of procuring a complete set of the TRANSACTIONS of the ROYAL SO-.FETY, which comprise an unrivalled treasure of facts and discoveries in every branch of demonstrative and experimental knowledge, has for a long time caused a reprint of that valuable work to be most eagerly desired. It has consequently been several times projected, but as often abandoned on account of the immense exponce which would have attended the undertaking. At last it was determined to publish an Abridgement of the Work, but upon a plan which should render it a substitute for the ori- ginal, as complete as moderate limits and a reasonable price would allow. Boohs printed for Robert Baldwin, Paternoster-Row, London. REV. THOMAS SCOTT'S BIBLE. Thfe HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the public Version ; with explanatory Notes, practical Observations, and copious Marginal References. By "THOMAS SCOTT, Rector of Astorj Sandford, and formerly Chaplain to the Lock Hospital. In Six vols 4to. ** * More than twenty years have now elapsed since the first edition of this arduous undertaking was completed ; and the author has been, in a very uncom- mon degree, favoured by Divine Providence subsequently to superintend three editions of the work. During that period he has employed a considerable part of his time in improving on what may properly be called the first hasty rougU draft, and many years have almost wholly been devoted to it. Of these im- provements, the Marginal References, an undertaking which exclusively em* ployed the author full four years as his unremitting labour, may be considered, as the chief; but his studies having led him to apply to the original languages, and to a variety of sources of information before unexplored by him, he must think that the work has been very greatly improved in all respects ; and he trusts that it is become, in a considerable measure, more adequately entitled to that favourable reception by which it has been hitherto distinguished. As very few complete Copies are remaining, the new Edition will proceed with all possible dispatch ; and to accommodate those persons to whom it may be convenient to take the work in smaller portions, it is now publish^,, ing in Parts at 5s. each. THE DEVOTIONAL FAMILY BIBLE, With Notes and Illustrations, partly original, and partly selected from the most approved Expositors, ancient and modern. By JOHN FAWCETT, D.D. In Two Volumes royal 4to. Price, in boards, 5l. 5s. or elegantly printed on super-royal paper, 81. * *# A peculiar and interesting feature of this edition of the Holy Scriptures consists in the great variety of Devout Aspirations with which the chapters are closed. As each of these aspirations is the effusion of the author's mind after studying the chapter to which it is subjoined, they may be considered as aptly tending to inspire the reader with the Faith, Hope, and Charity, which are the grand objects of the perusal of the Sacred Volume. The Notes, which are nu- merous, are the result of the labour of a very long life; and it has been the au- thor's endeavour to adapt them, by their plainness and simplicity, to the un- learned reader ; though, from the use he has made of the researches of the most learned commentators, it is presumed that they will be found not destitute of interest or utility to the more critical enquirer. THE REFORMERS' BIBLE. The HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments, according t» the authorized Version: with short Notes, by several learned and pious Reformers, as printed by Royal Authority, at the Time of the Reforma- tion. With additional Notes and Dissertations. Illustrated by 25 En- gravings including Maps. In one Volume 4to. Price in boards, si. or beautifully printed on royal paper with proof impressions of the Plates, 'price 4l 1 6s. An Apocrypha is printed uniform with the above. Price of the demy paper, 7s. — royai 12s. * *» The Dissertations prefixed to each Book are written expressly for this edition; the Notts on the New Testament are those by Theodore Beza; and those of the Old Testament are such as were affixed to the Bibles published by authority between the years J5GO and J616t and written by those learned and pious Reformers who were driven into exile by the persecution of Queen Mary : on which account the present Work is distinguished by the appellation of THE REFORMERS' BIBLE. LIFE OF LUTHER. TIieLIPE of LUTHER, with an Account of the early Progress of the Re- formation. By ALEXANDER JBowjER. In One Volume Octavo, price 12s. boards. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES