550 tn i3>\ 4- \t \ , 'LI B RAHY OF THE U N IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS 550.5 FI co 2 REW-CO(" STORAG m 1 - ••» Field Columbian Museum Publication 53. Geological Series. Vol. I, No. 8. ) OBSERVATIONS ON INDIANA CAVES. BY Oliver Cummings Farrington, Ph.D., Curator, Department of Geology. Chicago, U. S. A. February, 1901. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Observations on Indiana Caves, - - - - - 247 Wyandotte Cave, ... ... 247 Marengo Cave, .... ... 256 Shiloh Cave, - - - - - 262 Coan's Cave, - - - - ... . . 26\ OBSERVATIONS ON INDIANA CAVES. A visit of the writer to several caves in Indiana during the months of August and September, 1900, afforded an opportunity for a number of observations which seem to be new or confirmatory of observations previously published by others. The caves visited were Wyandotte Cave, Crawford County; Marengo Cave, Crawford County; Shiloh Cave, Lawrence County; and Coan's Cave, Monroe County, all in the State of Indiana. Detailed descriptions of all these caves have been given in several reports of the Geological Sur- vey of Indiana, the latest and most complete being in the twenty-first annual report, 189b, by W. S. Blatchley. There is also given in that report a bibliography of the caves and their fauna. WYANDOTTE CAVE. Circular or Dome-shaped Halls. — The hall known as " Helen's Dome" has to a marked degree the form of a hollow cylinder standing vertically. " Rothrock's Cathedral " has the form of a huge dome roofing a short cylinder, the center of the dome being in turn cut by a cylinder rising above it. The "Senate Chamber" has a similar form except that its shape is elliptical rather than circular. "Odd Fellows' Hall," " Milroy's Temple," the "Hall of Representatives," and others are likewise dome-shaped. The hall known as " The Rotunda" in Mammoth Cave has also the form of a dome roofing a short cylinder. The dimensions of some of the halls as given by Blatchley* are as follows: Helen's Dome, 80 feet high and 20 feet in diameter; Rothrock's Cathedral, 185 feet high and 200 feet in diameter; the Senate Chamber, bo feet high with elliptical axes 144 feet and 5b feet in length. The circular or elliptical contour of the walls of these halls and the persistence with which it is maintained through- out successive downfalls of rock is remarkable and indicates that some cause additional to ordinary water erosion must be sought. *Op. cit. 247 248 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. Water flowing down vertical joint planes usually produces pits with walls of angular contour, of which the "Bottomless Pit" in Mam- moth Cave may serve as a type. It is possible that the circular contours may arise from a solvent action added in an unusual degree to the erosive action of water. By this means the solid angles of the limestone blocks formed by the junction of several ver- tical with one horizontal joint plane might be dissolved away until a dome-shaped cavity was formed, or the form may be due to a concretionary structure of the limestone like that recently noted in Idaho.* The consecutive removal of the centers of successive domes would cause each to fall in turn, maintaining the dome-like shape. Stream erosion on the floor of such halls may remove this rocky debris as fast as it falls as has been the case at Helen's Dome, or the rise of the conical pile of rocky debris (such as that known as "Monument Mountain" in Rothrock's Cathedral), may nearly keep pace with the fall of the domes above. It is evident that if this process of caving in is continued until the surface is reached, "cistern-like pits leading down into the bowels of the earth" will be seen from above. Such is the description given by W. H.Holmest of the cenotes or sacred wells seen in Yucatan, some of which are so round and even-walled as to be taken for works of art. They are often, Holmes states, 100 feet or more in depth and 200 or 300 feet in diameter. It seems evident from what has been stated above that human agencies need not be appealed to for the formation of such wells. Fissure Systems. — Systems of fissures forming rectangles or parallelograms closely resembling those produced byDaubr£e's well- known experiment illustrating the formation of joints by torsion are to be seen at many places along the roof of the cave. As an exhibi- tion of jointed structure on a horizontal plane they are very satis- factory. Often a secondary system of fissures appears in conjunction* with the primary one. In many places, such as the "Pillared Pal- ace," the formation of stalactites and stalagmites has taken place along the lines of the joint planes. The stalactites and stalagmites extend, therefore, in straight lines in most cases directly beneath the crevice made by the joint plane. Distribution of Bats. — Bats were found in all parts of the cave which I entered, even in the so-called "Unexplored Regions," the entrance to which is a passage averaging about one foot in height for a distance of 60 feet. If the bats were especially numerous any- where, it was in the hall known as the "Senate Chamber," which, *A curious mineral formation in Idaho Engineering and Mining Journal, March 2, 1901. tField Columbian Museum Publication 8, p. 19. Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 249 according to Blatchley's measurements, is one and one-sixth miles from the entrance to the cave. I may also remark that I noticed a similar wideness of distribution of the bats in Coan's Cave, though that is only one-eighth of a mile in length. These observations seem to contradict the statement of Mr. William H. Hess,* that "bats as a rule go but a short distance from the entrance," and throw doubt on any theory of the origin of' nitrates in cave earths which rests on the assumption that bats do not inhabit the mora remote portions of caves. Vermiform Stalactites. — The vermiform stalactites which are to be seen in many places in this cave have attracted the attention of many observers and brought forth many theories as to their origin. These theories are admirably summed up and the subject ably treated in the paper by Merrill " On the formation of stalactites and gypsum incrustations in caves, "f My observations lead me substan- tially to agree with Merrill's conclusion that the, vermiform character of stalactites of this cave is due to the fact that the drops of water making them have been guided to other positions than those dictated by gravity by the directions assumed by spicules of calcite in crystal- lizing. It appears to me, however, that the carbonate of lime pro- ducing this effect must be in a condition differing somewhat from the ordinary pulverulent form in which it appears at the end of the usual stalactite tube, or in other words, that some additional condi- tions must be appealed to in order to lead to the formation of stalac- tites of this sort. The resemblance of the stalactites to the well-known forms of aragonite denominated flos ferri is quite striking, and perhaps of some significance. Senft^ reached the conclusion that the flos ferri forms of aragonite were produced from very dilute solutions of carbonate of lime, which, owing to protection from changes of air and tempera- ture, evaporated very slowly. Calling attention to the form of the spicules of aragonite he deduced much the same theory for* the origin of the flos ferri forms as that suggested by Merrill for the Wyandotte Cave vermiform stalactites. It is characteristic of ara- gonite, however, to crystallize in slender needles, but not so of cal- cite. Tests which I have made of the specific gravity of the sub- stance of the Wyandotte vermiform stalactites indicates that it is, as ♦Journal of Geology, Vol. 8, No. 2. tProc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XVII, pp. 77-81. JDie Wanderungen und Wandelungen des kohlensaures Kalkes, Zeitschrift der Deutsche Geologische Gesellachaft, Vol. XIII, p. 269. 250 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. originally regarded by Merrill, calcite. The exact stages of the proc- ess by which vermiform stalactites of calcite would be produced seem to me, therefore, less evident than are those by which such stalactites of aragonite are formed. Yet, until we have better knowl- edge it may be a reasonable hypothesis to suppose that the same *$&>"? V ■■-• ^^P K i 1 £ ISP m v * \ '^^"^^^^i i ■< jj E - Fig. i— Deposits produced by capillary attraction, on a stalactite, a glass rod and a glass tube. conditions which produce such forms in aragonite (supposing Senft to have correctly judged those conditions) viz.: deposition from dilute solutions in sheltered situations, may be regarded as those which would produce similar forms of calcite. Why, however, ara- gonite should be produced in one case and calcite in the other, I can- Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 25r not say, while further it may be noted that Foote's* experiments led him to conclude that rapidity of crystallization causes the formation of aragonite rather than the slow crystallization which Senft has postulated. Deposits Produced by Capillary Attraction. — The force of capil- lary attraction cited by Merrill as producing the vermiform stalac- tites is probably instrumental in modifying the forms of stalactites in general in a way to which attention does not seem to have been called before. In fact, it is probable that deposition from this cause takes place on a much larger scale than has hitherto been supposed. The nature of such deposits can be instructively determined experi- mentally. As deposition of carbonate of lime from solutions would take place too slowly for convenient study, I have used solutions of salt for this purpose. Fig. 1 shows a deposit of salt formed by capillary attraction on a slender stalactite, a glass rod and a glass tube respectively. These deposits were ob- tained by supporting the several objects on end in a solution of salt to a depth of about one-fourth of an inch (6 mm.) for a week. The deposit on the stalactite, it will be noted, gathered about numer- ous centers giving a stippled appear- ance like that often seen on stalactites and illustrated by the figure of the stalac- tite shown in Fig. 2. This is in accord- ance with the well-known tendency of crystals to form secondary and tertiary branches. It is to be noted so far as the deposit on the glass tube is concerned that none formed inside the tube. Hence the stopping up of stalactite tubes cannot be ascribed to this cause. Attention may also be called to the large amount of deposit both on the tube and the rod, as indicating how considera- ble a deposit on stalactites may result from capillary attraction. In Nature it is to be supposed that the capillary currents producing such deposition Fig. 2— Stalactite. Marengo Cave. showine form probably influenced by capillary deposit. % nat. size. (Mus. No. G. 963.) ♦Abstract in Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 160. p. 392. 252 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. would take their origin from the larger current trickling down the side of the stalactite and from the drop of water at the end. That currents rise from the drop of water at the end of a stalac- tite may be proved by the clumsy and not-recommended-often-to-be- tried experiment of holding a lighted candle for a moment close under the drop. The particles of soot thus left in the water will be seen to whirl about for a long time, much longer than any convection currents produced by the heat of the candle would account for. This motion continued in one stalactite which I watched for a period of five minutes, and it, may be, is still kept up. The deposit formed under the conditions of the above experiment with salt may be con- sidered illustrative of one produced by rapid evaporation from a con- centrated solution. The subject evidently admits of much further treatment experimentally by way of determining what variations, if any, would be produced in the nature and amount of the deposit by employing solutions of different strengths, by varying if possible the rate of evaporation and by the use of different salts. The " Pillar of the Constitution." — Fig. 3. The shape and size of this huge stalagmite have often been described. It is located in the hall known as the " Senate Chamber," which is accurately Fig 3— The "Pillar of the Constitution," Wyandotte Cave. Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 253 described by Collett* as " a vast elliptical amphitheatre * * * The sides are built up with massive ledges of limestone, thinning and converging upward into a monster dome with a flat elliptical crown 50x20 feet in diameter. The center of this vast room is piled up with a great mass of rocky debris fallen from the immense cavity above." Blatchleyt gives the exact measurements of the hall, so far as its length and breadth are concerned, as 144 feet and 56 feet respectively. He gives further the following graphic description of the Pillar: '* The mass of fallen rock in the center, known as 'Capi- tol Hill,' is about 32 feet in height, and is crowned to a depth of several feet with an immense mass of stalagmitic material. From the center of this mass rises from the top of the hill the grandest natural wonder in Wyandotte Cave — the great fluted column of satin spar or crystalline carbonate of lime known as the ' Pillar of the Constitution.' Perfectly cylindrical, 71 feet in circumference, and extending from the crest of the hill to the ceiling above, this enorm- ous column exceeds in magnitude any similar formation in any known cave on earth." No statement of the height of the Pillar is given by this author. Collett states that the Pillar is about 35 feet high, and Mr. H. A. Rothrock, the present manager of the cave, informs me that this is undoubtedly correct, so far as the southern side of the Pillar is concerned. Owing to the fact that the stalagmite is situated a little to one side of the apex of the cone of debris, the deposit has formed about ten feet farther down on the southern side than on the northern. On the northern side, therefore, the height is about 25 feet. The mean of these, or 30 feet, may be taken as the height above the debris as a wb^ole. The intimate structure of the mass as shown by examining fragments taken from the pit artificially exca- vated at its base is distinctly banded or onyx-like. The individual bands are so narrow as to be scarcely distinguishable with the naked eye, but these are grouped into series of larger bands, 0.5 mm. to 5 mm. in thickness, which differ in color or in structure so as to be plainly distinguished from one another. A secondary fibrous struc- ture in which the fibres are at right angles to the plane of deposition has been developed through most of the bands. The latter lie for the most .part nearly horizontal, but occasionally are highly contorted. The only statement I can find as to the mineralogical nature of the substance of the Pillar is that of Blatchley, who refers to it as made up of "satin spar, the purest form of carbonate of lime." Having examined somewhat carefully the substance of several hand speci- *Indiana Geol. Survey, 1878, p. 473. tO/. cit., p. 156. 254 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. mens which I took from the Pillar I find them to be made up chiefly of aragonite. Not only is the specific gravity that of aragonite (2.92) as obtained by Thoulet's solution, but several cavities show the typi- cal radiating bladed crystals of this form of carbonate of lime. The occurrence, therefore, furnishes an exception to the rule noted by Merrill* that the onyx marbles are generally calcite. Between the distinctly fibrous layers of some portions are interposed other layers microgranular and non-fibrous in structure. The substance of these I found to be of lower specific gravity than that of the fibrous layers. It is in other words, calcite. Here, then, are variations from arago- nite to calcite taking place in the growth of a single mass represent- ing corresponding variations in the circumstances of its growth. A similar occurrence is noted by Senftf in a deposit near Eisenach, Germany. It is unfortunate that our present knowledge of the con- ditions bringing about the formation of these two salts is so inade- quate that we cannot know exactly what changes are indicated by such alternations. Age of the Pillar. — The immensity of this stalagmite, and the certainty that it has been formed by a fairly uniform process of deposition, lead almost irresistibly to an inquiry as to whether any satisfactory estimate of the length of time required for the forma- tion of the mass can be made. Some attempts seem to have been made to determine the rate of deposition by measuring the thickness of the film formed upon glass vessels left in the water now dripping at the Pillar. Unfortunately these measurements are not very accurate. Collett states on ^ne page of his report (p. 467) that water dripping "at the ' Pillar of the Constitution ' has deposited a film of less than one-fiftieth of an inch during five years, or at the rate of one inch in 250 years," while on another page (p. 474) he states that " an estimate based on quasi observations places the rate of this stalagmitic growth at one inch in 100 to 150 years." Hovey, in his "Celebrated American Caverns" (p. 138), speaks of the Pillar as growing ten inches in 1,000 years, though he gives no data on which to base the statement. Mr. Rothrock, the present proprietor of the cave, has at my request had a new vessel placed in the water since my visit and it is hoped that this may fur- nish a means of accurate measurement in a few years. For the present, however, taking Collett's lower rate of one inch in 250 years *The Onyx Marbles: their origin, composition, etc., Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1893, p. 553. tO/. cit., p. 289. Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 255 as probably the nearest correct, it can be easily calculated that 90,000 years would have been required for the Pillar to rise to its present height had the flow of water during all this time been uniform over the constantly increasing surface. I believe it safe to regard this as a minimum age for the Pillar, though I am well aware that owing to various factors which may give rise to fluctuations of growth, geolo- gists are accustomed to believe that no satisfactory time values can be assigned to measurements of stalagmitic deposits. See Dana's Manual of Geology, 4th edition, p. 1024. But may not these fluctu- ations be confined within limits as narrow as those affecting other measurements of time, such as the rate of recession of gorges or the rate of sedimentation, especially when we remember that variations in the rate of deposit almost certainly find expression in the form of the stalagmite? The stalagmite under discussion certainly has a remarkably symmetrical form. I believe, therefore, that it must have grown at a fairly uniform rate. Regarding the possibilities of arriving at any satisfactory value of the mean age of the Pillar, I have no very lively hope of suc- cess. It is hardly likely that the flow of calcareous waters over the entire mass of the Pillar was constant throughout the period of its growth. At the present time, growth is hardly taking place over one one-hundredth part of the surface, yet a mean value can be assigned to this factor only in a purely arbitrary way with nothing to guide the judgment that I can think of. The data for assigning an age value to the large stalagmite now in the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh, seem to me better founded. This stalagmite is n feet long and 28 inches in diameter. It was sawed from its base in a cave in Bermuda in 1819. In 1863, Sir Alexander Milne in visiting the cave measured the amount of matter formed on the base since the removal of the stalagmite and found it to be five cubic inches. At that rate it can be easily calculated that about 600,000 years were required for the formation of the stalagmite.* Numerous considera- tions show that it would be incorrect to apply this ratio to the forma- tion of. the 20,000,000 cubic inches of matter which make up the Pillar of the Constitution, and I introduce the illustration only to show that a much greater age should probably be assigned the Pillar than that which I have given as a minimum. In addition to the time consumed in the growth of the Pillar, a large previous period was required for the erosion of the chamber in which it stands. •My data are from the Museum label. I think the facts have been published, but I cannot give the reference. 256 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. 1. Data are meagre for estimating the length of this period. Prestwich* has estimated the rate of erosion by the Thames as one inch in 1,000 years. The chalky Cretaceous and Oolitic strata over which the Thames flows are doubtless eroded at a more rapid rate than the com- pact limestone in which Wyandotte cave is situated. Taking this rate, however, as a minimum, it will be found that a period of 360,000 years would be required to erode the "Senate Chamber" to the depth of the base of the stalagmite. MARENGO CAVE. The Cave Floor Terrace. — The greater portion of the floor of this main cave shows a well marked terrace recording two distinct stages in the life of the stream which before its final disappearance flowed through the cave. Of these two stages the stream of the older stage had a width of from 15 to 20 feet and a current of sufficient velocity to make large ripple marks on its bed of coarse alluvium. These ripple marks are symmetrical and their long slope is plainly away from the present entrance to the cave. This, therefore, was the direction of flow of the stream. In its second stage the stream was reduced to a width of about 10 feet and its cur- rent was more sluggish. It cut a trench of the above width with nearly vertical walls to a depth of about two feet in the bed of the old stream, but did not have a current of sufficient velocity to produce ripple marks on its bed. A further greater sluggishness as compared with the first stream is indicated by the somewhat winding course which it took through the bed of the latter. The disappearance of this stream must have taken place somewhat suddenly, for there has been no trenching of its bed nor sloping of its banks such as would have occurred if the flow of water had diminished gradually. The bed, now quite dry, has a slightly concave form. A draining away of the stream by the opening of new conduits at a lower level seems the most natural explanation of its two stages and final disappearance. It is of course not impossible that these stages mark a diminution in rainfall or supply of waters from above, but there is on the whole little reason to suspect such abrupt changes in these conditions. It is not unlikely that the large spring situated a few rods west of the present entrance represents the present point of issue of the stream. *Geology, vol. i, p. 107. Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 257 Stream Deposit. — Gradual diminution in rate of flow is well shown in the deposit left by a stream tributary to the main stream to be seen at the point called the "Sand Pit" between the " Rock of Gibraltar" and "Fortress Monroe." The stream had a course nearly at right angles to that flowing through the main cave, although its course, as its channel is filled nearly to the roof, can not be fol- lowed backward except by digging. Where this tributary emptied into the main stream it formed a delta deposit about eight feet in depth. The main stream in cutting downward has cut through this delta so as to expose a complete section. The deposit is well strati- fied. There are slight variations in the coarseness of adjacent strata throughout the deposit, but the most striking feature is the obvious gradation from coarse pebbles at the bottom to fine alluvium at the top. The pebbles at the bottom are well rounded sandstone pebbles having about the size of English walnuts. Only a stream of con- siderable swiftness and volume could have transported them. From such a velocity of current the stream diminished until it bore only the finest alluvium in its latest stages. What could have led to such a diminution in its rate of flow is not apparent, but it is evident that waters flowing through limestone are liable at any time and to any extent to be drawn off in new directions by the opening of new con- duits. Abundance of Stalagmites. — A remarkable feature of the por- tions of the cave known as "Cave Hill Cemetery" and the "Prison Cell" is the relative abundance of stalagmites. Many of the stalag- mites have no corresponding stalactites at all. There can be little doubt that the principles enunciated by Senft* provide adequate ex- planation of the origin of such results. Senft showed that when the flow of water through a crevice was too rapid, either on account of the verticality of the crevice or the abundance of the water supply, to allow of evaporation and consequent deposition sufficient to form a stalactite, a stalagmite might yet be built up because of the greater opportunity for evaporation given for water falling upon the cave floor. He supported this conclusion by calling attention to the fact that stalagmitic icicles form during the hours of the day when melting is most speedy. These suggestions seem to furnish sufficient explanation for the facts referred to. Origin of Peculiar Forms of Stalagmites. — The form of many of the stalagmites is remarkable and, so far as' I know, peculiar to this Op. cit., p. 287. •V 258 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. cave. The form to which I refer is that of which the stalagmite known as "Washington's Monument" (Fig. 4) may serve as a type. It may be described as one which would be produced by piling a - " !, ^yi ^H "^^fc ; -3 * T^B^?x ■ . >: . y4 v.- He ' fej 1 ■■ _ 1 7J Fig. 4 — "Washington's Monument," Marengo Cave. number of irregular, successively smaller, truncated, inverted cones one above the other. At first'sight this structure appears very regu- lar and suggests rhythmic variations in the supply of matter in the formation of the stalagmite. On close examination, however, it will be seen that the widenings and narrowings are not horizontal, nor do they extend uniformly around. They are rather of the nature of irregular projections and indentations. Such being the case, it seems to me that slight movements of the point of dropping of the water which formed the stalagmite would be sufficient cause for its form. Such variations in direction of growth of a stalagmite are illustrated in a section of one from Robertson's Cave, Springfield, Missouri, shown in Fig. 1, PI. XXXII. Up to a point about one-third of the way to the top, growth was in a direction to the right. Then it turned to the left and then became more nearly vertical. Such variations might especially be expected where no stalactite existed above to maintain the point of dropping in one place, as is the case LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS I » D R Explanation of Pl. XXXII. Fig. i. Section of stalagmite from Robertson Cave, Missouri, showing changes in direc- tion of growth. (Mus. No. G 604.) Fig. 2. Cone-shaped stalagmite, Marengo Cave. (Mus. No. G 1022,) Feb. igoi. Observations on Indiana Caves— Farrington. 259 with those under discussion. If it be considered further that varia- tions in the form of a stalagmite may result from variations in the rate of evaporation and content of carbonate of lime of the water which produces it, further reasons for the peculiarity of form will be added. Thus, if evaporation is rapid, or the content of carbonate of lime high, so that a large quantity of the salt contained in each drop is deposited at the top of the stalagmite and little is left to be relinquished in the subsequent course of the water down the sides, a long, slender stalagmite will be formed. If, on the other hand, evaporation is slow, or the content of carbonate of lime low, so that deposition will take place about equally during the course of the water over the stalagmite, a broadly conical stalagmite will result. It is evident that such variations occurring during the growth of any single stalagmite would find expression in corresponding forms in different parts of the stalagmite. Another form of stalagmite so far as I know peculiar to this cave is that of a flattened cone. Such are the stalagmites known as " Mt. Vesuvius" and the "Diamond Dome." The form is illustrated by Fig. 2, PI. XXXII, showing a stalagmite collected by the writer at the cave. I have indicated above in what manner slight evaporation as compared with the rate of flow of water or a relatively low content of carbonate of lime might be expected to produce such a form. It may be further noted that the lateral surface of these stalagmites, instead of being smooth like that of the ordinary stalagmite, is built out in a series of sinuous walls running more or less horizontally around the cone. These walls form numbers of little pools usually filled with water and containing delicate crystalline aggregations of carbonate of lime. The low slope of the surface allowing slow movement of the water over it is doubtless responsible for the construction of these walls. Stalagmo-Stalactite8. — Usually in the growth of cave formations, a stalactite forms above its counter stalagmite. An odd reversal of this condition of things so that the stalagmite forms above the stalac- tite is to be seen in several instances in this cave, the formation known as the " Mermaid " being perhaps the best example. Such stalagmo-stalactites are formed by a drip taking place on the edge of a limestone shelf so that the water which builds up the stalagmite, in pursuing its further downward course forms a stalactite as well. Of the general appearance of such formations Fig. 5, showing a speci- men collected in Shiloh Cave, will give a sufficient idea. 26o Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. Molecular Arrangement of Stalactites and Stalagmites.— The substance composing the stalactites and stalagmites of this cave is generally made up structurally of fibres radiating outward from the center. The fibres pass unin- terruptedly through the concen- tric rings of growth and the structure is doubtless, therefore, as pointed out by Merrill,* of secondary origin. The fibrous substance is not, however, aragonite, but calcite. In con- trast to the forms possessing this structure are many whose substance has a wholly coarsely- crystalline structure exhibiting an all-pervading rhombohedral cleavage. Intermediate stages between these two extremes can be seen in many cases. Of especial interest are stalagmites exhibiting a structure like that shown in Fig. 6. This figure shows a cross section of a stalagmite, the peripheral por- tions of which are fibrous in structure while the central are Fig. 5— Stalagmo-Stalactite, Shiloh Cave. , , . , , T r , (Mus. No. G. 884.) rhombohedral. I am of the opinion, though I know of no way either of proving or disproving it, that such a structure is evidence of a progressive change in the molecular arrangement of the substance toward a more stable con- dition. It is certain that it is in the older portion of the stalagmite that the molecules, are arranged along the rhombohedral planes, and I have never found the positions reversed. That the rhombohedral condition is more stable than the fibrous seems to be indicated by the fact that the former is characteristic of the oldest and most meta- morphosed calcite-bearing rocks. Prof. D. G. Elliot has suggested to me that pressure on the internal substance of the stalagmite may also be largely instrumental in bringing about the;$feange to a rhom- bohedral condition. This is not unlikely. But whatever the deter- mining causes, the case seems to furnish an instructive illustration of *Op. cit.,x>. 78. Feb. igoi. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 261 progressive molecular arrangement. The carbonate of lime was deposited first in narrow, concentric bands. The substance then rearranged itself in the form of more or less continuous fibres arranged at right angles to the planes of deposition. Then with the lapse of time and pressure a second rearrangement was made by which the attractive forces brought the molecules together grouped along rhombohedral planes. Fig. 6 — Broken end of stalagmite, showing change from fibrous to rhombohedral structure. Rate of Growth of Stagmalites. — I propose this word, com- pounded from drdy/ua (drop) and MOos (stone), as a general name for formations produced by dropping water. Under the present usage the expression stalactites and stalag- mites, each term of which has a limited meaning, is the only one available. So many stagmalites in this cave are in process of forma- tion that it seems a favorable place for a study of their rate of growth and of the variations which occur in this rate. In the hope of obtain- 262 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. ing, in the lapse of years, some data on this point Mr. S. M. Stewart, manager of the cave, kindly allowed, at my request, several stalac- tites and one stalagmite to be marked by Mr. Claude Stroud, who lives near the cave, and who, by keeping watch of their growth, can note any variations which they undergo. It will be understood, how- ever, that the rate of growth is so slow that it is not likely that before the end of ten years at least any appreciable change will have taken place. The record of the stalactites marked is as follows: No. 1 Near " Tower of Babel," Drops at intervals of 3V2 minutes. No. 2 In "Queen's Palace," " " " " 45 seconds. No. 3 " " " il 216 times per minute. These are simple stalactite tubes. The stalagmite marked is in "Crystal Palace Gallery," and receives eighteen drops a minute. SH1LOH CAVE. Eroded Stalactites. — The stalactite shown in Fig. 7, occurring near the southern end of the cave, furnishes an interesting illustra- tion of the fact that cave waters may vary in their action from forma- tive to erosive, according to the quantity of carbonate of lime they contain. Thus, in the case of the stalactite here represented, the waters flowing over the limestone shelf to which it is attached had at one time built it up to the general form shown. Later, however, the character of the waters changed and they began to erode, as shown by the pits on the surface, the very mass they had previously built up. These processes of deposition and erosion are, of course, going on side by side in nearly all limestone caves, but it is not often that erosion follows so rapidly after deposition. Many smaller stalactites in other parts of the cave show similar erosion. Leaf Stalactites. — Many of the stalactites of this cave are leaf- like in their form so far as this may describe a broad, thin and pointed shape. Often the appearance is that of a series of ovate leaves folded along their midribs and hanging down from a project- ing ledge. The "leaves" of one such projecting mass are nearly six feet in length, and the weight of the mass must be several thou- sand pounds. It is remarkable that such a weight can be sustained Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 263 Fig. as it is at right angles to the wall. Observation of the broken end of any of the "leaves" of such a group of stalac- tites will show the man- ner of growth. (See Fig. 8.) Such growths are not formed by water trickling down a crevice, but from currents de- bouching over a lime- stone sheff. The shelf must project slightly and the current of water must be relatively large. There are first formed stalactites of the ordi- nary conical type. Then deposition is confined only to one side of the stalactite, the side, namely, over which the descending water flows. Growth takes place then almost wholly in this A deposit is, however, also -Eroded Stalactite. Shiloh Cave. (Mus. No. G.881). direction and in the direction of length built up from the surface of the shelf by the water flowing over it. So the mass grows upward in a thin layer, downward at the stalactite points and outward in thin sheets at right angles to the cave wall. There is also a slight lateral growth of the stalactites which causes them in time to join one another, and the group thus acquires the appearance of a continuous sheet thrown into folds. The original stalactite points usually continue to be the points of greatest growth in length, but the stalactite may be longest some distance away from these. Corrugations of the surface showing retardations of the flowing waters, and similar to those so common on icicles, are nearly always present. If the current is compara- tively narrow and maintains its position for a long period of time the stalactitic mass will take a semi-circular form owing to the fact that the portions in the center of the current receive more material than 264 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. those at the side. The mass in Shiloh Cave mentioned above and the "Canopy"* in Wyandotte Cave, are excellent illustrations of such formations. COAN'S CAVE. The spelling, "Coon's", given by Blatchiey| for the name of this cave seems to be incorrect. According to residents of the region the cave derives its name from one of the original owners of the land on which the cave is situated, whose name was Coan. The entrance to the cave is well-shaped, and is not unlike the « m; Fig. 8— Diagram illustrating manner and directions of growth of leaf stalactites. The arrow shows the direction of the water current. The cross section at the left shows rings of growth. descriptions given of cenotes previously referred to. The cavity gradually enlarges toward the bottom. A small surface stream occa- sionally flows into the cave. The entrance is a good illustration of ingress obtained by following the path of the stream which has formed the cave, in contrast to the entrance to Wyandotte and Mam- moth Caves, which are of the nature of openings made by a fallen roof. ♦Figured in Report of Indiana Geological Survey for 1896, PI. X. tO/. cil., p. 129. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URSANA FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. GEOLOGY, PL.XXXIII. Explanation of Pl XXXIII. Strings of crystals obtained from solutions of copper sulphate, lead chlnrkh and nickel-alum, showing increase in size of crystals and amount of deposit toward the bottom of the solutions. A shot used to weight the string appears in the central figure. Feb. 1901. Observations on Indiana Caves — Farrington. 265 m m The most unique feature of this cave is the pool at its end, excellently described by Blatchley.* The calcite crystals which line the walls of the pool are made up of the unit rhombohedron r (1011) and the unit prism of the first order m (1010). (Fig. 9.) The crystals have all grown in a direction at right angles to the plane of their attachment. The prism is quite short, and no crystals are doubly terminated. The crystals vary in size from quite minute to those the size of an ordinary acorn. It is noticeable that they increase in size toward the bottom of the pool. In order to determine whether it was commonly true that crystals increased in size toward the bottom of a solution, with the assistance of Mr. H. W. Nichols, I prepared solutions of a number of salts, placed them in long slender jars and then immersing strings vertically, noted the quantity and size of crystals deposited. In nearly every case the deposit took a marked conical form. The base of the cone and there- fore the greatest amount of deposit was at the lowest point in the solution. It was also generally true that the size of the crystals increased toward the bottom. The accompanying plate (PI. XXXIII), showing strings of crystals obtained from solutions of copper sulphate, lead chloride and nickel-alum, illustrates this. Such results point to a greater concentration of solutions at the bottom, a principle already established with regard to solutions in general by Ludwig and Soret.f It may be worth while, however, to call atten- tion to this illustration of the principle, and to the fact that the size of crystals depends on the degree of concentration of the solution no less than on the time given for their formation. In this part of the cave stalactites and stalagmites of the ordi- nary type appear in close association with the crystal deposits just described. The formations have a similar origin in that they are both deposits of carbonate of lime from solution in water. They differ only in the condition that in the making of stalactites and stal- agmites the water was moving, while in the making of crystals it was still. If I am correct in this conclusion the converse of the principle Fk;. 9— Calcite, Coan's Cave. *Op. cit.. p. 132. tBecker, Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 153, pp. 21-40. 266 Field Columbian Museum — Geology, Vol. i. affords a rule perhaps of some value as a guide to the conditions under which banded formations have taken place as compared with those which exhibit distinct crystals. Substances deposited from solution in water which exhibit a banded or layered structure have, according to this rule, been formed by moving waters, while those in the form of distinct crystals have been deposited from waters at rest. Hence, the banded structure so characteristic of mineral veins may be considered proof that the deposit was formed from moving waters while the occasional cavities lined with crystals show points at which the solutions were at rest. Similar conclusions may be drawn regarding the same structures as seen in agates and geodes. It is evident, further, that the conditions in the two cases also differ in the quantity of liquid present and in the rate of deposition. The layered structure is the result of trickling waters from which deposi- tion is necessarily rapid, while the distinct crystals were formed from a solution which was present in quantity, and from which deposition was comparatively slow. The applications of these principles to conclusions regarding the origin of veins are obvious. The terms motion and rest are, of course, here to be understood in a purely relative sense, as no body of liquid would be entirely free from internal currents. Further, it is to be granted that all gradations may be traced between a banded structure and distinct crystals. In a broad sense, however, the rule stated in these terms may be of some value.