Occasional Papers OF THE CALIFORNIA J n ^ n VJJL P J "nATnTn EN u VIII SAN FRANCISCO 1901 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Charles H. Gilbert, Chairman William E. Ritter William A. Setchell. EDITORS OF ZOOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS Charles H. Gilbert William E. Ritterl LIST OF THE Coleoptera OF Southern California, Notes on Habits and Distribution AND Descriptions of New Species H. C. Fall Issued November //, igoi SAN FRANCISCO California Academy of Sciences 1901 LIST OF THE COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA, WITH NOTES ON HABITS AND DISTRIBUTION AND DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES. BY H. C. FALL. Introduction. The Coleoptera of California, or of any considerable part thereof, have never been made the subject of exclu- sive treatment by any of our entomologists. Portions of the State have, it is true, formed a part of much more ex- tensive areas treated in some of the earlier faunal papers of Le Conte, but in none of importance have the Califor- nian species been so numerous as to constitute a majority of those listed. Of these papers, two are especially worthy of mention, viz: The Report on the Insects col- lected on the Pacific R. R. Survey adjacent to the 47th parallel (1857), and the Catalogue of the Coleoptera of the Region adjacent to the Mexican boundary line (1858). In the former, 1,173 species are listed from Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, of which 520 are Californian; in the latter, of about 1,000 species mentioned, 300 are credited to Southern California. To both of these, short supplements were added in 1858 and 1859. In an earlier paper (1851), Le Conte had published descriptions of 335 species from various parts of California, all of which are incorporated in the two lists above mentioned. [ 1 ] December 29, 1900. 2 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Previous to the time of Le Conte our knowledge of the Coleoptera of the Pacific Coast was due entirely to the writings of Eschscholtz (1829) and Mannerheim (1843- 1853). Both of these authors confined their attention to the fauna of the northern coast region — more especially of Alaska — and, as is remarked by Le Conte, at the close of Mannerheim's labors, the fauna of that region was more completely developed than that of any other part of the continent. In 1859 Le Conte published a list of 147 species col- lected by Xantus at Fort Tejon. The number is insig- nificant, but the list is interesting in the present connection, since Fort Tejon lies at the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley, on the northern slope of the mountains which separate the valley from Southern Cal- ifornia. Of the 147 species named, 120 are now known to occur south of the mountains. From 1859 to 1876 several papers of a faunal nature were contributed by Le Conte, Horn, and Ulke, none of which, however, are so important as to require special mention. In these, as in the two first named, the refer- ences to Californian species are for the most part con- tained in lists covering a much wider territory. Since 1876 only a few local lists have appeared, the most important being that contained in the report of the Death Valley Expedition;'^" the Tenebrionidse, Cicindelida?, Histeridse, and Coccinellidse observed in San Diego County by Dr. F. E. Blaisdellf and two lists presented by the author, one of a collection made in the San Bernardino Mts.,| and the other of the Coleoptera known from the Southern California islands. § ♦North American Fauna, No. 7, 1893. U. S. Department of Agriculture. tZoc, Vol. Ill, 1892 ; Entomologiral AVtra, Vol. Ill, 1892. I Entomological News, Vol. V, 1894. § Canadian Entomoloijist, 1897. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 6 It were desirable for many reasons that the scope of the present work be enlarged to cover the fauna of the entire State. 1 do not, however, at present feel suffi- ciently familiar with the northern fauna to warrant so great an undertaking. Indeed, I have many times been tempted to indefinitely postpone the present paper, because of the very meager knowledge which we possess of the great majority of even the commoner species of our district. With a view to completeness, however, and in order to increase the usefulness of the present list, I have in the " Notes " added at the end of each genus the names — nearly always with localities, but usually without further comment — of all other species known to have occurred within the State. It is not unlikely that a certain number of these, recorded by the older writers simply from "California," may have been found within the limits of Southern California; but I have very rarely ventured to include a name in the list without definite knowledge of its occurrence within the limits of the territory here treated. Briefly described, the term Southern California, as here used, includes that part of the State lying to the south and east of a line drawn from Point Conception eastward along the Santa Inez Mountains, then curving to the north and east around the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley, and along the desert slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains through Kern and Inyo counties, to the Nevada state line. The region thus defined is by no means a distinct zoological district, but its northern boundary line is as nearly an interfaunal one as it is possible to draw across the State. Its area is approximately one-third that of the entire State, and includes San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties; the southern part 4 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. of Santa Barbara, the eastern part of Kern, and the greater portion of Inyo counties. To the student who is unacquainted with the topog- raphy and climatic conditions of California, the follow- ing brief sketch of the natural features, more especially of the region under consideration, will be of service. The State lies approximately between the parallels of 33° and 42° of latitude, and is crossed by two great mountain systems, lying along and in general parallel with its eastern and western borders. The former — the Sierra Nevada — extends from near the northern border to about the 35th parallel. Its average eleva- tion is from 5,000 to 8,000 feet, but there are occasional ridges of 9,000 and 10,000 feet altitude, and individual peaks that exceed 14,000 feet. The eastern slope descends quite abruptly to the Great Basin, itself 4,000 to 5,000 feet above the sea level; the western slope is much more gradual. The Coast Range consists, like the Sierra Nevada, of numerous nearly parallel ridges, and extends the entire length of the State. Its general altitude is from 2,000 to 6,000 feet. These two systems are united near Mt. Shasta in the north by a series of cross ranges, and again in the south near the northern boundary of Los Angeles County, thus inclosing the great central valley, some 400 miles long and 60 miles wide, drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, which, after their junction, find their way to the ocean through a gap in the Coast Range at the Golden Gate. South of this junction of the Sierra Nevada and Coast Range, the two systems are continued as a single one, running in a generally southeasterly direction toward the Colorado River, sending off, however, at about the middle of its length, a branch to the south, known as the San Jacinto. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 5 Range. The principal chain, extending from the Tejon to the Colorado River, has received various local names, the central and highest portion being known as the San Bernardino Mountains. Taken as a whole, it is for convenience frequently referred to in the following pages as the Southern Sierras. To the east of these mountains lie the Colorado and Mojave deserts, while to the west the country is broken, especially toward the coast, by numerous short ranges of no great altitude, between which lie fertile valleys. The climate of Southern California varies much according to locality, but it is in general mild and dry. Along the coast the mean temperatures of January and July differ by but little more than 10°, but toward the interior the difference between summer and winter tem- perature becomes rapidly more marked. Except in the higher parts of the mountains, the mercury rarely drops below 28° Fahrenheit in winter, but not infrequently rises to or even exceeds 100° in the summer months in the interior valleys. The summers in the desert region of the southeast are excessively hot, a temperature of 130° being at times experienced at Yuma and other points along the lower Colorado River. In all parts of our territory the year is divided into two well defined seasons, a rainy and a dry. The for- mer usually begins toward the end of October and lasts till April. During this season the fair days greatly out- number the rainy ones, and the precipitation is on the average less than that during any period of equal length on the Atlantic slope. The average rainfall at Yuma is less than 4 inches; at San Diego 10 inches; at Los Angeles 20 inches, and becomes somewhat greater as we ascend the western slopes of the mountains. Snow falls every winter at altitudes of 3,000 feet and over, but 6 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. lasts only a short time, except on the highest peaks> where, in sheltered spots on northern slopes, it may be seen in midsummer. At intervals of many years the ground is whitened for a few hours in the valleys. The locally diverse conditions of temperature and rainfall are of necessity accompanied by a variation in the character and abundance of the vegetation, and consequently of the insect fauna. Only along the crests or upper slopes of the higher ranges — notably of the San Bernardino Mountains — is there anything approaching forest growth. At these altitudes — 5,000- 8,000 feet — there are considerable areas covered sparsely with pine, cedar, fir, and scattered oaks. Alders line the streams in the mountain caiions, while willows, sycamores and cottonwoods grow along the watercourses at lower levels wherever the supply of moisture is suffi- ciently permanent. Oaks of several species are more or less common throughout the lower foothills, and occur here and there in park-like groves in the valleys. The foothills are everywhere covered with a mixed growth of scrub-oak, Ceanothus, greasewood, manzanita, and a variety of other bushes and low trees, which, in some places, form almost impenetrable thickets. The valleys are green in the rainy season and in early spring are bright with a profusion of wild flowers, but are burned dry and brown by the sun in summer and autumn. The vegetation of the Colorado and Mojave deserts is naturally limited in amount and peculiar in kind, con- sisting mainly of Yucca, cactus, and mesquite, with the usual "sagebrush". From the preceding remarks it may be seen at once that Southern California is separable into two principal faunal districts — one the desert region to the eastward, occupying more than half the entire area and extending COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 7 far to the north and east beyond the State line; the other, the more copiously watered country lying between the principal mountain range and the coast. To these two we may add two others of very limited area, but quite as well defined, viz, the timber belt of the higher ranges; and the beaches, salt flats, and sand dunes immediately adjoining the seashore. While it is true that a large proportion of the species occurring in each of these districts is to be found in none of the others, yet our acquaintance with many parts of the territory here considered is still too imper- fect to permit the expression of these facts in figures. In the preparation of the following list I have care- fully searched all the literature at my command, and I believe that omissions of this sort will not be numer- ous; there doubtless are, however, a considerable num- ber of species in collections, which are not here included, for the simple reason that they have not been recorded. Of such as these, and of omissions or cor- rections of any kind, I would be very glad to be notified in order that they may be incorporated in any revision or supplement which may appear in the future. Notwithstanding the inevitable shortcomings incident to any preliminary list — and this can scarcely claim to be more — the number of species here credited to South- ern California is larger than that of any other faunal list yet published in North America.* The Southern California list proper contains 2,197 species and 17 varieties, and to these may be added 1,220 species and 4 varieties from other parts of the State, to which refer- ence is made in the notes, making a total of 3,417 species and 21 varieties for the entire State. * A catalogue of the insects of New Jersey by John B. Smith has appeared since the above was written and contains the names of 2,845 species of Coleoptera— a number greater than that here recorded for Southern California, but considerably smaller than that here credited to the whole State. 8 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Following the notes on distribution, etc., there will be found descriptions of a considerable number of the new species mentioned in the list. There are still many others left undescribed, chiefly for the reason that their proper definition would require a more extended investigation than is now possible. A few allied spe- cies from other parts of the country have also been described. Finally, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the kind and ready assistance of entomological friends in the prepa- ration of the following pages, more particularly of my fellow Californians, Messrs. Fenyes, Daggett, Fuchs, Van Dyke, Rivers and Ricksecker. To Mr. Fuchs I am especially indebted for a careful examination of the manuscript and the consequent detection of a few errors and the addition of a number of species based upon his own collection. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. List of the Coleoptera of Southern California, CICINDELID^. Tetracha Carolina Linn. Cicindela latesignata Lee. senilis Horn. vulgaris Say. var. obliquata Kirhy. var. vibex Horn. 12-guttata Dej. var. oregona Lee. var. guttifera Lee. pusilla Say. Cicindela hirticollis Say. teniiisiguata Lee. trifasciata var. sigmoidea Lee. sperata Lee. gabbii Horn. lemuiscata Lee. circumpicta var. prretextata Lee. haemorrhagica Lee. var. pacifica Sehaupp. sommeri Mann. cakabid^. Omophron dentatum Lee. Cychrus obliquus Lee. striatus Lee. mimus Horn. punctatus Lee. subtilis Schaum. Calosoma augulatum Chev. prominens Lee. peregrinator Guer. parviceps Csy. triste Lee. semilreve Lee. simplex Lee. cancellatum Esch. latipeune Horn. Loricera calif ornica Lee. Notiopliilus semiopacus Esch. obscurus sp. nov. Nebria eschscholtzii Men. Metrius contractus Eseh. Promecognathus Ifevissimus Dej. Scarites subterraneus Fab. Dyschirius tridentatus Lee. patruelis Lee. basalis Lee. feneus Dej. gibbipennis Lee. aaalis Lee. Dyschirius truucatus Lee. (?) marinus Lee. aratus Lee. unipunctatus sp. nov. Clivina dentipes Dej. punctulata Lee. Schizogenius crenulatus Lee. depressus Lee. seticollis sp. nov. pluripv;nctatus Lee. Bembidium nitidum Kby. erasum Lee. carinatum Lee. bifossulatum Lee. brevistriatum Haywd. longulum Lee. recticolle Lee. trausversale Dej. consanguineum Haywd. striola Lee. platynoides Haywd. lucidum Lee. californicum Haywd. henshawi Haywd. scudderi Haywd. tigrinum Lee. insulatum Lee. nublculosum Chd. 10 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Bembidiiim iudistinctum Dej. variegatum Say. intermedium Kby. timidium Lee. versicolor Lee. grandicolle Lee. ephippiger Lee. vile Lee. horni Haywd. bifasciatum Mots. dubitans Lee. acutifrons Lee. cautnm Lee. C07inivens Lee. trechiforme Lee. iridesceus Lee. laticeps Lee. Tachys vittiger Lee. mordax Lee. riifotestaceus Haywd. virgo Lee. vorax Lee. corax Lee. edax Lee. nanus Gyll. anthrax Lee. audax Lee. rapax Lee. sellatus Lee. Pogonus plauatus Horn. Trechus barbarte Horn. pomonte sp. uov. Pterostichus ater Dej. vicinus Mann. califoruicus Dej. menetriesii Mots. inermis sji. uov. gracilior Lee. hornii Lee. isabellae Lee. cougesttis Men. subcordatus Lee. scitulus Lee. Iffitulus Lee. Pterostichus occidentalis Dej. lustraus Lee. spleudidulus Lee. four species undescribed Amara jacobinse Lee. scitula Zimm. lougula Zimm. insignis Dej. insularis Horn. impuucticollis Say. interstitialis Dej. calif or nica Dej. remotestriata Dej. gibba Lee. aurata Dej. Badister anthracinus Lee. Calathus ruficollis Dej. obscurus Lee. Pristonychus complanatus Dej. Platyniis agilis Lee. brunneomarginatus Mann. extensicollis var. simplex Lee. califoruicus Dej. fnnebris Lee. frater Lee. maculicollis Dej. variolatus Lee. fossiger Dej. deplanatus Men. Perigona nigriceps Dej. Lachnophorus elegantulus Mann. Euphortici;s occidentalis Horn. Galerita lecoutei Dej. Thalpius hornii Chd. rufulus Lee. Ega lastula Lee. Tetragonoderus fasciatus Hald. pallidus Horn. Lebia cyauipennis Dej. var. ruficollis Lee. viridis Say. furcata Lee. guttula Lee. bilineata Mots. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 11 DromiiTs piceiis Dej. Apristiis laticollis Lee. Biechrus glabratus Duft. hicidus Lee. Axinopalpns biplagiatus Dej. fusciceps Lee. Tecuophihis croceicollis Men. Philoi^huga castauea Horn. Pinacodera pimctigera Lee. Cymindis cribricollis Dej. Biachynus lateralis Dej. fidelis Lee. tschernikhii Mann. cariuulatus Mots. costipennis Mots. Chlfenius ruficatida Ghd. viridifrons Eseh. cursor Chev. cumatilis Lee. leucoscelis Chev. obsoletus Lee. variabilipes Esch. glaucus Lee. tricolor Dej. ChlfBuiiis harijalinns Esch. Oodes elegaus Lee. Agonoderus lineola Fah. pallipes Fab. Discoderus amoeuns Lee. Harpalus sp. Steuolophus limbalis Lee. anceps Lee. cincticoUis Lee. flavipes Lee. Bradycellus coguatus Gijll. rupestris Say. rivalis Lee. calif ornicus Lee. Tachycellus nitidus Dej. two new species Anisodactylus dilatatus Dej. piceus Men. semipiTuctatus Lee. consobrinus Lee. califoruicus Dej. amaroides Lee. Anisotarsiis flebilis Lee. Haliplus coucolor Lee. Cnemidotus callosus Lee. AMPHIZOID^. Amphizoa insoleus Lee. HALIPLID.E. Cuemidotns simplex Lee. DYTISCID^. Laccophilus decipieus Lee. termiualis Sharp. mexicanus Aube. 4-lineatus Horn. Hydrovatiis bre-vipes Sharp. Desmopachria latissima Lee. Bidessus cinctellus I^ee. piotodes Sharp. affiuis Say. subtilis Lee. amandus Lee. Hygrotus hydropicus Lee. Ccelambus medialis Lee. pedalis sp nov. frateruns Lee. Deronectes griseostriatus De G. striatellus Lee. Hydroporus addendus Cr. snbpubescens Lee. fortis Lee. axillaris Lee. ■vilis Lee. 12 CALIFORNIA ACAD.EMY OP SCIENCES. Hydroporus latebrosus Lee. Coptotomus interrogatus Fab. Hydrotrupes palpalis Sharp. Ilybiosoma regiilaris Lee. Agabinus glabrellus Mots. Agabus lugens Lee. lineellus Lee. morosus Lee. obsoletus Lee. lecontei Cr. Rhantus binotatus Harr. auisonychus C'r. Corymbites strigatus Lee. Eretes sticticus Linn. Dytiscns margiuicollis Lee. Thermonectes basilaris var. iiiter- meditis Cr. marinoratus Hope. Cybister ellipticus Lee. explauatus Lee. Gyrinus plicifer Lee. consobrinus Lee. GYEINID^. Gyretes sinuatus Lee. HYDKOPHILID^. Helophorus obscurus Lee. Hydrochus variolatus Lee. vagus Lee. sp. nov. Ochthebius rectus Lee. costipennis sp. uov. puncticollis Lee. discretus Lee. nitidus Lee. interruptus Lee. liueatus Lee. sculptus Lee. holmbergi M'dkl. Hydrsena pennsylvanica Kies. Hydrophilus triangularis Say. insularis Lap. Tropisteruus limbalis Lee. calif ornicus Lee. salsamentus sp. nov. ellipticus Lee. Hydrocharis glaucus Lee. obtusatus Say. Berosus punctatissimus Lee. miles Lee. salinus sp. nov. subsignatus Lee. Berosus infuscatiis Lee. rugulosus Horn. Chaetarthria nigrella Lee. minor sp. uov. pallida Lee. Limnebius piceus Horn. Laccobitis ellipticus Lee. Philydrus carinatus Lee. uebulosus Say. californicus Horn. diflfusus Lee. Helochares normatus Lee. Cymbiodyta puuctatostriata Horn. dorsalis 3fots. Hydrobius fuscipes Linn. Creniphilus subcupreus Say. elegans sp. nov. rufiventris Horn. infuscatus Mots. Dactylosternum cacti Lee. Cercyon fimbriatus Mann. luniger Mann. fulvipennis Mann. nigriceps Marsh. lugubris Payk. Megasternum posticatum Mann. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. la SILPHIDJE. Necrophorus inargiuatus Fab. guttula Motn. pustulates var. nigritus Mann Silpha lapponiea Hhst. ramosa Say. Agyrtes longulus Lee. Pinodytes cryptophagoides Mann. Ptomaphagus consobrinus i^ec. calif ornicus Lee. Hydnobius latidens Lee. Anisotoma liumeralis Horn. difficilis Horn. paludicola Cr. obsoleta Melsh. Cyi'tusa picipennis Lee. Agathidium revolvens Lee. conciuuum Mann. virile sp. nov. pulchrum Lee. Clambus sp. SCYDM^NID^. Connopliron occidens Csy. digressum Csy. Scydmpenus oyipennis Csy. Veraphis colon Horn. Ceramphis deformata Horn. Papusus macer Csy. PSELAPHID^. Articerus fuchsii var. californicus Br end. Biotus formicarius Csy. Ctenisis dispar Sharp. Tychus teuellus Lee. hexagonus Csy. Scalenarthrus hornii Lee. Decarthron brendeli Csy. Pselaptus belfragei Lee. Reichenbachia deformata Lee. falli Csy. Eeichenbachia turgidicornis Csy. tumidicornis Csy. sagax Lee. Bryaxis foveata Lee. loripes Csy. Oropus sp. Sagola isabellae Lee. Euplectus orbiceps Csy. calif oruicus Csy. Actium californicum Lee. STAPHYLINID^. Falagria laeviuscula Lee. cavipennis Lee. sp. dub. Echidnoglossa ' five species Hoplaudria (?) sp. Pontomalota opaca Lee. Atheta twenty-five species Lomechusa anguata sp. nov. Tarphiota pallidipes Csy. fucicola Mukl. Tachyusa four species Tinotiis caviceps Csy. Myrmedonia fauvelii Sharp. Phloeopora ( ?) two species Poly stoma arenaria Csy. pacifica Csy. Aleochara sulci coUis Mann. puberula Klug. four undetermined species. Maseochara valida Lee. 14 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Maseochara puberula Csy. Thiasophila sp. Isoglossa sp. Oxypoda five species Thinusa sp. Bolitochara calif ornica Csy. sp. Leptusa sp. Oligota sp. Bryobiota bicolor Csy. Somatium oviforme Csy. Gyronycha obscura Csy. sp. Bamona falliaua Csy. Myllaeua sp. Acylophorus pronus Er. Heterothops fumatus var. californicus Lee. carbouatus sp. nov. pusio Lee. occideutis Csy. Quedius explanatus Lee. fulgidus Fab. erythrogaster Mann. capucinus Grav. desertus Horn. limbifer Horn. prostrans Horn. Thinopinus pictus Lee. Creophilus villosus Orav. Hadrotes crassus Mann. Stapliyliuus saphyrinus Lee. luteipes Lee. tarsalis Mann. Belonuchus ephippiatus Say. sp. nov. Philonthus uitescens Horn. alutaceus Horn. semiruber Horn. hepaticus Er. flavolimbatus Er. graudicollis Horn. lougicornis Steph. Philonthus discoideus Grav. alumnus Er. pettiti Horn. triangulum Horn. ferreipenuis Horn. sordidus Grav. versutus Horn. virilis Horn. nigritulus Grav. instabilis Horn. quadrulus Horn. lecontei Horn. Actobius ocreatus Horn. sobrinus Er. puucticeps Horn. gratus ]jec. psederoides Lee, elegautulus Horn. formosus sp. nov. Cafius canescens Mann. semiuitens Horn. lithocharinus Lee. luteipeunis Horn. sulcicollis Lee. decipiens Lee. opacus Lee. Xantholinus cephalus Say. picipennis Lee. dimidiatus Lee. obscurus Er. nanus Lee. pusillus Saehse. Leptacinus brunnescens Lee. pallidulus Lee. three species, probably unde- scribed Stenus renifer Lee. sculptilis Csy. zunicus Csy. Incultus Csy^ costalis Csy. alveolatus Csy. pacificus Csy. insignis Csy. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 15 Stenus terricola Csy. vestalis Csy. californicus Csy. giliB Csy. sayi Csy. pinguis Csy. lajtulus Csy. lucidus Csy. two species undetermined Cryptobium tumidum Lee. californiciim Lee. species undetermined Lathrobium puncticeps Lee. jacobinum Lee. californicnm Lee. lituarium Lee. sp. nov. Caloderma rugosa Csy. contineus Csy. mobile Csy. reducta Csy. three species undetermined Medon malaca Csy. latiuscula Csy. four species undetermined Lithocharis ochracea Grav. Stilicus occiduus sp. nov. Pseierus femoralis Lee. compotens Lee. ustus Lee. Sunius californicus ^MS^ longiusculus Mann. Scopaeus truncaticeps Csy. armiger sp. nov. Scopseodera nitida Lee. Leptorus texanus Csy. californicus sp. nov. longipennis sp. nov. Orus pianctatus Csy. fraternus sp. nov. montanus sp. nov. Pinophilus deusus Lee. Palaminus lividus Lee. Tachinus agilis Horn. Tacbinus debilis Horn. Tachyporus californicus Horn. nitidulus Fab. Cilea silphoides Linn. Erchomus punctipennis Lee. Conosoma bipustulatum Grav. castaueum Horn. Boletobius cincticollis Say. Bryoporus sp. dub. Pseudopsis obliterata Lee. detrita sp. nov. miuuta sp. nov. Oxyporus sp. nov. Bledius ferratus Lee. jacobinus Lee. armatus Er. cribricollis Lee. eximius Csy. flavipennis Lee. nitidiceps Lee. relictus sp. nov. opacifrons Lee. punotatissimus Lee. laticollis Lee. hiteipennis Lee. rusticus sp. nov. ruficornis Lee. clarus sp. nov. pleuralis Lee. diagoualis Lee. ornatus Lee. phytosinus Lee. forcipatus Lee. Platystetbus americanus Er. Oxytehis sculptiis Grav. sobriuus Lee. Haploderus cephalotes Csy. flavipennis Csy. Trogophlceiis dentiger Csy. gila? Csy. prominens Csy. pacificus Csy. diflfusus Csy. confinis Csy. 16 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. TrogophlcBus pauperculus Csy, debilis Csy. blediinus Csy, filum Csy. tantillus Csy. Apocelhis analis Lee. gracilicoruis Csy. sphsericollis Say. Ancyrophorus planus Lee. Thinobius oxyteliuus Lee. (?). liesperius Csy. sp. nov. Zalobius serricollis Lee. Geodromicus temporalis Csy. Amphichroiim floribimdum Lee. puberulum Fauv. LathrimiBum siibcostatum M'dkl. Homalium strigipeuue Makl. Homalium repandum Er. plagiatiim Mann. humile M'dkl. alutaceum Fauv. theveneti Fauv. two species undetermined Anthobium atriventre Csy. nigerrimum Csy. two species undetermined Orobanus rufipes Csy. Protinus two species Lispinus californiciis Lee. linearis Er. Glyptoma costale Er. Trigonurus edwardsii Sharp. Micropeplus punctatus M'dkl. sp. nov. (?). TRICHOPTEEYGID^. Motschvilskium sinnatoGolle Matih. Trichopteryx laticollis J/cimi. Ptilium sp. several species not identified. Ptenidium pullum M'dkl. Smicrus filicornis Fairm. HYDKOSCAPHID^. Hydroscapha natans Lee. SPH^RIID^. Sphserius politus Horn. SCAPHIDIID^. Scaphisoma castaneum Mots. Scaphisoma rufulum Lee. PHALACEID^. Phalacrus ovalis Lee. penicillatus Say. conjuuctus Csy. sp. nov. ( ?). Olibrus wickhami Csy. sp. nov. Acylomus nebulosus Csy. Eustilbiis apicalis Melsh. obtusus Lee. nanulus Csy. notabilis sp. nov. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 17 Sacium amabile Lee. decolor Lee. scitulum Lee. Sericoderus flavidus Lee. Anisosticta seriata Melsh. Megilla maculata De G. vittigera Mann. Hippodamia 5-signata Kirhij. ambigua Lee. • convergens Guer. spuria Lee. parenthesis Say. Coccinella 9-notata Hbsi. var. franciscaua Muls. transversoguttata var. trausver- CORYLOPHID.E. Orthoperus two sijecies unidentified Aenigmaticum californicum Csy. COCCINELLID^. Hyperaspis fimbriolata Melsh. var. dissoluta Cr. lateralis Muls. tfeniata Lee. excelsa sp. nov. uudulata Say. (?) spiculinota sp. nov. anuexa Lee. tristis Lee. Hyperaspidius trimaculatus Linn. arcuatus Lee. salis Muls. var. calif ornica Mann. Cycloneda sanguinea Linn. oculata Fab. abdomiualis Say. Harmonia picta Rand. Mysia hornii Cr. Psyllobora20-macu]ataTar.t?edataiec Chilocorus bivuluerus Muls. cacti Linn. Exochomus pilatii Muls. calif ornicus Csy. fasciatus Csy. childreni Muls. histrio sp. nov. Cryptognatlia pusilla Lee. catalincS Horn. Smilia re versa sp. nov. ovalis Lee. Gen. et sp. dub. Aphorista morosa Lee, Scymnus tsedatus sp. nov. sordidus Horn. guttulatus Lee. nebulosus Lee. pallens Lee. mimus sp. nov. cinctus Lee. pacificus Cr. flebilis Horn. cervicalis Muls. marginicollis Mann. ardelio Horn. puuctum Lee. nanus Lee. coniferarum Cr. Scymnillus aterrimus Horn. Cephaloscymnus occidentalis Horn. ornatus Horn. Ebizobius lophar*-hae Blaisd. ENDOMYCHID.E. Aphorista la^ta Lee. Languria californica sp. nov. Dacne californica Horn. 2 EROTYLID^. Tritoma californica Lee. January 12. 1901. 18 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. COLYDIID.E. Ehagodera tuberculata Mann. Lasconotus servus Horn. Auchomma costatum Lee. pnsillus Lee. Sjuchita variegata Lee. Aulonium longum Lee. Ditoma oruata Lee. Agleims bruuneus Gyll. sulcata Lee. Oxylremus californicus Cr. Phlceouemns catennlatus Horn. Cerylon castaneum Say. Lasconotus linearis Cr. EHYSSODID^. Khyssodes hamatus.Lec. CUCUJIDiE. Silvanus siirinamensis Linn. Laemophlteus nitens Lee. bidentatiis Fab. hornii Csy. imbellis Lee. cephalotes Lee. Cathartus advena Waltl. ferrugineus Steph. opaculus Lee. pusillns Sch. Nausibius clavicornis Kug. Latliropus vernalis Lee. Narthecius grandiceps Lee. pubescens Csy. Pediacus depressus Hbst. Brontes dubius var. truncatus Mots. Liemophlfeus biguttatus Say. CRYPTOPHAGID^. Henoticus sp. Cryptophagus Cryptophagiis cellaris Seop. two species unidentified debilis Lee. Atomaria Iretula Lee. (?) lecoutei G. <£: H. two species unidentitied MYCETOPHAGID^. Mycetophagus californicus Horn. Berginus pumilus Lee. pluriguttatus Lee. Myrmechixeuis latridioides Cr. Litargus balteatus Lee. Diplocoelus sp. Typhcea fumata Linn. DERMESTID.E. Byturus grisescens Lee. Dermestes vulpinus Fab. Dermestes marmoratus Say. Perimegatoma variegatum Horn. mannerheimii Lee. Attagenus piceus Olin. talpinus Mann. Trogoderma ornatum Say. tristis Fall. sternale Jayne. carnivorus Fab. Anthrenus scrophularite Linn. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 19 Anthreuus verbasci Liim. Cryptorhopalum balteaturu Lee. apicale Mann. Cryptorhopalum ruficorue Lee. species undescribed Orphilus niger Rossi. Hololepta yucateca Mars. cacti Lee. vicina Lee. popi;lnea Lee. ueglecta Blaisd. Hister sellatus Lee. lucamis Lee. simplicipes sp. nov. sexstriatus Lee. militaris Horn. biraacnlatus Linn. lecoutei Mars. punctiger Lee. Tribalister marginellus Lee. Tribalus californicus Horn. Epierus regularis Beauv. planulus Er. nasutus Horn. Outhophilus lecoutei Horn. Paromalus difficilis Horn. Carciuops opi;utia9 Lee. tejonicus Horn. gileusis Lee. cousors Lee. teuellus Er. Auapleus margiuatus Lee. Sapriuus discoidalis Lee. iuterstitialis Lee. pectoralis Lee. behrensii Horn. obscurus Lee. pfemiuosus />ec. HISTEKID^. Sapriuus alieuus Lee. lugeus Er. oregonensis Lee. iiticolus sp. uov. scissus Lee. laridus Lee. insertus Lee. ciliatus Lee. vitiosus Lee. lubricus Lee. pleuus Lee. fimbriatus Lee. caerulesceus Lee. (?) intritus Csy. cousobriuus sp. nov. bigerumeus Lee. estriatus Lee. lucidulus Lee. propeusus Csy. gaudeus Lee. serrulatus Lee. sulcifrons Lee. Plegaderus fraternus Horn. uitidus Horn. cousors Horn. Teretrius placitus Horn. obliquulus Lee. Abra?us bolteri Lee. Bacauius globuliuus Csy. Acritus maritimus Lee. volitaus sp. nov. .Sletes basalis Zee. NITIDULID^. Brachypterus troglodytes Murr. Athonseus agavensis Cr. Cercus sericans Lee. Carpophilus yuccse Cr. Amartus tinctus Mann. hemipterus Linn. rufipes Lee. pallipennis Say. 20 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Carpophihis dimidiatus Fab. decipieus Horn. discoideus Lee. Colastus truucatus Rand. Conotelus mexicauus Murr. Epuraea species near rufa ( ?) terminalis Mann. avara Rand. Epuraea ovata Horn. Nitidula ziczac Say. Omosita discoidea Fah. Perthalycra murrayi Horn. Meligethes brassicse Seop. Cybocephalus califoruicus Horn. Cryptarcha conciuna Melsh. SmicriiDS hypocoproides Reitt. Pityophagus rufipennis Horn. LATHEIDIID^. Holoparamecus kuuzei Auhe. pacificus Lee. caularum Auhe. Metophthalmus rudis Fall. trux Fall. Lathridius armatulus Fall. Coninomus constrictus Gyll. australicus Belon. Enicmus suspectus Fall. desertiis Fall. minutus Linn. crenatus Lee. tenuicornis Lee. Cartodere argus Reitt. Eevelieria californica Fall. Corticaria plauula Fall. serrata Payk. occidua Fall. tenuipes Fall. elougata Gyll. feri'ugmea Marsh. Melanophthalma casta Fall. simplex Lee. insularis Fall. distiiigueuda Com. gibbosa Hbst, iucompta Fall. similata Gyll. americaua Mann. Fnehsiua occulta Fall. TKOGOSITID^. Alindria teres Melsh. Trogosita viresceus Fab. yuccEe Or. Mouotoma picipes Hbst. mucida Lee. Phyconomus marinus Lee. Teuebrioides siuuata Lee. Peltis pii^pingskoeldi Mann. Grynocharis pilosula Cr. MONOTOMID^. Hesperobsenus abbreviatus Mots. Bactridium striatum Lee. striolatum Reitt. (?) BYKKHID^. Nosodendron californicum Horn. Amphicyrta dentipes Er. Limnichus californicus Lee. perpolitus Csy. Limnichus nebulosus Lee. tenuicornis Csy. naviculatus Csy. Botbriophorus minutus Lee. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 21 PARNID^. Psephenus falli Csy. Throscinus crotchii Lee Dryops productus Lee. siitaralis Lee. Heterocerus guatho Lee gemmatus Horn. Eiirypogon confustis sp. nov. Allopogou villosus Horn. Auorus picetis Lee. Eucinetus infumatus Lee. Helodes apicalis Lee. Elmis divergens Lee. foveatus Lee. Stenelmis uubifer sp. nov. Macrouychus parvulus Horn, HETEROCEEID^. Heterocerus coUaris Kies. pusillus Say. DASCYLLID^. Helodes spedies undescribed Cyphou exiguiis Horn. coucinuus Lee. variabilis Thumb. Placonycha edwardsii Lee. EHIPICEEID.E. Sandalus californicus Lee, Sarpedon scabrosiis Bonv. Adelocera sparsa Cand. Meristhus cristatus ^orw. Chalcolepidius webbii Lee. tartarus Fall. Alaus melauops Lee. Cardiophoriis amplicollis 3Iot gemmifer Blanch. hiridipes Cand. edwardsii Horn. latiusciilus Eseh. tenebrosus Lee. aeneus Horn. seuiculus Blanch. Horistonotus iuanus Lee. basalis Horn. sufiBatus Lee. simplex T^ec. flavidus sp. nov. Esthesopus dispersus Horn. Cryptohypnus squalidus Lee. HyiJnoideus striatuhis Lee. ornatus Lee. gradarius Horn. ELATERID^. Hypuoideus pectoralis Say. Anchastiis cinereipennis Mann. bicolor var. desertiis Horn. Elater hepaticus Melsh. fas til s Lee. cordifer Lee. 5. ater Lee. longicornis Lee. carbonicolor Eseh. (?) dimidiatus Lee. Di'asterius livens Lee. Megapentlaes tartareus Lee. turbulentus Lee. ateiTimus Horn. stigmosus L('c. Ludiiis lecontei Horn. ater Cand. Agriotes imperfectns Lee. hispidus Lee. Dolopius lateralis Eseh. Melanotus longulus Lee. fissilis Say. cribricoUis Cand. variolatus Lee. 22 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Melanotns sp. no v. Limonius minis Lee. crotchii Horn. occidentalis Cand. oruatulus Lee. pilosus Lee. californicus Mann. canus Lee. Athous excavatus Mots. limbatus Lee. two midescribed species Sericosomus debilis Lee. jiavipennis Mots. Corymbites inaurus Say. jacuhis Lee. fallax Say. Throscus sejuuctus Horn. parvulus Lee. Corymbites pruiuinus Horn. leucasjiis Germ. Asaphes morio Lee. dilaticollis Mots. tumescens Lee. Melanactes deusns Lee. Aphricus californicus Lee. Aplastus angusticollis Horn. corymbitoides Horn. speratus Lee. molestus Horn. Plastocerus schaumii Lee. Euthj'sanius lantus Lee. Ijretiosus Lee. Perothops witticki Lee. THEOSCID^. Throscus sericeus Lee. Pactopus hornii Lee. BUPKESTID^. Gyascutus planicosta Lee. obliteratus Lee. Hippomelas californicus Horn. Dicerca calif ornica Cr. hornii Cr. pectorosa Lee. Poecilonota ferrea Melsh. (?) Buprestis gibbsii Lee. Iffiviventris Lee. maculiventris Say var. fasciata Fab. aurulenta Linn. Melanophila. consputa Lee. longipes Say. acuminata De Geer. gentilis Lee. intrusa Horn. Anthaxia teueogaster Lap. deleta Lee. Chrysobothris octocola Lee. debilis Lee. Chrysobothris femorata Fah. contigua Lee. cuprascens Lee. speculifer Horn. (?) calif ornica I^ee. mali Horn. deserta Horn. merkelii Horn. prasiua Horn. lucana Horn. Actenodes meudax Horn. calcarata Ghev. Glyptoscelimorpha marmorata //or?i. Dystaxia murrayi Lee. Schizopus laetus Lee. Polycesta velasco Lap et Gory. californica Lee, Acmpeodera flavomarginata Gray. lauata Horn. fenyesi Fall. IJlagiaticauda Horn. jocosa Fall. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 23 Acmaeodera coquilletti Fall. angelica Fall. tuta Horn. hepburuii Lee. quadriseriata Fall. morbosa Fall. flavosticta Horn. acuta Lee. labyrinthica Fall. counexa Lee. variegata Lee. vandykei Fall. prorsa Fall. dohrni Horn. doloi"osa Fall. postica Fall. alicia Fall. versuta Horn. giittifera Lee. Eros Ifetus Mots. Ellychnia califoriiica Mots. corrusca Linn. Pyropyga fenestralis Melsh. Microphotus angustus Lee. Pterotus obscuripennis Lee. Zarhipis integripeuuis Lee. Mastinocerus opacus Horn. Cenopbengus debilis Lee. Podabrus comes Lee. species uudescribed CoUops marginicollis Lee. cribrosus Lee. argutus sp. uov. punctulatus Lee. marginelhis Lee. species uudescribed Endeodes abdominalis Lee. coUaris Lee. Malachius auritus Lee. iuornatus sp. no v. AcmjBodera quadrivittata Horn. gemiua Horn. gibbula Lee. comata Lee. alacris Horn. Ptosima walshii Lee. Chrysophana placida Lee. Agrilus angelicus Horn. niveiventris Horn. walsinghami Cr. obolinus Lee. jacobinus Horn. politus Say. blandus Horn. gibbicoUis sp. nov. illectus sp. nov. lacustris Lee. Taphrocerus gracilis Say.[?) LAMPYEID^. Silis cava Lee. filigera Lee. Telephorus consors Lee. notatus Mann. (?) ingenuus Lee. ochropus Lee. lautus Lee. Polemius languidus Horn. Ditemuus obtusus Lee. Malthodes laticollis Zee. fusculus Lee. MALACHID^. Malachius pristiuus sp. nov. acutipennis sp. uov. thevenetii Horn. directus sp. nov. nigrinus sp. uov. prolixicornis sp. nov. Tanaops abdominalis Lee. Microlipus laticeps Lee. lougicoUis Mots. Pseudebseus bicolor Lec.(?) 24 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Attalus trimaculatns Mots. rufomarginatiis Mots. oregonensis Horn. basalis Lee. ciuctuB Lee. difl&cilis Lee. lobulatus Lee. transmarinus Fall. Pristoscelis grandiceps Lee. Eudasytes ursini;s Csy. Asydates rufiventris Csy. explanatiis Csy. Trichochroiis compactns Csy. antennatus Mots. griseus Lee. apicalis Csy. umbratus Lee. propinquus Csy. fulvovestitus Csy. suffusus Csy. testaceus Csy. subcalvus Csy. prominens Csy. cuspidatus Csy. fuscus Lee. Berielhis Csy. brevicornis Lee. vilis Csy. insignis Csy. suturalis Lee. conspersns Csy. lobatus Csy. barbarse Csy. sordidus Lee. Trichochroias crinifer Csy. f\;lvescens Csy. squalidus Lee. pedalis Lee. nigriuus Csy. cenesceus Lee. politus Csy. puuctipennis Lee. ten or twelve doubtful or unde- scribed species Adasytes laciuiatus Csy. Listrus Interruptus Lee. (?) obscurellus Lee. extricatus Csy. difficilis Lee. luteipes Lee. balteelhis Csy. famelicus Csy. definitus sp. nov. Dasytellus inconspicuus Csy. Dasytes dissimilis Csy. clementfB sp. nov. macer Csy. pusillus Lee. musculus sp. nov. lineellus Csy. Dasytastes catalinae Lee. remissus Csy. bicolor Csy. insularis sp. nov. Eschatocrepis constrictus Lee. Allouyx sculptilis Lee. Vectura longiceps Csy. Eurelymis flavipes Lee. CLEKID^. Elasmocerus calif or nicus sp. nov. Cymatodera puucticollis Bland. calif ornica Horn. morosa Lee. punctata Lee. fuscula Lee. undialata var. balteata Lee. angustata Spin. Cymatodera ovipeuuis Lee. var. pilosella Lee. Trogodendron edwardsii Horn. Trichodes ornatus Say. var. tenellus Lee. Clerus quadrisignatus Say. abruptus Lee. eximius Mann, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 25 Clenis mcestus Kl. Hydnocera robiista Horn. scabra Lee. discoidea Lee. sp. near pallipennis Say. bicolor Lee. Chariessa elegans Horn. dichroa Lee. Cregya fasciata Lee. Lebasiella maculicollis Lee. Corynetes rufipes Fah. ruficollisi^afe. PTINIDiE. Ptinus verticalis Lee. inteniiptus Lee. Hedobia grauosa Lee. Ernobius debilis Lee. nndescribed species Ozoguathus cornutus Lee. misellus Lee. Xestobium nndescribed species Oligomerus three nndescribed species Sitodrepa panicea Linn. Ctenobium nndescribed species Ptinodes setifer Lee. Hadrobregmus gibbicollis Lee. Trypopitys punctatus Lee. tenuilineata Horn. Petalium bistriatum Say. Vrilletta convexa Lee. Xyletiniis lugubris Lee. Catorama frontalis Lee. Hemiptychus pusillus Lee. latus Horn. hiteotectus sp. nov. palliatus sp. nov. Hemiptychus two nndescribed species Caenocara calif ornica Lee. Ptilinns basalis Lee. ramicornis Csy. flavipennis Csy. Sinoxylon sericans Lee. sextnbercnlatum Lee. declive Lee. snturale Horn. Bostrychns californicus Horn. Amphicerus fortis Lee. piiuctipeunis Lee. teres Horn. Dinapate wrightii Horn. Dinoderus pacificus Csy. sobriuus Csy. Polycaon stoutii Lee. confertns Lee. megalops sp. nov. Psoa maculnta Lee. quadrisignata Horn. Lyctns planicollis Lee. parvnlus Csy. calif ornicns Csy. CUPESID^. Cnpes lobiceps Lee. CIOID^. Cis versicolor Csy. vitnla Csy. dnplex Csy. Plesiocis cribrnm Csy. Ennearthrou grossulnm Csy. convergens Csy. 26 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. SPHINDID^. Odontosphindus clavicornis Csy. LUCANID^. Sinodeudrou rugosum Mann. SCARAB^ID^. Caiithon simplex Lee. var. huineralis Horn. IsBvis Drury. perplexus Lee. Coijris mcechus Lee. ^gialia couferta Horn. latispina Lee. crassa Lee. Psammodius nanus De Geer. Ccelatus Lee. Khyssemus californicus Horn. At£enius desertus Horn. abditus Hald. gracilis Melsh. californicus Horn. lobatus Horn. Aphodius granarius Linn. vittatuss, San Diego County (Fuchs): triste, San Diego County: aemilawe, Redondo, February; Pomona, April-May; frequently common, roads and fields in spring and early summer: simplex, Los Angeles County, not common: cancellatum, Los Angeles; Redondo Beach, one example, March; Santa Monica, Santa Barbara: latipenne, Antelope Valley: subceneura occurs about Fresno: discors and luxatum var. in the north. Elaphrus. — E. viridis is described from California without definite locality. Specimens of riparius from the Kern River, near Bakersfield, are in my collection, and it is possible that this may be found along some of the small streams on the desert side of the mountains. Casey describes politus from San Francisco. Loricera. — Specimens of L. calif ornica have been taken by Mr. F. S. Daggett (June) and by Mr. F. D. Twogood (August) along the margin of the Bear Valley reservoir in the San Bernardino Mountains, elevation 6,800 feet. L. foveata and L. coerulescens are northern. Notiophilus. — N. semiopaciis, one example, Pomona, Februarv 18: obscurus, San Bernardino Mountains, 6,000 feet. Nebria. — X. e^tcJischoltzii, a small number found along a stream in a mountain canon near Pomona in March. *Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2iid Ser., Vol. IV. p. 307. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 41 K. rathvoni occurs near Sacramento: ingens and ovipe.n- nis, in the "Sierra Nevada," probably middle or north- ern: metallica, in the extreme north. Metritis. — M. contractus is said by Horn to occur in the Coast Range south of Tejon. Promecognathus Icevissimus is also said to occur in the same places as the preceding. I have never met either of these species in Southern California, and it is probable that they will be found only along the northern limits of the territory we are considering. Scarites. — S. subterraneus, Riverside, April; Yuma, July. Dyschirius. — D. tridentatus, D. basalis and D. gibhipen- nis are common near water almost everywhere west of the mountains: patruelis, San Diego (Le Conte): ceneus and analls are common along the Colorado River: marinus, common, and found only on the sea beaches: truncatus (?), rather rare; Pasadena, May; Lake Tahoe, July: unipunctatus , not rare at Pomona, Riverside and San Bernardino: aratus and terminatus are both recorded from California, the former was described from the Gila River and is common in southwestern Arizona; it may be expected to occur along the Colorado: terminatus oc- curs from New York to Kansas and its occurrence in California may be looked upon with suspicion: con- sobrinus is found at San Francisco and in the middle Sierras: obesus, on the northern beaches: ceneolus must be northern if its occurrence in the State is correctly reported. Clivina. — C. dentipes was found along the Colorado River at Needles by Wickham, and by myself at Yuma: punctulata appears to be very scarce; a single example only at Pomona, June. 42 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Schizogenius. — S. crenulatus and S. pluripundatus, Colorado River: seiicollis, common in manv localities west of the mountains: depressus, generally distributed both east and west of the mountains: litigiosus occurs at San Francisco and north. Bembidium. — Very numerously represented, more than one-fourth of all our described species occurring in Southern California. B. transversale (of this I believe lugubre to be only a variety), striola, californicum, luci- dum, variegatum , timidum, versicolor and iridescens are widely distributed within our area and are generally common: nitidum has occurred at Riverside, March, and Pomona, May, but is rather rare: eraswm occurs in the Sierras from 5,000 feet upward; the mentum tooth is not bifid in our specimens: longulum, hrevistriatuni, consan- guineum and acidifrons are also found in the higher mountain canons or valleys between the ranges: carina- tum, banks of Colorado River: hifossulatum, Riverside, June, and near San Diego: insulatum, Riverside and Pomona, June; one example on ocean beach at Santa Barbara, August; both these species prefer the muddy bauks of reservoirs or ponds in the low country, rarely or never occurring along the small streams of the moun- tain canons or foot-hills: redicolle, Pasadena, Pomona; March to October; not rare along mountain streams at no great elevation: j9^a^?/'noui?es, in same situations as the last, but less frequent: nubiculosum and intermedium occur wherever there is water in the desert regions of the southeast, the former being exceediugly abundant: indistinctum , found only in the immediate vicinity of the coast, where it is everywhere common: ephippiger, Pomona, June; Redondo, April; Long Beach, August; more frequent near the coast on salt flats, but nowhere COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 43 common: grandicolle, San Dieo;o, Riverside; rare: vile, San Diego and Los Angeles, August; rare: horni, two examples; Riverside, June; Sierras, July: bifasciatum, often abundant along mountain streams: dubitans, Pomona, Riverside, Pasadena; March to June: trechi- forme, Santa Monica, Februar}'; Ojai Valley, March; rather scarce; laticeps, San Diego; very few specimens known: cautum {irom. which connivens is not separable) is widely diffused and very common: henshaioi and scudderi are recorded from Tehachapi, the northern limit of our area. The following species occur in the middle or northern portions of the State: littorcde, lorquini, sculpturatuniy quadrulumx, planatum, planiusculum, complanulum, fime- reura, nigrocoeruleum, incertum, nebraskense, nevadense, rickseckeri , approxiniatuni, dentellum, variolosum, mor- Tnon, obtusangulum, ivickhami, anguliferum, oblongulum, tigrinuin,'^ assimile, spectabile. Hayward cites muscicola with an implied doubt: sordidulum was described by Chaudoir from California, but is unrecognized. Anillus. — A. explanatus has been found in Alabaster Cave, El Dorado County: debilis, under stones at San Jose. Tachys. — T. vittiger and T. virgo are found only near the seacoast; both have been found running on salt mud at Santa Barbara and Redondo, while vittiger has also been found at San Diego and near the beach on Catalina Island: r,iordax, Colorado River: corax, in same locality and more frequent, also at Pomona: vorax, rare at Pomona and Riverside: edax, Ojai Valley, March: nanus, common under bark of fallen trees in the mountains: * Specimens of B. tigrinuni have been recently taken by me on the sandy margin of the salt flats back of the ocean beach at Santa Barbara (August). It has previously been known to me only from Alameda, probably occurring in similar situations. 44 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. anthrax and audax, common nearly everywhere along streams, the latter being our most common species: rapax, not rare at Yuma in July. Two examples of rufotestaceus have occurred at Pomona. I have seen a specimen of fiavicauda from the northern part of the State. T. falli occurs in the middle and northern Sierras (Lake Tahoe and Siskiyou). Pericompsus. — A few examples of P. sellatus taken along the banks of the Colorado River at Yuma in July. Mr. Hayward writes me that Pericompsus will be merged into Tachys in his forthcoming revision. Patrobus. — P. californicus is northern. Pogonus. — P. planatus is reported from '* Cal." (Horn), probably from the desert region of the south- east. Trechus. — T. barbarce occurs at Santa Barbara: po- monce, rare, at Pomona and Pasadena in foot-hill canons; October, January, March. T. chalybeus and T. ovipennis are both recorded from California; the former is north- ern, the latter middle and northern. Pterostichus. — The first division of the genus, viz., those species without dorsal puncture on the elytra, is well represented, and several are yet undescribed. P. ater occurs in the mountains north of San Bernardino, and probably throughout the higher Sierras: vicinus is common in the Sierras and throughout the region to the west: gracilior appears to be confined to the moun- tains: inermis, not common, in the foot-hill canons of the San Gabriel Range: isabellce and congestus, common and widely diffused: menetriesii, Santa Rosa Island: Icetulus, one example from Santa Barbara: scitulus, not common: subcordatus, plentiful along the Colorado COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 45 River at Yuma: hornii and splendidulus are also reported from Yuma, but I have not seen specimens: texanus^ is reported from Needles by Wickham: lustrans and occi- dentalis are rather widely diffused, the former being common nearly everywhere, the latter more local and scarcer. I have seen californicus from "So. Cal.", but it is doubtless from the northern limits of this region. Aside from vienetriesii , isabellce, ladulus, and an unde- termined species are all that have thus far been taken on the islands off the coast. Of the other Californian species, serripes is from the Yosemite region; tarsalis, planctus and protractus are all fairly common at Lake Tahoe: angustus, middle coast region; inanus, middle and northern Sierras: validufi, brunneus, morionides, caligans and vitreus are all northern. I have been un- able to determine exact locality for castanipes; it is prob- ably central or northern. Amara. — A. jacobince has occurred at Riverside, June, but is more common in the immediate neighborhood of the coast — San Diego, Santa Monica, Redondo, etc.: sciiula, rather uncommon, Pomona, September- De- cember; San Bernardino Mountains, July: longula, one example only, Santa Monica, February: insignis, widely distributed from islands and beaches to moun- tains, but not very common: insukiris, abundant in spring and early summer on all the islands: impundi- collis, Pomona and Pasadena; a few specimens seen: inter stitialis, Sierras, not frequent: calif ornica, abund- ant everywhere: reinotestviata, mountains only, not rare: gibba, "So. Cal." (Horn); not seen by writer: aurata, not rare in early spring, less frequent later in the season; widely diffused. A. farda and A. robustula are recorded • Probably an incorrect identification of T. subcordatus. 46 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. from "Cal." without definite locality: rectangula and imitat7'ix are northern, the latter occurring also on the Farallon Islands (Fuchs): stupida is described from Sacramento; it is very near jacobincn: conjiata was de- scribed from San Francisco. There is a specimen of latior in the Le Conte Collection bearing a gold disk, Le Conte's customary California label. Badister. — B. anthracinus, a single specimen from Los Angeles County (Van Dyke): ferrugineus, " Alaska- Cal."; doubtless confined to the northern part of the State. Calathus. — The name G . rujicollis is generally used for our very abundant species, and it is not quite plain how it is to be separated from obscurus, which, according to description, is a "So. Cal." species.* Le C/onte described quadricollis from San Francisco, and behrensii is from ^'Cal." It is impossible to separate these four species by Le Conte's table, and it is more than likely that all the names apply to a single moderately variable species. Pristonychus. — P. ccmiplanutus, San Bernardino, about stables in December; San Diego, uncommon, Platynus. — P. ugilis, found at St. Isabel, San Diego County (Le Conte); I have never taken it: simplex, specimens so referred occur on the banks of the Colo- rado River: frater is recorded as from San Diego and San Francisco; it is unknown to me: brunneomiargi- natus, californicus, funebris, maculicollis and variolatus occur nearly everywhere and are generally very com- mon: fossiger and deplanatus are less frequent, the latter * In his list of species from Guadalupe Island (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc , Vol. V, p. 198), Dr. Horn refers a large species of Calathus to C. obscurus. The Guadalupe species appears to me to be dis- tinct, and I believe Major Casey is justified in giving it the name C. giuidalupensis in a recent ■description. COLEOPTERA OP SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 47 I have taken at Santa Barbara. In the vicinity of Los Angeles, brunneomarginutus and funebris are to be found along the margin of natural water courses, californicus and variolatus on the shores of permanent ponds or res- ervoirs; the latter species is also found along irrigating ditches and in damp situations on cultivated land: maculicoUis alone occurs about houses, where it is generally common under any object that will afford shelter during the winter and spring. I have occasion- ally seen great numbers on the wing in early spring evenings. In addition to the above named species, the following are reported from California, and with the possible ex- ception of larvalis are probably all from the central and northern portions of the State: larvalis, jejunufi, ovipen- nis, bicolor, ferruginosus, quadratus, cupripennii^ , sulca- tus, striaius. P. punciiformis is found along the Gila not far from the Colorado and will probably occur at Yuma. Perigona. — P. nigriceps, Pasadena, at electric light, September; one specimen (Fenyes). Lachnophorus. — L. elegantulus is abundant along the sandy margins of streams. Euphorticus. — E. occidentalis is of similar habits to the preceding, but quite rare; Riverside, late in May. Galerita. — G. lexontei, not frequent; Riverside, May and June, at electric lights. Zuphium. — Z. longicolle, north of the central portion of the State (Yuba County). Diaphorus. — D. tenuicollis, Sacramento and San Jose. Thalpius. — T. hornii, not rare along the banks of the Colorado: rufulus is reported from Southern California (Horn); it was described from San Jose. 48 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Ega. — E. Icdula, found at East Bridge, on the Arizona side of the Colorado, by Mr. Wickham, and without a doubt occurs also on the California side; found also at Yuma. Tetragonodera. — T. fasciaia, margin of Colorado River; Yuma, July: pallidus, one specimen, taken under dried remains of Opuntia, Pomona, May; others under boards at Palm Springs in April; a very active insect and every- where rare; so far as observed, it does not seem to share the littoral habits of its congeners. Labia. — L. cyaiiipennis, not rare: rujicollis, much less frequent; Riverside, April; Redondo, March: viridis, quite common in numerous localities; generally smaller than Eastern specimens: furcata, one example, Pomona, July: guttula, usually rare; occasionally found in small colonies under the loose bark of Eucalyptus in December and January: bilineata, San Bernardino Mouiitains, July; rare. Dromius. — D. piceus, not rare under bark of live-oak in foot-hills near Pomona in February and April. Apristus. — A. laticoUis, rather common on banks of streams or ditches, and occasionally running on garden walks, usually in April and May. Blechrus. — B. glabratus and B. lucidus occur in situ- ations similar to the preceding, but are less common. Axinopalpus. — A. biplagiatus, not rare under Eucalyp- tus bark in winter: fusciceps, only one specimen seen, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke). Tecnophilus. — T. croceicollis is said by Horn to occur "from San Diego to Oregon," but I have not yet met it. Callida. — C. platynoides, "Mountains east of Visalia" (Horn). COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 49 Philophuga. — P. castanca, one example, Pomona, May, from between the leaves of decaying yucca: P. amaena, middle California. Plochionus. — P. timidus and P. pallens are in the Horn Collection, from "Cal.," without more definite locality. Pinacodera. — P. punctigerd, occurs at Yuma; other species are found in the Peninsula. Cymindis. — C. cribricollis , San Diego County (Fuchs): californica and Apenes llmbata were described by Horn (" Coleoptera of Baja California," Supp. I)^ as from San Luis Obispo. The occurrence of these genera in mari- time California seems so surprising that one might almost suspect some confusion of localities. I have not yet seen specimens. Brachynus. — The species are as elsewhere very in- definite. B. lateralis is readily known by the pale elytral margin; it is rare west of the mountains, but common along the Colorado River. One or two of the other species are abundant near water. B. Jidelis is included on the authority of Mr. Fuchs. Chlaenius. — C. rvjicauda, common along the Colorado from Needles to Yuma: viridifrons, widely distrib- uted throughout the southern part of the State, but generally uncommon: cursor, Southern California (Horn); doubtless from the desert regions of the south- east: cumatiUs, common along streams in foot-hill caiions: leucoscelis, occurs only along the Colorado, where it is not rare: obsoletus, not rare both east and west of the mountains: variabilipes, not common, though gen- erally diffused: glaucus, Yuma, March (Daggett): tri- color, rather common everywhere: harpalinus, very *Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2nd Ser., Vol. V, 1895, pp. 231, 232. 4 June 4, 1901. 50 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. scarce, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke): simillimiis occurs at San Francisco (Horn): pe.nnsylvanicus in tiie north: sericeus is reported from the State without defi- nite locality. Brachylobus. — B. caurinnsis, northern (Yreka, Horn). Oodes. — 0. elegans, Colorado Kiver, March (Daggett). Agonoderus. — A. lineolu moderately, and A. pallipes exceedingly common in many localities; both are fre- quently attracted in numbers to lights in early summer. Discoderus. — A single example of D. amoenus was found under a stone near Palm Springs on the desert side of the mountains. Harpalus. — This genus is not very well represented in California and only one species is known to me from the southern part of the State; this is superficially very much like ventrulis and may be that species; specimens were taken in Bear Valley (elevation 6,000 to 7,000 feet) by Mr. Daggett. I have taken caliginosus at Sacra- mento, cautus at San Francisco, somnulentus at Lake Tahoe, and have specimens referred to carbonatus from the middle Sierras. There are two other apparently undescribed species in my collection from still further north. Stenolophus. — >S^. limhalis, S. fiavipes and S. anceps are common and widely distributed: cincticollis is described from the Colorado River: alternans from San Jose: unicolor is in the Horn Collection, from San Francisco, and others have been seen labeled simply "Cal". Bradycellus. — B. cognatus, not common, Los Angeles County, June: rupestris and calif ornicus, exceedingly abundant everywhere in moist places: rivaliti, Colorado Kiver and adjacent region. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 51 Tachycellus. — Two forms are at present included under the name T. nitidus. The larger, pale form is more common near the coast, though I have seen specimens from as far inland as San Bernardino. The smaller, dark form is in my opinion specifically distinct; it is widely dispersed. There is a still smaller piceous form, the thorax with obtuse hind angles, specimens of which have been seen from Pasadena and from the southern Sierras. The proper elucidation of the species requires study. Anisodactylus. — A. dllatatus is rather uncommon or at least local; I have taken it in early spring under stones in a dry hillside ravine near Pomona. A. piceus, ■semipundatus, consobrinus and califomicus are all widely distributed and more or less common. A. amaroides is rare in our region; I have specimens taken at Riverside and in the San Bernardino Mountains. Of the other species recorded from California, strenuus occurs at Fort Tejon; obtusus at San Jose; pilosus and immanis in the San Joaquin Valley; nivalis at Santa Rosa and north; pitychrous in the middle Sierras; porosus in the northeastern desert regions. Anisotarsus. — A. jiebilis or a closely allied species has been taken sparingly at Pomona. Pseudomorphus. — P. cronkhitei occurs in Owens Val- ley; behrensi in the San Joaquin Valley. AMPHIZOID.E. Amphizoa. — Four examples of A. insolens were taken in a mountain stream near Pomona in September. HALIPLID.E. Haliplus. — H. concolor is rare at Pomona and River- side, April and May; described from the Colorado River. 52 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Cnemidotus. — C. callosus and C. simp/ex are both coin-. moii and are to be found at all seasons. I have taken both most frequently in algse occurring on stagnant pools in August and September. DYTISCID^. Laccophilus. — L. decipiens, everywhere plentiful: ter- Tninalis is moderately common, and 4-lineatus less so, at Yuma: mexicanus has occurred twice at Pomona: /as- ciatus is said by Crotch to occur in California, but I have not seen specimens. Hydrovatus. — To H. brevipes is referred a single ex- ample taken at Long Beach. Desmopachria. — D. latissima, San Diego, Santa Bar- bara; not common. Bidessus. — B. cinctellus, "So. Cal." (^esie Horn), prob- ably from the desert region, as it is known to be a common species in adjacent parts of Arizona: pictodes^ generally scarce; I have seen specimens from Ventura only; an allied form is not rare in the San Bernardino Mountains: ajffinis, occurs commonly in most localities; the form taken west of the mountains is the dark variety to which Le Conte gave the name obscurellus ; specimens from east of the mountains are more or less distinctly vittate: subtilis, to this should probably be referred the commonest species in maritime Southern California, though few specimens are as distinctly marked as the Le Conte type: amandus, reported from "So. Cal." by Horn ("The Coleoptera of Baja California ")* without definite locality; it was described from the Gila River, and should occur along the Colorado; in the type the sutural stria is very feeble, but I suspect that this may be merely an individual variation. *Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2n(l Ser., Vol. IV, 1894, p. 313. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 53 Hygrotus. — H. hydropicits, rather rare, Pomona and San Diego. Ccelambus. — C. medialis, rather common everywhere: fraterniis, Colorado River: pedalis, not common, River- side and Pomona, May and June: lutescens is quite com- mon in middle California, — San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento: impresmpunctatus, one specimen. Lake Tahoe (Fen yes). Deronectes. — D. griseostriatus, not common, Redondo, December and February: striatellus, exceedingly a bun- dant everywhere. Hydroporus. — H. addendus, rare at Pomona and Ojai Valley, more common a little further north: fortis, rare, San Diego; subpubescens , not common, though widely diffused: axillaris, southeastern region, probably Yuma: vilis and latebrosas, common in most localities. The following species are also reported from the State •and some may possibly occur within our limits, though the species of the genus are as a rule more northern in habitat: eximius, rivalis {■=saninarki Sahib, according to Fauvel), teTminalis and hardyi. Mr. Fuchs has a record of H. fitnereus from San Diego. This is quite likely correct, but needs verification. Coptotomus. — G. interrogatus is common at Needles in August (Wickham). Hydrotrupes, — H. palpalis is one of our rarest species, occurring in the mountain streams of the southern Sierras. Ilybiosoma. — /. regularis is plentiful everywhere. Agabinus. — A. glabrellus, rather scarce as a rule, but once found in some numbers in a small spring on Cata- lina Island. Agabus. — A. lugens, abundant everywhere- lineellus, very rare, Pomona, April and May: morosus, Pomona, 54 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. San Diego; not common: obsoletm^, San Diego (Le Conte); lecontei, rather common, various localities. The follow- ing species are found farther north: Intersectus, brevicol- lis, ebnfertus, strigulosus, tristis (Lake Tahoe), xutiiraliSy erichsoni. Rhantus. — R. hinotatics, common generally: andsony- chus, much rarer, Pomona: fiavogriseus and simcatus are reported from the State, but I have not seen specimens from the south. Colymbetes. — G. strigatus, rare; a single specimen taken at San Bernardino in April: scidj)tilis is recorded from the State by Crotch: seminiger occurs in the north- east. Eretes. — E. sticticiiH is a cosmopolitan species which has occurred once at Soldiers' Home (Van Dyke). Hydaticus. — H. stugnalis is recorded from "Cal." (Horn, " The Coleoptera of Baja California"*). Dytiscus. — B. mar glnicoll is, scarce; several specimens taken by Mr. Daggett in Bear Valley, elevation 7,000 feet, June; one example taken by myself at Santa Monica. Thermonectes. — T. basilaris var. inter iiiedius, one example, Pomona, September: niarmorahis, near San Diego (Fuchs). Cybister. — C. explanaius, not rare, many localities: ellipiicus, Colorado River. Both species are frequently attracted by electric lights. GYRINID.E. This family is very poorly represented in Southern California. *Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2nd Ser., Vol. IV, 1894, p. 314. COLEOl'TERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 55 Gyrinus. — G. plicifer occurs in the small streams of the mountains and foot-hills, while consofeWiiits generally prefers larger and more permanent waters; the former is not rare about San Francisco, more especially in the small streams of the redwood region , a few miles north of the Bay; the latter extends its range into Oregon. I have seen hundreds of consohrinus about the electric lights at Riverside, in May. Le Conte mentions having two examples of affinis from middle California, and I have a species of doubtful identity from the middle Sierras. Gyretes. — G. sinuatus, occurs at Yuma (Le Conte). HYDROPHILID^E. Helophorus. — H. obscurut^, common and w^idel}-^ dif- fused: species doubtful, one example, Ventura, March: fortis, San Francisco (Le Conte): angustulus, northern. Hydrochus. — Undescribed species, Ojai Valley, March; San Bernardino Mountains, July; rare: variolatus, San Diego (Le Conte): vagus, Colorado River. Ochthebius. — The species occur sometimes in great numbers in the mud or silt or under stones in the shal- low water of the margins of streams or pools, where any agitation of the bottom brings them to the surface, upon which they float and are easily taken. 0. rectus is our commonest species and occurs nearly everywhere; I have taken it plentifully in muddy irrigating ditches at Riverside, in clear streams, and at San Diego on a salt marsh which is covered by tide-water: interruptus, Riverside, San Diego, Redondo; common at the latter place, living in algte in a small lake much Salter than the ocean: discretus, widely diffused and moderately common: j)uncticollis, rare, San Bernardino Mountains, Ojai Valley: sciUptus, rare, Ventura: costipennis , one 56 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. example, Ventura, March: holmbergi, Santa Monica and San Diego, not very common: lineatus, abundant at Yuma, July: nitidus, Yuma (Le Conte). Dr. Horn records Ictvipennis from Fort Tejon, and I have taken cribricollis at San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. Hydraena. — H. pennsylvanica, common everywhere in same situations as Ochthe.bius. Hydrophilus. — H. triangularis, not rare, comes quite often to electric lights: insularis, said by Horn (" The Coleoptera of Baja California ")^' to occur in Southern California. Tropisternus. — All the species common and generally distributed except salsamentus, which has occurred only in the Redondo salt lake, April to June, and in salt pools at Santa Barbara, August. Hydrocharis. — H. giaucus, three examples taken by Mr. F. D. Twogood in a watering trough at a lumber camp in the San Bernardino Mountains, elevation 5,000 feet, September; found also on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa islands, but everywhere rare; and by Dr. Blaisdell in Calaveras Mountains, Mokelumne Hill and on Mt. Diablo (Fuchs): obtimdiis, one example in mountains near Pomona, elevation 4,000 feet, August: rickseckeri occurs near Santa Rosa (Ricksecker). Berosus. — B. j^unetatissiioius, not rare, Pomona to San Diego: miles, plentiful at Yuma: subsignatus, Colorado River: salinus, Redondo salt lake, not rare in early spring; found also in salt pools at Santa Barbara in Au- gust: infuscatus, Yuma, San Diego, Redondo, Pomona, etc., rather common: rugidosus, very rare, only two examples found, Pomona, June and September. Chaetarthria. — All three species are found about equally common by washing the sandy margins of streams. *Proc Cal. Acad. Sci.. 2inl Ser.. Vol. IV, 18yi, p. 315. COLEOPTEKA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 0/ Limnebius. — L.piceus, common enough when found, but inclined to be local; I have found it in numbers in the streams of the foot-hills near Pomona and Pasadena; politus, alutaceus and congener are names given by Casey to forms occurring from San Francisco north ; they are, I think, based merely on local or individual and sexual variations of piceus. Laccobius. — L. ellipticus is extremely abundant every- where. Philhydrus. — P. carinatus and P. nebulosus are com- mon and widely diffused: difusus, not rare in the Redondo salt lake, also in salt marsh at Santa Barbara: cuspidatus and harailtoni are recorded from the northern part of the State. Specimens taken by myself at Sacramento are by their color to be referred to Jiamiltoni ; this differ- ence, however, is of little consequence, and they are structurally not materially different from difusus of Southern California. P. californicus is from an unre- corded part of the State, "probably northern": conjunctus occurs at Lake Tahoe. Helochares. — Ff. norinatus is found in most localities, but nowhere very common. Cymbiodyta. — G. pundatostriata, found only in moun- tain streams: dorsalis, common and generally distrib- uted: imbellis occurs from Fort Tejon north, and is not rare in the neighborhood of San Francisco. Hydrobius.— iJ. fuscipes, not common, Pomona, Riv- erside, San Bernardino: latus, extreme north: scahrosus, San Francisco and north. Creniphilus. — G. subcupreus, not very frequent; Po- mona, San Bernardino Mountains, Yuma: elegans,* not common, in the salt lake at Redondo: rufiventris, rare at * Specimens of this species recently received from Mr. Schwarz were taken by the late Henry G Hubbard in salt springs at Salton on the Colorado Desert. 58 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. low altitudes, but more plentiful in the higher parts of the Sierras: infuscatus, common: disswiilis, San Fran- cisco and north. Dactylosternum. — D. cacti, one example, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke); occurs abundantly in decomposing cactus {Cereus) in Arizona, but is thus far rare in Southern California. Cercyon. — C. fimhriatus, everywhere abundant along the seashore in decomposing seaweed: luniger, much less frequent in same situations, and on Catalina Island, where Jimbriatus has not yet been found: fulvipennis , common in excrementitious matter: lugiibris, not rare, about the roots of grass in marshy places, and in decay- ing vegetable matter: nigriceps, rare, San Diego, Pomona. C. depressus, quisquilius, latercdis, tristis and navicu- Ictris are quoted from California in Horn's Revision. Megasternum — M. posticatum, rather common in de- composing vegetable matter, especially along the moun- tain streams. SILPHID.E. Necrophorus. — N. mcirginatus, rare; one specimen taken at Riverside, June: guttida, numerous on San Clemente Island, May and June, rather scarce on the mainland: j^ustulatui^ var. nigritus, not rare on both islands and mainland; numerous specimens taken in electric light trap at Pasadena, April and May; var. melsheimeri is northern. Silpha. — S. lapponica and *S'. raniosa are generally common: opaca, one specimen mentioned by Dr. Horn as taken near Mono Lake. Necrophilus. — N. hydrophiloides, from middle and northern part of State. COLEOPTEKA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 59 Agyrtes. — One example of longuliis taken at Pomona under live-oak chips, February 15, 1896 ; one example also taken by Dr. Fenyes at Pasadena, January, 1898. Sphaerites. — »S'. glahratus is northern. Pinodytes. — One dead and mutilated specimen of crypto p}iagoideH (?) found with ants at Pasadena (Fenyes). Platycholeus. — Several specimens of leptinoides were taken by me in very rotten wood at Lake Tahoe, July; the species is termitophilous (Koebele, Hubbard, Fenyes). Choleva. — C. basillavis from middle and northern part of State. Ptomaphagus. — P. consobrinus, Pomona, San Bernar- dino Mountains, uncommon; one specimen found at Pomona with ants in March: calif ornicus , "San Diego northward" (Horn): pusio, northern: Jisus, Owens Valley. Colon. — C. clavatum and G. inerme are both northern. Triarthron. — T. lecontei, "high Sierras east of Visalia." Hydnobius. — H. latidens, one example, so referred by Dr. Horn, Ojai Valley, March: longulus, northern. Anisotoma. — Specimens of this and the preceding- genus are rare, and are most often taken on the wing an hour or two before sunset on warm days in early spring: paludicola has thus occurred at Pomona and Pasadena, January, February: obsoleta {/), Ojai Valley, March: humeralis, one example taken by Dr. Fenyes in leaves beneath chopped meat which had been placed as a bait for Cychrus, Pasadena, January: curvata and col- laris are northern: difficilis is found in Owens Valley. Liodes. — One specimen of confusa was found at Lake Tahoe (Fenyes). "60 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Cyrtusa. — A single specimen of picipennis was taken •by myself in the San Bernardino Mountains, August. Agathidium. — A. revolvens, rare, San Bernardino Mountains, July: concinnum, Pomona, May, not com- mon, more frequent farther north: virile, found rarely at Pomona and Riverside in early spring: pulchrum, taken on decaying mushrooms at Pomona, February: ■californicum and sexfitriatuin occur in the middle and ■northern parts of the State. Clambus. — One example of a species near seminulum, but smaller; Pomona, April. SCYDMiENID.E. This family is poorly represented in California, only seventeen species being known from the entire State, and of these but six have been found in Southern Cali- fornia; moreover all of these six are of greater or less rarity, a state of affairs surely not due entirely to the small size of the specimens or lack of proper investigation. Connophron. — C. occidens and G. digressum are repre- sented, the first by a single specimen taken at or near San Bernardino by Mr. W. G. Wright, and now in the collection of Captain Casey, the latter by three speci- mens taken by myself about the roots of grass in a marshy locality near Pomona. Scydmaenus ovipennis. — A single specimen has been taken at Pasadena by Dr. Fenyes in February. The three other species listed are doubtless all members of the Sonoran fauna. V. colon has occurred in San Diego County, and C. deformata is said to have been collected by Crotch at Los Angeles. Papusus macer. — This was described from a unique example taken by me under a stone at Palm Springs, on COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 61 the western border of the Colorado desert, in April. Captain Casey writes me that the type which was sent to him with other specimens for study has been lost. The remaining Californian species with their localities are as follows: Lophioderus gracilis, San Jose; L.myops, San Francisco; Drastophus Icevicollis, San Francisco; Scyd- mcenus sparsus, San Jose; S. pacijicus, San Francisco and north; S. fuchsi, San Francisco; S. calif ornicus, northern; ^, Mann, "Alaska and Califor- nia." I have seen specimens taken at Stewart's Point (Rieksecker), and at Monterey (Fenyes). Baptolinus. — B. punctiventris is not uncommon under bark at Lake Tahoe; found also by Mr. Daggett, on Mt. Whitnev, at an elevation of 11,000 feet. Stenus. — S. renifer, S. incuUus and *S'. giice occur on the Colorado River, the two latter being moderately com- mon in Yuma early in July: sculptilis and californicus are very abundant along mountain streams, the former also occurring occasionally in the valleys: costalis, less common in same situations: terricola, one example, San Bernardino Mountains: zunicus and pacificus are found everywhere in the lower country, the former common at times, the latter always abundant: insignis, not rare at Pomona, November to May: vestalis, one example, Riverside: f^ayi, found in some numbers about the roots of grass in marshy spot near Pomona, January; not seen elsewhere: pinguis, common in many localities, occurring in prodigious numbers at times; hundreds have been found on every square yard of ground about a small lake near Pasadena, great numbers flying about and swarming on the shrubbery about the lake at the same time: Icetulus, rather rare, Ventura, Riverside, Pomona; March to May: alveolatus, one example, so named, San Diego: lucldus, a single example taken at Pomona, May. The following additional species are recorded from the State: tristis, luctuosus, luculentus and vacuus from the middle regions; coi'vus from Fort Tejon; dives and subgriseus from the north; ellipticus, colonus, villosus, exllis, and pollens from " California " without definite locality. 72 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Cryptobium. — This genus is not well represented in California, californicum being the only species known from west of the mountains; it is not rare, especially in the foot-hills and mountains. C. tumidum is recorded from California, Arizona and Utah, and is doubtless confined to the region east of the mountains. I have taken females of an undetermined species at Yuma. Lathrobium. — L. puncticeps, rather rare : jacobinum, very common along any of the streams from the Sierras: californicuin, rare, Pomona, May ; Redondo beach, March : lituarium, a few specimens taken at Indio and Yuma : suhseriatum occurs in the northern part of the State. There are three undescribed species in my col- lection, one from Southern California (Pasadena), and the other two from the north. Caloderma. — G. rugosa, G. mobilis and G. reducta are all abundant under vegetable debris near water, occurring sometimes in great numbers in damp places in the mountain canons: continens is recorded from San Diego; it is probably not different from rugosa. Three species not yet determined have been found in the caiions near Pomona. The other species described by Casey — angulata, con- tracta, luculenta and tantilla — occur in the middle and northern parts of the State. Oligopterus. — 0. cuneicollis, San Francisco. Medon. — M. malaca occurs in the same situations as the species of Galoderma, but specimens are not quite so numerous: latuiscula, " Southern California and Lake County" (Casey). Several unidentified species are from Southern California, while the following are from mid- dle and northern California: sinuaticollis, convergens, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 73 lepida, puberula, sublesta, consanguinea, contigua, luc- taosa, 7'etrusa, gregalis, ininiula, languida. Lithocharis. — L. ochracea, not common, Pomona in June, Hying at twilight: (dutacea is described from Santa Clara County: quadricollh, from Lake County. Stilicus. — S. occiduus, one example, Los Angeles, August: quadriceps and opaculus are described from "Cal." Paederus. — P. femoralis, "So. Cal." (teste Horn),* doubtless from the Colorado River region: compotens, common in the vegetable detritus on the shore of Lake Wilson at Pasadena, May: ustus, abundant along the banks of the Colorado at Yuma. Sunius. — S. californicus, not common: longiusculus, frequent. Both are quite widely distributed. Scopaeus. — /S. truncaticeps, a single example, Pomona, June, so determined by Casey: armiger, a single speci- men, Pomona, December. Scopaeodera. — A few examples of nitida were taken at Yuma in July. Leptorus. — L. texanus, Colorado River, Yuma: califor- nicus, Palm Springs, western border of Colorado Desert: longipennis, one specimen, Pomona. Orus. — 0. punctatus, common nearly everywhere west of the mountains: fraternus, not rare at Pomona and San Bernardino: montanus, two examples, male and female, San Bernardino Mountains: parallelus, northern (Napa and Sonoma counties). Pinophilus. — P. densus, valley of Colorado River. Palaminus. — P. lividus, taken on leaves of Salix, Yuma (Le Conte). * ''The Coleopteraof Baja California," Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2nd Ser., Vol. IV, 1894, p. 319. 74 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Tachinus. — T. agilis and T. dehilw are both rather widely distributed and moderately common. The genus is better represented farther north, seinirufus and angus- tatus occurring in the middle regions, and tachypo- roides, pallipes and instabilis in the upper portions of the State. A female specimen taken at Lake Talioe is referred somewhat doubtfully to memnunius. Tachyporus. — T. californicus, exceedingly abundant nearly everywhere; often seen flying at twilight in spring and early summer: natiduius, rare, Pomona, Lake Tahoe. Cilea. — One example of C. silphoidefi from Pasadena^ taken in February (Fen yes). Erchomus. — A single specimen of E. punctipennls was taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. Conosoma. — G. bipustulatum, Wilmington and Santa Barbara (Horn); I have an example from the middle Sierras: castanaum, not rare in or under decaying wood, especially in the foot-hills of the Sierras; fungivorous according to Horn. Boletobius. — B. cindicoUis is common in mushrooms. Bryoporus. — B. ritfeseeiis is said to occur from "Penn- sylvania to California;" I have not seen California specimens. A single specimen of a possibly undescribed species has been taken at Pomona. Mycetoporus. — M. humidus, "Michigan to Florida and west to California;" I have not yet seen it here: spleAididus or a closely allied species has been found in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Habrocerus. — H. farscdis is described from San Mateo. OlisthaBrus. — 0. megacephalus, included on the author- ity of Fauvel; it is unquestionably northern. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. /O Pseudopsis. — P. ohliterata, P. deArita and P. luinuta occur not uncommonly, and occasionally in large num- bers, in the vegetable detritus along our mountain streams: the first named species was described from the valley of the Gila. Oxyporus. — Specimens of an undescribed species have been taken at Lake Tahoe in Nevada by Mr. Schwarz,. and on the California side of the lake by Dr. Fenyes. Bledius. — The species are numerous, and are found for the most part burrowing in wet sand or mud on the margins of fresh-water streams and ponds. B. diago- nalis is recorded by Le Conte as occurring on salt marsh at San Diego: crihricollis appears to be confined to the sea-coast; I have seen it in abundance on the beach at Santa Barbara in February, but it is likely to be plenti- ful at all seasons: ferratus, jacobinus, Jiavipennis and exiraius are all reported from San Diego, but I do not know them in nature: opacifrons, San Diego and Los Angeles: luteipennis, San Bernardino: arniatus, River- side, Pomona, Long Beach; not common: nitidiceps, Los Angeles, Wilmington (Le Conte), Pomona, one example in nearly dry bed of brook, November: relictus, two examples, Pomona: laticollis, common, many locali- ties: j'usticus, rare, Pomona: rujicovnis, abundant every- where: clai'us, Riverside, Pomona, not common; jjleu- ralis, occasionally common; once taken in numbers in San Dimas Caiion near Pomona, April: ornatus, not rare near the sea-coast, rare inland; taken in numbers at Redondo, February: forcipatiis, Yuma (Le Conte): punctatissimus and phytosinus 'dve recorded from "South- ern California" without definite locality. A single speci- men of a small black species not yet determined has been taken at Pomona. The following occur further '76 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. north: deceptiviis, sp. nov, Kern County; of Casey's species, strenuus and rnonstratus occur at San Fran- cisco, lectus, foraminosus, gentilis, gracilis and bicolor somewhat farther north, parvicollis in Mendocino County, monticola at Lake Tahoe, and villosus from "California". Platystethus. — P. atnericanus occurs chiefiy about •cow-droppings, both east and west of the mountains. Oxytelus. — 0. sculptus, not rare about stables, etc.: sobrinus, one example, Pomona, December: laqueatus, nitidulus , vegrandis, and niger are found near San Fran- cisco and farther north, the last-named species and riiontanus occurring at Lake Tahoe. Haploderus. — H. Jiavipennis and H. cephalotes are both often taken in the vegetable detritus which collects in damp situations along streams or ponds: linearis is quite surely more northern in habitat: annectens, reported from San Francisco and Sonoma County. Trogophlceus. — T. gilce and T. pacificus are common under rubbish about gardens and along water courses at Pomona: d.ifusus occurs along streams in the higher parts of the Sierras: proviinens, one example, Los Angeles (Casey): conjinis, debilis, and blediinius are described from San Diego: pauperculus and Jiluvi, from Yuma: armatus, occiduus, and lithocharinus are from the middle coast region: lapsus and obliquus, from the mid- dle Sierras (Truckee and Lake Tahoe): sculptilis, from Sonoma and Lake counties: insolitus, from Hoopa Valley, Humboldt County. Wickham reports gilce, dentiger, and fantillus from Yuma. There are several unidentified species in my collection, some of which may be unde- scribed. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 77 Apocellus. — A. analis and A. gracilicornis are both rather common near water, especially about reservoirs,, irrigating ditches., etc., in cultivated regions: sphceri- collis, one example, Pomona, April. Ancyrophorus. — A small colony of A. 2)lanu8 was once taken in drift in a mountain canon near Pomona. Thinobius. — T. hesperius, Yuma (Casey): two uniden- tified species from Southern California, one of which is quite surely undescribed, and the other is probably oxytelinus. The following species are described from farther north: macropterus, "various localities" (Le Conte); sonomce, Sonoma County; gracilicornis, Santa Clara to Sonoma counties: validus, Marin County and north. Zalobius. — Z. serricoUis, common under rubbish near water, more especially in the foot-hill and mountain caiions: spinicollis, middle and northern parts of the State; found in situations similar to the last. Asemobius. — A. ccdatus, "California" (Horn, " Cole- optera of Baja California," Supp. I.).'^ Deleaster. — D. concolor, from San Francisco and north. Geodromicus. — G. temporalis, quite rare along moun- tain streams, near Pomona, September: humboldtianus , northern. Tilea. — T. cavicollis, T. rufitarsis and T. fUicornis occur in the middle and northern Sierras. Vellica. — V. longipennis, from Middle Sierras and north. Artochia. — A. productifrons, from Santa Clara County.. Unamis. — U. truncata, from Middle Sierras. Lesteva. — L. fusconigra, from Eldorado County. * Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2ud Ser., Vol. V, 1895, p. 238. 78 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. ■ Brathinus. — B. cdlifomiciis was found in some num- bers by Mr. Hubbard at Lake Tahoe, where it occurred in wet moss along a mountain stream; other specimens were found at Sisson. Amphichroum. — A. ftorifntndum, very abundant in many localities, especially on flowers of Ceanothus, in April: piiberuluni, described from San Diego; specimens taken in the San Bernardino Mountains are so referred with some doubt. The species are more numerous in the middle Sierras, and from there north to Vancouver. The following are recorded from the State : sparsum, scutatum, opaculum, flavescens, pallidum and maculatum from the middle Sierras (Mariposa and Tahoe); bino- tatum, pilosellurii, alutaceum, raodestum, from the region about and to the north of San Francisco; testaceum and crassicorne from still further north. Tanyrhinus. — T. slngularis occurs in the Santa Cruz Mountains, but is quite rare, Lathrimaeum. — One example of L. subcostaturn obtained in the mountain caiion near Pomona, March. The fol- lowing are recorded: pictum, northern; nigropiceum, Santa Cruz County; sp^rJum, Siskiyou; atrocepJicdum, Tahoe (Fauvel). Homalium. — This genus is numerously represented in California, about half our listed species being recorded from the State. H. plagiatum has occurred in mushrooms, at Pomona, in early spring, and theveneti at Santa Barbara and Redondo, on the ocean beach, in March; but, aside from these, I am able to find definite records of only four species from Southern California, viz.: strigipenne, San Diego; repcmdum, "Southern California and Texas" (Fauvel); huinile, San Bernardino Mountains, identified by Casey; alutaceum, San Diego (Fauvel). When the COLEOPTEKA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 79 whole State is considered, we must add the following: cdgariini and rugipenne, from San Francisco; ater, from Santa Cruz; pacijicum, from Siskiyou; longidam, pusil- luni, megarthroides, rivulare, lapponicuin, ccesuni and fractiun, from "California," without indication of local- ity. It is probable that few, if any, of these latter will be found within our region. Several species in my collection from Southern California are as yet un- identified. Anthobium. — A. atriventre and ^4. nlgerriiuum occur on flowers, the former very abundantly at Pomona, in April. Two other unidentified — possibly undescribed — species are known to me from Pomona, Ojai Valley and Palm Springs. The species of this genus are somewhat numerous, but not identifiable as the literature now stands. The following are to be added to the above: auriji\Liim, diversicolle and sidntngidatuni, from Lake Tahoe; gilvipenne and punctatum, Santa Cruz County; fratermim, northern; calif ornicuin, "California." Orobanus. — 0. rujipes; San Diego and Pomona; one example from the bank of a mountain stream near Pasadena. Protinus. — Two species of this genus have been found on decaying mushrooms at Pomona, in early spring; neither species has as yet been identified. In the mountains of the middle coast region occur limbatus, hascdis and salebrosus: mdklini is middle or northern: sulcatus is described from the middle Sierras. Megarthrus. — M. pictiis, reported from middle and northern portion of the State. Lispinus. — L. californicus, not rare in many locali- ties, under bark: linearis, less frequent, Riverside, 80 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Pomona and Palm Springs — at the last-named locality found under cottonwood bark. Trigonurus. — All our species occur from middle Cali- fornia north, under bark of conifers. T. edwardsii has been taken in Los Angeles County (fide Fuchs). Micropeplus. — M. punctatus, occurs at San Diego (Crotch): a single example of a probably undescribed species was taken at Pasadena, in March, by sifting (Fenyes): tesserida and hriinne.us are more northern. TRICHOPTERYGID^. These minute things have not been systematically searched for, and the number recorded from Southern California, and indeed from the whole State, is very inconsiderable. Actidium. — Four species are on record: rohustulum, granulosum and attenuatum from the middle coast region (Santa Cruz), and politum from " California." Motschulskium. — M. sinuatocolle occurs plentifully at times on various beaches from San Diego northward. Ptilium. — An unidentified species has been taken sparingly at Pomona: columbianurii, humile and collani are said to be from " California." Ptenidium. — P. pullum, quite common in vegetable detritus near water at Pomona, etc. Trichopteryx. — T. laticollis, "Southern California," in Horn Collection: calif ornicufi and crotchii bear " Califor- nia" labels in the Le Conte Collection; and sitkaensis bears a gilt locality label which is supposed to signify a like origin. Smicrus. — *S*. Jilicomis, from Colorado River; Le Conte Collection. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 81 HYDROSCAPHID.E. Hydroscapha. — H. nutans is probably not a rare in- sect, though very seldom taken; when one is discovered a considerable number may usually be obtained by patient search. I have taken it close to the bank in a mountain stream, and also in a muddy spot in a cow pasture near Pomona; Crotch took the first examples in the Los Angeles River. SPHiERIID.E. Sphaerius. — S. politus is rather common on the sandy margins of streams, and is often started in numbers by "washing" the banks. SCAPHIDIID.E. Scaphisoma. — S. castaneum, not very common, found in and about decaying and fungus-grown wood in damp or wet places: rufulurn, occurs at Yuma (Le Conte). PHALACRID.E. The species of this family are for the most part com- mon on flowers; they are difficult to identify with cer- tainty, and have been generally neglected by collectors. Phalacrus. — P. ovalis, common at Pomona, Riverside, etc.: of penicillatus (so named by Casey) a number of specimens were taken in the San Bernardino Mountains: conjunctus, same locality as the last; also San Diego (Casey). The species here called ovalis is possibly not that species; it was pronounced " n. sp." by Casey, to whom specimens were sent for identification, but a com- parison with Le Conte's types shows scarcely any tangible 6 July 15, 1901. 82 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. difference; in fact, the three species here named are separated by characters of very doubtful significance. Olibrus. — 0. vickJtami, sp. nov., Southern California (Casey); many specimens collected in San Diego County by Dunn. Acylomus — A. nebidosus, taken at Yuma, in March (Daggett). Eustilbus. — E. apicalis, widely distributed and rather common; I have beaten it in some numbers from a very tall dried grass at Pasadena, in February: obtusus and nanulus both occurred plentifully about the roots of grass in a marshy S2:>ot near Pomona, in January: notab- ilis occurred sparingly in the same situation: aquatilis, described from San Jose. CORYLOPHID.E. Sacium. — »S'. amabile, found under bark of sycamores, sometimes in large numbers. I took on one occasion over seven hundred examples from beneath the bark of a fallen sycamore in the Ojai Valley, early in March: decolor, rare, Pomona: scitulum, described from Yuma (Le Conte). Sericoderus, — S.jiuvidns is found in debris near water, Riverside, Pomona, etc. Orthoperus. — Two apparently undescribed species have been taken; one of these was found plentifully about grass roots, in moist situations, in winter; of the other there is but a single example from the Ojai Valley. .^nigmaticum. — ^. ccdifornicum, not rare, Santa Bar- bara, Ventura, San Diego; found by beating. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 83 COCCINELLID^. Since the following notes were written there has come to hand a Revision of the American Coccinellidaj by- Captain Casey. Among the large number of new species are many that are accredited to California, but as not a few appear to me to be merely slight color variations of old forms, I have thought it best to exclude them till the matter could be more carefully investigated. Except in the case of ExocJiomius, no reference will be made to this paper. Anisosticta. — A. striata, plentiful in September, along the shore of San Diego Bay (Blaisdell). Naemia. — iV. episcopalis, one specimen, swept in marshy spot at Tallac, Lake Tahoe (Fenyes). Megilla. — M. maculata, Colorado River and Palm Springs; I have not seen specimens from the maritime slope as yet: vitiigera, not uncommon, especially on weeds or low herbage, in river bottoms. Eriopis. — E. connexa, "California" (Mulsant). Hippodamia. — H. ambigua and H. convargens are exceed- ingly abundant at nearly all seasons throughout Southern California, and intermediates are common: ixirenthesis , very rare, on squash vines, at Poway (Blaisdell): 5-sig- nata, an example in Mr. Fuch's collection from Los Angeles County, and bearing the label lecontei, is scarcely distinguishable from eastern specimens of o-signata; it is more than likely that lecontei is only a slight variety of Kirby's species: spuria^ San Diego County (Fuch's collection). Coccinella. — Blaisdell records 9-notataivoi\\ San Diego County, but I have not yet seen typical specimens from 84 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. our region; the var. franciscana is found in most local- ities, and is not rare. G. transversoguttata var. trans- versalis was abundant during the season of 1897, on the islands, and occurred rather frequently at Pasadena, but I do not recall seeing it either before or since: calif or^ nica is rather common every season, and in nearly all localities: monticola has been taken by Dr. Fenyes at Lake Tahoe (Mt. Tallac, elevation 9,000 feet), and pro- longata is said by Crotch to occur in California; these two species are exceedingly closely related, and I am inclined to doubt their distinctness. According to Fauvel, the European 11-punctata Linn, has been taken in California. Cycloneda. — G. sanguinea is common and widely dif- fused: oculata, rare, Pasadena: abdominalis , moderately common, especially in cultivated grounds. Adalia. — A. frigida, " California," must be northern: bipundata var. humeralis, one example, Santa Rosa (Ricksecker). Harmonia. — H. picta, common on pines in the Sierras. Anatis. — A. rathvoni, " California, Oregon ": suhvit- tata, middle and northern Sierras; an undescribed spe- cies from Lake Tahoe, elevation 9,000 feet (Fenyes). Mysia. — M. homii, San Bernardino Mountains, July; one example beaten from a pine (identified by Dr. Horn); it is not easy to distinguish this from speci- mens from the middle Sierras which pass as Anatis sub- vittata, in fact, I believe they are the same thing; it is possible that we do not know Mulsant's species. Psyllobora. — P. 20-maculata var. twdata, very com- mon everywhere, by beating. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 85 Chilocorus. — C. bivulnerus, plentiful about orchards and cultivated grounds everywhere: cacti, generally much less frequent, probably more common in the southeast. Exochomus. — E. pilatii, generaWj quite rare; on one occasion I found it in some numbers in an olive orchard at Pomona, where it was feeding on the black scale with which the trees were infested; it has also been found rather plentifully at Pasadena, by Mr. Daggett, on cer- tain pepper trees (Schinus onolle) infested by this same scale. E. californicus occurs in the Sierras from the San Bernardino Mountains to Siskiyou, and also in Marin County: fasciatus is common throughout our district: childreni has occurred at Pasadena and Redondo: histrio, Pomona, in the foot-hills. Cryptognatha. — C. pusilla, abundant near Pomona, on live-oak, October: catalince, a small number taken by beating on Catalina Island, August; probably not differ- ent from the preceding. Smilia. — S. reversa, occurs on pines in the Sierras (San Bernardino and Lake Tahoe), and is apparently not uncommon: ovalis, specimens so referred are com- mon on live-oak at Pomona, September to November. Hyperaspis. — The species occur by beating and sweep- ing the shrubbery and herbage of uncultivated ground. H. Jimbriolata and its variety dissoliUa are represented in my collection by single specimens taken at Pomona in May and June: lateralis is our commonest species: undulata (?) is also rather common and very variable: tceniata, not rare at Pomona and Pasadena: excelsa, rare, Pomona, November; Pasadena, April; San Bernardino Mountains, July: spiculinota, not common at Pasa- dena and Pomona; usually if not always on a species of 86 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. tall grass or rush both living (June) and dead (Novem- ber): annexa, not rare; Pomona, June to November: tristis, specimens so referred by Dr. Horn were bred in numbers from cactus by Professor A. J. Cook, at Clare- mont: postica was described from northern California, and osculans and 4-oculaia from "California" simply. Hyperaspidius. — H. f.rimaculaius, widely dispersed but not very common: (ircuahis, Colorado River (Le Conte). Scymnus. — A few specimens of Utdatus were beaten from pines in the San Bernardino Mountains: sorcHdus, scarce; San Bernardino, Pomona: guttidatus, occurs at Pomona, Pasadena, Redondo, Catalina Island, etc., most frequently in March and April, but at no time common: nebidosus, tolerably common in the foot-hills near Pomona; taken also in the Ojai Valley and at Cata- lina Island: pallens, common on live-oak nearly every- where, especially from October to February: mimus, two examples only; Riverside and Pomona: cinctus^ moderately common and wide-spread: pacijicits, rare; Sierras, 3,000 to 5,000 feet elevation: Jiebilis, two ex- amples taken at Yuma: cerviccdis, rare; Pomona and Catalina Island: ma'ginicollis, our commonest species and the only one occurring in orchards as well as on wild growth: ardelio, nearly as abundant as the pre- ceding and very widely dispersed, but does not occur on cultivated lands: puncium, common, especially on live-oak, in many localities: nanus, less frequent than the preceding but equally wide-spread: conifer arum, very abundant on pines in the southern Sierras. The fol- lowing species are more northern in habitat: debilis, San Jose and Alameda; hisignatus, Siskiyou; iDhelpsii, northern; caurinus, Owens Valley (Horn). Scymnillus. — S. aterrihus is moderately common in the San Bernardino Mountains, probably on pines; taken by beating. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 87 Cephaloscymnus. — C. occidentalis, rare; Long Beach, Pomona, Catalina Island: ornatus, generally uncom- mon; Pomona, San Diego, Catalina Island, San Ber- nardino Mountains. These two species are not con- generic, and it is probable that a new genus will have to be erected for the latter. Rhizobius. — R. lopantkce is now found quite fre- quently in many localities west of the mountains; it is the only one of the introduced species that has so thoroughly established itself as to be independent of artificial support. ENDOMYCHID.E. Two specimens of an undescribed species allied to Mycp.tcea were found in rotten wood in a canon near Pomona in June. Phymaphora. — P. californica, " San Francisco and western Nevada" (Horn). Xenomycetes. — A', morrisoni is found at Castle Crag in fungus (Fenyes). Aphorista. — A. morosa and A. Icda occur rather un- commonly at various places in the foot-hills and moun- tains; both are fungivorus. Mycetina. — M. hornii occurs sparingly under bark at Lake Tahoe: Umbata is probably from the middle regions. EROTYLID.E. Languria. — A single specimen of californica was taken at Redondo, on Astragalus crotalarar. convexicollis, Owens Valley. 88 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Dacne. — D. californica, common at Pomona, Pasadena, Ojai Valley, etc., in fungi; March: jyicea, described from "California." Tritoma. — T. californica is found abundantly in fungi, Ojai Valley, March. COLYDIID.E. Rhagodera. — R. tuberculata, rare, Pomona, May. Anchomma. — A. costatum is usually rather rare, occur- ring singly or in small numbers under stones; once taken in considerable numbers beneath a stone with Pheidole kyatti at Redondo in April. Megataphrus. — M. tenuicornis is northern (Casey). Synchita. — S. variegata, rare; taken occasionally on the wing on warm days in January and February at Pomona; once taken in some numbers under bark at Pasadena in February (Fenyes). Ditoma. — D. ornata, not rare under bark; Pomona, Yuma, San Bernardino, etc.: sulcata, usually not com- mon; once found in numbers under the bark of an old dead stump nearly covered with a woody fungus; Pomona. D. suffusa is probably a color variety of ornata; it occurs at Yuma under bark with the typical form. Phloeonemus. — P. catenulatus, Yuma (Horn). Coxelus. — G. serratiis and C. paciflcus occur in the middle coast regions. Lasconotus. — L. linearis, not common; on trunks of recently felled alders, San Bernardino Mountains, Au- gust: servus, a single specimen, flying at twilight; San Bernardino Mountains: piisillus, common under pine COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 89 bark in the same locality as the preceding: complex is northern, while vegrandis, pertenuis, nucleatiis and api- calis inhabit the middle coast region. Aulonium. — A. loiigitm, rare under pine bark; San Bernardino Mountains: parallelopipedum, one specimen taken in "California" (Horn). Aglenus. — A. brunneus, one or two examples were taken each morning from beneath a portion of the trunk of a recently cut fig tree; others were sifted from stable refuse near by; Pomona, October, February. Oxylsemus. — A few specimens of californicus were taken flying at twilight about lumber piles; San Ber- nardino Mountains. Deretaphrus. — D. oregonensift, middle Sierras and north. Cerylon. — G. castaneum, not common; found once under oak bark in the San Bernardino Mountains: calif ornicii in and sylvaticum are described by Casey from Lake Tahoe. Lapethus. — L. discretiis, found under bark; Humboldt County (Casey). RHYSSODID^. Rhyssodes. — R. hanudiis, not common, under bark of fallen conifers, San Bernardino Mountains; much more plentiful at Lake Tahoe and further north. CUCUJID.E. Silvanus. — S. surinamensis, occurs commonly in stored cereals, etc. : bidentatus, "not very common, occurs with the preceding;" San Diego County (Blaisdell): 90 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. imbellis, one example; San Diego (Blaisdell): nitid- ulus, now referred to planatus, was described from Cali- fornia. Cathartus. — C. advena, common about gardens, stables, etc.: opacidus, not very common but generally diffused; Yuma, San Bernardino, Pomona; once taken in some numbers under bark of eucalyptus in December. Nausibius. — iV. davicornis, "Commercial storehouses occasionally" (Blaisdell). Prostomis. — P . mandibularis is northern. Narthecius. — X. grandice/ps is very rare; I once took about a dozen specimens from the burrows of Piiyoph- ihoriLS pubipennis, San Bernardino Mountains, in August. Casey has described Hmvulator from Santa Cruz County. Pediacus. — P. depressus, not common, under bark, San Bernardino Mountains: fuscus has been taken near San Francisco (Marin County) by Van Dyke. Cucujus. — C. clavi'pes var. piiniceus, Lake Tahoe and north. Laemophloeus. — L. blgidtatus, usually not common; found flying late in the afternoon of warm days in early spring; occurs at times in large numbers under decay- ing and fungus-covered bark of dead sj'camores (Blais- dell): nitens, one or two examples taken at Pasadena in March by Dr. Fenyes: horni, sometimes found in large numbers under bark of dead sycamores, several hundred having been once taken in this way in the Ojai Valley in March: cephalotes, rare, under bark of various trees, Pasadena, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc.: ferrugineus, not common, Los Angeles: pusilhis, Colorado River (Le Conte). COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 91 Lathropus. — L. vernalis, not common; about a dozen specimens once taken under bark at Pasadena in Feb- ruary (Fenyes). A careful comparison of the type of pubescens satisfies me that this is merely a specimen of vernalis in which the pubescence of the upper surface is more distinct than usual. This pubescence is plainly visible in specimens of vernalis in my own and in the Le Conte Collection, and, I suspect, may always be seen in fresh specimens. Brontes. — B. dubius var. truncatus is rather common in many localities, especially under oak bark. CRYPTOPHAGID.E. Henoticus. — H. serratus, not rare, Pomona, Ojai, etc.; taken most frequently on the wing about houses and gardens on warm evenings. Cryptophagus. — A species quite common at Pomona is referred with confidence to debilis; the species was described from San Diego: cellaris'is said to occur at San Diego; it must be closely allied to debilis if it is really distinct: lecontei, occurs at Yuma. Two other species in my collection, from Pomona and San Bernardino Moun- tains, are not identified. Atomaria. — At least three species are more or less common under debris and about the roots of plants in damp places;^ one of these is probably ladnlus (described from San Jose), which is somewhat variable in color according to the series in the Le Conte cabinet. .4. fus- cicollis is said by Fauvel to occur in California. MYCETOPHAGID.E. Mycetophagus. — M. califomicus and M. pluriguttatus are both uncommon, occurring in fungus; both species 92 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. have been taken in Pasadena rather early in spring, and I have found the former in the San Bernardino Moun- tains in August. Litargus. — L.balteatus, couiuion in decomposing vege- table matter; found in many localities. Typhoea. — T. fumata, plentiful everywhere. Berginus. — B. pumilus,YuYnSi, Pomona, Redondo, San Diego, Long Beach; sometimes abundant on certain composite flowers, especially near the coast. Myrmechixenis. — M. latridioides, taken not rarely about houses and gardens. Riverside, Pomona, Pasa- dena. Diploccelus. — An undescribed species taken at Yuma (Wickham). DERMESTID.E. Byturus. — B, grisescens has been beaten in numbers from live-oak at Pomona and Santa Barbara, during January and February. Dermestes. — D. marmoratus, D. mannerheimii and D. vulpinus are everywhere common: talpimis is less com- mon: iristis, rather scarce: carnivorus, not rare, but occurs, so far as I know, only in the southeastern region: rattus, a species quite distinct from caninus, is found in the middle coast region and also in the middle Sierras: lardarms, has been taken at Lake Tahoe by Dr. Fenyes. Perimegatoma. — P. variegatum, rare, Pomona and Pasadena: cylindricum and /ai^swii are also Californian, but I do not know from what locality. Attagenus. — /l. ^iceiis, occurs everywhere, in houses and on flowers: varicolov, southeastern region (Horn): COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 93 perplexus has been taken at Castle Crag (Fenyes): hornii, recorded from the "Pacific States" by Jayne, but I have seen no specimens from California; it is rather frequent in Arizona, and it is likely that it may occur in the adjacent desert region of California. Trogoderma. — T. omatiim, common and widely dis- persed: sternale, much rarer; I have taken a single example on Catalina Island. Anthrenus. — A. scrophidarict and A. verbasci are both abundant everywhere on flowers; the latter has on one occasion been reared from larvse found in one of my duplicate boxes. Cryptorhopalum. — C. apicale, common on blossoms of willow in April: balteatum, much scarcer; on flowers, Pomona: rujicorne, two examples; Pomona and Yuma. An undescribed species is not rare at Pomona and Pasadena. Orphilus. — 0. niger is common nearly everywhere on flowers. HISTERID.E. Hololepta. — H. yucateca is said by Blaisdell to be rather plentiful at San Diego from May to November, in decaying fruit of Gucurbita, Echinocactus viridescens , and leaves and stalks of Opuntia occidentalis. I once found a dozen or more examples in a decaying flower-stalk of Yucca ivhipplei, near Pomona in June. These latter were apparently the form described by Blaisdell as pervcdida, and are easily separable from Arizona specimens of the typical yucateca, and it is not unlikely that Blaisdell's name will be restored to specific standing. H. cacti is abundant at San Diego in decaying cacti, and is fre- quently taken from beneath bark of decaying and water- soaked wood of the willow (Blaisdell); I have never seen 94 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. the species near Los Angeles: vicina, common in decay- ing fruit of Ciicurhita, also between the leaves and in the decaying flower-stalk of Yucca vMpplei: neglecta, rare, in decaying squashes; San Diego (Blaisdell); unknown to me: populnea, not common; one example, under bark, Riverside, May; more common in the desert portions of San Bernardino and San Diego counties. Hister. — H. sellatus, " not common, in spring and early summer flying about sandy places near streams; also found about the roots of plants" (Blaisdell); I have found it rarely in spring at Pasadena, and in small numbers under plants growing near the beach at Santa Monica, August: hicanus, Southern California (Horn): simplicipcs, one example, San Diego County: sexstriatuf^ , not common, occurring in early spring, fly- ing or resting beneath boards or about the roots of plants in grassy places; Riverside, Redondo, Pomona, San Diego: militaris, Yuma (Horn); in some seasons quite common, frequenting the sandy banks of streams; San Diego (Blaisdell): bimaculatus, one example found dead near a small stream, Riverside: lecontei, specimens in the Horn Collection from the southeastern portion of the State: piinctiger, common under pine bark in the Sierras: remotus, recorded from Tejon (Horn): fracti- frons, Lake Tahoe: uvibilicahis , Marin County: immunis, from " California," in Horn Collection. Tribalister. — T. marginellus, "rare, taken from beneath rocks in moist places" (Blaisdell); I cannot help thinking there is some inistake here, as fnarginelhif< is a rare east- ern species, the only examples known to me being the type described from Maryland, and a single example taken by myself in Rhode Island. Tribalus. — T. californicus is common under leaves and stones in moist places near water courses. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 95 Epierus, — K. regularis, San Diego, San Bernardino: planidiLs, San Diego, Yuma (Horn): nasutits, Yuma, under cottonvvood bark (Horn). All these are doubtless more common in the southeastern part of the State, and are probably all to be found under the bark of various trees, but especially cottonwood. Hetaerius. — No species of this genus is yet recorded from Southern California, but californicus has been found at Sonoma, tristriatus at Calaveras, and ntorsus at Fort Tejon. Onthophilus. — 0. lecontei, very rare; three examples taken at Pasadena, in December, under rotten squash. Paromalus. — P. dificilis, Mojave (Horn); San Diego (Fuchs): imtncus is described from Humboldt Count v by Casey. Carcinops. — C. opv/atice, not common at Pomona; more abundant in San Diego County and the southeast, in decaying Opuntia: tejonicus, a, single specimen taken under pine bark in the San Bernardino Mountains: gilensis, one example, under chips on a freshly cut oak stump, Pomona; common in Arizona in decomposing cacti (Cereus): consors, said by Blaisdell to be common in decaying vegetable matter in San Diego County. A species found in numbers in decaying Yucca vjhipplei, near San Bernardino, was identified by Horn as consors, but a comparison with the type of this species makes this reference doubtful: tenellus, Colorado River, under bark. Casey mentions seeing a specimen of 14--striatus from Lake County, and I have recently seen the same species from Lower California; it will probably be found in our region. Anapleus. — A. marginatus, San Diego County. The species was described by Casey under the name compactus, but is considered identical with marginatus by authorities. 96 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIP:NCES. Saprinus. — Numerous species inhabit Southern Cali- fornia, occurring in or about decomposing animal or vegetable matter. S. discoidalis, moderately frequent at Redondo beach, especially in spring; occurs also in Owens Valley and in Arizona: interstitialis, rare at Pomona, February to March; Catalina Island, and Placer County, early spring: pectoralis, not rare from the mountains to the sea, in early spring (February to March); there can scarcely be a doubt that behrensi is nothing more than an unusual form of pectoralis, in which the prosternal strise have become united in front. I have seen intermediate forms. 8. obscurus occurs with pectoralis and is about equally common; they are cer- tainly very closely allied, if, indeed, they be distinct: pcertiinosus, moderately rare; Pomona, Ojai, Pasadena, San Diego: alienus, occurs only in the desert regions from Owens Valley to San Diego County: liigens, exces- sively abundant at times and always common, widely distributed: oregonensis, not rare; many localities: liti- cohis, rather common on Redondo beach, December to April: scissus, common on sea beaches; I have never seen it inland: laridus, numerous examples taken on the beaches at Redondo and Santa Monica; Wickham re- ports it from Needles — possibly an error: insertus, two examples. Riverside, April: ciliatus , Colorado River, rare: vitiosus, found once at Yuma; occurs also in Owens Val- ley and is common in Arizona: lubricus, abundant everywhere: plenus, desert regions of the southeast: Jimbriatus , very common and wide-spread: coerulescens , found once at Riverside in April, about decaying fish; Blaisdell says, "quite common in summer about the dead bodies of snakes and small animals," San Diego: intritus, San Diego (Casey): consobrinus , one example, Yuma, July; bigeonmeus, common on all beaches; speci- mens received from Wickham are labeled Los Angeles: COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 97 estriatus, several examples taken near San Diego in the bed of the San Diego River, August; also on margin of salt pool at Santa Barbara, August: lucidulus, plentiful in the sand dunes at various beaches: propensus, San Diego (Casey): gaudens, San Diego, Ventura; uncom- mon on sea beaches: serrvlatus, rare; sea beaches, San Diego, San Pedro: sulcifrons, common on beaches. The following species are also Californian: rotundatus, near San Francisco and in Placer County (Van Dyke); (equipunctatus, ciliatus and vestiius, from near San Fran- cisco; lentus, Truckee; ojHicellus, northern. Plegaderus. — P. fraiernus and P. nitidiis are usually common under pine bark in the Sierras: consors I have seen labeled "San Diego County:" molestvs, described from Lake Tahoe. Teretrius. — T. placitus, one example found flying early in March at Pasadena (Fenyes): ohliquulus has been taken at Santa Monica by Mr. Albright. Abraeus. — A. bolieri, San Bernardino (Le Conte). Bacanius. — B. globulinus, one example taken at Pasa- dena is thus referred; it is not typical, but as northern specimens show considerable variation, notably in the development of the elytral strite, it is likely that the • liflerences shown are not specific. Acritus. — A. maritinnus, rare, on sea beaches; San Diego and Santa Barbara: voUtans, several specimens taken flying in the early evening; Pomona, August; others at electric light, Pasadena (Fenyes). ^letes. — ^, basalis occurs near Yuma. 7 August 1, 1901. 98 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. NITIDULID.E. Brachypterus. — B. troglodytes is occasionally numerous on nettles; Pasadena, Pomona; April, May. Cercus. — C. sericans^ plentiful on flowers of elder {Sambucus glaucus) throughout Southern California and the adjacent islands; very variable in size and color. Amartus. — A. tindus and A. rv.Jipes are found on flowers, in March; the former is the more common and has been taken most often from poppies {EscJischoltzia) . Athonaeus. — A. agavensls, San Diego and Los Angeles; on flowers of Agave. Carpophilus. — G. yuccce, Mojave desert, in unopened flower heads of yucca (Crotch): heinipterus, abundant: dhnidiatus, decipiens and discoideus, less common, in decaying fruit in orchards; September to November: pallipennis, plentiful in cactus blooms in all localities: })rachypteru8, northern part of the State: niger, recorded from "California" (Santa Cruz, Fuchs). Colastus. — G. truncatus, frequent under bark of freshly cut trees; most specimens are of the form limhcdis. Conotelus. — C. mexicanus, southeastern California. Epuraea. — One example (a female) of a species near rufa was taken in the San Bernardino Mountains: ter- minalis was plentiful in the same locality under rubbish along streams: avara, one example, same locality: ovata, not common at Pomona, in decomposing mushrooms; February. According to Crotch, monogama occurs " throughout the Sierra Nevada, in a small white globu- lar fungus growing on dead pines, each fungus having a pair of the species." E. amblgua and E. truncatella are northern: (dstiva, 1 have taken on flowers at Lake Tahoe in Jul v. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 99 Nitidula. — N. ziczac, not very cominon at Pomona and in the southern Sierras, about dried animal remains, old bones, etc.; more common farther east. Omosita. — 0. discoidea, not common, in decomposing organic matter, Pomona, San Bernardino Mountains. Perthalycra. — P. murrayi, San Francisco and north, also at Lake Tahoe (Fenyes). Several specimens taken in the San Bernardino Mountains are not quite typical but doubtless belong here. Pocadius. — P. dorscdis, "California" (Ulke). Meligethes. — M. brassicw, common on willows in early spring; Pomona, Pasadena, Ventura, etc. Cybocephalus. — C californicus is not rare on live-oak, taken by beating; Pomona, Pasadena. Cryptarcha. — C. concinna, one example, by sweeping near brook at Pasadena, August, Ips. — /. vituttus and /. cylindricus are northern. Pityophagus. — P. rittipennis, not common in the Sierras from San Bernardino north. Smicrips. — S. hypocopvuides, Palm Springs (Hubbard). Rhizophagus. — R. scalpturatus , Placer County (Van Dyke). LATHRIDIIDiE. Holoparamecus. — H. kunzei, one example taken on the wing in the early evening, at Riverside, July; others have been taken in " Los Angeles County " by Coquil- lett: pacljicits, one example, under bark of decaying log at Pomona, April; also taken by Coquillett in " Los Angeles County:" caidaruni, taken in flight, also under bark, by Dr. Fenyes, at Pasadena in February and again 100 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. in September; found about grass roots at Palm Springs^ and in debris along the Colorado River by Mr. Hubbard. Dasycerus. — Specimens of angulicoUis have been taken by Dr. Fenyes at Monterey, under the fungus- grown bark of a decaying stump. Metophthalmus. — M. rudis, Ojai Valley, Los Angeles, and Panamint Valley; specimens were taken by me in March at the former locality, occurring in the interior debris of a woody fungus: trux, one specimen taken on the under side of a log in a moist situation in the San Bernardino Mountains, July: parviceps, found in the region about and to the south (San Jose) of San Fran- cisco Bay. Lathridius. — L. armatulus, a rather common species in Southern California from the foot-hills of the Sierras to the coast and as far north as San Francisco, commonly obtained by beating and sweeping; it is not confined to any one plant, but I have taken it most commonly near Pomona on Solanum nigrum, in October and Novem- ber. L. costicollis is plentiful near San Francisco. Coninomus. — G. constricius and C. australicus are not rare in our region and probably occur nearly every- where in the State; the former is a well known cosmo- politan species; the latter was described from Australia. G. nodifer has been taken in some numbers near San Francisco. Enicmus. — E. suspedus, Pomona; Panamint Moun- tains; not common: desertus, Palm Springs and Yuma (Hubbard): minutus, occurs everywhere, but is not com- mon in Southern California: crenatus, plentiful about the roots of herbage and in vegetable debris through- out Southern California: tenuicornis , Pomona, rare; COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 101 commoner further north: iiigritus and ventralis have both been taken at Los Gatos and in the middle Sierras: sulcatulus and Pctits'dTQ Californian without more definite locality, Cartodere, — C. argiis, several examples on drying yucca pith at Pomona: quadrifoveolata, a single specimen, Los Gatos. Revelieria. — R. callfornica was taken in company with Metophthalmus rudis, in woody fungus, Ojai Valley, March. I have seen specimens from "Los Angeles County" and Los Gatos. Corticaria. — The various species occur under bark, and are frequently taken on the wing at sunset or in the early evening, and occasionally come in numbers to electric lights. None of the species appear to be very abundant, but several would doubtless prove com- mon enough if properly looked for. I have seen specimens of planula from Pomona, Pasadena, Ojai Valley, and also from several locations in the central and northern part of the State; the majority of speci- mens have been taken flying, in early spring evenings. C. serrata, G. elongata and C. ferruginea are cosmopolitan species; a moderate number of the last two have been seen from Los Angeles County: serrata is apparently rare in this region: occidua and tenuipes have thus far occurred only in the Sierras, the latter being known only by the type, which was taken in the San Bernar- dino Mountains: inopia is known from the Tahoe region: prionodera is from the middle coast region. Melanophthalma. — The species of this genus occur on vegetation, and may usually be taken plentifully by beating and sweeping. M. casta has been taken at Pomona, Pasadena and Redondo, by sweeping weeds: 102 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. simple-.'^ occurs on both sides of the mountains, but not very abundantly: insularis is known only from San Clemente Island: distinguenda, gibbosa a,nd americana are all very common all over the State (I have not seen any gibbosa that were taken in the desert but it may occur there): incompta is represented by only two examples taken at electric light in Pasadena by Dr. Fenyes: similata is plentiful near the coast from San Diego to San Francisco: tenella is based upon two examples in the Le Conte Collection that were found at San Jose: villosa has occurred in the Lake Tahoe region; other examples in the Horn and Le Conte collections are probably from the desert, though this is not certain. Fuchsina. — F. occidta, "Los Angeles County;" one example seen, collected probably by Coquillett. The specimen in my collection was taken by Mr. Fuchs in Mill Valley, near San Francisco, by sifting earth about the roots of a redwood. A specimen in the Hubbard and Schwarz Collection is labeled Los Gates. TROGOSITIDiE. Alindria. — A. teres is rare; found under Pine bark, San Bernardino Mountains. Trogosita. — T. virescens, not rare under bark through- out Southern California in and near towns; it is not un- usual under the loose layers of bark of eucalyptus: yucccc^ Mojave desert, under bark of tree yucca. Tenebrioides. — T. sinuata, moderately common under bark in the Sierras. The following species or varieties are recorded from this State: crassicornis , pleuralis, in- termedia and calif ornica. With the exception of inter- media, from San Jose, I am unable to ascertain exact COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 103 localities. It is practically impossible to identify speci- mens with any degree of certainty with existing literature, Peltis. — P. pippingskoeMi, Sierras; under bark. Grynocharis. — G. pilosula, Sierras, Mt. Wilson, eleva- tion 6,000 feet. MONOTOMID.E. Monotoma. — M. picipes, not rare on the wing, and is taken by sifting in spring: mucida, not common, under leaves, etc., along the Colorado River at Yuma. Phyconomus. — P. marinus is rather common under rubbish along the Southern California beaches above tide-water. Hesperobaenus. — H. abbreviatus, common under bark of freshly cut deciduous trees, flower-stalks of yucca, etc. Europs. — E. longicollis, near San Francisco; under bark. Bactridium. — B. striatum, one specimen from Pomona, November; more frequent under bark in the desert re- gion of the southeast. Numerous specimens of a spe- cies closely allied to, if not identical with striolatum were found under the bark of sycamore, in the Ojai Val- ley, in March. BYRRHID.E. Nosodendron. — X. calif ornicmn, one example from Pine Flats, elevation 6,000 feet, Los Angeles County; commoner in the Sierras farther north. Amphicyrta. — A. dentipes, one example under freshly cut live-oak chips; Pasadena, January 1. Specimens scarcely distinguishable are in my collection from northern California, under the name chryfionielina. 104 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OP' SCIENCES. Cytilus. — G. sericeus, Lake Tahoe and north. Limnichus. — L. calif orniciis, common by washing the margins of streams; Pomona, Riverside, Palm Springs, San Bernardino Mountains, etc.: perpolitus, less com- mon, or at least more local; I once took it in some numbers along the Santa Ana River at Riverside and again near Pomona, April to June: nebulosus, not com- mon; Pomona, Riverside, Pasadena: tenuicornis, once found in numbers on a wet, springy hillside in the San Bernardino Mountains, elevation 6,000 feet: navicidatiis , not rare at Los Angeles and Riverside: analis will probably be found in Southern California, as it is re- corded from "California and Arizona;" my specimens are from the middle coast region: perforatiisis described from Santa Clara County. Bothriophorus. — B. minutus, Riverside and Yuma, along the margin of streams. GEORYSSID.E. Georyssus. — G. californicits was taken once along the Truckee River, near Lake Tahoe; probably common enough in the middle and northern parts of the State, and may very likely yet be found in the mountains in the south. PARNID.E. Psephenus. — P. fulli, rare; a small colony once found running over the rocks lying unsubmerged in the middle of a shallow stream near Pomona, June 4; a single specimen taken along a mountain stream at Arrowhead Springs, May 30: velitticollis occurs in Men- docino County. Lara. — L. avara is northern. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 105 Throscinus. — T. crotchii, several specimens found on mud-flats which are covered at high tide; Coronado, February, July. Dryops. — D. productus andD. si/iura^^s are both abun- dant in all streams: striatus oqqmvs in middle California. Narpus. — X. angustus, northern California (Mendocino County). Elmis. — E. divergens, two examples taken from a small reservoir at Pomona, May 11; originally described from Ventura (Le Conte): foveatas, several examples at Pomona, June: quadriviaculatus is northern: seriatus occurs at the Geysers. Stenelmis. — A small series of nuOifer was found in a little mountain stream near Pasadena, October 31. Macronychus. — M. parvulus, Pomona and Pasadena, in mountain streams. HETEROCERID.E. Heterocerus. — The species, except pusillas, are about equally common west of the mountains, on muddy mar- gins of streams and ponds. H. pvMllus probably occurs only in the southeast. I once took gnatho in numbers, at electric lights in Riverside. H. brunneus occurs in the north. DASCYLLJDzE. Macropogon. — M. testaceipennis, Mariposa district, rare (Horn); Alameda (Fuchs). Eurypogon. — E. confusus, one example; Pasadena, May (Fenyes): californicus, described from a single specimen taken at Geysers. 106 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Allopogon. — A. villosus, not common at Pasadena and Pomona; taken in May, by sweeping weeds by the road- side. Stenocolus. — aS\ i^cutellaris, rare; Sacramento and Yo- semite Valley. Dascyllus. — D. davidsonii is not uncommon in the country to the north of San Francisco (Lake and Sonoma counties, etc.): plurnbeiis occurs in the middle Sierras. Anorus. — A. ])iceus is taken rather frequently in May and June, flying at dusk; Pomona, Pasadena, Arrowhead Springs; San Diego to Owens Valley (Horn). Anchycteis. — A. velutina occurs in the Shasta region. Eucinetus. — E. infumatus, one example, Santa Bar- bara, February taken by sweeping; "occurs near San Francisco, under bark, in February " (Horn). Acneus. — A. quadrimaculahts occurs north of San Francisco. Helodes. — H. (tpiccdls, not common; found in the Sierras from Los Angeles County north. A single example of an undescribed species has occurred at Pomona. Cyphon. — C. exiguus, rare at Pasadena; taken by sweeping near water: concinnus, rather plentiful on coniferous trees in the Sierras: variabilis, specimens so referred are quite common on willows at Pasadena in May: hre.vicollis occurs in the northern portions of the State. Placonycha. — P. ediuardsH occurs along mountain streams during May and June. The males are not rare, flying about and resting on rocks and overhang- ing foliage (the females are less common). COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 107 In its earlier stages, Placonycha is found on rocks under water; the insect rests in a limpet-like covering till the pupa is developed, after which time the beetle leaves the cover and lives out of water (Fuchs). RHIPICERID.E. Sandalus. — S. ealifornicus, "California and Nevada;" occurs at San Diego and Los Angeles (fide Fuchs), ELATERID.E. Melasis. — M. rujipennis, Sonoma County; probably confined to the redwood belt (Ricksecker m litt.). Eucnemis. — E. americana occurs near Mt. Shasta. Dromaeolus. — D. ealifornicus, ''California:" nitenSy northern: basalis, Lake Tahoe and in the mountains of the more northern portions of the State. Xylobius. — X. cylindriforniis , "California and Ne- vada" (Horn); Mendocino County (Van Dyke). Sarpedon, — S. scahrosufi, one example, Pasadena (Fen- yes). Palaeoxenus. — P. dohrnii, a species said to have been found near San Diego, but this is probably an error, as is suspected by Horn; the species is quite surely tropical. Anelastes. — A. druryii is common in the higher parts of the Sierras; frequently taken on the wing about camp-fires, in the San Bernardino Mountains, July and August. Adelocera. — A. sparsa, rather rare in Los Angeles County: profusa and roridenta occur in the Lake Tahoe region, under bark. 108 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Meristhus. — M. cristatus occurs at Yuma, under debris along the river bank; one example was also taken at Riverside; found flying in the evening, in April, at Pasadena (Fenyes). Chalcolepedius. — Le Conte records C. rubripennis from CajonPass; there is possibly some mistake in the locality: luebbii is common on willows along the Colorado River: tartarus, rare in the same locality. Alaus. — A. vielanops, southern and middle Sierras. Cardiophorus. — G. amplicotlis, not rare on willows, Pomona, Ojai, etc.; March and April: gemmifei^ one example in the Horn Collection bears a label indicat- ing its occurrence in the southeast: luridipea, common throughout Southern California, December to June: edwardsii, rare, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke): lat- iusGulus, s&\d to occur in ''Southern California:" tene- brosus var. {t) fulvipes, rather common; Pomona, Santa Monica, Ventura, etc.; January to May. It is probable that fulvipes is distinct from teneMrosus by the differently formed genitalia, as pointed out by Mr. Blanchard in his revision. I have not seen specimens of typical ienebrosus from Southern California, but they are com- mon in the mountains farther north. C. ceneus is appar- ently not very common; I have seen specimens from San Diego: seniciUiis, rare; Pomona and Pasadena, February and March. In addition to the above, bifas- ciatus and obscurus occur about San Francisco; fenestra- tu>^, coxalis and stigmaticus are northern; tumidicoUis, middle Sierras; dispar, eastern part of the State (Owens Valley ?) ; abbreviatus, crinitiis and carbonatuf^ are said to be from " California." Horistonatus. — H. Inanus and H. sufflatus are not rare at Pomona, Pasadena, etc., during May and June; taken COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 109 by sweeping: basalis, not common; Riverside, February to May: simplex occurs at Yuma: Jiavidus, several ex- amples taken at light, at Palm Springs (Fenyes): trans- fugus, central and northern California: gracilis, about Lake Tahoe. Esthesopus. — E. dispersus, " Southern California " (Horn). Unquestionably a desert species. Cryptohypnus. — C. squalidus, rare; found by washing the gravelly margins of mountain streams near Pomona: nocturnus, found in the north: funebris, recorded by Horn from " California and western Nevada;" it is probably confined to the middle Sierras in this State. Hypnoideus. — All the species occur along streams in the mountains and foot-hills. H. striatulus has occurred but once near Pomona, in May: gradarius is not com- mon; Pomona, Riverside, San Bernardino; April and May: ornata, common at times and quite vvidely dis- persed: pectoralis, plentiful almost everywhere. Anchastus. — A. cinereipennis, a rather common spe- cies, occurring under sticks and stones, about the roots of grass, at foot of trees, etc., near or within towns and cities, from San Diego to the northern portions of the State: hicolor var. cZeserhts has been taken at Yuma: tan- tillus and regularis are said to be from California, but I have never seen specimens; they are doubtless northern, and one or both may be nothing more than a variety of cinereipennis, which is somewhat variable. Elater. — E. hepaticus, a single example taken by sweep- ing, near Pomona, June: fastus, "Southern California" (Le Conte); I am unable to ascertain the exact locality of a pair collected by Morrison, but very likely they are from the southeast: cordifer, not common, under bark of 110 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. decaying stumps; Pomona, Ojai Valley, March and April: ater, a single specimen obtained in the San Bernardino Mountains, under bark, in July: longicoi^nis, Santa Ana River (Le Conte); I have seen only the type: carboni- color, a single specimen so referred was taken by sweep- ing, in the foot-hills near Pomona, in June: diviidiatu.s, this species under the name affi,nis, which was given by Le Conte to a form which differs in no respect except in the black portion of the elytra involving the apical third instead of half, is reported from "Washington Territory and Southern California;" I have found it in the Lake Tahoe region, and its occurrence in the mountains further south is not surprising. E. rhodopus is not rare under bark of decaying logs, in northern part of the State and Oregon: nujerens is also northern: nielinus, phelpsii, cordatus, behrensii, and apicatus are found in the middle Sierras and extend their range more or less to the north: horni and airipennis are given as Californian, but without indication of locality. There is little doubt that in collections more than one species is now in- cluded under the name apicatus, and it would not be sur- prising if the Californian specimens now so called were distinct. Elatrinus. — E. anthrax, "California." A specimen in Mr. Ulke's collections is without definite locality. Drasterius. — D. Uve/its, not very common; Yuma, San Bernardino (Wright), Santa Monica: grandicollis and e/eganfi are both reported from "California," and it is not unlikely that both occur in the south. Megapenthes. — M. tartareus, rare; a single example taken near Pomona in June, by beating; several speci- mens taken at Pasadena, in April, on thistle bloom (Fenyes): turbidentas, Pomona, San Diego, Pasadena; COLEOPTEKA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Ill once taken in some numbers at the latter place on flowers of "greasewood," in June: aterrimus, beaten from pines in the San Bernardino Mountains, but not common: eleijans, •'occurs in the southern Coast Range" (Horn); Monterey (Rivers): stigmosus, com- mon on pines in the San Bernardino Mountains: nigri- ventris, northern part of the State: /^.-inacuiatus and lepidus, central part of the State. Ludius. — L. lecontei, not common, under bark of logs or stumps; Riverside, Pomona, San Diego, Santa Bar- bara, etc.: afer occurs at Santa Barbara. Agriotes. — A. Imperfectus, "Southern Coast Range" (LeConte): hispidiis, not common; Pasadena, in May, by sweeping; San Bernardino Mountains, July; San Ber- nardino, under bark of eucalyptus within the city, De- cember: fucosus, apicalis, thevenetii and torquatus occur in the mountains from Yosemite Valley north. Dolopius. — D. lateralis is everywhere abundant and excessively variable. Melanotus. — M. longulus, San Diego (Le Conte): fissi- lis, Yuma (Wickham): c?'267'2'co^^?.s, " Southern California and Arizona:" variolahis, San Pedro andCatalina Island; uncommon. An undescribed species is rather plentiful at times, especially on willows in spring; Pomona, River- side, Pasadena. M. oregonensis appears to be a rather common species from San Francisco north. Limonius. — L. mirun, San Diego (Le Conte): crotchii, one specimen found crawling on the sidewalk at Pasa- dena, April 4: occidentalis, several specimens obtained by beating, in the foot-hills near Pomona, May. A species once determined for me by Dr. Horn as infv^- catus, but which on comparison with a typical specimen 112 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. of the latter in the Le Conte Collection seems to be distinct, is found quite frequently on willows in spring at Pomona, Riverside, Pasadena, etc. L. ornafuhis, San Bernardino Mountains, June (Daggett); much commoner farther north: pilosiis, described from San Diego; my specimens are from Sonoma County: californicus, widely diffused and generally common; specimens were dug out of a dead' log at Pomona in February: canus, described from San Diego; my specimens are from San Francisco; it seems quite uncommon, at least in the south. Of the other species of the genus occurring within the State, — fulvijjes is rather rare about San Francisco; maculicoUis is found in the middle Sierras and north; consimilis in Santa Clara County, nitiduliis in the north, and a species near discoideus, and now passing as that, in Kern and Sonoma counties. Pityobius murrayi. — This species occurs, but not over abundantly, from Marin County north. Athous. — A. excavatus, not rare, by beating and sweep- ing in the foot-hills, and at higher altitudes of the southern Sierras: limbatus, rare in the San Bernardino Mountains; I have also taken it at Lake Tahoe. Two undescribed species have been taken in our district; one of them common in the San Bernardino Mountains; the other represented by two specimens taken near Pomona. A. opilinus is found in the middle Sierras: excavatus, in the Coast Range, south of San Francisco: vittiger and nigripilis in the north. There are be- sides in my collection six unidentified and probably undescribed species from the middle and northern regions. Leptoschema. — Specimens of protractwm have been seen from Santa Clara County. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 113 Sericosomus. — S. debilis is rather common; taken by- beating and sweeping, in the foot-hills near Pomona, April. I am unable to separate flavipennis Mots from debilis. The former name is in general use for the smaller, paler specimens, and the latter for larger speci- mens with the thorax more or less dark; there are, how- ever, all degrees of size and color between the extremes. Corymbites. — This genus is numerously represented in the State, but very few species occur in our district. G. maurus is rare in the foot-hills near Pomona in June: jaculus is described from San Diego, but also occurs in the north (Sylvania): of fallax I have seen specimens labeled "So. Cal.," but have never taken the species here myself; it is certainly more common in the north. I have seen specimens of pruininus and leucaspis labeled southeastern California in the Horn Collection. Of the other species occurring within the State, cribrosus, semiviitaius, rotundicollis and conjunge7is have been taken about San Francisco, the latter also in the middle Sierras ; anthrax and colossus are from the central region ; monticola, fraternus, ceripennis , carbo and obversus from the middle or northern Sierras; nigricollis, one example from Lake Tahoe; edivardsiiirom Santa Cruz and Placer counties and north; breiveri from Visalia and north; fuscidus, caricinus, xanthomus, and opaculus from the northern region only; obscurus, teres and riipestris from "Cal." without definite locality. Besides these there are several undescribed species in collections. Oxygonus. — 0. ater is described from Amador Valley, central California. Asaphes. — A. morio and A. dilaticollis are rare in the San Bernardino Mountains in July and August: 8 August 10, 1901. 114 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. tumescens is recorded from Santa Cruz Island: hirtus and carbonatus occur near San Francisco. Melanactes — M. densus is not common at San Ber- nardino, Riverside, Pomona, etc.; found under bark and in decaying trees and stumps, in April and May. Aphricus. — A. californicus is occasionally found at Pasadena and Pomona, by sweeping weeds and herbage by roadsides. May to August. According to Horn it has been found from San Diego to Owens Valley. Aplasias. — A. angusticoUis was many years ago taken in numbers at San Diego by Mr. Crotch; it has since been taken sparingly at the same place, in April, by Mr. Dunn: corymbitoides is a rare species which has been found at Riverside and Los Angeles: speratus is rather common at Pomona, where on warm evenings in May and June the males may be taken on the wing or at light; the females are wingless and are very seldom discovered: tenuiformis is described from "Cal.," and is probably from the central region: optatus has been found at Fresno, and in Alameda and Santa Cruz counties: ynolestus is recorded from near San Francisco. Plastocerus. — P. schaumii is rather widely diffused and rather common at Pomona, Pasadena, etc., in June, coming often to light; the females are not apterous, but are very rarely taken. Euthysanius. — E. lautus is found at same places and under same conditions as P. schaumii, but is less fre- quent at Pomona in my experience. Judging from a small collection sent me by a friend, it is not rare in the vicinity of Long Beach. E. pretiosus is certainly rare in our district, though specimens have been seen labeled "So. Cal.;" it is more common in the central valley. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 115 Perothops. — P. ivitticki is rare in the central region, and has been taken sparingly at Kaweah, in Tulare County, by Mr. Hopping. Cerophytum. — G. convexicolle is described from Fort Tejon; it is evidently a yery scarce insect. THROSCID.^. Aulanothroscus. — A. validus occurs in the middle Sierras. Throscus. — T. sejunctus was described from Mojave; a specimen in my collection from Long Beach is so referred: parvulus is recorded from " Mojaye and Yuma" (Horn): sericeus is common and quite widely dispersed: mendax is found in the Sacramento Valley. Pactopus. — P. hornii has been found in some num- bers flying at twilight about board piles in the San Bernardino Mountains, July. BUPRESTID.E. Gyascutus. — G. planicosta was found in abundance at Needles by Mr. Wickham: ohliteratus has occurred at San Bernardino in June (Fenyes), at Banning, on flow- ers of mesquite, July 3 (Van Dyke), and is reported as being plentiful on low willows in Owens Valley (Horn): cuneatus was described from a single specimen taken with the preceding species in Owens Valley. Hippomelas. — H. califomicus, Banning, July 3 (Van Dyke); described from San Joaquin Valley. Chalcophora. — C. angulicollis is not rare at Lake Tahoe and north. Dicerca. — D. califomica has been found on Echo Mountain and on Mt. Wilson (Los Angeles County), and 116 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. according to Van Dyke depredates on Douglas Spruce: hornii is not rare in the foot-hill canons of the south- ern Sierras and at Santa Monica; I have taken the beetles from their burrows in alder stumps: pedorosa has been taken at Acton, Los Angeles County, by Coquillett (fide Van Dyke). Pcecilonota. — A specimen referred with some doubt to ferrea was taken by sweeping the herbage along a small brook near Pasadena in August, Buprestis. — B. gibbsii has been found in San Diego County (fide Van Dyke); specimens in Mr. Rivers' col- lection were taken in Yolo County: keviventris, maculi- ventris var., and aurulenta occur in the San Bernardino Mountains in July; the latter is the most common and ranges north to Vancouver: fasciata is represented by a single specimen taken by sweeping beside a brook in the San Bernardino Mountains, at an altitude of 5000 feet: connexa occurs in Owens Valley: adjecta is found in the middle Sierras (Lake Tahoe) and north. Melanophila. — Of M. consputa several examples have been taken by Dr. Fenyes and myself about the streets and on windows at Pasadena, September to November: acu- minata, which name is now used for longipes Say, is re- ported from Santa Monica- by Van Dyke: gentilis and intrusa may be found in the coniferous belt of the San Bernardino Mountains; the former I have taken from their burrows in pine twigs, and the latter I have beaten from Pinus pondey^osa. Anthaxia. — A. aneogasier is widely distributed, but is more common in the mountains; I have taken it on various flowers, from May to August; it is said to breed in white oak (Van Dyke), and in the California walnut, Juglans calif ornica (Coquillett): deleta is less common, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 117 and so far as I know is found only at altitudes of 4000 feet and upward in the southern Sierras; it is found at lower altitudes further north. There are in Mr. Dike's collection two examples of quercata said to have been taken in California. Chrysobothris. — C. octocola has been taken at Indio and along the Colorado River, and is likely to be found wherever there is mesquite, in which it breeds: debilis also breeds in mesquite (Van Dyke); I have taken it at Palm Springs in April, and Dr. Van Dyke has found it at Banning from May to July: femorata has been taken in the San Bernardino Mountains by myself, and Dr. Blaisdell reports finding both pupse and beetles in their burrows in the bark of the trunk of the live-oak [Quercus agrifolia), at San Diego. Dr. Blaisdell also records the breeding of " semisculpta" (now placed with contigua) from the half dead limbs of apple and live-oak; San Diego. G. cupi'ascens is very abundant on pines in the San Bernardino Mountains, in July and August: speculifer has been taken at Pasadena, by Dr. Fenyes, in May: californica is not common, on pines in the San Bernardino Mountains, August; specimens have been taken by me from their burrows in the smaller branches of Pinus ponderosa (?); Dr. Blaisdell reports this species as being very injurious to apple trees at or near San Diego. C. mali is widely distrib- uted and seemingly variable in habits. Horn says in his monograph of the genus, "Specimens from the Sacramento Valley were sent me by Mr. L. E. Rick- secker as infesting apple trees; others collected in Owens Valley could not possibly have had that habit." Dr. Van Dyke writes me that he has found it at Banning on mesquite, and at Santa Monica Canon on Ceanoihus; while I have myself taken it at Pomona and 118 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Riverside, beating it on one occasion from live-oak. C. (lei^erta occurs on the Mojave Desert and near San Diego (Horn): merkeiii, Banning, May to July, on mes- quite (Van Dyke): prasina, one example (Fenyes), Pasadena: lucana, Pasadena, one specimen taken on sidewalk (Daggett); also at Santa Monica, on flowers (Van Dyke). Other species that are known from the State are as follows: viridicyanea, dolata, ludijicata, tri- nervia, nixa and ceneola are from the middle Sierras; deleta from Owens Valley ; cyanella iro in Shasta region; texana from " Cal.," probably the southeast. Actenodes. — A. mendax occurs at Yuma, and calcarata must also be from the desert region of the southeast. The species which has stood on our lists as Belionota californica Mots, is now referred to Actenodes acornis Say; I am not able to name the locality from which specimens have been obtained. Glyptoscelimorpha. — G. marmorata has thus far been taken only at Lancaster, on the border of the Mojave Desert. We owe its discovery to Mr. Coquillett. Dystaxia. — D. murrayi is an uncommon insect which has, however, been found at numerous localities. Mr. Coquillett has taken it at Lancaster, Dr. Van Dyke at Banning, on live-oak, and at Santa Monica Canon, and Mr. W. G. Wright has a considerable series taken in San Bernardino County. Schizopus. — 8. latuH is a rare species which has been found at San Diego. 8. sallei is described from Mariposa. Polycesta. — P. velasco is from the Colorado Desert (Indio and Yuma); Dr. Van Dyke reports it as occurring on mesquite at the former place: P. californica has COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 119 been taken at Pasadena in May and June, on oak wood- piles; it is reported by Mr. Coquillett as breeding in oak. Acmasodera. — This genus is very numerously repre- sented in California, and of the thirty-two species re- corded from the State all but three — mariposa from the middle Sierras, and robusta and pubiventris from Owens Valley — are found in our district. It is more than likely that these three species will eventually be found here. The various species are taken on flowers in May and June, but their breeding habits are almost un- known. According to Van Dyke, dohrnii breeds in Ceanoihus and gibbula in mesquite. The following species have thus far been taken only in the Desert region of the east and southeast: liavomarginata , lanata (Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties), i!u^a (Death Valley), variegata, quadrivittata (Mojave). Of the re- maining species, fenyesi is not rare at various localities in Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino coun- ties; plagiaticauda, rare, Mariposa and Los Angeles counties: jocosa, foot-hills of the southern Sierras, Po- mona and Pasadena; coquilletii, " Los Angeles County" (Coquillett); angelica, foot-hills of Sierras in Los An- geles County and north to Lake County; hepbiirnii, rather common west of the Sierras nearly throughout the State; morbosa, Pomona and Pasadena, foot-hills, rare; Jiavostida, Riverside and San Diego County; acuta, labyrinthica, and connexa are all common and widely dispersed in and to the west of the Sierras, the last named, however, is seldom found in our district except at considerable altitudes in the Sierras; vandykei, scarce in Los Angeles County, more frequent further north; prorsa, Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties; dohrnii, rare in the southern Sierras (Los Angeles 120 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. County); doloi'osa -diid postica'dve known only from Los Angeles County, the latter being represented by a single specimen taken by Coquillett; alieia, one example, Los Angeles County (Coquillett); i;ersw^a, rare in Los Angeles and Mariposa counties; I have taken the species from yucca blooms in June; guttifera, one example taken in Los Angeles County by Van Dyke; ge7nina,luOS Angeles and San Bernardino counties to Siskiyou County, but not common; comata and alacris are described as from "near Fort Yuma." Ptosima. — One example of P. ivalshii has been taken by Mr. Coquillett in Los Angeles County. Crysophana. — C. placida is rare in the San Bernar- dino Mountains, where I have beaten it from yellow pines in August. Agrilus. — A. angelicus is a rare species described from one specimen taken in Los Angeles County by Coquillett, and a short series from the Santa Cruz Mountains (National Museum Collection). I have taken one specimen in the San Bernardino Mountains in July, at an elevation of 5000 feet, and have seen several specimens taken by Mr. Daggett at Deep Creek, a point a little farther east in the same mountains, at an altitude of 6000 feet. A. niveiventris is common on willows throughout the State; specimens taken at Yuma by myself are of a dull green color, while those from the southern maritime region are almost invariably cupreous; I have seen specimens of a brilliant blue color taken by Dr. Fenyes in the Shasta region. A. obolinus is in Mr. Ulke's collection from "Southern California ;" vxilsinghami is found in the extreme northern part of the State: jacobinus, San Diego: politus, San Bernardino Mountains, on willow: blandus, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 121 Oil flowers at Pasadena in June and July, at Santa Monica (Van Dyke), and at Tehachapi (Wickham): gihbicoUis is known by a single example taken near San Bernardino in June by Dr. Fenyes, and by a single specimen without definite locality in the Horn Col- lection: illecius is found at Pomona and Pasadena by sweeping late in June: lacustris, I am told by Dr. Van Dyke, has occurred on white oak at Newhall (Los Angeles County). Taphrocerus. — T. gracilis is introduced on the author- ity of Van Dyke; Los Angeles County. LAMPYRID^E. Calopte-ron. — C. reticulatum is recorded from "Califor- nia" by Le Conte. Eros. — E. Icetus is rarely taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. Calochromus. — G. dimidiaia occurs in the Mariposa region and in Siskiyou County. Matheteus. — M. thevenetii is from the Mariposa region. Ellychnia. — E. californica is a common and widely dispersed species: corrusca is less common than the last, specimens in my collection having been found at Riverside in May. Pyropyga. — P. fenestralis is not rare; specimens are known to me from Riverside, Pomona, Needles and Yuma: indicia is described from Lake Tahoe. Lamprorhiza. — L. riversi occurs in Sonoma County. Microphotus. — M. angustus is from central California. Pterotus. — P. ohscuripennis is exceedingly scarce in our district, and I have seen but one example from near Pomona; it is more common further north. 122 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Zarhipis. — I have seen one example of integripen- nis from Palm Springs (April 10), and one taken at light, at Pasadena, April 14; this and rujicollis, piciven- tris, and riversi are all taken about San Francisco; but it is very doubtful if we have as many species as names. Mastinocerus. — One example taken at light, at River- side, June 7, is referred to opacus. Cenophengis, — C. debilis has been found at Los An- geles and at Pasadena (July); it is very rare. Podabrus. — P. comes is a rather common species in the southern sierras and in the foot-hills near Pomona and Pasadena. An apparently undescribed species is not rare at Pasadena in May, occurring usually on wil- lows. P. latvmanus and P. iomentosus are both recorded from "Cal.," but it is not likely that they will be found with us as the genus is as a rule northern in distribu- tion: binotatus is said to occur at San Mateo: xantho- derus, Lake Tahoe: macer, San Mateo and Sylvania: tejonicus, Tejou: bolter i, hake Tahoe: me^^ihts, Sylvania, Geysers, and Lake Tahoe: cavicollis, San Francisco to Lake Tahoe: wr7ieMs is described from ''Cal." without mention of exact locality. P. lutosus is the female of cavicollis. There are several undescribed species in my collection. Sills. — *S'. cava occurs not rarely in the foot-hills and mountains near Pomona: Jiligera is scarce; I have found it at Riverside in early spring: flavida occurs at Lake Tahoe: lutea is found about San Francisco. Telephorus. — T. consors is very abundant at Pomona, Riverside, Pasadena, etc., flying in the early evenings of April and May, and often coming to light. A form which is with some doubt referred to notatus is not rare at COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 123 Pomona and Pasadena, by beating willows in May: in- genuus is not common; Pasadena, May: oc/^ropiis is de- scribed from San Diego: lautus is reported from various localities in our region: fraxini is northern: trans- mariniis and grandicoUis occur in the middle and north- ern Sierras. Polemius. — F. languidus is described by Horn from the vicinity of San Diego. Ditemnus. — D. obtusus occurs at Riverside in May, but is uncommon. Malthodes. — M. Udicollis and M. fuscuhis are common at Pomona, Riverside, Pasadena, etc., on flowers and various trees and shrubs: fnigilis is described from "Cal.;" I have not yet recognized it. MALACHID.E. Collops. — G. marginicollis was described from San Diego, in which vicinity it appears to be commoner than elsewhere; I have taken it sparingly at Pomona in April, May and September: cribrosus occurs on the ocean beaches and on the adjacent sand dunes; it is especially common during April and May at Redondo, and I have also taken it in August at Santa Monica: argutus is not rare at Pomona and Pasadena, and I have seen speci- mens from San Diego and also from Sonoma and Lake counties: pitnctuLatasis perhaps our rarest species, single specimens from Pomona and San Diego being all I have seen from our district: inarginellus is not common; I have taken it at Pomona and San Bernardino in August: insidatus is described from California, but I have seen no specimens from our section. Two females of an apparently undescribed species have been taken at Pomona. 124 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Endeodes. — The species of this genus are found only on the sea beaches. E. ahdominalis is at times quite common at Redondo (April and May): collaris is much rarer, in the soutli at least, and I have found but a single example on Cataliiia Island: hasalis has not yet been recorded from our district. Malachius. — M. auritus and M. thevenetii are not rare on willow blossoms in early spring; they are generally diffused: inornatus occurs at Pomona from March to May: acutipennis is not rare at the same place a little later in the season: prolixicornis has occurred only at Pasadena, June and July: directus is known from Los Angeles County and from the San Bernardino Moun- tains: nigrinus and pristinus are, so far as known, found only in the Sierras, at an altitude from 5000 to 7000 feet; the latter has been taken only in Los Angeles County; nigrinus ranges from near San Ber- nardino to Lake Tahoe. The species are all found on flowers, and are to be obtained by sweeping and beat- ing. In addition to the above, the following are found in other parts of the State: higuttidus, mirandus and spinipennis at Fort Tejon; macer at Lake Tahoe; and mixtus is from "Cal." without more definite statement of locality. Tanaops. — T. ahdominalis is rather common on flowers at Pomona, Pasadena, etc., in June: longiceps is said by Horn to occur with the preceding, but I have not yet detected it in our district; it is not rare near Lake Tahoe and at Sylvania. Microlipus. — M. laticeps occurs from San Francisco to San Diego; I have seen specimens from San Diego, Pasadena and Long Beach in our district; it is not com- mon: longicollis is still scarcer, and I have met with it COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 125 but once, at Redondo in April: ma^rens is described from "California." Pseudebaeus. — P. bicolor, or a closely allied species, is generally distributed and not uncommon. Attalus. — The various species occur on flowers, and when found may usually be taken in numbers. A. tri- macxdatus is not common at Pomona, but seems more so farther north: riifoinarginatus is common throughout the foot-hills of the Sierras: oregonensis occurs in the same localities as the last, but is rare with us: basalis is rather common at Pomona, Pasadena and Yuma: cinctus and dij§icilis are described from Yuma: lobulatus is common at various places both east and west of the mountains: transruarinus is known only from San Cle- mente Island. There are in my collection several ap- parently undescribed species from various parts of the State. Pristoscelis. — Specimens of P. grandiceps have been taken at Pasadena (July) by Dr. Fenyes; it is a rare in- sect. Eudasytes. — Casey described E. ursinus ivom. "South- ern California," and amplus from California simply. Asydates. — A, Tufiventris is described from Santa Barbara: explanatus is not rare in cactus blooms; Palm Springs (April), and at Yuma in March. Trichochrous. — According to Casey this genus should be used for the greater number of the species now re- ferred in our list to Pristoscelis. He describes very many new species in his late revision; but there are not a few in my collection still evidently without names. They occur abundantly on flowers, as do the most of the spe- cies of allied genera. T. aniennatus occurs at Riverside 126 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. (May) if specimens in my collection were properly iden- tified by Casey. T. griseus, T. subcalvus, T. suturalis, and T. politus have been annonnced from San Diego only: fuscus occurs in San Diego County, and has been once taken by me at Pomona (April 30): rimbratus is com- mon in cactus blossoms, at Palm Springs (April). A large series taken by me makes it certain ihsit fulvoves- titus is the male of propinquus, and that both are syno- nyms of UTYihratus. This species was described from Fort Crook in northern California, and has been col- lected in the Tempe Desert of Arizona by the late Dr. Griffith of Philadelphia. T. sufusus, T. lobatus and T. harbaroB are described from Santa Barbara; specimens taken by Mr. Daggett in Bear Valley (San Bernardino Mountains), at an elevation of 6400 feet, are identi- fied by Casey as his seriellus, described from Utah: brevicornis is found at Pomona, Pasadena, Redondo, etc., in spring, being especially common near the coast: vilis is not different: conspersus is common at Pomona, Riverside, San Diego, etc., March to May: squalidus, sordidus and tejonicus are more or less common at San Diego, Riverside, Pomona and Pasadena; they appear to run into one another, and it'is not unlikely that they represent but a single species: crinifer occurs at River- side (May): fulvescens, San Diego and Pomona: nigrinus, Pomona and Pasadena: pedalis and punctipennis, Santa Catalina Island, and oenescens, "San Diego and the islands off Santa Barbara." The following are described from Southern California without definite locality: com- pactus, apicalis, testaceus, prominens, and cuspidatus; insignis is from the southeastern region. Of the species occurring in the State outside of our district, quadricol- lis is from Fort Tejon; brevipilosus from the central region; innocens irom the middle Sierras; fraternus, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 127 cylindricus, laticoUi.s, transversus, fulvotarsis, separatus, indigens, and hystrix from the middle coast regioii; ore- gonensis, nubilatus, fallo.x, sexucdis, and sonomcn from the north. The following, recently described by Casey, have no locality other than California: brevis, agrestis, sinuosus, discipulus, femoralis, jiiinbriatus, pruinosus, sobrinus, 7}iucidus, ciirticollis, reniotus, tectus, villosus, ir- rasus, rusticus and sfricticoUis. Adasytes. — A. laciniatus is described from San Diego. Listrus. — E. interruptuH is recorded by Le Conte as occurring on Santa Cruz Island, but I am inclined to believe the reference incorrect; the species is common about Lake Tahoe: difficilis, luteipes and famelicus are common and generally dispersed in our district west of the Sierras: obscurellus, exti'icatus and balteellus are re- corded only from San Diego: dejinitus is thus far known only from Pasadena, where a short series was taken in the sweeping net in April by Dr. Feiiyes: motschul- sfcii and canescens occur in the central region and north: rotundicollis J amplicollis, inaculosus, pardalis and incer- tus are recorded from the middle coast region: inter- stitialis, densicollis, subceneus , tritus, var-iegatus and Tyion- tanus are from the north: Jidelis is from " California." Several other forms in my collection are apparently un- described. Dasytellus.— D. inconspicuus is plentiful at Palm Springs (April). Dasytes. — D. dissijuiilis is found in the higher parts of the Sierras from San Bernardino to Lake Tahoe: clementoi is known only from San Clemente Island: macer is de- scribed from ''So. Cal.:" pusillus, from San Diego: musculus is not rare at Pomona and Pasadena (June): 128 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. lineellus is rare, mountains of Los Angeles County: obtusus, breviusculus , and seminudiis are found in middle California; the first named I have taken from coniferous trees at Lake Tahoe: expansus, nitens and cruralis are northern: fastidiosus and minutus are described without definite locality. Dasytastes. — D. catalince and D. insularis have thus far been found only on Santa Catalina Island. The former is quite common on various flowers in July; the latter has been taken but once (Aug. 1). D. bicolor is a common species at Pomona in May and June. A small species found by me on oaks in the San Bernardino Mountains is referred to remissus. D. dispar occurs north of San Francisco, and otiosus is without specific locality. Eschatocrepis. — E. consiridus is everywhere common. Allonyx. — A. sculptilis is an uncommon species; I have taken it at Pomona in June, and at Pasadena early in April. Casey describes denudatus from north of San Francisco, and disjunctus from " California." Vectura. — V. longiceps is described from Yuma, Ari- zona; it is probable that the specimens were taken on the California side of the river. Eurelymis. — E. jiavipes, San Bernardino Mountains, elevation 6,000 feet, July 5 (Daggett); two examples only were taken. This species occurs also in the middle Sierras. CLEPvID.E. Elasmocerus. — E. californicus is an uncommon insect of which I have seen specimens taken from Sonoma to Los Angeles counties. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 129 Cymatodera. — C. jjun'cticollis, San Bernardino Moun- tains, on pines; not common; Yuma and country along the Colorado River: californica, a rare species, of which I have seen only two examples from Southern California, one from the San Bernardino Mountains, the other from the mountains near Pomona, September: morosa, speci- mens so referred have been taken in Los Angeles Coun- ty: -punctata, along the Colorado River: fuscida, occurs at Yuma: undulata var. balteata, Yuma (fide Fuchs): angustata, Yuma and various other localities in South- ern California: ovipennis, Pomona, November; San Bernardino Mountains, July; Catalina Island, July; var. pilosella, San Diego. Aulicus. — A. nero, "Collected by Gabb in the South Coast Range " (Horn). Trogodendron. — T. edwardsii, San Diego County (Fuchs). Trichodes. — T. ornatus, rather common in most every locality; the variety tenellus is also widely diffused, but aside from Yuma I know of no record of its capture elsewhere in our district: bimaculatus is found in the north. Clerus. — C. quadrisignatus occurs along the Colorado River: eximius is rare at Pasadena, April; found on willows (Fenyes): abruptus, specimens which seem to be a slight variety of this species have been seen from Owens Valley: maesius, not rare in the San Bernardino Mountains, on coniferous trees: sphegeus , occurs at Lake Tahoe and north. Thanasimus. — T. repandus, Mendocino County (Van Dyke). 9 August 13, 1901. 130 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Hydnocera. — H. robusta, Owens Valley (Horn); scabra, rather common throughout the southern Sierras and the adjacent region: discoidea, Palm Springs, April; Colo- rado River (Le Conte): sp. neaT pallipennis, one exam- ple, Pomona: bicolor, Colorado River (Le Conte). Chariessa. — C. elegans, one example taken at an alti- tude of over 6,000 feet in the Sierras, in Los Angeles County, by Mr, Daggett, is the only instance known to me of the capture of this beautiful insect in Southern California. C. dichroa, Los Angeles County (Coquillett), is described from Sacramento. Cregya. — C. fasciata is described from San Diego. A specimen with entirely piceous elytra taken by me in the San Bernardino Mountains is probably a mere color variety. The species also occurs in northern California. Lebasiella. — L. 'inaculicollis occurs sparingly at Pasa- dena and Pomona late in May and early in June. Corynetes. — G. rujipes occurs everywhere: rujicollis, the only specimens seen from our district were taken early in June on San Clemente Island. . PTINID^. Trigonogenius. — T. farctus is not rare at San Fran- cisco, where it has distinguished itself as an herbarium pest. Sphaericus. — S. gibbioides also occurs at San Francisco. Ptinus. — The species of this genus are in some con- fusion. Specimens of two species which have been considered to be (and probably rightly so) interruptus and verticalis are found quite commonly by beating live- oaks and occasionally other trees or shrubs, October to COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 131 March. Specimens oi brunneus are labeled "Cal."in the Le Coiite Collection, and Horn cites pygmceus Gorh. from California in his list of the Coleoptera of Lower California.* Hedobia. — H. granosa, not rare, Pomona, Pasadena, Ojai Valley; March to April; chiefly found on live-oak. Ernobius. — E. debilis, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz Island (Le Conte). An apparently undescribed species near piinctulatufi has been taken abundantly on pines in the San Bernardino Mountains. Another undescribed species occurs also on pines about Lake Tahoe. E. punc- tulatus is described from the northern coast region, and alutaceus irom "Cal." Ozognathus. — 0. cornutus, Pomona, Pasadena, River- side, February to May: viisellus, San Diego. The orig- inal specimens of the former sent to Dr. Le Conte were said to have been hatched from galls. Xestobium. — One example of an undescribed species, taken at Pomona in May: affine is recorded from "Van- couver and California." Oligomerus. — Three species doubtfully congeneric are for the present referred here. One is not rare on Cata- lina Island; found by beating Heteromeles arbuiifolia; a second occurs on Quercus agrifolia at Pasadena in June; the third is represented by a solitary example found dead among the sand-dunes near the beach at Santa Monica. Sitodrepa. — >S^. panicea is more or less frequent every- where in houses. I raised a nice crop once from a lot of European Coleoptera received from France. ♦Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2d Ser.. Vol. IV, 1894, p. 332. 132 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Ctenobium. — One example of an undescribed species taken at Riverside at electric light. Ptinodes. — P. setifer, San Diego; the type alone is known to me. Hadrobregmus. — H. gibhicoUis, Pomona, San Ber- nardino Mountains; June and July; not common. One specimen of an undescribed species near foveatus was taken at Lake Tahoe. Trichodesma. — T. cristata, middle California. Anobium. — A. quadrulum, Lake Tahoe and north. Trypopitys. — T. punctatus, Los Angeles, Riverside, Pomona, Pasadena, etc.; July and August: temulineata, one example, Catalina Island. Petalium. — P. bistriatum is not rare in the southern Sierras. Theca. — T. striatopunctata, "Cal." (Le Conte). Vrilletta. — The three species on our list — convexa, expansa and murrayi — are described by Le Conte from California without definite locality; I have seen only convexa from our district, but all may occur there; expansa is not uncommon near San Francisco. Xyletinus. — Specimens both black and brown, identi- fied by Dr. Horn as liigubris, are not rarely taken by beating in the foot-hills near Pomona in May and June. Le Conte mentions the taking by Crotch of a species at Calaveras which scarcely differs from fucatus, and is so referred by him. Catorama. — C. frontalis may be taken in moderation by beating Quercus agrifolia; Pasadena, May and June. Hemiptychus. — H. latus occurs on the Southern Cali- fornia sea beaches, but not plentifully: pusUlus, Yuma COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 133 (Le Conte): luteolectus, Riverside and Yuma, July; Palm Springs, April: }Mdliatui<, not rare on a species of Dalea at Yuma early in June. Our commonest species, which occurs pretty nearly everywhere, and most fre- quently on oaks, is not yet identified; it is possibly not different from obsoletus, which was described from Cape San Lucas, but it would not be proper to so call it with- out careful comparison with the type. There appear to be two other allied species in my collection from Pomona and Pasadena, but they are not sufficiently strongly characterized to warrant their description in advance of a general synopsis of the genus. H. integer is represented by two examples taken by me at Lake Tahoe. Ccenocara — C. californica, one example from the Sierras near Pomona, September: occidens, described by Casey from central California. Ptilinus. — P. basalis, San Diego (Le Conte): rami- co'rnis has been beaten from Quercus engelmanni at Pas- adena late in May, and also occurs in the San Bernar- dino Mountains: fiavipennis occurs in the southern Sierras, in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties: acuminatush described from the Santa Cruz Mountains. Euceratocerus. — E. pleurcdis, E. macer, and E. sagi- natus are described by Casey from California; the first mentioned from the Santa Cruz Mountains, the others without definite locality. Sinoxylon. — S. sericans, Colorado River: sextubercula- twni, Yuma; "probably depredates on mesquite" (Horn): declive, Pomona, August and September; numerous specimens taken on the windows of a winery; one specimen was taken on San Nicolas Island, May 23: suturale, rare at Pasadena (Fenyes). 134 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Bostrychus. — A single specimen of B. californicus was secured in the San Bernardino Mountains in July. Amphicerus. — A. fortis, Colorado River: pundipennis , Riverside, Redlands, Pomona, Long Beach; June to October; often taken at electric lights: teres, Yuma; unknown to me. Dinapate. — D. wrightii is a mammoth Bostrychide known only from the canons leading up from the west- ern borders of the Colorado Desert, at and near Palm Springs, where it depredates on the Washingtonia palms ( Neowashingtonia Jilifera) . It was originally discovered by Mr. W. G. Wright, and has since been found by Mr. H. G. Hubbard, whose most interesting letters to Mr. E. A. Schwarz, describing the rediscovery, with much information concerning the larval habits, have been recently published by Mr. Schwarz. Dinoderus. — D. pacijicus, San Bernardino Mountains, not rare: sobrinus, from the same locality; scarce: truoi- catus, "California" (Horn). Polycaon. — P. sfoutii is common throughout maritime Southern California; once taken in numbers from beneath the loose bark of eucalyptus in early summer: confert.us is also widely diffused; it depredates on grape vines. Of raegalops two examples only have been seen, one of which was taken at light at Pomona, September 25; the other is in the collection of Dr. E. C. Van Dyke. Psoa. — P. maculata and P. 4-s%>'a^« are both rare insects in Southern California. Lyctus. — L. planicollis, common throughout our dis- trict from Yuma to the Coast: parvulus, rare, Pomona, June: californicus, Yuma (Casey): curtulus, described from "California." COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 135 CUPESID^. Priacma. — I have seen one example of serrata in the collection of Professor Rivers, said to have been taken at Grass Valley in the Middle Sierras. Cupes. — C. lobiceps, San Diego; apparently very rare. CIID^. Cis. — G. versicolor, G. vitulus, and G. duplex are all common in dry, woody fungi at Pomona, Pasadena, Ojai Valley, and probably throughout maritime South- ern California. Casey also describes illustris, impressa, and soror from northern California, and macilenta and hystricula from Lake Tahoe. Orthocis. — 0. aterrima, Alameda County. Plesiocis. — P. cribrum is not uncommon in the Sierras from Calaveras County to San Bernardino County. Ennearthron. — E. grossulum and E. convergens are described from Southern California. Specimens of what is doubtless one of these species occur plentifully in various localities near Los Angeles. E. californicum, is said to especially frequent the northern coast region, while discolor is described from Sonoma County. Octotemnus. — 0. denudatus, San Francisco to Van- couver. SPHINDID.E. Odontosphindus. — 0. clavicornis, one example, San Bernardino Mountains, July. LUCANID.E. Sinodendron. — S. rugosuvi is a rather common species from the Santa Cruz Mountains, north, but I have 136 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. no other record of its occurrence within our district; El Monte (Los Angeles County) teste Rivers. I know of no record of any other species of this family hav- ing occurred in our district. In the genus Platy- ceriis, oregonensis , agassii, californicus, parvicollis, paciji- cus, thoracicus and chaiybceus are all Californian. P. oregonensis has occurred as far south as Tejoii, but the true habitat of the genus is more northern. Geruchus punctatus and C. striatus occur in middle and northern California. SCARAB.EID.E. Canthon. — G. siinplex is widely diffused and generally common; the variety humeralis is rare. It is probable that the varieties corvinus and militaris occur in our region but I have no specific reference to the fact. G. IcBvis and G. perplexus are recorded respectively from '' So. Cal." and " Cal.," but there can be little doubt that they were taken in the desert regions of the south- east. Copris. — G. mvechus, Los Angeles; one example taken by Dr. W. J. Karlsioe (fide Linell). Oniticellus. — 0. californicus, Shasta region; very scarce. ^gialia. — A. conferta, Pomona, Riverside, etc., espec- ially in early spring, when it may frequently be taken on the wing: latispina occurs with the preceding and is of about equal frequency: cixissa, not rare along the seacoast (Santa Monica, Redondo, Monterey): cylindrica occurs in Marin County: lacustris, middle Sierras: blanchardi, Mendocino County. Psammodius. — P. nanus, a little species sometimes seen fiying about the streets of Pasadena in large num- bers on warm evenings; September to May; it is widely COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 137 diffused: coelatus occurs only along the sea-shore; it is tolerably common at Redondo and Santa Monica. Pleurophorus. — P. ccems, Lake County (Van Dyke). Rhyssemus. — R. calif or nicus, Riverside, April; not common. Ataenius. — A. desertus, Yuma: abditus, everywhere abundant: gracilis, Pomona, Palm Springs, Yuma; widely diffused but much less common in California than the preceding: calif ornicus, San Bernardino, Yuma; common at the latter place in July: lobatus, Palm Springs; not common. A. oblongus is described from " California," but I am unable to ascertain the exact locality. Aphodius. — A. granarius is quite common at Pomona from January to April; it is generally diffused: lividus, Yuma, Pomona, Los Angeles; not frequent: rugifrons, common under rubbish at Pomona after the first soak- ing rain in Nov. or Dec; seldom seen later than Feb.: consociatus, Bear Valley (San Bernardino Mountains), June (Daggett): subceneus, Los Angeles County; not com- mon: a.lternatus, Yuma (Horn): cribratus, one example taken at or near Santa Monica by Mr. Max Albright: ochreipennis, Owens Valley (Horn): rubidus, rather com- mon at Riverside, Pomona, Pasadena, etc., from Dec. to May: militaris, rare at Pomona and Pasadena, May: coquilletti, Los Angeles County (Coquillett): luxatus, Santa Barbara and Long Beach, Feb. to April; rare: ungulatus, taken thus far only during Dec. and Jan. at Pomona and Pasadena; not common: pardalis, Ojai Val- ley, March; rare in Southern California but commoner farther north. Numerous other species occur within the State limits. Of these, conspersus, congregatus, 138 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. aleidus, pectoralif<, nevadensis and opacus inhabit the region to the north of San Francisco: gentilis and inu- tilis occur about San Francisco: vitUUtis at San Fran- cisco and at Lake Tahoe: sparsus in the Mariposa region, and ovipennis at Fort Tejon. Since the above was written a specimen of vittatus has been taken at Pasadena by Dr. Fenyes (February). Ochodaeus. — 0. calif amicus, Pomona and Pasadena; very scarce; four specimens only are known, taken on the wing in April and May. Pachyplectrus. — P. Icevis, described from Santa Bar- bara. I have seen no examples from California except the type, but have seen two or three specimens which were taken at Phcenix, Arizona, by Dr. H. G. Griffith of Philadelphia, Bradycinetus. — B. serr(dus, Yuma: horni is rare in the country about San Francisco. Odontaeus. — 0. obesus occurs near San Francisco. Geotrupes. — G. occidentalis, exceedingly scarce, occur- ring in the region to the east of Visalia. Pleocoma. — P. puncticoUis, San Diego County (Ju- lian ?): fi'tnhriata, hehi^ensii, hirticollis, staff, rickseckeri and conjungens all inhabit the central part of the State from San Francisco to the Sierras, but are confined to hilly or mountainous districts. Trox. — T. siiberosus, one example, San Bernardino: punctatus, one example taken at Yuma, July: gemmu- latus, San Diego County, Pomona; not common: atrox, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Riverside; occasionally occurs in numbers, but generally rarely seen: fascifer, taken by Mr. Fuchs near San Francisco. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 139 Amphicoma. — The only specimens of edivardsii from Southern California that I have seen were taken by Dr. E.G. Van Dyke in the Santa Monica Mountains. A. canina is not infrequent in the Southern Sierras. Professor Rivers reports finding a single example of ursina on the sand-dunes at Santa Monica; it is not rare in similar situations near San Francisco: cooperi occurs at Sacramento in early July: rathvoni, the middle Sierras. Oncerus. — 0. jioralis, San Diego County, Palm Springs; occurs on flowers during April at the latter locality. Hoplia. — H. sackenii, San Diego (Le Conte); Sylvania (Ricksecker): callipyge, not abundant at Pomona, on flowers of greasewood; May and June: pubicoUis, not rare at Riverside during April and May, on willows along the Santa Ana River: dispar, common from Lake Talioe to Siskiyou County. Specimens of two appar- ently undescribed species have been taken by Dr. Fenyes and myself at Castle Crag and Lake Tahoe respectively. Gymnopyge. — G. hopUmfonnis, Mojave Desert (Co- quillett). Dichelonycha. — D. crotchii, San Bernardino Moun- tains, July; more common in the middle Sierras: fus- cula, plentiful in the foot-hills near Pomona, etc., on flowers of greasewood; June: truncata, Pomona, Palm Springs, San Bernardino Mountains; April to July: pusilla occurs with the two preceding species in the foot-hills near Pomona, but unlike them is also fre- quently taken within the town itself, especially about roses: pallens and dypeata are northern and appear to be not often taken: fidgida and valida are more or less 140 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. common throughout the middle Sierras. There are also ill my collection three seemingly undescribed species, one of which comes from San Diego and is the smallest species in our fauna. Coenonycha. — G. rotundata, Yuma, Riverside, two examples in March; a rare species: socialis, specimens I have seen were said to have been taken in San Diego County. Serica. — *S^. jimbriata and 8. mixta are both more or less abundant throughout Southern California in early summer, when they are often seen on the wing in the early evening: elongatula, several specimens taken under dead leaves in Ojai Valley, March: alternata, Los Angeles and San Diego counties; less frequent than •mixta or finnhriata: anthixicina occurs in middle and northern California: valida is probably not different. Plectrodes. — P. riversi, generally not common but occasionally attracted in numbers to light; Pomona, July: ca,rpenteri, Los Angeles and Mojave Desert: pal- pdlis, specimens so called are occasional in the vicinity of Los Angeles: blaisdelli is not uncommon near San Diego: squamosa, from San Bernardino: fossiger and pistoria are described by Casey from Los Angeles County; the latter has been taken in some numbers at Santa Monica by Mr. Rivers: pubescens was described by Horn from specimens taken at Visalia; it is possible that we have more names than species. Orsonyx. — 0. anxius, Needles and Yuma (Wickham). Diplotaxis. — D. moerens and D. tenuis are described from the desert regions of San Diego County: subangu- lata is occasionally abundant at Pomona, at light. Sev- eral specimens of an undescribed species were taken at COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 141 light, at Palm Springs. I have seen a few specimens of a larger species taken in Placer County that seems to be undescribed. Lachnosterna. — L. errtms, middle California; described from Contra Costa: lenis, desert regions of the southeast. Listrochelus. — L. mucoreus, Yuma. Polyphylla. — P. decemlineata and P. crinita are both fairly common; the former at lights in the towns, the latter at altitudes of 4,000 feet and over in the Sierras. Thyce. — T. marginata, San Diego County. I have seen one specimen taken at Oceanside by Mr. F. D. Twogood.* Phobetus. — P. comatus is generally scarce; once taken in some quantity at electric lights, in Pasadena, April; occurs also on Catalina Island, San Diego County, and in the San Joaquin Valley. Anomala. — One example of centralis was taken at Palm Springs. Cotalpa. — C. ursina, very abundant at Pomona, San Bernardino, etc., in spring, flying by day and often seen in quantities clinging to the cypress hedges about the city. C. granicollis is reported as having been taken in the Argus Mountains by the Death Valley Expedition. Cyclocephala. — The species of this genus are to be seen flying in, the evening about the city streets, and are sometimes attracted to lights in large numbers. C. im- maculata, C. longula, and C. villosa are most common: hirta is scarce: dimidiata while not frequent at light is not rare in the blossoms of Datura metelloides. Ligyrus. — L. gibbosus is abundant and widespread. Euphoria. — E. verticalis, from southeastern region; not common. 142 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Cremastochilus. — C. wheeleri, described from Eldo- rado County, but said by Fuchs to have been taken by Dunn in San Diego County: inepius, Yuma (fide Fuchs): schaumii, San Diego, Pasadena, not frequent: ivestvjoodi, Owens Valley: pUosicollis, San Bernardino, April; more common farther north: crinitus, San Diego, collected by Dunn (fide Fuchs): planatus occurs in the Coast Range south of San Francisco: angularis, about San Francisco and in the middle Sierras. Valgus. — V. calif ornicus, central and northern por- tions of the State; rare. SPONDYLID^. Parandra. — I have not yet seen native living speci- mens of hrunnea, but once found the remains of several about sycamore stumps at Pasadena. Spondylis. — 8. upiformis is at times not uncommon about pines in the San Bernardino Mountains. CERAMBYCID^. Ergates. — E. spiculatus is quite common in the south- ern Sierras above 4,000 feet, where the larva infests the roots and stumps of various coniferous trees; it is occa- sionally taken at light in the valleys. Mallodon. — Specimens of melanopus have been taken under mesquite bark at Indio, and on the wing at Yuma, on July evenings. Derobrachys. — One example of geminatus was seen at Palm Springs. Prionus. — P. calif ornicus is rather widely diffused; it is not rare at electric lights in the towns, also in the COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 143 foot-hills and at moderate altitudes in the Sierras. The larva lives in decaying roots of live-oak (Quercus agri- folia). Trogosma. — T. harrisii is not uncommon in the mid- dle Sierras. The larva is reported as depredating on Pinus contorta. T. pilosicornis is described from Mt. Diablo, near San Francisco. Asemum. — Specimens referred to nitidum have been taken at an altitude of 6,000 feet in the Sierras in June; larva has been found in decayed Pinus insignis (Rivers): atrum has been taken in the middle Sierras and on Mt. Whitney, at 11,000 feet altitude (Daggett). Tetropium. — T. velutinum, labeled " Cal.," must be northern. Decentrus. — /). bliUhneri, redwood forests, north of San Francisco. Hylotrupes. — H. araethystinus, San Bernardino Moun- tains, Bear Valley; rare (Van Dyke): ligneus, common; depredates on pine. A nearly black variety has been taken on wood-piles in the middle Sierras (Placer County) by Mr. Van Dyke, who writes that this melanotic form is found only on fir wood-piles that are situated in the forests and are more or less in the shade, while the type-form occurs on pine and spruce wood-piles in sunny situations. Phymatodes . — One example of blandus was beaten from pine in the San Bernardino Mountains: obscurus, San Diego, on live-oak from the branches of which it has been bred by Dr. F. E. Blaisdell: decussatus, one exam- ple beaten from Quercus engelmanni at Pasadena, May 31: juglandis, Los Angeles County; depredates on Juglans 144 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. californica: ceneus, mtidufi, and vulneratus occur in the central and northern parts of the State: ohliquus in Santa Clara County. Callidium. — C. untennatum, Mt. Wilson, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke): hirtellum, San Bernardino Moun- tains; not very common: i^i^e, described from "Cal.;" it is doubtless from the north. Le Conte mentions a race oi janthinum from California. Xylocrius. — X. agassizii and X. cribratus are found in the middle and northern Sierras. Malacopterus. — M. lineatiis, Colorado River, above Yuma. (Erne. — I have seen one example of gracilis from Ontario (Los Angeles County) and one from Santa Catalina Island; bred from the dead wood of Quercus agrifolia at Poway (Blaisdell): costata is recorded from "Cal." Eucrossus. — One example of villicornis was taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. Haplidus. — H. testaceus, " Cal." Brothylus. — One example of yemmulatus was taken on Mt. Wilson (Van Dyke). Romaleum. — The only specimen of siinplicicolle seen by me was taken on Santa Catalina Island ; it is a widely diffused species and should occur elsewhere: seminitiduru, one example in my collection, from the Colorado River. Elaphidion. — E. (dbofasciatuin, taken in the foot-hills along the southern border of the Mojave Desert (Coquil- lett): imbelle, Poway (San Diego County); bred from the dead wood of live-oak by Dr. Blaisdell, who says that the beetles are common beneath bark in August. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 145 Aneflus. — One example of linearis taken on Echo Mountain, Los Angeles County. Poecilobrium. — P. chalybceum was taken on flowers of Ceanoihus, Pasadena, April. Linell has described rugosipenne from " Cal." Hybodera. — H. debilis, one example. Echo Mountain, Los Angeles County. Callimus. — C. cyanipennis, Los Angeles County, on Ceanoihus bloom. C. ruflcollis bears a label in the Horn Collection indicating its occurrence in Southern Cali- fornia; it is not rare about San Francisco. Megobrium. — M. echvardsii is described from Santa Rosa Island. I have one example beaten from live-oak near Pomona, Oct. 27. Molorchus. — M. longicollis, Los Angeles County, on flowers. Callimoxys. — G. fuscipennis, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke); very abundant further north .^ Holopleura. — H. helena is very rare in Southern Cali- fornia, but has been bred in quantity from dead twigs of Umbellidaria calif ornica from near San Francisco, by Professor Rivers; Santa Monica (Albright). Rosalia. — One example of funebris was sent me from San Diego County. Mr. \V. G. Wright of San Bernar- dino writes me that he has taken it locally, but it is certainly much more common further north. Professor Rivers records the larva from " decaying Umbeliularia californica among the mycelia of some fungus." Dendrobius. — D. mandibularis is common on the wing in early evening, about the willows along the Colorado River, at Yuma, in July. Lissonotus. — L. multifasciaius, "Cal., Ariz." 10 August 19, 1901. 146 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Tragidion. — T. annulatum, Pasadena, June; Pomona, September; San Bernardino Mountains (Van Dyke); Santa Monica (Albriglit); rare. T. armatum has been taken at Newhall (Van Dyke), while sucking sap from stalks of flowering Yucca ivhipplei. Purpuricenus. — P. dimidiaius, northern California. Metaleptus,— il/. angulatus, "So. Cal. ;" doubtless from the southeastern region. Amannus. — A. pectoralis, Yuma (Le Conte.) Batyle. — B. suhiralis, San Diego County (Fuchs). Oxoplus. — 0. jocosus occurs rather rarely in the foot- hill cafions near Pomona; found flying by day along the streams. Crossidius. — C. hirtipes, G. ater, C. testaceus, and G. punctatus bear Californian labels in one collection or another, but with the exception of testaceus, which, according to Fuchs, has been taken in San Diego County, I have not been able to obtain exact localities. There is not much doubt, however, that they occur only in the eastern and southeastern portions of the State. Ischnonemis. — 7. bivitiatus, Indio (Van Dyke). Stenosphenus. — S. dehilis, several examples, beaten from willows at Yuma, July. Cyllene. — G. antennatus, common in the desert and along the Colorado River; breeds in mesquite: crinicornis also occurs in the southeast. Calloides. — G. lorquinii, Mt. Lowe (Los Angeles County), one example; Lower Soda Springs, Siskiyou County, July (Van Dyke). Clytus. — G. lanifer, Santa Barbara; more frequent farther north. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 147 Xylotrechus. — X. nauticus, San Diego, Los Angeles, Pomona (August). According to Blaisdell, "Abundant about live-oak groves during .July and August. The larvae and pup« have been taken from the dead branches and trunk of the oak. The beetle is both diurnal and nocturnal in habits, becoming active near the middle of the afternoon and continuing so until late in the even- ing." The larvse of this insect have also been found destructive to logs of Eucalyptus globulus.^ X. oblit- e^'aiws is not infrequent about willows, in various locali- ties in Southern California and on Santa Catalina Island, June: insignis is the female of this species, as I am informed by Mr. Fuchs, a fact I had suspected, but of which I had no positive evidence: undulatus and annosus have been found in the north: planifrons occurs near San Francisco, where the larvae may be found in dead branches of willow (Rivers). Neoclytus. — Several examples of irroratus have been picked up on the streets of Pasadena during early Sept- ember by Mr. Daggett, and I have similarly found it at Santa Barbara late in August: conjunctus, rnuricatu- lus, balteatus and interruptus inhabit the middle or northern parts of the State. Atimia. — A. dorsalisj Riverside, May and October; uncommon; occurs also in the Sierras, Placer County, April (Van Dyke): confusa has been found in California also, according to Henshaw. Desmocerus. — D. cribripennis, "So. Cal.;" the species must be exceedingly rare: californicus has been taken in Los Angeles County, on elder, but is, like the preced- ing, very scarce: auripennis has not occurred in our *See Blaisdell's account, " Insect Life, " Vol. V, p. 34. 148 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. district so far as I am able to learn, but is not so exceed- ingly rare farther north; it has been bred from the dead wood of Sambucus glaucus (Blaisdell). Necydalis. — N. harharoe, Santa Barbara; rare (Riv- ers): loevkoUis, middle California; taken by Van Dyke and Rivers near San Francisco, where it is found to breed in decayed Quercus agri folia, and in dead Eucalyptus globulus (Rivers): cavipennis occurs (in the north) at Piedmont, Alameda County, May (Fuchs). Ulochaetes. — U. leoninus, San Bernardino Mountains; Glenbrook, Lake County, June (Fuchs); Sisson, Shasta County, June, on yellow pine (Van Dyke). The dried remains of the beetles in their burrows in dead Pinus ponderosa have been seen by the writer; the beetles emerge in July,. but are scarce or at least seldom taken. Pyrotrichus. — P. vitticollis was taken by Mr. Fuchs at Laundry Farm, Alameda County, in April. Leptalia. — L. macilenta, northern California; Sonoma County (Ricksecker); on willows, in Mill Valley, Marin County, May (Fuchs). Rhagium. — R. lineaturn is central or northern; not rare about Lake Tahoe. Centrodera. — One example of neua.dica from Santa Monica is in the collection of Van Dyke. Toxotus. — T. vestitus is not uncommon in the south- ern Sierras (Van Dyke): Jiavolimbatus is recorded from "Cal.," nubifer from Tejon, lateralis from near San Francisco. Pachyta. — P. spurca, one example from Echo Moun- tain, Los Angeles County: lituruta, one example from Mt. Whitney, elevation 8,000 feet (Daggett). COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 149 Anthophilax. — A. feyiebrosiis, from the southeastern region. Acmaeops. — A. tumida is very rare in Southern Cali- fornia; 1 secured a single specimen on flowers at Pasa- dena, in April: falsa, Pomona, May; Pasadena, May, from between leaves of Yucca ivhipjdei (Daggett); Dr. Van Dyke finds it in June on flowers of wild holly. The following species of the genus are found in the mid- dle and northern portions of the State: suboenea, pinguis, viola, longicornis , vincta, hasalis, irdlito.ris, sub- pllosa, variipes, pratensis; the latter from Mt. Whitney, elevation 8,000 to 9,000 feet (Daggett). Strangalia. — S. delicata, San Bernardino, Pomona, Pasadena, late May to July, on various flowers; not common. Leptura. — L. molybdica is not rare on flowers of Ceanothus, Pasadena in April; all specimens found here have the red humeral spot: keta, not rare on flowers in the foot-hills of the Sierras, at Pomona, Pasadena, etc., in June; breeds in dead Quercus agrifolia (Rivers): tribalteata , Mt. Wilson, Los Angeles County; uncommon: coquilletti, Los Angeles County: instabUis, rare, Pomona, June, in the foot-hills; var. convexa, Los Angeles (Fuchs): sexspilotu, abundant usually on the flowers of greasewood iu May and June throughout Southern California: per nigra, Mt. Wilson, Los Angeles County (Coquillett): crassipes, not common in the San Bernardino Mountains, 5,000 feet elevation, in August; it has been bred from decayed wood of Urnbellidaria calif ornica (Rivers): valida, Bear Valley, San Bernar- dino Mountains; very scarce. Aside from the above, there are numerous species occurring within the State, 150 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. all of which — except as noted below — are from the more northern parts: ohliterata, soror, plagifera, rubida, sub- argentata, hnpura, vexatrix, raoMhetvsii , grossa, central and northern Sierras; propinqua, Kern River; carbonata, dehiscens, aangidnea, lajtijica (these last two rare at Kaweah, Tulare County) (Hopping), common farther north; qaadrillum, chrysocoma, doloroi^a, behrensii, Ala- meda County; scripta, gnathoides, cubitalis. Several un- described species exist in collectiofis. Ophistomis. — 0. ventralis, "So. Cal.;" El Taste, Lower California. Ipochus. — /. fasciatus is not uncommon under bark, and by beating, especially Rhus. Blaisdell reports larvse taken from the wood of Rhus Integrifolia at Coro- nado, and Rhus laurina at Poway. Larvse have been found by Coquillett in dead and dry apple twigs. The beetles are abroad from February to Sept. Monilema. — M. spoliaium has been taken by Mr. W. G. Wright, exact locality not stated. Monohammus . — M. maculosus is not rare at Lake Tahoe (Fenyes) and north. Synaphceta. — S.guexi, rare at Pomona and Pasadena, March and April; it has been bred from dead limbs of j£sculus calif ornica, by Rivers. Ccenopceus. — C. palmeri has been taken in numbers at San Bernardino by Mr. W. G. Wright; breeds in Opuntia. Hyperplatys. — The form of aspersus described by Casey as ccdifornica, and which according to Leng is only a variety of Say's species, is not unfrequently taken about San Francisco. I have myself found it in Marin County in August. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 151 Acanthocinus. — A. ohliquus and A. spectabilis are both found in the higher parts of the southern Sierras, but are more frequent in the middle and northern portions of the range. Pogonocherus. — Several examples of crinitus have been taken at Pasadena by Dr. Fenyes, on live-oak, in June. Professor Rivers reports the larva as occurring in dead branches of Quercus agrifolia. P. mixtus occurs in the middle or northern regions, and I have found ore- gonus at Lake Tahoe. Lypsimena. — L. californica is rare at Pasadena (Fenyes); Santa Monica, August (Van Dyke); Yuba County (Fuchs). Saperda. — A form which passes as moesta is occa- sionally found in Southern California, on cottonwood trees; I have taken it at Riverside, in May. Oberea. — 0. schaumii is rather uncommon; found on willows in the foot-hills near Pomona in June; it has been called quadricaUosa, a name now regarded as a synonym of the one given above. Tetraopes. — One of the numerous color varieties of femoratus is plentiful on milkweed throughout our region in May and June. Idoemea. — One example of californica was beaten from live-oak, in June, and others were secured at elecric light, at Pasadena, in April. Methia. — Several examples of an unidentified species were taken at electric light, at Pasadena, in September (Fenyes); this is possibly mormona Linell. CHRYSOMELID^E. Aulacoscelis. — A. jmrpurea, Needles (Wickham). Donacia. — No specimens of this genus have yet been found in our region, but the following six species are 152 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. known from the central and northern portions of the State: hirticolUs and pubescens from Lake County (Van Dyke) ; cindicornis var. proximia and subtilis, from Marin County; pusilla and emarginata. Orsodacna. — 0. atva comes as far south as Lake Tahoe in the more elevated regions of the Sierras. Zeugophora. — One example of californica taken at Pasadena in April (Fenyes): abnormis I found in some numbers on the leaves of aspens, at Lake Tahoe, in July. ■ Syneta. — One example of carinata, Lake Tahoe: hamata, northern: o.lbida, occurs as far south as Alameda County. Thricolema. — T. anomala, Calaveras County. Lema. — L. nigrovittata depredates in all stages on Datura metelloides; very common. Euryscopa. — E. subtilis, E. vittata and E. lecontei are all on record as having been found in Southern Cali- fornia; they are probably found only in the southeast. Coscinoptera. — C. canella and C. viucorea are not com- mon in the southeast; I have seen specimens of the latter taken at Yuma, in March, by Mr. Daggett; mneipennis is not rare at Pomona, Pasadena, etc. Babia. — B. Jf.-guttata, var., Needles (Wickham). Saxinis. — *S. saucia is common nearly everywhere west of the mountains, occurring most plentifully on flowers m May: politula, Santa Barbara (Horn): specu- lifera, Owens Valley (Horn), San Bernardino Moun- tains, July and August; not common: hornii, one example from San Diego in my collection is so referred; I have seen others from the same locality. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 153 Chlamys. — A specimen taken at Palm Springs in April, it has not been possible to place with certainty; it is very probably undescribed. Exema. — E. conspersa is common in most localities; taken by sweeping. Cryptocephalus. — G. ss,YiiUec\to, San Diego County. Araeoschizus. — A. sulcicollis, Owens Valley: costipennis, VaJlecito (Le Conte); one example under bark, Indio, December; Palm Springs, April (Fenyes): arniatus, Owens Valley. Anepsius. — A. dellcatulus, Pomona and Palm Springs; found under stones, in dry places; rare west of the mountains, more common on the desert; according to Blaisdell the species is not uncommon in the maritime portions of San Diego County. Typhlusechus. — T. singularis is a minute, blind species of which two sj)ecimens were found by Koebele in Los Angeles County. 164 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Nyctoporis. — N . carinata is widely distributed in our district, occurring under bark, logs and debris: galeafa, cristata and cequicoUw occur in the State, but farther north. Cryptoglossa. — G. verrucosa is not rare in the Mojave and Colorado deserts; I have seen specimens from An- telope Valley and from Needles, also from other points farther south, along the Colorado River: Icavis occurs at Yuma, " under logs and stones " (Horn). Centrioptera. — C. muricata is not rare at Palm Springs, in April. The beetles remain concealed beneath stones and rubbish during the heat of the day, appearing about sundown, when numbers may be seen walking slowly about the dry washes and amid the sage- brush, a custom common to many of the larger Tenebri- onida3 of the southwest. G. seriata is found in "So. Cal." according to Horn, and Blaisdell mentions asper- ata as occurring rarely at Poway, San Diego County. Schizillus. — *S'. laticeps, Mojave Desert (Crotch). I do not know of any specimens having been taken by our later collectors. Microschatia. — M. incequcdis, San Diego and River- side in February and March; not rare. Specimens of what appears to be an undescribed species have been taken by Mr. George H. Field in San Diego County. Asida. — A. cegrota is recorded by Blaisdell from the desert parts of San Diego County; it is otherwise only reported from Lower California: actuosa, Owens Valley, in winter (Horn); Antelope Valley, Los Angeles County, in early spring: carinata, San Diego County, Colorado Desert: conjiuens, para/^eZ«, hirsuta and his- pidula are all from the Colorado Desert: impetrata, San COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 165 Diego and Yuma: obsoleta, "Borders of Col. Desert;'^ San Bernardino Mountains, July; Riverside, Julian, Pas- adena, October: muricatula, San Diego and Los Angeles: luctata, rare in Owens Valley: angulata, San Diego and Riverside, winter and early spring: lecontei, Kern and Tulare counties: captiosa, Tulare region and Monterey County: marginata and gabbii, San Diego County (fide Fuchs). Coniontis. — The species of this genus occur under stones and rubbish, usually in dry places, though this is not always the case. They are difficult to discrimi- nate, and it is doubtful if all the species named below are well founded; if so, then there are surely several others awaiting description. G. abdominalis is our largest spe- cies, and one of the rarest; it has been taken at Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and Pasadena: robusta occurs at Santa Barbara: elliptica, specimens so identified by Casey are common at Riverside, Pomona, San Diego, Catalina Island, etc.; it is difficult to separate from robusta, and was not considered distinct by Horn: lata, San Clemente and Santa Barbara islands; var. insularis, Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa islands: opaca, Owens Val- ley: punctipes, San Bernardino County: subpubescens, not rare at various localities from Los Angeles to San Diego: globulina, Tehachapi Pass: pallidicornis, "So. Cal.:'' parviceps, San Diego, Pomona, Pasadena. Numerous other species are found farther north: incequalis, " Cal.," without definite locality: elongata, genitiva, and parallela are from the northern part of the State: viatica, eschscholtzii and nemoralis are from San Francisco: puncticollis, from San Francisco and the central valley: farallonica, from the Farallon Islands: rtiontana, from Lake Tahoe. 166 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. Ccelomorpha. — G. onaritima was described from Lower California, but Horn also cites San Diego; it is similar to Ccelus in habits. Ccelus. — The individuals of this genus are very- abundant at all seasons in the sand-dunes along the coast from San Francisco to San Diego; they vary exceedingly in size, form and thoracic sculpture, and 1 am unable to recognize more than two species along our southern coast, viz., globosus and arenarius, the former having a deeply, and the latter a feebly, sinuate epis- toma. Typical grossus is very large, with unevenly punctuate thorax; but there is every gradation between this and typical globosus, in fact, the majority of speci- mens are intermediate. Both latus and curtulus are founded chiefly on form and punctuation of the prothorax, both of which appear to me to be too unsta- ble to be of use in specific division, and I have little hesitation in placing the former as a synonym of arenar- ius and the latter as a synonym of ciliatus. Two other species are found on the Southern California islands: pacificus, on Santa Barbara and Santa Rosa, and remotus, on San Clemente; it is doubtful if these two species share the burrowing habit of their congeners on the mainland. Eusattus. — E. robustus has thus far occurred only on San Clemente Island: politus, Santa Barbara and Santa Rosa islands; apparently not common: coqiiil- letti, Los Angeles County (Coquillett): Icevis, Southern California (teste Horn)*: dubius, Colorado and Mojave deserts, Antelope Valley: productus, " Ari. and Lower Cal."(Horn); I have an example labeled "Cal.," doubt- less from the southeastern region: convexus, taken at * " The Coleoptera of Baja California." Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2nd Ser. Vol. IV, 1894, p. 349 COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 167 Vallecito, San Diego County (Le Conte): dijfficilis, not rare at San Diego, where I have taken it in some numbers about the roots of plants on the Coronado peninsula: muricatus, Colorado Desert and Owens Valley. Casey has described nanus from Kern County. Eleodes. — A goodly number of representatives of this <3ommon western genus are found in Southern Cali- fornia. Their habits are practically the same as those of the greater part of the larger wingless Tenebrionidse. Wliile they are occasionally abroad by day, as a rule they remain concealed beneath boards, stones, rubbish, etc., till toward evening, when they become active. E. quad- ricollis is a common species about San Diego, and is found near the seacoast as far north as San Francisco; it is not uncommon on Catalina Island: arinata is prob- ably the most abundant species of the genus along the line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, through the Colorado Desert; I have found it common at Palm Springs, in April, on the western border of this desert: femorata is decidedly rare in the vicinity of San Diego, the only locality from which it is known: gentilis is said by Blaisdell to be common at San Diego, but speci- mens coming to me from that place and bearing this name proved to be only quadricollis; the type, however, comes from that vicinity, and Blaisdell's reference is perhaps correct: interrupta is rare about San Diego (Blaisdell): gracilis is represented by one example taken by me at Palm Springs, and so identified by Dr. Horn; it is not typical and may possibly prove distinct: grandi- collis and gigantea are found at various points from Los Angeles to San Diego, on the western side of the moun- tains, and both are said to be more or less common about San Francisco; of the two, grandicollis is the scarcer in Southern California: acuticauda is our most 168 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. abundant species throughout the southern part of the State; at Pomona, Pasadena and vicinity, it finds shelter in cellars, and is, in fact, the only species of the genus that occurs commonly about houses: pilosa and hirsut a inhabit Owens Valley: scabripennis is known from Santa Barbara and Santa Rosa islands and Fort Tejon; it does not appear to be common: consobrina is not rare in the foot-hills and up to altitudes of 5,000 to 6,000 feet in the southern Sierras: tenebrosa occurs in Owens Valley: parvicollis and its varieties, producta and inarginata, are given on the authority of Dr. Blaisdell, who names them in a list of species observed by him in San Diego County; both occur about San Francisco, and I have never seen specimens from further south: subniiens has been taken in San Diego County (fide Fuchs). The following species occur in those parts of the State to the north of our district: E. obscura var. sulcipennis^ desert region in the northeast; Inimeralis and elegans,. northern coast region; estriatus, davicornis and parvi- collis, about San Francisco, the second named species being very abundant in the sand-dunes on the ocean front; de.ntipes, common to the south of San Francisco; p>ro7ninens, San Luis Obispo County; granulata, granosa and cuneaticollis , exact locality not named, though it is probable that the first two occupy the desert region of the northeast and possibly come as far south as Owens Valley; cordata, middle region, from San Francisco to Lake Tahoe, also ranging both north and south of this latitude in the central valley; scabricula, Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. Embaphion. — E. depressum, Vallecito (Le Conte). Trogloderus. — T.costatus, San Diego County (Fuchs). Eulabis. — E. grossa is not rare on San Clemen te Island, and has also been taken on Santa Barbara and COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 161) San Nicolas islands: rujipes, pubescens and laticornis are more or less common from San Diego north through the western portions of our district, especially under stones and rubbish in dry places in spring: crassicornis is described from "So. Cal.," and must resemble the preceding in habits: obsciira is plentiful along the sea beaches: bicarinata occurs in the San Joaquin Valley. Cerenopus. — C. concolor and C. costulatus are taken in the Colorado Desert; the former is moderately common at Palm Springs, the latter is said by Blaisdell to be rare in San Diego County. Argoporis. — A. costipennis and A. bicolor, Colorado Desert: inconstans, San Diego (Horn). Amphidora. — A. littoralis is common everywhere west of the mountains; found beneath logs, rocks, bark, etc.; as remarked by Blaisdell, the name is not at all appropriate: nigropilosa occurs along the seashore and may usually be found in numbers about the roots of plants on and adjacent to the sand-dunes, or concealed beneath any object that will offer shelter. Cratidus. — G. osculans is common and widely diffused: fuscipilosus occurs, according to Blaisdell, on the sum- mits of the mountains about Julian; it is, perhaps, not specifically distinct from the preceding. Stenotrichus. — S. rujipes, San Diego, Riverside, Po- mona, Santa Monica; not very common. Alobates. — A. pennsylvanicus is northern. Iphthimus. — /. serratus and its variety, sublcevis, occur under bark, in the Sierras; the latter has been taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. Ccelocnemis. — C. dilaticollis is found in the higher parts of the southern Sierras, under bark, logs, etc.: 170 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. •ohesa is not rare in the foot-hills near Pomona, Pasadena, €tc.: magna, Central Valley: rugosa, Los Angeles County (Coquillett). Centronopus. — C. parallelus, middle Sierras, under bark. Cibdelis. — G. hlaschkii, San Diego County, "mountain- ous districts, under bark " (Blaisdell); commoner far- ther north: bachei, Santa Barbara, San Clemente and Santa Catalina islands: loivigata, Santa Barbara. Tenebrio. — Specimens of obscurus have been found in grain at Pasadena; perhaps a mere sporadic importa- tion: tenebrioides is rare, under bark, in the San Bernar- dino Mountains. Bius. — One example of estriatus was found under pine bark in the San Bernardino Mountains, July; it is one of our rarest species. Doliema. — D. ylana is generally rare, but is occasion- ally found in large numbers under the bark of dead sycamores; I have taken it thus in the Ojai Valley, in March, and Blaisdell reports similar captures in San Diego County; occurs also at Yuma (Wickham). Alsephus. — A. pallidus, Palm Springs (Fenyes), Fort Tejon (Horn). Mr. Wickham reports a species of AlcBj^hus " near pallidus " from Needles, on the Colorado River. Eupsophus. — E. castaneus, Palm Springs, not rare in spring; Owens Valley, flying by night (Horn). Mecysmus. — M. angustus is found rather abundantly flying at night at Yuma (Horn), Mojave Desert, Pomona and Riverside; under stones and on sidewalks at the latter places (never on the wing in my experience): tenuis is described from "So. Cal." COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 171 Trichoton. — T. sordidum occurs at Palm Springs, in April, under boards, stones, etc., as is generally true of the Blapstini. Ulus. — U. crassus is common in many localities: latus, along the San Diego River (Blaisdell). Blapstinus. — B. longulus, Yuma, San Diego (Blais- dell): vaUdiLs, "So. Cal." (Casey); probably from the Colorado Desert: dilatatus, common everywhere: histri- ■cus, Los Angeles County (Newhall): coronadensis , rather €ommon at Coronado (Blaisdell): rufipes. our common- est species: cequalis, San Bernardino: funebris, South- ern California (Casey): brevicollis, Riverside, Santa Monica, Pomona; not very abundant: puhesce.ns, San Bernardino, Pomona, San Diego: sulcatus, Riverside, San Diego, Ojai Valley; rather common. The follow- ing species are described from the middle and northern parts of the State; their identification is a matter of much diflEiculty: fulginosus, discolor, gregalis, pulveru- lentus, parallelus, and inquisitus. Conibius. — G. parallelus is said by Blaisdell to be rather common about San Diego and Poway, but I have not yet detected it in the vicinity of Los Angeles; it was described from San Jose: seriatus is common in Los Angeles County, and occurs as far north as Sylvania; it was described from the Colorado Desert. The distinct- ness of this and the preceding species I believe may fairly be questioned. G. elongatus is said by Horn to be rather common under stones, in Owens Valley: crassipes is described by Casey from *' So. Cal." Notibius. — N. piihe.ruliis, Colorado Desert, Needles (Wickham), not rare at Palm Springs in April: puncii- collis, rather frequent at Riverside, Pomona, and Pasa- dena; often seen on city streets and walks: granulatus, 172 .CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Palm Springs, Yuma: gyxicilu, Indio (Casey): sulcatus^ Riverside, San Diego, San Clemente Island; not common. Cnemeplatia. — C. sericea is generally rare; it was once taken in some numbers, under boards, amid stable refuse at Pomona; it is occasionally taken on the wing toward evening, and at San Francisco comes to electric lights, at times in great numbers. Horn speaks of the species as being rare in Owens Valley, under stones. Alaudes. — A. singularis is a very rare species origi- nally taken by Dr. Horn in Owens Valley, where it was found living under stones, with a small black ant. A few specimens were next taken by Wickham — some twenty-five years later — in eastern Oregon, then a single example by Koebele, in the Argus Mountains of southeastern California, not far south of the original habitat. In November and December of 1893 and 1895, I secured about a dozen examples from under boards in my garden at Pomona, under conditions which apparently indicated no connection with ants; and since then Dr. Fenyes has taken about an equal number at Azusa, Los Angeles County, this time with ants. I know of no other instances of its capture. Tribolium. — T. ferrugineitm and T. confusum are both found in ground cereals, the former being less common in my experience. Blaisdell speaks of ferrugineum as being rare, under the bark of trees, at San Diego. Phthora. — P. americana occurs at Lake Tahoe. Gnathocerus. — G. comutus occurs with Tribolium in ground cereals. Echocerus. — Several specimens of maxillosus have been taken at Pasadena in March. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 173 Ulosonia. — U. marginaia occurs along the Colorado River, under cottonwood bark. Merotemnus. — M. elongatus labeled " Cal." is prob- ably from the southeast. Aphanotus. — A. brevicornis is rather common in the ■eastern portion of San Diego County (Blaisdell); very rare at Pomona, a single dead specimen being all that I secured in seven years' collecting. Alphitobius. — A. ovatus and A. piceus have both found their way into our territory, though neither is as yet common. Of the former species, I secured a specimen under bark at Indio, in the Colorado Desert, and several examples of the latter have been taken at Pasadena by Dr. Fenyes. Cynaeus. — C. angustus is reported from the Colorado Desert: depressus is rather common in and upon the de- caying base and roots of Yucca ivhipplei in various local- ities; I have found it near Pomona in May. Metaclisa. — M. marginalis is rather rare, occurring under bark of pines in the San Bernardino Mountains; also found at Julian (San Diego County). Uloma. — U. longula is not rare under bark, in the Sierras. Phaleria. — P. rotundata is very abundant everywhere on our seacoast from San Diego to San Francisco, oc- curring beneath kelp. I have no hesitation in uniting lirabalis with the preceding; a long series shows every grade in coloration from uniform testaceous to typical limbalis, which is in great part black; a precisely analo- gous variation is observable in the common tefitacea of the Atlantic coast. P. debilis is reported from Yuma: 174 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. globosa is common on the seashore, near San Francisco: humeralis is said to be from " Cal." Anemia. — A. calif ornica, Owens Valley. Platydema. — P. subquadratum, Colorado River. Mr. Wickham reports it as not rare in August at East Bridge, just across the river from Needles. P. oregonensis is rather common about fungus on old stumps, under bark, etc., in the Sierras from San Diego County north. Alphitophagus. — A. bifasciatus is not especially un- common of late at Pasadena and in the neighboring mountains. Hypophloeus. — H. substriatus occurs in the Sierras, under bark: opaculus is very scarce; two examples were taken in March from the burrows of Monarthrum scutel- lare, in live-oak. Pentaphyllus. — P. californiciis is northern. Eleates — E. explanatus and E. occidentalis both occur on fungus growing on logs in the region about Lake Tahoe; the former also inhabits the forests to the north- ward of San Francisco. Megeleates. — M. sequoiarura, middle Sierras — Lake Tahoe and Calaveras. The larva has been taken by Dr. Blaisdell in a species of woody fungus, and has been de- scribed by Wickham. Apocrypha. — A. anthicoides, Pomona, Pasadena, San Diego; uncommon. All specimens seen have been taken in early spring. Dr. Fenyes once found it associated with ants, but perhaps accidentally, as this habit has not been elsewhere noticed. A. dyschirioides is said by Blaisdell to occur rarely near San Diego: clivinoides is found in Owens Valley. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 175 Helops. — H. edivardsii is not rare, under bark, in the San Bernardino Mountains: ovipennis, Mojave Des- ert: rugicollis, Owens Valley and Tejon: strigicollis, " So. Gal.," probably near San Diego (Horn): attenuatas, Val- leeito (Colorado Desert) and Owens Valley. H. bachei and H. hlaisdelli are said by Blaisdell to occur under mari- time plants growing on the sand-dunes near San Diego, and one of these or a closely allied species I have found very common in similar situations at Redondo Beach; bachei was described from the Santa Barbara Islands, and typical examples are perhaps found only on the islands: discipula is described from the vicinity of San Diego. The following species are more northern: opacus, San Francisco and north, also Sacramento; punctatus, "Cal.;" rugulosus, San Francisco; angustus, Tejon; californicus, San Jose, Lake Tahoe (beaten from pines in July); tumescens , "Cal., Coll. of Ulke." .EGIALITID.E. ^gialites. — The exact locality of californicus is not stated; it is doubtless northern, if really from the State: fuchsii has been obtained in some numbers from Mendo- cino County and Farallon Islands, by Mr. Fuchs. CISTELID.E. Xystropus.. — Horn expresses a belief, which I think well founded, that X. californicus is an accidental im- portation from Mexico or further south. The original specimen was found at Martinez, on the shore of San Francisco Bay, and has never since been duplicated. Stenochidus. — I have taken specimens that are refer- able to gracilis and cyanescens, at Pomona and Pasa- dena, during May and June, but have not yet succeeded 176 . CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. in separating them to my satisfaction. It is certain that the color of the legs is not a specific character, these being usually red in the males and black in the females. Hymenorus. — H. infuscatus, Los Angeles, Pomona, June; Catalina Island, July: grandicollis, specimens occurring at light on Echo Mountain were so identified by Casey; a different species in the collection of Dr. Fenyes, and taken at Palm Springs, fits the description of grandicollis still better: fusicornis, Riverside and Pasadena, April and May; rare: fusculus, Coronado, in decaying sunflower blossoms (Blaisdell): macer, Poway, common, (Blaisdell): punciatissimus, Riverside, Po- mona; June to October; not rare. Blaisdell reports inquilinus as occurring in the nests of the agricultural ant, in Calaveras County, in September. H. iDunctula- tus, H. discrepans, and H. uniseriatus are Calif ornian, but without definite locality. Mycetochares. — M. longipennis is rare at Pasadena, March (Fenyes): procera, Los Angeles (Casey); Pasa- dena, April (Fenyes): pubipennis, Pasadena and Re- dondo, March. All the above are more or less rare. M. Tievddensis I have beaten from pines at Lake Tahoe, in July: crassulijoes and pacijica are also described by Casey from California, the former from Humboldt County, the latter without precise locality. Isomira. — /. variabilis is exceedingly common on flowers, especially of greasewood, in the foot-hills, and up to moderate elevations in the Sierras; it occurs also on Catalina Island and is probably found throughout the region to the west of the mountains. 1. luscitiosa is also quite common in the Sierras, in company with the preceding: monticola is described from Lake Tahoe, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 177 and discolor from " Cal." Hopping alludes to the lat- ter as being common at from 1,000 to 7,000 feet eleva- tion along the Kaweah River, in Tulare County. Cistela. — C. opaca is common on flowers in the south- ern Sierras from April to June. The color of the legs is not a specific character, the femora being about as often red as black. The specimens taken by Blaisdell in San Diego County and referred to theveneti, are doubtless the red-legged form of opaca, theveneti occur- ring in the middle Sierras, so far as known. OTHNIID.E. Othnius. — 0. longicornis , Yuma. MONOMMID.E. Hyporhagus. — H. gilensis, San Bernardino County (Fuchs). MELANDRYID.E. Carebara. — G. longula is rather plentiful on pines, in the San Bernardino Mountains, in Julv. Phloeotrya. — P. riversi, P. bicincta, and P. vaudoueri are all northern, the two former being from Sonoma County. Eustrophus., — E. repandus is from the extreme north. Nothus. — y. luteus, Pomona and Pasadena in June; taken on oaks. Lacconotus. — L. pinicolus, Pomona and Pasadena; rare during May and June; found always on oaks, not- withstanding its name. 12 September 22, 1901. 178 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Mycterus. — M. concolor is not rare in the San Bernar- dino and other ranges of the southern Sierras, in June and July; the y aviety fiavipennis occurs rarely with the type: quadricollis is said by Crotch to occur on flowers of Agave, at Temescal: canescens is found also in the Sierras, but farther north. PYTHIDiE. Priognathus. — P. monilicornis, Tallac (Lake Tahoe), under bark (Fenyes). Cononotus. — C. macer, Owens Valley: j^unctatus, San Jose: sericans, San Jose and San Diego. Salpingus. — S. alternatus is northern. Rhinosimus. — R. ceneirostris, about San Francisco, CEDEMERID^. Calopus. — C. angustus, "Cal.," probably northern. Ditylus. — D. quadricollis, from the northern and middle Sierras. Nacerdes. — X. melanurus, Long Beach; a single dead specimen washed up by the waves. I have not thought it wise to place this species in the foregoing list on so slender a basis. Xanthochroa. — X. calif ornica, middle Sierras: cen- tralis, Sylvania (Ricksecker): marina, Marin County. Copidita. — G. quadrimaculata is rather common, un- der rubbish along the sea beaches at Santa Monica and San Francisco: bicolor is northern: cyanijjennis, "Coast Range below San Francisco." Asclera. — A. nigra, San Bernardino County: excavata, foot-hills near Pomona, April and May: discolor is northern. Chrysanthia. — G. repanda, Yuma. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 179 Oxacis. — 0. fragilis, San Diego: bicolor, not rare on the wing at dusk in the San Bernardino Mountains, alti- tude 5,000 feet: 0. sei'icea, Owens Valley: lucana and dehilis are from Yuma. Rhinoplatia. — R. rtijicollis, Owens Valley. CEPHALOID.E. Cephaloon. — G. tenuicome, northern: bicolor, Sonoma and Placer counties. Drachylis. — D. simulans was recently described by Casey from Placer County. MOKDELLID.E. Pentaria. — P. nubila is abundant everywhere: hirsutu, Southern California: pusio, common and widely dis- persed, frequently beaten from oaks, but nearly always obtainable by promiscuous beating and sweeping; this species has been wrongly included with Anasjns. Anaspis. — A. atra and A. collaris are both frequent on flowers, though the former is more plentiful farther north: militaris and sericea are quoted from " Cal.," but I am unable to ascertain precise localities. Two specimens of an undescribed species were taken by me in the San Bernardino Mountains, in July. Mordella. — M. scutellaris is very common and widely dispersed; it is extremely variable in size. A single specimen of an undescribed species was secured at Po- mona some years ago. Mordellistena. — The species of this genus are rather numerous in our district and many are undescribed. The greater number are black without ornamentation and will prove difficult to define. The following are 180 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. now credited to the State: vilis, San Diego, Los Ange- les, etc., common; comata, San Diego; aspersa, San Diego (teste Smith); tosta, Yuma (Horn); nubila, San Diego (Le Conte), Riverside, one example identified by- Smith; unicolor, Pomona, not common; injima and cequalis also inhabit the State according to Smith. ANTHICID^. In a recent revision of this family Casey has estab- lished a large number of new genera, especially for the reception of the species now included under Anthicus and Xylophilus, It may be that some of these will stand but the writer is convinced that many of them will not, and until proper discrimination is possible, it has seemed best to employ the genera recognized by Le Conte and Horn in the "Classification." Eurygenius. — E. constrictus is not very common; it is taken by beating and sweeping, in the foot-hills near Pomona and Pasadena, during May and June. Stereopalpus. — *S^. pruinosus is moderately common on willows, near Pomona, in June: nimius and incanus are described from ''So. Cal." and Los Angeles County, re- spectively: variipes, indutus, and impressicollin are de- scribed from the northern part of the State. Corphyra. — C distinguenda is not rare, Pomona dur- ing April and May: bardii, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Pasadena; not common: inconspicua , Riverside, Po- mona, Pasadena; not rare. The males of all these species are much rarer than the females, and as the lat- ter sex are mutually nearly indistinguishable in many cases, it is quite likely that we shall find other species are inhabitants of our territory when the males are known. The following species are also Californian:. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 181 Hahellata, Lake Tahoe and north; crotchii, middle coast region; abnormis, Lake Tahoe; funehris, " widely dif- fused in CaL;" pundulata, middle and northern; leiuisii var. monticola, "Cal.;" vittata, " Cal." Formicomus. — F. mundus is found under rubbish along the banks of the Colorado River, at Yuma, in July, Anthicus. — A. tenuis is not uncommon at Yuma, in similar situations to the preceding: pinalicus, canon- icus, bipartitus, and htrgidicollis belong to the genus Lappus of Casey; they are arboreal in habit, canonicus being an especially abundant species in the foot-hills above Pomona, Pasadena, etc., occurring on many trees «,nd shrubs. Specimens taken at Arrowhead Springs are referred with some doubt to pinalicus: bipartitus oc- curs at Yuma: turgidicollis is from ''So. Cal.:" cali- fornicus is widely diffused, being known to me from Santa Monica, Long Beach, Riverside, Santa Catalina and San Clemente islands, Bakersfield and San Francisco: con- Jinis is plentiful throughout our district; it is found about the roots of grass, on the borders of lawns, and often comes to light: formicarius is not frequent; I have seen specimens from Pomona and Pasadena, the only specimens taken by me being found in stable refuse: rufulus occurs at San Diego (Le Conte): cribratus, Riverside and Pomona, in May and June; not common: hecate, margins of streams, in the foot-hills near Po- mona: luteolus, common along the Colorado River: pinguescens, common and widely dispersed from South- ern California to the Columbia River: ovicollis, Los An- geles (Casey): biguttulus, Riverside, May and June; also middle California and Vancouver: punctulatus, abun- dant and widely dispersed in the true Pacific region: seminotatus, Los Angeles and Kern counties: nanus, Ssm 182 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Diego (Le Conte): obliguus, very common in Los An- geles County, coming often to light in swarms during May and June: militaris, mountains near Pomona, but not common: bdlulus, Pasadena in March and San Diego; not common: herifuga, San Bernardino, Riverside, Po- mona, Pasadena, etc.; rather common: maritimus, not abundant on the sea beaches; Long Beach, June: cor- ticcdis, Yuma: obesus is rather plentiful, and in much variety of size and color; various beaches of Southern California and at San Francisco. A. albicans and A. parviceps are merely varieties which would occur in any considerable series taken at any one locality. The following are either from the middle or northern regions or are mentioned without definite locality: vigilans^ nitidulus, franciscanus, nigritulus, protedus, mercurialis, prceceps, auriger, inscitus, amoenus, obscurellus and helvinus, Tanarthrus. — The writer has not yet met with salinus, which is said to occur around the southern salt lakes: alutaceus is not rare at San Diego and Redondo; I have taken specimens at the latter locality in March and April, on the muddy border of a small salt lake. Notoxus. — N. spatulifer, Los Angeles County (Casey): denudatus, rare, Pomona and Los Angeles: debilitans, San Diego: conformis, Southern California (Horn): sparsus, not rare in the foot-hills near Pomona: con- strictus, exceedingly abundant nearly everywhere: ro- bustus, Los Angeles County: alameda^, at times plentiful on the sand beneath and about the roots of plants, above the beach at Redondo: cavicornis, rare; found under bark and on the wing, at Pomona, in November and December: calcaraius, common and widely dispersed in COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 183 our region: lustrellus is described from San Francisco: humboldti, described from Humboldt County: nevadensis has been found at Tallac, by Dr. Fenyes: serratus and apicalis are both credited to California by Dr. Horn, but there is reason to suspect that his specimens were not properly referred. Three other species of doubtful standing, but probably undescribed, are known to me from Southern California. Mecynotarsus. — M. delicatidus, Yuma and Pasadena, April; several examples taken at electric light. Xylophilus. — A"", brunnipennis is not common; I have seen examples from San Bernardino, Pomona, and Pasadena. This is the species described by Casey as saginatus, but there appears to be no need for a new name. X. hrunnescens, X . nucleus and X. constrictus are known only from one or two specimens each, and all are from the higher parts of the southern Sierras; constrictus has also been found at Lake Tahoe. PYROCHROID.E. Pyrochroa. — P. californica was recently described by Dr. Horn, from specimens taken in Los Angeles County by Coquillett; it is undoubtedly a rare insect. MELOID.E. Cysteodemus. — G. armatus occurs at many places on the Colorado Desert; taken in numbers at Yuma, in March, by Mr. Daggett. Meloe. — M.barbarus, Santa Barbara Islands (Le Conte): strigulosus, a specimen so referred was taken by me at Palm Springs: opacus is northern. Nomaspis. — N. sublcevis, from Fort Tejon. 184 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Poreospasta. — P. polifa, from "Southern Coast Range of Cal." (Gabb). Nemognatha. — The species of this genus are moder- ately numerous on flowers, chiefly Compositee, from June until October. There is much variation within specific limits, which renders the proper separation of species difficult. N. apicalis and N. dubia are common on sun- flowers, in September, at Pomona, Pasadena, etc.; two undescribed species occur with them, but more spar- ingly: lutea probably inhabits the Colorado Desert, but I have not yet recognized specimens with certainty: nigripennis is not common; I have seen specimens from Los Angeles, Pomona (May), and the San Bernardino Mountains (5,000 feet elevation), July: scutellaris is very common on low Compositse, near Pomona, Pasadena, etc., in June and July: dichroa and piezata are reported from the State, but I have been unable to determine the exact localities. Gnathium. — G. nitidum, Owens Valley. Zonitis. — One example from Barstow is referred to flavida. I have seen a specimen in Dr. Van Dyke's collection of an apparently undescribed species from Southern California. Epicauta. — I have specimens of alphonsii said to have been collected at or near San Diego; the species was described from Mariposa County: puncticollis, ohlita, and straba are found on flowers in the foot-hills in Los Angeles County, from September to November; the first is always common, the second rare, the last is rather rare, though occasionally met with in abundance: fallax is found in Owens Valley: maura, San Diego: iiiaculata, though no locality is named, doubtless occurs only in the deserts of the east or southeast. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 185 Cantharis. — Three examples of melcena in my collec- tion are from Southern California, one from Temescal, tlie other two without definite locality: magister, Colo- rado River, Owens Valley: vulnerata, common at times at Pomona and Pasadena, on flowers, in September; Owens Valley (Horn): childii, near Los Angeles, April (Van Dyke); in Compositae; San Diego (Horn): ienebrosa, San Diego; Arrowhead Springs, April: inoerens, Santa Mon- ica, Owens Valley, Tejon, Sacramento: insperata, Mojave Desert and San Diego, in April: occipitalis and incom- moda are recorded from "So. Cal.:" stygica, San Ber- nardino Mountains, at an altitude of 6,000 feet; " Oregon to the borders of the Colorado Desert :" auriculata, Riverside, Pomona, Pasadena, etc., not rare, on low CompositcG, in early spring: ceneipennis , found in the same localities and at the same time as the pre- ceding: crotchii, San Diego, March: nitidicollis , Pasa- dena, Riverside, San Diego in May; rare at the former places, more common at San Diego: lugens, not common at Pomona and San Diego in May: compressicornis , Owens Valley; Los Angeles County (Van Dyke): cyani- pennis, refidgens and rathvoni are found in middle Cali- fornia: ulkei is recorded simply from "Cal." Calospasta. — C. elegans, Cariso Creek, western part of Colorado Desert, in San Diego County: perpidchra, rather rare on flowers, Pomona, in August and Septem- ber: mirabilis, desert regions of Los Angeles and San Diego counties: moesta, Southern California, exact local- ity not known: nemognathoides , Owens Valley and Yuma: opaca, desert or semidesert regions near Los Angeles: fulleri is simply reported from "Cal." but is probably, like nearly all the species of the genus, from the deserts of the east or southeast. 186 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Tegrodera. — T. erosa, San Diego, Riverside, Owens Valley (race latecinda). Certainly very rare at River- side, but common enough at times at various places on the Desert. Horn states that it occurs in Owens Valley in "the latter part of June, on a low plant bearing blue flowers." Phodaga. — P. alticeps, Indio, Owens Valley. RHIPIPHORID^. Rhi'pi'ph.orviS.—R.Jiavipennis and R. cruentus are rather uncommon, on flowers in the southern Sierras, at an altitude from 1,500 to 5,000 feet; I have taken them in the San Gabriel and San Bernardino ranges; var. 'rufus of the latter species has occurred at Los Angeles (Fuchs). Myodites. — M. calif ornicus, Los Angeles County (Van Dyke). RHINOMACERID^. Rhinomacer. — R. comptus and R. bombifrons occur on conifers, in the Lake Tahoe region: pilosus is described from "Cal." Diodyrhynchus. — D. byturoides is found in the middle Sierras (Placer County). RHYNCHITID^. Auletes. — A. nasalis is found near San Diego, also in Los Angeles County; not common: latifrons, Southern California (Casey). Rhynchites. — R. bicolor, Pasadena, May; San Bernar- dino Mountains, August; common wherever wild roses occur: aureus, Riverside, San Diego, and Ojai Valley, from February to May; San Clemente Island, June 1. A blue variety, supposedly of this species, has been taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. R. ceratoides COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 187 is abundant on Eriogonum cinereum, at Redondo, in April and May; it has also been found in the foot-hills near Pomona, but on what plant I am not now able to say: velatus occurs in the " Sierra Nevada Mts. — Mor- rison:" naso is described from " Cal." Deporaus. — D. glastinus is common on live-oaks^ especially when in blossom, throughout our region. OTIORHYNCHIDiE. Minyomerus. — M. languidus, Fort Tejon (Horn). Stamoderes. — S. imiformis, Sonoma County. Agaspheerops. — A. nigra, Mendocino County. Trigonoscuta. — T. julosa is abundant throughout the year in the sand-dunes along the ocean front. Eupagoderes. — E. argentatus, E. desertus and E. varius inhabit the Colorado Desert, while geminatus and plum- beus occur farther north, in Owens Valley. It is almost certain that plumbeus is not distinct from varius. Spec- imens of a species of this genus have been found at Claremont, by Professor A. J. Cook; these are possibly varius, but so far as seen they are uniformly vittate and I am inclined to believe them different from anything described. Rhigopsis. — R. effracta is common on and about the roots of various weeds, at Pomona, Pasadena, San Ber- nardino, etc. Horn reports it as having been found "feeding on yucca." Amotus. — One example of gracilior was found on the beach at Santa Barbara, in February; it is not rare at Santa Monica (Albright): longisternus seems very close to the preceding, and like it was described from Los Angeles County. 188 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Dyslobus. — D. signis is found only in the most north- ern parts of the State. Amnesia. — A. tumida, Santa Cruz Mountains: rauca, decidua, elongata, and tesselata, from the vicinity of San Francisco: sculptilis, discors, and granulata, from the extreme north: decorata, middle Sierras. Adaleres. — A. ovipennis and A. humeralis are quite common on live-oaks, especially in early spring. The differences named by Casey seem illusory and intercur- rent in a large series. Nomidius. — N. abruptus, "California." Orimodema. — 0. protrada, Mojave Desert (Horn). Nocheles. — iV. vestitus, Lake Tahoe (Fenyes). Mimetes. — M. setulosus, San Diego, April to June; Ventura: seniculus is probably from farther north, but the exact locality is not known to me. Phymatinus. — P. gemmatus, "Cal. and Oreg." Miloderes. — M. setosus, Kern County. Sciopithes. — Specimens taken on San Clemente Island in June are identified by Casey as S. setosus, var. ; the species was described from north of San Francisco (Marin and Napa counties). S. obscurus occurs from San Francisco north, and is quite common; signijicans, brumalis, arcuatus, and cmgustulus are described by Casey from the same region. Agronus. — A. cinerarius is abundant on conifers, at Lake Tahoe: deciduus, San Francisco. Paraptochus. — P. sellatus, foot-hills near Pomona, in June. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 18^ Stenoptochus. — S. inconstans, Riverside and Pasa- dena; swept from weeds, in April and May. Orthoptochus. — 0. squamiger, "Cal." Mylacus. — M. saccatus is northern. Thricolepis. — T. inornata is not rare in the San Ber« nardino Mountains, in July: simulator is described from Fort Tejon. Peritelopsis. — P. glohiventris, central California. Peritelodes. — P. obtectus, Monterey County. Peritelinus. — P. variegatus, Lake Tahoe. Geoderces. — One example of puncticollis was taken at Pomona, in February. Two undescribed species, one of them quite common, have been taken at Pomona and Pasadena. G. incomptus occurs from San Francisca north. Geodercodes. — G. latipennis, Monterey, in June. (Casey and Fenyes). Aragnomus. — A. griseus, Tulare County: hisjndulus, Los Angeles County. Dysticheus. — D. insignis, Southern California (Horn).. Eucyllus. — E. vagans, from the southeast. Thinoxenus. — T. squalens, ''Not rare near the seacoast of California." Rhypodes. — R. dilatatus, "near the seacoast at San Diego." I have an example taken near Pomona in June. Panormus. — P. setosus, Monterey County. Dirotognathus. — D. sordidus, Fort Mojave (Crotch). Elissa. — E. constricta, Yuma. 190 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Aramigus. — A. fulleri is rapidly spreading through- out Southern California and attacking a variety of trees and shrubs. I have found the beetles from September to November, most frequently on rose bushes. Scythropus. — S. californicus is an abundant species in the middle Sierras. Specimens taken on pines in the San Bernardino Mountains are probably distinct, but are left here for the present: lateralis is described from Lake County, ferrugineus from Marin County, cinereus from Lake Tahoe. CURCULIONIDiE. Sitones. — ;S^. sordidus, "San Francisco and San Diego;" it is unknown to the writer: crinitus, one example taken at Pomona is so referred: nebulosus, one example, Pomona, July: hispidice.ps is the commonest species in the vicinity of Los Angeles; identified by Capt. Casey, who writes that his proniinens and angustulus are to be considered synonymous with this species: explicitus, not rare at San Diego in February. I have taken one spec- imen of a very distinct and undescribed species in the San Bernardino Mountains in July. The following are credited to the State, but their recognition is practically impossible as our literature now stands: californicus, " Cal. and Oreg.;" vittatus, San Francisco; varians, sparsus and osculans, Humboldt County; margaritosus, Santa Cruz and Monterey; procerus, Napa; occidentalis , Sonoma; montanus, Placer County; alternans, "Cal.;" apacheanus, "So. Cal. or Ariz." Triglyphus. — T. ater, middle Sierras; a fine species which appears to be decidedly rare. Apion. — A. pennsylvanicum is one of our rarer species, occurring at Pasadena in May and August; it is widely COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 191 diffused throughout the United States/ but much more common in tlie Atlantic district: hesperum has been found only by Coquillett in the desert portions of Los Angeles County: sordiduin is an abundant species in the desert but very uncommon west of the mountains; specimens have been taken in May at Pomona and Pasadena; it has been bred from galls on several occa- sions— notably by Mr. Koebele from "Cecidomyid and dipterous galls on Artemisia calif arnica,'' and by Mr. Schwarz from "bud-like gall on stems of Hymenoclea monogyra in Arizona: antennaiuv.i is not rare, on pines in both the southern and middle Sierras, July; taken also at Pomona in January, Catalina in July, and Ven- tura in March: a^dorhynchum is common throughout our region, April to October: opacicolle, Ojai Valley, March; uncommon: troglodytes is plentiful from San Diego to San Francisco, December to May: proclive is abundant nearly everywhere both east and west of the mountains; it has been beaten from willows at Pomona, March to October: cribricolle is widelv distributed throughout the State, and is generally abundant; common on Eriogo- num cinereiiin at Redondo in Spring, but occurs on a variety of plants and trees. A. cordatum is rare at Pomona, where specimens have been beaten from willows in October: varicorne is plentiful at Yuma, in July, on a species of Dalea: ventricosum is very abundant on the desert, occurring on mesquite: attenuatum is rather rare; specimens have been taken at Pomona, Pasadena and Riverside. Two other species — protensum and ivalshii — have been found within the State; the former is known by the unique type taken at San Francisco, while the latter has been found only in the north. Podapion. — P. gallicola, middle and northern Sierras; not common. Lepyrus. — L. jjerforatus is northern. 192 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Listronotus. — Two undescribed species of this genus are known from our district. One of these is near tere- tirostris; it has been taken at San Diego, Pomona, and Antelope Valley. Of the second species, a small form near gracilis, one example only has been found by me at Long Beach. Macrops. — M. hyperodes and M. calif or nicus are known from the central or northern parts of the State. Emphyastes. — E. fucicola is not uncommon along the sea beaches, beneath sea-weed, etc. Lixus. — L. asper, not frequent at San Bernardino, on Runiex (Wright): perforatus, not rare at Pomona, March to June: ser)iivittatus , specimens which do not appear to differ from typical Arizona examples of this species are not rare on and about the roots of a plant growing along the sand-dunes near the beach at Santa Mon- ica: ductus is northern: parous is described from San Francisco. Dinocleus. — One specimen of pilosiis found at Coro- nado in July is scarcely different from the Le Conte type. The type is without exact locality but is doubt- less from the south, and probably from the same region. D. jacobinus is described by Casey from San Diego: farctus, from "near the southern boundary:" albovesti- tus is not rare near Los Angeles in August and Septem- ber: molitor is common on the desert at Indio and Yuma: wickhami was taken by Mr. Wickham at Indio. Cleonus. — C. inornatus, Owens Valley: pacijicus, one example at Redondo in April, on Astragalus crotalarce: erysimi, not rare at Redondo on flowers of Erysimum asperum, March and April: lobigerinus, from the south- east: vittatus, Owens Valley, if Casey is correct in his COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 193 disposition of Le Coiite's virgatus: modestus, common at Pomona, Ojai Valley, etc., in flowers of Lupinus in spring; specimens apparently identical have been col- lected in the San Bernardino Mountains: pleuralis, one example taken at Pomona in January. Dorytomus. — D. incequalis, Los Angeles (Casey); San Diego, March; probably affects cottonwood as do the closely related mucidus and brevipilosus of the East: hystricida is very abundant: Iwridus is tolerably com- mon on willows when in blossom; Pomona, Pasadena, Riverside, etc.: hirius was described from San Diego; this species is either a rarity or else an unusual form of the common thing which Casey has called hystricida: rufus, one example beaten from willows at Yuma: cuneatidus and margincdus are described by Casey from more northern parts of the State. Pachyphanes. — P. carus is described from "Cal.;" it is probably not from our region: corpidentus is repre- sented by a single specimen, so named for me by Dietz, taken near San Francisco in August. Desmoris. — D. constridus is abundant everywhere on sunflowers: fvXvus and sordidus are reported from the State, and it is quite probable that both are found in the desert regions of the east or southeast. Dietz also describes incertus from the State. Smicronyx.— »Sf. piisillus, San Bernardino (collections of Horn and Dietz): cinereus, common and widely dif- fused: instabilis, rather rare at Pomona and Pasadena: defricans, not common, same localities as preceding: nubilus, Pasadena, Redondo, Palm Springs; not rare: calif ornicus, Pomona, Pasadena, Palm Springs; April to August: obtectus, Pomona, Long Beach, San Diego: 13 September 25, 1901. 194 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. especially abundant at the latter place in March. Two or three undescribed species are in my collection. All the species are obtained, and usually in numbers, by sweeping flowers in spring and early summer. Of the following, also from the State, seriatus was originally from Mariposa, while perplexus, tardus, resplendens, pusio, scalator, and ornatipennis are not definitely located. Synertha. — 8. imbricata, Mojave; San Bernardino Mountains, on pines, Promecotarsus. — P. maritimus, San Diego. Phyllotrox. — P. nubifev, Santa Barbara, February; Lake Tahoe, July. Endalus. — One example of limatulus from Los Ange- les County (Van Dyke): ovalis, Pomona; found about the roots of grasses in swampy places in winter: wratus, Yuba County. Stenopelmus. — S. rufinastis, Santa Monica and Ven- tura, February and March; not common, San Diego (Crotch and Le Conte). Bagous. — B. californicus, San Diego (Crotch). Phycoccetes. — P. testaceus is common at times under seaweed, from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Schizonotus. — S. cacus, San Francisco. The species was discovered by Mr. Fuchs, by sifting mouldy earth among the redwoods north of the Bay. Otidocephalus. — 0. vittaius, Owens Valley (Horn). Magdalis. — M. cuneiformis and M. lecontei may be beaten from coniferous trees along the higher portions of the southern Sierras. The former is comparatively COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 195 scarce, the latter not rare in the San Bernardino Moun- tains in July. An undescribed species depredates upon alders in the locality just mentioned. M. gracilis is apparently not rare in central and northern parts of the State: 6'ii6i{mda is described from Gilroy (Crotch): gentilis occurs at Lake Tahoe. Magdalinops. — M. vittipennis, "Cal." Macrorhoptus. — M. hispidus, San Diego, June; Po- mona, May: estriatus is recorded from Santa Barbara and Warner's Ranch (Crotch). Tachypterus. — T. quadrigibbus, "Cal." Cionistes. — One example of insolens was beaten from a sycamore at Pomona in October. I have seen numer- ous specimens collected near Bakersfield in April. Anthonomus. — Several specimens of peninsularis were taken at Palm Springs in April by Coquillett: confusus, Los Angeles County; rare: sycophanta is common on willows in the vicinity of Los Angeles: apertus, Los Angeles, Riverside, Pasadena; not common; taken by sweeping weeds along roads in April and May: albopi- losus is from the southeastern portions of the State: ceneolus is usually rare, but was taken in some abun- dance during October and November of several successive years, on Solanum nigrumi in a caiion near Pomona: ater, one example, on sunflowers at Pomona, April: ochreopilosus , Riverside and San Diego; quite common near the latter place in May: pauperculus, common at Riverside, Pomona, San Diego, and many other places in our district; taken by sweeping in waste places: ornatulus is found in similar places but is less common than the preceding: jiguratus is unknown to me; it is said to have been taken at Santa Monica: inermis, 196 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. southern Sierras from 3,000 to 5,000 feet altitude; not rare: stolatus, San Diego; several examples from Mr. George H. Field. The species following are also reputed to be Californian: brunnipennis , Geysers; ruoru- lus, near San Francisco; efetus, squamosus, hirtus, sub- vittatus, canus, and affi.nis are recorded from "Gal." simply; iahoensis is described from a small series taken at Tallac (Lake Tahoe) by Dr. Fenyes. Several of these doubtless were taken in the desert regions of the east and southeast, but I suspect that the identifications are not exact in all cases, and it would be well to await further evidence before placing the names in our list. Epimechus. — E. mimicus is not common; taken by sweeping in the foot-hills near Pomona in May and June: soriculus is found in the same localities as the preceding but is still less common; January, April, June, also Long Beach in April: nevadicus occurs a little more frequently than either of the preceding; Pomona, April to July: cmnulus, one example from San Diego: adspersus has been taken by Dr. Fenyes at Monterey. Elleschus. — E. ephipjnatus is rather plentiful on wil- lows in spring; Riverside, Ojai Valley, etc. Orchestes. — 0. parvicoUis is common at Los Angeles, Pomona and San Diego from June to August: puberulus is not rare in the southern Sierras and the foot-hills near Pomona, Pasadena, etc: salicis is found near San Francisco: ephippiatus and ritjipes are said to occur within the State; it is probable that they are northern or central. Tychius. — T. lineellus is abundant in flowers of Lupinus at Pomona and in the Ojai Valley; March to COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 197 May. Of T. prolixus one specimen has been found, also on Lupinus, at Pomona in May: setosus is obtainable in numbers on mesquite in the Colorado .Desert; and with it is what appears to be an allied, undescribed species: semisquamosus is reported from Tejon. Sibynes. — S. fulvus, San Bernardino County. Paragoges. — P. maculatus is an uncommon insect which was originally taken by Crotch at San Diego; I have seen specimens from Redondo, San Nicolas Island, and Alameda County. Conotrachelus. — C. duplex, "California — probably southern" (Casey). Rhyssematus. — R. pubescens is a rare species of which I have seen but two examples; one swept from flowers near Pomona in June, the other collected at electric light at Pasadena in April. Horn's type was obtained in Owens Valley. Micromastus. — M. gracilis, San Francisco. Tyloderma. — T. morbillosum, San Francisco. Zascelis. — Z. irrorata, "Cal., Nev., Col." Piazurus. — P. californicus is abundant on pines in the Sierras. Copturus. — The type of mamUlatus was probably from San Diego County, though the exact locality is not known. The only other examples seen by me were taken by sweeping weeds along the Colorado River at Yuma, and a single specimen from Ensenada, Lower California. G. adspersus is oUr commonest species; it is obtained by sweeping weeds in waste places, and is wide-spread: longulus is found only on coniferous trees in the higher parts of the Sierras. In the northern 198 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. and central parts of the State are found koebelei, lunatus, nubilatus and mucidus. There are two undescribed spe- cies from our region in my collection. Gyrotus. — G. munitus, "So. Cal." (Casey). Acanthoscelis. — A. calif omiciis, A. frontalis and A. l^erplexus are all given by Dietz as Calif ornian, but without exact locality; they are probably not southern. Ceutorhynchus. — C. suhpuhescens, "Los Angeles and Tejon" (Crotch): angulatus, disturbatus and obliquus are all found by sweeping low herbage — most often near streams — -in or along the base of the Sierras; the first named is least common: hornii is described from "So. Cal.:" nodipennis, Los Angeles County, on Ceanothus (Coquillett): viutabilis, Little Bear Valley, June (Dag- gett): convexicollis , common at Pasadena on a crucif- erous plant, February and March: albopilosus, Los Angeles: pervesfAtus, sp. no v., one example taken near Bakersfield: isolatus, "Montana, Elko, Nev. and Cal.:" sericans, middle Sierras: ovipennis, Dunsmuir: decipiens, "Cal.:" cyanipennis, northern: pollinosus, "Cal.:" pusio, San Francisco and north: adspersulus, "Cal. and Ariz.:" pusillus, northern: puberulus, near San Francisco. Coelogaster. — One example of zimmerinanni is from the San Bernardino Mountains. Pelenomus. — P. cavifrons, Pomona, Riverside, etc., April to June; about the roots of weeds and under veg- etable debris near water. Baris. — B. dilatata, San Bernardino, Long Beach, Santa Monica, Yuba County: riibripes, San Bernardino, Pomona, Yosemite Valley, Santa Rosa: futilis, not very common; on willows at Riverside, Pomona, etc., March, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 199 April and November: heterodoxa, one example, Los Angeles County: monticola, Bear Valley, altitude 6,400 feet (Daggett): tenuestriata and macra are found near San Francisco: sparsa is northern: opacula and hriin- neipes are without exact locality. Onychobaris. — 0. densa is abundant in the flowers of a low plant growing on the sand-dunes at Coronado, July and August: depressa, Santa Monica: austera, San Diego: insidiosa is rather common at Pomona, Pasa- dena and San Diego: arguta, less common than the preceding; foot-hills near Pomona and Pasadena: audax, Southern California: sej'iata occurs at San Francisco. Pseudobaris. — P. nigrina, Lake County (Casey). Trichobaris. — T. mucorea and T. compacta are found in the flowers of Datiora metilloides in April and May. The former is less common. Orthoris. — 0. crolchii, ''California." Centrinus. — C. lineellus, Tejon. Centrinogyna. — C. procera, San Francisco. Limnobaris. — L. nasuta, Pasadena, April and May; on willows: seclusa, *' So. Cal.;" I have one example from Kern County. Barinus. — B. diffi^cilis, Southern California. Barilepton. — B. falciger, San Bernardino. Balaninus. — B. uniformis, not rare at Pomona, Pasa- dena, etc.; also found on Santa Catalina Island affect- ing several species of oaks. 200 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. CALANDRID.E. Scyphophorus. — S. acupunctatus is not rare in San Diego County: robustior is also reported from San Diego County (Horn*): yuccoi is abundant in the vicin- ity of Los Angeles. All depredate on yucca. Metamasius. — M. nericeiis is said to have been col- lected by Gabb in the southern Coast Range. Cactophagus. — G. validus, San Diego, under decom- posing Opuntia; rare. Rhodobagnus . — R. tvedecimpunctains, Riverside, May and June; not common. • Sphenophorus. — S. simplex is moderately common and generally dispersed throughout our district from Yuma to the coast: vomerinus, Yuma, July; San Diego, Feb- ruary: pictus, Santa Monica, Vallecito; not common: pertinax, Riverside, May; Santa Monica; abundant about the roots of grass or reeds in low ground: sayi, one example at Long Beach in May: p)lacidus, speci- mens from Santa Monica are so referred: gentilis, Pomona; one example: tardus, not rare at San Bernardino. Calandra. — C. granaria and G. oryzce are both occa- sionally found in Los Angeles County depredating on cereals. Yuccaborus. — Y. frontalis, Antelope Valley (Los An- geles County); on yucca. Dryophthorus. — D. bituberculatus is s'did by Boheman to occur in California. Metopotoma. — M. repens is northern. * "The Coleopteraof Baja California," Proc. Cal. Acail. Sci., 2ad Ser., Vol. IV, 1894. p. 359. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 201 Cossonus. — C. crenatus is abundant under pine bark, in the southern Sierras: pinipJdlus is found in similar situations farther north; my specimens are from the middle regions. Macrorhyncholus. — M. protractus is common in the foot-hills of the Sierra Madre Mountains; the larva lives in the flower stalks of Yucca ivhipplei. Elassoptes. — E. marinus is found on the sea beach; Santa Monica and San Pedro. Rhyncholus. — R. dorsalis, San Diego: angularis, Col- orado Desert, under willow bark: oregonensis, San Bernardino Mountains: R. spvetus, San Bernardino Mountains, on freshly cut alder. Casey has described pallens from the vicinity of San Francisco, and dil- atatus from ''Cal." Wollaston has described from Cal- ifornia, cylindricollis, califormcus, and pjrotensus, all of which are unknown to American entomologists; but there is doubtless some synonymy involved in Casey's recent descriptions. SCOLYTID^. Monarthrum. — M. scutellare and M. dentigerum have both been taken in March from burrows extending into the solid wood of live-oak; the latter species has been taken on the wing from April to June. Gnathotrichus. — G. retusus is found under pine bark, San Bernardino Mountains, August. Pityophthorus. — P. 'puhipenniH affects alders; swarms have been seen flying in August in the San Bernardino Mountains: carinulatus, conjinis, and digestus were all taken by Crotch in the Mojave region. The first-named species as well as nitidulus and p)uncticollis occur in the 202 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. middle Sierras. Le Conte describes pilosulus from " Middle California." Hypothenemus. — H. striatus is recorded from both Lower and upper California, and is therefore undoubt- edly from our district. An undescribed species is fre- quently taken in spring, at Pomona, by sweeping and beating in waste places. Xyloterus. — A^. lineatus, Sylvania, April (Ricksecker). Cryphalus. — G. terminalis is described from California, but is not recognized by any of our authors. Xyleborus. — Specimens oi xylographus have been taken on the wing in spring at Pomona, Pasadena, and Ojai Valley: ccelatus is represented by a single example taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. Dryoccetes. — D. se])tentrionis , Sylvania, April (Rick- secker). Xylocleptes. — X. cucurbitce is widely diffused; the author has taken it at Pomona from April to November. Tomicus.— T. confusus is moderately common under pine bark, San Bernardino Mountains: plastographus and latidens occur in the middle Sierras. Micracis. — M. hirtella, Pomona; not common. An undescribed species occurs in Los Angeles County (Coquillett). Scolytus. — Specimens referred to ventralis have been taken on Douglas Spruce, in the San Bernardino Moun- tains. Specimens have also been received from Mendo- cino County, where they affected the same tree according to Dr. Van Dyke. S. prceceps is reported from Calaveras (Crotch): subscaber is from the north: californicus is without other locality than that indicated by the name. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 203 Hylesinus. — H. aspericolUs is not rare in the southern Sierras: specimens referred to imperialis have been seen from the vicinity of San Francisco: sericeus is found in the middle and northern Sierras. Phlceosinus. — P. pundatus is common throughout the Sierras: cristatus occurs farther north; it has proved injurious to cypress hedges near Sacramento. Chsetophloeus — C. hystrix, San Diego; rare. Carphoborus. — C. simplex, Mojave Desert. Dendroctonus. — D. terebrans, is common and D. fron- talis ratlier scarce; on pines in the Sierras: similis and simplex are said to occur in the State. Hylastes. — H. macer and H. longus are common in the coniferous forests throughout the State: gracilis is found in the Tahoe region: nigrinus is common in the more northern parts of the State; I have seen one example in Mr. Fuchs' collection labeled San Diego County. Hylurgops. — H. subcostulatus occurs throughout the Sierras: granulatus and rugipennis are thus far known only from the more northern parts of the State. ANTHRIBID^. Toxotropis. — T. approximatus was beaten from dead twigs of live-oak, near Pomona, in June. Gonops. — G. Jissunguis, " Big Trees." Brachytarsus. — I have seen four species from the State, none of which are identified with certainty; one of these is certainly exceedingly close to, if not identical with, the eastern alternatus; specimens have been taken at Redondo by sweeping. Two other species are from Southern California. 204 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The following table shows by families the number of genera and species mentioned in the preceding pages, both for Southern California and for the entire State. Between these is introduced for comparative purposes similar data from Dr. Hamilton's List of the Coleoptera of Southwestern Pennsylvania. The number of spe- cies named by Dr. Hamilton being substantially equal to the number here recorded from Southern California, a comparison of figures will give a very good idea of the relative abundance of the various families on the Atlantic and Pacific slopes. A few numbers in the Pennsylvania list are marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate that in these cases the record is incomplete: — COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 205 FAMILY. ClCINDELIOa; Carabid^ Amphizoid^ Haliplid^ Dytiscid^ GYRiNiua; Hydrophilid^; . . . Platypsyllid^ . . . Leptinid.e SlLPHlD^ SCYDM^XID^ PsELAPHIDjE Staphylinid^ . . . . TRICHOPTERYGIDiE . Hydroscaphid^ . . SPHa:RIIDJE scaphidiid^. Phalacriu^ , corylophid.e. . . . COCCINELLIDa: Endomychid^ . . . Erotylid^ , colydiid^ Khyssodid^ CUCUJID^ Cryptophagid^. . MYCETOPHAGIDa; . Dermestid^. , histerid35 NlTIDULID^ Lathuidiid-e .... Trogositid^. . .'. monoto.mid^ .... DERODON'TIDa: .... Byrrhid.e Geory.'^sid^ Parnid^: heterocerid.e . . . DASCYLLIDa: ehipiderid.e .... Elaterid^: thro.scid.e BoPRESTIDa; a H D o w r. s o ■< Si 00 H p o < > z z 04 a (O 2 49 1 9 19 2 19 15 188 1 3 41 3 52 1 61 10 5 13 83 5 1 1 1 4 4 18 2 3 10 1 8 3 6 8 16 14 10 5 4 6 1 7 1 29 2 18 20 6 20 277 10 1 1 2 11 7 56 3 3 13 1 16 9 7 18 63 25 30 6 6 2 20 2 14 as « o < 6 263 2 33 6 38 1 10 6 23 71 3 9 4 10 1 78 4 81 3 3 5 15 8 8 12 2 9 8 5 8 15 22 5 6 3 1 1 30 21 56 200* 3* 38 3 15 6 7* 7 34 10 19 14 2 19 13 11 13 46 48 8' 10 6 1 4 C3 U Si. frater- nus and S. consobrimis have the sutural stria entire, while in S. Tnancus and *S'. laxatus it is indistinct or wanting behind the middle. S. mancus is a northern species; S. laxatus is larger and less densely sculptured, and is known only from Florida. 49. Acritus volitans, sp. nov. Broadly oval, moderately convex, nifopiceous, legs and antenna a little paler. Head finely and sparsely, but rather strongly, punctulate. Second antennal joint twice as long as the third, the latter nearly as long as the fourth and fifth together, eighth a little wider than the preceding. Thorax strongly narrowed from the base, the sides broadly arcuate, punctuation fine and rather sparse, nearly uniform throughout; a transverse basal row of larger punctures extending to the middle of the elytra and curved for- ward in front of the scutellum. Elytra a little more coarsely punctate, the punctures feebly aciculate behind the middle, uniformly distributed, separated by from two to three times their own diameters; marginal stria of the iuflexed flanks of the elytra fairly distinct, deeper toward the base; sutural and discal atrise entirely wanting. Pygidium finely, rather sparsely punctate. Prosternum about one-half longer than wide, with a few very feeble scattered punctures; the strice equally divergent before and behind; meso-metasterual plate very finely, sparsely punctulate at middle, more coarsely at sides and posteriorly; metasternal suture oblit- erated, its position defined by a transverse row of elongate puuctui'es somewhat similar to those on the prothorax; marginal stria of mesoster- num rather broadly interrupted at middle. Anterior tibiae but slightly broader than the middle. Length, 1 mm. Ten examples taken at Pomona and Pasadena from May to September. All occurred flying in early even- ing, or at electric lights. By the characters given in Horn's table, this species should stand between A. exiguus and A. floridm. 50. Stenelmis nubifer, sp. nov. Elongate, parallel, finely pubescent. Head and prothorax black with- out lustre, the apices of the front angles rufescent; elytra dull yellow with a broad diffuse median cloud; beneath fuscous or fuscoferruginous; COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 239 antennjB and legs testaceous, the femora sometimes darker. Head rather coarsely punctate; antenuaB reaching almost to the hind angles of the prothorax. Prothorax about as long as wide, a little narrowed in front, sides moderately rounded just behind the middle, and also slightly so before the hind angles, which are a little acute; surface moderately closely granulate-punctate, disk with two small impressions at the middle of the base, a deeper longitudinal one each side extending to the middle, and an elongate median fovea. The base is slightly longitudinally channeled before the scutellum and between the small basal impressions, the channel is smooth at the bottom posteriorly. There is also in some examples an oblique impression extending from the lateral impressions inward and forward toward the median fovea. Elytra but little wider than the pro- thorax, nearly parallel, sides slightly sinuate; the rows of punctures feebly impressed; intervals nearly flat, the fourth a little prominent at the base, the sixth finely carinate nearly to the tip. Beneath coarsely, rather densely scabrous-punctate, except the abdomen, which is less roughly sculptured, especially posteriorly. . Length, 2-2.4 mm. Described from nine examples taken in a small mountain stream near Pasadena. This is the first species of the genus to be reported from the Pacific Coast; it is not closely related to any of the eastern species. 51. Eurypogon confusus, sp. nov. Broader and more depressed than E. niger, brownish testaceous through- out, shining; pubescence yellowish, inclined backward on the elytra and forward on the thorax. Head sparsely, finely punctate. Antennas slender, reaching slightly beyond the middle of the elytra, second joint a little more than half as long as the third, the latter nearly as long as the fourth; joints four to eleven subequal. Prothorax twice as wide as long, sides nearly parallel for a short distance at base, then rounded and rather strongly convergent to apical angles; punctuation fine, the punc- tures quite uniformly distributed and separated by from two to three times their own diameters; disk with two small impressions, about as distant from each other as from the side margin, and a somewhat vague impression extending from the anterior angles obliquely inward toward the discal impressions. Elytra a little wider than the thorax, sides par- allel in basal three-fifths, surface faintly substriate, intervals confusedly punctate, the punctures scarcely distinguishable from those of the striae. 240 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Prosternum and sides of metasternuin closely, not finely, punctate; abdo- men less closely, middle of metasternum sparsely, more finely punctured. Length, 4 mm. Described from a single specimen taken at Pasadena by Dr. Fenyes. E. confusus is quite different from E. californicus (which is much like E. niger in general facies) because of the more transverse prothorax, which is more rounded on the sides, and the confused elytral punctu- ation. In notes taken at the time of making comparison with the type of E. californicus in the Horn Collection, allusion was made to a difference in the form of the basal lobe of the prothorax, but the difference was not then described and cannot now be recalled. 52. Horistonotus flavidus, sp, nov. Pale yellowish testaceous, sparsely fulvo-pubesceut, shining; of the ■same form as H. simplex, but a little smaller and distinctly more slender. Head densely punctulate with numerous coarser punctures intermixed. Antennae feebly serrate, very slightly longer than the head and prothorax. Prothorax subquadrate, hind angles not divergent, sides straight and neai'ly parallel for three-fourths their length; surface moderately convex, with the usual double punctuation, the coarser punctures rather fine and scarcely smaller posteriorly. Elytra but little wider than the prothorax; sides ijarallel and very feebly arcuate to apical two-fifths, apex elliptically rounded; strife moderate, rather coarsely punctate at base, more finely toward the apex; intervals rather sparsely, confusedly punctulate. Sides of prothorax beneath coarsely punctate, the punctures separated on an average by little more than their own diameters; metasternum less coarsely, abdomen finely, sparsely punctate, the minute punctures pres- ent over the entire surface. Claws as in H. simplex. Length, 6 mm. Several specimens were received by Dr. Fenyes from Palm Springs. The specimens were probably taken in June, at electric light. This species may follow H. simplex, to which it is most closely related. It differs in its more slender form, COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 241 paler color, more shining surface, less widely separated eyes, and coarser punctures of the prosterual flanks. In all my examples of H. siimplex the last joint of the maxillary palpi is externally sinuate toward the apex; this is not at all evident in H. flavidus. 53. Agrilus gibbicollis, sp. nov. Robust, olivaceous bronze, feebly shining, sides of prothorax with whitish pubescence and efflorescence, elytra with entire pubescent vitta. Antennae short, scarcely passing the upper margin of the eye when directed upwards, serrate from the fifth joint, seventh and following joints as wide as long. Head convex, front densely clothed with short yellowish brown hair, apparently not impressed. Prothorax nearly as long at middle as wide; sides rather broadly arcuate in front, posteriorly oblique and dis- tinctly sinuate before the hind angles, which are a little prominent and slightly acute; disk strongly convex in front, gibbous when viewed in profile; surface punctate and concentrically strigose, more strongly so in front; hind angles moderately cariuate; lateral margin sinuate when viewed from the side. Scutellum not carinate. Elytra a little sinuate at sides; the abdomen more strongly so, its sides visible from above behind the middle; tips rounded and serrulate. Prosternal lobe broadly rounded, subtruncate at middle; prosternal process nearly parallel, the visible apex truncate; sides of body beneath, and vertical portions of ventral segments with whitish pubescence and efflorescence. Pygidium without projecting carina. Claws moderately toothed at middle. Length, 7 mm. Described from a single female example taken by Dr. Fenyes, near San Bernardino, in June. Another speci- men seen in the Horn Collection was there placed with A. blandus. The gibbous prothorax with carinate hind angles, and non-carinate scutellum, easily distinguish A. gibbicollis from A. blandus, to which it bears only a superficial resemblance. By Horn's table, it would fall with A. abductus and A. palmacollis, in both of which the scutellum is carinate and the thorax normally convex. 16 October 21, 1901. 242 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 54. Agrilus illectus, sp. no v. Moderately elongate, subcylindrical, cupreo-aeneoias, dull above, more shining beneath; pubescence sparse and inconspicuous, a little closer in a faint subsutural vitta, and more markedly along the sides of the sterna and vertical portions of the ventral segments. Autenuffi piceous, attain- ing the middle of the prothorax, serrate from the fifth joint, the outer joints as wide as or a little wider than long. Head broadly, strongly longitudinally impressed, punctate and strigose. Prothorax a little wider than long, sides feebly arcuate when viewed from above, sinuate when viewed laterally; hind angles right, distinctly carinate; surface quite strongly strigose except along the side margins; dorsal channel distinct but not strong, lateral impressions well marked. Scutellum indistinctly carinate. Elytra moderately sinuate; tips rounded, feebly or scarcely serrulate; disk without trace of costae; surface imbricate. ProsternaJ lobe truncate in front, a faint sinus at the middle; intercoxal process broad, truncate at tip. Abdomen rather sparsely punctate, reticulate at sides. Pygidium with a fine carina which does not nearly reach the tip. Claws with a broad tooth. Length, 5-7.5 mm. Described from one male and three females taken at Pomona and Pasadena by sweeping late in June. The sexual differences are feeble, consisting of a slight flattening of the first two ventral segments, and the longer, denser pubescence along the median line of the sterna in the male. A. illectus would fall near A. im- pexus by Horn's table, but it is not closely related to any species. 55. Collops argutus, sp. nov. Upper surface shining throughout, clothed with erect black and shorter grayish hairs, the latter sjjarse and inconspicuous. Head black, labrum and epistoma yellow, antennae black except the first joint and inner side of second joint, which are pale. Head distinctly but not coarsely punc- tate, the punctures separated on an average by their own diameters. Prothorax transversely oval, fully two-thirds wider than long, entirely rufous, very finely sparsely punctulate, the punctures a trifle closer at the sides. Elytra densely moderately closely punctate, rufous, each with two large black or bluish spots. The two basal spots involve the humeri, and are confluent anteriorly at the suture; the posterior spots reach the margin COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 243 but not the suture, aud frequently join the basal spots. In one example the elytra are entirely dark except the middle of the lateral margin. Legs black except the front trochanters and the tips of the front coxae. Abdo- men black, at times rufous at the middle toward the base. Length, 4.3-5 mm. Many specimens have been seen from various locali- ties in the State from San Diego to Sonoma County. The coloration of the legs and antennae is very con- stant in the series studied, and will probably prove a reliable means of separating the species from C. 4- maculatus, and others which are similarly colored above. The prothorax is here wider than in C. 4-maculatus, but less transverse than in C. laticollis, which has moreover a different style of elytral punctuation, and front legs and abdomen entirely pale. C. arguius is one of a small number of species having the first antennal joint in the male elongate and dis- tinctly excavate or sinuate on its inner face, as seen from above; and furthermore the claw-like appendage of the second joint in the male is here much longer than usual. 56. Malachius inornatus, sp. no v. Rather robust, dark blue-greeo throughout; thorax somewhat shining, elytra dull; clothed sparsely with very short, recumbent pale pubescence. Head very finely punctulate, moderately shining, a longitudinal impression within the anteunre, and a more or less evident transverse impression, which is at times reduced to a shallow median fovea. Antennre of the male moderately strongly serrate, reaching the middle of the elytra; those of the female feebly serrate and a little shorter. Prothorax ti-ansversely oval, broadly transversely impressed at base, finely, sparsely punctate, feebly alutaceous. Elytra subparallel (male), wider posteriorly (female), finely scabrous and punctulate, tip appendiculate in the male, broadly rounded in the female. Under surface and legs slightly darker in tint; last ventral of male deeply incised. Length, 4-5 mm. Four examples from Pomona. 244 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The form of the elytral appendix is not easy to describe. The sutural angle is impressed and extended on a lower plane into an acute process; inferiorly the elytron is produced in the form of a broad, somewhat contorted plate which is deeply sinuate externally near the apex, the outer angle of the sin nation acute; parallel to and above the inner margin of the plate is an irregu- lar process which is attached at base, rounded at tip, its upper margin bidentate near the base. The entire appendix is black without lustre, and is sparsely punctate and pubescent. The epistoma is more or less pale. M. inornatus is nearest M. auritus and M. thevenetii, but in the former the thorax is red at sides, and it and the base of the elytra bear numerous fine, erect hairs in addition to the usual recumbent pubescence; while in M. thevenetii the male antennae are pectinate, and in both the elytra are tipped with red in the female. 57. Malachius pristinus, sp. nov. Very small, sleuder, parallel, dull black, uot shining, finely iDuuctate; head very finely, thorax more distinctly alutaceous; pubescence short, pale, semierect, inclined forward on the prothorax, and outward ou the elytra; mouth, under side of three or four basal joints of antenupe, and sutural angles of elytra, yellow; legs a little paler than the upper si;rface, knees of front and middle pair yellowish. Antenn;e scarcely reaching the middle of the elytra, very feebly serrate, joints five to ten fully twice as long as wide. Head feebly impressed. Prothorax transverse, sides nearly parallel, all the angles rather broadly rounded; base and apex arcuate, the latter less strongly. Tips of elytra inflexed, each bearing ou the vertical face and close to the suture a slender erect process which extends upward to the level of the elytra, and is curved forward at tip; the inferior plate is broad and reflexed at tip. Length, 2.5 mm. Found in the Sierras of Los Angeles County. The small size, dull surface, and peculiar elytral appendix are peculiar. A single male only has been seen. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 245 58. Malachius acutipennis, sp. nov. Moderately' slender; front margin of labrum and epistoma, and under side of two basal joints of antennns, yellow; head black, prothorax entirely reddish yellow, or with a small median black spot extending from base to middle; elytra black with reddish bronze lustre, sutural angles reddish yellow. Antennre strongly serrate and reaching the middle of the elytra in the male, a little shorter and much less strongly serrate in the female. Head and pi'othorax polished, impunclate; prothorax transversely oval. Elytra nearly parallel, feebly scabrous and punctulate, appendiculate, the sutural angle spiniform in the male; wider behind, the sutural angle broadly rounded in the female. Legs and lower surface, except prothorax, black, without well defined metallic lustre; hind tibi£e pale in the male. Length, 4-5 mm. Specimens taken at Pomona. The form of the elytra and the appendix in the male is not very different from that in M. spinipennis, to which this species is evidently related; the color of the elytra, however, is bluish in M. spinij^ennis, the pro- thorax is broadly black at middle from base to apex, and the male antennae are pectinate. 59. Malachius directus, sp. nov. Not very slender; greenish black; prothorax with sides broadly yellow; apex of first, and entire second joint of antennas, yellow on the under side. Head and prothorax polished, subimpunctate; elytra scabrous, less shin- ing. Autenufe in the male i-eaching or slightly passing the middle of the elytra, rather strongly pectinate from the fifth joint; the third joint trian- gular, as wide as long; fourth with a shorter branch than those of the following joints. In the female the antennse scarcely pass the humeri, and are moderately serrate, the widest joints a little longer than wide. Prothorax transversely oval. Elytra appendiculate in the male, the ap- pendix consisting merely of a single, somewhat crumpled plate, which is but slightly inferior; the tip strongly rounded and more or less reflexed. Length, 3.5 mm. Found in the Sierras of Los Angeles and San Ber- nardino counties. In the specimens which are to be regarded as types, the elytra are not tipped with yellow; other specimens 246 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. which are, however, quite surely the same thing, have the tips very narrowly yellow. These latter resemble M. mixius quite closely, but this latter species has the elytra non-appendiculate in the male. 60. Malachius nigrinus, sp. nov. Slender, shining, black, without evident metallic lustre, the mouth, labrum, and epistoma, under side of the first three antennal joints, and a very narrow margin at the hind angles of the prothorax, yellow. Surface very finely, sparsely punctulate, with short sparse pale pubescence, and a few longer, erect dark hairs. Autennfe slightly jmssing the middle of the elytra and moderately jiectinate in the male; scarcely reaching the middle of the elytra, and rather strongly seri'ate in the female. Head with a small median and the i;sual lateral impressions. Prothorax transverse; when viewed from above, the apex is nearly truncate, the sides nearly straight and parallel for a short distance, then bi'oadly rounding into the base, which is rather strongly arcuate. Elytra parallel or nearly so in both sexes, the apices not appendiculate in the male, but separately rounded and not evidentlj' produced in either sex. Length, 3-3.2 mm. Taken in the Sierras near San Bernardino and at Lake Tahoe. There is no variation in the eight examples seen. The small size, narrow form, and almost entirely black color may be relied upon to distinguish this species from all others having the antenna of the male pecti- nate, and the elytra non-appendiculate. The length of the antennal branches is approximately equal to the diameter of the eye as seen from the front. 61. Malachius prolixicornis, sp. nov. Slender, black, feebly bronzed, sui-face shining throughout; prothorax very narrowly margined with yellow except (in some sjiecimens) for a short distance at the middle of the apex; mouth-parts, labrum and ep- istoma yellow; antennje more or less pale toward the base; legs pale, femora clouded except at base. Antenn.-B in the male strongly pectinate from the fifth joint, reaching or even passing the tips of the elytra; in COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 247 the female feebly serrate, uot reaching the middle of the elytra. Head with the Tisual frontal impressions, surface polished, finely, sparsely punctulate. Prothorax slightly longer than wide, widest in front of the middle, sides sinuate before the hind angles, apex a little wider than the base, all the angles rounded; surface polished and sparsely punctulate; pubescence tine, semirecumbent, intermixed with longer, erect hairs. Elytra parallel (male), or a little wider behind (female); a little less shining than the prothorax, but with similar pubescence; punctuation sparse and fine; tips obliquely, separately prolonged in the male, broadly rounded in the female, narrowly yellow in both sexes. Length, 3.3-3.6 mm. Described from three males and one female from Pasadena, kindly given the writer by Dr. Fenyes, who took them with others by beating. The form of the prothorax, and the extravagantly long antennse with branches half as long as the elytral width, render this the most remarkable species of the genus yet discovered in our territory. Following is Horn's table enlarged to include the new species here described. This table is perhaps not the best that could be devised, bnt as a thorough revision of the Malachiini is much needed, it has not been thought advisable to attempt a thorough investigation of the genus at this time. It is quite certain that there are other undescribed species of Malachius in collections. Table of Species of Malachius. AntenuEe of male serrate. Elytra not appendiculate in the male. AntennsB with the second joint similar in length and form to the third; size large (Atlantic Region) 31. ceneus. Antennae with second joint much smaller than the third; greenish black, with small yellow spot at sutural angle in both sexes; size small (California) M. higuttulus. Elytra appendiculate in the male. Tips of elytra not spiuiform in the male, the appendix visible from above. Thorax with the sides broadly reddish yellow; both it and the elytra, especially toward the base, with numerous erect hairs; elytral tips reddish in the female only ...J/. awr/^MS. 248 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Thorax entirely dark; erect hairs nearly or quite wanting. Entirely dark blue-green; autennfe sti'ongly serrate; size large (4-4.75 mm.) M. inornatus. Dull black, sutural tips yellow, antennje feebly serrate; size small (2 . 5 mm.) M. pristinus. Tips of elytra spiniform in the male, the appendix not visible from above M. acutipennis. Antennae pectinate in the male. Elytra appendiculate in the male. Appendices not visible from above M. spinipennis. Appendices visible from above. Elytra of male either entirely yellow or tipped with pale rufous; appendix slender; hind tibiae yellowish testa- ceous M. mirandus. Elytra of male entirely blue, appendix long but not very slender; legs blue-black M. thevenetii. Smaller, surface lustre greenish; appendix broad, rounded at tip M. directus. Elytra not appendiculate in the male. Prothorax wider than long, antennae (male) shorter than the body. Elytra bluish with broad oblique pale vitta from humerus to sutural angle M. macer. Elytra bluish tipped with yellow in both sexes. . . . M. mixtus. Elytra entirely black, sides of thorax broadly reddish yellow; form rather stout M. zilkei. Elytra black with slight greenish lustre, tipped with yellow in both sexes; thorax with sides very narrowly pale; form slender 31. montanus. Almost entirely black without metallic lustre; form slender. M. nigrinus, Prothorax longer than wide, antennfe (male) fully as long as the entire body M. proUxicornis. 62. Listrus definitus, sp. nov. Slender, parallel; black, shining; pubescence black and cinereous; the black hairs forming a rather wide median thoracic vitta, which is a little dilated posteriorly; at the apical third of the elytra is a wide transverse fascia, which is a little prolonged anteriorly along the suture; and between the fascia and the base is a longitvidinal series of three spots on each elytron, with occasionally faint indications of one or two smaller spots near the fascia. Head rather sparsely punctate; antennje reaching (female) or slightly passing (male) the hind margin of the prothorax, joints two to five pale, all the joints longer than wide. Prothorax very slightly longer COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 249 thau wide, sides moderatelj-, arcuately divergent aud rounding into the base; basal angles not evident, apical angles very obtuse, rounded; punctu- ation moderately strong, closer than on the head, a little coarser but not denser at the sides. Elytra more coarsely punctate. Legs entirely pale. Length, 2.3-2.5 mm. Described from a small series taken at Pasadena, in April, by Dr. Fenyes. In the male the tibise are armed as usual, the fifth ventral segment is truncate and just perceptibly sinuate at tip, the elytra rounded as usual at the apex. In the female the fifth ventral is evenly rounded at the tip, and .the elytra are separately, acuminately produced at the apex. The prothorax is longer than wide, — a character entirely unique among our species, — and the peculiar elytral sexual characters mark this as the most interest- ing species of the genus yet discovered. It should stand at the end of the genus. The species of the genus are rather closely allied and difficult to determine with the existing literature. It seems not to have been noticed, or at least recorded, that the males of all species have the tibise on all the feet mucronate at tip. The mucros of the front and hind tibiae are long and acute, though moderately stout, while that of the middle tibia is short and blunt. I have not been able to detect any such armature in the females. The males are often more slender than the females, and in some species, at least, the antennge in this sex are distinctly longer. 63. Dasytes musculus, sp. nov. Moderately elongate and convex, feebly shining; black throughout except the mandibles, which are more or less pale, and the tibias and tarsi, which are inclined to become picesceut. Pubescence coarse, cinereous, rather dense, short, closely recumbent, uniformly distributed. Head rather finely, not closely punctate; frontal impressions nearly obsolete, eyes not 250 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. very promineut. Autenufe scarcely reaching the hiud margin of the pro- thorax, feebly incrassate, joints four to ten as wide as or (the outer ones) a little wider than long. Prothorax nearly as wide as the elytra across the humeri; sides rather strongly rounded behind the middle, convergent and feebly arcuate anteriorly, rounded posteriorly into the base, the basal angles scarcely defined; margin serrulate and with close set, even fringe of recurved hairs; disk moderately strongly, not closely, punctate, the lateral rugose area not limited by a distinctly impressed line, but well defined by the break in the vestiture. Elytra fully one-half longer than wide, distinctly wider posteriorly, apex obtusely rounded; disk finely and not closely punctate. Beneath with fine, sparser, appressed pubescence; the anterior iDortion of the body more evidently punctate, the abdomen very finely so. Length, 2.2-2.6 mm. Described from eight examples taken at Pomona, Pasadena and Riverside. D. musculus agrees with D. lineellus in the coarse, closely appressed vestiture without trace of erect hairs, but differs in its smaller size, less robust form, and uni- form disposition of the pubescence. ■ 64. Dasytes clementae, sp. no v. Moderately elongate and convex, polished, black with strong greenish aeneous lustre, legs entirely rufotestaceous; palpi and antenna? blackish, the latter with the first three or four joints pale, the basal joint sometimes more or less obscure. Pubescence entirely hiteo-cinereous, rather long, suberect, consisting, especially on the elytra, of somewhat uniformly mixed, shorter, more inclined and recurved, and longer, a little less in- clined, hairs. Head narrower than the prothorax, sparsely, moderately finely punctate, and with the usual frontal impressions. Antennae (male) distinctly longer than the head and prothorax, joints all longer than wide; in the female scarcely longer than the head and thorax, the intermediate joints barely longer than wide, the eleventh as long as the two preceding in both sexes. Prothorax about one-half wider than long, widest and rather stronglj' rounded behind the middle, quite strongly convergent in front, a little less so behind; hind angles obtuse but distinct, front angles rounded, side margins serrulate; disk finely, sparsely jDuuctate, with an abruptly limited rugose area. Elytra less than half wider than the pro- thorax, slightlj' wider behind the middle; apex broadly rounded, finely distantly serrulate; disk rather sparselj' but moderately coarsely punctate. Beneath finely, sparsely punctate and pubescent. Length, 2.5-3 mm. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 251 Described from specimens collected on San Clemente Island. D. clementce is a near ally of D. dissimilis, but is quite distinct from the latter species because of its stouter form, more strongly aeneous lustre, longer, less uniform pubescence, and entirely pale legs. 65. Dasytastes insularis, sp. nov. Black, elytra slightly bronzed; head, i^rothorax, legs, and antennas, except the three onter joints, rufous. Pubescence much inclined and without trace of erect hairs; punctuation rather tine and sparse throughout, a little coarser toward the base of the elytra than elsewhere. Head a little convex, front scarcely impressed, eyes moderately prominent. Anteuute subequal in length to the head and prothorax, joints four to ten as broad as long, the outer submoniliform; eighth a trifle smaller than the seventh and more evidently smaller than the ninth; eleventh as long as the two preceding combined. The eighth joint is usually quite pale like all that precede, but is sometimes a little obscure. Prothorax unusually convex, about one-third wider than long, widest near the middle, base and apex subequal; sides rather strongly rounded, and distinctly sinuate before the hind angles, which are obtuse but defined; margin serrulate and with an even fringe of recurved hairs; pubescence dark. Elytra about two-thirds longer than wide, widest behind the middle, strongly transversely im- pressed from side to side behind the base, the sides sinuate behind the humeri; apex obtusely rounded; pubescence luteo-cinereous in the trans- verse impression and at the apex, but otherwise dark. Beneath finely punctate and sparsely pubescent. Length, 1.8-2 mm. Specimens taken on Santa Catalina Island. B. insularis is a very singular species, which how- ever must be placed in Dasytastes because of its feeble, ungual appendages and the lack of lateral rugose area on the pronotura. It is without much doubt confined to the island. It should follow D. bicolor in Casey's table. 66. Elasmocerus californicus, sp. nov. This Californian species, which passes as terminatus in some collections, and as " n. sp." in others, seems 252 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. surely distinct from the eastern species, and the above name is therefore proposed for it. Tlie chief differences noted are as follows: — Elasmocerns termlnatus. Elasmocerus callfornicus. Autenuse 10-jointed, the last joint AutennJB 8-joiuted (male), 9- in the female fully as long as the jointed (female); the last joint in preceding joints combined. the female scarcely as long as the preceding joints combined. Punctuation, especially of the Punctuation comparatively fine, elytra, closer and much coarser. Prothorax yellow, with a larger Prothorax black, or smaller discal spot. Elytra with lateral margin pale in Elytra with a transverse median front, the transverse median pale pale spot which usually reaches spot feeble, or with only a slight nearly to the suture, but is rarely inward prolongation of the yellow marginal; the margin of the elytra margin. not pale in front of the spot. Abdomen entirely yellow in the Abdomen more or less yellow male, the sixth segment black in along the middle, the sides black in the female. both sexes. Legs black. Eegs bicolored. In the male the three or four antennal joints follow- ing the second are so short and closely connate that they are difficult to count. In the single male of E. californicus here described the number of joints is surely eight, but other examples will, perhaps, show the num- ber to be nine, as in the female. Specimens from both middle and Southern California have been seen by the writer. Hemiptychus. The species of this genus are moderately numerous in the United States, but they offer so little in the way of differential characters that their identification is a matter of much difficulty. The following species seem in one or two respects so different from any known to us that the very brief diagnoses here given should be sufficient for their recognition. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 253 67. Hemiptychus integer, sp. no v. Dark browu, moderately elongate, oval, a little more suddenly rounded in front; sides of prothorax more convergent and less curved than usual. Surface moderately shining, finely pubescent, the pubescence not con- cealing the surface sculpture, which is tine, the coarser punctures present as usual, but inconspicuous. Sides of elytra with two complete marginal strife, and a third within these two, extending from the humerus to the middle. Superior outline when viewed in profile not at all gibbous, but equally curved before and behind. Ventral sutures arcuate anteriorly at the middle. Length, 2.. 3-2. 8 mm. Collected at Lake Tahoe. The entire lateral striae, with the inner accessory one, are peculiar to this species. 68. Hemiptychus luteotectus, sp. no v. Elongate-elliptical, rufocastaueous, densely clothed with short, recum- bent luteous hair, which nearly conceals the surface sculpture; this how- ever, when visible, is seen to be very fine, with the coarser punctures sparse and finer than usual. The lateral striae of the elytra are two as usual, and extend from the apex to a little in advance of the middle. In well preserved specimens the vestiture is denser, in naiTOw lines on the disk of the elj'tra, giving a feebly vittate appearance. The form as seen from above is equally rounded at the extremities; when viewed in profile it is a little more strongly arched in front. The length is four-fifths greater than the width. Length, 2.9-4 mm. Taken at Riverside, Palm Springs and Yuma. 69. Hemiptychus palliatus, sp. nov. Similar to the preceding, but distinctly smaller and stouter, being barely one-half longer than wide, and more densely clothed with yellowish white recumbent hair, which completely conceals the surface. The form when viewed in profile is more strongly convex, with the declivity much longer and more gradual posteriorly than in front. Length, 1.9-2 mm. Collected at Yuma. 254 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 70. Polycaon megalops, sp. nov. Allied to P. confertus, with which alone it can be compared because of it& ten- jointed antennai. It differs most conspicuously in the very large and isromiuent eyes, which are separated by three times their own diam- eter when viewed from the front, while in P. confertus they are distant fully six times their own diameter. Further differences are ad follows: prothorax distinctly wider than long, not canaliculate, the transverse impression less distinct, the granulation less dense; elytra two and one- half times as long as the head and prothorax (scarcely more than twice as long in P. confertus), rather sparsely punctate, much as in the male of P. confertus, but not at all granulate towards the sides and apex; second and third tarsal joints with only a grouj? of projecting hairs, instead of the densely matted brushes which in P. confertus assume the appearance of membranous lobes. Two examples have been seen, both apparently females; one, in the writer's collection, is 5 mm. in length, the other, in the collection of Dr. Van Dyke, is 7 mm. long. The larger specimen barely reaches the stature of the smallest P. confertus, which varies in length from 7.5 to 10.5 mm. Specimens taken at Pomona, Los Angeles County. 71. Aphodius ungulatus, sp. nov. Oblong, scarcely broader posteriorly, antennte testaceous, club not darker; head piceous. margin paler; sides fimbriate posteriorly; surface not distinctly tuberculate, punctures moderate, a little finer and sparser at the middle; clypeus emargiuate and distinctly though not sharply angulate at sides. Thorax piceous with paler side margins, about one-half wider than long, sides parallel, slightly arcuately narrowed in front, mar- gins finely and rather sparsely fimbriate with short hairs; hind angles obtuse; disk finely, rather sparsely punctate at middle, more closely and coarsely at sides, with larger punctures intermixed; marginal basal line distinct at sides but tending to become obsolete at middle. Elytra dull yellow, immaculate, but with a lateral, not very sharply defined, fuscous shade reaching from the humerus to beyond the middle; striae fine, with fine punctures which are well separated, interspaces nearly flat, with two more or less regular series of punctures which are about equal to those of the strife. Beneath brownish, abdomen paler; siirface alutaceous, abdo- men and sterna, except at sides, sparsely punctate. Mesosternum not COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 255 distinctly cariuate. Anterior tibiaa smooth in front, externally tridentate, above crenate, first tarsal joint shorter than the second; first joint of hind tarsi as long as the next two. Length, 5-5.75 mm. Occurs at Pomona and Pasadena, though rarely, dur- ing December and January. The claws are very slender and distinctly longer than in any other species observed. There are slight differ- ences in the length and stoutness of the spurs of the front tibias in the five examples from which the descrip- tion is drawn, but it is not certain that these differences are sexual in nature. A. ungulatus must be placed next to A. served, from which it may be easily distinguished by the unspotted elytra, shorter first joint of hind tarsi, and longer claws. 72. Amphicoma cooperi Horn. This cannot be placed as a synonym of A. ursina, as is announced by Horn in his review of the species of this genus .^ A. ursina differs from all our remaining species of the genus in the eyes, which are more widely separated on the vertex than the width of the front between the antennae, and in the hind tibiae, which have but a single spur, characters which are quite independent of sex, and which appear to have escaped previous observation. A. cooperi is in accord with the other species in these particulars, and if it is to be placed with either of the described species it must be with A. canina. It seems best for the present, or until a careful study can be made with ample material, to hold the species as distinct, separating it from A. canina by its smaller size and non-maculate elytra. * Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, Vol. X, 1882, p. 119. 256 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 73. Idoemea calif ornica, sp, no v. Slender, cylindrical, brownish testaceous, pubescent; thighs a little paler at base. Head wider than the thorax, eyes broadly contiguous on the vertex. Antennae slightly longer than the body in the female, nearly twice as long as the body in the male, clothed externally with rather dense, very short, erect hairs, which become sparser and longer toward the base. Prothoi-ax cylindrical, a little dilated at the middle; surface finely, closely, but somewhat unevenly punctate. Elytra about three-fourths wider than the prothorax, gradually feeblj^ narrowed behind, closely and a little more coarsely punctate than the thorax. Length, 13-16 mm. Beaten from live-oak, and taken at electric light at Pomona and Pasadena, during April and June. There is a specimen from Yuba County in the Horn Collection. /, californica is very similar to 1. fulleri in a general way, but the latter is somewhat stouter and more coarsely punctured, the eyes are well separated on the vertex, and the antennse in the male are described as being but little longer than the body. 74. Eusattus difficilis Lee. This species was based upon a series, part of which was taken at San Diego and part at Vallecito. An ex- amination of the Le Conte material shows tliat two species were confused under this name. The San Diego specimens, which may be considered the true E. diffic- ilis, differ from every other species known to me in possessing a well developed scutellum. The Vallecito specimens are apparently identical with a species which was described by Le Conte as E. convexus, his type com- ing from near Long's Peak, Colorado. This species he describes as closely resembling E. cliff cilis, and subse- quently it was placed in synonymy. E. convexus is a rather common species, occurring from El Paso, Texas, westward to the desert regions of California, while COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 257 E. dijfficilis, so far as the observation of the writer goes, is confined to the coast region about San Diego. It is obvious from the above that the name convexus must be restored. 75. Notoxus caudatus, sp. nov. Moderately elongate, piceons brown, legs somewhat paler, the thoracic horn rufous; the elytra are best described as brownish black, each with two testaceous spots, one transversely oval about two-fifths from the apex, the other antemedian, larger, subtriangialar, extending forward laterally to the humeral umboue; or the elytra may be described as tes- taceous, with a triangular scutellar area, a median band, and the apex broadly dark; these dark areas confluent both along the suture and side margin; the apex of the elytra is in some specimens narrowly, indefinitely, and indistinctly paler. Pubescence cinereous, fuscous in great part on the darker portion of the elytra, intermixed with sparse, longer, semierect hairs. Head nearly flat, rather closely but not deeply punctate; eyes about twice as long as the tempora. Prothorax transversely globose, the horn broad, dilated, the margin crenulate at sides except in front, crest rather strongly elevated, distinctly margined, the margin feebly or scarcely crenulate; surface of prothorax sparsely, finely punctate at middle, more closely at sides. Elytra widest just behind the middle, the apex rather suddenly obtusely rounded and nearly similar in the sexes. In the males there is a small, rounded, impressed area immediately before the middle of the apex of each elytron; this area is clothed with short, dense, closely recumbent cinereous hair; in the same sex the pygidium is strongly pro- duced to an acute point, the sides of the process are sinuate before the apex; and the fifth ventral is broadly, arcuately emarginate, the limiting angles of the emargination being sharply defined and a little reflexed. In the female the elytra and tip of abdomen are unmodified. Length, 3.1-3.5 mm. Described from a series of eight specimens collected at Santa Fe, New Mexico, by Dr. A. Fenyes. iV. caudatus is perhaps most like ^. nuperus in general facies, but the extraordinary sexual characters of the male are nowhere approached in our species. There is considerable variation in the extent of the pale spots of the elytra, more especially the anterior ones, which are in some specimens almost lacking. 17 October 23, 1901. 258 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 76. Xylophilus brunnescens, sp. nov. Elongate-oblong, moderately convex, rufotestaceous, the elytra becom- ing darker posteriorly, head and under surface brownish, legs and autenu^e paler; integuments shining; pubescence pale brown, moderate in length, not dense. Head much wider than the prothorax, sparsely, finely punc- tate; front concave between the eyes, declivous anteriorly, the epistomal suture fine and feeble. Eyes moderately large, separated on the front by about three-fourths their own width, the inner margin faintly emarginate; tempora parallel and about one-third the length of the eyes. Antennae fully two-thirds the length of the body, scarcely thicker apically; first and third joints subequal, second joint half as long, joints four to ten subequal, a little shorter than the third, last joint a little longer and wider than the tenth, pointed. Prothorax subquadrate, sides parallel and im- pressed at the middle and again at the front angles, disk with a trans- verse, subbasal impression; surface more closely and a little less finely punctate than the head. Elytra nearly twice as wide as the prothorax, punctuation coarse, the punctures separated by rather less than their own diameters toward the base, but somewhat finer and less close apically. Beneath shining, the sides of the metasternum with sparse, coarse punc- tures, the abdomen finely, very remotely punctate. First abdominal suture nearly obliterated but traceable at sides. The first and Second eegments are subequal, the third a little shorter, fourth equal to the sec- ond, fifth one-half longer than the fourth, the apex evenly rounded, the disk unmodified. Front and middle thighs slender, the posterior stout and densely pilose beneath; first joint of hind tarsi about three times as long as the remaining joints united, and about three-fourths as long as the tibia. Front tibiae with a short, slender spur at the inner apical angle. Length, 2.3 mm. Described from a single male taken in the San Ber- nardino Mountains, in July. By Casey's table A', brunnescens must be referred to his genus Vanonus. It differs from any of the species there mentioned in its color and the stout hind thighs, and apparently from all except X. wickhami in the well developed tempora. It should be placed before X. wick- hami. The spur of the anterior tibia will very likely prove to be a male character. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 259 77. Xylophilus nucleus, sp. nov. Elongate-oval, subdepressed, brown, prothorax red-brown, legs and an- tennae testaceous; surface moderately shining, pubescence fine, sparse, and recumbent. Head finely, closely punctate, front convex, epistomal suture obsolete; eyes large, not evidently pilose or emarginate, extending to the base of the head, distant on the front by a little more than their own width. Antennae about half the length of the body, not distinctly thickened externally; second joint but little shorter than the first or third, these subequal, the following joints very slightly decreasing in length to the eleventh, which is subequal to the two preceding united. Prothorax small, much narrower than the head, transverse, scarcely narrowed in front, disk deeply, transversely impressed posteriorly; surface closely, rather finely punctate. Elytra elongate-oval, twice as wide at middle as the prothorax, disk obliquely impressed each side near the base, surface finely punctate, the punctures separated by from two to three times their own diameters. Beneath sparsely, finely punctate; middle cox» separated by their own width; ventral segments decreasing slightly in length toward the apex, the last segment a little longer; suture between the first two segments completely obliterated at the middle third, but very distinct laterally. All the legs very slender, the hind femora unmodified; basal joints of hind tibiae equal to the remainder. Length, 1-1 .4 mm. Two examples taken in the San Bernardino Mountains. 78. Xylophilus constrictus, sp. nov. Oblong-oval, subdepressed, piceous or piceo-testaceous, antennae and legs paler. Head and thorax finely punctate; elytra more strongly and closely so. Head wide, front slightly convex, epistomal suture distinct; ej'es not obviously emarginate or pilose, separated on the front by rather more than twice their own width; tempora scarcely evident. Antennae rather slender, reaching the middle of the elytra; first joint short; second smaller, subglobose, one-half as long as the third; joints three to ten gradually decreasing in length, the eleventh as long as the third. Pro- thorax narrower than the head, transverse, deeply constricted behind the apex, and again, but less strongly so, along the basal margin, the con- strictions in both cases extending entirely across the disk. Elytra oblong- oval, sides broadly arcuate and subparallel, twice as wide at middle as the prothorax. Middle coxjb narrowly but distinctly separated, ventral seg- ments slightly decreasing in length, the last a little longer than the pre- ceding; the suture between the first two segments distinct throughout. Legs very slender; basal joint of hind tarsus slightly shorter than the remainder. Length, 1.5 mm. 260 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Specimens from the Sierra Madre Mountains (Los Angeles County) and Lake Tahoe. Described from two examples, in which no sexual characters were observed. The peculiar structure of the prothorax will at once distinguish the present species from any previously described. Neither nucleus nor consirictus can properly be referred to any of the numerous genera lately proposed by Casey, and for a variety of reasons it seems best for the present to use the old name Xylophilus. 79. Rhynchites aBratoides, sp. nov. This species is almost tbe exact counterpart of R. aratus, from which it seems couatautlyto differ in the more closely punctate head, broader front, more prominent eyes, and the presence in the male of a longitudinal median impressed line on the first three ventral segments. R. ceratus is somewhat variable in the cephalic char- acters mentioned, and while the writer has seen no specimens that approach the Californian form very closely in this respect, there would be some hesitancy in separating them were it not for the peculiar abdominal characters of the males above mentioned, the detection of which is due to the observation of Mr. Frederick Blanchard, to whom examples were sent for comparison with the eastern specimens in his cabinet. R. ceraioides occurs at Redondo (on Eriogonum cine- reum), Pomona and Pasadena, from March to June. 80. Cleonus pacificus, sp. nov. Robust, parallel, clothed with moderately dense, recumbent, squami- form, cinereous pubescence; the disk of the thorax, except two dorsal vittfe, and the sutural interval of the elytra, glabrous. Beak stout, some- what dilated at tip, sides and tip glabrous, carinate above in basal two- thirds, not very coarsely or deejily punctate, frontal impression feeble. Prothorax a trifle wider than long, sides parallel in basal half, thence mod- erately rounded and convergent, without apical constriction; basal lobe COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 261 angulate; disk with moderate basal depression, obtusely carinate ante- riorly; punctuation rather strong, sparse, and unevenly distributed. Elytra a little more than twice as long as wide, about one-third wider than the prothorax; humeri obliquely rounded; apices divergent but not pro- duced; the series of rather tine punctures unimpressed except the sutural; third and sixth intervals moderately elevated at base. Beneath speckled with subdenuded punctures. Legs moderate, lobes of third joint of hind tarsi completely spongy pubescent beneath. Length, 13 mm. A single specimen was taken on Astragalus crotalarce, at Redondo, in April. According to Casey's table the species should come between C. inornatiis and G. canescens. 8i. Cleonus erysimi, sp. nov. Elongate, subparallel, densely clothed with rather fine whitish recum- bent squamiform hairs which nearly conceal the sculpture; the disk of the pronotum, except two anteriorly convergent dorsal vittse, and the sutural and eighth elytral intervals, glabrous. Beak nearly three-fourths as long as the prothorax, scarcely broader at tip, densely, finely punctate with coarser punctures intermixed, more or less distinctly carinate, frontal impressions well marked. Prothorax slightly longer than wide, sides straight and nearly parallel almost to apex, where they are feebly narrowed and slightly constricted; basal lobe moderately prominent, rounded or truncate at apex; basal excavation not deep; disk obtusely prominent anteriorly along the median line, but not distinctly carinate; coarser punctures sparse at middle, more numerous at sides. Elytra but little wider than the prothorax, apices divergent but not produced, punctures of striaB not coarse, the strise not impressed; third and sixth intervals feebly elevated at base. Lower surface and legs about as usual. Length, 7.5-11.5 mm. Many specimens have been seen, occurring only on the flowers of Erysimum asperum, on the sand-hills over- looking the ocean at Redondo; March and April. The sutural interval is pubescent at base and through- out its outer fourth, and the eighth is thinly clothed posteriorly. The ocular lobes are nearly wanting. The third joint of hind tarsi is completely spongy pubescent 262 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. beneath. C. eryshni would be associated with C. quad- rilineatus Chev., but this is said to have the thorax distinctly carinate and (according to Le Conte's descrip- tion) the third joint of the hind tarsi is not broader than the second and not spongy beneath. 82. Anthonomus apertus, sp. no v. Short, stout, black, moderately shining, without aeneous lustre, clothed sparsely with white pubescence, which is more conspicuous beneath. Beak somewhat variable, rather long, shining and more or less punctate at the apex, dull and more or less longitudinally strigose and sulcate behind the insertion of the antennas; frontal fovea distinct, punctiform. Antennae testaceous, club piceous; funicle seven- jointed, slender, its sec- ond joint slightly longer than the third, outer joints scarcely as wide as long. Prothorax about twice as wide as long, sides moderately rounded, more strongly in front, apex feebly constricted, punctuation strong and rather close. Elytra short, abruptly more than one-third wider than the prothorax, sides parallel to beyond the middle; strife moderate, punctures rather fine, not very closely placed; intervals wide, feebly convex, slightly transversely rugose; scutellum densely clothed with white pubescence. Femora all armed with a distinct spiniform tooth; front and middle tibiaa slightly curved inward at tip; tarsi piceo-testaceons, the first joint of an- terior pair about one-half longer than the second; claws armed with a moderately long tooth. * Length, 1.75-2.25 mm. Several examples were taken at Riverside and Los Angeles. A. apertufi belongs to the scutellatus group, and is most closely related to A. ebeninus, from which it differs greatly in size and also in several minor details. It resembles A. morulus very closely, a specimen sent to Dr. Horn being so determined, but aside from the group characters, it is more shining, with more slender antennae, and longer femoral teeth. 83. Anthonomus helianthi, sp. nov. Pitchy brown, beak red-brown, legs paler; densely clothed with elongate greyish white scales which become faintly yellowish on the middle of the prothorax and on the basal portion of the third (sometimes also the second COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 263 and fourth) elytral interspace, aud still more faintly on the fifth interspace behind the middle. Beak a little longer than the head aud prothorax in the male, still longer in the female, finely carinate behind the insertion of the antennie. Antennre slender, inserted beyond the middle in both sexes; fuuicle seven-jointed, second joint of fuuicle two-thirds as long as the first and equal to the third and fourth together. Prothorax slightly wider than long, narrowed fi'om base to apex, sides nearly straight in basal half, thence more rounded and feebly constricted before the apex; surface densely punctured, the sculpture, however, entirely concealed by the vestiture. Elytra distinctly wider at base than the prothorax, humeri rounded, sides parallel to the middle, stria? apparently finely impressed. Legs moderate, front and middle femora armed with a very small, acute tooth; the hind tibiie in the male straight externally, dilated internally at the apex, the dilated portion with parallel sides. Claws with a long, slen- der tooth which is in contact with its fellow at the tip. Length, 2.75-.3 mm. The species is described from two males and one female beaten from sunflowers, April 20, at Pomona. It belongs to the subgenus Cnemocyllus, and should be placed before A. subvittatus, at the head of the group. 84. Anthonomus tahoensis, sp. no v. Elongate-oval, black, legs and beak sometimes entirely or in part reddish brown; antennte rufous, club darker; clothed rather sparsely above aud beneath with uniformly cinereous scales; the scales vary a little in form, being somewhat broader on the parapleurae, but they are as a rule sub- parallel and about twice as long as wide, not in the least overlapping and scarcely in mutual contact, so that the color of the derm is not concealed. Head finely sulcate between the eyes, the latter moderately convex, their hind margins slightly free; beak rather long, evenly arcuate, rather densely but not very coarsely punctate in the male, smoother in the female. Au- tennje not very slender, second joint of fuuicle a little longer than the third, the latter -subequal to the fourth. Prothorax nearly as long as wide, sides broadly arcuate and quite strongly convergent, feebly con- stricted at apex; surface rather coarsely aud closely punctate, strongly shining. Elytra abruptly fully one-third wider at base than the prothorax, sides subparallel in basal two-thirds, thence gradually narrowed, apex para- bolically rounded. Striae fine and rather finely punctate, intervals wide, nearly flat, and almost smooth. Last ventral segment scarcely longer than the preceding in either sex, not relatively longer in the male. Legs slender; front thighs not more stout, aud armed with a slender, acutetooth; hind 264 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. tibisB of male a little beut at tip, the iuner margin quite deeply sinuate; in the female the hind tibite are scarcely bent and much less deeply sinuate internally, but are visibly stouter than the others and very decidedly sto titer than the corresponding ones in the male. The apical mucro is curved downward. Claws with long, slender, approximate teeth. Length, 2.75 mm. Described from a single pair given the writer by Dr. Fenyes, who took them at Tallac (Lake Tahoe) early in July. A. tahoensis is most closely related structurally to A. subvittatus, but differs from it and all other members of the subgenus in its sparse vestiture. 85. Anthonomus stolatus, sp. no v. Elongate-oblong, pitchj' brown; legs, beak (exceiDt extreme tip) and antenufe, reddish brown; extremely densely clothed above and beneath with broad, rounded, overlapping scales; the scales become narrower on the head and along the middle of the abdomen, and are very small and especially densely matted on the scutellum; the prevailing color is pale yellow, varied with yellowish brown on the upper surface, the prothorax showing three pale vittae, and the elytra exhibiting indistinctly the usual pale markings, viz., a post-scutellar sutural line, a line on the fourth interval behind the middle, and another on the sixth interval beginning at the base; these maikings at best are faint, and some examples show scarcely a trace of them. Beak as long as the head and thorax (in the male) or somewhat longer (in the female), parallel, moderately stronglj"-, evenly arcuate, glabrous except at base, punctate and cariuate at sides, more finely punctate and scarcely carinate above. Head densely clothed with scales, apparentlj^ with an elongate puncture or short sulcus between the eyes, the latter moderately convex, their posterior margins not free. Antennas rather slender, third funicular joint two-thirds to three-fourths as long as the second and a little longer than the fourth. Prothorax dis- tinctly wider than long, sides evenly, arcuately convergent and moderatelj^ constricted before the apex, which is about three-fifths as wide as the base; surface coarsely, densely, deeply punctate, the sculpture however entirely concealed by the vestiture. Elytra slightly wider at base than the pro- thorax, sides parallel to apical third, striae of moderate closelj' placed punctures, intervals feebly convex, and nearly smooth, shining. Last ventral segment longer than the preceding and somewhat longer in the male than in the female. Legs as usual; the front thighs feebly toothed; claws with a moderately long, acute tooth, which is approximate to its fellow. Length, 2.3-2.6 mm. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 265 The description is drawn from seven examples, all of which are from San Diego or the vicinity. The hind tibiae are apparently very slightly more strongly sinuate along the inner margin in the males, but this difference is hardly enough in itself to suggest the placing of this species in the subgenus Gnemocyllus; the affinities in other respects are, however, obviously in that direction, and A. stolatus should find a place near decipiens, from which, and all others of the sub- genus (except possibly A. ligatus), it differs in the almost entire lack of sexual difference in the posterior tibiae; from A. ligatus it may be separated by color and also the longer ungual teeth. 86. Epimechus arenicolor, sp. nov. Elongate-obloug, color of derm varying from testaceous to rufous, the thorax and abdomen usually darker and the legs and antennte paler than the elytra; moderately densely clothed with broadly oval, pale, dull yel- lowish scales, which are nearly uniform in color throughout and as a rule do not overlap, but become denser or even strongly imbricate in the posi- tion of the usual paler vittaa in Gnemocyllus. Head clothed with sparser, more elongate scales; eyes feebly convex, hind margin not free; front narrow, the eyes separated by a distance distinctly less than their own width as seen from the front; beak moderately long and evenly arcuate, punctate in longitudinal series, not distinctly carinate above at base; antennal funicle, slender, second joint one-half longer than the third. Prothorax evidently transverse, sides siibparallel at base, gradually arcu- atelj' nazTowed in front, apex very slightly constricted; surface deeply, rather densely punctate. Elytra slightly wider at base than the prothorax, sides parallel to apical third, apex rather narrowly parabolically rounded; strial punctures nearly as wide as the intervals, the latter feebly convex and slightly rugose. Last ventral segment (in the male) longer than the two preceding united. Femora rather stout, the anterior feebly toothed; hind tibife (in the male) distinctly but not strongly curved at apex; claws simple. Length, 2-2.5 mm. All specimens seen are from Arizona — Phoenix (Strom- berg) and Palomas, 266 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. This species must by the simple claws be placed in Epimechus, but in every other respect it is closely allied to the members of the subgenus Cnemocyllus. The ungual teeth in Anthonomus vary greatly in develop- ment, and it is to be doubted whether the genus Epi- mechus, which is apparently founded on this character alone, will prove tenable. A similar condition of affairs obtains in Apion, which it has not been thought proper to divide although there is more to warrant a separa- tion than in the present instance. E. arenicolor by its comparatively dense scaly vesti- ture must be associated with E. nevadicus and E. cemulus (see following description); it is, however, less densely clothed than either of these, and of quite a different color; in the extreme length of the last ventral of the male (females have not been seen) it differs conspicu- ously from all allied forms; this segment in other spe- cies of Ejnmechus, in fact, being scarcely at all longer than the fourth. The claws in E. nevadicus, E. areni- color, and E. caniulus are distinctly smaller than in the non-squamose species of the genus E. adspersus, E. mim- icus, etc. 87. Epimechus aemulus, sp. nov. Elongate-oval, densely clothed with whitish and grayish brown scales, giving the species an appearance closely resembling E. nevadicus, with which it agrees in most points of structure. The white scales are, how- ever, more conspicuous on the elytra, and are chiefly confined to the alternate intervals, beginning with the second. There is a transverse fascia of the darker scales in the usual position behind the middle, begin- ning on the third interval and extending to the sides of the elytra; this darker fascia is bordered both before and behind by a conspicuous spot of white scales on alternate intervals, and on the fourth and sixth these white scales extend to the base of the elytra. The lateral pale vittfe of the thorax are nearly lacking in the type. The funicle of the antennfe is seven-jointed, the second joint much longer than the third, the latter equal to the fourth. Last ventral equal to the preceding. Length, 3.1 mm. COLEOPTERA OP SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 267 Described from one example of doubtful sex taken at or near San Diego. It is distinguishable at once from E. nevadicus, its nearest ally, by its larger size and seven-jointed funicle. 88. Ceutorhynchus pervestitus, sp. nov. Oblong-oval, densely clothed throughout with broad, overlapping scales of whitish, pale brown, and dark brown intermingled. Antenn?e inserted at the middle of the beak; piceous; funicle seven-jointed. Beak moder- ately elongate, punctate and striate, smoother and more shining at tip, squamose at base; front concave, vertex finely carinate; eyes concealed in repose. Prothorax about one-third wider than long, sides siabparallel from base to middle, then rather suddenly rounded into the deep apical constriction; apical margin elevated, notched at middle; lateral and dorsal tubercles prominent, those on either side apparently joined by a trans- verse elevation; dorsal channel deep. In addition to the vestiture above mentioned, there are sparsely placed blackish, erect, piliform scales, which are more noticeable at the sides and in a patch on either side of the dorsal channel at base. Elytra about one-third wider than the pro- thorax, sides nearly straight, a little narrowed behind; each interspace with a row of blackish, erect, linear scales like those on the prothorax; the alternate intervals on the disk, beginning with the second, tessellate with patches of these scales; the scales proceeding from the strial punc- tures are long, bristle-like, and closely recumbent. Femora moderate, distinctly toothed; last joint of tarsi equal to the two preceding; claws with a rather small but acute subbasal tooth. Length 2.75 mm. Described from a single example taken at Bakersfield. The type is a male, having the last ventral segment vaguely concave, and the middle and hind tibiee unguic- ulate. The vestiture is so dense as to entirely conceal the color and sculpture of the integuments, but they are probably much the same as in allied forms. This species must be referred to the siihpuhescens group, from all the members of which it differs greatly in appearance. 89. Baris heterodoxa, sp. nov. Oblong-oval, moderately robust, black without distinct aeneous lustre, surface of pronotum polished between the punctures, that of the elytra. "268 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. shiuing but minutely sculptured; setae nearly lacking on the pronotum, the elytra with scattered but somewhat numerous subsquamiform, white, •recumbent hairs which are about as long as the width of the interspaces. Head finely, sparsely punctate; beak as long as the prothorax, moderately stout, strongly, evenly arcuate, closely punctate. Anteunal funicle rather slender; the second funicular joint about as long as wide, following joints ■gradually more transverse but only slightly increasing in width, the eighth less than half as wide as the club. Prothorax distinctly transverse, sides nearly parallel and feebly arcuate from base to apical fourth, then strongly rounded and constricted at the apex; surface densely punctate except to- ward the middle of the disk, where the punctures are separated by nearly ■their own width; a distinct fusiform, impunctate median line from the apical third nearly to the base. Elytra a little wider than the prothorax and scarcely twice as long; sides very slightly convergent behind, rather broadly but subparabolically rounded at apex. Striae shallow, with dis- •tant, moderately well defined punctures; intervals about three times as wide as the striae, all very numerously, confusedly punctate, the punctures as a rule not more than one-fourth the width of the intervals. Abdomen shining, moderately coarsely, but not densely punctate. Prosternum •densely, coarsely punctate, the iutercoxal process rather less than half the ■coxal width. Length, .3.7 mm. One specimen, taken in Los Angeles County. In the vestiture and sculpture of the elytra this species is perhaps the most extraordinary in our fauna. The -second and third intervals are just visibly wider than the others, but the punctuation is equally close and •confused from base to apex on all. B. heterodoxa seems to fall between B. vespertina and B. oblongula in Casey's ■table, but is evidently not closely related to either. 90. Baris monticola, sp. no v. Elongate-oval, moderately convex; black throughout, with very faint •aeneous lustre; surface rather strongly shining. Head finely, sparsely punctate; beak three-fourths as long as the ijrothorax, strongly curved, rather stout, strongly and closely punctate at sides, more finely and less •closely above, especially toward the apex. Antennae about as usual, the basal joint of the club constituting a little less than half its mass, pol- ished but pubescent toward the apex. Prothorax very little wider than iong, sides moderately convergent and nearly straight almost to the apex. COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 269" then strongly rounded and with a very short apical constriction; surface strongly and rather coarsely punctate, the punctures as a rule separated by less than their own diameters; they are somewhat finer and less close at the middle of the disk anteriorly, and at the extreme sides are more or less coalesceut, forming longitudinal rugas; disk without median smooth line or with but faint traces of it. Elytra a little less than twice as long as the prothorax, slightly wider, the sides feebly convergent posteriorly and broadly elliptically rounded at apex; striae rather fine, moderately deep, obsoletely punctate; intervals flat, about two and one-half times as wide as the striae; the second and third fully three times as wide as the striao; second, third, and ninth with more or less confused punctuation, the other intervals with a single series which is, however, somewhat con- fused or inegular at base; the punctures as a rule not more than one-third as wide as the intervals, and distant from each other by about their own diameter. Beneath rather coarsely and closely punctate; prosternum nearly flat, the front coxae separated by rather more than half the coxal width. Length, 3.4-4 mm. Described from a good series taken by Mr. F. S. Daggett in Bear Valley (San Bernardino Mountains), at an elevation of about 6,400 feet. B. monticola would fall next to B. aprica according to Casey's table, but it is very distinctly different in its finely punctate elytral intervals, among other charac- ters. The prothorax is scarcely more strongly declivous in front, as is described of the section in which the elytra are less than twice as long as the prothorax, and to which B. monticola is therefore referred. The setse of the upper surface are very short and inconspicuous.. 91. Sphenophorus tardus, sp. no v. Moderately robust, black, feebly shining. Beak one-half the length of the prothorax, distinctly arcuate, moderately comiaressed; punctuation sparse and minute except at base, the usual ijuncture between the eyes, before the puncture a short, fine, impressed line. Prothorax longer than wide, sides evenly arcuate, a little convergent anteriorly, apex constricted; siirface without grooves or elevations, densely, moderately coarsely punc- tate, with a narrow, median, smooth space, or line, which reaches neither base nor apex. Elytra not at all, or scarcely wider, and but little longer,, 270 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. thau the i^rotjiorax; strife moderately deep and rather finely punctate on the disk, more coarsely so at sides, those of the seventh and eighth striae being wider than the strife and thus encroaching on the intervals; inter- vals flat, alternating in width, the narrower ones uniseriately, the wider ones biseriately, but all more or less irregularly punctate, the punctures rather coarse and very closely placed. Under surface more shining, rather coarsely but less densely punctate than above. Femora moderately punctate. Length, 6.5-9 mm. Numerous specimens have been seen, taken at or near San Bernardino. The species may stand at the end of Division A of Group V of Horn's Synopsis. INDEX TO GENERA OF COLEOPTERA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Names of new species in heavy faced type. Abr^us 9T Acanthocinus 151 Acanthoscelis 198 Acmaeodera 119 Acmseops 1'19 Acneus 106 Acritus 97 volitans 238 Actenodes 118 Actidium 80 ActiULU 63 Actobius 69 formosns 221 Acylomus 82 Acylophorus 67 Adaleres 188 Adalia 84 Adasy tes 127 Adelocera 107 Adoxus 154 Adranes 61 .Sgialia 136 .aigialites 175 .EGI ALITID.E 175 .a:ietes 97 .fflnigmaticum 82 Agabinus 53 Agabus 53 Agasphaarops 187 Agathidium . . 60 virile 219 Aglenus 89 Agonoderus 50 Agrilus 120 Sfibbicollis 241 illectus : 242 Agriotes Ill Agronus 188 Agyrtes 59 Alaephus.. 170 Alaudes 172 Alaus 108 Aleochara 66 Alindria 102 Allonyx 128 Allopogon 106 Alobates 169 Alphitobius 173 Alpbitophagus 174 Amannus hq Amara 45 Amartus 93 Amnesia 188 Amotus 187 Amphicerus 134 Amphichroum 78 Amphicoma 139 cooperi 255 Ampbicyrta 103 Ampbidora 169 Amphizoa 51 AMPHIZOID.i 51 Anapleus 95 Anaspis 179 Anatis 84 Anchastus 109 Ancbomma 88 Ancbycteis 106 Ancyrophorus 77 Androlyperus 157 Aneflns 145 Anelastes 107 Anemia 174 Anepsiota 65 Anepsius 163 Anillus 43 Anisodactylus 51 Anisosticta 83 Anisotarsus 51 Anisotoma 59 Anobium 132 Auomala 141 Anorus 106 Antbaxia 116 ANTHICID.E 180 Antbicus 181 Antbobiiim 79 Antbonomus 195 apertns 262 lielianthi 262 stolatns 264 tatioensis 263 [271] 272 CALTKOj;y:A academy of sciences. Anthophilax 149 Anthrenus 93 Anthribid^ 203 AphAnotus 173 Aphodius 137 nngalatu!^ 254 Aphorista 87 Apbricus 114 Apion 190 Aplastus 114 Apocellus 77 Apocrypha 174 Apristus 48 Araeoschizus 163 Aragnomiis 189 Aramigus 190 Argoporis 169 Articeriis 61 Artochia 77 Asaphes 113 Asclera 178 Asemobiiis 77 Asemum 143 Asida 164 Asydates 125 Atsenius 137 Atheta 64 Athonaeus 98 Athens 112 Atimia 147 Atomaria 91 Attagenus 92 Attains 125 Auchmobius 151 Aulaeoseelis 151 Aulanothroscus 115 Auletes 186 Aulicus 129 Aulouium 89 Autalia 66 Axinopalpus 48 Babia 152 Bacanius 97 Bactridium 103 Badister 46 Bagoiis 194 Balaninus 199 Bamona 67 Baptolinus 71 punctiventris 221 Barilepton 199 Bariuus 199 Baris -. 198 heterodoxa 267 monticola 268 Batrisus 63 Batyle 146 Belonuchus 68 Bembidium 42 Bergimis 92 Berosus 56 salinus 215 Bidessiis 52 Biotus 61 Bins 170 Blapstinus 171 Blechrus 48 Bledlns 75 clarus 228 dect-ptivus 227 relictus 228 rnsticiis 229 Boletobius 74 Bolitochara 66 Bosti ychus 134 Bothiiophorus 104 Bracbylobus 50 Brachynus 49 Brachypterus 98 Biachy tarsus 203 Bradycellus 50 Bradycicetus 138 Brathinus 78 Brontes 91 Brothylus 144 Beuchid.e 160 Bruchus 160 Bryasis 63 Bryobiota 67 Bryoporus 74 BUPEESTID.E 115 Buprestis 116 Btebhid.e 103 Byturus 92 Cactophagus 200 Cafius 70 Calandra 200 Calandeid.93 200 Calathus 46 Callida 48 Callidium 144 Calligrapha 155 Callinms 145 Callimoxys 145 Calloides 146 INDEX. 273 Calochromus 121 Calodera 65 Caloderma 72 Calopterou 121 Calopus 178 Calosoma 40 Calospasta 185 Cantharis 185 Canthon 136 Cab ABiD^ 39 Carabus 40 Carcinops 95 Cardiophorus 108 Carebara 177 Carphoborus 203 Carpophilus 98 Cartodere 101 Cassida 160 Cathartus 90 Catorama 132 Cenophengis 122 Centrinogyna 199 Centrinus 199 Centrioptera 164 Centrodera 148 Centronopus 170 Cephaloid-e 179 Cephaloon 179 Cephaloscymnus 87 Cebambycid,e 142 Cercus 98 Cercyon 58 Cerenopus 169 Cerophytum 115 Cerylon 89 Ceutorhynchus 198 pervestitus 267 Chaetartbria 56, 216 minor 216 Chaetocnema 158 CbfetophlcEus 203 Chalcolepidius 108 Chalcophora 115 Chariessa ^ 130 Chilocorus 85 Chilometopon 163 Chlsenius 49 Chlamys 153 Choleva 59 Chrysantbia 178 CbrysobothriB 117 Cbrysocbua 154 Chrysomela 155 Chbtsomelid^ 151 Cbrysopbana 120 18 Cibdelis 170 'Cicindela 37 CiCINDELID.E 37 CiiD^E 135 Cilea 74 Cionistes 195 Cis 135 Cistela 177 CiSTELID.E 175 Clambus 60 Cleonus 192 erysimi 261 paciflcus 260 Clebid^ 128 Clerus 129 Clivina 41 Cly tus 146 Cnemeplatia 172 Cnemidotus 52 Cnemodus 163 Coccinella 83 CoccinellidjE 83 Ccelambus 53 femeratas 212 pedalis 212 Ccelogaster 198 CcBDocara 133 Ccelocnemis 169 Coelomorpha 166 Ccelus 166 CoenopcEUS 150 Ccenonycha 140 Colas pidea 154 Colaspis 154 Colastus 98 Collops 123 argatas 242 Colon 59 Colpodota 64 COLTDIID^ 88 Colymbetes 54 Conibius 171 Coniuomus 100 Coniontis 165 Connophron 60 Cononotus 178 Conosoma 74 Conotelus 98 Conotracbelus 197 Copidita 178 Copris 136 Coptocycla 160 Coptotomus 53 Copturus 197 Corphyra 180 October 25, 1901. 274 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Corticaria 101 COBYLOPHID^ 82 Corymbites 113 Corynetes 130 Coscinoptera 152 Cossoniis 201 Cotalpa 141 Coxelus 88 CraniotU3 161 Cratidus 169 Cregya 130 Cremastochilus 142 Creniphilus 57 elegans 218 Creophilus 68 Crepidodera 158 Crossidius 146 Cryphalus 202 Cryptarcha 99 Cryptobium 72 Cryptocephalus 153 Cryi^toglossa 164 Cryptognatha 85 Cryptohy))nus 109 Cryptophagus 91 CEYPIOPHAGIDd; 91 Cryptorhopalum 93 Ctenisia 61 Ctenobium 132 Cucu JiD« 89 Cucujus 90 Cupes 135 CUPESID.E 135 CUKCULIONID* 190 Cybister 54 Cybocephalus 99 Cychrus 39 Cyclocephala 141 Cycloneda 84 Cyllene 146 Cymatodera 129 Cymbiodyta 57 Cy mindis 49 CynsBus I73 Cyphon 106 Cyrtusa 60 Cysteodemus 183 Cytilus 104 Dacne 88 Dacoderus 163 Dactylosternum 58 DaSC YLLID^ 105 Dascyllus 106 Dasycerue 100 Dasytastes 128 insularis 251 Dasytellus 127 Dasytes 127 clementse 250 ninscnlns 249 Decarthron 62 Deleaster 77 Dendrobius 145 Dendroctonus 203 Deporaus 187 Deretapbrus 89 Dermestes 92 Deemestid* 92 Derobrachys 142 Deronectes 53 Desmocerus 147 Desmopachria 52 Desmoris 193 Diabrotica 156 Diachus 153 Diaphorus 47 Dibolia 159 Dicentrus 143 Dicerca 115 Dichelonycha 139 Dinapate 134 Dinocleue 192 Dinoderus 134 Diodyrhynchus 186 Diploccelus 92 Diplotaxis 140 Dirotognathus 189 Discoderus 50 Disonycba I57 Ditemnus 123 Ditoma 88 Ditylus 178 Doliema 170 Dolopius Ill Donacia 151 Dory tomus 193 Drachylis 179 Drasterius llo DromsBolus 107 Dromius 48 Dryoccetes 202 Dryops 105 Dryophthorus 200 Dyschirius 41 affinis 209 dnplicatas .... 209 unipunctatns 207 Dyslobiis 188 Dystasia . 118 INDEX. 275 Dysticheus 1*^9 Dytiscid J. 52 Dytiscus ECHIDNOGLOSSA Echocerus Edrotes Ega Elaphidion Elaphrus Elasmocenis califor nicns 251, Elassoptes Elater El ATERIDi Elatrinus Eleates Elissa EUeschus Ellychnia Elmis Eleodes Embaphion Emmenastus Emphyastes Endalus Endeodes Endomychid^; Enicmus Ennearthron Epicauta Epierus Epiraechus {emulns arenicolor Epitragus Epitrix ' Epura9a Erchomus Eretes Ergates Eriopis Ernoblus Eros '. Eeottlid* Eschatocrepis Esthesopus Euceratocerus Eucinetus Eucnemis Eucrossus Eucyllus Eudasytes Eulabis Eupagoderes. 54 64 172 161 48 144 40 128 252 201 109 107 110 174 189 196 121 105 167 168 162 192 194 124 87 100 135 184 95 196 266 265 162 158 98 74 54 142 83 131 121 87 128 , 109 , 133 . 106 . 107 . 144 . 189 . 125 . 168 . 187 Euphoria 141 Euphorticus 47 Euplectus 63 Eupsoplms 170 Eurelymis 128 Europs 103 Eurygenius 180 Eurymetopon 162 Eurypogon 105 confasus' 239 Euryscopa 152 Eusattus 166 difflcilis 256 EustUbus 82 notabilis 230 Eustrophus 177 Euthysanius 114 Exema 153 Exochomus 85 histrio 230 FaL AGRIA 64 Formicomus 181 Fuclisina 102 Galerita 47 Galerucella 166 Gastroidea 155 Geoderces 189 Geodercodes 189 Geodromicus 77 Geortssid.b ■ 104 Georyssus 104 Geotrupes 138 Glyptiua 158 Glyptoscelimorpha 118 Glyptoscelis 154 Gnathium 184 Gnathocerus 172 Gnathotrichus 201 Gonioctena 155 Gonops - 203 Grynocbaris 103 Gyascutus 115 Gymnopyge 139 Gyretes 55 G YRINID^ 54 Gyrinus 55 Gyronycha 67 Gyrotus 198 Habrocerus 74 Hadrobregmus 132 Hadrotes 68 Haliplid.b 51 Haliplus • • • • 51 276 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OP SCIENCES. Ha] tica 157 Hapljclus 1-14 Haploderus 76 Harmonia 84 Harpalus 50 Hedobia 131 Helochares 57 Helodes 106 Helophorus 55 Helops 175 Hemiglyptus 158 Hemi ptychus 132, 252 integer 253 lateotectua 253 palliatns 253 Henoticus 91 Hesperobasnus 103 Hetserius 95 Heterocerid.e 105 Heterocerus 105 Heterothops 67 car bona tus 220 Hippodamia 83 Hippomelas 115 HiSTERiDa: 93 Hister 94 simplicipes 235 Hololepta 93 Holoparamecus . 99 Holopleura 145 Homalium 78 Hoplaudria 64 Hoplia 139 Horistonotus 108 flavidns 240 Hybodera 145 Hydaticus 54 Hydnobius 59 Hydnocera 130 Hydrfena 56 Hydro bius 57 Hydrocharis 56 Hydrochus 55 Hydrophilid/E 55 Hydrophilus 56 Hydroporus ... 53 Hydroscapha 81 Hydroscaphid.e 81 Hydrot rapes 53 Hygrotus 52 Hydrovatus 62 Hylastes 203 Hylesinus 203 Hylotrupes 143 Hylurgops 203 Hymenoriis 176 Hyperaspidius 86 Hyperaspis , 85 excelsa 232 spiculinota 232 Hyperplatys 150 Hypnoideus 109 Hy pophloeus 174 Hyporhagus 177 Hypothenemus 202 lD(EMEA 151 californica 256 Ilybiosoma 53 Iphthimus 169 Ipochus 150 Ips 99 Ischnonemis 146 Isoglossa 06 Isomira 176 Laccobius 57 Lacconotus 177 Laccophilus 52 Lachnophorus 47 Lachnosterna 141 Liemophloeus 90 Lamprorhiza .... 121 Lampyhid^e 121 Languria 87 californica 235 Lapethus 89 Lara 104 Lasconotus 88 Lathkidiid^ 99 Lathridius. 100 Lathrirafeum 78 Lathrobium 72 Lathropus 91 Lebasiella 130 Lebia 48 Lema 152 Leptacinus 70 Leptalia 148 Leptinotarsa 155 Leptorus 73 californicus 224 longipennls 225 Leptoschema 112 Leptotrix 158 Leptura 149 Leptusa 67 Lepyrus 191 Lesteva 77 Ligyrus 141 INDEX. 277 Limnebius 57 Limnichus 101 Limnobaris 199 Limonius Ill Lina 155 Liodes 59 Lispinus "9 Lissonotus 145 Listrochelus 141 Listronotus 192 Listrus 127 definitas 248 Litargus 92 Lithocharis 73 Lixus 192 Lomechnsa 65 angnsta 219 Longitarans 158 Loricera 40 LtrcANiD.E 135 Ludius Ill Luperodes 157 Lyctus 134 Lypsimena 151 Maceonxchus 105 Macropogon 105 Macrops 192 ilacrorhoptus 195 Macrorhyncholus 201 Magdalinops 195 Magdalis 194 JlALACHIDa: 123 Malachlus 124 acatipennia 245, 248 directas 245, 248 inornatns 243, 248 nigrinns 246, 248 pristlnus 244, 248 prolixicornis 246, 248 Malacopterus •. 144 Mallodon 142 Malocorhinus 157 Malthodes 123 Maseochara 66 Mastinocerus 122 Matheteus 121 Mecynotarsus 183 Mecysmus 170 Medon 72 Megapenthes 110 Megasternum 58 Megarthnis 79 Megatapbrus 88 Megeleates 174 Megilla 83 Megobrium 145 Melanactes 114 Mel ANDEYiD.« 177 Melanophila 116 Melanophthalma 101 Melanotus Ill Melasis 107 Meligethes 99 Meloe 183 Meloid,e 183 Meristhus 108 Merotemnus 173 Metachroma 154 Metachsa 173 Metaleptus 146 Metamasius 200 Methia 151 Metophthalmus 100 Metopotoma 200 Metrius 41 Micracis 202 Microglossa 66 Microlipus 124 Micromastus 197 Micropeplus 80 Microphotus 121 Microrhopala 159 Microscbatia 164 Miloderes 188 Mimetes 188 Minyomerus 187 Molorcbus 145 Monarthrum 201 Monilema 150 Monobammus 150 MONOMMID.E 177 Monotonia 103 MOSOTOMID^ 103 Monoxia 156 Mordella 179 MORDELLID.E 179 Mordellistena 179 Menus 63 Motscbulskium 80 Mycetina 87 My cetocbares 176 Mtcetophagid^ 91 Mycetopbagus 91 Mycetoporus 74 Mycterus 178 Mylacus 189 Mylliena 67 Myocbrous 154 Myodites . 186 •278 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Myrmechixenls 92 Myrmecochara 66 Myrmedonla 65 Mysia 84 Nacebdes 178 Naemia 83 ■Narpus 105 Narthecius 90 Nausibius , 90 Nebrla 40 Necrophilus 58 Necrophorus 58 Necydalis 148 Nemognatha 184 NeoclytuR 147 NlTIDULID,E 98 Nitidula 99 Nocheles 188 Nomaspis 183 NomidiuB 188 Noserus 163 -Nosodendron 103 Nothus 177 Notibius 171 Notlophilus 40 obscurns 207 Notoxus 182 caadatus 257 Nyctoporis 164 Oberea 151 Ochodseus 138 Ochtbebius 55 costipennis 214 wickhami 213 Octotemnus 135 ■Odontsus 138 Odontosphindus 135 Odontota 159 CEdemebidvE 178 (Edionychis 157 CEine 144 Olibrus 82 •Oligomerus 131 Oligopterus 72 Oligota 67 Olisthaerus 74 Ouiophron 39 Omosita 99 Omus 37 •Oncerus 139 Oniticellus 136 Onthophilus 95 •Onychobaris 199 Oodes 50 Ophistomis 150 Orcbestes 196 Orimodema 188 Orpbilus 93 OrobanuB 79 Oropus 63 Orsodacna 152 Orsonyx 140 Orthocis 135 Orthoperus 82 Ortboptochus 189 Ortboris 199 Orus 73, 222 fenioratus 224 fraternns 223 montanns 223 parallelus 223 punctatus 223 Othius 71 Othniid.e 177 Otbnius 177 Otidocephalus 194 OriOBHYNCHiDa: 187 Oxacis 179 Oxoplus 146 Oxygonus 113 Oxylsemus 89 Oxypoda 66 Oxyporus 75 Oxytelus 76 Ozognatbus 131 Pachybrachys 153 Paobypbanes 193 Paobyplectrus 138 Pacbyta 148 Pactopus 115 Piederus 73 Palfeoxenus 107 Palaminus 73 Panormus 189 Papusus 60 Paragoges 197 Parandra 142 Paraptocbus 188 Parnid^ 104 Paromalus 95 Patrobiis 44 Pediacus 90 Pelenomus 198 Peltis 103 Pentapbyllus 174 Pentaria 179 Pericompsus 44 INDEX. 279- Perigona 47 Perimegatoma 92 Peritelimis 189 Peritelodea 189 Peritelopsis 189 Perothopg 115 Perthalycra 99 Petalium 132 PH ALACBID.E 81 Phalacrus 81 Phaleria 173 Phellopsis... 163 Philhydrus 57 conjunctua 217 Philonthus 68 Philophuga 49 Phlceodes 163 Phlceonemus 88 Phlceopora 65 PhlcBosinus 203 PhUeotrya 177 Phobetus 141 Phodaga 186 Phthora 172 Phyconomiis 103 Phycoccetes 194 Phyllobrotica ] 56 Phyllotreta 159 Phyllotrox 194 Phymaphora 87 Phymatinus 188 Phymatodes 143 PiazuruB 197 Pinacodera 49 Pinodytes 59 Pinophilus 73 Pityobhis 112 Pityophagus 99 Pityophthorus 201 Placonycha 106 Plagiodera I55 Plastocerus 114 Platycholeus 69 Platydema 174 Platynus 4g Platystethus 76 Plectrodes 14q Plegaderus 97 Pleocoma 138 Plesiocis I35 Pleurophorus I37 Plochionus 49 Pocadiua 99 Podabrus 122 Podapion 191 PcBcilobrium 145 Pcecilonota 116 Pogonocherus 151 Pogonus 44 Polemius 123 Polycaon 134 ■neg'alops 254 Polycesta us Polyphylla , 141 Polystoma 65- Pontomalota 64 Poreospasta 184 Priacma 135 Priognathus 173 Prionus 142 Pristonychus 46 Pristoscelie 125 Promecotarsus 194 Protinus 79 Prostomis go Psammodius 135 PSELAPHID^E 61 Pselaptrichus 62 Pselaptus 62 Psephenus 104 Pseudebseus 125 . Pseudobaris 199 . Pseudomorphus 51 Pseudopsjs 75 detrita 22& minnta 227 Psoa 134 Psylliodes ] 59 Psyllobora 84 Ptenidium 80 Pterostichus 44 inermis 211 Pterotus 121 Ptilinus 133 Ptilium 80 Ptinid^ 130 Ptinodes 132 Ptinus 130 Ptomaphagus 59 Ptosima 120 Purpuricenus 146 Pyrochroa 183 PYBOCHEOlDiE 183 Pyropyga 121 Pyrotrichus 148 ■ Pythida: 178 QuEDius 67 ' 280 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Reichenbaohia 62 Revelieria 101 Ehagium 148 Rhagodera 88 Rhantus 54 Ehexidius 63 Rhigopsis 187 Rhinomacer 186 Rhinomacerid^ 186 Rhiuoplatia 179 Rhiuosimus 178 Rhipicerid.'e 107 RHiPiPHORiDa; 186 Rhipiphorus 186 Ehizobius 87 Rhizophagus 99 Rhodobaenus 200 Rhynchites 186 seratoides 260 Rhynchitid/E 186 Rhyncholus 201 Rhypodes 189 Rhyssematus 197 Rhyssemus 137 Rhj'ssodes 89 Rhyssodidje 89 Romaleum 144 Rosalia 145 Sacium 82 Sagola 63 Salpingus 178 Sandalus 107 Saperda 151 Saprinus 96 consobrinus 237 liticolus 236 Sarpedon 107 Saxinis 152 Scalenarthrus 62 SCAPHIDIIDiE 81 Scaphisoma 81 SCARAB«ID« 136 Scarites 41 Scelolyperus 156 Schizillus 164 Schizogenius 42 litig'iosus 210 seticollis 209 validus 210 Schizonotus 194 Schizopua 118 Sciopithes 188 SCOLYTID/E 201 Scolytus 202 Scopseodera 73 ScopEBUs 73 armiger 225 SCYDM«NID;E 60 Scyduisenus 60 Scymnillus 86 Seymnus 86 dentipes 234 meg'aceplialas 233 mimus 234 tsedatas 233 Scyphophorus 200 Scythropus 190 Serica 140 Sericoderus 82 Sericosomus 113 Sibynes 197 Silis , 122 Silpha 58 SiLPHID/E 58 Silusa 66 Silvanus 89 Sinodendron ... 135 Sinoxylon 133 Sipalia 67 Sitodrepa 131 Sitones 190 Smicrips 99 Smicrouyx 193 Smicrus 80 Smilia 85 reversa 231 Sognorus 61 Somatium 67 Sphaericus 130 Sph«riid;E 81 Sphferites 59 Spheerius 81 Sphenophorus 200 tardus 269 SPHiNDiDa; 135 Spondylid;E 142 Spondylis 142 Stamoderes 187 Staph YLiNiDiE 64 Staphylinus 68 Stenelmis 105 nnbifer 238 Stenochidus 175 Stenocolus 106 StenolophuB 50 Stenopelmus 194 Stenopodius 160 StenoptochuB 189 Stenosphenus 146 INDEX. 281 StenotrichuB 1C9 Stenus 71 Stereopalpus 180 Stibia 161 Stilicus 73 occidnus. 225 Strangalia 149 Sunlus 73 Synaphoeta 150 Synchi ta 88 Synertha 194 Syneta 152 Systena 158 Tachintjs 74 Tachycellus 51 Tachy porus 74 Tachypterus 195 Tachys 43 Tachyusa 65 Tanaops 124 Tanarthrus 182 Tanyrhinus 78 Taphrocerus 121 Tarphiota 65 Tecnophilus 48 Tegrodera 186 Telephorus 122 Tenebrio 170 TENEBRIONIDa: 161 Tenebrioides 102 Teretrius 97 Tetracha 37 Tetragonodera 48 Tetraopes 151 Tetropium 143 Thalpius , 47 Thanasimus 129 Theca 132 Thermo nectes 54 Thiasophila 66 Thinobius 77 Thinopinus 68 Thinoxenus 189 Thinnsa 66 Thricolema 152 Thricolepia 189 Thboscid^ , 115 Throscinus 105 Throscus 115 Thyce Ul Tilea 77 Timarcha 155 Tinotus 65 Toinicus 202 Toxotropis 203 Toxotus 148 Traohypachys 39 Trachyscelida 156 Tragidion 146 Trechus 44 pomonsB 211 Triarthron 59 Tribalister 94 Tribalus 94 Tribolium 172 Trichobaris 199 Trichochious 125 Trichodes 129 Trichodestna 132 Teichoptertgid^ 80 Trichopteryx 80 Trichoton 171 Trigonogenius 130 Trigonoscuta 187 Trigonurus 80 Triglyphus 190 Triorophus 161 Trirhabda 155 Tritoma 88 Trogloderus 168 Trogodendron 129 Trogoderma 93 Trogopbloeus 76 Trogosita 102 TBOGOSITIDiE 102 Trogosma 143 Tropisternus 56 salsainentas 214 Trox 138 Trypopitys 132 Tychius 196 Tychus 62 Tyloderma 197 TyphlusechuB 163 Typhoea 92 Typophorus 154 Tyrus 61 Uloch^TES 148 Dloma 173 Ulosonia 173 Ulus 171 Unamis 77 Usechus 163 282 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Valda 61 Valgus 142 Vanonus 258 Vectura 128 Vellica 77 Vrilletta 132 Xanthocheoa 178 Xantholinus 70 Xenomycetes 87 Xestobium 131 Xyleborus 202 XyletinuB 132 Xylobius 1 07 Xylocleptes 202 Xylocrius Hi Xylophilus 183 brnnnescena 258 const rirtas 259 nuclens 259 Xyloterus 202 Xy lotrechus 147 Xystropus 175 yuccaborus 200 Zabrotes 160 Zalobius 77 Zarhipjs 122 Zascelis 197 Zeugopbora 152 Zonitis 184 Zopheru8 163 Zuphium 47 ERRATA. Page 61, uiuth line, insert ( ), to read