OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES No. 131, 38 pages, 32 figures, 3 tables - -- January 24, 1979 The Maritime Pseudoscorpions of Baja California, Mexico (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida) By Vincent F. Lee Department of Entomology . California Academy of Sciences. Golden Gate Park. San Francisco, California 94118 ^''^^DED^^'^^ SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHED BY THE ACADEMY COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Laurence C. Binford, Chairman Tomio Iwamoto, Editor Paul H. Arnaud, Jr. William N. Eschmeyer George E. Lindsay us ISSN 0068-5461 The California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, California 94118 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY ALLEN PRESS INC., LAWRENCE, KANSAS Table of Contents Abstract iv Introduction 1 Material and Methods 1 Acknowledgments 2 General Description of Baja California and Oceanic Currents 2 The Maritime Pseudoscorpions 4 Family Garypidae 4 Genus Garypus 4 Garypus californicus 5 Garypus guadalupensis 7 Garypus giganteus 8 Garypus palUdus 10 Garypus sini 12 Garypus gracilis 15 Family Menthidae 18 Genus Menthus 18 Menthus lindahli 18 Family Chthoniidae 19 Genus Paraliochthonius 19 Paraliochthonius Johns toni 19 Family Chernetidae 21 Genus Mcxachemes 21 Mexachernes canninis 2 1 Family Olpiidae 24 Genus Serianus 24 Serianus lit oralis 24 Key to the Species of Maritime Pseudoscorpions 25 Natural History, Faunae Origins, and Affinities 26 Habitat preference 26 Ecological role 27 Species diversity and geographical comparisons 27 Sympatry 28 Dispersal mechanisms 3 1 Origins and phylogenetic affinities 33 Literature Cited 35 Index 37 Abstract Lee, Vincent F. The maritime pseudoscorpions of Baja California, Mexico (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpioni- da). Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences. No. 131, 38 pages, 32 figures, 3 tables, 1978. — Ten species of maritime pseudoscorpions are known from the beaches of Baja California, Mexico. Of these, members of Mexachcrnes carminis. n.comb., and ParaUochtlwnius johnstoni are restricted to the littoral zone; members of the six species of Garypus and Serianus litoralis to the supralittoral zone; and members of Mcnihus linduhli do not appear to be limited to beaches. Paraliochihonius mcxicanus Muchmore is synonymized with P. johnstoni. The six Baja species of Garypi4s are divided into two natural groups: the californicus group [californicus and f>uadalupensis) and the giganteus group (giganteus. gracilis n.sp., pal- lidus. and sini). The geographic distribution of maritime pseudoscorpions of Baja California correlates well with the pattern of sea currents. This relationship is based on the ability of pseudoscorpions to disperse via floating objects such as wrack and driftwood. Birds are probably of minor importance in affecting their dispersal. Introduction The pseudoscorpion fauna of Baja California is not well known. The first pseudoscorpion re- ported from this region is Garypus giganteiis Chamberlin, a maritime species whose holotype was collected by members of the U.S.S. Al- batross in 1906 (Chamberlin 1921). In 1921, Jo- seph C. Chamberlin was a member of a Califor- nia Academy of Sciences expedition to the Gulf of California (Slevin 1923) and described the pseudoscorpions he collected, including some beach inhabitants (Chamberlin 1923). His work is the only one to date dealing with the entire Baja California area. Later, in a study of the stomach contents of a toad found in Cabo San Lucas, he described a new species of Chernes (Chamberlin 1925). In 1930, he described an en- demic Garypus from Isla de Guadalupe and pub- lished additional records which had been edito- rially omitted from his 1923 paper (Chamberlin 1930b). Since then, the only new pseudoscor- pion described from Baja California has been Lainprochernes ellipticus Hoff, a terrestrial spe- cies from the Colorado Desert (Hoff 1944). The purpose of this study is to investigate the origin, distribution, and systematic affinities of the maritime pseudoscorpions found on the Baja California peninsula and islands, and in the ad- jacent Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa, through an examination of the literature, type- specimens, and specimens in major research collections. Most of the specimens and bionom- ical data in this study were obtained through several field expeditions carried out from 1969 to 1974. Species only occasionally found in the littoral and supralittoral zones, such as Menthiis rossi (Chamberlin). are excluded from this study. Material and Methods Specimens were requested from major arach- nological collections and from active arachnol- ogists in the United States and Mexico. How- ever, only a small number of those from whom material was requested had pseudoscorpions from Baja California. The individuals and insti- tutions from which specimens were borrowed or examined are the following, with the initials used to represent them: California Academy of Sciences (CAS); California State University, Long Beach (CSU-LB); David R. Malcolm (DRM); San Diego Museum of Natural History (SDMNH); University of California, Davis (UCD); Vincent D. Roth (VDR); William B. Muchmore (WBM); William G. Evans (WGE). Representative specimens in the writer's collec- tion (VFL) will be deposited in the California Academy of Sciences collection. Specimens that 1 collected were initially pre- served in a solution containing approximately eight parts 75% isopropyl or ethyl alcohol and two parts glacial acetic acid. Later, they were transferred to 70 to 75% ethyl alcohol. Color- ation was taken from freshly preserved speci- mens in alcohol, unless otherwise stated. Slide preparations of representative individu- als were made following dissection methods sug- gested by Chamberlin (1931) and Hoff (1949), and slide making procedures recommended by Ross (1953). This consisted of removing from each specimen one entire pedipalp, the chela of the other palp, one first and one fourth leg. and both chelicerae. These appendages were dehy- drated through two baths of glacial acetic acid, then cleared in clove oil. While this was being done, the body was cleared in 10% potassium hydroxide solution. After clearing, it was washed in distilled water, the internal contents were pumped out. and the body was then pro- cessed through the procedures mentioned for the appendages. After one day in clove oil. or two or more days for thick-palped specimens, all parts were placed in xylene for at least ten minutes to remove the clove oil. Piccolyte was used as the mounting medium. The body and pedipalps were placed in a drop of the medium on a microscope slide with the venter of the body, the dorsal side of the entire pedipalp, and the extero-lateral side of the chela up. Three sections of monofilament line of proper thick- ness were used to support the cover glass. The remaining appendages were mounted under a separate cover glass without any support. Light- ly pigmented and overcleared specimens were stained with acid fuchsin before the acetic acid baths. Lastly, the slides were dried in a ther- mostat-controlled oven set at 45°C for about a week. Measurements were taken according to meth- ods suggested by Chamberlin (1931), with the exception that the lengths of the trochanter and femoral segments of legs I and IV were mea- sured along the longitudinal axis from the scle- rotized tips of the podomeres. All observations of microscopic structures were made with a OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 conipiuiiul microscope equipped with a calibrat- ed ocular micronieler. Chaetolaxic formulas used in this paper fol- lowed those used by Chamberlin in several of his papers, in some cases, complete chaetotaxy is given when it seems useful. In others, selected carapacial and abdominal chaetotaxies are used. In the formulas, certain specialized setae are designated as follows: d = dwarf seta on cara- pace of Piiraliochthonhis johnstoni (Chamber- lin): P = pseudotaclile seta; T = tactile seta. The symbol ± indicates maximum number of observable setae. Additional setae may be pres- ent but are obscured because of the preparation. Names of localities used in this paper gener- ally conform with those in Lower California Guidebook (Gerhard and Gulick 1967). Data from Chamberlin's slides were first confirmed using Slevins 1923 report on the 1921 California Academy of Sciences expedition to the Gulf of California. Then when necessary, the locality name was changed to that used in Gerhard and Gulick"s book. Label data from slides of the type-specimens in the type-data sections are not changed but are paraphrased. In this paper, "Baja" refers to Baja California (collectively, Estado de Baja California Norte and Estado de Baja California Sur); "Gult~" refers to the Gulf of California (Golfo de California); Cape region refers to the area around Cabo San Lucas, gen- erally south of the Tropic of Cancer. Ac KNOWLEDGMENTS Field work for this study was partly supported by the National Science Foundation through re- search grant GB 23674 to its principal recipient Stanley C. Williams. Travel expenses for the 1970 expedition to the southern Gulf islands of Baja California were arranged by George E. Lindsay of the California Academy of Sciences through an American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science student research grant. My appreciation goes to Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Dwyer for their personal interest in my field work and their hospitality aboard their research vessel Sea Quest during this expedition. The Patterson Fund of the Department of Entomol- ogy at the California Academy of Sciences pro- vided partial support for field studies in July- August 1974. The laboratory part of this study was princi- pally carried out at the California Academy of Sciences. Many thanks are accorded to Paul H. Arnaud, Jr. for making the type-specimens, re- search collections, and facilities of the Depart- ment of Entomology available for my use. The following individuals arranged for the loan of specimens from their personal collections or col- lections under their charge: Paul H. Arnaud. Jr., California Academy of Sciences; Ellen M. Ben- edict. Portland State University. Oregon (J. C. Chamberlin collection); William G. Evans, Uni- versity of Alberta, Edmonton; Eric M. Fisher, California State University, Long Beach; David R. Malcolm, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon (J. C. Chamberlin collection); William B. Muchmore, University of Rochester, NeW' York; Vincent D. Roth, Southwestern Researchi Station, Portal, Arizona; and Robert O. Schus- ter, University of California, Davis. Thanks toi the following individuals for donating specimensi to my collection: Ernest Anderson, John T. Doyen, Thomas M. Glimme, and Stanley C. Williams. Myron Q. Chan loaned microscopic and other important research equipment. Keithi Young illustrated the map of oceanic currentsi and gave clerical assistance. Lillian J. Dempster gave advice on taxonomic procedures. Williami B. Muchmore assisted in the proper generic as- signment of Chelanops canninis Chamberlin. Stella E. Tatro helped in translating several Ger- man articles. Stanley C. Williams, James R. Sweeney, David C. F. Rentz, David H. Kavan- augh. Paul H. Arnaud. Jr.. and Linda Zinn crit- ically reviewed the manuscript. However, my deepest appreciation goes to Stanley C. Wil- liams, who not only provided me with several opportunities to visit Baja California so that L could see at first hand the pseudoscorpions of this most interesting and unique area, but also for his guidance and encouragement during the course of this study. General Description of Baja California and Oceanic Currents Affecting Its Coastline Baja California is an 800-mile (1,290 km) long peninsula extending from the border of Califor- nia in a south-southeasterly direction. The Pa- cific Ocean borders the west coast and the Gulf of California the east. Along both coasts are is- lands, but these islands are especially abundant on the Gulf side. The entire shoreline of the pen- insula is estimated to be 3.500 miles (5.630 km) long, which compares well with California's LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA Figure ]. Major oceanic currents of the North Pacific Ocean. Excluded is the Davidson Current which is a countercurrent to the California Current (adapted from Kelley 1971). shoreline of 3,427 miles (5.515 km) (Kelley 1971). The Pacific coast of Baja California is affected by fog and winter rains, especially in the region just south of the international border. The cli- mate and vegetation there are not unlike that of the San Diego area. South of El Rosario. the central region is desert and becomes progres- sively drier, but it is still influenced by fog. The climate at the tip of the peninsula is tropical, with rains and occasional hurricanes in the sum- mer. On the eastern side of the peninsula, the cli- mate is more continental. The islands and sur- rounding continental borderlands are extremely arid. In the northern parts of the Gulf, moisture from the Pacific cyclonic storms is mostly ab- sorbed by the mountain ranges, leaving very lit- tle atmospheric moisture for the Gulf coast. Hurricanes occur in the region from Santa Ro- salia to the tip of the peninsula (Hastings and Turner 1965; Soule and Sloan 1966). The distribution of littoral organisms is asso- ciated with their ability to disperse. As will be shown later, oceanic currents are suggested as playing a crucial role in the dispersal of maritime pseudoscorpions. Therefore, a discussion of the major currents of the North Pacific Ocean is im- portant here. Detailed studies of the currents in the Gulf have not been made, so these currents will not be discussed. The North Pacific gyral (Fig. 1), the great clockwise oceanic circulation of the North Pa- cific basin, impinges on the west coast of the continental United States by one of its arms, the south-flowing California Current. This current joins the west-flowing North Equatorial Current offshore at about latitude 25° north. Near the Asian continent, the warm Kuroshio Current flows north, passing the Philippine Islands and Japan. It picks up the cool Okhotsk Current and then moves eastward across the more northern latitudes of the North Pacific. Here it is called the North Pacific Drift or Current. The Subarctic Current merges into it south of the Aleutian chain. Near the Canadian border, this current OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 6 divides into the smaller Alaska Current, which flows counterclockwise into the Gulf of Alaska, and the relatively cooler and larger California Current (Kelley 1971; Reid. Roden, and Wyllie 1958). The Maritime Pseudoscorpions Family Garypidae Genus Garypus Koch Diagnosis. — (Characteristics shared by Garypus species of Baja California.) Genus of medium- to large-sized (2.95 to 7.33 mm long) pseudoscorpions. Carapace triangular, widened posteriorly; anterior margin strongly bilobed, with four setae; posterior margin weakly con- cave; four strongly corneated eyes, anterior pair separated from posterior pair by about one-half ocular diameter, from anterior margin by about two to three ocular diameters; furrow of cucul- lus faint; two transverse furrows, both weak but discernible, posterior furrow most distinctive. Coxal area diverging posteriorly. Abdomen oval elongate; pleural membrane coarsely wrinkled; tergites 1 and II entire, tergites 2 to 10 divided medially; sternites 2, 3, and 11 entire, sternites 4 to 10 divided medially. Chelicera fairly stout; galea with four to six simple rami; serrula ex- terior with 20 to 32 ligulate blades; serrula in- terior with 17 to 28 blades fused into a velum; lamina exterior present as a thin velum; subapi- cal lobe of movable finger strongly sclerotized and acute; fixed finger with six to ten marginal teeth; five acuminate setae on palm, normally distributed; galeal seta short, not reaching apex of galea. Palp extremely slender to stout; ves- titural setae numerous, short and acute or nearly so, longer and more abundant on fingers. Chela with venom apparatus on each finger; fixed fin- ger with eight tactile setae, eb, esb, and isb at Figures 2 to 6. Characteristics of the genus Garypus of taxonomic importance. Fig. 2. Garypus californicus Banks, male from Bohnas, California, setae of flagellum. Fig. 3. Gary- pus sini Chamberlin, male from Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California Norte, Mexico, setae of flagellum. Fig. 4. Garypus californicus. male from ten miles (16 km) north of Laguna Manuela, Baja California Norte, Mexico, tarsal articulation of fourth walking leg. Most setae omitted. Fig. 5. Garypus gra- cilis Lee, new species, holotype male from Isla Danzante, Baja California Sur, Mexico, tarsal articulation of fourth walk- ing leg. Most setae omitted. Fig. 6. Garypus californicus. male] from Coronado, California, pleural membrane of eighth ab- dominal sclerite, lateral view. T = tergite. LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA base of finger on exterior face, usually more or less aligned, est isolated on middle part of finger, et near finger tip, it nearer to et than to est and on dorsum of finger; movable finger with four tactile setae, h and sb basally grouped, st on middle part of finger, t near finger tip. Legs mod- erately hirsute on all surfaces, setae of trochan- ter, basifemur, and telofemur stout, setae on ex- tensor surfaces of moderate length, and longest on depressor surfaces of tibia, metatarsus, and telotarsus. Remarks.— As will be discussed below, cou- plet 5 of the key segregates Garypus into two groups of species: the califoniicus group which includes G. californicus Banks and G. guada- liwensis Chamberlin; and the giganteus group which includes G. giganteus Chamberlin, G. pallidus Chamberlin, G. sini Chamberlin, and G. gracilis Lee, new species. These groups appear to be natural divisions based on the character- istics given in the key below. Garypus californicus Banks (Figures 2. 4, 6-8, 30) Garypus californicus Banks, 19()9: 305 (original description): Banks 1911: 635. fig. 210B: Moore 1917: 26, fig. 1; Moles AND Moore 1921: 8, fig. on p. 8: Chamberlin 1921: 190, 191 (key), figs. A-D: Chamberlin 1925: 330; Chamberlin 1930a: figs, 2J. O. S, Z, 3P, S; Chamberlin 1930b: 613; Chamberlin 1931: figs. 3, 4C, 6C, 88, IIP, 14C, D. 16N, 17W, 19J, 21D, 24A, 26A, 29F, 40U, 41E. F, 450. 46L. 47F, T, 50F; Beier 1932a: 217 (key), 219-220, fig. 246: Pratt 1935: 480: Roewer 1937: 268 (listed); Cockerell 1940 294; Beier 1952: 238 (key); Ricketts and Calvin 1952 431; Light etal. 1954: 197; Takashima 1955: 176 (listed) Roth and Brown 1976: 128; Schulte 1976: 119-123 (bi- ological data). Diagnosis. — Medium-size species (3.84 to 5.69 mm long); 9 to 14 setae on posterior margin of carapace, derm granulated; posterior tergites granulated; pleural membrane with setae; setae of flagellum acuminate; palps moderately slen- der; legs with oblique tarsal articulation. Garypus californicus is most nearly like G. guadalupensis Chamberlin from which its mem- bers differ by their smaller size, fewer number of setae on posterior margin of carapace, and more robust appendages. Female characteristics. — Data based on one female from Puerto de Santo Tomas, nine females from 15 miles (24 km) N of El Rosario, two females from 10 miles ( 16 km) N of Miller's Landing, and five females from 10 miles ( 16 km) N of Laguna Manuela. Coloration (of other specimens in alcohol): Carapace dark dusky brown with two non-me- lanic spots near posterior margin; pedipalp light brown; legs buff to light brown; tergites dusky brown on edges of tergal halves, tergites 1 to 3 uniformly dusky brown but tergites 4 to 10 with dark central spot on each tergal half; sternites 6 to 10 with similar spot design; pleural mem- brane buff. Carapace with length slightly greater than posterior breadth; derm strongly granulated, more or less equally well developed throughout carapace except for light sclerotization of two spots near posterior margin; posterior margin with poorly defined row of 10 to 14 setae near the margin. Abdomen with pleural membrane setigerous on dorsal part and on ventral and median parts of terminal segments, usually two to four setae per fold; derm of tergites strongly granulated on anterior segments, becoming lightly granulated on posterior ones; chaetotaxy of tergites 1 to 10: 9-16:10-15:11-15:13-18:14-20:13-18:15-19:15- 21:15-20:14-20. Sternites with light reticulations on anterior segments, becoming granular on posterior ones; chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 15-22:9-12:8-12:11-16:11-16:11-16:12-19:13- 18:13-21. Flagellum of chelicera with three setae, an- terior one longest, posterior two about the same length, each seta stout, smooth, without lateral denticulations. rarely with apical branchings. Palp of typical facies, relatively slender; derm granular on all surfaces except fingers. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.5-1.8, femur 4.0-4.8, tibia 2.9-3.4. and chela without pedicel 2.9-3.7 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.2-1.3 (rarely 1.4) times as long as hand. Chela moderately slender; derm of hand coarsely granular, of fingers finely granular to smooth; fingers relatively straight, not strongly gaping; fixed finger with 73 to 90 teeth, more or less equally well developed; movable finger with 63 to 72 teeth. Chaetotaxy of chela similar to other members of Garypus, with st of movable finger nearer to sb than to /. Legs of typical structure; derm granular, well- developed granulations on telofemur of leg IV; articulation between metatarsus and telotarsus of all legs oblique. Leg I proportions: trochanter 1.4-2.0, basifemur 3.3-3.9, telofemur 1.8-2.3, tibia 3.6^.6, metatarsus 3.1-3.8, and telotarsus 3.2-3.7 times as long as deep. Leg IV propor- OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 131 Figures 7 to 10. Figs. 7 and 8. Garypus culiforniciis Banks, female from ten miles ( 16 km) north of Laguna Manuela, Baja. California Norte, Mexico. Fig. 7. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 8. Extero-lateral view of chela. Figs. 9 and 10. Garypus guadcilupcnsis Chamberlin. hololype female from Isia de Guadalupe, Baja California Norte, Mexico. Fig. 9. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 10. F.xtero-lateral view of chela (at greater magnification than dorsal view). tions: trochanter 1.9-2.2, basifemur 1.6-1.8, telofemur 3.4^.6, tibia 5.9-7.6, metatarsus 3.4- 4.3, and telotarsus 3. 1-3.9 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 4.46-5.69; abdomen 3.51-4.34 by 2.64-3.38. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1.25-1.38, ocular breadth 0.71-0.87, posterior breadth 1.07-1.40. Chelicera 0.38-0.41 long by 0.22-0.28 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.64-0.74 by 0.40-0.43, fe- mur 1.29-1.82 by 0.31-0.41, tibia 1.04-1.44 by 0.33-0.46, chela without pedicel 2.00-2.59 by 0.59-0.76. hand 0.91-1.20 long and 0.56-0.66 deep, movable finger 1.16-1.50. Leg 1: trochanter 0.37-0.48 by 0.24-0.29, basifemur 0.67-0.82 by 0.19-0.23. telofemur 0.37-0.50 by 0.17-0.25, tibia 0.50-0.63 by 0.12- 0.16, metatarsus 0.33-0.42 by 0.09-0.12, telo- tarsus 0.28-0.38 by 0.09-0.1 1. Leg IV: trochan- ter 0.57-0.67 by 0.26-0.32, basifemur 0.42-0.52 by 0.24-0.30, telofemur 1.09-1.23 by 0.27-0.35, tibia 1.14-1.24 by 0.15-0.20, metatarsus 0.48- 0.54 by 0.12-0.15, telotarsus 0.41-0.45 by 0.1 1- 0.14. Male characteristics. — Data based on one male from Puerto de Santo Tomas, 11 males from 15 miles (24 km) N of El Rosario. six males, from 10 miles ( 16 km) N of Miller's Landing, sixi males from 10 miles (16 km) N of Laguna Man- uela, and one male from Isla AsuncicSn. Not sig- nificantly different from female characteristics* except for the smaller size. Most setal counts and appendicular proportions come within the ranges described for the female. Chaetotaxy ofl genital segments (sternites 2 and 3): 21-35: (6-8)(6-7)/9-13. Type-Data. — The two syntypes (sex not stat- ed) of Garypus californicus Banks were collect- LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA ed from Palo Alto and San Nicolas Island, Cal- ifornia (Banks 1909). They are deposited in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- versity. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from many localities in California, from Trinidad south to Isla de Guadalupe and Isla Asuncion, Baja California Sur (38°14'N to 27°07'N). Members of this common species have been reported from under rocks, driftwood, and wrack on sandy and cobblestone beaches; under boards in salt marshes; and under bark of wood- en piles used as a breakwater. In Baja Califor- nia, individuals were reported from Ensenada (Ricketts and Calvin 1952). At Puerto de Santo Tomas, specimens were collected from a cob- blestone beach adjacent to a sedimentary head- land, where they occupied holes in stones ex- cavated by burrowing clams. The stones were right on the water line. Other specimens were found under kelp washed up to slightly above the high-tide line. Further south on the beaches of Bahia de Sebastian Vizcaino, individuals were found under semi-dried kelp accumulation atop cobblestone beaches. At El Tomatal, the surfgrass wrack was also found to harbor mem- bers of this species. Specimens examined. — Published records. MEXICO. Baja California Norte: Isla de Guadalupe, Jack's Bay, 16 July 1922, G D. Hanna, J. R. Slevin, 1 female (DRM). Baja Cali- fornia Sur: Isla Asuncion, 1 Aug. 1922, G D. Hanna, J. R. Slevin, 1 male (DRM). These specimens were determined by Chamberlin as G. giganteus Chamberlin. New records. MEXICO. Baja California Norte: Puerto de Santo Tomas, 1 1 July 1969. S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, 1 male. 1 female (VFL); Isla San Martin. N side, 23 Feb. 1973. C. R. Mahrot, 1 male, 1 female (CAS); Socorro dunes, 1.4 km NW of El Socorro, 17 July 1974, R. M. Haradon, W. E. Savary, V. F. Lee, 10 males, 18 females, 8 tritonymphs (VFL); 15 miles (24 km) N of El Rosario, 2 Aug. 1938. E. S. Ross, A. E. Michelbacher. 18 males, 9 females (CAS); Socorro dunes, 1.3 km NW of El Consuelo, 17 July 1974, R. M. Haradon, W. E. Savary, V. F. Lee, 17 males, 8 females, 2 tritonymphs (VFL); El Tomatal, 18 July 1974. R. M. Haradon, W. E. Sa- vary, V. F. Lee, 5 males, 1 tritonymph, 1 deutonymph, 2 protonymphs (VFL); 10 miles (16 km) N of Miller's Landing, 29 July 1938, E. S. Ross, A. E. Michelbacher, 6 males, 2 females (CAS); Millers Landing, 7 Apr. 1976, J. T. Doyen, 7 males, 4 females (VFL); 63.6 km N of Guerrero Negro, on road to Miller's Landing, 8 Aug. 1974, R. M. Haradon, W. E. Savary, V. F. Lee, 26 males, 11 females, 6 deutonymphs, 1 protonymph (VFL); 10 miles (16 km) N of Laguna Manuela (=Santo Domingo Landing), 21 June 1938, E. S. Ross, A. E. Michelbacher, 6 males, 5 females, 1 protonymph (CAS). Remarks. — Figures 4C and I4C of Chamber- Tin's 1931 work might not have been based on specimens of Gary pus calif amicus, as cap- tioned. In most individuals, the cheliceral fla- gellar setae are acuminate. In some, they are apically branched, but in none are they laterally denticulate, as in members of the giganteus group. Chamberlin's illustrations were probably drawn from a member of the giganteus group. The female from Isla de Guadalupe differs from peninsular specimens by its larger size, ra- tio of length of movable finger to length of hand which is 1.4, and slightly more hirsute abdomen. It appears to be more closely related to individ- uals of G. californicus from San Nicolas Island off the California coast than to the continental populations. Garypus guadaiupensis Chamberlin (Figures 9, 10, 30) Garypus guadaiupensis Chamberlin, 1930b: 614-615 (origi- nal description); Beier 1932a: 217 (key). 221; Roewer 1937: 286 (listed); Beier 1952: 238 (key); Takashima 1955: 176 (listed). Garypus guadeliipensis [sic]: Chamberlin 1931: figs. 8A, 33D, 37P. Q. Diagnosis. — Large species (about 5.61 mm long); posterior margin of carapace with five se- tae; pleural membrane hirsute as in members of Garypus californicus \ posterior tergites lightly granulated; setae of flagellum acuminate; palpal segments extremely slender, movable finger of chela 1.8 times as long as hand; tarsal articula- tion oblique. The nearest congener is G. californicus from which individuals can be easily distinguished by the more attenuated pedipalps, and by the larger size. Other distinctive features include fewer se- tae on the posterior margin of the carapace, greater number of blades on the serrula exterior and serrula interior, greater ratio of length of movable finger to length of hand, and greater number of teeth on the fingers of the palpal che- la. ReDESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE FE- MALE.— Carapace with length longer than poste- rior breadth; derm with granulations similar to G. californicus individuals; posterior mar- gin with about five setae. Pleural membrane of abdomen with setation as in G. californicus individuals; surface of ter- gites strongly granulated on anterior segments, becoming lightly granulated posteriorly; chae- totaxy of tergites 1 to 10: 14:16: 16: 15±: 17:18:19:17:19:20. Sternites smooth to faintly OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. L^l reiKiilaicd on anterior three segments, becom- ing granular posteriorly; chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 26:11:11:13:18:16:15:16:15. Chelicera typical; serrula exterior with 30 or 31 blades: serrula interior with 28 blades; fla- gellum with three setae, the anterior one miss- ing, posterior two about the same length, each seta with about four apical branchings. Palp of typical generic facies, extremely slen- der; derm lightly granular on palm but with dis- tinct granules on dorsal and ventral sides, es- pecially at base of fingers, fingers smooth. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.7. femur 5.3, tibia 3.5, and chela without pedicel 3.9 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.8 times as long as hand. Chela extremely attenuated, fingers strongly curved and gaping; movable finger distinctly shorter than fixed finger; fixed finger with 106 well-defined retroconical teeth with basal ones slightly shorter, movable finger with 94 teeth, the distal ones strongly retroconical. the proxi- mal ones with their apices rounded. Chaetotaxy as usual for genus, with est distal to midpoint of fixed finger and distinctly nearer to it than ist, isi anterior to esh, st of movable finger nearer to sb than to /. Legs of typical structure; derm of all podo- meres granular, with well-developed granula- tions on telofemur of leg IV; tarsal articulation strongly oblique as in G. californicus members. Leg 1 proportions: trochanter undeterminable, basifemur 4.3. telofemur 2.7. tibia 5.4. metatar- sus 4.7, and telotarsus 4.2 times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: trochanter 2.4, basifemur 1.8, telofemur 4.0, tibia 9.0, metatarsus 5.1, and telotarsus 4.5 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 5.61; abdomen 3.93 by 3.07. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1 .79, ocular breadth 0.94, pos- terior breadth 1.70. Chelicera 0.48 long by 0.34 broad . Palp: trochanter 0.96 by 0.56, femur 2.54 by 0.48. tibia 1.90 by 0.54. chela without pedicel 4.09 by 1 .04, hand 1 .44 long and 0.94 deep, mov- able finger 2.62 long. Leg I: trochanter length undeterminable by 0.34, basifemur 1.14 by 0.27, telofemur 0.68 by 0.25, tibia 0.92 by 0.17, metatarsus 0.61 by 0.13, telotarsus 0.51 by 0.12. Leg IV: trochanter 0.88 by 0.36, basifemur 0.65 by 0.36, telofemur 1.67 by 0.42, tibia 1.72 by 0.19, metatarsus 0.80 by 0.16, telotarsus 0.61 by 0.14. Type-Data. — The holotype female of Gary- pus i^mulalupensis Chamberlin was collected from Jacks Bay. Guadalupe Island. Lower Cal- ifornia, Mexico, on 16 July 1922 by [G D.] Hanna and [J. R.l Slevin. It is mounted on a microscope slide and is deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution. — Known only from Isla de Guadalupe, Baja California Norte (29°00'N. 1I8°16'W). Specimen Examined. — Published record. MEXICO. Baja California Norte: Isla de Guadalupe, Jacks Bay, 16 July 1922, G D. Hanna, J. R. Slevin. holotype (CAS Type No. 8703). Remarks. — This species is known only from the holotype. Its members are endemic to Isla de Guadalupe where they are sympatric with those of Garypus califonucus . Gigantism, as shown in this species, is a common phenomenon shared by many insular organisms. Garypus giganteus Chamberlin (Figures 11, 12, 30) Garypus fjiganieus Chambirlw. 1921: 186, 188-190 (original description), 191 (key), pi. 7 (figs. A-G); Chamberlin 1923: 360-361; Chamberlin 1930b: 613-614; Beier 1932a: 217 (key), 218; Roewer 1937: 268 (listed); Beier 1952: 238 (key): Takashima 1955: 176 (listed). Diagnosis. — Medium to large size (4.49 to 7.33 mm long); carapace with derm of posterior furrow distinctly reticulated, six to eight setae on posterior margin; pleural membrane bare; posterior tergites pseudosquamose; setae of cheliceral flagellum with lateral denticles; palps relatively slender, derm granulated; chela with five to eight microsetae near tactile seta b; leg, tarsal articulation nearly transverse. Superficially, individuals of this species re- semble Garypus gracilis Lee. new species de- scribed below. They differ by their larger size, greater number of teeth on the chelal fingers, the tendency for greater setal counts on sternites 5 to 10. lower ratio of the lengths of the chelal movable finger to hand, greater number of teeth (seven to ten) on the fixed finger of the chelicera, and uniformly granular derm of the palps. ReDESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE FE- MALE.— Derm of carapace lightly to strongly granular on lateral surfaces and distinctly netlike on posterior furrow; posterior margin with seven setae. Abdomen typical; surface of anterior tergites granulo-reticulated, becoming pseudosquamose on segments 8 to 11; chaetotaxy of tergites 1 to i LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA Figures 1 1 to 14. Figs. 1 1 and 12. Garypus giganteus Chamberlin. male from ten miles ( 16 km) north of Laguna Manuela. Baja California Norte, Mexico. Fig. 11. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 12. Extero-lateral view of chela. Figs. 13 and 14. Garypus pallidiis Chamberlin. topotype male from Isla Cerralvo. Baja California Sur. Mexico. Fig. 13. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 14. Extero-lateral view of chela. 10: 8:7:6:12:12:14:15:16:16:13. Sternites faintly reticulated on anterior segment.s, becoming pseudosquamose on posterior segments; chae- totaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 20:9:9:14:16:14:18: 14:15. Flagellum of chelicera with three setae, an- terior one longest, posterior ones of approxi- mately the same length, each seta slender and flattened, with well-defined lateral denticles on distal half, the denticles appear to be biramous. Palp of typical generic facies, relatively slen- der; derm granulated, granules small and well spaced, granules of fingers larger and more pro- nounced. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.7, fe- mur 3.6, tibia 3.2, and chela without pedicel 3.1 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.5 times as long as hand. Chela moderately slender; fingers slightly curved and gaping; teeth of fingers difficult to observe, fixed finger with more than 95 teeth, movable finger with 79 teeth. Chaetotaxy of che- la usual for genus, with est of fixed finger nearer to it than to ist; five or six microsetae located dorsal to b of movable finger. Legs of typical structure; derm of podomere lightly to moderately pseudosquamose, best de- veloped on telofemur of leg IV; articulation be- tween metatarsus and telotarsus of all legs near- ly transverse. Leg I proportions: trochanter undeterminable, basifemur 3.6, telofemur 2.2, tibia 4.4, metatarsus 3.1, and telotarsus 3.0 times as long as deep. Leg IV not properly mounted for determining proportions. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 6.93, abdomen 5.16 by 4.01. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1.58, ocular breadth 1.05, pos- terior breadth 1.57. Chelicera 0.47 long by 0.31 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.78 by 0.46, femur 1.70 by 0.48, tibia 1.55 by 0.48, chela without pedicel 2.85 by 0.92, hand 1.19 long, movable finger 1.78 long. Leg I: trochanter undeterminable, basifemur 0.78 by 0.22, telofemur 0.48 by 0.22, tibia 0.66 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 131 by 0.15, metatarsus 0.37 by 0.12, telotarsus 0.39 by 0.13. Leg IV not properly mounted for mea- suring. Variation of Other Mounted Females. — Data based on females listed below except for the holotype. Not much different from holotype. Chaetotaxy of abdominal sclerites generally not varying more than three setae from holotype chaetotaxy. Chaetotaxy of genital segments: an- terior operculum with 16 to 25, posterior oper- culum with 8 to 11 setae. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.6-1.8, femur 3.6^.2, tibia 2.9-3.5, and chela without pedicel 3.2-3.6 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.4-1.6 times as long as hand. Fixed finger of chela with 95 to 109 cuspid teeth, apical teeth strongly conical but reduced in height posteriorly; movable finger with 76 to 87 teeth, teeth well developed as are the dental canals, apical teeth strongly conical, becoming retroconical toward base of finger. Five to seven microsetae near h. rarely is part of group located between sh and b. Male Characteristics. — Data based on males listed below. Similar to female but smaller. Chaetotaxy of carapace, tergites, and ster- nites like the female; chaetotaxy of sternites 2 and 3: 26-38:(10-16)(8-15)/7-10. Palps not showing strong sexual dimorphism; proportions in male tend to be more slender: trochanter 1.5- 1.7, femur 3.6^.5, tibia 3.0-3.6, and chela with- out pedicel 3.4-3.9 times as long as broad; mov- able finger 1.3-1.5 times as long as hand. Type-Data. — The holotype female of Gary- pus giganteus Chamberlin was collected from Turtle Bay, Magdalena Bay, Lower California, Mexico, on 20 Apr. 1906 by [members of the] U.S.S. Albatross. It is mounted on a micro- scope slide and is deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from a restricted region of the Vizcaino Desert on the Pacific coast of Baja California from Miller's Landing to Bahia Magdalena (28°35'N to 24°35'N). Edward S. Ross (personal communication) indicated that he found individ- uals of this species under kelp on the beaches of Bahia de Sebastian Vizcaino. They are also found under stones and debris just above the high tide line, and in rock crevices at the back of a beach. Specimens Examined. — Published records. MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Bahia Tortugas, 20 Apr. 19()6, U.S.S. Albatross, holotype (CAS Type No. 748): Isla Asuncion. I Aug. 1922. G D. Hanna, J. R. Slevin, 6 males. 2 females (CAS, DRM). New records. MEXICO. Baja California Norte: 10 miles (16 km) N of Millers Landing, 29 July 1938, E. S. Ross, A. E. Michelbacher, 3 females (CAS): 10 miles (16 km) N of Laguna Manuela ( = Santo Domingo Landing), 21 June 1938, E. S. Ross. A. E. Michelbacher, 5 males, 4 females (CAS). Baja California Sur: Bahia Tortugas, 10-1? Nov. 1974, E. Anderson, 5 males, 2 females, 1 tritonymph, 1 deutonymph (VFL): Bahia Magdalena, I June l%8. W. G. Evans, 5 males, 8 females, II tritonymphs, 1 deutonymph, 19 protonymphs (WGE). Garypus pallidus Chamberlin (Figures 13, 14, 30) Garypus pallidus Chamberlin. 1923: 362-363 (original de- scription), pi. 3 (fig. 7): Chamberlin 1930b: 613: Beier 1932a: 216 (key), 218: Roewer 1937: 268 (listed): Beier 1952: 238 (key); Takashima 1955: 176 (listed): Roth and Brown 1976: 128. Diagnosis. — Small species of Garypus (2.95 to 3.52 mm long); carapace with five or six setae on posterior margin; pleural membrane bare; se- tae of cheliceral flagellum with lateral denticles; palps slender, derm imbricated; chelal movable finger 0.93-1 . 1 times as long as hand; one or two microsetae near b\ tarsal articulation of legs nearly transverse. This species is probably the smallest Garypus known. It differs from the other members of the giganteus group by its smaller size (up to 4.0 mm), characteristic carapacial patterning, im- bricated derm of the palp, more slender pedi- pt.lps, lower ratio of lengths of the movable fin- ger to the hand, and fewer microsetae near tactile seta b of the movable finger of the chela. ReDESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE MaLE. — Carapace of usual shape; derm rugose through- out most of carapace, appears pseudosquamose with flakelike imbrications on some parts, strongly reticulated on posterior furrow; poste- rior margin with six setae. Abdomen typical; dermal structure of tergites as that described for Garypus giganteus; chae- totaxy of tergites 1 to 10: 1 1 ±:7:7: 10: 10: 11:11:14:14:13. Derm of most sternites pseudo- squamose; chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 19:(13)(12)/9:10:11:12:13:13:13:I3. Flagellum of chelicera similar in form to in- dividuals of G. giganteus but with fewer spi- nules on each seta. Palp relatively slender; derm with coarse granules on chela, on other segments developed as featherlike imbrications, especially on the pedicels. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.4, fe-i LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA mur 4.1, tibia 3.4, and chela without pedicel 3.8 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.0 times as long as hand. Chela moderately slender; fingers not strongly gaping, nearly straight; teeth on both fingers strongly retroconical, with apices of proximal teeth lower and more rearward projecting; fixed finger with 64 teeth; movable finger with 51 teeth. Chaetotaxy typical for genus, with these notable features: est of fixed finger slightly distal to midpoint and nearer to // than to ist, st of movable finger slightly distal to midpoint and nearer to / than to sb\ one or two microsetae dorsal and posterior to tactile seta b of movable finger. Legs of usual shape; derm strongly pseudo- squamose; tarsal articulation nearly transverse. Legs not properly mounted for determining pro- portions. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 3.14; abdomen 2.18 by 1.53. Carapace: median sclerotized length 0.98, ocular breadth 0.58, pos- terior breadth 1.00. Chelicera not properly mounted for measuring. Palp: trochanter 0.43 by 0.30, femur 1.14 by 0.28, tibia 1.01 by 0.30, chela without pedicel 1.63 by 0.43, hand 0.83 long, movable finger 0.86 long. Legs not properly mounted for measuring. Variation of Other Mounted Males. — Data based on two paratopotypes, one topotype, and one male from Cabo San Lucas. Similar to holotype. Male from Cabo San Lucas slightly larger than specimens from type-locality. Col- oration (of other specimens in alcohol): Cara- pace dusky-brown with light band across pos- terior margin, two light spots symmetrically placed slightly anterior to this band; chela dus- ky-brown but other palpal segments lighter; ter- gites and sternites also dusky-brown; legs and coxae buff. Carapacial posterior margin with five or six setae. Chaetotaxy of tergites and ster- nites usually varying within three setae of ho- lotype chaetotaxy. Chaetotaxy of sternites 2 and 3: 21-29:(9-ll)(8-Il)/8-12. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.5-1.7, femur 4.1-4.4, tibia 3.3-3.8, and chela without pedicel 3.5^.3 times as long as broad; movable finger 0.93-1.1 times as long as hand. Redescription of the Allotype Female. — Basically similar to male, larger than males from type-locality. Chaetotaxy of tergites and ster- nites similar to males with usual exception of genital area: anterior operculum with ten, pos- terior one with seven setae. Palpal femur and tibia stouter than males. Palpal proportions: tro- chanter 1.6, femur 3.3, tibia 2.9, and chela with- out pedicel 3.4 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.1 times as long as hand. One microseta near b. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 3.52, abdomen 2.52 by 1.90. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1.04, ocular breadth 0.72, pos- terior breadth 1.12. Chelicera not properly mounted for measuring. Palps: trochanter 0.53 by 0.33, femur 1.20 by 0.36, tibia 1.11 by 0.38, chela without pedicel 1.82 by 0.53, hand 0.91 long, movable finger 0.97. Legs not properly mounted for measuring. Type-Data. — The holotype male and allotype female of Garypus pallidus Chamberlin were collected from Gordas Point, Ceralbo Island, Gulf of California, Mexico, on 6 June 1921 by J. C. Chamberlin. These types are mounted on microscope slides and are deposited in the Cal- ifornia Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from Isla Cerralvo and a few beaches around the Cape region, Baja California Sur and from Salina Cruz, Oaxaca. The geographic range is from 24°15'N to 16°10'N. Chamberlin (1923) collected individuals of this species under stones along rocky or sandy beaches. I collected spec- imens from barren sandy beaches. For instance, the beach near Todos Santos is practically a stretch of white sand, interspersed with very small pieces of cholla driftwood, most of them less than 12 cm long, which had been accumu- lated by the previous winter's highest tides. Un- der these pieces of driftwood was a diverse com- munity of numerous small arthropods. These isolated microhabitats not only serve as shelter- ing places, but also as feeding grounds for mi- cropredators such as members of Garypus pal- lidus. The specimens from Salina Cruz were collected from rock crevices at the splash ( = supralittoral) zone. Specimens Examined. — Published records. MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Isla Cerralvo. Piedras Gordas, 6 June 1921, J. C. Chamberlin. holotype (CAS Type No. 1270). al- lotype (CAS Type No. 1271), 2 paratype males. 5 paratype tritonymphs (CAS. DRM). New records. MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Isla Cerralvo, SW end, 26 May 1962. W. Farmer, R. Banks, 2 males, 1 fe- male, 2 tritonymphs (SDMNH); 3.2 km SE of La Ribera. 26 July 1974, R. M. Haradon, W. E. Savary, V. F. Lee, 20 males. OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 Figures 15 and 16. Garypus sini Chamberlin, male from Bahia de los Angeles. Baja California Norte, Mexico. Fig. 15. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 16. Extero-lateral view of chela. 15 females, 2 tritonymphs (VFL); Todos Santos, sandy beach near estero, 23 July 1974, R. M. Haradon, W. E. Savary, V, F. Lee, 31 males, 24 females, 6 tritonymphs (VFL); Rancho Migrifio, 6 Aug. 1974, T. S. Briggs, M. Dang, K. Hom, W. Lum, J. Tom, M. Wong, 1 male, 2 females (VFL); Cabo San Lucas. 29 Apr. 1947, I. LaRivers, 1 male (UCD); Cabo San Lucas, II & 12 June 1973, E. L. Sleeper, I male (CSU-LB). Oa.xaia: Salina Cruz, 20 May 1968, W. G. Evans, 3 males (WGE). Remarks. — The record from Salina Cruz ex- tends the distribution of this species by more than 1.650 km (airline distance) from the type- locality. The palpal proportions of a Salina Cruz male tend to be a little (but not significantly) more slender than males from the Cape region. The body is also a little larger, by about 0.5 mm. The Salina Cruz specimens represent the only known collection of Garypus pseudoscorpions from south of the Gulf of California in the New World. Garypus sini Chamberlin (Figures 3, 15, 16. 30) Garypus sine [sic]: Roewer 1937: 268 (listed). Garypus sini Chamberlin, 1923: 361-362 (original descrip- tion), pi. 2 (fig. 20); Chamberlin 1924; 171-172, 175, 6 figs, on pp. 171-172; Chamberlin 1930b: 614; Chamberlin 1931; figs. 23A-F, 248, E, 27E-1; Beier 1932a: 217 (key), 217-218, fig. 244; Beier 1952: 238 (key); Takashima 1955; 176 (listed); Williams 1971; fig. on p. 9; Roth and Brown 1976: 128, fig. 6.6. Diagnosis. — Medium to large size (3.89 to 6.90 mm long); color of palps, carapace, ster- nites, and tergites red-brown; posterior margin of carapace with four to eight setae; posterior tergites granulo-reticulated to pseudosquamose; setae of flagellum with lateral denticles; palps quite stout and strongly granular on all podo- meres, more or less uniformly developed throughout; tarsal articulation of legs nearly transverse. This species is distinct from other species of {he gigantciis group. Its members might be con- fused with those of G. giganteus from which they can be distinguished by their smaller size, robust palps, lower ratio of the lengths of the movable finger of the chela to hand, fewer teeth on the chelal fingers, and granular derm of the legs. ReDESCRIPTION OF THE HoLOTYPE MaLE. — Derm of carapace distinctly granular with net- like markings on posterior furrow as in members of G. giganteus but not as well developed; pos- terior margin with four setae. Abdomen typical; derm of tergites with dis- tinct beaded reticulations on anterior three seg- ments, becoming granulo-reticulated on poste- rior segments, strongly pseudosquamose with distinct granules on tergite 1 1 ; chaetotaxy of ter- gites 1 to 10: 7:7:9:8:9: 10:8: 10: 12:9± (tergite 10 torn; tergite 12 with 1 [!] seta). Derm of sternites similar to tergites but without granulations on anterior segments; chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 18:(7)(9)/8:9:10:9:11:10:10:12. Flagellum of chelicera with three setae, an- terior one longest, posterior ones shorter, of ap- proximately the same length, each seta with lat- eral denticles confined to distal half. Palp quite stout, strongly granulated on all podomeres. Palpal proportions: trochanter un- determinable, femur 3.3, tibia 2.6, and chela without pedicel 2.9 times as long as broad; mov- able finger 1.3 times as long as hand. Chela quite stout; derm coarsely granular on LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 13 all surfaces, fingers slightly curved; fixed finger with 64 retroconical teeth, more or less similarly developed throughout; movable finger with 58 retroconical teeth. Chaetotaxy of chela not un- usual, ist posterior to ish. and est nearer to it than to ish; four microsetae near b. Legs typical; derm of most podomeres strong- ly granular; tarsal articulation transverse as in individuals of G. giganteus. Legs not properly mounted for determining proportions. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 4.19; abdomen 2.97 by 1.91. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1 .33, ocular breadth 0.96, pos- terior breadth 1.49. Chelicera not properly mounted for measuring. Palp: trochanter length undeterminable by 0.43, femur 1.47 by 0.46, tibia 1.27 by 0.50, chela without pedicel 2.38 by 0.83. hand 1.07 long, movable finger 1.40 long. Legs not properly mounted for measuring. Variation of Other Mounted Males. — Data based on nine males from Bahi'a de los Angeles, one male from Isia Santa Cruz, five males from Isla San Jose, five males from Isla del Espfritu Santo, and one male from Isla Cer- ralvo. Coloration (of other specimens in alco- hol): Carapace and pedipalps red-brown; legs white to light tan; coxae red-brown as palps but are lighter; tergites dark dusky brown with ter- gites 1 to 5 concolorous, tergites 6 to 9 with two non-melanic spots on each tergal half, tergites 10 and 1 1 lacking spots; sternites similarly dark dusky brown with darker central spot on each half of sternites 5 to 10; pleural membrane buff. Not much deviation from holotype but with these features noted: posterior margin of cara- pace with four to eight setae. Chaetotaxy of ter- gites and sternites generally within seven setae of holotype chaetotaxy. Chaetotaxy of sternites 2 and 3: (6-13)(4-12)/7-12. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.5-1.7, femur 2.9-3.9, tibia 2.6-3.1, and chela without pedicel 2.5-3.3 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.2-1.5 times as long as hand. Three to eight microsetae near tactile hair b. Redescription of the Allotype Female. — Similar to male but larger. Chaetotaxy of genital segments: anterior operculum with 14, posterior operculum with eight setae. Palps not strongly dimorphic except in size. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.4, femur 3.4, tibia 3.1, and chela without pedicel 2.8 times as long as broad; mov- able finger 1.4 times as long as hand. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 5.63; abdomen 4.09 by 2.72. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1.55, ocular breadth 0.98, pos- terior breadth 1.63. Chelicera not properly mounted for measuring. Palp: trochanter 0.66 by 0.46. femur 1.53 by 0.45, tibia 1.52 by 0.50, chela without pedicel 2.56 by 0.92, hand 1.14 long, movable finger 1 .55 long. Legs not properly mounted for measuring. Variation of Other Moun i ed Females. — Data based on 1 1 females from Bahia de los Angeles, five females from Punta Trinidad, five females from Puerto Escondido, 12 females from Isla Danzante, five females from isla Santa Cruz, five females from Isla San Jose, five fe- males from Isla del Espfritu Santo, and one fe- male from Isla Cerralvo. Not significantly dif- ferent from allotype. Variation in chaetotaxy of sternites 2 and 3: 11-23:7-11. Palpal propor- tions: trochanter 1.4-1.7, femur 2.9-4.0. tibia 2.3-3.2, and chela without pedicel 2.4-3.2 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.1-1.6 times as long as hand. Type-Data. — The holotype male and allotype female of Garypus sini Chamberlin were col- lected from Puerto Ballandra, Carmen Island, Gulf of California, Mexico, on 21 May 1921 by J. C. Chamberlin. The published date of collec- tion (22 May 1921) is at variance with the date given on the labels. These types are mounted on microscope slides and are deposited in the Cal- ifornia Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Quite widespread in the Gulf of California on the islands and adjacent areas of Baja California from Bahi'a de los Angeles to Isla Cerralvo. On the Sonoran side, this species is recorded from Bahi'a de Tepoca to Bahi'a San Pedro and from a few islands under the jurisdiction of Sonora. Near Bahi'a San Pedro is Bahi'a San Carlos where Evans (1968) collected a member of this species from a rock crevice at mid-tide level. The range of this species is from 30°15'N to 24°10'N in the Gulf of California. Members of this species are the most common pseudoscorpions inhabiting the beaches of Baja California; they can be considered as typical representatives of this habitat. Usually, they are found under rocks in the supralittoral zone, but occasionally they wander into the upper high- tide level, and they are also found under other littoral debris. An ideal habitat for members of OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 this species would be a gently sloping sandy beach with a well-developed summer berm and with rocks in the supralittoral zone. Occasion- ally, G. sini individuals are found on moderately sloping beaches with pebble-sized stones. An- other kind of favorable habitat would be a beach with a rocky front protecting the higher back beach. On Isla del Espiritu Santo near Bahia San Gabriel, the unique population of G. sini occurs under rocks surrounding a salt lagoon, which is occasionally deluged by extraordinary high tides such as those that occur with the passing of a "chubasco" (tropical hurricane). The specimens from Isla San Francisco col- lected by Lanna Cheng were found under a dead Grebe and in the sand. The latter specimens were extracted by "floatation of the sand" (Cheng, personal communication). The single male near El Requeson was collected from a dead marine mammal (William E. Azevedo, per- sonal communication). Specimens Examined. — Published records. MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Isla de Carmen, Puerto Balandra, 21 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, holotype (CAS Type No. 1268), al- lotype (CAS Type No. 1269). 2 paratype males (CAS), 26 paratype females (CAS, DRM, UCD), 9 paratype tritonymphs (CAS, UCD). 8 paratype nymphs (CAS), 80 nymphs (CAS): Isla de Carmen, Bahi'a Marques, 21-22 [23, according to Slev- in 1923] May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, 1 female (UCD); Isla Danzante, Bahia Ballenas, 24 May 1921. J. C. Chamberlin, 1 male, 12 females, 3 nymphs (UCD); Isla Monserrate, N end, 25 May 1921 , 1 nymph (CAS): Isla Monserrate, S end, 25 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, 2 males, 3 females, 3 protonymphs, 3 nymphs (DRM); Isla Santa Cruz, II May [June, according to Slevin 1923] 1921, 3 nymphs (CAS); Isla San Jose, salt works, J. C. Chamberlin, 1 tritonymph (CAS); Isla Las Gal- leras, east island, 13 June 1921, 1 female (CAS); Isla del Es- piritu Santo, 31 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, 1 female, 1 un- determined (DRM); Bahia Agua Verde, 26 May 1921, J, C. Chamberlin. 1 female' (CAS); Bahia Concepcion, Bahia Coy- ote, 18 June 1921, 5 males, 5 females, 1 nymph (CAS). Baja California Norte: Isla Coronado (Smiths Island), 27 June 1921, 1 nymph (CAS). Sonora: Bahia de Tepoca, 25 Apr. 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, I male, 3 females, 2 tritonymphs (CAS, DRM); Isla Tiburon, Indian Village, 5 July 1921, 2 trito- nymphs (CAS); Isla San Esteban, 20 Apr. 1921, J. C. Cham- berlin, 2 males, 8 females, 1 tritonymph, 3 nymphs (CAS, DRM); Bahia San Pedro, 7 July 1921, 1 female, 14 nymphs (CAS). New records. MEXICO. Baja California Norte: Bahia de los Angeles. 15-16 Mar. 1971. V. F. Lee, 51 males, 22 fe- males. 13 tritonymphs, 2 deutonymphs (VFL). Baja California Sur: Punta Trinidad (27°48'N, 1I2°43'W), 20 Mar, 1971, V. F. Lee, 1 male, 6 females, 1 tritonymph (VFL); Santa Rosalia, 27 June 1938, E. S. Ross, A. E. Michelbacher, 2 males, 5 females, 2 tritonymphs (CAS); Bahia Concepcion, 25 Oct. 1941, E. S. Ross, G. E. Bohart, 1 male (CAS); Bahia Con- cepcion, 28.4 miles (45.7 km) S of Mulege, near El Requeson, 26 June 1972, W. E. Azevedo, 1 male (VFL); Bahia Concep- cion, beach S of Posada Concepcion Campground, 7 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee, 1 male, 1 female (VFL); Bahia Concepcion, beach N of Bahia Coyote, 7 Apr. 1974. V. F. Lee. 3 males (VFL); Bahia Concepcion, beach N of Bahia Coyote, 8 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee, 2 males. I female (VFL); Bahia Agua Verde (south of Loreto), June 1971, E. S. Ross, 2 males (CAS); Isla de Carmen, Puerto Balandra, 24 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee. 1 male (CAS); Isla Danzante, NW side (bay), 23 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, I female, 1 tritonymph (CAS); Puerto Escondido (17.3 miles [27.8 km] south of Lor- eto), 27 May 1970. S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, 13 females, 92 nymphs (CAS); Puerto Escondido, 21 July 1974, R. M. Har- adon, W. E. Savary, V. F. Lee, I male, 1 tritonymph (VFL); Isla Monserrate, SW end, 23 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, 1 male, 4 females, 1 nymph (CAS); Isla Santa Cruz, SW end, 25 Mar. 1971, V. F. Lee, 2 males, 12 females, 8 trito- nymphs, 1 deutonymph (VFL); Isla San Jose, near salt works on SE side, 19 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, 12 fe- males, II nymphs (CAS); Isla San Jose, Bahia Amortajada, Salinas, 25 Mar. 1971, V. F. Lee, 19 males, 4 females, 9 tri- tonymphs, 2 deutonymphs (VFL); Isla San Francisco, 19 Apr. 1972, L. Cheng, 4 males. 1 female (CAS); Isla San Francisco, SW landing. 7 or 8 Jan, 1976, T. M. Glimme (VFL); Isla del Espiritu Santo, Bahia San Gabriel, 8 July 1968, S. C. Williams. M, M. Bentzien, W. K. Fox, 65 males. 33 females, 55 nymphs (VFL); Isla del Espiritu Santo. SE end at salt lake. 3 Apr. 1976, D. Chivers, W. Lee, 36 males, 10 females, 3 tritonymphs (CAS); Isla del Espiritu Santo, W side, 27 and 28 Mar. 1971, V. F. Lee, 19 males, 43 females, 17 tritonymphs, 2 deuto- nymphs (VFL); Isla Cerralvo, Piedras Gordas. 17 May 1970, S. C. WilHams, V. F. Lee, 3 males, 4 females, 5 nymphs (CAS). Sonora: Punta Cirio (29°53'N. I12°40'W), 20 Mar. 1974, V. Roth, W. Brown, 1 deutonymph (VDR); Punta Te- poca (29°I8'N, 112°20'W), 22 May 1974, [W.] Brown, Speich, 6 males, 2 females. 3 tritonymphs (VDR); Isla Tiburon, 24 Apr. 1966. K. E. Lucas, 1 deutonymph (CAS); San Carios. 1 1 Nov. 1966, W. G. Evans, E. Coan, 1 deutonymph (WGE); Bahia San Carlos, inlet near "Sector Bahia," 14 Apr. 1974, V, F. Lee, 1 male, 60 females, 10 protonymphs (VFL); 15 miles (24 km) S of Guaymas. Apr. 1974, D. Giuliani, 2 females (CAS). Gulf of California: (no specific data), 1 male, 1 female, 2 nymphs (DRM, UCD). No data: (no specific data), 2 fe- males, 36 nymphs (CAS). General Bionomics. — The appearance of brooding females on the different islands is de- pendent on local climatic conditions and on the seasons. During the 1971 expedition, 1 found only non-brooding females at Bahia de los An- geles. Nine days later, the embryos of brooding females from Isla Santa Cruz were quite well developed. But on that same day, females from nearby Isla San Jose had their embryos just ex- truding from their gonopores. Comparing these areas, the sandy beach at Bahia de los Angeles was comparatively cool. On Isla Santa Cruz, the beach is sheltered behind a gravelly forebeach and was extremely hot, with little or no breeze. The Isla San Jose beach is a sandy one peppered with granitic rocks, and cooled by the sea winds. A study of the sex ratios and brooding females LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 15 Figures 17 to 21. Figs. 17-19. Garypus gracilis Lee. new species, holotype male from Isia Danzante, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Fig. 17. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 18. Extero-lateral view of chela. Fig. 19. Microsetae near basal tactile seta of movable finger of chela. Figs. 20 and 2\. Garypus gnicilis Lee, new species, allotype female from Isia Danzante, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Fig. 20. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 21. Extero-lateral view of chela. indicates that just prior to the mating season, males significantly outnumber females. After mating, the male population decreases in num- ber, and the fertilized females construct brood- ing nests. By the time the embryos molt into protonymphs, most if not all of the males have disappeared. Brood development begins during March and continues through May or later, de- pending on the location. Remarks. — This widely distributed species consists of isolated populations on a number of beaches in the Gulf. One would, therefore, ex- pect some structural variations among the dif- ferent populations. For example, the ratio of the length of the movable finger of the chela to the length of the hand shows clinal changes from northern and southern populations in the Gulf. Other trends include: number of setae on ter- gites and sternites decreases; palps and legs are more slender; size of the appendages increases; and number of microsetae near tactile seta b of chelal movable finger increases. But overall, these populations, even the extreme ones, are not significantly different from each other. One probable factor preventing speciation is gene flow by individuals rafted from neighboring beaches. Garypus gracilis Lee, new species (Figures 5, 17-21, 30) Diagnosis. — Medium-size species (4.13 to 4.42 mm long); readily recognized by its light coloration and extremely slender palpal seg- ments; posterior margin of carapace with three to nine setae; pleural membrane bare; setae of 16 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 flagelliim with lateral denticles; teeth of chela progressively reduced basally; movable finger long, finger 1.4-2.0 times as long as hand; four to eight microsetae near b\ legs with tarsal ar- ticulation nearly transverse. Members of this species are similar to those of Garypus sini from which they can be distin- guished by the smaller breadth measurements (hence the overall slenderness) of the palpal podomeres, coloration, and dermal structure of the pedipalps. Description of the Holotype Male. — Coloration (when in alcohol): Carapace dark dusky brown with small, light patches near fur- rows; pedipalps light tan with slight reddish tinge, fingers more reddish; legs and coxae whit- ish or light tan, gnathobases slightly darker; ter- gal patterning dusky as in members of G. sini but of dark tan color, sternites lighter; pleural membrane buff. Dermal structure of carapace similar to mem- bers of Garypus giganteus\ posterior margin with four setae. Abdomen typical; derm of anterior tergites granulo-reticulated, becoming reticulate to pseudosquamose on posterior tergites; chaeto- taxy of tergites 1 to 10: 8:6:7:10:11:11: 14: 14: 14: 15. Sternites with dermal structure sim- ilar to G. giganteus members; chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 26:(10)(11)/8:8:8:1 1:12: 14: 12: 11±. Flagellum of chelicera with three setae, each seta with a few spinules on apical part. Palp of unusual slenderness; derm of chela and tibia with coarse granulations, similar to in- dividuals of G. sini but derm of femur and tro- chanter irregularly reticulated. Palpal propor- tions: trochanter 1.6, femur 4.6. tibia 3.2. and chela without pedicel 4. 1 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.7 times as long as hand. Chela extremely slender; fingers noticeably curved and gaping; fixed finger with 83 retro- conical teeth, all similar in shape, basally be- coming reduced in height; teeth of movable fin- ger numbering 74 with apical ones retroconical. becoming lowered in height and more posterior- ly sloping, the few basal ones retroconical but with rounded apices. Chaetotaxy of chela usual for the genus, with est located distal to midpoint of fixed finger, distinctly nearer to it than to ish, and St distinctly nearer to sb than to /; six mi- crosetae dorsal to tactile seta h of movable fin- ger. Legs of typical form; all podomeres appear pseudosquamose as in G. giganteus members; articulation between tarsal segments transverse or nearly so. Leg 1 proportions: trochanter 1.4. basifemur 3.3, telofemur 2.1. tibia 3.8. metatar- sus 2.4. and telotarsus 3.6 times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: trochanter 2.2, basifemur 1.7. telofemur 3.5. tibia 5.4, metatarsus 2.8, and telotarsus 3.3 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 4.13; abdomen 2.84 by 1.95. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1 .37, ocular breadth 0.75. pos- terior breadth 1.27. Chelicera 0.38 long by 0.24 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.68 by 0.41. femur 1.60 by 0.35, tibia 1.27 by 0.38, chela without pedicel 2.61 by 0.64. hand 0.99 long and 0.58 deep, mov- able finger 1.68 long. Leg L trochanter 0.37 by 0.26. basifemur 0.68 by 0.20, telofemur 0.42 by 0.20, tibia 0.54 by 0. 14, metatarsus 0.32 by 0. 14, telotarsus 0.34 by 0. 10. Leg IV: trochanter 0.56 by 0.26. basifemur 0.41 by 0.24. telofemur 1.01 by 0.29, tibia 0.92 by 0. 17, metatarsus 0.40 by 0. 14, telotarsus 0.41 by 0.12. Variation of Mounted Male Para- types. — Extreme inter- and intra-populational variation. The paratopotype preserved in alcohol differs little from the holotype. One mounted male from Punta Trinidad and one from Isla Monserrate differ from the holotype by: pal- pal podomeres stouter (trochanter 1.6, femur 3.6^.0, tibia 3.0, and chela without pedicel 3.4- 3.5 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.4- 1.5 times as long as hand); slightly smaller ap- pendicular measurements; fewer number of teeth on chelal fingers (76 to 79 on fixed finger, 63 to 66 on movable finger). Description of the Allotype Female. — Similar to male but larger. These characteristics are noted: chaetotaxy of abdominal sclerites not significantly different from holotype; chaetotaxy of tergites 1 to 10: 7:5:9:8:10:11:11:13:13:12. Chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 10: 13:6:7:8: 11:10:9:11:12. Palp not radically different from holotype. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.7, fe- mur 4.4, tibia 3.3, and chela without pedicel 3.9 times as long as broad; movable finger 2.0 times as long as hand. Movable finger of chela with five microsetae located near b. Leg I propor- tions: trochanter 1.4, basifemur 3.3. telofemur i 2.0, tibia 3.9. metatarsus 3.0. and telotarsus 3.7 i times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: tro- LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 17 chanter 2.6, basifemur 1.9, telofemur 3.4, tibia 6.2, metatarsus 3.3, and telotarsus 3.7 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 4.87; abdomen 3.40 by 2.06. Carapace: median sclerotized length 1.31, ocular breadth 0.78. pos- terior breadth 1.19. Chelicera 0.41 long by 0.24 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.68 by 0.40. femur 1.67 by 0.38, tibia 1.37 by 0.41, chela without pedicel 2.79 by 0.73, hand 0.96 long and 0.63 deep, mov- able finger 1.88 long. Leg I: trochanter 0.37 by 0.27, basifemur 0.70 by 0.21, telofemur 0.40 by 0.20, tibia 0.56 by 0. 14, metatarsus 0.33 by 0. 1 1 , telotarsus 0.38 by 0.10. Leg IV: trochanter 0.65 by 0.25, basifemur 0.44 by 0.24, telofemur 1.05 by 0.31, tibia 0.97 by 0. 16, metatarsus 0.42 by 0. 13, telotarsus 0.45 by 0.12. Variation of Mounted Female Para- types. — Data based on one paratopotype fe- male, one female from Bahi'a Ballenas on Isia Danzante, one female from Isla Monserrate, five females from Granite Island, and one female from Isla San Luis. Size of paratypes generally exceeds that of allotype. Chaetotaxy of tergites and sternites usually differing from allotype by no more than three or four setae. Genital seg- ments with 13 to 25 setae on anterior operculum, seven to ten on posterior operculum. Palpal pro- portions: trochanter 1.5-1.9, femur 3.9-4.7, ti- bia 2.9-3.6, and chela without pedicel 3.4-3.8 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.5-1.8 times as long as hand. Chaetotaxy of chela as in male with the exception that one female from Granite Island has est nearer to isb than to it. Movable finger of chela with four to eight mi- crosetae near tactile hair b. Type-Data and Etymology. — The holo- type male, allotype female (both CAS Type No. 11620), one male, four female, and three trito- nymph paratypes were collected from: MEXI- CO. Baja California Sur: Isla Danzante, NW side (bay). The holotype and two female para- types were collected on 23 May 1970 by S. C. Williams and V. F. Lee. The allotype, one male, one female, and three tritonymph paratypes were collected on 24 May 1970 by the same col- lectors. The holotype and allotype are mounted on microscope slides and are deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. This species is named '"gracilis" for the slen- derness of the pedipalps. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from a few islands in the Gulf of Cali- fornia on the Baja California side, from Isla El Muerto to Isla Monserrate and from Punta Trin- idad and Bahi'a Concepcion (30°05'N to 25°4rN). At the type-locality, Garypus gracilis individ- uals were collected from under large rocks in the supralittoral zone, about 0.7 m above the high tide level. Below this zone, the forebeach, composed of a mixture of small pebbles and brown algae, contains a number of marine ani- mals and a unique diurnal scorpion (Vaejovis sp.). The combination of gentle wave action, accumulation of algae, and pebble beach is ideal for the many animals that occur there. On the northeastern side of Isla Monserrate. G. gracilis individuals were discovered in a similar habitat except that they were found under decaying al- gae at the high tide level, and the underlying cobblestones were larger. At Punta Trinidad, the unique male was collected from under a rock above a gravelly beach protected from the waves by the adjacent headland. Specimens Examined. — In addition to the specimens list- ed above from the type-locahty, 15 other paratypes were col- lected from the following eight localities. MEXICO. Baja Cal- ifornia Norte: Isla El Muerto ( = Miramar), 17 Aug. 1977, J. Nyhan, 2 males (VFL); Isla San Luis, 28 Apr. 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, 2 females (CAS); Granite Island. Puerto Refugio. 2 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, 5 females (CAS. DRM, UCD). Baja California Sur: Punta Trinidad (27°48'N, 112°43'W), 20 Mar. 1971, V. F. Lee. 1 male (VFL); Bahia Concepcion. beach S of Posada Concepcion Campground. 7 Apr. 1974. V. F. Lee, 1 male (VFL); Isla de Carmen. Puerto Balandra. 21- 22 May 1921, 1 female (CAS); Isla Danzante. Bahia Ballenas. 24 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, 1 female (UCD); Isla Mon- serrate, NE side, 22 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee. 1 male, 1 female (CAS). Remarks. — Like Garypus sini. members of this new species show intraspecific differences. Most ranges of proportions and measurements in individuals of the two species do overlap with the notable exception of the chelal length-to- breadth ratio. The movable-finger-to-hand-length ratio of individuals of the new species overlaps slightly with individuals of G. sini with slender palps. However, identification of members of the two species where they are sympatric is fa- cilitated by the distinctly different palpal pro- portions, coloration, and palpal dermal struc- ture. Hybrids have not been found in these areas. To make proper observations of the dermal structure of the palps, one should clear the palps OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 Figures 22 to 25. Figs. 22 and 23. Menthus lindahli (Chamberlin), paratype female from Bahia Tepoca, Sonora, Mexico. Fig. 22. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 23. Extero-lateral view of chela. Figs. 24 and 25. Pciniliochthonius Johnsioni (Chamberlin), female from Isia del Espiritu Santo, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Fig. 24. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 25. Extero-lateral view of chela. in a gentle clearing agent, such as clove oil. Harsh agents such as caustic potash can destroy the reticulations of the derm. Family Menthidae Genus Menthus Chamberlin Menthus lindahli (Chamberlin) (Figures 22. 23, 31) Menthus linJahli: Chamberlin 1930b: 586 (key); Beier 1932a: 177 (key), 178; Roewer 1937: 259 (listed); Roth and Brown 1976: 128. Minniza lindahli Chamberlin, 1923: 365-366 (original de- scription), pi. 2 (fig. 12). Diagnosis. — Medium-size species (2.66 to 2.87 mm long) of Menthus; two eyes present; normal chaetotaxy of tergites 2 to 12: 6:6:6:6:6:6:6:6:T4T:T1T:2; normal chaetotaxy of sternites 5 to 12: 6:6:6:6:6:T4T:TT3TT:2; palps robust, trochanter 1.8-2.0, femur 2.7-3.0, tibia 2.3-2.4, and chela without pedicel 2.0-2.2 times as long as broad; movable finger 0.94-1.0 times as long as hand. Members of this species can be easily distin- guished from those of other known species of Menthus of North America by their stout palps, presence of only two eyes whereas members of the other species have four, and less hirsute ab- domen. ReDESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE FE- MALE.— Carapace shape as usual for the ge- nus; two weakly corneated but distinct eyes present, posterior pair absent; dermal surface appears smooth, posterior transverse furrow with fine striations; vestitural setae acuminate; anterior margin with four setae, posterior margin with about four. Abdomen of usual shape; pleural membrane weakly striated; tergal and sternal setae acumin^ ate; complete chaetotaxy of tergites difficult to determine but tergites 7 to 12 observable LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 19 6:6:6:T4T:T1T:2; chaetotaxy of sternites like- wise incompletely determinable, anterior and posterior opercula each with nine setae, ster- nites 4 to 9 with about six setae per segment, sternites 10 to 12: T4T:TT3TT:2. Chelicera typical; serrula interior destroyed in preparation; serrula exterior with 16 ligulate blades; fixed finger with seven teeth; normal five acuminate setae present on palm of hand; fla- gellum with four setae, all stout and smooth, anterior seta not observed to have denticles as reported for Menthus rossi (Chamberlin) but this may be an artifact of preparation. Palp robust; derm smooth; vestitural setae sparse, moderately long, and acuminate. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.8, femur 3.0, tibia 2.4, and chela without pedicel 2.2 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.0 times as long as hand. Chela stout for genus; fixed finger with more than 25 teeth (basal ones difficult to observe), movable finger with about 21 cuspidate teeth; chelal chaetotaxy typical, with three accessory trichobothria on fixed finger (total on this finger is II). movable finger with normal set of four trichobothria. Legs usual; subterminal seta acuminate. Leg I proportions: trochanter undeterminable, basi- femur 2.4, telofemur 1.6, tibia 3.4, metatarsus 2.1, and telotarsus 4.3 times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: trochanter 1.8, basifemur 1.2, telofemur 2.4, tibia 4.5, metatarsus 2.4. and telotarsus 4.1 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 2.66; abdomen 2.02 by 0.97. Carapace: median sclerotized length 0.63. ocular breadth 0.31. greatest breadth 0.38. Chelicera not properly mounted for measuring. Palp: trochanter 0.28 by 0.16. femur 0.47 by 0.16. tibia 0.51 by 0.21. chela without pedicel 0.76 by 0.34. hand 0.39 long, movable finger 0.41 long. Leg I: trochanter length undeterminable by 0.087. basifemur 0. 197 by 0.084, telofemur 0. 139 by 0.087. tibia 0.221 by 0.064, metatarsus 0.077 by 0.037, telotarsus 0.136 by 0.031. Leg IV: tro- chanter 0.179 by 0.097, basifemur 0.134 by 0.111, telofemur 0.343 by 0.144. tibia 0.329 by 0.073. metatarsus 0.106 by 0.044. telotarsus 0.157 by 0.038. Variation of Mounted Female Para- types. — Data based on two females from the type-locality. Very similar to holotype, size not appreciably different. Tergite 1 with four setae. tergites 2 to 9 with six, other segments as in holotype. Chaetotaxy of sternites 2 to 4: 11:12- 14:8-9, other segments as in holotype. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.8-2.0, femur 2.7-3.0, tibia 2.3, and chela without pedicel 2.0 times as long as broad; movable finger 0.94-1.0 times as long as hand. Fixed finger of chela with 26 to 30 teeth, movable finger with 21 to 24 teeth. Type-Data. The holotype female of Minniza lindahli Chamberlin was collected from Tepoca Bay, Sonora, Mexico, on 25 April 1921 by J. C. Chamberlin. The holotype is mounted on a mi- croscope slide and is deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known only from the type-locality, Bahia de Tepoca, Sonora, Mexico (30°15'N, 112°50'W). Chamberlin (1923) reported that members of this species were found under stones along a rocky beach. Specimens Examined. — Published records. MEXICO. 5f*- iu>rii: Bahi'a de Tepoca. 25 Apr. 1925, J. C. Chamberlin. ho- lotype (CAS Type No. 1276). 2 paratype females (DRM). Remarks. — In my collection, I have speci- mens from arid terrestrial areas in Baja Califor- nia Norte and in southern California which are probably this species or very closely related to it. Thus. Menthus lindahli individuals might be considered as occasional intruders in the beaches. Family Chthoniidae Genus Paraliochthonius Beier Paraliochthonius johnstoni (Chamberlin) (Figures 24, 25. 31) Chihoniiis johnstoni Chamberlin. 1923: 357-358 (original description), pi. 2 (fig. 17). pi. 3 (figs. 11-13). Morikawa [sic] johnstoni: Evans 1968: 239, Morikania johnstoni: Chamberlin 1962: 312 (key). 312-313. fig. 3A-F; Roth and Brown 1976: 127. Paraliochthonius johnstoni: Muchmore 1972: 252, Paraliochthonius mexicaniis Muchmore, 1972: 253-254 (orig- inal description), figs. 1-5. NEW SYNONYM, Tyrannochthonius johnstoni: Chamberlin 1929: 74 (key). 75. fig. 2D, F: Chamberlin 1931: 56. fig, 21K: Beier 1932a: 63 (key), 63-64, fig. 78; Roewer 1936: fig. 63I1I: Roewer 1937: 240 (listed); Wagenaar Hummelinck 1948: 62 (key). Tyrannochthonius'.' johnstoni: Hoff 1959: 8. Diagnosis. — Small species (1.19 to 1.27 mm long); carapacial chaetotaxy d4d-2(l8); coxa II with four or five pinnate spines; palp slender, with two guard setae on palm of hand; chela with 21 to 26 acute teeth on fingers, diploid setae near tip of fixed finger. 20 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 Female Characteristics. — Data based on three females from Isla del Espiritu Santo. Es- sentially like the holotype with these features noted. Coloration (of other specimens in alco- hol): Typical pallid color for a chthoniid; cara- pace, chelicera. and pedipalp pale reddish brown; tergites. sternites, and legs lighter; pleu- ral membrane whitish. Carapacial derm smooth to finely granulated; epistomal process acute, triangular shape, prominent; four eyes, of which the anterior pair is largest, posterior ones smaller; posterior fur- row weak, situated very close to posterior mar- gin. Vestitural setae acuminate, chaetotaxy of carapace d4d-2( 18), the dwarf setae anterior and ventral to anterior eyes. Abdomen typical; pleural membrane with granulations appearing beaded; all setae acumin- ate; derm of tergites transversely striated, ter- minal segments very finely granulated; all ter- gites entire; chaetotaxy of tergites: 4:4:5:7:7- 8:8-10:7-8:7-8:2P(l-2)P2:4:T2T:0. Derm of sternites 2 to 5 finely granulated, at least the anterior portion of subsequent segments striat- ed; sternites entire except for sternite 3 which is divided, sternite 4 might be partially divided; chaetotaxy of sternites: lU:(3-4)6(3-4):(2)6- 7(2): 12-14: 12: 12-13: 12: 11-12:3P1P3^:0:2. Each coxa II with four or five pinnate coxal spines, each spine arising from a common base, the in- terior spine smallest. Chelicera of usual shape; derm finely granu- lated except for distinct granules on inner side of palm near base of fixed finger; galeal seta dis- tinctly caudad of finger midpoint; serrula exte- rior with 16 to 18 blades, blades flat and rectan- gular shaped, basally fused by less than one-half length of entire structure; serrula interior diffi- cult to count but appears to be more than ten blades; five setae on palm with is, isb, and b roughly in alignment, es located near base of movable finger, as caudad oies ; fixed finger with five to seven prominent teeth, reduced in height basally; movable finger with six or seven sube- qual teeth but smaller than those on fixed finger; flagellum with five or six pinnate setae with dis- tal one short and separate from the others. Palp moderately slender; derm very finely granulated. Inner face of femur with numerous stout acuminate setae of variable lengths, fewer shorter and finer setae on outer side, tibia with stout setae, more abundant on exterior face. Pal- pal proportions: trochanter 1.7-1.8, femur 4.0- 4. 1 , tibia 1 .9, and chela 4.8-5.2 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.8-2.0 times as long as hand. Chela of typical shape, moderately slender. Vestitural setae of fingers very fine and slender, longer ones slightly curved, shorter ones more curved, setae of hand tend to be stouter. Fixed and movable fingers each with 22 or 23 homo- dentate well-spaced teeth, apical and middle teeth acute, basal ones tend to be reduced. Chaetotaxy of chela as described by Chamberlin ( 1962); two stout guard setae on palm at base of fingers, posterior one about three-quarter length of anterior seta. Legs moderately slender, derm very finely granulated. Leg IV with tactile setae of tibia 0.33-0.36. of metatarsus 0.20-0.21, and of telo- tarsus 0.27-0.29 the length of the podomere from the proximal margin. Leg 1 proportions: trochanter 1.4, basifemur 3.7^.1, telofemur 2.0-2.1, tibia 2.8-3.0, and tarsus 6.4-6.5 times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: trochanter 1.5-1.6. basifemur 1.1-1.3, telofemur 1.9-2.1, tibia 4.0-4.1, metatarsus 2.0-2.3, and telotarsus 6.2-6.7 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 1.19-1.27; abdomen 0.81-0.88 by 0.45-0.50. Carapace: median sclerotized length 0.32-0.37, ocular breadth 0.39, posterior breadth 0.31- 0.33. Chelicera 0.33-0.35 long by 0.16-0.18 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.16-0.18 by 0.10, femur 0.39-0.41 by 0.10. tibia 0.19-0.21 by 0.10-0.11, chela 0.58-0.63 by 0. 12, hand 0.20 long and 0. 12 deep, movable finger 0.36-0.40 long. Leg I: trochanter 0. 103-0. 1 10 by 0.073-0.078, basifemur 0.23 1-0.240 by 0.059-0.063, telofemur 0.099-0.110 by 0.050-0.056, tibia 0.124-0.134 by 0.042-0.047, tarsus 0.223-0.233 by 0.035- 0.037. Leg IV: trochanter 0.132-0.144 by 0.087- 0.096, basifemur 0.167-0.188 by 0.146-0.150, telofemur 0.268-0.287 by 0.134-0.139, tibia 0.252-0.264 by 0.063-0.064, metatarsus 0.104- 0.115 by 0.050-0.052, telotarsus 0.231-0.249 by 0.035-0.038. Male Characteristics. — Data based on one male from Isla del Espiritu Santo. Very similar to female but slightly smaller. Chaetotaxy as in female, with sternites 1 to 4: 10:[4-4]:5-6/(4±)5- 5(4):( 1)9(1). Serrula exterior with 12 blades. Pal- pal proportions: trochanter 1.9, femur 4.0, tibia 1.7, and chela 5.2 times as long as broad; mov- able finger 2.1 times as long as hand. LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA Type-Data. — The holotype female of Chthonius johnstoni Chamberlin was collected from Arroyo Escondito [sic], elevation 1,600 ft, Puerto Escondido, Baja California, Mexico, on 14 June 1921 by J. C. Chamberlin. As will be discussed below, Chamberlin emended the type- data. The holotype is mounted on a microscope slide and is deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from a few localities in the Gulf of Cal- ifornia area. Ranges from Bahia Concepcion to Pichilingue on the Baja side, and from Bahia Tenacatita, Jalisco (26°44'N to 19°17'N). Originally reported from Escondido Gorge, near Puerto Escondido at an elevation of about 1,500 [sic] ft (460 m) (Chamberlin 1923), the type-locality was later corrected to Puerto Es- condido and the habitat to a littoral one (Cham- berlin 1962). All specimens that I collected were from the intertidal zone. On Isla de Carmen, the unique specimen was found under a rock near a mangrove plant on a sandy beach. On Isla del Espiritu Santo, the specimens were collected from under rocks regularly inundated by sea water, between the water line to about a third of a meter above it, at a time when the sea level appeared to be about high low-tide. Specimens Examined. — Published records. MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Puerto Escondido (emended locality), 14 June 1921, J. C. Chamberlin. holotype (CAS Type No. 1266). New records. MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Bahia Con- cepcion, beach N of Bahia Coyote, 7 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee. 3 males (VFL); Bahia Concepcion, beach N of Bahia Coyote, 8 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee, 2 males, 3 females (VFL); Isla de Carmen, Puerto Balandra, 24 May 1970, S. C. Williams. V. F. Lee, 1 male (CAS); Isla del Espiritu Santo. W side. 28 Mar. 1971. V. F. Lee, 6 males, 7 females. I nymph (VFL); 1.9 miles (3.1 km) SE of Pichilingue, 11 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee, 1 male, 1 female (VFL). Remarks. — The holotype is not redescribed in this study, since it was adequately done by Chamberlin (1962). However, 1 note that the tergal and sternal chaetotaxies are: 4:4:5:7:7:7:7:7:7:4:T2T:0 and 9:(3)7(4?):(3)6(3): 10:12:10:10:11:9:0:2, respectively. The female specimens characterized above differ from the holotype in the following ways: the greater chaetotaxic counts of tergites 5 to 9 and of some of the sternites; slight differences in the numbers of serrula exterior blades and teeth of the chelicera; slightly stouter palpal femur and chela; fewer teeth on chela; and the smaller size. Paraliochlhoniiis nic.xicanns Muchmore is hereby synonymized with P. johnstoni because the diagnostic characters given by Muchmore (1972: 254) are variations I expect in different populations. Also, Muchmore apparently used Chamberlin's erroneous chaetotaxic formulas of P. johnstoni in his comparison of the two spe- cies. Family Chernetidae Genus Mexachernes Hoff Mexachernes carminis (Chamberlin), new com- bination (Figures 26, 27. 31) Chelanops carminis Chamberlin, 1923: 378 (original descrip- tion), pi. 1 (fig. 10), pi. 3 (figs. 3-5, 27). Dinocheirus carminis: Roewer 1937: 302 (listed); RoiH and Brown 1976: 127. Epaphochernes carminis: Beier 1932b: 173 (key), 174; Beier 1933: 537; Vachon 1936: 144, 145. Diagnosis. — Small species (1.65 to 2.86 mm long); color of carapace, palp, and coxa red- brown; derm of carapace strongly granulated; eyes absent; investing setae of carapace acu- minate; pleural membrane distinctly papillate; tergite and sternite 1 1 each with four pseudotac- tile setae; setae on cheliceral palm generally acuminate, flagellum with four setae; palp stout, setae mostly acuminate but also few pauciden- ticulate ones; movable finger of chela 0.88-1.1 times as long as hand; chela without any exterior accessory teeth on both fingers, with three to six interior accessory teeth on fixed finger, one to five on movable finger; tactile seta of leg IV tarsus slightly distal to midpoint of segment. The nearest relative is the type-species Mexa- chernes calidus (Banks), the only other species in the genus (Hoff 1947). Mexachernes calidus individuals are difficult to separate from those of M. carminis, but these differences are noted in the former: slightly larger size; less internal accessory teeth on fixed and movable fingers of the pedipalp; less setae on tergites; inner margin of hand of palp slightly more truncate. It is pos- sible that these two species are conspecific, but their habitats are quite distinct. See Remarks for additional discussion. Redescription of the Holotype Male. — Carapace roughly oval in outline, with posterior margin only slightly convex; length greater than greatest breadth; derm strongly granulated; eyes not present; two distinct transverse furrows, an- terior furrow located at about half carapacial 22 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 131 Figures 26 to 29. Figs. 26 and 27. Mexachemes carminis (Chamberlin), male from Bahia de los Angeles. Baja California Norte. Mexico. Fig. 26. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 27. Ex- tero-lateral view of chela. Figs. 28 and 29. Scrianus litonilis (Chamberlin). Fig. 28. Holotype male from Isla Monserrate, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Dorsal view of pedipalp. Fig. 29. Topotype male. Extero-lateral view of chela (at greater mag- nification than dorsal view). length, posterior one about one-fifth length from posterior margin; most vestitural setae denticu- late, more or less symmetrically placed; chae- totaxy of carapace 4-8(61). Abdomen oval shape; pleural membrane strongly papillate; derm of tergites faintly im- bricated; tergal and sternal setae acuminate; ter- gites lightly sclerotized, tergites 1 to 10 divided into distinct tergal halves, tergite 11 entire; chaetotaxy of tergites: lU: 10: 10: 11: 1 1: 13: 12: 1 1: 10:12:PP/P6P:2. Sternal surface finely granu- lated, sternites 4 to 10 divided, others entire; chaetotaxy of sternites: 22:(3)(2)/25: 10:20:22: 18: 17:14:14:PP/P3±P:2. Chelicera moderately slender; galea and ser- rula interior largely destroyed in preparation; galeal seta simple, reaching near apex of galea; serrula exterior with 18 ligulate blades; fixed fin- ger with view of teeth poor; subapical lobe well developed as a blunt tooth of moderate length; five acuminate setae on palm of hand; flagellum probably with four setae, anterior one longest, broad, with anterior serrations confined to apical half, second one slightly shorter and simple, two posterior setae missing. Palp somewhat stout; derm strongly granulat- ed with coarse granules, especially on exterior and interior surfaces. Vestitural setae numer- ous, of moderate length, mostly acuminate on exterior faces but setae on interior sides mainly paucidenticulate. Palpal proportions: trochanter 2.0, femur 2.8, tibia 2.2. and chela without ped- icel 2.9 times as long as broad; movable finger 1 . 1 times as long as hand. Chela of usual shape, moderately stout; sev- eral sensory spots scattered about on interior surfaces of both fingers; fixed finger with 41 cus- pidate teeth on dental margin, of which the api- cal one is located between and extero-lateral to dental margin and venedens, no exterior acces- sory teeth, four interior accessory teeth, large and coarse (unlike other teeth), located well in- terior to usual marginal teeth; movable finger with 42 marginal teeth, no exterior accessory teeth, four or five interior accessory teeth, form of all teeth similar to those of fixed finger. Chae- totaxy of chela: fixed finger with eb, esb. ib, and ish basal, est and ist slightly proximal to mid- point of fixed finger and roughly opposite each other, et distal to // and near finger tip; movable finger with b and sb grouped basally, st situated slightly distal to midpoint, t about one-third movable finger length from venedens, nodus ra- mosus located slightly posterior to /. Legs of typical chernetine facies; derm of all podomeres finely granulated. Legs I and IV moderately hirsute on all surfaces, all setae acu- minate and of moderate length. Subterminal seta long and acuminate. Slit sensillum ( = "sense dome') of tarsus of leg IV near proximal margin of podomere. Tactile seta of leg IV tarsus slight- ly distal to midpoint of the segment (1/L [of Va- chon 19361 = 0.58). Leg I proportions: trochanter 1.4, basifemur 1.6, telofemur 2.8, tibia 3.5, and tarsus 4.6 times as long as deep. Leg IV pro- portions: trochanter 1.7, basifemur 1.4, telofe- mur 2.9, tibia 4.9, and tarsus 4.6 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 1.65; abdomen 1.05 by 0.71. Carapace: median LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 23 sclerotized length 0.61. greatest breadth 0.48. Chelicera not properly mounted for measuring. Palp: trochanter 0.34 by 0.17. femur 0.53 by 0.19, tibia 0.50 by 0.22. chela without pedicel 0.90 by 0.3 1 . hand 0.45 long, movable finger 0.5 1 long. Leg I: trochanter 0. 1 1 by 0.08, basifemur 0. 16 by O.IO. telofemur 0.27 by 0.09. tibia 0.24 by 0.07. and tarsus 0.26 by 0.06. Leg IV: trochanter 0.21 by 0.13. basifemur 0.17 by 0.12. telofemur 0.34 by 0.12. tibia 0.38 by 0.08. and tarsus 0.31 by 0.07. Variation of Other Mounted Males.— Data based on one male from Bahia de los An- geles, one male from Isia Danzante. two males from Isla Monserrate, and five males from Isla del Espi'ritu Santo. Inter-populational variation pattern reminiscent of that for Garypus sini. Coloration (of other specimens in alcohol): Car- apace, palps, and coxal area reddish brown, in contrast to yellowish tan of tergal and sternal halves, and legs; pleural membrane white. Car- apacial chaetotaxy: anterior margin with four or five, posterior margin with seven or eight setae, total number of carapacial setae 67 to 84. Tergal and sternal chaetotaxy usually not more than three setae difference from holotype chaetotaxy. pseudotactile setae not at variance with holo- type. Chaetotaxy of sternites 2 and 3: 26-3 1:(2- 3)(l-3)/23-30. Chelicera with four to six simple galeal rami, usually placed unilaterally but may be branched bilaterally; serrula exterior with 14 to 19 blades; serrula interior with 14 or 15 blades, normally developed for a chernetid; fixed finger with five or six teeth, distal ones small, located on apical tooth, proximal ones larger; setae of flagellum as in holotype, with the two posterior setae simple, about half the length of the others. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.8-2.1, femur 2.6-3.0. tibia 2.1-2.5. and chela without pedicel 2.3-3.2 times as long as broad; movable finger 1.0-1.1 times as long as hand. Chela as in holotype; both movable and fixed fingers with 41 to 47 marginal teeth, three to six interior accessory teeth on fixed finger, and two to five on movable finger. Tactile seta of leg IV tarsus located at 0.52-0.59 length of segment. Leg 1 proportions: trochanter 1.2-1.3. basifemur 1.5-1.7. telofemur 2.6-2.9. tibia 3.1-3.8. and tarsus 4.3-5.3 times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: trochanter 1.7-2.2, basifemur 1.4- 1.8, telofemur 2.8-3.1, tibia 4.0-4.8, and tarsus 3.8-5.3 times as long as deep. Redescription of the Allotype Female. Similar to male but larger. Most chaetotaxic and dental counts come within range of males. Dis- tinctive characteristics worth noting are: ante- rior operculum with 23 setae, posterior opercu- lum with 14 setae. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.9. femur 2.8. tibia 2.3. and chela without ped- icel 2.8 times as long as broad; movable finger I . I times as long as hand. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 2.20; abdomen 1.56 by 1.02. Carapace: median sclerotized length 0.65. greatest breadth distort- ed. Chelicera length undeterminable by 0.13 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.34 by 0.18. femur 0.56 by 0.20. tibia 0.52 by 0.23. chela without pedicel 0.99 by 0.35. hand 0.49 long, movable finger 0.55 long. Leg I: trochanter 0. 13 by 0. 10. basifemur 0. 18 by 0.1 1, telofemur 0.30 by 0.10. tibia 0.27 by 0.08. tarsus 0.29 by 0.06. Leg IV: trochanter 0.24 by 0.14. basifemur 0.19 by 0.13. telofemur 0.39 by 0.14. tibia 0.43 by 0.09, tarsus 0.34 by 0.07. Variation of Other Mounted Females.— Data based on five females from Isla Monserrate and one female from Isla del Espi'ritu Santo. Not much different from the allotype, with these fea- tures noted: anterior operculum with 18 to 29 setae, posterior operculum with ten to 15 setae. Palpal proportions: trochanter 1.5-2.0, femur 2.5-2.7. tibia 2.0-2.5. and chela without pedicel 2.7-3.0 times as long as broad; movable finger 0.88-1.1 times as long as hand. Type-Data. — The holotype male and allotype female of Chelanops cunninis Chamberlin were collected from Puerto Ballandra. Carmen Island, Gulf of California, Mexico, on 21 May 1921 by J. C. Chamberlin. The published date of collec- tion (22 May 1921) differs from that given on the labels. These types are mounted on microscope slides and are deposited in the California Acad- emy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from a few localities in the Gulf of Cal- ifornia, from Bahia de los Angeles to Isla del Espi'ritu Santo, Baja California, and from Isla Pelicano. Sonora. A female was collected at Isla San Luis from drifted seaweed (Chamberlin 1923). The range of this species is from 29°58'N to 24°30'N. Members of this species are found in similar environmental conditions as Faraliochthonius 24 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 johnstoni, but in the upper parts of the zone oc- cupied by members of the latter species. They inhabit the upper littoral zone, which is regularly covered by sea water. On rare occasions, indi- viduals may be found as high as the supralittoral zone, where they are in sympatry with members of the species of the genus Garypus. The kind of beach favorable for the occurrence of indi- viduals of this species is a moderately sloping one with gentle wave action. On the inlet beach at Isla del Espi'ritu Santo, individuals are found on the undersides of gravelly rocks on a coral- laceous-sandy beach. The type-specimens were collected in company with members of Garypus sini and Menlhus rossi from under stones and debris along a rocky beach. Specimens Examined. — Published record. MEXICO. Buju Californiii Sur: Isla de Carmen, Puerto Balandra, 21 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, holotype (CAS Type No. 1294). al- lotype (CAS Type No. 1295). New records. MEXICO. Baja California Norte: Bahia de los Angeles, 15 or 16 Mar. 1971, V. F. Lee, 1 male (VFL). Baja California Sur: Bahi'a Concepcion, beach N of Bahia Coyote, 7 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee, 4 males (VFL); Bahia Con- cepcion, beach N of Bahia Coyote, 8 Apr. 1974, V. F. Lee, 2 males, 4 females (VFL); Isla de Carmen, 21 May 1921, [J. C. Chamberlin, probably], 2 males (unpublished paratypes) (CAS); Isla Monserrate, NE end, 22 May 1970, S. C. Wil- liams, V. F. Lee, 2 males, 7 females (CAS); Isla Monserrate, SW end, 23 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, 1 male, 2 females (CAS); Isla Danzante, NW side (bay), 24 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee, 1 male (CAS); Isla del Espiritu Santo, W side, 28 Mar. 1971, V. F. Lee, 8 males, 2 females, 3 tritonymphs, 1 deutonymph (VFL). Sonera: Isla Pelicano, 27 Jan. 1973, [V. D.J Roth, [W.J Brown, 1 male, 2 females (WBM). Remarks. — Previous authors, without study- ing the types of Chelanops canninis, have placed this species in various genera. It is here combined with Mexachcrnes Hoff. on the advice of William B. Muchmore, who has studied the lectotype of M. calidus and has shared his data sheet with me. It is his conclusion and mine that M. canninis is congeneric with M. calidus. As alluded to in the diagnosis, M. calidus is structurally very similar to M. carminis. Much- more has suggested that these two species might be synonymous (personal communication). However, the type-specimens of M. calidus were apparently collected from San Miguel de Horcasitas, Sonora, Mexico, a terrestrial local- ity. But all records of M. carminis are from lit- toral habitats. If these two species are indeed synonymous, I would suggest that the locality data for M. calidus is in error, since I find it hard to believe that one species would be found in such dissimilar habitats. Family Olpiidae Genus Serianus Chamberlin Serianus litoralis (Chamberlin) (Figures 28. 29. 31) Garypinns litoralis Chambi RLIN, 1923: 368 (original descrip- tion), pi. 1 (fig. 4), pi. 2 (fig. 4). Serianus litoralis: Chamberlin 1930b: 595 (key); Beier 1932a: 21 1 (key), 212; Roewer 1937: 265 (listed); Feio 1945: 17 (key); Roih and Brown 1976: 129. Diagnosis. — Small species (2.26 to 2.60 mm long); most sclerotized parts of dusky-black or red-brown color; chaetotaxy of carapace 4- 2(20); chaetotaxy of abdomen fairly constant, tergite 10 with four tactile setae, tergite 11 with two, sternites 10 and II each with four; palps moderately stout, chela without pedicel 2.9 times as long as broad; movable finger 0.88-1.0 times as long as hand; chela with 29 teeth on fixed, 24 on movable finger. ReDESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE MaLE. Coloration (on slide): Carapace dusky black; pedipalp reddish brown, hand dusky black; legs whitish; tergites and terminal sternites light dus- ky black. Carapace roughly oval in shape; length longer than greatest breadth; anterior margin truncat- ed; derm smooth but appears lightly wrinkled under transmitted light; four well-developed eyes, anterior pair located one-half ocular di- ameter from anterior carapacial margin and slightly larger than posterior pair; four setae near anterior margin, one near each posterior eye, others symmetrically placed on carapace, two setae near posterior margin, chaetotaxy of carapace 4-2(20). Abdomen of typical shape; pleural membrane longitudinally wrinkled; surface of tergites su- perficially smooth but under high magnification extremely finely granulated; tergite 1 lightly sclerotized (might be feebly divided), tergites 2 to 5 medially divided, of which 4 and 5 might be interpreted as only partially divided, tergites 6 to 10 with median notch on anterior margin of each tergite, tergite 11 not divided; chaetotaxy of tergites: 5:4:4:4:4:6:6:6:6:T2T2T2T:T5T:2; derm of sternites as in tergites, sternite 2 entire, sternites 5 to 10 with median notch on anterior margin, sternite 1 1 entire; chaetotaxy of ster- nites: 8:(2)(2)/5:8:8:8:8:8:6:T2T3T2T:TT6TT:2. LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 25 Chelicera usual as defined for genus; serrula exterior with about 16 to 19 blades; subapical lobe moderately well developed; five acuminate setae on palm; flagellum with four slender setae, anterior three long, of approximately the same length, posterior seta half the length of the oth- ers. Palp of typical generic shape, relatively stout, all surfaces smooth. Palpal proportions: tro- chanter 1.8, femur 3.1, tibia 2.4, and chela with- out pedicel 2.9 times as long as broad; movable finger 0.96 times as long as hand. Chela of typical generic facies, hand roughly ovate in both dorsal and lateral views; teeth of fixed and movable fingers largely destroyed; chaetotaxy of chela typical for genus. Legs of typical structure; derm essentially smooth; all legs relatively stout; setation sparse, consisting of slender acuminate setae; pseudo- tactile seta of leg IV tibia removed from basal margin by U.29 length of podomere, of metatar- sus by 0.19. Leg I proportions: trochanter 1.3, basifemur 1.2, telofemur 1.8, tibia 3.5, metatar- sus 2.0. and telotarsus 3.0 times as long as deep. Leg IV proportions: trochanter 1.3, basifemur 1.3. telofemur 2.2. tibia 3.3, metatarsus 1.9. and telotarsus 3.0 times as long as deep. Measurements (in millimeters): body length 2.60; abdomen 1.95 by 0.82. Carapace: median sclerotized length 0.63, ocular breadth 0.36, greatest breadth 0.52. Chelicera 0.18 long by 0.14 broad. Palp: trochanter 0.29 by 0.16, femur 0.56 by 0.18. tibia 0.55 by 0.23, chela without pedicel 0.95 by 0.33, hand 0.5 1 long, movable finger 0.49 long. Leg I: trochanter 0. 10 by 0.08. basifemur 0. 13 by 0.11. telofemur 0.22 by 0.12. tibia 0.26 by 0.07, metatarsus 0.09 by 0.05, telotarsus 0. 12 by 0.04. Leg IV: trochanter 0. 18 by 0. 14, basifemur 0.18 by 0.14, telofemur 0.44 by 0.20, tibia 0.38 by 0.11, metatarsus 0.12 by 0.06, telotarsus 0. 18 by 0.06. Variation of Other Mounted Males. — Data based on male specimens listed below ex- cept for the holotype. Practically identical with holotype with these exceptions and additional data. Holotype a little larger than other males. Chaetotaxy of carapace, tergites, and sternites similar with few minor deviations. Serrula inte- rior with ten blades; anterior seta of flagellum of topotype with simple short branch near apex. Chelal movable finger 0.88-1.0 times as long as hand; fixed finger of chela with about 29 obtuse- ly retroconical teeth, movable finger of Mazatlan male with 24 teeth, apical eight retroconical. posterior ones low and long, not acute. Location of pseudotactile setae of leg IV: on tibia, 0.36- 0.37 and on metatarsus, 0.22 length of podomere from basal margin. Type-Data.— The holotype male of Garypi- niis litoralis Chamberlin was collected from the south end of Monserrate Island, Gulf of Califor- nia, Mexico, on 25 May 1921 by J. C. Cham- berlin. The holotype is mounted on a micro- scope slide and is deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. Geographic Distribution and Habitat. — Known from only two localities in Mexico, Isia Monserrate and Mazatlan (25°4rN to 23°I3'N). At Isla Monserrate, individuals of this species were found under shark skeletal fragments and turtle shells in the supralittoral zone near an abandoned hut used by fishing persons. In the same locality, the holotype was collected from under stones on a beach (Chamberlin 1923). Specimens Examined.— Published records. MEXICO. Bii/a California Siir: Isla Monserrate, S end, 25 May 1921, J. C. Chamberlin, holotype (CAS Type No. 1283). Sonora: near Mazatlan, July 1926, G. F. Ferris, I male (DRM). New record. MEXICO. Baja California Siir: Isla Monser- rate, SW end, 23 May 1970, S. C. Williams, V. F. Lee. I male, 1 female, 1 tritonymph (CAS). Remarks. — It is notable that members of this species have only been found in the supralittoral zone and that those of the other species of 5('/- ianus are almost always strictly terrestrial or only occasionally found near the seashore. The specimens studied show remarkably low varia- tion for individuals taken from localities over 560 km apart. Key to the Species of Maritime Pseudoscorpions of Baja California la. Tarsus of first leg with one segment, tar- sus of fourth leg subdivided to form two segments; chelal fingers without venom apparatus Paraliochthonius johnstoni (Chamber- lin) lb. Tarsi of all legs similar; venom apparatus usually present in at least one chelal finger 2 2a. Tarsi of all legs not divided _ Mexachcnu's canuinis (Chamberlin) 2b. Tarsi of all legs divided 3 26 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 3a. Venom apparatus only in fixed chelal fin- ger; movable chelal finger with a recep- tor venedens Menthus lindahli (Chamberlin) 3b. Venom apparatus in both chelal fingers. no receptor venedens 4 4a. Pleural membrane smoothly and evenly plicate; coxal area not widened poste- riorly; investing setae of palps generally prominent, slender and acute Serianus Utoralis (Chamberlin) 4b. Pleural membrane wrinkled plicate; coxal area widened posteriorly; investing se- tae of palps short and inconspicuous 5 5a. Tarsal articulation strongly oblique (Fig. 4); setae of flagellum on most individ- uals acute (Fig. 2), few individuals with apical branching; microsetae not pres- ent dorsal to tactile seta b of movable finger of chela; pleural membrane, es- pecially the terminal segments, with in- vesting setae (Fig. 6) 6 5b. Tarsal articulation transverse, or nearly so (Fig. 5); setae of flagellum with lat- eral spinules (Fig. 3); at least one mi- croseta associated with b of movable chelal finger (Fig. 19); pleural mem- brane bare 7 6a. Palp extremely attenuated, femur 5.3. chela without pedicel 3.9 times as long as broad; movable chelal finger 1.8 times as long as hand __.- Garypiis guadalupensis Chamberlin 6b. Palp moderately slender, femur 3.6-4.8. chela without pedicel 2.9-3.7 times as long as broad; movable chelal finger 1.2-1.4 times as long as hand Garypus californicus Banks 7a. Small size, median sclerotized length of carapace less than 1.2 mm; derm of chela imbricated; one or two microse- tae near b of movable chelal finger; length of movable chelal finger at most 1.1 times length of hand Garypus paUidus Chamberlin 7b. Larger size, carapacial length more than 1.2 mm; derm of chela granulated; most individuals with more than two micro- setae near b of movable chelal finger; most individuals with length of movable chelal finger over 1.1 times longer than hand 8 8a. Derm of at least the chelal femur and tro- chanter irregularly reticulated; movable chelal finger of male 1.4-1.7, of female 1.5-2.0 times as long as hand Garypus gracilis Lee. new species 8b. Derm of all segments of palps granulated, more or less equally developed throughout; movable chelal finger of male up to 1.5. of female up to 1.6 times as long as hand 9 9a. Chela fairly stout, chela without pedicel of male 2.5-3.3, of female 2.4-3.2 times as long as broad Garypus sini Chamberlin 9b. Chela more slender, chela without pedicel of male 3.4-3.9, of female 3.1-3.6 times as long as broad Garypus giganteus Chamberlin Natural History, Faunal Origins, AND Affinities Habitat Preference As a rule, pseudoscorpions are cryptic ani- mals. They are found in microhabitats where they can avoid direct sunlight. In littoral areas, they live under rocks and littoral debris such as driftwood, wrack (dead, decaying seaweed), and fish bones, and within rock crevices (litho- clases). In Baja California, most of these habi- tats have been investigated with the exception of lithoclases. Most pseudoscorpions. especially supralit- toral forms such as members of Garypus spe- cies, are found under rocks where temperatures are cooler than those of sun-exposed surfaces. Normally, they are active at night, though some- times, individuals can be seen crawling about on open sand during the day. These pseudoscor- pions are probably seeking shelter. In general, activities of pseudoscorpions would, of course, be limited to only those seasons when they have not yet constructed nests for hibernation, brood- ing, or molting. Wrack accumulations are especially abundant on sandy and cobblestone beaches of the north- ern and central Pacific coast of Baja California. These extensive banks consist mainly of marine algae; but occasionally, surfgrass of the family Zosteraceae is the dominant element. Withim these accumulations is a community of marines crustaceans (mostly isopods and amphipods), insects, and bacteria, which breaks down this! rich organic matter. Predaceous insects, cen- LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 27 tipedes. and arachnids, including Garypus pseudoscorpions, venture into the wrack to feed on this assemblage of prey. Pseudoscorpions are less likely to be found under other kinds of littoral detritus. These mi- crohabitats are not as well insulated, abundant, nor as permanent as are rocks, but they do af- ford some protection. On Isla Monserrate, mem- bers of Serianus litoralis are unique in that they occur under shark carcasses that can get quite hot in direct sunlight. This species, however, belongs to a genus other members of which characteristically live in xeric terrestrial areas. Supralittoral pseudoscorpions are infrequent- ly reported from lithoclases. On the mainland side of the Gulf of California, Evans (1968) found a specimen of Garypus sini in a crevice of intertidal rocks at Bahia San Carlos, Sonora. However, species whose members are truly in- tertidal, such as Halobisium occicientalis Beier in California, are abundantly represented in this habitat. H. occicientalis members have been commonly found in the intertidal zone of rocky beaches and in salt marshes (Schulte 1976; per- sonal notes). A favorable type of beach for finding members of the two truly intertidal species. Mexachernes canninis and Paraliochthonius johnstoni, con- sists of small, pebble-sized rocks, interspersed with dead or dying algae, and is subjected to gentle wave action. On such a beach, these pseudoscorpions crawl among the rocks in search of prey and are periodically immersed in sea water. Individuals are sometimes found on sandy beaches that are generally devoid of any vegetation and are spotted with only a few rocks. However, they appear to be pioneers on such beaches, and it is likely that they will be unsuccessful in establishing themselves. Ecological Role All pseudoscorpions are predaceous. They feed on any live microarthropods that they can handle. In the laboratory, they have been ob- served to feed on both live and freshly killed insects, arachnids, and other invertebrates. As a group, pseudoscorpions are important as small carnivores within cryptozoan communities. Maritime pseudoscorpions can be an impor- tant element in beach communities. They may outnumber all other predators, particularly in microhabitats under rocks in the supralittoral zone of beaches in the Gulf of California. As an extreme example, Garypus sini individuals are practically the only predators under rocks on the shore of a hypersaline lake on Isla del Espiritu Santo (S. C. Williams, Welton L. Lee, Dustin D. Chivers — personal communications). But in the littoral zones of most other types of beaches, pseudoscorpions are less abundant, and there- fore, serve only a minor role as predators. Maritime pseudoscorpions play a less impor- tant role in wrack accumulations than under rocks. Since wrack is relatively transient and rich in organic matter, it is a temporary ecosys- tem well exploited by small animals. Scaven- gers, herbivores, and carnivores in succession decompose and recycle this accumulation of dying algae and marine plants. The pseudoscor- pion element in wrack is quite small in numbers of individuals and in species diversity, as Back- lund (1945) has shown in a study of Scandina- vian wrack. On the beaches of the Gulf of Cal- ifornia, one can usually find occasional individuals of the intertidal species Mexa- chernes carminis and Paraliochthonius john- stoni, but rarely those of supralittoral species. In contrast, members of the supralittoral species Garypus californicus and G. giganteus are found in far greater abundance in wrack on the Pacific coast of Baja California. However, intertidal species have yet to be reported from there. The Pacific side of Baja, as discussed above, has greater wrack accumulations than the beaches on the Gulf side. Spiders occupy a similar niche as that of the pseudoscorpions. Most spiders inhabiting the supralittoral zone of sandy or cobblestone beaches are eurycoenic species; others are only transients. Although spiders are more diverse than pseudoscorpions, they are not as abundant nor as habitat restricted. However, recent in- vestigations of the littoral zone of rocky inter- tidal beaches of the Gulf reveal a great variety of spiders that appears to be highly restricted to this habitat (Roth and Brown 1976). Species Diversity and Geographical Compari- sons There is no other area in the world of com- parable size known to have such a diverse supralittoral and littoral pseudoscorpion fauna as the coastline of Baja California and the as- sociated islands (see Table 1). The maritime pseudoscorpion fauna of Baja California in- cludes nine species belonging to four genera of 28 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. L^l Table I. Comparison of the Species Divershy of Marmime Pseudoscorpions of Selected Areas. Genera present by region (number of species in parentheses). Baja western eastern Family California U.S.-Canada U.S. Europe* Chthoniidae Faniliochthonius (1) Faraliiichlhonius ( 1 ) Cluhonius (1) Paraliochthonius (2) Chthonius (1) Neochthonius (1) Neobisiidae Halobisium ( I ) Parobisium (1) Neobisium ( 1 ) Garypidae Garypus (6) Garypus (!) Garypus (1) Garypus (3) Olpiidae Sermnus ( 1 ) Serianus ( 1 ) Chernetidae Mexachernes (1) Mucrochernes (1) Epactiochernes (2) Parachernes (1) Pselaphochernes ( 1 ) Total number of species 9 4 7 9 * Data mostly taken from Beier (1963). Olpium pallipes (Lucas) of the Olpiidae is excluded since it is probably a transient. four families. (I exclude from this number Men- ihus lindahli. members of which are not restrict- ed to beaches.) In contrast, there are only four species in four genera belonging to three families represented along the entire United States and Canadian Pacific seacoasts. The east coast fauna of the United States is reported to include seven species in six genera, placed in four families; and the European fauna include nine maritime species belonging to six genera of four families. The pseudoscorpion families that are repre- sented on the east coast of the United States also have members on the Baja coast. Also, it is interesting to note that representatives of three genera on the former coast have ecological (if not also congeneric) counterparts in Baja Cal- ifornia (Table 1). Members of Paraliochthonius weygoldti Muchmore from Florida inhabit the intertidal zone as do members of P. johnstoni. Members oi Garypus floridensis Banks are prob- ably supralittoral in habitat preference, as are members of six species of Garypus of Baja Cal- ifornia. Epactiochernes tumidus (Banks) indi- viduals occur below the normal high-tide level on a beach in North Carolina, and are thus reg- ularly submerged by sea water (Weygoldt 1969). Members of Mexachernes carminis in the Gulf of California are found in the same habitat. Ser- ianus carolinensis Muchmore individuals are found on the same beach as those of£. tumidus, but they occur higher in the sand dunes, well above the supralittoral zone (Weygoldt 1969). In contrast, S. litoralis members in the Gulf are found only in the supralittoral zone. Three of the four pseudoscorpion families rep- resented on European coasts also have members on the west coasts of Canada and the United States. Chthoniids have been reported from the European coast but not from the west coasts of Canada and the United States. I have excluded a record of Apochthonius occidentalis Cham- berlin from the Oregon coast (Schulte 1976) on the grounds that members of this species nor- mally inhabit leaf litter of forests. The distinction between the Baja California- east coast United States pseudoscorpion fauna and the west coast United States-European fau- na reflects the origins of the faunas. The Olpi- idae are a tropical group that have penetrated into deserts and other arid areas of the Nearctic and Palaearctic regions. The Neobisiidae are a family characteristic of the Holarctic region. Sympatry On any beach in Baja California inhabited by pseudoscorpions, one can usually find represen- tatives of at least two species (Tables 2 and 3). Members of four species were found on a beach at Isla del Espi'ritu Santo: Garypus sini, Mexa- chernes carminis, Paraliochthonius johnstoni, and Menthus rossi (Chamberlin); those of the latter are transients. Members of two species of Garypus coexist on the same beach in several instances. For example, on the Pacific side of Baja, G. giganteus and G. californicus individ- uals occur sympatrically near Miller's Landing, Laguna Manuela, and on Isla Asuncion. Mem- bers of both G. guadalupensis and G. califor- LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA 29 i.|,n ,0 « LOMETERS 1 CC NTOUR LINE5 flT '000. 3000, 5000 FEET 22- 1 1 H 2.- i 115° .1. Figure 30. Geographic distribution of the Baja Cahfornia species ot'Gcirypus. nicns have been found on Isia de Guadalupe. In the Gulf. G. sini and G. pallidus members have both been found at Isla Cerralvo. However, in this instance, the collections were made at dif- ferent times: Only G. pallidus members were found by Chamberlin in 1921, and by Banks and Farmer in 1962, while only G. sini members were found by Williams and Lee in 1970. It is possible that samples were taken from different habitats, and therefore, these two species are ecologically isolated. Oddly enough, although macrosympatry can be demonstrated, there is evidence that micro- sympatry does not occur. For example, mem- bers of Garypus gracilis were collected with those of G. sini at Isla de Carmen, Isla Dan- zante, Isla Monserrate, and Punta Trinidad. However, such occurrences are not so intimate as these collections might suggest. At Punta Trinidad, an individual of G. gracilis was found on the south side of a small promontory, while a larger number of G. sini individuals were found on the north side. At Bahi'a Concepcion, allo- topy of sympatric species is even more pro- 30 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 131 «e- . „- M6- nV / 114° 113* ll^° "1" "'0° I0'9° lOB* "~\'LS M. lindahli a M. carminis ■ P. johnstoni • w\A ^ j^ "■ — l%vK^ Iv "' ^' ^^^-^^ S. litoralis o %ftS^r}^ -4^1 ft r^^% J f\ ,,.\___\ ]%(> C^ \ I — ^^ '''~i~-4~^^-M-~--^ wk' ^ U~^7-^l^ > 'pjy — ^-^v^. 28' r^'-rs "* ^ I 1 1 — 1 ^_ 1 V *:^ ^ 27° "'Mr- — R^lw ym 0 ^ -J uJ-i —14 V 4 v.- r &N, fi > " — ^ \ "' J. 1 BAJA 1 ^ r CALIFORNIA -J 0 40 60 120 160 ?00 .^ N; 4 21'- )^ STATUTE MILES 240 KILOMETERS CONTOUR LINES CJ lOOO. 3000 5000 FEET -j^ 23" .. 1_ „. 10 10 8° Figure 31. Geographic distribution of Menthus linduhli (Chamberlin), Mexachcrnes (unninis (Chamberlin). Faralioch- ihonius johnstoni (Chamberlin), and Serianus litoralis (Chamberlin). nounced. A specimen of G. gracilis was col- lected under a rock within a meter of another rock under which two specimens of G. sini were found. The two rocks were at the same horizon- tal level; the ecological conditions appeared to be identical. The respective mean sizes of members of the four species represented on Isla del Espiritu Santo are significantly different. The different sizes indirectly suggest different food require- ments (i.e.. assortative feeding). Weygoldt (1969) cited a few examples of the food prefer- ences of pseudoscorpions: Chthoniids prefer collembolans while chernetids seem to prefer small flies, psocopterans. and adult and larval beetles. Garypus californicus members feed on hard-bodied as well as soft-bodied arthropods (personal observations). Supporting the idea of differential feeding is the variation (namely, in the presence and location or absence of the ven- om apparatus) in the fingers of the pedipalp: Garypus members have a functional venom ap- paratus in each finger; Paraliochthonius mem- bers have none in either finger; in Menthus LEE: MARITIME PSEUDOSCORPIONS OF BAJA CALIFORNIA Table 2. Sympatry of Garypus on the Pacific Coast of Baja California. Localities arranged north to south. 31 Locality G. californicus G. guadalupensis G. giganteus Total number of species Puerto de Santo Tomas Isla de Guadalupe El Rosario Miller's Landing Laguna Manuela Isla Asuncion X X X X X X X X X X 1 2 1 2 2 2 Total number of localities 6 I 3 members, the venom apparatus occurs in the fixed finger only; Mexachernes members have a venom duct in the movable finger only. This structural variation probably influences prey- handling abilities and prey preferences of pseudoscorpions. Assortative feeding, however, is difficult to demonstrate among the sympatric species ofGarypus. Zonation of maritime pseudoscorpions is best illustrated by the species represented on a beach on Isla del Espiritu Santo (Fig. 32). A few in- dividuals of Menthiis rossi were found with the more abundant Garypus sini individuals in the supralittoral zone under stones and debris. The former individuals normally inhabit the interior of the island. Occasional individuals ofGarypus sini were found just below this zone. Mexa- chernes carminis members occupied a zone from the wet-dry line (i.e.. where visible sea water seepage is highest) to a level about half the distance to the shore line (i.e., the water's edge), while those of Paraliochthonius Johnstoni ranged from the wet-dry line to near the shore line. Members of the latter two species are reg- ularly covered by sea water. This zonation pat- tern is determined by the physiological toler- ances of the pseudoscorpions to exposure, dessication, and submergence in sea water (Kensler 1967; Schuster 1962; personal obser- vations). Dispersal Mechanisms Pseudoscorpions utilize three methods of dis- persal: self-locomotion, phoresy. and rafting. Table 3. Sympathy of Maritime Pseudoscorpions on the Gulf Coast of Baja California. Localities arranged north to south. G. G. C. P. w. s. Total number Locality pallidus sun gracilis johnstoni carminis litoralis of species Granite Island X 1 Bahia de los Angeles X X 2 Punta Trinidad X X 2 4 Isla de Carmen X X X X Puerto Escondido X X 2 Isla Danzante X X X 3 Isla Monserrate northeast side X X X 3 southwest side X X X 3 Isla del Espiritu Santo X X X 3 Isla Cerralvo X X 2 1 Cabo San Lucas X Total number of localities ~> 9 5 3 6 1 32 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. No. 131 C^